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Full text of "The descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches : also, some account of the descendants of John Tuttle, of Ipswich; and Henry Tuthill, of Hingham, Mass."

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\\'llO   CAM):    FKOM   0L7>   TO   Xl'^V    T:xGT  AXD   TX   ir,:',5,    AXI)    SetTI.KD    IX    Xr.w 

IJa\'ex  TX  vm,  WITH  xu.mep.ot:.s 


Ar.>;o,  soMF.  AccoixT  Oi'  vur.  t:iksci;ndam>  of 

JOIIX  TUTTj.K,  of  JJ()A'i:i;.  X.  I].;  JcirTTAKI)  Trj'JI.E.  OF  r.r*>T()x  ;  JOIIX 

TUTTU:,  Ot    iPSWjcF)  ;    AXI>    P.FNFV    TriA'UFL,    OF   KiyOlIAM, 

MASS.;  TO  \Vl]](TI  AFFF  AITEXDKD  <  ;F.X  !;AL0(;]( 'aL 



"Plato  Avas  iispil  to  say:  '  Maiiy  .^rood  laws  wiro  inaile  bnt  still  one  v/as  v.anfipf, 
namely — a  la%v  to  \m\  tliose  eood  laws  in  execution.'  Tims  the  citizensof  London  lia\"<- 
erected  many  fair  niotunuents  to  iierpctuaie  tl.cir  memories;,  hut  still  there  is  wanted  a 
nioniiinent  lo  coniir.ue  tlie  niemorifs  of  their  nmnunienis." 

—  F^7/•/■'s    IVorthut!  of  Hn-jiunu. 

I'iMXTF.D    AM>     rTi;M^ir!:i>    \i\     ■ 
Tl'TTLi;   A-    COMI'AXY,    Ol  FIMAL    mA  il.    i-JM  \T  F  :;••..    Icr  Fi.  AX  I>,    VT. 





Not  long;  ago  it  was  usual  to  apologize  in  the  prefnoe  for  the  publication  of  a  geneal- 
ogy. Its  molives,  objects  and  uses  ^veie  luisuiulersstood,  not  con'prclifn.led,  or  miscon- 
strued. By  many  it  was  attributed  to  a  weak  vanity  or  ]jrid(;  of  rcLitionsliipb  or  :in<e>.trv, 
and  regarded  as  a  spurious  claim  to  consideration  on  account  of  tlie  nierits  of  others  i-r 
those  who  had  no  merits  of  their  own.  A  pedigree  was  sarcastically  likened  to  a  potato 
plant,  the  best  part  of  whicii  is  under  ground.  The  guneaJugist  was  regarded  us  a 
sort  of  learned  ignoramus,  of  the  grovelliug-,  dry-as-dust  fraternity,  whose  pursuits  and 
acciuisitions  were  equally  uninreresiing  and  useless  It  was  not  understood  liow  an 
interest  could  be  felt  in  remote  progenitors,  or  syuipathies  be  excited  by  the  trials  and 
sorrows  of  people  far  distant,  or  long  dead. 

A  great  clumge  Las  taken  pl.-ioe  in  tliis  respect.  Now,  not  only  is  it  perr-iitted  to 
trace  out  our  ancestors,  to  be  grateful  for  the  fruits  of  their  labors,  to  revere  their  vir- 
tues, and  to  synipiitluze  with  their  sufferings,  but  the  old  ignorance  and  indifference  is 
seen  to  be  connected  with  certain  moral  deficiencies  or  i)er'.  ersion-^,  suul  the  n::.n  who 
cares  nothing  for  bis  forefatliers  or  kindred,  liite  him  wlio  has  no  music  in  liis  si»ul,  is 
fit  for  treasons,  stratj'gems  and  spoils,  and  is  not  to  b<^  tru.sted. 

Even  wdio  iiave  no  kindly  seiitinient  in  tlu;  matter  ot  genealogy  are  beginoin-'- 
to  apprehend  some  of  its  manifold  uses  and  ap])lication.-.  'Die  life  insaiunce  agent  lind.s 
a  guide  in  taking  his  risks.  The  conveyancer  i:>  aided  in  tracing  his  bind  title.-;.  The 
lawym-  is  furni.-hed  with  facts  in  cases  of  medico  jarispru'.hince.  The  tei'.cher  may  more 
wisely  direct  his  efforts  by  know' edge  of  hereditaiy  apritiules  aiid tendencies.  Tiie  phv- 
sician  may  feel  more  assured  of  the  correctness  of  his  diagnosis  of  morbid  physiolof^-ieal 
conditions.  The  story  v.Tiier  ntay  find  esamijles  of  loir.ance  in  real  life,  and  facts' that 
are  stranger  than  liction;  the  essayist  and  statistician  a  mine  of  facts  and  fi;>-a*"e:;,  ;ind 
the  clergyman  when  called  upon  to  "  miiuster  to  a  niinti  diseased,"  may  knosv  better  how 
to  ■'  pluck  from  the  memory  a  rooted  sorrov. ,  or  cleanse  the  purged  bosom  of  tliv  pr-rijous 
stuff  that  weighs  upon  the  heart." 

The  theories  and  speculations  of  Durwin,  of  Gallon,  of  Herbert  ypencer,  of  itiboc 
and  others,  which  haw  been  widely  di.sseminated  among  tlio,  have  had  nuicli  to 
do  in  bringing  about  this  cliange.  "  Man's  natural  abilities,"  says  (-lalton  in  Ilemlitnrt/ 
(jcniiis,  "  are  derived  by  inheritance  uniler  exactly  the  saute  linutations  asare  tiie  forms 
and  jihysical  featurf's  of  the  whole  organic  world." 

'■  lioth  moral  and  physical  qualities  are  communicated  b\  descent  far  more  than 
they  are  developed  by  educaliou,  and  there  is  no  ascertained  limit  to  tlu-  noblene.-^s  of 
foi'iu  and  mind  which  the  human  cre-ature  may  attain  by  persevering  obedience  to  the 
laws  of  God  respecting  its  birth  and  training." — Jiu.-<kiii'.'i  PvUi'ical  Ecoaomij. 

"To  come  of  resjx.-ctai.ile  jmi cntage,"  says  Herbert  Spencer,  "'is  prii/ui  facie 
evidence  of  worth  in  a  iiclitf  as  in  a  pcr;,on." 

"  How  shall  a  man  escape  from  his  ancestors,"  says  KmersiMi.     These,   and    niariv 

more  that  might  be  (pioted,   are  broad  assertions  of  a  general  law  that  like  begets  like. 

[  Ttiis  law  has  reci-ived  t!n^  name  of  heredity.     Tiie   word  is   not    found  in  comparativelv 

{  recent  ediritnts  of  Webster,  tliougii  n(r.v  in  eoinir.ou  use  umo!!g  writers.     It  will  soon  be 

I  given  a  place  in  tl'.e  lexicon.     The  newne.~-s  ci  the  word  denotes  the  newn.-ss  of  the  idea 

fin  its  eoiicrete   form.      Its    more  striking   m-mir.'siations    in    p';iri!cahir    instances,    Imve 
bfon  note.i  from  time  imuunu'irial.      'iiie  rtwtl  rulcitln.s  id'  Mnn.'aign,  the  iJr.v.iriau  ui.der 
life    in  tiie  Austri.;!!    Imperial   family,  tin-   historical    in-tiuet    of   St.    SiiU'tu,    are    v.-e!l 
,f  luiow  a  instances.    N'icior  llugo  s;iys  "• 'i'lu- goud  humor  of  Lmiis  1  Ttli.  nvus  ird.frir'J  fvo\\\ 

\  Henry  4lh."     In  aschoirl  oi  thirty  ii  .ys  nt  r^iratford-on-.Vvf-n,  Wm.  llowitt  ^'as!ly  idcnti- 

1  fi.'.I  tlu-    "  Shaksp'-r.'  }?(iy"    (a  descendant   of   Shaks[iere's   sister)    by  his  likeness  to  the 

\  portraits  and  busts  of  the  great  poet.      In  heredity   and    environment,   Darwin  ;inds   tjio 

\i^  ^•  4  ^ ',;; 


tvi^liition  of  man.  The  iullu'/iiCt'  of  fiisirouunnt  works  slowly  unci  with  continually 
diminishing  fori-e.  Whilt'lirTcdity,  b  'iiij^  the  sum  of  the  uccretioi!;;  of  unoounted  centu- 
ries and  ttMiding  constantly  to  grpiiter  tixity  in  its  forms,  is  well  nigh  oninipot'Mit  in  the 
determination  of  individual  character. 

'J'he  study  of  genealogy  in  its  brouder  sig-inlicution,  must  therefore  In-  oi  transcend- 
ent importance.  It  i-<  the  s'lidy  of  munkind.  European  genealogy  which  concerns 
itself,  I'or  the  most  part,  wiili  the  pedigrtes  of  kings  and  noldenieii,  liie  heritatre  of 
honors  and  titles,  of  othces  and  estates,  and   the  fiiciitinus  splendors  of  primo-gi-uitivi 

therefore,  except  where  law  or  custom  cn\'ttes  an  artitl'dal  distinction,  is  tautali)gical 
and  ahsurd  asiiujilying  tliut  desc^'iit  can  he  other  than  hm^al,  and  that  the  cliild  is  not 
dincOy  descended  froni  tlie  moihe!-.  So,  too,  the  old  notion  of  t'ne  inferiority  of  the 
maternal  element  in  the  genesis  of  the  family — a  n  nniaiit,  p  'rhaiis,  of  maii's  ba'-barism. 
and  woman's  degradation — has  no  foandation  in  nature.  Un  •^ucli  grounds  and  for  such 
reasons  it  has  been  our  aim  to  include  in  this  work,  as  i'ar  a-^  possible,  all  the  descend- 
ants, of  \vhatever  name-,  of  a  common  ancestor.  Manifestly  ihetim?-  and  lab^-r  requirvl 
for  such  a  work  l.s  much  greater  than  would  be  nerdrd  for  a  ree^jrd  of  the  ]iaternal 
lines  merely,  bnt  very  few  are  aware  of  how  much  greater  the  work  is,  for  it  can  be 
shown  from  general  laws  and  avera.ges  that  in  the  aggregate  of  :?even  generations  (which 
is  about  the  average  number  couuuug  t;i~:n  tl:e  lirst  .settlement  of  New  England)  oi 
descendants  fi-om  a  commim  aiu/estur,  those  l.'eariiig  otl'e>r  names  ibar,  the  original 
ronymic,  Avill  :he  latter  in  rlie  prn]>ortieM  of  u-^  m  ].  This  \--  v-o:  -tated  as  n 
fact,  but  as  a  calculation  It  is  in  general  an  approximatiim  to  th.e  lact.  I'eir  jtreij-or- 
I  tioned  to  the  increased  labor  is  tie-   value  of  its  results,  fur  the  chauoes  are  (II  to  ]  that 

j  the  family  characieristio  will  bo    fcund    in    th.e    fem:il-'    b-ranches.   or,  to  speak   mi>re 

!  exactly,  that  04  hereditaments  will  ite  foiuid  in  the  female  lines  t<»  one- in  the  mah".      In 

^  vicv.'  of  these  facts  and  considerati')iis,  it  sti'ange  to  find  ..)bjecle>rs  ti)  the  compre- 

i  hensive  plan  above  indicated;  and   a  cliiss  (.)f  genv-alngi.-,ts    of  ree-eut  ee.igin  e.-JP-d  pa'er- 

•  liiieists,  who  exclude  on  ]'rinciple  all  not   born   to   the  la.mily  uaTue      Sndi  a  gei-eaU.'^y 

I  seems  to  tis  a!n    on    the   fui>e    and    shal'.w    basis  of   a.  eonveiiTit-e.-il'-'ui.  irMic. 

!■  much  as  a  family  name  is  a  tietion  so  far  as  it  iuiplies  ajiy  su[;eriority  of  the  paternal  to 

I  "  the  maternal  side  in  reproduction,  and  as  the   root,  and  reason   of  the    whoii-  matter  is 

f  relationship,  or  descent,  the  adoption  of  such  a  rule   as  that  f'f  the  patei-lineists  which 

\  for  every  one  admitted  to  the  family  table  or  record  exclmh's  fifty  or  si\ty  children    inei 

;  lieirs  of  the  same  blood,    simply  because  social  cu.stum  has   changed  their  Jianies,   is  a 

;  notable  of  throwing  away  tlte  oyster  and    retaining  tiie  shell:  of  reiectin^-  the 

I  substance  aiid  making  mrch  of  the  shadow;  of  putting  a  symbol  in  tlic  place  of  t)u> 

(.  ■  thing  it  symbolizes.      We  know  a  ]icrson  who  is  descended  in  six  difYerent  lines  fre.iu  au 

I  ancestor,  in  the  published  record  of  whose  posterity  he  is  not  named.     Though  a  Hebrew 

I  of  the  Hebrews,  figuratively  speaking,  he  is  accounted   no   l.iettev  than   a  Gientile.      Tie:- 

\  writer  of  this  is  a  Baldwin  by  four  descents,  yet  l>y  this  rule  wouhl  have  no  plaet-  in  the 

\  book  of  the  Baldwins. 

I  It  uuty  be  admitted,  that  a  special  interest  attaches  to  identity  of  surname.     A  good 

I  or  bad  reputation  as.sociated  with  particular  nanies  creates  prepossessions  or  prejudic>-s. 

\  and  influences  our  casual  impressions  of   persons  of  the   same  ]>aironymic  whom  we  do 

I  not  otherwise  know.     But  this  very  as.sociatiou  arises  from  the  ]»resumi)tioii  of  relation- 

!  shi]);  and  so  ii\  every  aspect  of  the  .subject  and  in  every  lin.e  of  in(piiry  we  are  inevitably 

I  led  back  to  this  one'idea  of  kinship  (kindship)  as  the  root  and   branch,  the  sum  and  sul) 

J  stance,  the  long  and  tin'   .vbort.    the    foundation   a!id  the   cap  stone  of    tiie  whole  !i.a:t.'r. 

[  If  i"-  be  said  that  t!i<-  pro]ier  objects  of  genealogy  are  not  to  gratify  the  natural  ciiiie.^iiy 

',  or  interest  of  kinships  oi  to  furnish  aiis  to  professional  uork,  or  material  for  philosopicai 

,'  f,tudy,  we  reply  that  in  that  ca:-e  it  has  nu  object  worthy  of  tie*  attentie:;  of  !ii>ings  \\l:o 

(reason  or  of  beings   who   love.     To  refer  to  the  ri'cords  of  otiier  naiues   fe.r  the   fiiuale 
branches  of  any  particular  family  is  simple  mockery  for  the   reason   that  such  records. 
for  the  most  part,    have  not  beeii   collected  or  ]>ubfished,   and   n-veivvill   1h-    ami  as  :o 
I  those  which  are  published,   they  are   to   the  general   reader   praeii.-.-.ldy  inaccessible   in 

i  ninetv-nine  cases  in  one  hundred.      Ir  is  conceded  that  everyon-  has  ih.-  right  of  assign 

[  ing  h'is  own  limits  to  a  self  1  task,  Init  t!ie  work  of  tl'.e  pHt<-,--l;neisf  is  too  narrow 

\  ill  its  scope,  and  too  artiticirJ.  in  its  cla-^sificaiiun  bi  n.ierit  the  name  of  i:in)ily  history  ur 

riiEFACE.  V 

to  5-erve  to  any  considerable  extent  tlie  purposes,  ends  and  uses  of  geneidogy.  Sucli 
collei.-ilons  niiirht  be  niore  apprupriately  calh-d  ]ied!p'rees  or  genealoviral  directories  of 
tlie  names  of  Jones,  or  ]}ro\vii  or  l^ol>inson,  as  the  case  niigiu  be. 

It  has  been  si'.ld  tliat  such  re-<earrlies  are  futile  because  of  tlie  multiplicity  and 
oltsciirity  of  the  channels  of  ancestral  influences.  Within  the  perioil  covt-red  by  this 
work  every  ]K'rsou  livinj,^  has  had  fi-i  ancestors  (baniiip:  the  interniarriaae  of  cousiui;); 
therefore  he  inherits  from  any  one  of  them  but  one  .sixty-for.rth  part  of  what  lie  is. 

The  fallacy  here  is  that  a  human  beint:  is  the  resultant  nf  all  his  ancestors,  like  a 
chemical  compound  of  so  many  ingredients  of  evpuil  ]>roi'.ini.)ns  uv  values.  }3ut  \.liat  if 
we  aduiit  this  proposition"?  The  corollary  is,  in.-tead  of  there  bdn^^  no  reason,  there  are 
sixtv-four  reaso;is'for  the  search;  for  on  this  theory  the  production  f>f  a  i.-ian  or  woman 
of  anv  desired  ])attern  would  be  assim])le  as  the  compounding  of  a  doctor's  prescription, 
by  mixin<:  in  due  proportion  tlie  elements  composinj^  it.  The  law  of  hereditv  is  indeed 
siire  and  univef.-al.  but  its  operations  are  for  tlie  most  part  inexplicaltle.  Whence  the 
diversity  amontc  children  of  the  same  parents,  whicli  makes  e;,ch  one  a  mystery  to  all 
the  rest?  How  account  for  tl)e  anotr,al.\  of  >va])oleon — hisoigautic  intellect  and  dwarfish 
heart— among  tlie  progeny  of  Cliarles  and  Letitia  Bnonapart^•?  In  wiiat  unexi>lored 
regions  of  genealogy  shaU'we  look  for  tlie  s]irings  and  sources  of  Sh.akspere's  mighty 
genius?  I'cw  explain  that  strange  pdienomenoi;  called  Afnvi.'iii},  v.-hich  is  forever 
playing  hide  and  seek  in  human  organisms,  the  recurrence  of  remarkabh^  traits  or 
peculiarities  of  remote  ancestors,  skipping  over  the  intermediate  generations,  like,  thofje 
streams  which  sink  into  the  earth.,  and,  after  hidden  windings  in  subterranean  channels, 
come  to  light  again,  far  distant  from  their  points  of  disappearance?*  Even  so  profound 
a  thinker  as  Thomas  Carlyle,  confesses  himself  in  the  dark  al>out  these  tilings  ivhen  he 
savs,  in  his  .s'.//';.;r7f,.v^;''/^<'i-.  "  In  a  psychological  point  of  view  it  is.  perhaps,  questioti- 
able'wJiether  froiu  birth  and  genealogy,  how  closely  scruiiaized  soever,  much  insight  is 
to  be  gained."  h  is  a  wise  mother  that  knows  )ier  ov.  n  child.  Through  this  benilicem; 
mvstery  of  transmission,  the  birth  of  an  infant  in  whatever  grade  of  social  life  is  the 
openint;-  of  a  future  of  infinite  possibilities,  and  parental  hotpe  and  love  and  imaginaticti 
mav  paint  its  future  in  the  brightest  colors  without  rebuke  from  reason. 

"  It  was  our  privilege,  a  few  years  since,  to  sjiend  several  days  in  delighted  contem- 
plation of  Keusett's  "Last  iSum'mer's  Work."  This  consisted  of  a  large  number  of  oil 
paintings  of  landscapes,  hung  on  the  walls  of  the  New  York  Academy  of  Design  for 
exhibition  ])rei)aratory  to  their  sale  by  auction.  In  tliis  study  we  became  so  famshar 
with  the  pecuiiiir  coloring  and  the  general  tone  and  spirit  of  the  artist's  productions, 
that  ever'since  we  have  been  able  to  point  out  a  Keusett.  when  hung  among  other 
pictures,  at  a  glance.  In  like  manner  the  accumulation  of  a  vast  number  of  details 
concerning  a  great  number  of  persons  sprung  from  a  common  ancestor  has  stamped  upon 
our  mind'the"im])re.ssi<!n  of  certain  physical.'  mental  and  moral  qualities,  either  peculiar 
in  themselves  or  in  the  force  and  euert,'-y  of  their  maniffstations.  These  qualities  I  cali 
characteristics.  It  is  unnecessary  to  do  more  than  allude  to  them  liere.  'ihut  the  blood 
is  or  has  been  prolitic  is  a  matter  of  common  observation.  Joined  to  that  is  the  quality 
of  endurance.  Some  families  increase  but  do  not  multiply;  that  is,  many  children  are 
born,  but  few  survive  to  maturitv.  Of  William  Tuttle's  twelve  children  not  one  died 
vouug.  The  race  is  not  only  proli'fic.  but  is  fitted  to  endure.  It  follows  that  wherever 
thev  liave  been  long  seated  "their  descendants  will  be  more  numerous,  as  a  rule,  than 
those  of  other  settlers  of  equal  date.  This  is  cextainly  true  of  Tsew  Haven.  Tlie  fact  is 
indicated  in  many  ways.  Of  the  5S  members  of  the  2d  Co.  of  Governor's  (J uards,  in 
1775,  14  are  found  in  this  inl])erfect  record.  A  similar  pro])ortion  is  found  in  the  Church 
Manuals.  Of  the  12  to  IG  otiicers  and  directors  of  the  N.  II.  Col.  Hi^t.  Soc.  usually 
about  one-half  are  of  this  fold.  So  of  the  city  banks  and  other  prominent  institutions, 
f  An  accurate  and  well  informed  observer  says  that  nearly  every   i.ersou  in   the  rooms  of 

i  the  X.  il.  Col.  Hist.  Soc.  at  the  fall  reception  of  l!<y-2  was  of  this  family.      A  city  directory 

I  of  the   ■•tov.-u    born"    nf    X^'u-   Haven,    or   the    Assessor's    list   of    its    tax-payers,    with 

I  valiiaii(Uis  annexed,  comj.aie.l   witha  coiMplet-  recorded'  resident  desccmia-.tso:' William 

f  'I'r.tte-,  \.(.ubi  b.- to  nianv    a  >urpri>iiig  revel. ,tion   in    n-sjieei  to  comparative  numbers, 

i  wealth  asui  socip.l  p  )siiion.      It    is   said    that    from   one-third   to    one-half  of  the  taxable 

I  wealth  .d  X'ew  Haven  is  in  the  hands  of  this  family.     In  every  a>soc.iacioa  of  prominent 

-The  tiieorv  of  Darwin  is  t!i;it  "  treomniulrs  o!  iniiunierable  c;i;.riiLie5,  Jcrivi..'.  from  ■.nr.a'UcrTtile  ances- 
irn!  sources  circuhite  in  the  bloo'l  and  piopai;ate  themselves  trencration  aUer  , generation.  The  vastly 
prn  uer  number  remain  undeveK>pet1  lor  want  oi'  lavur.iL-ii  conuiiKin^  an.!  by  roas,-;-'  of  th';  overma';?ery 
oi;h._'  more  potent,  in  the  struffle  for  points  ot  atta.Mirnent.  Hence  there  is  a  vastly  larcer  nun-.ber  ot 
capabilities  in  every  human  bein„'  tli:'.n  ever  had  e.^p-'essi on.  and  for  every  patent  element  there  arc 
countless  latent  ones-  the  latter  counting  I'or  nought  as  to  the  individual. 


to  serve  to  anv  considerable  extent  tlie  purposes,  ends  and  uses  of  gencidog-y.  yucli 
ci.llei-ii<ms  ini^:lit  be  more  appr..priuteiy  called  ]>ed!,e-rees  or  genealo^'CJcal  directories  of 
the  names  oi'  Jones,  or  Brown  or  Kobiiison,  as  thecRse  nu.iflu  be. 

It  lias  been  siiid  that  such  researclies  are  futile  because  of  tie'  multiplicity  and 
olfse.uritv  of  the  channels  of  ancestral  influences.  Within  tlu-  period  covered  by  tliis 
work  (  verv  -ii.-rs.ui  livin;,-  has  had  (')■!  ai.cesK^rs  (baninj;-  tlie  intermarria^y  of  cousins;); 
therefore  he  inherits  fruiu  any  one  of  them  Init  one  .sjxty-f.n;rth  part  of  what  he  i^.  ^ 

The  falhtev  here  is  that  a  human  beinir  is  the  re-ul!ant  of  all  his  ancestors,  like  a 
chemical  com]).)und  of  so  many  ingredients  of  e-iual  ]iri)['.utions  or  values.  Bui  vAmt  if 
we  admit  this  proi'osition  ?  The  corollary  i>,  in.-,tead  of  there  being  no  reason,  there  are 
sixtv-four  reaso-iis'for  the  search;  for  on  this  theory  the  production  of  a  man  or  woinai^ 
of  anv  desired  i)attorn  would  be  as  simple  as  the  compounding  of  a  doctor's  prescriiition, 
by  mixing  in  due  proiiortion  the  eleiuenvs  composing  it.  The  law  of  hereditv  is  iiuleed 
sure  ai)(runivef.-al.  but  its  operations  are  for  the  mo.-t  parr  inexplicable.  Wlu-nce  the 
diver.-itv  amoui;- cb.ildren  of  the  saiu-  parents.  \\lii(di  makes  vuvh  one  a  n\v,-.trry  to  all 
tlie  rest'v  How  account  for  tlie  anon;al\  of  Naiioleon— his  li'igantic  intfdlect  an.d  dwartisli 
heart- -among  the  progeny  of  ("iiarles  and  Letitia  Buonaparte  v  In  what  unexplored 
regions  of  ceuealogv  shall'wc  look  lor  tlie  s])ri!\gs  and  scuirces  of  Sliakspere's  mighty 
genius?  I'cw  explain  that  strange  plienonu-non  called  Atuvisin,  which  is  forever 
plaving  hide  and 'seek  in  human'organisni.s,  the  ve<-urrence  of  remarkable  trails  or 
peculiarities  of  remote  ancestors,  skipping  over  the  intormediale  genera. ions,  liko  those 
streams  which  sink  into  the  earth,  and,  after  hidden  windings  in  subterranean  channels, 
come  to  light  again,  far  distant  from  their  points  of  disnppef,rance?*  Even  so  profound 
a  thinker  as  Thomas  (,'arlyle,  confesses  him.seif  in  the  dark  al'nut  these  tlung.s  when  he- 
savs,  in  his  .s' //•/-;)•  7i?,.s'';-(''^s-,  "  In  a  psychological  point  of  view  it  is,  perha])S,  questioii- 
ab'le' whether  fnuu  birth  and  genealogy,  how  closely  scrulini/.ed  soever,  juuch  insight  is 
to  be  gained."  it  is  a  wise  mother  that  knows  Jier  own  child.  Through  this  beniiiccni 
uivstery  of  trnnsniission.  tlie  birth  of  an  infant  in  whatever  grade  of  social  life  is  the 
openini;-  of  a  future  of  infinite  possibilities,  and  parental  hoi)e  and  love  arid  iinagin.atio?! 
ruav  paint  its  future  in  the  brightesr  colors  without  reluike  from  rear^on. 

'  It  was  our  privilege,  a  few  years  since,  to  spend  several  days  in  delighted  contem- 
plation of  Ken.sett's  "Last  Suunner's  Work."  This  consisted  of  a  large  number  of  oil 
paintings  of  landscapes,  hung  on  tlie  walls  of  the  New  York  Academy  of  Design  for 
exhibition  ])rcparaiory  to  tlifdr  sale  by  auction.  In  tliis  study  we  became  so  fannhar 
with  the  peculiar  coloring  and  the  general  tore  and  spirit  of  the  artists  productiou.s, 
that  ever  since  we  have  been  able  to  point  out  a  Kense1t,when  liuug  among  other 
pictures,  at  a  glance.  In  like  manner  the  accumulation  of  a  vast  number  of  details 
concerning  a  great  nunilier  of  persons  sprung  from  a  common  ancestor  has  stamped  upon 
our  min(rthe^u!])ression  of  certain  physical,  mental  and  moral  qualities,  eiiherpeculiar 
in  tliemselves  or  in  the  force  and  energy  of  their  manifestations.  These  qualities  I  cali 
characteristics.  It  is  unnecessary  to  do"  lutjre  than  allude  to  them  here.  That  the  blood 
is  or  has  been  prolitic  is  a  matter  of  common  ob.servation.  Joined  to  that  is  the  tpiality 
of  endurance.  Some  families  increase  but  do  not  multiply;  that  is,  many  children  are 
born,  but  few  survive  to  maturity.  Of  William  Tuttle's  twelve  clnldren  not  one  died 
young.  The  race  is  not  only  proliYic.  but  is  fitted  to  endure.  It  follows  that  wherever 
they  have  been  hmg  seated  "their  descendants  will  be  more  numerous,  as  a  rule,  than 
those  of  other  settlers  of  eipial  date.  This  is  certainly  true  of  New  Haven.  The  fact  is 
indicated  in  many  wavs.  Of  the  b'i  members  of  the  2d  t'o.  of  Governor's  Guards,  in 
ITTo,  14  are  fouiid  in  "this  imperfect  record.  A  similar  proportion  is  found  in  the  Church 
J  Manuals.     Of  the  IL' to  U)  oiiicers  and   directors   of  the   N.    II.    Col.   Hist.  Soc,  usually 

I  about  onedialf  are  of  this  fold.     So  of  the  city   banks  and  <ither  ]irominent  instituth)ns. 

f  An  iu'curiUe  and  well  informed  observer  savs 'that   nearly  every   persr.n   in   the  rooms  of 

I  the  N.  M.  Col.  ili-^t.  Soc.  at  the  fall  r.'ception  of  !!>s2wasof  this  family.       .V  city  directory 

I  of  the   "town    b.H-n"    <.f    X.'W    Huven,    ov  tie-    Assessor's    list   of    its    ta>;-i>ayers,    with 

valuations  annexed,  cumjiaied  with  a  cn[>\plet"  record  of  resident  ch'scenda-its  o!' William 
'i'c.tth',  would  b.'  to  many  a  surprising  vevelati(<u  in  respeet  to  comparative  numbers, 
wealth  and  social  p;)silion.  It  is  said  that  from  one-third  to  onedialf  of  the  taxable 
wealth  of  New  Haven  is  in  tlie  hands  of  this  family.     In  every  a^soc.iation  of  prominent 

-Tt\e  liieoi  V  of  Daru-iii  is  ttKit  "  f,'eoinn;ul?'s  of  innumerable  qualities,  J^rivcd  from  inr.u>uerTiblcances- 
tri!  sourcfs  circulate  in  ihe  bloo'l  ;u-nl  prop;(:;atc  ttieinselves  ■,'fnerat.ion  afCL-r  sc-neralion .  1  be  Vi'vStly 
pr^:  uer  iiumbci-  remain  unJe vcU.pcd  lor  want  ol  lavur.iL'i.;  toniiiti^ms  .'.lul  by  roiu-  ■■■.'  f"f  th-;  ovcrtna'^'ery 
of  ihi;  more  po'.iMit,  in  the  s-.ratTL'le   for  points  of  atta^l-.mcnt.     Hence  there  is  a  vastly  laicer  mimber  ot 

■  captit>ibtios  11.  evcis-   Irmn.ui   b;.':n^'  t'l  rn   ever  h.-xd   exp'-cssi on,  an.1   for  every  patent  elenienl  there  arc 

d  couiu'icss  l.ittrit  i)'.it.s-  the  coiuiiinf;  i.2r  nou;:ht  as  to  the  individual." 


Yl    ■  PIIEFACE. 

citizens  it  is  Inr^-oly  rcpresenti-.l  in    nuiiibcis  and    inniicm-e,    sonietiiiios  '■•oiistitutini:  ttiP 

I  inujnrjty.      Vin-    instance,    wliilo    wiitini,^    tlic:,{.'    liiicj,   \vc  rasii;tl!_v    talv<'   np  a    paraplilnt 

[  conf:iinin<:  Dr.  .'a'^:)n's  <.'<ntenuial  disrnuisc,  dated   IST'J,  and    lin'd.  a  irijucst  f(jr  its  ]>ab- 

i  lication,  si.^rnrd  1.;-   forty-nine  am. uii:  tin;  ni'ist  inlturntia]   of    New    ilavrn"s  wortliies,   of 

!  \vlio!U  wi-  reroi;uizH   eiglueen   as   of   tliis    linea;;-,-.      Ai,    lln>  fiiiu-ral  obsccjujes  (d'  tin-  late 

I  Honry    Farnain,  four   of  tlie  ciLdit    l)^ar<•r^  were  of  'i'lirtje  descent.      A  iar^e  nnniiier  of 

•  similar  Jueis  isnglic  Ije  eited.      To  some  ex;eni  tlie  same  seems  to  lie  li  u,.  as^^to  Ilarlfoid. 

I  'ri\ese  tjdnii'.s  cannot    lie  artributed    to   coineidem-e   ur   cliaDce;    tiiev    are    too  manv.      .At 

j  least  one  in  twenty  of  a!l    the  graduates  ot    Yab-  (,'.dlei';e,    from   its  foiindritioii  to    the 

I  ])re.seiir  time,  are  akin  in  ilii^    line.      In  Xor;li    Haven.  <;onn.,of  tMentv  two  deacons  of 

I  tlie  first  cluirch,    froiu  its  bumdati'-n   in   ITK".    to    lS(ii,    eleven,    or   one-jiaif  are    of    this 

I  family.      In   some    hranchi'.--,    tune'-tentiis   are  Ldmreh    members,    and   .so    ','eneral   is   the 

religious  imdination  tln\t  1  s''t  it  down  as  a  fandlv  trait. 
;  it  seems  to  be  the   otxier  of    nature   that   to   tliose    who    jjaveiu'ich.    i.nucli   shall  be 

;;_  added,  and  those  who  have  little,  the  little  tlew  h.-ive  shall   be  taken  a 'a:' v.      To  virijitv, 

;.  strength  and  exeelleuce    of   ]diys:eal   organization    is    added    energy    in   the'   males   aiid 

\.  beauty  in  the  females,  witli  their   usual  eonc(jmniitants   of  suecssfa!  undert.iknig.s  and 

t  cai-jy  ma.rriag-es.      Knergy  is  lu-rvuus  force  or  intensity  wdiieh  is  said   to  l.e  the  secret  of 

|.  family  distJnctiou.     Self-reliance.  c<jurage  and  straigldforwarduess  are  the  bieathiugsof 

t  l>ersonshappily  .s..  constituted.     To  Le  weak    is  lo  Up  miserable;  deceit,   liyjiocrisvfand 

j^  intrigut>  are  too  often  iIh'  jesiuirces  (d'  the  fe(dde. 

,'  Honesty  in   its  broader  and    deeper  signiiieation  is   the    rarest  virtue  under  the  sun. 

I  The  lantern    oi'    Diogenes,   inisnndt^rstood  "as    t!n>  cynicism    ,vl'  a  sor.i'   ]ihd<;sojdier,  is  in 

I  reality  a  symlxd  of  tiic  peering,   lottging   sear.di   ot"  man    for    the   nobK-'i    woHc  of' (.iod. 

I  Still  this  vinue  is  not  so  scarce  as  it  may  seem  to  comnn)n   experience  and  observation. 

1.  ^\way  from  the  struggles  of  crowded  populations,  the   comjietitioiis  and  tricks  of  trade, 

[  and  the  c()rrui)ting  atmosphere  of  cities,  hidden  beneath  the  surface  of  human (diaracter.' 

!  it  exists  in  threads  ami  veins,  and  smuetimes  shows  its(?lf  in  patlnes  of  liright  gold.      Xo 
very  deepi  insight  is  requisite  to  reeoguize  the  same  si)intnal   (jualitv  in  the  pavnn-nt  ot 

[•..  a  penny  fate  [j..  -'71  J:  the  selling  of  a   cow   I  p.  4SJ1J;  the    hdeiity   of   art   to  truth    and 

I  nature  [p.  4771  and  in  the  "  hone.-,;  mi'thod  "  oVthat  sublime  argutuenf,  '-The  Freedom  of 

i  the  \N'iU"  [p.    '■j<]}.      Said  the  (derl:  of  a   huL'-e  ( 'onneetiou    town  to    the  \vriter:      • '  The 

I  Tuttles  are  ho:)est;  tluw  give  me.isure."      It  has  seeiued  to   us  th;it  thi'_,  virtue   has 

i  been  largely  develoj)ed  in  this  race.      Under  favoraJde  circumstance'^,  n  iw  fast   iriving 

[.  way  before  the  march  of  l.'nn'in  pragri  v-;,  r.nd  t!ie  changing eon.litions  .d'  soe;-i  jp;.,  thit 

ij  qualify  has  been  hande<l  down  in  some  lines   from   father  to'  son    for  manv  ;4enerat', 

i  until  it  has  ceased  to  lie  a  virtue  by  beconung  a  second  nature. 

|;'  It  is  surpri.sing  to  iK.'te  how  many  families  owe  their   collected  or   tludr   published 

i    -  records,  whodydrin  hu  ^e  part,  to  i>ersons  (u"  Ttittie  liu-'ageor  alhnity.      <»f  are  the 

r  J)wigl!ts,  the  i-.dwards,  the  Siiongs,  the  \"\  etniore,-,  tlie   I'hauncevs,  "the  Tow  nsene.-,,  the 

t  Dawson.-.,  the    'J'rowbridges,    the  Coghills,    the   lluglies,   the   Atwaters,    the   1,'eads,'   the 

f.-    .  Seymours,  the  Fowlers,  the  Bron.sons,  the  Days,  the  Dickermuns,  the  Notts,  the  Doolit-      / 

I'  ties,  the  Vales,  the  Wolcotts,  the  Bidwells,  the  Andrews,  the  Harts,  the  .Mulfords,   the  •"-'' 

I'-  Mansfields,  the  Todds,  the  Humphreys,  the   Burrs,   and   perhaps  others  that  we  cannot 

i  now  recall,    suggestive  of   a  paraphrase  to  Fulhii's  saying  that  "  in  other  C(mntries  n, en 

I  are  made  Heralds,  but  in  NN'alcs  they  sire  born  Heralds'." 

p  ■  Xot  to   particularize  further,  it  nuty   be  as  well  to  give  a  general  description  of  the 

f'  Welsh  character  as  a  summary  of  what  we  desire  to  say  on  this  point.      Devonshire   (the 

|-  •  source  of  the  New  Engla.nd 'I'uttles)  is  more  Welsh   than    Wales   itself  in   the  distiniive 

\  peculiarities    of   it.s    peopde.     The  statistics  of    crime    in    (ireat   Britain  show   that    one 

1/  Welshman  to  ten  Fnglish  and  tifieen    Irish    are   cinvicted    of  crime.     Tlu'v  are  strongly 

l  emotioii.-il,  p..e'ical  ami  ndigious.      "  The  W(dsh  nature,"  says  l^rof.  (ireen  in  his  Ulsfor'y 

I  of  thi   Einj'i^'i  I'y'ji'i.  ■■  is  stet;|).Ml  in  poetry. '■      It  appears  in"the   national   festival  of  the 

'  Eisteddbid,  and  in  .a  r.>in;'.ut.i';  liter.-iture  whiidi  iu'.s  leavened  the  inuigimition  of  U'estern 

I  Europe.      In  the  old  linu-.  "in  every  house,  strangins  who  arrived  \n  the  mornittir  were 

i  entertained  til!  e-en-iide  witii  tle-ta"!kof  maidensand  the  mnsie'  <d'  tin-  harj).      '•Tl'iev  are 

j  a  na:i(m  of  si.i  ;ers.  .\!;!-^-;t  .•very.iii,'  sings.  In  their  own  cuuiitry  (V\:iles'i  they  are 
born  I'alvitH.sts.  Inloieii^n  lands  tliey  maintain  ile-Ir  homogeneity  as  teii.-icions'j  v  as 
dews.       'idle    Welsh    miners   of   I'ennsylva'.da    hold    annual    mu.sical    contes's,    in  '.vjnch 

!  harmonies  are  hi-, ird  thut  n.igiit  a-Ti-ni-li  sitim  ji' >]dr   ',■,!,;,    ii'ia^'iMe   that  tb.e  oid'     li'.-hf 

I  of  their  sunless  toil  is  the  miner's  lamp.  Thi-  lui".'  .--uiiunary  ot'  Mis.s  ISlalteman  in  her 
History  of    Siisipiehann.i  (  o.  is  a.s  bdiows:       •  They,"  ih..-  Welsii  peojde  of   that  county, 

j  "are  very  respectable  and  \\i  11  to  do,  religious,  musical,  all   readers,   nn-iny  teachers  atid 


college  graduates,  no  llomuii  Catholics,  euiotional,  poetical,  practical,  stable,  tc:upei;\te, 
industiious  and  honest.'" 

Now  the  questiou  arises,  that  inasmuch  a-^  such  "  characteristics  "  arc  common  niore 
or  less  tu  all  families,  how  can   they   be  ascribed   to  one  aiicesto"  more  than  auothei  in 
any  given  case?     We  answer,  let  nssupjiose  that  all  rhe  families  in  which  tlie  ciiildr>n 
i'  of  William  'I'uttle  or  his  more  reniotn  de>cenants  married  were  written  up.     We  should 

L  then  have  a   liasis   for    c()mi)arison.      If   it   were  found  on  yuch   comparison   that   the 

r  branches  i)f  such  families  as  wTc  (jf  Tuttle  descent  exhibited   more  of  these  character- 

I  istics,  or  exhibited  them  mure  decidedly  or  mm-e  generally  than  those  Itraiiches  of  such 

I  families  as  were  not  of  Tuttle  descent,    tln-n   it   seems  to   us  a   fair  inference  that  such 

r  -characteristics  were  inherited  from  nr  through   tlic  Tuttle  ance.->l'jr.      Now    so  far  as  we 

^  have  the  material   for   comparison,    in  the   published  genealogies  of  the  Vv'elLs,  Chaun- 

I  ceys,  Pxlwarils,  Dwights,  Trowbridges  and  others,  likenesses  do  appear- in  the  brandies 

I  of  Tuttle  de-scent  that   are   not    found  to  the  same  extent  in  the  others.     And  the  infer- 

■  en(-e  derived  from  sucli  likeness  is  strengthened  by  a]iparent.  diversities  an<l  contrasts 

I  between  the  Tuttle  branches  and  the  otliers.      We  do  nut  intend  to  pursue  the  conjpiiri- 

F  son:  w<'  merely  suggest  it  as  furnishing  gi-ouud  f'.>)-  a  reasonable  ]n'obai)ility,  and  a.s  the 

r  foundation  in  ]!art  of  our  own  conclusion  in  regard  to  the  above  in<|U!ry.  deduced  from  a 

i  vast  array  of  facts  that  have  conn-  un-lereeir  observation  iri  the  comi)!lation  of  this  work. 

{:  Our  conclusion   is  that  the   characteristics  referred   to,   are  more  clearly  and  decidedly 

|.  traceable  to  the  Tuttle  stock  than  to  any  other. 

!  It  is  -[(lain  that  somewhere  ahmg  theance.-^tral  lines  of  this  strain  of  Idood  a  remark- 

\  ablt-  eirergy  has  been  infused  that  has  shown  itself  in  every  form  of  human  activity  and 

K  achievement.      In  theology  it  jiroduced  aii   Ed.wiirds;.  among  educators  a  Dwiglit  and  a 

r  Woolsey;  in  art,  a  Kensett;  in   lit(?rature,  a.   Peter  Parley.     It  learned   all  languages  in 

?  the  sweat  and  grime  of  the  biacksndth's  fei-ire.  in  ihinitt.     It  niarchetl  to  the  sea  with. 

[  ShermaJi.     It    wrote    hi.stories  with    tlie    halt-bliud    eyes  of  Prescott.     The  books  it  has 

f  written  v.-ould  fill  a   large  libiary.      It^  memorial   v.indows  and   tablets  are  .seen  where- 

I  over  genius   and    piety    are    so    recogni-/.e.1 ;    .ind    in   p-'rl.'aps   nejre  than    one    icstaiice 

[  it  has  changed  the  spi'it  of   a   weak  and  hel[>less  woman  as  in    Chloo  Lankton,  bed-rid 

c  den,  and  j^ain-racked  for  many  a  long  and  weary  year,    into  sonu'thing  so  sublime  and 

I  beautiful  in  spiritual  strength  and  grace,  as  almost  to  revive  our  old  faith  in  rlie  reality 

I  of  lieavenly  winged  visitants.       We  do  not  prerend  to  acrount  for  it.     The  history  of 

families  in  tltis  respect  is  analogous  on  a  small  scrJe  and  witliln  nariHjw  limits  to  that  of 
nations;  for  instance,  a  little  knot  of  men  on  the  banks  of  the  Tii>er,  energised  from 
some  unkncjwn  or  unseen  source,  build  Ilonte.  and  all  men  became  Komans.  This 
energy  is  called  patriotism  or  love  of  country.  It  was  an  intense  and  entire-  devotion  to 
one  idea.  Those  who  were  absorbed  in  it  were  elevated,  expanded,  strengthened, 
renewed  by  it  as  by  a  divine  atllatus,  auci  the  P.oman  citizen  became  the  type  of  a  nobler 
manhood  than  tlie  v.-orld  had  yet  seen.  It  was  a  new  birth.  So  tlie  religious  disjiosi- 
tion  being  hejital)le  and  cumulative,  niay  become  as  pure  and  absorbing  in  fandlies  as 
Koman  patriotism  was  in  its  best  days,  and  far  more  powerful  in  its  formative  and  in 
its  active  influences.  The  world  is  not  only  governed  by  ideas  bu:  it  is  sha])ed  by  them. 
A  remarkable  feature  in  our  family  history,  as  it  would  be  in  aisy  other,  is  the 
branch  of  Elizabeth.  It  is  an  interesting  genealogical  study.  Both  the  parents  were  of 
the  same  Welsh  race.  There  is  evidence  that  the  mother  had  the  nervous,  sensitive  and 
excitable  temperament  of  gi  nius.  Kichard  Edwards,  being  an  oidy  child,  inherited 
ample  means  and  gave  his  children  the  best  education  the  country  alYorded.  To  educate 
is  to  bring  out,  and  to  train,  it  cannot  create  talents  or  character.  The  ministerial  i)ro- 
fession  was  then  almost  the  only  held  for  the  employment  of  able  and  educated  men. 
So  all  thitigs  conspired  to  favor  the  natural  lient  of  their  son  Timotliy.  The  process  was 
•continued,  and  in  the  next  generation  reached  it.-^  highest  development  in  liis  son  Jona- 
tlian.  From  the  very  begir.iung  this  branch  has  been  noted  for  its  high  regard  for 
i^ducatioa,  it-5  sch-darly  culture,  aitd  its  religious  disposition.  It  is  said  to  include  a 
larger  ■uu.iber  of  eminent  peisous  than  hav.-  sprung  from  any  o;)ier  one  of  the  New 
Engl.tiid  founders.  It  is  w(mde!fiil,  says  n  lati;  writer,  how  much  of  the  grace  and  cul- 
ture of  Anu-rican  .society  lias  sprung  from  this  root.  Tlie  same  pursuits  cuniinued  gen- 
■eration  after  generation  in  the  same  families,  originally  set  apart  by  nature  for  a  chosen 
work,  has  resulted  in  a  heritage  oi  confirmed  aptitudes,  enlarged  natural  c:".p;.ciiies, 
delicacy  and  n-finenient  of  J)hy.-^ical  orgmii-.'.ati.m,  manner.s,  sentiments  and  tnstes;  a  sort 
<jf  "  P.rahmin  Caste  in  New'England."  as  Dr.  Hdmes  put  it.  of  which  tle.^  Edwards 
family  form  a.  considerable  i)ropi>rtion.,  and  in  which  it  h.olds  a  hig!'.  rimk.  The  same  i.> 
true,  perhaps,  to  an  e([ual  extent  of  the  br^uich  of  Ilanmih.  In  most  of  the  others  th.e 
COudittoDS  v.-fj-e  not  SO  lavm-able,  pnd  tl;e  natural  ter.dencies  were  laore  or  less   j^-erJaid. 

vm  .  PREFACE. 

checked    or^  diverted  at  the  ovitset    by    the  hard  necessities   incidenl  tu  life  in  a  new 

i  country.     Tliey  are  therefore  all  the  more  strikiiii;:  when  tliey  do  appear  as  sliowin<>-  tht- 

i  force  of  theoiigiual  bent  in  the  face  of  advcree  antecedents  and  circumstances. 

t  Parton,  in  liis  Life  of  Auro/i  Jlinr,  norices  th-,.'  singular   i)r..(l,)ndni  nc'  of  the  Jem- 

|,  inJne  el(.'nu-:it  in  tJiis  stock.     Of  tlie  s-'ven_  childn-u   (>f   liichard   Krlwards   In-   ;1h' Tutlle 

S  mother,  six  were  girls.     Of  the  eleven  cliildrfii  of   his  son,  Timothy  Kdv/ards,  t-n  were 

'.  gi""!!"-     Of  the  eleven   children  of   his  son,   .Innatluin,  eiglit   were  girls.      The' order   of 

;  nature,  as  to  the  numerical  (Mjunlity  of  th.e  sexes  were  subverted  by   some  srront;-  heredi- 

J  tary  force.      It  was  also  manifested  in  a  superior  delicacy  of  organization.      The'phrenol- 

I  Of^ist  tells  us,  says  Parton,  tlial  Kurr  had  t!ie  temperainent  of  a   woman.     The  biogra- 

j  pher  of  Major  Wiuthrop  speaks  uf   ••  the  w nuanly  delicaev  of  his  character."     It  seems 

evident  enough  that  this  and  ot iter  peculiarities  came  from   the    Tutlle  blood,  for    the 

j  six  children  of  Richard  Ed war,is,    by  his  second    wife.    Mary  Talcott,  wre  all  boys  but 

;  ore,  antl  though  they  received  the  '.ame  advantages  of  education  as  the  children  of  the 

;  Tuttle  mother,    tliey    and    their   <h'scendauts   did'not  manifest  those  i>eculiar  traits  and 

i  energies  that  have  made  the  name  of  Edwards  famous   in  New  Eni-;-land,  and  when  the 

I  Edwards  family  is  named  the  l)u^.terity  of  the  Tuttle  mother  is  understood. 

I  We  liave  called  attention  to  this  point  on  account  of  a  remaikable  claim  that  lias 

:  been  set  up  in  favor  of  the  Stoddards  as   the  source  of  the  excellencies  of  the  Edwards 

I  race.      It  ]irobably  origiuated  in  the  natural  juirtiality  of  Mrs.  Edv/ards  for  her  father's 

I  family,  when  lier  son  Jonathan  became  famous.     It  was  tea-table  gossip  in  East  \\iud- 

[  sor  in  her  life-time,  and  came  down  as  a  tradition.     Dr.  Sereno  E.  Dwight  found  it  th<re 

:  wlien  inouiriog  among  the  old  people  for  nuiterials  for  his  Lifr  of  A'dirard.-^,  and  put  it- 

i  in  his  book  as  n  triuUi.ion.      It   was  taken    up,  in    the    St>''hlirri1    Ih  in.ido'j;/,  and,    if  we 

\  remember,  repeated  in  the  second  edition  \vith  the   Dowuings  admitted  to  a  share  of  the 

■  ■  lioiior.  It  appeared  again  in  a  book  notiee  iri  the  X.  Y." Kriuiug  Pod.  In  an  essay 
i  and  review  in  the  Xcir  Eiujlander,  it  was  reiterated  in  still  more  decided  terms,  and 
:  finally  the   Rev.    B.   \V.    Dwight,   wdiose  estimable  genealogical  labors  do  honor  to  his 

i  AVelsh  heritage  of,  b/miulaied   in   the   following   terms,   and   j)ublisij[ed  it  in  his- 

f  Dwight  Gent<dvgy: 

\  "  Tiie  children  of  Mary   Edwards  were   widely  noted   for  fine  forms  and  features,. 

1  which  came  (tradition  says)  from  the  Edwards  lineage,  and  to  theiii  from  the  Stoddards. 

[-  They  ('ilmothy  Edward's  children)  inherited  their  clear,    fine,  expres.sive  features  from. 

{  their  mother  (Esther  Stoddard),  taking  their  ]diys!cal  and  in  a  great  degree  tlieir  mental 

!  proportions  from  her.      Her  son  .Jonathan  was  nearly  six  feet  high,   and  her  ten  daugh- 

\  ters  used  sonn-times  to  be  spoken   of  as  Mr.    Edwards'   sixty  feet  of  daughters,  exager- 

I  ated,  though  all  were  remakably  tall."     Again,   '■  The  propelling  force  of  tiie  Dwiglus 

I  comes  from  the  Edwards  connertion,  also  the  personal   beauty,   tradition  says,  and  the 

\  personal  beauty  comes  to  \\w  Edwards  from  the  Stoddards." 

;  This  statement,  thoagh  qualified  by   "  tratlition  says,"  has  been  largely  accepted  as 

!  authoritive,  the  qualification  l.>eing  overlooked  or  disregarded.      As  a  v/orthless  tradition 

\.  not  only  without  foundation  in  fact,  but  as  contradicted   by   fact  and  inference,   as  we 

I  will  try  presently  to  show,  it  would  not  be  noticed  here  but  for  the  reason  that  it  has- 
been  received  with  credit  by  many  who  usually  rf'quire  a  reason  for  their  faith,  and  has 
caused  us  some  emljarra^.snient  and  disapi)ointn\ent.      If  the  tradition  is  true  then  we  are 

■.     .  committing  a  .sort  of  larceny  in  placing  the  i'Alwards  in  our  record.     If  it   is  not  true 

f  then  it  is  our  duty  to  reclaim  and  recover  if  jiossible  the  stolen  goods. 

I  In  offering  our  objections  to  the  conclusions  involved  in  the  statement  of  Dr.  Dwight 

\  "vve  must  not  be  understood  as  intending  any  disparagement  of  the   Stoddard  fanuly,  or 

[  of  the  mother  of  Jonathan  Edwards,  though  comparisons  hax'C  been  made,   not  in  the 

\  best  taste  and  unv.dsely  as  we  think  between  the  father  and  mother  of  that  eminent  man. 

I  TJie  mother  of  Edwards  may  have  been  a  "  very  snuirt  "  aiui   a  very  iK'autiful  woman, 

i  but  apart  from  the  tradition,  we  have  and  can  have  no  positive  knowledge  of  the 
"mental  j)roportions,  the  propelling  force  or  the  ]iersoual  be.'.uty  "  v.diich  her  daughters 
are  presumptively  said  to  have  iidierited  largely  from  her.  Wlnle  as  ^o  tin;  father,  Jiis 
sixty  years  of  ministerial  life  and  labor  afi'oid  abundant  means  of  judging.      N(^r  can  ^ve 

■  overh^iok  the  opinion  of  President  Chauncey  wiio  said  Vm  h;id  read  all  the  writings 
I  of  the  iiev.  Solonum  Stoddard  (father  of  ^Irs.  Ivlwards)  an.l  thought  thai  his  ;il)ihties 
f  had  lieen  "mu(di  overrated." 

'i'he  real  question,  howevrr,  is  one  of  siuartn"ss  or  comitarative  ability,  be.t  of 

!  bkene.-iS,  or  of  kiiul.      .Xnt  how  great  or  how  much,  Imt  of  what  nature.      Art>  th.eri-  sech 

{  simiiarities  or   iilio>yniiacies   as  to  justify   lie-    S:oddai\l   ilaim'.'     \\'e   think  net.      Tlu^ 

\  -Stoddards  are    English.     The    Edwards  are    Welsh.     A    distinction    that    centuries    of 



coutact  aiul  inteiv'Oiir.-;e  betweon  the  two  races  liviurr  uiider  u  common  goveruincMit  liuvt- 
not  been  alile  lo  efYace. 

Of  the  Downings  v,-e  know  very  little,  but  cun  safely  ria_v  tliat  Pid wards  was 
extremely  unlike  Sir  George.  But  let  as  luok  at  tl-.e'  mutter  a  little  more  closely  as  to 

"  A  })ioUb  disposition,"  says  (ialton,  "  is  ce'itaiuly  inlierited.'' 

'■  Wiien  a  boy,"  says  Jonathan  I-Alvs-ards,  '"  1  was  exerci.sod  and  conci-rned  about  my 
soul  and  was  nbuudant  in  i-eligious  duties."  Sarah  Pieipont,  al'terwaids  his  wiff, 
became  truly  pious  when  not  mo; r  than  live  years  ol'  age. 

The  mother  of  Kdwards,  strange  to  say,  did  not  joii".  the  church  nor  make  ]!rofe.-^sicii 
of  religion  until  she  was  forty-four  years  lit  age;  an  I  thi-;  though  tin-  ihiuvhter  of  one 
clergyman,  the  wife  of  another,  and  living  in  an  era  and  in  a  cnmmunity  of  general 
churcli  mi'iubership.  in  fjict,  the  maternal  inliui'uc;-  usmuly  so  str<_);i!,f  in  sluuging  and 
directing  tlie  phe^tic  mind  .d  (diildhoivl,  seems  to  have  been  to  some  e:^tent  inoperative 
in  the  family  of  Timothy  Ethvanls,  the  father  himself  assuming  the  iu'^truction  and 
mental  training  of  tlie  children,  ;uid  in  his  absence,  Jonathan  and  the  younger  girls 
reciting  to  tln-ir  elder  sisters.  So  f;ir  then  we  nniy  a-sert  tliat  wlierevi-r  their  mental 
propoitiotis  nuiy  liave  come  fnnn,  religioi;s  teudejicles  and  mentai  training  plainly 
did  itot  come  fr<mi  their  mother. 

If  we  go  back  another  generation  to  llev.  Solomon  Stoddard  we  ilnd  incongruities 
aud  contrasts  still  ittore  marked  atid  decid^ed.  He  maintained  that  th.e  Lord's  supp'or  is 
a  coni'criiii'j  unllu'inre,  and  tliat  all  iia[)ti.-;ed  persons  not  scantlalous  in  life  may  lav-fully 
a])])roach  the  ttibii-,  though  they  know  themselves  to  be  destitute  ot  true  religiim;  and 
this  dangerous  innovation  so  fatal  to  the  purity  of  the  church,  he  did  •.nore  titan  any  one 
else  to  u"[)hold  and  defend.  To  Edwards,  so  profoundly  earnest  and  sincere,  this  doctrine 
and  practice  could  mjt  be  otlu^rwise  tlnuj  hateful.  He  opposed  it  strenuously  aud 
suflered  bitter  persecution,  rather  thau  connive  at  it.  This  dilTerence  ^^■a.5  sim]>ly  an 
outward  sign  of  an  inward  spiritual  incongruity.  Every  nnan  is  born  a  Calvimst,  au 
Arminian  or  v.-hat  not,  and  his  nitivrevAovfi  or  less  n.ioditied  by  circumstances  and  educH- 
tion  is  supreme,  and  stamps  itself  on  his  opinions,  aud  expresses  itself  in  his  life  and 
inliuence.  The  comparative  elTects  of  the  jircaching  of  Stoddard  and  of  Edwards  is  a 
further  illustrati(m  of  this  law.  Tiie  sleepy  religion,  iu  baneful  fellowship  with  the 
wide-awake  worldliness  of  the  Northampton  church  as  Edwards  founci  it,  aroused  and 
startled  by  his  vehement  si^irit  and  his  "awful  word.-"  shook  off  the  unnatural  alliance, 
broke  up' the  hoUow  truce,  ceased  tlie  un.->eemly  masquerade,  and  graspurg  the  old 
weapons  of  its  warfare,  resumed  tlie  conliict.  ilencefoith  its  victories  were  seen  in 
numerous  revivals.  Such  a  power  could  not  be  coufitu:d  to  the  narrow  limits  of  a  single 
parish.  It  went  forth  conquering  and  to  conquer.  It  spread  far  and  wide  throughout 
New  Eitg-land,  crossed  the  ocean  into  foreign  lands  and  made  itself  felt  to  the  farthest 
bounds  of  protestant  t'hristendinn.  Tiiis  was  "  the  great  awakening."  We  see  here  a 
marked  resemblance  to  his  father  Edwards,  as  Jonathan  himself  declared,  that  he  knew 
of  no  church  in  Western  Xew  England,  excepting  his  own,  in  which  revivals  had  been 
so  frequent  as  in  his  father's.  On  the  other  liand,  hov.-  wide  the  cmitrast  to  the  minis- 
terial cltaracter  and  intluence  of  his  grandfather  Stoddard.  They  were  akin,  but  not  of 
a  kind.  Edwards  was  not  an  offshoot,  but  a  graft  on  the  Stod"dard  family  trei;.  "By 
their  fruits  sliall  ye  know  them." 

We  cannot  therefore  be  accused  of  presumption  or  of  arrogance,  in  claiming  for  tha 
Tuttle  couriection  a  jiart  at  least  of  the  '•  nervous  force"  aud  tlu'  controlling  leligious 
tendencies  of  the  Dwights  aud  the  Edwards,  for  such  traits  art-  as  sharply  delineu  and  as 
traceable  as  any  peculiarity  of  physical  conformation.  The  (juestion  as  to  mental  pro- 
portions and  personal  besiuty  is  too  vague  for  discussion.  The  fact  itself,  of  the  beauty 
of  the  Stoddards,  seems  like  the  other  ]cart  of  the  statement  to  rest  on  traditiou  or  on 
mere  assumptiiui.  'I'he  comparatively  late  nntrriages  of  most  of  the  daughte.-s  of  Bev. 
Soloinon  Srodd.ard  Seems  to  point  'o  a  diiferent  conclusion.  Anyway  it  is  of  no  imjior- 
tance  in  this  connection,  for  the  terms  "  personal  beauty  "  arc  so  widely  as  to 
include  every  type  of  the  human  race,  and  it  we  accept  as  it  fact  lof  wiiich,  fowever, 
^\e  can  ha\  e  no  (leiir.ite  knowledge)  Dr.  Dv.iirht's  description  of  the  .-tyle  of  licatity,  "  the 
clear,  fine,  exi)ressive  features"  of  Timothy  Ivlwards'  daughters,  it  points  lather  to 
the  nerv(nis  and  intellectual  Welsh  constitution,  than  to  the  going,  biauny,  tull- 
fed  and  full-iilown  English 

Accortting  t'.  the  (ieduetions  of  tialton  ami  others  fioni  the  study  of  geiieulogic:.'! 
facts  and  hereditasy  lorees  wo  may  auticipa'e  from  'lie  Mime  -.iraoi  oi"  Mood  otie'r  minds 
and  characters  of  exceptional  power  and  dignity  in  the  lutuit."  wiienever  the  necessary 
CDUditioiis  shall   (  xist.       These  LonJlltons   are    nartiv  under  th.e  control  of  m^'.n,  and  are. 

^nib  PREFACE. 

suumHHl  up  in  t],«  comman,!  to   love   God  s.iprcnu-ly  .0(1   our  nei-lihor  as  ourself    (Z 

covrclutedto  great  nuellcctual  vg-or  ami  nuotio..,!  of  crmstitution  are    '  -V udn 

I  penl<,  die    consciousness   of    wlucli  shoalcl    he  evr   present  as  a   u-aruin<^  c.P-ain^-t     1  e 

.  promptm.o-s  of  ambition,    selhshness   aiW  ,,i;s.ion.      Int(-ritv,  duxM-fiiln...^  rnd  medtri 

;  tion  are  iric-p.t   conservators;    Lut    tle>   (,eilv  sure  ^af.  .Miard   is  a   -mum-iv    r.'in'..      i     tT' 

}  Without   this  no   liigli    development   of  inauhood    or"  of    womanhood,    of  ^ti>.'''nh   or    If 

!  beauty,  can  be  attained  nor  long  maintained.  i'  .feiu  or  oi 

I  The  %vork  is  not  as  compleU.  as  w,.  d-sired  to  mak-  it       \\>had  prepared  a  eonsider- 

able  list  of  oooks J..  W  consulted,    letters  „t   in,|un-y  to  !„    written  and   record  lu.n    iig 

tours  to  be  made  tor  the  purpose  of  traenu,  lin,-.  that  so   far  have  einded   our  s e   r  •  h 

XNedesuvdalsoto    procure   documentary    pn-ol^    ..f    ,h.    Devon-hire   .uvmu  of  the'\  '  v 

England    1  utiles,   their  parenta,re,   ant.-cedants    idatinnships,    p-di,.,-.-,;"     etc      Of  t),e 

fact  of  such    itself,  we  feol  assun.l  from   ci,cu,„stantial   eVidem..  which'seems  as 

strong  as  such  evidence  everc.n  he.      Som.  ••..riv.pnndenee  to  this  end  was  had'J^^;; 

earned  member  of  tlie  Ilarleian  N,-,.-tv  of  London.      lb-  confirmed  our  vi.nvs  and  stat.-d 

>.  the  cost  of  getting  copies  of  the  needed   records  at   !<1  :.'.->  at   tiie  oetside       -Vfter  sever-il 

:  vain  attempts  to  get  assistance  we  ],.ft  th-Muatter  in  al..•vanc.^  hoping  that  some  enabling 

I  circnnistance  or  state  of  things   wouhl    •■  tuni    up  -   "in  the  sweeUjv  and  bv  "     In  tlie 

I  meantime  we  continued  our  elTorts  in  otlmr  diivctions.      No  serious  diliicultV  would  be 

met,  It  IS    ikely,  m  tracing  the  pe.hgree  back  several  gmierations.      ]]ernard  Chiarit.di  of 

I  I^ndou  adverti...!  the  Genealogical  Manuscriprs  of  the  Devonshire  To.hil  s  h  "       'm 

I  alogue  ot  June  15,  kSo9.      1  he  family,  or  a  branch  of  it.  as  earlv  as  1091    had  lon<^  been 

.  seateuat    Lxeter,    whose    parish    registers    are    among    the    earliest    in'th^   Ki.^g^lom 

\  ,^^7''V  1''^*^'^  ^^''"-'  remaim-d  undone  we  felt  reluctant  to  pul^lis!,,  but  hnaHv    as  the 

w,m    hao    Iwn    long    exn^.-ted   and    impatiently     u-aited    for,    as    the  mat,. rials  alreadv 

,  gathered  and   arranged  \yere  more  than  sutiicient  to  lill  a  larire  octaN-o  vnlnuie   as  theV 

had  been  twice  in  p.oparcly  by  fire  and  might  at  any  lime  be  irr^mediablv  lost  bv  some 

;  nntors^en   casua-ty,    and    mindful   of   tin:   deepening  shadows   that  cather  around  even 

ihe  onghtest  pa  Wy  at  our  t>m,.  of  life,  we  came  to  the  sudden  cmiciusion.  about  the 

f  Isr  ot  Januaiy    ls>s-,  to  punt  tne   book  at  once.      ^Ve  were  enabled  to  do  so  bv  availin.- 

i  ourse  t  of  an  ot:..,- by  ^uttle^  Go.   of  Rutland,  Yi.,  made  manv  vears  since,  to  publish 

■  t  at  their  own  risk.      Not  a  line  or  word  of  written  contract  has  .^v^.r  i^a-s.-d  b-t  Jeen  us- 

.,  but  as  we_pen  these  closing  panigra],hs  a  m-arlv   c.uni.h.te   c.pv  of   tho   w,u-k  lies  l,ef<uv' 

i  us  and  It  IS  our  simple  duty  to  say  that  thc-y  h.ave  -eneroush"  and  noblv  fulfilled  tin-M' 

I  task._     lo  our  sni)scribers  it  will  speak  for  its.df.     If   we  are  spared,    and   the  opoonu- 

^  nuy  IS  given  us,  we  propose  to  print,    in  due  time,   a  small  supplementarv  octavo    .'on- 

t  t.uningaddifionsandcoiTections.  and  we  shall    be   -la.l  to  receive  the  same  from   anv 

,  source    whatever        Communications     direcl^.l    to 'our  present  address   will   reach    i:s 

wh,;n'VH!- we  ir.av  be. 

;  In  view  ,,f  tiu-  popularity  of  onr  family  gatherings  and  the  advantacres  that  accrue 

i  ■         AT\'rV'T\  r   «,^sociated    elfort,,    we    here  propose  a  permanent  organization    of 

|.  ■         descendants,  to  take  charge  ot  the  arrangements  for  future  meetings  and  to  further  such 

t.  objects  as  may  prf)])erly  come  under  their  supervision. 

I-  ^}  "",  ^'"-'^  pardon  for  the  poor  sketch  or  notice  of  Ghh.e  I.ankton.  wlunn  we  re-^ard  as 

,  one  of  the  most  beautiful  and  int.-re.sting  characters  in  our  hook.      While  we  wtu-e  pre'- 

i'.  paring  a  more  adecpiate  accnunt.  in  the   Summer  of  lSS-,\  we   were  disabled  for  several 

|.  weeks  by  a  severe  accident.      When  sutliciently  recovered  to  resume  work,  an  accumula- 

l  tion  of  unansweivd  letters  and   oth.u-  pressing   atlairs   absorbed   our  time  and  attontion 

j  until  It  was  too  la  e  for  its  introduction.     In  relation  to  other  faults  and  shortcomino-s  we 

:  ask  not  that  they  he  overlooked,  hut  as  far  as  may  be,  corrected  and  remedied,  and  that 

,  ourworU    asa  whole,  mayi,eaccept..dby  fhos,.   whom    it   chiefiv    concerns,  in    a    spirit 

,  ratherol  for  what.-ver  in  it  is  w.Mihv.  than  of  censoriousnrs-,  for  its  failures 

:  Jo  tlHjse  wno  have  aided  in  gathering  mat, .rials,   credit  is  given   in  the  bodv  of  tlu^ 

I  '™^'---     ,"/""■•"  •"■•■  <'""tt<'(l.  it  is  through  oversi-ht    f,)rwhir]i  I  ask  pardon       An  i^siu^eial 

^  ackuou-hMgment  is  due.    and    is   hme   cheerfully    paid   to    Dea.  Kdinund    Tutt]<.  ot   West 

I  Meiiden.  (.onn.,  nnIio,  ,„    tlu^    ..arly   stag..s.    help<.d    me    far   more   than    anvone   .dse    in 

I,.  collecting  what  im^dit  hr  i,rnmd  the  r.mi..mporaneous -eneah.-v  of  :lie  fam'ilv    bv  inter- 

i.  viewing  and  corivsponding  with  (b-xvudants,  .■opving  I5ih]e  reconl.A.  gnivo-stmrn  ir.srrip. 

;  tions.  etc.,  m  Ins  own  and  adjoiniie:  towns.      ]'.,■  also  ro  ooerated   a.-:ivmv  in  -otfin-  up 

i  and  arranging  the  hrst    family    mrMing.-     W,.   are   also    indebted    to    I'l^^f    ('liuilrs   II 

Tnnr^  ''^if  ■'.'■''1  '"  ^^'^""^  "''y'-''.''  ^'''''-   -  '-73-two  centuries  from  liie  death  of  ihc   founde.-,    William 
lutll^.     Ic  ua-.  largL-:y  .attend ol,  iti  nuiul>cr  bcin-  csmii.e.c-.l  at  ab.jut  ,,500.     A  coilecl.un  was  i.ikea  up 


PKEFACE.  viiir 

Fsu'iusni  of  Yali'  College,  for  valuabk-  additions  to  the  record  of  l)ea.  Jolin  Wliituiuu's 

For  the  fine  McC'k-llan  portraits  \vf  are  indebted  to  tlie.  MrCielhiii  brothers;  to  t!ie 
generosity  of  Mrs.  and  the  Misses  Strickland,  for  that  of  Klihu  Burritt:  for  that  of  Wil 
liani  'I'uttle,  and  in  part  for  tliat  of  Pres.  Tiittle,  to  J.  X.  Tnttle.  Escj.,  of  Newark,  N.  J.; 
to  lion.  Payne  I'ettibone.  for  that  portrait;  to  A.    A.   Marks,   for  his  ]iictnre,  and  to  tin 
family  of  Hon.  Jliland  Hall  for  the  fine  eiiirravini:  of  himself. 

And  now,  gratefnl  for  the  conrt(\sy  \vitl\  ^vilich,  almost  without  exi-ejition.  my  in<iuir- 
ies  have  been  received  and  ansv.'ered.  and  n-i.ainii'ir  v.-y  j)h'asant  memories  of  ja-rsomil 
interviews,  hospitalities  and  epistolary  favors,  1  lay  d(nvii,  at  least  for  a  time,  witli  a 
sense  of  reli'd,  mv  arduous,  though  self dmposed  and  graiuitous  task. 

(i.   F.  T. 
New  Haven,  Conn.,  Oct.,  18-^:3. 

to  delrav  the  incidental  expenses  of  the  committee.  Thi:>  it  dii  lu'iy  and  somtthififr  over,  as  we  a^e 
informed,  but  we  ^re  not  able  to  present  ♦^^ures.  h.ivins  had  nothinjf  to  do  with  t.'iat  part  of  tlie  matter. 

The  second  meeting' was  held  in  September,  i?;^,  at  Railroad  Grove,  in  West  Haven,  and  v>as  e'ven 
more  nuraerous'v  attended  than  the  lirst.  A  luiiih  clam-bake  was  served  up,  to  pay  lor  whicii.  volun- 
tary contrib.uions  were  taken,  amounting,  with  subsequent  collections,  to  nearly  $500,  as  we  were 
informed  on  the  best  authority.  It  stcm.s  to  have  been  a  very  expensive  and  a  very  unsatisfactory  affair 
all  round. 

In  Fcbruar}',  of  the  present  year  i'iS;3'i  Mr.  S.  G.  Dtividson  of  Bethany,  Conn.,  took  the  initiative  for  a 
third  meeting-,  which  was  held  at  Hit^h'Rock  Grove,  en  the  Xaneaiuck  R.  R.,  Aiit{.  15,  i8>'3.  I'our  pas- 
se..frer  cars,  cliartercd  by  Mr.  Davidson  to  convey  the  people  from  New  Haven,  were  all  filled  to  ovcr- 
fiowinfr.  and  two  more  cars  wt-re  added  to  the  train  \^'  the  R.  R.  Company,  which  were  also  filled.  By 
chartering  the  cars  30  cents  was  saved  to  each  passen,t:er,  the  rcg-nlar  excursion  f^  beine -j-j  cents. 
There  weVe  no  general  expense^  to  provide  for,  the  use  of  the  grove  being-  given  by  the  R.  R.  Co.  and 
the  programmes  being  furnished  by  our  publishers — Tuttlc  &  Co.  of  Rutland.  Thanks  are  due  to  Mr. 
Davidson  for  his  successful  ii-.anageraent  of  the  affair. 

I  refer  to  these  money  matters  because  many  persons  find  it  diificult  to  conceive  how  a  man  in  his  right 
mind  can  voluntarily  assume  such  a  task  as  1  have  partly  accomplished,  without  a  prospect  or  a  hope  of 
pecuiii-iry  recorapcase.  To  such  persons  all  self-sacrifice  is  amys'.ery,  if  it  is  not  a  folly.  It  is  my  duty 
to  say  '.n'self-deferse,  that  in  this  connection  I  have  not  received  a  dollar  ocenting  in  the  instances 
named  bi-iow;  not  that  I  slould  be  blameworthy  if  I  had,  considering  that  I  have  spent  in  this  work 
upwards  of  ^^v'  for  postage  stamps  and  stationery  alone,  but  the  truth  should  be  known.  E.xcep*  for  the 
purpose  ot  tracing  tiie  English  pedigree  I  have  never  asited  for  such  aid,  and  in  the  earlier  stages  would 
have  declined  it  had  it  been  ofierc-d.  d<.-tfrmined  that  this  labor  should  be.  free,  even  in  appearance,  from 
the  taint  of  Marjmon-worship.  Latterly  however,  my  available  resources  ha-.-e  been  mucii  ciippled, 
and  I  should  have  been  glad,  for  the  book's  sake,  of  more  help.  At  different  times  durinp  the  last  four- 
teen years  1  have  received  lail  unasked  1  .^25  irom  the  late  Samuel  B.  Turtle  of  Goshen,  Conn.,  iio  from 
the  late  H.  H.  Tutile  of  Cleveland.  O..  $3  from  the  late  Daniel  Tuttle,  then  oi  Burnside,  Conn.,  and  tfi 
from  David  Tattle  of  Spring  .'ale.  Pa  .  .?5  from  W.  T.  Rigby,  Esq  ,  uf  Clear  Water,  Minn.,  and  th-;  ^3m^e 
amount  frora  Hon.  Payne  Feitibone  of  Wyoming.  Pa.;  in  all  .551.  To  this  should  be  added  the  gift  fro.m 
Thomas  R.  Trowbridge,  Esq.,  of  New  Haven, of  the  T;ipzf/-r-uzj:e  C,:i:ea:ogy:  from  Joseph  N.  Tuttle,  Esq., 
of  Newark,  X.  J.,  \\:ri  Xcw.iric  Ccnteimi.ii ;  from  Hon.  Payne  Pettibone,  ot  the  M'ycm-ng  C^Ktcnr.ial:  from 
Hon.  Hiland  Hall  of  North  Bennington,  \'c. .  his  own  History  0/ 1  '■.•rtnonl  and  several  pamphlets:  from  A. 
Brocison  Alcott  of  Concord,  his  AVrt'  Coinu-cu'c-ut;  trom  Mrs.  Strickland  and  the  Misses  Strickland  of  New- 
Britain,  Conn.,  'f':-.-  A  ?.\{r^'.vs  M^-.:::^>-i.i!.  1  he  hiart  C-en-:au'^y  and  the  Iiiitory  of  Xc^c  Briiaii:;  from  Rev. 
E.  E.  Atv/aier  of  New  Haven,  th.e  A^r  Ceitfalogy :  from  Dea.  tximund  Tuttle,  the'.'''/.vc''<''<(>v/pai'.;pl:!e'-: 
from  Capt.  Charles  H.  Townsl;end,  the  Ton-nscnd  C,eitea!.ii:y jx^A  several  pamphlets;  from  Pres.  Tuttle  of'CoUege,  the  Life  0/  V.'iiiiiiin  T'.iftle:  from  Rev.  Samuel  Orcutt,  the  ffistory  0/ li'oLott^znd. 
from  A.  W.  BVuen,  Esq.,  two  copies  of  the  American  re.ptinl  oi  ihz  Li'/e  0/  John  Biiu-nyHW  oi  y;h.\ch 
were  gratefully  received. 

C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S 

F UFA-  ACK.  —  Upipdltv ,  Atavism,  Chara.noristics ilj 

EmM.AXAI  1(~).VS ^.:j;  ^ 

TiTK  Nami:.— Kiyinolci-y— Thotli,  Ajiollo,   Mrrciuy,  I'olnies,  01x'lir>ks,   Tualhal, 

Totliills  in  England jv 

ToTun.T,^  OF  l>i  vox xyVu 

Emkujatiox  to  Nr:w  Ex (^i, and t^x^^y 

llKXKV  TuTurr.T.  of  Hinglian-: — (Ics.-piidant'^ xxvi 

John  'J'cj'Ti.r;  of  Dovi-r,  Nr-,\  '  Himiiislnrp— ilfi^rpudunts xxvii 

UicnAiM^  TuxTJ.E  of  l^oston— ckscondanTs ^xxii 

John  Tcttlf.  of  Ipswich — dr'srendants xxxiv 

\\'T;.i.iA^f  'I'm  r,E  of   Nf.v-  llavun ] 

<  Ii:xKA).oi.:v  of  \'.  illiain  'Citrji-'s  ;>"-'^rn']ants 1 

l"x  J.oc  A'i  KT;  Families 5,.i() 

Mj-i  t:i.).AXY.— In\  ,r  \Vim.  'i'utLlf's  Iv-iato (\\\] 

iuwiitory  of  Eii/.aL-oi'i  'i'ui  i ],■■>;  Eslate (jOo 

J.vcoi;   >ri',.',Y\.  Bioyro'ouiral  Xintes  (d" GO;] 

t^'lTLKs'  Hl;-TOUV  OK  'lH  L-.  JriiGKs,  Xotos  fron\ G'i-1 

Co;...  AAi^OX  Buim,  Am  estry   of OOf; 

SlU  (iKOT{f4F,    DoWXIXTr f;07 

EicnA};i>  Cii'.AVTOx — I'lrst  Engli-^h  l^ihlo i!0<^ 

Mo  T'JO.-^ C ;  0 

■J.ixiCAL  Axi)  I^uiKCx— Cor.r,ATK);AT.  Descent,  Avekagi:  Duiiatiox  of  Eimax 

Life,  Sfccessiox'  of  (i]:xEKATioxs on 

LixE  FKOM  0(10  to  1SG4 01.:.' 

Lixj:  \i';;:  oi'  fJi;  wto.x c,\^ 

Bur  EX  Fam  r  1.Y Gl  6 

Ap]'exdix (;!■; 

Gexeat,ogicae  ^'oT]■;s— Ailing- Family,  G-JO;  Atwatcr,  G'^i:  Anstin,  GO"),    Ariuild, 

G27:    Ball,    G2S;    Baldwin,    CiU;    Barnes,    KQ;     Bee.-liei.    G3-I;    Brown,    G;57; 

Blakeslce,  GHO;  Benliam,  GU;  Bnxkett,  C>12;  Bradley.  Gf;!;  Cook,  64.");  Dag- 

g-etf,  CIS;  Dickermau,  GJf!;  J>oo]iitle.  (i.")l ;   Tlotcliki.-s,  GnO;  Hemingway,  GoG; 

llepbnrn.  GoG;  Hart,  G."i7;  Hull,   (ioS;  Hopkins,   GGl;  Joluisi.n,  GGG;  Kitcliel, 

GG7;    :ilanslield,    (;G7;    ^fix,    GOU;     Munson,     G7'2;     <.)lcott,    G7o;    Ogden,    075; 

Boekwll,    G;7;    Bowe,    (i79:    Sedgwiek,    G7!»;     Sherman,    081;    Sncll,    083; 

Speiry,  GSI;  Slod-l.o.d.  CS,-);  Stowo,  GSC;  Piernont,  GO.");  Todd,  G98;  Thomp- 

'?')n,  7().':  'J'nnaliiill,  7(i!;  Tiirner,   70."). 
AnrM':xoA.-   o)lie-;,  To;;  Jlall,  Tos;  B.-trihonc,  ]\():  Nye,  71'2. 

EKK.VTA ! 710 


AiJurtEVlATioxs. — b.,  born;  bap.,  baptized;  d.,died;  lii. ,  married;  wf.,  v.ife;  ■'vid., 
widow:    f.,   father;  s.,   sou;  dau.,    daughter;    cous.,   cousin;    sis.,   si.'^ter;  bro.,   brother; 
I  nu).,  mother;  gr.  dau.,  granddaughter;  gr.  s.,  grandsou;  unm.,   iinriiarried;  chil.,  cliil- 

j  dren;  chh.,  church;  s.  L,  t<ans  is-'^ur,   or  witlioul    childrcu;  de.=;c.,  descendant;  res.,  resi- 

!  dence  or  resided;  rem.,  vemi.\-ed;  ini.,   Ir.xried;  rt..  right;  couv.,   conveyed;  est.,  estut<;. 

I  \Vhen  the  name  of  a  tov.ii  or  locality  is  rej^eaied   in  the  same  ])aragraph  the  initial 

I  letter  only  i.s  used. 

[  (Jther  abbreviations,  if  not  such  as  are  in  comuiou  use,   will  be  understood  in  cou- 

inectiou  with  the  context. 
Ark.\ngi:mknt. — T lie  general  arrangement  is  in  lines — all  the  descendanis  of  the 
eldest  child  being  given  first,   followed  by  the  next  and  so  on.     This  miglit  be 
termed  the  vertical  plan,  in  distinction  to  the  arrangen;ent  by  gejicralioiis,  or  Iiorizon- 
[  tallv  in  strata  or  layers  of  generations.     The-  lineal  or  vertical  method  was  found  the 

i  must  convenieiit  in  the  actual  work  of  compilation,  besides  pi.issessiiig  oilier  advantages, 

1  such  as  economy  of  space,  less  repetition  and  greater   facility  of  tracing-  descents.      Tlift 

[  arrargenicnt  by  gene-rations  involves  the  necessity  of  turning  over  the  leaves  of  tlie  whole 

I  book  to  trace  any  given  line,  while  by  the  lineal  i^lan  every  line  is  comprised  witiiin  the 

[  compass  of  a  few  con.secutive  pages.     It  is,  periiaps,  not  loo  much  to  call  the 

(  lineal  the  natural  arrangement. 

'io  reduce  repetition  and  the  scattering  of  fainiiie:;  to  the  miniinmn,  the  final  para- 
gra]il'S  in  the  record  of  a  line  are  made  to  include  as  much  as  possible  without  confusion 
or  overtaxing  the  attention.  The.  clear  and  open  arrang-emont  l>y  offsets  is  the  bes*  for 
this  purpose;  but  after  setting  u]>  sixteen  pages  in  tliis  wiiy  it  was  found  impracticable 
on  account  of  space.  Instead  of  indicating  the  children,  grandcliildren,  etc.,  by  oll.sets. 
it  is  done  more  compactly  by  varying  the  type — names  of  ciiildren  in  lioman;  grand- 
children in  s>r.\h!.  CAPIT.VLS;  great-graud-chiidren  in  italics;  great-great-grand-children 
bv  reversion  to  the  common  type,  and  great-great-great-graud-childreu  by  enclosing 
their  numbers  in  parentheses.  Example,  p.  176: 
37.    Caleb  Tuttle  had: 

1.     r-'ar;di    (jecorrl  fn''v  given,  p.  177. 
II.     Caleb. 

in.  Thomas.  (As  his  record  would  be  so  long  as  to  disrupt  the  list  of  Caleb's  chil- 
dren, and  too  involved  in  itself,  it  is  dropped,  to  be  taken  up  on  the  next  page  under 
the  liumber  373.) 

IV.     James,  record  fuUv  given. 
V.     ]hK)s,  had: 
1,  Enos.     2.  Deborah,  ni   John  Bi-adley  and  had: 

1,   Aiathia.     '2,  John. 
S.MvKV.     A.   EsTiiKi:.     5,   Phki-.e,  t;j.  Elijah  Osborn  and  "had: 

1,   Eli.     2.   Kno.^. 
It  will  be  s.'cn  l>y  referring  to  the  text  that  the  children  and  grand-children  of  Enos 
follow  in  til''  suiue  consecutive  order  as  in  the  example,      'i'his   is  the  key   to  the   whole 

>;rMHT-;iUN.':.— The  system  was  devi-.-d  by  Hev.  Dr.  J'.hn  E.  Todd  [p.  00].  and  is 
here  used,  bv  his  peimi.-sion.  for  ;h,-  ilvsr  tiu'e  in  any  ).ubiicaliw!i.  It  was  a.dopied  !>y 
tlie  com[ii'ler  as  the  sim[desr  an;l  be>t  knoun  i..  Idui.  h  o'oviates  the  cuuibrous  serials 
hitherto  deemed  essential,  and  earh  r.umlK-rserves tiie  i>urpose  ufu  ojily  of  identilication, 
but  is  also  a  genealogical  hi.-tnry  ot  tiie  per.-on  tu  whose  name  it  isal  i.arhed.  K>-ti/,pU~- 
()n  ]>age  1,  John  Tuttle  is  the"lirsl  child  of  \\illiani;  his  n!!ml)er  is  1  tl>.rou-gl-out  the 
<r<-neaiogv.  On  tiie  same  ])a<:e  is  a  list  of  his  children,  of  whtiru  >an)iiel  v-as  the  ;M; 
this  number,  placed  on  the  right  of  his  father's  iiumber.  is  13.  Oii  ]^■^^^R  '24  and  21  are 
Saiauel's  children,  <d"  whom  the  Hth  is  Jo:?iah,  whicli  n-.:'.!;es  number  136.     On  page 



3^)  are  Josinh's  children,  of  whom  tlif  4th   is  Jtliicl;  liis  number  is  1364      On  i,-wr(.  -37 
are  Jehiol's  chiMren,  of  whom  ihv  1st  is  Isaiali,  \rliose  lumiljurii.g  is  13641       In'  m-ai) 
itulfition  we  h;ivc:  '  '    ' 

1.  John,         1st  child  of  Williuiii. 

13.  Samuel,    'j;1        ••         John. 

136.         Oosiah,      (nh       '•  Sunnul. 

1364.      Jchiel,      4tli      •'        Jo.sip.h.  :    '■.   '   y..     '  -■•'     /'       ; 

13641.   Isaiah,      1st       "         Jchid.  —       - 

Tliat  is  to  ^!iy:  Isaiah  Tuttle  Avas  tho  1st  dnlil  of  th^  -Uh  cliilrl  of  tlic  *lih  child  of  th.> 
3(1  chihl  of  the  1st  chihl  of  William  Tnttlc,  as  r.'iMT-jntcd  bv  thonmulwr  13G41 
at  th<- left  of  bis  name.  The  same  ].lau  is  pursued  thnmg-liout,'  Aslif-ilirr  tli.-  line  of 
dcsrent  is  liiroiiirh  male  i)ro.<r..'nitors,  as  in  thn  above  insfance,  or  female,  or  made  uu  of 
Loth.  V.'heu  the  number  of  children  exceeds  9  rlie  two  IlL^ure-.  ccniposinL'- tbe  nuiiiber 
are't\'.een  t\\-o  periods,  as  on  i)a^e  r.(Jl ,  Luciiis'l'uttle  Xo  923  10  b.-iii<' 
the  lOthclsild  of  Kphraim,  023.  '  '      "^--^ -'•'    ^'^ '^ 

To  trace  tiny  line  back,  d.isrard  il,e  first  fiw-mo  on  the  lia-l.t  and  look  alon-  the  left 
Imnd  side  of  the  ])ag-e  for  the  number  that  reinains.  Tho  lu-xt,  Jiid;;  is  found  in  the  same 
manner  by  discarding  the  righi  hand  liirure. 

The  numbering  of  each  genealogy  foim.s  a  seiuirute  system  by  itself,  havine-  no 
•connection  \\hh  the  rest.  "  '  " 

Tlie  numbers  in  brark-ts  with  p.  refer  to  tlie  paft-e.  Other  numbers  in  biackebs 
refer  to  the  branch  in  which  related  matter  may  be  found,  as  [1|,  lu'ancli  of  Jolnu  [x^j 
hranch  of  Hannah,  etc. 

A  slight  mistake  wa-;  made  by  tlie  draftsman  in  the  drawinu'  of  tie-  Toshi!'  Arms. 
Tlie  Ci-Hst,  instead  of  resting  on  ti:c  J-hield,  sliouM  be  raisi  d  aboN-e  it  and  st-parattd  hv  a 
slight  interval. 

In  regard  to  dates,  the  difi'crenr,-  between  tin-  old  and  tlie  uj^v  stvle  is  now  so  irt-n- 
erally  understood  as  to  need  no  explanation.  Tie-  dates  jaior  to  IToi  areohl  sivle^for 
the  ni.ost  part. 


N.uiies  aiu  surna,;K..s  their  on-in  an<l  signification,  have  h«n  xhf  subject  of  much 
spr-r-u]ati..n  and  In  early  tinie«  an  individual  had  hut  one  7uune  and  that  ,?.-oi. 
aWyawnrd  de.^cni.tive  of  .some  personal  p>wu!lar!iv.  a.s  Lono-  Short  White  Bi-ieh' 
etc.  As  populati.m  increased,  the  requirements  for  new  and  distinctiv.^  name^  miiUi' 
]d,ed.  and  orcupunons.  trades,  natural  objects  and  evervthin.-  el-e  Inue  1-ern 
pressed  into  th.-  service.  For  the  mo«t  part  tluse  are  sullicientlv  indicmiVe  of  their  to  enable  any  nne  to  classify  under  ai.prnpriato  hf  ads  a  laroe  proporaon  of  ail  the 
suni.iuiLS  he  has  ever  seen  (u-  '-an  remember.  .      '      i 

'I'l.o  i.rimitive  custom  of  addimr  the  faf  ier's  name  to  tin-  son's  l,v  w-v  of  di-bictn  n 
cont.n,mda,mmi,tlie  Welsh  l.n-aft-r  sun,ames  ha<l  become  geneVal  tm.ono  ^h- euui: 
mon.alTv  ot  The  rest  ot  Britain,  and  so  it  happened  that  the  common  rhrlsiian  naaies  of 
Ivdua  cl.  ^\lllla,M  Robert.  Puchard,  etc..  enter  .so  la ro-ely  into  the  family  nomenc!atu-e 
o.  Tlu-;.  P<iy\>a'.  i  n.-y  also  extended  U  so  us  to  inclu.le  more  or  less  of  their  i-edi-^ree  or 
paternal  l.neai:e_a  ra.tom  which  Fuller  illustrates  in  his  .p.aim  and  humorous  ^ne  as 
folbnys:  ;•  1  lunnas  a]..  \Miliani-ap.  Thomas— ap.  iJi-liard-ap  ]!owell~;M>  Vvan 
Vaughn,  Jv-cj.vvas  horn  of  ancien.aiul  wor.shipful;-e  at  .Morton,  in  Flintshire 
in  the  reigu  ot  Plenry.  \  111.  (l.jOiJ-lolT).  This  .vucb man.  lu-i,,,^  called  at  the  uanel  of 
the  jury  by  the  aioresaui  names,  and  manv  more,  was  .^Iviscl  l,v  the  iud-e  for  I'.revitv's 
sake  to  contract  his  name.      So  he  called  himself  Morion.'"  j      r^  ... 

This  exanii)!..-  was  followed  by  other  gentrv  of  Wales,  who,  leavim'  (h.-ir  redi'-rice 
at  liome,  carry  oidy  one  surname  abri)ad  with  them,  wherebv  mu(di  tinTe  e.jv"-;il'lv  in' 
winter  when  the  days  are  sln.rt,  is  saved  for  otlier  employment. "  '  '     " 

The  higlier  ranks  were  tlie  lirsl  to  ado]it  surnames.  In  France  about  tlie  "ml  of  'he 
tenth  century,  the  baruns  b.-gan  the  custom  l.y  taking  the  names ',.f  iheir  estates  am! 
thiMS  the  general  origin  of  family  names  among  tlie  nobilitv  ..f  Europe  The  o'ldest 
surnames  m  England  are  the  nam.'s  of  jdaces  in  Xonnandv. "  Surnames  so  d^rivrd  are 
classed  as  "  Place  Names." 

Localhies  nan.ed  Totldll  or   TuthiU  are  still   numerous   in    (ireat    Britain        V  late 
writer  in  the  Lr.„do,)  Xotrs  and  Q'lerin,  says:     ••  I  wonder  how  manv  'J'othills  are  now 
left  in  England?     Tuthill,  near  Thetford,  Norfolk  Co..  has  been  so  calletl  from  the  time 
of  the  great  battle  there  between  I'ldward  the  Maitvr  and  tlie  Danes,  A.  I)   ,S71 
Toothill,  also  called  Beacon  Hill,  near  C;ernarvon  Castle. 

Toothill  or  Tothil]  Fields,  a  lar-e  tract  on  the  s,nith-u.-,i  sid,.  of  W.>s'ininster  It 
comprised  the  laud  between  T(,thill  street.  Pimlico  and  ih.-  river  'i'hanies  "  .\n  nncer' 
tain  boundary."  says  Jeremy  Bentham.  li  adjoined  Wrstminst.-r  .VbLrv  and^w^-s  once 
witliin  the  limits  of  the  s:mctuarv  of  that  Stow  savs;  •■  From"  the  entVv  i.or. 
Toteluli  tield,  Tuttie  street  is  called  Petty  France."  '  '    '"^  ' 

In  Ni(diors  a--count  of  receivimr  tin-  Queen  in  the  Coll e  ( •luuTh  of  Westirinst—  oi 

the  first  day  of  Parliament.  Oct.  Bl  1.VJ7.  it  is  referred  to  as  ••  T.H.t(di:] I  street' 
lying  m  the  wrs;  part  of  the  Cjtie.  taketh  nanu-  of  a  hil!  near  it.  wlii-di  is  <alied  Toote' 
nil.  m  tln-gr.-ai  tield  near  the  .stre-t."— P/vr/''' -^-'.s^  ";V^/^,v,.  Kli'.:h.-th.  In  an  ancient 
lease  It  is  called  Toothill.  ()!!.-n  nam.  d  l)v  St.ov  in  "his  .S'//?t,  y  ,>f  I  ,na'n,:  under  th.- 
varying  forms  of  Tothill.  Toothill  and  Tutt'le.  [ii  BMS,  Stow  s,",vs"  ll,.nr\-  I  'co'is'hlered 
the  expediency  of  granting  a  lifteen  dav's  annual  fair  to  the  Al'iw.'  ,)t  Wrstniiusr.-i-  to 
l.'e  held  at  Tuthill  or  Tothill  (now  T.ithill  Fields)  durii;-  x^hh  i;  tmn- alf  trade'sVio'uhi 
c-nse  within  the  city.  Again,  lie  says;  "  \\\  the  lime  ui  Eiiward  i.  .  l:::.'^!;;,.;)  a  fr.'-liet 
in  t}u:  'J'hi;mes  River  overflowed  at  fothvll  as  Muttliew  of  Wesiininsfr  reoorteth  " 
{a)  ■       '  '  - 

X  ■  NAME. 

f  In  time  of  llenry  II!  it    wn-   ]).'s>c^Sf(I   as  a   inuiior  by  Jolm],  a   ^n-'ichi  and 

j  KiMi:"s  Counsel,  who  al'terwanls   l)ocauH>   Lonl  Cliancellor  of  Eii_<;-1aiid.     Here  lie  enter- 

i  taint'd  (li2.JiVi  till'  Kini:  and  Queen  of  England,  tlie  Kii'g  and   (Juceti  of  Scotland,  Prinee 
Edward  (afterward  Edward  1.)  and  a  great  nuii;l)cr  of  the  nolnlity,  kniglits  and  bishops, 

f  The  house  imt  being  large  emmgh  larae  tents  \vt-re  used. 

I  On  the '2')lh  of   Aug.,    lii")!.    the    Lcmdnu   and    We-^tiidnster  tiained  bands  drew  nut 

I  into  Tuttle's  Fields,  ill  all  about  14.000.     'J'jie   Sj)eaker  and   diveis    nienibeis  of   I'arlia- 

•  ment  ^vent  tliere  to  spe  them. 

!  At  Tutbury  in  StaiTord  Co.  are  the  ruins  of  a  castle  built  by  one  of  the  King-s  of 

!•  ]SIeroia.  and  re-built  by  .J<din    of   (iaunt.  in  which  Mary,   Qtieen  of  Scots,    was  conlined 

j  loi3(*-70,  and  again,  1584-815,     There  hs  also  a  Nonnan  church  f>r  Priory,  founded  in  1070. 

j  Tutnes  is  the  innst  ancient   town    in  the  kingdom.      It  ^  tands  on  tiie  river  Dart,  in 

[  Devon,  and  consists  principally  of  one  long  street;  sonn-  of  the  houses  having  jsiazzas, 

!  vhile  the  upper  stories   project   considerably   over  the   hnvcr.     The  Castle,  the  keep  of 
\vhich  is  .still  in  tolerable  ijres.u'vation,  is  a   large.   circul;-.r,  turreted  building,   sran(lin<'- 

■  on  ;ui  Itiiiitjisr  /rrfifri,/f  hionii'i ,  fr'.i"  ir/n'c/i  tin'  ("irn  and  r,/,'./'"  ih_rii\'  tJirir  n'ni'C. 

!  Toothii!  in  "i'orkshire  is  a  remarkable  round   topt   hill,    near   which   ther<'  lived   a 

!  flourishing  family  nearly  seven  hundred  years  ago,   tiie   Mrst  of   whom  was  ]>ichard  de 

i  Toothill,  wlio  took  his  surname  from  the  name  of  this  place.     It  isjdaia  that  other  fam- 

!  ilies,  widely  separated  in  jioint  of  locality  and  in  ethnological  derivation — Saxon,  Celt  or 

}  Xorman,  might,  under  similar  circumstances,  assume  the  same  name,  and  as  a  matter  of 

!  liistory,  it  docs  a])pear  as  a  .':urname  ut  a  very  early  date  indiiTercnt  ywrts  of  the  country. 

i  The  first  nan.e  on  the  roll  of  Battle  Abbey  (lOtJf))  is  'Totehs. 

j.  In  rJ80  Joh.n  le  nar])ur  de  \Vakelield  and  Eleanor,  his  wife,  granted  to  '!"homas  de 

,  Touthill  ari  annu;)l  rent  (d  S  s.  whi<^h  said  Thomas  had  reC':ive|-,-d  in  Vi'd'j  ivowi  Vv'iiliam, 

;  son  of  Adam  del  Lee,  in  Old  Linley  (Halifax)  Yorkshire. 

'  In  l"J>-"7  Isab'd  Scott  and  Alice,  her  daughter,  granted  htnds  in    Hiistrick  (Yorkshire) 

I  to  .Jolm  de  Toothill,  whose  descendants  are  afterwards  called  de  Totoliill. 

\  (.>f  the  same  fanjiily  v.-as  Ilueh   de  'j'oihill   and,  his    wife,  \\  ho  had  grant  of  ilie 

I  Manor  of  Brigh.ouse  fur  their  lives  (I'^HIi  -lid  -John  de  Totehill.  their  young.;r  son,  after 

■  their  ilecease. 

[  They  liehl  hinds  in  fee  both  in  Fixby  and  IJastricic.     Tiv^  Manor  of  To.jihill  is  des- 

i  crilx.'d  as  '•  .Manrium  de  TtH.)Thi!i,  in  \'iHa  de  R;istriclc   in   \'-]-V2.   and   Sir  ^^'m.  de  Beau- 

I  mont  granted   to  'J'honuts  de   Totidiill   and    W'm..   his   son,    the  moiety  of  t!i:-  town  of 

j  Fekisi\v  iFixby)  with  wa.rds,  marriages,  et<-. 

I  In  Devi'ushire  "John  (iilford  held  Ackot  of  Alice  de  'J'othill  in   I:.':)?.'" 

i-  In  an  old  church  at  Iiedenhall,    Norfolk  Co.,   an    inscription   still  exists:     "Tn  141)4 

(  Richard  Totyl  or  Tuthill  was  buried  in  this  church," — Blomi'lhhl. 

•  Geofl'ry  \\'arl>urton  installed  by  Bislio])   Smith,   rector  <^1'   the  parish   of    Sta-pleforu 

■  (Herts),  Auir.  7.  14U9.  He  died,  and  (Toorge  Washington  insialleil,  -Mav  4.  Io04.  He 
\-  resigned,  and  Kobert  AVycliin  in-.taPed.,  \Kc.  10.  b^OO.  He  resigned,  and"  ^Vm.  TotehilJ 
[  installed  by  Bisiiop  Atwater,  Oct.  0,  lolG.  He  died,  and  \Vm.  Felde  succeeded,  loliS. — 
[■  CluHi  rhiiei-'s  History  "f  Ih  rls. 

[  .John  Tuttlebury,  -M,  Baron  of  the  English  l^xidieipier.  1401, 

I  The  Xorfolkshire  Tuthills  w(n-e  seated  at    Saxlinirham.     ^Villiam   Tuthill   of  tliat 

\  manor  nnirried  Susan,  daughter  of  Peter  <>sl)orn  of  Chicksan<ls  Abbey.     Sir  .lohn  Osboru, 

f  sou  of  Sir  Peter,  was  ancestor  of   Sir  Daiwers   Osboru,   (Jov.    of  N.  Y.,  17.")4.      Dorotliy 

i  Osboru,  who,  says  Macauley,  "  was  bcsieg.-d  bv  as  many  lovers  as  were  drawn  to  Bei- 

[  mont  1)V  the  fanu'  of  Portia,"  among  them  Henry  Cromwell,  bnjtherof  Oliver,  was  grand- 

■  daughter  of  Sir  John.     She  nmrried  Sir  \Vm.  Temple. 

\       .  BloomfiehTs  iZ/v^i/v/ rt/JN'or/w//.-,  /,'«r/.,  describes  the  arms  of  'i'uthill   in   the  church 

{  at  Newton,  granted  one  of  that  mime  at  Saxlingham.       A   Chevron   .\zure,  ;:5  Crescents 

J  Argent. 

;,  An  inscription  iu  the  Chancel  of  the   same  church,  to  "  The  loving   wife  of   Roger 

»■  Dallyson,  son  and  heir  apparent  to  William    Dallysiwi  of    l-aughton.  Lincoln  Co.,  I'^stj." 

1  She  was  daughter  and  heiress  of  William  'I'uthill  of    Newton,    Oent,   Elizabetli  hi.s 

I  wife,  and  died  Sejn.  27,  loS.'},  in  the  iOih  year  of  le-r  age.      A  brass  plato  (now  lost)  was 

;  inscrilx^d.  "  Here  iyeth  the  budy  of   William  Turtle,  g-eut,  who  eudetli  this  life,  "^^th  of 

I  Manh,  l.")!ll."     He"  was  born  at' Saxlingham  and  man  led  the.  daiurhter  of  .Mr.  Woolsey 

t  ■  of  Norwi(  h,  by  wluun  he  had  only  one  dauL'^hrer,  who  marrii'd  i'oger  Daliyson.      "  .Vrms 

\  of 'I'uthill  and' \Vi».>Ise\-:    ( )r  on  a  chevron.    betwci-n:5    woolp.acks.    azure,:!   uari'S  of  tin 

i  Of  this  family,  shown  by  arms  i-oidirnud  to  him,  was  A\  i'b.M.i  T.iilidl    f.  4.,  ol  the 
Manorof  Tuthill  in  Cambridgeshire.  fath'T  of  Francis,  son  and  heir  of  WlHiaui.  '.vho  had 


.-(.n.  Col.  Kiiliert  'J'nthill,  vlio  conuii-iii(lecl  o  regimuut  ieiup.  Chiirlos  I,  and  for  .service 
rciidnvfl  to  that  moiKUvh  imd  amis  cwnfinueil  to  liini.  1()40, —  Thne  ('rtgrr/it^,  rtc. 

Tht' crest  of  the  Norfolk  Tutliills  is  A  bee  Volant  in  jiale  propt-r.  — y>oc?/.:  ofFdiiL.  Crcsifi. 
■■"^  "In  llu;  Hisl'.'vy  of  JL  I.' if  ax  by  llev.  John  \Vut>-,)n  are  sonic  further  detailsin  relation 

to  ihe  Yorksliise  l)iaiich,  the  iir.->t  of  whiim  was  Kicliaril  de  Toothill,  named  above.  ]le 
h.ul  sons  Tliomas.  ^ilattliew  and  Kichard.  Mnttliew  had  lar.ds  in  the  graveship  oT  Ilip- 
perliohn,  in  lol4,  and  was  wiTnes^  to  a  ih-i'd  in  Voo~i.  lie  had  -lohn,  who  live<l  at  Silk- 
eley,  and  who  had  llngli  ;^a  witne-is  to  deeds  in  \  \'.]<)  and  .bilm  de  d'oothill,  whieh  Hugh 
had  Thouias. 

Thirinas,  ehh'.-i  s.uof  the  lirsi  P.iid-.aril,  manii'd   Modcsta.     Thomas,  above  named, 
}iad  by  Modesta,  \Vil!ia;u.  Hugh,  John  and  i)n>'e  daughtei-s. 

WiUiaiu  de  'J'o 'thil!,  sou  of  'I'linmn-.  maviii'd  Siliyl,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Thomas 
de  Fekisby.     By  this  Sil)yl  lie  had  Mariraret.  his  daughtrr  and  heiress,  who  being  in  her 
minority  at  the  time  of  lier  father's  dtath,  wa-  in  the  eu;-:tody  oi'  wurdshiit  of  Earl  \N'ar- 
I  ren  (Jid'iu  de  Warren,  Earl  of  .Surrey i. 

I  This  Margaret  married  Rlrhard  de  'J'hornh.lll.  in  the  time  of  Kdwaid  III    and  carried 

I  all  her  father's  estates  into  that   family,  where  they  still  continue.     And  is  said  to  have 

f  ha<l  the  lands  of  Isabel,  reku-r  of  Johii  Scot,  and  her  d;iughters.      Now,  it  a[>])ears  from 

I  several  deeds,  that  al>out    1'2S7.'  this    Isabel   and    lier   daughteis   granted  to  one  John  do 

I  Toothill,  certain  lamls  in    H.astriek.   called   IJnlands;  Ids  name  is  omitted  in  the  above 

i  pedig'ree.  and  it  is  no  further  <-eitain     vim   he,  than  that  Thomas  was  his  lieir,  and 

I  that  his  name  occurs  in  deeds  befnre  and  after  13'jij.     Most  of  these  descents  are  jiroved 

f  from  deeds  belonging  to  Thomas  ThorJihill,    Es'i.,  of   Fixby,  in   \vhieli  \"S'ilIi;un,  son  of 

\  Anabil  de  Rastrick  and  Ellen,  1iis   wife,   ihumhler  of  John  S..ot.    with   Alice,  h"r  sifter, 

t  grant  lands  to  Thomas  de  Tootlikl,    for  life,  and  atterhis  decease,  to  William,  son 

%.  of  the  said  Thonuts,  and  if  William  dieii  v,it]i<mt  issue,  lo  John,  son  of  the  said  ITiomas, 

\  at.fl  for  default  of  issue  in  the  said  .bdiu.  to  ail   his  si^-ters.     As  Hugh  is  not  mentioned 

I  liere,  he  prol'ably   was  dead;  luu   his  existence   is  proved   in    i:>31   by  a  deed    wlierein 

f  'i'homas  de  Tothill  grants  to  William  de  Tothill  and  his  heirs,  remainder  to  John,  bro- 

I  :hcr  of  said  William,  remainder  to  Ik.igh..  brother  (;f  s;'.id,  remainder  to  si'^ters  of 

I  said  Hugh.-— 77.://,.   Ik.  II.  Tntluir.^  J//'//'dxs. 

1.  Anns  of  Too'hi!!  of  Tootldll:     (Jr.  on  a  Chevron  J^'abk",  three  Crescents  .■\igent, 

R  Lysbns,  in  his  Jlldorii  of  Ciijhhri<^'ji-'}<irf ,  say>  the  Manor  of  "I'l.ttdiill  or  'JV.teiudl,  in 

I  the  parish  of  Swatfham  Pi'ior,  was  m)  called  from  an  aucieni  faudly  of  tliat  name,  and 

t  is  supposed  to  h.ive  jias.-ed  to  Co-heiresses  in  14'kl.      'I'Jn   r.iat  of  arms  of  the  family  U]>ou 

r  a  mcjiiument  still  renudiung  in  (jne  oi   the  cliundu-.^  of  the  jiaiish,  is,    "'  Argent,  on  a 

I  Chevrmt  Azure,  three  Crescents.  Argent." 

I  From  the  similarity  of  arms  it  wouM  apjiear  that    all   these    fantilies  were  identical 

\  iri  oriirin. 

|.  'i'he  late  H'lU.  W.  H.  Tuthill   in   the   address   ijuot.'d  aliove,  copies  from  a  letter  of 

t  Mrs.  ].nin:-a  C.  Tr.tile  j"p.  ]lio]  in  whieli  sin-  gives  an  accounr  of  a  visit  made  liy  lier  hus- 

I  iiaud  to  Sirtk-orge  L.  Tuthill.  an  eminent  jdiysician  of  kondon.     Tiie  visit  \\a'~  for  the 

purpose  of  nurking  inquiries  in  relation  to  the  Tutliills:  •"  lie  was  very  politely  received, 
and  obtained  from  Sir  (ieorge  much  interesting  inbuniation  uitli  regard  to  the  family. 
The  tradition  being  referred  to,  that  the  American  Tuihills  originally  came  from  lling- 
hain,  England,  Sir  Ceorge  remarked:  'The  .same  family  as  my  own;  irr  were  from  the 
('ity  of  Norwich,  and  our  ancestors  were  originally  from  Hinghani.'  In  the  course  of 
tlie  conversati<jn,  family  traits  and  peculiarities  ^cere  spoken  of,  amcmg  others,  the  ten- 
dency of  the  hair  to  become  grey  at  a  comjiaratively  early  age,  and  Sir  George  referred 
to  his  own  hair,  which  was  almost  white,  although  but  little  over  forty  years  of  age. 
The  color  of  the  eyes,  so  universal  iti  the  family,  was  mentioned:  .\  gr^'}'. 
slightly  dashed  with  hazel,  whicii  was  at  once  corroborated,  somewhat  to  tlie  ainuse- 
uient  as  well  as  satisfaction  of  both,  by  (d)servingthal  their  own  eyes  were  exactly  alike. 
Other  tiaits  and  resemblances  were  referred  to  and  discussed  by  Sir  (ieorge,  who  was 
ardiiitly  devoted  to  physiological  investigatirms.  and  lie  expressed  the  decided  convic- 
tion that  our  iu-auchi  ot'  the  family  and  his  own  wt»re  from  the  saiiie  jiarent  stem."  Sub- 
scipuuit  researches  ]. roved  that  suck  was  the  fact,  for  Sir  (Jeorge  was  descended  in  the 
sixth  generation  from  John  Tuthill,  brotherof  Henry  of  Hiugham,  ancestor  of  th!>.  kong 
Ishmd  Tutliills.  Sir  (ieorge  L.  Tuthill  was  the  a-soriate  of  Sir  Henry  Hulford,  and  the 
personal  friend  of  Coleridge  and  Charles  kanib.  lie  had  a  very  high  reputation,  es])ec- 
lally  in  his  treatment  of  iliseases  of  the  brain.  He  was  knigkt'd  in  k"-',!'),  and  died  iii 
k'-'.ii,   leaving  an  only  daugliter. 

The  Tothills  of  Ireland  claim  a  .-til!  more  a.ieirut  dc.-cent.  ;oid  if  ike  old  ki-li  lusto- 
rie's  are  to  1)0  credited,  their  ancestrv  Commenced   la^fore  the   ^.hristian    era.      " 'i'lu-y  all 

Xll  SAME. 

concur  in  stating  tlicui  to  h"  of  Mile^hui   (icsn  ut,  tliiT.ngh  tlie  Nvoll   known  srpt  ')r  tribe 
of  O'TooIc  (which  si'fnis   to   be    but   a    variat'mn    ot'    the    name)  and   that  their    territorv 

■  extended  over  a  i^reat  portion  of  ttie    beautiful   liills   and   valleys  in    \\]iatisn(jw  k'nowii 
as  tlie  fojnties  of  \Mcklo\v  and  Kildare. 

They  would  a])]H'ar  to  have  lie.n  a  widlike  race,  for  when  Ireland  was  over'un  bv 
the  tjfif;-li,>!i,  they  heroically  refused  to  .snbniit  to  tiieir  rule,  ca.rryine-  on  for  many  years 
an  uncijual  contest  ai^ainst  ilie  armed  hosts  of  a  tyrannical  invader. 

:  Cfz/'f/cw,  t!u' father  of  Enirlisli  ariticinari.s.    .-ays     "The  ()"Toi>ls  and  O'Birns  oi)-ii- 

nately  withstand  ;i!l  law.  and  \ivf  in  inijilacahle  enmity  witli  the  l-]iitr]ivi!  " 

j  It  is  noteworthy  tliat  he  apjdies   the   name  <  )"|\iole    and  O' J'oihill  indisc.-rimin.itelv; 

I  for    ir^   ar^ain  speaking   of    them,  he    says,    '"In    IIMI.    'I'assauard    and    liathcante    were 

invaded  by  the  rap-paries;  namely,  the  O'Brinnes  and  O'Tothilcs  the  day  after  St.  John 
Baptist's    nativity;    whoreti]>o)i  iti  the    autumn  soon    after,  a  great  army  was  raised  in 
,  Leinstor  to  defcai  them,  both  in  (.ilcndelory  (Glendaloug-li)  and  in  other  woody  places." 

"  In  ll3ol  O'Toole,  the  chieftain  of  the  Iniail,  at  the  head  of  a  numerous  band,  })lun- 
!  dered  the  castle  and  demesne  of  Tali.. ghi.  (oA  n-iiles  S.    W.    by    W.    from    Dublin)    slen- 

i    "  luaiiy  of  the  Archbish.o])  of  I>uldi:i's  iieople.  Mid  defeated   Sir  Philip  Britt  and  a  body  of 

'  Dublin  men  who  had  l.ieen  sent  against  Idm." 

:  "  In  loUH,  O'Byne  and  O"j'oo!e  touglit  a  battle  against  the  hlnglisli.  in  whirli   Morti 

I  mcr,  P^arl  of  Majch,  and  ii  vast  nnmbei-  of  l^nglish  were  slain." 

I  McDcniiot,  i^tlie    annoiator  of  the   •' .\nmils  of  Indaud  by  tin- Four  Masters,")  savs, 

\  '■  the  territory  of  llu-  U'Tuathail's  or  O'Toole's  chieftains  of  Ily   Muireadhaigh,  or  Hv 

i  ilurray,  was  quite  an  extensive  domain,    in   the   western  ])art  of  W'icklow,   comprising 

-  the  greater  j/orlinn  of  the  ju-eseiu  baroni.  s  of  Talhotstown  and  Shih/lagh,  in  that  count}  , 

i,  and  extended  as  far  as  Almain,  n.iw   tiie   hill   of  .Allen,    in    the    couiity  of    Kildare.  tlius 

:  containing  a  great  p."irTion  of  the    baronie.s   :,d'   Naas,  Ivilcullen,  Killiea    and  .Moone,   and 

Council  in  that  county. 
i  The  O'Toolos  were  in  ancier.t   times  styled  pririi-es  of  linaile.  which  ap]iears  to  have 

■  Ijeen  a  name  ajjplied   to  their"  territory,    and  is  still    retained   in    th.e   (ijen   of   Imaile  in 
V.'icklosv,  they  had  their   chief   residence:  and    tlu-y  al.-C)  had    castles   intaruevv-, 

[  (,'astle  Kevin,  t'astie  Dermot  and  other  jilar-es. 

;  Tl'cy  took  their  name  from  Tnatiial,  one  of  the  early  kimrs  of  Ireland,  from   whom 

\  tliey  derive  their  descent,  and  being  one  (.f  th.e  ]ie;;d   f.-imilies  of    Leinster,  of  the   same 

[     ■  race  as  the  McMurrough^,  r\\v\  are  eligiijle   to   be  kinirs  of  iluit   ]'ro\-ince,     Tiie    Cele- 

i  brated  St.  Lanienco  U'Toole,  .Archbisho])  of  Dublin,  nt  the  time  nf  the  Knglish  invasion. 

■  was  son  of  Murtogh  O'Toole.  IMnceof  Inniiie;  and  many  ilistii!g'i;--hed  chiefs  of  the 
i  name  are  mentioned  in  the  eourse  of  these  iuiiuils.  They  maintained  their  rank,  and 
I.  lield  large  po.-sessious  down  to  tin-  Eli/abethian  and  Cromwellian  wars,  wh«u  their 
;  e.states  %\  ere  confiscated,  severnl  id"  them  were  Iviughtcd  at  various  jieriods,  and  Sir 
;  Charles  O"i'o(de,  an  otlicer  iu  I'^ing  Jann's'  army,   is  said   to   have  been  the  person  who 

killed  the  Duke  Schomberg  at   the  battle  of  th.    j^oyiie;  and  several  td'  them   were  dis- 
tiuguislnd  otiiccrs  iu  the  Iii-h  Kiigachs  in  the  s(  ivice  of  France  and  Spain. 
>  The  0"J'o()les  are  still  numeroas  in  the  counties  of  \A'ick1ow,  Dulilin  and  Kildare. 

^:  The  illustrious  Prelate,  thus  referred  twis  St.  Laurence  O'Toole,  nnd  whom  Camden 

!'  calls  Lawrenc  O'Thothill,  is    quite    a  distinguished  chai-acter  in    Irish    lustorv.      He   ^vas 

I  b.  in  A.  1).  110.).  his   father.  .Murtoirh  O'Tuathail"   ..r  0"J\-!o!e.  was  the  Chieftain  of  Hv 

;■  *Miirtogh  O'Toole  or  Tuatlial  wr.s  Lord  of  Im;\ilc,  and  chief  of  his  dan,  sometimes  called  Kintj  of 

l-  Dublin;  m.  a  dau.  of  ihe  kindred  iribe  of  O'liyrne.     His  son   Lawrence  was  the  tirsl   Archbishop   ct 

|.  Dublin.     He  died  at  the  monastery '.f  Eu.  Nov    1 1.  ii.-:_,.  a.   ^S.     "The  Gaelic   St;itcsman   Saint.''     Eve 

i  ()"  ruHihal.  sis.  of    Lawrence  n>.  Dermot  ^Ic.^Iu^ro^ls,'h,  and  had   Kvu  .Mc.^Iurray,  whom.  1170,  Richard 

I  de  Clare,  Kar!  of  I'embroke,  and  Chief  Justice  of  Ireland.     Called  StronErbow.     He  d    1 176-7,  and  by  Eva 

\  left  one  dan.,  Lsabel.  ward  of   Kin^  Henry  H,  in   at  a.  ..f  14,  W'm.  .MarshalL  Earl  of   Pemhroke,  who  after- 

;'  wards  bv  v.rtue  of  ihismarriaire  el  iin\ed  ttie  proprietary  of  Lemstcr.     He  was  [irotectur  of  Encland  durina 

the  minorit\r  of  Henrv  IH.      He  had  a  sjn  and  s.JCces^or,  Richard,  who  was  assassin.ited  in  Ireland,  and 
'I  succeeded  bv  j  of  his  brothers  who  all  d.  withi>at  h--trs  male,     .-\nselni.  the  last  Earl  .Marshall  of  his  family 

dyin;;:  in  114.S  left  5  co-heirc^ses  amon.x  wtvim  the  Irish   Instates  were  divided,  and  who  were  tiie  ances- 
S  tre  ses  of  iVie  Moriieiers.  I'.ruces  and  other  hi^-onc  lami!i;;s  of   Enj^hind  and  Scotland.     .\iid  »o  the  blood 

I  c.f  ICarl  Ricli;.rd  and  his  Iri^h  I'nnc'.T  descend.  <1  for  many  generations  toearicli  other  houses  and  ennoble 

other  naiiies  than  his  ov.n;  the  ss.  d  .  j-.  /.  ot  whom  was  Richard  who  was  called  '"the  rtower  of  cl.iva'.ry." 

—  N"tti /roi'i  Hist,  of  lr,-iiti:ii. 

1.      Maud    M  irshall.  m     HuL,'h   Iiii,'od.    •/!    Earl  01    Nor:  jjk;  (2;  Wm.  de  Warren.  EnrI   of  .surrey:  (e 

Waller  l)u-.tan\  ;li;-.     Her  j;re,c.   yreat   ^rand  dau.   by  istai,  Joan  Bif;od.  m .  Sir  '.\ni.  L'hauncey  and  is 
f  ar.cestrtss  of  the  Chaunceys  of  .Vnieri.:a. 

!  II.     Joan  Marshall,  m     Earl  of  Suffolk. 

\  HI.     Isabel,  in.  Gilbert  de  Clare,  Earl  (Jloucesier,    (i»   Kich-rd,   Eari  of  Cornwall,  brotiier  of    Kin" 

?  Henrv  III. 

!  IV.     Sibyl,  m.  Robert  Ferrars,  4tli  Ear!  of   Derby.     One  01  her  desc.  was  Edward,  4th  Kmg  of  Engf. 

\  V.     Kva,  in.  V/m.  Bruce  of  Breknoek. 

;  A  history  of  the  dijteiidants  c(  these  live  si.^icrs  would   comprise   the   romance  o!    English,   history   for 

i  two  hue.drcd  years. 

i  _  NAME.  Xiii 

Muniy.  and  his  motlicr  a  dauglitor  ut"  tin-  kiiidrcil  tribe  of  O'llvrnc — liis  ])o.ssfssioii.s 
■coiiipiiscl  al)out  h:\U  of  the  present  enmity  of  l\iM:ire,  from  svliirh  he  \vas  dispossessed 
by  tlie  Eii^-lish  invaders  and  driven  into  tiie  fa.-ti;es-r>  nf  Wicklow. 

Laurenee.  becnnie  so  celebrated  for  liis  h-arnin^^  and  ])ic'tv,  tliat  when  Lc  had  attained 
his  twenty  fifth  year,  lie  was  made  Al)bot  of  (ilendalouoh.  and  iiimu  the  (h-atli  of  Greg- 
ory. r)i(  first  Archbishop  of  l)u))liu.  was  i)y  acclannifioii  seated  in  the  archi(;])i.seupa] 
e'lair,  in  wliieh  he  contiiiiied  until  his  death  in  1]>S0.  He  was  so  renowned  for  his  sanc- 
tiry,  that  in  12-.'(j  (fotty-six  year.s  after  Iris  derease)  lie  was  cannonized  bv  Pope  Jlono- 
rius  III,  and  tints,  says  liiv  liioo-niphcr,  "  a  scion  of  thf  old  Celtic  nice  "was  placed  on 
tlie  calendar  of  Saints." 

I  /x^"-!/'.  in  his  I'litr.'tiymica   l^iitrnnica.  snvs  that   the  O'Tooles  or  0'Tno£r]iall.s  claim 

I  ai\  anci'Mit  Milesian  descent  from   raihunr  More.    Kiiiir  of  Leinster.    of  tlie^liermonian 

i.  race,  ancestor  of  Lnoyaore,  the  tirst  Chrisiian  monaicli  of  Irehmd,  contenniorarv  with  St 

I  Patrick."  ' 

I  Tlie  early  liistury  of    Ireland,  lieTore    the  inii'oduction  of  Cliristinnitv    is  soinewhat 

^_  obscure,  but   according  to  Kciting,   (J'Fl<i.rhi:rty,  ami  the  old    iuinaiists,  the    Milesians 

t  wete  (iiiuinally  a  cniony   fnnn    S'.-ythia,    le/ar  the    Kuxiiie  and  Caspian  seas,  now  called 

I-  tlie  Crimea. 

j  The  Scythicins,  who  were  by  th.'    IJoman    wiilers  (h'si^nated    Celts-Scythians,  were 

r  the  most  ancient  inliabitants  of  I'lurcjie  after  the  (lelu:;e.  and  werr  descendants  of  Jajihet. 

They    formed    settletnenis    in    Sjiain,    and    Milesius,  u\\f   of    tlnir   race,   became    Kino-. 
r  Uen-mon,  Ileber  and  Ir,  the  sons  of  .Milesius,  came   to   hi  hind,   with  a   largo  fleet  aad'a 

j  jiowerfu]  army,  and  after  a  sanguinary  battle,  became  masters  of  the  whole  country,  and 

J.  acrordmgto    A'/'.;^//*,'/,  gave  to  its    throne  171  Kings;   the   most  of   whonr  (as   well  as  the 

f  early  Kings  of  Scotland;  were  descendants  of  the  I'lermonian  Branch  of  this  ancient  race. 

f  Ojie  of  The  most  renowned  of  these   Mih'siaii    Monarchs  wh-<  Tuathal  Teachtmar,   or 

I  Tuathal  the  accepTaide.    (He  olttained  the  si.liriipiei  of  Teaclitnuu  ,  the  welcome-  or  accep- 

[  "table,  from  his  bi'ing  Tlie  deliverer  of  the  nation    fnmi  the  tyrants  of  a  hated  oligarchy.) 

>-  Tuathal  is  celeln-;ned  as  one  <d'  rhf  greatest  (d'  tlu-  Irish   Kings,  for  his  wisdom  and 

i  valor.      In  the  revolt  of  the  Firliolgs  lie'  was   fona-d    to   fly    fioin  '  the  kingilom  to  -North. 

|.  TBritain,  but  returned  A.  D.  130,  and  after  fighting  .t^.j   battles  was   siieces.sful  in  recover- 

f,  ing  the  crown.      During  his  reign,    whi>-h    lastcxl  thirty   yt-ais,   lie   reformed  the 

I  and  corru;>tii.ins  that  had  jirevailed  in  pul)lic  atfairs  and  introduced   in  Ireland  a  stat<'  of 

K  plenty  and  public  tranquility  never  known  in  it  before. 

f  Wiirncr  naively  says,    "  It  must  be  observed  tliat   until  this   reign,  few  or  none  of 

th''  ancient  Irish  would  submit  to  any  trade  or  manual   labor,  lest  they  should  degrade 
'  iheir  origin,  or  bring  a  stornt  ujxin  their  families;  but   when  they  saw'thai  by  the  order 

i  of  this  A\ise  Monarch,  the  legislature  took  trade   and   imrnufact  lires   under  their  .si>eeial 

I  'Care  and  management,  many  of  tln^  Milesians  coiide^;reiided  to  follow  some  employment 

I  and  to  make  themselves  u-oe.d  for  soTneihimT  beside  cutting  one  atiothers  Ihnials."' 

f  This  good  King  slain    in    liattle  iiy  an  usur]>er   \\diose  nanie  is  trlveii  as  Mai  or 

1^  Mail,  who  reigned  four  years,  when  Keidlim.  t!ie  son    of  'I'uathal,  avenged  his  father's 

E  death  by  slaying  the  usurjierand  regaining  the  cmwn. 

?  Feitllim  was,  from  his  great  love  of  ju.vtice,  surnamed  the   Legislator.     He  not  only 

I  gave  excellent  examples  of  e(iuitable  government  m  his   own    ]>rivate    conduct,  but   by 

|;  causing  wise   and  v.holesome  laws  to  be  enacted,  the  people  of  Ireland   became  more 

I  humane,   honest  and  contented  than  they  ever  were  before.      His  and  useful  adniin- 

g  Jstration  continued  for  nine  years,  when    (a    somewhat   unusual    circumstance    in    those 

\  tuibiilent  days.)  he  die  1  a  natural   death,  and   was   succeeded    by  his   son  Catlioire  More 

r  or  Cathir  the  (treat,  from  whose  youngest  son,  Fiacha  Piarceamla,  the  O'Tooles  claim  a 

K  lineal  descent. 

f  The  connection,  if  any,  between  the  'I'uthill  or  TothiU  family  of  England  and  that  of 

.  the  same  name  in  Ireland',  is  perhajis   at   this   time    nnJcnown,  at    any  rate,  I  have  never 

[  yet  lieen  aide  tn  obtain  any  documentary  proof  that   our  Kuglisli  ancest(U-s    were  origin- 

I  ally  from  Iridanii,  although  the  conjecture  is  a  jdansjilde  one. 

|;  _    '1  he  celebrated.    Fdmund    Spencer,  \viio    I isidid  a  slmrt  time  in  Iridand.  and   v/ho  in 

iloHC,  wrofe;jhis  ■■\"it>-»v  of  the  state  of  hidand."  sa.ys  the  O'Tooles  are  so  called  from  the 
ol'l  Hritish  word  TmI,  /.  r.  a  Hill  country.  .\nd  tlie  idea  of  a  cnnnn-n  (>r!gin  has  seme 
support  frcm  the  descriptions  and  illu-^trations  of  Heraldry,  'i'bi- Coat  (,f  Arm,;  of  the 
O'Tdoles  of  Iieland  being  </  Ihni  ji'i.^y-.i  iit ,  a  rij>  ni .  The  Toiyis  of  Wah-,.  it  lion  r.'/i/j'/ii'f, 
I  ^ ■'■''■'. .     The  Totliills  of    Uevonsiiire  h    'tun   jhi.-xant .  s.ih', .     'i  lie  Totebills  of    Yorkshire 

i  bearing  as  a  crest,  n  !:,,n  st,i n<lii nl ,  rjuhs;   and  the  d'nthills  (d'   r  o;ibridi;  csbiiv  and    !!ar- 

f.  'eiksliirtj   the    like   crest   of   a   lion   itii/uiii/il   '/i(l'.-<.    ducal! v   crown»-d   and    collared   and 

I  litiCd,    (M-. 


Till!  lion,  one  of  tiu'  ein'.ileiiit;  of  tlio  liiirlu-st  nobility,  being  the  conspicuous  beanii!' 
of  tlu'  fninilivs.  \\-oulil  imlicate  a  coiiiiuon  di'.si-tnit. 

Nor  is  an  eiuii,-ration  of  soiu''  of  tlic  Tribe  of  the  O'Tooles  to  Kufrland,  after  tlie 
confiscation  of  their  estates,  at  al!  inijirobaiile.  It  i-  well  known  that  (furiiii:  the  liavs 
of  \^  aliaee  ahd  Bruce,  laiire  numbi-is  of  tin-  native  lii>ii  aetid  as  auxiliarii-s  xo  tlje- 
English  in  tlie  wars  l.-«etweea  that  nation  and  Seotlaii'l — and  it  i>  not  an  ini])robable  sur- 
mise that  nuiuy  of  Iheui  after  their  terui  ol'  :^:TVir>-  expired,  preferred  to  n main 
and  make  their  homes  in  F.neland.  there  to  live  in  pea'-e  and  se.-uritv.  instead  of  return- 
ing to  their  native  country,  (b.'vastati.-d  by  civil  «ar  and  curbed  i.iy  dis-^ensions,  anar(  hv 
aud  strife. 

Ill  U]iiii(:r'-i  Fudorn  will  beluinul  a  nuimlale  issued  to  David  O'Tolhvill  setlin--  fe-i-th 
tliat  the  King  (Edward  II.)  wa^  ahont  to  ]naich  against  his  Srotti.-h  rebels,  and  requir- 
iug  liim,  as  the  chief  of  his  tribe,  ihe  attendance  of  all  tlie  force  he  could  muster  coin- 
mauded  by  himself  in  person  or  by  some  nobkmau  of  Ids  race." — ILjn.  V.'m.  II.  TnthVl's 

From  The  foregoing  it  seems  clear  that  this  family  name,  in  all  its  forms,  is  derived 
from  tliose  eminences,  natural  and  artilicial,  (jiu;e  so  common  in  (ireat  Hritain,  called 
Tothills;  and  that  various  familii-s  not  tracably  related  to  i  .icli  other  bear  a  common 
pationymic  by  adeijition  of  the  iilace  name  of  their  residence. 

Tlie  origin  ami  meaning  of  tlic  word  'Tot  or  Tut  has  been  tiie  subject  of  much  dis- 
cussion and  speculation  among  tlie  English  sciiobirs  and  antii|uaries,  and  varieuis 
tlieorics  had  been  advanced  in  relation  to  it ;  leat,  withoi-.t  presuming  to  pass  judi;menr 
on  th.e  question,  it  seenis  to  us  that  none  of  tle-in  is  so  satisfactory  as  that  which  we 
found  in  Allien'  Anfi'i'iitus  nnd  Fnlldort  of  U''//r,  .v/,  ,'i/,'/ .  pp.  v!:.';j,  iy'-i,  ;J17.  This  essnv 
is  so  clear,  tliorough  and  convincing  tliat  for  ourself  we  feel  that  no  more  need  be  saiil. 
At  this  Stage  of  t)ie  v,(.!b;"s  hisiee,-y  it  is.  geUeraliy  SpeakiUii'.  a  luUi;-  wa_\  back  to  rile 
beginning  of  anything,  and  the  Tuttle  name  is  no  exception  to  the  rule.  We  cowv  tlie 
article  entire; 

n.ACKS    AM)    t.TVMOI.Ot;'!     oV    lUTllll.L. 

"Tutnall,  Tetnal  or  Tortenhiil  (alias  Oakflidd),  a  hill  in  the  Parish  (d"  C'laines.  lie.-; 
about  three  miles  north  of  Worcester,  and  had  communication  bv  signals  with  th.e  camp  at 
Onibersley.  Ostorius'  supposed  fort,  and  with  Embury  Hill  'J'oothill  in  Ev.dridge.  Tiuts- 
liill,  Troshiil  or  Toothill  farm  in  Wamdoii;  Tutmil,  }^lount  ari  1  Tuinal  Phuv  in 
Tardebig;  Toutliill  (Totheliel)  C'ro.-s,  Tutshill  Common  Field,  and  Little  Tutshil!  in 
Eldersiield:  Tutbach  in  Lower  Sa]'ey.  a!!  in  \\  orcestershire.  Mythe  Too;  or  Tute  near 
Tewkesbury  in  CMoucestershire;  Tainal!  Biidge  near  Taltou  in  Herefordshire,  and  Taien- 
liill  and  Tutbury  in  Stafford-^hire.  Djomsday  15ook  notices  Tothehel  in  Bloomsicrove, 
Teotintnno  \\\  Worcestersliire,  Tetelerie'  Titehala  and  Tatenhall  in  Staffordshire.  Tetes- 
thorpe  in  Hereionlshiiv,  Tiitenelle  in  Someisetshirc.  Totehton  in  Mi'ldb'sex,  'J',,te]e(l  in 
York.   'J'otele  in  York  and  Linci>ln.  Totenais  and  Totescombe  in  L)i-\(>u.'" 

Dr.  Thonuis  in  hissurvey  of  Worcester  cathedral,  etc.,  notices  'I'eottington.  Tetintun. 
Taterington,  and  states  tiiat  King  (Jlfa  gave  five  manses  of  land  at  Teotingtun  to  the 
Monastery  at  Breodun. 

There  is  a  diiVerence  of  O]nniou  as  to  the  etymoloi;-y  of  the  names  of  these  jilaces. 
Some  say  it  c<nnes  from  the  Saxon  weird,  ■"  t'-wiaii,"  to  h.ok  out.  and  otb.ers  from  the 
Celtic  go  1,  Teutates.  Bryant  derives  the  nann-  of  ■~\\c\<  round  hills  from  Titli,  and  sttys 
wlien  towns  were  situated  on  eminences  lashiom-d  thus  round,  they  were  by  the  Anm- 
nians  (j.  t".  de.scendants  of  Ifam)  called  Tith.  \\hi(di  answers  to  *=j  "^  in  Hebrew,  and  to 
tJto// and  riTOOi  in  (ircek;  that  they  were  i>ai  ticnlarly  sacred  to  Orns  and  Usitis.  the 
deities  of  light,  who  by  the  (ireciaiis  were  reprcsr-nted  under  the  title  of  Apollo.  That 
these  mounts  were  not  only  in  (■'reece,  Imt  in  l-'iiypt,  Syria,  and  most  ]iarts  of  the  \^■orId; 
that  they  were  generally  formed  liy  art.  bein^j-  comiu-i-ed  of  tarth  raised  very  hii.di, 
which  was  sio]ied  gradually  and  with  great  exacrness,  and  the  to])  of  all  was  cicoviied 
■with  a  hii^h  Tower. 

Although  the  Anglo-Saxons  may  have  u--ed  such  hiils  as  looi;out  stations,  still  many 
of  tbem  ma.v  ]ia\e  lieen  of  jiuciini  Hririsii  origin  and  deri\-aiior,.  and  the  fact  tliaT  ;J.l  of 
the  above  mentioned  hills  m-  place-  in  W'orcesrershire  are  either  tdose  to  or  v\-ere  upon 
the  sides  of  roads  ajipears  to  tavor  tin-  opinion  that  ihey  were  sacri  d  to  the  C'eliic  '\'^i\- 
tates,   who  was  the  guide  over  "he  hi  IK  a  ud  t!ackua\s. 

Bryant-says  Theiith,  'i'hoth.  Taut,  Taauies,  are  The  s-uiie.  little  di\'ersiiied,  aral 
b.ehingiug  to  the  "chi(d' (.'ed  <d"  ]"-;•}  ;•;.  That  Ivi-eb' ;i  .  -peaks  of  h;m  a.s  :be  sa:!.e  as 
Hermes.  That  from 'i'lieuth  the  tjreeks  foimed  (~>]JJ^  whiidi  with  that  nation  \\a3 
the  me,,sL  general  name  of  the  l>eitv.    That  it  was  the  same  ]>eitv  which  the  (ie'-mar.s  and 

I  xa:n[E.  XV 

I  (Vlta^  wor>hii.p.i   under    the  name   Tlieut,  Ail   or  Tlieiitates,  whose  saeiiike  very 

I               cruel,  as  we  leuru  from  Lucan.  .  .       ^    i     f  +i 

I  The  fallowi„^r  interesting  passa.-e  upon  the  subject  is  extracted  front  the 
I  Worrr:,t,T^hire  ViicrlUm  >i:  "  Ca>sar.  in  his  renuirh<  upon  tlie  reh^rmn  of  J^ntum,  observes 
[  that  M'ercmv  was  the  chief  wbj.'Ct  of  pnpahtr  veneration:  that  there  were  nianv  images 
\  of  hint  aiul'that  he  stands  as  a  gui<b-'  ovr  tlie  hills  and  trackways  (see  K,h,hu  s  ^n.rons 
I  in  S  ;;V  V,  :;;3'>^  and  as  t..  the  identltv  of  this  Mercury  with  ^^  (,(len),  not  that  the 
I  Koman  'Mei'cuiv  was  aclunllv  wor.hiiM.d  by  that  name  before  Gesar  arrived  in  Britain, 
^  bill  stone-;  b-in<'  -acred  to '.Mercurv  amouir  the  (J reeks  and  Pvoraans.  and  Ltesar  per- 
ceiviu-Uie  artificial  mounds  surrounded  by  a  stone  or  Siniilacrum  were  pariicularly 
veiKTHted'he  hence  concluded  that  Mercury  was  the  gou  held  m  particular  esteem. 
Now  Mr  B:.wles  savs  the  ]•  gvptian  Tholh  (Thoth,  says  Bisho],  Cumbeidaiui.  was  the  sou 
of  Misrain.  the  son'of  Ham,  and  grandson  of  Noah),  Thot  or  J  ot.  the  Pl'nneciaii  laau- 
tus  o-  Taute  the  (irecian  Hermes,  the  Boman  Mercury,  the  lautates  of  the  Celts  vSO 
•ailed  bv  Lucan  from  the  Celtic  Da  Taiih),  l-ei.s  Taatu..  arf  universally  aduatt^-d  to  be 
he  iuie  (Hut  the  Gc.thmau.  \[o..ninr,  Jan.,  18;30,  pp.  4o.  4(i,  wnere  fhjubts  are 
expressed  as  to  the  identit v  of  the  Egyptian  Troth  ^vith  Hermes  or  the  Gaulish  Mercurial 
Teutates  and  ar-uino-  that  Taut  or  Tautates  was  the  Kgyinian  Hercules  a  syml.olof  the 
sun  \  stone  a^^s  the  first  ancient  representative  of  Thoth,  Taute  or  lent  (the  Latiu- 
i/ed  Teutates  of  Lucan)  which  bein-  placed  on  eminences,  natural  or  artihcial.  aud  more 
^ciallv  near-roads,  wore  thence  called  TothiUs  or  Teuthills,  and  in  many  instances  in 
various  parts  of  The  kingdom  are  so  called  at  present.  •        ^r       i      ic.v-,     .,,-.. 

-V  writer  desi.-nated  as  Merlin,  in  tlie  Gn.1l,  wan.  ^Ligazmc.  March  1^,'J.  >a>... 
-  When  the  Cimm^Mian  Druids  migrated  from  Asia  into  Eu.;ope  they  earned  wi-n  ...em 
their  patriarchal  traditions,  their  Chaldean  k-n;  and  tneir  eaduuean  ^^'i;]'^,"-^- ;' -'^^^l 
with  that  irraud  and  characteristic  badge  of  distinction,  the  name  ot  J  heu-tate.  He 
further  ob-erves  there  is  no  languacre.  ancient  or  modern,  into  wluch  this  name  is  .^o 
eas  land  iauVrallv  resolvable  as^he  Cimbric  or  British,  and  that  Thoutaut  is  nothing 
piore  nor  less  than  Hhue-Tad.  the  universal  parent  or  (^od  the  lather.  Merlin  .says  ■  .he 
SndJs  cherished  this  revered  offspring  <if  patrimonial  traditum.  ti  obliged  by  the  sunn 
Romans  to  reUn-piish  it  for  the  gods  of  the  compierers.  Mr  ^;-^-'  ;  ;^' ^^^  ^J^ 
"  It  will  not  be  denied  that  as  the  Celts  worsniped  Mercury,  that  is  this  1  ..■  h,  tb'^driuds 
secretlv  tau-ht  the  immortality  of  the  soul.  Tiie  secret  worsuu-  wa>  ...  one  infinite 
bccieii.\    i^i -.  .  ,.-  ,.1.^  ■.       M ,.    i>..„ii.<  .,u,.  v^Mvs  Aiercuvv  3  name  lu 

C^ic  '^Vu^rai^^rfV.;:,;  whu-i.  Lucan  calls  him  Teutates.  A.-ording  to  my  id.a  T-r-e  T.-uf'  T.,:  Tut  T.^-l  Te;  are  all  derived  from  the  same  Celtic  ro(,t,  an.l 
i^re  in  mime;  of  places  in  Kn-land'iiulication  of  some  tumulus  ot;  conical  hiils  -l-l'^^^ 
to  the  great  Celtic  (iod.  Taute  or  Mercury,  when  there  were  I  hique  ptr  Anghn.n  plu- 
/•t/Zir/ .s/;"i";"r/r,  according  to  the  testimony  of  Caesar.  _  io-m,.    liO 

The  ipviewrr  of  Mr.  Bowles'  work,  in  the  Gndlewaji  s  Maguunc,  >eb..  lb.?i)  p.  140, 
ch^erve-  "  ft  is  i.lain  from  Livv  that  Mercury  KvoUO'.  (or  Kalis)  was  called  among 
the  Celts  Alcirurv  Teulat.^s  and'both  these  tumuli  (referred  to  by  Mr.  Bowles)  were  on 
he  lik^'s'of  niads.  Cesar  proves  the  application,  for  lie  says  of  the  Bn  oi- that  tUc^ 
made  Mercury  -  Viavun  ntqHtJtlnernm  f/,/.v //<,' hence  the  case  concerning  theloo.hills  is 
verv  satisfactorilv  made  out."  ,  .,-  •   i  i       ,  i;ii. 

•  The  name  of-Tuttle  is  thus  tracnl  back  to  these  natural  -u-  artitu-ial  ^^'^'^^''  ^^^ 
in  Britain  whi.dituo  thousand  v<-ars  auo  were  sacred  to  a  pagan  worship,  and  then,  t 
L  u  1  dim  11  i  h-ni.iums  to  the  deified  founder,  Thoth.*  Thot  or  Tot-ot  that  ancient 
I^dvanird  civilization  whi-h  ilourished  on  the  lumks  of  the  ^^^^^  ^-Jj- ^^^  ^^g!"-^ 
of  historic  time  The  fact  is  replete  with  associations  and  suggestion,-  of  tht  most 
ntee!:;:^  character,  for  howevel-  slender  the  thi-ead  that  ^^-^^'^  ^^ ^^^^^^^^'^ 
connection  is  clear  and  unbroken,  and  like  the  smal  wire  along  ^  l^^'^  .  j'"^^;  ''  :Ji  ^ 
rhe  speed  of  liffht  and  unites  th.  uttermost  ],arts  of  t  ,e  earth,  this  1'  '  ';'_'^  ''  "*.^^ 
back  to  distant  and  centuries  and  bnngs  tWm  near  to  us  '"  ^^  ^f]^,,^  .  ^ 
meaning  of  the'w..rdTothill  i-  -Th-  Hill  of  (b,d.  ^'i'''' ^  ;'^>'-' t^  ^'U  a  e  oflb  f 
to  its  p^s.-ssor.  like  that  of  Fane,  which  su-g.-.ts  the  >acredu.^..  of  .he  Ho  im  ot  .n  U 
and  n  hose  motto  is,  '■  Bring  nothing  base  to  the  Temple."  -  It  is.  sav>  the  J..iuh.n 
\</tr^  I'll'!  (>"■  ri<s,  '■  a  r'rand  oKl  name.  ' 

M.nvof  its  ortho^n.phic  variations  maybe  gathered  f'V'';/'-M---duig  ao^m  .^ 
In  earlv  unihM-mitv  in  such  matt-is  wa>  discanled.  and  tie.  same  peiso  sigmd 
his  naii.e  to  the  most  imnortani  documents.  a<  de.'ds.  cou  s  ey.,ie--  and  ^^ ''^'  '''.;'; ' 
w:iys.      Even    Rich.ard   Tothill,    an    intelligent   and   edu.-at.-.l    man    and   a    tr>.d   pniUer, 

*>Tor,ounced  Tot  or  Tule.-The  sound  of  :k  is  peculiar  to  the  English>.":=-''/^-  /-'-;•. 


st'finod  lo  liavi'  no  rulr  or  iriiklc  but  caprkt'.  "  liou  many  ways,  "  savs  Hansard  in  liis 
Ttiphoijriiphui .  •'  did  Hii-liaid  T(jiliill  s]il'U  his  name."  And  Stow,  in  liis  S'/rcn/  nf  Jy'>n- 
do/i.  PiU'lls  it  in  tlut-i'  ditT.i'-nt  ways.  Tlic  loHowint,-  is  a  partial  suniniarv  of  variation.-,- 
Tiitliiil,  Tuttil,  'I'litiill.  'J'uloll,  'I'ntthil,  'I'utt.'ll,  Tutli.',  Tottle,  'I'otliiJ],  Toitcll,  'i'otvle,' 
Tothille,  Totfhail,  ToTkyll,  Totliyl.  The  Irish  ('Ian  of  O'Toolc  is  also  callrd  (Vlothile 
and  (TTothill,  inuiff'-rriitly.  and  ilusanjf  n.inn-  is  indicated  hv 'J'uathail.  'i'uaihal.  (.)'TliOt^ 
hill,  (V'J'iioghall,  O'Totliville.  TouthiU,  Toytliill,    Totehill.  Todiele  and  Touttlc' 

For  a  Nsdiiie  after  tilt' immigration  ti".- name  appears  in  >,'!'W  England  uiulcr  ditVrr- 
t-nt  di.sguises.  William  of  New  ll.avfu  wrote  it  Tuttell  and  Tuttle,  and  ))('rliaps  in 
otlier  ways,  llis  wife  wiote  it  Tattle.  <.)ne  of  the  sons  .signs  liis  name  Tutle,  and  in 
the  early  records  it  sonM-tinies  uppf-ars  as  Toutth'.  lu  the  next  generation  or  two  it 
settled  down  to  iib  pre.-ent  form  in  all  the  New  J-Jngland  families,  esceiiting  amou"-  tlie 
descendants  of  Henry  'J'uthill  of  liingham,  -who  have  generally  adhered  to  tlie  more 
correct  orthogra(ihy  of  'I'lithill.  That  Tothill  is  the  correct  spelling  ap]ieara  from  the 
history  and  deri\ation  of  tie-  \<.'>id,  and  ;s  al.-o  iin]']ied  as  to  the  last  s\llahl(;  bv  tlie 
Crest  of  the.  family,  ■■  (.Sn  a  hill.'  The  ihange  to  its  present  fonnis  no  improve- 
ment, and  is  to  be  regretted.  "It  is  a  dreadful  name  to  stranger  cars."'  There  is  no 
inagic  in  it.  It  n)ay  be  a  consolation  to  know  that  the  letter  T,  whicli  takes  so  promi- 
nent a  jiai  tin  its  composition,  occupying  three  of  its  six  ])laces,  was  once  a  letter  of 
great  dignity.  The  Kontan  Tribunes  indicated  their  u.ssent  to  the  decrees  of  tlie  Senate 
bv  snb.-^cribing  the  letter  'i'.  The  Ki,rvj,tians  considered  this  letter  as  tlie  svmijol  of 

\\'e  should  not  feel  satisfied  t.)  leave  out  of  this  account  some  mention  of  tliose  orand 
nionumcnts  \\irn-h  for  oo  centu!-i»s  have  sti.od  a<  ui'-nutiials  of  tlie  name  of  Tlioth. 

Ho  ^eeins  to  have  been  the  f<. under  of  the  Kiiyjitian  (.'ivilization.  In  the  ancient 
niythi  logy  he  is  called  the  sun  of  .lu])iier,  by  Mai.',  for  wliom  the  luontli  of  .Mav  was 
named,  and  tin-  lir>t  nu.iiilii  of  this  Egyptian  year  \vas  called  Thoth,  and  began  "al;out 
our '^(Ith  of  July.  Thoth  is  the  inventor  of  commerce,  letters,  music  and  the  reckon- 
ing of  lime."  lie  is  the  (Jod  of  Wisdoui;  he  records  the  final  judgments  and  conducts 
the  souls  of  men  to  thfir  final  rewards  or  ]>unisliments.  HC  is  represented  as  ibis- 
headed,  a  bird  that  preys  on  serpents,  (ignorain-e  and  viciM  and  theiefore  s;!crt'd  to  the 
Egyptians.  His  wife  is  Ma-t,  the  daughter  of  tho  Sun.  She  i-  the  (io<ldessof  Trutli, 
and  is  cliaractfrized  l>y  an  ostrich  feritlier — the  einldom  of  rruth-iipcn  l;er  head.  Tliese 
myths  arc  jiart  of  a  system  of  pers(nnfieations.  t-mlil.'nis  and  fabler  dcsi^ni-d  to  tei'ch 
the  great  religimis  ideas  of  Monf)theism;  the  di\'ine  (irigin  and  future  existi-nce  of  th.e 
soul,  tlie  v-arfare  of  good  and  evil,  and  the  final  judgment  for  deeds  done  in  the  ijodv. 

It  became  rhi'  cu.stom  of  tlie  kings  of  Egyjit  of  the  bSth  and  19th  dvuasties  to  com- 
pound their  natufs  with  those  of  their  g(jds,  as  'I'hotmes  from  Tlu^th,  Kameses  from  Ea, 
the  sun.  i*>:r.  The  Isih  dynasty  began,  according  to  the  most  recent  chroncdou-v,  v.-ith 
Aahmes  I.  about  ITCti-  B. "(.'.  and  end' d  witli  the  accession  of  l{ame.--es.  about  l-lOij  B.  CI 
This  was  tie-  ]ifri...d  of  I'.gypl's  gn-atest  pov.-cr  and  prosjiorit^ ,  and  to  it  belong  the 
painlijigs  and  ]>apyri  v.liich  have  eonie  down  to  modern  times,  and  those  ureat  rnonii- 
ments  vs'hicli  have  t'Xcited  the  wonder  and  admiration  of  siico'cding  a^es."  It  includes 
the  entire  period  of  Jewish  history  in  l\iry]>t  from  Josi'ph  to  that  of  Exodus. |  The  -2i\ 
king  of  this  dyna-^ty  was  Ameiiophis  1.  \\  l.o  resigned  about  Kiiii)  B.  ('.  The  -kl  kiui:'  was 
Thotm.  s  I.  abmit  10:3:)  B.  C.  lb-  was  a  great  warrior  and  marched  his  armies  as  lar  as 
the  Eujihratis.  He  exiavated  the  gnat  rock  tcmiile  of  Anienra  at  Thebes.  His  son 
Thotnu's  II.  was  the  4tli  king  of  this  dynasty,  lb-  married  his  sister  Hatshe])u.  and 
after  his  death  she  reigned  alone  until  she  associjitrd  a  younger  brother.  Thotmes  III., 
in  the  g(n-eriin!enr.  and  after  her  death  he  reiirned  alone;  in  all  oo  years.  He  was  the 
oth  king.d'  the  iSth  dynasty,  and  is  styled  Thoimes  the  Gicat.  He  tiourished  about  HiO" 
B.  (".  He  \i-as  ])eih:ips  the  father  of  that  maid  n{'  ]-;e-y])t  who  look  the  infant  Moses 
from  the  rushes.  He  was  succeeded  by  Iiis  si.ii  .Vmenojdiis  II.  and  his  son  Thoiuie^  IV. 
was  the  next  king;  and  to  Idm  is  the  miuioliih  that  no'.\- stands  in  tlie  piazza  of  St. 
Peters.  It  was  brought  to  Honu'  by  Caligula  and  .--et  u]-  in  the  \';iiican  Cir-us.  but  alter- 
■Nvards  removed  to  its  present  location.  .Vn-i-nophis  111.,  sou  of  Thotmes  1\'.,  liuilt  t\vo 
teini)le.s  at  Tliebes;  also  the  great  temple  of  VA  Cksur,  and  the  vo<'a!  statue  of 
and  its  fellow,  still  standing  amiuiL,'  tin-  ruins  of  'I'helu's,  ami  now  knuwn  from  recent 
discoveries  to  be  his  own  statues.      He  is  su[iposeil  to  be  the  Pharioh  ni  the  Exodus. 

*  Joseph  in  Kj,'y|.)t  i7'.o  H.  C. 
'Moses  b.  about  157:  B.  C. 
*E.xodiJs  i;q[  B.  C. 


'I'lic  0(1  kiiifj  of  tlip  IHth  dynasty  wns  Sitlif.  aiul  tlit'  Sd  was  IJimu'ses  II.  "  tlio 
grear  "  llic  Sisosiiis  of  t'ao  (ircclcs.  who  liouiislied  alioni  I'.VA'o  I>.  C. 

Tliutinc:^  III.  of  ;lic  18th  dynasty  ci-fcrt'd  ai  '»n  (Htdio].o'ii.<)  tlif  hiftu-st  olndi.-^k  now 
■existing.  It  is  ]i)>^  d-vX  hiiidi.  It  was  ixMiiovfcl  by  ( 'on^1alltine  the  tircat  to  Al<-xaiidria, 
and  thcnci'  liy  lii<  siii-ci.'.^sof  C'onstaiitiiis  to  U"iiic,  wht-ic  it  now  stands  in  front  of  tlie 
cliiirch  ot  Si.  John  i.atcran.  lie  also  set  iiji  l)i-toi'i'  the  icnifde  of  Anirn  at  Ilcliopolis.  a 
pair  of  oiiflivks  ii)ion  whirh  wcvc  inscrilifd  liis  if^t-iul:  to  ^vhicll  smni'  two  <!r  tlir<'c  liun- 
dred  ycais  lal'-r,  Iiamc-os  II.  added  t\v(.)  !:itt-ral  coliinins.  TIii'Si'  oh^lisks  riMnain.-d 
^\■llel■(.-  they  were  first  crfctiMl  until  Au<;-nstus  Ciesar.  Kniporor  of  nonic,  in  thf  Nth  yrar 
of  his  reign  ('2o  years  B.  C. )  lemoved  thorn  to  Alexandria  and  set  them  u[i  in  front  of  a 
teni]>le  ]\f  founded  calh-d  ■■  'I'lic  f'a■^ari'^n."  In  eoursi>  of  timeoneof  tliein  fell  and  was 
liuried  iiinlo!'  tlie  drifting  sands  of  the  <if.-f  rt.  In  h'^77  the  ))iostratf  one  -was  dug  out. 
renK)ved  to  London  and  set  r.j>  on  the  'rhanus  emhanknient.  In  1ST9  its  f(dlow  was 
presente<l  hy  tlie  Khedive  of  Kgyi>t  to  tlip  city  of  New  York,  and  in  the  fall  of  that  year 
it  was  taki/n  down  i'.nd  its  removal  commenced  iindiTllu-  sujuMintendence  of  Commander 
liorringe  of  the  I'.  S.  X.  In  l'"eli.,  1,nS1,  he  suree,-sfnl!y  eonijileted  hi-  ta.-k,  :ind  it  now 
Standi  ei-ert  in  the  Central  Park  of  New  Yorlv  ';ity.  (It  wa- or,]-  priviletr"  to  witness  this 
3d  ereetiur.. )  The  expense  of  removing  it  was  aliout  one  thoiisand  dollars, 
-%vhirh  Win.  II.  \';indi.-rfiilt  is  said  to  have  <Ud'rayeil.  I-l.velasiN-e  of  the  foundation  and 
]iede-tal  if  is  sixty-nine  and  a  l-.tdf  feet  liigh, 

'J'lie  iiieroglyidiies  on  the  foiii-  sivies  of  the  Londe,n  e)!ielis)<  were  translated  fiy 
Samuel  F)urrh.  Esq.,  LL.  I>..  D.  C,  L.,  F.  S.  A..  Keeper  of  (Jriental  Anti(piities  in  tin- 
British  Museum.  'I'liey  nn-  the  as  ;hosp  (in  the  Xew  Yoy]^  Monolith.  The  centra! 
lines  reeount  the  titles  anrl  attril)utes  of  Tliotmes  III.  'i'he  side  lines  to  I\;imeses  II.  are 
of  the  same  iniport.  Oiu'  (if  the  central  lines  wijl  give  aii  idea  of  all  the  jest:  "The 
Horus,  lord  id'  the  upper  and  lo\\-er  onn'iy,  the  jiowerfed  hull;  erowned  in  I'as  or 
Thelies.  ilie  I\ing-  of  tin.'  north  and  scnth.  Itann.  n  •..  I'l-per.  ha.s  njath-  his  monument  to 
his  fathe;.  Ilaivnui'diu  iHnrus  in  the  horizons)  he  has  set  uji  to  him  two  great  olielisks, 
cap])ed  v.ith  gold,  at  the  iirst  time  of  the  festivals  cA'  thirty  yeais,  aeciirding  to  his  \vish 
lie  did  it.  the  Son  of  the  Sun  Tlujtmes  dil)  type  of  t s  [>es  did  it,  beloved  of  llaremelui 
■(llorus  in  the  hori/ons'i  ever  living. 

Some  remarkable  discoveries  have  recently  been  niade  in  Egypt  about  fjur  miles 
■east  of  Thebes.  A  gallery  lias  lu-en  fouiu!  cut  in  the  faee  of  an  r.lmost  periu'TidicuKir 
mountain,  (tiding  in  an  alnmst  inaccessablc  cave  or  \\-r\l.  The  gallery  is  2-")<)  tVet  long 
and  the  cive  ofi  feet  dee]).  In  the  well  were  found  some  four  thottsiiii'l  objects,  a.moni^ 
tlu^n  thirty-six  rijyal  sa(;To]"i!iages,  ^vitli  the  inner  case.s  and  mummies  intact,  beloi'.ging 
to  Phariohs,  (pjeens,  jirinces,  princesses  and  high  ])riesis  id'  the  Hth.  IStii,  Hltli  and  .51st. 
dynasties,  'idiey  include  among  others,  Kanieses  I.  and  II.  and  Siillf  I.  of  tic  JSIth' 
dynasty,  and  Aahmes,  Auienophis  I.,  Totnies  1..  II.  tnid  III.,  and  IIats]ie['U,  sister  of 
Totmes  TU.      Some  of  tliem  htive  rk'ss  eves  and  lool-i  (luite  life  like. 


The  first  of  Tliis  bi;\!ieli  known  to   us   is   Williiuu    'I'dty],     His   name   staiids   at   the 

i  lii-iul  <  if  a  pedigree  takep.   from    M^vrick's  Ilrriil'lir     \'isil,ij!>ri.'<  of   \\(ihs,\o\.  1,  p.  188, 

:  djiied  Oct.  iA,  loOl.  and  rtcciv^d   from  Kyoliurd  'J'ottyll,  wliose' anus,  as  descrii)eu.  are 

\  the  same  as  ill  the  froiiti.s|)ie'-c,  exc>.'ptiijg  that  the   ]i,)ii   jc;  i-aiii]>ant   instead  of  passant, 

;  and  is  dilfe;vneed  Avilh  a  mullet,  denoting-  that  he  was  tiie  third  son. 

I  His  arms  arc  inipuli'd  ^vith  liie  arm.-,  of  Uraftou.      From    the  al)o\c    visitation,  from 

j  Pohvheles    Devon,  and  from   siuidiy    Kui'.lish    Co.    llisioiies   itnd  other    works    w.'   liave 

;  i;leauod  the  following- a. -C'diit.-- of  this  liiamh.    whii-h,  th.ough    !)ut   a   frairraeut,  is  sulli- 

;  eh-nt  to  sh.v.v  tin-  .-tandiiii;.  chaia.-t.-r  and   r.ssoei:ii  ions  uf  the  family  at   the  timt-  of.  and 

i  a  huiiurod  years  aiitei-<-den;  to  iliv  s.ttiement  of  New  F.nghmd.      A  I-opv   of  tiie  pedig-n'o- 

[  in  Tackett's  Devon.   Iia^-   be.on   Icindly    forv/arded   to    u^'by    Ainswonh    Si)off')rd.    Esq., 

i  I.ilirai-i;  u  of  Coni:;res>. 

William  Toiyl,  ealled    in   the   pfdi;;-vce,    Ksi]..    of    Devonshire,    was    huilifT   in   loOi!,- 

!  again  in  l-ljs;;   High  ^^lierilf-  td'  lJev(.n"in  lol'J.  and  Loril  .Mayor  of  Exeter  in  V^y}       At 

;  this  jteriod  Exeter  was  t ho  l.r,;i^;^■al  .-a.i/ii:.!  of  the    West  of  England,  and  second  only  fo 

'  ]ion(h>n  i]i  imporianeo.     The  gi^vit  manniaetnrir.g  and  eommereial  cities  of  T.iveriM.ol. 

1  Mane]. est. r,  l^irmlturham.  :  u    .were  insignilicar.f  hamlets.      In  the  time  of  (  liarles  tlie 

;  Isc  it  cintained   al)oiit    lO.diiO    inhal-iiants.      Its    \eneial)le    Cathedral    was    hv.-gati  in  tiio 

I  lotli  century.      It  is  a  city  of  irreat  aiitiquity — a  r.isle.j.rie,  and  the  ea].ilal  of  Devoiisiiire, 

;  whicji  is  one  of  the  nio^t  ht-autiful   cnuntics  in   Eiiglan'k  and   one  of  the-   larg,  .-,t.    iieinu' 

i  secoi\d  only  TO  Yoikshire  in  ^izM.      In   regard  to  sin-rid^,  Eulh-r  remaaks:     --''I'lie  reade'r 

;  ^vill   not    be   di.-a])]iiiinted   al    tie-   many   annh-ss  (i.  e.  lacking  Coats  of  Arms;  siieritfs  of 

t  "Loudon.     'Jdiey  were  not  so  cognizable  [jcrsons   as  the  sheriffs  of  counties.     Tlie  latter 

j;  were  men  of  kno^vn  and  irrown  estate,  eminent  for  family."     That  he  was  cm!)ient  for 

]  family  in  another  sense  tjian  that  intended  by  Fuller  a])])elirs  in  the   fact  tliat  le^  )iad  oG 
;.        .     children,  tl,..;igh    jWoluihiy    n..!    l.y    one    wife,      in    t'he    pedigf(  e   liis    wife    is   called 

\  "  Eli-zabrth  Matiie\->  >•{  Voi  ^-aii  w^r  ■•  ;;nd  she  was  doubtless  the  mother  of  (.'eofriw.  Joint, 

[■  Eobert  and  Kichard,  and  pn  haps  of  several  more     She  \vas  daug-hter  of  (ieotfr/.Matliew 

\  of  Glamorganshire,  which  -onu-  Welsh  ^cenealogisis  have  traced  back  to  (iwaethwed. 
Prince  of  Cardigan  and  (iw.'ut.  wiiilo  oileT,-,  de<iure  it  from  Voikelyne.  P.urke,  in  hi.^ 
Lnn'Jril  In  iitrii.  says  the  name  wa-  of  considcraUle  distinction  in  Cornwall  and  Devon  at  an 

^  early  date.       Of   this  line   \n  as  Sir  Da\  id  Wathew  of  idandaif,  •■(  Stand-.ird  Bearer,  " 

■'v^  Admiral  'I'lionias    Mathcw.  .M,    I',,    Cnl.    .lidin    Mathe\\-,    who    tonk  a  le  idiiie- pai-t,  under 

.l-  Ills  relations  on  the  maternal  -i<ie.  Sir   ICuduird   anl    Sir  Eevil   ( iranville  in  the  civil  war 

f  in  the  west  of  England,  (ieorge  Mathew.    lligli    Slierilf  of  (ilaniorganshire,    bVCJ.    who 

■  [  married,  1000,    EJi/abeili.  \  iseountess  T!nul)es,  mother  of  Jauies,  Duke  of  (')rnn)nd.  and 

j.  settled  in   Ir<dan.d.    'I'obia-.    .Mathew.    Aichbi.^ho))  of    ^'oik.    and    Cecil    .Mathew,    uearricl 

I  Baron  'J'albot  and  is  rejui  -.  nu-d.  Ijy  the  iiarl  of  Sh  lewsluirv  and  Talbot, 

*it  has  been  obnervrd  of  I'r.e  Sa.voc.-i,  ;!r.t  \\'ncii  tlie-/  divided  ilu;  realm  into  proviarcs  cnllcd  in  •^.•^Kn:. 
Shire,^.  and  in  [..atin,  (_  om;ta;iis  o.  c  C  n,int!t:s.  framed  ttic  -o'-'^-rnmoni  of  tlicm  l.-^.m  the  a-.-.eicnt  cu-itoai" 
of  the  R.imans,  froiu  whom  il  w.i;  i!i--;(-cridfd  xn  Itiiiii  frr):ii  tbeit  (jcrman  ariLfsn-r^.  in  cenfoniiitv  to 
which  they  cdsistituted  certain  ef  tlicir  c.'.iit'  men  toj. reside  over  their  Shires,  whicii  they  called  li-irfdo- 
mtn.  lor.  in  I.:uii),  (  rt>ii!,s  rr  (;■,■.■..;,.",  .i.  Kimr  Ailrril.  ;\ir  ir.oic  rc-ady  athnini^tration  of  jaiticc  nilov.ed 
the  Karldomcn  cr  Counts  to  make  rieinilit-.s  vvjir)  \v<'re  called  /  7w-  Coiititcs  or  I  is  Cc.-du's  And  in  'heir  own 
ton.eue.  Shciirfs,  i  e.  the  Shyre -reeve  from  the  Sa.xou  word  OVr,-/«  or  cVivc.-'c  i.  e  V;-''r".>-,' -craefect 
or  Steward  to  distriliutc  jus'ice  to  the  in  tlieir  t:)r;.vin(i;\l  cr  cmintv  cnnr's.  I'lriailv  the  SrcrVf 
bec.iinc  the  tt.ift"  t.-.>,e>;uti\  e  mir-cr.  ij.e  t.ari  ij<  iiij;  ,ui  alteiidance  on  the  Kin:;.  Th.  v  were  iwuniiy  m-n 
of  liit;hrank  and  Kreat  p..w.r  II!  ih.e  realm,  la  tlie  reis^'ii  ..f  Kini,' Kd-.vard  !,  th--  rVctiou  of  Sheriff  was 
{.'ranted  to  the  pcoj.le.  h-.-tore  a:,!V:ntod  t.y  the  !<  niLr,  ttioi:i,'!i  .'•:  hvurd  II  eoa.tiniied  !;)  anorjint  Shcriies  i\>r 
.sevcr;il  counties.  I'-Iections  crew  .so  tumultuous  hy  statutes  of  IMward  111  Henrv  \'I  anil  Ilenrv 
V  HI,  tlie  Chancellor  Treasurer,  i'r(  s.  o!  Kmi/s  Council,  Chief  Justices  and  Chief  Baron  are  to  make  ihe 
e:e(-T;r>,-i   —■  J / it.\.\\i\s  Jlist.  t'/  /.r'..'  f  le 


Of  the  313  cliiklren  of  \\illi:au  Tutliill,  xlie  luuiies  on  leconl  of  only  12  :uf  known  to 
n«  and  the  order  of  thfse  not  certain:  1,  .lonn,  lu.  John  llulse;  C,^  Kichrtid  ilnkelcy. 
2  Wrace      o    (ieoffiw,  in.  Joan    Dillon.     -!,   J(jhn.     5,   Alire,    m.    \\  ilinun   Pai-ons.     h. 

Juliana    m    Hidiard  de  Hnrnl.nrv.     7,  Amy,  m. Hill.       S.   Eli/.al).'th.    m.    Thomas 

Siuk.-h'v  of  Pultun.  It,  Hi.diard..  ni.  Joan  (Iralt.m.  10,  hiol'ert.  11,  Daniiiiter,  in. 
Thomas  Walker:  '(;•)  Thomas  Craii-^ton.  TJ,  Katharine,  m.  William  Kin>rslcy;  {'J) 
Isicholas  Drake. 

1       Joan  Tothill,  m.  John.  s.  of  Richard  and  Joan  {Wldtle^^n  Hulse-.     1,   Arthur 
(ireiiville\i     l<>")>i;    Capt.;    m.    Dorothy,   dan.   of    IMchard    Iloyle,    Lord   Arrlihishoj)   ot 
Tnani      She  m.  (-2)  lienrv  Turner,  <.Mrt. -Major  under  Lord  Inchiu'iuin  in   Ireland.      2. 
Sir  NiVlioia.s      :'.    liichard.  m.  Jane  Fortescue,  dan.  of  Jolin   aii-l    i:r.  dan.  oi    .-ir   Louis 
Fortescue"  one  of  the  Barons  of  the  Fxrdieqner  tnup.  Hen.  Mil.     1,   IJiehard  0+   Ivene- 
den   -nd   Fi'ord    F>o,     livin^:   in  ir.-^iL    m.    Anne   Sutelilie,   oidy  dan.  ot    Dr.   Matthew 
SntefiiTc   fonmh'r  of   the   Colle-e   at   Ch.'Le^i   and   ov^r  fmty  years  dean  of  i;:xeter.^     L 
Mattliew    d    1051'':  m.  Sabinn  I'iiftVn'd  and  l:ai  dau.  Annr.  m.  Io.m  uev.  John  Pyndai,  D. 
i)'     Ma'-^^aret  \VhiTlc-i.-Ji,  skster  of  Joan,  m.  Sir  lioLn-r  Grenville   of   Stow,  Higli  Slientl 
of  Co-nwall       '^     H.ui.^  VHl.,  d.  Jo2L  luid  :3  ss  (J  dans.,  of  whom  Sir  Kichard  urenville, 
Kt    1Y6-^-  Hi-h'Sherilr  ..f  D.von  1.^:;::;  Marshal  of  Calais:  m.  Matilda  Beavil,  andainon- 
oth"ei-<-~Ko"-er(}-enville.  Kt.,  I^q.  .,f  the  body  of  Hen.  VJII.:  drowned  in  lifetime  ol 
his  father  iiftlie  Rose  Friiraie  otV  I'ortsinouth ;  ni.  Thoinasine  Cole  and  had:     Sir  Ijienard 
tirenville  of  Stow    a  irallant  naval  romnmnder;  .served   in   army  m   Hunirary  with  \y,pi_ 
Ti'puu-  Hi<'-h  Sheriff'of  Cornwa.ll    loT.S;  litie,!   out  a  colony  and  saih-d  lor  1- lorula  lON) 
y,y\u^v  h-^  h'ft  10(1  men-  made  manv  successful  vova-v^:  d.  in  battle  wir!'.  rlso  Spaniarus; 
in    Marv  St    Le-er  and  had:     Hernard  (irenville.  Kt.,  Hl-h   Slu-rilT   of   Cornwali    ioUO; 
m'  V    and  Kt  •  ^1    U^-  m.  Eli/  Beavil  and  had:     Sir  l^evll  (.'renville.  Kt.;  called 
"tlie  Bavard  of   iaiirland."  b.  L'.l'o:  leii  at  Lansdouu  with  a  patent  Irom  C  nas.  I.  m  his 
pocket  fo-  th.'  E;u-bL,m   of    Hatli:  m.  (ira.-e.  dau.  of   Sir  (leor.ire  Smith  of   Lseter  and 
I:i^-.ter  of  ti^e  mother  of  Ueor-e  Monk.  Duke  of  All.ermarle:  had:     I,   Bernard  Urenvihe, 
'.rroom   of   the  bedchamber  to   Lhus.    11.:    was  father  of    Hernard   (mnvil  e  and  granu- 
Fatlier  of  Marv  Grenville.  b.  ITOo;  d.  17SS;  m.  IT  17  Ales.  Peixiarvt-.s  ot    Cmnwa  1:  (. 
1748- Mr  I'elailv      Her  autobio-raphv,  edited  by  Sarah  Chauncey  ^^oolsey|^J,  ])ublisned 
is;'/   •>"    Sir  John  Grenville,  V,arl  'of   Bath,  attended    Clias.  11.  in   all    his  wanderings 
abroad;  d.  L.Ol;  m.  Jam-  Wyche  ai;d  harl  <;raee  (.renville,  m.  Sir  Gc^rire  Gartaret. 

3.  Geoffry  Tothill,  Alderman  of  Exeter;  Recorder  lofj::!:  arms  granted  loO;L  pui"- 
chased  the  e«t  at  l^-amore  from  the  Crosvn+:  to  which  it  liad  fallen  on  tne  attainder  ot 
the  Duke  of  SulTolk.  It  is  about  seven  miles  from  EMeter.  Polwhele  desciibes  it  as  a 
TiUice  of  sincular  be.iuiv.  Not  far  from  the  villa  is  a  romantic  rock  encrusted  with 
white  moss  and  shaded  witli  ivv.  Venerable  trees  adorn  the  and  "the  t.ark 
beautiful  in  it.<elf.  with  its  litth-  undulating  hills  and  dales,  cunimanas  extensive  atid 
varied  nrosnects."  On  the  dec.  of  his  dau.  Joan  (Northleigh)  in  lt!3r.»  fue  esc.  passeu  to 
her  son  lienrv  Northleigh,  Exp     (ieolTry  Tothill  m.  Joan  Dillon  t  ,^.,.0^       • 

1       Joan   Tothill.  nn   Rob.nt   Northleigh  of   Durham,  b.  LkS,L  d,  Jan.  lb,  Ib-s       ■ 

1     Henrv    who  was  f.  of   Henrv,  b.  at    D-.m  Pri<.r  in  Devon   .March   14,  104",  and  d.    m 
London."  '   A  Mem.  of  Pari.'.  .Jan.   :n,    ir.:»:j.       2,  (ieorge.       3    JetYry        4    Robert        .,. 
John.     0.   Robert.     7.   Thomas,     b,  James.     'J,   Mary.      10,  Joan.     11,  Margaivt. 
II.      Harris. 

IV'      Henrv  '  Hi'-^h  Sheriff  of  Devon  1024;  called  .^f  Palmonth  (Plymouth).     Is  noticed 
bv  Fuller  in  "u'-ori/^/cs  of  Kn<jhu,A;  m.  Mary,  dau.  and  heir  of  Nicholas  Spekeot  Lowton 
^■"The  Spck'-s,"  says  Sir  ^Vm.  Pole  in  JJi.-<:-ripti.>n  of  Ihojn,  ]>.  -JMo,  "  were  ot  ve:-y  great 

~  John  Hulso  had  son  Judec  John  Hulse.  Kin-'s  .Ser-t-  at  law  ...i,;  one  of  j''«:  Justices  of  ih.Km|^;s 
Rene  ?,M-  m.  a  dau.  of  M.v.v  of  WnUcch.rch  and  had:  i,  Julu,  H,3hop  ot  <-V'7"-[>.  ^"'.^  J,-'''.^;!^^^! 
W  V  ]\wh:<rd  wl-o  m  a  (ia-.L  of  .-\she  and  had  Richat.l  vvlio  m.  Mari;..ret  one  ..1  the  dau,.  ..nd  L'-'TS  o. 
k'obtrt  I-atirnci^ot  Filtlotield.  and  had  Ri^iard  who  m.  Joan,  of  Ki^hard  U  hiueyli  ot  I:.,l->rJ  nL..r 
Plymouth,  and  had  John  who  in.  Joan  Tothill  as  above. 

+  Izaaclc's  Antiquities  of  Exeter. 

nVaUer   Dillon  of  Ireland.  Esq..   son   Nicholas,  «;>oh.ui  .son  Robert,  f.uhcr  of  .Nicb. 

X.\-  TOTIIILLS    OF    DllVOS. 

ost.  and  cnndition."     Arii'i—();\  on  a  cioss  cngiuved  sable,  and  an  (nt^lft  displiiyi-d.     i.: 

K    Nicliolas,  d.  De<-.  22,   1<V>-,';    ni.    Ann ."   In   tlie   chiindi   at  riuullt-iirli,  D.iVdn,    a 

nionuni'Tii  jMilly  defaced  inbcrilu'd:  "  S;ined  to  the  ineniory  of  Joim,  son  of  Xicliola.s 
and  Ann  'i'utliill, jjarisli,  who  died  tin' day  of  July,  . 

"  Stranf;eis  and  friends,  if  learned  or  p;ond  dr.iw  near. 
For  bU'-l)  as  you  this  torab  demands  a  tear; 
For  lo!  tlif  dust  inclosei  wus  once  indued 
With  every  talent  tc  be  wis-  and  good. 
Learned,  tl-.o"  untauglit  in  all  that  schools  could  teach, 
That  jodymcnt  couk!  improve  or  i^enius  reach; 
Yet  knew  no  pride,  a  .^oul  above  disguise. 
That  noihinp  v.isbed  but  to  be  trood  and  wise: 
He  lived  a  blessing  on  mankind  bestowed 
And  died  at  last  an  offering  lit  for  God."  Fohilities  /\;-j«. 

2,  (irnc-e,  b  160r>:  d.  Dfc.  24,  102;'.;  m.  William  Tmliill  of  the  Middle  Temple, 
Esq..  ami  had  one  child,  iler.ry,  !>.  \<\'l'.\.  Ab mr  Mi  niile.s  from  Exeter, 
to  the  vilhiirt'  'd"  Exministcr  :;Iand^;  an  olil  clmrcli  in  which  a  inonnnient  has  lliis  in.scrip- 
tion:  "This  nionnmeat  is  erected  to  the  memory  of  Grace,  wife  of  William  'J'orliill  of 
the  .Middle  Temple,  Kstj.,  who  had  issue  Henry,  and  died  the  24th  of  Feb.,  lG2o.  in  the 
bSfh  year  of  her  aire,  and  both  buried  in  this  aisle.  She  being-  dac.ghter  of  Henry 
Totliill  of  Peamore,  then  Sherilr  of  Devon,  and  Mary  his  wife. 

Et  d-:,f-t  ft  s::/:  ■:>■,/[. 
It  Grace  could  length  of  day^^  t'lce  give. 
Or  virtue  could  have  made  the  live. 
If  goodness  couldc  thee  here  have  kept. 
Or  tears  oi  friends  which  for  thee  wept; 
Then  had'st  tliou  lived  amonicst  us  here, 
To  whom  thy  virtues  made  thte  dear; 
Kut  thou  a  Sainte  did"si  Heaven  aspire. 
Whilst  h.ere  on  earth  wee  thee  admire; 
Then  rest  deere  corps  in  mantle  elaye 
Till  Christ  thee  raise  the  JHttcr  daye; 
Thy  years  were  few.  thy  g!  being  run, 
Wh.en  death  did  ende  Ihy  life  bcgunn.'' 

Under  the  eliigy  whitdi  is  reclined  as  a  pedestal: 

*  '■  Speake  .Statue,  tell  her  s'.ory,  • 

Its  grace  inherits  g-ory." 

'jeorge  Tothiil,  p-rob.  descended  fn.;m  JeiVery,  was  iJailiff  inti2.  ai;-ain  in  lf3<J4,  Lord 
Mayo.'  of  l-'xeter  KiOs,  again  in  1077.  l\v  mandate  of  the  King  made  .-Mdermau  of 
];\eter  l<I->7;  !ie.\t  y.-ar  \\  iiliam.  I'rince  of  Orange,  landed  at  Torbay  and  advanced  wirli 
his  small  army  towards  l^xeter.  The  Trince  had  been  informed  that  the  people  stood 
ready  to  rec-ive  him  with  acclama.tions  of  joy  and  that  all  the  gentry  of  ihe  west 
would  join  liim  at  his  landinii'.  Hut  the  cruel  disposition  of  the  King  James,  and  the 
leceiit  alrncitie-;  of  Kirk  and  -leifreys,  had  Idled  the  minds  of  the  jiobiliiy  au<i  giurry 
with  dread  •)f  the  awful  eonserjuences  of  failure.  One  of  the  ofHcer.s  fd'  the  Prince  .vLo 
]>receded  with  a  few  Iiorsemen  was  ])iit  under  arrest  and  con.fined  by  the  authorities  of 
Exeter.  Tlie  next  day  Lord  Mordaunt  and  Or.  Burnet,  afterwards  Hishoji  of  Salisbury, 
arrived  wiili  four  tro'ips  of  horse  and  found  the  g-ate  shut  agaiJist  them,  'j'lie  Lord 
Mayoi  a>si-iied  as  a  reason  the  o!)ligation  of  his  oath  to  the  King.  Lord  Mordaunt 
ordered  the  i'oiMer  to  o]icn  the  irate  on  ])ain  of  di>ath,  and  upon  his  refusal,  says  Jenkins 
in  his  JUM.  of  K.i;l,r,  "(h'orge  Tuthill,  Exp,  one  of  the  Ahi'inien.  opened  it  and 
adinittrMl  the  troojis."' 

Eor  several  days  scarcely  any  person  of  note  came  in.  Of  the  magistrates  of  l-'.xeter 
only  Ald'-rman  Tuthill  and  ("me  other  at  first  declared  in  his  favor.  This  appeared  .so 
unfavorable  to  the  Prince  that  he  began  to  doubt  the  succe-s  of  his  expedition  and  at 
one  time  ],n,p.,>,-d  to  Pcndiark  for  Holland.  Ihit  the  s]>irit  iind  lirmness  of  Alderman 
Tuthill  se.  :n  :o  have  inspir^'d  tlu'  irentlemen  of  I'evon  and  Somer.set  with  courage  for 
tley  suon  b.-an  to  i-ome  forward  in  gr<;'.t  inup.bers  and  the  revolution  became  an  aecom- 
pii-^hed  t'.iet.  Sul'<e,|uen:ly  luing  lar:rel v  encagt^l  in  meic;intile  busini'ss  he  met  with 
v(  ry  he:ivy  josve-,  at  ^^a  ;uid  li.cani''  much  leilui-ed  in  ciri-umsiances,  which  coming  to 
the  knt)w!f<;ge.  id  I\  ing  William  he  irraiefullv  awarded  him  a  ]>ension  of  i'2nU  per 
annum.      He  i>  perh  ij.s  the  .^lr.  Tothiil  referred  to  as  the  pundiaser  of  Hagfor." 

4.     John    TolhiH,  m.  and  had:       1.    l'",li/.td.eth.       2.   William,  f.  of  William  of  the 
.^liddle  Temple.  \'<'[.,  Ii.  aiioui  ICOO;  ui.  lirace,  dan.  and  eo-heire.^s  of  Henry  lotliill.  Jis.p, 

!'..-ietor  w;is  sold  to  Mr.  Toihill  by  Sir  Henry  Ford.  b.  about  u'-30,  who  was  twice  pnr.eip.^1  Sec.  of 
St.i'i-  ;.>  Cluis.  II.  in  Ireland,  only  s.  of  John  Fo'rd  of  Haglor,  ICsij  ,  !>v  Katharine  d.  and  he  of  (icirge 
Drake  oc  S(lr.^^^^^)•>ys.  l!sf|.,  I.icul  -Col.  uncer  his  kinsman  Sii  John  Dr.ikc  o\  .\siic.  iJafetor  was  sold  by 
desc.  of  I'othi;!  t.i  the  isl  Lord  .Nshburlon. 


^   of   ri..r,lVn_y     1.     l<;o;i;    d     !.;->      L     lUnny.   h.  16-3.     He  m.  (2)  ,lau.    of   Sir  (ieor^o 
>outlu-(>tu.     o,    Hales  or  lliilsc.     4,    1  hoiiius.  '^^ 

6.     Juliana  Tothill,  m.  IMciiaid  cle  lUnnlnny 
Tljonias.-^'     4,  JOlizuLiL-tli.     ,j.  Joau. 

9.    Eiehard  Tothill,  d 

and    had:  1,    Giac.     2.  Maiv. 

.  Eiehard  Tothill,  drsnilud  in  tlu-  pcliorej  us  one  of  tlio  iustiffs  of  tlie  nc'ire 
•asile  U.vys  ,  U  isfni  m  I'e.nhruksln.v)  aad  J,nndo,i;  was  a  priuter  and  stationer  of 
don,  v>dM-iv!,<_yvsid.d  lor  i-rtv  vrars  at  tl...  sio-n  of  tlu'  //-//u^  ,,;,rZ  ^v./r  in  Hoot 
street,  near  1  emido  Bar,  durinL-  whudi  ].oriod  lu-  printed  7«  l)ooks  rliioHv  <m  I'n-  Hi  ■ 
first  license  dated  April  12.  l.",4!).  io])rinf  book-^  on  common  law  for  seven  yours- 'roncwed 
May  8,    lo.)H.  for  seven  years;  renewed  for  life  Jan.    12.    lo^S 

His  first  inq.rint  b-ar<  date  Ocr.  1.  l.^■.l.  lli^sTi.nd,  Oct  1  1,-,V>  '•  i  ]',»>/>./ 
ctec/ion  <rnhr  w'^f  Vi'e  nr,,!  IMc.flhk  !>.  of  Jjio-  P!„j/uuj.-'  '  In  1.1V>  l,o%,nn*ed -u'' 
>ridgment  of  the    ••  fj, ronvks  <,/  I'nnJ.indr    by    Richard  (iraftou    (his  futher-in-law)' 



This  edition  contains  sonn-wliut  in  relation  to  the  controversv  betweon'Tjniffon  ""n/d 
Stow.  Samo  yoar  he  r>i„ro,!  -  Tin:  Trnnir.,!  His'.ry  „f  U  r„  ;,  ,n,n  J.,';,tf  a  m"  ric^l 
paraphrase  from  tho  Italian  of  B.indollo,  traiidatod  In-  Arthur  Brook  with  -lonnot'. 
(See  WartonV  History  rf  K.^jU.k,.  Vol.  Ill,  p.  oTl.;  1„  i;,,:;  ani^r^nr^no^'^i 
clcs  oj-  EivfoiiiO.,  containing  lyi;^  p]...  bolides  a  tabioof  tlio  b.iiiifrs  sImt^IT-:  -rul  nnvn-. 
Grafton's  Kebns  on  title  page  and  nndor  it,  ■•  imprintod  by  Henrv  j)onham|  for  l^iVh'ard 
Tottle  and    Honry  Toye. 

In  1570.  Hiciiard  Tottle  printed  an  Abridgnn-.t  of  the  rhrordde^  whhm  eo;ifiino  I 
a  remarkable  l>i-ologne  agam>t  John  Sto.v  w1k>  r..,,Mo  1  in  lo:;!.  la'loTl  he  printed  a 
i  reatise  conuanmg  1  able,  and  1  n!es,  _l>y  H,  (ir.lton  In  l.-,;.,.  in  ,:onjuncr:on  with 
Benneman,   lie  pirmted  ■■  >tj('-,- s  (  tti-oiw',^. 

InloT.S  he  was  nunle  Master  of  tlie  Stution-r's  ( Vympae.v.  and  hold  the  ofrh.o  for  -<iK 
years,  and  probably  re-elerted  in  lo-S!.  for  •■l::t:erly  haviiuv' retired  for  iho  bru.-l*  of  !■■ 
health,  the  Imsiness  of  the  company  was  sometime  at  a  stand,  as  appe-us  f)v  an  m-dhvvli-^- 
of  the  court  of  assistants,    Sept.    :-JlJ.    los;)."     After  his  rotiromeut  tho  London  biiVn'o^s 
was  carried  on  bv  his  son. 

In  15^3hej^m.  totheeompany  for  the  rojiof  of  the  poor,  Tnllies  oiiices  in  Eng- 
liskand  Latin,  .Moral  Phil:,.Miphy,  Kon-oo  and  .Julietta,  Qnintins  (\irrins  in  Fn<-iish 
M.r.  Dr.  ^^  ilsoii  on  I  snrie,  'I  s.o  l-.nglish  Lovers.  Son.'.-s  and  Sonnets  bv  the  r^"^-'l  of 
Surrey.     A  l)ook,  "  Diall  of  Princes,"  bearing  his  ifnprint,  is  in  tho  Astor  Library-  "t1i  • 

,-,.,.         ,.     ,  „         ^^'*    imjirints.      Hansard's  'J'vpographi; 

contains  a  drawing  ol  his  device  of    the    -'Hand   an.l  Star,"   ami    of   his    monognini  an. 

■^f^  X     \ 


State  library  at   Hartford  also  contains    one  of   his 
contains  a  drawing  of  liis  device  of  the    "  Hanc 
motto,  of  which  the  engraving  below  is  a  co[iy. 

RICHARD     TOTTEL  ^r^l^son^Ennron,  ,^  Lomlm,    \    lindthat 

^  /'-<r7^~~~'>^         />^.       ^'^''  ^^=>"or  of  Perry    Place  (now    Perry  Oak.--)    in 

Middhsox,  ntar  London,  was  demised,  in  I-'aS?  to 
Sir  rhristo[Jier  Heaton  for  21  yrs.,  at  i'S  per 
annum,  and  in  1.592.  to  Joan,  wifo  of  Pichard 
Tottill,  and  lier  sons  William  and  John  for  their 
respective  lives  in  reversion.  .  In  160:3  this  estate 
was  granted  to  Lord  William  Paget. 

Richard  Totliill  m.  Joan,  dan.  of  Hidianl 
(irafton;  /.  1,  Jane,  m.  Andiow  Kowldhurst.  2, 
Ai-^.  in.  Thomas  Kowldhurst,  3,  Marv,  m.  .los^,e 
Snyder.  4,  Su.san,  m.  James  Hawlev,  s.  of 
James,  s.  of  William,  o,  William,  (i.  Ja"mes,  m. 
KIb'n.  dan,  of  William  (Joch.  7.  J-Jicdiard.  ^s^ 
John.  !).  FJiz.ibelh,  m.  William  Braclshaw  10 
Jiiditli.      11.  Ann. 

95.     William  Tothill,    an    eminent    l.iwyoi'.    (  lork   in    Chancry    and'ijor   of 
Chancery  reports,  among  the  earliest  ever   publislied,   known   as    T'ltliiU's  ]}, p,,rt.i      Ht> 

*Thomas  de  liurnbury,  in.  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Hoare  of  f^earescomb,  and  had:     i,  Richard       -    Thos 
3,  Mary.     :(,  Elizabeth.     3.  .-Vrin.     i.  Su>ai!.  "'        '    ' 

*Uenry  Denham  was  a  torinor  apprentice  of  RicharJ  Totde  and  prob.ihly  hiothcr  of  tho  iv;  •  of  Ri-^h- 
ard's  son,  \\  illiaiu  Tothni  of  i>hardcl'.'fs.      '  Henrv    [;:j.i!:.i!n  an    <.;.  i;cc;-i-.;,'iy   nice  printer   '"i  1  ws 
Itie  first  who  useil  the  scaii-colon  v/ith  propriety.  '  fie  was  luidei-wardcn  of  tI;e"Siationer's  Co'    'i<^f.-3  " 
— Aints.  '    ■"" 




boU!;ht  ii  fine  (-Slate  ii.'ar  Anicrshaui,  in  Bucks,  callfd  "  S!uudflo.>s,"  \vliriv  "  lie  Jiad 
the  honor  of  eutenahiing  Queen  Kiizabetli."  Hu^-lison's  ("LrrnU  <>f  f,>,r,il)ii  says:  ••  Tiie 
old  niixuor  lious<>  of  Shaidelocs  appears  to  have  he^'ii  tlie  occasional  residence  of  Queen 
Eii/alieth."  A fter  the  doc.  of  William  'i'othill,  Sharde'oes  lucaTne  the  property  of  the 
iJralces  h_v  niarriag-e  of  his  daug-liter  Joan  .Totliill  to  Francis  Drake,  and  has  continufd 
to  he  the  family  seat  down  to  our  own  time,  for  as  late  as  lyoO  Sir  Trywhitt  Drake,  M. 
P. ,  was  of  .Sluudiloes,  and  High  Slieriif  of  Bucks.  Tlie  house  ha.s  been  added  to'iind 
ehaim.'d  in  many  resjiect.s.  Aniontrthc  pictures  are  a  tine  ])ortr;iit  of  Queen  Klizabefh 
and  the  L)esiructi«jn  of  the  Spaui-h  Armada,  in  which  Sir  Francis  Drake  ])artiri])ated  as 
Vice-AdmJral  with  his  relative.  Sir  Jidiii  Hawkins,  as  Hear  Admiral.  'J'he  •■♦Monument 
Koom  "  has  several  Drake  luouuments,  of  wl;irh  tJiat  to  Montaunie  Oi-ranl  Dra!;e  (172S) 
is  vei-y  magnilict-nt. 

\Viliiani  Tothiil  m.  Katharine,  dau.  of  John  l)enham.-'-  Gent,  (and  sis.  of  Sir  John 
Di-nham,  Kiriirht,  Chief  Baron  of  the  Irish  Excliequer,  and  Chief  Jasfii-e  of  the  Kintr's 
Bench  for  Indand,  and  one  of  tlie  Barons  of  the  English  P^xchequerV  Sii- John  D.'nham,-} 
Poet,  was  her  nepliew.  It  is  said  that  Wm.  Totliill  of  Shardeios  had  ;>j  children,  of 
whom  wen-  1,  Joan,  and  v!,  Katharine,  Init  may  be  conf(nin(ied  with  Ids  li  rand  fat  her' on 
this  point. 

951.  O'oan  Tothill,  d.  the  IS^th.  bn.  April  19.  IGio;  celebrated  in  Dnnhrx 
MviiK'iry  nf  Kiiiii.,  nijij  rion.s  W'lnoiii.  [•'When  .Mr.  Hooker  (s<>e  note)  left  tlie  ministrv 
lie  sojtmrn.'d  in  the  house  of  .Mr.  Drake,  not  far  from  London,  a  gentleman  of  i;ieat  note, 
■whose  worthy  consort  being  v»'sted  with  such  distress  of  soul,  etc.  '^^  *  "■»  When 
lie  left  -Mr.  Drake's  family  he  began  to  jueaeh  in  London." — MhUlcv'^  MnqnuUn .^  She 
ni.  Francis  Drake,  K<q.,  of  the  rel.brai.d  fani.  of  Asln',:f  o.nt,  id'  the  i'rlvv  in 
Ordinary;  d.  10;j:^. 

*lhe  Dcnliam  f.unily  oricrmated  with  Lord  or  Viscoinpte  of  Dinan  in   Brittany.     Oli'-er  Dyn'nam  had 
the  manor  and  hiiticirod  ol   Hanisnd. /c-«;/.    Edward  L     '■  A  curious  letter  from  ono  of  this  laiuUy   dated 
Lislon,  i:;?7,  seems  to  impute  inactivity  to   .he  rclorincrs  in   his  nci^hborliood."     In   T2-2  tliere  was  d 
b'ooJy  b^t..-cen  (Jliver  Dyni;ani   anJ  the  Canons.     John   Denh  uii,   ociit,  had   whon' 
uin.  1  othill  as  above,  and 

tSir  Jolin  Donhara,  wlio  m.  Hlean-ir,  da.i.  ot  Garrett  Moore,  V'iscoent  of  Dro^hed.^,  and  h^d  only  son 
Sir  Jol)n  I)eii!.;,m.  b.  16:5.  Poet.  (Set  y.^h.uon's  LJvesof  t.'u'  IW:k\ .  He  was  made  insane  by  his  wife's 
conduct,  lull  recovered.  He  was  made  a  Knit;!u  Bath  at  coroaati?n  of  Charles  H  He  was  Sur<evor 
General  lor  the  rcbuildiri;  of  St.  Haul's  chh.,  London,  and  bv  wi!!  left  t'l^^o  and  a!I  his  fees  towards 'that 
nobie  work  He  was  bu.  .March  23,  i66S-g,  in  Westminster  .\bl.ev,  near  Chaucer's  Monument'  Hern 
(i)  II..J4.  .\nne,  dau.  of  Daniel  Cotton;  ^21  Mav  2,,  ic^;.  .Mari,Mr'et.  dau.  of  Sir  William  Br-oks  K  H 
'\S!ic  svas  a  lamous  beauty,  not  without  reproach  before  and  alter  in.  Sncd.  k'oo-t  under  susiiicir us 
circumsfinces;  bu.  in  V\  estminster  Abbey."' 

JThe  Drakes  of  Asho,  in  Devon  were  a  very  distinguished  faniilv  of  whom  was  lolin  Drake  Lsq  one 
of  the  Council  01  I'.ymouth.  a  member  cf  the  ori-inal  company'es  abiished  by  Kv.v^  J.enes  1  o''  for 
sctinnt;  .New  I-,r;«iat.d.  Several  oi  his  .sons  ca.nie  to  \cw  Ei.j,'- ai;d  and  settled.  Richard  with  two  or 
more  s-^-ns  :--d  pmc  daui.h;ers.  settled  in  H;-.:!i;)to:i    X.  H. 

.  J"'}.'!  '-*''-;'^V'' ■^'^'^'^''"' ''-'  '^'■-■■riard.  Robert,  Thomas,  who  went  to  Hartford  in  Herts  .A'nes  m:> 
01  Um.  i  o.e  liiej;reat  -Antiquary,  and  Jolin  of  E.xmouth,  Devon,  who  recovered  As.he  and'm  Mar- 
garet   dau.  of  John  Colchil!.  and  had.  ainont;  others: 

L  Jo.-in  ra^Walter.  son  of  William  and  .lane  Grenville,  dau.  cf  Sir  Thoma,  Raleich  He 
T'  ,''.'  -rr  ^'•'"'.'.■■^,:  .'  •'  K'ltharme,  dau.  of  Sir  Ph  lip  Champernown  and  wid.  of  Otho  (iil  ert-  by  d  m 
hadSir  U  alter  Ka>,  b.  i.  =  2.  .,  J.,„.s  R.M.ricH,  ,1,.  Ann  Korte.sque.  sis.  of  Gertrude  w'ho  m  Si'r 
l>ernar>l  I  raKcot  .\she.  2  Gkokgk  Rai.kigh,  m.  Katharine,  dau.  ot  Otho  and  Katharine  iChamper- 
nowr  >   Gilbert,  and  sis.  of  Sir  John.  Sir  Humphrey  and  Sir  Adwin  G  Ibert 

,.^  I.  •"''V'"  ',''-''5<^-l's<l..of  Ashe,  Hi-h  Sheriff  of  Dev -n;  d  „S=.;  m.  1529,  Amv  (irenville.  sis 
to  Sir  Kk hard  .and  had;  ,.  S,k  Hkknakd  Dkakk,  b.  abt.  15^,0;  •  disMnt^uished  Naval  Officer-  d  Ian  ., 
ij,.;  Rave  Sir  h  ranc's,  s.  ol  Edmund  Drake,  h.  15.,;.  the  sreat  Admiral,  a  box  on  tlie  ear  for  as^uminff 
the  f.milv  arms,  S,r  Hrancis  bcniar  of  a  younger  branch  He  m.  Gcrtrur'e  Forte^que.  and  hnd-  i  John  d 
i'..'c;  m^  ie.ena. dau.  ot  John  Baron  Botelerof  Herts,  and  his  wf.  Elizabeth,  half-sis  to  Geo.'villie'rs' 
lukeof  huckmuham..-.ndhad:  i.  Sir  John.  .,  Geor-e.  d.  unm..  .for.  3,  Thomas  of  Ireland-  d  ./ 
r'.''.;.^^'  V  "Pi"  ""^  If  "^  ^i.^'^'^^I^r'^-  Devon,  of  whirii  he  was  Mayor,  1674.  s,  Dorothy,  o,  M'ary.  7.' 
l..eanor  h.  hh/aoctli.  m  S:r  W  inston  Churchill,  (ii.  [ohn  Churchill,  b.  at  Ashe  iwhiie  his  mo  he?  w.^'s 
'^^  ('■nr'  .;;.-'■'  '!  7'  '  "  u  ^!.-"^'^"^.'T,";  "^-  S^^rah  Jenninfrs.  UK  Arabella,  4chil.  by  jLmes,  Duke 
■hlii.r.V  r  V,  r-l  ■''"'"  "'m '"f  ".!  ''"fi;'^"'3-  She  afterwards  m.  Col.  Charles  Godfrev.  and  had,  .. 
Cha  loite  m.  A  .ril  .•;..  .;.o,  Hui;h  Bascawen,  Viscount  Falmouth  and  hadiSchil.  (/>.  Gcorc-e  2, 
Mn.^  m.  Jo.m  Sherman  ;.nd  h:  d  >i.  u.  Alice,  m.  Richaid  I'-.reiva!.  ancestor  of  Earls  of  I- -mont  -. 
I<o^.c..i  D^^VM.ot\Vl.comh,  m  andh.ul7S.ns..nd3d;ius.  ,,  .'/7///„„,.  2.  /y,r««.-,A  ,.  W;..-.  m .  ard 
^.',1  wi.i^^f  W.-r  K.n..  'rj'-''"  />  '"•""'">■;  ^  '■-.  t^.  -  ■■■. '>r.'r,.-,  m  Kaiharine.  dau.  of  William  Totluil 
.nONMd.of  Win.  K  n-slev.  7.  //«'"/// '.-v  H.  Cc>-tr!n/e .  9,  ^  ./O'-  10,  f  ■,.,■•./,,.  -,,  Rich -.ld  Dk  .KF 
V  y*'  o  '"'''■^  '  /  '  ■■'  '^  '!,""*\  '■'■l"^''-''y  I"  <.>ueen  Elizabeth.  Jntroduced  his  tinsman.  I-'rHricis 
Drake,  a  terw-.-rd-,  the  «re  .t  Ad  ne,,l.  f,  .„..  1^,,.,.  ^  Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  Wm.  Stafford.  <  '-.Zch 
/'.„W  of  SharUe  oes.  d.  ,r,<y.  ,•>.  J  .vi.  .  an  ..r  Wm.  Tothil!  of  Shardeloes,  E-o.  ^,'.  er  hou'  Thrm-^s 
!'•  ■-..u-r  so;.,.rn-.d,  a:ter-.v..rd.  r  u  d.-  ,,.,..  C.  i.  .■  .  C'  lony.  2.  („vr,-.  /V,../-.-  o  Spra'-hav,  Ks,  sun- 
.os.:d    of  this   lamily;  I  .-,d   <i,ue       K-.,.i,.,ni  ,     m    J,. I  n  Ford  of  Ba^aor    Dc.on.,  Er,-  .  wh,"  h;.  -   SirSunrv 

10  Lord  .•\shbuito;i. 



I.  Sir  Wni.  Drake,  luip.  Sept.  2S,  l(\OCr,  cr'/ate.l  l^art.,  Kill ;  Chirogrnplu'v  to  Court 
•of  Coiniuon  Pleas;  llou^c  of  Coimiions,  l(j(;."'>,  he  lionght  the  Manor  of  Adiuon'h'sliaiu  in 
Bucks,  of  \Vm.,  Earl  of  H^dfo/il.  He  d.  unr.i..  Ang.  8,  1()G9,  a.  (io.  and  the  tiLle  hc-anu- 
extinct.  He  Ijeqaeatlied  Ids  e.^tates  to  his  m-phew,  Wni.  Drake,  Esq.,  afierwards  Sir 
V\'i)liani  Kt,  and  iv<mi  him  d.\sc.  throuirh  4  or  5  oenerations  to  Tiioiiuis  Tyrwhitt 
Drake  of  Shardiloes.  Ili;;-h  Sherill'  of  Vmvks,  18:]!l,  and  M.  P.  Shardiloes  became  the 
familv  seat  of  the  Dra!:e-. 

n.     John  Drake,  ini.,  ]<i-^:'.,  a.  4  yrs, 

III.  Joan  Drake. 

IV.  Francis  Drake. 

8514.     Francis    Drake  of  Walton  upon   the   Thames,  ni.  Elizaheth,  d:i.u.  of  Pii- 
\lex    ih'ntoii:  ci)  Dorothv,  dan.  of  Sir.  Wm,  SprinLi'.     ('.  h\  2Ci  m.; 

1  Sir  Wni.  Drake.  .M.  P.  for  Amersham,  Hiirk-^,  ICMI-Tn-SS.  In  llJ'.^O  he  was 
purchaser  of  the  Malpas  F>tates  fioni  Kt.  lion.  Lord  Wm.  Brert'toji;  m.  Elizabeth,  dau. 
andh.'irof  Wm.  Monta^xne.  Lord  Chief  15av.-n  of  Exidiequer.  1,  .Mo>.TA(;rK,  b.  I'i:;!. 
•■^  M  \t;v  11'  Sir.lnhn  fvrwhiit,  I5art. ;  M.  P.  foi  the  city  .,f  London,  i:i4-0',\  in  llr.-) 
-  Parle  of'(ie().  11:  d.  1741.  Sh<'  was  his  id  v.r.,  and  d.  178S.  M,  FiiANeis,  d.  IHTl.  4. 
CH.\in.r.s,  d.   IGTG.     o.  DouuriiY,  d.  IGsO       li.  ^^■-M..  d.  1G7-,'.     7,  Ei.i/.m'.i:tii,  d.  l(;7<i. 

951411.     Montague  Drake,  b.  107;-1;   M.  P.  for  Amer>hani,    10.95;    d.    1098:    m. 
.lane.  dan.  and  lieir  of  Sir  .Inbn  (Jarrard,  Part.,  b.  Iii75;  d.  17^1. 

I.  Montauue  i.iarrard, 

II.  Marv.'b.  1094;  m.  in  Westminster  Abby,  17-31,  Sir    Pi<d!avd    Everard,  Part  ,  ^. 
uf  Sir  .lohn  by  Eleanor,  dau.  of  Pier.-e  Butler,  0th  Lord  Cahor  of  Ireland. 

9514111.    Montagiie    Garrard   Drake,  Esq.,!).  179;!;  M   P.  for  Amersham, 

171"-!    l") -•'■'-■' 7-  d    17'^>^    a    :!.■)■  m     P;ibe]la,  dau.  of  Thmnas  Marsliail,  I'.sij. 

J  ^WUlianu  b.  ll-M:  M.  P.  b-r  A.  from  1710  xiU  hi^  <!.,  1790.  a.  72:  LL.D.; 
m  1740  Elizabeth,  dau.  ..f  John  Kaevortli.  E-q.,  b.  172:);  d.  H.n.  1,  W  n.i.iAM,  Jl.  P. 
for  \.  from  170S  till  d..  179.->;  b.  174^:  m.  Mary,  so!.'  dau.  and  heires-  ol  \\  m.  Hui-sey, 
Esq.,  M.  P.  for  Sali<l.ur\,  Feb..  i;7S;  she  d.  .v.  /.,  Oct.  sm.  yr..  a.  iO;  (2)  l^yi,  luichel 
Elizaberli  sole  dau.  and  heiress  of  Jeremiah  Ives  of  Xorwich,  who  d.  17^:4.  2.  ■Un\:;. 
LL  D  rel-tor  of  Amersham:  m.  Marv,  dau.  and  co-heire'.-s  of  l^•v.  \N  m.  W  ickham;  ms. 
of  Ins  bn.  's  wf.  1,  C/-"-^.  Dn'l-'  Currnvl  1>.  ir7.-.;  M.  P.  for  A.,  179i;-lSOl;  took  sur- 
name of  (Garrard  in  compliance  with  the  will  of  his  cous.,  Sir  P.ennett  <  birraru.  m.  Anne, 
dau  of  Miles  Barne.  1,  (4ias.  Bennett  Drake,  b.  ISdO;  lu.  is:'...,  ihuiora  ib-nnetla,  ebl. 
dau    of  Philip  Duncombe.  Pauncefort  DuncomV>e.     2,  Louisa,  unni.     :!.  An.u-.  num.     4. 

Charh.tte,  m.  (ico.  11.  Cherrv,  Es.p     .5,  Caroline,  m.  ^^  m.  Daw.-on,  Es<|.      0,  Emily.  ,u. 

Ilcv    John  Tvrwhitt  Drake,  rector  of  Amers.     :!.  IIkxhv,  d.  y.     4,  Ei.lz.\r,i:Tii,  m.  Lev. 

Richard  Frank,  D.D.,  rector  of  Aldertou.     5.  CaT:I.V!:ixk,  d.  y.     0,  P.vckhi,,  hyui-  1,9., 

unm        7    TiioM.xs   Di;\Ki:  TviiWuiTT,  b.  174:):    took   surname  and   arms  ol    lyr^vhnt. 

1770    bv   will  ol    Mr  Jnliu  'i'vrwhitt:  then  aud.Ml  Drake  ou  d.  of  hi.-,  ehh-.^i  bro. ,  .M.  P. 

l?l)3'to"d     l.slO-  m.  Anne,  dau".  an,l  cu-heiress  of  Pev.  Wm.  "\'v  u-kham.  17^9,  at  SL  Georo.,-, 

Ilaiu.ver  S(piare,  London.      (Thomas  Tvrwhitt  Drake  of  Shardeloes,  Esq.,  High  Sheriff 

of  Bucks,  1S30,  and  M.  P.  for  Am.  several  year.s;  s.  or  gr.  s.) 

II.  Montague  Garrard,  d.  1722.  ,     ,     ,  .,  ^,-t  ..  • 

III.  Thomas,  LL.D.,  b.  1727;  rector  of  Am.:  m.  Elizalxth,  dau.  of  Isaac  AVhittmg- 
ton  of  Oxford  House,  Essex,  who  d.  1705.     He  d.  177.'). 

12  Katharine  Tothill.  A  memorial  brass  in  Canterbury  Cathedral  says  she  was 
"  the  vonn•■■e^.t  of  ;jO  (  hil.  of  Wni.  Tothill  and  survived  them  all."  llu.stt'd's  Kent,  voi. 
ix  p  ?.9r)  ""  Shed.  1022:  bn.  in  Christ  chh..  Canterbury ;  m.  Wm.  Kingsley  of  London," 
Gent  "•  m.'set.  <lated  lODl.  He  bou>rht  the  manor  of  Hose  Hall  iu  Herts  Co.  1593:  bu.  at 
Surrat  March  Ml,  1011.  Arms  of '  Kiny-slev  — vert,  a  engrailed,  argent,  crest  ou  a 
wreath  a  coat's  head.  She  m.  (2i  Nicholas  Drake,  Estp,  ami  survived  him.  lie  was 
cousin  of>ranc,es  l>iake  of  Shardeloes  who  m.  Joan  Tothill.  i.  by  1st  m.,  .'}  ss.  1  dr.u. 
].  William. 
II.      Thoiua.s  of  Pose  Hall. 

III,  Catharine,  m.  James  Penniman. 

IV.  Edmund. 

V.     (feorge,  d.  ■■<.  i.     1,  Wm.     2.  Thomas. 

VI  FraoVis  m  AbiL'ai!  Stanes.  1,  Wm.,  ni.  D<u-otIiy,  dau.  Sir  Fdwavd  Bot.der 
of  Danl)urv,  Essex.  1.  ih,rnt}n/,h.  July  20,  lO:Jo;  m.  Po4)ert  eiilberf.  2,  Oith„riiu\ 
m.  Thos.  .lones.  :).  IP/j.,  b.  Dee.  S.  10:J1.  4  /''nz/M'/v,  Oet.  5.  lO:]:!.  (iM-om  i/v.r-vr.v 
Ui'it..  of  KfT't  and  livr/.x'v  Pt'Jif,n'e>:--<.) 

^-'^'^'  'JUTIirLLS    or    DEVOX, 

,n'^-^'   .)^''illiftlil»  '''"'-"f-  "f  ^^''■■'■lin^'""'!  Arrh.ieacon  of  Cantrrluirv    d    ICi:-   iHiri.-i  i,, 
Uinst  clili.,  rantcrhury;  m.  Dainnris,  dau.  of  .John  Abbott  of  (iuildfonl  Siirirv  d    1U;S- 

I.     Catliaviii.-,  i).  ]i;-,^0:  d.  ir..-;4:   111.  'I'lios.  IVkc.     1,   TfroM\>;   b    ]r.;M-  d    ir.U       ■> 
Pktkk.  IHKi      :i,  ('irAK,,K<,  ICIJI.     4,   Edwakd  of  Hill,  Court,  b.  Jf;}^-  m    FbAbftk' 
(hiu.H    (,..„.  \\cniw.,rrl,    hru    aurlli.,irTothe  Earl  of  StraiYonl;  d.]G!M.      H-r  bn.    <ir 
K.iisl.    \>j-atworth   bad  da,,.   Mary   wbo  m.  Tlumias,  Lord    Howard   of   Elluvham'     1 
hfhnin!.   b.    16,4:    d.    x.    ;.      -J.     Thonms.    b.    ](iTO;    d     J701    a    ''')■    m    Flivb,  -7,     !  , ,"        /• 
Anthony  V.M  of  BruxK-y;  (-,  Koborr  Minrliaid.      1,    Sarali;  ,u  ^\V,n   'WvQn  ^lor^i!■'■  . 
ol    Admirui  Mornr.-.     o,    Damari-,  m.  Henrv    D.riug-.  b    ]ii:;s-    ^     ,,f   sir  Fdwird   -.'n' J 
Anm..  dau.  of  ^ir  Jolm  A^bbundiani  and  sis.  of  Eord  Asblnunh.'nu      1    Ivl^mrd  Vs.,'    b 

if 'ftu„:rw;:  b'i,ui '^"'- '"'  '• ' ''^'^"•""-  '■  '^"■^^-  "^-  ^^^^'"  ^^-^-••'  1'-'-' i-y 

IJ.     (ieur-c.  b.  l(i!.-5;    bu.    1040:    11,.  Ann  Spi-inovi'.      Sh,-  in.  (2) Caiin.ion       1 

NVii.T.iAV.  b.  Hill:  ,n.  Pris-dlht,  dau.  of  Th..s.  d.  IGs:;       i     UVV^;^    '|    W-' 

i.  \\i.liau)  !,.•.., .-(„.„.:  ,'.(>,.,.  t|.  ITCi);  unm.  :!.  Caroline,  d.  iroO  a  -V,  ^  j-j^^;' 
'^''  ,"•  -'"'■■".'"// "I  E'uidon.  attfrwards  of  Rirhmnnd.  b.  lf;74;  bad:i'(diii  of  wlioni" 
l.Antln.nv.M.  l).,:lds.  O.Pinrke.eld  s.  3.  Tboma.,  id  s  4  ( 'lui^  1 'h  s  d  r  "v 
m.  (1)  V  has.  ol  Lymingtoii;  d.  ITn',;  ,„.  Elix.a!-rb,  dau.  of  Joliu  \VaVt,„.v  'V  clAc" 
-'    •^""       '■-'    Ih.nna.^  Pinrk<-.     5.   Ann.'.     4.    a,,,,-,.     \,    ir.:->-d     PiT!)       -,  "  /•;///,/,v7    1. 

H.  P/icW.h.V>,iK      10.   ,1;,,,.,  ](i:o.      II,    /v'fe/ft.v/,,  b.  1G6S;  d    imJ9 

III.      \\il!ia-u.    b.    10e<5:    ni.    Mar-ai-.-t  Coartliop;-      1,    Gkoruk     b    1^;.-,4-    n.      Ann 

Buriou-.     -.   Damak.s.  b.  l(i.-,.5.     ;S.  CiiAUi.Ks.  b.  llj'oL     4,   A:n\n    b    lOtji?  "        "        ■' 
n  .      Ann.  111.  John  Povs. 

^'.  <'b::r:r..  b.  lf;Co;"d.   lOCO. 

VI.  \S  m.,  1U:3-:;  d.  1(.;-i4. 

VII.  Thomas.  lt)'3s 

VIII.  ];i;/.ab,.;h,  pJJi. 

I\'.  An-.d.  a  dan.,  ](12:1;  d.  1046. 

X.  Scarab.  1).  .-uid  d.   1(1:50. 

XI.  Dt.rothv,  twin  with  Sarah 

XII.  Ann,  !&]. 

XIII.  Mary,  l(;;j->. 

n,.f>    »-    170,-1.  ,.     ,.1         1,:   ,        ,V\      '      ■'""•      -•    Ji'L-uui-s       o,    »winani.      4.  i-aizaoetli, 

Knovb'.nir       ,M  '^V\^'''''''J'-  ^'■'  b"'l-"flary  of  \Vest,nini,'4or  and   Ib-.-tor  of  Ea. 

noNb  and  I-omhill    \\  ,]t..      n,  Ann,  b.  Feb.  ITu^;);  d.  1702:  m.  KoO  O.smund  Beauv4> 

Vi      n!:;"     ""f"r?  '\"u  ^^i"-"-'^f-l'Ool.Canterbu,.y.       1.   Elizabeth,  d.  W2i^    Tl?^f, 

of  Sir  Ib.nry  Ox.ndon  Part.     2,   E]i-/,abeth,  b.  178.;.     3.  Marv.  17S7:  n,    Phas     illix 

^H^'^U    .  A'!'!  !^ ?.f'  ''•  ^'"^'  "-J'^'^l:  '"•  ^^^-''t  1 VH),  Sir  F,.u„-is  Hea.l  Parr,  1,.   UVM 

1       \iii.    b    -J.v.r  1-1"..       ■     xV-    ^~';. .i."M>,   ,,,.,,  .^ir  ri'ancs  Head  l>arr,  h.    !(i'.i4. 

';„/:,•;■  ';,'"'•''  ^'^'-    '"■  ^^"'-  i^^^'-^yUm.  Pb.  p..  mi.   s.    m-  .John,  2d    Fa:-1   nf    Prid-., 

P'v       •,   ■     ■'   "'"'">•     -"■•^^'^■^V"Hiidd.1Sl(;.      1.   Thomas,  Majur  in  7th  I.ra.„nn..      2 
nan,  tti,  4th  vMi,.<,t  Win.  Ki,r,.,-ton  of  'lotb^n  Park    M    P      2    .Iinmx'v    b    "^•■s-  ,n 

■:;:;;;; Z'-;'-';^ 'vi'^^-^  ^-i  —in  to  iviwam  (.ibbn.l-f.r.v  -p^aVa '  i;;,;:;n-tt 

Wat..;       d  bv  nirr  h'';   '"•  '-"n'  ^"'''''"^^  -^""^  P.'n'sb>rd.  dau.  nf  (J.or^..  Ma-quis  of 
iui  .h  '•\,^'''-^^';'^^'  <i'^"-  <^"d  liHrossof  Ib.nrv  Monek.  Iv^,,..  by  Ladv  Isabelb,  PcLt- 

'-k  aau.  ol  H.nry  hrst  Duke  of  Portland,  by  Eli-.abeth  dau.  and  Jo-h.iiV.i  of   Wii;  j  . 

;                                          EMioKATiox  TO  ^•^:^\■  v.^-.lwd.                              xxy 
( . 

I  esiey  E.  of  ( luinsbuio.     '2,  Amu',  in.  liev.  Geo.  J.iM'n.-;.-,  }\o-\  of  Aslie.     R,   n,:r.  h'lhrard 

\  y^/.'/ie'rcl'.  rliuwfil  tlR'  Barony  uf  (.'handos.     4,   Sir  juj,  rfnn,  b.  176-;  rcj;.  Maulstoiio  in 

If'iirl.     ISi^-V'^;     UiiiT;     lu.    Eliziilu'th.    cbvu.    of     Hfv.    \V.    ]).    jiiul    E!izali.-tli    Barrett 
Huelit-  sis.  uf  Thos.  Buiiet!  of  he.-  Priory;  (1)  m.  Mary  dau.  of  Kev.  Wui.  Kobinson.     ?!. 
by  U-t  UL. :     1,  (Jray  Mattliev.-,  and.  1',  X.:  d.  .\Iinorica  1812.     2,   Edwanl  ^^'lu.  (len.,  d. 
!  1810,   a.    10.     3,    IJev.    ICuv-rlon   Antiionv,   1803.     4.    Ferdinand,  ls!)4.     ."i,    Murv    Jane, 

1805;  m.  Cajit.  Gro.  Todd  ;!d  Dragoon  Gnards.     i.  by  2d  ni.:     10.   Hh.s.  P.arretT.'b.  ITbl); 
I  Caj't.  Grenadier  (''^.ard^s:  took  surname  of  Earreit  aceordine  to  v,-ill  of  ^rreat  uncle  Tlio.s. 

!  r.arrett.     11,. John  \\'n;.  Egerton.  b.  1791;  I  deut.  1-lth  Dragoons.     12,  Eii/.al>etli  .Jemima, 

I  ni.  1817   Geo.  }b)i!>:es.  Es<i..  C.  B. .  Lieut. -Col.   :;d  Drairo<ui  Guaid.<.     lo,    Jemima  Ann 

I  Deborah,  m.  1S17   Edward  Quillinan,  Es(|.,  Lieut.   :-Jd  Dratroon   (iuards.     14,    Charlotte 

I  Catliariue,  m.  Fred.  F'asliwood  Swann.  Esq.,  Cajjt.  Grenadier  (iuard.s. 

{  \Ve  Isive  iron.;  thus  largely  into  dctf.ils  in  tliis  aceounf  of  tlic  D-'Von  Braindi  for  tlie 

I  reason  that  all  the  circunistanres  ]v.iint   unmistakably  to  i;   a.s  the  .^ouree  of  the  fonr 

{  Tuttle  families  wlio  came  over  in  IG-Jo. 


The  circumstances  wliich  led  to  the  colonization  of  New  England  are  m.Htters  of 
history,  and  reqnire  only  a  In-ief  ailus^ion  here.  lhii;-|;i nd  was  oii  the  vrrge  of  a  great 
civil  \var.  the  end  and  outcome  of  wliicli  no  man  coulil  pr*  d.ict,  Imt  which  would  cer- 
tain] v  bring  widespread  ca!ai;iity,  ruin.  and.  death  in  its  tiain.  The  establislunent  of 
the  Plvmoutli  Cohmy  iiad  jioiiited  on.t  to  tlie  Jhij^Vish  refor:nei>.  a  way  of  escape  fronr 
the  religious  ])ers'.-<:ut:'ai  they  liad  so  lomr  endurtd,  and  fion;  the  esils  of  the  imoeading 

Between  lli'2i>  a.ud  lolO.  thtsc  h:ird  :dtiM-natlves  were  ]:ressed  upon  the  lianassed 
and  loiiL'-  siiiTeriiig  people  <>f  E;ii;-hi;i;'..  On  t!ie  one  htr.d.  the'  liorrors  of  i-i\-il  war.  inten- 
sitied  bv  leliirious  anin.n'.-ities.  <0\\  the  oiher,  n  sa\  age  %'.  ihl^Tness  <iT!  the  fur  side  of  c'0''(l 
miles  .d.oct'an.  Tliose  w\\u  eliosi-  the  latter  were  certairdy  )iot  laclving  in  e.>urage.  To 
the  knov.ii  darigcrs  to  be  braved  and  hardsb.i[is  and  sufi't-rings  to  Km/  endured  were  julde.l 
tlmse  which  are  always  the  most  dreadftil  in  anticipation,  the  nukn.own.  Tiie  Uianner  in 
wliich  the  exigency  Ava.-s  met  by  those  wlio  stayed  and  di'.i  l)attle,  uS  i\ill  as  by  those  who 
fied  to  the  wilderness,  shows  that  they  wen-  men  fit  to  l.)ecoiue  •'  the  sires  of  Enip)ires 
yet  to  be." 

In  the  early  part  of  the  period  above  named  occurred  "  the  great  en.dgratiem,"  and 
the  plantiue'  of  the  princij^al  Xe\\'  England  Colonies.  Tl"'  more  cautious  and.  prinh-nt — 
those  liaving  the  strongest  atiachments  and  tlie  ]arge.-<t  i.'.terests  at  home,  would  luttur- 
allv  be  tin  most  relucianf  arid  among  the  latest  to  le:r-e.  And  so  it  hiiiijH'ued  tlutt  tln^ 
later  emi>rrants,  tho-e  who  came  l>etween  l(J3o  and  l(J4i).  -were,  as  a  general  thimr.  of  a 
higher  class  than  those  who  came  earlier;  or  ]^erhap.s  it  ^vould  be  more  proper  to  say 
the  later  emigrations  conijirised  a  larger  proportion  of  the  higher  classes  than  the  earlier. 
The  company  of  Eaton  and  Davenport,  wlio  came  in  1037,  and  a  little  later  foun.ded 
New  Haven,  is  a  well-kn.iwn  instance.  The  Tuttles  came  in  ltj3.j,  as  appears  from 
JJra/cc's  JiisiyjrelnS,  from  Avhich  we  copy  the  fidh'wing  ol 


A]U'il  2d,  1(13.").  These  underwiitten  names  are  to  be  transported  to  X"ew  England 
in  the  Planter,  Xii  hohis  Travice.  ]\Iaster,  bound  thither,  the  parties  having  brought 
certificates  from  the  minister  at  St.  Albans,  in  Hertfordshire,  and  attestation  from  the 
justice  of  the  j)eace,  according  to  the  Lords' older. 

[Signed  i  BICHABD  FEXX,   Alderman. 


Jolm  T'.ittell.  a  mercer 39 

Joiui  Tuttell 42 

John  l^awrence 17 

V.illiam  Lawrence 12 

Maria  Lawrence i) 

Aiiigail  Tuttell <> 

"^ymon  Tuttell 4 

Sara  Tuttell 2 




Jnlui  Tuttc  11 1 

Xiitbun  Ihifc.rd,  servant  v<  .'<,hu  Tutt.'il 1(3 

(.reorgo  ti:i!din;;s,  liusliuuiiinun •  2.j 

*JaiK'  Giddiiigs 'iO 

Tlionms  Curtei,  -t^},  Michael  ^^■llliamsou,  'SO.  serviuits  {>>  (ieo.  Giddiugs 

A|iril  0,  more  f'lr  the  i^h^nter. 

Kic-Lurd  TutteH .  ]ni^oai!dui;in+ 4'> 

Ann  Tuttell 41 

Anniv  'l"i:tt('H 10 

Jo  1111  Tilt  It'll 10 

iirUvrrc.   'i'llttell G 

Isabella  Tuttell,  (supposed  inctlier  <d'  IJieljard) 70 

Wii'.iiiin  Tuttell,  liusbaudrann 2G 

Eli^iiUnb  Tutiel) 23 

Jolm  Tutllf ?i- 

Anna  'rutTie ' 2^ 

Tlioniiis  '.rmteU 3  laontlis 

Marifi  Bill 11 

'Die  same  moutb  John  Bill,  aged  13,  came  in  llie  llo])eA\-ell. 

It  iq)j)purs  from  the  above  lif^l  that  three  distinct  lamilics  o/i  Tnttl'\-  came  tugetlier 
in  the  IMaiiter.  Of  these,  Joiin  settled  in  Ii>;^\vitch,  Mass,.,  K'ichurd  settled  iu  InA'tou, 
and  \\'iiliam  in  Xew  liaven. 

Another  Jolui  Tattle  came  with  his  family  in  the  "Angel  Gabi-iel."  in  the  sau',e 
Y(ar.  li;:'.").  and  settled  in  D..>ver,  X.  U. 

John  Tn.lhill,:};  came  -with  his  brotliPi-  Henry  nboiit  the  same  time,  liJo-5.  He  was  a 
widower  in  1G37.  "After  a  few  years,"  says  Charles  B.  M'-'ore,  "he  retLin>od  to  England. 
where  he  in.  a  2d  wife."  Settled  at  W'eyi.'ivad,  i^aftoik  Co,,  and  left  descendants  there. 
His  I'j-other  Henry  was  of  Hingluu.i,  Ma^-s.,  and  Sniithold,  Long  Islae.d.  "We  propf)^e  to 
gi\e  some  account  of  all  tliese  fa'iiili'-'s  b^'fore  pro.-.-^odi-ig  with  the  :uain  obj.-ct  (if  our 

T'le  late  Hon.  W,  H,  Tnthill  of  Tipton,  Iowa,  had  been  for  many  years  prior  to  his 
dec.  collecting  the  gt-aealogy  of  the  Souti.oM  family. 

Henry   Tuthill.  with   wf,  Bridget,  fr.un  Norfolk  Oo.,  Kitg.,  was  of  Hingliam,  168:";' 
freeman,  lG3t>;  con.stable.ij  1610.     He  sold  his  property  in  I'U-l,  and  rein,  lo  Suutholu.  L. 
I.      He  d.  before  IGoO,  and  his  wf.   Bridget    who  h:al   m.    V.'m.    Wells,  also  dec. — 
SiV't-'j''  Cfi'h.  Il'ict. 

I,     Elizabeth,  m,  Wm.  Joh.nson. 

II.     John.  m.  Deliverance  King. 

2.     John  Tuthill,  m,  Feb.  11.  ICoT.  Deliverance   King,  d.   Jan,   24,  1689-90,  in  her 
40;li  VL-ar.      Or;e:;t,  L.  1.      /.  4  son-  and  2  daus.,  of  whouj; 
*I.     Jolin.  b.  Feb.  li,  IGoS. 

II.    p:iizbeth,  b.  —  ly,  iCGi. 

HI.     Henrv, 
IV.      Danifd. 

V,     Nathaniel,  b,  Nov.  10.  16S3;  d,  at  Antego (Antigua),  W.  I,,  Dec,  18,  1705. 
Our  dau,.  Marv  Ycning.  d.  Jan.  11,  1698-9. 
Our  4th  dau,  Dorothy';  d,  Feb,  24,  1683-4, 

Our  .')th  dau.  Deliverance,  d.  Sept.  17,  1683.  '  ■■ 

Abigail  Tuthill,  b,  Oct,  17,  1670;  d.  June  6,  170.">, 
The  above  record  is  from  an  old  Bible,  printed  1599,  defaced  and  torn. 

*I)aiig;,ter  of  joan  Tultle  by  former  rnarri.^.ge  to Lawrence. 

■■ 'Ihe  tetin  husbandman  V as  used  io  Jesi-^^  those  who  lillfd  their  own  lands,  in  distinction  frocn 
fEt.ntrs  who  hired  the  lands  ihey  cultivated. 

:Tho  p;iri,^h  reiE.'isttr  of  Tharst'-n,  Norfciik  Co.,  En^?..  s'.iys  that  lienry  Tuthill  oi  Thi^^stol^  hsd  J^>hp., 
hip.  Oct.  2,,  if"j7;  Vi'illiam,  bab.  (Jet.  23,  iCocf,  Hcnrv,  bap.  June  2S.  16:2  (father  of  John,  of  Southold;. 
br.  Hatfield,  in  his ///j^'ry  (?/"  i;.V2<i.''c-.'//,  .V,  J  .  calls  John  of  .Southoid,  nephew  of  V>"i;ii;iin  ■  f  Xevv 
Haven,  evidently  identifying  the  latter  as  the  William  who  was  bap.  at  Tliarston  iC-.v).  The  date  ai^rees 
with  the  aee  of  Wm,  of  X,  H.,  who  was  26  in  1035.  Hut  this  coincidence  cannot  be  reirarded  in  this 
instance  as  prooi,  or  as  evidence  oi  identity,  as  there  n-.u.-t  have  bi^en  a  sr^eat  many '--orteiir.i^r.'rv  Wi!- 
li.i.-iis  u\  hn^iand.  and  there  is  nothing  in  coiroborati^  ^n,  wtiil  r  ilie  prol),ihdiii;>  th't  Wm.  of  N.  il.,  wj.s 
i>v~'  or  near  uf  kin  to  his  fellow  passengers  of  the  Plar.ter  are  v.ei!  nii;)i  conclusive. 

jC. crisiables  in  carlv  times  were  selected  from  ataoiiij  men  of  property  a.nd'.ji>er-ce,  and  who  had 
Jomc  kaowicdij'e  of  U\y.—}\xi/ry  s  Ifist.  0/  i\\-.v  i:;:i:. 

JOHN    TUTTLE    OF    I;OVEK,    N.    II. 

afierward-;    r\Iurv 

21.  John  Tuthill,  jr.,  f-aliod  "  CluiJl-.t  r  Jolm,"  a  m;'.ii  of  note,  of  ^'rent  naturd 
s^u•e^vd^K^sy  aiul  cnertry;  arlulile  and  of  sU  iliiii;-  lioiit-sty;  was  -a  groat  favorite  v»ith  tbt- 
people  and  iicid  many  olfices;  jrimicc  of  tlie  jiei-.ce;  one  of  the  coiuinis'-ioncrs  that  laid 
out  the  '•  Kjiiirs  Ilifrlnvay,"  the  first  ]mldic  road  that  txt.MiiJcd  the  whole  leiiiTth  of  the 
Island  from  Brooklyn  Ferry  to  Enbthani]>ton:  lufni.  of  the  2v.  Y.  Col 
from  l(39."J-ftS:  sheriif  in  lOOo;  ni,  Mehitable,  dau.  of  Marv  Weils 
.Mapes.— 7A-,/.    li'.  JI.   TnthUi 

I.     John,  \\l.o  continucil  at  theidd  lionu'.stead. 
H.     Jan\(>s.  senled  at  L'ute]i<.y:ue,  L.  I. 

III.  Josliua.  ^  ■ 

IV.  Daniel. 

22.  Henry  Tuthill  was  father  of  Henry  t3d,  who  was  fatlier  of  Henry  :ld,  whose 
■dan.  Anna  TiUliill,  m.  Jolui  Cieve.s  (s.  of  Ke%-.  Timothy)  Symnie.-^.  b.  Julv  U),  174'2.  Ife 
was  an  otllcer  in  the  rev.  a.rmy.  and  after  nne  of  the  jiid.L'es  fd'  tlie  Supicnie  co\irt  of 
Xew  Jersey.  Not  lontr  after  th.'  waa  lie  fiouf^'ht  a  irtietof  land  some  Iwcutv  mil.--<  in 
length,  on  the  injrth  side  of  the  Ohio  rivi-r.  inchiding-  the  site  o(  Cinelnnali.  Ih-  removed 
to  Ohio  and,  re.>.  at  Xorth  B-nd,  tiien  called  Cleves,  havinir  becii  aiiyointevl  hv  Washin^;- 
ton  r.  S.  Di.<t.  Judge  for  the  ^■orth  West  Ter.  He  d.  at  N.  B.,  Feb..  lt<l-t."  He  m.  (->) 
AMdow  Halsey  of  X.  J.;  i:))  Susanna,  dau.  of  Hon.  W'va.  Livingston  of  N.  J.  Her  sister 
vas  wife  of  John  Jay.     By  1st  m.  lie  had; 

I.  Ann.-!,  who  lived  with  her  grandfatln-r  Tuihill  at  .Southold,  educated  at  the 
female  aeadeiny  at  F.  PIani"i)ton;  afterwards  a  pu])il  of  Mrs.  Isabella  tJrahan\,  and  res.  in 
her  family.  In  1T9-J  aeeomoanifd  her  iV.tlu-r  ami  steji-motin  r  to  Vv-s.  at  Xo.  Bend, 
when-  she  nj.  Xo\.  C'J.  IT'JO,  \N'illiam  Houry  H.UTis'>n.  then  a  young 
connnand  ui  Fort  Hamilt'm:  afterwaids  Presid.'iit  of  the  United.  States, 
otllce  he  d,  in  the  \\i!iT.>  Hfnisc  at  W:-sl!le.i,ton.  Sb.e  d,  Fel).  -.^r,,  IM^)!.' 
and  7  months.  About  the  year  18o;)  the  compiler  while  engaged  in  sarvt-yina- 
t.he  Cincinnati  tS:  St.  Louis  Ji.  IL,  accepted  the  jiroifto-ed  hospitality  of  one  of 
President  Harrison,  then  living  a  few  in.i!es  fielow  North  Ben.d  "(Hon.  Scott  Harrir,'>n.) 
Mr.  H.  referred  to  his  Tnthiil  rtdationships,  saying  his  fa.ndly  had  always  held  them  in 
Iiigli  t,.:teem.     Ivev.  Josej)!!  Tuthill  I'urvfa,  D.  D.,  is  of  this  family. 

ci'r    in 

a  rf/iite  t.jr 
the  sons  id' 


John  Tut  tie,  the  immigrant  ancestor  of  the  New  lla.mpshire  family,  sailed  from 
Bristol.  Eng.,  in  the  "Angel  Uabriid;"  in  luy.j.'*  The  vessel  was  wrecked  af  Pemai^uid. 
on  the  coast  of  Maine,  Aug.  lo,  lUoo.  He  went  first  to  Ipswich,  Mass.  In  li;b'i  his 
ria7ne  appears  among  the  tirst  settlers  of  iJover,  whe-e  he  r'-ceivcd  lot  Xo  7  of  the  'J(' 
acre  lots.  There  were  24  of  these  t20  acre  allotments  laid  out  to  as  nniny  larson,-.  and 
that  of  .lohn  Tutile  is  the  only  onr  of  the  t?4  that  is  )io\\'  and  always  iias  lucn  owned  by 
descendants  of  ilio  fir.-t  grantee.  He  d.  in  Dover,  June,  1003,  a.  abt.  4o,  leaving  wid. 
l)oruthy  and  three  children.  Wid.  Dorothy  appt.  Admx.  He  was  no  doubt of  t)ie 
Devon  family,  as  he  came  from  that  part  of  England,  aiul  tlm  same  arms  were  in  };osses- 
sion  of  his  descendants.  A  tradition  says  that  he  had  a  brother  who  settled  in  Conn. 
For  the  loO  years  all  of  this  name  in  Xew  Hampshire  were  liis  descendants. — ll,\\ 
ly  Utarlc.s  W.  Tvtth',  F-^q.,  pub.  {/>  JV.  E.  (Jen.  licg.,  April,  1867. 

*A  fellow  passenger  in  the  "  Aneel  Gdbriel  ''with  John  Tutile  of  Dover  was  John  Cofrswell '"  of 
Chebasco.''  He  had  been  a  merchant  in  London.  He  lust  considcr.-'.Iilc  proporiy  in  the  v.rLck.  After 
Hvinj.;  ashore  some  time  in  a  tent  he  taib.arked,  a  passensjcr,  in  a  vessel  commanded  by  Capt.  Galleys, 
and  look  up  his  abode  in  Ipswicli.  He  had  an  unusually  large  grant  of  land,  yo  acres  at  Chebasco  the 
nevt  Oct.,  when  there  were  only  iwo  fa.milies  residing,'-  in  that  parish.  He  was  a  wealthy  and  pioaiinent 
iniiabitant  of  Ipswich.     He  ci.  Nov.  ic).  1669,  a.  about  sS.     His  wife,  Elizabeth,  d.  June  2,  1676;  chil. 

L     WiTiiain.b.  1621;  dea.  at  Ipswich,  and  d.    thr.   Dec.   15,   1700,  a.   81;  m.    Susanna .     As  an 

evidence  of  his  Rt;indin;i,  the  histc/iiaa  of  Inswicli  savs  that  after  his  d.  his  wid.  sat  in  Ihe  mectin.g:  v.'ith 
the  minister's  wite.  Hiss.  Joh.n  was  f  01  Nathaniel,  f  of  Col.  Amos.  f.  of  Francis,  who  d,  :S'Si,  in  hi'; 
gist  year.     A  sis.  of  Francis,  was  ruo.  of   Hon.   John   Went  worth  of  Chicago,  Author  of  the  .'r,-«.':<'<7), '/- 

U.,  b.  762?;  d.  !6;3,  leaving  3  chil. 
HI.     ICdward.       " 

IV.     Mary,  "  perhaps,''  say.s  Savape,  "  that  maid  servant  of  Gov.  Bdlingh.'.m  that  joinc.'l  the 
chh.,  .\ufr.  2L),  H'77;"  m.  Godfrey  .Arniitajie  of  Boston. 

V.     Hannah,  III.  Cornelius  Waldo,   who  moved   to   Ciiclmsford,   Mass,  n;-,7,   :ind  w.-:\s  dearor:  theie. 
All  lived  a-  Ipswich. 

yi.     Abifjail,  m.  Thomas  Clark. 
VII.     Sar.ih,  iM.  Simon  Tuttle. 
VIII.     I'^lizabeth,  m.  1657,  John  I'ainc. 

Besides  the  above  chil.  of  John   Ci^'sweil,  the   Kev.   E.    O.  Jainieson,  genealogist  of  the  Cogswell 
/ar.'.ily,  says  tl;ere  wis  an  eiiler  d.\u,  who  ni.  arid  lived  v\  I.o.'.don, 

XXVIU  JOHN"   TITTLE    OF    DOVER,    X.    H, 

1.  A  Dfiu.,  J)!'!-.  n:inie>l  l^li7,;i.hfth,  and  iii.  Cjipt.  I'liiUp  Croniwell. 

11.  'j'hcuias.  acciuentallv  killtjcl  v,  lu-n  a  lad,  bv  a  i'allinir  trco. 

III.  .John. 

IV.  D.irntliy.  1)1.  Capt.  Sumu.-I  Tibhets  of  Dover.  X.  ][. 

3.  John 'i'littlf,  b.  IGJO:  d.  Jiuio,  17"20;  ("api.  of  the  Dover  Military  Co.;  Jiul^-e  of 
.  Tlu'ir  Maj(\^ties'  Court  of  Coiatnoii  Plea.s,  ])rovinee  of  New  Ilaiuiisliire;  Sclceruiuu  of 
Dover,  1f)^()-7-S;  'J'own  Clerk  from  IGiH  to  1717;  Town  Tnasurer  several  veius;  Mem. 
of  tlie  Provineial  Assembly,  16US-1),  l';0.'>-0-7.  One  of  ilie  six  Dover  Comniissioners  to 
the  >«.  Haiu]).  Convention.  lu  170"i  Col.  Hiehard  W'aldron  and  .Jud:i-e  'Intlle  were  the 
"two  ])rv)vineial  jneni."  of  Dover  to  liear  and  il'-termini'  itiatters  relating-  to  ?\Ir.  .\llen',s 
Claim."  lie  was  Chairman  of  the  B<)ard  of  Public  yarveyois  of  Land;  onV  of  tl  ••  leadii' ■■ 
members  of  tlie  chh.  at  Dover,  and  with  other  Tnenihersof  the  (General  Asseinblv  in  lOUb 
.subs<'ril)<>d  a  declaration  adversly  totransuhstantiatiQn,  tlie  invoeatiwn  or  adoiation  of  the. 
Virgin  Mary  or  any  other  Saint,  and  the  Saeriliee  of  the  Mass,  as  "  superstitions  and 
idolatrous."  As  ('apt.  of  t!;e  Dover  Co.  lie  had  eharg-e  of  the  defenses  of  the  town,  and 
■wan  often  with  hi.s  Co.  in  seoiitint^  and  huntinj;  expeditions  ayuinst  the  Indians.  He 
left  a  large  est. ;  wf.  Mary,  exerx. ;  Liiut.  Tristam  liraid  and  ('apt.  I'raneis  Mathew.s^ 
named  ns  trustees  for  his  grandehildren.  The  hill  iu-'liid-d  in  his  home  farm  has  ever 
since  been  called  "  Cap'tain"s  llill."  lie  gave  if  to  his  s.  Kbenezer,  who  sold  it  to  Jud'j-e 
Willett  in  K^S. 

1.  .Mary,  m,  John  U'allinsford.  1.  Kcp:ni:zi:u.  ?,  .John.  3,  D\t'.,  m.  Jantes 
Clements;  ('.i)  lion.  Thoiuas  Wallingfoid..  for  21  yrs.  Ju.jgr  of  the  Sapreiiie  Court  of 
Neu-  Hampshire. 

II.      'I  homa>,  b.  April  4,  lG7-t;   d.  in  Rav  of  Campeaehv,  Ajnil  2(3,  ICiO:"! 

IV.      Si;;i!i,  m.  Edward  Cloutman. 

\.      Jai/.abi-tli,  m.  Sau\uid,  son  of  ,1  udi;-e 'I'liontas  Edgerly.      llou.  James  li.  Edgerly 
of  J\oehe>ter.  Judge  C.  C.  Ple;is.  is  Tith  in  descent. 
'\'I.     James,  b.  Apiil  7,  Kil):;;  i:i.  R:»c  Pinkhatn. 
Vil.      Hbene'/er,  g.  f.  of  lln-i.  Wtniworlh  'I'litrle  of   M^ine,    (.'oimsellor  and  Si  nator. 

:j:1  John  Tattle.  Ens.,  of  Dover.  Mil.  Co.;  kilh^d  by  Indians,  May  7,  171'2,  while 
attending  to  .some  business  at  his  mil!  on  th*'  u]-/per  falls  ot  the  Corhe</lio.  His  son 
Thos.,  who  was  ^^■ith  liim.  e.^oaiied.  Hi-  m.  Judi'li,  dau.  \i[  iriehaid  and  (Stou^'h- 
ton)  Otis.  Ibise  was  sis.  to  Sir  Nicholas  Stougl.ton,,  tlie  only  chil.  of  Anthony 
Slonghtoii.  I'sij.,  of  Stoiig^hton.  in  Surn-y,  •'  Stoughton  has  continue,'  in  this  branch 
as  a  t'hristiau  name.  At  the  time  of  the  great  massacre  in  Dover  (IGSi))  tlie  father,  bro. 
and  sis.  of  Judith  Otis  were  slain,  and  her  two  young  sisters  and  herself  w<ir  carried 
away;  but  the  Indians  were  overtaken  In  a  party  of  soldiers  at  Conway,  and  the  captives. 
rescued  and  l;rought  back  to  Dover.  ' 

I.      Mar\',  1).  Jan.  7,  PMS;  m.  .(umes  Caiinev,  a  wealthv  laud  owner. 
11.      Tliomns.  b    Marc!;  1.'),  1700;  m.  Marv  lirackrtt. 

III.  Judith,  I).  170-2;  unm.  in  17;J4. 
1\'.     John.  b.  .^lav  y,  1704;  m.  Elizabeth  Nute;  (2)  Anne  Meserve. 

V.  Dorothy,  b.  Mareh  vJl .  170G;  d.  y. 
\l.      Nicholas,  b.  Julv  -.'7.  17iiS;  m.  Deborah  Hunt;  {-2)  Pertha  Davis. 

VII.     James,  1).  Fei>.  M,  1711;  m    Mary  Allen. 

3;«.  Tliomas  Tuttle,  b.  Mar<-h,  lo,  1700:  d.  Feb.,  1777;  Selectman  of  Dover,  17(10-3. 
He  m.  Mary  Hrackett.  who  d.  Feb.  ;28.  1773.  TIn'y  were  members  of  tlie  "  Society  of 
Friends."  His  uncle  James  Tuttle  was  the  first  of  this  family  who  joined  the  Quakers, 
and  most  of  their  descendants  are  of  this  .-cct.  At  its  first  introduction,  the  sect  met 
with  terrible  p.Tsecution  in  [lover. 

I.      .Mars,  Dec.  2'.).  17-J3;  m.  D;iniel  Twombly. 
II.      Hope,  Sept.  •:!'>,  17"2-">;  m.  Diehard  Scammon,  jr. 
Ei.     Sarah.  April  i(i,  17-37;  m.  J./hn  Hanson. 

IV.  F,li.-ba.  Feb.  14.  liJO. 
^■.      Sauuiel.  Jan.  o',  1731. 

\'l.     'I'hos.,  April  21,  1733;  d.   July   31.    1S()3;  m.    Sarah,    dau.    of   \'\'m.    and   Marv 
(llornc)  Varii.'v.     'I'hos,  Tuttle,  M.  r).,"of  Xortiiwood,  is  his  g.  s. 
^'11.      A^i-di.  Feb.  2^.  173a:  d.  171)3;  m.  Xath;niiel  Varnev. 
I  _    yiH.     Eb,iie/.-r,  Feb.  o.  17;;7;  d.  Dec.  13.  I7!)(i:  m.    Deborah,  di-.a.  of  John   Dei-hton. 

I  i.   Tmiu.v.-^,  b.  .Aug,  'io,  lilll'.;  d.  Sept.  31.",  iy22;  distinguished   as  u  .e.iciier  or  navigation 

I  "'"-^  ^■.urveviI)g;  tHu;^!^   pulilic   schools    for  iiiJiny   yrs.:  Seiectiuac    i-.nd   P.epreseutative; 

JOHN    TUTTLF,    OF    DOVER,    X.    ]{. 

hm\x  a  line  l)1oik  on  sontlnvcst  siJe  of  "  'J'lUtle  Sciunre,"  said  to  be  the  lirat  brick  build- 
in  of  in  Dover. 

IX.     Keubcn,  >r^rc]i '^G,  iraO;  m.    Eliziilnnli,  dau.    of  Tobias   and   Juditli   (Vstrnev) 
Hanson,  and  rem.  U)  Me. 

X.      Butb-lieba,  Aug.  28,  1741;  d.  bS21;  ni.  Jcseph  Varnev,  bro.  to  Xatlmniel 

Xi.     Tal/iiha,  June  18,  17-11 

?>?A.     Joli!i  Tiittle.  b.  May  8,  1704:  d.  Feb.,  1774;  intelligent,  of  mild  and  .'ven  tf inner: 
much  inclined  to  tlie  'Friends."  but  did  not  join  them;  ni.  IClizabeth.  dau.  of  James  and 
Prudence  Xute;  [2)  Anne  Meserve,  niece   uf  his  1st  wf.      Slie  d.   Julv  27,  1819;  lier  bro. 
Col.    Xathanie!   Mi-.-^erve,   distinguished   at   taking  of  Louisburgh,   1745,   afte'rwArds  at 
Crown  r.;int,  in  the  Fiench  war.  and  d.    at  second  siege  of   Louisburgh,  1758.     .S)je  in. 
(2)  Feb.  12.  1778.  Tbom-is,  s.  of  Peter  Ciishing  and  grandson  of  Rev.  Jonathan  Cushing 
of  llinghani,  who  -was  minister  at  Dover,  1717  to  17'jy. 
I.      .John,  ni.  Sarah  M.  Donaldsi>n. 
II.     Paul.  Ml.  Lydia  Jacobs. 
HI.      iSilas,  l>.  May  2,  1732;  nj.  Elizabeth  Jacobs,   sis.    of  Lydia.     Silas  vras  a  school 
teacher  and  sonn'thing  of  a  nuitbt-nuuician.     Col.  John  Tuttle'of  J^arnsted  Ids  e.  s. 
Fraiicis  Tutth-,  M.  D.,  of  Soniersworth,  a  gt.  g.  s.  ~      ' 

IV.     Dorothy,  m.  — —  Jacobs. 

V.     Prudence,  ni. Bunker. 

Vj.      Hannah,  nt.  Samuel  Langley  of  Lee. 

Vil.      Anne,  m. Leigliion. 

A'lll.     Mart!>a,  ni.  Jacolis. 

IX.     Job,  b.  July  2;J,  174-'];  d.  Nov.  3,  182G;  m.  his  cou>:.   Surah,  dau.  of  James  and 
Anne  Meserve  Xute;  rem.  to  Lebanon,  Me.   Col.  Job  Tuttle  a  g.  s.     i.  by  2d  m. : 

X.     Ksrlif-r.  li.  Ma'ch,  1772:  d.  July  15,  1S43;  iv.  James  Tuttle.  Esq.,  of  Dover. 
XL     Janie.>,  b.  ])ec.  25,  1773;  m.  Juanna  Koberts. 

3o4L     Jolin  Tuttle,  d.  at  sea  in  1758;  m.  Sarah  M.  Donaldson;  i.  4  chil. 

1.     Lydia.  b.  Dover  1750:  ni.  Clement  .Nb:-serve:  she  d.  Julv  11,  1S19.     Hon.  Sila.s 
Meserve  of  Parrh'tt,  Jtidyre  Ct.  Com.  Pleas,  was  lier  son. 
11.     D:tiii-1.  b.  March  2-,  175i;:  m.  Lois  Leathers. 
Til.     Lucy,  b.  1755;  m.  David  Xute. 

I\'.     Isaac,  b.  175s;  m.  ],•,<  cous.  Elix/rbeth  Tuttle,  dau.  of  Silas.      Hm  v,as  drovrned 
at  sea  Oct.  11,  ]7!'n.      Com.  by  Hon.  Benj.  F.  Tuttle. 

33412.      Dai.ic-l  Tutt'ie,  b.  :\I;uch  2s,  175i;;  m.  Lois,  dau.  of  Pe;ij.  Leathers. 

I.  Sarah.  Mav  12,  17^2;  m.  Teague  (d'  DuckOeld,  Me.  ' 

11.  John,  b.  Dec.  7,  1783;  m.  Pollv  IvSnell. 

III.  ^Villiam,  Julv  8.  1780:  m.  Doflv  Chas.-  of  Bucktield,  Me. 

IV.  B'A^y.  !).  Julv.  l'.s\i:  m.  J<i<iah"Sniitii  ..f  ]>. 
V.  Daniel,  1,.  r,[i2:  m.  Harriet  Chase  of  B. 

VI.     ]''o]ly.  1795;  111.  Jo.-,hua  Knox  of  Peru. 
Yll.     Lucy,  about  1798:  m.  Bich.  Andersen. 

■334122.     John  Tuttle,  Dec.  7,  1783;  m.  Polly  King  Snell  of  "Poland,  Me. 
I.     Lucy.  b.  Oct.  5,  1808:  d.;  m.  H.  Woodburv;  res.  Paris,  Me. 
II.     Flondla,  b.  Xov.  12.  l-slO:  m.  Arba  Thayer,  So.  Paris,  Me. 
HI.      Eiueline,  Mav  7,  1812;  m.  John  Tu(dcer;'res.  X(Hwav,  Me. 
IV.      Azel  Snell.  Se])t.  30.  1S13;  res.  S.  P.,  Me. 
V.      Bobcrt  Snell.  Jan.  22.  1815;  Skowhegan,  Me. 
VI.      U'ni.  Hrnrv  Harrison,  Oct.  27,  lSl(>:"Sacramento,  CaL 
VII.     John  Clumdlcr,  Dec.  14,  1818;  Skowlu^gan. 
VIII.     Jo.>ejdi  Hutchij-.sou.  b.  Oct.  7,  ls22;  res.  Providence,  B.  I. 
IX.      Benj.  Franklin,  b.  Aug.  29.  1825,  at  Paris,  Me.;  lai.sed  on  farm;  attended  com. 
tJch.joi  till  a.  17.  then  Eloomfield  Acad,  one  term   a  yi-.  till   ;i.  21;  rem.  to  Cal.  1849  and 
renuiined  ever  since;    one  yr.  in  the  Placer  mines;    then  e!igai;-ed   in   constructing  tind 
operating  light  draft  steamers  ou  the  bays  and   rivers  of   L'al.  till  lf<,',5^  then  two  years 
travel  and  observation  in  the  States  and'CaiuAda;  m.  1857  Anne   11.,  dun.  of  L.  W. 'Rus- 
sell, .M.  D.,  of  Skowhegan,  Me.,  and  returned  to  Cal.     Since  1858  engaged  in  merchav.- 
<lising;    four  yrs.  Cily 'I'rustee   of    Petalunia,  Cal. ;    2  vjs.    mem.    B.  ".d'   Education.     In 
1871  elected  State  Senator  for  2  yrs.      In  1873  State  Seii.  for  4  yrs.     In  ls75  and.  '7o  was 
Prest.  of  tlie  Senate.     In  1877  elected  to  Cal.  Assem.  for  2  yr>.'    In  1S7S  -ipj.t.  lii.-urauce 
I'ommissioner  lor  tbe  State  l}ut  did  not  serve.      .Vpnl  is,  Isis,  api-T.  ('..mmis.  o'^  'i  ran.s- 
portatiou  and  .-^eived  till  Jan.,  ISSO,  when  Jtew  cons,  took  eilect.     Has  res.  iu  liis  j>resent 

XYX  JOUX    TL'TTLE    OF    DOVLR,    X.    IT. 

liomo  2;}  yr.s.     1,   Mahy,  Sept.  2i,  IS.JD.     2,  Aiaci:  Mwd,  Sept.  ."i,  1604.     3, 
Lkonauo  Urssicr,!,,  Fcl).  It,  l8Tt). 

X.     Miiiy  Ann,  b.  Aprii  Ul,  LSJl;  dec. 

;3:>1.11.  .Innies  'I'uttle.  b.  1  )e''.  2."),  1773;  d.  Antj-.  :iS,  1850:  711.  .Tnuntui,  drvu.  of  Jo.sliiia, 
and  Joanna  Went  worth  IJob'Tts  of  Si)iiici>\vi)!tli,  li.  Oct.  14,  I't'.T:  d.  Sfpl.  27,  ls49. 
Her  motli'T  \vas  dau.  of  .Mark  and  Elizabetli  (Wrnt  worth)  Wi-ntwortli,  wlio  were  n-jand 
cliil.  of  ^^  ni.  Wfiitwortli.  anre.sior  of  a  family,  wliich  furnislicd  ^^(-v.Tnors  for  N.  II., 
for  lU'urly  'lO  yrs.  Burke,  in  liis  Ihilish  Pifi-nr/.',  speaking-  of  Sir  'i'homa.<  Wentwortli, 
Karl  of  Stati'ord,  ulio  was  beheadeii  May  iJ,  1()4].  say.sT  "Of  thib  very  illiislrious 
funiily  was  Win.  Wenwurth,  who  cniiirrateil  from  the  Co.  of  York  in  England  to  llostou 
and  removfd  suhseqUfntly  to  New  Ihunp."  ./oanno  Roberts  was  of  thefith  g-fin'ratiou 
in  descent  from  (iov.  'I'lionias  itobcrts.  The  X.  H.  Wentworths  iuterniarried  witli 
the  'I'litlle  dese.  of   Ip^wieh. 

.    I.     (.'harl.'s.  b.  April  SG.  ISOl;  d.  Mav  31.  1814. 
I(.     Mosi-,,  b.  .Inly  -IC,  1803;  m.  Mary'.Morrow. 

III.  Sarali  Ann.  Mav  2,  1^00;  ui.  lier  cousin  Jolm  Williams  'I'uttle,  s.  of  Jaiiif-s 

IV.  Joanna,  1).  isii';  d.  1^29. 
^'.      Charlotte,    1S12. 

\'l.     Elizabeth  Abbic,  1810:  m.  Lieut.  Col.  Harrv  Meserve. 
Vll.      lhui;iah  Cu,-!ii)i^\  b.  182:!;   ni.  Cajit.  J.  A.  X'nte. 

334.11.2.  Tuttle.  b.  July  20,  1803;  d.  Oct.  28.  18.")9;  111.  Mary,  dau.  of  Lieut. 
Jo.-ieiihaad  Mehitable  Dore  Morrow  of  Xcv.  held,  Me. 

1.  Charie.-  Wesley,  lawyer  of  Bost'in:  jiartner  with  Hon.  Caleb  Cnshinir,  ]>roiui- 
uently  conm-cttd  with  the  New  p'nr^dand  Cen.  Soc.  Author  of  \  arious  ]>;ipi'rs  i)ub. 
in  (Uu.litci.  Life  of  Ciipf.  .Joint  ^fi'S'jn.  Compiler  of  '!'/<,  'J'liVU  Fitnul// 
Jla>/ij).  At  tlie  Cambridge  Ol:r.Lrvutory  in  1871,  lie  discovered  tlie  couu-t  called  by  liis 
uanie,  "Tattle's  Coiutt."  It  has  a  ])eriod  of  13^  years,  and  its  next  appearance  will  "be  iu 
18^'">.  lie  d.  iu  l':^81.  A  tremendous  worker,  and  his  d.  is  said  10  have  iicen  caused  i>v 

II.  Horace  Parnell,  paymaster  U.  S.  X.:  Astronomical  .-^ssLstant  at  Ilarw  <J!.>serv- 
atory,  1857-02;  di>covered  two  new  'phauns  called  M:iia  and  Clytia:  al>o  si-vera!  new 
iiobuhe  and  a  gieat  number  of  comets.  In  1859  he  was  awardeil'the  Lulauvie  piize  for 
his  discoveries  i)y  the  Fi\nch  Acudciay  of  SdeuCfS. 

III.  Ereeman. 

n'.  Mary  Merrow.  ^ 

V.  .locd  Stoughton.  .  ■  • 

yi.  Ira.  • 

VII.  l''raiicis.  ensign,  U.  S.  X. 

330.  Xidiohis  Tuttle,  July  27,  1708;  d.  1793;  rem.  to  X'ottlngham,  X.  H.,  wliere  liis 
desc.  have  been  munerous;  m.  Deljorah  Hunt;  (2)  Bertha  J^avis. 

I.  (Jeoigf,  1737;  d.  in  EtHngham,  1810;  Capt.  in  Kev.  Army  witli  Gen.  Gates  at 
Saratoga,  1777;  mem.  Leg.;  Justice  of  the  Peace;  m.  Catharine' Stevens.  Rev.  Johu 
(iiles  Tuttle,  grandson. 

II.  Stoughlon,  1730;  d.  1812;  111.  Lydia  Stevens,  sis.  of  Catharine;  (2)  Hannah 
Sanborn.  He  entered  tlie  arnjy  when  10  yrs.  of  ag.'  and  .served  till  chjse  of  Fiench  war. 
^laj.  Gen.  Bcnj.  Stokes  Tuttle,  Hon.  Bradbury  L'illey  Tuttle  ami  Rev.  Alexander  Tuttle 
are  grandsons.  1,  Bp:.\.i.'.mix  Stukks.  h.  Jan.  31.  'iSOo;  res.  Meredith  Village,  X.  H.; 
Maj.  (.'cu.  X.  11.  Mil.  2,  BitAinuKV  Cii.i.KV,  b.  Xov.  11,  ISU'.t;  res.  .M.'V.,  X.  H. ;  Hon. 
y\.  C.  3,  Joifx  I'..,  1,.  May  20.  1812;  d.  Auir.  .->.  1877.  4.  (iii.M.VN.  b.  Oct.  4,  181S:  d. 
May  27,  ISSO;  m.  Eeb.  19,' 1844,  Charlotte  L.  Hackett  of  X.-w  H.Lmj.ton,  X.  H.  1,  A!Me 
FiaacfH,  h.  Jan.  2."),  1815;  d.  Ang.  10,  1848.  2.  Km  Fl-i\i,r,,  b.  March  11,  1N52;  m.  at 
Boston,  Oct.  12,  1874.  Charles  E.  Staniels;  res.  E.  Concord,  X.  IL;  sec.  Ea.-tniai\  A>sur. 
Co.  1,  f'luirlieT.,  b.  .Mav  22,  Is70.  2.  Mabel  ]{uth,  b.  Eeb.  11,  187s.  3.  Gracic  L.,  b. 
S-pt.  ;10.  d.  Oct.  21,  1880.  3,  Al'inr  At'nnnn.  b.  Jan.  15.  1S,J4;  in.  at  E.  <.'oncord,  X. 
H  ,  leb.  1,  l.ssi,  John  E.  Fry.'.  5.  S  v.MiKt.  G.,  b.  Xov.  28,  1822;  d.  Xov.,  1879. 
HI.      Xiidiohis,  ni.  Sarali   Smart. 

IV.  Juditli.  m.  Josiah  Ibirlelirh  of  Xew  Market. 
\'.      l-;ii/abc;li,  m.  I'er.T  Sti'ilinu's  ..f  Bartlett. 

VI.      l_V'b,,rah.  m.  Mo.scs  Perkins  of  Xew  .Market. 
}  n.      EsiluT,  m.  Sanborn  .if  Xew  Market. 
^  1:!.      Ivc/.iah,  lu.  Jcrcnuah  Elkir.o;  '2)  iJobert  Evaiis.      i.  bv  2d  m. : 

JOTIX   Ti'TTLE    01"    r"''rj-R,    X.    H. 


IX.     B-njamla.  17G4. 
X.     Marv.  ni.  James  Stokes. 

I  AlfS;.  m''^'  "^m/^'"-  \^'^-  ^-  -V^H  ^-  ^"^^  ^-  ^'^'^'  ^-  ^^^"^^  ^^^-  '^^  -^^oh  and 

f  3Ianlm  (Dajuf  •  Allen.     At  time  oi  ias  dec.  Le  vjls  xbe  l&r^rf^i  li,i<d  on-ner  ^'n  D..v^' 

r         -  1^-  Paneuce,  1.42:  d.  1..0;  m.  Jackson  of  Durliam 

I  III.  Stephen.  1744:  d.  l^ji:  m.  Abigail  Fo^s  of  Barnncnoa 

I  IV.  Elijah,  1747;  d.  lS-28:  m.  Rather  Johnson  of  Barr."   ' 

t  ,}^-  LO"^^£-.  1^-i'-':  ^-  1^—:  1^-  Leinuel  Drew:  ,2;  i.ieo.  F.j~.>  Lrr,   cf  Abi-a^l 

t  ^  I-  Sar-ith.  1751:  d.  1S19;  m.  Samuel  Ta.-;ker  of  Barr.           '       "'               ^      " 

^  VII.  James,  1753:  m.  a  dau.  of  Jotham  NTute  and  rem.  to  Me. 

I  Tin.  Eimire,  17.>5;  a.  1790:  n^.  Enoch  Jackson. 

f  I^-  David,  175S:  d.  l.>-2>i;  m.  Esther,  dau.  of  Enoch  Bnnke'- 

P  V    1  ^-T-  -^^^^^^  1~^' '  <^-  '^1*^  ^^-  ^^^^^  D..:ne  a-d  had:     1.  JA^If:^,  E>Q..  ^^■ho  m 

Bx-Stiier  1  utije. 
^I.     Mary,  176t3;  d.  1S14:  m   Joseph  Pinkham. 
f  ^1-     Judith,  176S;  d.  Is32:  m.  Samuel  Davis,  g.  s.  of  Gd.  Janies  Ihivis  of  Durham. 

I  .^^•,    Janies,  b.  April  7,  1663:  d.  May  15.  1709:  ir..  R--se,  dKH.  of  John  ar-l  F...^el    O"'*- 

I  Pinki-aui:  mtrml«ers  of  Soc.  of  Friends  amone  the  earnest  in  Dover;  n--r-Iv   all    thei*- 

^  descendants  have  adhered  to  it.     She  m.  (2 1  Thomas  Cannev.  '        '"  " 

^  I.     Phebe,  b.  1706;  d.  1776:  m.  Moses,  s.  of  Haiuph5-v  and  E^^b^r  S-  rbu^k  V?- 

f  nev,  and  had  11  chi!. 

t  '    11.     Elijah,  b.  17CtS. 

^  362.     Elijah  Tunle.  b.  170>;  d.  17S7;  in.  Esther  Va.Tiey. 

I  I-     Jams,  b.  173S;  d.  1S16:  m.  Rose,  dan.  of  Oiis  and  AL^^-aH  Tiblv-t^  Pink'ani 

I        •  II.     Benjamin,  b.  1742:  d.  1S12:  ni.  Marv  Hussev.  ^  "      ' 

I  ni.     Sainnol.  b.  1747:  d.   Oct.  >;,  lS07:   serg.  in'Cai.t.   Perkins"  Co.     Amv  of  th- 

P  Rev. ;  m.  Martha  Varnev. 

I  ^  ■     "^^'illi-ci,  h.  175'}:  d.  1S34:  ni.   Ani^e  Hanson.     1.  PirEKE.  b.  Jan   16   17^.5-  d 

I  Feb.  23,  ls:)2;  m.  Stephen  Howard.     2,  Joseph,  b.  Oct.  15.  17S5;  re-s    TXjvc-      Ue  w-.^ 

I  a  Quaker  niici?'er  nearly  50  years:  d.  April  29.   1^74,  a.  s7:  ie     Sa^b    dau   •.- Jo=e-/^^ 

^  Pinkham.     He  was  selectman  of  Dover  1S21-2-3.     1.  .1*3  C.  b.  X.  H.-lv.  I^'ul'  k  Q-f^ 

I  ker    mi.>^io:iary   and   teacher  among  the    Mtnic.-s:    has  l*een   twlre  ntarrit-d    and   As 

B  two   sons    by    wf.  and  1  s..  now  Nov.  lt;74.  7niGs.  old.  bv2d  wf.      :j    Rose  b    -  "^ 

f  29,  1701;  m.  Nathaniel  Jenkins.     4.  Sakah  Ha^-scx.  b.  Jan.  7    1793      5    Ikv   b   An^ 

I  1^  1705:  d.  Dec.  3.  18:50:  -schiK-l  teacher.  ■-•■=- 

^  Of  thi.s  fam.  was  the  f.  of  Jarnes  Tmtle  of  Strait'ri.   X.  H..  wh--»  went  fr>-iii  Dcrei 

(neck  to  S.  when  a  young-  man.     Bi-sides  Jaiu^^  of  Siratford  he  Lad  S'^n  Elijah  and  T>eT^ 
other  chil.     James,  grandson,  b.  177l':  ni.  Sarah  Clark  and    had  13  'ch;i      PI-  n- 
(2)  Ruth  Atwood,  and  had  1  child,  a  dau.     Ruth  was  sis.  of  Mtrj.-s  Atwood,  prnj-ret.  r  •--- 
■f  Atwood  s  buters. 

On  the  6th  of  Oct..  iSCO.  all  the  children  exoeptinir  on.-  who  had  d  a  5  vr^  n:-=-  f- 
the  house  of  their  brother.  Daniel  C.  Tuttle,  in  Dover.  X.  H. ;  their  aces  are  annexed 
Daniel  C  was  the  first  to  die.  ^  . 

I.     Sarah  Berry,  a.  GO  yrs.  11  raos. 

II.  Daniel  C.b.  Dec.  15.  l.'^Hb  rem.  to  D.iver.  1S30:  d.  J  urn- 24  l«5fU  Hp  w^'^ 
Capt.  of  Infantry,  25Ti.Reg.,  2d  Brigade.  2d  div.,  X.  H.  Mil.:  com.  dated  April  25  l>--^9~ 
m.  Sarah  Drew.  1,  Apelink  A.,  in.  Rtifus  Currice.  2.  Jknntk  S..d  sb<mO ^jo- 're<" 
t>S  CLeri-y  St..   Fall  River.  M:i.<s.     3.  MakiiX-A.  M..  m.  Clark  T.  B-rrv.     4    Anv  M     nV 

Amos  K.  Robens.     5.  Abuie  Fk.vsces,  re^.  S-5  Cherry  St.,  F:ill  River.  Mass. 

I.     Levina  Twouiblev,  a.  5S. 
IV.     Elijah,  a.  57. 
y.     Jani.s.  a.  55. 
VI.     I.v'vev  MoutiTonierv.  a  53. 
VI I.     John" L.,  a.  51. 
VI 11.     D-avid.  a.  40. 
IX.     F.b-r.ezer.  a.  47. 
X.     Estlur,  a.  45. 
Xi.     Bet,-^>v  Di'-kev.  a.  43. 
Xll.     Pau;.'a41. 
Xlll.     Phuna,  a.  15. 

-^^-"^^  KICIIAKU    TUTTI.E    OF    BOSTOX. 

inCHAHl)  'iTTTLl':   OV  BOSTON. 

late  the  internal  affairs  of  the  town.     Xov.   n    KiiiS    he  was  c  lien      „    t .  '  i      ^  i   ''■^''^"" 

m  i^S'- '"  ''^'^  ^"  ^^''^^"-'^^  "^  '-^'^  -  Knnuu,-;;:  ^wi^^.rs'punen  i^^;; 

for  S%'^^'''  '^^^''"  ''^'^  ''"'  ^'"'^  '"'  ''^  '-^  ^^^""  "''  "^"""^•>-  ^'^^-1'  to  ^J^-^l'arJ  Tuttell 
Jan..  lf;:iS--89.  Xirhola.s  Willvs  sold  Iii^  >r,v,-  ],,,   ,,f    ,(,   „,.,,     ,     i       .        , 

Roinely  to  Richard  Tuttell  for  €;iO  12's    (i  d  ''''^'"'^  '''"'  ^"^■^'■^^'  ='^ 

Mav,  ]0:;!9.  Kohert  Hardin-  of  Hnston  sold  his  yum.r  .i^)-„..,.t  .,t  Per.,,  .v  A'       i 

Prubahlv  Kiehard  Tuttle  had  lu)  other  cdiildren  tlian   iho'<e   who   rnT,,o    witl,  i  ;      • 
the  Planter.     The  wid.  Dorothv   Bill*  lived   at    lus  hou  ■,    ■  r-    .   ,     ,.  i     }        :''''" 

By  order  of  the  cot.rt  he  ^vas  tohorc.ponJ^clotv'l^ny^,^^^^^^^^  "^^"i 

to  n.ean  .h.t  he  would  support  her  and  lu-r  child, en  ^  ^  '''     ^'-I^r-^^''^ 

1.     Anne  'i'uttle,  b.  in  Eng.,  ICy^H 
IJ.     John  Tiittle,  b.  in  Kn.^,  l;]^:^.  ,„    p..,^    ^o.  1,;k,  Marv  Ihdvoke 
ill.     l.ebccca  1  uttle,  b.  Ill  Enir.,   lC'v!9. 

n.u  ,1,,.  li„.  l,e,„e..„  I,v„„  ,u„,   Bo„.,„.  ,"   ',,;,;',! :,  n        .  ^o        ■  ,  .T'SJo.l''     ''p  '" 
taiw  lomov.xl  to  Lynn,  nn.vl,.  f„.„,„^„  ,i,..,v    1091    no-s     1,  I'l        V    ,      ,  ,         i       t"'" 

II.     ^aiah  Tuttle,  b.  ICxJ;  d.    Feb.    1,  1719     a     (;8-  m     Jos^-nh    Xhwp!!   rf  r-i      ^ 
111,      tJ'becea,  b.  .June  17,  KIGO 

.i,i.  S;f  !::;;;;;;s,'::;;,;'S:'!'Th™r'™''"'  '"■"  ""-'■"■'  "■  '=■■-""•  '■■■•  > "-  -"  -«'■  - 


me^i,!;nJd^n"!;e^^lV:^1.^,;i^":\;;r^''•^^^^^^^  is  thought  to  be   tho  same    K:hvar.1    PIoHvockc 

cUi:„  Of  ,.  s.  for  wood  -^V    f  ^;';/  a%  l"  M.^thaw.^y  i.uher,  wlieru  he  ■.  spoken  of  a.  hJn>^  a 

1.     Mary,  m.  John  Tuttie.  '^' 

^usanna,^K  .Nlichael  Martin,  Sept.  !•.•    i6s5 

Sarah,  m, .Andrews, 

7'  f  ;i:is;'iSS>i£H---'''ss^-''" -=:-  -^^^'^^^ 

t'.     r-lizabeth,  m    John  .K'ey<er 

.>r.  KJw.rd  A     Ho'yohe  ol  Salem,  a  dcsc.  of  the  tir.t   E.nv..rJ,   d.  Ma>vi>  ^x    .f,o,  a.   .-«  yrs,  7  n,os. 


lUClIAliD    TUTTLE    01-    EOSTON. 





EJisha  TuTile,  sr..  liad  ba]».  at  Piuiiinev  Marsh,  Jaliez  ai.d  llaniiali,  Marcli  H,  171.~). 

Klislia  Turtle  had  hap.  ar  R.  M:irsh,  Jacob,  tVb.   •^s,   17;,M:  Elizabetli,  April  *),  ITiT. 

Children  of  Saniuel  Turtle,  bap.  at  Ruinncv  Mar.-;h:  1,  Abitrail,  June.  lU,  171U.  2. 
Elizaberh,  Oct.  2;j,  1718.  3.  Abij^ail,  Nov.  I",',  17.',M.  4,  Tabitha,  J  iilv  10,1721.  5. 
Samuel,  March  lo,  1721).     G,  John',  Oct.  2U,  172S.      7,   Mary,  Jan.  2.  171)1.' 

Jciauna,  wf.  of  Samuel  Turtle,  a  mem.  of  the  1st  (dih.  ar  ^lalden,  Nov.  9,  1740,  had 
l>n]i.  by  Wr.i.  Lauison:     ^^'illiam,  b.  June  I'J,  1745.      Ann,  b.  1744. 

Mary  Tuthill  m.  Dm.  Tlimuas  Hubliart  of  Bosrou.  An  old  ;  in  rhe 
"(Jranary  "  burying  ground  iu  Bosron,  "to  rhe  nieniory  of  Mruy,  \\i.  oi  John  Tuthill. 
and  lo  l)f-a.  Thos.  liub'oart,"  has  the  Dc\nn  'J'olhill  Army.  ].  "Capt.  John  llubban,  m. 
Elizabeth  — — .  She  m.  (2)  James  Franklin  of  Boston,  prjiiier  and  ]^Jstma.ster,  with 
Avhom  Benjamin  Franklin,  a  younger  brother,  the  renowned  ])])her,  served  an 
npprer.ticeship.  James  Franklin  d,  Feb.  5,  17o<.i.  (.'apt.  John  and  Elizabeth  Hubbart 
]uid  a  son  Turhili  Hubliart.  who  was  ]>ostmaster  of  Boston,  1770-1. 

Zachariah  Tuthill,  Eieut.  of  ("astle  William  in  Boston  ifarbor,  and  one  of  tlie 
founders  of  the  '-Brattle  st.  Church,"  was  bmiher  of  tJie  above  Mary. 

Benjamin  Tuttle,  b.  abt.  172M;  m.  Mary  'J'urell.  C'liil.  b.  in  Chelsea,  Mass.:  1. 
Joanna,"!.).  April  2:],  174S.  2,  Marv,  June  12,  17.30.  o.  lieu.,  April  10,  1752.  4,  Eben- 
ezer,  April  17,  17o4.  o,  Jo.--eph,  Aug.  ?;J,  17."")."..  G,  Hulda.  Feb.  22.  1758.  7,  Turell, 
July  25,  1750.  S,  Edward,  Jan.  2H,  17(;2.  1),  Martha,  June  4.  1764.  10,  lianiel,  April 
11,  176G:  m.  and  had  faiu.  11,  Samuel,  Aug.  IG,  1770;  m.  and  had  lam.  12,  James, 
m.  and  had  fam. 

7.  Turell  Turtle,  h.  July  25,  1750,  in  Chelsea,  :*la,ss. :  d.  N'ov.  27,  18ol;  m.  Mary 
^^'ilkinson,  who  d.  Nov.  15,  1825;  chil.  b.  in  Boston. 

I.      Mary  Tur(dl,  b.  .lu]y2G,  1787;  m.  Capt.    Winson   and   had  2  chil.,  who  d. ;  {'2) 


II.     Turell,  b.  Feb.  15,  1788;  m.  Marv  Pierce. 

III.  Sally.  \).  July  22.  17i.'0;  ni.  William  Crubb.  1,  S.UiAii  Ei,iz.M3KTii,  d.  1S45. 
2,  A\'m.  Fk.vxcis.     ;;],  'rrjiKi.L  Tt  rii.r,. 

IV.  Eliza,  b.  May  10,  1702:  m.  Samuel  Cook  T.radshaw;  had  large  fam.  From  Mrs. 
F].  T.  Kendall;  corner  \N'ashington  and  Decatur  sTi-eets,   X.  Y. 

V.  John,  Aug.  21,  1704;  "l.  June  9,- 1827;   unm. 

y[.  Benj.unin,  b    C^ct.  ]0,  1700:  m.  and  d.  soon:  .>.  /. 

A'll.  Harriet,  twin  with  B.,  m.  Amos  Cotting. 

Tin.  Thonuis  Wilkinson,  Nov.  23,  1801;  d.  Jan.  4,  18n0. 

IX.  Catharine,  May  13,  1805;  m.  John  Tuck'-rman. 

72.  Turell  Tuttle,  b.  Bosfoii,  Feb.  15,  170-^;  d.  Feb.  9,  1830;  m.  I8l0,  Mary.  dau.  of 
Jibi'aham  and  ]>ois  Pierce  of  I)orciKster,  Mass.,  b.  Sept.  IG,  ITUd;  d.  in  Phila.,  Nov.  IG, 

I.     Turell,  b.  Dec.  30,  1810: 

II.  Mary  Elizabeth,  b.  Oct.  9,  1812;  m.  \Vm.  Soiilhern;  res.  Boston;  Sandwich, 
0]a-5S  C'o.       1,    M.VIUA    JOSKIMIIXE.      2,    Wm.    IlKXItV.       3,    Maky  EuZABKTil.       4,    \\'INS. 

J,ow  Lewis,  m.  .     She  m.  (2) Wishlade;   res.    311   Myrtle  Ave.,    Brooklyn,  N. 

Y.;  2  chil.     5.  I]r.i,i:x.     G,  Houatio  Hewitt.     7,   Hakuikt  Cohdkm  \. 

III.  Thomas  Otis,  d.  y. 

IV.  Hairiet  Cord.elia.'b.  Oct.  17,  1817;  m.  Aug.  31,  1815,  Ueo.  T.  Hawley  of  Wind- 
sor, Vt.,  *.  i.:  res.  122  Boylston  st.,  Boston,  Mass.;  adopted  2  chil.  1,  H.YiiUiiiT  C. 
TuTTT.r,  child  of  Turell,  :M.     2,   Eva  Ar,i<E  Kownrj,  of  London,  Kug. 

y.     Charles  Henry,  b.  Oct.  28,  1821;  d.   at  sea,  a.  19. 

721.  Turell  Tuttle.  b.  Boston,  Dec.  30.  1810;  m.  iu  Louisville,  Kv.,  :M'ar:.>aret  A. 
Morrow,  1833;  (2)  Mary  Ann  West,  b.  MitHin,  Allegany  Co.,  Pa.;  (Hj'March  15,  184!). 
Elizabeth  Aim  HiHier  of  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

I.     Margarette  Amelia,  .hily  15,  ls37,  at  BostiMi;  m.  at  Phila.,  Aug.  4,   1859,  Wm. 
S.  \\'itliain;  res.  Hanover,  Jeff.  Cc>. ,  Ind.:  G  tdiil.      I.  bv  2d  m. : 

11.  Harriet  Cordidia,  b.  Piit.s.,  Oct.  19,  1842;  d.  Boston,  J;ui.  5,  1S7S;  m.  Louis  M. 
Hallowell  of  Bostnn:  2  chil. 

III.  Joseph  West,  1).  June  ],  184  1 ;  kilu'd  at  XN'iur-hester.  ^■a. .  J  uue  13.  i^f;3:  m. 
Jan.  14,  18G3,  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  .M.iry  Jane  Mairioii.  1,  JusEl-n  WT.-t,  ]>.  Bait.,  fall 
of  1803.     i.  bv  3d  m. :  '  . 


IV.     Mary  Elizahr-tli,  Oct.  9,   1S50;  m.    Dec.    U,    1876,   Il.-nrv   Drinkliou^ie.     SIk-  d 
al)t.  Apri],  l.s^O.      1,   Son,   1>.  Nov.,  1870;  liv.  with  Turell  Tattle,"  4th. 
\'.     TlioiuMs  llillirr,  .luly  h'l.  185:5:  d.  Fi-b.   37,  1802. 
VI.     Kn lily  Maria,  July  l"l,  Is,-,,",;  ni.  Dec.    14,    1876,   Stcplit-u  D.  McCalla.     1,   Sox, 
b.  fall  of  1.S77:  d.  Cinod  Fridtiy  iiiom.,  ]S7S,  u.  5  mos.  and  7  davs. 

VII.     'J'un  n,  4tl!,  A  lip:.  Si',  l.<')7;  real  est.  No.  ;-J8;58  Lancaster   Ave.,  W.  Phila.,  Pa. 
Vllj.      Amut  Louisa,  .June  1,  d.  .Fuly  22,  1861. 
L\.     (iror^-iana  Ha\vlcy_.  Oct.  8.  1SG2;  d.  Nov.   22,  1863. 
X.      Josephine.  .May  lb,  d.  .July  6.    ISO.'). 


I  Brotlier  of   Pichard  of   Po.stou.     The   settknnent  at    Ipswich,  r>Iass.,    was  heguu   iu 

j  March,    Hi:!:',    !iy   John   Winthroi),  jr.,   (afterwards   Gov.  of  (."onn.)and   twelve  7)ther.s; 

i  Avho  were  juiie-d  next  year  by  Kev.  Tlionias  Parker  and  one  hundred  others  from  Wilt- 

I  shire,  Ihi--.     Jolci!  Turtle  joined  the  settleuifut  the  same   yi  ar  tliat    lie   arrived  in   the 

>  Planter,  as  ajipears  by  the  town   record  in   PioO:    "a  road  four  rods  wide   is   reserved 

i  throuirh  Jidin  Tuitle'ji,  l.jO  acres  east   of   Mill    river  to  the  common."     He  v.-as  made  a 

j  freeman  March  13,  16:^.:):   Pt-iireseutalive  l(;.j;4.     In  i()->i  l.e  is  called  "Mr.."  a  way  beiuij 

i  reserved    between    "  Mr.    Tuttle's  swamp   and   the  ends  of    the  lots."— /W?'-!<  Ilht.    of 

I  Jpsicich.     March  13,  IGoO,  John  Tuttell  of   Ipswich,  merchant,  gave  bond  for  .£'2000  to 

I  Daniel  — ffaivax  antl  Isaac  Le^^'ay  of  London,  merchants,  to  ])ay  i'llSO  10  s.  in  laMvisJons 

I  and  cattle  before  Xov. ,  lG-">0.  and  he  consigned  to  them  goods,  6:c.,  value  i'N]'2  3  s.  and 

t  a  ])enny  as  per  invoice  sitrned    ijy  Juanua   hi.s  wife.     The   bond  was   discharged   by  pay- 

!  meut  in  full  in  I6.""i2  by  Mrs.  Joanr'a  Tuttle.      He  went  !<•  Ireland  about  the  time  the:  the 

j'  disheartened  coloni.-is  a:  Xe\v  Haven  were  negotiating  for  the   purchase  of  the   city  of 

I  (ialloway  in  Ircdand  fur  a  futuiv   home.      He   establislied    himself   advantageously  there 

!  and  did  not  return,      fl-'  d.  a^  CaTickfergus,  Dec.  30,  IGoii.     His  Mir--  Joanna   fo'ilowed 

:  him  to  Ireland  in  lOol.      Slie  was  before  m.  to  .folin  Tuttle  a  widmv  Lawrence.-"     The 

'  Dane  ]>amph!et  contain<  a  /((■;  i^imilt.  of  Jidiii  Tutile's  autograph.      ;'..• 

\  1.      Abigail,  b.  162!).  "^ 

1  II.     Svruon,  b.  16;J1. 

\  III.     Sarah,  b.  lG:j;3;  ni.  10.~i4  Kichard  Martin. 

:■  IV.     John,  b.  m-ii;  m.  Mary and  liad:     1,  Mai:y.  b.  April  28,  1063. 

*Tlie  Lawrt-rco  (iciie.-il(!:,'v  with  a  ^  obtuseness  calls  .tohn  TiUtell's  wife  "  I'oslcr  mother  "  to  the 
Lawrence  children.  In  1650  she  writes  10  Geo.  Giddintrs  as  her  son  and  so  call;  John  and  Simon  Tuule 
and  John  Lawrence;  John  '1  u!tell.  at,'cd  -,;;  yrs.  in  ]c-o.  which  identiiies  him  with  Richard's  son  ot  that 
name,  she  calls  hercusm  ;nephewc  Hcsides  WH'.i.'m,  John  ai;d  Jane,  wife  of  Gicdinfjs,  she  had  a  son 
Thomas  Lawrence  who  came  afierw.'.rJs.     They  were  trnm  St    .\'b:'ns  in  Hcrt.s.— ^..-rv;^'?-. 

Geoitrc  Ciid.jir.j,--,  setUec.  ut  Ip^wicii  and  d.  J'jne  I.  1676.  He  was  Deputy  to  the  General  Court  164T, 
'54.  'ti.  '<•'-'^  't-.  "3.  '4-    ?•■,  '7-'  ai:d    7;.     L->ng  a  ralrii:  elder  of  the  ist  churuii.—  Feic's  //■sun'c/i. 

William  and  Joim  Lawrence  rem  from  Ipswich  10  Long  Island  and  were  patentees  of  Flushing  in  1644. 
William  was  a  magistrate  and  miliiarv  officer;  d.  it3Go:  ne.xt  lii>  widow  Eli?.at)eth  ^his  2d  wife)  a  dau. 
of  Richard  Smith,  m.  Sir  Philhp  Cariaret.  Gov.  of  New  Jersey,  who  founded  Lli^abelhlo^Yn  and  gave  it 
her  name.     .After  his  dec.  she  ra.  a  ;d  husband. 

loh.n  Liwrence  of  New  .\miterdam  iN.  V.)  1663;  .-Mderman  1^05;  .Mayor  if-72;  one  of  his  Majesties 
Council  1674  and  so  by  successive  appoinlmeius  to  iOo3;  bcain  .Mayor  if',i  and  "q^;  Fudge  of  Supreme 
Court  of  the  I'rov.  of  N.  Y.  iC-^i,  until  dec.  1649;  SheriiT  of  ijueen's  Co.  i>Si;  .Mderriian"  16S0  to  '84  and 
1605  to  '72.  I  :  I,  Joseth,  d.  s.  /.  r.  John  d.  i.  /.  t.  Thomas,  d.  .v  /.  4,  Martha,  d.  y  /.  ;.  Susanna, 
d.  s.  I.;  in.  Galnic  Minynle  one  of  the  Council  of  the  Province  and  Mayor  of  New  VorV;  (21  Wm.  Smith, 
.■\lderman.  C.  .Mary.  m.  Wm.  Whitinphatn.  Harv.  Col.  i^.f-  fr.r  posterity  see  >Lis5.  Hist.  Soc.  Col.:  had 
amont;  others:  i,  .W,iry.  distinKui^,hed  fur  literary  acquirements  and  for 'benefactions  to  Mary,  and  Vale 
Col.;  d.  173.;;  m.  Gurdon  Saltonstall,  Gov  of  Conn.  Thomas  Lawrence  did  not  leave  Ipswich  till  after 
his  brothers.  He  bought  the  whole  of  Hell  Gate  Neck  along  the  East  River  from  H.  G.  Cove  to  Bowery- 
Bay.— .W   r.  6>/;    At-,.  7'.v/v,  1S72. 

From  one  of  these  brothers  was  desc.  John  Lawrence,  .\lderman  of  N.  Y.  1762  to  V,:;,and  Richard  Law- 
rence ot  N.  \  .  who  <].  in  i.^i;'..  Tiie  ci-iMren  of  Rich.-ird  Lawrence  were:  i.  John.  b.  about  17V-:  Mem. 
(  onK-:  had  stv.  chil.  of  whom  four  daus.  in.  respectively  John  Camphell,  Benj.  F.  Lee,  John  P.  Smi'..^^ 
and   1  imoth.y  (.hLjrchiT. 

If.  Isa.ic.  f;r:ui.  Pri:iec','-n  <  oL;  Prc.^t  L  S.  Branch  Lank;  d.  1F41:  m.  Cornelia  Beach,  daii.  of  Rev. 
.•\  Beich.  rector  of  1  niuiy  L.-.r'sh.  .\.  Y.,  an  had:  i.  Cof,.si-li.^  Bkach.  rn.  James  .\.  Hillhouse  of 
Nov.- Haven.  Conn.  2.  Hakko-i.  m  John  A  Post.  ^j.  Is.\i'ii..\nk,  m.  Dr  Benj.  .McVicker.  4.  U  lt.\ 
Bh.xcM.m.  Inrs.  L.  n\  elies.  =..,.  nj  Rev.  W.j.Kipp  6  H.vnnah.  m.H<nrv,  s  of  Siet.hen 
Wniney  Hem  (.!  .Maria  L.  l-itch  of  N  H  .After  dec  of  .Mr.  Whitney,  she  m.  2.  .N'a'han  Baldwin 
of  Miltord.  Conn.     7,   ^^^  m.  Bkach,  Lieut.  Gov.  R.  L;  ra.  a  dau.  of  .Archibald  Ciiaclc  of  N.  V. 

III.     W  il';ari,  ?.  planter  ot  Oeinarara 

f:>f  this  f.Mni!y  wa,  C:u.t.  ;amcs,  b.  Builin-ton.  N.  J.,  Oct.  i,  17-1;  ki'lsl  in  the  naval  action 
between  the  Ameiccan  hntfate  Chesapeake,  which  he  rommande-.!,  ...nd  the  British  Frit;a-.e  Shannon. 
1L>  dyin-  words,  "  d^>n't  -ive  up  the  ship,  "  immortalize  his  name.  '  He  left  a  ^rfiie  and  two  younfr  chiU 
nroii .  He  was  son  o!  John  Lawrence,  a  lawyer,  an.d  had  a  brother  John  and  two  Tf idowed  sifters  •?.:  time 
01  r.ri  death. 





Mary,  h.  liJS-j;  m.  Tlmmas  Ininiluim. 
Simon,  b.  1637;  m.  lfj.;;>  Jean  J'.urnhan 

(C)  1GG3  Sarah  Cogswell. 

3.     Sarah  Tuttle,  b.  ]fJ33;  d.   Deo.    1,    1(J66:  in.   Fel).    ],    1P,.>1,   Kichard  Ma 
•Nva.^  a  merchant,  oue  of  the   founders   (»f  the  Fi^.•^t   dili.,    Portst'iioulh,  N.   II. 
Speaker  of  tlje  Iloase.      He  m.    C^)   Martha,    wid.    of  Joliu   Deiii.^^nn.      She   \vi 
LieiiT.  Gov.  Samuel  Syraotids  of  Ma.^s.,  and  lii.s  wife,  who   was'a  dm.,  of  Gov. 
of  Mas.'^.     He  in.  (3)  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  }h-nry  Slierbnrnc.     She  had  been   tw 
Her  1st  husband  was  Toi)ias  Landon,    m.    U;.~)6:  cJ)   Tobias   Lear.    m.    ]r<*u:  i,: 
Martin.     He  m.  (4)  Mary  i),-nninir.  wid.  of  Samuel    Weutworth.   and  motlii-r 
Gov.  Joliu  Wentworth  of  .Mas.s.      She  d.  .Ian.  'JO.    172-l:-2.5,   and   Iut  funeral  .•<' 
]>reached  by  Krv.  Jabez  Fiteh,  a  coj^y  of  whieli  is  in  possesiiou  of  Mark  lluulc 
worth  of  Portsmouth,  X.  H. —  M'vni'nvih  Mriuoruil.     i,  all  by  1st  m. 
I.     Mary  Martin,  b.  June  7.  10")5. 
II.     Sarah  Martin,  b.  Julv  i.  1037:  m.  Jolm  fut! 
I!T.     Kieluirfl    :Martin,    b. 'kj.-.O;  Harv.    C'.,l.    \i\<\) 
never  ordained;  jjreai  hedi  at   \Vells,  Me.,  and  d.  IG"^!). 
IV.      Elizabetli  [Martin,  b.  HVYi. 
\ .     Hannah  .Martin,  b.   lOfJ-l;  m.  Kichard  Jose,  sheriff,  and  luul  G  fliil. 
VI.     Miehael  Martin,  b.  KUJG. 

rtin.'"  Hf> 
;  Kep.  and 
LIS  dau.    of 

ice  a  wid. 
i\   Pieluird 

of  Lieut, 
'■rnion  was 
i;i;r  ^^'enl- 

dioolmaster  and   preai-her,    but 

5.      M: 
M.Uiv.  J 
Mairli  :-; 
AuiT.  21, 
MaV.-h  4, 





iry  Tuitle,  b.  lG3o;  m.  Thomas  Eurnli; 

He  d.  May  H),  IGW 

,'0,  1G7':>.  .Ji.h.i  Ca'-ter  of 
Tiio.MAs,  .Julv  3,  J 0^7. 
Samikl,   Oct."  31,  1G9-1. 

He  m.  (-i)  Mrs.  Hester  (Cocr.sweil)  Bi>l 

li'uth  Burnham,  July  I,  ltjo7:  d.  y. 

Kuth  r.urnluim,  Au^.  23,  IG'jS;  m.  Jum 
illy  17.  U1S3.  2,  Joii.v.  Au^'.  .s,  Ins.!.  ;; 
il."]G-<!i.      .0.   PilKKi;,   June    11,    ICKl.      G. 

lGi')(;.     S,  Jmsiah,  Aut,r.  3,  lG!)s.     9.  Jai5f.z,  Sept.'  17,  1700. 

1702.      11,   Bkx.iamin,  twin  with  Nathauit-]. 

Josei.di  HuriduiUi.  S.-pt.  21'.,  IGGO. 

Nathaniel  Burnham,  Sept.  14,  1()G2. 

Sarah  Burnham,  June  2.S.  1GG4;  m. 

Esther  Burnham,  Marrh  HI,  JijGG. 

Tiiomas  Burnham. 

Ji/iiii  Burnham. 

Jani'-s  Burnham,  m. 

Mary  Burnham. 

Joanna  Burnham. 

Abirrail  Burnliam. 

Ips'.vich:  Selectman  aii'l  Kepreseu- 

10,  y 

swich.      1. 


,   EsTliK);, 

Clark;  (2)  Meshach  Farley. 

a  dau.  of  Dea.  \Vm.  ("ofrs\\'ell. 

55.  Sarah  Burnham.  b.  June  2S.  1GG4;  in.  — —  Clark,  who  d.  soon;  (2)  Auc.  G,  10^4, 
Mi_-shach  Farley,  b.  Eug.,  IGGU:  d.  lGL>s.  Xo  doubt  he  is  the  ])erson  named  uxCuul'dn's 
Hid.  "flWi/tcirh,  Cunn.  "  In  1G94  and  0.  Jose'ph  SafTord,  Kichard  Smith,  Meshach  Far- 
ley, Mathew  Perkins  and  Samuel  Bishoj),  all  from  Ipswich,  Mass.,  bought  of  Capt. 
Jame.-j  Fitch  of  ^rorwich.  Conn. ,  a  tract  called  the  ISOO  acre  i;;raut,  which  he  claimed  as 
])urchaser  from  the  Indian  Sachem,  Owaneco.  Subsequently,  .Joseph  and  Jabez  ferkins, 
also  of  Ipswich,  bought  a  part  of  the  IbOO  acie  grant  of  the  above  purchasers.  This 
was  at  Xewent,  (now  Lisbon)  in  the  town  of  Norwich.  Josiah,  John,  Joseph  and  ^^"m. 
Read  of  Ipswich  settled  on  this  tract."' 
I.     Jane  Farley,  d.  March  G.  Iij02. 

Meshach  Farley,  b.  June  10,  IG^^io;  d.  March  G,  171.J; 

.■Michael  Farley,  b.  Aug.  2,  lG«o;  d.  May   '.),  1707;  m. 

1,  Michael,  b.  A()ril  24,    ]72(i.     2.   Ei.izabktk,  Oct. 

4,   Pkkcu.i.a.    March   7.    1?2.').      ."i,   Pkki  iij.a,    Feb. 


April  12.  171G,  Elizabeth 
21,  1721.  3.  Jank,  Oct. 
23,    172S.      (I,   ..i.v]{T][A. 

G.  1723. 

twin    with    Precilja.       7,  MjcsHacu,    April    11.    1731.      8,    Saiiau,    D.-c.    17,    1732.     "J. 
Kkuecca.  Se(jt.  1,  1734.     10,  John,  July  9,  173S. 

"  From  tlie  above  w.'  have  some  of  the  smartest  meti  of  the  Ipswich  branch,  such  as 
Gen.  Michael  .l-'arley  of  Kevolutionary  ianie — John,  who  was  one  of  the  founders  of 
New  Castle,  Me.,  where  he  and  his  desc.  lilled  im])ortant  positions  in  that  section,      \\ith 

♦Nicholas  Martin  or  E.^eter,  Dt:von,  will  dated  Auf .  k.),  io.m,  gave  i:2r.ot.o  St.  .lohn's  Ilo'spital,  h.\cter, 
Eni;. ,  fur  r'jiu't  of  ihc  poor  children  therein,  and  alic-WHrds  '.(■wards  their  binu'ns^;  out  as  aporeniices. 
\\  hereunto.  Susanna,  wid.  and  relict,  added  fi3o  more  v.uli  which,  two  te:ierueiiis  were  purctiased,  one 
in  Northgate  SI,  of  Geo.  Tothiil,  merch.— /V/.'/cf'.j-    n'o>c!:i,-so/  Devon. 

XXXvi  JOHN"   TUTTLE   OF   irswicK. 

few  fycfiiUo;is  this  branch  pnxliK-e  tln-ir  most  lullliaiit  imui  from  Mcshacli"-- .  Jab'-/. 
<'(>mes  from  this  line,  and  the  imik-s  are  fill  very  prolific,  ouch  produciug  from  ]•"»  to  IS 
children,  who  scattered  to  thf  four  (jiiitrters  of  tlic  I'nion,  and  so  far  as  1  am  able  to 
learn,  prove  a  credit  to  their  country  and  name.  From  this  one  comes  tlie  greater  pnn 
of  the  descendants  of  the  first  Michael.  It  seems  also  to  he  themost  ]m)lific.  I  siipi)ose 
the  Tiutle  idooil  accounts  for  it — and  ]>roduces  the  most  men  of  note.  Yon  may  safely 
draw  the  outlines  of  Sarali'sdcscendantri  very  strony  and  then  not  overdo  it." — liaifhtlph 
W.  Fur'.cy. 

AmoniT  the  desc.  of  Tliomas  and  Mary   ('J'ntth-)   T'nrnhani   was  lion,    ^ath;ul  Dane, 
founder  of'the  Ilarv.  Col.  Law  School.      His  mother  was  Abigail  l^urnham. 

0.  Simon  TuttU',  b.  IHoT:  d.  Jan.  10'.'-'.  In  ICTS  he  had  riglit  of  cummouage  at 
]l;swich;  m.  1G.")9,  Joan.  dau.  of  'J'hos.  Biirniu'.m;  (0)  ]tJ(j--^-8  Sarah  (dau.  of  Jolm; 
C'ogsvvell.  Avho  d.  Jan.  'i\.  17;j'2, 

I.  John.  m.  Dec.  :1,  ir,s9,  Martha  Ward.      i.  by  -Pd  nr. : 

II.  Joanna,  b.  ?e].t.  04,  ICOl;  m.  Packard. 

III.  Simon,  b.  Sept.  17,  I'KiT;  m.  June  llj,  IGU'J,  Mary  Rogers. 

IV.  Klizal>etli.  b.   .Nov.  -,'4,   lOTO;  m.    Samuel   (sou    of   lioliert)  Ayers  of  Haverhill. 
He  was  first  selectman  and  was  killed  by   French   and    Indians  at  surprise  of  the  town, 

■     An'^  -JU,  ITuS.     1,  Harv.  t'ol."  1710.     '2.  John.     o.  J.\.vks. 

A'.      Sarah,  b.  Sept.  8,  1672;  called  "Mrs,;"  m.  Nov.  l:;,  Kj'll),  in  Ins.,  Sam'l  "\^  ard. 
W.      Abiu-Mil,  1).  Dct.  7,  in7:J;  m.  A]>ril -27.  Kj'jC,   Piiilemon  Warner. 
VIl.      Susanna,  b.  M.av  7,  HiTo. 
VJH.      ^\illla^^,  b.  May  7.  UnT. 

IX.     fliarlo,  b.  March,  ai.  Itj'iLl;  m. Buruham. 

X.     Mary,  b.  June  12,  HiSO. 
XI.     Joualiian,  b.  June  11.  16^•2. 
XII.      Ruth.  b.  Aug.  10,  IGSo. 
Xlll.      Anotlier  d.  soon. 

The  name-   of  six  of  the   ab.:\e   oC   Simon   'i'uttle   are  duplicaterl    iu  tlie 
family  of  William  Tuttle  of  New  Haven. 

61.    .Jolm  Tuttle,  d.  Feb.  .-,().  irif;:  m.  Dec.  o,    l')-^;),   Martha   Ward;  (2) referred 

to  as  "  mother-ia  law  "  in  deed  dated  17;jl,  liy  Jonathan  and  Susanna  Hale. 
I.      Martha,  b.   Kiifd. 

II.  Marv.  b.  July  7,  lOvM',.' 
HI.      Susatma,  m.  "Nov.  K),  172',:',  Jonathan  Hah-.        ,■  ' 
IV.     William,  d.  s.  L  about  1730. 

r.lR.  Susanna  Tuttle,  m.  at  Ijiswiich  Nov.  10,  1720.  Jonathan,  s.  of  Samuel  and 
Martha  I  I'ahn'er;  Hale  of  liiadford,  Mas:,.;  b.  Jan.  0.  17U2.  In  m.  rec.  called  Susanna 
Tuttle,  ir.,  Jan.  S.  \~-/,\,  Jonathav.  .lad  his  wf.  Susanna  conv(  ved  0.  their  morber-in- 
iav,"  (name  illeirible  iiL  mv  abstrac't)  all  their  right  in  the  real  e.-tatc'  of  their  late  'orotin-r 
\N'ilbani  Turtle,  late  of'ljiswich,  yeoman,  being  one-fifth  part  of  same,  bounded  by 
dower  set  oil  to  their  ( h-andn;oTher  Tuttle  and  their  u.i'.cle  Simon  Tuttle.  — /:.^•^■f.r  Rrrjif.- 
try  of  JhrfLs  ^Vol.  77.  p.  43).  Chil.  b.  in  Ih-adfoid.  "  A  glorious  ])osterity."— CVw.  by 
i/u-  late  II >u.  lidiert  S.  Ihdc,  LL.  I>. 

1.     Elizal)eth.  b.  1730;  m.  Moodv  Chase,  Esq.,  Sutton,  X.  H. 

II.  John,  M.  D..  17:]1;  servt^d  in'Kev.  war  as  surgeon.  Col.  of  Mil.;  res.  Hollis,  N. 
II.;  m.  Elizabeth  Hall  of  Sutton.  1,  Wu.i.iam.  M.  D.,  .served  as  stirgeon  in  rev.  war; 
father  of  'Jdunnas  Poole  Hale,  Esq.,  mem.  Foston  Com.  Council;  Mass.  Leg.;  res.  mem. 
X.  Eng.  Cen.  Soc. ;   h.  Hollis,  N.  IL,  April  27,  1810;  d.  Boston.  March  1,  l«7i). 

III.  Abigail,  b.  17:3o;  m.   17.".0.  Col.   WilliaTU  Pri'scotr. 

IV.  Samuel,  M.  I),  of  (.ixford,  N.  II.:  m.  Mindwell  Tillottson. 
^'.     Jou;.than.  7i!    Silenc"  (,;./ddan!. 

VI.     .Martha,  m.  Kev.  P.-ter  Po\ver>;  Harv.  Col.  17.")  1. 

G13.3.  .Miiuai!  Hale,  b.  1733;  <i.  ().t.  21.  IS-M,  a.  SS;  m.  17.")G.  Vrilli-im  Prescott^_b. 
<iroton,  Ma:--~,  Feb.  20,  1720;  iv.eut.  in  Prov.  tmojis  at  c,a|>ture  of  Caj-e  I'.reton,  17.5S; 
declined  a  commis.-,ion  in  the  regular  army.      In    17?4   appointed  to  commaud  a  regt.  of 

♦Randolph  VV.  F.iriev.  K<,.-   .  of  NA=;hua.  X.  H..   v,-ho  has  ^i>'-nt  scvcrnl  yca;.-s  c-..Ucctitiz  liu- history  of 
i  tlie    Parley  I'i'n.iiy.  aad' 10  wiiom    I    .-un  muicr  olilk'a'.ion^,   <;e.s  'hat   :i  v^-r'te-.a"   of   ^''-^k^   ^^'*'' 

b:-ju-hL  ovor  in  .^7:;  bv  Michael  Farley  ot  Ipswich.  Mass  .  ;m-„-1  has  been  scon  wKh-n  30  years.  .About.  50 
years  since,  an  Knili^h  wvitci  pubiistied  a  his-.ory  of  the  ns'i.j  m  verse.  The  f;un'!y  'S  rcpr-jseatt-^'  .".i  ol 
V'.'t-'.^h  deriv.ition  or  eariv  aiaaltramation  .,.  ,       . 

Midi  le!  I'ariey  ('.vith  two. SiM.s)  Mich.iel  and    >tcsh.-icii.  over   in    k')75   as  ap;e:M  lor  .,ir  Kicaarc 
■S.-ltonHtall,  and  j-.ttled  ',n  Ipsvvicli,  .Ma-;s.     .Mcsiiach  in.  S.'.r.i;i  I'.aia'.uiia  asabove. 

JOilX    TUTTLE    OF    IPSWICH.  '  XXXvii 

miiuite  nifu.  onraTiizcd  l\v  tlit-  Provincial  Cua^'vess,  and  iiuuclicd  wiili  it  to  I-^-xington; 
univinn:  after  n-treat  of  the  15riti.'-h,  he  |irocr(.'dfd  to  Cainl<ii(li,^e.  On  the  KitL  of  ,tunt, 
1775,  was  ordered  to  Charir.->lo\vn  with  tliree  refciiuonts,  and  directed  lo  throw  up  works 
on  Bunker  Hill,  but  Breed's  Hill  l)eing  more  suitable,  tlie  defences  were  erected  there. 
The  next  day  G.mi.  Howe,  with  a  force  more  than  quadruiile  that  of  Col.  Prescott.  after 
a  cnntest  among  the  most  desperate  in  An\erican  a!\n;ds,  and  with  immense  lo<s.  >ui'ceed- 
iuix  ill  dislodginjr  him.  Col.  Prescott  was  one  of  the  last  to  h-ave  tlie  intrenehmt-nt,  and 
olYered  to  retake  the  position  the  same  niirht  if  the  commander-in-chief  would  give  liim 
two  regiments.  In  1777  )ic  resigned  his  command  and  went  liome,  but  in  autumn  of 
.same  year  joined  the  northern  army  under  (iati-s,  and  was  present  at  the  capture  of 
Bnrgoyne,  his  last  military  srrvice.  He  was  a  mem.  of  tlu-  Mass.  Leirislature  several 
years.  He  d.  Oct.  13,  1  795.  higlily  esieenied  as  an  ♦■iiergt-tic,  brave  am!  patriotic  citizen. 
His  statue  erected  witlun  the  enclosurf  of,  and  rear  tlie  grt-at  mouumiMU  on  lUinker 
Hiil,  was  unveiled  with  a])propriate  ceremonies  June  17,  ISSI. 

61831.  ^V^liam  Piescott.  1).  Aug.  19,  17(;-^:  llarv.  Col.  1783,  with  high  honors; 
taugut  sidiool  in  Brooklyn,  Conn.,  and  in  Beverly,  Mmss.,  at  tlu-  latter  |il;uc  two  vea.vs, 
and  studied  law  meauwhile  with  Nathan  Dane.  foun!ier<;f  tlie  Harv.  law  professo*r.>lii]x 
Invited  by  Washington  to  join  his  family  as  a  private  teacher,  but  declined.  Prae.  law 
in  Beverly,  afterv.-ards  in  Salem:  rep.  that  town  in  Mass.  J-eg.,  afterwards  <enator  of 
Essex  Co.  In  1^05  oft'ered  and  declined  a  seat  on  tke  bench  of  tlie  Supreme  court  of 
Mass., -and  again  in  1S13.  In  ISOl),  to  relieve  lumself  of  a  part  of  his  business,  rem.  to 
Boston;  served  several  years  as  one  of  tlie  governor's  council.  In  1>^14  appointed  dele- 
gate to  tlie  Hartford  convention.  In  1S18  appointetl  Judge  (d'  Courr  of  C'omninn  Pleas 
for  Suflolk  Co.,  bur  resigned  n<'\-t  ye,\r.  In  1820  a  delegate  to  the  ron\  eution  for  revising 
tlie  co)istituti.>u  of  Mass.  LL.I).  fronr  Harv.  182-1,  and  from  Dart.  Col.;  meni.  of  the 
American  Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences:  d.  in  B<.st.)n  Dee.  s,  1844,  a.  8"-?.  I>ain;-1  Web- 
ster ann<nincing  his  dee.  to  the  Supreme  court,  tiieu  sitting  in  B(jston,  ^aid:  ■•.\i  ihe 
moment  of  his  retirement  from  th.e  bar  of  Mass.,  he  stood  at  its  liead  for  le^-al  learnin>;- 
and  acquirentents;'"  m.  Dec.  18,  1793,  Cathariiu'  Creen,  dau.  of  4'iionuis  Ilickling.  and 
had  seven  cluL,  of  whom  four  d.  in  infancy. 

I.  WUliam  Ilickling  Prescott,  b.  Salein,  Mass.,  May  4,  179G;  d.  of  p.iralv.-,is,  in 
Boston,  Jan.  28,  lx')')\  Harv.  Col.  1814.  In  his  last  year  at  col.  while  in  the  dining  hall 
a  clas-^mate  playfully  threw  at  him  a  erust  of  luead,  which  .struck  one  of  his  eves  and 
deprived  it  almost  totally  of  sight.  Excessive  use  of  the  other  eye  in  studv  so  injured  it 
us  to  ])revent  reading  for  several  yeais.  Subsequently  it  iniju-oved  and  he  wa^  enabled 
to  use  it  many  lioursof  the  day;  bt;t  during  the  latter  })art  of  his  life  he  ruirld  read  onlv 
a  few  motnents  at  a  time,  and  could  hardly  see  to  \vrite  at  all.  I'nder  these  circutu- 
stances  his  great  historu-al  works  were  composed.  VirdittOnd  iiud  LmhcUn,  3  vols.,  1.''37. 
translated  into  Cierman,  French  and  SinuHsh;  lH^tDry  "f  Jff.vtro,  '3  vols.,  8  vo,  l'<47, 
London  arid  New  York:  Ilixtuiy  of  PltiUii  II,  3  vols. ,  8  vi^  He  also  wrote  brief  memoirs 
of  his  friends,  John  Pickering  and  .Vbbott  Lawrence,  arid  a  .series  of  es.-ays,  jiub,  in  the 
Xorth  Aiiii-riian  R-yeieir,  compiising  the  chief  fruits. id'  his  studies  in  F.reuch  and  Italian 
Literature,  on -V'/'i-'rf,  Ita'inn  Xiirratir.c  Pottry,  Poftry  and  Roiu'Dtre  of  the  Italians, 
and  others  on  kindred  topics.  These  were  republish.ed  in  London  and  New  York,  in  a 
volume  of  miscellanies,  which  have  passed  througli  several  editions.  He  was  elected  a 
corresponding  member  of  the  J^oyal  Academy  of  Hi-;tory  at  Madrid,  and  a  member  of 
nearly  all  the  principal  learned  bodies  in  Europe,  and  in  Lsl.l  he  was  made  a  corre- 
S])onding  membiu-  of  the  Institute  of  France.  In  person  he  was  tall  and  slender,  with  a 
fresh  and  florid  complexion,  and  lively  and  graceful  manners.  "His  personal  appear- 
ance," says  Mr.  Bancroft,  •'  was  singularly  pleasing,  and  won  for  liim  everywhere  in 
advance  a  welcome  and  favor.  His  countenance  had  something  that  brouuht  to  mind 
the  'beautiful  disdain"  that  lowers  on  that  of  Apollo.  But  while  he  was  high-spirited, 
he  was  tender  and  gentle  and  humane.  His  voice  was  like  music,  and  one  could  i\ever 
hear  enough  of  it.  His  cheerfulness  reached  and  animated  all  about  him.  He  could 
indulge  in  playfulness  and  could  also  speak  earn>  stly  and  ])rofouiully;  but  he  knew  not 
how  to  be  ungracious  or  pedantic."  He  m.  May  4,  182U,  (his  birtli-day)  Susan,  dau.  of 
Thomas  C.  and  Harriet  (Liu/.ec")  Amory.     1,   C.vth.vki.vk,   b.    Sept.  23,' 1824:  d.  l'\-b.  1, 

♦Harriet  was  duu.  of  Capt.  Lin/eeof  the  British  X.-\vy,  who,  at  the  battle  of  P.Linker  Hill  and  burr.insj 
of  Chcirlcbtown,  con-imanded  the  BrUish  Sloop  of  War  •'  Falcon,''  which  lay  in  Charles  River  and  bom- 
barded the  troops  u.TJer  Ce!  Prt-icott  on  Hunker  Hi!!.  The  sword  \\l-.ich  Capt.  I.inzce  wore  on  that 
occasion  descencifd  in  hi^  •.imi!v  to  his  erar;ddau{;:i'.er,  and  on  her  m.  to  W'm.  H.  I'.rcscott  it  cair.t;  into 
his  p<^ssession.  The  sword  which  Col.  Prescott  wore  at  Banker  Hill  also  descended  to  his  prandson,  and 
thus  the  two  swords  met  at  last  in  peace,  and  were  kept  cr^^ssed  over  t!ie  h^oks  in  Mr.  Prescjti's  library, 
untU  his  death,  and  then  they  were  transferred  by  his  will  to  tlie  Mass.  Hist.  Soc,  to  be  kept  in  the  same 
relative  position . 

XXXviii  JOHN    TUTTLE    OF    IPS\VICTr. 

1820.  2,  Wii.i.iAM  Gakdxek.  b.  Jan.  27,  IsOG:  Harv.  Col.  1S44;  m.  Nov.  6.  ISol. 
Aimusia,  dau.  of  Jo-eph  A.  Pcabody,  Estj.,  of  Salem.  Mass.  '6.  Ei.iZADETif,  b.  Julv  27, 
1.S2S;  in.  Maixli  Ki,  IS.VJ.  James,  s.  of  liun.  Abbott  Eawrciice,  b.  Dec.  (j,  1N21.  4.  NVm! 
Amory,  b.  .Ian.  2.').  1830. 

11.     rathariiie  Klizabeth.  b.  Nov.  12,  119D:  m.  Fiauklin,  .s.  of  Hon.  Samuel  ]")t>xter, 
lawyer  and  .statesman,  b.  171)1!:  Harv.  Col.  1S12;  d.  Ib57. 

ill.     Kdu;ird  (jordon.  1).  Jan.  2,  1^01:  Col.   of  Mil.     In  18-J7  liecame   a  mini.ster  of 
the  Eiii-S.  elili.;  d.  .v.  /.  April  11.  ISil,  on  a  voyage  to  the  Azore.-?.  and  bu.  at  sea;  m. 


■\va'';  educated  at  Ciunbiid^e,  Eng.,  and  was  a  gr.  son  of  John   Rogers,  the  junrtvr." 
wife  was  a  dau.  of  Hob. -it  C'rane  of  (ireat  Cogshall,  Eng.     Simoi  Tnttle  rem.  to  Li 
ton,  .^l;ls<.,  172^t.  wli'-re  hi-  d.^sr.  are  very  numerous  and  the  mime  coniinued. 

I.  Sarah,  b.  Oct.  11,  lf>97. 

II.  -Margaret,  Aug.  24,  IG!)!-). 

III.  Eli/.ab,  th.  Sept.  2(1,  1700. 

IV.  Nathaniel;  a  Nathaniel  lutrle  of  Littleton,  ni.  liuth  Cogswell,  June  2    17G0 
V.  Lury. 

VI.  Simon. 

VII.  Sronuel,  m.  ^fartha  Shailuck. 

VIII.  John,  ni.  Sarah . 

C:^7.  Samr.rl  Tuttlp.  tn.  172').  Marrlir.  dau.  R-^v.  H.'njamin  Sh  ittu.'k,  fii->t  ordained 
minister  at  Littleton,  Ma><.,  b.  Jan.  7,  1712;  ance.Ntor  of  m'arl\  all  of  the  luiuie  now 
(It^TUliii  Littliton,  very  common  there  and  in  the  adjoiiting  towns;  large  iamilio.s  the 
)ule  aiHoug  iluin.  PievioriS  to  ]':-i)().  Ill  f;iniilies  of  tin--  name  are  rec.  in  \j.  Sally 
Tuttle  of  Littleton  m.  Feb,  24,  17l';i,  .bmathan  Cogs\^e]l  of  L. 
I.  Samuil. 
II.     S:-pl.<-n. 

III.  Susanna. 

IV.  Martha,  m.  May  12,  17.52,  Joseph  Rockv.ell  of  3Iiddletown,  Co:in.     {Mid.  Rcc) 
^'.     Samuel,  had  2;)  chil. 

VI.     Sam])>o'n,  b.  .\ng,  2!>.  17:;8:  m.  Submil  "^N'arren. 

Vll.      William;   William  and   Sam]ison   had   2o  chil.,   and   the  three  brofliers,  V>'ra., 
t^ami^-on  and  Samutd.  had  4f5  in  all. 
^'111.     Marv. 
IX.      Lue'v. 
N.     Jonathan. 

0870.  Sampson  Tuttle,  b.  Aug.  29,  173S;  Harv.  Col,  1757;  m.  April  21,  1761,  Submit 
AVarren,  b.  .March  12,  1742;  d.  June  7,  INlo.  He  d.  a,  77;  lia-l  a  large  fam.,  of  v.hom 
many  of  the  disc,  res.  in  Salem,  .Mass. 

1.     Sami>.-on.  b.  .\pri!  Ill,  17t;:i;  ni.  Sarah  Fletcher. 

IL  Jacob,  rem.  from  Littleton,  Mass.,  to  Antrim,  N.  II.  Hewasljyrs.  Moderator, 
3  yrs.  'ro\vn  <;i.  ik,  ir>  yi-.  Ivepres.-ntative,  State  Senator,  Councillor  and  Presidential 
Klectcu-.  und  sonu-  time  .ludire  of  the  Court  of  Common  I'leas;  d.  Aug.  20,  1S48;  ni. 
Betsoy,  dau.  of  Lnac  an<l  Elizabeth  Cumnnui^-sof  Wcstf<u-d, ,  b.  May  2.">,  1778.  1, 
Bktskv,  b.  Junr-  i;;.  UDG:  2,  Ja(  or,,  b.  Fei).'  4,  17i)S;  :J,  Nancy,  I..  Jan.  17,  1800;  all  d. 
in  Sept.,  iM)il.  4,  lb.TM;v.  b.  July  13,  1N»1.  T).  NANev.  h.  \\h\\  U,  ISrc;!.  (i,  St  j;mit. 
1).  Ai)ri!  21,  iNtl.").  7,  I.i  ri.rr.v,  b"  March  1,  l.St7.  S.  Lor;-t;,  b.  June  LJ,  Isnii,  m. 
Andrew  C.  Co.-liran.  m,  ivl,,.  ..t"  Hanco.-k,  .\'.  H.;  d.  .la/i.,  ISli).  9,  LvuiA,  b.  June  1, 
1811;  in.  Ibiiry  liiitbii  ,,r  Antrim.  ]n.  .I\mk-  .M.,  b.  .fulv  W.  ISLL  m.  Han.nah  Shedd 
of  ni;i>b,,!n,  N.  II.  11.  Si  -AX.  1,.  Jul..  IL  lsi.-»:  m.  Ilrnrv  1  >.  Pierce  of  llillsboro  (s.  of 
}b)n.  r.-ij.  I'i.-r.,'.  (Jov.  ..f  N.  H..  ami  bio.  of  l^aid^  Pi.Mv,  Pros,  of  U.  S)  1.  O/. 
/>/////.-.>!  llili-lvu-o.  VI.  llAitciKT.  h.  An;'.  ;;,  |-^17:  m.  1).  W.  (iri)ne^,  of  Cauibridg.^, 
Mass.  13.  l>A.\e  CrM.Mi.N.,-..  I,.  Sfj.i,  11,  152');  n,.  Louisa  Lov,-;  res,  Pocoline,  111.  LK 
Mai:v  Iv,  i>.  y\::y  b-|,  is-v);   ,,1.  Sli-'dil  of  Atitrim. 

II).      Jr-si-.  lo. Tiib.iiy,  a  gr.  aunt  ol  TiiVmv.  ili,.  j^-w.-I-.t  .d'  X.  V,  C.      1,  Ji-.ssi: 

Ba1!I{.  of  CoiK-ovd.  \'.  H.:   b-arnod   ]>rinl.T's    bu-ii  i-"s  of    \\r.    11.,;!   and    bou^rbt  ihe  AV//; 

Kinj'.th'l  (hiz.'.t':  111 .      1,^ih  ThJ'.i nu ,\i:x-i  res.  in  Cali  forma  -J  T  vrs.;   ha.-  bro.  liv. 

in  .'araai<-a  Plain.  Ma<s, 


r,:)70l.      Siunpson  Tattle,  h.   Littleton,   April  10,  ITH."");  rem.   to  Hanro.-k    X    II     ]7S3- 

d.  May  24,  ISry,,  a.  91;  m.  Fob.  24.  US'.).  Sarjih  Fl.irher  of  We.stfurd    Mass  "       ^    ' 

I.      SaTi.].S(iii,  b.  May  10,  1790;  d.  Feb.  10,  is.-jT:  ni.  Mnv  ;30,  1820   Marv  Me  \lli-^ter 

of  Antrun,  N.  H.     1.  Hokatiu.     2,  M.viJY.     3.  .TON.\Tif.\xF'.  S.     4,  L'L-(r.TT\   m    Ju<- 

]ier  Tenney  ol  Vt.     1,   Clar',s'l.     2,   MuriiA.     o,  Sali.y  Ann. 

_     II.     S:irah,l).  IVc.  17.   179:^;  d.   Aprif  i:j,    1^77,   a.   84:  m.    Mav    10.  1821,   Reuben 
V.  aslibiiru  of  Ppterboro.      1,   (Jeouoe,  m.    Abbv  Cheni'-v.     1.   Fnnik  S      2    Fi;\xkiix 
3,   Sakah.     4,  Mai;v.     o,   Sampson,  m.    Sarah   C.    Clarke.     1,  AV-crt  IL  '2    7 /--(V  C 
y.  AhiUK  T.     fj,   Lkonaki).   111.   Sarah   Wood.      1.  JS'Mie.     2,  Alio:  M.      7    Hicmlv    ni 
Olive .     8,  Anna,  111.  Milo  P.  Ifolnies.     1,  Ut-nn/.     9,  ILvinnKi. 

III.  Keinington,  b.  Auii.  2-"),  1797;  ni.  April  30,  1829,  Luoinda  Hartw,  11  of  Ililhl.oro 
X.  H.     1,  IJi-Ki-s.     2,   Hknkv.  m.    Sarah   C.    Kimball.     1,  A'!/,,   L      2     <7, v;     (;,.xlo>/,' 
;3,  Abi(;ail,  la.  Joliu  H.  Felch.     1,  Kufie  L.     2.  K'/^/'ir.     ;i   J/'C/,//r.     4,  Otis   m    \lice 
\\  .    Baldwin;  (2)  Xellie  J.    Baldwin.      /,    In-  2(1   m.:      1,   Mnrris   II.      2       ilir.^    ]f      .j 
IlAltTWKl.l..  ui.  Harriet  Dowling.      1,   ITomrr  R.     2.  liii'tph.  '      "'    '  *    "       ' 

IV.  Anna.  b.  Oct.  17,  1799.— rty'/.a'cc/  hu  Man;  and  S':Uy  Ann   Tul'h  of  TLn.'rork 
3  ( iC  ]}antp!fl((ri:. 

0377.     Willi;ini  Tuule,  had  a  large  faui.  in  Litthton,  Mas.s.,  of  whom: 

03771.     Jo.^ei)h  Tattle,  b.  Sterlinsr,  Mass.;  m.  .Mehital>le  Cijas.-;  i.  -i  dau.-,    1  s 

I.     Dan.,   m.  Pannester  of  llolden,  ?*Ia>.s. 

II.     Dan,,  m. Kendall  01   Sterling-.  Mass.      1,  llKNtAX.     2,  JosKi'UUs.     3,  Pw. 

]n.  James  Carter  Kittredsre,  hro.  of  Gratia:  res.  Clinton,  Mass  ;  had  large  fam.  of  \\honi: 
1.  Gtooje  Fvrdgcc  Kiitrtd<ji:,  re.s,  Adrian,  .Mich. 

III.  Dan.,  ni.  Stearn.s  of  Lanrasier,  .Afass. ;  rem.  to  AV.,  X.  Y. 

IV.  Sarah,  ni.  Philip  Brown  a  mnsieiaii  of  X.  Y.  C. ;  S"v.  chil. 
V.      Peter,  b.  17^1:  1,;;  (^racc  Kiftr''(U;c. 

637715.     Peter  Tattle,  ]).  Prineetnn,  Mass.,  17S1:  d.  in  Hanover,  X'.  II..  March  13  1.^28- 

a.  47;  stad.  ined.  with  Dr.  James  Carter  of  Leominstei-,  Mass.;  o-rad.  Hanover  Med'  Coll' 
rem.  to  Hanover  about  180(1,  and  I'rarticed  and  lectured  th.-re.      His  memorv  is  still  held 
in  e.-;teem  in  II.     He  m.   Grace,  dan.  of  Dr.  Stephen  and  Mehitable  Kn.Wll  Kittved-^-e 
Avho  d.  in  Milford  X.  H.,  March  8.  1879  i.:  ^   ' 

I.  Eujeline,  b.  Sept.  12,  1ni)<);  ,u.  Caj.t.  ^\  m.  ],y,y.  res.  Plea.^ant  Vallev  or  ViHe 
\\  is.  1,  Cji.\ki.otte.  b.  1835:  m.  Geo.  Steele,  s.  of  ex  (Jov.  Steele  of  X  H  ■pe'eiboro- 
res.  Pleasant  Valley,  Wise.  2,  Ltzzik,  b.  Sept.  1].]S52:  m.  Jnne  l  ]s7-i  Robert  f' 
Miller,  res.  St.  Paal,  Minn.      1.    W„t.  iJar^riu,  h.  Sept.  15,  ]S7i;. 

n.     Erasmns  Darwin,  Fe!>.  12,    1812;  d.  Jnlv   2,   1834  at    Trov,  X.  Y..njevcht    m 
lbo3,  Charlotte    Locke   \\  hitcomb,  dau  (d'  John    NVhitc'omb   of   Hancock,  X.   11      Jolni 
U  hitcomb  was  the  first  Postmaster  in  Hancock  apjit.  ISOO.  till  d.      His  wf   %\  as  cinilottr' 
Locke  of   Fitchlnirg,  Ma.-^s,,  a  or.  dau.  of   ]?ev.   Samuel  Lo.'ke  D.J)..  Prest.  IL:rv    ('.,11 
1-70-73.     ADoi.fuus  Daj'.wix,  b.  1834:  res.  Hancock,  merclu.  succeeded  his    ^t    fathe:- 
\\  hitcomb  as  Postmaster  of  H.  on  the  d.  of  the  latter,  two  Postmasters  in  70  vear^       He 
m.  Lucy  M.,  dau.  of  Rev.  A.  Bigelow  of  Hancock.    1,  Charl,'s  Whitcomh,  now 'lSs2    stud 
at  Bowdoin  Coll.  ■  -  ' 

HI  Geo.  Fordyce.  b.  Dec.  27,  1814;  ])ad  but  three  months  in.-^truction  at  the  com- 
mon school,  and  when  his  f.  d.  was  th.rown  on  his  own  resources  for  a  living.  He  is  ;i 
man  of  talent  and  with  a  good  education,  could  have  taken  a  liigh  j.lace.  He  has  fill.ii 
some  town  oflices  every  year  for  20  years  past.  Is  now  notarv  ].uhlic  fur  ^^'indsor  Co., 
\t.,aud  has  practiced  several  years  in  justice's  courts.  Is  often  called  u])on  to  speak 
at  Fairs.  In  1.882  he  visited  Hanover,  X.  II.  and  was  at  a.fam.  gatherinir  of  the  Simonds 
Hethen  delivered  a  lecture  before  the  Grange;  subject.  The  P  n'-hidoric  Jinrc  of  Amcri.-.i . 
It  IS  over  30  years  since  he  has  seen  any  of  liis  Ijrothers  or  si.srers;  farmer;  res.  So 
Reading,  \i.  He  communicated  this  reeo'rd  of  Wm.  Tattle's  desc. ;  in.  .March' 23  1.^4-1 
Loui'<a  Delano  of  Boston,  .Mass.  /.  1,  Gi:o  Krni{i;u*;K,  b.  Dec.  10  1843-  d  Sei)!  '^o'  IS-i.^' 
IV.  Chas.  Bell,  b.  May  9.  1819:  d.  .Milfonl.  X.  H.  D(  e.  K;,  is80;  held  man v  otlices' 
o  years  Pustma-iter  of  Andier.Vt.  Co.  seat  of  Hil!>bon.  Co..  X.  11.  Town  t'ler'k  Sec 
Hillsl)o;o  Co.  .Mutual  Fire  Ins.  Co.  Register  of  Det  ds  for  Ilillsi^oro  Co.  3  v.^ars.  Sherit: 
of  the  Co.  1  ye;..r.  Asst.  .\sses.sor  C  S.  Rev.  S.-rvice  10  vears  ••well  known  and  mu.  h 
beloved  in  X.  Hamp."  He  left  Gen.  iiapers  of  the  Kittredsre  fam.  in  MiifVMd-  m  Lvdia 
Ann  Cleves  of  Mr.  Vernon,  X.  H:  (2)  Sept.  4.  1807  Cornelia^H.  dau.  of  Leonard'  and  Vlarv 
1.  Diekev  C],.se  of  Milford,  X.  H.;  L  by  1st  m.  1.  Cathekixi:  A.,  m.  Frank  \V.  Cluoe 
ot  .M.  lialt  bro.  of  Cornelia  K.  /.  1,  LonmrO  (;,.;-l,,n.  h.  Feb,  l."..  ls;s.  2.  K''itl,  'J'uf",  h 
Marcli  30,  1^8i.     /.  by  2d  m  :  2,  >Kiin-i)X  CiiasK,  b.  June  29,  Lsr5.     3,  LEux.Ui;.  M  -.snx 

b.  .\n-.  30,  1877.     4,  Donald  Dickkv,  b,  \x\rr,  2\K  1879. 

xl  joiix  TUTTLE  OF  ii'swrcir. 

I  V.     (Jratisi,  b.  Feb.   20,  18i?0;  d.   Md.    Ih-r.   5,   1S(),S:  ni.   <iilmaii    Wh-elci-,  of  Mil. 

morcht.  1  o.     1,   K.VTIK,  in.  Win.  U.  Oicutt,  lawyer,  re.s.  Arlin^i^toii,  Mu.'^.s. 
!  VI.     Pipnticc  Kittrcdcre;  b.  Nov  l:^,  IS-^I;  sorved  in  I'nion  army  fiom  Jiilv  ;30.  ISOl 

I  to  July  30,  18')4;  liis  l:ro.  (feo.  F.  'i'ultlc,  iliiid-.s  lie  lield  a  coinniission,  but  is  not  sure; 

I  m.  Miirch  o,  bS-lG.   >rari;i  I-.  Dennis  f>l'  Ibm.,  N.  H.  wlio  d.  May  8,  ]^<i!7;  (•-?)  Aug-usta  A.' 

I  lieddinirioaof  Keokuk,  Ii>\va;  1).  (ib-ns  Falls,  X.  Y.;  res.  Hamilton,  111.     1,  Jessk,  b.  .inly 

[  7,  l.S()0.     5,  M.VKiA  Lorrs.-v,  b.  April  21,  Ibfu.     i.  I'y  X.M  ni.:  o,  (ixxrix,  b.  Jan.  2),  is')',}, 

!•  -1,  Katk  Aixa-sT.v,  Mav  7,  lS7i. 

I  VII.     AVui.  Cullen,  b.  May  1?.,  IS-Mk   r.^s.  Corv/in^ville,  rjearficld   Co.,  Pa.:  m.  Nov. 

o,  1S46,  Curoftne  Laws  of  Peterboro.  X.  H.,  who  d.  .i\  i.  Ucl  11,  ly.lO;  (2)  Ellen  Lan-lev, 
I  1  c.    1,  M.\UY  Jank,  b,  Sei)t.  n,  lSij-1 


j  Go7.10.     Jothani  Tuttleof  ^Varo,  X'.  Ilanip.,  said  to  have  emifrrated  from  Conn.;  chil.: 

!  "  I.      Stephen,  b.    M a rcdi  10,  177-2;  lu.  Sarah  Holt. 

II.     Sinioi;,  in.  and  had   s.    Jesse:  d.    in  Boston    about    ISHO,  anil    Simon   jr.,   now.. 

•  '  1871:  livino;  in  Fitehlturg-,  Mass.,  and  lias  de-,eendants  living  in  East  Uo'^iou. 
|-  III.     Joihani,  settled  in  Boscawen.  X'.  H. 

;.  IV.  'rimotiiy,  settled  in  Tunljridye,  Vt. 

i  V.  Samuel. 

■  \'I.  Jicnjaiiiin. 

j  VI 1.  Ohve. 

I  Go7.10.      Stephen  Tuttle,    b.  March    10.   177v.';  rcm.l^tn  We-tern,  Vt.,    180:^;  m.   Sarah, 

dau.  of  KetiluMi  Holt  of  Amiierst.  X.  II.,  b.  Xov.  1!;,  177-3:  <1.  Oet.  '20,  l8ol. 

I.     Sarah,  1).  June  10,  171(9;  in. Chailee. 

IT.     Eb:-ne-/.er  Holt,  b.  June  21,  ISOO;  u,.  B,;tsev  Sherwin. 
j  HI.      Stephen,  b.  .Vu.a-.  -2-,  Isoi. 

j  IV.      Ueubrn,  b,  ()i:t.  ;>1.  1^06;  unni. ;  res.  V\'estern  Vermont, 

j  V.      Sally.  July  11,  isos;  ,1.    Miuvh  ]:»,  ].s;j-J; 

:  VI.      I'liliv,  mav  22,  l-SlO;   num.:   re-.  Sanficrove. 

I  VII.     Cvriis,  Aiitr.  lo,  1^13;  re.-.  Wenham.  Mass. 

I  VIII.      Lnnruy,  Sej.t.  2r),  1S14:  m.  James  Ihiskell;  res.  Salem,  Mass. 


!  0-27.10.     Fb..iuzer  Holt  Tuttle.  1).  Jane  22.  ISOO.   '-  T'nele  Ben;"  m.  X..v.  1820.  Betsey, 

;  dau.  of  Jonathan  Sherwin  of  Landprrn-e.  Vt,,  b.    Dec.  1:!,  1797:  d.  0<t.  20  1n?>0:  (2^  Mav 

r  lo,  lS-11,  H:uw,ah,  dau.  nf  Jolm  Fe'lton  of  S..  b,  OrA.  9,  1809.      He  is  afarmerand  ium' f'r 

??■  miller  in  Peru.   Yx. ;  i. 

'  I.      Marcia  M.,  b.  Xnv.  11, .1821;  d.  Ant;-.  7.  1847. 

■•  II.      Amanda  P.,  b.  Jan.  o,  ls2t;:  d.  Julv  8,  182S, 

HI.     Krs'ali,  b.  IK,  1827;  d.  Jan.  12,  IsO,-,. 
IV.      BoMiia,  b.  19,  1-.2S;  d.  Jan.  12,  lN4r. 

\\      Win.  F,.,  b.  Dec.  in,  1800;  m-.  Jan.    1,  18Vi,  .Marv  Jane,  dau.  of  Ephraim  Haz- 
!  eltincMd'  \V,  ;t.>n.  Vt.,  b.  Xov.  11,  1804:  L  Mauy  K.,  b.  Sept.  7,  18.">S. 

j  VI.     Sarali  Jane,  b.  June  14,  1802:  d.  Mav  2,  1870. 

VII.     Warien.  b.  Sept.  19,  ISOO:  d.  Feb.  -20,  1804. 

VIII.     Chavh-s  W..  b.  Feb.   9,    ISOo;  in.  Sept.    11,   1S.~>7.  Maria  X.  Pdoo.l,  b.    Xov.  2.^, 
18-10.     1,  hiViNG,  b.  Sept.  24,  1802;  d.  Feb.  9,  1805.     2,  Evekktt  W.,  b.  April  28,  1S07. 
IX.     (i.'tnirc,  b.  1807:  d.  Julv  2,  1808. 

X.      Betsey,  b.  Oct.  20,  1S;<9";  m.    Aw::.  28,  18.)8,  Alien,    s.   of  Moodv  Eoby  of  Peru, 
Vt.,  b    Dec.  1.  is;;s.     l,  Minme,    b.    May   4,   1800.     2.   I.XA  Bki.l,  b.  Sept,   7,  1803;  d. 
!  Ajiril  12,  isOI.     :;,    11i;ni;y  C,  b.  Julv  0,  isos.      ^  bv2dm.: 

(  XI,     .Marv  M.,  b,  Srpt.  -..'.  ],S42;  d.  Feb.  19.  lsV,2. 

I  XII.      AOI.e-   F.,  b,  D.'c.  0,  1840:  m.  Edward,  s.  of    Fdward    Burnap  of  Ludlow,  Vt., 

I        '  b.  April  :;i>.  1-:',}      1.  Waltku,  h.  Julv  8,  1S04.     2,  Auriiiri;,  b.  Xov.  25,  180.3. 

i  Xill.      L;;cv  II.,  !),  April  28.  1840. 

j  XIV.      l.uthrr  .M.,  b.  Aug.  4,  1848. 

I  XV,      Ihuma  M.,  b.  Xov.  28,  18.-iO. 

i  XVI.      I !.■!..■  .M.,  b.  Feb.  22.  18V2:  m.  X(n-.  10,  1809,  Egbert,  s.  of  T.-^aac  Davis  of  Sand- 

j  gr..v.-:  b.  Xov.  29,  IS  Pi. 



I  James  or  John  Tuttle,  sup.  of  Dover,  X.  H.,  fam.    was  a  Rev.  .soldier;  had  brother 

•  SlfiJien  and  Niius: 

!  I.     James. 


JOllX    TL'Tri.i:    OF    IPSWICH. 


II.     John,  1).  nt  Aiuhrrst,    X.  II.;    17TT,   <1.    1S4;>:  set.    in    Jt)linsonsl.iiri;-.  W'voniin^-- 
Co.,  N.  Y.;  i:     1,  Joirx,  n-s.  Ik'rliii,  OiiawaCo.,  .Midi.     H.   Lvmax.     ;J,   K.\n-,'<om.     4 
HlR.\:^r,  res.  Caunon-<bu;-ij-.  Kout  Co.,  Mirh.     .5,   On.\N(;K  H. 
III.     Jotliuiu,  .set.  ut  v"^cickL'tt"s  Harbor,  after  war  of  ISIO. 

Siiuoti  Tuitle,  an  oltl  man  in  l^-GO.  was  living  in  Lincoln,  X.  H.,  fanner  and  tavern 
kr'fi>or.     He  wa.s  from  Littleton,  Mass. 

03^^.     John  Tnttlp,  ni.  Sarali ■. 

I.     Sarah,  b.  Aul'.  '2(>,  1741;  d.  num. 
II.     John,  b.  Jnly  :^>0,  174:J:  in.  May  •:,  177?,.  Elizaberli  Leiijhton. 

HI.      Kli/.abetli,  b.  Feb.    M,  174o;  ni. WooiL  ('J)  Juhii   Law;  (;5)  Gates  of minster,     i.   hy   1st   ni.:     1,   Lois   \^'()(lD,   d.    a.    15.     {.  liy  "Jd  m.  •     '2,  Ei.izaketh 

L.A.T.-,  ni.   Dres.ser.     3,    S.\i!-\ir   Law,  m. Hivoll.      /.    bv  )k\  m.':      4     Olive 

Gatks.  •      " 

IV.      Annis,  b.  Mairu  l^.  1747:  <1.  Xov.  19,  17r.O, 
V.      Mary.  b.  May  •,'.  1741);  .1.  ^ept.    \->.  17.->:i. 

\'\.     Jonathan,  b.  Sept.  :;il,  175:i;   in.  Aiii,'.  fi,  17S1,  (.'atliarine  Gray. 
A'll.      Mary,  b.  Au-.  '^'L  17o-"5:  in.  Fel).  iS,  17S-J.  Henry  Davis. 
VIII.      Martha,  b.  Xov.  4.  17j7:  m.  Lieut.  Bobbins,  and  d.  a.  S2. 
l.V.      Aiii'is,  b.  Aug.  1."),  17(31;  m.  Francis  Whife  of  Concord,  >ra.';s.,  and  had  y  sons 
and  (j  fl;ias. 

X-  Jedidiali.  May  20.  1~,{><:  m.  Lydia,  only  dan.  of  Col.  John  Porter,  lie  was  at 
last  div(i!-<-ed  from  his  \vif<-,  and  d.  a.  abt.  sO. 

XL      Hurotliy,  Muroli  2,  1771:  m.  lai"  in  life, Eliis,  who  d.  s.  i.     She  d.  a.  70, 

at  Potsdam,  X.  V.,  at  lu.'.is.^  ^.f  u  dian,  ol  jier  sis.  Annis. 

Q-l>-2.     John  'I'little,  b.  Juh"  oO,   17L:'.;  m.   .Mav  2,  1773,  Eli:^abeth  Leighton    b    Ports- 
mouth. X.  11.,  Mareh  •.?(;,  17.";:i:  13  chiL 

1.  John  Leighton.  b.  Feb.  ]'_K  1774;  Ha.rv.  <^;r.l.  171i(J:  Jn.'tieo  and  lav/yer  at  i'tmcnrd. 
Mass.;  Postmaster  tii  Littleton,  ^las-. ;  Ci-nnty  Treasurer  and  Siate  St-natdr:  ai)]ir,inted! 
1S1"2,  Lieut.  Col.  Commandant  9tli  IJe^'t.  Coin,  inf.:  made  a.ll  haste  with  his  ci^niuia.nil, 
yet  was  a  litrle  too  late  to  ]>artieipate  in  the  battle  of  Saclceit'.^  Harb<.r;  aii|'oin;ed  L-Jrii,'-- 
ado  Paviuaster,  and  d.  at  NVaiertown.  X.  \.,  July  'Jo,  IsJo,  under  very  suspiei.jus  cir- 
cunistauees,  soon  after  receiving  a  large  sum  of  <iov.  money;  sup[josed  poj.soiied  for  tii" 
purpose  of  robbery  by  a  woman  at  whose  house  ]'.e  convalescing  from  a  seven-  sic  !v- 
ness.  She  was  arrested,  but  during  her  examin.ation  escajied  from  her  guards,  nishi-d 
to  the  river,  threw  herself  in  and  was  drowned.- — Iloiiijliif  His!,  "f  Jcjf't  ri'^'H  Co 
II.      Abel,  JulvT,  177.-,. 

HI.     Sila<    b.  March  3,  1777;  d.  S.  pt.  18.  177S. 

IV.      Ah'd    b.  Oct.  20.  177^;  d    a.   I(i. 

V.  Elizabeth  Cbirham.  b.  ]7^0:  m.  Jotliam  Hunt;  0  ehil.  1,  Sxir.T,  Boitx.  2^ 
Emz.Mnyiif  A.\.\  Hint.  b.  Aug.  1.  ISO';;  d.  Jan.,  1S71>;  m.  Xov.  26,  1833,  Setii  Chaii'- 
dler  Sherman,  r.-m.  to  (^Uiincey,  111.,  and  d.  three  days  after  her  husband;  .j  cliil.,  ot 
whom  2  snrv.  1,  Ff  rdihund,  res.  Umaha.,  Xeb.;  has  large  fam.  2,  .'<i/K(tnn(i.  wid.  of 
Jeptha  Dudley;  lias  3  chil.  3,  TlTTJ.K  IIuxT,  num.;  res.  Quincey,  111.  4.  Tiro.MAS 
GuF.iiX  FKssKxni:x  lUxx,  m.  but  d.  s.  i.     o,  Sis.vy  PIrxT,  d.  iinni.' 

VI.  Sarah,  b.  March  4,  178-2;  d.  at  d'roveland,  Mass..  Nov.  9,  1877,  in  tin-  OGth  vr. 
of  her  a.  "When  I  knev,-  Miss  Tuttle  ami  Mrs.  Fessenden  they  were  at  tlie  home"  of 
their  niece,  Mrs.  Bullard  (l8fi2-3)  in  Andnver,  .Mass.  Miss  Tuttle" was  abtntt  80,  her  sis. 
nearly  as  old;  both  well  educated  and  cultured  hidi'-s.  and  Miss  Tuttle  had  a  verv  su])er- 
ior  mind.  She  had  written  a  number  of  successful  Sunday  scdiool  Ixioks,  and  was  still 
jiroseciiting  her  literary  work,  v/riting  fur  the  press.  She  was  so  bright  and  interesting 
in  conversation  tiiat  students  often  sought  her  S!)ciety.  Mrs.  Fessenden  was  less  intei-"- 
esiing  and  less  gifted,  Init  both  were  very  good  women,  though  exceedingly  unlike  in  all 
their  characteristics:  Miss  Tuttle  was  fat,  lively,  cheerful  and  talkative,  and  a  Congre- 
gationalist;  .Mrs.  F.  was  thin,  solemn,  sedaie  and  reserved,  and  a  devout  Ei)iscoi)aliaii  " 
— -I.  L.  Purl.: 

VII.      Andrew,  X-n-.  20.  17S3;  d.  Mandi,  31,  1784. 

VIIL  Lydia.  .Inne  4.  17^.1;  d.  .v.  i.  at  Wayhind,  Mass.,  A]iril  14,  180(3.  a.  81;  m.  Sept. 
o.  1^13,  Thomas  Green  Fessenden.  jiiict  and  agrieulMi'.al  writer,  b.  W'alpole,  X.  IL.  April 
22.  1771;  d.  hioston,  Xov.  I],  1S37:  Dart.  Cd.  ITDO,  stud,  law,  but  the  i>..puhuity  of  a 
little  poem,  Jomdhnu's  Coitrt.'ihip.  led  him  to  thf  pniwuir of  literature.  In  London.  Eng., 
18I'3,  he  pub.  a  poem,  Turribk   Tn'.rf'jration,  ■  a  satire  of  the  Medical    Profe;  sivjii.     "lu 


18i)4  setilfd  ill  Boston  ami  I),_inocva,-}i  VniuUril,  a  saliro   in  vov.-m',  mid  other  similar 

])i("Cf"S:  edited   Wtddij  ln--<]M rt^r  in  N.  Y.  2  yrs.      Pnic.  ]:nv  in  Bellows  l'\ills  2  yrs.,  1S12- 

rem.  to  Brattldboro,  Vi.,  ISlo,  and  ])ul).   The  Rrp,rrtn\  a  political  journal,  and  edit.  The 

B.    F. r,    lSl()--22.      From    \H-22   till   d.    pub.    at    Bo^,   The  JVew   Enqimd 

Farnor,  a  we<'kly  a-Ticultuial  journal  of  i,n-eat  value.      He  also  i)ul).  variou.s  treatises  on 

ni-ricultnr.-il  sul)je.-ts  and  edit--d  a  JLn-tieu'lt'i ra!  ]lf  fjisfer.      His  other   writinirs  are:      The 

La(ltr.'<'  Jfjni[,>r,  ]SIS:  L-ncs  ,>f  Patent^,  ISO"';  Am.  ^Flks  Con.pared.   l^lo.— Brake  .-<  Ihon 

Diet.  '  -        J- 

IX.      Anna,  h.  July  20, 17ST:  d.  1S-3S:  in.  Oct.  20,  l.'^06.  Samuel  .Tones,  Escj       1      -\n\.\ 

TrTTLK.  b.  Jan.  ;-Ji.    liiOS;  m.   June   2,    Is2y.    liev.    Artemas    Bullard:  7  ehil.,  (.f  whom 

only  one  surv.    (1880K      1.  Her.    Ile/tr//   Jiullurd,   b.    Sept.    23,    ]s;5t);  now,    1880,   of   St. 

Josephs,  Mn.:  in.  Aui<-.  30,  1870,  Helen    Maria  Nelson;  2  chih.  from  whoui  Hon.' Hiland 

Hall  obtained  much  infonnatioa  about   fani.    of  Jolm   and  Eli/.abrth  Leiirhton  Tuttle;  3 

chil.      1,  Anna  Leitrhton,   b.    Feb.    10,    1873;  d.    Julv   10,  ^m     vr      2    wZ.i'n    Nelson    b 

Nov.  U),  \S1\.     3,   Alice,  b.  Oct.  4.  1870.  "  "  '  '     ' 

X.     Andrew,  Feb.  4,  178;:):  d.  .Mav  27,  1790.     2,  Susanna,  h   J.v\    \o    1810- 

a.  Dec.  27,  1815.  .       ,     .      , 

X[.      Susanna,  May  27,  1700;  d.  Oct.  lo,  1701. 

XII.      Susanna,  b.  Oct.  18,  17.H;  d.  a.  10, 

Xlll.      Phtnice,  July  20.  17!)  J,  d.  in  childbirth,  June  24,  1S24;    m.  July  lo,   1819,  l{ev. 

Gardner  B.    Perry,      i.  SAi'.Air   C'AMi'r.Ki.i..   Sept.    2,  1821;  in.  Peter   Parker  and   liad   8 

chil.,,of  Axlioin  2  are  ni.     2,   Pjikhi:,  Jan.,   1823;  in.  her  cous..  Alvah    B.    Perrv.  and  d. 

soon  after  birth  of  her  dau.      1.   Clir'i.  who  m.  Geo.  Griffin  of  Phila.,  and  has  dan'   Ethel. 

3.   E!.i7,Alu:rn  Ldiohtun,  June  4,  1824;  m.  Burton  K.  Merrill  ..f  Groveland,  Mass.,  .«.  i. 

G38G.     Jonathan  Tattle,  b.   in   Lit.,    Mass..  Sept.    30,  1753:  scd.   in    Ih-v.   Army;  rem. 

abt.  1807  to  LandalT.  Grafton    (.'<...    .\.    H.;  m.  Au.^^  G,    17M,   Catharine  Grav  ofSa'cm 

Mass..  Sept.  1802.     Chil.  b.  at   Lit.  "  '  '       ' 

1     Jonathan,  h.  Nov.    10,   17:!>2;  d.  .v.    i.    in  Lynn.    Mass.,    abt.  1840;  tauL-^ht  scliool 

most  of  Ills  life  id  New  Brdford  and  Lvnn. 

IL     Amos  Hanlin,  b.  Oct.  21  17S4;  d.  Auir.  13,  1701. 

III.  Catharine,   b.    \\v^.   9,    178(3;  m.  Edward  C.    Bead,    who  d.  s.  ;'.,    18o0;  widow 
livinLr  abt.  ],S70,  in  the  fam.  of  Deii.  Tuttle  at  Littleton. 

IV.  Ashel.  July  IG.  1788:  left  homea  voun^'  man,  and  never  heard  from 

V.  Ibji-atio,  Dec.  22,  1790;  d.  Dec.  1S42,  at  Barnet,  Vt.,  while  Wlv.\^.  aiisent  from 
h.mue  for  nied.  treatment;  learned  trade  of  blachsmiihat  Inah,  X.  II.;  r.-m.  to  Littleton, 
N.  H.;  thence  after  three  yrs.  to  Eaton,  Lower  Canada;  returned  and  abt.  1829  set.  in  Cole 
brook,  Coos  Co.,  N.  H.,  where  lie  liveil  and  -worked  at  liis  trade;  m.  abt.  1812,  Betjiv 
Thonias  of  Acton,  Mass.  1,  Joxatjian,  .^pril  G,  1814;  d.  Aug.  0.1843.  2,  John  Lkic.ii- 
T0.\.  b.  Sept.  22,  ISlo;  d.  abt.  1838.  3.  Ciiaklks  MAKXrN.  Feb. 'is.  18lS:  M.  D. :  res.  Lit- 
tleton, N.  11.  4,  Suii;ATr:s,  Nov.  in,  islS);  brought  up  a  bhicksmith,  but  wln-n  21  vear.-^of 
aire  he  and  hard  work  "  fell  out,"  re<ullinii-  in  a  lasting  alienation;  taught  s(diool  in  N.  J., 
1841-4;  stud,  law;  adm.  to  bar  in  N.  J.,  184y.  Has  .^ince  been  prominent  in  N.  J.  poli- 
tics (Bebublicau),  and  twice  elected  nuiyor  of  Paterson.  N.  J.  ."»,  Bktsy,  Aug.  9.  1822; 
dist.  for  ])i.'ty;  m.  E.  Harwood.  G,  \Vrii.TAM,  b.  May  8,  1821;  machinist  ;'d.  at 'm\' 
house    (Socrates    Tuttle)  Jan.    8,    18G9.      7.     Hokaiio   (Lvtf.s,    April    22,    1827;  destin'v 

unknown.     8,  Catiiakine  GiiAV,  twin  with  H.  G.;  m. Nelson,  a  teacher  at  Sprin"-' 

Vall.y,  Orange  Co.,  N.  Y.     0,   Maiiv,    Aug.   23,   ].s:jU;  m.  J. dm   Sargent;  res.  LitHetoni 

VI.     Amos  Hardin.  Auir.  10,  1702. 
VII.      Edward.  .May  27,  1704. 

A'lH.  Socrates,  Nov.  2,  170G:  .Nf.  1).,  prac.  in  Barnet,  Vt. ;  m.  1,  MaFvY,  d.  in 
youtli.     2,    LoriiA.  m.  Frank-  Eastnuie,,  mendiant  of  Littleton,  N.  II. 

LV.      William,  Jan,  3.  17;*';);  re>.  many  years  at   Ann    Arbor,  .Mich;  rem,  to  Kansas: 

m. ;  st.'V.  cliil.      1.    ,  htwver.      2, ,  dnrtor: 

X.      SiM-ah,  ^daroh  S.  IsOL      I.Dai.' 

XL     J. din,  Feb.  s,  1s!j7;  m. ,  and  d..  at  W'etmore,  Lake  Co.,  Mich     b  a  vilify  wid 

and  cl'ildren.— 7/>/(.  SjrratLS.  Tuttle.  P,il,  r--<  >n.  y.  J.  ■  ""' 

6387.  Mary  Tllttlo,  b.  Aug.  24,  \:oo:  d.  at  Grafton.  Vt..  April  12,  \^i[).  a,  04; 
m.  F.!).  12,  ]:>2,  Ib'ury,  s.  nf  Beiijami!-!  Davi.-,  of  (ir.iton.  Mass,  b  Oct  17  17.")S-  (i  at" 
<.rat;nn,  Feb.  it,  ]v^42,  a.  s4;  s(d.  of  the  Brv.,  and  was  with  Stark  at  Bunker  liilL  "  behind 
the  rad  fence;"   10  (diil.,  of  whom: 


■1     /r- 

/A.^.r/  y^r.,^ 



63871.  Dolly  Tlittle  Davis,  b.  Maroli  2,  \:ii2:  d.  Jau.  8.  INTO.  a.  87.  She  was 
10111:11  kiible  f.'.r  aiiiial/ility,  irood,  strong  sense,  and  the  doniestir  viitiic-.s;  7n.  in  Roclviiig- 
liaui,  W.,  lliiand  Hall,"'-  b.  Bennington,  Vt.,  July  2i>,  ITD-J.  Spent  liis  boyhood  on  his 
father'.^  farm.  .Admitted  to  tlie  bar,  1819;  Rep.  in  Vt.  Leg.,  18"27;  State's  Attorney  sev. 
vrs. ;  Mem.  Cong.  1833  to  1843:  Rank  Commissioner,  1843  to  184t);  four  yeary  Judge 
Supreme  Court  of  Vt.  In  ls.")0  Second  Comptroller  I'.  S.  Treasury;  Land  Commissioner 
for  California,  18.')1-1;  (inv.  of  Vermont,  18-")0-G0;  ]'>elegate  to  Peace  Cougtcss,  Feb., 
ISCl.  Auilior  of  i//,vr.j/7/ (/  Vrr,/i'>r,f,  ^  vo.,  18(!8;  LL.D.  Utiiv.  of  Vt.,  LSoO;  res.  No. 
Bennington;  17  gr.  chiL,  18  gt.  gr. 

l.""  Marsliall  Carter.  b.^March  7,  18-20;  m.  at  Arlington,  A])ril  20,  1844,  Sopliia 
Baker  Demi  111;,  b.  Arl.,  Feb.  27,  1820;  he  d.  June  In.  18^1.  1,  Fk.xncks  IlKT,ii.v,  b. 
Dec.  20.  1^41;  ni.  Nov.  12,  1867,  Jonas  S.  ileiirtt  of  Troy,  N.  Y.  He  has  au  iron  car 
-wheel  foundry  at  Trov.  1.  Gracr,  Sept.  20,  1868;  d.  Julv  5,  18*">9.  2.  JonasV.,  Mav  27. 
1870.  3.  fyiinc-.'^  Hkl,  b.  .March  30,  1S74.  2,  S.VMtki,  Baker,  b.  Feb.  17,  1840; 
■cashier  of  the  North  Bennington  (Vt.)  Bank  (National):  m.  Oct.  30,  1870.  Sarah  I'^ay,  dau. 
of  (leo.  \V.  Robinson,  b.  (Jet.  fi  l.s45,  ;it  B.  1,  Urm'n'j,  h.  Se]>t.  3,  1871.  2,  ll<''hiu»oi] , 
April  30.  1873.  3.  Fmwrs,  b.  Novr  27,  1877;  d.  June  11.  1879.  SiniHclCdrUr,  b. 
March  10,  1881.     3,   Soi'iii.v  Di:min(;,  b.    Avlin!j:t<m,  \i.,  Dec.  13,  1847. 

IL     F.liza   Davis   Hall,    b.    Aug.    2!i.l821;    m,    Nov.    29.     1842,   Adin   Thaver,    jr,, 

merch,  at  Ili.usick  Falls,  N.  Y. ;  d.  x.  i.  at  Hoosick  Falls,  Aug.  10.  1843.     He  m.  (2) . 

IIL  Henry  Davis  Hall,  b.  May  .',,  1823;  has  a  clotlung'and  .^hoe  store  at  No.  Ben- 
nington; m.  .March  24.  1847.  Caroline  Thatcher  of  Ben.,  b.  Nov.  20,  182").  1,  Ei.iz.v 
Davis,  b.  Jan.  <3,  1848;  m.  Oct.  24,  18G7,  Honrv  T.  Cuslimau.  b.  Ben.,  Mav  l(j,  1844. 
Inventor  and  Patent  Asrenr  at  No.  ]?en.:  d.  Mav  3.  1877.  1,  ChnrltH  IMl.  Nov.  1.  1870r 
•d.  April  ."),  1877.  2,  Roheri  Henry,  Aug,  8, 1873;  d.  Aprils,  1877,  3,  Arthar  Cu-^ltinati,' 
July  10,  187.").  4,  John  Henry,  June  13,  1877.  f).  W'm.  <',irn>n,  b.  Sept.  T),  INH).  2. 
CiiAiii.KS  Hiontv,  b.  }<larch  3,  1853;  d.  Dec.  11,  18."")4.  3,  CAi!om.\K  TiiA'i\  in:u.  !•. 
March  1,  l8.-)0;  m.  Dec.  9,  1874,  Frank  G.  Mattison,  b.  Shaftsburv.  Vt,.  20,  1846; 
res.  Rutland;  local  editor  of  Ihitland //r/v/A/ tf-  GhM .  1,  Lihi  Hall,  Aug.  4,  187G.  2. 
Dncne  Frank,  Feb.  2.  1879.  3.  hohcrt  Ufhry,  Oc\..  12.  18>0,  4.  Hilanp,  b.  Feb. 
28,  1801.     ,T,   WiT.i.iAM  Cakuo(,l.  b.  June  7,  18'J7;  d.  May  23.  1S77. 

IV.  Hiland  Hulibard  Hall,  b.  Jan.  19.  1825;  d.  s.  i.  "at  San  Franci.Mjo,  Cab,  Dec.  9. 
1851,  of  Panama  fever,  one  week  after  reaching  the  city,  via  tlu-  isthmus,  where  lie  had 
remained  ten  days  waiting  for  a  steamer.  He  was  at  the  time  Clerk  of  the  U.  S.  Land 
Commission;  m.  Sept,  19,  1>^19.  Jane  .\,  Waters.  1).  Ben.  She  m.  (2)  1852,  Benjamin 
Doro,  .ind  res.  a:  San  F. 

V.  Nathaniel  151aciiby  Hall,  b.  Sept.  2,  1S2li:  cdiic.  a  lawyer;  now  (1883)  lieal 
Estate,  Loan  and  Insurance  Agent  at  Jacksmi  Mich.  He  served  as  Major  t/f  ilie  l^th 
R-r-gt,  Vt.  Vols.,  and  wa.s  in  tlie  battle  of  (/ettysburgh;  m.  Feb.  25,  1850,  Martha  Bost- 
wick  Rouse,  b  at  Pittsiown,  N.  Y.,  April  27,  1829.  1,  Hauiuet  Bostwick.  b.  Jan.  7, 
1N51;  in.  Sejic.  7,  1874,  Ciiarles  W,  K<-mieuy.  b.  at  Cana.^toia.  N.  Y..  Ja,!.  19,  1845;  ].,ier;t. 
Commander  F.  S.  N.  Has  served  on  the  Pacific  Coast;  I'rof.  of  Miith.  at  N.  Acad., 
Anna])olis;  now  (1880)  Ist  OiEcer  I'.  S.  Stmr.  Quinebaiiir,  of  the  Mediteranean  Squadron. 
His  fam.  at  Jackson,  Mich..  1.  C/unh k  I'hifUps.  h.  1,!  June  23,  1^75.  2,  Kni.  ]fnU,  b, 
Annap,,  Nov.  21,  1876,  3.  U'^brrt  I.irii,rist„n,  l.>.  A.,  Feb.  22,  1878.  2,  Hii,..\-M)  liuii- 
baud,  b.  Sei.t.  9,  1852:  d.  A].ril  24.  ls54.  3.  Heni;v  liors'-:,  b.  Sept,  15,  1879;  m, 
Anna  M.  Brown  at  Jackson,  April  5,  iss2;  she  d.  .March  7,  1862.  4,  Dolly,  .\ng.  22, 

VI.  Laura  Vanderspiegei  Hall,  b  Jan.  27,  1828:  d.  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  June  21,, 
1875;  m.  at  Benninirton,  \'t.,  I'ec.  15,  l,vl6,  Trenor  \V.  Park,  b.  Dec.  s,  1823,   in  Wood- 

*i.  John  }Ia.!t,  b.  in  Kng-.,  \=.^y.  to  Boston.  16,3;  Hartfo.-d.  1636;  Middletovvn,  iC^o;  d.  there,  May 
20,  1C.73;  /.:     lolin,  Rich.T.rd,    S.irih,  anccitress  of  the  Weimorcs,  and  S'amucl    .ill  b.  in  Kng-. 

2.  Samuel  Hall,  b.  1-2;;  d.  in  Mid.  ic'90;  m,  1662,  Elizabeth,  dau-  of  1  Cooiv of  Guilford,  Conn. 
i.,  Saniufl,  John  and  Thomas. 

\.  Thomas  Hall,  b  S.m-^.  25,  1^71;  went  with  his  wid  iwcd  mother  to  Guilford;  m.  Feb.  i,  i66j, 
Mary  Hiland.     He  d.  at  G..  Feb.  i,  175,;  /   3  dans,  and  3  ss.,  of; 

4.  Hiland  Hull,  b.  G.,  Scr-t.  ?o,  170?:  m.  Rnchei.  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Mary  iHall)  F.ijhop.  a  j;t.  ^r. 
•dau,  of  W'm.  Hall,  who  came  from  Kent  Co  ,  Enir.,  iCjq,  wit'l  Rev,  Henry  Whirtield  to  Guilford.  .Maiy- 
Hall  was  dau.  of  John  and  Flizabeih  (Smith)  Hall.  KHzab'th  Smith  was  dau,  of  Geort;e  and  Sarah 
Smith.     Hiland  Hall  d.  in  (t.,  June  16.  i-,Si;  .'.  6  ss.  and  2  dai's.   of  whom 

5.  Thomas  Hall,  b.  G.,  Feb.  ii,  i72''';m.  .-Vpril  10,,  i'heb'ir  Hh'.ch.ley:  rem.  to  Woodbury, Ro.\bury 
Parish,  Conn,,  175  ,.  thcni.c  to  Dennint'tun,  Vl.,  177^.  ;-.r.d  <1.  '.here,  Dec.  13.  1^:2:   •',: 

6.  Nathaniel  Hall.b.  \V.,  Conn  .March  4,  r7r3:  m.  Oct  .-,  17.J4,  .-^biuail  Hubbard  of  Norfolk:,  Conn., 
b.  ?>liddleto,vn.  Oct.  iS,  1767,  dau.  of  Flijali  of  .Vl.;  d.  ir.  f.Un;iington,  March  •_•).  iS)6.  Ked.  in  H., 
March  4,  i?4:i;  /,  -i  ss.  gdaus.,  of  whom  • 

7.  Hiland  Ha'l  as  above,— O//.-.   ('r //,";,  //.'•(V«///Az//. 

Xliv  JOIiX    TUTTLE    OF    Il'SWICII.,  Vr.;  wed.  a  coiuiuou  .-cliool  fdiK-;tfioii;  stud,  law  and  pmc.  in  Vt. ;  r.-in  to 
("ill.,  18.72,  aud  was  i>artiier  with  G^n.  Ilalk-ck,  firm  of  Halleck,  Peadiev',  BiUino-s 
sinu  Park  of  San  Francisco,  which  did  a  hi rg-f?  .share  of  the  controversial"  land  title 
)>u>ini'ss  of  the  state,  and  in  a  few  years  lie  had  earned  enough  nionev,  as  a  lawyer,  to 
invest  in  real  estate,  miniiiir  and  other  ventures,  whicli  all  prove<l  successful. 
,  Ahont  lSo(3  lu'  took   cliar_t;-e  of  the  Marii)osa  estate,  then  owned  bv  d'en.  Fremont 

I  and  (v.'ntually  sold  it  to  an  Eastern   Co.    willi   a  capital  of  ten  millions.     About    18GH 

1  lie  returned  to  the  East  and  bo'ight  ii])  the    first   mort.  lionds  of    the  \V.  Vt.  K.  1?..   and 

afterwanls  reoriranized  it  under  the  name  of  the  Benning-ton  and  Kutland  H.  K.      lie  was 
I  connected  with  the  of  the  Emma  Mine,  and  was  the  chief  ag-ent  in  sellinc"  it  to 

ICnprlisli  cajiitalists  for  five  jiiillifms  of  dollars.     He  kept  his  own  stock,  settled  with  t}ie 
Enii,li->h  stockholder.--,  and   as  late  a-  la-t    'llianksgiving   Day.  said  to  a   friend  that  he 
I  considfued   the   mine  worth,   twice  as   much  as   he   sold    it   for  in   London.      Ih-    was   a 

I  man    who  S])oke  always  with  great   delilierntion,  and    si'cmed   to    wei"-h    his   words  .>are. 

j  fully.      \Vifh  a    few   friends  he  secured  a   controlling   i)iterest  in  the'^Panama    \{ .  \i.    (jf 

I  wliich  he  became  J'res.,  and  during  the  ten  yrs.   of  "his  connection  with  it.  was  tin-  c'm- 

i  trolling  spirit,  until  he  sold  it.  in  ls>)l,  to  the  DeLejseps  (.'anal  Co.  for  ai)our  twentv  mil- 

lions,  receiving  about  four  millions  for  his  own  share  of  the  .stock.     He   d.   at    sea,   of 
I  paralysis,  Dec.  VS,  lSS-2,  on  Steamship  San   Bias,   on  voyage   from   N.  Y.   to  Aspjuwall. 

I  He  wasPres.  of  the  No.  Bennington  Xat.  Bank  and  liad  a  summer  res.  there.     He  was  aii 

inveterate  reader,  tlnniirluful,  unol)a-usive  and  of  grt  at  nuMital  force  — A'  }'  Ti)/ir-,-^  m 
(2)  May  oO.  lS^-,\  Ella,  dan.  wf  A.  C.  Nichols  of  San  F.,  Cal.,  b.  bS-iT.  i,  Ei.rzv  H\ll" 
b.  Ben..  .\ov.  17,  iS-t^:  m.  Auir.  ^^0.  b^Tl,  John  (f.  Mc(  ■ull,,ug]i,  b.  Newaik,  Del.  Sept' 
10,  js;',:,-  lawyer  and  Attorney  (ieneralof  Cal.iPres.  Patuima'P..  ]{,;  res.  Bennington,  Vt' 
1,  JJt'n  P<iri'.\  b.  San  F. ,  June  2o,  1872.     2.   Kliznl,et]i  L:iiir:i.  b.  No.  Ben.,  Jiilv  22,  l'87:3 

0,  A'/iu  S,ir,(/(,  b.  July  20.  1874.  2,  L.vl-i;.\.  ll.vr.i.,  b.  Se]>t.  8,  IS.lS;  j...  at'Xo."Bcn'  Vt' 
July  27,  ISsi),  Frederick  B.  Jennings;  res.  N.  Y.  C.  1,  r,rry  ']1,,U.\).  Mav  10  is'si' 
'6,  '1'i;k,\(>h   Lttiikh,  b.  S:'n  F.,  Jan.  0,  1801;  grad.  Harv.  Col.,  18s:i 

VII.     John  Vanderspiegel  Hall.  b.  Fob.   10,    1881;  lawver;  Clerk  <d'  the   ('(mnivand 
Sniircrne  Coart  at  Bennington:  v.\.  Sept.  15.  1800.  Nellie  Evans  Lvman.     1,    FLOiuLx't. 
July   (i,    l^CI.     2.    Enw.\i;D  Jniix.    July   lo,    ISHf,.      ■?,_   Adopted, "  and   nam'ed   Cit.vKi.ES,  b.  A];ril  1.  ]s7U;  m.  (2)  I.ucinda  P.,  widow  of  Fran<-is  N.  HoBev  of  W'aterburv 
Conn.,  Dec.  oO,  1880:  b.  July  lo,  18:!7. 

Vlll.  Charles,  b.  Xov.  18.  ls;j2;  wln-'lesale  and  retail  crockerv  merch.  at  S]>rimrfield 
Mass.;  m.  Sept.,  iSoO,  Jane  E.  Cady.  b.  Sept.  17,  iSj;!;  d.  Ushkosh,  Wis.,  Urt  2"l>^ti2' 
(2)  April  10.  1804.  at  1-ake  Mills.  Wi.s.,  :Miiia  C.  Phillips  (wid.  of  J.  F. ),  b.  Jvih   \A,  l^Ho! 

1,  E\L!{\  \'.\Ni>Ki!sr'iF.OKi..  March  14,  18")X.  2,  'I'kkxoh  P.vki^,  June  20  fSfi.^'d  b" 
April  24,  1S7U.     ;j,   .M.\i<Y  Dknsv,  ]>ec.  81,  1871.     4,   Cuaklks,  Aug.  12,  1874.  ' 

6G.     Abigail  Tuttle,  h.  Uct.  7,  107:!;  d.  Sept.  :!().    17o0.    a.  8;:!:  m.    April  27    1000 
I'hileiiion  Warner,  b.  Ipswich,  Aug.  1,    1075;    d.   May  0,   17-H;  s.    of  Dani.d  ai\d  '  Sarah 
Ihuie  \\  arner.^-' 

I.     Philemon,  b.  Jati.  17.  1008. 
■A.     Daniel,  b.  May  yo,  1000;  m.  Sarah  Hill. 

662.  Daniel  Warner,  b.  May  80,  1000;  m.  Dec. 15,  1720,  Sarah  Hill,  dauirhtcr 
of  Capt.  Nathaniel  and  Sarah  (Nutl)  Hill,  and  granddaughter  of  A'aleutine  lliU  l^v  his 
wife  .Maiy,  dan.  of  Gov.  Theophilus  tlaton.  "  " 

I.      Sarah,  b.  1725;  m.  1740.  Henrv  Sherburne. 
H.     Daniel,  b.  1728;  d.  in  England,  1740. 

HI.     Col.  Jonathan,  1>.  1720;  (see  note,  p.  oOO,  Wentworth  Genealoo-y) 
IV.     Williatn,  b.  1720;  d.   soon.  '^' 

V.      Nathanii'l,  b.  1781;  d.  young. 
VI.      Samuel,  h.  1788;  d.  voung. 

*\Villi,^m  Warner  was  f .  of : 

I.     I'.-i"!<--l,  v.-ho  <S.  1696;  m.  .Sep:.  ^3.  i^Z,  .S.irah  Dane,  and     i.  PaiLFMo.-;.  m.  Abi-aii  Tu>t!e. 

Hv.  Jw,    J       '-■^•7,"'-  ^^v,^^"''-'''-T'^^-'-'^'"'"    ■■■'"'■'    '^-     '■'  +  ■      ■■    ^V'"-L..^•.-.      .,   D.A.s.t-i..      3:Joh.n',     4. 
H\:..N.\n,  m.  1090.  i-)-:i.  Thoraas  o!  Ipswich,  4nd  d.  tlie-e  173c.     =     Aimgm-  j.  .     ■*  Dane,  Irom  Harkhamsted,    Hens  Co.,  En-,'.,    to  Ipswich,  Mass.  (see  U\-n.  /T,-.,  Vol.  3,  p.  ,47),  had- 
1.     >iaran,  m    Daniel  u  arner.  1  k     -t/   • 

.-,/  ■}}'■  n'!""'"'  P  ,^l-''-nor  Ci.-,ri,^._  ^nd  had,  amone: others  :     i,  .Toiiv  of  Ipswich,  author  of  the  D.ini  Ka>: 
:    <\  f'  ;iT'     .    -"-'^     Vk"7^?"'^  ^^^  ^-'''"■'='  f'-'-'^^-  '"■  ^'"  ^^"'*'  "-^"^^  --^f  Ipswirh,  b    about  1716  ;    m. 
;hipo^ii1;r!J;;iToU::;j:''''^^'^""  ^"^--^'->^-    ^-    '^S^.    founder   of   the   >•  Dane   Law   p'^es^or- 
in,     Klizabeth  Dane.  m.  Tames  Howe. 

Apr,Vr7:^'^''s-mr;^*''v''^*r?^n'^'?'^'''li'''^  '-planter,--   ,63;,   from   St.    Allans,    Herts  Co.,  certified 
"April  2,  i.....3,same  duj  a,  John  luv.le.     Huibandman  aged  21  years.     He  settled  in  Ipswich. 

.TOirX    TUTTLE    OF    IPSWICH.  xlv 

VII.      Willinii!,  b.   1734;  rem.  to  I^liodp  Island. 
VIII.      Suiuufl,  b.  1737;' in.  1701,  Eli/nbcth  Weutworth. 

6621.  Sarah  Warner,  b.  1722:  m.  174U, y  Sl.crbunic,  b.  1709;  IT.  C.  172>!; 
Clerk  Suprcinf  Court  (172'J-;j:M:  IJt-p.  21  cons.  yffirs(172.-)-46).  In  1734,  one  of  the  couis. 
to  the  congress  iit  All>aJiy.  Speukcr  1703  till  17C>tj,  tlien  a])]),  councillor;  d.  17(17.  I.s 
said  to  liave  litid  10  .sons  and  0  daus.,  and  the  age.^of  .-.evcii  ot'lliem,  3  sons  and  4  daus., 
averaiTf  07.^;  years  each. 

I.      Sarah  SherV>urne,  m.  17(15,  Woodbury  Lnngdon. 
II.     Hannah  Sherburne,  m.  Sam'l  Penhallow.    1,  Xancv,  m.  Judire  I'ichard  Evans. 

III.  Edward  Sherburne,  aid-de-camp  to  (ien.  Sullivan:  killed  at  (ienuantown,  1777; 

IV.  l^orotliy  Sherl)urne,  b.  1752;  ni.  1778,  John  Murdell,  jr. ,  s.  of  Jaoo!>  of  Ports- 
uiouth,  X.  11.,  and  luul  8  chil. 

y.     Samuel  Sherburne,  had  large  fam. 

^'I.  Jonathan  Sheiburne,  II.  C,  177(';  in.  Xancv  Perkins  of  Rve,  X.  II.,  and  d. 
1847.  a.  89. 

VII.     Jolin  Sherburne. 

66211.  Sarah.  Sherburne,  in.  17G5,  Hon.  Woodbury  Lani'dou  (bro.  of  Gov. 
John):  del.  to  ("out.  Co!ig..  1779-80;  Councillor  1781-4;  Pres.'Xew  Haiup.  Senate,  1784^; 
Judge  Sai>renie  Court,  1783  au'l  1786-91.  lie  erected  for  his  res.  the  house  afteruard.s 
known  as  the  "  Kockinghani  House." 

I.      Henry  Sherburne    Langdon,  Y.   C.    1785;  res.    near    Boston:  d.   in    Cambridge, 
1858.  a.  91:  m.  Ann,  .sis.  of  'iov.  Wm.  Eustis  of  Mass. 
II.     Sarah  Langdon,  b.  1771;  m.  Robert  Harris. 

III.  Caroline  Langdon.  m.  <-!ov.  Wm.  Eustis  of  Mass.,  b.  1753:  II.  C,  1772;  Gen. 
Pev.  army;  rep.  Mass.  Leg.  1788-9;  mem.  Coug.  1800-5,  and  1820-3:  See.  of  war  1S09- 
12;  Minister  to  Holland.  IJ-ilo:  Gov.  of  Mass.,  1823,  and  d.  in  ofnce  1825. 

IV.  Catharine  NVhipple  Langdon,  m.  Hon.  Edinuud  Roberts. 

V.  Walter  Langdon,  m.  Dnrotliea,  dau.  of  John  Jacuh  and  Sarah  (Todii)  Astor  of 
X.  Y,  C. ,  bfjtli  dec.  Her  bro.,  \\'m.  B.  Astor,  made  a  compromise  with  the  heirs  of  his 
lister  Hornthea  to  avoid  contest  of  ]i\<,  father's  \vill.  ^^  ho  at  time  of  liis  dec.  was  the 
richest  man  in  America.     1,  Jon.\  J.\coi;   AsT(~>i:.       2,   Sai:.\ii.   m.    liobert   Boreil.       3, 

Ei.i/.A  Asio)i,  m. Wilkes.     4,   Louisa   D.,m.    Oliver  HvLancy  Kane,  and  had:     1, 

Ei/iili/  Ador,  m.  Oct.  3,  1876,  Augustus  Jay,  h.  Oct.  17,  1850:  Harv.  Col.  1S71:  ''honor 
man;"  Col.  Law  Scho(d,  187G.  5,  WAi/n;Ti,  0,  Ckcelia,  lu.  - — —  Xottbeck.  7, 
Wc)ODBiJtY,  d.  y.     8.   P^UGEXt:,  d.  y. 

662112.     Sarah  Langdon.  b.  1771;  d.  1860.  a.  89;  m.  1795,  Pobert  Harris. 

L  Sarah  Slierl)urne  Langxhm  Harris,  m.  Thos.  W.  Wyman,  Ca[)t.  U.  S.  X.  1, 
Dai.,  d.  V.  2,  Poi;i;.ut  Hakt.i.s,  Com.  I'.  S.  X.  and  in  1876  s'up.  of  ih"  HvdroL.'-raphic 
office,  Wa>hingtou,  I>.  C. 

II.  Mary  Ann.  d.  18(j7;  m.  Caiit.  Xath.  Giddings  Dana,  U.  S.  A.;  W.  P.  1814;  d. 
at  Ee.rt  McHenry  1833;  (2)  (:'has.  Ibr/en  Peaslee,  b.  X.  Hamp,  18o4;  Dart.  Col.  1824; 
Adj. -Gen.  of  the  State  8  yrs. :  CoUectoj-  of  (Aistoms,  Boston  4  yr.-. ;  Mem.  Cong.  1847-53; 
d.  1866.  /.  by  1st  m. :  1.  Maky  Ann,  m.  Wm.  ^^'alla.  2,  Xapoi.kux  Jacksox 
Tf.CU.mseh,  1822;  \N'.  P.  1842;  officer  in  Keg.  army;  Maj.  (ien.  of  Vols.:  resigned  at 
close  of  rebellion:  m.  Susan  Sanford  of  St.  Louis,  M(j.  1,  M'l.ri/  Lungdrm,  1S15:  lu. 
John  C.  'I'idl'all:  W.  P.  Is48:  Major  2d  U.  S.  Art.:  lirev.  Maj. -Gen.  Vols.  2,  Cluis.  P.. 
h.  1^49:  11.  C.  1871.  3.  S.nnud.  M.  Jl,  X.  Y.  C.  3,  Matiloa.  unm.  4,  Jvi.ta 
^'A^■  Xess,  111.  Jeremiah  Page  ^^'hipple,  whose  sis.  m.  Gov.  Joseph  A.  O'ilmore  of  X. 
Hamp.      1,   XiiiiiA"iii  Jlitan. 

6f)2]14.  Catharine  Whijijde  Langdon,  m.  180S  Hon.  Edmund  Roberts  of  Portsmouth, 
!N.  IL:  mercht.  He  was  a  personal  friend  of  Andrew  Jacdvson,  who  when  Prest.  sent 
Mr.  Roberts  to  make  treaties  with  Japan.  Muscat  and  Siam.  He  succeeded  in  tlie  two 
lat'er  crumtries,  l>ut  soon  died.  His  s. -in-law,  Hon.  Aniasa  J.  Parker,  has  written  a  book 
containing  a  l>ioa'raphy  of  Mr.  Iviberts  and  cojiies  of  valuable  papers  connccte<I  with  his 
Ja]>an  e'xiiedition — jiuii.  iiy  tin'  Harp>-rs. 

T.  Catharine  Whipple,  b.  bSlO;  d.  Cam!)ridge  isr,9;  m.  18;5H  Rev.  Andrew  Preston,  D.  1)..  LL.  D.,  b.  ]>^11:  H.  C.  l'<2(;;  Plummer  Prof.  Christ.  Morals;  W.C.  ISGO 
and  ]u>'aclie;-  Tu  the  C  ni  Vf-r.'^lt  v. 

11.      Sarah,  b.  1S12:  m.  i85S,  James  Buyle.  M.  D. ;  .s.  /. 
III.     Harriet   Langdou.  b.  1814;  m.  ls;;4',  Hon.  Amasa  J.  Parker,  LL  !».,   b.  Sharon, 
Cunu.,  1807;    Union  Col.  1825;    M.  C.  1837-9;    Judge   Supremo    Court    X  .  Y.      1, 



i-i:vx,  1,    1840;  in.  hi  All.any  l^.   Uuu.  J.  V.  S.  Pruvn,  J.L   1).;  M.  C.  for   Ubauv       ] 
llnrnd  Laugd.,,,,  1..  Wasli.  ISIJS.     2,   M aky,  b.  184o;'m.  1^7;}  Erustus  Corning   j;.      ..f 
All.any.     .^,   CATirAKiXE  Langdon,  b.  ISjC;  m.  Gen.  Si-lde.i  Era.stus  .Marvin  oT  Jinie=^ 
ti^wii,   A.    1  .  jcv-in.o- 

IV'.     iMiirifiiiii.';xdnn.  !>.  ISUJ;  ni.  ('lui.s.  E.  l\'rrv  (^f  Dcllii,  X    Y 

V.      .Ann   II.  Ltuiiidon,  b.  ISli);  m.  ISJl.  •rruniaii  H.  Wh^-rlcr  of    Dellii    X   Y  l 

\\.M.  Kno.v.  b.    kK4;>.     o_    Cakui.inf.  KoiiKKTs,    1,S4.-,.     8.    Sakaii  Ai(iu.sT.r]N4(;.  i,i 

Henry  \\.  beeley,  Lieut.  Com.  V.  S.  X.  -      -      .  '"• 

G628.     Samuel  Warner,  b.  1787;  Tu-.t.;    m.  1701,  Eli/.abetli,  dau.    of  iluakin.r 
\N  eiit  worth,  b.  ITcl'J;  d.  17'j:!.  ° 

I.  Daniel,  1).  17()-5;  d.  iinm. 
II.  Elizabetli,  b.  17(17;  d.  1S46;  m.  1702  Xath.  Sl.eiburne.  1,  JoHV  XvTiivxri-i 
SmoujtuuNK,  b.  17!t3;  d.  isr,!j;  only  ehild  ni.  Evfdine,  dau.  of  Caj.t.  diaries  Rlunf*  \ 
/v',Y//ior,  ni.  (Jen.  Dau.  \\  .  \Vhi].nle,  2.  r/ariV,^,;,  m.  (ien.  Dan  \\'  Wbinide  W  p' 
1H41;  Maj.-Cen.  U.  S.  A.;  wounded  at  CbaneellorvUle,  Va. ,  and  d  of  wounds  .M^.V '^' 
IWl  y,  J,^n,  7W.V,  Maj.  r.  S.  A.  4,  FAizalnUum.  Capt.  IVaree  \Yentwonh  I'en- 
liallow,  s.  of  IIun!;iusr,  b.  isli. 

HI.  Abigail  Warner,  b.  KiiS:  d.  ISOS;  ni.  Cai't.  Benj.  Conner  1  M\ky.M  ^Y 
b.  1<97;  m  Capt.  Thomas  J.  Harris,  who  d.  LSoS.  ],  KU-'il„th  .Wrru,  m  Fli-^ha  j" 
.luckerot  I5ostou.  2,  Man/,  m.  John  E.  yiinckfonl.  :5.  3f,ny,nr(  l>itt-<  ni  Pliiliv',- 
Aubin.  0,  ,/,////,..  7^/ ;</■///,,  otlieer  in  ;50th  Hen-t.  Mass.  Vols.;  dnnvned  in  Miss  Hiver 
1N()-..  ,  Jo,r-pA  Whipple,  Lieut,  r.  S.  N.;  d.  ISGI  on  board  V.  S.  ship  Laneaster  in 
1  anania  Kay  2,  Joxatuax  \Vm.  ('oxN-(,i:,  b.  171J4.  3.  Ciia.s.  \\AHi:KX  CuvxEit  b 
,,,'-,  l^''*^'  ^''''■"■("■'■"■th  (J,,..  i..r  a  full  record  of  destendaut^  of  Philemon  an<i  Abigail 
1  utile  \\  arner.)  ° 

69.     Charles     Tuttle,   b.  -March  ?A,  in:'.!;  m.  ■ Jhirnhani. 

691.     Charles  Tuttle,  b.    170^;    m.    Anna  Jewett.     The  descendants  of   Charles 
w.-re  reiaarkalile  lornatural  piety  and  sweetn.-ssof  disposition. 

^Si^^}'     Charles  Tuttle,  b.    Marcli  l,  1749;  d.    1S2G;  m.  Lucv  Dod-.',    b    .Tun-  10 
1/4!*;    fl.a.   Ul  years.  "  ^    '       •  -      ^  >■ 

\.      Wiiruiin  ."<.,  b.   Sept.  1,  1771;  ui.  Lucv  Dodf-e. 
11.      Sarah. 
HI.      Seth. 
IV.     Jedediah. 

V.     Charh-.s.     1,  Mauv.  employed  in  tlie  Biblo  House  to  sew  Bible.'?  at  %\  dav 
and  was  dl^clulrJred  for  refu.sing  to  sew  \\o\-^\-:i.—Corr.:><poiuUnt. 

69111,     William  S    Tuttle,  Sept.  l,  1771;  d.    April   2],  is.-i] ;   rem.  from  Hauiil- 
o,.    ..lass.,  aot.  ]soO.   and  to  >ayhrook,    A.shtabula  (.'o..  O..  1,^07.      Wm.    a:.d  his  faih.-r 
ived  in    separate  houses  on   the  northern  dedivitv   of  ■•  Tutth-  Mountain  "  to    wlrch 
MMT.lfr'V~~o'"V  ^      ^'''''''.'>  {^''5    of  ^"^^^^'-i^'n;  iM.   July    2,    17'.»2,    .Marv  Woodburv,"b 

I.      Sarah.  b.lVb.  11,  ksy:],  i„    Ham.,    .Mass.;  d.  1843;  m.    Dan.  Du.ilcv,  res    \us- 
UnburKlu  A^u.d.da  Co.,  a      1    Mn.TOx      2.  Mahv  Axx,   uk  —  Harvey.  "  1,  WVli^L 

nJ        -^u      T    !^"'V"'-     •*•  ^>''"-     ii.    -M.vktha.      4.  William,    m.   Sarah  ■  res 

Harnesvdle.  Lake  Co,.  0.;  8  ,,,p      -,    g^.^.,^,^        ^    j^^„^  ^    ,_,    __  ^^^^^^^  ^^^.^   •^;^- 

-.0    lS.>,I..tti..M.    Monr,,.unery,   b.    Wilion,    Fairtiehl  Co..  Conn.,   Xov.   30,   1S04-  res 
ndThis,      ;r-    J'    J""-'^MV>^  ,MoxTooMKUv,    Xov.    10,  ls2:;;   wh.-n    lo   months  okln^ 
•     e     n   th    -'oi  •!''    "  ^"';''^'''>'  ^'"'l  «'^^-"  ^^-'^^^I'l  l'<-^ve  no  Philemon,  and   that  sh-  would 
1^;   w,  ;    '  ^"''•'""",    "•   Mai:v  Axx   Douni:.  May  23.  182<i;  m.  Julv  3.  Isii    Anson 

o       1'    ,,;>'    :=;;''-^^;VN    >-Nr.:o.rKKV.2n.Dec.    2.    1S31;   he   us-d   to  prav    when   o  v.aiS 
:>'  •';;  ■   '''■,/.';'''^''"  ^--''^'I'-l';  --^T.  HI  High  Forest.  Olmsted   Co..  .Mian.      1,    /,V,„.    /',.:,//,<,. 
yr'<nul''ir,i'l"^'   rT     '^■■'"■""";-       ■*.  '^''/*v7V/,y«.    twin    with    Slierman.     .5.     //./r/v/.     6. 
An     %r^^^'"    P  m'^p''-  ;':  "•    -^   '"""•      •^-   ^'"''■^-'■'•^    W.x.m:,  ,;v.    June    22.  ls;i4:  a. 

W^;    is;,'^^'rr"-.C^''"-    ^V^V'-     0.  Pu.LA^nKK    W,„rKKu.:Li.,Ju!v   1,  ls4..;^   . 
i>-i.  .  1,  l.V.O,   Adda-  H<,u-ers.      ].     17/.-,   //„//,  b.  Dec.  2    1  Sill) 

lS'>o'     ■./x,'^"''r'    -^''"'S''    ■-'•■  ^ -'•'■•  "'•    1»^---.  Pi.  USIS.  Celina    l^isla.p.    who    d.    Jan    21 
-  7r  n  o  f     U  •   ^-^■'"7l'\^-  Crawford,  Feb..  1^(1.      ]h-  is  a    laraaT.      .iave  p.rndssi„n   to 
a  tramp  to  sleep  in  lus  barn;  hay  all  in;  grain   all   thre.sla-d  and   some  of  it  l-a.-^ed-   size 





of  barn  40.\r>i),  an  udjoininir  oiv.  oOxoO;  in  tlio  night  tramp  lit  his  ]iiiif'  and  both  barns 
destroyed  with  all  contents  except  tramp;  no  insurance;  loss  .$0,U<JO;  tramp  afterwards 
caiiiiht  seavchina;  a  bureau;  arrested  and  discharged.  1,  LoiitA  (i.,  Nov.  lii,  Isi'j;  d. 
JuuV-t,  ]S:W.  -i^,  L0KTN1>.\  F..  Sept.  in,  lSvn;d.  Nov.  5.  ls:3T.  ;],  Lkvi  E.,  Jan.  8, 
lti'-2>5;  d.  Nov.  l-'i,  same  year.  4,  Hakuikt  M.,  Nov.  !^,  18'2S;  m.  Dec.  30,  Iboo,  Freeman 
Fo.-ter,  and  had  5  chi!.;*l'am.  ret.  to  Penn.  5,  \Vii,i.i.\M,  Nov.  4.  lb'3U:  d.  April  4,  18;i9. 
6.  Ai,MlUA  C.  3Iarch  2o,  l(-oO;  m.  June  2,  18.>^,  Lewis  Whteler.  1,  Frank.  7, 
Cn\i!i.ES  A])ril-2''~!.  ISoo;  in.  Dei-.  oO.  1858,  Ursula  Connor:  res.  (.ii'iieva,  O.  1,  J-Jihiie 
•I  Oct.  4,  lNo9.  .■).  Ida_,  June  o,  18G1.  3,  Ihn-a.  Dec.  IG,  18G-,'.  4,  AcMir.  Feb.  24, 
18GG  0  '/v/r/,  Nov.  10,  isGO.  8,  Nathamf.i.  1'.,  Feb.  28,  1838:  ni.  Mareh  4  1801, 
(.'elia  Wolcott.'  1,  /u/^/»!W«(?,  Jan.  9,  18r.2.  2,  IITV/,',  Aag.  29,  ISG:.!.  9,  Ckuna  \V., 
Sejit.  21,  1n;:!9:  ni.  at  HarjKMSvil!'-,  ().,  Horace  liicl^ox.  1,  Frceaian  S.  2,  Doihar  3/. 
3  CharirsF.  4,  Freddie  X.  i.  bv  2d  m. :  10,  hruAXA  L.,  b.  Nov.  30.  1841;  d.  Dec. 
12,  lS(i2.  11,  March  20,  1813;  d.  Sept.  3,- 1845.  12,  Joii-X  Ckawfokd, 
Mav  5,  1845:  d.  Mav  1,  184G. 

"  IV.  Anna.  b.  Julv  9,  1799,  in  Antrim,  N.  II  :  m.  Comfort  Wetmore  of  Middletown, 
Conn.;  set.  in  Ashtabula,  0.;  rem.  to  Madison,  t).  Cue  Sunday  eveninir.  while  absent 
at  chu'  about  four  miles,  leavinj;  the  children  in  charge  of  a  little  girl  they  had  taken 
to  live  with  them,  their  house  took  lire  and  a  little  granddaughter  visiting  them  per- 
islied;  the  others  were  saved.  It  is  ndat-d  that  this  little  girl  talked  much  during  the 
eveuii'ii;- of  a  little  brother  v.lio  liad  d.  a  short  time  before.  1.  JosiAii,  m.  Prisceila 
Humphrey;  (^2)  —  Cunningham,  res.  Madison,  C.  ;'.  by  1st  m. :  1.  Iluvarc,  i\w\  i'.iby_2d  m. 
2.  ]l\i!N-ET,  ni.  Calista  Morse;  (2)  Mrs.  Ann  Calendi-r.  1,  Waltc, 
ami  2  ntlu-rs  bv  1st  m.     3.   Samcel  A. 

V.      Barn'et  ^^'.)odbllry,  Dec.  20.    1801;  m.  Maria  Heoock;  st 
gcr  Co.,  0.     1,   Devi, IN.     2,  Mauia  Ann,  d.  Jurie  15,1859.     3, 

4,   Bf.tsv,  111.  Dati-r.  and  had  2  chih;  res.  Thoitip^on,  0.     5, 

Turner.     G.  John.     7,   Fi.ETCiiEi;. 

VI.     John  SalTord.    Dec.  4,  1803;  m.  Fleanor   Hinton;  v^) — 
fhild  )>>•  each  wife,  and  ado[tted  one. 
Vll.'     Martha  S..  b.  Sept.  1.    1S05. 
YIII.  and  IX.     Twins,  not  named. 

X.  Marv  Woodbury,  June  20,1811;  m.  Is32,  Orrin  Blakeslee;  res.  Austiuburgii, 
Ohio.  1,  Daunet,  m.  Almira,  "  in  the  far  West."  1,  Clara.  2,  Mary.  2, 
Maku-.tta,  m.  Mile--  IIotchki<s:  res.  (reneva.  Oliio.,  1  child.  3,  Miles,  m.  Ellen  Mont- 
gomerv:  re.^.  Au>t.,  and  had  J/rriiian  and  .'^VA. 

Several  families  reni;;ved  early  from  Ipswicli,  .Mass.  to  Eastern  Conn.  Sorr.e  of 
William  Turtle's  de.-cendants  also  "went  th(>re  from  New  Haven.  The  branch  lelo-.v 
undoubtedly  belong  to  the  Ipswich  or  the  New  Ifaven  race,  lu'obii.ldy  the  first. 

At  \Velliuirti.m,  C..nn..  d.  Mr.  Jouath;>u  Tuttle  in  the  94Th  year  of  his  a.  He 
survived  tlie  wife  of  his  ytuith  only  7  nionthr,,  who  :;t  the  time  (;f  her  dec.  was  far  advanc«-..i 
in  her  93d  year. — Ameriraa  Museum  fur  Nor.,  1788. 

Sarah  Tattle,  m.  Abel,  s.  of  Matthew  Huntington  of  :Mansfield,  Conn.;  b.  I>ec.  24. 
1748;  d.  in  WelliuLCton.  Conn.,  1790;  i:  1,  Maltliew  Huntington,  killed  ijy  lightning  in 
the  house  of  his  uncle  Jonas  Huntington.  2,  Curdon  Huntington,  removed  to  Batavi:'., 
N.  Y.,  and  became  wealthy;  m.  and  had  fam. ;  a  son  Curdon  res.  in  Rochester.— //'////'.'/(y 
ton  Gtnuiloai/. 

Eveline  Tuttle,  b.  Auir  27,  l^OG;  d.  Dee.  2,  1833:  m.  May  1S25,  AjmiHos  Huntingto!i, 
b.  Tolland,  Conn.,  Nov.  14.  179-.  He  m.  (21  Nov.  3,  1833.  Delioiah  h'owland,  r.->, 
Sanduskv,  0.;  /. :  1 .  Marv  Huntinirtim,  b.  June  24,  lN2!i;  d.  Jan.  21.  ls;;4.^  2, 
Evelint-  Ciir:u-!ia  Huutingtfin,  Jan.  29,lN2S:  m.  Henry  H.  Smith  and  liud  1  s. ,vlee. ;  r.-.  IN"! 
man  J.ff  Co  N  Y.  3!  Laura  Buikhn  Huiitin<rton,  Sept.  20,  1S29;  d.  Marrh  30,  iS;.'. 
4.  (ieo.  \V.  Huntim;-ton.  b.  Aug.  24,  183i .  d.  AugC  24,  1832.  5,  Elizabeth  S.  Huntington, 
b".  Julv  4,  li-o3;  d.'Sept.,  l.'^47; 

.•t.  iri  Thonii'son.  (iran- 
NoAii,  d.  Oct.  G.  1810. 
\N'iT,ETAM,  ni.  Letta  M. 

;    c-ct    in    Pa.;  one 

Jonathan  Tuttle,  !>.  al;n;u  1747  in  Coventry.  Ti.dland  Co.,  Conn.,  where  he  liv--,! 
and  d.  H"  v.-as  cros-^im:  a  stream  on  :>  log,  axe  in  hand.  \\\:v\\  h.e  tell  into  the  water, 
eutruer  111-  luiee  witli  tin'  axe,  and  w;is  drowned.  He  m.  MeJiitable  Joyce.  She  m.  (2) 
Hiram  \\'est,  and  d.  ai)out   Isiu. 

I.     Jeremiah  Jovce.  b.  Oct.  13,  1770;  m.  Patty    Criswold. 
11.     Jonathan,  b.' Jan.  23,  1772;  m.   Anne  Battle. 

Xlviii  JOIIX  TUTILF,   OF   ipsvncii. 

HI.  Clu'stor.  T<'s.  Auatista,  Oneida  Co.,  X.  Y. :  roin.  ti>  Cliautiiaiiua,  Co.,  X.  Y., 
wlicre  lie  V.  a-^  l;ill'^<l  l^v  fall  from  a  ti-i-e.  Ik-  luul  livi^il  st-vi-ial  years  witli  liis  bro. 
Joiiiitliau  ill  Vfriinii  X.  Y.:  iii.  Bftsy  Cowdiii.     1,  Icuaj'.od.   -2,   Wju.iam  C.    ;',  Uosanna. 

JV.     L'lial.dil,  <l.  at  Vt-rnon,  X".  Y.,  al.uiit  1S07. 
V.     J'.lislia,  went  tn  ^ea  and  was  liovcr  heard  of  after. 

VI.      Meliitabie,  iii.  A'anumi  Gardner  and  had  five  or  six  children. 

1.  Jor.'iniah  .loyoe  Tiitile,  h.  Oct.  13,  1770;  d.  Kutland,  X.  Y. .  July  14,  lsn7,  a.  87; 
1)U.  in  Watertown  cemetery.  \Vhen  about  'i  yar.s  of  n.  was  taken  by  J)ea,  Ixittb-  to  his 
house  in  Tvrim'-hani  or  l>'^e.  Mass.  lie  m.  Feb.  !),  INOG.  Patty  (iriswuld  of  Vernon,  X.Y., 
sister  of  Col.  Amos  and  aunt  of  John  A.  (jri.-wold"  of  Troy,  X.  Y. ;  i.  in  Vernon,  X.  Y. 

I.      Franklin,  1).  Feb.  1^,  1S"7:  d.  Sept.   21).  184'.),  bit.  at   Salisbury,  X.  Y..  m.  Jan. 

Hi,    1831,    i'armelia  I. and',  and  had:     1,  FltAXKLIX  J.    2,  EjMil.V  P.,  ni. Gaines,  both 

dec.     3,   IlARiai-.T  Fkancks,  ni.  C.  F.  ^^'ar^,er  of  Kansas." 

II.  Frederirk.  b.  Oct.  20,  1808;  m.  Aug.  (i,  184(3.  Mrs.  Mary  M,  Xorton  (nee  Bulkley); 
res.  1.">')  Mich.  Ave.,  Chicap:o:  1  child.  FiiKDKincK  B.,b.  IVc-.  29,1847. 

ill.  Louisa,  b.  I'-eb.  :2(].  1810;  d.  March  22.  18.j7;  1>u.  at  Salisbury.  X.  Y. ;  ni.  Oct.  1, 
1832,  Erasmus  D.  Munson;  chil.:  1,  Fkei)K1!k:k,  d.  I860.  2,  Makia  LoriSA,  m.  James 
Cook  18(;n.     3,  Maktha,  m.Jann;'s  Pratt  bst;s. 

1\  lulwin.  b.  Sept.  10.  1811;  ni.  Jan.  3,  1839.  Hannah  DibboU ;  res.  130  Douglass 
Place,  Chica;;-();  chil.:  ],  ]jIi;'.;ik  A.,d.  Ai>ril  0.  1844,  a.  3  yrs.  2,  E.\[0G1;ni'.  A.,  d.  Sept. 
2."),  lsV)<,)  a.  17  vrs.     3,   Lt  ru"s.  b.  June  15,  1840.     4,  Jii.ifs,  twin  with  Lucius. 

V.  Lucius  Griswold.  b.  June  18.  1813;  m.  Aug.  1.  LS14,  Saral\  (ireen;  (2)  Lue 
Thonijison,  res.  589  Luke  st. ,  Chicaeo;  chil.:  1 ,  W'm.  Hk.vky.  2,  CAKiiu:,  3,  Ci.AHKXCK. 
VI.  Xelson,  b.  Oct.  19,  1814";  m.  April  9.  1845.  J,ucy  A.  White,  b.  July  27,  1826, 
Youngest  /.  of  Hon.  Geo  \\'hite  of  liutland,  X.  \.,  who  was  in  the  battle  of  Sacket's 
Harbor.  She  d.  ^Nlav,  1852.  He  ni.  (2)  (.'harlotte  l^ni'-rson;  res.  153  Michigan  Ave..  C. ; 
ohil.  bv  Isr  m.:  1.  M.\UM.  Lof!s\.  -J,  Li-ev  A.;  chil.  by2tlni..  2  sons  and  2  dans.  A 
Xelson"  Tuttle  of  Chica>ro.  grad.  Y.  C.  1881. 

VII.  Almeda  W.-tmore',  1-.  March  1,  1M6:  nt.  March  20,  ISf.u,  I5enjamin  Hvdcock, 
res.  301  Strttf  st.,  Watertown,   X.  Y. 

Vi!l.  Jeremiali,  b.Oct.  19,  1817;  d.  Dec.  13,  lNti6;  ni.  March, 18I6.  Peucw  Pieice.  L: 
W'yi.  I'ir.inr:,  b.  Xov.  4,  1868. 

IX.  Hiram  West,  1).  Sejit.  20,  182(1;  d.  Dec.  13,  1S6(1;  bu.  at  \\'aterbury  Cein.,  X.  Y.; 
ill,  Sej.t.  11,  1850,  Lanra  Scott,  and  h;eJ  1  dan.,  m.  to  H.  h.  Heath. 

X.      Henry  K..  b.  May  14,  1^22:  d.  Feb.  19,  1S39.  bn.  at  Salisbury,  X.  Y. 

2.  Jonathan  Tuttle,  b.  Jan.  23,  1772;  wlu-n  his  f.  d.  he  went  to  live  with  Ithiel 
Battle  in  Berkshire  Co.,  :>ia-s.;  rem  l8i)2  to  Vernon,  X.  Y.  In  1813  sold  his  farm,  and 
rejn.  to  L(jrraine,  Jefferson  Co..  X.  Y. ;  d.  North  Adams.  X.  Y.,  June  19,  1814.  He  was 
one  of  the  proprietors  of  a  large  wuoh'u  fav-tory  in  (jlendale.  He  m.  Annie,  eblest 
dau.  of  Itld(4  Battle,  b.  Jan.  5  17sn.  After  his  d.  wid.  returned  to  Beik.-'hire  Co.,  1815; 
d.  Jan.  29.   1836;   cliil.  b.  Tvrin^ham,  Mas--. 

I.  Cluster,  Xov.  3i.»,"l7'.)5;  di.  I85'i  in  X'.  Y.  C. :  m.  about  1821,  Wealthy  Caswell  of 
^^"atert()wn,  X.  Y.,  win.)  d.  sev.  years  l)efori'  lier  husl)and,  anvl  hu.  at  Carbondale,  Pa.; 
chil.  b.  in  Lee,  1,  Imjwi'x  LATiinni'.  l-'eb.,  is-,',';  uiun. ;  r<'s.  Auburn.  X.  Y.  2. 
AfsTiN  BuooKs,  b.  March  10,  bS27;  nn  -May  7,  1863,  Mary  F7  Tibld.-s,  b.  in  Auburn, 
Julv  3ii.  l's,'7:  .v./.:  res.  A.  3.  M.\i;sii.\r.r.  Miucs.  b.  ]s:-]2;  m.  in  Lee:  res.  A.  4,  Xancy. 
b.  Au;.;-.  2,  1S24:  d.  Jul\  4.  18i;i';  m.  Jan.  23,  ]>!14,  Jonas  \Vhiif.  i:,,}.,  ex-nmyor  of  the 
citv  01  Auburn,  1>.  An'i:.  14,  l^i;!,  in  .Monti,n»nn'rv  Co,  N.  Y.:  >diii.  Ij.  in  .Vu!>urn.  1, 
JiO,n.i  L.,  .lulv  21.  1^46.  2,  A/'/.  Julv  20.  fsl-S;  d'.  Feb.  16,  1849.  3,  Fnmk  d/"..  Dec.  1. 
1^5(1.  4,  Fnih-ri':!:  Li..  Julv  11,  1S53."  5,  (rrnr<jr.  Aug.  27,  1855.  6,  Ilcnri/  K..  May  10. 
1S57;  d.  at  Suspensi,.n  Bri<i-e.  Jan.  2.  In.'m.  7,  1I7///V  ^\,  Jan  15,  l^.V.).  s,  Z,n,i.  Aug. 
20,    l,'S(i3.     9.   (:i,,irl,:s.   h.   in   Hinnilton,  Canada,   Sept.   16,  1n67.     5,  Cakolinf.  Sophia, 

1S37:   m. Brown;  res.   Di\o:i.  111.:  eliil.,  •,'  <laus.      6,  Adkl.MIM-:,  d.  a.  3  yrs. 

H.      Xancv,  b.  j-'eh.  M,  179S:  d.  num.  at  Pedlield.  X.  Y.,  Sej.t.  1.  ISI4. 
HI.     Cluiulicey,  b.  Ju);eS,  I.'^-OO;  ni.  in   Lee.  .M-.-s.,  De.-.   4.  1N23,  PlielAc  BiadU-y.  b. 
Ap:il  )3,  ls!j:;:  (  h\[.  h.  in  ],_■  ■.      ],  .Iank  .Vn.n,  S.-i)t.  3,  1^2?;  d.  m,  Mu-s.,  Feb. 

*bh(i  A.  Gris'.vold,  b.  Xassau,  Rensselaer  Co.,  X.  Y.,  in  1S17,  and  when  a  boy  lived  with  his  relative. 
Gen.  WmoI.  lie  was  at  tir^t  eng.-iLjed  in  the  wholesale  drfti;  business,  but  in  1S57  became  connected  with 
the  iron  busines-i  in  the  lower  part  ot  Trov.  N.  V.,  which  under  his  management  has  been  enlarged  to 
i-.nniense  propo.-tions  Thf  patents  for  this  Conntrv  oi  the  I5e.sscnicr  stccl  process  were  owned  by  y\r . 
<"'.  In  ;:.5:,  l-.c  was  eleclcu  .Mayor  ot  Troy.  In  iS  ^6  received  the  Dem.  nom.  ujr  Con  t:.,  but  was  defeated. 
Ir.  iv^;  a;;ain  nom.and  elected  bv  i::S7  majoritv.  He  was  a  war  Dem  an.)  111  i:'.;waj  n...m.byuie 
UepuDii<-an.i  and  elected,  and  asam  in  lioo.  In  loo.S  noni.  lor  Gov  .  of  .\ .  V.  but  defeated.  He  d.  a  few 
years  since,  and  Us  sons  continue  the  business. 



<y\  ISGM.o  in  ].('{■;  m  Nor.  24,  ls.-,0,  Hiram  Bli^snf  Lpo;  cliil.  :3,  ss.,  1  d;m.  2  lu.v  Nye, 
b  Dfc  V  IS-'M-  111  Nov  17  lsr,7.  Kli/a  S.  Wrisrht  of  Monten>\-.  1,  Fmnk  \\  right ,  b. 
\nnlS  is.-y.)/  2,  Fnda-kk'nn:d!,!i,  Srpt.  2s,  ISUH.  :i,  Ar.MixiA.  Ik  Feb  -1,  l^l; 
m  IJeurv']5ull  of  Lee  (dec):  cbil.:  1.  hh,  b.  Se-.t  S  18o;].  2  Irn  >./.>;..  Mairh 
30  1857  ■  4.  C'HArNCKV  Bit.vni.KV,  b.  Man-b  2  t,isy:3;  re..  Mikin.O..  ISoO:  d.  b.-pt.  4,  lb.,i. 
~-,  'C'liM'i  F<  liKNitY  b  June  14,  bSol;  in.  Enieline  Carnininysof  Canaan, Tonn. :  res.  1  itts- 
fiebl  M-'ss  (•)  ]A-rv  b  June  S,  1S87;  ni.  Oct.  .".,  ISiM,  Win.  Henry  .May,  a; 
res.  Pirt^tit-Uh'/.:  1.  J/.«m.,  July  0,  ISfiT.  2,  li'///.  llrury,  Aug.  80,  IS'il).  7,  Willi.vm, 
Sei.t    22    ls;VJ;  d.  Dee.  WK  lst;il,   unni. 

IV  iTliiel  H-'tTle  b  VrniM!,,  N.  Y.,  Fel'.  2n,  1S02:  luid  cbar.cce  for  several  years  of  a 
laro-e  ^"oolen  factorv  in  Lee:  rem.  to  Wdlin-lon,  U.,  ISHS;  d.  S^n-t.  7.  1S57.  ni  1^22  m 
<'io"ben  Conn  Hlioda  S.  Miner.wlio  d.  in  Pitrsfield,0.,  18(511.  1,  Hk.nuy.  b.  is2.j;  drowned 
Julv  4.  ls:J4;     2.  Stepukx.  d.  a.  8  yrs.     8.  LrTHKi;.     4,  Frkukuick. 

■  Y  \rnienia  Y.,  b.  Jan.  10.  IN.M;  d.  Sept.  8,  1S.)4:  m.  m  Lee.  Mass..  Nov.  ..),  IS..,, 
John  T  Fenn  of  Stockbrid<re,  Mas>.  1,  (iicouGii.  b.  June  28.  1884;  d.  inf.  2,  Lstukk 
ANN  Jane  28.  1885:  d.  Au-.'28,  lso9.  8.  Jamks.  July  10,  1^8S:  d.  Aug.  8,  sm.  yr.  4^ 
John  Tn..Mrs(,>-.  Julv  24:  1842;  lias  great  niu^ieal  talent;  lias  practiced  the  organ  and 
Viano  fnun  ehildhood,"and  spent  several  years  in  Berlin.  Prussia    in  sUidy  of  music. 

YI  Sophia,  b.  Sept.  14.  18;)7:  d.  April  4,  1S4.K  ni.  Milu  J.  W  hitmg  ut  Lee,  Mass., 
who  Poughkeei.sie.  N.Y.,  Der.  2,  181)3;  /, :  1,  Hhnkv  Bkn.iamin.  grad.  I  nion  toll.; 
M.  n. ;  res.  Troy,  X.  Y.  2,  J  ames,  d.  y.  8.  Julia,  d.  a.  17.  4,  OcoiiKi;.  1  las  lam.  rem. 
to  Tri'v,  thenre  to  Amsterdam.  N.  Y.  -  ,,    ,       .       t  r  aa'      i  *     i 

\\{  Mmira.  b.  Apnl  5,  ISIO;  m.  in  Lee,  June  9,  Ls81,  Lueius  Lyon  of  ^^  oods  ock. 
•Conn  •'  rem.  Mav,  lS8o.  to  Chaudler>ville,  111.,  he  was   killed  by  a  horse.  ISoS. 

She  ni    r^i   Vpril-^O    1S41   Marev.      ;.  bv  1st  m. :     1.  FuAvrr.s  Ahmenia,  b.  Stattord, 

Cone       Nov     '^4     is82      2.  Soi'iirA  Almika.    b.    W'ood.-ioek.  Conn..  Jan.  2.),  is.,i,.     o, 
LoviNtv  Cku.i.,'  b    San-amon.   111.,   April  2(1,   ls8s.     /.  by  2d  m. :  4,   DwnniT  M'Arv. 
Sept    1    is-ir..     .-,,  ^^'.M.    Kdwin,  t''e'o.  2:,  ISI'J.     (),  (.'e)i:NKi.ius,  Jan.  2, 
ISi:/     '7    .V  lV\i,-.' liv.  in  E'.ig.     8,  .\  Son,  in 'J'roy,  N.  ^  . 

Ylll.     Jnhn  Mills,  Nov.  2!',.  LM2;  m.  in  Canaan,  X.Y.,  >«'"Y- 8    1882, 
rem.  to  Wellino-ton,  ()..  1880;  b.   SejU.  11.  1S18;  d.  Wohott,  X.^  ••  Nov.  4,  ISll,  dnn.  o. 

Jerentiah  and  Sallv  (LMavenworthl  Magrauo-h.      He  m.   (2, .         .    Lli7.aiu.,tu._  Marrh 

2G.  1884.    2.  Maiiy  Ann,  April  8,  1883.   i.  by  24  m.:    8,  Almuia,  Jan.  0,  lo-14. 
4,  Aktiick  Hicnky.  July  17.  18-17. 

1S44:  '1.  June  80 
Marv  Ma'^raugh 


Pilor  to  the  emharkaridn  on  tlii.'  Plau^rr  \n  April,  lij"'.."),  we  have  no  ])oskive  know- 
!cd,i;H'.  The  usual  time  fif  a  voyaue  rinia  (ira  ve.s'-inl  to  Bi:>ston  was  ahortl  fii  \vt-,_'ks. 
He  ari'ivid  wiili  )ivs  (:inii!y  a.h(,)ut  tk.e  tir-t  of  .lu!_v.  Ahimt  a  y.'ar  hiter  '■  Mrs.  Elix-aberh, 
'J'litteli  imircd  with  the  church  in  Boston  J  u!y  :24,  j(j:''i'>."*  Tiieir  ar?  two  suhsequiMit 
entries  on  I  III'  <-]iiir'/ii  record;  "  Mrs.  Elizahi.rh 'I'uttt'll  hioaiMir  to  li  -  hapriz  ■  I  a  son 
Joiiatliaii,  .luly  2.  loMV,"  and  "Mrs.  Fdizali-tii  d'^ittoli  to  lie 'oapti/ed  a  si..'n  Da^id^ 
April  7.  lij'JVI.''  Th*'  cok.>nial  recoids  of  .Mass..  of  Xi.-w  ila\ea  and  of  Conn,  eonrai'i  in  a 
few  scatiered  fragutenls  nearly  iill  that  is  of  W'illi^un  'I'uitle.  Fioni  tie-so.  how- 
e%-er,  %ve  ai'e  able  to  form  some  idea  of  lii.s  social  po-vi'inu,  as- ^eiatloiis,  ciri:u!u.;iance.s^ 
'•ni]dovn\enls  and  of  his  ti-eiieral  eh:u■aet^■r. 

in  the  passi'ni;-er  list  of  the  I'lant^r  he  i->  oalh.'d  ■' hii.d)andiuan."  The  disTin.i;tio!i 
between  a  hiis'oandinan  and  a  fanner  wr.s,  (ht-  husbiU'lnian  was  a  proprietor  pr.d  tilled 

his  own  .■leits;  the  faruii-T  was  a  h'a■^el>oldt'r  ant 

A  r'.-e.c.      It  app  -ars,   I'lowev-r.  from 

a  j)etitiou  on  file  in  the  Secretary  of  State's  oiiiet-  in  ilo^tou,  that  Ik.'  was  a  TULrchaut.  and 
this  nu<:ht  be  partly  inferred  fro.n  hi-  Joining:  Mr.  l-,atoi,'s  co!r,pa:iy.  maiiyoi  vTiom  iiad 
l)oeu  entrained  in  ooniinercia!  purseir^  in  the  old  conntry,  and  uhose  purpose  w.-.s  tr» 
found  a  commercial  city  in  tie-  new.  'I'lie  {letition  is  as  follows,  ^^•ithouf  date:  "  To 
the  right  worshipful  Tliomas  Dudley,  Ksq.,  and  to  tho  luui'is; rates  and  deputies  of  this 
(TC!ie-al  ("iHirt,  now  in  Ijosron  assembled.  The  liumble  ]w--:!tion  of  .Mujor  Xele^miah 
Bowne,  Edward  Tynge,  William  Tutituil,  Jose])]i  ^'-nings,  William  Payne,  .Tohn  Milam. 
and  James  Oliver,  with  divers  others,  being'  nierrhants  arnl  owners  <d'  tie-  Itftfii.  i.-alled 
the  Zebulon,  now  beioniring  to  Ipswich."  A''s(r<(rt  of  Pctiti"//. — Intend  to  st-nd  the  said 
ketch  to  the  Indies  and  iisk  for  two  guns  to  arm  lier.  Tins  is  refused. — Ji;'-^.'^.  Ar<:fi., 
vol.  (50,  p.  1(58. 

In  UI38  (.icorge  Griggs  liad  ]!ermisslou  of  the  coiut  to  '-si  li  his  b.ouso  nvl  garding 
under  it  anil  twenty  aerv's  of  iiis  ;.,'ifi."  loi  i"  Mr.  Tuuri!  (jf  Ipswich  and  Mr.  TutCell  of 
ChaiU-siiiwn  for  his  redeeming  out  of  their  debts."— Y^/-.//,/.'*  Jli-'-t.  cf  Boston. 

'J'his  item  is  suggestive  in  several  particulars.  ITrst  in  tlie  use  r>f  tlie  title  Mr.f 
which  was  very  rare  indeed,  esp;ecia]|y  in  the  cast^  of  young  men.      ^Villiam  Tuttle  was 

*Record  of  F'lrst  church  in  Boston. 

IThe  title  Hon  was  entirely  unknown  in  our  records  un'.i!  iP?5,  and  subsequently  for  inany  >*e.irs  was 
applif-d  only  to  the  Governor,  and  seldom  even  t^.'  Mm.  The  'le.vt  titic  was  tliai  of  Esq.  and  aieanr  the  same 
as  in  FiiLiland,  /v»r/.  El;/.abelh  and  j:irries  i.  Mr.  Thomas  U'^ils  was  a  rr.airistrate  for  i;  yoars.  dep  Gov. 
I  year  and  was  chosen  Gov.  the  id  time  before  he  v,-;.s  dij:niried  with  Esq.  The  ne.\t  title  was  Gcntlc- 
vian,  but  seems  to  have  been  soon  discarded  in  Conn.  The  prefix  .^Iaster  (Mr  t  belonfjed  to  a'l  gentle- 
men includiiif,'  those  debi;,'nateJ  by  tr.e  higher  marks  of  rank.  Master  correspi^nds  very  nearly  to  the 
English  word  gentleman.  In  Conn,  it  embraced  clergymen  and  pl.mters  of  g^ood  family  and  estate  w!io 
V. ere  members  of  the  (jeneral  Coui  t.  Those  bred  at  an  university  and  those  of  surticient  eduratMm  to 
manage  tl;e  general  .-"ffairs  of  the  C',>Iony,  civil  or  ecclesiastical,  and  who  had  been  sufficiently  well  born. 
C.'.-n[iarative!y  lew  of  the  rtpreser.tati\es  of  the  town, even  th.-.ugh  they  miaht  he  returned  yea;  after 
jiar.  were  Iwaiored  with  ti'.e  title.  To  be  c.dled  Mr.  or  to  have  ones  recoided  by  th.e  Secretary 
with  that '.)r'j'i.\  loo  ye.^.rs  ago  %vas  a  inoie  certaii  iride.x  ;.f  the  ra-ikof  the  inriividuai  as  respe.  :^  bir  h, 
education'a.'-Ld  u<-od'm(iral  char;-.c;er  th.'.n  any  one  of  the  high  sounding  titles  \\i\\\  wliich.  mai'y  men  of  no 
merit  whatever  in  our  v^av  of  sv.-ii't  !ocomo:ior.  are  content  to  cij"le  others  in  or.ler  that  l.hey  may  be 
enrich.ej  in  -.heir  :  urn  v., in  the  same  spurious  cerrency .  "  It  may  be  observed  by  rcfirrence  to  our  colonial 
record.s  thr.t  there  were  scores  of  men  of  good  family  and  in  honorable  statioi.s  who  still  did  not  possess 
all  the  requisite  qualities  of  Masters  It  was  seldom  that  voiinL'  men  of  whatever  male  were  called 
Masters.  Sir  was  soraetim.c:  api'lied  to  young  'jentlemen  undfr.!rr;'.duates  at  a  co'lrge.  CJoorJraan  was 
used  in  spc;tking  of  tl;c  better  sort  of  yeoa\en,  l.iborers,  ten.-.n:-.  ;.nd  othe.'*  above  the  gr^de  of  servants, 
who  o'.vned  a  small  estate  and  bore  a  good  mor.d  character.  ')  here  are  several  'istarces  (f  deputies  to 
the  Creneral  Court  being  called  Goodman.  Goodwife  or  Gf>.'..iy  .\as  ti'.ecorr-..'ipi':iding  t\  mini;ie  tifie. 
-'/.•■J.  was  applied  to  the  wives  of  Masters  and  also  Lo  unmarried   females  of  the   higher  class.     Miiiiary 

WlLLI.Of    Tl'TTI.E. 


then  lint  twfntyninc  y,-.irs  of  ap-e.  It  also  su!rir<-?'ts  s'liiu'  sort  uf  eoiiin;  unity  of  interest, 
{lartiH'r.-liip  or  rt'latioiislii]!  bt'tuf(-n  W'iiliuni  innl  JdIui  Tiutlc  as  c(>ni!ii!_>u  cifdltor.s  of 
Gc()V"-v  Ciriii^rs.  Tlio  lattcf  was  ca'letl  u  cavpeiiter,  but  it  1:5  said  was  formerly  a  l-ondrtn 
]iri:itiT.  A  uiovtgai:e  from  (icor^a' (ui^'ns  of  Boston  to  William  Tiittle  of  New  llaveii, 
dat.-d  t!ie  8th  of  the  t^tli  uiontli,  lOo",  of  a  Imuse  an>l  groiuul  in  Bea,ron  scre"T,  L>ost(<n, 
bounded  bv  street  on  the  north,  th.e  bine  on  tlu'  east,  the  lot  sometinif  Thonias  P.-ttitt's 
Oil  the  west,  and  the  Coninion  on  the  s.",ith,  to  .sei-are  a  delit  of  I'll',  is  recorded  in 
SuiToIL-  Driih.  Payment  of  »Ji;.;  10s.  was  made  in  corn.  Hesh,  ere.,  Enirlish  commodities 
at  prices  current,    'in  this  record  the  lot  is  bounded  i^ast  l)y  Mr.-,.  Tuttell's  lot. 

C);i  the -JCith  of  Julv.  iG:J7.  Messrs.  Davenport  and.  Jviton,  with  Tlu'ir  compatiy, 
arri\MHl  at  Boston,  and  in  the  fall  of  tiiat  year  Mr.  Eaton  and  others  made  a  ])rospe(;iinjr 
tour  of  the  sho)-e  tract  oil  Long  Island  SVuind,  between  Saybrook  and  Fairfield,  for^ tlu- 
pur):osf  of  selecting  a  site  for  an  indejieudent  colony,  which  they  hud  determined  to 
])lant,  declininir  the  very  liberal  ofTers  made  bv  Massachusetts  to  induce  tliem  to  remain 
in  that  jurisdiction.  Quinnipiac  Avas  selected,  a  hut  put  up,  and  seven  men  were  left  to 
sjieiid  the  winter.*  The  m;.in  body  of  the  company  sailed  from  Boston  on  the  r-^Otli  of 
March,  Jind  arrived  on  tlie  14th  of  April,  IiiHs.  Duri'ni;-  the  sumn)er  tlu- tov.-n  i>lot  was 
laid,  out  and  hous,.  loi.-^  assl.'.Mied  to  tin-  settlers.  (:)n  \}:<-  -Itli  of,  lti;;;»,  the  j.Ianters 
convened  in  Mr.  rsewimm's  barn  and  siL'-ned  the  t'hurth  Covenant.  On  this  list  the 
name  of  ^Villia;u  Tuttle  appears  for  the  tirst  time  in  the  records  of  the  Quinnipiac  Col- 
ony. It  stands  on  tlie  record  book  between  that  of  Benjamin  Eing-  and  E/ekiel  Cheever, 
aniong  the  ])rincipal  men.  and  towards  the  h.ead  of  the  li^-t.  It  is  probable  that  le- 
removed  to  guinnipiac  between  the  date  of  his  son  David's  baptism  in  April,  and  the 
signing  of  the  Church  covenant  in  June. 

In  KMl  he  was  owofT  of  tie- hiMue  lot  of  Ivlward  lir.pkin-,  wlio  had  built  a  liouS'^- 
on  it,  and  soon  after  remov^vl  to  Ilartfoni;  became  (iov.  of  Conn,  and  bmnder  of  t!;e 
Crammai  School  that  1/eais  his  name.  This  lot  was  on  tlie  sip.iare  bounded  l>y  (irove, 
State,  Elm  and  Church  St  reels  unimes  giv-eii  inoie  than  a  century  and  a  half  alte-  the 
original  survey)  fiml  was  one  of  eight  allotnu-nts  into  whicli  the  square  w-as  dJvided. 
(low.  Eaton,  h"is  brother  Samuel,  ami  Hichard  Perry  luui  lois  on  Elm  st.  Ca[)t.  Nathan- 
iel 'J'urner.  on  Cr.urch  st.  Ezekiel  Cheever's,  David  Vale's  and  Mrs.  Eaton's  (mother  of 
the  Gov.)  fronted  on  (irove  and  State  .sis.  'J'he  }Ioi)kins  l.n  fronted  ou  State  si.,  from 
the  corner  of  <Trove  to  Wall  St..  and  jierhaj's  a  little  beyond,  and  in  depth  eKtejuhd  al)ont 
two-thirds  of  the  distance  to  Orange  st.  In  otiier  v.ords  it  in(duded  twoiliinls  of 
the  p-resent  square,  bounded  by  State.  \\'all,  <»rang''  and  (ir.'ve  s;s.  lb  nry  Hooker's 
carriage  factoVy  and  otlier  buildings  stnnd  on  a  part  of  it.  The  b,d  of  a  creek  whicli 
oritiinallv  ran  diagonally  across  a  corner  .jf  it  was  made  us.'  of  in  liuiiiling  ih.e  l-'armiu'^:- 
ton  Canal,  and  is  now  the  bed  of  the  New  Haven  a.nd  Xcutnampton  Comf.any's  b'ailroad. 
The  last  named  work  was  luca.ted  and  constructed  tlirough  the  citv  about_J8J!b  by  tliC 
coinpihr  of  this  rece.rd  as  assistant  engineer,  under  t'ue  direction  of  Henry  Favmim,  Esq. 

In  Kioii  William  Tuttle  boae:ht  of  Joshua  Arwater  his  original  allotment,  man.-ion 
house  and  iiarn,  with  certain  other  lands,  recorded  in  the  Pri>i>rUti>r'M  /A-vz/v/,  as  follows: 
"  Alienation:  Mr.  Joshua  Atwater  passing  over  to  Mr.  William  Tuttle  his  lenise,  home 
lot  and  barn,  ten  acres  in  the  first  division,  in  the  Yorkshire  Quarter,  betwi.xt  land  of 
Thomas  Johnson  and  land  that  was  Mrs.  Constable's,  2b  acres  in  the  Neck,"  eJe.  Mr." 
Atwater  removed  to  Milford  in  in."),'],  tlience,  iti  Ibo!*,  to  Boston.  This  became  t.e  Tuttl- 
homestead,  and  so  contiriued  until  his  death,  and,  after  that,  his  v.idow  resided  there 
until  she  died,  in  all  a  period  o'f  t  years. 

As  the  most  intere.sting  associations  are  now  connected  with  this  spot  of  giound,  we^ 
])roiiose  to  give  here  its  subsequent  history  as   briefly  as  j/o.ssible.      In  the  inventory  of 

titles  were  considered  of  a  ver>' hi<,^h  order.  1654  the  highest.  miHt:<r>- ofticer  in  ;!i--  colony 
was  Capiair..''  — //:';V/.<.'';v"o-  Hisi .   cf  Conn. 

Felt,  in  11  h(.  of  If'sn-'ich,  relates  :h;u  a  man  was  degraded  from  the  title  of  Mr.  for  a  misdriiic  '.nor. 

I'alfroy,  in  ///.v.'.  of  Scvj  En-^-'ami.  says:  "There  wa.s  crreat  punctiliousness  in  the  applicao-n  of  tjoth 
official  and  conventfonu!  ti'-ies"'  Only  a'sinall  nun\'oer  of  r,f  the  best  conditi'-.n  l.iliva;.-. 
ministers  and  tncir  wiv-es>  h.vl  Mr.  or  .Mrs.  pieH.xed  to  'lieir  names,  (ioodman  or  C-oe 'wife  was 
addressed  U)  p-rsons  above  the  condition  ot  servitude  and  below  thar  of  gentility   ■" 

\\m.  Hradlord.  ti;oUi,'h  at  the  hsiad  01  the  lirid;rcu-ater,  .Mass.,  proprietors,  a  son  ol  tfie  Ciov  and  hiui- 
seh' crftcn  Lieut. -Gov. ,  was  not  entitled  t<)""Mr.  " 

We  have  cnlarf;ed  on  this  pniot  because  a  school  of  m-jdern  critics,  who  deny  every  t'-in;i  and  insist 
upon  proof,  have  e.vpressed  doubts  as  to  the  sif^niticances  of  the  title  Mr.  at  tins  period  la  Nc.v  England. 

♦This  incident  been  questioned.  It  seems  probable  enouirh,  however,  and  lar  more  likely  to  be 
true,  than  the  alternat've  o'r' its  bcin-4  :i  sheer  fabricaboii.  "Sir.  Euon,  h  e.irii;  ?e'e.  led  the  -,ilu  for 
his  settlement,  would  have  deemed  it  a  matter  of  prudence  to  leave  a  safeguard  a,-a:a::.t  the  intrusion  of 
the  Dutch 

It  rests  OQ  the  authority  of  Trumbull,  reiterated  by  Lambert. 

lii  WILT.rAM    TUTTI.E. 

I  AYilliain  Tiittlr's  o.stute  in  Jfiio  it  is  caili '1   lii-^    "  lioiiicst'-jul,"  jui.l   vuluctl  .it   £110.     In 

'  IfJSo  it  apiiears  in  tho  invi.-utoiy   of  th^-   ^vi(l('\^•   as    "  l!ie  lioiru'.ruad,"    valued   at    £120. 

I  Moses  ManstifUl  aiul  John  Allinir,  jr. .  aiii>va!-.ers.      In   about;:    vcar  after  her  deatii   ii 

j  %vas  sold  l)v  her  administrators.    'J'lujmas,  Joseph  and   N'aluini.d  Tuttr]],  to  Mrs.  Hester 

'  Coster,  \vi(!o\v,  for  £110.      It  is  de.scrilied  as   -'Mrs.  l':ii/al'eth   Tutt'dl's  d\velliH<:  house 

I  nnd  tv.'o  acres,  bnunded  Avesi  by  the  honu'   h't  of  Jidiu    Hall   [\>.    l-f-i],  iionli  by  the  home 

lin  of  Thonias 'J'uttell  [l>.  b'Oj,"  east    by    tlie   Marlvct    Place,    and    s<Mith    by    the   street." 
:  Hannah  Jones  (Nvf.  of  Dep.  <iov.  \N'iu.    Jum-s  aie!   i!au.    of   (iov.    Eaton)  an  1  John  I'anie 

!  Avitnessfdi  tlie  deed.      In  this  dcsrri]ition  of  boundaries  no  mention  is  mad''  of  the  strc.n 

j  (now    C'o'letre    St.),    the    ''Market    Place"   (upper   (ireiui)   I'eing   named    as  tl'.e   eastern 

I  boundarv. 

I  Thi-"sul>sequent  history  of  the  lot  is  taken  fn-m  Piof.W.  L.  Kin^-.sley's  folio,  Jli,st.  of 

\  Yak  Colh-qe,  urli<de  on  its  land  titles  by  Henry   White,  Esq.     Mr.   Wliite  describes  it  as 

I  about  200'fet't  ou  ('ha]>el  st.  by  about  270  feet  on  College  St.     These  dimensions  enibract- 

an  an-a  <>r  about  Ij- acres,  while  the  invntory  and  deeds  call  it  2  a.-res.  Perhaiis  llie 
.street  was  imdude<i  in  the  latter  e.-liuuiti'.  On  (ieiieial  \N"ails\\ crth's  niaji,  drawn  in 
174s,  the  lot  as  measured  by  the  sc:ile  is  about  2o()  feet  on.  Chapel  by  about  oOO  feet  on 
Ccdh-ixe,  and  an  area  of  about  IH  acres. 

Mrs.  Coster  died  Ajiril  G,  Ki'Jl,  a.  67  yrs.  Her  remains  repose  under  the  Center 
Cliurcdi.  and  her  na;ne,  date  of  death  anda_s.ce  are  in.-cribed  on  the  tablet  in  the  vestibule. 
lu  lier  V.  ill  .she  devise(l  this  ]>roi)erty  to  the  "  I'  Church  of  Christ  in  New  TIaven."  to 
maintain  a  lecture  in  the  s])riny  and  fall  of  the  _\ear.  The  ch.uich  je;i-ed  it  for  a  few 
years,  liut  finding  as  the  house^became  old  that  it  ]u-(p<luced  no  incon.e,  sul.l  it  in  1717  to 
the  trustees  of  the  crdleedate  schoc],  \<\w  immediately  b.e^ran  lh,e  ereciinn  of  tl^e  first 
Col!ee-e  buildiuir.  whi(di  was  finished  the  next  year.  It  was.d'  wood,  fnuuing  on  College 
St.,  170  feet  long  bv  22  feet  wide,  and  three  stories  high.  In  17bs  it  received  the  name 
of  Vale  C(dlei:e  in  io  C(,\ .  IClihu  Yale,  ^\ho,  bcLweeu  lil4and  1718,  had  con- 
tributed largelv  to  the  school.  This  building  Stood  alxuit  hi  years.  It  v,-as  taken  down 
in  1782.  'i'he'Soutli  College,  the  (;ld  i'liapel,  m)w  the  Atheneum,  built  1701,  and  the 
Soutli  Middle  staitd  o!t  this  plot.  The  latter  was  begun  in  1750  Jiud  is  tlie  oldest  building 
on  ilu'  (■(>Hege  S<juare. 

'i'he  'J'uttle  homestead  was  the  orrly  land  owru'd  by  the  college  for  neatly  thirty 
years.  !f  was  the  iiist  of  a  Ion-  ^erie.s  (d'  i>ur(d!ases  exli'iidiug  through  a  jieriod  of  icore 
tlian  a  centtiry,  whicli  finally  broaidd  the  whole  ol  tlie  College  :>:'(;uare  into  its  pooes- 
sion.  lu  thesV  transfers,  descendants  of  Win,  Tutth;,  who  at  one  time  (;r  anotlitr  owned 
a  con'sid,  -table  ]);irt  <  f  the  square,  appear  as  grant<j:-s,  either  directly  to  the  college  or  to 
intermediate  holder.-. 

'I'he  corporation  is  now  a  great  landed  proi)rletor.  Hence  a  ]ieculiar  interest  attacdies 
to  this,  its  hrst  ticcjuisitioii  ol'feal  estan-.  It  is  now  2-1:;!  years  since  its  purchase  fioni 
the  hiiiians,  during  %\ddch  period  it  Isas  beeti  held  by  but  five  pro])rietors.  viz.:  Joshua 
Alwater,  Itiyis.;  William  TuTtie  and  heirs,  ;j()  yrs.;  Hester  Coster,  o  y  is. ;  the  1- irst 
Church  ol  N'ev,   Hav.ui.  20  yi>. ;  Yah'  Ccdlege,  100  yrs. 

On  this  very  spot  where  William  Tutlle  lived  and  died,  his  great-grandson,  Jonatlian 
Ivlwards,  studied,  taught  and  a(dii(_'Vi'd  his  "great  and  excellent  tutorial  renown."  It 
is  now  aiitl  hmg  has  been  the  idiosen  gatlieriug  plac-e  of  the  students,  where,  at  leisure 
hours,  they  meet  for  general  purposes  or  for  social  intercourse. 

It  is  here  that  the  class  histories  are  recited,  the  hist  fandangos  of  the  seniors  per- 
formed, and  tlie  fence  eiveii  awav.''-" 

*Thc  lencp  cnclnsinc;  this  part  of  the  campus  seems  to  possess  peculiar  attractions  to  the  students.     On 

i  almost  any  tine  day  durintj  sessions  may  be  seen  a  row  of  youttis  seated  close  tOi.;ether  on   ti'C   top 

r.'ii!,  and  lii.jkiPL;  lU  a  distance  like  some  strange  sort  ot   fortl   cone  eariy   to   roos:       The  corporation  no 
doubt  woulil  cheerfully  furnish  settees  on  the  campus  as  a  substitute,  but  that  would  not  do.     1  he  lence 
j  tills  a'l  r':C|Uirtnients.  and  is  valued  aciordinldv.     Ttie  Chat)el   street  side  from  the  South  College,  about 

[  haliw.iy  i-.)  t.'olleue  street,  is  sacred  to  the  Seniors,     'riience,  to  the   Collece  st     corner   is  the  exclusive 

!  properly  of   llic  J  uniors.     The  Sophomores  Town  the  Collc£;c   St.  rail.      lieyon  1.  there   is  plenty  of  room 

I  for  the  Frc^I'mcn,  but  they  are  not  [icrmitied  to  sit  on  the   fence,  and   woe  lo  tiie  t!edi,'elin^r  Nvho  should 

;  dare  to  tr.urirre-s  t!;is  unw  rilten  l)Ut  inexpiable  law;  thou'.;h  an  exception   is  made  in   iavor   ot  anyhero 

;  o:  the  b.u  r;r  oar  who  has  htljied  to  win  a  colleue  race  or  ;,ame  of  ha!'.      To  such  the  privilejj-e  of  llie  fence 

j  on  the  (."•jlleue  st    side,  below  t!ie  Sophs.,  but  iiowiicro  else,  is  gra:ited  as  a  re'.vard.     'to  all   others   it  is 

j  strictly  f'irbidden. 

j  Every  year,  a  few  davs  before  Commencement,  the  feHce  is  rriven  away  by  the  Seniors  to  the  Juniors. 

(  By  i!ic  to  the  Sophs., and  b'y  the  latter  to  the   class  tjcl'iw.     Thewii't<:r  liad  the  good  fortune  to 

f  u'ltncss  th''  transfer  of  '''j.      Cin  ';-r,s  a-,  wel!  as  students  u  i.rc  }.r,-:^ent    in   Idi-^c   nurr.bcr.,.  tillinir  the  cam- 

pus, the  adioinintr  streets  and  sidew.ilks  and  the  balconies    and  windows   of  the  ncitfhboring'  hotels  ai:d 
•  houses.^  orat'irs,    mounted   on   expre^-    watjons,   made    witty  presentation   speeches,   which   were 

j  replied  to  in  I  he  same  S()irit,  accompanied  bv  UDrcarous  laushter  and  clapping-  of  hands  by  the  audience. 

I  The  v.-hole  pro.  eedm.-  full  of  that  lollickm^  spiri'  .if  fun  v.hich  only   students  near  the  lont,'' vacation 

can  ndiy  •:i..\'.uc. 

Wil.LlAM    TllTI.E.  liii 

'111  th<'  evt-niui;-  iwilii^lit  .ilif  placi-  is  often  voca]  with  cnlli-f^e  soi'.^rs,  v.-ITk'Ii  s'.'n-m  to 
bursf  torth  .s])<HHant^oiisly,  and  art;  catu;:!it  up  \>y  younir  Vdi'-is  liere  aiiil  iheri-  unti!  tlie 
full  clu)ru.s  tills  thf  surrouudintr  S[)a(;e  and  thf  "  Catlicviral  Aisle"'"-' "  of  tlif  ovc-rLirrliiut^ 
f'hns;  awakening  in  the  niiud.s  of  lisTcners  poetical  reuiinisctui.cey  of  other  lands,  where, 
more  ihai'i  in  this,  sueh  siuuids  are  heard  in  songs  and  ves[)er  hynins. 

Other  and  liiore  intimate  associations  than  t!io.-<eof  successive  occupanc}'  and  owncr- 
shi))  of  the  same  local  habitation,  connect  this  Iristory  of  a  finnily  willi  that  of  Yale  Col- 
lege. ()(  iis  ten  thousand  academical  graduates,  ;it  leasi  four  liuudred,  or  one  in  twenty- 
live,  art,'  kuo\\n  to  he  of  ihi-s  lineage  or  allin'ay,  ami  so  of  its  professional  schools.  It.s 
ftfficers,  tutors,  jtrofessors  and  fello%vs  will  I).'  fuumlin  these  ])uc;e.=;  in  a  still  Larger  ratio; 
and  of  its  eleven  prosident.s,  t"^vo  not  the  least  l;ouort.d  of  the  list,  ruletl  over  if.->  (,icstinies 
for  nune  than  one-fonrth  of  the  entire  pi.-riod  of  its  existence  to  tl.'f^  presi-et  time. 

The  hauls  outside  the  town  plot  wt-re  divide  !  to  tlie  proprietors  or  their  representa- 
tives from  time  ttj  time,  according  tc)  a  rule  l-i^ed  on  the  amount,  of  rates  })aid.  aiui  on 
the  numlier  of  persons  in  the  proprietor's  family,  counting  hus'oand,  wife  and  children 
oii]\.  Ill  the  tirst  division  made  in  lii 40,  William  Tuttle  is  rated  at  £  100  of  estate  a:i  1 
seven  persons,  showing  that  the  schetlule  wn.s  made  before  the  birth  of  Jose[)h,  who  was 
baj).  Nov.' 22,  of  that  year.  Of  the  one  hun'lred  aiul  Ovo  {iroprietors,  ther-'  wcie  thirty 
whose  rates  exceeded  liis,  tliough  none  wt-re  abo\e  l.'l,()i}0,  excepting  Oov.  Katon's,  which 
was  £'d,OW-  In  the  second  division  Win.  Tuttle's  jiroportion  was  107  acres.  There  is  no 
record  of  the  "  lay  out  "  of  the  first  and  sect)iid  divisions,  but  in  August,  1610,  fifty  acres 
of  meadow  land  were  granted  to  Mr.  Samuel  Eaton,  and  at  tlie  same  time  Mr.  \\'n\. 
Tuttle  an.i  Benj.  Ling  were  allowed  to  have  their  meadow  land  "  where  Mr.  Eatou  hatl> 
liis  llrst  fifty  acres,  namely,  in  the  fresh  inea(h)\vs  toward  Totoket  (Branford). "  Tiiis 
is  prt-bably  thf  locality  referred  to  in  the  record  of  a  court  held  at  New  Haven,  Feb.  1, 
1(347,  when  K/.ekiel  Cheever  })assed  over  to  John  Cooper  five  antl  a  half  acres  of  out- 
laml  within  th--  two  mih's,  one  hitlf  of  it  lying  in  Mr.  Eaton'>  tiu;iiter,  fit  twc.-n  land  of 
.Mrs.  'J'urner  and  W  ni.  TuTliil!,  the  othet  h:iif  lying  l)y  the  mill  high'.vay  at  the  end  of 
Mr.  EnliAi's  iiasttire,  lu-xt  to  the  land  of  \Vm.  TuthiU,  The  same  year  M  r.  Perry  con- 
veyed land  "one  end  imTting  cm  the  mill  roail  between  laml  of  \Vm.  'I'little  and  i^rancis 
s  -N'ev.'man." 

In  1044  Mr.  TuthiU  was  granted  liberty  to  enlarge  his  rate  to  •G4.')0,  and  if  lie 
removt\s  to  sell  only  iie.provenieiits  and  oulia.nds  in  second  division  and  Neck.  Trum- 
bull says:  "  The  ])ro]irietors  .soon  began  to  cultivate  their  lands  'ui  the  Ea>1  Haven  side, 
and  in  1644  Thomas  (ireLTSou  built  the  first  hou^e.  AVilliam  Edv.ard.-  (father  of  Rich- 
ard, who  m.  Elizabeth  Tuttle^,  Jasper  Crane,  Wm.  Tuttle  ami  others  stion  followed." 
.Mr.  Tuttle  may  have  lived  in  E.  Haven  awhile  bcfi.rc  luiyiug  the  Atwater  iiro])evTy,  but 
I  have  found  no  e\  idence  that  he  ever  removed  his  family  from  New  Haven. 

Ciipt.  Charles  H.  Townshend  says  that  Wm.  Tuttle  and  Mr.  Gregson  \vere  the  tirst 
owners  id'  laml  in  I^ast  Haven,  and  that  Mr.  Tuttle  surveyed  and  laid  out  the  road  from 
the  ferry  at  Ked  Kock  to  Stony  Kiver,  that  his  land  in  E.  Haven  Avas  bouutled  by  a  line 
runidng  from  the  old  Ferry  (where  tlu^  new  bridge  over  the  Quinnipiac  is)  eastward  to  a 
spring  where  issues  the  sniall  stream  called  "  Tuttle's  Brook,"  thence  south  along  Tut- 
tle's Brook  to  Mr.  (iregson's  land  at  Solitary  Cove,  thence  west  to  a  point  on  tlie  New 
Haven  Harbor  near  the  chemical  works  arid  Fort  Hale,  thence  north  along  the  harbor 
line  to  thi,>  jioint  of  beginning.  The  tract  was  huge  and  much  of  it  may  have  been 
obtained  by  imrcliase  of  the  tiriginal  grantees  or  t)f  their  successors.  It  included  Tuttle's 
Hill.  It  was  mostly  divided  up  and  sold  by  the  heirs  to  the  Huglies.  ^Voodwards,  and 
others.  I'he  Foi'bi."s  and  Luddingtons  came  into  possession  by  marriage  with  female 
heirs.  Isaac  and  Kneidand  'I'ownsend  boughi  the  interest  of  several  of  the  heirs  of 
Joseph  Tuttle,  which  is  now  part  of  the  tine  estate  in  E.  Haven  called  Baynham,  the 
family  scat  of  the  'i'tnvnsends. 

rulfJoi*  Mr.  Tuttle  appeal's  as  proprietor  of  land  in  North  Haven  that  luul  belonged 
to  the  estate  of  Oov.  Eatou  [iJnci.s'  Hht.  of  WoJlui'j/ord):  the  same  perhaps  that  his  S(Ui 
Jonathan  Tuttle  .settled  on  in  1G70.  There  were  lands  iu  Bethany  and  elsinvhere 
acquired  by  purchase  in  his  life,  or  sf-t  off  to  his  heirs  or  rei)re>entatives  in  the  third 
and  iu  hitter  divisions  after  liis  death. 

In  IGOl  .lohn  Pundersnii  alienated  to  Mr.  Tuttle  his  dwelling  house  and  home 
lot,  and  seven  acres  of  land  with  twt»  houses  on  it,  which  Mr.  T.  at  once  gave  to  his  '■■(Ui 

There  was  an  int-Tval  of  near  fortv  vears  between  the  id  and  3d  lilvisions.  In 
H;7'?  Wflliam    Jum.s,  Mai^hc\^'  Oilbert,   "Capt.   J<jhn  Xash,    James  Bishojt,   .Mr.  N\illiam 

■  New  Haven  is  a  vast  Cathedral  with  ais^Its  for  streets."  — A'.  /'.    H'tU'-u  Ren:,  cf  X.  II. 


Tiittle,  Kog-iT  Alliut;-.  Saiuuel  U'liitchead,  l^nvid  Atwator,  Jonatlian  Osliorn,  Alliug  Ball, 
and  James  T/aton,  wcic  coniniissioned  to  locate  siu-h  lands  ;l-^  luny  .stand  for  town  coni- 
inons,  and.sufli  a^  are  fit  for  a  tliird  division.  —  FruprietorK  Jirrord.  The  tliird  divi-ion 
■\va.s  made  in  KiSO.  Tliere  were  several  division-^  after  the  third,  but  the  last  oiiginal 
projirietor  had  pass<'d  away  hiuz  before,  and  their  heir.s  or  r"i)resentatives  in  inany 
in.stunees  disposed  of  tlieir  riirht.s  m  advance  and  removed.  It  is  evident  that  Wiliiam 
TiUtle  wa.s  sometime  a  very  large  land  ov»ner.  and  tluit  he  must  have  sold  or  divided  up 
fimong  his  children  the  greater  part  of  it  before  his  death.  Subsequently  the  records  of 
conveyances  by  Ids  sons  of  lands  in  j>o<session,  and  of  i)roprietary  rights  are  numerous. 

"  SEATING    TllK    MEF-TIXG    IIUUSE. " 

One  of  the  earliest  matters  to  engage  tlic  attention  of  the  colonists  was  the  liuilding 
of  the  meeting  house,  immediately  f<dlnwcd  by  tlie  solemn  and  weiirhty  matter  of 
"seating  "  it.  This  cu-toni  was  general  in  i-rimitivi-  New  Enghind.  A  ccnimittee  of 
i^rave  men,  apjiointed  for  the  ]>nr]iose,  graded  the  seats  and  "dignified"  tliem  according- 
to  some  rule,  propincjuity  to  tin-  puljiit  perliaps,  by  whicli  they  were  esteemed  more  or 
less  honorable.  The  peoj)le  were  tlien  voted  into  them  ojie  by  one.  in  accordance  with 
certain  ])rescril'ed  ruh-i.  The  rules  at  New  Haven  were  doubtless  similar  to  those  on 
record  at  Wetlier-.fn'ld.  where  a  committee  ')f  seven  men  ap])ointed  to  "seat  the  meeting 
house''  were  instructed  by  a  vote  of  the  town  to  ol)serve  tlie  following  rules  of  prece- 
dence: 1st,  ]">iirnity  of  descent.  2d,  Place  of  Public  Trust,  'dd,  Pious  Disposition.- 
4th,   }'"staie.     oth.   Peculiar  seiviceableiiess  of  any  I'ind. 

••'I'his."  says  i»r.  Hacon  in  his  Ji'rir  llnccii  lliMnrii'iil  Di.'o'ovyr.cs,  "affords  us  a 
^limjwe  of  the  associations  and  relative  social  itu]-  irtance  of  tlie  first  settlors  of  New 

The  first  "  seating  "  in  New  Haven  was  in  IGH) -7.  "Mr.  Tuttle,  Mr.  Pell*  and 
brother  Fowlerl  wi'fe  voted  into  "the  first  cross  seat  ar  the  end.'"  This  was  near  the 
l)ulpit  aiul  aiiKiiig  the  hiirlic'st  in  dignity.  The  women  sat  iiy  tlieuiselves  and  it  is  verv 
likely  were  pl-!ce<l  b.y  similar  consid.erations  so  far  as  they  v^-ere  ajiplicable.  In  the  oth 
seat  iji  the  mhldle  sat  Mi-s.  Tuttle.  the  wife  of  Mr.  tiib!)s:  Mrs.  Newman,  wife  of 
Francis, :J;  wlio  was  h.-r  next  dnor  neiglibor;  the  wife  of  .Jasper  Crane;?  and  tlie  wife  of 
Joshua  Atwater. 

In  K).-)")-!;  another  assignment  of  seats  was  made.  In  the  cross  seat  at  the  n]>]icr 
<>nd,  Mr.  'I'uftle,  Mr.  .lolm  Davenj'ort  (son  of  the  minister).  Mr.  Fowler  and  Mr.  AUerton, 

*Mr.  Pell.  Tliotnas,  sc-.n  of  Sir  John  Pell  of  London,  was  surq-eon  at  the  SaybrooV:  Fort,  under  Lyon 
Gardiner  in  i'.;,".  and  in  that  c.-ip:icitv  .vas  seal  -.viih  Capt.  Underbill  to  ihc  Peq-dot  war  in  1637.  About 
1647  li"  m.  the  widow  of  Francis  Brewster.  Before  her  ni.  to  Mr.  Pell  a  fine  had  been  imposed  by  th.- 
Cour!  whic-i:  ;.hc  rcf-.jsed  ;c- pay.  and  Mr.  Pt-li,  after  marry inj;  was  5-,ekl  rc.'ipor.<;ib;e,  wliich  he  ako 
refused.  Afit-r  a  pood  deal  of  riifticuUy  aboui  the  payment,  and  declining  when  called  upon  to  take  t'lc 
oath  of  lideliiy,  he  went  aw;iy,  probably  to  Fairfield.  His  wife  and  dau.  were  witnesses  in  the  case  of 
Staples  acainsi  Ludlow. -/;,fc->«"j  f/{st  Pcsc.  In  /:,i,7->n's  h'ht.  0/  West,  luster  Cc.  mav  be  found  an 
extended  account  of  Pell.  He  was  of  an  old  Norlhamptcnshire  family.  He  obtained  by  purchase  or 
grant  a  large  tr.ict  in  Westchester  Co.,  N.  V.,  probably  bv  authority  of  the' Conn.  Leg.,  afterwards  known 
as  the  .^Ianorl;f  Pelhain,  of  which  the  present  Peliiamvillc  is  a  part.  This  tract  -vvas  ratified  by  Gov. 
Nichols  to  John  Pc!l:an-,.  !,-ent.,  in  1666.  !n  if/j..i  the  patentee  devised  the  whole  tract  10  his  nephew,  John 
Pell  [con'monly  called  Lord  Pell],  who  obtained  a  further  tonlirmation  of  the  grant  from  Gov.  r)onj:a-i 
in  x'''^.-.  Two  yrs  alierwards  John  and  Rachel  (Pinckne-v'i  Peil  conveved  to  Jacob  Leisler,  merchant  of  N. 
v.,  [who  ac'ed  m  WXv.M  ..f  the  HuKuencnsj  si.\  thousand'  acres,  n'uv  tiie  township  of  New'R.  .chelle.  X.  V. 
The  (.;rantee  and  his  heirs  p.ty  to  said  John  Pell  and  his  heirs,  as  Lords  of  said  .Manor,  one  fat  calf  on  the 
i4th  ot  June  annually  if  demanded.  Consideration  .4:1075  stcrliniT-  ^\'hen  the  fat  calf  w-as  demanded 
each  Huf;uenoi  p.iid  ins  proportion.  Pelt  also  eave  one  "hundred  acres  for  the  benetit  of  the  French 
church.  Rachel,  his  wife,  made  her  mark,  ■•  R"  In  icot  Leisier  was  executed  in  New  York  for  high 
treason.  liavin;r  und.,ubicdiy  assumed  and  e.xercised  authority  as  Gov  and  Commander-in-Chief  of  Ne-.v 
York.  Thomas  Pell  d.  v.  /..  xit^.  a.  61  yrs.  His  only  bn.ther,  John  Pell,  D.  IJ.,  of  London,  an  eminent 
i.!.it!ir:-i^a;cia')^.i;vl  author  of  several  learned  works,  was  Cromwell's  envoy  to  the  Swiss  Canton  in  the 
tun.;  of   Uie  Preiec'orate.     "The  family  is  on-j  cf  great  ami. luity."     (  for  bicg.  of  John 

■I"  lir>.iher  r^jwicr"'   [U'liliani]  was  a  magistrate. 

^Francis  Xewm.-.n  Gov.  of  the  Coh.ny. 

»ijasper  Cran'  ard  U  in.  Tutt'e  were  n>uch  associated  in  public  affairs  and  were  probably  persona! 
friends.  1  hev  were  associated  as  "  fence  viewers,"  and  in  the  Last  Haven  settlement,  and  as  leaders  in 
the  Uelaware  enterprise.  He  was  ni.iny  veurs  a  magistrate.  He  removed  'o  Branlord  \(--.--.  He  was  one 
of  the  ni'.s:  •,,r..nuiu:nt  oi  the  launders  of  .\"i,-wai  k  in  :':'.->  vvlu-re  his  name  stands  at  the  head  ot  the  list  of 
proprieiors  preceding  even  of  ttie  Rev.  Abraham  Piersou.  The  Milford  people  soon  followed  and 
the  n.ime  of  Robert  Treat.  ,<fterwards  (.iov.  of  (:onn..i.-,  '^ist.  In  \(i>i  Treat  and  Crane  were  ihelir^t 
repr-sentaiive,  of  Newark  in  the  X.  j.  Legislatiinj.  .Nkirv  Treat,  dau.  of  Gov.  Robert,  m.  Dea,  Azariah 
<.r.-eic.  son  rf  J,l^;ler. 


■Sen.*  Ill  tliu -kli  loiii;  sf;it  Mr>.  (iihhru-ii,  Mrs.  Ttittle,  Gooiluift-  (Tihhs  and  GonrlwiiV 
Duvis.  At  tliis  s.-atiiiir  Jniunlian  Tiutle,  Jhuics  Eaton,  Joliu  I'lark  mid  Isaac  Turiiei- 
(s(jn  of  Cajit.  Natliauiid)  wci'i.'  i)laced  togeilier, 

111  l(i';i-2  aaolluT  assignment  of  seats  was  jnaiii\  In  the  third  long  seat  Mr  (iood- 
<.Miliau-;cn,  (Sanint-!  Van  (toofh-nhanstMi,  who  n;ai  ried  tho  ^vi(h)W  of  ('apt. 
Tunit-r),  'Mr.  Tuttie,\Mlliaui  Judson  (grandfather  of  .lames  Judson,  wlio  married  Wiiiiam 
Tnttle's  granddaughter,  liebucca  Wells),  John  (Jibbs  and  Lieut.  Xash.  On  the  v,-omcn"s 
side,  in  the  thinl  hjog  s,.Mt,  "Sisters  Miles,  i'ecic,  l.indon,  TutTle  and  (jil)l>ard." 

TlfE    D}:i..VW-AUE    EXrjCOlTIOX. 

In  1640  Capt.  Xathaniel  Tarner,  as  agent  for  parties  in  New  Haven.  l)ought  of  the 
Indians  a  large  tract  of  land  lying  on  jioth  sides  of  the  Delaware  river,  in  ^vliat  is  now 
Salem  Co.,  N.  .1..  on  the  east,  and  iu  New  Cr.stle.  Co.,  Dei.,  on  the  west. 

Theohjfct  was  tophint  accdony  under  the  jurisdiction  of  NewHaven,  for  purjjoses  of 
trade  and  commerce.  The  next  year  (1(J41)  nearly  fifty  families  were  sent  to  the  new 
jmrchase.  They  settled  on  Salem  Creek  and  erected"  dwellings  and  trading  houses. 
This  was  the  lirst  English  settlement  in  New  Jersey.  It  ])re'rt-ded  that  at  Eli/.abeth- 
towii  (the  first  permanent  English  settlement  iit  New  .Jcrsev)  bv  twentv-four  vcars. 

In  IGoS  a  comjiany  of  Sv.-cdes,  led  l)y  Peter  Minuit  (a  disatf'ected  ex-Dutch  governor 
•of  New  Amsterdam),  had  located  themselves  at  "  Christina,"  on  the  sidV  of  the 
Delaware,  nearly  opi)Osite  the  mouth  of  Salem  Creek.  These  Swedes  and  Dutch,  v.lio 
vvouhl  agree  in  nnthing  else,  says  the  historian,  united  in  ]>ersecuting  the  Englisii,  .ii\d 
.succeeding  in  driving  them  off  in  164"2. 

New  Haveu  made  a  second  attempt  about  10-11,  which  was  frustrated  liy  the  Diit-.di 
at  New  Amsterdam.  These,  v  ith  other  and  subsequ(>ut  grievances,  always  came  up  for 
consideraiion  and  protest  in  the  meetings  of  the  commissioners  of  the  I'nited  Colonies. 
and  formed  the  sta])le  of  the  olRcial  ciirrespondence  between  Gov.  Eaton  and  ''one 
troublesome  neighl'Or  "  at  New  Amsterdam.  Finally  an  agreement  between  the  com- 
missioners and  the  Dutch  govern. )r  was  signed  at  Hartford,  Sept.  o,  165il.  It  establislicd 
certain  bouudarivs,  redres.-ed  certain  v\  nrngs,  and  in  regard  to  the  l>eiaware  matter  left 
"  both  ])arties  in  .-itntue  q>:<j  yre'/.v  to  plead  and  impnjve  their  just  rights,  but  all  pro- 
ceedings to  be  carried  on  in  love  and  peace,  until  the  question  coubl  be  decided  here  or 
by  the  {larent  governirients  of  England  and  Holland."  In  pursuance  of  this  apparent 
settlement,  about  fifty  men  of  Totoket  and  New  Haven,  in  the  spring  of  1651.  hired  a 
•vessel,  i)ut  their  effects  on  board  and  set  sail  for  the  Dehiware.+ 

They  had  a  warrant  from  Governor  Eaton,  and  he  wrote  a  friendly  Irtter  to  the 
Dutch  governor,  acquainting  him  with  their  intentions;  giving  him  to  understand  that, 
according  to  the  arlutration  at  Hartford,  they  would  cultivate 'their  own  lands,  and  kepp 
within  their  own  limits.  Hut  no  sooner  was  his  letter  received,  than  the  Dutch 
claims  were  again  set  uji;  the  people  of  New  Haven,  who  meditated  a  further  setllen-»eut 
at  D'-lawar,--.  and  a.i  additicnal  improvement  of  tlieir  ihtere.-.ts,  under  an  apprehension 
of  ])eace  and  safety,  were  threatened  with  martial  opposition  and  bloodshed.  They  were  prisoners  at  New  York,  nor  could  they  obtain  their 
liberty,  until  they  gave  it  under-  tlieir  hands,  that  they  would  give  over  their  enterprise 
and  return  to  New  Haven.  They  were  threatened  by  the  g-overnor  that  if  at  any  future 
period  he  sliould  find  them  on  the  Delaware,  he  woiild  no"t  only  lay  Indd  on  their  proj.- 
-erty.  but  transmit  them  as  ]irisoners  to  Ilidland.  This  comjiany  was  nearly  ruined,  and 
the  colonv  of  New  Haven  was  u-rcarlv  injured  bv  this  repetition  of  ho,-tilifv  on  the  part 
of  the  Dutch.  ^  -       .  .  .  i 

In  the  same  year  a  meeting  of  the  commissioneis  was  held  at  New  Haven,  Septem- 
ber 14th.  Of  this  meeting  Governor  Eaton  Avas  (did.^eu  Pnsident.  The  meeliu"-  was 
no  Sooner  convened  than  the  following  cunnnuuication  sva.-^  made  to  jt.*5  members: 

*isaac  Allerton  came  over  in  the  Maytlower;  he  wa,s  by  trade  a  tailor.  On  the  deatli  of  John  Carver 
the  riisi  Uov.  oi  Piyrnouth  Colony,  he  was  made  .Assistant  "  Isaac  Allerton,  a  se?  Capt.,  removed  fron' 
Boston  to  New  Haven  and  built  a  u'rand  housf-,  ulth  four  porcl'.es,  on  the  Creek;  this,  with  Eatun's* 
I)avfnport"s  and  G.'e-S;>n's  were  the  prandest  houses  in  the  town.  I>aveaoort"s 'house  had  t"irte-n 
hrenlaces."  [Noted  by  Dr.  Stiles  a^  traditions  in  IlUiory  c/  the  J.-^.'^'.-.v.]  Mr.  Allen. -n  removed  "to 
:>.ew  .^mslerdam  where  he  ha(!  i;reat  sioreiioiiso  and  carried  on  an  extensive  trade  wiih  the  New  l^iiir- 
land  Colonie';.  An  old  map  of  Wambados  .-r  New  AtnsterdaiTi ,  as  it  was  in  September,  idoi,  shows  Isaac 
Allerton's  buildines  surrounded  by  a  fence,  close  to  the  site  of  Fulton  .Market. 

On  a  brick  buddintj  now  standin-;  on  the  southwest  corner  of  Union  .'ind  Fair  sts.  in  N  Hav  tl;c 
Trowbnd_,es  have  this  year  1 7iSi]  placed  a  tablet  inscribed:  "Isaac  .Mlerton,  a  pih'riiii  oi'  tiie  .M.i'v- 
f.ower  and  the  fatlitr  of  New  En;;iand  commerce,  lived  on  this  ground  from  lu^'i' until  ^i'-,--,-^."         '     '   '  ■  ~ 

"^The  people  of  New  Haven,  not  satisiied  with  the  location,  propose.!  to  remove  to  a  ir.ict  on  the  lJe^-<.- 
ware,  and  in  1631  urgently  requested  Capt.  John  Mason  to  remove  with  them  and  take  the  manarremfnt 
of  the  company  He  on  the  i^oint  of  accepiins?  their  liberal  olTers,  »vht:n  the  Corin.  auchoniies  inter- 
fersd  Nvitt:  ent'caties  a^iJ  rciusai  to  consent.  —  l.t'/'r  0/  "rck/i  Mai<K. 

!V1  WIT.LlA>r    TL'TTLK. 

"Tlip  IniinMo  pfiition  of  Jasper  Crane.    William  Tiittle  and   many  otliers,   inhabi- 
tants of  Xeu-  Haven  and  Toiiokot,  liumidy  b^howetli, — 

•■  That,  whereas,  divers  years  since  s<'vera!  nierfjiants  and  others  of  New  Haven 
witli  much  cfiiirge  and  loss,  did  purchase  of  the  Indian  saLramores  a.nd  their  companies 
tlie  true  pn.prietors.  several  large  tracts  and  i>arc.  Is  of  lands  on  JKitii  sides  of  Delaware 
bay  and  river,  and  did  presently  be^in  to  Intiid  and  .set  up  factories  for  trade,  ,'-ind  piir- 
])f>sed  to  .set  np  ])lantations  within  their  own  limits;  wliereby  the  gospel  also  mio-ht  have 
been  carrieil  ami  spread  among-  the  Indians  in  that  most  southerly  i)art  of  Mew  Enirland 
and  the  United  Colonies  might  before  this  time  have  been  enlarged  with  convenience 
botii  foi  them^<dves  and  posterity,  jiad  not  the  whole  work  byliostile  and  injurious 
oi)position,  made  both  by  the  Dutch  and  Swedes,  been  then  iniured.  And  whereas 
your  petitioners,  straightened  in  tlu-ir  respective  plantations,  :i.ud  finding  tlu.>  of  the 
country  full,  or  affording  little  eneourageinent  to  hegin  any  considerable  new  planta- 
tions, for  their  own  comfort  and  the  conveni.'iice  of  posterity, 'did,  upon  a  serious  consid- 
eration of  liie  jiremises,  and  upon  encouragement  of  the  treaty  between  the  lioiiored 
Commissioners  and  the  Dutch  governor,  the  year  at  Connecticut,  by  auTei-ment  and 
consent  of  tlies.-dd  merchants  and  others,  n-solve  ujoon  a  more  ditlicult "  remove  to  Deia- 
Wiire;  lioj/nig  that  our  aims  and  endeavors* ijoth  to  (iod  and  his  peojile  in  these  colonies, 
being  assured  our  title  to  the  place  was  just,  and  resolving  (through  the  help  of  (iod)  iii 
all  our  carriages  and  proceedings  to  hold  and  maintain  a  neigh li'orly  correspondence  of 
the  Dutch  and  Swedes,  as  was  assured  them,  by  the  tenor  of  the  commission.-^,  and 
l)y  letters  from  tlie  honr^red  governor  of  this  jurisdiction. 

"  To  these  ends  and  witji  these  purposes,  preparlions   were   made  in   tlie    winter;  a 
vessel  v.-as  hired,  and  at  least  fifty  of   us  set  forward  in  the  spring,  and  expeeting  the 
fruit  of  that  whoh'some  advice,  given  at  HartCord  the  last   yea.r  in  the  case,  l,v  the^ri>i- 
trators  jointly.     Those  chosen  Ijy  the  Dutch  governor  concaridng  in  it.  we  went  to  tlie 
^Ma.nhatioes,  (which  we  might  have  avoided)  and  from  our  lionoivd    guverno'-  ],,-e-pnted 
a  letter  to  the  Dutch  governor;   upon  perusal   where(.f,  without  further  ](iovocaiion.   he 
arrested  the  two  mes,>em;-ers  and  eommitted  them  to   a  private  house,  cioso    i)risoners, 
under  a  guard.      'Unit  done.  In-  s.-n*  for  the  i.ia--tev   of  the  ve^'^el  to  come  nii  sliore    as  to 
spe;ik  t(.  him,  au'l  committed  him  al>o;  after   which,  two  or  more  of  the  compuuv' com- 
ing on  sliore,  and  desiring  to  speak  with  tli.'ir  neighljors  under   restraint,   he   coinmitted 
them  as  the  rest.      Then  desiring   to  see  our   commissions   and    c^py    them  out.    j'ton;!-- 
ing  t(j  return  them  the  next  day,    (though    the   copies    ^^el('   tal;en  "and  the   cwinmissi  ,ns 
demanded)  he   refused  to  deliver  them,  and  keju  them  and  the  men  impiisuneil  till  tliev 
Were  forced  to  engage  under  their  hamls,  not  then  to   ]/ioeeed  on   their   vovi^ee  towaivls 
Delaware,  but  with  loss  of  tiuu-,  and  cliarge  to  return    to   New  Haven;  thrcaTeninir,  that 
if  he  should  after  find  any  of  them   in  Didaware,  he   would  seize  their  giods,  and  send 
their  persons  prisoners  to  Holland;  and  accordingly  they  returned,  tinMightheir  dannige 
theret)y.  as  they  conceive,  doth    amount   to  about    -L'ei)!).       All    whifdi.  your    ]ietitioners 
refer  to  your  wise  and  <erion^  consideration;  and.  beir.e-   well  ii-^^ni-d  you  wili  have  due 
respect  to  tlie  honor  of  the  English  nation,  which  now  suffers  by  tiiis  injurious  alfront, 
taki'ii  notice  of  by  all  the  neighl)(jring    Indians,    they    humbly   desire   that  some  course 
may  l)e  agreed  and  ordered  for  the  dim  repair  of  theiV  losses,  satisfaction  for  their  unjust 
impris<uunent,  with  liijerty  and    encouragement  to    improve  their   just  rights  at   Dela- 
ware, for  the  future. 

"  For  whicli  purpose  they  humbly  olTiu-  to  consideration: — 

"First. — That  Delaware,  in  the  judgment  of  those  wlm  have  often  and  seriouslv 
viewed  the  land,  and  considered  the  clinnite.  is  a  place  fit  for  the  enlargement  of  the 
English  C(doniesat  present,  and  hopeful  for  jiosterity:  that  we  and  they  might  enjoy  the 
onlinances  of  Clirist,  both  in  spiritual  and  civil  respects. 

"  Scroiidly. — They  fear,  that  if  the  English  right  lie  not  se;isonablv  vindicated,  and 
a  v,-;ty  opened  foi-  the  speedy  iilanting  of  Delaware,  the  Dutch,  ^\ho  have  laid  alread.v 
an  injr.rious  hand  both  upon  our  pers(ms  and  rights  (they  liaving.  as  it  is  reported,  lat^-iV 
begun  a  new  fortiiicatiiHi  upon  our  duly  ]>iir(duised  lands),  will' daily  strengthen  them"- 
selves.  an.d,  by  large  olfers.  diaw"  uiany  ot  the  Engli.^li  to  settle  and  plant  under  them, 
ir,  so  hopeful  a  [-lace.  Which  will  be  not  only  d.lNiionora.ble  to  the  hinglish  nation,  but 
inconvenient  \^^  the  cidonies.  and  of  miM.hievons  co^^isecpieiK-rs  to  the  person^  who  .--hall 
so  settle,  in  reference  to  that  licentious  liherty  theresulTered  and  practiced. 

'■■  Tliird'.ji.  —  .\s  the  petitioners  have  not  in  thi'ir  eye,  any  otlier  ce.isidL'i-alde  iihue 
within  the  rnuits  of  New  Eiigland,  either  forth"  enlargejuen'r  of  the  cednnles  at  ])rrsenf, 
or  for  the  coujfort  and  coUNenience  ot  '.oslerity;  so  if  the  Duteh  nuiy  thus  opj.Dse  us  in 
ouv  jx-rsons  ami  rights,  if  they  may  plant  and  fortify  u'pon  the  land  wdiich  t'.iemselvej. 
the  English,  Swedes  and    Indians  know  to  be  ours,  it  mav  encourage  them  to  encroach 


anamake  further  l.ostila  attempts  upon  son,.:-  or  .;tl'.er  of  the  smaJlcr  English  planta- 
■  ons  to  bnug  tlu-in  under  th.,r  govunnu-m,  and  :n;u-  .miualo  th.  Indians ?Nvith\vhom 
tl,.  Dutch  u^grutrnte  themselves  by  a  h>rge,  and  mischievous  tmde  in  o-  ns 
,.owder  .ind  shot_,  to  de.pise,  and  n.ake  msults  np.,m  us.  Whercforo,  thov again  huml"ly 
entreat  your  advice,  uuh  seasonable  and  suitable  assistance,   amnding" to^he   wS;St 

lionoi  ot  (  Ijii^t,  and  liie  v.elfare  ol  the  colonies  ""* 

.  ..^m^'.fri'T'"'"'"'^  of  this  repi-esentation  of  tlie  Dut-h  condnct,  th-,  comn.i.sioners 
lemon.tia  ed  ana  prote.-ted  m  a  letter  written  tr.  (Jov.  Stuvvesant,  notiein.-  b].  sen-i- 
nients  contained  in  tiie  letter  which  he  had  .sent  to  Governor  Eaton,  relative  "to  the  Dela- 
ware settlement,  uis  violation  of  the  agreement  in  refusini:  to  put  Uieenwieh  under  Xew 
Haven  jurisdiction,  in  imprisoning  a  number  of  the  colonists,  v  ithlioldin^^  their  comud'c. 

?S,-W™  "'^  '^''T-''?"  I'-fl'^^'^^il;  ='nd  also,  in  their  attempting  to  estabHsli 
toiUhca>,cn.upon  the  and  which  the  Xesv  Mav.-n  proprietors  had  pui^chased  of  the 
iKUive  at  Delaware.  Th.y  declared  that  til.-  Lnited  folonils  would,  bv  all 
us  .aid  awfnl  means,  vinuicate  their  injured  honor  and  interests.  Thev  also  resolved 
in  lehal  ofthepetuwrner.  that  if  they  shnild  attempt  in  the  cour.c-of  the  vear  to 
h  a^f  1  )()  mi?"'  ,r"  '^''V  '''"'■'  '"'  r>,elaware.  and  at  their  ovru  expense  .send  150,  or  at 
least  100  men  well  armed,  u>  a  vessel  or  a.r.y  number  of  vessels  for  such  an  ex  [.edition 
with  a  .suitable  quantity  of  ammunition,  and  with  a  reMnlar  con.missir.n  from  \ew 
Ilaven  government,  that  then,  if  the  Dutch  or  Swedes  should  attempt  to  om.ose'them 

And  ihe>  further  resolved    that  every  l^nglish    pUntation  on  Delaware    bav    and    river 

x)!v'  Trtr  ""'T-  "'  •'V^V.'''*  '^':  '"""^^^  Colonies,  should  be  under  the  go'  of 
jsew  iiaven. — JJior/.  aj  Got.  Eaton. 

This  matter  is  ref^-riv.lto  by  tlie  commissioners  oi  the  United  Coloiims  (in  answer  to 
s,  tl",l  r  u  r'':'  )  '^^'^V'  •^■^^'er  date  X.w  Haven.  Se,)t.  i  1,  Ki.:,! :  -  We  under- 
stand that  Mr.-  Eaton  liath  written  to  yon    an.,ut    th.    jusL   tiib.    Vj   considerable-  pan- o^ 

rb'^llSl^'n  1  ^^"^^-'^'^i^'^r  ''"^  ^^^'^  ''^■^'■=  ''•'""■  ^^>^^-  ^^•'■^•«  fonnerlv  disturbed  in 
then    tiade  and    planting  by  force  and   other  unlawful  pra.-tice.4.  both  of  ])utc!i   ar.d 

«,^i!;i7  ^■?'''^^'^  '""^y  icmtiaber,  ^aid  he  L.>th  acquainied  you  with  a  late  unneigiiboriv 
and  impei-iou.s  carnage  or  the  Dutch  governor,  ^^].t^n  at  least  fiftv  of  Aew  Haven  juri- 
c.ction  were  on  tne  way  to  plant  tliere,  but  were  sei/.e(i,  imprisoni-d  and  forced  to  ret-im 
m  ,  nutnt  ""t?  '^'^'^f  .i"^"'^"*^^-^  i"  that  .lesign.  and  hath  derived  vonr  help  in  pro^u;. 
ing  d  patent  Ihese  things  by  a  petition  from  those  concerned  in  ili...  late  loss  and  dis- 
ap.iuoitment  liave  been  recommended  to  our  consideration 

••We  are  justly  sensible  of  the  di>honor  put  ui.on  the  English  mui.ut  bv  tlrs  unj.i.  t. 
aftair  and  ot  our  dutv  to  pre.serve  the  title  to  so  considerable  a  place  as  Delaware,  and 
est  tf  •-'  tI^'^'^^"'  ^'"^  satisfaction  be  made  to  those  wronged,  both  in  their  ],ersons  and 
n  io  V.,..         1  ;"'''■  ''''''^^'^^^  ^^'t!'  in-.p.iries  about  old  patents  and  improvenunis  ou  tin- 

J^Si:"b?loKSmS"""^  ''  '''    '''''  '''''"'''  "'"''"'   '''  '''''''  '"''^''^' 

bn.l  .^;"J^  ^^•^^*^'"  *^"^\5''^.  ^■^^^'  ^'^'^''^'^  P^^n'lf  were  incensed  against  New  Am.sterdam,  aiui 
ad  the  other  .New  England  colonies  made  common  cause  with  New  Iiaven,  a  war  wirh 

0  w.ii  '  TK^  y-  ^■"^"'^^'^-  ■■  ^^^'^'T  one  expects  a  righteous  indignation."  In  lGo8 
T'n,.tn  ""i  •  ^^"  -V-'^"^'f5''^"  ^^^'"^'1  '^«  a  against  an  expected  invasion  bv  th.- 
iuiT\^f']^'-'^'"  u    ^r'  ^'•^'^"^^-     '^'■'^  Hi'^torlco!  Mnrjazh.c  for  Slav.  18S3,  contains  a 

ct  rt  of  thi.s  wal  .  I  rom  it  a  famous  street  took  its  name  (Wall  street)  and  i.reserves 
me  memory  ot  its  location. 

for  .JV'^«,'-"«',^'V^'y;-ei-y  unfortunate  for  Wm.  Turrle  that  he  undertook  this  enterprise, 
to  ,t  involvtxl  him  in  considerable  loss  and  disappoimmeiit  at  a  time  Avhen  th- pro.s- 
pens  of  the  New  Haven  settlement  were  very  dark  indeed;  but  it  was  a  mosth!ii,py 
tlimg  for  Inm,  his  family,  po.sterity  and  cuuntrv,  that  it  utterlv  failed  In  vieu  of 
rnlln  Tp""  ''^r  '''"'  "*"'^^'-"'  '-' ■  ^^"'''  ^'^I'tedness  of  man  and  tlie  b.-nefident  over- 
r  n  ^  P      ™'"       "''V'"'^ '''''^' "''''■^    clearly  displayed.       In   IGo-    the   Swedish    Gov- 

1  .  ;^;  ^''l"  ■  "'■■''"''■'^  ^  ^'^'"-  '-^  '"^  "^'^"^''  '*'  ^'^!'»i  ^''^^^  as  a  defence  against  the 
tl'^n  rl  "n"-  r'''^!!"^  ^""''"  -'"'^npied  than  it  was  ••  stornu-d  bv  an  enemv  n^ore  active 
tl,^T  t.,e  D.acli  and  mere  idoodthirsfy  than  the  Indians,  and  the  garrison  put  to  flight.- 
.  u.  of  MuMdu-toe^imrg  ny  whi.di  ii  was   known    thenceforth  si.ttici.mtlv  indicates 

]  .  vo  .  ™    ??''     '^""■'''^?  "^  ^^'^  conquerors.      In   the   two  and  a  quarter. centuries  which 

une       circled   away      since    that    event  the  United    Uohniies  have  expanded,  to   '•  Tite 

nifed  >t:ites,     v.ith  a  population  more  tie.n  five  tiiues  i-reater  tl-an   Mi-.^  o'^  Fn-b"  d 


"Hazzard's  St:;:e  Papers,  vol.  ii, 

Iviii  WILLIAM    Tl  ITLK. 

"and  IIo'IuikI  coinlnn'.'d  in  l'i.^0.  Greiit  citic'.-;  ar.d  pinsiioroM-;  comi^iimitics  liavi'  orown 
up  around  and  beyond  tliH  disputed  torrirory,  toihf  utiuo.^t  ii'Uit  of  tlie  tlion  iinc;-,-i)l(.;(-,l 
continent;  but  tJie,  comiucrois  nt  tiie  New  Jersey  Swedes  scill  hold  the  fort,  junl  iln- 
]>ehi\vare  jiuvcliase  remains  in  a  condition  hut  little  if  any  improved  from  that  in  v.  Id-li 
C'a])toiu  Turner  found  it.  About  fil'ieeu  y.  ars  later  some  of  rhese  same  men  of  Ttjtoket, 
\vjlh  others  from  Milford,  headed  by  Ja.-y)er  Crane  and  Kev.  Abraham  Pierson,  father 
of  llie  first  President  of  Yale  colk-jr*',  Kobert  'i'reat  and  Ul>ndiah  Bruen,  founded  on  thi^ 
banks  of  Pas-aic.  a  jdace  at  lirst  called  Milford  (after  the  Conneciicut  town),  now  the 
city  of  Newark,  X.  J. 

Foiling-  in  liis  coi:.mcrcial  aspirations  ai\d  enterprises,  Mr.  Tattle  betook  himself, 
like  his  fellow  colonists  to  the  cultivation  of  the  soil.  In  the  care  of  his  lau^-e  famil\ 
and  property  and  in  the  performance  of  liis  public  duties  he  dimlult-ss  found  ample 
employment  of  mind  and  body.  Besides  the  education  and  support  of  his  children, 
numeioxi.'^.  juiblic  duties  devolved  u]M)n  him — watciiings.  trainini^.s,  arbitrations  between 
contending  settlers,  disputed  boundaries  of  farms  and  towns.  Juror.  Constalde,  IJoad 
Commissioner,  buyii;<;-  and  selling  of  lands  and  we  know  not  what  besides.  The  Colonial 
records  ffives  us  an  idea  of  tlie  diversity  of  his  aetivlties  and  o>-cupan^'ns. 

In  1G40  he  vras  a  commissioner  to  decide  on  an  equivalent  totliose  who  liad  received 
iuferi*)r  meadow  lands  in  the  fiist  allotment. 

lu  1G44.  Mr.  Wm.  Tuttle  and  Jasper  Crane  were  appointed  fence  viewers  for  Mr. 
Davenport's  ijuartor.  One  of  the  duties  pertaining  to  this  ofrice  appears  from  the  '•  peti- 
tion of  Pioben  Abbott  and  Wm.  Paine  to  have  their  land  on  the  east  side  laid  out  in  a 
convenient  form  to  fence.  Jasper  Crane  and  Wm.  Tuttle  were  ajipointed  to  view  it  and 
consider  how  to  lay  it  out."  They  located  allotments  aiid  defined  boundaries  and  in 
sonie  other  respects  were  the  predecessoi-s  of  the  nujderi!  city  oi-  town  survevors  in  T.heir 
ofdcial  cap^'city. 

lie  seems  to  have  perfonrtcd  the  duties  of  a  Pioad  Commissioner,  for  at  a  court  hi-ld 
July  17,  IGIG,  James  Steward  was  cO!ui)Iaincd  of  for  contempt  of  Magistrdte.'^'  lie  was 
wanted  to  work  on  roads  but  had  no  tools.  Mr.  Tuttle  testilied  that  he  ol]'er(>d  to  lend 
him  tools,  provided  he  would  make  them  good  if  lie  broke  them:  Imt  Steward  an-wi-;-c-f! 
that  he  would  not  enter  into  their  claws  or  paws.  John  Cooper  te.stified.  that  Ix  'wt^  one 
morning  v.-itli  Mr.  Tuttle  at  the  gate,  James  Steward  came  along  with  his  .-iiftle^  and 
said;  "What!  Must  I  help  you  work?"  Then  John  Cooper  said:  '-You  must  helji 
the  town."  James  answered,  he  was  unsuited  aiid  wanted  tools.  Mr.  Tutile  otTereil 
Lim  tools,  but  if  he  break  them  h'^  shall  make  them  good.  He  sai-d  "  Xoe,  lie  would 
not  come  into  their  claws  and  ];aws;  whereupon  Mr.  Tu.ttle  said  he  must  make  good  the 

In  16i0  3Ir.  Tuttle  and  Jeremy  Watts  were  comj^lained  of  for  sleepiui'.  at  tlie  watch 
house.  Mr.  Tuttle  said  he  was  overcome,  and  Jeremy  being  sentinel,  iie  sat  do^^'n  on 
the  threshold  and  slept.     They  were  both  lined. 

He  was  prominent  in  the  Settlement  of  l:)oundai-y  diiyicaUies.  At  a  t'Vvrii  meeting', 
April  11,  l(Joo,  "  It  was  ordered  com>-rnir,g  the  Indian  lands  spoken  of  ai  the  last  court 
that  Thomas  Jeffrey,  John  Broekeit,  William  Turtle  and  Kobert  Talmadge  should  b<- 
committee  to  view  the  gi'ouud  which  they  say  is  theirs,  and  to  advise  them  for  the-  best 
about  fencing,  etc.,  that  we  may  not  have  so  much  complaint  from  them  about  cattle  and 
hogs  spoiling  their  corn,  which  they  sav  makes  their  squaws  and  children  crv  "—Bacoi''-s 
E14.  Disc. 

In  the  trouble  about  bounds  between  Branford  and  New  Haven,  James  Bisluq),  Lieut. 
Thomas  Munson,  Wm.  Andrews,  Jolin  Moss  and  John  Cooper,  sr.,  were  chosen  as  com- 
mis.sioners  for  New  Haven;  afterwards,  Wm.  Tuttle  was  substituted  fnr  John  Cooper. 
Branford  chose  John  Wilford,  Thos.  Blatchley,  Michael  Taintor,  Thos.  Harris  and  Sani- 
lud  Ward.  These  coiumissioners  met  Oct.  o,  16(30,  and  after  full  del)ate  and  consider- 
ation the  bounds  were  set  and  the  case  forever  endtnl  —  Conn.  JliiK  Sor.  Ftijitr.". 

A  boundary  agreement  between  New  Haven,  Milford,  Branf^u-d  and  sV'allingford 
was  subscribed  to  May  1,  UMi'i,  by  John  Xash,  Jijhn  t.'oojier,  ^\'m.  Tuttle.  Je-rei'iia]; 
O.sborn,  John  Miles  and  J.olm  Clark,  for  X<'W  Haven;  and  B"njamin  Fenn,  Wm.  F(.)wier, 
Danicd  Buckingham,  Sylvanus  Baldwin  and  others,  for  ^.Ulford.. — JOiJ. 

In  personal  misumler^tandings  and  (iisagreemems  among  the  coloni.-;rs  Mr.  Tuttle 
was  often  called  ujion  for  advice  or  arbitration.  •■At  a  court  in  Jan.,  Kvlii,  .Mr.  I'ell, 
plaintiff,  ^Ir.  CaiTmch,  defendant,    for  i'oO.  were  entreated   by   the  cou.t   to  }eat  it  into 

"III  the  same  yt-ar,  1646,  Thomas  hiakcsley  of  New  Havcu  wris  fiaed  for  '■'  di^rt-.^p  ■;(.'.  10  r-i-  S.njr^-r^fC".- 
ii:  tl:  ■  Maj^istri'.t--;:!^  -a  somewhat  louy  a'<sumption  of  ihe  s.'...TL(i!:es.s  of  ai'.lh>;ity  for  ni-ea  wlio  suinclhrcc 
yei^r:;  later  jusiulcd  the  decapitation  of  a  kinjj  by  his  own  stibjects. 

^VI].LIA?.l    TUTl'lVE.  Ivix 

arbitration.     Mr.  Pell  (-Lose  AntiuODy  Thoinpr-.du;  Mr.  Csifiiuoli  clioseMr.  Tuttlo,  to  ^vhoin 
rt'cro  :L.l(lt\!  Mr.,  (iiftt-r^vards  Gfiv.)  Francis  Xewii.aa  arnl  Mr.  Craue."' 

"At  a  court  lioUI  S^-pt.  S,  1048,  lienry  Bishop  .sl;iti  d  tlial  lie  had  a  dirKculty  with 
Mr.  l^weiiport  and  had  a.-^kcd  arbitrn-iopi,  bin  coald  cft  ni-nc.  iJad  asked  Mr.  Wake- 
luan.  .Mr.  Tuttie  and   Mr.  Kiidiard  Milt>s.     The  court  thouglit  they  were  fit  men." 

Courts,  consisting  of  the  Governor  or  j'eputy  Governor,  two  or  three  Mae:istratcs  or 
"  A.■^si:^tants,"  at;  tliey  were  called,  and  sIn  jurors,  selected  frcni  among  the"  best  n^en, 
were  held  from  time  to  tirnt-  for  the  trial  of  vuiiou.s  causes. 

In  tlip  records  of  these  courts,  ^Vn>.  Tuttie  often  appears  as  a  juror,  his  title  of  Mr. 
always  punctiliously  ol^served.  Tlie  bdlowing  record  shows  how  sparingly  it  was 
l)esto\vrd:  "At  a  court  lield  Nov.  10.  180U,  J//-.  \Vm.  Lteto.  Dep.  Gov.  Afr.  Benj.  Fenn, 
jWr.  Wui.  Jones  and  James  Bisliop,  assistants;  Koger  Ailing,  John  Cooper,  Abraham  Doo- 
little,  John  Winsion,  John  ().-horn  and  Mr.  ^^'m.  Tuttie,  jurors."'  James  Bishop  was  a 
representative  or  member  of  the  Gem-ral  Court,  Secretary  of  ."^tate  and  afterwards  Dep. 
Gov.  Boger  Ailing  was  Treasurer  of  the  Colony  and  dea.  of  the  cluirch.  J.ihn  Cooper  was 
Agent  of  the  Iron  Worlcs  at  East  Haven.  Abraham  Dooiittle  wasSlieriiY  of  Xew  Iluven 
County,  and  in  this  very  year  of  lOtiO  w  us  chosen  to  superintend  the  atlairs  of  tlie  new 
settlement  at  Wallingford.  John  Winston  and  John  Osborn  do  not  ap})ear  prominently, 
in  ])uMic  employment.  The  latter  is  the  auce.stor  of  the  Xew  Haven  Osborns.  A 
daughter  (Kiizabeth)  of  John  ^^■inston  was  wife  of  Samuel  Ailing,  son  of  Koger. 
Another  daughter  (Mary)  was  wife  of  Thomas  Trowbridge  and  ancestress  of  the  present 
New  Haven  family.  ^Ir.  Tuitle  was  Juror  again  iu  July,  Nov.  8  and  Nov.  '2-1.  1G71,  aud 
he  is  last  recoided  in  this  ca]iacity,  June  13.  1072,  about  a  year  before  his  dr^cease. 

In  March,  1066-7,  ^^■iili.'\m  Tuttie  took  the  Constable's  oath. 

In  1064  Mr.  Tuttie  ex]>oun:led  to  the  court  about  taking  the  youngest  cliild  of  Eobcrt 
Hill,  the  widow  being  will'tig  to  pan  with  it.  In  the  afternoon  the  court  considert-cl  the 
matter.  June  7,  16G4,  Mi.  Tuitle  informed  the  court  that  his  cousin,  Widow  IJill,  liad 
come  to  an  agreement  v/ith  him  about  Naihanitd.  Tlie  court  advised  it  put  in  ^^-^iting 
and  recorded. 

In  1604  a  young  girl  was  charged  with  pilfering  from  her  master  and  from  ctliors, 
among  other  tilings  some  liquors.  She  tried  t.)  in^plicate  Mercy  Tuttie  in  thf>  crime  Ijy 
saying  that  Mercy  met  her  at  <ioodmari  Thor])e's  and  drank  some  of  the  li^.juor.  Mercy 
(aged  lA)  denied  it  and  the  charge  as  to  her  was  shown  to  b':'  utterly  false.  The  girl'tj 
crime,  therefore,  was  aggravaTed  l)y  lying  and  l.iearing  false  witness.  Before  sent'?rjce 
was  pronounced,  Mr.  Wm.  Tuttie,  having  liberty  to  speak,  addressed  the  court,  and 
"  with  great  affection"  said  the  young  girFs  sin  was  very  great,  yet  /c:  did  t'luch pifj/ 
?"  r,  and  he  JioptdtJie  Court  irvuld  dial  Lnientli/  icith  htr  arid  put  /<•:/•  in  some  pious  fern- 
ily  where  f<he  could  eiijoy  the  inenns  af  Gi'ace  for  her  ■■^eiuVs  good."  'i'he  Court,  in  consider- 
ation of  this  appeal,  and  of  the  fact  that  others  against  whom  she  had  ofiended  hud  not 
made  complaint,  said  that  Iter  punishment  should  be  as  light  as  comported  with  a  pr0i>er 
sense  of  the  heniousness  of  her  sin,  and  "  for  her  soul's  good  "  she  was  sentenced  "'  to  be 
■puhlidy  and  htcerOy  ii-hii>pe.d,  ton, ^rrroir  after  lecture."  It  is  a  gralification  to  find  tliat 
our  ancestor's  ideas  about  the  ])ublic  whip})ing-post  as  a  means  of  grace  or  as  au  instru- 
mentality for  the  reformation  of  young  girls  were  somewhat  in  advance  of  his  time. 

The  exact  date  of  his  death  does  not  a})pear.  It  was  in  the  eai-ly  days  of  June,  1673. 
The  record  of  his  invruitory  follows  immediately  after  that  of  Benjamin  Hing,  which, 
was  taken  June  0,  1073.  At  a  court  held  June  19,  16b3,  a  pajier  was  shown  by  wliich 
Wm.  TuttoU  and  John  Tuttoll  conveyed  to  ^Vm.  Eassett  a  lot  of  00  acres  of  outland  on 
west  side  of  Xew  Haven  East  Hivt;r,  (Quiunipiac)  runrdng  from  tlie  Meadows  vrestward 
towards  Mill  River,,  bounded  in  part  by  land  of  Wm.  Potter  and  Thomas  Beaumont. 
Wm.  Tuttoll  died  before  signing  the  deed. 

Court,  June  8,  1074,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Tuttoll  said:  "My  late  husband,  Mr.  Wm. 
Tuttoll  of  Xew  Haven  sold  unto  John  Jones  of  Xew  Haven  60  acres  of  outland  near 
Sto)]y  Biver,  being  part  of  his  2d  division,  and  Mrs.  Elizaljeth  Tuttoll,  wid.  and  relict 
and  lawful  administratrix  of  deceased,  desired  it  might  be  recorded  to  Joftiie  Jones,  wid. 
of  John.  Signed, 

E.   (Her  mark). 

IVIr.  Wm.  Tuttoll,  about  a  fortnight  before  his  death,  appeared  before  James  Bishop, 
Assistant,  and  acknowledged  sale  and  satisfaction  and  desired  it  might  be  recorded  to 
^^'idow  Jones. 

Xo  will  or  mention  of  will  has  been  found,  and  it  is  probable  that  lie  made  none,  his 
v.hI  calling  herself  his  lawful  administratrix,  and  tiuit  he  di»'d  suddenlv. 

Ix  V.ILL1,\M    TUTTLE, 

His  dust  liPS  under  the  sod  of  the  Old  Ureen,  exactly  Adhere,  we  know  not.  A"? 
"sor-ial  distinrtioi)  was  nevor  lost  sigiu  of  ev<>u  in  tho  jjlace  of  graves,  we  inav  couclade 
that  lin  was  buiiod  innong  the  honored  men  of  the  colony. 

The  last  remainder  of  Ins  estate  was  distrilnited  in  1709  to  hi.s  children,  or  to  their 
hv-^irs.  It  was  divided  iiUo  eleven  parts.  Joseph  Tuttl^.  a  grandson,  ajipealed  fr(jni  thi.-. 
division  tu  the  court  at  Hartford,  and  deposited  l)0uds  to  the  amount  of  £C0  to  make  liis 
plea  good. 

Fn>m  the  foregoing  we  may  infer  thai  Wm.  Tuith--  was  the  oqual,  socially,  of  anv 
of  tiie  r'oloni.sts;  that  lie  lived  and  brought  np  his  ehildreu  iu  a  manner  beuttino"  }>[■<  eon- 
dition,  and  carefully  pro\  ided  for  them  the  means  of  starunj^  iu  life.  Thathe  was  a 
man  of  courage,  enterpris.^.  intelligence,  pn^biiy  and  piety;  a  just  man,  whose  counsels 
and  judgiuents  were  sought  to  cilm  the  contentions  and  adjust  the  difTerences  of  jarring 
neiglibors,  and  withal,  of  a  tenderness  of  heart  unusual  in  men  v>hose  lives  were  passed 
in  .sirifr  and  conliict  with  despotism,  barbarism,  and  tlic  .savage  forces  of  nature. 
Through  all  these  years,  that  may  truly  bo  said  to  have  tried  men's 'sculs,  and  to  the  last, 
he  pos.-^essoil  rb.e  res])ect  and  confidence  of  men  who-e  souls  '.sere  tried  like  his  own. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  Tutile  died  Dec.  oO,  IGSf,  aged  72  years.     She  liad  ho^u  Urhnx  \>-ith 

her  youngest  son,  Nathaniel,  who,  at  a  court  held  in  "Xew  Haven,   July  28,    lUS.'),  pie- 

sented  lier  will,  Imt  "  the  other  children  objected  and  the  court   would  iiot  allov,-  it." 

Tlie  inventory  (App.  008),  tajien   Feb.  3,    lO't^H,   by  Moses  Maiislield   and  John  Ailing. 

It  indicates  a  ladylike  refinement  in  apparel  aiid  liousehold  appointments.     'J  hat  she  was 

a  faithful  and  true  wife  and   mother  we  h.ave  good  rt^ason  to  hwlh've.     All  her  twelve 

[  children  v.-ere  reared    to  juaturily  atnid   privations,    dangers  and    trials,    of  which   the 

mothers  of  tlie  present  day  can  hanlly  form  a  conceptioii",   and  which  very   few  indeed 

would  have  the  courage  to  face  or  the   strength   to   -i^ndure.     In  lier  v.ido%Vhood,  !i"a-^  t 

f.fflictt(ui.-,  were  added  to  lier  weiglit  of  years,  but  tlie  religious  faith  and  hope  whicJ:  she 

publicly  professed  iu  ]»er  youth,  no  douljt  supported  her  as  nothino;  ej/^e  could  do  through 

j  all  the  dark  aud  troubled  way,  and  unto  tlie  end.     The  nrime  of  hlizalveth  %tas  a  favorite 

;  one  among  her  children  and  later  descendants,  esp'^cial'y  in  the  line  of  lie;   namesake 

1  2nd  daughter,  wliile  tliat  of  William  (singularly)  wns  not  given  to  any  of  the  eigiit  sons, 

'•  and  to  but  one  of  the  numerous  frraedsons. 

Signature.    1(377,  .,  ^j^,^ 

Ihr  grave  stone  was  removed  v.ith  the  others  iul8?],  from  the  Old  Green  to  the 
firove  street  cemetery,  and  it  now  stands  in  the  row  along  the  north  wall  of  that  enclos- 
ure. A  pait  of  the  inscription  is  still  jdain;  a  is  obscure  by  the  cruml)ling  of  the 
stone,  and  a  part  is  eutirely  gone.  Some  "  Old  Mortality"  has"  recently  retouched  the 
letters,  and  brouglit  out  a  "few  tliat  were  before  uncertain.  It  is  still  hut  a  fragment, 
like  a  fidni  and  broken  wl.isper  from  the  far  distant  and  still  receding  past: 

Ag(^:  7G:  ;j1 :  10:  1084 
•    ■  "Elizabeth  Tutle 

The:  blest:  live:  af  • 

They:  are:  the:  blest  .; 

That;  live:  at:  Rest 







»■  I.      .l.iliii.    i).   i:i    l-',i;i;-l;ili.l,  1'j:)l:    in.    Kutia  icc  ii    l,;;!;;. 

I  il.      il.i'iMah.    1,.    in    K,;L;l:n,.l,    1 ';:;■?:!:    :n.    Kli!),  .I-.^im    Pv-.t-^-   ,:!.^u\\<■ 

i-  •rii..iir,-  W.Ms.   |r. 

i  111,     'I'hoi'ias.  !..  in  Ki!--!,^ m.I     i\-:]i  :.;  m.  May  ^-l.  !.;(ii.  !:,.;i:;ali  !'i>.v,;i. 

^:  1\'.     •I.'  !)ai..  Im'" '!:;.i!---'..NVh,  Ma--. , '.I  iih"  •^.   Ji;;jT;ni.   k.M,.-iv:i   ]',i-\[. 

I  ^  .      i!a- i'l,  i'a;..  in  ' '..   .\i'i-i'  ;.  Iti'!;-.      In  if>:,'.s  (;,■  ;\  ;,-,(■,.»;,  ;,1;  I;;.-,!  ^T  in  N- 

?.  for  ji<.iv   I  ;.i-;-yi.i^    anil-.        \U-    s.iliiu    :M    ^^'.; !  1 )  ll-'li  Hii ,   *. '^M' I!. ,,     '<:]     jliSo,    ',;■   ii;,,!   io 

f  .No.    I'i  ml  tlK'-i  .  ^.  ..f  Miliu  >r.       iKiriti^;'  ll;:'  la;tfr    y:\ivs    (,f  ]>.'.<    l\..     ]iO   v,a>   ;,ii   :.!v;.iiu, 

^  aliH   vv  ■-,•:■ '■:•:!   i'c ;•  i  v  !■ ;-  l>-i  ^r  li  •!   'i'!;' i!ra,-..   :  n   j)!!  !Mia>aT    •:•'    ai;    ai''!  :-.'lii:  ;  l   I'v   v  !,;.■!..    u - 

i_  i-ov,^].\>-\;_l[iy'i.   l'a\'i-i     ani.v.   t:i    't'l     .IKliS    ^^■i:1■:l■    i--t..     ■^:;;G;    i!v!!_     I'L^iili.-   •il}.;^: 

r  i"'-r--  ^>"'"  a:-;i's  ill  ;].(■  i  lov  ^m-i-i.i'  -  (jaa!  i"i .  aiiM  I !/•;;■  ;*!•:■■  ~   ih  'Im     X    i  iv        i  I;-  J.   miih.  ::i 

?,  li;\'.>.       .\  I  itr  It.  iif  Th.iliw.s.   s"i:U'   afi  is,    l/^'(a.    llas-i-i  a!a!   !i,!}i;i;i;i     t!i!-    \\ii;o\\..!    'Ml)-: 

I  nvn-  a<5j'a^lfG  ■>;.   arl.u:-. 

i;  V[.     .f,),;,  i.M,  ii:.;..  in  X"\v  l!-iv..-i^    N,.v    :=•',  W!!')    V.    M;,-.- •>,  )(;<•;_  (l-.i,;,:;!,   v;:-;-^';-^ 

[  A  iIm!,;,;.-  -.v.  <i.'llnij— iii-^  >:-;•!   M.  i.'..   i;..  -.m.,-  .|;iv  t,,  Sa:>,;.ri'  i)vn:::i.  '  " 

r  ViL      S.xiali,  iiiip.   !j\  N.    i:   .   .\;  :";!,    in-!::;  :,:.    Sr.K  .  VV.   ^i;;:;,  .i<-!i,,  Sia,;>;.ii. 

^  >'in.        la^'alr  rl;.    I'ap.    iM    N.    if.'V.,-.    il,    lr::;-,:i.     An>-.    l;i.    ]i\,\:      iH-hai':;    IviWauls. 

I  iX.      Simrn.  haji.  in  X.  II  ,  Maivl;   ;S.   i!;[::ii'. 

f  .\.      IScnJai'ii:!,  liap.  in  N.   I!.,  O.v.  Ui),   KJl^;  <1.  .wun.  .!  iua    !:;.    •':;,  \, .  1,1-.  |.i,'i,    lo 

I  !:is   l)Vn.  -iii-iav.  ,    Tvlua  rr!.-,    U  In.  :^i;!i.,,',|Urlil  I;.'  ,  ,)n  v.    ir   !.>   .ii.-   !.l:..-     nl    iaiLJ. 

[.  -\1.     M'Try  I).  .\i(i-i!  -27,  liap   May   lli,  i'l.");!:  ni.  .\iav  •.-.  K.i::;.  .-•,,;iiu'.-l  ISimwm. 

t  X!l.      .Natliaui.'l,  l.a;..   l-'rli.  V?',i    l";.'.-j.  tlicn  .;a!!c(!    --nr    Hi;ininr,!  ,  h  urrji  ■■•  m      \n>-    iii 

f  !';6V\  Sa^-ali  n^Uf.  '  .     ■  "         ' 

i  i.     John   Tutllo,  '■    ;!i:;t:;.i    \(.v.  .-■:,   [•;.■).;,  ;{.:!;;.]•■■<  n ip.'i ,  .I;ui.  of  .l,il;n. 

t  \va.-..!    AiuL-.n..    ;(.i!).aa<i    .!.    I  n:;:',    ;,  ;. ,  w,;.   ;:,.wi   ,-..i .  .       !  if  ^tc. a ',r, !    in  ,i, >.■:,!,(  1    ;,.!  i,;   .'^a  - 1- 

i  ilavua  !i'. i:ii  li:s  !■    Wy  -n-.-d    lii;ij.      iit     -ci.;    it    u--\i    >iar   tn    .(oi.i;     i'dticr,  i)lacks!i:iTh, 

\  ami   alx'iw    >ann-    linif    .-a, Id,  jnaa.niiii-    to  Doi'.d,  to    wiil.    ot     Win.   Ludiiiirtoji,    lafd    at 

I  ."-'toiiy  !{i>.'-f,  whicli  \s-a.s  a  part  oMii.s    patrimony.      In    tin  .-o   <-onv.  hois   callrd   jnn.      At 

^-  court  in  .\.  ]!.,  Nov.  'io.  Kiil'-i,  .lolm  Tnitlr  loqncstcl  tli:it    ho  luiolit  liavo  lil>v'rt'\   to  joii-- 

I  diasi*  .soim    laial  of  tlic  Imlian-  l)i-\o;i(l  Clu'stuut  Hill.      ilod,  Xov,   )•,>,   li'iX:].      fnv.  t7(' 

I  Adm.  <;ivcn  to  Son.s  .lohii  ami  Saiuncl,    rla- otluT  diil.  to  liavc   ilicir   part-   as   ilo'v  ciuui' 

}^  of  au-o! 
|:  !.  \\  Nov.  0,  Ido."),-  m.   \o\.   ;,   107'.2,  Sa  mu-l  t'larl^. 

;  11.      .lolm.    I..  Srpt.   1.1,   If.'x  :  ni.  .May  2',i.   Ids;),  .Maiy    Hiirroni;-li.s. 

I  Mr.   /><,rn.,>'>rr.::   /,'<,;>,, J. 

i  111.      Saiuuol,  h.  .laii.  '.),   ICG;*  (Id;  m.  .1  lou-     1(1.^1.  Sarar,  .Vcwnniu. 

t  IV.      Sarah,  1).  ,la!i.  "32.  l(^ti!-v!:  m.  Sopr.  \i).  loVo,  .lolm  ilumiMo.s 

^-      ;,-,^';.t,v:..,  !,.  .von-:;.  I'i'M. 

'i''iH' aoovf  1:;,-:   tour  I'iiiliU-fu     Si-l,  ;• 'i'i;t;!.-,  v.ifi    of    )■■■.]■])    'i'l-tllo,  Inoiiiai).  M: 


E  ^'ll.      Kliza!..;,!:.  1,.  Xo^'.  11),  Lap.  .\wv.  "J I ,  ICO'I;  ni.  John  Moa.l,  jr.,  of  N.-i'valk, 

I  Vlli.      Davi.i,    I..  Nov     14,  l']!:-^-  HI.   .Nov.  -J-l.  l(;;i^,  -Marv  Road. 

i  IX.      M!-a;ma,  .lau.  of  .lohii  Tatrif.  d.  Oct.   H;s.; 

i:  '..      .iaiMos  'I'iUtlf,  on  jui-y  in  N.  II.,  1"   i  ido,  w  in    pi  oh.  iT.oiO:  h  u  a.-- ,■<,  of  .h.iio.. 

{.  v.-iid!,!,   'ior.'fon-,    I   plarod  in  tli"    .d"    his    rh;l.  a-.     '■'    t:'.,m!i:!!  '.;  i-  .;, !.,>;, ai!'        '1' 

I  ••••■<■■-  ■<.  i;..:ij.  T;inh-of    V.   II.  l,;,p.   i:,  M-lfonl,   luil,  ai  oa  s.  of  .I,,).;;,  p,--_     t,,;i,  i  li;;, 

I-  far.  ii;o;..  of  Idn.. 

P.llAXCIl    OV    JOilX, 

.11.  Ifanuah  Tattle,  l'.  Xo\-.  2.  ICVO;  ui.  Nov.  ^,  it,;;-:',  yamM.-l  riark,*  i.iub.  s.  (.r 
Jolm.  !i''  \v:i>  ii;i  i-'i)!ii.  M-it!i  S;innii4  li'i^mOl  tn  ".ve;;t  iluj  uic/tiiu-  lioust-"  in" K;isr 
iliivcii.  17!!'.  r />:..•'-/.)  F"],.  I].  |7('(>,  ;:oiiv.  ■'!uii,i  laid  cait  to  mv  huLci"  Join,  'i'littli' 
livto  <>;'  \.  1!.,  (!■•(•.■'  In  ITOLi  ci>\\v.  tu  s.  ^^■l)ll(■ll  .ir,.|  t.i  >.  Jo-ej/h  "laii.l  lliiit  I  Ix-.m-U 
of  X;!fli:ihl,'!  'i'uttlr  (;;■  ^^^..■^  !  Ni,  ry."  "Mr.  Simi  =  U'l  rhuk  d.  Fch.  V?,  17^0:  v.-.  pn.v 
Man-li,  1/;;!);  soi...  S-ii,ir.-l  an.!  'i  H!,,:,.t!!y  rxr.-<. ;  s.  ]hin'u]  :<,  ]iuvo  or.o  thinl  r.f  Mi/- 
i,!nvaiilrs  s.  John  oiic-ilunl.  a:!,'  il:.'  jost  c  p.aUv  .livi.l.M  aiaoiiir  all  luv  dii!."  A  codi^:!! 
in  favor  of  .-.  'i  uaotliy.  wiih  wlioin  tlh-  if-iaior  li;\d  livtd,  was  \'\h  lAf'alcb  "^-iaii 
■•'Ai-:<    Ha.'ihak  (lark  <i.  1>.t.  -2!.  17()S." 

1.      Sai'iiH'l.  !..  Au^-.  7.  hu'.',:  in.  ,N'ov.  lo,  lljos,  .Mai'v  Brdvn 
I!       Daiiio!,  1).  March  (J,  Iful--.. 

III.  John,  !;.   F;'l;.  Vj:],  l'.i7(_;-7:  livinsr  ii,  17-20.  as  per  will  oi  1  f 
JV.     J..,s,'nh.  1..  O.-t.  ^0,  1';;^:  !u.  Nov.  :?,.  ]7ii7,  M:u-aU  Parker. 

\.     Stci-lu-ii,  i).  ]>.■>■.  21.  l'l._-'):  M    Nuv.  'M,   !7(i-3.  Sarali  Kill. 

V!.      Xniiri!,,   :,.    Ft-],.    2'\    I'JVe:  ill.  May  C7,  17u;).  I'licl,;,   Line.;,  [she  in.  (0)  .ioskua 
Tiiiti.'.  ;;s.]  ■  '-  '  ' 

Vli.      I!a;M:ah,  ]>.  Ajiril  H,  iiis.K  va.  .Ainii  if).  I7!i;i,  .Iciiah  Todd. 
\'i!k      J'iiiiu',-;;;-.  U.  Ji;n.'-.]7,  jlis;;   jn.'M;i^-!k  lil-T.   .Miii^ail  Bus'iett 
JX.      .A'v,--a'ii.  JK  >(  ;vc.  (j,  KJ-^i).  "  "^ 

X.      llo-ier.  1>,  .!.an.  2.  l''.;r,':   m.  .Inn.  •■>.  ITk-?.  .]olin  MmIi'm-.h. 
XI.      Tiin'.tii.-,  b.  Jail.  5,  ]!-U[:  m.  .i-.m  :!1.  17-J{,  i:ii/,;ikcrli  .Poltcr. 
Xif.      Mehit-iklo,  I,.  May  10.  Ki'.'S;   ;,,.   l),.^..   i,;,  IT'J'?.    'i'hoinas  j.ov-n.  and   d.   0:1.  2.i, 
172:;.  '.hne_w..,?k'S  afrer  'o.  of  only  child.      J  I,    ni.  a.  "X;  wi".  and  h;id  nin-  ehik     ,S  f  JVnir 
IL'.i.j'  n.n'.-lr//.      1.    MKiii-' Aii:.!-..  '■.  Uci.  4,  lT-i.7;  livinir  in    J7-14-.'),  as  per  dee.i  (,[   lauu 
near  (Marl-;  to  'i'i.onia-  Stevens. 

111.  SfunneT  Clark,  h.  .Vsv.  7,  li'7:!;  n^  Xov,  l'},  ](\\r',  Marr.  .ni-.  of  Kh'-ncxe-' 
and  lliii'na;i  (Xinceni)  Hvown.  i).  Ap.l;-.  (!,  I(i7.1,  d.  I)ee.  31,  1747."  lie  leni.  ii/  Xorrh 
Ilav.-i!,  Conn.,  thence  io  ^^.  e.  part  of  Snathinu-ton,  Coiin.,  vrii,>re  h.:'  d.  .Inr.e  l'.'/i7.>k 
^ged  si.      'I'h..  Io,;:\;i'y  ]ia-;  ever  ^.^inc  been  knov-n  :is  Ck.rkV;  Far;;.... 

(Ti"'f'>ir\s  IUsi-.ri/  of  S'>>ifJ,i;i(jioii.,  froM-irlurh  in  p'lrl  tJii-^  rc-mil  of  (h.-x.  of  r^.'„"ic! 
CUirli  l-i  (,i;,t  II :) 

\.  .\!>iadiani.  h.  Oct.  I!,  1«lOl);  ;n.  O/t.  4,  1721,  ^fanha  Tvler. 

!i.  .M;iry,  h.  May  S.  170:k  in.  Sept.  C,  I7;;i.  }4''i.-^e.s  "ikile 

Ilk  llanniih,  1).  Anii-.  f).  17l,»k 

IV.  l);.vi.k  b.  Sept.'  ■,  r;i)7;  m.  .\nz.  V,\,  1700,  Ih.inr.ah  Woodruff. 
V.  Silas,  h.  Oct    Ik  ITn^I;   ni.  Dec.":;!,  1720,  Eunice  Cook. 

--      \\.  Isaac,  h.  .luue  2.  170^;  ni,  M,-ircli  21,  1734,  Mary  K(djerrs  of  Wallintvford,  Conn. 

VII.  Ruth,  1>.  .Iniie  2.  17()0,  in.  .);.n.  7,  17;:!o,  Tkmhd    Cnher.   and    liad  Kh-.uior  .Tun 
18,  1731',. 

Vtii.  lll•/ci^lah,  1).  .Inly  :;!,  i7F'k  m.  .kui.  S,  17.;.j,  Ahi  Curtis 

IX'.  Fnos,  i,.  s,-p(.  10,  i;;!:  w.    D,  c.  7,  17:3.  lumice  HnsscH. 

X.  Al.ii;ail,  h.  l\-lj.  l.-j,  1713;  m.  Z^Iav  17.  1732.  .Jonathan  ]?ronson. 

_,-  XI.  Israel,  1).  April  17,  1714;  in.  An-.  3,  1743,  Midiitablc . 

1111.  Abraham  Clark,  b.  Oct.  11.  llil):i;  mil.  caj.t.,  res.  S. ;  d.  Se]it.  23,  1780, 
aged  DO;  m.  Oct.  4,  17^J,  Martha  Tyler  of  NVallingford.  He  m.  (2)  Oct.  4,  1742,  Mar.c'erv' 
Gilleiie  of  Fannlngton.  "  >  '  o     . 

I.     Mary,  b.  March,  21,  1721;  m.  Dec.  8,  1741,  .loseidi  Clark 
II.      kvdia.  b.  March  1.  172(1. 

III.  Samuel,  1).  Sept.  12,  1727 

IV.  Kufus.  1).  .Ian.  l-j.  1730;  jn.  Marcli  22.  1753,  Marv 

V.     Keziali,  b.  Oct    3 1,  1731. 

+John  r.ivJ  .kime>;  Ck.ric  in  X<-\v  }Iaven.  i6;^a.  Jolm  three  polls,  r.-ar  £3.10  four  v-rs.T.s.  rate 
£-,0:  rcia-'V-ed  t'j  Strjo,.;^.  p.  History  Oi  .S-.mtliiinjt"",  Crmn.,' .S.Lniuel  !si,;<'ic'd  sin  nf  J.'me.s  tohn  .S. 
ClaiU,  Ks'p.  f.f  .-Vuau.n,  .V.  V..  t.liinks  Sai^iii'jl  w.'s  o:  Lieut  U'itliam  Clark's  t.uuilv,  v^-ho  cHnif  .roiT! 
F.nslariJ  t.,)  L);i:vl'o.-.tfr  u\  -.z-^t.  t.-)  Xwnhainf.-on.  :.',.-o,  and  d.  iC'/i.  Mis  sr.u  Wnli.v.n  removed  t"  J.cLn-.noa, 
Crnn..  aTl  h-ci  i--:  'H.u' 'H.-ic-s  1  b.on^as  ana  Tira;,-,hv,  o-c  latter  resiilcvl  ia  Lrt.anr..i.  It  I  :,r.<  r.or  i-is- 
t.iken  la  the  itientity  ..t  J.->seph  (1141  :x?,  tho  crantorin  i:n  toF.Kenczer  Beech'Tof  richt  in  !:i!:J  .ci1  out  10 
Gr;indtathirr  John  C'.ark.  then  it  to-lows  th-p.t  .lohn  lather  of  Samuel.  The  latter  wis  c.^ir-!  less  nf:iflv 
rehiied  to  at  least  twi  ni  the  I'lree  U'i-i(ih:un  count v  Chirk  famihes  In  on  wry  ra.-iv  there  ucie 
(Ics'-citdmUs  ct  'hr-.^c  'lis'ir,.:!  f.irn'.I'Cs  of  ii-Ciiw  viz  :  I.icut.  U'i;!i.t:a.  i-snv  .!  ,■;',  .'...  ■'  ');  ■.;■;,  s^.  r^  U.rv 
ot  the  olnnv.  aivl  .!.)hn.  H  i-:^  a  Pliiir  nas.  John  a;ui  Tc^othv  Cl.irk  in  M.'n^tarli  pet-:ioco"c!  t^>  t/^ 
an'i.*\.d  to  H.i:n;.--n,  !>c:nc:  within  t(  ur  roiies  from  tier,  mfc'i'i,:  .',i,'ie-f.;. 

••.Tn  170,  T.>!a-.  Chirk  and  wife,  Deb.T.ih,  of  Xjv,-  Ib-uen,  ccnvc  ,  .:i'  io  -I'ara,.  D'',.ke- ni.i;.  ri"ht  iU  land 
;aC:  oat  to  Naih:uii-i  I'.,!i..r.     Perha.r,  re  removed  1.0  WinJi'.a.  ....i..ia  v. 



VI.  Haniiali,  hap.  Dfv.  \1,  ]T;1I);  tn.  Jan.  17,  IT."}?.  Al)cl,  s.  of  JnsrnK  d'lidley,  1>. 
t^cj)!.  20,  172'.),  uncle  of  Zfl>iiia  Gruilcy.  1,  SiiAs.  N(,\ .  7.  17.')7.  2,  Axx,  J-'ch"  'iij 
nr.U,  d.  A]);-il  4,  nCd.  ;:,  Em,  N..v.  2:;.  17C.l,  4,  .\;;i:i.,  V,b.  17,  l'7ii4.  (l!  .inn.'-  Ik', 
iriiij.  'j,  liL'i;r,,  Drc.  1.  nci")  (>,  J'uKHK.  Mairli  7,  17(;!).  7,  Hannah,  MmcIi  2,  1'^71.' 
VU.  !-!('iil)cu,  \>A\i.  .\[arr!i  1;i.  K^S,',!  in  r.-v.  war.  Ci.!.  Wvl!\'s  ii^,i. 
Vlli.  Al.>i-aliaai,  h.  Ai)til2.  1:40;  m.  in  S.  Marrh  10.  17(;2.  SaiVh",  .!au".  o|'  'J1>.,rnas 
aiiil  .Mar-arrt  |X>-al)  Iiii4-on,  b.  Feb.  .:!,  17:j'.i.  1,  \i;\ki;,1i  Aui;-.  1 ,  ]  ?(!  1.  'J.  i\)i;c'\.-. 
Sc].!.  ;:;0,^]  ^il.     ;;.   J.Yi>i  V,  Nov.  1,  17;-2.     4,   Sauaj!,  S.'^t.  llt,  1774.     ,7,  MwViiv   .'mi."- 

2o.  i::s. 

IX.     Eli/.al,-tli,  h.  N;.v.  4,  174;i. 
X.      U.  b-kali.  1).  Maivli.  1,  i;47. 

11111.     Mary  Clark,  l).  Mar-li  24,  1724;  m.  IVc.  S.  1741,  .hy>i-i,h  (lark  .4"  Wulcr- 
biirv,  wlni  (1.  ..Ian.  1.7    i7-)(J. 
■].      Mars-,  i).  Oct.  :;,  17  ri. 
II.      Ab:r.-r.  b    .May  12.  174-"., 

Til.  liuth,  \>.  A\vs  2s.  1747;  in.  Si'pt.  1;;,  17(i.7.  .loscpli.  s.  n!' Tliamas  lan'-.ton.  bap 
June  1.7,  174<"»;  rem.  ti:)  15iitl'nut<i:i,  Conn  ,  r.boiit  1770.  i.  1,  .Iamks.  2,  Hanxah.  ;j, 
Tu'i-vfAs.  VI.  r.Tii.  to  N  V.  S. ;  1)ail  Si/'ri",  h.  about  \>  12,  ai.;!  o'li^-rs.  4.'  A];i;a,  vi.  ftiid 
liad    !'ain.:     rr.-;    Jirif.,  Conn.      .").    la  ill       (i,  Jo^^l;lMI.  b.  .Mai-.4i.  )r,'>;  m.  .Ian.  .11.  1707, 

;  !'    17r.7;  a.  In  Xcvv  !!iit'.  about  ls.")7,  a-,-.!  ,^2.      lb'    0..  a.b-ul  tiii'cc   nit^s.    .aii.-a-'li^ 

wf.,  a-cl  S2.       41:cy  livid  t(;^'i;tln..'r  (M  yca.r.s,  l,a.4  .-^ix  (4ill.,  of   whom  two  4.  n-.      ioia. 
Ironi  ]>nf!in:,'-ton  to  Ximv  Ili-cf.,  Conn.      1,    11', m.  n.  of  cmi.^.  .-ibdut  1^2'.*,  a.i:(  .["about  22; 

uuni.       2.    /.'"■•./(.''.  Ml. .        ;;.    .AV.'/,'.v,'.    b.  I-IJ;  (I,  Lf  con.s.  IM  ]i'cr""lNi]i  M;:r       4' 

Cldo,,  b.  about  lSi2. 

Chloe  Lankton. —  VVliile  Aai'inL;-  lor  ilio  <-!rs  at  X'cw  llanf.;-,;  iL-.;  o'Jkt  dav,  I 
■callc.4  on  (7hiot.;  l.anktoii,  wlio,  a.s  your  readers  know,  ha.>.  bc-'u  continod  to  Ik  r  bcdfor 
the  last  fortyscvcn  years.      At  the  a,C'.- to'   ciL'litef.-n   .■,ii<'   Iom  tii.-   u-e  of  ker  limb^.  inul 

:i.-'.ant  aiui  .-'eN-fre 

from  liiat  tiineha.-;  be^i  iina!>ic  to  w.ilk  a  s*,.p       .\!t] 

paia.  sli!"  is  sociable,  plca'^anf,  and  j.ioks  youn;;-;-  iba.ii  ni,-..i!\-  \v<,-nee  of  lorlv.  liri- 
hair  is  a  darki<l)  brown,  eyes  reiain  all  ilnar  yo.itbf ul  lustre,  lif-r  iu:oi;irr  r^'s'iined. 
ho])efu!  and  ])ntient.  IT-r  conipie>:io:i  is  ^i^o'j;!',  and  in  ydioir  A^<-  is  a  plea^a^t  "t'ood 
looking  person.  '  '  " 

Her  pre.-eiit  lunae  is  a  stoiy  and  a  half  liouse,  i)ainted  whit.\  and  siaiid-,  a.luiat  fortv 
rod:,  west  of  th.e  Connecticut  W'-stern  depot  on  ilu>  iiort|,  <■<[.■  ,,f  the  ro.;d.  'J  he  rouni 
she  o(;cui.ies  frotUs  the  s'reet  on  one  sido.  .V  low,  in'  windo'.v  has  breii  sub.-;tit,ut'od 
for  a  narrov,-  one,  addiui,'  a  irreat  deal  to  the  cheerfulness  of  the  room.  Tlie  |il,i/t.'  wa.s 
a  present  to  lier.  .Mr.  liu-^^idl  Stur,i;-i's.  a  H;)ston  mil  liona.ire,  cent  ribiitecl  ;i  he.udivv.l 
dollars,  Professor  Morse,  of  telci^-rajihic  lea.owii,  another  lnii.dr<'.l;  friends  in  X<'<v 
York  and  P!ii!n  hdphia  i,'avo  con-ideraMe.  while  frieuvls  ai  lioiu-',  .-iid  Sunda\  sdiooks 
at  lionie  and  awa\  from  hotm-  have  all  to  rai.-c  tlie  cost  of  the  ])iat.-e— .-^bUO  I 
think— and  it  is  now  huis,  a  fa-t  tor  whirh  Chloe  l.ankton   is  very  thankful. 

In  18.79  the  Amer-ican  Sunday  Schoid  Union  of  I'hilaihdphia  ])ublishc.l  u  sketcli  of 
her  life,  a  coi.y  of  which  I  remember  to  have  read  soiu"  yoars  ai^Mi.  ][<'r  room  is  a 
perfect  museum  of  cariosities,  wliich  she-  enjoys  showiiii:.  "  She  luis  ])erfecf  use  (d'he'r 
liands,  usiiii,'  them  to  make  an  variety  of  fancy  arii(4es,  some  of  wliirh  lind  a 
?;lowsiile.  Physioloo;ic:dly,  Chloe  Eankton  is  an  intere.stiui^  study.  That  any  mortal 
can  live  nearly  half  a  century.  sulYeriii:;-  intense  burning-  ])ain  vear  after  ye;ir,  "siii  iidin'^ 
the  long,  weiry  lumrs  in  b^-d"  in  a  10x12  room,  with  the  dull  cert.iintv  tliat  as'lou"-  as 
she  lives  her  sufferini^s  will  increase  rather  than  lessen,  and  still  lo'ok  as  vouik'- and 
liappy  as  she  does,  is  cert.ainly  most  e.\rraor«linary.— .1/;  ,/.  IT.  ///  lAtrhfuhi  Inqiiiver, 

The  sket.;h  above  referre.l  tr,  fs  a  12  mo.  of  24!ii>p.,  futHIed,  "(lilne  Lankton  or 
Li-ht  l^-yoed  the  r4oud>.  a  Story  of  iJeal  kite.-  !t  c.,n,;wes  her  yiortrait  und'au 
<^n-raviv,-  -A  he.-  l;on!e.      It  is.o,.e  of  the  most  beautiful! n   written,  pathetic  and  absorb- 

ini.'  ot  -torie;-.  .-  C,,:,rp. 

IV.     i,ydia,  b.  Oct.  .7,  174i.». 

11114.     Rufus  Clark,  h    -Ian.   1.7,  17:;0:  m.  Manh  2'^     17-77    Mir\- wie,  d 

March  If,.  iM-j.  aire<l  il.      \\-  lived  on  V'e  r  si  ,  S.  '    '       "  ' 

[,  Daniel,  b.  Feb.  2ii,  r.7  1  ;  d.  Oer,.  1.-,,  Y'.\:,  ;  ,;■,,  .iune  H,  17?;!  !i,;ldah  d-o,  n^'  i-o,-. 
and  llenzibah  (l!ecldey)  \Vo,.d,  b.  O-f.  l.'k  ]7,-,  1.  F;.  rinin-.on.  1.  .\.s.^il  i,,,,' «,  y[;;,.,d,  j.]" 
1<<:>  ;  d.  May  4,  1^'.7!  ;  m.  .Martha  Fond,  who  d.  Mav  lo  i,Si'>  jie-ed  (;.;  '  ;  ]  s^,^, /,/,,' 
m.  Jamos   I,ev^is,  b.  Au-   \   ISo,  ;  y.  c.,  1S24.      lie' exrcdled  in  studies' of' botauv  vnk 


I'.UAXCll    Ol'    .JOIl.V. 

mathtMiiiitios,  and  was  rxti'fiiii'l}   fond  of  (Iuu-jts  and   iniisic.      Ismpldvcd   at  \A'(st   Pi^im 
as  a  tcachrr,  chirtlv  of   thr  cliilvii-cn  o['  ilic  pi-olV'ssuis  in    tin-  militarv"  acadmi  v.  for'r 
y.^ars,  and  d.  of  luiiir  f,'V(-r  Aii,y.  :2t!,  iNvO.      He  rontfiu|Matcd    iH-tni'iiin-    to  S.niihin-ton 
to  found  an  acadmiy.  and  it  is  .-::iid  tliat  liy  liis  advirr  Sally  j,f\vis  l<'f;.  the  fund  tliat  Ix-ar:- 
Inn-  name.      1.    livirn  M . ,  U.  Aiu'.  -*:',  l^;'-',"";   m.   S ']>t.  >'(;,  i  ^  li;,  ( l.-o.  Lewis  o;'  TMainvill,. 
who   (1.    .May    111,    IStHi.   f,--i'd   .■)().      (1),    Flormrf   S..  !..  .Inne  ."i.  ]s4^.    (•')    ('i'tlicrinc  M 
1).  April  '.),  iS"il.    (:J),   (i<'o.  II.,  h.  Frl..  :Jii,,:j-4.    (-li.    Helm   (i.,  h.  Sejit.  VJ.    lioij.  "  0. 
(.'atln-rino,  b.  June  ."),  1S„".).     :],   .lames,  b.  Marcli  o,  is:j|  ;  m.  F-in-line  >tron<j:  (>f  I  .aPorie, 
Ind..  and  settled  tliere  as   a   mendi.     :?.    .1-//;/,    r.-s.',,  Ind       2,    ilnofiA,  |i.   .Jar.    -J,", 
177;-).     o,   Hi;iv.ii;.\H.  1..  I7s[;  d.  Nov.  4.  ]NrJ:  m.  John  f'ase.     4,   Sri-.i'iii.N,  h.  .huie  IS 
ITS!)  ;  d.    Ort.    L>s,    ls:r);  ar-d    SS  :   ni.    Maivh    -Ji).   I^k;,    Ihith,  dan.  of  (.'lies' and    Sara.L 
(Carter^ihm,  wh<i  d.  Sept.  2.').  Is;:).      1,   ./,//in.-<,  ],.  i»ec.  l,'),  IMi;;  m.  Jujvk;.  is;!!)' 
Eliza,  (hiu    of   Levi    IJrown  of  I'lvmontli  ;   !>.    Se]ii.    7.    1S14.      1     .VnToinrtte    L    P(4)    1] 
iy4'2  ;  d.  Maivh  ','.  ls4-.i.     'J.    Kvelun-   Lli/.a.   h.   Jnlv  -7.     isfd  I'ni.   Julv  S.'lsOr,  O    V 
Whe.der.      (11,    ]in\,fn  O..   Julv    IS,    lS(;s.     ,0,.   Janus  (lark.   Jan.   :;'U  "isfll       (:):     Eva 
Li/.zie,  1..  Antr.  Vl,  l^^^,^  d    !>er,  :il,  L^;.;,   (4  .    tn-.,.  )ie>sard,  .\'i-.  n.  Ln74.     2.   r,/,',./;;;, 
b.  Jan.  2',  isiO  ;  d.  Sept.  l:.!,  lS;;i.     ;;,    /A////./.  I..   [)rr.   is,    L--Jl':  m.  .May  :!,  IS17,  A!i(  .' 
Culver,  who  d.  Sept.  7.  IS7.').      (1).    Willie    I'irrpont  ;   h.   .Lui.    2S.    IS.^7  ;  d.    Oct.   1  '  IS"!'). 
-!,   S./ni/i  //,/).-(■//-///,  I).  .March  d.  1n2s  ;   ni.    .May,    1  ^'."i  1,   ( 'haiiiic.\-    Diiidiani:   1'.    Niiv.    27. 
182;;.     .J.   CliirisMi.  ],.  Jan.  is,  l-:jl  ;  d.  <'.-i.  2.  i"^:;L     il.    .!„/•:/.  Aul'.  2'.).  IS-i.");  ni.  Naucv 
iicach.      7.    .<iiii'il.  1).  .lau.  2Si,  1>;!S;  d    .Jan.  :;i,   ISl.'i. 
it.      .lo.x'ph,  h.  .^hlrch  20.   17.->0. 

III.  I'hel.e.  b.  Dec.  24.  i;.V.(. 

IV.  Joel,  b.  Mar.-li  i;,.i:i;;;  :   ni.  Feb.  2ii.   I7s4,   Phebc  S.eil.  r, 

V.  Seth.  (Jet.  ■j4.  17rO;  ni.  Chh'e  i5a:lev.  ].  .'(/.\Xn\'  F.  .  pec.  1{»,  ];'^'l;  m.  .Mav 
2(;,  1^11).  .b.hri  i'.dwa.d;.  /,  L  .l,,/<  i,  .  A.  a.n  ird'.  2,  J[.r,:-I  .1.,  b'  .\pii!  -J ;  ,  Is-y;'; 
in.  Jan.  2,  ls.")4.  Ivdwin  .\.  Siainuird  ;  b.  liaddani,  <'onii.,  Nov.  ;;,  IS-JO;  <nn  of  .(osjah 
a)ul  Lydia  (lliibburd,;  m.  (1)  .May  IH,  1S|:,  (  amline  .M.  Le(k|e\,  v.Ik,  d.  .!ulv  ;!,  is-.p. 
lie  enlisted  All;:  1  ■>.  1S'J2.  i n  < 'o.  i',  2l>' h  <  onn.  re-,  of  vol-. ,  nndrpp.  -er^t.  '  For  two 
years  and  eii;-iii  niculhs  in  constant  sei-viie  aiul  nuuiy  liai;'es.  and  had  nianv  '.nxn-x 
e.=;capes.  At  K'esaca,  .\la. .  struck  by  a  piece  of  sh-'U  ;,i,.l  boot  cm  open.  At  l'.cu;on\  ilb-. 
X.  C..  .March  111,  isi;."",,  sho;  tlirou-h  the  Iniiu-:  d.  at  •  loj.l- lior,',,  \iarcli  2i>  buried 
Southiuiitou  with  nidiiar}-  vw\  )na--iUi;c  hoin)r.-..  .Ian.  'i.  iMid.  "lie  wa-  a  i:;it)iMii 
soldier,  and  chcei  fully  u.r.e  hi.s  life  for  his  coiiuti,."  1,  F.mnia  .M . .  b.  .!a.i.  1,  b-.'iO. 
2,  Carli<ni  J.,   b.    .Mav  1  1.  Is.-,;.       ;j.   ,/,//,//  ,s'.  r. ,  b.   .iulv  11,  b- 2o.       4,   n.:,r<i  a\  .fniv 

0,  lS;iii.     .-),   .jn,i,,iiii  /■■.,  .iuu.-  ."),   ls.;2:   in.  Au;;-.  ;;i.   ls,l',  .lohii   W  .  Sav'au<'. 

\'l.     .Mary,  F.4,.  27,  1  77.'!:   m    .M.-nch   1.    F-'.il ,  Z.JiIna,  son  of  N.iah  ami  Sarah    ;i[,-iu.  of 
Hev.  .IiM-e    Curtis)  (Iriillev  :   b.    1  riF)  ;   d.  Nov.  2li,   1S12. 
VI 1.      l.'euben.  .\pril  l",  177.";. 

1112.      Mavy    Clurk,  b.   .May  S.  l  :u:;,   m.  Sept.  li,  i;:!l,  .MoM's  ^'ale^hi-  2d    wL),  son 
of  Nathaniel  anil  .\  una  (,1 'eck)  \  ,ale  of  \\  al  1  :u- I  ord,   b.    Julv   1(1,  17ri."'i;   d.    174■^      She  in. 

F2)  Berry. 

i.  .\  iron  Vale,  b.  .Line  7,  17d2.  .Meivh.  (d'  llrti.  a  shm-t  lime,  rem.  tt;  Salisbur\, 
Conn  ,  beti)i-e  1771;  thence  lo  Charlotte,  (  hitiendeii  cfuuitv,  \'t.;  thence  to  Ohio,  near 
.MaCietta,  where  he  d.  about  IS.'l.  ai;ed  SIJ.     Hem.   .Vnna,  dani.diier  of  Cap:.  Sleph.eii  Ibiv 

nn-rof  \V.  Hri  f..  b.  1 74t>:  d.  about  17;;b      He  m.  {2i '.      1.    I'h.\i.i;v,  b.  J  7'i2:  d.  in 

f).,.\u,u.  b"),  IS.JD:  m  17^1),  Zeiah  Curtis,  uhod.  ISb)  Several  chil. :  re.dd.ed  at  .Mi.  \"er- 
non,  ()      2,  .\.\i:().\,  b.  .\])ril   11.  I7(i:;:  rem.  to  Madrid.  St.  Law  re  nee  Co.,  .\  V. ;  d  .lune  20, 

IS.-)!!,  ai.':ed  S7:  ni. Loi.-  ISarnes       1,    y/<//-/ /- /",  b.  .1  niie -JS.  1  ('.i  I :  in.  Smit  h  Ibiyniondo' 

-Madri.l,  X.  \.  2,  S,ill;/.  b.  .\iil;-.  (i.  KDiI;  m.  Leonard  Simmons,  (2i  Lvman  Sbiimons. 
•■],  Ijnini,  b.  .\u-.  7,  V,'.i'<:  m.  Ira  Fiilliii-tou  <d'  M..  X.  V.  4,  Ae/.v,  "l,.  .Lil\-  17,  |s((J: 
d.   \h-r.    1(1,    ISIS.      .-,,     \ltii,rr,i.    b.    .Inly  27,     1  <n2 :    m.   iiichani   lb  own  of  \.  .■^'ei  :i  X .  Y. 

f),    Cun'ij.-  If.,  b.  .Iiine;;d,  ISO.-,,   ,1.  Seps".   12.   F:li7.      o.    .Mosi.s,  ],. ;    d.alioiit  bs|(i,  in 

Marii  t'.a,  ()..  leaving-  t'am.:re<.  Abe  orLcii.  4.  Sti-iii:.'^,,  b.  !7(;(!:d.  .-dioiit  ls2o;siin. 
had  family.      ."),    .vN.N.v.  b.    17(ir:d..   .\ii,i;-.    I'.'.   1  S4() ;  m.  17:)^;   As.-i   F.a  laies  (,f  ( 'ha  i  loi  n  ,   \'['.. 

who,!,  at  LansinyburnJi,  X.  "i  . .   |s(i:i;  had  three  sons  and  t  wo  dan.--.      0,    i'i)i.:.\.  b.  . 

7,   S.\i;.\ii,  ni.  ('apt.  (.'eo.    A I  h-n  (d'  Xew  Loiiilon,   \'ernoi!,  X.   \. 
11.      ,\bi-;.,i|    Vale,  b.  X...V.  2.7,  17;;;!;  m.  Oct.  Ill,  \ir)\,  Siinimd  Scoviile, 

HI.      L.\dia,  b.  Sept.  II,  !;:;.7:>;.  17:t:;;m.  Livan 

1\'.      .\nn.i,  b.  An--.   11,  1  7;!7:  d.  unm. 
y.      Mom-,  b.  Mav  ^,  17::'.l;  d.ied  vounr;. 

VL      Mos,s,  b.  (><■'■  I'l,  174';:  rem. 'to  Charlotte, \t.  ;  d.  l^l-'!,  a-ed  7'i;  ni.  Loi.s  Lviuan. 

1,  LVM.\.\,  b.   .Miv  ID.  177..;;  d.  .\u-.  21,  ISIU.  a^vd   (;.7;  m.   .lau.    17,  IS'd,  Fativ,  d.'an.  ot 


IMiiliji -aiul  IsaliclluFcote,  1).  Oci.  '^4,  ITTO.  1,  Aniin,i]ii,  h.  Nov.  lit,  ISO];  m.  C.  A. 
Scviunur.     -J.   C'lrolnif-,  1).    May  14,    l^(l};   lu.    llrm-v    ^'al(_-   I'anifs  of    M(.iit j..-li.-r,    Vt. 

:;.  /;..'/'/'■/(,,  1..  Mi^v  '-'N,  is(ii;-.  m.  i:.  }i.  ^vlH•.■l(r.    -i.  117///,^,-,  i).  0(  t.  1,  i.-^ot;!!!.  Ort. 

■.'0,  ]:-:;.■),  A  nu-lia  Stioiiu^  1,  Mavtiia  1-.,  April  iC,  ls:;',l.  ;>.  .lohn  S. ,  (.)ct .  2n,  l^AO.  '.), 
Win.  S.,  T-\>li.  10,  ]vl-2.  4.  .Ji;ir;<Tta,  P.T. -.M,  ISi:;  o,  inf. ,  Siik.  •?•.).  is  IS.  r>,  Ahhin!' ,h. 
Srju.  2t;,  ISO;);  m.  Mardi  :!!,  iSo."..  Nnali  iJesr.  (J,  llmris.  li,'  Dr.-.  2■.^  Ks]l;  m.  Fc!i.  V?, 
isy.':!.  :>.lar,v  Otis.  1.  llanirtO.,  Auir.  :'..  ]s;j'.i  0.  MaivK..  Frl).  S,  1S41.  .".Maria  L.' 
Oot.  :!l.  T^"4:.  7,  /."/.v.  h.  .Man-h  ",,  l*:-!.-);  ,1.  17-1,.  C'j'.  IS-l'i;  ui.  .M.arrli  M.  '■[<',^,  V..  A. 
_Mattlic\>-.  •},  Loi-.  .1.  Siiit..  IMl.  num.  ■',.  l.rcv.  h.  ])<■(.•  -JIV  177'.).  4,  >r<.sl->.  b. 
Nnv.  '.!,  17S(;,  (twin)  n  s.  Hoii-e's  I'oin:,  X.  Y.;  in.  Ortavia  Sniitli,  (Oi  1>' t>-'\  Smitli,  (:)) 
Jhumali  J..M,iiar(l.  /.  l-y  tir>i  lu.;  1.  .1/ '/v/,  h.  D.t.  il^  isl  7.  2.  li'w/.  7/. ,  Ij.  AjMil  K.lSl'U; 
m.  -laii.  is,  1,v4:).  Man-  .\.  .\..r.h.  1,'l'aiurlia  ,\nnii,  h.  Oct.  'J'.',  ISl-l;  d.  .\^lu^  ~0, 
ISU;.  /.  2(1  m.:  ;;.  J/'.^'/.w.//  >..  D.v.  ii.  is-.'ii.  /.  ;;<!  m.:  4,  (>,-larIji,  h.  Nov.  T),  is:i2.  ,""), 
I'l'inidi'ih  1)    Dec.  14,  ].s:j!S.     .S.    iiKisiov,   twin  with  Mos.'s. 

V;[.      Clil.M-  Ya!,f.  I;  Oct.  ill.   1M-"j:   lu.    Kn^i^l,  llou-ii  "f   Mcriilcu,  Couii.,  Ajiril  27, 

i:»;::  -a.  Jiiiic24,  itti. 

Vlfl.      Mary  Yah-.  !.. ;  lu. ,  l^arkcr. 

1114.  Dlivicl  Clark,  n.  S.-j.t.  5.  IT'I");  m.  in  I'arininii-tMU,  Cnuu,  \v.-s,.  I!^,  172'.), 
Haniiali,  .Ian.  of  .Im,-..|.1;  uii<l  Hannah  n'lailo  \\'.H„lrn(T,  h.  .\n.'-.  22,  Kul,  in  I-".;  d.  Maicli 
22,  i;si.  a.-.'.l  77. 

1.      liannali,  i..  Mar'-hl:],  )7::0:  m.  Si[.t.  2'!,  17.')1.  David  iJ.arin-s,  res.  IJri- tol,  Cuui. 

II.      Ann)>,  1.    Sent.  2.  i:;:i:   r.-s.  F.:  d.  in  iH-iliU'ln-m.  Tonn.,  .Mavl."j,  ISnO.  ai^-.-d  HO; 

ni.  Nov.  2ii,  17."i:;,  Xa.nni  o!'  p,.,  ulm  died  il'cr.-  Xov.  1,  ]s()s,  ;,^,.d  1-1.     1,  Oi.n'i:, 

.<«•].;.  m,   !7.")';.      2.    TiiiKM).  .\|.r;i  Id.  i.7."i'.).     ••;.   Sakja.  i>cc.  is.  I7tii.     4,   S.ujAii,  .Ian. 

7.  17(;4.     ."),  A.n.m;.  Mav  l<i,  i:(;;i. 

Ill        I'avhl.  h.   F.  !.■.   11.  lidl. 

IV.      linldali,  !..  Dec.  ]S.  17;;.'.;  m.  March  ;;i.  1  7 ■'.■"■).  Danic-i  Allni. 
^■.      J'hcl,,-,  1..  N.A-.  ".I.  17:;::  ni.  Mar.  :-;i,  17.7-..  Danid  Lanu'dnn. 
A'l       .\h;-a;!.  Lap.  Sc].!.  2,  17""!t;   :;;.  Xmv.   1";.  17:)!.',  Marvin  ll-cV^wiih.      ].    A  (Hrn>. 
d,  .liilv.  i:r,y      -J,    A  (iiii.p.  d.   l-"cl.,  2-,   i7li7. 

\"li.      .\lcriia.n  .  M.  .'an.  S.   17rrl.  .\  ('nrtis. 
^'Fl.     '.iiidc.  hap.  .\p;ii  2-.  IMF  set.  in  Flvin(.ntli. 
F\.      .Martha,  b    F.4..  2F   174'!. 

1114-3.  David  CFark,  h.  I'd..  14,  17:;4;  d.  in  Sonthin-mn  D-.c.  .',,  177.-.:  m.  X<.v. 
is.  17.-)^;,  I, '/is.  dan.  i.i  .ionMiian  and  Snsanna.  i  iiiclia  I'dsj  .\  nd  i  cw ,..,  h.  at  v'^.  -I  n.;e  CO, 
17:;(k  d.  of  tfvcf  .\uu:.  2h.  Isil  ;  slic  in.  (2)  D.-,..  s,  KDl,  .\nu.s  Hart  (d'  .^.,  his  '.'A  \vl'. 

1.      Solnnn.n.  h. :  d.  Mardi  2s,   17S'.). 

I!,  i-di-.ha,  1).  17.-)7;  rev.  so!  in  (',.;.  W'vlF-,'  i-r:;!.  aial  .-.■lid  In-  saw  .\n(h-c  linny; 
ni.  in  S.,  H;  !.n-d.  Sh.-nvo.>d,  v.dn.  d.  .d  mns.  S-j.r.  2.-'."  1S12.  a-vd  .'.i;;  (2)  Xov.  .'lO.  Fsl'?), 
Martha,  d;in.  ..r  .\:;a   Wood  r, iff.  vFIm.  d  .  l\d..   1.'.,' ISV.I,  a,u-cd   1)2.        lie    d.    .May    17,    ]S;j.-,, 

au->-d  7S.      .-)  (d'-il  ,  :;  d.  yoniiir.      1,   Ai.iMiix,  1. :   ni.  X<m-.  2iI,  ISi.;,  Sarah  ('.,  dau.  <d' 

•i-nild  and  lamice  ,''.\I()rse  ('ris>v.  h.  Anu'.  12,  17sF  rem  fnnn  S.  To  so.  I'eiin  1S:;7.  1, 
Fr,iUr[<-l\  ba]..  Xov.  4,  |s2F  2."  J,o/,..v.  hap.  Xov.  4,  ls2].  2.  15i.Ts!;v,  b.  17-d;  m.  May 
7,  Isui;,  Sainmd  .\ndre\vs.  jr.,  b.  in  S.  .Xov.  2.  i:s;j;  ,1.  (,f  lich.l.  .March  IS,  Is.a'.i;  towii 
clerk  many  yeai's,  "  a  man  ol' inteliiu'ence  and  trne  worth,  u'ood  lookiiic;,  Via-11  tVirnicd, 
alTabh.,  lifiiennis  and  L'eiit  leinanl  v. "  His  wid.  d.  ."\lav  2d,  lSh2,  at  her  s.  Fanibf-rt's  in 
I'lanlsville.  \,L,itnh,rt  li.^il i,>  t'l ,  1>.  May  12,  1807:  m".  Di'C,  ls:.s,  i:ii/,ahe!h,  dan.  (d' 
Scth  and  IJebecc...  (I\c]se\- '.  Smith  of  .Middle!'. \vn.  ( 'onn.  1,  hdlen  ( i .,  b.  Mav  d,  ISlS. 
2.  Martha  Clark.  .Jnly'.i,  l.s.-,4.  2,  Jhiinwl,  lyix-ihrlh,  h.  Dec  du,  lsp2:  d."  O.  1  2.-., 
iSdl;  m.  .inlv  F   lS:i7,   ib'ainerd  of  Iladdam,  ('..nn.,  who  d.   Feb.  7.  Is7n,  aired  U.-j. 

1,  Amelia  S;     2.  .Mary  F.,  m,  O.t.  IS.  1S;;U.   |7d.-ar ')'.  (Iridh-y.      d,  ^^ilbnr  V. 

Hi.  Ithnri'd,  h.  1  7.-).e  d;,  ii,  s.  Xov.  .',,  isi  F  m.  li-nlah  Farnain  of  Da  nbnry,  ' 'onn. . 
who  m.  ,2)  De"  ;».  isl7,  Sila.-  Tavh.r  and  d,.  .Ian.  2.-.,  Is24,  a-'cd  iF..  1,  D\\  iD.'m.  X.>v. 
IS.  1S17,  Ada.h  l.a.Mc  Hr.l.  ai;d"s],.-m.  C'l  D.-.-.  2s.  !S;U,  S.dah  Fa  rn<s  and  d.  Iiis  wid. 
Fe!).  :,  li^as       Sic-  ua.^  m-..  o!'  lb  v.   Henry  F.   Ilarnes  (d'  Wd.rce-ier.  Mass, 

IN',  llila  <.r  ;ii_dM}.  m,  'dar' b  ;;n.  17!)r.  Di'.  .b,hu  I'ofu'r  of  \\(dc..;t  F(.nn..'s.  ..f 
•lucl  by  his  2il  v--f.  .  hap.  .FiimS,  17110:  rcui.  wot  ahnni  is-jU;  Ids  tirsi  v.  f.  was  Fy.lia, 
dan.  of  Dea..   .\aioii   i  i:iri-I,-on,  wie><).  Sept.  2i;.  1  ;;i(i.      ],   .loiix  Ali\M--,b.   l'(  h.  2.-|.  171. S. 

2.  Fvni  \  .M\i.i\.  !i.  S.  p;  ■,::',.  I7!.'.t;  d.  Oct.  12,  17.'.».  '■'>.  .\i.i;i.';r  lb.i'Ni:v,  XCv.  2. 
isi)0.     4.   .-.\i;.vii  .\l.\i;i.\. '.March  .';.  !m>;;. 

"d.      FoF-.  n;.   hdiphah-t   D;ywd  and  d.  in  Canaan,  Cnii. 
y\'-v.  h.  .Xmv    4    17)'>'.e   m.  -ionaihan  Hart. 
Vn       Sraiir::,  h.  1 :  72 :  s.-hwoi  i-'aclnr;  d.   nnm.  .Fdv  ],  •'S(i7, 

BKAXCJf    OF    JOllX. 

Mil.  Lois,  li.  Dec.  17,  177i;  d.  J;ui.  18,  1SG7.  in  S. :  ni.  Vi-h.  '21,  17118,  Sila-i  Bi.^.liop 
of  E.  llav.  1,  ilKonoK,  Jan.  7,  \^{J-2;  ni.  Aug.  -J!),  18:jl,  Eliza,  rhui!  of  Mark  Lan.-.  1. 
C/tarL.s  .v.,  March  27,  Ls:);i.  2,  7v'///%  ('.,  Si^pt  17.  18:;3  :J,  S./n//i,  .lune  17,  18.7.  4 
Walter  Ji  ,  Sept.  2s,  IboU.  5,  Luf/<n:  Fd)  :!,  181.;.  C,  .A,//a.y  ir.,  Srpt.  U,  1809:  d'. 
April  5,  187:1  2,  Bi:nxktt,  b.  .Marcli  21,  119:);  in.  Ai>ril  2i»,  ls}J,  >[urv  (.'urti-;  .2)  Jan. 
12,  is;i2,  Polly  (lUmlianij  \V(;o.Irr,:t,  \vi,i.  oi'  Isaac.  IK-  d.  .March  21,  "iS.^O,  and  his  wid. 
111.  Dec  10,  18'm,  Dca.  Ulivcr  Ltuis.  /.  hy  in.:  1,  /I,  mi/,  h.  .May  lil.  1824.  2, 
Ja/iff  ('.,  Jan.  4,  182li.  i.  by  2-1  in  :  3,  J/<//'^  /:'.,  in.  Ithanua-  Bntler  oi'  New  Britain.' 
4,   L'lri'-s  V.     '),    WUiitiiii. 

1114  3  6.  Lucy  Clark,  b.  Nov.  4,  IVOO;  d.  in  Paris,  On.cida  Co.,  N.  V.,  Feb.  20, 
180;!,  I'-u  day.s  after  l)irth  of  Icltubod;  m.  Jc'natlian  Hart  of  Hiistol,  Conn.,  who  u.  .Mardl 
2,  18l.i!l,  ai,'.'d  CO:  (,2d  wf.);  he  in.  (1)  Mary  Coc,  wlio  d.  about  178?:  he  rem.  to  Paris 
about  1794  and  d.  tlu-r*'. 

I.     Alvaro,  b.  Nov.  14,  1788;   d.    Paris,  X.  Y.,   Nov..  I's24;   in.  1812.  Bei.:;.'v  Ihur.     /. 
1,  J()xvjii.\.v  A!.\- Aim.    2,  Pu\vi,Y  r.i.iz.x,  .1.  is;;.-,  at  Osweiro,  .\.Y.    ;!,   Lrei-\.'    4,  J.vxi;. 

0,  VA.V/.XV.VA':',. 

U.  Orris,  1).  F.'l).  p!.  1701;  d.  at  ().,  X.  Y.,  Xov.  ?,0,  Is-^").  nnuxh. ;  jud,ii,T  court  com- 
mon i)leas;  shcritf  of  (Jncid.a  county  i8U'  to  1824;  served  in  war  of  1812;  inauv  vear? 
can:d  coiu.uissioner;  memiier  stale  const,  con.;  reji.  in  X.  Y.  ie^-.  182r.-7;  m.  F.lizab-iii 
Bigelow,  who  d.  Pec  10,  1840.  1,  Jcii.v  A.nx.  b.  .\lar.h  'J,  l,sl4;  m.  F.-b.  24,  18:jd, 
lio.i.  William  BuUen,  b.  Clinton,  X.  V.,  F.'b.  -Jd,  18J1;  d!  Sjuthport,  Wis.,  (icl.  27^ 
184(;;  (2)  Dea.  (ieorye  Bciun-tt,  b.  Pidi;-oli(4d,  Fairfield  Co.,  Conn.,  several  lime,,  a  ineml)er 
in  each  branch  of  Wis.  h-j,-.  j,  (A-.-i'.v  y///'/!,  July  1,  ls:V3;  d.  Jan  o,  ISO").  2,  Mcry 
r/^^rfz-'/ifr.  in.  Pot.-r  Kindic.  a  civil  cn-'inoer  of  re[)ati-;  .■;./.;  re...  IJuiValo.  ;',.  Wil'.iini- 
Herbert,  Inmbfr  mendi.  and  tirst-class  biL-ine.-s  man  in  ClTn-au-o.  4,  ./.v'/;?  Frrincts,  b. 
Dec,  P44;  (1.  Oct.  4,  1850.  2,  Ji.xxk'i'tk.  June  2i».  1817;  ni.  \\\iT.  o,  is:!7,  J.  6ti.s 
fiiover,  b.  April,  I?,,  1812.  at  Scipio,  X.    .. ;  iawver,  U.  S.  dist    attv.  1,^72;  res.  Clii'.ai^^o. 

1,  J>i!i,i.  llirf.  2,  ILnrii  Tcft.  ■^,  Otix  ll.n'duil'^Wiuu.  cu]\.  [>•)•.).  ";;,  .M.\i;v  ( I  cirrncnK, 
Ai>ril  20,  1810;  ni.  Sci)t..  1841,  Dr.  Frank  K.  Hamilton,  foim-rly  Prof,  in  Cc,i'->a  i,..  ,;'. 
coll  ;  in  r>7o  Prof,  rd'  snnrery  in  X.  ^'.  coll.;  nw  of  th.>  suro-eo'iis  in  the  cas'-  o<'  Pre.s. 
(.iarheld.  4,  iOl.l.KX,  April  'i^},  1821;  in.  >v\,X.,  IStl,'  S.  Randall,  lawy.n  ;  res. 
Xorwich,  X'.  Y.;  rem.  t(j  \\'is.  where  slu'  il.  .f.  p.  ."i,  I'r.r/.AnKi'U,  June  24,  182;J;  m . 
Hon.  Ibuion  C.  Cook  of  Chicago,  mem.  CNm.  from  111.,  atty.  i'or  Xortlnvestern  and  r>nr 
linuton,  Quincy  .V  Chicago  railroad.      1,   D.i't.,  b.  about  P^o2. 

1-ii.  ^^^•lrren  Hart.  .\ui;-.  20,  170;j;  d.  at  White  Pigeon.  ''  icii..  A)iril  28,  ls)18:  m. 
Dec-.,  1814,  Havriec  Page;  d.  Apiil,  is;;];  ciiAng.,  18:);;,  wiii.  .Maria  Alexau.ier,  having 
7  ehil.  1,  Li  ri  V  horis.v,  Se])t.  2").  I8I0  ;  in  P.  .\n-tin.  2,  Or.i.AMXi  Pai.mi-:i;,  Xov.  21', 
1817  ;  d.  Oct  ;;,  ls7;;  ■  m  1S40,  Florinda  (Joodrich  td'  Stf)cKbri<lne,  X.  Y  ,  who  d.  at  Oak- 
land, U'is.,  Oct.  ('.,  18.')0  ;  (2)  Ajn-il  N,  ],S(j(),  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Barger.  1,  7/'././//,  Oct., 
1842  2.  7V.'///-.  Xov.,  1841.  ;!,  JA'/vV/'.l  ^/f/;V^  J-.-ne,  1847  ;  nn  ]Sfi.^,  Charh  •^. 'Ku.-.ii.s. 
i,  JJihria  C,  Oct.,  1840;  in.  Xov.,  1872,  Elien  Orndoff.  o,  ('Inuiis.  July,  l8o4.  fi, 
lint,  Oct.,  Ps.YS  ;  m.  (.ict.,  187;^  O'eorge  Perry.  7,  W'nrrni,  Oct.,  1850.'  8.  Roi;:tl. 
June,  ISii.l.  ;j,  Liens  Lkaxdku,  Aug.  :10,  1^10  ;  m.  March  (j,  1844,  Uebecca  (ioodrich; 
5  children.  1,  Mnrij  Hi'iilsn,  Dec.  20,  bS-H;  ;  in.  Oct.  G,  1SG4,  James  Chapman.  2, 
Xarioi'.  .J:<xhih,  Jinn;  20,  1840  ;  m  March  .s,  1870.  (,'vnthia  Baldwin.  8,  IhittW  Ai,<i>liru\ 
May  28,  18o4;  m.  Oct.  11,  187;],  William  W.  Ives.  "4,  Flor.i  Kiln,  Aug.  aO,  18-")S.  5, 
Cora  Jidly  Nov.  10,1802.  4,  Enwtx  Clauk.  Mav  6,  1821;  d.  Jan.  PL  isjii.  ,"),  P,ktskv 
A.Mt-i.rA,  March  20,  ls24;  d.  March  8,  1^14.  0,  'Ei-ukai.m  Anvvno,  March  :;1,  182.j;  in. 
Maiiuda  (ioodrich;  res  Wi-^. ;  farmer;  justice  of  the  ])eace.  1,  /■)!//(  U,  IF.,  Oct.  :!1, 
18.-)2  2,  Jt's.^ir  .v.,  May  0,  18.07.  3,  Fl<n'^  ,tn  4A.,  Jan  10,  18ii').  4,  J-Jloaior  7..,  May  10, 
ISO.-),  f),  J7//7/  4/.,  May  2.'),  1800.  7,  Onuis  Josfaii,  b.  Dec.  11,  1820;  ni.  Sept.  12,  i8o.'>. 
Laura  Beisey  Young;  fanner;  Deansville,  X.  Y'.  1,  /■Vi>n  in-c  A'l'jiixtn,  Xov.  ;j,  18.'3i3.  2, 
-•l/;/(2t  7.^'';y«.  Jun(!  21.  1800  :!,  /A/Z/e  .  LA /J'/,  Sei>L.  0,  isci .  4,  f  V/./.v.  7.'".sr(.'C,  Oct.  13, 
1804.  8,  Wakk.ex  LorKWooi),  Marcii  10.  1828;  d.  in  Mexican  war,  0,  Bk.x.ia.mtX 
BitrcE,  b  April.  1820;  d.  of  v.-oiuids  at  Bull  Pun  Oattle.  10,  llii!\M  L(^KKX/,(^  Jnlv  ;]0, 
1880:  ill  Jan.  2.5,  18."i7,  Catharine  A  Hnbh.ard;  res.  Scriba,  X.  V.  1,  7'r<.^/  -  L/'/'/^/'/.v,  b. 
Oct.  .-.,  LsOO.  2,  WiUiiiin  J/Y/w//',  d.  May,  ISiil  .  :;,  -A.v.s/e  l.,i,ili.  b.  Dec,  24,' 18'!:!.  A, 
Florcnr,  Jf'-'i/,  b.  Sept.  14,  b^O.V  ■").  A/I',  rf  117/, •/v//,  b.  Feh.  I,  lsi;s.  IL  llAunii.t' 
E.'.nci.lXK.  b.  Jan  .5,  \S-]2;  m.  Oct.  2;L  IN.")-"),  Isaac  C.  Jenks,  lawMT.  and  d.  A]  7, 
ISO:-'.;  res.  Janesvitle.  Wi.-.  /,  \ .  If.i rrr  (  2,  Fhru,  Jf, rf.  1  "j.  Soium;on  r  v  .1  axk. 
b.  Jiily  1,  18;Jo;  m.  -Ian.  14,  18.5.5,  l-idwin  (.),  Lynuui;  (2]  Isinic  C.  Jenic^,  former  lius.  of 
her  sis.  Harriet.  !:'.,  biiAiion,  b.  .May  (5.  is:!");  d  Sepr.  .'<,  is,");!.  It.  i '(,;i;xt:;.i.v  Ma<:ia, 
b.  A[)ril  2.5,  1807.  1-5,  Ai.oxzo  Atj'.xaxder  and  Faa'UO'S'/.o  P'ihi.a.xcek,  twins,  bv  2d 
m..  b.  Sept.  1.5,  18:]U 

ci-a];k,  allex. 

lY.      Lnsvlv,  1).  Oct.  27,  IT'.).".;  d.  Sept.    11,    \s\:]. 
\.     Lufia,  b.  Feb.  T.t,  1T'.>S:  d.  Jiiii.  IS,  j>2:!;    m.  Oct.   1,  ISU'.,  AmUrose  l.yinun  of 
Lvoominc;  coiiutv,    P;i.,  wiin  d.   altnut  suim.-  tiiiu-   as   lii>>    wf.      1,   KnViiN    C'r.AUic.      2, 
J\MF,s  \Vit,mam"son.      o,  I.rciA  Jam:. 

VI.  Kdwiu  (.'lark,  b.  IVc.  14,  ISOO:  :\lerch.,  X.  Y. ;  lu.  March  14.  IS-J?,. 
\urol  Aiulcison,  b.  ^ept.  1,  1^02;  Wiud-or,  roiin.;  d.  Jan.  22.  I'-^Tv);  (2)  .May  17,  1^71, 
Mrs.  \Vaii-eu  X.' llawkt's  (Wilbur),  b.  Aug-.  17,  l«r..  1,  M\i;ioN  Vioi.iiT.v,  b.  Nov. 
'J,  1824;  d.  Xo\-.  20,  l^:'").  2.  Vr.i.oxA.  "b.  .July  :^,  l<2'::;;  d.  Nov.  lO,  is:;").  :1,  Maky 
Fkvncks,  b.  Nov.  ;l,'lS:jJ:  d.  Nov.  7.  Ibo").  4,  Minvix  AuGlsTis,  b.  .bin.  ]4.  1>^-]'):  d. 
Sept^  5,  "l><.-):;.  ",.  'li(  lA  <ii;i;Ti;i-i>i:.  b.  Sc]>t.  2.  is.;;'.);  d.  Jiuic  2'),  is  11.  <k  AyuEi. 
Augusta,  b.  Oct.  21.  is:',7:  m.  Auir.  17,  IS.I'J,  .lohu  Ibuir;,  jr..  vo.«.  Syiacn-t^.  N.  Y.  1. 
'XifJie  dark.  2,  yrttu.  o.  Fn';i/-';ii.  Hurt.  7,  Haynhs  Iamu),  ^la.rcli  lU,  lb44:  m. 
l^).sie  Jones,  180i'>;  boot  and  shoe  dealer.  Osweiro.       1,  JC!!>:i  Jihu^,  ISC.',). 

YII.  IchabuJ  Andrew,  b.  Feb.  10,  iSOo;  Ibun.  col.,  1820;  Kev. ;  SL-tticd  at  Sandusky, 
O. ,  inovc<l  to  111..  is72;  m.  Oct.  1:3,  ISoO,  Eiuelhie  F.  Frii^bio  of  Westnioivland,  N.  \.\ 
b.Au:;.  (i.  1S02;  d.  Jan.  10,  1S:>j:  (2)  Ncn-.  U,  1S>;0,  Damask  IJosc  Frisbic,  sis.  of  first 
\\{ ■  ^  Jan  l:-!  1840;  C'i  Mav  4,  I8U,  Harriet  Eliza  \Miitconib  of  ■r<'nt])!('ton,  Mass.;  b. 
April  12.  INl'.i.'  1.  FiiA>-<.Ks,  b.  July  22,  is;17:  d.  Sc].:.  12,  Ks:Js.  2.  Ukniiy, 
b  Nov  I'J  is:3s-  a.  same  dav.  '6.  EinvfN  liosi:.  b.  l>i'c.  ol.  Is-i!);  ni.  .Macy-ic  F">liza- 
beth  Kull.  b.  Nov.  10,  1842.  i.  K'hcln  0/-m,  b.  Mar.]L2:',  ISCO.  2.  M.i:>,l  Jo.s>',  b.  Feb. 
20.  ISO^  :',  S/nnn'O,.  A'i.ri.'<,  b.  April  20,  1n70.  4,  Cii  \i:i.i:s  Cmii.'vos.  b.  Vv.  G.  1842;  in. 
Eiiima  A.  -Udin.  3,  ^VAI.TKI:  ( >s<;(>oD,  b.  Oct.  lo,  1S44;  m.  .Ma-^ne  Fergnison  C, 
Em/.a  Fi-OUiiTi-A,  b.  Jan.  27.  1847.  7,  Ai.i.i-.x  (V:;\i;i.iA,  b.  .May  2,  18.V2.  8, 
Sakau  Apaii,  b.  0,  18")'j:  d.  Feb.  2o,  18o0. 

1114  4.  Hllldah  Clark,  b.  Pec.  18.  17;'.o:  d.  May  2:;,  1815,  a -ed  sO:  m.  March  Si, 
1700.  naiii(  1,  s.  of  ObcUliuli  and  Klizabetli  (Colton)  Alhn  of  Mi.ulletoyn.  Cor.n^.  b.  Au,?. 
28,  17:J2;  rem.  lo  S. ;  niercli.  and  hotel  keeper;  found,  d.  iu  his  store  I'e'i.  !•"),  17'.K>,  ^vLile 
hi.-:  finu.  \\(;rc  ab.-ent  at  funeral  of  his  son-in-law,  Levi  Hart. 

1.     .loel,  b.  Sept.  21,  17-V);  ni.  Lucy  Newell;  (2)  I'iadania  Newell. 
11.     F'.li/.abeth,  b.  Dec.  18,  17.j7;  m.'  Dr.  Theodore  Wadsworth. 

III.  i'hilathea,  1).  July  5,  1701  ;  d.  .Nuir.  2'.».  17(io. 

IV.  Pliilathea,  b.  March  5.  1704;  m.  Levi   Harl. 

\'  lluldah.  b.  Oct.  :J0,  1700;  m.  Nov.  2:3,  ]78o,  Ezekiel  ^VoodrutT,  s.  of  Isaac  and 
Murv  {llri.stolj  WoodrutT  ,)f  Cheshire,  b.  1701:  rem.  west  about  1820.  1,  L\ri;\,  b. 
178U;  a.  July  20,  1807.  2,  A(,ij.n.  ra.  lloxaua  Hit<dicock  of  Wolcott.  o.  .\;a,  m. 
AUiT.'  25,  isio,  Nornum  Ta.-^e.     4,    Fa.nnv.  m.  Se]it.  :i.  L-l-l,  Raymond  Pck. 

^YI  '  Sabina.  b.  Julv  2U,  llOO-  d.  Oct.  27.  b':;40.  aced  77;  in.  Eliakim.  s.  of  Eliakim 
and  Luey  ((iridley)  Deming,  b.  July  11.  1703;  res.  S.  1.  r.ALJ'ir.  2,  CiiAin.OTTK,  m. 
Henrv  a".  Mill'T.      :;.    Al.>!lKA. 

Yil.      Ph'bc.  b.  Apiil  10.  177:^:  ni.  William  U.   R'll. 
MIL      .Xaniv.  b.  April  12,  177ti:  d.  S.-[.t.  7.  ISoo.  unm. 
IX.      Daui.-l.  b.  April  12,  1770;  d.  Dee.  1::,  177''. 
X.      Lvdia,  b.  177S:  d.  soon. 
XL      Lydia,  1).  May  U,  177!). 
111441.     Joel  Allen,  b.  S,p1.  21,  11"^.  d.  D.c.  24,  l,s2r,.     .b»l  llout  built  a  .store 
for   him   iu   S.,  (IMan'svilb- ■.      lb'   had    a    l.Mttb-   of    Litters  which    he  drew  fn.m  every 
luornin-;-  as  an  ap.petizer.      His  wf..  cleaniiii:  hcu^e.  by  mistake  put  in  its  place  a  bottle 
of  laudanum,  of  which  he  i>artO(ik  to  the  anumnt  of  a  gill.     On  discoverino-  tlie  mistake 
he  was  kept  on  a  rapid    walk   the  entire   dav  to   i)reveut  falling-  aslecj).     Hem.  Aug., 
1778.  Lucy,  dan.  of  Asahel   Newell,   b.   Oct.  27,  H.-jo;  <1.  May  2,  17s:J.      He  m.  (2)   July 
2.).  1780,  i^i;ulamia  Newell,  sister  of  his  first  wife. 
I.     0,-tavia.  b.  Oct.  :U.  177:». 

II       James,  b.  Av;--    4,  lisj;  ,1.  Sept.   LY  ISJ.-);  res    at  S. ;  mereh.;  r,i.  June  2:j.  IbOS, 
Lu.rina,  dau.  of   Hemiu  -v,  av  Iba.llev;  .she  m.  (2     Fe\)   5.  is:)2,    Daniel    Marsh    of    Litch- 
field, Conn      1.   Aim:i.i/\,  b    1800;  <i    Mav  IS.   1820     2,  IIaki:i!:t,  b.  isil;  d.  l^b.  2:3. 
1812.     ;i,  Amo:s,  b.  ISLL  d,.  C)ct.  5.  1.827. 
III.     Augustus,  b.  Oc-t   24.  1787. 
]V.      Joel,  b   Jari.  LY  KO-Y 

V.  Ltiev.  b.  Aug.  4.  17'.i'.i;  m.  net.  14.  182:1,  IJosuell  Moore,  jr.     ]  [     He  was  cap   of 
tlie  S    irai!-."bar,d;   r."-m    '..  K.'ii- ieLitnn  and  bceame  dea    tliere;  ,,wi  e  1  a  p-irt  of  --.Moore  s 

11144  2.     Elizabeth  Allen,  0.  Dee.   is,  1757:    d.  O.t.  14,  ISfKL  m.  Dr.   JJie.Hlore  (.fTinrnthv  and  grandson  of  Nathaniel  and  Dorothy  (i^al  I)  \\  .  ol  I'armuig- 

I'.IlAXri!    ni-    .unis. 

t'lii,  1>.  <  '-t.  o,  ITo','.  St  lid.  ini'ii.  wiili  l)i'.  VA\  'I'oild.  ]t»  1  i  77  t'litcrrd  as>iiri;i")i\'.s  ;n:ilc  iu 
CdI.  ]>oui:lass'  rci:-.  ami  si  rvfd  t\vo  yr.-n-.^,  tliiMi  <i-t.  in  S.  and  |iiac.  im-d.;  lost  1:ii',l;-i'1_v  in 
ri-a!  I'st.  si>i''\:  ai;-.  of  tlu'  ^'a.  Land  Co.  lor  S.,  and  smt  olT  many  lo  lliat  statr,  most  ol' 
wlioni  \v«Ti'  very  niucli  dissatNlii-d.  lli-  wa-  al-o  ;il;-.  for  lo'tcry  scln-nu's.  Kc  d.  of 
s[u)tt.'d  fever  .lui'i'  2.  ISlls';  alionf  two  ami  onr-iwil''  niontlr-  aftrr  liis  V?d  m  .  Mairh  20, 
I't-'.OS,  To  Asi-natU,  wid.  of  l.taiund  Chuk.  "MaKdi  :i(>.  17'Ji.  ii^i-.'''d  v/itli  the  .-^eicclmeii  ot 
the  town  to  cure  Mary  I'".vans  of  her  jnsjmity  for  tiitnMi  dwlhirs  at  my  own  rislc.  jiayable 
in  six  montlis.  if  slie  i^'maitis  well,  oilu'rwi-e  to  ji.^tlilim-." — 'J'li,  nih,,;  W'iOs.nnili . 
I.  In.  1..  May  ■ir^.  1  7s:l 
li.  Nanry  J".."  1).  .\!av  lo,  1  7s."):  d.  .Marr][  2!.!.  Sin-  was  a  suiievior  \v(,.m;!n, 
uu  intiniale  frietai  and  lorrrs]!  mdi-nt  of  Mrs  Kniiiia  Willa  rd  m|'  tin.'  Troy .  X.  l'..Si-jn.; 
lii,  Se].!.  1,  ISi),^,  C'lii-^ti-r  \\  lii:il«-^oy  ;  a  man  of  cim-idfralilo  calt  aw,  hn'  fi-eeni  ric.  He 
d. '^fay  1.-).  \-<A:\.  \,  Ki.r/ \  i;i:  Til  A".,  1>.  Mayo,  isjl;  ,1.  .hily  ;j,  l-^Ll';  m.  May  1-1,  Isjs, 
IJosnei'  l.')\\  roy.  i).  Ort.  ;!.  Kl'-i;  s.  of  Diini.d  and  Anna,  idan  ot'  Waitstiil  Man-oni 
Lowrev  of  Piainvilk-.  V.  * '.  in  i-^l'^.  with  h-)nor:  taiiadit  s -lio  il  a  yea;-  in  \'a. ;  stud. 
law  Avith  Hon.  .\ii-el  Stirlim;-  of  r-'!iaii)n:  adin.  To  tln-har  in  1 -,;().  ami  jir^.c  in  S.  till  hi- 
d.,  Jan.  ;iO,  In")*!.  He  was  jnstict' of  tin'  ])rai'>\  jndL;o  of  )irolialr,  jmli::!'  of  tho  nuinty 
court,  lui-m.  id'  lioili  iuanidias  of  ihf  <'onii.  h'g". ,  am!  an  af;lvo  ai;d  nsi-ful  mi-m.  uf  tin- 
chuivh.  F.dlou,  Y  ('.,  rx-ol!u-io.  1,  <7„a7,'v,  I,.  V,'h.  n,  T-O;);  V.  C,  1^  IS;  .lawv.T; 
res.  Brooklyn,  X.  v.;  m.  Sarah  .lon.'s,  who  .],  I^v77.  --3.  //■ /r-y/.  1..  .)  nly  2s,  lS;;i ;  "  m. 
Sept.  r,.  isi;').  Anna  S.  d.ati.  of  F.'.cn.'/..r  and  F.mnic  (Haut'  Xo\a->.  1,  l-;i-..-!f  A.,  h. 
Mav  7,  lyC.-,'.  ',',  I'Llward  W.,  h.  Au-.  Ol,  IS'U.  :;.  A'/A„,  h.  Mandi  i').  In:!!:  m.  April 
•2(),']8.)8.  W.  S.  AUrrl!!.  1.  .1  ulia.  is^;  ;.  2.  Ilarrv.  h.  . I  une  11,  IS:;.".  4,  ]:ii-:nh,tl,. 
b.  Ai.ri!  21.  ]s:i7;  d.  <  )ct.  27,  is^s.  o,  /■;'•■:.■'''■ ///)h.,  h.  An-.  ];'.,  !s:;it.  li.  K^hr.,,-,! 
Vi'IuUls.,/,  1,.  .liilv  22,  Isi-J;  V.  I'..  Is;-,!.  2.  .\1ai;v  H,,  ir  .Hilv  11.  l^];;:  d,  Jan.  10, 
1872.  :h  ]..\ri;.\',  h.  .Ian.  11.  I^IC:  d  .lul\  11.  ls.-)2:  m.  Aii"-.  1,  IsH.  IN.nn-o  i.owrev 
(2dwf.i.     -!.   XvxcvW.    1;    .lp,n.'  i:l,  I'-'i'd:'  d.  o.a.  ].-,.  is2n.  " 

Hi.      H.arrv  iM.D.i,  m.  lsi)7.  Anna  Mix. 

[\.     'rin-odor.'. 
V.      Daniel. 

VI.      Intant,  d.  1>>-.-.   12.  1  7'.ii;. 

111444.  Phihlthca  Allen,  l-  Man-h."),  17(l-i:  111.  May  M.Ks'a.  ia-vi.>  <.f  John.and 
Desire  (I'alnn'ri  Hart:  !>.  17o'.':  inil.  lanl  ;  res  S. :  ima-'di.  "  He  wa-^  six  feet  hiah.  well 
pro])ortioned  hnidy  laeii'.t'-m.nrc.  i|u:rk  thou^hi,  ^o<,d  native  aliiiity.  \\arni  imairieation, 
.iTeUerous  hut  p,is--i.);iaii- "  lie  d.  Ffh  h!,  1  7it:!,  and  deaiiu'.-  tie-  Imioral  sarvici's  t  wo 
ciavs  latiT,  word  .-aiiie  ;iii'i  his  lathrr  in  law,  Daniel  Allen,  had  iieen  loinal  di\i,i  in  lii-- 
sto"re  She  m  2)  Oe^  1(1,  K'.l'i.  As:(lie!  (iridley  of  S  ,  alal  d.  .\u^-.  S,  1,s4(i.  a.'.'-ed  ^2.  He 
d.  May  20,  ISI.^.  ae-ed  .ah  \\.-  jived  in  the  ohl'esV  iKiildin.u'  e,-c!n',i,.;l  as  a  duelliiii;-  in  the 
town  of  S  His  lirst  wif.-  sisl.  r  of  ihe  <a-lei>:-aied  ■!.)el  Dodt. 
I.  Phila.  h  .\M-.  1TS1:  d  .\pri!  C,  Ks;! 
ih  MurruA,  h  .\ju:!  f'O.  1  Ts-j ;  ,[.  m.  Wji-hinuten  ■•o.;nt\ ,  <  hi..  Sepf  2:'..D:=!2;m  Aii.u'. 
10,  l-^'Oy,  iiU<"y.  dan.  of  Cliarle-  Newell,  h.  .)an  I'.  17s.").  ],  I'll  i r,  M  li  i;.\,  h  July  22, 
180s;  m  Oet.  !)",  lsi:!i;.  \\  .  li.  I'.'iossoni;  rem  to  P!ainvill(\  Conn,  and  kept,  a  hotel  and 
livery  stahle:  he  va-  found  drow  ned  nr>ar  Helle  Doidc,  N"W  Ila\-en.  Oct  h",,  ISilii,  aged 
02:  .sup  to  have  li.-en  roiii..(l  and  murdered.  l  .  1  s.  and  o  (laus.  2,  hi  ev,  h.  IblO:  m. 
18--2(i,   Daiii.  1  S    Morley  of  Ohio. 

HI  la-vi,  1).  <)ei.  ].■).  17!r'(I:  res.  0]ip.  Coulv  (dih.:  enL;-a;red  extiaisividy  in  trade:  widely 
known  in  the  town  of  S..  and  int.  in  i)iih  alTairs.  He  d.  Dee.  :'.,  l.s2S;  m.  Xov  !h  ISOO, 
Pollv.  dan  of  I.viae  an  1  Marv  (Warn-n^  Xewelh  h.  Xov.  21.  17SS:  ,1.  Oet.  11.  l^US.  aiia-d, 
SO.  'l,  EiA/.f.v.  A  ,  h  An-.  l'7,  ispi;  d  (»e;.  2,  iS:!l:  m.  Sept  2,  hS::o,  Henvv,  s  of  .hdm 
and  Ksther  ('I'inken  Carier:  1.  .Uilv2'.l.  ISOC,;  d,  <  .'et.  1  7.  1 -:;h  1.  A''",:/.'  /./-oY,  h.  -I  n  iie 
22,1S:-31;  m  On  20,  l:s.-,i.).  h'eeve  l/ Ivni-ht  of  Philadel]>hia.  2.  hi;v!,  h  Xov.  10.  h'-M  .""i: 
lived,  (in  old  lionievteLiii,  uiim  ,  and  d.  Oet  20.  I'^Tl:  eii-a-ed  his  e,.llin.  prepared  suit  oi 
clothes  anil  maih-oihi-r  prepa.ra'ions  fi,r  jiis  fanersl  some  years  in  advanee,  :;,  .M.\i;v 
An.n.  1).  Mav21,  l"-hi:  m  .\]U'il  2i;,  ls.:s,  l|,.|iry  l-aed-n'  Ihitler,  who  d  >  /..Inly  10, 
18:;'."  a-ed  2S.  4,  AXiiiu.ivi;,  1..  Dee.  2;h  iS22:  m.  Oet  ! s.  1  ^  !7.  -1  eloi  North,,  em.rineer 
and  maehinisr.  New  York  eiiv  ] .  J,', :,  E.  2,  hrllhn-t.  :;.  C/,.,,  A  .:  //■  ,./-,y  (all  dee.). 
4,    W,iit<  r  S  ;,ii, ,  ••  fai  h,,v  "  ^o  called  in  S 

IV  John  All-err,  O.Mav:'-!,  IT^lh  m  Nov.  22.  lsl2.  h'aehel.  daii  of  Dea  Ponna-oy 
and  h:i;y.ahe;h  (Carter  Ne\veli;  h  M.ay  12.  I  ."I'le  d  .km  0.  !s_)|  !|,.,i  <  tn .  2ri.  1 '-•2:;  i, 
i'"i:i;iii,i;i!  K  .\i.ia:i;T  0.  -Ian  s,  l^TS;  \  .ije  med  -di  ,  1-;^:  ni  .l;uie21.  h--12  Ltieretia 
S.,  <hiii    of  .Martin  and  Sally  (ll.irti  nf  New  Ihaiain;   Jihy.^.  in  S. ;  .-   !.. 

ALLKX,    CL.VIJK,  0 

1114.5.  P}iobe  Clark,  !•  N-v  '-K  i::57;  'I  April  i^.  1S2-2,  uircd  S]:  ui  >ra!Cli  ;n, 
i:.")."..  Miiiiiol.s  or  .l..h\'pli  :.iil  H:n'lu-1  [C<<\\l>-<)  f.nn,u(!..n.  I>  l)-,-.  -J''-.  17-JS;  (l..Iaii.  ■.'(), 
]'<\'2,  nil  h\<  'i'^  <)!<l  lioni-'^tt'iid  in  Soutliiu^ti.u,  uMrli  lie  iulnTiti  J.  ilf  ^vas  a  mil.  i;aj)t. 
1.  Daiiii'l.  Lap  .Inly,  ITii:;-.  ui,  Sept.  is^  iT^i,  Saiali.  can  -.f  .1,-s.>  Culc,  M  D.,  of 
Kiii^ii<-t(in.  I.);u-liani,  Soatliiiiii'ion  ami  Wniintt.  JN/m  th  \'>  oicdtt,  tlniic','  to  INnin. 
Hr  was  a  mil  capl.;  v.Tut'-  a  vovk  i')  viu'li"a!  iu'i  of  tin-  I "  ni  vri'-ali-^l  hcJic'f,  whi'  li  \vas 
pi'inted  in  p.ahiphlet  I'oiiu.  1.  S.ii'Hi.v,  b  S.^p;  •,^--'.  17t>7  ,',  S.\  i.i.v  S.Mi  i  ii ,  b  l■^  h.  <i, 
IT'^ii:  (1.  Si'p'.  '.3'>.  ITS!.  0.  S.vMrri.,  1)  H'''.'  •■  i','.''.K  4.  iMii;iv,:,  h  o,-t.  .•?l.i,  1T'.:'2-  .j, 
]'.KT-i.v,  1).  Ai-ril  4,  1704:  il.  Aiu:  4,  17'.t.->.  i'.,  N.\N(  v  !>.  Maicii  'Jli,  !/.Ki.  7.  I.ttukii, 
h  Aiur.  '2o,  i;!)7;  d.  Ft-b  "i;,  l.'-O^.  S,  HkXUV,  1..  Kfb.  4,  ISUO.  ll,  ILVKIUKT,  b  JlllK-  1, 

II.     Jul),  hap.  April   1-J,  I7(i4: 
HI      llo-;\vtdl    H  .  l.aj.    A]>!-il  .7,  17G7. 
I  IV.      Sctli,  III    Sarah  Slops-r 

F,  \'.     I^iudie,  liap   .Iiilv,  17i'':!:  lu   Tlmnias  Barm-s 

I  y\.     IJarlirl,  d.  Xov.''J7.  I^-ll.    iT'-d    :;''':    m    Xmv.  v".i,  IT!):!,  Hii-liu.-H'  WoudnitT,  b. 

f  .\pril  21).  1774,s.',)r  Jnlin  and  CalhavInL- (.r'U-lnudl)  W'.MHlniiT;  .1.  .VpiU  i'^,  ]^iV:\.      lit- in. 

f  a')Haii-irt  llatT.      1,   .IdllN   li'-<!iNi:i.L.  b.  .Maii-ii  X!'.),  l^i'ii;   m.  1 'i  ■•    ''>,  l^Jl.  Mars',  of 

I  Jcn-iuiali  Ncal.     Jiv  ^  F.-b  27.  l^rJ.     1,    /•V.-v/-/./;//.  b.  Si-pt.  •.':.,  lS-,'-2;  d.  Pf.-  2'.),  1^70;  )n. 

I;  Ort.   ::o,    1S4-J,    Kli/.abrtli  Mnnis.       /.,  1,   Minni.-.      '2.   ticrirnd,-       :.',    A"/'  »,  b    S.-pt. ','1, 

['  iSC'^i;  in.  Nov. -J.  1^-ls,  I-dij.'ili  Manro-..-        ;' ,  1 .    .Ap-vliiic       'J     .Xrttic.      ;j,    l-^>'d>_Tic,     :;!, 

I  J/m//  J/'//,    b.   :\laivii    ir,]    is:;::    ni    May   C7,  1S.1,,  Hobart   Wanu^'        /.,  1,   Cora.      2, 

I  (H'oi'i^-c      ',',    .\.\ii'\,  b.  .M-ut1i  :Jn.  l-^lio;  m*  Fli/a  ililb.      i..  l-'.nri,,,  b.  I'l-d'J. 

f'  VI 1.      idis'ia,  m.  Aim-  2ii.  17'.':!.  Maw  I)i:nliain 

[  ^'il!.      (.'ad.  b   abourn;:'.;    :>i     Fob.  i!i,  Kb:,,   Fnaicr,    dan    of    Sdas   Cia'-k,    b.    in    S. 

I  :.Ia;v]!  20,  1772,  wlio  d.  .lau    21.   l-^S.      lb'  ^va.s  a  mil.  -ap  ;   rem.  to  Flainvillc,  wdir-r.'  ho 

I  <1.  Nil'..  21.   1^'2'-^.       1,    A^n,^,  b    abcni  17'.ifi:  d    Xov.  2.--,   !^."'i);  ki'drdi    l_,y   ravinL;-    in   of  jt 

r  ^^■(•ll  ar  P.     2,   Al.MiK.\.     o.    4"i  mu-;  liV.  d.  in  1!  rtd.     4,    >.)i'ui;ONi.\. 

\  IX.       Kosurll. 

f  1115.  Sili'.S  Clark,  b  net  !S,  1700:  <i-ttie>l  n.-ar  iii'^  !.  on  t'la.i-iv's  Fann.s  in  Soniu- 
l  in_i;-lon,  \v!n;v  hi'  d  .Vprii  Id,  )  7'.ii:.  in  his  S  Irh  y,  ar;  li'-nt  niili;i:,.  .Vb-ni  17.72-4  li.- 
\  built  tin'  2il  luci'tint;-  hon-';  in  S  Ills  d,'.-i'e'n;lants  uit>>  proml  or  rh'-ii'  a  n<'f>ioi''s  '.v.jik, 
I  andi  (dainu-d.  perfci-tion  for  all  worl-:  .b)nr  by  Clarks  Tin-y  h.-.v,-  a  ;-ood  dral  <d'  fanaly 
r  pride  —Tinihjirx  <::iit]th"ii''n .  lb-  \\\  Ucr.  :',!,  ]72;i.  I-jini.-c.  -.V-.n.  .d'  San.ini4  and  Hannah 
\  Mvc-s)  Fook,  b.  in  ^^'allin'-fold,  F.d,.  2.\  17b'.t:  d.  Nov   27,  1 7  ;o.     lb'  m.  rJi  F.-.rn.d , 

iv.dio  d.  sii^ldfiilv  .Jan.,  1  ;s;i.  uhm!  ',;;. 
I.     l.oi.-,,  b 'Nov   2b,  17;0:   ni    .Ma\   72.  174^,  .bud   < 'huk. 
II.     'J'iniothv,  l.)ai>.  l)ia-.  dl,  17d2;  d    vonnL,". 
f  HI,     Patirnr'f.  bap.  Mav  ^.   17-17:  m.  F.d.   21.  17.77,  o'ivrr  Po,d.  of  Krnsiin^ton.. 

f  l\'.     F.-lhor.b  17:;'.):  m'   !-',4,.  :;.  1 7.7'>.  171ihii  .Abs-.  ;  2)  .1  ndali  St.mlrv,  Cl;  4'innjthy  Leo. 

1  \.     Sih'.s,  b.  .Vui:-    lb.   17  bb  ni    i2)  wnb  j-ainii-'.-  lidis 

\  \\.      Ibirh.d,  bap.  Nos-.  24.  174.'.. 

I  11154.     Esther  Clark,  b.  17:;'.):  d.  .Inly  22,  lS2i,  a-ed  ^;:l:  m.  Feb.  :).  I7.7,s,  idilui 

I  Moss,  who  d.  ;     2)  Mav  -J'..  17.s(»,  Jinlali    Stanley,  win.  d.  X'ly^v .  17,  17>2:  (:;)  I>re.  22, 

\  17'J}.  Tinu.thv  (s.  of  pea.  .larod,  Fro,  win.d.Oet    l,"isi;j. 

f  L      ddnud-d'id,  b.   An--    1 4.   1 7.".'.i;    m    Jehabod  Fnl  prpp.T  i'disbic. 

\  II.     Kstlnn-.  bfi],.  April  1.  17iil  :  m.  N..V-.  2,  I7si-..  Fb..n  Fimdi. 

I-  HI       Knni.-n.  b    F.4.   2:1,  17t;:J;  bap    .\piil  :1,  17():J;  d    X-.v.  ;;b.  IslF  a-rd  7^b  m    Feb. 

I  2:J,  17^:1,  'lonld   Fri.-v,.\  ,  who   renn    h'airlieltl    eonn.ty   to   S.>nthin;;ton:    b.    l-'eb.  10, 

\  17(U):  d.  (»et   2b,  is:;^.  ■    1.  44  y  ( 'i,  mmc,  b.  .\pi-il  2d,  17S.7:  d.Sept,  11.1^17;  i,,. . 

\-  1,  ./'////',  d,.  Mardi    bd,    isll,   ;i;:ed   2   vrs       2,    !hj\inf,i\   .F-ui.  14,  1M2,  a^-eb  2  days       :!, 

I  77//(»;'/7y  rA//-/-,  d.  Sept.  21.     ^14.  a-nb  1  yr.     4,    .N'/-,///,  d.  An-   0,  Isb;,  a>j-ed  ,s  n'e.s.     2, 

t  S\i;.\li'(' ,  b.  .\ni:-    12.  i;S7;in    Xb.v.  2f.,  "l':-'')T,  .Mphin    (lark"        :;.    Id-.N'oi-.,    b    .Nov     IS, 

I  17>'.»;  d,  .Inne2>'.  lS7r,.  au.-ii    nearlv^b:    m.    ,  liiley    d'isihde        4,    .F\Ml.s,  b.  j-'e',,  n;^ 

I  17-.IF    d.  Srp!.  :;b,  lsl7,   '    .7.    17-i  n'i;i:,   b    H.-e,  :i,  I7:i  1  •    d    Xov.  1.1S14:    in,  ,lbn,ry 

^'  Ud-i-br       r,,  .lisTis,   b.   .Fine  21,   1707.       7,    Fm-ant,  d    .Ma>    n,l7;b.      s,   X.\.Nei,b. 

I  M.-in  h  2*^,  l-^b;!:  d    Oet.  12,  1^1 7.       '.i,  <  di  \i:rKs,  b   X..\-.  J,  lso,k    d,     Feb    27.    ls.70:    m. 

•Utne  2:;,  ]s:iO,  Harriet  H.  lb  as!  1.  ./</.•,..  v  il7///, /',  b.  ApFd,  2L  Isd:  in  .\i.rd  21,  i^.7.'-;, 
Fllen  (.unlr^-\v.-|  ikirne-.,  who  d.  An.;-,  -,2.  1S7:;.  1,  lianio,  X.,v,  li.  ps,;i  v,  |i,,ra.e  F, 
V;,v  :;n.  1^1;:;.  :!,  '■b;-b-  F  Fob.  i.  is:;s.  1,  X<dlie,  Marrli  21.  !^ d'i  2,  c/, ;;/..,,  b. 
•inlv  lb,  1^:17:  w.y.x  in  !  niim  aruiv;  m  Oct.  22.  ISOb.  .\nv.4ia  i>  Idiyne.n.F  :;,  ,lni,iis, 
il.  -.-p;  lb,  l-i  F  n:  .Fine  2.  ls.;7,  M;;r\  .!  .\bb,,:i  ! .  "  bn-tre.l..  ,\  pri!  0.  1 -b^^.  d  .vn- 
F   1n;2      2,    iier'ha   !■;  ,  .!nl\  S.  ls7b       ':!.    l>ai-\M. , -'an    10,  l-s;2.       i,    Fhare  -  !  i  ,  S.-i.r. 

10  liKAXcir    OF    JOHN, 

•     IV.  DuisvM.,  Jiuu',  17G") 

V.  Eliliu  Mo-,s,  April  10.  ITGT. 

VI.  Jasiicp,  bap    Feu.  l'^.  1709. 
"\'ll.  .lob,  Jan.  o,  1771:  d.  .siune  day. 

1115  41.  Thankful  Moss,  b.  Ann-.  M,  IT.v.I;  d.  .Jun.'  30,  isiC;  va.  D.c  1.-),  17^.-^, 
Icliuiiod  Ciilpf'i>|)cr  Frwliif.  lie  in  (2)  Feb.  ]s,  1,S17,  Atina  I'avtliidoiucw.  u  lio  d  Der. 
2,  \>^'-'A,  ill  hrr  .')4th  vfar  lb'  was  a  man  of  lii^^li  staiidinir  and  'vxcrll.-nt  'nHuenn-  in 
Soiuliingron,  lioMing  various  trusts.  It  is  said  tln'  name  Icha'nid  was  givn  liini  by  liis 
iiiotluT,  who,  at  Ills  birth,  reocivod  intcUigei'ce  that  lu-r  liusluaul  (<'ai>t.  Culiicppfi- 
Frisliiri  had  bopu  killed  in  l.iattle. 

1.  Sylvester  Frisbii',  b.  .Ju'y  ],  17SS;  scliool  tea  ■lifr  au'l  lunsiriait  in  S  ;  d.  Feb. 
20,  l^-:];  in.  Oci.  21.  L';l-3,  Sar;)h  C'huk,  wlio  m.  (•-.>)  Mav  12.  1.S2-"),  ('ai>t.  (iih's  Langdon 
(his  2d  wf  ).  and  d.  .Mav  17.  l^-V.).  He  d  Feb.  11,  ISlT.'a-.-d  S4  .  1,  .\>r()X.  b.  Sept.  10, 
ISl-t;  in.  Dec.  ;jl.  !>■■>:,  .leinima  Tluu-p      2.    Ai,i;!;Kr,  b.  1S17;  d.  .Mav  IS).  1^21. 

IF      Auihu.  b.  Felt    Fl.   ;7:;iJ:  d    Dee.  Fj,  isp2, 

III.  Scir.ib,  b.  .lun.  7,  17:i-.';  d.  .<ept.  Ih.  F>-:J2;  ni.  Nov.  2-i,  1^312.  FooF  s  of  .\snhel 
and  llaniiah  (<i:i.  of  Joel  Kuot)  (Jridley,  h  July  !),  17,-^!S.  A  nsefnl  and  ])roMniU'iil 
man  in  town  and  e("clesiastieal  .soLdt;t\'.  He  m.  i  2)  Betsev  Lewis  oi'  FarniingteMi.  and  d. 
July  i).  lS"i:i.  1,  S.^MlT.L  R.,  i>  Aug.  7,  ISll:  m  .haw  20,  18>!'J,  Julia  A.,  dau.  (d'  Edwanl 
31.  Converse;  b.  Jan.  2!t,  l^^F^.  2^  Josiu-n.  li.  Sept  ■},  ISKJ;  ideet.d  dea.  of  Coimreoa- 
tional  chh  April  21),  1SIJ4:  in.  Autr.  28,  1S:',S.  Mafiha  Cowlt-^;  b.  S.'pi  2S,  1S18.  '  1, 
Aht/i'^ji  E.,  J  ami  -d'.),  l><n:  ni.  ()..-t,  F""..  ISd-;,  Fn.nna  1!.  Andrews.  2^  /v/'/"/  /'.,  Oet. 
10,  lS4."i;  111.  (F'l.  10,  1870.  -Mary  F.  Braiuerd.  :F  J,'"///  /.,  b.  Feb.  12.  18";2;'in.  ]»(■-•.  24. 
1800,  Sanui(>l  N.  Hart.  1,  S,n'/>  /•'.,  I..  June;!,  IS.V.:  in.  Cliarles  Dunhain.  ."),  C'T- 
nc'.i"  J/.,  .Vug.  2:!,  IS-'^i'.  li,  Ha.x.sAH  M.,  b.  Sept,  -10.  ISFS;  ni.  John  Cnrtiss.  4. 
L\F.\.\T.  .">,  S.\i:.\lT  F..  b  AuL'.  22,  1822;  m.  Maivli  12,  1^4'.),  ^\'il;!;e,n  Bingliuiu.  i. 
S'XV'h   .v.,  N..'v.  C,  ls,-,i.     2,   Mani  K.,  June  10,  IS.jS. 

W.     Infant,  b.  ami  d.  Auir.  12.  1704. 

V.     Lucy,  b.  Se]>t.  24.  IT'J");  in   Oct.  20,  ISlC,  Col.  Cliaunc.-y    I'erter,  who  d.  Sept., 
T),  ISCl,  aii'i'd  ()^  vrs.  -O  iiios. 

VI.  Fhila,  b.  Nov.  2S,  1707;  m.  Niov.  20,  ISIT,  Hop'kins  Carter,  b.  Dec.  11,  1704.  i  , 
Jane  and  Li  <  v. 

VII.  Samuel,  b.  XyxW  13,  ISOO;  d.  Oct.  oO.  1802;  m.  D-'t.  14,  ls2:F  Fiirv  D.Muing. 
Avhod,  Aug.  :3F  FS'.2,  aged  'i-\\  (2)  VA).  s,  IS;!.'),  :Nrartha  .Uwat^.u'  of  Walliugfoid  F 
^'.^XCV,  b.'Auo-.  1.  1824';  in.  Jan.  2,  ISOO,  Samu(d  W .  Sessions.  2,  .XxxTb.  ^\\\\  0, 
1.82l>.  ;;.  Svi.VKsTi:i;  \\'.,  b.  Jan.  22,  ls20,  4,  Fr(  v  !>.,  h.  Felj  2l/,  Fs;.!2;  m.  D.'c ."l7. 
1S")0,  Samuel  C.  Miller,  and  d.  Mandi  27.  is.'i:'..  ,5,  k'.oD,  b.  Dec.  8,  !«:;.'';  m.  Dec.  2r., 
1802,  Hannah  Patner.  (!,  S.\Mi"i;i,,  b.  Feb.  21,  18:38;  m.  Dec.  24,  1802,  .Minerva  Liing- 
doii.  7,  M.Mtitr.v,  1).  Sept.  2.  F^iiO;  d.  Dee  0,  184",).  S,  Fmi:i;  J.,b.  May  2,  1811;  m. 
Jul v  9,  18.5 -\  IFiraui  F,  .bdiiisMii.  0.  IIstiikh,  1'.  Dec.  12,1S41;  m.  Mav  :]!),"l8ti4,  Cliarles 
G.  SiitliiV,  and  A.  Apu-il  18,  1S70.  Id,  Wim.iam  J.,  le  Dec.  12,  1840;'  in.  Dec.  22,  1800, 
Annie  M.  SiitlilY. 

Vlll.  Martin  Fri.sbie,  I).  Oct.  12,  1803;  in.  Sept.  2:F  1827,  Sarah,  dau.  of  l{o.-,weU 

1115  5,      Silas   Clark,   b.  Aug.  10,  1743.      He  was  a  mil.  capt.  and  livrd  on  ('lark's 

Farms,  where  he  d.  Dec.  0,  1828.  aged  8");  lu.  Thankful  ,  \vho  d.  -Ian.  :J,  18FJ,  aged 

68.     He  111.  (2)  June  14,  1813.  wid.''Kunice  Hills 

1.  Iv/.ra,  b.  Oct.  13.  170.");  r^s.  on  ChudFs  Farms.  .Many  yrs.  a  di'a.  of  the  I'aptisl. 
chh.;  (1.  Oct.  Id,  1833,  aged  0^:  in.  April  F.i.  1780,  Eunice,  da'u."  of  Knos  and  I-:ii/.ahelh 
(Parkiu-j  Clark,  b.  in  S.,  Manh  F"),  I7(i8.  J,  LrciN-n.v.  b.  1701):  d.  D>-c  12.  1704.  2, 
Wyi.i.vs,  b.  171)1;  d.  March  21,  18(.)4.  3,  Haukikt,  b.  170iF,  d.S.'pt.  M,  1803.  4,  F/,ka. 
b.  1801;  d.  Feb.  G,  1802.  h.  'FitiK/.A,  b.  1802;  d.  .VuiC-  30,  ls2.j.  0,  V.\.\v.\y,\:^\\,  b.  180."); 
d.  Feb.  23,  F'^OO.  7,  Josi;!-!]  s. ,  b.  l^^OT;  d.  Aug.  31,  180?,  8,  Zr.ia  lAii,  b.  18!)S;  d. 
April  10,  1820;  m  Mav  20,  isys,  Foderirk  1'.  .^^b•s.  0,  Mkkwi.n  ("..  1>.  iS14;  d..  Dec. 
3,  F-'Fl. 

IF     Silas,  b.  1707;  d.  Oct.  2'-'.  1770. 

III.  Tiniotliy,  b    Mar(di  Id,  177il. 

IV.  Funic-,'  b.  Marrii  20,  17;2;  d.  Jan.  3F  183S;  m.  Jan  10,  liOo,  (Ful,  s.  of  Cajtt. 
Daniel  and  Fhidn-  (Chtrki  Fan-'don,  2il  ciui-ins 

V.  Mchllaldi- riaik  b.  0,'t.  F:,  1774;  d.  of  con.--.  Jan.  8,  ISO^.;  m.  MaV(di  11,F;04, 
Hubert,  s.  ui.  Daniel  and  Faehel  (  Fangdon  i  Slo[ier  of  S.,  h.  about  17;,':  li  of  coi;-..  May 
12,  F^-0.-).  1.  Danif.i.  Si.ori:[{,  b.  Seia.  0,  1704;  d.  May  2.  18M3;  m.  ()<\.  0,  181  1,  P.ebecca. 
Wilcox    of    Middletown,  Conn.       She  ni.    (2;   April  "20,  1n35,  S:i;;iu(d    Doolittle,  und  d, 


Deo.  2:J,  ISoG,  apoil  GO.  1,  Lif"nt,  b.  Aih'H  1,  1.>^1G;  d.  s;iinc  cb-v.  •,',  Jlubcrt  Ezra,  b 
IVc.  18,  1817;  111.  May  38,  1^4:^  Sarah  vi  nitcli<-,Tk.  :J,  Jhinid.  \,.  IVI..  17,  l-r^'JO;  m. 
Muivh  10,  1851,  .<;arah  .V.  Halo  of  (ilavtr-iilmrv.  4,  .'A//?/  j[,^ih:,  ,  1,.  V\U.  2.  1S2-2;  d. 
]\Iay  .0,  l82o.  o.  C'lr,,!;,,!-,  h.  April,  18:2i;.  d.  Juiif  10,  l^b*;.  (J,  A'/,// '7/m  ,  i,.  .\,  1^24; 
d.  Feb  8,  \^2r^.  7,  ^/"-//'^  A'.,  b.  ^^<■^\■.  d.  .^lav  :!,  Isi^T.  2.  Mimiitakih  Sloi'M;,  b.  Nov. 
10,  V70U;  d.  Vvh.  18,  Is^a.  :),  Poi.i.Y,  b.  tVb.  ](;,  1S(.2:  la.  F-b.  1},  bV.2.  A.-alii-l,  -.  of 
t^amuel  and  Martliu  (Lewis)  Xewt-!!.  b.  May  20,  17s>:i;  Ids  :3d.  wi.  lb-  \\;>'^  a  fainuT,  but 
found  tiiiu'  for  exten.sive  reading  and  antiqiu'rian  le-i-an  b.  lb-  d  Apiil  25.  1872.  1, 
i<U<ix,  b.  Marcli  1.  18:J8;  d.  April  12,  lf<:j!>.  2,  rh<irl.K  b.  A].iil.  ]s40:  d.  An<;-.  2S,  1841. 
3,  Lli-i  C.  b.  X\v^.  -l-l.  1842;  m.  Ma'-  11,  18(J2.  Anndia  J.  K-kjI  of  (/anton.  1,  . James  K., 
b.  July  24,  l.^ijd.  2,  Charles  L.,  b.  Seot.  1,  1>70.  4,  Hannah,  h.  S^pi.  25,  1790;  d. 
June2r.,  1,S()4.     5,   Ixfant.  b.  AuL^  2,  i>-0];  d.  Dec.  1»,  1^04. 

\'I.     Silas  Clark,  b.  177.-^;  d.  17s:l 
Vll.     .losei>h  S.,  1>.  1780;  d.  178o. 
Vllf.     Silas,  b.  June  10,  17S2;    d.  Xov.  4,   1812;    ni.  Tliaiikful.  dan.   (d'   Steph.-u    and 
Zilpah    .Vdkins;  I'latT.  b.  June  25.  !77ii.       Sh.- m.  (2)  Nov.  17,  1817,  riieii.-/..'r   liiii.s    of 
Kensington.      1,   Ei.i/.a,  b.  Oct.  1*^.  ls0">.      2,   X  \X(  Y.  b.  Feb.  lO,  isys;  ui.  Xov.  2,  1827, 
Oliver  Andrew.--,     o,  Jkukmiaii,  li.  Sei)T.  22,  ISll;  d.  Mav  20,  1S12. 

IX.  Jo.sepli,  b.  Au-^r.,  r7>5;  lie  inheriied  the  ohllionie.iiead  of  his  f.  on  Clarlc  farm. 
Ill  early  life  tauirlu  sch^jol,  studie<l  medicine,  and  was  a  man  of  much  inreiligeuce.  Ho 
d,  in  lt<72,  aged  S7;  m.  Xov.  25,  1814,  KlizHbeth.  dau.  of  Harvey  and  Klizabvth  J.yon) 
Dunhan-i,  b.  in  S.  Sept.  25,  1705;  d  Jan.  :ii).  1821).  He  ni.  (2)  Feb.  17,  LSio,  Laura,  wid. 
of  Joel  Wightm.ui  and  dnu.  of  Jesse  and  Siiali  (Wiirhtniau)  Thorp.  1,  TniOTiiY,  b. 
1815;  d.  Sepi.  It;,   !s:U.     2.  F.i.i/.  vuF.Tii,  lu.  (.■harle^  K.  Munn'. 

1118,  Hezekiah  Clark,  b.  July  ;H,  1710;  lu.  Jan.  8,  1735,  Abi.  dau.  of  Samuel 
and  FJi/.abeih  I  Frederi<-ksi  Curtis  .)f  Wallingford,  b.  Se])t.  20,  1710;  -e^.  Clark's  Farms. 
In  conv.  from  f.  of  Samuel  Clark,  175^,  called  '-of  Farmington,  .s.  of  ]*lary  Clark,  wliose 
f.  was  Fbeiu'zer  l^rown." 

I      Abi.  b.  April  2!',  1742. 
H.     He/,  ba]..  June  2,  1745;  111.  <vlvia  Hill. 
HI.     Samuel,  b.  July  FJ,  1747. 

IV.      Ephraim,  bap.  H.f.  25.  1718;  res.  Soutliiugton;  m.  ,  Desire ,  who  was 

adiuitted  to  S.  ehh.  1780.  1,  Isaai  .  b;ip.  June  ll.'nsO.  2,  El'HKAi.\r,  ba]).  J  iine  11, 
\1^0.  o,  Asi:n.vtii,  ba)).  June  1 1.  178(1.  4.  Ai;r.  b;:p.  June  H.  17S!t  5.  P.ji.i.v,  June. 
IG,  1782.     0.   i;.\(  Jli-.r,,  bap.  Sept    12,  1784.     7.   Hannai',  bap    Mav  20,  1787 

V.  Olive,  1).  April  0,  1750;  d.  of  yelfnv  fever  Se])t  ;).  \^\\:  ni  N.^v.  :3,  1774, 
Sleplien.  s.  of  l>eujainiu  and  IJuth  (Ives)  Yale  of  Wallingfiu'd.  b.  June  0,  17411;  rem.  to 
Chesliire.  thence  to  Patterson.  X.  Y. .  where  he  d.  of  irravel,  Se].t.  :b  1818.  He  was  a 
large,  strongman;  farmer.  ],  Lvdia,  I).  Aug,  12.  1775;  m.  Joiin  .Mills;  leiu.  to  Provi- 
dence. Juizeru-  conniy.  Pa.  2.  <)i.i\'!:i:.  I).  1770:  d.  in  Chenani:-o  county.  X,  Y.,  Aiu'il 
24,  1845:  m.  Lovina  llaviland  of  Patterson.  X.  Y.      1,  Panllnr  Yi:'-( .  m.  and  rem.  west. 

2,  llmiliiuxi  Y'lh .  res.  near  Kiuirstou,  X.  Y. :  m,  .  Peneloix-  .       1,   Steplieu.  b. 

Sept.,  1829.  2,  Hiram,  June.  15.  18:32.  ?>.  Henry.  4,  Janus,  b.  Jan.  24.  ISUJ.  5, 
Mary.  0,  Pauline,  b.  Feb.  :3, 1841 .  7.  Cynthia.  8.  Oliver,  J une  2:3.  1^45.  0,  Harriet, 
b.  Xov.  Iv).  1S4^.  :!  M\i;k  Yai.i:,  b.  KT'O;  rem.  to  Sing  Sing.  X.  Y. :  m.  Esther  Law- 
rence of  South  East.  X.  \.  1,  S;,pJtiii.  1>.  Sept.  2);.  l^'lil  ;  ^n.  Sej.t.  22.  b^27.  .\l)iu-ail 
Miller.  1.  Sarah  V...  b.  Oct.  i:',.  ] s-j.s.  2,  Henry  A.,  1>.  March  2>;,  ]X-.v:i:  d.  Sept.  5, 
18:34.  4,  Ci.AUK.  b.  A]'i-il  m.  17si;  d.  of  lockjaw  "from  scratch  of  nail  on  his  foot  Amr. 
24,  1818;  m.  l^stlu-r  Palmer  of  Patterson.  1.  (^n mUdC.  b.  March  2:5.  l^'i:);  m,  Siuiib. 
Parkt'r,  res.  at  Alabama.  X.  Y.  2.  IJun.s  Chirk,  b.  March  7,  isii);  nmn.  of  menagerie; 
has  traveled    much  in  EuL.danil  a  ud  Wales,  \a\A  vi->ite.l  the  seat  of  the  "i'ab-s  in  Wales. 

3,  Eiiuiifi  A.,  b.  Jan.  ,s.  1S12;  d.  Sept.  1,  isb).  4.  A'//-///"  J,.,  b.  Feb.  1,  \s\A:  d.  Oct. 
8,  1822.  5.  Hrv.jAMi.N.  b.  Oct.  25.  lYs;',;  rem.  to  Phinebecl:,  X.  ^'..  thence  toS>uth  East. 
Putnam  county.  X.  Y. ;  m.  May  IS.  1S(I5,  Abigail  Delilah  Crosby  (d  Pattei^on,  X.  \.  1. 
W('^<hi!!f/t'.i!,,  Mar.  ;J!,  1S!)7;  m.  .Mar.  5,  18:i:!.  Abigail  Cou(di;,y  (".'  2.  ^fu■•<■.s,  Oct.  5.  ImiS; 
rem.  to  Xorwalk.O. ;  merdi.;  m.  .\iiu,  dau.  (d'  Levi  Ib.wland  <d'  South  East,  X.V.,  b.  Aug. 
1.  1S12.  1,  Al'igail  D.'lilah,  .Mav  2(1,  ls:;il.  2,  Eli/a  Celestiua.  Feb.  22.  1S4:;.  :]. 
St(  phen,  Oct.  17,  t^:;0;  d.  June  2,  1S;17.  :!,  A'/';';//,  b.  Ajuil  25,  1M4.  f.,  (b.ivi;,  1..  1785; 
d.  May  22,  17Si7.  7,  Sikiuikn  ,  X(V.-.  22,  1 780;  rem,  to  Fishkill  Liiuding,  N.  \. ;  m. 
Su-an  Palmer  ..f  Patter-oti.  S--'t.,  Iso;).  1.  b7.'.v,.//  J),  hi_  \'r, ■'/.;< .  \>.  Sky.  ]:',,  l<.[u.  2, 
Jl^n,l,.:!l,i.  b.   Sepl.    1>^,    1S14:   d.Sei.t.  :',().  1S14.        :i       V<n,,l,  rhnr'/!i    .J,trl:.<ui .  Oct.   JC,   !,sl5. 

4,  /•:■•,  7^,  X..V.  i;,  IsiS:  d.  Jun..  IS",  ]S24.  5,  jlrl.,,.  Xov.  2i;,  W2i.  0,  A'/,.-,,-'  A.,  !>. 
Aug.  W.  i.s;:4.  7.  JA/r;'-',  J.-m,  7,  1n27;  m.  Morga;!  L,  .Mercer.  April  :'.,  ISfs,  and  d.  Sept. 
20,  1S4^.  S,  }],  :,},nni.-.  b.  AiU'.  1,  1^':-'.!i.  8,  S.m.I.V,  b.  17SS;  m.  Wright  Palmer  of 
Patterson.     0,   En;>s,  b.  1  7;i5;  d.M.iy  5,  lS07. 

12  ];i;AX(ii   or  .h;;ix. 

VI.  Ol.f.l  ("lurk.  li.  Oct.  IS.  ir.-)I.  I.  Zi.iJAii,  1).  .Imu'  14.  ITTo;  in.  OlI.  (i,  lilM, 
.Sallv  JJout.  li.  i:;s.  2.  Ann.\,  Ai-ril  •,"._»,  1777.  :!.  A  \i;M\,  .liiii'-  N.  1 77;i.  4,  Mi'si:s, 
Anir.   I--',  J7S-J. 

Vli.      Is;i:i.-  Clark,  buj..   Mav  (J.  17.""):;. 

Vin.      I.iu-y  Clark,  b.ip.  .May  is.  ]  :.V.;  d. .  in  lie--  (l-'th  year;  m. Davi.l,  s.  of 

Daviil  Lijavitt.  Ks'|'  I'.ctlilckfn),  Cmhh.  ;  \>.  -- — ,  17-'"'7:  il.  of  cons.  .1  an.  IfJ.   1S07,  ajri.-ci 

Oit.    1.   Siii;i.i)ti.\  <  I  .\i;k.  1). :   V.  C..  Isoj;  d.   lS!;n.      -j.    i-;i.i7,Aiu:Tn,  b. :  d. ; 

,m. ,  Hfv.    Jhuiic-1   Ha^kcil.   pi-fs,  I'Mivctsitv  ol'  Vt..  b.     - -;  d.   ISiS;   V.    «...    ls,)-2. 

;3,    l.rCY.  b. :  d.  at  Fun  Wayi.r,  ]■'-•!..   11.   bs,-,<!:  m.  X,v.-.  I'.i.  r-1'!.  lb  v  ibr.:,di.  ; 

b.  StainbT-l.  Cmiul.  17^:'.:   V.    (  .'.  !>.;.'.   A.M..   William-  colb-rc    IS.Ji).   and    \1  idvlb'biiry  ■( 

collfj;*'.  Istil:   S.  ■]'.  I),   isb").  Mid.  ('..and   j.-of.  ( ircfk.  I,a»in   and    Kn-'.  lii/Tiiture   ISCJ-  \ 

M!).  r?';  veais:  <\.  .liilv  17,  l^iil.  a:  I'-.n  Wavni-.  hid.,      ib-  Ix'.am.'  'liind  in  is"")!!.      1.   ./■.///-.  • 

.Mid.  C"..  INJS.     •>.   Jjiind  L-n.-i't.   Miil.   C..  lS:JiJ.     4.    i>\vin.   b.    17'.*;):  d.  D.-c.  :!U.  1>>7S.  | 

in  hi.s  SUtli  year;   \s-as  i;re!>arcd  i'^r  culb-iJ-.'   \\'\\.\\   bi.s  l>ros..  but  wfiU  to  Ni-w  \orkabi)iU  \ 

IblM  as  clerk  of  a  jirodtirr-  iiou.s;'.      .A  fti^rward   ])a!-nicr  in  a   wii-iic-^alc  iiiO''cry   Ini-^iiiL-ss  \ 

witli  David  L'-c.      In  ISI-I  m.  Maria  Clarissa   Lewis  oi'  Cn-lvn.  Conn..  !•. ;  d.  1>>1)7'.  | 

lie  was  a  nicr'.-h.,  baak'-r.  sniisraiitiaily  owner   uf  the  I'ulton    I'erry.      hi  ]ii-es.  oi'  | 

the  Aiut-rican  Ey.  bank  of  X.   V.  •;.      I't^-s.  Ilousatonie  P..  i!.      In  is.'s  be  \va<  a  trii.slee  | 

of  •■tlie  villai^e  of  i3rooklyn."      I'^im-airi'd  in  .several  bir-v  enrinpri^.-s  in  the  wpsif'rn  states.  \ 

Ab.jii;  lSj;j  lie  built  u  couiury   lio;isc  alCircat    ri:tr;i:!i'.-ton.  Mass.,  -iviiirb    issT;]!  famor.S  \ 

for  its  (dd    fasliioiu'd    |drtiiiv   --alb-ry,   contaiiiin.;    lln'  ori-bial   of'  tli'-  •'  IVutb;  of    Mon-  \. 

mouili"  by  J^cnrzf.      hi  IS-Jo  li._>  s^riurd  a  idiartrr  for  the  Ib-ooiCiyn  \^'hir^•  head  Co..  still  ^ 

existing,   office  in  Maielcn   hane.  and,  it  i-  s:i!.i.  d.rrv.-   :,ii    av._-i  a.^-^-  i.n'  '^^M.i.OUO  a  year  for  '\ 

fortv   vt-ars.    in   .salarv  and  diviiiends.      ■■  H:'   wr.s  a   Pr,-,l.y..  and   ^\•ore  a  vbit-  elioker  ; 

aliiio.f  invariably."    'l,    llhr.ird.   ;;;i    W,'st    l;'ib  street.    X,'    V.    C.     0.   Ux, >:■;:.   b.   abont  \ 

iNls.      ;{,   ]).ir!,l'  h.    aljoiit    1S-2H.      4.    /J.i'ri/ht,  r.    b.    abuiit    i-<J.';M.    Fislu-r    Jfowc    res.  ? 

Brooklvn.    iin  1    ('or'ir.'ii    -.rives   tw.)    nmr.;.      o,    ,'V /;■''/.  .'/'.      ■>,    ^Iicldrn:,    \.    C .    ls:h.      0.  | 

Andkew  \'.\n   '1'[  VI..   b. .  m. ,  Julia  "Milipr  of  Middlebnry.   Vr.      Hed.  about  \ 

bSlS.  "A  stran;,^'  old  man;  onot'  drdbieii  to  live  in  his  bro.'s  maunilicent  liouse  at 
<_ireat  HarriniTon.  and  in-  Ic  his  lif,n,f- in  a  Vv'aiiini^^ord  su-arbn'.  He  took  d.ebu-lit  in 
ioiiir  walks  \.-iTh  his  wife,  and  ttu-_\  w"re  ol'teu  seen  toiiini;'  over  th''  hills  tou'ether. 
'J'lioitti'li  an  eiien;y  to  beiTLrars.  he  was  always  perfoiiniiiL;-  some  srrau.;e  but  Icoidiy  act  of 

benevolence  amiinii:  the  pr„ir."     11.   (/i.aiussa.  1).    :   \i\. .  (  divei' i  i'oo;lwin  ol  llril., 

Conn.      7,   SrsA.N,   b.  about  17110:  ni. :,  KJ.v.ard  Cooifwin.  bro.  of  Oliver. 

11182.     Hezekiah   Clark,   bap.  June    2,    Udo;  m.  Sylvia    !!ill;r.Mu    to  <;oriv.vall, 
C'onn..  and  had  iononi;'  o;hers: 

1.      Sylvia,  b.  Oct.  s.    17so:   d.    Dec.    4,    ISo'J,    of   paralysis;  in.    Fel>.    N.  lSo4,  D.'a. 

Nathan  lia"rt  of  Xo.  Cornwall  is.  of  Titush   b.  June  7,  I77'b    lb'  succeeded  iiis  faJ.her  as 

dea.    at   Mo.    C. ;  an   excellent    man.      4'heir   1-'    cbil.   all    became    liop-duUy   [dous,   and 

joiiii'd  tlie  clih.    !>.dore  theh-  20tli    vear    wlTn  b.  »he   i",    ascribe.l    to   a,    jmli'ious  maternal 

in!!ueuee.      1 ,   Joii  X   Ci  \  kk.  b.    DJc.    K!.    IS'il,    at    Wes,  Cornwah  ;  Y.  C.  1  s;'.l .      Pastor 

Pre.sbyterian  chh.  Sj-rin-ilebi.  X.  J.,  is:;:, -!:;;  Con-reL;-atioi;.'l  ,dili.  of  Huds  m.  O..  1S44- 

~)'-j:  at'Uevenna.  ()..  ls.-)Ft;i ;  at  Fdenl>uri:and  Ciiarlestovxii,  ().,2  yrs.;  Kent.  Conn.,  oyrs.; 

]>reached   in    Western    Kt  seive   Col.    :',  .nuniths,    and   other   p!a..-es   as  liealth  permitted. 

Ib'-d.  at  Ib.-venna.  ().,  S.-pt..  1S71:  ni.  Junell,    is:b(.  Ihnih'  hvne.  (d'  llou.  Oliver  aud 

Sarab  (Koirers)  Ihirnham.    wbo    d.    at   his    f's.    house    in    \V.    C.    July,   DMM;  ^2)  July  P.), 

1N4-1,  .Mrv'  Kebecca  K.  Moore,  dan.  of  Starr  (d"  X(U-wich.    Conn.      1.    S,,r<ih 

0'i(ri.-y".  b.  yU<\  (1.  is:j,l,      o^     1/,,,.,^  ./,,,,(_  I,    Xov.    o,    ]'<-l\\:  d.  An-.    21.  1^:1^.      :j.    J-JmiJi/ 

Jfnrl.f.  b.  S.-p't.   12.  1S3S;  d.  Jun'e  12,  ls.-)l.      4.   Jolin    ')'/.;  r.h.  Feb.  \.  l^ll;   d.  Pec.^, 

lSi;2.      He  bdt  senior  idass  in  Wes.    Pes,  Col.  to  enlist  in  regular  arm\ .  and  d.  in  hoiiis- 

ville   hospital,    after   one    vear  of   service,    unm.;    a    nieiu.  of  the  Com;re.;    chh. 

o.    W,(fso„    A>nfr,ir...  b.  .lune  IS-l:';  ,1,  S.'pt.,    isbj.     (1.    .I/A'/V  ./'i'h>u,.\K   July  Pi.   1-io. 

2,   Trn-s   hi;.\\  rrr,    b.    April    2(i.    1>»;;   teaidier  of   music   .several    yeai's:   faiarier.       la 

1S,")2  he   won  P.  4'.    Ha  re.  urn's  first   pri/.e  of  sC,o  in  a  jclowin.u-  match    a.^-aius!  2') '-ompeti- 

tor.;.      hi  IS.-,:;  he   v.-on  a-ainsr  2'.*  eon:petit(U-s    of    tbe    be.^t  P.  S.  and   (  auad..i   plowmen. 

ami  was    aekuouh-dired   tlu'   champi(ui    oi    the:-.'   two   countries.      in   all   the  mafclies  in 

hitchlield  countv.  Conn.,  for  2o  v.ars  li-   enter.-d    and    uon    the    li'-^t   premium  in  every 

instance.      Jn-ti'ce  of  tb-  jieace  i'n  <'oruwall,  and,  im-m.    of   the    No.    C.  eld,;   m,  at  West 

Hrtf..  ("onn..  Mav  P  is:!:;.  Harriet  S.  C.^rbin.  wlm  d.  Sept.   2:!.    b^;2.   aecl  do.      1,    Son, 

b.    and   d.    i-"eb.. 'is.-i-l,       2.    //..'■'-••     r,;,-.',;,, ,    b,    Xn\ .    b").    \>::.>:     a.lopted.       '■).   Ann.  Ml. 

.\\!i:i.iv.    I..    O.;.    li.    P<os;    1,1.    April    II.     ;s:i7.    Pea.     Peter   Xodine;    a    mechaidc   and 

Ditmuf.:   res.  Wa. -liin--fon,   1>.  ('..  and  in   \<~-',  in  tb.e  p;/cu!  oili.'e,      I.   A-'l'/'''/'   /A-;-,',      2, 

S;/frli    .\„n.       .!.    ./;.,'////    IJ'r-'h'ii.i.        !.    II  ):/.i;ki '.  M    .Mii.'iuN.b.   Au,e.  21.  1S1I>;   farmer, 

ji'id-e  i>f   pi-.>b:iTe,  ...entv  survyoi',  ninsic  and  s(dioo'  teacber:  d.  at  W.  C.,  •.■onn.,    !'e,-. 

(-'LAKK.  '  l;j 

27,    lyTl;  111.  Sf'pt.  10,  18:;(),  Euiiicr  .lu.lom  of   W'oD.llmrv,  ('duu.  ■     ],   S/,'!rui  n.>.s,///r    1, 
Nov.  Oii.  1n:!7.     -2.   M.nii  .l<:i,c.  h.  Feb.  •,>(!,  \sx\,       ;j^  ,/,;/,,,    .)////.,/,,  l',.  .I'm..'  :..    iSlC:"^"' 
C,  IbUV;   tfiiL-licr  in  N»-\v  Ilav.-n  in  In?-.?.    t'Jil  Clia]),-]   St.      4.    AUxrf  ,/'''■•<.,,, .    \>.    An-l^  .-, 
1,':;4U:    t'anu.M-.     o,    U7//('.(,v/    r/^;/-, /<<•,  .  li.  M.'iy  is.  ls,-,i.     .",,   Soi.oNroN,   !>.  Scjit.  l?.  INli; 
ji   iiiauur.    ill  JMiila.,  and  ni.  tlii-rc  .1  iily  '.).   l.^lo,  Cai-olinc  Hi-yiidli'is;   n-in.  U<  Dt-s  .Moiut-.s. 
la.;    lucrcli.  and   inanuf.       ].    .V-'/'//  < 'm-'^'i/,,  .  h.  isJi.       'J,  '  .!/.//•///    I'Jmil'i,  li.    ISJ:;        ;; 
^,7/fn-fe',  d.  Ffli.  !t.  isrii.     4.    r/,^w    LmrHt.     .^).    A',,/,    DnniHui.     G.    l:^T'ln•;|{    M.vKix    t. 
Jan.  21,  isir,;  d.  at    N.nv   ]'r.-.-l..ii.    Cm!,,,..    |),v.   H.  ]H.-,4;   m.    .Manh    1  ?,    1.^44.    Sluddoii  1).  in  X.  P..  .Mi>r.  2!'.  \xm,  s.  n[    Mariiti  and    l.oiana    (DaMnii)    Wliittlcycy. 
lie  ni.  (1)    IXl-.  ]:.".  l^oT.  Kiiuic'  Smiili.  ulio  d.  .M.-iv  !),    In-I.;.       Hr  n'l.  (")  Oct.  (i,  l^oO. 
Sylvia  Ann    Hart.  >^i.-<.  ol'    h'^  2d  \\i.      1.    y<illi:in    H^irt.      2,    H^I-rrtC.  dA"7.v.      ;!,   .f^iiIs,,//'. 
T,   Svnvi.v   Ann.  1).  Oct.  :j.  is;:;    m.  Sheldon    W'hinlcsry.       s,   Mai;v    iJ.i/A.    \>.   .Mairli 
31.   INIS;    1)1.    Aug.  1.").  lS,-)2.  D.  aeon    Alison    lialitwiu   X'ldini';   res.,  C'lil'ton  Siation.  \':i 
1,     ]Vi('i€    Ih-i'irn.        2.    S,<riir,l        ;j,    Aiflmr     l]nn,h,iin.        '.I.    ('l..M;iSS.\,   li.    Dec.   24.  isli). 
Hi.  Sf'iit.  1  i .  is:-!!).  Hol.ii'ft  (.'rawlord  Ni.iditi.-.  iiicn-li..  Hudson.  (>.       1,    Crinrfur,!  Ji',(ri.  d. 
of  woiuid.-^  i-iTcivfd  at  Cedar  >!t.       2.    M"ii/   llmt.     '.\.   CLnit  Lturitt.      in",   Xa'|-h>x'1) 
Dec.  12,  ]s2l:   funnrv:  repic^ciiTativc  (d' Cornwal!  in  ( 'on  ii.  1  (•;;■.  in  ISCO:  -pres.  of  various 
agricnltural  isocit■ti<--^;   m.  S.'pt.   s.    isir,   S;ii.ih    Aiii.-Ha.  da:i.  of  ('liar'cs  Wliitflcsfv  b 
Ai)ril  Hi,  lN2r:  d.  Jan.  21.  isH;  (2)  D.r.  ]!),  ls:i,  Franci-  .Marion  Wliittl-<cv.      1,    A'//(// 
('[(iriy--<(i,  1>.  Aug.  15,  isJS;   ,,1.  Si'pi.  14,  IS'T  1 .  dolin  ( 'otter  Slicrv.cmd.      2     ('harh's  \V  hit - 
fkxtji,  1).   F'rc.  !i.    iSoO.      :;.    <;,.,•!,!    11 7 ///■/, ..,,//.    I,.   .\..v.  22.  IS.Vk      11,    Di'i.iv,  1,.  .Ian.  2i!. 
l.S2:j;  d.  Or'.   Iv.    l^Tl;   la.  ■Iiiiic2i;.  ls;;ii.   \Valtoi- Sherwood  Seeiev,  taitner,  W  e^t  Corn- 
\vall.     12.    Fiji  Wii.i.i  a.m.  1..  .Iu1.\  in.  1S2-V  admitted  t^.  ( 'ong.  •  Id;.' in  isd'i  hv  letter  fioni 
j'n->l..  tdili..  Ivanawlia.   Wis.      in  lsr2  was  organic;'  of  Ceiii  ei' (d'di. .  .\e,v   liavfti.  uuiidi 
lia.-,  tlie  large..;  oi^iaii   in  the  <-iiy:    ii;.  July  2.").   Is.l4.  .M.-iry  .lane   P.elden   of   I'otsdam,  X. 
Y.,  who  d.  Aug.  :;].  lsr,.j;   (2)  (ici.  2i>.   \^h\).  Ann    I'oote.  "dan.  of    l.'ev.  Orson   Cowles  "^d 
.\cv,    Haven.  Conn.;    h.  Sept.  2'.»,  is:;.;,  ai   Wo  .;],,;, „-k .  Conn.        1.    .l/,^■v,'    lUhi.i,.  1,    Jnb. 
2t;,    is,-,;,:    d.  Sepi.   1'.).  l.s,-;.-,.      2.    A(jn>s  i>.  June  2.-),  IMIJ.       :;     /;<.//,„   Cnrl.'. 
h.    Dee.    1:;.    isf;;;.       4.    Ch'nt   F<'„U.h.    An-.' 22,  ISi;,-,.       .-,,     ir/V/r   SlHriro.,,!    I,    Jan    4' 

1119.  E]-,OS  Clark,  h.  Sept.  10.  iTll;  ih-s.  ci;,,.p\,  jr;,,...,^,  wienv  he  d.  Ane-  U; 
)7s2..aged  ;i  :  m.  i).e.  7.  174;;,  Fiiniri'  l,>r,~-.^  eil.  wid.  AIhJ  Hnssell.\,ho  d.  .fiirv2.') 
I7C«li.  aj:edo^:iii.  (2)  Dec.  11.  170(1.  uid.  i\e/.iali  iJov.^  (sis.  i-hmirc  i;n>..ell(  who,]  ".1,,,. 
14.  IS1!».  auv.l  s4 

\.     Knorf,  h.  Fel).  7.   171.7 
n.    .Moses.  !).  Oet.  2d,  17i;2. 

III.  Aaron,  h.  July  10,  HCI. 

IV.  Marir.ip.,  Aug.' 2.-),  nO'i:   in.  Oct.    12,   17^0,  Jannvs  Mclvcen. 
V.      Anna.  h.  Nov.  :;.  I7hll. 

\[.      Sarah,  hap,  April  21,   1771  ;  d.  Ocl.  4.    1>^20.  ag.d  Od. 

11191.  Enos  Clark,  b.  I'eb.  7.  174.'.;  res.  Clark's  Farms,  wlien-  ii<'  d  Oct  in 
182i;,  aged  SI;  ill.  M  ly  21,  17(j7,  Flizalieih  Parker,  wlio  d.  .Marcli  :;,  1 7,s.\  aged  :37. 
He  in.  i2!  Aiur.  4,  ITS.',,  Fij/.abetli  ll.nidrick,  who  d.  Aug.  20.  isil.  aired  7(1.  He  ni.  (:;> 
Jan.  22,  1S12.  Fydia,  wid.  Fiisha  (iridley.  who  d.  Oct.  :;0,  !S2i;,  aued":?. 
I.  Knniee  Clark,  b,  .Alandi  lo,  17dS;  m.  Aprh  HI.  17sl),  K/.ra  Clark. 
II.  Avery,  b.  .lune  7.  17(!'.);  res.  (dark's  Farms,  where  lie  d.  J  nly  k;;,  ls,-,|).  au'edSl. 
Wiicn  In.'  111.  he  built  with  hi  -  own  hand.--  tlie  jionse  in  whicl;  he  "lived  until  h"is  dec. 
Hiss.  l)eiuiis  iiilieritcd  thcold  Imincstead.  lie  m.  .Mar(di  111,  ]7!)1.  Anna,  dan.  of  Jona- 
than and  Anna  (Hates)  W'alidey.  i>.  in  i»arhani,  Aug.  12,  177."):  d.  Feb.  !),  1  T.'ii;.  ai;-ed  S</. 
1,  Ji;ss!:.  1).  .bin.  4,  I7".i.'>:d.  .M"ay  27,  l.s7;j,  aged  7S;  m.  o.-t.  Ki,  Js22.  Faiinv.  (hiii.  of 
Samuel  and  Martha  (Fewisi  Newell  of  Soiitliington,  b.  .lime  1."),  1 T '.)',),  d,  Oct!  ]'.),  Ib71. 
aged  72.  I.  Lmnui.  2.  1 7:,irn  ■-:  :!,  Murthn.  2.  .\\.\a,  b.  Dee.  2'.t,  Kii?:  m.  A])ri!  2(h 
ISKJ,  Henry  \\hi!tlese\.  ;;,  A\i:i;v.  I).  \hc.  2'.),  17ii7:  d,  in  S.  of  fever  0,-r.  22.  lS2(i: 
m.  Oct.  10,  ls21.  17mh..-,ia  Moss  of  Cjcshirc:  she  m.  (2;  Sep.p  22.  ls2S.  jlicah  iJuirfr.  the 
wtdl  known  inc(di  and  inventor.  1.  J/.'///  I, ';,■},, ('.a ,  b.  Oct.  7,  1.s2."!.  m.  Sept.  .■;,"'is4.', 
\^  iiiiiiin  A.  I'inh.  1,  (.'liarles  W'eilin-imi,  Ic  F,  b.  17,  1S."^^2:  Y.  mcd.  seh.  Is74.  -J^ 
'riiti-rsii  E:,n'ii'r.  b.  May  I'.i.  is-ji,;  ,!.  Nov.  s,  ISii:;  ni.  Ah  in  I'ond.  1,  Di;nms,  b' 
Sept  2:.'.  ISOO:  d.  May  211,  1--72,  num.  .",,  Oi;nii.\,  li.  Sept.  l.",,  1S(I2:  in.  I>ec.  :ll),  ls2F 
.\inos  Kraddes.  c,  i-h.iz.v ni;  1 11.  b.  Nov.  14,  |si»,",.  7.  I7mii.v.  b.  \>r^\  W  1S()7- d  Ma'-ch 
7,  is;."..  s.  llKNnv.  b.  May  s,  [sio,  Y.  C.  ls;;.7:  th-oj.  ;.em.,  New  Have,,,  i^;;s. 
I'rearJied  in  Cairo,  (ii-cnn-  Connt>-,  X.  \ .[  Fel,.  to  An-..  ls:;!»:  Frankdiin  iile.  S(n"!ol!< 
conn-.,,  1..  1,.  <uic  year,  and  taught  ihe  a-'ademy  at  that  jihua':  t'oleu.s,  ."n"  .  Y.,  throe 
months.       (irdaiiu'd   and    installed   at    Havana,    X!   Y.     Xov.    !l,    !S|1.      |,;    isld   rem.    to 


b.  ^[arcli 

7.    177: 


•y,  i:::!: 

<1.  No\ 

•.  V*.  177  7. 

T.  17r.>; 

rem.  ti 

J  Durham,  N. 

h;vt.T.    I.;l 

p.  Si^i.t 

.  ]],   17>0.     1 

,   all    iKip 

.    Sei-.t, 

4,    1^14.     G, 

J3:-ooklyii.  N.  Y.,  uml  cun'luctrd  ii  school  three  vc-avs;  thence  calh-d  to  C'oiio-.  chli.  at 
0;ient.  I,.  I.,  ^h;  yen>;  in  l^~i7  rem.  to  IJiirlingtou,  Conn.,  and  to  Avon,  IS.")!),  Preacher! 
a;,  L.  I.,  ]"~'.>1  to  1^'iS,  since  lias  le.s.  in  Avon.  Conn.  lie  in.  C.)rneliu  Eoirert 
(Jillie.s  v.Ilo  d.  Nov.  Ol.  ISl'?.  1,  J/,i,r//  li'.,  b.  Nov.  iC,  is:)!);  vol.  April  l^Gl,  Co'.  E, 
foiii-th  (.'onnecticiU  rejr. ,  ai'tervvards  chun^'ed  to  heavy  artilhTv.  Served  ualhuiTlv 
on  the  ])eiiinsa;;i.  and  in  det'  of  Washington;  d.  oi'  dijditheria  in  Alexanil'ria.  Au^^ 
2'-'>,  isr.;>.  Buriiil  ni  S.  "'A  noble  vouiii;  .suidier."  '.3.  A/,u(/  7>.,  1).  Jan.  2^,  1^41  ?; 
Cn-iulii  I...  h.  Dee.  IG.  1S4--2.  4,  Is  if;!',:  S.,  b.  Oct.  10,  ]S4  j.  5,  fj,ni'//,  b,  SepL  i:,,  lS4s! 
m.  Kichard  II,  Lee.  a  T'nion  .-soldier,  and  d,  April  ? 7,  1^7o.     9,   Ciiu.r)  b.  Aujx-,  Ibl:'.-  d 

Sept.  yi,  b^bi. 

III.  Sarah  Clark. 

IV.  .b-.-st',  b.  .Jun 
V.     .iared,  b.  July  7.  177-");  rem.  to  Durham,  N.  Y.,  IS-?-?;  m.  Anna.  dau.  of  Robert 

and  Lucy  (Adkinsj  \Veb.<tcr,  bap.  Sept.  11,  17>0.  1,  Ika.  •?,  \\^mi.~.  8.  Mkiji^sa,  4. 
SvLVKs-|"i;i;.   o.   Ai.VAX,  all    I'ap.    Sep't,    4,    1^14.     G,   Poi.i.v,    b.    J^-b.,  179^:  d.  Mav  ;3o! 

VI.  Abigail,  b.  May  1!),  177U;  d.  Aug.  10.  1.^1?;  m.  Xov.  '29.  nO"-!.  h^nac  \Voodriiff. 
jr.,  b.  17;:b  .^.  of  Isaac  and  .Mary  iRristoI  of  Che.-hiie)  WoodrutV,  who  d.  Aug.  .57,  bS07. 
I,  Uki;.sm>.  le  Aug.  'y>.  17S.4J;  farmer;  pre.s.  of  the  S.  .>^av.  bank,  and  held  in  high  esti- 
mation; m.  Eliza  Eartholoniew  of  Northford,  Conn.,  who  d.  Dee.  7,  1S7;).  i,  Xt'>-on 
Fiiiijrint,  b.  Feb.    PJ.  lb,:-");  ni.    March  14,    bS"J5,   Sarah   T.   Ibjjiliins,   res.  Xew  Britain. 

1,  Alice  IJobbins.  2.  Artliur  Lo'.vrey.  •>.  Wvi.M-,  b.  Aug.  G,  l.^O] :  grachnited  "i'.  nied. 
coL,  ISio;  practiced  in  .Mer.den  until  l;e  d.  .Mar.;h  ;'!,  bSk.':  m.  Ajiril  7,  ls-?5,  Jane,  dau, 
of  Lucas  i'.nJ  Laurlnda  (CarterU'urtis^  <d'  S..  who  d.  Hct.  7,  T;-y~,.  Hem,  r?)  Feb.  14, 
lb:28,  Mary.  dau.    of  Selah  and   Mary  (Carter),   who  m,  rl)  !lei\i-y  C.  ibitler,      1, 

Jane,  in.  Tlionia.s  Hubi-aid,   '?,    M'n-f/.  m.  d'eo.    Ijutler.     '.].  Saijmi   \\()Oi.'Ki'FK,  b.  ; 

m.  Aug.  '2u,  IS'JG,  lieu,  llool^erof  Ke;;sington.  4,  Isaac,  b.  IsuA;  lived  with  his  bro. 
Urliane,  and  d,  Aug.  ol,  l!^•JG;  m.  Sepr,  :;i),  ls-_?i,  Polly,  dau.  of  Ibavey  and  FiizMb.-th 
(Tyron)  J>unhani  of  S..  who  in.  fJi'Jan.  P?,  ISiJ'.*,  Bennett  Bishop.  1,  /,vo./c,  b,  Aug,  oO. 
IN'?-"):  re?.  Iladiev,  Mass,;  two  children, 

\'Ii,  Kli/abJth  Parker,  b.  June  M,  17s:];  d.  July  •?4,  1S49.  of  clinlera;  m.  Xuv.  2i, 
IsO:],  Sylvester,  s.  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  iXewell)  Andrews,  b.  May  G,  17^~-U;  "rem.,  1^07, 
to  \\"iudbani,  eireene  county,  X,  V.,  thence  to  Poughkee)i.-ie,  X.  Y,,  where  he  d,  of 
heart  disia^e  Dec.  lo.  I^')!.  lb-  was  iun;r  a  noted  sehool  teae]u-r  in  Windham,  of  ster- 
ling integrity  and  scru])ulou^ly  lionest,  modest  and  unobtrusive,  and  noted  for  kindnes.s 
anil  ]jap[e,ness  in  all  bis  donn-stic  relations." — Aiiili-r'i'''s  Meiitorvi!.  1,  Stsanxa,  b, 
Sept.  i;i,  lbU4;  in.  March  4,  lS-24,  Samuel  Chichester,  a  chair  dealer  of  Pearl  street^  X. 
Y,  C.     Ten  sons,  of  wlnmi  nine  were  living  in  INGS,     'J'lie  eldest  son  d.  aged  two  weeks, 

2,  Arohrti  A.  '6,  Fninldin.  4,  J^'invdA.  5,  Jhurii  L.  G,  Kdtrtird P]  7,  JS'iicMA. 
v?,  i>}/lvcster  A.  0,  Sulinoii.  10,  I'ii'irli-s  ,V.  The  last  two  were  vols,  in  Union  armv. 
'Z,  Uoi)iaa(  K.  Cl.AUiv.  b.  July  :*,  it07;  ni.  Jan.  ]ii,  bS>j,  Fanny  Ik  L'pson.  b.  Sept.  5, 
ISIO,  dau.  of  Amus,  ji.,  and  Iveziah  (Root)  L'pson.  He  was  a  remarkably  cheerful  and 
<levout  Christian,  and  for  over  ;'0  years  an  elder  in  the  Presby,  chh.  lie  acted  as  under- 
take]- in  i'ovighkeep-sie  several  years,  but  gave  up  business  in  J870  and  d.  of  debility 
March  MO,  ls71,  much  lainenteil.  \,  -Orb/nd'i.  \>.  Sept,  :2:j,  ls;J4;  drowned  at  Catskill, 
X,  \.,  aged  seven,  2,  Ihuvut.  b,  July  11,  ItJoS;  a  teacher,  ;],  4.  Alfred  KU;  and 
AijiJ'i'un  Xci.rrU,  twins,  b.  July  17,  lS4o;  thelirsid.  July  o,  ls44.  5,  A.  X.  Audft  ir.s,  m. 
Ju!i  ■  •?(;,  bs(;s,  Louise  Morse. '  0,  A{fn  d  I'jj.s'j,,,  b,  Feb,  22,  1S4G;  m.  Sept,  8,  lS(i9,  Ella 
Stout,  '.',,  Xkwp:li.  PakIvKI!,  b,  March  8,  IblO;  m,  Xov.  8,  18>i:?,  Luna  Ann  '\Vattles, 
He  was  a  m<'rch,,  then  a  farmer;  d,  at  lloxbury,  Delaware  county,  X,  Y.,  Se]it.  21,  18o0, 
She  m.  cJ/.lu-tin  Moi-e.  1,  Charles  Otis,  b.  "June,  1^:;4;  d.  of  croup,  Ajuil.  bS;5G.  4, 
Sm,\  i>ii;i;,  I..  F,-!,.  2\\.  181:];  m.  .lun.  10.  1>:]7,  Sally  Maria  Xelson  of  Pougldceepsie. 
b.  .iune  lit,  ISIG;  res.  Poughkeepsie;  lumber  mercli.  FiU- steel  jiorti  ait  aiKrautoi,naph 
sec  Ar>!n  ',-'.■<  jf,  „i„ri"d,  paVe  ;]7.-^'.  1,  J'^UvdntJ,,  b.  Dec.  2'-),  lb;!7;  m,  (.)cl.  1,  loGO,  Frank 
.McCo:ne!!.  2,  Cl^orhs  OlUcdo,  b.  Awj..  IG,  !.S4--?.  He  is  chief  book-k(M-[.er  in  the 
Chatham  bank.  :i,  S.nnri',  b,  March  1!.  is.ln;  d.  .Lily  -J  1.  l.s.^o.  .I,  Saiiah  Ann,  b, 
Aiii-:.  G.  IsKb  m,  Dec,  b,'.  l>;;s,  ;?c-e.jainin  Dew  ey,  1,  Shirl.'  fi.  2.  S''/.n</;/  A'.  G,  Enr:- 
i.iNi:  Ei.iZA,  b  ])•(•.  ]:,,  isi-:  111.  iicc,  2.  ls.-)l,*Josiah  Mack,  who  d.  is.-,:',;  m.  cj)  bs.j  L 
Jedediah  DuuG-y.  and  Imd  two  cliildren,  Mi:t/Ur  and  A.rlii'tr;  res.  PoUiilikiei^.-iie.  7, 
Ends  Ci.AKK,  b,  Feb.  I.s,  \X2\:  m,  July  9,  IsLk  Elizabeth  iSou-htim  ^\'hitnlu!l,  Hois 
a  carriage  j.aiiite:  i.y  iraee  and  a  teacher  ol  music  in  the  sch  .<>[>  of  Poughkeeiisie.  1, 
K'-d.iir'.-  I\<rili,  b.  Oct.  G,  1S47;  an  oriamienial  painter;  m.  Katie  Linweber.  './,  Xi'irrll 
J\iri.-r,  b,  .ic:-,,  iG,  is,!).  ;)  //,/,„  J,,s, ^:t, [i,,.  b.  Sept,  11,  ]S.-);j.  4,  Fn' aris  Jiowjliton, 
b.  June.j,  isr..').     8,   (  iiAUi.Ks  b.  Oct.  B!,   IS'-':;;  m.  Oct.  2,  1.S4.'5,  Louisa'Caro- 



lino  Cowlus,  (lau.  of  Dr.  Jonathan  E.  Cowles  of  Duvliain,  N.  V.  He  gi:uluated  at  the 
<-V>ll(^g>'  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  N.  Y.  ('.,  isl.").  In  ]><C,2  army  surgeon  nndtT 
Fri'iuont  and  I'ope  i!i  Virginia,  then  with.  Banks  in  houi^iana,  and  in  lSii4  under  Sheri- 
dan in  Virginia.  After  liatth^  of  \Mnchrster,  Si'pt.  l!i,  IMl-l,  detaih'd  as  medical 
inspecpn-  and  o].. -rating  surgeon  for  the  Sheridan  Fli-ld  llosjutal  at  \\'in-^-lif,<tcr  till  .Jan. 
1,  I'^fi.j,  ilu-n  went  with  his  regiment  into  (ieoi-gia.  and  lemaim  li  a  year  al't<'r  tlu-  end  of 
the  war.  In  IsiiH  \v:;s  pi-aeticing  ]ihysician  and  sni'i.'-eon  in  i'onghkeepsie  and  stands 
liigh.  Il;i^  been  c;iri>i;rr  for  Duchess eonmy  an<l  nurnlK-r  of  the  J'ous'likee|)si(-  lioard  of 
education.  1,  M7;7,(/-c/  /'"//.>/•,  I>.  Mc;.  lo/l>;fS.  2,  hjhr!,i  J>, orl„r.  \..  >.dv,  17,  1S.-)1. 
Cadet  at  ^\■est  Point,  is; !.  :-;.  .hn,,ith:n,  rV-^rVs.  b.  Jan,  10,  IS.").-,,  In  ISTl  .-tudenl  at 
Cornell  Univei-ity.     4,   Chorhv  Uuurt,  b.  Sept.  oU,  U-oti.      Str,(h-iu  in  Isll. 

A'lll.  l-'n('-,  Pi-b.  O").  iTSo:  ni.  IMu'he  Talnuidge.  Dlsmisst-d  from  chh.  in  Soiithing- 
ton  to  chh.  in  Pomp'\v,  X.  \ .,  Sfjit.  :!0  IS:.'!.  Si.K  chil.  ba]).  in  S.,  Sept.  o.  ]yi4.  1, 
PiiKiiK.  ■,',  A[\A,  :,!,  ErxieK.  1,  l-^TirKi;.  ."i.  l',mv.\rj)  Pmikku.  (i.  ('  7, 
Ukx.i.wii.x,  ba[..  Jan.  'J:'.,  isib:  il.  June  Id,  ISIG. 

111.10.     Abigail  Clark,  b.  IV!,,  1.-,,  171-^;   m.  ^lay   17.  i::'->,   Jonathan    Ih-on.-on. 
\\.  -May  1-1,  r.o.i:    d.  Aug.  -^'it,  IT-")!:    s.  id'  J;;hn   ami   liarlu  1  ( le.ick  i  llronson.       She   was 
the  lir.-it  admittrd  m  Souiiiingto'i  chh.  I'y  I!ev.  Mr.  e'iir;is-.  .Ian.  ~\.  l?v^-!).       lie  d.  Aug. 
'20,  \"-,\.       After  his  d.  she  ni.  three<,  the  las!,  Feb.   M,  17(i'.».  to  .I.ames   P'-ckwith, 
and  outjivtd  hin.i,  dyini:-  X"v.  '?,  \','J^,  aged  "^d.       ••She  \vas  the  yonng<-.--t  <d'   nini'  cliil., 
who  were  ail  1).  wi-.liin  1(1  yi-.  ami  ij  nios.  from  tin'  ii.  id'  tin'  first;    and  all  lived  to  very 
great  age.  iu  the  aggregate,  7:17  yrs." — Xi  a'^jtiip'^r  ijhU.uarii. 
\.      -Asa,  b.  Oct.  -i:\.  17;i:-). 
11.      John,  baji.  July  G,  Koo:   in.  Saiah  Parnes,  r?)  Mr-;.  Hall, 
ill.      Ann,  March  ;iii,  17-. 7. 
IV.      Abigail,  Feb.  IN,  !7;;ii. 

V.     .b,!;;irl;,-in,  I't.c.  "JJ,  17-1":     m.    Mar^-h   o,    177;?,   Siis.-tnna    Judd:     rem.,    17.'^'2    to 
PandalT,  .\.  II. 

VI.     Son,  b.  Jan.  •Jd,  17-1^!:  d.  soon. 
Vli,      Stei)hen,  b.  Jan.  •:.),  1741;  m.  Sept.  ."),  1771,  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  Jo.-., -ph  and  Eliz- 
abeth ^Jadd)  Pulton.      1.  i.ois,  b.  Pec.  :i4,  P77"i.     ".3    Pit i:i;i;,  Mandi  'J:!,  I77t).     ;i,  Eijza- 
)iKni,  -Jl,  17S',>.     4,  Sti;i'IIKN,  Dec.  x'7,  17b;4. 

Vill.  Zadoc,  b.  Aug.  7,  17-l">.  "An  active  niari  iu  the  ])arish  society  (\Volcott\  serv- 
ing ]-aiticularly  as  grave  digger  and  school  committee.''  lie  d.  Sept.,  1707;  m.  Nov. 
P»,  17i;o,  Eunice  Dulton.  1,  AuKi.Mh  DuTTON,  bap.  Dec.  4,  1771.  "?,  Z.viju.',  hup. 
Oi-t.  C.  I7  7f'.  :-!,  Zk.nas.  l)ap.  A}iril  -j:],  17S0.  4,  Poi>a,  ba]).  Oct.  IG,  17.^r>.  ."5,  Eimck, 
baji.  Mav  K),  17s!);  perluqis  others  bap.  in  Southinuton. 
IX.  ■  iluldah,  April  is,  1747. 
X.      Lois,  Jui;e  (i,  17  Iff. 

XI.      l.^aae,  June  '.2(1.  17.71.  C 

111.10.2.  Johu  Bronsou,  lia[..  .Udy  G.  17:1k  rem.  to  W'olcott.  Conn.,  and  d. 
there  Nov.  Id,  \>'.'v>,  aged  '.do  yrs.  and  marly  4  mos..  the  gi'eatest  age  over  atiaiiu-il  up 
to  1S.7S  within  the  ancient  limits  of  NN'aterbnry,  excejiting  one.  \\'heii  he  was  100 yrs. 
old  it  was  cidi.'brated  in  W'olcott  by  a  centenary  meeting,  at  which  asermon^vas  preached 
and  a  good  time  had.  He  was  <u'  great  viyor  of  Ixidy  and  mind.  aCalvinist  of  the  strict 
<-st  sort,  prejudiced  against  college  education,  as,  in  his  opinion,  disipialifvin;;:  for  the 
more  Inmest  emploNmens.  Active  in  parish  alTairs,  a  very  hard  wotker,  arid  retaining 
his  m.arv. -bills strength  until  past  SO.  At  the  age  of  80  he  challenge  1  the  youngmen  oV 
W.  to  a  ino\'.  in^-  match  with  him  for  a  day:  but  nonerd"  them  wei'e  bold  enough  to  accept, 
lb;  m.  .March  ;;o,  17oS,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Peiijamin  and  Hannah  (.\bbot)  Parnes,  b.  Sept. 
'J7,  17;-L':  d.  Der.   17.  1804,  aged  7;i.     He  in'.  (-2)  tin-  wid.  of  Curtiss  Hall. 

i.     .loe!,  b.  .March  !),  17oil;  rem.  to  Purlington.  C<nm..  thence  to  Penn.,  d.; 

m.  \'t,-\-.  :j,  I7s:!,  Cinthea  Squire.       1,   Ii;a,  b.  Sejd.  11.  178* ;    a   pliys.  of    Ihir. ;  m. •' 

Frisbie.  'I,  S\Mii.i.,  m.  I'rsula  llumpbrey.  o.  Avis,  li.  Oct.  :J7,  li!)0;  d.  at.Perlin. 
C'linn  ,.Ian.  18,  Is.").',;  m.  Oet.  •J,  isH,  Simeon  Woodrud'.  b,  in  T'^armiiigion  Oct,  1.   17s';;  s! 

of    Eli.~iia   :rid    .\nini    Miriswcdd)  Won-]  mlT  of  W'etlier.-die.d,  Conn,      ileil. ,  in  Xew 

Britain,  (.'onn. :  i'ccrmer.  1,  /,"<-(''/.v.  b.  Dec.  1,  !S|-3;  grad.  M.D.  at  Pittsfield.  Ma^s.  A 
hiicce^sful  practitiiiiiei-and  business  ii'.an :  supt.  o{  Sunday  school ;  n-p.  inCoiui.  leg.,  ami 
has  filled  sev<'ral  town  otliees:  secv.  of  I;u>S(d  iV  Erwin  .Man. Co.  of  New  Hri'ain;  m.  Jan. 
•;!',  l.So7,  Harriet  L.  Puel.  li.  Auir."  4,  ISll.ilau.  of  Fred,  and  Prdi:'.  (NN'ri-hO  Ibul  of 
Simsbiu-y,  Conn.:  a.  p.  ,2.  Sanuhl  /•;..  Mandi  15,  18IS;  ■}..  .Pun-  '\\\.  ISpJ.  :;.  Fr<i:,;dut, 
.April  -J.V,  PS-jd;  br(>il  a  physician.  4,  .V-//'//  C..  b.  Apiil  2-,  IS-:.-!;  d.  .Pme  2.  Is:;!.  ."")' 
Jni,  h.  Anvil  -.^S,  182.5;  d.  Feb.  p,\  ls;jj.      (>',  Mnrn  J>roi,.vjii,  -Inly  o,    18;;~*;    d,   in  New 


intAXcK  or  .joirx. 

15ritaiii,  ?>i;iivh    iC',    IS<»:     in.  l),-c.  lij.  IS.V;,  ^jalll(.ll    .1      Woo.lniff 

.Ian.   is.  lS(i.-).  (I.uiTva  .M.  \\ri;:lit.      ]lr 


•'nlv  7.  ls:;(; 

an.  1^.  l^^,  w..,„.rva_.M.  nv  vi^^nt.  iir  ,.  an  a,vr.  and  s.m-v.  cf  Cnion  Man.  »',,  „|  X^u- 
>ntain.  1.  Ilatn-  iMi/.a.  .A].nl  •,>(!,  IS-V.).-  ,!.  .lunc-l.  iso'l.  ■,>  ,.,a.H.  Mnvl,'  Ian  ' 
y*;;!:  ha]..  March  24,  l^ii;^,  ovit  the  in--t!H'i-'.s  roilin;  d.  S.'pt.  ]-)  Irtfi:;  .j  'm\pV  ■,'' 
-—  l'rml;<uu-..t  PMirlrngtoi,.     o,  Joki..       C,   C'v.ntiika,  m.  Bull  .,r  I'lvnu)'!'!, '     :' 

X.VN(  V,    1 

11.    1 


luiylit.   ITtil:    rt.    Ai-ril  2S.   1S4^.   a-ed   S4:    rem.    to   W„!c(,Tt    \lUi. 

Wli^-ii  !.<nvvc.-!iOamltihel..'pii.  tolearn  hislctterr,:  bctorr  lu-\vas  s  vrar^  old   I..-   irul 
read  tlif  hihlt-  Thnui,£;li  m  oourso  and  also  everv  otlier  Ixiok  lie  coald  l"av  ],i-  ].-ind->  ni, 
Hjs  tliirst  for  reading  ai.d  kiio\vl.-<k.t.  was  in.saiiabl-.      Hi.s  dav.s  w.-re  .spent '  ii/'lruith-s 
wislu-s  and  lus  ni-hts  m   dreams   ut    books,  and  of  c-o!loi;v  and  of  loarnino-    for  vp-x'r^ 
t^.g.-t]K-r.  until  se.^n^  no  opportunity  of  obiainiurr  a  cullep"  edm-ation,  In-  In-c-aiu.-  .-n-atlv 
discourairrd    as    to    l;to.   indUTnvut.    and    cKcn-din-lv   l)aslifnl.      lUs    basjilnlnrs's    n-i's 
uitensilu-d    by  a   sirict   and    ri-pn-s^ive  home  irnvfnnneni— b.^imr    \v^.|l    ..j.,pt    und.-r'- 
wlm-li,  joinod  ^vitl.  Ins  dt  .-poiub-nt  .^tatc  of  mind,  U-  .savs,  n.-ariv  pnu-td  bis  ruin       'J'ji's 
rfs.-rvr,   s,'   and  difiid.n.-i.-.    .-ravt-  to   bis   usual  niann.-r  .ind    df-porfm.-nt    an 
ai)pra ranee    of    r-oldness   and    inddfcrenff   to  olbeis.    svliirli    was    in    ta<-t    tin-   .•Mmnlft'.' 
opposite  of  lii.s  real  character,  f-.r -a  warmer  In-art,  i.nibablv.  did  m.t  beat   in  ^V,,|I•ott•• 
than  his.      Hence  m  his  and  i>rayers  at  funerals  he\vas  cai.tivaiin^'-  and  movin--- 
to  a  remarkable,  degree.     All  now  livinir  who  have  Imard  him  sav  thev  •■ne'\er  beard  lis 
equal  ai  funerals."      His  on  tlm  (ieatb.  of   \\"asl,ir,-t,.n  is'spaken  nf  as  the   m,isi 
remarkalde  pv(iduction  of  tin-  kind  ever  heard  in   the  town    and  was  talked  of   as  sur] 
for  vears.     The  same   iss^id   of  an   address  he   -av  at   a  confereii.-e  nf  rhuiVhes  a: 
Cheshire.      It  is  not  surpnsini:  tlierefoiv.  that   he   is  s,,oken  nl    as  ■•  The   .-reat    nvm  .,f 
^\olcott.  '     He  was  dea.  of  the  chh.  fnuu  bso.-,  to  Is-l.-,,  aiid  from  ls-2-.'  to  l.S'T  i"-i'o'i-u  ed 
the  duties  or  suppli.-d  the  place  of  pashn-  to  the  .dih.,  di-tin-aishiu..-  him-^eir  in  c.'ia',- 
onces  and  pubhc   meetinirs;   ivp.    in   h --.    .",  years   in   sncce»ion,    jsn    to   Isi,-,-    .^,1   ,„ 
society,  chh.  and  town  one  of  tlu-  most  a.-tive  and   hi-hlv  t-i.-em.-d  men  tha^  .-v.-'f  Ijv  1 
in  W.:  somerimrs  hoidiu--  is  o.-  •,>o  ollices  and  nev^r  h's.s'tluui  ]2     jusiire  of  the  i.e'ice  '•< 
years:  surveyor  of  ian.i   so  h.n-  that  he  kn..-w  at  on,;.-  x/!:.-,v  to  ^o' to  .•omnuuiee  trmin'- 
any  line  m  tne  town.      A.  15ron.-on  Aico;t  says:     ■■  N,,  uian  ever'^lived   in  \V    ^v];y,  vuch 
natural  K'lts  ms  he.  r.nd  luul  he  ree.-ived  a  liberal  educati.ui  In-  would   hav,   <-,|Tilr  1  -mv 
of    th<"    irivat    m-.,    this   ^laf   has    [.rodured.  -      ' -lie  impre.>.-d  ev-rv  one  u  jtl,  'hi-  d- ,.;> 
sinci  rity  and  neain-..,  to  (i,„i.  '     Several   sp.-cinu-ns  ,,r  his  conioo-irion    b,,th  |,voM-"--i 
veise.  are  irivm   m   .Mr.  Orcutt's   J/;.:f..  -/■   ]\:,/,:,ff.      (Sre  p    -js;  to  •Mi?  ]      Xe-r"  the  rlose 
ot  Ins  hie  he  s,.,.-;.,-d  .leTormiued  To  d-'sToy  h is  writ in-s  .ual  unfonnn:.;.  lvsu-,-,.,^ied 
excepting   his   Journal    and    .-lu-ht    or    len    oiIut    fragments,    which    his   ihui'.rhtm      \I,-.' 
]5ariliolom-w.  succeeu^.l  in  pulling  oui  of  th.'  lire  while  thev  wn-e  bundle.-  in  \h<-  door 
yard  wln-iv  he  had  nnule  a  bontire  of  llicm.      Th-  deatli  of  liis  eide-t  son  Isaac    Oct    f! 
1S02-.  at  the  a--e  of   I<.  was  a  lerriide  idovv  to  him.  and  in  his    j.uu-na!    ot    that'  .hite    he 
givesa  touching  expr<_-si„n  or   >orrou.  aiui   describes  hinras  •■mv  l-,ac    tiio  v,,,,  in 
whom  1  gr.'atly  .h  Indited."  always  laiiluul.  dutiful  and  obedient ;  apt  to  iear.r  ,l.di-iit,.,i 
with  reading;  a  retentive  im-mory;   rethvting;   i>fnetrarin-  in  scai|)ulou-] v 
truthliil   at   all   tiir.e>,  niodesi.  sol»-r  and  temperat.-   in  all   tliim-s.    '  Some  verses  wrbteii 
by  the  lather  on  visuing  tlie  grav  of  his  sou.  ..oou  after  the  burial,  and  on  the  niorniu-- 
after  a  vndent  storm,  are  given  in   //  ,./   11',./,.,'/.  p.  •ii»J-'2,  fnun  \\hich  the   followdi- 
are  copied: 

"  When  s.ileam  darkness  veils  ihe  niidnii^ht  skies, 
.\r.d  the  hu^e  tempest  bellows  o'er  the  plain,' 
Here  i.i  ttio  du^t,  mv  once  levecl  Isaac  lies, 
Nor  heerfs  the  howliaq  winds,  nor  drenching  rain." 

"  Oh_!  my  ior.<}.  licart.  rt;sii.'n  p:irental  jcns, 

^  Nor  ho;  e  :  •  ft-f.  him  'till  li.e  rin;ri  hour.  ^ 

Since  naa.'h:  cot  move  I-.ur  biu  jeh.'v.iiis  voice;  ,-■ 
\'.  ;c.t  t.'.e  .-.iir^j  efTo;  ts  of  Almitrhtv  power. '"     .-''' 
Tfe  m.  Sept.  10.  1?:;!.  Thankfu 
BronsoM.     Thankf-ui  I 'iarl:  \.:i,- 

28.  :S4;,  aged  '.I-'..  -'A  uo'.n  sr,;,.):..!  ,,[f>'  vU:o  ,d,o.  r- d  her  hnsLand  in  everv  .,„„, 
work.  1,  b.  .\ug.  b-..  i:s-,;  ,1.  Ort.  1;>,  ls,r.',  ai:ed  IN  :2  c,  ^,;k  h  I->ec  i; 
irsu;  d.  in  Hitf..  Conn..  Jan.  "Jo.  Im;s;.  „.-,..|  >:\:  r.sidence  luosilv  in  Wolcoti  'a,ti- ,■  aurl 
honond  m  .dih.  an.i  s.,c:..ry;  ,;,,  May  !(.  isp;  l^xp,-:  iouro  Ijari  "of  !^;i  rlin-'ion  ■  b  .lah 
■'•  l'-''-:  '1-  ">  "^■*--  •'''>'■  '•-.  i-'^T  ],  /.■..•.„■  y/..  |,_  ApMl  :iS.  isu-  d  \y-r  'j;i  ]-^[.i 
■2.  (I'u-iV  II..  b.  .Ian.  2i.  I-IC:  barur,!  carria-,- niaki-,^- ..f  Cluemr,  v  Muuso,.  of^ 
lord.  an;l  m.  his  ehl.  dan.,  Kmily  .Muuson.  Nov.  14.  \:-\V.:  roo,.  to W  at-rburv  IMl  and 
carried  on  carrage  busin.-ss  wirli  success  till  abo.a  ^^-■.y>■  j,,,.;,  ;„  \-,-    I,um!;oi-  .V  ( 'oal  Co 

!au.  oi    Isr.u'i  Clark.  4u-o.  of   Abi-all.  wf.  ,d'   Jonathan 
■r  cons,  to  .lolu,  ICon.-o;,  f.  of  i>,-a.  Isaa--.      Sin,-  .1.  .lu,;,. 



till  i>(j-J:  rtiii.  t(i  llitf.  uiivi  V  as  in  cnul  l)U-iiKss  till  d.  Nov.  28,  IMw.  1,  Ht-nry  Triin:- 
htiU.  1).  Sept.  is.  l^-l'J;  t-nli.-it-il  Auir. ,  \>-l'y2.  in  0;i(l  Cuun.  Vols.;  siTvrd  as  1st  stT;::t.  Co, 
A.  a  ycai-  aliout  New  ()i'U';<ii^  iindfi-  (icn,  iviiilxs  aiul  a  iiart  of  tin'  tinii-  ert-ctini:  torlili- 
catioiis  luiilfi-  ^il•ll.  \\\it/.ci;  ii-s.  Urtf.;  ;ii.  Juiii-  jil,  isi:',).  f-;ilcn  Aiiulia  Pliilli]>s  ot' 
Nfw  York.  (li.  Oliver  Hait.  \<.  Maivh  20,  IbTO.  (0).  Win.  liciuy.  h.  Srjit.  2-,  1n71. 
Cd),  Helen  Chaiincv,  h.  Jan.  o,  ls73.  2,  Alice  Kniilv,  ]..  April' 21,  l^-lb.  :',  Lillio 
Martha,  .Man-li  C.  l":.VJ;  d.  Mav  ai,  18G2.  4,  Arthur  Ihirt,  h.  Mav  11,  IbG5.  :j,  .V///^ 
J/.,  b.  Feb.  •■),  bSlS;  d.  March  ij,  1820.  4,  ii'fyk/-i;  (7^/;7,-.  b.  March  29,  J>)25:  d.  Match 
12,  IS'jb.  0,  V)'t/-vr.//  ij.  T'lWe,  adopted  dau..  li.  Sept.  1.  \^:^~i:  resides  iti  Litchlleld. 
("oiin.  '■').  li{AD,  b.  Aug.  27,  17>^S:  dea.  of  tiiP  chli.  iu  Wolcott  U  years:  higlily  esteemed; 
rem.  to  Scuihingtrn,  thencu  to  Bristol,  wliere  he  still  res.(lS74)  in  liis  8';tli  year;  ni . 
Nov.  (',.  l-n,  Phebe  Xortou  of  lirist.d.  1,  PInht.  A.,  b.  Nov.  S,  1812;  ni.  June  14, 
lS;jd,  i'r.  Win.  Andrus  Alcott,  autlmr  of  "The  Young  Man's  (hilde,"  b.  Wolcott, 
('nun.,  Aug.  (J,  17'J8,  s.  (jf  Obed,  ;aul  a  2d  ecus,  of  Aruos  IJronsou  Ahott,  tlie  cele- 
biated  wri'er.  He  d.  at  Newton,  Mas,>~.,  of  pleurisy,  March  29,  18o9.  J>r.  Alcott  was 
tlic  aulhf)r  of  IdS  published  volumes  of  wliich  19  were  ediu-ational  works.  Plireuology 
and  ])Iiysical  education  31  vols.,  several  of  which  passed  through  12  erlitioiis  each,  2  of 
lo  editions  each,  and  1  of  21  editions.  Of  books  for  the  family  ami  school  library  14 
vols.,  1  of  which  passed  through  12  editions,  1  17,  and  1  thro.  22  editions  before 
185S  Books  for  school  library  44  vols.  Besides  this  he  a  ])rolific  contributor  to 
maga/.iues  and  newspapers,  of  which  he  ju'eserved  cop'les  of  more  than  l.OlJO  articles. 
llis  wife's  sister  describes  him  as  "an  earnest  worker  for  huuumity;  ilie  great  aim  and 
l)uri)0se  of  his  life  being  to  make  men  better — to  raise  them,  jdiysically,  intellectually 
and  raorally."  1.  William  Peun,  b.  .luly  11,  1S:!8,  in  I'orchester,  Mass. ;  Williams  coll. 
l>(il:  while  in  cidl.  he  accompanied  by  apjininimeu:  a  scientific  expedition  to/Trcenlund; 
.Audover  Theological  seminary,  18()");  picached  at  lleatli  and  Cohasset.  Mass.;  lectured 
on  clu-mistiy  in  Williams  coll.:  set.  Cong.  chli.  at  X'o  (ireeuwich.  Conn.,  l8G8,  where  he 
still  (1874)  remains;  moderator,  1873,  of  West  Fairfield.  Conn.,  consociation.  He  is  very 
successful  in  his,  an<l  increasing  i:i  influence  and  e.steem.  He  has  given  miich 
attention  to  science  and  especiallv  to  botauj  ;  m.  Aug.  20,  l'^'>8,  Sarah  .Taue.  dau  of  Ke\. 
David  Morrill  of  Peacham.  Vt.  '(1),  Wm!  Bronson.  b.  Jan.  0.  l>7ti;  d.  10.  ]872. 
(2),  Marv  Hunt.  b.  Mandi  17,  1^71.  i:!),  David  Morrill,  b.  Aug.  20,  1873.  2,  Phebe  Ann, 
b.  Oct.  17.  I'^IU;   m.  Walter  Crafts;   res.   Ala.     (1),   Walter  Narli.-in.     (2),   Phebe  R.,  b. 

Nov.  17,  1778.     2,  Is,ni.\  b.  May  1-5.  i^lo;  m. :  r.s.  Bri^^.l,  Conn.:  y.  i.     3,  Elhtihdh 

'/'.,  b.  Jan.  27.  181 -:  unm.  4,'  H.\nnah  Ci..\]{K,  b.  Aug.  2").  1790,  diving  1S73):  rescued 
a  few  of  her  latber's  .MS,8.  from  his  l;ontire  of  them;  in,  Nov.  l:),  1811,  Wiri.  Bartholo- 
mew of  Hrtf..  Conn.,  b.  Nov.  l-'J,  17S;3:  d.  March  22,  IS.^lO,  aged  Cb.  He  res.  in  Wolcott, 
and  was  valualde  in  chh.  and  communitv,  serving  in  several  olFices.  1,  llt(in].\ful 
l:rvi<S'.N,  1).  Sept.  22.  1^12.  2,  /iv/v,  /  )i,.irJ  W'.'nhnt  rd,h.  June  23.  1814;  d., 
Mo.,  Sept.  1,  I84(i;  m.  Maria  'i'here.-a  Byington  of  S.uilbingtoii.  Sejit.,  IMl,  who  d.  in 
St.  Louis  .full.  2u,  1844.  aL;-ed  21.  ;',.  ji,r7l,<i.  b.  xpi.  3,  1810;  in.  Oct.  4,  1841,  David 
(iavlord  ..f  WuUin-foid,  Conn.  4,  ./."'/,'  M'v't'-,,.  b  IM.  3,  1^1-  d.  next  day.  o,  S,i.n<h 
Jii'ne,  b.  Nov.  2-',  'iSU);  m  Feb  27.  iSiO,  Ira  H.  Smirh  of  N(Uth  Haven.  Conn.  0. 
Kiittra  Ahuli'i,  b.  Oct.  12.  1832;  m.  June,  1^-.'),  Julius  Muss  of  Cheshire.  5,  Tii.\XKiri., 
b.  Oct  28,  1792;  d  Ylay  4.  180-.  G,  S.\t;.\ii,  b.  July  28.  179:):  d.  1>~GG;  m.  Jan.  3,  1^20, 
Samuel  Atwater  of  Hainden,  Conn.,  (his2d  wf.)  He  m.  1st  Julia  Hough,  in  1811,  [4j 
rem.  to  Windham,  N.  Y".  7,  :M.\i;y,  (twin  with  Sarah)  d.  Dec.  12, 1854;  in.  Harry  Tuttle, 
res.  Cheshire.     8,   Uji.vxiA,  b.  Dec.  10,  1799;  m.  Sheldon  Frisbie;  rem.  toO.,  thence  to 

ShtldoK  . 
1788,  Jemima,  dau.  of  Eleazer 

iiomestead;  d.  Nov. 
14,  1781;  d.    Feb. 

where  she  d.  July,  18-")4.     i.   1,   /^v^''•.     2,   7)/ 
III.      Benjamin  Barnes,  b.  Aug.  19,  17G3;  m.  Ni>v.  1' 

res. ,  Southiuirton. 
l\'.      Phi1en,,r,  i)ap.  27,  17GG. 
^^      Hannah. 

Jnhh,  b.  .Ian.  31,  177G:  lived  in  Wolcoti  on  his  f . 's 
m.  Hannah  le'ot  of  l'arm!nL''ton.  Conn.;  b.  Feb. 
1.  .Iai;\  is  |;,j,,T.  b.  .\pril  .-ClSOS;  m,  June  24,  183").  Esther  P.,  droi.  of  John 
Beecher  of  W,d.  1,  /.//,//^//,  II..  b.  Oct.  7,  18:^G;  d.  InGG.  He  was  dea.  of  the  chh.,  supt. 
of  the  Sundav  srheol,  ''and  one  of  the  most  valuable  and  reliable  young  men  of  tlie  com- 
munitv:" m.'Maiiha  A,  Tutib'.  2,  .v../,  b.  N(iV.  G,  1843;  d.  soon.  3,  .IAtM^/  h'ito/i.  an 
a-lopted  dauo-hter,  b.  Oct.  2,  18:;8.  2.  Sakah  Axx,  b.  Ajuil  1,  1811;  d.  March  12, 
]8G^:  m  (ie.i.  \V.  Carter,  b.  .Ian.  18,  1811 .  <!..•;..  ol  ih.>  clxh.  iu  W«d.,  and  has  seisvd  the 
soeietv  continuiui-lv  as  clerk  and  treasurer  over  2i>;  lias  been  lb  i'.  and  ^en.  in 
C<ui..."  [.>  -y.  He  m."(2)  Mav  10,  1871.  .Marv  P.  Haldwin,  .v.  ;.  1.  /A  ><  >\'/  /).,  b.  \i<-r.  2,  1.^39; 
m.  Feb,.  1,  18GI',  MaivK.  'dr.u    of  Stiles  "L.  Hotchki-s.      1,   Charles  H.      2,   X'^rt/M.,   b; 



18  liJiAXCH    OF    .lOilN. 

Mjlv  33,  ISl?;  111.  (f'jo.  \V.  A\  alk.^r.  3,  h<nrii]i  X.,  h.  (twii-  with  Mary  M.);  d.  Aw^;.  24, 
1800.  A,  Il'iinuih  J.,  h.  Jan.  L'O.  V-^44:  ui.  Kliiicr  Ilotclikiss.  5.  Fr,'(h  ri'-I.-  U'..  1>.  Oct. 
27,  isi.-,.  0,  \\'<i'l,ry..  ])•■.•.  :^,  ls:io:  d.  May  s.  is.-).-).  ;j,  Stii,i,.m.\n,  b.  Si-i>t.  II,  1812; 
in  M:ircl!  -Jii,  lS4f).  (■|iarl..itt"  i:.  Liiulsley  or'Wol.  1,  Ivuurx",,  ]!.,  h.  Mar.-li  21.  1841; 
(1.  Vi'l).  21.  l^fli.  2,  /,'"•-■/  -S.  It.  June  20,  1S4:!;  i>i.  Oct.  ;U,  1n07,  H.nj.  ('.  Luin,  res. 
New  Haven.  1,  nV'ih.  S.'  h  An.x.  2,  ISfiS.  2,  Cliarluttr  <,'.,  h.  Xor.  0,  is71.  3,  Jlnr- 
ri't  L.,  \'.  l>ci'.  7,  1^44;  (i.  Nov.  li),  iNOli.  4,  /V.  AVv/c  ,  !>.  Feb.  2.!,  1>'47;  d.  Oct,.  ?. 
1S02.  o.  /,',,;;•.  /..,  b.  .lulv  10,  IS  19.  0,  /-y'l'^f,  b.  Mav  i;j.  jy.-.l.  7.  h'.4/,>  r  L.  M.,  h. 
July  10,  iS.-.iJ:' d.  Oct.  2."'),  "l^fiO  s,  /-JUt/i  Jf.,  b.  N.,v.  1,  IsijO.  4.  I^tkix.  b.  May  3, 
1815:  11!.  Sar.ili  Mcrriaiii:  r.'.s.  \\aT.Ml)ury,  CdMii.  l,JoJtiiT.  2,  KdunrdJ'.  o,  NcKie. 
4,    irW''.     •;,   S.\i;.\ii   M\ur\,b.    .luncfs,  1823;  d.  S,-pt.  7,,  1827. 

111.11.     Israel  Clark,  b.  AyvW  17,  1714-  m.  Aug.  .-J.    174;!,  in  .8.,  Mchirabb- , 

wlu)  d.  Nov.  18,  1812,  aged  !i2.  'I'iicy  IxiiU  became  inenibers  nf  the  .8.  cldi.  at  its  organ- 
ization, So\.  IX.  177;-J. 

1.]!.  Dec.  2.  1744:  ni.  Marcb    l!i.  1707,  Noah  Neil,  b.  >!arch  10,  1744, 
(bro.  of  Jolin  <;.;nid  of  iJ-v.  Kollin  11.,  1).  D. ). 

11.  Ingliam,  b.  in  New  }b:  v. ,  .laTi.  2tt,  1740:  si^.  in  Wob'^tt.  'Vhv  Coini.  ('ournul 
of  M<jnilay.  .ban!',  1 7'.*7,  s-^iy.-^:  "ha^t  Wednesda}'  moining  \\as  foiiic!  Ijy  tlie  side  of  a 
fence  on  liocky  Hill,  iii  tlds  tDwn,  tb.e  bmly  of  Ingliain  Clark  of  8nntbingtoii.  It  is 
supposed  he  perislied  \\'ith  robb"  He  m.  in  l*'arniington,  Oct.  22,  1707,  Saraji  Be;ich. 
1,  Juki.,  A]'Ii1  10,  17(i'J.  2,  A\.n.\,  Oct.  17,  1770:  d.  Marcb  20,  18:^1;  m.  June  U,  17Hn, 
Daniel,  s.  nf  l>r.  44iin>tby  I'orH'r  of  \N'aterlHiry.  [s.  nf  Dr.  Daniel  Porter,  an  early 
settler  in  Farinington,  .-."  of  Dr.  Daniel,  s.  of  Dr.  Daniidj,  b.  Sept.  2o,  1708.  i.,  ]', 
Jlorii'i.  b.  Se]'i.  ;;o.  i71'0:  in.  ^hiv  20,  1811,  H:i!iii:ih.  dan.  uf  j-'.ben.v.ei-  Frisbie,  wlio  d. 
April  11.  1811.  Ilf  in.  (2)  Nov.  2:!,  184."),  Ksther  M.  \V.  Hull.  1,  Horace  (,4aHv,  b. 
March  ll,  1812:  d.  Aug.  11.  ]n;jI.  2.  IbmiciliC,  S.M.t.  1,  181:!;  in.  Clu-if.topher  I.,  Ward 
of  Towanda,  Da.,  and  \va<  .s.,  jb^nry.  :!,  Hamlet  C,  July  11,  l8lo;  d.  Aug.  U,  1S;M.  4, 
MobiirtC.  Feb.  2,  J811';  in.  JiTusba,  dau.  of  Denj.  HroLi.-^oii  and  has  two  <hi!(1ren.  5, 
Henry  Cliuton,  Aiiril  2U.  182o:  M.  D.,  V.  ('.  M.  S.'  ISJS;  i-,.  FliziiE.,  d.r.i.  <d  Natluoi  N. 
Bsttsof  Towanda,  Pa.  [.  bv  2d  ni.  (i,  Maruaret  A.,  b.  Julv  27,  18U).  7,  Sara!)  E., 
b.  Aw^r.  m,  1849.  2.  Tiiif'ih'j,  b.  Jan.  HO.  i7!)2;  ni.  C'laia,  dau.  of  Kbene/.er  Frisbie, 
who  d-.  Nov.  18,  1821.  Hem  Vi)  Dec.  20.  1S24,  Pollv  Ann  Todd.  1,  Jusepb.  b.  June  5, 
1812.  2,  Mnrv  Ann,  Aug.  21,  1810.  o,  Jane  E.,  b.  Feb.,  1818.  i.  bv2d  m.,  4/rimothy 
Hopkins,  b.  Feb.  10.  1820:  Y.  C,  1848.  5.  Nathan,  b.  Dec.  9,  1828.  (".,  Thomas,  Feb. 
7,1881.  7,  D.ivid  Gustavus,  March  8,  Is:!;',;  Y.  ('.,  1857.  8,  Sanniel  M.,  b.  May  17, 
183").  ;;.  7i/(-,./,^,  b.  Mav  14.  17b5;  in.  Jan.  22,  lsl7,  Alma  'I'yler;  one  (diild,  James,  b. 
March  20.  1818.  4,  .l"'//a/  .  1//;^/,  b.  April  12.  lsOii;ni.  Jan.',  1822,  AVm.  !.>r!on  and  d. 
Feb.  25,  1823,  leaving  a  da  a.,  Caroline.  5,  ]):nnil,  b.  May  20,  1805;  Y.  C.  M.  S.  18.28. 
He  was  a  ])]ivsiciyu.  and  became  insane  in  1845  and  d.  1803.  G,  ,/o.^tji/i,  b.  July  11, 
1807;  d.  Jan!  5.  1812.     3.   Sakmi,  bap.  Nov.  lib  1755. 

III.  l^arnal)as,  bap.  Jan.  11,  1701,  in  S. 

IV.  Thankful,  b.  1754;  d.  June 23,  1847,  aged  93;  m.  Feb.  10,  1773,  Isaac  lironsoii, 
a.  s.  of  lier  first  cousiu,  John  Bronsou,  who  Nvas  s.  of  Jonathan  and  Abigail  (Clark) 
iiM:)nson.  (See  Biog-.)  His  health  was  quite  poor  for  a  number  of  yeai'S.  and  in  1790, 
thinking  he  was  near  his  end,  lie  writes  in  a  sj/irit  of  resignation  to  the  Divine  will: 
"But  1  wished  to  bring  up  my  cldidren  if  it  might  lie;  thougli  the  greatest  attaciuncnt 
I  have  to  tills  \vorld,  by  far  is  one  of  the  most  jjrudent,  kind  and  afl'octionate  wives  the 
world  ever  produced,  who  spared  no  pains  to  render  my  life  comfortable  and  agreeable, 

-and  was  so  anxious  for  my  recovery  that  she  would  be  u[>  and  taking-  care  of  me  whoa 
she  ought  to  liave  been  in  b- d  and  to  have  luid  a  nurse;  herself."  In  consequence,  she 
became  sick  nigli  unto  death,  but  recov(>red  and  lived  on  a  half  cif.tury  or  more. 

112.     Daniel   Clark,  bi    March   G,    1074;    m. .     (ieo.    Clinton,   execT  of  the 

will  of  ]).  C,  1741.  In  1743,  Ceo.  and  Esther  Weed,  Hannah  Clark  and  Eunice  Clark, 
chil.  of  D;uiiel  C. .  dec,  conv.  to  Daniel  Clark. 

1.      Alice,  b.  Sept.  0,  1702;  m.  John   Weed. 
11.      Eydia.  b.  May  4,  17O0. 
in.      Daniei,  b.  Veh.  :l,  1708.      }\o  was  a  sea   capt.  and  largely  in   successful    sliip 
|>ing  business.      !!.■  butli   \\\r    b-irgi-t    Iiom-'-    in    tbe   townslii|)   nf    W.      !t    was    aimui   l() 
fert    square    and    3    stoI!.■.-^.       Hi-    m.     I'Ji/.abrtli,   ll.  Si'j)l     ;,s!.    l7b'S^    (i;ui.    of    .M;.j.    Tbojiias 
and     AbiL.ail     ,M)M    Miles     ,,f     Wi.Hincriud.        Sli-    <1.     April    19,    1755.        ib>    m.    r^) 

Ibui-iub  — .      lied.   Aug.    17,    1771.      Jan.   29.   175),    lKun,'\   Clark    of    Wal.,  sold    tt> 

^'innM)  Tut.jb;  I'f  Nov/  Havcu.  a  nri;-ro  man  siT\-ant  named  Sainps(^ti_  al.)out  20  \fars 
'■>t'  age,  sound  and  well,  for  .i;0O7,  old  li;inr.  1,  Oi;i;i>ii:m  i;,  b.  Nov.  7.  175'!,  dau. 
2,    A.MKi,!.\,  Ja!i.  7,  175!.'.     3,    i.uis.  Sept.  8,  1701.     4.  S.\K.\!i,  Marcb   12,  170S. 



]V.  Marv,  b.  Jum-  11,  Kll;  in.    Muv  24.  T7;j;j,  (Ico.  f'liutoii;   (2)  Nov.  S,  1737    Ann 

Pod^y-f.  1,  (>i;ki.(KN(  K.  I).  May  24,  I7:;;i, 

^'.  KsiluT,  b.  .Jan  21,  IT'i:;:  in.  (if..  \V<-e.i,  Oct.  2:J.  1740;  Oaniel  Clark  chiv.  U, 
■  dau.    Ksthcr  \^'. •.■,!. 

VI.  ()!,f,li,.uce,  1),  .Ian.  !"),  ]71f;,  dau. 

^'ll.  llaiiuah,  ij.  Nov.  ."),  1710,   namcil  in  w.  u{  f. 

Ylii.  Ennicf.   Mny  24,  1722:  nanit-d  in  w.  of  f. 

114.  Joseph  Clark,  1».  Oct.  20,  ](.i7!~;;  will  dated  K.-c  2,  17.jU;  ])rov('d  ut  N.  II., 
Fell.  2,  1702:  ninifs  .<.  .J-iS^jdi,  dans.  Lydia  \\'],i;']vr,  liaiina];  P]nnil>,  Tal'itha  Allyn, 
Deboi-ah  Sanford,  Dinali  L'urti.s  and  I.nry  Mattht-w.-?;  m.  Nov.  7,  r.U7,  Marali  Parker  of 
Wallint'furd.  In  1713.  in  a  (•on^  eya.n'-c  to  Klione/.rr  Bcocln'r,  he  is  called  late  of  Now 
liavcn,  now  of  Middbtown,  Tonn.  Tie  j.rob.  rem.  to  Mid.  .soon  after  b.  of  Hannah,  tbe 
last  of  liis  idiil,  recorded  in  N.  11.  In  17:J-1,  still  of  Mid.,  be  conv.  to  Eben.  lieecher 
•oue-tbird  of  oiu'diftb  i>ai-f  in  (itli  division  laid  out  to  y-r.  f.  .lolm  Clark.  In  17.")2,  called 
■of  ^^'atorlJury,  li"  coiiv,iii  dau.  Lm.-y  M:itlb"\\s  id  Fa.rinint-ton,  all  riel'ts  in  New  Haven. 

1.     .bi-idi,  b.  .Iiih  27,  17!i'..«:  drowui'd  in  a  uell  .]nlvl7,  17H.  ' 
II.      Lydia,  1..  N..V.  ;i.  1710:  d.  Ajiril   IS,  1712-i:j. 

111.  .loseidi,  b.  AjniM,  1712:  (of  Middletown,  Conn.,  17:]1):  d.  .Tune  ]•").  174'.':  ra. 
Dec.  8,  1741,  Mary,  dau.  of  bis  cousin  Abrabam  Cbiik  of  Sontlnnfjiou:  b.  March  21, 
172."i.  1,  M.viiv.  b.  Oct.  :-T,  174:!.  2,  Ai:.\!:i!,  b.  M.-y  12,  17b").  ;T,  IUth,  b.  Aug  28! 
1747:  ni.  .Josepli  Laid^ton  aui]  had  .Jo.sei)h,  f.  of  Cbloc.  (See  Abrabam  Clark's  desc  ) 
4,   hvi)r.\,  b.  Oct.  .",   1  740 

1\'.      I.ydia,  b.  Nov.  :-!,  17]:J:  m.    in    ITetblehdn,   Conn.,    Jum^  2(J,    1744.  I'.ns.    Caleb 

Wheeler,  b.  .MarcTi  21.  17n4:  ^2'  v.  f .      lie  ,„.  .1;  Martlia ,  v.dio  d.  April  21.  1744.     1, 

Mahtha,  b.  March  2."..  1740:  ni.  April  24,  17Hi;,  .lame.-,  Lasley. 

V.  OeboraTi,  b.  May  2o,  171.-):  m.  Nov.  ;J,  172.7.  .'<aniuel  Satiford,  jr..  of  New 
Haven.  In  1771  InT  dowtr.  laud  in  No.  Haven,  as  wid.  of  Sam.  Sanford"  w  as  ^old  to 
Ebenezcr  liarne?  for  I'l.-).  1,  David,  1,.  Oct.  29,  1 7;jS;  d.  He.-.  2;T,  1741.  2,  MAiiV,  I). 
■Jan.  2,  173'J.  3.  David.  May  2.s,  1742  Will  of  Danu\ris  S^nford  of  Woodbrid^e,  dated 
Feb.  2.^,  1S17.  provefj  1S2].  '  (Codicil  dated  A]iril.  ]S2()i.  Elilui  Sanford,  r.;<p,  exec; 
nainesdec.  bus.  Hasid  Sanford:  luime.s:  chil. :  1,  /.'i/c:"./ and  las  son.  In  1842  David  San- 
ford made  his  will.  1,  Marvin.  2.  <'///■'!>•.  ;J,  F.-ithfr.  4,  Dinnnri-^,  wf.  of  Stephen 
]Iilchcock.  5,  O'iiK,  wf.  of  Jereiuiali  W'arm'r.  0,  S'linml.  7,  Tnintan  and  his  son.  1, 
■Syrenas.  8,  Si:;/innir,  w\\n  had  club  1,  Harriet.  2,  Miles.  0,  L'<'i/,  wf.  of  Jas. 
\Varner.  10,  .1/'//-//.  11,  Mii,",-.  4,  I7/.kkki.,  1).  Dec.  1,  174(i.  .5,  Samt-'k!,,  b.  Nov.  6, 
17,";;].  Will  of  Dr.  Si-vuniei  Sanford  proved  in  N.  H.,  ]^0.■S.  Ibiwena  and  Kliliu  San- 
ford, jr.,  exec.     E.-,t,  insolvent,     s.  Siimn,!.     G,   Eucv,  b.  S(  ])t.  14,  17.0-"). 

VI.     Hani:ah,  b.  .hilv  11,  1710:  m.  .  Plumb. 

A'll.     TaTietha.m,   — . ATlyn. 

Vlll.     Dinalu  m. , ("urt's." 

IX.     .lolm.  b.  March  11,  1721;  d.  W'c.  lii,  1720. 

A'.     Lncv,  h :  m.  • ,  Benjamin  Matthews, "'■■  h.  .Mav  14,  1720.     1,  AniAi!,  bap. 

May  20,  17.50."    2,   Svr.n,,  b.  .Inly  20,  17.>2.     3,   Hk.v.ia.min,  1)."  Oct,  13,  17.54.f 

XI.     John,  h.  Oct.  2,  1727:  ni.    Sept.   9,    1747,   Ibmmdi,    dau.    of  Stc'phen  Brooks  of 
Furinhiglou.     Supjiosed   the  Ca]it.   .Tolm  (lark  whov^   onlv   child   Posanna,  b.  Fel).    28, 
17G4;  m    Feb.  S,  1786,  Col.  Samuel  Han  of  S.     1,  .Ioiin,  h.  Mav  11,  17-lS.    2,  PtOsANXA, 
b.  Feb.  28,  1704:  m.  Feb.  8,  17.'-G,  C<d.  Sam.  Hart  of  S.     Hart  gen.,  p.  202,  ))er  desc. 
Xll,     Samuel,  b.  Aue.  4,  1729;  d.  Sejit.  28,  1749. 

115.  Stephen  Clark,  b.  Dec.  24,  1080:  m,  Nov.  20,  1702,  Sarah  Hill,  a.s  dau.  of 
John  Hill  and    wf.   of  Siepluui   Clark  s(./ld   her  right  in  Iter   fatlier's  est.      She  d.   Dec. 

20,  1728.      He  m.  (2)  Margaret ;  will  of  Stc-phen  C,  dated   .Tuly  14,  1740,   ]>re.s.    Aug. 

5,1741;  names  eld  .s  Stephen,  Moses,  Daniel,  Job;  daus.  Ann  Culver,  Patience  ^Valter, 
Thankful  Clark,  Mehitablo  Tyler,  Sarah  Merriman  and  Esther  Spencer;  wf.  Margaret 
and  s.  Jo1.i,  execrs.:  1729,  ]']]>hraii;i  Sanford  wit.  to  a  deed  from  Stepln-n  CIii,rk  to  s. 
Moses.  In  1744,  Ib.uiiel  and  Jol.i  Clark  of  N.  Hav.,  conv.  to  .Tohn  Thomas  rt.  in  est.  of 
fatTier.   Stephen  Cl.-'rk,  diec. 

1.      Stejdu^n,  b.  April   20,  1703;  m.    Oct,   21,    1728,    Catharine  Ciranniss  of  Middle- 
town,  Conn. 

*NoTE.— Renj,  Mattliews,  b.  June  23,   1754;  d.  Feb,  7,  T7SS;  will  exli.  by  wid.  Sirali ,  dated  1785, 

minor  d.iu.  Hatin.ih;  m.  .-\prii  27,  17.S3,  -Sar.ili.d.  of  Jo',e(,4i  and  Prudcnc't'  ( -Mliiit,)  i^rown,  aiid  wid.  of 
Samuel  Perkins,  b.  July  n,  1754;  d.  /Vus-  'o,  c3;(,af:cd  80  yrs.,  i  mo. 

tHcni.  Mat'.licws  from  Farinin.^lon  ia  Torrinj;loii,  about  1732-3. 

20  BUAXCII    (IF    .TOITX, 

•  II.  :\I.w.s  '••  Murcli  :,  1703;  m.  F.-l,.  20.  172()-7.  I>iiiuh  ]',i.-;lin|,.  }lo  d.  Aim-.  17, 
17;5(i,  iiiul  I'iiKi.h  itpp.  iulmx.:  luua.s  I>;ini-1  ;uul  Ann;;;  Tiittlf,  John  liiuwn  u(  15rairti)nl] 
Isaac  i^aytnii,  .hiool)  Blnke.-lfy ,  Mr.  Stiles,  .Sainuil  and  Knhraim  Suiiford  and  stver;;! 
Clarke.      'J'he  wid.,   Dinah,   ni.   June  'J7,  17:')7.    L-inol   Dayton  (4-2J:)  and  d.  Oct.-}.  17.")1. 

Isratd  Dayton  d.  ,  and  in  Juut-,  17()U,  Timotliy  (•huk  "oT  Farniington,  afhn'r.   of  liis 

etit.     1,  J());i.,  b.  July  :30,  17"2S:  cliosc  tamuH]  Tyici- of  Wall.,  iitiaidian,  174v;:  set.  in  S. 

Souili  Eiid.  wh'-ic  h«  owned  two  or  nion-  haiic  'taii;i  ;.      In  17./,'  Joel  Clark  of  Fanuiuo-. 

ton  sold  out  ]ii.=^  home  lot  in  X.  Hav.  to  Enos  'J'odd.      IK-  wub  a  trader,  lieut.  in  the  ofd 

French  -war.     On  breaking-  out  of  the  rev.  ejit.rf-d  tli"  army  as  lieut.  coL,  in  rey-.  of 

\vhi<  h,  Ji'dediah  Iluntington   of   Norwich,   wa.s  cd.      At   the    battle  of   Long  Island,  in 

;  Sept.,  1771),  he  was  taken  prisoner,  and  d.  in  ]jrison   in   New  York  about  the  close  of 

I  tliat  year,  aged  4-^;.      He  m.  .May  12,  1748,  ]..ois,  dau.   of  Silas  and   Eunice  (Cook)  Clark, 

1  []  b.  Nov.  ^11,  ll;,ii;  shu  m.  (SiDt-a.    Am()s  Morris  of  fJast  flaven,  and  (L   thereof  cons! 

!  Aug.  IS.  17^1,  aged  51  ;  buried  in  S.      Amos  Morris,  rep..  May,  1785;  cai>t.  of  the  Traiu- 

I  baud.     He  own^'tl  raid  occupied   the  (dd  stone  house.      For  an  inreresliuir  deS'M-iption  of 

;  wliicli  see  Thos.  li.  Trowbridge,  jun.  New  Haven  Jiist.  Soc,  j)a!wr,  "Ani-if-iu  ]loiiS''s  of 

New  Haven  Colony."     1,   }LdiitjiJ,l, .  h.    Oct,  15.    171^.     i,    I'ho nkful.    Dec.    15,   1750;  d. 

;  JulyeO,  )75:i     :i,' Mcsf^,   April  Ol,   175:'.;  d.   May  1,   175s.     4,  Jo,J,    b.  1755;'d.   Oct  G. 

i  175U.     5,    /.,'/,-.  b.    Oct.   -.^7,    1757.      (j,    I'hanU'nJ,' h.    Dec.  :'il,    1750.     2,   Lr(  v,    b.   about 

I  17:10.     8,  Ti.xnaiiv,   b.  March 'Jfi,  17;:!-.^;  in  K4(;,  cho.-e  F-^rafl  Dayton  guard,  in   N.    H. ; 

i  set.  in  S.  on  West  St.,  ami  svas  a  man  of  note  in  the  town:  served  awhile  in  rev.  army, 

I  and  aftt-rwards  was  cajn.  of  the  town  militia,   lieut.  in  the  French  war,  justice  of  the 

I  peace,  and  town  treasurer  for  many  year^^.      He  d.   deac<in  of  the  chh.    March   1,  ISli', 

I  aged  7U,  having  no  chil.      He  m.  in  S.    Feb.    1,    1759,   Sarah,  dau.   of  Moses  and   Sarah 

I  (KellogiT)  Feck.  b.  in  FarminL'ton  Aug.  11.  1740.     Shi-  ]ii.  i3;  May  \\  IrJlii,  Juhu  Carter, 

1  ami  d.,  his  wid..  Jan.  'Jl,  IS'JS.  ag''d  NS.      From  lier  many  of  tlie  facts  in  Mr.   Tiinlvv:'l 

!  7/^i'.v?f/,'v/ of  Sonthington  were  obtained.     4,   .Mosks,  b.  Scjit.   5,  17:!5. 

'■  HI.      Sarah,  b.  Aug.  2s,  1707;  m.  .Mcrriman. 

;  W .     Martha,  1).  Sept.  2:1,  1701);  il.  D^r.  ',>:],  172(;. 

•  V.      I-.stlu-r,  b.  March  17,  llll;  m. Spencer. 

'  Vl,      Daniel,  b.  June  ,s.  Klo;  m.  .Ma;.   14.  1740.  J'hebe  Bradley. 

Vil.      .\nna,  June  17,  1717;  m.  Culver;     iV!;  l]aio!;. 

;.  Vlll.      Mehitable,  b.    Feb.  5,  \1\^;  d.  Aug.  2>.  i:-"'>7:  m. ,  Joseph,  s.  of  John  and 

:  Abigail  Hall  Tyler,  (Nafliau  '!'}  ler,  who  m.  Ihudud  Teitic,  bro.  of  Joseph),  b.  March 

•  3,  171H;  d.  Oft.,  1741,  leavinir'an  est.  of  V54s.      1,   Svinj.,  b.  l)v.  ?,] .  1710;  m'.  Aui^  2S, 

•  1757,  r>L-jiiamin  I'ook,  (.s.  of  l>avi(i  Cook,  a  lars:c  ship  owner;,  b.  April  Z,  17:!!). 

I'X.  i'aiienee,  b.  .Ian.  ]•.',  1720:  m.  Ni,v.  y,  17:]0,  WTlliai!!  Walter,  jr.,  (s.  of  \Vm. 
t  ^Valter  of  No.    Hav.,    s]iij>   carpenter  ,    Ids   est.   dividcvl.    177.O,    to   \\'iiriani,    Patience, 

'  Henry,  Charles.  Mehitalde  and  Jacob.      1,   Wri.i.r.v.M,  m.  'l'her)d.>s!a  Pierjiont.      i,  .At/,  b.' 

ilay  \><,  177S;  Y.  C.  ISOO;  d.  TS:-):'.;  est.  insol:  m.  Sarah  Le;iveii \vip.-;h,  dau.  of  \Vm.  and 
■-  gr.  dau.  of    Kev.   Mark    Leavenwoi th,  b.  June   2(i.    17.^4       1.   iJcv.    \\'illiMm,   (Pd'"^"^--'     ~. 

James,     '-i,   Car.Jiiic.     4,   Elizabeth.     5,   Cornelia.     0.  lieorge.      7.   Charles,    lost  a  leer. 

2,  Loui-oi,  b.  May  22.  17sO.     :!.   L"-ui>t,  b.   Mav  4,   lib2.     4,  ,hrnj,  b.  March  2:3.  17N4. 

I  5.       WW.i<l„i,     Oct.      10,     17s(j,     est.     set.,       ISlS,       insol.         2,    FATIKXCE.        ;;,      IHCNKV.       4, 

j  CirA]ii,K-<.     5,  MiciUTAKi.t;.     G.  Jvcoi;,   m.    Ivsther :  Ids  will,    |n-ov.  N.  Hav.,   lS2l', 

i  names    wf.    J-7>thei,   son   Woo.-^ter   Brooks    Walter  and   thr.'c    gr.  chil.:    W'yliis  iN'alter 

!  Dickerman,  Henry  Dickerman  and  Jason  Dickerman        E>t.    ol   Esther    Walter  of  No. 

I  Hav.,  divided  about  1S2S   to  Wooster  Brooks  ^\■alter  and  to  the  lieirs  of  Laura  Dicker- 

;  man. 

j  X.     .b>b,  b.  Julv24,   172;):  m.    Sept.  15,    174G,    Esther   Coodvear  and   had   S\i;.\7i 

I  bap.  .\ug.  iG,  1747. 

I  XI.      Thankful,  1).  Oet    2G.  1725;   living  1741  _,,..- 

i  IIG.     Nathan  Clark,  b.  Feb.  20,  lGs2.     In  a  .h-ed  of  1700  he  i^^  ralledi '-eordwainer." 

'^,_.^     Hem.  .Ma.v    27,  17()',I,  I'jielie    Lisies,  who,  as   on.-   of   the   legiitees   u<i    Hcdpli    l.ijie.-^,  <jave 

recei[<t  (li2'-!i  to  Abiah  and  Jomm.Ii  l/mes,  Admr-.  .if  Haiph."^     In  171:1  Xarhan  ar.d  I'hebe 

sold  land  t'.  l,;;wren<'e  Clinton,  peril'.  [)-  the  bind    !:e   b.-.i-ht,  1712.    .d'   Nath'i   Tutiie    of 

:       .\  deed  of  gift,  .lat.-d  Sept.  25.,  ••  Fo.-  l,,ve  and  ali'ection  1  la-ar    my 

three  children,  b'    Chi'k,   La/   Clark   and   .les:,e  Clark."    -ave   all    of   his  estate 

;•  to  be  equally  d:vi,ied;,  Ca!<-i>    Tnttb-.    Hannah    'I'uiil.','    'i'uttie.       Nov., 

;  17:i:^.  J.din    Front,  tor    .€8  ])ai.l  liy  N.  C, ,  quit-claims  t.)  a  ].iece  of    land   laid  out  to  heirs 

.  of  Wm.  '."utile.  ,i!i.l  conveyed  by  sat.l  N.  C.  to  Front  iti  I  r:!2.       In  ii;)!  h.'  s.-lis  i.)  .lohn 

;•  Prout  a  •' mansion  lujuse."       in    i7;it'i    N.    C.    aii.l    wf.    ceiivey    prop,  to  s-.  lazjinis  and 

'  Jesse,  on  condition  of  free  occupancy  by  their  parent.-.     In  1  i"40  Nathan  and  Fliebi?  (.  lark 

«  «.e!l  to  Joseph  N.>ye4  land  in   4th  div.,  laid  out  t.)  Wm.  Tuttle.       In    1741    Samuel  Co...k 



bouirlil  of  Phebe  ("lark,  ^vi^l.,  land  fnniH'rly  hfloniriutr  to  Xiithaa  Clark,  di'c  Slio  m. 
{'3)  ])ua.  .lo.sliua  Tuttk',  [3]  and,  a^  Phi-l.o  Tuttlt-,  conv.-ycd  her  riglit  in  tlio  colloi^c  lot 
to  Aba  To<Id  and  w  f. 

I.     J^icli-d,  1,.  Ffb.  11.  1710;    111.  Jan.  2U,  1734,  Maitlic-w  Bellamy  of  rbcsbiiv,  1.. 

June  1.  17iH;  ,]. ;  bro.  nf  Ib-v.  Dr.  J-'.-rpb.      "Martbew  Bellamy  had  bup.  in  Dic-hire, 

Aaron,  Au-.  4.  ]',■:}<■.  Hannah.  June,  17;;0.  Hv  lii.s  2d  wf.:  1.  Thankvi'i.,  b.  Nov.  23, 
1734.  -i/i-'n^.  Jan.  bl.  1737.  3.  Anx,  Frb".  11.  17;;s.  4,  1?a<  ukl.  baji.  .May.  1740. 
5,  pEi'iiK.v,  l>ee.  31.  1742.  (i,  M.\-iTiiK\v,  Ffb.  U,  1745.  7.  A:\yy.\i,  Dt-c  18.  lU^.  8, 
A>A,  Uu,.  Alio-  ,  i;.')!!.  !),  A-A,  Dt'C.  li).  lb"):;.  10,,  Jan.  14,  17."J5.  [Nlatthesv 
Beilamv  bur!>-d  Mav,  l7r)4:  Mr.-.  IJcllamv  buried  .Mav.  17:)4. 

]1."    .1,..,.,..  1,    J — ;  livini.--  1742. 

in.      Lazarus. 

117.     Hannah   Clark,  b.  April   ij,  li:,<r.    d.  ;    m.  April  20,  171)0.,  Jonah  (s.    of 

.Sanuu-1)  T'Xiil.  b.  Feij.  id,  1084-O:  d.  Any.  20,  1730;  will  name.s  s.  Abiaham  and  wf. 

I.  Abrahanr,  b.  Feb.  18,1700-10;  only  child:  Y.  C.  1727;  stud,  theol.  in  X.  11.  In 
June,  1732,  invited  by  the  Epis.  chh.  in  Derby,  Conn.,  to  succeed  Rev.  Jus.  Mijs.s,  but 
declined,  huvinir  received  a;nl  accepted  a  call  troin  (rri'i-nw  ich,  Conn.  In  1732-3  h'-  is 
called  of  New  Haven  in  a  deed  to  Isaac  Jones.  In  1733.  ■'  of  Cireenwich,"'  in  a  deed  of 
land  in  (iovtrrnor's  Quarter.  X.  II.,  lo  Micluud  Todd.  In  1740  he  sold  dwdlintc  house 
and  lot  in  X.  II.  ih.a  was  Jouah  Todd'.-.,  bit »' of  N.  l!.,d''C.,  to  Thomas  Wiluiot ;  in  1741 
land  in  (bivernor's  Quai'ter  to  heir>  of  Francis  Brown.  He  rfiuaim-d  pastor  <jf  the  West 
Soc.  of  (4.  I  Ilor.-enf'ck)  forty  years,  until  hi>  d.  in  1772.  "  A  mild  an.l  ea.-y  di>]Kisition, 
•and  tradition  hands  down  )nany  anecdotes  (;f  him  '1  horn: h  a  ^i  neral  favoritf  he  niay 
]\ave  a  few  em-niics.  "'^  '''  *  Many  laughable  ditties  are  related  of  hun,  which 
only  show  a  warm  lieart  and  an  innoctiit  life.  *  ■•■'  "-  Fnambitious  and  unpresuni- 
ing,  n«ine  oi  his  ])eople  would  sccm  to  have  di<;liked  him.  Durinr'  his  ministry 
many  were  added  to  his  tlock.  He  d.  Dec.  17,  1772,  and  was  buried  in  the  old  burying 
iiround  in  Davis  Lane." — M<nil'K  Hi-^t.  of  Gretmclfli.  NVhile  studying  theol.  in  N.  11. 
he  m.  Xov.  20,  1727,  Hannah  Dickernian.  b.  ^lay  0,  1700,  dau.  of  Abrahan-  and  Eli/.a- 
.  betli  (lilover)  D.,  <ind  >i.s.  of  Mary,  who  ni.  Michacd  Todd.  She  survived  hini,  as 
.apt)eai>  by  a  deed  (177-M  from  Hannah,  wid.  of  Abraham  Todd  of  <  ireenwiidi,  to  Leveret 
Stevens  of  land  conveyed  to  nn-  liy  my  liusband.  Al'raham  T.  Lm  17.")0  she  Avas  lu'esi- 
■dent  of  a  la'die.V  associati(m  in  (,i.  for  (dothing  the  soldiers.  She  d.  July  2),  J  777.  S^uiie 
of  the  datesaud  oilu'V  valualde  iiiformation  of  Hev.  Abraham  Tophi's  desc.  w  ;'-kii:d'v  'air- 
nished  to  mebvihe  Kev.  Dr.  John  Todd  f>f  X.  11.  1,  Mr.iiriAtn  K,  Dec.  0,  1720.  in  X.  II.  2, 
Lois,  May  13,'  1732,    in    X.  IL;  d.  May  22,  ls22.  agedOO.    3,  Jonah,  b.  Aug.  12,  l7:il;d. 

March  17,  1783;  set.  as  a   idiys.  in  Xew  Milt'e-rd,  Conn.;  m    .     1,   KU  ,U.;  m.  — -; 

had  5  chil.;  ph.ys.  in  New  "Milford.  1.  KU  M.;  a  merch.  in  Watcrford,  X.  Y.  2, 
^Yaiker;  Y.  C.  ISIO;    lawyer  in  (.'armel.  X.  Y. ;    d.  1840.     (li,   William  W.     (2),   Henry 

B.,  m.  Louisa  A.  ;  res.  X.  Y.  C.       (3),  Cliarles  A.,  res.  X.  Y.  C.       ^4),   Alexander  IL, 

res.  California.  3,  Bev.  Ceo.  Thompstui,  Y.  C.  1820;  Presb.  minister  in  Fond  du  Lnc, 
Wis.  4,  Sophia,  m.  Sherman  Hartw(dl  (d"  Bridgeport,  Cotm.  5,  Eliza,  m.  V.  D.  Bone- 
street  of  Poughkeepsie,  X.  Y.  4,  AniiAiiAAi.  b.  Dec.  21,  1738;  d.  April  10,  17S7;  m.  Lydia 
Husted,  b.  AU2-.  31,  1737.       1.  If^n.nali,  b.  Mav  2G,  K.^JO;  d.  April  11,  1840,  aued  87;  m. 

Pevnoldst     2.,.  b.  Feb.  23,  17(!2;  d.  Dec.   10,  1S42,  aged  SO;  ni.   Deborah 

Seelv,  li".  1701);  d.  Xov.  24,  18.Y5  a -red  80.  1,  Alice,  b.  Oct.  o,  1780:  m.  —  Baker.  2, 
Abraham.  Dec.  30.  1788;  d.  Feb.  23.  1847;  farmer:  m.     3,  Betsey,  b.  Feb.  7,  1791;  d.  :May 

2S,  1852;  m. Bailey.     4.   Mabel,  July  30.  17!l4;  d.  Dec.  1,  1S48;  la.  Allen  Mead  of 

Queensbury,  s.  of  Aaron  and  Sarah  (Mi'ad)  iMead.  5,  Jonah,  Feb.  2.  1707;  farmer:  ni. 
,Sept.  21,  1815.  Lucinda  lonlv  dau.  of  Josc]>h  and  Molly  L.)  Xash  of  So.  Salem.  X.  Y.,  b. 
Etd).  17.  1700.  (1  I.  Jos,-i.!i  X..  May  13,  ISlC;  fa.rmer;  ni.  Sarah  A.  Peyiiolds.  (2i,  Lroimrd 
B.,Sejn.l4,  1818;  m.  ih\.  \\).  1S4'2.  Lori-tta  oinu.  of  Daniel  and  Susan  ILi  Ilortnn.  (3). 
Cvru•^  L..  b.  April  1.  1821;  n;.  Fi  b.  15.  18G!^  l-:ii/al-.eih  (dau.  of  (iideon  and  IJetse^)  Key- 
nolds.  (4b  Mollje.  Sept.  14.  1^23;  d.  Maivh  1^'.  18;JL  (5),  Deb,. rah  P..  b.  July  15,  1828; 
m.  Xov.  28.  1818.  <b-ori:e  AV.  is.   of  Daniel  and  Susan   W.)  llortmi.     0,   ?*lartin.  Aug.  7, 

180;;:   m.  Sailv .      3,    Lijnij!.  b.  Juiu-22,  1704,      4.    M'h^l,  b.  M.-irch  15.  17(;0;  d..Iune 

22,  i;03;  m.  "(.'ideon  SeideV.  5.  D.nid.  b.  Julv  20,  1770:  d.  S<']C..  5.  1^5i;.  in  Cortland, 
X.  Y.  5,  Hannah,  1...  Xov.  is.  1741.  (i,  MAin.i..  b,  Xov.  21 .  1  ;41 ;  d.  J  iily  25.  I,s24.  7. 
Oi.p.  KU,  b.  (A-t.  25,  I74s.  d.  I.Vc.  25,  18M.     8,   M.w,  o.  Feb.  !().  1751. 

lis.     Phinohas   Clark,   b.  June  27,  10^7;  m.  Mav  !l,  1715,  .\bi..ail  Ba-sett. 

1.  Phiuehas,  b.  A]>ri!  11.  1710:  will  proved  17;7:m. .  Sarah  Poberds  of  Dur- 
ham, C(mn..  e-t.  di-i.,  ]782..  b^t,.  ,,r  Xv'w  Haven,  will.  Sarah  (ddl.,  Caleb.  Haiius,  AbL 
gail  Cooper,  ibHhelp.ail,  Fli/abeti,  ami  Sarah,      1,  (/Ai.ri;,    b.    Sr^j.t.   2,1745.      2,  Say, 


liUXSCn    OF    JOHN, 

DEI.,  b.  June  19,  174:7.     o,   A  r.niAd.,  h.  July  •?•),  1740:  in.  Jo-st-ph  ('()()()i-r.     4.   UAfiiKi., 
b.  July  1,  17.")-3;  m.    Caleb   Hall.      o    JosKni,   b.    Oct.    (i,    17:)4.      (i,   DAurrs,  b.  Aug.  l', 
175G,     7,   Er.r/,Ai;i;Tii,  b.  Jam- '24,  170U.     S,   S  amckt,,  Juiif  19,  17G7.     9,   Svraii. 
II.      Abi^'uil,  b.  Feb.  27,  ]71S~19. 
III.      Aiiio.,   b.    July  ;:3.    r7'34:  mi.    Oft.    2S,    1747,    Deborah,    <\nn.   of    Aaron    Tuttlo 

[4].     lli.s    est.    u-as    adai.    by    Aarun    Tuttlc, .      1,    l.ors,     b.     Mav     1-],   174^.      2, 

Et'UUAl.u,   b.   On.  28,    1749."    3,   Mai;y,   b.    Nov.    2.  17.>!.     4,    ANf)s,    b.  Miurli  D,  17oG'; 
m.  pprluips  a  clau.  of  .Iosl'I'Ii  Tuttlo  of  E.  Haven,  j(i|. 

11.10.  Hester  Clark,  l).  Jan.  2,  1(;!)2:  m.  Jan.  S.  17U--12,  John,  jr. 
His  \viU  proVfil  1747;  called  Sergt  ,  \vf.  l\!sther  t-xecx. ,  and  guard,  to  minors.  John. 
The  will  of  E-,lh''r  Mun,-<on  names  (Id.  s.  David,  who  %v;i.s  app;.  guard,  to  two 
minor  ehil.,  John  and  Timothv;  daus.  ]>oiothv  and  Do rcae- named. 

I.  Samuel,  b.  June  ll,'l7l;];  d.  Oct.  1!*,  1714. 
II.      Dorothv,  b.  Juno  7,  171"). 

III.  David,'!).  O.-t.  ^.  171>-;  m.  April  ?,,  1740,  Abigail  I'oiter.  b.  Aug.  28,  1719,  sis. 
to  Aaron,  and  dau.  of  San.iupl  and  Al.>igail  (Hill)  Potter"  1,  Cn.vuj.KS,  b.Auir.  ic,  1741. 
2,  DniloTUV.  b.  Xov.  IS,  174:].  o,  Davji),  !..  ,Iulv  4,  llAVr.  d.  April  22,  1701.  '4,  Jakko. 
b.  June  2.0,  1749.     ."),    liaoDA.  b.  Oct.  9,  1751. 

IV.  J)onas.  b.  Nov.  IS,  1720;  d.  Sept.  22,  17t'.l:  m.  April  o.  1740.  Aai-on  Potter,  s. 
of  Sainufd  and  Abia'ail  (Hill)  Potter,  b.  Mar(di  1,  iriC;  both  joined  the  Xortli  churcli  in 
X.  II.,  1742.  1,  .Mr>sr:s,  b.  Jan.  S,  1742;  m.  liebecca.  dau.  of'  N.rth.  and  Thankful  (Bas- 
sett)  Vale,  b.  Oei.  9,  17:_!7.  2.  D<)K(  as.  h.  April  4,  174:!.  8.  AA!!ON,b.  July  1,  174-5.  4,. 
LK>fT.F:r.,  b.  July  y,  1747.  ~k  AnicAii.  ((dianged  to  l-'sther),  b.  .May  i:l,  174tt.  6,  Doi:- 
OTTiV,  b.  Xov.  29,  17r)0.     7,   SAMii^.r..  b.  [)'<■'.  i;i,  175^. 

V.  Basil,  b.  Jan.  22,  1?29;  m.  .May  2.  ITol,  K.-/,inh  Stiles  (dau.  of  Rev. 
Isru'ie  Stiles,  and  his  si-.'ond  wf.  Es'h'-r  Ilooker.i  of  l-'arini;iiiion,  b.  Aug-,  fi,  17:!!:  d.  Oct. 
17,  1?0S.  She  was  half  si.-ter  to  Ib'V.  Dr.  II/.ta  Stih's.  Pros.  V.  0. ;  res.  C'annel(Tlam- 
den),  Conn.  The  e;;t.  of  Mr.s.  Esther  Stile<  div. .  17sl,  to  E/.;;i.  I-aac,  l-%;]i-r  j!radley, 
Kfr/.iah  Mnnson's  lieivs  foriner  wf.  of  Ba.--;1.  .M.inail,  wife  of  lia/./.ei  .Miin.-on  d.  July 
20,  1772.  i,  .for.  I>i(i.\Ni;s.  S.-].L  2^.,  17.-,2,  N.  'S.  2,  Trns.  !>.  Ma.ivii  1,  IT.-..-;,  '.i, 
4;;'.t;a,  b.  .May  b"),  17.")7.  4,  Isaar,  I).  Sept.  2.  17(iO.  ,">,  i\K/i.\[[,  b.  Mnrrh  0,  no:]:  m. 
Jotharu  Tuttl.'.      S!;e  d.    Au^-.  2,  n9'j. 

AM.     Jolm,  b.  Nov.  2i),  17:!l. 

VII.     Timothy,  b.  Ju!n    1,  17;;4;  nu'm.  Nortii  chh.,  N.  II,,  Ib'-S. 

11.11.  Timothy  Ckirk,  !>.  .h.m.r,,  ;';94:  m.  .lan.  :;!.  1724.  Elizabetli  Potter,!). 
1704;  (I.  17.54,  aged  ou.  He  d.  Jan.  17,  17:12:  adm.  giv-  towid.,  Edizafieth;  ehil.  Eunice 
and  .Mabel  named. 

I.      Eunice,  b.   Dec.  7,  1727;  d.  Ort,  4.  174:^. 

II.  Mabel,  !),  .Nov.  ■"■),17:!0:  m.  May,  17.-)(»,  Naa.c,  s.  of  ]i<v.  haa<- St;h-<  of  No  Hav., 
fuid  liali-iMo.  I.)  Pre>.  E/ra  Sfihs  ot  \'  C,,  b.  S-pr.  o,  172'.t:  d.  .Mandi  b'!,  17^4.  Invent. 
of  Mabel  Stile.-;"  est.,  .\pril,  1.m»2.  lb  r  will  ti;i.mes  live  chil  :  Eunice  Lirey  Tuttlo, 
Mabel  Frost,  l^ith  Pieri>ont,  .Mary  Man-<(ield,  l\i-/.!ah  Maustiold:  John  Pierpout  and 
Richard  Mansfield,  exec'rs.  1.  \'a  mck  I.tcv,  b  .luly  12,  Kol:  ni.  .lohn  4'nttle;  (2)  Euo.s- 
Brockell.  She  had  by  liist  m  two  sons  and  tlnv  dau-.,  of  whom,  1,  /■■oi'ic  Tuttlc  lived 
in  Augusta.  <!a.  2,  JoJut  Tntl'e.  m.  and  had  s.  Stiles  Tattle,  who  lived  at  Branilon,  Vt. 
2,  IMAiiKi.,  b.  Feb.  12.  17.V5:  m.  Titus  Frost,  b.  June  IS,  174S,  s.  of  Ebenezer  F.  [182], 
had  Sumu' 1,  Willard  and  Levenlt.  :!,  I'",i,i/.ai'.i;tii,  b.  l-'eh.  II,  l7o5:  m.  Timothv  Eaton. 
She  d.  before  1^02  and  left  chil.  4,  Ti.motiiv  Ci.aiik.  b.  F.'l)  1.  17.5S;  d.  "pel).  14. 
1759.  .5,  Rltii.  b.  April  1.  17()0:  m.  — •-.  John  Pierj.ont.  ti,  .Mai;v,  !>.  Fid).  22,  17G:J; 
ni.  Richard  .Mansfield,  1).  May  24,  170:3.  left  two  .ss.,  Riihard  and  Stilts  7,  Kkzia,  m. 
Jesse  Mansfii'id;  had  ss.  Ch.arles  and  .Merriidv.  and  three  daus.  S.  Son,  b.  and  d.  Feb., 
1700.  !'.  Isaac  Ci.akk,  0.  April  MO,  17fi;:  m.  Feb.  ■\.  1  ;s7.  F.enice,  ilau.  of  Zophar 
Blakeslv.-.  b.  Ajuil  25.  1707.  He  d  .lune  Ki.  ls;;4.  1.  I'.,nint,  b.  Nov.  :;0.  17S7:  livimr, 
.Mareh,  ls7',t,  ia  her  92d  y'';u-:  m.  l-'.ln-ae/.or  .Mansiiidd.  Isaac,  IvUvin  P.,  Eanici-,,  .Mary. 
2,  L"rui.i,  b.  A])?il  24,  i7!'i):  m.  I.cwis  (io,.d\car:  had  tliiee  (diil  ,  <lt  c.  :!,  'h. 
Aug.  2,  1792:  d.  F(4).  4.  ]s!i2;  m.  Nov.  2s,  \s\:,,  Lois  Cooi)er,  res..  No.  Hav.  1,  Isaac 
Lorenzo,  1).  Jane  27.  1S19:  with  his  hi-o.,  11.  H.  Stiles,  manfr.  of  In-ick  at  No.  Hav. ; 
Hrm,  I,  P.  .V  H  H.  Stiles:  m.  Feb.  KI,  1M2,  Soj)hronia  M  Bhikeslco,  /. .  (1),  Isaac  \Vads- 
vorth.  1>.  F"b,  2S.  pspi.  (2),  Frank  I.oivezn.  !>.  July  12,  1^54.  2,  Pois  |),|;;rht,  b.  Sept. 
If).  1S2P  :!,  lb  nry  Hobart.  b.  Oc!.  4.  iN24;  m.  V>ct.  15,  In!5,  .lane  iic.iton.  a  gr. 
dau.  '4'  James  liatou:  d,  April  2,  1S79:  rep.  (\.an.  i.i  ■.■•.:  flr^-^  sr-UctiieMi  of  No. 
Hav.;  as  capt.  of  ( b.  K,  15tli  reg  Conn.  vol.  inf.,  \\as  ar  the  battle  of  Frc(leri(d;.s- 
hurg  and   the   sii'ge   (.)f   SuiTolk.      Ib^    was    a    b-adln;-   mem.   of   th<>    Epis.    chh.      i.,    (Ij, 


T  TJI.K, 


Jiiiic  !,ois,  1).    !)-■<•.    «,    TS4(;.     (2i,     Fr.  (l.Ti(k    ;;,,b;ut,    1..    April   1.    1852.     (S), .     (4). 

,    HI.    Tutdi-.      4.    Kuiili'i,    1>.    Julv   22.    IT'.i.");    m.   Lmikui    Bfcoks;    a.    i.    botli 

living',  .M;m-.1i.  1-;-7'.*.  5.  Z.:).lor.  li.  Atiy.' 24,  IT',".);  <1.  Svpr  2.  1^42,;  \\\.  Nov.  1."). 
182»;!  Car>.'l'i!"  Kt-Ni-v,  i-<v..  N^.  Hnv.  /..  1,  \hircairt':!i.  h.  Aup;.  I-^l, 
1.S2^:  JK.  AaL^  27.  l^"i"i;.  iJ.  S.  Br-nllry  of  Xn.  !h;v.  2,  CuiMliu"  Luciiia,  !■.  S>'pt.  30, 
18;^!.i:  ai.  M:ut1i  i:^.  is.';?,  Sniitlt  'IV-rrill'of  Mai  .-ii\  (.'a.  3,  Sarali  .Maiia,  1>.  S.-jii.  ."i.'  K^3(3. 
(5,  Jfunn;,  1..  .May  ;;i,  ISOi;  d.  Jan.  C,  1S40;  ni.  Fol..  20,  IS'Jii,  Hit;  i,.t  or  < '.".rojiiit' 'J'liorp. 
Sliu  (L  ls;>;).  IJf  1,1  r2i  Xov.  ;),  lSo4,  Luis  I'icriDnt,  rf.~<.,  No.  ilav.  /.  liy  tir.-^i  iii. :  1, 
Kli/abeth  ilanict  Byn.ii,   h.   Oct.  22,   1S21):  v.i.    Ap;il    10.    IST)!,    i.r-inu«-l  S.    Brooks.   (2) 

Smith.      /,  l>y  2.1  la. :    2,  Chsirlotte  Picvix.nt,   i).    Auu.   IG,   ls;iS.     o,  ""i-'ernon  CJr.rk, 

b.  Feb.  2S,  — — .  '  T,  /.>/v.  b.  July  2().  18()4:  in.  ilO.  1^:21),  K?^tb'.T  I'i.';  d... 
ls;iO.  (2) -May  12,  1>^2;7,  .Mary  irristol;  d.  lb.>.>;  (3)  Ajifi!  'J,  i^.")4,  Frunccis  Fiizalx-tli 
Jolms.jn,  les.  X<>.  Ilav.  /.  bv  1st  in,;  1.  CharU'S  Wiljiaiu.  b.  Feb.  3.  1.V3:'.;  d.  Aug.  7, 
1840.  2,  /:.v,7/c/-  ./oy,j./u„r.  ],'.  Alarrh  22.  1^3r.;  d.  Sept.  27,  1S3-.  i.  2d  m.:  3,  (.'harles 
Hoiiiaine,  b.  On.  U.  1840;  d  Mav  F.b  184i.  4,  F./.ra  l-eaiidtM-,  .Mav  C.  1844.  ;".  by  3d  iii.: 
5,  riiaru's  lb  ri.eit,  b.  Oct.  \>,  18'0".  8.  ILnr.-i;,  h  M:!v21,  l^tii';  \\\.  Oci.  21,  1832,  Fn.iiy 
Todd.  1,  Win.  Ihirvy,  b  Ano-.  20.  1833.  2."'(.'(m).  Wailace.  b.  A;i,l'.  1.  1^38.  3,  Film 
Amatida,  b.  Xuv.  2;';,  1844. 

12.  John.  Tuttle,  b.  8i'pi.  15.  Iii57:  n\.  in  Xi-\v  Fo:;d>.n  l.y  rajuain  .Vvrry.  May 
2it,  Ifi^;.'  Mary  i;un<r,ii.-b.-.-'-  It;  l(;:i3  bf- la.tiv.  land  iu  M.  11.  t'l  ijm.  Sanv.u';  Tiitilf;  in 
17U0.  <jf  N.  II..  i;.-'nv.  to  S.-iUi'l  riark.  puri  ol'mv  1'..  J. din  'i"iitTlr".>,  third  div.,  late  of  X.  W. , 
28  ii.-vfs  bouud.-d  by  Mi!)  riv.-r,  ..b.-.-].li  ■['iiub'-'s  land.  <"t(,-.  Ini:oi  he  is  ..alb  d  '  idaii- 
ter"  in  'o  oonv.  f>  Xathan  Smi'h.  \n  1715  In'  is  cilb  d  John  'I'un'e,  <r  .  oi  Lelianon.  New 
Foiidoa  couniy.  Coi.u..  in.  a  i[vi'!  ciaiin  fd  i-li'ht  iu  .-r.iu.'.-tcrf.d  land.-,  io  Mr.  John  l*rout. 
Mavcli  2;),  1723.  Xuilian  (.lark  i  lij.  and  Jo.siaii  Tiuiit-  \'-'<6,  [irodiicod  a  noo-  from  Siunuel 
'ruttle,  signifyinir  his  dr-sirf,'  ;h:if  t.hcy  shovihl  be  made  adnir.-.  on  tl..'  •:•>?.  of  .ivlin  '!'■•,  le. 
lato  (d' X.  li. .  th'c,  an'.i  il.f  v  nmvfd  the  >«ni(',  but  th<>  judge  saw  ranse  to  waivt  it. 
i :,.,.:  ]{.,,■,,.    !',;■■.  It.r.; 

1.     Fphr.dui,  b.   Apr;!  2,  ir,;;0. 
li.     Jo!!ii,  b.  S.-].;.  5.  luM.     'n  April.  1731,  "John  Tutde,  f.^nvrly  of  Xew  liaven. 
now  of  j„'ijan->n.  in  \^'i^dhal!I  v".,  (oiin..  for  duvt  r.s.-ause.-,,  un  re '.-^peeialiy  for  i;''i  r',  ceived 
..It"  Xaiinui  C'laik  (d'  .\' .  ib."  soid,    'all  ri^dits  1  now   lu'V,-  or  a.m  to  liave  woX  (,iir._.v;or,s!y ; 
disposed  of  beforo  June  3,  1  i30." 

III.      .Xatiian,  b.  .iau.  20,  l;,b4;   bap.  Xov.  21,  li:iy7. 

I\'.      Mary.    b.     I>.-,-.    •?.':,.  \>:\>i\\   bap.    X-a.    21,    1(.37;  in. .    I7ph;aini,  s.  of  Josiali 

and  Mary  (KoVk well;  L.;oniis,  b.  Mav  2,    17;.!8,    of   K.    \\'indsf,r.      1.' Bi-.N.\.i.\!f .  b.  Sopl. 

25.   1711J:  d.   July   1,    173^'.     2.   FphiVmm.    1>.   May  2J.  1727;  ni. .   Hannah of 

Lebar.on.  C'l.nn."    1,   ]l-<,n}'}, ,  b.  l?fr.  'J,  174U. 

Tliero  w.-::e  thr*--*;  nio;-e  child  [oil  se.iipo-ed   to  bebniu    ;„    J(diu   12  or  to  Jame.-'. 
1.10;   further  ..- -a ;-U  needed. 

V.     IV-siti-,  ba;,.  in  X.  H..  Ji;lv  11,  IblO:  in.  April  20,  172(;.  i>anlel  't'odd  ;  (2')  Aug. 
£0.  172.0,  .bdiu   lb-ad 

W.     James,  bap.  in  A<'.  If..  April,  IbOO.     A  James  and   Stephen   Tuttle  on  rate  i>ill 
of  the  north  |>arish  of  Lel^anon,  1741. 

^"11.  A/.uba,  m.  Benjamin  Fox,  April  13,  1710.  of  Xew  Londf)n,  s  of  John  and.  g.  .s. 
of  'J'iiomas  Fox  rjf  ('onr-<ird. 

125.  Desire  Tattle,  bap.  Julv  11,  1Gl)7;  m.  April  20,  1721,  Daniel,  s.  of  Samu.l 
and  .Marv  05raddov;  Todd;  b.  .Maiv'h  14,  lii^3:  d.  Julv  2i).  1724,  air-Ml  37.  She  m.  (2) 
Aug.  2G.  "l730,  John.,  s.  of  Thoma-  and  Mavy(.01iust<-(li  Ib-ad  of  .X.-rwaik:  b.  Aug.  7,  1701, 
of  t)ie  Darien  ehln,  1741.  In  17  (3,  .lohn"  and  Desire  l^eadi,  Idias  and  Mary  Head  and 
Danirl  Toddi  (•.:;■.  s.  of  Samu.-D.  conv.  to  Samuel  Bishe.p  an  eqiial  ..eie-tbird  of  lot  laid 
out  to  SaeiUid  Todb  lit  17  be  .bdin  lb-ad  e.;nv.  to  Ibmie!  lodd  part  -A  a  giis'  mi'!  in 
X.  H.,  •■!  iMUigb- ,.;•  J,.!t:i  MiniMm  '  !,  M  \i;^  'I'mdI).  b.  Mareh  7,  1722.  m.  M,.'-<iii:^ 
1741.  Fbas  ..f  S;ue  foio.  174(;  l-iiii. -and  Marv  itoad  eonv.  land  bdd  o. it  to  Samuel 
Todd.      1,    .i/'ry.   b.  In-r.    12.  1  bil.     2.    /'.^(V,.    b.    Seoi     2^,    1743.     3,  M  "■U^.- .  b.  Xov. 

21.  ii  l-V  lb  F-'..  \,  i74ib     4,     V/r, ■//,'.  b    Nov.    lb  174;;.     2.   i\  .\  iiiAi;ixt:  Tonh.   1'.  lb-.-. 

22.  112^!;  d.  .\piil  -i.  Ii24.  :b  i>.\.\iKr,  T(.[>1>,  b.  .March  5.  1721:  ni.  0.:t.  13,  17-iS,  Sybil 
CarriiiL'-toj!.  i5.".3.  I.  by  2d,  n.i.  4,  .ins!  ui  i;i;.\ie  5.  .louN  Fkad.  d,  biiii;:!.  ID'.vd. 
7,     '"N" -.Tii.v.X    uf.Vie 

'U.lH-rt  Hurr.ou-hs  of  Wc-tluTitieid,  ni  :'j.=;.  Mnry.  wi:; .  r-.i  S.T.iiu.l  Tri-aaub  rc.a  t  <  N( -v  I  r.p.dop. 
<  onn,  ir=o:  d.  .\;:u  ,  ;.-'S.>.  Ib.s  wf.  d.  Dec.  1672.  His  s.,  jcJni  Bur:eu^;,s  or  .Vsj.v  I.-me...:).  ne  Doc. 
i„.  If;..,  Marv.  tl.-'.L;.  .-if    P.'iP.  Culver,  .^n.l  had  (011;:.  b    ■.>-..-ei.  -,  I'.'-i.     NTnry.  b.  Dec.  ij.  1672,  ar;(1  sevcr.u 

24:  BK.VXCII    OF    JOHX, 

■Mary 'I'lUtle,  uiidoubt'.'dly  J^-sr.  from -Iiiliu  ]-^:  m.  D.-r.  VS.  ll^^O,  Daiiit-l  Clark  of 
Lrl;aii.j!i,  C'oim.,  (iiislu-ii  Soc,  lii.s'^d  wilV'.  Hy  first  in.  ho  had  C'Jiarity,  Daniid  J'l-hoiu. 
He  wp.s  dcsc.  from  Daniel  Chirk,  sr-c.  of  the  cidouy,  ami  nearly  related  to  the  Clark;.;  who 
t'l.  dcs.  JCIizabelh  8.  h  Ks'iliEi:,  \>.  Nov.  H,  ITol:  d.  2.  BiLLV.  h.  i"(dj.  17,  17.",3. 
3,  Oi.T\  i;.  1)  Seiit.  4.  l?.".!:  d.  Martdi  10.  1^4'.t.  in  iiGth  year.  4.  .Moli.y,  Aug-.  24.  1700. 
5,  .SvLVANr.s,  Dec.  I).  17.")'?:  liad  a  lan;e  fainils.  0,  I5f-:>:oxj.  Nov.  :,>(),  J  iG'.i.  d.  .tuly  4, 
1842.  in  his  S2ii  year:  u-randfatlier  of  .lolin  S.  Clark.  Esq..  of  Au!.>iirn.  X,  Y.  7.  liO.s- 
WJCi.].,  haj).  ()rt."l7.  171.12:  rem.  to  Vt.     8.   An'N.\.  July  7,  ]7'.r>. 

.lohii  'I'utrle,  prohably  of  the  line  of  .Joim  12;  b.  about  17o0:  Avas  a  l.joaiinan 
on  the  Conn,  river,  and  was  of  or  frnni  (.'onn. ;  had  &«.  Joseph,  Janie.-^  and 
John.  1.  JOHV.  b.  Aprils,  1703;  was  a  Metliuh^i  preacher  in  Ohio  "of  trcniRi)dou.s 
eneryv;"  afterward.s  a  I'niversalist.       lie   was    f.  by   o  inaj'riagx\s  of  24  ehil. ;  lie  in.  (1) 

Abigail ,  and  had  G  (diik;    (2!  Sarah. .  and  had  8  chil. :    she  d.  Oct.  14,  1804:    (:5) 

180o.  Polly  Parker,  and  liad  10  ehil.,  all  of  the  last  \i\.  and  luul  cliil..  and  all  were  liviiisi: 
in  JS7J.  fxcept  otie.  i.  by  1st  ni.:  1.  ./"/ov,  b.  Oet.  4  17Sj;  :].  isiO;  and  .0  n)'")i<-  who 
d.  voiuiiT.  i.  bv  2d  VA.:'  7.  ,L(iJit\^\  b.  Sej)t  7,  171.M:  d.  X..v.  11,  1.8U:),  a^-ed  78.  8, 
S'.'ii'J',  b.  Dec.  2!"),  17!t2:  d.  I^40;  m.  Ja.njes  Jev  ell.  I*.  Joseph.  Oct.  22,  \7i)i':  d.  Ang.  1, 
18.50;  ni.  .May,  182;-'-.  Wealthy  P.ider,  wlio  d.  .May  :;i.  isiii,  aged  lil.  1,  Joseph  Ilawloy, 
b.  March  ]'d.  1824:  began  to  preacli  v.hen  17  yr.-.  of  age.  lie  i.s  an  eminent  minister  of 
the  Universalist  faitlt;  a  fine  steel  portrait  engraved  'oy  J.  C.  Buctre  of  2S'ew  Yoric ;  rji. 
Feb.  2o,  18o.j;  i.  i  2.  Crania,  b:  .Ian.  2(i.  lS,;,'i:  m.  Thl'inas  I'^van.s.  ;J.  Ccirge  \\'..  b 
Feb.  20.  1828:  nnm.  4.  John  Edgar,  June  2-").  18;jO.  m.  tv/ice  and  had  C^chil.  5, 
Thomas  Ainira.  b.  1S32.:  d.  I'eb.  23,  1^12.  0.  Hiram  ilector,  b.  Nov.  1C\  1836;  num.; 
i-es.  Portland,  Oregon.  7,  Minerva.  July  IS.  18:!'.i;  ni,  J.  A.  \N  iJcox;  res.  St.  la-nis.  Mo. 
8,  I?alph  Aug-ustns.  June,  l^-b".;  d.  .Inly  22.  1^11.  U.  C.  i-^r,.nk!in,  J  une  2S,  1S4.'3;  r>or- 
trait  paint^^r:  res.  'J'itusville.  Pa.  10.  (Jeitrude  M.,  l.-.  Au^.'-.  10.  ]S47.  10,  Jo/.'/.';'/,  b. 
Jan.  28,  17l,tO:  a.  18oT:  m.  A-a  Dri-us.  11,  I.-ithi/,  t'e.  (h-*.  22.  K'.i?;  d.  l^J^.  !2,  i.;,/.^,  y. 
Jan.  14,  1799:  unni.  13,  3- '>-.;.,  iK-z.  25,  1800.'  14.  Jf,:rt;r.  .)nU  2.1,  1^02;  d.  O.-t.  20. 
1804.  /.by  3dm.:  lo,  ('.  /,'. ,  Pev.  jind  iVl't. ;  noted  as  an  inventor  a.nd  machiijist;  res. 
Xew  Isrigliton,  Pa.:  anil  '.)  nsore  whos-  reeoid  ]ia^  leit  i.>eer,  ol)tciihed. 

Josei^h.      4'lie  d.'-c    nf  Jos"))h  --xnil  Ids  Uro.  .bd>n,  lU'Diber  1000. 

James.  Pev.  .lolm  Tuttle  of  Camden  Mills.  Pock  Island,  111.,  an  earnest  and 
useful  nian,  is  of  tld-  family, 

IS.  Samuel  Turtle,  b.  Jan.  0,  1000-00;  s'one  ma.-^'-iK  ;ri.  Jan.?.  10-^4.  Sarah,  dau. 
of  S.inun.1  Ne\vii.iu  of  N.  II. ^^  in  1703  he  bL>iight  land  near  \\  ailhigi'ord  bnd;'e. 
Simon  Tnftle  !l,  ivit.  In  i70Glie  boughi  land  in  ^^"aIl.  of  Simon  'j'lntie  In  1722  he 
agreed  vciili  John  Huntisfon  to  diviib.*  the  lot  formerly  belonging  to  the  wid.  -\nne  Howe. 
In  1720  he  conv.  to  Cai>'b  Todd  lands  on  east  side  of  N.  II.,  East  Piver.  Also  rJglit  in 
land  laid  (utt  to  ''my  honored  grandfather.  .Mr.  William  Tuitle."  Tiuth-  and  wf., 

Sarah,   joined  th.e  dih.  in  N.  IP,  10.'t2.     He  m.  (2di, .  da\..  .>f   Join,   and 

Me'-ey  h^r..wt.  ae.d  wi(l  of  T!.oi>i:ts  B-,ir:'i'-s:  and  mijiher  of  ir>  (iiil.  In  1717  .Tohn 
Frost  of  Newark,  N.  J.,hi5l'ro.  Samuel  Tutile  and  Abigail  hi:>  w  f.  ft)vmerJy  -.vf.  of 
'ihos  Ixuiies,  e.n.u  .  \<>  Eb.Miezer  Frost  right  in  homestead  of  f.  and  .mo  ,  John  and 
Mercy  Erosi  of  N.  II.  Sam.  'i'uttle,  sr.,  d.  betwt^en  1731-35.  Tn  Nov.,  1730,  Capt. 
Sanual  Barnes  ])r<:sented  a  petition  to  the  court  in  regard  to  his  "mo.,  Abigail  Tuttle, 
wlio  luid  f:ii]en  into  discomposure  of  mind,"  was  incapable,  etc.,  and  lie  was  a])]iointed 
conservator.  The  thirds  of  the  wid.,  Abigail  T.,  v<-ere  divided  to  lieirs  of  Samuel  Tuttle. 
1748.  S.  T.  was  a  larg-e  land  owni^r  and  the  genealogv  is  proved  in  stmdiw  vlee'ds  and 
t^eltlements  betv.een  the  heirs.  In  17.1()  Stephen  I'lUtie  eonv.  to  S.nnuK.d  Bishop  1-0  of 
8th  divi-ion  laid  out  to  f.,  Samuel  Tuttle.  in  17t)5  Steplicn  and  llarln!  Tattle,  Thomas 
and  Mehitalde  ^^■alter.  Hannah  Todd,  Jehial  Tuttle  and  Thomas  and  Martha  Sperry,  all 
of  X.  11.,  cmv.  to  Daniel  Atv\ater  land  in  Oih  division  laid  out  to  Sam.  Tiinh.'.  sr. 
I.  Mary,  b.  Jan.  31,  PN4-o:  nt.  Oct.  1.  1701,  Kbene/.er  Fro^t. 
II.     .leminia.  b.  L\r.  0,  !';-(J,   m.   April.  1T'!7,  Tle'in.-is  .laeo'os. 

in.      Sf^■|'he^,  b.  -  ;   in.   .    Paehe:  Mansliehl. 

]\  .     Abigail,  b.  .Vi>iii4.  li;;'2-  v\.  .;aiy2:;.   !7!7,  Daidel  Atwait.r. 
V.      Martha,  b.  Maixi;  is,  ]<>04:  m.  Felt.  ]:,,  1717,  .bdm  Smith. 

*Thc  inventorv  cif  .Snnuicl  Newp.ian  of  X.  11.  v.'.is  .iriven  to  the  court  Nov.  7.  u'Eo — f.j.i';  ni;>re  ndcit'd 
afterward.  Thomas  Tuttle  Joseph  .\lanstit;!d.  iqjprai.strs.  jo'ai  i.p.l  Sar-.i'n,  only  cliildrf;;  aiv^l  i'.oiis  of 
dec.  Simiiel  Tattle  clainTfd  :n  t'^-hi'lf  ot  his  wf.  .Saraii.  J.-'ir..  Xcv.-.TiJ.r..  hi'o.  ..lail  r /-I'.eir  uith  ?c-iinacl 
Tut'Js's  %^'!  .  Saral:.  ui.  .-"■li.'^^.-iil.  --  ,  and  d.  .v  /.  r-ii:  wid.  .-Ma^:'.!!  anni.x.  bi  1,02  Sar-ut !  Tintio.  ia 
behalf  of  his  ohil.,  who  wtre  tnc  heirs  i;f  Jo'm  Newman,  .Ice.  toa-pinintri  'f  .Mai.;a:i  el  nej.;:ei:t  ol 
trust  as  adrn.x.  aad  ot'  hor  advisers  Caleb  Tultie  37,  and  J>.y.5hua  Hoichki^s  -i.  'n  i;-.:'!  S.  T.  conv 
Jand  to  .\bit,'atl  wid.  -if  lohn  .Vownian. 

Tr:iTLE,    l-EOST.  25 

V].     Josiali,  b.  April  o,  ItJOC:  l-ap.  Dec.  ICvlT;  in.  June  11,  1719,   Deborah  Barnes. 

VII.     Sarah,  b.  Jan.  17,  'itj'.;^:  m. ,  .Idlm  Moulllirop. 

Mil.      Dani.-l,  b.  Ang.  2:i.  170:.';  ni.  April  •:^!;,   17i(;.,  Mary  Mansfield. 

Stephen  Tattle,  1j.    IGsS;   m. ,   Hachel   .Mar.stielil.   dan.  of  Samuel   and 

Hannah  Man.sfield  13;^.  In  1  7;)0  he  cdnv.  riyht  :i;  f. ,  Sanim-i  '1  utile's  7th  division,  to 
r)aniel  Tnttle.  In  17Go  he  conv.  to  Ste-jihen  Tiittle,  jr.,  land  near  'i'itu^;  ^iausiield'b; 
furtltor  re.^eareh  is  nei-di-d.  I  suppose  liini  f.  to  1,  S'n;riiKN,  liap.  in  N.  il.  .hilv  21, 
1710.     e.  Lkvi. 

131.  Mary  Tuttle,  b.  Jan.  Ml,  ]<5.>^l-5:  d.  Jiinr  -^O,  17G;:!:  ni.  Get.  1,  1701, 
Ebenezer  C^il  s..  and  5th  cli.  of  Jolm)  Frost,  b.  Autr.  5.  1677.  lie  m.  rJ)  Feb.  19,  1734, 
Elizabeth  Aiidrev/s  uf  Farniingt._.n,  Conn.,  and  d.  17-19,  leavifn;;  'oy  2d  ni.  or."  <di.,  Lydia, 
b.  Dec.  IS,  173o,  whom.  Jan.  17,  1755,  Ihv.ekiah  Todd  [(>];  adiii.  given,  17-19,  to  wid. 
E^lizabetli  and  s.  Kl.on/.er.  In  1755  Joim  and  Kbenezer  jiaid  t-19  to  eaeh  sis.  fi:)r  right 
In  f.'s  estate. 

I.  Hannah,  b.  Jiuv,  170<j;  m.  ,  Obadiuli  Hill. 

II.     Ebenezer.  b.  Feij.  11,  1703;  m.  April  19,  l',3^),  Daniaris  Ive.s. 
III.     Marv,  1).  Srj.t.  >,Q,  1709;  d.  Oct.  21,  1709. 
]V.     Marv.  b.  Feb.  25,  1711;  ni.  Muv  31,  1733,  Is,:ac  rdakesh'P. 
V.     Sarah,  b    Feb.  22,  1713;  ni.  Dee.  12,  171-1.  Pardee,  jr. 
VI.     Martha,  b.  Feb.  14,  17  14    m.  March  17,  17-IS.  Jonathan  iiarnes. 
\\\.     Jidm,  b.  Jan.  29,  1717:  m.  Jan.  15,  174'),  Mnvtha  Pardee. 

Vlll.     Ai.i.iiai!,  b.  May  27.  1719;  by  will   of  Noah  Paugborn,  prov    Ai)ril  30,  1741,  to 
have  10  acres  of  land  in  the  north  ]>art  of  the  north  p:iri'.';  of  X.  11.  ( Xo.  Haven)  ]>rovided 
she;  remain  lum;.  4  years  from  the  dale  "hereof."     She  m.  Caleb  Turner,"^  b.  Jnue  18, 
1 724-5.  s.  of  Joseph  and  Sarali  (Ilotchkiss)  "i'lirner. 
IX       Amos.  h.  F(  b.  9,  1722;  d.  Jan.  14.  1724. 

X.     Thankful,  b.  Dec.  1,  1724:  m.  Di-r.  14,  1S19,  John  BD'Ckett. 
XI.      Elizahctb,  b.  Mareh  3.  172S;  m.  Xov.  5,  1751,  Samuel  Pirvpont. 

1311.  Kaniiah  Frost,  b.  June,  171^0:  n,.  — -^ — -,  Obadiah  (s.  of  John  and  liad 
hro.  Johnf)  Hill;  both  living  in  1755  arid  namod  in  ajireement. 

1312.  Ebenezer  Frost,  b.  ImJi.  11,  1707;  m,  .April  19,  1739.  D.nnaris  Ivos. 
Adm.  given  to  -wid.  Damaris,  1757,  h-aac  Plalzeslee  and,  Tlioma-  Ih.iy,  a--isi;',nt'-  to  the 
wid.  \Vni.  Sanford  and  J(din  Frost  he'irs  ir.  tlieir  own  r:_;dit.  She  m.  (5)  Oct.  2  i,  1701. 
Dr.  Joliu  Hull  of  WaHingf(.rd  (bis  2d  wf.),-h.  Oct.  0:  17u2:  .1.  .M:iy  22,  1  TO:!  He  m.  {\) 
June  21.  1727.  Sarah  Ives,  who  d.  Xov.  29,  17*39.  lu  1757  Damaris  arjji.  guani.  to  0 
iniuor  chil.  of  Ebenezer  Frosi.  viz.:     Amos,  Titns.  M;i.ry.  Lucy  ;.nd  Ebenezt^r. 

1.  :\!arv.  1).  March  5,  1739:  d.  Se].t.  27,  1750. 

II.  Sa'uuel.  b.  ()ct.  10.  1741. 
HI.  Svbil,  b.  U,-t.  2';,  174!. 
IX.  Anio.s.  1).  Dec.  27.  17  45. 

V.  Titus,  b.  June  IS,  174S:  m.  Malxd  Stiles  [].  1.  SAMCKt.,  ai.  Ruth,  dan. 
of  Tlieophilus  and  Margaret  (Elliot)  Merriinam.  1,  yo//r.'f.  'i.  Amoinln.  'i,  Cluuintte, 
m.  \Vm.  13.  (ioodyear.  had:  1,  AVilliam,  whom.  Xellie  Murray  (rmis.  of  Rev.  Joseph, 
of  Adirondack  faine)  and  had:  (1),  CJKirloite.  (2),  Elizabeth.  2,  .Miles.  3,  Elizabeth, 
m.    Col,    Francis  Marion  Crafts,    who   commanded  a  reiJt.  of  X.  Y.  vids.  in   tlip  Union 

*.\  Caleb  Turner  .t,'rad.  V.  C.  175S;  d.  :?o3. 

+Perlu:ps  \ix.  par.  of  Rlioda  and  Catliarine  Hill,  si^.,  who  m  Vtx.  Eli  Todd  and  per.  f.  of  IJeut.  Jared 
Hill,  b.  about  1,-^5.  who  m.,' about  \-i(.-o.  Eunice  Tuttle  ipr'.'b.  d:ui.  of  Daniel;,  b.  X'>.  Haven.  17/9.  Jared 
Hill  rem.  to  Walerbury.  Conn  . ,  ab'.ut  iSno,  where  th'.Te  are  now  numerous  desc.  His  wf .  Eunice  was  a 
persop.  of  r;ire  qualities  of  head  and  heart;  of  lino  pcrs-j.-ia!  appcar.iuce,  e\-e!i  in  extreme  old  ai^e,  and 
quite  aistinsuiihed  in  l;er  youth  for  beauty  ana  spri>^h'linc.5s.  The  W'.ilerbury  Tutllcs  called  her  l.yous. 
She  lived  with  her  ynunyest  s.  and  d.  iJco,  aceri  00.  .She  v\as  blind  the  last  ro  years.  Chil  b.  in  AVater- 
burv;  several  rem.  to  Otiio,  some  to  Greene  Co.,  N.  Y.  There  were  i  •  in  all,  hut  after  much  inquiry  and 
con'tsDondence  the  names  of  7  onlv  could  be  ascertained.  Older  of  b.  uiil;nrm'n.  I,  Obadiah,  re.  and 
d.  le.iv.  a  younu  fain,  of  whi..m-  .\ueus'.us  Hill  of  Cairo.  X.  Y.,  has  been  a  niem.  of  the  \.  Y.  iet^  II, 
Charles,  d.  in  Che-hire,  Conn.  HI.  Hannah,  m .  Th..inas  Welton  of  VV..leott,  Conn.,  b.  Nov.  >,  1751;  d. 
.\pril  i.S.  1S35.  <hi>  3d  wifei;  rem  to  Oiiii;  his  three  younijest  chil.,  sup.  by  3d  wife,  were,  i,  Tii(>.\;.-.s; 
.-,  RcTU  N'.,  whom.  Street  ToL^d;  ^  Hikscuki  ,  b.  17.17;  d.  iS-i-':  m.  Eunice,  dau.  of  David  IVincie  of 
Wacert  nvn  i,  Dar-^f  T.  m.  PoUv  N'ic.hols,  (-j;  Can-.line  Turner  1,  Everetand  ^  liaus.  2,  Chnuiuo  f..  tn. 
Jennetle  Cievclaua.  i.  Dwisiht.'  2.  Caroline.  3,  Ella.  3,  S>tir»:an  r...  m.  Ca'-oiine  Ckvei-aid,  who 
d.  June  IS,  iSso.  7,  Hattie.  4,  Ha-iruili  A.  s.  A'.c-x.^'.-k  A'. ,  m  .Nfarv.daij.  of  Edv.-.ird  ^c^tt.  i,  Mary. 
2.  Dau.  G,  I /\  ::.■>■  E.  -j.  Hers\;\,-!  O .  IV.  Eunice,  m.  I'>ar-:ei  Frisliie  of  \V,,  Cont!.  V.  Jare  !.  VI,  David; 
with  bro  .fared,  rem.,  yountr.  to  Ohio.  VII.  Samuel  .\fans;leld,  fatlier  of  Rob-rt  Wakefield  Hill  of  Water- 
barv,  architect.  ;'.nd  of  Eunice  H'.;  ten.-.j  11:1!  of  I'U.vr.  La  Fayette  Co.,  Mo. 

"■i^i  liRXHCU    OF   JOll.V, 

iirniy.  4,  J"li,i.  2.  Wiij-iam,  m.  Aliiiira  Tres.  ?,,  .Joitx.  ni.  .Mi-linda  Mnnsfiold.  4. 
IjKVCUKTt.  !ii.  . I  iilh'.  Huston  .■>.  I'oi.i.v,  in.  Janu'.s  Wadswfurli.  0.  -Iri-is  m  \i)«ou 

\i.     Marv.  1).  F.b.  IJ.  i:.V3. 
Vli.      I.u.y.  1).  IVh.  -J:;,  17r)4. 
\'I!I.      )■:!.. •niv,.T.  b.  Nov.   15.   IT.V');   csr.  div.,   iTr.l,  m  C.  siirv.  hros.  and  sis. 

1314.  Mary  Frost,!.,  i'.-l,.  -.'5,  ITiU;  lu.  .May  :;i.  17;;:^  Linu.  (in  Froncli  war) 
Isaac  (s.  (.f  i.icii;.  i;:...i;i -/.T)  Klaiiesl.'r,  h.  .iuly  -..'1,  170;;:  d.  l''.di.  4.  ITOT.  a-cd  *):;.  !Io 
rfs.  in  .\<i.   llavrii:    ^idrctiiiuii,   ['i')']. 

1.      Isaac,  b.  Fib,  2(j,  17-'54;  in.  Nov.  2:j,  1  MT.  I^vdia  Alcoti. 
JI.      Mary,  b.  Oct.  la.  17;;.V.  m.  April  y.  1  7-")i;,  Eliphalet,  Panlrc. 

III,  Surali,  b.  May  l:j.  17:i>J:  ni,  IJt-njainin  Picrpont,  1).  .Jan.  7,  173-1.       1,  .Jkssk,  b. 
17-57:  d.  young.     2,    I'avii).  Aug.  s,  175'.*.     :',   Aj'.ic.vii..     4,   .M.\iiv.     5,    II.wnmi 

IV.  'Hannah,  b.  Aim.  2'.t,  r741:  m.,  I75it,  ,I,.scp)i  H.dt 

V.     Abiirail,  b.  OcT.^i:-;,  17-in.  /  ,.    ,  ,     ,  ,,  .     „      ,• 

VJ.      r.eiilah,  I...  Nov.  J  I'.  174^.  s  """  "^  ''"•^''  "'■  -^"''■':'-'-  Hanu-.s  of   ^...■shin-.  Conn. 

VII.      Kuth.  1).  Feb.  s,  1757;    ni.  Capt,  Fm  5th  rcg..  Col.    r:b.',,.'/..T    IJo-rrs 

of  Northford.    (.'onn..    b.     .Ian.    2'.i,    1747;    d.    iu   1S'J7,  over  ^0.  '    I,   F:iiKNi./.i;ii.  .n;.~  m. 

l\ebocca  .Mun.-on.      1.  M<'r//  Ami,  1).  1S17:  ni.  Ebpnczcr  Saiith,  of  Noitli  ilaveu,  and  had 

1  dan.      2,    Jf>/nsoii.  h.  ls-.'2;  ni. .  of  J-]zia  and i  Hales)  TvIcm-.      2,   Ju.mmi 

151. Tliorp;  2  ( Iiii.  d.  N...  Haven.      F   R'is>.,!!.     2,  ,//^^•'^-,       ;j,  >F\i;v'  ni.  .lan><l  An-,  r. 

Xortlifonl;  d.  in  child  bed.  1,  M'/r/j.  lu.  Wm.  ])c(ii(;ar.  ^hc  d.  in  child  bed;  I'cu. 
1,  Dolia,  Ml.  X(dson  Cn, well,  farmer;  bio.  uf  ('apt.  Cmwcll  oi  tl,t^  Cunard  line.  4. 
RiiMKCCx.  in.  .lai>'d  Angcv.  1,  Ji,!i,ren,  d.  utim.  '  5,  Fi.sik,  m.  l-.!ca/,cr  P.  liobbins  of 
Oawego;  shoe  inanuf.  I,  /."/■!/.  2,  .huiu.f.  o,  JjIzh.  <1.  (d'  lUf-a^lcs,  aged  14.  4,  N//^/, 
d.  uni!i.      5.   M'ill.liiiu.      (i,  Ihirar,    V       7,    hy^iy.      All  ri'ivuv-d  to  ( )s\vcgo,    N.  Y. 

13141.  Isaac  Blakeslee,  l.».  Pcb.  2d,  17o:;-4.  Stud.  eh>'tricity  for  medical  pur- 
poses; ])ainted  in  \vaicr-cf)!ors.  Chorister  of  the  >;o.  llav.  chli;  liad'tine  litcrar\-  'aste- 
stndioas;  lay  reader  ir.  tiie  Fj.i-..  chii.  He  (L  Nov.  F,;,  INFi,  aged  SI;  in.  \,v,-.  2:-!,  1757, 
Lydia,  eld./,  ot  -'ohn  and  Debcndi  Alcott  (d'  \\'aterbary.  b.  Nov.  24.  HMU;  d.  Nov.  I5' 
17'.1'F  2d  cons.      (She  v.-as   a  g! .  aniit  to  A.   l^i'onson  Alr,",tt  of  Cuiicord.! 

I.      Anio.;,    b.    Nov.    (I,    175S;  d. -;   n, ,    l-amic  (.'ooper.  •■      ],    Wn.l.js.      2, 

Anson,  \\.  ;  m.  .  ..'alia  Fio-.t.     :',,     CiiAC.vt  t.v,    twin.  d.  yonnu'.      4,    FfNi:T;.v, 

twin   to    Cjiauncey,  in.    Frederick    Fames.  [J     5,  -J  i  i.ixi;.  b. ;  ni.  Angustus  Heniini;-- 

way.      [(.i| 

\\.      Phih-nion,  b.  Oct.,    I7r.!:);  d.  ;   ni.    .    Lydia,  dau.    (d'    Pi.diard    Fro-kctt. 

1,   N'.VNCV,  b. ;  ni.  .  Elijah,  s.  of  .John  and  Martha  (Pardee)  Hull.     2.    liii  ir.MiL), 

b. ;  m.  ,    Lottie  JFainiston.      1,    l,n:;!.-<ii.     ;^,    Ei.mun.   b.  ;   m. .     Laura, 

dan.    of   St;-])h.»n   .Lu-oljs.    []]  \vlio  d.  at  Ce(hir    Hill.   i;'-ar    New   Hav.,    .Martdi  2J,  F^7'<'. 

4,    EnwAitii,    b. ;  ju. .    r,ucr.tia   Holt    of    Fair   Haven.     5,    l')n!.f..M(i.\,  b^  ; 

111-  .  Sallv  .loie-s  of  N'ortliford,  Ci.nn.      (I,   Twix  sis.  of  i'hiiemon,  who  il.  voung.      7, 

Lydi.v,    b. ;     d.    aged    30.      S.    \[.\i;v,    111.     Pearly,    s.  of    .\hraliani     Hlakesiee.      i)^ 

EvF.LVN,  in.  .lane  Sackett  and  lives  on  the  place  in  No.  Haven,  occ.  hv  his  f  <•■  f  atn! 
gt.  g.  f.      Hea.    chh.  No.  Hav. 

"in.      Mary.  b.  Oct.  10,   17(12;  d.  voun-.  ^ 

IV.      Abigail,  h.  .Jan.  11,  17d5;  d'.  -;  m. ,  Eli   liassrii.      F    lioxv.  b, ;  ni. 

Street.       2,    Laii:a,  b. ;  ni. ,    Havid   i'.aldwiu,    b.    May  :H,  17!i2;  d.   about 

1S70.      1,    /./^'.•/■(',  111.  Henry   Woodrulf    of    W'aterbury,  Conn. ;    s.  i'    ;!,   .1  \Ki:n,  b. ; 

iti. ,   Polly  Fenn;  :2)  Tlcnkful  Fenn,  sis.  of  PuUv;  (3)  La.ura  Ihitton,  wid.'^ 

V.     Lydia,    b.   Feb.    -1.    1707;  in.   Oct.  12,    17S(i,'  .lar- d    Thompson.      1,    Isaac.     2, 
L()i;iND.\.     0,   LvniA.     4.    Isaac. 

•  VL  Mary,  in.  Ezra  Pi-^Tpont.  (l>odd  says  she  m  175(;,  E!l[)halei  Pardee. ) 
\\\.  Ab'l  filakesh-o,  m.  J^'sse  Passeit.  lif  m,  (2)  flsther,  dau.  c,f  .)os.  ]5assett..  1, 
Sai.i.v.  b.  al>t.  iNiJO;  m.  Capt.  Cile-;  Pierpoiit,  liis  2d  v.-f.  (His  Isf  wf.  was  Eunh'e. 
da,:i.  (d"  Capt.  .lonalhan  .Nluii&on  o.i  Northfofd,  Conn.,  from  vvli. en  ,'ame  Sarah  Pi..'ri)ont 
of  No.  Haven,  and  Hon.  Edward.-  Pi.-i'pont,  atty.  jcen.  F.  S.  and  aiubas-^rjlov  to  Eng. 'i  1, 
Ififuiit  a.,  d.  iu  a  ffw  i;<M.^.  2.  /.',/•,///,  d.  ageo  25.  8.  ii>(//.  d.  in  Kockford.'^  III..' 
1^<70,  aged  50;  ni.  May  21,  1S45,  .Jeru.sha  Caylord  of  Cheshire,  ('cum.,  dau.  of  Rayn^nd 

*XoiK.— I,  Kuuice  Co.ipfcr.  m.  .\mi.s  EiK^keslee  ;  b.    1758.     :?.  Ellv.abcth  Cooper,   in.  Giles  b. 

.     3,  Sarah  C<. oner,  m.  Is.-\iah   Brockttt,  h.    i7?.4.     1,   Fb    P.aHScl:.,   ra.   .Xl-i^ail    iUakcsU-o       -    Jesse 

Ra.ssett,  iD.  Abi  H;,ikeiloc.  3,  I  sa.vj  Basset,  ::i .  liox.ira  I'aniee.  (h.-irles  Basset:,  m.  HuUlah  BurrtLl 
of  Rooie.     Sar.nh  liassclt,  m.  D:u;J  Tutllc.     M.irv,i-i',  ;a.  Levi  Tiitllc 

FUObT,     BLAKKSLEE,    IJOI.T.  27 

and  Sally  A.  (Hitchcock)  luiylord.  1,  I-ei>a,  in.  Saimiol  N  Joi.-'ri  of  ]{.  2,  Thuroii  fJ. , 
111.  Oct.  25,  1N7S.  Heh-u  M"  B!akeinai\.  o.  Watson  T.  4.  A''^7^V.v,  d.  aged  "Jo;  m. 
yairiuel  A.,  s.  of  (iains  'ratile  of  Clifsliiif,  Conn.  [\)]  .j,  Sf/!ri,/,  d.  atrt-d  '^S;  ni. 
lleiivv,  s.  of    Titu.s  B'-adlcy  of  No'.s-  Hav.,   Conn.     G,    Jjcvk,   d.    aged    IT..      7,   Khu:>M , 

i)'r  at ,   l-tin>as;  \\\.   Cavnliiif  S.    WaMur  of   HrookfiLdd,  Conn.     3,    Tdlia' 

(twin  with  Sally),  ni'.  Sacket  (.s.  of  Joe!)  IJlaic.slco.     ;!,    Daniki,,  h. ;   ui.   Susan 

Hnrlbut,  went  we-t    when  young. 

VIII.  Sarah,  ni.  Ira  15radley.  1.  .Vskxath,  ni.  Alhen  Munson.  2,  Eri,  ni.  Eunelia 
Bussett.  1,  SuraJi.  A'., ni. .  ISS'l,  i'uvid  llitcdicock  of  Cheshire,  v'oun.  2,  (llicf  AiniatJi, 
b.  Jan.,  1S28;  d  in  Wall.,  Conn.,  Au-.  5,  is?;);  ni.  ('has.  W.  I'lost..  :J,,  m.  Javed 
Mansfield.     4,   LlCY,  ni.  I.saac  Bassctt.  2d,   w\\o  d.  .June,  1,S^2. 

IX.      lsa:iv,  h.  April  1,  1777;  d.   Oct.   ;^1,  ISJO;  ui.    .Mercy  Tattle,  h.  June  8,  17SS;  d. 
Marcli  6,  1ND-?  [6]. 

X.     Hannah,  b.  :  ni.  ,  Satiinel  Sackett,  s.  of  Samuel  (and   Hannah),  whose 

estate  was  adui.  in  No.  H.iv..  17S1:  nauu-dchil.,  Samuel,  Eli,  Solomon,  Sarah,  Mehitable 

and  Elizabeth.      I,   Sa.miki.,   b. :  m.  .     2,    EiJ.     d,    Solomon      4.  Sakah,  ni. 

Sa.muel   .Moulthrop.     •"),  M};mTAKi.E.     tj,   Eni/Aiwiii.     7,  A  iu(;aii.,  n\.  15euj.    Dixon;  (2> 
James,  s.  (d"  (.'apt.' Jonailuui  Munson:   1  cliikl  hy  b-it  m.,  o  by  2d  m. 

13142.  Mary  Blakeslee,  b.  rx-t.  l;;,  17;;r):  d.  in  No.  Haven:  m.  April  S,  1750, 
Eliphalet  (s.  of  .luhn  Pardee,  ^r.,)  of  Nn.  H.,  b.  .May  4.  1 72(;.  (He  ni.  (2)  wi<i.  Mary 
Bishop,  and  Jesv,  h.  April  12,  1771). 

i.     Jesse,  1).  .Ian'r'_  1757;  d.  .bui,  25,  17rjS. 

11.  David,  b.  Aug.  S.  175U:  <i.  Feb.,  1S44:  sf^i.  in  Wolcott;  m  F.dly  Spen<er  of 
No.  H.  wlexi.  April  15,  is(:i2,  (2)  Piiiletta  Neal.  1'?'05.  1,  llAXNAii,  1;.  Jan.  C,  Hm'.;  d. 
in  Ills  :  m.  Jn,d  is.  of  Alnd  and  Ann  (Jleott)  (.'iiriiss  of  \Vol.roit,  h.  Sept.  21,  nSi.!;  rcn.i. 
to  Cairo,  N.  Y.  1.  /'-/■''/.  2.  Jf'nrt.  :!.  'r,-,/vv.  4,  F'rnv.  5,  Ansa,..  ().  Ann 
EHzn.  2,  Ko.-ICT,,  I).  Eeb.  2:^,  17^S;  m.  I'ollv  Nichols  of  Waterbury.  1,  .JA.'/y/  Ann. 
2,  Estha:  :l  lla,n/  Sprn'-n.  4,  J^fnr.  o.  "Xz/'^v/.  o.  Hf.m\x,  b,  Feb.  17,  1791  ;  m. 
Almira  Nichols,  r2)  Sarah  Broc!:ett.  1,  Ls.'"r.  2,  ('/,",•(>.-<.  o.Enxiuu.  i,  J--<^i/i,\  5, 
Abi'/i'H.  (i.  JJ'"-i'L  7,  i-'"'"y-  ^.  <'ii,ir!i.'<.  !i,  lltwin.  10,  Ahnlni,  by  2d  wf.  4, 
Sii.Vs  b.  Sep.  i;-;,  17!I5';  m.  I'.dlv  Bo<,t.  1,  I.,  iris.  2,  /•';■;■:'/.  2,,  O'lna.  4,  N/'/</.v.  5, 
Laura  Aiut.  V,,  Jidind".  l.lf'ith.M.  8.  7^-'///.  '^,U,'r]nl.  10,  JA-oe'.  5,  BAriiEL, 
b.  April  ;10.  ITDS;  m.  Feb.  25,  1819.  Erastus  Nichols;  res.  on  the  old  Pardee  hotnestead. 
G,  bixi-s,  b.  Jan.  28,  IHU;  m.  Betsey  Alott;  rem.  to  N.  V.  slate.  1,  J^js, ph  ])iri;jht. 
2,    Ann  ih'inhj.      ;•!,    .\<hl(ii(h\      4,    KiniUxa. 

III.  Aliigail,  in.  Solomon  Barnes. 

IV.  Mary,  in.  Asa  Thorpe,  and  had  duui.  m. Rogers. 

V.      Hanuali,  m    .John  Cooper. 

13144.  ITaniin.h  Blakoslce,  b  Auii-  20.  1741:  d.  Aug.  25,  1704;  m.  1750, 
Joseph,  s.  of  Samuel  and  Mercy  (Austin)  Holt,  b.  Aug.  S,  1'. o^. 

I.     Mercv.  b.  Jan.  (5,  17(j0";  m.  Jan.,  178-J.  Hezekiah  Todd  []. 
II.      Elizabeth,  b.  JnlvO.  17f.;2.      (  Dodd  says  Ebenezer. ; 

111.  Hannah,  b.  Aug."l7.  17t;7:  d.  {>vr.  14,  1^:1'.»;  m.  :  780,  Daniel  Holi.  b.  July  5, 
17(j7;  rem.,  17S!l.  to  Plvnioutli.  Conn.,  thence  to  llarwenton:  selectman  sev.  yrs.,  and  d. 
June  2;),  1n:;i.  1,  .iki^.miah.  b.  N(n-ihbury.,  Nov.  20.  1780.  Selectman  at  llar- 
Avinton  st-v.  vrs.,  reijrescntative,  li'Uit.-col.  of  mil.:  m.  June  11,  1S17,  Lovice,  dau.  of 
Isaac  Frisbie.  1,  'hcrl  /-'..  b.  April  10.  ISIS;  m.  July  4.  1S42,  .Mary  A.  B.-ach.  1, 
Charles,  b.  Feb.  2.  1  Sl-^.  2,  /."///(/•  //. ,  .Mav  5.  1810.  ?,.  Jerrji  A'.,  .July  2(1,  1S'J5;  m. 
Marv  A.  Atkins.  2.  Daniki.,  Sept.  I,  1701:  m.  March  10,  isi4,  Nabby  Bull.  1, 
S,n'n-,i.  Julv  1.  isi5:m.  March  0.  ISill,  Zenas  T.dles  of  Plyne.uth.  1.  Orinda.  June  0, 
18:.;5."  2,  s"arali  F. .  ()<'t.  24,  ls:i7.  2..  Cynthia  A.,  Dec.  27,  is;:0.  4,  Ibinilr,  N'nv.  d, 
1842.  5.  W'alter  F..  N-.v.  b").  is5r;.  (J,  Fraidclin  P..  A;"i!  15.  |s5;!.  ;},  )!,'r;i  A..  Aua'- 
11  lsl7-  m.  .March.  is:'.().  Stiles  L.  Hotchkiss  of  W:,  1  .Mary  and  Eliniia  H., 
tu-ins  b.  .Mav.  l^O;.  :;,  />v/m'./  //.,  June  17,  ISIO:  m.  June.  IS41).  Kuuice  Ibut  of  South- 
in-. on.  1."  Daniel  II..  b.  \>\{:  d.  is5:b  2,  Joiu,  li.,  b.  1^45.  :;,  Willi:'.m.  b.  isln.  4, 
lb-nivC..i..  1S52.  5.  Daniel  11..  d.  ai:-d  11  vis.  4,  ./•■///.  //.,  b.  J  uly  :;i .  isi  I:  ,-on- 
ducto'r  on  N.   11.  .V.   N.   R.    lb:   m.  April  12,  1S47,   Mary  Smitii.      1.    Hattie,  b.   1S57. 

\\\     .jMSKrii.  -luni- 5,  177;b  ^ 

131441,  Mercy  Holr,  b.  Jan.  (i,  170!);  .1.  Sept.  1:\  ISlO;  m.  Jan..  iTs:!,  lb /.Uiaie 
s.  of  lb'v.,.ki;,l.  iuul  Lydia  (Frost)  Todd.  i>.  Nov.  5.  1755:  .-.el.  in  Cbe.siiire,  a.ljomnig  \\  ob 
tott,  and  d.  there  May  1^,  18:iti.  aged  M. 

'•■'^  IJKAXCII    01''    JOHX. 

I.     Ilaniiali,  b.  April  13,  1784;  d.  Nov.  22    IS'^4-  m    (.S0->    T?,oo»,  ..,  t  ,     ^  '~~ 

16,  1781.       1,   Xanhy,  b.  Feb.  21,;J-  .1    .Jmu-   !    IS7"   ,       f  ;ol  T        r  '.'^'V  >  '^""'^ 

3,  JULIC.,  b.  Feb.  lo,  1^07:   d.  Au^.  2l'  is^i    „     M^  W    '    w^'^'ft^'  .  \\  ^^'^"'^"'''■ 

BiCXXKTT,  b.  Feb.  1.  isori;  d.  Maid.  2f;    IS.V.'  Fr.    i/i.V  n  '  V   ^1'  " '^  ^'  "       -^• 

June  13,  1S18;  d.  .)a..  lli.  ls^:5.      7.   VV.'n.oV'^    IM^-      "  '"^G  ^"lo"     \  f'"''' 

(2)  Julia  A.  DauiWs.  1  >^.n,A  ^.  2.  ^^.'.  F  '  :}'  nww]  V  V?"''^''  ^  "'?'^1">' 
1822.  d.  Feb.  22,  1S67:  n..  May  10.  1S41.  iU^Lnl    iJI^W  '      '   "   '''"^■^'  ''^  '''>'  '' 

11.     Jerry,   b.    Dec.  H,   17s."5;    d     \u<-    -^7     m-,<i-    „,     ika,.    i>  ,  ,,.      , 

Haven.  1,  b.vxn:r„  b.  July  81  isof^  "d."  {^l^  ',.f  ,s  F  '"  Hn^'f  ^^^l,  ^^^'^  ^'^/'"^^ 
field  of  Oxford.  1,  hW.ih/  b  Oct  "J!  isM  '  !;  '  ;  "^- ■^'^"- ^- l'^'"-  ^:^ut■y  Mans- 
1837.  3,  G.or„,  Dec.  15,  l.^J^^m  .h^v  : ''li^s\,^.  ''r'^^O  "'"u  ' ''1^ '• ''"^r*^- 
Jane  (F.lmer)  Todd.  1,  Ellen  Elizab-h.  Au^  -27  n5^»  "  //; ,  ^^'"r '^  T'%to^ 
m.  Feb.  0,  ls.-)7.  Emma  Slade.  1  Artbr.r  I-tr  17  Is'-s  ■>  n  .  "•'^\  '  ^''T  ^^-  ^-"'  = 
Jnn/,  Jan.  10.  1S42:  m   (Jeo   Sills  of   \\  oi;  i         V     r    ;  -^>/'''^';^l -^"-  -^-  l'^'^-      '^ 

4.  E.w.^.  Jan.  :;0.  1S2:;:  d^M   ;i,  ilk""  .  "  ,^?;  i-'k  ,:\^!"'''   '}.■'   " -'•.  2^    1^54. 

b;^.;^;:'  r'Fd;;in^^rM^s;t  \«Sr-T-F^ai!''i;;;^S-{^"i;-  ^?'  '^^^^  -  T'i 

^'^i^T'^  hJ^T-''- "v".  ^''^ -  >t ^^^^b:ti;be;H;ii?''i:z :;;-i; 

V.     Mercy  Mclimla,  b.  J„n,.  if,  Ko];   innm;  ^Jam^2    isoo  ^^■"^'^'"''-  ^""-■-  ^-  ^• 

^  11.     Folly  Ann,  May  12,  I^.IO;  m    r.e-.'2:^.  1S24,  Dea.  Timntby  of  Waterbury. 
1315.     Sarah  Frost,  b.  Fci).  22.  1712    in    De.-    V    17U    i,>i,n    ^,.  r   ti 

b.  Dec^22!i747.- !;'  s!;.t  V^^/''i'l--r-i  'p  ''"^'-  r  ^''--  ^^'v>-  ^'-^'^  '^-  "^  ^^i-' 

— -.  Au'i^u  'laM.  nl  .ludr.  and  0!i\v  (Fnor,  Smitl,  '      ' 

.hMu.'S>ard:et  b'b™''  ^'^'^  ^"^  — '  •^^^""■^  ^"^^'^  ^  ^-  ^-'^  t-.F  th.  t.o  cbii.  ,.f 



■      III.  John,  b.  Dec.  10,  17r)0;  d.  young. 

IV.  Surah,  1).  July  ol,  ]T.>?. 

V.  Klj»'iR-/.er,  b.  Jan.  27,  1T."33:  lo.  Jcuiiiua  I^aini's.  1,  LY>rA.\,  "J,  Sami'IOJ;.  o, 
Bki>ky.  4,  LrciNHA.  3,  Ki-.kxkzii;.  U,  Jaiius.  7,  A  liiCAii,.  b,  11.\nxah.  1), 
Nanc  V. 

181  G.     Tvtartha  Frost,  b.  F<'b.  14,  1714;  in.  .M'lr.-h  17,  174S,  J-mathan  ]]aijit  s. 

I.  Jonatliiiii,  b.  Aug.  'iO,  1750. 

II.  Martha.  1».  Oct.  -..'8,  1751:  'n.  Junatlian  Fincli,  liis  ^(l  wf.  He  ni.  (1)  Uannah 
ITotdikiss.     lie  d.  of  cons.  Aug.  10.  lyil,  aged  &2. 

III.      Solomon,  b.  17."):J;  d.  of  con.s.  June  Id,  l>-07,  ag<d-'j4;  m.  ,  Lydia  Smith  [], 

will)  d.  of  c<Mis.  Sept.  16,  ll^OH,  aged  Oo.  1,  Ixkaxi-,  d.  Jan.  27,  17S<!,  aoed  1  we^k.  2. 
Lyiha,  d.  of  wlioujiing-  cough  Aug.  0,  17t!0,  ag^^-d  o.  '6,  Fvoia.  2d,  d.  May  11,  17!)] , 
cholera  infantuni.     4,   MAifiii  \.     ."),""  J amks.     U,   Lvdia.     7,  8,  0,  infaxts. 

I\'.     Ashbid,  b.  .March  IG,  17.-) 7. 

1317.     John  Frost,  b.  Jan   20.  1710:  ui    Jan.  15,  1 715,  Martha,  dan.  of  John,   jr., 
au>l   -Vbigaii  (Brucketl)  Pardcf,  b.  ^"ov    20,  1723. 
1.     Susanna,  Mav  24,  1740. 
11.     Ablo-ail,  Sept.  14,  1740. 

III.  Martiia.  Dec.  25,  1758. 

IV.  Jnhn,  Mav  IS,  1750.  , 
V.     Sarali,  .lu\v  17,  1702. 

131.10.  Thankful  Frost,  b.  l>cc.  1,  1724;  m.   Dec.  14,  1740,  Jolui  Krockelt. 
1.      .fohu. 

II.      Isaiah,  b. ;  m.  Sarah  Cooper,  (sis.  of  I'lizabeth,  v^-f.  of  lAiles  Pit-rpont,  l^t). 

III.  Thankful,  b.  1752;  <l.  Dec.  11,  ls-J2.  ai:vd  70;  m.  Nov.  17,  1774,  Oliver,  (.>.  of 
Abel  and  Lvdia  Ixill:.  Smiili,  b.  Feb.  21,  17  lH;  d.  Nov.  15,  17S!).  1,  Ksthki;.  2,  Sam- 
vv.i..  3,  Fv.NtAN.  4,  SvDxi'.v.  5,  JisTi's.  0,  Oi,i\  Ki;,  b.  i;80;  d.  Alarrl)  27,  lSi5; 
„i.    Lois'— — ,  \slu)  d.  July  20.  1807,  aged  27.     7,   Lkvki'.ktt.     8,    llAKVi;Y. 

IV.  K!i/.ab.'lli.  b   -^-;  m. ."Jolm    Pardee,    :5d.   b.   Oct.    24,    1704.      1,   HiioUA; 

2,  EsTiiKK.     ;5,   Hakilikt     4,  Joiix.     5,  IJktty-. 

131.11.  .Elizabeth  Frost,  b.  Marcli  3,  1727-8:  d. ;  m.  Nov.  15,  1751,  Samuel 

Pierpnnt,  b.  Ai>ril  Ki,  I72!l;  d.  Dec.  21,  1820;  (gr.  s.  of  Pev.  .laiues);  s.  of  J,.,.-;.-j,h  and 
Hannali  (Ba^sert).  F-;t.  div.,  1S21,  r.;  F.benrzt-r,  .\bigail,  heirs  of  Mabel  Hiakeslee,  hs/irs 
of  p]li7.abeTh  Hiakeslee,  heirs  of  llauuah  (.'(dlius,  ];eirs  of  Theda  ^Vaitel■s. 

1.     Hannali,  b.  June  16,  1754;  m. Collins 

II.  Samuel,  May  10.  1750;  his  est.  conti.-<catcd.  1781;  Marie  Leavenworili.  adm. 

III.  Theodosia.  b.  Feb.  22,  1754:  ni.  ,  ^\'il!lal^  Walter,  ^vardenof  Trinity  clih., 

X.  Ilav.,  1810-12,  s.  of  >\'lUi:ini  and  P;iii<-ii.-e  i !  Mark)  V.'alter,  (127'.  1.  J()i:i..  b.  177S; 
Y,('.,  1800;  d  \Xj'^>:  m.  Sarah  LeaveiP.v;;Mli:  e-t.  insol.  1,  Jlrr  ]Vi>'.)i'i/> ,  P^pis.  2, 
Jdmt^fi.  o,  Car"liitc.  1.  K'izuhcth.  5,  ('i>riuU".  0,  <J(<>r(jc.  7.  (.'hnih ■•<■.  liad  a  wooden 
log.  2,  Lot  ISA,  1780.  y,  Lt'CiXA,  1782.  4,  Ji;i;iiv,  1784.  5,  Wili.ia.u,  1783;  est. 
adm.,  1818,  insol.  ^ 

IV.  Mehitable,  June  2S.  1700;  m   Blakeslee 

V.  Eli/abeth,  Auir.  5,  1700:  m.  ,  Jonah,  s.  of  John  Blakeslee. 

YI.  Abiirail. 

V.II.  Pet  ilia. 

VHl.  Fb-uezer. 

132.  Jemima  Tllttle,b.  Dec  0.  1080;  d.  Marcli  23,  175:J:  m.  April,  1707,  Thomas. 
s.  .4  BarLliolouiev,- an<l  Mercy  (Barnes)  Jacol)s,  b.  Oct.  14,  1077:  d.  April  2.  1710;  will 
])rMV.  Mav  5  fob:  natnes  v.f.  Jemima,  and  biMpiest  of  1'20  to  Meldrnblc  Smith,  [1  |  -'udio 
Was  s'-ix  en  To  me  wlien  a  little-  (diild;"'  lie  h-;d  '••  sous  but  iKi  daus,  will  n.imes  l)esides 
Ste-j.le-n  and  Joseph,  excrs.,  4'linmas.  jr.,  .lecol)  and  l>a\id. 

1.  Tliomas'  b.  Aug.  0,  1708;  estate  div..  17  11,  to  bros.,  bne  David  adm. 
11  Stfjihen,  1).  Dec  2,  1710;  built  a  he.use  near  the  brid;re  in  l^i^o.  Ilav.,  in  which 
Jcisepli  Pieipmii,  (o-t.  e-.  t.  of  Hon.  I'.dwanls  Pierpnnt )  a fterwards  li ved.  in  175.s  tlu-  will 
of  Stephen  .bic(jlis^pres.  by  .losepb  Pierpnnt.  win .  V  as  nauic'd  exec,  but  tlie  witnesses 
'!iiuiu-|it  was  net  at  that  tin)e  of  stiund  and  di>pii)>iug  mind.  'I'he  six  cldk  n.  lie  m. 
Jan  11  17:;s  H'-innab  Tiavte.n.  [1]  In  1742  he  sohP  riyhl  in  bi'n.  '1  iumias  to  oro. 
I>avid.'  1,  JuXAii,  1).  Nov.  00.  nOO;  d.  Oct.  12.  1750.  2,  T.oeviAS,  b.  Ai)ril  2.  1742.  3, 
Si-i;i';ii-x,'b.  .Mav  17,  1710;  at  Cuiin.,  1825,  I]li  Jacobs  nannd  adm.  of  St.'phen's  est.,  but 
not  Only  ('puilitied.      4.,  b.  .Ian.  11.   1715;  d.  Oct.   10,  1750,     5,   Kxonr,  b.  Dec.  7. 

30  unANcji  OF  JOHN. 

IT-ir,    of   No.    Ilav.;  est.    adifi.    1707.      I^aac^   ('.    Siilr.?,  ailiii.     .Io.Sf|.]i    Pifi-j)ont,  Olivt-r 

Blakoslce  and  SainuL'l -Mix,    coims. :  wid.    ],ois  am]    K  cliil.  liviii._r       1,    En/iirr,    m. - 

Blakt.'sl.'.'e,  and  had  an  unly  tdaid  and  lir.  '?..  S,i'///,  a,  T/iirz't,  4,  Ivnidn'l  .T 
Bits"j.  (j,  Tyfiri/.  7,  Jonil.  N,  Ann;.  (!,  1)ami;i,, 'l).  ]\d'i.  V2,  V,A\\;  d.  Oct.  .11)  175o' 
7,   JIaxxaii,  1>.  .Mandi  4,  ]  7.>-J.     8.  Kuzviiktu,  !>.  Nov.  IS    ]s:)4      !)    P\tifn(  i-  !»'  \u.>-' 

18, 17T<;.  '  '   ■ '    '^^ 

III.  .lo><-!.li.  h.    M:if<-!L   !(.    171o;   d. ;   ni.   dune   1,    174S,    Kli/aheth   Cnrris       i 

Maktiia,   .Iiil.v   ;;,    l  :4;».     2.   JKi!i:\fiAii,   June  10.    1  ::iO.     8,   Joskimi.  Feb.  27,  17.r3;   ,]' 

;  m   .lull. -21.  177."),  by  l.'cv.  .Mr.  Williams,  Ly.jia  Jacobs.      1,   Murii,  b.  Juiif  !) 'l77'!'- 

2,  Bl'ldy,  b.  -luly  -J,  i:7k.     d,   Z,>f,luii\  ,hiiu'  11,  lTS-2.     4,  Sc<iJ»tri/,  Si'p't.  17.  ]  rsi/ 

IV.  J.diii,  b.  Dec    '.I,  ni.-);  d.  :  pst.  of  dnlu;  .U;c..b.s.  adm."  bv  bro.  Kzfdci of  178,5 

ins<d.:  m.  duly  is,  174^'.  Mary*.  1.  Lvdia,  b.  Xov.  dO,"  1750.  2.  Jdhx  b' 
Afarch  IS,  ]7-")2.     d.    Iv.kkif.i,.  b.  .hint' 2d,  no.") — ix'vliaps  utlicr- 

V.     Jacob. 

VI.      David,  b.  Dec.  10,  171S:  d.  ;  iruard.  <d'  iMioidi,  minor  .s.  of  Stephen.  17(33; 

ni.  Ai>ril  11,  l71--\  Hannah  'idinnT.  dim.  <d  Jo-cph.  In  ]  lol  .I,,s,.p]i  Sp-n-y  and  Sarali' 
hi.s  \vf.,  dan.  of  Joscjd.i  d'lirntT,  (-(uiv.  to  David  daccdis.  ] .  Davjd,  b.  ,Ian".  d  174.5-g' 
d.  Sept.  2S,  175!l.  2,  Soi.oMox.  .Mardi'.'d,  1747;  d.  Sept.  s,  17o').  'd,  JIaxxaii',  b  An^-' 
20,  ]7oO.  4,  1)ai;((>s,  b.  l-\dj.  c,  n.V!.  .".,  II.vxxah,  b.  Feb.  d,  175:].  (i,  iUviD  h 
l>oc.  1.  17.54.  7,  Soi..>.Mi)X.  li.  duly  ],  1750;  d.  Nov.  7,  170;_1.  luv.,  i7;l!).",,f  Xo.  11,; 
John  PicT]).nu  and  wid.  F.-^rlier,-:-' Uli vei-  l))a|.;e-lee  divideis,  (dd.  8. David  ],  Jhirui 
h.  Jan.  G,  17-^1.  2,  ('U:,l"ii,  b.  .^ijc-.  ]:!.  1  7S2.  d,  S-iIonwu,  b.  Se]it.  0,  l'7S7.  4' 
llaiuiiih,  b.  Api'il  0.  I7s'.(;  d.  Dec.  :-;ij.  17'.)1.  5,  /,i'/,".y.  b.  Sept  1  1701  'g  iV(v;«' 
h.  Se].t.  27,  170d.  7,  .vA/.v.  b.  M;.rcli  22,  1700.  S,  Kxtlur,  b.  Mav  2,  ISOO.  's,  II ax- 
NAii,  b.  S./pt.   15,  17d2. 

\'\\.  Ann.'.s,  e.-5t.  adni.  l;y  biu.  Pavid  in  17dO— had  nii>vables  in  AA'atcrhnry,  rmiu.: 
ni.  Abiirail;  conv.  land  to  bros.  David  and  Abraliam  in  1752.  In  div.  au.l  set.  of  oht.  of' 
Tlios.  Jacobs  he  reH-eived  211  acres  in  Xo.  II. 

Vlll.     Abraliani.  b.  April  21,  1725;  est.  adni.  by  bro.  D;'.vid  in  17tJ0. 

l.Y.  Ezekiel  of  No.  IL:  will  j, roved  ls;;i.  Win.  and  Annni  Jacobs  exec;  d  daus. 
Had  land  in  liranftjrd  and  No.  Branford,  ('unn.  ],  Amki.ia  1]a^.s(':tt.  2.'  Ei;u \ir 
HuoTiKS.  d,  Jaxxy  Munsi;.  4,  Ammi:  sliip  buihU-r  wX  (irajunine  Point,  N.  11.  5 
William.  '  '  "      '       ' 

134.  Abigail  Tllttlc,  h  Ai)ril  4,  1002;  d.  Jan.  0,  17C0,  will  prov.  .sui.  vr..  makes 
her  mark,  x;  s.  Samuel  to  have  right  in  dth  div.  laid  out  to  Jolin  Newman,  g.  "s.  Zopliar, 
i5.  of  Dauiel.dau.  Ann  Munson,  Sarah  Ailing;  mentions  herinlieritMnce  froni  Jolm  New- 
man and  SanrlTnttle,  of  righ.ts  in  the  7tir,  Sth  and  0th  divisions;  m.  Julv  2d.  1717, 
Paniel,  (s.  of  Samuel)  Atwater.  b.  Sciit.  20,  l(j04:  d.  April  dO,  Hlio;  adm.  giv.  to  wid.' 
Abigail,  who  refused  the  sann-;  res.  Cedar  Hill,  near  N.  Hav.  ddie  will  of  Damaris 
Parker  of  Wall'd,  prove<]  1771,  naUM^s  n-ph-w,  Capt.  Samuel  Atwati-i-  ad;n.,  hi'r  only 
hro.,  Caleb,  beijior  "out  of  the  g^n-ernnn-nt :"  names,  ehil.  of  lier  bro.  l>aniei.  ('apt.  Sam'l.", 
Jolin.  Sarah  Ailing,  Ann  Munson.  Mary  (iregorv  and  Abigail  Atwater. 
I.     Samuel,  b.  June  1, 171S;  111.  s";irah  l5all, 

11.  Sarah,  1)  Sepi.  12,  1710;  m.  Dec.  10,  1742,  ICbem-zer,  -.  (,f  James  and  Abigail 
Ailing  of  Wall'd.,  b.  April  S,  17Id:  est.  set.  Oct.,  17r.5,  wid.  Sarah  adinx.  and  g-uarcf.  to 
minor  chil.,  Danniris,  Abigail  and  Eunice:  Dand  Ailing  of  ^Val^d.  guard,  of  Abel  and 
I'Znos;  7  cliil.  named,  including  Daniel:  John  Ailing,  Macock  Ward,  Titus  Brockett 
dividers.  1,  SAiiAii.b.  Feb.  8,  1745.  2,  Daxief.,  Oct.  22,  1747.  d, '  Abkl,  Jan.  30', 
1740.  4,  Kxos,  Jan.  17,  1752.  5,  Damakis,  March  15,  1755.  G.  Aiur,\ii,  Julv  6  1759' 
7,   EuxiCK,  Dec.  10,  HGO.  "      ' 

HI.  Jolin,  b.  March  14,  1720-1;  m.  Jan.  25,  1748,  Mary  Ailing  of  Wall'd;  res. 
Hamden,  Conn.      1,  Joitx,  b.  Nov.  21,  1751:  d.  Jan.  4.  1752. 

IV.      Abigail,  b.  Aug.  8,  1722:  d.  Dec,  17.  1.740,  in.  lOtl:  year. 

V.  Mary,  b.  Dec.  22,  172d:  m.  }day  17.  175d,  Ebene/e'r  Ives,  whose  will,  proved 
17G0,  natnes  \sf.,  Mary,  and  cinl.,  James,  Abel  and!  Noah.  In  1771  she  is  called.  Mary 
Gregory;  m.  (iilead  (uvi^Kry,  by  whom  slie  hud:  1,  ]'h;];xKZi-:a  I\"Ks  (ii;i-:r.ouv,  wlio  d. 
Aug.  10,  17^7,  in  hi-' lS;h  year.  2,  Srioi'iMix  Atv,  \-r!:ii  (i  liKouitY  of  North  Stratford^ 
Conn.:  "gr.  s.  fd' Mrs.  Abigail  Atwater  of  N.  Hav.,"  ((.ir.  St.) 

*Cepv  from,iat)Sth  Clinten'c  Bible- -taken  t)V    Mrs.  .\b;^;ii!  1  !i-.(  1>ce:k  :     '-.-Xnd  is  my  w;!!  thai  :»ftcr 
my  dec.  my  eld.  li.iii.,  Ivsther  Jacobs,  shail  h;ive  thi^  Riblo  it  tli,u  slie  eutlive  me"     julv,  i-yi.     1,  ],aw- 
reace  Clinton,  was  h.  June    i.  1737;  my    wf.    Eli/;ibenh  Clinton,  b,   Sept.  ■_•).  17^:'.     Chii'.:'i,  'Kstfier'  b. 
Auy.  6,  17'^j;  m.   Soloni-jn   Jacobs.     3,  Jes-^e,  b.  Auir    o,  171:1?.     -,,  David,  6.  Aujj.  37,  1764-  d.  Apiirai 
jjSj-     4,  F.anettia,  l>.  £)ec.  ij,  irt'S.     --.,  Hannah,  b.  .Sept.  if,,  7772.  '  ' 


VI.      Ann,  b.  Jiiiio  4,  17'.36:  in. Muiison. 

Yll.     Daniaris,  h,  Dec.  oO,  1729;  m.  Nov  -20,  1750,  Joiiios  Ivess;  slie  ])n)b.  d.  .soon  urter 
b.  of  s.  Jamos.*     1,  Jamks,  b.  Aug.  11,  17.")1. 

YIIl.  Diiniel,  b.  July  S,  17o0:  m.  I-\-b.  2G.  175(3,  l)y  Isuiab  TutUe,  Surah  Harri.':;;  CJ) 
Aug.  1:3,  17(31,  Lois  Mansfield,  llclivfd  on  a  jiait  of  the  original  Atwater  lariu:  a'din. 
giv.  to  wid.  Loi.s,  1770,  and  made  iruard.  to  Simon,  Sarah  and  Lois;  Sanuiel  Atwater. 
guard,  to  ichabod  and  J-lnos:   Lieui.    David   Atwater,  guard,  to  Zophar.      1,   Zorii.vJt,  b' 

June'JS,  17o0;  m. .     1,  Jo.'ui.     2,   Knos,  b.  Nov.  22.  17.")S.      "i,   IciLviiou,  b.  Feb.  11 

]7t:>l;  ni. .      1,    /.rrenft.  b.  A].ril   2,  17s0;  10.  Abigail   Jlawlov.   (2)  Mns.  Sarali  Me.s' 

singer.  lie  d.  ia  ( )berlin,  0]ii(..,  D.-.'.  ai,  1S5L  /.,!,  ],ur_v  (.'ordJdia,  b.  Dec.  '20,  1818. 
2,  Allen  Ijawley,  d.  yf)UMg.  ■',,  Mary  Ann,  1).  Dec.  9.  1816:  d.  March  13,  IS^JS.  4,  Edwin 
Lorenzo,  b  -luly'.i,  l^^iO:  d.  A])ril7,  lH3('i.  5,  Eliza  Jane.  1.)  ^Murcli  19.  1S22:  d.  Sept  19 
l.'^(59.  G,  Lninan  Hawley,  b.  March  19,  1824;  d.  .March  19,  1847.  7,  Kichard  Bloonificld' 
b.  April  10,  ]S2t!.  8,  Harriet  Ain.dia,  b.  Aug.  2o,  1828;  d.  May  23,  ls;i2.  9,  Estlicr 
Lemira,  b.  l^ec.  16,  18-00.  10,  Sidiiey  Augustus,  b.  Ajiril  15,  1838;  d.  Feb.  15  1834 
11,  Sarah  Abigail,  b.  Feh.  1!,  17:. 7.  12,  Edwin  Lenoiii,  D.-c  l';i,  ],s;;>-'.  ]:3_  Harriet  Cor- 
nelia, b.  Oct.  22,  1842;  d.  Der  .  istjs.     i_  1,;.-  ;.\1  ni.,  I,  Saicaii,  b.  June  10,  17G2-  d    vonn"- 

5.   Simeon,  b.  S-.-j^t   11,  1703;  ni.  ■ .  1,  Jinrir',  b.  Oct.  27.  1785.     2,  Jouoilun.,  'l-'eb.? 

1793.     3,   .^'.tplun.  b.  Julv  13.  ISlXi.     0.   Lots,     7,   Sauaii,  b.  Jan   18    1767 
IX.     Abel,  b.  June  23,  1734:  .1.  A],ri]  2,  1744. 

1341.  Samuel  Atwater,  b.  June  1,  1718;'capt.:  ni.  Dec  20  J744  Sarah  dau  of 
Caleb  Ball,  b.  Nov.  25,  1723,  Haiuden,  Conn.  '  "  •    •     ■ 

1.      Al>.-1.  b.  Ajiril  15.  1740;  d.  in   Ashtabula  Co.,  O. ;  m. .      ],   CoiiXKi-U's    b 

Sept.  21,  1777.  1,  CnAr.NTKv.  3Sai!aii.  4,  .\TjrAT,iA.  5,  S.smv'ki,.  0.  Hkt'sky 
7.  L\i;AN. 

II.      Susanna,  b.  Ai^ril  15,  1748:  d.  Jan.  7,  1752. 

III.  Abigail,    b.    Nov.    17.    1719;    ui.,    (uK.flvrar,    and    had,  ainou^>-  others 
Andi:kw.  f.  of  IL/-7.  B.  '  . 

IV.  Samuel,  b.  Jan.  21,  1751;  d.  July  1,  1753. 

\'.  Stephen,  b.  l.''t'c.  29,  1752:  m..  1775,  Eunice  Crannis. 

VI.  Samuel,  b.  Sept.  23.  1751:  ni.  Ivuth  Dickerman;  (2)  ."\!rs.  .!;uu'  Iiubl)aid 

VII.  John,  b.  Dec.  24.  1757. 

VIII.  Caleb,  b.  Dec.  28,  1759. 

IX.  Richard  »winan.  \).  May  3.  1762:  d.  Aug.  10,  17(32. 

X.  Sarah,  b.  Oct.  31,  1765. 

XL  Susanna,  b.  Dec  29,  170l>:  m.  Josejdi  Coodyear,  his  2(1  v,  f. ;   by  1st  m.  ho  lisid 

3  chii.  They  r<  in.  to  shore  of  Cayuga  l,ake,  N.  Y.:  botli  lived  to  the  age  of  00:  7  chil. 

Xli.  Tinn)thy,  n\.,  1781,  Lydia  lluTiiistou. 

XIII.  Richard,  was  drowned;   m.  Bede  liumiston,  dau.   of   David.      1,    Nj:wm\n     1) 

Oct.  17,  1>^0I;  m.  Nov.  24,  1814,  Enieline  Butler,  b.  Mav  22,  1808.  1,  Kh^n  b  S-pt' 
is,  1815:  ni.  SfjU.  2L  1871,  Andrew  S.  Hanhold  of  Alorf  Haven,  A  Y  C  2  /vv- /f  b' 
-March    1,  1819.      2,   St:sA\,  b.  .May.  1805:  d.  Feb.  H.  1s74,  ui.m. 

13415.     Stephen  Atwater,   b.   D."c.  29,  1752:  m.  Nov.  15,  1775    Eunice  (A'rannis 
1.     John. 
11.      Lvuian,  d.  in  ^^'e•^t    Indies. 
Hi.      Caleb. 

\\ .  Marijuis  Lafaylle.  d.  in  U'hitinghani,  \'t..  Julv  2,  183S:  m.  March  12  1809 
-M-'li.rla.  Fii'li-r.  1,  Lv.m  \n,  b.  Julv  2'.),  ISIO:  d.  Auir.  1,  "b^lO.  2,'  Xwev  D  b'  Sei)V 
19.  ls:il:  .1.  Jan.  27.  ls4"i.  3,  LciiA  .)..  b  Seju,  6,  IslS;  d.  Aug.  9,  1859  4'  Lym  \N 
(TiiAN.Nis,  b.  Oct.  28,  ISKJ:  d.  Feb.  21,  1S17.  5,  Ci.akiss.v  M.,  b.  June  25,  1818;'  d.  Auo- 
7,  1819.  (i  IIo;,l,isrKi{,  b.  Oct.  9,  1820  7.  William  C.,  b.  June  10,  1822-  d'junel3 
1S39.  8.  <;eo.  L.,  b.  July  15.  18M:  d.  AuiT.  17,  1^29.  9,  Tm  .man  (C,  b  March  7* 
1829;  d.  .\UL^  12,  ls!29.  lb.  Clai;iss\  M.,  !,.  .r,ine  L  bS:W:  -i.  Aoril  11  isi'ij  i;  '  ^l  \,<y 
L.,  b.  A'pril  11,  ls32:  .1.  .Mav  12,  1S57. 

V.      Nancv  F...  m. "iLilch. 

VI.       l7--ther,  ni.  Ciishiaaii. 

VII.      Funice.  iu. .\lanslieid. 

1341G.  Samuel  Atwater,  b.  Sept.  23,  1751,  m.  Uuth  Diclcmuan:  (2)  Mrs.  Ja?ie 
Hubbard,  les.  llaniden,  I'onn. 

*  James  and  Sarah  Ives -.vci-c  m.  Nov.  8.  1753,  and  li.ul  ;  i.  D.'k.v.AKis,  Dec.  :':;  175^.  2,  S.\',  b  Dec 
16,  1756;  in.  Sept.  15.  1773,  Jo;,-.-  j.  )ii.:i'N'K/KK,  uviu  \vk:i  Sar.ili.'  4,'  I'.c.nice,  Au"-.*  28  17=8 
5,  M.\i:v,  .\!ar.:li  i ...   :7'jo.     0,  Ei,.^'.:,  Dec.    i,  \-]f:,i.     7,  liiiDE,  May  i,  1770.  "'       ' 

32  jtKAxrir  oi-  .JO fix. 

I     Catl.nriiir.  h.  I),r.  21,  ITTs. 

li.  .larc.l.  I..  .Ian.  4,  IT.sO;  <1.  \h'^■ .  115,  ls.-)0.  aged  .'0:  in.  Oct.  28,  1807,  l.ncv  Hull 
1,  lI.VKiiiKT,  1).  All-.  ]^.  ISiS.  2,  Lmka,  1).  \),r.  .l,  [SKI;  u\.  Ivlinund  I).  Bradfrv.  ;!, 
IU"rii    Un'KF.KviAX,  b.  Ajiril  11,  1812;    ni.   l.avcritt  IIntcliki.-;s.     4.  .Jaiiki*,  Oct.  2,"]Sm'. 

5,  l-lMZ  vr.KTU,  1>.  S.-pt.  2:;,  l^lil;  d.  ()■■■:.  is,  isni.     r,,  Maky,  h.  .hilvT,  18l'.i.    7,  l5r.rsK\\ 

I).  Am:.  22,  1821:   ui.  ('liarlc.<  (i.,  s.   of  .lanirs  and   Polly  ( lia&srti)"  Ai\vatir    i/  An"-    oO  ) 

18-J2.-  .  •  "       '  i 

III.  C'hl(.<-,  1..  .Julv  21,  1?8I.  i 

IV.  Kutii,  h.  March  i!J,  i;t>;i  J 

V.      Samuel,  I,.  yov.:ii),  Ksi;;    in.    Sci..t.   11,    1811,   .lulia    Ilou-h:    (2)  .Jan.   :j,    1.-<2U.  | 

Sarah   Bronsmi.      1,   Ai.)j;i:[),  S^])!.  2:J.  ly]2.     2.   Culok.  h.  Hi-c.  ;].  IS14;  ni.  I.t-uis  W.'  i 

Baldwin.     :l,    Kdv.  ix.  b.  .Mar.:h  1,  lsi(5.      ;'.  I.y  2d  ni.:     4,  .In. is  II.,  b.   Mar(di  ;3l,    ls21-  f 

m.  H.  Winter;  (2l  .Mo'^rs  Winter,     .j,  .f.\.\K  ir.,.)nne  21,  1.S27:  m.  -Jolm  Bfacli  ) 

6,  I'KANrA,  b.  .Junel.j,  l.So2.     Kmkhkt,  b.  June  12,  18;j(j;  ni.  Piatt    llirchcuck  i 

VI.     Obedience,  b.  Dec.  12,  1788.  i 

VII.     Stejdieu  Woo.ster,  I).  .Iiui''27,  17H2;  ni.  Oct.  12,  18]d,  Pollv  liict^.      1,    ^^■(;()^TKl:,  5 

b.  June  29.  1832:  d.  Nov.  21,  1801).     2,   Afi;i:i.iA,  June  2!),  LS^.").  "  :'.   E.mily.  b.  Dec    ll'  i 

18o7:  d.  Oct.  17.  1818.     4,   Am,  b.  Sept.  lo,  1842;  d.  March  28,  18<;2.                                  "  ^ 

Vlll.      Mary,  b.  ,\ng-.  14.  17*J.k  in.  Sept.  2."),  1810;  Anibrcse,  s.  of  Saiuiie]  am!  hucina  -■ 

^^Ilill)  Baldwin,  li.  .June  1,  171'.");  .set.  in  Jewett,  O' reene  Co.,  X.  Y.     1,   SA.\r("T;i,  Atwatf.i;,  j 

b.  S(>j)t.  lo.  IM7;  in.  Feb.  22,  1842,  Kuiuce,   re--.    PriittsviUe,  X.  ^■.      1.    ]\'i .'<f  C.'.  \ 

in.  Oct.  10,  18(.)4,  Nettie  Matroou.     2,    Geo.  />.,  lu.  Ida   hord.      '6.    Kdirin  .)[.,  m.  I'>.ince.s  \ 

Osburn.     2,   Ht'TU   I)ickei;.max,  b.  Nov.  2o,  1820;  ni.  Feb.  2;!.  18  42.   fharlcs  P.  Chase.  \ 

3,    Horace  Guodvkak,  b.  April  17.  1823;   m.  (.)..-i.    .-).    IS-i;,   Ann   Howie.      1,     117//;".^,  m.  " 

Fannie  Tol>y.     2,  /.i-^^u:     ?,.  JJ^igld  P,.     A,Fr,fnl:.     r,.M"n/.     {\.  Irrn,rj  A.     4.SAi;\)i  j 

Er.i/.A,  b.  Jan.  lU,  1827:   jn.  Oct.  r8,  18.")4,  Isaac  B.   llinman."    ."i,   MAnv  '^'atii a:;ixi;,  b.  '• 

Aug.  9,  ls;33;  m.  March  3,  1870,  Kneas  (iorlKun.     0,   Amkkosk  .Xuiu.k,  b.  Sept.  2."i.  l8o8:  ) 

private  April  20.  1801,  in  20th  regt.  X.  Y.  S.inil.;   commissioned  at    end   o^'   'A   niontJis:  ■ 

returned  and  ridsed  a  c(.mj)any  oi  whiidi  he  v,as  cajitain;  was  in  In  battles  and  l;i!lc;l  at  ! 

yettysbarir,  July  3.  1803.  * 

13417.  John   At  water,  b.   Dec.   24.   17.")7;    rem.    to   (Jen.. a,   Cayuga  Co.,   X.    Y., 
where  1>»'  d    JuiU'  2,  1838;   twice  m.      /.  by  1st  v,  f  ,  first  six  idiildrcn: 

I.  .lames,  lived  in  llhaca,  X.  Y.;  he  d.  about  1807,  aged  "t:  a  larije  I'ani.  of  cImI. 

11.  John,  d.  in  Ohio  manv  vcars  since  leavinu'  2  dans. 

■      III.  Horace,  d.  in  Cenoa.  X."  V.,  Dec.  1.-,,  1840',  aged  .jl». 

I\'.  AN'iin-,.  d.  in  (4,.a:.:i,  X.  Y.,  .May  4,  I N-Ii),  aged  4S. 

V.  Coo'lvear,  d.  in  (ienoa,  X.  \'.,  April  14    l80i',  a"-ed  70. 
VI.  Laura,      i.  by  2d  wf. : 

y\\.  Su'-;an,  m.  Ciotdon  liillette. 

Vlll.  Sarali,  m.  Alfred  Ward. 

I.\.  hucv. 

X.  Davis. 

XI.  Xewman,  m.  ?jid  had  fam. 

XII.  Lewis,  m.  and  liad  fam.  .  ■  • 

Xill.  Samuel,  m.  and  Inul  ftun. 

XI  \' .  John,  uum  . 

13418.  Caleb  Atwater,  b.  Dec.  28,  17.-^^0;  rem.  to  (Jen., a,  Cavu-a  Co.  X.<l 
liad:  ■     ^ 

1.     Jason,  a  phy-^ician  in  Perry,  Tompkins  Co.,  X'.  Y.     1,  Sti;imii-;x  D.  and  4  thuis. 
It.     Jeremiah,   of   Hector,  Tonipkins  Co.,  X.  \  :  m.  Lucy  'I'illey.      He  d.  isj.s.      ], 
Sa.mi  Ki/r.    2,  Axsox  A.     3.  Dv.ioiiT.    4,  Joux  1'.    .I,  XN'it.-ox.    0,  \Vii.i.t<.     7.  1\u;[i>. 
8.   AMi5i:i»!;.     !»,   Lit  ^  '1'. 

HI.     John  (L.  of   (.Tcnoa.     i.    1,  Ai.ux/.o  F. ,  b.  April  G,  180.-).     2,    E.Mii.v,  b.  Jan.  7, 
1811,  d.  Fel).  0,  IsO^.     3,   Juitx  (i.,  b.  April  21,  181.-). 
\y .      .lesse,  d.   unm. 
V.      Bc'^ev.  m.  Alfred  Hart. 
VI.      Able,. 
VII.      i;c.-ta. 

1341.12.     Timothy  Atwater,  m.  Xov.  II.  17si.  Ly^iia.dau.  .d'  Havid  Huiui.-inn; 
rem.  f"  P!\  i:;eu'h.  '  ■  i.n  ,  ami  had  lartre  fam. 

I.      liuth,  b.  .hilv  30,  17'^2;  d.  Xov.  14.    b^l--);   ni.    Xov.    28.    I,s03.    Pandal    Warner. 
1,  Mkkiutt,  b.  March  20,  1807.     2,  Haxdai,  Kvaxs.  Feb.  2,  1812. 

A'l  \VA  iKt;.  oo 

!I.      i:ium,  Julv  1,  ITSo;  m.  Clilce  Ciurip,  1).  Jniic  !),  1788: 

III.  WvUis,  Ij.'Ort.  ('),  ITtiO;  <l.  AprillS,  Is?:],  ii,2:<'(l  ^('?;  m.  Fob.  20,  181o,  Fanny 
rm-ly;  (i),  "Mav'27,  1844,  .Mrs.  .(ului  (.'iiftis.  1,  Hknkv,  b.  xXpril  2'.),  ISb"):  d.  April -J."), 
l^;,;,');"!!!.  on.  \'  is:;:,  CiUliariiie  Fenn,  b.  Oct.  -.'-J,  181V:  <1.  May  11,  18(i;!.  1,  l'hrr>s<i.  b. 
.\!;;n-!i  'JO,  Is:!!);  iii.  Ausr.  22,  18."")8,  Henry  ii.  Minor,  b,  .July  i?,  18:]4;  res.  'rrrrysvill.-, 
Cdiiii.  1,'  EvanKi'liiM','"b.  .lunu  L"),  is7:j!  2,  K^iijn.r.  b.  Sept  8,  184o:  .•nli^ted,  isril,  in 
the.  1st  Conn.  Lii^ht  Battery;  served  three  y^ar-^,  re-entered  the  service  as  1st  Lieut,  (ith 
Conn.  Inl'  :  i)r(Mnoted  to  clinr.  for  trallantry  at  iM)rt  iMslier;  in.  Oct.  1.~i,  ISO*!.  Aliee 
Hitehcoek.  1,  Aliee,  b.  18<i8.  i>,  Krnest,  Iblb:  :;,  ClilTovd,  ]S72.  4.  Kn-ene,  1874. 
3,  Don-dart  Attnil,r,h  Feb.  :],  b84"t:  enli.stfd  in  tie'  I'nioi;  army:  wa-  takiii  ].risoner 
and  confined  at  AiubMxmville.  While  tliere  he  ihe  prison  r-eords  and  managed 
seoretlv  to  make  a  copy  of  tie-  d<-ad  list,  unil  when  re!(>a<ed  br<;Ugh.t  it  away.  This  copy 
was  afterwards  claimed  b\-  the  C.  S.  (.lovernment.  and  some  tronble  ensued.  .July  11, 
1870,  he  Avas  aj.poinied  U"  S.  Consul  to  'I'ahiti,  one  of  the  Society  Islands  in  the  Pacitie,. 
salary.  $l,(iVlO  and  fe*  s.  He  m.  there,  Oct.  27,  187.5,  Moetia  Salnmn,  si--ter  tn  the  queen 
of  Tahita,' and  canv  ini<^  possession  of  considf-rable  wealtli.  He  has  en>;-a;i-ed  siicce.-s. 
fullv  in  the  pearl  li.-.he!  v,  and  in  1S78  exhibit^-d  penrls  at  the  Paris  exposition.  4,  F<Jin:i,. 
Dec"l7,  184G.  o,  Citlniriix.  Nov.  24.  1^4!);  m.  .bin.  lo,  IbTo,  Or.^on  Pykunan.  1, 
Caroline  Aones.  b.  Mav,  lS7o.  fi.  y^V/,-//7^.  Feb.  2;J  185o.  7,  \\',d<l<>,  March  11.  l8.")7. 
8  Fr''„r,.'^  \[nv<h  ir),"lS.")9.  !>,  .liilm.  .Mav  C,  IsCl;  d.  May  20,  -ame  yr.  2,  \Vvi,iis, 
Hi'.  .Ian.  :!l,'l8.-»:.,  Marh-iia  Scott.  1.  \V,^'<i/.  b.  Oct.  14,  ISo^.  i  h>/  2-'  /,/.  :^,  Mai;th\.  m 
June   17,    l~^(iO. He  W'olie. 

IV.  Fvdia,  b.  I7!is;  d.  Feb.  ;5,  187:'.:  m.  IClam  Fenn.     /.  1.  Lyui  a  A.    2,  H.\  i;i;ii:t,  m. 

Sept   4   ls:;t5    Samuel  Thuri-er  Salisburv,  V.  Med.  S.  M.1>.:<1  ■-■.i.  if^71.    ::.  I'.rw.  m. 

Barker:  Mi<-h.  4,  A  f(U-sTl-s  J-.,"b.  April  2,  b'-^O:;:  d  April  1'.).  IS,V,);  m  .  Feb.,  IS  J'!, 
KsterM.  Hnll.b.  Hec.  14,  1827:  d.  .Tan.  18,  1814;  (2j  F^- !•"),  Merah  lluli.coiis.  to  llrsl  wf.  {i) 
Ann  .ludd  Brown-  i.  bv  1st  m.,  1.  A'i.;„.;,(s  //..  b.  .Jr.n.  18,  IsFI.  ■^4'he  most  un]ironiisi!io- 
orlicer  tliat  left  Camp  Hutfoii  with  the  (dd  Nineteenth  was  Fir-t  Ficutemini  AuiiAistus  11. 
Fenn  He  w;is  but  eiirhtei-n  years  old,  of  freekied.  faci-  and  awk\N  ard  ,i;ai! .  and  was 
rejj-aivbd  with  surlv  contempt  by  win,l\  and  consi  (|ncnt;al  l.r^  otp.cers.  Kveiy 
j)rTvate,SMl(iicr  too.'had  his  juliim  "it  was  consideieil  very  impndetu  in  him  to  be  an 
(..fficer.  at  all:  but  he  had  recnii'ted  liis  forty  men  and  there  lie  was  with  a  commissiou 
in  his'pocket  from  (iovernor  Buckiuirliam  '  There  was  no  g'ettiuu-  aw;!.y  from  him,  and 
he  v.-as  assii;red  to  company  K,  which  was  ;i  iFmd  of  Togitnental  F.otany  Bay.  (Tljat 
com'paiiv  had  been  formed  i)v  transfer  of  what  tin-  ca[)tains  of  tiie  oiher  nine  ctnnpanies 
considered  their  refuse;  but"it  was,  nevertheless,  one  of  tiie  best,inost  faithful,  truest 
companies  that  ever  went  into  the  service).  But  three  years  of  hahtin^v  blew  away  a 
good  deal  of  showy  incom])  an-1  revealed  true  merit  wln?rever  ir  existed.  Ln.aten- 
ant  Fenn  grew  in  'the  estimation"  of  his  fellow  otlicers  and  of  all_  who  knew  liim,  until 
there  wa.s'uo  tongue  thrit  dared  to  wag  against  him.  He  i, roved  liimself  one  of  tlieiiest 
drill  mast<.'rs  and  disciidinariaus  in  tlu'  regiment,  iind  one  of  the  inosl  eom;,.etont  oHicers 
in  everv  position.  Before  going  to  the  front  he  uas  made  cuptain  of  company  C.  Oii 
the  22d"  of  June  lie  led  lus  company  into  the  skirmi.sli  at  Petersbu'rgh  as  far  as  it 
advanced,  and  was  then  and  tliere  detailed  A.  A  A.  g.-neral  on  Fpton's  stalT,  vn?e  Cap- 
tain Sanborn  of  the  Fifth  Maine;  and.  mounting  a  horse  v,-hich  liad  been  brought  to 
liim,  commenced  liis  duties  at  once.  Wlien  the  regiment  left  the  Sixth  Corjis  at  Ten- 
nallvtnwn  in  July  he  was  relieve<1.  In  September  he  was  ap].oint.-d  judge  advocate  of 
the  "division  court  martial,  which  tried  twenty-tive  cases.  At  Cedar  Creek  he  lost  his 
left  arm.  Th<' sni-ireons  at  Annapolis  proposed  to  muster  him  out  and _  discharge  liiirw 
for  dlsabililv,  but  he  protected,  and  wrote  to  (General  Maclcen/ie.  urging  his  interference; 
the  conse'[u'ence  wiis  tliat  In-  was  retained,  and  in  less  than  seven  weeks  from  the  time 
he  had  an  arm  taken  o\l  at  the  shotilder  he  reported  for  full  duty  at  the  iront.  and  was 
nt  once  detailed  as  A.  A.  A.  u-eneral  of  the  brigade  aixain,  which  detail  was  afterwani 
(  han-ed  to  brigade  inspector'  He  subsequently  participated  in  several  lights,  lb-  wis 
detailed  as  jiul-e  advociHe  five  dlfTerent  times;  was  brevettod  major  after  Cedar  Crck; 
promot(Hl  to  major  in  Januarv,  18i;."i;  bre.vetted  lieutenant  colonel  for  FiUle  Sailor's 
Creek,  and  colonel  for  'services  during  the  var.'  He  is  now  practicing  law  at  '^^;'"'r- 
burv,  Connecticut.     Trulv,  in  his  rase,  the  last  became  one  of   the  first" — }f<ij<-r   T.  F. 

V<i'l'.l.  Hem.  Nov  2«,  isiiS,  Frances  >rarv  Smith.  ».  1,  Fraory  "^V.,  Dec.  1:!,  I8(i7  2, 
Auo-asta  F  Xov.  V\.  1871.  /.  bv  2dm.  2."  M'lrii  F  ,  m  NaacHail:  r<'s.  Milford.  Conn. 
.'},  Frn>::in„.  4,  /'.'//;,.«./.,  b.  Sept.  1,  lSr>l;  m.  Dec.  v',  is:-?,  iv.Ae  !.;  Burr,  b  Seju  -Jo, 
1S.-,1  "r,  S,r.ih  .{..h  Jan  7.  lS,-,Fm  Dec  7.  l^M,  Ciu-rlc's  Austin.  i\  An,.l,i  h..  nnm. 
7.    /Am'.mV  r/,,  b.  S:-pt.  22,  lS.-,7.    8,   Lijdii  An'ia,la,h.S.>\-  24,18:!',).     ."),   .M.Ki'iicT,  li.    unm. 

•"^-i  IJK.VXrii    OF    .lOJIX. 

<i,  <JAiN<,  .V.    I  :    111     Klla    :    (2)   Ellen   Smitli;    {?,)   ])pc.  15,   ]870.  FAh-u   ("lark      7 

ANTuiN-Krn;,  .1.    iiniu      s.   Amkf.ia    K.,  m    N,,v    2,    ]8r,3,    Willard    T.    Gou.hvin      ■;    l' 

naUe,h  Ort.  21,  ls.->-,.     -2     A./r,-.v,  Mnyii,   lso9.     3,   /;//,,,  Feb.   14,  lsO;j      4 June 

11,  l^W.     n,  ni'p',,  Nov.  22,  IsiiT.     !),  .]as(,n  r.,in.  MarvC.  Jolui.son,  .s.i.    \o    Va.wkk 
m.  Xov.  ].j,   18i;."),  Kdwanl  \V.  Mou-:o. 

V.  TiiUMthy.  iii.  Eunice  Ivts.  li.  M'lrch  !),  1801,  sis.  (>!'  Tnuiian  D  Ives  1 
Si'Ki'UKN,  Hi.  Jan.'.  (iau.  of  Lutlid-  Tattle  of  ]5nsrol,'b.  Mav  l:),  18^2.  He  m  (2)  in 
FeiiriviUe.  Mi.-li..  wherf  lie  n-ni      2,   Ann  Mahv.  d.  unni .      ;!,"  Ei.liKRT  J.,  d.   unm.' 

135.  Martha  Tuttle,  b.  Man-li  18.  IG'.i4:  u..  F.l..  5,  1717,  .lolm  Sinitli  1.  June 
;j.  im-^.  ^-  t't  Jo^ei-h.  jr.  Siie  d.  about  1734.  leav.  i.  He  in.  (2)  Lvdia  Fields,  and  d 
bef.  1-48,  letiv.  2  .ss.  hy  2d  ni.,  viz.,  James-  and  Antlionv,  and  Ids  wid  Lvdia  v\  Mnses 
Page  In  1748  Jolm  and  Hannah  Howe.  Calel)  and  Slartha  Barnes,' Jo)m  and  Josiali 
Miiith  of  ^^  aird.  Mehitable  Smith  of  K.  Hav.  and  Job  Smitli  sold  rt  in  est  of  f  John 
.smitli  to>  Page.  In  1750  i^ame  i.artios  .sold  rt.  in  7th  div.,  laid  (mi  to  John'  Xew- 
]iiaii:  Mchitalile  \vas  then  \vf.  of  Je.sse  Luddiiiixton 

].      }lannah,  b.  Dec.  21';.  1718:  m.  1741.  John  lio\v(,. 

li.      Manila,  b.  Aug.  17.  1721:  m.  Jan.  28,  1741.  Caleb  Karnes.       (A   Caleb    Barnes 
ni.  Hi  (  b.-.shir.',  Conn.,  !)i>e.  5,  ITTlj.  ],uev  :\I(-rriinaii.) 

III.  Jol),  1).  >",,v.  10,  1722:  m.  1747",  Hvdia  Howe. 

IV.  John.f  b.  .June  :',{),  1724;  of  Walld,  Conn.,  17  IS. 
V.     .Mehitabli'.  b.  .\  17.  1  ;2G:  m.  Je.-<.-<e  Luddin  ■•?,,, n 

1  .^,w  /"■^'■'l',  ^"'.'•5'-  ';•  •'"l^-  I'.-  !'•>:  (d.  June  7.  "isO-l,  a.  IS-Clu-hire  chh.  rec.) 
n  1<48,  fonn.M-iy  .,)  ]■..  H.v.  2..,,w  of  W^dlM,  .sold  to  Mo....s  Pa-e.  for  €110,  rt.  in  est.  of 
f.,  John  SmuJi.  in  175(;.  with  br...  Juhn  Smith,  i^.th  ..f  Che.-lure-  eonv  rt  in  o^t  of 
gr.  >niitli  and  gr.  f.  Sauuiel  Tutlh-,  sr.  He  m.,  E.sther  Hall.  John  and 
Jo-nah  Mimh  were  m,  the  (  heshire  tax  list  in  1702:  Jonas  Hill  afrerward<  livd  on 
•losiah.  s  yhx-i'.  It  i>  highly  prob.  that  he  had,  an>ong  other:s,  1,  Josiau  whom  Jan 
20,  1 ,  i\),  1  )ia-nkf  id  Ilitehcoek.  vavl  was  f.  of  1.  \r,rvn,  haj,.  .Maivh  10, 178:J:  ni.  March  1n()4 
John.  s.  (*1  and  .<aJlv  (Hradlev)  Cook,  b.  Dec  27  178-^'-  rem  to  Burtc-  0  ' 
1S0:J.  ar.d  d.  111.  IV  .Var.h  21.  l.'^ls.  !.  Xabhv,  b.  .Au-.  10,  ],si),->;  d.  Oct  23  ISOti'  '  s' 
Harriet  K..  !..  .\,;g.  2i/.  lNi7:  m.  S.abnry,  s.  of  John  and  E.sther  (Cook)  Ford,  cous  b' 
}  ro.sp.-et,  <  onn  U.t.  1.-,,  1801;  Y.  C.  l8-jr,;  rem.  to  uhi,,;  .Mai..(,V.u,  of  mil.;  (lov.  of  o' 
1848-.>U:  d.  at  Inirt.-n.  o. ,  May  18,  IH.").  ;j.  Jo.siah  Smith,  b.  Mav  10  1810  4  S-iIiy 
R.,  b.  Ffb.  2r).  1810;  m.  <i.(.ii;e  liouton.  -        ■     •  -  j 

^'I1.      James,  h.  Aug.  4.   ]7--!i):   d.  17;;(;:  •' throat  nit."     I    ,    diidirle-ria 
\1II.      l.ois    b.  S"iit.  ;-!(!.  17:;2:  d.  v. 
■       IX.      Icbai.od,  b'  •7;14;  d..  1730:  "■■  throat  cut." 

^-]?^•^  ^^^^i^^h  Smith,  b.  IV.-.  20,  1718:  d.  Sept.  7.  17S!).  a.  71  :  eons. ;  m.  Julv8 
],11,  J<dii:.  s.  <.t  .Ma;thfiv  and  1N-I>ecea  ( .Mi.v ;  Howe.  jr..  b.  17irr  <1  .Ian  11  1 78H  a  "74- 
dropsy,  will  pr..^-  ..X.  iluv.,  J-jyS.  17n».  n-.mrs  wf.  ihumaii.  Lois  Moulihro,.;  Ezra' 
■John  Matthew,  >t<-ph.m.  Hannali  Mallurv.  ami  dau.  .Marv  Holt,  who  d  l.efore  her 
f.  and  name  erase.l  by  testator. 

!.      Matth.-w,  b.  Feb.,  1742:  d.  Sept.  20,  1743,  a.  10  nms. 
11       Mary,  1,.  .Maivh  2.-,.  17-11;  m.  S-i.t.  'l.-,.  1700.  +Micha.M   'r..ild.  b    An-    10    17->9- 
<lu..  2(_.  wt.)  .     (,      1.4S:    d.  1770.      He  owm-d  projic.rtv  in  th.-  West  Indies,  and  is  called 

Capt.  in  re<ojd  of  probab-.      44,e  ui.l.,  .Mary,  supp,)s.-d  n:. Holt,  and  d.  about  H.-^lL 

d.nvrrdiv.  l.!)4  to  heirs  of  ddrst  s.  Mi.diael ,  ,bv.  :  Idi,  2d  ..,n.  and  to  Eunice  Crafts  of  Vt" 
In  IhOl  th.-reniaimb-r  -u'  .-si.  .d'  (apt.  Micha-d  T..dd  .liv.  to  Dr.  Eli  Todd  and  Mrs  Eunioo 
<  rafts   of    \t.     Jos-idi    Drake,  udmr.      S.)ii    .Mieha.'i    was  at  sea  on  vova.-e  from  the 

Ambro,e  ^,Buh  ,cous.,;  o  chd.     ,.  Elam,  n,    July  .;.  ,;£,,  Catharine  Hitcl^l;ck^ho\]:  ^^ly'^^^^^s!"  ' 

:X.::  r.-Son  of  Mirhrtd  and  .Mary  miokcrmap'  T„J,5.;  will,  nnn-    in  \     H-  v     I)e  •      ■-        n,n,  .  ■ 

^'d^^i-vTo   ."rs^Ct     ''"   Huhb.rd..exrs-s,,.s  Michael  and   KU:  both  \oe.:  t^^u^h^Vc^i^f 

^jy:^':.;f''^y,^T'^l^?^'')^'^^^^^  "T"  ^!'e  worthy  Or.   Hubbard  a^   a  to.:"m.Vn?^ror  f "end  Hio  lAd 


AT\VAIJ;i;.    Tl   ITLK,    SMI'lH.  35 

W.  Indifs.  1,  I'l.i,  .July  23,  1769:  was  loft  in  rarcof  liis  lihlf-lico.,  soiK.f  hi;,  f.  i.y  Ist  in,: 
Y.  C.  17b7;  >i.  1>. ;  Pres.  Med.  Soc.  of  Conn..  IHlo;  ])rar.  mcd.  iiiuny  yrs.  in  F;mnii)i;- 
ton,  (.'onii:  lirst  Su]it.  of  the  "  Ucfreat  for  the  hisan,.  ■'  at  llrtl..  A]>i-i],'lS-,M-183;^;  d.  Nov. 
17,  18:5:].  !i.  Gi.  "  Hi-  was  the  must  ])cif.<n  liian  1  cvt-r  kiuw."  (Soc  S.  W.  Williains' 
Aiiifrirdii  Mcfllrnl.  Bi'ir/nipliy  for  furihor  Hcuouiit  and  for  litli.  portrait).  He  m.  Autr.  !», 
1790,  Ulioda  Hill  of  Faiiuington.  who  d  Manh,  l,s-3r);  (2)  ht-r  yislcr.  Catlieriiu-  flil!,' 
Xov.,  1S2S.  2,  Pol. I.Y.  ;l  P^.VMCK,  11!.  'l'lioiiia>:  Pliillips,  s.  (jf  Dr.  Ebeiiczer  and 
Martha  (Philli])s)  Beardsley,  who  d.  Fob.  ]!i,  lS'j:j,  in  2--\l  ycsr:  h'av.  all  lus  prop,  to  his 
wf.  Slu'  III.  (2)  Saimu'l  Cluuidlor  (only  .s.  of  Col.  Khcn.)  Crafts,  b.  in  NVoudsrook,  Conn., 
Oct.  1;.  17i;s,  Harv.  Col.,  1790;  fust  '{"'own  Clerk  of  Craftsi)urv,  from  1792  to  1829.  .S7 
vrs.  In  lN9:j,  del.  to  Conv.  for  revisinir  State  Constitution;  Pop.  in  Vt.  Log.  179i; 
:o  iN.ii);  Ko^n^ter  of  ]'ioi)ati.-  for  Orleans  Dist..  179U  to  1S15:  Clerk  of  tho  House 
of  \U-\>.,  179iai!d  179ii:  nieiuber  Executive  Conneil,  1825-27;  .Tudge  of  Orleans  Countv 
<.'ourt.  1800  to  18](i;  Presiding  Judge.  ISIO  to  lS](j  and  frum  lN2.jto  1828;  Clerk  of  the 
Court.  18;i(Jto  18:;8.  Kep.  in  Congress,  I8I1;  to  ls2-!:  <m,v.  of  \'i..  1828,  and  served  tlire.- 
vrs;  Pres.  Cwu.stitutiona^  Convention  ls29;  Senator  in  CoHir.,  IS  (2;  <i.  in  Craftsburv. 
Vt..  unud.  for  his  latlur)  Nov.  19.  IS.j;),  a.  ^^-1.  1.  fimtonl  p.  h.  .Jan.  -1.  ]79'.»;  d. 
Nov.  17,  1S24;  in  jun.  class  Univ.  of  Vt. 

III.  I.ois.  b.  .March  21,  1740;  d.  Sept.  8,  l7i)I,  a.  4.".;  cn^.;  m.  Oct.  10.  l7Go, 
iiion  Moulthn.p.  1).  Oct.  :].  174o:  s.  of  Aslvar  and  .'\nna  Cianniss  31.  He  was  lost  at 
sea  before  17'.M,  as  wi-rt-  also  his  tin)S..  Levi  and  \MHiaiu.  1.  Poij.y,  m.  Oct.  (i,  178-"> 
Wm.  Bradlev,  1,.  .Mav  Is.  17(k'.;  Y.  C.  1784:  d.  IS-!.!:  s.  ..f  Win.  and  Pebecca  Ives  B.  1, 
Folhj.  2,  VVJ'nini  :i,  S,4»!iio>t.d.  y.  4.  A'/fA//^',  d.  Oct.  25.  1774;  a.  8,  5,  ^".•<nrd!. 
Ci/r>'K  7,  P-'/'.//.  d.  Auir.  25.  17S9;  a.  2.  s,  h'/u^fh,  f/,  n..,r, ,  <).  Sn'ni,n,n.  2,  Ldis,  of 
w'i<'..  Li>is  :Moulilirop;  d.  of  d  vs.-ntei  v  S.  ].t.  lH.  1W4:   a.  4. 

IV.  Matthew,  b.  Man  b."  1748:  d    y 
V.      Hannah,  b.  .lunr.  is.p.t;  ,1.  y. 

VI.     Iv/.ra.  b.  AyvU  5,  1752;  m.  I7::.i,    lliibhdi  Cliidsoy.      1,   I-'.m/.a  i;i:tii  ,  b.  .lulv  11, 
1774;  m.  ITIK!,  Henia.n,  s.  of  .losc!)h  and  (Puss^'ll)  Hotcldviss.   b.  .July  11.  1705. 

1,  Ii'irri:t.  2,  Ib'Titr, .  'd.  Siimni'l  Jlnsxdi .  2,  Ei.i.l.^ii,  b.  .1  iiiie  is.  ]77n.  >;',  S.xMfKi,. 
b.  April  8.  1778.  4.  Lkvi,  b.  Marcli  5,  1780.  5,  HvJ.ii.Mi .  b.  .\i.r;l  27.  I'^n:-;.  fi,  K'/,ji.\" 
Feb.  20,  i:sr..  7.  Hkkvf.y.  Oct.  2ii.  1788.  8.  S.'.uaii.  b.  .Iiuie  2i;.  ]7!iU.  !).  Fi:\xci:s." 
h.  Oct.  V-l,  17112'. 

VII.     .John,  b.  May  :M.  1754:  ni.  Oct.  2U,  1778.  Esther  liotcliki.^s;  .v  /. 
\'II1       .Mattliew,    b.    Nov.   2S.    I75f>:  in.  hhmice  I.,uddin<rron:  12  chil. 
IX.     Stephen,  b.  May  H.  1759;  d.  S.'pt.  15.  1810;  ni.    D.c.   0,   1781,  Abi-ail  Hu-h.'s, 
who  d    Sti>t.  10,  h'^P!;  a."  52:  (2)  Elizabeth  Miles.      1.   Sti;piiKn,  b.  Dir.    0,1782:  d.    v.' 

2,  Hois,  b.  Oct.  17.  1788:  d.  Fel).  ;i  1788;  ;j,  John,  Nov.  11,  1785.  4,  Lydi-V,  Dec.  4. 
1780.  5,  Lois,  d.  v.  f,,  Ixfa.nt,  d.  .Ian.  15,  1789;  a.  :)  days.  7,  Ixiant,  d.  Dec.  27. 
1790;  a.  8  days.  8,'lNhANT.  d.  Feb.  ::.  17;»o;  a.  4  weelcs.  9.  EsTiiKK.  b.  D' c.  14,  1795" 
lU,  El.iAli.v,  i).  Aug.  12,  1  TUS.  11,  l.NFAXr,  d.  Dec.  18,  IMiii:  a.  ;>  week.-^.  /.  by  2d.  311. 
12,  STKriiKX. 

X.  Hannah,  b.  .lane  9,  1702;  in.  1781.  .Icssr  Mallory.  1.  .Iamks.  b.  Marcli  20, 
1782.  2,  Loi.Y.  b.  Oct.  :!,  17S4.  ?,.  IIkman,  b.  April  12,  1787:  (\.y.  4,  Hkmax,  b.  Aju-il 
12,1789.  5,  Wilms,  b.  April  0,  lT'.t;j;  drowne<l  Sej)!.  2.  17!i',i;  a.  (i  vrs.  0,  .Tkssk.  b. 
March  27,  17H0.     7,   Wii.i.Ys. 

1353.  Job  Smith,  b.  Nov.  in,  1722;  m.  1747.  Lydia,  dan.  f)f  Matthew  and 
Pebecca  (^Mix)  Powe.  b.  .lune  1,  1720.  (she  was  sis.  to  .loel  'i'ntth-'s  wf.);  per.  in.  .\aron 
Page  for  2d  hns. 

1.  Ambrose,  b.  Marcli  12,  r74S:  n\.  Nov.  14.  1771,  Marv  Smith,  b.  1751.  wbo  d. 
in  child  bod  Doc.  S-),  1790;  a.  ;-«.).  lie  was  lost  at  .sea  .lulv  20.  K95.  1,  Amasa,  b.  Soj,!., 
1772:  d.  Oct.  10,  1770.  2,  EsTtiioi;  Ihr.i  ,  b.  .March  4."i777.  :;,  Milks.  !>.  Man-l;  21.' 
1770.  4,  PoLV.  1).  Maroh  12,  1778,  5.  A\rn]:(.»si:,  b.  .Ian.  :!.  1  780.  ti.  Fj.i.i.vii,  b.  .Marcii 
12.  1784.  7.  RowK,  b.  Dec,  1785;  d.  Nov.,  17s0.  8.  Asf.xatii.  9,  h  iLvmu,,  ,i.  F.b. 
2.  179;!;  a.  ;]  year.-. 

II.  NelieipJah,  b.  Marcli  28,  1750;  m.  1775.  Lois.  dau.  .>f  (lideon,  j;..  and  Drsir:? 
;Leavitt)  Pottor,  b.  .1  uly  15,  1750;  d.  .lane  Pi,  1792,  of  con-. ;  (2)  179:!.' hcnt-,  <bui.  of 
Sinioun  and  Abigail  (.Denisun)  Bradley,  b.  May  0,  1700.  1,  Oii)i;iin.  -J.  S'l  i,nii;.\.  ;!, 
Ni;nK\!!Arf,  lost  at  sea,  Oct.  17,  180:j;  a.  24."  4.  Saumi.  <!.  y.  5.  .1  a  M !  ■>.  d.  Sep!.  2:!, 
1785.  a.  1  vr.:  opium.  (!,  .1-.\mf-'  d.  <>!'  tits,  .lu'ie  :'.m,  171)7,  a.  2  vr.-~.  7.  Loi--.  s,  Makv, 
9.  .I..11.N,  (1.  Feb.  20,  1803.  a.  2  yrs. ;  .dn-i.  inf. 

III.      Lydia.  Di-c.  8,    175."1,   m.    Solnnoii  Barms,      i..  1,  LvuFv,  d.  y.      2,  LYi)!.\,d.  y. 
o,  M.'.iniiA.     J,    L\Mi:s,     5,   L-iIua.     0,7.8,  Lnfanl-:. 


36  Bi:AXuir  of  joiin. 

rV.  Martha,  b.  May  lo,  18.1G;  in.  1777.  Xatliniiie]  (iraiuiiss,  s.  of  Hiissel],  jr.,  :,xul 
Lucy  (l.u(Klini,'t(>ii)  ami  ^t.  s.  of  l^u^^s^■ll  and  l.ydia  (_l"orbfs)  (irauniss.  1.  Stki-jikn  '  •' 
.Atuc.  vii..  ;?,  .MviniiA.  4,  X.vTifANri:r,.  6,  Hi>skm,,  d.  y.  ^j,  I.vdja.  7.  I.oiV  ^' 

V.      Elijah,  b.  Aug  07,  1758;  kilbnl  in  battlr  oii  I.oii;;-  Jslaiui,  Sfjit.,  17  70    v.    18 
Vi.      .Ia;ni>s,  1).  X'>v.  1,   I7<)0;  d.  of  cous.,  Au>,^    177(;    a    15 
YII.     Jol),  1).  All-   11,  17(1:3. 
Vlll.     J(d.!i,  1).  i7ii.".. 

1355.  Mehetable  Smith,  b.  Ai^ril  17,  172G;  was  brongiit  up  bv  h.>r  unrip 
Thomas  Jacobs  (who  liad  !•  s.s.  but  no  daus.)  and  left  lier  a  b-i^-acv'of  i:2():  ,sho.  d.  of  coi:<^' 
Oct.  ly,  179o;  ni.  about  174'J,  .Tcsse,  s.  of  Elipliak.a  and  Aij'iirai'l  (Collins)  Luddinrfon 
lied,  of  drop.^v  b'.l).  8,  17i"'-».  a.  77;  adni.  sni.  \t.  nain<'S  .b'ssc,  Lvdia  hc'w?.  o(  1-flam 
Eliphalft,  Mchilable-  iuid  Abigail. 

I.      Lydia,  in.  Edward  (ioodsfdl.  (•-'l  Tlionias  Slicpard. 

II.  Ehini,  lu,  1774.  1^'achel,  dan.  of  Oapt.  Tiniothv  Tutih-;  adiu  of  hi'<  t-si  '^ivmi 
to  wid.  Racdiel  >^v\)l.,  17sr).  '  "^      ' 

III.  Edipluilet,  in.  Juno  0.  1777,  Sarah  I'ottcr,  \>.  17(il:    d.  Dec.  12,  lHr,(t.  a.  DO        ! 
jAiiiis.     2,   S\R\u,  in.  March '3,  1711!".,  Joseph  Mowd.     :},  K(  xrci;.     4,' Lois,  tw'inWith' 
Eunice.      "<,  ELii-iiAiJiT. 

IV.  JKSsr:,  lu.  1770,  Tliankful,  dan,  of  ("alcb  and  .M'')iilabh- (?dMultliroi:)  (•li;d-;-v 
v,-1k)  d.  of  c(nis.  Oct.  V.-),  17!)';,  a.  :;7;  (2)  Sarah.  Moulthrop.  1,  I^ktskv  1)  M:u.-]i  ''"-^ 
1780.  e,  ('Ai.Ki;  Ciui'SKv.  b.  An-.  22,  >7;)(,).  :',,  Ltk,  h.  Julv -JO.  17:»4.  '  4,  Jr^TiN-^b" 
Aug.  22.  17!t').  am!  ')  more  d.  y.  /.  In-  2d  m.,  10.  IbcVAXA.  1!,  U'vi.t.ys.  '  r2^  SauIh' 
l;>,    Xan(  Y.      14.  Li:ui-^. 

V.  ^fcht'laldc,  m.  Stcpht-n,  s.  of  Stephen  and  Thank-fnl  (Smitli)  i?r;(d;cv.  Slie  d 
Aug.  5-2,  ls?.">,  ;i.  :2.  1,  .Mai!Y,  b.  April  2,  d.  A.pril  17,  17S-,'.  ;2.  .i|->rt-s,  !■■  '\[arci'  -'o' 
1784;  d.  Sept.  8,  1787.  :!,  Maiiy,  April  L2.  178;).  4,  Ji-tls,  b.  March:!!,  17ss';  d.^v' 
5,  'J'jfANKi-L'i.,  1).  Dec.  1:3,  1790.  (j,  Li<  ixda,  b.  April  28,  17!).J.  7,  Ju^Tts  d.'  17;)'(; 
a.  2  VIS.  8,  Si-j^rnKX,  b.  AuL'.  (7,  171)1  St.  .Mi.fnTAi.r.F.,  b.  .luue  28,171)8. 
VI.  Ahigail,  m.  ( 'liristoj.luT  Tnttlo.  [lij 
Vll.  Amos,  m.  Feb.  2,  17'J1.  Iluhi.-di  Chidsey,  ;Mid  had:  1.  Ilri.nAir,  d.  v.  2. 
Faxxy.  ;!,  I'oi.i.Y.  4.  Amos,  o,  Li:vi.  i],  SAitAii.  7,  .(ksse.  S,  Aiaiika.  C' 
J'7i,A.\r.     10.  MinrrTAiu.i;.     11,   Ilri.]>AU. 

138.  Josiah  Tuttle,  b.  Ajiril  7.  innc.  b;ip.  Dec,  l(;'57:  m.  June  11,  171!J.  Dfhor.-.h 
dan.  of  Thomas  and  Ahiirail  i  r  rost)  Karnes,  h.  Fel.;.  1,  Kl'.lS.  in  174'7  (.'oi'it.  Saiiiue! 
Rarnes  exhib.  inv.  of  esi.  of  Josiali  'J'utih-.  4.":;72;  Nov.  oO,  sm.  vr, ,  In-  evjiij,. 
Avill,  whicli  nii.s.  wf.  Deborah  and  Samuel  Karnes  (>Krs.  March'  27.  17'4(;,'  B.-nb  Todd 
chosen  guanl.  to  Jehial  and  Ehenezer.  rninor  .<oiis.  The  wid.  Deliorali  '  m.  Mathir.s 
Ilitchcvick,  who  ap.pis.  in.-i  tlivisi-.n  in  17  Is. 

"    L     Mehitabh-,  b.  Aug.  >:,  1720;  m.  Thomas  Walter. 
IL     Sarah.,  h.  March  2.-.,  172:;;  m.  Lee.S.l,  17.-,L  Benjamin  Warner,  .siic  wa.s  anpt. 
guard,  assistant  lo  Delioruh. 

IH.      Katharine,    b.   Aug.    22,    172G;  d.    nnm.,    1750;  est.   div.    ■'751,   bv   bro     Jeliiel 
'I'uttle  to  brothers  and  sisti'rs. 

IV.      Jelii.l,  b.  June  n.  1720;   m.  Mav  14.  1752,  Charitv  l>avton 

V.  Ehenezer,  b.  Julv;;i.  17:32. 
AM.     Martha,  b.  Au-.'l,   17:!(;. 

Vll.      Deborah,  b.  Feb.  20.  1740-1;  d.  v. 
Vni.      Debnrah.  1).  Veh.  is.  17  12  :!;  ni.' by  Mr.  liird,  Oct.  22,  17G1,  John  Bradlov. 

1361.  Mehetable  TlUtlc,  b.  Aug.  8.  1720.  In  1740  seils  n  in  Amitv  under  hex 
maiden  name  lnl7bi  reeeived  ueed  ..f  land  from  her  f.  ■■  towards  her  portum-"  m 
al)ont  1751,  Tin.mas,  s  of  Wm.  Walter;  botli  the  Waltei>.  f.  and  .«.,  were  .sliip  carpen- 
ters or  "  wei-h.^-^;  "  will  ,,f  '.Vv.i.  Walter  of  No,  Haven  prov,  1770,  lo  da  i;, -in  J;iw  .Mehit- 
abh- Waller,  one  aeie  of  hf.n  i  lo  be  .husi'ii  jiy  hei,>elf.  ami  ihe  use  (.f  on.>-h;;]  f  of  m\ 
liouse  during  her  life;  graiKNoiM  W'm.  and  Jacob  Walter  x,:  liav  •  ih- rest  of  mv  est. 
cxceju  what  sou  Thomas  owes  to  their  mother. 

I.  Williai'i,  b.  March  (i.  1752,  .1.  A].ril  20,  1821.  a.  72.  I,  .b.ri,  b  Mav  IS 
177ft.  2.  I.o'.Kv,  May  22,  17Sd.  o,  i>oviN  a.  May  4,  I7S2.  4.  .LuiiY.  .March  2:;.  1784! 
5,    Wn.i.i.xM,  tK  r.  (i.    l7--t). 

II.      Mary,  h.   \uv\\  2:).  1754. 
111.     Jacob,  b    .\pril  5.  175r;;   will  prov.  ul  .\.  Hav..  IS21  ;   name-^  m  f.  lather,  .=;.  Woos- 
tcr  i-?ro(Jv.s  Walter  aiul  grandcliihiren  Wyllis  Wrdter  Dic'.rerman,  Henrv  Dickoi'maii    and 



Jason  I»i<'kerinaii:  est.  of  Esther  Walter  div.  1S28   to   \\'ooster   15.  WtiUer   and    lioir.s  of 
Laiirn  I)ir!<pvinan. 

JV.      Kaiharine,  b.  Julv  18,  175S. 
V.      Eleanor,  b.  .Nfaroiru,  1700. 

13G2.  Sarah  Tattle,  b.  March  25,  1728;  m.  hy  llrv.  Mr.  Stih's.  !)(><•.  2l),  17.51, 
Beiijaniin  Wanner;  e^t.  aJni.  1800,  called  of  Hair.den;  wid.  Sarah  and  all  cliil.  below 

I.      Sarah,  b.  >[a.rrli  12,  1750;  ni.  .\nios  Potter. 
II.      Sanjuf!. 

III.  Je^se. 

n'.     I'hebc,  ni.  Danii'l  Dornia-'i. 

V.      -Marv,  ni.  Joseph  lleaton.  .  . 

VI.      lluch'd,  III.  Ednuind  Dornian. 

1364.     Jehiol  Tuttle,  b.  June  5,  1729;    m.  May  14,    1752,  Charitv,  dau.   of  Isaac 
and  Eli/.abeth  ('J'odd)  Dayton,  b.  Sept.  2U.  \7?A}.     IlerVm.  to  IJarlcliaiusted,  Conti.,  beforo 
.17(;(i.  tlienre  to  Tnrrinirfurd  alMuit  1770,  and  d.  tliere  Oft.  s.  17yl. 
I.      Isaiah,  h.  Mav  25,  175:j;  ni.,  177-1,  IJntti  \Vils.)n. 
II,      Jared.  b.  Nov.  1.  1751;  d.  June  ID,  175.s. 
Hi.      Cb'in.-nt.  b.  June  2!'.  175'!:   ni..  17S5,  .\bi<:ail  l>>itir.n. 

IV.  Esther,  b.  Sei)t.  11,  175^;  m.,  17.^0,  Jolnflves, 
V.     .land,  b.  June  2,  17(IM;  ni.  Itoxana  AVard. 

Vl.     ("hailus  b.  Jaji.  :;(J,  17i:2:  in.,  1  7s.s,  P.osetia  Case. 
Vli.      Sarah,  b.  Sep.t.   10,   170;-];    ni.   I'el.-y:  Sheimrd. 
Vill.      David,,  b.  Uct.  15,  17711;  n..  Polly  Austin. 

^^  13C^41.  Isaiah  Tuttle,  b.  May  25,  175;;;  built  the  lirst  hou.'^e  in  the  n.  e.  cor,  of 
Torrin<r!nrd,  and  in  ls'U:i  built  an-'W  hou,st'  near  the  hrst,  in  diie  or  of  whi'di  his 
descendajits  for  several  treiierations  were  born  and  lived.  He  ke])i  tavern  hi  both 
house.-.  After  p.lanlinir  lii:;  oridiard,  h,e  ])urned  the  lield  over,  tii<t  turninir  down  the 
trees  an.l  rovering  iheni  with  eartli.  This  oreluud  is  .-^aill  standinii'.  In  his  early  days, 
tliat  part  of  the  country  was  a  wilderie'ss.  and  fir'-s  were  neces.sary  to  keep  awav  bears 
and  wtdvf.s.  'The  old  .Major."  as  he  was  calbil,  \\  ;i.-,  cio.sid.ered  a  v.  ry  leinarkabb' 
man,  and  his  sayin«:s  and  doiuL'-s  are  ofi'-n  (piorcd  in  thai  re-iion.  It  is"  veineinberjMi 
that  he  used  to  back  his  grain  four  miles  to  niill.  He  was  mo-  of  a  trio  who  iirst  voted 
the  Deiiiticratic  tickft  in  the  town  of  'i'or.,aial  ;■!:  i,iii'  D'.'c-i-ion  at  a  ]iu!)!i.-  nieetiuir  th'-v 
were  asked  by  members  of  tin-  o'piiosin::  ]  arty  to  uji  that  tlicy  niiiihi  b^-  s<'eii. 
The  character  of  the  .Nlajor  was  little  iindeistoodi  liy  hi^^  o])]>onents  if  "th..-y  thought  he 
was  ashamed  of  his  oninions,  or  lack>'d  couraire  to  avow  and  dt-fcnd  theiu.  Hoik  John 
Koyd.  in  his  of  Wiiu-litxti  r,  says;  ••  A  hunly  race  were  tliese  South  st.  ]>iojieers. 
from  Still  Hiver  l>ridge  down  to  Isa.iah  Tutt'it-'s.  who  silted  their  corn  meal  for  hasty 
]uidding  through  a  ladder.  Tie-  .Major  renia.rUed  tliat  l.'y  working  bare  footed  in  the 
stubble  fields,  that  tlieir  lieels  li,-.-anie  so  hard  that  if  they  ha])pened  to  tread  on  the  fei  t 
of  their  cattle  it  would  make  them  lullow.  .\proj,ns  (,f  the  Major."'  continues  Dovd,  ''  the- 
horse  tamer  who  couhl  ride  aiiyihing  out  (  haiu  liglitning.  lie  had  in  a  lot  with  other 
cattle,  a  ten  year  old  loill  which  he  oi-.lered  his  s.  and  hired  man  to  drive  out  and  ];ul 
elsewhere;  tliey  went  in,  and,  a  Itei- electing  the;inimal  a  loUi;-  tiniearound  the  tieiil,  they 
gave  it  up,  and  reporledi  to  the  Major  that  they  could  luu  ger  him  out.  He  said  he  was 
very  sorry  he  had  a  s.  and  hired  man  who  could  not  uct  a  bull  (uit  of  a  lot;  he  v.-ould 
try  what  he  could  do  with  the  •  critter.'  lie  provided  hini>elt  vith  a  di^h  of  salt,  and. 
on  his  way  to  the  lot,  cut  two  s!(Uit  dulis;  letting  down  the  bars  he  api)roached  the 
cows  wiih  the  sah;  as  tlv-bull  caeie  upt-'  get  his  share,  the  .'^lajor,  watching  for  :in  opjxir- 
tUTiity.  suddenly  s])raiur  on  his  b:iid;;  a.way  wi  iii  tlie  stanled  iuill.  s<ai<-(l  and  bili<.v.i  ng 
hide<iusly,  ami  as  lie  .,p,-d  over  the  gnuiiid',  hi>  by  i)low.v  of  (he  cbil).->  on  one  sitle 
or  the  o;her  of  iiis  h.-ad,  as  he  desired  him  to  vei-r  rliis  way  or  that.  :ruideil  him  acr(..s,s 
the  field  aivi  through  the  bars  out  into  the  hiirhway  uudi'r  full  sail.  Tliis.'  <a>s  Dr. 
Boyd,  ■■  souit^what  iralicates  the  >pirit  and  energy  id'  the  .Major  and  akso  of  his  iW^n  nd- 
unts.  They  were  prompt,  eueigetic.  spirited  and  couruLieous;  and  the  end  is  not  yet. 
Witli  hisbos.s  he  was  felling  timber  on  to)>  (d'  the  ,Naiiie  ridiie  .if  mountains.  They 
felle;!  a  tall  tn'e  to  tliai  one-third  of  its  lenirlh  <'Xlen(!<'d  over  a  precii)ice  some  20  or  :'.0 
feel.  The  Ma  joi  (!i-dered  his  eldest  bo\  lo  :;o  our  (Jii  till  Iriiuii.  and  e;iv  aw;iy  the  \i>\i. 
UrleJ  went  out.  :ind,  after -striking  a  few  blows,  came  hack  with  a  swiinmini:  head. 
l)ajii(d  was  sent  out  to  finish  the  job.  i)ul  soon  came  baidc  eipodly  diz/.v.  .\fier  U.a/.ing 
:T.v,"ri)-,  in  his  characteristic  manner,  at  his  boys  for  their  A\:uit  i>t    pluck,  the   .'vlajor  took 


l!ltANCl[    OF    .lOliX. 

u,.  In^^  ax.-    un<l  uvnt  out   Ininsrlf,  :uul   •■l,,,!-!,,,!   »^vuy  unul   tla-  top   of   the   tree   un-v 

ho  top  ...ctiou  0  th.  ru-.  yu:hU-d  lu-  l,.-t  his  p.-.s,..,-.-  of  mind.  a,M  iast.-.d  <!\r^,C 
h<-,  thr-w  his  :,nM.s  uroaiul  tlir  falling,  so-iion  a,wl  vvnt  down  witli  It  ''  li' 
hoys  hast.-.unir  nnn-i  thr  pivciphv  .anu-  .loun  to  tl,,.  hmdin^r  phir..  and  found  th.- 
MajoP  i,ru,sc._i  and  v.onu.h.l,  hu.  on  Ins  fM-t.  wipln- an-ay  with  o-,',,,  i^av.s  th-  hh  | 
tliat  was  fiow.n-  into  lius  rycs  and  mouth  from  a  w.mnd  in  his  foivht-ad  •  Fathor  '  s-d, 
o*ieo(  Uu-  hoys,  •you-ve  had  a  t-rnbh-  WAV  ■  V,..'  Ws!' said  tl,,-  Major,  -auurib. 
falL  Adams  ta  was  noth.n,.^  to  it.  -  Ih-  m.  .\lanh  -2,  1774.  linth,"  dan  of  S 
Ainos  \\,lsonot   InmuKfoni.  Conn.;  h.    Iv.-.    17.  l7oh  d.    .\pril   -21.  iS;is.      If- d     \^C' 

1.  C'rii'!,  h.  1741;  d.  177S. 
WairJ:  ^'*"''""  ''  "'■''  '''''  '  ' '^^  '"•  '"■''■  ^'*'  ' '■'^-  "='•■■'-".  -■  "'•  i--'-'-  M.Ti-iman;  r.s. 
Ill  Ked.e  1..  .Nfay  •2.-..1777;  lu.  Elijah  Strono-,  s.  of  C<,1.  John  hv  his  -'d  wf  Mrs 
M,..Ty  (Hoot)  New.ll:  1,.  Xov.  17.  1774;  d.  .\pril  -.>.  ps^'s-  ,-,,,  X"  V^  4  h'il  o'' 
^vh<m^:  1  KnswKi.i,.  1,.  Av.l'.  Uk  Um-.  d.  Dec.  is.  isis.  o  ^,,.,„-  ^/  w,',;!  ,o]  17^,;^: 
'"    -;°'-  T'}^':-  •''''■'"'•  -^^  "'■  -^"il'i'ni,-!  and  Contour  (Jnhn.son)  .lone.    1,    F,4)    .s'  17<Jo' 

"^.  7m  t";-  -"'^T':^-''"";""V''''  ^l--on.Conn..ulio  s.-rv.-d  as  aid  on  th. 
st.iff  of  G.>n.  lurthMu  a  h.-tt-r  to  th-  C.-n.p. .  .v.ys;  •■  I],,  was  a  luan  of  n-nncrkaldv  tim- 
personal  appoaran,-..  a  sph-iuhd  nd.r  and  paiti.-uiariy  fond  or  tine  horses.     His  intlllem.e 

d^sM'tf  ■•'"  h"  r^'^T  ""rV-  '"'''  '^""f  ^^■'■^^'•fy  ^'>  throu^liout  th.>  northern  part  of 
the  state.  In  the  Jornmn'-nl  c.ntenmal,  f.v  \{,.v,  Samuel  .1  MiJK  (;„„  Turth^  is 
spoken  ot  ashavmo:  pluce.1  ns;{])au  or^au  in  the  elih..  for  whi-l,  thanks  w.-re  vot.-d  hv 
he  society  ,lx;.>,.ed.  AiM-il  4.  1S4!..  The  following  is  from  a  .on.municarioi  ,m 
Dea.    Niomas  A.   .Miller  to  "  Brother  Burleidi/'   and  primed  in  il,,.  ■■J.\  ,,„/,/;, 

paper;  ■  Died,  ,m  tlie  4tli  of  this  month,  of  an  alTection  of  the  heart  with  whirl,  he  lu^d 
heen  trouhlod  a  number  ot  years.  He  dropped  <!ead  in  his  barn  in  tlie  niornin..  HiC 
virtues  were  numerous,  his  phih.nlh.opy  enlarged,  ulu.-li  onlv  thos,-  wh,,>  kn,"v  him 
best   eoul,    appr,..-Ka...     Ky.    .,uiek    to   perceiv-.   h-'an    n.   feel,  an.l    to   ndh-v..  "tlu- 

sufferin,^  humanuy.  \\  u],  an  ,nd,Hnuabl,.  .,u.ruy.  ]„■  would  Surmount  and.  over.-ome 
the  most  crmidabie  obstad^-s.  fb.  was  one  nf  th.-  first  to  .udist  in  th.  ten'n..vane. 
cause,  and  threw  nnuseli  into  that  reform  when  the,,,  was  n„thin-  t,,  -aiu  but  c^bbMoiv 
and  n-piuaeli.  1.- .-v.-r  remained  firm  and  und:,,l  in  tiiis  (-auM.  Onjv  a  f.-w  ii-.urs 
hetore  he  was  struck  .h.wn  he  was  ..nga^red  in  .levising  plans  for  its  a.lvaueemen.       His 

.^  thf.  r?  '/'""""f  "r  "'  '"■'  '"''''r  "^'  ^^"^=^'"-il''^^i<'"  =^r'-  too  uell  known  to  the  public 
7  f  iV't  ?7^^'  ^t  ^l-liivat.on.  ^or  many  y.arsand  until  his  death  lie  was  Pr.^ident 
o  \f:  d  'i  " >'  -  i  -^"^'---'7  ^"'i^^ty.  and.  if  I  am  not  mistakened,  was  at  the  tin^ 
onus  .leat  1  !'n.^Kh-nt  ot  ta-  (  onu,.,-ticut  Stat,-  .\nti -Slaverv  So,.ietv.  His  house  was  a 
leuige  for  th-  tugUlv.^  atul  his  purs-and  team  w-...often  -mph.yed  lo  h-lp  Inm  forward 
to  u  place  of  satetv.  V.  man  watched  with  m,ue  interest  the  advam.-  of  his  catKe  in 
this  and  other  lands.  Hi.s_  fum-ral  was  attende<l  on  tli-  f5th  bv  an  immens-  concourse 
u ho  came  from  aeiKhboring  towns  to  testify  r.-sp.-ct  and  cas"t  tlie  last  Ir.ok  upon  that 
countenance  whudi  had  so  oft-Mi  h-d  and  cheered  th.-m  on  in  the  various  works  ol' philan- 
thropv.  )„.r  .,j-!„.t..l  hrothn:  T.  A.  Mm.,-.-  He  m.  Feb.  •2.-,,  isui  Adah  .^-au  of 
Danml  an.I    Mary  ((  o.-)    Hudson,  of  Tor.,  b.  Feb.  f^,  177S;  d.  Isiir,.      1,  .lunv  n'riiinia. 

caused    b^    a    tall.      Ihs    parents   then   ad,.pted    a   n.-plu'W,    .lame..     H.,    .s.    of    Duniel    (t. 

y.     Zeruah.  b.  May  2:?.  17n0;  m.  F,.rb,-s.  r.  s.  Trov    \    V 

).  Dee.  !»,  1  .,.>;  ,1.  .May  1:)  is,;.,  „.  h<-r '»4th  v  r. ;  r.s.  Wiuste.i  Cum  1  F  \  vmf  M 
K  une2(;.  Is,.!;  m.  [>.-c.  :; , ,  ,s:n,  Charles  S.-hh.n;  r,>s.  ^V.  o;  C  ^^^u  Ji^.^V^K  ^ 
IblO;  d.  .Ian.  .).  l.s.i:  m.  Lu.-ius  .b.nah.  s.  ,,f  KraMus-  \\',,odfn;.d  b  Ma.-  W:  'SI4.  ., 
farmer  on  the  oh!  ^  aterbury  turnpik-.  near  the  Colbrook  lin...  from  his  lirst' m.  until 
l.i.s  removal  t,.  the  Daniel  1  utile  fanti  on  South  .st.  in  1^4.11.  ]  (;,,.,<,,  F  1.  M-urh  'T 
V^.M  m.  Xoy  27.  ls,i4.  iJosu  a.,  dau.  of  .John  S.  l^I.-r.  and  had  Franu;  b  IVb  iSflS  ' 
^,   (.KuK.iK  11..  b.  MayeO,  1815;  m.  Mard,  2S.  \^\?,,  Fli/abeth    Virginia    Dawkin^;    r-s. 

h'-^k'lH^undll'^r^-"  ':.°'  ^'';^^^-  o^?cf)  and  occupied  the  Gr->ea  Woods  Hoto!  pro:>cnv  ne.r  rh.-  Col- 
lonVh   ni.  Ca.h;u  n^^  '•"  '^'-^  ^^dd,  Cordeba  Ruth,  n> .  .tame.  H.  Tattle:    his  .th  child,  Lucius 

TUTTLK.  •  39 

N.  Y.  City.  1,  Edir,ir(1  E.,  h.  Aug.  18,  ].S4o;  d.  -fuly  1),  \^\\\.  2.  fl'irn  N.,  !..  May  :]0. 
ISo-l;  in.'Wm.  A.  FeniH.-ll.  o,  .JcnnhK.,\).  Keb.  S,  IS.")?.  4.  I-amimiiki;  Ix ,  li.  June 
18,  1817:  i\\.  Sept.  1-i,  1841,  Clrarlollc,  olJ.  dau.  of  .TcliiL'l  and  Amanda  lict^fv  (I'as^c) 
Cof,  b.  D.'C.  01.  IN]?,  sis.  of  ^Vm.  (i.  ('(u\  the  ori-anizi.-r  ta'  tin-  Wc^t  <'oihi.  H.  H..  and 
Pivs.  i.rtl.c  WjiKdiotrr  ('.Mit<-iinial,  1871.  1,  (V/./a/.'.v  r,y,  ,  !>.  .Inly  '.),  ]S4:.>;  d,  .\i,:il  17, 
lS4'j.  •"),  .!\MKs  1].,  b.  Jan.  11,  \b\\)\  adopted  by  his  uncle,  <lcu.  Crit'l  'i'litilc  liis 
death,  ^icpt.  O^i,  IHCl ,  was  thf  result  of  an  uufortunati'  c<mtrov(M'sy  \vith  his  bi-Dthor-in- 
law,  ]..  J.  Woodford:  ni.  May  KJ,  1S4L,  Cordelia  Huthy.  dau.  oV  Er;istus  U'oudbn-d. 
Onlv  ?'.  "l,  Ibthhard  E..  h.  Oct.  :10,  l-MS:  now  (b'^'^O)  Iniiian  tiad.,i-  in  .Montana  and 
Brit"ish  America;  unin.     G,   Kuni  ().,   b.  J  uly  4,  1824:  d.  in  \V.  X<.v.  4.  ]>-"i'.t.     7,   X.\mk 


VII.  Sarah,  b.  March  lo,  IbsO;  ni.  .(iilius  IJurr:  res,  llarrisvilb',  O'lio.  1,  LlCiNA, 
ni.  Arvus  Chapinan.  2,  Ei.iZM'.F/nr,  ni.  Dr.  Converse,  ij.  Ai.i'ii.\  Sornito.vrA,  ni. 
lleurv  Bacon.     4.    riuKi-. 

Vin.  IHiodai.  b.  May  25,  VMl;  ni.  Aimer,  s.  of  John  and  Sarah  ((ilea.sou)  Wjilteref 
\V.,  1).  al.MiiU  1  iS"),  rt.-s.  Vt.,  bm  returned  to  \\'insted.  thence  rem.  to  Honesdale,  Pa., 
wht.'re  lie  dit^-d. 

IX.  Cartdus,  b.  March  10,  171*:'.:  m.'  Mary  Andrews;  (i)  I'olly  Simcox;  clill.  by  1st. 
\\\.  1,  Jri.tKTTK,  b.  April  K).  1814:  m  Samuel  W.  .\ustin;  res.  \^^  \Mnsted,  Conn. 
1.  John  ?\,h.  May  24,  l8:];b  2,  Juuk .■<  JL,  h.  June  17,  184:1;  d.  March  30,  lSfi4.  3, 
Edtrard,  b.  Maich'lo;  d.  Sept.  21,  1n50.  2,  C()i;.\!:i.iA,  m.  .Albert  'J'homas;  ri-s.  Wyan- 
dot. 111.  1,  7A-/./'V.  2,  :\eW^'.  3,  AVA//.  4,  .J.nm^.  o,  S.imh.  (!,  Rn.<r.  :,M'i,>/. 
8,  Ccrdia.  y,  P,i.\l''.  10,  Dil'iHO.  11,  Anne.  M,  .Makv,  in.  Phillips  King ;  re>.  Oinro. 
Wis.  1,  Pliii'ifis.  2,  .<iiiiiiil.  o.  S.>/)In-'/,,i,f.  4,  Li(  n;s;  res.  Ashland,  Ohio. 
1.  \\'(!Ut-/i/i.  2,  l-yi-.'ihjli.  ."i,  Ca'iharim-:  M..  m.  .Martin  Ballon;  res.  i'rinceton,  -11!. 
1,  CAe.v.  IT/w.  '  2,  Er<'.!'l-Un.  '  :J,  Li:ur  Addit.  0,  Adah,  m.  Chas.  Barrow.;,  M.  D,. 
K.  of  Col.  <iurdoii  Barrows   of   Alb^iny,    X.    Y..    b.     Feb.     is,    fs-^li;    ,v.    {.:    Omr...     Wis.; 

by   2d    m.      7,   MrCi.i.V(  .     S,     K>fii.v,    m.     ■ Mason.     9,    Cii as.      Id,    ,b\MEs.      11, 

(iKOUOE.      12.    A.\.\[i:.  al!    re>.  0,'ani!e,  Ohio. 

X.  L'-veret,  b.  D.c.  G.  1700;  m.  Feb.  10,  18:10,  ( 'hi,,,-,  dau.  of  Anson  an>l  Chioe 
l<Ti|lette)  C<dt,  b.  Feb.  12,  1797;  res.  Torriu-rf^.i-d,  Couji.  1,  Ft.i.knM.,  b  Dec.  14.  isiiO: 
ni.  June  10.  ISol,  Orriu  L.  Hopkins;  b.  {'okdu-ook,  Cuui.,  Oct.  7.  l8:]n;  res.  in  tlu.- 
house  built  bv  her  irt.  -■.  f.,  Ma;.  I.saiah  Turib-.  1,  J/^'/V  X  ,  i>.  Juiw  8,  Is.-;:];  m.  Feb. 
1;{,  1S7:1,  A.  Bmnedf,  and  had  XVllif  J.,  b.  Mav  IC,  ls77.  2.  \. 'He,  Ti'ftJr.  b.  Jnlv  2S. 
I808;  d.  F.-l>  12,  l^i;2.  o.  Ern.l:  Enr.t  y>tft'<,  b.  .hw.i-  24,  ls(;8.  2,  Joiix  L..  I>. 
Julv  24,  ls:jr,;  u!.  .Ian  :].  17/^:1.  Auj.ic  C.  B-'mis  of  I.vndon.  Yi.;  b.  An;:'.  Ml.  !8;lo.  1. 
Aii'-iJJ.,]).  Dec.  14.  IS.'IO;  d.  March  :il.  lv(;2.  2,  /-b„„;V  /.^.  b;  June  18.1864.  ;5, 
Eddii^  L.,  Sejit.  27,  1807.  ?,.  Ci!Aur..viTK  C..  Pec.  10.  ]b:ir.  ni.  May  10,  18o7,  .lames  A. 
WiieJ.e.ster;  b.  Coh'brook,  Coun.,  Mav  11,  18;]7.      1,   ('"nt  J.,  b.  W,d.  Any.  8,  ISos. 

1364o.     Clement  Tuttle,  b,  Jun.-2'.),    17.--0;  .1.    June  20.    1840,  a.  81.   rriu.  iunn 
Tor.  to  Austinburgh.    Aslitabula  Co. ,    Ohio,    about  1812.     While  y,.,uiig  began   studying 
with  Kev    Dr.  TruuibuU'lilist.  id'  r,.nn.)    to   prejiare   for  college  and  the   ministry,  but 
ou  breaking  out   f)f   the  rev.    war,  entered  the  army   and  ser\e(l   seven  yeais,  or  daring 
the  war.       As  a  soldier,  passed  tlirough  many  trying   KCenes.      lie   w:is  a  deacui  of  the 
Cong.  chh.  in  Tor.,  and  in  A.  for  oO  years.     X'ine-tenths  of  his  des-,-.  are  ,  hli.  mem. :  m. 
Dec.  7,  178.'),  Abigail  Duttoii.  who  d.'Sejjf.  lo,  18:i:k 
I.     Clarissa,  b.  June  4,  1780;  in.  Martin   Mills. 
II.      Ara,  b.  A]>ril  2,  1788:  m.  Sallv  M.  Mills. 
ill.      Ira,   b.  .-^pril  2,   1788:  m.  Charitv  Mills. 

lY.     Charity,  b.  March  20,  1700:  d.  l's21:  m.  Lewis  Osborn.      1.    David. 
y .     Levi,  (1.,  a.  '.I  vears. 
VI.      Ilarvev.  <1.,  a!  12  veurs. 
VII.      l.'hoda  Fhilecta.  d.   F<-b.,   1^42. 

YIII.     Abigail,  b.  IsdO,  m.  Benj.  Burt,  (2) Hubbard.     1.  Josi.Mi,  b.  J  \ine  10,  181H: 

went  to  sea,  fate  unknown.  2.  Dokinda  A.,  i'.  Feb.  7.  1821;  m.  Albert  Smith:  re?. 
Austinburgh,  Oliio.  1,  /,////.v,/,  !>.  Julv  25.  1815;  m.  M.  and  had  fourchib:  res. 
Wiliou;rhbv,  Lake  Co..  Ohio.  2.  A.u,i>.  U.  April  10.  18.50.  8,  Ah,^,n<i.h.  June  2''.. 
1«5;;.  4,  (''itroliiK .  b.  \)n\  :il,  l^On.  :;,  l,<>ti>^A.  h.  May  17,,  182:3:  m.  David  0..;i),)rn, 
\\ho  lb  a  vearafler;  (2)  W.  Fangiiuni:  res.  Wilbtuglibv,  Ohio. 
4.    Wii.i.i'wi.  b.  Sepr.  B!,  l-'25:\l.  1828. 

136431.  Clai'issa  Tutrlc,  O.  Jun,'4.  17<'b  d.  in  F,M>tville.  O,  Mnr.h  1,  lS(ii;: 
m.  Nov.  10,  1S()5,  in  Tor.,  .Martin,  el.l.  s.  of  Constan'ine  Mills  of  .Norfolk.  Conn.  I'lu- 
latter  beini:  half  bro.   to  tiie  f.  ,0'  Ciiaritv  and  Sallv  M.   .Mills. 

40  .  isirAxni  of  johx. 

I.      A'oijrail,  h.  Ajiril  29;  d.  Juue  13,  1807. 

II  Ilarv.-y.  h.  May  i^K  ISOS;  in.  Sept.  4,  1830,  Ph. 'he  Mont.-itli;  res.  Mort^'aii 
Atshtubula  Cn.,  O.  1,  KuzA,  1).  Dec.  20, 1S;!:,>:  d.  ;it  La(ii;uii,v.  l.-naiu  O,..  ().,  .J;ur"24' 
1831.  2.  n.uutiiCT.).,  b.  in  ],.  (i.  April  2o.  1S31;  d.  ill  M..  ().,.Mav  K!,  ]b.-,l).  :j,  Hkxkv' 
b.  March  11.  1S3(J;  in.  Ocr.  3,  l.^.".."),  Sarali  Jo'nnson.  1.  Ah'rc  L'.,  b.  Aut:.  27,'lS.')(i.  2[ 
Earett  If.,  b.  in  'rrunibull,  ().,  Oct.  20,  ISdU.  ;?,  ll.jiranl,  b.  Oct.  ."i,  1S70.  4.  \\'.\r.  II 
b.  in  Jack^<)n.  Iiid..  May  14;  d.  An--.  3,  IS;!^.  T,,  Wm.  11.,  b.  Oct.  22,  is^O;  d.  Au--.  2(j! 
1813.  t>,  .i.vNi:  J:..  b.  Feb.  2'.i,  1S44;  ni.  .March  21,  ISliii,  Otis  K.  Ma.s..n;  r(>s.  O.uaha' 
Xeb.  1,  J)dl<'.  b.  Nov.  in.  iSOli;  d.  Aiiir.  23.  Is70.  7,  Fakiiktt  H..  b.  Feb.  1,  1,^40'; 
ni.  Sept.  1.  INTO,  Alice  L.  Maniey;   re.s,  Morii-aii,  0. 

III.  Siuie(;n,  b.  Feb.  14,  ISIO;  a  pironiineiit  citi/.en  oi'  Madison,  \\'i.s.  ;  ni.  ^laria 

IV.  Alfred.  ],.  Sept.  27.  1812;  m,  Feb.    H,    1837;  Chiris.^a   Ib.pkiiis  oi  Canfield,   O. ; 
■res.    Ea'..d(ville.    0.      1,    W.vitD   Simson,   b.   .Ian.    1,    ]S40:    ni.   Au^'-.   23,   18'J4:   Panthea 

Lenvitt  (d  Richland  Co..  O.  1.  Hrmst  A.  2,  Chfui-^  I.  3,  Mivtin.  4,  Franl.-  F. 
2,  Luci.\  PosET-;-.\,  b.  Mandi  (J,  ISHj;  m.  Dec.  4.  l^O-"),  W'drtliin;^-  Hall.  1,  Jrrli,'/  ('. 
2,  Clar'iri  E.  3,  Fninh  Ib'll.  :!,  S.u;ai[  ('i.aijis^a,  b.  .May  2,  b^4=»;  in.  Aug-  20,  18f;u, 
C.F.Udell.  \,  AU,i  U.  2.  Wnlt.r  L.  3.  Sn,.  4,  I:v.\n<;  Ai;tk\ii(V\  Au"-  5 
1852;  d.  March  20,  lSo3. 

V.      Florinda.  b.  March  M,  ISl.',;  ,1,  A^^^,  1S18. 

VI.  Levi.  b.  May  l.v.  ls17;  m.  .lane  Morris.  .1.  t . ;  res.  Madora,  \\arren  Co.,  bnva. 
VII.  Xancy  .li,(D-(.n,  b.  July  20,  18l'J;  \\\.  Feb.  18,  18:38,  Addison  Cri.ssy  of  Sbn-klon, 
X.  Y.,  who  d.  1841;  (2)  .hine  1843,  David  (.'rosberk  of  W.  Po.,  Iowa,  who  d.  May,  IS.ll'; 
',3)  I'fi-diniiDd  Pauld,  I808.  of  l)en)iiark.  Iowa,  ^vbo  d.  about  IS'U.  1,  Makif.L.I  li.,  b. 
?ilarch  18,  1S39.  4.  by  2d  m. :  2.  Fiiankmx,  b.  April  o,  1844.  3.  AuTiiri;  A..  1).  Dec. 
14,  1847.  4.  Ci.Ai'-.A  I,T-NA,  b.  Nov.  :iO.  isil),  /.  bv  3d  ni.:  0,  Mati'ik  Ai.k  k,  b  Oct 
10.  1860. 

VIII.      liufus  Freeman,  b.  .Inly  Ut,  b'^21  ;  left  home  about    1841    and    not    since    heard 

IX.  I'dorilla  S..  b.  .lulv  bS,  182:'.;  m.  Dec.  14,  1812.  Clark  C.  F(.o)nis,  win.  d.  Auii'. 
fl.  lS(itj;  r(s.  Trumbull.  O. "  1.  A.,  m.  Juno  8,  18f;2,  E.  L.  Ford.  1,  Fiank 
E..  b.  Mmv  1.0,  1804.  2.  I'loni  J/.,  b.  March  5,  18(i7.  2.  Imjank  A.,  b.  A].ril  3.  1840; 
ni.  June  i2,  18(;7.  1,  AVA^  E..  b.  April  22,  ]S70.  2,  Vn-mm  E. .  b.  Auir.  23,  1872.  o, 
0!:}'iii\  C.,  b.  III,  ].-"4S;  d,  Jan.  27.  ]s50.  4,  MAiiTi.v  M.,  b.  Jan.  2o,  18o4.  0, 
CuAr.i.i;s  1'..  b.  Auir.  22,  1^^J(;.  G,  ]j.vii;.\  C,  b.  Ja1v  ;;l,  1801.  7.  T.,  Oct.  2, 

X.  Dora  F.,  b.  M;.v  2<»,  ls:;0,  m.  Sept.  l!i.  IS.V.',  Ireneus  M.  Foote;  res.  Madora, 
Iowa.  1.  S...N,  b.  l>ec.  ]7,  isilO;  d.  Jan.  (i,  l^'Ol.  2,  ('i.aua  J.,  b.  Mandi  19.  1801.  3, 
Airrnni  P...  b.  March  29,  b-OV     4,   May  Posk,  b.  May  1.  1807. 

136432.  Ara  Tultle,  b.  A]u-ii  2.  ]  i.^:S;  d.  .Ian.  11.  1.S49,  in  Austiiibur-h.  Ohio;  m. 
June.  1^12.  Saliy  .Minerva  .Mills;  (She  was  halbcousiii  to  Martin  Mills.)  chil.  b  in  A. 
I.  Mary,  b.  in  4'orrin-i'ord.  Coi;n.,  July  20.  1813:  ni.  Mar(di.  1831.  Thomas 
Makepi;aci-  Filidi;  ri.'s.  Corry.  Pa  T...  .Mrs.  Fiteh  we  are  indebted  for  this  record  of  .\ra 
Tattle's  de-cendents.  1.  <,'F.(i;[,i  \.  ni.  May  0.  lS.~ii,  in  (b'ue7a,  Ohio,  Slieldon  Hij^-bv;  1 
cliihl.  2,  AiiKnirs.v.  m.  Mav  In.").';,  A.lriun  A.  Ibirrows;  res.  Corrv;  1  .didd.  :!,  .Maky 
Mahia,  b.  Dec.  2:1.  ls31:  d.  Ma.\  ^?i>.  ls.-,4.  4,  IIatikikt.  b.  1s41;'hi.  Dec,  1802.  11  A. 
Ilut.-un,  au'I  luid  tlire..  chihirfu.  •").  d'lroM.vs  Mii.i.s,  b.  July.  d.  Sept.,  1S44.  0,  Stki.i.a, 
1840;   m.  Jan..  l.sO'-,  P.  X.  lAveu. 

IP-  Maria,  b.  May  21,  1>^15:  ni.  in  Ausriid.uroh.  Ohio.  Feb.,  1837.  Anuiriah  Case. 
1.  P.KV.  11()1;atii).  iCouu-.  min.)  e.lncated  at  Oadesburi:.  III. :  m.  ami  has  ()m>  child.  2, 
lihv.  Haim,\n  P-u;k,  (('oul'-.  min.)  ed.  at  tialc.-buri:-.  3,  M.vkia,  m.  and  has  on'.rchild. 
4.  Maicv.  twin  with  Mjiia.;  d.  in  Iowa,  ."i,  Pkksi.-,  teacher.  0,  11i:\ky  lIo'W.Mti). 
The  above  f.iiu.  l;ve>  in  Cass  Co..  HP 

lit.      .\-:ihrd.  b.  .Iune4.  18!7;   m.  iti  Denmark.  Iowa,  ancl  h.'is.mes.  and,  tw.tdaus. 
IV.      Pii.'iu-  !)..  0.  Oc:.  H.    is]:i:  i„.  in    X.-Ison,    Ohio;  hrel  3  chil. ;  all   d.  v.;  he  d. 
in  loua.  Oct.  1.  isi;:;.  ^ 

\'.      I'riel,  i..  Julv  Pi.  P's-Jl;   m.  in'o'eiieva,  Ohio;   had  1  s.  and  3  datr-,. 
Vi.      Leu-is.  b.   April  21,   1^2;);   m.  in  111   ;   had  1  child;   res.  Indianola,   Iowa. 
VIP      .Martha,  b.  Sup:.  2.  1^25;  m.   Kev.  .V.   IP  ('as(.',  in  (Jem-va;  r.-    AshPind,  Ky. :  2 


VHP      {.'i.'ne-nt.   b    .hi!y  9,   172?;    m.   :ii    Iowa  ami  had  :]  ss.  .ami  3  Jans. ;   res    Oass  Co  , 

l.V.      .iohn,  b    D.'c  .  1S3I:  ,|,   in  Denmark.  b>wa,  1>^4-V 



X       JauiPS.  b.  .luiip,  18;58;  m. ;  res.  Orci^on  Tor. 
XI.      Sarah,  b.  iNo-^i:  ni.  Pioroe  in  Dnimark,  IS.-)"),  and  lind  3  ss. ;  res.  Portland, 

XII       iieniiuiiin    b.  in  Nelson,  (.ibiu,  le:).  ;   in.;   res.   Ibmnihul,  M" 
XIIL      Pcrsis,  b     in   X.,    iy:i;);  ^rad.    D<'nuiark  Acad.,    b>wa,    ISGG,  now  a  teacher  in 

Portland,  Oregon. 

136433      Ira  Tuttle,  twin  with.  .\ra,  d.  Jan.  12,    ISlU;  m.    April  23.  l^O'J;  moved 

from  ("unn.  to  Eu^r'a-viUe,  Ashtabdki  Co.,  Ohio,  iNUt';  m.    Charity  Mills  (sis.    to    Martin 

Mills):  chii.  b.  in'Ka-ieville.  „      i<-     , 

I      Bradford    b  Julv  7.  IblO.  (su  named  lor  maternal  descent  from  (.to v.  hradtord 

..f  Plvmouih  colon'v):  m.  "-Ian.   27,    lS::i-l.  .Inlia   A.  I3each.     He  was  instantly  killed  July 

4    1870.      Familv  lives  at  Mecca,  Tnimbull  Co..  <)1iio.      1,   MAUCtsM.,  b.  xVi)ril  11,  1<Sd6; 

in    Nov.  21.  ISilO,  Kate   Soutliwick.   and   lias  one    s.,   117'/ ->///(  .S. ,  b.    Jan.  12,  IMlO.     2, 

AllCM    b    bee    4    ISkl;  m.  Sept.  12.  1S(>7,    David  S.  Marvin. 

11.'     ElH-n.    b.  Sept.  2:-!,    1S12;  m.    Sept.    25,  lS'd?>,   Sarah  L.  'I'horne;   ,«.  i. ;   res.  Au.s- 

Lin  ,UY  '•j^_^J.'^^J;^  ^. ^  ,^  ,^^  .^  >^-,,^.  o,)_  -i^^ji.  ,^,  J),-.,.;  ]o  i,s33,  Henry  Paine;  lOchil.  b. 
in  Le  Rov  all  living  lSi7n.  1,  Ei.izvHKrn,  b.  April  0.  18:50:  m.  Nov.  9,  l851i.  C.  A. 
Wri-'ht  and  had4chil.;  res.  LeKov,  Lake  C...,  Ohio.  2,  AvitF.i.iA,  b.  Jnne  2t;,  1830; 
m  Dec  -V)  I8n3  A  \V.  Beach,  and  had  2  chi!.:  res.  Le  Hoy.  3,  M.\T;V  D. ,  b.  May  2, 
1841-  ni  Nov  IS  1808,  L.  L.  Keevish,  and  had  2  chik:  I'es.  LeLoy.  -1,  Cu.\m,oTTK,  b. 
Jan  ^-^  1843-  m  Mav  20,  1801,  S.  B.  Smith,  and  had  -I  chik;  res.  Weeping  ^^  aier.5. 
Nebraska  Tcr  o.  hVa-duick  E.  b.  Marcli  12,  ISlo;  m.  Dee.  25,  l^OiJ,  J.  L.  Powers;  1 
child-  res  Oil  Citv,  Pa.  0.  Ira  TrTTi.K.  b.  Jan.  31,  1S17;  m.  June  9,  1870,  E.  M. 
Hunon-  res  Le  Bov.  7,  Hakhikt  N.,  b.  Julv  9,  1851:  m,  Nov.  30,  1870.  T.  W.  (iard- 
ner.     8.'  Cn akkv.  b.  Feb.  25,  1849.     9,   Stki.i.a.    b.   July    19,18,73.     1(1,   11em;y.  b.  Oct. 

18    1S55. 

"'  IV  (leor.'-e  \'.,  b.  Murcli21.  1817;  m.  Oct.  22.  1845,  3iar;ha  Palmer;  res.  <- rand 
BaTiids.  Mirh"  cliii  1.  E.  Emkkv.  2,  lit  liKNK  V  3,  Si;kkn<)  H.  4,  O. 
Tlie.-e  4  brothers  rem.  toOrand  Hapids,  1804.  .     ,.     . 

\  Harmon  P.,  b.  March  24.  1821;  m.  Au-.  18.  1842.  Mary  S.  Ivekey;  (2i  Lizzie 
Kintner.  Maivji.  1S70:  /.  by  Isf  m.;  Amf.i.ta  A.,  b.  Jan.  2],  18  11;  n...  Dec.  21,  1809, 
Beniamin  Cope,  and  had  1  child.  „   .     ,  ,,.    t.     ,      •         -■ 

VI  Ch-i-lotti'  J.,  b.  Marcli  3,  18:^;  m.  Nov.  5,  1S50,  Lucius  \\  .  Pec!:;  i.;  1, 
El, 17,  \  C.,  b.  June  20,  1855.  2.  Latua  1L,  b.  Jan.  7,1857.  3,  Anna  A.,  b.  Doc.  17, 
1800.  4,  FuKDF.KU'K  (i.,  1'.  Jan.  9,  b->u5.  5.  Mabij.  A.,b.  Aug.  30,  18,ik  re^.  liius- 
vilie,  Pa'. 

13644.  Esther  Tuttle,  l'.  Sei>t.  14,1758;  d.  Feb.  14,  1830;  a.  78;  m.  Juno  22. 
17.s<)    J<,hii  Ives.      He  rem.  to  Harkhumstead.  171 1,  an^l  d.  tin-re  Dec.  lU,  Is-xi;  a.  91. 

'l  Lolv,  m.  Cap!.  Jerrv  Hart  ^s.  of  llawkin-  Harl  and  liis  20  v.  f . ».  b.  m  Wnli'd., 
Conn  Oct  I'l",  17S4;  rem.,  IT^O  to  Wavne.  Aslital^ula  C.,  0.;  (-arpenter.  1,  AlUUK. 
m  Cv'ril  Woodworfh.  1,  Dr'/.n'ln.  2,  Li/.'<"n<hr.  3  and  4.  EJ'rt,,  nun  L-d:/.  twm.s. 
2  \y\\-\\\  m.  Sul)mit  Coleman;  i2)Hiirriet  Phillips  Tuttle;  2dcous.;  res  l,indenvilie, 
(,)'.  ;-.  bv  l-;t  m.;  1,  111,,-!!.  2.  X/-'//)"/-.  /.  by  2d  m.:  3,  J- /-/v/.  _  4,  (}  ,<r<]C.  5, 
yr>-ahd'i  0  (inir,;  -'nil  tine  ciiii."  3,  FlDKLtA.  in.  Slielinali;  .V.  1.  4,  Jt;KliY.  d. 
v."  5,  PirF.irK.  m.  Leonard  'I'utile;  had  .-ev.  chik,  d.  y.  1.  Snimul  still  living, 
i';     Ju-'MI.  <1.  V.      7,   Loi.V,    1.  V.      ^,   Jks-k,  lu.  Wooihvorth;   res.   Wayne,  O. 

n.  Sarah,  m.  Arn.mla  (Jid'dings  (bro.  t)f  Hon.  JoshuaB.  Ciddingsid' Ohio).  1,  LVCY, 
2.  llAitiUKT.  3,  AnAMJA.  4,  Ai:k()RA,  M.  D.,  res.  Anoka,  Minn.  5,  Jonx,  res. 
WiUiamstield,  (). 

111.      Esther,  m.  \V;n-n-n  (iiddings  (bro.   of   Aranda),    .1,    Jfi.iA.      2,    EsTKiiK.     o, 

Sakah.  4,    I.KVl. 

I'v  .  J:din,  went  ^outh  and  m. 

V.  .L-s-e.  m.  Atkins  of  Ihirtf..  Conn.;  d.  ■■<.  i.  in  P.arklii'mnted. 

VI  L'>vi.  1,1.  Claru  l\-ters  and  ha.l  ou,-  s.      1,    Wll.i.iAM. 

V!I.  Dnvid,  111.  F.-inny  Slade  of  B.      He;!,  .v.  i.,  Oct,  K',  1829.  in  Ik 

Vni.  Lo;-^.  d     iinin.;  a.  2>»  yrs. 

13645.  Jared  Tuttle.  b.  June  2,  1700:  rev.  s<ddier;  rem.  froiu  Tor.  to  So 
i-!rr.r.,i  ():;ra:-'<.  C,.,  N.  V.  ''  Started  M:.^  11.  17;)5,"  e:,rved  o;:  n  b'rch  c.m-.  pr-r-rvcd 
in  ihe'fam.  He  d.  in  S.  B.,  N,  V..  in  is:;(;:  a.  70  vrs.;  m.  Boxatia.  d.ui.  of  Jam..s  U  ard 
of  Sonuns,;  b.  De.-.  4,  r.i;3.  She  was  of  Tne  liii  geii.  .u  ^-^^.c.  Irom  W  m.  \\  aru 
of  Sudluirv.  Mass..  1039. 

•12  KKANC'K    01'    .lOJlX.  I 

I.      F.vis.  1).  June  11,  17S9;  m.  Ilanirt  I'liillips.      1,  (.teo.   MEiiKn.i..   h    Jun^^   I'.i.  | 

IblH;  lawyiM-  aiuTJ ihl^rc^  of  iVobate  in  Warren,  \^'an■en  C'n,,  O. ;  m.  .Ian.  7,  \xil,  Kmilv  > 

I.e.-;   CM  Ndv.  -3,    ls."-)-2,  .' ulia  Adeline  Sullivan,      t.  liy  1^<t    ni.:     1,    H.irrut,   \>.   .hil\  :^,6.  \ 

lS4i);  ni.  Ira  Nolan.      /.  hy  2(1  m.     '3.   Gt-o.  F/nUips/h.  .hilv^T,  18r)4.     ;5,   .V</n/  S.'/t'nr.  i 

h.  Sept.  20,  18of!.     4,   .7"/</^  Milton.,  h.   Sept.  ^.M,    iH.jy.     5,     U'///.  K!ls>rnrth,  h.  .Vlar-'li  14.  1 

ISlll.     (5,    ('hiirlrs.  h.  May."),  I'l-OS.     2,    II.mmjikt  PiirhLirs.  Nov.  .^),  IM<»:  m.  1S:12  Pa\  i(i  \ 

llart  (2(1   cons.)  ami  Itad  .5  cliil.      '■',.   Ki.iz.MiKTii  AYEi(>.  li.  .Ian.  \?,.  1823:  iintn.;   wimi  i 

south  in  winter  of  l^TO-l  vitli  a  dan.  of  Hon.  .Tosh.  \\.  tiiddiny-s  fur  healtli.      4,    S.\kaii  I 

Jank,    I).    Dec.    .").     18M0:  nnni. ;  re.?.    i/oU'lirouk,     O.       She    had    corres.    sov.    vrs.   atr"  I 

with  one  o'i    I 'avid  'rutile's  desc.  wjjo  \\a->  then  coUe.-tin^r  'J'uttle  i;enfalo^^y ;  pa[K-rs  n..!  ). 

found,     h,   Ki.i.KX  1-1C(',HM.\,  h.  .)au.  14,  1834;   unin.:  ifs.  Piiiia.,  with  Or/Wni.   P.i\  I'.t-  t 

11.     .lartd,  <1.  X.  /.  "I 

III.      Hiram.  | 

W . ,  ni.  — —  Walker.      Scv.  dan-.  ? 

13646.     Charles   Tuttle,   h.  -lan.  :;(l.  17(12;    d.    .May    14,    iSdO;    m.    17.SS,    P.MSettu  i 

C'a'^c  of  Haikhani.^trd,  t'onn.,  who  d.  Hoc.  o,  IS41.  ;i.  S2.  '  \ 

I.      Charity,  h,  17s:l;    in.  .Joseph    Fox   of    (iianh},    Litidiiield    (,'o.,    Conn.;    ren;.    to  ] 

('hilt,  Monroe    (_'o..  X.   V.-    acrunuilated    a    handsoie.e    ]iropcriv.    and    ?;he   d.  there,  h.  {.,  s 

July  .J.  I8.")0.  ■  i 

11.     Charles,  h.  Sept.  IC.  1701:  ni.  ls:;i,  l{,.|„c,-a  Pike.      1,  .Cvxi;,  h.  .hilv  24,  ls:;2;  " 

ni.  .John  Kllioi  of  (hill,  X.  V.  2,,  I).  Dee.  25,  1S:M;  d.  Nov.  2',t."l812.  :;;. 
CuATii.KS  D.VYTON,  h.  .lum-oO,  ISW;  d.  .Julv  ."k  1s42.  4,  A.v.nm:,  b.  March  l-";,  18h);  ni. 
April  12,  1S(J.5,  E.  K.  Hohne.s  of  Stafford,  Conn.  ."),  Xki.mkM..  b.  .June  .7.  ls4r);  re?. 
Center  Hill,  Conn.  i).  l-"i;A\e|.:s  E.,  1).  .>ray  8,  1^40;  ut.  l-eb.  2,  l87i>,  Prescotl  E.  Barnes 
ui  New  Hrtf..  Conn.  1.  '.'/v^r?>  .^^a//.  1),"<)(T.  12,  1871. 
IH.      Peiiial.  ^.,  d.  1814.  a.  21. 

iV.  Harvey,  b.  Ajiril  21.  17'.M;  m.  On  lo,  I'^Pi,  Liiey  Taylor,  and  .<oon  rem.  to  I,e 
Uoy,  (.renesee.  Co.,  N.  V,,  and  In-  d.  There,  May  27,  1840.  on  ihe  farm  where  he  first 
.settled.  She  d  X'ov.  2:!  jsv^-,:!.  •'  p,..;-  tlie  lust  2.7  year-  Mr.  'J'uiile  has  been  aTi  inh::!.;:- 
ant  of  Ee  lioy,  and  has  ,-vrv  jii-iintained  a  (diara'-ter  of  tried  probity,  the  most  undiuel;- 
ing  Veracity,  .and  strictest  inteircity.  l".-:,.tul  as  a  imblic  ciii/en,  ami  andable  in  the  walks 
of  j)rivate  life;  respected  by  an  extinsive  circle  of  ;icipiainl:\iic(^s  abroad,  an<i  beloved 
for  his  private  virtues  at  home,  .Mr.  'r.nitle's  departure  will  be  fidt  and  acknowledged, 
not  only  as  an  irreparable  l..>s  lo  hi-,  famiiyand  cunnet'tions.  but  also  as  a  calamity  to 
tlie  public  at  large.  He  endured  a  loni,^  painful  and  distressini,^  illness  with  i)atiei!Ce 
and  foriitiuie.  and  dit^d  rejoieinL''  in  the  hope  of  a  tinal  resurrection  from  the  torn!),  and 
believing-  that  an  <'ternity  of  bliss  a  waidM]  his  beantitied  soul.'" — Xi  /r.^pdjii  r .  1,  CuAKl.Ks 
Al.JStOX,  b.  Nov.  .7.  1818:  u'rad.  (ienevaCol.;  stml.  law  uith  .1  ud^^'  tiardnt-r  of  Kocli- 
ester,  N.  Y.:  m.  AJaria  Lo:;i>e  Patch, ■!der,  ,i:rad.  of  Ingliam  J'niv.;  rem.  to  .^tilwaukee, 
Wis.;  crossed  the  plains  to  Cal..  Isp.!;  roi!.,\ved  nutiing-  at  Michic-an  P.iull,  Cal..  till  ls,74; 
rem.  to  Auburn,  Placer  (.'o.,  Cal.;  resumi-d  ])ractice  of  lav.-.  Ihis  iieen  State  Seiiator  2 
yrs.,  and  Recorder  of  the  Supreme  Court  several  yrs.  His  wf.  d.  in  Rrooklyn,  N.  Y. . 
Oct.  11,  18(j8,  while  on  hi>r  return  home  froni  xisifiuir  friends  east.  1,  (7ii'/-'i'-t.  h.  \[ay 
II,  18.74;  Y.  (.'.  E.  S. :  assoe.  with  his  f.  in  j.ract.  id'  law;  m.  Nettie  Hiown.  /. .  1. 
Harry  Albion.  2.  Charles  Wiusor.  2,  Fr^'U  rlrl.-  ri.r.-«'i,.  b.  Sep.  28,  ls.77;  Y.  C.  E.  S. . 
assoc.  with  hi,s  f.  in  jiract.  of  law;  m.  Susie  Davis.  1,  Charles.  2,  Made;''.  '•'>■ 
Frederick  Hairlai\.  :5,  Fmnf:  Ac/^r///,  b.  .Tune  E  \^^'<\:  num.;  interpreter  of  Chinese  on 
the  So.  Pac.  H.  ]{.  He  learned  the  languai;i'  <d' a  Chinesf  servant,  svho  had  bei-n  in  the 
fannly  over  20  yrs.  2,  .Tcli.v  Ai;\rAXi»A,  !i.  April  7,  Is^-j:!;  m.  Sept.  :'.,  1'''47,  Sierlin^i- < '. 
Stephens,  and  d.  Ft4i.  18.  ISjl.  1.  Fhn-Ula  Miiirtti  .  m.  .lohn  Hazen:  he  d.  leav.  .7  chil., 
of  wdiom  were  .Julia  and  Fannie.  '■],  ( 'ATtiAJtix;:  \'i;i  i\.\,  b.  Oct.  12,  1n2(J;  trrad.  Ihl'- 
luvni  Euiv.,  Ee  Hoy,  X'.  Y.;  rem  to  Cal..  1S,-)S.  ]i;is  beiu  a  teacher  several  yr:s.  at  Auburn, 
<Jal.:  ni.  xVpril  8,  1S4.7,  Chester  E^-tnall  Shuie,  wiio  d.  .\u-.  oO,  lyCiS;  farmer.  1,  FliTunct 
A<ldl.  b.  J^ec.  18,  184S;  m.  >hir. 'l.7,  18i;.7,  Henry  Sneie.'  1.  Cerirude  Slade,  b.  Oct.  iS. 
Estii).  2,  .Jessie  Mm-eiice.  b.  Oct.  :>,  lS7n.  :!."  lua  Kate,  b,  .Ian.  7.  ls72.  4.  Hc^ward 
Henry,  b.  .luly  28.  fsTt.  .-,,  KIsuorth  St:me.  b.  .May  12,  l^sp  2.  //■'■;'/.,'/  T'ltt'r.h.Y'-h. 
1!),  18.71;  now  (1882)  in  eniplov  of  Si>.  IV  K.  \l.  Co.:"unm.  :',.  Cirri,  M^n-i.i.  b.  Aug  IE 
I8.7»i;  m.  April  21,  187:',  Hiram  Hoyt  Kichmoiid.  4,  Clmrl.s  Umry,  b.  .iune  11,  l8.1s'. 
4,  ('ai{(.h,IXH  Mi-.i.issA.  b.  Am:.  Il,'l><-'!1:  i'ra4.  nnith.  course.  Jr.Lrhatn  Euiv;  rem.  to 
Cal.,  ]S78:  \:\.  .Tan.  18,  isiIO,  |;,.v,,  D.-ilfoji  Hl.-dn  iMetit  Epis. ).  b.  X.  .1.  lie 
retuin'Hl  ttiXe\cark,  X..J..  1.^0.7,  a'ld  has  since  d.  -i.  ^  Slie  has  been  ;l  teaidn-r  in  .Vuburti. 
Cab,  yr^  .7,  E!>\vAi;r)  Dkk.s  Ai.I.kx,  b.  X'ov.  Pj.  18.'il:  ero.->sed  plains  tu  (.'ai.. 
18.72;   engaged  in  mining  till   war  beirun,  tb.en  erdisted  in  the  tirst  Co.  raided    in  .Vubi^rn- 



■v.-.<,^d  and  l.t  Lieut.:  mustered  out  at  Vmi  \  n.un:  appt.  Assist.  Quartor  Mabte  up.  lu.s 
75  Yn  (Vl    L.-  •  mn.  to  Ari/ona:   .vs.  Sunurd.  (ivalKuu   Co.;  m.  18..U.  Maru>.ta  Louisa 

^""v  GeoVi^  ■  l{.;.K  d.'^lau.':,  1^^7:  m.  Hannah  TIuU-Iut:  set.  in  tjat.-s,  Monro. 
I".  \'  Y  SheVem  to  Va.  with  -  ss.  L  Sox,  d.  y.  2,  Mil.Es,  n..  and  d.  sev.  yrs. 
.mvv  h>av.  wf.  andtlu-ee  cliil.  ::.  Al.UKKT.  m.  and  res.  near  B.Hmvdk-,  Mo.  .  lU  nhKT, 
;      it'ed  earlv  in  war  it,  Ocn.  div..  and  d.  ol  d.seas.  .n  hospUal  in     bb.-L 

VI       Ile'h.a    b    ITiiS:  d.  Uct.  Of).  is:.l;    nu  Mmard    Hn.uarf.    rem.    iron,    (.enesv   (o, 
X.  V.tor;ulna;-    >li'i:      i.   Ku.KN.     ^.WiM.tAM.     :;,  A xnuKW.     4,  Ax.k,.,nk  Kt.ix.^. 

a,   (\\iu>i.rN! 

i'>r-A7       t^nrnh    Tnttle     1>     Sept.    10,    IT'-:    d.    ls4-.\    a.    TU;m.    in    Barkhamsted, 
(^mn':lMe,^;;^luh"^wf.),  .!.    i,>    llrt^.,    C.nn..    Sept,    174o:  d.   Oct.  12,  11.^^,  a. 

"    '"'l  "'  William,  1..  -Inne,  17^.-,;  d.  v.,  South,  unm,  ,        '    .     ,0,,-     v^.  ., , 

II  Pek-  b  Feb.  -is,  17b7:  d.  Jan.  11,  isr.lj.  a.  .:3:  m,  .Ian.  8.  1M>/  K^^'cUt. 
(>,.-noerof(;^uivil!e  Ma-  .  who  d.  .1  u!  v  43.  1S72.  a.  S<l.  1,  t'l.AKlssA,  h,  Apru  1., 
iwi;  m.  Nov;  lU,  ISoS.  liussell  Smitl>  of  Sandislield,  Mass.  3.  .losKPH  h.  .;an.^8. 
iVl'n't  Get  17  184::;.  Diadama  Wilder  of  Bark..  Cniu...  and  d.  there  .Inly  ].,  1801. 
i!b^;-id:nowlivin.:onoldhomestendiuBarlchan,st.:d.  1  ^['-'l^-  J-  -J'"'"^  •>•  ^^'' 
■vim  :-l  P.-i.K<;'  1).  March  7.  ISIG;  m.  May,  IS-IU.  Maria  15.  Stewart  of  BrookUn, 
\  y'  inVon^hkeepsle.  X.  Y..  wlierehed.  \.Est,U,.  2,  Hlrirn  H. 
lli       Whitiio'-,  !'.  178;t;  nu  and  had  s.  and  dau. 

IV.     Luther;  b.  17V0:  m. 15arker  of  Canioa,  (Vmn.;  .«.  1 

V.  Sa'iv,  b.  171»:;;  ni.  ritaunee-^  Phelpsof  Otis,  Mas--.,  and  had  h  ehd. 
13G48.  DtiYid  TuttlC,  b.  No.  Haven.  Conn.,  Oei.  15.  1  77U.  Aliet-  ,1  of  his^p:^r- 
.,d:^  vv^"  take.  l,v  his  eld.  lu-o.  ( Major  Isaiah  Mo  luing  up,  and  hvc«l  witli  htm  rmt,120 
ve-irs,.f  a>-e-  re'u  "  I7;l^,  to  \-,.rnnn,  Uneid.a  Co.  N.  \  .:  bon.i;-lit  land  and  built  a  .Lve,.ixiL' 
Uui^e:  \l  IK.]  visited  'I'or.  an,l  m.  Polly,  dau.  of  Major  Samuel  Austin  of  ^-^^^y^ 
with  ln<^  bride  renrrmV.  to  the  wi!d.-n,ess.-  He  was  v,-ry  active,  and  public  .spirited  lu 
buildJn-ehnrehes  school  houses  ai.d  all  the  imblic  imiu-ov.meut.^  in^eded  m  a  new 
ment;  ("m:,  of  luil. :  u  mail  of  strong  mind  and  sound  ju.ig..u-ui.  though  without  educa^ 
tional  advantages,  excpt  the  winter  d.striet  school.  ■'^r.'^'Z'^'^v'V^^u'Vll'Jc 
He  was  throwH  from  his  carriage  and  killed   m  -i  lyie,  18C4.      Mrs.  I'olh    iutih-d.  D.c, 

Is.H,  a.  '•,'_,>^'"^Yi,a,  1,.  .M-rit,    I^^O.';  m.    ls:^2.   'j-iieolhy  .lenkins,    b.    in  Rarr-,  Mass  ,  Jar. 

2't    17i*;i-  shed,  a  Mar  a.ft.-r.  ,      ,  •  *      .i 

'     II    ■  Harriet    b     Nov     bSDr;;   m.     182H.    lier    Uro.-in  law,    4'imothy   Jeiduus.      At   tlie 
(  of  Hi  los*  his  f.'and  had  to  depen-l  on  himself.      Tau-ht    scluml.  ^^tud._law,  and  wa< 
ftdmi'ted    to   the    H^'^o       Soon    after    openod    an    oihce    m    \  er      m    iN.-:     lem.    o- 
?hSaCastb.       ProsecutincrAttv.  for  Oneida  Co.  1840-5.      Cnder  the  appointing  power 
of  the  State  held  the    othce'  for  ten   years  of    At.y.  to  the  ()neiua  Indians    and    .ecured 
the  unbounded  confidence  and   respecr  of  'hat  peculiar  people  who    imver  .t".'-';'^'  '''",, 
or'forgive  au  injurv.      In  1S41  was  .>lecf.'d  to  Con>^ress,  o-am  in  \>-U,.  again  11.  .80U.      In 
lS.-,7  W  was  a  ],roTuinent  candidate  for  a  s.,at  on  the  iH-n.di  of  the  (  ouit  of   Appea,^.  tiu- 
hio-lmst  post  in  the  Judiciarv  <,f  the  Srat,-;  and  more  than  one-  has  been  named  "i  nom  - 
narmgclmv.ntionsand  public  prints  for  the  candida.-y  .,t  t.overuor  ol    N .  \  ._    ^^^'^^^^ 
an  ami-slaverv  d..m.  till  in  18,-,5  he  abandoned  the  party  to   winch  ^Lese   ,nnnciples  .set  • 
obnoxious.      Hed.  at  Martiusburg,  ].>■^v^^  Co  ,  N.   V.,  (attendingcourt).   Dec.  ,4.  iN).     a. 
01  4      1     Cii  \K).i;s  MnNT<;OMKUV.  b.  Sept.  21.  is:;0.      In  eonnection  with  his  young  hio.. 
assumed  the    .ntire  mana-emont    .d'    his   fathers    farm,   and   wiH.   sn.di    '^idust  ry. .  g^^.d 
judgment     ami    success  as  to  excite   tie-   admiratiou    -d    the  neighboring  tarme.  suu- 
became  mud.  interested  and  took  a  semi-parental  i.ruh-  ,n  the  nuunv    boy.        .la  L   Ham 
C.d    1852;  stud,  law:  admitted  1.854,  ami  taken  as  partner  l.y  h.s  t.      lli>  hea  th  taii.n.^  uc 
traveled  to  the  far  West,  and  afterward  t:.ok   a  sea  vovajre   to   Nrwtoundhuid :   in    Ma>^ 
1855,  Ann  Eli/.abeth  Stevens,  and  next  year  with  wf.  and    pan-nts  went  to  Nu-m     .  .s    vv 
Provuh-nce  O^ahamas),  and  re.,  abt.  eight  mos.  for  his  Inaifh,  !.ui,  without  beueht.      lie 

*N-oiK.-Vern,.n  w..s  set.  princinaUy  by  r<:op!.  fmra    W  mstcd   and   ad  o,nn,o     '^^^^^^f^^^^^:^'^ 
Conn.,  who  formed  a  company  and  laid  out  a  mwn  plot     '" '-^"/;^1''"^' ^^f  "^.nd   ih  ^^"    lomw^^^^^^ 
a.  Vernon  Center.     The  tev/n  was  or-anize.i  by  .net  of  J'.-^'..   f-eb    ,7.   '\^^-J"'l  ^J''    "' ■'   '"'^"  ."^^^'nk 
di'ected  to  bo  held  ,11  the  heu=;e  .>t  David  T.ntle  on  thetir-t    1  ues(l:iy  m  AunI,  i,-ro. 

^Xorr. -Discourse  at  the  funer:d  of  H,.n.  T^muthv  Jenkins,  delivered  in  ';■; '■;:;-f //^I^Sul^^n^e 
Ca,.Ie.  Dec.  ...  i;:;>,.  by  Rev  Samuel  J.  .Mae.  uilh  proeeed,ct,'S  ot  ()ne..;...  Lo.  iv.r,  ai.d  o.  t,.e  su,..  .n-.  . 
Coeri  of  the  tiflh  Judiei.d  District,  printed  at  Syracuse  by  Summers  Brothers. 

4^  I'.KAXCH    OF    JOIJX. 

r.t    lu.nirand  <1.  ;  .-ons  )  I  .-r    -JU,    !-,.,(..     A   youn^^   man   „f   run- promise  and   cult.ur  * 
^      H.UAM     l.TT.K^    1'.    ISJ;^.    ^ra,.     Ilam.     Tol.    uith    his    bri, ;  stud,    law   and  was 
taken  inn.  i,aitn.T>!,,j,  wul.  lus  t. ;  H.Tt.-d  Di.t.  Atty.  IS.VJ  nnd  lield  for  tlnw  s-i.Tes.iv',- 
Terms  r.  nine  y.-ar.)       He   m.  lS(i2,  CornrlK,    Danl.v  of    Ttica.  X.    Y.,  and    reuiUu-re  th.. 
following   yrar.       1  he    strain   oL   a   lar...    civil   ,.ra,-tir,.,    combined    with    his    duth-s    ,,1 
I  rosecntin-  Aity.,  hastened  his  death,  which  took  ida.-c  u.  IStiS.      Th.-  Ttica  i.aorrs  con 
ULUKMl  iml  oi.ituarn-sandbio-    sketcho,.      L    Moy,,  JhtnUi,  b.  1^(M.  -,   Clu'rh^Tunoilni 
h.  lM>h;  da.  1   yr.     ,y   1  un:.    b    l-fi:!.     3,   Ft.oi^A.  b.  S-pt..  lyi^S;  with   her  aunt,  Mrs 
L.  .l.-nn<'tte  Jenkins.  colleer<-d  and  Imwardod  most  of  tliis  ivrord  of  ih'Sf,>rul"nt-  of  r-mt 
Duvid  'l-uttle;  m.  June,  lyTo.  W.  .b-rnnie  liickox;  res.  Oneida  Casth'  " 

\\\.  Hiram  Dayton,  b.  fS(),j;  num.;  res.  on  the  old  homestead  in  Ver  •  held  in  hi-}, 
<'.stimati(,n  by  his  :oNvi.sineu;  ■'lus  uord  as  -ood  as  his  bond;"  has  been  Supervisor  tvvo 
or  three  yrs.  J  he  old  home  is  venerated  and  L.ved  bv  all  the  dese.  of  ('a]>tain  David 
am!  Its  character  for  liospitality  and  imiohburly  kindnt^s  is  wdl  r:iaintained  bv  Hiraiu 
D.  and  his  sister. 

ly.      Mary  Austin,  b.  iNlli.   unm.;   re.s.  vitb  h.-r  br.).  in  the  oM  houu^ 
V  .      Charles,  d.  y. 

^^J\  •^''''!;\''"":'H'"','--  ■'"'r','"'  '-^•^'  *'^""'l'il'-'-"f  I'-'^-i'l  Tuttlo-sd.-sc);  m.  Jum., 
US-Jo,  Jo.sia]i  Wlupide  Jenkins  of  Harre,  Mass.;  ,.,,us.  of  Timothv  s.-t  in  ^•(.rnon  Ls^O- 
lawyer;  eminent  and  successful;  of  rural  pursuits,  puldic  spirited,  a<lornedhi8 
farm  and  planted  long-  rows  of  shade  trees  in  the  public  .streets  of  Vernon  These  now 
lofty  and  hu  grown,  living  and  beaut, ful  memorials,  better  and  more  endurin..-  monu- 
ments than  the  granite  that  laiarks  his  last  resting  place,  lie  d.  of  tvphoid  fever  Oct. 
lyo.;  a.  4.  yrs.  ,  lUvin  Ttni.i  .  b.  May -t,  is;!.i;  studious,  considerate,  mature  in 
judgment,  and  .s„  helptul  to  his  mother,  that  he  seemed  to  fill  his  fs.  j.Iace  in  the  fam 
txrad  Polyterlnue  nst.  at  Troy,  X.  V.;  ..tu<i.  law  and  bciran  practice.  Th..  war 
breaking  out  -  he  did  nm  leave  hou,.  .-  writ....  hi.-  mother.  •■  until  the  s..coud  vr.  as  mv 
t^econd  s.  went  at  the  lirst  call.  au<i  lu-.  i<l  wa<  so  nece.sarv  to  the  fam  thai  I  felt  "j 
eouid  not  spar.-  hnn.  But  the  following  y.-ar  when  the  ariuies  became  .lecimated.  and 
He  President  called  for  '  three  Inmdred  thousand  more.'  and  the  militarv  committee  .d' 
the  c.uiuty  decided  to  raise  ano  her  regiment,  Davi.l,  bv  th.-ir  recommendation  was 
appointed  Adjutant.  In  the  work  of  o,vani/.ing  the  regiment  1 14ti  X  V  voN  )  he 
was  nuleiatigalde.  and  received  his  com-ui-^ion  as  Maior.  Col  (h-rrard,  then  recenth 
m  eommaml  at  W  est  Point,  was  its  tii-t  Cohmel.  On  the  arrival  cd'  the  re.^t  at  VIbauv 
David  wascomnu.-imied  hieut.-Col.  by  the(u.v.  on  th.-  rcaminuuHlation  ot^Col  Cerrard' 
J  he  regt.  remain. -d  one  month  in  cuno  at  Arkn^^ton  Ib-ights;  the,,  oideivd  to  the  front 
and  taking  pan  in  tlie  baitb-  of  F.ed,-ii.d...l,„ru-,  ,,n!v  three  mo...  from  its  or..-ani/.ation 
buosecpi.mlv  engaged  in  all  the  Inatle.  of  the  '  .Vr.'iv  of  the  Potomac.'  it  ;;irned  the 
tit(e  by  winch  it  was  every u  here  known,  of  •  the  !i-hting  regt.'  At  the  battb-  of  (ie'tv^- 
burg  t^ol.  Jenkins,  comm.ude.!  the  regt..  Col.  (Jerrard  commandim;  the  bri..-ad.'.  Soon 
luter  tuat  great  battl.'  Davio  uavc,;mmi.ssi<u,ed  Col.  ai,<l  a  few  months  before  he  died 
u'comniandedth.'  brigade,  and  his  name  had  been  forwarded  for  a  com  as  Pri-  - 
.en.  le  was  ,n  the  battles  of  i'rederi<d<sbur-,  '  •hancellorsville,  ( b.ttv..b,n-  Pappa- 
hanuock  Stat!on,_  Pri.tol  Station.  Mine  i;,,,,.  WiUlamsi.or;.  Washiu-ion  "Heb'hts, 
ana  lastlv  in  th.  ci-eadful  carnage  of  the  Wilderness  wheiv  he  fell  brav.d  v  (dein-dn- 
the  enemies  Icittenes  "  Promtiie  ir,/.v',/,.y/.,„  X,:fl.n.d  l.tdlhlmr,  r:  ■■Killed  hAhe 
battle  m  the  W  ihh-rness.  May  h.  ]sri4.  Col.  David  T.  Jenkins  of  \-ernon.  Oneida  Co  X. 
*„.  •■^'''^-  -'^^•"'uchof  th.-greathi-iory.d-di.sappointed  i.opes.  -^v  or;hv  ambition,  tender 
atteclion.  weep  sorrow  and  unspeakable  grief,  mav  be  comi,re<sed  in  the  record  of  a 
single  M-ni,  nee.  In  the  lo.-s  of  Col.  Jenkins  one  more  elVerin-  has  b.-eu  .sacriliced  on 
ttiec.stly  altar  oi  patriotism,  a  career  of  brl-hl  xoune- promise' .-losed,  a  si.eiv  of  active 
usefulness  t.-.-mma-ed,  a  .our.-e  of  in!lu,-m-e  in  th.'- communii  ^  when- he  had  been  known 
from  c,,,ldh.jr,d  and  ha.-l  oroua  into  a  ,,-fd  n,anhoo,l  cu  ojT.  and  a  hoiue  bereaved 
of  (Mie  in  wluuii  all  The  dumesfic  aib-cllons  wer.'  Strom,  deep  and  f.-rvent  He  was  a 
young  man  ot  more  thai:  ordinary  worth .  .d'  more  than  a  ve,a..v  abdit  v  of  culture  of 
solid  qmthties  and  of  commanding  i,,tluen.-e;  and  it  is  d  ,.e  a  111,  e  to  tl^  li  vi  mr  and  the 
dead  that  s.i-li  ..Jiould  be  houord  in  a  e,,,,,  fu!  rememluaiice.-  The  r,'/.w  11,  rnhj  in 
speaking  o|  our  hes.e.s  i„  th.-.t  l,;,tile  savs:  -In  that  cuifli-t  >ve  lost  Col  D.avi.i' T 
•  lenktus  than  whom  a  brave- or  imue  meri;(u-iou>  eJicer  never  livd.  lb- was  ac.-ounted 
■one  OI  the  l,es,  engineers  In  the  .\imy  of  the  I'oromac.  who  w,-re  n.-t  A\-esi  r,,int  .nadu- 

n!^''T''c''"K''\^"""-H,"'   ^"t"'"    ■^'-   .'•^"■'■'■n^-'^elivcrocl    in  ihe    L'nh.    -.hh  .    Ve.-.n..n.   N.  V,  Sunday. 
IP  M    m"  r''/'     i,r''''     f'^^-'-'V  t'-'n'"'-=^---  ^•■•'tl'.  -^  bi,)-r,i|.,:,i.,a  s-Kclch  by  Ansun  J.  Upsen,  i'rof.  of  Khct 
in  M.iui,  K.'A.     .-Vib.-'nv.  Van  ."^cntliuys.-n,  i.Mati--i,  i?5- 


TrTTLK,  45 

iitfs.  lie  \\:is  iiimc-(juaintO(l  witli  tlic  science  of  iU-ins  when  he  mtcred  ujujn  l\is  7nilitarv 
cai'eci',  hut  imlu-;! I'lmis  <tii(l},  leiili'il  to  ;i.cii-;i!-,  ready  iiiid  c iinprclicnsivi-  niind,  made 
liini  tlie  superior  lit'  must  el"  tlie  volunteer  ollieci-s  of  siuiiL-if  rank.  i  le  was  rin-id  as  a 
discipliuarhui.  hut  llie  testimony  in  the  army  is  that  In-  was  a  mosi  exi-cHiMii  o'ticer.  lie 
participated,  always  t.iravely,  in  the;  urc;a  liuttles  of  Fredieksl)U!i;,  CliancfUorvilie  and 
Gettysburg,  and  now  leaves  behind  liim  an  undying  record.  Jle  was  one  nt'  tlie  hesr. 
surveyors  in  the  county,  and  j)revious  to  joining  tlie  nrmy,  had  entered  on  u  pruniisin"- 
practice  as  a  lawyer."  .Extract  from  the  Uiira  Ohm  rri  r:  "His  (Cnl.  .Jenkins)  ahilitv, 
integrity  and  unas.-uming  worth,  caused  him  to  be  held  in  tiie  highest  estimation  wherever 
lie  was  known,  and  he  was  considered  one  ot"  the  iiios*  jiri'mising  young  men  in  tlie 
county."  1  miglit  cupy  long  jiages  from  obituary  notices  regarding  hiju  in  our  conntv 
papers,  l)ut  the  above  v/ill  sho'.v  the  estimation  in  whicli  he  was  held,  and  I  will  now 
finish  tlie  record  of  tlie  rest  of  tlie  desc,  of  my  f.  —  .i//'.v.  7-Y"/v/  ./.  Ilick-i,:.-.  'J,  .1  k.nnkttk, 
b.  July  C,  1S;JS:  d.  a.  ."^  yrs.  :i,  Amki.i.v,  d.  inf.  t,  J.wils;,  b.  .June  :2'2,  \<Aa'. 
left  Hamilton  col.  with  about  twenty  otiier  .-iiKk-nts  a  feu  weejss  after  "  Siimpter";  went 
out  ^^■ilh  the  "  ()ni»:da  Cav.alry  "  as  1st  IJeut.,  ami  Served  for  one  year.  His  hro.'s  regt. 
(I'Kith)  aniving  at  the  front,  and  both  bros.  desiring  it.  he  was  transferred  to  the  14(ith, 
and  soon  after  received  a  t'apt.'s  commission,  lie  was  in  24  hard  foisght  battles,  besides 
maity  sk-iriiiishes;  was  wounded  in  the  Peninsula  cnm]ni.ign,  ami  very  badh'  woundeil 
at  hiittU'  iif  (iettyshurg,  after  which  he  received  a  commission  as  ^laj.  "  lie  continued 
in  the  army  until  the  close  of  th.e  war.  ha\ine-  seen  n.s  much  hard  service,  I  ilare  assert." 
say.shismo.,  "  as  any  other  man  in  it."  i'ruf.  Xovth  nf  Ihnnihon  ('ol.  in  Ids  war  rec. 
of  that  in.Mitution  says:  •'(..•ip;.  .lames  E.  .leiddiis,  wdio  had  been  a  leader  in  Col., 
proved  himself  wmthy  to  lead  v.hether  to  quiclv  death  or  to  gla.f  victory."  He  m.  Feb.. 
ISJO,  Kli-'.-:iieth  l'iet<-e  of  Worei-ter,  M:,-s..  and  is  ;;ow  in  business  in  New  Yo'k.  1 
^rllhd  \V<:s!,biini.  h.  Fell.  -20,  1N71.  2.  VJ-///-.'  T'fl'Jr.  h.  .\ug.  lij.  ].s::>.  ;,,  M.Uii  Ki.i/.v- 
15KTK,  b.  .'une  !»,  IN-il:  in.  Aug.,  1871,  .\lo;'ris  P.  Brewi-r,  a  lawyer,  .'ri^rinjiiiy  j|.,,i;j 
Verona,  X.  Y.:  res.  Council  l-Jlur/s,  Iowa.  1.  .ji  imcU, .  h.  May  ;Ji).  Ls72.  -l~\':'injTii.tiU% 
h.  .fuly  17,  l.'-.7-t.  (j.  .]osKi>]i  Wtnei-i.i;,  b.  Dec.  2*1,  istC;  m.  v>ept.  10,  l.st2,  Alice- 
Stealey  of  \'ernon.  I^ives  at  home  v«itii  his  mo.,  managiivj:  the  farm,  except  wlie-.i 
engaged  in  hi.s  iirofi-ssion  of  civil  engineer.      1,   Jjuiiisd,  b    Feb.  14,  liS74. 

1365.     Ebenezer  Tattle,  b.  .inly   ?,l,    I7o'2;  m.   175;];  sold   hunt   in  No.    Hav.  to 
bro.,    .bdiiid    Tuttle;  rem.    t;)    Lifchiield,    Conn;  d.  1773.      Son  F.!i   admr.  and  guard,    of 
8  minor  cliil.,  Lois,  a.  14:  Khene/.er,  a.  7.  and  -fosiali,  a.  4. 
I.      h;ii. 
11.      hois,  1-.    I'^-.V.). 

III.  FI)enez.T,  b.    17Gi;. 

IV.  .Jusiuh,  b.  17')'.> 

13851.     Eli  Tuttle,    b.   aht.    i:.7S;    d.    1792.    iu    Hansingbavg,    X.    Y.;   est.    adm. 

ill  Washington    Co.;     m.    :d>t.  ITsO.  Ann<,  wid.  r.f  .loliii    (Jouldi    I'armalee;    after  his    d. 
8he  rem.  with   )ie-r  chil.    to  0;n'i(hi  Co..  N.  Y.,  aiid  d.  thr. 

1.  F:ii,  b.  in  Wasliington,  hitchtield  Co.,  Conn.,,  24,  17S1 ;  lived  at  Pul- 
aski, X.  Y.;  rem.  to  Piikville,  X.  Y.,  wdiere  he  d.  abt.  lS(i9;  m,  1,  Poi.f.Y.  2, 
Sai;aii  A^,\. 

11.  .John,  b.  April  7,  17S:3;  d.  Se]it.  2!l,  1.S70,  a.  0;!;  lumbering  in  Canada  in  earir 
fe;  set.  iu  Sandy  Creek,  Osweyo  ('o. ,  X.  V;  m.  .Ian.  17,  fsipj,  Hetsev  ITurd.  1,  AxN.v, 
.,.  Se])t.  12, '181:-!;  m.  Dec.  lo,  is;J4,  John  Hollis.  1,  Wm.  (I.  b.  Apt'il  1(1,  ISlU);  d.  Aug! 
80,  18G2.  .lolni  .l.>.^h't,i,h.  .Jan.  2!),  1841.  o,  C.f/'Jv//,  b.  Oct.  2.7,  184(;.  4,  /rinni-t.h. 
.lulv  7,  IM'.).  2.  Hi-.i;kc<a.  b.  Nov..  181.0;  d.  Am;.  20,  lt.jl;m.  Nov.  27,  ls:;:j,  Knos 
Salisburv.  1,  L>}lo>,,  h.  .lulv  11.  is.iO:  d.  March  2;},  1803.  2,  J,'(,^ir<\  b.  Dec.  11,1887. 
8,  JoscphiiH,  b.  184.""):  d.,  a.  io  mos.  4,  f!,',  b.  .Julv  15.  1851.  8,  Ki.t/.a,  b.  Oct.  25. 
1810:  m.  F.d.,  11,  ls48.  Hiram  (iettv.  1,  AiJn^'fu',  \>.  Sept.  11,  1841.  2.  S:,i,/,i,/.  b 
.Fuly  22.  18!0.  8,  7.V '.v,//,  b.  Sept.  [■{',  is.-,l.  4,  J.'ru,",  Vvh.  U,  ls55;  d.  April  28,  lSf;5. 
A.  .ic^.-'KPK,  b.  Au'j:.  8(»,  ISJS;  111,  ,Ian  1,  1840.  Catharine  Snvder.  1,  Mcyf/m  A.,  b. 
Xov.  4,  1840;  d.  Fel).  15,  1854.  2,  //- .N,  v  /'  ,  b.  .Ian.  12,  18,08!  8,  //.»/■// 7/..  b.  .Ian. 
25,  1850.  4,  Jo.^fph  J.,  b.  Oct.  11.  1851).  5.  .\r,i:f,,  b.  March  18,  I82(t;  d.  Dec.  27.  1878: 
m.  Sept.  18,  1848,  ("raharine  Arnistrv)ii.:-.  1.  .s.,.s///  KUzuhdh.  b.  Oct.  10,  1840.  2.  7:':/v/, 
Amisfnn,;/,  h.  Oct,  28.  1851;  gra>!.  Y.  C.  I..  S..  18s'0,  taking  the  'I'ovvnsend  j-rize;  In- 
had  taken  the  "Hftts  prize  at  the  junior  examination,  1870.  Collected  this  record  of 
desc.  of  his  gr.  f.,  puMislifHl  in  the  ',87,7. 'v  (  >,//■  y.>rs  Sept.  11,  ls,!t.  At  a  fam.  tnecting 
of  abmit  00  of  .lohii  'I'uttle's  desc.  at  Sandy  Creek,  Se])t.,  1870.  I'izra  .\.  delivered  ;in 
address  which  was  ]iub'.ishcd  with  the  ri.'cord.  u.  Doi.i.v,  b.  Aug.  18,182!;  d.  .\pril 
28,  1874;  m.  Oct.  S,-  1810.  Truman  Harding.      1.   .'^almon    8',  b.  Sept.'lS,  1842;  d.    in  war, 


hllASVU    OF    .It'll  .V. 

1S'()4.  2,  Gilbcrf  X..  ]>.  .!ai).  4,  1b44.  :j,  ,////yw,v  /;.,  1..  Mav  81,  lb47.  4,  Fr,inr<H  K 
h.  Feb.  H),  1S4!>.  7,  Ntman,  b.  Jiilv  S,  IS-?;',;  m.  Jan.  :{]',  l8.-)0,  Alniira  Urigi^^s.  j" 
,-l«/t  1'^', //,(//.  ,  b.  Dec.  0.  lS.-)n;  (1.  May  '2il,  isrc.  2,  ,7-V(rt  lii'i'ju--^.  b.  .(au.  30,  IsH.^j.  'i' 
M<n-llni  Jl..  b.  Nov.  17,  ISiM,  s,  .Joiix,  ]>.  Au;;-.  4,  \>^-irv,  a.  Sept.  15,  1S:>7.  9.  Ctii.OK 
1).  Marcl\  I.".,  1S5!*:  i!>.  .Ian.  ID,  isi"),  W'allvr  I'uMr.-.  ],  Dnpuit  II nrd,  b.  March  c" 
JS4!t:  (1.  .Nil.;-.  11,  isG-i.  2,  .lAr.v,  ,n/  /-;  .  b.  Sept.  1,  ]S,-,l;  d.  sVpt.  2;j,  1S(J8.  :j.  Endr.r'a 
■J.,  b.  Jan.  '7,  18.);];  tl.  .Xnv,  -.'7.  l^H:!.  4,  7.''.7/.  r.,  b.  Au;;.  U,  l.s.^o.  b,  ^[ar.slurU  11' 
1).  March  s,  is.-i7,  ti.  Vb'^d  11..  b.  .Miuvh  ."i.  ls(,',\  ]0.  Ki.i,  b.  An-;.  Is.  1S2S;  ni' 
March  25.  1S:)4.  Can.lin-,'  Hobin^oiu  1.  11'//-.  .//"//•.•<.  b.  Oct.  :-;0.  18r.2.  2  ivw  !h,Vy 
b.  \^.^^^.  i:i.  1-71;  (1.  S.-pc.  7.  1872.  11.  L.\ru.\,  b.  Feb.  :).  18;11 ;  d.  Marcli  14,  18r,:J; 
m.  Jan.  2."),  18")2,  Kphriai!!  Carprnti-r.  1.  >}■  lUim  Tnfflv,  b.  March  1,  18,5:].  12.  IJuTn,' 
1).  Dec.  (;.  ls;!2;  d.  July  24.  1872;  ni.  Manh  22.  ls.-);j.  Fphmini  (.'arpentcr.  1,  FAiUe. 
Bilo.",  b.  .Inu.>;l  is.-,ii.  2.  }far!j  J,u„is„,  b.  April  2(i.  18(iG.  :].  Minv  KHzn,  h.  July  24 

lib      Mar\,  b.  Aus:.  :;u.  178.-);  m.  A)n..-<   .Mien   of  Orir^kanv  Falls.  N    Y     and  d    thr 
in  l.S.'i). 

IV.      .lamr.-^.  b.    Dec.  -Jll.   1787. 
V.      Ho.lcrick  X..  b.  X..V.  2s.    17'.»0. 

137.  Scirah  Tuttio,  b.  Jan.  17.  K;;)!);  d.  -Xi-v.  :;,  17;J1.  In  1719,  '^  being- of  lawful 
rA'^*'."  she  sold  to  .lunathac  .Maiisliel'l  one-scventli  of  a  two  acri-  lot  and  house  of 
Sain'l  Tuttle,  Sen.      lu   1722  Sarah  'i'uttle  sold  to  Daniel  Atwater  her  rt.  in    Uncle  John 

Xcwnnm's  e--'.  lu  172;l-4  i.s  (  :db-il  S;a-ah  .Moiiiihrop,  wf.  of  Jcr'm:  rn.  .bdm  Moulthiop, 
Jun..  b,  .March  17,  KiO*;.  .-.   <d'   Sr-r^-r.  .lohn  and  Abigail  (Brad1fv)M.   of  K.  Ha,v.     Hod' 

172:.  a.  :;i.  '^  •  ■ 

1.  Jolin.  ;hd.  ni.  Ab;.o-ai!   llolr. 

11.  Sfeidn-n.  living;-,  17-">S:   S.Tut. 

Hi.  M.-!iuable. 

i\'.  Sarah,  ni.  'I'inK.thy  Russfll. 

^'  Marv,  v.\    .bihn  Diiwson 

Vi.  Abigail,  ),.  1727;  v.\.  Juut  ;;0,  1747.  Daniel  Coudsell, 

1371.  Johli  Moillthrop,  3rd,  draftfvl  in  17.5.".;  m.  Abi^^^ail  liolt.  1).  Nov.  22, 
17;io;  \\.\H.  of  Daniel  and  .\n;;a  (Snr.Tl),i  11.,  ami  sis.  of  Anna,  v.f,  of  Ti;u.  Daw.son.  Slic 
m.  (2  I  Samuel  Shepard. 

!.      Davi(i;  sup.  d.  in  Jersev  ]iri.-on   shi]>,   177il.  a.    2();  ni.  ib^jizlbah       1 

II.      Jolin. 

III.  i?euben,  <1.  y. 

IV.  Koxauiia,  m.  1777,  .\bijah  F-irdt-e.  1,  .\i;i';.\ii.  2,  ls.\  \c  Hoi.t.  ?,,  PoLi.V. 
4,   ("i,.\t;issA.  (1.  y.     ."..    .\r;i,i.vii,      0,    ,M\Ki.t.     7,   S.Mi.Mi.d.  y.     8,   (iI';')t,'<;k.  d.    Sept.  1, 

ISil.'i.  a.  8yrs.:  dy>.     '.»,    .\.nn\.  d.  .!an.  :j().  Isiu;,  a   S.t  yvs.      10,   S.\i!.\i!. 

V.  IJeub.'u,'  b.  17t;:j:  d.  .inly  2!i,  1814.  a.  ol;  ni.'S'ov.  18,  T;!)2,  Jlannali  Street,  h. 
March  8.  17G7,  (dan.  of  \{v\.  Nirholas  Street,  jiastor  of  the  elih.  at  iv  llav.,  17.5."j--l80H, 
<ind  his  2d  wf.,  H.-mnali.  dau.  of  David  and  Hannah  I'anderson  Austint,  d.  1848,  a.  SO. 
1.  D.\xn;i,  l-!ow}-N.  dOct.  :;,  171'-5,  a.  1  yr.  2,  M\i;i.\  II.,  d.  1841,  a.  4.5;  unni.  ."i. 
-<'r.,M![ss.\,  d.  1742,  a.  4  1:   iinni.     4,   DA\ii;i..     ;5,   Di;f.iA.     0,   Svi^nky.     7,   Rktbe.n. 

1374.     Sarall    Moulthrop,  m.  'I'innjthy    Uussell;    b.  Sept.  29,  1722:    d.  bef.  17.58: 

lifid  4  chil.,  all    buri'-d  at  two   funerals,  two   in   each  i^ravr-;    :a.  (2)  John   Pardee,  jr.,  of 

No.  Hav  .  1).  Jr^ne  27,  ISDi      He  m.  (D   Dec.  12,  1744.  Sarah  Frost,   and  liad  James,  b. 

Man-h  25.  174G:    Martha,  b.  .luly  C,  1747:    .lohn.  b.  ]>ec.  10.  17.50;  <1.  y. ;  Sarah,  h.  July 

■yi.  18.5;!;    l-;ij.Mie-/,er.  b.  Jan.  27,  17.5-5.      ,".  by  2d  ni.  to  .lohn    Pardee: 

1.      Susaniui,  )   ,       .   .    ,.>      ,  .., 
1 1       Tl  i    b    <  let.   i-j.  1  ifcj. 

11.      i;osanna,\ 

111.     .lohn,  [Id.  i>.  Ori.  24.  17fi4:    ni.   Klizabeih    Hrockett.      1,    IDioda.      2,   Es-niKi:. 

:;,    II  Ai;i;ii  f.      4,   J<i!iN.      5.    I>i-.r>i;v. 

iW      Fydia   b.  .Inly  22.  KbC 

i375.  Mary  Moulthrop,  <I.  b.-r.  i:;>^:  m.  .lohn.  s.  of  Jo1,ri  and  Sarali  (Chid.sey) 
Dawson,  b.  in   I",   Ihiv  ,  (,.,  abt    171'.).       Mr.  ('.  (.'.  Dawseni.  couipib-r   of   the    Dauson 


froni.  \\h:i-h  ',  \u- 

i-ount  IS  taken. 

■r.'(iit  to  M;-.   i'piilv   U'oi.h'n    of    X. 

V.  for  a  r.  i,:;w  !:ab!i-  iu*!;iory  as  hi  d.-ites  and  otiier  inf'>i-ni:;tiun  in  'elation  to  .lohn  D.-iav- 
fon.  hcT  irt,  it.  I'.  1!<-  \\.-i-  a  ship  crupenler  and  nniriiu-r,  an.l  siA'cral  tradini;-  voy  • 
:'.<^es  to  the  W.  Indii'.-;  oiu-e  tak-'U  ))riso!ier  by  |iiratt.'s  anil  badly  n.'--c-d.  He  owned 
«'onsidc-!-abb'  land,  and  hi--  :ii.iin  i'lsiness  v>as  farniinu'.      He  ri  n..  to  So'.ithingtiMi,  t'onn., 

Tl"lTLK,    MOLl-TIll:ol%     KA^VSON.  47 

iibt  1702.  Aftord.  of  his  wf.  he  livftl  with  his  s.  'I'itus  in  New  llrtf.,  Com\.,  mid  d. 
there  Mav  19,  1787,  n.  ubt.  <',s.  The  four  chil.  1st  jiaiuud  were  ))up.  in  E.  lluv.  (chli. 
record)  .lune'lO,  1757.  'J'wo  more  <hil.  ar.-  given  by  Mr.s.  E.  Furnswurth  of  Spencer,  N. 
Y..  viz.:     I'olly  and  Martlia. 

1.     Marv.  b.  abt.  174-2;  <1.  unm. 
H.     Timothv,  b.  174;3. 
III.     Titus,  b.  Jan.  13,  1748. 
iV.      Sarali,  b.  Feb.  2,  17o0.  '  • 

V.      Pollv,  b.  abt.  17") 7.  '  .  ■  - 

Vl.     Marilia.  d..  a.  alit.  17. 

i704,  and  d.  tiiere  about  Oct.,  \b3l,  a.  07. 

1.  Holt,  1).  Jan.  ').  177:!;  m.  Irene  Shepanl 

II.  Thomas,  1).  Jiilv  •2>'.  177.");  ni.  (.'hloe  (Lin-h-y)  Ibiwd. 

III.  Marv,  twin  wiil'i  Thoma.-.;  m.  Chrisloplier  Tultle  [dj.      /.   i.iy  3d  ni. : 

IV.  AbiJ-ail.  b.  177S;  d.  y. 

V  Anna,  b.  Snuthin-m;;,  C.nn..  Au,L^  7,  177H;  m.,  17nS,  lb nry  Meloy. 

VJ.  Euneoia,  b.  S.,  J>.r.  -iij.  17S];  le.,  Ib'Jd.  .b,!,n  I'r-M-oti. 

VII.  Bristol,  b.  June  V2,  17s.j:  m.,  \^Vd,  Sybil  Merrill. 

Vlli.  Timothv  Joim.  b.  Aui;-.  lo,  17^S;  ni.,  ISK:',  IJuhajiiah  Ibdierts. 

IX  Lvdur,  i..  Feb,  10.  I7'.il;  m..  1«1:J,  .Moses  Beecher. 

X,  Seth,  1'.  i7!)o:  d.    it-    Nelson.    X.    "i  ..  Sept.    10,   l^^o-");  m.    Lydia   Bates,    who  d. 

-Juiv  0  b^4r.     '  C)ne  ehiid.  <  ir.Mtl.Ks,  b.  abuut  is^."):  d.  soon. 

'XL      Eleazer  Andrew>.  b.  March  l^,  17US;  in,  Cynthia  lloberts.     (2)  Mary  Baker. 


n.  Holt  Dawson,  b.  Jan.  :>,  177:;.  Surveyor  ,.f  ],i/hways  in  X.  H.;  <1. 
Aiu:.  •2j.  1825;  ni.  .May  20.  17'Jo,  Irene,  dau.  of  John  aitd  Elizabeth  ( Bradley;  Shejjard, 
t>    170',);  d.  in   W.  iiav.,  ronn.,  Oct,  (I,  184G,  a.  70. 

1  Anna  Julv  :,l  l7;M:d,  W.-stlield  (Middietown  i.  Conn.,  Dec.  ;5.  1N0-.J:  m.  Feb. 
10,  1S14,  Olioster  iW-lass,  o,  X,  Hrtf..  Dec,  25,  I7s5;  .1.  W .  \h.-.  22,  1^01;  Vsrncd 
coopers  trade,  but    folh)wed   farnlini,^     S  chii    b.  X.  ll'tf,      1.   Emii.v  (  vkknk,  Xov,  .), 

l,^l.j-  m    Fowler,  res.  X.  Hav.     2,   15i..n.\.i  mi  1Iai:vkv,  Oct,  0,  lsl7;  ni.  in  .N .  Iiav. 

April  25.  1S40,  Dccia  Diana  Wilmot,  1).  Milford,  ('(.nn.,    Feb.    21,    1S16,   sis.   t.>   Martha, 
'        -  ---         •-      "  '•      ■  „  ,.  r    ..  • 1    -uerch,    c>f    X.    Iiav.; 

ctioii'-rv    anil 

1S5S.     :!     /;,//•/(/;,/>'/>.', /',rv.s,  . I  une"  24.   ISii;]      7.   Wii.i.i.vM  Bi;.\i)i.KV,  ,    ,,    ,     . 

in  X  Iiav  Oct  2^.  1^5o.  Marilia  Lo.hina  llorton.  b.  Bristol,  Conn.,  Aprd  l-,jfc,.0; 
r.-s,,  X.  ibn.  1,  r/,.,..  A-,;-.^:.  An-  2;*.  l>-52,  2.  J;"rr;tt  /A-/'-,;;,  N  .v  ;.()  1  ,r., .  b 
>ni.(>MuN  Johnson.  Oct.  (].1S;14:  Y  •'.,  Is5;;  stud,  Y.  Then,  Sen. ;  nrdani.-d  aitd  install.;.! 
i.astorCuni;-.  chii,.Sh,  iman,Conn..C'ct.  14,  ISGJ;  resigned  on  account  o!  id  l.ealll.  Hj,, 
and  huf- since  res:  in    X.  Mav.;  m.  in  N.  Mav    Od,  (i,  ISO:',.  Mary   Flliot.  b.   Bralth^boro. 

48  BKANCH    OK    JOIIX. 

Vt.,  dnn,  of  Jiulirp  Suiii'l  and  f^opliiii  (Flint)  Elli'.t.      1.    FJUol  Cf(C>^t.i  r   Julv  10    ^<i;\      ■> 
uXtiua^ophoi,  Mair-li  11,  KsTO.  '         -        •  -• 

II.      Eliza  'ren-sa,  b.  17i)fJ:  d.    iu  Oraii!i;»\  Conn..   Ffl>.   .' .    IS-IO;  m.   St-pt.   ;!0,    IS-J-J 
HMlomoti  Jolin.-v-in,  fariucr  and  tcaclior  (his  "Jd   \vl'.');  l>.  l',-]).   !),   17s(;;  d.  in  OranLTt*,  Jmn' 
10,184;}.      1,   Soi.o.Mox.  1).  April  1,  lb24;  res.  Washm.  City,  Nevada.     2.    Da'^ii)  Ai.r,iN(; 
I).    Feb.    14,    1^20;  f-nlisK-d,    l>-"ril.   couipany    F,    4;jd    n-jj^V.   X.    \.    voj.^. ;  d.    in    N.   flav 
Auj;.  (),  lb!()4,  of  wounds   rccfivod    in  (Micrau-cment    at    Rajipaliannock  Sla.,  \':i.,  Xov   9 
ISii.-j.      ;-!,    \Vm.  lloi.i,  b.  Oct.    I'.t,    1S-?S;  V-nlivtcd    S-'pt.  7,    IS'li,    conipanyF.    Tth  Conii'. 
vols.;     ))ronintcd     to     Sci-ut.    17th    sni.     nio. ;      1st      Sci;,--!.,     Scj4..     lyi'l:?;     discliarftd 
Doc.     31,    Is'j;].    by    rea.vun     (d'     ri'-enlislnu-ut     as     vctrran      v<dunirci.    and     coin.    1st 
Ficnt.    March  10,     1,><IJ.-,;    disfliariccd    July   2d.    Isii-");    s'>rvcd    nearly    4    vt-ais.     Parti.-i- 
I»atcd  atl'ort  Iv'oyal.  Pulaski,  dames  Island,  St    .loim's  Bliifr'.  I'ortotalitro',  .Morris  Isiainl. 
Fort  Wagner,  Drury's  Jiluff,  liornuida  Hundred,  Fort   Fisher,  and  captun' of  \ViIinin<'-- 
ton,    besides    imnicrons    minor    en^-agoments.       At     IJevmnda    Hundred    was    spveniv 
wounded  in  tlie  sidi-;  m.  in  X.  llav.  [>ei-.  5,  l*!-'.";."),  IFumah  Jerusha  Shew.    1).    I'rica,  X"'. 
Y.,    Jan.    IS,    lt-';M;  re.?.    X.    llav.:   manuf.    carriau'e  tvimntinus.       I.    IF?//.    Arfi>-ir.    \\ 
Feb.  2(5,  d.  Aug.  lf>,  l.s.VJ.      2.   JA^/'.v  l^r.^u.  b.  .Inlv  27.  lS.~,i")/    •?,,    l.iUi,,,,  A\,',7/.',  b    Oct 
25,  1800.      4,    i'ha><.  Sfom.  b.  July  2*2.   lN(i:i;  d.  Sept'  .0.  ISi'ii).      4,    ]>Af.,  d.  v. 

HI.  Mary  Leonora,  h.  Oct."  !),  17!iS;  d.  Saybronk.  ().,  .iuuc  10.  ls4M;"m.  .V.  Hrtf., 
Conn..  He,-.  1.  i^l'.).  .limu's  Calaway;  farni'T;  b.  Harwinton,  Conn.,  F(4).  27,  1>'1I();  d' 
Kingsville,  ()..  Juh- 2<;,  1>'70.  1,  J".vmi;s,  b.  J  uly  24,  I'^Ul;  lu.  in  Ashtabubi. '(>.,  Sc-j.t. 
oO,  184(1,  Piebecca  Fitzirerald;  b.  Austin])urij,-h.  u'.  .lulv  I.  1S17;  res.  Ash.  ()  1  ILxfir 
Ann,  b.  Feb.  .•>.  lsl2:\i.  May  21.  184:t.  2^  .J,',nf.-<  \Vi'y^>n.  b.  Jan.  22.  1^44.  3.'  I[nir>/ 
Fayetie.  b.  Sei)t.  20.  1^47.  4.  I'^rrir  E' .  b.  .lulv  pi.  Is-f);  ,1.  S,pr.  s.  isf^l.  2, 
\Vm.  Hui.T,  b.  Sept.  :..;),  Is21:  ni.  in  Medina,  (.)..  .luly  b"..  IS.'xi,  Helen  .Mar  'I'elTt.  iV 
Munroe,  Mich.,  July  20.  1S3;J;  res.  Ashtabula.  <).  1.  'M<' rii  .li'S'jihinr.  h.  Feb.  4.  IS.'i:! 
2.  Kjjic  Arn"uda.  \k  Aw^.  30.  \^''V-',.  :),  FAVKTTi,.  b.  Dec.  j7,  I82;'>;  d.  Austiuburirh.  0., 
Aagl  26,  1828.  4.  Mai;v  Jam:,  b.  July  U.  1S2();  m.  .Maivh  1.  ISJO.  Harden  Cluiuncfv 
Williams.  b.  Jan.  2>.  bs2o:  res.  (b-ncva,  O.  1.  S.iral  <'..  b.  Aj-ril  2.'),  ls(,7.  2,  Alhcrt 
C,  b.  Aug.  T),  1^4s<.  ."),  Sakah,  b.  July  1-^.  ls2S;  d.  .Madison.  (>..  i-'eb.  JSi.  I,s.l7.  H, 
I.rCKKTirs  HisM-.n..  b.  .luly  S.  ls:;i;  j"  is:;2.  7.  <)iiksi!:s  1Iawi.i;v.  b  May  Ui,  is;j.-;: 
in.  Aug.  14,  18(;2.  Mary  Jennette  Tharer,  b.  Sejit.  (i.  INIO.  at  Ashtabula;  res.  Savbrook, 
O.  1,  iL'ta  Louisa.  b."Aug.  N.  ls.fi4.  "2.  Hm ru  Ediniyd.  b.  Mandi  li.'.  ]8iifi.  8,  'Hkxky 
Dawsox,  b.  Jan.  (!.  1837;"  enlisted  Se])t.  2.!,"lM)2,  Co.  D,  lltli  X.  Y.  A'ols. :  killed 
at  battle  of  Cliancellorville.  \'a.,  .Ma_\-  3,  lS(i3.  lb  l-",i.r/A.  b.  Sept.  2."),  18:i'.'':  m.  April 
14.  I'-^rj!.;.  Joseph  Brett,  b,  Mav  14.  l>-2(;;  res.  Ceneva,  ().  1.  Jl.'rrlct.  b.  Aiig.  12,  l"^')^. 
2,  Ahhk,h.  yhu-r\\  4,  ISfJl.  3,  /A /VA'/.  J  ulv  2,  ISOii  ]n.  F.mii.v  Ikkxk,  b.  April  24, 
1841;  m.  Oct.  2(),  bSoO,  \\m.  Stone,  b.  FrieCo..  X.  Y..  Aui.-.  13,  ls3(;:  res.  Tittawassee! 
Mich.     1,    /(/'/.  b.  J\:ly  3.  ISGl. 

IV.  Jennette,  b.  "A]nil  2o,  isii.j;  ui.  in  X.  llav.,  Au::.  2N.  1824,  llar/.illi.a  Mor-=e,  b. 
Fitclilicld,  C<mn.,  Aprils),  1801:  d.  \N'e--t  Haven,  J  une  14.  18.;:;.  1,  Hknuy  Sim'.i-ark. 
b.  Austinburi.di,  0..  April  9,  1827:  d.  July  27,  ]s72,  in  Olney,  His.:  m.  in  Homer.  X.  V., 
June  11,  1852,  Martha  Sophia  Stewart, 'b.  Dec.  3,  lS2(i;  Ves.  Olney,  Ills.  1.  WaJtcr 
Slncdi't,  b.  Macon,  (ia.,  ."March  2(;.  18o3.  2,  A)ni,i  .Jnnulfc.  b.  AiM-il":^.  lsr)."i.  3,  llmrii 
rrdnij.  b.  June  1.  18~)7.  4.  Mirilin  Kdint,  b.  Aug.  30,  ISoS.  .-,,  CAy/v;  Minnie  Mui,  b. 
Aug.  30,  181)3.  2.  Ei.iZAKKTii  Jkxxkttk,  b.  Vienna,  N.  Y'..  Sept.  2!),  1S33;  in.  >klay  17, 
1800,  John  ^^'oodruff  Catlin,  b.  Harwinton,  Conn.,  Dec.  30,  1S32;  res.  West  Haven.  1. 
Jtvnie  U/i^rs'i/i.  b.  Julv  14,  1S(;;;.  :!,  Ai)i:i.Aini-;  'riii:Ki.s  \.  b.  March  '),  isiO;  lu.  April 
2.-),  1872.  Kollin  \V.  Xeale,  b.  Southingio!i,  Conn.,  Dec.  7,  1^2:-::  res.  S. 

V.  Wm.  Holt,  1).  Xo.  (iuiltV)rd.  Conn.,  .\u--.  K!,  1S!>i»;  formerly  mercht.  in  X.  V. 
('. ;  now  (1873)  iirojirietor  of  "  Pockview  vlneyauls  ami  fruit  farms"  at  Westville,  L'onn. 
(Steel  ].ort.  eui;.  bv  H.  B.  Hall  iS:  Sons,  02  Fulton  street,  X.  \.):  in.  in  Orange,  Conn., 
Mav  11.  1834,  \M:'rtha,  dan.  of  AValter  Wihuot.  b.  .Milford,  Cimis..  Dec.  !),MsiO.  1. 
Wm.  Ilr.xuv,  b.  Sep:.  10,  183.");  d.  We-^tv.,  May  !),  ISiiD;  in.  in  Troy.  X.  i'.,  May, 
ISoO,  .\ntoiiiette  Pierce.  1.  IF///.  /A /j/-//,  b.  MaiVh.  l^ii;];  d.  Xov.,  ]m;3.  2.  Ei:axi:ks 
E>t.\iA,  b.  .lune,  ls3^:  d.  Dee.  21.1841.  3.  F.!>\v.\i;n  Wai.iki!,  b.  X^v.  2ti,  IS-jO;  rrmd. 
Wa.shington  lust. ,  Oirnm-e,  ( 'onn. ;  stud,  law  in  Milford,  Westv.  and  Vale  law  School 
while  teacher  of. -(diool,  ;iiid  in  otlb-e  of  Lu/,ou  H.  Morris  till  admitted,  to  the  bar.  To 
liis  etlorts  in  I'^'i'^-O  and  subse(|uently.  the  institution  in  Conn.,  of  the  order  of 
"  Knights  of  Pyhthins"  is  largely  due;  "elected  iSiiO,  (i  r.nud  Chanci  llor  of  the  Order  in 
Conn,  a.nd  dip.  (J.  <'.  for  Xew  Fug.  I'he  "I^awson  Lodge"  of  Fcdr  Hav.  named  fur 
liim.  He  has  also  Ijeen  j^romineul  in  Odd  Ftdlowshiii  and  Free  .NTasonrv,  being  AV.  M.  of 
Hiram  Lodge,  Xo.  1.  <,f  X.  H.  In  l.s72,  he  ]>ub;i.-.lied  •'  //,-■  C/.s,'/,  <;>'  f/tr  7'nrrf  J/.y.v- 
<f-/-/(  ,v,''  a  translatloii  by  hiniNelf   from   an    Italian    historic  romance  of   the    17tli  century : 

j)AWsox.  49 

K.  Ilav..  C.  C".  <'li:itfie]d  &  Co.  U<;  traveled  in  HiUDpe  and  puhlislied  a  vol.,  "  Ihymlirffi 
\V<iiir(i_iini/.-<  in  Jn'iii'iK  Sr<,ffu/,,I,  /t./ljy  ii  ,i(I  Sii-i'u,"  12  uio. ,  hijli  ]).  \<. ;  New  Hav..  (-ieo. 
II.  iruliUKuid  A:  Co  ,  IbTo:  m.  in  N.  H.,  Jum.-  oO.  Ib(j5,  Alice  Auiru.stfi  Smith,  1).  Autr. 
1").  1«4!),  dan.  of  Willis  .M.  Smitlj.  Es(i.  1,  JA/ry  J/ila,  h.  An^r.  7,  mac,,  2,  lL>,aird 
P(n-k.  b.  July  •>.  1n(j!<.  4,  (iKn.,  h.  On'  *).  1S4'2;  ni.  Fe!..  5,  ISGU.  Julia  A. 
Ackeinian.  b.  Windsor  L')ck.s,  Conn,,  1^4-").  1,  Uciitcia  h'rne.stinc ,  b.  Feb.,  1n(;S.  5, 
Fi;.\NKi,iN  Trni.i:,  b.  July  l.'j.  ly44:  fruit  fatiner  and  manuf.  of  domestic  wines; 
serve;!  six  nios.  as  private,  Co,  A,  27tli  Conn,  vols.;  res.  Westville;  m.  Xov.  6. 
1872,  Nellie,  dau.  of  L.  \\".  Peck.  G,  C.vitor.tXK  Ivks,  b.  Aug.  i),  iy4().  7,  Ei.i.a, 
Anzonktt.v,  b.  Aug.  ;-)    b><4:i. 

VI.  Henry  Shepard,  b.  New  llrtf.  July  ;j,  1,^11;!.  Mercli.  and  nuumf.;  cont'er- 
tioner;  lias  bnu  I'res. ,  now  (1><78)  \'i(;e-PrLS,  and  Director  N.  II.  &  Derby  li.  K.  Co.; 
])irector  Yale  National  I'ank;  Pres.  New  ilav.  Water  Works  Co.,  with  whicli  he 
lias  been  ]>roniineiiily  connected  frnin  its  organization,  about  iNoO;  an  energetic,  }iublic 
spirited  and  usi-ful  citizen,  to  whcun  New  Unv.  is  indebted  in  relation  to  many  enter- 
prises of  public  benetit;  in.  in  Orange,  Conn.,  June  4,  IsMH,  Elizalieth  Ailing,  b.  Orange. 
Feb.  17,  1S17.  1.  Hk.vuv  S.NftTH.  \k  Aug,  :2-2,  isll;  d.  l),-c.  3,  ls(J7,  unm.'  2.  Sidxkv 
Iloi/r,  1).  Oct.  27.  1842;  in.  Oct.  10,  1871,  Sophie  L.  Pierce.  1.  Il-uri/  S/np'trd.  b,  June 
22,  1872.  :i  Ar-.\  >r.\  Edv,-.\R[),  b.  Feb.  2»,  IMl;  m.  Aug,  20,  1X73,  Katie  F.  Gray, 
4,  D.vviu  Ai.oNzi),  b.  Jan.  11,  184^;  d.  April  2.  18(11.  0.  Tiijcodoijk  Sukiwud,  b.  .Mav 
15,  1847:  d.  April  14,  ISGl.  G,  M.Mtv  Em/.vbkth,  Ij.  Jan.  15,  18-i*J;  d.  .March  20,  18Gf. 
7,  C!i,\Ki,Ks  Ai.i;ij;r,  b.  March  31,  ISoO;  d.  Feb.  1,  I80G.  8,  Fi.dKKxcK,  b.  Nov. 
10,  18.j4;  d.  Mav  27,  181)1.  The  five  chil,  who  d.  \\ithin  a  [leriod  of  about  ten  weeks  in 
ISGl,  were  victims  i>f  di[)htheria. 

137522.     Thomas  Dawsoil,  b,    Southington  July  28,  ITTo;  d,  in  N,  Ilav.  of  can- 
cer, Jan.  18,  l8:47:  farmer  and  r^bot maker;  m.  in  Northford.  Conn.,  C  blue  yLinsley),  vvid. 
of  Sylve.->ter  Howd;  sl,e  d.  in  N.   of  lung  fever,  Sept.  29,  18:j;J,  a,  Gl. 
1,      Holt.  1>.  about  ISO.-,:  d.  y. 

11.  Thomas  ll(dt,  b.  Dec.  7,"  1807;  d.  Licliing,  O.,  June  8,  1847;  m.  in  Caldwell, 
N.  J.,  Nov.  27,  18;^:},  Abigail  Jacobus,  b.  March  28,  18i53;  rem.  same  yr.  to  Northford, 
Conn.;  rem.  to  Caldwi-11.  I80G,  tliencc  to  Ilartfordtown,   Licking  Co.,  0.,  1840.      She  ra. 

(2) ,  res.  ;tt  Condit,  Del.  Co.,  O      1,   Stepukx  V,,  Nov.  lU.  1844;  d.  Aug    15,  1855. 

2,  M.\KV  ADKi.i.NT-:,  Jan.  28.  18:^,1);  ,1,  i^f  ,1  .,  j  vj_  Kki  j;kx  'I'ikiai.xs,  April  10,  1841: 
d.  June  7,  1847,  4,  Aikkn  ^Vii.-ox,  b.  Aug.  28,-1844,  5,  F.\n.ny,  Jan.  7,  184G;  iu. 
Jan.  G,  18G2,  Lawrence  Ilouirh.  b.  Nov.  (i,  1887;  re.s,  Condit,  O  1,  Xd.'ic  Diiirsoii.  Nov, 
21,  18G8.  2.  Frank,  Mav  28.  1870,  G,  Cirr.OK,  Jan.  4,  1848;  m.  Sept.  11,  i8G0.  1, 
I,i«ih  Dilh,  Sept.  15,  1870. 

111.  Marv  Adf-line.  K\,\\\  25,  1810;  m,  in  Northf..  Conn.,  April  25,  I8:j8,  Horace 
Smith,  favmrr,  i)  No,  ILiv.  Jan.  20.  1811;  res.  \Vallingford.  She  d.' July  2.  1887,  b-av. 
1  (di.  8  weeks  old.  1,  Mki;it  D.vwson,  June  11.  1887;  m.  .May  18,  1857,  Lucy  C. 
Wriirhi.  b.  Vv'inton,  Conn.,  Auir.  7.  1840;  res.  ^N'all'd,  Conn.  1,  CIkih.  Liizertif.  Sept, 
24.1859.     2.    IF/'/.  7/o/r//,  (ict.^:!,  1861.     8,  JA/yv/  /^/^/^  Oct,  8,- 18fi4, 

137525.  Anna  Dawson,  b.  S.  Aug.  7,  1779;  d.  in  Union,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  2G,  lf58, 
a.  79;  a  very  motherly,  e:irnesl  and  pious  woman,  and  universally  beloved;  m.  in  S. 
March  25,  1798,  Henry  Meloy,*  b.  in  No.  Branford.  Conn.,  March  25.  1778:  d.  suddenly  in 
Fnion,  .March  s.  l8Gii,  a  82.  They  lived  together  GO  yrs,  lacking  1  mo.  He  Icariied 
the  coojier's  Trade,  but  bec;aine  a  niiM-tdi,  In  1^07  res,  (ui  Ishuid  of  Trinidad,  W.  I.;  em - 
I>loyed  men  to  muke  hoL;-sheads  which  he  extJumged  foi-  mobisses  and  l.ok  to  N.  H. 
He  was  in  the  NV.  I.  trade  many  yrs,  in  1812  he  was  0110  of  a  comp:iny  \vln>  lirted  out 
a  ])rivat«HM'.  The  vesse]  was  lo-<t  in  Charb-^ton  harbor.  Rem.  to  UrounieCo..  N.  '1',, 
liought  a  tract  of  timber  land,  and  was  merch.  and  cooper  manv  vrs.      He  was  a  man  of 

*Ed\v:ird  .Melov.  u'.  of  Henrj-i,  b.  in  Ireland  May  i6,  1734;  rem.  to  N.  Hav.  i-jy.i;  learned  shoemaker  s 
trade,  afterward  went  into  the  shipping  L)usi;'.css  and  became  wealthy.  He  tra  led  ir,  tlie  W  I  and  the 
Mediterranean,  and  at  the  be.:rinnin.g-  of  the  revolutionary  war  owned  several  vessels.  His  losses  were  very 
heavy  In  coiisecpiencc  of  the  \\ar.  and  in  consideration  thert-of  the  s'overnmfnt  save  his  heirs  a  valu.ibie 
tract  of  k-nd  in  (J.Mo.  He  m.  in  .V.  Hav,,  in  175'S,  Mary.  dau.  of  Jeremiah  and  ,Mary  tliarberi  Parni.-.lee, 
and  had  Henry  as  above  anvl  an  onlv  dau.  who  ni,  (."apt,  Haldivin,  a  revolutionary  soldier  and  officer — a 
blacksmith  and  worked  with  IJavid  Beecher,  (f.  ol  Dr.  I.vman  I'cecl'.er).  in  N",  Hav.  at  his  trade,  makinq 
a,>:es  and  hoes.  Capt.  B,  was  noted  for  hi^  benevolence  to  the  poor.  Their  sop,  Jchn  J'a!dwii,b. 
Branf.jrd,  Coijn.,  Oct.  13.  t-^-4  ;  taupht  school  in  LitchticlJ,  Conn  ,  in  his  youth.  Founder  of  the  Bald- 
v.-in  Vniversity  at  Herea.  Ohio;  m.  and  had  7  chil.  See  steel  portrait  and  biof^raphy  in  L>ti/i,s''  l\,'/>cs!- 
to> y,  Dec,  1S67, 




,  aiu!  of  excellent  natural  jihilitiu.--. 
ill  }>ossf.ssion  of  liis  g-.  s.,  W.  A.  Mi 

He   left   ill    II 
lov  of  Wasliin; 

S.S.    an   Hiitobiot,rra|,liiriil    .'.kt-t.-l 
:ton,  j).  r.     5  rliil.,  all  Ij.   X.  H. 

I.      Harriet    Lewis   Meloy,   b.   Jaii.    14,   1791J;   <l.   Clienaniro    Forks,  X.  Y. ,  Pel)    •.'■> 
1878;  for  lialf   a  ceutuiy  ideiuified  witli  the  social   and    relio-ions  history  of   the  villa>n"' 
"a  shining  lio-ht,"  ••the  stronirest  soul,"  (funeral  striii'.u):  in.  Jan.  -1.  l.S>0  .lohu  Barkiu-' 
Rogers,  b.  JJ.-,!e,  X.  Y.,  May  fj,  ITlJij.  s.  of  Simeon  of  (.Tuilford,  Conn.     (S('c  "  Ahivilsof 
Binghamton."    fo:- interesfing    acrounts   of    tiie    early    life    and    adventures   anioiic-r  ihV 
Indians  of  his  ni.nher.  wliu  was  Mary  DaikiM'.  daii.   of  Jehu  of  Branford,    Conn  )^  Mr 
Rogers  \v:,s  a  mendiaiit,    niilh-r,    deah.-r   in   dairy   pro.lurts   in   large    quantities  for    tlie 
eastern   markets.       Postmaster    und.'r  several    administrations,   but    removed    bv  I^-es 
Polk  for  i.olitieal  re:,s..n.-.      Mmiljer  of  the  state  leg.,  lb-14.      Countv  supervisor  as  Ion- 
as  he  v,-ould  serve.      Pi'ob.  to  him  mon/  than  to  any  other  man  is  due  the  i)ros^- 
perity  of  the   village  and    vicinity,      M   their  golden    wedding.    Jan.    4,   LS70,    the   fam 
gatliering  numbered  over  oO,  ii!(dudi!ig  7  ohil.,    18  g.  ohil.,    '.]  o-t.    g.    chil.      1,   Ur-:\KY 
ArorsTis.  b.  A  iril  :j(t.  ]s-,'l;  res.  Chenango  Forks;  postmaster;^  m.  Jan.  o   181'3    Emina 
^VilJard,  b.    Marrh    ID.    1S2    ;  d.    April    li.   ls63;  CJ)  Feb.  S,    bsBfj     Harriet  A    Ells      1 
Jlxrriit  Kliz",  b.  .May  !l.  184:1;  m.  May  l:),  ISCS,  li.-v,  Isaac  Mills  Elv.  pastor  Presb  'chh" 
at  Chenango  Forks  (isij:»-71).      h,  1S7-2  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elv  estal)lished  a  select  scho«d   for 
girls.      1,   E'uma    W  illard.  b.    l-'.4i.    y,    isf,!).     2,     \Vm,    Ko^-crs,    b.    Feb.    18     l,s7  ]        o 
Ildr,,  .)Lir;/.  b,  Xov.  8,   1^4.");   m.  Sept.  19,  18';ij,  lion.  Jerunie  ij.  Laiidfield,  b.  Ha7iov<-r' 
Delaware  (•<,.,  X.  Y.,    Xov.    f!,    18-.37;  tanner;  mf-mber   state   leg.,  lS(M-7-J:  Ks     Xewark 
Valley.  X.  Y.      1,   Henry  Clark,    b.    Mayo.   1808;  d.    July  28.  fs7(3.     •>,  J.-rome  Barker 
1).  May  7,  1871.     8,    ///wr,  ^Lloi/,   b.  Jan,  2S.  1848;  m.  Dec  25,  isnij,  Robert  D    Cillson' 
b.  Oct.    0,   182G:    R.    H.   ticket    agent    at    Hornell,-~vi]le.      1,    Roirers.  b.  Oct    24  -1867      2' 

Willard  Eliza  Chittenden,  b.  April  21,  l.'-i;o.     8,  .     2,  TitKODoKi:  Simkon,  'b.  Oct    U 

1834;  formerly  postmaster  of  ( '.  F. ;  rem,  to  Binghamton:  in.  Sept.  10.  I80I.  Harriet 
Xarcissa  Johnson  (dau.  of  Rev.  Le(uuud).  b.  .Manchester,  Vt.,  Dec.  81,  1,'<27-  d  on  board 
steamer  Arctic  on  Fake  Suj-erior.  Sfi-t.  10,  1871.  1,  ri„rri^  iluU'h  b  June  21  d  Au.'- 
29.  ]8o8.  2.  'rV.,.  7V//'7/  b.  Julv  i;t.  I8.YI.  8.  Fr<:d.  rid  T]..<>n.,r.  April  11  'l.^.;7-  d 
Jan.  27.  ls,"i!>.  4,  C'h,tf,  nnfu  I'intrh.  b.  June  2o,  Is.".!".  .->,  J.^hn  B„rh\r  b'  Vu^-  14 
1805.  8,  .M.MiY  Ann,  b.  .Vpril  17,  F^2i:i;  m,  Au-.  lu,  is  hi,^Jev  Fulla.-ar  b  "iven; 
Co..  Eng.,  Sept.  11,  IS]  7;  cashier  Lake  Shore  bar.k,  Dunkirk.  X'.  Y! 
b.  July  14.  1S4?.  2.  J/.//-.//  J.<ii,,jl, ,/.  h.  March  2y,  1S54.  8  JLiltn 
1860.  4.  (t'/v/ /.'„-/.  b.  Aug.  7,  1870.  4,  X-uI!m.-\.n 
31,  1852,  Eli/.a  Thomas,  b.  A].ril  10,  1881;  res.  C.  F. 
2,  Wilt.  Thiiin".",  b.  June  5.  185!;.  8.  Ihnni  Mnrti 
b.  Feb.  14.  1805.  5.  ILtUie  Mdoy.  b.  Jan.  o,  1801). 
in.    Sept.  18.  184!t,  Janu-s   Ilagainan;    farmer;    b     1)( 

1  r 7 1  ■  1       -11  1     .T      , . .-.        1      T     ,        ...      ,      . 

1.    i:U-,!htth  A'ifr, 

''iirric.   b.   Jnlv  2. 

Stkxkns,  i,,  O'-x.   8.    jiS28:  m.   Aug. 

1,   AuKii  Ctirri'-.  1).  .Iulv26.  1858, 

n,  b.  Feb.  14.    ISOU.     4.    Lid,'   h',;-d. 

5.  Jri.i.\  E1.1/..V.  b.  Oct.  ;',0.  is.-jo; 

11.    18111,   in   ("irei-iie,   X,    Y.      1. 

Mary  Dui nil,  b.  March  2.  1^51;  d.  Julv21,  1852.  2,  John  B.irl.n-  h  2  185 
JiiUo  n„;/rrs.  b.  Xov.  !).  1S55.  4.  J'ldifh  /.'/,7?.v.,,v.  b.  Xov.  1,  l.S(];;.  5  L.ii„/ln'/  F^illnmir 
b.  March  7.  1807;  d,  March  13.  1871.  0,  William,  b.  Dec.  4.  Is82;  d.  Mav.5  1887'  7' 
C.utoLiXK  ILviani-.T,  b.  Feb.  10,  1885.  8,  Cko.  Willlvm,  b.  Oct.  14,  1S88;  ri's.  Bin.-  •  m' 
Ai)ril  1,  1854.  Zane  Knapp,  who  d.  March  4,  1804:  (2)  Sej.t.  21.  18ti'4,  Lida  Jane  Reed  b 
Oct.  28,  1848.      1.    (jio.   Worthy,  b.  Feb.  1!),  18i>8,  and  an  adopte*!  child.  C/uir/r.s  Ain/iishis. 

(\        f*  1  TM    \  I'TX- V      T  IT    1  !,"IT-I.^       I.        1....^,^       101*.      -1        i.'.,^*.       i^-»       It.  41.1 


in  (ireeoe, 
len,  X.  Y., 

O  _,     _      ,,,.,... ,,  .^..._.,  .>„ ..,„, 

0,  Catii.\i;in-k  Ji-LiF.TTE,  b.  June.  1844;  d.  Sept.  28,  1S48" 

il.  Henry  .Meloy,  b.  March  9,  1801;  res.,  Is78,' Ellicottsville,  X.  Y 
X.  Y.,  Feb.  17,  1828,  Xancy  ^Vaterman.  b.  Otsego,  Julv  18.  1801;  d 
1S55.      1,  I'.riirAKr.NK.  b.  March  9,  l.s42:  d.  Auir.  2r,  ISoti! 

HI.      Frederick  ^Yillianl  M-loy,  b.  Feb.  20,  1805;'  m,  in  Greene.  Dec.  8,  1880,  Martha 
Emilia   Williard  (dau.  of  Dr.    Samuel),    b.    StalYord   Sj. rings,    Conn.,    Xov    Hi    l.'^OV-  d 
March  IL  180S:  (2)  in  W.   Hav..  Conn.,  Oct.  21,  1S09,    Su.^an  France's    .Melov   McCaVthv 
(wid.  of  Sergt.  Thomas  McCarthy,  Co.  1.  Kith  reirt.  Conn,   volunteers,  who  was  killed  a'l 
battle  of  Antietaiu,  Sei)t.  7,  LSrr'i,   b.    Orange.    Conn.,    Aug.  27,  1884;  her  g.  f.  a  bro    of 
Henry  Melov.      1,    W.m.   Af(M-.sTis,   b.  Au.u-'.  20,  1882;  Y.  C.  1854;  lawver.^Yashington. 
D.  C;  in    i).\\  10,  1808,  Mrs.  Emily  Josepiia  Stewart,  b.  Washington.  Julv  2,  ]S4l,'\vid 
of  Ahxa.nder  Stewart  and  dan.  of  Wni.  and  Isabella  (Bond)  Xourse  of  \\'.;  res    in  Muir- 
kirk  Staiion.  M<1.      1,    Kditli   Widurd,  b.  Oct.  8,  isiiii.     2,    h.ibcUo  JUttridwKsc,  Aj>;-il  15 
1871.     2,  John  Willmid,  b.  Sept.  ,s,  1881;  merch. ;  les.  Portville,  Cattaraugus  (.',,.,  X.' 
Y.;  ni.  Frames   Abigail    Williams,   b.   Sejjt.    19,    1885.      1.   Fraive.t,   Ajiril   4,    b«08.'    2, 
Fredii'-n.  Dec.  S,    l,s.;4.      :]_   jniry.    Au;^    12,    IhCO.     4,  Jo/t/i    F'lr'.   June   I4'    1^71       .;' 
S.v.MLKh  Hlnuv,  b.  Sept.  8,  ls;]0;  los.  Washiiigto!) .  D.  C. ;  clerk  in  treasurv  d'epartment; 
m.  O.-t.  11,  1^71).  Anna  Isib.ella  Xourse,  b.  \^■ashington,  Xov.  2,  lS.-)2;  sis.  of  l-imilv.      1, 
Ar(/i"r  yo'n\<t.  h.   Marcli  8,    1S72.     4,  Ai',    b.    (.'reene,    X.    Y.,    Dec.    9,    1888.     5, 


,\NNA,  1..  Aug.  8,  1S41:  in.  Nov.  ?,0,  1.%.J,  Geo.  livder,  h.  'J'rentnn    X    Y     Sent 
1.),  iy44:  n-s    (inat  \  alley,  X.  Y.     1,   ChnrlotU    C/iri.-'tina.   Nov.    10.    18CG      2      Vllfo-rd 

]]U!<a<J.  Nov.  l;^.  1.S72.  0,  (,'ii.Mii.Ks  Fkkdkkick,  b.  Dei;.  17.  IS-KJ;  re.s  Attica  NY  • 
editor  and  jHiblislier  ol'  Attint  W'  Xors;  fonnerjv  editor  and  ptihlishcr  of  the  True 
Fatriotoi  Vnhn.  y,.\.:  m.  Sept.  22,  ISOO,  ('ar..]ine  Antoinette,  dau.  of  Oran.'-e  and 
Mercy  Ihtclu-ock,  b.  China.   N.  Y.,  Oct.   2S,   1,S41.      1.    Gnn-e.   h.    Uvominc^    Wvomin.r 

ler.,  .Inne:j0.  1871.  7,  Eowakd  Uichmom),  b.  .June  12.  1S40;  res.  Coibicana  Navarro 
Co..  'iexus;  iinni  8,  'I'liKouoKK,  1>.  IS,  ISlf);  d  \piil  y  i^r,><  <) 
M.\in'ir.\  H\rii.v,  li.  ]\iay  2(i,  ]yr)4.  '  •     •    •  i  .  ■     -. 

IV.  .lulia  Ann  Meb.y.  b.  Nov.  12,  ISKJ,  ni.  at  Tnion,  N.  Y.,. June  21  ls;jy  Hev 
,Tudali  J..  Kiclunond.  b.  Ihirh.uii.  Schoharie  Co.,  N.  Y.,  April  17,  1S07-  d  at  She'tFu-ld 
Ashtabula  ('o.,  U.,  .May  14,  iNuS;  gia,l.  .Madi.son  Univ.,  Hamilton.  N.' Y.,  is'^j:;;  Bai>t.'. 
minister  :).")  yrs:  s.  of  Uev.  Ednuiml  liichmond.  1,  I'tiKoixntE,  b.  March  2,  18:^7, 
educated  at  Bapt.  bniv.,  l.ewi.sburtrh.  Pa.  An  able  and  successful  lawver  at  Chattanoo-ra' 
Tenn:  m.  .Ian.  21.  Isil2.  Harriet  IScr--.  rt,  b.  Ma.-sillnn,  (.).,  Aiiir.  17,  ls;j.s  i  Chini,'.^ 
};<rn,rt.  I),..-.  :].  ]si;2:  <1.  ,)ir,i<'  7.  INM.  2,  (irir,  ri,,.f„„t:r,,..,l  (tam.'  L'.mo.),  b. 
o.t.  IK.  1S(;4.  ;3.  .<-//■,//,  X„v.  17,  1S7().  2,  i,.  :.  Injo-  ,„  in 
I.iogonn-r.  Ind.,  May  12,  l.s(.i2,  Louis  Davie-  'llmnuis.  I).  Klldiait  Co.,  Ind..  May  12  IHMO 
(s.  of  Thomas,  wl,,)  was  the  first  county  clvrk  of  Klkluuti.  elert. d,  l,s7t  of  Klk- 
han County:  n-.  (i<.-hen.  Ind.;  dry  p.od>  menh.  1,  Fr^ml  \V,n-nn  Manh  l:-;  lS(i:J- 
d.  Oct.  r..  lMi4.  2.  r,/,v,v,„  /,,,,/„//„.  An-  21,  isr,,-,,  :;,  K.nlnn-i;,  \m-  17  lS(iU  8' 
<;il.\Kl.K,-  Hkni;v.  1;.  Dec.  14.  b^42:  in.Tch.  and  ,lairv  faiincr;  n-s.  Kridit-.n,  horain  Co., 
().:  m.  April  2.  iMio,  Mary  Tracy.  1..  (Jran-vr.  ()..'  Oct.  1'.),  lS4:i:  (dan.  of  K.-v  Abel 
Tracy,  Mr-ih.)  1.  JJ./rri.f  Tm,;/.  Dec.  27.  Isr,:,  4.  (Jijac!:  .Adki.f.vk.  h.  .\pril  l:-,.  ]S4(i; 
111.  .Inly  1(1,  iMiM,  llarv<-y  HartholoniciV.  1..  W'atertnw  n.  N.  V.Fe!).  ]:\.  1S41:  ri  s.  Ai.' 
Fulton  Co..  (.).;  (iruiTizist;  in  C.  S.  sei-vice  8  inns,  .juiini,^  the  civil  war  with  'A  luos  l" 
jtV,7A.  S,  1S(17.  2,  //c-Z^cr/,  Julv  2s.  Isc,;,.  :\,  /■)-,,/,  rirl;  \h-r.  ]  ls71  .-,  FniA)'- 
EiucK  MKl.dv.  b.  March  27.  1S4S:  res.  Clev,  land,  o.  fi,  li,\Tn  vki.vk  Dec  2o  I's.-iO-  m 
•iTine  8.  1.S70,  \\-i,i.  Fihvard  P..c,].-y,  b.  .lune  S,  1,S4,-,;  ,vs.  Bri-liton.  O.  1.  Fn'„;.  L'irh- 
■.■n'y/i/I.  b.  .Ian.  7.  1>>72. 

V.  Crace  Amelia  Mehiy,  b.  .luly  4,  ISlo:  m.  Nov.  1,  ISiJI,  (.■harles  K^'-bcrt  K.-eler, 
b.  Bmghamton,  N.  Y.,  A].ril  4.  isni;;  d.  Nov.  2,  1s77;  niercli.  1,  .It  lia  a'x.n,  .Ian.  12,' 
1N38:  m.  Dec.  0,  bsoo.  Ciiarle.s  Barllmloiuew  .Mesereau,  b.  Union,  Feb.  27,  1-^27':  merch.'- 
res.  Fulton,  111.  1,  Orirrc  K(Wh.  I'eb.  27.  iSdr-i.  2,  Cathinii,,^  V.rU,  Dec.  o,  isc'i.  2,' 
AiiEl.AiDK  Amki.ia.  b.  2\\\<s:.  20.  ls';3(;:  m.  Jan.  Id,  IS.YS.  Leomird  Me'lancthon  .lohnsoni 
M.D..  b.  Kaysviile.  Pa..  .Tan.  24,  18M0,  (bro.  to  Harriet  N.,  v  f.  of  Tlieo.  S.  l.'oirer.s).  Ho 
■served  in  the  civil  war  as  sergt.  in  ;jd  reo-t,  N.  Y.  volunteers.  At  Fortress  Monroe  and 
at  tlie  Elmira  i)rison  couip.  for  the  confederate  sick  soldiers;  res  Creene  N  Y  1 
Stdla   Trory.  Aug.  2(1,  18U1.     2,  liar  rift,  Oct.  3,  1871. 

137526.  Eunecia  Dawson.  V..  Snutliiiiirton.  Conn..  Dec.  2ti,  1781:  d.  Dunkirk, 
N.  \  .,  March  4.  180.5;  m.  1820  in  Batavia.  N.  Y.,  .lolm  Prc<coit  (his  2d  \vf.).  b.  San- 
bornton,  N.  11.,  March  28,  1787,  (2)  1S20,  Simeon  Aldrich.      Onlv  child  bv  1st  m.; 

I.  Harriet  Mead,  b.  .June  2r>,  1821:  m.  .lulv  81,  1841,  Elijah  Dresser,  3LD.,  b. 
Pans,  N.  \.,  Sept.  15,  1810;  res.  E.  Otto,  N.  Y.  "l.  Cei-iias,  b.  Sept.  2,  1848; 
enlisted  Oct.  21,  ISOI.  Co.  B.  9th  regt.  N.  Y.  volunteers;  at  battle  (jf  Cedar  Mountain,  2d 
Bull  Bun,  Berryville.  After  Berryville,  taken  sick  and  sent  to  ^Vashinglon;  returned 
to  his  leg.  Nov.,  I^m.  and  took  part  in  (xen.  Mead's  Mine  Bun  campaign,  battle  of  the 
^^  ildeniess,  1804,  Todd's  Tavern  and  Spottsylvania,  and  while  on  a  raid  in  rear  of 
Lee's  army  went  within  the  outer  works  of  Bichmond  and  distinctlv  heard  the  alarm 
bells  of  the  city.  Again  taken  sick  and  spent  the  rest  of  3  vis.  in  hospital  at  ^Vashing- 
ton:  m.  in  Dunkirk  March  .T,  1807,  Margaret  Avastasia  O'Connor,  b.  Holland  Landin^^ 
C.  E..  Aug.  2.-),  1840;  res.  Dunkirk.  1,  F/l,,i,  Sept.  11,  1808.  2,  Emii.v  Eim:*  i  \  b' 
•Ian  2,  d.  Nov.  2,  ISlK.  :J,  Mosks  Bkixhku,  .Jan.  4,  18r,l.  4,  CitAitLi.s  Cokvdon. 
Manh  20,  l>."i;L     .=),  Laiiia   Piikscott,  March  28,  1858. 

137527.  Bristol  Dawson,  b  S.  .luuc  12.  17s,-):  d..M.'iii!en  Conn  Vr\>  •">5  is,^-)- 
m.  .Man-li  1.  18i;i.  Sil,y]  .\krrill.  h.  N.  Hrtf..  Conn  ,  .lulv  I,  178'.);  d.  at  n-s.  of  Iki's. -in- 
law, .locpli  Sig.un-hey,  m  rb-istol,  Couti.,  .hily  27,  1S71;8  chil.  all  b.  N    Hrtf..  Conn. 

I.  Elliott  -Marshall,  .Ian.  22,  1S14;  painter:  res.  Waterville,  Conn. ;  m.  Oct.  1 
1838,  Esther  Smith,  b.  Harvvinton.  Cum.,  Mav  11,  1817.  d  1'.  Auir.  25,  1S42:  .v.  /;  (2) 
Jan.  4,  lS4t;,  Bos-tta  N'orth,  b.  IMvniouth,  Conn.,  Nov.  Id,  JSl'.i.  5  (hi!  '  1  M  \i;-ii  u.i", 
Sept.  20,  d.  Oct.  4,  1S40.  2.,  .lune  !),  1850;  n-s  I'lv.  :;  Wii.i.vki.  Fi  i  rorr' 
Sej-t.  21,  1852;  .1.  Sept.  21.  1853.  4,  F];i:i)I.i;ick  i-'.i.ou.nT;  Feb.  15,  1^57-  d.  Feb  g' 
1800.     5.   FiiKi).  \Vii.i,.m;i),  Sept.  17.  1802. 

BRANCH    01'    JOHN. 

II.  Mary  Atiti,  May  14,  IsHJ;  in.  Sept.  I:!.  18:^7,  Norton  C.  Parsons,  b.  Enfirl.i. 
Conn.,  AuiT.  18,  1810:  d.  Broad  P.rook,  K.  Windsor,  J luio  <5,  ISoO;  (',')  Dn-.  14,  l.S")8,  Urrin 
JiisseH,  b.  K.  W.,  L)(m-.  1,  17:»2;  d.  Jan.  s,  lyr;j  i,  Ci.iffuku  Dawson,  Nov.  14,  1S;;.S: 
served  in  L'nion  army  4  yrs.  and  S  nios. ;  starved  in  3d  Conn,  and  bth  Conn,  veteran  vol- 
unteers; in  battles  of  IJull  Kan,  Roanoke  Island,  Xewbern.  sie^e  of  Fort  Macon,  South 
Mountain,  Antietani,  Fredericksburgli,  siege  of  SurVoJk  andsieg(;of  Petersburg!!  and  Kich- 
mond;  res.  Bristol,  Conn.;  m.  Jan.  '2,  18114,  Elizabeth  Lovelett,  b.  England,  Sept.  Itj. 
18-37.  1,  Sortoi,  CnJl'ord,  Sept.  1,  IStU;.  2,  AuviiiK,  Aug.  28,  1840;  "served  8  nios.  in 
3d  Conn,  volunteers  and  'd  yrs.  in  I'ith  Conn  ;  ns.  Bristol;  m.  Sept. ,  18u(J,  Marv  E. 
Spencer,  b.  Houlton,  Me,,  Jan.  18,  184(j.  1,  ('Lira  Mav  20,  lS(i7.  2,  Enlhu- 
Slb'il,  Auir.  1,  1S71. 

III.  Eveline  Abigail,  b.  AjmII  2«i.  LSbS;  in.  May  2.  1841,  Ihw-.n  Kussell  B.  P-rkins, 
b.  W.  Sprinirfield.  Mass..  Ai>ril  10.  1817:  res.  .Meiiden.  (,"oun.  1,  Cii.Uii.Ks  UrssKi.J,,  b. 
Jan.  2."),  1844;  tn.  Jan.  22.  ]8(;7,  Carrie  F.  Deyo,  b.  Highland,  X.  V..  Mareh  2.  1847.  2. 
(iKo.  \\!i.i,.\i;d,  b.  Aug.  U,  18")U.     o,  Jcdsox  XoiiroN.  b.  Dec  7,  18--)2. 

W .      Minerva,  d.   v. 

V  Juliette,  b.  Maveh  18.  1821;  ni.  Urt.  14.  1841.  Henry  W,  Hi-^>rll.  b.  E.  W.,  I)e,:_ 
2;^,  1.M8.  1,  Ei.i/.Ar.KTii  E.,  b.  Aug.  b,  1^41;  ni.  Sept.  1,  18(>J,  Charles  \V.  Daveui.ort. 
b.  Newlane,  Vt..  Oct.  1,  1820:  res.  Bd.  Bk.,  E.  W.  Conn.  1.  JAlln,  b.  Nov.  2:^.  ISOk  2. 
liUi  M,iii,  b.  Julv  2o.  1807:  d.  Julv  30.  1808.  2,  Et  (  u  s  II..  b.  Jan.  29,  184.").  3,  M.vnv 
M.,  b.  Jan.  27,  l"8."i:-;.     4.   Katik  j".,  b.  Sej.t.  oO.  E^:)7;  d.  Ai)iil  0,  1809. 

VI.      Sibvl.  d.  y. 
VII.      Sibyl.  Nov.  2!.  182.-):  ni.  June  9,  184."i.  Jnse]>h  Sigourney.  b.  Spezia,  Italy,  Feb. 
17,  1821:  merchant;  ie>.    Bristol.      1.   Al.i'.rciiT  Mai;sii Ai.r..   b.    Aug.    1,    18''>0;  rn.  Nov.  4. 
1809,  Angle  Mauross,  b.  Aug.  1.  IS.jO.     2,    Fi;.\Mv  Wii.i.akd.  b.  (h-t.  2."),  is.")*!. 

VIII.  "Marilla  Elizabeth,''b.  Oct.  31.  1828;  ni.  Nov.  lo,  1818.  (b-orge  Ilosford  Evans. 
1).  Chatiiani.  Conn.,  Nov.  4,  1824;  res.  15.  1.  W.M.  1Ik.\i;v,  b.  Sept.  9.  1849.  2,  Mauv 
EsTriKK,  b.  Dec.  1-"),  18-)4;  rn.  in  Troy.  N.  Y..  Aug.  22.  1S72,  Drsun  P.  Woodruff,  b.  Avon. 
Conn.,  July  13.  1S47.  3.  Gko.  Bikukit,  b.  Oct.'  14,  \Ku.  4.  IlAKr.TKT  Mii;a,  b.  Feb. 
9,1800.  f),  Hakkv,  i).  .luly  t^,  1N03;  d.  Aug.  13,  18Go.  0,  Anna  Emzat.ktu,.  1).  Aug. 
17,  180.").  7.  NF.iJ-n:  Makif.i-a,  b.  Jan.  27,  1807.  8,  IIauiiv,  b.  Jan.  17,  1870.  9,  Srnv].. 
b.  March.  ls72. 

137528.  Timothy  John  Dawsou,  b.  Aug.  13,  178.^;  d.  Cazenovia,  N.  v.. 
Mari.di  2.  1>S4:>;  a  niii.>-l  excellent  man;  cnjuyuig  the  esteem  and  love  of  the  community  in 
which  lie  lived  in  a  very  high  degiee;  jierfectly  honest  and  truthful,  with  his  lathers 
peculiar  tendency  to  Immor.  and  an  almost  womanly  gentleness  and  tenderness,  traccal>!."- 
perha])S  to  his  mother.  He  was  sonu-whar  above  the  medium  stature  and  jjoss.  a  fair 
degree  of  physical  vigor.  He  m.  in  \\'..  Conn..  Feb.  y,  1S13,  Buhamah  Roberts,  b.  (.)ct.. 
22,  1792;  rem.  to  Canton,  Conn.,  thence,  in  Isil."),  to  (."azeiiovia,  and  in  1822  to  N'fdson 
Village  wl')-.  he  l-ejit  public  hcuis"  many  yrs. :  again  to  Ca/i'.,  1S:!S  ;in,l  ];,.pt  pub.  lujii.-e  thr. 
Very  fond  of  com]>any  and  noted  for  hosi)!tality  :!nd  practic-al  bi.'nevo!encc-.  After  the  wii.r 
of  1812  the  country  was  overrun  liv  poor  wayfarers,  beggared  by  the  evil  fortunes  of  the 
times.  Many  of  til es(.  found  his  door  open.  He  nui.-id  iXu:  sick,  kept  the  footsore  till 
they  were  healed,  help-d  the  destitute  to  clotliing  or  shoes,  and  assisted  them  to  find 
employment  or  sdf-help.  He  was  supj'orted  in  all  this  by  his  wise  and  frugal  ludjunect, 
never  weary  in  well  doing.  Fond  of  ])ets,  he  laid  the  art  of  nuUciug  every  helpless  and 
dei)endent  creature  love  him.  Mocks  of  birds  canu'  daily  every  summer  to  \w  U-d  l>y 
his  hand.  Charitable  in  judi^'meni,  le.- allowed  no  censonousuess  or  gossip  among  his  (dui - 
dren.  "If  you  have  uorhing  good  to  say  don't  .-ay  aaytliing."  lb'  had  a  sToi'c  of  huisior 
and  amusing  anecdote,  and  was  usually  very  cheei  ful,  yet  sLitlered  sometimes  from  extreme 
depression,  i)nt  the  slnidows  were  short  lived  and  the  sun  soon  shout;  again.  He  had'a 
strong  alTection  for  his  kindred.  A  remote,  common  ancestry  or  identiiy  of  family  name 
endeared  ])er.sons  to  him  as  if  life-long  friends  and  be  never  fiugot  thi'm.  A  true  friend. 
A  genial  co:npauiou.  His  word  \va-  niw  in  liis  family,  yet  so  hiving  and  imlulgent,  tha' 
no  one  wislied  it  otherwise.  "Hi^  lib'  was  gentle  and  the  elements  si.»  mixed  in  him 
tliat  nature  might  staml  up^and  say  to  all  the  worl"!.  this  was  a  man." 

I.  Lucia  Eunecia  Amelia,  b.  Canton.  Nov.  is,  1.^1:',;  d.  in  Hloomingdale,  ill.,  Aug. 
20,  18.')2;  m.  Jan.  2.  1^32.  Fre<leriek  Avery  Kinney,  b.  Nelson.  N.  Y.,  N(,v.  4.  lMi7:  d. 
in  Bernadotte,  \\\<..  Julv  19,  \xTi\\.  '•  In  t-iiucation  and  refinement  hardly  fir  bir  [)ioneeis." 
1,  TiMoriiv  I.r.i;,  0.  .\pril  23.  1S3I:  d.  in  l-hieville.  N.  ^'.,  S<'pt.  :10.  ls3t.  2.  fuKontCA 
(jKACH.  b.  Dec.  .").  iSio;  m.  Feii.  2i'>,  1S.")',I.  Charles  {biodwin.  |i.  Aug.  10,  1S;;2;  merchant, 
and  farmer:  res.  (iioiMe,  Kunt-('o.,  Ill<.  1,  l.'h-'i.i  y\  irt'^n .  b.  Jan^  18,  1803.  2,  L,i>"ri- 
Denton,  b.  Aug.  21.  isdl.  3,  Xi  irton  A-,,  b.  Jan.  2,  1871).  3.  Rati-:  Ei:i.i;NtA.  b.  Mardi 
2.5,  1838.     4.   Maiiy  ACGLSTA,  b.  June  24,  1S42:  d.  Aul.  20.  l8.";0.     o,   Fkkdkick  k  Dkv.n. 


'  .      ,    ■       »  HI.-      hv  i;     U     accident     van  ov<>r  liv  cars  and    'lorli   Icijs 

.-,;    l„ui:;.^   and   biid^r''  .-ari-cnt.-r  and    Imildrr; 

i,-,„-ki,ui»t.T t-.  \  H.  li.  1..  1,  '■'"":;.;  ,^;;,.  ,.;,ii,„,i  ]Niii„^7ii.  ,,oi.  n. y.  v,.i,iiu,-.;iy., 

.he  state  I'm-  c:ire  ..f  sick  atul  Nvrmiw^ed  s<ddic, 

Lhestau-fnrc:ire..t  s.cK  aiui  ^^^"^^' "  T'  ,  ^  ,  1  ,.,.  ,^,.^s,  1.  De...  ^;(.,  1^4.);  d.  W.^^lu, 
Anuapnli^.  Md.  t-es  Addison  N\  i;  ,' ;\^;'^,,  r;^  ,,;,,,„,..!  Ind.  .nd  Ik.ik  KHuL 
1>.  C,  >!an-  .  0.  1SS4.    ,^^^'''''''•:■'  ;^^^!^  ;*'  li;',,   '  '  ,eut  ^^■ith  otln-r  rat.  y^.  men  of  his 

i„  W.  C.  (a  notable  dist  iiH;tiou),  Hi  ^  ',.:';: -^, ;,■,,,„■  ,,,„i  n,.t  Nvith>ta  udin-  his  youtii, 
lie  wa>  a  .I,li.ent,  methodical  and  ;;''^1''''-^''r-' ':;;;,;!,,,, ,)  „,,,„tul  ,„,..tical 
,.tthehiKh-.t  etHc,ency.  .^^^ --,'  ll'l^  ','..;  \-'*;,,tes,ltur.  V.  ^.  vols., 
tions.  His  .cravestcate  n,  (■a-/,.-n,.v.a  inM-uUed  ■;'*  ;1"J  '  \'  '  -  ^h-velan.  .  <>..  -Ian.  CH, 
.1.  in  W.  March  G,  1804  a.  ^^  yrs.,  11  n,o.  1  '>-'/;  ^",  \^„  i,,:,,...  ,,  ,„ne 
1803.  Ensel.ia  Fleiniu-  Moore    n.-ce  „t    IhuK  .1.  H.   ^^   uU     |  v  .        ,  ^^^.   ^,.^,,_ 

tiM.  1S4:,:  ednc.  at  Oneida  Conterence  ^,.n  ^^'^''^  .?;/,;,,;::,;!  -A  especialh  the  >.,oi- 
S:ate  Tniv  ■   lawver:  editorially  coniiecte.l  wuh  se^  <■!  al   '"  '\ ;}':}"  l..',   \    .,■    r    j  ^.,,     ^1,,, 


vounK'-st  menu  ot  the  body,  and  ,s  alu^nb^a  '^^-^.^j^^^'^^^    _,^,„    ^    1^^,;,  Uertrude  Amelia 

hv  Pres.  r.  S.  reij-i-tei  of  tho  land  otti 

d;iu.  of  :^tajor  Horatio   lielcher  .d 

•  ■,;.  -I    "^    ,    N-    ^-     i^w     in    iQf!-   les    <a"-  ■  idiiu    o     .Maioriiorauo   i..i.  ...  . 

V':;::.:  t^!:'  iri^-r  rv"^;^:^..  J,.;;,'::!':;;:^;^^.^^;  \  U  ^;  ,--■ 
:  ::v:" ';..>'  ■■  «'.....^  l;:■'^^j,'-f  ,::-,.;::;-;,;'^,;::'^-;v::;,nl..:;-":'  V;:^^^^ 

1S4:0:   rem.  to  byra.-us...  N.  A       1^^;>.  ;'     '  ^;:"';.       ,  -  j^-..  ,.,,,„    ^  ,   _^arian,  Mirh..  and  xv 
l«.pt  public  lionse  at  Oran  and  a     De  pbi,  N     ^  .        ''     '       ,';!    :,„i.,,„i  „„i,.,,  whicl,  he  has 
<.duefVlerk  .-f  local  ticket  depf.  li.  IL:  transle  red  to  (    '  ^   Z'  "   ^'    y      ^      ,.   uK 

lilh-d  for  1!)  vrs  •  m.    Jan.    '2.^,    1^4.^).    Sarah    Adeline    kon,^    b.    I  oin]"     •    -^-     i--     .,'.p     ,. 

OTllV  .bmx,  Nov.  •->!.  184i);  tel.-raph  operato,.  -",  IS.  '",''". ,  .1,^  i.^Tk  llel..n 
.eastern  and  s,u,then>  division  ol  '^^^^  ^i;-;; -'.;  ,  ^l",;^-  'V  >  ,;U  ko.  ,sa.  An^.  ^S 
Dann       3     ( )i. I  VK.i;  .kvM  K-.  b.  .Tan.   i  .^.  b^.)-', 'I-  •'"'■•'-'•'   •      '• 

,i    S..i.t    1.-.    lsr,(b     .-..   llKNKY  I1<h-,ai:t.  S.'pt.    l^.  l.M.O 
VI.      i:.lvvard  Seabrie.k-luly  :?:3.  IS'i'i  

veralvrs    bo.,kke.-per  for  \Vhcat..n  &  IJobin 

in    ISl'.t;  trea-^iiier 

tution    of    th 

saddlerv  an. I  IS.'ISI'.'. 

h.   many  yi>. 

).      1.    l''i.I>i''\ 

,    ,.„    ,  ,. ..-.   ,.,, Col.  of  I'har- 

.  .1  !■    ,.   (■!.,■     1>,,,„.   .V    Co      an. I    bi'<-anie   a   partn.'r   m    L^ 

om.;;  :•;■<•:;:;;,;' Hanirio^savk,:^:  etn,:;.;.,!  is.,.,..,.  th.  0,.,...  m., 

kind  in  S.  He  invent,.!  and  patented  several  valuaoe  ';;;!;!;  -','; 
harness  hardware;  ,<ee  st.-el  portrait  ,n  Iknvs.m  -.O,  n.  n  ^'  ^  >  "  1;  ; 
riaris.a  Hannah  Mar^h.  b.  D.-c  IH,  isO-Mdan.  o  Mo..>  N  hm^  1  • 
pn-.ident  Onondaga,  ouuty  kank;  a    1m    cu..  .;!    ' '^ '^  ^  "    "V.' '  !  I  ,    '  "    sT  1 

^k^<;<^,  .tune  :k  isoo.    ■}.  knu-.vK..  M:yM>"  K.  Sept.  ,. .  ^-  ;;,  ^^ ;'  ;,; ^^  ,.  ^,:,,,,,,,,i,i 

macv   in    PIdladelphia :    receiv.!    the    aimnu.    ^-Ul    nn^.a!    ''-,  -'•.'""    '  "■ 
H,.Mr.i:  Wni'.ATwN.  Mank  C,  ls.-,r..      k  .buiN  H.vkkk.:,  .b.n.  k,.  IM,-,. 


ERAXCn    OF    .lOlIX. 

Vll.  Mar^Aun  Auiru^ta.  April  2~.  IX'^i'r,  n's.  'I'dlcdo;  uiiin.  "  A  ^'ifli'd  ami  iu-cdiu. 
plislu'cl  lailv,  td  wlimii  Tin'  CDiui'iliT  is  iai-i;-fly  inilciitcd  for  aid  in  piThcriug-  tin'  iiiatrriaU 
for  tliis  rt'conl  (of  Oawson  i;-ciifalnixy)  liy  ('.  (.".   Daw.xni." 

Vlll.  ("Iiarlcs  Carroll,  li.  I-^cl).  A.  18:]:':  mii.  to  Dcs  Moines,  Iowa,  wlnnc  he  \Nas  hook- 
soUtT,  pnMishcr  and  stationer,  county  superintendent  of  jmlilic  scliools,  real  est.  ami 
iiisiiraiiee  as^-ent.  (see  portrait  enjrraved  l)y  Hall.  frontispiectMif  I'awson  lioolo,  cont rileitor 
ill  jirose  and  vei-se  to  papers  and  inai;-azines,  a  Nohrmeof  whicli  has  lieen  coliec-ted  and 
pulilishcd  for  private  use;  o-i-ad.  law  scln)ol  at  Ann  .'vrhor.  iNlifi.  In  iSC)',)  heeame  mem. 
(if  tlie  lioard  of  trustees  for  tlie  sjirinL^  i-rojieriy  al  Saialoi,--;!,  and  manager  of  the  eoni- 
l)anv's  business  in  ^'e^\■  Vorki'ity;  eotiii):  ler  of  desr.  of  Hnhert  1  );i  \.soii  of  K.  l!av..  ('onr... 
))iil)lished  lyTy  (and  of  a  companion  volume  of  desc.  of  otlu-r  aimeslors  of  the  Dawson 
naiiie).  from  vdiicli  this  record  of  the  desc.  of  Alpir;ail  W  in--ton  istal:<'n.  He  m.  acoi-dinii; 
to  tlie  order  (d' tlie  Societv  of  Friends  in  l'.ro<)lvhn.  X.  V..  .leanneite  .Mar<.'.aret  Siinonson, 
b.  Stateii  Jsland,  March  li).  1S2H;  res.  I'laintield,  X.  .1.  1.  How.viil),  Mav -^Ij.  iMoT.  ■,',. 
(\>i,.M.\x,  :^Iay  7.  IS."")^!.  :k  HoHKiiT.  Auif.  14.  ISHl:  d.  July  Ki,  1S(J8.  4.  ("'  Wii,- 
MOT,  Dec.  lO"  \^iu.  ."),  C.vTir.vKlNE  I?rirA.MA)i,  Xov.  -Jl,  1S70.  Also  an  ado])ted  dan., 
Mary  Hill  Dawson,  1..  11  Xov.  -21,  ISol^. 

137529.    Lydia  Dawson.  i>.  Fel..  lo,  i;i)i;  d.  Ellicottsville,  X.  Y..  .lune  -^o,  is;;.-): 

ni.  in  X.  llartf.  Jan.  :20.  \SV.',.  Moses  Beechcr,  h.  Hartf.  May  ."),  171)1;  alxntt  ISU  rem.  to 
l^atavia,  X.  Y.;  iiiercli.  there;  afterward  accountant  in  tlie  laml  ollice  of  tlie  Old  HoUaml 
Land  (Vi. ;  transferred  in  1S07  to  otlice  at  KUicott.-ville.  He  was  in  tlie  company's  em])loy 
20  yrs.  Afterward  enu-aeed  in  the  map  llUsine^s.  In  ls;!0  ajijit.  hy  uov.  of  the  state  of 
N.  v.,  surroa'ate  of  the  county,  which  oflice  he  heUl  eiirht  yrs  Hepeatedly  appt.  hum 
colli,  uiid  notai-v  ])nl>lic.  He  was  u'eidal.  kind  in  disposiiion  and  ;ui  exi-idleiiT  neii;lilM)r;  <jf 
literary  tastes  and  skill,  fond  id'  music  and  jioetry,  id'  strict  inti'i.'-rity,  and  a  mem.  of  the 
Epis.  chli.  He  d.  at  Dunkirk  while  making-  a  visit  to  his  daus.,  Feb.  14.  ISfST.  He  m.  a 
2nd  wf.  Mav  2G,  1S41,  Kmmu  Xewcomb,  b.  Vt..  ISOS.  and  had  ;j  chil.,  vi/.;  Asliur  (ieo... 
h.  ISli.      Aitluir  Herbert.  1844.     Walter  Henry.  1848. 

1.  Sophia  Mersenu,  b.  (Jet.  ."),  lSl;5;  d.  Se]>t.  HU,  1867;  •■  A  ben'uvement  of  the 
whole  comniiinity;"  m.  April  21,  iSol,  'I'  Rowley  Coluiau.  b.  Covent  ry.  Conn. , 
Xov.  9.  180H.  He  lived  2  yrs.  with  Hon.  (ierret  Smith,  who  put  him  as  clerk  with  his 
hro. -in-law,  Mr.  l^.ackus,  in  I'eterborou^di;  rem.  to  Ellicottv.  and  l>ec,  a  merch.  In  18-14. 
agt.  for  Holland  Land  Co.,  land  jirojirieiors,  and  bouiilit  an  interest  in  thi'  projierty.  In 
1854  rem.  to  Dunkirk  and  t>sta1).   the  Lake  Shon-  liaidv.  of  wliich  he  is  now  (1S78)  Fiest. 

1,  CuAtM-Ks  Ili:.\KY,  July  ."i.  18:52;  d.  Aim-.  IH.  sm.  2,  EMit.v.  July:'.,  d.  Di-c.  9,  18:;:;. 
M,  Ai.T'.EiiT  EMli.ifs,  Feb.  s.  lN:i."i:  ni.  Frli.  7.  iS.'iQ.  Emma  Melissa  ('hapm:i!i.  b.  New 
Market,  X.  H..  O.'t.  24,  1842;  d.  D.  June  20,  1  (i:k  (2)  Ajiril  i\.  ISdo,  Eli-/,a  linssell.  b. 
Mav  l;5,  is4:i  1,  S,>p/,i<t  .J<nu\  March  lo,  ISCl).  2.  ILtrry  Trini.iin,  Jan.  2:3,  1802. 
i.  l>v  2d  111.;  3,  Find  ]!».■<..■,■//.  Xov.  1:3,  18G').  4,  h'nufi  Snphii,  March  2:'.,  1S()8,  .l. 
-4^i/'V  Zt'//.v.v,7^,  Oct.  28,  1^':70.  4,  Lviha  Bkkciikh,  Jiuie  b^.  ]8:J7;  d.  Oct.  8,  1.^72;  m.  in 
Duuk.,  Jan.  t),  iS.'iL  James  Henry  VauBureii.  i).  Feb.  2.  IS^JI;  merch.;  (s.  of  Henry 
Broudliead  VaiiB.,  u  kins,  of  Pies!  VanH.)  1,  11'//,.  t'ohnnn,  Oct.  :■>,  18.-)7:  d.  April  2-1, 
1858.  2,  FAU  n  ColiiKin.  April  26.  1861.  ;i  Tr"m<iu  Cnlnum.  Jan.  1,  ISt;,"").  4,  .A////,.s- 
Lyiiutn.  Ajiril  >'',  1S67.  5,  .)[<iri/  ('nhndn.  Juiu'  25.  186'J.  6,  .Jiiiin:<]Liirij.  .\nir.  4,  1S71. 
5,  KiJ.KN  Sui'HiA.  Aii^-.  25,  IS-lii;  in.  in  ]).,  .\pril  27.  185',t,  Capt.  Patrick  Barrett,  b. 
Ballyknock,  Ireland,  .March  10.  ls;-i2;  mort.  wounded  at  Battle  of  Williamslmrg-,  Va.. 
May  5.  1862,  d.  ne.xt  day  at  Yorkto\vn.  lie  was  ]iostinaster  of  Dunkirk  under  Buchanan,, 
ami  held  for  n.'any  yrs.  iinportant  trust.-':  in  employ  (dErie  H.  H.  Co.  He  was  a  meui.  of 
the  Cath.  Chh.  1, " J/.//-// ( W///////,  Ju  1  v  !).  isdd.  "(J,  .Mvitv  Win.i.KS.  Dec.  :31,  1842;  in. 
Jan.  2,  186fi,  Sam'I  James  (iifYonl,  1>."  Ashtabula,  O..  .May  14.  i8:]l.  7.  William  Tkt-- 
M.W.  Feb.  IS,  1845;  m.  June  15,  ].s70,  (irace,  dau.  Charles  Kennedy,  Sln-riif  of  Chau- 
tauqua Co..  X.   v.;   res.  Dunk.      1,    .L///-.V.  b.  Jnlv  :]().   \<rl. 

11.  Harriet  Winston,  Aim-.  Ki.  islO;  m.  Dei-.  24,  ls:5:l  Di  hx  EiukIi  Sill.  b.  Cooi)ers- 
town,  Ai-ril  L!.  IMl;  d.  Feb.  12.  I8(i!».  Publisher  for  25  yrs.  of  the  Ctit.t r.i mjns  Fn,- 
iiKiii.  'lA'.ice  candidati'  for  Pres.  l-llector.  In  1S4-'1  me.-^sena-er  to  i'on\-ey  the  eleciorial 
vote  of  the  -fate  of  New  York  to  W'a-h'ii.  Aut.  for  Xew  York  Imlians,  api>t.  by  Pres. 
Lincoln,  ISdl-I.  .\  man  of  v-j^at  influence  in  liis  Co.  1.  CiiAi;i.i;s  Di'.i.os.  .Viii;-.  2^.  1^4:); 
sue.  liis  f.  as  propr.  and  ed.  of  Tin  Cd'td  riiiii/ii.i  J''i;  (  um  n .  but  rem.  to  Ellicottsxille  ami 
bee.  a  farmer;  m.  .\ov.  25.  I'-ii:).  Sophia  L.  Pettil.  b.  Fairview.  X.  '\'..  Jan.  I,  INi'-;;  dau. 
(d' Amos.      L    F'lith  F.ttU.  \U\  s.  Isc,:,     2,  7- .vwV.  Dec.  2,  ISd-.     ;-;.;i.  .May  17,  1^72. 

2,  Hai;ki:;t  l'.i;!.'-!i!:i;.  .May  li.  ls5:;. 


Kmilv  l-'raiic's.  .Mar.-h  W.    IMS;   m. 

larlaii    Coleman   i  bri 

IL).  b.  l-'eb.  1).  l.s[(;:    toiwardiiiu- and  com.  merch.    in    Dunk.      1.    I-'la.mks  Ivmilv.  .March 
22,  ls:-i<);   m.   Dec.   12.   isCd.    Theodore    Hinsdale    W'hittlesev.    b.    Dec.    17,    is:};);   Hour  and 

DAWSOX.  55 

gniin  mcrcli.  of  Ii'dclicsTer,  N.  Y. ;  s.  of  Hon.  Fird.  ^V.  1,  KiniJij  ('oliiuiii.  1>.  Sept.  12, 
1N(;2.  -J,  }'ri(lu-irk.  Doc.  2\,  l«)o.  :'.,  dmn,  Fih.  7.  Isc,.-,;  d.  .AJ.iil  Hi,  ]m;7.  4.  //.//•- 
Af/^  CohiKtn.  O.-t.  10.  1860;  d.  Jan.  2'^.  Is(i7.  .■"»,  //<///■,//  I'url:,  r.  Nov.  •.':!.  Isii!).  -j, 
Jn.TKTTi;  t'i,.\i;rss.v,  (i.-t.  -JS,  1,S4;-!:  111.  in  Dunk.  .May  4.  ISC,!).  Dr.  David  ( iil.l.s  .Mliiii:, 
Itoino.  plivs.,  Ii.  Xorwalk.  ()..  .Ian.  S.  IfiAi:  Sur^-.  V .  S.  \'oU.  dniin--  civil  war:  r^'s.  i ). 
1,  Flvr.iin  ,  Aii'T.  l:!,  is7-i.  H.  (;i;v<i:  Finkcia.  .Vntr.  1.  I'-l"):  lu.  Oct.  14.  ls(;7.  \\m. 
FixT.  Hull  C'ancicf,  1>.  <),-t.  4,  1S44;  onlist.  ar  N.  V.  ('..  .Inly  10,  IMI;],  .-^crvt-d  'J  yrs.  and 
o  inos. ;  appt.  ront.  (,)iiar,  .Ma:-.  Soit;-.  ;  hoc.  di>-c.  Ort.  .").  I'li");  n-s.  Duck.:  liaid  waro  ui'Tr-h. 
1,  Ji<n,  Mrdnwr.  b.  Nov.  'I?,.  ISCS.  2.  lUrtr.m,  Culhnm,  .March  l'.',  ls;(i.  4.  H.MtUfKT 
S(.pni.\.  Jiilv  (.;'.  lst7:  d.  April  i:).  iS4s.  .,■),^  H.uii.a.v.  .\\\)i.  \:\.  d.  Nov.  2-2,  1849. 
IV.  .hiiicttc,  Fcl).  IN.  is2(l:  \\\.  <)i-t.  9.  1S4S,  I'ctcr  \"aiiHt>n.^s(da.M- Skinii<'i\  b.  i;ca<l- 
in^^  N.  v.,  .Ian.  7,  Isl.'j;  incrcli.  1,  Fi,oi;kn(  k,  .lulv  V\  lS4it.  2.  Soimiik.  JuIv  -Vl, 

V.  William  Henry  He. chcr.  1>.  Dec.  -24,  ls-21 ;  edit,  and  pmp.  (d'  Th,  Whhj  Aih:o- 
cale  at  Aii^^elica,  .\.  Y..  IS.l.'J-H,  and  i-onnected  \vitli  other  ne\vspa])er  enierpri.-^es. 
"  Autlior  of  nianv  irraeeful  jinetus";  res.  Fa  Salle,  His.;  \\\.  F(di.  'lA,  iyo^,  Helen  .M. 
White.      1,   Eva,  h.'.March  1."),  1S.")4. 

VL  Marc  Jane,  b.  Ant:.  ;31.  18-24;  unni. 
VIF  Moses,  1,'.  July  i*;.'  1827:  liardw.  merchl,.  cashr.  Nat.  Bank.  Warren,  I'a.; 
in.  Oct.  22,  1S.")1,  Sarah  Tavlor,  dan.  of  Abijali  Fitch  Tayh)r  of  Nnrwalk,  Conn.;  1).  Aug. 
28,  18yF  (2)  Aiij:.  2,  18.V)".  Emily  E.  DowDer,  b.  Fob.  27,  1831.  1,  Jks.^k  CrMMiNG.  b. 
April  7,  IS-vl  2.'  ('i[.\kles  EMi'itsON.  b.  Oct.  Ss.  ISoiJ.  3,  KroiiARi)  ('.utv,  ii.  Se],T.  .1. 
1800.  4,  'I'lU'MAX  ('OT,>t.vx,  1).  April  7,  1802.  o,  llAina-  Dowxek,  b.  F(d).  20.  1S04;  d. 
Ai)ril  22,  I80o.     0.   Mauv  E^nrKK,  1).  May  30,  180o, 

Vill.  Charles  Mortimer,  b.  Jan.  31,  1820;  has  been  editor  and  ]>ub.  of  newspapi'rs  in 
Ellicottsville,  Sabula,  Iowa.  Dunkirk,  Honiellsville  and  Ooinvav,  and  now,  1873,  ed.  and 
pvib.  r/,  ,/^.vv,  ^  V,m,ii  Fnr  Pre^^.y  at  WellsviUf.  N.  Y, ;  m.  IW.  22,  18r)2.  Amelia  Eliza- 
beth Ilastinirs,  \).  Feb.  7,  1832.  1.  FlciA  Emii-v,  b.  Jan.  23.  18.'34.  2,  Cjiat.i.F-.s  Mo^ks, 
h.  March  10,  1855.  3,  Si'sax  Ji'I.iktte.  b.  Jan.  3.  1857;  d.  May  20,  18G7.  4,  UfY 
•  Stoxk,  b.  Sept.  8,  18G5;  d.  March  12.  1866.  5,  Ei.tZAUETir  Fisitkk,  b.  Jnlv  30,  1869. 
IX.      Lvdia,  b.  Dec.  27,  1831;  d.  March  3,  1832. 

X.  Fiicia  Annette,  b.  Dec.  27,  1833;  d.  May  7,  180G;  m.  April  i).  ls.-,l,  Hicliard  L. 
Carv,  I).  Boston,  Erie  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  11,  1827;  mercht.,  postmas.  of  Dunk,  from  March, 
1804,  till  rem.  bv  Pres.  Johnson,  1866.  1,  Kkiiakd  i,iNC()LN,  b.  July  1,  1854.  2, 
ErciKNi;  CiiAKLKs,  b.  Nov.  21,  1857.  3,  PHiJ,ir,  b.  Mav  0,  1864.  4,  LtciA  I^kixtier, 
b.  Mav  0,  1800. 

13752.11.  Eleazer  .A.udrews  Dawson,  b.  March  18,  1798;  res.,  1813,  North- 
ampton,, ;  m.  Sept.  4,  1823,  Cyntliia  Kolnrts,  b.  Ajjril  4,  1804;  d.  Pompey  Hill,  N. 
Y.,  Aug.  30,  1849;  sis.  of  Kuhamali";  (2;;  Mary  iHiigin-),  ^vid.  of  James  Baker,  b.  Rocking- 
liam,  Vt.,  June  8.  1805. 

I.  KoUiu  Faureat,  b.  Marcli  25,  1825;  d.  Ilaydenville,  Mc,  Aug.  24,  1857.  One 
of  the  earliest  manuf.  of  gold  ])ens  at  Syracuse;  rem.  to  H.  abt.  1846,  and  manuf.  exten. 
gold  pens  and  silver  ])en-holders;  owing  to  his  ingenuity  and  skill  in  adai)ting  machin- 
ery he  estaV).  in  1N51  the  firm  of  Dawson,  barren  \'  Hyde  of  N.  Y.  O. ;  m.  March  23, 
1847,  Jane  Fli/.abeili  Lewis,  b.  Middletown,  Conn.,  Oct. "20.  1825.  1,  >F\i;v  Isabella, 
b.  Ang.  9,  lSo5. 

II.  Fucien  Augustus,  b.  Aug.  10,  1820;  n-s.  Si>ringticld,  M.ass. ;  broker  and  capi- 
talist; m,  Oct.  10.  1855.  Ellen  Eliza  Pierce,  b.  ]\tu,  Mass.,  Ault.  2«,  1838.  2.  Fete 
Ei.T/.EH,  b.  .lone  24,  1860;  d.  next  day.  2,  Ci.aka  Eliza,  b.  Feb.  23,1807.  3,  (.'iiatia 
CvM'iMA,  1).  Julv  5,  1871. 

111.     David  berastus,  b.  Aug.  13,  1828;  d.  in  Cliicago.  Ills..  Sept.  24,  1804;  farmer; 
he   enlksted   in    13th   Ills,  cav.,  1801,  and    was  O'larter   Master   Sergt.  ;    disc,    on   acet.    of 
sickness;   m,  Nov.  7.  1^(1(1,    Flecta  Chase,  b.  Dec.  l:;,  1842;  d.  Aug.  18,  1806.      1,    Henky, 
b.  Ai)ril  9,  d.  17,  isi;2.     2.   Nkllie  F  ,  b.  Autr.  29,  1804;  d.  Feb.  23,  1805. 
IW      Fredcriek  De  Fovi-st,  b.  Dee.,  is;;:);  d.  March  12,  1841. 

V.  James  O'Donnell.  b.  .Ian.,  1S41;  res.  Partington,  Ills.;  went  sontii,  not  Iieavd 
from  since. 

VI.  Marv  Diane,  b.  Au:r.  H,  1S48;  m.  Jan.  1,  1874,  Chas.  D.  Pease;  res.  Spring- 
field, Mass. 

1375:3.  Titus  Dawson,  b.  .Ian.  13.  17  1^;  d.  :\Iarch  Fl.  1^  !(».  a.  92,  in  Dac.ln-,  X, 
Y.;  serv.  in  lo-v.  War  and  wa~  a  half  pensioner;  res.  at  dif.  periods  at  F.  llav.,  SoutIi- 
Ington,  New  llaitf. ,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  V.,  Lenox,  Ma-s.  and  Danhy ;  m.  in  (.'heshire.  Conn., 
Aug.  20,  1778,  Sibvl,  dan.  of  .iamos  and  Sarah  (Smith)  Denison.  cous.  t<j  the  tir>t  wf.  of 

56  15K.\  NCH    Oh'    .1011  N. 

Tiinothv  Dhwsoii,  the  motlu-rs  hfing  thuis.  of  S;un.  Sinitli.  Sin-  was  h.  Oct.  14,  174(5; 
d.  IhmlW.  Auvr.  14,  18;^,:,  a.  Ul  ;   f..r  sVv.  yvs.    l)liii(]. 

I.  '  John.  h.  Julv  27,  1771»;   iii.  Tlia'nk  I'lil  \^■al•^^•^.      (2)   Betsev   Cooper. 
II.      .Manila,  h.  Dec.  10,  1781;  m.  ItOo,  Alx-l  IJarnes. 
HI.     'I'itLis,  b.  March  y.  17S-5;  in.  Lucy  Lockwood. 
]V.      Sibyl,  twiti  witli  Titus;  ni.  ISoO,'  Elihu  Doolittle. 
V.      Jainc.-^  Dcnisou,  ]>.  Fob.  3o,  178^;   iii.  Isll,  Charlotte  IMioadcs. 

137531.  John  Dawson,  July  27,  177!t;  .1.  in  Si-cucer,  N.  V.,  March  lo,  1872.  a. 
(ty.  Settling  in  a  nt^w  country  he  led  a  labivfjdii^  life.  Very  succes.sful  as  a  Inniter, 
aiid  ail  excellent  uiurksinan  even  in  old  age;  niAer  used  liquois  or  tobacco:  m.  in  Paris, 
Oneida  Co.,  X.  Y..  Jan.  6,  ISO'S,  Thankful,  duu.  of  Litut.  I'phraini  Warren,  b.  Oostown, 
Vt..  May  14,  178.3;  d.  in  Dauby,  X.  V.,  Xov.  20,  18;^),  a.  I."").  (2)  Dec.  2!),  1831,  Deisey 
Coo]!cr.  b.  (iostown,  June  16,  1781;  d.  Danl)y,  Nov.  5,  18*58,  a.  87. 

I.  Morris,  Xov.'20,  1803:  in.  Oct.  7,  1827,  So])hia  Smith,  1).  Aurelins,  Cavug-a  Co., 
N.  Y.,  Oct.  (5.  isOC;  res.  \VeIlsbon;uuh,  l\i.  1,  Am  \.\n  \,  Aug.  G,  1828.  2,"  H  aumon 
J.\C'i;s()N,  April  13,  1830.  3,  Cii.vs.  RviAO,  Julv  31,  ]8;!2.  4,  "Joii.v  J.\m  Ks,  April  2;<, 
■1834:  drafted  Feb.  22,  18(54,  108  Pa.  Cav.  and  d.  in  hos  at  Clarksburgh,  \V.  Va.,  Aug. 
11,  18(5.3.  ,3,  \Vk.\i.tiu.\.  June  21.  183(5.  (5,  Kith,  May  10,  1843;  d.  Sej)!.  3,  1844.  7, 
<ii;o.  S.Mir}],  Sept.  1.3,  184.5. 

II.     Plarmon,  March  12,  180(5;  d.  June  10,  182(5. 

III.  Alinira,  Jan.  9,  180.5;  d.  Waluish  Aallev,  hid.,  Oct.  1,  1834;  in.  in  D.,  March 
10,  1824,  John  llobari,  who  d.  April,  iSfiO.  1,  D.\r.,  b.  Dec,  1824;  d.  y.  2.  W.vlteh, 
b.  Ai)rii,  182G.  3  and  4,  Twins,  d.  v.  5,  0i'hei.i.\,  b.  1830;  d.  1843.  '  <>.  Edmcm),  b. 
abt.  1822;  d.  v.     7,    Dau..  h.  183-1;  d.   v. 

IV.  Fnii'lv,  Nov.  8,  1807:  in.  June  23,  1^33,  Asa  Phelps  Button,  b.  Mardi  10,  1808; 
d.  in  Danby,  June  4.  1834;  (2^i  April  14.  18:'.8,  Ib.wland  SluM-iiian  Wovu-n.  b.  Pauld- 
higstowii.  Duchess  (.'o.,  N.  Y.,  Ajiril  3,  ls07:  d.  XewHeld,  N.  Y.,  t)cT.,  ]S48;  fanner. 
i.  by  Istni.:  1.  As.v  Weslev,  March  \0,  1831.  i.  by  24  m.:  2,  Li(iNn\,  -Ian.  27, 
183!);  d.  May  23,  1^41.  3,  Ciikstkii  L()'iF;xzo,  Oct.  2('),  !'^40:  res.  Flysses,  Thoiapkins 
Co.,  X.  Y'.    "4,  OfiiKi.iA  A.,  Oct    11,  1.^44;   re,->.   Sulliv.-inville,  X.  Y. 

A'.  Saniantha,  June  27,  1811;  ui.  Xov.  1(5,  1820,  Crawbird  l'^)X,  b.  July  13,  180S; 
d.  in  .Mich.,  .March  11,  1S3(.1.  (2)  Sept.  11,  1830,  Pen-r  \'  b.  llerl;in"ier  Co.,  X. 
Y.,  Feb.  4.  1813;  ns.  Muiigerville,  Mich.  1,  Kmki, ink  Adams,  Aug.  1 1,  1832.  2,  Wm. 
Joii.N.  March  2.  1^31;  res.  Venice,  Midi.  3,  Ci;i:sti;k  Daw'su:;,  Dec  1.^,1833;  res  Shi 
awassee  Co.,  Mich.  4,  Axgklim:  S.,  X'ov.  20,  l,s;]8;  res.  dwasso.  Mieli.  3,  Cuawkohd 
S.\MiTKr,,  June  30,  1^42;  d.  in  V.  S.  A.,  typhoid  lev.,  .^lunf()rdsville,  Ky,,  Xov.  3,  1S(>2. 
G,  A  Twin  Buo.  ;  d.  v.  7,  Mn/iox,  Dec  8,  1844;  res.  Duplain,  Mich.  8,  Cassammi.v 
A.,  Dec.  14,  18.54;  res.  Venice,  Mich. 

VI  Xelson,  b.  June  18,  1813;  ni.  in  Spencer,  X.  V.,  Xov.  5,  1833,  Lorena  Cowell, 
b.  Feb.  23.  ISls.     1,    Mykox  Havili.ah.  b.  Maivh  21,  1^37;  enlisted  Aug.  12,  1802,  Co. 

1,  lUOth  X.  ^^  vols.:  d.  r.  S.  hospital,  Beltsville.  Md.,  Xov.  1,  18(32,  2,  Ai.miua,  b. 
Xov.  21,  1841:  d.  cons.  July  2,  1801.  o,  Juiix.  b.  Dec.  19,  1842;  enlisted  Aug.  1,  1802, 
■"OOth  X.  Y.  vols.;  in  several  engagements,  in  one  of  which  severely  wounded  and  disch. 

ulv  12,  1803.     4.    Kriii   Diana,   b.   Feb.  2:'.,   1847.     5,    Xancy  ]>ei.1'1iink,  b.  Dec  18, 

VII.  Chester,  1>.  April  7,  181.3;  ni.  Sejit.  1,  1840,  Margaret  McKnitrht,  b.  X.  Y.  C., 
...ay  10,  1S20.  1.  Skth  Wakiien,  b.  D^'c  10,  b^  II .  2.  \Vm.  A.,  b.  June  14,  1.843;  d. 
Sept.  2,  18r2.     3,   E^.v/.wnnn  Tjiankkv]..  b.  Oet.  14.  1818. 

VIII.  Marv  Ann,  b.  Mav  20.  1817:  ni.  Se])t.  22,  1838.  Isaac  (iernian;  fanm^r;  b. 
Charlestown.'X.  Y.,  Julv  0,  "l8(34;  res.  Manslield,  O.  1,  Isahei.,  b.  Mav  27,  1840.  2, 
IIOUACE,  b.  March  20. 'l843;  d.  Xov.  20,  ls33.  :!,  LvniA  Ann.  b.  O.-r.  22,  1843.  4. 
ZvciiAKV,  b.  Xov.  22,  1848.     3,  FinvAun  Dawson,  b.  April  1,  1n30. 

IX.  Milt<;n.  b.  .Maivli  1,  l.-sOl;  fanner;  d.  July  27,  1S03:  in.  Maivh  4,  1840,  Mary 
Ann  Schotield,  b.  Sp.Mi'-er,  June  13,  1820.  Shein.'2<l.  Oet.  (5,1872,  Samuel  .Milh'r  of 
Wolcott,  \\'avne  Co..  X.  Y.  1,  Amoketia  C  eutkioi:.  b.  M;iv  13,  1^38.  2,, 
b,  Oct.  25.  18(54. 

X.  ll.urii't  FJi/a,  b.  June  3,  1820;  ni.  Feb.  27.  1818,  Kdgar  l.oraine  Morse;  fanner; 
b.  Vt..  Aug.  8,  1S2S;  (J)  Lnrius  Martin,  June  28.  18')3;  b  Piehtield.  X  Y.,  Oct.  5, 
183^':   res.  Ithaca,  X.   V.      1.    Wai.i.aci-:   Adi-.i  r.Kirr,    b.   .luue  0.  is,"il;    res.    Chicago,  Ills. 

2.  F'i;A\(  I.-  Wii!;i:i.i-:i:,  1).  Awr.  c,  1S33;  enlist.  V.  S.  ,\.  1872. 

137532.  Martha  Daw.son,  b.  Oer,  lO.  178):  d.  Cu-thmd  Ceuiei,  X.  V.,  Sept.  10, 
1801;  a.  80;  blind  for  3  yrs.  bef.  d. ;  m.  in  I'aii.-.,  N.  \..  April  10,  Isi)",.  .\l„.l  Bai-nes  (s. 
of  James),  b.  F.ii-mingio'n,  (.'onn..  {)<•:■.  -..'3,  1773;  d.  Cortland,  .Mi.di.,  l-'eb.  7.  IS03;  a.  80; 
faiiiu-r;    rem.   fruni  Oneida  Co.,  ISJ3,  toiJrand    liapitls,  .MiiJi..  t  lien<-..  t.)  (_',  .rlland. 




DAWSON.  57 

I.      Iiaiu,  1).    D.'c.  9,  1800;  m.  in  Paris,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  18,  l^oO,  Juliet  Austin,  b.  Sc].t. 

25,   ]S0:5;    IVS.  ('.   v..    Kent   ("n.,   Mirli.        1,     IHAM,    <1.    y.       2,    M.\1!'11[.V    M.MUA,     i).    Oct.    'J7, 

lS::i;i.     y,    Maiiy  Jank,    b.    Muirli  2.    l-:!-");   ni. '■  Turtle.     4,    Hokac  i:   I.amuitk,    1). 

Miircb  '27.  ^^^.W.  ■").  J\.\ii:s,  <!.;  a.  4  nins.  (I,  Juii.x  Mn.Tox,  li.  M;urli  27,  bsyu.  7  mul 
>■.  Mu.o  anil  Milan,  twins.  U,  Kijza,  I).  Scj)!  17.  1S44;  ni.  —Davis;  ;Jl-1i;1.;  ]<\s. 
lowii.      10.   l.l-c:r.N   Dkmsox.  April  U,  1^47. 

II.  Setl),  Nov.  '20,  1S07;  ni  in  Caiiulen,  X.  Y.,  Anipjia  4'nttlc,  [  ]  Marrh  ]2,  \KU\; 
<!,  .V  i  ,  (»•■(  n,  ]si;:!.  (2)  in  Taburir,  X.  Y.,  May  ."i.  1S(;4,  Maria  ban\<>s  Wbcclp.r.  b'. 
A}>ril  7,  l^'-vi.  will,  of  C'iias.  \\he('lfr  ami  (bui.  of  lleulct  and  (yntliia  Barnes;  res.  Mc- 
<\aHu41sville,  X.  Y.  1,  Ai!(iii;s  rrri,  Fel>.  :>,  bSi),:).  -J,  Cvntiha  A.mki.ia,  Xov.  '22, 
lH(i6.  3,  An  adopted  son,  FitEDKiiu  k,  b.  .luno  1,  lyOO. 
III.     James  Titus.  Feb.  11,  lylO;  d.,  a.  abt.  ;j  nios. 

IV.  .Milton,  Jan.  22,  1811;  d.  :^larch  24,  li>t}3:  m.  at  Oriskany  Falls,  Jan.  1,  l,So4, 
Laura,  riau.  of  'j'hos.  Thames,  b.  Farmington,  ("onn.,  May  IG,  IbU);  res.  (.'ortland  C'en 
1,  Fdnvjn  WooniUKV,  Xov.  4.  1N:!4;  res.  }V]^  Prairie,  Xewayun  Co.,  Midi.;  serr.  8  vrs. 
jis  j>riv.  and  Scrut.  -"uliKi-gt.  Mich.  Cav.  2,  Ar-(;rsTT's  Mii/iox,  Sept.  10,  l^':j(>;  res.  <;rat- 
tan,  Kent  Co.,  Mich;  serv,  ;-!  yrs.  Co.  F,  2(1  li'^'^t  Mich.  Cav  :l  I.rtv  Ja.nk,  .Ian.  s, 
ISoO;  (1.  Aul,^  14.  li'Ti'.t.  4,  h:\yj  Ccimts,  Ajuil  IT),  1n4:1.  .■).  Fi;a.\ci:s  A.manda,  April 
3(1,  ISbi.     (),   Cii  vs.  Si'K.NCK};,  Jnn('2:3,  1n.")2. 

\.      Marv  Sojihla,  \u^^.   20,  Isl;!;   va.    lA'b.    24,    l.^:],"},   .lohu    WoodruiT;   res.  Uneida, 
Katoii  Co.,  .Mich.     1,  Mamv  Dklka,  Marcli  10,  ls::8.     2,  Jam:  A:sf  anda,  Juh  24,  1S40. 
VI.     Sibyl  Amanda,  Sept.  IG,  l^l-");  d.  A))ril  2:J,  1S.-)1. 

VII.  Jan'ies,  .lulv  2H,  1817;  hotel  keeper;  .in.  Ort.  2M,  bsT">,  Silenre  Woodruff,  b. 
Feb.  2y,  1S2;3;  d.  Pla"infi.-ld,  Mieh.,  Jan.  17,  1852.  (2)  Dee.  24.  18r>:J,  Maliala  llaym-s, 
b.  Jaiv22,  1811).  les.  P.  1,  4'KviMri:.NA  Fli7,ai;k'iii,  July  ;-3,  l^^Ji).  2,  F}ab.i.  Dee.  l!i, 
1851.  ' 

VIII.     Piti  Davsou.  Feb.  7,  1820;  m.:  .v.  ?.  ;  res.  \Vis. 
IX.      Svlvia  Ann.  Sept.  29,  1822:  d.  Sept.  2-i,  185(). 
X.     Ab.4.  Oct.  2;:;,  1N21;  d.  April  27,  18G0. 

137533.  Titus  Dawsou,  b.  Marrh  5,  17^5;  d.  Spencer,  X.  Y.,  Sept.  oO,  b'^5n,  a. 
74;  m.  in  Lenox.,  Madison  Co.,  X.  Y.,  Sej.t.  1,  1811,  l^uey  (dau.  of  Job  L(jckwood,  t. 
rev.  Sol.),  b.  Len.,  Aug.  25,  17'.i2;  d.  Spencer,  Xov.  4,  18()8,"  a.  7lJ. 

1.      Dau..  b.  ;uid  (1.  sm.  (.lav. 
II.      Son,  b.  and  d.  ApvU  1:";,  ISIG. 
III.     Sally  Eleanor,  Aug.  3.  1818. 
]\'.     Fdward  Kiley,  Sept.  l8,  182U:  d.  uiun.  Sept.  I'J,  1815. 

V.  Martha  Maria,  Feb.  4,  1822;  m.  Seiit.  14,  1843,  P'orbus  llumiston,  K.  U.  police- 
man, b.  (it.  Harrington,  Mass.,  SejU.  2S,  1820.  (s.  of  Dea.  Jesse  Humiston.  b.  Hamden, 
March  10,  1700;  d.  Dec  20,  18:2;  m.  .Mary  Ray).  1,  Kdwahii  K.vv,  Jan.  8,  1845;  res. 
Ffiirbault,  Hioe  Co..  Minn:  tel.  operator.  2,  Fr.MCK  PKi;K(r.\,  Jan.  ](!,  1817;  res. 
\\  inona.  Wis. 

Yl.  Phebc  Isaludla,  June  10,  1S24;  m.  .lane  30,  1842,  W)ii.  Stevens.  (2)  June  10, 
1840,  Ji-rome  Judd,  b.  Xaugatuck,  Conn.,  Aug.  1823;  d.  (Jrafton,  .Mass.,  June  23,  18G7. 
i.  by  1st  m.:  1,  Fi.KNOH.v,"  b.  a.  3  yrs.  2,  Lucv  Maki.\.  L  by  2d  m. ;  3,  Cii.A.]!i,KS 
F:i>\vahi).  Feb.  G,  1S50;  res.  NVorcesit'r,  Mass.  4,  Caiiui.j.nk  Ismikm.a,  Jan.  2G.  185G. 
\'1I.  Jleruion  Freder-ick,  April  30,  182G;  carriage  maker;  res.  Ithaca,  X.  Y. ;  m.  ]>ec. 
S\.  1855,  Sarah  Jane  Quick,  1).  Nov.  12,  1833,  s.  i.' 

137534.  Sibyl  Dawson,  twin  with  Titus;  d.  Oswego.  X.  Y.,  April  15,  184().  a 
61:  m.  in  Lenox,  X.  Y..  Dec.  21,  isijl),  P]liliu  Doolittl.-,  farmer,  b.  Xov.  4,  178G,  bro.  of 
]|on.  Silvester  Doolittle  of  (Jswego;  s.  of  .Maj.  Jcud. 

1.      Lucy  .Maria,  Xov.  24,  i8lO;  d.  (.)ct.  8    1830,  unm. 

II.  William  Youul;-,  Jan.  10,  1813:  m.  Xov.  2,  1.^37,  Cinderella  Ibdmes,  b.  Rens- 
s.ebu-ivill..,  X.  v.,  April  17,  1813;  d.  Feb.  2,  ISGO.  (2)  Aug.  4,  isGl.  Caroline  Holmes. 
1,  Ll'.  V  .MAiitA,  Amr.  17.  ISiiS.  2,  Kiocnk  Di;.\i,T().n.  Xiiv.  25,  18:;0;  d.  (.)ct.  20,  1S(;2. 
3.   Si:- AN    DKi.riitNi.,  Aug.  21,  1847. 

111.  Joel  Car(du\  May  23,  1N15.  d.  Iloricon,  Wis.,  Sept.  G,  1S5G;  lumber  nierch. ; 
m.  14,  1837,  Pahnvra  Stephens,  b.  Lridirewater,  Pa.,  Autc-  i,  1815.  1,  Ef.T.KKT 
<'ii:tis,  Aug.  2^,  1838;  d.  Dec.  IS,  b^40.  2,'  \Vhi,tiiia  Joski-him:,  .March  25,  1SI2; 
res.  Oshkosh,  Wis.  3,  Svi.vks-)'i:u  Lk<i'i;  \.m),  Jan.  :!1,  1845.  4,  Fi.ovd  Lr.r.itA.sso.N, 
A[.ril  2o,  1847.  5,  Fi;.v.S(  Ks  Ab.'.i.i.M;.  Oct.  14,  184il.  (i,  K.m.m  \  I-j.i/aiU'.ti!,  April  22. 
1S5!.  7,  CKAKi.f:>  Ki.tuf,  Sept.  i:!,  is.^,:',;  d.  .Nbu-.h  IG,  1^55.  s.  I1iiw:kt'  J..i:i., 
Dec.  14    1855;  d.  Dec.  G.  1850', 


IV.     Kli  Barnaul,  June  13,  1S17:  d.  Oswogo,  July  24,  ISJU,  unni. 
V.      Saml.  Woodworlh,  July  i),  ISl'J;  d.  N'ov.    14,  sni.  yi. 

VI.     JuiUfS  Au.stin,  Nov.  1,    1820;   foundry  i)attern  maker;  ni.  July  1'2,  ls4(;.  Immii 
<-(;h  J:iiza  Thorpe;  b.    March  Si,  1S:?5:  res.    Dclavan,  \Val\vortli  Co.,  \\"i.s.      1,   Ki,[ 
N.\i!n,  .Nov.  13.   1S47:  res.   Brooklyn,   N.  Y.     '2,   M.vhv  Ei.i/Ar,F,TH,  Jan.   18.   IS.IO.     :',. 
Fi,oia;N(i-:  Adklaidk.  July  20,   1S')2.     -1,   Anxa   Kav.nou,  July  2S,    1833;  d.   Mar.'h  7, 
18i;0.     0,   Fkkd.   Tiuman,  May  12,  IS.")."), 

Vll.  F.i^liert  Denison,  June  29,  182:!;  faruu-r;  d.  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Aug.  10.  1803; 
enlist.,  Aug.  lo,  1802,  Co.  V.,  o8th  Hegt.  Iowa  \'ols. ;  was  at  siege  of  Vickshuvg;  d.  of 
dvs.  at  45enton  Barrack,  St.  Louis;  m.  in  Bradford.  Hock  Co.,  Wis.,  Oct.  13.  1847 
I)iana  House,  b.  Jan.  25,  1820;  d.  Dec.  23,  1860.  (2)  Se])t.  21,  1801.  Delia  Louisa  Davis', 
b.  Oct.  20,  1827.  1.  Sci.r.  V  Aisti.v,  Aug.  5,1848;  d.  March  2,  1850.  2,  Jri.iA  Josi:pii- 
inp:,  Dec.  3,  1849;  teacher.  West  Union,  Fayette  Co.,  Iowa;  ni.  April  14,  1872,  Newton 
C  Abbott;  res.,  1873,  Dover,  Fayette  Co.,  Iowa.  3,  James  Fexm.mokk  Coovki;,  .April 
3,  1851.  4,  Wki.thia  Am5Ei;tixe,  Oct.  23,  1852:  d.  Aug.  9,  1853.  5,  Ai.bkkt  Ei.iiiu, 
Jan.  20,  1855;  d.  March  8,  1805.  G,  Ida,  Jan,  8,  1857.  7,  Ada  Li;mii;.\', 
Jan.  18,  1859. 

VIII.  Julia  Antoinette,  July  17,  1825;  <1.  in  Oswego,  Aug.  5,  1844;  m.  \N'ni.  Fuller. 
ship  carpenter,  b.  Eug. ;  res.  N.  Y.  C.  2  chil.  1,  (iKti.  2,  Wii.liam,  adoi)ted  bv  Hon. 
Svlvester  Doolittle. 

IX.      \Velthia  Melissa,  b.  Sept.  9,  1828;  d.  May  5,   1844. 

137535.  James  Denison  Dawson,  b.  Feb.  25,  1788;  d.  iu  Fowler,  O..  July 
21.  1805,  a.  77;  ni.  in  Lenox,  N.  Y..  Oct.  lU,  1811,  Charlotte  Blioades,  b.  in  Barringtou, 
Mass.,  Jan.  31,  1790;  d.  Jan,  11.  1871;  rem.  to  Danby,  1813,  thence  to  Prowler,  1810 

I.  Julia  Esther,  Jan.  II,  1813;  m.  in  Fowler,' O.,  Aug.  1,  1880,  Ahimas  Duu.I,  b. 
Canton,  Conn.,  July  11.  1811;  res.  Freedom,  Portage  Co..  O.  1,  F.dwfx  (iAUiiTTT, 
Dec.  17,  1831;  res.  Vassar,  Tuscola  Co.,  Mich.     2,    H?:ni{Y  Rhoades,  June  30.  1833. 

11.  Lorenzo,  Oct.  18,  1815;  d.  Newvill<.^  DeKalb  Co.,  Ind,,  June  4,  1870;  m.  Oct. 
10,  1839,  Emeline,  dau.  of  Ira  Case,  b.  Vernon,  O.,  July  12,  1819;  d.  Feb.  27,  ]8f;0.  (2> 
Feb.  14,  1801,  Catliarine  Augu.sta  Ilcadlev,  b.  Bayctta',  0.,  March  9,  1819.  1,  Jvma 
MAtUA,  Oct.  8,  1840;  d.  Feb.  7,  1860.  2,  Ai  HKitr  Addison,  Jan.  4,  1842;  res.  Concord, 
Ind.  3,  L'l'.SLi.A  Amelia,  Dec.  20,  1845.  4,  Pirri.KTrs  P.,  June  3,  1848.  5,  Vioi.a  S.. 
Jan.  11,  1855;  d.  Sept.  11,  1800.  0,  Clakknce,  May  20,  1858;  d.  Nov.  15,  1800.  7. 
Fl,Oi!FXOE  (.'.,  twin  with  C. 

III.  Angeline,  July  15,  1817;  m.  March  1,  1838,  John  Jackson,  grocer  and  farmer, 
b.  Julv  15,  1810;  res.  New  Bedford,  Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.  1,  CuAur.OTTE,  Jan.  21.  1839. 
2,  Jou.\,  Feb.  2.  1849. 

IV.  Emeline,  Dec.  28,  1818;  m.  Jan.  8,  1840,  (iilhert  Buchanan  Walker,  farmer,  b. 
Dec.  1,    1810;  res.    Bazetta,    O.      1,    MAKiiAT.KT,  May  31.  1841 ;  d,  Nov.  ] ,  l,'s02.      2,    Iu.a. 

■KiiOADKS,  Sept.  19,  1842.  3.  Wm.  Bkeedon,  March  7.  1845.  4,  Oilbekt  Dwvsox, 
April  18,  1852.  5,  Ciiaui.otte  Eli/.atseth,  Mav  19,  1856.  6,  James  Addtso.v  Feb. 
20,  1858.  ■  ,' 

V.  Maria,  June  30,  1820;  d.  Dec.  10,  1829. 

VI.  Kodulphus,  March  27,  1822;  m.  May  3,  1855,  Adeline  Charlotte  Hill,  b.  Har- 
weuton.  Conn.,  Nov.  4,  1828.  res.  Lin  wood,  Butler  Co.,  Neb.  1,  Cir.vTa.oiTE;- 
issA,  April  13,  1850.  2,  I^an'i,  (iAI.ns,  June  20,  1858.  3,  Estei.i.a  .Makta,  VrV).  13, 
1800.  4,  .\Iai;v  Ei.TZA.  .\hiy  21,  18(i2.  5,  Ai.vAiii;TTA  V.,  Dec.  7,  1803.  0.  Bknj. 
P^RAXKi.iN,  Feb.  5.  d.  .\pril  0,  1809. 

VII.      Addison,  .May  21,  1825;  m.   June  18,   1S02,  Car.)(ine  Phoades.  b.  Feb.  4,  1S33: 
res.  Fowler,   O.      1,   Fi,c)KEN<e    .\dki.e.    Aug,    31,  1804,      2,   Fkank    ErciE.vE,   Jan.    10. 
•1800.     3,   1''d\vaud  EvEUETT,  Nov.  10,  1809. 

VIII.  Pembroke,  Feb.  7,  1828;  m.  Oct.  24.  1S50,  Marinda  Sii^der,  b.  Dec.  21.  1827; 
res.    F.      1,    Is\i;i:i,,  April  14,  b^52.      2,    AirrtKo,  .Ian.    15,  1857.' 

IX.  James  llarnton,  Nov.  22,  1832;  m.  .\!ii]  Hathawav;  .v.  ('.;  res.  (uistavus,  Trum- 
bull Co..  O. 

1374.  Sarah  .Bawson,  b.  Fe!..  2,  175ii:  d.  D.c.,  1837;  a.  ns  yis. ;  ni.  1783.  Al>e] 
Fuller;  rem.  to  N"w  Ilartf.,  (_>neida  Co.,  N.  Y.,  thence  to  Caroline,  Tompkins  t'o  .  N. 
v.,  whr.  shed. 

I.  Marriii.  b.  .June  IS.  1784;  d.  ii\  ]?:irton,  .V.  \..  April  14,  ]8(M:  a.  80;  m.  Salh" 
Lockwood.  1).  .M;.\,  ',S;;!,i;  ,1.  M.'ireh  4.  lsr,2;  u.  i;2,  si,-,  to  Luev.  wf.  of  Tim.--  Daw.-on.  ]'. 
Cvitrs,  b.  Feb.  l!i:  d,  .Ian,  14.  ls:;7,  2.  Ci,\i:ic.  l>.  Ju!ie8.  1822:  d.  Marc!;  10,  IS}:',.  3. 
EtVA.MM)  Ai.i.KN,  h.  Sepr.  1,  Isj.");  i,,.  1845.  S.'.liy  Ann  Hamilton.  4,  HfTU  .\nn,  1). -inly 
30,    1n2?;    m.    John   Severn.      5.   L(-(  v  Ivr.y.iAM,  li.   F*b.  20,    1831;  m.    \<iv,\c  Mannbii^;  res. 

Sp(nu'cr,  X.  Y.     ('),   EsTifKit,  b.  ^fny  G,  ISi^T;  d.  in  Hi'.iton,  Sept.  0,  184S).     7,   Sarah,   b. 
Mav  '},  IS  10;  (1.  .Itine  ."i,  1S4',*. 

II.     Murvin,  !).  A])!!!  i:^,  17SG;  <1.  Julv  17.  ISO.",, 
111.     Pollv,  \>.  Litclitlrld,  Coiui.,  Sept.  H,   ITn!);  d.   in  Sprin-ticld.    Ills.,   1SG3:  n.  74: 
ni.  in   l)aiibv,"N.  Y.,  ISTJ,  J().sfi>li    II;. ^ar,  wlio  d.   in   S..   Sept.    1,    ]s:;0.      1,   .lii.irs,  1). 
ISl:!:  ros.  S".     '2,  Mviio.x.  b.  ls20:  ivs.  Mo. 

W.  A\:<']  Burton,  b.  July  10.  ]71)-2;  d.  Cundof,  N.  Y.,  S<;pt.  24,  1S70:  a.  7S;  a  p*Mi- 
sioncr  i'(jr  war  ol  IST^;  m.  Nov.  1,  l.'^,:37,  I''di/.al)i't]i  Cornwidl.  I,  M.\i;vi.\,  b.  ^"ov.  24, 
1^28;  res.  (-'. ;  .st-i-v.  ;!  vr.-^.  as  vol.  in  I'n.  .\iiun';  :-i-\  .  rimes  wnundrd;  ni.  Dl-c  ;J0.  lb.")0, 
.-\,i:nrs  lloiion,  b.  Olx,"vo  C'o.,  X.  Y.,  1«-.*G.  i,  (;,>:  /Jini.>i<,  b.  Jan.,  1S.V3.  2,  .T.\r-oii 
C"(.)HN\VHi,i.,  ]).  Jan.  t).  lS;jO:  ni.  Lydia  Jaiu'  Wliitli-y,  b.  A])ni  3.  ISoiJ;  ivs.  Candor.  3, 
Joirx  Smnis.  b.  (_)ct.  22,  iSol;  m.  May,  l-^.ll.  Sarab  Jane  (Arm.strontr)  Khinehtiivt,  b. 
Feb.  14,  lyiG;  r<  s.  GiotMie  Co.,  Pa.  4^  Ai,k\.\mii;i<,  1).  Sc^pt.  IS,  18;-)^;  d.  in  sf'i\-.  of 
(."onf.  Army  abt.  1SG8:  lu.  Sarah  Jane  Papet.  ].  Jo/tr)  Burton.  2,  ^frr/■ti/l.  5,  S.vH.vii 
J.\XK,  b.  JiinrSO.  lS:3o;  res.  Tioira  Center:  ni.  l''ee.  17,  18oG.  Tuins  S])ear,  wlut  d.  .lan.. 
1S57;  (2)  Mav,  ly.iS,  Strpben  Hif-t-  1,  Chorhs  Jim-tn,,,  b.  July  10,  l^.VJ.  2.  K'izuJuih, 
b.  JuU  2,  1s"(j7.  G.  Pnia-E  .M.wriUA,  h.  An-r.  2.-.,  j:^:j7;  re;:.  Itliaca,  X.  Y.;  ni.  Mav  2i). 
1858,  \\m.  Fr.-d  l;]ioades,  b.  .March  4.  1S24.'  1.  Ann  FJh^t ^  b.  May  2y,  I'i'A).  2,  '(ho. 
Burton,  1).  .\piil.  18GI.  ?.,  .\fyro/i  Jour.",  b.  .Mairh,  ISG;;.  4.  ILarrut  Van  Ordm.  b. 
1SG5.  7,  K()iJi:uT  Coknv.kli.,  b.  July  IG,  1839:  res.  U'averly,  \.  Y.,seiv.  ;]  yrs.  us  vol. 
Un.  -Xrinv;  st-s-erelv  wounded  in  tin-  foot  and  cripplf-d  for  life;  ni.  Jan.  13,  1>'G:1  Julia 
Arnee,  b.  July  4.  18:J5;  (2)  8>-pt.  12.  ISGit,  Mary  Brink,  b.  18ol.  8.  Ai.v.Mi 
BOGAKiH's,  b.  Xov.  21,  1841:  res.  C. :  scrv.  3  yrs.  as  vol.  lOSIth  X'.  V.  regt. :  severely 
Wounded  in  lec^  and  ci'ippled  for  life:  ui.  April  is,  18GU.  Cin-nelia  Camera  Xewman,  b. 
Xov.  0,  jS;j4.  9,;i.Ks,  li.  O^-t.  b"),  1844;  res.  Br.>\vn-vi1b-.  CnionCo.,  Pa.; 
serv.  ;)  vrs.  as  vol.  in  In.  .Vrmv;  m.  Dec  20,  18G7,  Marv  Ann  Davi(Kon,  b.  Feb.  20.  1844. 
1,  Kliz'ilnth  f.'iriniJa,  b.  Au^-!  20,  l^'flS.  2,  /.Vr  h'l't" .  \>.  O^t.  2S,  1S70.  10,  .M.\i;y 
EnzAiiKTil,  Oct.  21,  184G;  res.  l-'nyette  Co.,  Pa.;  ni.  .\u-;-  IG,  IbGo,  NVm.  Franklin 
Franks,  b.  Axiu;.  IG,  1888;  serv.  4  vrs.  as  vol.  in  Fn.  .\imv  and  wa-  some  time  ])risoner 
i.t  Anders'inviJle.  1,  ri//.^.'<rs  Ornnf.  b.  Mav  20,  1S()7.  2,"  yrl.son  fsooc.  b.  May  15,  1870. 
8,  JiJii,  b.  8e])t.  20,  1872.'    11,  Jamf.s  \Yim."rAMs,  b.  Oct.  2.  1851. 

13755.     Pclly    DaAVSOn,    b.    abt.    1757;    d.    abt.   1785;    a.   28  yrs.;    ni.    Xatbaniei 
Barnes;  res.  Soutliing-ton,  Conn. 
I.      Xathauiel  Dav. 
II.     Lucy. 

1376.  Abigail  Moulthrop,  b.  1727;  d.  of  gravd  May  lO.  1702,  a.  G5;  m.  June 
30,  174,,  Daniel,  s.  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Frisbie)  (ioodseli,  b.  June  IG.  1724;  d.  July  29, 
1705,  a.  71.  Inv.  £'70;  div.,  1705.  into  G  equal  parts,  to  hrs.  of  Edward,  Daniel,  Isabel, 
wf.  of  Joim  Wise,  Abig-ail,  wf.  of  Benj.  Barnes,  Levi,  and  Ame,  wf.  cd'  John  Shejia'-d. 
I.  Edward,  b.  Mav  S,  1740;  d.  of  eons.,  Dee.  25,  1781:  he  pined  away,  and  d.  in 
consefjuenee,  of  hard  nsaije  as  a  prisoner  on  L.  I  ;  m.  1770,  Lydia  Luddinf^-^ton,  dau.  of 
Jesse  and  Mehitable  (Smith)  L.  [l>:8l  Slie  d.  of  liver  complaint,  .Wig.  23,  18lo.  a.  G7. 
She  m.  (2)  Feb.  4,  17N3,  Thonnis  Sliepard,  od,  and  had  4  (diil.,  viz.;  1,  Elilui,  .March  0, 
1785.  2,  Ellas.  8,  Lydia.  4,  Jacob;  d.  June  5,  1700,  a.  7  yro. ;  dys.  1,  Jl''.ssE,  b. 
Mav  21,  1771.  2,  ,Makv,  Sept.  G.  1772;  m.  1702,  Morris  Scott."  o,  Mi:iinAiu.K,  Marcli 
20.' 1774;  m.  Russell  1,  Nov^A  Amnndu,  July  2,  170G.  3,  }[iir!i  Ann.  3. 
Jot<([)h.  4.  J!'i.s.iitl  5,  Uoyiiri'.  G,  Xr/iu'//.'  7,  Laezer.  8.  (rcorgc.  4,  Amk,  Feb.  7, 
177G;  in.  1707,  Joseph  llolt,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  5,  1778,  s.  of  Josejili  and  Hannah  (Blakeslee> 
Holt,  and  bro.  of  Mercy  Ibdt.  wf.  of  He/..  Todd.  [6]  1,  Jjiluni.  2,  L'lrnti'i.  8. 
N(tnctj.  4.  Kdirurd.  5,  Mi(ri/.  5,  .\M()s,  Aug.  9,  1780. 
II.     Amos,  1).  Julv  G,  175'l:  d.   .v.  i. 

111.      Daniel,  March  2S,  1754;  m.   Desire,  dau.   of  David  and  Marv  tWri^lit )  Potter, 
b.  Jan.  25,  17.".5. 

1\'.     Isabel.  Xov.  5,  1757;  m.  1781,  J. dm  Wi.sp. 
V.      AbiLrail,  April  21,  17G1;  m.  17^1,  Benjamin  BrMiies. 
^'I.      Levi,  Aj)ril7,  r7G4,  m.  Eunice  (Jiiberi. 
VI!.      Ame.  March  22,  17G7;  d.  May  17,    ISi:;;  m.    17sO,  John  s:iei)ard,  8.1,  who  d.  of 
typhus  fev.,  Xov.  IS,  ISlu.  a    4G.      1,  J i;i;r:MiAii.     2,    Xaxcv. 

13S.  Daniel  Tuttle,  b.  Aug.  28,  I7h2.  In  1755  conv.  to  .Ie],iid  'I'uttle  rt.  iu 
Sioit'i  Tu'tleV.  7th  div.;  res.  Xe.  llr'.vn;  m  Api-il  25,  172(;,  :\',:iiy  Nhni^tield, ,  (-is.  I,, 
F.ben'r,  wiiod.  Oct.  1^^.  1740;  .-;.  adm.  by  D.m'l  4'llttI.■^.  Will  of  "!>an'l  'I'utrle.  e\liib. 
1772.  nms.  wt.,  .Mary,  aiul  Sam  1  'i'uttle,  e.xecrs.,  I'vnj.  'I'lundiull,  Ti;os.  Mausiiidd  and 
SaiLi'l    Bishieji.    wit.       It    was   not    ai)pr(»ved,    and   orilered    to   be   tui   lile.      Christopher 

GO  BKANCH    OF    .JOllX. 

Brockett  of  Wcatlior.sfield,  Cumbcrlaiii]  Co.,  N.  Y.,  (Windsor  ("o.,  Vt.,)  a  ^rr.  s.  of  Dan' 
Tuttle  of  No.  Haven,  appeidt'd  from  ilii'  din-i.-ion  of  the  court  ;;s  to  tin-  will  of  ^aid  Dan 
T.      C'apt.  Ezra 'J'uttle  joinc.l   ])ro(-k<'tt  in  Iionds;  t-st.    insol.;   may   liave  had   other  oliil. ' 
reel  lid  imperfect. 

1.      Sanuiel,  b.  F.-h.  VI,  ITOT. 
]I.      Daniel,   in.  Cljristian,  dau.  of  Ehene/.er  Norton,  o.  March  li.  ITOS. 

III.  Mary,  m.  Jfin  17,  iTOo,  Jacob  Brockett.  Slie  d.  June  ".^O,  ITtiO;  iho  in.  (:>) 
Nov.  lo,  IT'iD,  Sarah  .Munson  and  liad  Mnnson,  b.  <)ri.  ,';,  ITtJl,  IJenajali,  .-Vsaliid,  Uri, 
Eli).     1     Makv.  h.  Oct.  10.  ITo").     -2.  ("uKisToriiiiK  of  Weatlierstield.  Vt. 

IV.  '   Eunice,  1>.  IT:!'.):  m.  Eieui.  Jared  ilill,"  b.  Aug.   10,  1T;5().     (-//;/■<). 

1381.  Samuel  Txittle,  b.  Feb,  n,  1727:  ii'.  May  12,  1752.  Sarah  (;dau.  of  Jolm 
and  Ih.nnah  li-iyi  llumiston,  b.  Sept.  10,  172o.  She  was  wid.  of  Thomas  Turner,  wlio 
d.  174!.',  and  Sam'l  Tutl'e  adin.  hi:?  est.  He  d.  in  Xo.  llav.,  Xnv.  2o,  17^4,  insol.;  wid., 
Sarali,  made  her  X  niavk.  Est.  adm.  bv  Josei>li  Pierpont,  Basil  Munsoii  and  Samuel 

I.  Susanna,  b.  A['!il  17.  17-")o;   m.  .lames  Allen. 

II.  Jemima,  b.  17"");;  d.  March::).  ISOU:  m.  t'ha])in  Byron. 

III.  Samuel,  b.  175^);  m.  t'hloe,  Todd. 

IV.  Lemuel,  b.  17(iO;  m.  June  1:2,  17?^',  Lydia   }>a-<sett. 

V.  Daniel,  b.  Oct.  4,  17()."^:  m.  Hannah  Manslield. 
VI.      LycHa,    m.  Caleb  lUakeslee. 

13811.  Susanna  Tuttlo,  b.  April  17.  17.>];  d.  Au-.  9,  1.^29,  a.  70;  in.  Jame.^ 
Allen,  b,  174G:  d.  Uct.  11,  ISIU;  jes.  Piyniouth,  Conn. 

I.  Uri,  i).  1774;  d.  Sept.  IS,  1^2o;  m.  May  1,  ]7'.jo,  Susanna  Todd,  b.  1771;  d. 
^larcli  19.  lv(J7.  1,  Ai.piikus,  b.  Auir.  od,  1791;'  d.  Xov.  ".i,  IS.],^;  la.  Isabella  Xorton. 
1,  Jf'D'tii,-  /;..  b.  Sepr.  21,  1S2I:  m.  April  24.  P'iiO.  !:iizabeth  Gridlov.  1.  Eibert  E.,  b. 
Apriieo,  It-f.l.  2.  .!'/(■/•..'.  b.  March  1,  l<2i:;  in.  A].ri!  :^;0,  1^37,  Oranire  Bradley.  8, 
C'^'/vV.-.',  I.'.  March  23.  jb2o;  m.  Eewis  V'iillia'ius,   b.   Se]<t.   2o,  1S20.      1,'l'rHnk.  b".  Jan. 

12,  \^r^{).     2,    l.vdi-\,  1).  Xov.  19,  1S.7J.     4,   lhri,ji,t  J.,   b.    May   7,    i'-,'7:  m.  Frances , 

and  had  cliihi.  i-.  Jan.  o,  ls(il  .">.  A'l<nn'\  b.  .luiie  10.  V-\\;  m.  Ib-nrv  l.vman.  He  d. 
July  13,  1S70,  a.  44.  /..•  1 ,  \\'alhae,  b.  Sept.  ;ju,  ].<:,:,.  2.  Ann,  i>.  Feb'  1,  ls(50.  0, 
Alplii<js,h.  Ai)ril  IS,  l^ol:  ni.:  res.  in  Xew  Haven.  2,  B.v.nsom.  b.  (.)ct.  25,  1799;  d. 
March  1.  ISiil;  m.  Oct.  25.  1S2;1,  Hosetta  llus>ell.  l.:  1,  ['ri.  b.  Oct..  iS25:  m.  Ciiloo 
Bradlev,  who  d.  Jnlv  2:1.  iSio.  1,  l.illeite  K.,  b.  March  17.  LSVi :  d.  Auo-.  2,  l>>r>3.  2, 
Jason  B.,  b.  1851;  d".  July  2s,  l^U:;.  :!,  Frederb-k  D..  b.  Feb.  4.  1S5S;  d.  .\i;ir.  1.  iSRrl 
These  three  ciiil.,  a  re^pertivelv  12.  9  and  5  vrs.,  all  d.  of  diphtheria  within  a  jieriod  of 
five  days.  2,  OUrr,  m.  Xelson"  Ibjllister.  i,  ('hild,  b.  Sej-t.  80,  1S55.  2,  ( liild,  b. 
Feb.  1 .    ISnO.      :J,   ('■Jiinhi.   num. 

II.  Benajah,  b.  ];78;  drowiu:d  Ajiril  21,  1840;  m.  April  17,  18i'0,  Susanna  liusseil. 

1,  Amwtia.  b  An;'.  21,1800;  ui.  Oct.  29,  1S2M.  tliauncey  Jordan.  1,  Ediii'uid.  2, 
Ann; AIL,  1,>.  June  7^  1S02;  d.  April  9,  1S58;  m.  Joel  (luirchill  of  Hamden.  Conn.  8, 
Jamks,  b.  Feb.  14,  180(5:  d.  Sept.  10,  18;J1,  unm.  4.  Pii.kv,  b.  Marcli  8,  1809;  d.  unn.. 
5,   StrsAX,  b.  Jan.  1,  1813:  d.  unm.     ii.   Mi(,i:s:  m.  :  <l.  in  Cheshire,  Conn. 

III.  Jeirv.  b.  17M:  d.   Dec.  1.    18(15;  m.    Feb.    Id,    1807.   Orphia  Tolles,  b.  1789;  d. 
April  25,  1S57';  r.^s.  IJrislol,  Coini.      1,,  b.  Nov.  2,  1808:  d.  Oct.  18,  1834,   unm. 

2,  Bl-ut(>x,  b.  Feb.  14,  1^10;  m.  Julv  81,  1S42,  Hiles  Jane,  dau.  of  Dea.  Xelson  Tuttlo, 
who  d.  Xov.  8,  181(3.  1,  Ai>f'ni.' fti .,  b.  Sept.  IC,  1841;  d.  Au;:".  8.  1852.  8,  CiiAin.o'fi-K, 
ni.  Zenas  4'olle^,  Oct.  18,  18i)4;  y.  i.      He  d.  .\  ulT   21,  l.-^()8. 

IV.  .loiiah,  m.   Jan.  1.    isur.    Bo^etta    Bradi.'y.      1,   Oaiiiiv,    b.    June    lb,    181)7;   m. 

.      2,    E.Mil.V,  b.    Aug.    20.    ISIO;  iH.    Daniel    E.    X'orton    of    Bristol.   Conn. ;.•(.<.      8, 

Luci.XDA,  b.  May  21,  1818;  ni.  Bird  SutlilT  of  Bristol:. v  i.  4,  1I.\iii:iI::t,  m.  K.dliu 
Andrews  of  Biistol;  ,v.  i. 

V.      (4ara,  m.  Isratd  Jacob  Wrifdit  uf  Bristol,  (;onn. 

VI.  Sallv. 
Vn.      Polfy. 

13813.  Samuel  Tuttle,  b.  1759:  a  rev.  s.)l.:  conlioed  (ui  the  .lersey  rris(Ui  Sliip; 
d.  Julv  ;»,  1.^02;  a.  48;  k.  bv  tall  fiom  a  lo;id  of  liav  and  run  over  bv  the  cart.  Adm. 
o-iv.  t.'.  wi.l.  Chloe  :uid  her  bro.  'ilieephilus  To,!.!.  A  U-.  K;.  lS(r2.  lle'm,  Chloc-,  dau.  of 
'I'itus  Todd  I'll,  and  icm.  .\o.  I'av.  to  M  idilleiown.  ('.>iiii.  Iii-  wid  r"tuined  to 
X(..   H,i\-.  and  ni. (iranni.^s.      She  is  called  < 'liloe  (iranniss  in  1^10,  when  her  e.-t.  whs 

j  *Oba(1iah  Hill.  (s.  of   John)  b.  Oct.,  ;''o7  ;  m.  IP'.nn.'h   Frost  av.d  Iiad  :     i,  Eunice,  b.  Msrch  2S,  1731. 

i  ■:,  S.-\rah,  Mnv  -a,  173^.     ,•?.  Mary    01,1.  5,  173  ■-     1,  Jarni,  per.  oilitrs. 



dist.    to  li<-r  c-liil.    FAhviird,   I.viikui,  Simi'l,  Titus  'J',  Jt-ssc.  S;indi,  Marijs  and  Esther 

1.  Sally,  b.  No.  Ifuv.,  Sept.  If),  IT.^T;  m.  Oct.  A.  ISK!,  in  Litchfield,  ("onn..  Wm. 
Way,  li.  Xoi'tliticld,  C.'i.nTt.;  rem.  St-jit..  IMT,  to  ('olcsviilc.  iirtjonu!  Co.,  N.  1'.,  \vlii-.  lie 
d.  j\iiy  30,  IbliS.  Shed,  in  No.  lluv.  Oct.  18,  lyn-l:  a.  7?.  1.  \\ll.r.i.\M  !•:.,  h.  in  Ply- 
moutb,  Conn..  S*-|it.  7,  1sl4;  in.  in  C(dfrivillp,  Sept.  -1,  1^:5'),  Miirpuct  WChij,  wIkj  d.  in 
Tioga,  N.  v.,  .-\uir.  iG,  isdo.  1,  ./'i/m  /,.,  h,  in  (.".  Nov.  i,  is;js:'  d.  in  Tio.ya,  .\ug.  2'J, 
l-SoU.  2,  ,7<?/(U  .1.,  1).  in  Tioga,  Nov.  2i),  ]n4.');  m,  June  I,  ISI'.'J,  Cliarlcs  11  Lanih.  h 
Flora  L.,  b.  June  iit),  iy70;  ve.s.  Osw.-go.  2,  Sauly,  b.  in  Xorthli.'ld,  Conn.,  Dec  17, 
1815:  d.  in  Tioga,  April  o,  I8ijl;  m.  Dec.  17,  184:),  Silas  Preston.  1.  llrnrtj,  b.  Sept  Oo' 
1844.  2,  Udnh'ili  .f.,\K  Nov.  ;■],  184.-).  ;5,  H7//;V'///.  b.  May  ;^,  1>47.  \.'  l.^z,  rm^K 
Sept.  a,  1N4^;  d.  a.  2  yrs.  5,  Hurah  }[. .  \<.  May  12,  X^'ji);  in"  Jirae  i»,  lS7(l.  David  j'ni- 
BoycL'.  G,  l.iizerii''.  h.  Feb.  11,  ISoo.  7,  >7/r/.v,  b.  April  2,  IS,",:).  ,s,  Willi, m  7..,  b. 
Aj)ril  17,  1850.  This  fam.  res.  at  U.swego,  N.  V.  ;!.  LoKKNZd  F,.,  b.  Cob-sv.,  April  b 
1820:  in.  Oct.  25,  1848,  Khnira  K.  Footc;"'(l.  Julv  20,  185S;  (2)  June  l(i,  1S5!),  j'.illie  Mc- 
Culloue-h.  who  il.  .hilv  22.  ]s(J(J:  (8)  March  10,  i8ij-'.  Harriet  Kdward.s.  /.  bv'lst  m  ■  1 
Cliloe  C,  b.  M:u(h  8.  1>51.  2,  Albert  P.,  h.  .Ian.  20,  1850.  ;j,  John  F.,  b.  July  7,  185s' 
i.  by  2d  ni.:  4,  WiUino  A.,  h.  Dec.  2(5,  lf>(iO.  .5.  Kdm'ind  L.,  b.  Aug.  17.  1802;  rns. 
Ilurpersville.  Brooiue  Co..  X.  Y.  4,  Ai-ONZU  E.,  b.  Feb.  20,  1820;  in.  Jan.  18,  185;-!, 
Sarah  A.  Sinipkins.  1,  Win.  A.,  b.  at  Afton,  N.  Y.,  April  13,  1857.  2.  Joint  L  b 
Jnlyy.  bSOl:   res.  Windsor.   N.  Y. 

11.  Edward,  in.  Sally  Clinton,  b.  in  New  llav.,  Conn.;  d.  in  Toole  Citv,  Fiah. 
July,  1807.  1,  Ei.iZA  A.,  m.  May  10,  18;:!^,  Jos(.[)];  A.  (iranuis  of  llamdeu,  Conn.;  rc^. 
Mt.  Carmel,  Conn.  1,  Lcahdcr  Cook.  b.  :May  20,  ls41;  d  Sept.  22,  IblU,  2,  S-isai, 
Adtlin,  b.  April  14,  ]sl:);  in.  May  3,  1804,  Albert  M.  Ives  of  Mt.  C.\y.  1,  U'ilbuV  Mark, 
b.  April  1,  1S05.  2.  Watson  Sherman,  b.  Jalv  21,  1800.  8,  ('hurb.s  WoJJ.irc,  b.  Aio-' 
25,  1814:  d.  Fol).  4,  ls45.  4,  FJnnrn  Foot,,  b"  Jan.  1,  1840:  ni,  Nov.  <J.  1870."  Dana  l7. 
Cooper  of  Mt.  Car.  5.  A/iiia  Fuzn.  b.  Sept.  17.  is47;  in.  April  'Z'A.  1807.  James  Dack- 
worth;  res.  Pittstield,  Mass.  0,  ('//(/rlf.s  Fd/cin,  b.  March  27,  1802.  2,  S.a.kaii,  in. 
Joseph  Meachani;  res.  'i'oole  City,  Utah;  5  chil.  3,  A.NGKLIXE.  m.  Win.  B.  Adani.s, 
(dec):  o  cliil. ;  res.  Toole  C.  4.  N'oiiTox,  m.  Helen  Elizabeth  Utley  abt.  1850;  2  .ss.  and 
;>  dans. ;  res.  'I'oole  C. 

III.  Lymau,  b.  No.  llav.,  June  15,  1700;  m.  Manila,  of  Jude  Tuttle  [4];  b. 
Kovv'e,  Mas.s..  Marcli  7,  1704:  res.  Hartf.,  Conn.  1,  k^iiAVAiU)  Wdoriinaix;!:;,  b.  June  10, 
1830;  m.  in  White  WuUjv,  Mich.,  Jan.  1,  1S50,  Mary  Treat  Northro]:,  b.  in  Al!;:i.ny,  n'. 
y.,  Jan.  7.  183'!.  1.  Fdimrd  Xort/iroj,,  b.  Hartf",  Juno  2,  ls02.  2,  Ltzkunk.'  3, 

IV.  Maria,   in.    Dan.  Todd.      1,   CoiiXi:i,iA.     2,  Cm, ok.     3,  Samifi..     4,  Edwakd. 
\'.      Samuel,    b.    June   7.    1705;   rem.    eaily  to  New   Hav.,   Conn.,    v.dir.   lie  servtd 

appreiitic  e-  to  the  late  JaiufS  Ih'ewster,  carriage  m.-iker,  and  for  a  number  of  yr.s.  carried 
on  business  for  liim  in  Aitizan  St.,  N.  H.;  abt.  18:!2  rem.  to  Louisiana  and  lived  abt.  2 
yrs.  at  Baion  Barou  (/hunneviiU-,  win-,  he  d.  from  effects  of  a  sim  stroke  Dec.  12.  1834; 
a.  30  yrs.  1,7.  .v.);  !>'■<•.,  !"<:■}[)■.  a.  31  yrs.,/',////.  ///■/•/.  He  m.  Lm-ina  Thorpe;  she  m.  (2) 
— — -  IhuT  of  New  Hav.  1,  Makv  a"xn,  b.  Aug.  12,  1810;  d.  July  3,  1.S71;  m.  in  N.  JL, 
]\Iay  31,  1835,  Hansom  B.  Hyer:  II  chil.  2.  Axms  J.,  b.  Aug.  2.5,  ls2l;  m.  (.)ct.  0.  1S41, 
Henry  Lord,  (dec.);  1  ch. .  (drc. )  ;!.  Makia  .Iank.  b.  Oct.  10,  1823;  d.  .Line  20,'  1.^24.' 
4.  Joux  Are.isrrs.  b.  April  10,  1S25;  woiked  on  farm  till  10  yrs.  of  a.,  tiien  apprenticed 
to  a  carpenter:  at  22  liegaii  business  at  liis  f.'s  did  stand  in  Artizan  St.;  rem.  to  Morris- 
ania,  N.  Y..  and  lemaiu'-d  3yrs.  In  1855  rem.  to  StfrFuig,  Ills.,  and  in  1802  be<;an  stjition- 
ery  and  book  bus.  In  18  Sapj)  L.  S.  guager  at  disiillcry  of  .Folm  S.  3Iillerin  Sterliiiir,  one 
of  tlie  largest  in  the  F.  S.  ;  m.  at  Danf)ury,  Conn..  Dec.  31,  l;r'44,  Marv  Hodges,  and 
their  silv-'r  weddim;-  was  celebrated  at  Sterling  \)x-f.  3i.  bSOO.  an  accouiit"of  whi<di  was 
publish. \1  in  the  loral  iieNcspapi-r.  1,  >'.///; //rCl. .  b.  May  5,  1840.  2.  ././///,  //. ,  b.  Nov. 
15,  181S.  ;;,  .If-//-//,  l>.  ,h\i\.  20,  Lv")!).  5.  tii:(iiu;i;  }ili),i;s,  b.  Auc.  27,  !s27;  d".  July  2, 
1851;  m.  l^ec.  31,  1S4;.  Helen  Kennedy  of  b'ochester,  N.  Y.:  1  eh.  (dec.)  0.  LrMX.k."M.', 
h.  De.-.  31,  1.N20:  d.  .l.-ui.  5,  is:;,*.  7,  Edv,  ai;|)  S. ,  b.  Jan.  25,  l.s;;o;  ni.  June  17.  is.")l, 
Janette  .Vtual.-!'  of  N'-'.-.'  Hav.  He  d.  .'an.  0,  1S50.  1.  JMtrard  S..  d.  Auir.  30.  1S50;  a' 
4  yrs.  2  mos.  2,  .I/.//'/'./  .1..  d.  .lulv  I,  IS.-.i;.  ;;,  Miri/  F..i\.  .Lilv25,  IS."",0.  aia'i  anoth'-r 
d'v.  S,  Jaxk  E,,  b.  ,\pril  13.  ls:;3;  m.  Dec.  31,  ]840rcharles  .M".  Sreh-v  of  Hrid>'vpo-t 
Coim.      1,    /-v.////:  Fdirord.  '  -   i       • 

VI.     Titu.s  I'oild.  d.  in  New  Haw;  a.  10  yrs. 

Vll.  F.siher,  b.  Feb.  3,  I'i'.ii*,  m.  Jacob  i)oolittie;  res.  No.  Hav.  1,  CroKCK  W..  b 
:March  2L  1^25;  m.  Urt.  17.  1817.  Mary  Cornwall  (d'  MiddUrndd,  C<'nn.:  ns.  N.  Hav. 
1,   Gcorfjiaa<i,  b.  Nov.  17,1848;  m.  Nov.  28,  18G8,  Henry  Kobiiuson.      1,  Ceorge  Ilenrv,  b. 

02  iii:.\  Ncu  OF  joiix. 

April  -21.  1S7I;  res.    Xo.  lliiv.     2,    VJf<i   M..   h.    Oct.    'M,    ISV!;  in.    r)cc.    1,    18?0,  Julius 
Blake.slfo  of  Xn.  H:\v.     t?.    W  K..  1).   3hurli  -i'l,  IS-JT:  d.    ]")ec.  2.   1,S2!I.     ?,,   Ki.i/.ru 
F.,    Aug.    2s,    l.s:',l;   tn.  J'Hi/.aln-tli    Ihimlin   of   Southiiii;toii,   Conn.;   rt'S.    Iiriil'^rcjiort.      1 
€<ir'os.  '  2,   J'di'i.'i.     ».    llV///r/-.     4,   Ks'I'hkk   K.,  1..  Feb.  28,  d.  April  Ui,  ]s:]-l 

Vlil.     ,I('ssi\   ni.    I'aola-l    Bartliolonirw.       1,   Kii;ti,a.M).     2,    1-;.nsic..\.     ;j,    ].,rKi;.     4, 
Hi:.\i!Y.     .-),   lli;i,i:x. 
IX.      Dani.d. 

13814.  Lomxiel  Tllttle,  l).  ITdd:  d.  Vn-r.  S.  lS^n3,  a.  r^:  a  llfv.  sol.  and  a  i)ris.  in 
.It-rsi'V  I'rison  Ship;  rem.  with  his  hro.  Daniid  from  Xo.  Hav.  to  Plvmoulh,  Conn.,  abt. 
1700;' ni.  June  12,  178>!.  I.ydia  Bassrtt.  ^\l^o  d.  S.'f.t.  12.  1S2!).  a.  OS." 

I.  Phileiida,  1..  .May  ;;i,  i;sl);d.  .May  12,  lSl(|;ni.  Soth  Tliomas.  lie  ni.  (2) 
Laura  A.  Andrews  ami  had  sev.  cliil.  Seili  Thomas  served  an  ap]irentiefslup  at  carpen- 
ter trade  with  1 'aniel  Tuttle  of  Plymouth,  (.'onn.,  an  Un<di'  of  Ins  first  wf.  Ih'  was  verv 
quiet,  umihtrusive,  faithful  in  the  ])erformance  fif  his  duties  ami  was  called  hv  some  of 
the  smart  lads  of  Wolcott,  "Daniel  Tuttle's  fool" — an  error  of  jud.Lrment,  as  subse- 
quently was  made  About  ISlo  lie  boui^dit  a  prop'/rty  in  Plymouth  Hollow 
of  llenian  Clark,  and  began  to  nuike  clocks.  This  industry  pro.spered  jrreatly  and  the 
village  of  'I'homaston  (named  for  its  founder),  containing  2.000  inhabitants,  is  one  of 
the  results.  Tin-  Co.  emjdoys  over  a  half  million  of  dollars  ca[)ital  and  lias  hranch 
depots  in  X'ew  York,  Chicago,  San  Francisco  and  London,  lied.  l^'Y.K  The  Wi/fer- 
hiiri/  Aincricnii  (d'  Feb.  4,  that  yr. ,  contains  an  obit.  See  Ili'nn.-^n/i's  Jlist.  of  Wiiterlinri,' 
for  biog-.  sketch  and  steel  jiortrait.  /'.  by  l^t  m. :  Two  Daus.,  Philendaand  anotln'r; 
l)otli  d.  y. 

II.      Lini.  b.  .March  21,  1701;  ni.  Lemuel  Larkins  .y. /.  ,•  res.  I'ristol. 

IIL      Lvdia,  b.  March  I'J,  1704;  d.  in  .Vshtabula  Co.,  0.;  m.  Joel  True.sdel;  3  chil. 

IV.  Xei^.n.  b.  Xov.  22.  IVVis;  (Dea.);  ni.  Oct.  22,  1820,  lliles  llorton,  b.  1708,  d. 
X^ov.  S,  1874;  rem.  from  Plyniouth  to  Cheshire,  Conn.,  Xov.,  ISO:-?;  now  in  liis  84th  vr. 
1,  Ilri.ES  Jam:,  b.  Xov.  ll',  182:i:  m.  July  ;J1,  ]s:42,  Burton  Allen.  She  d.  >.  i.,  Xov."  3, 
1840.  2,  BvKON,  b.  Aug.  2:!,  1S25;  (Shelion  A;  Tuttle,  nianufs.  and  dealers  in  carriages, 
Plymouth,  Conn.  •  I  School  Committee,  Town  .\;rent,  Selectiitan,  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
Kep.  in  Conn.  Leg.,  etc.;  m.  April  10,  is."");-;,  Candace  1>.  (dau.  of  Oliver  and  Harriet 
Bunnell)  Smilli.  1.  IlitKn'  A.,h.  Sept.  20,  1^01.  2,  VrUli,  }];in>„.  b.  (Jet.  I!!,  J8G7. 
Z,  M.VKY  A.,  b.  A])ril  (i,  18o] :  m.  March  2'>,  l^.V;.  Cliauncey  Moulton;  .v.  Z.  (2)  Albert 
Piatt.  4.  >L\UTii.\  A.,  1).  Sept.  30.  1n80;  m.  March  17,  1^57,  (-Jarner  L.  llumphrwille. 
1,  Mnrn  J.,  b.  Ault.  15,  1>^01;  m.  Walter  E.  Bevans.     2,  ILnrirttn  L.,  b.  Dec.  12,"  1S04 

3,  Btrilnt.     4,   J.'niis   Ir.     0,   Bt/ron    L.     5,   Bihxi:v   L..    b.    Oct.    12.    1841;  m.  April  7, 
18GS,  I'Tora  E.    Bishop;  res.    Cheshire,   Conn.      1,    IVimcy   L.     2,    Vb>ra  E.     3,    AlUu    B. 

4,  FMher  X. 

13815.  Daniel  Tutlle,  b.  Oct.  4,  nOo;  d.  in  Plynunith,  Conn.,  May  7.  ISCO;  m. 
Hannah    Manslield. 

1.  Betsey,  b.  Dec.  4,  1700;  d  Ai)ri]  10,  ISoO;  m.  Oct.  27,  1808,  Archibald  Miner  of 
Wolcott,  Conn.,  b.  May  23,  1784;  d.  Marcli  10,  1S77,  a.  03.  Rep.  in  Conn.  Leg.  Gyrs.; 
Town  Clerk  of  W.  25  yrs.  in  succession;  Justice  of  the  Peace  20  yrs.,  and  Selectman  at 
various  tinn^s.  1,  Hkxkv,  b.  Dec.  17,  1800;  Kep.  Conn.  Leg.  4  yrs;  Town  Clerk  of  W. 
2G  yrs;  Selectnnni  17  yrs.  in  succession,  and  Justice  of  the  Peace  18  yrs-.  Xov.  17,  1877. 
lie  ])resei\red  at  Farmers  an<l  Mechanics'  Bank  at  Hartf. ,  for  payment,  $150  in  bills  of 
their  issue,  1S47.  He  had,  also,  $00  of  the  Plnenix  Bank  and  $1  of  the  American 
Bank.  These  bills  were  found  Itet.ween  the  leaves  of  a  pamphdet,  where  they  were 
placed  30  yrs.  ago  by  Archibald  Miner,  and  remained  until  discovered  a  few  days  since 
by  Mrs.  yVn\n-.—'f'>r(lPiiper.  m.  Sarah  J.  Clark  of  Wnterbury,  Conn.  1,  TlirVir.i. 
whom.  Sarah  J.  Warner.  1,  Dau.;  res.  ^Vaterb.  2,  ILviuui-.T,  b.  Dec.  s,  V-W:  m. 
Ceo.  W.  Welton  of  Wat.,  and  d.  .May  20.  l.soO,  leav.  one  Cum.,  who  m.  Leveret  D. 

n.  Lydia,  b.  \pril  27,  1700;  m.  Oct.  2.-;,  1»10,  Lamberton  Tolls  of  Plvmouth,  Conn. 
1,  Poi.T.v,  i>.  Sept.  20,  1S23.  2,  Oitiax,  March  18,  1S27.  3,  Hakkii;t,  "Sejjt.  2,  1830; 
all  unm.  ami  liv.  with  ])arents. 

'-^    HI.      Polly.  I>.  Xov.  14,  1707;   in.  Josiah,  s.  of  Joel   Truesihdl   of    Bristol,  Conn.      (2) 
Thomas   Miller.      /.    by  l.-~t    m. ;      I,   J(ii:r,.     2,    Liriir.i:.     3,    M  KiirrAhi.K.      ;'.    i)y2dm.: 
4,    1>ANIF1,  H.      5,    M,\j;n   II.      All  living  al  Claysville,  Pa. 
1\'.      Sallv.  Jan.  31.  ISOO;   m.  Orrin  Jerome;   res.   Wis. 

T  UTILE.  C3 

1S816.     Lydia,  Tuttle,  m.  Caleb  Bhike.slee  of  Ruwf,  Mass.,  s.  of  Seth. 

I  Eiios,  ]).  F<-b.  ■-.''•J,  r(>!o;  d.  ^Nluich  2(j,  1S~7;  ni.  ryi\tliia,  dan.  of  Hiw'uili  H>(1- 
fiflfl  who  a  j'iin.  1(1,  IS-io',  a.  oS.  1,  Cynthia,  b.  March  i'j,  lyOG;  in.  A])ri]  20,  lS2tJ, 
Jiule  S  Tuttlr.  [4J  2,  Nancy  I.angdox.  b.  in  ll.ath.  Muss.  ;5,  AN'.y.r.iN  \  Koxaxa. 
4    C\'i.Ki5.  1).  iriclinioivl,  Ma.-.s.     o,   UooEii,  -b.  in  Iluwe,  Sf])t.   9,  1821. 

II.  ilorace,  Oct.  19,  IT^O. 

III.  Auveliii,  .luiK-  11,  ITs.t?. 

IV.  Elson,  Aug.  25,  1791. 

V.      Kdwaiil;  tlu-  ouly  one  of  this  Faiii.  liv.  in  isTS. 
XL     Jared. 
VI  i.      (.•aruliiu-. 

13G9.     Josiah  Tuttle,  y.miitiod  by  mistake.!,    pr-b.   v]d.   s,    of    l?.n;  m.  in  Water - 
burv    Conn.,  .liuif  2<i.  1V4(.).    Nuonii,  dan.  of  W  iiliani  Lnddington  ot  \v  .      lit'  d.  Sept. ^2, 
17-iy.     She  m.  (2)  Dec.  6,  17."jl,  (iidei.n  Allen  of   W.  and   had   St)lo!non,   b.    Oct.  7,  173:i. 
I.      Kli/abeth,  b.  May  5.  i742. 
11.      William,  b.  Jan.   14.  17-1:J.- 

III.  Aniv,  b.  May  o,  174."i. 

IV.  Il.'>-ekiah,  b.  Aprd  T.  1747.  .  ,  ■     , 
V.     Levi,  1).  Mav  y.  1749;  (Eleanor  Tuttb',  adnix.  of   est.  of    Eevi    I  uttle  of   Eircl>- 

fiold   Conn  ,  .Ian.  1,  r7s7). 

Oneol'  the  abnvf  b-nns  ..f  .b.siah  was  f.  of  Je.-,!ah  'J'utile,  b.  Feb.  11,  l.,4;  fron; 
Conn,  to  Sh.-idnn.  Vi.:  farmer;  ni.  in  15raudon,  Vt.,  Feb.  10,  1795,  Sarah  Ann  U  eek.s, 
1-    Dec    2'*    177'';  d.  M;'v  !),  bslT:  cltil.  bap.  in  Sheldon. 

l'  "  'n;;;iuk'fnl,  b.  i)ec.  20,  l79t);  m.  B.'njainin  Wa.^her  of  Slieklon.     1,  Jumau,  r.  .>. 
CUntonvid",  N    \.     2.  J  kI'EDTah,  res.  Mi.-'souri. 

II  \nna  b  \n^r  19,  1^00;  m.  Jonathan  IJor.rdnum  of  Burliuaton,  \t.;  (2)  .Iannis 
C-trtis'of'ciarrncevilk-;  C.  E.  1,  Makta.  2,  Sakau  Ann;  m.  lb;^l  Landou  of  S... 
Hero  Vt  i  bv  2d  m. :  S.  Ei.i/.a;  ni.  Joseph  Galla-her  of  Albur-h,  ^t  4,  Anna. 
5    IUkjuct:  nl.  McFie  of  Clarencevilh-,  C.  E.     <!,   Uknriktta.  twin  with  Hamet. 

'  HI  ]e'i"«iiah  b  \n^-  22,  1nU2;  woolon  manuf. :  after-Aard  a  nierch.  m  i.ssex.  v  i. ; 
m  Eli/a  B.mrdman.  1,  Ann  Ei.iza,  d.  March  10,  1S51.  2,  LrnA  Ai.MniA,  m.  Jere- 
n\iah  French  of  Burlington,  Vt.  :}.  .^i.nur)'  Chai-man,  r.-s.  Ih.rlnurton;  arni;':i:,t.  4, 
ilOHVCi:  Boauuman.  d\  Sept.  1.  is64.  . 

IV  Sarah  Ann,  b.  Nov.  12,  1S04:  d.  ISl^:  ni.  Albert  (hapman  ot  C  laren.-oN  dJ*-. 
1.  11ai';riit  Sophia.  2,  Maktiia  Mauia.  ;i,  Sahaii  Avis,  m.  Hawks  ot  Aiempms, 
'iVnn       4     Ai.i'.KHT  Tr-pTLK.  ni.  F.  E.  t'orry.   re--.  London.  C.   \N  .  ,,,,,■ 

V  Sheldon,  b.  Jan.  1,  IsOS;  .1.  July  7.  Im'.I):  n.i.  Ceo.  ]■  arrer  ot  Lerkhhirt'. 
Vi  1  IUnnvu  1>  1S29-  ni.  1>49.  !•',.  ^^^  Einirman  of  Bristol,  Wis.  1,  I'ntnkh.,  ■>. 
IS  .1  '-^  'M-id'i  i'J"  and  AJ"  twins,  b.  is.j.'L  so  nearly  alike  that  intin-iate  family  fnend.s 
c-m  see^uo  ditlVrence  and  their  own  mother  ofien  niistake.s  one  for  tlie  other, 
<nnnces  of  a  vervauuwn- character  often  iv.saU.  2.  JusiAU  Ttni.i:.  b.  l.v,i  on  an. 
island  in  St.  John's  Kiver",  Ca. ;  d.  of  cons.,  lSo2;  was  editor  and  proprn-tor  ot  a  news- 
paper in  Wa.'^hintrlon  Co.,  Wis.:  a  man  of  capacity,  quick,  wit  ar.<l  luuno--; 
in  in  Bristol  1^6(1,  Marv  Thor]).  dan.  of  Herman  Stiles  Thorp  and  his  wt.,  F»«-.y.  ^^■hos,^ 
f  'is  the  sole  survivor  of  the  sis^uers  of  the  Couth,  of  Conn.,  ISls.  j..  (mly  cluld:  ], 
/;<<>,■'/<'   b    1857;  stud.  law.     3,   LrcY  Hta.EN.  b.  Munn.e,  Mudi.,  IN-L);  d..  a.  b. 

SV  Josiah,  b.  Jan.  5.  islO:  nurch.;  many  yrs.  Mem.  Vt.  L.'ir.;  unm.;  res  Essex. 
VlT  John  Ebene/.er.  b.  Nov.  7.  1812;  sailor  and  Capt.  nn  tie-  Lakes  :3U  vrs. ;  then  a 
farnnr  in  Salem,  Wis.  "  A  jcdly,  whole-souled,  man,  wnlely  km.^vn 
and  r.spected;"  m.  is:",:),  in  <  lev.-land.  O.,  Jane  »i.  Lyon,  who  d.  thr.  Aug^  1S4.,;  U) 
.lulv  19  ].S44,  Eliza  Ann  Arvis:  .v  i.  by  2d  m.  1,  >Luua  L.  b.  Nov.  9  1^40:  m.  Oct. 
■  I  fsr.O 'John  Howe  lVnedicT,M.[>.,b,  Aj-rd  s  Is.Ki:  grad.  Med.  (ok,  Cmcnnati,  O  ; 
r^s.  nauby.  Conn.  1.  /.-v/  ^^..b.  ism.  :.  J..^i  T..  b.  ISIJS.  2,  Infant,  b.  amid. 
Aug.,  Isi:'.. 

14  Sarah  Tuttle,  b.  Jan.  22,  ir.Di;  m.  S.-pt.  10.  Kjs,-,,  .Inhn.  s  of  Henry  niuuis- 
um  of  N.'  11.;  s.-t".  lu  No.  Hav.  Inv.  July  2.  iiV.H--:  Thomas  Tuttle,  SamueM  laric, 
Sa.muol  Tuttif,  Sr..  appraisers. 

I       .lohn,  1>.  Oct.  24.  l('»s(',;   m.  llaiinuh  lh\y. 
H       Lvdia,  1>.  A|.ril  1,  ins9. 
11!       Sarah    b.  Anril  S.  ]i\'.K\:  m.  Mnv  2i;,  !711.  Jam-s  Lradley. 
1\'      James    b    >iav  7,  li;9i;;  m.  Jan.  7.  1719,  Sarah  Arwaler. 

G4  BKAKCH    OF   JollX. 

14.1.     John  Illimiston,  Oct.  24,  IGXIJ;   i.i.  Juih^23,  1711,  Haanah  Kay;  ivui    17;]() 
fiuiu  No.  lluv.  to   Xortlitifld  (^Piyiuoiuli;.  Coim.,  uhr.  he  was  voti-d  into  tlie'sd  scat'of 
ill.- meeting  housi- in  iroJ       In  ]7;-i7  lie  conv.  toTlios.  ("ooj.rr  land  in  X.  IT.  lai.ioutto  hi.s  t 
John  Humiston.      He  d.  \)cr.  7,  17()7:  will  dated  Jan.  4,  17(;.j:  nnis.  wf.  Hannah    4  .s< 
John,    David,   ealeb,  ;Ephraim,  dau.-^.' .Mary  (Dorr  V);   record  ilh'ixil.h-:    Sarah  Tutt'lc  and 
Hannali   Ailing:    s.    ]''.nniiai  excc ;    H<t,j.  'J"runih;ill    wit.      ^Vill   of  wid.  Hannah   dated 
Nov.  8,  1771;  prov.  1787;  nms.  4  ss.  and   :-!  ni.  dauy.    as  above:  Jienj.   'i'rnnih-.ill    TIuks 
Afan.stield  and  Stejihen  Jacobs  wit. 

..  .Vpril  8.  171:]:  rem.  to  IMyniouth:  d.  Mav  2o,  1781;  sup.  f   o(  1    M  uiY 
l7(;-i.   Ashur,   ^.   of  Jac.if.  and  Elizabeth   Barnes  Elakeslee,  b.  Ma 





.  abt. 



1;   m 
















,  b.  Feb.  -JO.  171.">;   m.  Xov.  1,  17;^.S,  Su.-^'inna  T.^dd  [Gl 
b.  JuiieliO,  171S;  m.   Hev.  Kdward  Di.rr. 

.    b.    Jan.   ;-;0,    1720:    n..    Hiirh   Bas.sett:    res.    Plvniotith.      ]      Dwin      9 
to    SoLithwick,    Mass.     S,    Joki.,    nni.    to    S.    "4,     Lyj)i.\,'iu     ■i'imotiry 
Atwi\U-v  {a,<(e).     o.   H\xx.vH.     (i,   Uhoda,  b.  17.j1;  d.  .Vug.  U!.  is;;];  -^    ^q.  ,„_  i)g,._  o,- 
1774,  Jacob,  s.  of    Elihu   and   Rebecca  Stanley  Dai4:trett  of   Atiieboro,   Muss  •    b    Min-'l' 
1748;  d.  Feb.  H,  KfKI;   Henry  Da-gett.   Jr.,   adm.   (^app  ;     I,    S:<r,'h,   b.   Jan.'>>,  177fj'  d' 
Nov.  9,  i8o2;  a.  7(1:  ni.  IJrv,  Sherman  John.son;  Y,  ('.  ls02:  d.  180G;  4th  jyastor'sd  dm^:^ 
chli.  in  .Milford,  t'onn.      1,    PLOger  Sherman,  h    LSOo;  d,  Jan.,  184'J;  a.  44;  m.  CathariiTe 
Woodman:  tin-  wid.  rem.  frotn    X.    H.  v.'ith  her  dau.  and  soon  d.     (1).   Sh'ei'nn^n,  d.  a  v 
man.     (3).  S;u-ah  t". ,  m.  Stuart  Barnes  and   soon  rem.     2,  Clnmncty,  b.  June  7    l'77'9-  in 
Mehitalde  Mulford.  wlio  d.  July,  isr)4:   a.    75.     ;!,    Rrhcni,   b.   Dei-    14    178!    'd    >iarch 
2(i,  ISIH;  m.  Xai'thalia  Daggett,  who  d.  Aj-.iil  4.  181:^:  a.  44.      1,   Xanni,  b.  Mav  27    \i<4- 
d.  Aug.  14.  1S(J7:  m.  May  27,    1S41,    li.-nuett  Brouson,   2.1   cous.,   bus."  ;jd   \\[ '{,,■■] nt)     7' 
Bkd]-.,  m.  Piiihard  At  water. 

V.  Sarah,  b  Sept.  10.  172o:  ni.  Xov,  19,  1  74(',  Tln-mas '  who  d.  1749  ,2). 
1752,  Samuel  Tattle,  {ontt).  1,  TiTcs,  b.  May  ;J0,  1741;  m.  Sarah  Blakeslee  and  had  • 
among  others:  1,  Ilhoda,  m.  Dec.  '6,  1705,  Joseph  Hileazer  Camp.  b.  in  Bethh-heni' 
Conn.,  A])ril  (!,  17(50;  Y,  C.  1787;  stud,  wiih  Rev.  Dr.  Smallev;  ord  and  inst.  1795  at 
Northfield,  J.itohfield  Co.,  Conn.;  dismissed  1837,  and  d.  thr.  ^[av  27,  I808.  1  Alilert 
Barlow,.  Feb.  IG,  1797;  clergyman;  m.  Feb.  3,  1829.  Mary  .Ann  Wild-'r  of  RindW,  "dm 
d.  ISijO.  (2)  Frances  Ann  Stearns  of  Boston;  res.  Krisioi,  Conn.,  in  1SG9.  2,"  Halnii 
(I'arwood,  June  14,  17it9;  m.  Oct.  29.  1845,  Louisa  A)in  (lark  of  X..  v,  ho  d  rs4s,  ,2) 
Jane  Fidelia  Xorton:  res.  Baraboo,  Wis.  He  is  a  Col.  of  militia  and  a  macistrute  3 
David  Bu.-hrod  Washington,  Feb.  8,  lf-04:  .M.D. ;  ni.  Fanny  J.  Fox.  4,  Klizab.-th  S.  ^ 
March  ii,  1807:  m.  Nehemiah  Iveml>erly  of  West  Haven,  Conn.  5,  Jose]d'i  W..  b.  Mar'cli 
12,1809;  ni.  Lucy  A,  Brewster;  res,  Baraboo,  Wis.  0.  .labcz  .Mc'Call,  1).  June  2()."  I'sil ; 
ni.  Mary  llcaton;  res.  Catnpville,  Conn.  2,  .\LK\A.\ni:i;.  Xov.  25,  174-3,  C,  .fosse  Oct" 
7,  174'!;  m,  MiT.-li  29.  1774,  Phebe  Humiston.  \j)',sf\  12  (dul.  4,  S,u:.\ii,  Ju'lv  21,1749. 
VI.  Kiihraim.  1).  Dec.  5,  1T:.;U:  m.  1,),  c.  1,  1757,  Su.sanna  Ba.ssett.'  Hi's  will.  daV. 
Feb.  8,  1802,  juov.  lyOii,  <d'  No.  Hav.,  nins.  wf..  Siisanna,  dau.,  Sarali,  dau.,  Susanna 
-Mix,  sons.  Ephraim  or  Abraliam,  .loci.  Street  and  Caleb;  Benj,  Trumbull,  Giles  Pier- 
pont,  Peter  Eastman,  wit. :  est.    div,    1SU7.      1,  Joirx,    b.    Oct.    ;:J,    1758.     2.  's.\i;\u      •^, 

Sus.inna;  ni. Mix.     4,   Efiik.m.m  A.,  rem.  fmm  North  Haven  tn   Wall injrf ord  and 

ni.  Ihtiuce,  ilau.  of  Jolm  and  Lois  Bead.s   Hull:  set.  on  the  old  Ht-nrv  and  Russell  farm 
and  d.  thr.      1,   S!u-rh>cl.-.     2,   Ilinnn.     :;,   Du'.nn.     4.    Willis,   has  l)econie  wealthv;' res 
Tvuy.  \.  Y.—  /).'vis  J/ixf.   Wir/l.     5,  .loKi..     G,   Sti;i:i;i',  b.  June  28,  1771.     7.   Calki"., 
Vll.      Hannah,  twin  with  l^phraim;  m.  April  (i,  1752,  l-'.jdiraim  .\lling. 

1412.  Caleb  rfumiston,  b.  IVb.  20,  1715;  cd  Humiston  Hill,  Plvmouth,  Conn 
In  17(;5,  communicant  i>i  Waterlmry  chh.,  and  d.  thr.  March  G.  177G;  bu.  Plynn)utl; 
Ilollosv;  m.  Nov.  1,  17o^,  Sus.mna,   dau.  of   Dea.    Samuel   'l'..dd   [(11     b     Die    7    l"7i,S-  d" 

Srpr.  24,    180G.  ' 

1.      Jrs:::e,  b.  \h-r.  12,  1 7;!9 :  d.  .soon. 

II.      Sarah,  b.  D,c.  9.  1742:  m.  17G1,   Stephen  Bn.nson. 
HI.      Ih'nmJi    llumist.)ii.    l>.    June    25,    1715;  d.    Dec.    IG,    17SG:   n 
s.  of  Danii'i  Lord  of  Lym.-.  Conn.,  ii.  .Apii!   4.  1742.      He  in.   (2)  -ian. 
Di-kins,,n.      lb- d.  Dec.  22.  Isi ; .  a.    75.      1,    E(.i:'-..\i;i:Tir,    b,     \piil    4 
l^-2^',     2.;.  b.  1771:  d..    Per.  1-1 ,    I7s(;.     :;,    PiiivKAs.   b.    Sept. 
10,  lS-12.     4.    P\Trv.  b.  Sept.  2,  17S2:  m.  .1.  Sicvm^.     5.    11  \.\x.ui,  1-. 

IV.     Susariiia.  b.  ,Iun<-  19,  1747:  m. Hun.^'-i'rford. 

V.     Jesse,  b.  Dec.    1,  17411:  m.  Abi-aJl  Blakeslee. 
VI.      M.diitable,  b.  Jan.  1,  1752;  n\".  1770,  Isaac  Fetui. 

.     l>e 

<■.    !i 

'5,    1 


10.    1 





:  d. 


e    9. 



:  d. 





IIl.MISTOX.    liJlONSON.  65 

VII,     CoiitiMit,  b.  Auof.  :^,  lTr)4;  d.  Fob.  8,177o,    uniu. 

Vm'      I'lH'br    b    !>(■(•. "o,  IT.IC);  (I.  Oct.  o,  1844;  ni.  Marcli  20,  1774,  .Jpssf,  s.  of  Tlioiiuis 
Tuine!-of  New  Haven:  d."  AjTil  ID.  isyi,  a.  87.      1.   I^,  b.  Oct.  (i,  1774:  d.  May  OG. 
1843      2    e'vi.Ki;,  Ort.  '2-:!,  lT7iJ.     :]  and  -I  d    iuf.     ."l.    l.rci.\D.\,     (i.  IJdNA.s a.     7,  N-\Nrv. 
8,  (~A[.viN.  Ks(V     <.).  Hknkv.     10.   lIiiiAM.     11.  Lt:(  V.     12,  Saijaii. 
IX.      ,\r,nc.  h.  Julv  2i,  n.-.'.':   in    1  77"),  Samuel  Sn' litT. 
X.      Maitlia,  b.  IK-e.  '20,  i;t;2:   ni.  1781,  I>anifl  Tetter. 
14122.     Sarah  Humiston,  I^'c  '■<.  1742:  d   .h.ly27,  1^22;  n.    May  17,  17G4,  Dea. 
Stephen  Bionsjuof  W  aterbury.      H<' d.  I>ec-.   b"),  bHV,!. 

I.     Marcia.  b.  ]^'-r.  17.  ]7r)4:  m.  ;7U4,  .lohn  Kin.irsbury. 
U.      Jesse,  i..  .hine'.l.  Hilli:  d,  Feb.  4,  17><S.  unni.  •    • 

III.  .bihn.  b.  .\ii:r.  1,  !7iiS:  d.  .Ian.  22,  1782. 

IV.  Su-iuna,  le  V'.<-.  27,  177(i:  d.  On.  21.  177:5. 

V      Content  Hnmi-ton.  b.  .Mav  14,  177:;:  d.  Maicli  2'<.  IMIG.  unni. 
VI.      Bennett,  b.  Nov.  14,  1775;  m.  1^01,  Anna  8niiiU.     (2)  1820,  Flizabeil,  Maltby. 
(3)  1841,  Xanov  Dairtrett,     {•'i>f':) 

VII.  Susanna,  b.  .Vj-ril  (!.  17s(i:  d.  July  14,  IMl:  m.  June  '23.  180.:..  Jcsepli  Burton 
of  W.  1,  Mahcia.  in.  June  27.  INJt.l.  Willard  Spenrer.  1,  Sii.s,/,/.  b.  Sept.  22.  18:J1. 
2,  Firdi  i-irj,  .1.,  b.  Ni-v.  7,  1  >->>.  3.  Jnxi pli  Ji..  b.  X(.)v.  27,  \>^-U\;  ni.  .lulia  V..  dau.  of 
Charles  Warner.'  t'omterlv  nf  Saii.^burv,  Conn.  1,  Cora  S.,  \>.  Ur\.  i;j,  IMJj;  d.  Xov.  2u. 
1872.  2.  Sophia  B..  b.  Mar(di  21i,  18li7:  d.  Aug.  2.'),  ]8i;7.  I,  \Vi//i</r.t  A.,  b.  Jan.  24, 
184U;  m.  Jan.  lU,  isi^d.  .\ua:usta  Fdaekuian.  1.  Catharint-  L.,  i>.  Oct.  1,  I8(if).  2.  Wil- 
lard.'b.  Feb.  21,  1870;  d.  July  21.  1870.  8,  Marcia  B.,  b.  July,  ls72.  .■),  Jfnr//  /•;.,  b. 
Oct. '28,  1847;  d    Jan.  1^.  187>.. 

141221.  Marcia  Bron.son,  l'.  I'-e.  17,  1704.  d.  Mareh  21,  ISi;'.;  m.  Xov.  o.  17<.M, 
John,  e^.  of  Xatlianitl  Kini:-<l)ury nf  \V.,  b.  Franklin,  Conn.,  1  H-c.  oO,  l,tl2;  V  (  .  I.nC;  d. 
Autj.,  1^11.  iu  V.  at  the  liouse  ()f  lii-<  son-in  law  W'ni  Brown,  with  whom  he  liad  !-:evei'al 
yr-s!"  I'e.-i.  At  the  a-'o  of  .sfvuteeu  lu'  was  s.'u:  to  hi-  umh-.  Dr.  Charh'<  HarJuis,  an 
eminent  minister  of  Somers,  Conn.  XeKt  yr.  entert'd  Y.  <'..  Init  soon  left  and  engaged 
as  a  marine  on  board  a  j)rivateer;  made  two  cruises  and  assisted  in  takii:--  two  pri/.e<: 
during  his  lar-t  cruise  be  was  dantrer<nislv  sick.  He  again  entered  Y.  C.  aicl  1  78H. 
In  17SS  entereil  the  Law  Seluxf  of  Je.dge  lit-eve,  and  in  1700  admitted  iu  th.e  bar  of 
Lit(ddudd  Co.  lb- set.  next  vr.  in  W.  and  was  Town  Clerk  from  170:;  to  l.>-d«:  Ju>t;ee 
■  of  tlie  I'eare  from  1700  to  i^:J0;j;ep.  in  \.C"S.  17  times.  1700-181:;;  Judi^e  of  Probate. 
1801-18:54.  and  Judge  of  Co.  Court,  the  la>T  vear  ]>resjding  Judge,  lS()l-l.s20.  He  was  a 
verv  j)opultP.-  and  woithv  man.- — 7>r'.,//.v/,;,".v'  Jfixt.  "f  It  :!tn-U>ivii. 

■  I  Charle.-  I)-'niii">on.  b.  Xov.  7.  V^)■y.  m.  M:nvl,  :'..  1^21.  Fli/.a,  dau.  or  Fre.lerirk 
Leavenworth  1,  Fkedkukk  Joirx.  b.  Jan.  1,  18-j;;:  Y.  C.  1840.  Stud,  law  at  ^  ah 
and  in  the  otliee  of  Hon.  CharU-s  G.  Loring  of  Bo>tou;  admitted  to  tlu-  Suffolk  (  <>. 
(IVston)  bar  March  10.  1848;  afterwards  si)ent  seven  nios.  in  the  otlice  of  Th.)s.  C. 
Perkins  of  (/onn.  Opened  an  ot1i'-e  in  Watevbury  in  spring  ui  1S40:  Hep.  in  Conn.  Leg. 
1850,  and  obtained  a  chart. -r  for  a  savings  bank  which  he  ha-,  continued  to  mana-e  .-im-,- 
that  time,  and  v.-hich  probablv  inriuon<'ed  the  future  bu^ines.s  of  his  life.  In  18-):^,  m 
connr-.^ion  with  the  hit.-  Abraham  \x^^,  he  establisln-d  thr  Citizeus'  Bank,  now  the 
Citi/eus'  Xational  Bank  of  Waterbnry,  of  which  he  is  still  Pres.  Betinng  from  the 
practice  of  lav.-,  baukiii-  was  his  prineipal  business  until  1808,  when  Vi-  became  Pre.-,  ot 
the  Sroville  .Maiuif.  Co.,  to  which  lie  has  since  devot.-d  a  large  part  of  his  time.  He  i> 
also  Treasurer  of  the  Bronsou  Librarv.  which  has  a  permauont  fund  of  S2O0.000.  and 
Director  an<l  Tru.-te.'  in  various  ot]ier'bu<inc.-s<  .  n^'-'ous  and  ]uibhc  eorp.u'a- 
tions.  He  wa;>  a  mem.  <d"  the  State  Lou-.,  IS.-jO.  l^^S  ae.d  ls05,  M-rving  the  last  two  yrs. 
as  Chairman  of  the  (.'.nu.  on  l^ank-.  In  1^0.5  he  wa-  of  the  Com.  <.n  the  ivvisuui  ot  the 
statutes  of  Conn,  lb-  has  tak.ii  an  active  part  in  the  publi<-  improvements  ot  tin-  town, 
and  his  name  ha-  b,  ,'n  brou-ht  forward  in  connection  with  .some  .,f  the  highest  offices 
in  the  state,  but  he  lia-  no  in.dination  for  ]..ditical  life,  and  seeks  relaxation  frcuii  busi- 
ness in  literarv  oc.up.atious  and  iu  lo.-al  public  aliairs.  He  was  elected  a  uiei.i.  of  the 
cori.  of  Y  C."iu  June,  l<si  :  m.  April  20.,  .\lathia  Buth.  dau.  of  ^\  m.  H.  Scoville.- 
b.  March  21,  1^2>.  1.  Wiilia,!,  Ch<i,-hs.  b.  July  2,  IS-"):;;  <1.  March  2,  lsG4.  2,  JAn-.v 
Euin'r.',  b.  June'.).  18.'"j0.      ;!.    EtHth  iJinix,  b.  Fei).  0,   1800.     4,   Fmhrirk  John,  b.   July 

?,  i8o;;. 

'Succeeded  his  elder  bro..  1.  >L  Scovillc.  in  the  business,  which  has  t)ccome  one  of  the  JarpeM  and  irost 
prosperous  in  Waierbury,  known  as  ihe  Scovillc  Manuf.  Co. 

60  liKAXClI    OP    JOIIX. 

II.  Julius  Jesse  Bronson  Kingbury,  h.  Oct.  18,  1797;  stud,  with  Kev.  Dr.  Heinirtt 
Tyler,  tlien  of  So.  Britain,  Conn..  Kev.  Mr.  Harf  of  Plymouth,  and  Rev.  Daniel  Parker 
of  Ellsworth,  Conn.  In  lW]y,  throui;h  inlluenceof  Hon.  David  I)aygett,  tlu.'u  L".  S.  Se!i., 
was  app.  Cadet  at  West  Ft.  Mil.  Acad,  wiir.  he  grad.  and  was  attaidied  as  2d  Lieut.  t<') 
2d  Keir.  Inf.:  ordt-red  with  a  detachment  of  troojjs  to  Sault  de  St.  Marie,  at  tlu^  outlet  of 
Lake  Su]ierior,  to  assi't  in  building  Fort  Brady.  Here  he  reniaint-d  three  or  four  vears 
under  Major  (Col.)  Cutler,  during  which  time  (wliile  on  leave  of  aljscncc  to  the  East) 
he  ni.  Jane  C.  Stebliins,  sis. -in-law  of  Capi,  W.  Becker,  also  of  the  2d  Kegt.  He  was 
next  ordered  with  a  detachment  by  sea  to  New  (Jrleaus  and  Nacogdoches.  Afterward 
stationed  for  a  time  at  Mackenaw  and  Fort  ( iratiot.  During  the  Black  Hawk  war  in 
1832  lie  was  at  Chicago,  attached  lo  the  Commissary  Dt'part.  and  saw  much  hard  and 
dangerous  service.  While  there  he  luuight  for  seven  hundred  d()]lar<  almut  tliiitv-six 
acres  of  land  on  the  nortli  east  branch  of  the  Chicago  Biver  near  its  junction  with  the 
south  In'anch:  also  al)out  two  acres  on  the  .south  side  of  the  niain  river;  the  latter  tract 
in  tlie  heart  of  the  present  city,  and  the  former  but  a  little  \*-ay  distant.  The  land,  after 
much  litigatitm.  is  still  in  y)o.«session  of  the  fam.  and  of  great  value.  Wlieu  the  pur- 
chase was  made  in  1^32  Chicago  contained  \>ut  five  small  stores  and  two  hundred  and 
fifty  iidiahilants.  The  present  ••Kingsbury  Square"  was  named  for  him.  He  was 
afterward  at  Fort  Niagara:  later,  during  the  disturliance  on  our  north  eastern  frontier, 
he  was  stationed  at  Hancock  Barracks,  Houlton,  Me.,  thence  to  Tampa  Bay.  Fla! 
(Seminole  war)  where  he  remained  tliree  yrs.,  (excepting  a  short  interval),  and  his  con 
stitution  was  so  broken  by  tlie  climate,  exposure  and  fatigue  that  he  never  recovered. 
Oil  his  return  to  the  north  he  was  stationed  at  Sackett's  Harbor  and  afterward  a  second 
time  at  Fort  Brady.  Thence,  early  in  1847,  to  join  (ien.  Scott  by  Vera  Cruz,  assistinir 
in  the  capture  of  that  place,  and  more  or  less  engaged  in  all  the  battles  on  the  march  to 
the  city  of  Mexico.  For  goad  conduct  in  one  of  these  engagenumts  he  was  breveted. 
Throughout  thecampaign  he  acted  as  Lieut.  Col.  of  hi.->  regt .,  thouirh  l)v  rank  onlv  a  Capt, 
\Miile  convalescing  from  a  .severe  attack  of  l)  fev.,  (ien.  Scott  sent  him  home  on 
sick  leave.  In  Dec  1848,  ordered  with  a  part  of  his  retrt.  to  California,  where  he 
remained  two  yrs.;  while  there  was  promot.d,  and  tr;snsferred  to  (Uh  ]{"gt.  In  18."")0  lie 
returned  lunne.  too  much  out  of  health  for  duty,  and  spent  the  next  two  yrs.  at  Wash- 
ington and  at  the  East  on  sick  leave.  Then,  on  his  way  to  St.  Loui-^,  was  detained  at 
Detroit  by  sickness,  where  he  spent  the  winter  of  l8.')2-o.  ^^■hile  there,  owing  to  some 
misunderstanding  with  the  War  De))t.,  not  impeaching  his  integrity  or  honor,  his  name 
was  stricken  from  the  anny  roll.  Considering  liimself  unfairly  treated  he  declined  to 
make  any  explanation  or  hold  any  communication  witii  the  Dejit.  Before  he  died, 
liowever.  he  settled  all  his  accounts  with  the  Covi.  and  received  a  balance  that  was  due 
him.  He  d.  at  Washington,  when  on  the  j.oint  of  leaving  for  the  Ea^t,  of  a  mali'.-nant 
dysentery,  .Inly  23.  lNo(i.  According  to  his  ex])rfssed  wishes  his  remains  were  brought 
to  Waterbury  and  buried  in  the  old  ground  l)v  the  side  of  his  fatiu-r's.  1,  W.\i,tku. 
2,  ![t:m;v  \V..  b.  Dec.  2'),  1837:  grad.  We<t  Point.  3.  Maky  J.wk.  m.  M.ay,  18o0, 
Capt.  Simon' Buckner,  V.  S.  A.;  afterward  a  (ien.  in  Confe.lerate  Army.  Shed.  abt. 
1870  at  Elizabethtown,  Ky.,  leav.  an  ojily  dan. 

HI.     Joh.n   Southmavil   Kinysburv,  b.  Nov.    18.   1801;   m.   Jan.   25,   1827,   Al)l>ie   H.. 
dan.  of  Daniel  Hayden.      1,  .I.\,\if.s  D.,   b.   Nov.  22,    1^27;  d.  Mav  7.  1831.     2.  (iEOi;(;r; 

B.,  b.  Sept.  S.  IS-H);  !,!.  of  East  Bloomfleld,  N.  Y. :  she  d.  leaving  1  cli.     3,   .Makia 

A.,  b.  .May  1,  1S32;  m.  May  1.    ISoi).  Ware;   (2;  in   1874 Lefevre  of   New 

Hochelle.  .\.  Y.  i  by  1st  m.:  1  ch..  ll'tri nl.  4.  Svr.vrA  E.,  b.  Sejjt.  7.  1^34;  m.  Mav 
1,  l.So4,  Elizur  D.  (iriggs.  i.  K'.anjHth  Si.\K\.J<ii,c.  o.  Jamks  l).,b.  Sei>t.  7.  IsioC;  d.  Jan. 
lit,  1S37.  (1,  IlAitRiKT  A.,  b.  June  lo.  1S39:  unm.  7,  Ai;i;ik  S  ,  b.  .June  2<»  1S42  s 
John  J    D.,  b.  July  27,  1>^45. 

\\  .      Sarah  Susanna  Kingsbury,  b.  Nov.  (i.  1807;  d.  May  oil,  1)^40:  m.  Wm.  Brown. 

141226.    Bennett  Bronson,  b.  Nov.  14,  1774:  d.  Dec  ii,  I8.')0:  >tud.  witli  i^-v. 

Jolm  Foot  of  (  lie.-hir.  ,  Conn.;  grad.  \.  C.  17'.J7.  In  17!(S  appt.  1st  Lieut,  in  Provisional 
Army  id'  V .  S.  ami  began  recr\iiting  sf-rvice  May.  I7!i',).  His  regt.  with  tv.-o  others 
quarter-'d  at  Scotch  Pl.nii:s.  N.  -1. :  \lisliundeil  in'  Cuej-ress  ISUO.  "  He  stud,  h'w  with 
Hon.  Noah  P..  Ileiiedict  of  Woodbury.  Conn.,  :uid"  in  1S02  admit,  to  Litchfield  Co.  bar. 
From  ISil!)  to  Isjs  annually  aj)pointed  .iustice  of  tin-  Pi^ace,  anil  again  in  1n27  and  tliree 
successive  yrs.;  afterwards  refusing  to  serve.  In  May.  1.S02.  (Uie  "of  the  Asst.  Judc-es  of 
New  llav.  Co.  Court  for  tw..  yi-s.  In  May,  1820,  Pep'  in  Leg.  fur  ^Yaterl)urv.  lit  1S14 
became  iuiere-ted  in  n,-,auuf.  InlSlSwas  ihe  1st  i>r-s  ef  ^he  new  Waterbur,'  Bank, 
and  held  the  otTn-e  until  his  dec.  lb'  was  u!i  extensive  lan.l  owner,  a  successful  farmer. 
a  good  lawyer  and  an  excelienc  man.  In.l'oi..  1  s;J:;,  h.'  united  with  the  clih.  of  v.hicdi 
his  f  .  g.  f.  ate',  gf.  jr.  f.  had  l)een  deacons  and.  was  himself  made  a  deacnn  in  l^;ls.      [b> 


spent  inucli  thiic  in  tVif  collection  of  facts,  liistorical,  genealogical  and  traditionary  in 
relation  to  the  early  history  of  Waterlmry,  lie  liegan  this  work  as  early  as  iH'iO  and 
pursued  it  at  intervals  daring  the  rest  (;f  his  life.  After  his  dec.  hiss.,  Dr.  Henrv 
Bronson  took  up  the  work  and  the  J/i^f'/rj/ nf  liV'^rA/zr^  was  published  in  ISoS.  IJe  m. 
May  11.  isni.  Anna,  dan.  of  Iticliard  Smith  of  Koxlmry.  Conn., and  sis.  of  Judge  Nathan- 
iel and  ll(jn.  Nathan  Smith  of  New  llav..  Conn.;  she  d.  March  -i,  1S19:  (2)  May,  i!<2(K 
.Elizaheth.  dan.  of  l>ea.  lienjamin  Malthy  of  Branlord,  Conn.;  she  d.  June  12,  ISlO;  (:^j 
Mav  27,  ]N41.  "Jd  coas. .  Nancy,  dau.  of  Jacoh  Daggett  and  g.  dan.  of  David  Iluiniston 
•of  N.  llav.;  shed.  Aug.  14,  1^(17:  a.  s:l 

I.      iieorgfj.  h.  Fell.  2:.  1S()2;  d.  -lulv  ',>1.  is^O. 

11.      Henry,  b.  Jan.  ;](i.  1SU4;   Y.  C.  .M.  S.,    IS^I;  Prof.   Mat.   Med.   and  'riiera]).    V. 

C  M.  S.,  1S4:;-.")-,*,  and  (s.");V()ti   I'res.  Mi-d.   Soc.   of  Conn.      Author  of  various  puldica- 

tions,  as  Add r,ss  to  Ct ndididf^i  h-r  M.  1).  ])i;ire< .  lS(i:',;  ]li'>g .  Xofis  of  Prof.  J^,n  //>.v, 

1807;   lAfi  <iod  Clioiui-fn-  'f  llin    Jldplt  1.  livji  i.-<,,l,  \H',?,;  Hist.  oft/,rf„f,f,'nitf,//treri'r 

in  Xi  ir  JLrr.,   \}<';2:    Srl,'nr,    u.s  II  J[,Ip,  r:    I  iilii  ritn ,,,-,     trxo    ]  fiitd  ril  in-i  :    [)ultl,    r/.s    C„„s,'/: 

mtor.  lS7t):  77/.  }[■'<,.  ji  Pr-'h't  m.  1^77;  77/.  Horlj,  Cor,  vniin  nf  of  Oou,..  and  oth-ir  papers 
in  the  colh-ctions  i.f  tlu-  N.  llav.  Col.  Hist.  Soc.  besides  nunicn.iiis  other  contributions 
to  medical  and  general  lit»'rature;  m.  June  8.  1S:11,  Sarah  Miles,  dau.  of  Sam'l  Lalhrop 
and  g.  dau.  of  Joseph  Lathro)).  D.  1>.,  of  West  Springfield.  Mass.  1.  S.\.MrEi,  L.XTiii.'oi'. 
b.  Jan.  \2.  1SH4;  V.  C.  is.i,');  m.  Nov.  :!(l.  isiil.  Fannie  E.,  dau.  of  Dr.  Tlios.  Sto.bhinl 
of  Sevmonr.  (.'unn.  1  and  0,  7>//'x.  b.  .\iig. -2!).  ISIVJ;  d.  ym.  day.  :),  'rin-ntas  Slinhlo rd. 
b.  Sept.  21.  ls(;4.  4.  .],,..lo},  llomnni.  b.  Dec.  27.  1S(;7.  o,  Slori/  lMh,_i\  1..  Sept.  ■:';j, 
l.^tiO.  <i.  S,ir:i]t  Fi-imr,.-'.  b.  (_)ct.  -21.  1S71.  -2,  (ii'.oiioK,  1).  Sept.  '-^.S.  \>^-M\:  d.  Jan,  :^l' 
1837.  :i  N.\Til.\N  S.urni.  1>.  N'.v.  -il).  ls;;7;  P.  H.  V.  C.,  18."/<J;  m.  May  8(i,  bssi.  Char- 
lotte Ann.  dau.  of  Burton  Pond  id"  "'orringf.ird.  Conn.;  d.  Dec.  7,  1S71;  (•>)  Marcii  li. 
1874,  Jennie  F..  dan.  of  Samuel  Camp  of  Plaintield,  Conn.  ('.  by  Ist  m. :  1,  Alu-c  ]'i,iid. 
V).  Any.  2.).  ist;-i.  '2.  //////■//  linrho,.  b.  Se-pt.  'i,  1S(54;  d.  J'un.'  .^.  IS').-).  ;:),  .J.,.s^,l, 
Lnthi'op.  b.  Aut;-.  ••32.  isr.l);  el'.  June  17.  isiO.  4,  Wilhn r  Xntloi  1, .  b.  Nov.  •2i),  1S70.  /. 
bv  2(1  m. :     .").  .],„iih  ('n,„p.  Ii.  Jan.  1».  ls7o.     4.   Stkimif.x  Hkm;y.  h.  I'Vb.  is.  ls44. 

III.  J.-sse,  b.  Feb.  s.  l8(i(i;  Y.  C. .  b^-JH;  M.D..  IS-J!*;  d.  uum..  Aju-il  14,  IKJI.  H.- 
"vvas  a  ]ihv.s.  in  Nn.   llav..   Cunn. 

lY.  ■Thomas..!-.  June  4.  INOS;  d.  April  -20.  b^"il :  Y.  ('.,  1N20;  an  Episc.  clergyuKin; 
in.  Feb.  1:1  ls:-)'.t,  Cvnthia  Elizabetli,  dau.  of  Cyrus  M.  Bai'ilett  of  llrtf..  Conn.;  \Vho  1!. 
.Jan.  '20.  ]Sr2.  a.  '^i.  1.  H.\iihii:t  Anna.  b.  Jn"ne2.  1S40;  m.  April  2s,  IS44,  Kev.  Pt-r.-r 
Voorliees  Finch  nf  (ireenlield.  Mass. :  r^-s.  Denver.  Col.  1.  /:V/7//.  b.  D,-c.  17,  l.s(i4.  2. 
lliiirii  ll"hart.  May  1,  ISCS;  d.  Jan.  lib  1S7;;.  :],  Kilicard  riroii.-^'o, .  b.  Jan.  :;,  ]S'7().  2, 
JuiJt*>  Hiiu.\i;r,  b.' A]^ril  :-!().  1SP2;  num.;  res.  \^'.  ;}.  l\in\-.\.i!D  Bk.nxett.  b.  June  12. 
184:j;  Y.  C.,  l.^(J5;  M.D. ;  unni.;  res.  N.  Y.  City. 

Y.      Elizabeth  Ann.  b.  March  :'>.  1M2;  d.  April  <>.  is  15;  unm. 

Yl,      Susanna,  b.  Feb.  2(i.  d,  Autr.  12.  1814, 

YIl.  Harriet  Maria,  b.  S.^or,  lH,"lSb-);  m.  Dec,  s,  is|l.  ZIna  K.,  (s.  of  Peter)  Mur- 
dnck  of  Meriden,  Conn,  1.  M'vkv  EMi:i.iM:,  b.  Oct.  S.  lsp2.  2,  Ci;i)Kf;K  Bko.vsu.n.  b. 
Febr  2:..  ISlii,     :-5.  Zina.  b.  May  1.  bs5ti. 

A'ln.      Pi.dierca  Taiutnr,  i).  F(4>,    1<>.    1S22;  m.    Douglass  F.,    s.    of   Lucius   Maltby   of 
Northford.  Conn.,  and  d.  .v.  i..  A  no-.  S.  1S4."}. 

IX.      Susan,  b.  Jan.   IK,  1S24, 

14125.     Jesse    Humiston,    b.    D.c    4,     17-W;  d.    Feb.    20,    D^:57;    m.   (2)   Ahigai! 
Blakeslee;  res.  Plymouth,  (.'onn, 
1.      Caleb,  d.  unm. 

11.  Sidnia.  b.  Aj-ril  22.  17S(3;  d.  May  IC,  1841;  ni.  Dec.  1.  1S(I7.  Sherman  Pierpont. 
{bro.  of  Jolni,  the  puet.  and  gt.  g.  s.  of  Ib-v,  James  of  New  Haven),  b.  June  20.  I7SH; 
farmer  and  manuf. ;  res.  LitchTn-ld  and  Farmiugton:  drowned  in  Lake  Erie,  ^lav  7. 
18o<i.  1,  MiNEKVA.  1>.  Sei)t.  4,  ISO'J:  d,  Aug,  27,  l.'^:)7.  at  Litchiield;  m.  Nov.  27,  l's27. 
Sherman  P..  s.  of  Dr.  Eeuben  S.  ^^'o.l,hva^l  (d'  \^■aterto\vn,  1.  liorlnl  P'uvpo,,i.  b. 
Is'M;!;  gra.l,  Forr  Eduard  Sem,,  ls.'")7;  ttachcr;  unm,  2.  Miif^rru  Purpohf.  b.  IS:)!;;  m 
Aj)ril.'is,"i7.  Caurboce  Judii  of  Watertown.  Conn.  2.  (iKDiniK,  May  21.  IS]!);  mnch.; 
Mem.  ('(inn.  L'-g. ;  res.  Bristid.  Conn, ;  m,  April  2b,  lS4(i,  Ciiroline  E..  dan,  of  Isaac 
C.  and  Eunice  M.  B»-ach  of  Plymouth.  Shed.,  .v.  /.  Jan  b'^.  1S74;  (2i  Jan.  1!).  is;.",. 
Marv  Titus  Ha/.cn. 

ill,  i'.'r.netf,  m.  F.^li,  2:'.,  182(>,  Emily  \Yarner,  1.  Bknxktt,  2.  MdiiKis.  y. 
Cvi,i;i;.     4.    F.Mirv, 

IV.  Mnrris.  m,  hJi/a  Clark,  1.  Va,\/.\\:v:\\\.  2,  M.xKTirA.  :'..  Er.iz.v,  d,  Oct,  20. 
1S72;  m,  Thomas  Sent.  1.  Morio),.  2.  FAIxu.  :],  KVo  II. ,  b.  Fe)).  14,  lS(i2.  4^ 

68  liKAXCIf    OF    JOHN. 

14126.  MehitabJe  Ilumiston,  b.  Jun.  1,  ITo'i;  d.  Nov.  -2'^,  18::25;  m.  Jfuy  7, 
177<t,  l>;'.a<   Fcim.  s.  ot    tlimaMs.      Iit-d.  Miik-Ii  is,  IS2."»:   ivs.   Wutcrtowii,  Coim. 

I.  1/tmis,  li.  Au>:.  ;iO,  ITTd;  m.  Ort.  ■.>;,  lT!t:>,  Mary  Cnrtis,  Slit- d.  Sept.  1(1.  1S47. 
1,  ],1MS,  1).  Dec.  2'.).  171M.  -J.  N atii.\mi;i.,  1).  Ffl..  IJ.'lT'.ii;.  :;,  J'.mu.v,  1'\-1).  i.  I7i)s' 
4,  Pun. II'  C'l  iciiN,  Dei-,  s.  isdO.  o.  NN'ii.liam  ili;M:v,  h.  Oct.  '21.  lS(i4.  (1.  M.miy, 
Oct.  (i,  1S(l(i,  7,  Makia,  s.  Mkiiitai-.i.i:,  (t,  Mi.\r,i;v.\,  \>.  Nov.  7  and  .'^,  isKj-  ,1  X,n-' 
Id,  17.  is,  ISlJi.      10.   Mkiiita);!.k  Maima,  li.  .Inly -js,  isi-..'. 

II.      Ahijali.  1).  Awne  'Jd.  lTr-3:  in.  Mny  lit,  17!i;!.  Hcxfnrd;   rmi.  to  Halt      Md 

III.  ,'\!fliitaldr,  1).  June  81,  ITTH:  in.  Siljis  liuoth.  'l.  Isvac  2,  Adimsox.  :]\ 
i^n.A^.     4.   Ifi  II!. 

IV.  Sahia.  !..  A])ril  '2,  177ii;  d.  July  !>.  lS(,!i.  a.  ^M;  ni.  Maivli  2*).  ISO!,  Aaron  Fonu 
jr.      IK'  (1.   Urt.   4.    His.      1,    Isaac,   h.    A]ifil    2V,.    iNO-.'.     2.   Bii;i;.    Au>r.    24,    1S04.     8' 
KosF.TiA.    1).    Ajird    1.7,    1^(.7       4.    Xanc  v    Ui-.xkokj).    h.    Nov.    17,    1^10.     5,   \Vii,i.ia.m 
Bkxnktt,  1).  .luly  11.  IMM;   re.^.    Plymoutli;   wealfhy   and    iinniiiDeiit ;   in.    .Maiy    K.  Ckil- 
ver.  and  liad  one  child,  !>.  .May  •J4.  ISC.S.     (i.   Ar.i.)\o.  res.  Ihirwinton,  <'or,ii. 

V.      Kosetta,  li.   Dec.  lI.  17^1;  in.  Artliony  Newton  and  liud  two  duus. 
\l.     I^ede.  1).  .Ian.  10,  17S(;;  m. Fuller:  d.  in  Kent.  Conn. 

14129.  Anne  Humiston,  K.  Jnly  24.  17o;i:  d.  .Funed,  lt;-2.j;  III.  .Julv  5.  177.5,  Sam- 
uel, s.  of  John  Sutlill.      He  d.  (Kt.  14,  1S::2n.  a.   7.s. 

I.      I'.etsey.  I).  Feb.  .^.  177H:  in.  Abel  Ilurd  and  had  4.  (diil. :   res.  Kent.  Conn 
II.      .Martha.  (.).n.  2U.  177S;   ni.  .lonathan  Reynolds   Warren. 

III.  Ih. XV,  b.  March  :-;.  1:nO;  ui.  Cartel-;   r,.s.   K'avenna    0 

IV.  (files,  b.  March  1^.  17S-.2:  ni.  Hetsev  Hlakeslce. 
\'.      Content.  Jan    -is.  17^4;   m.  Cah-h.  Mn-... 

VI.  .\s(-nath,  Nov.  i)-^,  17so:  ni.  ('art^r  and  had  7  chil. ;   res.  Porta<,re.  0. 

Vil.  lluldah.  h.  Nov.  2S.    17S7;  ni.  :  .v.  /.      Shed.    .Inlv  •>•").  IS4.'). 

\'lli.  Samuel  4'odd,  Jan.  2i'>,  171)0;  unm. 

iX.  Dennis,  b.  Sejit.   12.  \:U2:  m.  and  had  'y  chil.;   res.  PorUiire,  0. 

X.  Fsther,  May  2U.  17it():  i,<t  Hrndleyville  Litchfield  Cor,  ("01^. 

XI.  Lester.  Se])t.  2t\  17!IS;  ni.  Atwood.      She  d.  in  Medina,  (>.,  1S44. 

XII.  Aunis,  Se]it.  11,  ISOO;  m.   David  Strong-;  res.  Warren.  (>. 

1412.10.  Martha  Humiston,  b.  iV^e  -JO,  \:ry>;  ,n.  Jan.  ,•),  17S1  (Jen  Daniel 
Potter;  d.  April  2i.  1NP2  (s.  of  D.-a.  Daniel  aiul  .Martha  Hay  Potter);  V.  C,  i7S0;  a- 
tnan  of  great  inlluence  in  Xorthbiiry,  Conn. 

I.  Horace,  V.  C.,  Is'M:  d.  I^'ll;  m.  Xancy  Slou-'hton.  r.2i  Abrilla  Qulnibc;  /.  hy 
Lst  in.  1,  Ei.iZA  '2,  MAi'.tiiA,  /.  Iiy '2d  m.  :).  MauvC.  4.  Oi.ivkk.  .5,  SopUKuxt.C. 
(i,  Nax(V  L.     7.   ll('H.v(  1:.     s,   Ki'iinArM.     U,  C.\'i  ii.\i;fXK.      10,   Licv. 

IL      Anselni,  in.  Julia  Turiit-r.      1,   Sali.v  .M.     -2.  .Ii"i,i.\.     H,  MiXfiiVA. 

in.  -Minerva,  li\.  ls7.");  m.  Sei-t.  IS.  isn,  ];,.\-.  Lu.rher  Hart,  eld.  s.  of  David  and 
Hannah  (ihulsoii)  11.,  1>.  *ios]i.-n,  (  onn.,  July  '27,  I  7n:.!:  learned  his  father's  trade  of  car- 
penter; Y.  C.,  1S07;  ordained  at  Flyniouth.  (onn..  and  tliece  remained  till  his  dec, 
Ai)ril  •2->,  l,s;;4,  of  lung  fever.  Rev.  Xoah  Porter  ]i!ea(  heil  his  funeral  sermon.  Durinjc 
his  mitustry  at  P..  hve  hundred  persons  united  with  the  chh.  He  was  a  Fellow  of  Y. 
('.,  lS'2'J-:ll;  /.  1  ch.:     LiTUKU  I'oTTKK,  who  d.  Auij.  '2^.  lS-2'./.  a.  5  mos. 

IV.  'I'ertius  Daniel,  b.  Sejyt.  '2*1.  Kti:!;  liv  l,s:,7;  dea.  of  the  chh.  in  Plvnumth;  m. 
Jan.  ').  ISl."),  Catharine  Stougliton,  (■2)(H-t.  '24,  lS'2;!  Juiia  St(ni,L:-hton,  (;i)  Esther  Pa'rnes 
Frisliie;  /.by  1st  m.  1,  Er.w.^iu*.  '2.  Daxii-:i.  4'i'.i;th  s,  b.  .Ian.  IS.  ls-2i):  V.  ('..  1S,")S; 
an  ordained  minister:  taught  school  l-^ast  and  \\'.\st ;  stud,  law;  unni;  n-s.  St.  Louis,' 
iMo.  ;),  Hou ACK,  ni.  May  '27,  lS(il,  Cjiarlotie  Pierce.  1,  117///-////  /A,  b.  Feb.  1!*,  ISli:;' 
2,  .)///(/'/'=.)/'.,  b.  Oct.  17.  ls(;7.  4,  LiTiiKi;  ILmm-.  m.  Sarah  Durand.  1,  lulirnnl ,  b 
Jul\  II,  iMil.  2,  Fi'inl.-,  b  .Inly  ;;0,  lS(i:!.  .">.  PtonKirr  .\..  m.  Liu-v  .Manville.  1. 
Lnnisii.  (i,  J.VMics  Hkxi:v,  m.  Mary  Robt  rtsnn.  7,  Minmk.  m.  Xov.  '20,  isiWi,  Edward 
Manville;  res.  (it.  Rarrini:to:i.  M;iss. 

14o.  Sarah  IlvimistOn,  b.  April  S,  ICIi;;;  m.  .May  •2(i.  1714.  .lames  Mr.idiey.  b. 
Oct.  1'2.  KiSS;  s.  of  Xatbaniei  ;ind  Ruth  ( DieK-e.inan )  R..  s.  nf  \\'i!li;ini  H.  the  lirst  uliite 
res.  in  Xi>.  llav.  Jann-<  llradley  rem.  to  N(;.  Ilav.  17'2-l.  whr.  he  bought  abt.  -loo  acres 
of  land.  4'lie  hens"  lie  built  is  still  standiuL''.  It  is  related  by  his  desc.  Ileni\'  Bradley 
of  .\o.  Hav..  fmni  whom  mnrh  infoi  luation  resi'ecting  his  o\vn  and  other.Vo.  Ilav. 
families  was  nbiained,  that  wJiile  .,|>  ;i  \oyai:-e  io  RosKm  M'illi  i-orn  .'i  vinieui  sto:iu  ilrove 
him  5"  far  out  of  his  course  that  the  vcsm-I  linally  landed  at  one  of  tic  W'e.^t  India 
Islands,  whr.  he  sohl  his  r(un  a!  double  pi-ice.  On  another  oreasion.  the  X'o.  Ilav. 
bridge  over  the  (i'uinni])iaclK  River  was  .so  damaged  by  a  fhx^d   th.i.t    but   a   single    plank 


reinaiiu>(l.  He  hud  liecn  inoiuiwliil*?  sppiulini^  his  Sinid;iy  in  New  IIuv.  He  rciichod  the 
lividiTi'  aftiT(hirk,  iind  niiauare  of  the  accidfiit  (Toss*-.!  in  safety.  And  not  till  mornin^^ 
■was  he  awai-t-  of  liis  ap]iareutly  mivacnhjus  c^cajie.  James  I'radh-y  and  wf.  ai'e  tlie  lirsl 
names  on  thi-  list  of  tin'  Xo,  llav.  (d;li.  nianucl.  His  inovaljlrs  disl..  ITHSl,  to  lliitlt 
BroekctT.  Sarah  Durcliestcr.  .Miriam  }5rock«-tt,  Lydia  HUikeslee  and  A!iii;ail  Basselt; 
•J^amncI  Street,  adm. 

1.      Moses,  1).  May  IG,  ITl,"");  m.  1  7;5!».  Surah  Andrews. 
II.     Knih,  h.  ITUi;  ni.  Samne!  Hrockett. 
III.      Sarah,  h.  171S;  m.  1  T4N.  Capt.  Dorelu-ster:  had  '?  dans.,  hoth  d.  in  New  ITuv., 
■unm.     'i'lie,  4th  wf.  of  Wni.  Dorrester.  d.  in  Cheshire,  Conn.,  Jun.  IT.  ITCf. 
l^'.     Miriam,  h.]?-^!';  m.  Imio^  l^rockett. 

V.  Joel,  b.  17-2-2;  m.  Miriam  Ifohinson  of  Is.  Hav.,  1).  Dee.  1,  17:^.1,  dau.  of  Jolm 
4Uid  Mary  (Barnes)  li..  and  niece  of  Tlios.  iiobinson,  who  m.  Sarah  Tuttle.  1.  Kstueii, 
111.  Miller  llawley  of  (Juilford,  Conn.;  (0)  Ifpy.ekiali  Miller  of  Middleford,  and  had 
Biiijiiniiii,  Illnnu.  Jf.trriit,  ('iiir<i.     ':?  and  ;3,   D.vrs. 

VI.      Lydia.  h.  1724;  m.  John  I'lakeslee,  res.  No.  lluv.      1,  J(jiix,  rt-m.  to  N.  Ilamp. 
2.  Jox.ui,  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Samuel  Pierpont.     ;3,   Kt.MfE,  unm. 

Vll.     Abio-aij,  b.   17:>Hi;  m.   17.")0,   Samuel   Ba>>s.'tt.     1,  S.\>ruKi,      2,   Uicnjamix.     o, 

■Obkd,  111.  and  had  10  chil.     4,    I>Ar.,  m.  ■  Ilumi-ton,  res.  \V.  Spiimjfield,  Mass. 

Vlli.     James,  1..  Nov.  o,  172'J. 
IX.     Demas,  b.  17;jl;  m.  Nov.  (j,  Ho'J.  Lvdia  Blake.slee, 
X.     Obed,  1).  .lunr  21.  17:5;J:  ni.  Marv  -^— . 

Xi.     Zuer.  b.  17:57;  m.  Mattoon"of   Walhd;   2d  wf.     1.   Asa  of  New  llav.     2, 

<'ai.i:i;.     ?,,   i;i"iir.  m.  Wade;  rem.  to  N.  Y.  S. 

1431.     Moses  Bradley,  !>.  May  ir,.  !71o;  m.  17:',!i,  Sarah  Andnws. 

1.      Aial,  b.  1742;    rem.  to  W'olroti,  < 'i.n.i. ;    m.    Hannah    Todd.       I.AUKIAIL.       2, 
KdSAXXA.     8,  John,  weijj-hed  ;;(H)  lbs.,  ?ind  ^v;is  stniny  in  iirojiortion. 

II.  Tiiimthy,  b.  171::');  rem.  to  \\'..  I70!h  and  livi'd  in  a  small  loo;  house  till  1772. 
when  he  built  a  frume  house,  still  (1S74)  (iiTU]i;cd  by  dcsc.  "  He  was  a  mem.  of  the 
•CoiiiC  ehli. ;  a  good  citizen  and  icind  nciii-hbnr."'     (l-'ora  humorous   t-crentricity  (;f   telling 

reuiarkable  stories  see  biog.  skirch.  Hist,  W'oleott,  ]).  20S|;    m. .       1.   Asaiii:t>.       1. 

Afinhd.  \,  Alpheus.  2,  (Mange.  :S.  Lyman.  4.  oluiidn.  2,  Ihisittn.  :!,  Alp/ten^!.  4, 
Binzillji.  1,  .\xahHl.  2.  Hernion.  :{.  Sti'iihrn.  and  twd  more,  ."),  'J'l nmthu.  1,  Marietta. 
2,  Burwell.  (1),  Auonsta.  (2).  Fram-es.  (:-;i.  Jes-^e.  (4l,  Nellie.  ;!, '  Ivuersou:  (1). 
Wallace.  (2),  Win.-^luw.  (:]»,  H.-rtie.  (i,  JAV/,,//,/.  7,  >'/«  p//, /).  m.  and  had  :3  ehil.  2, 
'J'IMOTHV.  1,  Amiis.i.  1.  Harry  2.  Levi.  :1.  Kaehel.  4,  Jeminia.  o,  Hiadama.  2. 
Ziba.  1,  Harry.  2,  i,avinia.  '■',.  Nancy.  '4.  Ai/i'Tt.  1.  Harry.  2,  Alpheus  o,  Voluey. 
A.LinU'i.  7),  7'A,/*, .  i\.  (7ii'»\  :!,  Zir.A.  l.J/urr^/.  2,  L'lrii'iln.  'S.  yc.-iri/.  4,  Moses, 
1).  Sept.  25,  ]i77.  \.L'it.  2.  N/y^v^'e/-.  ?<.  lU'ey'  1,  Charles.  2,  Klias."  ;:},  p]dward 
Burdeti.  U),  Lilbi.  fji,  Kdwanl.  (:]),  Haiiie.  ^4),  Harry.  (o),  \\'illiam.  4, 
.•j.  Mary.  (5,  (ieorge  Adelbert.  (1),  Jolai.  (2),  r.alph.  7,  Nancy.  8,  Jeunnette.  9. 
Harriet.  10,  X'irginia.  4.  i.'ijnlhui.  ."j,  A.masa.  1,  liiirh,!.  2,  ILirri,'.  'i,  Jc/niiaa.  4, 
Cfildc.  (!,  Amon.  1,  Miiriii.  2.  AJIhii.  luid  :5  chil.  ;l  Leici-t,  luul  ?>  dans,  and  1  s.  4, 
j^iiU.y.  7,  Cm. OK.  s,  Lvdia.  t).  Hhki-.k. 
HI.     Sarah,  b.  174t). 

1434.  Miriam  Bradley,  I'.  172i);  m.  Enos  Brockett. 
.1.      Abraham,  b.   174");  d.  Sept.   t»,  V,T,\. 

I.      Abigail,  1>.  1747;  m.  Cri   Ames;-   (2)  Caleb   Ives;  res.    W.    llav.     i.   bv  l.<=lm.: 

1,   Dau.;  m.  ' . 

HI.     Enos,  1).   Hot);   m.    Sackett   and  had   Schil.;  all   lived  to  ]>ast  the  a.  of   SO. 

],  Jaikis,  rem.  to  Trumbull  Co.,  O.     2,  Sai.i.v,  in. Harrow  of  Wall'd.     o,   Hannah, 

in.   - —   Butler  of  Noiilifuik.     4.   Patty,  m. John  Torton.     ■"),  Justi's,   m.  

Todd.     (),   Tiiu.MAs.      7.   Jkssk.     S,   Lkvi.  res.  No.  Hav. 

1435.  JaiTiOS  Bradley,  l'.    Nov.   .").    172I);  set.    in   Southinirtou;  in.  Jemima , 

Avho  d.   Feb.   11,   17i):!.  a.  (;0;  ^-J)  Abigail,  whod.  his  wid..  May  :;o,'  ISll),  a.  S;j. 

I.      Nathaniel,  b.  NCv.    I(i,   17."i.j. 
II.       Mehitaide.   1).    Dec.,    I  7o(;. 

111.     Jeminui,  i..  May  4.  17oS;  d.  Sci^t.  t5.  b^H,  a.  n:!;  m.  .May  1,  r.Nl,    Ashlel,  s.  of 
Noah  and  Surtih,    dau.   of    Pev.    .leremiali    Curtis   (iridley,    1).    i'eb.  2:!,    17(i',»;of    S.;d. 

*Uri  \n^e.s,  bu.  in  Grove  Sc.  Cein  ;  b.  17715:  d.  Doc.  i(\  1S57,  a.  78;  ni .  Mehiiable  Mix,  whod.  Sept.  3, 
s8.)2,  a.  'n  ;  b.  17:$  ;  had  :     1,  .Mi  in  tahlh,  b.  1?  i  ;  ;  d.  Jure  15,  ii3  =  ,  a.  3  ,  ;  w  f .  of  Charles  D.  Hine. 

TO  BKAXCir    OF    JUll.V. 

ilarrh:.';,  lS?,o,  a.  TO.  1,  Ai{TF.>rAs,  1,.  April  8.  l',!<-2;  d.  Vc\>.  7.  ITliO.  •^.  Kitji  1. 
March  55,  17.S4:  (i.  .Maicli  ■^,  ls()7.  H,  .lK-Mi\r\,  ],.  Sei.t.  4  17S(;  -}  -Vkti- \i  \-;  J  \vr"n- 
Miiyo.  1799.  

IV.     Im,  b.  Fel>.  :'.,   ITtlo.      1.   Asknath.     'J,   Km.     :!,   Su;\ii      4    l,i avfv 
V.      Sarali.  li.  yiiiy  r,    1707. 

VI.     lli-lily.  1).  iVl..  ■,';;.  177.".:  in.  M-ty  11,  UOti,  Jotliani  JiuUl. 

1439.  Demas  Bradley,  l-.  17:;i;  m.  Xi.v.  (;,  17.V.t,  Lydia  r-lakesl.-c  of  No.  Ilav.: 
est.  adj\i.  17S4;   wid.  l.ydia,  adrnrx. 

I.     Jacob,   in.  and  liad  ram.;  went  awi^y  mid  ncvt'i-  hfitrd  Inim. 
II.     Isaac,  m. I'liss  of  Xortlififld.  ('oiiii. 

III.  James,  111.  M.diitable  Olcoti   ..f    Woleott,   Coiiii;  lu-   I. -ft   home   and  iiotlihu-  is 
known  further.  '^ 

IV.  Amos,  m.  Rlioda,  dau.  of  Iihauiar  Tutth-    141 
V.      Mary. 

\l.      Susanna,  m.  (t!u-d    liassctt. 

143.10.  Obed  Bradley,  b.  June -21.  17;^:!;  ],,.  J.^,,.  -JS,  170:!.  Marv,  dau  of  JmIiii 
and  lU'borah  Klakesh-e  olc.-tt,  I).  1744;  d.  in  .\(j.  Hav.,  Marrdi  (i,  ls-,^o.  a",  si.  His  will 
nms.  wL  Mary  and  says  of  s.  Jesse.  '•  if  he  believing-  I  shouhl  ever  return  home."  He 
Avasaln.  to  start  on  a  journey  and  believed  he  shr.ujd  never  return  Oited  and  Wldtiu'- 
to  iiay  unto  Hede  Turner,  who  with  I.ydia,  Deborali,  and  tlie  heirs  of  Marv  were  to  liavt- 
lands  in  W'nlcott. 

I.  Jesse,  m.  Patry,  dau.  of  Ithamar  Tuttb-  of  Xo.  Hav.  He  ,vas  lost  at  sea 
1 71)0,  on  return  from  ^^^  I.,  on  bri^-  Hiram,  I'ai-t.  Davidxui  of  Milford.  1,  I'uij.v', 
only  child,  m.  — —  (iriliith:  res.  Onundag-a  Co.,  X.  V. 

II.      \\'lii[ini/,  m.    Betsey,   ilau.    of    Anion    and  Sarah  ( Martin)   Parker  nf    M(  i-ideii 
(Vmn.;  b.   July    10.    17^0;  d.     ISO^I.   a.    Mi.      1,  Jkssi-:,    b.    ISO'.?;    <I.    in    X.  J..    is^o.     •.?', 
Hkmiy.  b.  Api'il  -Jo,  l.sOk  m.  Marion,   dau.  of  (..'eo.  and  Lucretia   (Saiidf.>rdi  Leete       l' 
i/^'/^r.v /;.,  mayor  of  Eml.enton.  Venango  ('...,  I'a.     :},   Haukiet,  b.  I800-  m    L    L   Eisho,.' 
res.  X.  Hav.     4,  Aiu.iAir.  b.  1S14;  d.  IsOO. 

III.  Obed,  !u.  Chloe  liassett,  dau.  of  Obed;  cous. ;  nin.  IMO  to  Crawford  Co  Pa 
1,  IIiKAM,  b.  b'-OO.  2,  CvMiiiA,  b.  lsO'3.  :i  Edw.vhd,  b.  iS'Jo.  4,  Kmfi.inf  b  isO'.t 
T),  LoriSA.  b.  lsll;d,  in  Xo.  Ha\ . 

IV.  P>ede,  m.  P.-thnel  Turner,  rem.  to  Lyman,  Xew  Hamp. 

V.  l>Ld)orah,  in.  (Hover  Street.  1,  \\'i"iiTi.\(,.  rem.  to  Xorthampton.  Mass.,  and 
bee.  wealthy.  He  owned  half  '.lie  stock  of  the  Parsons  mill,  which  ]iaid  a  divi- 
dend of  .J 75,000  in  187,^.  He  d.  uum.  in  ]s7S.  Inv.  s48;:i,;:!55.T8,  all  but  about  .s^O.OUO  in 
personal  j.roperty.  His  w.  dat.  June  2:1  1S75;  devises  his  pro]>,  to  the  chil.  and  gv. 
chil.  of  his  bro.,  Alpheus  Street,  and  to  sundry  towns  and  public  institutions  in  Mais.,  as 
follows:  Smith  College  of  Xorthampton,  Ma"<s,  Agri.  Soc.  of  Amherst.  Mount  Ho!v(')ke 
Feni.  Seui.  al  lladiey.  Home  of  the  Frien  Hess  at  Springtiehl,  and  Rev.  Simeon  Miller, 
|.1,000  each.  Income  of  .>l,0(lO  to  be  paid  annnaliy  to  the  enijiloves  of  the  Parsons 
Paper  Co.  The  income  of  .v;112,5()0  to  the  jtoor  of  "the  following  towns  who  are  not 
paupers  or  in  the  alms  liouse;  X'orthanipton  and  Holvoke,  s25,00O  each;  Amherst  and 
E.  IIam])ton,  ^0,000  each.  So.  Hadley,  -So, 250;  W.  Springfield.  so.OOO:'  Hclchertown, 
Williamsburg  and  Agawam,  .•S4,()fj0  eacdi;  Conway.  $2,000:"' Ashtield,C'uniminutoti  and 
Worthington,  si. 500  each;  Cranl.y.  sl,750:  Co^^hen  and  Plainlield,  .$750  eadi ;  Ches- 
terfield, W'esthampton,  Huntington  and  Enlicdd,  .$1,000  each;  Southampton,  .'^2,0t!n; 
First  Cong,  soc.  of  Holyoke,  $5,0uO;  inc.  of  .^oOO  to  adorn  and  im]>rove  the  Holvoke 
cemetery,  and  ^1,000  for  Catholic  Orphan  Inst,  in  Holyoke,  "  House  of  Provid.ence/'  in 
all  about  :j-U  of  his  est.;  another  ;J-9  in  trust  for  Whiting  Bradley  Street  durino-  his  life. 
with  conditions.  The  income  of  the  other  o  9  in  trust  tor  the  b.'n.4it  of  his  three  nieces 
and  their  heirs  at  lav.-  until  ail  are  dec.  then  it  is  to  go  to  the  worthy  jioor  of  the  above 
named  towns,  the  same  amount  to  each  as  before  named,  doubling-  the  flr^t  beijuest,  and 
$5,000  more  to  the  Cong.  ciih.  at  Holyoke,  provided  ihe  house  h:'s  not  chanizvil  from  its 
present  ItKiility,  and  Hot  to  lie  without  a  settled  minister  one  vear  at  a  timi'.  In  addi- 
tion he  gives  to  the  (.'lark  Inst,  for  deaf  and  dumb  mutes 'at  Xortlmmpton,  .-sl.dOO. 
Haynes  H.  Chilson.  Joseph  C.  Parsons  and  J.  S.  Medllevain,  exrs.  Ak-tn'rt  ,',;■]. ,'u,ti  d 
irllL  2,  Jkssf.  a,  Poii.v.  4,  Sai.i.y.  5,  Ai,i-iii;fs,  m.  I.  KHxtt,  m.  Albigence 
Smith.     2,    /'"/''// .1. '.;/,,  m.  Pobert  A.  Houston  and  liad:   1,   Heniy  St:v..t.     :J.    //,///•//,  ui. 

Xancy ,  who  m.  cJ) Perkins.      1,    Whiting    l^radley   Sti"e,.t,   the   devisee  of  ^V  of 

his  great  uncle's  est. 

VI.     I-ydia,  m.  Dennis  Parker.      1,  JiLi.v.     2,  Ji'i.iFs.     'A,   Lrous,   twin  to  Julius. 

4,    HCSSKI.F.      5,    LVDI.V. 

lIKADLr.Y,    Iir.MlSTOX,    TniLi:. 


VII.     Abigail,  m.  1st,  .lost-jili  Tutllcof  Xo.  Ilav;  {2)  Jdlin  Salisbury,  res.  Kdiiiburgli, 
Saratoira  Co. .   N.  V.;  only  ('.  by  Htm.     1,   Isaiah  Bi:aj)1,kv. 
Vlil.      Marv,  d.  iinni. 
IX.     PollV,  d.  a.  {)  yr:?. 

144.  James  Illliniston,  b.  May  7,  lOOd;  proniincnt  in  Srall'd,  ('(niii.;  st.'lcri  man : 
ot'lrn  IJeji  in  ('nun.  I.t-i;'. ;  jn'opri-'tur  ol'  the  old  mill  wliirh  >Tiil  hoars  bis  nanip.  ti>  wliioli 
lie  a(bi('d  wodl  curdiiii:'.  dyfimr  and  drcs^ini;-  of  rlcoli ;  a  lar^yi"  iMi-;iii('Ss  wliich  be  omtiuui-d 
until  liisd.,  Aui,'-.  17,  1747.  His  uill  dao'd  174C.;  'in  my  .")(itli  yr.;"  \iv<>\-  Ufxtyr.;  \vf., 
Sarah  and  s.  Danivl  exrs  ;  Saruli  iruanl.  (d'  .Iannis,  land.-  in  ('hcdiirf  and  Tori'inainn ;  m. 
.Ian.  17,  17111,  Sarah,  dan.  (d'  Ebcnr/.tT  and  .Vbiii-ail  (Hoaton)  AtwaiiT,  \>.  A\n\\  ii,  K.i'.iM; 
slu'  ni.  (2)  .Inn.'  ■.'-^.  i:  }'.).  l>.-a.  Timntliv  Tuttli.^  nf  (;in'.-,hi ro  [ll],  liKs  4tb  wi..  and  d.  his 
wid.  May  .'S,  17(;i. 

I.  Daniid.  1>.  XciV.  id.  17"J1;  m.  Luiia  Ib.wp:  si't.  in  C'liPshirc.  (.'unn..  uhr.  be  d. 
July  27,  17G7;  will  yvnv.  X.  Jiav.  ITHS;  mns.  wl.  l.vdia  and  chil.  Lydia.  Patience,  Jelm, 
,f('ss(\  Daniel  and  Catliarine;  slied.  .Ian.  1,  ISbM,  a.  s:-!.  A  wid.  lliimi-^inn  m.  in  I'lie^hire, 
April  -20.  17(it),  C'apl.  Hull.  1.  Sai;vii,  b.  Deo.  11,  1741:  d.  Sept.  4,  1  77:i.  a.  Ml;  ni.  Jan. 
20.  17G1.  Samuel,  s.  of  (/apt.  Samuel  and  Sarah  (Hall)  Hull,  h.  Aw--.  I"?.  17:17.  He  ui. 
(2)  Hannah,  b.  174!):  d.  Ajivil  4.  l>il],  a.  r>'^:  wlm  had  anionu'  Mtbers  Samuel  Hull,  who 
m.  Alma  llumisinn.  2.  Ha.waii,  Ii.  Marcli  2.  171o;  bap.  April.  17411;  d.  Auir.  2:1.  I7li7. 
8,  Sti;i'1ikn,  b.  .lulv  17,  noj;  bap.  Au^:'.  2o.  Kol;  <1.  Sept.  s.  1 7t>7.  4,  LvniA  Roave, 
b.  March  17,  l7o4:  d  Mav  2,  InOo,  a.  ."i2;  m.  Mandi  10,  1774.  Feter  Hall  of  Che.shirf,  1). 
1746:  d.  Sf])t.  2.").  is:32.  a  .sij.  1,  ,A.v.v, .  2,  M'»u.sfu\  m.  .luK-2  7,  bSXi.  Chloe  (/oolev. 
1,-  Saniutd  H.,  b.  Se],t.  20,  jSlVS.  2,  l.vdia,  \>.  Xov.  Ki,  b^ld.  "  8,  Lvdia.  4.  AsidtH.  b. 
Mav  :l,  bSl2.  o,  Dinah,  b.  O-r.  7.  b^'U'.  ti,  L,,i-,  b.  F.b.  M.  1^17.  ■.■'..  /,>„,,■/,  b.  1770;  d. 
1S.-,V).  4,  .lA'/r//.v.  .-),  J/e;;<>r  .l/"-,//.y,  b.  4uly  !S,  17S.-);  d.  March  2^.  1S4><.  "(i.  J-'Z/'e.  n>. 
Thankful  Morse.  7.  .I'V- rf.  n.  /-",/../•  /■j/''v'r/.  d.  in  SdUtbineTiui,  (■(nin..  ls;](;.  9,  S'/Hi/. 
10.  ]}'■/.<(  I/.  •").  Patif.nck..  b.  Xov.  2S,  17.'>(;.  C.  Daxiki..  b.  A])]!!  10,  1  r:!0.  7,  Damkj.. 
b.  17(jO;  d.  Xov.  (3,  17s:',.  .<:.  .loiix.  b.  -lune  :!ii,  17(il.  U.  .Ikssk,  b.  Marcb  12.  17111;  set. 
on  a  farm  abt.  a  mile  west  nf  the  P.  !!.  depiit  Ciie.shire;  d.  March  12,  1^:12;  m.  Mav  2. 
17S(i,  Lois,  da.u.  n{  Aniu>  Di»)little.  who  d.  Fel>.  S,  l,sl7.  a.  si.  ],  I), ml,!,  b.  Sept."2o. 
178S;  d.  Oet.  22,  iSUo.  a.  77;  m.  .June  ];'.  ISlC,  .Inliana,  dau.  nf  .Taf.-d  Ives  of  Cheshire, 
who  (I.  !>•<•.  28.  1S88.  a.  42.  I.  Chaaneey  Ive..  b.  .luly  i;].  Isb^.  2.  .bdm  Danbd,  b. 
Sept.  9,  b'^2(i;  m.  Emil\-  Barnes.  8,  Julia  Ann,  b.  Is22.  2.  .A.y.v-  .V'nrl,  !».  Inc.  22, 
179t);  m.  Oct.  14,  ISlS."  Eli/.a  Pre.-tun.  1,  I.anren  A.,m.  Hannah  M.iss.  2.  \jA<.  m. 
Ehuu  Cook,  b.  Anr.  lo,  ISlT),  s.  of  171am  au.l  Ih  bccca  (IhadlcN  )  Cook.  (1).  Eliza  A.,  b. 
Feb.  6,  LS42.  (2k' Theodore  A.,  b.  Maich  17,  b'.M:..  (8),  Amtd'ia  P.,  b.  Fei>.  S,  is.-)n,  8, 
.4^.7,r/,  m.  Samuel  Hull,  who  d.  May  o,  1S81,  a.  .")  I ;  saddler  and  harness  maker.  1, 
Alnta,  ui.  \\'\\\.  Kelsey,  Y.<^\.  4,  Julm.  m.  Pbod;;,  dau.  of  Sam'l  Xichols  of  W'ldcott.  1. 
Je.sse,  rem.  to  X.  Y.  S.  2,  John  Latimer,  re.-.  Cheshire,  .i,  /,»/,v,  d.  May  81.  iSKi,  a. 
20.  10,  ('ATti  \i;!X!;,  !>;.  Sept.  lo,  17^'-").  D-aniil  Carrineton. 
II.      Stephen,  b.  .\.,v.  if.  1728. 

III.  Xoah.  b.  March  1,  d.  Sept.  8,  17211. 

IV.  Janu^-^.  1).  Oct.  2s,  1781;    m.  Abiah    Ives  of    llamden,  who  d.  Dec.   10,  170!;  (2) 

Hannah ,  who  d.  Auij.  28,  1707.      He  set.   m\   tlu-   (iittaus   farm,  now   known   as  the 

Hunuston  farm,  in  Wall'd,  and  d.  tbr.  Sept.  IS.  1S12.  1,  Ja.MKs,  )iro]»rietor  of  Hum- 
iston's  mills,  abi.  a  mile  ^\•e.-;t  ui  the  \'.  ot  \\'aird,  extensively  ('n<;ae-ed  in  wool  carding', 
cloth  <lre>sinir  and  udllimr.  1,  {'hifmiri  i/.  2,  y<ni<-ij,  \n.  Almou  Prest<in.  8.  Bitseij. 
m.  Harmon  .Morse.  4,  M'lri'i.  m.  Samiud  Allen,  o,  Li/nuin,  m.  .lennii^  Jo!ui>on.  (i. 
Chiirlix.  m.  Lucy  Bmuson.  2.  LtMs,  n-iu.  to  Ohio  with  his  faiinlx .  1,  Mthx.  2, 
Sdlnild.      8,    I'hUi).      4,    M'ir>/.       •">,    I  [ill,  mill. 

V.      Xoah.  b.  June  18,.  i787;  d.  June  18,  174.~).  '  .         . 

15.  Daniel  Tattle,  b.  April  18,  lOtU:  m.  Hannah,  dan.  of  Andrew  Sanferd  of 
Miiford,  Ciuin..  b.  Feb.  ID,  p;0'.».  She  wa-<  admit,  to  the  Mil.  chh.  Dee.  28,  101(4.  In 
Dec,  1700.  Andrew  Sanfovd  jires.  for  ]irob.  an  inv.  '.if  tlie  est.  of  Daniel  4'ntrle,  who  d. 
iniestate.  and  i'ei.  for  aiin:.  for  the  wid.  Inv.  taken  Xov.  0,1700,  L'18.'i:  Samuel  Xorton. 
Jomithan  Bald-,\  in.  appiai>ei.s.  ■•In  170-1  Andrew  Sanford  eonv.  to  dau..  wid.  Hannah 
Tuttle,  and  her  t  v.o  ss.,  Danitd  and  .\ndiew,  land  in  2d  .1  division,  boue-ht  of  ('apt.  ^^"nl. 
Fowlei-."- — Mil.  J,, Hid  K'f.  In  1707  another  conv.  froui  Amlrew  Sanfoirl  to  his  sis..  Han- 
nab  'I'nttle.      Cbil.  bap  i:!  Miiford. 

1.      Daniel,  ba;..  Jan.  0,  Pll'l.   m.  Abigail .  who  d.   170'.l,  in  her  77th  vr, 

11.      Andiew.  bap.  Jan.  20,  K;!).");   m.  Ann  WoodrniT. 
in.      Hannah.,  baj).  .Inne27,  !0S)7;  m.  Auii;.  28,  1727.  Danitd  C'urrinetou. 
IV.      .lerr.sha,  ban.  S;  or.  1.   I7<li). 

72  liKAxcjf  OK  .loirx. 

152.  Andrew  Tuttle,  l-.  -Jini.  •,'(_;.  J(j!)."i:  d.  in  Milinnl  Mun-h  i».  IT.Sl  a.  ST;  wit. 
to  the  will  ol'  Niitjiaiiifl  [■'arraiul  of  >[.  Hi-)  Joliii  llarinii  cciiv.  U>  Aiuin'w  Tuttli'  limiu; 
h>X.  <m-luir<l:s,  liuildiiiL'-s.  t'T'-.,  next  to  Aiuln-w  Saiifonrs.  —  Mif.  IjimJ  Par.  17"2.")  KIhuc/.it 
Fish  of  .Mil.  convened  to  Andrew  'J'tittlc  IToO  .losipli  Woo'liuty  (;onv.  to  i)ro.  and  si;s., 
Aiulri'w  and  Ami  Tnttif,  0  a<Tfs  at  lli^^li  Plains,  Milt'oid,  ITof  Samuel  Iline  to  Andrew 
'I'uttle.  in.  consid.  of  a  one-half  li^^lit  in  New  .Miltord.  made  over  t<j  my  s.,  Daniel  Iline, 
by  A.  'J".,  land  in  Milt'ord  i-t  Biukini^liani  Plain  C').  178:-j-4  Andrew  and  Ann  'J',  conv.  to 
Satnuel  Smith.  iTtil  Andrew  'I'uttle  to  A!ulre\\-  Tuttle,  jr..  (nie  acre,  a  part  of  home  lot, 
tor  .€.:?0.  He  m  Aiitr.  T.  ITi!!.  Ann.  dan.  of  l.ieut.  .lohu  and  Marv  (Hall)  Woodruff,  of 
M..  b.  March  ':.  1711:  admit,  to  Mil.  chh.  Auu-.  1,  1742,  and  lier  foiir  ehil.  bap.  sm.  dav. 
Sli-  d.  in  M.  Pel..  -'7,  17^7.  "    . 

1.      Ann,  b.  Julv  "2,  HoU. 
II.      Hannah.  b.'.Nov.  IS.  1  7;«. 

III.  Andnw,  m.  i2)  Eunice,  wid.  of  Timothy  Kogers. 

IV.  l-jinice.  m.  Dee.  .*),  17(iri.  John  Colhreth. 

"W  D-riniel.  d.  \'t\Vi,  and  his  est.  was  dividi'd  among  his  tliree  bros. :  Andrew  Tutth.:, 

\'].      liethiu-1.  d.  177S.      (Milfoni  i  ee. ) 

VII.      . 

Vlll. . 

1523.     Andrew  Tuttle,  b.  M.  abt.  l  7o.").       In   17s")  conv.  toZachaiiah  Tomlinson 

•the  old  end  of  the  hatter'.s  shop  where  1  now  work.'        He  in.  ■ -,  who  d.  in  M.  Sojjt. 

7,  1776,  a  41 :  sup.  tlie  mo.  of  tlie  fir^t  4  ( ;  ("J)  Kunin-,  wid.  of  Timothy  Rogers  of  M., 
vlio  d.  April  (i,  17H.~).  \\,-  d.  in  M.  Oct.  '.?:!.  17!i4,  of  cancer.  Son  Bet luiel  appeared  in 
<-ourT.  1791,  Ijcing  then  a  minor  abt.  15  yrs.,  ami  .losi.ih  Pogersof  M.  guard.  April 
14,  i7i'."j,  .\braliam  Tomlinson  of  M.  admr.  of  est.  of  Kiinice  'I'unle  late  of  Mil.  (dec.); 
chil.,  XN'iJliam,  Mtiry,  Betsey,  Chaidotte  and  Drusilla.  He  also  e.vliib.  a.  will  of  Andrew 
Turtle,  hus.  of  Eutilce,  datr'd  <)i;t.  S,  17!)0,  wf.  Kunicc,  execx.,  which  names  ss.  Heni-y, 
Andrew,  Hethuel  and  William,  and  provides  that  the  heirs  of  Timothv  Hoi^ers  be 
1.  H.-.,ry. 
II,      Andrew. 

III.  Bethuel. 

IV.  William. 

15233.  iCetllUOl  Tuttle,  b.  1779;  jeweler,  and  partner  with  Marcus  Merriman  in 
N.  11.;  m.  Dec,  7.  )  7!H),  Hannali  Keb^'cca.  duu  of  ('apt.  Henjamin  and  Al)igail  (Doolittle) 
English  [4],  who  d.  Jan.  •,'!).  l.s.'C,  a.  *27.  (2)  Jan.  10.  iHiS.  Julia,  dau.  of  Isaac  and 
Thankful  Doolitth- of  .V.  H..  a  cous  of  his  1st  wf.  Shed.a.  7.S:  her  est.  adm.  by  Ueul)en 
Bice.  He  d.  Oct.  P5,  ISj;',,  ».  :34:  adm..  yr.,  nms.  wid.,  Julia,  and  5  chil.;  ]<]. 
Poster,   admr.;  James  English,  guard,  to  .lohu  Todd;  (Jains  Penn.  i^uard.  to  (ieorge. 

I.  N\'iHiai!i,  b.  A[)r'l  5,  Isni),  jeweler;  built  the  lirsi  brick  store  in  Nesv  Haven; 
.still  suinding  on  State  St.  He  rem.  to  Suiiield,  Conn. .  and  d.  there.  June  ;!,  1S49;  ni. 
July  7,  1SJ2,  Abigail  ileaton  of  No.  Hav.  In  1S72,  liv.  thr.  with  his  dau.,  Harriet  Louisii. 
1,  James  IIkvto.x,  b.  Jan.  10,  is^tj;  m.  Jan.  1,  18">(),  Almena  Hamingway  of  Fair 
Hav.,  Conn.  He  d.  Soj)t.  24.  lfj."")2,  (sup.  at  tlie  South),  and  left  one  dau.  1,  AUcr, 
Jostpht'iu,  h.  !)<•(•.  9,  l.Sol;  res.  F.  Hav.  2.  Sak.mi:  Makia  Aiugah.,  b.  Ajuil  10,  ls:iO; 
m.  April  2.  IS."".2,  Heurv  L.-wis.  (d'His  Shed.  Dec.  21,  XfHYS;  f.  and  chil.  rem.  to  Kan- 
sas. He  m.  (2)  uf..  1S7(),  1,  I,hi  (-<■/,, n'.r,,  b.  Aug,  W.  ls,r2.  2,  /A///.y  K'i;icut,  b. 
Seja.,  IS.").").  ;;,  .Maiua  BKisKCf  k,  b.  Feb.  20,  ls:5;};  d.  May  4,  ls;j4.  "  4,  HAititiKT 
LorrsA,  b.  .May  ."l  isir,;  unm. 

11.  Jo!in"Todd,  b.  Sept.,  IJijOl;  grad.  Y.  C.  Med.  S(dn)ol,  1S;'J0;  rem.  t(j  New  Vork 
(  itv,  where  his  ]iractice  was  large  and  .succe.s.sful  for  abt.  40  vrs.  He  d.  in  N.  Y.C., 
Jail.  17,  l-<7b:  m.  Feb.  2."i.  1S24,  Sarah  Ito-ers  cd'  Miil'ord.  Conn".,  b.  Aug.  S,  isn.');  d.  in 
N.  Y.,  Jan.  7.  1S';7.  1,  Jri,!\  A.,  b.  J;in.  9,  d.  Nov.  7,  ls2.-).  2,  (iLoiK.i;  William,  b. 
Oct.  1,  lS2t!,  imjiorter  ami  dealer  in  toys  an<l  fancy  articles,  and  ]>iopriefor  <d' an  exten- 
.sive  estaldishnieut  on  Broadway.  N.  Y.  City,  long  known  as  "''i'utth's  iMuporinm,"  the 
largest  and  most  complete  of  iis  kind  in  the  V.  S. :  invcntnr  and  i)atentei- ot  the  •' Baby- 
Jumi)ei-,"  from  whi(di  he  n-j.ji/ed  largely;  d.  in  N.  Y.,  Nov.  2S,  IN.")*!;  unm.  :■),  Id.\,  b. 
Feb.  1(),  !S4f>;  nn  April.  b'-Ti."),  in  Ciirisr  (dih.  (Epi.M-.'),  bv  her  uncle,  Paac  Ibriry  Turth-, 
D.D.,  Pawrence  Voorhees  Cortetvou,  M.I).,  Y.  C.,  IS.")!).  She  d.,  .v.  ('.  .1  ulv  M,  istii",.  4, 
L.»!-|s.\  J..    .\^^.  -J-.',  1SI7;  d.  J:in.  2d.  IMs. 

Ill,  <ieorge,  b.  Oct.  10,  lS(i|;  Irai-m-d  printers'  trade,  ami  for  many  yrs.  cairieii  on 
a  \:\vj:<  printing  bus.  in  New  ll:i\cn,  linn  .d'  Tuttle,  Moiehouse  tV.  Taylor,  [irintei'S  for 
Yale  Col h-g^e;  m.  July  II.  17;!1,  Nancy  Maria,  dau.  of  Joseph  and   ]>i'is  (.Nlix)  Trowbridge 

TUT'J'L  E,    C  A  K  Ji  I X  ( ;T0 X, 

N.  II..   [Ill  ^vlio  (1.  .lunf  :?s.  1S40:  ri)   F«'l>.  '-?:l  IS-Ki.  Hairict,    dan.  of  Elijali  and  Hallv^  of  X.  FI.     He  (1.  April  Ki  IST'l      1,  John   Wii.i.ia.m  Ti;()Wjn;ii)i;i:.  h, ;  ni". 

I^aliflla  I'Ti/abrth  AitlilxMt  of  N.  11.;  .>•.  i.:  lo.  St.  C'IuikI,  Minn.  -2.  Nancv  .\Ia]{IA. 
ni.  Jc.Iiu  Iluic  'I'aylor  of  (Tlastfiibiiiy.  ("oim.;  irui.  ti>  St.  C'loml.  Minn.,  whr.  lie  d.  St-pt 
1.S")N.  Icav.  Is.  1.  ,/'////.  J/..  ]i.  2  nio.^.  aftiT  f.^  dec.;  now  liv.  witli  lii.s  nn).  in  X.  H.  5, 
Maky  ()i,ivr\.  (!.  .\ii-.  JO,  is^O.  /.  l.v  -Jdni.:  4,  CiKomiK  IIknky,  h.  July  (i.  IS-lS;  snc 
liis  f.  ill  tiic  ptintinir  Iioum';  ni.  Mav  •,'»;,  1S74,  Bessie  S.  Collins  and  Lad:  1  liogcr 
li'.'//<,/-.  1..   Ai)ril  :5().   IsTo.      ,-.  i.y  -Jd.  in.: 

W .  Cliarles.  li.  Xevv  llav..  Her.  11,  l.sKS:  (1.  in  X.  Y.  C.  on  liis  l.irtli  day.  ]SS-,>;  h\\. 
in  Millord,  C.>iiii.:  clerl-;  in  X.  11.  dry  ^nnuls  store  ,N  yrs. :  rem.  to  X.  Y.  C  and  ^vas  clerk 
for  Manice,  Booth  tV  I  ttord,  a  well  known  dry  goods,  in  wliich  he  was  afterward 
a  ]-ariner  for  abt.  40  yrs.,  tirin  of  Booili  iV  Tiittle.  He  was  a  mem.  of  the  Common  Council 
<jf  X.  Y.  C. ;  Vice-Pri-s.  Ohio  A.'  Miss.  K.  1?.,  Seevetary  and  Actinir  Treasnrer  of  tlie  Union 
Pacific  B.  W.  daring-  the  whf)]e  jieriod  of  its  construction,  and  Pres.  of  the  Adirondack 
I\.  K.  Co.  wlien  h.'  (1.  He  was  notid  for  inteijrity.  cht  erfiilness.  and  kiii'iness  to  the 
needy:  in.  a.lit.  isTl.  llelen,  daii.  of  Col.  Isaac  T.  Ko^'crs  of  Milford,  Conn.,  who  d.  *■.  i. 
.Slie  was  a  niece  of  the  wt.  of  his  half-hiu..  Dr.  J.  T.    Tiillle. 

\.  Isaac  Ihnry.  1).  Pel..  4,  ISU;  nieni.  No.  Con--,  chh.,  iStjS-^Cl;  g-iad.  Col.  Col. 
and  (ien,  'i'heo.  Sem.  of  X.  Y.;  Hector  Christ  chh.  (Kpisc),  Bethielu-m^  Conn.,  lbt)9. 
For  many  yrs.  Bector  of  St.  linkeV  (Kiiisc. )  in  X.  Y.  C. ;  ■^■D.l).  "I  have  known  him 
since  he  was  al  colle<re,  and  never  knew  a  letter  iiian  thr.n  ]\i- ."—  liir .  Joh/t  W.  (.'lark. 
Itttif  t"  Ci'iiip..  lSS-3:  in.  Sept.  ^S,  IN  P.?,  Sarah  Paimalee,  dau.  of  Capt.  Beniauiin 
Beecher  of  X.  I!.,  [:3]  who  d.  May,  1S74  1,  11.  Ckoswkij.  Ti  ttlf.,  d.  in  X.  Y.  C. 
Xov.  10,  1^.S2.  ■"  A  most  useful  mem.  of  the  legal  profession.  Althouoh  only  ;5o  yr.s.  of 
ii.  he  had  (.lone  more,  \)c\ .,  to  liirhten  the  labor  of  the  conveyancint;- 1-iwyers  in  the  exam- 
ination of  titles  in  this  city  than  had  i>etore  been  done  or  even  attempted  hy  any  other 
laborer  in  that  field.  His  th.ree  huxe  v..]^.  c.f  Abstr;M-ts  of  'ritie,  coverinir  all  the"lav;Jed 
property  from  yUth  to  ]-.>rth  St .  east  of  ;jd  Ave.,  and  front  7-jth  to  l"2Uth  St.  west  of  Sth 
xVvf.,  (or  more  strictly,  east  and  west  of  the  conmuMi  lands),  filleil  with  most  accurate 
maps,  were  siitricient  ]i:-ir)f  of  liis  imln-'ry.  IP>  unremitting-  I;ibois  ii])i>n  these  h(-)oks 
no  doubt  hastened  \n>  death;  and  it  \vi!l  be  a  source  of  regret  to  the  entire  })rofession 
that  he  (lid  not  live  to  com[)lele  the  remainder  of  his  series  of  titles,  two  otlun-  vols,  of 
which  were  nearly  ready  for  the  press.  His  personal  character  wiis  tnost  v.-orthy ." — Xi  >r 
Yorl:  Eriniiii/  Pi>s! .    2.  Jti.iA.     ;>,  Makv  Br.Kfii  kk.     4, 

A  Daniel  'i'uttle  d.  in  Milf(;rd,  Conn.,  June  Vi.  17ST.  a.  -21.  Al.x.  a  John  Turtle,  Mav 
14.  17i)li,  a.  22.      Sup.  of  iliis  family. 

153.     Hannall   Turtle,  b.  June  2';,   I (".;»;;  m.    Aug.    L's,    1727,    Daniel   Carrington: 
Mid..  Hannah,  adinrx.  and  guard,  to  Sibyl.      Lemuel  Carrington  appt.  guard,  to  'rinu^lhy 
And  Daniel,  June  (J,  17-.>I>.      In  17o'2.  Daniel  and  Xoadiah,  sons  of  Peter,  convevcd. 
I.     'I'imothy,  t)    Dec.  1,  1 7-2s. 

11.      Daniel. 'b.  Mav -JI).  17;jO:   ni.  Philin.i  Cillam. 
111.     Sibyl,  b.  Jan.'s.  17;«;   in.  Daniel  'I'odd. 

1532.  Daniel  Carrington,  b.  May  2(i.  17:'.0;  est.  adm..  1772,  by  Samuel  Atwater: 
Ste])hen  Ball,  ap[ir.:  m.  Jan.  1(3,  1752,  Philina  Cillam.  In  17;jl  he  con'v.  to  Jabe/.  llotch- 
kistf,  "  rt.  in  land  laid  out  to  Peter  Carrington  that  would  have  fallen  to  my  fatlier." 

I.  Daniel,  b.  Ajiril  11,  \~i7io;  ni.  Sejit .  1.").  i7So,  Catharine  Ihimiston,  dau.  of 
Dani<'l.     [niiti) 

II.      UbedieiK-e,   Dec.  27,   1  7o  1 . 

III.  Comtort.  Julv  ;il,  n-K). 

IV.  Philina,  Feb!  lij.  K-l.S. 
Y.     Jason,  Sept.  12,  1759. 

VI.     Sibyl.  AuiT.  2(:,  IKH. 
VII.      Mary  Ann.  Sept.  17.  17(1;]. 

Vlll.  Merritt,  (.)ct.  10.  17i;5;  wili  .lafed  July  11,  [irov.  Oct.  15,  i;02.  nms.  wf., 
Beliecca,  and  chil.,  Pidly  and  John;  m.  Beln-cca,  dau.  of  Di'a.  Stephen  White,  who  d. 
March  4,  184;J,  a.    78.      i,   Poi.i/r,  d.    ISIil;  m.    1SU7,    Enus   Ailing   Prt\scott,  b.    Fel).  lH. 

*Thc  .S'/.'-r// (t/"  .I//,o/_>«j  tor  .-Vpril,  1S75,  contains  the  portrait  of  a  converted  Indian  who  was  chc^sen 
ii  chief  of  the  Chip;)ewas  on  account  ot  hi^  many  darin^;  victories  over  the  Sioux.  His  last  battle 
was  between  St.  Cioud  and  breckennd£,'e.  when  he  took  four  .-caips.  He  was  converted  under  the  mini.s- 
tratio'.s  of  J.  G.  Kni^iega'-.towh,  an  J-id'an  misii.-i^ary,  a-.d  ba:>  by  tl'.e  na.nie  of  haac  11.  Tuttlo.  A 
letter  fr<5m  the  mi-:sioa.iry  to  Rev.  Dr.  I.  H  Tutlle,  dated  at  W.hite  Eartli  Reservai-on,  Jan.  30  1870, 
occupies  :;  V)af,'es  of  tre  S.  of  .M  .  above  specified.  It  contains  an  account  of  'li  ■  conversion  and  baptism 
of  the  chief,  and,  amonfr  other  thintjs,  an  Indian's  version  of  the  origin  of  the  Book  of  Mormon. 

74  BRANCH    OF   JOILX. 

1787:  s.  uf  Benj.  ;uul  Haniiuh  (Blaki-.sUt-)  P.,  and  iifi)lio\v  uf  liebecca,  \vf.  of  Hou.  Kow;i.i- 
Shenaan.      He  was  a  niei'']i.  in  X.    llav.      1,    limj.    Mio'>t,   h.   .Tunc  4,  iNQlt;  giad.  E'art- 
ridgo"s  Mil.  School  at  Middletowu.   e'onn. ;  Capt.  of  the  N.    II.  (iniys,   ls:}4-sV  d.   March 
15,"lS.j7:  111.    Hannah  Maria  English.     2,   Jfurri/,   li.    1811:  i»r.)ni.   iiu-rfdi    in    N.  II.     ;) 
Niithnii    n.      4,    /A-/V/.-,    ]}.oxh.      o.    ^^  "/■'/-.      (J.    Kun.-,   AUln;/.    1..    181!);   d.    M:iv    •>7     l^.-)?' 

7,  (r-nnji.  S,  M,ii;i  Prh,,;-,!.  H.  dU n  r  Sl,  ri„n „ ,  h.  March  24.  1.S24;  an  Episr.  clorgy- 
luan;  founder  of  an  ocdor  of  ctdiliatcs.  10,  Emihi  Amjustd,  b.  1S'.3G;  mem.  of  an  E]>isc 
sisterhood:  res.  X.  II.  11,  117/'V",//.  l',',  WiUjinu  W.ninre.  h.  Oct.  28,  1829.  l;j 
Fnine-s^  b.  lS:-]2.      14.    Vr,<nl\  b.  ls.•^-).     2.  .Toiix  Wiini:.  b.  1  7fil ;  d.  Mav.  1  :!»4,  a.  :J  vrs. 

8,  KEiiEfCA,  b.  D'-c.o.  17il2;  \i>'>4)  d.  Sept.  17,  IsiU:  m.  Oct.  VI,  1  s:J 7.  Koger  Sherman 
Prescott  (bro.  of  Enos  A.  P.,  wlio  ni.  his  sis.  Polly),  b.  .Ian.  27.  17!!'.):  d.  .lane  12,  b^.^ii; 
m.  1)  .Taly  14,  1S2-,'.  Sally  Jeaniiette  Toralinson,  h.  July  5,  isij-i;  <].  :\I;iy  2ii,  l8;j(;,  (dau.' 
of  Isa-ic,  and  sis.  of  Mary  Ann),  by  wlioni  he  had,  amonir  "thi'is,  Charlntte  Alida.  b.  Oi-t. 
2,  1828:  in.  June  24,  184.'?.  Wooster  A.  iMisign. 

1533.  Sibyl  Carrington,  b.  .Ian.  S.  i::!2:  m.  0(t.  :i,  174s.  Daniel,  s.  of  Daniel 
and  Di'sire  (4'ut;le)  Ti.idd.  .lune  12,  17o7,  admit,  to  fall  cnni.  in  Derby  daig.  chh.. 
Sibyl,  wf.  Daniel  't'ndd.  and  sm.  ti.ue  b;tp.  thiei'  chil. :  Mary,  Daniel  and  Katharine. 
In  lioljheconv.  to  Daniel  Talmage,  interest  in  Cbiistojiher  Todd  and  Wm.  Bradlev's 
grist  mill  in  N.  II. — he  was  then  "of  Darbv."  He  boaght  (yl  acres,  at  'J'arkev  IliUin 
Milford.  (f  Jared  Ibtckingham.  — .V/"'.  R.r..  I',./.  14.  /-.  178.  In  1774  Dan'] 'Todd  of 
t)anb_\  sold  (i  ai-res  at  'rarkt-y  Hill  to  Sam'l  and  Michael  Peck.  Est.  of  Sibyl  'I'odd  inven., 
17!)2:  ss.  Joseph,  Daniel  nmd. 

1.     Mary,  b.  Jaly  Itl.  1740. 
II.      Dank-1,  b.  Sept.  0,  17"'!;  in.  Eunice  Hitchcock. 

III.  Sibyl,  m.  John  Wheeler. 

IV.  Catharine. 

V.     Joseph,  b.  Jan.  4.  1771:  liv.,  i;i)2. 

15332.     Daniel  Todd,  b.  S-i.t.  «.i.  \~:A\  m.  Mandi  27,  i:7o,  Eanicr  Hitchcock. 
I.      Jo>ei)ii.  b.  .Ian.  24.  17'it.);  d.  v. 

11.  Daniel,  b.  l),c.  24.  1777;  liv("..l  in  Derby,  ISUO:  d.  March  S.  iSiH;  a.  HO:  experi- 
enced religion  abt.  IsfiO,  andrrthi-  jaeac-hini:"  of  Ib-v.  Mr.  \-m\  Xest,  aiuNoon  anitrd  v.ith 
the  M.  E.  chh.  at  (.'ornwell,  Tonn. :  nin.  abt.  1M2  to  W'iiiiesvillr,  X.  Y.,  wlien  it  was  a 
wilderness:  rai-cd  a  fam.  of  12  chil.  and  d,  thr.  ■'Father  Todd  "  \s  a~^  an  exemplary 
Christian,  a  devoted  friend,  kind  iiarent  and  u-^(d'al  citi/.iii.  Hr  retaiiifd  his  vivacity 
until  a  week  l.tefort'  lu'  d.,  hi-<  ren^on  unimi'aifcil  to  the  la>t.  and  earnestly  exhorted  Ids 
chil.  tf)  meet  him  in  heaviai:  m.  IJ<'tsey  I)ickerman.  1.  Maiiy,  b.  Sept.  29.  l.S()8.  2, 
fA'M.\N,  1).  May  81,  isd*;.  8.  W.m..  b."  Dec.  !),  1S(I7.  4,  John,  b.  .hine  22,  1810.  .-,, 
Kmz.v,  b.  Jaiu"l7.  1812.  6.  Hi:rsKV.  b.  Xov.  18,  1814.  7.  I-^Ndcu  L.,  b.  Dec.  18.  1814. 
8,  Damkl,  b.  Dec.  2i),  isis.  ;»,  David  M..  b.  Dec  is,  ls2U:  m.  Jun.  12,  isjs.  Ohela 
Strong  Babliiti,  b.  Jan.  o,  1S2");  fainiei-,  res.  Hodman.  X.  V.  10,  M.\i;iKrrA,  b.  March 
20,  1828.  11,  Ji  i.iA  E.,  Jalv  o,  is-J.",.  r2,  Jd-^kimf,  b.  Aai:.  K,  1827.  18.  Mki.Issv,  b. 
Jane  22,  182ii.  "  '^  . 

III.  Samuel,  b.  Xov.  4,  1771). 

IV.  Sibyl,  b.  Feb.  4.  1782:  m.  March  11,  Isot,  Elisba  Tickm.r,  b.  1-Vb.  2(),  1777: 
serv.  in  war  of  1812:  res.  Uatland.  nrar  Sackett's  Harbor,  X.  Y. :  d.  iir  Cheiaang,  X.  Y., 
March  9,  184').  Sibyl,  united  with  the  M.  E.  (ddi.  in  Derby,  Conn.,  when  1(5  yrs.  of  a. 
Her  hymn  briok  and  l)ible  were  her  constant  companions,  and  at  her  d.  she  was  doubt- 
less till'  oldost  Mefli.  in  America,  and  ]>fr.  the  oldest  in  the  world:  a  memliership  of  84 
yrs.  At  the  a.  of  '.i8  shf  wa>  '  ii'^  small  and  spry  as  a  girl":  retained  her  facalties  to  the 
last,  iind  d.  near  liodiiian,  X.  Y,.  Jan.  .">,  1882,  one  mo.  iud".  her  lOOtli  b.  dav:  12  idiil. 
1,  Ilni.vM.  b.  D(<-.  22,  1S()4:  liv.;!;  m.:  .v.  /.  2.  l-:r.\i(A.  li.  Sept.  1(1,  IsiiC;  ni.  Oct. 
lo,  1882,  Mills  .1.  Pierce;  r-'s.  Cornwall,  C<.nii.  I.  Ulr^nn  11'.,  b.  I)<-e.  7,  ls:J4:  m. :  4 
chil.  2,  Frnli  ricl:  ,/. ,  b.  Xov.  4.  Is87;  in.;  8  cldl.  8,  Lovis.v,  twin  wiih  Ennica:  m. 
Anson  Williams;  .s.  i.  4,  AJ,^lIK.v.  b  Sep-t.  22.  ISOS;  d.  \s\\:^■,  m,  Aaron  Slade;  ."i  chil. 
.-),  HAi!niK-i-.  b.  .laly  10.  l^bt;  d.  Sept.  \\_  t.sp.i.  0,  Nom;,  I..  Ocf.  14.  ispj:  d.  Dec.  l."i. 
1818.  7,  i:i',iy..\.  b.  Nov.  M.  is]."");  anm.  s.  \\\\  S.,  b.  Sept.  24.  1S17:  d.  Aag. 
lii.  ls78;  m.:  2  •>.-..  1  <!an.  '.(,  .biiiN  S.,  b.  March  ].""),  l,s-20:  d.  .laiv  22,  18I)(k  ni.:  1  s.,^1 
daa.  10,  LrriiKi;  .M.,  b  March  -Jl,  1822;  d.  Dec  2,  bs8.").  11,  Euskiit  O.,  h.  Mav  6, 
1S2.3:  drowned  March  20.  isbl. 

V.  .Io!;arliaii.  m.  Hhoda  \\'ard  of  Cor-nvall,  Conn.:  i2K\nnn  Batter.-~on  of  Wnrren. 
1,  SiMKoN.  2,  h'liiinA.  8.  1!ai;kii:'1.  I,  Amtlia.  .■).  .Mi:i;Wi'N  S..  a;.;  o  chil.;  res. 
Berlin,  Conn,  ti,  K.M  i.i.iN  i:.  7,  Cva's  A.,  b.Oct.  18,  lS2ii;  m.  Ajiiil  "J,  IS.Mb  .laiia  (i. 
Miirsh,  b.  Jaly  14.  is:;.-,;  d.  X,,v.  ."i,  bs.-i7;  (2)  Aug.  11,  Isr,->,  Mary  .lane  fM-win,  b  Dec 
18,  1888;  res.  Xeu  .Miifiu'il,  Conn.     s.   Svi.vams.  m;  8  chil. 

CARKINGTOX,    T01»n,    TUTTLE.  75 

VII       Marvin    lived  and  d.   iK-ar  Hodman,  N.  ^.      1.   Lkoxakd  II.     2,    I.okenzo  D. 

■A,    Cak'oUNK.       4.     AMAM)A.       .->,    KT^sKLf.  W.       U,     F.MM.N. 

'Vlll.      Kuni.-f.  d.  y. 

IX.     Edward  ('..  killed  I'V  f^'H  ^''""^  '^  hor^e,  a  y(niug  man. 

Xl'  r'mVn^n.'m''l>  Marli  L").  171»S;  d.  S.-pt.  20,  ISM;  m.  April  14.  ISls.  Betsey 
Howe.wl.o  d.  .h,u.  11,  is:n;  (Ol  o.t.  ;}1 .  ls:;-i.  Harriet  ^hopurd,  ^vho  d^Sept.  ^^.  I'^'-'J; 
,•:!)  S  lS.-,7  Kuuire  Piatt  (iwr  llani».  1,  i.KNVis  H..  1..  F.d..  4,  \»U>;  m.  I»er.  4, 
Vslt^Klvin.  M;:,..-:  n-s.  ^^•au,■o.da.  Ills.  2.  Aiah.x  K.  h.  Nov  2(..  1.00:  d.  uue^. 
is:,-  kill.d  in  a  saw  null:  m.  March  -24.  1^^4.  '.vdia  lord.  ^  l-.M-KX  J.,U.lan.  ^- . 
1><-^V  ni  \Mi'  s  is4i;  Latl.-r  Min^T:  vs.  \\  mdl.ani.  O.  4.  Marv  ^  ..  b.  Mandi  10, 
I's'^it-  d  is:)'  '  .-)  "  I!f.i;k((  A  A.  L..  1>.  An-  On.  ls:^T:  m.  Nov.,  IS.IG.  Edward  \\  lute,  wlio 
d  ~IVe.  10,  lS.-,S;'c.')  Feh.  ti.  I'^tiO,  (i<-<>.  C.  Harrison,  (i,  EiMCK  H..  b.  April  7.  lSt;2. 
XII.     Edwai'd. 

1  ^.nf?'^  Sibv]  Todd,  1'.  al.;.  IT-".":  d.  May  11,  IT":  m.  July  10,  ITTO,  Jolm  s  of 
( J,r"anu..  W  i.i.M5.'hnson)  Wlu-ler  o,  H.-rl-y.  i,.  dune  7.  17:.0.  He  m  (  ,  Nov. 
]m'i777  Sarah  Johnson,  l.v  wlmn.  he  had  Elijah.  I77s,  >anuiel,  l.Sl.  anu  Mhvl.  l.So. 
"  I  '  John  Todd  Wli.'el.'r  1>,  H.-a.-nn  Falls.  Conn.,  May  4.  1777;  atfr  Ins  lather  rem. 
w.-st  was  loft  u-ith  his  Tudd  gr.  pan-nts  wle.  ros.  at  Derhv  Lauding.  Ccnn.^  He  set 
at  Sevmonr,  Conn. ;  nu-n;haul :  •■  en.^rgetie  and  ono  of  iho  h,-st  eitr/ens  (S/>"r,>r  .  IM.  oj 
Srvw'nar,  whr.  s,-e  portrait.)  He  d.  ISC.s.  a.  'U  y.s.:  m.XAU,  Sally  Clark  ot  \N  ood- 
brid-e.Conn.  1.  John  C.akk  WiiKKi.Kn.  only  s..  h.  l.-i.:  n.ereh..  a.ul  ^ruf.  ot 
an-er^  nninv  vrs  al.-o  a  nudcer:  rem.  to  N.  \.  (  .  ai.d  d.  thr.  I'eh.  S,  iSM.  a  ^^: 
ui  Vharlott;-;dan.  of  Joel  and  Hutli  Stoddard  Cliatlield.  h.  i7t'5:  (i.  1^48,  (s.s.  of  (.>hver 
S'c'hattiehl  who  n>.  Ahi-ail  Tattle).  1,  Ihmn.  b.  1815:  m.  Nancy  Hoteakiss  ol  N. 
Ih.v  b  1ST)-  IV.  \  Hav  1,  Charlolte,  t.'.  Francis  A.  b,  Maiy  W  .  4.  Henry 
Wakeman.  5;  John  Chase,  (i.  Bessie  Maria.  2,  Frai.cs.  b.  Sevmonr.  Cor,,, ..  ISl, : 
m  O  C.  Pntnam  of  N.  Y.  1.  Flora  Ko^alia.  2.  Frank  C.  8.  Junn-s  H.  4,  Lmaa 
a'  3,  ]I<.,rnrd.  b.  isilj:  .1.  is^s.  4.  .J<J:n.  b.  1821-2:1:  rmi  to  N.  \.  C.:  elected  t.,  (Hem.)  ISoU:  stronudy  oj-posed  to  th^  .Kt.nsion  ot  slavery  nuo  tlio  nortlnves^t 
terri'torirs  and  the  onlv  one  of  tlie  six  city  members  who  voted  on  that  side  He  deehnecl 
,.  n,umn,uaion  in  \>^n.  He  was  a  war  Deni. :  opposed  the  Tweed  nng  and  retired  Hon. 
Tanunanv  Hall.  Active  in  the  convention  of  ISTO.  and  m  election  id  \\  m.  H  1  lavei- 
u.averto'niavoraltvand  in  obtainin-  the  charter  of  b^7;:;.  Apj.t.  I'res.  Dept.  of 
and  \-essnrent,  and  mem.  of  the  board  of  Estimaf  and  A].port,onnient  and  Commis- 
sioner of  Ac.-ou.its  from  ls73  (6  years,,  <loing  all  h-  .-ould  to  reduce  ^^pens.-s  and  taxes: 
named  for  Mavor  ls7S,  but  declined:  Ve.-tryiuau  and  Senior  Warden  ot  Anthon  .Memoiia, 
chh.  (Epis.)manvvrs.:  Snpt.  of  its  Sunday  school  12  vrs..  n,  Alice  Stanleyot  N.  \ 
1,  Josepliine.  2.  Alice  S.  3.  Elizabeth  S.  4.  Maria  T.  ■>  ;V..v,.^  b.  s2,,:  m.  larl^ 
E.  ronve..eof  Mass.:  res.  N.  Y.  C.  1.  Cha.l.sE,  2,  Almie  W  .  .J,  -Mlud  ...  C. 
Charlu'J,.     1,   Marii.     S,    y-y/iw'/./A.  .1.,  a.  2\  yrs. 

•17.  Elizabeth  Tuttle,  b  Nov.  l!»,  lOttd:  '"  ;l>'l'",l\^'=Vls^^: ''';.^''''''^fVn'^M'!i 
Inv.  of  liis  est.  -iven  to  court  at  Fai.liehl.  Conn.,  Nov.  12,  1-24.  U140;_  ss.  John  and 
Daniel,  admrs.:\vid.  living  and  fours.s..  John.  Danhd,  Samuel  and  ^\llham  and  th.-e 
daus  Elizab.-th  Cireen,  Experience  Sentiori  (St.  J. dm),  Melutable  Read,  and  lieirs  ot  s. 
Eleazer:  Ednnind  Waring  and  Samuel  I^-eler  of  Xorwalk  to  dist.  est  In  1 ':-*>  J"ljii 
Head,  jr.,  omv.  land  to  s.  Daniel,  then  a.  abt.  21  yrs.-A.r.n.//,-  l)j,<l  In  ..5.  ^^^f^-^ 
Bead  of  Norwalk  sold  rt.  in  err.  f.  William  Tnttle's  third  div.— ,V  /'■  Ihn-  Dc-l.  A  John 
Reed  for  s.-veral  o-eneratious\,ccupied  the  ancestral  home,  and  ..cscendants  are  there 
now.  "Five  Mile  Biver  •  i.s  five  miles  west  of  Norwalk  village.  1  he  tollowmg  record 
is  largelv  from  tlie  Pk'hJ  (rCnKilixji/. 

I.  "  John.  b.  1()07.   m.  Hannah  . 

H.      Daniel,  m.  Elizabeth  . 

lil.      Elea/.er,  m.  Abigail  . 

IV.      Samuel,  m.  Sarah .  ,        ,-   ,, 

V.      William.  i>.  Nov.  If.,  ITuS;  m.  Nov.  2S.  1829.  Bachel  Kellogg. 
VI.      Marv. 

VII.      Eli-/.abeth.  m.  Nov.,  ITl'J.   Jacob  (ir.'en.  ,.     ,,       .  ti-         -ii    i   .    f 

VHl       Experience,  b.  1707:  m.  James  St.  John  (p.uhaps  his  2d  wf.)       His  will  dafd 

S.-pt.   4,    lI.'iO,    nms.    wf.    Experi»-uce,   dan .  Abigail  to  have  w.-aring  appard  and  i40.   s. 

*The  Reads  of  Salisbury-,  Conn.,  descended  from  Thomas,  bro.  of  John.  jr. 

70  ]u:axcii  of  joiix. 

Isaac.  m>\v  on   s^ii   c>x])('(lition  to  Crown  Point,  s.  Iv/.ra  and  s.  Samm-];  bros.  David  KccUt 
and  Moses  St.  .]o)in,  liorli  of  Norwalk.  cxcrs.;   iiis  X  mark. 
ix.      M.-hitalde. 
X.     Ann,  ni.  Dec.  G.  17oS.  Kliakim  Warint;. 

171.  John  Read,  l'  IGOT:  m.  Ifannali.  jiiob.  wid.  of  Klca/.cr  llant'oid.  an<l  mo.  of 
Josiah  Whitiiev's  w  f.— iiit'errt'd  fron  dist.  of  Iut  dowrr  in  ]'i^>9  [W/tilmi/  den.)  "In 
17;>7  .Tolni  Hf;"iJ,  foi'  and  in  hchatf  of  liiswf..  Ihumali,  and  as  irnard.  to  Ids  s. -indaw, 
EU-a/cr.  and  Marv  Ilanford.  minors.  i|uit  rlaiins  to  dosiah  Wliitncy." 

I.  -loliii,  ni.  dulv  0,  1770.  AMiy  W  liiUu'v.  1,  doiiN,  h.  .Ian.  .S,  177():  d.  Nov..  1777. 
3,  John,  h.  X.'>v.  1,  177S.     3,  MosKs"  Utc.  14,"l7S7.      4,  ^(>^\VKl,l,,  \>.  dun.^S,  17!)."). 

II.   '    'idl.iddl^U,.. 

172.  D?.,uiel  Read,*  b.  abt.  1099.  •■He  was  a  man  of  consideralile  distinction." 
He  built  a  mansion  on  the  old  place  in  Norwalk.  which  was  in  good  order  to  witlnii  a 
few  vrs. .  and  a  ])art  of  it  is  now  (ISS-J)  standing.  His  gt.  g.  s..  Newton  Ib'ad  of  AiU'-nia, 
N.  \..  found  tiie  fam.  records  there.  The  land  was  conv.  to  I>anlel  by  Ids  f.  in  1720, 
and  Diinii  1  be/dt  on  it  directly;  m.  T'lizabeth . 

I.      I);uHtl  liead,  b.  1721;  d."  in  Norwalk,  Conn. 

II.  Abraham,  1).  172;J;  rem.  to  Colund>la  Co. .  N.  Y . :  ancestor  of  P»ev.  lb".  Villcroy 
Kcad  of  Camd'-n,  N.  J.,  and  of  ib'v.  bldward  A.  ]>ead,  piistor  Pnt(h  Kef.  ch.h..  Madison 
uve.  and  r)7th  st.,  N.  V.  C. 

III.  Eliakim,  b.  172.");  set.  in  .-\meida,  N.  Y.,  on  a  farm  still  owned  by  his  desc. ;  m. 
.Sarah  Pdchards.  1,  Em.vkim.  1,  /,'///((?//.  a  ilisting.  nurcli.  in  X.  Y.  C. :  patron  of  Cole, 
tIic  artist,  and  of  many  ii'.en  of  letters,      lied.  IS;!!',.     2,  Simko.n.     o,  yii,.\s.     4,  S\.Mi:i'J.. 

3,  PHlXt;\s.  6.  E/'.KA,  m.  Esther  Edgert'm.  1.  Stirl')!/.  lives  on  the  ol<l  farm:  -takiis 
great  pride  in  huntinir  up  th^  uie-'-stry  and  u'lMe-alogy  of  the  fam.:"  amv.,  .hiiif.  l'-^^'2,  to 
the  Com]>.  sonn-  iirms  not  found  in  tie-  lb-ad  book;  who  .says:  "Nearly  all  the  Peuds 
left  large  families.  Tlie  nanu-s  of  one  generation  of  one  branch  wouhl  be  a.  long  list, 
and  those  wlio  have  come  of  the  Kead-Tuttle  alliain-e  woedd  ill!  a  considerable  brc)!:,  and 
tlie  compilation  of  them  would  put  off  the  ])ublication  td'  your  \\-ork  to  an  indefinite 
future."  Mr.  Pead  is  the  autlior  of  Tlit  Kn'I;,'  Histori/  of  Ann  i,i,t ,  X.  Y.  lb'  m.  Ann 
Van  iVyke.     1 ,  Henry  \'an  Pyke.     2,  Alliert  Francis.     4.  Catharine.     '2.  ]-'itr//.     ?>.  Uomcf.. 

4,  duliiiiifiii.-i.      *).  Ih'irriit.      (J.  Aliinr>i.      7.  Btixty.      S.  CutJic  rim .      !),   Kmiilnr. 

IV.  Penjannn,  li.  17-]2;  d.  y. 

^'.  .Jam"es,  b.  March  21),  17d!i;  cajit.;  a  nuin  of  great  enterprise  and  a  ]iatriot;  m. 
April  17,  17';'J.  d.Kinna  C:i-tle.  ile  d.  .July  2l).  1^24,  a.  .s7;  hi-  was  a  prominent  inislness 
man  in  Ann-nia,  Dutches-^  Co.,  N.  "\".;  farmer,  niercht.  and  miller.  Fdeven  of  the  P! 
chil.  left  large  fanuli.-s.  1.  D.vniki,.  b.  Ai)ril  to,  17()1.  2,  Hkiuhn.  b.  Sept.  2,  17i.:S.  :!, 
El,i,T.\n,  b.  March  12.  17t;f;.  4.  Jhssk,  i).  July  16,  17(J^;  m.  Feb.  12,  1707,  Joanna  Car- 
penter. '  Tbe  f.  of  .b-s.v,.  liad  bought  :i  soldier's'rt.  o\  bouMty  land,  and  he  and  his  bro. 
Amos  searched  and  found  it  in  Aur.dius,  St<-ul)en  Co..  N.  Y.  'I'hese  bounty  lots  were 
laid  out  (Uie  mile  square,  and  made  eacli  of  the  two  bi'os.  a  farm  of  ;^20  acn-s.  Hi'  settled 
on  it  and  d.  there  Aug.  2."),  1S::31.  1.  .]:tU<i  A.,  b.  (h-t.  19.  1790.  2,  Jnonmi,  Oct.  8,  18U2; 
res.  Anienia.  8,  lltsu/  /!.,  b.  Jan.  2n,  bsf).").  4,  Elna  A.,  b.  Mar<di  18,  180S.  ."),  J,(,i}es 
CSept.  2,  1^10;  iKotnuisfr:  liv.-N  ,,n  Ids  f.'s  honust.-ad;  .v.  /.  .").  Stki'IIKN,  b.  Sept.  U, 
1770.  <),  Amos,  l)t-c.  2S,  1772.  7.  <in.iiKUT,  Sept.  2."),  177.");  res.  A  voca,  Steuben  Co. .  N.Y. 
JS,  J.uoT.,  Fel).  l.">,  177S.  9,  J(>.\NN.\,  twin  with  Jacob.  10.  Pktskv,  A])ril  2l ,  I7sd.  11. 
lioiJKUT,' Jan.  29,  1784.      12,  PiioD.v,  twii\  with  Pobert.      lo,  Piiii..\,  A]uil   8,  17^7. 

VI.  Benjamin,  b.  1787:  ni.  Aj-rll  2.">,  1  7ti.").  Pethia  \V(  .-d,  p.-r.  .lau.  of  Charh-s  iuid 
Susanna  Weed  of  Stamford.  Conn.,  b.  .Vug.  Ml  174.").  1.  P>r:Tiii-\.  b.  May  22.  l^OC).  2, 
S.\i;Ait.  1).  abt.  17(i8:  m.  Mav  l.~).  \:^f\.  (ionld  Hovt,  b.  abt.  17(;:!.  1.  M'il'l<nii  Jlmri/,  Dec. 
18,  17SJ>.  2.  Hiin-ld.  Ai)rirPi,  1790.  ;5,  ./c/r//,  Juno  28,  1792.  4,  M^irw.  Aug.  "),  1794. 
o,  Alniini,  Sept.  4,  179(1.  :;.  Hi;N.i.\MiN,  1).  .Maivh.  IP,  1770;  m.  Jiin.  12.  L7!):l.  He  tty,  dau. 
of  William  and  Sarah  (l?om-dir()  P,,,rcton.  b.  1770.  I,  Wl^ii"iu.h.  20.  1794.  1. 
Maria.  2,  Catharine.  :!,  |-:iiza.  1.  William.  .">,  Emily.  0.  7,  John,  and  two 
more.  2,  >^trj//<e/,  A>.  Vi-'.k  \^.  \','W.  P.Vnn.  2.  bJi/a.  o.  Fanny.  4..bdin.  'A.  Jh'i^jitmin, 
m.  Juliet  Pouton.  1,  Julia  .\un.  2.  WiHi;im.  0,  Wdlliam.  4,  P.eiiiamin.  .").  Eineline. 
0,  Cormdia.  7.  llarrii-i.  8.  .bdni.  -i.  J,n,n.^  .U.  .">.  II7///V/^/.  m.  Fli/.a  Weed,  i],  ./'V/ira 
M(tn'>n,  ni.  Cormdia  ,M.  Down.--.  1.  -lames  Marion.  4,  Fi,i7,.\i;r. rii,  l>.  June:],  1770.  •"), 
D.vNiKt.,  b.  Vv\-.  11.  177S.     0.  Knos.  o.-t.  :;o,  1  ;87.     7,  Anotiii-;!!. 

*Prob.  f.  of  Eli-/.ibi.-th  :\nd  I'hebe  RraJ.  uho  ui.  respectively  I';r;iol  nm!  .-\nihony  Stodd.uii;  Kli/^ibe'-ii 
was  aiu-csLfcss  of  Gen.  Wee  T.  and  Hi-n  Ji.lui  Sht-nnau  i-ice  Ai.ij).i  There  is  al^o  ancllitr  line  of  dc.=;c. 
<_il  the  Shermans  frum  '.he  lioy,.s  to  ihe   luf-lo  afinmy. 

tuttlil.  read. 

V'll.  F.zra,  1..  Manli  G,  1740;  (i.  A|pril  4.  I.'>()7:  in  >f:iy  'J-2,  170;!,  Saiali  Kf-llfigo^,  d. 
April  15,  ISlS;  >ft.  ill  Anu'iiia;  i''in.  to  lludsdii,  N.  V.:  aucfstor  ut'  tlic  Kcails  of  (_'i>k- 
sackiH.  N.  Y.  1.  SAitvir.  I).  Fel'.  '24.  d.  April  ;iu.  \l*\r,,  -J,  Sakaii,  1..  April  I'.l,  KGlJ:  »1. 
Jan.  27,  l^-U.     A,    i.oi.-^.   1).   Sept.    10.  KOT;   d.   .luiic  -J:'..  1^4:;.     4.    ItnswKi.i..  1).  Xcv.  !i, 

17(39;  in.  ]!ead.  r^i.<.  of  his  hro.  l'!])cr.t'tus'  wifr;   res.  ('ox-^•ll■kil•,  N.  \.:   slw  i\.  .July  1, 

1S;-]1.  o,  .\aiio.n.  l>.  April  20,  1771;  m.  ami  had  ■")  >--.  of  \\hnin  was  1.  Atir"ii.  who  had 
s.  Thi'i-oi!  of  liochvilli',  ills,  ti,  Jr.MiMA.  h.  Aug-,  -ill.  d.  Sept.  !».  i:7:J.  7.  KrK.NKi  rs, 
twill  with  .Iciiiinia;  ni.  Fid).  17,  ISOO,  Jane  Read;  he  d.  .Man4i  II,  l>i47.  1.  (■'t'oryr,  \>. 
Fob.  17,  ISOO;  in.  Sci'l.,  lS-2-2,  F<tiirr  ivi'iiipton:  rrs.  (_'ox.-a<d<ii'.  1,  Jam-  Alalia,  h.  July 
2."3,  ISO:].  '3,  Bnij.  F.,  h.  Julv  O:-!.  l^'.'S.  :!.  Ih4..-cca.  1..  April  CJ,  \s:V2.  4.  Sonora,  li. 
Au<'.  1,  d.  Auir.  -24,  1n;](I.  ."",,"\Viii.  li.,  h.  \]<r]\  0,  ls;-;s.  O,  h^in,l''i.  0.  Oci.  2,  INOI;  d. 
Sept.  14,  islif?  :-!,  /:■'//'^■^  h.  July  s,  ls;(i.-,.  4,  S/,-.///.  b.  Sept.  1,  is07.  .".,  Il.h, ,;;i ,  \k 
Mav  14,  isio.  (j,  Kihnird.  h.  »)<-t.  HI,  ls]'>.  7.  J/^./'.///rA /■,  ii.  Marrh  i:^,,  lsl5.  s. 
Uodolphn.^.  1..  .\]iril  17,  IsiS;  d.  Julv  22.  1S22.  '.i,  .h'n,,  h.  .lunc  ;;i).  d.  July  20  1S24. 
8,  Lediana,  1>.  On.  s.  177.');  d.  Frh.  HI,  17M.).  !t.  Lvdia,  h,  Sept.  OS.  1777:  d.  July  8, 
ISoS.  10,    !lr[,n.\ii.  !>.  S.'pt.  2::!,  17S').  d.  .Ian.,  XK)?,       11.    F/!:a,  I).  May  20.  1-7^:1 

VIU.      I-".lijah,  li.   174-");   s^-i.  in  Auu-nia;   per.  f.  of  ('apt.  FJijah,  :i4th  if-t..  war  of  1^12. 

IX.      Klizali-'th,  III.  Ort.  17.  17.')I.    Aiuhh-r,  !>.  Oct.  4.  1727.  s.  of  St.'phcii  and 

Dehoiah  (liovt.)     1,   Da.mkl,  0.  Julv  i:',.  'l7.")2;  d.  S.  p.t.  19,    17.')4.     M.   Hannah,  b.  Feb. 

1,  17.'J7;  lu.  Jim.  4,  177."),  Kl>,'n.-/..>r  \V 1,  ;]d.  of  Stamford.      1,  i-yizul,,  th ,  h.  April2."),  177(i. 

2,  Marif,  h.  April  11.  177s.  ;},  _][itrtl,u,  h.  Nov.  24.  1 7S(}.  4.  Kh-i,,-,,-  Kihrl,,,  b.  Oct. 
2'J,  17S2.  5.  /(/.v^///  .1 //////./■.  b.  Mai  >di  .■).  17s.-).  C,  .!/»>///.  b.  A  ut:.  l".t.  17S7.  7,  Unnmh 
AiuhUr.  1).  .Vuo.  o').  17S1!.  4.  Lvdf.v,  b.  Feb.  2;i,  17.")'.t;  lu.  Fcl>.  12.  17Sl.  Jonathan 
Wpc<1.  1.  //////■'/  11..  b.  Jan.  lit.  17S0.  2,  Sillij,  I'.  March  20.  I7s:?.  M.  J.ndw  Amller, 
b.  Juno  :l  ]7,S."").  '  4.    F.i>':'tn.<  ///;,./■///;/.'-./-,  h.  May  1*1.  I7.'^s. 

X.      Fydia,  in. I)uvciipo!t. 

XI.      .loaiina,  m.  St-'phcn  Wariiii^:. 

173.     Eleazer  Rcr.d,   m.  Abi-ail .      hi    A[.ri),    1722.   .lohn    Head,   jr.,   of  Nor- 

walk,  f.  of  KIca/.cr,  wasapjit.  adiiir.  of  his  est.  In  Jan..  172:1-4.  .lolm  licad.  uuclc  ro 
Elea/iT.  minor  and  youi;L:c>i  s.  of  I-7lca/cr  Head,  late  of  N..  kV-c.,  was  appr.  his  yuard. 

I.      Moses,  was  iirautec  with  his  Oro.  ]-7!eazi-r  ami  oihers  of  Verirenncs.  Middl(d)ury. 
Salisbury.  >-i'\.  in  \"t. 

11.  "  Fdeazer,  b.  abt.   172S  and   ^et.  in    Xeu].ort    1!.  1.:  a  miller;  d.   Hn;];    n,.  Ilaniiali 

.      1.    Isaac,  b.  March  22.  1747.      Siiii.  the  Isaac  Head  of  Stamfoid,,  '-at  \\  hose  house 

for  10  yrs. ,  iiicludiiitr  the  Revolutionary  ])eriod.  tiie  almost  weekly  meetiiisj-s  (d'  the 
Method"i.sis  were  ludd';  besides  f iirnishin:.'-  more  than  his  <]Uota  for  the  supjiort  ui  the 
preachers,  their  horses  and  travtdim,'-  expenses.  After  freiiueiit  iietitions.  tlu-  town  at 
that  time  under  tlu'  inlhieiiee  of  the  ('oni:rei^ati(jnal  order,  t,ManTed  lo  •  the  fanatics '  a 
})laco — a  mud  hole  on  ihe  common — on  wdiii  h  lo  liiiiM  a  chii.,  whiidi  was  (h'dicated  abt. 
Ifeiy,  and  G  yrs.  afterward>  was  paid  for  in  full.  ■— U h ,.t;„;itun  J/i-^f.  "f  t<t.iin.  2,  Fi.i7.A- 
liKTU,  b.  No'v.  20,  1740.  ■].  Fi.Ka/.ki;,  d.  Aui^-.  I'.i,  i;.71;  m.  i-di/.aOeih  ;  res.  New- 
port; miller;  d.  ISjIj.  1.  L'l/Ai./,  1).  at  Ot.  Baniiiiiton.  Mass. .  1771).  2.  117///'////,  b.  I  772: 
m.;  lived  at  X.  but  d.  at  Dartmoutli.  1,  Kli/abeth.  :1  Klr./zcr.  b  Auii".  20.  1777;  m. 
Elizabeth  Iluiui)hrey;  res,  in  X.,  but  carried  (ui  bu-iuess  in  So.  Oaiolina,  and  was  acci- 
dentally killed  on  i>as-at,M- home.      1,   (.)liver,  0.   1707.     2.    Fdizabeth.  m.  James  M.  Eoou. 

3,  Penelope,  b.  and  d.  isoi).  4,  Oliver.  1).  ISUI ;  was  a  mercliaiit  in  X. :  m.  Clarissa 
(Jardner.  (1),  Oatharine.  b,  ls21:  m.  Fdward  llammett.  (2).  ^\'illiam  (.'..  b.  Oct.  11, 
183:^;  m.  A--nes  M.  Clark.  /.  Kate  W.  Tavh.r  and  Oliver  C.  [')].  Hannah  F..  b.  InO.-,; 
d.  1S4:1  (4),  Henrv.  i).  l.'<27.  i.~)).  (»..  I).  1S20.  ."),  SaniiuJ  M..  b.  bsO:!  ij. 
Catharine,  bS)."");  m."\Vm.  F.  Smith.  7,  John.;  <1.  ISus.  s.  Mary.  h.  isoil;  d.  l.s;.-,7. 
9,   Eleazer  J.,  b.  ISU;  m.  Marv  Cook.      (1).    llarwood.  1).  l,s:jS.      (2),   Charles,    b.    and   d. 

l«4o;  res.  X.      10,   Ph(4)e  Ann," ISl.",      4.    A'-V-:,,.'„ /•//.  b.   1 77H;  m.  Albro.     H.    Ri'h,r.yi, 

h.  1778;  m.  Locke.  G.  Stn/i'td  }f..  b.  17S(.);  m.  Dayton.  1.  Samuel,  res.  Part- 
mouth;  m.  Sylvina  J>.  Bennett.  (1),  Sa.rah,  b.  isOl;  m.  Pr.  Meiciu-.  (2),  Charles,  b. 
1S27.  (,:!i,  F.iiimaF.,!).  IS:;:-.;  res.  .Mv.-tic,  Conn.  4.  -A////-,  b.  1701;  m.  Frift  r.da  Heath; 
res.  Xewiport;  he  d.  l^:)!).  4,  .bmx,  0.  17.-i:;;  d.  1S:!',I;  m.  Sally  Swan,  (2U'etsey  Paker. 
i.  \;\  l.^lm.:  1,  .b-amni.  2.  .lohn.  /.  by  2d  m.:  :!.  iidwin.  I,  Sally,  m.  l»r.  Turner. 
f),  Klizabetli.  m.  SluiOeth;  (21  Wm.  II.  Mumlord.  C,  Mary  Ann.  2.  /.v./,/r,  1,.  April  2."), 
1797;   res.  X.;  m.  i'atience   Muume.      1,    Nathan,  m.  .Mary.  dan.  of   Henry  (i.   Head;    res. 

Nev/ Bedford.  Mass.     d),   (ieo.    W.,    b.    1S.-jI.     2.    FIsie.  "  ;!.    .\un.   m. H.  r-ev.     4, 

S^anih.  ;{,  UV////;.//  7/.,  1).  Mav  11.  17;^G;  m.  H.innah  15:;:ts.  1,  William  Oliver.  0.  l^<ls; 
re,s.  N.;  in.  .Alarv  Ann  i>ates.  'o,  .Matilda,  b.  isOl.  ::.  Win.  P.,  ruin  with  Matilda.  4, 
Geo.  P.,  b.    lS2:f.      .">,    Charlotte   E.,    b.    lS2S;    m.  \Niii.    II.    Cardner.      G,    Edward    C,    b. 

'^^  BKAXCII    OF    JOHN, 

iy;34-  ie>  X.:  in.  Curoline  Slicnimii.  (I).  EUu,  h.  ]ST):5.  (-3),  Ida,  h.  1«.V',.  4,  Olinr  .1,. 
h  Murcli  10.170!).  •").  yathnta>  I  JL.  h.  \\>vn  IS.  is;)4:  in.  Eliza  Ivl^.'-ttortb.  0.  .S/n//, 
7/  nvin  with  Natliauiel  Sanders  Vars.  7,  M(fr>/ Ann,  h.  A]n-\\  IH,  ISOl;  m 
Wni  Kldrid'-e.  t<,  /;//--,//•(/.  b.  3[aich  1«,  isoii.  0,  /■7/r„.  twin  \vith  Edward.  10,  s;/„.. 
J  1)  July  ^^.  180S.  11.  Eni.Viiu .  1..  .Aiii^.  11,  1S1((:  m.  .lolm  D.  ('(nrell.  12,  J,/,. 
EUm,  !>.  Ffb.  'll,  1S1:5:  m.  Jnhr,  Hu.-lifldcr;  •').  Wij.i.iaM,  i..  17.V.t;  res.  \. ;  d.  !«•,?!.).  1. 
Giuvqr    1'.  17><"3.     '^    Th"irnt:<.  h.  17>!4.     :!   >V///y,  b.  17Sii.     G,   Davih,  b.  Marc-li  l."j.  Why. 

res.  -N.      i.    l)'iilii.\K  IM)2.     2.    U'hn-ni.  1S04.  '   7,   IIa.nnau,  b.  Marcli  27.  17r)7:  ni. 


174.  Samuel  Head,  ni.  Sarah. 

1.      Saniiul.  m.  l)iH-.  2.'j.  1  774,  Estlicr  Hull,  dan.  of  Josepli  and  Estlier  Sceloy  llul!, 
b    Oct.  20,  1754       1,   Samuet,,  1>.  Oit.  o.  i;77;  m.  March  12,  17!)T,  Polly  Wewi.      1,  /'"%. 
b    Julvo  'l7!)S      2    >''//^'/'^,  b.  Sr{>r.  2.  l^ilO.     ■?,.    ii,,>r<ir,h.   Jan.  1:1    1>50:'>.     4,    Cl.i,'i.-<s</, 
h    March  lU   isn.)."    o,  //r/./.y  A' "-''s   1'.   Feb.  2y.  IS07.     0.   AVA</-,  b.  Feb.  22,  ISOy.     7. 
B't.-"'!/,  h.  A>.ril  7,  ISU.      S.  '.l.v^A,/,  b.  March  2U,  IM:!.     !-»,   &if///,  h.  Jane  29.  ISl.j.      10, 
W'if'i'"'/,!.  A'.itr.  20,   !S17.      2,    A>Ai[i;i.,  b.  Jan.    --'><).  17^0. 
n.      .\biiah. 
Ill       TiLiiothv.    in.    Nov.     IN,    1702.    Sn^^anna     \^  fed,    who    d.     Oct.     10.     1  (Ho.      1, 
SrsA.NNA.  b.  Mnv  10.  170.").     2,   L'liiAii,  b.  Oct    2rj,    1700.     :5.  Sakah,   b.  ()ct.   2.""),  1700. 
4,  Timothy,   April   1.    1772.     o.   l.i:r.i:us,    Fcl>.    2o,  1774.     0,   E/.i:a,  May  :";o,    1770,     7. 
BF-rsKY.  Se])t.  10,  177^.     s,   'I',  b.    July   20,  17S(l.     0,   I'olly,  b.  Ain-il  21 ,  17^4. 
10,  Na.nty,  b.  Aprils.  1  7S(;.      11.    lU  fis.  b.  July  10,  17sS:  in.      1,   Ezra.     2,   J<>/,/i.     H, 
Edirin.      4^   Ezoi  :  all  d.  y.      5,  .Jhik    Marin,   ui.    Ivichard    11.   ^iitchoil  of   Nantucket: 
res.  Hnd.'<on.  N.  Y. 
IV.      Niithaniel. 
\'.      lle/.ekiah. 
Vi       Hannah. 
VI!.      Fliel'e. 

175.  William  Read,  O.  IS,, v.  lO,  ITOS:  m.  Nov.  2S,  1720.  Kacbel.  dan.  Mr.  Josepli 
and   Sarah  (Fluiu)  Kello-j:.  latf  nf  Xnrwallc.  0.  July  1."),   1710. 

I.  Joseph,  Oct.  80,"l7>!l. 

n.  William,  b.  .March  :^,0,  ]7;3:;. 

III.  Joanna,  b.  Feb.  20.  H:)"). 

IV.  Hannah.  1>.  Nov.  2:J.  17:-!7. 
V.  Sarah.  Dec.  27.  1740. 

VI.      Jacoli.     b.    in    Norwalk:   ni.    liuhamali    Benedict:  s^'t.    at   South   East,    Fuljuun 

Co..    N.    v.:  farmer  and    innkeeper.      1.   RrTti.   b.    170'.l:  m.  Read:  (2) Elli.-. 

and  d.  at  S.  E.,  lS.-)0:  v.  /.  2.  Hi  ii  \m.\ii.  1772:  m.  Dr.  Howes  of  S.  E.  '■'>.  Jacov.,  d. 
at  New  Canaan.  Conn.,  leav.  a  fani.  4.  Stv  I'liFN.  lived  at  Kid.Lielield.  Conn.  o.  ESTiiKR. 
b.  abi.   I770afi;.      0.    i>uTV.      7.    I^AA(  .  d.  in  Newtown  abt.    I,s20.      S,    At.u^.UL.  b.  ITSo; 

ui. \Vo.)drull::  res.  His      0.  Matthkw,  i,.  17^7;  liv.  in  N.  Y.  C.  andd.  al)t    1S44.     He 

wa.s  an  Alderman  and  Hank  Pres.  1.  AV/.r///.  2.  (uoiij,.  :5.  .b/,/;.v,,/.  d.  leav.  a  fam, 
in  N.  Y.  4.  M'lttJutr.  i'.i  Norwalk,  Cunn.  o,  B,  by  fancy  (0'  his  f . .  had  no  name 
but  the  letter  H:  res.  N.  Y.  C.  audlnid:  1.  Charles  of  Port  Chester. 
N.  Y.  2.  Eliza,  ni.  Charles  Dean  of  Port  C.  o,  Henry.  10,  I.i.wis,  b,  Aug.  2S,  17S0; 
went  to  N.  Y.  C.  al-t.  InIO;  m.  1S15.  Maria  lb-own.  1.  Ailillniitnu .  b.  O.-i.  :!.  ISM: 
merch:  num.  2.  E,  nH  c"  ml .  b.  July  7.  IslT:  was  in  hu.siness  in  I 'ortland  St. ,  N.  'i  . 
with  his  bro  ;  wholeval.-  shoe  dealers.  :5,  Ehini.  b.  March  24.  IslO.  4.  Aindmld,  b, 
Muv  10,  1S21:   ni.  James  }\    Cogswell   of  Jatiesville.    ^Vis.      :,.    A>hr,in  .  b.  Oct.  10.  1S22: 

m.  Hiram  Eami)ort  of  N.    Y. :  2   .diil.     0.    l.<  iris    Ihimiirt.   July    11.    iS24;  m.  .      1. 

Palmer 'r<Avii.send,  b.  Nov.  ]■).  l^.'tO.  2.  Frank,  0.  J  vine  2s.  ls:.-,(;;  lawyer  in  N.  Y.  ■, 
Cdthuriiii .  1).  Nov.  10,  ls2C.:  m.  James  11.  W'h.-eler.  merch.  of  Boston  S,  Eiiun'i.  Jan. 
4.  lis:35;  m.  (iould  H.  4'horp.  nivrch.  of  N.  V.  i\     SJ.   Anwi.  D.-c.  s,  ls:!7.     11.  Joux,  b. 

1701;  d.  is;}7:  m    .      I.  .lolmA^.  ls24.     2.   l',<  njnnnn  Ern,il,-lli, .     :;.   M^iru.     12,   Ei.i, 

b  alit  17S;};  res.  Brooklvn.  N.  Y.  1,  .l<irol-  //. .  a  Outeher,  N.  Y.  C.  2.  Ihirbl  }l  :!, 
AVi  7/.,  an  Aldrrman.  N.' Y.  C  4,  llV///,/,,,  //.  T).  DlrL,  n.^o,,.  0.  /Va// /A.  of  N.  Y.  C. 
7,  Cl>"it"tti.  S,  /.t'r,-'(in.  m.  W.  C.  Jones:  imblishrT:  N.  ^'.  C.  •' An  enter])rising  and 
thriving  family." — /.'-./?/  Irr/i. 

1752.     William   Read,   M-n.-li  '■'>(),  '[]■)'■';  m.  Mar*-  Na-li  of  Nev,-  Canaan,  Conn. 
1.      W'iUiam,  wiili    i.iru't.  (iibbons   was  the    lirst  to  enter   the   f(n-t  a t  the  Nt-.n-ming 
<;f  Stoney  l^.il■.t,  July  lo.  1770.      lie   was  one  of   the   forlorn   hope  of  20  meu  of  whom 
17  were  killed.      He  was  also  at  the  nias.sacre  of  Paoli,  Sept.  20.  1777. 

KEAD.  79 

II.  Matthou- 

III.  Jacob. 
IV-     Eli. 

V.  l.saac,  111.  Klizalictli  l^dtk wood.  He  lived  .Konie  time  in  Nova  Sofia  hut 
iX'Luriifd  and  d.  inS  tamford,  Conn.  1,  Is.\a(  ,  1).  Ffl).  ],  177::5.  In  liSfiO,  in  his  SOth  yr., 
\vas  still  in  busines.s  with  his  s.  Uco.  W.  in  Pliila.  ni.  Dec.  14,  ITlii).  Elizabeth  Ann 
Wig-gins.  I,  Miniha.,  h.  at  Fiankfonl,  I'a.,  O.t.  10,  ISOl :  ni.  Couiad  Mevei-s,  a  }>ian() 
jnanuf.  in  Phila.  1,  Isaac  K.,  b.  \SiA.  2,  Chas.  E.,  Feb.  G,  l!So'S.  J.yi'n,'-  7'.,  Nov. 
l^iO.-);  was  shipwr.-eked  at  Matamoras.  H.  (honjc  IE.,  ,lul\-  81,  1817.  One  of  the 
progenetors  of  tlie  Native  American  Party  in  1844.  and  was  their  candidate  for  sheriff  of 
the  Co.  of  Phila.  \\as  in  the  jewelry  with  liis  f.  at  24)  ^S'orth  Ond  St.  He 
was  in  N.  Y.  C.  on  business  when  Ins  l^t  cousin,  Nathan  Henry  Head,  was  blown  up 
by  an  explosion  and  he  was  compelled  to  serve  on  the  jury  of  inquest,  but  did  not  know 
the  connection  of  dec.  with  himself  until  some  yrs.  alter,  m.  March  \'2,  lt*ui(,  Anna  M. 
<iebhard.      1.    Lewis  (i..    b.    ()(-t.    11,   1S40.     2,   Anna   E. .  Dec.  19,  1,S4'.2.  '  o,  Isaac,  Aug! 

4,  1S44.  4,  (Jeo.  AV.,  Feb.  4,  ls47.  .-),  Martlui  M..  Sept.  1,  l.s.-,4.  G,  \Vi:r.'l5.  S,,  Mardi 
19,  isr)7.  4,  O.sindn.  m.  May,  b^:-.:;,  Ann.-i  y\.  Sanders.  1,  1,-aac'  (i.  2,  Eva  Anna. 
3,  Osman.  4,  Reginald  D.  ".""),  .lolm  S.  (>,  Anna  M.  7,  <;eo.  W.  S,  Wm.  B.  9, 
Henry.  10,  Conrad  M.  11.  Charles  E.,  res.  (in;at  ik-nd,  Susquehanna  Co.,  Pa! 
2,  Ei,]z.\iu;-ri',  b.  1774:  m.  Hi-c  2:!,  Is'.i2.  1m njamin  Ilovt,  res.  N.  A'.  C.  1,  .<nUij,  1.. 
Feb.  23.  1794.  2,  .v //.■»»"/-.  Man-h  2.',  179(i.  ;';,  1),  ,i}.iinu,,  .lulv  I's,  i:9S;  d.  Feb. 'l3, 
ISO].  4,  y,', /.vr//,  Aug.  o,  isOO.  o,  /,'. /,^'//,/„,  Nov.  2G,  ls02.  (i,"  A'//,- //„, ,  ,f  uue  2.  ISOo. 
7,  Jiiiins^  S,  ,/////,/.  t\\-iu  with  James^  Sept.  19.  lMi7.  9,  Kiiiiiwr,  Nov.  :!,  ISlO.  o, 
N.VTii.vN  IIoYT,  b.  177G:  m,  N..v.  2s,  1^97,  Mary  b.  Juiec  10.  1777,  dan.  of  John,' 
jr..  and  .\bit:ail  (Hoyt)  Hoyt:  per.  m.  (2)  Pebcvca  JetVry.  1,  ls,ni,-  Hlal.-t4>r^  b.  Marcli  N, 
1800:  d.  lNo7,-  constable  and  coHe(-tor  at  White  Plains,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Caroline  Gednev. 
2.  Jitrn},  Win;,, in,  :..  Julv  2s.  ISOI;  d,  of  cons.  ls:-;4:  m,  lUith  Kush,  3,  Mani,\).  April 
10,  IS02:  d.  .\pril  13,  Isii;;.  .i,  M,i rii! .  h.  U.-t.  2.  1,S04.-  m.  Wm.  At'herton  of 
Patersoi\,  N.  J.  o,  Mmfh'i  J,>f/ilini.  b.  jum-  1,  ISOG;  m.  John  (■•allatin;  res.  AVahlen, 
Orange  Co..  N.  Y.  G,  Jo.',,.  Ib'ijt,  b.  Nov.  9,  isr)7;  a  baker  at  Ihr^hwick,  L.  I.;  m.  Sarali 
'i'aylor  and  liad  3  chil.  7,  J"  nn.-i  i',,ri,,  Uns,, .  A\i^^.  2,  iSll;  res.  S%\lft's  Isbuid, 
111.:  ni.  Martha  Taylor  and  had  2  c;iil.  ,s,  H.njuiniii  JL'ijt,  b.  Aug.  3,  ISKJ,  a  marble 
fini>her  in  N.  Y.  C. :  m.  Eliza  Young  and  had  2  cliil.  9.  .sV//v'//  !■'.<' iziihitJi,  b.  in 
Manuiri.neck,  July    2G,    1S15;    m.    Edson    Knapj>   (d'  Sliawanguid<,    N.    Y.      10,    .h»<i ph 

Wiivr,!,  Uniii,  lie  was  a  steam  engine  builder  in  N.  V.  C. :  m.  Henrietta  Taylor  and 
had  1  ch.  11,  y,itl,,iu  //./,/■//.  nnichinest:  burned  to  d.  Feb.,  ISoO.  in  Hayne  St.,  M. 
"\  .  C,  in  (-o]\se(jue)u  e  of  a  boiler  explo.sion.  Tliere  was  imtliing  left  but  a  snnill  jiiei-e 
of  liis  shirt,  about  tlie  size  of  a  man's  hand,  which  being  of  a  peculiar  material,  liis  wife 
identified.      He    m.  Caroline  To\\-nseud  [11],   who  d.  of  grief  twovrs.  afti-r  her  hus.  d. ; 

2  cliJl. 

VI.  Abigail  Head.  m.  Nov.  4,  1709,  <".  Ells.  ],  Wif.t.iam,  b.  Oct.  IG,  1772. 
2,  A];i(r.\iL.  Feb.  2,  1774.  3.  .M.\i;v,  t)ct.  o.  177.").  4.  S'i'ki'hk.n,  Julv  2,  1777.  0,  Axx.\. 
Dec.  22,  17  7S.     (i.   .Mo.m>.  Feb.  12,  17s4.     7.  J.\(()i;.   Sejit.  5,  178.").  '  S,  Kuij.\,maii,  Julv 

5,  1787.     9,   ]-ii:tsky.  Nov.  9,  17'.iO. 
VII.      Mary.  m.  Fiteh. 

VIII.      Naihan,  res.  DalUton  Spring. 

177.  Elizabeth  Read,  m.  Nov.  19,  1719,  Jacob  Creen. 

I.  f]lizabeth,  b.   Nov.  G.  1720. 

II.  Elijah,  .\pri!  9,  1723. 

HI.  Eleazer,  Feb.  2.-,,  1724-5. 

IV.  Kuth.  Feb.  2.1,  172G. 

V.     Asahel,  b.  Oct.  2-:.,  1729;  m.  Aug.  18,  17-").j,  .Mary  I'eitit. 

17.10.     Ann  Read,  m.    Dec.    7,    173s,    Eliakim    \\aring,    b.   July  S.    1717,   s.    of 
E!iakiu-i  and  I'^lizabeth  iBovitoni  \V.      Thev  \\-vv>-  mem.  of  the  Darien  clih.  in  174  1. 

I.  Elia!ci!u.  b.  abt.  1740:  m.  Jan.  17.  1771,  Plud.e  l^outou:  rcn.i.  to  Troy,  N.  V.. 
i;9S.  iinl  wax  tin-.  Senior  Waidi.-n  of  St.  Paul  Epis,  (-liii.,  from  ISOl  to  dec. ,' Sept.  4, 
1S2-1.  1,  V.\.\\<,  I).  Oct.  Pi,  1771.  2,  Ha-N.nai!.  Aug.  30,  177.1.  :!,  N\tii\n.  0.  Mav  l', 
1777:  m  .Nbuy  H,'ut(m,  1>.  .Vorwalk.  Conn..  .\])ril  21.  I7s9.  d.  F..|).  S,  is.-,9.  1,  d.'i.nir 
Ilni.rii  li'"/ /■-.•<,  b.  Nov.  IS,  ls-2:j;  ,,r  Tmy  and  -'Ida  Hill':  lawyer,  m.  Feb.  27,  IS.VJ, 
Mary  Carolini-  Plioenix,  dan.  of  .lonasjund  .Mary  (Whitney)  Pliomiix  (and  sis.  of  Stei)hen 

Whitney   Pler-niv.    \\  ho  c,i:!<.  d  tie-  (-(.nil>iialion  of  tbe    Whl'l'ii/    l-'.iinihl  of  C.ini.,   .a    Iloblf 

family  history  in  tlin-e  .piarto  \'ols,,  and  .-ibout  2,s00p,p,  4,  S-rKl"-iiKN,  b.  March  9. 
]7s;>.      Tj.    \[\\\  \ii,  b.  .lulv  19,  1793. 

SO"  ■  ISIJANCII    OF   J(MrX. 

•    II.     Zaccheus.  b.  Oil.  19.   17H. 
in.      JL^:^:ii'r  b.  'J'liie  4,  1744. 

IS.  David  Tuttle,  1>.  Xov.  14.  ISOS;  set.  first  in  WalliiiL'fnnl,  Conn.,  and  .Man-l, 
14,  liifi:],  conveys  hi.N  linus-,' and  lioinr  lot  there,  six  acres  and  otiier  }>ai-cpl,s  of  land  to 
Joseph  Iloult.  I ?;)(),  David  Tuttlo,  .sr.,  of  ^~ol•\valk,  conv.  to  -losiah  'I'uttle  rjola,  j,, 
land  formerly  hclonirini:  to  my  trrandfatlnT,  \Vm.  Tutth -  aLso  a.s  attorney  for  mv"^ister. 
^Irs.  Kiizabeih  Kead  of  X<jr, ,  riglit  in  tliinl  division:  IT'^S.  conv.  to  Tlios.  Sev'mour  of 
X.  Same  day  Thos.  Seymour  conv.  to  David  'ruttic.  jr.,  10  acre.s  in  Canaan,  near 
Stamford  line;  Jan.  'il?,  17:]1-"-',  conv.  to  s.  Nathan.  (Xof.  I,<n,il  li,r.)  Me.  m  .\o'v  -Vj 
K59S,  Mary,  dan.  of  Mr.  J'dm  llea.l  of  Norv,;dk.  [\v  d.  17:.-J,  a.  abt.  SA.  David  Tutf.t- 
and  John  Warino;  gave  i)onds  to  adni.  ]ii.s  est.,  Jan.  ](».  J  7.")  2  luver.torv  talcin  Jan  -Jj 
18.V3;  t'S4!)  9.S  (id.  John  and  Joshua  llaymond,  apprs.  In  tin-  fornnition  of  tin- chh.  at 
Darie.n,  Conn.,  David  'J'uttle,  Tlnjs.  l«ead  and  J(niathan  Bell  (close) v  reiateil)  were 
leading  men.  Mr,  Huntington,  in  vf  Stdmj'ord.  tran.scril)e?;  a  clih.  rec.  of  the 
Darien  Soc.  rehating  to  the  seating  of  the  me-etiiig  house,  expre.ssing  more  fullv  the 
prof-eodings  of  this  cusrom  than  ar.y  other  parish  inllie  town,  and  weirwoitli  pres(,"rvim^ 
as  a  curiosity  of  tlio  times.  Besides  it  indicates  some  of  tiie  principal  men  of  tl)at  day 
in  that  part  of  th.p  town.  (Jn  the  first  vnte  the  society  i|i'ci>i.-d  to  seat  the  nieetini:  liousj^ 
by  a  committee;  2d  vote,  ye  soc.  allowed  ye  1st  pew'to  be  ve  hiest  in  diirnitv;  ;ii^l  vote 
ye  2d  ])ew  ye  next  hiest:  4th,  the  fore  pt-w  to  be  '.k\  hiest;  ."Jth.  the  tn-nt  pew  bv  tlm 
great  door  to  be  ye  4th  hiest:  (ith,  ilie  corner  pew  at  tlie  northwest  to  be  '^th  Inest. 
and  so  on  to  the  lUth  vote,  settling  tlie  order  of  tlie  pews  in  dignity;  lOtli  vote,  Capt! 
Jonathan  Kainient,  Capt.  Jonathan  Bate.s,  Sergt.  Jonathan  ikd],  sr.,  Samuel  Bishop  and 
Daniel  Read  chosen  a  com.  to  seat  tlie  meeting  lujuse;  14tli  vole.  Mr.  David  Tuttle,  Mr. 
Thomas  Bead,  ('apt.  John  Bainuni .  Mr.  J^dmund  ^Varing,  Mr.  Jonathan  Bates,'  IMr. 
Nathan  Selleck,  ]Mr.  James  Slason  ;ind  Mr.  Jonathan  Bell,  all  to  sit  in  ye  fore  pew;'  15th 
vote,  Dea.  Bislio].  to  sit  in  his  seat  before  ye  pulje.t;  lOth  vote,  ye  eoiueiy  inslructed  li* 
seat  tlie  remainder  according  to  their  own  di.scretion. 
1.  Solomon,  b.  Awj.  2(;,  I(i'.)9:  m. 
H.      David,  b.  Man-li  C,  1701;  m. 

HI.      Mary.    b.    Nov.    24,    17C4:  m.   Feb.    tj,   17H1,   Bichard  Higginlx.tham,    and   had 
4  chil.,  recorded  in  Fairfield,  of  wlumi  were  Richard  and  Mary. 

I\'.-     Nathan,  b.  Aug.  Kj,  i:07;  m.  .Mav  ti.  17;!1,  Ann  (lilbcrt. 
V.      Katharine,  b.  .Ian.  2,  !  TOO. 

VI.      Ann.  b.  W-r.  2S.  171:;. 
VIl.      l.ydi,-,.  b.  July  II,   1717;   bap.  May  :jl,  Hli). 

Au  F!i/.abi-ih  Tuttle.  d.  in  Smmford,  Nov.   20.  ]70(). 

One  of  the  daus.  of  David  Tuttle,  sr. ,  prob.  m.  Jolm  Warins:,   b.  1701-. 

181.  Solomon  Tultlc,  b.  Aug.  2ii,  1(!99;  m.  Mary—.  >In  17;!0  he  Ixnight;  land 
in  Norwalk.  Conn.,  of  Isaac  Wood  (Nctr.  Bee),  and  sm.  yr.  he  ajijiears  in  the  Lite-'ilicld 
'J'owu  Kec.  as  a  land   buyer. 

I.  Mary,  m.  Admer  Stevens,  b.  Nov.  30.  1720.  s.  of  Thomas  and  Sarali  Stevens  of 
Norwalk.  1,  Ar.u.vii.v^r,  b.  Dec.  4,  17o0.  2,,  b.  Mandi  27.  17r)2;  m.  Sept. 
21,  1771,  Nathan  Dann.  b.  Dec.  9,  1749.  s.  of  Nathajiiel  and  Lydia  Stevens,  sis.  of 
Admire  Dann.  1,  Kihr.ird.  b.  Jan.  2o.  1  772.  o.  Han.vau,  b.  Oct.  14,  17.");;.  4,  Sai;.\ii. 
b.  Aug.  IS,  I7.I0.      ~i,   Soi.uMu.v,  1).  Mandi  12,  17o7. 

A  Parnel  Tuttle,  m.  Aug.  2:!,  177(;,  Sammd  Benoyer,  b.  Aug.  24,  17.")4; 

An  Elizabeth  Tuttle,  ni.  Jan.  13.  176:5,  J(.:>iah  lloyt,  b.  .Maridi  14,  1741-2.  1, 
Bhoda,  Ajiril  11,  1704.  2.  Anna,  .Inly  13,  17G8.  3,  Mercy,  I>ec.  0,  1770.  4,  .losiah' 
June  12,  1773.     .l,   Isaac,  Aug.  14,  1775. 

182.  David  Tuttle,  b.  March  0,    1701:  m.    Martha  ;  rem.    f-rom   Norwaik   to 

wliat  is  now  ilie  north  j)art  of  Nt>w  Canaan,  Conn.,  then  a  part  of  N.,  distant  eii_dit  miles. 
There  was  but  a  loot  jjath  from  his  house  thnnigh  the  \s(iiids  to  N.  His  house  was  one 
and  one-half  mill's  north  of  the  vil.  of  New  Canaan,  near  res.  of  his  g.  s. ,  Sam'i  P.  Tuttle. 
He  kept  a  i>ublie  house  tor  many  yi-s.  in  that  tlieui  ^\ild  country.  The  Conir.  chh.  at. 
Darien  was  formed  .lune  7).  17M,  and  among  the  nu'uibers  then  enrolled  were  Bev. 
Moses  Mather  and  David  .and  .Martha  Tuttle.      At  a  court  ludd  at  Fairfield,  .Jan.  10.  17.")2. 

*A  Je^;^e  \V;ir!np  in  St.iniford  m.  Nov.  5,  177?,  liinh  Wce-d .  12),  Jan.  q.  177;;,  Jemima  I.ounsburv  i, 
Ruth,  b  Oct.  23,  i7/,j.  r.v  ^c!  in.:  2,  frudtnce.  Doc.  -2.  1775.  3.  .Sariih.  l-'tt'.  11,  177s.  4.  WlCiani, 
Oct.  6.  1770  5,  (.'h:irles.  July  3,  1781'.  '.,  Nanty,  .Vu;;.  15,  1704.  7,  Henry,  Marcli  17,'  i7Sr',.  o,  .Ann. 
July  15,  17S8. 

TUTTLE.  81 

]);ivid  Tuttlo  {iiid  John  Wariii':,  both  of  Norw  alk,  giivc  bonds  to  iuiin.  of  David 
Tultle,  hitp  dec. 

I.  Danirl.  iii.  Mercy  Bri.stow  of  Newtown,  Coir.i.  He  lived  and  d.  at  Xew  Can. 
liiv.  on  rei'.  at  Fairfield,  July  oO,  IIG:^;  E))hraini  Smitli  and  Peu-r  lliisted,  appraiserf: 
David  Ttittle,  adnir.  "  Serviee  Book"  mentioned.  >[arcli  20,  1TG4,  Neli.  Benedirt. 
Martin  KellD^ir  and  Peter  Ilnsted  a])pt.  to  divide  the  e^t.  to  Mercy,  the  wid.,  and  ehil. 
1,  D.AMK.l.,  m.  Naomi  Stevens  of  Newtown;  (2)  Abigail  I'enoyer;  re.s.  Newtown,  after- 
ward at  Pioxbury.  and  iinally  at  NeAv  Canaan.     /.  by  1st  m. :     I.   JJunid,  m. Dairley 

and  lived  at  AVaterburv.  Conn.  2.  ^it!t.  b.  Julv  IS,  1778;  m.  Amv  Daiev  of  Suiithburv. 
Conn.:  cliil.  1>.  in  ^.  1.  John  ^Y..  Sei-t.  \?,,  1SU2.  2.  Kliza,  Aptil"  21.  ]SO-l;  d.  Aiiril  lb\ 
180o.  o,  Amanda  M..  h.  Feb.  V.',.  l^OU.  4.  Sallv  M.,  Jan.  20,  ISOS.  .-,,  .Mvron  11.  W., 
]).  Jan.  21  IMO;  ni.  Dec.  24.  1n:!2.  Harriet  .M.  P'eck,  b.  Oet.  1.  1S14;  d.  Nov.  2^.  l^fiS. 
He  rn.  (2)  Jan.  2,  lt>70,  Clarissa  J.  Stone  of  Ferry vilie.  I'onii.;  res,  ]\i;uichester.  Conn.  /. 
by  1st  m.:  ( 1 1,  Mary  I.,  Nov.  8,  1833;  in.  (ieo.  W.  ]>ement,  re^.  Bantam  Falls,  Conn. 
(2),  Myron  F.. .  b.  June  o],  V<]~}\  m.  Oct.  10,  18.70.  Lucia  A.  Theal,  res.  Stafford  Spring, 
Conn.  (3),  Sarah  M.,  b.  1S37:  d.  Feb.  10,  .sm.  yr.  (4j,  Sarah  M.,  b.  March  20;  d.  May 
22,  183S.  (5),  Jlenry  C,  b.  Sept.  4,  1830:  m.  Min(>rva  Wheaten.  res.,  Warnn,  Trum- 
bull County.  O.  (li)".  Amanda  M.,  b.  Jan.  9,  1S42:  m.  Jvlward  Dunla]),  re.s.  \^"est  Staf- 
ford, Conn.  (7),  Frances  ]>.,  b.  Dec.  4,  1^4.7;  m.  June  10,  J'~''07,  Susan  A.  (Tritfiu,  (S), 
Cieo.  \V.,  b.  Aui:.  21.  1847:  m.,  and  les.  at  Meriden.  C<jud.  ('.)).  Loval  1^.,  b.  Nov.  4.  1849; 
d.  Nov.  3,  ISOsr  I'lOt.  Seth\V.,b.  Sei)t.  20,  18o2;  d.  Jan.  21,  18/,4.  (11).  Harriet  M.. 
Ir.  Julv  8,  iNoO;  d.  Dec.  12,  18US.  G,  Loui.-a,  b.  Dec.  13,  1811;  d.  Feb.  20.  1812.  7. 
Harmon  L..b.  Au^:.  13,  1814.  8,  Joseph  P.,  1>.  A]iril  2,1819.  ('.*),  Emilv  Ann.  b. 
Dec.  10,  1821.  3.  Xofhat,  S.,  d.  v.  4,  yaih.iH  S.  .7,  Anna.  G,  Luriudi.'  7.  Uuth 
Ann,  b.  Nov.  29.  1777.  8,  fJit-^n/'xn.  >'.:  by  2d  m :  9,  S.nnud  }\.  m.  (2)  Wid.  Harriet 
Bctts,  i  bv  1st  m.  1.  Kr:;stus  \\.,  h.  Scjit.  7,  1825.  2,  Augustus  S..  Ajfrii  7,  1^27.  3, 
Sarah  A.,  Feb.  lo.  1*^29.  4,  Flizab^'tlt,  March  20,  iSol.  5,  "Augii.stus  S.,  Dec.  20,  1834. 
G,  Maria,  !Vpril  3.  l>o7.  7,  .Mary,  Aug.  18,  1838.  i.  by  2d  m. :  9,  JolinH.,  b.  Jan.  17, 
18o0.  2,  Lkvt.  3.  Fnos,  ju-rhaps  the  pt-nsionei-,  a.  78.  in  1840,  living  with  Solomon 

.    n.      David.      His    est.    was    aj)]ira)sed    at    Norwalk,    Jan.    27.    17G3,    by    Hezekiah 
Defore-t  and  ("laji  ('.')  l^avmond. 

ni.  Eli,  m.  Dec.  8.'l7G.:.,  Sarah  Smitli.  1,  M.\r;v,  h.  May  8.  17(iG.  2.  H.onau. 
Nov.  2o,  17G7.  3,  Iviiuixv,  Nov.  29,  1770.  4,  K.\Tr.,  Sept,  15,  1772.  5,  Abi;,\i,a-j, 
Dec.  27,  1774.-  G,  JoUNsox,  Oct,  15,  177-7,  7,,  Oct.  20,  r,79.  8,  PfiKi-.K,  Sept. 
1.1,  1782. 

IV.  Enos,  m.  Abigail  luv.  sIkjv.  n  at  Falrfirld.  Aug.  20,  1792,  I'ol;  Jo^ej))]  Selli- 
man,  Timothv  Piead  and  Gold  Selleck  Penover  di.'-iribuied  tlie  est.:  all  the  cliihh'en 
named.  1.  Patty,  b.  June  18.  1770.  2,  E.vo>-.,  b.  Mandi  20.  1779.  3,  He.nkv.  b. 
April  9,  1781.      4,  Anx.\,  b.  June  3.  1783.     5,   Azon,  b.  Aug.  30,  1780. 

Y.  Ebeiie:/er.  ni.  July  7,  17G.7,  Charity,  eld.  i.  of  Samuel  and  Abigail  'Lockwriod) 
Penoyer,  b.  Feb.  4,  174G,  (sis.  of  (iold  SellecK  PeMo\er).  1778,  Eli  Tuttle  appt.  guard,  ol 
3minorchil..  Fois,  Eiieiu/.t  r  and  Josiah.  thil.  V).  in  New  Canaan,  Conn.  1.  rb\Vfi>. 
Jan.  8,  17GG:  m.  Dec.  (;.  17S9,  Sallv  Richards  (sis.  of  Ambrose,  an  extensis-e  h'ather 
dealer  in  N.  Y.  iW  He  d.  at  Chardon,  (iranger  Co.,  O.,  Jan.  IG,  1847,  a.  81.  1.  J/://'e', 
b.  Aug.  10,  1790.  2,  Putlph,  Dec.  19,  1792.  3,  ('Mharine,\  Dee.  25,  1794.  4.  llituim. 
Julv  4,  1797.  5,  Chfir^e^,  of  Plainesville,  <).,  linn  of  Tuttle  Bros..  deal<^rs  in  hardware. 
G.  'B>/ss,l/.  „f  Chicago.  Ill.s.  2,  Lvi.i,\.  b.  March  10,  17G9;  m.  Alexander  Haiiford:  r.-s. 
iianlius,  Onondaga  Co.,  N.  Y.  3,  S.mith.  b.  Sept.  21.  1773:  d.  y.  4.  A/.oH,  b.  July 
20.  1775.  5,  S-NfiTH.  b.  June  20,  177G:  m.  and  had  a  fain,  in  Litchfiild  Co.,  Conn,  (i, 
AuTGAiL,  Feb.  25,  1788.;  m.  Dunnivan. 

*Abraham  Tuttle.  b  abt.  itjj;  m.  Martha  (Jau.  of  Samuel  Burr  of  Fairlield,  Conn.,  and  Xewbury,  X. 
v.);  h.  1776,  and  had;  i,  I'uir.  7.  Robert.  3,  Alexander,  4,  Jofin  K.  5,  Emeline.  6,  Sarah,  7, 

^Catharine  Tuttle.  b.  abt.  i5cx5 :  m.  Henry  Randolph  Stanard  and  had  : 

I.  Warren,  b.  Salin-T,  X.  \'...  April  3,  iS  iS  ;  a  preacher  of  the  Free  Meth.  chh,;  in.  July  14,  iS-.q,  Sarah 
Fitch  Dana.  b.  Xor-.valk.  C'Mui  .  T)ec .  21,  iSs'j.  at  Byron,  X.  Y.  i.  FR.\Nkt,i.-.i  D.wii.-.  Xov.  q,  i>j;  : 
enlist,,  in  7?d  Ilk.  VoU.,  1S62,  and  'erved  till  close  of  the  war  ;  stud.  med.  and  grad.  Rush  .^Ied.  Col,. 
Chicai^o,  Ills.  Practices  med.  at  Marriiiville.  Illi,.  :,  He.nkv  .Anon.  Oct.  :;.  iS.;6  ;  enlist,  in  i=ic*hregt. 
111';.  Vols.;  d.  of  disease  at  Memphis,  Tenn  .  Aug:,  i,  1?'^$.  3,  Cath,*ki,\e  Rhi.fcc.\,  b.  Xov.  4,  i?^?  ;  d. 
April  iS,  1864.  4,  James  tjurney,  b.  Xov.  2G,  1&50.  5,  Elias  Wai;fkn,  b.  May  7.  iSt,^,  d.  Sept.  17,  1854. 
6,  MiN.sESv.o  A  ALICE,  b.  May  15,  1857.  7,  Makv  VALONit:,  Feb.  22,  1S59.  8,  Geo.  W.,  Xov.,  t3'  i  ; 
d.  Jan.  K3,  i8r.i. 

82  '  BRANCH    OF    JOIJX, 

VI.  ■   Mabi-],    J!i.    .Ian.    10,    ITTo,    Barnabas    M>Tvir.e.      1,   Sali.y,    Aug.    7,    ITM,      2 
Betsev,  !>iT.  1,  i;:'.!.     ;:;,  SA>r!F.r,,  o.i.  27,  ll^:',. 
!                           A  <,'all!;u-iiii'  'J"!i;tli'  oi'  .Xrw  Canaan.    Conn..    1..    aln.    17*)U:    ni.    Mairli    ',},    i7<fj 
\         Isaac  Kt't'ler.  ba]..  Xrw  <  anaan.  .lu!y  2'k  K-VI,  ami  d.  ihr.  .Ian.  2:',.  \x:',l ,  a.  SI.      'uis   /,! 
i         vvf.      lb"  ni.  (1)  Saraii ,  wl;o  d.  >(.-}ic.  '20,  17!»;>,  a.  :j;j. 

!  184.      TNTalhan   Tuttle,  b.  Aug.  5.  ]7(«7;  m.  in    X.  llav.  Mav  ti,    17:-;i.  .\uno  Gilbert 

I        of  X.  Vorlc. 

I.      Xatuiui,  b.  Jan.  H.  17i>l,  Mf^icy  (iivenstitt.      He  wms  por.  tlie  man  of  tliat  name 
of  Litrlifii'ld,  Conn.,  and  l)ouglit  land  1S()',>  and  >.-ld   '[XiC,.      1.   Knoi  u.  b.  April  11,  17(;j- 

■  in.  .Mav -J.  17.<-").  .lane   \\'ilHa!n-on.      1,    Il',,   b,    Feb.  2:!.  i:S!).     2,   //-V.v.  y,  1).  Mav  4 

j  1700.    "8,    llnrrht,    b.  Aug.  2:1  17!S:l      -1,    ('I,>f , ■!,.■<,  i,.  .Jan.    1,    17!)fi.      .-,,    Silh/.    b.    Feb",    (j' 

j  17!';'.     2.    .b;i!.v,    b.    >t:\)X.    21,    dlo:    m.  -Vi.v.  2(3,    KH."!,    Is;il.>.d    Ca-n,.,-.      1.    .Vz/v-//.     ;-:.' 

\  Flo.ML'MJ,  probai)ly  the  iJ'-v.  ,■^^l,  who  livi-d  at  \N'cst|  ort,  Conn.,  1S40,  a.  7t>(pensiun; 

!  m.  Nov.  IS,  17SS,"Sal<>nu'  Phillips.  1,  FAiii'uid,  b.  April  12.  17s9.  2,  PoVy^  b,  Ajiril  I2' 
1701,  b',  A'->fi-.  b.  Oct.  nt,  179:1  4,  Z-'/-,-.v,  1,.  Julv  ;JI.  179i).  4,  yr.i.LKCK,  m.  Oct  lo' 
17U2,   Xaii-v  B's^siv.      1.    .<^/',-/.   b.    Aiu-il   IS,   17'.!:-!,     2.    'V.'/rA.v,   b.   .Tun._-  :l    1791,     :-!. 

;■  Si'Jy.  b.  -Jail.  4,  i:;i.i.      .">.   Mkikv.  m.  (J.-t.  20,  17^i;,  Xathan  .^t-lcv. 

:  'n.     liahuah   Tuttic,   d.   Xoj'walk.   May  :n ,    IMl;   ni."  .Jan.   0,  \~:u ,   Sanim-l 

;  Faircliibl  (his  2d  wf.),  b.  at  X.  April  22,  17:j:.l:    \\('   ni.   ].>t    Sarah   -Jones,    who  d.  Mav  2:1 

I  17.i.5.      Flo  had.  1772.  a   part   of  his    faTluTs  homestead,  bnildinij-s,  fulling  mill   oii'Mill 

1  Brc.-k   and    .")   acres   of    l-nd.      He  w  a-   a   (dorh    fuller   and  weaver.      lied,  at  Kidi-<"fif'hl, 

i  C.)]m..  Oct.  i),  lS2n.  in  his  SSth  yr.      He  a  s.  of  .lonathan  and,  Eleanor  Whitn.n  Faii-- 

■  ■  cliild.      1.   Sakau,  ^^  Xov.   9.    ]7.^>7:  d.   .Jan.    L"),    179."J:   m.    1774,  -John   'iret'-orv,    "lie  in. 

twice  after.  1.  N.'/-.///,  b,  Julv  11,  ir7.').  2,  llmnmh,  b.  ]-Vb.  H,  ]77s.'  s!  J'>  b 
;  March  14,  ISsi.l.  4,  7/ /- //.  b.  Hec  22,  r;s4.  .•>.  FJLnh,  !h .\k  ^^  \>\.  \,  L7S7.  (J,  B.!^>t^. 
\i.  Feb.  20,  17;)iJ.  7,  Jof,n,  i),  April  2.'j,  1792.  S,  i]r. ,,!/■, rO,  1>.  Dec.  ol,  1794;  d.  Jan.  20, 
;  170^,  2,  b.  o.-t.  2,  17":)'.;;  m.  .lune  24,  177'./,  I'lanitah  J^ennett;  b.  May  20.  17.58; 
ho  Wiis  a  v,-ta\er,  af:er\var<ls  a  fa.riner;  rem.  ISijo  from  X'.  to  I-tidgeiield,  Conn".,  wlir.  she 
d.  Xov.  24,  Is-lO.  \h-  .served  ai  S.-igr.  in  the  Kev.  army  from  the  burniut;-  of  Xo:-\valk 
to  cl«.5-  of  the  war.  1,  11 ,  1).  Fr  b.  2,  17SI);  (buhier  avA  fi-m.or;  m.  Marcl;  2!, 
IsO!,  JUioda,  dau.  of  Henj.  and  IJhoda  i.Vlb'u)  Allen  ai  \^'eitporl,  !>.  A].ril  22.  1777;  d.' 
at  \Vestj)<)rt,  Conn.,  Sept.  21,  1S.')4.  lied,  at  ^V.  Sept.  1,  1S02.  2.  Eltmnir.  b.  Oct.  :l'9, 
Vify.i.  d.  April  2"d,  1S71,  in  SSth  yr. :  m.  at  Heading,  Conn..  Filias,  s.  of  Abi-aham  and 
■  SiiL^anna  (Woods)  rulling,  b.  Sept.  2,  17^1;  d.  Xov.  o,  1S40;  farmer;  set.  in  Hidgefield, 
Conn.  :-!,  S'i,'>U'l  <r..  b.  Aug.  2,  1792;  d.  Dec.  22,  1S28;  m.  Dec.  •"),  161:1  at  \\eston, 
Conn.,  Arela  Adams,  b.  Jan.  \'S.  17^/3;  still  livins-,  1870.  4,  B't.sni.  0.  Fei>.  7,  1790;  d. 
Sept.  17,  1870;  m.  at  Kidirt-f,  July  0,  1.S19.  Israel' Mead  Wiiitloek, 'b.  Jan.  17,  1798:  d. 
April  29,  ISiJS.  d.  Ha.wah,  b.  !May  1,  170:J;  kejit  house  for  iier  bro.  at  Jl  after  his 
^vf.'sdec.  and  d.  tlir.  unui.  June  l'.t,"is;^j.  a.  70.     4.   Bktskv,  b,  Feb.  7,  170.7. 

III.  Rebecca,  ni.  April  7,  17.7S,  Silvanus  Seidi>y,  b.  X'ov.  17,  17eS,  s.  of  ElipJialet 
an.'l  Sar.'li  iHoiiy;  Sceley.  .\  loyali.-it  of  this  name  in  Stamford  was  lej'orteJ  ''"  tlanger- 
ou- "  in  ]7c-'0.  i,  Ax.v,  b.  April  4,  1700,  2,  Hax.nah,  b.  June  9.  1702.  ;i  SrrvAXts, 
b.  June  .5,  ]7o4:  m.  Xov.  10,  178:1  Mary  Iloyt.  1,  JIoHu,  b.  Mandi  2.7,  1784.  2,  Am,', 
b.  Yvh.  24,  1780.  :i,  WiJU-im  Kiii;i,  b, 'X'ov,"  13,  1787.  4,  Kciji;cca.  !>.  March  14,  1700, 
.5.  X'atuax,  b.  May  .5,  1708;  m.  Oct,  20,  1780,  >dercv  Tuttle.  1,  Auroi,.,  b.  Mav  8,  1787, 
2,  Sail};,  b.  Jan.  19,  1789,  '6,  John,  b,  Mav  2:1  1790.  4,  A'fnd.  b.  Julv  6,  "l792,  -5, 
Eiui^t'i.'^,  I).  Ajuil  11,  17!).").  (j,  PoUij.  h.  Feb.  20,  1797.  0,  Ei.ii'iiai.kt,  "b  '.MarcJi  17 
1770.     7,  Hoi.LY,  b.  Dec.  2:3,  1771.  : 

\  2.     Hannah  Tuttic,  b.  F:ngland,  10:j2-:i  d.  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  Aug.  9,  168:1  a  ."iO; 

bu.  in  till-  old  Ce.iter  chh,  grave-yard  o;i  Main  st,,  where  her  inomorial  stoiuMs  still 
standin::.  among  otller.^  of  thf  Welles  family;  its  in.-.crii)tion  (|uite  plain;-'"  ni,  1(;49,  John, 
only  -;.  of  William'  and  .\[.i;-gaM  t  Pantry  J'antrec).  )>.  alit.  1029;  freenuui  of  Tlartf.,  PO.-iO: 
Will  dated  S-[it.   ].  li;.7:;;    iuv.  taken  Xov.  2.">.  -ann-  ^r.;    chil.,  Joliu   an.d   Ilantiah— Marv 

*  I'hf.'  r,en.  Diet,  cf  W'w  Eaer.  sup  V>t  dau.  of  rCi.-U.ird  Tnttlt-  of  P„,str,n,  r.n  uh.u  croiuid  I  h.ivc  (n-tn 
unable,  to  cjiscover.  (  ir.ainistancfs  al;  point  u>  t.'-.c  d.ia.  -,'.  \\':\\\.\:n  Tuttle  of  Xc.v  Hai-en  a  id  t'c  -rave- 
stone  establishcj  \h:t  'dfuity.  '    '       •■!»''- 

tWiHiaa\  I'aiilry  taine  uvcr  in  icj^;  Wealthy  and  advaiiLcd  in  years:  selettmap  o:  JTaru  ip-.i  a^-'in 
in    it.43;  cons'.ablc.  i"(.->.  '    '       ■*   '     ''" 

TUXTLE,    I'AXTllY.  ^l 

noTiiiimfd,  jmili.  |>'>s<1iuiMim>;  tik  (-J)  June  2:!.  Ifj.")}.  'riii'inas,  s.  <>(  T]in;iuis*  ;ui:l  Klizu- 
l»-ih  (Di'Uiiiii,^)  Wtllt.'^.  jr.,  li.  aht.  ltl-2T:  (.'uartcniKi-^T:-!-  imil<>r  M:ij.  Jolm  Musmi,  U'^nS: 
]}(']).  M.ig.  ;it  llarti'.,  l'/-(i-2-;>,  aud  is  s.Mi<l  lo  hi  luniinl  a-  a  -raiitct-  in  tlif  Koyal  Cliartfr  of 
('omi.  (pro!),  his  f.)  ![<■  was  rep.  May  l*;(ri,  as-;>!:iiil  ti;';.s.  and  was  kilk-j  sui.  vr.  l)v- a 
fall  fro'i;!  a  r!u.-ny  tr.'c.  Jt!V.  t;.!o-!i  hi  Haiti',  Aii;:.  -^U.  IWS,  I'lO'.lO  ]<)s.  Cd.;  ('lialtels, 
i'."")'.)!).  Adin.  irivm  :■.,  wid.  Ilanna!!,  II^'  uasihc  la ri^tst  and  lallr-.-^t  nian  of  his  time 
JLi  Hartl'.:  of  strnii.:,' mind  and  <'StimahU'  rliaraclci-.  lii\.  of  est.  :,i  Mrs.  llajinah  Welles 
cxli.  Se])t.  <;,  U')^'-'>:  lUvidcf!  by  the  cur.  rt.  to  .Idlm  rautry  d.'.nldc  poi-iinu,  and  to  all  the 
rest  of  Mrs.  Wtdles'  rliil.  .'qiial  i>orlioiis.  Mrs,  liiilwrl'l  and  Mrs.  .Mccks  to  irrrive  each 
;i  pi,-'-c  of  o-o!(l  aih!  a  ^>f\'\  riuir  that  tlu-iv  nio'thor  li-fon'  Ikt  sickiu-ss  did  allot  and  i^-ivc 
tlirni;  the  two  ynui',i:rr  ss.  to  he  clothed  out  of  the  est.  l)efore  distrihution.  10-  eliil.  h. 
in  WCthcrsfiidd. 

1.     John,  ha]..  Mo'vh  17,  looO;  lu.  Aliiirail    Mix. 
II.      Ilannul!,  h.  .\u_''..  H).",'2;  d.  nntn.  ]'o7'2.  a^conlinir  to    Savaire;   li;;.").  accordiuir  to 
W.S.Porter;    1/iit    Miss    .Xjary    X.  Talc, tt  says  she  d.  hefore    An,c.',.  IfiM ,  as    an    acci'mTit 
of  the  est.  of  1  laniiah  Pan;  ly  e.\"h.  to  the  court  of  ]irohate  in  llrtf.  in  Aul'-.  .  I'iTl. 

III.  Marv,  h.  i-ioh.  after  <e]it.  1.  lUoo.  when  tlie  f.  nnule  his  will;  m  Nailia;u(d 

IV.  r;el)ecf:a  U'elles,  h.  Ma\  ,  IC.l.l;  in.  All-'.  KS,  lOSO.  Capt.  .lames  Judson. 
V.      Thonia^.  h.  Or-...  lll.',:;'iu.   1«W!).  Mary  Ph:cklea,(di. 

^'I,      Sarah,  h.   April,   K;.")'.!;   iu.  Nuv.  7,  I'lT'^,  .hihn    iJidwell,   jr. 
Vll.      lchai;o.l,  Nov..  Itfl'l:   ni.  S.-],t.  4,  ICS-}.  Sarah  Way. 
\IU.      S;iniuei,  Oc^.  V>i\-!:  ur   luitli  Jiid.-.n,  -i-.  to  James  .Jnd -on. 

IX.  Jonathan,  h.  S.  pt..  Uc'U;  d.  --.  /.  aht.  UJDd;  kille.l  l.y  a  j.iece  of  hh-ck  falliair  on 
)iis  Tlionias  W.'Pes  ailm.  hi--  est.,  which  rhe  couri  of  avsi>tams.  on  iietirion  of  all 
hut  tiioadmr.,  onler'^I  d;>Trihi:led,  Xov.,  If;;!!!  te  'l  honnis.  iciuihod,  Samuel  and  Joseph 
^^'elles,  Jolm  Hidw-:-!!,  fi,r  liis  ivf.  Sarah.  i\u-\  hi!;'es  Jnds;in.  fee  liis  wf.  lieheccM:  Tlioinas 
:ipl>eal.'d,  May.  i(i;)i,  '-iiiiiiiini,^  thi'  c-;t,  of  iiis  accordinc;  to  the  Ihi^^disli  law.  \viri;oiit 

X.  Joseph,  h.  An^..  ]\',(\7:  d.  KiMS;  ni.  Kiizaherli,  dau.  oi  ]:iea/er  Way.  T.  John, 
(I.  y.  2.  Jii--i;iM(,  d.  v,  'P,.  Jostn  .\.  d.  v.  4,  Ei.i/.ai;kt]i,  \\  IV.'M;  ui.  Wiliiaiii  Pow.dl 
of  Hartf.  1,  y.'V-.'V//-.  PC  X.v.  4,  17:.0,"  Fletcher  Hannev  of  Mid.,  Conn.,  whod,  ])e.-. 
14.    177:.'.  a.  47,      She  d.  J  une  14,  1  7^."),  a  Dit. 

2,1.  John  Pantry,  h;ip.  Wetlu^-rstiehi.  Conn..  March  17,  Pi."">0;  res.  Ilartf. ;  d.  April 
4.  17ofi:  gravestone  >;iys  a.  !ll);  ••  evit{eiitly  a  mistake,"  sa_\  s  Hon.  L.  M.  Hoi;  wood,  "as 
he  was  hii|).  the  Suttday  sin-e.-rdiriLr  h.i^  hirtli."  He  wa--  ene  of  the  richest  iner.  in  HarTf. 
Wni.  S.  Porter's  Jfi^f.  _\"/iri.s  nf  Cim,.  -ays  he  left  to  his  chil.  and  g-rand  chil.  an 
iiumense  estate.  iniJudin--  a  pasttire  of  ■,?.")  acres  on  tlie  east  side  f)f  Front  st.,  now  in  the 
heart  of  the  city.  In  17f'l  Anne  Trill,  wid.  of  Thomas,  ohtalned  permis>iou  to  sell  land, 
ahour  MO  acres,  oii  the  east  side  of  the  ^r^-at  river  iu  Ilartf.  her  l;usf>and  ha;!  (d'  John 
Pantiv.  Ill  17'2;>  J.diii  Pai.rr\  iii  Cvvk'^S  i..f  -Vi  aci-.->  oi  laud  wiiicdi  he  gaves  to  Xatjianiel 
Mix  o"f  X.  11 J  v.;  calls  hiu.  hi'.-  nephew.  Mas  IU,  1  7-?n.  John  Pantry  and  wf..  Airiuail.  of 
Ilartf.,  convey  lands  in  X.  Hav.  to  Satnuel  Mi.x;  also  lands  not  .specified  in  the  will  of 
Thomas  Mix;  witnesse.s  Aaron  Cook  and  Ilanmih  (ioodwin.  Thomas  Olmsted  of  Hartf. 
alsr)  appeals  an  heir  of  Thomas  Mix  in  rii;-ht  of  his  wf.  Hannah.  7''roni  about  1729.  a.  79, 
lie  was  PU]H'ranuuated  oi-  derani;:t^d.  -fohn  Pantry,  m.  Ahii;-ail,  dan.  of  Thomas  and 
Kebecea  (Turner)  Mix  of  X.  Hav.,  hap.  .Ian.  O'J,  IGliO;  her  mo.  \vas  dan.  of  Ca])t. 
Xf'thaniel  Turu'^r  X'.  IhiV.  She  was  livinir  April  'I').  IfJOl. 
I.  .lolin.  m.  Mary  X'orton. 
II.      Aln,yail,  b.  .Ian.  11,  IfiTS-O;  m.  Pichard  Coodman. 

*Thomas  Welles,  b.  153?;  came  from  Xortharaotoa  Co.,  Entr..  and  was  the  nmon?  tiie  tirst  settlers  of 
Hartf.,  1636.  He  was  the  tirst  ireasurerof  the  C~onn.  Co!.,  and  its.  4tti  Gev  .,  \i:.(,--.^.  He  ni.  in  Kne. 
Eli/.ibetiCHunt;  -.^i  abt.  I'^.i'i.  Ivlij^abelh,  dau.  of  Jolui  Deiiiingr.  and  wid .  .if  N'athaniei  F"(>ote:  s.i.hy 
2d  in.  She  v.-;i'  sis.  of  J'ihn  D'^mi.'i^,  in  Gov.  VViiithrop's  charter  a^  one  of  the  prantees,  whese 
r.  s. ,  .lacob  Dentine,  ID.  I'.h'zabel';,  dan. '■■!  Richard  and  ICIizabeth  (T\ntlei  Edwards.  Gov  Wellesd. 
.Ian.  i^,  i/_st)-''-i,  and  was  bu.-  in  Wethc-sfieid.  Sut  his  refiia\r.s  were  rem.  to  Hani  and  rest  with  those  of 
several  ef  the  ctl'cr  earlv  yovernors.  His  v.-ie,  dated  Nov.  7.  t6;;.;,  gives  to  s.  Thom;'.s  "my  meadow 
and  swamp  in  Penny  Wise,  on  tlie  soutit  side  of  the  fence;  also  that  lour  acres  cjt  .swamji  which  I  bcLt;lit 
of  Xathaniel  Wiilett,  and  my  upland  ot  tlie  cast  side  of  the  j:;reat  river,  by  the  Hopkins  farm,  wiih.iuc 
the  fence,  having;  sold  that  within  the  fence  to  Capt.  Cole  '"  Will  names  Mr.  \\'aris\vorih  and  John 
Dc'ir.inET,  sr.,  supervisors.  Mrs.  Welles  d.  July  ?■•,  lojj,  in  .-''..Sth  yr.-.  names  John,  sr.,  ^bro.)  and 
C:i;-t.  John  .\l!vn,  Es>;.  i.  John,  ri.  abt.  i:'.;:,  Elizabeth  Hournc.  She  m.  -y^  Johr,  ar.d  rem. 
will',  four  .ss.  to  Stratford.  2,  Thomas,  m.  Hannah  iTutt'c  I'antry.  ^,  Samuel  'Ruth;  Capt  Samuel, 
t'^.C-.':  Thad^leus.  i'-)5;  Samuel,  17.^1;; '.,  17=!;  Hon.  ('".i.ieon  wa":  .'^cc.  of  the  Navy;  Samael.  bro  of 
Thaddeas,  iOj.-,  had  Sar.tucl,  who  was  the  f.  of  Samuel,  the  celebr.'ited  banker  of  Pans,  France,.  4, 
Mary.     5,  Ann.     6.  Sarah,  m.  Cant.  John  Chosicr. 

84-  ]!KAXCH    OF    HAXXAII. 

III.  Iliiuuali,  b.  alit.  IG^JO:  m.  Hczekiah  'inodsviii. 

IV.  Itflwcca,  baj).  April  i^y,  1(590;  m.  April  iiO,  1718,  Nuthanic!  Jones. 

211.  Johu  Pantry,  d.  iu  Hadley,  Mass.;  iav.  taken  April  1,  171:5.  II.>  i;my. 
lauds  in  X.  llav.  to  Caleb  Mix;  in.  Mary,  d;'u.  of  Johu  and  K'utli  (Moore)  Xorton  ,i[ 
Farniington.  Conn.;  bap.  Xov.  21,  1080;  she  ni.  (2)  Solomon  Bohwood  of  lladhn-,  h.  Julv 
2,  1()1*4;  tl.  April  -20,  1702,  and  had  Kiith,  b.  April  lo,  17-?2;  Sarah,  b.  April"  5,  172:/; 
\N'm.,  1).  Feb.  4,  1720;  Solomon,  b.  Dec.  2G,  1727;  I'benozor,  b.  Ajjril  7,  ]7:j1;  Mary,  h 
Jnly  lU,  17:^:1     She  d.  at  H.  May  24,  17(i:^,  a.  7fJ. 

2111.  Abigail  Pantry,  only  eli.,  ba]..  in  llartf,  Ma.reli  IG,  1712:  d.  F.l,.  lit. 
17Go;  bu.  in  W.  llartf.;  inherited  .t'u<-  west  part  of  tlie  Pantry  farm  in  W.  llartf.  on 
Avhich  tlie  meeting  house  stands.  The  properly  is  still  in  the  j>ossession  of  lier  des.-. 
The  Farmiugton  turnpike  runs  throairh  it.  Slie  m.  Feb.  20,  17:39,  Dea.  John.  s.  of 
Kev.  Samuel  and  Sarah  (Stoddard)  Whitman  of  Farminglon,  b.  Dec.  28,  171:3;  d.  in  W. 
llartf.  July  9,  li'^OO,  a.  80.  He  held  several  town  offieea  and  for  nearly  50  yrs.  was 
deacon  iu  the  chh.  at  AV.  Ilaitf. ;  near  the  close  of  his  life  Ins  hearing  became  impaired 
but  with  an  ear-trum{>et  was  alile  to  liear  ])reaclung;  (?)  Jan.  21,  170S,  Hannah,  dau. 
of  Ebene/.-'r  and  llachel  (Skinmn-i  \Velle>  of  W.  llartf.,  b.  Nov.  4,  172S;  d.  (.)ct.  28, 
1802,  ( pu.^f. ) 

I.     A!)igail,  b.   Xov.    1:3,    17:39;    d.    March  12,    17:)8;  ni.    Fbenezer  Welles,   bro.  of 
Hannah,  2d   \vf.  of  D^a.   John  ^\"hitma]l.     1,    Ar,o;.\ii,.  only  ch.,  bap.  Fel).  20,  170"^;  d. 
s.   I.   April  2,   18:32,   in  \V.    llaitf. ;  m.  March   17,   17Sii,   Sinuon  Belden,  who  wa.s  Dep'itv 
Quar.-Mas.  Cen.  in  F.ev.  war,   and  d.  in  W.  Havtf.  Aug.  10,  1809,  a.  04. 
II.     John.  b.  Jan.   31,   1743;  m.   Dec.   0,   17(i4,   Anne  Skinner. 

III.  Lucv,  1).  .Ian.  10,  174.-);  m.  Dec.  3.  1707,  Cajn.  Charles  Sevtneuir. 

IV.  Sarah,   bai).  March   1.  1741;   ni.  Feb.  1,    17<<9.  Thomas  Hfut   Hooker:   (2)  A])ril 
8,   1779,   Scth  ColHus. 

V.      Eleanor,  bap.  July  20,  17o2;  d.  y. 
VI.      Samuel,  b.  July  29,  1753;  m.    Abigail  Abbott. 
Vli.     Eleanor,  b.  July  20,  1755;  m.  Feb.,  1170,  j-3benev;cr  Faxon. 

21112.      John    Whit)nau,  b.  Jan.  31.  1743;  d.  Sepr.  ]2.  181:',:   res.  W.    llartf  ;  m. 
D.-c.  0,  1704,  Aaua,    dau.  TimoTiiv   and    Huth   (Coltoni   Nkiniier  f/f   llartf.;    bap.  Nov.  30. 
1740;  d.  W.  Hartf.  Sept.  14.  1S00;"(2)  Oct.  28,  1S07,  wid.  Pratt:  chil.  all  ba]).  in  W.  Hanf.' 
I.     James,  Sept.  8.  1705;  m.  Feb.  IS,  1798,  Abigail  IVatlt  r. 
II.     Timothv,  1).  April  13.  1708:  bap.  Mav  1,  17(i8:  m.  l8ll,  Laura  Sevmour. 

III.  John  P-tntrv.  b.  Xov.  20.  1770;  ni.  18:!3,  Ann  Maria  }3ulklev. 

IV.  Anna,  b.  May  23.  1774:  m.  Timothy  Balch. 

V.  Euev,  b.  Mav  5.  1770:  d.  unm.  Awj:.  8.  1795. 
VI.     Eunice,  b.  (_h-t.  25.  177^:  d.  MandTll,  1779. 

VII.      I-:unic.-,  b.  J:.!,.  l(i,  TTSO:  d.  May  s.  Isp',:  ,,;.  Dec.  8.  1802.  Lemuel,  s.  of  Lemiie! 
and  Tabitha  (Xott)  Hurllmrt.  b.  1778:  had  dan.  rc-s.  at  Valatie,  X.  Y. 
VIll.     Kuth,  b.  Oct.  19,  1782:  m.  Xov.  15.  1S09,  Dr.  AsaheLTiioin])son. 

211121.  James  Whitman,  d.  in  W.  Hartf.  April  10.  1833;  m.  Feb.  18,  1798,  -Abi- 
gail, dau  of  (iideou  and  .\liii:ail  (Olmsted)  Jiidh-r,  b.  Feb.  7,  bap.  28,  1773;  d.  Feb.  10, 

I.  Emily,  b.  Feb.  20,  ISOO;  d.  Oct.  8,  1^75,  unm..  on  old  homestead  in  W.  Hartf. 
II.  Charles,  b.  July  28,  ls()2;  d.  May  10.  1^77:  :n.  .Xov.  13,  1S33,  Henrietta,  dau. 
of  Edward  and  Clarissa" (Fitch)  Perkins  o"f  Hart f. ,  wlio  d.  .\ug.  31,  1837:  (2)1842.  Jane 
Holmes  of  Salisburv.  (.'onn..  wlio  d.  .Line  19.  1874;  res.  P;ivsnn.  111.  1.  Cl.vk.v  Fitch, 
b.  Dec.  8,  1N35;  m."June  14.  1855,  William  Dodd.  s.  of  Abiier  and  Adaline  (Dodd)  Perry 
<»f  Hold -n,  -Mass.,  b.  Sejit.  3  >.  l83Li;  E;l.  and  Pr,)]!.  of  A<'  nas  ('".  ycirs  nnd  liu-'irrlcr; 
res.  Pay.son,  IU.  1.  Arthur  Jlnri/,  b.  D(>c.  3't.  1857.  2.  K'hr,i tyl  l\rki,i^.  April  13.  IsOl. 
8.  George  A'ntn-.  b.  July  20.  18i;s'  2,  Ei>w.viiu  Pi;i;KrNs,  b.  Aug.  13,  d.  .Xov.  23,  1^37. 
3,  IXF.  Dai'.      4,  Cii  AKi.i:-;   Hui.mks,  m.  and  lia-<2chil.:   re-^.  San  Jose.  Cal. 

III.  Edward,  b.  .\!arch  M.  I'^iU:  lu'.p.  July  20.  1800:  cierk  in  Hartf.;  d.  on  ve-se!  in 
Chesapeake  Bay.  Aug.  13.  18:'>3.  unm. 

IV.  James,  b.  Aiu-i!  10.  bap.  July  10,  1S09:   res.  \V.   Hartf.,  \Vhitman  plac;    unm. 

V.  Maria,  .March  25,  bap.  June  2,  1811;  res.  with  bro.  James. 

211122.  Timothy  Whitman,  b.  April  13.  biip.  .May  17(;S:  .<tnd.  med,.  b,it  bee. 
a  mereh.  in  Williain.stown,  .Ma.-^s.,  in  Co.  with  his  bro..  .lolm  I'antry,  and  (i.  thetf  .^lay 
4iO,  18:J0;  m.  ISll,  at  Pownal.  Vt.,  Laura,  dau.  of  Ca[.t.  Charles  a.iid  Lucy  (Whitnnui) 
Seymour,  cons.,  b.  Feb.  4,  17S0;  d.  in  W.  Oct.  3.  1857. 


I.  Rutli.  b.  Jan.  7.  1S15:  d.  Onmge,  X.  J.,  July,  1881;  iii.  Oct.  30,  1M83,  Edward, 
s.  of  C'liailfs  and  Naucy  (>Lanninir)  Lasstdl,  1).  Schoharie,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  29,  LSOU;  WiUiani.s 
Coll.  18'28;  Prof,  of  Ci'u-niistrv  tlicrc  ISo'i.  Foundt-r  of  Foniale  Scin.  at  Auburndale, 
Maj^s;  d.  tlu-re  Jan.  31,  \sr,2.'  o  chil.  1.  Ei)\v.\Kl),  h.  Aiifj.  17,  is:34:  d.  Oct.  ifi,  1860, 
uuni.  2.  L.\r!{\  \ViirrM.\.N'.  June  11,  18:50;  unin.;  r.s.  X.  V.  ('.  3.  Timotuy.  Oct.  11, 
183N;  in  Itu.sinrss  on  Eong-  Island;  uniii.  -I,  Ki.l.K.N.  1>.  Mandi  iti,  18-11;  ni.  Dec  It),  18r)U, 
Herman  Dav  (■^.  of  Hon.  ITcrinan)  (m)u1<1  of  Delhi,  X.  Y.;  re.<.  Peoria,  111.  1.  ClKiilex 
JTftirt-ins.  F'eli.  lU,  18ti7;  d.  Xov.  -2.  1879.  2,  /i//M  A''/* /(,  May  i-^,  1808.  o.  Bd'Cdrd 
/.//.'(v.-''/.  June  17,  ISTd.  4,  A/w  Klivi,  Aut:.  13,  1S71;  d.  Nov.  4.  1NT9.  5,  Cii(/,art/ie  Brutn 
Footi,  Mar'di  13,  Ins;).     ,-),  l.orisA,  h.  .May  18,  184.");  re.s.  X.  Y.  ('. ;  unni. 

211123.  John  Pantry  Whitman,  b.  Xov.  n,  bap.  Dec.  4,  1770;  set.  in  Williams- 
town,  Mass.,  17!t5,  antl  with  hisliro.,  Timothy,  were  tlii-  prinr-ipal  nien-hants  thr.  for 
many  yrs.  .Aciiuired  considerable  est.,  out  of  which  they  gave  largtdy  to  the  colleiie,- 
d.  thr.",  March  18,  1834;  m.  June  '.?(;,  lT!)tJ,  Lu<-y,  dan.  of  Ciipt.  Charles  and  I.,ucy  (Whit- 
mun)  Seyiuour,  b.  D.'C.  "23,  1708;  d.  Feb,   1.  is."):j;  2  cliil. 

1.  Seymour,  b.  Aug.  15,  ISIJo;  continued  his  f.'s  business  in  ^Villiamstown  and 
d.  thr.  March  II,  185G.  "  One  of  the  strongest  pillars  of  the  church  fr<un  early  7nnn- 
hood  to  the  day  of  his  death."— /Ac  J)r.  y<jbl,\  m.  Jan.  '2'^,  is;j:^,,  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of 
Charles  and  laicy  (Beuuiii)  Bulkley,  b  Sej't.  21.  l^Oo,  in  (iranville,  X.  Y.;  still  living, 
1880.  1,  JoifN  Sf;ymo[-!{,  !).  Xov".  7.  ls:i;j;  Wms.  Col.,  1^04;  I'nion  Theo.  Seni.,  18(J(J; 
clergymait  in  O. ;  m.  June  13.  1800,  at  Auburn,  X.  \ .,  hillie  Arne.  1.  JoJm  3/'</'ro>'.  2, 
Jfir//  E'/i.  d.  inf.  3,  Mm  in  Louis'i.  4,  Vh<i.rU.-<  ^^^iimonr.  2,  Lucv,  m.  Dec. 
20.  Ib58,  liev.  Jtdin  Tatlock  of  Adams.  Mass.  1,  .John.  2,  Seymour  Whitiu'iK.  3, 
ll"//(.  4.  Liiry  Orrit.  o,  KUz.ihdh  Ballly,  dec.  0,  Jnr..:^.  IJoyd.  3  and  4,  So>;s,  d. 
inf.     5,  Fkaxcks  Aubik,  unm. 

II.  T.ucy  Skiune-r,  b.  March  5,  1808;  d.  .-<.  i.,  July  13,  1S31;  m.  Oct.  10,  1830,  Dr. 
Henry  hyman  Sabin. 

211124.  Anna  Whitman,  b.  Mav  23,  1774;  d.  April  11,  184.-);  m.  Timothy 
Balch,  b.  Oct.  0,  l.'uS;  d.  Xyv.,  ls'42,  Plattslnirgh,  X.  ^■.;  4  chil. 

I.     Betsey,  b.  May  4,  1704;  d.  June,  1«04;  twice  m.;  .x.  {. 

n.  Che.ster,  b.  Ju'h  20,  1700;  d.  June  3,  187o;  m.  Sept.  Id,  1821,  Lucv  Stnedhn-, 
b.  Jan.  8.  1800;  d.  Mav  21.  1S42.  i.,  8  daus,  1  s.  1,  C.UiULiXEE.,  b,  Xov.  12.  1^22;  d. 
vs.  i.,  Junes.  1842;  m.'Dec,  1811.  John  Banker.  2,  M.viiv  \V.,  Feb.  21,  182.');  d.  Oct. 
15,  1846,  unm.  3,  Cei.k.sti.s.  E.,  March  1.  1827;  d.  April  1,  1S42;  unm.  4,  Lvkza  M.,  b. 
Ana.  18.  l'?20;  m.  Feb.  22.  ]6~)'),  C.  D.  Vauirhau,  uierch.  at  Amliov,  Ills.  1,  Lnffu  J... 
A])ril  17,  1S58;  m.  Dec.  25,  1878,  P.  M.  Janies,  hiwver  at  A.  1,  Harold  D..  aln.  bbSl. 
3,  Ilutlif  ]).,  Xov.  7.  1800.  3,  Fro.'/?.-  ('.,  March  17,  1^03,  4.  Fruhri'-l:  X.,  F<'b.  1, 
1865.  5,  Tr-7/Y/c  y;,,  :\Iarch  11,  18fir.  0.  /,»';/r  >■.,  Feb.  0,  180;i.  5,  Ei.iz.v  A..  Jan.  31, 
1832;  d.  April  24,  1847.  0,  Lt(  Y  S..  April  13.  1831;  d.  Feb.  1.  LSIO.  7.  John  Timothy. 
b.  Oct.  21, '1830;  in.  June  20,  1872,  Margaret  J.  Travnor,  b.  Mav  1.  1850;  res.  Kansas 
City,  Mo.  1,  Mary  J.onis,,,  b.  Jan.  3,  1^74.  8.  D.u..  b.  Feb.  V),  1^30;  m.  1857.  C.  H. 
Vaughan,  phvs.,  and  d.  at  Malont.-,  I'raiddin  Co.,  X.  Y.leav.  inf.  s.,  who  surv.  the  mo. 
jibt.  a  vr.     0,'  Dki.ia  M.,  b.  Aj-ril  27,  d.  Mav  11,  1842. 

III.  Juicy,  b.  March  I'.i,  17;)1);  d.  .^.  /.,  March  19,  lJ?40;  m.  John  Smith. 

IV.  Eliza,  b.  Dec.  1,  1^01;  d.  Aug.  8,  1s2S;  unm, 

V.  Henry,  b.  Xov.  24.  1802;  d.  A]uil,  1S75;  m.  at  P.,  at  (dd  homestead.  1,  Hem;y, 
res.  at  P.  with  mo.     2,  Makikti  A,  dec. 

VI.      Ei!iilv,  b.  Mandi  20,1807;  m.  Mav  9,  1826,  James  W.  Banker;  fanner.  Amboy, 

His.      1,  .'l).  March  2.  1828;  d.    Aui:.    12,   1829.     2.   Skvmuiii  \VniTMAN,  b.   :March 

29,  1830;  m.  in  Wis.,  April  2,  1s.-,0,  Klle'ii  LasseU;  !)  chil.  3,  Anxa  B.,  b.  June  12,  1832; 
d.  in  Arizona  .lune  8,  1.S7S;  m.  S.-pt.  24,  1857,  Luiher  J.  Lasxdl;  .v.  /,  4,  ^V.\l.  Hknky, 
b.  Jan.  4,  1835;  farmer;  m.  Dec.  16.  1864,  Mari;i  Malhtt.  1.  Fr<ii>h.  5,  Plait.  1),  Mav 
31,  1837:  d.  March  30,  18:],^.  6.  Ei.iza  Boss.  b.  Oct.  2,  1S41;  m.  Oct.  23,  18G5.  Bev.  o'. 
G.  May.  Cong,,  now  preaching  at  Bockton.  Ills.;  0  chil.  1,  Fnink.  2,  Grace.  3, 
Gertri'dc.  4,  Win.  5,  J."<:y,  6,  li'Miert.  7,  l!ii  ii.viiii  Iv,  car]>euter;  m.  I"eb.  9.  18f)8, 
Martha  Lewis.  8.  Enwix  .Iamks,  b.  .lune  2'.).  1^14;  farnur;  m.  Jan.  27.  1N70,  .\uvora 
L.  Stimson;  res.  Xcb.  1.  M',d,t,r.  2.  Fdn.t.  3.  Arthnr.  9.*  LtCY  Ei.KANdi:,  b.  Sei't. 
11,  1847;  d.  at  Alton.  Ills..  Ai)ril  Kl,  1S70;  m.  Julv  1,  1870,  Shafen  Frye.  1,  Hrrh,  rt. 
2,  Jfirhon.  3.  l7,,i,-',.-<.  U).  l':\ni,v  l-j.ix.  vi'.KTii.'  b.  Nov.  30,  L'S50;  m.  July  8,  1874, 
James  W".  liolnus,  irec.  frnm  .51i>.  J.  \N  .  Hanker.* 

Vll.      Marietta,  b.   \.,v.  15,  1^0',);   d.  unm.  .Npril  4,   l-^lo. 
VIll.      Joiuitlian  Whitman,  b.  Aug.  5.  1811;  d.  at  P.  May  11,  183S;   num. 

8(J  HKAXCir    OF    IIAXNAII. 

IX.     Will.  Skinner,  h.  Oct.  22,   1^1'A:  liiercliMiit.  hotel   kiepcr,  etc.;   in.  Sept.,  l.s;!4. 

I  an  ailojited  dun.  of  Minnung  Hhavh  of  Williainstowii,  Mu.-s.:  d.  at  Sar.  Spiiiii;^,  lsr)S;  cJ, 

Nov.  :i(),  1S.-)S,  Vesta  A.  C'liilii  (if  Sar.  Sj).  1,  M.vxmni;  I^.i.own,  1).  Powiiai,  \'t.,  Se|,t^ 
2;3,  ]88(t;  ni.  and  liad  1  c'h.,  d    inf.      He  is  jiastor  of  tlie  .M.  !•;.  clili.  at  La.'ress,  Wi.s.     H,". 

i  111.  2d  and  has  s.    ]\'ifltr  Moiii<>i.  h.  abt.  l.s;2.     2.   Kdwaim)  ."v.  1..  May,  ISH',);  d.  in  arniv 

hos.  licxiii^^ton,  Ky. .  Jan.  1,  \><iV-].  22d  Wis.  XuV.-.  o,  ('.\];i;ii;  ^'l•>TA,  !>.  June  24.  isiiu; 
111.  Nov.  IT,  ISSO,  (Jeo.  1).  Iltirvey,  of  Karley,  Ihirvcy  \-  Co..  whoIe.x;iie  diy  n-oods,  Ho<ton." 
>hiss.,  res.  Aubiiriuhih'.  4,  Xkli.ii-;  \N'niriN(;,  h.  l-'eli.  21,  iNiJo.  o,  J^rLLiK,  b.  Man-h" 
29,  l.vyy;  d.  PVb.  y,  ISU'J. 

211128.     PvUth  Whitman,  b.  C)<-t.  1'J,   1:s2:  m.   Nov.  lo,   l,vuL>,  Dr.  A.sahel,  s.  of 
AVjcI  and  liuth  ^d'ridlev)  'J'lionipson  of  Farinineton.  Conn. 
J.      ^laria  Sherniaii,  li.  Nov.  15,  IS'IU;   nnni.;  res.  F. 
II.     Seth  Whitman,  b.  Ai«ril  10.  18i:5:  d.  Jan.  2,s,  1S14. 

III.  Ann.  b.  Jan.  \?,.  ISlo;  in.  Se[>t.  28,  l,s:-](j,  Angustus  L.  Earliour;  (2)  Marc'.i  1. 
18.")0,  ^^'In.  Sedgwick  of  NV.  Ilartf.  1.  Fi;edi=.hick  l>i;\vis,  b,  Feb.  7.  lS.',-<:  d.  Dec.  <)" 
1848.     2,  IIexky  Whitman.  i>.  July  :^!t.  ]S4():  m.  24,   ISCS.   Harriet   W.   Youn-s." 

I,  Anna  Voii/ir/.s.  h.  May  2,  18()9.     y,  'J'heodoue  Au(;isti  s,  b.  March  o,  184:3:  d.  Auo-. 

II,  1864,  ill  Wabasha,  Minn.  4,  Wat.tei;  Edwaiu),  b.  May  lo,  1845;  d.  Julv  1,  1840. 
i.  by  2d  II!.;  5,  Wm.  Tkompsox  Skdgwkk,  b.  Dec  28,  1855;  in.  Dec.  29,  1S81,  Marv 
Ii.,  dan.  of  Kichnrd  Rice  of  X.  Ilav. 

IV.  Jane,  b.  Mandi  ^O,  1S19;  unni.;  res.  F. 
V.      Jolin  Whitman,  b.  Xov.  11.  1.S21;  d.  A]iril  12.  18«5;   unni. 

21113.  Lucy  Whitman,  b.  Jan.  10.  1745;  d.  May  4,  1810;  ni.  Dec.  ;],  ]7(i7. 
Charleis,  s.  of  En.->iira 'J'iuiotJiv  and  Rachel  lAllyn)  Seymour,  nap.  W.  llartf.,  Jan.  29. 
1788.  He  held  various  town  oilices  in  Hartf. ;  served  as  Lieut,  in  Rev.  Arinv,  177tj; 
('apt.,  1777.  In  letreat  from  Long  Island  his  regt.  was  in  the  rear  guard.  Heand  wf. 
admit,  to  chh.  in  W.  Hartf.,  1790.^  He  d.  thr.  Mav  10,  1802.  (See  852)  Cliil  b  in  \^■ 

I.  Lucy,  b.  Dec.  2:!,  1708;  d.  Feb.  1,  1853;  m.  June  2G,  1796,  Jolm  Pantry  Whit- 

H.     Huth,  b.  June  8,  1770;  m.  Xatlian  Benjamin. 

III.  ('liarles,  b.  Jan.  17,  1777;  in.  Dec.  20,  l8U:),  Catharine  Perk-ins. 

IV.  Sarah,  b.  July  27,  1779:  m.  Sept.  27,  1807,  Jedediah  Wells  Mills. 
"W      Laura,  b.  Feb.  4,  1780;  d.  Oct.  8,  1n57:  m.  1811.  Dr.  Timothy  v.oodman  Wlat- 

man  of  Williamstown,  Mass..  and  had  1  ch.  1,  liiTii,  m.  Prof.  Edward  1  assell  i^f 
Wins.  Col. 

211132.  Rnth  Seymour,  b.  June  8.  1770;  m.  Jan.  1.  1791,  Xatlian  Benjamin, 
h.  xMarch  7,  1709,  in  Egreiuont,  3lass. ;  a  paper  manuf.  in  Catskill,  X.  V.,  whr.  lie  d. 
April  8.  1.S13.  Hi>  svid.  then  rem.  to  \\'iir;amstown,  Mass.,  and  d.  thr.  Xov.  14,  .^^57. 
"  She  was  endowed  by  nature  with  a  lovedy  dispo.sition  and  much  energy  and  good 
sense,  and  she  was  trained  after  the  good  fashion  of  the  times  to  industryand  skill  in 
every  department  of  womanly  duties."— 0/v//. ,  _V«vr  York  Iinljj.tndcnt. 

I.  Lucy,  b.  Eg.,  Oct.  l"l,  1791;  still  liv.  (1882);  m.  Xov.  1,  lsl4,  Alfred  (s.  of  Rev. 
David  andJeru.sha  Loid/  Perry,  M.D..  b.  llarwinton.  Conn.,  Apiil  28,  1780;  Wins.  Col.. 
1808;  Rush  Med.  Col.,  Phihi.;  set.  Stockbridge,  Mass..  iNlo;  prac.  nu-d.  thr.  to  1888: 
rem.  to  Ills.,  and  d.  at  Perrvto\\ii,  Sept.  10,  1888.  !»  chil.  1,  L(  cy  P..  2,  Ai.tkkd  \N'. 
3,  David  L.  4,  Joiix  B.  5,  Makv,  m.  Sept.  (i,  1847,  Rev.  J.  E.  Ford,  A.  B.  C. 
F.  M.  to  Syria,  b.  Aug.  8.  1825:  Wuus.  Cob,  1844;  Union.  Theo.  Sem.,  1847:  emb.  for 
Smyrna,  Dec  29,  1847;  sta.  at  Aleppo;  rem.  to  Beynjot,  1S55.  to  Lydon,  1«58;  returned 
for  health,  1805.  and  d.  at  Oeneseo,  Ills.,  April  8,  1MJ(),  leaving  this  message:  "Tell 
the  young  men  of  America  thai  on  them  rests  ihe  conversion  of  the  world."  0,  (Ikokce 
B.  7,  Xatuax.  8,  Cll.VKi.Ks.  9,  Sauak,  m.  Rev.  J.  (J.  Dougherty;  ns.  w'yandotte. 

II.      Ruih,  b.  Sheilield.  Mass.,  .May  20,  1794;  m.  Jan.  29,  1S21,  Rev.  Charles  Jenkins. 
b.  Barre,  Mass..  17.^0:    Wms.  Col.,  1818:   pastor  2d  Con^-.  chh  ,  (ireenfield.   Mass..    from 
Mav,    1^20,    to  Julv.    1^24;  afterward  of  Portland,   Me.      He  J.  a.  45.      Shed    thr    .v    i 
July  4,  1822. 

III.  Charles  Seymour,  b.  S.,  Jan.  18,  1797;  m.  May  21.  Is27,  Caroline  Ihilkley,  dau. 
of  Joshua  Rol>!iii:s  and  SaraluTaintor)  Bidkley,  who  d.  in  Williamsiown.  .lul  v  l'.  1844: 
(2)  May  25,  lb52,  Jane,  dan.  of  Wm.  and  liuldah  (lb-own)  Bmler,  b.  Northamiiton, 
Mass.,  Sept.  18,  1S'04;  nu-rcdi.  in  Williamstown.  and  afterward  in  Pittsti,  i<l.  Mass.,  whr. 
lu' d.  Feb.  18,  1870.     4  chil.     /.  by  1st  m.     1,   Sauak  P.     2,  .Makv.     8,   Fua.ncis  C. 


IV.  Gi'o.  Wliitinaii,  h.  Catsk.,  Fd).  21.  1804;  m.  Auir.  '-30.  ls:^3,  Adaline  Powell,  b. 
Marrh  24,  1S14.  :il  Malonc,  N.  v.,  fiau.  nt  I>i-.  Horatio  and  ITaiinalt  (Hiisscll)  Powell ; 
mcrcb.  in  All>aiiv,  X.  Y. ;  o  eliil. 

V.  Al)liv,  i>.  Jan.  :,l),  ISOS;  m.  Ajiril  24,  188:?,  Tlfiii-y  Lyman  Sabni.  M.  1'.  (as  his 
3il  \vf,),  b.  .May  C'lt.  1801.  s.  of  Jrsse  and  Kstlier  (RiilkK-y)  S.  ot'  Willianistown.  He  is  a 
pbv.s.  tbr.,  one  of  \\if  most  prominent  eiti/ens.  and  fornniny  yrs.  a  trnstee  of  tbc  college. 
1     Lrcv      2,  Hnii.     '•).   Hknuy.      1,   }"!.i7,Ar.i.TH      .">.   Ar.i;i;v.     0,   Chaki.ks. 

VI.  Sarah  Maria,  1...  Feb.  22.  ISlii;  m.  -Inly  IS.  1^4:;!,  I'rof.  Jnlm  Tatlock.  b. 
Anolesea,  North  \Vab•^,  (i.  B.,  Di'r.  -J.  IsuS,  s.  of  \Vni.  and  Mary  (.lones"*  Tatlork:  Wnis. 
('of  IS'M-  Prof,  of  Math.  tlir..  ls;',S  to  \>yi\U:  re-i.L'ned  and  hetran  prart.  law  in  Pittsfudd, 
Mass.,  and  ivs.  thr.      Ordained  to  ministry,  Oct.  P2,  bS."',2;   LL.  [).   Western    Reserve  Col., 

VII.  Nathan,  b.  C'atsk..  Dec.  14.  1^11:  Wms.  Col.,  18:!l ;  oid.  Miss,  of  the  A.  B.  C. 
F  M  April  21  1S",(>  havinir  stnd.  one  vr.  at  .\ulmrn  Theo.  Seni.  and  two  at  Andover: 
in  April  25  1880  Marv  (Uaddiny-  WheHer,  h.  Providence,  R.  1.,  Mareh  14,  1814,  dan. 
of  Sam'l  (i.'aud  Eunna'((iladdinf:-)  Wheeler,  of  N.  Y.  C.  Sailed,  July,  18:i(!,  for  Argos, 
tireece:  stationed  next  at  Athens,  then  at  Trel-i/ond,  then  at  Smyrna,  and  Hnally,  at 
Constantinople,  whr.  he  d.  Jan.  27.  l?:;");  wi<l.  and  ehil.  returned  to  V.  S..  and  she  d.  at 
Medford,  .Mass.,  Maivh  ."i,  1871.  1.  S.\.Mn:i.  (t.  W.  Bi:n.t.\min.  b.  Argos.  (^reece,  Feb. 
13,  1837.'  A  well  known  artist.  Author  of  77/<  7'"rf.-  und  the  (ir<'i,\  a  poem,  Thr  C7imcr. 
of'Paris,  ■d)M\  (,r  various  mn.ea/iii,.  articles.  2,  Fk.vncks  Skvmotk,  m.  Sej.t.  23,  18.)H, 
Rev.  A.  11.  Johns.Di  of  Middleton,  Mass.:  now  a  phy^.  in  Salem,  , Mass.  3,  CiT.^l'.LES 
A.,  Lieut,  in  lieu-^.  .Vnny  during  the  war;  res.  Conu.i,   Mi-^^s. 

211133.  Charles  Seymour,  b.  Jan.  17,  177T;  at  a-e  of  21  began  business  for 
himself  in  llartf  and  continued  a  niereli.  there  for  more  than  oO  yrs.  He  was  treas- 
urer of  the  tir-^t  ecclesiastical  soc.  1^24-13.  (hie  ui  the  Vice-Pres,  of  tlie  oldest  saviiiu-s 
banks  in  llartf.,  and  chairman  of  .the  loaning  com.  for  30  yrs. :  director  uf  the  Am. 
Asvlum  for  deaf  nrutes  for  30  vrs.,  and  held  other  responsible  p(jsitious  a)nl  trusts.  ^He 
m  'Dec  20  1803,  Catharine,  d'au.  of  Kev.  Nathan  and  Catharinf  (Pitkin)  Perkins  of  W. 
llartf.;  b.  Jan.  20,  17^;2:  d.  Feb.  in,  184fS.      He  d.  Jan.  21,  18.-,2. 

1       Julia,  b.  Dec.  U),  1804:  res.  Hartf. :  an  invalid  for  30  yrs;  unm. 
II       Catharine,  b.  :\Iav  25.  1806:  m.  Dec.   5,  1827,  Calvin,  r..  of  Atnbrose  and  Polly 
(FJy)  Day;  b.    Westfield,   Fcl>.    20,   1803.     Many  yrs.    a    commission    mcrch.   m 
Hai-tf     and  one  of  its  wealthiest  and  most  valued  citizens;  4  chil. 

Ill  Charles,  b.  Nov.  2,  18U7:  a  merch.  in  Hartf.  21*  yrs.  in  Co.  whh  his  f.  and 
35  yrs.  alone.  Has  been  treasurer  of  the  1st  Kc(des.  Soc.  since  1843,  the  othce  having 
been  held  bv  f.  and  s.  continuously  for  GO  yrs.      He  is  a  director  in  several  banks,  etc.; 


IV.     Edward,  b.  Sept.  28,  1809;  d.  Oct.  12,  1810. 
V.     Harriet,  b.  Sept.  27.  ISll:  m.  May  8.  1844.  P.ev.  (ieo.  Jeffrey,  s.  of  Col.  Daniel 
and  lluldah  (Gridlev)   Tillotson,   b.    Farmiugton,   Conn..    Feb.  5.  1S05;  Y.   C      l82o:  Y. 
Theo.    Sem.,  I83(l;  ord.    at    Brooklyn,  Conn.,  .May  5,  1831.     She  d.   in  Brooklyn,  Conn., 
Mav  8    lS4ij,  leaving  1   ch.  who  d.  inf. 

"VI  Natlian  Perkins,  b.  Dec.  24,  1S13;  Y.  C.  1834;  Rector  Hopkins  (.rrammar 
School'  llartf.,  34-3';;  tutor  Y.  C.  3!)  40;  Prof  Creek  and  Latin,  West  Res.  Col.,  Hudson, 
Ohio  40-09-  m  Sept.  7.  1S4!,  Flizabeth,  dau.  of  Hon.  Thomas  and  Sarah  i^Coit)  Day,  1). 
Feb.'lO,  IsiO;   KenvonCol.    conf.    LL.  D.,    in    1807;  res.    Hudson,    Oliio.      His  youngest 

s     Tliomas  Dav  Sevniour.  b.  :  Prof,  (treek  Language  and  Literature  \.  C. 

"  VII. '    John'Whitman,  b    March  24,  1810;  Y.  C,  1837;  prac.  law  in  Hartf.;  unm. 
VIII.      Alfred,  b.  Nov.  C,,  1S17;  d.  Oct.   11,  1818. 
I\       Albert,  twin  with  Alfred,  h.  Nov.  0,  1817;  d.  Sept.  10,  1818. 
X       Marv    b    Nov.  1.  1S20;  m.  Oct.  28,  b^40.  Russell   (Goodrich,    s.  of   Russeli   and 
Harriet  (Kinu^sburv)  Talcott,  h.  Hartf.,  Auff.  15,  1818;  a  merch.;  a  nuin  of  udUuncc.   He 
d   in  Hartf    ^[arch  3,  18(;3:  leaves  1   ch.      1.  M-Vuv  KiNCisiifUY  Talcott,    b.   Nov    o, 
1847-  res    Hartf..  mucli  interested  in  both  .art  ami  genealogy ;  .-oinpilerot  the  \N  oodbridge 
Family;  wrir.u-  for  the      Is  ,M-eparin-  an  elaborate  w<uk  on  the  Seymour  family, 
from  the  MSS.  of  wh.icli  Miss  Talcott  verv  kindly  and  geiu'rously  copied  (at  onr  re.piestt, 
with  care  and  lahorand  in  themidsl  of  other  pressing  engagements,  the  >eymour  descend- 
ants of  this  branch;  and  al^o  thos,'  of  i:ii/abeth  (Tuttle)  Kdwards  of  the  Seym.nir  nam.': 
besides  the  Whitmans  an.l  o.!HTde,M-en>iants  of   John  and    Hannah  iTuttlei   Pantry,    tor 
which  we  aremuidi  ind<bted. 

XL      Fniilv,  b.  Jalv28,  1825;   res.  llartf.;   unm. 

88  BiiAXCIl    OF    H.ANXAH, 

211134.  Sarah  Seymour,  !>.  July  27,  1771);  m.  Sept.  37,  1807,  Jededijili  Wolls 
Mills,  b.  Ni'wiiigtoii,  ( 'oiin. ,  .liiii.  2,  1782,  8  of  De:i.  Jodt-diuli  and  Saruli  (Aiulrt-ws) 
Mills.  He  was  a  faniu-r  in  \\^>st  Hartf.,  and  tlm  yr.  of  his  ni.  bouijht  tlie  IkjuicsKmi]  of 
Ensio-ii  Tirnotliv  Sevmour  in  W.  Hartf.,  and  liis  f:im.  lived  there  until  IS70.  He  d.  Au^'. 
2,  isr>9.     She  (f.  Se'pt.  I'J,  \>ii}2. 

I.  1>.  21,  ISOS;  ui.  Aug.  17.  ISH-l  (2d  wf. ),  DtivicnVardswortli  (irant. 
b.  Blooiuiield,  (^'onn.,  171tS,  s.  of  David  and  Klioda  (<'ald\vell)  (Jrant.  He  d.  in  B.  1S(]2, 
^^llod>  in  \V.  Haitf.  Aug.  Iti,  1SG:1      Had  1  (di.,  \\'im,is  Mti.i.s,  who  d.  inf. 

II.  Lucy,  b.  Aug.  27,  ls!0:  in.  Sept.  2;i,  ]S.5:J  (M  wf.),  CiiostiT,  s.  of  Ehenezer  and 
Miiry  (Coltou)" Faxon,  b.  W.  Hiuif..  Sept.  14,  ISi),"").  She  d.  ii^  \^'.  Hartf.,  Nov.  21.  16^0, 
leaving  1  dau. ,  Jcma  L.,  num.:  Kiniwood,  W.  Hartf. 

III.  Charle.s  Seymour.  1).  Jan.  22,  1S1:5;  ni.  Aug.  21,  ISKi,  Kdizul)eth,  dau.  of  De^.. 
Samuel  and  Anna  11  (Shipmau)  Sillnuan,  b.  Chester,  C'rinn.,  Julv  'J,  iS2h':  res.  \V.  Hartf. 
1,  S.VK.ur  Anna,  b.  Julv  20,  lf'49;  d.  Sept.  1,  lyol.  2.  t'liAurKs  S..  b.  S^-pt.  14,  1S.V2; 
m.  Nov.  8,  1877.  Mary  Arnold  of  W.  Hartf.  1,  /v/////  .1.,  b.  Nov.  11,  1S78.  o,  Lii.i.ik, 
b.  .Sept.  28,  18o4:  m.'Sept.  28,  1^78.  (ieo.  \V.  Harris  of  W'eflu'r.sHeld.  1,  f.irl,  h.  Fe'o. 
1,  1871).  4,  Sami-kj..  i).  Nov.  11.  \m^:  d.  Oct.  2f^.  187:J.  o,  Maky  E.,  b.  Oct.  8,  18(5:5; 
d.  Julv  27.  1882. 

IV.  Sarali  Jane,  1).  April  8,  l>*]t);  m.  May  12,  18:!l.i,  lb'ul)en  Cliarles,  s.  of  Elias  \V. 
and  Jane  (.Mulhollaud)  Hale,  b.  Lewiston,  I'a..  ()i-t.  ]■>,  181:);  adm.  to  bar  in  Center  Co., 
Pa. ;  res.  L(nvisto)i  to  18:J'';  rem,  to  I'hila.,  and  was  survey(jr  of  the  port  4  yr.s.  Quarter- 
liuister-general  of  Pa.  from  ISlU  until  his  d.  in  ,Keadsville,  Pa.,  July  2,  18'j:3;  wid.  and 
fam.  res.  at  J^liillipsburgl'.,  Pa.  1,  Kiev.  Cr.ARi.Ks  Kkubkn  IIai.e,  I).  D.,  Asst.  Hector 
St.  Paul'.s  (Epise.)  (dih.,  Bait..  Md,.  and  has  ))ub.  a  number  of  theologieal  works.  2, 
W_\r.  Wir.i;i;HFoi;rE,  b.  May  n,  !S41;  m.  May  11,  180<i,  Anna  (jraham  Patteison.  1, 
Caroliiw  Patterson,  b.  Ajiril  lU,  lNi;7.  2,  Miiude  JLde,  b.  June  i'),  1808.  Z,  R.  nhni. 
Chaiiil'niina,  Aug.  lo,  1870.  4,  M'Uhur  Whifnwn,  b.  Julv  12,  1>!72.  ;j,  AuTiiru,  b. 
July  5,  181:};  d.  Nov.  1(3.  184o.  4,  Satiaii  Jam:,  b.  Feb.  !i".  184".;  d.  Oct.  24.  lN4o.  5, 
Laiiia  Cahot.ivi:,  b.  Oct  11,  184(!;  m.  Nov.  11,  1S74.  Jolm  Adams  Mull.  1,  Ihiiliru 
Ihirol'l.  b.  Di'C.  15.  1S75,  2,  l.mrrave  John,  b.  April  10,  1877.  0.  Jui.iA  Lr(  v.  b. 
Feb.   5.  ]s49.     (J,   MvJtv  Eltzauetii.  b.  June  17.  ls.")7. 

"W  Lauia  Whitman,  b.  June  2,  1818;  m.  Aug.  22,  18G7,  Edv.ard,  s.  of  Hczekiali 
siud  Eunice  (Stanlty)  Stddeii  of  V.'".  Harif. ;  the  m.  (  h  Julia  Pamelia,  dau.  of  Moses  and 
Piudenif  (Hulburt)  (ioodman,  b.  .May  7,  1.S14;  d.  March  2">,  18»>I).) 

21114.  Sarah  Whitman,  l^l'-  ^^^r^^^  1.  1T47:  .1.  Jan.  o.  lS;-;7;  m.  Feb.  1,  17(;y. 
Thomas  Hart  lioolcer  of  Farmiuu'ion,  Conn.,  b.  Se|)t.  '■>.  171");  lie  joini'd  a  comiiauy  of 
vols,  from  Fai'm.  immcdiaiely  after  Lfxingtoii  and  uuirched  fur  the  Uev.  army;  befori- 
leaving  lie  ga\'e  freijihim  lo  his  shive,  saying:  "  I  will  ii^it  tight  for  liberty  and  leave  a 
slave  at  liome."  He  d.  in  the  atm;.'  Nov.  2<i.  177o.  He  inlicritcd  ;i  l.-irge  est;i.te  from  liis 
maternal  grfinrl  f..  Cajit.  Jrt.-iali  Hatt;  but  it  is  said  he  wasti'd  it  in  extrav;ii_r;mce.  He 
was  of  the  ."jtli  u-rueraiion  in  desc.  trom  Hev.  'I'liomas  Hooker.  He  was  s.  of  Pvgi.  r  and 
Mercv  (Hart)  Hooker.  She  m.  2d.  April  8,  1771),  Seth,  s.  ni  Robert  Collins  of  W'.'liartf. , 
1).  Nov.  37,  1742:  d.  Dec,  Id,  17!'1. 

I.      Abigail  Pantrv  Hooker,  b.  Jan.  23,  1770;  m.  Satnuel  Tnlcott. 

II.  Thomas  Hart  "Hooker,  b.  March  Z.  1772;   m.  Betsey  .Alills. 

III.  Seth  Collins,  b.  Jan.  27,  1780;  d.  Oct.  0,  17138,  in  N.  V.,  yellow  fever. 

IV.  Lacy  Collins,  b.  June  2,  1782;   m.  Itev.  .loab  Brace. 

211141,  Abigail  Pantry  Hooker,  b.  Jan.  2:-!,  1770;  .1.  March  Ifl.  i8.-,4:  m. 
Jan.  2."(.  no."),  Samuel  Talcott  of  \V.  Hartf..  b.  (Ha.^tenbury,  Conn.,  An^.  12.  17(J");  d. 
Jan.  20,  IS.")!];  s.  of  Sammd  and  Mary  (Smith)']'.,  who  rem.  to  W.  Hartt.  1788.  and  was 
a  (dothier  thr. 

I.  Eli/.a,  b.  Nov.  7,  171).-.;  d.  Au-.  17,  1S21);  m.  .Mav  10.  1824.  h'l-v.  Am/i  Francis 
of  Brid:rehamptoi,.  L.  I.,  b.  \V.  Harif..  Julv  M  .  171);5;  Midd.  Col.,  ISID.  1,  HooKK  A.. 
b.  Mav21,  '{•-JUr.  m.  .luue  (I,  l-^.-.l,  Isaliella  "<L  Hodges;  res.  N.  Y.  C.  2.  Sa.mi  Ki,  i'..  b. 
Julv  2.;,  l.s'2l):  d.  Jan.  2:i.  ls:!l. 

11.  S-,n\uel,  b.  Marcli  2',  171»S;  d.  in  W.  Hanf.  Nov.  2^.  \<A:  m.  Jan.  10,  1^22, 
Cvnthia,  liau.  of  M^-y.  Albu;  ;ind  Cviithia  t]b>iii<ei)  .M.-oit  of  Manche-tiT,  Conn.,  b.  Aul"-. 
4,'l71)!i:  d.  Jan.  2J,  1^2:!:  (2(  April  22,  ls21,  Liiceli.-i.  dau.  (.f  Solomon  and  Betsev  (Hi(d<ox) 
Brace  ..f  W.  Harif..  b.  April  24.  ls(r.;  d.  J:in.  14,  ls;j;i;  C.\)  I>ec.  yi.  lS!!i,"  .Miir-are! 
li'-svis  'lau.  ul  and  .^.'a; '.;-:i  ret  i.b  Ml  nil  •,•.:>)  Sa^-e  of  Crii;;i  v.  i  11,  ('■.uu  ,  I".  Sept.  ]:;, 
1810;  d.  Jan.  14,  ls-,1.  ],  Samik[.  Ai.iott.  I..  X'^-r.  \\\,  ls-}2;  d.  .\p,il  lo.  Ism;  2. 
Cynthia  LtXKi.t.x,  b  .luly  12,  lS2r);  il.  March  7,  INlil:  m.  Nmv.  ).  is.Mi.  Samuc,  \\\\\[- 
man,  s.  of   Suniticl  and    l-Jizabetli  (Howard)  W  . ;    res.  on  ihe  old  \\'hitman   farm    in  W. 

SEyjIOUR,    WiriTMAN,    1I00K]:I{,    COLI.T>s-S.  89 

Hartf.;  (2)  Oct.  3.  1877,  Saruh  E  BicknHl  of  Ashford,  Conn.  1.  Mary,  h.  Ajiril  22. 
ISOO.  2,  Jlrnri!  Vhirl;  b.  Feb.  1^,  lSf)4.  ?,,  K(k;kr  Houkeu.  b.  Fob.  7,  d.  March  23, 
1827.  4,  Ei.iz.U'.KTH,  b.  .lun."  l;j.  1S2S;  ni.  May  2."),  IS."),"!,  Jolin  Wliltnian,  b.  l^ec,  1828; 
lie  cl  Sept.  2o.  ]S70.  1,  JW/<V,  b.  Marcli  (J.  ]s.-)4;  d.  2().  IN.^..').  2.  San,.  T.,  h. 
Mav  Itj,  1855.  3,  'J'lUii  Isnhd,  b.  Au^'.  27,  ]S5!».  4.  John  Ihnrard.  b.  Oct.  S,  ISdl.  5, 
jA>ili>\  b.  March  8.  b^(J4:  d,  Marcli  2;i,  ISCS.  (j,  lA:,xu\  b.  Aug.  13,  l.-CG.  7,  //''i;/)"d,  b. 
.lulv  2,  I8(ji».  5.  'i'lKVMAs  HooKKH,  1).  June  9,  1830.  6,  JosKi'ir.  1^  Aug.  17,  1832;  in. 
Nov.  (i,  185(J,  Fllfii  A.,  dan.  of  (iidfim  and  Ilonrietia  (Brace)  Deniing.  1,  Etta  hahd, 
b.  Dec.  22,  18.")9.  7,  Is.viun.i.A,  b.  l>ec.  15,  1835;  d.  Dec.  5.  18(.;5.  N,  Sah.vii  \\'iiitman, 
b.  Sei.t.  2),  I83s:  d.  S.'pt.  30,  1751.  H.  AitTHTK  H.  NEUKViLi.i;,  b.  March  13,  1842;  d. 
at  Falniouth.  ^'a,,  Dec.  3,  18(!2;  mem.  of  the  IGtli  I'egt.  Conn.  vols.  10,  Oscar 
Di.KWKi.i.YX,  b.  Feb.  11,  1845:  d.  Mav  17.  is52.  11,  Adrian  IJonaj.i),  b.  Julv  14,  1,S47. 
12,  Mary  Fkwis,  b.  Aug.  17,  1849;  d.  Oct.  27.  181)4. 

III.  Seth,  b.  March  7,  1801;  d.  in  \V.  Hartf.,  Se})t.  25.  1848;  m.  Oct.  8.  1823. 
Charlotte  Stout,  dan.  of  Jnines  and  Irene  (Fnsu;i!)  Butler  of  W.  liartf.,  b.  Jan.  3,  1804; 
d.  Hartf.,  Jan.  4.  1875.  1,  Joiix  Bfii.KR.  b.'^Enfield,  C(iiin.,  St  pt.  14,  1824;  Y.  C, 
184(>:  taught  lIo]dvhi< (J ranmiar School,  Ilai'tf.,  someyr.s.;  .--et.  Xeu  Britain  as  hi'.vyer,  and 
Avas  Mayor,  1880-1;  m.  Sei)t.  13,  184S,  Jane  Croswell  Coodwin  of  \N'.  Hartf.,  b.  Jan.  3. 
1827;  (2)  in  New  Britain,  March  18.  1880.  Fanny  11.  llazen.  1,  EUa  .ha.nii,-,h.  Nov.  27, 
1853.  2,  J'jJni  Cro.siirll,  Oct.  2Ci,  1856.  3,  Smnnl  Huohu,  Sejjt.  !).,  d.  Oct.  7.  18fJ5.  4, 
Geo.  ShrruKin,  July  27,  1869.  2,  F.i.tza  Ax.n,  Sept.  27,  1826:  d.  Jan.  5,  1831.  3,  Sk'III, 
Nov.  4,  1830;  res.  liartf.;  in.  June  25,  1850,  Maria  J.,  dau.  (ieo.  \\'.  Corning  of  11.,  ^vh<) 
d.  ^[arch  24,  1862;  (2)  Julv  13.  1865,  Sarah  E.,  dau.  of  Hrimou  P.  and  Ann  E.  (Turpiu) 
Allen  of  Longmeadow.  Mass.,  b.  Jan.  26,  1840.  1.  Miiun<:  C,  Autr.  20,  1859.  2,  Al'cn 
Ji.,  Xpiil  8.  1867.  3,  ClKtrles  JL,  Jan.  8,  1S70.  4,  Edirard  <\.  Feb.  28,  1871.  4. 
Ci?:<)R(;i;,  Jan.  8,  1833;  Y.  C.,  1855;  in.  Mav  28,  b^G2,  Laura  AA  right,  dau.  of  Jo-eph  E. 
Cone  of  Plurtf.,  who  d.  April  30,  1863;  (2)  May  16.  1S71.  Eleanor  S.,  dau.  of  Wui.  S.  M. 
Hurd  of  II.  He  d.  at  Niagara  Falls,  May  29,  1871,  while  on  Nveddiiig  jouniev.  1, 
Ed-card  Conr,  b.  April  30,  d.  Aug.  23,  1n;3.  5,  Jamks.  b.  Feb.  7,  1835:  a  v,eaUhy 
oommi«sion  merch.  of  N.  Y.  C. ;  in.  (><t.  1,  186!).  Henrietta  F.,  dau.  of  Hev.  Ain/.i  Francis 
of  Bridgehampton.  L.  I.,  by  his  2d 
Eirderirk,  Se])t.  14,  1866.  2,  Enmri.^ 
3,  1869.  4,  fJnir^.  Oct.  24,  1873.  6. 
l.Oi'iK  Ji  i.i.v,  1),  Jan,  8,  184'>;  d.  Jul' 
Hartf,      1,   J/;,v    7\.  June  25,  1870. 

IV,  Marv,  b,  April  22.  18)6;  iinin.:  liv.  in  lS.s2. 
V.     Jolii'i,  b.  Jan.  21.   ISU:  d.  Oct.  17,  1M5, 

VI.  Henry,  b.  May  10,  1815;  in.  An;:.  26,  1S41,  Flizab;-th  Welles,  dau,  of  Samuel 
and  Sophia  (Kilboariu)  \Miitiiig  of  ^\',  IL,  b.  Aug.  30,  1819;  res.  W .  Hartf.  i, 
FiiANCis  W'  Julv  8.  1842.  2.  PIi.iza  Sdi-iriA.  Aug.  20,  1S46:  arad.  Va.'^sar  Col. 
3.  Aiur.AiL  HoOKKi;,  April  15,  184«:  d  April  15,  1856.  4.~  Emki.ixe  Fr  vncks,  Oct.  10. 
1849.  5,  Sarah  \VHniN(;,  Ajjril  21.  1S.')2:  ^■assar  ( 'ol..  1876;  teacher  iu  Atchison,  Kas. 
0,  EM/.Ar,KTii  Hannati.  Aug.  6,  1S61. 

211142,  Thomas  Hart  Hooker,  b.  March  3,  1772;  m.  Sept,,  1798,  Betsey,  dau. 
of  Dea,  Jedediah  and  ."<arali  (Andrews)  Mills  of  W.  Hartf.    [l>o-'<^]. 

1,     Sarah  Jane,  m.  May  17.  1^30,  Kev,  Iti.ibert  Shaw  (d'  Hoosick,  X.  Y. 
II.     Thomas  Mills,   a   wealthy   nierch.;  retired    from   bu^iness;  res.    2s.   Y.    C. ;  m. 
Martha  Ilowland. 

HI.     Julia  Ann,  b.  I8l)3;  d.  Sept.  5.  1807. 

IV,      Harriet  M,,  1SU6;  m,  June  13,  1831,  Azariah  Eildv  of  Hoosick,  N,   Y, 
V.     Abigail  Talcott,    1>,  1809;  ni,    Nov.    11.  1829,  f:dward  A.  Stanley  of  \V,  Hartf,; 
rem,  to  Circleville,  O,     Shed,  at  ("anon  City,  Colorado,   Auir.  26,  1880. 
VI.      Eliza,  b,  18ll;  m,  John  Bun. 
\'U.      Edmund  Foster  Mills.  1>^14;  res,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

VIlI.     Julia  Ann,  ii.  1^15;  m.  — —  Sherwood;  (2) Soutrelle, 

IX.      Catharine,  b.  ]S19;  m, Atcinson:  (2) Miller;   res,    \V.    Hartf.      i.    bv 

1st  m.:  1,  LiDA  \V,  Atckisox,  m.  Feb,  21,  18^2,  Cupt,  Henry  P.  Goddaid  of  Halt.,  Md. 
i.  by  2d  m, :     2,   A  Sox. 

211144.  Lucy  Collius,  b,  June  2,  1782:  d,  Nov,  16,  1854;  m,  Jan,  21,  ls;05. 
Rev.  Joab,.,  D.D.,  h.  .lui'ie  1:1,  17^1:  Y,  ( '.  ]s,U:,,rd.  Newington.  Conn,.  Jan,  16, 
18115;  li,  1861;   D,  D,  Wins,  Co!,.  1>54:  s.  of  Zenas  and  .M  aiy  (Skinner)  Brace:   f,  .-liil. 

I.      .Mary    Skinner,  b.  May    5.  l^ui):    m.  March    11,  1827,  P.ev.  Jolm    4'..;!d.  b.   Uut- 
land,  Vi.,  Oct'.  9,  1800;   V.  C.,  1822;  Andovor  4  yra,  to   1826;   ord.   and   inst,  at  d'roton, 

wf,,  Mary  S,    Hedges,  b. 

July  23,  1842,     1,  Ja,ne.'< 

Ed//,ir.    April   s,  jsiis. 

3,   Art/i'/r  Whiliug,  Dec. 

CiiAi:i  i->,    0,    Nov,  IS,  d 

,  Oct,  2,  1837.     7.   CiiAR- 

■    16,    1^7.';  m,    (.)<•!,    14, 

1868,    Frank    Bulklev   of 

00  BKANCir    OF    irAX.S'AlI. 

.Mass.,  Jan.  '•',,  IS-^T:  L-alicd  to  Edwanis  chh..  .XDftliaiuptijii,  ^las.s.,  .Ian.  HO.  1!^:);j:  Alin 
ton  St.  Conu-.  clih.,  Pliila.,  Nov.  17,  1^:;(;.  ami  n.  Pitrstidd,  .Mas:..,  lSt:.>;  1).  D.  Wins.  (',,!.. 
l.S4."J:  .selected.  May  10,  IS'IU,  by  tli.-  racitic  H.  11.  Co.  t..  drive  the  golden  .-[lik.-,  ninl  to 
cniuiueiid  tile  completed  work  To  tlie  [protection  and  hle-siiiLC  of  d'od  in  the  ceiel. ration  of 
tilt;  oprniiii;-  of  the  road.  lie  d.  Aiitr.  "JI.  I'To.  His  works  are:  Lff  "/■<■•<  t"  Chililri  n. 
IS:J4:  secmid  series.  iJ^-jS  a;ul  isi;.");  Snnli  ,//',■<  M,i, ,/!(//,  iS-'j."),  iciiriuted  in  En^'. ;  fni'c.r 
lifnin'.]>^o'y,  Sandnij  S,'ho»l  T,;i,:',,  r,  is;j(.!;  yV/////  Ma,!.  Sinrp'r.  l"s:!;J:  (inut  c'lti.s,  1S41, 
three  e<Iitioos  in  Eny:. ;  J."st  Sisfi  r  nf  \\'i/"i/ii/i>j.  LS-tl;  Yci'inj  Man,  18-j;;.  three  editions; 
S'tiiiplf  Sk/frh'S.  l><i'6\  Sforirs  TUn^^ri'ti nr/  Sh,>rt,^r  Ctifurlii.sni ,  2  vols.,  IS.'iO-l :  Snii'imr 
(Uciiiiiii'i^.  18.yi;  i>./«///(/'./- "/ .S-/tW.  18.")4,  seditions;  Qiu^tloii^  on  tlw  lAvcx  vf  th,  Put- 
ri'irclis'  [■^br):  On  tl,(  '/.)/>  »f  Mo.-«'y.  IS'lll;  fJn  .f.,sj,,_l,i  itud  tin-  Jmhi,  s^  iSC;?;  Ai,'j>l  „fflu 
[,->rd  iiiid  uthrr  S!oru.-<.  "js.-)f):  BiMr  Co///ji'i/u'"/i,  ISC,:.!;  Fiitnrc  I'n iiisliini  nt.  isn:};  .Vfn'm- 
iain  (V,„/.v,  TS64,  4  vols. ;  Wat,  r  I)"re  innl  oUiev  (ums,  IStiS;  Sl,ftrh(s  iiud  fm-iilrnfs, 
IStvi-S;  Xntsfur  Bnu.y  (n  Crarh-,  iSlUi;  PuHs/.ud,  DiiO/nH/d.-t.  \bC,'.):  Uihfs  and  'lluanjhts 
for  Chri-<fiiia.-',  IHlu;  \Vnnni/,'.'<  /,' /.v /''■-•■,  1'"~">T.  to  Nshiidi  (Jail  Hamilton  (Ahiiriul 
responded  witli  Tr"///"/''A- U'/vj,7//.v.-  S  rjit'/ds  tn  J)'ir:\s  y>.^t--<.  l.S(J7;  M'^nnilain  F.oircrs,  IS:;!*: 
Suiisci  Land,  or,  thr  (inat  Paxtfic  S'oj.r,  iSii*!;  T//I  I'oir,  r  of  'I'r'itlt,  rnntritmted  to  ihe 
MdV  of  Biisini.-<x,  1S.57,  be-ides  contribution  to  various  maga/.ini's.  1,  .tuHX  Wll.l.T.VM, 
b.  GrotoB,  Mass.,  Oct.  0,  d.  Oct.  15,  18-27.  2,  M.miy  P.ii.\(  k.  ]>.  (irotoii.  .Mass.,  St>]it.  C^, 
1828;  d.  Jan.  ?>[),  18(i5.  3,  M.\K'IHa  ("oij.ins,  b.  (iruton.  .Mass..  .Vjiril  1,  I'-;!!;  m.  March 
11,  1857,  Pev.  Cha-.  J.  Hill:  Wms.  ('(dl.  and  Andover.  He  was  pas.  Presb.  clili.  at 
Whitehall,  N.  Y.:  Cont;-.  (dih.,  Xashaa.  Ellsw(U-th.  aial  now  (lSS'3)  ,,f  Aiisonia,  Conn.:  ?> 
chil.  \,  Anhu  H7//;>,'/,.-\  b.  .Mnrch '2o,  185S.  -I,  Jnln,  y^"/f/.  April  10,  18ii:i  'A,  Miriaia. 
Oct.  28,  1807.  4,  John  Edwaiuis.  b.  Xorthampton,  Mas-.,  ppc.  (>,  is:-];j;  Y.  C,  18''.5: 
valedictorian:  stud.  theo.  wirii  Pre<.  Mark  Mopkins;  set.  (.'erLtr;il  Cong.  idih.  in  Boston, 
Mass.,  Eeb.  2,  1800:  m.  Dec.  li,  ISOD.  Elizabeth  llarriei  'I'lioiuas  of  Au^-usta,  tia.  lie  is 
now  jj,i.stor  of  the  Cong-,  ehh.  of  the  Hedeemer,  New  Haven,  Conn.:  :J  chil.  1,  Vir<jlni  i, 
b.  Dec.  2.  1801.  2,  FaI>-1.  Dec.  .5.  1804.  3,  Vvh't  Alexandra,  Eeb.  21.  1n:2.  ."),  S.\R.\u 
l)t;XMAX,  b.  X..  Mass.,  Ano-.  30,  1830.  0,  LiCY  ISit.u  i;,  b  Phila.,  Dec.  21.  lS3t);  d.  at 
Mont  Clair.  X.  J.,  June  \\  1878:  m   Wh-.  18,  1802,  Alb.-rt  :\I.  Hiu'elow,  Est..;  res.  X.  Y.  C. 

1.  Vaol,  Sept.  2."),  1803.  2.  .I'dtn  Alh,  ,t.  b.  May  11,  l8iiS.  3.'/."ry  /';///,  Dec.  18,  180U; 
d.  Julie,  lo.  1878,  at  Mont  Clair.  X..I.  7,  Axx.v  D\M'-(n;Tir,  b.  Nov.  2,  1841:  m.  Mandi 
il,  1807,  Frank  K.  Padihuk,  M.D. :    res.  Pirt-^tield.  .Mass.       1,  Modi  />'ra.;\  d.  a.  3  mos. 

2.  liosfi.  h.  Julv  21.  iscn.  3,  Ah-rr.  b.  .Uilv  20,  1871.  4,  M"r//  Todd,  Eeb.  V,,  ls74:  d. 
Feb.  9,  1877.  "o,  Fnu'/.-  K'/'f  nr,  b.  April  2i;,  1^^7i;.  0,  Ilr.a-r  ]\'/ufntt/i.  b  Atig.  12,  187s. 
8,  S.\>rti:L  W.M.i.i.Y,  b.  Nov.  8.  1844:  d.  S(  pt.  20,  isli',.  9,  J.\mhs  S.mith.  b.  JuP."  12. 
1S4S;  d.  May  17,  1871;  "  a  voting-  m:\n  of  rare  promis(.>:"  m.  Mav  o,  ISljO.  Jermie  Burton 
of  Uloversville,  N    Y. :   1  child.  ^  1.  Mohrl,  b   May  10,  1S7! 

II.  Martha.  L.  Xijv.  2,  1808:  ni.  Antr.  28.  1832,  Pev.  Samuel  X.  Shepard.  ord. 
].as.  cdih.  ill  Madison.  Conn.,  and  d.  thr.  Sr>pt.  .30,  18.50.  Mrs.  S.  res.  (1882).  witli  Ivr 
dau.,  Catharine,  in  X.  Hav.  1.  S.vxrh:!,  }^i;\(  i:,  b.  I'el).  4,  1834;  rem.  to  California.  2, 
S.\K.vii  Ei.iz.MiKTii,  Aug.  8,  ls:',0;  111.  Nov.  17,  ]>-5S.  Pobert  Pell,  lawyer,  Mt.  Camiel, 
Ills.      1,  Martha   A'n"/,()ct.  20,   1S5!);  d.   Mav  20,  lS(i7.     2.   E/niO/   7^W;,  Jan.  3,  1802. 

3.  Jffud  M.nian.  Alio;.  '}.  1S05:  d.  .Mav  3,  4,  Mrfor  C/f/d',,  April  25,  1807:  d. 
June  15,  1877.  5,  (odlnx  S/apard.  .lulv  10.  IsOO,  0,  Fd,rard  (Irnn,  Vvh.  1!),  1872.  7, 
(.'atharioe  Kliz<dHth,  Nov.  ".),  1874.  8,  Virnilun ,  Feb.  27,  1S77:  d.  Ai)ri!  13.  1878.  O.- 
Bartiii",  April  10.  1878.  3.  M.\I{TI1-\,  -Jan.  24,  1830;  m.  Sept.  0,  ISO:),  ^Valter  Homer 
Davis  of  X.  Y.  C;  .y.  /.  4,  C-VTI1.\i;[.\i:,  Oct.  10,  lsn;m.  <-)ct.  24.  Is70. 
.\lvoid  E.  Winchell,  M.D..  of  X.  Hav.  (3d  wf.)  1  <di.:  Flor,nn  Rrnir,  Sept.  18,  187S: 
d.  May  15.  1S70.  o.  Tims.  (iiaFKtx,  b.  .\pril  23,  184S;  u  ]irom.  musician  in  X'.  H.; 
organ'.st  Trinitx  <dih.  several  vrs. ;  also  id'  Center  chh.;  music  dealer  \vith  C.  M.  Looniis; 
m.  Mav  0,  is73.  Adella  M.,  dau.  of  Dorus  Clark  of  X.  H. ;  .*'  ;'. 

111".  Seth  Collins,  ]).  Amr.  3.  isil;  V.  C.  is;]-.';  tutor,  1S;;5-S;  stud,  tlieo.,  X.  H.; 
Prof.  Matli.,  Del.  Col.;  editor  variou.^  pap-rs;  Hrsi  editor  of  77/c  ,Y'o-///  A)/n  rd'an  in 
Philii.;  pas.  chh.  in  Bethany  several  yis.  ;  now  (  If^S-Ji  of  Phila.,  con.  with  Merc.  Lilirary; 
n  nm. 

iV.  Joab,  b.  June  1C>.  Isl4;  d.  .v.  /.,  Pittsfiehl,  .Ma-;s.,  Se];t.  22,  1815;  nm.  chan-^'d 
by  Mass.  Leti-.  to  Edward  .loab:  Y.  C.  \'al.,  1s:t7:  teaeher;  stud,  thcol.;  ord.  pas.  chh.  in 
Lanesborough,  and  con.  til!    d.:  lame    fioni   inf.;   m.  May  G,  1S45,  hyii/.abeth  .larvi- 

Watson  of    P.,    wlio  m.    Oi llopkin-^  of    Po(diester,    .X.    Y.,    who   d.       She   is    now 

(1882')  a  matron  in  Smith  I'oi.,  Xiuthaniplou.  Ma>s. 

V.  Samu-1,  Feb.  24.  Isl7;  >'.  C.  Yah.  1^11:  tutor  thr..  1S44-4S:  vt\td.  thro.. 
Andover  Sem:;  teacdier  sev.  vrs.  hi  .Nov..  I'^S-J.  in  business  in  X.  ll..tirm,  O.  B.  North 
iVCo.;  in.    Aug.    10,    is!7,    Sarah    Poirers    North    <d'   New   Britain,    Conn.       1,    S\-^irt:!. 

COLLINS,    A\  Hrr.MAX. 


^6kt}\,  b.  May  14,  184S:  d.  Aug.  -li).  1840.     2,  Hknkv  Mills,  u.  Ncv.  17.  1849;  d.  Fel.. 

'  '     VI.     John  ^Vhitman,  .Inly  <t,  18-24;  in  fcMf  U.-altli  ulwnys;  d.  in  Xewiugu-u,  Conn., 
Jan.  O,   lS4'i;   unni. 

21116       Samuel  Wlntman,  1>a]).  -luly  -2'.).  l",:]-.  res.  on  tLr  Pantry  fanu  in  W. 
IMitr     now  orrupird  ov  Ills  -l.-.-r.;  1„,  was  kilKnl   l.y  kirk  of  a  hoi's^'  Jan.  -J.  1810.  a.  •).; 
m.  Ma'rcli:-)!,  17.-<4.  Al.firail  Al.l,.,tt.  1..  Dec.  10,  17(k';  d.  S.-i-t.  11,  1844. 
I       Samu'd,  l)ai>.  Apiil  -JU.  r7S.-j:  d.  y. 

II  Saniutd.  ni.  Elizahftli  Howard,  a  gr.  dan.  of  Dr.  Lyman  ol  Coventry,  t onn. 
She  is  still  Jivin--  l.s8'2,  a.  'Jl :  reads  for  herself,  is  well  inlonned  and  has  -ood  nu-niory. 
I  IlFNKV  LYNfAX,  AnihevsC  Col..  18:3!*:  taught  school  in  Tenn.  and  .Mo.  "J  yis. :  giad. 
Mtd  Col..  Phila.,  184.K  Vi-^'f.  in  IHiLuMue  a7,d  FreP],nrt,  Ills.;  srt.  m  D.-s  Momes.  Iowa, 
l8rV  lu  Dee  ''0  IKio  Ellen,  .lau.  of  Samuel  I'lionipson  of  Klliu-ton,  Ce-nu.  1,  ±.ll(U 
Wrsi  hJune  1()  lN'7l'.  -2.  M<in/  EHniluih,  1>.  Oct.  0,  1873.  :;,  A/"//./  77/"//>/^-'",  b. 
A1--i'v''^7'  1S7()'  •^'  (JFo  V  Fel..']-!,  1S17;  res.  \Ndnona,  Minn.;  in.  -Nov.  1.  l^.').).  Idi/.a- 
iVth  Z  'ciark  of  We^tport,  N.  Y.  1,  /■;/r../^/A,  L.  Jan.  ;?.k  IS.m.  2.  /A /m//  E..  h.^Feh. 
«>  l^-)0  ■)  -/"//"  1'  \'ov.  11,  L^i'.l.  4.  iA.'//iW,  b.  July  17,  lb'G4;  d.  (;ct.  -JS,  180.).  o, 
),V,'  V  l)'\|.rirr.  ls(J7.  y.  Fi.iz.v,  h.  Nov.  :',.  isi!);  m.  (let.  s,  isr,v\  James  Smith  of 
Hartf  "l  \luri!>-  Flunnr.  i).  Julv  5.  18i;:;.  4,  Cuaiu.ottk  W.,  b.  Oct.  LI,  lS-21;  ra. 
m'iv  17  rs48'  Dr  Levi  Wells  Fla-^-;  re>.  Vonkers.  ^■.  Y.  1,  Ibnrnrd  M',Vs.  b.  July  29, 
iy4\»;  h'at  nuuuif.  2,  Mn-vHo,  b.  Jan.  14.  IS.'.L  3,  Sa„n,d  ^\■hltn,an,  b.  1>1>^  l^':  d 
\u-  1"  18r,4  4  A'/.-v  Wtdtuntn,  1).  >Lueh  Hi,  IN-YY  5,  ^'^ -.  .4 '/.v'/.v/".v,  b.  May  22. 
18^T  0  7.w;<r/  'v..rA.,,  b.  Aug.  2s.  ls,-iU.  7.  Son.  b.  May  lU,  d.  May  Kl.  1804.  8, 
Dan  1'  "Mav  :il  d.  June  10,  1^05.  ").  SaMVJ:!..  b.  Nnv.  7,  18-2;!:  m.  N<.v.  4,  1S.)4.  Cvnthia 
J.areUa;  dau.  of  Sa.uuel  and  Lueretla  (Brace)  Taleoit:  (2i  Oct.  ?>,  1S77.  Saran  K  dau  ot 
Samuel  and  Esther  (Freeman)  Koekwell  of  Ashford,  Conn.;  (3)  Jan.  4,  1^82,  Ellen 
lJod<.-er<-  res  Carroll.  Carroll  Co.,  losva,  1,  .lA////,  b.  April  22.  ISCO.  2.  lunnjL.,  b. 
Feb"l;!  'lN(;4  :',  Kxt^  /-.■>'/,,/•.  b.  S.-pt.  s.  Is^Ts.  C,  E.mki.i.nk.  b.  ^ept.  12,  ls2();  ni. 
M-iv   b'l8.^.-)     l.'ev     Mvrou    N.    Morri>;    rrs.   .\.    Ihutf.:    Fellow   of    ^  ale   Col.      E  /-''-_". 

4//:  ,t  b  Mi  reh  -M  Is.VJ;  d.  Mar.-lt  2li.  is74.  2.  dms.  y.,rtn„.  b.  Aug.  1!).  IsfiO;  \.  C. 
ls.s->  '  7'  loi'N  H  C  b  De.-.  2S:  d.  Sept.  2.""),  1^70;  m.  May2r),  IS.-.:;.  Elizabeth  'lalcott, 
sis  ~o{  Cvnthia  Lueetta.  b.  June  V6.  1S2S:  res.,  Conn.  ;■  .V  singuhudy  consei- 
entious  and  iiiirid.t  man.-  1,  M'-o  .  b.  Maieh  (i.  18.14;  d.  April  2b.  LSm.  'l  Jnho 
ImlhCh.  Aui,-.  22,  is-V.i;  m.  Oct.  In,  l^M.  Aithur  Poller,  s.  of  John  X.and  Mary  n_  ortei) 
Dow;    stock    raiser.    Cheyenii 

•^'  Jnhn    Jlur.ird.   h.   Oct.   S,    l^':;i.   Hennepin.   M. 

/,,tl>\     b.  Mandi  :L  \^6A:  d.  Mareh  2>k      n.    J.tzlr.      b,   If''''--^  8.   Ji'-'-';iL  i-^-  f^"" 
30  vis    at  San  Franciseo,  Cal.;  m.  -Mis.  .Mary  L.  Bonuer.      1.   J-/>n  I  <:-;.■,  1).  l^M. 
'lli       Elizabeth,  b.  17S8:  d.  in  \V.  EartL  Feb.  28,  1S14,  a.  2*;. 
IV.     Abigail,  b.  Oct.  20,  1789;  in    Sept.  12,  1S12,  Tiniot'ny  Seyinour,  s.  ot  Mioses  and 
Anna  ('Sevmenir')  Vioodman:  'she  d.  in  W.  HartL  Dee.  E,  1812.  a.  23. 
V.     'Henry,  b.  17110;  d.  in  W.  H.  S-pt.  IE  1^14,  a.  24. 

Vl.     Emma.  d.  v.  ^.1    1      » 

VII.  Euev,  m.  Kev.  Alvin  Sedgwiek,  b.  \V.  HartL;  fT'^d.  \N  ms  Col;  settled  at 
Ogden.  N.  Y.";  i.rearhed  in  otlier  places;  d.  Sj.eucerport.  N.  1.,  May  21.  E-^(.S;  has  uau. 
Mks.  S.  AiiNoi.n  of  Sjieneerport.  ,  ,,      ,  ,     x\-    ti     ,r      c,    .,t 

VIIl       Harriet    b.  Any.  20,    1799;   ni.    Kev.    Epaphras  (.oodman.  b.   W  .  liartL;  &et.  at 
Torrinirford.  Con'n.;  res!  afterwards  at  Chicago,  Ills.,  and  at  Cincinnati,  U. 
IX?     Emelinn,  b    1^01;  d.  in  W.  IL  April  4.  182."..  a.  24, 
X.     .Iiilia,  d.  in  W.  IL;  unm..  a.  .Y"..  ,      ,       ,      , 

XI.     Laura,  b.  1807;  d.  Sejit.  b.  1S:!3.  a.  2(:;.     All  these  early  deaths  by  .'ons. 

21117.     Eleanor  Whitman,  bap.    July  20,    U.YY  d.   Nov.   30.  ]S27;  m.  Feb    8, 
177ti    Ebene/.er,  s.  ol  Thnmas  and  Elizabeth  (llobart)  Faxon  ot  Eramtree,  Ma-;S.,  b.  Dec. 
12,  1749;  rem.  to  \V.  Ilartf. ;  maunf.  of  earthenwar.-:  d.  Jan.  11,  1811.     9  chil. 
1.   '  Ebenezer,  b.  Fel>.  13,  1777;   m.   .Mary  Colton. 
II        Elihii,  b.  Xov.  0.  17TU;m.   Elizabeth  .\leott. 
HI.      Eleanor,  b.  March  19,  17^2;  .1.  ^.  /. ;   m.  Jan.  0.  1825,  Theron  (.t    >ew- 

ington.  Conn.  .,    ,       •  ,.       •  <•   x' 

IV       Sallv    b    .hiiv  1:;    17S4;  d.  Mav  lO.   IS.l..;   m.  June  4,  182>,  Levi  Demmg  ot    .N . 
V'      Eli;.a'    b.    An-.    18.    17b7:  d.    Slav   20.    l^llo;    m.    Mry   2.1,    l^lo,    P.v.    (  hester 
Colton    b.  W.  IL,    Conn.,    17<4;    Y.    C,    IKIL  s,'t.    Con-    ministerat    ilrentv,  ood     V  it  . 
and  at  Lvme,  Conn.;   home  n,.-si<inary    ui    (he    \YeM    and   .1  at    .seu    (  ar.isle.    Y,  .e^. 
13    D.-.o"     llrwa.s    nf  !),a.  Abiiah  and  M,'',rv(i.  CJir.n.      J  fi  r  A  .\  N  .v,  b.  Jnl\   2...   IM.. 
"     '      '        l>f43.    lU-v.   E.    Ib.ger  Johnsou  of  New  C,  O.,   b.   Jan.  14.  1S14.  s.  ol  Anson 

m.  »"»ept. 


and  Hiildah  (llui.tington)  Jo'.uison  of  Pliiinfifld,  Conn.  He  d.  Sejit.  7,  1802.  f2)  Nov. 
1").  IbC)."),  l)ii-k(T!u.ui  K.  Hubbard  of  N.  Cnr.,  0.,  b.  Nov.  15,  1812,  s.  of  Solomon  and 
Ek-rta  (Ashley)  H.  of  S;ui  It-rland,  May:;.,  who  d.  Dw.  16,  187;};  Notary  Public,  Justictt 
of  tlie  Peace,  and,  la^^t  12  yrs  ,  Postniasier  of  N.  Car.,  whr.  his  wid.  res.  2,  Chestku, 
b.  .June  17,  182!);  in.  18."3.S,']jaura  C,  dan.  of  Alonzo  and  Enieline  Winjr,  b.  Feb.  10,  1842. 
lie  is  a  diui.ffi-ist  at  Carson  Citv,  Nevada. 

VI.  Nancy,  b.  Ante.  29,  1790:  d.  W.  H.,  .Tan.  14,  ISllS;  ni  May  15,  1817,  Frederick, 
t^.  of  l)»'a.  Al>ij';di  Colton,  b.  Sc]it.  11,  17!10:  d.  Sept.  IS,  1HJ2;  farnicr.  1,  FkeI'KIIICK, 
b.  March  N,  1S18;  stud.  ]n\v  in  llartf.  In  1841  associated  with  Kdinund  B.  <freen,  Esq., 
in  fditiui;  77/c  .V»  "■  Knglund  Wirkhj,  a  literary  journal  ])ub.  in  llartf.  In  1842  rein,  to 
Cincinniti.  <>.,  and  next  vr.  admit,  to  practice  by  the  Supreme  Court  of  Ohio.  2, 
CuK^Ti:!:.  b.  Nov.  o,  1819;' farmer;  res.  W.  llartf.;  m.  Oct.  14,  184«i,  Marv  A.,  dau. 
of  .losiah  \V.  and  Mary  Ann  (Heldeu)  (iriswold,  b.  Sept.  11,  1819;  d.  Aii^:.  23,  184i);  (2) 
Jan.  4,  1805,  Julia  .\.,  dau.  of  Leonard  and  Sophrotiia  (Mack)  Butler,  b.  Sejvt.  23,  ]S2G. 
:-!,  IIkxi'.y,  b.  Ai>ril  12,  1822;  d.  Nov.  24,  1845.  4,  IIak]:i):t,  b.  June  1  T ,  is-^G;  m.May 
12,  1852,  Freib-rick  J.,  s.  of  James  and  Irene  (Ensign)  liuUer,  !>.  Sept.  11,  1820.  o', 
EmvAHl),  b.  March.  19,  1828;  d.  Oct.  28,  I80I.  0.  t'u.AUi.oTjK  Amki.i.v,  b.  July  2(3, 
1832:  res.  \V.  llartf. 

VII.      Amelia,  b.  Mav  12.  1793;  m.  Timotliv  S.  (.'oodman. 
VIII.      Thojuas,  b.  Aug.  9,  KOG;  d.    March  28,   1855;  m.  Oct.    7,   1819,   Marcia  Maria 

IX.  Charles,  b.  July  4,  1799;  d.  Clarksville,  Tenn.,  July,  18G7;  m.  May  4,  1823, 
Lucy  Ann,  dau.  of  Oliver  Steele  of  New  Haven,  Conn.;  12  chil.;  b.  Oct.  <>.  1804.  He 
was  a  printer,  bookseller  and  editor;  rem.,  1823,  to  Ctitskill,  N.  Y.,  and  conducted  the 
CaUkiil  Recorder  until  1831.;  then  rem.  to  liutfalo.  N.  \..  whr.  he  started  tlie  DaVi^  ."^Icr. 
In  1843,  rem.  to  Clarksville,  'I'enn.,  iuid  liei;-an  to  publish  The  Priinitire  Stiiinha-iK  an 
Episcopal  journal;  at  tlie  sm.  tiuic  t  sial)!i;-l;cd  77-!'  Chirki^rille  .hrj',  /■■s'-ni'm,  which  soon 
became  one  of  the  leadinof  papers  of  the  state.  In  1803  elected  a  matristrate  for  the 
Clarksville  District  and  was  a  Notary  Public  till  his  d.,  July  18,  1807.  His  wid.  d.  May 
21,  ls74;  bu.  (ireenwood  Cem..  near  Clarksville.  1,  CH.un.Ks  Olivich.  b.  Fcli.  18,  1824; 
m.  June  4,  1850,  Sarah  C.  Hi(d<man;  (2)  Nov.  10,  1854,  I-'.llen  1).  Hicknuui.  2,  Hkm;y 
^VII^r.^I.\^',  b.  Feb.  7,  1820:  m.  Se])t.  11,  1854,  Eunice  U.  Wood  3,  Li:oN.\nr>  (tOoiv 
M.vx,  b.  Nov,  20,  1827,  in  (.'atskill:  ui.  Nov.  20,  1854.  Mattie  E.  \Mlkinson.  4,  Emii.v 
LuNSFOnn,  b.  in  Catskill,  Sejjt.  13,  1S29;  m.  .Auir.  28.  1S53.  Melville  Aitchin.leck.  5, 
J.\M.Es  (i.vTF.s,  i).  in  Hutfald,  Nov.  2ti.  ]s;!l;  m.  Maria  L.  Brownintr,  May  24,  1n50.  0, 
LvcyAmck.  b.  in  1).,  Jan.  1^,  1m:;1;  m.  .lames  tilascock,  Feb.  25.  ls58.  7.  Mai;v 
LoniN<;,  b.  in  H. ,  March  19,  b8:;0:  m.  John  V..  Wilcox.  Dec.  0.  1855.  8,  OE<)K<.r. 
Benton,  b.  in  H.,  M:'.y  13,  1S38;  m.  Sitlnia  L.  Finley,  Dec.  ]3,  lS7i.  9,  John  Wei, - 
MXOTi">N,  b.  in  B.,  Mav  24,  184i);  m.  Florence  Herr'ini.:,  Feb.  22,  18r.O.  10,  IOstiiei; 
Mead,  b.  in  B.,  June  "ll,  1S42;  m.  'I'liomas  Waddlinu-ion.  Feb.  5,  1804.  11,  Sakah 
Jj.\]{KEi;,  b.  in  Clarksville,  Nov.  17.  1S-J4;  m.  Nov.  5.  1870,  Benjamin  A.  Whitlock.  b. 
Se](l.  17,  1843,  s.  of  Capt.  J.  K.  and  S  II.  ^l;adfor.l)  Whitlock  from  Virginia;  farmer; 
res.  near  Long  ^'ie\v,  Christian  Co..  Ky.  12,  Caiu)1,ine  Crane,  b.  May  IS,  1848;  m. 
Dec.  31,  18l>8,  IJobert  \\'arner  Tliomas. 

211171.  Ebenezer  Faxon,  1>.  Feb.  13,  1777;  d.  Jan.  7,  1807;  farmer  of  W. 
Hartf. ;  ni.  Nov.  25,  1S(I2,  Mary,  dau.  of  Dea.  Abijali  and  Mary  ((niylord)  Colton,  b. 
March  30.  1775;  d.  .^larch20,  \sr,{)-  gr.  dau.  of  Rev.  Benj.  Colton.  wliose  wf.  was  Mary 
Pitkin,  sis.  of  (iov.  Wm.;  0   cliil. 

L  Laura,  b.  Sept.  9,  1803;  d.  1880;  m.  Sept.  2,  1828,  Albert  W.,  s.  of  Abel 
Butler,  b.  April  15,  1808;  d.  M;ir-h  5,  1858;  druauist  in  Hartf.  1,  Chai;i,ottk,  b.  June 
24,  182!»;  d.  same  day.  2,  Lai  UA  Jane,  b.  June  17,  1S:;5;  d.  Aug.  13,  1830.  3. 
At,i;kiit  Lee,  b.  Aju-ilVK),  IMO;  m.  March  0,  ls(i2,  Marg:iret  Caseoi  Haiif.,  who  d.  June 
14,  1S74;  (2)  ]hc.  1.  ls75,  France-;,  dau.  of  Hon.  Iv/.ra  and  .Mary  (Hopkins)  Clark  of 
Hartf.      1.    .]//■-;•/    llV/Z/.v.      4,    ('11 A  i;i.Es  b.  .Jan.  4,  IS  17 ;   res.  11.;   utim.  ^ 

II.  Cheslei,  b.  Sept.  14,  1S(I5:  farmer  W.  II,;  m.  .Iniu-  12,  ls:5:i.  S:irah,  d:iu.  of 
Wm.  and  Saiah  <Smilh)  Deming  of  Newingtnn,  Conn.,  b.  Isli);  d  Feb.  20,  IslS;  (2) 
Sei)t.  22.  1849,  Delia,  dau.  of  I'^dward  r'.  ami  L/elia  Heming  Seymourof  Herkimer,  N.  Y.. 
who  d.  Mav  20.  1852;  (:])  Sept.  29,  ls5:!.  Luc\-  S.,  ilan.  of  Jedecliali  W.  aitd  Sai'ah  Sey- 
nnjur  Mills,  b.  An-,  27,  1810;  d.  Nov..  isso.  '  1,  11i:m;v  Maktvn,  b.  Feb.  13,  1S:10;  d. 
Hilt(ui  Head.  S.  C.  .Line  19.  I^fi2.  2,  \\'m.  Eduaku.  0.  .May  2:'..  ls;;s:  f-armei- W.  H. 
3,   .Ifi.iA  Li"(  v,  I).   Nov.  0,   Is.'i.p 

111.      Lewis,  b.  .i;ui.  2(;,  lsi»S;   merrluuit  at  I'ji-lewdod,  Ills.;   m,  Jai\.  ;M.  1S:;2.  Siirali 
<«.,dau.  of    'J'imothv  and   Sarah  (( i  ridlev)    Perkins   of   W    H.,  I..  .Marcli   24,  lSi2;   d.   in 


Payfeon,  Ills.,  .Sept.  30,  18GG.  1,  LKwrs  ^''khkixs.  b.  Nov.  28,  I808,  in  Quin<'v  111  •  d 
Aug.  10.  lS-!i>.  2,  UwiKiA.A  I'kkkins.  b.  De.-.  -2:,,  is-ij;  ,n.  jupc  12,  IbGo,  iWivid'w" 
Thompson  of  E.     3,   Ai.r.KKT  i.EWfs,  b.  Nov.  7,  1S.")1 ;  d    Julv  20    185'^ 

IV.     Julius,  b.  .Murcli  27,  1810;  d.  Jan.   12.  IS-jy,  '  --•'-—• 

V.     ("harlotte,  b.  Sf])!.  19,  ltil2;  d.  Sept.  Kj,  ISU. 

VI.  Jane,  b.  Oct.  7,  1^1.5;  res.  \V.  H. ;  unni.  On  the  2(1  of  Jan.  she  was  run  over 
in  the  Asylum  St.  depot  and  received  injuries- which  made  tlie  amputation  of  one  letr 
necessary.  She  d.  3  days  afterwards,  Jan.  o,  I'rl^:}.  She  was  an  estimaUle  iadv  and 
universally  respected.  Some  yr.s.  a.!;-o  she  was  active  in  Sandav  school  work,  it  was 
then  the  custom  df  the  Cong.  chh.  in  \N'.  Ihntf.  to  divide  its  Sundav  school,  all  sidiolars- 
under  9  yrs.  of  a.  meeting-  in  the  old  divtii.'t  school  house  o[)p.)sit(>"  tlie  chh.:  over  this 
dejiurtnient  Miss  Faxon  jiresided.  An  Elmwood  corres.  of  th.-  Jlnrtf.  Vourunt,  who 
com.  these  facts,  says:  '■  The  writer  recalls  with  jdeasur.-  her  kind  unassuming  ways, 
wliich  made  it  a  sad  day  when  the  9  yrs.  rule  ct)miHdled  his  removal  to  the  largei^scliooL 
She  left  behiini  her  only  pleasant  memories." 

211172.     Elihll  Faxon,  b.  Nov.  n,    1770;  d.    llartf  ,   June  30,    1S47;  m.    Julv  S, 
18U7.  Elizai>eth,  dau.  of  James  and  Lucy  Teny  Alcott  of  II.,  b.  April  22,  l'784-  d.  Dec' 

I.  James,  May  G,  1^08;  d.  at  sea,  March  17.  IS^O,  while  returiiing  from  Curacoa, 
W.  I.,  whr.  he  had  lieen  several  yrs.  I'.  S.  (/onsul.  He  wa.s  for  five  vrs.  Suro-eou  in  u' 
S.  Xavy:  m.  -\(n-.  G,  1S32,  Frances  Emeline,  dau.  of  Daniel  Bunce,  jr., "of  Ilartf  b  Nov* 
12,  ISO'J.  1,  D.VMEL  Emhu,  b.  ^w.  8,  1834;  printer  and  publisher,  Buffalo,  x' Y  • 
liieut.  in  3Gth  Regt.  X.  Y.  Vols.;  d.  at  Kegimental  Hospital  at  Fair  Oaks  Va  June  I9' 
1862.  2.  Makv  Jank,  b.  Fob.  11,  d.  Feb.  25,  1837.  3,  Ei.iur  Jamks,  b.  Au!;'."25,  1838': 
printer;  BaiTalo;  m.  Sept.  22.  1859,  Kebecca  McLane,  b.  .Ian.  28,  1840.  '  lle%vas  Major 
3Gth  Hegt.  X.  Y.  Vols.:  killed  at  Fredericksburgh,  Va.,  May  3,  18G3.  4  Fi;  vncfs 
Ei.17.abi-.tii,  b.  June  11,  1841:  d.  Aug.  20,  1842.  .".,  Jamks  \V'irLiA  v  Sept  7  l^-'V  d 
Feb.  23.  1S44.  ■  -  '  ,     1   ■     •        •  ,     • 

II.      Ilenrv.  Dec.  17.  1809. 

III.  Sally' Ann,  Feb.  17,  1813:  d.  Feb.  19,  1S17. 

IV.  Waher.  i).  Xassau,  X'.  Y.,  July  3,  lylo;  d.  Dec.  28,  181G. 

V.     Hiram,  b.  X.,  Awi;.  11,  I8IG;  bookbinder;  res.    Windsor.   Conn.;  in.  March  31, 
1842,  M.  Maria,  dau.  of  \Vm.  and  Margaret  Collyer  of  Boston,  Mass.,  b.  Oct.  2,  1.^22:  d' 
Jan.  12,  IbGO.     1,   \Vm.  IIij;am,  b.  Jan.   29,    1843;  U.    S.    Consul  at  Curacoa.'iv    I      2 
Edwaiju  BibSKi.!,,  b.  Br<M)klyn,  L.  I.,  June  24^1840;  machinist;  Hartford;  m.  June  I.y' 
1869,  Elhi  J.,   dau.  Richard  and  Catliaiine  (.Cosi'Tove)  Farris,  b.  Mav  G.  Is.jU.      ]     Charles- 
Jiroicn,  July  10,  1^70;  d.  Jan.  27,  1772.     2,   l-:ihr<ir<l  Jln.^siU,  b.  Autr.  12,  1.S72.   '  ^,  (tko 
Ai,T3ERT,  b.  June  12,  is.jO;  bookbinder,   Hartf.     4,  At.kkkd  Howaud.  Ant;-.  IG,  1n!v2;  m. 
Xov.  12,  1874,  bate  T.,  dau.  Jolm  :\Iary   ^Foryth)    Robinson   of  New  Briutin,   T'onn.,  b. 
March  31,  1S.")4.     5,  Makia  hj.iZAr.UTir,  Dec.  27,  18o4.     G,   ^VAI.TI•:l{  Cur.i.vj  k    Julv  18 
185G.  ^   '        •        ■ 

VI.  Charles,  1).  Xov.  13.  1819;  printer  and  editor:  <1.  in  Washington,  D.  C.,  Sept 
5,  1871;  m.  May  1,  1843,  P^merette  E.,  dau.  John  and  Eliza  \Villev  of""W.  H.,  Conn.,  b. 
Dec.  11.  1820;  res.  W.,  D.  C.  1.  Ei.iZAr.ETir  E.mkkettk,  .March  "lO,  1S4G;  d'  Jan  21 ' 
18G7.  2.  CuAiu.Ks  Wnj.Kv.  b.  Dec.  12.  1849;  d.  March  13,  ls72.  3  K  \tv  Sfukw  ick' 
b.  Xov.  21,  18o3:  m.  May  1,  1874.  Waldo  .M.  Tastit  of  \V.,  D.  C. 

VII.  William,  b.  April  7.  1822;  luinter  and  journalist;  for  five  vrs.  one  f)f  tin- 
editors  of  tlie  7/'/ /(o^/y/  ?:,-<  iiiiiy  Pnss:  I'hief  Clerk  of  the  Xavv  De])artn!ent  from  I8G1 
to  18GG,  and  Assistant  Secratary  of  the  Xavy,  18GG  to  1SG9;  res.  Hartf.:  m.  Sept.  20, 
1847,  Anna  Olney,  dau.  Horatio  and  Ruth  (Bailev)  Cushing  of  Hanover,  Mass  b  (Kt' 
23,  1&2G;  d.  in  Hartf.,  March  10,  l8o4:  (2)  Marciri8.  lS.-,9,'Lucy  Eaton  Cushin-r".  sis.  of 
his  1st  wf. :  b.  May  18.  1N29:  d.  in  Manchester,  Conn.,  .luly  3,  IS^iT.  1,  Wii.r.TA>f 
Bailev.  Jan.  17,  1849;  ariist;  has  resided  for  several  vrs.  in  I'aris.  France.'  2  A.vx\ 
CrsHJXii,  Feb.  14.  ISoG, 

Vlll.      Eb.'u.-zer,  b.  W.  H.,    May   2G,    ls2o:  m.    July  21,    18.-):j,    Ambrosia  M..  dau.  of 
Lewis  A.,  and  Mary  Jenkins  of  Baltimore,  Md.,  b.  Jan.  ;U,  1829.      He  was  an  Architect 
and  d.  in  B. ,  .Man  h  8,  18GS. 

211177.  Amelia  Faxon,!..  May  12,  1793;  m  Dec.  1,  1S14,  Timothv  S.  (iof.dman 
Cincinnati,  Ohio;  his  2d  wf.  (He  m.  (1)  Abigail  Whitman.)  She  d.  Sept'.  9,  l,s72;  he  d.' 
May  8,  18G9;  merch.  and  lianker. 

I.     Abig.iil  V.'hitmau,  b.  May  2"^.  ISIG;  d.  Dec.  17,  1^31. 

II.      Henry  Horace,  Feb.  25,  1818;  .Miami  I'niv.,  1837;  admit.  0.  bar,   1S39:  Counsel 
and  Judge  Advocate  Xavy  Dopt.    during  adms.  of  Eincoln  and  of  Johnson;  now,  1882, 

94  BRANCH    OF    IIAXNAn. 

lawyer  in  N.  Y.  C. ;  ni.    I'ec.    •:,    islO,    Ivsthcr  A.,    (l;ui.    of  K.  P.   and   Ann   (Croniwrll  i 
Langdon  of  Cin.,  0. 

HI.     Cliurles.  I'l.  Oct.  'Jl,  1S19:  liuHncicr;  n-s.  rhicuLCi).  Ills.;  m.  ])rc.  '21,  JS-ll,  Ciitli- 
arino  F.,  auu.  Win.  M.  and  Nancv   Ix   (Arinrs)  Wiles,   1).  Sept   -ii'i    1S24    of  LehniKMi    () 
]\'.      Tlion.a.s.  b.  Mmrli  11,  ]v2l:   d.  Sept.,  1S0.7, 
V.      William    Au!'-usTu,-,,    1).    Nov.    '.?.    ls;2-,>;  hank.M-:  res.    Cincinnati,   ().;  -m.    .Inn.-. 
1847,  Lucy  A.,  dan.  I'liilip  and  Hannah  (Pratt)  (Jrandin  of  Tin.,  b.  Julv  ■.,>:),  LS-27. 

VI.   ■ 'riniotl'.y  S.,  .\]iril  -Jfi,  b^'.'-"):   Marietta  Col.;   Sec.  Cin.    Ivjnitable  In.snrance  Co.  • 
m.  Oct.  12,  b*^4S,  Julia  ]].,  lian.  and    Kunice  (K^-erton)  Shinnian  of  Marietta  O 
b.  May  1.  1827.    " 

VII.     Moses.  1).  Jan.   5.    IS'27:  bookkeeper;  res.    Meniidiis.   Tenn. :  ni.    Sallv,  dan.  of 
Cliarle.-;  and  Kaclul  .  Markni-)  F.xier  of  Cin.,  ().,  b.  Ma\   I  1,  ]s-y.\, 

Vni.     Francis,  b.  .Mav  3.  18'Jl':  in.  March  l:],  is.-)l ,  Alice  Foster,  b.  Aug.  29,  1831-  si^ 
of  v^ally;   res.  X.  Y.    C.    ' 

212.     Abigail  Pautry,  h.  Jan.  11,  ]07S-0;  d.  Jan.  2(5,  170S:  a.  2f),  trravestoiu-  ni. 
Richard  (Joudnuinof  llant.;  b.  Man;li2:'..  lOiL'j  (s.  (d'  Ifi'dianl  and  .Marv  (Terrv)  ( ;o:,dnian 
who  were  ni.  Dec.  s,  li;.")'.)i:  d.  May  14.  17:10,  a.  i'u. 
I.      Miuy,  bap.  March  7.  17(12. 
II.     Mary,  bap.  2^Iay  lH,  17lio;  rn.  benjamin  Burr. 

III.  Kicliard,  Xov.  4,  1704:  in.  Sai-ah  'W'adswnrtli. 

IV.  Timothy.  Sept.  22,  170u;   ni.  May  <i.  1731,  .bamna  Wadswortli. 

V.  Abii'-ail,  in.  Daniel,  s.  i)f  Tlioinas  Ensi_;n  of  Ihutf. ;  l)ap.  Marcli  2(),  1704.'  She 
udm.  ti>  chh.  in  \^'.  II..  172^.  Cliil.  bap.  there'.  I,  D.\Mi;i.,  Ansr.  b^,  1 72S.  2,  Am- 
r..\\\.,  March  li,  1730.  3,  H  vciiKi,,  Nov.  7,  1731;  d.  abt.  17';i;  adiu.  >i-ranled  April  14, 
sni.  yr.  to  hdea/.er  Fnsiu-n  oi  Sntlield,  Conn.;  m.  .\->vi\  2!t,  1  7.-)0,  hercoiis.  Jjenjaniin  Burr. 
4,  ll\x:>Aii.  Sept.  3).  ]n3."..  o.  Kr.i-.A/.  \i;,  Oct.  St,  b^37;  in.  Lydia  Buslmell;  lived  in 
Sutheld.  Conn.,  then  in  llartland.  1,  77no(forr  ./.,  b.  Se)-t.  '.)."]77.^:  in.  Jan.  17,  17^)1), 
Luciiia  Barber  of  llartland,  1).  Xov.  10,  177."):  d,  Ajjril  21.  1^48;  n-ni.  to  Oliio.  2, 
TiinotJu/:  m.  Chloe  Bnrnhani;  b.  Marcii  n,  17G~>.  rem.  to  nldo;  d.  Sept.  28,  Isll.  3,  Ja,'!. 
m.  Eunice  Xewton;  rem.  to  <.)hii).  1,  Pimhiti  JoJms.m,  b.  March  23,  1708;  d.  .Mav  o, 
1804;  in.  Khoda.  dan.  of  Capt.  Austin  i'lielps  of  ^^■inrlsor,  l...  Ajiril  29,  1770:'  d.  O.-t.  7.' 
1847.  She  m.  (2)  William  Hooker  :d'  N'N'esthanijitu.n.  .Mass.  and  d.  Oct.  7,  1847.  ."j, 
Li/dia,  m.  (ieo.  Treat  of  Ilartlainl.  (>..  IfnJd/ih.  m.  (ieo.  eiillette  of  K.  (iranbv.  7, 
Cn/idiicf.  m.  Stirlinu' Crosby.  {-^  Dea.  Ste])]ien  (iriswold  of  llartland. 
V[.      Ksllier,  b.  Oct.  3,0.  170:1. 

2122.  Mary  Goodman,  h.  May  in.  17()3;  m.  B<  njamin,  s.  of  Thomas  and  Sa.rah 
Burr  of  llartf. ;  rem.  tu  \^'iIul<or  and  wereliv.  thi-.  in  1737.  In  Avill  of  Ident.  Iiichard 
Goodman,  dated  Oct.  12.  1703,  he  braves  tlO  to  Ids  sis.  Mary  Burr  of  Westlield.  (See 
Burr  book. ) 

I.     Mary,  bay).  Hartf.  July  31,  1"2(;. 
II.      Benjamin,  baj).  Hartf.  June  10,  1728;   prob.  d.  y. 

III.  Benjamin,  bap.  Hartf.  Xov.  9,  1729;  d.  in  SuffnOd,  Conn.,  Dec.  18,  1758;  m. 
April  29,  17.").-),  Rach.el  Ensiirn,  dan.  of  Daniel,  who  d.  abt.  1701:  adm.  granted  Ajiril  14, 
sm.  yr.  to  171ea/.ei  Ensiuii  of  Suiileld,  Cdnn.  1.  B.^ciiici,,  1).  in  S.  March  11,  17:jO.  2, 
Nancy,  1).  in  S.  Sejit.  2.-),  17.")7;  d.  ihr.  Xov.  24,  17.'J9. 

I\'.     Timothy,  b.  Aiiu'    l'>.  17:!1;    m.  in   Suf.  .May  10.    17.54.   .Mary  P>rooks,    per.  the 
same   who  ajipears   in  Wilbraham,    Mass.,    1781,  and   had   s.    Timothy  who  set.   in  Mt. 
Vernon,  O..  1809,  and  has  desc.  thr.     (See  JJurr  h'e/n  ii/"f/i/.) 
V.      Hannah,  b.  in  WindMir,  Jan.  20,  1733. 

VI.     Abigail,  b.  in  Windsor,  Aj.iil  4.  1730. 

2123.  Lieut.  Richard  Goodman,  h.  Xov.  4.  17ii4;  m.  Xov.  r,,  1749,  Sarah, 
dan.  of  Ich.abod  Wad-;\vorrli.  He  \vas  wealthy  and  i)romiiii-nt  in  Hart  f. ,  held  various 
town  oiliees;  joined  the  chli. ,  1741;  (1.   Xov.  2 1 ,"  1 703.      His  u-id.,  Sarali,  m.  William  Hall. 

I.  William,  bap.   Sept.  21,  d.   Sept.  2."),   li.'.O. 

11.  Huldaii.  b.-ii).  Julv  22,  17.13;  <1.  Jan.  27,   17.")9. 

Hi.  Sarali,  d.  O.'t.  2i,"  1  7.")S 

IV.  Mary,  ba[..  in  llartf.  l-\b.  2,  K.-."");  d.  Xov.  11.  ]7.")0. 

N'.     Hey.ekiah.  baji.  in  .ia.n.  3o.  17.')7;  d.  Xov.  9.  17.18. 
V!.     Sarah,  bap.  in  Ibirtf.  I>.'c.  :]().  17.V.)-  d.  b'eb.    I,  1700. 
Vil.      l?i(dnird. 


21237.  Richard  Goodraan,  l).  Ffb.  10.  l.ap.  F.-l).  ■3-2.  ITCl;  .uli-^red  177(i  ;uul 
served  ]-2  luos.  ill  CdI.  Sun..  \N  yllis  vejj;. ;  on  duts  ^i^iiiu  at  Wlnle  I'laip.s.  and  airaiti  in 
]77!I-S0;  a  pi-oniinenl  eitizeu  in'llaril. .  wlir.  lie  >\.  July -JO,  1S4."):  ni.  Kii/.alieth,  dau.  of 
^lexuiuler  iuid  AMifiiil  Hunt  of  Wetherstield,  t..  Ky,'.  .\.   V.:  d.  Nov.  10,  1S(J!»,  a.  (in. 

I  Sarali  Hunt,  b.  Feb.  10.  17S.S;  d.  Nov.  2.;,  ISliJ;  m.  Oct.  S,  ISI.""),  Steplien  Buek- 
LiiMl  (ioo.hvin.b.  Auii.  -i,  17^:5;  ivs.  \Vether.-<ticdd:  d.  Sej.t.  14.  1S}'.>.  1,  F.i.i/akkth  Hi.nt, 
b  Nov,  •.?2.  d.'pec.  'i^.  ISltJ.  2,  l.KVl,  b.  Feb.  'is,  ISlit;  m.  Sei>t.  10,  ls5fi.  Adtdaide  A. 
BUnn  l)^Jun.  18,1^^7;  dau.  of  Simeon  and  Saiab  (I'.alelO.  1.  AHujrf.  W'j.r'l,  ]>.  .luiu> 
:^,0  ].S.-)7  2  .s'^,yy/,,,/  i>.'/.v//A'/,'/,  b.  Mav  l,s,  INUU.  :',,  Al.liEUT  \V.,  li.  .July  11,  1820;  d. 
June  7,  lS>^o'.  -1,  Maky  Ann,  1>  >ei.i.  "jl,  IS'JJ:  d.  Dec.  :^0,  i:s;3s.  5.  Sakah  Fm/.ahktii, 
I.  IH'c.' -^l,  lS-24;  lu.  l>ec.  t24,  1S4'.*,  l-lvastus  Augustus  Kiuirs'oiii'y ;  .v,  /.  (»,  Snci'liKN  B., 
b'  Dec.  11,  lb"3i);  sailed  fioiu  C'alifoiida  fur  Australia  June  V8,  l>^-");'>,  and  never  heard 
from  after  anival  at  Au^^tralia. 

11.      Abigail,  b.  April  >■',  KMI:  d.  July  S).  lN(i4,  a.  74;  uiuu. 

Ill       Bichai'd  Jav.  li,  17S(.);  d.  on  passage  from    Havana   to  l'en<aeola  and  was  ])u.  at 
sea  Aug.  '-^l,  \^'2l,  a.  oo;    unui. 

IV.  Amelia,  b.  Oct.  i),  17ii-2;  m.  Oct.  S,  is].-,.  Hea.  Lynde  (Mmsted.  t>.  in  I-,.  Hartt. 
Dec.  5',  17yO.  s.  of  ?ili(du;el  aiv.l  Abigail  (Morr.iw )  (_). ;  merchant;  Majnr  of  l.-t  Co.  <d'  V'-'oX 
Guards  :jyr"s. ;  l>ea.  Cimn-.  <ddi.  many  yrs. ;  d.  O.-t.  ]."•),  is7(i.  Mr-;.  (Olmsted  d.  at  Sara- 
tno-;i  Springs,  Dec.  2i\,  l-i^i!(i.  a.  74.  i."Ki.iZA])i:i  11,  b.  May  It,  ]s]7;  li.  July  lit,  1S7S;  m.. 
Stait  9  \HH-i,  Nathan  C.  Eiv  of  N.  Y.  (.'ily;  Ahlermau;  Pres.  of  the  l^>oard  of  Aldemu-u; 
Srtpervi.s(u-  for  luaiiv  vrs.  -aw]  has  been  a,cting  Mayor;  Now,  iss-?,  Pres.  of  the  American 
In'^titute  and  of  the  P.'ter  ("oo]^er  Fire  Insurance  Co.  of  N.  Y.  C.  2.  Amelia  AmuAll., 
b  Julv  Ui,  b^l'.t;  m.  Oct.  T),  1N41.  Thos.  P.  Case  of  Troy.  N.  Y. :  who  d.  0,t.  22, 1^42.  8. 
Join- Lyn'de    b    Mav  :^1,  bv28:  in.  Oct.  M,  1S4S,  Jane  Sophia  Boanlman,  b.  l)e<-.  '27.  lS2o. 

1  Jcnnu'  Jnhlui,  b."Julv  2>\,  IS.V?.  2.  Fr,'I.  L^f,"h  .  !>.  A].ril  ■',').  \^r,<.  4,  Hknkv  Kino, 
b'  Au"-  ;-j1,  1S24;  TriintvCol..  ■|S4f5;  M.D.:  m.  Dec  is,  IS.').""),  Anna  Maria  Cdm-t'-d  (4t]i 
cous.h'dau'.  ..f  c"(d.  S..lo'm..n  and  Kh'.-;a  ('J'rcaDO.  of  F.  llartf.  Jtr.  O.  is -i.ivj.arinu-  a 
ii-eueai.)gv  of  the  Ohnsted  taudly.  1,  .'uin"  AnuU^i,  b.  Oct.,  d.  iNtiO,  2,  K-Un.  b.  Jan. 
20    ISf}.")"."    o,  Muni,  twin  with  Ellen. 

V.  John  K..\l.  in  Brooklvn.  April  24.  1^4!),  a.  ."",7;  merdumt  in  N.  Y.  C. ;  m.  Mar- 
<^aret  NVilliuuison  Haines,  who  d.  a'.  T-i.  F  Kk  haup,  b.  July  2s,  isiS;  m.  Fhcta  \V. 
Chfnevnf  Manche.ster,  Conn,,  b.  Sept.  S,  1^21:   res.  Fenox,  Mass.      1.    lii'-h"!'!.  b.    Aiiril 

2  184(j.  2,  Rnsalk  (Ivu.ti,  b.  Oct.  2'.l,  ls4S.  :;!,  /;..w/.,  b.  Aug.  0,  1S:)2;  d.  .so.,n.  4 
imd  .-)  7><W«**/.s- (twins),  b,  MO,  1S.")I);  (L  .-o^n.  G,  Klictn  JJlinn,  h.  Oct.  \~y.  185!!.  2, 
F.LTZ  u;etu  li.  b.  ^hncli  Fi,  l>-'2-'):  m.  Julv  2.  1S4!.  James  H.  Heiuing.  wlio  d.  in  Paris, 
France,  Fob.  G,  isG4.  1.  I^ohil  Jl-'in-.^.  \).  Oct..  isj.".;  m.  June  12,  1S71.  Jean  Marie 
Hertell'  of  Darmstadt,  (b-rmany.  2,  C^iri'lu,,  Sunnnr,  b.  Mar(;h  2o,  1S4S;  m.  in  Paris. 
F'-unce.  Mav  Hi,  1S70.  Hor;!<'e  j.  Jenness  of  Portsmoutli,  X.  H.  o,  Enf/t/if  JLrcn/.  b, 
V  F,  Jan."  2;!.  d.  April,  is.'il.  4,  J/,/,/,- i:'/,,//;,,/-  4/,nv/-/ri7'f,  m.  M.  Augu.'^te  Ostron: 
res.  San  Francisco.  Cah  o.  Ulrhnrd  (ionihiuni,  b,  Ai)ril  1,  1S.")('.;  res.  Brooklyn;  uiim. 
G    JiiiNt.^  11..  A]u-il    17.  is'<n:  res.  Denver,  Color.-ido. 

Yl.     :Mary  Ann.  b.  1802;   d.  Dec.  2(\   lS")o;   m.   June  8.   1S2.-),   Alfred  Holt  of  Hartt., 
b    F>ast  Hav.,"Conii.,  Jan.  G,  1797;  <h  Nov.  s,  ls-j7,  a,  oO;  she  d.  -v.  t. 
VII.      Eli/.abeth.  d.  March  10.  1808.  a.  Si  vrs. 
Yin.     Thomas,  d.  May  G,  1^09,  a.  4  yrs. 

2124.  Timothy  Goodman  of  \Y.  Hartf..  b.  Sept.  22,  170G;  m.  May  7,  1735. 
Joanna,  dau.  of  Jos*>ph  and  Joanna  Wadswerth  of  llartf.;  a  gr.  dau.  of  Ca})t.  Josi>ph 
Wadsworth  of  Charter  luemorv.  s.  .d'  \Vm.  Slie  d,  Mardi  10.  I7G8,  a.  5:3.  He  m.  (2) 
Nov.  29,  17G7,  \Yid.  Elizabetli"\\\ortli  of  Hartf.  Jolm  1'antry  conv.  to  gr.  s. ,  Tim- 
othy Goodman,  by  deed  dated  March  4,  1729.  70  acres  of  land  in  \Vesl  Division  of  iauds 
in  town  of  Hartf.'.  bounded  west  bv  the  Fannington  line.  The  Huston  (.lir<inirlt  of  ^lay 
2.  17C8,  states  that  on  7,  17()S.  tl'e  house ''of  Mr.  Timotliy  (b)odman  in  ^V.  Hartf. 
was  burned  with  all  the  furniture  and  rlutlies,  whicli  were  very  rich  ami  costly. 
Jerusha,  dau.  of  Daniel  Ensiiru,  who  lived  in  the  fandiy.  ten  yrs.  old,  was  burned  to 
death.  \W(\.  March  12.  17s'i,  a.  79;  all  <diil.  bap.  in  W.  Hartf. 
1.      Jf)aiina,  ni.  Samuel  Stanley. 

11.     Timothy,  liap.  Marcli  7,  17:!i!;  m.  Mnitha  Spcu<-er. 
Ill,      Thomas,  b.  :March  is,  K:!'.!;  m.  Sarah   Seymour. 
lY.      Abin-ail,  b.  Oct.  4,  1741:   m.  Ah-xander  Catliu. 
Y.      31arv.  b.  Feb.  12,  1744;  m.  John  Pi.  rce. 
\  I.      F!i/.abe;h,  March  ]ti.  174ti:  m.  Pev.  Samd  WOodbridge. 
\\\.      l-:i<diar.l,  b.  April  10,  174s;  m.  Nancy  S.-ymour. 

96  BRAXCH    OF    lIAXXAir. 

VIII.     MehitP.ble,  bap.  \\'.  Hfu-tf.,  June  24,  1750;  d.  Mux  2,  Isr^S. 
IX.     Moses,   twill  witli  Mfliitalile.   blip.    \V.    Hurtf..   .June  24,  1750;  in.    1779,  Amv 

21241.     Joanna  Goodman,  m.  f^aTimel  Staiiloy,  jr.,  of  W.   Ihirtf.,  bap,  .Ian    11 
1730.      lied.  \V.  Hartf.,  Nov.  17,  i7U;j,  a.  (k!.      She   d".    lii.s   wid.,    Feb.  2.")',    USUO, 'a.   Gl' 
prob.  the  eld.  ch.  >  >      •        , 

I.     Joanna,  1).  Oct.   4.   bap.    Oct.    0.    1705.-  ni.    Aug.   1,    1770,    Ashbel    Shiphard  of 
'Wintonliury.    Conn.;  rem.    to   Kin^slioro,    N.  Y.      1,  UiaND.\,    bop.    Jan.    18,    177y      " 
AsiiBEL,  bap.  Jan.  3.  1777.     3,   Amand.".,  bap.   Aug.  4,  17S1.     4,   ADOLriirs,'  bap.  Nov' 
1,  171S4.     0.  Olivkk,  bap.   Sei)t.   10,  17!J1.     G.  Jo.vnxa  Goodm  \.n    liap     March''    17<)(; 
7,  James,  bap.  March  12.  17US.       •  ...... 

II.     Timotliy.  b.  Nov.  l.*,,  fiap.  Xov.  IS,  175'.). 

in.  Milly,  twin  with  Timothy,  bap.  Nov.  18,  175!i;  m.  Oct.  2,  1781,  Allvn  s  of 
Allyn  and  P'di/.abeth  (Smith)  Seymour,  ba]).  July  22,  H.'jo,  of  NV.  11.  He  served  in  Kev 
Army;  rem.,  1S02,  to  IJedfield,  X.  V.;  d.  thr.  July  15,  1S20.  Slie  d.  at  Lenox,  N  Y 
Nov.  13,  184(3,  a.  SG.  1,  Allv.n.  b.  ()ct.  10,  1782;  d.  Savanjiah,  Oa.,  Oct.  l.^i,  ls09  2 
Ayer?,  April  23,  1784.  3,  Kai.pii,  Oct.  11,  17^0;  d.  at  lu-dlield,  unin. ,  Jan.  0.  1872' 
4.  KoDXEY.  Sei>t.  17.  17;)4.  5.  Mii.i.K,  Dec.  1!).  178G.  G,  Bkt.shy,  A]>ril  13,  1787  7 
Ira,  Aug.  2G,  17y6;  d.  next  day.     8,   Ira,  baj).  Sept.  14,  1797.  '  .  •        , 

IV.  Samuel,  Til.  Oct.  6,  177G,  Ai)igail,  dau.  of  Josejdi  Waters  of  Hartf.;  b. 
Marc)i  1,  17(;i.  1.  Roxaxa.  2.  JoskVk.  3.  Hokace.  4,  Nakisy.  5,  Samuel.  G, 
Abraiia.m.     7,  Webster.     8.   \\'ATRors;  all  bap.  in  \V.  Hartf.,  Dec.   '29.  1799. 

V.  Nabby,  bap.  Nov.  Kf,  17G5;  m.  Jan.  1,  1788,  Alexander  Stardey  of  Farmington, 

VI.  Hannah,  m.  So[)t.  25,  17tt4,  Dr.  Josiah  I']veritt  of  ^^■in(•hestc^,  Conn.,  his  3d  wf., 
b.  Feb.  27,  1749,  s.  of  Josiah  and  Hannah  Nol)le  (Hinnian)  P^veritt.  He  served  as  Capt.' 
of  a  Co.  of  Conn,  troops  in  tlie  northern  army.  1775-6;  afterw.  j)rac.  med.  in  \V. ;  d. 
Feb.  5,  1829.  Shed.  June  27,  1n'2G.  1,  Hax.vah  B.  ,  b.  .)une7,  1798;  m  March  8  IS'^5 
Rev.  Henry  Busbnell.      2,   M  vrv,  1).  Dec.  27.  1799;  d.  .May  2',).  1S07. 

21243.  Thomas  Goodman,  Ita]).  March  18.  1739;  d.  in  W.  Hrtf. .  Sei)t.  7,  1807,  a 
70  (■.');  m.  May  13,  17G4,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Moses  and  Haehd  ((ioodwin)  Seymour,  b.  ^\^  H. 
Feb.  IG,  1740;  d.  there  Jan.  25,  1798,  (2)  Mrs.  Ruth  (Skinner)  (iay,  dau!  of  Timothy  and 
Rath  (Colton)  Skinner,  bap.  March  11.  1739.  wid.  of  Hev.  Nathaniel  Hooker,  and  next  of 
Col.  Fisher  Gay  of  Farmington.      She  d.  in  \\'.  H.  Sejit.  21,  1820,  a.  82. 

I.      Sarah,  bap.  March  31,  17G5;  m.  X'lv.  1,  17n'.),  Klijah  Oridley  of  Farm.     She  d. 
there  Feb.  12,  1792,  leav.  1  child.       1.. Sarah,  m.  Timothv  Fitkin  I'eVkins  of  \\'.  Hartf. 
II.     Timothy,  bap.  Atig.  10,  17GG;  d.  Jan.  25,  1770. 

III.  Timothy,  bap.  Sejit.  9,  1770;  d.  at  Demarara,  W.  1.,  Dec.  7,  1788. 

IV.  'Chonui:^.  bap.  Aug.  2.  1772:  d.  x.  i.  at  \V.  Hartf.  July  10,  1800;  m.  Dec.  24.  1795, 
Al)igail.  dau.  of  Col.  Timothv  and  Abigail  (Skinner)  Sevmoiir,    bap     Nov    7    1773-    d 
Aug.  7,  1824. 

21244.  Abigail  Goodman,  b.  Oct.  14,  1740;  m.  Feb.  2G,  17GG.  Alexander,  s.  of 
John  and  Margaret  (Sovmour)  Catlin  of  Litchfield,  Conn.,  b.  Jan.  G,  173^-0. 

I.      Abigail,  ba])."W.  Hartf.,  Dec.  14,  1706. 

II.  Lyndc:  Y.  C,  178G;  cashier  Merchants'  Bank.  N.  \.  C. ;  d.  Is33;  m.  Helen  M. 
Ki]).  1,  Joifx  Mortimer,  b.  May  28,  180] ;  Y.  ('.,  1^20;  prom,  business  man  in  N.  Y.  C. ; 
Pres.  (.it.  \\"estern  R.  R.  of  HI.;  m.  dau.  Nicholas  William  Stuvvesant,  a  desc.  of  the 
Dutch  Gov,.  Peter  S.      He  d.  in  N.  Y.  C.  June  13,  1881 

III.  Mos.s,  res.  Vt. 

IV.  Aaron. 

V.  Alexander. 

VI.  (iuy,  res.  Vt. ;  was  in  partnership  with  Capt.  Thaddeus  Tuttle  [9]  in  lumber 

VI 1.  Frsula. 
VIII.  Almira.  m.  Stephen  Twining  of  New  Hav.;  Y.  C.,  1795;  steward  of  Y.  C.,  181!' 
tod.,  1832;  Dea.  First  Cong.  ebb.  18  9-32.  1,  Aeexaxder  Catijx.  Y.  C.  1820;  Pnd'.  at 
Midd.  Coll..  and  afterwards  at  Y.  C. ;  civil  engr. ;  he  surveyed,  located  and  built,  as  chief 
engr.,  the  first  railroad  in  Conn.,  viz.,  the  Hartf.  iV  N.  Hav.  He  ul.'^o  made  the  first  sur- 
vey, location  and  estimates  for  the  N.  Y.  >^'  N.  Hav.  R.  R.  (the  coinii.  of  this  ^vc!^k  being 
a  rodman  in  the  leveling  party)  fall  of  184-1.  Dea.  of  the  I'irst.  Con;;,  chh.  in  N.  Hav. 
from  1856  (2t3  yrs. )  to  date  (1882).  He  m.  a  dau.  of  Prof.  Kinsley  of  W.  I'oint;  has  a  s. 
"who  wrote  a  fine  descri]>tion  of  the  ascent  of  Mt.  Blanc,  jjublislu-d  in  tlie  Ni'ir  Enah'.nthr. 

GOOinLAX.  07 

2,  An'N,  111.  Aiiir.  lo.  ]NM,  Pnil'.    James    iladlfv   of   Y.    ('.,  a   di.stiii':    (Jreek    M-lmlur     I. 
Marrh  30,  1801;  d.  Nov.  1-!.  IS?-:,  a.  51. 

21245.  Mary  Goodman,  K.l,.  l',\  17-14;  m.  .(ohn  PiiMce  of  Litdificld,  July  1, 
177:^;   prof.   V.  ('.;  a  ctlflirattil  teacher. 

1.     'I'iniolliy,  .1    aht.  ISOO,  at  Camden,  S.  ('. ;   unni. 

H.  Susan,  m.  James  Hraee,  s.  of  Alicd  Brace  of  Ilartland.  He  set.  iu  Litehfield. 
Conn.,  and  d.  thr.  April,  lS->i,  a.  Cj.  1,  John  Pikhc  k  Bu.vck,  principal  of  the  ilartf. 
Female  Seni.  number  of  vrs. ;  afterw.  editor  of  the  Hurtfoi-d  Cuurnnt.  A  lilerarv  man 
of  niucli  aliilitv.  1,  (Jmrlfx  ]j>rin<j  linicc,  a  man  of  talent  and  philanthropic  aims  and 

iU.  Sarah,  with  her  half-sister,  Mary,  tauirht  a  famous  school  f<jr  girls  in  Litch- 
field, \vhi(di  attracted  pupils  from  all  jiarts  oi  the  country. 

21246.  Elizabeth   Goodman,  March  Ki,  17-10;  m.    May  27,    1779,  Bev.  Samuel 

Woodbridire,  b.    (ilastoubury,    Conn.,   Jan.    "^'j,    17-1();    s.    of    Kev.    Ardibel   and   Jerusha 

(Pitkin)    kdwards    Woodbridge;    V.    C. ,   176-);    minister    at    Easlbury,    Conn.,   17»j6-7; 

Chaplain,  l!ev.  Avniv:  afterw.  set.  as  a  farmer  at  W.  Hartland,  preachini'- occasionally • 

d.  thr..  July -j:!  17:»7.      She  d.  Feb.  is,   1818. 

1.      Aslihel.   /   ,      1         11,1  ~w'A      1 
,,         r  ■  b.  Jan.   Ill,   1  I  NO;   d.  V. 

HI.      Elizab.nh.  b.  Jan.  'U.  17S1;  d.  July  20,  1790. 

IV.      .Krusha.  Aug.   17,  17^2;   a  leaclier;  d.  unm.,  Feb.,   1833. 

\'.  Samuel  Edwards,  b.  May  29,  1788;  m.  Mov.  30,  1810.  Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Joodyear 
Eurnham,  ^vho  d.  ])ec,  IG,  1819;  (2)  Jan.  21,  1823,  Mary  Cossitt  of  (Jranby,  Conn.  "  He 
rem.  from  Hartland.  Conn..  Perth  Ambov,  X.  Y.;  a  successful  teacher  there, 
and  d.  Juiv  2,  IHfi.Y  His  ^^n\.  d.  Julv  2,  18(j7:  haa  2  chil.  bv  1st  m.  and  1  by  2d:  \Vm. 
K.  \V,,m!)J!kii>(;k  of  Little  Falls.  X.  Y. 

21247.  Richard  Goodman,  April  10,  174S;  -m.  1771,  Nancy,  dau.  of  ('apt. 
TiuKKhv  and  I.vdia  (KelloM-g)  Sevnu.ur.  b.  Feb.  IC,  17r)l  of  \V.  llartf. ;  d.  Jan.  27,  1792. 
He  d.  ii'i  W.  11."  Mav.  ls34.\x.  81;. 

I.  Nancy;  b.  March  G,  1772;  m.  April  14,  ISOG,  (ieo.  Allen  of  Southwick,  Mass.; 
b.  Suftield.  Conn.,  1781;  rem.  1810.  to  Marlinsburgh,  N.  Y. ;  d.  in  Prospect.  Oneida  Co., 
N.  Y..  May  24,  1844.      She  d.  in  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.\  Feb.  18,  lS4r,.     3  chil. 

11.  Aaron  Goodman,  b.  July  20.  1773,;  the  first  postma'-^ter  in  AN'.  Hartf.  and  hehl 
the  otiice  until  his  d.  March  2s,  1S32;  m.  April  lo,  i,s()4,  Auuira,  dau.  of  Asa  and  Marv 
(Cole)  Co.ssitt,  b.  (iranby.  Conn..  Dec.  10.  17S0;  d.  in  Plaiufield,  X.  J.,  Xov.  13,  IStlN;  >. 
chil.  of  whom.  1,  EnwAKD,  b.  Dec.  10,  180.");  grad.  Trinity  Coi.,  Hartf.,  1N30;  admitted 
to  the  bar  1832;  City  Aft<uuey  of  Hartf.  lS.-)0  U>  'G.l;  '  d.  July  28,  1882;  tlu'  oldest  luem. 
of  the  Haitford  bar  and  one  of  the  most  widely  ktu)\vn  and  res})ected  hnvyersof  a  S(diooi 
that  is  passing-  away." — Hartf.  yeir.-^ paper  Ohit.:  m.  at  Poughkeepsie,  X.  Y..  May  20. 
1840,  Marietta  B.  Freitcli,  b.  o'ct.  23,  1810;  dau.  of  Bronsou  and  Marv  Ann  French;  she  d. 
JulyO,  18G3;  (2)  Feb.  23,  ISG."),  Sarah  L.  l\dmor,  b.  Butternut,  X.  Y..  Aug.  23,  l.s2G.diiu. 
of  (ieo.  Shepard  and  Sally  Lowe  Palmer  of  Albany.  X.  <l  .  1,  llirJuird  Fnnrh.  b.  .^>iil  14, 
1841;  Trill.  Col.,  1803;  Payuuister  in  U,  S.  Xavy."l8Gi;  resigned.  l^^Go;  grad.  .Mbany  Law 
School.  ISGG,  admitted  same  vr.  at  Hartf.;  luis  been  an  oditcu'  in  X.  .Ier~e\-.  2.  K<liriird. 
b.  March  13,  d.  March  IC.  1S43.  3,  Kbrard,  b.  Dec.  12,  1S44;  <l.  Jan.  2.-),  I84G.  4. 
William,  b.  Oct.  14,  IMi-.:  d.  Xov.  28.  lS-48.  .-).  (Jro.  Fnihrirk,  b.  O.-t.  s,  1848;  d.  Mandi 
24,  18G8.  2,  Ai  MiK.v.  b.  March  14,  1809;  unm.  3,  Jri.iA,  b.  June  14,  1814;  unm.  4, 
Samuki.,  b.  June  12.  1818;  d.  Mandi  2S,  1S19.  T..  AAi;o\  C,  b.  April  23,  1822;  Pres. 
Phonix  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Co.  of  Hartf.;  m.  iu  X.  Y.  C.  .Vpril  9,  1857,  .\nnie 
Matilda,  dau.  of  Robert  Pav  and  Matilda  (Hatch)  Johnston.  1,  Endbi,  b.  Jan.  30,  ls;.')S. 
2.    luhrard.  b.   Peb.  o,   1801".      3,    J/(/wV.  b.  Aug.  24.  1S02.  a.t  Wotneid,  X.  Y. 

III.  Pichard  (iootlmau.  b.  Xov,  30.  1771;  m.  Dolly  Strong  of  \\'estli(dd,  Mass.;  he 
(].  March  2,  1841,  iu  Ills.,  leaving- (diil. 

IV.  Elizabeth,  b.  Xov.  20.  d.  Dec.  12,  177G. 
V.      Moses,  b.  Julv  12.  tl.  Julv  IS,  17?S. 

VI.  .Miletiah.  tv^iu  with  .Mos- s:  ni.  ,May  29.  ISO.").  Daniel  Hosnu-r.  b.  AV.  Hartf. 
Dec.  5.  1774:  rem.  to  Kiuir~ton  and  Vernon,  N.  Y.:  she  d.  while  on  a  visit  at  AV.  Ilartf. 
Oct.  1.  1813:  he  (1.  at  Kiu\rsborout,di.  X.  Y,.  11,  1810.  1.  TiioNtAS,  b.  Jan.  7.  1807: 
d.  Dec.  1,  1830,  at  Xorwich.  Conn.  2,  .Mai;v,  b.  March  10.  1809;  m.  Julv  3,  1832,  F.  W  . 
Case  of  Kiiii:sbnnuiirh,  X.  Y. ;  farmer.  1,  (!<<•  r!<,tf.c.  b.  Xov.  1,  1^33.  2,  Wilhur 
Sherrrum,   \>.  \\yv\\  12.  1837.     3.   Muri/    l-:,inna,  h.    Au-5.  7.    1839,     4,  ,A?///,.s'    U7/i!'//r,    b. 




A)>nl  (}.  184^1.    ."■»,  L.  Eoamer,  1>.  Jan.  13.  IH-IS.     0,  Thoinns  SJurmc/i,  h.  Feb.  3   1849     7 
Alice  ^faud.  ]>.  Auu-.  13.  lN.-)7. 

VII.      Lydiy.  1).  July  (I,  ITSO;  d.  :Marcli  IS.  Is,")!);  m.  June  (I,  IsOli,  Luciu.s,  s.  of  :\Io-.-s 
and  Su^^iini'ia  (Welles)  (iaylord  of   \V.  Ilartf.,  1>.  .Maich  2il.  ITS];  d.  June  22,  lS(jr,,      i 
XaxC'Y,  1).  Dec.  2,  1807.     2,   Sisanna  \Vkij,ks,  1).  Dec.  5.  ISOlt;  rl.  April  14,  I'sM. 

A'lII.  l.ncia.  1».  Nov.  11,  17S2  (twin):  d.  .v.  /.  ()<a.  30,  IS.")!;  in.  Nov.  Hi,  18!!),  Saimicl 
Smith  of  Siieiirer.  Mass.,  li.  17^0,  s.  of  Isaac  and  Huldali  ^Hoot;  Snulh.  lie  d  in  West 
field.  Mass.,  (let.,    JNlii;, 

IX.  Luara,  h.  1782:  twin  with  l.ncia:  m.  Ncjv.  l."),  ]8()4,  Hoswell,  s.  oC  Xeheiaiidi 
jind  Elizabeth  (Morley)  Looniis  of  St-iithwjck.  M;iss..  b.  17sl;  d.  in  S.  Mav  22,  1^23:  (2i 
Ba/.alee],  s.  of  ])ea.  'i'liouias  and  Kei)ecca  (Ives)  Hough  of  .Meridcn,  Conn.,"  b.  .Mar.di  27. 
177(J:  rem.  to  Atwatev,  0.,  1818,  wlir.  she  d.  May  10,  lS(j(5:  he  d.  ihr.  kuis.  31,  1S,")S. 
*She  had  0  chil.  liy  Ist  m      (See  Loouns  book,  vol.  1,  Xo.  12H1).)     1.   I^lcia  .Ann,  1).  De.-. 

I,  INOr):  m.  Nov.  23.  1S3(),  Asahel,  s.  of  Asalud  and  Bethia  (Palmer)  (irauj-er  of  South- 
wick,  b.  Jan.  19.  1801.  1.  ,S./////o///- 7.. ,  h.  Feb.  2.""),  1S33:  in.  Feb.  22,  l,s(il).  Martha  F. 
Loomis.  (See  Loomis  l)ook.)  1,  Walter  Looniis,  li.  Dec.  22,  isGO.  2.  Kliza  Ann,  b. 
Xov.  4.  1834:  unn\.  3.  Lin-'m  .l.iin  ,  b.  Di-c.  23.  bs3(.):  lu.  Nov.,  1,^73.  Horace  Sjiencer. 
4.  Onin  As,ih,L  b.  I'Vb.  12.  1S39;  ni.  ls.-,9.  Sarali  .Jane  bMsiui:-.  We.^rtield,  Mass.  1, 
Orrin.  b.  May  12,  1SC,3;  d.  a.  14  mos.  2.  J^urton  Ib-urv.  b.  .luh  17.  1S{;.-,.  rj,  Aridiv,  b' 
Dec.  28.  1S73.  4,  Fli/.a  P.i.sing,  b.  Jan.  2(1.  1S78.  o.  Alirt  Cii.sfn,,  1).  Feb.  1(1.  1S44;  d. 
Jan.  30,  18-V).  2,  Lack.v  Ann.  b.  March  Id.  1NI;S:  d.  Se])T..  1S(;4:  m.  July  13,  l'^33. 
Eemaii  Palmer,  who  <1.  Sept.,  iMi.").  1.  7.r;///v/  .]///,.  b.  Julv  10.  1S34:  unn.i.  2.  DuroiJn/ 
Ali/'ii-'i.  b.  July  (3,  ls3();  unni.  3.  C'/mrif//  L"tuil'i.  1).  June  :;u.  is;]!);  d.  Juiu*  17,  1N14. 
4,  ]i>'u,iiiii  Gooihiiun.  b.  Oct.  11,  IS  11,  at 'Sourhwick.  ."),  Jhrnljl  7'..  b.  1S4.1.  C.,'  J^llm 
C,  b.  184S;  in.  Chailcs  Saini><ou  of  Pj-ovideiice.  U.  1.  3.  Fi.i/.a.  i>.  June  23.  Is'lO:  ni. 
Feb.  27.  1S33.  Pezalee!  HouLdi .  .\t water.  ( ».  4.  I!i(  ii ahd  ( b .( uiM an.  b.  Julv  30.  1sl2: 
d.  Aug.  18.  18.")7;  m.  .hiiu-  10,  ls41,  Ibn-riet  J.  Aldri.di.  1,  J/.>',„  S.,  1).  Mav  20,  1S43: 
d.  Dec.  20,  184."i.  2.  Fruu/.-  .!.,  b.  March  4.  1S47.  3.  JI,  rh,  rt  J.,  b.  Sept.  22'.  is.i",.  7). 
John.  b.  May  10,  181.");  d.  Dec  Is,    ls.")l:  m.    Mavr  h  27,  ls3y.  Fucv  A.  Houi^h.  Atwatei, 

0.  1,  7iV(7/«t,  b.  July  24,  1S41:  ui.  De<-.  24.,  (ieo.  P.  (M)odwin.  2,'  Riurrra.  b. 
Jan.  18.  184."):  m.  Aug.  24.  ISCT.  ]-.dwaid  F.  llavnud<ei'.  ( 'harlestow  n,  O.  '  :',.  (,'onilirin 
J.,  b.  Marcli  23,  1847:  M.  D. :  Ibur  Vail..  Mbdi.  "  (i,  Thomas,  b.  Nov.  .").  181s:  ni.  \h'r. 
6.  1842,  S;aali  Jones,  ,v.  /. ,  At  water.  O. 

X.  Flizabeth,  b.  .Inly  17,  17S4:  m.  Julv  1,  1S()7.  .Vbraham.  s.  of  William  and 
Zurirah  (.Murdoclo  Ward.  b.  .Ian.  12,  17s3,  (d'"(;iovf rs\  ille,  N.  Y..  wbr.  he  d.  Sent.  27.  she  d.  in  W.  Haiif.  Jan.s.  psiU;  7  chil.  1.  Fr.rzv  Ann.  I>.  March  b.  Is'oS;  d. 
^;ov.  2m.  ls;54;  m.  N.  W.  ^\'clc]|.  b.  Salem,  N.  Y.  2,  N.vncv,  1).  Sejit.  s.  ISU!);  d.  D(>c. 
15.  1834;  m.  April  .").  ls:j3.  (ieo.  C.  Cheduell.      3,   Fi.kanu;:,  b.  Au>:.  3n,  psH;  ,u.  .March 

II.  1833;   M.  M.    Burlingame.    b.    ])ir.   S.    ISOl:   d.    Kino-sboroutrh.  N.  Y.,  Feb,  19,  1S4(). 

1,  Edirin,  b.  March  10.  1S34.  2.  ir<//v7.  b.  Feb.  b,  183(;.  3,  J'J,  ,i  i,.n-  Junr.  li.  Sejit.  21, 
1841.  4,  PiiF.KK,  b.  Aug.  1.  lsl,-j;  d.  D,.c.  23.  ]S34.  .),  I1ai:i:!KT.  b.  Jan.  S.  IMS;  d. 
0.:t.  17,  lsi;3;  m.  Freeuuui  (,'.  Huiwn,  b.  Nortltan;i)ton,  .Mass.,  Auu-.  22,  ISlO.  1,  AUrr. 
b.  Nov.  2,  184G:  d.  July  23,  is.-)?.  2,  Francis  J.,  b.  Muv  2(1.  1849.  3.  Flora  .]/..  b. 
Julv  31,  18,53.  (5.  Wn.i.iA.M,  b.  Nov.  13,  lS2a:  d.  Julv  13.  IS.IO.  7.  Makv  b  Nov.  1, 
1S2-2:  d.  Oct.  2S.  1S47. 

XI.  Joanna,  b.  Oct.  2,  1780:  m.  Jan.  24.  isOD,  John,  s.  of  Dea.  Thomas  and 
Keb.'cca  (Ives)  Hough,  b.  Southwick.  Mass.,  April  23.  1784:  rem.  to  Martinsbiirgh,  N. 
v..  1809,  and  liv.  thr.  in  1870.  Shed.  thr.  April  29,  is.^l:  10  (hil.  1,  I'liiLKTrs  (i.. 
V).  .May  13,  1810:  m.  Sept.  2,  183G,  at  W.  \'ernon,  N.  Y.,  Annie  Pigbv.  1,  Lnria,  Oct. 
13.  IS ',7.  2.  Gar  P.,  Aug.  25,  1842.  3,  J),li,i  M..  .lulv  17,  1S4().  2,'Fr(lAE.,  Oct.  (\. 
1812:  d.  Aug.  3,  1S41:  m.  Sept.  1,  ls:;i.  Leonard  Pitcher,  at  Martin.sburgh,  N.  V.  1, 
7/.</vev,  Jan.  24,  1833:  d.  .Marcli  3,  1835,  2,  .'j.rl..  .Jnd^iou.  June  12,  1830^;  m.  Auirusta 
Moore;  res  Iowa.  3,  -/'/''/'/. A,//, /,.//',,  April  2,  1  s;;7:  d.Mav5,  ls43.  4.  ,A/////.v  7/.,"  Jan. 
8.  d.  Nov.  11,  1811.  ;^,,  Fi:anki.i\  P.,  b,  Nov.  8  isir,:  d"  IS.VL  m.  Lvdia  .Martin  at 
Washington.  Ind.  \:  Siilrvst,  r .  2,  FJliot.  3,  Mult.  4,  FlJen.hnn.  5,  D^HiM. 
4.  Lri  (cs  (fwi, (>!;!).  .March  15,  ls2l;  d.  .lulv  0,  isib,  5.  Lkwis.  Mar(di  31,  1S19.  ti. 
<:'ini.i)-.  b.  Sep(.  10,  isU;  ,1.  Fel).  23.  IsilO.  '7,  Pkkkv  S.,  b  Nov.  10,  1S21:  m  Jan. 
l\,  1819,  FlecM  L  Crosijy,  b.  Jan.  1.  ls:j;).  1,  /■V/,,,  M.rHn.  Nov,  20,  1S49.  2,  Cc'. 
Jl.rlnrl,  .\\>v\\  !,  1S72  :'.,  Juli,,  J),.r/rr,  July  20,  ISO:;.  S,  A  I.M  I  i!  A  J .'.  b.  March  17. 
ls2(J:   m.  Jonaibau  (ioodale  of  New  Hartf.,  Iowa.      9,    Di;r,lA  .M . .  Julv  23,  L'-JO;  ni.  Jan. 

21,  184il.  at  .Martinsburirh.  .\.  Y., (ioodale,  b.  Oct.  24,    1S21       i"    o'ri),  /;.,  \h-c.  21. 

Isp.).  2,  /•;'^/,  Oct,  30.  ls-,.Y  ;j.  A,,,,  Af..  .March  10,  1805  In  ('.'.vuv  \N  ,  Mav  25. 
<1.  June  8.  1S23. 

.\ll, (b)odnian.  b.  April  8,  1 7s9:  ni.  .Ian .  1 ,  isjO,  i;,4)t'cca,  dau.  of  l)ca. 
Thomas  and  Pebc.'ca  (Ives)    llongh,    b.    .Vug.   29,    1789;   re.s    W.   Hartf .  manv  vrs,  ;  d.  in 


Wokottvill.-,  Conn..  Nov.  N.  18:^1.      She  d.  in  Hudson.  <)..  M;iy,  IS^y;  7  diil.     ],  .Nancy 
-SkYMOIK,    S.'pt.    ;;n.    ISIO.       -2,    E.MKM.NK.       S,    I1k.M;Y.    May    S"     INKJ.       4,    I'li.i/.A     A.,    111. 

-John    15. ,    .Tiiii.     1,    ISl.l.      5,   'JiKis.    Kk  iiAKl).  1..    July    17,    l.S-.^l:  d.   in   Caliroiniu, 

J8.">1.     0,  Srs.\N-  (lAVi.oui).   b.  AiiLT.  'J.   1SJ-4.     7.   Mai;v  Licia.  Sept.  7,  is^'S. 

XIII.  Childs  (.'oodnian.  b.  Nov.  7,  17iil;  d.  in  W.  HiatC.  S<-i.t.  M,  ]S(;U;  in.  Ai-rii  8, 
^H2■^,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Je.<-<c  and  Sibyl  iStccI.)  rortcr  of  \V.  llartf.,  b.  Scjii.  10,  17ii(i;  d. 
Nov.  7,  lS()(i;  4  clii!.  Amki.ia  Si:v.Mni  k,  b.  Sept.  1-1.  IsvM;  m.  April  10,  1.S43.  Noadiali  F. 
Kmiiions,  b.  Kasi  Iladdain,  (,'onn..  Feb.  S-k  1S07.  1,  AI-.riind<rFr(iiikHn,  Ajuil  4.  IS.'^pO. 
•.\  AdiUt  Elizii'uth.  .Inly  Kl  iN-ri.  M,  J/"/'.//  Sr.j^hi,,^  .Maivh  K,  d.  Maivli  -^W,  bSdO.  -I, 
JJiirrirt  Ain'lifi.  .)n\\  4.  HSfJl.  ','.  IIakiukt,  b.  .lime  00,  \fV.):  m.  Dec.  HI.  ls.-,1,  Samuel 
W.  C'ou-U-s.  b.  Farniintrtoa.  Conn..  Nov.  1!,  1nJ7.  1.  ]\'('Ur  r.  .\pril4,  l>i"i7.  :,',  Arth'ir 
Jittnix.  0'-\.  ol,  in;-.!.  ;;,  .iK.XNir.  L.,  b.  Oit.  is,  is;;i:  m.  .June  2s.  IS(;(),  [lenrv  C". 
Andru>.  1>.  D.-c.  "Jl.  1S2ii;  divoic-.  ls7l.  1,  l-j'hn  Annlii.  April  10,  Isr.-J;  d.  Uet/ 17, 
X^'yT).  ■,'.  ll'irrit  HIiz.i'Ht:,.  \\\y:.  14.  lS(i4.  o.  /v'//:,,.  May  ;i,  isr.i;.  4,  Cuaki.ks.  1,. 
Nov.  l(i.  isjr,. 

21249.  Moses  Goodman,  1'.  .imie-jn,  bai>.  W.  Haiti.  .June  24,  \',^)^;  served  in 
Rev.  army.  WJieii  tlie  i.exiiiirton  alarm  r'-ailied  \\  .  llartl'.  lie  coniinanded  a  To.  which 
went  at  that  call:  later  he  was  adjutant  in  t'ol.  W  yllys'  regt.  He  was  a  Dea.  in  ^^'. 
Hartf..  and  reed,  from  the  Hartf.  Cfi.  .Ai^ri.  Sof .  a  silver  cuji  bir  the  I'cst  cultivated  farm 
in  the  Co.  of  Hartf.  He  m.  117'.»  Amv,  dau.  of  Cap:,  'riiirnhv  and  Lvdia  (Kelloiiir)  Sev- 
mour  of  \V.  Hartf.,  b.  Oet.  15,  17.")(J:"d.  Oct.  7.  ISKj.      He  d.  AuL^  17!  isMl.      12  chil. 

I.  .\lo.-e.-,  1>.  Sejvt.  1.'),  17S1;  ('apt.  in  war  of  1S12;  di'a.  in  tiie  ehli. ;  d.  at  W.  llartf. 
Nov.  !).  1S:!1;  m.  April  h-(S.  ls()7,  rnideuee,  dau.  of  Lenui'd  and  4'abitha  (Not;)  Hurilunt. 
li.   Newiiigtoii.  ('oiii!..  .Iiiueo.   17s;;,    d.    Sept.    1:1    17-")7.       .")  (diil. 

11.  Amv.  b.  \).r.  (i.  17S2;  m.  Nov.  21.  ls04.  Asahrl  Porter  of  W".  Hartf.,  b.  May, 
1776.  ill  Fariuiuiiton.  Conn.:  d.  Any.  22.  ls:;i;.       Siir  d.  .liine  4,  ls:|7.      2  (diil. 

Hi.      Folly. 'b.  Nov.  27,  d.  Dec.'."..  17S-1. 

1\  .      Horace  Henry,  Dec.  22,  17S.");    Wins.  Col.   ISf],  valedictorian;  mendi.  in  Boston 
n;aiiy  yis.;  afterw.  a  lianker  in  Cincinnati.  (.)..  w  Iir.  lied.  tinm.  .Ian.  o,  ls4i). 
\'.      II. my  44ioiiias,  twin  with  Hoiace  Henry:  d.  Nov.   14.   b'^UO. 

VI.  Timothy  Seymour,  b.  Nov.  ."i.  !7s7:  d.  May  S,  ISIH:  n^,  Amherst,  Mass. :  rem, 
toCin..  O. ,  \\\\v.  lie  was  cashiiu- of  Ciii.  Saviiij^s  IJaiik:  m.  Se])t.  12.  1S12,  Abii^ail,  dau. 
of  Sammd  and  Abiij-ail  (.\bbotn  Wdiitman,  who  d.  in  \V.  lia.rtf.  Dee.  is.  lsl2:'(2),  Doc. 
],  1814,  Amelia,  dau.  of  l-'.beni  /er  and  }--!eauor  (\N"hitman)  1'';;koii.      S  chil. 

VII  i'.i.a-phras.  b.  ,lan.  22.  17'.iiJ;  Dart.  Col..  ISID;  mihI.  wiili  Rev.  Dr.  Nathan  Fer- 
kiii'-;  and  at  Vale  'I'lieo.  Sem.:  lici'ii-.d  by  llanf.  No.  .^--ociation,  1S20:  o:d.  at  Charles- 
town,  S.  ('.,  an  evaiijzidist.  ,laii..  1S21:  iust.  at  Torriiii^'ford,  Conn,  Mandi,  ls22;  opened 
a  select  s'-liocd  ihr.  and  trained  youii^'"  men  and  women  for  teachers,  college  and  ]>rofi'S- 
t^ional  pursuits,  aided  by  his  talented  sis,,Mr.-^.  l-"ax<jii;  the  s<diool  bi'came  wididy  known; 
m.  ]>ec.  1,  1S2!).  Hannah,  dau.  id' Samuel  and  Abigail  (Abbott  j  Whitman;  IsiJtli-em.  to 
Dracut.  Mass,;  lS-10  rnii.  to  Cinriunati.  ('..  iMjught  the  \V<iU:!,iiiiin  iif  thi  Viilkii  (anil- 
slavery),  whiidi  he  editi-d  and  ]>ub.  till  IS."}!);  oit;-ani/.ed  the  "Western  b'eform  Book  and 
Tract  Soc."  In  1S.")1  went  to  Chicago  and  i-ditcd  b)r  oneyear  the  Clrristia n  J'lrii :  assisted 
in  organi/ing  and  sup.plied  the  ]iulpit  of  the  lir.•^l  Cong.  (dih..  mnv.  in  jioint  of  numbers, 
the  second  Cong-,  clih.  in  the  F.  S. — alit.  2,000  memlH-is.  For  some  yis.  was  the  western 
sec'y  of  the  .\m.  .Miss.  Assoc,  disbu  rsin,^:- all  funds  to  tin'  home  missionarii's  in  the  N.\V. 
Edited  the  Fn>  IF.  .</ at  Chicago.  hNery  moral  reb.rm.  jirotracted  meetings,  conventions 
<d'  churidics.  ri-xivals — temperance,  colonization  and  anti-slavery — hiM'ariicstly  advocated 
.and  worked  for.  His  w  t.  d.  <)ct.  1.  is.'iO.  Hem.  (2>.June."),  IS-l").  Helen  Maria,  dau.  of 
Chaides  Fuller,  1,.  Simsburv.  Conn..  Dec,  22,  ISOi;;  d.  March,  1S70.  lied,  in  Chicago), 
.June  .J,  1SG2.        I,  Hk.vkv  VNihtm  a.v.  Oct.  l."i,  ls:!0;  d.  .Ian.  7.  bs4;l       2,  Mosks,  b.  ()ct, 

4,  1S:1;^,;  d.  .Ian.  IS,  is|:;.  :;,  Samii.i,  Ibrnvi  i..  Sept.  (i,  1S:;(;;  i,,.  Nov.  2.  isi;!»,  Fouisa 
Clark,  dau.  of  .loscph  and  Fannv  ( Kitidieii  >  Hardin^;-,  li.  Taunton.  Eiur..  Aug.  2."),  is:j."i. 
He  is  an  otllcrr  in  Tieas.  Dept.,"  Wash.,  Int.  Rev.  1,  (r/v/.v,  Dec,  2,  ls74.  2,  IKurl. 
8ept,  1-1,  is;s.  4,  H\ui;ii;t  I-j.izaiu/i  ii.  .\iuil  ;}.  lsl2:  d.  .\)iril  11,  1S71:  in.  A]u-il  1. 
1867,  .John  C.  iMiicii.  vol.  F.  S.  N.  from  Dec.  7.  IsOl.  to  April   2,  ISbC;    commanded  F. 

5.  steamer.  Sumpter;  rank.  Master;  afterward  com.  baric.  Kinglisher.  next.  Chimo,  and 
iastlv  the  monitor,  Miantonomah;   res,  Exeter,  N    H. 

Vfll.  Katharine,  b.  Sej.t.  2s.  I:;M;  d.  at  W.  Haitf.  Nov.  22.  bs:;7,  m.  Nov.  bS-20, 
1818,  Samuel,  s.  .,f  Fciiuud  and  Tabith;'  (Notti  Hurlbuit.  1>.  Newiiejton,  Cor.n.,  Mai-ch 
V.\.  \~xyy.  d.  .Ma.rcl,  V\.  isoi.     4  chil. 

IX.  Fannv  Fami'lia,  b,  Dec.  2:',  IF.!:!;  m.  .Ian.  2(i,  1S2.J,  Sylvaiuis,  s.  of  < 'liarles  and 
Si.iali  Wright,"!).  I,>utchess  Co  ,  N.  Y.,  Aug,  2:],  17'J7,  res,  Cin",  U,     ;:1  idiil. 

100  nRAXCII    OF    ir.VXN-.VH. 

X.  Muivia  Miiiia,  h.  2sov.  2.  17'.)')  (twin);  liv.  in  W.  llartf.  ISHS;  m.  Oct.  7,  ISU) 
Thnnias,  s.  ol' Elifiic/.cr  and  Elrnnor  ( W'liitniaii)  Faxon,  b.  Au;r.  7,  17l)(i;  d.  Maieli -j's' 

Xr.     Maria  .Marcia  (twin  with  the  al)()V(>),  d.  uiini.  at  ('in.,  (').,  Nov.  '20.  1S4S. 
Xll.      William,  1>.  0<-t.  17,  i;07;  ivin.  to  Cin..  ().,  1K)7:  mc'n-lK.  hankrr.  inKlcrwiiter; 
l"'r('S.  \Vashin_i:tou  Insuranrr  ('().  I'roui    is;'.!):    ni..liily   -js,  iN'iS,  Mari'-arct    liand    Adams" 
Dec.  27,  J8()4,  in  \M^i-as^ct,  Mi-.;  dan.  of   Dr.  Samiir'l  and  Margaret  "(Austin)  Adam.s'.       S. 

cliil.,  of  wlioiii  a  dauiilitrr  m. }Iai-ri:-nn,  a  wealtliy  mi'idi.  of  ('in.,  firm  of   Ilairison 

&'  Corjper.      F.\x.\v,  m. Katon,  an  aTtist. 

218.     Hannah  Pantry,  1).  abt.  KisO;  wii.  will  of  ]ir-v  ]nn.  .J.Om  in  17-?();  d,  hrfor.v 
Au^-.,  17;J7;  slif  inlierlu'd  ay'icai  ^^-^^.  in   J-",.  Ilaiit.  and   in  the   Paiitrv  ]iastin-.':'  m.   IIczi-- 
kiah,   s.   of   Xathanirl   and    .SUdu'taMc  (Poitcr)   d'oodwin   of  IIartf.,1).  IfiSfi;    rl.  .Ian.  M- 
IT'IC,  a.  S7.      -Miss  .Mary  K.  'i'alrott  irivcs  date   of  Ins   d.  Sept.,  1  iiiS.  and    hu.  in   tin-   old' 
Center  burial  _uroi:nd  ^re]ir.  .").      He  le..  a  -Jd  wf.,  meuiiMni'd  in  Ins  will. 

I.     John  I'an  +  ry.  i^)ai..  Oi-i.  -!.  17Ii/-   S;irvi-y(,i' ,,f  lli-hways  in  liartf.  ami  held  otluT 
town  oliiees  in  11.;  m.  T'fb.S'i,  175:],  Anne  t^pi'nccr,      ],   An.n'i:,  ba]).  .April   14,  17.")4.     -J 
II.>lNNAH,   bap.   Ma%   is,   i;,",,'.,     ;;,   HKy.!;Ki.\if,   bap.   l'\-b.   i:;.  17.77;  d.  Jan.  -ii,  isci).     4' 
John  Pan'ii;v,  bap,  April  1,  17')it,     5,  llKzr.Kr.xu,  bnji.  Man-li  -JO,  l^dl;.!.  June    l.v'J;J  or 
"53.     6,    El, I.I  .Ml.  b.  Feb.  (5,  17(;:i     7,    Ai!h;.mi.,   baj..  Mareh  2-J  'l7(;7.'    S     M  \kv 
Dee.  25,  17(•|'^'. 

1 1.      llannali,  iv.  ^^'also:l . 

A   Ile/.ekiah   (ior.dwin  >>[   E.   lb;i-if..   Conn.,  m.  Se|)t.ll     Isll    jviiilv    d.m    of 
Eliab  and  Don-as  Williams  l>ra,n,  b.  lh<- .  21.   17!);!.  of  E.  ![.      /. :   1 . 'l-^aa('i-,'   b   J,,n 
29,  ISl;;.     2,    llora.-e  Elv,  b.  Jul'.  ;jii,  l.s],-,.     :;.    l-:niilv  .Marv.  b    An.-    ]    1S17      4    Fdvin 
Olmst.-d,  b.  Nov.  24,  I.SUI.      '■,,   Frrd.-riek.  Ii.  Oel.  22, 'iN-J."); 'd.  Oct.   p,',   ]x-2t\. 

llezel;i:ili  (.'nnduin,  ui.  Peb.era,  daj.  (dMa.i;ob  and  Diad.-ina  (1 1  n  bbai  d  )  ],.)onns 
h.  De.-.,  ]';7t>;   n-s.  ]51f>ondielil.  Conn. 

1,  n,.y,i-kiali  (.ioodwui,  b.  Maich  21.  17!)b;  d.  Nov.  2s,  ISdS.  2,  AluLrail,  b. 
180;>.  H,  John  P.uiUy,  4,  (leoiye  D.,  mem.  v'nnn.  Li-^j;.  from  Siiaron  l^Nl;  f.  ni  Polu-rt. 
and  Julia,    t  uins. 

1,  Erastus  D.  (ioodwin,  b.  Jan,  7,  l.S2o;  Pep.  Cwn.n.  Lei,-,  fioni  Salisburv  l^^CO- 
liad  1,  Julia,  b.  April  l,lSb7.  2,  Eanra  A.,  b.  },i:.v,  ISIO.  :]  Charlolte  b  Oct  IS-'T 
A,   Julia,  b,  .April,  lS-24. 

214.  rtcbecca  Pantry,  bap.  D'-.-  b"),  ]W2:  (].  Ft'i).  2S.  ]770.  Inherited  consider- 
able  property  in  J-l.  llartf.  a;\d  in  die  Pantry  pasture;  m.  Apiil  :Vj,  ]7l;i  Xatlianiel" 

1.    'Mary,  b.  Sej)!.  8,  1714;  ni. Walker. 

11.  Pantry  Jones,  lived  on  Front  si.,  llartf.,  on  the  (dd  Pantiy  lot;  he  held  various 
town  ..)t!ict-;  l-fl  the  bulk  of  his  property  to  Id.-  m-jJ.ew.  Xathaji"iel  Junes,  biit  liis  i-es. 
on  Front  .St.  he  yave  to  his  sis.,  Abi^^aii  Killjourne.  Ik  m.  March  4,  1741  Jerusiia 
Cadw<'ll,  and  d.  abt.  UUn. 

\\[.  Abi^-ail  .tones,  m.  Capt.  Xathani(d  Kilbourne,  b.  Ja.n.  1.5,  1 7:^1 ,  s.  of 'I'lionia.-? 
and  .Mary  (Hi,i:>iins)  K.  of  ]■:.  llartf.;  sea  eiijit.  ;  d.  at  sea,  June  l-l,  175'.),  and  his  bro.. 
Thomas,  the  mate,  d.  sm  day  (ui  sni.  ship,  a  suspicion  of  Hiurder  bv  the  crew.  She  d.' 
in  Hartf.,  Jan.  19.  17!IS,  a.  71 ;  bu.  in  ('.-nt-r  .-hh-.-vanJ;  her  stone  i' ;  '•  Whc-u  (iod 
d.<th  call  we  all  must  <.^(.,  ami  bid  farev.-e!!  to  all  bcl()\>-."      I,    Ri;iii;i  e.i..  m.  Isaai-  Ma-^on 

2,   M.VKV  Anx,   bap.   in   i:.    Ihutf.,   Apii!  2S,  1754;  m.  Walker.     »,  Srs.\x.\.\ii.  711" 

Joliii  Kunce  of  Ilai-tf.      1,    Z^v.v.v, //,  it>  llartf.;    for  numy  yrs.  di'a.  .ofthe<-hh.;   m. 

.      1,    Janies  .\I.      2,  John  P.  Punce,    Prts.    of  ihr   Phn-idx   l']anlc  of  IPirtf.  for   Uianv 

yrs.  Two  of  the  mo.^t  ])roiniiient  citi/..ais  nf  Harlf.  2.  Xndm ni'.  I .  Of  this  fani.  line 
arc  l-Mward  M.  Biince,  Cashr.  Plueuix  Pank  id  llaitf.,  .lonatlian  15.  Punce,  Prcs. 
Pho-nix  Mutual  Fife  Ins.  (,'<,.  of  Martf.  ami  F.  M.  I5unce,  Commander.  P,  S.'x.,  at 
Charlestown,  Mass.,  >n':i\.i1  SiaPou,  1.^7;!. 

l\  .     .Inhn   Pantry  .lom-s,    b.-ip.    Aui.^    !(,    17:5b;  kept  a   tavern    in    E.    11,-trtf.    on  the 

Pantry  farm;  in. ;  cldl.  b;;;..  inllai-tf.      1,   .1  i;i;i-sH.\,  April  1,  1  ;5'.).      2,   MiiiiA\|  l'\, 

Feb.  1.  17di.  :!.  Xatii  \Mi:i..  Xov.  14,  17f;2;  devis.-i^  (d"  his  unci,-,  Panlrv  Jones  of 
lands  iu  llartf.  and  E.  Harif,  in  1700.     4,   John. 

23.     Mary  Pnntry,  b.  ab,,ut    !f;.54- d.  Mar.-h  25,    172:5,  a.  W.)-,  bv  will  of  Inr  mo 
Mrs.  Hannah  Weli.-s,  i,,  l,avc  a  pi.j;-e  of  -..Id  atal  a -old  rin-;  m.  Xathaniel,  .s.  uf  4"h:i:Mas 
and  iJ(4)eec.i  Prurneri  Miv,  b.  Sept.   j.p  i(;:,i;  a.  d.'t.    !  1,  172.5;    will  [Unve.l  at  Xew  Ilav., 
Dec.  G.  1725.   gives  to  s.  Xathanie]  all  r.-ai   estate  t-xcept  the  "  Poplar  Hill  "  land,  whlcl! 

GOODMAX,    PANTKY,    MIX,     KUWE.  101 

lie  givos  to  f^r.  s.  Xathaniel  Mix.      To  dan.   Hel)ecca  Kowf,    UlJ;  to  daii.    Ilanuuh  Mix, 
J:'l(Mi,  am!    to    cacli  of   his  gr.  diil.  (cliil.  of  Kebecca),  T)  sliiliings. 

I.  Marv,  b.  Nov.  IH,  IGS'2,  not  iianicd  in  will  of  f. 

II.  li.'b(^-ca,  b.  Nov.  20,  KiSl;   in.  Mattlicu"   Ihnvv. 

III.  Xathaiiiid,  1).  1V,'.I2:  m.  Anna    I'anncU;  (2)  Hrbt-cca  Lines. 

IV.  h'annali,  liv.  in  ll'2~). 

V.      Sarali,  b.  .laii.   12,  1099;  not  naincd  in  will. 

232.  Rebecca  Mix,  b.    Nov.  •?:].  d.    D,-.  t;,   iTijO,   a.  7G:  m.    iM-b.    l.ITK), 
Maithcw,  s.  of  Jclm  and  Abigail  (AKo],^  i;,.\vc  of  E.  Hav.;   b.  lY-b.  14.   l(i^:,:  d.  lire.  29. 
17")0;  bro.  of  Sti'phcn  iJuwc,  \vlio.-::r  wid.   Marv  (Peck)  ni.  172!i,  Pt'a.  'I'ininthv  'I'utilo  [9]. 
1.      Mai-v.  b.  Jan.  21.  1711. 
II.      Abitail.  b.  .Jan.  17,  1712:   ni.  Mav  l:-;,  17>](;,  Stephen  lvo.s. 

III.  .John.  b.  May  :>.  171.7;  d.  -Ian.  1  1.  17S9;  ni.  .July  9,  1741.  Hannah,  (dan.  of  .loin, 
iuid  Martha  Tuttlc)  Siniiii  ('//(^t  1,  .M.v'i- nii:\v,  b.  Feb.  20,  1741.  2.  M.vr.Y,  b.  Marrh 
22,  1744.  :].  Lois.  b.  Manh  21,  174fi.  4,  M ATniKW,  b.  March  is,  174S.  ,j,  IIan.naii, 
b.  .hme  C,  1749. 

IV.  Sarah,    b.  Oel.  2i),  17Ui;   in.  Daniel  Olds. 

V.      Hebe.-ea,  i>.  Oei .  22,  171S:  m.  Fel.>.  17.  1742,  .lorl   Tattle.     [GJ 
^'I.      Hannah,  b.  .\uir.  S,  1721;  m.  .Ian.  Iti,  17-1'],  Ste]4ien  Thoniji.soii. 
Vll.      Lydia.  b.  .lune'.O.  17-'o;  ni.  Job  Sniiih. 

2322.  Abigail  Rowe,  h.  Jan.  17,  1712;  m.  May  18.  178t),  Stej.hen  Ives;  d.  ai)t. 
17-!o.  whin  iidni.  of  hi.-<  est.  was  given  to  wid..  Abigail;  the  .j  clii!.  named.  'J4ie  >.vid. 
><lowo!- divided,  1797,  to  heirs,  or  legal  rejis.  of  .loseph,  hrs.  of  Sti-iiheij,  Hilary,  hr;-;.  (d' 
Keb(?rca.  and  hrs.  of  F.noeh. 

1  Mary,  b.  July  18.  1737;  l>ani.l  Iv  s,  gininl..  17.r2. 
11.  Pvelieeea,  b.  Feb.  27,  178^^;  in.  Wiiliaiii  Bradley.  1,  Frii;KTf.\,  d.  y.  2.  .Io'-:i,, 
<!'.  v.  8,  WiJ.i.iAM.  b.  .Mav  IS.  17i!8;  ni.  Oct.  G,  17s,-,.  "Maw  Monlthro}).  1,"  P''''//.  d.  v. 
5.  "U7V//'///7.  8,  S,j/n,„>,,;^  d.  v.  4.  L>'rnfi".  5,  lio^cirrU.  0.  Tt/r^is.  7,  1' ''h;.  x, 
iJiiiilntli  Roin.  9.  .sV/'/,v -//,.'  4,  Ai;i<;.\ii.,  ni.  1791,  Nathaniel  Gah-,  b.  1772;  d.  N. 
llav..  1S13;  wid.  rem.  to  Tauntim,  Mas.-;..,  wiihh.rr  daii.  1,  Hn.-oinu.  in.  <'harle-;  L.  A. 
I'ottier  of  New  Hav.  2,  ILn-ni,  b.  .huie  IG.  179S;  drowiuMi  in  t'onn.  Riv.  at  llartf., 
-.Iuly2G,  1817.  8.  Jlarri-t  J/rdl,/.  h.  Oct.  7,  ISOG;  m.  1827,  Albert  Convers;  (2)  Jann-s 
H.- Anthonv;  res.  Taunton,  Mass.  4,  ]Li>'htJi  Fust,  r,  b.  Oct.  17,  ISQS;  m.  Eeni.  l]e..-rh(!r, 
Jr.  [:;j  r^.' EUz.ihUh.v.K.  IVla  Baleh  of  \\'.  Havif.  She  d.  ls27.  G.  J;.//-/  J/".,  <!.  ISIS. 
1 ,  ynliuiiiul.      N,    J.fiiii.      9,    Fiinini.      The  la^-t  three  d.  inf.      ."J.    Ini-WM',  d.  socni . 

III.  Joseidi.    b.    Oct.    2''),    1740;  Jon.iihan   Ives,    guard.,    Tl^o;    in. .       lu    17S1 

Jos.-ph  Oilbert  g-uard.  to  minor  daus.,  A.lilu.ML  and  Jo.\,.N.\.\,  and  lUivid  (irannis,  guard. 
lo  Kt'ii!. 

U'.  Stephen,  b.  Mandi  IG,  17-11;  res.  North  Haven:  est.  div.,  1798.  to  wid..  S:irah, 
<hi!..  .ioSKi'ir,  \\'iLi.i.\.M,  in  179'.i  alil.  l.'i  yr,^.  old — Abralnun  Blakeslee,  guard., —, 
I'tMj.Y.  St'KKV  and  P.mtv. 

V.  I'7no(di;  Ste]ilien  CoojKT,  guard..  1757;  d.  abt.  1797,  when  Ids  est.  was  div.  to 
J<is.,  Mary,  and  hi's.  c)f  dec.  bros.,  and  sis.,  l!ebecca. 

232G.     Hannah  Rowe,  b.    .\ug.   8,   1724:  m.   Jan,    IG,  17-1.7,    Steplieu  Thomi)soii. 
lie  m.  (2)  .Mars'  Hahhv-iu  and  had  .lames. 
I.      A  mo'-,  d.  y, 

II.  Amo.-,,  b.  A ng,  2,  17.71 ;  m.  Mary  Tiiom].->o]i.  1,  I1i;/,i;k(.\h,  d.  y.  2,  ^Vl:,l.I.^M. 
8,  Ei.i/Ai;T-.iii.  4,  l^A\^.  .7,  M.\i;v.  'i.  St  sax.  7,  Piih.kmo.v.  8,  Asi-natii.  9. 
Hti.iMH,  d.  y.      FJ,   Ili.zKKiAif.      11,   4>rin::;,  d.  y. 

ill.  Mose-.,  b.  Dec.  28,  17.74;  m.  De^-ire  jloulthrop.  I,  HA.NN.\ir.  m.  John  Hem- 
ingway. 2,  Dr.<n!i;.  8,  Anna.  4,  CiiAitnKs.  -7,  (';i>sa.  G,  Svi.vkstki!,  d.  y. 
-7."1-!i:t--kv,  d.  y.     s,   PjIitskv.     9,  S.m;au,  d.  y.     Id,   S.MtAir,  d.  y. 

I\'.      Hannah,  d.   v. 
V.      Stephen,  b.  .hm.  11,    17G0;  m.    1779.    Lois  I'.radley.      1,   Auors-irs.     2.   Silas, 
d.  y.     8,   Ha.nn.mi.  d.  y.     4,   Oi:i.AXiiii,  d.  y.     5,    PANsn:-.r.    d.   }.     G,  S.MiAir,  d.   y.     7. 
Hann.mi.     8, 

233.  ISTatLailicl  Mix,  b.  lGi)2.  lu  1728  received  de-'d  of  82  acres  of  land  in 
Hartf.  from  his  .1  ilm  Pantry:  will  dale<l  May  \:\.  17.77:  um<.v.  f.  lo  becca.  ;• ,  atid  s . 
Nathaniel  .Mi\  to  h;i\e  8  .acres  in  S7irk-hire  C^u.irter,  .\.  11. ,  and  2n  acres  in  Amit_\  Palish. 
<ippo-;ile  'Piniotliy  i'.rdr^  I'ann,  etc.;  i!a;i.  .\m!i:!  .Mix,  s.  .labi/,  ixis.  lb-  d.  Oct.  2-1.  177G, 
Ji.  Gk  inv.  l"977;  m.  .Ian.  22.  172:'..  Annali,  dan.  of  l-'-nj.  and  Fli/abitli  (Sperry)  Bumudi, 
b.  Ocr.  11,  IbliO,   d.  Se[.i.   17,  178,1.  at    b.  of  -.  Jai-e/;   (2,  Aug.  8L   1782.  Ibd.'ec.-a.  <hn..  of 

lO'i  BRAXCK    OF    JIAXXAir. 

lt:i!i.l.  and  Alualt  Bas-ett  Liu.-s,  1).  Vvh.  KiHT;  d.  Maicli  V2.  IT^O.  a.  S-2.  11. -i-  dmv,  r  ,Iist. 
178"J  to  AiiMu  AlwattT,  wf.  ol"  Jercmiali,  ami  Jalx"/  Mix.  Iii  17;).l  she  is  iiamcd  in  a  i-diiv.. 
U)  Aafon  'J'ntllc  of  land  laid  out  to  Kal))h  Lines,  witli  llannali.  \vf.  of  .loliii  Thouias, 
J(>sci)'i  and  J^f-nj.  l.iin-s,  and  Abiali,  wf.  of  Silvanus  i'larlv. — X.  II.  Luixl  lid'orO.  I  l,v 
1st  in.: 

1.     Natliani-d.  1,.  .Nf.nvh  11.  17-?4-"');  ni.  Saiali  ]>,iadl.>v. 
II.      J>rcp]i.-n,  1).  \nr.  ID.  17:iS:  d.  May -Jl.  17:!<;. 

III.  Jahc/..  i).  Sfj)t.  12,   I7;)l;   iji.  .Ii'ndnia  Brown.      /.  lu"  Od  n;. : 

IV.  .Mary.  1).  .liui.-!J,  ];:j:!;  d.  .hii,.-  11,   \rM\. 
V.     Siciihcn,  d.  Si-])t.   1.  1787,  a.  '-il   yrs. 

y[.      An:ia,  h.  A]i!-il  "J.   !7;!o:  tu.  •IiTcuiiah  Atwairr  [:3]. 
VI 1.     Stephen,  h.  April    IS,  178'..». 

2331.  Nathaniel  Mix,  1>.  Ma.r.di  11,  ne-I:  d.  S.^pt.  -JD,  1749,  a.  -r):  m.  Sand,. 
dan.  n{  Aimer  linidley  and  -in.  ol  Manha,  v.  f.  of  llez.-kiah  'I'Mtt  le  [:i  |.  Ii.  th..  disi.  ol 
her  f.'s  e>:.  in  17--^-")  slie  is  named  as  wid.  of  Mix,  and  as  lia\ini^-  s.  Narh.  Shr  ;;i. 
('2)  1731.  !{ezehiah  Ilotcddiiss  and  liad  1  s.  Sin-  d.  hi  ISO'!;  est.  div.  same  w.  to  thf  fon,- 
(ddl.  of  her  s.,  Mat)].  Mix,  "  the  onlv  peisnn  now  intere-;T.-d  in  the  est."  .h-sse  1).  Mix 
to  liave  lialf  th.e  old  hona-tead  and  l"oi  in  ^V,-stt;eld. 

I.  Nathaniel,  1).  .\ov.  17,  17-!'.);  d.  Nov.  Oil.  17sl.  e-t.  ,|iv..  17!Hi.  l.v  Ol.adiah 
llotehkiss  and  J(  !>•.  Atua;er  te,  Jesse  Bradley  Mix,  who  had  Poplar  Hill,  dan.  "hois,  s.  I"Ii 
and  (l-ui.  Sally.  Ih-in.  Thankful,  dan.  of  .'oiin  .MlinLi'.  o.  17oo;  d.  .\\\v:.  s,  is;)].  Sli-in. 
(2)  Jan.  1,  17\to,  iintlierford  Trou  In  idire.  v.hose  s.  Josrph  l)v  1st  svf'.  in.  hois  Mix.  1, 
hois.  d.  .lune '.".»,  is.pi,  a.  (■>.">:  ni.  S.-p;  •.'."").  1 7r'(;.  ('apt.  .lo.~.  ph 'l'i(e.v!ii-i<ii;'r  [11 1;  ;!c!:ii.  -2, 
Jksse  15k-VDI,kv.  8,  .Ki.i.  d.  Nov.' 21.  InH.  a.  'io:  'I'inioiliN  lUi-sett.'d..  17:t(i:  m. 
(-'raee  Peek  wle>  d.  dan.  !H.  isi.;.').  a.  7^.  1,  AV/.vA/'  P..  d.  at  Ihirhadoes,  \\'.  ],,  Oer.  o. 
lS8f).  a.  2-"):  remains  hmu^lu  lunne.  !,  S.w.i.V,  d.  nnrn.  alit.  1N2-");  when  adm.  of  e-^i-. 
^dveii  to-Eli  Mix.  dist.  to  bro.  ami  sis,,  thr.   weie  :',  shares  of  F.a^rle  Baid<  stoid<. 

2333.  Jabcz  Mix,  h.  12,  17;!1.  Y.  C.  17ol.  d.  (I't.  •",,  17(;2.  a.  ;ll ;  m.  F-i.. 
12,  ]  7-')'.i,  .lenuma  Brown.  In.  17'Jl  Pranei^  Brown  ap])r.  u'uard.  to  tin- onh' idn!.  .^hlrv 
•and  Anna.      .Slie  ni.  (2)  P(!e   12,  Uiif.  .'e:rniiah  Barnet  of  N.  II. 

24.     Kebecca  Welles,  h.  May.    Kmo.-  d.   Nov.    5,    1717:  m.    Aiiir.  P!,    ItiS'J.   .Pun-s 
Judson,  h.  Apiil  24,  Iii.-)!!,  s.    of  Pient.   Joseph   and   Sarah  (Porii-r;  Jmlson   nf    V\  ini.i.sor. 
Conn.      He  was  a  de})Uty  to  the  i^en.    rouri.    Pii-ut.  of  draL'-oons.  andrajit;    res,  Siratfoid, 
Conn.      lied.  Peh.  2."}.  1721:  in.  (2i  Xov.  2t).  I7!S(;<.  co'us.  .n'   ids    1st   wp),   Ann,  dan.   ,jf 
Sannt-.d   \\'el!s  and  ui.l.  of.lar.ies  Ste.d  (d'  Wetlif-r^iiidd:  .v.  /. 
I.      llannali,  b.    .May  :;(.),   PiSl ;   m.  Papt.  James   Lewis. 
IP      Sara.ii,  P.  F-.di.   ic,   P3s:p  m.  (),-i.   12.  17US,  IP-v.  Nathaniel  (dniuneev. 
IIP      P.d..vr...  h.   Pr'o.  2o.  V'.<\:   d     Pel).  2'!,  I'I'.IS,  a,   14  vrs. 
W.      A\'i!Pa::i.  o.  Jan.  4.  Pl^5. 

^■.  Joseph,  b.  June  10.  I(is7:  m.  Mareli  14,  17()'J,  Hannah,  dau.  of  IP-nrv  ai:i 
Deborah  llawley  of  Stratford,  b.  Oct.  7,  Ids!). 

VI.     .Jame.s',  P.  April  IP  IHSH:  m.  Pec.  IS,  1727,  ^[a.rilia  Pewis. 
VIP      Phel.e,  b.    Det,  12,  ICiOP    ni.  Jnne2iP  1714,  Joseidi  Powis. 
VHP      D.ivid,  b.  .\n,-.  7.  1G'J;J.  ni.  Mar.di  2:t,  171o,  Plula   Srih-s. 

241.  Hannah  Judson,  b.  .M;iv;j(),;  m.  Nov.  11,  17(i2,  ('apt.  James  p.-wis  of 

I.     John,  b.  Pee.  2f>,    170;];   in.  Sarah  Sherman. 
IP      -M.ary,  b.  .May  PS,  17U(J. 
IIP     James,    h   (.)Jp  12.  170S;  m.  P.-c. ,  Kdl,  Xaond  Sherman,  b.    :May  12,  1712,  sis. 
of  Sarah,  who  m.  Jolm  L'M\is.      1.    \\\{  u\-:\..  b    Mareh  19,  17.'52. 
IV.     Pavid,  Jan.' 5,  1711;  d.  17S1;   y.  ('.  17:30. 

V.  A!)iirail,  b.  Nov.  'J,    1722. 

2411.  John  Lewis,  b.  Dee.  20,  170;p  m.  D.  <•.  27.  1727,  Sarali.  dan.  of  NaUianid 
and  Abiu-ad  (Hanford)  Shrinian.  b.  Sopr.  8.  170S. 

P  Natliani.  1  Sln'rnnin,  b.  June  :>,  J7;>0;  m.  1.  X.v'inAMKr,  Sin:i;M.\x,  b.  lli)?t: 
d.  is-.'s;  1,1.  Sarah.,  dan.  of  ('apt.  Abraluna  P.radlev  of  N.  IP  I  (71  2,  IP\NN.VH,b  17--j7: 
in.  Obadiah    Hoteldds.,. 

II.      Amos,  A\ig.  li),  l7o2  ■' 

III.  Xatiian. 

IV.  Sarah. 
V.     James. 

MIX,    JU1;S0X,.  WKI.LKS,    LEWIS.  103 

YI.     John. 

VII.     .ludson,  1).  March  lU,  1743;  m.  Tec.  "J.").  1777,  Ann,  (hui.  of  Dr.  Ayiir  ;inil  Muvy 
Tonilinsdn,  l)a[).  Juui',  17t)U.      1,  C.\TE,  .hm.  lU,  "i77'J.     2,    Dan,  Aug.  ."),  1780.     ;J,  Sauaji, 
Feb.  11,  17s:j.      1,  PiKhecca,  h.  Jan.   2S,  178.'}.     ."i,  Hknky,  1..   Nov.  :],  17^7.     (J,    W.m. 
Aguk.  Oft.  (;,  17S9. 
VIII.     Jolm. 

241112.  Hannah  Lewis,  b.  1757:  d.  Nov.  2-,\  1n:^1,  m.  74:  m.  Fob.  1',',  KIVJ. 
Obadiali.  .■^.  of  e)i);idi:ih  IIotcllki.■^s  of  Hetliany,  (""(Uiu.,  b.  Sept.  4,  ]7(j'2:  Y.  C.  17sS;  .\| . 
1).;  d.  Jan.  2S,  18:5-2;  di  uiri;-isl.  in  X.  H.  witli  law,  X.  fc^.  Lc-wisand  Mason  Dnvand. 
Tht^  elib-i  ()l)adiali  H()t(:hkis.-s  was  a  Idacksndth. 

I.  Silas,  b.  Ort.  11,  1784;  d.  Oct.  2,  1790. 

II.  Fi'wis.  b.  Dec.  'J."),  1786:  jirac.  incd.;  dca.  of  the  1st  chh.  in  Xew  llav.  iS-b'j- 
ISalt;  d.  Oct.  14,  iy''M:  m.  Hannah,  dau.  of  Dr.  Jnscjih  and  Olive  (Clavl:)  Trow!irid-r.  b. 
.March  24,  1702.  of  Danburv.  Conn.;  d.  Auy:.  24,  1S7;^,  a.  81.  1,  JosKj'ir  'rT;(iwi;i;n)..r,, 
h.  Feb.  li,  1!S21:  m.  Di-c.  24,  1848,  Mary 'Bunco:  he  d.  8cpt.  2--),  IS'bl.  1,  X- /.-('.v.  ni. 
Oct.  15,  1874,  Fa.nnv  L.  Sanlord  and  liad  1  s. ;  n-s.  X.  11.  i',  S(r<'.'i  IjUJ.  h.  Sept.  28. 
1853.  2,  I'^I!AN(F.s'Lkwis,  b.  Feb.  17,  182::!:  ra.  John  F.n.-lish:  [4]  5  chil.  o,  Oi.tvi  v 
C'i-AKK,  b.  Aua-.  7,  1n24:  ni.  May  2!l,  1S70,  (ico.  Edward,  s.  of  (-iad  and  lloxiuui  Kici.' 
Dav  (liis  2d  w'f.),  b.  March  19.  1^15:  D.D.;  yjastor  Edward's  chh..  Xortlianii-ton:  since 
1802  Prof.  Ilobr.'w  and  Sacred  J^iteratnre  V.  C'. :  nn-ni.  and  .sec.  of  the  Am.  Com.  for 
revision  of  the  Xew  Testament:  comp'der  of  1),  .s-rrnihints  of  Thini'iix  Di'ij.  lie  m.  fl) 
Amelia  Oaks  of  X.  11.  4.  Sai;aii  A.nx.  b.  Xov."  lU,  1S27:  A.  Jan.  15,  18;Jl.  5,  Sap.  \il 
Taitan,  b.  Oct.  s,  l,'s:;2:  d.  Xov.  H.;.   Is,).",. 

III.  Ibtnnah  Frances,  b.  April  7,  r7;((i;  <1    May  4,  1815. 

242.  Sarah  Judson,  b.  Feb.  10,  liis:^,;  d.  May  :n,  1745:  m.  Oct.  12,  17'>S,  by  lU-v. 
CharU'S  Chauncev  (d'  Stratford,  Conn..  l!ev.  Xathani(4  Channcey,  b.  llailield,  .Ma^^s.. 
Sept.  21,  IC.Sl;  s.'<;f  liev.  Xathaniel,  and  g.  s.  of  Pres.  Charles  Cliauiicey"  of  Ilarv.  ('oh 
In  1702  he  was  one  of  the  five  persons  who  reci'ivid  the  first  degree  conferreil  by  ^  .  C. 
(lion.  A.M.),  and  so  caHed  "  the  first  born  of  Yah'."  "rd.  ]uistor  of  tlie  Cong.  chl..  ar. 
Diiiluun.  Conn  ,  17IH).  Pev.  Eli/.nV  Goodrich,  whom,  his  g.  dan.,  Catharine  Chaimcey. 
succeeded  in  175').  and  theii-dau.,  (/atha.rine  (ioodricl;,  m.  Pcv.  Ihivid  Smith,  v.ho  uas 
pastor  from  1790  to  I8:t2.  malvinii-  12()  yrs.  durir'g  whicli  the  Ibndiam  jiulpit  wa.>  in  the 
]io.-«',s-ion  of  one  famlK-.  t;i-v. 'Xatiianiel  Clnuuicey  (L  l"eb.  1,  1750.  Jlr  was  a  Feih)W 
of  Y.  C.  from  174()  to  r752.  Of  him  it  w;.s  s:iid.  --he  was  not  a  large  man,  but  a  man  of 
great  ]>resence.'' 

1.      Elihn,  b.  March  24.  1710:  m.  .Mar.'h  2^.  17;;0.  Mary  Criswold. 

II.  Sarah,  b  !m4...  1711:  m.  I)e;i,  lsia'4  IVirritt  of  nurhani.  formerly  of  Stratford. 
Conn.,  b.  10^7:  d.  1750,-  s.  of  Steplien,  and  unrle  to  l^lihu  Burritt,  g.  f.  of  the  ••  learned 
blacksmith."  1,  S\i;Air.  bap.  Xov.  2,  17:-;4.  2,  Isi;.\ki.,  b.  Aug.  14.  1780;  an  interesting 
voiuiir  nnin:    d.    in    Dnrluun,    nnra..    May   25,    18(iO.       W.   Axx,   Imj).   Oct.    10.  174:].       4. 

CirAlVr.hls,  bap,  AtiL'-.  ol,  1740:    a  Ib'V.  .sol.       5,  \Yii.i.iam,  b.  174S:  m.  ,  who  d.  Dec. 

8,  1798;   reared  a  fam.  in    the   X'.  \\ .  jiart    of  Conn.       lb- d.  in    Beth!<4iem.  Conn.,  .Nov 
14,  1802,  a.  54.      l.  llmninh,  <l.  Feb.,  1704,  a  Id  yrs. 

III.  Catharine,  b.  Se])t.  22.  1714:  d.  x.  i.  Jum'  11,  I780:  m.  17o2,  I'.enjamin  Stiilson 
of  Wethersti(4d.  Conn.;    V.  C.  1724;  d.  17S0. 

IV.  Abiu-ail,  Oct.  2.  1717:  d.  Xov.  :),  170S:  m.  A].ril  5,  1749,  1749,  Hon.  JaO-/, 
Hamlin  of  Mid.  (s.  of  Jolm  atu!  Marv,  dau.  of  lb  v.  .Xaihainel  Collins,  and  g.  s.  of  Jabe/. 
Hamlin),  b.  Jnlv  2S,  1709:  Y.  C.  17'2S:  I'ol.  <d'  mil..  Just,  of  the  Qimriim,  Chief  .bnlo-e 
Co.  Coni't,  JuiJiie  (d'  Probate.  A.s.-^is.  in  Ooh.nial  Council,  Pep.  01  .sessions,  Speaker  .d'  the 
House,  mem.  Ib-v.  Coin,  of  Safetv,  Ii^^t  .Mayor  of  .Miildh-town.  De;i.  1st  Coui'-.  chh.:  <1. 
Ajiril  25.  Kill,  a.  82.  He  was  4  t'imes  ni.  1.  Jon.v,  b.  \>rr.  11,  1752;  d.  Sejii.  20.  1770. 
2,  Mai;<.ai;ki-,  June  22.  Kofi:  d.  .v.  i.  Aug.,  isi7.  a.  91 :  m.  Sammd  Canfield.  M,  AnioAii,. 
Mav  4,  1758;  d.  Sept.  10.  1759. 

V.      Xalhani.l.  b.  Jan.  21,  1720:  m.  Jan.  10,  1750.  Mary  Stocking. 
VI.      Elnatlian,  I..  Sej-t.  10,  1724. 

*Uev  ClKirlei  Clinuncev  was  rector  of  \V.\re  in  HertfonKliire,  Kn.;.,  in  1627.  He  eniij;ri.tcd  to  New 
Enf,'..  and  is  nnteMur  of  liW  >jf  the  ti.utie  in  tb-j  I.' .  S.  Kev.  Isr;;el  C.  oi  St-'imtord  w:w  his  ,-,.  ^...o  (  a  a:i>t- 
cey  Mcmc-ia!,  from  which  a  large  part  of  this  lucord  of  dtsc.  of  liev.  Nathaniel  and  Sarah  uudsom  C. 
is  taken. 


HR.VXCIl    OF    Jl  ANN  All, 

2421.  Elihll  Chauncey,  1>  Mnn-li  --24,  ITIO:  d.  Aj)ii!  10.  ITOI;  rcj).  J)uil\aiti  in 
Conn.  Let;,  biennial  sessions;  i'lprt(^d  couTin.  :'>'.)  vis.  witli  ojic  cxcoiHion,  wlien  in  ihe 
iioitliorii  Tirmv.  ActiniT  Col.  of  ri\f:t.  in  Frem-li  wiuv  ;  Tlif.  Just.  Co.  Court;  nvhuUI  not 
tjilif  tilt-  oath":  sus]iertr(l  <if  favoring  tin-  torics,  and  Indd  no  otrict;  dui'ing  tli.'  ]\cv.  wur; 
ni.  Maroli  "2^.  1T:SI),  Ma'-v,  d:ui  of  Saml.  <iris\vo](I,  I'^q.,  of  I\illin;;-\vortli,  Cmin.,  udio  d. 
Miindi  ],  ISOl.  a.  Si. 

I.     Charles,   b.  l)e-.2S,  17;i!l;  d.  Jan.  IM,  17-10. 
II.      CailicUin".  b.  April  11.  1741:  m.   Im-K.  1,   HoO.  Hi'V.  Klizur  (ioodricli. 
III.      Sarali.  b.  De.-.  22.  ;7-l-2:  d.  Aug.  l.j,  1741. 

1\'.  Sarali.  !•.  MavS  174.""i;  d.  iMarcb  ID,  \K2'A.  a.  7S:  ni.  Lemuel  (.'iiernsey.  who  d. 
Julv  17,  17'.I4;  (O*  ]-^4i,'l',),  M'it').  Simeon  Parsons,  l^sq.,  wiso  d.  July  1-.2,  ISII),  in  ,S7tli  yi-. 
Me  in.  Mareli  Hi.  17")^.  Ivmicp  llosetter,  \vlio  d.  Ai)iil  r,\  17;>1.  .M  )•.  Par.sons  was 
rep.  Conn.  Lei;-,  several  sessions;  J ustice  of  the  I'cace;  Cupt.  Kev.  Army;  Town  Clerk  of 
nnrham  17Sf;\o  ISili. 

W-     (4iarle>.  b.   -May  0,  1747;   in.  Abigail  Parling. 

24212.  Catharine  Chaillicey.  h.  Ai>ril  11,  1711;  d.  Aj.rijs,  ps;!:),  h.  SO;  remark- 
al)le  foi-  o(),,(l  sense  in  dumestie  aflairs,  sweetness,  franlcness.  kindness  and  jiiety;  sur- 
vived her  husband  nianv  vrs..  lioiiored  and  beloved:  m.  Feb.  1,  1  7-"^i'.l.  Ii'ev.  Klizur  (iood- 
rich.  b.  Hoclcy  Hill.  Conn".  Ort.  IN,  ]r:;4:  d.  ^^.v.  21.  17U7:  V.  C.  IT.'i'?:  M.A..  175.^,  and 
tntor:  o)(]aiiied  ;i;  1  >Lirhani,  ('"un. ,  1 7'^!'!:  nn-m.  eorp. .  Y.C.,  1  77<i;  S.4'.  1 ). .  Hrinceii,n  Col. 
In  1777  (T.ndiihiTe  uith  i'r.  Stili-s  for  tin-  j'residency  of  Vale  Col.;  tin'  vote  a  tie,  juid  he 
gave  liis  own  ra-^tiiii'-  vote  for  Or.  S.,  an  act  whieh  wa^  a  souree  of  great  ].leasuie  to  hiu> 
i'vei  after.  On  the  I7t)i  of  Nov..  171^)7.  he  lefi  Imiui.  in  examine  some  hiuds  in  hitiddicld 
Co.  l>eloim-ini:  to  Y.  C.  and  next  Sunday  preaejied  in  Idttddield;  ne\i  moridng  ])roe.cded 
io  Xi.rwalk  and,  was  eiitertiducd  in  the'hosiiitabh:'  family  of  ('apt.  Titus  Ives,  and  tin- 
evening  s)ient  in  ]iiea>;int  conversation.  44ie  next  nn>rning,  soon  after  rising-,  he  d.  in  :im 
apo])ieetie  lit;  reniaiiis  rem.  to  l)iiriiam  and  funeral  sermon  jiK^ndied  by  l?ev.  Dr. 
I  >  wight. 

i.      Chauneev,  b.  Oct.  2(1,  17~)!l:   m.  Abigail  Smith,  f2)  Mnvy  Ann  AV<dcott. 
II.      Kli/.nr.  li.  Mar.di  21.  17()1:  m.  Sej-t.'"],  17S.-,,  Anne  ( Wiibird)  Allen. 

lii.      Samuel,  \>.  Jan.   12,  17n:i.   m.  July  2!l,   17^4    Kii/abeth 

1\'.  I'dilin  Cliaiuie.y.  b.  Sept.  \i\.  Kli!;  "l'.  C..  17^4:  d.  18it2.  mini.;  lawyer  ami 
land  spi'cnlatiir:   re-.  (  4avei-;ii4< .  N .  Y. 

V.  (Iinrle--  .\n-nMns  (ioodricli,  b.  .Mandi  2.  17(iS:  d.  unm.  lv()4:  Y.  C  ,  IT'G.  Less 
vigorous  than  the  other  ss. .  he  |)o.— csxd  a  lin<'  ta-te.  pnetical  geni',i-~.  and  amiable 
<lispo-ition.  Stud,  fo!-  the  ministiy.  Imt  loo  elo-^e  appliialion  affi'et'-d  hi-  imrvou>  system, 
whi'.-h  so,)n  imluced  a  ]>ermaiient  menta.l  derangement.  For  several  yrv.  lie  res.  with  liis 
lii-o.  in  KMdgefield.  and  was  aide  to  mingle  with  tlie  family,  e\re].r  dining  severe  i)arox- 
i-m~  of  liis  mahnh'.  \\\<-  nature  was  naturally  deli(-ate.  tender  and  full  of  giMierou-;  syni 
parhie-.  ilc  iibon'ndi-d  in  prayer.  (,fii-n  in  laim-uauf  1 1'e  mo.-t  fervent  and  imi"iilun-ite,  and 
at  n;!dni:;iii  hi>  f-im.  w.-ie  not  unf .eipe-ntly  awakeil  by  his  .-trains  of  mu-ii-  so  sweet  and 
so  pl.-iintive  as  to  prevent  shcjiiliir  bir  hmir-.  At  the  close  id'  his  life  the  (doud  was 
\\i'lidiawii.  and  the  -an  of  riuhteoM-iie.-N -liowii  brightly  upon  his  darkened  mind  an.l 
beiiu  nl)ed  aft<-eiion-,  and  he  converged  calmly  and  j'i_\  1  iilly  of  his  approatdiinLi-  de])artiLie. 

\d.      Nathan,  b.   Aug.   L  177H;   d.  y. 
Yll.      Catharin:- Ciiaancey,  li.   Dec.  2.   177-'):   m.   l\ev.    David  Smith. 

242121.  Chauncey  Goodrich,  b.  Oct.  2(i.  17.V.):  Y.  C.   177ii;  tutor  177!);  lb-]'- 

in  <  oiin.  Le^.  tor  ilaitf.  ]7'X',:  M.-m.  Cnu^f.  17'.D-1SUII:  piacticed  juw  in  llaitf..  State 
Coiii-ilh.r  |.so-i.^7-  [-_  s;  j^,.|,_  ps()7;  Maycw  of  Ilartf.  1S12:  Lieut. -Cov.  o)'  (\mn.  ISDJ; 
.\lem.  llirtl.  Coiiv.:  d.  .\iil;-.  l'^.  IMo.  allection  of  the  lie;itt.  '■  His  ;ittainments  as  a 
side. !:ii  vserc  extensive  .\  I  I  he  bar  iio  mall  stood  liigher.  .V  wise  coun.-ellor;  an  aide 
and  uptight  nni'^i-^trate,  ;uid  an  example  of  ;dl  that  i-  \  irinous  in  the  juivate  relations  <d' 
].{<■:--]]', ■fr.,ff  .][.,„.,,■,.,':  ,11.  Ab;:'.-ail  dau.  (d'  Dr.  Smith  <d'  Hartf  :  (2)  (»<-t..  17N!). 
Mari-mn.- (dan.  ,.f  ( P)v.  Oliver  a  nd  Lan  ra  (.'olliiis)  Wolcott,  li.  Feb.  10.  170."):  d.  ISI).";: 
di-^iin::u;-];''il  f  I,- l>,.;nil  V  iiiid  wit.  l-'or  bioL,.  notice  and  inadeipiate  |)  see  Dr.  (iris- 
\^o!d-  /.'(/'"''//•.//,  (',,,//■',  For  a  verv  tine  and  b:-antil'nl  en v.'ta vin.':'.  from  ;.  painting'  by 
Ivirl.',-e-  tC. ■•■.-,,,'/  .]/■,-'/;•//',  p.  l.'ii.'  Slie  wa- -i.-.  of  Hon.  I''!ederick  Wob-ott  (  y^-.s/i  ami 
<d    <io.  .  Oliver  WolcoTi.  >eeond  S.'C.  of  the  4'leasiuy   .lllder  Wa-hingloii. 

242122.  Eiizur  Goodrich,  ii.  Manh  21.  i7til;  d.  Nov.  1,  isp.i;  y.  C.  1770:  vol. 

lo  ilete.iij     .\e\\     ||;,v.    17,'.l:    ,-ftel'   riie  et.ei;iV   Icik    l)o--e--ion.    b.'ing  tiled    he    lay  oU   a    bed. 

wh  -i.-    In     wa-    b.iy .;e:l    i,,    iP;.    l,i-ear-I    'b\-  a   Biit.   sol.       Tnfo|-  V.   C.    1  7S I -;J;"  prac.    law, 

Ib'li.  Leg.   1  7:i.').  ;iiid  lor  iiKiny  yr.^.;  se\eral  time.-    (derk    and    Speaker  id'  the   llou-e;    .M. 

CHAT'^;CEY,    (JOODrJCH.  105 

€.  ITDft,  i)resrnt  at  t]i'>  last  m-ss'kui  in  Pliila.  ami  the  first  in  Wa^h.;  Collfctdr  of  tlir  I'mt 
of  X.  Ilav.  IHOl.  but  tiinicii  (Jilt  by  Mr.  Jrll'crsi.n,  tlnai  t'lcicil  ]^•|..  and  soon  aftn- Mimh. 
of  (.'dunci!  (Senate)  and  aniiuayy  till  I^IS.  He  was  without  interiui'-sion  a  Mem.  of  State- 
].e^.  or  Cong.  2'A  yis. ;  Chief  Judge  Co.  Court  of  X(>w  Jlav.  Co.  K!  yis. ;  .ludge  df  ]''rol);ite 
17  yrs. :  Mayor  <if  X'.  Ilav.  IS'i);!  to  \>i22.  (hen  resigned;  meanwhile  was  Prof,  of  Law  and 
Lecturer  Y.  C.,  and  im  in.  of  the  Corporation  and  Secretary  28  yrs.,  to  lS4(i.  Fi-oiu  ent. 
Col..  ITTo.  uninterru}>tedly  connected  witli  it  7J  yrs.;  Id..  ]>.,  ^'s^^^)■.  ni.  Sei)t.  ],  ITSG,  by 
Kev.  Jonallian  Edwards,  I).  ])..  [S].  Anm'  NN'iihird  Allen--  <d'  (it.  I'.arrington.  Mass.,  b.  ' 
Mar.di  i),  17<;H;  d.  Xov.  17.  ISIS. 

I.      Kli/.ur,  b.  Oct.  ;!.  J7S7:   Wnis.  Cdl.;   la^vyer  at   Tlartf. ;   m.    Oct.    '2').  ISiS.  Kliza, 
<lau.  of  (I'en.    Ileiii-v  Champion. 

II.  Cliann.-ey  Alleji,  b.  Oct.  2-A.  n'.iO;  d.  Ori.  2:-3.  ISOd:  Y.  C.  ISIO;  'I'litor  lSL.>-]4; 
])a>tor  Cong,  -MiddletDWu,  Conn.;  Prof,  (d'  Khetoi'ic  and  Oratory  Y.  C.  1817  to 
1S;^<I;  then  transl'erred  to  Pnd'.  of  Pastoral  Theology;  ])ublished  a  (ireek  (irannnar  1S]-1; 
Ivitii.  /,..v.s-'-/,.s- atid  (ire'.-  At'.v.v(>/i.v  ]S32;  viihov  Qii/irterlt/  C /in\^fiifii  Sjierf/rt'/r  sevtvral  yrs. 
Fron-i  IS-JS  t.i  IStio  .'ugaged  in  the  suiieriniendence,  various  ediliMus  <.!'  the  IMc 
lionarv  of  X'o.-ib  \\"eiisier;  ni.  Pri'.nces  Julia,  dau.  of  Xoah  \V(d).->fer,  LL.  !>.,  (hexicog. 
rajdu'r.)  1,  lii-;v.  CiiAiNci.v.  Y.  C.  ls;]7;  d.  ISliS.  -.>,  KD^VA]{U  CoiU'.  3,  lO.V. 
AVii.i.r.v.M    I1kni;v,    V.  C.  ISIM;  tutor;  d.  1S74.  S.  T.  D.     -I,  .)ri.i.\.     o,   F!;.\ncks. 

HI.  Xancv  (;,M)drich.  b.  ,'an.  L  17:i-J;  d.  .Ian.  14,  1847;  in.  lion,  lloiry  Leavitt 
Ellsworth  of  La  Fayetif.  Ind.,  b.  ^^';rldsor,  Conn.,  Xov.  10.  Hill.  He  was  tw'in  bio.  to 
the  Hon.  \\')n.  W'oicott  Ellsworth.  (io\.  of  Cimn.  and  Judge  id'  tlie  Supreme  Court  of 
Errors  of  Conn.,  and  tlu'  twins  were  the  v(uini:est  chil.  (d'  Hon  Oliver  Ellsworth  of 
Windsor.  Conn..  Second  Chief  .!n-ti(-e  of  the  F.S.  He  gra.l.  Y.  C.  ISHj;  res.  in  Hartf. 
abt.  1(1  yrs.  A])))!,  by  (ien.  Jnclcson,  lies.  Com.  among  t)ie  Indian  tribes  .south  and 
\vest  of  the  Arkansas.  In  this  service  he  made  extensive  circuits  tf)^vard  tlie  Pocky 
Mountains,  in  om*  of  which  lie  was  accompanied  by  "Washington  Irving,  \vho  Ihn.s 
obtained  the  materials  f<H-  his  work  uixui  our  western  prairies.  In  abt.  two  yrs.  lie  Wcis 
called  to  \V.  and  jilaced  at  the  head  of  the  U.  S.  Patent  Olhce,  wdiieh  he  rendered  one 
of  the  most  u.s(d'ul  and  pojmlar  depts.  of  the  (iovt.  After  abt.  lU  yrs.  he  lem.  to  La 
Fayette.  Ind.,  and  engaired  with  zeal,  energy  and  great  success,  in  the  purchase  and 
-settlenu'iit  cd'  C.  S.  lands,  by  which  t!ie  norther;i  ]iart  or  the  state  wa.s  greatly  benetited. 
He  returned  to  Conn,  in  conse((uen(-e  ni'  ill  health,  and  d.  at  Fair  Haven,  Conn.,  Dec  27, 
lS-")>^,  iu  llie  C.sth  yr.  of  his  a.  He  ni.  (2^  Catlniriiie  S;niih,a  cousin  of  his  1st  wf.  1. 
Hkxky  ^^'lr,I,t^^!  l-ll.t  swdsnii,  b.  1S14;  Y.  C.  is:i4;  lawyer;  rem.  to  Ind.  ISoo,  and 
jifier  ls.")0  was  coun.st4  titr  S.  15.  F  in  his  tel.  pat.  suits.  He  was  fo-r  some  time 
Sec.  of  Legati<ui  and  Charge  de  Affairs  to  Sweden;  d.  Aug.,  1S04.  Author  of  S'/v^'Acv  ';/" 
t/i<  I'ppir  Wiibiis/i  ]',iI!,i/_  li,<l..  S  vo.,  1S88,  and  a  contributor  to  the  Kn\rkrrhor};,v 
^Tiiijiiiiin.  2.  El)"\v.\t;i).  ;;.  Ax.MK:  she  dictated  the  first  telegram  sent  m-er  the  first 
American  teleiZTajdi,  that  lietweeu  Washington  and  Baltimore;     '-WHAT  ILV'l'H   (iOI) 

wporcin:-!  . 

242123.  Samn.el  CTOOdrich,  b.  Jan.  12,  17(!:i:  Y.  C.  1788,  and  joined  chh.;  ord. 
ax  Pidgefield.  Conn..  July  d.  17.^1).  Often  called  to'  aid  in  settlinii-  eccles.  difliculiies; 
dismiss, hI  at  his  own    request  Jan.  22.  1811.      Inst,  at  Worihingion  (Lerlin),  Conn.,  M.-iy, 

HThe  seb.'sion  ot  Cong-.  wa.s  drawine;  to  a  close  and  i'.  was  no:  thoujjht  prob;ib'ie  that  tlio  bill  would  be 
reached.  Prof.  Morse,  who  had  despaired  of  its  pass.uje,  was  preparuis-  to  leave  for  New  York.  In 
the  morning.  Miss  Annie  Ellsworth,  then  a  y.iune;  school  girl,  called  to  con^fratuLne  him.  Herf.uher, 
then  Com.  of  I'atenf!,  and  an  intimate  friei:d  ol  Pr^f.  Morse,  liad  watched  th.e  House  till  ih.e  last  nionicnl. 
She  said  ;  "'.tr  sent  rre  to  tell  you  tliat  your  bill  wa-,  pa^.'^ed.  He  remained  until  the  se.ssiun  cCsed, 
and  yours  wps  the  i:>-Si  bill  but  one  acted  upon,  and  it  \vas  p.issed  just  tive  minutes  before  tte  adjourn- 
ment ;  and  1  am  t.o,:;!ad  to  be  the  tirst  one  to  tell  you.  Mother  says,  toj,  that  yon  must  come  home  with 
me  t'-'  breakfast  "  The  srra'eful  t'rof.  th.anked  her  apain  a:id  a^'ain.and  assu'-ed  lier  that  she  should  send 
over  the  wires  the  rlr.-,t  messaiiic  as  her  reward.  The  mr-licr  was  talked  over  in  the  famdy  and  Mrs.  Kils- 
Worth  suppcsted  lt;e  messai;e  v.-hic!i  Prof.  .Morse  referred  to  her  daijLrfiier,  and  this  was  the  one  subse- 
•quently  sent  when  the  line  ti)Ctwefn  Wash.  :i.rid  l?;.'l.  c-uiiplcted.  Albert  \'ail,  his  asst.  beinff  at  the 
Sloant  Chare  L)epot  in  Rait,  .and  i"'rof.  Mor.-e  in  the  Chamber  of  il:e  Suiueme  Court  in  Wash.,  and  the 
circuit  beint;  found  perfect.  I'rof.  .\T.  sent  t"  .-\nnie  for  h(rr  mevsacre.  and  it  came:  "'  i^'h-it  halh  C'.r 
-v>ii:ii,'-'ir  " — the  tirst  message  ever  ir.insinilttd  by  a  rc'-ordii.;^  trleurarh  The  si'>rv  has  been  otten  told 
■with  many  e-xacjeeralions.  and  has  roamed  about  l'ant»:.'e  with  much.  r.jmaiuic  material  aitaclied  to  it,  bet 
theabove  is  the  simple,  true  statement. 

lOG  branch;  of  haxxah. 

ISl  1.  :md  coil.  till-.  54  yrs.      }[o  ivjul  tlic  Bihlt;  tliroiii;-]i    in   coui^"  several    Times   ti.   liis 
ruiiiiy,   beirinniiig-   ]S()r».   ci.rniili'tetl    ISO!),   "1-2^   '\.l_   •](;    'lil,  "-^l .  "j;;,  •o.-,,  -o;    'os    ■;;()    •;>.) 
and  ';?:5.      He  was  sul)j<Tt  to  iiout  for  many  yrs. ,  \vlii<li  af^last  alVerted   Ids   l.rain!      Attrr 
tli;il  Ids  lucid  intervals  were   few;  d.  a1    Berlin,  A|)r:l    11),  ]s;>"),  il  7-2;  m.  .lnl\  '2!)    ITsi 
I'lli/ahctli,  dan.  of  Col.  John  Kly.^      At  tlie  a:.;c  of  20  I'dizaliel  li ,'  lietler  known  as  Bit-fV 
was  very   liraidifnl   and  In^ddy   acconiplislied.      ••Almost    as   lianrlsome   as   l^ets.-v  Klv'^ 
i)ccanie    provei  liial.      After   m.    and  riMn.    to    i;id-<{i(dd .  a   yreat  chani;-e   oc<-ni  red'  i;,  fh,, 
f<prtnn(s   of   lier  f.  and    ex|i"ctaiions    fro?n    that    Sduri-e   wi'Ve   cut   <jff:    hnt    she  /ealoush- 
devoled  ]iel-.-elf  to  her  duties    and  W:i-.    a    jiaUeru    of    coii-j  ii -a.!    co-.ipera  t  ion    and     tidelitv 
She  was  a  gn-at  lover  of   tlie   heantifnl    in  nature  and  often  niii^ht  he  seen  at  the  (dose  'if' 
day  retired  and  alone  in  contemplation.      The  lines  i,r  i\,ll,„-].;  aiiproiirialid v  d.-s<-rihe  tlie 
scx-nes  slie  loved  and  the  tf'nij)er  of  }ier  inind; 

"  The  moon  awoke,  and  from  her  maiden  face 
Sheddinjr  her  cloudy  locks,  lookc-d  meekly  torih 
•  And  wiih  her  virgin  stars  walked  in  ihe  heavens  ; 

Walked  ni,£;h:ly.  ihouprh  cmh  ersui^r  ai  .she  walked, 

Of  pur  ty  and  holiness  and  G'jtl.'' 

Her  last  illness  was   lone-  and  painful.      Slie  d.  March   :>.    ls:!7,  a.    7-2;  surv.  lu-r  his 
two  yrs. ;  1(1  chil.,  of  wlioni  "2  d.  y. 

].     Sarah  ^^■orl]^ino•ton.  1).  An,-.    7.    17S."):  m.  Anms  Cooke;  (2)  Frederick  W'olcorr 
11.      Eli,;aheth,  1).  Ai.rii   2(i.    irs7:  ni.    Kev.    Noah.    s.    ,,r  Cliarh-s   Coe,    Ks,].  :    V.  (\ 
ISOS;   has  keen  i)astor  at  New   llanf.,  .\.   Y .  ('.  and  (ireeuwich.  Conn.;   res.    X.  ihiv  •  d 
ISTI.     1,  Cn.vs.  (iooDKK  II;   Y.   C.    isti:;    Lk.jk  Cul.    Co!..   iSiVj.     -2.    l-d;i;!'t:KT(K  C\u- 
I'l-.xrKK.  -M.  A.     ■.',.    Hi;v.   S\\!i  it,;  Y.  C.  isr.S:  ,i.  is.iii.     4.   Ki.iz auiVhi    Hi. v. 
HI.      Ahigail,  h.   Nov.  21(.   I7ss;   m.   liev.  Samu.a  ^^■hitth■sev. 
IV.     CharU-,  Aufrustus,  h.  Aun-zl':!,   17'.M);  n.i.  Sarah    l^pson". 

A'.  Cathaiine.  h.  Dec.  i,  17'.'!:  ni.  Daniel  Dunhar;  Y.  C.  171>-1;  d.  ]y4i:  lawver. 
lu-rlin.  Conn.  '  "  '      ' 

VJ."     Samuel  (Jriswold,  h.  Aii-:.  10,  17!i;!;  m.  Adeline  ( Jratia  Iha.llev;  r2)  Marv  Hoo't 
\'II.      I'dihu  Chauncey.  o.   Nov.   IN.  17llo;   d.  .lunel).  kr:)7. 
\'lll.      Mary  .\iin  Wolcoti.i  li.  May  2'.i.  17'.>!i;  m.  X.  Ik  Smith. 
i\'.      J-aiiily  (.'hauiK^ey,  h.  "Nkiv.  2o.   IsOl;  d.  Oct.  2o.  l^i'-K 

X.  hauily  Chaimcey,  1).  X.a".  lli,  ISO.");  m.  i;,.v.  Daiins,  s.  (.f  Samuel  and  I'oilv 
(Mead)  Mea.d  of  (ireenwidi.  Conn.;  "tk  C.  1S2S;  res.  Hostun.  1.  S.VMit.r.  <  Jodi'!;!'  !(, 
2,  Kmiia- (idoDKicii,  111.  h'ev.  Ciiailes  Bahcocd--.  (J-^M^c. )  of  Boston.  :k  A  i)i:i.  mdi-:  k.i.v. 
4.    U'diri  iiiN(.-i.iN  Jk.v.     5,   lIi;ri:N. 

2421231.     Sarah  Woi-ihinp;ton  Goodrich,!..  Anu-.  7,  i7s5;  d.  Scot,  u    |s|-2 

She  was  distinc-uished  equally  fur  tier  love  of  hooks,  of  tloriculture  and  of 'lahor.  Slie 
was  luted  tor  Yale  Cuk  when  twelve  yrs.  .,f  a.  ami  cried  hecause  ylie  c(nihl  n<it  enter. 
In  Iht  po-iiion  a1  Litchii'dd  .die  -^uslaiiied  the  r.'Iation  .d"  mothei'  t..  ua  rd  tin  ee  ^^rts  of 
chihlr.n,  vi/. ;  tlM.seof  Mr.  Wojcott  ky  hi.->  first  m..  and  her  own  hv  both  inarria-es;  to 
ea(di  and  all  ol'  wlionr  slie  showed  a  irenerous  and  tender  ati'ectioii ;  ni'.  Amos  Cooke"  Msii 
of  Danbiny,  C,>nn.,  (s.  of  Col.  Jose}di  IMutt  and  Sarah  Bene.lict  Cooke,  and  trr  s  -d'  l.'ev. 
Sam'l  Cooke  uf   Prul-^eport),    h.    0(«t.    11,    1770;  Y.    C.  17U1;  d.    Mav   1:^    iPlO       He  wis 

'■'i'^''."  i!"^^"  f''-^  "'■'''^  ^  ptiys.,  eel.  for  his  successful  treatment  -i  small  po.\  by  inoculation  at  a  hospital 

iretjory,  phys. 

■»It  IS  \sntten  of  tlie  poet.  Percival,  that  after  his  grad.  at  \  .  (.  .  then  a  vuuntr  man  about  -o.  he  returned 
hoaie  to  Ker;MnL;ten  (Berlin).  '■  but  found  few  who  could  respond  to  his  own  ooeiical  and  cultivated 
mind,  yet  there  was  one.  the  dau.  of  the  Berlin  pastor  and  the  sister  of  th<;  late  '  Peter  Parley,'  whose 
beauty  of  person,  eloRant  raanncrsand  refined  tastes  made  her  an  attractive  ctimpanio"  .  .\t  the  parsonaee 
he  was  aUvays  a  welcome  visitor,  and  with  this  young  lady  lie  '  botanized  in  the  tields  and  poetized  in  the 
library.  It  with  her  that  he  found  his  most  consrnial  socie'V  ;  and  it  is  her  name  which  occurs  most 
frciuently  in  the  p.. ems  he  now  wrote.  The  foll.nving  is  a  specimen  of  the  breathinjrs  of  his  passion  :  — 
'  ''"''.'-'  T"""""?  '''  '''i'l'^i'if,'  'I'er  the  hills.  The  dewy  roses,  hh.ominj'  fair. 

\\  nil  softened  li.i:ht  and  colors  fray  ;  Glitter  around  her  fatheks  ha\ 

Throu^b  L-r-n-e  and  valley  sweetly  th.-ills  But  still  mv  Mary  is  not  there-- 

1  he  melody  ot  early  day.  The  fairest  ro=e  is  far  .wa'  ' 

This  was  perhaps  the  most  charming'  aoiuaintance  that  iVrcival  ever  liad  with  any  lady.  Both  were 
youiit;  and  iref  In.m  In  the  dewv  fre-hn<.ss  "I  emoiion  ihere  was  a  delicate  and  tremulous  eni-'V- 
nient  which  inspired  ihepoet's  verses  ;  and  this  lady,  like  the  M.-hland  be.iutv  of  Burns,  will  ever  live  lU 
the  ideal  passion  ot  1  crcivals  verse.  But  this  n-ver  became  an  affair  of  the  heart  The  vouni;  lady 
was  already  ciiK-aucd  to  another,  and  -avc  to  Percival  only  the  affection  and  sympathy  o'f  a  familiar 
friend.    -7.  //.   '/.,r./ ../.;./,•„,;,/ Z.<-/Av-.v<.,/-.7.   G\  /Vr./r.,:/,  p.  4J-4J.  ' 



uncle  to  Km-.  Dr.  Sumut'l  Cuoke  of  St.  P.;u-tliolome\v  (F.pisc.)  clili.,  X.  Y.  (', ;  (2).linio 
'Jl,  ISio.  Hon.  FiL-dcrick,  s.  of  (iov.  Oliver  ;ind  l.uura  ('(.llins  Wolcitt  of  Litdilit-Id. 
Cnim..  1).  Nov.  '.i,  1707;  Y.  C.  llXii,  with  l;  liouors;  Salul;iti>ry  option:  Cleric  of 
the  Court  of  CoTiunon  Plea.s  17!)o;  Cierk  of  the  Supreme  Cuuil  of  ('oiiii.  to  isSG:  in 
17!*n  a|iiit.  .IndiTi- of  Pi-.)!)ate  ;iik1  auiiualty  re  elcctod  for-Uyis. :  iiU'iii.  ('onii.  L^^-.  1>00- 
:■!;  Statt  Senator  several  vi.-;. :  I'res.  Litehiield  County  Vnr.  Mi?-s.  and  IMiic.  Arl.s  and 
S<-ienees;  Mem.  Corp,  Y.  (.'.  A  devoted  CliristuMi  and  one  of  the  most  honored  citizen.-^ 
of  Conn.:  d.  .iuu<-  '.^s,  1S37.  (For  line  ]M,rti-aii.  .-ee  ]]''>/, ■,;//  M, /,nr,,'in').  It  was  in  his 
father's  Icitehen  in  Lite  hiield.  that  tlie  old  leaden  statue  of  ( i-or^e  II 1.  (torn  from  iis 
jK'dcstal  on  Ijoulini!  (ii-een.  X.  Y.  C,  and  taken  to  I,.)  was  niehed  and  cast  into  bullets 
hy  the  ^^'ol^ott  f:;n'iily.  [lie  m.  (.liOet.  10,  Isilo,  IJetsey,  ilaii.  of  Col.  .loshna  Huntintr- 
io:i  of  Nor\\ich,  Conn.,  h.  Nov.  S.  177-1:  d.  A]iril  •.',  ispy  h\-  whom  he  had :  1,  Man- 
Ann  (.'oodrich,  1),  Auir.  U,  lsi»l:  u,.  May  "JO.  ls-?7,  Asa  Whitejieai!  of  Newark,  X.  -J.  2. 
Hannah  Huntington,  li.  Jan.  14,  ISii:!;  m.  .Vjuil  '2\ .  IK'.-l,  Pev.  Frederick  Freeman  of 
Sandv.-ich,  Mass.  '4.  .losliua  lluntine  ton,  l>.  Awis.  -J'.i,  1S(I-1.  4.  Flizaheth.  li.  Marcji  (i. 
ISOG;  in.  May  -J-J,  l^-,'7.  John  F.  Jac];-^on  of  Xewark.  \\liose  eld.  s..  Frederick  W. 
Jackson,  is  (ien'l  Sujit.  Feiin.  Ih  K.  ~>,  Freih'rick  Henry,  h.  .\ui;-.  1'.*.  ISO.S;  ni.  Aohv 
llowland.  ti.  Laura  Maria,  h.  AuL^  1-1.  ISll  ;  m.  Marcli  :;.  l.s;;i,  Fol.ei-t  (i.  Ihinkiii. 
Fsq..  of  X.   Y.  C.)      Sei'  .Vpijendix.' 

I.      l-lli/rthetli   Cooki'.    m.    Fiehard    \\'ayn(.'    Stiles    of    Sa\anuah,    da.;    i-es.    i]sS()> 
Morristown,  X.  J. 

II.  Joseph  Piatt  Cooke;  Y.  C.  ls-27;  M.D..  Harv.,  ]S;',:i;  d.  at  sea.  returning- from 
X.  Orleans,  l:^;!5. 

III.  Charles  Moseley  Woleott,  1>.  Xov.  L'l).  ls:i(i;  lias  a  tine  e(jujitry  seat,  .-adled 
"  Poscneatli,"  near  Fishkill  Landing,  on  tlu-  llud-on.  lie  owns  several  farms  and  a 
larL,e  iiuueant  of  villae"e  pro])erty,  aiid  i.->  acti\ely  eii;'M;rid  in  advaru-ini;-  the  di-velopment 
and  pro.-peiity  of  tin-  muL'^hliorluiod.  In  (-(Uinection  witli  ]d<  hrothers.  J.  11.  "Wdlcott 
aiid  y.  11.  W'olcoli  of  X.  Y.  ('..  le.'  coini'.iis-,i')neJ  d'eci--,  (iii-.hs,  IXo.,  and  afler  ]i'\^  d^  ath 
Samuel  \YoleoTt  of  Cleveland,  O.  .  to  compile  an  aeco!|..l  of  ihe  de'se.  ,,f  ll.Mirv  Wolc.iTt 
of  ^Vindsor.  'rie-  result  is  T/,<  WWm/f  J/,  /,.„,-,',//,  a  (puirto  vol.  of  a'-i.  ICli  pj... 
elegantly  illustrated  with  steel  eUii-ravinys  and  aulotvjie  fae-sinule-  of  old  deeds  and 
otlmr  family  relics.  He  m.  Xov.  l,"],'^4;h  .Alary  K.  (dau!  of  Samuel  (i.  ( .'(;,)dw  itdi  and  hi< 
1st  v.-f..  <iratia,  dan.  of  lion.  Ste})hen  i!owe  Bradley);  d.  Xov.  lo,  lS4."")(h.t  c(_iiis.);  p^) 
Xov.  •.2(i,  ]S1<).  Catharine  A.,  dau.  of  Henry  Paukin,  K<i\..  nieich.  of  X.  Y..  wLo  for 
forty  yis.  wa>  an  Elder  in  Scotch  Fresh,  (dih.  (Dr.  Mason's);  ii.  June  (j,  JS17.  1.  Fi:i:d- 
}.K](  K,  h.  Dec.  ■>;,  ]S44:  d.  .March  Oo.  ls4o.  -J,  1Ii-:.m;\  <  iooi't;!*  n.  I,.  Julv  iP,.  ps.",:;:  Y. 
<;.  Ph.K.  IS7:!;  ( '(d.  (.'ol.  F.  1,.D.  is;7;  m.  May  •^•2.  is;;),  Julia  Sierlimr;  d;ui.  of  Hon. 
Waldo  and  Klizabetli  (I'Ulsworth)  Hutching-s,  h".  June  1  ;,  hs.").");  y-.  g\\  dau.  of  Chief 
Ellsworth  and  Xoali  AV(d)ster.  He  is  Lieut. -Col.  O;^  Pe.iit.  X.C.^S.  X.  Y.  1.  (I'lnr, 
b.  March  14.  l^so.  '14, is  "heir  rd'  all  the  a-'es,"  with  \vho-~e  j-.auie  the  \V,Jrnii  n.r,,r'il 
closes,  ■was  born  into  the  fauiily  while  that  work  \\a_s  in  press.  He  is  fleM-end<'d  from  7 
'.lovernors.  viz. :  William  Bradford,  Od  (iov.  of  Flymoutls  Colony:  Thomas  \Veiles. 
John  \Yebster,  ^ViHiam  Leete.  Hog-er  ^\'ldcotI ,  \vho  wcie  Colonial  (Jovs.  of  Cnnn..  aiul 
Olivin-  ^^'ol(•ott  and  \\'illiam  \Yoleott  Ellsworth,  who  were  (iov-^.  of  the  state  (if  Conn. — 
Wolcctt  Jft/,i.  -i.  (Jinrl,sM,,x,l,_f/.  b.  .\u.u-.  11,  l^s-?.  :-!,  K.vru.MiiNK  IFwki.n.  b.  April 
29,  1S5.5.     4,  An.m-.ttk  l.'ANKtx.' b.  .lune'-J!».  is.^r. 

IV.  Chauncey  (biodrifdi,  b.  March  F).   ISlli;  il.  (Jci.  -JN,   ISOO. 

\.  Henry  (irisw(dd,  b.  Xov.  4.  ls2:>,  trained  to  l)u>ine.-.s  in  Boston.  In  isi:^  went 
to  China,  and  at  Shauiidiai  represented  one  of  the  eaidiest  lirms  in  the  new- jiort  ;  souje 
time  U.S.  C<insul.  After  a  vie-orous  and  succe.-.sful  dev<dopment  of  ihe  fr.-uie,  hi^  health 
failed,  havinu' contracteil  malarial  fever.  4'he  Cerman  baths  faih'd  to  i-e^^tore  him.  and 
lu' relurnid  to  X.  Y.  C,  where  bed.  at  re...  ,d'  hi.-.  b;o.  h'lederick,  11).")  Waverly  Place. 
May  8,  1SN"2.  He  wasi-udowed  \\ifh  uiuommon  si!-eiieih  ami  beauty  (d'  person,  natural 
Pueri^y.  and  hic^li  moial  ti'aits.  "  lb-  d.  iii  firm  trust  of  a  better  life  throimh  ChrisT,  his"     See  port.,    lFe./ce//  J/,  „^ .  p.  ;;[(i. 

VI.  .Mar\  I-"rances,  b.  .Iul_\  !».  lS-2:!;  m.  Im'Ii.  -I.  JSF").  'I'liemhue  Frothini;duuu  of 
Boston,      i,  'riii'iMjuKK.  Harv.'Col.   IS7U. 

2421233.  Abigail  Goodrich,  b.  Xov.  -J'.i,  17SS;  attained  a  mitiomil  fame  ami 
usefulness  throuu'-li  the  .l/.//,, /'.s  M.n;.i-! ,i<  :  m.  I.'ev.  Samuel,  s.  of  PotrtT  Xewtou  and 
Aim  (\Voodruir)  V\  Idtllesiy,  b.  Dec."  IS,  i;;.,;  d.  ISFJ;  \.  ('.,  bSOo;  oVdailied  at  Xew 
Preston,  Conn.,  1S()7  to  lsi7:  then  to(dc  (dKU;.'c  ,,f  llie  !).-af  and  Dumb  .\syluni  at  Hartf. 
In  Fy^ti  Prinoi[)al  of  the  Ontario  |-"em.  Sem.;  afterw.  rem.  to  the  Sem.  at  Ftica;  rem  tc» 
N.  Y.  C,  IS^iH,  and  became  publisher  of  the  M<i(ht  rx'  Jf(tf//(:;ine. 

«('S  HltANCJl    OF    HAXXAH. 

I.      Sam  lel  (;oo<lri<h.  b.  Nov.  ,^,  1S!)9:  A.  M.,  Y.  ('.,  18:51;  tutor;  d.  1S47;  ni.  Anna 
<^"oi)k  Mills. 

il.      Sou,  1'.  .AlarcL  -.^O,  d.  Muirli  l}S,  ISII. 
111.     Cliarlcs  CluuuiiM'v,  b.  S.'pr.  •,',  IMv!;  d   A])nl  20    181S 
I\  .      j:ri/.alM'rh  Ely,  1-,  S.p:.  •2!t,   ISI.-^,;   d.  .lai,.  2V,,  isis. 
V.      Henry  Martyii.  b.  Aug-.  10.  lS-21 ;  jirac.  law  in  X.  Y.  ('.;  dec. 
y\.      diaries  Aujrustus,  Aug.  -^i).  iS'-Jo;  a  seaman. 

VII.  Mmily  riiauiK-ey,  Jan.  17,  l^?.-,:  m.  liev.  Lucius  Curtis,  b.  Torriiic;ti)]i,  C:,un  ■ 
Wms.  Col.  ]S:j.-.;  Aiidovei-  Is^l;  iustal.  pas.  1st  Cong,  clili.  at  Woodburv,  Conn..  IS-li';' 
r^'si-nod  from  ill  ie-altli,  1S54;  sub,-^._-(iuriitly  pas.  chli.  at  Colcliestcr,  Conn.,  till  abt' 
1S7U,  llieii  rem.  to  \\'is..  and  pas.  at  a  clili.  ibr. 

2421234.  Charles  Augustus  Goodrich,  b.  Aug.  19,  1790;  d.  June  4.  Isc-.)- 
^  .  C.  iyi:.>;  author  of  /.//v.-r  "/  ih,'  ,%//,/•.,  of  Un-  Dcrb, ration  of  Lalepcnddne,  A  Srlmoi 
}lis(r.r>/  of  Hh  Citltcil  tit,it::S  and  otber  works.  '•  lie  was  natii rally  a  very  gifted  man, 
iiw\  a  most  aci-nmpiished  .scliolar.  His  mental  organization  ^vas  active,  though  of  thai' 
s.-nsitive  nature  which  caused  him  to  .shrink  from' rough  contact,  with  the  world.  His 
love  for  his  fellow  men  was  refined,  charitable,  and  of  tlio  most  enlarged  order.  Aft.r 
51  life  spent  with  a  single  view  to  elevate  mankind,  the  good  man  is  now  gathered  to  Ins 
fathers"  and  another  of  tliose  bright  li-hts  that  jiave  adorned  .New  l-hudand  is  put  o;;r.-' 
--f\(ir  },_:rJ:  I'iiins.  m.  Sarah  Ujison. 
I.  Sophia  rpson. 
11.      Sarah  I'pson. 

III.  Charles  (.'hauncev. 

IV.  Arabella  Tp-son. '  ^  • 
V.     Catharine  Chauncey. 

Vi.      Sam'l  (iriswold. 
VII.      Frederick  Augustus. 

2421236.  Samuel  Gri.s\vold  Goodrich,  l>.  Au^^.  19.  1798;  d.  in  N.  Y.  c. 
Mays.  ISiiO.  Author  and  eiHtor  uf  about  170  Vuls.,  of  which,  in  iSoO.  about  sev-'ii 
millions  of  copies  had  been  sold,  and  at  that  time  about  three  hundred  thousand  coj)ies 
were  sold  annually;  among  tliese  were  about  one  liundred  vols,  of  popular  juvenile 
books,  published  under  the  title.  ■•  Feier  Pailey."  ilie  su<  of  wluch  induced  other.-, 
n  isiur  spurious  works  under  his  title,  lb- edited  tie'  ToL;  n .  1S41-04:  .lA /v;/'.v  .V'/.v- ."-// 
;m.<1  I'lirui^'s  ^Li'jnun,'.  l.s-U  lo  l,s.-)l:  C(,n^,ul  to  Paris.  1S.-)1.  and  thr.'u,  h\ 
Iremd,,  FaoIs  I  ids  Ap,,;n,  S!of[.[i<i:u.  Ills' nrh^v,,  (yCn^/raiiLnior,  l„<1  ostri<l  ,  t  S:„'iol : 
author  of  7//..  (),:tr(isl,  and  other  j.orms,  J.^;!^.  iUustrated.  b^;.-)!:  Fnnr],  fl,]hrfini,s, 
\x\\:  S'.;fr/i..sfro,o  n  St.uhnf.<i  li7/,'/'/r.  U.roU.  rUnns  „r  n  Lif.'  I'iwe,  1S.07;  I'/osf  rations 
'•J  tin  ^'|f■'■■o'  Ilistar;/  .ftlif  Animal  Kinaaon,,  Is.V.I.  "lie  nl.  .\deline  (iratia  dau.  of 
Hon.  Stephen  Ib.we  Bradley:  (O)  Marv  Fon-J,.      i.  bv  1-t  m. : 

I.      Mary  i;],  b.  Ilartf.  ol't.  ^ij.  ISIS;    d.    Phila.  Dec.  PJ,  ISPV    m    Chas.  M. 
N\ol,-,,tt  [aot,).      i.  by  ■.2d  m.: 

11.      Francis  Bf.oth.  b.   P^,,>.  D,.,-.  14.  IS'JC;    Harv.  (.'ol.   isl.^   .-everal  vrs.  Paris  corrc 
spondMin  of  th,.  X.  Y.   'J'i,„,s:   '■  Dick   Tinto."       Afterwards   ollected    and  ].ub    in  a  vol 

'■n:,..r,,l  S:.;trl.,s  ,f  Paris.  ISiA:  Th,  <\.orl  at-  y,>j,''l,'an,  lSo7;  Man  Cpan  thr  S,a, 
bV,S;     II  ,,,1,,.^  ,,j-  p,,,,„f,i  „,,,/  y;,  ,;,i,,,„     ps.V.i. 

HI.      I';mily  Lmi-a,  m.  Ajiril  'iW.  IS.-.i;.  .Xathaniid  Smith  (cous),  b.  1S;;1. 
1\  .      Ch-.mncey,  d.  in   Wasji..  D.  ('.,  .Jan.   Vl.  bS.-,(),  a.  A\.      Of  whoju  see  nu^nun-inl  in 

l^''-"l'trlva.s  af  a  Uf,     Tinn.   Vol.    II,   p.    \\\l .    beginning 

'■  Oh.  te'l  ine  not  tl'  Kden's  fall 
Has  left  dli'<e  ks  hiir;l-,t  en  all; 
For  one  I  ki-.ev\  troai  very  birtfi. 
Who  s;arccly  bore  iho  staia  of  oartli." 

V.       Ali.-e.  *     *     *     * 

\'\.      Mary  \V.d<-ot;. 

2.    lL,Jc5.     Mary   Ann    Wolcott    Goodrich,  b.   Mav  29.  179ib    no  bss -ifod 

/;'!■'/''!•/  '.'"'■  '•'"'  "'"^■.  ''..'"'  '-'^•""b'''  "'■  h.-r  jiortical  comi,,.sit'ions  s^.-  S.  (i.  Cood'rich's 
/...'",'"  '■"/'^  "t  "  Lif,  'J'i'or.  vol.  I.  p.  4^.1  I'hidovc.'d  witli  uncommon  lovline.^-  an'l 
t'""!',''""  '^  ',",  -.""I'aTbi,  <.  ,a:ie'-t  in  spirit  and  purpose;  bu-  fifty  y<'ars  a  uumi,.  of  the 
"■-  ' yn^-.  c  d,.  Ml  Wo,,dl„u-y,  Conn.;  >!,-  h.^came  io  mauv  --trivi'iu"  soul.,  a  counsellor 
".-..i  Mm-.cI  uhuM.  tluv  will  ion-  «di..risli.  Th.'  first  in  everv  -ood  work,  -h.- 
lir^r'rli  /•!  '■''''^" ''■  ' ''''  ''■'='■' '''  "'''''■''"'■"•  i"M':"i0.gon.'rgy  anil  I'tlici.  ncy  ;•>  all 
■''  ""  '■'  '''I'l'i.^'  t!ie  at  horn.'  an  1  in  di-taui  mi-Mon;ii-v  field-.        She  \vas  on>- 


\       -url,.  <,f  mothers  wlio  for  nmnv  vrs.  met  t-.yvh  w,-..k  to   pmy   for  tliejr   f<>milit'.-,  <iml 

V>        1  Th  s      re  tin-  vas  vew  ('u  aV  to  her.  ai.d  she  continued  to  utteml  .t  fli  the  ^v.,ght. 

'';;'    nul  t    e  r-  '"n^arlv  all  hs  nten.hers  nuule  it  inn-ossihle;  an.l  tlu-n,  as  the  stated 

•  •,,  ,nn<l    .heol.sen-ed  the   hour   alone  in    her   own    home.       bhe  was  a  hr -lit 

i;::;;^'    r    lu-    •       :i   hern.e.nory  >srev..n.<l  in  NVoo.lhury.     (^-  ^f;^'>  "•-  -'b     l.V- 

r-o\     <i      ,1    T.n     "D    lS7->-  ni   Pel-.  •-2-2.  1^10.  Nr.tliunn-l  ll-^n-'dirt  Snath,  h.  D-',-.  ,.  1..)..: 

■;  i  ^,',l'Sd;,H '.;.«;' Hu,l,  k,.„  ..f.:..v^N™,,  i-,,, „,.,.,)  Su.-„..   v.  c.  m:.-. 

I     •    ■("'   .,,,    1  r.u-    1>^-"'S:,nd  1N4T:   .Imh-r  oV  Piol,ate  lS.iS-4-2. 

'"■^'   1       MaA-^^lizabetb,  b.  July  -1,    1^20:  n..  -lohn  J.  Mondell;  hnvy.r;    res.  ^ewourcr. 

11.      Caroline  Henediet,  d.  Oct.  :3o,  ls;;5.  a.  o  yrs._ 
III.      Nathaniel,  h.  l^Ml :  m.  Knnly  h-msa  (,o.,drn-h  (cons.) 

242127      Catharine  Chaunccy  Goodrich,  l..  ivc.  •'.  ITVo;  d   July  Ml    Ij^^h"} 
.    -0      \ViVh  /deposition  nnc.,mnu,nly  tender  and  atlectionate.   a  cultivated    mte  lee 
:'ud■^  hea  t  earlv  sanctitied  hy  divine  grace,  she  spent  a  long  lit-  n,  c.mtnmed  acts  of 
f^^lM.^s  ^   ^     *     *     ''     With  her  last  l.reath  she  wh,=],ered,  ••  in  nu"  L  atUer  s  houst^  are 
kindat.s.      _  l).,vid  Sndth,  b.  Dec.  lo.  niiT;   '!l"- ^'-  1''-'j:  "■"'l- -^^  l^'^i''^"!- 

,,,.ny  -';)}:;;}':%J\J^'-',';^^^;,^0  he  otliciated  as  Chaplain  to  the  Soc.  of  the 
(onn.,  \\''-';/l^'-J'-';V.,,V,,,,al  meetin-;  and  preached  iu  the  Hall  of  Cong,  in  \\  . 
;i"v  r  -'        :     -r^Jhis  dan  ,  Mrs.  Kils.vo,,h^  in  Fair  Haven    Conn.    March  r>.  1S,;0. 

,'-■      n    iA    H.,v-    Co'      Fellow  Y    C.      His  1st  ^vf.  ^vas  Betsey  Marsh  who  d.  soon. 
"  '%     'othJrinMiaunci    b.  Au.    '2: .  IdOO:  nu   lion.  Henry   L.,   s.    of   Chief  Justice 

''"'l,'"EHz;:r\.,udrich.    b.    May  :».    ls02:    V.  C    IS-     set.    ix.  Ogdensburg,    >.  Y 

i).      Lni/.ui  rhr:.i;„„    ^,,.rh/tor-"  after  in  Paient  Ofiice,  ^^  aslungion;  d,  l>-,3: 

T%.Tr^O    ^iehie    ';;;;.  •^fC;d:'Th,nna.,    ,h.nnv  of  Leicester  Mass.,  who  d.    at 

Nov   4   1S;31     (2^  Susan.dau.   .d'  Joh.i    \Vad<worth,  F.c,.,    cd  ^.  \.      ..  by  1  ni. :        . 
ciiu-'-KV  ^oooKKH.  d.  a.  ^  yr,.      i.  by  ^d  nn     2    (inu.>Krc).    \N  .^ns^vo,^i  =  .  d.  a.  al.t. 
V,-.        oVv.    MrKi:.vv.  d.  Julv,  IS.VI.  a.  14,  whde  prep,  lor  col. 
'   •  'lil      'Flizalvth  Marsh,  b.  May  20,  ISOG. 

IV;     Chauacey  Goodrich,  b.  Uct.  17.  ISO. :  d.  ^^^^-i;-,  ~ '  •  ;'^~''- 

\.     V    uiuu.i  i„i,.  oi    iviiiii    ,1    Vch    'i    is-^s  n\.  Jan.  2.,    Ib33,  Hettv  lies- 

v'",\-«sLvk:  i-bv  l»i„,.     1,  Ilinv  ll.,>,,iKD,     ,,  V-'u  ....     ->,.  lll.N..^    lA..t,  .M. 

24215     Charles  Chauneey    b.  >..,  ;;; -/ -l^li^i^Sl-.'^S  £'"^0^°^^^:!;^ 

Ja-.nes  A.  IhUbouse,  At.}-   to    Loin       u    J  f-  ,.,,  founder  of  the  iirst  A-ricnltural 

v.s._a  lecturer  on  /-'^P-^---  ^^c    1  TTt'i'd:  ^luldlebury  Cob  1811 ;  m.  Abigail. 
Socieiv  m  (  onn.;  l-on.  deg.  M-  A.     i  .  V  .  '  '  '  '  ■    '  -      ,     ,  ,,    ,^,^     ^ 

dau,    of   T 

iolmls  and  Aidturi-;;;;!!;;;  of  N.  H.;  b.   Nov.  9.  1740;  d.    Dec.  .4,  ISl.;  .r. 

dau.  <d'Bev.  James  I'ierpont  ,-1"-.,,      Ku.-     :sn     1S19;  Y.    C  17;)2,  at  ir.;  in 

I.  Charle.  C  hauncey,  b.  Aug.  1 .  1  ■ .  . ,  d-  -^•..'^i^/^^;,,,;,,,^,,,  r,hrrfalnW<i 
1-^ir  rlclU-.Tcd  an  oration  b'-tore  tlie  r.  11.  l^.  >oi.,  on  y /"-  ^'^i  ;  ^  ■'  ,  ,^ 
'!•''••,!,    bvreo     of  the  Soc. ;   prepared   for  col.  under  Col.    Jarcd  Man.sf.eld: 

I'a.,  1S3,;  lawyer;   LL.  I\-  ^  .  C.    ]:- \-  '''■  :^}    \     P^.,,     ,;    ^s-M        1.    CilAiM.Ks,  1..  An-. 

II        l.'Iil.n  (  Iniiiici-v    b    Jan.   lo.   1  i  . -J ,  <!■   .^I'ln   >- .   iot<,    >- ■    ... 

II.  1  Uluviann  i  .  .  ^  <<,^  (i.'- 'tU  Phihi. :  nianv  v.-ars  a  director  and 
time  one  of  the  editors  ot   the    ^ '''.''(,  ^'^V    /.j,/.,^,,,    .^,,^^1  StaU-'-ov.,    in   important 

;V-'stuu;''.n. :;;,.';,':, ^i,i;\r:ahu,, ;.;.,,,;,„ s„v„.,.,.rv„,: ,-,.,,. ,.,,i,=.  ,. //,■„,■,•<„,,. 

w„l",.h;:o:i\!',  'a:  Au,''";ii;»: »: ^' : i.i« '- «f.  «- '^''-'-"■- -- "' '■■■- 

'I'iill.    Dwi-in.        [!-;]  _     .        ,       I  1  1      1  v<   I 

IV.      Abigail,  b.  June  27,  l.S.j;  d.  June   11,  ISi  b 

no  15UAXCR    OF    HAXXAII. 

V.  Natliani.'l.  h.  Feb.  27,  178!),  Y.  ('.  1^0  J:  d.;  adiu.  to  Pliil.  15;ir:  ni.Juii.- 
^.  1S:]('),  Elizabeth  S.'rvall,  old.  dau.  of  Saiiuid  and  Xancv  Salisbury  of  13(l^t'(n.  Sli<-  d 
Z\I  ly  2'2,  isr)i).  Thf  J'n^foii  1)  n^ij  JrJ,-.  ,-(1^,  r  mn.  an  intcrpstiu';- olnt  iiury.  1,  Ciiaki.ks 
}!     I'liiv.      'J.    J/.iiir.      :'j,    Fi!A\(  [^;   (I  AUUXKi!,  d.  inf. 

2425.     IJolbanicl  Chaiiueey,  1>.  -bm.  -21.  17-?0;  ^^  c.  1740;  Ju>-t.  of  tin-  I',  and 
liig-hly  i-r>j):H-it.-d:  rc>.  Mid.,    rppi-r    Houm'^   (Cnnnw  .-11);  d.    Sfjit.    :^.    IIUS:  ni.  Jan    10 
17)1.  .Mary;lng  of  M..   b.    D.-c.  7,    1 7-Jl  :  d.    .Marrh  0,    1771;  (•2)1775.  .Mr...  Susanna 
(lilhi-rr   of  lli'limn.  Conn.,  xvlmd.   WJ'i. 

I.      J. dm  Stocking.  An-.  •,' 1 ,  17.')1:   b^liT  hoi-.~cnian  in    K.-v.  army;   killr.l   hv  Jbitish 
Cavalry  nr    iho  Stduiylirill  li /Iiav  I'liila..  afttT  he  liad  suntMidcrciI.   i»"('r.  lH,  1777, 

II.  Saraii,  Mai.di  V").  i7o:^:  d.  St'iu.  ;;.  1  7T."):  m.  Oiivt-r  Stanb-v  of  A\'airfl;  'i'.  (' 
17'iS;  d.  IS]:;,  l,  (iiM.  W.vsmxcno.v,  b.  .Jnnc  :.'"i.  177."i;  Y.  C.  1  7i):i:' lawvrr  of  V\'all'd 
tlion  (d'  Mid.  id  iroMd  ujuit.';   n-ni.   \\'(  st  and  d.,  IS'if. 

in.  Mary.  U.  1>,'.-.  '.».  1  7o  I ;  d.  S.^i.;.  :'.!»,  b^lC:  m.  i;7b  Tln.s.  Jcdnison  of  Mid.,  who 
<I.  17!););  {S)  Nov.  .-).  ]71r,'.  Pvcv.  I'dijuh  Paisons  of  K.  Iladdani,  1..  Northampton,  Ma->s.  ; 
Y.  C.  17()^:  I).nin  S-diolar:  ni.Mn.  Corji.  Y.  ('.;  on.'  of  tho  tir-t  condin-iors  a;ul  contribn-' 
tors  Atn.  h'oi,i.  ^^l:|:  d.  -Tan.  17.  lSv'7.  in  soih  yr.  His  b^t  \vf.  was  Eli/.abi  th  Jbjn-ors  of 
Ijoston:   t:i)  .Mrs.  .M.llicfnt  Sj^T.rrr  <d'  J'.   Ihiddaiii, 

lY.      Al)iu-ail.  S.-pt.  lo.   17oii:  d.  Srpt.  :;u,  V,W:  in.  Xornian  Morrison  fd'IIartf.,  wlio 
d.  17n;',;  (-3)  17SS,  Cah.d)    P,nll    id'   llartf.      1.    Nni;\i\N.  Marrli  ].■},  ITS-J;  d    JMdi     ]()  'l7')() 
Y,     Nathaniel,  b.  Mav  Vi.  l7.jS;  m.  Abiirab  oh-ott. 
\\.      ("atharinf.  1>    May  :b  d.  Nov.   bJ,  17(''.:!. 

.      24255.     Nathaniel  Ghaunccy.  b.  Mav  lO,  nOS;  d.  Nov.  20    1S2o-  m    \oril  -^0 
17S2,  .\lii,i:-ail  Ohcttof  Ibirtf..  wlio  (b  ',\   2',  1S;5^.   [s]  ' 

I.      Lncv.  April  b:,  17^;j. 
II.      Sarali.  A])!il.   17Sf;;   d.  :\iarrh.   ISbb 

lib  Siorlvin;;.  .Jan.  12.  d.  Frli.  17.  17.s|. 

W .  Mar\.  Mandi  10.  17^7;  .b.lnlyl'.  1^;;:!,  in  Dov^r,  Kv.;  m.  Feb.  22.  ]M)7,  Klijah 
Arklvy  (d'  E.  ilad.  1.  \<ii;ma\.  May  12.  IK)'.);  d.  lioriu-.-ter.  1S42;  ni.  bso!),  .lane  Eliza- 
beth \\;.i-(ui  id' (  at>kilb  N.  V.  2,  MAi!if;TTA,  F.-l,.  11,  1S14;  res.  Buffahi.  ;J,  .Iokn, 
Au-.  2S,  l^ilb  d.  I'l-ndli-ton.  S.  ('..  .\biv  n,  l^O;];  ni.  Nov.  ]i),  iSoS.  Marv  Jane  Moore' 
1,  FJhjih.l},,  S.'].-,  17.  l^:!!i;  d.  Fid,,  l:;.  1S44.  4,  Ei.iz aoktji.  Mandi  "s,  ,1.  J-i,,..  is 
bSb).  5.  Ei.i/.vin.Tii.  Ort.  :-;i.  l^oo.  ,,,_  ,,,,^  .^u^  -]s_|s_  jriij;.]^  ]>,,l„-rts:  res  Ibiffalo 
^^      ^^ildla.  !,  b.  April  ID,  17-:!),  ni.  0.  ,-.  22,  b:l;:,  Dorotliv  Cone;  r.-s.  Bnfbdo, 

A'l.  Cath.-a-inr.  b.  .Inly  2:!,  17!)1;  r,i.  April  2;b  ISIO.  Anson  Treat  of  Mid.  1,  Euwi.v 
I1km:v,  b.  March  oO,  isll :  d.  sanif  yr.  2.  Ili:.\i;v  ('iiatnckv.  ]).  Vive.  27.  isb2.  ;5, 
t^usAN  Amki.ia.  b.  Ori.  :;o.  LsKl.  4,  i^'i  I A  i;  I  .K>,  b.  April  s,  isli);  U.  ]),.(•.,  l,S42.  o,' 
NYiiJiAM.  b.  Seiu.  :!.  1S21:  d.  Si'i.t.  12.  1^22,  0.  Ehwin,  b.  .Jura-  21.  lS2o".  7.  Hak- 
KiK.'i'  Smkkim..  li.   Niand)  2^^.   IS-j."). 

Ylb  III  ni  V,  I,.  April  ;].  17!i."'):  has  Ik-i-h  a  niereh.  in  Mid..  Conn.,  Yal))araiso,  S.  A,, 
and  in  N.  Y.  b  :  io:dc  n  It  jidini:-  jiarl  in  Imildinu-  the  I'aiuuna  \\.\\.  Ahr.  lS(;:)-70  an 
eleoaiiT  and  r.wtiy  n:onnn.i-nt  was  ert-eted  at  .Xspinwall  in  hoimr  of  \\\\\.  lb  As])in\\all, 
J. dm  b.  Ste)ilii-n-;  and  Ib-nry  < 'lia  un-i-v.  wliosf  bu-ts  in /;./.n  nlUf  arc  earvcd  on  its  ba^e; 
in.  Srpt,  20,  1S2U.  bury  \\'otjnor.-.  dm.  ..f  Joseph  Al-.p  of  Mid.,  who  d.  {Ihx. 
from  lb,//;/",-.  (r.,,j  b  br(  V'.  h.  .hily  bl,  ls-.>l;  d.  Ort.  22.  lN2b  2,  brev 
Ai.-^or,  b.  Oct.  4.  ]>-22;  d  Jhim/  2'.i.  i-:;l.  :].  l'li:.\i;\,  b.  Feb.  '.I,  ls-.i.~):  Ibnv.  c'ol.:  ni. 
Nov.  r»,  IS.'):].  Jane,  dan.  of  Sand.  J.  !lowi:..nd.  4.  ('i..\i:a  Ai.soi',  b.  Jniv  ;).  1828;  d.  at 
sea  Feb.  14.  ls:lb  o.  b'l' JiAKi)  Ai.snf.  !,.  \'alpaiab-;o.  Chili,  All;;-.  8,  is;!:b  d.  Dee.  12, 
is:;;,  f;.  Fi;i;i)  .\i-(.i  sir^,  b.  \  alparai-^o.  Feb.  20,  18:js.  7,  IIklkn,  b  Mid  Conn.! 
l-'eb.  10.   ls4b 

\'1I1.  Abiuail.  b.  .bm.  2:b  17!)7;  m.  Isbb  An-.d  Chapman  of  E.  ll;id.  1.  TiMdTiiv. 
b.  Jan..  1811.  2.  .b.iiN.  b.  .M.-indi.  11.  l^^Hi.  :b  bi;AM  i-,  b.  .him-  4,  isfs.  4,  CA'i.iiA- 
JtiNi;  Jfl).  b.  April  4.  bs2tt.  -'i,  Eii.i.Mi.  -bilv  is,  ]s-J-,';  ,1,  An-',  bb  bs28.  G,  IJfssKi.i.. 
b.  .luly  12,  b-27;  d.  Ajni!  ;b  b-'.V2.  7,  .MakV,  h.  April  1:.',  1^27;  d.  April  ;-),  bs.V2,  N, 
S\i;.\ii.  b.  S.-].t.  o.  Is-ji.):  11.  Ji-a:s!  ill-.,  and  1(1.  Nb\M;iri.,  b.  Jan.  2.')  is;;-j  i  i'  IIi-mjv, 
b.   \'>vr.  2,  I>:;o;  d.  Nov.  !i.  ispy 

I\.  John,  b.  May  20.  17!>S:  ni.  Jan.  2,  |s2;'.,  Amelia  K.  (b.odrich  of  Wetherslield, 
Conn.;  re-,  bo^diester.  N'.  Y.  1,  A.Mi-.riA,  b.  ,inlv  2!).  1824:  nr  J.-ni.  1:!,  1S47.  (Jeirv 
Ibooks  of  PeidlCid,  N.  \.  2.  l-b;.\x<  I..--,  b.  1",  b.  !)'.  1s2ii.  ;),  botis.v  t^b,' b.  Nov.  •J(J, 
1«27.  4.  John,  b.  Amr.  15,  ls-,M).  ,->,  A-ma:  lb.  b.  .bin.'  bj,  18:12.  (i.  bt-(  v.  b.  .Jnlv 
22,  ls:jb      7,   ^\ M.  (i.,  b.  .bine27,  bs:iii.     s,    1Ii;ni;v  N.,  b.  A]irll  12,  1S4(). 


2426.  Elnathan  Chaiinccy,  !>.  StiU.  10,  lS-^4:  Y.  V.  1743;  d.  May  4,  ITOC: 
witli  liis  bro.,  .\:iT];;iii!t'l.  stud,  witli  his  f.  and  entcn-d  Y.  C,  1T8'J,  tlu-  youjigcst  of  liis 
<-lai-s.  On  account  of  ilic  raid^  of  lii.s  f.  liis  name  stands  •2d  on  the  class  list;  his  intimate 
friend,  Xatlian  ^Vllitin^■.  Ix'ing  1st.  Ho  was  an  accci)tal)lo]u-cachor  and  received  several 
v»]]<  to  settle,  bnt  declined,  in  order  to  take  care  of  liis  failing  f.,  who  made  liim  very 
liberal  ofl'ors.  At  ihis  time,  in  conse^juence  df  over  exertion  in  ])itcliiny  Iniy  in  the 
•'" — chall<n,^ad  by  \\or);meu,  ti>  '•  kmtw  w  liat  acnllegian  could  do,"" — had  a  long 
>i<kness.  fnnu  v.liich  he  never  fnllv"  re'-overed.  His  f.  liuih  liim  a  house  and  ga^-e  him 
a  large  fariii.  He  iilled  a  number  of  civil  olhri-.-;  C'a]it.  of  Mil.,  and  '•  ]  I'oiind  among 
]iisT''a])ers  an  animated,  ]iatriotic  and  ebKjuent  spi'ech  addressed  to  liis  Conqiany:"  fi/nj,. 
rev.';  o])]iosed  to  tiie  ado]>tion  of  the  ImJ.  Cons.,  and  on  the  questi.m  coming  before  the 
voters,  made  a  speech  against  it.  and  .■di  bur  four  voted  against  the  ado]ition.  In  his 
later  yrs.  resumed  preaching;  m.  Feli.  (>,  17b(l,  Klizabeth,  dan.  of  Kev.  \Vm.  ^\"ort]l- 
ini:loii  of  Savbroi-k.  Conn.,  'li.  Fr\).  2;,  ITC^:  il.  Feb,  10,  ITH:!,  a.  f.-").  (She  was  wid.  of 
1'.')!.  Sum']  (i"ale  of  Cdslien.  N.  )".;  m.  Ajuil  20.  ]'i:f2.  by  \v),,im  s],,.  had  Asa  ^\'.  and 
Henj.,  tlie  l;itter  1).  A])ril  -J.').  'l'J>>;.  A\  Hunkei  liiU  fought  bravely;  kilb-d  a  Hrilisli 
oHicer.  .--aid  io  be  I'iiiaiiii.  and  t<;ol-;  p<..ssi.ssion  of  hi^  })ur.Ne.  watch  and  other  aiticle.s; 
all  .\v\(  ri'-an  olHre;-  look-  tin-  things  and  never  letunied  them). 

I.      N.-itiianiil    Willi;. m,  b.    Sept.   I'J,    );i;;!;  d.  Jan.  ill.  1S40:  entered  Kev.  Army  at 
ix.  of  lo.  but  undiu- ])roii-cti;)n  of  Col.  -lohn,    wlio  had  m.    his  mo.'s  sis.;  pen.sio)ier; 
,st  veral  tinn-s  iJcp.  in  Conn.  and  held   v;irious  town   otlice.-.      .\    large  man,  of   fine 
]'ro]>ortion>,  great  ])oY,(,'r  of  end'.irani;e,  line  llowing  >]nrits.  intelligent  and  Avell  read. 
11       Catharine,  b.  Ani;.  <).  1705;  m.  KeuifU  liose  Fowler. 
111.      Ehiathan  Flihu. 'b.  March  b"),  17(i7;  d.  Ap.vil  ,■::.  V.r.]. 

1\".  Woiiliington  Callii]!.  o.  M:;r' b  -i'?.  ITT'J;  cai.-d  for  by  his  .sis. ,  Caliiarine.  At 
IS  \v(.-i;t  to  White.sTov.  )i.  N.  V..  bought  l:ui-1  and  soid  it  in  a  yr.  fm-  doubli-:  ret.  to 
l.Uirham;  t.ii!ght  sthool;  went  to  Cla\  ouir!;  and  tatiuht  in  the  family  ol'  Major  Van  Po-ns- 
sellaer  2^  yrs. .  \vho?i- si-,  m.  (ien.  Pliilip  S'Oiuylei  and  \^a.->  mo.  of  wf.  of  AleXiinder 
lianiiltoii:"  stud,  law  witlv  Flihii  (lo.Hli-icIi,  h'sij. ;  Town  CbTl;  of  Durln'.m  20  yrs.  to  1^11; 
7n"in.  of  I.CL'.  7  or  8  s.ess. :  Constable:  S(dion! 'i  reasnrer  and  ^'isitot :  .lesticeoi  tie.' Pea'-e 
ti'f  vrs.:  much  em]doyed  in  settling  estates,  which  he  did  w.-jl  and  '-harged  moderately. 
'J1ie  two  baci;eic;r  brothers.  X.  W.  and  \\".  <";..    became  rii.-l:. 

24262.  Catharine  Chauneej",  b.  Aug.  c.  ]:r,r,.  d.  April  ]2,  1&41.  A  bram-tte, 
tal!  and  wol)  bu-med.  manners  un.iiri-cied  and  attractive,  and  sN^cet  Toned  voire,  and  an 
object  of  ^troioj' a-tTec-tion.  "A  beautiful  i.nrl!  .\  boanrifiil  c!;irl!"  said  Klihu  Clianncev 
-f'i'hiia.;  m.  >b!rch  LI,  ITil'i,  K-'uben  Pose  F-^wler  of  PurLam,  b.  .Tan.  17.  170:];  taught 
<iist.  school  in  (iiiilford.  Conn.,  when  lo;  lem.  to  ><'e\v  lla.ven  and  became  a  ])romiuent 
Tuerch.  of  the  standing  of  Titus  Stre<  t  [  1 J  and  .Xbiali.nti  Pradiey  [7];  Sjicculated  in  land  at 
\'\  liitestown,  .X.  v.,  rpper  Camidii ,  \'ermont  and.  the  \\'yoming  ^'alley,  Pa.;  rem.  to 
■'..'linion.  Conn.,  and  witli  Pr.  .\aron  I'dlioit  enuaged  in  making  steel;  at  last.  1S09.  rem. 
to  Madis.ui.  I'onn..  a.n'l  d.  ibr..  Am:.  Pi.   Is-iP  -...M. 

1.  AVm.  Cluiuncey.  b.  \\'hiTe.~to^^■n,  .\.  Y.,  Pec,  17'.'0;  d.  June  50,  17',iJ. 
II.  \Nni.  Cliauncev.  b.  (Jlinton.  Conn.,  Seiit.  1,  17ii;j:  Y.  C.  IsiG:  tmor.  ISP.)- 
28;  Piof-  Chemistry.  Mid.  Cob.  ^'t.,  li  yrs.:  Prof.  l;hetoric  and  Or.itory.  Amher.-t  Col. 
o  vi-s.;  i)asTor  at  ( i  iv.'ulield.  Ma.s--.,  l,^'-'V-7:  Mem.  M.ass.  Peg.,  IS51;  Conn.  Senate.  lf:04; 
o."  Durhaui.  Coim.,  -Ian  ]■').,  in  s.sth  yr.  .\iiihor  <d'  T//c  Sci'ilu,i,/l  (''>rcrs!j, 
lS(i'-P.  ('h:i::nr.  i;  M<  if.'-riiil.  Is.j^;  Ili-'loiji  <'/  J ) 'I  rh-i  in .  ('"uii..  ISOO,  and  a  series  of  gram- 
mars; contributor  to  neriodicals;  ediror,  in  P^4o.  of  Pne  I  /iii-(  r&ift/  Jidifio/i  of  M'(ii.-<tir.i 
JHrti'u, <'/■!/.  and  as  n.liil  vol.  of  Jf,  „ru,','^.s  of  M  ,:•<.  lUirrii  IP, /«,'':/■  i'bW, /•,•"' LP.  D.  Pa 
Favetie  c'ok.  isilp  VA.  July  25.  ls2.').  Harri.'-,  dau.  of  Noah  A\ebs:er,  PP.  P..  Pexicoy;- 
rai'iher.  and  \\id.  o!'  Fdwa'rd  Cobb  ...f  Portland.  .Me.  SIi..>  d.  March  :]0,  ],spp  obit,  in 
i',._,^>.<',i  /,'.<:••/■' o  ;•  and  A'.    Y .  dh.-.,  .-.u  r .     1,   IPniii.v  Ei.i.sw  ()i:Tii.     2.   Cn  Aiii.t.s  Ch.m  N(  ];v, 

<Tad.  Amher>T  Col.;  lau-yer.  X.  V.  C.  o,  ^^"II.!1.\M  \\"0!(  I  HIXOTOX,  grad.  .\m.heist 
<'oi.  For  25  yrs.  a  Wall  st.  lawyer,  speculator  and  jourualist.  Has  been  a  nieiiroer  of 
both  branches  of  tlie  Conn  Peg.;  Chairman  of  the  Conn.  <Jrthographical  Commission; 
wididv  known,  as  a  iinancial  writer;  contributor  to  Magazines  and  n<'V,spa])ers.  Author 
of  ','■,.  niii  }'."-■•-•  /."  W'liil  S rui .  largtdy  an  autobiograidiy  or  relation  of  ]>ersona!  ex])eri- 
enci-.  and  of  \\'all  st.  speculatiems  and  speculators.  570  l>.p. ;  Oranire,  .ludd 
».VCi,>.,  ])ub.;  /'/"'//'•.?•  IP"///'//  /;/"  .1//// /  e'(/  a:ni  some  other  iiuok>.  I  ](•  ri-y.  in  J  hirliam. 
Conn. .  tiie  la.->t  tell  yrs.  of  his  life  and  was  'J'own  ( 'b-rk  from  1S72  to  .laii.  1,  1  '^si ;  d.  ihr. 
S' pt,  \>,  \^-\.:^^  4"'i.  ii-aving  wf.  :'  clii!.  4,  ^^'i.l.- ri:i;  W  ixi  ii  i;i.i',  Ij  March:;. 
P^:f5:  d,  'Sri.t.  1.  b^42. 

111.      i;ii/.a  Ann,  Pec.  11,  K'.io;   d.  M.rch  24,   1S4'». 


nUAXOH    OF    nAN'NAlI. 

IV.  Cliiis.  Augustus,  April  l:],  17'.)^:  d.  S'j.t.  i:'.,  IS-^f);  (l.-rk  witli  Win.  McCiackcu 
of  New  ll:iv.,  ISl"^";  taiiglit  school  in  MadistiU  and  (Iniilortl;  jiriii'-ipal  clvvk  \\itli  Heniy 
Lviuiui  in  Mid.,    scv.    vrs.,    and    Ikt.    ]iartnci-  ^vith   Aaron    INa-c      He  ua.s    "  :,n    liont-st 


V  Ciiibnrinc  ^^'(lrIhin2:ton,  ni.  .losfj)li  Winbnrn  Hand,  wlio  d.  .May  '^'i.  ]S-|l,:i, 
o'J:  Y.'C.  t^'i;J:  Solicitor,  I'ost  (Mfic,  .'CO  yr^. ;  Clii.'l'  Clerk,  Patent  Ollirc,  S  yi>.  nil  d. , 
I'dder  in  Presli.  ehli.  (His  nio.  was  dan.  (d  Col.  Mejos  of  the  liev.  and  si.-^.  cd'  'iov, 
Ecturii  J.  Miii^s  of  uliio,  P.  M.  Con.  of  T.  S.)  1,  C  vi  ii.\!:ink  Cii.m  .\(i;v.  0.  M.uiv 
ISIkuis.  3,  r^Lviiv  doANXA.  d.  CiiAi  .\ci:y  Mk1(;s:  Y.  C.  IS'50;  lawyer;  d.  Isc..").  n. 
CATiiAi'.rM';  CuAfNtiA'.  li,  Ki,rzAi'.i;iH  \\'<)ii'niiM;T(i.N'.  7,  Chaki.ks  Fowi.kk;  W  nis. 
Col.     8,  Emily  .loANXA. 

245.  Joseph  JlldsOH.,  1'.  .Jiiii"  U),  KInT;  m.  in  Stamford.  Conn..  Alaridi  14.  17n!i. 
liannuh  Ilawlos  ;  per.  rem.  to  Stand'ord,  a.nd  f.  of  tlie  Joseph  and  faTii.  rrcordrd  tJier.'. 
1.  Joseiiii,  nu  Oct.  5.  17-i'),  Sarah  DiiniiinLT  id'  Xorwalk.  Conn.,  \\liod.  Sej)!.  !t, 
IS."):;-  {2)  in  Kociie-.ter  in  ve  Hnv  GoviM-nmenT,  by  Ivory  llovey.  .March  'J7.  l7o").  Pidifcca 
Kide'r.  ^1,  SAHAti.  h.  Hec.  P^,  1711:  ni.  Kpenotus  \\'<'\)b.  2,' .U»,  \).  Oct.  Oij.  I7d4. 
;i  .loiiN.  ii.  .\]iril  l"-,  174(i:  ni.  Charity  Smith.  -1.  Amos,  b.  .1  une  i7,  1  74!t.  o,  l;i-.);i;icA. 
b'.  Sept.  '.?.  17-V!;  m.  .lau.  Pt,  r.7o,  Selleck  Jones.  1.  Jl.nJ.n/un.  d.  Se|il.  'Jo.  177.").  'J, 
jkiz<ibt'ih,h.  S,-pt.  14,  1777.  o,  I'l-'nUw,,  1>.  May  P2,  177'.».  fi,  IIa.w.ui.  b.  June  -^'O. 

24511.  SaraL-  Judson,  1>.  l)c<-.  \x,  1741;  d.  April  'JO.  17n7;  m.  May  ;10.  1702, 
Epenetus  \Vei)b,  h.  Aul;-.  fi,  17(U);  s.  ed  Ejien-'tus  and  I'dizabeth  (Pockwood  (jf  (iri-en- 
wich)  Webb. 

I  Seth  li.  March  lo,  17i;8;  m.  Jan.  10.  17;)0.  Ann  .\i(diols.  1,  Andhkw,  !>.  .lau. 
H  17'.tl;  in.  March  14,  1^14.  Sallv.  daa.  of  .Io;op]i  Weod,  b.  An--.  P»,  I7!IS.  1,  1P,7- 
liain  (irlllin\  b.  Julvl,  Isp":.,  -J,  Saicmi,  b.  Mar<h  1(1,  17il'l.  ■\.  Wai.thk,  b.  Ang.  PJ, 
]7!).^)      41   Ma];v  Axx,  b.  Dec.  22,  17iis.     5,   At.hkkt,  h.  Mandi  11,  ISill. 

IP  '  J-:i)e!ie/.er,  Ma\  27.  17(.'>1:  m.  Au--.  ?,0.  17.^d,  Pheh-  'I'odil.  1,  Pt  |-(s,  h.  April 
G  17S7'-  ni.  .\pril  PI,  ISOd,  Thaidvful  Pock\cuod.  1.  St/!cis',  r  L'JJ<>„i,i/;  di,  ir.  \,.  .Jan.  28, 
1S07  2,  .P/'/'/.viV/.  b.  June  21.  PSL'S.  i'.,  Charhs  Lnr/,-/ruod.  h.  Dec.  24,  ISOIl.  4.  ('or- 
7/^/«"a,  b. 'u<-t.'l7,  1^11.  .J,  IJuroi/  I'. ,,'(,, :•<"„.  b.  in  N.  Yi)rk.  Nov.  Pi,  iSKi.  {\.  -Phftir 
KUzdlnth,  b.  Dec.  11.  1SP,>.  2.  .lA.\fi;s,  b.  Nov.  2."),  17SS:  m.  in  P.edford  Doe.  2;i,  isp!, 
Rhoda  Hail,  wlio  d.  Juned,  PSiS.  1,  .\hif/<ny.  JiiUii,h.  Ani;;:  11,  lM(i.  2.  /'/iilu-.\).  \]m\ 
14,  1S18.  -P  Ei',KXE7.i;il,  1>.  Marcli  27,  1791.  4,  Dai;ii:s.  b.  .\pril  11.  17!io.  5. 
E.i"\  \Tii  \x  Tooii,  b.  Sept.  P"),  Uiio.  I),  Haxxa!!  Toon,  f\  March  2,  17UN.  7.  (;kok<;k, 
h.  Oct  17.  1SO0.  ".s,  KKi!KC(A,b.  F(b.  11,  1^0:5.  !»,  IIaukikt,  b.  Dec.  28,  P8O0. 
IIP  .Jarod,  b.  Aug.  2P  ]7dt). 
IW      KiHMK'tus,  h.'.March  28,  17d8. 

V.      Sarah,   b.   June    !!>,    17(i9:    ni.    Aug.    :]],    178((.    Xiiduds.      1,     Ei-HNKTi 

Aug.  12,  1814.     2,  Chnrhs  li'ifiis,  b.  Jul\  ','(),  ISin. 
'''Vl       Elizabeth,  h.  3Iarch  Id.  1771. 
\11.      Fr.deri-.;k,  b.  Marcli  2:!,  177:1 
Vlll.     Judson,  .Ai)ril  1 1,   i77o. 
IX.      Puah,  h.  Julv  IN.  1777. 
X.      Kobecra,  h.  Marrh  P"..  1782. 
24513.     John  Judson,  b.  ^n-W    18,    174(1;  m.    March  17,    17(;8.  Charity  Snnth.  h. 
Julv  4.   1747,  dau.  of  (iahrl.d  and  Mary  (  IPdl)  S. 

"     1       Jaun^,  b.  Die.  2o,  17(;8;   m.  Nov.  20,  1790.  .Vnne  Moieliouse. 
U       Marv,'  I).    Julv    '.M,    1770;    m.    Jan.    20.    1791,    Solomon    Smith,    jr.      1.    Mosks 
Will!  am''    "-'an.    7,    !'7'.'2      2.    11  ai;i;ii:t,    .Mareli  d,    I7'.l4.     :;,   Makia,  .March  20.  179(i. 
4    Ermr,"  •lune  10,  179S.     r>,   M  ATiroA,  Aug.   (i,   18(i0.     li,  John  J  m.-ON.  Nov.  p  18i)2. 
7'  ,l\Mfs' Jan.  0,  IN!)."),      s,   .lii.iA  17i,r/.  m;i;i  i(,  Ajunl  20.  1^08. 

'   'ill       J.diii,  li.  Juno  ;;0.  1772:   m.    D.  e.   2;;,    179S,    P.JIy    Wardwidl  (dan.  of  .(acolO,  1> 
Fel»    19    177").      P   SAMri'.i,,  h.  April  4.  1M)P     2,  .b)>i;!'ii.  duly  Ph  IS'Jd.     W.   Cii  \Kri>. 
Oct.'?.'  l^tto.     -1.   ^Mai^v  Catiiakink,    Sojit.    11,    18itp     5,  Joii.n   \Vu,i.iam,   b.    June  2. 
PSIO.  "  (■),   livNXAii  NPmha,  h.  .lulyMl,  181:!. 
'  IV     '  Sarah,  o.  Nov.  d.  17  To. 

V  Ch;oiiv  June  1  !.  1777;  m.  Dec  24,  17'.t7,  .Abol  Pna;'p,  b.  June  p),  \i,b.  s.  ol 
Kathan  and  Mary  (Puckuuod)  K.  1,  Aj.fkkL),  b.  J, in.  1,  180(».  2,  NoAii,  Juue  dO. 

V.  Sarah,  b.  June  19,  1709:  ni.  Aug.  d],  nN().  .Moses  Au-luus.  1,  r,i-K.NKiis 
\\v,\\.  b.  Feb.  II,  1787;  ni.  .Marcli  2.">,  IblU.  IPudicl  McCormidv.  1,  lPi//<V//„.  b.  Nov. 
0  1810.  2,  (!:'iri/r,  b.  Sc])?.  22,  I8pi.  2,  AuiOAll,,  b.  Cct.  2,  1789;  m.  Nov.  0.  ISP!, 
aiues,  s.  of' Janu's  and  Sarah    Knapp   Ibjyt,  b.    Aug.   25,    1792.      1,    Janus   /-yiictrd,   b. 


VI.  Lewis.  March  22,  1779. 

VII.  KfI.ecca,  Miiirh  2::?,  1781. 
VIH.     Joseph,  Feb.  21.  17S:^. 

IX.  Amos,  Oct.  14,  17.S7. 
24 G.  James  Judson,  I-.  April  3,  KISO;  m.  Der.  18,  1727,  Mnrtha  Lewis  of  Ptnit- 
foni  Conn.  In  17r)4  Maitha  .Inchon,  wid.  ol'  Capl.  .Ianlf■^,  hito  of  S.  dec,  rcdeascd  to 
Sam',  and  Hannah  'Whitm  y  rii^ht  in  dower,  bouuded  in  ]>ari  by  lands  of  David.  Jose])h 
and  James  Jmlson.  Had  '■[intiy  snrely"  a  dau.  ilannali,  wliom.  Mareli  2(i,  17'"il,  Samuel 
Whitnev. —  ]\'nii/i<;/  FaH'. 

I."    Abi-rail,  b.  Sc[it.  la,  171r}. 
II..      Sarali.  b.  July  8,  HIT).  - 

III.  Euniee,  1).  Oct.  24,  1717. 

IV.  Martha,  b.  May  18,  1719. 

V.  James,  b.  Nov.  27,  1721. 

VI.  Lewis,  b.  Aug.  2o,  l';^;!. 

VII.  Bettee.  b.  Sept.  2.^,  1725. 

VIII.  Hannah,  d.  of  small-pox  Dec.   2:'>.  1760;  m.  March  20,  1751,  Samuel  AVhitney, 

b.  Stratford,  Dee.  LI,   1727.     He  m.   (,2j  Martha  .      1,  Jamks,   b.  Aug.  10,  17:)o.     2, 

Sami-kt-,  b.  Oct.  S).  1757. 

24G81.  James  Whitney,  b.  Aug.  10,  1758;  farmer;  weaver;  Rev.  suklier;  d. 
Mav  21,  INll,  a.  88;  (for  auiugraph  St;>'  Wliitnni  F'lm.,  vol.  1,  p.  93);  m.  in  Newtown, 
Coiin.,  Aug.  LS,  1777,  Eunice  Johnson,  b.  Dec,  17.5(3;  d.  Kov.  17,  1822,  a.  (iG;  (2)  Mrs. 
lUioda  Peel. 

I.  Abraham  Johnson,  b.  Marcli  28,  1778;  m.  Pliileua  Adams. 

If.     Hannah  Judson,  b.  A])ril  oO,  l':82;    ra.  Samuel  Charel,  a  Jfajor  in  the  war  of 
1812;  res.  llaver.-^traw,  X.  Y.      1,  Ei:tskv,  m.  (Ico.  W.  Snedicor;  res.  H. 
I'll.     /erah.  1).  June  10,  17S4;  m.  Jane  Demond. 
IV.      Luth  Ann,  b.  Nov.  7,  1785. 

V.  Jerusha,  b.  April   14.  17S7. 

VI.  James  Lewis,  b.   May  2o,  I'SU;  blacksmith;  rn.  Maria  Cass;  res.  ^\  atkms,  X. 
Y.;  had  ]\Iai{Y  Ann,  m.  Starkev. 

VII.  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  23,  nuO;  m.  1810,  Aniason  AVashlnirn;  blacksmith  and  farmer; 
b.  May  29,  1789;  rem.''l819'to  Vermillion,  O.,  whr.  she  d.  April  13,  1859.  He  m.  (2)  July 
22,  bSliO,  Mary  Ann  Rose,  wid.  of  John  Rose,  sr.  He  served  in  the  war  1812  at  X.  Hav. 
and  New  L<indon.  Conn. 

VIII      Philo    b    April  27,   1792;  blacksmith  and  farmer;  m.   Oct.   1,   ISlo,  Jerusiia 
Wlieeler,  b.  Oct.  10,  1796;  .1.  Sept.  21,   1829;  (2)  Dec.  14,  1829,  .\urelia  Wheeler,  sis.  to 
1st  v.f.,  b.  July  23,  1792.     He  was  accidentally  killed  April  6,  1830. 
IX.'     E/ra"  b.  Sept.  18,  1793;  m.  and  had  chil. 

X.     J'^.li,  b.  Feb.  25,  17il5;  shoemaker,  butcher,  painter;  m.  Dorcas  Austin. 
XL     Ethicd,  b.  .May  C,  1790;  blacksmith  and  farmer;  m.  in  Hector.  X.  Y.,  March  20, 
1823,  Eli/.abelh  Leonard,  b.  Dec.  23,  1803.     He  became  nearly  blind  and  quite  deaf  and 
lived'  with  his  s.  Zerah  in  1873.     He  was  a  soldier  in  the  war  of  1812. 

XII.     Abel,  b.  Sept.  23,  1797;  blacksmith;  m.  Oct.  1,  1821,  Elvira  Trij.hosa  Reecher, 
b.  Rridgewater,  Conn.,  ;March  28,  1N02;  he  was  an  assessor  at  Newtown;  rem.  to  O.  whr. 
both  were  living  in  1875. 
246S11.    Abraham  Johnson  Whitney,  0.  March  2s,  l";  7y;  s.-t.  in  Siamford,  X. 

Y  •  m  Xov.  22,  1799.  Pliiiee.a  Adflms,  b.  ti(i-;hcn.  Conn.,  Sei)t.  G,  1/83;  rem.  to  Caton, 
N.'V.,  wh.  re  he  d.  Jan.  30,  18G2,  a.  81.  She  d.  Xov.  2J,  18j3.  He  served  at  Sacketi's 
Harbor  in  1812.  ^,  ^ 

1.     Alonz..  Adams,  b.  May  0,  1801:  m.  >ray  0.  l^-Jl,  Fanny  Pitts,  b.    Dec.  29,  1801; 
rem.  to  E.  Charleston,  Pa.:   iio^tmastcr  and  has  lilUui  scv.  town  ollicc^s. 

II.  Chine  Hutch,  h.  Feb.  27,  1803;  m.  Jan.  1,  IS^O,  Chri>topher.Deyo  of  Coxsackie, 
N.  v.;  b.  Jun.-  21.  1801. 

HI.      Elozia  (Jray,  b.  Oct.  28,    1805;  m.  Xov.    18,  1827,  Oliver  \\  ilkmsfin,  farmer, 
Xov    IS    1795.     Shc;"d.  in  Townshend.  Vt,  Sipt.  23.  ls.-,7. 

iv.  '  JanifS  Lewis,  b.  March  12,  ISI)^:  ni  Oct.  7,  1n27,  Lucy  Maria  Hall  <u  Danby, 
N.  Y.  Shed.  July  7,  1S4I:  (2)  Oct.  2S.  ISll,  Alaria  I'Jdred,  b.  Otseg,),  N.  'i,,Oct.  21, 
1820.      He  is  Just. "of  the  Pe:w-,.  and  Supcrvis(»r  of  Caton. 

V.      Eunice- .lohnson,  b.  Julv  L'2,  I8Pi;  m.  Isaac    (.•r<-aiucr   ami   d.  at   ^  arna,  X.  \., 
Dec' 21,  1S39. 

VI.  Emeline  Amanda,  b.  Xov.  4,  1818;  m.  July  17,  183S,  Xelsou  Cowan,  b. 
Cayuga,  July  2,  1810;  Pres.  of  the  Butler  Collier  Co.,  operating  at  Pittston,  Pa. 

'    "    8 

ll-i  V  liliANCIJ    01'    HAXNAIl. 

24C813.  Zei'ah  Wllitney,  b.  Junt- H;,  17^4;  tuun.Tund  cunit-r;  rem.  to  Slate  of 
N.  v.:  111.  Fi'l..  1!),  ]SOS.  Jaiic  Dcinoii.l,  1..  Dei-.  22.  ]7S:S:  ivs.  in  X.  Y.  and  ^Jicli.  ]!,■ 
was  a  soliliei-  1812,  and  iH-nsionui',  and  d.  in  Mich.  Jan.  lo,  1N7;!,  a.  S!'.  Slie  d.  Juno  2'\ 
1843.  He  and  Ins  son.s  gave  the  luiiiie  of  Wliitncyville  to  tlie  little  villaoe  in  the  town 
of  Cascade,  of  whiclt  town  he  was  the  JuNtii  e  of  ;he  Peace  elected:  of  .soils  and  grand- 
sons, 17  seived  in  war  of  ISGI,  and  all  e.scaped  without  a  wound. 

1.      Uuth  Ann,  b.  Oct.   2.->.    IsiJS;  teacher;  ni.    Ai)ril  5,    ]8;?S,   .h-nathan   Mi/.ner,  b. 
<jos]iin,  .\.  Y.,  April  7,  b'^Oo.      Slie  d.  of  cancer  at  1-Javenna,  Mich.,  Sej)t.  [],  b'^'Ci'.l. 

II.  Peter  Isaac,  1).  Oct.  5,  ISIO;  ai;-t.  for  ])alent  medicines;  ni.  Oct.  .t20,  l6o5,  Bel.sey 

III.  O.-^car  F.,  b.  Aul,^  C,  isb.';  ni.   Xov.  2y,  ls:!7,    Electa  A.  Ervant. 

IV.  Iv/.ra,  b.  July  iU,  ISIO:  in.  .March  12,  1N42,  liannuh  Hodges  Dupuy,  b.  April 
21,  1S21.      Soldier  in  war  of  isc,i;  ix.jstniaster. 

\'.  .■Miraliain  Johnson,  b.  Jan.  lo,  1^20;  carpenter,  niillwi-ioht;  enlist,  foi- o  vis.  or 
the  war  in  2d  l".  S.  infantry;  at  battle  of  Monteivy,  Vera  Oruy.r<-'herabHsco,  ChapuUe- 
pec  and  Molino  d(d  1^'y  and  capture  of  >b-:5;ico;  mined  for  jrold  in  t'al.  is'nios. ;  m.  at 
Whitiieyville.  Mich.,  April  26,  1S52.  Julia  Ann  Morse.  In  is(n  Ik.  was  2d  I>ieut.  of  ?,d 
KciT.  Mich.  Vols.  At  1, St  bat.  of  Bull  Hun.  Yorktown,  ^^  illiainsbnri;-,  Fair  Oaks,  pro- 
motiMl  to  rani-;  of  Capt.  7  days  bef.  Kiidimoud.  retreat  to  llaiiison's  Landinir;  in  all  the 
battles  ol  <b.-i'..  Pojie's  campaiLriK  eiidinir  at  2d  l>at.  of  Bull  Hun.  Becoinini;- rheumatic, 
he  resi>;ned  Sept.  iU,  1>H'ri.  His  wf.  d.  at  (irand  Itapids,  Mich.,  July  12,  l^lio;  lie  m.  (2) 
Nov.  17,  IStl'i,  \"iri:-!nia  Amanda  Chatterd-in,  who  d.  March  20,  \><i.>><:  (8)  May  18,  1870, 
Fnuict  s  Bennett,  l<.  London.  Eng.,  Dec.  15,  1^40.  He  has  lived  in  Mexico,  So.  America, 
Australi;'.,  Canada,  and  in  every  state  of  V.  S.  A. 

VI.  ("lu-.ler  O.Jjorn,  b.  Sept.  S,  1822;  m.  Sej.t.  20,  184.-,.  Anuuula  Malvina  Duj-uy, 
b.  July  2,  l^lo.  ile  lias  always  lived  a  fmntier  life.  Jn  ls")ij  crossed  the  ])laiiis  lo  (/ah; 
returned  same  way  -Aug..  b8i)l  :  si-i-vid  4  yrs.  2  nins.  in  Fnion  Army;  wounded  at  Pitts. 
bur),''  Landing. 

VU.  Martin  Van  Buren,  b.  Xov.  21,  l'-:i2;  m.  Feb.  2U,  180;j,  Harriet  White,  b.  March 
Ij,  1n:;o.      He  is  Sui)ervisor  <>f  .Alaska,  Mi'h. 

24C82.      Snmiiel   Whitney,  b.  (At.  U,  17.",7;  s.-rv.  KVv.  sol.  7  yrs.;  d.  Jan.  a,  1808; 
111.  abt.   1783,  lluldah  Stlllr-ou,  li.  Xewtou,  ('oiin. 
i.     John,  b.  July  2i),  1784. 
11.      Annie.  Xov.":3,  Ks."). 
ill.      'rhomas  Judson,  b.  Oct.  4,  1787. 
]\'.      Oliver,  April  22.  17Mt;  d.  Dec.  (i,  1n2s,  uiiiii. 

V.      Ib-nvv,  Feb.   14.  171K!;   m.  al.t.  ls!14,  Betsev   Hard;  he  d.  abt.  ISlO. 
VI.      Sally",  Dec.  2!).  ITOs;    ,n.  in    Westerh,,  X.'V.,  Ajiril  20.    1820,  Andrew   Snyder, 
faiiii'  i,  b.  Jiin  ■  ]■>,  IsQi):   ri-s.  on  a  beautiful  farm  near  Clarksoii  C'onicrs,  X.  Y".,  in  1.^74. 
V!l.      Susanna,  b.  De,-.  .-),  1800;  d.  in  Westerlo,  1821. 

X'lll.  Is.uic  J, dm,  Dec.  20.  1^05;  m.  Mav.  ]s4o.  Martha  Ann,  dan.  of  Dr.  Elijah 
How.d!.  1..  .May  ly,  ]N]y.   ,.,.,i,_  x,,  Brockport,'X.  Y. 

247.  PliObG  Judson,  b.  Oct.  2.  ir.lH;  m.  June  2'J,  17I4.  Josepli  Lewis  of  S 

1.  Ib'bccca  Lewis,  1>.  A]-ril  14.  ]7i:);  d.  Jrdv  10.  171:,. 

11.  i;.-b,cca  Lexsis,  b.  July  22,   1710. 

III.  44ioni:is  L..-wis,  b.  Aug.  17,  171^;  Y.  0.   1741,  and  X.  J.  1750;  d.  1777. 

1\'.  Jo.-,  ph,  sup.  the  Dea  Joseph  whf>  r.'iii.  to  \\'aterburv.  Conn.  Hud 
b.Tiit'apI.  in  Ib'V.  army;  father  of  1.  Cil.VL'NCKV,  who  d.  in  Soutlqiort,  Onin.,  Ajtril 
2^',  b'-'5.-|,  a.  '.'-5.  A  Hev.  sol.,  anl  mem.  of  \\'ashiiigion'.-,  Lite  Guard.  2.  A  son,  a 
m.-rcli.  in  f.  of  AV/.v/,,/ ,/.,  y[.  ]). .  and  of  /,',,-.  H'///.  //,///•//,  D.  D,,  rector  of  the 
elih  (.fih'-  Holv  4'rinity  ill  l>ro.,]<.lyn.  X.  V.:  b.  L'l'difiold,  Coiu'i.,  isfi;-!,  f\^  Hki'.f.cca. 
111.  .Ian..  1>M,  .lab,-/.  Huntingion  'romlinson.  ].  diil.on,  b.  Stratlord,  Dec.  jl,  17S0;  Y. 
C.  1^02.  prac.  l.iw  in  Fairfield,  Conn,;  Ib'p.  in  t'ong.  ISIS  to  1S27;  Oov.  of  Conn.  1S27- 
;J1,  4  V  !s. ;  r.v-itMicd  bs;;i  to  l^emme  F.  S.  Sr!i;iir)r.  .and  at'ler  serving  his  teiin  of  six  yrs.. 
retir.-d:  d.  l-i  Stratford  0<-t.  S,  is.-rf,  a.  7ii,  Li,.  1>.  2.  J/,i/) wi/t.],.  Jan.  lO  17o4"  :;. 
y,'„.!;,\K  .\nu  2:;,  17^-7.  4,  S,,n>/i  7.7  ,r/.v,  I,,  l-",-!,.  27.  17-8!!.  ti.  JI.:„finnt'a,'  (i  Hi".. 
bap.  •In!.'.,   17'.';. 

2-lS=     David  Judson,  I,.  Aug.  :,  Hi!);;:  d.  .\la_\  .■>,  ircd;  m.  .March  2'.),  li  l-'!,  Pie4>i  , 
dau.  of  i-:phraiMi  Srili--;,  1,.   .\|:i,-.l.  2-'),  ]i;M'i;  d.  >l;-.\   2''i.   170."),  a.    CH 
!.      Divid,  I.,  S.-pi.  •.'.;,  ixp-,:   ,,,.  .M,-,,-v 

H.  i'h.'h.-  K  F.-b  I'.),  17IS:  „,.  17:;:,  M-'HIm-w  Curti^,  !>.  Dec.,  1712.  s.  of  C.-iot. 
Ji,.-ial.    Curtis  <d  S;ra!l'.i!il,  Coud;   i,.,,,    t,,  X.'wiown,  Conn.,  where  slie  d.  Sept.  ]s,  ]  7.",8. 


III.  Ahoi,  1..  Jan.  yi,  i:ei. 

IV.  Ahrl,   1).    Fcl..    rJ,    ]-;Q-i:  d.    July  17,    ITT.^;  ni.    1744,  Sarah,    dan.   of   Jul.son 
IJnrtun  of  Sti-at.      ("2)  Mt-hitiililc  'I'oiibi-y  of  Newtown,  dan.  of  'I'Jiouia.s. 

V.  Aynr,  1>.  v;;>.   17-2.1;   m."  1  740,  Il;uuiali  Curtis. 

VI.  \Uah.  \k  X\>n\  Oi;.  17:?(i:  m.  1747,  r..'ninmin  Stiles. 

VJl.  baniel,    1..    April    -Jd,    17-2N';in.    .laii.:il,    175-2,  Sarah  ('urti.s;  (2)  Feb.  SO,  ISO!', 
Mercy  Burritt. 

Vlil.  Sarah,  h.  Oct.  17.  17:10;  m.  175n,  Stejihen.  s.  of  .Mirahnin  Curtis. 

IX.  Al)iier,  h.  .luiU''.',  ]7:>j;   ui.  1  700,  lianuali,  dau.   of  (.'apt    Rtile.s  Curtis  of  Strat. 

X.  Eeliy,  b.  Feb.  J2,  1737;  in.  17o(;,  William,  s.  (jf  Peter  Pixley. 

2481.     David  j'uclson,  b.  Sept.  2!.   171'!;  Y.   C.    17:!S:  fir.^t  i)astor  chh.  at    New- 
town, Conn.;   d.  Se()t.  24,   177(i;  ni.  1743  Mary.  dan.  of  .bjsluia  Judsou. 

I.  l)aus,^hter,  m.  Stur^'-is  IJurr  of   Fairlield,  Conn..  1).  1700;  d.   1705  at  Newtown. 

1,  D.vvu)  JiDso.v,  b.  N..  June  4,  17eo:  d.  .hily  IS,  ]S-,0;  ni.  April  12,  1S12,  in  r.itcli- 
fif'ld.  Conn.,  .\  tmabella  Slieldon  Keeve,  wid.  of  Aar^n  Hnir  ]'ee\e  fO|:  i-eni.  to  Hicli- 
mond.  Va..  whr.  she  d.  Jan.  11,   1840.      1,   J/.//-//  J-:Ux,<lnth,  h.    Feb.   7,   d.  S.  j.t.  11,  1H13. 

2,  ^Ylll.  Sheldon,  b.  June  7.  1S14;  d.  Her.  17,  ISaS;  in.  at  (..'ueva.  N.  Y..  Dec.  7,  1S5,", 
Laura  P.  Sani'ord,  who  d.  Julv  lo,  1S37,  a.  21.'.  \  is.  1,  Win.  Sanford,  b.  Richmond, 
Ya.,  Dec.  2."").  1854.  3,  llirruA  T>t n,n\  b.  N..v.  2:;,  1817;  d.  Nov.  2o,,  1809;  ni.  May  2(i, 
1841.  David  Oli])hant,  te;i  ineichant  X.  Y.  C.  1.  David  J'.uir,  d.  in  Paris,  France,  Mav 
Kt,  1801.  a.  22  yi>.  2,  (-'eo.  4\i!bot.  3,  Fnmk.  m.  Annabelhi.  4,  Anna  E.  4,  Daud 
\hidi:r,i.  b.  Oct.  "lO.  182fi;  Y.  C.  1834:  stud,  law  and  adni.  to  bar  at  I'ichnn.nd,  Ya.,  but 
])referrin*:'  commercial  life  became  mem.  firm  of  i'atteison  iV  Ihiir.  During  tlie  war 
lie  mem.  \'a.  lh)use  ot  Delegate.-^,  also  of  tlu'  Com.  Couiicil  id'  Piidimond  and  Cl:aii- 
man  of  tlie  Com.  on  Finance.  In  1803  the  \'a.  Home  Tns.  Co.  was  tir,eaii.  and  lie  was 
elected' Sec.  In  1S07  Pres.  of  H.  Chamber  of  Commerce  till  1S72:  I'res.  ^'a.  Steaiii- 
sliip  and  Packet  Co.,  and  held  oilier  oilices.  lied.  Aug.  3,  1870;  m.  April  10,1844, 
Julia  Ellen  Denni.-on,  who  d.  A])ril  1.  1800.  1,  Ib-ni'v  Dcnnison,  b.  Ajnil  30,  184r>.  2. 
Kate  Waldo,  b.  Auir.  14,  1^47:  d.  Nov.  10,  ISjO.  3,'  EUen  Sheldon,  .Mandi  20,  IS.^l 
4,  David  .lulian,  Jan.  13,  IS.-,:!,  o,  v'liarles  Howard,  b.  Oct.  MO.  18")1:.'..  June  IS,  ls,-)8. 
<3,  Kenneili  Stuart,  b.  Jan.  1,  1S02.  o,  Klbuduth  Mnx,n..  b.  Oi^t.  28.  1822;  d.  Dec. 
10.    18.55.      0,    Th'^nni>^  }hil,!„,rd.  b.  Sej.t.  2!»,  1S28;  d.  Mav  ;j,  ISOO. 

II.  David,  b.  1757;  V.><\.  (d"  Newtor,,   d.  in  N.  H.  N.")v.  23,  1700,  a.  33. 

2485.  Agur  Judsou,  b.  Mardi  23,  1725;  d.  July  5,  1700;  bouglit  tlie  well  known 
jiropert}  on  \\  liite  Ilili.N  in  1  Inntiuijtou,  Conn.,  where  he  res.  and  his  desc.  for  a  long- 
time; m.  1710,  Hannah,  dau.  ni  Elijihalet  Cui'tis. 

I.  Ai^nr. 
II.  Hannah. 
111.  David,  b.  Ai'dl  15.  1754;  m.  Fdv  3,  170r;.  Cri-sel,  dau.  Noadiah  Warner  of 
Southbnry.  1,  J.XNirr,  Nov  21,  1700.  2.  r>o.\.\!,i)  1>  Marcli  25,  170S;  one  of  tlie 
pioneers  of  ]5urininghani,  Conn.;  senator  Ithh  di^t.  1S:',4;  m-xt  yr.  built  the  ^toiie  store, 
one  of  the  first  buil.iing>  in  15.  Ilel'ore  June,  1830,  h.'  and  Philo  I^as.-ett  b;)uglit  tlie  old 
Leavenworth  bridge  and  removed  it,  oi-  ratliei-  built  a  new  one,  rear  llawkiiTs  Point, 
Iiefore  the  village  was  settled.  The-'Jud-on  Prid^c  "  was  a  sort  of  monument  to  liis 
name,  and  was  carried  awav  bv  an  ice  flood  in  l'"(d).,  bs,-)7,  and  immediar(d\  rebuilt  by 
Ins  wid.,  Mrs.  Polly  M.  .hnisoi;,  and  Dr.  Martin  V,.  Passi'tt.  He  d.  Se]<t.  2.  1847.  {^liist. 
oj'Jkrh:/.)  He  m'.  Feb.  10,  1.829,  Pidly  Maria,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  Charity  Sheltoii  of 
HuntiiiLi-ton,  Conn.  1.  Jfurid  Loris,  b.  "Dec  0,  1830;  Y.  C.  Is51;  trav.  exliuisividy  in 
Europe;  returned  to  die  M.irch  s,  l,s.-,s  2.  ,hni<1.  Nov.  10,  1S33.  3,  Mory,  Sept.  27. 

2486.  Rnth  Judsou,  b.  April  20,  1720;  d.  .!um>  21,  1S14,  a,  S7;  m.  1747,  Peiija- 
rnin.  s.  of  Lieut.  I'^ancis  ami  Mary  {Jolinxui)  Siiles  <0'  \^■oodbul■y,  t'onn,,  (cous.),  b.  Feb. 
11.  1720:  W  C.  1740;  the  lirst  lawyer  thay  set.  in  \N'.;  was  su-]>ecied  of  conservatism 
duviiiL    l!ev.   \\;>,r,  and  sufTcred   a<-cnrding]y ;  d.   Nbarcli  15,   1107,  a    77. 

1.  I''rancis  Stiles,  b.  Now  l:;,  l';4S;"d.  .\pril  5,  liOO.;  set.  in  Salisbury.  Conn.;  in. 
17s:-',,  Sarah  Nic'.M.lsof  l>erb^'.  Conn. .  w  ho  (1.  M.-iy  2:'..  IS-M.  1,  i  x. '  2.  4'iI').m.\s, 
1>.  1'5'b.  2.  17S0;  re>.  S.  ;  m.  Nov.  2»;.  1S20,  Sarah  Vu-usta  Newell  of  S.  1,  77-i///"-v  .{'iiji:.s. 
tin..  Aug.  2-?.  ls:n.  2,  S,>  KU:,ilulh.  .ln!y  0,  is;!5.  3,  Sai.i.v,  i>.  April  17.  1780;  d. 
I'ec.  12.  1S5L  m.  Nr'V.  17.  1S(|,-,.  Newman  Holies,  Fsi|.;  res.  Sali.sbury,  Conn.;  con- 
nected wirh  tl.e  iron  works.  1.  }-iuii'i'ls  X..  b.  May  H),  is:i7;  engaeed  in  the  woolen 
in.ills  in  Wolcotl  ville.  Cum. .  abt.  i.'-:!7:  mills  burned  m  1844,  then  wirli  .lohn  Hunger- 
ford   joined  the  I'nion  Manf:;-.  Co.,  and  made  <loe  skin  cloths  witli  succe.s.s  till  1872.  when 

110  BRAXCH    OF    HAXXAII. 

]h- snlil.       Ho  liiis  lield  various  oflicps,  jiihHs  lii<rli]v  estefiiied-  111    M-iv '^r    -i^ia   jri;,.,  a 
Uo^c\yk^ss,  h   May  -9   1^^4;  d.  May.  ISGti;  (2;  Dec.  22,  1S69.  M,^.  iJudnd^K.  llavdeu  'lau' 
of  (  harlcs  Bronson  of  W  alerhury.     1,  hdward  H.,  Jnlv  17,  lb'4S-  m    Mav  4    187(j    XfiJie 
M.  Wlieekr;  ivs.  E.  Bradford.  Pa.       2.  Francis  A.,  Aiuj;.  29    iw'l-  (Tsm)^    9    l^vf     'h 
Harriet,  May  :J1.  IboT:  d.  June  17,  1.^07.       4.  Horace,  aViH  17.  lN(iO  '     2   V^a/Vv^rw^iu-' 

ol  ^>  aterl.urv  who  d.  May,  18-  i;  (2)  JuMe  10,  lS7o,  Laura  Wood,  adoj.ted  dau.  of  Ex- 
Gov.  A.  H.  Hr.lly  ot  Conn.  ;i  ^V-r/'y.  4,  Fnderkl:  4,  Rwsom  1)  Dec  '>9  K'tO- 
luorch.  of  Ariryl.',  X.  \.;  ]„.  Marcli  2,  1820,  Haniinl)  Pruudfit  of  A.  '  1  ,SV</v//;  Varia' 
Nov.  4  1822;  ni.  Dec  7.  l^;4•,^  John  A.  Patterson.  2,  -SV/^v^;./.«  Jane,  Mav  10.  1S2G;  d' 
Sept,.  28,  lb-3/.  S,JIa7i)ia/i  LUzah,Oi,  iiei)t.  20,  1S2H:  ni.  Oct.  ?,  1855  John  P-irry  4 
Aiidrtw  P.,  Dfc.  12,  1830;  d.  Oct.  1,  18:{;i.  o.  Sum  ana  R..  AiuV  1  18.J7-  d  ^\vv\\  U 
1855.  '^      '  '1 

II.     Phebe  Stiles,  b.  Jan.  18,  1749;  d.  a.  1  vr 

c  •,"^^^  ^^''^'f-^  ^'^'^^^?l^'l^■  V^'  K'^^'  ^-  '^I'"''  ^''  ^-'':  "'•  ^^^'^-^  12.  l'«i,  Olive  Pierce 
btiles  (?);  m.  ('2)  Jiin.  lo,  l,9.j.  Isurah  P.ood.  1,  Daviu  Jiu.^rr,-  l,  (^(^t  10  1795- ir  O.-t 
10,  1821,  Ann  French.  1,  J/>//v/  Ann,  b.  Jane  7,  1822;  d.  Dec  2N  ]845  2  Jl'nnHt  f' 
(twin  %nth  M.  A.),  m.  April  15-17,  1854-55,  Jeanette  A.  Shelton."  1,  Anna  h  Ai.<r  5' 
I80S.  2,  Adelaide,  b.  Feb.  8,  ISG'J.  3,  Zephina,  b.  Sept.  8  1828-  d  Jiil'v  ^i  1830' 
4,  ^/i»  iT^..  b.  May  19,  1832.  6,  Add,ruh,  h.  Jan.  28,  1834;  d.  March  if  1853  (V 
Av.!]ustaM.,  b.  Nov.  0,  1836.  2.  Patty,  b.  Sept.  25.  1789;  d.  Sept  26  1794*  3  M^ry 
Axx.^,  b.  Aug.  21,  1780;  d.  Feb.  19.  1810;  ni.  Xov.  27,  1808,  Smitli  Downs.  4  Be.N- 
J.^MIN,  b.  June  21,  1798;  rem.  to  (Torkville.  S.  C,  and  d.  nnui    Sept     1855 

ly.     Ephraini.  b.  Jan.  15,   1753:  d.  Feb.   7.  1821;  in.  Mav  7-10,  1780   Sarah   dau    of 
Joseph  Trowbridge  01  Souihbury,  who.   d.   Aut?.   3,   1810,  a."  03      1    PhVbi:   b'Xov   9 

1782;  d,  July  21,  184-^:  v.\.   Xov.  22.   1804. Be\'aiuy  of   Yt.     2  'Pt-tii     h     Feb   'is' 

1780;  m  Feb.  27,  1811,  Beiij.  B.  Osborn  (his  2d  wf.).  3,  S.vlly'  b.  Jul'v  20  1789-  d' 
bept.  4,1809;  m.  Xov.  22,  INOS,  Benj.  B.  Osborn.  4,  Ei'hkaim  EuYSTts  b  '  Oct  '-^4' 
1/91;  d.  April  0,  1858,  a.  00;  m.  May  22,  1817,  Sallv  Osborn;  res  Clvde  X  y'  "l 
^'aihanHla^U^,  b.  March  24,  1818;  res.  Southburv. 'Conu. ;  fanner;  unm  2  Sarali 
An(/u..t>/,\,-.  May  2o.  1822;  m.  April.  184G,  Melzar  Whittlesey  of  Galen  x' Y  3 
yln^«/if//f  .0.,-b.  Oct.  4,  1823;  d.  Dec.  9.  1838.  '  t,,>.    1.     o, 

^^-  J^'~'^\r^^^y''inSi\lcs,  h.  Ang.  25,  1756  (Esq.);  Y.    C.    1770;  d.  Feb.    12.  1817;  prac 
law  inA^oodoury,    Conn.;  la.  17nG,    E.stlier,   dau.   of  Jeliiel    Presion.      1,  Hmujift    b' 
March  13,  1787;  in.   Sept.,   1S17,    Henrv  Brown  of    Southburv,  Conn  ■  b'  Feb    8    l^*^'^' 
I.  J{en>i/,  b.  Feb.  9,1817:  m.   Feb.   10,    18-10.  June  E..  dau.    of  Dea    John  and  E<th'er 
(btr.we)  Stone.      1.  Charles,  b.  Xov.  28.  1840.     2,   Henrv,  b.  July  7    1850      2      l/f//zV  F 
^■\'ir^W^^--^^^-   •'^'  /"^"C'^'-'  ^'-  ^^^-  ^'^~^'  "'•  J^^^P^-'-  Osborn.     4,  JIaniwh  S.,  b.  March 
J?;  if    •  ,;''  /-"'i'^'V''"''  '-^•-  ^-  ^'''^-  -'  ^^''^'  ff  Columbus.  Ohio;  m.   Martha  J.    Stron-; 
{i)   Dec.    IJ,    18/ (,  Emma  Sullivant  of  Col.,    O.     0,    li?A7^;- 6'.    h     March  0     18''G-  re^ 
Columbus,  0.;  m.. Mary  Hiaman;  (2;  Sept.  2,  1803.   Isaheiia   Wood.     1     Wa'lterV     b' 
June  18.  1801.     2,   Helen,  July  2G,  18GG.     3,   Flora.  Jan.   14,  1809      4    Harry  L      \'m-' 
IG,  18/0.     0    Lo\veHT.,b.  Xov.  15,  1873.     7.   CV/-//-^,>  .4.,  b.   Xov.  20,'  182.^"    ^"  ITuni 
9    Jlor.ire.      10     JArron.     2,  JE.v^-^•ETTE,  b.  Oct.  4,  1790:  m.  Charles  Hanson  Curti's      3 

{^"■IZ-ii!"'     ■  '^"?-  V'-  ^'^-  "^^  ^'■'-  ^■''  ^ ''"^-     ^'  Jn^>'.k"un  P.,  b.  May  9,   1794;  d    Dec" 
1.),  I808    unm.     0,   l^HAXCKS    Blkkk.    b.    May   8,    1801;  d.    Feb.    12,  "1804      7    llvsnY 

m  P^n  ^  r^%^f  Vv^  '!"-',^^-  \'^'^--  "'■  ^"''-  ~'-^-  1^'^'-  '"^*'>-'^-  French!  per:  m. 
July  lo,  1831.  2.  A/lai  L4!ur,  b.  Au-.  9.  1837.  3,  Mire  Marin,  b.  April  2  1n40  8 
MAmKTr.N^  EsTHKK   b.  Julvisj812:  m.  Oct.  5,  1839,  Geo.  Snutli  of  So.'pritain;' *.  V.     ' 

?^  H  T  V   iu"V'':\''''-  KP^'^-;'i-  l'-">;  ^J-   ^n>t.  ^.  1794.     2,    Kc.uKKUK,  b.  April  5. 

1,94;   d.  July  29,  1N,2;   m.  March   4,   1M7,  Cieora   SihvPa.  <lan.   of  David   and   Sibvlla 
(Hiiiumytou)  (  uriis;  ba]).  Xov.  2:J,  1794;  d.   Xov.   27,    1852       1     F'ra'.,!/i     !      b    Xov 
!^L  '^I'-J"-  I''-'";  1-  1-"'^.  '■■  ^V.  Kirfland.     3,    lU-Ffs.   b.   Jan'.   14,    1790;  d  "sept'  29* 
A!^'*;--.f.-.'^=  ",'■  ^"'\''-  ''^--  '^^^'^^'^  C'"'''^'  ■'■  ■<■■■  ''•  Oct.  10,  I87i;.     4,   Eli/a  M.,  b.  May 
2i,  1/9-  1..,.  June  ],.  Ih-,'2,  rh.rh-s  C.   llinuuui.     1,   JLh..  h.  .-V-pt.  5,  IsCO.     5.  Jon  (- 

r'^'V     1      Vs-v  •  '•"'!=  "'•  ^^^'^  '-  '^'■'^'   ^^''''y   '^''•'^^•'^'-  *-•  ^^-'^- ■      1.   ^'''"-''". 

6,  184S.     0,   Xathan.M..  b.  (),'i.  15,  1807;  d.  .M:Mch  25,  1812      7    Fr:\xci<\      bXov 
4     17.  n.  F.4>.  10.    1S40.  Kiyira  H.  Gedney,  who  d.    F.-b.  11.  1:<45,  in  io.r  20Ui  yr^    2) 
March.  1840    Frances  M.  bhelion.      1,    (;rdnc>/ A.,  h.  Aug.   28,  1842.     2,   FfnraJfaHa^ 
n.  Aug.  lo,  j"^-jI. 

Vll.     Jud^on,  b.  May  30.  17G2;  went  to  Salisbury,  Conn.;  d.  X'ov.  11,  1705;  umn. 

.TUDSOX.  ]17 

VIII.  Plicbe,  b.  July  2■~^  1704;  d.  a.  12  vis. 
IX.  Nathan,  h.  Mairli  12,  1707;  Y.  C.  1787;  r^s.  Seymour,  Conn.;  d,  in  Sclienectady, 
!N.  Y.,  on  journey  ISOii;  ni.  17:'."),  Plu-lje  ]>ayton,  who  d.  July  1-i,  18:i4.  1,  Nathan 
JUDSOX,  b.  Feb.  •<!7,  17i)(J:  m.  .Seju.,  18111,  Marhi  Birch  of  Suli.shui-y,  Conn.,  wlio  d.  Nov., 
1849;  (2)  April.  1851,  Mr.s.  Jane  Joimsou  of  Lvons,  N.  Y.  1,  NitUutn  Judson.,  b.  June 
22,  1820;  m.  Sept.,  1841.  Melissa  Plank  of  Wolcott,  N.  Y.  1,  Anna  Maria.  2,  Win. 
Jud.son.  2,  11,  nri/  Birch,  1).  Jan.,  182o;  ni.  July.  1810,  Mary  Babeock  of  Penn  Yan,  N. 
Y.,  who  d.  Mav  l8.j:j;  (^2)  April,  1835,  Miss  Selover;  ehil.  bv  1st  m.  Albert  and  a  dan. 
iJ,  Putnsom  Bii'd^ryr.  b.  Oct.,  1826.  5,  ^nufh  D.,  b.  Feb.,  "1828:  ni.  May,  lS,-,:3,  Louisa 
Nelson  of  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  and  had  a  dau.  G,  Sril>,>,  b.  Oct.  4,  18;3:].  2,  P)ii;i;k,  b. 
Dec.  5,  17il7:  res.  New  llav.,  Conn.  :;,  .Mixekva,  b.  Mandi  25,  1801;  ni.  June  5. 
1827,  James  l^):Ltii  of  Norwich,  Conn.  1,  Jicn^n.  2,  Pluhc.  4,  IIaxxau  Xak«'1ss.\,  b. 
Dec.  24,  1814;  d.  Sept.  15,  1849. 

2487.    Daniel  Jud.son,  b.  April  20,  172S;   d.  Xov.  14,  18i:;;  m.  Jan.  31,  1852, 

Sarah,  dau.  of   Capt.  Stih-s  Curtis,  b.  May  17.  17o]  :    d.  May  ?,{),  1808;    (2;  Feb.  20,  1809, 
Mercy  Burritt  of  Strat. 

I.      Stiles,  b.  Nov.  18,  1752;  m.  Julv  17,  1777,  Xaonii,  dau.  of  d'eoru-e  Lewis. 
II.     Silas,  Aug.  31,  1754;  d.  Dec,  1808;    m.  May  12,  17:7,  M:u-y,  dau.  of  Col.  Sam- 
uel AVhitney  of  S.  " 

III.      Phebe,  Oct.  10.  1750:  m.  Jan.  7.  Ti  78,  ^^'il!iam,  s.  of  John  Brooks,  Esq. 

1\'.  Kebecca,  Nov.  15,  175^;  m.  Ktv.  .'ibraham  Fowler  of  Salem  Soc,  ^Vaterbu^v, 
Conn.,  Sei)t.  7.  1798.      He  d.  Nov.  10,  18!5,  a.  70;  Y.  C.  1775,  A.M. 

V.  Charitv,  Dec.  19,  1700;  livinu'.  in  -o,,,]  bc;ilth.  in  18.30,  ;i.  95;  m.  Dec.  9A ,  17-0, 
Elisha  Hawley  "of  Bidgetield,  Coun.,'l».  March  14,  1759;  d.  April,  1850,  a.  91;  (s.  of 
Tlirvmas,  jr.,  and  g.  s.  of  Rev.  "I'honiiis  llawley,  the  1st  pastor  of  B.)  .\t  the  age  of  18 
"was  drafted  and  sent  to  N.  Y. ;  his  I'l-g.  w;is  staTioned  at  Corlcar's  IIouiv,  from  wlucdi  the 
retreat  was  so  liasty  tliat  thi^  .•^ohliers  threu  ;iuay  tluir  Idankets  and  knapsaclvs;  Elisha, 
however,  retained  his.  and  his  Col.  was  gladio  share  with  him  during  the  stormy  night 
which  frdlowcd.  Soon  alrer  his  rn,  lu'  •,nu\  liis  wf.  joinrd  the  I'j-esb.  chh.  in  K.,  and  v/as 
afterwards  eh'cted  Dea.,  \\  hichollice  In-  htdd  d.uring  life.  lie  al\\-ay^  had  excellent  lieaUh, 
and  his  vigor  of  body  and  liund  continued  to  tho  last.  ]lurin,iithc  last  summer  of  his  life, 
in  Ids  91st  yr.,  be  would  work  nearly  all  day  with  Ins  men  in  the  field.  At  the  age  of  80 
{18?38)he  n>ade  the  4th  of  July  address  at  K.,  and  closed  with  singing  '"Hail  Columbia." 
He  A\as  for  a,  time  cliorister.  In  all  his  business  transactions  his  chief  concern  was  h^st  he 
should  charge  his  neigl\bor  more  than  the  artitde  sold  was  really  wortli.  Tb""  Avn si ly  trade 
a  cabinet  makt-r.  Abounding  in  goo<l  works,  his  name  will  lon,i;  be  l'ra,i;rant  anujug  the 
])Cople  where  his  long  life  was  spent.  (An  obiiuary  \\-as  written  by  Bev.  Mr.  Clark.) 
"It  is  strraige  to  see  in  this  ^\•OI•ld  a  man  who  al\\  avs,  and  under  all  circumstances, 
seems  to  have  as  Ins  nntster  motive  th>'  wish  to  do  just  ri.^ht;  yet  such  a  man  was  Dea. 
Hawley.  (Jf  a  ji-'culiarly  mild  and  anuable  temjier,  his  countenance  wore  a  tranquil  and. 
smooth  exjinssion.  His  liair  was  tine  and  silky  and  lay  as  if  oiled,  to  Ids  liead. 
He  had  a  soft  voi<;e  ami  an  ear  for  music.  He  was  a  caliinet  nuiker  by  trade,  a  chorister 
by  choice,  a  deacon  by  vote  of  the  church,  and  a  Christian  by  the  grace  of  Cod.  In  eacli 
of  these  things  he  found  liis  ])lace  as  if  desi,irned  for  it  by  nature  and  providence." — S. 
G.  Goodrich  in  RccuUictioiHi  of  a  Life  Tiatc,  vol.  I,  p.  225.  1,  Elisha.  2,  JuDdOX, 
merch.  in  X.  Y.  C.  'i.  IitAD,  niendi.  N.  Y.  C.  4,  Daxiicl,  5,  Bev.,  a  mission- 
ary, dnnvncl  in  crossing  Kaskaskia  Biver,  Ilk,  Jan.  oO.  18o0.  For  lines  writteu  by  Mi-s. 
E.  H.  Sigouruey  on  the  event,  see  V)id,  vol.  1,  p.  521. 

'•  Oh  !  ye  who  mourn 
With  heavy  temples  ')'cr  the  smitten  son 
Slain  in  his  Saviour's  service,  know  that  pain 
Shall  never  ve.x  him  mure.  Peril  and  chang"e 
And  wimer's  blast  and  summer's  sultry  heat. 
And  sinful  snare  —  What  are  they  now  to  him 
But  dim  remembered  sounds?" 

•6.  Chaixcey. 

VI.  Dainel  Judson,  b.  Nov.  4.  170:)  (f.  of  Dovid^:  <1.  Oct.  4,  1818,  a.  84;  m.  Sept. 
10,  1799,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Solomon  Plant  td'  S.  1,  Sa  u  ui' Amaxda.  b.  Aug.  1,  1799;  ni. 
Jan.  14,  1824,  Bev.  r>avid  Lo^-ih'U,  jae-tor  Cong.  chh.  in  Southington,  Coitn.;  b.  Hartf. 
Oct.  0,  1792;  dcsc.  from  ".u-ood  old  .lohn  Ogden";  Y.  C.  1814;  slml.  '■)  yis.  at  Andover 
and  one  urch-r  Bev.  Pi'of.  I'itch:  ].:'.~ior  Cong.  <dil..  in  ^Mjuthington,  Conn.,  1821  to  18;U>; 
at  ^Vhitesb(n•o,  N.  Y.,  at  .Marlboro,  Mass.;  resigned  1850,  and  retired  to  N.  llav..  Conn.; 
■elected  mem.  of  Corp.  of  11am.  Col.  aiid  (.'(uj).  Mem.  of  .\m.  B.  of  Miss.  He  d.  Oct.  'iX. 
180o,  just  42  yr^.  frotn  date  of  his  (udinaiion.      He  pul>.  a  Treat,  on  Baptism  and   Fare- 


well  Sermon  o;i  lv:iv.  S.  1,  C^if/jiiriiie.  A.  2,'/.  J.  ;],  Jn'in  E.  4.  AhJ,!, .  :^ 
Jhidd  .Jiul<>h,  h.  Wliit.\-,  X.  V.,  Doc.  24,  ]s;!7;  Y.  ('.  IRfil;  'J'hco.  S.lioul  isiiS  an.i 
licensed  lo  ])rt'acli,  hut  ill-liealtli;  n-s.  X.  IIu\ .  witli  mo.  and  sis.  2,  Havid,  i).  Nov.  ?,{)^ 
ItjOl;  d.  Sept.  17.  lSir>.  3,  C.vth  \kink.  ]'i,.\nt,  li.  Feb.  2,  lN(i'");  m.  D.'c.  2"),  I.^^Hlj' 
Horace  Ifoldeu,  Esq.,  of  N".  Y.  1,  D^n-ir)  Ju(ls'>ii.  Y.  (".  ]8(i4:  LI..  H.,  Col,  Col.  lS('i(J.  4" 
Mahv  KKr.KiTA,  1..  .\iiril  ]i),  l^r^ir,;  m.  J:ui.  is,  1,^8-J,  ('apt.  John  W.  Steiliiiii- of  liridirel 
|)Oit.  CoTiii.  ."),  Davi;)  Pi,.\NT,  h.  April  16,  ISO'.I;  Y.  ( '.  ls:;i;  read  l:i\\  init  pursued 
jiiercHiiiile  career  in  his  native  town;  d.  Stratford.  May  1;!,  jSijIl;  m.  isijj  Eli/.ahfth.  S., 
dan.  of  Key.  Frederick  Gridleyof  E.  Lyme,  Conn.  (1,  Jij.ia  Mahia.  h.  Jan.  11,  IMI ;. 
ni.  Sept.  10,  1820.  Rev.  John  H.  Hunter  of  Fairfield,  Conn.  7,  \Virj,r.\M.  h.  June  !•,' 
I8I0;  Y.  C.  1M34;  prac.  law  a  short  time,  then  v>-ent  into  l-.usinr-s  with  Charle.s  Cood- 
vear,  in\-entor  oi'  the  vulcanized  India  ruhher.  S,  Daniici..  h.  Oct.  (1  ISK)-  d  Dec  (J 

Vll.      Sarah  Judson.  h.  March  20,  17G(i;    m.   Dec.  0.  18(J2.  John,  s.  of  John    lio(Uh  of 

2488.  Sarah  Judson,  1».  <>ct.  17.  1780;  m.  FTnO.  SteiJien,  s.  of  Ahraham  Curtis 
of  Stratford,  Conn. 

I.  Jerusha  Curtis,  m.  Stephc!,  Lewis.  1.  CiiAnn  v.  h.  M:U'-]i  27,  17'>'.i;  m.  Nov. 
24,  17'.il,  Joseph  Shelton.  ii.  Au--.  27,  17(J."j;  d.  Sept.  1,  isjs.  a.  s;'-.  and  had  hesiih^s  several 
who  d.  num.:  1,  JLnry,  d.  1843:  ni.  Helen,  dau.  of  F!on.  E.  W .  K'ing,  V .  S.  S(-n.  from 
N.  Y.  1.  Henry  Wri^dit.  2.  Dau.  2.  PhUo  Sf /■"/>//,  rem.  to  l^uston,  ^Lass;  m.  Ceor- 
irifuui  Albertine,  .lau.  of  Beni.  Piinott  Iloiiu-r.  '■',.  f^iirnf!  AV/v','/,  n;.  Marv  Jane 
Deforest,  dau.  of  Linsou  and  his  wf.  Jane  tHawley)  Deforest;  iJaue  and  Ihjn.  t'harles 
Ifawlcty,  I/ieut.-<n>v.  of  Conn.  cldl.  of  Cyrus  Hawley.)  4,  XiU'i'i/  J,'.,  m.  Hon.  X.  C. 
Sanford,  who  d.  leavin^r  imly  s.  1,  Henry  SheU(ni  Sanfoid,  i,L.  ]). ,  hite  Charge  de 
Affairs  of  U.  S.  at  Paris.  France. 

II.  Agur  Curtis  of  Strat..  h.  KoS;  d.  1841,  a.  .S3.  1,  Lkwis,  h.  pisij:  an  old  time. 
luercliaul  of  X.  Y.  C. :  d.  thr.  Jan.  2ii,  IN33.  Iti  his  97ih  yr.  2.  ]5i::s.i.\mi.n.  b.  )7!)d:  d. 
Feb.  10,  issi,  a.  Ul:  some  time  mem.  of  one  oi'  tlie  iari'esl  dry  goods  fimis  in  X.  Y.  C. ; 
re.s.  Cra.mmacy  J'ark ;  came  to  X.  Y.  IMO  and  in  1S12  his  bro.  Lewis  joined  him  in 
Pearl  St.,  l:iier  in  Broadway,  then  at  Broad v,-ay  ;ind  Rector  St.  and  at  last' in  Daane  St. 
Benjamin  bec-aiue  the  foreio-n  representative  of  tlie  liouse  and  resided  over  30  vears  in 
France.  He  returned  about  iMJIi,  and  took  tlie  in  (Jrammacy  Pari;  whert^  he  d. 
lie  ni.  a  few  yrs.  before  ISCiO  to  h\-  2d  wf.  wh.o  survive-,;  3  (ddi.  living.  He  was  active 
ill  bii.siness  til]  over  sO.  lb-  \va>  fi_)r  mans"  vrs.  a  promir.etu  mem.  uf  St.  (ieort'-e's  Ejiis. 
(dih..  Rev.  Dr.  'i'yng. 

25,  ThonKLS  Y/elles,  b.  O.t..  lOoT;  d.  :\!:ir.  h  Ki.  iGll.-,;  m.  lOSK.  Maiy  Pdaekleach. 
She  Tu.  (2)  Kjiio.  J(din  Olcotr  of  Ilaitf.,  and  had  4  chil.;  (3)  ('apt.  Joseph  Wadsworih  of 
Charter  Oak  Memory,  who  d.  ]73l,  a..  81.  Her  2d  ami  3d  husbands  were  appraisers  of 
her  1st  liu-band'v  estate,  and  doubrle>s  in  mental  reservation  imduded  the  widow  in  the 

I.   'Thomas,    b.    Oct,    10,    lOfiO;    m.    A«e-.    2o.   IMll,   .Miiyail  ,  su]).  d.  A  u-.  2.1, 

17.-)0.  1.  Thom.xs,  bap.  S-pt.  II.  17|s.  d.  bef.  his  f.V  e-t.  v.-as  dist.,  leavine-  chil.:  1. 
Thoiixis.  2,  ll'i-i.ah.  2.  Da.mki.,  lap.  Aug.  2.Y  1722.  3,  .li>iix.  b.-ip.  Aug.  13.  1724.  4, 
Bi,A<'ivi.K.  s.(ii.  bap.  Aug.  13.  1724.  .■>,  M  \i;v,  l)a]).  Jan.  2S,  172S;  m.  l7'ol.  Sieiilien 
Fowler,  1).  Dec.  21,  1711);  his  2d  wf.  (He  m.  ^I)  Au<;-.  10,  1:40.  Rhoda  IJanei-oft.  who  d. 
Jan.,  174s,  leav.  1  s. )  lb-  set.  in  PitisSield,  Mass.;  rem.  to  state  of  X.  Y.  1,  RIiihIi,  b. 
April    10,  17.V,^       2,   IV,„'h',.,rh,  b.  Jan;  4.  17.")4;    m.  .Meriam    Smith.       3,  Ah!^,;,i!,  yUrrrh 

23,  nnO:  in.  Asa  Xoble:  luM!  fani.  4.  .)[,  hifahlr,  b.  Feb.  l-i.  17o8;  m.  Di.  Porter  of 
Winston;  .<.  /.  5.  Siirah.  Aug.  20,  170(1;  m.  .lohn  Lee  (4'  Hartf.  0,  Anms,  1-^.b.  Hi.  1703; 
ni.  Irene  l-'owler  of  .Xorlhford.  Comi.,  aunt  of  Pie.f.  W'ni.  C.  l-'owler.  7,  J/.'/7/,  .\uir.  !.">, 
170;");  d.  Feb.  1.").  1700.  S,  11',//,.^  Feb.  20,  170S;  d.  y.  !),  .I/.//7/,  Oct'.  12.  177i;  m. 
Daniid  Fowler.  yZ)  Martin  Phelps.      0.   Joiix,  bap.  April' 0.  1730. 

II.  John.  b.  Dec.  l.\  p;<.c.':  ,i.  at  < 'olehe^ier,  (''onii.  1 .  .loll  \.  li.  at  ( '.  Xov.  24. 
1718;  (L  Ai-ril  21.  lirA      1,  M,n!ii..  b.  Cd.  I74--L  rj.rher.'  Alav  13.  Isp.l.      1,  .M;i rtin.  June 

24,  1782;  d.  at  Cap.'  Iji/abe;!,,  \\<-.,  F.ii.  1<I.  l,s.-,l.  (1),  Martin  P..  b.  Cape  Eli/..  June 
5»,  1821;  neucii.  an.l  i>.'i.!ker  ;ir  Mar'i.'ii.i,  •  >. ;  m.  .-it  M.,  Sej^t.  2'.i.  \^\'J.  Ihoiiei  Ibnb  r  of 
Durham,  Conn.;  .V.  i'.  i2',  Cli.irb-.  H.  b.  Oc! .  2.'.  ls32;  nieich.  in  M.;  ni.  in  N  .  "\  .  C. 
.\iu-il  2"^.  18.-)'.).  Cornelia,  dau.  of  ^Va-hlngton  \an  Zan/.l  .0'  X.  \.  C.  j-'.dward  FreemaJi, 
b.  Ajuit  3,  1800. 

.TUnSOX,    AVELLES,    l!l  DAVKI.L,    .UTDI),    HART.  119 

26.     SfU-ah  Welles,   h.  Ai>ii1,  lOoO;  d.  ahl.  1700;  111.    Nov.    7,    1G7«,  Jnliii  ]]iiIu.Ml, 
jr     li"  iiht.  Ki'll:  d.'.liilv  ;j,  lc,u-2;  s.  of  John  ;iu<l  Sarali  (\\  ilrox)  Hidwcl!.* 
■    '"     "].     John  Bidwrll,"  h.  Sci-t.  1,  lG7!t;  d.  S.'])!.  :!,  ]7.")I. 

II       Uannali  Bidu-.-ll.  h.  Au-:.  81.  KiSO;  ni.  ITOfi  Jos<|.h  Jtidd. 
Hi       Sarali  liidw.dl.  b.  Auv:.  lii,  l(;s]  ;  m,  S<-i'T.  -Jo.  1707.  ("apt.  Jo.slma  Kohbm.-;. 
IV       'J'honias  15Mhv.dl.  h.  Dcr.  27.  U^^'J:  d.  17ir.:  in.  .M:ircli  OS.  1710.  Pnuicncf  ScoTt. 
1,   Tiio-MA.'^,  1).  Mas-  1("..  1711.     y,    Ar.iii.ui,,  b.  Au- .  1S\  17i:!.     :?,   .Iunathax.  b.  Jan.  ]-2, 
]7i:)       -1,    AUDM.I.U!.   O.  (let     IS,  17]lj;    V.  ('.    IMO;    d.   17s-i. 

V       Jdiiatliiui  lUdwell,!  h.  Mandi  I."),   ■(•S}:   ni.   Pre.  -JA,  1711,  Martha  Butlfc. 
Yl.      David  r.idvvtdl.  b.'lfiST;  d.  June  24.  17oS;  m.  Julys,  1714,  Mfhitablc  Webst.'i-. 
YJI.     James,  !>.  IGOl";  in.  Pw.  8,  171:5,  Kuth  ^^tauh  y. 

262.     Hannah  Bidwell,  b.   An-.  81.  IGSO;    d.  1707;   m.  170  ;,  Joseph,  s.  of  IJ.ut 
John  Ji:dd.      Ilf  r.i,  (0)  1718,  ^ava}l    U'inchel,  and    d.  abt.  l7r)G;  rc-^.  ]•  armingtoii.  (  onu. 

2GV:i.     Joseph   Judd,  h.  Apiil  1.  1707;  m.  lUv.  2r,.  1781,  Kuth  Thompson,  who  d. 
Julv  I'J,  17."",(i;  (•-')  l7-">;\  Maiv  Clark;  r>-s.  Smuhn.^non.  ,      . 

■     I       Kliiathan.  d.  1S07;'  ni.  l>oi.s ;  ns.  S.      1,   S.u-.AH.  Aus-.  10,  1  .GO.     2.   Anm:. 

b.  May  15,  1708.     8,   I.ois.  b.  17oU.     -1,  Jotham,  b.   1778.     o,   Kt'Tii,  b.  1,  <G.     h,   bis- 


II.  Lurv.  in.  Jaiiu-s  Plant, 

III.  Hni'h,  b.  1740;  lu.  Elnathan  Hart. 

\\.  Martha,  m.  Nathan  names,     i.  by  2d  id.: 

V.  Pliebr,  b.  1758;  v\.  John  Neal. 

26aJ0.     Ruth  Judd,b.  1740;  d.  Nov.   27.  islO,  a.  70;  ....    Kh.athan    s     of  James 
and  Tliankful  (Nortli)  Man,  b    Farn,in.unon,  Sept.  10,  1  ,80.      He  o.  Aitu'.  20,  l^.^l,  a.  Jb. 
He  was  a  mem.  of  the  chh.  at  XorthinL-ton  GO  yrs.     {(/e^r.  j ron,  Jlnrt  (.rt'i<.) 
1       Li.iLis  Hart.  b.  Sept.  80,  17GI;  m.  Ann  \\  ilcox. 
II       Martin  b.  Mav  17,  17G7;  d.  Aiu-.  4,  17^10. 
HI.      Ubod  Hart,  b.  June  14.  17G'J:  m.  Elixabetlt  Edson;  ^3)  Cnarlotte  Donnan. 

262131.     Linus  Hart,  b.   Sej-t.  80,   17G1;  d.^April    10.    1810;  m.  An-    28,  17s7. 
Marv  Ann  Wilr(.x  of  Avon,  Conn.,  \vho  rh  1S:!G.  a.  71. 

■  1  Zin'.  1>  He.-  2  17SS:  d.  Oct.  1.  bSi;7.  a.  7'.»;  .hit.  me;n.  .4G  yis. ;  farmer  nr.  U 
.\von-  m  Oet'  "i;  lsl::i  Uh.K'.a  li.  isw.dd.  b.  .\u!r.  1,  1702.  dau.  of  Ashbel  and  Elr/.abet.i 
(WoMdrntViH.';  livin-in  l-7i.  1,  EiN^s  (>.n;i,  b.  Mar.-h  20,  l^^l5^ 'n.  O,-^  80.  ls:j... 
Marv  Ann  I'enntield  of  N.  H. .  nvIu)  d.  at  A.  Hoe.  0,  lSo8;  ,2)  An-.  ,  IS-....  I  .-imees  h. 
Beeksvith  of  N.  London;  (8)  hvdia  S.  Booth  of  Simsbur^.  1.  /. '^vx, // Z>.».^^,  Jan.  lb, 
184G  2  CM'n  b.  Mav21.  1S47;  d.  in  8  dav?.  8,  Mant'.'  Flih'ui.  hept./2o  lb4s;  in 
April  IS."  1SG7,  Eli  AMcrman  Hart.  4,  In-,,  }[:,,;.'.  July  28,  ISll).  5,  y ,  :rdl  h<hra^-rr 
X\.v  10  1S50-  m.  Sept.  14.  1-70,  Jane  E.  Bin-;4,;.m.  2,  PAi-i.r.w  (.  uisv.-..i D,  Sept.  E^. 
1S17;  m;  Jan.  7,  is8s.  Sinn-on  D.  Chappell  of  Avon.  8,  ErmtAiM  \N  ,.m.iui.  f,  Nov. 
21  1819;  d.  Man).  80.  1S22.  4,  DAf.,  b.  1S21.  5.  Di  \XA,  •I'nieo.  ls28.  (L  .^-p..  J'. 
1S25  G  EriiKMH  AVA.  Feb.  12.  1S25;  m.  (h-i.  2.  1858,  Sarah  Idi/abeth  Spenrer.  b. 
Jan  '''0  bS87  He  dc  \lavll  'siiS.  Slie  m.  (2)  (b'o.  Coodnow.  \ .  ( .^r.uh,!  hl.iz<ih,th . 
b.  YYb.'7,  ls,5C).      7,    l!i-s4i:i.i,'  Hkxms,    March   15,    1S:!8;  drowm-'d   in    Farm ni,t;-ton  river. 

■  H  '  Ad~na  Mareh  27  1700;  m.  A].rih  1S15,  Encv  WoodriUl,  b.  Jan.  11.  17si);  d. 
Julv  "'  1S72  He  wa.,  a  iallow  chan.ller  and  ace.  an  est.  of  .some  ,'?15,00l>.  "A  n^an  ot 
m-eat 7m n-al  worth."  1.  H..i,i.v,  Nov.  5,  1817:  m.  1S41,  Ceo.  M.  Hale,  a  jeweler;  res. 
New  Haven,  2.  Ni:wi<.x.  Jan.  11,  1821;  tallow  chandler;  unni.  8,  (  '•  ^'i'^^)-  ^^,Y 
29  1825;  .0.  islG,  Havid  Stod^h.rd  of  A.  4,  Cicv.  Mandi  2S.  1S27:  m.  2b.  Isls. 
julnn  Er.iiici--;  S)  diil.      5.   M  \!;v,  Ai^rii  25,  ;s20;  m.  Newton  Peck. 

HI.     Julia,  1701;  m.  Isl2,  Austin  Gleason. 

"^o!m  Bidwell,  sr..  d.  .rSy:  his  tan  y..rd  appears  on  the  Hartford   map  of   ''5|-^  on   an  islami  m   Little 

River      His  wid.,  Sar.U-.,  d.  June  .-..  .6^0.     Their  chil.  were:     ..  John,  jr..    2-  /-?^'^'t'';K  .^ ''\;    \Tn     oi 

.ei-M-'eldandd.  ,^02.     ,.    Sarr^uel.  bi  365":   &■  ApriU.    .715:   m.   Nov.   m,    .^7;^.  Llc/abeth  .^>:l"^,:^f^"-.^°J 

Thomas  o;    Middletown,  and  had:     ..  .SVzr,,/;.  b.  Se-u.  20,  t.,74^    2,  .Sa».'».^.  o.  Jane  i..  -^^ '^  ^- ";  ;"^/:„- 

Daniel  of  Cb.Uhaci.,  Conn.,  b.  Nov.  ib.  .717;  <\-  P'-'C- 'r'-'  '"M^r-V^'.rV^"      ^^r  l-;,- v.dVn  c    R  who 

,7'..-  h.ul  .?  cial.  o!  wl'.-.m  the  -:h  loha.  vr.  t.  ot  Kdwin   M.  bidwell.  h-'!.,  ot  1  lov.dcn.t    U    ■■•  ^'■n" 
iscollectinp-  memorials  of  the  F.idv.ell  family.     ;„  .h'c.ry,  b.  J.m.  «.  .77v      4.  /'■•'"!„>,,  b.  Xos     >.  i...4- 

.,  iVnth,tnif!,h.  Nov.  4,  1783. 

"  +A  Hann.-xh  I!id-.vcIU  dau,  of  Jonathan  of  Winds^or.  m.  1760  Sam.  Foore  f.>-e  J';"''.^  '''L^,^'  P' ,;.■  ^l-.,,;^ 
l>ea.  Thomas  Hidwc'.!  d.  Dec.?,  uV,:-  in  the  cVh  yr.  oi  his  a^e,  m  Canton,  (.  onn..  an  .r.-.n  pida  ano 
Sle.'idfast  as  a  wail  (..f  bras';."— /'//.v.'.  Cdiection  0/  Lonn  . 


IV.  Ihith  Judd,  b.  Mav  ;3,  \im:  m.  Nov.  2").  1S12,  IMiiiu'HS  Peiinfifld,  1).  X.  ]}. 
Oct.  IS,  IT.s.i;  d.  Alio-.  8,  184-:.  Shed.  Dcr.  11,  iNtS.  ],  M  \i;v  Ann,  Oct.  4,  1S1;5.  -j^ 
llAiiVKV,  Juno  7.  ISll.  'S,  M.\i!TiN,  .\u<r.  :'.,  ISKI.  4,  I.vima,  .M;iv  :.'9,  1«11J.  r,, 
Lemi'KL,  Ai)iil  17,  IS.'l  G,  DcvMS,  ])'<:.  ^i,  ]6i'j.  7,  Fidkma.  Sept..  10,  ISi^j.  s^ 
E.MTIA-,  Se))t.  11.  ISiO.  9,  lloiiAti:,  June  11,  l^ol.  10,  I'ltANcEs  Xhwki.i,,  Nov.  25^ 
18:lo.     11,    IIakuikt  A.,  Aug-.  3,  l*>:i).  - 

V.     Martin,  April,  179.');  m.  1318,  Dollv  Xewell;  rem.  to  Jack.sonville,  ill. 

VI.  Aiiielirt,  Mav  18,  17i)7;  d.  Oct.  80.  17l)s. 
Vll.  Denuis  Hart,  Se]it.,  1798:  m.  l^-3."),  Elvira  Dutton.  He  d.  at  Siieiinan,  N.  S., 
Sept.  S,  18(J8:  farmer.  1.  Inf.,  1>.  and  d.  ]S27.  2,  (;()iixK.i.r.v  E.,  b.  April  G.  182!i;  m. 
Nov.  18,  l^-V.',  Wn).  II.  Kee.ler.  o,  .Mai;v  E  ,  b.  Sept.  IS,  is:!0:  m.  Ennej)  Si-eny.  4, 
JosKi'ii  DrxTiiN,  i>.  All--.  1,  18:-J2;  m  Marek  28,  18")1I. -Mary  M.  DiUtou.  5,  IIkxiiV  .M., 
Mav  37,  18o");  d.  Nov.  ;!,  18'j2.  0,  Ei.iZAiiKTir  J.,  .Ian.  9,"  18o8;  m.  (.)et.  1,  \Si\\,  Ma<li- 
son"j.  Morse.  7,  IIaukict  Ann,  Oct.  7,  18:!9.  8,  \V.,  Feb.  20.  1^42;  Uuion 
soldier  and  d.  Fairfax  Hospital,  Va.,  Oct.  19,  18(32.  9,  .Adi;!!:  .M.,  Nov.  o,  lt544;  m.  Oct. 
22,  ISr.S.  .Tolm  \V.  Spencer. 

VIII.  '  Ava  Hart.  <.)ct.  24,  ISQ:);  m.  Nov.  fl,  1827,  .lulia  Ch-ampton,  b.  Jan.  M.  1804.  1, 
Edmund  C'ltAMcTUN,  Ju!v  1;;,  1^29;  m.  Oct.  10,  1830,  Harriet  J.  Alfoi-d,  b.  Nov.  11, 
1831;  res.  Sherman.  N.  Y.  1,  K/k-n  Marin.  .]nw'  ]^,  2,  CVm/v.  Edai'.rd,  MurcJi 
39,  1800:  d.  Sept.  9,  18t;9.  Z.  Frrd'jn'r/,-  Al/nJ.  .May  l.>,  1^02.  4,  IfnryStepTnni,  Mav 
10,1800.'  2,  Ann  Makia,  May  22,  18;U.  y,  Wm."  Hi;nj;y.  Jan.  20,  1800;  m.  Oct.  11, 
1S70,  Emrc'ii'a  .^[.  Sp.'irv.  l'  Li!in,i,  Dec.  18,  1871.  4,  Jt-ui's  Bin:\VSTi-:];.  b.  .Mav 
20,  1839;  m.  Oct.  22,  1MJ8,  Julia  A.  Sj.errv,  b.  June  2,  1817,  and  liad  .Vin)n>:  May,  Sejit. 
lo,  1S72. 

IX.     Amelia  Hart,  Jan.  1802;  d.  June  8,  18<i8;  unm. 

262133.  Obcd  Hart,  b.  June  M,  1709;  d.  April  IJ,  1^40:  ni.  Julv  28,  1793, 
Elizabeth  Ed.'son,  b.  March  3,  1773;  d.  cons.  Nov.  10,  1798;  (2)  Dec.  10,  1799,  t'harlotte 
Dorman,  b.  Oct.  10,  1780;  d.  Feb.  27.  IMm,  a.  84. 

I.  Sopiirouia,  April  21,  1794:  d.  July  14,  1814;  n\.  Jan.  9,  1810,  Jo'^e],]!  Hart,  b. 
Sept.  18,  1787.  He  m.  (2)  Lura  Due!.  1,  "l^i.iZAr.r^Tir  Ei.viiiA,  Sept.  23,  1^11;  d.  Julv 
4,  1814.     2,  J(K\ATiJAN,'Jane  li.',  1814:  d,  July  0,  1814. 

II.  lOdson,  b.  Ajiril  12,  1790;  Y.  C. ;  ord.  Piesb. :  miss,  aniony  the  Mi'd).  Indians; 
jifter\\-ards  preached  at  Si):-inytield  and  Irerard,  Pa.,  several  yrs.,  thence  to  Mor^aniield, 
Ky.,  6  or  8  yrs.;  afterwards  at  New  Albany,  Ind. ;  health  failintr,  he  went  to  New 
Orleans  as  aqi.  of  the  Am.  Bilue  Soc,  but  ilie  war  caiin'  and  he  ret.  1802,  and  in  180o 
sot.  at  Baird's  Station,  Ky. ,  Avhere  he  d.  Sept.  19.  1N07.  "  A  man  of  earnest  ])iety  and 
strong'  faitli." — Lonincilk  Jouvjud.;  in,  Oct.  15,  1821,  Helen  Preistlev  of  New  Bruas.,  N. 
J.,  b.  April  11,  1798;  d.  at  New  Albany,  April  4,  1801;  (2)  Martha  A.  Dav.  1,  Saml. 
H.,  Au!:,^  23,  1822;  d.  Nov.,  1807:  in.  May  ISod.  Hacliel  Ellen  Enuu-y;  T)  chil.  2, 
John  Preistiey,  b.  Ant,'-.  15,  1824:  grad.  col.;  niendi.  at  Faducah,  Ky.  ■  m.  and  luid  8 
cliil.  3.  pANDui.i'it  S. ,  Sept.  10,  ls20.  4,  Edscin  K..  Oct.  13,1831.  5,  CiKo.  Ohed, 
Aug.  7.  1834;  during  the  war  capt.  of  a  steamboat  running  (m  the  Ohio  and  Miss,  rivers 
between  Louisville,  ^Mempliis  and  New  Orleans;  ni.  March  13,  1855,  Addie  H.  Slent  of 
Lex.,  Ky.,  b.  ])ec.  3,  1834,  in  N.  Y.  C. ;  4  chil.  0,  Jo-kimi  B.,  Aug.  4,  1820;  m.  Juliet, 
b.  Jan.  3,  1S35;  niercli. ;  5  cliil.     7,   Hkij:n  E.,  April  23,  lS;j7. 

III.     Norman,  b.  May  10,  d.  Nov.  9,  n98. 

\\.  C.'corge,  b.  Nov.  10,  1801;  clotliier;  rem.  to  Sherman,  N.  Y.,  and  was  a  farmer 
but  let.  and  d.  in  Farmington,  April  3,  1809;  .v.  /.  He  was  dea.;  m.  April  3,  1827, 
Esther  Hawley,  b.  Sept.  3,  IS'iO,  dau.  of  Asa. 

V.  Hira'm,  b.  Jan.  25,  1S04:  m.  May  22,  1S27,  .Mary,  dau,  of  Eiu.s  and  Dorothy 
(Hiirgins)  Put/Dins,  !>.  .Mav  29,  ISOO,  at  Wctherstield;  rem.  to  Lysander.  N.  \..  1831, 
thence  to  Po^-kland,  N.  Y".,  1830,  wlir.  shed.  May  20,  ls:]0;  (2)  March  22,  1810,  Verona, 
dau.  of  .Amzl  and  Huldah  (Barstow)  Norton,  1).  OnilO'rd,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  15,  1815,  and  d.  at 
Lisle,  N.  Y.,  Sej,!.  21,  1S58;  (3)  March  22,  bSGO.  .Marv,  wid.  of  John  L.icv  of  Pichford, 
N.  Y.,  dau.  of  i-h.ilip  T.  Kellogir,  b.  Feb.  14,  ISOH.  l",  Ib.i.KN  Ei.iza,  June  5,  1829;  m. 
Pliilander  Jenniiu's.  2,  MAKY\\ti;t>')- v,  Oct.  12,  18:;2;  <1.  Oct.  24,  1843.  o,  Fn.VNCKS 
Adki.atdi-.,  D.-c  2  7,  1-12:  m.  Irving  B.  I'rentice  of  .\\\v;irk.  4,  EiisoN  Haiimon,  Oct. 
32,  1845;  d.  Sept.  22,  V'Wk  5,  ('(>i,i>i:\  XottToN..  Nnv.  8,  1850.  0,  I'^DsoN  Amzi,  Jan. 
31,  185:;.     7,   Sakaii  Vi:i:.)NA,  May  21,  1S55;  d.  .May  2,  1^00. 

W.      Norm. Ill,  !>.  (),t.   11,  l>-05";  m.  b^2(;,  AcOline  Hart. 

\'ll.  Trunian,  I'Vb.  28,  180N;  n\.  Lucia;  (2)  1841,  Harriet  Langdun;  (3)  Sarah 

HAET,    JUDD,    XEAL,    BIDWELL.  121 

Vni.  ITarvey,  D.jc.  29,  ISlO;  m.  Sept.  22,  1S;«,  Harriet  ^Voodfol■d,  dau.  of  Corral,  b. 
June  14,  ISl-l;  fanner,  \N'.  Avon.  1,  T)a;M.\N  WooDFonn,  h.  .Se]jt.  9,  lb;54;  lu.  May 
30,  \^r)(j,  Marv.Tane  Woodford. 

]X.  Melidtha.  April  D.  iSlS;  m.  Oct.  8,  is;;."^),  Aretas  Skinner,  1>.  Oct.  22.  1P04.  1, 
Adeline,  Sept.  12,  1n:]();  d.  A]'ril  (J.  Ib'l-S.  2,  E.mii,v,  .luneb.  ]S:!8;  m.  .\])ril  JO,  18i)], 
J.  F.  Cusliino;.  o,  t-'ii--  '■.,  -Ian.  2ii,  1S41.  ■!,-(;i;o.  11.,  Marc],  -1,  LSI);  in.  Dec.  2;!, 
18G9,  Svlvia  Eades.     T),   11  enhjetta.  Nov.  28.  1S47:  d.   lu-li.w  ,  is.js. 

X.'  Seth,  Aj)ril  10,  ISlO;  res.  Macon,  Oa.;  X.  Y.  C.  18ri;  m.  Matilda  Miller.  1, 
OUAIU.ES,  I8t2. 

XI.      Emily,  ]"el>.  28,  IS]'.);  in.  Joshua  S.  Ileatli  of  Oollin.sville,  Conn. 

26215.     Phcbe  Judd,  1-.  1753;  d.  Ai)ril  3,  1831,  a.  78;  m.,  s.  of  Jolm  Xcal 
Of  S.,  bap.  .luue  ItJ,  175};  d.  Feb.  0,  18;!1. 
I.     Che.ster  Xeal,  d.  a.  li). 
II.     Kachel  Xeal,  ni.  Chester  Thorp. 
HI.      Silvia  X^'■ll,  n/! 'I'honias  Atkins,  s.   of  Sand,   and  Eunice  Wrightnian,  dau.  of 
Eev.  John.  b.  March  fi,  1778. 

lY.      Koswtdl  Xi-al,  Hi.  Oct.  30,  ISOG,  Laurind  X^al. 
V.     St.uhlavd  Xeal. 
\'\.      Elislia  Xeal.  ni.  X'aonii  Frost. 
VII.     .lohn  Xeal,  b.  Mav,  l7i)i;;  d.  Ai)ril  25,  18(il;  m.   Xov.   2:>,  1819,  Eucy  Hall,  res. 
S.      1,  OiiKix,  b.  Xov.  10,  1820;  d.  Xov.  2:!,  18G;J;  m.  Jan.  12,  1817,  Maria,  dan.  of  Caleb 
and  Lucv  (Sloper)  Savai^e.      1.  J-V///   W.,  Oct.  10,  1847;  d.  Sej>t.   2,  184.s.     2,   dairies  JL, 
Xov.  12,"  1840;  in.  June  22,  1871,  Anna  Aldrich.     ;!.   Aii'U,   Jf.,  Au^--.  4,  18."i3.     4,   Orn'n 
J.,  Avg.  8,  185G.     2,   M.viMii.v,  Jul\  8,  1822;  m.  March  20,  1813,  Birdseve  Cadwell.     1, 
Fran/.:,  .T an.  2>i,  1844:  m.  Hec.  2."),  isi;,),  Abby  Ere.     2,    Cluirles,  June  l,"ls.-)E-  m.  Sept. 
22,  l.s7r),  Ella  William--.     3,   J/'//'/,  Dec    ;;'i,'l S."ir;  m     Sep;.  22,    ls75,    ivnid   Jones.     4,,  Julv30,  ls47:  d.  May  3,  isfn;  ni.  June  20,  180G,  «ieo.  A.  Eevvis.     3,   Hai;vey,  b. 
Oct.  10,  1827;  in.  Ju!v  20,  I8o0.  Annis  Matthew.-,.      1,    W<ilt<:r,  June  G,  ls.")3.     2,   Carrie, 
Feb.  18,  18G0. 

2G2156.  Elislia  Neal,  m.  Dec.  2."),  1814,  X'aomi,  dau.  of  Daviil  and  IMary  Ann 
(Hitchcock^  FroM,  1.,  Aui;.  10,  li02;  d.  Or,.r;;-o,  X.  V..  Mav  IS,  lS.-,4. 

I.  Lucy  .M..  1).  April  12,  1S17;  d.  May  24,  ISfi--);  in.  May  14,  ]s37,  E.  W.  Ibiy- 
inond;  coal  dial. v;  r>s.  S.  1.  Adelixj;  C.'Sept.  20,  1838;  in.  Fr<'derick  SutlifF.  2, 
Jfari/  ./.,   Oct.   25,  1844;  in.   Jackson   Martsn.     3,   Laura.   E.,   May   23,   1817;  d.  Jan.  9, 

185  r. 

H.  Levi  C,  Jan.  9.  1819;  in.  Xov.  4,  182,8,  Amanda  Siitlifl';  rrs.  S.  1,  Imociixe, 
Sejn.  22,  1840:  m.  Jan.  1,  1857,  Obver  Woodruff.  2,  GEOiun:,  Oct.  9.  1841:  d.  Av.i:r..  8, 
1815.  3,-  Geohoe,  June  4.  1840,  d.  Jan.  20,  18G4.  4,  Elisiia  J.,  Dec.  IG,  1848;  m. 
Sept.  28,  1870.  .\Iaria  A.  Merrill.      5,    Wai  tkk,  Oct.  10.  IS;. 9. 

HI,  Kosweli  A.,  Jan.  2E  is2l;  i>c!_^:!n  life  as  a  ine(dianic;  ace.  jirop.  and  is  now 
pres.  of  several  inanafacturinLC  comiKuiies;  rep.  S.  in  Conn.  Ee^^,  1874;  m.  Ajull  14, 
184G,  Eunice.  Atkins.  1,  Maky  E.,  Jan.  17,  1847;  m.  Oct.  11,  1871,  Theodore  McKen/ie. 
2,  LLovDO.Dec.  30,  1852.  3,  JosEi'iti.NE  X.,  l).-c.  31,  1855;  d.  Aug.  21,  1873.  4, 
Stephen,  leb.  1,  18G1.     5,  Jema  T.,  March  7,  isr,:!.     G,  Fanny,  July'lS,  18GG. 

IV.  Marv  A..  June  11,  1S23;  m.  Oct.  30,  ]s45.  Xath.  Coleman."  1,  Maktha  A., 
Sept.  8,  1847;"  d.  March  31,  1875:  ni.  Xov.  s,  ij^ri,  Alonzo  Vansteenlnn-jrh.  2,  Eeimia 
P.,  June  24,  lsi49;  ni.  June  24,  1874,  Katie  E.  Mattison.  3,  S.vnAii  M..  Jan.  4,  1852;  d. 
Mav  23.  1S72.  4,  Kosweel  )>.,  Jnlv  G,  1854;  d.  May  23,  1872.  5,  Maky  D.,  July  21, 
1859;  d.  Mav  oO,  ls71.      G,   Doim;  O."  Mav  7,  18GS. 

"V.      Eli'sha,  1829;  d.  Oct.   27,  1S48. 

\\.  Angeline  X.,  m.  Xov.  11,  185G.  Jo.shua  JiiUs.  1,  Lieevn,  March  1,1859;  d. 
Jan.  IG,  18G4. 

263.  Sarah  Bidwell,  b.  Xwz.  19,  IGSl;  d.  Dec.  3,  1744;  dan.  of  wid.  Sarah  Fid- 
^vell;  m.  Xov.  20,  171)7,  Cai)t.  Josluia  Fobhins,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  21,  1GS1;  s.  of  Joshua  and 
Elizabeth  Fobbins  of  Wethersfield;  (2)  May  3,  1739.  Caj-t  Thomas  Welles,  b.  May, 
1G7G;  (_2d  cous.);  his  2d  \vf.  He  m.  (F  Hannah,  ilau.  of  e'apt.  AViUiani  ^Varner.  and  Isl 
<:ous.  of  Fhib-mon  Warn.'r,  who  m.  Abi>rail  Tntib  of  TpswiiJi.  His  1st  wf.  d.  Sept.  IS, 
1738,  a.  GO.  He  d.  Sent.  21,  1741.  a.  G5;  s.  of  Ifobn!  and  Elizalaih  ((ioodrich)  A\'.'lles. 
I.  .\atliani.-l,  1..'  S,.|,t.  •;,  iTi.S;  ^r..\\■y.  11,  1735.  V.:r,\  i;.. 1.1. Ins.  1).  March  Ft. 
17l;i;  d.  Xov.  7.  17G-1;  dan.  of  Hicliard  and  Sia.rtha  (t'urtis)  H."  1.;aie  Dec.  13.  IT-G; 
<1.  March  S,  1740.  2.  IticiiAi-i),  Sej.t.  21.  I73s.  ;!,  .lo-iii-A.  Im-O.  !),  i;40.  4,  Sae.aii, 
Aug.  7,  1742.      5,    Xatie\mi:i,,  Aug.  2i,  1745;   ni.  Oct.  19,  17GG,  Elizabeth    l)eming.      1, 

1:^2  BRANCH    OF    IIANKAII, 

A.'</ntr,  Aivr.  l^U,  ]?C.7.     '2.  Kushit.  \)vv.  22,  17s {.     ;),    ,Si/!rcsta\  Nov.  8,  17S0.     fi,  M  u:v 
Miiy  81,  n."31.     7,  EuNU  i:.  An-   22,  :7.j,-). 

II.  Zcliuloii,  Aug.  'J,  171(1;  111.  Jan.  G,  1787,  Savali  Morr(M,.  1,  C'omfokt,  Pel).  !<!, 
1738.  2,  Sai;.\h,  FoIk  7.  1741.  8,  Hannah,  .hiuo4,  174:i  4,  Zi:i;rr.ON-,  Ort.  li),  1744^ 
5,  Aui(i\n.,  .Iuu<-'27,  174S. 

III.      Sarah,  .Jan.  2.-),   171-2 

fV.     .loliu.  .March  81,  1718:  m.  Dec.  18,  1780,  Sai,.h  (mxkIiIcIi,  who  d.  .)ulv  14,  17.')t;. 
1,  ELiX.Ai-.Kiii,  l'\'b.  11,  178S.     -2,  Luis,  Aj-iil  1.  H  In.       8,  Jkiiiki,,  Mardi  8H,"l7J-J.       4, 
(iiDiuiN,  July  2\.  1744.     .").  Sakaii,  .hily -,",1,  1747. 
\'.      Hannah,  Maicli  8.  171."). 
VI.     Joshua,  Juiif  !!»,  1717. 

VII.     Klizabeth.  St'i.t.  -28.  1719.  -  '  '        • 

VIll.     Ahiirail,  Oct.O.  17-21. 

2636.     Joshua  Robbins,   jr.,  l).  .lune  1!»,    1717;  m.   Aug.  2G,  1742,  Maiv  Welles. 
1.     Eunice,  1..  ,lMiiH-.i8.  r;i:j;  d.  Jan.  '2,  1750. 
II.     Asa,  Sept.  2'.i.  1744. 

III.  Mai\,  Anu-.   18.   i  74(;, 

IV.  Ahit^ail,  Ai-ril -29.  1749;  d.  Aug.  8,  179();  in.  'I'homas  Hani- of  W. ;  (2)  Maivli 
2.'),  1778,  Dr. 'Josiiih  Hart- of  New  Brit.,  h.  April  2S.  1742;  V.  ('.  17lV2;  stud.  nu-d.  with 
Dr.  Putter  of  ^^a]^d.:  was  Surg,  in  Kev.  army;  licp.  Conn.  Eig.  several  sessions;  dea. 
of  the.  chh.  in  \V.  1798;  lived  on  his  2d  wf.'s  place  on  Harris  Hill,  a  little  soutli  of  the- 
villago  of  W. ;  after  her  d.  rem.  to  .Marietta,  U..  and  lu.  thr.,  (8)  Miss  Anna  .Moulton. 
He  was  several  yrs.  dea.  of  the  ehh.  m  Marietta;  rem.  to  Lowell,  ().,  and  d.  thr.  Aug.. 
1812.  His  1st  wf.  was  Abigail  Sherman  of  Soutliiugtoii.  Conn.,  m.  Hfjo,  who  d.  of 
small  pox,  Jmi(>4,  1777.  1,  Bk'I'skv  Haut,  h.  Dec.  .22,1778;  m.  Titus,  s.  of  Samuel 
lUick  of  \\'. ;  oiijeLMe.i  to  going  West  until  she  had  m.  him.  2,  Clarissa,  b.  abt.  178I'-;. 
d.  Jan.  2.").  1871,  a.  ^<N;  m.  ^^'ing  Devoe  of  Maviett.i.  ().,  and  rt-s.  on  Murixingum  river, 
4  miles  above  M.  He  d.  Fel).,  f8lis,  in  90tli  yr.  1,  ./".yiifh.  lives  on  old  homestead.  2, 
Kinchin,  m.  Hon.  (ti-o.  Barker  of  (>. :  res.  M.  Iy74.  8,  Willidrn,  n\.  a  gr.  dan.  of  (I'en. 
Israel  PuTnam,  and  they  have  his  military  coat  and  liis  uf.'s  bridal  dress,  which  is  made 

of  brocade  sill;.     8,  Cyxthia,  b.  abi.  17^2;  m.  in  .Marietta, Vance;  res.  (_'olumbus. 

().,  wlir.  she  d.  1872,  a.  90. 

V.      Sarah.  .March  12,  1751. 
Vi.      Hicluird,  March  1,  17.")8. 
\'ll.      Elizabeth.  June  19.  1  7:.o. 
VHL      Eunice,  July  2ti,  17."')7. 

.  IX.  Joshua,  -Vug.  7.  17(j8;  iii,  ILinnah.  dau.  <if  Di*.  .losiah  and  .Vbigail  (Sluman') 
Hart,  b.  17H9;  d,  at  Avon,  Conn.,  May  2S,  lsi;2.  in  94th  yr.  1,  1Tann'\1[  1Iai;t,  m. 
Koinanta  U'l.odruff.  2.  Ai'.k+aii..  m.  Colier  Steele,  8.  'i'lioviAs,  m.  M.-iry  I'.iirkette. 
4,   Dami.i.,  d.  unm. 

267.  James  Bidwcll,  b.  1(;91;  o.  May  7,  1718;  m.  Dec.  8,  1713,  Kuth  Stanley. 
dau.  of  Caleb  and  gr.  dau.  of  Timothy,  only  child. 

2671.  James  Bidwell,  b.  Julv2G,  171G;  d.  Jan.,  1782;  m.  Jan.  12,  1747,  Marv 
Norton,  b.  .May  2n,  1780;  d.  .Ian.  1,  17(;2. 

1.      Marv,  b.  Jan.  8.  174S;  d..  June  8,  17o(i. 
H       Luth.  b.  Ajui!  is.  17.5!i;  m.  Elijah  Hm.sdale. 

III.  Marv,  b.  F"b.  !).  17.")2:   m.  Heiirv  I5raiiiar<l  and  rem.  to  (>.  18U1. 

IV.  James,  b.  Ai)ril  80.  17ol. 

V.      Huldah.  b.  Oct.  10.  17:iG;  d.  April  28.  17()0. 

VI.  .\uu.  b.  Apiil  7.  17."i9:  d.  1m4i.  24.  1S84:  m.  1779.  James  llosmer  of  Hartf.,  b.  Sept. 
80.  n.-)!;  d.  Aug.  19,  lS:i7.      1.   Ja_mi:s  lUnwKi.i,.!  b.  Sept.  27,  1781;  d.   177s.  a.  97  yrs^ 

*Byistrri.  Dr.  Han  had  :   i.  .M^ifiai!,   b     Feb.   3.   i-Cf> ;  m     Thomas  \VeIi°s  of  W.     2,  Ju^iah.  b    Dec 
lu,  1768  ;  d  15,  1769-     3,  H;inn.ili.  b.  176.J  ;  m.  Jr.shu.i  Rubb'ns       4,  Emily,  b.  Fi-b.   :.  1771  ;  m.  .^!a:vI., 
i7°<;.  Gideon  Welles  ot  W.     5,  Josiah,  .Ian    i  ..  177-,;  d    v.     6.  WUliam.  Muri. 'i  4.  177^;  in.  Saiati 
Waters  Wolcoii      7,  Thomas,  b.  Dec.  14,  1771.,  in.  Hlu.ibeih  McClelKind. 

+  He  W.-IS  one  of  a  committee  of  three  ehe  others  beiny  Mr.  Ward  and  X.ithLuiiel  (';.)id\vini  appointed 
by  the  se'.conen  of  the  town  of  H;irtf.  Dec.  30,  1^3;),  to  cause  a  "lurvev  and  map  to  be  in:ide  of  the  towi-. 
as  i:  Was  laid  out  in  \f.;.,.  For  this  work  the  coin,  en'.'.'ir'-'d  Wm.  S.  y'nr'er  of  F.irniin'  the  weli 
known  ?,UiA-evoi  and  an:li|  ulin  produced  in  'i-ne  liie  verv  accurate  and  complete  !na;>,  pu'jlished 
\u  Sr,i,-a\f  /f,ir//orJ  In  I,',-.-  (l.'Jci;  /V'.v,-.  cdiied  by  W  .^^.  U  IFirtiey.  A  copv  of  this  worl:  inscribed 
on  I'  e  tiy  Icif,  '•  l'".lihu  BiirriU,  prc'^''nie<l  bv  Janv.-s  Uosnicr,  1  l.Tiiord,  ("onn ..  .iuly.  iS^li,"  now  ih'eh.  n, 
1S82  1  lie-i  betore  uie.  for  the  parpo<e  i-f  makjrij  ,1  traci"!:  ''f  ^iaid  map;  for  u-liieh  pr  vile^re  I  am  inde'ned 
to  the  kind--e-;s  of  .Mi.-,s  .•\nii;i  C  .  Stricklum!  of  New  F.iitain,  Conn,  'llie  m.ip  bchinj^inf.;  to  thr  .'.sior 
Library  copy  h.aving  been  abstracted  by  some . 

liiDWKij.,   iioinitNS,   inxs[)ALi:.  123 

umn.  llo  was  vory  promiui'iit  and  ]ii^;lily  ostcriiud  in  Haiti',  ami  Ifft  a  lare^  property, 
priiicijially  to  tlit^  Haitford  'l"ii(()lo:;ical  Si'ininary,  ot  whicli  "  IIosiiu  r  Hull  "  was  coiu- 
])l('lfd  l^Sd;  coiiipilcil  and  inihlished  the  JL'.siin  r  Finiiily.  After  d.  of  lii'^  sis. ,  Mrs. 
I-Siill.  lu'  lived  nloni-  ill  till- old  hoiin' op])osite  the  olfice  in  Harit.  1?.  ('llAKi.KS.  li. 
Aiu-il  10.  n^.").  :5,  Ann.  h.  Ainil  ;jO,  ITS!);  d.  ,•<.  /. ,  .Marrh  T),  1S,"3T;  m.  Loren/.n  Hull,  his 
L'd  wf. 

VH.      Hiildali. 

26712.     Ruth  BidV70ll,   l*.    April    is.    IToO;    d.    June  i?:;,    ITS.i-    in.    Klijali.    .-.  of 
(.'apt.   John    and    I'Ji'/.aln-th   (tole)    Hinsdale  of    Kensiniilon   (Berlin),   Conn.,  h.  Ajiril    1, 
1744;  hlaeksnuth.       He  m.  (:3)  Sarah    Haniels.       lie  d.  June  2(),  ITH;!.       (His   si^..  Lydia 
llin.sdahj.  in.  Samuel  Hart,  and  \v;is  mo.  of  Mrs.   Kiniiia  Willai'd  and  Mrs.  I'ludiis). 
I.      Hlizaheth  Hin.sdale. 
II.      I?o\ana  Hinsdale,  h.  Jan.    10,  1778;  ni.  K/.e.kiel  Andrews. 

2G7121.  Elizabeth  Hiusdale,  1>.  Feh.  (i.  i?:.-,;  d.  Ant>:.  ec.  1S44;  m.  July  20, 
1793,  Klihu  (s.  of  Kliliu)  I^iirrin.  1>.  1^04.  He  >et.  in  .New  Britain,  Conn.;  furiuer  antl 
slioeiuakei'.  A  few  years  hefore  his  death  their  relebrajt.'d  s.,  hdihu,  \\  rites  in  liis 
journal:  "I  have  recently  visited  tlie  burying-  ground  whore  sleeji  the  ]>atriarchs  of  my 
native  village,  and  a  large  congregation  of  their  childi'.-n.  I  made  my  way  among  thc^ 
simple  moiuiments  till  I  paus.-d,.  thnugliifully,  ]irayerfully,  nieeh'ly  near  eiie  er'(;ti.'d  to 
file  memory  of  Klihu  J->uriitl,  \s\in  d.  Jan.,  IS-^l,  a.  Go.  It  seeiued  as  if  1  had  cunie  mk!- 
deiily  before  a  mirror  and  seen  a  departed  face  thei-e.  It  was  the  same  luuiie  my  own 
stone  will  bear — if  ever  one  be  erected  to  m\' memory — but  ^vhat  age  shall  it  record".'  In 
what  land  shall  it  be  raised".'  On  the  same  slone  was  engravcil  th<>  name  of  Elizabeth 
Burritt,  out  godly,  beloved  mother,  who,  to  all  her  chiklren,  both  on  earth  and  in  heaven, 
Aviis  the  most  jir'M-ious  friend  This  side  of  Jesu^  C'lai-t."'  At  unothei'  time  he  refers  to 
her  as  "  my  godly  mother,  whoso  prayers  seem  at  times  to  surrnund  me  like  a  whisper- 
ing atmosphere."  \ 

I.  r'dijah  Hinsdale  BunitL  b.  April  20,  17:i4;  d.  Jan.  o.  IboS,  in  Texas;  leurm-vl 
trade  of  Idacksmith:  grud.  W'ms.  (\A.;  had  a  tasK.'  for  mathematics,  and  gave  hi<  atten- 
tion to  that  science  in  oider  to  become  a  surveyor.  He  est;ib.  a  boarding  school  in  >>ew^ 
Brit.,  C'oiui.;  author  of  an  astr(Hii>mical  work  used  in  sclmols,  Gcofjrdphii  ofiJn-  llmnns, 
and  of  st:veral  other  W(n-ks.  lie  headed  a  small  colony  that  unfortun.itidy  went  to  Texa^ 
in  18o7;  edited  a-weekly  ])ajier  in  Ca.  some  yrs.  He  was  \\-iil  built  and  large  phy.-^i^ally, 
Commanding  and  diinutied  in  aii]iearance  and  addi  e-^s;  a  man  nf  rare  talent  and  worth, 
but  somewhat  erratfc.  He  m.  Oct.  28.  isl'.t.  Am;  Williams  \V:,Ts<m  of  Milledgeville.  (Ja., 
b.  Dec.  4,  1797.  1,  Ki,iz.\iii;rit.  b.  April  22,  l>22,  in  (ia.;  d.  Ort.  2>^,  182(1.  2.  <ii:. nun: 
Hl>;si-).\l,E,  1).  New  Brit.,  I'^'b.  2S,  lb2(;;  d.  June  20,  ^^;7o,  in  Santa  I'arbaia.  C'a!.;  m. 
Oct.  20,  1849,  Marian  Leeds  Par.-ons,  b.  New  Lmidon,  (.'.mn.,  Sept.  10,  1829;  dau,  of 
Thomas  and  Fram'es  Calhuriue  ;C"happe'.l )  Par.sim.s.  ;ind  sis.  of  ll<.ii.  ITuhard  I'huppell 
Parsniis.  M.  (',.  and  ediiDi-  of  iln^  (  lex  eland  ((.).)  7V./////  Ihr'ihL  She  m.  (2)  in  Hartf., 
(.'(inn..  April  30,  1877,  Abel  Ijenjs(jii  Breed,  mereh.  and  manuf.;  ri'S.  Ib81,  X.  \.  ('.,  cnr. 
Madison  ave.  and  o7tli  st.  1,  France^  Cd.tluuine,  b.  I'^'b.  24,  18ol;  d.  Feb.  11,  \<^■^.  2, 
lUdKird  Cli'ipjiill.  b.  June  ('..  lN.",(i;  d.  Jan.  (i,  ISoQ.  'd,  Fnnici.--  Por.-nn^  b.  De.-.  ol, 
18r,8;  d.  Dec.  9,  1874.  :!  Anna  Fi.iz  Atu.i  ii,  b  Nov.  SO,  1829;  m.  April  19,  iSfiO,  J,,^eph 
B.  llawkesof  Charlemont,  Ma^s.,  win.  d.  at  \'ieksbuig,  June,  18tM;  (2)  Hev.  Mr.  l.<'wis. 
wlio  fl.  in  Ch.arlcston.  S.  I '. ;  iMi  Jo-^hua  D.  (iiddings.  4,  Jri.r.x  Watso.v,  b.  Marcli  11, 
18;>;);  m.  Aug.  lo.  1s,j2,  Dr.  W  arner  N.  Dunham.  She  d,  P.ncktown,  111.,  May  20,  l^CO. 
1,  vlr/(A»,  m.'j(din  Burke.  2,  (r, >>,'/(■  :!,  Mniinn.  ,".,  Kij.i.m!  Hinsd.m.k.  b.  .Inly  11, 
1835;  d.  abt.  1S79;  m.  Dec.  20,  ISCO,  Matred  E.  Tilden,  dau.  of  Hon.  Daniel,  Judg.'  of 
Probate  of  Chn-eland,  ().;   res.  St.  Paul,  Minn.      2  <diil. 

II.  Betsey  Hinsdale  Burritt,  b.  July  22,  179(i;  d.  1S72;  m.  Aug,  24,  ls29,  He/ekiah. 
S.  of  Jo.sej.h  W.  and  Lovisa  ('.  (Warner)  Seynnmr  (d'  Hartf..  b.  Oct.  29,  17S^:  an  l^j'i-^co- 
palian,  and  his  wf.  joined  that  communion.  They  lived  several  yrs.  in  the  i^urritl 
House  on  the  Hinsdale  ])la<-e  in  New  Britain.  1.  lxr..b.  l'"eb.  10.  1S;H;  d.  ^ooll.  2, 
Hi;m:v  (iui-woi  n,  I).  May  o,  is:!-J;  d.  May  2ii,  ls">;!;  an  interesting  young  man.  and  ihe 
onlv  prop  and  hope  of  his  parents. 

"hi.  Ilmily  Burritt  b.  An--.  12,  179S;  d.  ls:;9;m.  lS:;.s,  ( 'a].!.  Ta\  lor  of  Texas.  Caj-t. 
of  a  ve-isel  whieh  carried  the  colons  to  'i'exas  in  ls;!S,  mo.  aial  idi.  d.  next  vr.  at 

1\'.  (ieoiive  l^nrriit,  b.  D'-e.  .",  l.'-'i'i);  d.  .\ug.  20,  1S22,  in  (ia.;  a  young  man  of 
.ureal  hop'e  and  a^y.-A  pr.'Uiise. 

N'.  .Mary  Hurritt.  b.  Feb.  l,s,  is.^i:!;  m.  May  211.  IS-J.',.  \^a(len  ^ViIliams  of  Ken- 
sington, s.  of  tiideon  and  Funic- v' '<|\^  le.-.-)   W.-  ^iloemaker;  afti-r  a  few  yrs.  left  his  wf. 

124  BKANCH    OF    IIANXAH. 

and  went  to  parts  nnknown,  but  subsequently  found  in  Pliila.  with  a  cljaiigcd  name, 
smd  111.  to  a  beautiful  woman  whose  parents  became  broken-hearted  on  tlie  diseover> . 
Mary  obtained  a  divorce,  and  supported  herself  v.itli  needle,  and  built  a  house  in  a  tine 
situation  on  La  Favette  st.  in  ]Si-l.  1,  Ei,rz.\i!KTii  BiKin'iT,  1).  Feb.  10,  bS27;  m.  .Mnv, 
1S4:}  Wm.  Millerof  N.  J).  1.  ^^i//^/;/^  b.  1^18.  2.  C,'inr/<:%  If^Vy,  i\.  ISTU.  :^,  Wi/inrd', 
1819.  ,4,  .Ir/// '/.'•.  IS.jl.  '),  Henr!j,\>i~->'-i-  G,  J'Vnlei'ir,  IS'ytJ.  2,  Ax.v  Wat.sux,  Nov.  :Jo', 
1S28,-  m.  1><V>.  (>'eo.  X^'autih  of  Torvina:ford,  Conn. 

VI.  William  P.urrilt,  1..  .July  s,  isur,;  ,1.  ]),.,-.  11,  1S87;  in.  May  2.-),  1S2G, 
Coh's  nf  Ken.-^in^ton,  Conn.  1.  U'li.i.l  a.m  ,  b.  .Jan.  17,  ls:!0;  m.  Oct!  22,  l«rj2,  Islizal.eth 
Hart  of  New  Ih-itaiu.  1,  L'llii  A''ii-iib,t/i,  \k  .)<\n.  10,  1^3 1;  m.  Jan.  IC,  b>^77.  Albi^rt  F. 
Fuller  of  Clinton,,  and  had  May.  b.  May  27.  isTU.  2.  WiUir  77"',„a..-<,  20, 
IStM.  2,  .Joiix  Coi.Ks,  b.  .lulv  14,  1n::;4;  m.  Nov.  2.'),,  Mary  E.  ^^^)odruf¥  of  N.  B..' 
whu  d.  AuiT.  4,  bSiiU;  (2)  Frances  A.  Gale,  Nov.  5,  IS^;,-).  ],  rVf/v;>  7>', ,  Nov.  lU,  1^:I57. 
2,  LilUc  B.,  Ajn-il  13,  lSt>S. 

VII.  Isaac  Burritt,  b.  May  81,  1S08;  an  earnest  and  useful  worker  in  chli.  and  soc. ; 
gifved  in  prayer,  exhortation  and  olT  hand  ])ublic  sj)eaking;  m.  (Jet.  itj,  1^';!2,  Nancy, 
dau.  of  Selah  Barne;?;  .m.  i. 

VIII.  Elihu  Bnrritt,  b.  Dec.  8.  ISIO:  his  early  advantai^-es  of  education  liuiiled  to  the 
common  school  and  a  small  library  of  the  villaire.  An  anecdote  of  his  school  days  shows 
the  benevolence  of  his  character.  The  hal)it  of  whispering  to  each  other  in  scliool  hours 
liad  f^nown  up  among  the  scliolars.  'I'o  check  this  the  teacher  adopted  a  ]>lau  of  placing 
a  ferule  in  the  liands  of  the  first  delincjuent,  who  was  made  to  hold  it  until  it  was  passed 
to  the  next  offender  and  .so  on;  the  last  holder  being  detained  after  dismission  of  the 
rest  and  se\'erely  ])unished.  One  (biy  about  five  minutes  beforf^  dismission,  a  hirge  boy 
who  iield  the  ferule  contrived  to  entrap  Lucy  W.,  the  largest  and  best  girl  in  the  school", 
into  an  act  of  whispering  and  so  she  became  ilu'  liolder,  a.nd  would  have  been  ])uni<he;l 
had  not  Eliliu,  whose  synipatiiies  v.-ei'e  arnLi>-nI  in  view  of  tb.e  impending  crisis,  drew 
the  punishment  upon  himself,  and  became  the  s'-ape  goad  for  all  the  sinm-rs  of  rhat 
day.  A  severe  currHctiou  \\as  admini.-tf.'red  to  him  by  the  teaeher,  but  he  bui'e  it  joyfully 
as  it  saved  another  tiom  ill-mei-ited  jiain  and  di.^grace.  lie  was  very  modest  and  his 
diifidcnce  so  great,  that  lather  than  meet  the  comyiany  at  the  marriage  of  his  sister,  lie 
ran  away,  and  being  missed,  was  fuund  after  much  search  hid  behind  a  liarrel  in  the 
cellar.  This  difiidencn  attended  liini  through  life  and  was  only  f)vercome  %\  heir  some 
duty  or  pi'inci])le  was  involved,  and  then  he  liecame  as  bold  as  a  lion. 

His  father  dying  wln-n  Flihu  was  18  yrs.  of  a.,  he  apprenticed  liimself  tn  a 
blacksmith  and  lejirned  the  tradi-  thoroughly.  Having  an  immense  thirst  for  leamini,^ 
he  devoted  his  spar»-  time  to  reading  and  study.  At  tlie  age  of  21  he  entered  his  bro.'s 
scliool  and  ga\e  especial  attention  to  mathematics,  with  the  object  of  becoming  a  sur- 
veyor. He  made  rapid  ])rogress,  but  after  one  term  in  the  school  he  found  it  nece.ssary 
to  return  to  the  anvil.  Every  S])are  nioinent  of  his  wm-king  hours  were  given  to  study, 
and  seeing  that  the  langaages  could  be  acquii'ed  under  su(di  circumstances  with  greater 
facility  than  mathematics,  he  procured  a  small  Greek  grammar,  A\hi(di  he  carried  in  his 
liat,  and  recured  to  at  every  oi)porttuiity.  Mornings  and  evenings  \vere  given  to  Latin 
and  Fieiu  li.  After  a  short  period  of  work,  he  was  able  to  devote  another  term  exclu- 
sively to  sttidy,  and  went  to  New  Haven  for  the  advantages  of  proximity  to  Yale  Col., 
but  being  ashamed  at  his  age  tn  ask  for  helj)  in  the  elementary  studies,  he  deter- 
mined to  learn  G"m-k  and  H<direw  without  aid.  He  began  with  limner's  Hind  and  a 
Greek  Lexicon  with  Latin  deMnitions,  and  his  success  was  such  that  he  leariu;d  not  oidy  languages,  but  also  the  benefit  of  self-reliance  and  the  power  of  will  and  applica- 
tion. During  this  winter  in  NVw  Haven  he  made  ra])id  progress  in  the  languages  aiici.'n) 
and  modern.  The  next  year  he  t.uight  an  academy  in  a  iieighboring  town,  but  his  health 
beginniiig  to  suffer  from  confinement,  lu:  became  a  traveling  salesjuari  for  a  maiuifai'- 
turing  com-ern;  then  bought  an  interest  in  a  country  store,  wliiu-e  the  financial  roversicii 
of  18;;!7  found  him,  and  s\ve]it  away  all   his  savings. 

A  ni-w  dejiarture  being  m cess^uy  he  ^^•alked  to  Boston,  about  125  miles,  lioping 
to  find  work  and  r'pii.irrunity  to  study,  but  failed  and  retraced  his  str]is  to  ^^'orceste^. 
where  he  found  liotli.  and  gaine<l  adiuit'ance  t<i  tin'  large  and  rare  library  (d'  the  .\iiti- 
(juarian  Sociery.  wlien-  he  spent  his  evi  nings  .-imi  leisure  liours.  Here  he  found  a  ('elto 
Bjxton  dictionary  and  giammai',  and  %\:>.s  soon  able  to  address  a  lettt'rin  this  language — 
<lated  Aug.  12,  1S:JS,  the  liist  and  oul\  erne  ever  v,  rilten  in  tliis  country  —to  tlie  '"  Ib.yal 
Anticjuarian  Soiiciy  of  Franre."  In  'eturn  be  received  a  ccMnmeiidatory  lettei'  ol 
U(  kn(n\ledgment.  and  a  very  large  vol.  bearing  the  seal  of  the  society.  Havin.ij  beeonie 
more  or  less  familiar  with  all  the  hingiiages  of  jMUope  and  seveial  of  Asia,  he  desired  to 
turn  his  know  ledge   to   ))ra(;tical    arcount,   and    with    this    view   wrote   a    letter   to    Hon. 

BUllRITT.  125 

E'bvavd  EverctT.  Out  of  this  grew  tin  olYer  f rom  Mr.  Everett  of  a  I'lec  course  fit  Harvard 
Col.,  Avliicli  he  was  coiupelh-d  to  decline  for  tlie  reasim  tluit  liumual  lal)or  iu  counectioii 
with  study  was  indispensable  to  Ids  health. 

AVmut  this  time  lie  heg-an  to  lie  known  as  '* 'j'lie  Le;nned  l>lacksnutli,"  and  iu 
1B41  to  lecture  by  invitation  before  Lyceums  and  Associations  in  ditTerent  parts  of  the 
country.  His  first  lecture  entitled  "  Application  and  (ienius,"  was  delivered  sixlv  times 
during  the  iirst  winter.  Among  the  first  at  New  Haven  (in  a  liall  on  Church  street,  then 
used  as  a  Congregational  cluirch,  and  now  known  as  the  "  American  Theatre,")  before 
the  "Young  .Mens'  Institute,"  of  Nvliich  the  compiler  was  a  member,  and  di.stinctlv 
remembers  the  lecture  and  the  lecturer.  His  argument  was  that  there  is  no  such 
tiling  as  genius,  and  that  success  is  tlie  result  ot  patient  and  ])ersevering  ap])lication; 
and  the  impression  made  at  the  time  still  remains  that  he  emliodied  in  liimself  and  illus- 
trated in  his  history  a  partial  refutation  of  Ids  own  theory.  Between  the  words  Appli- 
cation and  Cienius,  use  tlie  ]ilus  sign. 

As  mere  scholarship,  learning  or  the  acquisition  of  knowledge  can  never  .satisfy 
the  soul  of  an  earnest  man  while  so  much  suffering  exivis  can  lie  alleviated  bv 
human  effort,  he  soon  turned  his  attention  to  philanthroi)ic  labors.  One  of  the 
objects  to  engage  his  attention  was  the  Peace  Cause.  "  Peace  on  Earth  and  good  will 
among  men."  To  this  lie  added  the  advocacy  of  freedom,  temperance,  self  culture, 
cheaj)  postage  and  other  reforms,  and  in  furtherance  of  these  objects,  established  or 
edited  several  public  journals,  lectured,  wrote  letters,  tracts,  and  newspaper  articles, 
and  devoted  himself  as  wholly  to  human  jirogress  as  he  had  done  before  to  learninr^. 

in  1840  he  went  to  England  in  tlie  same  ship  that  carried  the  news  of  the 
friendly  settlement  of  the  Oregon  Question.  Here  he  remained  three  years  working  for 
the  Peace  Cause,  traveling,  lecturing,  writing,  circulating  "  Olive  Leaves,"  organizing 
"  Peace  Congresses  "  in  London,  ^Lanchester,  Brus.sels,  Frankfort  and  Paris.  In  iy47, 
the  year  of  tlie  great  fau.ine,  he  visited  Ireland  and  spent  tv,o  weeks  \n  going  from  hut 
to  hovel,  and  was  so  greatly  distressed  by  what  he  .saw,  that  he  made  a  .strono-  and 
earnest  a])peal  to  his  native  State  for  aid,  which  did  much  to  intensify  the  sympathies 
of  the  l>enevolent,  and  resulted  in  sending  a  ship  load  of  provisions  from  iioston  to 
Cork,  which  were  received  with  joyful   demonstrations. 

While  in  Euro])e  he  had  oUserved  that  the  high,  rates  of  international  postage  were 
very  burdensome  to  the  poorer  classes;  and  on  his  return  to  America  in  184'J  he  went  to 
work  with  his  accustomed  zeal  and  energy  to  bring  about  a  reform;  by  lectures,  letters, 
tracts,  jiev>-spa]iers,  jjetitions  and  visits  to  Congressmen  and  high  otiicials.  To  liira  more 
than  to  any  other  are  the  people  indebted  for  tlie  ]iresent  increased  facilities  for  interna- 
tional coi'respondence. 

On  his  return  in  18.15  from  a  second  visit  to  Europe,  he,  olvserved  the  increased 
bitterness  between  the  North  and  the  South,  on  tlie  suliject  of  slavery,  and  was 
extremely  anxious  to  avoid  a  rujUure.  His  plan  was  a  compensated  eruancijiation,  the 
money  to  be  raised  by  the  sale  of  the  puiilic  landi,.  He  lielieved  it  feasable.  and  labored 
as  ttsual  to  bring  it  about.  But  it  was  too  late.  \Mien  vrar  became  inevitable  he  retired 
to  New  Britain  to  the  home  of  a  beloved  sister  and  t^vo  nieces. 

In  ISO:;!  he  returned  to  England  to  fuKill  one  of  the  purposes  of  his  first  visit, 
namely,  a  pedestrian  tour  to  gain  an  insiglit  into  tlie  condition  of  the  \vorkin!;-  classes. 
In  l8(Jo  and  18()4  he  wallied  from  London  to  John  O'Croat's,  and  from  London  to  Land's 
End,  and  published  the  results  of  his  observations  in  two  separate  vols. 

In  lS(i5  he  was  apjiointed  Consular  .\gent  for  liiriuingbam,  hhig.,  and,  as  such, 
visited  various  manufacturing  establislnnents  and  collecteil  information  concernincr  the 
industries  and  [u-oduetious  of  the  territory  included  iu  his  consulate.  This  was  pub- 
lished in  a  large  vol.  of  414  ]iuii-es.  abounding;  iu  vabi.ible  infoiniatiiui,  and  withal,  a 
very  readable  and  entertaininu'  honk.  Copu\s  were  siuit  to  the  State  Hejit,  at  W'arhine-- 
ton.  and  iu  return,  yiv.  Seward  sent  a  highly  complimentary  huer  to  the  autlior. 
While  at  Birmingham  he  also  wrote  7'Iic  Mis.^ioii  of  G i;nt  Sujfirhnj.s,  ^oO  j'p.  He  also 
continued  his  corres])ondence  with  tlu^  London  Peace  Society  anil  wrote  ai  tides  for 
variiuM  i)a[i('rs.  designeii  to  intere-^t,  instruct  and  lienefif  the  young.  "  His  whole  soul 
seemed  to  la^  tii-.-d  with  a  desire  tu  do  tbo.-e  tliiug'-.s  whicdi  wouhl  tend  to  mitii;-ate  suiYerim"^ 
aul  bless  uiankind.  No  man  ever  lived  wlio-e  elVoiis  seenn  d  more  unselfjsli  or  ]ihilan- 
thro]>ic  ill  tluir  cliararter  and  tendency  than  those  of  E'.ihu  Buiriit.'  <)n  resiimim,'- his 
studies  at  Birmingham  he  found  tiiai  six  dilTereiit  alphabtts,  and  many  woi'.ls  and 
]>!'rase;'  of  other  languages  had  escaited  his  niemoiy,  \>\\i  they  were  regained  with,  but 
little  effort.  He  returned  to  America  for  the  last  time  in  1870  and  resumed  his  residence 
at  New  Britain  ^vith  liis  sister  aivi  two  nieces,  the  latter  having  jiresided  over  his  house- 
hold during  the  four  years  of  his  residence  in  Birmingham.     He  had  managed  to  save 

I'-^G  BRAXCIl    OF    IIAXXAir. 

■cnoug-h  oat  of  liis  consulitti^  to  ]>u_v  tlic  ilcljt  incurred  in  iiinrlcisino;  ]i!s  farm.  It  wji.s  ■., 
•|)Ovt'rt_v-5itrickcn  tra<-t,  all  covered  with  sioisrs  \slien  lie  l.iju^lit  it,  Imt  witli  luiicli  toil 
lie  Improved  it., ii-i-.-atly.  Here  lie  wrot.'  r//r///_v///w//  f'ti  J^'w-^  -.iud  mosi  of  ihe  "  insidr 
lu-rirles  •'  in  his  ])aper.  T"/-///  cr/id  Sontl,,  \scie  wriiteu  ,^1,  ;,  barrel-head  in  hi.-;  bnrn. 
"  Tlie  prospect  from  my  hill,"  he  says,  "  is  iiiiii!,Tdliceiit,  and  I   enjoy  it  more  and  more." 

In  ls;4  he  made  arrangements  to  g-o  1o  Kngland  to  work  \\\)  a  grand  interna- 
tional '•  Peace  Con;,"  hut  while  on  the  way  to  (,»neliecto  embark,  a  sc-rions  illness 
compelled  him  to  al'and'Ui  the  undertakini^  and  ret^irn  home.  Afterward  his  labi.r.s 
were  limileJ  to  his  nativi- city  and  its  neii:;lil)r)rii()(.id.  He  e^tabli.shed  three  or  four 
wet'kly  meetings  iu  as  many  dift'erera  parts  of  the  tnwn,  for  the  benelil  of  thnse  wjw) 
lived  at  an  inconvenient  distance  from  the  established  (lunches:  and  pidd  all  tlie  im-i- 
dental  expiMi-es  out  of  his  own  scanty  re^durces.  lu  one  section  of  the  Xdwv.  he  erected 
a  building  to  accommodate  o'H)  per.-.ons,  dointr  nearly  all  the  work  with  his  own  hands. 
He  was  deeply  interested  in  the  ])ublic  scluiols,  and  as  a  inemlier  of  the  local  Hoard  of 
Education, 'freijuently  visited  them  and  addressed  the  i)upil.s:  always  a  niost  welcome 
visitor.  So  in  everv  good  work  In'  c-intinued  active  as  lono' ashis  stivm'-th  wa.-.  sutRcient 
f>ri!.  '  ^ 

In  the  Autiinin  of  IN'TS  he  fully  realized  that  his  releas;»  was  near.  Less  than 
a  week  before  he  d.ied  he  >aiil  to  sunn-  fellou -men:ber'--  of  a  c)ub  whocalh-dto  i;ivehini 
the  i)arting  hand,  "  I  hardly  know  wjn'tln-r  t"  say  -■.,.,<!  evening  or  ii-ond-iive."  "  He  was 
a  sincere  Christian,  and  was  readv  for  the  to  i^o  up  hi''-her  He  d  Mandi  0 
1S7JI.  a.  Gf).  ■  .  o 

Prof.  Longfellow  says:  "  1  alv.'ays  had  a  great  admiration  -for  the  sweetness 
and  simplicity  of  his  character,  and  was  in  jierfect  .syintiathy  with  hiiu  in  his  work.  * 
*  *  ■•■  No-.hing  ever  came  fn 111!  bis  ikmi  tiiat  was  not  whole.-ome  and  good.'"  ^^arv 
Huwitt  writes  of  his  "  stiipendons  knowledge  of  ihe  huiiruaires,"  his  '■  ])rodigious  learii- 
Ingr"  his  "  larire  and  b:>nevo!en*  heaii.  every  throb  a  senriment  of  broiherliood  to  all 
manki!\d."  Of  the  lant;aages  to  whi.-h  he  gave  sp.-ei.-il  attention  were  Amharic,  Arabic, 
Basqne,  liohemian.  (.'eliio-lireton.  ('liahhtic.  Cornish.  Hutcli,  Ktlnopic.  Flemish,  French,' 
Oaelic,  (ierman,  (Jr.-c!;.  Hebi-ew,  Hindostaui,  Hi;m:aiian,  Icelandic,  Irish,  Latin,  Alanx! 
Persian,  I'ldish.  Portuguese.  Russian.  Sanuiritati.  Sanscrit,  Spanish,  Swedish. 'svriac, 
Turkish  and  Wcdsh.     (See  Life,  by  Prof.  Charles  Xwirhend,4S0  pp.,  with  steed  ])ortrait.) 

IX.  Kuince  NVakeman  Larrett.  b.  May  'J,  isl.:',:  ni.  ,\i>ril  24,  IS;:;;-^,  Jabez  Cornwall 
of  MiiUlletown.  Conn.;  joim.':'.  In  lS;j:  he.  went  to  Texas  and  d.  thr.  Nov.  S).  same  yr. 
Mrs.  Ccu-iiwall  went  we.-t  a- a  teadier  under  tiie  jKisroiiage  id'  (jov.  Slade.  She  was  a 
passenger  on  the  steamer  .\tlanii'-  when  it  was  sunlc  by  a  collision  on  the  lake;  losintr 
everything  but  ni-lir  dmhes.  She  b-b.avcd  wiib,  gjeat  coolness  and,  intrepiditv  and 
Avas  oiie  of  the  few  saved;  ni.  ^Oi  Mandi  17.  l-o.'h  X.  ,\ .  Sawyer.  Pnd".  in  C  liica^-o  Fidv. 
1.  .Vi.ox/.d  Bfi!i;n  r,  b.  Fell.  11,  fs.-.d:  m.  Nov.  L  ISTG.  Sarah  Lavin.a  McFwing.  \, 
Xnlhiiit  Fiillcy.h.  .]\\.\\-  v.),  \^~'>^.  0.  .l.\.Mi:s  !l(is.M];ii.  b.  Auif.  o,  ]S."J7  ;>  d'l:  \cT  •'Ti.icp; 
b.  .}\\\v^  4.  ISfU). 

.\.  Alndra  Ihdwi  II  P.n  n  ett .  b.  .]  uly  :?7.  1 '.nfl;  m.  Nov.  -,'4.  LSot;.  Stej.hen  Lvnuui 
(s.  of  Stephen  an.l  Nancy  Tryon)  Strickland  of  ( f  lastenl)ury.  Conn.,  b.  Sejit.  2C,"lSl;L 
He  was  ^^  ardeii  of  the  borough  of  Xew  Britain,  and  active  in  eidarginc;  and  lieautifvimr 
the  village.  He  d.  March  'M!  ISUo.  Elihu  Bunitt  had  his  lionn-  with  :Mrs,  Strickland 
a.nd  her  two  dans.  L  A\.\  Coiinvn  k.m,.  b.  .):in.  -24.  is;;^";  with  hci-  sis..  KUen  L.,  accom- 
paiiied  tlieir  uncle.  Kliliu  Ihirritt,  t..  Fngland  and  pi csldcd  nvcr  Ids  hous(diold  iu  JVirni- 
ingham.  To  the  Misses  Strickland  1  am  principally  indebted  for  thi-:  ac'ouut  of  the 
descendants  of  I'llihu  and  Elizabeth  (Hiusdalei  ihirri'tt,  and  for  oilier  valuable  inlbiiua 
tion  and  assistiuice,  for  which  1  de.-,lre  to  expii'ss  here  my  sincere  ihaidcs.  2.  I7i.i,l-.N 
Loins  \,  b.  .\ov.  l(j,  ls4(i;  res.  New  Britain.  "  ^ 

267122.  Roxana  Hinsdale,  b.  .Hme  lO,  ]77S:  d.  .Ian.  4.  lS:!-.>;  --a  w.mien  of 
]>ravei-  and  liieiy;  left  smue  intere.Ming  written  reiniiu-cencesVd'  rtdi:,'-ious  expei-iences;"'  m. 
Dec.  11.  WW.  F/ekiel  Andrews  of  New  Brit.,  b.  Ma\  ■J"u  ri7."):  Caoi.  in  the  \var(d'  IspJ: 
farmer:  d.  Sept.  M.  p--;,-)-,';  (2)  Oct.  2tt.  Ls;5;;,  Hnldah  Coodri(di.  b.  Jan.  ,"».  17>^^.  dau.  of 
Stt-jdien  and  l.vdia  ('i'errv)  d'.  (d'  Sim.sburv.  and  will,  of  Luther  Mos,-^  who  d  .Ian  2o 

1.      .\lfied  Andivws.  b.  Oct.  \u.  17'.)7;   ni.  C.-indine  Hart;    (2)Maiv  L.  Shii^nian. 
11.      Tb.c.^ta  .\ndrews,  p,.,-.    If,,    17!i~!:    d.    Jan..    2o.    ps^S:    m.    .\,,v.    ■,■;.    fs-J:!.   Cap!. 
Ibyar.-,  s.  im'  San,'.:.-!    I'o'l.  |-.       1.   .V  N  n  ,   b.    I'-c.  !l.   1^-J"j;    d,    pec.    lsr.4.   uuni. 

ill.      Alluia  Andivv.-s.  b.  Id.  IMH:  ,1.  Ma\  ;;().  bS.-Jl.iinm.:    ••  Itopefuilv  pious." 
W .      Infant,  b.   ^!arcll  s,  d,  Mar-.di  10.  IM):, 
V.      i:iL\iu  .X.uton  .\ndre\vs.  b.  .June  27,  1S(H:  d.   .\ug.  2."").  1><2."),  num. 


Vl.  'y.\ixYv  Bidwfll  Andrews,  A})!!!  i;3,  1S07:  m.  Aju-il  21,  IS.l'.i.  Samuo]  E.  Curti-s, 
1).  Manli  8,  iJr'OS,  s.  of  Leveret  and  \luth  (P.arnes)  ('ulti^^  i>f  Southiugton;  shoemaker; 
later  in  life  a  plioto^Tajiher.  Slie  tauiilit  srliool  hef.  iii.  and  w;is  for  several  yrs.  after 
311.  verv  i(Iii-ic!it.  hut  lost  her  liealtli  and  v.ns  bedriddfii  ."i  yis. ;  \v;is  one  yr.  in  In.-^aie'  at"  rtica  ,\.  v.;  n-ni.  to  AVaterloo.  Wis.;  recovere(l,  and  in  hitrryi's.  able  to  care  for 
fainih  andeiijov  lifo.  1.  FhaNCKs  Mai'Iox,  May  80,  lH'-Uy  d.  Aiiril'ST,  IMiO,  at  Madi- 
son. \Vi-.,  uiiiii.  "J,  J'-UW  i.N  IJdDXKV.  May  fi.  ISoO;  da<i-uerreaii  in  Madi>on:  hi.  May  11, 
1S."")9.  I'lva'siniren falter.  8.  X.\Tii.\N  Si.i,ah,  0<t.  19,  iS>!S.  -I,  <;i;(i);(;k  1m!i:i),  Oct.  11, 
]!Sfl):  d.  .Unie^]'.2.  L^~)4. 

VII.  Ezekiel  Andrews.  July  19.  l^ii!':  learned  blaeksniitlitradf:  taui^-lit  s(dioid ;  res.  on 
Ids  s-  f-'i^  ]>Uu'e,  2  miles  west  of'  X.  B..  and  runs  the  saw  mill  erected  by  Ins  <;•.  f.  more  t)iai\ 
100 ^-rs.  aco  on  llie  Qiiinnij-iac  riv.-r;  lias  b.'cn  ma.iri.slrate,  selectman  and  mil.  oiiic'-r; 
res.  "sume'^time  in  Texas;  m.  Auij-.  7,  lb:J;3,  Sarali  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  Ifiland  Parkier,  b. 
June  Sti.  ISM.  1.  Inf.,  b.  and  d.  June  27,  1S84.  2,  Ax(:f:vim;,  b.  Sept.  7,  lS-'<~);  m. 
AiiiT.  24,  lb'57,  l,<'sier  Shelton,  s.  of  Harvey  and,  .\nna  (Hroiis(/n)  Hill- of  Hartf. ,  b.  May  22, 
183o-  lias  en";i"-cd  in  erectin;'- teleirrajdi  lines  and  tire  ;ilarm<  Chil.  l>.  in  Hartf.  1, 
Gn>r>  Enaf,n.K^i^v.i■  9.  iSoS:  d.  Feb,  11,  lN(i2,  2,  Ar,i,!,  I.nuis,,  Oct.  2o,  \h:m.  ?,, 
Lola  A/x/irin,  .luw  '^i).  IsiKi.  4,  J/./'/'/  fj^f-r,  Oci.  MO,  1871.  8,  Xathax  Ib.sMKi!; 
Pee.  28,1887:  d.  Sejit.  9.  I'^lo.  4,  Fkam^.in  Hai.1,.  July  81,  1889;  d.  July  27,  1848. 
5  liuPKnu'  Bai.dwin,  Oct.  9.  1841:  m  June  4,  1807,  Enima'H.  Fiske,  Sjuiniilield,  Mass. 
('.".  _\r;NKs  HosMi:i;.  Nov.  9,  1848;  m.  Fell.  1,  18()(>,  ^\'ilbnr  H.  Fiske  of  Boston,  b.  1841: 
j-iee.t.  in  Tnion  arniv;  shot  throu^rh  tlie  Iuul's  but  imrtly  recovered.  1,  ]hir,iriJ.  b, 
18G9.  7,  Nathan  Halt.,  March  7!  ISi'i;  num.  1S72;  been  a  rover,  and  driver  _<d'^u 
1>ublic  curriai^-e  in  N.  V.  C.  In  1^71  madi>  a  mem.  id'  tlie  detective  j.olice  of  N.  "^  .  C. ; 
luis  an  active  mind    a::d    v.  oiabrfuUy    i-roliHc   in    eK].edieu1s.      8,  Fkamcux  Hi.^-suAi.i:, 

J<e}>t.  2ii.  1840. 

VIII.  Nalha.n    Hu.-mer    Andrews.  June  28.  1S]2:  d.  of  fever.  Oi-t.  27,  1887.  in  Te:;a<. 
uum  ■   learned  carriaLCe  luakiuj;-  tra(h'  of  (.'has.  Hoadly  of  New  Haven. 

IX.  Roxana  Andrews,  b.  April  C,  181.-);  tau.u-hf  school;  m.  May  20.  1880,  F:nos  M. 
t^ndth  of  Lennox,  Mas^-,  :  merch.:  sold  Ids  ])bice  on  Hisrh  St.  to  the  Fla<ri;-  fam.  and  rem. 
to  X.  y.  S.  She  d.  in  L.  of  rin\-^.  S<M;t.  21,  18.-,4.  He  in.  (2)  July  Hb  18."")'),  Lucy  Alvord 
•of  l{roiid.all>in,  N.  Y.;  res.  N.  \  .  C.  '  1,  Jam:  Ki.i/.at.kth,  .Mandi  29.  188(;;  d.  A])ril  27, 
1887  at  N  Hav..  Conn.  2,  Kxos  Nathan,  Mav  2t'),  1>88;  d.  in  hos.,  N.  ^'.  harbor, 
Sept."  24.  1>;!;4;  Faion  soldier.  8,  Edwin  A.  M..'  Jan.  20,1841.  4,  Evkuktt,  b.  Sept. 
5,  d.  Sept.  29,'ls4.K 

X.  Jane  Loui-a  Andrews,  Feb.  2.  iSbS;  m.  Sept.  11,  1S:'.7,  ^\  iHiani  Mile-;,  2d,  ol 
Goslien,  (.'oiin..  where  she  iL  v.  i.  A]'v'A  7,  r-^!2;  ••beautilul  and  lovely;"  her  monument. 
in.Go'^heu  Hill  eemetirv. 

XL      Elijah  Hinsdale  Andrews.  Awj:.  11,  1S20;  d.  Oct.  80,  LS21,  of  er..!!].. 
Xll.      ICUen  Maria  Andrews.  Sept.  1X24:    rei.  18(',7    at    Wateiloo,  Wis.,  with  her   sis., 
Mr.-.  Outti-.'^. 

2671221.  Alfred  AndrCAV.S,  b.  Oct.  10,  1797;  taught  .school;  after,  in  carriay-e 
hiid  waeou  makiui;-  busiue.-s,  and  uunle  the  lirst  cast  iron  ]douclis  in  tha!  rei^ion;  Supt. 
of  Sabbath  School  in  Xew  Brit.,  1S2C.,  aud  teacher  or  Sujn.  to  1877,  'w  yrs;  tem])erance 
and  anti-slavery  reOuiuer;  failed  in  business  in  1887,  by  reason  of  lire  and  soutlieru 
re]uulialion:  S"ecretarv  of  the  Salibath  School  Fnion  "for  Wethersficdd,  Berlin  and 
vicinitv,  1882  to  l88ti:"app.  dea.  Cohl''.  <ddi.  in  N.  B..  Oct.  28,  IS.")!;  much  em.pjoyed  in 
settletnenr  of  estates,  and  held  various  p.ubbc  tiusts.  Author  of  (It  iint',.f,'[nil  ,i,,<l 
tWlcxii'sHc"/  Jfi-^f.  '■!'  y^r  h'rU"i/>.  088  pp..  1807.  Amh-urs  }f,:iu'>rkO,  0r)2  pp.,  1872. 
IJc^cn,(i:',<t.s  "f  J>iii.  St,j./n/i  Jlni,  dild  pp.,  l87o;  d.  abt.  1879:  m.  Dec.  10,  isiy,  Caro- 
line Bird,  idaii.  of  Abijah  and  Anna  Hall)  Hart,  b.  N.  Y.  C.  April  5,  1798;  taught  school 
before  m.:  d.  .0"  s^i.^ted  fever,  Aug.  22.  182;'.;  (2)  Sejit.  lo,  1824,  Mary  Lee  (dau.  of 
Joseph  and  Marv  Lee)  Shipmati.  b.  April  14,  1805:  tea(du;>r. 
1.     Julia  Ann,  b.  Nov.  1.7.  bsiii. 

II.  Car<dine  Hart,  b.  Dec.  4.  1822;  the  fust  baj*.  in  the  imw  mcetiii:;-  house.  1^4).  !>, 
1828;  a  teacher  before  m.:  m.  Jan.  21,  1^">2.  lllisha  li.  Fbidgiiian  of  Helcbert. avu,  Mass., 
s,,f  Oliver;  res.  EasthaiUon,  Mass.:  b  .\ug.  2.  182:'..  1,  Ih.i/.AUi'.iTi  Cni;\ wi:i.i..  Maivh 
0,  l^-):!;  d.  i-^.'b.  22.  18.j-t'.  2,  Oi.rvi,i:  Biiti,  Maivh  s,  ps,').-,.  ;j,  Anna  J  ii.i.v,  July  9, 
{sru.      I,   Ink\nt.  b.  Nov.  (i,  ISOU:  d.  in  8,1;  hours.      /.  by  2d  m. 

HI.  Margarette.  b.  .Vu;;-.  "U,  1'^2l):  sosnuill  and  feeble  her  (i  rand  father  Ship- 
nuiii  .<aid  slie'"'\\as  th'-  h-ast  ,,>'  ;dl  Oo.!.-  mci.M.e-.;  but  l>ecarie  a.  la'ge  and  stately  v.oman 
of  18.")  i)Ounds  :ivoirduj'ois:  m.  Oct.  I  ;.  l^oO.  James  Biinis  Merwin,  b.  May  22,  1829, 
Cairo,  Oreeiie  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  jeweh-r;  edito:- of  suiairy  jmirnals  and  lecturer  on  teiuj.erance 
and  education;  app.  by  l'r<'s.  Lincoln,  Sept.,  1801,  chai)lain-at -large  to  l'.  S.  A.,  oncond.  of 


Ills  ordination;  with  iiriny  of  tlie  Potomac  and  at  Wasli.,  iSjil-ri?;  citv  ]ins])ital, 
Brooklyn,  lS0:2-63;  in  latti-r  vr.  a]>p.  "  \'i-siting  Chaidain  "  to  all  liosi)ital.s  in.dcpt .  of  tlu' 
East;  rt'S.  ISGT,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  whrre  in  1873  lie  was  editor  and  pub.  of  the  .fmirnnl  of 
Edncatioii,  and  Pres.  Western  Publishinf^  and  School  Furnishing  Co. 

IV.  Eliza  Shipman.  1>.  April  S,  1828;  lu.  Sept.  18,  1850,  Sidney  Smith  of  Plain- 
ville,  Conn.,  1).  July  lo.  1837;  joiner  and  lioiise  builder;  afterwards  an  e.\tensive  mauuf. 
in  1'.  In  1807  mei'chant  in  Kansas  (djcavenworth),  and  dea.  in  chh.  there.  1,  Wai/ikt. 
Si!)Nt;v,    Sept.  7,  1821.     3,   Ai.KjrrJ)  Ammuows,  Oct.  l(i,  18o7. 

V.  Edwin  Norton,  b.  Sept.  1.  \'^'ol\  had  a  natural  taste  for  mechanism,  and  wa.--  a 
brass  worker  in  Mcriden  until  about  18'31.  Amh.  Col.,lS(5I;  I'uion  'J'heo.  Sem.,  N. 
Y.  C. ;  "excels  in  music;"  ord.  1804;  chaplain  3d  Peg-.  X.  J.  Cav.,  1803;  resigned  18C.'j; 
preached  in  Soutli  Canaan,  Conn.,  3  yrs.,  City,  Champaign,  111.,  and  Chicago. 
1,  AivFKKD  IlEKBEiiT,  b.  Dec.  G,  1870;  d.  July  10,  1.S71.  2,  Ai.fhkd  BuunnT,  Nov.  36 

VI.  C'ornelius,  Nov.  1,  1834;  m.  June  "o,  1803,  Ann  Eliza  Andrews,  b.  Jan.  ID, 
1833,  and  had;  1,  Maky  LixoOi.N,  b.  April  11,  181).").  3,  Dau.,  b.  and  d.  Oct.  31,  187K 
VII.  Alfred  Hinsdale,  b.  Dec.  2").  1830;  extens.  nianuf.  and  sells  s(diool  furnishing 
goods  in  Chicago,  111.  The  Co.  employs  over  100  men,  and  their  school  desks  are  sold  in 
every  state;  lost  by  great  fire  in  Chicago,  Oct.  9,  1871,  !i<47,000  over  insurance,  but 
factory,  lumber  and  tools  saved;  m.  Feb.  6,  1873,  Ella  Cornelia,  dau.  of  Newell  Matson 
of  Simsbury,  Conn.;  b.  May  13,  I80I,  at  Oswego,  N.  Y. ;  educated  at  Mih\ankee  Fern. 
Col.,  and  Packer  (_'ol.  Ins.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  See  his  steel  portrait  and  very  handsome 
autograph  in  Andrews  Mem.,  p.  37-1. 

VIII.     Jane  Louisa,  b.  April  23,  1S13;  d.  Jan.  35,  1844. 

IX.  Herbert  Lee,  b,  June  G,  1844;  helped  A.  H.  Andrews  in  Cliicago  a  yr.  then 
went  to  Leavenworth,  Kan.,  built  up  a  l)usin(>ss  and  sold  it  (o  Ids  bro-in-law.  Sidney 
Smith,  and  returned  to  tlie  Cliicago  estab.  Has  an  iuveiitive  genius  and  obtained  several 
valuabilc  iiatentson  school  furniture  and  ajtpliances.  Has  improved  school  desks  in  the 
way  of  comfort  to  the  scholar,  saving  teachers  one-third  of  their  trouble  in^ 
order.     Has  a  natural  tast;-  for  drawing  and  the  beautiftil  in  nature. 

X.  Jane  Louisa,  b.  Aug.  10,  1847;  in.  June  6,  ISfit),  Lvman  Allen  Mills  of  Middle- 
field,  Conn.,  b.  Feb.  35,  184f,  s.  of  Bev.  C.  L.  JHlls  of  Boston,  and  Ins  first  wf.,  Eliza- 
betli,  dau.  of  Dea.  Vm.  Lyman;  only  child,  Hkhiuout  Lek,  b   Feli.  20,  1808. 

27.  lehabod  'Welle?!,  b.  1600;  d.  aft'^^r  1700;  Commissarv  in  ex]->edition  of  Sir 
\Vm.  Phipps,  1000;  Hig'i  Sheriff  of  Conn.  Co].  1701;  in.  Sept.  4,"  1684,  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Eleazer  Way. 

I.     Marv,  b.  April  15,  1080. 
II.     Jon:lthan,  b.  Sept.  17,  1080;  m.  Ruth  Bull. 

III.  Ebcnrzer,  b.  Oct.  5,  1004;  ni.  Dec.  27,  1737,  Bacliel  Skinner. 

IV.  Sanih,  b.  Dec.  1,  1701;  d.  Feb.  13.  1703. 

V.     Anna,  ni.  Eleazer  Wny  of  Soutliold,  L.  1.;  rem.  Hartf. 

272.  Jonathan  Welles,  b.  Sept.  17.  1089;  d.  at  W.  Hartf.  1743;  in.  Oct.  15,  1715, 
Ruth  15all,  b.  April  31.  1003,  dau.  of  Maj.  Jonathan  and  Sarah  Whiting  Bull. 

I.     Sarah,  ni.  in  ^^'ethersfiel(i  Ajirii  3,  1710,  Josejih  Andnis  of  Newington. 
11.      Ruth. 

III.  Jonathan,  b.  Fib^, 

IV.  Ichalxid,  m.  Jan.  3,  1751,  Abigail  Bi^-clow. 

V.     Joseph,  m.   March,   1745,    Maiv   Bobbins.      1,    JosKi'ir,   b.   Aj-ril   14,   1740.     3, 
Sakak,  b.  Sept.  13,  1847.     3.   SroTir.  b.'Aug.  3,  1840.     4,   Eluak,  b.  Jan.  10,   1851.     5, 
Sa.\hf.i.,  b.  Dec.  10,  l,s,-,:l     c,   M.m;v,  b.  Feb.  4,  1850.      7,   Ei.isua,   b.   March   13,   1858. 
8,   CuHiSTOPlIl'ni,  b.  March  11,  b^-iOO. 
VI.      Elisha. 
VII.      Anna. 

2721.     Sarah  Welles,  b.  1710:  d.  June  4..  1703,  a.  77;    m.  in  Wfthccsfiehl  A]-ril  3, 
17-10,  Joseph  Andrews  of  Newington.  b.  abt.  1707;  d.  Sejit.  11.  1775,  in  N.;  s.  Levi   exr 
oradmr.;  s.  of  lienjr.inin.  .Insi'ph,,  tb"  .^^cnU'r  on  'I'linzis  River  a:tfl  wf.  Mai'v. 
1.      l,cvi  Andrews,  b.  I'.-h.  33,  1747;  m.  Ciiloe  Welles. 
U.      Ivutb  Aniliews.  l:a]).  .\!arc]!,  d.  Aj-ril  5,  1751. 

Hi.  Klias  Andrews,  b.  Feb.  10,  1753;  m.  Nov.  30,  177S,  ^^Jurt ha  Welles;  (3)  Nov. 
30,  17S0,  Ta.bitha  Bissell  of  E.  VN'indsor,  Cnnn.,  win.  d.  Aug.  15,  1S!5,  a.  00.  'J'liey 
lived  on  the  old  Iiome  of  his  f.,  west  of  the  mill  pond  in  Newingicn.  The  house  in  1808 
was  dilajiiduted  and  deserted.      He  d.  April  15,  1837,  a.  74.     1,   F.nos,  b.  Aug.  20,  1770. 

AXliUi:\\S,    WELLES.  129 

i.  1)V  2il  111.:     2,  Ci.AKTS.-A.  1).  ^ov.  4,  1781;  livt^dwith  her  }>aroiits  at  the  old  home  of  her 
gr.  ]'.  .Ii/S('])li  Andrews;   luim. 

IV.  Sarali  .Xiulrews,  b.  .Ian.  12,  17.30:  m.  June  6.  177G,  Dfu.  .Tedediah  Mills  ot  \\  . 
lltirtf.,  lived  in  cor.  of  town  of  Farniin^'-ton  on  Ilai  tf.  road,  lie  was  a  sh.tcss- 
ful  farmer;  liad  Ei  cdiil.:  a  son,  Ca])!.  Mills,  lon^-  kept  a  liotel  on  lirow  of  tlie  hill  nrar 
tlie  sfho(d  iioiis.'.  I  mile  east  of  his  f.'s  place.  1,  ,1ki>epi.\I[  W):i.i,ks  Mii.i.s,  m.  S.-pi.27, 
1807.  Sarah  SevnJ.ur.  1,  C7/',/?'ts-,  res.  W.  Hurt f.  0,  /w/..'.v  X7////'/'/r,  b.  An-.  27._  l^H); 
d.  Nov.,  1S80:  in.  Sept.  29,  1S5;5,  Chester  Faxon,  his  od   wf.      1,   Julia    Tan-y,  I..   N'l.v.  G, 


27211.  Levi  Audrews,  1>.  Feb.  23.  1747;  d.  May  8,  182C,  in  80th  >r.,  the  house 
in  which  he  was  b.  (standi no-  in  18G2).  He  was  (.'lerk  and  Treasurer  of  tlie  ('on<r.  ^^'"•f.  in 
New  l^rit.;  several  vrs.  in  INlil.;  on  standing  conuuittec  of  thcchh.,  1807-1823; 
a  very  successful  fanner;  kind  and  cheerful  in  disposition;  a  great  lover  and.j)roinot or 
of  peace.  "  A  fine,  s-euial  and  social  specimen  of  ]iis  race;"  m.  Dec.  20,  1770.  ("hloe, 
dau.  of  Capt.  Kober'tand  Abigail  (Barnham)  Welles,  b.  :May  oi,  174i.i,  at  Newingion;  d. 
Jan.  ll,is;)7,  a.  ()2,  .julct  and  unassiinung,  a  great  lover  of  order  and  home,  and  a 
devoted  Chnsrian. 

I.      hevi    b.  O^'t.  S,  1771;  d,  March  10,  Xewberue,   N.  Car. 
II.     Clilo'.-.  b.  Nov.  IG.  1774;  d.  Sept.  10.  177.J. 

III.  Chloe,  b.  AuL^  19,  1777;  m.  (iad  Stanley,  jr. 

IV.  Ellian  Allen.'b.  April  7,17n7;  Y.  V.  1^10;  stud,  law  in  Farnungton;  prac.  in 
N.  Brh.;  iauulu  select  srlujo!  thr.  several  yrs. ;  hlep.  in  Conn.  Leg.  for  Berlin,  and  for 
the  new  tovrn  of  New  Britain  its  first  yr.  in  IS.r.l:  Magistrate  and  Judge  of  Probate;  liad 
a  sole  t  srhool  for  voung  ladies  at  New  Haven  and  Boston.  "  lu  1S22  apj).  Prot.  of 
Languai'-es  in  Univ.  of  N.  Car.,  at  Chnpel  Hill;  ret.  to  New  Punt,  in  13o9.  In  conne.-tion 
with  Prof.  Solomon  Stoddard  v^;.s  autho;-  of  J /;•// .-•/.'■■.^'  J.''tu,  Gnnnhuir.  of  which  Co 
editions  have  been  i.ssued.  He  i)ub.  many  other  Latin  instruction  books,  of  which 
tlie  chief  is  the  large  dictionarv  on  tlie  basis  of  Vy':und."—J)roJ,-c'.'^}lidy.lMrf.  He  d. 
in  the  midst  of  his  labors  March  24,  18,38;  LL.  D.  Y.  C  ls4s.  Steel  portrait:  in.  Dec. 
19  1^10  Lucv  dau  of  Col.  Isaac  and  JAicina  (Hooker)  Cowles  of  F.,  bap.  June  U.  1,'Jo. 
1  'Lkvi' bap.' Dec.  7.  1811;  d.  New  Hav.,  Sept.  20,  1880;  bu.  thr.  2,  Is.\.\c  Cowr.ES, 
hap  Dec  12  181:!;  ni.  Sept.  1.  1S39.  Jane  L.  Thomas  of  N.  H.  3,  Lrrv  Anx,  bap. 
Au'--  G  1S1,3-  m  .\uo-  24.  lsl2,  E.  D.  Sims;  (2i  Vm.  M<  Ivinley.  4,  Jti.iA  H(U)Ki:it, 
bap.  Junes,  1817;  in'.  Oct.  !l.  18!8,  Archelaus  ^Vi1s..n,  Es-p  H.-  d.  Feb.  20,  18G2._  •'., 
Hoi{.\CE,  Aucr-.  29,  1819;  m.  Julia  B.  Johnson.  G,  tJu.uK,  bap.  May  2,,  1821;  d.  >ei;t 
2,1839  a  IS'-  m.  Prof.  E.  D.  Sims  7,  Cii.\i;eks  L.,  m.  Eliv.abetli  AJden  of  U  .  Havtt. 
8  MAtn-  b.  at  ClKipel  Hill.  N.  Car.;  res.  18G7,  at  New  Brit.  9,  El.i.EN  AMKi.r.v.  bap. 
Sept  3  bs31-  b  N  Hav.  10.  Cooswei.i.,  b.  N.  Hav.;bi!i).  New  Bnt.. 
June  9,'  1833;  m.  Dec.  20,  IS.l.i.  Pedro  P.  Ortezof  Yalparaiso,  Chili,  S.  A.;  summer  res. 
N.  Brit  ;  winter.  New  York  or  Washington. 

272113.  Chloe  Andrews,  b.  Aug.  19,  1777;  m.  Nov.  3,179[n  (iad  Stanhy,  jr  b. 
Auc-  13  177G  s.  of  Col.  (iad  and  Marv  (Judd).  The  mother  ot  Mary  Judd  was  Marv 
Bui-nham,  of  great  beautv  and  accompli.^hments,  dau.  of  Rev.  \N  m.  Burnhnm  and  Judith 
(Wolcott),  de^c.  from  the  Burnhams  of  Ipswi.di.  He  d.  ai  s.^.a  coming  Incu  Martiin.)ue 
June  1.  1820,  a.  44.  "  He  was  gifted  by  naiuie."  His  wf.  '•  was  gitt.>d  by  nature  and 
grace."     She  d.  Mav  1,  1S.31.  a.  73. 

1  Levi  Andrev.s  Stanley-,  b.  Dec.  .3,  E^Oii;  d.  Mareh  2,,  lsHi4. 
11  Frederiek  Tivnk  Stanlev.  b.  Au^r.  12.  1S02;  m.  July  4.  is:i,^,  Melvma.  d:..u.  ot 
Samu.dC  ami  Anna  (C-aiklin-)  Cluunb.-rlin.  .vho  d.  An-.  Hi.  1^13,  m  m-r  2.sth  vr.  ot 
Fcarlei  fewT  b  at  Saiidisfielo  .\Ma<s. ;  n.iercliant  and  exten>-'ve  manut.  ot  hardware  m  .N  . 
Brit,  and  has  done  much  for  the  improvement .  beautifying  and  extending  the  "'"^i"*;-;^ 
and  reoutation  of  tli-  villa-e.  1,  Ar.Kui.n  liimKKT,  b.  Aug.  2,  IS:,!.';  m  Dec.  1.  lHi3, 
Sarah  J.  ],o/ier.  2.  Fithi'LUKK  Hknkv,  b.  Feb.  [).  1^41;  d.  Oct.  lO,  isl-..  3.  U  m. 
Cji.vMUEiti.iN,  b.  A])ril  14,  1NJ3;  d.  Julv  31.  Is41. 

HI.      Wm.   Ihirnham  Stanley,  b.  July  18.  IsOJ;  an  extensive  manut.  m  .  ompany  with 
his  bro.  Fred.  'I'.  an<l  other-.;   uiini.  ,,,.,.    ,-.-,•, 

IV      Hubert  Mont-om.nv  Stanlev,  b.  July  21,  ISf'G;  d.  July  IG.  Isv,^.  _ 

V.      Alfred    Hamilton    Stanh^y, 'b.    Oct.    l".,    I^IS;    d.    Nov.    13,  lS3.,at    (.alve.ston, 

^""""vi.  Catharine  An-liv.  s  Stanhv,  b.  M.y  2.;.  ISll;  m.  Sept.  3.  iSj^^-  l^^j^^X  .J:^^''';-^' 
b  S<'PT  24  1M)7.  (Ius2d  wf.)  Hem.  (liJiine  in,  ivjO.Eh/.a  S.  North,  b.,\oy~,.l>U., 
d.  April    18,   1S:_;7,'  leaving   chil.  Walter,    Henry   and   Theodore   Augustus,      tie  was   an 


]30  liliAXCll    OF    IIAXXAH. 

ONtc^u.  iiiaiiiit'.  in  X.  B.      1,  Mauy,  b.  May  S,  d.  Sept.  9,  ISID.     2,   l.oi'isA  Catil 
AHiNK.  1).  Ai)iil  7,  lS-1'?;  d.  Mtircli  2(;,  1847.     ?,,  Fkkdf.kic  Nuiitii,  b.   March  17,   ISll; 
t'iili=;lc(l  Co.  A,  lotli   Hegt.  C'ouu.  Vuly.,  C'apt.   Bidwill;    uiude  2<i    Lieut.  ls(i:i:   m.  A]iiil 
1.-).  ISHG,  Muiv  \\'(4cli  of  Forestville,  Conn.     4,  (.'atiiai;in):,  b.  O't.  10,  isiit. 
\  II.     MKry  Cliloc  Stanley,  bap.  June  3,  lb27:  d.  Au-.  '^^O,  IS'JS,  a.  llyrs. 

2723.     Jonathan  Wolle:-?,  b.  171S;  d.  17!)S:  \n.  . 

1.     ,)anif.s,  b.  \'iry.];  m.  Lucy  Welles;  (i)  Abiy-ail  Uavlord. 

11.     Dollv,  b.  Sei)t.  2.-),  17.")7;  d.  uht.  ls::«;  ni.' Babcock.      1.   Cii aulhs.  1,.  .lutie 

•21,  17>)!.»,  of  Boslon,  Ahiss.;  d.  thr.  Oct.  19,   1.S4S.      L    Eiuiline,   b.    Hartf.,  Oct.  11),  isK; 

m.  Penfield.     1.   Cliailes  Babcock,  b.  Hartf.  May  17,  1841;  m.  in  St.   Paul's  chit,  at 

New  Hav.,  Conn.,    Aug.,   1874.    by    Ucv.    Clias.    H.    Fislier,    (Jarafilda   Moliaibi,  dau.  of 
'i'hos.  P.  Suiiili  and  gr.  dau.  of  Ebenezer  Smitli  of  Boston;  s.  i. 

27231.     James  Welles,  b,  175:;;  d.  ]8o7;  dea.   of  the  cbli.   at  Xewington,  Conn.; 
in.  ]>ucv  Welles;  (5)  Al)igail  (iayloid. 

1."  Beulah.b.  Oct.  ^^9.  1780;  d.  March  20.  18:jG;  ni.  April  22,  1805,  Elibha  Stoddard, 
li.  SeiiT.  10.  1779:  d.  I>ec.  81,  l8ol;  set.  Xewington,  Conn.  1,  Bkutiia  Bkui-ah,  Julv 
17,  1808:  d.  March  9,  1852;  in.  July  17,  1^25,  Erastus  Francis,  s.  of  Maj.  Justus  F.  o"f 
X.  He  m.  (2)  Icr  sis..  Coi-nelia.  1.  r/,,<.v.  St'Xhhtrd,  m.  June  18.  18(33,  Ellen  Eliza 
Bovinirton.  1 ,  Ciias.  Herbert.  July  7,  l.Vi5,  2,  Thos.  Arthur,  JuneG,  ISfiS.  2,  Tims. 
.7.,'d.  "March  IG,  18f)0,  a.  ;j2.  3,  Lrfur,:  L.,  d.  A]>ril  ;j,  JnMO,  a.  8'.  vrs.  4,  J<n„rs  11.,  d. 
May  o,  18o9.  a.  5.  o.  Flj>rn.  0.  AY/.//.  7,  .I/.z/v/.  2.  Ei.isu  \  ^L\su-\,.b.  Jan.  G, 
ls!l"l:  set.  Wethi'i-sfield,  Ills.:  jeweler;  d.  Oct.  L  1^50;  n>.  Julia  Merriinan  of  Southing- 
ton.  Conn.,  dan.  nf  Anson,  b.  June  12,  [^■29.  ],  117///,.  J/.,  l,.  is.",;  d.  1857.  2,  Faninj, 
b.  ja!u  5,  1857.  3,  Cdkmj.ia,  Aug.  27.  1813;  i,i.  Dec.  30,  1852,  Erastus  Francis.  4, 
Ali:\'is  TvAWitKNcr.,  June  23.  IslG;  in.  and  ;;et.  in  Burlin,i;-ton,  Iowa,  whr.  lie  d.  of 
cliole'ra.  5,  CliAi;i.i>,  Nov.  11,  1819:  ni.  Dec,  11,  1^53,  Hep:-:ibah,  dau.  of  Dea.  Jedediah 
IV'ining;  d,  .v.  i. 

II.  Jann-s,  b.  Harif.  X(/v.  14,  1783;  d.  at  St,  Francis,  in  Canada,  isi::",.  ],  Davm) 
Amf.s.  1>.  Springiield.  Mass..  June  17,  1827;  M.  D.,  LL,  D.,  D.  C,  1.,,  \Villianis  Col.  1847; 
A,ssi>t.  Ed.  S!irin;jfild  Rip'iblki'ii  1848-9;  A^^J^t.  Pi-.,f.  Lawrence  Sci,  S..  ilarv.  Univ., 
1850;  B..S,,  P.arv,'  Univ,,  1852;  M.  D, .  Berk's  M.-d.  dbui.  18G3);  in  general  ben];  sellin- 
and  pul'.  busini's-;  in  city  of  X.  V.  1857-58,  lirn,  <d'  (L  P,  Putinmi  t  Co.;  rem.  to  Tioy 
1858.  t'.  Xorwich,  Conn,.  1^70;  Cliairiuan  V.  S,  I'-v.  Ceni.,  April,  1805;  Sjiecial  Conu'. 
r.  S,  Ptov..  July,  i8GG;  U.  S,  ^'.'Mn.r.  to  En.rope  lvG7.  In  1870  received  thanks  of  both 
h<iu.>es  of  ('(j:ig.  A]'-))t,  1870  by  C'V.  ,jf  X.  Y,  a  Cuuji-,  to  ie\isc  tax  laws  (Assess,  and 
Coll.)  of  'State  of  X.  Y.,  and  iirei!;ired  two  rej'orts  and  a  code,  reprinted  in  I".  S.  and 
Eurojie;  and  orie  of  the  first  acts  of  the  b'i-encl!  Xat.  .Vs^cniby  after  conclusion  of  German 
war,  ordered  translation  and  oHicial  pub.  of  Mr,  W  ells'  rej.orts  as  Special  Conir.  18uS-9. 
In  1874  unanimously  elected  by  Inst,  of  I'lancc  to  (ill  chair  of  lM)  Associate,  vacaterl 
by  d,  ot  John  Mi.arr  Mill;  sooli  after  D,  C.  L.  l)y  Oxford  I'nix,,  hhig. ;  LL,  Y).  by  \Vnis. 
Col.  (-)n  retirement  from  \Vashington  the  merchants  of  X,  Y.  presented  several 
thousand  dollars  as  a  "token  of  their  esteem  foi-  hi.^  nnsrd.  integ.,  high  ])ers.  char, 
sind  as  a  sli.irhl  recog.  of  his  inestimable  services  U)  his  counirymen;  1872  Cniv.  Lee.  on 
Political  Science  V,  C.  In  1873  delivered  address  at  annual  dinner  of  Colxb-n  Club; 
1875  Prest.  Dein.  Soite  Conv.  of  Conn.  In  .March,  ]s-7G,  sue.  Dr.  Woolsey  as  Prest.  Am. 
Asso.  foi'  'pronn'j,  of  Siiciul  Science.  Steel  ])oi-traii  by  H.  W.  Smith  in  Wi'des  iTerudlogy; 
m.  May  9,  18G0,  .Mary  Sanford  Dwight,  dau,   of  Jan'n's,   of   Springfield,   Mass.;  (2)  Miss 

^)wi^:ht  of  Xorwich.  Conn.,  June  11,  1879,  in  Calvarv  Ejiis.  chh.,  X'.  S,  C. ;  a  sis.  of 

Mrs.  Fopi.vce  Barker  of  S5  Madison  ave.,  wL  of   Dr,  P.,     "l,    J>'irid   Dirlqht,  b.  April   22, 

Ill,  Mar\,  b.  March  19,  1790:  d,  at  X.  Ajnll  4,  ISGS,  a.  78;  m.  Mav  2G,  1812,  Allen 
StiKldard,  bro*.  of  Elisha,  b.  Xw'^.  V.\.  178G:  <l.  Xov.  14,  IS45.  1,  M Aurrs  Wir.!,Ar.D,  b. 
Marcli  3'L  1814;  <1,  at  X.  Dec.  5. "1805;  m,  .May  15,  LS5,I,  Frances  So]dna  Welles,  b.  Wi'tli. 
June  5.  1817,  dau.  of  (>'eo.  and  Prudence  (Doming)  \Velles.  (He  and  bio.  Kufus  rendered 
valuaide  assistance  in  collecting  desc.  of  .lohn  Stoddard).  1,  Murrns  J,,  iri.'.,  .lune  22,  1S54. 
2,  Mauy  Sui-iriA,  April  13,  1810:  m.  May  2S,  1840,  .John  L.  A].gar  of  Newark.  X,  J,, 
railroad  eULrineer  and  track  laver;  d.  in  Hartf.  ()!'  ajjopli'xv.  ^hircii  10,  IsGO,  a,  5(>  vr-< 
t.  .Ul,n  .s'/e,?,/,/..../.  Xov.  4,  1841,  2,  h,:b,il«.  >'ey;//w,  Feb."22.  LslL  3.  J.nn  U,,:u]hij, 
.March  G.  IS  111.  4.  ////•<//,/.  d.  a.  G  nio^;.  5.  ,A>.A/.' /'/v(/^  r^'c/,-,  b.  Ajiril.  1S52.  :;,  S;pnkv. 
Sept.  3,  lSi;s;  d.  April  15,  1M9,  4,  I;i  il>,  M-.r.-h  19.  IN22,  Dea.  of  the  ,dih.  at  Xew- 
inuioii  and  d.  Jan,  30,  bSTO.  a.  17:  Ui.  X'lxv.  27,  1^5:;.  Saiali.  dau.  of  (bw).  vwA  ]b  t'dence 
(l)emine-i  W.dles.  1,  J/'O-.v//'/// .-^ //<//,  Dec.  5.  1854;  d,  Apiil  1.1SG7,  2,  Eiidbj  WJU^. 
Ant:-,   19,  1S5G.      3,    FfHik  R'lf^^,  Jun-.-G,   ISGl.      4.    A"!!,,,;-   \Vihi}iro^>.  June  17,  ISGG. 

AVELI.F.S.  131 

7224.    Ichabod  Welles,  m.  .)aii.  -J,  17.-)1,  Ahiiiail  Bio,  i,,\v  |,s]. 
I.     Al>!n-ail,  Urt.  -2'.),  17.")1. 

II.  .Man-,  1..  Manli  2-L  J  7.:<;'.:  m.  Ei.a]>liias  Stoddard. 

III.  .\sa.')..  Sc])T.  :(),   IT^."), 

IV.  .louailiaii.  b,  Marcii   -21.  17(J8:    d.  Mardi   fi.  lS-21);    iii.  June  U,  17Si;j,  l^.-tliankful 
',dau.  of  Hczidiiali  and  .Vnni"  Ainhcwy  and   >istiT  of  (.'apt.  Kzckiid    .\ndre\vs),  h.  April  7, 

1771:  d.  Jiilv  •2r>,  1S47.  'I'h''  linuso  in  whirh  lie  was  b.  in  17()H  is  still  owned  and  omi- 
picd  (bS82)  "by  liis  dul.  Nancy  an.l  Wyllys  \V,dlcs.  1,  I'oli.y,  b.  Oct.  n.  17'.,)  I.  2, 
iMrcit.vKi..  b.  Feb.  (J,  1707.  o."  ("yxtiei.v",  b.  Feb.  iii,  17!)'.).  4,  N.\n<  v.  1>.  !S<-i)t.  (i,  1S02. 
o,    Wyliys.  Jan.  14,  lNn4. 

V.  Milly,  b.  .Ian.  •.'!(,  17fi7;  d.  -May  .3.  1,^42.  a.  7.-),  of  palsy;  iii.  Marrli  1',',  LSI',', 
Amos.  s.  (if  .Vbc]  and  Imuiicc  (r>ti.ddanl)  Aiidrrus,  b.  W.  Mar,  h  1*7,  llO-O;  d.  Fob.  21,  LS2(i; 
a'avp  ,$o,IKIO  b\'  will  til  Nfwinirton  clib.  Alxd  \vas  a  iie]i]ifw  of  J'',pajili)'iis  Stoddard  ■who 
ill.  MiM-y  Wolios.—y;,.v,-.  ,;/•  ,/,;/(»  S/oddanl  of  ]V.h;;J).  W.  Patin-.-^on.  Dea.  Aiidivws' 
Jftt/U'lr-^.  !:ives  a  iiiore  ])aiticular  accf)Utit:  uives  to  his  w  i.  Milly  4^100  yearly;  to  sis. 
Ivutli  Wcilu'i oil  tliH  coiiuiiou  lot,  ."lo  acri's;  histLM>-  Ihuiuah  lliirljnrt  and  J^ydia  (ioodwin 
the  40  ai-re  inruuitaiii  lot. 

27242.  Mary  Welles,. b.  Marcdi  24,  ]75:'.:  m.  in  Wnhorsllr.ld,  (,'orm.,  Nov.  2."), 
177o,  F.paiiliras,  s.  of  Tlionias  and  Marv  (Campi  Stciddard,  b.  in  ^^■.  .Jan.  22,  174N;  d.  \V. 
Mav  IS.  1702:  she  d.  W.  Sept.  10,  lS2.i 

I.     Marv  Stoddard,  b.  \V.  Matrli  1.  d.  Sept.  2i).  J  ,"6. 

11-.  Mar'v  Stoddard,  1>.  Nov.  11.  177S;  d.  Aug.  Ifi,  Is.jS,  a.  SO;  m.  Doc  9,  180;^, 
Wm.  Goodri'di  of  W.  who  ,1.  .lalv  14.  lS;^il,  a.  r>S  vrs.  1,  Wilmam,  Aurr.  29,  1804;  in. 
April  1.  1s:j2,  1-iujv  Drlden  \Voli,_-s.  lb-  d.  Xov.  0,  ISiJG:  she  !ii.  (2)  Sei)t.  2-''),  18oi). 
Froderick  Hills  anil  lia,l  2  ohil.  1.  Frederick  Kelh-y,  b.  .lune  12,  :s42.  2,  Hohuid 
■Ju-dsou.  1).  Uii.  21.  1844.  1,  J<i/;ics  llliiw.  Marcli  2:!,  ]>:■?:.)■.  m,  U.'.>:,  Ann  Jt  aiiiK^tte. 
Rislev.  1.  Flora  F:ileii.  Oct.  20,  18--)y.  2.  Miiuiie  J:tui,  Jan.  2,  iSdl.  2.  Win.  Welles, 
Dec.  "7,  ]S:-!4:  m.  .3ulv  o,  ISDO.  Marv  Ann  Biro;,-  and  liad  Win.  Welie.s,  b.  Oct.  2,  18G1.  2, 
]\L\t;Y  Anx,  A])ril  15.  1800;  d.  Ma'rch  17,  lS2s. 

III.  Eli  Stoddard,  b.  Ann.  11.  1781;  in.  Nov.  lo,  1820,  >iary  Ferrc  of  At^awani,  ^la.-d., 
b.  Harif.,  Conn..  Attg.  ;-50.  1787;  dan.  of  Mosesand  .leruslia  (Easton)  V.  }!»■  d.  W.  Se])t.  1, 
1822.  'She  ni.  (2)  Mav  8,  bSo-l.  Ueo.  Francis  of  W.,  b.  Sejit.  14,  117.");  d.  Nov.  21,  18.T8; 
she  d.  F\'b.  4,  180(1  'l,  Ei.i  Wkt.i.ks,  b.  W.  .Jan.  2,  1.^22;  in.  in  \V.  March  l.">,  184;;, 
Martlia  Francis,  b.  W.  .Tun»-  18,  iSiSI;  dan.  Geo.  and  Sallv  (Ibitler)  V.;  res.  \V.  1,  Mary 
Fraiirii<,  b.  W.  Oct.  2.").  1>4."). 

]V.  .Mella  Stoddard,  b.  .lune  ].j,  178;;;  d.  April  2'.i,  1787. 
V.  Unldah  Stoddard,  Ij.  :>Iav  20,  178.-):  ni.  .Ian.  22,  ISOO,  Svlvester  Butler.  1, 
Julia  Ann,  March  2G,  bsll;  d.  April  V\,  1.82G.  2,  Tn  mm.otte,  March  20,  1818.  o, 
Mahy  Wkli.f.s,  Dec.  7,  1S1.5.  4.  Dudley  Ei,r,  Dec  17,  1817.;  set.  Fittsfield,  Mass.  r,, 
IlrLDAiT,  .T-.ilv  10.  1820.  0.  Ru.i:v.  Sept.  22,  1822.  7,  Lois  Fii.vxeKS,  FVb.  17, 
182.5;  d.  F.b.'ll.  is2n.     8,   Svi  vr.sTKu,  April  20,  bs2'.\ 

VI.      Mella  Stoddard,  b.  Au>:.  1,  17N7:  d.  Mav  (\,  1J^08,  a.  81. 
Vll.      Harriet  Stoddard,  b.  Oct.  10,  17'.»0;  d.  W.  Oct.  2."},  1808,  a.  78;  uuni. 

2726.  Elisha  "Welles,  b.  alit.  172:1;  d.  17S0;  m.  April  14,  17.57,  Lvdia  Deminir  of 

I.  Elisha,  b.  Sept.  27,  H.'iS:  d.  Washin<rton,  Mass.,  F>b.  11,  182.5.  1,  Ovid  Piijlo, 
b.  \V.  Aug.  18,  180.5;  M.D.,  and  one  of  the  orig.  founders  of  the  N.  Y.  Acad,  of  Med. 
(1847);  luul  charge  of  the  IHrh  St.  Cholera  Ilosjiital,  bS4n;  app.  by  Gov.  15sii  res.  Fliys. 
of  tlie  Citv  of  X.  Y. ,  18.50-4;  nieni.  T^oard  of  Ed.,  Vestrvruan  of  "St.  Peter's  F^jis.  ch'h.; 
m.  Dec  2"7.  18:50,  Christina,  dan.  of  ,  Hav  of  N.  .1.  "  1,  Crtoriir  A.,  b.  Dec.  .5,  1,s:tr. 
2,  Ci.ira.  May  20,  IS:];).      :;,  ^r,,|■)/.  Oct.  27.  1^45.      4,  IauhuI  K..  Aug.  :iO,  1S52. 

II.  l."niuel,  b.  .Iiilv  :;.  170.;;  d.  at  Y<;nkei-s.  N.  Y.,  unui. 

III.  Levi,  b.  .lulv  10,  1705.  .  . 
\  I.     .lared,  b.  Oci.  li,  1";G7. 

27263.  Levi  Welles,  b.  .lulv  10.  1705;  d.  0<-t.  2:;,  IS2:!:  m.  Hannah  Welles,  b. 
1770;  d.  Mar(di  1,  1S(i!i;  ,2)  Nov.  l.'lSl:;,  r.,>tsey  .Mather,  b.  Feb.  17.  1  7N:i.  She  in.  (2) 
Oct.  2s,   is:;:,.   Eli  Smith,  and  d.  .v.  ;'.  ,Jnlv  20,  ISGl.  in  Sjst  yr. 

1.  L"vi.  b.  Ne\\-  Britain,  Conn.,  Sept.  4,  \',\^2\  d.  .liily  11,  185'!;  rem.  to  (Juincy, 
111..  \.]e  le  he  b.:i;om;  pimuineiit  a:id  iniiueiuial:  in.  in  (lark  ('<i..  111.,  Nov.  ti,  (S'/l 
Anna.  dau.  of  Zephani:'.h  Anie>  of  .M.-xss.  1.  Emz  V  Ann,  b.  An^-.  10.  <1.  Nov.  U;.  1S22. 
2,  Elvky,  Xnv.  10,  1n2:!;  d.,hilv  1!),  ls7;;:  m.  at  (^  Oct.  2.  1S4:;.C.  A.  Sanger.  :;.  ( '.miolin  i:, 
•bni.  (i,  1SJ7;  ,,,.  Decf!.  1,^07.  W.  I!.  lienncson.     1,  A'/,'//  l!7//(.v,  b.  Se'in.'  12,  ls);t).     4,    Ann 

13-^  BRANCI[    OF    HAXXAII, 

Em/.a,  April  24.  ]^?0;    in.  Sq.t.  24,  l,s4it,  P.  C.  J^eller.       1,  /v/r.v/    W'Hl,,,  Nov    5    l.^-.n 
2,  /.'•(•;.  Hf //->'.  June  3,  1.s2;i     ;^,  Lrniurl,  Xov.  5,  IsiJd.     ,j.  I.tcv"  Feb.  (i    1«:J3-  d'  <;f..f' 
14,  18;J6.       0,  M.VKY,  July  27,  1^84;    d.  Aug.  11.   ISoo.       7,  Lkvi,  b.  Marrh    ]    d    Oet    ] 
183..       8,  Fm.en.  b.  Julys,  18;iS:    d.  Sept.  30,  1S;^,9.       9,  Sox,  h    and  d    June   <)     IMJi' 
10,  IJouAn.;  L.,  ]Jec.  8,  184(J:d.  July  20,  1847.      .  ■  •  •,     ■-4-i. 

ir.     Lydia,  b.  Oft.   24.    1703;    d.    in    Yonlu-r,;    m.    Jan.    20,    1S14     Au^'ustus     s     „f 
Abijah  and  Tliankful  (Seymour)   Flan-g  of  W.  llartf. ;  slirjeuiaker  and  tanncv-  reni    to 
^onkers,  X.  Y.      Slie  was  a  v.-onian  of  .sterling  qualities,  genial,  social  and  hapl)\'       'n,. 
(1.  Jan.  21,  1842;  b.  Marcdi  10.  1784.       1.  Makci.v  M.,  b.  Mav  31    INI.V  d     \u-^   'n'  1s-,i 
3,J.Tivi  \Vj;lt,es,  b.  Feb.  14,  1817;  Y.  C.  ls:!0:  M.l».  from  iol.  'Piiv.s.'and  Sup-''  X    Y  ' 
184(;  m.  June,  1848,  Charlotte  S.  ^Vll^tlnaa  of  \V.  Ilartf.     3.  Xi:\vton    1.  Der^^  17  1819'- 
lu.  June,  1S.j4,  Ellen  II.  Goodwin  of  111.      4,  ErirA.N.  b.  .lulv  20.  182i).  at  ^V    Harr'f  ■  m 
Jan.   30,    18.jO,   lii.s  cous.,   Marietta    Welles  (dau.    of   T.en-iuel),  who   d.  Feb    o  'l.s,-,i"   I'V, 
March  7,  18o4,  Julia,  dau.  of  An-^on  Baldwin,  firm  of  Haldwiu  &  Flao-g    hat  nianufac'    of 
Yonkers,  X.  Y.     1,    WUUaiu    Wdhs,  Jan.  20.  18ol.     2.  Susan  Buhhrl,,,  Aju-il  20    18.j(5- d 
y.     3,  J/"(//rf«.  ^[areh  17.  lS.-,9.     4.  ./"rz/KMr.,  Mav  is,  l,sa2.     :,.  FJizaWth  PnJm,  r    -Vurv" 
26.  1HG8.     0.  L(-rv  A.,  b.  Feb.  17,  1822;   d.  June  7.  l.^.^S;  m.  18r,5.  John  Olmsted  ' 

III.     IJoratv.b.  Aug.  11,  17:).j:  d.  Xov.  21,  lS(i,j;  m.    iJ.-e.  24,    1823.  Pamela,  dau    of 
limothy  and  Lury  ibedgwick)  Srdgwick,  b.  Feb.  2.S,  i79s.      The  nu..   of  Timotln-  Sed^r 
wick  (Mirn-au    Webster)   was  sister  to   f.    of  Xoah   \Yeb.-,ter,     rr'piesentativ  in"  Conii 
Leg.;    wealthy.       1,   l,T;vr  Skd(;wick,    b.    Feb.    2.-.,    1n2.k    m.    April    24     lS4s     Harriet" 
'|''^.?L1^V''^-    l'^'""''"  "^"  ^'^'^vington,  (.'oun.:  b.    Xov.    5,    1824.      1.   Ikrmau  Fmn.^i.    h 
April  30,  1819;  m.  Oct.  11,  ls7l,Xellie  M.,  dau.  of  Capt.  J.  J.  Ladd.    1,   Harrbt    A-u-'  9* 
18/2.    2,  Herman,  d.  soon.     2.   llorao   Lenturl.  h.  Oct.."),  IS.-,.^):  trrad.   Shrdlhld  Sfipminr- 
School.     3,    /i7//<.,b.  Jan.  17,  I8li4.     2,    Lkmuki,  Hisski.t.,  b.  Jan.  2,  1327;  chosen  dea    2 
yrs.,  18o9;  and  re-idected  indetlinitelv  1^31;  d.  Feb.  -,>.-;.  ls:!)7.  greatlv  l-ui>ent'ed-  m   J  unci  5 
18:)i»-,  Ellen  Hart,  b.  Feb.  23,  182s.  educated  at  llolv.,!;e;  dau.  of  Xoinuin      3'   Lr(]'£Ti\"' 
b.  Oct.  37,    182S;  ni.    April   2o.    18:.5,  Albert  D.  Judd,  b.  Dec.  4,  ls:;0:  mannfac;  in  Xew 
Krit.;  chos.  dea.  tor  2yrs.,  Iso'.i,  and  in  ISbl  ind'linitelv;  dis.  to  (.'hapel  sr    chh    in  Xew 
Hav.,  1804;  res.  Wall'd,  Conn.;  s.  of  Dea.  .Moiton  Judd  of   Wall'd    Conn       1    Cnlhariiu- 
M'elle^,  b.  Jan.  ,^,  ISIS.     2,    (hn.  yL>,-l<>i,.  Sept.  27,    \xh\\.     :-;,   J//,-,  'l/„,y    Od  '.-,' lSfi->-  d 
June  30.  1804.      AUuyt  L.^  Dec.  20,  180.j.    4,  Catii af;i.vf..  Feb.  1.-.,  IS33'  d    Fel)'    ^    l8.-,o' 
IV.      Ihiiinah.b.  Aug..  1797:  ni.  Sept.  10,  1S21,   Clu-ster  Hart    !>.    Fel,    7    1 79;V-  s    of 
Aaron.      She  d.  Sept.  1 ,  1823.      He  m.  (2  i  her  sifter. 

V.     Elva,   b.    Sept.   11.    ]s,,(»;  m.    >jay    12.    1S24,  Chester    Hart.      She    was  a    oood 
scholar  and  a  devout  j.erson.     Slie  inherited  ]u'o]>ertv  fnuu  her  un-le,  Lemuel  Welh^'s  of 
Yonkers,    who    was    wealthy.       1,   Lkvi    Weij.j>,  "b.   June  7.    ls2o;  Y.C     ls40-  stud 
theol.  at  Union  Col.;  licensed  to  j-reacli  by  So.  Pre.-^ti.   of   X.    Y.,  ]s:,2;  miss,  to  tlie  Hor'- 
inaiisofX.  Y.  C.  one  yr. ;  afterwards  re."!<,r   of  tlie  colleev   e-jVminu.r  school    l!-ooklvi' 
X.  \._;  m.  at  X.  Ibit.  \\h-.    27.    IS.",!,  (.'eorgiana  Xorth.  b.  ■lum-4,  ls2o.       He  was  a  .list' 
lingu,:-^t  and.  Cernuiii  scholar.      1.  L>ni[.M    II'.,    Sept.    s,    l.>^.l(i.     2.    11'//;./;.   yorth,   Au>'- 
11,    18")!).     3,  ILirhn-t    Winthr"p.  Aug.,   ISiJ.-);  d.   S'>i)t.     2.    1S07       2    Juti.v   HK.\r-v     b' 
Aprd  13,  1828;  m.  Jan.  4.  lS.-,3,  JaneCri.swold   of    W  .    Ihutf.,   dau.    of  Josiah       She  d 
Aprd  ,'.  IStU.     3.    Haxxah  Jeaxxettk,  b.   Marcii  9.  ISoo:  d.  March  10,  ls.53 

M  Lemuel  \Vatts,  b.  July  4,  1803;  m.  Xov.  15.  lS27.,Abi  Langdon,  dan.  of  Ira 
and  .A  bi(Laukt.ui)  Stanley,  b.  March  12.  1S07.  At  9  vrs.  of  age  she  could  memorize 
%y]tl,  astonishnig  accuracy  a  thou.saud  or  more  l.a<^ae•es  of  .^.-ripture  ],er  week,  in  compe- 
tition with  orher  Sunday  school  j.npils,  nnd  for  a  prize  otb-id  l,v  the  Societv  Thev 
rem.  to  \onkers  and  had  there  a  iKiri  of  bis  Fncle  Lemiud  \\elles"  estate.  He  d  th.u'e 
Sept.  11,  isiii.  of  paraly.-is.  1.  Fi.OKii.i.A,  b.  Julv  2,  1S29.  2  M\i;iftt\  Xov  lo 
J832;  m.  Jan.  30,  lN.-,o.  Ethan  Flagg  of  Yonkers  Shed.  Feb.  ;;.  ],s,-,l  ;;  Fkm'cfi  Xov' 
1,  1S39;  m.  Sei.t.   K;,    18lj:!.  Sarnh.^laii.  of  Alfn  <1  Jone.-.  cd' Y. 

^  II.  Mnrilla  kyman,  b.  Sep-,  (J,  ISOo;  d.  in  Yonkers;  m.  Xov.  2  1S25  Haloht-^  of 
Joseph)  Sbipm.'Ui.  b.  .March  4,  Iso:);  l)ra<s  founder;  has  a  line  lums..  on  Yonkers  I'lil I 
1,  Jfiurs  i;o<KWKi.F,.  Sept.  25.  1S20;  d.  in  Yuukers  April  8,  1S75;  m.  Marv  Clark  of 
Jinsiol.  dan.  ol  Ciras.  1,  Fnn,<;.-<  IF,  Oet.  15,  ]s72.  2  /.v//,,/  V.  Au<'-''^s  ls.5l 
3,  ll^/A', /•/,.,  Jan.  2(i.  ]S(;-.  -1,  Mhrri,  Jan.  2o,  1S(;x.  2.  M\i;v  J\\i;  .hilv^-l'  ]S-><.)- 
d.  May  12.  ls;;i).  M,  .\xx.  Xov.  s.  ls:;i ;  d.  March  22,  1830.  4,  Axxii:,  Orl  I'lS^T 
0,  CiiAs.  Savaci:,  Aug.  11,  ls45. 

27264.     Jared  Welle.S.  b.  Oct.  11,  ITOT;  d.  Sept.  19.    ]s27;   res.  Hartf  •  m    Xabbv 
l{uii.;e,  1,.  ,luly  4,  17  72;  d.  bept.  :;.   i-;-j:.      10  eldl. 
•■      Lney.  1).  .I;ui.  7.  179:;;  d.   M;;\    |(i,  isoi;. 
n.     Srirali.  b.  Oet.  11,  1791;  <1    at"  Ulofuulield.    Conn..    Feb.  0     is;5    a    SO-  (ermr  ii! 
Welles  book,  .said   tom.    Turner).      Slie    was    m.    but    once— Asahel    Tuttle.      1     J  vi:i:i> 

AVELLES.  ]o3 

AVei.t.ks  TuT'iiJ;,  b.  ^'t-^n^ll,  Cnim..  Si'j)i  (>,  isOl;  M.]).  ..l'  llaiiMltDii.  Mo.;  lias  lived  at 
<;r.'iiijK)i-t.  L.  1.;  BliK)intiel<l,  Conn.;  SiitTt-ni  and  UkmiIcIvh,  X.  V.;  aiul  (ialeslini t^',  111.; 
111.  May  i).  l.S-l'.t,  Marv  Jane,  dan.  of  John  aud  .Mrlica  ((Jvnt'iii)  l,r\\i.s(d'  (I'lviMijiort,  L. 
I."    4  ("lul! 

111.  Horace,  1>.  Oct.  20,  179(5;  d.  Marclt  IS.  jSiK,;  m.  in  llartf.,  T^fay  ."i,  ]s-21,  Kmily 
.Skiimer.  1.  M.m;v  Ij-iza,  b.  Aug.  27,  ]&2o;  ni.  Jan.  ."),  is.")'.),  'J'iniothy  (i..  s.  of  ]iev. 
Aniasa  Jerome  of  Hloointield,  Conn.  He  is  dea.  in  Hie  (.'0110-.  ejdi.  2.  J.\XK,  b.  July  21, 
1S27;  ni.  Dec.  11,  ISoO,  David  .s.  of  Josliua  and  Maiv  (Hillhouse)  liavjuond 
of  North  Adams.  Mass.  1,  J/^vry /y'.,  b.  March  •.'!).  is'",.-,.  2.  /s',v"//v  11'..  Oct.  is'ls;:)". 
S,  JJririd  II. ,  Oct.  2«,  ISIS.  4,  Jenni'^  It,  Nov.  7,  isiij.  o,  Snui'l'lL,  d.  >[arcli  o,  ISG-"). 
C.  Geo.  ir..  1>.  June  10,  1S(37.  3,  GEOiiOi:,  b.  Feb.  22,  ISu'i),  at  Harlf. ;  .I.May  0,  1S74, 
at  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

\\.     Abbv,  A]uil  2,  ]7i)9:  d.  Oct.   IS,  1S2G. 
Y.     Lenund,  March  H»,  1801:  d.  March  28,  1838. 

YI.     Xancv,  1).  .hine  20,  ]S03;  d.  Any.  20,  1871. 
Yll.     Jared"  1).  Aug.  15,  180,-i;  d.  July  12,  ls;',5. 

Ylll.      Henry,  b.  July  27,  1807;  d.  N.  Hav..  24,  iSii.");  m.  .     1,   Sa}{\ii.  b. 

Ans.  8,  isl.j;  m.  Oct.  10,  I8O0.  Judson  C'anliehl  of  New  Hav.  1,  Sarah  Loui.sit,  b.  May 

IX.      Lucv,  h.  Dec.  27,  1809;  d.  Oct.  24,  ISoo. 

X.     Ann  V.Vv/.'A.  b.  at  Ilartf.,  Dec.    17.   1812:  d.   at  New  Hav.,  Jan.  9,  iNC-l;  m.  

Patterson.  1,  Lk.miki,  Wef.i.ks.  h.  N.  Y.  C,  Aug.  17,  ]S;U;  m.  St.  Louis,  M.-.,  March 
19,  1S63,  Harriet  Johnson  Nve,  dau.  of  Asa  H.  of  New  hi.'dford,  Mass.  Shed.  Aug.  4, 
I8G0;  (2)  Feb.  3,  1S69.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  W.  and  Phebe  McDonald  Hunt  of  St. 
Louis.  /.  bv  1st  ni. :  1.  Ch'n'/>--<  J'.rmnc^.  h.  Aug.  7.  1SC|4.  /'.  bv2drn.:  2,  JAzzif' II., 
b.  Feb.  22,  is70.  3.  h'att  1).  II..  Sept.  22.  1S71.  4,  Phrhc  JI.'  IJ.,  Feb.  4,  1S74.  r,, 
JIart/Il,  Aug.  24,  1N7.-). 

273.  Ebenezer  'Welles,  b.  Oct.  5,  1G04:  d.  Dec.  27,  1737:  m.  Mav  19,  112G, 
Ptachel.  dau.  of  John  and  Huciie]  (Pratt)  Skinner  of  Hartf.,  b.  Feb.  2.  1(;94:  d.  Jan.  18, 
1787,  a.  92. 

1-.      Ha'-hel,  b.  Jan.  30,  1727. 

11.    'Hannah,  h.  Ni.iv.  4,  1728;    m.  Jan.  21,  17G8,    Dea.   John  Whitman,  his  2<1    wf. 
He  m.  (1)  Abici'il  Fautrv  (unte.}. 
HI.     Marv.  b.  A  no, '23,  1730. 

lY.  Fbe'ne/er,  b.  July  22.  1732:  m.  Abigail  Whitman,  b.  Nov.  13,  1739;  d.  a.  18, 
(dau.  of  Dea.  John  W.  bv'ist  ni.) 

Y.      Ashbel,  b.  Auu-"  25,  1734:  m.  AbiL^il  Kcdlogg. 
YL      Sarah,  b.  Jan.' 30.  1737. 

2735.  Ashbel  \Vene.s,  b.  Aug.  25,  1734:  d.  Dee.  ri ,  isoG;  m.  Abigail,  .h-iu.  of 
.Ste|iheii  Kellogg,  jr.,  and  liis  \vf.  Mary,  dau.  (.)f  Moses  C'ool;,  wUo-e  wf.  Mary  Avas  dau. 
of  C'a])r.  Samuel  Ihirnard,  v.hose  vcf.  \vk.>  Mary  I'ollon  of  lladlev,  Mass. 

r.  A.shbel  \Vtdle>,  Jr..  of  Hartf.,  m.  Anna,  who  d.  .April"  1,  17li3,  a.  31;  (2)  1794 
Mary,  dau.  of  ('apt.  Tho'uas  and  Ahn-e  (Howard)  Hoplciiis.  Inp.  Aug,  2lj,  1  7'14,  (^is.  to 
■Jeaiinette  Hopkin-.  Ii.  I'iO!),  \\-iio  ni  ]^^t•■r  \^'.  O'allawdet  of  Hartf.,  and  had  Pey,  Tlios. 
Hopkins  (.'allaudei.  Siipt.   Deaf  and  Dumb  Asvleui.) 

|[,  Abltrail.  b.  D.e.  19,  17f;2:  m.  Ilcnrv  W.  Dwlu-ht 
HI.  Shiple;.-.-,,  b.  \V.  Hartf.  Nov.  Mo,  177;,  I'oi-t  F.vrou,  N.  Y.,  April  21,  IS:;2. 
1,  HKMtv  Wn. 1.1  VMS  l)wn,iiT.  b.  Seneca  Falls,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  12,  ]SO(i;  Prest.  and  Man- 
ager of  Wells.  Fargo  ,V  Co.  express.  1.  Clmrn's  Ii,,  h,  P;tlm>ra,  N.  V.,  June  H),  1S2S: 
F^xp.ress  Siijit.:  ni.  -Ian.  15,  1S51.  Sarah  l.otiisa,  dau.  of  Oliver  K.  Buruham  of  New  York; 
1  (di  ,  Fll.-i  Biiridi;im,  b.  Oct.  21,  1S51. 

\\ .      Ihudi.d.  ni.  Sici.hen  Woodbridge. 

27352.  Abigail  Welles,  b.  Dee.  is,  17(i2:  <1.  .Mav  3F  ISKi,  a.  77:  m.  June  8, 
17'-b,  Henry  Williams  Dwight  of  Stoekbrid-e,  Mass..  b.  Sept.  15,  1757:  <1.  Sept.  15,  1804; 
s.  of  (ien.  .losi  |di  and  bro.  id'  F.-inulia  i>wigbt.  who  ni.  Hon.  Tluodore  Sed<;wi(dx  and 
liad  Harrv,   l.'obert,  Tlias..   IJi/.a.  Fraii'd.-  and  Catharine  .M . 

1.  "ileiirv  \\'illi.ini>,  b.  Feb.  1.  r.sS;  ('(d.  and  Hon.;  M.  V.  for  manv  vrs.  for 
Berkshire  Dist'. ,  .Mass.;  d.  Feb.  21,  1M5;  m.  Nov,  10.  1S24.  i'"raii.-es,  dau.  of  lioii,  Sam'l 
(and  2d  wf.  J.'iuinia  l,yi:ian)  Fowl.  r.  li  Srpi.  19.  17'.'7.  I.  Hi-.NCV  William^.  Sept.  23, 
1825.  2.  J.\M)>  F.,  h.  Jan.  3M.  ]s:;o;  \\'ms.('e,l.  isp.i;  lawver  in  N.  Y.  ( '.  3,  I'kv.m'Ks, 
Julv  14,  1S2::  d.  Mar.di  2s,  1S2S. 

II.  Fdwin  W(41es  Dwigl;;.  Nov,,  17S9;  d.  Storkl*..  Mass.,  Feb.  25,  1841;  Y.  0. 
1809;  several  \  is.  pastor- of  chh.  ai   Kiclimond.  Mass. 

131  BKAXCH    OF    HANNAH. 

III.      I,f>uis.  Maicli  1793:  d.  Boston  July   2-2,    1s"jI;  Y.  C.  1813:  Kev.,  Sec.  Prisoiifi's 
l>iM'i|)lin(^  Soc.  from  its  fouiidation  IS'^o.     "A  long  lift-  \vlipn  csthnuu-d  by  the  grcut  end  it 

iiii>.u(T.-d.' Tli>:  Pri'^rnrrs  Friend:    ni.    Mny  2(1^,    1S'J4.  Louisa   H..   dau,   of   Dca.  \atli. 

Willis  of    Host and   sis.  of   N.  P.  Willis,  poc-l;  slic  d.  A]>iil  6.  lb'4(),  loavinir  3  rhil.  oC 

wliiiiii:  1,  Mai;i.\  Lot'isa,  1).  Feb.  10,  IS-;?.");  ni.  May  ij,  l!^4(i,  Pev.  AVin.  Ta))i)an  Eu^tis, 
1).  .Inly  (i,  l^'il;  Y.  ('.  1841:  Andover  1845;  Pastor  Chapel  St.  Cong,  clili.,  N.  Hav., 
Conn.."  lf<48  to  ISHO:  n-ni.  to  Spiia.u-tield,  Mass.  1,  ^f<lrla  Lmiitffi,  Vvh.  4,  1847:  ni.  June 
17,  18C>!<,  Sherniaii  llartwell  Chapman,  M.  D.  2.  hahdln  r.  >."ov.  1!),  IMS. 
;!, ',s'//,sr/,i  Moorf-,  Oct.  9,  18ol.  4,  Fl"rtnre  Dirlijld.  Nov.  11,  l^o.").  5.  <_'/,,irhs  WiUinn. 
Mart  h  r>,  18H0.  '  ti,    IP///.   Tnppnn,  Sept.  7,  1^07.     7,   Lcn^,'  ]>iri'jht.  Se])t.  7.  1807. 

27-S4.  Ebouezei'  Welles,  b.  Julv  2-2,  ]7o2;  d.  Jan.  11.  1814,  a.  82:  m.  Abigail 
\\  hiiiyan  (dau.  of  l>ea.  John  by  l-^t  ^vf.\  b.  Nov.  l?>,  17R9:  d.  March  12.  17.")S.  leav.  1 
child;  (2i  Nov.  2:],  170:-!,  Eli/alRth  Smith  Seymour,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  Smith,  and  wid. 
uf  Allyn  Soyni.our  of  ^^'.  Ilarif..  b.  17^');  d.  Jan.  1,  17S1;  (:j)  Abi  - — ,  who  d.  March  10. 
ISOl.  a.  '-i2.      ('.  l>y  1st  m. : 

I.      Abiicuil"  bap.  ]'>b.  2,  17.")^;  d.  ><.  i.  April  ]2.18o2.  a.  74:  in.  Simeon  Beldeu.      /. 

II.  Eben-/.er,  baj..  Jan.  22,  170G;  d.  O.t.  10.  1708;  m.  Kachel  Frances.  1.  J.VMKS. 
2,  J.w.     3,  Ec'UisA,  rem.  West. 

lil.  Elizabeth,  bail.  Jan.  lO,  1708;  d.  .March  17,.  1802,  a.  ^i;  m.  March  10,  1792, 
(I'urdou  SaitoiiNtall  Whitimr,  b.  Sept.  10,  170(),  s.  of  Nathan  and  Mary  S.  (Saltonstall)  W. 
of  Hrauford,  Conn.  He  d.^July  9,  1804,  a.  38.  1.  S.vmuel,  b.  Sept.'2o,  1794;  m.  Sarali. 
dau.  of  Jose])h  and  Ilannalr  (Sellow)  Kilbourne  of  (rla<tenbury.  Conn.,  b.  Jan.  23,  1790. 
1.  (f'irdori  SuUoiiMuU,  merch.  in  llartf. ;  m.  Catharine  Sedywicl-L.  2.  JClizdhcth  Wclhf.h. 
Ail!,'.  30.  1819;  m.  An,?.  20,  P'<41.  Henry,  s.  of  Samuel  and  .-Vliigaii  Pantry  i  Hooker)  Tai- 
cj)t'rn[  W.  Harif.  {nutl).  3,  Jo-^on  lLujn,s.  d.  y.  4,  A>.-xtl„.  '  o,  lb:in,nh  .<oj!>:i-i.  d.  y. 
('.,  Mitry  C'Tii'lin.  7,  Smniid^  of  Clearwater,  Minn.  8,  (tC".  7/'?(rj/.  of  Clearwater.  2,. 
J.-vso.x,"  l>.  Mav  19,  1790;  m.  June  5,  1828,  Sarah  C  Clark  of  Litclilield,  C(.>nii..  and  res. 

IV.  Sarah,  ba]».  .March  23,  1773;  d.  at  Payson,  111.,  Sept,  19,  1839:  m.  Aug.  13, 
1793,  Gideon  Butler,  b.  Jan.  29,  1708;  d.  at  P.inghampton,  N.  y.,Feb.  1-1,  1837.  1, 
S.i.i{.\ii,  in.  Cliarles  Hollabird.  2,  Kttii.  m.  Lee  Cantield.  3,  ElI7..\,  hi.  Homer  Pri-n- 
tice.  4,  M.m:y,  m.  Frederick  A.  llnlmes,  o.  Wilt. is,  m,  Julia  Holmes.  0,  Dki.i.v.  m. 
Julius  Smith.      7.  Cviu's  ShiyNtnt"!^.  ni.  Harriet  Hul)bfll.     8,  SAMn.i,,  m.  Clara  Bouit. 

28.  Samuel  Welles,  b.  ().■.!.,  10r,2;  d.  Oct.  3,  1733;  m.  Ruth  Judsoii.  b.  Oct.  27.. 
10''4:  d.  May  2.  1744.  a.  S!.);  sis,  cf  Capt.  James  Judso!i,  who  m.  l!e])ecca  Welles,  sis.  of 
SamuiJ;   res.  E.  Hartf. 

I.      Hannah,  b.  Nov.  22,  l(i89. 

11.      Saiuu'd.  b.  Pec.  22,  109:;;   m.  EstluT  ICllswortli. 
HI.     L'utli,  b.  Jan.  29,  10!)7. 
IV.      Sarali,  b.  He--.  10,  1700. 

\'.      Pebecca.  b.  Oct.  3.  1704;   m.  Th..mas  Pitkin. 
VI.      James,  b.  1700;  d.   Feb.  10,  1723. 

282.     Samuel  Welles,    b.    Dec    12.    1093;  Capt.;  d.   March   2,    17^0;  in.   Jau.   31, 
1722,  Fsther  Ellsv.-ortli;  (h  Nov.  3,  1791,  a.  89. 
i.      Esther,  b.  Oct.  12,  1  ;23. 

il.     Samuel.  1).  Oct.  0.  172.");    Cai)t.;  d.  E.  Hartf.,    Am:.  31.  170!t;  m.  Nov.  30,  17.")."), 
Evtl,cr,  dau.  of 'I'imntliv  Lo.imis  of  Windsor,  b.  Nov.   14,  l'730;  d.  Mandi  2,  IS'M. 
ill.      Iluth.)  •.  _^. 

IV.      .\nn,    s   ''•    '*^'-  ^'-  ^'''• 
\'.     John,  b.  Julv  29.  1730. 
^■|.      Jonathan,    h.    Feb.    20,    1731-2;    Col.;     d.    Feb.    8,    179.3;    m.    Mabel,    dau.    of 
■b.!iaih;,ii  and  >Libcl  (Olmsted)  Stanley  of  E.  Hartf.   and  wid.  of  Jonathan  Hills;  jx-r.  iii. 

^'ov    ;10.  1  ■;;,.■-,,  E^tlnT .      1.  Jox.\Tii  \.v,  b.  Mav  19,  17."i7;  d.  Jan.  0.  181.").      1.  (jUcu-. 

b-   K.    llartf.    ..bin.    29.    17^9:    merch.;  d.    July  22,"  1.841.      1,   James    Coodwin,    b.    1S21: 
m.  oh.  of  Hartf.;  m.  at  llxeter.  N.  V..  Sept.  7,  ls48,  Mai'v.dau.  of  Cornelius.Iones.  and 
'•:"b     (1),    l.'rcd.  P.,  b.  Nov.  29.  1.^49.      (2).    Harriet  1...    b'   June  29,   l.>^52. 
^  "        Hannah,  b.  April  2.-),   1730. 
^  '"        l"'  i'.^ca,  b    Pre.   \u,  1743. 

-S25.     John   Welles,  .!ulv29,  1730;  d.  March  12.   ISOl;   m. 

1       i^'iioi.i,  1,.  Muit1i29,  l'r03;  d.  at   New  Hartf.,    N.  v.,  Oct.  7,  1803.      1,    Soi-i!l.\ 
s-    \.lut,^;,,,  N.  Y.,  April  13   1791;  d.  Ftica,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  2^),  1831;  m. Williams^ 

wr;iJ,Es,  TUTTLi:.  135 

'Tliofcrt  S  b  Sppt  10  )S,^S,  IkiuIut:  m.  O.'t.  IS,  IS.Vl.  at  l'.,  Al)l.y  ('.,  dau.  .-t  Hon. 
('has.    H.    Doolitil,.  ..r    L-.;  luul:   1,   U.o.     II..    U     Ja,,.     ^^    l-^';.     ^.   ^'•"■;;(:li-   J'*"  ^:' 

18(3U  '•>  Jamks  b.  Nov.  -J'.i,  IT'.iS;  n-hi.  to  AUu.t.,  N.  Y.;  liv.  IbTo.  1,  J/r>rriei 
Aniffi,/  h  Nov  '2-^  1S-2:  PI.  on.  -J.-),  l.<-is.  .lu^ul^  Iloutli  i;ov.-i',  s.  of  ()i-!K<'"-  "t  Mai's- 
iioid  Conn  '  1  Sophiu  U  ..  1>.  Nov.  2.  \^r,u.  -.  (no.  ]■'..  Dec.  12.  1852.  .i,  liumc-r  A., 
June  2  1SJ4  2,  iSam^Jd  J.,  U.  Munh  22.  ly;;0;  nio.rh.  :.nd  l.ank.-i' ol  Va.vcltrvhle.  N . 
Y.;  m.'oci.  12.  lSo-1,  Anna  S.,  dun.  ol  David  Collins  ,d  1  .  1,  San.  1  .1..  N^t.  o.  1>..0. 
o  IV.vidC.  Sci.T.  2:^.,  1S.-,S.  -A,  .lulni  I...  IVr.  2(1.  ISllU.  4,  I'aul  .1.,  Man-1.  .,.  im,.,.  .,, 
liana  11.,  Julv  U,  ISi;^.      G.    Anna  S. ,( Kt.  1-1.  1S71 .  ,         ,    >.    r.t  « 

11  M-ii'v  1)  !7*'-T-  d  Se).t  IS.},"),  a.  SO;  ni.  Li'nin<d.  s.  ot  Lmuir-i  .^ia^1hH 
(Loumis)  White;  1..  Nov.  1,  IVli'J:  d.  Inr.  s.  lSt8;  n-s.  Bolton.  (  onn.  ,1';'  ''} , '  ^  ' .' ^''^;  ' ' 
17S9.  Man- Buckland,  who  d.  .May  12,  ITUO.  a.  21,  h-av.  s.  Ihu-Rland  1>  May  1  1  ,W, 
d  Oct  ^H->  ISOti  1  AVki.i.i:.-,  h.  Man-h  19.  1791;  d.  (t<t.  :^0.  \  ,\h.  2.  Jann-s  W  ellrs, 
1."  Snit  -M  isUti-  m.  tk-t.  21.  1^2-<,  (•atharin(.  R.  (iai^.^-r;  v^.  Albany.  N.  V  1.  ..A////t5- 
J?n'd  h  Sei.r  •>2  1>2U-  d.  Au-  11.  is4['.  2,  )!•./■^.^  J'l!/.i.^.  h.  May  Kt,  ls:!i:  d.  Jnn.- 
n  lS-J-1  :/  >/'-"V"  ^^'/ ;.//■,!..  Urt.  12.  1SH2;  d.  Oct.  S,  lS4i>.  4."h  lJ<iih^i"hn.  i, 
Nov.  19,  iy;!o:  d.  ^lan.  2^,  1S>!7.  5,  Thnd.h  ns  ];,.d.  l--./^-  2^.  \-''-  .,;'-'::""V 
WrU<'.^,  h.  April  22.  1^41:  d.  April  2.  1<42.  7.  J/w.,;  A/,:-,/.^.,  b.  .)an.  ..0.  Is4...  S, 
Sara?,  Jmnsn.  h.  hVb.  .-,.  ISID.     A.   M.'.KV.  b.  iVr.  ol .  1^02;   iv..  l^u■kv,!l,^  <  o,u!. 

II!       John  J      b     Maivh   4.    170!),    at    E.    llaiK.;  d.    April    20,    is:;2:   ...v.-ntor  ol   tlve 

levor  pt-intinir   j-iess.      1.   Cii.uu.KS  Prr.cix,  b.    May    14.    ISll  .  drit^c^isi ;    m.    >'OV.    U 

1S38.  Jane  N.,  .hut.  of  \\m.   Stfon^  of   11.      1,   M'ry  C,    Dec    l:^,  1S4:1.     2,    Un>nes  F., 

April  22.   IStH, 

285.    Rebecca  Welles,  b.   ()<•;.    8.   1704;  d.    Feb.  ^^•^''xl]}:'J]'Tt\  t-f 

William  and  Kli;'.abnh  S:ank-'-  Pitkin  of  E.  llartf.,  b.  Jnne  IS.  !,(;(!;  d.  July  20,  l<,b; 
re;s.  at  Bolton.  (  onu. :  Jn>t.  of  tlie  Peace,  and  Rep.  Conn.  A.^sen.ldy,  1742.  lb'  was  bro. 
of  Gov.  Willhini  Pitkin,      l,  an  only  s. :  . 

1.     Tho.uas,  b.  1724;  d.  June  25,   1S18,   a.  !::4;  Cap;.;   Ib)>.    C,'  t,.,,    in   e  onn     I.^. 
manv  vr.^  •  Toun  Cl.-ik  of  Polton;  Just,  of  the  Peace,   17()0:  m.   July  2^),  1.44,   Marth.-i 

'  Whb-"  b  'l72d-  d  .lune  4.  1S()2,  dan.  of  Pev.  Thoma.;  ^^hile,  the  first  niinister  ot 
Bolton'  and  his  wf.,  Martl,a,  .P.n ,  of  Jonathan  llutd  of  Northanii^tnn  _Mas^.^  1, 
MMrrii.r  b.  Beb.  S.  1740;  d.  Nov.  1,  1754.  2,  NVniTK.  b.  April  2).  1.4.;  r.u 
Hhoda  Mavbh;  res.  llartf.,  Vt.  ;5.  Samikl,  b.  Uct.  17.  17411;  d.  Nov.  ;^:\./';l^  ^. 
fi^MlKi.  b.  An-  IS.  i-,:A:  d.  An-.  4.  1752.  5.  F7i,iZ-MU-nt.  b.  J  un- PI  1  ,.,..;  o .  .hnu- 
16  ISia-  ra.  .Ian.  4.  1775.  illea/.r.  s,  of  D-a.  Samuel  and  Hannah  >f^  tc  it^Hu,:i  nu'ton. 
b  'Mavil     1744-  d.    1777;  res.    Pebanr.n.    Conn.;    f.-irinej.      1,   KUa-r.   b.    l.ili;  (1.    1.99; 

unut.  '  i!  Furnnj,   m. Pull  of  WethcrsHehl.      0    M..RTi!^\.    KJ-'l^t    ^-    I'-^'J'- 

March  5.  177s.  Anderson  Miner,  res.  11.  7,  P^t-.TrKCx  a ,  b.  Aug.  2o.  1 .  m  ;  d.  y.  .\  >  At  ]„ 
b  Oct  17.  1750;  d.  Jan.  G,  1S2;-;;  ni.  Oct..  KSl.  Abi-ail  l.othro].;  res.  Oh:o.  :■.  i  ,A.y\. 
b'    \  9    17f.2;  d    Oct.  IS.  1S22,  m.  Srpt.  29,  17S5.   Hannah    Pease  of  Somer.s;  (-')  (  or- 

•  nePa<'hapman  of  Conn  10,  LrcY.  b.  Oct.  2:-!.  1704;  d.  Oct.,  lSo;j.  ^^.,^v);  la. 
Nov.  17,  17SS.  Dea.  Samuel  Peynohls  of  Somers.  Conn.  11.  Ji:i;1--sua.  o.  Oct.  ,•,.  1.0.; 
d.  (.)<t.  2(i,  1S54,  a.  87;  m.  Sept'.  7.  1786,  Giles  IVa.-^''  of  Somers. 

8.  Thomas  Tuttlc,  "h.  Pn-,  P;:!4:  tn.  May  21.  10(1!.  Hannah.  '1;'".  ^-.f  Thomas 
I'owell  ■"  b.  KMl:  (1.  Oct.  p).  1710.  11. ■  was  a  en,, per:  chosen  i'acker  Mat'ca,  ]'..-,_,  ami 
1G74-   (iau.oT  and  Packer  17(14-  Jurvnian    Uis2;  Con.stable   PJSIJ;  excused    from    training; 

*-TLoinas  PowJl  r.K.v  bt-  the  same  who  in  May.  if-U,  v. as  of  Lo;;,2.Island;  ad  uuted  l^,^i^^^A\f.^.^ ';^;-.. 
man  of  Conn,   bv  conin=ib..icners  ot   HunPnsion.     He  wa.  m^jali^^ned   proLablv  w,t!     ihe    ccu^,.nc>  ot 
with  Conn.  .^.  by  royal  charter  pr,.v,dcc'.,  and  ,nay  been  al  bpnnu lidd    i of^. 

in  riuht  of  wf.  IVisciU.n.  TJiomas  Powell  couv.  to  his  son  1  homas  Tmtlc  .Iu!>  it.  ic^..  one 
r)i.-  Vork-ihiro{T  boundo<!  bv  ?.-.raiio!  Xewcian's  on  .--nc  side,  bv  t.ic  io!U..'.a.e.-.i->  -■- 
one  rnd  and  by  Jeremiah  H.ill's  l:,nd  at  the  o-.hc-v  end.  His  will  dated  ^\^'l-'':'-'l^:-;^\^]^:>^^,:!:^^ 
beloved  sen-i-i-:..wTho.oa^TuUk  ^ok- cxr.".  and  names  j,'rindch:!.lrcn  Ohn  •i'.'-''-; f"  ' '^^;^,.-'.  ""^  ^f.[;.l';' 
meadow  land  a!s..  house,  lands  and  home  lot.  c.-cceot  a  pan  to  ;;t.  chil.  Hannah  1  uitlc  ■'"•-f',^*''  ^^■'■,^7' 
AbiuaiT;  M?rvand  Esther,  and  one  acre  to  Caleb  Tuttle.-A^  H.Krc.  A  I  i-ovvell  vv  a-,  n..>de 
frcci'j.i!'.  of  the  Stationers"  Co.,  London.  July  21,  i-^j'-^i.—  s  'Av/\y' .'/>.'•'. 

]5KAXf'll    OF    T)rO\lAS. 

li'iil  liv  Thomas  Tiittlc  ami   liis   lic-coiidaiUs    I'm    u  (MTirxl   ,,[  UV-]  yrs. ;    lu-fxidUhly    lii_ 
by  .Mrs.  ('(,iisriil)lf   13   vrs.   (itloil-KJ.'rJ),    Thoiiius    WihhU-i    o  yrs.    (Iti.l'i-lG-jl},    'i'!i<;iii 
'I'liti'iL'    and    drar.  i2-j   yrs.    t  Itl.")  MTSOj.    -I'iIhi   SotI    IG   yis.    (i7'-^ii-17i)i;).    ulin.sf    tvcr^    ^o'd    it    to   the   i.'oil<-::c;     wliosf    pci-iod   of    ji' •><c■s^ioll,    .SH    yr.s..    ( 1  TOO- IbbV: I,    ia 
.-lioii    tlian  oiu'-i'iinl  ci-utiiiy  of  ll;;'.t  of   thi'  'I  iitili-  lainily;   br.r  tip  y  will    catcli    i 
ill  r.i:>'ii.  uiile.s<  tliry  scU  out  and  i"iiio\""  io  Hai't  foi>i  in  the  mean  tinii'.      Ahoni.  IT."};)  i; 
» onv.  ot'  rUylit  of  wid.  of  Joshua  'Jditt  ie-  ili"  lot  i-'  dc«Til)i'd  as  lioundi  .1  on  tlu^  iioilli  in  jjai't 
l-.y  lai.d.if  iiniainin  Fianldin.  Es(|. ,  <d'  IM/dad.dphla.      Tlior,.  'I'littn-  d.  Oct.  1*1,   1710;  'aiil 
<!ati-d    Mayd,  IToi;   piovrd    "M    'I'nc-^day  ol"    Nov..  l]\n;    •'ron    .InslMia    :vi-.;   s,   ;.\^;,1>    -j:, 
l.-i-vi-   a    N'.'t    of   roo]ic!i"ii;-  toid  ■;   ui.  ciril.  ITMinMli,  I'liscillrs  Abiirai.l-,  ^lary  and  A  l)rr.]i;.n: 
lloKdd^'ss.  (dii).  of  Div  dau.  lianiiali,  \vf.  (.f  .loslnui  Hofi^'il^i-'^'Tr'A-yv-is^^  -r''^  li    ' 
I.      JIa.nnah,  1,.  F..!...  21.  loljl;  sa.  llorrldciss.  J    I '  C-  <"        )  J   il  tl iX 

11.      Abi.^ail.  .I.V..  17.  1  (•;']:-;. 

Maw.  .innol4.  KUlo;   d.   Anr:.   \-2.  V>^:'. 
Oct.  :?7.  lOi;;;  n:.  .)  "  '    "■ 

1\'.  'i',  Oct.  -,'7,  lot;;;  n;.  .)nno-2s    lii'.i-y  Mary  San  ford. 

V.  -lolin.   I)iv.  o.  liaa.i;   111.   Ihuinali . 

VI.  INtiicr,  Apiilil.   Kli:?:   ni.   l-,d).  -^7,  M'.iil.  S.-minol  liusscll 

^dl.  {\>\--\-,,  An;;.  ■,';■),  ICTi;   ]:i.  .Mandi  1.  ICiltii.  .Mary   Ilotchkiss. 

^  111  -loshn.a.   Hit.   ]'.),   li;7"i;  in.  Vol..  -^li,  llKt,  .MaiV  Mix. 

IX  Marti,,-;.  .\! ay  :.';!,   Uni);   d.  -Ian.  ■.'.■),  In'.X). 

31.  Hannah  TlltLle,  '■.  Fob.  -21.  ICi;!--};  m.  ab1.  1'>:o,  Joslma,,  s.  of  Samn'd  and 
l'd/:..n,-:!i  ,C|ovr;-lyj  Hotidd^i-s,  I).  Soj.t.  Id.  IC')!:  called.  S.  rift.  Hi!).-,:  I'lnsiirn  an-1  .loslina, 
'••'•■  1^':.  lb'  ^va"s  ' '  .Mai  ,^iud  F'  ( ■  Inn  :  iltof  N '"V,  llav.  Co.,  i  lotclilvisstown  (  West  villc), 
n'-At  .\,  ll:',\  ..  naniod  for  Idn.i.  ■■  liar.indi.  \vf.  of  SlunilT  .)o.-,hna  1  lol-d)!;  iss,  d.  Feb.  17, 
F;is.i'.)--  .'<n,.  liis  -Jd  wf.;  lu"  ni.  (I)  Mandi  •■■;..  iCr/.  Marv,  d-ui.  of  Ceo.  I'ardoi', 
-I,  and  aftor  d.  of  his  \'A  wf,  }■,-  m.  (dj  al.l.  1  M'.i,'>Fay  Asliini.  rd  Milford. 
i:nl;  Marv,  b.  .Voril  :;,  Iii7'.>;  d.  V.  Stophon.  1>.  Anu-"  V^i,  Vr-l  :  settled  on 
:  \\'.  I'arisl,  (Clieddre),  Ii(!7,idv^'n  liini  bv  Ids  f.  Mariha.  b.  I>e,;.  M.llis:!; 
!:n>   'I'!,.,,,,.,,.   iN,.,,!.^.    ......    !'',,..:,;•■,.      di,-  .!    !>,..■    •>  >    !■:■>■>■    ,,;•;    ,;.,i,.,i 

^i- ho  ,h  a!ti.  :•; 

Hv   !^f   i,.     1h    h 
;v"j;d  i;-   Wddi'd 
n.     \ 
-'il  id  '..  l:v^  nn.- 

'■:.  Thou. as    Idi'ohs: 

\-\\<\s  e,.ns.,  Cjdob  Hoirhki 

A',  id  ;.  i:v.',  nn.-.  "lov'nu- e,>ns. ,(•;,'],  b  ;!oi.'hki<-  sr.,  sol-  '  'M;d;.-s  hi-.  X  r.ntrh 
\'"  7.-_'-''iii-.'  a--  >hirdl  ;..  h-t;,,l  .lore,,nei;!s  on  re.  o;d  in  Milford  is  II);  ••v/f.  lo  have  'JIC 
^•■"^••h  i  <..:■,-■  obhi;,., I  'op'.y  ie']-,  :is  bv  anofh.T  te-l  anient  lliav  fiilix  al>liear;  s.  Stejdn'ii 
^^  ieiv.'  il,,-  ni.>le-v  1  |,:.;,i  '(,.1  tie-  fam!  he  lives  on  :xud  one  a.'iv  of  'land  near  l.bei.eia'r 
•  .-•■'i-'n-hi  h:     s.    Mitalnun,  -I'J  acres  in  the  ol  li  divhdon  near  his  hoi;-.';    s.    Isaae,  li!)   acres 


ill  W;il!'(l  jiml  5  itcvfs  iiear  ElK'U'v.or  Man>fi<'l(iV;  s.  .lacdli,  dwelling  liousr,  liurii,  lioiuf- 
stt-ad.  and  land  and  lueaduw  in  "Yorkshire  (^nailer  and  \N'<'Sftiold,  laud  in  .\(ck  and  (U 
ucrcs  near  Spcri-y's  fai-ni,  rt.  in  seiiuestcird  lands,  •j'2  acii".;  of  half  division  land  and  '>\ 
JK.TC-S  near  Donnan's;  dau.  Abii^aii,  cow,  etc.;  dan.  Maiv,  biass  kettle,  iron  pot,  vie;  lli>; 
reTnaii\dev  to  be  divided  anioiiir  fVnir  oi'  my  dans.,  vi/..:  Martha  Bi(X)ks,  Hannah  P<ck, 
Priscilla  ypeiT_\  and  Mary  1  l.)i>ddci>>.  ,lohii  I'lindeisoii,  ji.,  'J'lioinas  I'lindev.-on, 
]Si'atlianiet  Mix,  Jr.,  wi1nt-,-.^''S."  Son  Si.ejihen  of  Wall'd  \sa>  allowed  an  ap]ieal.  JaeoVi, 
a  minor  s..  rho-e  ]i'>  hio.  Ah.-.Jiani  for  iruard.  In  17.';:'«,  Khctn'y.rv  I'eelv,  .lohn  SpcJTy 
and  Pris(i]la,  hi>  wW.  and  Mary  lIoirhl;iV-;,  ilan.  of  h:u<.  1  lotehlnss,  dee.,  all  of  X.  ]^:\\'., 
and  Tl'.ouias.  Brooks  and  ^lartha.  hi--  vf. ,  of  Wall'd,  sold  ro  .)<ise))li  Man-tield  rights  in 
meadow  near  ]iis  dv.-olliiiir  that  forme  ily  beloni^-iny  to  onr  honored  f..  Knsij^n  Joshua 

1.      Hannah,  h.  aht.  lOSd:  ni.EV>enezer  Pe(d<. 
li.     Priscilla,  1).  Dec.  oO,  KisS;  ni    .lolui  S]>errv. 
■in.      Abraham,  b.  abt.  ItiOf). 

]^'.      Abii;-ail,  li.  (jet.  P2,  lfiU5:  m.  l^aniel  Vv'inston. 
A'.      Marv,  b.  abt.  IHOO:  living  in  17:l-,\-- 
VI.     Isaac,  b.  June,   1701. 
VI!.     Jacob,  l>.  Fi  b..  1704. 

oil.  Hannah  ITotchkis.s,  b.  abt.  IGSC;  d.  Aug.  ;',.  17-2:3;  m.  May  10,  1709, 
Ebenezer,  s.  of  I'^nj.  and  .Mary  (Si)erry)  Peck,  b  Jan.  ij.  1G"-1:  cliosen  tire  first  clerk  of 
tlie  Cong.  soc.  of  Amitv  (Woodbridire),  Conn.,  at  oraauization,  Uct.  7,  17;]S;  [m.  (2)  Dec. 
{^,1724,  Elizabeth  Wilmot.  and  had',  March  ",,  1725.  Lydia,  Dec.  H,  1728. 
Eunice.  Aug.  tl.  1780;  cl.  y.  liathsheba.  Sept.  27,  17;J2.  Benajah,  June  1,  ll'S'i.  Benj., 
Aug.  14,  11;;?.  Siej)heu,  Aug.  ."),  1742.  Eunice,  S''pt.  2S,  1744;  m.  Jesse  Ford.  ]i''nj., 
March  0.  174*i;  m.  Thankful  Pu<sell  and  had  several  dans.,  as  p(>r  div.  of  widow's  dower, 

I.      Ebene/.e.  Perk,  b.  M.andi  12.  171it;  m.  Mary  Johnson. 
II.      Hannah  Peik.  b.  ImJi.  ]."").  ITii;  m.  Janu's 'lloaton;  (2)  Amos  Sj^mtv. 
III.      Marv  Peck,  b.  Nov.  2,  i:i4:  m.   Peter  Perkins. 
W.     Joseph  Peck,  b.  March  2^,  KPS;  m.  Ame  Perkins. 

V.  Ihichel  Peck.  b.  .\ug.  2,  1721;  livin.LC  in  17.'^'1;  m.  'i'homas  Perkins,  ]•  ]nl7G0 
Pachel  Pei'kins  ailmx.  of  Tlionuis;  Jiouse  and  barir  nr.  Aaron  Sjierj'y's  land  at  Sergeant's 
]-»ock;  Joel  Jlotchkiss,  Josejih  S])'-rry  and  .\m(js  Pei-kii>s,  c'ividers.  oeliik:  Jonathan, 
Thomas.  Kachel,  .Mary  and  Lucy.  Pielfl.  guaTd.  to  Thomas  and  I  .ucy.  \mos  Perkins 
■guard.  io  JoiiatliMJi.  (Tliomas  was  s.  oi'  Scth  Perkins,  whos,.  est.  a(b.n.  1700,  had  land 
nr.  Daniel  P.ussell's;  Dariiel  Tolles,  Joel  llotclrkiss  and  Joseph  Peck,  admrs.  Eli/abeth, 
vid.  of  Seth,  ni. Kussell.     (Dariiel  V) 

run,     Ebencf-cr  Peck,  b.  Marrh  12,  1710;  d.    abt.  170><:  will  ]ives.  at  New  JIav. 
sm,  yr.,  not  a])jn-()\eil;  c-t.  iliv.    l)y  order   of  tin;  cmirt,  1700;   Annjs  ]^■rkins  and    Henj. 
.Bradlev,  aiqiraisers;  m.  .!an.  :'>il,  ]  7;jO-7,  Marv  Johnson. 
L      Hannah,  b.  Jan.  ps.    ]7;S7-S. 
II.     Marv,  b.  Sept.  21.  17:;o. 
II  [.      Ebenezor,  b.  Sept.  27,  1741. 
1\'.      Noah,  b.  I'cr.  ;;,  17i;C 
A'.      llann:ib.  b.   ]*,r.  7.   1  74."i. 
A'l.      Pach.  1.  June  10.    171^. 
Vll.      Jar.e,  .Vj-ril  22,   ]  7.j;!. 

31J2.     Hannah  Peek,   b.  Feb.   i  ;,   17H;  m.  o,-r.  20,   17;50,  Jame>,  s.  of  Nath. 

Heaton.  b.  Feb.  IC.  1M)7;  (2,  Dee.  2<).  1  7:!:k  Amos,  s.  of  k'Jienezer  and  A  bigail  ( Dirk<a-. 
man)  SpiM-ry  (iitc.  of  .hicoli  S).i-r!y  who  m.  Lydia  TuUbO;  hiT  uill  as  ^^'id.  of  Amos  S., 
jM'ov.  in  N.  1!..  li'.rS;  s.  Ebcii.   •■\rcr. 

I.      I'uth.  b.  St-pi  .  ;jn.  17;M:  m.  E/ra  Sperry,  (cal    his  wf.  in  17'.)Si. 
II.      .\.mos.  b.  .hine.  2:;,   I7:ir,:   m,  .A|>rii  :;(l.']7liO,   llett.'e,  dau.  c.f  Joshua   Sperry:  (2) 
t>usanna  ,  who  in  177:>  was  his  wid  ami  adm>;.  of  his  est.,  and  guard  to  .\moS.  -lared 

*Joslu!a  Ib>'chkiss.  b.  lyo;  d.  ^-'i■..  a.,  i-i;  in.  Mary  Hoflikiss,  b.  e'v).>:  d.  Nov.  rj.iySy,:!.  Ss;  sup. 
dau  .')f  Ens,  Joshua,  i.  John-.  Feb.  ;-7.  173-.  2,  )\i  t/aiu-.-j  h,  Marcli  2^,  Wjj.  3,  .^lA^.■i  ,  .-Vug.  11,  1:37-  4> 
M.'.KV,  June  17,  :7i---.-  //.'.'.•    rv  0/  ','-  uH: n^/orj . 

■'' K  Thi.'i-;i.-i  Perkins  '■■t'  W'oodbri.i','^  isuo.  s.  of  riti.ivc  Th'-.tnns  '  d.  abt.  1  7Q0  ;  inv  ,  i-)i  ;    :idin.  f.i^en  to 

Vi  id.  Eunice,  1  n  1 7'-, ;.  Sliatlrach    M  inor  .hunicd  ;u1in    of  c;;t.    of  tlic  late 'Ihomas   Perkins,  in  ritdn  o' his 

wf  ,  Eunice.  Sam'l   Newton   of    W.,    i;u;;ri.l.  tn  tlic  three    yi„un},'er   chi!.      Five    t'uiL   iiacncd  :      .Mary, 

Thomas,  Ely,  Jesse  and  Jcrciaiaii. 

138  BKAXC'JL    OF   THOMAS. 

siiid  Hettee,  8  minor  cliil. :  Duiiiel  LiiK^s  Sjiorry,  fruard.  to  ii  vduiitrer  s.,  D.iiiicl  Lines; 
Eben  Sperry  <ruai(l  to  Ehcii.  ]77o:  est.  dist.  1775.  1,  Ei;kx.  2,  Dau.  o,  A>!ns.  4. 
Daniel  Lin».  ."J,  Anek.  (i,  Jakeh.  7,  1U:ttee.  s.  Sisanxa.  t',  Jaccd'..  m.  aiui 
li;id  fuui. 

HI.      Khetuv.iT,  h.  ,luly  0,  ]7:iV). 

8113.  Mary  Peck,  1>.  Nov.  2.  J714:  ni.  .lun.'S.  M-ln,  Vcu-v,  s.  of  I'eu-r  P.-ikinx, 
h.  .lunr  H).  1  ri4:  isbout  170-3  hv  conv.  laud  in  5th  divi^iiai  luido;-,!  to  Joim  Hill,  •■  id  mv 
sisters  Dinah  Sant'ord  and  Mal,>el  Johnson,  \vf.  of  Samuel;  llt'h),  (•oii\.  landin  li'-tliuny. 
C(-'nn..  "to  my  s.  Peter."  lie.  d.  ]7(in;  est.  dl.-t.  17G7.  Tlie  wich  d.  al>t.  17'..H';  inv.  that 
vr. ;  adm.  names  lieirs  of  I'd  ward  ..Khenezci-  and  Samuel;  trives  a  striuij:  of  i^uld  lie;  to 
"Mrs.  Hunnuh  H^'.adier. 

I.  Peter  Per;<;ius,  1).  Xov.  11,  17-!]  ;  w.  da;ed  Ave,,'-.  '27,  17!*!).  prov.  same  yr..  names 
the  7  eliii;  he  is  called  deaeon;  in.  Dec.  Iv.'.  17t.)'"i,  Kli/.ahcth  Perkins,  who  d.  aht.  179!i. 
\,  Pktek.  and  2.  I^LrTii.  twins,  b.  Sep(.  27,  170(i.  '.'>.  Ef.iZAtiEni.  Nov.  IJ,  1707.  4, 
llANXAir.     ."i,  Maiski..     C).  Sai:\ii.     7,  JuEi,.     b,   I[i:nkv  lu   IJAiuiv. 

II.  Edward  Perkin-^,  h.  o.-.  :.^"^  ]  74:^;  m.  M:irv  Tlnnnas. 

III.  Hannah,  o.  P.'h.  1,  174G;  m.  David  Beeclie'r. 

IV.  Elxme/.er.  1>.   April  11.  174!». 

V.  Eiienezor,  b.  1753;  Tinn)tliy  Ball  guard. :  phvsiciiiu  in  Bethhhem.  Conn. ;  d.  thr. 
Sept.  7,  1886,  a.  So  vrs. ;  m.  .Mercvl  who  d.  in  B.  Nov.  14.  1825,  a.  70.  1.  Peck,  h. 
177fj;  d.  in  15.  Feb.  14,  1794,  a.  18 V>'S-  -•  Estiiek,  d.  Feb.  11.  175)4,  a.  S  yrs.,  and  per- 
hai's  Darius,  b.  1783;  d.  in  B.  Ajiril  20,  1842,  a.  5',1;  wid.  Olive  Perkins, *d.  in  B.  Feb. 
1(1.  1847,  a.  5!i. 

VI.      Samuel  Perkins,  b.  Sept.   11,    I'lOB. 

.31132.  Edward  Perkins,  h.  Ort.  25.  1743;  will,  da-.-d  Manli  1,  liSi;  wf. 
Rosauna;  inv.  sui.  yr. ;  s.  Israel  of  W.,  exr.  2  ss. ,  Israel  and  Edward:  4  dans.,  Mary, 
Electa,  Rosalinda  and  Anna.  Est.  iinally  dist.,  l^li),  l.'v  hainlK-rlon  Smith  and  Ezra 
S[>erry.  He  ni.  (V)  .M;<ry  Thoiuas;  (2)  Ivos.aiiia  — -.  lie  kejjl  tavern  at  "  ^^■^^iTehail.'■ 
in  Bethany,  a  v.-hile.  His  wid.,  Rosanna,  m.  James  Brown  of  Burlir,i;ton,  ('onn..  and 
had  flunire.  Irvinir  and  App<dlina,  and  d.  Xov.  !t,  1S21. 

I.  Israel,  b.  Dee.  30.  17t.>7;  d,  Se])t.  8.  Is4r.;  liis  monup.n.'rit  in  the  Carringion  bu.- 
ground  in  Bethany  sa}'s;  "An  esteemed  citi/.f.'u;  a  f;o-id  m;ui.''  He  bc'iriui  stinl.  for  it 
profession,  hut  his  father  dyin^--  the  siu.  yr.,  cdirm^ed  liis  destiny,  lb-  livt.'d  or  the 
Litchfield  Turnpike,  in  house  built  by  his  f . ;  also  on  Hanulen  IMain  \Vliei!  2-^  yis.  of 
a.  he  became  (juito  denf.  He  \\'as  well  known  a-s  a  Selectman,  settler  of  estates,  guard. 
of  children,  etc.,  and  was  so  skilled  in  the  law  as  to  lie  familiarly  called  "  the  old  law- 
yt-r.''  Hem.  Millee.  dau.  of  Isaac  Judd  of  Naugaruck,  Conn.  1.  Celestia,  d.  June  8, 
'l810.  2.  I.EdNOKA,  Xov.  14,  1791;  d.  abt.  1878^  a.  abt.  87;  m.  Isaac  ^^'arren.  1,  Wm. 
/;'.  Warrr/i.  E-tq.,  of  X.  Y.  ('.,  who  wiote  for  the  I'vi-.  Gm.  Jluj^  a  sketch  of  tliis  liranch, 
wliich  was  not  discovered  iiy  the  Coinp.  till  lie  h;'.d  rt  jiii'd  fioni  >« .  H.  Rec.  th«^  gen. 

H.     P:dward,  h.  Feb.  7,  17fi!);  m.  Lois  Abbott. 

III.  Mary.  h.    Ian.  17,  1771;  m.  j:iias  Lounsburv. 

IV.  Hud"a.  b.  Oct.  8t»,  1775;  d.  v. 

V.      Electa,  twin  with.  Hu'la.  d.'julv  11,  ls.-,(;,  u    si;  ni.  Fri  Tuttle  [4]. 

VI.  Hos;ain<h\,  Jan.  14.  17S1;   ni.  ifmrv  (irith'v  of  Waleriiurv,  C(,nn. 
VH.      Anna,  Xov.  22,  17—;   m.   Klijah  Cn-nk"  and"  d.  bef.  181!t,  leav.  I'iiil. 

31133.     R'anuah    Perkins,    b.    Feb.    l.     I74i;;  m.    VAk    18,   nti'i.    Capt,    David 
Beecher  of  Beihanv,  Conn.      His  est.  dist.  17!I3:   wid.  Haniuih  admr.\.,  1781. 
1.      Lh'.vid  LyinajK  b.  .Inly  14.  17bl»:  m.  K<ther  Tuttle.     [4j 

II.  Marv.  b."  1770:  m.  Aniasa  Tuitie.     [4] 
HI.     Beri". 

IV.      Anua. 

V.  Ly.-ias,  ni.  Lury.  dau.  of  .\brahani  T(dles  of  Betl'.any.  and  had  ()  sons  and  3 
dans., -of  whom.  1.  David,  of  BeM-iningbatn,  Coaii.  2,  .Makv,  i>.  is'll;  d.  D.-c.  fl.  1^5*1; 
m.  Burton,  s.  of  Rukard  Burke  and  Eunice  (Hot(  Mallory,  b.  Westville,  Conn., 
181G;  d.  in  X'e\^-  Hav.,  Conn.,  l>ec.  15,  IST.s,  He  m.  (2)  Mary  Atm.  dau.  of  Charles 
Lewis  of  Fair  Haven,  Cunn  ,  who  d.  Aiui!  21.  lNri5,  a.  48;  (3i  dau.  of  B.  Hudsmi  of 
Hi.rtf.,  x\\\<\  wid.  of  Philos  Howard  Blake.  Uheu  22  y.ars  of  aire.  Mr.  Mnllory  was  a 
clerk  about  tuo  years  for  Wm.  II.  .b)ra;;,  theji  P.  >L  of  N.  !1.  In  1s40  he  began  in  ihe 
lock  business  for  Pierpoint  &  Ib>ttdikiss,  and  on  the  d.  of  the  latter  bec;uue  partner  in 
1843.      Jidni  A.   Dawnpor*  after\\ards   enttred    the    linn.      I'roiii    a    >ui;dl    local    business 


emplnvitifr  25  liaiuls.  it  bec.ime  one  of  very  ^^reiit  importance  witli  some  oOO  liands,  and 
producing  goods  of  great  repuialioti  foi- excellence  and  variety,  wliicli  are  sent  to  every  ]>art 
of  the  civilized  world.  Tliis  result  was  due  in  a  large  measure  to  tlio  energy,  intelligence, 
business  ca|)acily  and  wise  su])erintendenci'  of  Mallory,  who  was  foi'  many  y:'s.  i)iecedirig 
his  deatli,  the  lu'ad  and  conlrojling  spirit  of  theliini.  A  s])ecinien  of  its  enti^rjirise  is 
shown  in  its  luagnilictMit  illustrated  adverli>iiig  cin  ular,  ])ublished  ii  few  years  ago  at  a 
cost  of  sGO.UUO  for  an  edition  of  v?,UOU  C(>])ies.  ••  A  marvel  of  typograpliy  and  engrav- 
ing." The  honor,  generosity  and  probity  of  Mr.  Mallory  in  all  liis  business  ndations  is 
attested  by  the  lca(ling  Innises  of  the  coujitiy.  1.  Z'V' (/i /■(>/■/)'"/■/.•'/',  cmuin lies  lii-^  f's 
business;  rt.'s.  0(^(3  (."hajiel  st. ;  m.  Cordelia  M  .,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Emily  i  li^'tchert 
Smith,  and  irr.  dau.  of  Ca[)t.  John  E.  Beechor.  2,  IliiLinl  Jl'trlt.  r*-^.  24  Onhard  si.. 
N.  11.  :■!,  )A/'^  res.  Rhode  Island.  4,  Man/  JjcO'/ur.  h.  Ir-'i:-,  d.  J  uiv  81 ,  1S4',I.  a.  24,- 
yrs.  0.  Gro.  7>.,  b.  LS4S;  d.  Aug.  2.",,  ISJU,  a".  1  yr.  (3,  Jxlu'  K.  b.  l^rA:  d.  Sept.  IT, 
if^oS,  a.  7  vrs.  H,  Ciiat'XCKV  Toi.i.fs  ]?kixuki;.  m.  Marirar  t  Todd.  1,  Irri>>f/  Llifm,,- 
rci/  T"lk.\'h.  y\:irc\i  27,  lS5(.i.  2.  Luri/,  May  22,  is."".!).  '  ;J,  X//.^e/.-•.  Sept.  b"..  Ibiiu.  4. 
Miirij.  Eeb.  5,  lSfi2.     r>,  Angilii.  Oct.  hi,  ISti.l.     (i.   Jt^sper,  May  11,  ISTl. 

3114.  Josepll  Peck,  b.  Mar-h  2S,  1718;  d.  April  V,  1770;  m.  Jan.  12,  1742,  Anu- 

].     Bathsheba,  b.  :March  20.  17-15. 
11.      Seih,  Nov.  U.  1747:  rem.  to  liristol.  Conn. 

III.  Joseph,  jail  keeper  in  .Ne\v  llav.;  m.  — -.*  1,  Joski-h.  2,  1'kla,  'Major  2d 
Co.  ('Ov.'s  Fool  (iuards.     8,  N.vxCY.     4.   S.\HAii. 

IV.  iJaniel,  of  Bristol,  Conn. 

v..  John,  b.  1750;  d.  March  8.  1S25,  a.  i'AS;  m.  March  12.  17>'0,  Lois  Osl.>urn:  (2) 
Kebecea,  dau.  of  Joel  Atv,-ater.' b.  ^b;rch  21.  1700.  1.  ICzkkiki.  Osiv)i:n,  d.  July  4.  17^.'5, 
a.>8.     2,   Fjcaxcxs  Sioxlv,   d.    Aug.    Ki,    1792,   a.    14   mos.     :',,    Juii.N.     4,    Ei.r/A.      5, 


VI.  Henry,  of  Bristol. 

VII.  Ancy,  m.  Bradley, 

VIII.  Durcas,  m.  Osborn. 

IX.  .Bathsheba,  m.  — — Palmer. 

X.  Asemrth,  m.  ■ Kussell. 

XI.  Electa,  m.  Roger  Ailing. 

312.  Priscillia  Hotchkiss,  b.  Dec.  nO,  ir.KS:  m.  John,  s.  of  Richard  Si>erry,  b. 
March;!,  ir.S;!;  will  dated  Aug.  10,  i74:J:  proved  1751;  nms.  w  f.  I'risci'la,  v.'hu  d.  soon 
after  her  hus. ,  leaving  s.  David  the  only  surviving  exr. 

1.  Seth  S})erry,  b.  O't.  2G.  1725;  will  dated  Jan.,  1775;  nms.  wf.  T,}(iia  and  their 
5  chil.  whose  b.  are  not  found;  m.  .March  S,  174S-!),  J^ydia  Tlmmas;  \\v\  proved  1777,  of 
amity;  David  P.-rkins  ai>pr..  .\nn.-i  Perkins  one  of  tie-  dividers.  1,  BAriisio.i-.A,  Xov. 
20,  1749;  m.  Oct.  5.  17o0,  Eb.-u  Sjierry.  2.  John,  A]eil  7,  1752.  '■).  Ei.i/,ai;ktfi.  4. 
Ltdia  Axx.     5,   PuisctLLA.     G,  Joux.     7,   Ali.kx. 

II.  John  Sj.erry,  b.  Jan,  14,  1718;  liv.  in  1775  as  by  w.  of  f . ;  m.  Abigail,  dau.  of 
Geo.  ajid  Sarah  Clark  of  Woodbridge. 

III.  David  S]i,-rry,  b.  April  U).  1722;  will  dafetl  17i.'5;  prov.  ]SU4;  nms.  wf.  Martha. 
Noadiah  Carrington  t  xis.  lb-  bought  land  of  Sarah  Harris  1747.  1,  M  iciriTAiii.i:,  m. 
Martin  Clark.  2,  S;saxx.\.  m. — ■- — Johnsi)n;  slie  d.  before  171t5  and  left  chil.  1,  Lois. 
d.  before  1801  and  left  /. ;  n..  A\  m.  Baldwin.  2,  Ihirid.  o,  Uiirhd.  m.  Ezra  Bradley. 
4.  Jiimcs.  5,  Ahif/oil.  :].  J(>i;i,.  4,  AntCAii,,  m.  Joel  ITot(dikiss.  5,  Map.tha,  ni. 
Xoadiah  Carrington. 

IV.  Japliet  S])iMry.  b.  Aj)ril  17,  1724;  sold  out  liis  patrinn.ny  lo  his  brothers  David 
and  Sfth  in  175S. 

V.  Di'sire  Sperry,  b.  Aug^  ,  17;-!2;  nr  1750;  <-onv.  lo  Jonatluui  Dii;kermaii  land  in 
fitli  di\ision  laid  out  to  Ensign  Joshua  Ilotidikiss. 

313,  Abraham  Hotchkiss,  had  12  acr.s  in  the  5th  division.  His  lot 
between  "Wot  Kn.-I^ami  N^'cst  i;i v^r  he  scdd  to  .lonathan  Si'.erry  in  17;->7.  In  17;;o  he 
C'lnv.  to  luirs  oi'  bro.  Samufd  about  11  acri-s  ni-ar  S'perry's  farm,  for  whi(di  said  Sanund 
had  not  paid  in  his  liff  linic,  Imt  ;;m  not  sure  l^ut  this  last  transaction  was  by  .Abraham. 
s.  of  'i'homas.  In  1741  Julm  and  !>i  borah  Carrimrton,  conv.  right  oi  said  Del)orah  in 
land  tlcit  did  In-lcUi;  to  her  biini.-i  hiisb;uid,  Abiaham  Hotchkiss,  dec.,  lat<'  of  New  Hav. 

*Deborah,  dau .  of  Jcseph  and  Lyd;.'.  Peck.  d.  Sept.   8,  1775  ;  I.ydia  to  lie  f:a.ird.  to  Ward   Peck,  minor 
of  Joscpti,  1777. 

140  BKAXCTT    OF    THOMAS. 

Ill  l?:)"^    Porriis   ami    Dcliorali,  luiuor   cliil.  ol'   Aliriiham    llotrlikis^,  cliosc    fatlicr  in  law 
Jolui  CaMiiurton  uuavd. 

1.      David.  I..  Aug.  19,  1704. 

II.  ])el)(,iali. 
III.      Dorcas. 

315.  Abigail  Hotcbkiss,  1>.  O't.  lO.  Ifi!i5;  <1.  Aug.  yu,  17;-;.-);  lu.  Jan.  -2  17-Jl, 
D.Mi'vl  Wii'^r  .u,'-M).  Au-'.  1^.  lli'.tU.  .'^onirtiiu*'  ol  WalTd:  n-in.  to  Soiitliiiigton.  Cojin., 
and  (1.  .Ian.  17,  \>^).  Uv  in.  ('-?)  Dec.  IS,  1  VMS,  'I'oniiieTanrr  Swil'i,  and  luid  Ephniini.  h. 
O/t.  IS,  174;i. 

I.  l.saa.-  \Vinstr,n.  b.  Jtm.  2S,  ]7'J-,\ 

11.  llannali  Win.<ton.  b.  Sept.  34,  1724;  m.  Nov.  7,  17.")1.  Thoiiia.s  Anilr<'\v.s,  b. 
17-J'i;  iviji.  lo  Fabin-,  X.  Y. ;  s.  of  Sti>])hi.'n  and  Kulh  (Barnes).  1.  .Josiau.  Ud.  -27,  17.-)2; 
tau"iit  srbooi  in  Soulhington;  ('apt.  of  Mil.;  rem.  lo  Fabins;  m.  June  o,  177'.t,  Al>iu'-:iii, 
dauT  of  Xoab  and  Sarab  (Curtis)  d'ridley.  b.  Aiiril  ."").  17.-)tl.  "  He  composed  The  jine^  on 
grav-e-sto]!..  of  I'bebe.  dan.  of  Amos  WoodruiT.  1,  Inf'int.  d.  Mandi  O."),  17S().  '2, 
JA/rrv/.v,  Aug.  27,  ]7S"2.  8,  (/lircr,  April  22,  17St;.  4,  67/7/ '/j;^(//,  June  29,  17'J>1.  2, 
I?.wAN.V\.  Inn..  Jan.  2il,  3  7.":.S. 

lib  JoIp",  AN'in^io!!,  b.  April  7,  172f3;  d.  in  K.  llav.,  Conn.,  about  17s9.  In  liisyontli 
Avas  a  scl)0(d  tiaelier,  afterwards  a  farmer  in  Farniington.  He  o\s-ned  con.-iiderable^pro- 
pertv  in  S. ,  a  paiT  of  Avhi(di  )\c  received  from  lii;-;  f . ;  m.  in  New  Hartf.,  Conn..  Elidni 
Bristow  of  Farm.  1,  P.\t1knci:,  July  17.  'il^h].  2,  Ar.ic.M].,  b.  Xov.  (>,  17.34;  d.  in  N. 
H.  June,  1S16;  m.  Timotbv  Dawson,  d.  New  Ilarif  ,  Conn..  lt;2S;  r.-.~.  Soatliington.  A 
Rev.  sol.  His  1st  wf.  wa.sAnna,  dau.  of  Daniel  lb)!t.  b.  March  14.  17.';2;  d.  (»ct.,  177'*>; 
bv  wliom  be  Inul  S  cliil.  1,  Holt.  b.  Jan.  0.  177o.  2,  'i  hounis,  b.  July  2s,  F,  7.").  and 
Marv.  twin  with  'iJ-omas,  ni.  Christoplier  Tuttle  [tij.     'A,   Ei.iatv\,  b.  Dec.  7.  17.57. 

IV.      Daniel  XNinston,  1).  June  2,  172s; 
V.      Aliraham  ^Viuston,  b.  .Inne  !."■>,  17:jO. 

VI.      Stejibeu  Winston. 
315G.      Stephen  Wiuston,  b.  Dec.  2.,  17:!::!;  nn  17.58,  l?o.-;anna,  dau.  Joseph  Cogs- 
Avell,  jr. 

i.      Ko^anini,  b.  Jan.  2,  17.50;   ni.  Femuel  Hart. 

II.  Jemima.  Feb.  7.  liCl. 

III.  Stoidien,  Aj-ril  s,  ]7*;:!. 

IV.  Jnh.xnnah,  Nov.  12,,  I7(i5. 
V.      Dani'l,  F.b.  27,  17<;s. 

31561.  Kosanna  WinslOU,  b.  Jan.  2,  175;i;  m.  Femuel.  s.  of  Amos  Har:,b. 
Au'_r.  24.  17.51).  He  was  in  the  iiev.  army,  and  \.Af  in  life  lost  the  us.-.ol  one  lian  1  I'v 
paralvsis:  rem.  to  ibirllnulon.  Conn.,  wlieiv  liis  wf.  d.  May  2:!,  r,>^^.  He  m.  (2)  Fydia 
Hellinue.n  of  S^.:  rem.  to'llillsd.ale,  <'oFin,bia  (5i.,N.  V.,and  la.ugiit  S(diool  there;  ict. 
to  1!.  and  d.  Alav  2.  1^22. 

1.      Marv  ilart,  m.  John    Miller  of   Canada;  renn    to   Stockion,  X.  Y.,  where  }irob. 
both  <1.       ],  ]if)s.\xx.v,  ni.  Martin  Win. dndl.      (S.'c    IF;//.-//- //  ^'-^i. )     2,  Wm.      ;!,  Hknrv. 

4,     .5.  Ci.AKissA.     (),  Mai;y. 

IF  Ci-a  Ilart.  m.  John  Field  of  F.^-r.'mont,  Ma-s. ;  imnn.  of  Meth.  <dih..  and  botii 
d.  Ih  f.  ]s7-j.  1,  F(>;;!,TTA.  res.  Princeton.  111.  2,  Maiiy.  :!,  Mii.o.  4,  Cn.r.KKT.  5, 
llAnnv,  a  I'le-b.  .h-a.  in  Pi-ince(,,u.     <i,  .I<u:r,,  re-.  SIndii'dd.,  Ma--. 

III.  .bid  Hart,  b.  Jan.  2,  17SS;  d.  at  h'reeo^.rt.  111..  Oct.  ),  ls;u.  a.  S2;  ma.son ; 
m.  Feb.  2.  ISDI),  Saliv,  d:n\.  id'  Aino-  and  .Vu'nM  Adams)  \\'in(du'!l.  Ir  j'.greniout.  Xov. 
10.  i;7!i;  d.  at  Xel.-;,,n,  ().,  April  1.  ISJ.").  1.  S_>UAii  ANN,  A'pril  t),  1S!0;  m.  Sept.  28, 
\S-A7.  Joloi  T.niinws,  -h..^'maker;  r.-s.  N^^Fon,  '».  1.  ./'/Hi  .['"jnsta.  2.  I  ii''r>jC  ]!■  n'  !l- 
M.  cfnir'.^  II.  in-fi,  d.  April  25.  ISiM.  2,  .Hi, (A  Bi:!:iN-niA.  JtiiM'  22.  lSi2;  m.  Fel).  11.  D:!'''. 
AVm.  IF  Xi<dioFon,  b.  Sept.  22.  Isu'.i;  farm-'r;  d.  in  X.d^on.  Jam  2ti,  lS5!i.  1.  117.V/.'//'- 
y/./'.'V/.  2.  ,/./,'/,, V  115. v'-//.  :),  Auini^^ta  ]s./h,ll(i.  :!,  Inf.  Son.  4.  Xtavton  Hknuv.  b. 
Feb.  -J.').  ISIO;  res.  I'etei'vbn  ri:',  .Mich.;  nia-oii  ami  rake  mannf. :  m.  Xwj:.  Id.  ls5:l,  .Moselle 

5.  MrC.lbnn.  who  d,  An;r.  27,  lS5i;.  a.  2'.);  yl)  Mairh  27,  iS'.lI,  .Xaonti  Chase,  wlio  d. 
Nov.  •l\,  ISiH  a.  ;;s-  c!)  Dec  12,  lsi;5  will.  ]-:ii/.ali.'th  Tiiomp-on.  \\\w  d.  Hec.  27.  1S7(>, 
u.  4il. 

*.lol<.n  Wiii-^.ton,  cri'Tper,  was  cc.n;-.';-ctcfl  widi  SteplKi".  C^-coiivoar  in  llu-  ir";\\,oiks  ai  IC.  Ibivcn  i' jV. 
Ihv.  first  hi  Conn.  )-!is  son  Scriri.  Ichn,  also  a  cooper,  b.  i«  37;  m .  u'o.:  ICli/  ibcth  Dynicb  a  gnxnti  dau.  or 
Thomrii  ('iret,'son.  J'.cncf  iiuorestcri  in  the  (".[tL'soa  po->pcrty.  Scr-rt.  Jol;a  Vvas  rciicated!)- a;ipv.  Com- 
missarv  tor  the  New  Haven  Co!  in  filtinfj  out  e.MH-ditioi\s  at,'.(insi  the  French  and  Indians.  Mis  sister 
M.oy  \Vin.sion  m.  Thomas  Trowbrid;;e.  Daniel  and  Slcnlicn  were  twui  sons  of  Scri;t.  J>'hn  W  inston, 
and  were  coopers. 


316.  Isaac  Hotchkiss,  b.  Juik?,  1701;  ivs.  Bctliany,  Coni!.;  will  datrd  Scjit.  4, 
ITaO;  jirov.  ;n  X.  M.  snnic  yr. ;  nins.  \vf.  liacliel  and  G  cliil. :  l^cnuiel  Caiiitigton,  'J'inuitliy 
l?all  and  Jolin  Atwator  ye  S  wit.  Joshua  Hotclikis.s  of  Wall'd  <,^uard.  to  minor  sous 
Jacob  and  .loscjili  17;")!;  wf.  Kacliol  and  s.  Isaac  cxis.;  h;id  lands  in  Iluntsrown,  Mass. 
Bay;  m.  Ajiril  ~'2,  17"2.'),  Kaclud  rams. 

1.      Isaac,  inv.  1777;   \vid.  Anna  adn^TX. ;  'I'ini.  Eall  and  Jacob  Ilotclilciss  apprs. 
11.     M.irtlia,  ni.  Lounsbury. 

III.  K.acb.d. 

IV.  Abralu'uu.  '  ' 

V.  Abiirail.  ^ 

VI.  Jacob.  "       . 

Vli.       JoS(^ph. 

317.  Jacob  Hotchkiss,  I'.  Feb.  7.  1704:  elms,-  liis  Ino.  .^l)rah:'ni  guaid.  17~i?; 
res.  Bethany  and  Ilainib-n.:  ni.  .\]'r\]  oH.  17::21t.  l''.liy,abetli,  dan.  of  .Abr.diani  and  I'^li/abtth 
(GloveiO  DJckernuui,  b.  .lune  1:?,  170-1.  In  17;]1  ccnv.  h;  ml  on  York  r^t.,  X.  H.,  he  leceived 
from  liis  f.  Joshua  Ilotciikis.s:  l7oU  eo!iv.  to  Jnhn  Hill  land  laid  out  to  Lieut.  Abraham 
Dickeiinan;  baj).  of  8  chil.  recorded  in  C'liesliire,  Conn. 

I.  Jacob,  1).  Aa(,^  -1,  1720;  Jac(jb  and  Mary  Ibitchkiss  of  Amity  conv.  t<j  Ku.ich 
Newton,  right  in  dower  of  said  Mary  bouniU'd  by  i:ind  of  Kai-hel  and  Ivacy  Perkins; 
same  vr.  (17tio)  tliev  conv.  hind  laid  out  t<j  Jonathan  PitI-Jhv; 
11.  'nmMihv,"b.  April  1,  17;:'.1. 
Ill  Fdijah,"b.  May  IM,  11:^^;  rem.  t..  l>erby.  Conn.,  and  d.  thv.  Sept.  2,  ISDH,  a.  7;-); 
will  dated  Mav  oO,  li^'Oo:  prov.  Sejit.  lU.  liSOG;  s.  Cyrus  .xr. :  nms.  all  surv.  chih;  m. 
Xov.  11.  17fil.  Mehitable,  dan.  of  Cah'b  ;ld  and  riu-i.e  ( Anvater),  b.  March  20. 
1741  (error  i)cr,):  d.  March  18,  IsOl,  a.  fil.  1,  EM.iAir,  b.  Kd!;  d.  Aug.  1848,  a.  87.  3, 
Li::vjEKKTT.  b.  (let.  ().  1 7r,2;  r,i.  Aug.  14.  17()5,  Sarah  Bun  in.  1,  B  >}/('//.<.  b.  A  piil  25, 
1788.  (See  J/i--'.  "f  iJ' rhy  for  ])ortraii  and  anec(h)tes,  j).  TjOG.)  lie  said  "  he  never 
went  to  school  but  one  day  in  his  life  and  then  tin'  school  didn't  keep,  it  being  Saturday. 
A  great  stuttci'or,  eccentric  an.d  rjuick  at  r-  ]>artei-,  a  lai-ge  number  of  his  sayings  are 
treasured  up  among  the  people  of  the  town.  \\'h.  ii  (juire  yourig  he  tiied  his  hand  at 
impromptu  ])oe1ry.  Bejiairing  or  renewinLC  the  Uiecting-  hou^e  was  ihe  matter  and  as 
usual  llie  public,  mind  was  greatly  dk->tuvbed.  Mr.  Swift,  the  jjaslor,  tried  in.  vain  to 
calm  tiu'  tiimblcd  wati-r>-.  .M  a  meeting  called  for  tie'  jiurpo-e  of  discussion,  Mr.  Swift 
called  on  Mr.  for  his  oi)iuiou.  It  was  several  minutes  before  he  could  speak  a 
word,  but  finally  said:  ''  \Ve've  got  an  old  church  without  a  siee])le,  a  good  ])ast(.ir  and 
a  (]}ne  ])eoi)le.     Them  is  my  views."     This  s]i.^-ech  had  a  good  effect.     l)\\  a  later 

oc<-asion  it  was  moved  l>y  the   deacons  that    we   sctth'   ^^Ir. pastor  over  this  church, 

which  ))rovoke(l  some  discussion,  when  ]Mr.  II.  moved  "an  inqxtrTant  ameiulment — that 
this — this  minister  be  set — settled  on— on — on  horse — back."  Coming  from  New  Haven 
on  a  lumber  wagon  one  dark  night,  he  was  stopped  on  the  road  by  two  highwaymen,  one 
sei/iuii'  th.e  hor.-e.  the  other  saying:  "  Cive  ns  your  uioney  oi-  111  knock  h — 1  out  of  you 
in  two  ininures."  He  rejdied,  ''All  the  money  I  had  with  me  I  left  at  the  toll-gate,  and  if 
you  lliink  1  have  h  —1  in  )ue  you  nuiy  knock  it  out."  This  cool  though  stammering  re])ly 
disarmed  tlu'  robliers  who  let  him  go  (Ui  without  further  molestation.  He  was  a  cooper 
by  trade  and  at  one  time  condm/ted  ai\  extensive  bu<ine-~;.  '•  He  d.  Nov.  24,  lN';2,  a.  84 
yi-s.,  and  will  long  be  remembered  liy  the  i)eople  of  I  >.iliy."— 77(\v/.  nf  Dviliif.  H,  PiiKnK, 
A]>ril  2.  1  ,-' 4.  4,  Ei.i7,.\J!KTii.  b.  Nov.  Hi.  liiiO:  d  y.  •">.  Hi:i;i:c(a.  (i.  ET.iZAiiK'rir,  b. 
June  17,  17(;ii;  d.  Ana'.  2i),  17!M.  7,  AlKiiiT.vr.i.K,  .hily  2s.  1:72;  d.  Nov.  4.  iMoo.  8, 
X.\i;nv,  wf.  of  lOzra  Lewis.  !>.  Cviifs.  Au^-.  •-111.  1777.  In,  Biiat. 
IV.  Martha,  June  2(1,  i;:.;.l;  Imp.  Julv  1.  17M7. 
V.      Kli/.Nlu-th.  0,  17:;-':  bap.  M'ny  7,  I7;!s. 

VI.  Hannah,  April  IS,   l';4U. 

VII.,  Feb.  i),  114:!;  bap.  Mareh  17,  174:-3. 
VIll.      .Marv,  , March  ;;<»,  174.7;   lia.p.  Ma v,  1  ?  1.7. 

IX.      Jae,;b,  June  2,  1747;   bap.  June  21,  1747. 
X.     Alugail.  May  7.  17.'i(>. 

34.  Thomas  Tuttle,  b.  Oct.  27.  1(;<;7;  m.  by  (iov.  4'reat.  JuneV'^;,  l(i:»2.  Mary.  dan. 
of  Andrew  Sanfo!,!  of  .Milloid.  b.  Nov.  Hi,  Kit)^.  lb'  d.  .hine  ;;0,  170:);  will.,  Mary, 
grnnled  adni.  Aug.,  17'):;;  the  live  all  liviu'.:-;  inv.  by  John  Pundcrson  and  John 
liall,  l";s';l;  .vix  acres  in  the  Vol  k.- hire  Quartei-;  wid.  m.  iJ)iiec.  2o,  170(,  Daniel  Johnson 
who  next  yr.  was  cl!o<eu  iiy  the  chil.  their  guard.  He  was  s.  of  John  John>on,  and  b. 
Feb.  21,  1G71.  in  A]iril.  1  i.">;',  Ste|)hen  blall,  in  lu'half  of  his  nu.v ,  Mary  Punderson,  w]u) 
was  Marv  Tuttle,  d;ai   (if  TlioiHjs  Tuttle   of   X.    Hav.     Jeremiah   Atwater,    in  beludf  of 

]4-i  43RANCn    OF    THOMAS. 

his  f  Mr  .](>iu\lli!i!i  Al -r  ami  Manli:'.,  liis  wf.,  who  was  Martli;!,  dan.  of  Tims.  T. 
Tl  ,•  t('prcs;'iitutivt'S  of  Capt.  Andrew  Tuttl.',  only  s.  of  'I'lio-.,  llic  legal  iei>ifScntativs 
ofEsther  Rol>inson.  dec;  Mcliltahle  BahUvin,  wf.  of  Tapt.  JVanK'.l)as  B.  ])etiti<Mi('d  for 
1-uids  in  tlic  Otli  vth  au<l  8tli  divisions,  laid  out  for  Thonias  Tuttlc  12,  (5,  (i  acic.- 
irsiu'.-tivelv  vain'.-,  A,-2r,  17s.  (id.,  £i  lis.  9d.,  fSS  -Is.  Sd.  The  divisi.^u  was  made  in  si.v 
iriri--  lieiVs  of  <'a])L  Andn-N\  TiUtIr,  ■..> ;  heiis  .if  ]':sther  Koliuison.  1;  h.'iis  ot  Mary 
Puu.h-r-on  1-  lieirs  of  Mariha  Atwal.'r.  1:  li.>irs  of  Aleliitable  rnvldwin,  1.  Esth.-r 
Tutth-  ...iiv  land  in  ^Yest^Ie!.l  to  Isaar  I)i..-kcruiia'..  1715.  ^[ary  Tiiflle,  to  same,  in  KlU. 
"  near  Wid    .Iohnsnn'.s."     Martha    TuTtle,    couv.    land   houitdfd  by  John  and  Cahd.t    Tut,- 

I'e'^    lo  •Ia:ui's  'i'almage. 

'  '  I.     Mary,  b.  May  G,  lOii:^,:  m.  June  (i,  1716,  John    Ball,   jr.:  ['?.)  March  8,  l-:^i),  Mr. 

Joliii  Pund.'rson.  . 

II       Hester    1)    Feb.  li);  ba|«.  Mnreh.  l«;*,j4-o:  m.    I  liomas  PloImdsoii. 
IlL      Martha,    V).    April    ~M.    KJUi;    bap.    Dee.    7,    ir.it7;    ni.    BcDJamin    Bradh^y;  (',') 

Jonathan  Atwater.  ,    -,-^-    .-.      ,    ,> 

IV.      Mehiiable.    b.    June  11,  1G0'.»;   ni.    John    Bee.di.'r;  ('2j   Jan.   1.5.  1.'2.),  Caj)!.  Bar- 
nabas Ba.ldwin.  . 

V.     Andr.'W,  b.  Ajiril  3,  1702;  ni.  Jan.  b,  I.2.),  f.iinu-e  Miernian. 

341       Mary  Tuttle,   b     Mav   H,    I.MCi:  d.  Sept.    2:i,    1771,   a.  7IJ;  111.  June  IG,  1710, 
lohu  liall    jr  ,  I'    S.-pt.  HH,  IG^."..      V''.    B.    .^lou".    in    his    /.Vz/w'/wv-,  ,,.v,  .v   of   ]hiU.-<i'>,i  imd 
'^amtixin    savs  that  Jolm  Ball  .,f  New  Haven,  father  of  the  Bev.  ]:ii()halet.  was  a  seeoti.l 
cousin  of'  Marv  Ball,  the  mother  <.f  Geor-.-  \Va-hinot..n.      T'nis  is  also  stated  amon-r  the. 
descendants    w)i<,  ],ossess.  it  is  said,  pr.jofs  <.f  the  fa.;.     They  liv.-d  on  what  is  now  the 
CV)]le"-e    Sunare.      The  lot  fronts  ou  Chapel  st.  and    .■Mends    from    the    ^v■   line   of   tin- 
Win  ^Ttittl.'  lot,  iiearlv  to  Iliuh  .St.,  and  was  of  the  saifie  depth.     It  contained  about  an 
■  acrr  and  a  ir!lf,'and  with  tlie^Wm.   Tuttle  and  Thomas  Tut th^  l.-ts.    it    fortned  am^xact 
^(luare    comprisiui^  nearlv  one-half  the  present  College  S.juare,    and   ex:n:tly  one-fourtli 
of  the  s.inave  Itouuded  bv  Collge,  York,  Tliapel  and  Elms  sts..  one  of  ilie  original 
Tlie  Ball  ]"t  was  first  assigned  to  Jolin  rockerill,  who  never  nc.-u].!ed  it.     Then  Thoimis 
Fu'-'iB'tl'.e  recording  olheT-r  ^^i  the  town,  took  it,  and  built    a   poorly   r./nstructcd   lionse 
and  barn  to  rent.     lie  left  in  IGIG,  under  censure  for  making  a  f:dse  record  for  Ins  ov.-n 
advantaae       ^Bin-^  Ball  then  took  it  on  ondition   that  th.'  lumse  slu.uld  be.  put  in  good 
order  by  the  town',"  which  was  done,  an.l  ii  b.-came   the  P.all   liomest-'ad   and  remamwl  in 
tliat  famiiv  one  hundred  and  seventy  year.s.      From  Aliing  Ball  it  ]>a.s.-ed  to  liis  .s     Sergt. 
John    in  171U,  and  in  1722.  to  a  son  of  the  latter.  Ensign   John,    who  m.    Alary  1  utile  as 
above      Their -son    Dea.  Stepltcn  Ball,   succeed-d  to  the  property  in  17o2,  and  hehl  it  G^ 
vrs     to  ISOO    when  his  children  succeeded,  and  they  or  their  lieirs  sold  it  to  the  college 
*ir  ISls      With  the  pxeeptiou   (d"  a  small  strij)   nt.vt  to  the  Wm.  TutUe  lot,  sold  to  the 
collec^e'in  174.-),  it  had  been  in  the  Tuttlo-Ball  family  IX!  yrs.     The  i)resent  Art  ^1"^*,'^™ 
and  t^he  Ph'rson  ahe  first  PreihUmt)  statue  stands  on  ih-  Ball  l)nmestead.     John  Ball  d 
Jan    •■'•'    n:!!"*    iri  his  4Gth  vr.,  and  in  March,  sm     vr..   his  wid.,    Mary,    exhib.  wiP.  dated 
Jan    Pi'  17:^1)    iu  which  he  rails  Idmself  John  Ball,  jr.,  and  names  sons  John.  Khplialet 
Tinioth'v  and    Stephen,  and   dans.,   Marv  and  Hannah;  inv.,  tT20G  ISs.  fid.      She  m.  (U 
AJarch  G    1739    Pea.  Jolin  Pund'-rson  (his  2d  wf.),  who  d.  17-13,  having  served  as  dea.  of 
the  first  "chh    B")  vrs.    also  as  steward  of  Yale  Cd.  1721  to  172.^.     (His  father  ot  the 
sum.'  name  .served  as  dea.  of  the  first  chh.  41  vrs.     His  1)ro..   Rev.  Ehcnezer  Pundei;^son. 
Y    ('    17-"'G     was  the  celebrated   Ei.i-^c.    cler.Tvman   at    Stratbud,   Conn.)     In  l-,:-!9,  D-a. 
Jolm  Piinderson,  in  right  of  his  wf.",  Mai>  B.iP..  .-^ei    ,,.ff  .-st.  of  Jolm   Ball,  jr.,  as  follows; 
wid      on.'-third;  John,"   two-thirds   of    a    farm   in    Westfi.dd,  etc. ;   Eliphalet.    o^    afiys  in 
Y'o^k'shir.-  Quii  Iter,  etc.;  Tim..:hv,4i)  acres  in  t  he  .-)tli  division;  Stephen,  land  in  the  lork- 
shire  (.'uaii.T     etc';   Marv    Atwater   had    Salt    Meadows,    on    island,    near  Neck; 
Hannah  had  personal  pioperlv.     Will    <d'   Mary   Pundersr.n,    dated   May  IS,  17.^,    .;;ive^ 
"all    land    descended    Imm     luv    lath.-r,     Tliomus   '1-uttle."    to   dau.,   Mary,  wt.ol  Anm. 
\twater    and  dau. ,  Hannali.  wf,  (d' Joseph   Hlt.dicock.     To   Mary    Atwater,   my  ]i.wt.r 
tta  p.>t.  Lilver  .spoons,   etc.;  nms.  sons,  John.  Fdiphalet,  Timothy,  yte]dien,  s(d.>  execr>.  j 
J'.hn  Prour   Isaae  Boolittlc  and  Biehunl    Cutler,    wit.     In    1  r.")7   Timothy  and   J.din  se,l 
ri.Ju  in  prop,  of  gr.  f..  John  Ball.      In  177!)  J. dm  (Hover,  .sons  .;[  tlic  bit-  Mr.  Jolm 
Bull  an.l  irr.  sons  of  Ens.  J.din   B:ill,  p.'t.  ih.-  .-ourt  for  th-'  .!iv.  of  their  gr.  m.,.  s   d.iw.u- 
to   th^   4' sons,    viz.:  J. dm.    Elii.ha'M't,    'i'im.-thv    nnd    Si.'phm.     '-.Mary    Pini.It^r.-on    has,    .h^ad   the.s.-manv  vra!>.  hut  th.'lhiu!  Iw'-  nev,-r   he.'n    di>t  rlbiU,.!."— ,\ .   /A"',  h-'' 
\.     .I.d.n   Hall,  1).  N.>\.  21,  17!ii:  m.  ImB.  S,  17:;s.  Mary  Biak.-slee. 
II.      Nhirv    Pall',  b.  .\u:'.    11,  m.^;  m.  17:;s,  Abnibam    Atwat.^r. 
in.      i'diphalet  Ball.  h.'Ang.  22,  1721);  .1.  S.'pt.  IS,  1721. 
W.      Idii-halet  Ball,  l).  .lulv  2'.>.  1722:  m.  !Ji.'.ub.ali  . 

TUTTLE,    ]!ALL.  14;} 

V.     Tiini.thy   Ball,  b.  Nov.  10,  1704;  in.  I\l;uy  llinc. 
VI.      Stcjih.-ii   Ball.  1).  17-,'7:  m.  AM^iMl  Atwaier 
VII.      Al)i,i;ail   liall,  <1.  May  0;>,  ]  1:^0.' 
A^IIl.      Ihuuiak  Ball,  in.  Dvc.  14,    1  Mit,   .Ins.-i)h   Hiirlu-urk,  jr.       The  'J'roirhri<h/r  <;,n. 
Ktate.';  tlial  .slu'  d.   soud,   and    lie  m.    (;')   in    IT-")!  ,--evidi>uily  an    eiror,    ais    .losc'],.}i    and 
ITannali  Ilitclicocj: ,  Oct.  4.    Uol,    roiw.  to  our  brr.tlier,  Stfjiljcn  ]5all,- rj^rlil  in  honu'Stearl 
of  our  father,  J^all.— 3''/r  //.//•,/,  ],,iii,l  j;,r.     A^ain,  Mary  Pundt^'.-^on  in  Ijer  will, 
dated    17-">T,    nanies  her    dan.,    Ifannah.    wf.    of   .Joveiili    Hitclu"ock  — J\'    Jl     V roh     Jier. 
Shed.    17M4.      1,   M.w:v,  h.  ]>ec.  4.  17.">0.     3,  John,  h.  May  8,   1754:  i)er.  others.    ' 

3411.  John  Ball,  h.  Nov.  '21,  171();  m.  Fel).  S,  1737-8,  Maty,  dan.  of  Jn],n  and 
Sii<raina  Blaki  slei.-,*  In  1784  John  Ball,  l.-^aac  and  Hannah  Diekei-iiian,  Janie.s  and  M:irv 
Hull  conv.  to  ])rc)t]ier  (rlover  Ball  riLrhi  in  land  of  f.  Jolui  Ball  dec.  The  wid.  Mar'v 
(Blakeslee)  Ball  in.  (2)  Phili})  Bexford,  h.  -luue  lit,  1708;  s.  of  Arthur  and  Elizabeth 
(Stevens)  Kexford,  wlio  ^\as  a  Wes-t  India  trader  and  ]n.a.-ter  of  the  sloe])  Kose;  wid. 
Mary  liexford  d.  about  ]7i'i):  next  yr.  her  est.  was  divided  to  .John  Ball,  Mary  Sanfordi 
€api.  (i  lover  Ball.  Mrs.  Hannah  Diekerinan.  Advance  pa.vnients  luid'  been  made  to 
.Sally,  Loi.s,  Sibyl  and  PoI!y.  (.'apt.  Tho-:.  Punder-sun  and"Medad  (,)sl>oni  appraisers; 
Jtdjii  Ball  and  Isaac  Dickerinan  adnir.s. 

].     John,  d.  Oct.  11.  17:38.  a.  12  davs. 
JI.      David,  b.  April  •»;  d,  Sept.  l::!,'l74-2. 
III.      Juhu,  b.  Auu'.  Ki,  1743.      In  1784  conv.  land  to  David  Jhill. 

1\'.      Ma)y,  b,  Aui;-.  Vo.  174o:  m.  James  Hull;  (2) Sanford. 

V.     (ilMver,  b.  Jan.  11,    1718:  (d.  says  No.  chh.    rer.  a..  .5s);  m.  Jan.  Iv,  1778, 
Hanna!  .  dan.  .d'   Ezekiel   H^'tidikiss.      1,   HfhD.vii.  b.  Aj-ril  0!),  177'.i;  d.  lS.j4,  a.  7.5-  m' 
Jan.  :?4,  ISOt,  I^lislia,  s.  of  ]>avid  and  Ih.iin.-ih  (Punder-on)  Thill,  b.  l'77S;  ,1.  l'sp>    a'  \\\ 
1.   liiir.inih.     ',>.   (.;],ovi:n.  b.  Dee,  11,  17SI1:  m.  Unnnah  Citlver.      ?>,   Ezkiukj,    1)    ])ec   Pj 
17s--?      4,   Sl-sax:n.\,  b.  ]7!.'2;  d.  March  0:?.  ls;72,  a.  80. 

Vi.      Hannah,  b.  March  11,  ]7oO:   in.  Feb,  8,  1781,  Lsaac  Dickermau  (poxt). 

341?..  Mary  Ball,  b.  .Va-  11,  1718:  d.  May  Vu  1811,  a.  93;  m.  17:i^,  Abraham  s 
of  Jon.oJian  and  Abi^-ail  (Bradley)  Alwater,  b.  Nov.  Ill,  17Pj;  set.  in  C'lieshire.  C'tmn., 
and  u'.  thr.  Jan.  4.  1780,  a.  70,  on  a  farm  of  118  acre^,  b.oug-ht  of  Heurv  Cook  bv  Jona- 
tlian  At  water,  hi.s  jrr.  f.  in  Feb.,  170--'.  frotn  Jonathan  it  descended  to  Jonathan,  to  Abra- 
Lar>i,  t..  Saiuind,  lo  Flanien,  and  is  ao'.v  lield  bv  heir.,  of  Flainen.  in  all  0  "-enerations 
1.      Esther  At  water,  b.  Dec.  1..,  1738.         "  f-  • 

ii.      Maiy  Atwater.  April  08,  17',0. 

HI.      I'hloe  Atwater.  <.)ci.  27.  :  /     . 

W .  Isaac  Atwater.  June]5,  1745;  of  ]'ros]>ect;  in.  Mav  10,  1771.  Euiuce  dau  of 
Eno-  and  Hannah  (Mess,  Atwater,  1.  Walbd,  1700.  He  d.  in  N.  ^'  ,  insert  of 'his 
conmry.  Sent.  13.  1770.  1,  P.\:.rKr,i.\^  b.  March  28.  1772;  m.  Keub,.n  Pa-e  •> 
Ar,i!.Mi\\f,  0.  Marcli  s,  1774:  m.  l.'uth  foules;  rem.  to  Poultnev.  Vt.  i  ImTicPnn- 
<hrs..„.  May  !2,  KllO.  2,  K"nirr,  d.  y.  3,  Wm.  Pitt,  b.  1800:  "d.  1822  '4,  -UaD.vni. 
May  2f-.  ls03.  .5,  A'<?/,.-.v,  b.  1804.  0,  FniukUu,  June  24,  I8O0.  7  (ini  'w  d  v' 
3,    H\NN-Aii,    1).   Oct.    1.-),  1775.  '  ••      •   .• 

V.      Bois  Atwater,  It.  June  12,   1740. 

V[.  Timotliy  Atwater,  b.  (Jet.  30,  1751:  m.  Di'<-.  8,  1772.  Lmv  Bice  res  Cheshire 
1,  Di:r.e,ii.vii,  b.  May  28,  1773-  d.  Julv  22,  1775.  2,  Li-cv  Aw",  b.  aV-  8  1775-  d' 
March,  JN5N.  3.  Vyw:.  1,.  (_)ct.  18,  1777;  .1.  April  3,  1770.  4  lsv\c  b  O't  ,^  177o'-  d" 
July  11.  1700.  5.  F!xi^.\  Mvha.  b.  .Mandi  4,  1782;  d.  1S42.  0,  Timothy  (JiJ.vf'u  b' 
July  10.  17S4:  <l.  De--.  4.  bs20;  m.  Nov.  25,  1811,  .Merab  Hitchcock  and  had-  1  ll' 
(?..  b.  .May  22,  1814.  2,  /.'/r//  .1.,  b.  Mav  2,  1s21;d.  Nov.  22.1841.  7  Chmiiot- 
b.  An-.  22,  17si;;  d.  JuIn  22.  lMi4.  N.  PiiiNt;\-,  h.  Jan.  2(»,  17S9:  rem.'  to  (Jicnat,... 
C0..N.  v.;  m.  Sarah  Flau-u-:  cJ)  Julia  A.  Ma.s^n  in  ISJs.  He  d  Jniv:!0  iN!/^  'l 
Sijh;.st,r,  De<-.  21,  IS];!;  d.  Feb.  17,  lsl4.  2.  Z- mis.  b.  Mav  4,  18](;:  d.'Nov  4'  JS17' 
3,  ^.inrji.  Au.i;-.  31,  181S;  d.  Oct.  31.  1S5L^  4,  S,ix,n,C..  Sej,i.  -20  IS]!)-  d  Mav  ,5  1S3S 
5,  E.iilhi,  F(!,.  1(1,  Is-jO:  d.  .Mav  7,  ISiM.  0.  Jl.nry  /',.  Fel.  :;  l.s-,'11-  d  MaV  -i'  1^-3 
St.  EsTiiEK,  b.  .Inly  1,  1701:  d.  .Marrh  21,  1702.  io.  Aakox,  b.  .M;n<h  1 1. '  17!>;!-  ni. 
Bet.sey  Atsom:  to  (-nilfiird,  ChenaiiL'-o  Co.,  N.  Y.,  wher.-  he  d  Mav  o'  \y-ry[  \ 
FMhi  r  M,,ri.i.  b.  Feb.  l:j,  1821;  m.  .Xorris  ( .'ridh-v.  ;>,  Ahir.uiK  A„i^,]y  Oct  l'  1  S-J:>'-  ni' 
Ornii  liridley.      3,    ("/'/•,,■'//■,•    K'!-,,!;!/.,    0.    Oct     14,    bs-;5;   ,\[    Sejit,  •{,    l«st;,-,,      .('    J,,!,':„,ii, 

*In  i-.,2  J.ihii  IIl,!!  e.xhih.  wiO  of  f  -iii-i.e.v  John  lilakcslee  as  .sek-;  nms  c'nil.  Daniel  Eh.'.ibetli 
Alm^,  Deborah  v.-t.  or  .John  Alcotr  ,c;i.  i:r.  ,  of  A.  Hroason  .Ak„U  ef  Concord),  I.ydia  Hull,  Th.:.r.k- 
lol  I.lccIkt,  -mk!  M;.rv  wf.  r,i  Jr..!,n  Mali;  v,  id  .  Sur.anna  livins,'. 



Flihli'i,  li.  .Tun.  i),    18'3S;  ui.   (.•corgi-  IJchnore. 

VII."  Flaiiien  Atwatfr,  m.  A]>ril  'd,  17/ 
VIII  Abigail  At  water. 
IX  Sainiu'l  Atwator.  Ik  l7-")7;  m.  Pati(Mic<-  Pcik;  res.  Cheshiie.  1,  Fj,ami-.\.  1). 
Marcli  80,  lTy;3;  tl.  .Mav  lo,  1><(J:1  a.  80;  in.  Jan.  10,  1810,  Oiclla  Brislo],  b.  l?.*!;  d. 
m'iv  li]  ''s.-)-'  'l  Laura  Aim,  h.  Maidi  7,  1811:  in.  Thomas  H.  Brooks.  2,  S'lju'hl 
Auaiixl':'--  ir'lsKi;  (1.  .Tiilv  2,  18."i!);  m.  Susan  G.  Preston,  b.  ISIS;  d.  Feb.  S.  IS.")].  ?,, 
Giorqc  b'  D.c.  -i;',,  1Sla';  d.  Aug.  '29.  isJO.  4.  Mnry.  i>.  1S-2:J;  d.  Nov.  ir,.  1<<.-,1 ;  ,,.. 
Ch-rlesH  Pivsion.'  L',  I^OXANA,  b.  Jan.  IH,  ITS.");  d.  .May  M,  17Mi.  8,  Nancy.  May 
r)'l787-  <I  Mav  24,  17^7.  4.  Naxcy,  Sept.  l:],  17M).  :>,  Ma](Y  Anx,  .Ian.  1,  1702.  C, 
P^^IF^•^■K  Man-h  1:5,  1704.  7,  Nakhy  A.nx,  D'^c.  Fl  i:'.i7;  d.  17!l9.  s,  Ani<;Aii.  A  sx, 
Oct.  17,  18tH).  ii,  L()[s,  July  15,  lso;l;  d.  ISO.").  10,  Lois  Mauia,  Feb.  V-',.  ISDO;  m. 
JoseiJi'lIitclico-k  of  Cheshire. 

X.      Esther  Atu-ater,  b.  Die.   10.    17(j;]. 

3414  Eliphalet  Ball,  b.  Julv  2i>.  1722  (N.  Ilav.  Town  File.-.);  d.  at  Kall.<toii.  N. 
\  A()ri"l  fi  lT'.i7,  in  his  7oth  vr.;  Y.  C.  174S:  Pastor  Pre^b.  rhh.  at  Ivdlord,  \\  cstrhes- 
ter  Co.,  N.  Y..  from  Jan.  1.  l"74U.  to  Jan..  1,  1700.  His  exlmded  into  the  Adjoin- 
inu-  town  of  Stamford.  Conn.  In  1770,  accompanied  by  several  of  liis  congregation  from 
Bradford  and  Stamford,  he  rem.  to  tlie  "  Five  Mile  Tract,"  comprising  nearly  all  of  the 
iirosent  tov/n  of  Ballston,'  wlii.di  was  named  for  him.  A  tract  of  500  acies,  embr.ieing 
the  farm  since  owned  bv  Col.  Samuel  Y'oung  of  B  ,  was  presented  to  him  as  an  induce- 
ment to  spttle,  bv  tlie"  proprietors  of  the  ••  Five  Mile  Tract."  Under  Ins  auspi-es  the 
th>t  nieetiui:  hou.<V  in  Ball-ton  wa>  erected.  In  174.",  h-  cunv.  to  Yale  Col.  land  that 
had  been  hud  out  to  John  Ball,  sr.,  a  part  of  the  Ball  home.-li'ad  on  Chaind  >i.  '1  he 
-name  of  Elizabeth  Ball  appears  (ITTo)  among  the  first  m.-nihiMs  of  the  B.  chh.,  i.iob.  hi.- 
1st  wf  and  mother  of  his  4  children.  His  wf..  Huth.  d.  at  H.  Nov.  21 ,  1804,  a.  40  yrs., 
2  mos.  and  15  davs;  b.  there  Sc],t.  0.  1755.— //-«.  (s^m.  (^„rd"ii  S,-<,it  of  lUillHoi,,  3.  T. 
I.  John,  Lieut,  in  Col.  \\yncuop's  liegt.  in  P.ev.  "War,  and  marched  under  Gen. 
Arnold  to  the  relief  of  Fort  Stanwix.  He  w.ns  the  fust  Su].ervis.jr  of  tlie  town  of  :Milton 
(1702):  raem.  of  the  Assemblv,  1703-4.  and  Col.  of  Mil.  He  was  visited  by  Theodore 
Dwicrht  (nephew  of  Pres.  P.)',  who  describes  hin:  as  "  a  remarkably  intelligent  muTi,  and 
with  an  extraorJinarv  memorv.  '  My  father,'  he  said,  '  in  an  interview  with  Sir  ^•^  illiam 
John>on  heard  from  him  the  jMrtiru'iars  of  ilu-  w.umd  he  received  in  the  battle  of  Lake 
Geor.'e  in  1755.  v,-hi'-h  v.-as  in  the  frmir  pari  of  the  thigii,  and  remained  open  until  lus 
deatl?  1  din.  d  with  Sir  Wiliia-n  ;n  a  larn-e  .Mi;rquce  tent  on  the  level  bonier  of  Ballstou 
Lake  '"  Col.  Ball  received  hon.  deg.  ofA.B.  from  Y.  C.  1787;  d.  ISKi.  He  m.  a  dan. 
of  Caot  Tvrannus  Collins  of  B. ;  (2)\idau.  of  Dirick  Swart,  the  first  clerk  of  Saratoga 
Co      'l    Joux  B.,  lawyer  of   Sar.  Sprincfs,  b.  17S0;    d.  Jan.  24,  lNn7,  in  his  2sth  yr.:    m. 

'l     /;,/>/     m    Dr.  Olive;  Bvisbiu  of  Schuvlcrvlll.'.  X.  Y.      1    Pan.,  ni.  (.'cor-.-  Burt 

of  Cieveipiid  <)"  2  John  11,  a  lawver,  hi'elvVe.^.  in  :»Jinpe.-;,-.ta;  ha-^  l-i'in  ?Vi<.  Minn. 
State  Senate'  2  FruETTA,  b.  J77S";  ni.  Pavid  McMastcr.  She  d.  Aw^;.  20,  INOr],  in  lu-r 
25l]i  vr.     1,   n.n-l'l.  d.  .V.  L       :;.  Pal.  m.  Jo<hua  L.  Pell,  lawyer,  N.  \.  C. ;  left  2  dans.,  o"ther  <-iiil.     4.  Miu.inda  d.  inmi.      5,  Piiuck  S.,rcs.  Penn.     G.  CotiXfc-.i.iA,  m. 

M(>slu-r;  res.  Si-hm-ctady,  X.  Y.:  wid. 
II       St.-ph''n,  went  e;irlv  to  Ph.ila. 

III.  Flamcn.  lawver  in 'X.  V.       L  Fi.amkx,  lawyer,  Cincin.,  C. ;    partner  wuh  Sal- 
mon P    Chase    War  S("'crHtarv,  F.  S.  Treasurv(llvm    of    Piill  >\:  (.';    F.  S.   Dist.  Art  v: 

m    Fva  - .       1,  Er,i,  m.  and   res.  in    Brooklvn.  N.  Y.       2,  ]>■>•:.,  ni.  Charles   Delaiui: 

drv  goods  merch.     8,  L"nvf.  m.  Adea,  banker  of  Cin.     4,  >^:i^,n,.  m.  John  \\  ood<, 

s.  of  \Vm.,  ].ap-r  manuf.       5.  r,/;,,'.  7-7'///-^;/.  a   lawyer.       2,  l>Af.,in. Canlcr.       1, 

F'dnirii  l]i<n  r,i,i!>  r.  (\'an  W'inlde,  Canler  >.^-  Jav.  lawyers,  X.  \  .  C* 

IV.  Marv,  b.  Sept.   11.  1752:  d.  July  II,  l>^n:!;  m.    Mandi    Hi,  1775,  .lame-.  Gcr.lon.l 
b.  Killead.  Antrim  Co.,  Ireland,  17o0;  ca'me  over  when  young;  t.'ol.  of  .Mil.  during  Pev. 

*\Vhen  first  or-ani/.cd  into  a  town  oi  Albany  Co.  (177.51.  by  I'-imc  of  Ballsion,  it  co.nprisc:!  tht-  prL-sent 
towns  of  H..!!-ton.  M ikon.  Char'.cu.n.  Calway.  Provi.Unce.  Edcnburirh  Dav.  Had.ey  and  -^  l^'j;- .  /; 
Greenfield  and  Corinih.  and  so  remained  until  divided  in  ,702.  Afttr  the  discoverv  _of  the  meuieinal 
sprin:,'s,  U.^lNlon  became  the  most  famous  watetinK  V'i^cc  in  Ameiica,  and  so  c<.ntiniieu  tin  ee.ifsca  u> 
Saratoga . 

+TI1C  first  death  in  liaiUf-n  .tonimeiuoratcd  by  a  urave-.stonei  was  that  of  ins  motl.ei .  -  Marllia.  ulicr 
of  Ale.xan.ier  (iurdon.''  who  d.  in  :775.     S'^e   was  the   Rt.  pr.    mo    ot   the  ,. resent  1  Ion ._  O.  b.uU  c 
r,ailsr..n,  \^ho  fnrriisbcd  to  tbecoinyiler  nui'Ji  of  this  account  ot  nie  l.all  family   ot   ''•^•'•"'^"- ..'^j"'^''/^',. 
Gen.   Gord  .n  wf.    of  \Vm.    McCrea  of  ISallston.  a  bro.   ot    ihp  uuforlunatc   .lane   .McCrca.     .Ian 
MoCre.i  livd  with  h-r  hrv.her.  Col.  John   .MoCrea,  in  Albany.     At  the  lime  ol  hertrajiica,  death  she 
was  on  a  visit  to  Fori  Kdward.  •—//<?«.  Geo.  Conuoi  Sco/1,  in  S/om's  K.inir.iscncts  oj  Surato^.i. 

I! ALL,  ];ei:c]ter.  145 

war  ii lid  saw  nmcli  activi>  service.  "'In  17^0,  a  tlctaclunciit  from  Major  ('arlton's  foifc 
was  sent  to  sack  J-'clioiu'i-tady,  but  instead  of  doiuy:  that,  Imrned  .several  liouses  in 
Ballston  and  C'.r.'ed  Uen.  Jauie.s  (lordou,  with  several  of  his  neiy-libors,  throutrh  the  m  .Mouti'ea],  thence,  after  a  few  months,  to  C^uelx'c.  and  Icept  in  close  confine- 
ment two  \  rs. :  tlien  conveyed  to  tlie  Isle  of  Orleans,  whence,  with  other  Eallston  pris- 
oners, he  cuiitiivi-d  to  r--c;i|ii'.  aiidafier  nuu  !i  sniffrintr,  re;i'-hed  Passamamioduy  Biiy. 
where  they  h-arned  that  jvace  had  been  declared.  In  the  summer  of  17S;{  Gen.  Wasji- 
ingtori  and  Pewitt  C'iint(ju  visited  ^Saratoga  and  Ballston  and  dined  witli  (ien.  (inrdon. 
He  was  the  Snjiervisor  of  Ballston;  County  Jud^a-;  State  Scnatcpr  fiom  1707  to  1604. 
and  li'ep.  in  the  iCi  and  3d  Con^,'Tess;  d.  at  B.,  .Ian.  17,  ISld. —  WllUiiiii  JJnj/  of  S('ini1i)(i<i 
i^^piiiigs,  ill  JJld.  M(i.q.,  Vol.^\^p. 'dll.  Oncchild.  1,  Mi:i,txnA,  m.  Jnlv  12,  370S,  Wm. 
lieekman  Ver  Planck  of  Fi.shkill,  X.  Y. ;  (de^,c.  from  Tliilip  \'er  Planckof  Ver  Plaiick's 
I'oint  on  the  Hudson)  Mem.  of  X.  Y.  Assembly  from  Dnclicss  Co.,  171)7- S.  lb-  d.  Dec. 
?,{),  1S04;  (2)  llenrv  A\ilbur,  Jan.  iT,  ISOG;  formerly  of  Demarara,  S.  A.  Uv(\.  at  Mt. 
Pleasant.  X.  Y..  a!'!.  1^:1;].  Sii-  d.  at  Brooklv  n,  "X.  Y.,  Sept.  4,  lS.-)7.  1,  W,U;.ii,'- 
Gordoif^  b.  Oct.  12,  bSll;  Y.  C.  ISOo;  Su]iervi^..r  of  iKsJlston,  If^:]?;  sever.d  yrs.  Hue. ■!(.:■ 
and  SujicrvLsor  of  Bloomingdale  Insane  Asylum;  d.  at  Oeneva,  X'.  Y.,  ]Marcli  20.  16?!'; 
m.  Feb.  '22.  1820,  Mary  KliV.abeih  Hopkins"  b.  April  ]:>,  lb02:  d.  at  Dubuque.  h>Nsa. 
Feb.  2S,  18oS,  dau.  of  Samuel  Miles  Iloplcins,  FL.  D.,  (Cumpiler  (jf  Ffojikiu's  Ke]X)rt-,> 
and  liis  wf.,  Sarah  Elizabeth  Ko,:::ers.  1,  Suiiiuel  Hopkins,  Pres.  Geneva  Bank.  2. 
Melinda,  unn^ ;  res.  Geneva.  2,  FhUip  R.,  b.  Jan.  22,  1804;  Union  Col.  Fs2."i:  d  1S27. 
at  liis  res. ,  Plum  P<iiut,  Xew  ^Yind^ior,  X.  Y. ;  ni.  dau.  of  Philip  Ver  Phaicl;  of  Ver 
PhmcksPt.  1,  Addie.  2,  Sally.  ?,.  Philip.  4,  Minerva:  all  liv.  in  X.  Y.  /.  by  2d 
m.:  3,  E'lzuhcth.  b.  Oct.  10.  18i''':;  d.  unm.  4,  U- nr;i.  Xov.  7,  180S;  d.  un'.n."  o, 
Joseph,  d.  in  X.  'i  .  C. ;  left  .-evi  ral  chil.,  liv.  in  X.  \.  and  Brooklyn.  0,  ]]'/;;  ir..  m. 
and  res.  at  Baton  Pouge,  La.  7,  M-irii  G.,  ni.  Isaac  Briuekerhotl',  Serg.  F.  S.  N'. ;  res. 
Brookl\n.      A  d;ui.  m. P'<<-.r.     >',  Jnuu s  M.,  m.  and  lias  chil;  res.  Brooklyn. 

-     3415,     Timothy  Ball,  F.  Xov.  10,  1724;  m.  Mary,  dau.    of  Alexander  and   Mary 
(Lines)   Iline   of   Miiford.  Conn.,  b.  Dec.  19.  1729.  (si^,.  of  Hannah   Hine  whom.  Elijah 
Wilmol.)     Flis  will   prov.  X    IF   17S0.  called   late   of  ^Voodb^idge;  est.   div.  17Si)   to   s. 
Timotln' and  dau.  Hannah,  v,f.  of   Isaac   Beecher.     The  will    of  Mary  Ball,  late  of   W., 
proV.  1802,  nms.  s.  Timothy  and  dau.  Hannr.h  wf.  of  Abijah  ChatOeld  of  Oxford.  Conn. 
1.     Timothy,  b.  Xov.  0,  1751;  rem.  to  Waterbnrv  (Bucksliill). 
IF     Hannah,  b.  Dec.  ]Z.  17':5. 
III.      Am..s,  b.  Dec.  10,  17").^;  d.  .(an.  27,  1750. 

34152.     Hannah  Ball,  F.  Dec.  13,  1753;  m.  Isaac  Beecher  of  Oxford.  Conn.,  who 
d,  Sept.,  1789;  will  (late  of  Derby)  dated  May  9,  17S9;  prov.  Oct.  19;  nms.  wf.  Hannah 
and  bio.  He/.ekiali  Beeclier  exrs.;  m.entions  land  bounded  by  land  of  .losepb  Twitcbell's 
chil.     Shem.  (2)  Abijah  Chattleld  of  Oxford,  Conn. 
F      Philo  Beecher. 
IF      Da\id  Beecher. 

III.  Marv  Beecher,  b.  Julv  .3,  1775;  m.  .lohn  Piggs. 

IV.  PattV  or  Polly  Beecher. 
V.      Thirza  Bce(dier. 

341523.  Mary  Beecher,  F.  July  3,  1775;  d.  Dec.  10,  1827;  rn.  .Ian.  I,  179;F  .John 
^^.  of  John  and  Eli/.abeth  (Hawkins)  Kii;:rs.  b.  Dec.  22.  1771;  d.  Xnv.  14,  1^55.  He  m. 
(2)  March  0,  F^29,  Bet:->v  Hawkins,  b.  A'pril  20,  1780:  d.  Julv  IS.  1S49. 
1.  Maria  Hiuirs,  Mav  7.  17»'F  d.  June  4.  1813. 
11.  Faura  Ritrgs,  b.  -Mu}  7.  1795;  d.  I'rb.  2(1,  ls-55:  m.  Oct.  10,  1813,  John  Davis. 
b,  Se].t,  S,  1788;  (l,'"An,^.  8,  \^AS:  s,  of  Co).  .Lilm.  and  M.-hilabl.'  idau,  nf  Ib-ub.-u  Thomas 
of  Xew  Hav,)  Davis.  1,  John,  m.  Jeanneiie  W  hcvder;  res.  Oxlord,  Conn,  2,  Is.\.\c 
Bi-".Ki'iii:K,  m.  Ann  Tu'lfi  ;  res.  Hartf,.  Conn.  3,  Oris.  d.  1S12.  4,  V\(i.i,iAM  H.\nT. 
m.  Frances  Malb-tt. 

HI.      -Mary    Biggs,  March   13,  1798;  d.  Feb.  9.  1877.  a.  i!);  m.  Oct,  27,  IMO,  John   S, 

l\^     John  IF  Pigir-s,  Jan.  0.  1801;  d.  Oct.  10,  Isir,. 

\'.      Lucinda    Higgs,    May  20,    isOJ;    d.    March   20.    1870,  a.    72:    m.  Xov.  21,  1823. 
Waireii  Fnnch. 

VI.      Thirza  PiL'gs,  Oct.  20.  Isn7:   m.  .lohn  Humpbrey;  r2)  Joshua    Kendall. 
\'li,      .lohn  !.'ii:i;s.  Oci.  -j.",.  iNil;  d  .  No\,    lb    [>^'<'>. 
\'l!l.      IbirpJn.'lFu'-L--,    Dec.    U,    lM:i:    m,    Ma>-    IF    18 1-0,  Harriet ,  d.-iu.    ol    Hiram    and 
Sarah    Fp-nn.      1,    John    H..   b.  .\\>\\\  5,  Ds41;    m.   M;iy  17,  1800,  Amelia   Kennedy.      1, 


146  bka:scji  or  xiiOMAs. 

AUfC  Loiiisii.  2,  Lizzie  At a-vod.  o,  John  ll<ir pin.  2,  Koyai,  1?.,  Oct.  0,  1844:  in.  Man- 
Dunii.  3,  KlKA.M  r.,  ])ec.  G,  1840;  d.  Jul}  4.  1S.V2.  4,  Loiika  15.,  Si-pt.  4,  1S4!),  mi". 
>:ov.  24,  IS(ii),  Norman  Sin-ny.  0,  Sakau  M.,  Juiu- 5,  1S.")2;  in.  :\[a\- 20,  187."),  (Jud.  A. 
.laiiu's.  I,  Flortiin  ]I.  tl,  liAiniiKT,  .\pnl  2,  IS.")!);  in.  Sept.  18,  INTS,  Jo.~:t'ph  (j.  Heil- 
.shaw  of  Ansonia.  T,  Mahv  B..  Fob.  4,  lS.");t;  m.  Nov.  7.  1.ST8,  (jillu-rt  E.  0:<l.>nnie  of 
Xi'\\   1  la  von. 

].\.      Ih'iwy  l!i---.s  Jan.  ]."<.  181G:  d.   lsti4;   lu.  Maiy  Ann  liiadlry. 

3416.  Stephen  Ball,  b.  1T27:  d.  Ooi.  in,  17!»!t.  a.  r2;  clios.Mi  Dcaruii  of  tli<-  Fiist 
clili.  in  X.  II.  1771.  and  .served  2^  yis.  till  d.  He  \\:is  \\ii.  lo  the  will  of  Hon.  ]{u<j:vy 
Shennau,  ]irov.  1708,  Li.s  son  Steplieii  Hull,  and  lirotlier-in-law  and  kinsman  Jeii-niiaii 
Atwater.  belnu'  the  otlier  Two  wit.  lie  wa>  ik  lame  land  oNsiiei-.  flis  liouse  (ae<-or(litii,'- 
to  the  map  of  1748)  stood  on  Cha]iel  st.,  abont  where  tlie  Vale  Co!.  Art  building-  now 
stands.  At  the  time  of  the  British  invasion  of  Xew  llaxcn  in  177!i,  h>'  had  in  his  (diar^e 
the  .silver  communion  service  fd'  the  chli.,  some  of  the  cnjis  of  ^vhich  are  very  valu- 
able froin  l)i>torical  association-..  How  to  save  tliis  silver?  Tlie  vride.  ojieii  chimneys  of 
tlxjse  (hiys  usually  coniahud  a  shell'  i:i,-.ide  hiyh  enou<:-li  to  he  beyond  common  reacliinji' 
distaiu-e.  Takinu-  hi<  little  il-,uiu1i("r  Mary.  tliiMi  about  12  \'rs  ohl,  he  lifted  Iter  into  the 
chiuuiey  Willi  the  silver  in  her  hands,  whiidi  slie  dcjiosiied  on  iln'  slielf.  The  soldi>rs 
rummaged  evei-vwhen-  for  %aluab!cs.  luu  failed  io  discover  it;  and  so  ii  vassavedand  is 
Still  in  use.  S-e  vol.  1  X  //.  C^l  U.  S^>r.  (:,.J!,rt;„n.  Art  Inr.  of  X.  //.  177!),  by  I'rof. 
Goodrich,  also ('aj(t.  Cluis.  H.  'I'ownsend's  r, /(/.  yZ/V/".  J),-a.  Hall  was  taken  prisonej-on  tlds 
occasion  and  was  bein^^  marched  down  ("liapcd  st.  when  Mr.  Jare<I  Ingersol  saw  him  and 
ol)tained  his  reh-a-;e.  At  Dea.  Ball's  house  Mary  nuuterton,  a.,  lii.  was  killed  by  liglit- 
ninjr.  July  s.  l7-"v-  the  only  d.  it  i-c  said  in  the  hisTnry  nt  X.  II.  from  that".  \\\\\ 
dated  Apiil.  17!>::''>;  names  w  f.  Abiiia-il  ;'>nd  cdiil.  Steidicn,  Abigail,  Anna  wf.  of  Ih-nry 
Daggett,  Jr. ,  Sarah  wf.  of  Lieut.  Hotcliki-s.  Maiy  ^\  f .  of  .\i)ra]ucni  Bradley  '.'A,  son 
Sleiiheii  exr.  He  in.  .\bigail,  dau.  of  Jonailiau  .Uwatei-  (and  si.-,,  of  Abiaham  Atwater 
who  in.  Mary  Ball),  b.  May  4,  1781;  d.  Xov.  10,  IsnO.  a.  70:  KneeJand  'rowuscn<l,  Roger 
Sliernuni.  Ssimeon  Baldwin,  wit. 

1.  Ablo-ail,  b.  Dec.  20,  K.")^:  d.  April  1<.  1839,  a.  SU;  num. 
Jl.  Stephen,  b.  Feb.  2:.i,  d.  Mar.di  1,  17bO. 
JII.  Stephen,  L.  Feb.  17.  17(32:  Y.  C.  17^4;  Col.  of  Mil,;  d.  Jum-  2D,  1842.  Xabby, 
wf.  of  Col.  Stephen  Ball,  d.  Dec.  1.  1841,  a.  G"),  (grave-stone);  will  prov.  same  yr. ;  Henry 
Wliitf  wit.,  I^eniiard  Ihadby  of  N.  Y.  C.  evr.  1,  ^Iaiiy  B.m.t,,  to  have  u;;e  of  the  Fair- 
child  Plac(^  I'i'twe'.'n  Union  St.  and  the  canal,  and  a  pj-omis.-(u-y  note  of  ^800  against 
Ahraliaui  Heat^u.  She  d.  unni.  Dee.  2;1,  lS'i4.  a.  .")4.  2,  JdiiN  ScuT'i'.  to  have  dwfdling 
on  Fleet   St.  bounded  on  land  of  Elihu  Sanfoid.  o  a<res  on  Mill  Koclc,  :}  acres  on  ^Vood's 

Field  and  93,000.     Hem.  Laura  Ann  .     He  d.  Oct.  4,  1801,  a.  o.j;  had  ss:     1,   John 

llut<:Jiki><-^,  d.  Dec.  2,  1S<M,  a.  2o.  2,  Slcphi  ti,  in  Ins.  business  in  Hartf.  'd,  Fhicukuick 
Bai.Ij,  during-  his  natural  lile  t.-i  have  the  liouse  and  garden  in  L^nion  st.  an'd  brick  store 
and  land  in  Water  st.  Leouaixl  P.radley  and  Fred(U-ick  -Merwln  to  hold  in  trust  for 

lY.  Anna,  b.  .Alarch  28.  1704:  d.  Jan.  20,  1844;  m.  Ibuir-  Dairgett,  jr..  b.  Feb.  24. 
1758  (,s.  of  Kev.  Dr.  Xapthali  Daggett,  Dre^.  of  Y.  C);  d.  .)v.\u'  20,  ]S4:'!,  a.  85:  Y.  C. 
1770.  A  merch.  and  ;in  oliici'r  of  the  army  of  tlie  Be\'. ;  .served  7  y is.  His  bro.,  h'zra 
Daggett,  appr.  of  the  est.  1844.  1,  ll.MUUKT,  lu.  Fi-ederiidc,  s.  of  Frederick  and 
Kli/abeth  Hum,  b.  Jan.  20,  178:];  d.  Jan.  11,  181!).  2,  Fiu'nkzki;,  b.  IMay  1, 
1787.  :i,  0!;.\(  K  An.n.  b.  1788;  d.  in  N.  Hav.  Xov.  \:<,  Issf),  a.  !I2:  unni.;  a  comniuni- 
cant  of  the  Center  clih.  G!)  yrs.  <.)u  <'Vening  of  July  4.  1^70,  sercnadi'd  by  tlie  -'Howe 
Band,"  in  coniUK  nuiration  of  tin-  ju-omiuent  i>art  tiil^en  by  Inr  g.  f.,i;e\-.  Di-.  Napthaii 
Dairgeit,  in  deftii-c  of    X.  Hav.  a  century  bid'ore.      4.  lli.Miv.      .").  STKl'ii  !:x.      0.  ,A'1  \  in  . 

7.  HuKACi-..     ,s:.  Fmz.v,  ni. Ishain;  k"  m.  to  \^'aterville,  Lucas  Co.,  O. ;  Alfred  I).i--i;-ett 

of  X.  II.  acted  in  theii'  behalf  in  settUnients.       ] ,  ^iZ/V.^/.       2.    Williinn  F.      Z,  IL'nry  ■'<. 

4.  Siriih.      o.  CiroUin    H. 

Y.  Sarah,  b.  Oct.  Hk  1705;  d.  .May  22.  Iso:!:  m.  Lent  Hotchkiss,  b.  1  7.>3:  d.  Dec.  2, 
l^'llo,  a.  52.  1 ,  A.\.N.\,  d.  July  :!(!.  17:n  .'  a  5  yrs.  2,  S.\i:.mi,  d.  Atiu-.  2S.  1 7;t  L  a.  2  yrs.  ;l, 
Fnv.Aiii),  d.  Dec.  11,  l.s(j;k     4,  S.\i;ai[,  d.  j'une  7,  18ii:!,  a.  o  vr,-.  "   5,  Cuai'J.i-:s.  d.  .Line 

5,  1^0:;,  a.  2  yrs.  0  mos.  G.  John  B.,  b.  !70:;:  sldp  m;',s!er  of  X.  II.:  drowned'  oil  tlie 
Bermuda  Islands  Aug.  24,  Is:!;).  1,  .A,./,,/  /,'. ,  Freight  Agent  of  X.  H.  cV  X.  L.  IL  ('...; 
kitbi!  l)v  accidental  contact  v.  ith  a  brid^ie  while  cm  a  t  rain  in  utntion;  d  Jujie  7  1^72. 
a,    17. 

\'\  Maiy,  b.  Sept.  0,  I  7i;7.  She  bid  the  -ilver  cn;iimun;Mn  service  ,,r  rhe  First  chh. 
in  the  ciiimnev  of  ih<:  Ball  House,  beinu'  held  uj)  bv  jnr  f.  fiU'  the  She  ni  \bra- 
ham   Bradley. ■;j,l. 

I'a'k   Henj:;.||in,  tlu'  [loei,  related  in  some  way  t(;  this  branch  i>f  the  B.all  family. 

BALL,    JiO};iXSOX,    .MOUKIS.    TITTLE.  147 

342.  Esther  Tuttle,  1).  Fel).  !i,  IGUl;  d.  aLmit  1721;  in.  about  1715,  Tliomas  (s. 
of  .lacoli  ami  Sarali  Hit*  li-ock)  Koliinson,  b.  D.c.  ."i.  KUi.'i;  d.  Juiu'  0.  ]7(ir.,  a.  73.  Dodd 
docs  Hot  mention  the  Tutlle  in.  but  say.s  he  m.  (1)  Anna  Harrison,  (2)  Hannah  Howe/^^  ami 
s;ivtsllie  r-hildren  of  Esther  TuTrle(lk'nj.  and  Ivstlif-rlenouiously  to  Anna  Harrison.  AVil) 
of  Tlioinas  lioliinsoji,  sr. ,  nins.  dan.  Kstlier  .Alorris.  ^v.  chil.  lieirs  of  K:'ujaiuin  tind 
Thomas  Kobiu.-oii.  jr.;  Aim  Ilobin-ou  of  Stratford  j:iiaid.  to  Daviil,  minor  s.  of  'J'lios.  \i. 
of  N.  11.,  wf.   llannali;   ('apt.  Si  fj>hen  Morris  exr. 

I.  Benjaihin  ];nliii;.-oii.  b.  Dec.  ■?:;,  ]']('>.  In  W.'d  qiiitelainied  "  riuht  in  house 
and  lot  where  Caiit.  Andrew  'I'uitle  now  resich's"';  drafted  info  the  army  K.")')  and  d.  of 
.sickmss  or  wounds.  In  1  T(J(>  wid.  Catliarine  iM-titioncd  for  adm.  of  his  est.  He  m. 
Catharine  Hurand,  b.  }7J\ :  d.  in  E.  Hav.  O-t.  S.  iSOl.a.  80.  1,  EsTiiEit.  '.?.  AXDKKW. 
H,  M  \uv.     4.   J>i:\i.      '>.   J'.KX.i.^MiN. 

II.     E-tlier  Kobin.son. 

3422,  Esther  Eobilison,  b.  .inly  7,  172(l:  d.  (»f  palsy  Feb.  17, 1790,  a.  09;  m.  Juno 
is,  1711.  (bv  anotlier  enirv  Jum-  1^'.  1744.)  Stephen,  s.  of  Elea'/er  and  Men-y  (Ball)  Morris. 
and  bro.  of"  Mal.iel  Morris' wlm  in.  .lebiel  l-'orbes,  b.  1710.  Ho  d.  of  di-opsy  Oct.  2>',  177">, 
a.  (iO:  stvled  I'apt.;  will  nms.  wf.  Hi  sier  sole  execx.;  inv.  i'17  12.;  iS.  s.  >tei>hen  Hr-min- 
way  lint"  to  come  into  iiossesslon  until  i:.  mo.  and  nio.  are  dec. ;  <;■.  s.  I'Jeazor  Homin- 
waV  all  lands  in  E.  Hav.  u'iven.  to  me  by  my  f. -in-law  Thomas  Boblnson,  sr.,  jr.  duu. 
Hester  Heuiinwav,  dau.  IIani\ali  Ib-minway. 
I.      Hannah,  d.  .Niii;-.  fi,  IToD,  a.  U  yrs. 

II.  William,  d.  V.  ■  ■  • 
III.      Hanr.ah.  b.  .!an.  1.  174':. 

l\.     Samuel. 

y  34223.  Kannah  Morris,  b.  .bu,.  ):A\):  Hodd  -.ays  d.  y..  but  Hve-  her  ap-  as  ^4 
at  <i.  of  cons.,  Feb.  17.  17.'^7:  m.  Samuel,  s.  of  Samuel  ai\(l  Mehitalde  (].),T,i,-M.n)  Hemin- 
^vav  of  E,  H.",  b.  Mav  0.  174S;  b,i.  in  E.  H.  Aug.  21,  1^21.  a.  71  yrs.,  making  the  year  of 
Ills"  b.  17r>0.  lb'  ni."(2'  lT'-^7,  vvid  Surah  Bradley  and  ha.d'-ob.  Augustus  ni.  Jnlina 
FroM.  His  •»  ill  dated  <),r.  l-'..  ]sll;  ].rov.  Se"].t.  4,  1S21:  nms.  chil.  as  below,  and 
g.  s.  Morris   llemin\va\  :   inv.   I'S'^Ui..^."!. 

1  Siephi-n  Ib-tiiiiiwav,  m.  l"eb.  21 .  1.7'Jl,  E.-th<r,  dau.  of  Abijah  and  Sarah  (Thoni])- 
son)  Bradle^.  b.  17.52.  d.  "Hcc.  2il,  1799,  a.  27:  (2)  Mary  Andrews.  1,  HANN.\ir,  b. 
April  25.  17!)2.  2.  Mctntis.  b.  Sv'j.t  2.  1704.  /.  b\  2d  m. :  :),  Esthkh.  4,  JotJX.  5, 
M.UiY.      C,  AI.IKKII.       7,  Ai.r.Kr.T.       s,  llAiauKT.   "    9,  Elt.VsTtS.      10.  Je.\.nxktte.      11, 


II.  Eha/.-r  lleminwav.  m.  .June  22.  1794,  Mary  \N  oodward,  b.  May  S,  1,(3;  dau. 
of  John,  3d,  and  liuth  tCurt'i-i  Vr..  whod.  ..Ian.  7,  1795.  in  childbed,  a.  21  yrs.;  (2)  Dosirp 
Bradley!  .sis.  of  hi<  bvo.  Stephens  wW  1,  Poi.r.v.  2,  S.Mi.ui.  3,  E.Mir,v.  -i.  OsCAi: 
Mo!{P,i"s'      5.   Ei.r/.  \.       0.   Samik!..       7.   l-h.KxzKi:.       S,   Aia.iAii.     0,  MEiiiTAiii.f:.     10, 

Ma1!Y.        11,     i:i)WAltD. 

III,  Esther  Heminwiiy,  m.  1793,  Ib.swell  Daveni.nrt.  b.  Aiuil  2.^,  17GS\  s.  of  Dea. 
S-.uii,  .•nid  Marv  (Stroetl  Davetqiort;  res.  I']rie.  Pa.  1,  .loiix,  b.  .\pril  5,  1794;  d.  .June  (i, 
ISI.")  2  \Vin  lAM,  m.  Nov.  2S,  ]79t'>:  res.  I'rie;  m.  Oct.  Kb  1'-23,  Phylauce  Tracy.  1, 
M''n/.  b.'Oct.  5.  1S24.  2.  F^uniij.  I».-c.  11,  lS2i;:  m.  May  25,  V<\u.  Wm.  A.  Galbraith 
of  Erie  Pu  3  S,n'<ih.  March  5.  ]s2!i.  4,  WUl'tun  1!.,  .iulv:jl,  l.s;n,  of  Ph-ie.  5,  Sam- 
vel  A  ,  .Jan.  15. 'ls:U.  (i.  //.■■.„  Soj.luo.  .Tan.  3,  isiii).  7.  MnrilJo  P..  Jan.  12,  1842.  3. 
Makv,    .\u-.    20,  ISO:',:    m.   Nov.   1S19,    Aaron  Waldo.      4,  Nam  v,  b.  l.h-c.  24,  1^15;    m. 

-1830,  Enos'l.yon.  — /A"v/'/""-^  ^•,:/,c '/'"////. 
\y .      Samut  1    Hemiiiway. 

343.  Martha  Tuttle,  b.  Ajuil  21.  1007:  d.  S.'pt.  .9,  1770.  in  SOrh  yr.:  m.  Benj.. 
(s.  of  Sergt.  Belli,  and  Sarah)  I'.radley,  jr..  b.  Oct.  1.  1002:  d.  D.'c.  5.  1720;  (2)  Dec.  5. 
1733  Mr^.IonaThan  Atwater,  his  2d  wl.  His  1st  wf.  wa->  Abi-ail  Bradley,  by  Avboin  he 
had  il  <-hil.      He  was  b.    Nov.   4.    1090:   d.    I>cc.    27,    1700,    a.    70;   r,  s.    College  st..n<ar 

*By  llaiuiaU  uhui.  oi  lolin,  Ir.,  and  H;mnnli  Hcminwavt  Howe.  b.  Fch.  9,  icj-.  hnd:  i,  Thomas,  b. 
^prii  ■  i"^-  dialled  i'.i  17:^.  with  lii^  half  bro.  Benjamin  for  service  in  the  En.qlisii  army  near  the  lakes, 
and  d''"betnrc  17"'  ..  .as  did  nv-'st  of  l'..'se  who  svere  dralted  t..>n<  V. .  Haven,  by  sickness  or  batOe.  In  i7.s'- 
he  ioincd  with  other  hens  of  lohn  M.^we,  viz.:  Mary  Pari.'c-  .Stephen),  l.h/.ibcth  Penn-.-ld  i.Isaaei,  I.ydia 
Mouhhrop  (U.micii  and  Ivaih-ticivi  Howe  in  conv.  of  land  in  .Anmy  m  Nathan  1  aylor.  lie  in.  .-vnna 
Woo'itei-  and  hid  .-^  ehii.  iclui,  jared.  Ziea.  Ainar,.i,  Ab:ia!i.  .Sarah.  Lyuia  aad  /.urviah,  says  l->.\hi:bc.t 
tliat  statemc-U  docs  not  aVree  v.  Hi;  the  l-'rob.aie  reooiJ  of  settlement  of  est.  in  17'.^,  when  vviu.  Anna 
adiii.x  .  and  4  chil.  named  .Abrai-.ani,  Davl.i.  Levi  dec  and  Hann.di.  Inv.  l'.-7.;  Col  Josepli  U.mster  of 
Stratford  guard,  to  At)rah;im,  Oct.  2;^,  I7'^^,  by  David  Wooster  ol  N.  11.  attv-  for  Co..  Jo,iep!i,  appeals 
iroir  de.-ree  of  Court  of  Probate  on  will  of  Thos.  R'.binson.  sr.,  gr.  f.  of  said  Abraham. 


i,„,.v.r.-lioM  „r  frown.  th.M,  not  oiu-n.-l.  Ho  .1.  \h-c.  -. ,  ITW,  wi  1  i-roy.  sanio  yr. ;  i.m^. 
f  M.itl.H.UHlii  .-l,-,!.  Tlu-  lann  in  C\u-^h\vr.  u-]i,-n-  s.  Al.rahjiu;  hvc^^;,  to  >o  -sold. 
Wul  >(a,tl,u  .n,l  s.  .I.U.1  exorvs.  Isaac  Doolit,!..  John  Mix  an.l  Sa.uu-l  Mix  div. Ws^'>l-.\l.ral,.nn.  Isaac,  Jacf.!.,  Jonatlu.n,  .l.,nal,,  .)o>l,  JenMu.ali,  JMirhr,  wf.  ol 
('•.l..i>  llotrhkiss.  Al.i-ail,  wf.  of  St(>i.hcn  ]'>;.ll.      (.  i'y   l>t  m. 

1       H.njanun  r,.aaiey.  b.  Julv  OU.  ITlO;   u.  F-U.   1     1711,  Ma  -H  Sp-Trv.  _ 
iT      'l-iuintl.v  BradU-y.  1..  April  3U,  17-Jl;  ni    !■  .K  1:1  1 -4.,     M.ny  l>a  'hv,n. 
Ill       Andivw  Bnullev,  h.  June  IC,  IT-^:'.:  n,.  ^<.v.  -J^.  1  .4>    1  '■•""^)^  ''''"'f-  . 

IV:      J.,li-/,ubrth  Bradley,  1..  Dee.   '20   ITO:,;  m.    Nov.    .,,   1.41.Joh,>     1  homi.son.      i.  by 

'M  ni.:  _    ,^,, 

VI.      JA-dia  Atuater,  b.    Oct.  1-2,    178(3.       -'Lived    l.-dovd   au<l  d.    lamented   .m^.I.   4, 

175(1    a    2U  vrs." 

v'u.      Aiiios  Atwarcr.  b.  Oct.  :j,  17:'.S,  d.  .May  '2,,  1  ,:f.). 

3431.  Benjamin  Bradloy,*  b.  .luly  20,   !71!);  scrirt,:  ">•  J<;L':,.|'  ^'■^^'  -^'"^^'i 
dan    of  SeriTt.  Jiicbard  and  Kli/^ilnah  (\\  iiinot)  M.icrry.  b.  b.-pt.  ,>< .  1 .  .o. 

I  Kriibeu,!  b.  .Nov.  2S,  1741. 
II.     Cliarl<"s.  Mairb  a,   1748. 

III.  Ihuinali,  13,  1740. 

IV.  Abncv,^  Nov.  lo,  1748. 

3432.  Timothy  Bradley,  L.  April  80.  175L     willdat..,!  S,.pt.  U  1790,  prov^lS08; 
cailwl  of  Woodbrid/^:  .  'apt. :  nn>^.  Nvf.  Mercy,  cliil.  Davi.l,  'lunothy   AUiukMIu^,.  Lldud. 
Lydia  Sperrv  and  ^arch   Cauip.  and    in  a  co.licil  niemion.s  "bcir..  of  .^.    AUin^'.        .1-  m 
Kob    18    174'4    Mcrcv.  dau.  of  S;nnuel  and  Mercy  (Allni,;.,)   I'.aldwin,  b.  Nov.  1,  1,24.      la 
17Sr;  }K-\vas  exccr.  oi'  '.v.  of  liis  fatlicr-iu-law,  Saml.  l'>aldwin  (,!  \\  oodbndg.-. 

1.  Eunice,  b.  Mayo,  174(3;  121.  Stepben  Peck. 

II.  Silas,  Julv  ^7,'  1748. 

III.  Marv,  AuV.  .J,  1730. 

IV.  David,  Feb.   (3,  17_.".3. 

V.     Mercv,  Jan.  '2d.  1705.  ,  ,       .  ,       ,, 

VI       TiiiKlthv,  Feb.  20,  1707:  excr.  ^vit]lbro.  Allii.g  ol  1.  v.ill.     (A  J  imothy  Bradley 
of  W.  d.  1S21.  wui.  Esther  and  C'ba.s.  Thomas,  s.  of  James,  nauicd  111  rec.) 

Vlil'  Lvdia'  Feb  1 .  17»;2:  tn.  Nath.  Sperrv  of  W.  His  est.  adm.  1803  by  Timothy 
Bradley  wid.  Lvdia  Sperrv  livin-  nr.  Abner  Bradley,  who  vcas  gurird  to  CJanuda.  a. 
abt.  IS-   lUildah.'a.  abt.  IG:"  Minot,  abt.  1'2;   Elione,  abt.  5,  and  Elea.abt.  •.. 

IX.     Sarah,  111. Can>p. 

X.     Silas,  b.  .liilv  20.  1707. 
XI.      Alii):-,  in.  s'arah ,  and  d.  before  1808,  h-avuig  chil. 

34321.  Eunice  Bradley,  h.  May  8,  1740;  d.  Dec  13,  1881,  a.  80:  in.  Stephen, 
s.  of  Kben.  Deck.  b.  Aug.  0,  1742;  d.  i:i  W.  June  18.  1880,  a.  88.  ^.       .      ,  -, 

1  Silas  b  Mav  28.  HOO;  d.  April  0,  isil.a.  70;  111.  Electa  ( .•.rrinotou.  1. 
Ai.Mii'.A.  m.  Siiaeou  Sperrv.  2,  A.xsKi..  set.  in  ^  t.  8,  Laiken,  \  t.  4,  Am.\.nj..\.  o. 
Lkwis.     0,  ErxiCK.     7,  Elkct.\.     8,  (.T.MtitA.     U,   Si;i;r.A.  .    ,    ,    ,s 

II  lle/ekiah  Peck.  b.  Julv  7,  1707;  ci.  May  2,  1S4<1:  in.  Sarali,  d.-,u.  of  beth  IV.u  us. 
).  lb.i;.\(K.  b.  .Ian.  0,  1791:  .lea.  of  the  chh.  in  W. :  m.  May!).  1S18.  b.^i-ali  ^t|'y.■ns, 
who  d.  .lune  21,  ISO.-..  1,  >W/v,A.  b.  b-eb.  21.  1S14;  d.  y.  2,  J-nnl,.  l-l'-  21,  l8l  -  -  t"- 
Edwards.  Howlnnd.  inev.-h,  of  New  llav..  who  .1.  18S2.  8,  //'-/•-'.y  L. ,  Jan.  2'.  l^U: 
.1.  .March  L  b^lO.  4.  St^j.hyv  A.,  b.  Nov.  20,  1822:  r.,.  Ai-nl  2b.  1^49  Mana  .\  New- 
hall.  1.  Sarah,  in.  .Ian.  l.j.  2,  Stephen  A..  .Jan.  2'.i,  IS.m.  .V.  Bj^/e/e-  ^..^b.  N.ay 
4,  IS20;  n>.  Sei.t.  10,  ISOO,  Hannah  T.  Newhall.  1,  baunyJ.,  ^eI.t.  ,.  ls.>,  •-.  .Mar> 
.•\..  .Inly  7,  is.-a.  8,  Alice  E.,  June  28,  l8.-)7.  4,  Wm.  IL,  .Ian.  1(1,  istl2;  .1.  Nov.  Ub 
lstj4.     "o,   Frank  IL,  Jiujc  8,  1809. 

•P..;nj  Ilrudk-vof  Wooctbridse.  late  of  Oxfeid;  adra.  given  to  wid.  Eunice,  1S20.  Merritt  I5radley, 
cx.-.t;  .•\t„;.s:i  l>u,ter.  security  lor  <3..--o  bond  ,,Anlrcw.  2.  St-yniour.  .,,  -Mcrntt.  ^.iu.xl.  5. 
N<j)<.s.     (•,,  lumicc,  \\l.  of  Rcsv.cU  H.  i'erkins.     7,  Charles. 

^M.Uk-I  I'.ra'.llcy.  ni .  March  .>.-,  i;;?,  .Sauvael  Ciindce.  m  Derby,  and  h:id  Amos,  Oct.  tS.  ir77-  l'-"j-- 
Fel>.  ii),  177,,. 

;A  Kcubca  nr.idU-y  in.  in  Cl'.eshirc,  Conn..  .Nprii  i.s.  i7>;-'.  Ro.\.ui,i  Thompson. 

iAn  Ai.ncr  tlra.lUy.  d.  177S  F.^t  of  Abncr  IJradley  disl.  1831,  to  (,arrett,  Abncr,  I'hllo.  Ja^ncs,  Henry 
Noycs,  Win.  !• .,  N,i[icv  and  Charles;  the  two  last  were  minors  and  elio-,e  bro.  .-vbncr  guaid. 



111  St.iihfn  Tcrk.  1>  Dfc.  HO,  1774;  d.  June  28,  183'2;  in.  Jcfinuetti-  (2)  Kunin- 
rcildns.  1,  l,Yi)iA,  111."  Oct.  12,  1814,  IKavid  li,  Baldwin,  b.  Au^^  4,  171'1.  Ho  in.  (1) 
Au-^  12,  1812,  Sully,  dau.  of  IJoLnr  New  ton.  2,  A  r,i  vii,  lu.  Ahnrr  Biudk-y.  3,  M.vki.\, 
11,1.  Tmil  Clark.  4', 'K],iz.\,  m.  Wm.  Bradley;  (2)  Dennis  Currington.  5,  Jiirrsr.v,  in. 
•John  Xrwtoii;  (2'i  X.dson  Xowton. 

\V.     i:d\vard  reck,  Oct.  23,  1778:  d.  .lum-  21,  ISll;  unin. 
V.      Eunice  I'eck.  April  3,  17.81;  m.  Dea.  David   Smith. 

VI  Sally  Peck,  Dec.  5,  1783:  in.  Dec.  l.j,  lb02,  Jidin,  s.  of  (i<'n.  John  iiud  Anna 
•{Aiu-ater)  llniiliard,  b.  Jan,  11,  1778;  res.  Oran-e,  Conn.  1,  Anna,  b.  Au'r.  24,  ]^i)\)] 
lu  Sei't  1831  .loliu  W.  .N[er\s-in,  andd.  .lulv  7,  183S.  2,  Jotin  V.,  b.  Jaly  23,  1811:  ni. 
Apri!  0  1813,  Sarah  A.  Clarl:.  1,  JrJni  J/.,  b.  Marrh  12,,  1841.  2,  /.,  W.v  /;. ,  b.  Dee.  11, 
184r).  3,  AV '/•,//•//;•;.,  June  10.  1848.  4,  Anna  A..  June  2«>,  1S;V).  o,  Gon/t  JI..  .liu\. 
11.  18.')o.'     (i.    lA',-y  /•;..   Feb.  17,  18:)7. 

\']i.      PoUv  B.'Peck.  b.  July  17,    1787;  in.    ]>avid  Perldns.  jr..  oi'  V\  oodbrid<:o.  Conn. 

3433.  Andrew  Bradley,  b.  June  ic,  172:;.  In  1772  execr.  of  Nvill_..f  wid. 
Dennis  Wilniot,  whose  dau.,  Dennis,  he  m.  Nov.  21,  174S.  His  will  exnib.  1,  ,8  by  s., 
AVilinoT  Bradlev  of  Woodbrid<re.  nnis.  \vt.,  l>emiis,  s.  Wiliuot,  and  two  dau.-i. :  Dennis 
•Clark  and  .Alartlia  Pock. 

1.     Wilinot,  b.  Dec.  2^.  17ol.  ^^ 

II.  Dennis,  b.  ]^ec.  D!,  17-">3;  ni.  in  Aniiiy.  by  l!rv.  Benj.  \N  o,.dbi'iii;Lre,  :\lareh  lb, 
1773  I'lr.'.ariis  ipiob.  s.  of  Daviil  and  iiannali  i-\-(i..'i  Clark,  b.  MiU'oid,  Conn.,  Dec.  23, 
174r)-  wir  turn,,  Aiidreu- Bradlov  and  David  Clarl:,  Hem.  (2)  of  Jared  Baldwin 
and  mo.  of  s.  Amlrew  Clark's  Avf.  f'lii!  ivcorded,  in  Mil  lord.  His  will  pruv.  1818,  of 
AVoodb..  nnis.  wf.,  Hannah,  and  o-r.  rh.    b.-low.      Wm.    a.nd    Amiiew  Chuk,    exeers.      1, 

I.\z\Krs,  1,.  Nov.  18,  1773;  il.  lS[)l^■.  will  dal.-d   April  22.   18(i(i;  m.  Anna  ;  (2)  Mary 

_1 . '    ,-.  'bv  1st  m.:    'l.   A'.-'.v'.f,  and  ]i.-r.  /;.,'/•.'  Am,,  a.nd  an  aiL.ptr-d  dan.,  .8'/;////  Gr,  f/.s,,,i , 

-who  shared  ecpuillv  with  the  other  twu  (dul.  in  dist.  of  their  father's  est.  in  181J8.  2, 
Wiu.i,\M.  3,  Ji:kt:.\fTAH.  b.  Mav  lo.  1778.  1.  Df.xms.  h.  D^m-.  2,  1780;  ni.  Isaac  Car- 
i-ir<:ton.  o.  Oi.ivKU.  b.  April  2?',  l';83.  G,  I'.vn  v,  b.  Nn\-.  10.  178');  m,  Lyniau  Biy^s. 
7     ANniivw    li    178S;  d.  in  ^V..  I8f_;4.  a.  70;  Capt.:  m.  Sus;in,  i.f  Jared  J'aldwin. 

III.  Manila,  in. Perk.      Martha  Peck  joined  W.  chh.,  l7i)U-y.-). 

IV.  Andrew,  b.  Julv  12,  l7r,!l.. 

V.  Mary.  b.  Sept.  8.  1701). 

3434.  Elizabeth  Bradley,  b.  Dec.  20,112.-);  m.  Nov.  5,  1741,  John  Thom]. sou 
of  K.  Hav.,  Conn.,  \^hu  d.  17^1).  '.)  cliil.  liv.:  7  nane-l.  viz  :  wf.  of  Isaac  Thompson, 
Anthony,  wf.  of  2\aih.  Kiiaberly,  a\  f.  of  Ivlwai-.l  Larkiii,  Levi,  v.  f.  of  Anms  Thomp-on, 
PliC'be:   Isaac  Thompson,  adinr, 

I  l-:ii/,al..'ih  Th.omps(m.  b,  Julv  .l.  1712;  d.  Jan.  S,  17^8,  a.  4j;  m.  Isaac  Thomp- 
son who  d  S.'pt.  13.  1824.  a.  81.  ilr  m,  (2)  Sarah  4'li.r,nps<,n ,  h.  1 7."-' I ;  d.  ApriMI, 
1.^4:)  !!  lU-  had  onlv  s.  Isaac,  x\h.)  <1.  Julv  24.  17'.J(J.  a.  2.  1,  K!,i/.m:ktu,  !>.  Oct.  18, 
17(;.;-  d  Julv  2ii,  1820,  a.  Gd;  m.  \Vil!i:ini  Ihlls.  1.  M>'r//  T.,  b.  Nov.  2'i.  17'.'G;  d.  Oct. 
8,  IsV'i.  2,"Srs.\NN.\,  Julv  11.  17GS;  d.  .v.  /. ,  Ai-ril  (i,  1842.  a,  74;  m.  Kneeinnd,  s.  of 
Isaaeaiul  Kii/abrih  Hitch. "uck  Towiisend,  b.  Stratford.  Conn..  Maivh  'i^'..  I7r)7;  ivm.  to 
Sanduskv.  0.,  and  d.  Am:.  1">.  1^44.  3,  .\mi;i.i.\,  Oei.  IS,  17Vl:d.  Au--.  8.  1.s!)3:  m. 
Aui^  Il,'l7'j2,  Daniel  Truman,  b.  Nrw  London.  I'oun.,  Jan.  8,  17G7;  d,  April  10.  1832. 
1.  kui'i  b.  i.».-i.,  17'.i8:  d.  Sept.  G.  17ii.');  per.  others.  4,  M.\i;v,  b.  .May  8,  1773. 
II  Aiuhoiiv  Th.inips.)!).  I..  Y<Ak  20,  174:;. 
Hi.  Mabel  Thompson,  1,.  Nov.  ■"),  174");  d.  Apnl  8.  1^08.  a.  G3;  m.  Nathaniel 

IV.  "  Jo.d  Th..mpsun.  b.  May  G,  1747. 
\'.      I-'.unice  Tiionipson,  Ajiril  11,  17  111;  in.  F.<hvard  Larkin. 

VI.  Levi  Thompson.  D.^c.  20.  17.~.1. 

Vll.  Marv  Thompson,  Nov.  o,  17.".1:  (d.  (d'  tyi-lius  fever,  Nov.  2.  1815,  a.  02,  says 
I>odd)-  m  An'ios,  s.  (d'  Stephen  and  Hannah  (Ibiwe)  Th.nniison  of  !•:.  IL,  b.  Au^-.  2,  1751; 
<L  of  t'vidius  fcv..r,  Sept.  24.  1817.  a.  GIL  inv.  An-'.  Hi,  1M7,  He/.,  l^aldv  in  and  Asa 
Platr  apiirs.;  Asa  Allin- .  exr.  7  (  hil,  1,  Ilf./rK  i  Ml,  b.  1772;  d,  in  r.riny,  ot  c.n.s., 
Julv  30,  I7!i;;,  a,  21.  v;.^\\'iM,i AM  A.  :'.  1s\a(,  h.  1708;  d.  Ajuil  21,  ls7:;.  a.  7.-);  in. 
Sarah  A.  Treat  b.  1804;  d.  Oct.  17.  Isfi7,  a.  03,  4.  Ki,i/.Ar.KTi(.  h.  1771:  d.  I.SIls,  a.  0  4;  m. 
William  Brintiial,  jr.,  whu,r  vslll,  piMV.  18-J(;;  wf.  Kli/.a  "x-'ex,  ;  nm-,  chil,  1,  /•,'■'/-■'''.•'.'/.. 
b  )80;i-  a  17  ill  l.s2i;;  .dins..  Wm.  .Mix,  r.s.|..  uaiard.;  \<v\.  .\.  'linunpsmi,  surety;  m. 
D.c,  4,  ls;'.8.   |l,.,)rv  .\ui,ni.-.iu^,  s    of  Cnl.  Ce,'ll    Dv.i-hl    [8]      Shrd.  (»ct,  2!>.  bsl3.  leav.  3 

chil      .■)     M\i;v   e,r    Pdi.i.v,  m.  Osh.un.     G.   Sisan.  m.  Hayes.     7,   Piiii,k.mun. 

8    Asi;nvth.     0.  HiLDAii.  b.  17!)1;(1.  March  1,  17!i2.  a.  1  xr.     l'>,  H  i/.i:Ki  AH.     ll,Si:i'.A, 
m.  Sexioii,     12,    KsTUKK,  b.  1700;  d.  .Mar.  h  U,  1707,  n.  1  yr.      13,   Sisan.xa. 

150  BRA  .veil    OF    TIlO>rAS. 

Vlll.     I'liebc,  b.  AinU  15,  175G. 
IX.       ll;u,).;ll,,  .lulled.    ITr.S. 
X.      Exp(.Ti. 'lice,  July  L^"),  ITr.O. 

3-ia5.     Jeremiah  Atwater,  h.  J"*!'.-.  ."),  17:M;  Steward  of  ^^  ('.  I7TS-0s'.     In  179:; 
lie  .si.<,MU'(l  tlie  will  ol'  Pioger  >'lierrnaii,  us  witness,  Together  with  liis  f(Kis.,  Ste]>!a-n    l!;ill 
.sr.  and  jr.  (;i|;  111.  April  -JO,  1757,  Anna,  dau.  of  Natlianiel  and  Rebecca  (Lines)  Mix  [:>]' 
h.  A]>vi\  2,  1785,  v.din  d.  Dee.  28,  1778,  after  5  days  of  j^ainful  illness:  (2)  Catharine,  dau! 
Dr.  Benjamin  and  llnniinh  (  dau.  of  l\ev.  Dr.  Jared  Klliot)  (fale  of  Killingworth.  ('onn. 
b.  .h\!U'  21,   17-i2;    d.  .<;.  ;'.  June    11).  17ii4  (17HS,  a.  55,  says  Hd  vol.  Hist.  Soc);  (S)  Mary 
Sahonstnll.     lied.  Nov,  ]2,  ISIJ.  a.  77.     Iiiv.  sUi.nuO;  wi'll  nnis,  wf.  Mary,  chil.  Stephen, 
Anna  'I'ownsend.  .leremiali,  Lydia,  and  chil.  of  s.  Joseph,  dec. 
I.      Sieplien,  b.  Julv  27,  17oS;  m.  Helieeca  (iorham. 
11.      l,y,lia,  b.  Aprifd,  d.  April  14,  17G1. 
HI.      Lydia.  b.  Aaic.  !',  libO;   d.  Sept.  2S.  17li;l 
IV.      Anna,  h.  Sept.  2-^,  17(U;  in.  Jeremiah  Townspiid. 
\.     Jeremiah  }.L ,  li.  l-'el).  ]5,  ITfi'*;  m.  Eliza!)et!i  Daggett 
VI.     Joseph,  b.  Mav27.  1770;  m.  Sarah  Tliomas. 
VII.      VN'ilHam,  b.  Aug.  9,  1772;  d.  Aug.  2tL  177G. 
\'IH.      Iteliecca  Lydia,  b.  Marcli  2,  1778;  m.  Uev.  James  Murdock. 

34-351.     Stephen    Atwater,  h.  Julv  27,  175S:  m.  Aug.  3.  1780,  Keb-vca  (^lorhum 
Avliod.  Jan.  2S,  lliM,  a.  :l<}:  (2)  June  2.  Kill,  Lli/aueth  (nirluun.  X    Hav 
1.     Betsey,  ],,  ]),.,-.  01,  I7SU;  d.  Aug.  -JS,  1814. 

IT.     'i'haddr'us,  1).  July  5.  17S2:    d.  April    IG,  1817;    m.  Sej.t.  27.  1S07     \nnis  Peck 
1,;   B..  b.  June   21,    ISOX;    d.    unm.       2,  Lrcirs,  b.  Xov.  ];^,  ],si  1.       ;^    I^obkkt\,  Jan.  G,  1818;  d.  unm.     4,  Edwix,  April  11,  ISJG;  d.  Xo\ .  2.  1819 

III.  Lucius,  Now  15.  1784. 

IV.  Catharino,  h.  Mav  14.  1787;  m.  Amos  'J'lov.brid-e  [11] 
V.     Anna  Mix,  b.  Jriiv2,  178!l. 

VI.  l;ol),-]t  Xel-:on,  b."  De,-.  25,  1790:  d    Oct.  12    1792 

VII.  Steplien.  b.  May  4,  d.  Mmv  !».  1792. 

VHI.  Stephen,  1).  March  14,  17;)G:   d.  Jan.  L'-,  1S5!),  num. 

IX.  Iv^ebecca.  b.  Oct.  27,  1802:  d.  May  17,  1845. 

3'i354.     Anna  Atwater,  It,  Sej^t.  28,  i7G4;  d.  Aaa-.  10,  1S52,  a  88;  ,1,  .Tune  4  17S4 
Jerenuah  'rowus..ud,  ;',d.,  b.  June  27,  17G4;    V.  C.  177'J;  d.  Julv  22,  1S(15-  mereh 

L     Juliamia 'rowusend.  1).  Get.  15,  1785;  d.  Dec.  17,  1^24;  ni.  Heii'rv  Denison        1 
Hi-Miv.     2,  Ai;r,i.. 

H.      Anna.  Towns.. nd.  b.  Sejir.  20,  178S;  d.  April  11.  ]S1<). 

HL  N\  illiam  B.  'i'owu-end,  I1.  A])ril  G,  17!HJ:  d.  .Ma\  Is,  ls!G7;  m  Susan  T  Bills- 
rein,  to  X.  ^  .  ],  KM;f.;i,AXj)  S..  b.  Sept.  7,  l.sLs.  2.  H'kmiv  Dk.nison  Dl-c  25  1825' 
■>,  \\  11,1.1  \M  15.,  Dcr.  4,  1^29. 

1^'.      ■b-remiah,  April  7,  189:5;  d.  Sept.  5,  1795. 
^  .     (V.tliarin,.,  b,  Xov.  8.  lsi»(J;  d.  Juiu'  2L  1N()8. 
yi.      Lydia,  b.  June  80.  17'.l.s:  d.  June  28,  ls21, 
^■^.     .le,,.niiah.    He.'.    2i).    IsoU;  d.    Oet.    IG,    lsl5;  m.    .Marv  T.  Mix;   rem    to  Mo       1 

Ja.mi.s  'I  .     2,  L'U  is.v  a.  ■  

VHI.     Catharine  W.,  b.  June  80.  l.S(i3;  liv.  in  1879  in  Xew  Hav.;  m.  1".  T.  Jarman. 

^^34.355.  Jeremiah  M.  Atwater,  l).  Feb.  15,  17G7;  cailcl  Major  .r.-rrv  d  Feb 
•--_.  v,v,  ,,,  (;,:  1,1.  Feb.  4,  I7.8!t,  Fli/abe;],  Da.;--ett.  who.l.  ,..  >  Mav  20  1790"  '  •' '  15  b" 
'■'■  1.9..,  dary,  (hue  of  Hieliard  Cutler,  b.  Jum  )5,  1790:  d.  Xov  ,s  "  ]s(il  ,-,  «|]-i  've-n-' 
1-  ^^  dban,  Curler,  b.  Xov.  21,  1798:  d.  F-'b,  10.  1.^78,  in  sOth  vr  ■' m  .abt  '1^17 
urr.ei.dan.  ol  John  Ho:„!ley,  who  d,  ab,.  ]s71.  1,  M.M:v,  m.  Uc'o.  Hotchkiss.  L- 
'/,;■.•"■,;.  '"'  '■'•''•  ^'-  f^--  '*'■'■  ^■'-  ''^'•'-  ^!'''-^"  HaNu-o:.d  Whaph^s,  Treas  Coe.n. 
''"  '■  ^'-       -  I'bdiip.,.     5,  .h:KK.MiAn    \V 

s„.,i„-"^";'if  ■'';"'■'■■  ''■  ^''l"-    -"•    ^ '■'■'■■  ''■    ^"^-  ^-    1^''"-   ■-'■   'I:  ">■    N"v.  18     1^17, 
,.    !''i      '-'>!    l>;m!<.l  an-1  Loui,;,   Hot.], kiss)    r.i-,],.,],.    !,.    Xov.    10,   1792-   .1 •   bro     ,.f 

.'!;■;■  ,  ",'•■  '',  '"'1' i/;-..-^i  1,  .l;::;i:MiM:  .\.,  b.  1 '^l^^:  m.  Loni-:;,  d;,u  o!  J.,|,n  cjiat- 
of  \v!:p'm"1''i  .  .'^"'^  (2,Au,..  I.IMS.  i;,;,i.v  II..  dau.  of,an  P:,,ker.  >L  I>.. 
::  sVC-v  I  1^^;,  '•'■'■'"'•  ^'^  ''•  '"^-^  >H.'lho,uasCh.,t,,..,n.|,,,,.,n„„i,,.  ^,„„,,, 
'-■:'  V  'vh.'Vl-tVls^,;'-,^^'  ^"'''-  '^-  ''""'^''"  ■•■^'•"^-  ''■  '''■''■'■■  '"■  ''■-'"■' ^  '■■ 
'!'       tJi/ab,  ih  Daggeti,  b.  May  7,   W.H :  .1.  Mar.h  21..  1SS2,  a,  85;   unm. 


IV.      Mary,  twin  ^vitll  Kliy,;i1..'tli  D.,  d.  Aug.  ;j.  17!)8. 

V.  Marv  ('. ,  1).  .Tunc:*;»,  ITlil*;  <I.  Aiii;-.  4,  ISO-"),  uiim. 

VI.  Su-^aii  lln\v.-ll,  b.  March  '^o,  l^Dl':  <\.  IST^,  a.  "i]. 

VII.      Maltha,  h.  Oct.  2-1,  iNOr,;  fl.  in  X.  11.,  F.'h.    10,    1873,    and    hur.    .'^aiiK-  day  witli 
her  hro.    Win.  (-. 

VIII.     Hani.t.  1).  Urt.  24,  ISUil. 

34356.     Joseph  Atwatcr,  h.  May  -i}.  1770:  m.  Ann-.  '2,  1792,  Sarah  Thomav.     He 
d.  Sept.  27,  ISU-l. 

1.      Sarah,  b.  Mav  22,  17!)2:  ni.  J.  1).  l^rowii. 

II.  Ehza,  h.  .)nw  2,  17!)4;  in.  July  2:),  1S17,  Zcl.,t._-.s  s.  of  Joel  Dav  of  X.  II.  1. 
Sakait'A.xx,  1^.  .Junf."  12.  1S18;  ui.  June  20.  1840,  E/..'ki<4  Haves  Trowhrid'ov  |11  ]  [6j.  2. 
Alonzo  MniK.VY,  h.  .March  22,  1S22;  d.  Dec.  11,  182:J.  3."  Kt.iza  JA.vr..  h.  June  27,  • 
1823;  iJi.  May  2.  1841*,  Sylvester  Tuttle,  h.  Patclio(|ue,  L.  I.,  Sei.t.  5,  ISOr,,  (l.j,  2d  \vf . )  s. 
of  liev.  }'>/i-a  'rultle,'-  a  Metli.  ]>roa(d;i-r.  active,  v,-ulely  kiiiiwii  and  niucli  rfs)'i'cted  in  tlie 
region  of  his  hil)ors  on  L.  I.  AMicn  (julte  youn^c  Syl\eslt.'i-  icm.  to  X.  'i".  ('.,  am!  in  tiine 
became  the  sole  pro])rietor  of  a  large  hat,  caji  and  fur  st'ue,  the  L'lisim.-ss  of  ^^hi^dl  he  con- 
ducted so  prudently  tliat  lie  was  always  aide  to  ]iay  100  cts.  on  the  d<dlai-.  and  tn  with- 
,';tand  the  linancial  jiressnre  of  1837;  there  being  but  one  lionse  in  the  same  trade  in  X'. 
y.  besides  his  own  tliat  could  do  so.  \^'}ii1e  in  i>i.  Y.  lie  became  interested  with  Mr. 
Chicliester  in  tiie  coal  business  in  "WiUianisbuig.  Tiie  death  of  Mr.  C.  was  the 
occasion  of  tlie  reliiKpiishmem  by  Mi'.  T.  of  his  X.  1'.  business  and  removal  t<> 
Williamsburg,  where  he  soon  laid  the  fcnindation  of  tlie  largo  fortune  of  ^\hich 
lie  died  pf>sse.^sed.  \\'hi]e  in  X.  Y.  he  ■\^■as  a  nir-m.  of  T"or>yth  --f.  Meih.  b'pis. 
(dih.,  :iud  on  removal  j<<ine<l  the  So.  Fifth  st.  M.  E.  chh.  wiis  an  active  iimvcr 
and  large  contritmtvi-  towards  building  ''that  priJ.e  of  tin-  P'-a^tern  District,"'  St. 
John's  M.  E.  chh.,  cor.  nf  B'/dfnrd  ave.  ami  ^^"il.-lin  st.  Among  other  oi'iects 
«f  his  piou.s  labors  he  u-ave  especial  thought  and  care  to  tlie  X'o.  Th.ird  st.  Mi^.-^iou 
School.  In  1871  he  made  a  tour  of  Euro])e  in  company  v.ilh  liis  wife  and  Dr.  Albert 
Wright  and  ^^ifc-.  Dr.  \Vi-iglit  ])iil>lis]ied  a  series  of  articles  in  a  Bronlclyr,  newspaper, 
in  ^v}uc)l  his  tia\eling  coinjianions  were  pleasiuitly  alluded  to.  During  a  sojonin  at 
Kome  Mr.  T.  w;is  very  near  to  death's  dour  with  fever.  l.Mif  lallii'd  and  returned  iioru'' 
cpiite  wcdl.  E\ery  spring,  l\o\vin-er  h-'li  ail  symptoms  t'^i'  I  he  same  sickness.  Tin-  la>r  aita'-k 
was  unusually  sudden  and  severe  and  resnlfed  fatally,  May  2o.  b'-!74. — Bi-nnLli/n  Pi'jirr. 
4,  Zki.otes.  b.  June  2').  1>^25.  '>.  Fkancjs  };i;r,Kr(  a.  b.  March  28.  1>^32:  m.  June  3. 
1857.  Ezra  B.  (s.  of  Svlvest>-r  and  Ist  wf.  Siirali  W.  (;re---'n)  Tunle.  1>.  Mav  3,  1834:  coal 
mercliant  in  Brooklvn".  X.  V.  1.  Wiilf/trnji  Jf.,  b.  r),^r.  S,  ls(i2.  2,  /',w7'/"/.-  Jh"/.  b.  n,-t. 
11,  1804.  3.  Liir„]h.  Jan.  10,  d.  Feb.  23,  1873.  4.  S,/Jr.stu-,  b.  F'd..  2,  d.  April  22, 
1874.  G,  AVGCsTrs  Pi.ixv,  b.  May  {(,  \KU:  in  coal  bu'sii:,'Ss  witli  S.  Tutth-  ^V  Sons.  7, 
Wil>5i:k  Fisic,  b.  Jan.  H.  1S3S;  Prest.  X.  H.  Pank:  m.  Fannie,  da;i.  of  ^Valter  (i-born 
of  X.  H. 

III.  J<w.-p],,  b.  Feb.  22.  17P0;  m.  Jan.  1,  P.-;23.  l.'achel  Dum^aii:  res.  La  Harp.-,  111. 
1,  Mahti:i:.\a.  b.  May  O.  1814.  2,  Tkomas,  b.  Xov.  23,  ls27.  3,  Jamks.  April  7.  1^30. 
4,  \Vnj,TAM,  July  S,  '1833.  5,  M auy,  Jan.  2:i,  1S3(;.  ().  Sakah  Jane,!).  Miavh  23.  js;-iy. 
7,  ]>ow-HAix,  1).  Sept.  3.  IS  11.  8.  Joii.v,  b.  Sept.  2!»,  bs4!j.  '.',  LiAiN-]>A,  b.  Feb.  21, 

IV.  Xathanl.J  Mix,  b.  Feb.  27,  170^:  u:.  Dec.  10.  1S23,  Kiioda  Curtis.  1,  SAUAtt 
Ttiom  \s,  b.  X'ov.  18.  1N24:  m.  Pascdial  Fisher.      • 

\'.  Job  Mans(i(4d,  1).  March  2o,  ISOl;  m.  <)ct.  27,  1^23,  Hanm.h  P.  Pe<-kham.  1. 
JEl;l:.^n.^Il  J.,  b.  Feb.  27.  182o.  2,  Ji-.\.\M:-n  i;  M.,  b.  Feb.  2'~!.  lN2r.  3,  J-iskimi,  b.  Aug., 
1829:  d.  Mav,  1S30.  4,  Lvdia,  b.  April  12.  1831.  T),  Samuki,  :M  ansi- iki.d,  b.  Sejit., 
1833;  d.  Matvh.  1n3.-). 

VI.  James,  b.  Aug:.  17,  180.V,  d.  ^[andi  7,  1810. 

VII.  John  S..  twin  with  James;  m.  '«)<•!.  7.  1^2'.!,  Marv  Miller.  1,  llAt!t;iF.r  ."Mni  i;'.:, 
b.  Aug.  22.  1831:  d.  Feb.  13.  is:;7.  2.  IIilVKV  P..  h.  XoV.  27,  183:!.  3,  Ai,vki;!>  E.,  b. 
Sept.  20,  1837.     4,  Hattii-  .M.,  h.  Feb.  o,  1^43.      o,  .ImiN  Stai;k,  b.  June  •.'!!,  18b").       0, 

*'"A  traditi'^n  in  the  family  of  ."-iylvestcr  Tutile  is  that  three  bri'thcrs  c.wvc  from  Kiif,'.  and  set.  ia  I.ynn, 
Mass.  One  oi  the>e  ii;.med  Jchii  in.  ■ — —  Hurriil.  lie  was  a  Rev.  sob  and  killed  in  the  war.  His  prop- 
erty was  entailed  and  went  to  the  eldest  s<in  Samuel,  who  came  (rntn  Maim-  to  X.  V.  to  hunt  up  his  hro. 
Kzra  a  mariner  who  wrecktrd  or.  I. or  .;■  Island,  where  he  ni  and  settled  r-.t  T'.iich.o-ji.e.  .V  wrilii'.i::  left 
by  hi.s  son  Sylvester  Tuule,  iaie  of   lirookb  n,  says:     Ezra  was  barn  at  Chelsea.  Mas.s..  Sept.  i-,,  i,-'m.  and 

that   h.e  a   .Nb-tludist  preacher.      lie  had  hro     Ml:>cr:e/.er  and  sisters  I'oHv,  who  m. I)aL'f;ett.  and 

Nabbie,  who  m.  — —  Waitc.  Sylvebler  Tuttle,  m.  April  •.-.),  1S2Q.  Sarah  W.  Green,  dcsc.  fr.^m  Rev. 
Ti.iiothv  ICdwards  [ijl.  who  d.  Sept.  21,  iS4(>,  an>.l  had:  i,  Chailes  IT.,  b.  .April  30,  i3;  ;  d.  iulv,  iS:;i.  2, 
lizva  I!.',  .May  -,,  iS^^.      ;,  Sar.ih  lane,  b.  O^l.  iS,  iS  ;^ ;  d.  .April  8, 

153  BRANCH    OF    TIIOMAS. 

Stki'IIKN   G.,  1).  Oct.  37.  1S47;    d.  April   12,   lH4i).      7,   Jamks   Bkewstku,   1).   June  30, 
1850;  d.  Nov.  12.  1S.")2. 

34358.  Hebecca  Lydia  Atwater,  l>.  M:u<li  2,  1778;  d.  Dec.  27,  18112:  m.  ih-i. 
8  r7i''J,  Hcv.  .];unc.s  Murdock,  I).  Feb.  Hi.  ]77i">:  d.  at  Columbus.  Miss.,  Aug.  10,  INf)!!, 
a!  80-  i'.  ('.  171)7.  ^^t't-  ''"^  niiiii^ter  at  Princetmi.  Mass..  from  1802  1o  isi.j;  I'rof.  of 
Divhiitv  and  l]c<!<-S!ast!(al  Hist. .at  .-Vudovcr  and  Univ.  of  Vt.,  181.V28;  pub.  two  J)is- 
courseioii  the  Aiuntnnut:  t<-iu.  to  N.  liar.,  1829;  in  1830  translated  Dr.  Win.  Muenchci's 
Elein('iil!<  of  Doqiiuiilr  ]li>(ory.  In  18-'52  pub.  .1  X<  n-  mid  Literal  Trunstatinn  nf  Mo>i- 
hcim'f  Inslitnft'-^  of  J-JrcUsiasiical  Hhtory;  ^  vols.  oci.  In  1842,  Sketrlic^  of  Jforul  Philos- 
ophy, e-y)ii'iiilli/  Amonij  the  (lermans.  He  also  mad"  a  "  Literal  Translation  of  the  entire, 
XewTestanient  from'  the  Paschito  Syriac  Version  "  into  Englisli,  and  contributed  to 
numeious  iierioilicals. — l}liik£'!<  Hio//.  'jJicf.  S.IM). .  Harv.  Col.  1810. 
i.  Charles  MurdocK.  b.  Sept.  20,  I8;i0;  d.  Nov.  2.'),  1802. 
11       .lerrmiah  Atwater  Murdock,  b.  Feb.  20,  lSii2. 

III.  Charles  .Murdock,  b.  May  1,  d.  May  N,  ]SOl. 

IV.  Anna  Miiidock,  b.  Sei)t.  2.  180.j:  m.  Rev.  Mi'.  Tyler.  Slie  was  bed-ridd.'U 
many  vi'S. .  and  under  this  minisi  ry  of  sorrow  devehi])ed  a  remaikably  beantilul 

V.  Abraaham  Murdock.  8ept.  20,  1810. 

VI.  Lvdia  Murdock.  ().;i.  18,  1S12:  d.  Feb.  Fj,  ixi,").      '  ^ 

Vll.  James  Murdock,  1).  June  14,  d.  Sept.  2(i,  l,sl5. 

Vlll.  Lvdia  Murdock,  twin   with  James,   m.  .\at]uini<4„   Smith,  s.  of   Nathaniel   and 

Comfort  (Stonp)  FJchard-^ou,  b.  l.slU:    Y.  C  18:34;    a;i    E])is.    (derg.   in   W'utcrtown   and 
Herbv.  Conn.,  and  Editcn- of  77u  i.'hi.rch  Ju-cinr. ;  D.H. 

IX.  Martha  .Murdock,  b.  _\pril  2,  d.  .Aiu'ii  :!,   jsl7.-'- 

.,34-4.  Mehitable  Tuttle,  b.  June  11),  Ki!)'.);  m.  Dec  7.  1721,  Jolm,  s.  of  John  and 
Elizabeth  Heecher,  bap.  April  0,  lO'Jij.  In  1717  he  prt.  to  sell  laud  to  bro.,  J<:benezer 
Boecher  willi  consent  (jf  his  mo.,  Elizabeth  Beecher,  as  Ins  guard,  lie  d.  Feb.  22,  1724, 
a.  28.  (grave-stone)  h'av.  an  only  ch.,  John.  Inv.  -t'OlO  18s.  sd.;  ^vid.,  Mchila.ble,  admx. 
She  in.  (3)  Jan.  l-M,  HOJ.  Ixirnabas.  s.  of  Barnabasl  aiid  Sarah  i ;Bu<-kinglutm)  Haldwin  of 
Milford.'fiap.  there  .Ian.  1.  ir,:jO.  but  \k  says.  C.  C.  Ikihlwin.  a.seai  ly  a>  IClrJ.  and  is  nauuHl 
in  Ihe  will  of  that  date,  of  his  mother's  fatliei-,  SamuiJ  lhiid;ii,g]iani  of  Miltord.  He  set 
lied  in  New  llasen,  buying  our  the  wid.  and  heirs  of  (.'hatlertnu,  iiur  ret.  to  .Miiford  and 
settled  oil  the  ■■  lli>e^-  .Vle;i(liiw  "  land,  tafieiward  snnth-\M'st  part  of  Woodbridge)  rec  l)y 
tleed  fciun  Id-  f.itluM- in  1720  and  in.  1724,—- a  n;irt  of  liie  ■'  Ibigg  .Meadow  purcluise,"  .^o 
called,  a!i,uu  six  Inuidrefl  :,cres  in  Miiford  an.l  l)eri>y  Nvhich  Tontoiiuic.  a  sagamore,  gave 
to  Sergt.  Hiidianl  lUildwin,  gr.  f.  of  Baruaba-^,  May"  2;;,  1720.  Barnabas  was  one  of  the 
first  m'em.  of  the  chh.  soc.  at  Amity,  1742,  and  that  yr.,  as  agenr  of  the  soc.,  meiiioriah 
ized  the  L.  gi--4:nu!e  f<,>r  iiicovpcu-ation.  ln17-'.ihe  v,as  khisigu  of  tb..'  Oth  Co.,  and  in 
17411,  Lieut',  and  is  ^u  called  in  the  New  Hav,  record  of  e;ir  marks.  20.  171().  In 
174^''  made  l)v  the  A^Munbly.  ('apt.  of  the  Co.  foi  .\inity.  In  .Xjuil,  1  7;^7 .  Jolin  Beecher, 
miiinr  s.  of  John  Beecher. '  dc-c.  cliose  C;i]it.  Jolm  .\'Hing  for  guard.  In  1744,  .lojui 
Bee(4iei  sieu.;  (I  a  reh'ase  of  his  stele  fi.tlicr,  Bal'iialias  Ikildwin. 

1.     John  Bee,du.'r.  b.  Sept.  o.  1722;  m.  Mtirv  Wilmot.      i.  by  2d  m.: 
11.      Barnabas  P-.-iMwii'..  b.  A  uj;.  Ml,  172ii;   m'.  Mai-I,  10,   1  7lS,  .Mary  Terrell . 
HI.      Mehitable  Baldwin,  b.   Pec.  17,  172S:   m.   M  mvIi  (i,  17.-)1.  -latnes  4'hoinpsou. 
IV.      Esther  Baldu-in.  b.  March  2(j.  1731;   m.  Dee,  22.  17is,  Benj^uuin   Bull. 
^■.      Elsie  Baldwin,  b.   .\pril  2il,  17;;:!;  (L  Jan.,  ISP!,  a.  SI);   unni.;  tlu-n  called  Alice. 
Vi.      Temiieraiiee  lialdwin.  b.  Mav  20,   i7:UL   m.  Sauim-l  p.aldwin. 
^'11.      Sarah  Hal. 1  win,  b.  .Marcli  lO-    17;::s. 
A'HI,      Thomas  lialdwiu,  b.  July  lU,  1742. 
IX.      Buiwell  Faldwin,!).  Julv  18,    174i;  d.    uum.   in  Woodbridge,   Conn.,  I'Vb.  17, 
1833,  a.  8^'. 

*Tlwy.  ifcotd  of  Rev.  James  Murdock's  chil.  is  from  one  .side  of  a  le.if  of  ,.i  small  accovnit  bo^k,  on  thc- 
othcr  S'dc  of  which  leaf  sre  si;ndry  itcris  of  sfroceiies  and  provisions  made,  app.ircntiy,  in  iSnj.  This 
book  is  in  the  possession  of  1  homas  Ch.ittf^rion,  Ksq. ,  of  N.  Y.  C. 

•••B:irnahr.s  Baldwin  (s.  of  Kuhardi.  \>.  in  Miiford,  idfij  ;  his  misfortunes  commenced  before  his  birth.— 
a  posthumous  child,  and  bv  t!^•  then  !;iw  in  Conn.,  was  not  entitled  to  any  share,  nor  did  he  receive  in 
distribiuior,  any  sh;:rc  of  he.  f;\:hei's  hu^^e  est.  He  la  (i)  Sarah  r.ui:kin.i;ham  of  .Millord,  and,  jr., 
was  her  voungeMt  child.  "Born  of  a  rich  faOicr,  leuitimaie,  but  no  heir,  I  kt-ow  not  what  life  he  led  lyi'i  or  I'j,  when  hi;  hr.itiiers  and  sisters,  bv  .se\-eral  deeds,  ccrnv.  to  him  "  Wog^':  Meadow'  because 
he  was  not  included  in  ihe  disc,  of  liis  f.,  Richard's,  est.  in  \('<,s.  He  was  one  of  the  ;; ranters  of  the 
charter  of  Derby,  and  one  of  the  corf.i.i:u<irs  of  ,-\mily  :  Sclectmrui  of  Miiford.  and  wUh  .Siin'l  Clark,  sr., 
appr.iiser  of  Gov.  'freat's  est.,  171^..     tie  leii  .10  '^hillintrs  to  \ .  C'— V.'((/</:c/'«  0\-r..   /.  gj,  y.). 

atwateh,  tuttle,  bepxher.  153 

3441.  John  Beccher,  1).  Sept.  5,  \l'2-l:  boutclif  in  1760  of  Stunuel  (lilbert  tlu'. 
Exclinii^c  Uuildiii;;-  lot  for.  of  <'liuirh  ami  t'lmpcl  sts.,  X.  II.  After  his  d.  liLs  s.  Tliad- 
dciis  luid  liis  store  and  dwellinir  house  there.  "'  After  d.  of  Tliadfleus  tlio  jdace  ■\vas  sold 
•Ian.  -i.  1824,  to  tlie  Katrh.*  Bank,  and  the  house  was  then  rem.  to  the  soutli  side  of  W. 
<_'ha]K'l  St.  and  is  now  the  rear  of  Benjamin  Beeelier's  store.  Eli  B.  Austin  bouj^ht  of 
tlu- heirs  of  Tliaddeus  Beeclier  the  lots  on  Cluircli  St.,  and  that  ])art  of  the  Gilbert  lot 
continued  in  tlie  possession  of  tlie  'futile  desr.  until  tlio  present  time,  tlie  next  owner 
being  Se_vmour  Bradli^v,  the  next  Emily  Dwiglit,  dau.  f)f  (.iiles  Mansfiehl.  'I'lie  lot  and 
store  on  \V.  Chaoel  st.,  wlioie  tht-  old  Beecher  lionse  stands,  is  still  owned  bv  the  wid. 
of  Eli  B.  Austin."— A'tr.  Dr.  Clcnland  in  X.  IT.  Col.  Ilisf.  .%>,-.  Paptrs,  vol.  1,"  '-Gilbert 
Lot."  lu  17-lS  .lohn  Beecher  conv.  land  in  .\init_v  to  I'liphalei  Beecher.  He  iii.  Marv 
AViim<,t,  b.  172(j;  d.  Feb.  is,  1^00.  *('apt.  John  Beecher  d.  Nov.  2)2,  17!i3,  a.  72  yrs. 
1.     Eli,  b.  1748:  in.  Susanna  Kimberly. 

II.  Thaddeus.  b.  1749;  d.  .v.  /.  Jan.  17,  182o.  He  lived  and  carried  on  bu.-iness 
<-orner  Church  and  Cha])el  sts.  (Exchange  Place  Cor.)  until  he  .sold  the  property  to  tlio 
Eagle  Baid^.  It  is  sadd  that  lie  paid  a  gallon  of  nnu  for  a  sapling  tliat  he  })lanied,  now 
the  niaguiticent  elm  that  spreads  its  shelterii-.g  arms  over  tie'  town  ]ium]>.  "  For  more 
than  -"iO  yrs.  lie  was  a  respectable  n!^■rchau^  in  this  city  (.N.  11.).  honest  and  honorable  iu 
his  dealings  with  all.  A  lirnm-dlent  and  iirin  friend,"  gra^•e  stoiu-.  Anna  Smith,  wid. 
of  Warham.  in  her  \s'lli  dated  ]^12  naities  Iter  friend  Thaddeus  B<:'eelier;  the  o  chil. 
of  Charles   and   Alngail  ChfumC'^y;   Anne  Prentice  \N-f.   cd' C(j1.    Jonas  and  others.      He  in. 

Lois ,  v.dif)  d.  April  20.  istjo,  a.  57;  (2)  Elizabetli,  dau.  of  IJichard  Cutler,  ^^]lod.  A[iril 

21,  l^ilO,  in  ;-)Slh  yr. ;  (oi  Rebecca  Dunning,  who  d.  Dec.  9,  1823.  a.  .>l.  He  devised  liis 
}MO]nMty  to  M(4dtal>le  Mix. 

III.  .Marv,  b.  17ol;  d.  Julv  4,  178(1.  a.  ;;.");  ni.  Benjamin  Cutb-r,  b.  1746;  d.  June  30, 
1774.  a.  2s. 

IV.  Sarah,  b.  1756:  d  Sej.t.  13,  17!Jo,  a.  39;  ni.  Jonathan  Austin,  wl...  d.  <)..'t.  10, 
1823.  a.  7s.  1,' 'i'!:t  s,  b.  1783;  d.  Apiil  22.  1866,  a.  >^o:  m.  Almiva  Hull.  b.  ]7!il; 
d.  Fell.  In.  1S6U,  a.  78.  /.,  dau.;  m.  G'eo.  Mingan;  re.-^.  X.  Hav.;  2,  Thnddeus,  res  X.  J. 
2,  John,  d.  unm.  3,  Saii-MI.  b.  lil)U;  d.  M:-.r(di  2,  l>-6(),  a.  76;  unin.  4.  N.\.v(v,  d. 
inf.  o.  Ei.r  BEKfiiKi:.  b.  June  23,  17113;  d.  .\pril  I'l.  1~42;  in.  Mary.  dau.  of  Snmuel 
and  Sarah  G  orb  am",  who'd.  March  17,  1822,  a.27yi'>. ;  (2.^  Grace  Maria,  dau.  of  Cajit. 
lienjarain  Beechei',     (jin.sty 

V.      Mehitai.le.  b.  17."i6;  m.  Elisha  Mix. 

W.     Content.  Ii.  170];  d.  Nov.  16.  17^4.  a.  23;  joined  First  chh.  in  X.  H..  17^0. 
Vll.      Mercy,  b.  K'ii':  i;i.  \\':dter  Bro^^n. 
Vlll.      Rhoda,    m.    !7^"^.    Jo-epii    Downs.      1.   J(\-KiMi .  ni.    and   lived    in    ^Voodin•idge, 

<.'onn.      2,   Am  \Mv\,  nnni.     3,    D.vr..  m.  Xortliroj),  sea.  cajitaiii.     4,  DAX:.,ni, 

Ciowtdi  of  Wocdbriiltre.      o.    D.\r.,  in. .Merritinm. 

IX.      Anne.  m.  ^^"il!iam  Cutler. 

34411.     Eli  Beecher,   b.  174S:  mast-.r  of  a  X.  Y.  and  X.  Hav.  j.arket;   wa^;  a';-cid. 
knocked  overboard  and  tlrowneil  in  X.  lla.c.  harb^;:-,  May  lo.  17^1>:  est.    div.   1792  to  wid. 
Susanna.  .Mary,  J^-nj.,  Susanna,  Sarah  and   'Idiaddeus.   who  weie  nnnors;   wid.  .Sujanna 
guard.      In  17!(2  an  agreement  between  Thaddeus  and  heirs  if  Eli  about,  a  own(>d 
in  commcni,  where  V.W  lived,      lb-,  m.  Sus.anna  Kimberly,  1>.  1746;  d.  Oi-t.  2n\  17'..'S,  a.  o2. 
I.      Benj^.niin,  b.  .fnly4.   1774;  ni.  Martha  ^'arnKilee. 
II.      M.u'y,   livir.g  in  ]"7M). 
HI.      Sus;inna,  b.  1777;  d.  Dec.   7,  \>^';\..  a.  72;  m.  J  allies  Cochran. 

1\".  Sarah,  b.  17S1:  d.  .Ian.  3'1,  1^')2,  a.  7  1:  m.  Jan.  lo.  Is06.  Thomas  .\twater.  b.  1.-,.  I7:s;  ,1.  An-.  21.  182^,  a.  oO.  1,  Stsaxxa  K.,  b.  11.  1M,(7;  m.  Geo. 
Lewi:-.     2,    Mai;v  H.,'Fel..    28,    1809;  m.   Theo.  D.  Read.      3,   ];i,i>iia,    b.  Dec.  l^^  JSU. 

4,  Em  B..  b.  June  22,  18)4;  d.  March.  1815.  o,  Xancv  IL,  Nov.  9,  1816:  m.  Amos 
Fo<.t  J^anies.  {l-'ui-:h  (tml  Jj'irins.)  6.  Tko.mas  B.,  Sept.  2U,  1818.  7,  S.-UtAii  B.,  Sei>t. 
7,  1S24:   111.  Ca|-t.   W.   W.  Clark. 

V.      Thaddeus.  1).  17s>^;  d.  Sept.  2,  1S22.  a.  31;   m.  Maria  ^Vuodwa^d. 
VI.     John,  not  named  in  div.  of  Ids  f.  est.  in  17V)2. 

*Thc  John  ISeecluTof  Vv'.  Hav..  b.  Oct.  i,  1744;  d.  Nov.  3,  17S5;  sup.  s.  of  Capt.  John.  In  1787  Deacon 
Nathaaif.-!  Smith  nnd  Capt.  Silas  Kimberly  lo  divide  his  est.  to  wid.  Mary  ladm.x.)  and  S  chil.:  distribution 
recorded  N.  tb,  Deo  .^o,  i7^->:  SHrnix-;  (.'.indee  and  Kiinhnlv  ('iviicrs;  wid.  to  h^ve  haif  tlip  hoii<e  ■ 
at  \\  es;  End,  the  barn  and  11  .icres  c,i"  land  at  U'cstlit-ld:  N;tlh,inic!  to  hive  the  cooper  .'hop;  the  other 
chil.  named  as  helow.  t)ne-third  of  the  sl.jop  liaehelor,  value  i'l  \  beloiig^ed  to  the  c>t.  ^Vid.  .Mary  was 
Prob.d.iii.  of  \\"m  and  sis.  01  Col.  Wni.  I.ycjo.  See  .ic'' ■'■'■"■''•'' It! •  '•  NAii:.\MH,.  2,  K?k.\,  m.  Mary 
'1  rowli.'-idLre.  wtio  d.  in  S-.ulhbury,  Conn.,  a.  o?;  had  s.  .V,i/.'/(!«/,7,  ni.  Dinah  Smith  of  W .  Hav.  3, 
J  iHN.      4,   .Ai.^NS'i.v.      :;,   D,v.l'.).      6,   !.-.\,J,e.      7,   .NI-;;..     3,  Tha.-.kicl. 

154:  BRAXCII    OF   TJIO.MAS. 

344131.    Benjamin  Beecher,  1<.  .July.i,  1774:  aftr-i'd.  of  liis  f.   livtvi  \\itii  liis 

1111 -Ic,  TilinUU;Us  Bi'cclirr.  1  If  Was  cupt .  of  tin"  fi  l>t  stciuilliuiit  1  ii-tNvcfii  N.  Y.  ami  X. 
11.  It  r;iii  only  i).  Byraiii"s  Cove,  riiirty-tive  miles  tioiu  X.  V.,  FultouV  m  mopnlv 
covering  thereat  of  the  water,  'i'lic  X.  Ilav.  jiasseiiiri  is  we n- carried  thence  hv  lainj. 
"  Capt.  I?en.  IjeerhiM-,"  in  liis  lai.r  yrs.,  was  t]n^  town  a:;-fiit.  aii<l  had  charu-f  of  the  tow  n 
j)our.  No  citi/en  was  heiHT  or  more  favoriil)U  l-;no\vii;  m.  \^'ell)l!a,  dan.  of  .leifiiiial. 
J'arnialee,  h.  177o;  d.  ls(j:l  a.  ss.  11^  d.  .Ian."  7,  IS.",!^;,  a.  84. 
1.     Eli,  b.  1790;  ni.  (.'amiine  Wallace. 

II.  William  Parmalee,  h.    17'.i7;  d.    1851);  unm.;  mariner;  made  liis  fir.-t   voyage, 
1812;  taken  bv  the  British  and  coniined  in  the  ]>artmonr  i)ribon  till  end  of  war. 

HI.  Heniy,  b.  17110;  in.  Harriet  "Woodward. 

IV.  (h-uce  Maria,  b.  March  7,  ISOl;  ra.  p]ii  Beeclier  Austin. 

V.  Joliii  Edward,  b.  Feb.  14    180:':  m.  Jeanm-tte  Thompson. 

VI.  l.abin  Smith,  b.  Jan.  30,  1803:  m.  Frances  A.  ].,ines. 

VII.  William  Parnialee,  b.  l^liO:  d.  in  S]iain,  Oct.  24,  1859. 

VUl.      Benjamin,  b.  1807;  m.js-^y,  lluldali  Foster  Yale,  i).  Oct.  17,  1808.      [4J 
IX.      Weahhy  Ann,  b.  1808:  in.  Elmer 'J'ownsend. 
X.     Elizabeth    roUins.    b.    Der.    i),    1810;  <l.    .v.    {.,   July    12.    187;i;  m.   Andrew    E. 

XI.     Mary,b.  isi:i;  m.  Charles  Henry  t'ulton;  (2)  Hon.   Frederick,  s.  of  Rev.  iienrj 

Croswell,  l>.l">.,  J ud^'-e  of  Probate,    who  d.  :  ns.    X.    Y.    ('.    with    Hev     Dr     J     if 

Tuttle.      No  Chil. 

XII.      Edward  Collins,  b.  181.J;  d.  a.  'A  or  4  vrs. 

XHI.      Sarah  Parmalee,  b.  1817;  d.  1874;  m."  Kov.  I.saac  H.  Tut  lie.  D.D.     [1] 
XIV.     Susan,  b.  1819;  m.    Hamilton   L.   Smith.      1,   S^s.\^,  m.   and  d.  leavin<;-  vounc 

XV.     Julia,  b.  1821;  unm.;  res.  X.  Y.  C.,  with  liev.  Dr.  Tuttle. 

3441  P.  11.     Eli  Beecher,  b.  1790;  d.  1830.  a.  41;  m.  Caroline  Walla.-e,  b.  179S;  d. 


I.     Caroline  Elizaberh.  d.  18:1=:,  a.  20. 
II.      William  Wallace,  in.  Jea.nnetie  Phipps.      lied    Dec.  17,  18:)2,  a.  33.      1,  ('Alid- 
ltxe;  m. .     2,  Eri.T;M;.  m.  . 

III.  \\'ealthy  Ann,  (i.   lN3s',  a.  17. 

IV.  Thaddeus,  m.  Maria  ]>roi.ks.     1,  Tkaodkcs.  res.  X.  Y.C.     2,  Fan'NV.     3. . 

V.     Eduin  Wullaoe.  a  rover:  unm. 

VI,      <'Jrace  Maria,  unm. 
Vil.      ]>cniarain  Eli,  the  only  one  living  (1878);   unm. 

3441313.  Henry  Beecher,  b.  1799;  d.  March  23,  1855;  m.  llarnet  Woodward. 
b.  1801;  d.  LK'<-.  3,  1851;  (2)  Isubdhi  I'lUpr.son. 

I.  Henry  Auifustine.  b.  A])i-il  <1,  |S-.:!4:  d.  Feb.  lii,  1859;  m.  Marv  L.  Baker:  .v.  i.. 
il.      Harriet  Maria,  Feb.  1,  182(i;  in.  Carver  J.  (ioss  of  Colorado;  .v.  /. 

III.  Edward  Collins.  May  20.  1831:  m.  Jan.  28.  ls,-)7.  Fidelia  Starr  Morehouse:  res. 
X.  Ilav.  1,  Fir)i;M.\.  d.  18lil.  2.  Cii.\.i;i,i:s  h^Dw.vni).  3.  Hati  u:  \V()01){D,  b.  Sept. 
13  1801;  d.  Aug.  19,  1803.  4.  Si  sii;  Sia!;i;,  Xov.  14,  lsG4.  5,  IhiNKY  Nifiioi.sux. 
June  28,  1807.      0,  .A.XMf.   Fasskt'i,  r>ec.   12,  Is;-,'. 

IV.  Siepheii  W'oodv.ard.  April  25,  18;>:;;  d.  March  23,  1857,  unm. 
V.      Sarah  Parmah-e,  m.  Alon/.o  Piee  of  Col.:  .v.  /. 

W.     Cliarle.s  Austin,  <.>;-t.  9,  1"<37:  d.  June  s,  1857. 

VII.  Piobert  William.  He,-.  14.  iNiil);  m.  June,  INi'rJ.  Antoinette  (.'(kkIscII;  res.  Hartf. 
1,  Al.KEKT  WOODWAIID.  Jan.  5,  ISO'J. 

VIII.  Ellen  Forbes,  b.  Aug.  27,  1813:  d.  March  5.  l'^44. 

IX.      Anna  Cordelia,  twin  with  Ellen,  <1.  W-r.  2><.  1S4;;.      i.  bv  2d  m.: 
X.     ^^  illiani  Henry,  March  23,  1851;  lost  at  sea  oil  C.-ipe  Town,  .May  12,  1S70. 

3441314.  Grace  Maria  Beecher,  b.  .March  7.   1801;  living  in  18^1   a;  West 

Medvcay,  .Mass.:  m.    Eli  B<-ei-her,    s.  of   Jonathan    and    Sarah   iBi-ecln'r)    i<'/,(t.)    Austin. 
He  m.  isl..  Mary  Uorham,  who  d.  ls22.  a.  27. 

I.  Mary  .\iignsta  Austin,  Xov.  11,  1S21:  m.  June  -xi.  ]SK;,  W'm.  C.  P;iin,  b. 
Tenn.,  Feb  -j-i,  IS'M.  1.  .M\i;v  Ih  iz  \r.r.]ii,  b.  .Man-h  9,  is.",!;  d.  .Mareh  5.  lsS5.  2. 
l>\vi!A  M\i:iA.b.  Dec.  8.  is.-.O;  ir,.  June  5.  IsTli.  Willis  IV  Teiuele.  b.  .\I,-irlb-ro.  .Mass. . 
.Ma\   5.  1S.-)1. 

II.  Beiij.  l-^.re,hcr  Austin.  Aug.  13.  182ii:  d.  Jan..  ls'(;7:  m.  1S51,  in  M.c.  Eli/.:.beib 
(iriliin.  who  d.  1875.  1.  Ih.i  I'.iN.iAMi.v.  2,  \\M.  Hh.MiV.  3,  Fdiisa  .Mai:i.\.  4. 
I>o!;t.!;r  Sni.iiM  an.     5,    Iji/ai'.i 'i  ii. 

r.EECIlEE.  155 

HI.     Sarah  Klizalj<-th  Austin,  Jan.  20.  1S2S;  d.  Au_t,^  5,  1831. 
IV.      Win.  P^li  Austin,  Judo  20,  l.syO;  d.  at  «('ii  June  20,  iN.jl;  unni. 
^'.     CIkk.  Ilonry  Austin,  Sept.  H.  \><-'-i:  d.  June  10,  1S37. 
\\.      Henry  ('niton  Austin,  April   1(1    1S:!7;  ni.    in    111.    Martlia  Iluddk'ston.   b.  A'a., 
Oct.  11,  1SI2.     1,  ']'ii(iM.\s  J.\si-Ei:.     2,  ("has.  Hk.nky.     3,  Faxmk  Amki.ta.     4.  Hos- 
\Vi;r.i,  (.'(>.     Ti,   Ai.i;kkt   Ki.Mf.K.      (!.   (i'i;.\(K  AicrsTA. 
VII.     Kli/.aljetli  Bft'rlier  Austin,  April  2S,  INIO,  uiun. 

3441315.  John  Edward  Beecher,  b.  Feb.  14,  1808;  d.  May  21,  1S78.  In  1821, 
\v(^nt  on  a  three  yrs.  whalina-  voyage  and  on  return  made  chiel'  nuite,  soon  alter  cominir 
of  a^e,  made  master;  and  so  continued  until  185S.  In  that  year  was  wrecked  in  shij) 
Sebago,  and  took  to  tlie  boats:.  After  24  hours  nf  ini,  use  suiTt'ring  was  jucked  ii)i,  but 
was  nevei-  \\'ell  afterwards;  m.  Jeannette,  dau.  of  ^Villianl  'J'lHini))son,  ^\■ho  lived  niajiy 
yrs.  on  Georixe  st.,  X.  11.,  whei'e  the  Trinity  chh.   "  Home"  now  stanils.      Shed.  1808. 

I.      Kmily,  d.  1^71;  m.  Samuel   ]?.    ^'mith,  and   anions;  others   had:     1,   CouDiCLiA 
M.,  m.  Feb.,  r^7?.  Frederick  IJurton,  s.  of  liunou  iuid  M:try  (lieecher)  Mallory.      [4] 
II.      Harriet,  m.  Xoyes  ('.  Mix.      (2")  John  C.  Anderson. 
III.      John,  uum. 

rV.  Mary,  d.  1S77;  m.  John  V.  Anderson,  who  m.  (2)  hvv  sis.  Harriet,  wid.  of  N. 
C.  Mix,  s.  of  John  Anderson,  who  d.  in  Paris,  France.  Nov.  22,  IS'"^!,  leaving  personal 
jiroperty  valued  at  .*1  .lO'VOOO,  and  real  estate  at  upward  of  2,."i00.(!00,  situated  in  X.  Y. 
C.,  Westchester  Co..  Fa.,  aiid  Mas,-.  One  it^m  of  the  I'lal  estate,  being  a  block  near 
the  Fifth  a\o.  entrance  to  the  Oentral  Park,  consisting  of  twelve  lots  on  Fifth  ave,  and 
7  on  58th  St.  This  land  -vs as  bought  a  few  years  ago  liy  the  acre,  and  its  sah'  by  Mr. 
Anderson  is  rej)orted  at  .$030,000  in  1882.  ^tr.  Anderson  is  now  erecting  an  elegant  res. 
on  Oraujre  St.,  Xew  Haven.  1,  Ai-iC'KM.,m.  Putherford,  s.  of  Tliomas  Tro\vbr)dge.  [11]. 
V.  '   Erjward,  d.   y. 

^441316.  Laban  Smith  Beecher,  b.  Jan.  30,  1805;  learned  the  trade  of  a  wood 
carver  of  llezekiah  Angnr.  When  Jacks<ui  was  Pre~.  lie  rarve<l  his  fijrine  at  ful)  lengtli 
for  tlie  frigate.  (  on>titution.""  .-Vfterward.  he  was  ii\  a  ])rosperous  leather  business 
with  F.luKM- Tow nsci\d.  In  18.38  a  L'lrector  in  the  Cliicagij  Land  Co.;  subseijuently  he 
bought  largely  w  irh  Indian  land  warrants,  and  from  Oshkosh.  Wis.,  sent  lumber  to  the 
eastern  markets;  and  at  time  of  his  dec.  was  tlmughl  to  be  the  second  largi'St  timber 
owner  in  Wis.  lie  did  much  to  improve  the  country,  and  won  the  confidence  of  the 
IndiiUis  by  Ins  efforts  to  jdotect  their  reservations.  ILv.  lalaued  to  procure  a  city  charter 
for  Po\buty,  Mass.,  and  was  elected  iju  its  tirst  I'oard  of  Aldermen.  .\t  time  of  liis  d. 
he  was  J'lvi.  of  the  Fnited  Insurau'-e  Co.  of  postf.n.  lie  d.  at  Oshkosh,  Mich..  Oct.  22, 
1876,  (jf  injuries  by  a  runaway  team;  bu.  from  his  res.  in  Poston  Highlands,  Mass.  He 
was  a  mem.  for  40  vr>.  of  xhe  Elliot  Com:,  chh.,  Pu.\burv.  IP-m.  Feb.  2i;,  18-J8.  Frances 
A.  Pines.     f4]  " 

I.     William  Chapman.  ]>.  :\larch  21.  d.  l).-<-.  2."),  lS2n. 

II.  T>ouisa  Augusta.  Dec.  27,  1^30;  ineatly  as,~isted  the  com])iler  in  collc'ting  this 
record  of  desc.  of  Jolm  P.eech(>r;  m.  .May  27,  18.V2,  William  tJaston,  b.  at  Kiiliugly. 
Conn.,  Oct.  3,  b'^20,  s,  of  .Mexander  and  Keziah  (.\rnold)  (Jasto'i.  His  ancestor,  a 
Frent.di  Huguenot,  came  over  about  172")-;jU,  and  set.  in  Killingly.  Conn.,  wheie  the 
family  continued  until  ls;j-'.  when  the  f.  id'  Win.  icm.  to  Po>ton.  He  ])re))ared  for 
college  at  the  Proo];lyn  and  Plaiidield  Aeademies;  entered  Hro\\'n  Fniv,  at  the  a.  of  lo, 
and  grad.  with  Imuor.  1^40.  Aft^-r  a  course  of  stiidv  in  the  law  olUce  of  Hon.  Fiancis 
Ililliard  oi'  Hoxlnirv.  and  of  C.  P.  \-  P..  P.  Curtis  of  i-Iostoti,  he  was  admitteil  to  the  l>ar 
in  1844.  In  Poxbury  le.-  held,  among  otiier  otiircs,  that  of  City  Solicitor  for  a  number 
of  yis.;  ehcted  .MaMU-of  theeity  ill  ISlil.  anil  re-rlecied  in  18i;2,  alnmsl  unanimously, 
there  being  but  four  Votes  in  o|ipo.--luon.  For  many  yrs.  In-  uas  a  un-mOer  of  tht- law 
firm  of  Jewell,  (iaston  iV  Field  of  Boston.  In  ls.""j;i  Imd  ISol  In^  w  a.-  elected,  to  the  House 
of  Hepx.  as  a  \\'l>ig;  and  auain.  in  ISoii,  by  a  cwinMnat imi  cd'  W  bigs  and  r>emocrats 
against  the  ivnow  notliings.      In    18ijS,    idected    to    tin-   Senate,    thoui;-li   the    district 

.■^i  v;anic.  not  llio  hc,i;l  ot  Ho'Dier.'-.cs.  but  t!ie  hcaj  cf  Gtn  j:ick;on's  vvoc>ciL-n  statnt-,  ihc  !;t;urL--hci!il  ol  the 
Constitution,  'flu.-  d.^rintr  liiie!  went  in  a  bnat  al  niL;iu  and  s;\>.vcd  itotT.  ru'lu  iiiider  ihi:  very  irf.iH  ot  the 
otlicer  who  guiirded  the  deck.  One  of  lI'ic  e.irs  was  sunt  .-s  a  t;i  tt  in  .Mr.  .M.  No.ih  of  .N .  V.  C .  Tliis  act 
vv'.is  supposed  to  linve  a  pohtir.,1  sii,'nrti.Mncc.  and  tlie  [lemocrat--.  char!^f<l  ilic  Whic's  with  it.  It  c.iu^ed 
a  {jreai  excitement  ihroughoul  i)  c  LOuntry.     4'iic  ship  «a.-;  <ir>'.LTcd  to  .Vi\\-  N'.i.'k   ;ii;d  il;c  licui  repl.iced. 

150  BRANCFF    OF    TIIOM.VS. 

t^trou'^'-lv  Kc]Mil)licaii.  In  1870.  nfter  tlie  aimexutinii  of  Koxbury  to  Boston,  ]u-  was 
olectpil "Mayor  of  the  enUui;:L'd  city,  and  reelevtcd  inl.sTl.  In  1S74,  plected  (Jovof 
Mass.  bv  about  7000  maJDritv  over  Lieut. -Gov.  Thomas  Talbot.  In  187(j  lie  dediiu'd 
tlie  nmi.  for  (/ov.  in  favor  of  Clias.  Francis  Adams,  and  the  sm.  yr.  declined  the  Cou^. 
Dom.  fn;m  tLit  Fnurlh  District.  At  tlie  expiration  of  his  Gubern:itorial  term  he  activelv 
resumed  his  proiV.ssional  practice,  and  in  ItuO,  having  associated  Mr.  ('.  1..  B.  \\'hilney, 
continues  undrr  the  firm  name  of  Gaston  &  Whitney,  \\diile  Gov.,  the  hon.  (bsg.  of 
LL  D  was  .(Uifrrred  bv  Brosvn  and  llarv.  T'nivs.  1,  S.\l'..\]i  lIow.\U]\  ]).  IS',;!.  -J, 
Wm    Ai  KWNULK,  b.  IS.")'.):  II.  C.     -^  TiiKODDi;!-;  I'.r.KeiiKit,  b.  isni  ■  d.  1S(!'.). 

HI  Fiances  Aiueliu,  .1  une  o,  188:3;  m.  lion.  Henry  G.  Crowdl,  (s.  of  Isaiah  Growell 
of  Vaiiiicmth  ("apt-  t'od.  Ma-s.,)  meirhant  of  Boston:  mem.  of  the  Governor's  CNumcil  of 
Mass.  in  Gi,v'.  GiaHin's  adm.,  and  has  hrld  oihtM"  public  trusts.  1,  xMaktii.v  LOUISA,  b. 
ISO.")      ',\   Ai.Ki:  Bkowx,  b.  1861). 

IV.  'I'lieo.lore  SediTwick,  1).  Ajuil  (I,  18:35;  d.  .^larch  S,  184(;. 
V.  l-;ii-/.abeth  (lourley;  b.  March  5,  18;j!t;  m.  Hon.  Henry  Wm,  l'\i]ler,  b.  Hooksc-iJ, 
N  H  '.hiiic  :>0,  IKlS.  (s.  of  David  (i.  and  .lime  C.  Gonvi-rsc  Fuller);  Hart.  Tel.  18.")7, 
dasspn.'t-  LI..  i?.,Harv.  1859,  takinti- first  pri/.e  for  legal  es--ay:  b.-an  practice  ai  Con^ 
cord  N  11.,  ISC.O;  was  tlm  tirst  man  to  enlist  in  thr  Hegt.  N.  11.  vols,  on  3  mos.  call 
in  1S(U:  c.n'imi.ssi'uned  as  1st  Lieut,  bi-forc  leaving  Hie  state;  serve, 1  through  the  war  in 
Depl.  of  Va..  Hept.  of  tin-  (iulf,  Dept.  of  the  Soiith;  promoted  to  raidc  of  Capt.,  Major, 
Lieut  -Col  .  V'ol.  aii'd  brev.Briir.  (fell.  After  the  \\-ar  remained  in  La.  two  yrs.,  then 
rem.  tn'Boxburv,  Mass.,  and  began  i>riictire  (d'  liiw  in  18G8.  Bep.  in  Mass.,  Leg.  1875, 
'7<i    '7^    'TU,  unci  Senator  18>^0.      1,   FKKi)}:uitK  BKi.tiiKU,  b.  187-2. 

'  \'l.     Julia  Martina,  b.  March  1.  ISll;  contribut-.r   to    Thr   Ua^'h-n  B'/U'   over  signa- 
ture "Aunt  Mary.'"     Avolume  of  .-.(deetions  from  lii-r  writings  lias  been  published. 

3441319.     Wealthy  Ann  Bcecher,  b.  1801);  d.  De,-.  L>1,1878;  m.  1831,  Elmer 
Town-nd.  b.  ls()7;  d.  in  Boston  1^:^71. 

I.'alieth.  Townseiid,  d.  a.  '2  yrs. 

11.      l-',li/.abeth  Townseud.  d.  ii.  7  vrs, 
HI       llenrv  Flmer  'fownsend.  b.  Dec.  '2l\  1S44;  liar.  1'.  ISC,:',;  Med.  ^^ch.  with  Imnors 
isr,7;  1,1.  .\pril"  11.  Istr?.  Emilie  AW   Kaupe.  1).  Mairli  10,  18415,  at  Crevelt  Bhine,  Prussia, 
L    IJoiiKKT  Fi.NrKK.  b.  at  Vienna.  Austria,  Feb.  7,  I^On.      2.   Fimtz   Ki)Wai;I),  ai  Boston, 
^ia--      \n.'-    15    ISiiO.     :S.    Lii.iAX  lli.-NKiKTi  A,  at  B.  .lune  17,  187;]. 

]\  ibden  G.rdelia  Tow]i^,i„i  ni.  Ai-ril  ]S,  187:3,  Theodore  F.  Breek,  M.  D.,  of 
Sprii!..:tield,  Ma-s.  1,  Hki.kx  'I'ow.nsknd,  -Marcli  10,  187:3.  2.  \\  M.  Gii.M AA.  ■Hiiie  rJ, 

A'.  15. -nj.  Bee(4ier  To\Mis<-nd,  Dec.  ISli);  liarv.  Fniv.  1^71,  with  honors;  matricu- 
lated at  IvliidMirdi  Fniv.  1870:  m.  Aug.  OO.  1S7-2,  Sophia  .Anna  Kanju',  b.  at  Crevelt  or 
Crefii-Id.  Rhine,  i'rusHa,  J;m,  27.  1^50,  1.  Nki.sov  Kat'I'l:,  1).  .\n'^-.  1,  ls7;3.  at  W  nitz- 
burg.  Lavaria. 

34415.     Mehitable    Beechcr,  b.  1750:    d.  F<  b.  -24,  lS-25,  a.  00;    m.  Fli.sha   Mix, 
b.  175!:  d.  Dec.  11,  lsl:3,  a    GO. 

I.  Klihu  Mix,  b.  1775:  supere;irgo  and  ])art  i>wner  with  ('apt.  Brintnal  fd  N.  ILiv, 
on  a-e.i'.irii;-  vovaee  to  the  Pacilie  and^'hina.  At  one  of  the  Sandwi(di  Island  (Owvliee) 
he  to,.!;  ,„,  bonrd'  and  biouii-ht  home  th-  two  naiive;-,  Thouuis  Koopln.  and  Henry 
<)l)oo!viali,  wh,,  %\,Te  taken  bv  die  i''or.  .Miss,  Sor.  and  educated  as  missionaries  t.)  their 
naiive  i.dand..  Koo]du)  returned  in  ISOO.  but  Glieoki.di  d.  at  the  lM)r.  M iss.  School  _ni 
Cornwall,  Conn.,  Fell,  17,  IslN.  a.  -jr,.  For  this  act  Mi'.  .Mix  was  ])oisoned  by  the  wife 
of  Kieg  'r:'.m:diama,  and  d.  at  Owvhee,  180S.  He  was  rharged  with  to  bring 
awav  a  son  of  tliekinii;  m  .  Nanrv  At  wat<>r.  i>.  .ian.  15,  i;s:];d,  ls.-,0.  1 .  l^inv  AKt),  b.  18O0; 
.sea'eapi,:  res.  N .  Hav.:  m.  ls:;il.  l-'.nulv,  duu,  of  Fbene/.,.r  I'ow  risr-nd,  1,  l-jJininl 
y,y/r/,.>,„(/.  m.  .Marv,  duu.  id'  Jolm  llayi's:  .v.  i.\  res.  .Milwaukee.  \\'is  0,  (JIju-'I.  '■'>, 
F''iii>i'.  4,  y-.''/' ////,' m.  .lames  Baldwin:  ii  cldl.:  summer  res.  near  N.  Hav.,  adjoining  tlie 
Kliliii  I'.hd;.'  pluei'.  ,in  Chcrrv  Hill.     0,  FmiiL  Lkoxakd,  m.  Mary  Ann  Barney  [/'"•'■■/]■ 

II,  .Mary  .Mi>..  b.  1770:  <l.  1815,  a.  00;  m.  Jotd  Pardee.  1,  HiJNiiY,  d.  .:<.  /.  abt, 
187^:  m. -". 

111.  LouiNa  .Mix,  b.  17:!l:  d.  1^17,  a.  ;'.S:  m,  Capt,  Caleb  Biintnal,  b.  .Jan,,  1775;  d. 
,Man-l!  5,  1n50,  a.  75  vr.->.  2  mos.  11, ■  was  Stati'  Dlre,-tn:-of  the  N.  llav.  Bani;.  lb-  m 
(0)1,1;.  l.~t  wf.'s  .-is.,  rontent.  1,  Ci;  \i:r.i:s  !',,,  b.  Matrh  01,  F-OO;  d.  1^0^,  ,;nm.:  de\i-ed 
a  larire  of  h'v  prop,  to  l^nu!  v  T,  lwn^.e^,dl.  to  whom  h.'  had  be,'])  engaiced.  0.  Ilr.XKV 
\y..\>.  *>,•!.  S,  psu.-,;  a.  .\iiril  l."lN51;  m.  .Mary  Ann.  dau.  of  Dr.  Forbes:  several  chil. 
:;.    F.i  (lit    Mix,  b.  An-,  vt,  lSiJ7;  m, Haiglit;  0  chil. 

I{EEC1IJ:K,    BALDWIN.  257 

IV.     Mi'liitabk-   .Mix.  b.  17^4;    d.  IVc.  5,  1841.  ;i.  r,7:    in.  .Mili^s  Croiham    1.    1TS2-  d 
IMarcli  1,T,  1^34,  a.  4-3.      1,  Loi-isa  ]}.,  1,.  ISIS;  ,].  S.-nt.  1,  IS  (r,.  a,  27.  -      •       -    .      ■ 

V.  Contrnt  Mix,  1).  17>^'.i;  d.  Nov.  ."i,  ISC.-,,  a .  7(1;  ni.  Frank  lUilklev  ■  (2)('ai,t  Calc-l, 
r.rintnal.  1,  S'aiiah,  hi.  II. -my  Fivld.  2,  Fiiaxcks  J^-lkt'ey,  111.  Matthew 
(f.  Elliot  (liis  2i!  \vf.),  1).  Nov.  Hi,  \xurr  inpicli. ;  Pvrs.  S.  lluv.  &  X.  London  11.  K.  Co.- 
Pits.  Tra(ii-ni.'nV  .\at.  Bank.  X.  Hav.,  -Ml)  yrs.  Jli.^;  l<t  uf.  wa.s  Marv  .Vni;,  liaiu  ot' 
William  Brintti/il,  jr..  by  wiinm  he  hud:  Charlfs,  d.  Auv.  lS:-;7  Hosalie  1)  .Julv 
ls;l9;  d,  Feb.,  lS4t.;.  Fred'-riek.  1>.  .Maivh,  1H4L  Tlieodure!  d.  a.  G  iiios.  3,  H.'\Kl;v 
Bl!I^;T^AI;.     4.  ]\rAMV  Br.iNTX\i,,  in.  Leveret  Pardee. 

VI.      Flisha  >Fis.  b.  1794:  d.  1S18,  a.  19;  lost  ai  sea  o!i  voy:io-e  to  France 
VIL     hlenry  .^lix,  b.  1707:  d.  Wert  Indies,  Au^-.  12,  lS21,a.'24. 

34417.     Mercy  Beecher,  b.  17'o!);  d.  .lan.  22,  184.-),   a.   7G;  m.  Walter  Brov.n    b 
1770;  <1.  Nov.  2:,  1>>IJ7,  a,  ;^7:  s.  of  Jacob  Ibowu  win,  d.  A].ril    7,  17it;i  iu    his   4G!h   vr.; 
Thad,  Beecher  one  of  tiie  aduirs.  of  liis  e.-l.  in  17!)'. 

].      Mary  Brown,  b.  Jiuie.  1704:  d.  .Inly  •?,:,,  JTHC. 
11.      Kli/Abeth  M.  r,roWH.  b.  1790:  d.  Oct.  1.  Is47,  a.  51;   ninn. 

IM.     Jacob  Bio\.ii,  b.  17iiO:  d.  June  24,  188:^  a.  ;ji;  m.    ilenri.'ti:i  Mihs.    h    lSr»2-  d 
Sept.  24.  1832,  a.  SO.      1,  Matiy.  m.  Win.  Datr^rctt  Bryan,  merchant  tailor.  Xew  Haven 

2,    IIlOXHIf.TI  A. 

]y .     -Mary  Brown,  m.  Wm.  \\'ad>\\"ort]). 
V.      Wel',<t<-r  P>ro\vn.  b.  1>-0:J:  d.  .Ai^ril  20,  1818,  a.  15. 

84419.     Anna  Beecliei',  m.  William,  s.  ol  Hicdiavd  and  ilannah  (Muwell)  Cutler 

b.  Nov.  IG,  1774;  d.  June  S,  isn,  a.  MT  yrs.      II,.  ni.  (2'i  Susanna 

1.      Anna  ("utler.  only  child,  b.  N.  llav.  July  12,  177:j:  d.-  Feb.  8.    IS.j!),   a.    7G;  m. 
Oct.  9,  1792,  rharies  WhittleM-y.  mercliaiH  of  X.   II, ,\.,  b.  iU-t.  18,  17<>4';  d.  I>ee.  12,  I's^s". 
a.  64;  s,    ot   liev.  Sanmei   i;ind   bm.    of   Susanna    Wliittlescv,  b.  Dec.  25,   170G,  who   ni." 
Judo;.:    Dyer    White,    f.    of   Henry  White.   F-^q. ,  desc.  fnnn  "Pres.  Channcev.)     1,    MvKY 
('uti,t:h,  1).  Ani{.  12,  179:'.;  d.  X.  II.  Dec.  5.  ls.-,;S.     2,  ri[ArNCi:v,  b.  Aug-."5,  d.  .\\v.  25. 
1795.     o,    Susanna,  1,.  Dec.  5.  17UG;m.  P.ev.  Samuel  Bridire  Iriirer-ol.  ^".'^C,  isl7,  A ,  M  • 
d.  1820:  (2)  ^Vin.  T.  Fusii^  of  Boston.     4,  Chaiilks  Bisyax,  b.  Dec.  12,  179S:  J)ca.  'ist Clih.' 
N.  II.  18ootode,-.  Uci.  18,  1*^49;  merchant:  m.  Jane  Bradley  :Muiford,   b.  June  s    l.sOo' 
[G]  5  chil.     5,  CuAtNeKY,  b.  S'-i't.  (i.  18UI;  Y.  C.  1820;  A.  M.,  Bev.;  d.  March  12   ]s2G' 
G,  Joiix  <'rTT.Ki!,   b.  Xnv.  1.  isii:^;  d.  Ane-.  13,  ls;J5;  ni.  June  7,  1829.  Fli/,a  Vraller    b 
1807.     7,    l!i:.N-KY   Xkwtox.  b.  Feb.  9,  isyS;  m.  Xov.  3(1,  1.S37,   Elizabeth  A.  Wilson  of 
N.  11.     8,   .MAiniiA  Ann.  b.  Oct.  i:'.,  1811;  d.  April  5,  1S4G:  ni.  Feb.  17.  1s39,  Bev   Geo 
Alexander  Oviatt,  A.  .M..  is  12.      1,    Gtorge  AL.ritnJn-,Y.  C.  lii'rZ-  Yi    D     X    Y    Col    Med 
1875.  ' 

3442.  Barnabas  Baldwin,  h.  Au,<r.  31,  172G;  d.  Dec.  24,  1804;  w.  ],.rov.  Jan.  14, 
1805:  Epluaini  and  Siias  exci.,.  1  lie  d.  of  two  of  his  slaves  are  rec.  in  \\'  chh  rec' 
1792  and  17.)9;  m.  March  10,  174s,  Mary  Terrell  of  .Miliord,  who  d.  Jan.  15,  1803,  a.' 
74;  res.  Woodbridei',  Conn. 

I.      Sila.s,  b.  Xla.'cli  11.  1748;  bap.  Oct.  19,  1748;  X.  11.  chh.   rec;   d    v. 
II.      Mary.  ba]..  Fei.,.  10,  1751;  d.  y. 

III.  Sarah,  bap.  Jun-' 3,  1753:  prob.  d. 

IV.  Bai-nabas,  b.  1?G0:  n;.  lluldali  Allinrr  BiJdwin. 
V.      Jaied, 

VI.      .Mary,  h,  Mar--h  is,  in;.-,;  ;„.  17^:3,  Ebene/.er  Beeclier. 
Vil.     Ivphraim,  b.  17Gii;   m.  Martha  Newton. 
VIll.     Silas,  b,    1770. 

34424.  Barnabas  Baldwin,  of  Woodb,,  Capt.,  d.  Julv  11,  1804;  m.  Iluldali 
Allin--  (dau.  of  Enoch  and  Mary  Allnio-)  Baldwin  of  \\'oodbrid.ire."Conn.,  b.  Feb.  11.  17G4; 
d.  Dec.  15,  1801.  a  3S;  prob.  irr.  d.-ui.  of  Ebenezer  A llin::  and' .Marv  Tuttle  (;,... «n,  whose 
'Jd  hu.s.  weis  Asa  Told,  for  in  1797  she  shared  equallv  w'ith  thedaus,  of  Solomon' PhipMs 

m  the  divi-ion  of  .Mrs.  Marv  est.      m.  (2) .  ' 

I.      Inf.,  <1.  All-.  17,  17^7. 
11.      Amos,  d.  -hiiir,  1^17,  ;i.  ;;;j;  unm..  and  left  his  e^t.  to  his  b>nr  bros    below. 
111.      Allin.i:,  .1.  Ausr.  30,   i^2I,  a.  39,  num.,  and  left  his  est.  to  hi.s  three  bros. 
W .      Major,  b.,  1 7^-- . ■of  Bed.    Winir.    Minn.V   m.    Nov.   22,    Isio,  Harriet    Per- 
sons, dnii.  of    Linns  Line.-  of  V>'.,r,,i i.rid--,..  1,.'  M;iit1i  9,  17,SS:  livine;  i,s74  i,-,'  Ih^ihel.       He 
swerved  with  lionor  in  t'ne  war  of  lsl2:  d.  of  fever  Oct.  10  183!.      L    HAt;T  Bak.vai;as,  b. 
April  15,1814;  m.  Mav  G,  1835.  Heliecca  Barnum  of  Danhurv,  Conn'-  b   Xov    '"'5    IS13'  d 
•hui.  5,  1SG9;  (2)  Oct.  IG,  1873,  Carrie  Ilalverson,  furmerlv  of"Xor\vav,  Europe.  He' set.  1S57 


•  ij\i  \v;„,T  Minn  1  l)ir!"ht  V'lior.  h.  Aug.  SG,  1836;  m.  (Vt.  80,  1860,  SuPim  E. 
t^:^^^^%^Kj:L'-!:^.i^^i  ^.  SUlnA-M  Mavch  G,1S68.  3^  Dwi^ht  Major, 
h  Mmv  ■>:  1>^G7  '  -^  fr^v./Y/,  Winiaiii,  b.  Miiv2,  1838;  livinor18.  i,  m  Kea.luig.  Codh..  unui. 
•^  7/7/ ;•/•?./  l,/^.'/a^i>ec  ;V.  1S:;9;  m.  D.c  il,  1802.  Heuben  P.  t^iuiil.  of  Mass.;  res.  Muiue- 
'  V-  A  ,;,  1  H-UTi  •  b"  .T.-.-,  4  18(U,  4,  San, ad  EUlr.t.  b.  March  0. 184:$;  m.  Nov. 
T^Ciu   ^  "a.LUloof'Mi.       i:   Frank    K..    b     S.-pt.    11.   isi;3.     o,   m,,-,  ,,    April    0:?. 

18  •^"  ui;     kil  eci     v^    li    a.-oiden.  on  U.  ^^    Mi^..  K.  K      6,   C/.'.?..  Ml,  n,  b.  IVb.  14. 

sj-  n"-l^  t-ing^-  0-B.TSKV  .Ian..  0...  6.  1811:  m  (>L  !.,  ls^6.  Dr.  Wm. 
IHnieUof  Win.b^or  Locks,  Conn.  Sbc-  d.  Xuv.  11.  180:1.  1,  MiHov  IL,  ot  Ja.'kson- 
^^tl  !  Kb  V  ,,7'/,,,,,  /...  of  Iht.burv.  Conn,  3.  M/.'.,  dec.  8,  Ai5KAnAMT..NK-j.  b. 
ivh  lo  "is-i;  of  Bethel,  Conn.;  m.  April  li,,,  M.  Abbot  ot  Dan  bury.  b.  ^.■!^ 
n  1^-m'  1  7/./rnW,  b.  Aug.  11.186;j.  2.  G- -a  H  ..  b.  .Tuno  10,  b^r.o.  .^,  .!/.//■//.  Mmv 
;-}()'  I^Cm       4'   -l^T^'"',  Julv-'IC  1870.     .J,  ./e/w-^N  Aug.  ]4    bSrJ. 

'  V  C,.ann<vv.  b.  Aug..  1791:  d.  Nov.  26,  (,gra  st.)  d  Nov.  2...  (bur.  j.-c  )  1,01  m. 
M,v  isl~  Funic."  (Ulu  ot  .b.-.-ph  and  Kunicc(Bablu-in)  Jfmc.  ^li--  d.  ^rpt.  .-.U  180... 
1       Irn   (p  -^^    1^1^     m.  Sq.t.,  is:l.i.  Thoid  Muns.n  of  ^V.      1.    N.,v,/,.  m.  Charles 

Va^i'r:::.!  ..VA,;sonia.  Cnn..  =lnd  2  2,  M.nj,  ju._Jauu>  J^-  <;;,  ^  -  -^ 
1  1     1  ;i.l       •'      Ituriil  ll.irl    .if  \c'.v      av.,  rii.  IS.2,   Kun:.-e  h.    tr.-it.      ~,    J?AltAll  A.n.N, 

^oV  'i^%x:^  {'U\      mi^on   ,br„.  .,    Davi.n  and  had  Ch.rb.,  b.  April  0,  184o;  d. 

:;  :?-r.;i.m  ^\nuv  Tv:n^s<:\.  March  20.  1S24.  nf  ^^■,u.db^dg.^;  m.  -June  22,  lNo:3. 
V    the  I  ni.  n  .\nu   .       ..    ^^^  Baldwin  .d"  W.      1,  Abr,er. 

''"Tl''''lV W'b  17i>  '^N  H  V  :b"lS00;  u..  Bet^-y  of  X,  D.  >He  n,.  a  2d 
vf   \h..     .     nu:.davash,u-has.,     1  ■  SsMrKK  1 1. ,  -d' X.  H. ,  b.  A^n  d  2 , ,    s^i:  m^  M..^^^ 

]S(,4.     ...    A-.</,./^^A    b   .laa.^t.  t    .    .  ■  ^       I5nulh.v.      1,  Joseph  D.     2, 

^' ISO  ;  .(us'^'snlSsa^hL  2chd.  3.  JrMA  A  u..  B.  T^  Henry  of  X  Hav.^,Kl  r^. 
thr  4.  Makv  V...  m.  Ugd.'n  G.  Bail.-y  of  Mi.idletowu,  (  <n,n.  o,,  d.  >.  6, 
lA-rini;      7,  \Vn.].iAM.  ^8,  Daxxah. 

34^25.     Jarod  Baldwin,  d.  bef.  date  of  his  [.'s  Nvill,  ^'ec     1804    Avho  leaves  to 
his  chif  b  doi.      d'he  wid.  ni.  La/.arus  Clark,  f.  of  Andre^v,  W'^^^-)  I'/s  2d  wf.  liv  in ,  1874.  udth  s.,  Deor.ard,  and  said  to  be  88  yrs.  of  a.;  m. 
Caot  Vnd  ."'v  f'iark  of  \V..odb.  ^vho  d.  1804,  a.  70.  1.  Lc.UKNZO.  2,  Leoxaud.  o 
kjlx.  4  and  tNvo  n.ore.  Of  this  farn.  there  are  no  hv.  desc.  except.  Leonard  ot 
"\Vt)odbridge,  wlio  lias  seven  chil. 

TI.      Harriet,  :u.  (Jeo.  Kirtlaud  uf  Seymour;  d.  ;<.  i. 
in.      Lucv. 
34426.     Mary  Baldwin,  b.  Mard.    is,   176o:  m.  D-.-.  11,  17S;].  Be.^cher 

""^  ^^1  Pollv  B.^echer,  b.  April  7.  1785;  nu  1S04,  Wn,.  l^.-cher  of  W  1,  Hkxuy, 
kilh.1  on  ^"mboat:  unn.  2^  .Ikaxxkt  .K,  m.  Bcn.nett  of  Durham,  ^o,  Xki  sox,  m. 
,  ,.  .  V  V  J.  Ar\i>Y  \N\-  TO  and  1  v.'s  m  \N  aterburv,  I  oun.  ■),  hMKl.lM.,  m. 
'^'^:'T^^.^J:^^^n^:\  i  Axs..s,d.y.  8,  Monx,  d.  y.  1.,  Wu.mam, 
liv.-s  in  Waierinirv.     Four  more.  d.  y.  ,      ,       ,  ,        ii     iyi^ 

II       WUlis  I'.ecidi.-r    b    Xov.  20,  178i;;  d.  ^..utll,  iinm..  -Ian.  11,   IMs. 
in'      Sbeldou  B.>,'ch.''r.  Xmv.  14.  ITSO;  .1.  Soutli;   unm. 

IV       Eben.-zer  Beecher,  .lune  20.  17'.)i;  d.  unm.  ,-  rr.  ,   .. 

X.     Lucy  Maria  B.vcber,  .Jun.'2.  17'..4;  m.  1846,  Dea.  yan,u..d   Bradley   ol   Chnt.m, 

^■\-I.  Sophia  B,e.-h,r.  D.v  n,  1706:  n..  Jan.  7,  ls22,  Marcus  Ihddwin;  ,2)  1856, 
F.dwar.l  Hiiie.      Bv  1st  m.  had  4  cbil.  ,r       ■  vl^^     ci.  .  ,] 

Y  Fli/a  B.;  .duu-.  b.    Feb.    2,    1700:  m.    1810,    Abraham    1  emmg%yay.   [6       Sled. 

Feb  -i;  18.;?  1  CH.un.oriK.  ur.  H,..lddss  ,.f  Bethany,  Cuuk  1.  A  ':•'. 
r.-;.'\V.'siv'ine',  (  o'ua.  2,  Jam:,  m.  Cbarl.-.  I'.ukln^  .d'  Oxford,  Conn,  -j,  >.av.y.  .1.  a. 
2.      4.   .\!ai;v,  .1.  1S40. 

344f>7.    Ephraim  Boldwin,  b.  170,;;  ,C.p'^.  <d^M-.,odbridg.    (Wm;  .kja  Han- 

fvni     ^^h:^•  i,e  m.  ■•!  Cun.   i.r:;. .  .!  ui..'  0,  1  K:;  > :    .);.  Mar!  b;' .  dan.  .>!  Sani  uel  A -■^M'>!i.      •' 

''■  '^"f  '^i;,!K'^%nv"K  li^:i;  u>.  L.-uis  Chat-i.dd  .>f  Oxford.  Oum.  1  -"IX,  d.  uiuu 
2,  Axv  :;.  il\sNO>.d.unn..  1.  Hknkv.  5.  ^l AKTi> a,  u.  Mib.  Bal.iwn.  ...  \  oodh 
.2.  Hani. -I   rpsr.n  .0  Wai^-ri..wn.  Cum.      (Idl.  by  lM  m.  .le.-.      1,    J/-/'V.  i"-  Jucl'-" 

oFN.  Ihw.     -i,  Anrpxsta,  m.  Mh-rd  Kiis^ell    (,r  Oraiioc  and   lia-i   2   cliil       'i    Ja/n,     r,.s 

^^  tHxUi.  -,-,.. 

11.     X<nvt.,ii.  l.aj..  Nov.  17.  ITliM:  d.  Man-li  If!,  ni).-) 

111.      -M:i!y,  b;i]..  JuJv  •..>(;.  ITiM:   d.  :i.  S  ihavs. 

IV  ^■.'^vI.m,  IW-  i:-!.  ITDo;  d.  1\1,.  1:3,  isO'^:  ivs.  W„odb. ;  ni.  Juno  24,  l8J8,Anna 
Mana  dan.  ..t  hiu-h  ^r.w^.l!.  d.  >.]...  -I.  1^34,  a.  2-1:  cJ)  Nov.  S,  1825  Estlier  dau  -f 
Capt.  Isa^K-  STou  of  Milturd.  Coni...  h.  July  29,  1S04;  d.  Nov.  2^,  1^40;  (:})"  Su.^i,   (dau. 

March  1,  1N21;  d.  Oct.  Lj,  ]^;J4.  2,  A  ^ox,  ,1.  r.  ;!,  (;,:,,  KniHAnr  b  <),-t  12  Is'^G- 
<L  July, _lb-2.  in.  .!..„.  l.l.xll.  ,Mary,  dau.  of  Be-nianiin  Clark  .d'  Oran^.r  Ci'in  "~l' 
Ju^yj^nrni,,  b.  .March  G,  ls.-.:i     4,  Silas  Clakk,  b.  O.-t.  24.  1821;  m.  Jau.  2I.  IS.jl    Marv 

S^'^VJ.',.  ^'Ts  ""'''■  ^  '■'■■'"  t  '"f  ■'-"•  ^'"""-  •  '■'••'•  -^"-'"i^b  ^■'•'">. ;  ...  /.  .->,  Isaac,  b.  Aj.rll 
lo,  ]S,J,  ul  Au.s(,ii!.a:  m.  March  2y,  1S5-J.    \un  'J'reat,  .<<is    rf  Marv       7      Irldi,       >5    /V/-,? 

?^;    J^-    ■^"^";      '^'    ^^'"■"'■''-      'J-    Jif.K-s.    May  21.    lS;J],.,f   ^Vo.,dbrid^^:    m.   Ai.iil  11 
lK)b,  Xancy,   dau.   c.f  Abn.-r  J'Kil.hviii,    and  had:     1,    \,  ,rf.>u      ••>     /^,//;',//,,,       7  Vii  vi/ 
]^.TTK  Elizakkth.  b.  ]s;^y:  ,u.  <b-uv.v,  s.  of  An.os  and  Chariutu:  I^^  .vhor    '  Slu.  d    ;    / 
Oct.  IJ,  1S,,(;      s,    OiAKi.Ls.  Jau.  11.  l^yiJ:    m.  Au-    21.    isr^,,   Almira,  dau.   of   Calviu 
S]...nN  :  wa,  diNorr.-d  and  wmt  To  Ma>...  and  m.  anabi:  was  y  mos.  in  Gtli  and  27tli  re-ts 
y,  l.sTnK);MAi;i  V.  Marc]i:5,  bSiS:  d.  unin.  Julv(!.  isr.-J.     lo    Xi  v.tmx  Stow   Oct  ''S   l"jo'- 
o'-ii;o''  ~J'  V/-*^'  Klizabcrh.  dau    of   Ilcnry  P-ttit  of   Derby,  and    ha<l:     1,'  JoV,;  Mi^-di 
T'  ow-     ~/     fV'T'  '^''"-  ^^•,^^^'*-      ^'"  ^^"^^^  •"  '^"'  <'-'"'•   'th  iu   late   v,-.-u  and  ],r.naotcd 
T<.  2d  Lieu  .      11  _i-^WAKi>.  b  Ju:.c  2;,.  184:;,  WcMviile:  >.rv.  ft  u,o<.  in  27t]i  Kc^t.  Conn 
V(ds.,  ni.  Jan..    \  .  Strong  of  W  .     ],   s.^, .      12,    Jb.,u:uT,  b.  Aug.  4.  1849:  res.  X.  H. 
^.     Barnabas  H.,  d.  D.C..  18'iy,  a.  ;{  vrs. 
^'l.      Infant,  d.  Dec.  ;]1,  ItOS. 
Vll.     Mary  AdcHno.  ba]..  June  7,  ls]2;  b    JVb.  ],  ISbS;  ni.  Jan.  f,    l.s:^l    Sib..-    ^    of 
i  hmcas  lolvof  Nvoodbridgp.      1,    Eaki.,  ni.  Mary  Skcds  of  Sev,;u,ur;  res    \\oodb'   1 
Uarrtrl.     2,   JLl.r,.     S.   ('harls.     4.  Ad,riC.     2,  Maktua   Axx".  n,.    Marcus   Karl    Bald- 
v'lu.      .-,,   J  iKM!  V,  ni.  Cornelia  Baldwin,  sis.  to  .Marcus  !•:. 
VIII.      Xel^on,  d.  a.  .")  yr.^-.,  eating  wddlc  lead  for  suoar. 

34428.     Silas  Baldwin,   1>.  177n;  d.  Aiuil  1,  I.SOS;  m   Marv b    Iune1->    1-~4 

<.d  Woadbridge,  d.  July  19,  ISjs.  '  '  ,     .     i  1  c  j.,  1 ,  ,-t. 

,,"■  ^■'-  l^"->!x  a  .^,.  ].  tredn-lrl  Elhur.  March  2G,  1841);  m.  and'lives 
...  ar  Scramon.  \\x  }.^L.-U'd  H  ./'^,  n-.  X.  Ilav.  4,  JnnsKY  Loitsa,  June  5,  1821;  m 
if'''}  i^'^-  -V".^-  ]•  ^^'■••':  ■^-  '  •■^.  Fkaxkiin,  Julv  12.  182f;,  of  \V  •  ni  Dec' 
lb,  l.'OO,  Eiuuce  (iuith,.ld,  and  had:  1.  7/^' //, v/ 7.W/ ,■/•<//,  March  5  bs.",:!  ■)  Fivnflh) 
yl(/r/./.v/?/.v,  Juiu- 27,  185."").     ^).  J.  nni:  J.,,,i;s,'.      '  '     '        '-''^"-'"• 

11.      nul<lah.  Ju]y2.  17b:!:  m.  Aug.  {?.[  ^^\:^.    Mark,   s.   of   Lmiuel    Sucrrv  of   W 
%vhod    Nox.  li),  isu;.      shcu.  June2'i,  b^d7.      1.    }1kxi!11-tta,  b.  .Mav  211    isi^'  ,i    ,•„  ,\' 
VJ^\\V''^'-   '•'■  ''''-:    '''•   '>•■'•■   ■-'-!.  1^:^9.     2.    Sa.mi-kf.  X  kutox,  Junc"2:-1.  IS-jO-    in    XuV 
T,*-      nt-,  ■'■   ^"'^-^  B.u.Du-iN.  .luly  27.  ]s22:  n,.  D,-c..  1^o2.     4.   (Jav.  Oct    24    ls-'4-  m" 
Mav22.  IS. 4:  res.     0.    \!ai:y  Ki.izaim;th.  b.  iVb.  -:,.  ij;27;  d    Ort    ;i  "is-^*  ' 

n  .  Lc!,M-y,  b.  June  IS.  i;.i.-,;  ,1.  Mav  b.  ]s?l,  at  S!unvnceTo\vn  HI  •  ,,,  .j^n  4 
ISl...  Bev.  Samuel  X,.\v,,,u.  b.  Jan.  1,  ]7i):);  <1.  at  San  Antf>nio,  Texa>  ^Iav"-\s  'i.sov'  (<' 
of  Sanuu4or\\  He  w.-nt  a.  uii.sionary  m  rlie  Osage  Indians,  i;  M.u.vix  v  Jirxn' 
b  Jan.  ,  isl;,:  d^  unm  2.  niAKi.K.  (ioKDnx.  b.  Sept.  25.  Isui;  ,„.  ^arv  Bristol  of 
.Mi!lMi-d,  (onu.      hed.  m  D.ilhi,-.  Tex..  Jan.  7.  ls72. 

IV.  Marv,  b.  Aug.  2b,  17!»7;  d.  Jan.  2(i,  Is70;  ,u.  Oct.  ;],  ls22.  ReulH-n  M  s  of 
■.pbraiui  l.eeeher.      l.-buiNl'.     2,  El  ,\v  A  .M  >  J .      :],  Cah  I A  li  I XK  L        4     WmisM"    -, 

,.        ^'-     <"lr"-l;'"'-.  1'-  -'uly  Kb  1791):  lu.  Oct.  :b  1s.^2,  .Anu.s.  s.  En(.,dt  B.-echer  b'/.M     1 
uai;lksX_    2^.\,wovn..     2.  Kuza  A.    4.  Ct:nia.i.:  !•;.,  d  .  May  12,  issl.     5.  Ciia,:,,o- ti.' 
<>,   \rn.\Zii  h,.      -.  1- i:ax;.i,in  .\.     s.  Jam:\'. 

Vi  Sda->  hviu-.  b.  July  5.  Is)];  a  .u-.  uuiue,;!  ai„!  ,m;  bbc  siarit-.J  eitix.ui  , ,!  X  Mav  ■ 
oiGO  vrs  anuiuh.u-..!  t  be  C-urer  chb. :  d.  .Mav.  isb],  a.  nearlv  80:  nu  .Mandi  •''t'  ]n-'s' 
Kby.a  E.,  dau.    ol    J,,nah    Xeuf-u    of    WooJb,,    who   i.s   >,tiU    living   (ISS]^        j    e;,.,,].-j^: 

](J0  ■       BKAXCH    OF   THOMAS. 

luviNf:,  b.  N.  Tlav.  May  13,  l.>?-29;  of  the  finu  of  Baldwin  &'  Hatch,  tin-  leadirm;  drv  ooods 
housr  oV  Olcvi'land,  0.";  ni.  -\ug.  2i),  is.jO,  Jfaniicrtc  Storling  of  Lima,  X.  Y.  In  IMls 
liisfirni  eiH-ctc'fl  tlic  first  tun:-  store  in  Cleveland.  (See  eng.,  ]>.  224,  Ihibhdn  den..  ;.n.i 
stiM'l  i)f)i-tr.-it  l)v  Kitchie).  1,  FJJmrf  Fraarix^h.  Marcli  ]0,  ISoT:  admit,  pannor  in  IS^^O. 
2  E'h  n  Stiiin'i'j.  M:'V  2S,  ISiU;  d.  Fel;.  21,  ISnS.  :),  Irdng,  Jan.  28,  1SIJ3.  4.  Arti.v,- 
iurt:.  Nov.  2'.t.  "isiiT. "  ."j,  Gertrvde,  July  G,  ISTn.  2,  Ki.i/..\  Xkwtox,  m.  April  1(>,  is.:.?, 
llcinv  j; .  l[at(di,  b.  Oct.  8,  b'^^l ,  at  Grand  Isle,  \x.:  of  the  above  tlrm  of  I'aldwin  iV 
liatch  i,  Allrr  Gi-rtrurli'.  b.  .lau.  cil,  1859.  2,  Eddie  irrini].  o,  Freddie  Baldirin. 
twins,  1).  .lunc,  ISbl;  on'^  d.  a.  5  \\l^s.,  tlie  other  d.  a.  G  mos.  4.  C'/i'irlcs  Ircint/.  d.  a. 
alit  (i'mos.  i),  Annie  Lonin'',  b.  Aug.,  18G5.  (J,  Xcttir: Baldirin.  d.  a.  ti  mos.  3, 
(iKiniUDF  b  'Oct.  18,  1S80;  m.  April  28,  It^liO,  Jobn  Richards,  b.  Nov.  24,  l.'^81;  res. 
\V  Ilav  ("onn.  \.  Lidet.  Gertrude,  h.  April  14,  l^■|;l.  "i,  Wduuhi _^]r<lu;/,  h.  OnX.  (^, 
ISO:',.     8,'A'(.7/V  niddirin,  h.  Sept.  1,  ISO.").     4,  J'V//-  AVV  W,  b.  Mareh  2,,lSfJ7.     o,  nnrry 

Vfl,     '/)<l.'</'.        4.    KllMv    .\lM)I.PIU"i:-. 

Vll.  Sarah  Uarrirt,  b.  .lime  20.  1M)8;  m.  March  28,  1S20,  Lenas  Ailing  of  Orange, 
Conn.,  s.  of  Edward.  1.  Kcgkma  HaK!Ui:t,  m.  Oct.  14,  i8.V2,  Win.  !L  Phinim-'r  of 
Aiison'ia,  Conn.     2,  DwtciiT  A.,  res.  Derby,  Cor.n. 

Vlll.      I>ucv  C.,  Ang.  2,  ISO.");  m.  ]\larrh  3.  ]s:-;i.  Lyman   Fairchild  of  ^^  .,  s.  of  John. 

1,  ftL\uv  J.     2,  llExra-  E. 

IX.  Minerva,  18U8;  d.  Marcli  20.  lSo9;  m.  Ang.  2,  1887,  John  Ea'^ton,  and  rem.  to 
llalf*l>av.  111.  1^  l-'ir\NCi:s  FAAZxr.KTn,  March  15,  Ibll;  m.  <.)ct.  28,  18()G,  Jndson  A. 
Mason  o"f  Vernon,' 111.  2,  Csssius,r)WiN%  May  24,  184G;  m.  June  1!,  18()7,  Ellen  C. 
Par.sous  of  Deerlield,  111.,  and  lives  there.      3,  M.VKV  Ai)i:i..\TDK,  Xov.  l."i,  lS4y;  m.  May 

2,  1878,  Koyal  M.  Hnbbard  of  Colorado. 

3443.     Mehitable  Baldwin,  b.  r)ec.  17.  1728;  m.  March  0,  1751,  James  Thom[i- 
son    his  2d  wf      lb- m.  1st,  i'cb.  o    1 ; lo.    Satiih   Punderson,  and   liad    Daviii,  b.  May  2"^, 
V'M7;  d.  .hiiy  3.  1747;  res.  We.stviJle.  Conn.;  d.  1818,  a.  93  yrs. ;  inv.,  ^21.089.49. 
1.     ]>lijali  Thom))son,  b.  Dec.  IG,   1751. 
II.      Hannali  Thompson,  I).  Jan.  15,  1754. 

III.  .laines 'i'lionipson,  b.  Aug.  21,  1750. 

IV.  •  Eliliu  Thompson,  b.  Jan.  15,  1759;  d.  May  24,  17G0. 
V.      .-Vnne  Thomp.son.  b.  May  18.  liGl. 

VI.  Moliitablo  Thompson,  b.  17G4:  d.  Dec.  8,  1783,  in  19ai  yr.  of  Tier  age. 
34431.  Elijah  Thompson,  b.  Dec  16,  1751;  d.  Oc.  5.  1825.  Dnring  the  R.)v. 
var  h.>  made  gun  powdi-r  in  large  qe.antitics  r.t  ^V.-tvi!]^■,  and  tin-  bnsincss  wf>nt  on 
ufUTthc  %sar  for  a  number  of  years.  Jeremiah  Atwater  and  Isaac  Dooliltle  v/ere  associ- 
nted  \sitii  bim  in  the  business."  He  v.-.s  vestrvmau  of  Trinity  chh..  X.  II.,  1809:  m.  May 
20.  1778.  Mabel,  dau.  of  Daniel  Allen,  baj..  July  14,  1754;  d.  Oct.  10,  1799;  (2)  Tluldah. 
dan  of  llcUi'-ook  .\twater  of  X.  11..  and  wid.  of  Ilezekiah  Thomp.son.  His  \v.  prev. 
1S25,  nanip.s  wf.  Huldah,  to  whom  he  made  jointure  before  in.;  chil.  ol  dec,  dau. 
Ilanuah,  late  wf.  of  Geo.  Hepburn;  grand  child  Anna  Barney;  dau.  Kebecca  Barney; 
who  was  to  possess  in  lier  own  right  whenever  she  ceases  to  be  the  wife  of  her  i)resent 
Jiusband.      He  two  tracts  of  land  to  the  Xew  Haven  Alms  House. 

I.  Hannah,  b.  Sept..  1778;  d.  at  Pittsford,  N.  Y..  Aug.,  1S|S;  m.  Sept.,  1798. 
(.'eorge  Hepburn;   res.  X.  Y.  i\  and  I'ltt-hnd.      1.    Hk.nhv.  .May,  10,    i:94;  nierch.  X.  \. 

C.     2,   (  ii.\Ki,Ks,  .\ug.  10,  1797:  m. .      1,    If,/n-i/  ('.,  re.-,,  with  C.  L.  and  L.  Haight, 

2G  i'.ri')ad  St.,  X.  Y.  C.  8,  Brurox,  Mav  7,  ISDl;  lawyer  in  C::.;  afterwards  in  Ne\v 
Orleans,  and' d.  there.     4.   C kokgk.  Dec."  8ii,    ISOt.     5,;ii:T   J.\Ni:,  April  22.  l><t)!». 

II.  Charles,  killed  on  board  the  fiie-ate  Chesapeake  in  cngagemenT  wiih  the 
British  frigate  Shannon.  His  wid.  reieived  a  peiisiun  from  the  V.  S.  Gov.;  m.  .\nii 
(riibert.  1,  J!:.vnxi:ttk.  m.  P.ev.  Narlianitd  Kellogg  (Meth. );  8  sons.  <d'  whom:  1.  •/. 
.\f'n:s,'i:/.'f..  res.  X.  Y.  C. ,  hit';  head  ma.-..  <■,{  Itr.  Author's  (dassical  sciioul  in  X.  Y.  t'  :  now 
l-^VO,    Wilson  and   Kidlou-L^-,    Principal   of   Classical   and   Mathemalical    .-,chool.  548   I-'ifth 

'tve..  X.  Y.     2.   .V'lfi/.  im Mei-rick  of   \\ill.raham,  Mass.;  a  s.  and    a   dau..  who  m. 

lb  V.   in-.  Winne  of  tiie  Meth.  E|)is.  idih. 

ill.       Willi;.iu  E..  m.  Sallv   Parnev. 
\\  .      IJi/.aheih.  b.  177^:  d.   A].ril  22.  1829.  a.  51. 

V.  i;ehecca,  b.  June  4,  17^11;  <1.  April  22,  1829.  a.  51;  m.  Capt.  William,  s.  ot 
I>a].t     ibwiovei-'"    I'.arnev,    sea  capt.      He    wa.s  absent   in  South  America  about  40  yrs. ;  b. 

'W.T:i,)vtr  Barnes-,  b.  Au^.  ro  1750;  H.  Sept.  17,  iK^io,  a.  So;  m.  Phebc  Wolcott,  h  Mav  iS-  n5~- 
'■  hy.y  :  ,,  1  ;;,,  a.  ;;.  He  \v:is  Major  01  the  Pott  Guards,  i.  Su-^an  (catied  Siil<ey  in  P.iWe  record*.  t>. 
Scj.i  ,  \-t-,\  111.  Rev.  Crardncr  Sr.ririf,'.  tSj  Sriruuel  Harnov.  bro.  of  Hanover,  b.  1753;  d.July,  iS'?-  ;) 
•.-.  :j.  S.irah  Sahin.b.  17^5:  d.  Dec.  7,'is;4s,a.  q).  1,  SaU'y.  as  at)ove.  2.  Clarissa,  b.  Feb  27,  i;^;  :  <■'• 
^tpt  7.  i!-.'..',:i.  7',;  m.  J eb-Vc  Cooper.  ^,  Samuel,  b.  1770:  d.  in  .^o.  America.  March.  i:'i.>,  a.  y!  ;  """'^^ 
«.  Vi  ;lv.  l>  Aui.'.  1:;,  \-.,i-A  l\b.  12,  i?f  9.  a.  77  :  in.  .-Xmini  Harrison,  s.  nr  Capt.  .\mmi  and  Kii/.'JCl.: 
'■•.•-;.;wi,i  H.irrir,on  01  Hranfi!.rd.  b  July  2S,  17^0;  d.  Oct.  it',  iS-,7  ;  lawyer,  and  f.ilhcr  ol  Hon  lUnry 
H»Kl\v!r:  Harruson  of  N.  H. 

i!AT,ii\vj  >;,  'iHctMrso-S.  Kil 

Maifli  21,  1777:  d.  Si'].t.  9,  1870.  in  liis  94t]i  yr. :  c.nly  cli.  ],  Anna  Matha,!).  May 
31,  1808;  HI.  Klihu  1..,  s.  oi'  I71iliu  iUid  Xuiioy  Atwatfv  Mix.  (V^z/i'f.)  10  eliil.,  of  whom 
4  d.  v.;  !iaiiics  iiDt  i:iv('n.  1,  FJ'ihn  LcoicirO,  V.  S.  Consn)  at  l.aiiiliavi-stiue,  Peru,  and 
d.  th'r.  March,  1800.  2,  11'//-.  B^irnnj,  h.  Sc-[.t.  22,  lst2;  iii.  July  H,  1807.  Ilrlcn  St. 
John,  dan.  of  F,iii;m  Aiken.  1,  Cliarlcs  D..  \y  .luiie,  ISOs.  ;],  I'kiidin ANV)  Makff.L- 
TON,  b.  S<))t.  !),  ISlk  -],;(;akkt.  h.  M;iirh  .">,  1847.  5,  Axx  I^iosAi.iK,  8fpt.  ll<, 
18o8.  6,  1-:i;m>t  Nkvki.i,,  li.  June  2-1,  18o.'). 
VI.  Slu-ldou,  d.  nnni.,  I8;n. 
VII.  Mcliitabh-.  1«.  Nov.  17,  178o;  d.  April  17,  18:14,  a.  4i>:  ni.  Asa  ]5uddino:t.)n.  1. 
Ki,izAiW7ii(,  m    Klislia  .M.  Aiwator.     1,   Churh^^  M.     M'aUcr,  d     April   8,    18;:;f;,    a.  0.     2, 

}[)ih,rrt.     o,    .(;(//'/.      4,   Jane,  m. Bcnni'tt:  wont    So.,    ^vh(■■rt'  she  d.  an<l  loft  cliil. 

'•>,   KdwakL),  111. -.x.  i.     4,  Uua(k'!'}1()M1'son,  i>.  ISIT);  d.  May  28,  Ibol,  a.  10. 

Vlll.      (Jiace,  1>.  1790:  d.  Jnly  I'J,  1804;  *.  i.\  ni.  Dr.  Elijali  (s.  of  Dr.  Juntas)  Mun.gon, 

who  d.  Oct.  10,  1838:  (2)  John  11.  Jacocks,  Ids  2d  wf.      lie  m.    (1)  Curtis  of  Snutli- 

l)'iiN-,  Conn,  lie  lived  in  tlie  house  still  (18^2)  star.ding-  cor.  Cliurch  and  Crown  s*s.,  !N. 
li., 'which..  \Nirli  7o  i-ods  of  hnul,  lie  bought  of  J)avid  Austin  in  ISOl  for  VMKl.  De  wa.s 
health  otiicer  in  l^^^O:!.  and  I'ein.  Cjind.  for  Mem.  of  Cong-.;  vi'stryinan  of  Trinity  chli. 
(Ei)is.;  180^-12,  and  in  1810,  one  of  a  conimiltee  fif  three  to  collect  funds  for  the  new 
church  <in  the  green,  dedicati  d  in  1814. 

344313.  William  E.  Thompson,  est.  adm.  ISlS;  real  est.  ordered  s.dd  1821; 
Pvlijah  'riioin]>.--on  adnir.  and  guard,  of  (Caroline,  a.  l;h  and  Elijah,  a.  12;  m.  Sally,  (dau. 
of  Samuel  and  niece  of  Hanover)  Barney,  b.  July  28,  1781;  d.  May  15,  1808. 

I.  Caroline,  b.  1808;  ni.  May,  1828,  Geo.  \V.  Earidiani,  Es(|. ;  res.  Elizabetli.  X.  J.; 
ol'it.  in  N.  Y.  C.  newspaper  .says;  "  Ex-Judge  Geo.  W.  F.u-nhani,  formerly  Prest.  of 
the  N.  Y.  'ieii.  .Vssocintirm  of  Meclnmics  and  Tradesmen,  d.  of  gastric  fever  Se]iT.  IG, 
1870,  a.  77."  1,  XcAit  Laxt-:,  1>.  Iladdam.  Conn.,  June  0,  1829;  rem.  to  X.  Y.  C..  and 
was  an  active  mem.  of  the'  ••  City  (iuard,"  on  duty  at  the  Astor  Place  riots.  On  l>re;iking 
out  of  the  reli.-llion,  left  fie,-  Washington  with  th.e  71st  l?egt.,  liut  soon  after  accejiTC'd  tlie 
Lieut.  C<,huulcy  of  the  11th  X.  Y".  vol.s. ,  ■' Ellswortlt's  Fire  Zouave-^."  and  succeeded 
Ellsworth  as  (/ol.  'i'liough  sie]:  in  bed  when  the  I'egt.  v/as  ordeied  to  Manassas  In-  in-isted 
on  heading  his  Pegt.,  and  while  gallantly  leadiui.'  ids  men  at  the  fir^f  battle  of  Bull  Pun 
was  mortally  wounded,  and  d,  Aug.  14.  1801.  A  fine  monument  n. arks  his  last  resting 
place  in  tlie  (hove  st.  Cemetery  in  X".  llav..  and  his  name  and  brief  memorial  are 
inscribed  on  the  monument  in  Trinity  chh.  Yard  in  X'.  Y.  C,  erected  by  tlie  Empire 
Freeman's  Co.,  Xo.  42. — Jn/,„.s'u,'.'<  ('>/C(''/nrdi",  O.o.  ('.  SiuioK'f.  2,  Wn.t.iAM  TuoMOsdN, 
b.  Xov.  10,  lS;-!0;  Y.C.  180U:  served  in  th"  \sar  in  the  7th  X.  Y.  Ih'gt.;  lawyer;  r.>.  X. 
Y.  C.  8,  (JKOKOE,  b.  Aug.  13,  1832;  banker  in  X.  Y.  C. ;  m.  Oct.  PJ.  18.iS,  ■julin.  duu. 
of  George  Paulding,  s.  of  John,  one  of  the  o  cajitors  of  .MajcM-  Andre.  1,  Geo.  Ponhiiiifj, 
b.  Xov.  0,  18r)y;  only  (di,  4,  ICi.tjaii  Ti:o.v,rs<.)x.  b.  Feb.,  1842;  employed  in  P.  S. 
Asst.  Tn-as.  oliice,  X.  Y.  C.  o.  CitA!;i.T:s  A  viit.'f.n  i'tk,  b.  Xov.  14.  1843;  served  during 
and  after  the  war  as  an  officer  U.  S.  X. ;  broker  N.  Y.  C. ;  res.  Elizabetli,  X".  J.;  m.  June 
?0,  1877,  Mary  Ella  Parker  of  E.  0.  Hkniiv  llAtitnsox.res.  E.  7,  Sai^aif  Fkancks,  b. 
about  184!i.  8,  C.UioLiNt:  Tnd.MPSox,  b.  about  1840;  m.  Mar.di,  1802,  James  Morrisrni; 
res.  E.  1.  X'inh  /-l/r/f/e////,  b.  Marcli.  Is03.  2,  Cornli,,,  Thmiqrujn.  3.  Mond.  4, 
M(tr(/<ri\'f  Ihn-  >:■<. 

II.  Fjijah,  b.  bsQil:  d.  Jan.  2-'.  1840;  merchant  tailor,  firm  Scott.  Ibistol  ^l'  Thoni))- 
soti;   Cai.t.  of  tlu>  X,  llav.  (irays;   Col.  (d' the  2d  Regt.  Conn.  Mil.   1830-40;  unm. 

34433.  James  Thompson,  b.  Aug.  21,  1700;  tanner;  inv.,  ISIO,  8j3,000; 
ordered  ui.->tributed  March  10,  lsl',>,  a-  apjiear.-  ]>}  the  minute  l.iook  ;  bm  no  record  made. 
The  Bishop  Allen  house,  r.ear  head  of  Pong  \Vhart,  inv.  >:4.s~in;  eastern  part  given 
1o  lluldah  riionipsou.  re]),  of  Ilezekiah,  iUh-.,  and  the  remaining  part  to  l'h-a>tus.  James, 
Elihu  and  (  ;  n,. ;  /. 
].      Charles. 

II.  lle/ckiah,  m,  Huldah,  dau.  of  Holbrook  Aiwater.  She  m.  (2)  Elijah  Tliomji- 
sf>n,  as  above. 

III.  Era.stus. 

IV.  James,  (a  James  Thompson,  s.  of  James,  d.  in  X'ew  Haven  April  \>^.  1882, 
a.   71  vrs.^ 

^■.      ]':iihu. 
M.     (iidcon. 
\'n.      .Nlariah,  whose  guard,  exhibited  her  n'ceijit  in  full   in  1^18. 

3446.     Tetnperanco  Baldwin,  b.  >iay  20,  1730;  est.   iidm.   178o;  called  of  iMii- 
ford,    nmt-s   chil.,    Samuel    Josiah,   Ja^ad),    Joel,    Axe,    .\bigail,    itebecca  and  Phebe;  m. 



Siunuei  Eiildwiu,  .s.  of  Saiii'l  and  Mcivy  (Allen)  11.  b.  April  10,  1781,  liis  2d  wf.  lit-  di. 
(1)  Jan.  S,  ]7o'i.  Abigiiil  HumijLiHv,  wlio  d.  Nov.  !),  175;!,  in  her  'JOd  yr.  His  est.  udin. 
1784  I'v  Bnriiaba-^  Baldwin,  and  wid.,  'J\-ni]>e!ance,  wlio  d.  sdou^  and  the  .same  cdiil. 
luiiju'd",  bur  tlK'ie  was  also  a  dan.,  'l'eni])erariee,  it  is  said,    who  ni.    .lairus  Bunnell.* 

].      Samiud  Bahlwin,  res.  NN'oodb.;  ni.  .     1,   HiioDA,  ni.  Oiiin  West  of  Orange, 

Conn.;  res.  thr.  in  ISM.     -J.   'rK.\(i'F.K.\.>;cv;.   in. Bunnell,  and  liv.  in  .\.  H.  in  ISM. 

3    Na:ncv.  d.  lunn.     4,   Wii.r.iAM,  rem.  to  Stratford,  t'i)nn.     .0,   1).\xtei,. 

'  11.  Josiah  Ikildwin,  b.  17tiH:  d.  Dec.  19,  1S-h|.  a.  (!«,  in  Woodb. ;  m.  Sdw  7,  178{;, 
Theresn  Tlionias.  who  d.  May  14.  1S47,  a.  SI.  ],  Mapja.  m.  May  tl,  1SI9,  l^li  Ailing. 
2,  PhiI-O,  in.  Mary,  dau.  (d'.In-^'idi  Hine  of  (Jiange,  (.'onn.,  who  d.  in  April,  is;j2.  a.  -i^ 
or  47;  rer.  not  agree.  1,  Mi't-s,  m.  Martha,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  Patty  (Bahlwin)  Chatiield; 
Slip  m.  {2)  Daniel  L'pson  of  Watertown,  Co:iu.  1,  Mary.  0,  .Augustti.  }],  Jolm. 
3    et  L  lA,  m.  Au'^  1.  IS'Jd,  Naac  Bmkinghani,  who  \vas  her  admi-.  and  whose  cliil.  were 

li'eirs,      their  mo.^being  d.     4.    Amy,   m.   Smith.     T),   Mauy,    bap.    Oct.    2,    1808;  m. 


lU.      -UjA  l^aldwin.  It.  177--i;  ni.   Abigiiil  Xorthrc]). , 

IV.  As!i  Bahlwin,  s.  of  Samuel;  had  for  guard.,  17!»0,  Blrhard  B;\ldwin.  He  is 
called  Axe. 

A'.  AluLiail  l^aldwin.  d.  unm.  before  Doc.  15,  l7So,  and  her  share  went  to  the 

VI.      Bebecf-a  Baldwin. 
VII.      Phebe  Baldwin. 

34463.      Joel   Baldwin,  b,  ^^^,  1772;   in.  Nov.  6,  1707,  Abi!:;ii!  Northrop  of  W. 

I.  E/.ni,  b.  Bristol,  Conn..  Nov.  .5.  179S;  ni.  April  i),  is;^::!,  Mary  11.  PLich.ards,  b. 
So.  Deerfield,  Mass..  Feb.  24.  1S07;  rliild  1).  ii,  ];ristol.  In  ]S7.">.  le.i.  Winsted,  Conti. 
1,  Nath.  T.wi.iiii,  (.)ct.  o,  iSoo;  ni.  May  17,  IS.")."),  Liediula  'i'l'rry  of  Tei'j-y.sville, 
Conn.,  and  res,  there  as  secrt'tnrv  ai  the  Iron  "Works.  1,  .S''/ .>.///,  duly  fi,  18.")9.  2, 
Richird,  Jan.  1.  18GI.  2,  AiuiiK  Axx,  b.  .June  1.  ls:i7;  d..Fune2:?,  1843."  3,  Roxana, 
Feb.  l(;,'lS4U;  d.  June  27,  1843.  4.  Isaat  Ni;wt(in,  Ai)ril  .j,  1841:  d,  June  27,  1843.  5, 
Jam»  p.,  July  3,  1843;  killed  .luiie  1,  18G4,  in  haltleat  Cold  Harbor.  6.  JOJix  I).,  July 
3,1848;  cm]>loved  in  Mercantile  Natl.  Bank  of  Ilartf.,  Couu.,  since  1870.  7,  Isaac 
Hf.nuy.  Julv  4",  lS,-,0;  d.  Oct.  25,  ]S51. 

II.  IliVani,  b.  April,  1800;  d.  18(.)3;  ni.  Feb.  15.  1832,  Susan  Dodge,  b,  Poivbury, 
Conn..  Feb.  12,  18'i(;;  res.  Is75,  at  Pocky  Hill,  Conn,  1,  .^IAl;<;AliK■l■,  d.  a.  2  yrs.  2, 
THF,or>(.>iiv:,  d.  a.  17  yrs.  3.  Cf.d.,  d.  a.  4  yrs.  4,  Sakaii  D.,  b.  Xov.  4.  1845;  grad. 
Mt.  Ilolvnko;  has  been  a  successful  ti'acher.      In  1875  liv.  v.itli  her  mo. 

III.  '  Betsey,  b.  March  17,  1802;  d.  Dec.  1872;  m.  Elv  Johnson  of  Lvons,  X.  Y.,  who 
d.  nbt.  18f)0.     i,  Infaxt,  d.     2,   Er.T  B..  b.  1832;  d.  1803. 

IV.  Charlotte,!).  Jum-  '3.  isO^;  ,;i.  P'sof},  Justus  P.  Purd  of  Bristol,  Conn. ;  res. 
Fftvndngtou.     1,  Fi.iza  A.x.n.  b.  Jan.  4,  1828.     2,,  b.  Aug.   28,  1832;  d.  1842. 

^'.  Eluiira,  b.  Aug.  3(1,  ISOO;  tauglit  the  High  school  in  Lyons,  several  sessious, 
witli  universal  acceptance;  m.  Nov.,  183S,  Pev.  Daniel  Gibbs,  grad.  Mid.  Col.,  Vt.,  and 
of  And.ovcr  Theo.  Sem.,  then  of  Ilartf.,  Vt.,  but  in  1875  of  Ilartf.,  Conn.  She.  d.  in  E. 
Hartf..  Conn.,  March  6.  1869,  much  lamented  as  one  who  had  spent  a  useful  life.  They 
lost  3  (diil.  in  inf. 

\'i.  I.-.aac,  b,  Oct.  2,  1808;  a  young  man  of  mutdi  iiromisc;  entered  Yale  Col.  with 
the  ministry  ill  view.  Inn  he;.li]i  failing,  he  kft.  Aflt-rwards  taught  a  high  school  in 
Lvons.  X.  Y,.  a  few  sessions,  and  d.  Jan.,  1835. 

*TL-inper;irice  in.  Jairus.  s.  of  Nalli.  ar.d  P:it;c  I'unnell  ;  killed  in  Rev.  war.  i,  Retfkiv,  b.  Dec.  31 , 
1781  ;  A.  in  Ro.\bury.  ."^larcU  ji,  iSjo  ;  m.  .April  15.  IJ03,  Rev.  Fosdick  Harrison,  b.  Aug.  10,  ijSa.  at  North 
Branford,  Conn.;  rem  to  Souttungton,  nist.  ovei  Cong.  chh..  Roxbury,  Conn.,  1813-3,  ;  thence  to  Beth- 
lehem. Conn.,  Daslor  14  yrs.;  auerA-.  preached  at  Bethany,  No.  GuiUoril  and  Bridgewater,  Conn.,  whr. 
hed.  Feb.  Q  1838.'  Hon.  A.  .M.,V.  C.  iHjE.  !lem.  12')  .Xoril  15,  1817,  Fanny, dau.  of  John  Trowbridge, 
and  had  5  chi!  \-\]  i.  //.y  ,  b.  and  d  .  lulv  31  j-i'..  2.  .!/«  >i'.  b.  Sept.  sr,  iSr4  ;  m.  June  i  t,  183s.  Kcv. 
Richard  .Manning  Chipman,  b.  Saltm.  Mass!.  J;in.  ij.  1806;  Uarl.  Col.  1S32  ;  Theo.  Dept.,  Princeton,  N. 
',.  and  Ciiion,  N.  V.;  Cor.  Sec.  -Am.  I'eace  Sec,  and  editor  of  'J'kc  Cahi»:,-t,  1833-4;  pas.  Cong,  chh 
Harvvinlon,  Conn  ,  1S34-3.}:  elected  Prof  Tlieo.  in  Oceida  Col.  Insl.,  Whilcsboro,  N.  V..  iSjo,  and  sm. 
yr.  invited  to  pastorale  ot  Cong  chh.  at  So.  Norwalk,  Conn  ,  but  declined  ;  at  Athol,  Mass  ,  1839-51  ; 
ad  pas.  3dCon;j.  chh,  atG  lilford  C  >nn  ;  at  Wolc  jttville,  i.-,-,!)-(a  ;  Cli  ith.-u'.i,  18S1-63  ;  Hyde  Park.  1864-66: 
East  (iranby,  Coi\n.,  itL'j-70  ;  Lisi>on.  1871.  Author  of  several  published  discourses:  Metiuiir  0/  Eli 
l!,'>ft\  iltslo/y  0/  tLni'iK'.on,  Ctnin.,  and  Chif'iuaii  Lincat^f.  i,  Richard  Harrison,  only  child,  b. 
Jan.  19,  if.(7.  2^,  J.-MKCs,  d.  abt.  icco;  m.  — — .  1.  Ltwls,  b.  abt.  lEoi  ;  d.  in  No.  Branford  eai!>  in 
ii\'j\.  3.  }''hk!:k,  d.  ubt.  iS'o.  .,,  Ann.^.  rn.  and  !iiu.  lo  Pa.  l>t.a.  William  Ii.  Harrison  of  Hcthleht:m, 
Conn.,"s.  of  Rev.  FosdicV:  H.  by  7d  wf.  The  \v;d.  of  Capt.  Alexander  .VL  Harrisop  of  Plymouth,  Mass., 
has  \\-rx  l:tle  husband's  genealogical  papers. 


3448.     Thomas  Baldwin,  1'.  Julv  10.  174-2;  d.  July  24,  l^So,  a.  !»] ,  Woodhridg.-, 
•Coiiii.:  111.  Eunice .  1).  1747:  d.  June  111,  j  7.':^U.  a.  :',o,  (2)  llainiali.  h.  170.'.;  d.  June  1?' 

1S29,  a.  m. 

I.      I'aii.,  tluiught  to  be  iiaiuod  N<-ni(';  d.  niun. 

II.  ]-:inru-<-,  li.  1770;  d.  .\ug.  1'2.  ISC:];  i)i.  .Jo'nu  \N'o;>drufT.  s.  of  Matthew  of  Orange., 
<Vin;i.;  ("2)  .losi-j))].  s.  of  .'o!)  XiU'tliro]),  of  Slieniian.  ('(;nn,  1,  .loiiN,  ni.  and  lived  in 
Orange,  ('(jun.,  i'atlier  of  (Jcorge  who  res.  in  X.  Ihiv.  2,  EfMcj;,  d.  y.  i.  \,y  2d  m.  8, 
EiXKK,  d.  V.  4,  Anna.  d.  y.  ."3,  Ki.ku.v  JiAiiAcn,  d.  y.  ('»,  Tikimas  .J.,  lo.s".  in  Betlie.l* 
(\iuii.,  1870! 

III.     James.  buj>.  April  1,  17S7:  d.  July  17,  1791. 

]V.  I-:iix.ahetl!.  h.  Oct.  17.  17!):!;  ha]!.  .May  1.  17!)-j;  d.  0<-t.  1.  ]S8S;  ni.  Dee.  9,  181!), 
■Olover  Bas.---ctr  of  Derby.  Conn.  He  ni.  [2}  Nancy  Oilvard.  1,  Amos,  b.  Oct.  5,  1820; 
d.  Aug.  ;^1,  18(V2;  ni.  Sept.  11.  184o,  Keziali  II.  Ko'we,  who  d.  Oct.  •.'(;,  1873.  1,  Frank 
G.,  Sept.  '2S,  1847;  ni.  Jan.  9,  1878,  Ilattie  L.  Storr.-.  2,  Isnnr  //. .  April  30,  1849-  lu. 
Jan.  31,  1869,  Sarah  Sanlord.  3.  AU.r^  ,/.,  .Vpii]  oO,  ].s."")l;  m.  Sopt.  13,  iJSOC,  IJobert 
Healev.  4.  Ma r^,  E.,  Ajuil  14.  ls:i4;  d.  S'])r.  2,  \^]-\.  ,").  Gi „.  A.,  Dec.  20,  18.57;  d. 
Sept.  I.'.,  18.08.  0,  H'lttii'  A'.,  Oct.  10,  18(50.  2,  Jank.  Oct.  23,  1822;  d.  Sept.  1:?.  1849; 
m.  Feb.  21,  1847,  Willis  Beecher  Baldwin,  s.  of  Marcus.  3,  LotisA,  Julv  (1.  182.1;  d. 
Yi'h.  10,  1820.  4,  E/.iZAi!KTH  A.,  A]>ril  4,  1X29;  d.  .Mav  17,  18."33.  num."  .1,  Ja.m;-s 
IIakvkv.  Oct.  2.-).  1S3.1;  d.  Nov.  22.  1872,  unni.  0,  \Vm.  (i.,  M;iv  8,  lf<44;  d.  Dec.  2 

V.  (I'lorfje,  rem.  to  ITuntington.  Conn. ;  ni,  Maiy.  dau.  of  Enoch  Baldwin.  1,  d.  Jan..  ImiO,  a.  19  nios.  2.  (JKo.  I,i:wis,  d.  Jan.  7.  182S.  a.  18  yrs.  'i, 
Mai;y.  m.  .\mos.  s.  of 'In  at  Snuth  of  AN'oodli.;  r'-s.  Seymour,  with  .Mrs.  XN'ui.  \\;i\\.  4, 
I!Ari{A.  m.  May  20,  1824.  Merritt  Woodruff  of  Oranj^c.  '  1,  Clnrk,  of  Ansonia.  2,  7.^ /mi 
d.  y.  3,  Diri'Jhl,  <-.i  D.-rOy.  4.  M'urii  ].>i,:ri_il,i.  h.  1S3."i;  d.  .Jan.  3).  l.S.-)2.  .1,  i^nsitn 
Jan/.d.  March  20.  l-'^-VJ;  iii.  Oarwo-nl  Mills  of  New  HaveJi.  .").  LcciiKTiA,  b.  Sept., 
1817;  m.  (ien.  Amos 'I'lionias   of  A">'oo(ibrid,i;e.      1.   KlhahiiJi.      2.   Ji'.'ui.h^^   cliii.    living 

in  Birmingham,  ('(juu.     3,  S'ir"/i.     4,  ('Ii<!iiotti .  m. Munson  of  llaniden.      '>.  Grace, 

in.  Lines,     (i,    11'/,/..    of   Bridport.      7,  Jii.m'.     (J.   l.v.M an,   m.    May  31,  1824,  .Maria, 

dau.  of  Oii])t.  Thos.  Beach  of  Woodb.  1,  Xoyps.  ya':^.  South  Pass  Citv,  Wvmuing  Ter. ; 
C;  chil.     2,   Grace,  b.  Ajiril  22,  1831:  m.  Oct.  31,  1847,  J(din  C'liuttield  "of  Oxford,  C\,nu. 

1,  Dau.,  b.  April  28,  LS-jO.  7,  O'lohgi:,  b.  about  182-J;  lived  near  ■•  Baldwin  Sla."  on 
>:augatnck  K.    i;. ;  m.   Cynthia.     1.    yhivthn ,    b.    July   29,    1849.     S,    SAiiAir,    m.    David 

Bartiett  of  Huntington.  V'onn.      1,   Surah,  w\.  Flet<'lier  of  Orange.     2,   EUhu,  (\.  oi 

smallpox;  num.  9,  Ei.J  ]i  c  I'lio.s'i',  re.s.  San  Francisco,  Cal. ;  d.  thr.  1878.  1.  Adela  S. 
10,  JcDso.N,  ni.  Charity  Blackman  of  nnntingt<in;  d.  in  Califoriua.  leaving  at  least  t\T.> 
chil.,  Fred  and  Gertrude. 

VI.  James  Jud.'^on,  b.  Oct..  1790;  m.  Aju-il,  1824,  Eiiza.  dau.  of  Natjianiel  Baldwin 
■of  Woodliridge.  Conn.  In  Feb..  18^0.  living  then  in  his  s4tli  yr. ;  he  was  severely  liurt 
while  hauling  phnnk  with  a  ]iair  of  oxi'n,  but  is  recovering.  1,  CuAin.KS  Eakl.  Marcli 
4,  182.");  d.  Aug.  13,  182',.  2,  Bktsi.y  A.nn.  Sept.  21,  JsOl.  3,  :\1aucu.s  Eap.i,,  Nov.  22, 
1829;  New  Haven  Co.  Commissioner.  Town  Clerk,  and  2.")  yrs.  l;e]i.  Conn.  Leg.;  ra.  Se])t. 

2,  18.52.  Martha  .\;m  Peck.  dau.  of  Silas  and  ^lary  Adeline  BaUlwin  Peck,  res.  Woou- 
l.n-idge.  1,  JAdii.  .March  3.  IS.IO.  2,  Siln-^  Jnmes.  .Ian.  3,  18.58.  3,  IhriryF'irl,  Nov.  20, 
18-59.  4,  SiSAN  CeutNKMA,  Nov.  2,  18.38;  ni.  Henrv  Peck,  bro.  of  >iartlui  Ann.  1, 
Neirlo,..     2.   .S7//.V.     3,   laun.i.  d.  I,s72. 

345.  Andrew  Tuttle,  b.  April  3,  1792.  His  commission  as  Lieut,  of  tlie  2d  Co.  of 
Mil.,  also  liis  com.  as('aj>t..  dated  May  2.'>,  1737,  signed  by  Gov.  'I'alcott,  were  in  jios- 
session  of  Mr.  Charles  'i'iiomi)son,  of  N.  Hav..  his  gl.  g.  s. .  and  by  him  presented  to  llie 
N.  Hav.  Hist.  Soc.  He  was  comd.  by  Oov.  Law  as  Capt.  of  the  Ofh  Co.,  '■t<j  be  raised" 
June  2.5,  1747.  His  reputation  as  a  brave  and  valuable  oflicer  .still  lives  in  the  memories 
of  aged  ]ieople  in  N.  Hav.  He  was  a  selei'tman,  and  \vas  jnonnnent  and  influential  in 
local  aiTairs.  II-  lived  on  the  w...-,t  side  of  5'ork  si.,  nea.r  Cliapel;  d.  Oct.  17.  1752;  will 
dated  Dec.,  1751.  nms.  wl..  i-jini'-e.  admx,,  s.  Dariiel  to  ha\e  dor, hie  share;  ss. ,  Andri'W, 
He/,ekia1i,  I'-lisha.  dans. ,  Chloe,  l-',sther  and  Ihiiiice.  Inv.,  l.'2,^N,S;  ..b)hn  Hitchcock,  Capa. 
•lames  Peck-  an<l  Caleb  Mix,  a:lmis.  .'^onie  items  from  the  in  v. ,  sliowing  the  value  of 
land  in  N.  I!:,v.  130  yrs.  ago,  .nre  instruetive:  "2  acres  in  Voikshire  (^)iiarter,  <Ji;0;  \ 
aere  boiodii  of  I'obiuson,  ^  ac!.'  in  the  I'iain.  i'2U>;  7  ;ieres  an  Dayton  Hill.  t'NO;  3 
acres  meadow,  14  acres  in  ye  i.ireat  Neck,  21  acres  in  _\  e  5ih  Division,  i'2IO;  land  laid 
out  to  'J'l'onuss  'ruttl,-.  sr.,  L"20-i ;  25  aeres  laid  out  to  'I'liomas  'I'uiile,  jr.,  i;'.07;  23^  acres 
on  tlie  l)a(k  side  of  \\'estfield,  £22."     Home  lot,  3  acres,  house  and  other  pan-els  of  land 

104  HUAXC'Il    OF    THOMAS. 

nanicil.  lie  in.  .hm.  'l.  li'2.").  l\iinicc,  dm.  of  l>aiiif]  Slicrinan.'-'  In  llO-'i  she  \\  as  .-iiip. 
j^iiaid.  to  |-"lislia;  ('a)it.  l-^aar  .MiiiiSdii,  f;uaiilian  to  1  Ic/.i'kiali.  Slic  d.,  arconlini;  to  iu\- 
reconl,  in  1  T^H,  hut  ilic  Hist.  So'-.  i-opy  oT  tin- ^'iin-csionr  iii>ci-l|iti()ii  nivcs  date  Oct.  2i, 
1781,  a.  VT.  Slic  wav-;  an  iiitclli^iicni .  well  cdiirati-d  and  dcvutcilly  jiious  \\-fjiiiau.  Her 
reli}i;i<>ii.s  t-xprrirncc.  \\r:tti-n  out  in  lull  in  licr  nwn  hand.a.-^  wa.s  tli.' cu.stoni  of  that 
ju-riod,  is  jifi'scrvrd  hv  lici- dcS'-ciida.nt.  .M  i-.  (  liai-ii's 'l'lionii'-;iin. 

I.  Danirl,  li.  (»"ct.  lo.  IT-.T,;  l,;q,.  .Ux]y.  IT'J!);  lu.  IJ.luccu  IMuni:  {^^  April  ^.l,  i;.-,i(, 
JOli/.aliffli  Siuitli. 

II.  Andn-w,  b.  Dec.  2.  170,S;  hap.  ,Iuly,  17:,'!i;  d.  nnni.  ITtiO;  blarksmitli ;  ci-t..  div. 
jiiiion^'- liis  UrothtTs  and  sisters;  Bro.  He/.okiali  adnir. ;  in\-.  ilUn. 

111.      Kunicc.  d.  P^-pt.  ];;,  1T:!',>,  a.  14 

I\'.      I'^unicc,  li.  Xo\.  '.?•.'.  K.'S:!;   ni.  St'iil.  "Jo,  1  7")v,  Stfi]ilicn  DIf  Iccnnnn. 
V.      Ilc7.]iiah.  i..  April  :-!,  -i:::';:  in.  Sc).t.  :',,  r,r,U,  Martlia  Bradl.v. 

\\.      Chine.  ],.  Mandi  S-).:  l':')'-  M:uvli2r),  178S;d.  v. 
V!l.      ]:stlM-r,  1..  .lal^  8.  17r^ 

VIll.  Maiy.  1).  F(d).  o,  17-14:  ni.  and  liad  s.  1,  Is.\.vc.  m.  Minerva  .Merwin  of  I'.rook- 
field.  Conn.,  and  d.  si:-;  mos.  after.      ]''o.<r]iniiions  cliild.      1,    /saur  'I'nttlr. 

IX.     Cliloe,  d.  1778;  ill.  ,laii.  -JO.  17(ii),  hv   Mr.    W'hitth-sev,   (apt.  I'oter  Jolmson.   h. 

Au<r.  0,  1740:  d.  June  18,  1813.     He  m    (t?)   ('oniforf .  wlio    d.    Nov.  25.  18:34.  a.   88. 

(^rnv<»-si(UH');  liis  est.  adm.  ISKi  by  ]<]lea/,er  I'^o.^ter  and  Sand.  J'undorson;  names  Anna 
iSIev,-ton,  and  l'7si]ii'r  Siilhiian.  \\  id.,  sup]Hiscii  idnl.  (<f  his  1st  v,-t'.,and  (."onifoii,  wf.  of 
Eli.slia  .Tones;  Martha,  uf.  of  l-'re(h'rick  La loiLfe.  lloiac',  lii  rvey,  dec.  I'eter.  jr..  liec.. 
wlin  ni.  .Mahel:   l:er  will  jifov.  '17ii'.),   of    WoodhridKe;    Peter,    e.veV:  ?>   chi!.:  Prier,  Mary 

Heerher  and    .\nna    Ford.      1.    .\.n.n.a.    ni.  N<-\vion.      '.3.    I'.scuf;!;,    h.  Sept.  o(>.  177",'; 

j„. Slil!Ti:;in.  \\  lio  d.  before  hxiC. 

X.  Klislia.  h.  Feb.  1.".,  171^;  ii,  17ti(i  In-  sold  to  Kh,-n<  irislicj.  land  in  B-Thany. 
C^nm.,  l.iifl  ont  to  Thoinas  'J'ntlle,  jr.:  he  ni..  rem.  and  set.  some\-i  lide  on  the  X.  '^'.  and 
<.!,*u\ada  frontier,  had  a  fam.  of  ehil.  N\'hile  on  a  visit  to  New  Hav.,  a  party  of  British 
and  Indians  burned  In.-^  lious.-  and  innrd.rtd  his  fiunily  eKeeptinir  a  daui^hter. 
viiom  tliey  carried  away  intfi  eaptiviiy.  At'ter  a  fruitless  seai-eh  foi-  her  l.e  returned  ti> 
live  with  his  friends  iii  X.  H.,  ruie.ed  ami  heart  hrok.u;.  Kventnully  he  becaiite 
dcran^red  or  unsettled  in  mind,  manifesti-tl  sometimes  in  lonir.  moody  lits  of  silence.  On 
the  ir.orniiiL'' of  .Inly  f).  177'J.  liis  friends  tied  for  safety  to  the  old  Hnbliard  liouse  near 
\\'eHt  lJ(H'k.  hut  could  Jiot  induce  Eiisha  to  j;'o  witli  them,  'i'lii^  Briiisli  soldiers  found 
liini,  heat  him  crmdly.  and  at  last  ]iried  open  liis  nioulh  with  lire  point  of  a  havonet  and 
cutout  his  tongue,  ]>erh;ips  because  he  would  not  answir  their  (pie.-tions.  lied,  the 
.same  day.  His  family  owned  tlie  ground  and  liv"d  where  Christ  church  now  stands 
near  the  corner  of  Broadway  and  Yorlv  st.,  and  he  ^\•as  l;il!ed  in  that  vicinity. 

XI.  Isaac,  ](erhaps  the  Kev.  sol.  whose  wid.,  Fliza,hi-th  (n.  7-'),  on  ponsiou  list  of 
1840);  lived  v.itb  Isaac  Tutlle  i.'i  X.  If.;  Ilw  latter  was  doabth-ss  the  '•  bombardier"  at 
the,  <;(  h  bration  of  July  4,  1818. 

S451.  Daniel  Tuttle,  b.  in  X.  Hav.  Oct.  l.T,  17'2fi.  .\s  eldest  s.  he  rec.  double 
])or.  of  his  f.'s  est.  Treas.  u{  the  First  Coti^-.  Soc.  in  X.  Hav.  .some  tiim^  during-  Mr. 
Whitllcsey's  pastoiate;  d.  (d' fever. -Ian.  8,  1  7'..i(;,  a.  70:  m.  Bebeeea.  IMum.  In  the  city 
Cem.  OIK  (if  tiie  old  stoiH-s  rem.  the  ••(irri'ii."  inscrilied  "Bi'lu'cca,  wf.  of  Mr.  Dau'l 
Tuttle,  d.  Oct.  ]•.',  17.")  1,  in  her  '.?;)th  yr.;"  '■  a  dan.  a.  o  mos."  H,.  m.  (2)  A]>ril  2."), 
n.-)'.*,  by  Bev.  Benj.  Wondhridi;-;'.  h  Snuth,  v.lio  d.  May  2.'!,  17!)7.  a.  ."ifi.  record., 
but  j^ravr-stone  savs  d.  Mav  '2fl,   17'J8,  a.  ON. 

1.  i;el.ccca."b.  May'ltl,  17(iO:  d.  O.i.  ':?>.  l--':;t;  m.  An--.  12,  17li7,  Jared  Thomp- 
son (his  2d  wf.),  who  d.  dnlv  !t.  1S11,  a.  ."):',,.  He  m.  0)  ■■^t'l't--  -''.  1782,  Lvdia,  dau.  (d' 
Olmduih  and  .Mercy  Mi:v  llotr'du-^.  b.  17hl;  d.  .,1  small  i>o.x,  March  2.  1708,  a.  82,  by 
whom  )u' ha.l  o  chil.  1,  ( 'ii  ai;!,i:s.  d.  inl'.  2,  Cii.\  i:i,i:s.  h.  Oei-.  1.";.  f.-^jO:  a  w<ll  knmvu 
builder;  inrm.  <d'  the  City  Council,  Chief  l-;m;in.M'r  of  the  Fire  Dept.  in  tlie  <dd  days  of 
liaud  en;;lnes,  Mem.  or  Ciiaiiman  of  the  SorieiC.s  Committee  of  the  !-"i!>l  (dili.  Ibr  :).')  yr.s. 
A  laif^e  man  of  (^xcidlem  pn'ptn-iinns,  ami  still  erect  and  viiroroiis  at  tlie  a.  of  SO.  Tie-  e 
aro  few  nmn  in  X.  Hav.  who  enjoy  so  lariic  a  share  of  the  ies))ei-t  of  its  citizens.  He  m. 
As.-iii-th  Warner,  wlio  d.  Sw^.  •,'';""),"  ]S7;5,  a'.  7S:  (2)  Mis.  Otlield,  dau.  of  Pelaliah 
llo.irers.  1.  C/,,(rl,s  'I'utlU,  (I.  O.'t.  14,  18,11;.  2,  /A.w/.,  d.  v.  ;;,  (;i:(ii;(;r.,  m.  Kli/.aheth 

i;i.  .\iaiy.  h.  Xov.  24.  i7*;2:  d,  Sept.  Wi).  \K\2:  m.  ^\•i:^am  \Vs.-.e,  who  d.  184^.  a. 
8J.      1.  Ki.i7.\i:t:rii,  b.  17SH;  d.  Mandi  :!.  ISdl,  a.  7o.     2.  Cki.i.v.  ni."Timoihv  .\lh-n.     o. 

*U.i.!  s.  I>iri!rl.  \vhf..^c  will  f.i  ov  i7''-<tinis  ■■.  f. ,  H;,nn.ili  Est.  rtis.  to  liros.  nn.I  sis..  Anio-.,  Tanie.i, 
M  ""■"•'■"''  "'^  •'I>i-  .\n,irc'.v  ■]  trttle,  .\i.irv,  wf.  of  Jcie!  Hotchkiss,  Abia'; ,  wf .  of  joscpli  Wilmont,  and 
M.'nI.a,  wf.  of  I'liincas  liiaalcy  ol  l.uch'ieU!. 

TUTTLE,    inCKERMAN'.  105 

>lAi;y,  h.  ll!)!);  (1.  -hiui'  1.",,  l'^C*J.  a  '3T;'  m.  (I'cor^'c  Ti^'udwiiv  of  N.  H:iv.,  and  d.  soon 
flfTcr  1..  of  ii  s.  lie  111.  (-2)  wid.  ol'  Jsaiic  'J'.  \\'yse.  1,  Jo/n).  "4,  1s\A(  'J'itti.]'.,  b.  17!)4; 
d.  Oct.  y,  18'21,  ;i.  27;   m.  Mine?'vti  Merwin,  wliu  m.  (2)  George  'j'reailwuv. 

W.  Istuu-  Tnitle.  b.  Nov.  24,  1704;  taken  siek  in  Trinidad,  W.  1.",  Jan.  22,  uiul  d. 
Feb.  8,  1787,  a.  2;).  Inv.  of  liis  elTt!cTs  sent  finni  Trin.  nii^ntions,  arnon;,'-  other  tliintrs, 
"  dieckfd  sliiris,  striped  trowsr^rs  iind  one  pair  new  silver  knee  buckles.' 

V.  -\sa]ic].  b.  dan.  17.  17()7:  culji'd  "  iii>-to\\n  Asabel,"  (jne  of  tlie  same  nani(>  lived 
-down  tftwii  (N.  IImv.i;  by  trade  a  carpenter  and  several  yrs.  in  the  ]iurdware   business. 

'■'I'uiile  (.V  Mix."  He  \\ii>  a  man  cd'  cujia'ity.  It  is  redaied  oi  him  tliat  havinfr  a  suit  in 
court,  !be  iitlier  I'urty  being  a  lawyer,  and  ilieri  Mayor  of  tlie  ciiy,  lie  arfj'ued  liis  o^vn 
case  :ind  gained  it.  lie  (!.  I'li-Neland,  O. ,  Aug.  18.  ls;)7,  a.  70;  urns.  Josepli  II.  Biadh-y 
of  ^^'asJl.  city.  iKMdiew  (ieo.  Slierman.  and  my  e.-,te(  nied  friend  Jolm  Fitcli,  now  cashier 
of  the  Mecluunes'  J>ank.  r-xrs. :  bequests  to  .lame.-:  I'utth-  SluTman  of  Trenton,  N.  .).,  and 
to  James  Tuttle  Mix  .*od  each:  nnis.  sisters  Betsey,  Cldoe  and  Anmi;  m.  yarah,  (dau.  of 
Win.  and  Esther)  Sbennan.  who  d.  in  X.  II.,  Oct.  21,  b-^48,  a.  78.  i,  JA;Nfi:s  Shki:ma>\ 
b.  Oct.  Hi,  1797;  bap.  Dec.  1(1.  ]7'.)8;  d.  Mandi  3.  1810.  2,  Lxcv,  b.  Jan.  21,  baj).  May 
20,  1804:  in.  Josejih  Ilabershaw  Bradley:  {.  ('.  1821;  a  luAvyer  of  ^^'asllington  city; 
counsel  for  defendant  in  Surratt  case,  lie  d.  in  ^^'ashington,  D.  (".,  Ajuil  9,  1S",0.  Five 
chil..  all  li\inij  l\-;74;  "in-  of  the  sons  a  lawyer  n>sociaT(^  with  his  f.  in  tlie  tsurratt  case. 
3.  ])AMi:i.,  b.'Sepi.  23.  iNOi-'.:  d.  Marcli  2:,  is()7.  4,  M Aiu:A);i-:r.  b.  Aug.  10,  180'J;  ni. 
Eli-^ha  Sterling  of  (ie./rgetown,  I>.  ( ".  :  b.  July  ]<>,  ISOt!;  one  son:  1,  Jinnea  Tuttle,  b. 
Nov.  30,  1834;\('ol.  1;  <d~l>etroit,  .Mi'di.;   m.  and  has  fani. 

VI.  F/.ra,  b.  Fell.  1.  1709:  d.  Jan.  1.  b^27:  m.  l>-d2  llannali  lluiniston  of  Ijamde-n. 
ConD.,b.  Sept.  20,  1780:  d.  Sept.  1.  1800.  a.  70.  (Middle  lladdam.  Conn.)  1,  Ya.v/.k 
JiKTli,  m.  Julv  10,  \>y'A.  Rev.  Benjamin  Balch  IIoi.i;in'<fin:  res.  Ashfoj-d.  Coiiri.;  Y.  C 
1840.  1,  .l/(/Vy  7'';/^^.  b.  June.  JNo2.  2,  .J.miu^  Murii'.  1).  Jnly,  lSo3.  2,  LvcY,  m. 
Bev.  Henry  Marryn  (;o!!->n.  b.  X(,v.,  |s2.'):  '\'.  C.  1S48:  i'rincipal  of  -'The  Yale  S.'diool 
for  B.jys,'"  a  ])reparat(;;-y  >rhiiul  in  ilie  city  of  Xew  ^  orlv.  He  d.  bi  >Hddktov- 1,.  Conn., 
Sunday  afternoon,  June  2.  ]'^72:  buried  in  New  lla^•.  Four  (biu^.  He  was  s.  of  Kev. 
Geo.  Colton  of  I'ohnn,  (.'oiin..  ami  bro.  f>*':  1,  liev.  .bdin.  tutor  Y.  ( '. ;  jiai-tor  Chapel  st. 
Cong^  (dih.,  N,  llav.  2.  Bev.  \\'illis  Strniig,  tutor  \  .  C. ,  and  i>ast('r  Cong.  chli.  at  Wal- 
linglord.  Conn.  3.  <.b-n.  Honker,  editor  of  the  ••  Whig  Beview."  4.  Bev.  Theron  (iay- 
liu-d,  ])a<tiu'  of  ConL^  clili.  at  NN'hitewater,  Mass.     3,   .NIauv,  <i.  Jan.  17,  18lit,  a.  20.  " 

VII.  Klizabeth,  b.  (.)ct.  22,  1771:  d.  Xov.  li;,  1S:!2:  unm. 
\"JIi.      Chloe,  b.  Hcc.  23,  177."):  d.  nnra. 

IX.      Anna.  b.   Fei>.  2.  1777.  d.  Oct.  30,  ls;:;7;   unm. 
X       Lucy,  li,  J-ei>.  o.  1770:  liap.  March  2ii,  1780;  d.  June  27,  1803:  umn. 

3453.  Eunice  Tuttle,  0.  Xov.  22.  1733:  m.  Sept.  2."i  1732,  Stephen  Dickerman, 
b.  Aug.  14.  1721;  d.  Feb.  28,  1770;  Im.  in  \Vest\  ille.  "  Funice.  hi-^  wf. .  d.  Feb.  16.. 
177^t,  in  the  4-")th  yr.  of  her  a-..^-." — Wi-^ti-'tlli  iinirr-xlunr. 

I.      Steplu'U  Dickerman,  ii,  July  2l'..  177):',;  d.  July  18,  i7.>"). 
II.      Stephen  Dickerman,  b.  D'c.  U).  l7-)7):  d.  in  Bev.  army. 
HI.      Mary  Dickerman.  b.    Jan.  17,  175S;  ni.  Fbiuie/.er  Hnggins. 
1\'.      Isaac  Dickerman.  b.  April  lo,  17(iO:  m.  Feb.  8,  1781,  Hannah  Ball. 
\',      Eunice  Dickerman,  m.  Jared  .\t\\ater. 

VI.  Flisha  Dickerman,  b.  .March  3,  171)0;   m.   — — . 

Vll.      Jiebecca  LVickerman,  m.  Sepi.  2'l.  1700.  C'ajit.  l-70enozer  B.  Peck. 
\'lll.      Chloe  Dickerman,  m.  Timothv    Plant. 
IX.      Abigail_  Dickerman,  b.  177(i;   in.   Aug.  10,  1S02,  ('apt.  Jesse  Pardee. 

34533.     Mary  Dickerman,  b.  .lan.  17.    n^S;  d.    \kM\  m.    170enezer  Hngginsof 
2\e\\   Hav.;  merch..  who  d.   Is2.'">.  a.  77.     uYey/A  Chiu-rh   ^[<iii>n'l  says   bed.  182";, "a.  8()). 
r      Mary  Ibuggins.  d.  ISo.");    unm. 

II.      FsHier  Huggins,  b.  Nov.  2:1.  177S;  m.  Tininthy  Bishop. 
IH.  Ilng-ins,  m.  Sarah  .\lvord,  ••  who  d.' 18:',f),  a,  MZ—yo.  CIth.  M'on. 
IV.      Harrv  Iluirifin.-^,  d.    18';7,   a.  vi':  m.  S.  .Maria  Hunt. 

V.  Stephen  Huggins.  d.  1S2."),  a.  41;  m.  Xcv.  10,  1S07.  h:ii/.abcth.  dau.  of  l-dias 
Beers  of  X.  li.  She  m.  (F)  Timetliy  Bisliiip  ((//.^.)  1.  CiiAUi.o-i-i'i;  .M.vitv,  m.  Klisha 
Smith    Abernethy,    lawyer    of    B.rid'geport.    <'.mn.:    Y.    C.     ].s2o:    d.    Iv-iH.      1,   J).tu..m 

Oviutl    id    F>.,   and  ha'^    2    or   3      2.  A  "iin.^tn.s,    M.    ]). ;   m.       3.  ASon.   d.  soon. 

2.  ^^ii, 1,1AM  i'.!:!:!;,-..  ir  Is';]-;.  .0  C.  Win.ja'.e;  h.-id  a  large  fam.  Hed.  in  (ilasgow, 
Scot.  :i,  Sakah  Katon,  m.  Sept..  is;;.'),  .\le\-.  S.  Collin-:  res.  Wis.  1,  7>  "/.  2,  ./r.ysif, 
m.  \'^'.  Mcl'ord  ot  .Mil w.-iukee,  3.  Kith),  m.  J.  F.M.-y.  4,  Cii.irlis.  .').  i^^l .m rd.  4, 
ICriZAi-.i-.Tii,  m.    1^11,  D.ivid    Catlin:  re.-i.    .\.  Y.      1,    ire///,/c.     2.    li'//'.     3.   ('harlcx.     D, 

16G  BlJA>iCll    OF    TIJOMAS. 

Aii'.a'sTi's.  (1,  ill.  \!i-k.<l)i!;-g-li.  (1,  CiIAIU.L'^.  iwin  wit],  .\ii_i,ai.-^tiis.  7,  Kl.rAs,  uimi.  8, 
("AiMH.iNt;.  iinin.     i),   S'l'KruKN,  (pustlmiudiis),  ().  iiniii,,  1S7:1 

\'l.  ij<mis:i  ('Hri)liiu-  Hui;-i:ni.s,  h.  ITD'.i:  m.  Aiit;-.  (i,  \x\7.  (tliri.  (.-allcil  "  tlie- 
Belle  of  X.  lhiv."t.  )^■v.  ( 'oruel ins 'rntliill  ;  Y.  ('.  IM-l  ;  pn.jc.-ted  ainl  iJiu'd  witli  siiraal 
aliiliiy  lor  .some  two  _\rars:  a  literary  jicriinlical  ar  .\.  11.  culled  77/-  Mi'-rnsrojh  ,  in 
wliic  li  tiip  ]'oet  i'crcival  av;-.s  intiodured  to  iue  .\iiierican  piihTu-  :  he  died  in  ,\.  }[. 
I'^eli.  21.  IN;?."),  a.  -jO  yr.-;  ;  a  youiiir  man  of  ^-n'ut  iiroiiiJsi-  :  s.  of  Hon.  'J'lithill,  the 
ori'  (iwiier  iiiid  rounder  (jf  tin- low  ii  el  'i'nthiil  in  risti'i  Co..  X.  Y'.  ;  ele.ted  M .  ('. 
from  Oranue  Co.  hut  d.  (Sej.t.  7,  Is-Jl.)  Ij.-fore  takint,"-  hi.s  .seat;  after  d. 
of  her  hus.  Mr.s.  'i'uihill  com' ;  ihuii'd  anon,  to  maira/.ines  ;  jier  ]iuhli-iu'd  '.vorks  arc 
,A/;//r.y  >■'////(  r.v,  (]tr  I'l'ijruif'y  >'o,i,  jKih.  IS',^7  :    .\/, //■//'.■<   \'i^i!  t,>  Ih-stn,,.  1S2H  ;   C/r'tsf/ifuirs 

\K.\\    ;     'J'/n      Yai'iuj    L-lnl,-^'    Un'd.r.    'i'^-VJ  :     A    S.  ru  s  „f     -Pfhs  Jul-    II,,     y.nin;/.    lS-l4-.-,i);     .•[ 

Ncir  S^rli!<  fvrtlif  }'"!/,/,/.  1><V?-1  ;  J///  ir//7,  a  I'.ovel',  1S4'1  ;  77/^'  ]Iist<,r>j  of  Arclu(n-f>ir,  „ 
18-4.S  ;  Qu,,  r  }lnin,t.-,  I'-'-'i'i  :  y "/■■-<>■  ri/  lh>nl,s,  -a  voL  of  eoun.-^(d  to  inotheVs,  lS-1!-),  and  & 
hook  of  l-J.ri rnrl.-<  frnii:  .lu,i( u  1! 't ■■<!■( n.  1^7;;.  Alibo'iies  />/■•/.  '•/  Am.  .-1 '/'//. »;>  <rives  a  list 
(incoiriplete)  of  ■.?;.'  hook.s  of  which  M  rs.  T.  was  tlie  author;  licr  last  wc.rk  \v;Ts  a  ooiujii- 
liition  of  the  'M  \<)I.  of  Srl(rfi'i/,s  frum  .hilm  llnshin,  coiH])!eted  \s'licn  she  was  M)  \-r.s.  of 
i\ge  ;  several  of  \\m-  stories  for  tiie  yo,,nir  htive  heen  reprinted  in  luiiiiaiid  ;  mauv  "of  her 
iK)oks  passed  tiiro"  from  foin- to  six  editions  ;  seveial  ]iassed  thvo"  twenty  editions,  and 
Iwo  jiassed  tliro"  forty  editions.  It  is  said  that  the  name  "City  of  Elms"  wa^-  fi!>t  hestowod 
on  X.  llav.  hy  .Mi's.  ']'.  ;  .she  was  a  niem.of  the  I'ni!.  l^pis,  Ch.  ;  resident  for  the  ntost 
jiiirt  in  l;o>lon;  d.  in  Princeton.  X.  .1..  .lune  1.  Js;-;i)  luiried  in  X.  llav.  I.  Ch.\hi.ks 
Hk.nrv,!).  .\uir.  li,  ISIS;  d.  March  i),  ls.",().  2.  <.'oi;m .i.i,\  LorisA.h.  Ajiril  7,  Is-'^fi;  ni.  June 
IH,  ]8.1Ci,  John  Shaw  I'ierson.  who  d.  .July  -Jl,  ls7ii.  \\  \\i\  Ksinf.K,  1>.  .Vpril  'l'.\,  1S22. 
1,  SaKAII  Sriiou.X.MAKKll,  1).  Feh.  K).  \>-l\\  author  of  several  esteeund  Sund;u  scliool 
Itooks  and  poetical  compositions;  nn  Aiii;-.  20.  Isffi.  WO  ids  Baker  and  had  T.uiii.^n 
Woods,  b.  Au^c.  ~^.  ^"^■">---V 

345332.  E.stlier  Huggins,  1'.  Xov.  2.';.  177S;  d.  Feh.  2::k  ishO;  m.  Jan.  9, 
180;i,  Timotlty  (^s.  of  Daniel  and  i.oui-;'.  Hot<diiss)  Bish<>p.  of  X.  H.,  h.  (\'t.  21),  1775;  v! 
C.  179;}.  Alone  jieriod  eniraged  v.ith  tlu'  Ti-owhridi^es  in  the  West  India  trade,  a  Icin'e 
and  iirofitable  branch  of  which  \sks  the  iinixirtation  of  \N' .  I.  rum.  This  lie  ceased  from 
a  convicti'on  that  it  was  wrfin^^r.  He  \sas  sonu-time  niiLJoi- ot  the2d  Co.  (\(j\.  Foot  (iinird^. 
Jlo  d.  Marcli  S,  I8r:!,  a.  97  yrs.  and  4  nnis.,  being-  then  the  oldest  graduate  of  Yale,  and 
the  graduate  of  tlie  \f:\\\  ccntniy.  His  will,  made  1804.  names  E.  H.  Bishop  and  E. 
B.  M.  Hughes,  excrs.;  the  latter  dying,  acodicil  made  Ibijo  appoints  Henry  \Vhite  in  his 
place.  His  becjtiesis  to  various  religious  and  benevolent  s,>,;ieties  amounted  tf)  several 
tliousand  dollars.  To  liis  children  or  their  representatives  he  leaves  the  bulk  of  his 
large  estate,  and  a  precious  blessing  as  follows:  "And  now  may  the  blessing  of  (iod 
Ahuiglily  Father,  Son,  and  Holy  Spirit  dwidl  evernnjr'^  with  my  children  and  (diihlren's 
oliildr«*n,  and  with  all  near  and  dear  to  me  thi'oug'h  eternal  ages." 

1.  Louisa  Walters  Bislio]i.  1).  May  24,  iS'Vi;  d.  (k-t.'o.  1S72;  m.  .'uly  27,  1828. 
Kuos  Brooks  Miles  Hughes,  (s.  of  Samuel):  d.  lMi-4,  a.  07;  grad.  Mid.  Col.";  hardware 
iiicrch.  many  vYi'.;  a  director  of  the  oldest  banking  institution  in  X.  Hav.;  ;".  besides  ;Js3. 
wliod.  y. :  "l,"  Louisa  Brsuoi',  b.  March  I,  18:^0:  d.  May  2;J,  18.')1;  m.  Mav  5,  18.51, 
Willis  Rogers  Austin;  Y.  L.  (,'.,  184!>.  1,  Jyi.flio})' h.  ]sr):^-.i4;  d.  a.  10  yrs.  2'. 
JilDWAiin  BiKtOKS,  b.  April  4,  18:^2.  3,  M Aitv  lifDKi!,  li.  June  1(5,  18o8;  m.  Edward 
Jjivingston  \Vells  (s.  of  Thomas  Wells,  a  noted  }ihys.  of  X".  II.),  b.  (."olumbia,  S.  C., 
1884;  grad.  with  high  honors  at  Theo.  Sem.  at  Pan.,  France;  returned  to  F.  S.  and 
l»reached  at  Plainville,  Conn.  (Cong.);  re-igned  soon  and  was  ordained  in  185!)  at  Trinity 
rhh. ,  N.  IL.adea.  of  the  Prut.  Epis.  (dih.and  in  18G0,  in  Div.  Chaj).,  Middlelovvu', 
Conn. ,  a  });  ]>rea('hed  sev.  years  at  Louisville.  Ky. :  rem.  Xorth  nn  account  of  ill 
health,  aiid  siij>plied  some  of  the  best  churches  in  the  Xew  Emrland  States.  In  respect 
to  scholar:. hip  and  eloquence  he  had  but  fe\v  etpials.  Devoted  much  iittention  to  agri- 
cultural matters  and  w  roie  many  articles  (d"  great  interest  to  the  farminir  communitv. 
Mem.  of  the  2d  Agri.  Soc.  of  Conn.  He  received  degree  of  D.  1).;  d.  at  the  Epis.  Kec- 
tory,  New  Miiford,  Conn.,  of  er;. si]);  las,  .\ug.  i,  18S(I,  a.  46  yrs.  1,  Brooke  RikjIus.  2, 
JAvingstoii.  ;^,  Lonisii.  A.  \firi/.  o,  Ihnnj,  Ai-^-.  4,  Coi.'Xhma  Ha.mii.ton.  b  Au^'. 
2,  ]So;i;  ni.  \N  m.  B.  Dayton  of  i'hila.  I,  i'hujh.s,  b.  ^57;-..  2.  B7/V/////,  b.  1S71,  ?). 
El.KANOi!  Ci.Ai:i;,  b.  Jan".  I.  IsiO:  m.  \)v.  Paul' F.  .Mnndeof  X.  Y.  C.  I,  I'nn}.  h.  IS7.1' 
il.  .\!ary  Huggins  Bislioj),  b.  Sept.  1,  \S(\~v.  d.  .July  12.  l8.");i;  m.  Oct.  2ii,  lS2;k 
Ix>u!s  Xaviei-  Huder;   ;'.  2  dans. 

Hi.  Ebene/.ir  Hoggins  b.  I'eb  II.  \K(\:-  Y.  c.  \sn\;  M.  D. ,  IS2I*;  phvs.  iiv 
N.  H.;  ni.  Oct.  15.  ],s;!2,  Hannah  Mari.i  Lewis.  1,  Addin  Liowis,  b.  Aug.  21,'ls:J4; 
Trinity  Col.,  1855;  Y.  Med.  S..  1857;  d.  July  21,  18(5:^     2,   Ti.Moritv  Hiccmns,  b.  Mjindi.' 


^i<o7:  Y.  Me.].  8.,  18()0:  m.   .Iiiiie,    \i<(U,  .lane  Maria  Renuptr.      1,    /.*-/r/.v  L't'nitctf    June 

0,  lSiK>.     -J,   Jf>  ibrrt  Mo,ton,.hi]y  d,  ^)<r^H.     8,   Mi/nrf  /.i/ia,,.  yiny  :]l,   IS?;! 

IV.  AlcXMii'iin-  Hainiltoii  l^islioj),  h.  Nov.  14  ISKI;  V.  (', ,  ISISO;  clcraviuan  hi 
Asto-.ia,  X.  Y.:  m.  May  ^•2,  IS-iU,  Susan  Holmes  of  X.  Y.  lie  d.  Feb.  :i  18."}4;7.  l)i-sides 
2  dau.s.  ^^■llo  d.  y.  1,  (iii.nKitT  LtxiXfisrox,  li.  May  1,  ISI");  Y.  ('.  I'^UO:  clpro-viunn; 
in.  Nellie  Canuali.  2,  Si  san  Jlui,.NrKs,  h.  Anij;.  2,  1S}7;  m.  i;,>v.  Samuel  Edward 
Dana;   Y.  C.    IS'!!*. 

"34534.    Isaac  Diekerman,  li.  .\])iil  ir,.   i7i;0;  d.  Sejjt.  13,  is:}."i.  a.  T.k  m.   Feh. 

8,  17N1,  ilaiHiali  l^all   (a/iti}.  U.  Kott:  -Jd  cons.;  d.  An<r.  VJiv,    l.Sll.      She    was.  nio.  of   two 

pairs  of  twins;  ;ill  d.  y.      He   ]ii.  (2)    Alti^ail    •.  (wid.    of  Jeremiah    Harnett     wlio   d 

1^01).      Shed.  .June  10,  is4r),  ;,.  7(i;   res.  \\'..-sivi!!e,  ("onn. 

I.      laiey,  1).  M»\  20,  17^2;  in. Hooker;  [2) Pardee. 

II.     Kuiiice,  1>.  Jan.   IH.  1784;  d.  June  2s,  ]7!U. 

III.  Isaac.  !..  Jan.  2(;,  17!t2;  .-elel, rated  hi.,  02d  Inrth-day  in  Westville,  Conn.,  1883; 
deii.;  m.  Abi^rail  Joluison.  Mary,  wf;  of  1s;r.<c  l>if-k(rni;in,"  d.  Oct.  21,  1873,  a.  S3.— 
liV.y/r.  f/mvi-.-ito/ie.  1,,  b.  1N14;  d.  Sept.  10,  18(i(),  a.  r,2;  \n.  .iamesG.  Hotch- 
kiss,   who  d.  April  7,  1S82,  a.    70. 

IV.  Ste])hea,  m.  Jnlia  (Ysborn. 
V.     Pollv,  in.  \Vm.  Pardee. 

VI.  Elias,  b.  170.-);  d.  Sept.  17,  1815. 

VII.  Eli,  liv.  in  Whitni-y viUe,  Conn.  ^ 

VIII.  PfbiM-.-a.  ni.  Anios  .Munson  of  X.  Jlav. ;  lie  d.  in  Kv. 

IX.  Jn!;n,  b.  All--.  0,  18(i:;;  d.  next  d;iy. 

34535.     Eiinice  Diekerman,    m.    Jured,    s.    of    David    and    ICiizabeth   (Kas.sett) 
Atwater,  b.  S.'pt.  24,   broS. 

1.  Elihii  Atwater,  Uvv.  1.  178'3;d.  1.S7.");  hunber  liusi. ;  res.  X.  llav. ;  m.  Oct.  20, 
1811,  Julia,  dan.  of  Jared  Thompson,  of  X.  11.  by  1st  wf.,  who  d,  IMS  ;(•.'•)  Sept.  22, 
1819,  Het.sey,  dau.  of  Elnnthan  Tyler  of  Xorthfie]<l,  b.  17S7;  d.  1807.  1,  Lvdi.^  HoTrri- 
KIS^:',  Aug  14,  1812;  d,  Sept.  IG,  181.1.  2.  Er.ruu  \Vji.ij.\Ms,  Mav  24,  ]SI4;  d.  Julv3n 
1815.  3,  Ei>w.\Kn,  May.  28.  ISlfJ;  Y.  C.  l83t;;  Cono-.  miiii.ster;  elected  Dea.  of 
the  First  Chh.  in  X.  IE;  author  of  v.  Ili.storij  >>/  Si  ^r  Ilnni  Co''.niij,  ixom  1638  to  1604; 
c(mipiler  of  hcsr,  nda ufs  it,  (h,.  ]\J,i!v  line  <>f  Darld  Attrati-.r,  to  wliicli  1  am  much 
indebted;  m.  An^.  0.  18-14,  Rebecca  H.  Dana  of  Pomfret,  Vt.,onlv!".  KUh'/.h.  Mar-di  30, 
18."i5;  d.  Sept.  18,  1860.  /.  by  2d  m. ;  4,  John  Tyi.i:!;,  b.  Nov.  28,'  1820;  d.  Mav  24,  1821. 
II.  Stephen  Atwater.  b,  E'cc,  2."),  17SS;  ni.  M-.nv  lia-sttt;  (2)  Sallv  liarkin- ;  (3) 
Abigail  C.  Bradley;  res.  Cedar  Hill.  Il.e  d.  Jan.  16,  1S66.  1,  p:nn.\R  Fostkh,  b.  Xov. 
20,  181S.  2,  Sau.ui,  Nov.  9,  1822;  m.  Charles  Smith.  3,  Emily,  March  17,  1824;  m. 
Jeremiah  Parnett.     4,  J  axe,  July  7,  1827;  m.  Albert  (j.  Atwater. 

HI.      Klius  At'vater,  b,  July  "1791;  d.  Oct,  17,  ISOH. 

IV.  James  Atwater,  b.  Feb.  14-;  1703;  d.  Sei.t.  11.  18,10;  m.  June  30,  1817,  Polly 
Bassett,  re.s.  Cedar  Hill.  1,  Hokaok,  b.  Julv  25,  1S18.  2,  Maky  Aw  Sept  2  l8-'0' 
3,  CuAiiLEs  (i..  Aug.  20,  1822.     4,  IIkmuetta,  b.  Eeb.  25,  1832. 

V.  Jared  \twater,  b.  May  27,  1795;  m.  Huldah  Ailing;  (2)  Elizabeth  Bassett  ;  (3) 
Sarah  Alderman;  he  lived  cor.  Academv  and  Green  sts.,  X.  Hav.;  rem.  1833  to  Hopkins, 
Mich,  and  d.  there  Marcli  15,  1873.  1*.  Ai,p,p:kt  A.,  b.  Dec.  30,  1818.  2,  Lkwis  E  b' 
March  28,  1820;  d.  Nov.  5,  1820.     3.  Lewis  Bassett,  Julv  21.  1823.  4.  Julia.  Ann,  Aug. 

9,  1824;  m.  V,'illiam  Powell.  5,  Edwin  H.,  Oct.  21,  1826;  d.  Dec.  27,  1827.  6,  Maky 
U..  Oct..  16.  1828;  m.  John  Baird.  7,  N.a,thax  S.,  Feb.  6,  1831.  8,  David  P  .hily  13. 
1833.     9,  a..  Doe.  25,  1S37. 

Y'^I.     Betsey  Atwater,  b.  Sej,t.,  1790;  d.  unm. 
VII.     Maria  Atwater.  b.  Se].t.  30.  Isol;  m.  Harvev  Bradley,  and  has  s. ;     1,   Chaklks 
A.,  in  fur  ImsiiH^ss  N.  Hav. 

VIll.      Amelia  Atuater.  twin  with   Maria;  m.  Silas  Becklev.      1,    Wiu.ivm       2     CoK- 


IX.      Willb-^m    Atwater,  b.  June   17,    1S(I5;  m.    Mav  21,  1828,  Eliza  Ford-   res    X'    H. 

1,  Hen-kv  J.,  b.  July  18,  1.S20.  2,  \V.\i.  .lAi:En,  b,  Feb.  10,  1831.  3,  MauvJwk  Feb. 
16,  183;'.;  m.  Herman  D.  Clark. 

X.  David  AtwaKT.  b.  Jan.  20,  1807:  m.  Mav  16,  1838,  Emilv  Maxwell;  (2)  in.  1870 
Mary  Kitzmiller,  res.  .MassiHon,  O. ;  chil.;  1,  .Inn.v  M..  b.  June  7  ls39  •?  E\!>fA 
Ei.iZAiiETii,  b.  Dec.  29.  1S42.  3,  llAniiV  E.,b.  .lum-  18,  ISJ...  4  l'(,<.i;\  Hwn,-:  b. 
Fcl».  25,  1858;  d.  April  4.  \SM. 

XI.  Joshua  Atwater,  twin  with  David,  m.  Sept.  19,  1830,  Dorcas  Bronson.  He  d. 
July  30,  1840;  cliil.:     1,    David,  b.  Aug.  2,  1831.     2,    Eliza   Aan,  b.  June  6,  1.'^33;    m. 

1^''8  BKA>>CII    OF    TKOMAS. 

Ja.-(.b  1>.   Batclu-lor.     :;.   (.'KoiKiK   1!.,  b.  Ai-ri!   19,  IN.'JO.     4,   William,  1..  Dc-.    7    ly-j; 

0,  C'oi;  \  AiiAV.Ki.i.A,  b.  Jan.  2-2,  b'^'40;  d.  July 'Jl,  l.s-in.  •     ,       •    . 
XII.      AuntbiT  Atwtiter,  d.  y. 

34536.  Elishti  Dickei'man,  b.  March  o,  1709;  <].  Julv  2*^,  lfir>rt  in  87th  vr  •  m 
IVe.  -.'7,  170J,  Anna  Sf.rit,  wiio  d.  Mardi  (i.  17!J9,  a,  -JS;  (i)  .b,',,.  Oo!  ISMii,  l''u,m-lia 
(biodiicli  lit'  ]3iaiii'. ml.  Conn.,  who  d.  June  11.  IS'Cl,  in  S7th  vr. 

1.  Mary  Ann,  June  o,  179lJ:  m.  May  1:5.  ISHl.  Danhd'  llovr.  1,  l^nw.MtD  I)  b 
in  I>aubury,  July  24,  18-?U:  ni.  Jam-  Ketp.  1,  yV-/.,, /,,■.  2.  KUa.  h  M  u:v  -\.nn  1, 
Ajiiil  b"),  ls:j'^>;  lu.  .bi.^^'pb  Flitrht,  .v  (■.  ;_b  KLiZAiii.'iii.  b.  I),','.  2(>,  ls-.>:!;'  d".  Juii.  {7'  In;:' 
lu.  Dr.  ]\  C.  McLane.  4,  Coijnki.ia  Jaxk,  li.  in  N.  II.  Mandi  (5,  ]S'J7  •  d  Dec  '^7'  18"J-'> 
."),   1Ii;nkv   Ari;rsTr,sb.    LV-c.  27,  ISol ;    M.  D. ;    ni.    <;y\,VA   ^Vass,,!l;  "r,s    FatOn  Nlb'-h 

1,  ^€V:u.     2,    JAIli,:     G,    (AuiNKi.iA  Jank,  Uct.  2.  ls:J:J;  ni.  Alb.Tt  Munrn-  'I'uttle       1 
]krtic.     2,    Gfirnf.     3,  ]u'r,-strr.     4,   XtUir.      7,   Cii aiu.k.-^  PI,  On.   22,    IS;^):    in     lb  bVi 
M.    Fisht-r  of  Cleveland,   0.     1,    Ch/nnna,,.     2,    Chorhs.     ;-}      Willi, ml      8     Ibriui     b 
Nnv.  lo,  18H7;  d.  March  8,  1S;39.  ,      ^  ■     -■     ,      . 

II.     Flisba,  b.  Nov.  19,   1797:  d.  April   1,    bS-ir);  in    Adimh  Aliini.'-.      J,   Ai.i.ixi;    ni 
Nan.jy   Hr-.n-Mii.     1.    JA>A,!t.     2,    XAli>:     y,    r/tmh-.     2,    Finvix.  d.'unui.'     H,   Ki.isii  \' 
re.s.  Xu.  o  Dcnv  st.  N.  11.,  Conn.,  b.  whom  1  am  in.lebted  for  manv  lacts  rclatinir  i,,  ihe 
Dickerman  family;  m.  Harriet  Edv.ards.      1,  Jf,in/.     2,  J'J(hri,,..     3,  KUAi/i      4    'l-'n-fJiJl" 
4,  Fi  i/.AKi-.TH.  <1.  y:     5,  CirAKi.r-^,  d.  y.     G,  Mai:y,  m.  ' lleechrr.    '7.  IU:n.j.\.mi\  d    v 

III.  b',a2i:i:e,  b.  Man.'b  :],  l^''i]  ;  d    Sc-jit.  ;jii,  189;?.  '  "       *  '    ■  -• 

IV.  (7 race.  1).  May  17,  1802;  d.  Oct.  21,  1803.     V.  by  2d  ni. : 

V.     John  Goodrich,  b.  June  12,  1894;  d    unni.  in  Natchez,  Mis.s.    Oct    l,')    18;!9 
VI.      Eunice,  b.  Oct.  ](),  ISOG;  d.  Sept.  12,  18r,:3,  n..  James'wiu-e'fer.      1     C'OKiii-i  iv 
m.  Wm.  Becldey.     2,   Sa);aii  Ellex,  in.   Chandler  ''ov.les.     3,   Pahmki.ia  Coodutcu' 
m.  Kev.  E.  e.  Ilerrick.     4,  Jaxk,  m.  Nels^ou  Adams. 

•VII.     Thomas   Pundenson,  b.   Oct.  28,  I80S;  m.  Mav  21    1827    Sarah  M    P-r<oi>s      1 
Thomas  Pausons,  b.  June   1,  1838:  m.  Oct.   22,"  Carolina  'e.  Smith'     l'     Thunui's 
S.'.tith.      2.   Can-fi  S.      3,   ^no.    P>n:y)iK^.      i,  John.    JidwarJ.      t),  JLir a  Elijah' fh        '^ 
JoifANNA,  b.   Nov.  :i'),  I84t):    d.  Oct.  20,  1842.      3,  (iiiAn;,  b.   Oct.  3,  1.-42-  m    Oct     '^8' 
1873,  Joseph  Lee.     4,   Sahah  S.,  Oct.  30,  1N44.     T),  Jkxmk  Ej)Okkt(ix,  m "  Oct    o    lslv>' 
Aelson  Adams.     G,  John  Goodijic'ii,  b.  Sept.  30,  1848;  m.  Julv  1!)    ]s74    Ella  i'eters 

VIII.      Edmund^JJ.,  b.  Nov.  29,  1810;   m.  Mar^-aret   <i.   iluli;"d.  ]8.7G-  (2)   Sarali    Knn- 
berly;  (3)  Mrs.  Jane  Woodruff.    .1,   Euwakd  II.;  res.  N.  li.  '   ^ 

IX.  William,  b.  July  2>:,  lsl2:  m.  Ebien  Pahn.'r.  ],  FiiA.NrKs,  m.  Henrv  Plumb 
2,  Elj-.axui!.  m.  Nelson  Wilmot.  3.  4,  I'mma  .7  \\ \i  r>  ("'irys  7 
FlJANK  II.  .-,..., 

X.     Geora-e  Oliapman,  b.    Nov.    14,    1S14:  d.    Jan.    24,    1872;  m.   Miranda  Pond,  b. 
182b,   .v'.  /. 

XL     Cliarles,    b,    Sept.    In,    j8I(i;  m.   Jane   Fo.>t.       1     Ei,i,  \        '^    (iro     I  wis      -^ 

<"AHK1!C.  '  '    '  '  ■       ■  • 

34537.     Ivebecca  Dickerman,  m.  Sept.  211,  1790,  Ca).t    Ebenezer  K     (s    <,f  Cnnt 
Jamesand  Mary  Ilitclu-ock)  Peck,  l.i.   Jan.    14,    HoO;  .shiiMuaster   and    m.-iv'h    of    N   'll  ' 
iuidj.rnu-  to  the  Em!)ari;-o  in  1S()7,  .said  to  liave  been    the   Iari;-(>st    ship-owner    in  the  C.d- 
lertion   Dr-r.    of   N.    11.       The  tliree  acres  which  now   con.sUtute  the  wosterlv   half  of 
\\  ooster  square  in    New  Ilav.,    was   a   ),an   of  his  estat,'.  an<l    after  his   dec."  his  wid 
Jiebecca  1  eck,  m  1832  signed  the  deed  of  cwuvevance  to  the  citv,   consideration    ^^PV.O 
ihe  easterly  half  of  the. square  was  called  the  Sa!)in   lot.    and    wr.s   owned    bv    Abraham 
Bishoi).      It  consisted  of  about  three  acres,  of  which  2J  were  conveved  [,,  the  citv  without 
cluir-e,  and,   for  the   other  J    acre    frontiiiir  on    Chapel    st.    Mr.    Bishop    received    .•?l-'.7 
<rt-o    llnadley,  [8]  Mayor,  and  two  of  the  three  c.mmittM,.  of  Aldermen,  Andr-u  Kidston 
[Ij  and  W  m.  II.  Junes  [111. 

i.      Ebenezer    Peek.  b.  Au;r.    23.    1  791  ;   h.^t  at  s,.a. 

II.      •'""les    IV.-k,    !,.    March    G.    179;;;    m.     Ann     At  water;    rem.     to    Jelfrr.snnville,   . 
"ltd.,  and  d-  thr.  ISG.7.      1 ,    bb-.KNF./.i.i:,  b.   1-:2J  ;   m.  Marv  Wrlles       2    Jwik^C     b    l^-'-j 
-..     1km:v  IlLcr.ixs.  !,.  182(1;  s.-hool,  m.    Zdpah    Wt-thmill  ,'.f    N.-rwiel',     Conn  ' 
and  liu,l  1  s.  ami  4  daus.     4,    EdvsaudH.    lb.    b.    ls2S;,b.s-    /      ,7     \\7m     \       ^\    Vi\7.\ 
liKrnH..m.    Samuel  Hu-hes     7.    MAi;vA.,b.    Oct.,    Is34:   m.    Stephen    Uaskili  of   Kv. 

^.   A.vxA  II..  un-n.     9,    Edwako  P..  m. :  .v.  /.  ' 

lib      ib_-b,-cca  P.Tk.  .i;in.  .7,   li:t.7;  d.   Ain-ll  T   bs.i;;;    unm 
i^  .      yiiiyy  P,rk,  Jan.  ;!9.   17!l7;   d.    I-^(IG. 

V.  Martlia  Peck,  S^pt.  1.7.  1799;  d.  1S41;  m.  Conulius  IbK.-.4,onm-  r.^s  on 
•"idsMu  nver.     l.Juiix.     2.   Mauoakkt.     3,   H  vkkikt.     4,   Willi  vm;  d.    in    the  war. 


\i.  Gin'-v  ]V,-k,  1).  Sept.  1.  1801;  d.  s.  i.  in  N.  II.,  April  8,  1870;  m.  Win.  C. 
BmliM-,    who  (1.  ill  S;iv;i!iiin]i,  (la.,  Ani,'.   10^  ls;Jl,  a.  o2. 

\\i.  Kniily  M.  P,rk  Oct.  -,'4.  180;;;  d.  Oct.  28,  186'.);  r.i.  K<'v.  .Tad.son  Adon- 
iram  («.  'd' -Icsso)  Hoot,  wlio  was  lufiiiy  years  jiMstor  of  tlic  Co'iij-.  clili.  at  Branford, 
Conn.;  Y.  V.,  1^2:!;  d.  18o0.  1,  Xathanii  i.  ^^'.^!.  'i'.wi.oi:.  }>.  Ls^U;  Y.  C.  1852;  d.  1872; 
Hi.  I'.li/a  (".  Xasli  and  had  2  ss.,  1  dau.  2,  \\'n.t.i.\\\,  \>.  1844;  ni.  1870,' Mary  Kilbum,' 
Bnd  !  s.  '      ' 

y\\\       Harrifn  Peck,  )>.  .Tan.  4,  180H.  unm. 

3453S.    Chloe  Dickerman,  m.  'i'iniutliy  Plant. 

1.      Benjaniin  Plant,  d.  in  *ia.,  leavint;-  ;'  chil. 

II.  Mary  Ann  Plant,  ni.  i^aniup]  \\V.-!cntt,  1).  17!)."):  d.  18.^4.  ],  Svsan,  m.,  Tajjf. 
Saniui'l  l^torer  of  N.  H. ;  v.  i.  2,  Maky  Ann,  ni.;  .v.  /. ;  licr  Innd'aiid  was  lost  at  .-ea.  o, 
IlLMtY,  m.  Ann  (Jordon:  3  cliil.;  rts.  Mitcon,  (Ja..     4,   (j],<>U(;k,  in. ;  .v.  i. 

III.  Susan  PJani,  m.  Timoihy  McC'arty  in  Kiclnnond.  ^'a. 

IV.  Caicdint- I-'lant.  ni.  -Tames  Fordyc  W'riKley;  has  I'am.  of  5  chil.;  ics.  Macon, 

V.      Itoiry  Plant,  nt.  Au.:riista  Peck  and  ];ad  dau.  Aogusta. 
\l.      Khun  Plant,  m.  Aikdine  of  X^'\\'  h5rd find.  Mass. ;  3  chil.  in  Ala. 
Vli.      Incicasc  < '.  Plant,  m.  South;   set.  and  liad  ;j  ny  4  cliil.;  res.  Macon. 

34539.  Abigail  Dickerman,  h.  I77t;i:  d.  l8o;i,  a.  8^:  m.  An^-.  10,  1^<02,  (.'apt. 
Jesst'  Pardee;  in.-uiner.      lie    ^VR.•.  lor^t  at  sea. 

1.      Stephen    Diekernian    Pardee,   h.    Oct.,   180o;  d.   .Inly  29,    1878,  in   liis  7olh  vr. 
■■'  His  tdtaracter  was  extraordinarily  gtiiial  and   lovely.      For  28  vears   treu-^urer  of  the 
New  Haven  Savings  Bank.     His  integrity,   conscientionsnes;-.,  and  iidelity  to  the  impor- 
tant  and  delicate  trusts  coinniitted  to  Ids  hands,  seeurei!  for  hiin    the  unbounded  esteem 
and  confidence  of  tlie  coinniunity  in   which   lie   lived.      It   was   Ids  desire  that  .John  P. 
TiittJe  (  /)"isf),  who,  in  late  years  liad  assisiin!  h'nn  in  his  ofUi-ial   duties  as  .treas.,  should 
.suc<-eed  liiiu.      He  te>r)k  much  interrst   in   hnrticuhure  a.nd  i)omoloi;-y,  and    was  never  so 
ha]>j>y  as  ulieii  engaged  on  Id--  plac-  in  NNe^tville  in  these  genial   pursuits." — ^(,r  J/ifc. 
Fiiifinli''i/i.     m.  .lane  Stfjdiens.  svhn   d.  about   1872.      1,    Hi;n.j ami x,  in.    a  dau.  of  Levi 
Gilbeji  ot  X.  H.,  and  luid  M  chil.      2.   .loiix,  d.  at  sea,     o,   .M  AiiY  .Janj;,  unm.    4,  Hknky, 
jn.  in  Alabama  and  ha-  2  (did.     .5,    Sii;i'av;N. 
II.      Heiiiv.  m.  (/hai'lntte  Haves, 
ill.      Mary!  n:.  .McOarrh-y;   re.<'.  X.  H. 
l^'.      firace,  num. 

V.  .Tesse  Edsvin.  m.  at  the  South. 

3454.   Hezekiah    Tuttle,  b.  April   ;-;.  ]7;5(J  ;    m.  Sept.    S,  17.rS,  by  Kev.    Mr.    Whit- 
tlesey. Martha,  dau.    of  Abner  Bradle\-,  who  d.  .Ian.  ls2:j  ;   a  W)   vis.";  he  died  of  cons  , 
Jai:.  2.  179.3.      Abner,  eld.  s.,  adm.  of  his  f.V  ;  Andrew  Tuttle",  suretv 
I.      Abner. 

II.      Andrew,   b.  .Jan.  4,  ]  7ti2  ;  Y.  ('.  17S4  :  d.  Xov.  li).  1807  :  unm  ;  found  d.  in  his 
bed.      "  An  honi'st  man  's  tlie  n()l.)le.--t  ^^"(>rk  (d'  (>'od,"  ('//■!/ re-.sff/iu'). 
111.      Marth.a,  ],.  .lulv  7,  1  TMl  :  d.  Sept.  2:3,  ]82;J. 
\y.      Ile7.eki.nh.   i..  Xov.  ].".,  17';'J  ;  d.  Oct.  ]H,  1772,  ;i.  H  yrs. 

V.  Lucy,  b.  Sept.  7,  baj).  Sept.  9,  1770  :  d.  .Jan.  17,  177;J  ;  a.  2  yrs,  4  mos.  One  of 
tin-  daus.  m.  • Lnve. 

3454.1.  Abner  Tuttle,  b.  Feb.  27,  \',ljO  ;  m.  .Tune  r>,  17S;-;,  l^lizaTx'th  Mi.x,  who  was 
bap.  .lune  22,  17'.l4.  He  d.  March  28,  181:!  ;  she  d.  Feb.  2."i,  lS.-)4  ;  a.  89  vears  ;'"  Imitate 
her  virtues." — (Kjiit.) 

1.  IKv.ekiah,  b.  Oct.  :11.  l78o;  ba]..  April  25,  1794:  d.  iicKt  dav 
11.  ■  [■^aac,  b.  X<n-.  22,  171)0  ;  m,  Polly  Coep.T, 
III.  .loliti  Pi.M>ou,  b.  Ma.rch  IS,  1  7',):J;' bap.  .Inlyd,  ]  7!M  :  ndd.shipman  U.  S.  X. 
X'ov.  HO.  b814  :  lieut.  .Lm.  i:b  1S2.")  :  lied,  at,  s.-a  -iune  14,  1.^27,  on  lioard  the  slonp  of 
war  .lohn  Adams,  nf  wld<l!  he  was  tii  st  edlicer  ;  burled  at  si'a.  A  news]iaper  <d  Xor- 
f(dk,  \'a..  contained  the  following  notice  :  '•  We  take  jdea.->nre  in  recording  llie  annexed 
tribute  of  respect  to  the  memory  of  that  excellent  man  and  valuable  olli'-er,  Lieut.  .lolm 
P.  Tuttle  of  the  navy.  His  soul  has  gone  aloft."  It  was  our  ])leasure  to  be  accpiainted 
with  Lieut.  T. ,  and  we  are  enabled,  from  oui'  own  observation,  as  well  as  from  the  tes- 
tinxny  of  many  of  Ids  friends  an(i  shl  >  lo  say  thai  among  Its  eh.  ijccsi  sjiiritsour 
navy  does  not  boast  a  ln-tter  ollic..i- or  a  beiier  man.  Hut  a  short  time  liefore  lejiving 
])orL  on  his  last  voya>'.-e  In-  liad  the  nu.-.foilune  to  he  sejiarated  Ijy  death  from  the  amiable 
partner  of  his  ia>soni,  who  left    jiini  one  child,  an  interesliug  little  girl  of  two  vears,  of 

170  r.HAiVCH    OF   THOMAS. 

v.h.iiu  lie  (Idliiigly  fond.  At  u  time-  wlicn  his  early  returi'  was  fondly  looked  for  by 
his  friends,  llie  messenger  of  death  an  ivrd  and  sinnniMned  him  to  his  iinal  arcount. 
\\a.}  tl\e  r(  collection  of  his  virtms  Tcm]/er  tin-  ixiiiMiancy  of  tludr  <;rief  at  this,  atl'i'-iivc 
event.  At  a  meeting-  of  the  hrothcr  oilirc-vs  of  t!)<' kite  liiitn..  .1.  P.  Tuttle,  h<dd  on  Mon- 
day (■Y.-nin",'-  in  this  borou!^-!).  it  >va<  ie>-ulved.  niianii.iohsly,  rhnt  tln-y  det']>iy  dejdorc 
ilic  de.ith  of  tlii'.t  odh-'.-r,  and  tl;at  in  tesJiniony  (d'  his  iirej'araijle  los.-,  to  his  country  and 
to  themselves,  tln-y  will  wear  a  hadi:i>  of  moninin;;-  for  :i(l  days."  The  ( 'onnei-tii;iit 
Herald,  in  a  notice,  says  id'  him  :  "  Since  he  rercived  his  warrant  iu  1Sl4  In-  has  \n'<-n 
most  constantly  in  active  service.  A'ersed  intiic  priiiciidcsof  naval  disciidine.  eminoiulv 
acijiiainted  ^^■ith  the  human  (diara<'ii'r,  disdainintr  a  base  action,  imhd'at'gable  in  the 
|i'Tformauce  of  his  dut\ .  he  commended  himself  to  his  su])t'rior  oflicers.  \Adiile,  tiicn. 
the  navy  is  deprived  o[  ona  of  its  brightest  ornaun-nts.  an  aged  motlier  is  bcieaved  of  an 
aflectionate  son  whose  s]ieedy  retnrn  she  had  joyfriUy  at\tici|Mted.  and  nnmeious  rehv- 
tives  and  friends  of  one  wlio.-c  candoi-,  \vho--e  genc!-(..^ity,  whu.^t•  ardent  and  inevitable 
n*tachmcnts  tlu'y  will  always  be  jiroiid  to  emulate."  lie  married  .MarL;aie;ia.  dau.  of 
t'lunmodorc  .Jpuies  Barron. '■•'    L'.  S.  X.,  awd  had  cue*  idiild   as  abov.-,  N\ho  d.  v. 

IV.      Betsey,  b.    .Uily   -28.  ITUo:    m.    Sept.    r-.2,  IS'Ji),    Hiram    Crnfut:   he  "died    0<t.  :;0. 
]^'M);  chil.    1,   M.v;t(;.\r:KT'!A   r.Aii):o.N',    !>.  Aui:-.  o,   is-j.",;   m.  (li'l'lmma^   B.  Doremiis;  (0) 
("liarles  C.  \\'arren.  -v.  /.  :  she  is  still  living  (Dec.  bsM).     2.  Hn:.\.M  PiF.i;sii.x,  b.  .Inly  1:3. 
1S:^7  ;  m.  Rebecca  l?eamer  and  had  one  ch'ild.   Tli->,:iiis  J >,>r,  ,„ ns;   b.  Oct.  l.j.  ^>5■y^. 
V.      He:'eki:di.  b.  Nov.  2(1  :  ba)..  l>ec.  17.  IT'.)?  .  died  Dec.  11,  TSl?  :  unm. 

VI.      Eli^-a.  b.  .hilv  ;!1.  l':;ol  ;  m.  Bnilander  B.  lliiie. 

VIT.      Andrew,  b.  Dec.  2«.  l^'l-t  ;   1):!]..  Sept.  2S,  j.^u;  :  m.    IWAu-x  Bailey.     1.  Ei.t/..\ 
JiETH.      2,  riui.AXUKli.      o.  KMKi.i.Sf.:  all  d.  y.  of  scarh-l  f*  vei-  \viihin>  Vkiys. 

345412.     Isaac  Tuttle,  b.  X.a-.  22.  ITO'I;   ba]..  -Inh-ti.  IT'.'i:  d.  March  h^.  ISiU:  m. 
Oct.  y.  IsM.  i>olly  Ceoperof  Cedar  lliU.  who  d..  Xov.  ]!),"l84(»,  a.  4."'>. 

1.  .Bdiii  Biersoii.  b.  .Inly  ^jU.  l'^17;  lirm  of  English  and  Tuttle,  lumber  dealeis  in 
New  Hav(-n,  ('i>nn.;  Treasurer  of  Xe\v  Ilav.  Savings  Banlv;  }Mes.  Mechanics'  Ban!:; 
Streei  ("oinmls-ioner  <er.  yrs. ;  Sen.  \\'ardv!i  of  Trinity  cldi.;  ]n.  April  2lS,  J.S42.  Eliza- 
beth C.  Augur.  ],  ]->  Si  SAN,  b.  Dec.  2f;,  lS.")it;  ni.  Dr.  Bt>\s  is  of  Naiigatuck,  Conn.; 
rear,  to  Brooklyn.  X.  Y  2.  Wij.liam  Pikusijx,  b.  .luly  1^^.  IS.'jy;  m.  June,  1877,  Carrie 
M..  dau.  of  Dea.  <i'eo.  J^  of  th.e  Brauford  fan;. 

II.  l.saac  Abner,  b.  Aug.  2U.  1820;  in  business  at  th.e  South  and  lost  Ids  i)ropenv 
during  the  v,iir;  d.  July  7,  1804;  m.  Mary  Shuniway.  1,  Eiiaxk  (\,b.  May  2,  is."^i7: 
proprietor  of  the  rubber  store  in  X.  H. ;  m.  April,  1882,  Clara  C.  Morris. 

111.  Martha  Ann,  b.  Jan.  20.  ]s2;i;  m.  May  28,  1844.  Frederick  E.  Ives.  (irn>  of  Ives. 
Heecher  tV'  Co.  of  X.  Y.  C,  one  of  the  largest  imjiorting  houses  in  tlw  I'.  S.  1. 
HowAitJ-).  b.  April  0,  184.");  m.  April  28.  t8'oi).  S.  Anna  ^^■vlie.  1,  ]),rt!t'i  J.rnii.-^:;.,  b. 
Feb.  12.  1870.  2.  FrccUrirk  Gfnnj,'.  b.  Oct.  o,  18:2;  d.  Oct.  27,  18711.  :),  JLimld.  b. 
.luly  H,  1874.  2,  ELtZAHirru  Tr-ni.K  b.  >'arch  7,  1832:  m.  Dec.  4.  1877,  W  jn.  Wa'sun 
of  the  firm  of  \\!n.  Watson.  Er"deri(dv  S.  Ives  and  Chas.  A.  'i'uttle  of  X.  Y.  C.. 
imJK)rters.  s.  of  \\  m.  ^\■atson  of  '\^'atson,  Townly  \  Co.  of  X.  Y.  C. ,  dry  goods  < ommission 

I^'.     William  Mix,  b.  Jan.  7,  182G;  d.  at  \'al].araiso.  Chili,  Fid).  2:1  1851;  unm. 
\'.      Cliarles  .Ailing,  b.  Xov.  28,  1828;  merdi.    in   X.  Hav..  then'  becaiiie   a    meml>er 
<d'  liie  firm  of  Ives,  Beecher  &'  Co.,  X.  Y.  C. 

W.  'J'heodore  Augustus,  b.  Aug.  14,  1881;  road  coinmissioi\er  in  X.  11.  several 
vrs. ;  luiw,  1882,  Collector  of  Taxes;  unm. 

VIE  Mi'ry  Elizabeth,  b.  Dec.  10,  1884;  m.  Oct.  7,  18.^6,  James  (;.  English.  [4]  (:. . 
one  ch. ;  d.  v. 

VIII.      XAthan  Hale,  b.  Mai(di  11,  18:W;  m.  May  7.  18ti(,!.  Mary  Clark. 

34541G.  Eli;fa  Tu.ttle,  b.  .luly  81,  bap.  (.Kt.  2-").  1801;  lu.  Sept.  20.  IS19,  Phi- 
lan<ier  Bii!si)ii  Hine. 

I.  Elizabeth  Hine.  b.  Se].t.  (I,  1820;  m..  Chauucey  (>.  Crosby;  a  very  skilful 
dentist  a.nd  a  ;  elebrated  inventor:  se\  ejal  id'  his  patents  have  be-;)  sob!  for  large  .-urns,  and 
are  in  use  in  England  and  on  the  Eurv)pean  contlneiit.      He  bulir  oi-  improved  a  tine  j)lace 

♦James  Barron,  Cominodore  in  the  U.  S.  X  ;  b.  at  Norfolk,  Va.,  1766;  entered  the  nava!  service  of 
th;it  Str^te  in  the  of  Independence  an-',  thai  of  the  U.  S.  in  1798.  in  1807  he  had  command  of  ttii 
fritjatc  Chesai'cake  v.hon  shewas  aii;;cktd  in  time  ^it'  pe:icc  by  the  P.rlusli  frit;;iie  LeopjvrJ,  of  sie,->erior 
force.  Surrcnderinff  to  that  vessel  he  was  t)oarde(l  for  dese;  tv-rs  and  .several  of  th.e  crc\v  tiikcn  off.  A 
coiirt-martial  resulted  in  the  suspension  of  Ce-n.  Harron  for  live  yib  The  i>f  Coiii.  IHcatur  in 
this  affair  led  to  a  t'.uel  between  P.arron  ai'.d  Dccaiur  {j"<ro)  in  which  both  were  wounded,  the  hitter  mor- 
tally. Com.  l'.arron  died  in  1S51.  a.  83,  the  senior  ofiiLer  of  the  navy.  He  a  high  reputation  for 
seamanshij'.     Com.  Saiourl   Haiion,  I'.  5.  N.,  was  his  tirother. 

_    _  ti;ttle.  ]-, 

on  IIim,nu:-.ay  in  X.-w  H.v,-„  1„r  a  ivsi,l..n.-,..  1,,,,  lK.r<,)nin;^  di.sHiisi;..!  sol.l  H  (.Ti^h,^ 
(a  h.,lK-,<.  uIh,  tin. rem  tl,,.  (\nhr..]rA  ,■],„,,■!,  ,>r  St.  Marv's  Dr  Cnshv  ht,  „ 
.Villcnl,  (.,„„,.,  wl.r.  he  s|K.nt  a  hu..^,.MUn  in  l>,nl,lin,i,s  an-l  loV  a  ,,-.i- 
drnrv.  J!„.  ,„o|H.,,v  i,a..M..i  !.y  l, >r,  ,-i.,MU-  into  tl„.  IkuhI-  „r  n  !,a„k,  u],,,  I,..],!  i,  lor 
s.m„„^,,l,l  It  t..  .I.,lin  1!.  P.,nrk,.tt,  u], .,..,.  ln,nil  v  n„w  (iss:;,  ,,ru,,v  i,-  'It,  - 
inro.n.  tn.m  In.  i.i.truts  is  .ai<l  f,  1,.  la,-.,  II, ■  ,!.  in  INM.;  Tl„.  ,nu.l„  ,■  ,.r  ('[;,,,;  I  ,.„i^H 
K<'11<>^|K  ^vas  sist.-r  n|  1m-.  ('.•...hy.  Sonu-  of  Dr.  C.V  rluhln-n  w,mv  l.ramir.M  as  tlu> 
<-oii!|.il(T  wh.,  sav  tln-iii  m  liisydt.n-riMiavsrenuiiihf.r.s,  1  Cummk^'v  ■'  l-)'\xi-  ,! 
y.  a,  ('ii.vrxcKv.  twin  with  ]■- rank.  (1.  V.  -1,  1>a  i;k.m  a.\.  :,  Nkuic  (I  \m  '  i'vF  "  "' 
(  AKKIK      8,    ToKNiK       !».    Ki.WAi:,,.  ck  y.      On.  ol'  the  .hu,.l,t.Ts  m.  Mr.   I.,'iu-ls   u'i   lU' 

Sv;L'{v::;':';j- ;:;f  ^^  ^^"' '  ^'"■"-*-''^'  <'•■  •— -  --nra,.,,...,.  ,„•  t,..  i...,;:;- 

II  TlH.inas  Duanc'  Ilinc.  b.  Jan  :?0.  \S-22:  m.  ilehn  Snnlli  and  l,ad-  1  ]i  m  ,.„  d 
y.  2,  Unsu::H  SMvni.  8,  Ualph.  4.  'J  mom  as  Duaxk.  H,  Chakms]'  'gUuik 
<,   M.MKox.     ,s,   Smftii.     Sk   Daisy,      id.   Axomi.!!    <l    v  •      J.    >    "-'.ik. 

II!.     Kdward  Hii,,-;  ],.  y\,r.  2r,.  is-j-i;  d.  Kd..  i ;,  isiiS 

1\'.      ]-:d\vai-d  ('..  b.   Iter.  0.  1  S-k? ;   d.   ]-'fb.  -J.'t,   kv'(j4. 

35.     John  Tuttle,  b.  ])cc.  .j,  Uirin:  wlun  12  vjs    ,,f  a—  lu-  k.>,-n.,r  l,m,tiv  ,.;ti    i  ■ 
sis.  Ihuu,ah  owner  of  tbe   hnu.e   and    l„t    of   l,is    ..    f^Thon,    s    P.;;!      T     -^-so'   'u 
mdudod  the.  ;V  ,,^h.swortl,  lot    and  a  sn.all  ori::inal  allotment  to  Thon>as   i'ow.d  "f  ak 
,  i- ot  an  a.-n-    adjonnn-   n    on   tl,o   we-t.       Kdward    \Vi.v.leswo>  th,   iho   u-,ant....   and    first 
<mi,.r,  bu.l,  a  hon..^  on  uaud  sold  it  in    HiK;  to  Sannnd  \Vils.„.  who   ..Id    it  in       4     t. 
honius  row,.l.         t  adjoined  tlu-  Ball  k.  <,n  th.  .a-t.  thr  sanu-  it.  doj-th    ard       i  1     ih 
owel    lot.  ,1:,.  H,]]  l,.i  ,,ud  thr  Wilkua,,  Tuttlo   hon:ostrad.  orrupied    ]:o  whoh    f     nt      f 
(    u,kol   p.    o...,..„    rollop.    ;-.!    Vork.ox..,,tin^th.larKek,tl.,th,   U:    o    r      ;: 

I.  1.  si.  ,  ,,v  .dl  <1.  H.  jfjbl,  a.ui  his  will  ,!,nvino-  tlu-  boniest. -ad  to  his  -t    rhil 
J'-!-'i    and    Hannah    1  .-rh.    provid-s  tliat  John  should  have  the  wliole  if  Hannah  di     nut" 
n.avrv.      llonry  n\  h,ie,  in  his  suoerb  ar^irle  on   T/u   h>.:.l  Tifhs  of  Y„le  r,  W     s     •  h  v 
tuislaken    in    saying   that  -  Hannah  did  no,    niarrv.  and    John    bia  no    .o  s  ^l;,  f     ^ V  •. 
whole.        Hannah  m.  abt    lO^ii,  Joshna  llo,ei>ki.-s:  and  so  made  .rood  he-  ,it  e'       H    r 
Umnias   Uutle    bun,rht    her   ri^^lit  for  the  i„.,.-lit  of  his  s.  John.'as  appea  ■    bC  a  d'  ■  d  of 
conveyance  to  John  m  1  01  of  -ny  u.  in  ihe  Wi.,^lesworth  lo.    for    vhieh  I  i„   d  V  5     > 
my  ^on-u^:,^.  Josluta   I  otchkiss."  and    about  th.  san.e  tin.-  In-  eonv.  to  Jo],     h l  n 
tin.  Powell  allotment    and  so  John  be,  anu-  th,-  own.n-  .4'  Hu-  ^shole.       He  d    in  ITio  '".n  1 
n',":   ti"'    ■'■iM    ■■'   '■^^',"^-,i"^---    ^'-it^i^:    inns.  wid.  Hannah,  ,dul..  Hannah    Pnth    L'vd.a 
Dorothy  and  Mo.Sfs;  Abraham  Diekerman  and  Philip  Aleo.-k    apors       ]  sun    1     Vv,    '      n' 
nah    dau.^f  Sutmtel  Humiston  front  a  eonv.  (1720)  o^  land  laid  Vu\  to  San  iel  Ih  mi         ' 

M         S'    ;Ir"V^'''  'y,^^^'^"  •^''  ^'''-   <1-  I'fl-  l'^".  "i.m.       In  tl,at  vr.  Lvdia  Tuttle  s,dd  t,> 

^sri^siflhui^air^ji^ir^;::^^^'''^-  ^'^ '-— ^  - ..,  John-Tnuh^dee.,!,:;;:^;;: 

luaie,  jatux  .K<     -of  X.  Hav..  conv.  to  ^^  arham  Mather  tlie  Pine  Koek  Field    ■       Shto^. 

K.^'-l^tHeol'x'Hv'^^ITf  tl";'   ''^'r   ':^7Y^^^^    '— "•       Inl737!ieeo^": 
T  it  le    h.     ■  n     r^^^ 

Hull  •'VhewiiVoF^^ui/MaS;^?;;^!  :!pro'';^^^ 

hi    r,;,    .      :i  1     '  ■^'^■'/'Xl''\-^I'"'--f'^'kk  I'oroihy  4'u,tleand  bn).Mos.-s;   .mv,-s    ••to 


iil.      kv.lia     b    M;-'ve  lo,  j;,}7;   m.  John  Manslield.    I,.    June   2     I 

(i4:  d.  JuMi-.  ITfil 

1T2  BKANCn    0>'    THOMAS. 

April  1,  1740.      'J,    l^AViiJ,   Jiilv;].  ll-iC;  in.  EuiiiLH- (.lau.  ol'  .Icrt'iiiiali)   Pec]:,  ]\  Vvh.  2:5 
lTr>.     3,   Hi:i!!;r<A.  Mhv  17.  1745. 

IV  ih.iotliy,  1..  Manli  2-.?.  i:09;  l)ai..  Aui,'.  OU  17:^;:  in.  I-Vl..  !l,  n4s,  Wm.  P,.,k. 
In  17f>4  l)..r,)tli_v  J'fck  .s.dd  land  in  NVi-stfu'Jd,  •■  that  i'ornu'rly  belonged  to  my  father 
John  Tattle,"  to  Andrew  lieed. 

V.      FJuMie/.T.  -Inly  23.  1111;  d.  Dee.  0-2, 17:31 

VI.  Mdso.s.  1).  June  2.'),  1715;  ha]).  t^e])t.  24,  17:-i7;  Y.  V.  1745;  next  year  set.  as  tin' 
1st  H.ini.-tfrat  (h-anvilk-,  Ma.vs.  {HollniuVs  Jlisl .  of  W,  ifrni  .^fa.s..,n^/,  !!.■<,  its  ^ays  x]u-  rWi. 
was  ]»r()b.  oi\iran.  1747).  He  le'-signed  in  1S5:].  A  sneeessor  desei-ihcs  him  as  a  laithfiil 
4tnd  iirthodejx  iiLiiii.sTcr.  "His  ministry  at  (t.  ■'Aas  Ide.-sed  with  jn-dsiietity  and  iseace." 
Suhsequontly  lie  i)n'a<died  at  WiTulsor.  Conii..  j  Wappini:  iiaiish),  tliree  years,  and  al'ter- 
wiirds  at  Soathnhl,  L.  1..  where  he  d.  >.'<)v.  21,  1785.  Tiu' Powell  homestead,  of  whicii 
Moses  heeame  o^\■)leI■  of  the  larjSi-est  share  liy  inheritance  and  ])ur(diase  of  his  sisters 
rights  is  now  very  valnable.  'J'he  Yale  Art  l>uiidiu<r  stands  jiartly  on  it.  and  ]'artly  ow 
the  Ball  lot.  Hiirh  st.  runs  throu^'h  it,  and  the  biown  st(nie  lioiises  ami  two  or  tinve 
frame  hnilding-s  Ijcyoiid  are  within  its  limits.  The  snhjoined  abstracts  of  deeds  in  rehi 
tion  to  this  ])ro])erty  are  interpstinp:,  and  -will  l)ecome  more  so  as  time  rolls  on.  Ai'iiH*. 
17::39,  Hannah  Tiitlle  (wid  of  Joliu),  Lydia  am!  Dorothv  'J'uttle  conv.  to  (.'aieb  llotchkiss. 
jr.,  (Calel)  S(V)  July  14.  1762:  Mnse.s'Tuttle  -'Clark,'"  formerly  of  New  llav..  now  of 
Worcester  Co.,  Md..  Dorothy  Peck  and  Jyydia  Mansfield  conv.  to  IJoner  Sherman  land 
lying  westerly  from  Y.  C.,  a  half  acre,  for  i':^1,  hounded  south  by  (Chaiud)  st..  west 
by  home  hit  of  Caleb  Hotchkiss,  Sd,  north  l)y  Punderson  .Austin's  land,  aiul  east  by  our 
own  land.  Tlie  dimensions  were  (37^  feet  on  Cliapid  st.,  by  s:j.;  feet  in  rear  and  27:1^^ 
feet  deep  (reduce  from  r(;ds  and  fractions  in  tlie  reccjid).  Consid.  l';ll.  Daniel  Lyman 
Hiel  Samuel  .Mansfield,  wit.  In  l](j:j  .--:une  parties  c<.nv.  to  Nathan  lie>-rs  land  in  York- 
shiie  Quarter,  i)(.>unded  south  by  st..  v.'(^st  liy  James  Dunbar's  land,  lately  dec.,  ni.rtli  by 
our  own  land,  east  liy  Stephen  BalTs,  about  three  ae-i's;  cou'dd.  illO  Is.  Nathan  Beers 
,^was  a  very  oxti-nsive  land  owner,  liis  ]iossessions  re.Lching  \\eslerly  from  York  st.  a  long 
di.staiice,  and  this  supposed  a  ])art  of  that  tract.  Anothtu' convey,  by  Moses,  the  location 
uuknoNvn  to  me.  ^^.^s  in  1754  to  Ebenezer  Punderson,  of  land  laid  out  to  •■my  great 
grandfatl'.er.  Mi.  \Vm.  Tuule  and  my  grandfather  Thonuis  Tut  tie." — ,V.  Jf.  L^/cJ  li'i-"rtl: 
m.  lelO.  Mai'tlei.  youngest  of  eleven  (diil.  of  Kev.  Timothy  Ed\v:ir<l-^  [x\  of  K.  \V..  (a  2d 
cou^^in  of  hi-;  f .  1.  She  is  described  in  SiUif<'  Wimlxor  as  a  lad^  cd'  reuiaikable  powers  of 
mind  though  somewhat  eccentric.  Sli"  d.  Fe!>.  17'.>4,  a.  77  yrs.  1,  MAtriHA.b.  1747: 
<1.  in  \\:i]ii);u^-  Soe.,  uniii.,  Mandi  15.  is:j7.  a.  UU.  2.  1Ia;snaii,  b.  1750;  d.  Dec  11. 
l!^;31,  a.  M.  ?,.  Pirii,  b.  in  N.  11.,  175:!:  d.  unm..  1^05.  4,  KsxiiKR.  b.  in  Kent.  Pa.. 
475t);  li^'ine  in  ^'ernou,  Cdini..  ls5(),  a.  'J  I  vrs.;  m.  Dec.,  17SSI,  Aukjs  Cadv  this  2d  wf.,i. 
He  d.  Aug.';l  ]S4;l.  a.  97  yrs.  They  had  4  chil.  He  m.  1st.  July  1(3.  1770,  Hannali, 
<hiu.  of  Simrm  Jvingsbuiy  of  Fdlingfon,  Conn,  (who  d.  Nov.  7,  KS'i,  a.  about  ;i5yrs.). 
liy  \vhom  he  had  7  chil. 

36.  E.sthor  Tuttle,  h.  Ajiri!  9,  1(372;  living,  174(1,  //V/c  deed  to  Thos.  K(ibin<ou; 
m.  Pel).  27,  1(i'.:M.  Samuel,  s.  of  I!al]di  and  Mary  (H  iicdicock)  Kusstdl.-  b.  1(.;71 :  d.  June 
2*3,  1724.  a.  5:;.  He  was  (d'  E.  Haven.  In  1717  he  was  on  the  committee -with  Sanimd 
1.4ark  and  four  others,  to  ••  Seat  the  mee;ing  hou'-e."  Also  in  1714.  on  the  conimittee 
about  lONvn  boundaries.  "  He  li\-ed  on  the  lot,"  says  Dodd,  "now  owned  by  'i'honui.-- 
P>arne.-."  His  will  wa-  ju'oved  in  1724,  ^vi<].,  Esther,  execx..  to  whom  he  devises  sundry 
]>arce!s  r.f  land  and  half  of  the  dwelling  house  ;  to  SaUHud,  "  the  farm  I  bought  of  Wm. 
Poberts,'"  etc.;  to  daii.  Esther  Way  Pussell,  laud>,  etc.,  and  luaues  in  bi-cpU'Sts.  sons. 
J<xseph.  Daniel  and  Ab.d.  and  dan.  .Mary;  dite,  June  22.  1724;  Minor  chil.  Jo.-e])h, 
Mary,  Danicd  and  .\be],  (dio.^e  E-ther  for  gn;j^rd.  In  174(7  Thomas  Pobinson,  Matthew 
PiOW(  .  Xniluiniel  Harnes.  J.diu  Howell,  Esther  Uussell  and  Aliel  linsseU  agree  to  divide 
land  formerly  beloiu'.iutr  to  Samuel    Hussidl. 

1.      Samnel  Pus-.-'. I,  1>.   if.!i(;;   m.  Mav  \?,.    17l!t,  Marv  Hemingwav. 
H.     Joseph  Rus.-.JI.  b.  Ajiri!  2;].  1(;'.)'7;  d.  l.>ec.  7.  1704. 
in.       INlhiM-  Pu-,<ell,   b.   Mav    1,   Ki'.lO;    m.    David  V\'av. 
IV.      .Marv  Unssell.  b,  Jan. "i:i.  d.   Nov.    I.    1  7(.ll  . 

*John  and  Ralpli  Ru'.sell  were  bios,  and  appear  at  the  iron  works  in  East  llav.  about  u'64.  John  d. 
ifSi,  leav.  wf.,_  Hannah,  who  afterw.  m.  Robert  Dawson  ;  ctiil.,  i,  Hannali,  b.  1670  ;  m.  i7o--.  Josc;ih 
(iranniss,  2,  Wm . ,  if-C.  one.  i'>7i?,  4.  Jol'n,  Nov.  i.  16S0.  Ralph  Russell,  bv  petition  from  Thomas 
B.:iue»;  had  (rr^al  of  a  piece  of  iar.d  near  the  iron  worUs  lie  li  e.79.  during  a  season  of  cereal  ir.oriaijty 
in  ]•:.  Hav.  He  m  Oct.  i=,  1661.  Mary  Hitchcock  :  had,  1.  John,  Dec.  14,  1(^54  ;  ni.  Antr  17.  ir.  ;.  Han- 
'i:J;    MouUhrop.     •.>.  .[..--cpb,   March   20.    ef.;.      ;,   ICdward.     .;.  .Saniut  1,   b.    171:  m.    li-.thcr  'ii.'ile  an<i 

had:       Samuel,  ifvi':       iCsther,  10^9;       Mary,    17.J0;       Infant,  17^2;     Ralph,   1703;       Joseph,  i;-o;     Daniel 

and  Abel. 

TrTTI.K,     IIUSSKLL,    SMITH.  17,: 

V.      Infant,    h.  Ancr.,  a.  Axuj;.  r,.    1702. 
VI.      Ifalph  Rus»ll,  1).  Aui:.  1'3.  Hi)-):  d.  0,-t.  M,  1T01. 

Vn.  Josi'ph  IJussell,  1).  Di'C.  lit,  ITOM.  ])<uU\  :,ays  .1.  v.,  if  so,  aiioflier  Joscplt  b. 

A'JII.     Joseph  IJiissrll,  a  viiinni-  in  I'/'JI;  in  1',;'.:2-:|  of  T-.  liav.;  conv.  V'  .Insrpli  Tuttle. 
jr.,  80  iicrcs  ami  a  lot  that  was  my  f.  S;im'1  l-.'iissrir.s,  ilijif,  ho  lioii<;-lit  of   W'ni.  ituhbords. 
IX.      Maiy  Itus-cll,  a  minor  in  17"Jt;   m.  NaJhanirl  Hanics. 

X.  Danifi  JJussrll.  snp.  tho  Daniol  I\u-sfll  wlmsc-  o^t.  was  iViv.  in  1  T.'-O  to  chil. : 
inl7;Wof  F,,  llav.;  conv.  rt.  in  f.  Sanon-l's  i-^^.  In  Isaac  How.  ].  D  vMi-;i,,  old.  s. ; 
Boberi  Mi-'i\x  n,  i:-n;u<i.,  17(io.  ~,  KsTii  i:i!  Foi;;-..  H,  Wit.i.iAAt,  of  Ihrnicl  ami  AlM"-ai!. 
b.  Soi't.  •.'.-.,  Ko':;. 

XI.  Abe]  luissfll.  d.  17-i2:  ni.  Ennioc  Lmiiiington;  [d]  wid.  I'ninicf  Kussidl  adm. 
to  the  chh.  at  Sonthinuton,  I'onn.,  A\\.</.  S,  17-t'J;  ni.  ('.i)  ]>.'(■.  7,  171:!,  iMms  ("'lark,  [l]  and 
d.  July  2.'),  17G!i,  a.  :]n.      1,   AiiEi..  bap.  in  S.  Any.  bj,  17-J2. 

'361.  .Samuel  Bussoll,  b.  lO'.if;;  d.  July  ]l,  I7;!s,  a.  i;^;  m.  May  1:5,  171!),  y,uy\\ 
dun.  of  .Ifdui  and -Muj'y  (.Morris)  l!oinin,irway.  b.  April  2n,  17tib  She  ni.  (2)  Sammd,  s. 
of  'i'hnnias,  jr..  and  Sarah  (Hmvo)  ;Mnitii,  for  2il  \\  f . ,  and  had  Lydia  and  Samuel. 
His  1st   wife   wa-;  Kb'cUior  Thompson. 

I.      Samuel,  b.  Feb.  2,  1720:  drafted  in  1755;  d.  bef.  1  7.jS. 

II.  Timnthy,  b.  S.'pt.  20,  1722;  ni.  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  and  Sarah  (Tuttlej  Moul- 
throj)  [1],  and  had  4  ehil.,  all  bu.  at  tw(i  funcu-aJs,  two  in  each  grave.  She  m.  (2;  her  8d 
cons.,  .lohn  Pavtlee,  \vhose  fu'St  wf.  wns  Sarah  Forest.  [Ij 

111.  Ste].h.-n. 

I\'.  bdnibod. 

V.  Ilnnice.  ?n.  ('apt.  Thomas  Smith. 

VI.  i:stlHr,  b.  I72y,  m.  Joseph  llotchkiss. 

3615,  Eunice  Kussell,  m.  March  11,  Ull.Cai.t.  Thomas  Sjuitli,  1th.  of  E.  H.,  b. 
July  27,  1719:  it.  of  small  \n)\  Pec.  2t\  1751,  a.  35.  She  m.  (2)  Nathaniel  Luddington. 
i.  by  1st  m. : 

I.      'i'homus  Smith,  b,  Dec,  1(1.  1742:  ni.  Anna  Smith. 
II.  •  I'hios  Sniiih,  b.  Nov.  2,  1711. 

III.  Abiu-ail  Smith,  b.  Feb.  :],  1747;  m.  170S,  Sl''idien  Pardee.  1,  S.\.MUKi,.  2. 

IV.  Jacob  Sndlh.  Jul\   7,  174fb 
V.      I'^li   Smith,  Nov.  "s,  1751. 

VI.  I':ii/.abe;h  Smith,  May  21.  1751;  m.  1775,  Jesse  Fp.son.     /.  by  2d  m. : 

VII.  bhinict-  LuddiiiL'ton.  m.  Matthe\v  IJowe. 

VIU.  Nathaniel  Luddiuirton. 

IX.  ■Mary  Fmldington. 

SGISI.  Thomas  SVilith,  h.  I'ec.  bl,  17 42;  in  the  wai  of  ihe  Kev.  ••  In-  conducted 
a  fire  shiji  to  the  enemy  but  was  badly  burnt  and  the  attending  lio;ii  having  left  him  too 
8oon  he  had  to  sv/im  aslnu'e,  wheie  he  was  baind  three  days  after  in  a  helpless  stale;  he 
was  brought  over  to  Pve  an.d  thei-.- died."" — l)"'Ji('s  E.  jl.  ]lii;lsttr,  )>.  75:  ni  Nov  •''0 
17()fi,  Anna,  dau.  of  .\befand  l.vdia  (liall)  Smith,  b.  Aug.  22    1744 

I.  l^etsey. 

II.      Louisa  Lament. 
III.      Infant. 

361511.  Betsey  Smith,  ni.  17^;,  Oliv.n-,  s.  of  lb-/.,  and  Lvdia  (Frost)  I'odd  Ml 
I.  Zcrah  I'odd,  li.  Dec.  2(;,  17S5.  1.  Hi:.\M;Tr.  1).  Aul;-."  1  L  1S22:  u).  Dec.  2(; 
1S47.  Martha  A.  Doojittle,  b.  June  5,  1S2.1,  W  allingbird.  1,  OUnr  Sh,ri,nin ,  b.  Oct.  2. 
1.S5;'.;  m.  Au--.  15,  ISso,  ]:mma  Louisa  lb--,„,!cm-,  b'  IsCO.  2,  J(m:i,  Ih)wi.\  b  I54i  -m' 
1821;  (1.  Fel).  2s.  Is72;  m.  Se[ii.  2(1,  ISp.).  Amanda  I':lzaib-n  (-!,;rk.  b.  June  C.  ]^-r,,  \n 
Amsterdam,  N.  Y.  1,  Finn  un  Lnins.i.  Sept.  20.  1751;  m.  .lai;.  Ml.  1^'77,  (ieo.  (;o.,( 
Piakesh.-,   b.   M;!V  2u,   1S50.       1,     Pbiiipdalk     I'dakeslee,    b.     Dec.    J  7 ,    IS  ^7.       •/,.     S  \  M  i"m  . 

II.  P.div  I'o.bk  b.  .bin.   11,  Fs!i. 

III.  l)ebo;-ah  Todd,  b.  .Inly  2^'.  171)1;  d.  J  ul  v  2S.  18.55,  nu  Mav  2s.  1N17,  Ibomas 
Eaton,  d.  in  \o.  llav.  Dec.  (i.  1  S24 :  (2)  .lohn  I'aide'e.  1.  11  a  i;  vi-:v  I'lioM  \s.  I.,  .bine  2S. 
I>^bs:  m.  .\o-^.  22,  \>\\.  Caroline  Fowbr  Ibooks.  2,  lb:i.A  lii.r/A,  .Nov.  21.  bs21:  m' 
Dec.  i),  1.S.55,  (i;.rr(  t  And:.  v,s,  IP.iS;  d.  .\]uil  :),  is:i.  /.  b'.-  2d  m.:  :;.  .bui.\  llivi;v 
Pai;1)I--.k,  b.  Sept.  2f).  \>-iu,  d.  .May  2s.  1^27.  4,  IIinky  .b)!!  n  ,  b.  .)  .]]>.■  2s.  l'^2'.!,  n,. 
Oct.  2o,  1851).  Lvdia  l.oiii-,.'  Blak-'sire.  5.  I'Inmi.v  borssA,  b.  ,lan.  5,  is;;2;  d  S.'pr'  i:} 
1859;  m.  Sept.  .'),  1S47,  Willis   lbrv(  v  Iba.llev.    !,.    Sejit.   25,  1822;  d,  Nov.  i:;,  IS.",:)      l' 


I! i;. weir  of  tik^ma.- 

'  Ch'is.  Will.,  h.  Oct.  t),  IS-l'S;  in.  Nov.  17,  IS?.-..  Lizzie  Luiic(i;i  Lines.  'J,  ^fal ion  Loiii<,i 
h.  June  in,  IS,-)!:  ni.  Oct.  M.  Ib'TO.  TIids.  McCal.c.  G.  Anokum:  Bktskv,  June  2,  18:51; 
111.  Oit.  ().  1X57.  IJoniiuita  S.  Lind-~ifv.     7,  !]i;i;vi:v. 

IV.      i;o.-;\vfl!  Tudil,  1).  Sci.t.  -.''3, '1704:  d.  No,  llav.  June  -23,  1S7:1 
V.      Maria  'I'ndd.  1«.  Fe!..  04.  1797;  m.  Zera  Pieipoint  Tattle  [4J. 
VL      j;c(la  'i'odd.  b.  Julv  IS,  1802;  d.  l)."c.  17,  LSISI. 

VJl.      Emily  Todd,  b.  iVl..  lo,  ISU.j;  in. Stiles. 

\[\\.      Aiir.a  Louisa  Todd.  t>.  Sei)t.  I-JU,  1807;  in. }^irrj)ninl. 

L\.  Betsev  Todd,  1).  .Ian.  :-3(l.  ISdO:  d.  \o,  Ihiv.  A]>ril  08,  18.j9;  m.  James  (Jilhert,, 
1..  A\\'^,.  Oi).  1780:  (1.  Ilamdeii  July  02,  1847. 

36]  57.     Eunice  Luddington,  m,  Manlie^\  lioweiO),  who  d.  Feb.  2d,  1813,  a  ofJ; 
12  (diil. 

1.      Daniel  Ko^ve,  Au^\   ."J.  1780. 
II.      Ma rv  Howe,  b.  Maicb    14.  ITS.^. 

III.  Tlannnli  1^1^ve.  b.  Sept.  21.178(5;  d.  Sej)t.  D,  1873  ;  a.  87;  in.  Sept.  4.  ISO.-). 
-Jedediali  Harmon,  s.  of  O/.ias  anil  Marin  (Frislne)  Norlon  ;  li.  May  11.  17-S;  livino-  in  lijs 
y7ili  yr.:  res.  W'olcott  and  I'lyniontli,  Conn.  1.  Ozt.'.s  K(!\ve,  JiinelO,  180(5;  m.  Fannv 
lioper  of  ^^'ol.  1,  lJ<irrht.  0.  M'tru'.  3,  C'lauhs.  4,  Martin.  2,  Kodxkv  Fuisiuk; 
]>c.  10,  1807;  d.  Ort.  11,  1871;  m.  Lncindu  l^lakeslee  of  Bristol.  3.  STi:rHF.N-  Lrn- 
niXOTON,  Ji-ly  23,  INIO  ;  d.  June  7,  1S(;7,  m,  Lnciuda  Bradley.  1,  A),nn»n.  0,  Lciris. 
'6,    (flivir.     4,    Audit  (r.     5,     ./>'"//'''■-.     0,    !^itroh.      7,     I'lrtinx.     S,     WaUuce.     9,    Addir. 

4,  >rATTi]K\v  SiMHO-V.  An-.  l!j.  1^10:  d.  Mav  20.  1S74;  m.  Nov.  30,  1831,  Bctsev  Maria; 
<iuu.  of  John  Thomas  of  \\'ol.;  1).  SejH.  1.  1811.  1,  .li.ors  ]i.,  Anc;  21.  1833.  'O,  Cnru- 
liia  E..  Julv  24,  183(5  ;  in.  (feori^e  A.  Din^irwell  and  had  1  ,  Nel.son.  'o.  \\'(slev.  3,  Fred- 
die.     4.  inf'.     3,  B'irritt   J/.,  Jan.    30,  1848;  d.  June  7,  18';4,  in    the  L'lte   war,  a.  Ui  yrs. 

5,  Si;i.i>K.N  .<.,  Nov.  25,  1813;  m    Aniv  ('.  Xi(diols  ;  (2)  Anna  M.,  dau.  of  Arllinr  Decker  of 
■i  N.  Y.      1,  ]-:iJcii   n^:nn(ih,  0<t,  00,   1S51  ;  m.  18(58.   J-ewJs  E.  Dailey  and  had  Alfred  and 

Jennie,  2,  [.urius.  May  10,  lS5-">.  3,  Jjiii-icn,  twin  with  Lncins.  3,  Emi/ta  June.,  June  2(5, 
1857.  4,  Khnrr.  Feb.  Od,  lS(iO.  (5.  EuMCcH.,  Aug,  21,  181(;in,  Lewis  Smith;  res.  Hart 
lord.  7,  Hax>;.\I[  IL,  Nov.  10.  ISlO  ;  m.  Elliot  Dawson  ;  res,  Plvmouth.  8.  Jkdf,UI.\ii 
RoswKLl.,  June  28,  ISOO.  it,  DANtKl.  Er.T,  Sept.  Iti,  180(5  ;  m.  Marv  Russell  ;  (0)  Dec.  10, 
18(57,  Andie  Kus.'^idl.  1,  J)in,,ld  Kdadrd,  Oct.  13,  18'58.  2,  Jerv'iH  SUphm,  Nov.  21. 

IV.  Matthew  Howe,  Sejit.  I'J,  1  7SS. 
V.      Lois  Kowe.  Feb.  0^.  17U1. 

VI.  Siei>hen  Kov.e,  Marrli  20,  171)0  ;  drowned  June  1(5,  1801  ;  a,  9  yrs. 

VII.  Eunice  Rovre,  Jan    00,  1705 

Vni.  Elizabeth  Roue,  Mav  00,  1797  ;  d.  179s  ;  a.  15  mos.  ;  cholera. 

IX.  Russell  Rowe 

X.  Ro.-.well  Rov.e,  twin  uidi  P.ns.sell.  .An-;.  7,  1800. 

XL  Elizabeth  Rowe. 

XI L  Louisa  Rowe,  d.  0;t.  IG,  lSl.15  ;  a.  2  years  ;  <-ons. 

3616.     Esther  P.USSell,  b.  1709;  d.  S.-i^;.  14.  1788;  m.  Joseph  Ilotchkiss,  b.  Feb. 
15,  1725;  d.  of  eons.  A]iril  07,i:7'l;  s.  of  Saml.,  jr.,  and  2d  wf.,  Hannali  Ru.ssell  11. 

I.  -Vbigail  Hot(dikiss.  b.  May  G.  174S;  m.  17G9,  rienjamin,  s.  of  Josejih  and 
Hannali  (\^■hile')  ]!  1.  Bknmamix.  0,  I]mza];!:tii,  d.  y.  3,  Emzaukth.  4, 
Sir. AS. 

11.     .Marv  Ilotchkiss.  b.  June  04,  1750;  m.  Elihu  Moulthrop. 
HI.      Sarah  Ilotclikiss,  b.  1750;  d.  y. 

IV.  Isaac  Hotchkiss,  b.  Dec.  30,  1*75  L  m.  Dee.  4.  1775,  Lvdia  Fields.  1,  Lyima, 
b.  Dec.  12,  177G;  m.  1795,  Cajn.  Titus,  s.  of  Jare,l  Sauford.'  1,  Jmur  ]!n(r},l-:.-s,  h. 
March  3.  179(5;  res.  N<i.  Ilav.  -i.^.land.  2,  Hi:tsi-;v,  b.  Mav  10,  1779;  m.  Samuel 
Tnttle,  jr.     3.   Sahah,  b.  Marid;  Ll!  17SL     4,    Lots,  b.  An--.  0(i,"llS3. 

\.  Jo-;e])]i  IIor(diki>s.  b.  ,Iu'v31.  175'!;  in.  Temperance  Andrews.  1,  .\nna,  Sept. 
22.  1780.  0,  LvMAX,  Man  h  on,  l'7S4.  3.  F.sthkk.  June  IS,  17s7.  4,  Oium.a.  b.  .\pril 
14,  1791.  5,    Foi.i.v.  Mav  !5,  1793.      G,   111  i.uau,  Oet.  11,  I79S. 

\'I.      llsth.T  Ib.Kdikiss,  b.  Ajiril  13,   1759;   in,   177S,  John  l{owe;  ,'■.  /. 
\'I1,      Samuel  llotcbki-s  b.   AuLr.,OG.  1  TOO.. 

X'lll.      11. •man  Ilofchki-s.  July  1,   1:05;   m.    179'!.    l-:ii/ab,th    Rove.      1.    lL\i:i:rKT.     2, 
li«)i;\<  K   l;.       ;i.    S.XMIKI.    Ki  -:si;i,i., 

L\'.      Asaph  iloi,-l:;..iss,  b.  <).■!.   7.    i:G7:m.    1 7'.is.    Uainiah  Lus.^tdl.      1.    I-:i.t;',.u;KTii, 

2,    ';!!>i:(>N.       ;>,    I'nl.l.V.       4,     LdKI-NDA.       5.     .\s.\lMI,       0,     l''sTII  lOIl. 

X.     (;id.';m,  b.  I>'c.  05,  17G9, 


,JP^?r      ^^\?1T  Hotchkiss,  1..  Jur,,.24,  IT.VJ;    -i.    in,    C.,„n       Mu,-,],    30 
&>...  a^_,h:  ,n.  .Nov.  o),       ,„  J..hl>u  MouItIm-,,,,.  and  ivni.  Innu  ]•].  Ilav.  ,0  W.     UvTltov 

;;;;;;rt,.  .:;^K.;;;..^r;;,:  i,^S  yrs.,  and  Ins  fann  i.  still  kn,.wu  as  tl,,.  "Smnr,.  r,,.o„  V].   ■    '■      u    -^^^  ''  \T' 

<-jil(>riiig  on  a  loud  of  liay,  .-\i>iil  19.  181)9.  "  hk  a   n,    ^,^^ 

I.     Jarcd  Moultln-.')]). 
II.     Mary  Mouhliroji. 
III.      Adonijali  .Moulllnuj). 

3  ixr^'h  J^I'!"o?' i"J^^"'':;  '?•  ^"i'V  ^-  l^*r^-  ^Vealthy,  ,]aa.  <,f  Jos.pb  Minor.  ].  C.vuo- 
a,.,  1..  Jun.  9,  1.20.  1.  7^^//,..  PA...,,,  ^.v.  H;.  1  JA  :'d  J  iVV  S7  ;  V  M<'  ^s" 
Full.-r.  (2).]os<.].h  15.  i-Vnn.  and  had  2  rliil.  d.  v  2  -Aa/,  j\>„r.  IVl  om  loV"  ^• 
//./-r.y  /A.r..,.„/,  b.  Frb.  (;,  isji..  y.  ^uEK^,^s.  h.  Mav  i^;  i^,;.:  ,  \;;;^  .^''tco^- 
Sarah  Ann,  dau.  of   Eldad    Alcox        ]     Thco.lnre    F,.],    4    IsA.l         V     ,  '       .7"'    T T*' 

lb38:  n..  (Jeor^.  ^  of  XN-at.H.u  ;.  y  W'  Rdf  ■•^0^940  ml^'/v'^'  1&■^^^' 
luc  K.  Tliom,,.o„  of  Bristol,  .„d  luul:'   1.  (..„.,.    M  n  '  4~Ts4'^   '4  V    /  -  •'■;    V.'^'  ■^;T" 

\r\.  ^I^;^  i::":f:i;  12:%^^'  m.:^' ""''''''  "■  ^''"•^•^'  ^«'  ^^'«^  -•  ^--^^^  ^'^-- 

^.  F'^ther  Mouliliro]).      ?'.  bv  1st  11:.: 

Vi.  Tlioinus  Ui^son,  b.  S<-ot,"2:;,  JTs^;  „,.  J.-nisha  Tjison 

J  \  11.  <  harh-s  Hopkins  L'psoii,  b.  .Tuh-  19    1  TnS 

\  Hi.  -Mark  Upson,  Oct.  24,  ISOO. 

IX.  ^^■ealthy  11.  Upson,  b.  April  IS    1794   m   Mni.-hiO   l>-'1~    !V     i„i  i 

ar..iunvdalarK.^  pr,.perty;  d.  Jan.    yi,   lSo2.      Hr  ..arlv  ber.  a  mnn     of  ihe  ^,^,  T^r* 

or   portrad    s-e  ./?,....,.•./,/./.  ,,•    ^VnU  .;,.,,,.,      Hi;  .-ifo   sarvi  "^l   him  a    Sw  ^c   r^' 

^nul  ,-resen-.(i  to  the  (  ong.  chh.  of  Wol-ott  a  choico  roninuud.>n  service.  "  ' 

M^yV^^fji..'^^.?.^^"^  Upson,  b.  Sep..  28,  ITsr.:   r.-ni.  to  IJ.rlin,  Conn.,  ar,d  d    th.-rc- 

Wbittl      ^vlY^"   V"*m'"'-   w'^""-    '•'    ^-!"^^    nuMThanr    of    Soutlun^^ton;    n..  Xancv  S 
^^^h<ttl.•s..^  ol  S.     1,  M.-via-  ^^  nnTLKSKv,  F,b.  2,  1S4:J.     2,  Ckaim.ks  H„pkin.s,  ]),c  l?; 

n.      (instavus,  Feb.  10,  INK);    fnnnrr;    ni      \i.-il    •"'(I     \Km    ^^l.•lu.l    f    W,..  1      a-      x- 

d.  No\.  .vt,  is.,\     1,  Alici:  H.vruEL.  Autr.  2,  lS;j]       2     Fi:  \  vcis  M  \nr  \    Xovo,",'!- 
:3,    l|ov.u.  HuKi.xs.  April  1/3,  1S4S.     4.  .v;n.,,T.U^:K,ZA;n!n,.'H;iv  is'^js^f^''^ "  ^"'  ^'^•'■ 
II.      Hm..,.|],  .  an^  :^1,   bsll,  „,.  M,,  i;,.  js:^4.  Adeline,  dau.  of  Lurius  Tnttle  m 
,    .^  i  ,  .'  '"""r-  ''•  ^^=^''-l'  -:■  I^l-!-  '-'•  ^"Pt.  18.  1X41,  Mr...  Marrietta  Sn.ithof  1    '  lin 
■nee  l.obl.ins.      1.    I  n<).M..s.      2.    W  .M.  (i.,  twin  Mirh   Thomas,  b.  Junr  2'^    IS-J  '     M    "' 

Mi:  !•  i;a.n(i;s.  Oct.  :,'ii,  IS,-).-,.  '  •>•-,  loit.     .j.   .\ii.\. 

1,        ^  •     •'''■■■'.•'■■I'"-  'J""*-  -V  l^^'l.").-  m.  May  1-1,  is;!".,  Kcis.sclaci  Min,.r   s    of  .loshu-,       1 

HoHKirr,  April  IS.  is:j:.     2.  .)  K.Ay.vr.rrK    Sept    8    IS';')  ■  •  •  •  "i -'osiuia.      ], 

\  I.      Isaac,  b.  .June-  9.   ISIT;   ni.  Sept.  2:!.  IS.^i.  Kli/ab.'th  D..  dau    ,.f   Vnn\      \\\  .„   ,,r 

Herbn.  who  <1.  Oct.  UJ.  ISH.J:  ^2)  April    18.  IsHT.  Mr>.  iMd-db,    ]; 'ckle;     J       .l,;^  .         ' 

lAUun/r   FM/AnKTU.  March  (i.  ISoT.     2,    J5i:x.,.  Ar,,Kx.  Feb    18    IsSm      ■!',:•,,. ^ 

ln:::',;,'S."' ''"■•  '•  ^'"'-  ^' ^^•■^''■— . -^"^- -^^  1^0^.  '^l  iiKx-ivo;::';;;.';:;: 

Vli       Sainnoi,  Feb.  7,   Is:},.,   un  rchant  in  Sourhin^ton    and    Hcrlin    au<i  s-vcral  titucs 
March  29.  ISOl.      1.   Xk,.uk  I.^k ',xk,  Ma^l/ 22,';i5^"*  -.  ^K.^\;:'in!;.'2i:  I'S"  '^ 


BKAXCir    or    -i  llOMAS 

A'll].  John,  Munli  14,  \><2'2;  luprdiant  in  S. ;  ics.  N.  Kav.;  m.  .Inly  x?f).  IST))!.  ('or- 
nclia.  <lau.  o!'  Dr.  Timotliy  .Iiuu-s  of  S.,  wli.i  d.  June  2\.  isdi:  (2)  Fcii.  1('',  l.sTo,  Mrs 
I'hnily  B.  Hiinnstou  of  -N.  Y.  <'..  (hiii.  of  1>u>m_'11  l;,irncs  of  (.'li  •shire. 

IX.  Williani,  July  '2,  lb'".?r);  I'ariiu-r  in  Kr-n.siuL.'-ion ;  ni.  <_)et.  J.").  l.s.lC),  Marv,  ilau  of 
S;iinuel  lliiii  uf  P,-m1:;!:  ci)  .A  iirclia,  iluu.  of  Isaac  '  l[nu!:h.  J.  U'.\i.  11  K.Ni;  v,  Nhucii  2'.l, 
iN.'jV!.  -2,  1-icY  Ji:a.nm:tth,  .Mareli  20,  isfjo.  ;!,  Akiihk  \\>r.,  Juue2."),  isi;;;.  -i' 
.■\i,ici' CoKNKi.i.v,  .)un<-ii,  l^C.'^.     o,   -Maky  I1ai;t.  15,  is;]. 

.X.  Ani!)r()Se  Ives,  h.  April  h"-^,  1^27:  niorehant  in  Mirli.  some  years,  where  h(- wa.s 
nieiu.  of  the  State  Senate.  hi  X.  V.  ('.  h")  yrs.  ;  now  res.  Harlf.  ;  m!  ,\ov.  0.  lSfi4,  Marv 
Scovlllc.  dan.  of  IJev.  Dr.  ('lark  of  Waterlniry.  1,  AM;;KO^<K  I\  Ks,  Feh.  ll.lst';*].  2, 
>hvKV  Scovii.i.t;  ('i>ai;k,  March  1.  ISTI. 

XI.      Setli  Peck,  h.  April  5,  hS30:   (1.  July  80,  ]S(J.-,. 

.XII.  Henry  E:i;-reiie  Lowniis,  b.  May  2s,  [s'.j};  V.  ('.  IS-jD:  ;}  yrs.  at  Andovc]-  and  Y. 
'riieok:  (Jinq.lain  hiili  (.'onn.  vols.  lSi;2-3;  conmnMided  for  gallantry  and  etHeienrv.; 
installed  [)astor  (."oiiir.  chh.  at  Xew  Prestuir,  Conn.,  Sept.,  hS6:f;  m.  Oct.  1],  IKiyA.  Al^hie' 
A.,  diui.  of  Pnjf.  MerritT  and  Abigail  (Merwin)  Phut  of  IMilfoid,  Cojin. 

XllL      Harriett  Arabella  Frances,  twin  wiih  Heniy  E.  I,.:  d.  Jan.  11,  ls57. 

3G3.  Esther  Russell,  b.  Mav -l,  ICflf);  m.  IHivid  (s.  of  l'ii,,nias  and  .\nnai  \\':-.v. 
lii  17:;2,  Da\id  and  Fsther  Way  of  \Vai'd,sol,l  to  Tluinias  pMbbiiis,,].  (,f  E.  Hav..  la.nd  iit 
Fond  in  F.  ii.,  abHiut  four  a>  r.->  laid  out  to  our  f . ,  SaTumd  I!uss(dl.  sr..  aiu]  jiait 
of  t!ie  lot  laid  out  to  William  llobbard.s,  Samuel  Kusselk  sr.  had  bomrlit  a  farm  of 
\\'ni.  Iiobbards  auvd  cave  it  to  his  son  Sa.nnnd. 

1.     Fsther  V,':l\  .  b.  Sept.,  1720;  d.  Sept.  28,  1748;  dvs(  nte;v;  nnni 
11.      >[arv  V.'av,"b.  March,  1722;  d.  V. 
lil.      Ihivid  Way.  July  2').  172;);   d.    iibou!    17:>0:  of  V^'al'd;  m.   Eunice—,  to  whom 
adni.  ^vas  ij:i\-en,  ami  i'uard.  i(j  uiin(_)r  .son.      1,    ],\\vi]>.  ■ 

IV.     Marv  Wav.'b.  Feb.  18.  173.".. 
V.      Hannali  VVav.  Mav  r,.  1727. 
yi.     'Jliomas  \^'ay,  Oct".  25,  172S. 

869.     Mary  Russell,  a  minor  in  1721;  m.  Xathninel    Barnes.  1).   Jan.  11    1707-  d 
Der.  10.  179S,  a.  02.      He  m.  (2)  Al'ip.-ail  Ifotchkiss,  b.  Feb.  27,  1721,  (bm.  ,,1  Samne!  and 
Sarah  H.     Sin-  d.  in  F.  H..  of  dysentery  Sept.  8,  17  !8,  a.  22;  (8)  March  22,  17-F),  Abitrail 
Howell,  b.  Auc.  4,  171<i:  d.  (.)et.    27,    17S1;  dan,  of  Josr.;,li  and  Abiu--a!l  Heminway  Holt. 
and  wirl.  of  .lohn  Howell,  b.  17nf';  (k  June  28,  1744.  a.  ."irt,  udiom  s1n>m.  17:-!2. 
1.      Nathaniel  Barnes,  d.  y. 
n.      Abraham  Barm-s,  d.  y. 

Ilk  ]\iary  Barnes,  m.  Daiiiel  Holt  of  AVall'd,  now  Meriden,  Conn.,  b.  Mav  27,  1720. 
1.,.  >Iarch  6.  ll^U.  2,  Da>:ii;l.  Mar>.di  20,  Kofi;  ju.  July  17,  1777,  >hirv 
Johnson.  8.  HK^.I.A.^;l^,  Jam- 27.  17.V,).  4,  'I'ltuii.vs,  b.  Nov.  0,  170.2;  Y.C.  1784:  stud". 
thco.  \v-iili  i;ev.  Saiuk  \\'ales  and  Pev.  Ik-n.j.  Truinlin'k  (^d.  and  inst.  at  Har*wick. 
-Mass. .June  25,  17s'.l.  wliere  ]\e  hibojed  till  March  25,  lS.i5;  inst.  at  Cln-bacco  mov.' 
Ihuuilton),  Mass.,  .bin.  25,  InOO;  dism.  .\i)ril  20.  ISF^;  then  ret.  from  the  ministry;  lived 
at  Hartwick  and  d.  tliere  IS80.  a.  74:  A.  M.  from  Y.  C.  and  from  Ilarv.  170:]";  m.  at 
Sutton,  Mass.,  .May.  17!l6,  Sa'ali,  (dau.  of  Picv.  J^ben.)  Cha)din,  wlio  d.  at  H.  July  4, 
1^54.  a.  S4  yrs.  and  2.  mos. ;  /.  1  <di.  1,  S"r:'/i  ChnpUn,  b.  1708;  d.  Julv  18,  ISbs' 
nmn.  5,  X.vniAxrKi.,  b.  Oct,  17,  17';5;  d.  F(b.  5,  1770,  0.  Xathaniel  *b  .Ian  •">'• 

1\'.      Eunice  B::!-ni's.  b.  178');  m.  1778.  Samuel    Hritian,  and   d.    Ins    wiil.  Mand;    F! 
l-^'.is,  a.    7S.      1,   Maky.  b.   1775;  d.  in  a  lit  Dec.   fs,  IsQI,  a.  20,  unm. 

37.  Caleb  Tuttlc,  b.  An^^.  20,  107S;  m.  March  I,  lOO'.i,  :Marv,  dan.  of  Samue;  and 
Sai.-.h  Talnuubre  iHonddciss,  b.  Jan.  1,  IOnO.  Steecnv..  1721,  by  Caleb  and  Maiv  'I'.  ,d' 
rii:hi  ir  e.,t.  of  our  1.  Samuel  H.  cd'  17  II.  to  bro.  Sanuud  II.  She  d.  Xov.  12.  1728;  (2) 
!•>•!.  17.  1725.  Hannah  iButler),  wid.  o!' .b)lin  Tod.d.  to  wiiom  sh"  was  m.  Feb.  0  17(1^, 
:iiai  hc-d.  Se|,t.  21,  1728.  She  was  dau.  of  J,d.n  Ihitler  of  Hianbud,  Conn.  Ills'  dau^,' 
'!b;.n.kfwl  'redd,  m.  l);ivid  Ibnulerson,  and  i:-ceiv(d  from  ber  mo.  ,.ne-si\t!i  uf  Todd's 
tni.-f  I'liU.  Cabdi  reet-ived  deevl  of  lau'l  from  hi--,  f.  'i  he.nnis  T.  !7;!2.  In  17;;!));.  .-.uiv. 
2n  .M-r.s  in  5ih  div.  to  s.  Thomas.  In  1  i48  he  bou;:ht  ct  Daniel  v\.C\  .\i.lLail  .ViwatcM- 
ri;.dii  in  land  laid  i.uit  to  .b.lui  Xewman;  and  elev.ui  yrs.  afterwards.  1  7"i4 .  ( 'aleb's  ,-hiI. 
.-''.'1  it.  ;m  \:i;i;.  l|,;iiun.  Tills  co.;s-.  was  made  b\  James,  l-ju's.  'li!m.'}i\,  .AnniiK-im, 
Mi'ry  wt".  (d  Tiinoihy  iMud,  an<l  F.liiiiiab.t  of  1  J'ekl-.idr!.  Caleb  'i'urtle  \<  as  proudueut  \v. 
■•..e  li:-.t  secession  from  the  I'  So.-iety,  a  movement  which  resulted  ii,  tlie  f.ue  uf  a. 
jT.verful  t.ppnsiiion  in  the  orpuii/arion' of  ihe  S^  <-ond  Ecrb'siastical  Soc.  ii:  X.  Ik.  now 
►■nM\,-t-,  ::,,  iIk-  ••  XorFu  cluwdi."     Tin'  tir.-f  nu'ctin^-s  were  held  in  the  house  c)f  Tinmrliv 

uussi:ll,  TL-LTLr.  17; 

Jones  (s.  of  Dt'jti.  (i.)V.  NN'm.),  \v]!ii.-,'  \vi'.,  >:.;.-s  I'rc.^i.  Stiles,  was  sis.  to  Cald) 'I'm  ili-'s  V?d 
v\-f.  '1  Ins  hiiiis.'  stiiod  on  ihc.  nortliwcst  corii'  i-  oi  Sla'c  and  Court  ^is.  until  alioui  IsTS 
wlii-n  ir  was  Kjfu  down  to  niakc  rooni  for  a  tine  !)l(udv  crc-t.d  iiy  Hon.  J.  E.  KuLrlisli  [-!]. 
Tiif  ln:iru'  l)i-r'oininix  too  sniall  foi'  tlx-  ;.:!-owing  roniMTt^-atioii,  anil  i>f'nu-  rt'fu-;e(|  a  jdacf- 
on  tli-,'  [uihlic  sijiiarc,  thi'v  liuilt  in  171.1  on  tlu:  cor.  of  C'liun  li  and  Mini  st^.  (nw\i-  of(  u 
]. if  1  hy  St.  John's  lilor'c).  Tin'  lot  liavin^'  'ouMi  i>M'viou.-,l_\  iKnij.'lit  by  ( 'alcli  'ruit!.-  and 
JosL'pli  ])Uiriuigd:s,  ami  ronv.  to  tlit-  Soc.  'idiis  lioiix'  aftciwavtls  cniajt^cd  and  ]ainlod 
l)lne  was  known  av  the  ■'  Blue  Mcctin;,^  llons'\"  Its  b.dl  wlim  ]iuu^-,  was  lirard  it 
is  said  in  nu">i<^  To\\-ns  tliati  any  otLcr  ln-ll  in  No\v  lla^'<■n  Co.  It  was  f\-ciilnalh.-  n  m.  to 
Choliire,  Conn.,  and  Inin.LT  in  the  tower  ol  tin-  Kpis.  clih.  In  IT-iS,  whenihc  .-.orii-t\' 
employed  John  Curtis  to,  Caleli  'j'uttlc  and  wife  and  J'avid  rni'.ders(ni  ai;d  wif(", 
Thankfn.l,  rrinv.  a  lialf  ane  ar.d  IT  !0>1^,  fronting  lUH  feet  oti  JOini  st.,  toi-  a  1  aisonar^a- 
lot.  Caleb  ami  liis.  wf.  ILannali  liad  become  owm.-rh  of  two-tliirds  of  it  bv  deed  fn.nn  her 
sons  Jose))!)  and  J<din  'I'oild  in  I'l'.li].  'I'hi-  n\  as  the  JMue  Meeting'-  hcuise  ]iarsoua^e  lot, 
and  is  now  tin'  sitf  of  St.  'Ihoma^'  V.[<\^.  ehh.  Mrs.  Jla.rinali  'J'uiih-  d.  Ui.-t.  '37,  17-JS,  in 
liev  60th  yr.  Caleb  d.  17ol.  intest..  and  conrt  a]-)..t.  s.  Jmos  admr. :  inv.  fHi3;  Uitntions 
4  acres  in  \  oil;shlri' Quartor.  Prest.  Stiles  iii  his  ii/.v/.  of  t],r  Judf/i.H  sav.s  of  Caleb 
Tuttle:  ■'  He  wa.s  a  jilain  f;-(.od  man  whom  1  -well  knew,  a,  man  of  interr-ritV,  verv  inti- 
mate with  (jov.  Jones' sf)n,  they  liavinii-.  married  sislers.  *"  ^  *  Ilr"  was  :i  zealous 
religionist  and  warmly  captivatr'd  wiili  (diaracters  distinguishod  for  h.oline.-s  and  jiietv, 
and  accord  in.:;  tc,  my  idea  of  the  man,  whom  1  antII  rein'-mbi-r,  lie  \\ouIa,  I  shonhl  think, 
have  listenetl  to  th-'  anecdote-^  :ind  history  of  these  pious  and  heroic  snlferers  whh. 
avidity  and  curious  and  feeling-  attention.  I  dfnil.n  not  he  Icnew  more  aliour  tlie  snfiject 
than  all  his  })ONieriTy,  and  he  is  the  sonn-e  of  the  information  com;ernii!g-  the  ^^'h.alley 
Stone."  [-Vpj*.  1 

I.  Sarah,  b.  N.>v..  Kl'.i'.i;  m.  April  ii),  17-J5,  Nonli  Wolcotr  of  AN'oodbridge,  Conn. 
Ill-  m.  (2)  Nov..  Ji-'N,  Marv  Ibnton:  his  e-t.  di.-i.  17S7;  ,nm-.  <diil.  Xouli,  Kli.jaii,  ICuuice 
and  .Mary,  Saiali  and  four  grand  dans.,  Mary  \vf.  of  Eben.  Ailing.  Sarah  %vf.  of  Sam.n.el 
Pierpont',  Phoda  and  Lois  wf.  of  l^iujch  lIoiid;kiss.  1,  M Ar.v,  i.^  i''eb.  19,  1727;  ni.  July 
>^,  170'.',  Abraluun  Jolinson,  b.  F(  b.  1.""),  i7'.''i,  s.  of  A.braLan'i  and  grand  nephew  of  Daniel 
J(»hn-on.  Vsho  tn.  Mary,  wid.  of  'J'homas  'Ihntle.  His  will  prow  INij-l;  nnis.  wf.  Aiiiijuil, 
S. -in-law  Amos  .bd;  n.-on.  dan. -in-hnv  Mere_\  .bdmson.  dau.-in  la^s■  Eunice  Johnson,  bros. 
Koali  a.nd  '1  im(.;lh^■,  and  hi-  sisters  Sarah,  and  ibiiiice:  (.ilcjver  H-all  exr. 

11.       Caleb,    b'.    Dec,    17111  ;    d.    Dee.    27,    liC'.".. 

III.  Thomas,  b.  .No\.  2-1,  170.");m.  Jan.  1.  liMO,  Silence  Spenv. 

IV.  Junn-s,  b.  Nin.  iiO,  I7il7:  m.  May  Db  1  7:Jn.  Ale-ail  P.itteiv  In  1  To.'s  Jai'ies  and 
Abigail  'i'litile  of  N.  Hav.  .-oM  bind  laid  out  t..  Xatlnmiel  P.ittci.  she  d.  JuiiO  0,  1  Tiij,  in 
the  G2d  ye;u  of  her  a.  "A  go,.il  wife  and  a  kind  mother."  (grave-stone.)  He  was  living 
in  17!»2,  a.  sr,.  1.  AniG.STi.,  Jnly  l-").  17^1.  2,  S aii.vit,  June  10,  17oo.  ?.,  Sf-s.\N,-NAli; 
named  in  a  deed  from  her  father  of  huid  nr.  ^\'  Bridge,  17()4;  in  1705  Susanna..,  dan. 
of  Jane.'-;  a?i\l  .\b:gail  'i'ntile,  sc.dd  10  James  Tlnnn-p.^o;)  a  ]i..ul  of  thepoiter  Ir.nd.  I. 
VjhVAW.YAU.  .May  9,  17oS.      ."i,   J.\.mks,  Ucl.  2S,  17;,'9. 

V.  Enos,  b,  Nov.  11,  1711;  m.  Dec.  10,  17:10,  Deborah  Payne.  In  1  754  Eno.-,  and 
Deborah  Tuttle  convey  a  ]>iece  of  land  at  north  end  of  ye  Pine  Kock,  set  to  our  mother, 
Mary  Payne,  dec,  to  John  Woodin;  in  IT:'.:-!  Enos  Tni"t!(>  bought  land  at  Idue  Hills  of 
Nathaniel  Pavne  and  his  wf.  Expeiience,  and  Lvdia  Tliorj'O  children  of  Nath'l  Thorj-.e, 
yv.,  late  of  N.  11.,  dec.  1,  E.nos.  b.  .March  4,  1  (:^7;  d.  Aug.  2^.  174:^.  2,  Di.i!oi;\ir,  b" 
Ai)ril  8.1740;  m.  bv  Mr.  Hird.  Ud.  22,  l7lil,  Jolui  liradhv.  1,  .H.iliii,',  ]..  .lulvll, 
17(;:i  2,  JoI,:i,  Jan".  20,  1707.  M,  M  \!:y.  b.  Dec.  11,  174:i.  4,  I'Istiiki;.  b.  .\]iril  2X.' 
I7it0.  0,  PiiKKK,  Nov.  22.  17-17:  m.  Feb.  2,  li7:b  Elijah  Osborn,  who  d.  ISDl  1  A'// 
b.  Nov.  24,  177:k     2.  Enr,,-.  b.  JuD-  12,  1779. 

VI.  Timothy,  b.  Feb.  21.  KP:!;  called,  of  Farmincrton.  17ii!),  in  dr,-a  to  Sam'l  Cub 
ver  of  land  in  .Mb  Carned,  south  side  of  P.lue  Hills,  originally  laid  out  to  Tlmnuis  Tuttle 
of  New  Haven.  Timothv. and  Mary  Tuttle  of  N.  Hav.  in  1707  sold  to  Sam'l  llumi-toti. 
jr..  It.  in  est.  of  our  mo.  Mary  i;a,-,sett,  late  id'  .\.  Hav.  {\vv.  In  1772  Tim.  and  u  f . 
Mary  Tuttle  of  i-"armin;:;on  conv.  to  Sam'l  Hnmi^foii,  jr.,  of  N.  Ila\-..  rt.  in  tlieir 
motijor'.-  ihitd  in  est.  of  our  fa'her,  Samuel  llunnston. 
VII.  .Marv,  b.  Mand).  17  1.-,;  ne  'Jintothv  Ford. 
VII!.      Eli|)halet.  b.   Dec.  2,   !71S:m.   Di  siiv  Hradlec. 

IX.      Levi,  m. Pradlev. 

X.      Abraham,  b.  Fei>,  IC.'  1722:  m.  .Ian.  22,  17!1,  Lvdia  llnmiston. 
Xl.      Jo.-hua.  b,  Jan.  ;-;i,   17:!!. 
Xll.      Stephen. 

12  .        •  . 

17S  BKANCH    OF    THO-MAS. 

373.  Thomas  Tllttlc,  1>.  ^'"v.  21,  JTO.-iiin.  Jan,  1,  1730,  SiU^nce  Spony,  h.  Ju,,,. 
15.  1701,  <lau.  <iC  Kicli'iid;  iii\.  takm  .him-,  1  T-M),  ijs:,:];  intri'ased  by  adil.  k'Xi:',;  wi.i 
Silt'iu''' appt  adiiix.  sunie  yr..S  rUihi.  liviii.u-;  .liTt'iniali  (Jr^ixini  jjiiai-d.  to  Jabc/,;  IMwa  id 
Tiimplcius  of  N'.'atL-itown,  anard  To  Martha  and  Aafoii  Sperry  y\iaid.  to  the  uiiimr  sons; 
^v•id.  Siicnrf  'i'nnle  d.  in  17()'2,  whim  tlif  rluld.  jn't.  for  a  div.  (d' tin'  est.;  adnir.  nivcn 
lo  -.  ("alcli;    div.  to  ("all  1>,  Stfpiicii,  .'onatban,  'J'lionniN.  Ma;tha.  M;u  v  and  .laho/,. 

1,  'I  ii.niias,  h.  .\(,'V.  :j(l.  17;;'J.  In  l.o:;  called  hitr  oT  Ni-w  Jhiv'.  now  of  Saiislniry. 
Litratlchl  Co.,  Conn.,  conv.  to  Soth  Downs,  rt.  in  <■  t.  of  fatln-r  Thomas  Tuith':  p^'i'.  rem. 
TO  BraiKhm,  ^"t. 

II.     .Iahi'7.,  b,  Junr  L^J.  M:'/!. 

HI.  Maiy  Tutth-,  b.  .\Iarr'i  :;,  17:!;;  ni.  May  ]:],  IJfin.  .Jnlui  I'.rovn  of  Watcrbury, 
r.iun.,  (his  Jd  wlii).  ]i,-  ]ii.  []}  I),--.  Kj.  ni7,  Anna,  dau.  id'  JTicliard  NVcltonnf  \V. 
uh»  i\.  Jnuf  -2].  ]7olt.  13y  Ist  m.  b.e  harl  Mary,  b.  Kp-  .  ^r,,  17J!)-0;  Maiy.  Sept.  :!.  ]7ol; 
Ann.  Ort.  S,  ]  7o,7  and  1  lannali,  i).  (''■'.  '2.  t7o7,d.  lice.  'i'l.  17(il.  J,  JojiN,  b,  Si-pt.  2'), 
17!n,  2.  t-^A.vM  I'!,,  dan.  21.  \]i>:].  ;l.  l>ASr!).  .b.ily  IS,  in;.',.  4,  ),yi)1.\  duh-  1.  KliS,  .">, 
JcKi..  Nov,  :].  177-J.     ()    !I.\n:saii.  An-     lU,  1771," 

!\'.  Cabd,  T'-jrh-.  b,  D-c.  7,  li:i5.  ni.  June  1  ?.  KfiO.  bv  Jb-v.  Mr.  Woodbridur,-, 
Ziiiviah  Sparry.      1.  Mi-nrv,  b.  .jun--  Hi.  Kfd.      2,  1,vi)Ia,1i.  >iarrh  VJ.  \]>V2. 

V.      Jonathan, 'rutll.-,  b.    .Ma.irli  22.  1  7oN,    living;   in    17S2    as  ]i(-r  (h-eds  of   exidianir.- 
wiili  Cahd)  ani!  Zurviali.--,^'.  7/.'.-.    J.mnl  ]^<>\ 

\  i.  .Abirllia  r-uttb-.  b.  Marrl,  Id.  1  MU;  r...  bVb.  C,  Hi;],  Nathanird,  s.  of  E'non  Wel- 
fu!  :■,'•  Wat. 1  bury,  b.  Ap;il  -',  17-!  .'.d.  April  2:".,  1777.  \-\  1  a'.:!  sIm-  s(dd  hind  in  i5(dhan.\, 
(\a--v..  .  pari  id'  lu'r  IaThl•!•'-^  h!>:;ii'  bit.  n,'-.  bind  iH'h.iiirini;-  lo  nioihfr  tmcl  bi'o.  Jcniathan.  1, 
S.vuAii.  i'.  Mar--b  10.  17(.'>"i.  2.  11i:71a:i  ah,  1'.  >;ov.  ;'>0.  I7i!r..  ni.  llninah,  dan.  of  l^evi  Wel- 
ton;  \v:'nt  vest.  '■',.  l'\:\.  Vl  June  of.l,  I7iid.  4,  N  a  r)f.\N[F.i,,  Mandi  lU.  l'7S;ni.  and 
had.  1.  J/"/-':ci.  rri.  .iulia.  (hiu.  o\  Asahcl  I'dnch;  (2i  Susan  l!it<  lico'/lx.  2,  Kdwin, 
Juno  2'!.  1S2-!,  !t'S,  W.  2,  Av.:ii^ius,  .Marrli  K;,  1 -2!i.  '!,  .Janje-,  M'icrrli  In,  1H2!);  in. 
?Aui;'n--;a  llnvd  id'  Siinsbnrv,  ("nun.,  and  liad  (iooi'^dana  a.nd  .\didla.  •!,  Julia,  Dec.  2d.  IS^Jo. 
').  '^ftaviil,  i')rc.  2d.  l^d.j'  (i.  St.-Ila.  March  !».  ]s:r,.  7,  Xebon,  <>ct.  .7,  ISU.  S. 
Mai.s.  D.T    Id,  ls4i.     !i,  Wiiliaiu.  Sep,.  2-A,  l,s4!».    ]0.  Idb-n,  .".hirrl,  22,i>.-)2.     2.  j'.aun', 

Hi.  .bib.i;  'bachklss.      ;j,    <7n',>u.      4,  .lA'/'V',  in.    I''rt-t>nian   Sanford.      ■").  (unrri.    in.    

and    had    l'.l;:-a    and    X,.d~.on.       d,   Jaiivis,     Idd).    2(;.    17;2.      0.   Ai.i.VN.   .March    11,1774. 
7.  Hi  !a-,   b^,  17  <d. 

VI!.      StcivboK  'i'nttlc,  b.  Jun-,-  14,  3  740. 
Vlll.     Jr.-,si''liiTrio.  (>,■!.  .V,;  d.  i-'.d..  (I,    1740. 

I.\.      SilriuN.  ■Jut*].-.  .Inly  I.  IMS. 

3732.      Jnbe;-:   TuttlCs  b.  .Inm-  22,  17o2:   rem.    to  Watcrbnrv ,  Conn.,  and  m.  linn-A 
l)>'r.  1.-).  i;.')l.  Ha!, nail,  .'all  .diild    (d'   Idciit.  J(din    Scnvillc  of    w"..  b.  Jan.  20.  17;r!,      !n 
ITT.d  )ic  .-.lid    lo   (.<•(. r--!-  Xi.diols  (,f    \\".  ri--ht  in  est.  id'    laihrr  ddnnnas 'ruttlo;'  John  and  S'.nlhnnivd  Cvit        !!»■  \^  :-•  ;■  lli-v,  sol.  and  d.  Dec,,  1777. 
1.      .b-s<c,  1.;  F.-!,.    !!i.   i;.72:    u\.  Kb'anor  ^Vann■r. 
11.       Hannah,   b.  .lali.    1!).   17r):',. 
Hi,      'i'amar.  b.  .Innc  1,  17.".7;   ni.   r'i4.,  24,  17s4,  Abraliain,  s.  id'  ('aj.t.  Abra'iain  and 
.Ifiiiini:!   (JNi.itid   Hiikox.  b.  .linn-   12,   Vt'Pj.     1,    Ihrir.  ii.  Xov.  0,  17.S"j.     2.    OuAMr.NA, 
Xov.  I  1.  17SS. 

1\".      Sarali,   b.   .May   1!).   17.-.'.l:    \v.  Jnno2t),  17S1,  David  WclPm. 
W      .lolin.  b.   Nov.  lit.  j7!;1.  d    sanii"  dav, 
Vi,      Dan.,  b.  Jan.   i.  1 7t;:;, 
^'H       .b)hn  S.-i.viib-.  b,  S.-pt.  20,   Kdfi.      1,    Lkwis.  d.  .v.  [.     2.   J.Vi;\  is,  suldici- in  v.-ar 
<d    1SI2.  in  ('apt.  .bihn    FbirkinLdniin'- Co.      1,    HUzuhitli .  n\.  Hubert  .\ndn'\vs.      2.   .h'lin, 
luun.:   IC-.    Hnlin.  Cunn.     d.   .h'^i^t.  in.  Lewi-^   .Andrews,      o,    Cu  \i;i'i'v.      4.    17!.iZAni;rn. 
Vlll.      Obaiiia'ii.  b.   .Vpi'il   HI.   ]7(il):    in.   Aznba  ("n  rt  is, 
l.\;.      Sri'i>li,-r,,  1..  Sept.  0,  17;i.      1.   .biii.v  Xin.n.  hvst  his  li  f.- on  the  ni,;;lit  id  rlu'  2.')Th 
of  l'"tb..  b~-'d:i,  in  an  a.ttcntpt  tn  rc-mr   t\\u  y.iniiL;-   ;:-irls    from    a    bnrninu-    luii'dinu'.      To 
tsdivo  the  dri'p  ~yniiiatliy  wliirii  wa-i  felt  o:i   thi-    occasion,  a    iiand-nnic    ob.disl.-.    nionu 
nn-nt  ha-   bni!  crrctcd  o\  IT  the   a^li.-s   n|'    t  ir-  \  irt  ini- .  in-d  Ib.-d :      '•r>ciicath    this   sl'ai'- 
rcsT  lio'  ic;n-,dns  iif  .Inhn  N.  'I'utiIc.  whu  pi-is1u-d   I'l  b.  2.").  ^>'•'^'.^.  in  an  ailcnipt  tn  r.-.-cm- 
two  ci-iidri  n  l''-uni  a  bnrniiiL!'  hon-,f.      Hi-    I'  -Ih'W  cii:-/i-ns  li:i\i-  rrccicd  this  inoimim  iit  tn 
his  incni')i-y."      On  the  cusr  frnnt,  "  To  the  incinury  id    Hannah  .Vi-delia,  a-jed  sescu,  and 
O'ive    .Ma.rua  ret .  aii'cd    ti\-i'    \  ea  I'S,  (do  Id  i-i-n    id'    .\rde'ia    C.a.nd     Israi-!    lidmcs.    \\ln!v\ere 
iiUisi.,oi.-ii    by  lii-f    Fe'').  2-7,   I.Sd:'.."     2,    .M.\!;^.    in.  i'dv-in    J.e'A-is;    re--.   Frist. di,  (.'onn.      d, 

X.      Mary,  b.  .Ian  2li,  177.7. 
XI.      Anna,  b.   .\\v^.    <,  17:7. 


1  79 

37321.  Jesse  Tutllc,  h.  F(.'l>.   lit,  ITO'-?;  m.  ]"li'uiior,  dau.  of  Kpliraim  .'uul  Eleanor 
(Piji itlii  WaviKT.  b.  S('])t.  :2y.  17.")7. 

i.      Eli^anor,  (I.    nht.    l^ili^;   in.   an    J-]us.    clcri^yiuaii    in    Detroit,  Midi. ,    ^^■(■iton   or 

■Srofii'lil.      I.Samiki..      -J,  -M  \i;v.     o,  .Ioilv.     4,  '.\»kxki,i.\  JjOlts  a  :  m. .Jnlmsnn  of 

W  uii'"tt vi)l(.-,  I'onn. 
11        William 
lil.      .lames:  n  s.  WateiTown,   <.'<inn. 

!  V.      .\ustin:    res.   lli-lnon,  ('(nm.:  m.  i'jnl  liad  dan.  wlio  m.  aiul  utis  inotlu-r   of  Mrs. 
Iviuar.i  11.  Wells. 

\'.       Isaar;  n/s.   New    llavelt.  (  onii. 
VJ.      .less,-;  res.    X.V.   Slate,  .  .  .... 

373212.  William  Tattle,  lived  and  d.  is;  l.itchliel<!,  Conn. ;  Luuse  Imildei  ;  in.  aht. 
\^'''±  .Mary  Louis,  (d:ui.  of  I'.l'enezcr  M.  M.  l.ouis,  a  Fi  iMicliman);  [i]  Ikmnali  (dau.  of 
l>anie])  Everest.  (Pianitl  I'veresi  \s-;i^  a  Rev.  Sid.  and  iln'  jiowder  horn  tliat  he  carried 
ihiM'  ihe  uar,  insrrilird  •■l>aniel  Fv.-resr'.-  hor;i.  iiiadf  at  Monr,i  lnde]iend<-nce,  .\  ui;-.  ;-JU, 
177(i."  is  in  iM-sses-iija  of  his  ut.  s.  ,  Henry  Wm.  'I'lUTlei.  He  ni,  {:',}  a  sis.  (jf  hi.-j  '.?d  uf. 
I.      Mary  Lewis,  i.    (.)(:t. '^i).   l.s;i)(l:  m'.  Edwin  Wadhanis. 

II.  llenVy  William.  W.  .\ng.  El.  ISOS;  ueiii  t<_i  Kent  md-Ly  in  ISo'i  as  a  elord;  jied- 
■<lle'r.  and  settlid  in  Wayne  Co.,  l\v..  in  E^Jo:  for  manv  yt'ars  a  house  Iniilder;  member 
<d'  The  K.wer  H.Mi-,e  \\\\  Leu-.,  Ls(;:;,-l,s!;ij.  ;,ii,l  ciiru!!  co'iiit  iderk  fnj-  \\  avne  (.'o.  (l^Gil- 
IS'.o  :  m.  O.'t.  I'.i,  Ls;jfi'.'rtney  Walker  .MeTealf,  d-au.  of  .hdin  v.\u\  e-rand"  dan.  of  .lolui, 
Avho  was  hr.iiherof  Thomas  .Metral  f  (SunudnMnnM'j")  (.i'o\',  (d'  l\y.  .lolm  and  (rev.  Thomas 
^r  w.-re  senis(,l  .Nirs.  Sa!!v  MeTealf  (d'  ^'a.,  a  ladv  disritiii-uished  in  rlie  h'ev.  .-innals.  Mrs. 
C.  W.  .\I.  'i'mth  d.  .May  S,  I'^IC.  He  m.  C-i;  .Jnia''  U,  is."")-.',  Th.'re.-.a,  dan.  of  Jolin  Heavins 
of  Moiiticello,  Ky.  ;  res  Montiei  lln;  ehildieii  by  1.-,t  m.  h.  at  Mil!  S].riiiu.->,  Ky.  1,  .lonx 
WiM,i.\M,  ii,  AuV  U.  '[^'M:  snidded  at  CnndierEiid  .\.iid.  .Mnmieel li;;  rem.  ia'^Mont,  lS-(9; 
lau^ii'lu  scdni'il  and  pamted  alieiit  four  years  for  -njijioii  while  siinJ_\  iiiir  law;  be^^an  l<rac- 
'  lice  1S')'J.  and  in  se\en  lUMnllis  realized  enoii.iih  (sTOU)  to  enter  tlie  Lawde|it,  of  the 
LouisviUe.  Ivy.  Eniveisity.  ami  ■/.\ti'\.  IS.'U).  In  s;ime  yerif  fcuined  i>;ii  tnei-.siijp  with 
James  L.  Hai.'lin,  L.mj.  ;  tir'm.  ■•Tut'tle  v.V  Hardin.  dis-Mlvrd.  "Nov. ,  iss;;,  Aul;'.  S.  Istjl.  enl, 
E.  S.  Voi.sejv  .-.s  I'^i  Jdent.  Co.  H.dd  Ib'.u-t.  \<y.  Inf.\;ols.,  May-L  bs<lV,;i.i(  nmr.  fl  t,..  Caj.l. 
E.G.  (.i,  sane.- leot  ;  was  in  liie  charu-e  of  Eocky  Hiil  l^idwe  ( near  1 'alton,  (la, ).  .May  iMlEaud 
thi'nee  in  all  llie  battle.^  anal  sj,;ii-!ni-,!,cs  iri  eamj>aiL;'n  at:'a.iiist  ,\tlan!a,  in  xvliieli  he  was 
101  days  and  niuhts,  cMn-t-.Miily  under  lire;  e.nnnmndeil  jii,-  ree-i,  n-,  senior  <  'a  pi .  at  battle 
of  "j'ea'-h  Ti'e(- Creek;"'  resi^-ned  Sept.  10.  1  S(i-1.  ])rincipally  to  (liable  him  to  receive 
fees  in  liid'i  ndiuu'  .-.eldier.-.  i'eiore  c.niri-marl  i:d ,  aii.l  lo  ejiable  them  to  reeeive  diseliarj;-!';!, 
]>ay  and.  bountV  On  retui'nini;-  tn  .\bmiicello.  resiimed  practice  and  in  .May.  bbOT  ^va.s 
ap])oin;ed  reiii.-ier  in  ban];rnj)tv-y  fm-  a  disnict  i-mnprisin-  E.t  counties  in  K_\,,  inoludin^ 
\Vaynr-.  and  has  continm  d  lo  exercise  its  functions  in  connection  \\ith  his  law 
to  llie  presi.'iit  time  lb"?!')!.  In  b'^Tt  he  '■.•ii:  circuit  jnd,e-e  bur  w  ,i  .  dei'eated  "for 
^^■anT  ed  votes;'  durinic  this  contest  he  was  ''1  \^•it reri"  b\  hi'-  o]ip(ineiu,-' about  lii.s  puri- 
tanic ancesirv,  ■■Hlnr-  ],ii\'.  s,"  etc,  and  cmdd  only  re])lythat  so  far  as  ]h'  linev--  they 
were  eiiiiridy  reputalile  and  ihar  he  wa.s  jiroud  of  them  He  has  an  ajitlnnle  and  fond- 
ues.', fni-  mat i  ennttlcs  and  astronomy,  a.nd  his  kimw  leili;(.- of  .-iirxeyinL'-  bs  sometimes 
<-aIied  into  reipiisitinn.  He  m,  -Inlvi,  IMiT,  nr.  I'.rownsboro',  *  )!.,n,,nn  (U).,  Ky.,  ?vlarv 
Ann.  dau.  of  Jolin  1  >.  a  ml  l^mnx  ('I'liiri.M  .MiU.-n ;  chil.  b.  at  M.  1,  U'/7//,///,"  J/uY^y/j, 
.Jan.  lib  istill.  2,  /V/e/,"  Ib/o'/io-,  Jan  I'.i,  is?!.  :].  ]r>'ri/  Fuitn:/,  March  'Jo,  187;]. 
-i.  SiUi/  ('<>'irl,n  II,  .]nnv  ■,".),  b'- 70.  'ELoi'i.-  i'lii  i.tmn;,  li.  i)ec.  2(i,  is:;!);  a  dentist  ol 
'■.some  note;"  in.  b'eb.  -\.  isVb  Mary  .\nn,  dan.  of  Hcndersrui  t'nJTey  and  ^di.  d,  of  Jjouis 
CoiTey,  a  uell  known,  wealthy  and  inlbn-ntial  family  of  Ky.  d,  Mai;v  1-'.\n.\y,  b.  IVb. 
!>-.  lN-b3;  j',  by -Jd  111. :  4,  .Samii;,!,  Siii;i;-MA.N,  b.  in  .M..  ]May  :Ji.  l^o.E  ,"").  11j...m;v  SiiKi.i.v, 
b.  .\ui:-.  ;'.,  iyr.7.    (b  Edwaud  .\i.\'i.v.  b.  i)e( .  ii,  isr.i), 

lib  Sarah  Eleanor,. b.  .\(,v.  "^S.  1^:11;  when  ab(,ut  ',  \v>.  n\  a.  fell  into  a  w.dl  lO  ft. 
dee|).  aiHi  by  exertion-,  wonderful  fo|-  such  a  (d.dbl,  succeeded  in  marly  leai  hin^- the  iO[>, 
\vhen  she  slipped  and;  fell  r.eain  l<i  tin  bottom.  Her  bro.  Henry  W.  ciiminc  at  tin' 
inomeiit  lo  the  \v,d!  for  water  disco\iued  In-r  peiilnii^  -itu.-'timi  and  ]U'ei-niTd  as^J>t■lnce 
by  Wiil(  h  sl:e  wa-  simn  rescued;  strange  to  ?ay  \Ciih  but  sliidnt  injury.  She  in.  May  S. 
1S4"3.  ibn  1!  Ibakeol  (  '(uuwall.  Conn.  ;  rem.  lS."^i?  from  Milton,  Conn  .  to  Kent,  bmt.-n f  Co  , 
(>.,  wh'.'r:  i,,- (i.  .IniU':.';.  ISI)7,  E  Loiis  J.\mi;s,  b.  May  "Jti,  lN4(J:l;arv.  '''d.;  lawyei-. 
So.  XorwaUc,  C(Uin.;  m.  June  S,  1S70,  Jessie  ( Isbiu-n  of  Liiclil;e|d.  Cm  n.  ;  hp-  i  r]i. .  a  s.  b. 
about  ]S,1.  -J,  Cui.iio,  ,\im-.  4,  INi'.l;  -ii.  Jan,  Id.  1S74,  ,\della  i'm-e  of  Kent.O,  d. 
Jri.i\  c'A'fiii:i(i.\i:,  b.  Sept,  .">,  l^nl.      !,  Wn.eii'.  Ainnii;,  !■.  f'elv.  |s,  !.>.")  );  /.  l,y  o,i  j,.  . 

IV'.  Siiermaii  I-',\-eiest.  b,  bslb;  in.  Taletha  Cowan;  CE/  Leniisa  .Mercer;  res.  Mill 
Spti;iL;".   Ky.       He  lias  In  en  justice  of   the  peace  many  ye:irs  and  is  Ibndily  esti.-emed;  /.  by 

180  iJltANClI    OF    THOMAS. 

1st  ir,.:    1,  Mai:y  Conn'NKV.    -2.  Jame<.   '.',,  C';  i.  Uy  5d  m. :   f,  TTAi!i;iKr.   ."i.  Amy. 
V,      llarrii'l  Juil-^on,    h.    IMS:  m.  Nov.   '27,  1S44,  Ivias   Frink   nf  Coinwall.  Con/i.  ; 
rem.  tlu'uce  to  flillsilulf.  X.  Y.,  lSlj7;  ami  liv.  ihr.  ISTU:  /.    mrj  chil.      1.  (;i;(>k(;k  S,.  h. 
^Aup:.  27,  1S|.);  lias  lirt'ii  I'or  sovi'ial  vcars  see.  iuul  irra--.'  C'ouii.  \\'cst.  ]{.  11. 

3732121.    Mary  Lewis  Tuttle,  h.  oct.  -^n,  isOC:  m.  .May  ■2-?.  iSX's,  Kiiuin.  s.m 

of  Ahralium  and  I'ly iilir-iia  (^C'i)llins)  Wadhaiiis  uf  ].iu-]ifi.,'!<l.  Conii.,  li.  Maioh  IS,  ITitr): 
farmer;  les.  L. 

I.  Mill  ilia  A.  Wadiiuius.  1>.  Ainil  1,  ]^-J',):ui.  in  L.  ]).■(■.  17,  1S4!).  (uo.  Edwin 
Kidwfll,  li.  Kin^^villi',  AslitabuUi  Co.,  ().,  Auir.  '20,  1S->I:  its.  Altona.  HI.  Kmido-.-.d  in 
tilt '.  Ivi^dc  Lock  Works  in  Tenyvilk%  C'oMi.,  till  ls.-,4;  ]-,.„i.  to  Beloit,  Wi-sonsin,  and 
made  ixTipevd.  In  ls.-)7  rr-m.  to  Meiii-y  Co..  HI.,  and  lie<.;an  I'aruiin^',  livijii;  in  a  lo^^ 
cabin.  In  spring- of  I'^'il  rt-iu.  to  Almna,  and  lias  rk'-n-  cidtivaicd  a  farm  ot  :j20  acres 
for  anuinber  of  years,  priiiiiiially  rorn,  from  :?U0  to  ',*0O  acn's  a  season;  liard  times  at 
first,  hut  ]n-os])erons  in  latter  year.s.  1.   Kdavi>'   T.,   .June    •:;i ,  JS."";].    2.    .Maky,    Afav 

11.  1S:35;  d.  April  1'6,  18,^.-,  '  -^  rLOr.i-.xcK.  June  2.j,  Is")."):  jcliool  t.ailu'r,  4,' Mix- 
NIK,  JuIy  23,  lSo7.  ."},  Sl.-^an,  Jan.  Jo,  Isfjl.  (>.  (iKo.  Ik,  Jnlv  19,  IsCi  7  k\j,rn 
K.,  Sept.  12,  1S07.     8.  Cai;uik,  Dec.  2-",,  ]S71. 

II.  Henry  \V.  Wadliains.  Aug.  14.  Is] 3;  ])eforo  the  war  was  a  nnieliinist  in 
Waterhury,  Conn. :  enli.sted  in  14th  Coit^i.,  ]Sf:i2;  sciYed  till  May  20,  18fi4,  when  in  a 
bkirniisli  on  the  Norrji  Anna  he  was  shot  tlirouoli  the  lun-s  aiid  \].  in  a  l\-w  honr.-H;  bu. 
on  field  of  battle:  the  head-board  l)eiiii;-  lo-t,  the  ginvi-  eon'd  not  be  identilied.  He  m. 
and  left  an  only  cliikl,.  a  dan. 

III.  Lunian  Wadkanis.  b.  Dec.  31,  ISo.");  enlisted  on  tliree  months  call;  re-enlisted 
in  the  S;h  Ci'in:.  vjjs. :  elected,  serirt.  of  his  Co. ;  conimi-.-.ion'.d  as  2d  lieut..  bat  owing-  with  other  otlieeis.  resigned;  served  about  a  year  with  the  Sth.  A 
few  months  later  entered  iln-  l!)th  rei;t.  Conn.  vols,  as  2d  lieut.:  recruited  at  I.itfdifield, 
(■onn.,  and  mustered  in  Aug.  Il,ly(i2;  soon  promoted  1..  (."ajit.  At  the  battle  of  Cold 
Harbor  he  wa-<  sliot  through  the  abdomen  and  d.  on  tlu'  way  to  Washinp-ton,  June  2, 
1S''>',  just  a  we.'k  -ifter  d.  of  his  bro.  Henry  \V. ;  body  eml>almed,  lu'ought  home  and  bu'. 
in  kitchtield.      He  m.  l)Ut  had  no  (diildren. 

I\".  Edward  W'adhanis,  b.  April  15,  is:!7:  enlist.  Aug.,  l.S<i],  in  Sth  Conn,  vols.;  was 
ut  Roanoke  Island,  Xewbern,  Eon  Macon,  Souih  MouiiTain,  Ar.rietam,  Fred*  ricksliuro;  and 
other  battles  and  skirmishes.  He  was  1st  siugt.  of  iii>,  cum])any.  Hurinu"  tlie  eiiirage- 
ment  at  I'ort  ^^'urth  he  was  shot  through  the  lieart  and  d.  iustaiitly  May  ]4,  lS(54;"lhu.s 
witirui  three  weeks  tlie  thr-.-c  iu-oth.-is  wei-.-  killed  in  baTtlc,  in  dilVerent  regiments,  and 
at  diti'ereiu  places. 

V.     Frederick  Francis  A^'adluims,  Sept.  S.  1S41. 

VI.      Francis  Frederick  ^^';ldlutm>,  twin  with  E.  F. 

3724.  Sarah  Tuttle,  b.  May  lit,  175H;  m.  June  20,  17S1,  David,  s.  of  Ebenezer 
Weltou  of  Wateiiiuiy,  b.  .Juls  2i,  l]o^;  d.  July  •'!,  D27. 

I.  Daniel  \Veit(m,  b.  Nov.  1*),  17S1;  m!  ;>usanna  b^elkriugs.  1,  ^Viijjam.  2. 
Groucjk,  ni.  Charlotte  J-^mith.  1,  S,ir"/i.  2,  (jcn-'jc.  o,  Daid'l.  3,  4, 
S.AJtAtr.     o,   :Mai:y. 

II.  Jab.-/.  W'elton,  b.  May  80,  17S3:  m.  Betsev  Moore  of  N.  Hav.  1,  Ei^,i:xi:zi-;i;. 
Nov.  22,  ISO-);  m.  Mary  Hice.  /. ,  1  eli.  1,  Ch.i'rhy.  2.  1Ji:i;k.(va.  Jan.  22,  isiil:):  m. 
'!y|..-r  Dronson.  (2)  Eucins  IJeach,  res.  W.  ?,,  D.-v\[r),  b.  Auir.  2t;,  1S12;  m.  Huhlah 
Bronson.  1,  Fru.ti-,  s  E.  2.  D^irid  /•'.  :-;,  Alb.rf  I!.,  r.-s.  \V.  4,  l\.i,rv,  b.  yeju., 
1S14;  m.  Cornelius  Munson;  (2)  ^hirvin  .Miner.  5,  l-'HAHeis,  b.  Jan.  2G,  1S17:  m. 
Lucretia,  dau.  of  C>-/.i:;s  Hnl^liard  of  (.hiiU'oi-d,  Conn.  1,  /s,/, !,>/■(■,  b,  Jan  4  lS4ti  2 
AiiaC,  t»ct.  14,  isr,;;. 

III.     David   \V.']tou.  b.  June  27,  17Sr,. 
I\'.      Hannah.  \Vc!T(;a.  b.  Si-pl.    IS,    i;>-'i). 
\'.     Eueina   \N'i.l'.i.n.  m. ()>born. 

3732S.  Obadiah  Tuttle,  b.  ,\i)ii!  lu.  i:r.V:  d.  l^-:;.  a.  94:  one  of  the  r,  ],-!son.s 
who  o!-!:niiizcd  tie-  l>t  Mith.  e!,h.  in  \\:iterbury,  Islo,  ni.  Azuba  Ciiitis;  chil.  b.  in 
'A'atei  low  n,  ( "onn. 

1.  rii:-ri-;.  I).  ITOl;  d.  1m;:1:  ni.  1,  Errirs,  b.  ]sl4.  2,  Ei cy  b  ISfO 
H.  Jal.c/..  b.  ElMJ:  d.  is::i:  m,  1,  Hk.\i;v. 
HI.  I'linuan.  1;.  Isnik  m.  1^2."'.,  Charlotr.-  Alford;  re>.  Xt-w  Hartf.,  Conn.  1. 
Oli'.  i:i:J..  b.  1^20;  m.  l^ii-..i.  l.-iehida  Sp.-nc-r.  1.  J...iii,-  A.,  b.  isti.-).  2.  1///-/,/,  .b. 
i--;i;7.  :'.,  .!{<•'/•'■'/  ^f..  b.  l^r.n.  -j.  l-J.ii-ii  \!.i:-r  A.,  b,lS2r.  :),  t'Asi;,  b.  1S2"-s  m.  IS.".:), 
l.sabcd  'I'ojii-'.n.  who  .1.  istij.  i,  /..,/„/_  ],.  \s(\\,  (,  Tk',  b.  '  IS-'iO;  d.  '  1S35.  •">, 
Ei^ciA,  b.  is:;i;   m.   ["<',[.   Ja.n.->      1.    Jl.i'i,    b.  is:;fj.      2,    7'fti./o'i],lK  1S5S;     J, 

TUTTLE.  iS'l 

X(7iVu/ ,  b.  1 8(i1 .  (>,  Or.T.T.v,  1>.  IH^o;  )n.  isr)."),  Mary  A.  Sinitli.  i ,  Fn)udf,h.  IS.jO.  '3, 
Ida  ]i  b  ISoS.  ;],  Fruhrid.-.  1'.  \^^yi.  T.  NNaym'.  I..  IHoi;:  m.  18(17,  Mary  Jane 
Onion    '  1     Einh<a    b.    IMis.     3.    A'irc,   b.    is7(t.     S,   (JuiMis,   b.    ly;!;:  kill''.!   in    1. attic 

before  Atllmtii.  Ga..  1^^(;4:  m.  :\lary :  d.  lN(iO.     ],    WnJtirr.,h.  \XVA.     9,   llAXXAir, 

b  L^o9:  111.  1^'•■)^,  <io<.(lb^  11.  Canij..  1.  K::u,ui,  b.  is.V.I,  ami  d.  is^l.  ;?,  J-jhrln,  h. 
ISin.  b*.  ./.'■'/"//,  1>.  1S(>:!.  4.  Jf'///,  b.  ]S70.  10,  .1kki;mtau,  b.  Is41;  killed  in  Frrder- 
icksburi-rii.  \'a.,  bst)-'.  11.  li' k.m:v  I'. ,  b.  184:;;  in.  l^iid,  .losejiliine  Sniitli.  1,  Ahiua, 
b  Ib'GT^  '^  Ihritjht  b  l8r.?.  12,  SAiiAii  A.,  b.  InJiI:  n\.  IbO;,  I'lioinus  J.  Aniltcr.  1, 
On-ollni,  E\h.  lS(;s.'    2.   Artl.iiv  ,7'.,   b.  isc,il.     a,   ]lvs^    I.,   b.  ls7t.     4,  khi  L.,  b.  isri. 

377.  Mary  TuttlO,  b.  Mjuvh.  ITb");  b;ij>.  .hi'.y  s.  ITIH;  m.  'J'inmiliy  Ford  (.'^.  of 
Mattlie\v),  b.  1»e.-.  :jl.  1715.  Mary,  \vf.  of  'J'iinotby  1'\)r<l.  joined  tlie  1st  rbli.  in  >\ew 
Ilav.,  17:-;ii.  In  177:-!  Tiniotliy  and  Mary  Ford  and  Fnos  'i'uttk-  joined  in.  fonv.  to  Josejili 
Mun^on,  In  17r)."),  as  Mary  Ford.  \\L  of  'rivnuUiy,  sln^  joines  bj-us.,  James,  Imios, 
Tinioiliv  and  Alirahain  Tnttle,  in  eonv.  to  Natlianiel    Heatmi,  of    ii^;liisin    land   of  .lolm 


I.  >[arrlia  Ford.  Fell.  24.  IT:^'!;  d.  drt.  9,  174s,  a.  12;  (gravi-stone). 
15.      F-uirana  Ford.  .Mav  22.  17:'.",. 

Ill  'IMmothv  Ford,  .b.ui .  21.  1  V-\'.^:  d.  Aui;-.  27,  17.">1,  a.  12:  (orave-stone). 
IV.  Mose.-;  Ford.  Nov.  ]:k  1741.  Dea.  Moses  Ford  d.  June  11.  U.:22,  a.  ■^l.  —  llnnKhn 
rh:lns  QK!'-.'.;;,!)'!.  Eiuiici'.  Iiis  \vf..  (k  >ray  7,  18:113,  in  tin-  it:Jd  yr.  of  In-r  a.  [Vad.)  1, 
JoXAii,  b.  170:^  d.  Oct.  1,  1801.  a.  :fJ:  (grave-ston-).  Mary,  Ids  ,vf..  d.  Oct.  2(1,  18:^7, 
.a.  70,  adni.  of  his  est.  t;iv<'ii  to  .foel  and  Mo-i-s;  wid.  liad  land  near  Ste()lieu 
l'.  AmeUn.  2.  ILn-cy.  ;J,  T!,.:hL/"l  4,  ^f■lrnl.  .j,  Kuniu  ;  .iidm.  of  e-.t.  of  Funics 
Ford  of  Woortbridtre  given  to  Sauoiel  Vwk,  18:'.<>').  2.  Moses,  b.  177(3;  d.  Aug-.  11,  IS-jS, 
a.  82;  Auir.t,  liis  \vf..  d.  Dor.  28.  isc.o  a.  80.  I.  7/t. '/■//.  o.  Ivhim'a,  ne  Ib'onard 
Findlev.  4,'  Hri.n.Mi,  tn.  Ivlisba  Peel^.  o,  Sai:\ii.  m.  Leveret  Mix;  liis  est.  adui. 
^184?)-  no  wid.  and  next  of  kin  wcro  under  a''*-,  (i.  Finice,  ni.  Joel  Ford,  })er.  s.  of 
Joel  and  Thaiikfn.k  b.  Jnlv  4.   17::i      ^,J'"K     2,    .!/<■>■,  v. 

V.  Calel)    Ford.    Jan.    22.    174:4;    ui.   >('.nlia   J'lHMup.-^on.       1,    Maktit,\,    b.    1772; 
■  d.  Feb.  14.  177;-^,  a.   1.     2,  ii^ni^.  b.  1774;  d.  Jan.  2.7,  1777,  a.  :3.     'i,  Sai.ey,   b.  17S1;  d. 

April  7,  177;j,  a.  2. 

YI.  Ford.Ma.v  22,  1747;  lu.  Feii.  4,  17(;i,  by  Sam'l  Bird.  Tinioiby  V\'o!)din.     In 
17G7,  adni.    of  e.-i,  ^'Iven'to  wid.      1ns(.>lv.'nt.  '  lu   1  77:k  ^-ar.ik  Totter.  Mooe.s  and 
Eunice  Ford  coiiv.  to  Saral.  J'um.-r.      1.   Is.vac,  b.  Ajiril  2t'.,   17(].t. 
VII.      Ksth,  V  Ford,  b.  Mareii  17.  17.")(i. 
VIII.      Tiinotky  Ford.  k.  1752:  d.  Dee.  1,  1754,  a.  1. 

378.  Eliphalet  Tuttle,  b.  Dee.  2,  1718;  m.  Desire,  dau.  of  Win.  and  Elizabeth 
•Cbiil-.ev  Brudlev  of  New  Haven  in  174'.),  when  tkey  sol.i  ri-kt  in  e.~t.  of  f.  'Wni.  Brrdley. 
Ill  175-i  conv.  to  bro.  Janu'S  Bradley  o!ie-!iftli  of  a  traet  in  E.  llav.  railed  "  tlie  \'iiie- 
jard";  anotlier  eonv.  same  vr.  to  saiiie  party  of  one-fiftk  riirkt  in  f.  Wni.  Bradley.  In 
1755  "of  Litckfield  "'  be  sold  to  Amos  Moiris,  rigki  in  8r]i  division  and  in  all  otker  kinds 
iu  New  Ilav. 

I.  Marv,  b.  Mardi  2:4,  1741;  ni.  .lonatluui  II.  Colt. 

II.  IVsfre,  b.  Mav  5,  174:3;  m.  Tkonias  Marskalk 
HI.     Mekitable,  b.'Min-cb  2(k  1745, 

IV.      Esther,  b.  Feb.  111.  1747;  tin   three  last  b.  rec.  in  the  10.  Ilav.  tov,-n  icc. 
Y.     James,  b.  Jiin<'  15.  17 — . 

3781.     Mory  Tattle,  b.  March.  2:5,  r.41,  m.  O.t.  12.  17(31,  Jonatlian  llijrley  (s.  of 
.Jol.n  and  Meicx^lliiriev)  Colt.  b.  Oct.   i;;,  17-;5.      She  d.  Oct.   17,  1^22,  a.  81. 
I.      .lolmVolt,  1>."  Sept.  '.),  17(!2;  m.   Hiith  (.'ilhert;  (2)  Chloe  Ihilk 

II.  Flii>iiah-L  Colt,  h.  Feb.  ]-i,  17C>1;  set.    i:i   Dtis.  Mass.:   rem.  to  O.  and  d.    ihr.  iu 
<  xtn'me  old  ai'c;   m.  lluldah  Aiiains, 

HI.      AnsvU!  Colt,  b.  Julv  2i>.  17(;(;:  m.  Chloe  Cillcitc. 

IV.      Allen  Colt.  i).  Maivh   4.    17(.il;   m.    Folly  Welister.      1,    Ai.i.EX.      3.    I'oi.i.Y.      o, 

ISAXCV.  and  others. 

■\'.      'riiuna.n  Coll,,  h.  Jan.  FJ,   1 1  i  1  ;   m.  .\nna  Forbes. 

VI.  Milic.'Ut  Coir.  h.  Jhm.   1.  ITb'.:   ni.  Fud  (.'ridl.'y;  (2)  Abed    Cridley. 
Vi;.      iTiiodti  Coil,  1,.  ,la:i.  11,  17M:   n\.   ncnjamin  lloj)i.:ins. 

VIll  Sarah  Colt,  1).  Oct.  :l.  177C.;   in.   Dariu-^  Wilson. 

IX.  rollvihi  Colt.  Dec.  20.  17;8;  m.  Jann-s  Wilson  of  I'avis,  C:imida. 

X.  Ihildah  Colt.  h.   ,\mo-.  7,  l>ii;   .,,.  Sih-  (iridles. 

XL  Fli'Cta  Colt.  b.  .\pril  15.  lis.^;   ni.  and  set.  in  \\  e^;lcn;  X.  ^  ork. 

],S<!  BKAXcn  or  thomas. 

■  37811.      John   Colt,   l).'Si'|)l.  '.l,   ITliO;   m.   I>f<-.  7.  KN.").  IJuth   (iilLcrl   \vli.)   li.  .lunt- 
'          n.  17!)1:  C,^) -luuc  .").   i:",':j,  Chlor  P.ull. 

I        lifliiida.  1>.  S''])t.  ';,  17sri;s1ill  li vinix.  (1^7N.)  in  Iht 'J'M  yr. ;  m.  l-'dwimi  Hu  th- 
olonu'w.      1.   .John.  Ill    Aliniru  Siron^^ 

II.  .I,.]iii.  1'.  ])iT.  -i:;,  17>^S:  711.  I'lT.,  181!).  Mary  (iiiip.o.      /'.  Iiy  ",^1  iii. : 
111.      (iilii-ir,  I.;  Ai.iil  1!).  I7'.l4. 

■  ■  IV.       Lvinaii.   .Marrl.  2-2.   17!>li. 

V.       HilfV,    \)or.    1.  17!l7. 
:  \'l.     \V. .{'(■,. It.  .lulv  11.  ]S(il:   m.   ^:<'i>i.   1(1.    ls--(.;.    Pujly   'I'diniikiiu.     ;.    .I'\\;!>  \\'.. 

i  .huu'-JO,  iS'i;.     -2,   ('iiAi:i.F.>  B.,  March  8.  IS'Jil.     8.  .hm.x  Hii.i.v,  .laii.  1 ,  ls:]l .      l.   Coii- 

i  Nj-.i.ii-s.' Krl).    1,   is:!;',.     .-1.    ('iiAT.i.oTTi:.   Fd-.   1-2,   l^--").     C    Mai:y.    A].ril   s.    is:;7.     7. 

!         Lym  \N    l•^•l'    1-J    1S:5'.I.     s.   r.Uioi.iM;.  Jan.  •:(),  1N41  .     It,   AuKi.i.Nr,,  Maicli  ."i,  1S4-?.      !<•. 
i         Jui.i.v,  Sf])!.  I-J,  1S44.      11.  MAin-HV.  A]»ril  :;U,  1N4S.      \-2.   Wviu.  Dim-.  7,  lS4i). 
;  Vll'.      Klias,  1..  An-.  4.  isOo. 

I  Vlll.      i:iia-.  1..   l-'i'l,.  M.  |s(t7. 

'  37318.      Auson    Colt,  l'.  -'nlv  1!-.   \',i\';.   i.-m.    lo   'roivini'tcn.  ('<:ni,..  17^7,     bnilr    :l 

liousc  and"  .shop  Jirar  'in-  chh.;  aU.  ISl:'.  K-ni.  To  (i  i  .■.■nu<.u.| ,:  ni.  Vvh.  -3:1  17!>3.  ChP.c. 
(iau  of  .Jaho/,  anil  Ann  (l.ninnisj  (lilli'tt.-.  'Yhv\r  visits  to  fricmls  in  Olis,  Mass..  and  Wind- 
sor, ("nnu..  were  madf  c\t  li()rs.-l)ack.  .arii  lalcinu'  a  iliild  uii  a  iiillow  in  t;nr.t  <>.  rlie 
saddh-.      \lr  d.  <>,-t.  2s.   ivls.  a.  S'J.      Sin    d,  a.  lid.  ictaininL;  luT  lacnliics  !':•  t!ir  'a>t. 

1.      .\au<-\  .  h.  -Ian.  l."i,  17',.'o:  d.  -Ian.  .'iO.   lN7(i.  a.    ^'■):    ni.    -hily  11.    L^i;).  Kal/i-nion. 

;  (s.  of  .h)s..]di  aiu'l  mioda  Staik)  I.ouinis,  1..  Ani;-.  -^-l,  ITSS:  d.  AjMil.  ls71;  run.  m  Chari.'s- 

i  towi;,  (>..  with  oxrn  -and  rai-t.    in    4U  da;>  s.  — /.-•/// /.v    /'.'/.'..      1.   < 'n  v  ui.ottk,  h.    Au-.    -^l'. 

j  18:20;  d.  .huic  I.   l.'^-""i>v  m.  Sr-pt.  -24.    ISH,    X(  l--!>n  (s.  ol  llniry  and  C'lihic    Hunn,  Pvi.'.-rts. 

I  h.  Sept.  -JO.  1^14.  'roriinLrl'-n.      A  srlmol  tr:-.rlu-r  and  a  -n-.d  di-ciplinaiian  a-  was  n-rd..-d 

'  in  a  school  of  from  (iO  to  sdschoiartf.  many  of  ihcm  >.ro\vn  to  manhood.    Fo;-  14  yrs. .  !:v.m 

I  1849,  count  rv  mfirli.  iii  P.urrville.  ('>Hin.      ('oiuh'ii.scd  mPik  in  Pa.  l^^d  yrs. :    riMntoConn. 

llr-in.  to  Vinoh-.nd.    N.    Y. .  ^vht^n-  lie   is  entrnsred  w  ith  pul)lic   Imsincs-.    and    r,'s]M)usi!dc 

olhcos.      !!••  rep.  'rorrini^ioii  in  Conn,  la-.i:-.    4^1'').   1^47  and  l^:oo.      Star.-  S.-nator   tor  loth 

dis-t.  4S(l!.i.      [If  111.  {-2)  .I'lnir  U,  ls."i'.i.  (_"hlof  A.  Loomi-,,  sister  ni'  lii-  1st   w  f. :  i.  hy  Is;  m.; 

1,  Uarrni  I...  h.  Di-t.  '^O,  lSl:k  i-.-p.  Toiiinaton  1n;1:  Slat.-  smi.  P'th  dist.  187-];  m.- 
Emilv,  dan,  of  llii-ani  and  Catliaiine  (Tvler)  Perkins.  O.  /'/v//,/.,  I).  April  P^.  IMi'.  -k 
Hknky,  h.  Sept.  1.  l^-2t  :  d.  Jan.  -Ji.  1S4;I,  M.  !M;i;iM:i:ie,-,  h.  Oct.  11,  ]'<-f-\\  m. 
Sc.])t.  i:i,  1848,  ]•:li/.ake^ll  Wilsoit;  (-2)  O.-t.  -28.  lS-"",-2.  Hani. a  XN'ilson.  IP-  d.  An-.  Ml, 
ISiU,    Wiirren.  ().     4.    H auv r.v.  P.  ( lot. -J.k  iS-2o;  d    Ma irli  ■2:1.  1n4:;.     •"").    1i;k\i.  Suphia. 

j  li.    .\pril  4.    iN^i):   m.    Oct.  '^'S.    P^:'.:k    i;ev.    WairenlP     Poi.eii^,    P.    'i'or..    ISOik     K-ny.m 

I  CoL,  O.,   ISaU:  ord.  dea.  Prot.  Fpis.  chh.  Py  IVishop  Mrllvaineof   ()..  l^O'k  l.--.")7. 

•  and  has  ministered  over -211  vrs.  in  tlio  jirinr'iiuil  idles  of   111.  :;nd    In(P      Soun'tinn-  rector 

of  ohdi.  in  I'ltt-I.nnr.  Pa.:  has  rop  the  dio.-es.- ..f  HI.  three  timrs.  and  the  dioo-s..  ..f  Ind. 
oiicf  in  tlie  triennial  conventP.ns  of  the  (dih.  .\o\v  ;ls7S)  Pres.  ..f  the  sta!id;n:;-  c,,.,).  ot 
tlic  chh.  in  dioeesi-  of  Ind  ,  and  it-ctor  of  St.  Jolms  in  Pafayetie,  Ind.  lliswf.  has'oeen 
a  groiit  hcd])  to  him  in  his  ministry,  and  i^^  pic-emineiitly  fitted  f<ir  her  po.-itiun. 
'rhronglt  Ills  ministrv  more  iliaii  five  lumdr.Ml  ])i  is..n-  ha\e   Peeii  Itroa.irht  into  the  chh. 

i  (j,  Ciu.OK  A.,  b.  AjM-i]  :>.  1881:  ^^rad.  (iranville  P:pis.    Fem.  Sem.,    o. ;  in.  June  fj.    1S.V;>, 

I  Nolsou  Kohert.s.     7.    Ki.i.i.N,  b.  July  (j.  ls;M;  m.  Dec.  1-2.  l^o').  Anson  Pecdi. 

i  U.      Anson,  P.  Jai\.   11.  17!k">:   trav.  South  in   mer.  business;  set.  as  a  farmer  in  4'or- 

j  rinvrton.      A  man  of  e:o^d  mind  a.nd  Puv,  nPiPiy ;   ('(.1,  of  mil.;   Mt  m.  of  ("onn.  i.i-:.  2  sess. 

188i»-40;  d.  Aui'-.  H;^  inc."),  a.  70;  m.    Sept.    P2,    1N-2P    ^lal■y    Ann    Newberry    ikirber.      1. 

i  Cni!isi\),  Mav  14.  lS-2:);   m.  Sey.t.  ^S,  IsMl.   Pran-es  Chid.sey.  wdio  d.  Au-.l.').  IS^oS; 

'  (2)  Oct.  •2\).  ISr.d.    P.aiber.      1,   -A-///,    /.'. .  May    -lA.  iNCck      -k   .hnius   (\.    Mareli    17, 

:  48(Ji).      -2.   JoH.N  Anson,    .\iu-il  :!.  IS;;!',;  d.  Julv  v^k   P8.")!). 

III.  rhloi-,  b.   F(4i.   P2.  i:ii7:   m.  Leveret  Tiiftle  [  1]. 

l\k  Ilenrv.  b.  Nov.  ^o,  IMXI;  traveled  South  in  dry  .u'o.uls  trade;  afterw.  -et,  on 
his  fatliePs  hoinestead  and  d.  Nov.  •.-2,  is7(k  a.  7(i;  hoi„,.red  for  his  piety  and  integrity: 
m.  (.>ct.  V.K  :s-J'.»,  riiloo  (ailin.  1.  llKNi-.v  (iii,i.i;rrK.  Nov  -2.  I^- '2:  va.  March  1'.'.  1x74: 
Nettie  (J risv.-old,  b.  June -24.  ^^<V^■.  r(  s.  Winsied,  Conn.      1,    A'//,/  Chb,.  .  1,.  Ike  P.).  iS74. 

2.  Flnrrnr,'  A..  Jan.  7,  !s7tk  8,  Ihunj  l..n,..  July  lo.  1n77.  "2.  M  \i;ia  l'. .  .<ept.  (k 
1S34:  (1.  1m4>.  -2,  ImIo;  m.  Se])t.  14,  ls.")7.  l>avid  Sm-ou-,  b,  Au,-.  17.  1^2.').  1.  -h'l,!' 
llfin-ii.  SeiH.  1,  is.")ii:  (1.  .\iiL:.  20,  isiin,  ;k  ( Pt:nivo  t:  Kf.i.rcoo,  Urt.  2ik  1^:;^;  m.  Pec. 
•24,  l,--';8.  Niarrare:  K..<lau.  ot"^  IM-duird  (insuold,  b.  Ik'b.  4,  isPi.  I,  .I'U'ui  M.:ri-i.  July 
'k  iN'ld.  4,  K\M:Ki:'rri.  S..  Nov.  21,  ISll:  m.  .Pine  7.  l^'Uk  Puvid  Stron-.  1.  Frc^l- 
erirl- Chirl,-.  .Mav  12,  IMm.  2,  A  rth'ir  Durlil .  .\\n\\  7.  is7l-k  d  Feb.  2.  1S71.  8,  Jl<  rl^nt 
fiiUrd^,    fU'.'.    2i),    lb71.     A,    \V<dl,rCvn,   June    1,".,    1^7.-,;  d.    Jan.    PI,    1S77.      .-),    PfMAV 

COLT,    TT'ITU:. 


(\\-ii.i\,    .l.-m.    -20.    iS-lil:  111.  (_)cr.    11.    ISTO,    Maiy    Vir-inia    TutthN    1>.  ]>•■<•.  'J.  Is.-O:  ivs. 
W'iiisTcJ.      1.    /A/.'/y/,  1..  S.-pt.  -.^-1.  ls:5. 

V.  CliailiiUr."  Ii.  l<^•l).  i'l.  l>:()^:  Ml.  Oct.  .").  IS"?!).  I'.uiioii  ]\,n(],  'I'ori  iii.t,M'o!il.  '1, 
Ci>i:M-;i,irN.  !>.  .luiu-  lit,  is:;i:,l.  .Mavdi  -iO,  1>-:J4.  .',- .M  m;(  ];i.i,i>,  Ort.  -Js^  is;',:-?;  d. 
Mav  •:?,  IS.-,:.  ;;.  Cii  \i;i,i.-ni-;  Ann,  May  (i.  ISH.):  u.  ]h-v.  7.  is;i:  m.  .May  :!0.  ]<tn. 
.\:.tliaii  nr.iiisMii.      1.   ('ni;M;i.i-\,    l>iT.  -^n.  Is-IM. 

37815'.  Truman  Colt,  1>.  -iwH,  ]:].  1771. ■  d.  .Man-It  01.  is"")-,';  m.  Anna  Fori. .s,  and 
;  ft.  in  Ivi-t   Haven. 

1.  Willi--  I'wiiM-..  1,.  l-rh.  -.'1.  -Jsiti;  iiav!.,l  ir.  ;]-.,■  -rMith:  <!,  in  N.-u  Ha.v.  .March 
8.  is:]7:  u).  .\u.i;-.  1.  is?-l.  Maiy  iJ.  lioli.  1.  Kr-wix  \V.,  I..  May  1.  1s-2"):  .-^cliool 
tearliei-;  d.  in  ^locklnn.  t'al..  .Iniif  I!).  is;i!);  ni.  '.?,  1-  ka.N(  i>  1>..  1).  Sc|)i,  :',,  l^-2;i:  lu.  .Iiilv 
13,  1849,  Samuel  K.  Jeu.nie  .d'  X.  llav.  1.  .-//,/,»  /V/,/,,  h.  Auv:.  -i-").  is.'s.  -J.  Fr^u//.- 
Colt,  Deo.  0,  18(il.  ;;.  El. I. K.N  .M..  An;;-.  10.  ls;;i:  <i.  .\nu-.  1.-,.  Is:;-.'.  -1.  .M.-u;v  ()i!ii,i..\, 
Sept.  X'l,  ls:5:'..  ."j,  Sak-MJ  A.,  b.  Sept.  •?(»,  is;;.-,;  i,,.  M;,v  Oil.  isfil.  I'.  S.  Stillinan  of  Xo. 
riav.      I,    A"'/'/-///  AV./v.v/.  Mav  11.  l^;;:-;. 

IT.  An-on  TruuKUi,  1..  '.lune  OO.  ISIfO;  ni.  De.-.  ill.  ISOC.  .Maiy  Ann  ']\nii!iu.-on.  11,- 
was  Slieriil  of  X'cnv  Haven  Co.;  i"ni.  to  X.  V.  eiry.  1,  W'ns.  Tom  i.ix^ox,  1>.  l-'el>.  04. 
1808;  d.  .Inh-n,  ls;;u  0,  Fi;r.n);i;ir  ic  Siikj!Max.' ,\ov.  ft.  1809;  d.  An-'.  oJ,  I8;;(i.  ;]. 
M.VKY  ll?:xi;'ii:iTA,  .Ian.  I'l,  is:-;i;  n..  .Inly  14.  !^oS.  Cliarles  (ioodvear.  1,  Ao,.,!  Forhi.<. 
Sei)t.  14,  l^ijn.  0.  C'tn rls,  .\n\y  il,.  \<\v{.  :).  l!'''/-/-.  .lulvo:.!.  I'siu;.  4.  r,//-,,/;'/,,',  .h.n. 
1.1808.  .1.  J///,(.v  (V./Ye/.y//'.  .luiy  OK,  lS(j;».  0,  .A''^^,,-/;.  X'ov.  !),  1S70.  7.  E'uhjn  M.n-ii. 
Feb.  ."),  1874.  4,  Ciiaki.k-^  Fukju^iitck,  h.  \\\z.  -5,  18;i:J;  ni.  .Inh  14,  ]s.js_  ],u('v  1'. 
Rassetf  \vhod.  May  0.^  1S70,  in  X.  \.C.  1,  7'V,'(/'.  /  yV/-  .  I /,...-,,,  A] Mil' oit,  ]S.-,s.  ^^  ii",,,,. 
£'(/^rr?;'r/,  June  i).  ISJio.  .7,  Sni:i!>;.\x  Puk-scott.  Dee.  -j.  ls;',l;  ni.  0<-t.  7.  18,7.^.  Caroline 
A.  Many.  ul,o  d.  .Inly  1;!.  )si;i,  X.  Y.  ('.  1,  Aus.,,,  I'r'i nwu .  X'ov.  0.").  18.79.  0,  Viv.r,  „i 
-l^.'/V/,  .lui..-  ;!,  it.  Ant;-.  l."">.  1^-iJl.  i;.  < ';iAi:i.ti;-i  i:  -Ikax  XK'i 'i  i:.  .July  10.  ls:;r.  7.  \<^\. 
aEDWAKD.  .liiiie  'i,  18;){l;  111.  Dee.  01,  1870,  Lauia  \'aii  Jim'en,  X'.  Y.  ('.  1.  11'///.  Hihr,,ii!. 
Dee.  14,  ls7l.  s,  .r.\MEs  l^i.xxr.TT,  b.  Feb.  4.  1840:  i,i.  Feb.  1;1,  isfiii,  .lulia  ('.  iSpeiieei-) 
Goodv,  ar,  X.  Y.  C.  1,  Jnlui  Cii'iissn,  April  14,  18117;  il.  -TulvO.  187.7.  0.  Mi'ti/  Af/'i*--'. 
Feb.  "iH.  ]8(i9;  d.  .luly  :'>.  187.-).  :i,  JI,  irrt/  G'oo(l!/i>ir.  De<-.  ."i,  1x70;  d.  -fune  10.  187-").  4, 
Marr;'i(  rrft,  .  \\m\\  0.' 187(*..     .■>.   Jl.icn  .U'l'id,  April  0,  is7'i.  twin  witli  Nfarirnevette. 

3784.  Desire  Tuttle,  b.  May  .-).  171;!;  d.  Au--.  14.  180S;  ni.  .)an.  :J0,  17(;4, 
'I'hoiiias,  s.  of 'J'honias  and  Kli/.abetli  (Tudoi )  Marsliall.  1;.  Auu'.  04,  17:js;  <;r.  s.  e.f  Di  a. 
Thor.ias,  (and  nejdiew  of  Rev.  Daniid.  a.'id  of  l-'unlee  Mar>ball.  who  \va-,  innu-i.^e.ned  in 
\Viudsor,  Coim..  foi- ])reaeliiii2' the  ISapti^t  doctrine  in  defiance  of  tbe  eoinrnaicl  of  il;e 
authorities.  'I'lionias  %vas  a  ri-niarkably  enterpri.^iii;^  and  eneVtietic  man,  a.iul  of  eonsid- 
(^rable  intlueuee  in  the  town.  He  m.  (0)  uid.  Sarah  Butb-i-  of  Fiarwinton.  lb-  d. 
instantly  <jf  drop.^y  of  1  he  heait,  >fay  ."i,  ISIO.  Hi.-;  account  infc^rnis  u.s  lip 
ruade  in  1790,  78  barrel.-,  oi  eider;  in 'l80;!,  s:j  barr,  ].-;  iii  18,i7.  lOO,  and  that  in  iSQ;,  1,,. 
Bold  his.  iievv-niilJv  i  licese  ai  10  ets.  a  i^ound. — ///V.    'J'a,-. 

J.  Ivapdiao!  Mar-sliall,  b.  ^lay  11,  17<>.7;  fanner.  taiin<r;  a  ina.n  of  eneryy  and 
intiuence;  d.  in  Ccdebrook,  Coun.,  Nov.  o,  1800;  ni.  I'biloinela,  dau.  ui  Daniel  (_irant.  b. 
April  17,  17b9;  d.  Aug.  13,  18)0:  (0)  wid.  of  i'liiiiea-  North.  F-^(p  1,  ^Dxkkva,  b.  .May 
;W.  1789;  d.  Feb.  17,  1S|0;  ui.  .lune  19,  Is'Od.  S.nn'l  Deliber,  b.  Mav  ;',1 .  17S.7.  1.  M.iy;/ 
/i.,  1).  Oct.  07.  isos.  0,  /A///.'//'//,  Fob.  1,1S1().  ;h  />,//////,  .hue-  04,  isio.  4,  L'iri>/s, 
April  10.  1S1.7.  .7.  S,n-,,.',f.  .Inly  is.  \y\[).  0,  Makia,  b.  .luly  07.  1791;  d.  Autr..  b"^'!--': 
m.  Henry  Skilron  .Morris.  ;',  Sak>l1I  W.,  1).  .\ni;.  0;i.  1791;  d.  in  Brattleboro,  Vt.;  in. 
Kev.  Alpheus  (ieer  of  Vv'aterburv.  4,  Pjiii.«>.\n;i,A,  b.  .\pril  18,  1798;  d.  May  10,  1S7.7; 
m.  Dr.  Ueo.  Ogilvie  Jurvis,  hon".  M.D..  Y.  C.  IsiC:  d.  bs7.7.  .7.  DAXd.i.,  1).  Oct.  00, 
1800;  d.  Ai>rir0.7,  1804.  (i,  i;.\i>)i  \i;i.  <i..  Jiilv,  IsOO;  d.  soon.  7.  .\rKt:i,iA,  b.  Sept. 
IG,  1804;  d.  Xov.  11,  1870:  in.  Homer  llio-h-y  of  Winsted.  S,  htcixnA.  Mnreli  Hi.  b^OS; 
ni.  Nelson  Ihill  of  NN'ati  rbury;  res.  Xew  Ifaveii. 

D.  I?eiiben  Mar.->ball,  b.  Xov.  09.  17()<i;  niereh.  in  Wineln'ster.  Conn.;  rem.  to 
Granville.  Mass.:  d.  Fe!).  l.'h  isi-l;  m. 

ill.  Harvey  Mar.shall.  .InueO'.i.  1708;  lived  inColcbrook;  n^ii.  to  Hartf  ,  and  d.  thr. 
leaviuLC  .-ems  and  daus. ;   in.  Anna  Fii   bie  of  Hurriiiirton,  ("onn. 

IV.  Sarah  Mar.shall,  b.  .IniM-  10.  177(1:  <1.  April  17,  181(!;  m.  l>e(-.  1.  1791,  Oliver 
Coe,  who  served  in  the  i{tv.  -.var.  and  enlis'.-d  f.)r  ;1  \rs,  for  tlis-  Indi.m  war.  He  ni.  (0) 
rhl...-.,  (bni.  of  Thos.  Sp.-i!cer.  and  d.  in  Hud-ou.  (•  .'.\nu-.  14,  1.^0.7,  a.  CI.  1.  Xolints. 
b.  Mav  10,  1790;  m.  Chloc  lli-bb-ll.  0,  I'k.mas.  b.  .Ian.  11,  17'.)l;  res.  W'olcottviile;  in. 
A])riri.7,  LSli).  Kli/,a  Ward,  !>.  Xov.  09.  lsiio;siil!  llvim;-,  is;.^;.  ],  A, //■,■„.!,.  .lulv  8. 
1800:  d.  Feb.  00.  1810;  the  1st  In:,  ia  the  ia-w  W.deoil  t-em.  0.  X//-'//,  A  u--.  00.  isOl  ; 
m.   .Jan.    ;iO,    18.71,    Klias    P.   (iilman;    res.    \\inste<l.      3,    JJurt!!    /'. ,    Au-.    10.     is03,   d. 

_i    184  IdtAXCII    OF    THOMAS. 

Nov.    •2:;,   isie.     4,   OUnr.   M:ircli    IS.    iNiT;  d.    Sept.    L'().    1S-?,S.       T).    ElhiOnth  .).,  Nov 

i    I-J.  1M-,>;);  <].  April  ]().  1S71;  isi.  Nov.  25,  ISo'^,    C.   .T.    Wvnuiu.     0,    E'hr<inl    7..,  Aprils 

!  I'^iJ.');  (1.  Aim-.  '3,  1S77;  in.  Nov.  0^,  jNli.""),  ("hiirlolti-  1!.    \U,h\,.      T.   .!//;</.s   ]!',//-(',  Jmic    J.')' 

I    IS).-,;  ,1.  .MaVcl.  ^S.  1S4-1.     S.  .7-'/,!'.v  J/.,F(M>.  '2\.  \x\:v.  m.  .hni.  17,  l'<!i7,  Lucir  E.  Sparks.' 

:    :;,    Ai!ri-,MKsi.\,  I).  Dt'C,  17!i;!:  m.  (>'(0.  Cliasc. 

'  A'.      ]>cvl  Maishall,    April  lit,  1772;   in.    I'oliv   (iridlcv;  n'ui.    ubt.  lyOO  to   AVnion 

i    X.    Y. 

:  W.      Ho.-;\ve-ll  Ma'>liall.    D^t.  :-;0,  177:];  res.    ( 'olrlu-.H)];;    <i.  .\\>v.  28.  ISM;  m.    S.ipliia 

!    Has.-. 

I  \']l.      Sfiii  Marsliall,  D;'c.    2,   177.");  res.  Colclir.MiJv ;  ri-m.  to  Pain.-.-^vilh  ,  (). ;   in.  Susan 

'     Fri.sii"c  of  Burliii.utun,  Conn. 

1         \'lil.      Rachel  Miirsliall,  June  19,1781;  '-a  very  fxrcllcnt  woman;"  lu.  ])kx.  IM.  17911.  ("apt. 

'    Li'vi.  s.  of  Zacclit'us  ami  llannuli  (Drake)  MnnsiU;   h.  Sejit.  9.  177');  res.  on  her  f.'s  lioiiu'- 

'  stead  and  d.  -Ian.  IG,  lSl2,  Winclic-stei-.  lie  was  a  Imrd  woi-kcr;  gxnid  riti/.^n:  ••arnest  iuid 
devoted  Methodist:  tdass  leader  imd  idioii>riT;  .In-  r.  of  tliel'.;  He]).  2  yrs.  and  elected  :;d 
^  tiiiu-.  liiitd.  suddenly  and  was  bui'.  May  1,  3s;3:-!,  (tIip  day  the  [.eg-,  couv.'i  a.  ns  vrs.  1, 
M.MU'is,  Oct.  ];-),  1800:  elected  doa.  IS-'jS;  m.  Nov.  12, 182!),  Chai-lotte  Kno  (d'  ( ■olVhrook; 
who  (1.  .Mav:l,  1S(57.  a.  f-").  1.  Fr.'i,ch.  Se].t.  1,  is;-!4:d.  Juih'!].  ls::;3.  2,  S,i„oirI MUls, 
April  21,  18:17;  res.  \\'inch.:  in.  Auii".  fi,  1^.7'.).  Mary  .huio.  dau.  of  (uii!  Bord.-n  of  Texas.  1, 
K-thei  i:.,  Juuc  10.  1Sfi2.  2,  (Jail  B.  .Ian.  li,  iNiil.  8,  Marcus.  Oct.  12,  ISfiS.  4,  Clif- 
ford L.,  April  2S,  ISTJ;  d.  March  1.  ]S7(;.  :-l.  Ain,  t  M  i,i<i.  Dec.  9,  18:^8;  d.  Maredi  1.  lS7:i, 
m.  Bcnj.  W.  Pettibone  of  Wincdi.  2,  Sm-j/Of,  Dec.  2i),  180:3;  <\.  1877,  unni  3,  L'lnuni. 
D.-i-  ;;!;'.  ISOG:  d.  April  2r),  1877;  in.  Scin.  .").  184:3,  Alii<rRil  P.  Bronson,  who  d.  Mav  1:3, 
1874,  a.  oG.  \,  Klhcrt  Mo.rshiil''.  "^^'-yA.  20.  ]s!4;  m.  .June,  187.""),  ]':ihi  (.'.  (ierin./nd."  l', 
Warren  A.,  .Julv,  1874.  2.  W.k.  ].'niiii,L,  Jan.  24,  184S;  ni.  :\Iav  C,  iSi'.G.  Martha  v'. 
E,i<-,<i-lestoii.  1,  Elbert  M.,  Au--.  IS.  Is7l.  :;.  AV/.^  ,l.A//<.  Aug. "7,  1  srjij.  4.  lliRA.xr, 
May  28.  180'.);  d.  Au-j-.  M,  1841,  unin.  d.  at  Pluhilj  Point  Bond,  V.n  Piver:  bur.  in 
Osceola.  Ark.  .l,  Levi  Tittle,  b.  .Uily  !t,  ls]:3;  ni.  .lune  20.  1842,  .lane  .VcU'lin-,  dau. 
of  Ueo.  and  Prudence  Deniiisou  Fyler  of  Burke,  Vt..  re.s.  sine  IS'iO,  ^^'illch.  G,  M\);ta 
K.VCUKr,.  A])ril  2G.  1819.  in.  Juh"  7,  1841.  Theron  Broi.son  <»f  \^■iIlch.,  ^\-ho  d.  ,]an. 
20,  ]S7:3.  a.  64.  1,  AV)'v/;v//J..  Jiilv  :31,  1S42.  2,  Hrura  7'.,  .ian.  1,  184-"'):  d.  Nov.  2.-).  JSoG. 
y,'r  J/.,  .Juno  9,  1848.  4.  SfnriK  L.,  Jan.  :31 ,  18:):3;  d.  Feb.  28,  ls,5G.  .>,  Elliot B., 
Alio;.  7.  18.18.  G.  C'n-rif  .17.,  Jan.  17.  18G;i 
IX.      Susanna  iMarshall.  b.  Auir.  14,  1783. 

370.     Capt.   Lovi  Tuttle,  of  Fast  llavfu;  iiiuriaer;  ni. Bradley,  by  whom  In; 

had  Levi:  (2) ,  by  whom  he  had    lihuda.  Submit    and    two  more   daus.  who  ra.  bros. 

named  Marsliall. 

1.      L<-vi,  m.  Ihildah  Allen.      /.  bv  2d  m. : 
M.      Phoda,  b.  17.V3:  m.  No-jh  Fowler. 
11!       Siilunit,  b.  17:'>ri;   m.   Frijali  Cook. 

3791.  Levi  Tuttle,  b.  in  Cambridire,  Mass.;  mariner;  Caj)!.  sometime  at  Nan- 
tucket, Mass. ;  helped  thi\>w  the  British  tea  into  IJoston  liarbor.  Oi>eued  a  dr\- i;oods 
store  in  Boston  and  ni.  thr.  alioui   177.">  Iluldali  Alien,  b.  New  l/mdon.  Conn.,  wliose  sis. 

I      m. Partridue  of  Boston,      lie  was  at  the  battle  (d"  Bunker  Hill.      At  the  dose  of  the 

I  war  Ik  settled  ai  or  near  Salisbury,  ('(Uin.,  anil  eui:ai;-ed  in  tra<le  and  d.  tlir. ,  a.  42.  .Mrs. 
j  lhil>i;.h  d.  in  Auburn,  N.  ^  .  Another  account  says  he  settled  in  Shetneld,  Berkshire 
I  <.'o.,  Mass.,  and  all  his  chil.  b.  and.  liimself  buried  tin-.  The  tradition  in  the  family  is 
I       that  he  was  an  only  son,  and  that  his  farluM-  also  was  an  only  son. 

!  1       Li-vi.  lived  manv  vrs.  in  Clvde,  N.  ^'..  and  d.  thr.   1S2!)  or  'oO;  m.  Olive  ]'\>x  in 

I  Shellield,  Mass,  and  had'9"  chil.  1."  AiWOAir..  m.  Abiu'rlland;  res.  Clvde  1,  Jati. 
i  <'nl\  <1..  2.  .M  ai;(;ki;y.  m.  Pu-sell  (;  re,<.  lloche-ter,  N.  Y. ;  stil'l  living  1879. 
I  L  !.■'■((;,„„] I  Irli.  2.  ])iiii.  ;l.  \.  m.  .lohn  Blodnreti :  had  two -^ons.  both  liviiur 
in  Cl_\de.  4.  Jci.i.v.  m.  — —  Welch;  settled  in  Flmira.  \.  Y.;  has  ;3  diius.  ."i,  Davtd, 
<■!    '■  Jyde;^    has  ;l  d.-ci-.      G.    Wti.i.i.\m  B..  d.  .y.  /.  in  Clyde.      7,    Ann.v,  m.  (ieo.  Blo<Ii:etl; 

lived  ii.  C. ;   ha.s  family.      S.    Lai  );a.  d.  num.      9.    Lnfis.^,  m.  Bli.'^s;  >eiiled  in  \\est 

\  a.  .-ii.c,    ihe  waran.rd.  thr.       1,    '_',,,;■[;.  of  I'aiin ville.  \'a. 

"  David,  b.  ii\  Shellield,  Ma~s.;  lefi  home  youn^-  and  went  to  sea.  Thefandlv 
heard  i.othiu'j  of  hiui  ill  seventy  years,  anil  but  hit'tdy  a  family  of  Tallies  luive  been  di-- 
i  'o\e;,,;  HI  Ohio,  th,.  parent  ^d'  whiidi  durine-  his  lif.liiiU'  refrained  from  trivin^"-  any 
^  'nli.n;;.iiion  of  pareniaire,  but  nearlvall  the  faiiulvnamo  id'  liis  brothers  are  it  produced 
Hi  lii^  i!e>eeudai\t-,  believed  therefo're  to  be  of  this  David.  .\  e  land  sou.  Bradlev  Tutrle, 
1  b\,>  Ml  Cly.l,-,  (.diio. 
\      ,.      '''       <ieor;:e.    bad    4    sons  livir'.--  in    Collinsville,   ('min..    1800,    unm.      1.    Li:vi.     2. 

!        ^   "■'='  '^        '■''■     A!. I, K.N.       4.     A.NuTiiKK. 

TUTTLE.  185 

TV.  iJnulh-y.  li.  ns4;  in.  Piiuliiia,  .Imu.  <,r  ])avi,l  SmiDi,  aii.l  si^.  of  Kirliav  ]  J.  Smitli 
om-  of  tlH-  ablest  liaw.-i--.  ev.-r  in  Aul.iin,  II, •  ^.nlf.i  in  Aul-uni  ]S0'2-  m  ISO:}'  and  d' 
{ihout  l,s(KI,_a.  .(.;  a  proninrut  business  man  and  (niiK-  vcalthv.  His  will  .latcd  Jan  ''0 
1N.>S  conuun.s  hr.puvsis  to  about  forty  .iilrVn  nt  ]H.,sons,  prin.'i|Kdlv  n.^jdnw.  and  ni.'n^s' 
iinciiii.      Hnrad  m  Nortji  St.  (■fiii('tri-\ .  '  , 

K  -V  M^"?\'^.'"  ^''V',''"^'''  aij-u'"n>^'i:  -:i.  INIO  I'anMdia.  da.;,  of  Caja.  Aaron  and 
Ke-xud,  (darolH)  |,wl,nd-n-;  tvs.  Anb.nn,  N.  Y.  Sho  uas  a  nion-  on  b.  r  n.oth.Ts 
s>doio<  bnd  .)u^M,-o>n.pb,.n.lan>l>sorVt.  1.  1>a,  i,,NA,n,.  ].■,.].  \\\Akrr;  shr  d.  Lb73- 
-cnl  /„///,va,u  li/./..v/,/:  its.  Auburn.  •.>;  ll.-i.i.Mi  Kt./.iaii,  ni.  l^bilandor  Nv..  wbo 
a^lb.O;  r..s.  (nd..,  N.  \.:  -i  rlub  i,  .|//,.,  J..  :o  PnivM^ilN  av...  Sviarus,.  N'r  2 
H.//^/-.  „  /-yvv^o^.  -1.  ///•,/,;/,,/.  :5.  Saiiah,  ni.  i;onss,da.'r  \V;Mrirk;  slird  IHm  r 
7"//-.'r  4  l:i:M,M:,v  Ai.i.i.x.  Marrb  -1.  1s21;  ni.  1M7.  I  ..-Mbmonia  Adams;  ros.  45 
-Noiihst..  Aub:,rn.  N.  \.;  W.  m  iuitlc.  Jb-r,!  .V  J  hnid.^oi,.  rolling-  mill,  lif^  is  n  s,diool 
c-ommi^  and  (b>yor,d  i„  tb-    intt-nst    ol    tbr    i-ubjir   s.diocds   of   Auburn.  N.  Y       In 

vm'n?r'  ';'"'"'*■'         "'V'V'    '"""^''^"'<'"    '■'"■   ^!='>">    "f    A.      It    i.    said    bi-.    ebTtion 
Mould  baxt-ln-on   .Mir,    and   ili,.    vof,-    nrarly   una.niiiiou^:    om-   <-b   •     ir,///,r    b    !>.;*)       ^ 

V.'"'  'V,  •■  T'^-      V.  ^-^^"'-'-^    '■•  '"•   ^^i"-  ^\:Mnrk:  X.  /.:   ivs.  Cavuoa    X    Y 
^  1.      Ab.j.b,  m.  M.d.italdo  SkilT;  .srttb-d  ii,  Illinois;  had  :]  dau.s.,"  onu   of   tbem    ,.os. 
si-<,i,i_.-  hiciarv  tal.-nts  oi'  a  bi:,--!!  order 

ViL      llublab.m.   I'biln,  s.-,.f  \Vilb>,d    and    lb,. nab    Law;vn.,.    Kin:^sbnrv    ,Ihmnah 
l.Hwn-T,.-e.  younuv.t  dau.  .d'    (  a;.,.  Isaac   ].awr,-,w,-,  whose    hei.s   are   a1  er   an    hnn  e   ^ 
Kuodish  e.Mateb-  s,.,    ,„  South   Owe-o,  Tio^-a  Co..  N.  Y.  ;   both  dee.      1,    I'mitx^  \'        , 
lb<u.u,.  brown  of   tin.  Ibvnidem-efatnily.      She   is    the   ,MMH.alo,,ist    of    ,he    famih-;' 'res: 
i.-,^-!sob,  Onlano  (  o..      .   W  .:   ],as  had   S   rhil.  of    wb.nn    but    2   now  livin-       2     P  Ui  o 
o,   (mniioK.  and  twootlurs.  "^         '  ' 

Vii!.      Sallv,  n;.  (ieo.   Whif;  s<-t.  in  Lexington.    111.,    and   both   d.  tbr.      1.   M  Mn    in 
J.uem^   Dunnino,  and  two   other  husban.K.      2.   Fhax(  Ks.  ni.  1  )r    Hot.hkiss      ;]     TJi  ,' 

J-.TTK  K.,  m.  Collin.  Bradley;   ivs.  Ibuneo,  Mieln  ■  '   ■ 

IX.      .Mary,  m.   Abnnn '.^Miiolk ;  set.  fu-t    in    Auburn,  N.   V.;   rem.    to    Detroit    Vich 
2;^;'   ;!•    ""•■■'•     ''    ^''^^ni.Ks   SMoru.    re..    IVtvoit.      2,    Ma.;v   Ibn.A   SMn>,.     ^  ^^^^l^', 

•       3792       Rhoda   Tuttlc,    b,    ITo;!;   d.    1S4>!.    a.    -;:jyrs       She  was  of   ,-ood  mitui    and 
Z^o^r"oT{Jl:  '^-s''-  '-^■^'-''■r-    "'■   -'-ei-l-Hul    l;uth,H;;K 
^  \,-V.    •  ,  ^  ^^"^-  ''•   '"*    >'^--    ^-  "*    Auibmse.  s.    of    Ambro-e.  s     of  Wm       maHs 

trate   ar  Mdford.       A    .-'at    reader    and    a,i  orieinal    thinker.     His  rhil     aiVic^'^'u; 
^iu'daviVtio^t ;■"'''   '.no:  nndjt  _wa.  thcdr  custom    to  gather  atinually    otx  Thank^  bn  I    no  other.      All  the  lam.Iy  were  t.oted    singers,    and  when   the    dinner  was 
ov^  ,U1  wouhl  rtse  and  stn^  the  old  fugue  tuz,e,  "  Oce.a).-  a  hymn  of  praise  and    h ai  ks- 
gn.ti-.     be.nnitn,i:-.    -  M  nh     sot,o>'    and   honuis  ..oundino-  1,h  d.-     The   children  \     re 
edueated  undet- eantest  religious  i,>Huenees.  and   were-  tauVh,   to  end.use       e  t  Iditi^  ,^ 
<-a  vtnrstn;    laith  and  doctriiu,  until  Mrs.  IJhoda  Fowler  fell    a  vietin,    to     t    in  ^re lit'o 
«Iv,n.s,K-   n.atna.  whteh  continued  many  years;  this   modified    .■ssentiallv  the    vewsof      Xoah    Fowler   ehatuhioned    the   rendenn^-   of   ehur'h    tnu.  .      "a 
re-uarlyoroantxedeho.r  separated    fro.n    the   eono-.-egation.    -Twelve   nn.nberVo    -his 
amtly  were  members  ol  that  and  he  was  aj-poittted   b.ader.      Dea.  dehn  Cook  rep 
esen  ed  tlie  old  syste.n  an.l  stren,n>us]y  oppose.l  the  in<.vatiot^  -.oinp-  ,,.  far  as  to  inV^-'r- 
11  !>t  the  lu.blu-  rehgiou.s  .servne  ol  the  .-ouKtc-ation  and  brin^,-  a  civifsuit  in  the  courts 
lbeworblkeptniov,  .besauu^and    Dea.    Cook    wasobli^o,d    to    .ive  wav        m\ 
Fowler  hved  to  the  a.e  of  M.  and  his  wid.  to  the  ajre   of   9;J.      ••Tin-  fnon.u.e,.   of   the  r 
natnes  has  hallowed   bu-  a  In,  nd ,  ed  years  the  honu-  \vhere   tltev    lived    and     db^l  -'i);  . 

bv  rl  'l  h^'^•'■n'/^•  ^;  ^'"•■^'  ^-   '•'■'■      ^"'"'-  '^"■''-   ^^i^''  ^"•-  ^'"■I'l"",  and  was  licensed 

h  tl  e  Intehhe  d  (  o  .M..d.  N,c  Set.  in  V/asbin.^ ton ,  Cotnt..  IVJCr.  b,llowed  his  pr„f,  s 
s  on  sery  y  an,  was  st  ud.ou.s.  cauti,,us  but  b,,u  in  hi.  decisions.  Of  lin.  p.'rsoi  al 
^  dt^mtv  ot  tnanner,   b,u   e^,.r       .\  strong  advocate  of  t.-m  ,e  a  nc 

Lo  ed  sn,,-,n<r  and  had  a  good  voice.  i;,.,.,.iv,.,l  d.^reeof  M.  D.  f,„n,  Y.  C. ;  read  se ve  1 
essu.  b.dotv  the  me,hcal  sooet,,...  His  ,liss,.,tal  iou  on  1  Ivpodnualriasis  iu,!i,-ai,-s  v  '  r 
auddrscnnnnatuu.ol    n,in.l,      lb     d.    lS2.i    M   n.alarial    tvi,l'us    fever-   m    i\  iVdv 

'"!"■•'■      '■    "'-^""^   "^^>■o,•n.  .Mad.   V.  M-d.    S,d,„ol;  n:,  iVt.A-  Atm  br'bie  of     :       . 

'^K.  .n-K    a',d>-i"-'"  '■     '''""'■'''    '"•    ""'    '"'    '""•      ''■     '''"'""■       - 

M.      Aniai-illa  Fou  bu',  b.   l\i,.   ,■;,    i^n;   m.   .Iun,.2r,   WM  Ceni-    .   of  Fdvud  ■.n,I 

M:/ab..,h  (.'urtr-s,  f-gb-.t,.,, ;  b.  .Vpn!  4,   i^M;  rent,  to  Hiram;  „.      1 ,  Xokm  J  i"  !,;;,';' 

ImA^M.'lI  or  tuomas. 

Ibh  MUA^ril   or   THOMAS. 

17,  IsOi);  lin.-^  tatii.     2,    l"j.;zA  iiKTii ,  -Inly  7,  1^0:',;  ni. Xii-kcr-oi: :  a  wic!.  lnu!  s  ,(!;■,•.) 

;{,  Amaxiia,  I'l'u.  il.  l^'>'i;  111.  <;.M).  I'iikiii  orMillvlllc.  I'tali:  Ija'^  nmi.  4.  Amai;iii,a. 
r»,  IJllODA,  111.  H->^\rfll  rauioiisdl"  CliarJlcn,  ( ).,  and  had  I .  J//A-.  '3.  /'V-;v///.  :i,  W'i/,/.  r\ 
'!,    .\[irlhn.     i;,  l-;sTiii.ii,   111.  (i.-o.  Wood  (d' -M.,  Uiah.  lia-.  fuiii. 

111.  NMriiiau  l-"(i'.vl.T.  1).  Ajiril  !),  1 77 7;  d.  !>cc.  'Jil,  ]xU.  a.  'J.k  did  n:.i  iidnrir  li.c 
lii'iital  vi:;iir  aiuMin-iaiA  |)r>i]-..-nsil  ics  u!  Ins  laliiil_\;  hut  l;,id  i^ood  jiid;i-uii'iil  a  ii.l  r  h-;ii- 
bfiis>'  of  lii^lil  ;  iiidii^ti-iou-^  aiul  .-^n'iclly  liouoialdc  and  w.  m  ihc  ic-pict  nf  tlic  cnniiiui  nir  v ; 
the  obit,  in  tli-^  Cniin.  ( J^iti-li'd)  /^>.^■^  dt'scrilns  Idm  as  u  irinarkalily  cstiiualilc  mail, 
lie  lived  in  tin-  nM  !-"()\vlrr  homcslcad.  (.V  '  ,  i:[ir,iciiiii  II.  (ill!  //f\,'  w'  'fm-.A  lioint-  cf 
t'orinor  f-ccnciatiiiu.  lie  i- su])|M)  to  liavf  ln-.-n  il,,;  oldr-i  iidiali.  of  )/U(di;i(dd  Conn. ; 
111.  StJitira  151aki'(d'  SfocklnidsM'.  Masy.  1.  l)i.<ii;i';  1-;i,\ki:,  m.;  d.  .•<.  i.  'i.  IIomi;];.  .1.  in 
Klorld.i.  nnin.:  rlic  .-xjifditioii  bi-iinv  danucious,  tin'  lamilv  disti'f.-r-  \va>  i^-fcat ;  ami  his 
Aiuit  Siliyl  t'oudcr  \vrnt>'  an  aci-o--tir,  ( llonii  r  k'owic;')  h^'iiinnin:--,  ■■Iloni.-r.  viriio-o;  Oh! 
must  yon  goV"  ;J,  rilKiii;,  ni,  Addison  {'alnii-r:  h.  Si))i.  ;,  jsicJ:  idccir-d  ih'ai-on  in 
Wolcotlvillc  IN')-,*;  ri'>.  (Joshfii  SIk-  (L  .Ian.  i'',.  isiiS;  hi'  ni.  I'JiOct.  27,  isi;i).  Mis.  Ann 
P.(Lurasi  Wadhani.  1,  I/.j.;nr  /-"..h.  F.-h.  ^'J,  Ishi;  d.;,.  4  yis.  -l'  ll.iii'.ln,  J>,f>hU. 
Juno  il'l,  1S)1  ;  cnlisti'd  in  4tli  Wr-^X.  Conn.  \'ols.  :  jiroinoicii  to  ['.i.-nt.  and  st'iAcil  1  vrs. ; 
.sligditlx  woumlcd  hy  a  shidl  at  Pctershury.-,  \';\.:  now  rh-ik  o['  ilic  lii.^t.  ('oiii-t  oi'  Kussidl 
Co.:  res.  I'^arniino-ton.  Kan.:  m.  isil)-!,  .Mai\',  ciau.  id'  ('has.  S.  .MuiiL'cr.  :!.  Muni  K., 
Maridi  lo.  lS4.".:!n.  Orr..  iM'.i;,  Adi-lla-ri  W'fitun ;  n-.  W  atrrhm  \-.  ■\  "  l-'ni,,r,s  .1..'Nov". 
;;0.  1840:   III.  Ui-t.   \^-'U.  Cassini-T  Bnm.-on;  los.   Wat. 

l\'.      (I'coige  Fo'.vh'i-,  h.   i)i'c.  .'),  177S:   tanner:   an  ai-tive  niind.  and  <-ntei  prisini,^   rem. 

to  Hurlinuron.  ^'t..  and  d.  tlici'e  ot  mahivial  I'l-ver.   l^O:!,  unni. 

V.      i;im.ia  ]-"ii\\  li-r.   li.    ITsi,      ■■  \    pert'iM-t    and   cxeniiiku-s    chaiaeti-r,"— ///.v/.   '/'"/•- 

rui;it'>n,  p.  4;iS:  d.  at  Si.iin-liidd,    Mas-.,  ,Mav  20,    is."/):  m.   .la'n.    21,    ISO.-).    Hanii  I  ( 'oe 

Ihulson  (liis  2d  wl'.i.  1..   April  24,   17;4.   d.    .In'ly,   \y\{\.      lie    l>!o.   id'    (■lari->a.  wf.  of 

l>ani(d    TutlU",    and    m'    Adah,    \vl.    ni   (.en.    l''riel    'I'nti le.-- //-/('.  /-.    724.  i-ni  of   Iliid.M.n 

■  House,  and  )..  407.    In  M,  i,in,i,i ,,, ,  by  Di.  !•:.   D.   Hinlson.      1.    F.kasmi  s])\i;-v\in,  Il   P-.-. 

1"),  ISUd.    al  a.  of  n;  uem  lo  Mass.  aud'iauirht  sidmol;   siu(k    ined.   with  his  uneh-,   Dr    \\. 

M.   Fowler,  at   New    .Marlboro.   Mass.;    o  -ad'.    1S27,  at    He;  k-hiie  ( 'o,  Med.   Col.  and  eler-;ed 

mem.     IJerks.    Co.    Xat.    Hi-r.    Soc. ;   rem.    to    l-51oonilield.   Conn.      Elected    mem.    -d    the 

lloplcins  Med.  A--.s.  of  Hurt)'.,  a.nd  id'  the  Ifaiif.  Co.   .Med.  Soc,  fellow  of  tiie  Conn.   Med. 

Soc;  phys.  and  siif;:-.  TO  the   Conn.    State    Inimiu-rai'.i    Hos.    at    W'intonbury.      Onretire- 

monf  of  l>r.  Samd  Woodward,    lem.    to 'rorrin,:;i'ord.  and  -oi'n,  in    eonneetion    with  iJev. 

F])aphras  (ioodman,  e-tal)li-hed   a    fam.    boarding   sehool    for    bov-..      In  1  S.-,0  he  adopted 

the  Spe>  iahy  i,f  O.ti.op.e  1;,-  Snr-nry  and    i,mh.    To    X.    V.    C.      ll'i>    eor,iribiition>   to    tlie 

Surg.   hit.  of  the  War  l)ept.  ha\e  been  eoniinended   by   tin-  Snrg.  (ieii.  and  jdaced  in  the 

Army  Filiiary  at   Wasliington,  and  his  histories  ,,f  ss.n'ie  six  hundred;  rases  of  aiiiputatiotis 

ill   the   siu-u-ieal    repn:^   of    the    C.  S.  S:initaiy    Com.    ueie    hii'hly    rommeiuled    in  hoiiu- 

iiiid  foreign  med.  and  snriT.  ionrnals.      1  le  lias  devi-ed  various  reparative  ajULirat  ii>.  wliiidi 

have  proved  very  us.lul  and  .-necessfnl.  for  \\hi.:li  hc'  \v;,s  aw  arded  a  medal  and  diploma 

ar  CV-iitennial  in  Pliila..  b^7(i.      .\t  Paris  I-:\])o-.,  ls;7.    ],,..    received   tlie   jiri/e  medal  and 

minor  medal  and  diploma:   also  a  mi'dal  and  diploma  ••  for  services  rendered  to  th.e  cause 

of  universal  humanity."      1  le  contributed  collections  and  specimens   to    the   Conn.    Ce.d. 

Survey,  by  Prof.  Shepcrd  and  Dr.  Percival.      (Sei"  report).      In    1^28  he  began  v.ork  as  a 

teiiiperaiice  reformer;  all  Ids  life  active  in  revivals,  chuieh  conferences  and  anti-sla veiy 

agitation  of  the  (iarrison  scliool,^savist.  corresiioiid.em.  leetnrer,   ctc,  and   In--  Icmx- 
1 1  ,■        .  •  ,    ■      .  '        ... 

i.--  now 

bv  her 

Mirvey,  liy  l^rot.  .vheperd  and  Dr.  Percival.  (See  report).  In  1^28  he  began  v.orl 
teiiiperaiice  reformer;  all  Ids  lif."  active  in  revivals,  chuieh  conferences  and  anti-sl 
agitation  of  the  (iarrison  scIiool,  a.s  essayist,  correspoiid.em.  leetnrer,  ctc,  and  I'.i-- 
liecanie  a  rende/.V(;.is  for  his  eo-work-ers  in  eveiv  neld  of  chrisiian  idiilanihmpv 
made  u  tour  of  iMirojie  in  ls;2.  J)r.  Hudson  has  a  .Malacca  cane,  lirouodit  over  In  'l 
Ilud.son  in  l(.;;j<).  whieh  ha.s  eome  down  throimh  the  I)ani<4s  of  the  familv  ainl  i, 
awaiting  the  ru'Xt  Daniel.  X'lv.  Hudson  d.  af  Piseiside,  Conn.,  Dec  '.W  ,  ISSI).  of 
moiihi;  m.  1827.  Martini  idau.  of  Dea.  Isaae  ami  Martha  Hnnii.hrey)  Turner.  Sh 
the  first  id'  the  women  of  Conn,  to  \\(di'oiiie  .\bby  Kelly,  take  her  to"  her  home,  sil  by  ner 
side  al  public  assembli.-s  and  lend  her  support  in"  that  h'our  of  trial  and  irrave  peril.  -'In 
every  iiaih  of  duty  she  was  cotistant  and  faiihiul."  i  See  portrait  and  bio^'-,  Ui^l .  "/ 
l.'r,[i.'j!..:,,  p_  .-,11,,.  1,  ]>,.,!,  „!.;.■;  l-),,ri,r.  b.  .\pril.  Is2<;  eiuj..  in  Kvidian-e  Ikmk.  Ila'tf. : 
ivui.  to  X.  V.  C.,  l.sii,-,;  uitii  A.  (i.  Pavne  vV  Co.:  m.  I'li/.ab.;h  HuTcdiinu-  of  l.i.wejl. 
Ma-,s.,  who  d.  Feb.,  Is7:k  (2)  Xov..  i.s;;;,  Caioli'ie  4"ioi.e>hlut  of  X'ewark,  X.  -i.  2. 
Jh',,,,1  Wii.ilt,  D,.c.  10.  is:;:!:  learmd  book  bindini;-  in  llartf.,  d.  .Ian.  2:,.  is.-,.',.  :',.  AV./.v- 
//M^■<  />-'//r/„,  I,,  .\,,v.  Id,  ISkJ;  irva.d.  Col.  C.  uf  X,  V.  and  of  Col.  Pliys.  andSuru^ 
'  a-.,ed  t!noii;h  a  eourse  (if  i,wo  y  rs.  in  .-ur>;-.  ami  med.  waid:-  of  iMdlevue  Hospital.  Is 
•  a  l>iac.  Phys.  and  Suru'.  and  Pro"f.  'l'li<-oiy  and  Prac.  of  Med.  v\  Female  Med.  Col.  and  X. 
Inlirnuuy.  Contributor  of  manv  ariicii-s  in  .bdinson's  (  vclopa'dia.  and  writer  of  many 
l'"l'ular  nu'dical  essays;  m.  Laura"  A.,  of  Sam'l  Shaw.  M.D..  of  Plaiiitield,  .Ma-s.  ; 
t^ral.  ol  \assarCol,      1,   Samuel  Fuwhu',  .Mav  IS,  KS72.     2.   Helen  Tunier,  Aug.  8.  !S74;- 

Tl-TTLE.  1S7 

<I.  .Mi.trh  T,  1S77.  :!.  D.-nwii.  Auir.  :!1 .  isTfi.  -J,  I)ai>ic/ C,,, .  ,hu^.  \(;  l.sOs-  d  :,t 
Jr.-m.-n,  ()..  <,ii  !;usu„.sst..ur.  Minrh  1(1,  1s:jo,  of  phnnnr.Diji,  ;,.  24:  ni,in  ;•!  ' F/n,;, 
n.4hslrr.  1..  M.s  (;.  iSll:  in.  Is:;.-,,  .hna.-s  II.,  ,s,  of  SamuH  S,.vn,o„r  -I,  (■!,uri.,ltr  L  ' 
0,t  t?l,  ISi:;;  d.  ^.'. .<''•!.  l-3.1So2:  m.  ]).-..  Kl,;,s  (.ihnaa  of  \V.  llartlan.!  aiul-Winstrd' 
••).  J/,-;//  /.-/,.//w.v,  .Man),  :!1,  isi.S;  ,,,.  llrmy  Kuiuindlof  W,,lc.,i;  v.  •  ,•,.,.,  to  inorcn,-,.' 
-Norilianii-toii.  .Ma--.       1,    (Icmio,.-.      •.>.    I'-j-aid.-..      :;.    I'liili]..       \     Chailotir 

VI.      l';u-;-iii.,i,    Bradlrv  KoNv]..,,  1,.   !>::;;    -il.r  idol  of  tlu-  hnnilv;-' st  ud.  i,„-d    XNiih 
hl^,l>n;tll<•!■  Wanvi,  );,  :  <,  t.  aj,d  j.iartitvd  in  i^-rlilrlicni,  (  ■oi.i,. .  and  d"of  ciiid.'-nir  si'mfrl 
IVvcr,    ISi;;;   m.    J'olly   J^cmou   of  Wa-liin-lon,  (oni,.      1,   cnt    Y     C    l.m  d 

VI!.      Hr^iiv    |--,,ul.T,    1).     ITH.-);    in.  Cantiidd    S.    Hahhvin:    urn     to    Ma.i.v     \     V       i 
Funvlkk;   ron,.    n,   ll-dU-y,  \.    V.;  „..    an<i   d.  .-.    /.     ^^  a  .\.;   „,.n,.      :\X^v^x^    ni " 
Lldnd.i,^.'    {'aiu-.d!    of   Jlollry.      1,    F,Hrlcr.     2.    l.nnro.     ?,.   C,  rlr>i,U'   A.     4     .s-/.s,/,/     .-,' 
Floi't  nn .      ().    ]h>i"ri .  •  •         . 

Vlll.  Hapliarl  l\.v.l,.i-.  1..  irsT:  Iraiiicd  ^ln-,.niakci>  1  lad-;  rrni.  to  Moiidan  \  Y 
ihciH-.Mo  .K,n,-v,ik,  Mi,.],.,  and  d.  th-roXov..  |s;(>,  a.  S-;  ,;,.  l|,,,  Hva,  d  '.vh,,  d' 
!^-|.L  IS,  1:  a  :!;an  ot  rxiijn-nhhai  y  ini.-l  lii^ru.-,.  -..vA  vi-or  of  mind.  1,  P\i;T.KM.)\  d 
V.  2,  Hm-ii.\j...,.  :;.  ^;ai;.v!i,  m.  ^^n,.  I.  {'aiToll.  -I,  1-umi,,,  ,„.  Alex  Rra.di'of 
Jonesvillr.  1.  .tin,!/ Fotrl,  r.  .-..  IJkxuv.  in.  S.  K.  .Haitlovof  Norv/alk  O  1  (ifln  K 
2,  L(cn.     ■■',.   ll:i;ih.     t;,    ll\j<i:ii.T.    in.     Waller    'I'lioiiii-son,    Clavton      Mi-h  ■    ^     1       ;" 

^lAliTIX.       S.    X,,A„.       !),    TlU.^,A^.        10,     1 1  A  NX  V  H ,   n. .  U  Co.    K.   K:,Vl,.  of  I  )a  \  .'n  l-nri      joua' 

J .  .'^■1  (/(I   Mil  If.  ' 

JX  Sihyl  Catlin  Vu^^■\>■^■.  An,-  7,  UiiO:  ron.M.lmd  th,-  l.i  idu.'..;  .d'  il,,.  fatn  ■  vorv 
hur  nnd  in  in-rson;  never  ni.  Imt  >i-ave  her  time  To  >t,nlv  and  %vas  tbeiefote  ,-oti 
sidered  .  (■-•.■nrn,- and  un<e.-ia!.  not  ndi:dnn- tin-  sodei  v  ,,f  )„  i;oi,s  u  iil-ont  inrejj.etual 
iispinit ions  and  lar-tev.  Ih-r  iiioial  couia,ii-e  and  in-lei.endenee  (d'  mind  a.nd  .^i.eeei,  aNo 
eoiitnl.uted  to  thi>  .-innion:  insran.ces  an-  Hven  in  hio  ••.  -l;etrli  lli-t  ,.f  y,.,-  ■  .|lc.„ 
speeiniens  of  i,,;-  poetieal  .-.Mnpo.iti.oi.  Slie  d.  at  flu-  old  licm,  stead"  Marrh  '  15 
■•ISo.),  a.    ()•). 

X.  Honmlnv.lulin.s  Fouder.  1,.  \;\V.\;  twin  ^vith  i;,.mii.  Marens;  und.T  tie  cai  e  of 
a  devotee,  sisfr  he  i,-re\v  „;,,  deveh-jdn-  lennuhaldy  [in,.  ,,ualilies  n\  ndiid  and  .nh, >;,,,■,  ■ 
and  an  e.\iiaordi.nary  ixhnemeiit  and  eleviuio],  of -],i,it.      He  il    1SI;(J 

XI. _  Hemii-^:\faieu>]^v.vl,.r;  tui:,;  Mill  livin-  in  W'asldn-ton,  V',,m,  •  is  S.',  vr.  ■  -ind 
niea.Avnh  hi.  hro.  Warivn  and  lieei,>..d  l,y  L.  Co.  M.d.  So.-.;  M.  1).  hv  V  C  widelv 
and  favorahly  knovn  tluonghoul  th,-  Mat.-,  an<l  nn-m.  of  various  nn-d  soe  IVvo.iI  in 
re.igion  and  oi  pure  mnra]^:  a  o-ood  miiim-i-,  Nvann  aiui-slaverv  and  ].io-teniiM-i.,n-.-  man- 
uo  ol  an.-nh..- and  humor^  ^See  P:,M.  in  ///./.  T..,,)  He  hk  Ha,  net,  .ian.  of  Tin^nhv 
C.h  Idsot  InelihoKi,  ^vho  d.  Xov,  \>24:  a.  :il.  (•.>)  Marv,  dau.  of  \Vm.  .MiH.-r  of  Tor 
and  torinerlv  ,.t  Hesse  (.hsm-I.  (l.-nnany;  pri-onerof  H;,rin.vne-sarmv,    1,  Xancv  Mm:i\' 

1..  Js2(.i:ni.  \\nK  \\o,dsey  Heavitt  nf  \V;;sh.:ren.    t.Ml.iey,.o    HI     j      \Vin,.i,n     ■'     \clli, 

<  .fi^-'l-7,'"V'''""  "'■  ''"'  ^'■'"'"'  ^■"'"-  ^'"l-'-l-:  '^>-:  -  '■     -1.  iiAKKiKT:  unim:  n-^: 
handwich  I-dand--;. 

XII,  rr^iia  Fowler,  h.  17!Kk  a  id.ysieally  slight  and  nervous  or^ani/athn,,  will,  a 
morbid  iear  o  thnn.lei-.storm-  v.-ry  pio.t  rating  t"  h,-r  svstein:  a  -n-at  r,  a,ler  ui  hi^orv 
poe.ryand  religious  literatun-,  with  a  good  nn-morv  am!  <-onv,-rsaiional  i„..we,s  and  an' 
aelive  christian  spirit:  her  s.,eiety  sought  l.v  elergvii.en  and  lit,-rarv  ,-harart,-r<  In.tli 
vouT.gand  old:  after  deatli  of  her  hnsl.and  she  liv.-d' sev.  ral  xears  uifh  Hi.  IHnlson  and 
<-.  at  l-lorenee,  ^la^s.,  Jiine  2o,  ls:y.  ,.  ;  ;  ,.,^  Ae,-, m nis  , d' 'this  remarkalde  lan.ilvare 
-ivei,  more  ,n  .let.ol  in  Mr  (Jmitf.  llhi.  of  Turr!n.,tni..  Sh,-  m.  ISOl.  IJufus,  ..,  of  Fri 
(  urtLss,  a  larmer  and  imihernnn,.  II, -  was  foml  ,d'  lit,raiure  and  api.reeiated  Ids  wife's 
reimu-kahle  g,.,v,us.  H,-  d.  |s:;4,  a.  ;;<).  1.  \Vai;kkn  Ji..  d.  at  Stock hridoe  Mass  a 
•vj\  UTim.  ,.,,.,. 

3793.  Submit  TutLle,  1..  K.-.C:  d.  H,-,-.  Id,  isii  a  ss  v,s  •  m  F--I,  S  i:7't 
I  njah.  s^  of  IVa.  Shul..-!  and  Kaeh,d  (\Vils,,„)  (■,,ok^>  -d'  \Viu.F,,r,  (Vmn  '  h  ^'r^t'  I7o'|- 
rem.toUin^w-,!  Conn.,  17SS:  h„ilt  and  lived  in  H.e  Lorku,,,,,!  Ihrns,- ai'th.-  i,',,  Id'  the 
h.Il  11.  Signt  of  the  \V..s,  village.  I„  IS,!,  he  .sold  out  an,!  n-m,  ,o  Harkhains,,-.!,  <  ,u,n.. 
(U  alien  s  HilH,  vvh,.,-.-  lie  „.  Jum-  -s,  ls:'o,  ,.  ;:■  ,,,.  j,,  ,,,.,.;,.,,  ,.„,  ,.,^,.,,,5  ^,,^,1  ,,_.,,,^_ 
making  m  the  early  p:iit  oi  ,1,0  .-enturv.  He  uas  a  ma:,  ,d'  ar,h-nt  Temi>erament ,  a  /,-aF 
ous  lederahsr  ami  ,.,,ual I v  .,.;dous  theologian  o''  Hn-  llophinsian  s.hooF:  not  ov,-r  t,.!er- 
autot^oppo.smg  views  eil  her    in    pol,ti,-s   or  religion,       f„    his   old    age    christian    ehaiiiy 

o,r^,lw '^hPw''  ?""    '°  Y'"'^"-''^  'I'"  ^^^  ^r'-  ""  ""^  ''^'^'-^  T^'^'^  '-""^  adi,.ininJ^ord,^7lit^ 
on  iouili  M.     Hi,  house  was  0  littlt-  nortSi  ot  the  I).  Tutllc  hnise. 

188  jntAXCll     OF    TIIO.MAS. 

])r.-cli)nrmat('d  fiver  partx-  umlI  st-ctaiiiin  zeal  ami  lie  died  in  jxace  and   iove  ^\ith  all   luan- 

1.  Anson  ('.Hil<,  h.  On,  4,  1770;  d.  De.-.  17.  isCd,  a.  SI;  luillwt  iLd.t ;  lived  several 
\cars  ill  West  \'i]lau'e,  a  I'lorN^ards  i  n  J^ast  \'illa^('.  ii^ar  tlie  j''i;is.  clili.;  an  iinliistrious, 
(jiiirl.  njiii'_'-lit  MitiU  and  a  si;:cfre  Clsristian;  m.  Ih-r.  ;il,-lsO'.i,  Annlia  Hinsdale,  sis.  (if 
(.',.1.  lldM'a'l!.  She  d.  .M.iv  I.'),  is.-,l.  a.  70.  1,  ,Iamkv,  1,.  Maivli  i(,  jsnii.  'j,  Cikid.a  A., 
1:.  n.r,  1(1.  1^10.  :].  Siii:i';MA\  'I'i'TTM-:.  1).  Marcli  -J-?,  IS];',;  ni.  Nnv  •.?7,  ll<:^9,  Cornfdia 
I7nieline|na,  1).  (';inaaii.  ('(inn..  <lrt.  1C>,  lSi7;  d.  Iiv  It.  \i.  a_;-ci(ier,T  about  liSo";';  Ci) 
.Mrs.  laicia  ^Stillnian)  Cross.  1.  i:,hr,(r''  S',,  n.i.i f .  '\k  i>.-e.  2U.  1^41.  2.  Fi\<h  ,  irj.- 
Mum;,,.  .Maii-h  2S,  lS.j:l  :).  Ci'ru.Ini  7!-''('r//w.  Sejit.  1.""),  m.")(i.  -I,  Km mn  Amdi'i ,  i)vi. 
:',,  IS.-,:;.      },   ANSdN  liT-.s<i:i.L,  h.  iLv.  VI.  1^!!.     .1,   j,at  ];a,  1).  ?>hn  ^'),  lsi,s. 

II.  ]..)is  C-n.)l<,  h.  March  'M,  17s);  d.  On.  17,  is,")-.';  m.  Jnlv"  W,  ISO;^,  ({il(-.  s.  ..f 
Xatli.  aiul  Kli/.abnli  (Wiilard)  Ifus.^.dl,  1..  IJoeky  Hill,  Cnnn. .  July '27.  177.-,;  d.  Mareli 
IC.  IslO.  He  \\  as  a  teacdi'T  (if  lit(-iary  tastes  :ind  enlnni':  l?f]i.  (.'nun.  Le;:.  lsi(i;\nd  'Hi: 
SdiHiiMan  and  Heputy  Slii'riiT;  rem.  to  l\rie  Co.,  Pa.;  t-(  i  iirniiiL^- t"  ^\'illst(Hl  on  a  vi-it 
and  fimiiiiL;-  the  ceaieteiA  in  a  rieii-lei-u-d  (■i)nditi<.in.  he  Inid  it  I'enei'd,  eleami  and  trees  set 
oui.  H.  d.  in  Pa.  1,'la.riSA  'l>A  ruKTTA,  \k  Jan.  !t.  ISOP  d.  April  o,  ]S.-,r,;  m.  A.  K. 
Austin  of  A.,  O.  -J,  .Mai;y  i:i,i/.A};t:rii.  >fareii  VI.  IS(I');  ni.  .lolm  r,^,^k.  y,  Cauoun-k 
Matii-IiA,  Fell,  x'7,  lSo7;  ni.  ISt^."") 'I'liomas  ( i.  Ilurllnirt.  1,  .'ilia  Ann  1;!1<>i)A,  July  "24, 
ISDH;  III.  Mav  7,  !-o!.  H^vid  Smith.  5,  f.'v.o.  STu.f.M.vN,  March  (J.  ISI-^;  in.  Jan.  :!, 
1S4:;,  Jane  llial.-y.  d.  SAliAif  Soiuiev,  Oct.  :?;J,  1M4:  m.  Jan.  1.",,  1S44,  Jason  H.  Orton. 
M.  1\  7.  Cii.Ks' W 11. LA.T.n,  Xc.v.  10.  LS17:  d.  Auu'.  4,  ls;lfj.  S,  Bkx.ta.min  Cook,  Au.^-. 
ol,  1S'20;  m.  .\pi-i!  1:!.  is}!).  Sojiliia  Parkei-.  9,  17r>WAr,i)  I^kadi-okd.  (Pev.),  Julv  24. 
1,S22;  III.  Mav  -i:,,  IS.-i^.  M:,tv  Wouds  win,  d.  Jan.  '2;,  IS,-,.-;;  c^)  March  7,  lo.")7,  Marv  K. 

in.      Saliv  Cook.  1).  Maivh  -Js.  USC;   d.  unm.  Jiilv  :;.  1S0:1 

\\.      Khoda  Cook,  twin,  h.  Jan.  7,  17U0:  d.  April '2;»,  1SI)7. 

V.  i^achel  Cook.  Iwiu  with  Plioda;  m.  Hainiin  Pus.sell.  li.  >hir(di  o,  1781.  He  in. 
(•I)  Xo\.  4.  1S:U;  rem.  to  Erie  Co..  Pa.,  PiO'J,  and  d.  thr.  .s.  L.  Sej^t.  PJ.  IS.'iO. 

VI.      Huldali  Cook.  h.  Feh.  9,  n^o. 
\U.      IMiilo   Cook,  1).  Sept.  CS.  179S;  iii.  a    of    Cai)t.  A\'in.    Swift    of   Coleinook, 
<'oiin.;    rem.  v/itli  his  f.  To  P,ij4duinisteil   wliei'e  lie  d.  ,v   /.  ahout   IS.^iS. 

37.10.     Abraham  Tvittle,  l-.    Pel'.     Hi.    17-:-2:  hap.    Mardi   4.    17-23;  m.    Jan.    22, 
1741.  l.vdia  Huiuiston.      In  Sept..  1  70!l,  adni.  uiven  to  Kiehanl,  onlv  s.  of  dee. 
1."     Pavid.  h.  Jan.  14.  U'l;   '..aji.  June  ;j,  1743. 
II.      Ihiiuiali.  h.  Julv  Hi.  1744;  hap.  Julv  20.  1747 
Hi.      Sarah,  h.  Sej.t. '21.  174S. 

IV.  Picliard,  h.  Oct.  20.  Uol;  in.  March  7,  1772.  Mary  Tuttle.  In  lsn3.  they  c-onv. 
to   l-'dislia  ']'iii-ner,  h<.>iiiestead  by  the  water  side.      1,  John',  b.  March  7,  1773. 

^.  Pel)ecca.  h.  l■^d).  J."),  17.")3.  {Hist,  cf  S'l/ in 01/ r  i>iiyii:  b'ebeeca,  dau.  of  Al>rahain 
and  Kli/.abith  Tuttie).  b.  Peb.  14.  17.VJ;  d.  Mav  1.  ISoO,  a*  78;  in.  Dec,  12.  1784.  He/.e- 
kiah  Jolmson,  b,  Nov.  (,i.  174!i;  d.  Nov.  l."5,  1S2ri.  a.  77.  1,  Xi:wF,i,L.  b.  May  21,  17s8:  d. 
June  11,  1S71).  a.  91;  m.  O.-t.  21.  1809.  Bets.-y.  dan.  of  I'.etijannn  and  Martha  Moulthroj). 
V.  ho  (i.  Pell.  7.  IMO;  (2)  Sept.  2.  1810.  Esther,  dau.  of  l^lias  and  Content  Carriiig-ton  of 
Milford.  wdio  d.  .March  9.  Is-p;;  thev  rem.  from  H  luniilivevsvil  Ic,  Ccum. .  to  Westville, 
<'oiin..  ISMS,  p  >,'/,/,/<„,  v..  Mav  .-,.  'iSiE  ,p  Jan.  27.  is:,;].  2,  I!./s,i/  ,/<///,/,  Mav  1.  1813; 
<1  July  0.  1S72.  3.  ]hrh,nd  Mihs.  Nov.  S,  lsl4;  d.  Jan.  20,  1S74.  4.  Ksihcr  A')ni,  April 
7.  1S17.     .-).   Ahnini  Miicrnt,  Jan.  0.  1821.     0.   Elnn  Anr/ii.-<Ui ,  Sept.    10,  1830. 

37.12.    Stephen  Tiittle.-'- 

!.      Esther,  b.  June  IS,  1  7:^,1;, 
li.       He/.ekiah.  b.   Mav  .-),  1738. 
ni.      Stephen. P.  .lun.-7.    1740;   m.  Abiirail.  dau.  of  Caleb   Pall.      She    d.  before  date 
<if  fiolni's  \\ill.  i;s.-,.      Seqi,  the  Ste]>hen  aiul  Abiirail  of  W'all'd    wlio  h;id  :      1.    Stkphkn. 
^'■'■A-  '•    l^'i-'.     2.   Anna,  .Mandi  2s,  1704.     3.   Sakmi,  Oct.    19,   17ti:..     4.   Mai;v,  Sepi. 
*■'.  I''''-      •■).   Ciii.o,..,  named  in  will  <if  k.  f.  CahJi  15all  1 78,'). 

,  I-y'b.i  pc"  '^is.  of  Stephen  .-inJ  dau.  of  Caleli  Tiiltlc;  m  Jan.g,  1744-5,  Jacob,  s.  of  Ebenezcr  Sperryof  X 
ll.iv.,;i  Nov.  iQ,  17,3;  v,i\\  c\hibitt!d  Oct.,  \T'^y.  I-ydia,  excix.;  s.  .lacobof  U'aterbury  and  Samuel  of  N 
ii.|v..  teav.  ri.  in  Kbtrn  Spcrry  10  /ophcr  Hhikcsltic  m  175.7.  i.  .^i.igail,  b.  June  13,  1746.  2,  J.-\c<m.,  b. 
;'■;...■  _t7;-;  Lapt.;  rtia.  to  VVaierburv,  Cona . :  na.  1,  /'ii',i,i/:.t.\.  iS;j;  ni  Dec.  -•.?,  175;,  Noalu.s.  of 
I'.'.i.-.:.  ilreasoii,  b.  Sept.  g.  .773.  He  til.  Ui  Ctiloc,  dau.  ol  Ward  I'cek.  i.  Sallv.  b.  Aul'.  ti,  t7'/&-  = 
<■""!•  1.  Man;,.  June  T7,  ,3.-0.  2,  S.iUv.m.  Nov.  ^5,  17^.:,,  Daniel,  s.  of  .MosPs  Co-^k,  b.  Jan.  s,  i773 
■^.^  A, .liens  b.  Sem,  12,  !S,  ,0:  <l.  Feb.  9,  1S21.  2,  S:irab  P..  b.  Au^r-.  'S04:  m.  iSc6,  Tbos  \i.  Sc-4ur.  3 
.  ■•  -i-s  .st!ies.  b  ,-,..,  ,n.  iSj,,.  poMy  b.  'Ijlle.s.  i,  I.kmi'fi  .  b.  .Au^r.  -,,  ,y-,-_  „i ,  Ian,  i-,  177^.  .Mercv 
'■'  '■■"■V  -•[  N     II. U-.    1,   /;.,„:.,,:.  b.  Dee.  17,  177:;.'     4,\,l).  Nuv.    lu,  1734.     5,  LL.i.vA,b.  .Maicl,  ■.■4 

TUTTI.K.  j^,^ 

I\  .     I.rvi,  1,.  Xov.  V.\  i::?:  ,,,.  Sarah  (      '     '  ^   ' 

■"-■<'h;iJ!s;;::::;:.''r't,.u!v:;::'x'',r,!:;;J^1^;';,!';:;!i ■  ■■■"™'.  lb,.,,.,,,.. 

Mill-on],  fVm.i.      1,   Sox"    o  ■^^,,,,„    ,,    ^   ^(.•,;,'-'-'    '"•    "'^' "    ~i-    l^^-.    >^nsan   IV.-k    of 

81th  i^:,  r;;::  '• ''"' '''  ''''^  "'-'-"^  -  ^•>-"-  ^-^"-'-i^'.  i^:^;  <i.  .Tan.  20, 1.:.,  i„ 

1.     Ci.urles,  b.  1sa.:  ,..  1,„S;  til,- knulHaf'ii;;^;;-. ';,;,;'•  ^i^^J-l'^  ^si«- 

m.    (2)  .       1,   C/i,,,-/,.,    b.    k^(;4        4    (',,    ,■   i>TT,    t,    '  -^i-. -M;i:.-i ;  dr.orrrd;  .slu, 

.'o]:n  (;ray       S,    .\ .  kx.  Gn.i.KTTK,  n,.  Anna  Jonr.  •'     '    ^^'-'^      '"    ^■'-''•^'-  '"•   ^'••^■ 

IN.      '''■^■''l<'-->1i,  b.  Feb.  1;^,  ],sll;   ,i»\v,  INSO    orjjaltininn     Af.l       •.  t^ 
s  up  master  .A  V»\r  Haven,  fonn. ;  b,  ooin,/to  -  >  u  -        •■          w        '"''uerly  a  not,.! 
West  Indios  and  ,h.  SoutlH.rn  Po  t<.  ^?]!;^^^)  vr  '  iV      ^     "'"  i'^^' '''""  ^•"^^■^•-  ^^'  '''- 
conr.spof  time  lir  cninn        '    ^         '  iJ  M--.  ol  a.  %;as  mad,'  rant    .>f  o  .., :. 

of  lifn;_non..   ku.w  bin.  b^^,  I0  i;v;;  h  n        4       %;\  ';"[", ^"lU"^'   'N^:'^'^  -^^'^''- 
A.  Lewis  of  F.    Hav.      1,    7v;u/,„    L,n\'     b     iNi         •       1/  /',;'/'"■    ^"''-    '  "™"l!a- 

5,   .T.v\ri:sJ].,  and  GotluTs    d    i,.f  ■  ■"^'-^-      --',    .Svkaif.      4,   .A  I.K  k,  ni.  (h.o.   Har;  Is 

•'--• " »  "■  «.  -^--.  ^,  <v ',;;:.;.;.;;;:  ',::;;L':;,, ';;:;;',;:;;;;;  ^'  ^--"'-  -  "- 

3S.     Joshua  Tuttlc,  b.  D,.,.    ];>    h;?!- „,„!>    ti,.T).o     t     1 
to  John  l!nn>i>-on  of   \,.u-  Jlav,-,    \n       V  )'  y<"'Ibndov.      ]„   17.J!,,:;,,  ,    .  ^^, 

M.  i.  iKe  Hranlonl  division;  n..  J-.b.  2,,  1710,  Maryl^iiir^^'l,;;;,^,;;';!;;.;^--,  J-'H^^ 

190  l^lJAXCH    OF    TFIOMAS. 

ami  will,  of  Cal.'h  Mi\r  li  Mu'i:  twin  witli  Ai.i-iiil;  i;J'i  after  V,  11.  iMieljc,  dan.  of  I.'ali.h 
LiiH'-^  ami  will,  of  Natliaii  ( 'laric.  [lir..].  He  lived  on  t  lie  oj.l  |iouic,<!ca<l  irivt-n  liim  hv 
lii;-  fatlier,  iJo\v  a  jiart  of  tVio  eolle^'e  .si|u;u-e  about  opjiosite  tlie  old  State  lioiise.  In  1 7.Y(j 
lie  sold  a  striji  otf  the  S'hitIi  side  50  ft.  wide  by  '230  ft.  dee]),  leservini,'-  a  snip  of  1  foot 
wide  on  which  a  ]ian  of  the  house  stood.  It  was  liie.i^lit  by  the  coIIi'l;-!'  to  leal-ie  i-ooni 
for  I'onn.  hall.  (oUl  soiith  liiiddle).  it  was  the  thiid  laiel  [.ii"; chase  uuuh-  l)v  the  <-(ilh-v,.- 
the  .second  beiuoiu  i;]."i  of  a  strin  of  the  Hall  lot.  in  {".W.  I'hsdie  'I'uttle,  u'id.  of  .josluui 
<-onveyed  lior  ri^^dit  in  this  projierty  to  .Vs.i'l'odd  aufl  Mary  liis  wife.  It  is  (h-serilH-d  as  a 
lioasr  in  New  Haven,  ai'd  about  K  ii>-':\-<  of  land.  liound(-d  by  ihe  IfiLihwav  oi-  the  market 
plaic:  luii'th  on  l:;ud  of  P.'Mij.  Frajdclin,  J'!s(|'. .  of  I'liila.  iii  jiait  and  heirs  of  Samuel  .Mix. 
<lec. ;  west  on  heir-  i.if  David  Austin:  south  (ui  land  of  Stephen  Ball  and  pari  I  v. on  colleire 
land.  .lames  A.  llillhouse  a.ud  Jam-'s  Spi'rry,  jr..  wii.:  Piniie  makes  hi'r  .V  niaik .  luii 
Miss  ]'',mina  L,  Hlaki'ol  X.  Ilav.,  a  desr.  of  I), -a.  Jo-hiia  Tuitle  has  a  l)i'aMTife.ll\-  written 
letter  (without  datel  fi-om  IMiebe  Tuttle  to  A-a  and  .Mai-yTod,',.  in  which  sli,.  calls  herself 
"your  loving  neither."  antl  Jes^-e  ( 'laik  sii;'us  ■■yo;ir  lovju^'  iifo' iuu. "      .\u  on'\'  (diild. 

381.  Mary  Tuttle,  b.  Feb.  iO,  1711-1:2;  in  a  deed  d:,ted  y,  1784  .-;,  called 
'■only  dau.  r^f -loshua  'J'nrTle;"  m.  Xo\-.  1.  17;;^!.  I'.bene/.i.T  .MiLnL""  ( «  ho  rerei\-ed  from  his 
f..Saniue!  Allinu'.  the  ihiv  ii- fore  hl<  m.  a.  de.-d  of  h'llf  the  hou.-e  (ui"  llilF.  b.  Nov. 
•20.  1  :]•-?.  d.  17-14;  adni.  yiv.ui  to  Marv  .Mlin-.  Nov.  IS.  174  1:  (Ci  Ajiril  1!*.  174^,  Asa,  s. 
of  (icrshom  Todd,  1>.  MarcU  14.  17-':1-^^1;  kilh-d  by  the-  British  in  X.  }Iav.  July  5,  1771), 
leaving  vvid..  Phebe  (Brown),  who  i  >  .Jk>a  T^i'ld  was  wjd.  of  l!oi;-er  Diu'inj;'  l'liij:ps 
In  a  paper  without  date  ]\lavy  i^-ives  her  leiii.'-iDqs  e>:i>erie!H-e,  and  sjiealcs  ol  haviiio;  ] 
her  idiildrcn.  .\s  only  child  of  Jo~-hua  she  inlnuiteii  the  old  homestead  on  the  collecre 
s<|nare.  and  was  living-  as  the  wf.  of  Asa  'i\)dd  in  17(10.  as  appeals  by  conv.  of  lu'r  sie]) 
mo.  of  luT  !t .  of  dower  To  Asa  and  .Mary  Todd.  Slie  was  d.  iMiii  Asa  Todd  had  m.  airaiu 
l.'ci'.  177ii,  i'oi-  in  yr.  her  pvoi.eity  was  div.  ludf  to  daus.  of  Sihcmui  rhij)])--,  au.d  juilf 
t.o  lliiiilah.  wf.  of  Barnabas  I>ald\\ln,  jr.  f'^.'.  ];  Solomon  Phipp-.  ailmr.  In  i7s(l  tin: 
<.dd  homestead,  whiidi  had  iiee-n  in  this  lim-   t'cv  Iv':]  ys..  \vas  xdd  to  .lolin    Scott,  and   1(i 

vr.-^.    iafer  1>as:-ed   t  •  the  collei;". 

I.      Kunicr  Ailim^,  b.  Oct.  2:'>.  17:J4. 
11.      Kunice  Allin-.  b.  .Man  h  2:).  1741. 

III.      Mary  A  Hi  r.-.' ni.  Ihioeh.  s.  of  Timoth;.    Haldw  i  n.  b.  Oct ,  (;,  17:-;(;;  h'-m.c2) . 

1,  lh;i.i>.\U    Ai,i.!N<..  only  child,  b.  l-'cb.   |7,   17(i4;   m.   P.arnabas    tiaklwin,  jr.  \"/ifrl  her 
'2d  co\is.      /.  bv  'Jd  m.  : 
IV.      l-ili/.ab--.h  T(h1<!. 

3814.  Elizabeth  Todd,  b.  April  P!.  l7J;t;  onlv  chihl  of  Asa  and  Marv  (Turtle- 
AHin.j-t  Todd;  admit.  lo  chli.  1774;  m.  Mandi  2li.  1772.  t/.-ipt.  Sohuno;.  ]'],|  b.  Aa>:. 
17,  J74-").  In  17MJ  ihev  conv.  the  cidle^-e  ioi  t>  .b,]in  Si-ott .  \vhose  t-Aecr--.  s(dd  it  to  the  col- 
h::-i  iu  l7!Mi.  Mr<.  Phip].-  d.  Mav  7,  K^".,  a.  :!'i.  file  m.  f2i  Feb.  4.  178s.  Hannah 
AJlin-- (wi,l.  of  Hamlin  Dwi-dit.  v.lewj.  p.-c.  is.  l^-fj.  l,:,p,  S.'pt.  12.  1742).  and  cons,  to 
his  l.-,t  w)'..  Fiizabetli  Todd.      She  d.  Sept.  7.  P7^ii,  in  her  87111  yr..  leavinir  dau.,  Hannah 

''^Cakb    .^lix■,  li.  iDoi.  IS.  of   Thoinu->i.  wi  h  bro.   Sa.muel   Mix  in  oul  the  ris.  of   the  heirs 
of  t'ltrirsis.  .\b:.;:ail  t.Mi.xi  Pantry  m  iheir  father'sesl.     Calcbm.  Hann.ili  whod.  Doc.    ii,  1603.      He  m 
{2\  .^I^ry   dj.u.  01  X^ihan  HrauJey.  as  above,  of  Guiltord;  he  d.ab:.  170?  and  in  i-j22  Josl'.ua  Tu  tie  in  it.  ol 
hiswf    Mary,  who  was  wid.  of  Caleb   Mix  was  appt   adm.x.  of  his  csiate.     Chil.  by  Caleb. ^Ii.\  by  (2J 

m.)  Mary  Kradley.     i.  Thankful,  b.   Oct.  i,  u''03;  m.  Caleb  .Ml'ng.     2,  Rachel,  b.  Dec.  15    ifoS;  ra. 

Collins.     5,  I'alicnce,  March  23,  i6.jg;  m.  John  .-Mling.     4,  Esther,  Dec.  31,  1702;  m.  ■ Hubbell. 

■•Sir  William  Phipps,  b.  at  Wciolwich,  Me..  I'cb.  2,  1631;  the  younj^est  of  26  chil..  all  by  one  mother. 
At  tlie  a.  of  \S  apprenticed  to  a  ship  carpenter  lor  four  yrs.  Determined  to  seek  his  fortune  on  the  sea. 
he  li;ul  the  luck  to  discover  itie  wreck  of  a  very  valuable  Spanish  vessel,  and  with  th.c  aid  of  t'.ie  British 
K'A-eviiment  succeeded  in  tishin^  up  pla-.c.  pearls  and  jewels  of  the  value  of  t.'_;o:.. 000.  with  which  he 
saileii  t  1  Eni;.  in  :c.S;.  For  this  he  obtained  fir"  cv>,i  and  the  honor  of  kni^-nthnod."  Me  returned  to  Bos- 
t>.n.  1,1,  and  commanded  the  expedition  which  capuircd  Poi  t  Royal.  l\c  was  appointed  the  titsi  (jov 
ol  Mass.  undtr  the  charter  of  lo.i?.  He  il  i6.;i5.  •^  44-  I"  i'^^..'^.  durin;,'  the  heigh.t  of  the  witchcraft  delu- 
sion, his  wt.  was  accused,  and  at  the  s  ime  time  .Mr.  Enclish,  a  respectable  nitrch.  oi  Saleni,  and  his  v,f 
v.ere  a'Ciisrd;  t!ie  latter  tle.l  10  New  York —/>rc/>/-.''j-  /  >\!7c/s  A  dau.  of'Sir  William  Pl;ij)ps  in  Co! 
I'hii  Vassal,  w  h'>si:  .^.,  John  \'assal,  built  the  h  juse  in  Canibrid^'e,  Mass..  known  as  Washington's  Head- 
U'l.Ttcrs,  u:,\v  ttn:  residence  of  the  poet  Lonafer,)w.— /,;//. vf^c.-,-'.?  .U:i^'(iz//u\  Xoz'..  iS~<:.  Dannrth 
I'hipps,  nephew  of  Sir  William,  rei.  at  Falmouth.  Me.;  m.  KH/abeth  Sk'illon,  b.  1713;  d.'Feb  15,  iT<6, 
a  73.  1,  Ri'i.KK  Urmvi..  b.  1735;  d.  Sept .  11,  1770;  adm  jtiventowid.  Phebe  and  David  Phipiis.  br>). 
"f  i!ec  ;  m  (Jet  12,  17^5,  i'hebe  I'rown.  She  m.  ( ;)  Asa  Todd,  and  livinfj'  in  i;-.)  t,  iiir'nui,  b. 
Nov.  S.  17=5  --•  and  3".  /.Y.';;.; -V.-.;  and  /V,,Vv.  b.  Feb.,  171;.  2.  D.wid,  b.  \us.  .:.  :74i:  Caf  t.  U.  s.  N., 
V  .1.'  of  i<L-\.:  d.  .Marcii  j  ;,  :5.'5:  m.  June  13.  17.-1.  Mary  Kn'.;ii>h  i  jl.  3.  S  ■!  ,  .\!..\,  b.  .Vuij.  17,  1745;  ni. 
Kb.' ibrth  ToiUl,  as  above.  4,  D.a.mui.,  m.  Anna  Townscnd.  who  li.  1S3V.  a.  S_-.  5.  S.\mlki..  6,  Dam., 
ivi  !•  .'^.k^t•/ne  and  iiiiiained  on '.he  patianal  I'.omcsiead  in  Mc.  7,  H.wn  \u,  in.  Jieniamin  P.rcwn.  3. 
1.1  i:-. .  ni.  S  utUi-.-l  Grissvol-.i.  and  had  Xancy.  b.  Awj;.  16,  17?^:  in.  James  En;jlish  U).  '  o,  Ei.irAi;F.  1  H,  m. 
I'ci..  i  ivc-'.,  Stephen  lir.-.wn.  b.  17-,'.-,  bro  of  Phebe.  i,  Slrr/u-v,  bept.  5,  1767.  2,  /'n,i-j,  July  n,  i-;-'>^ 
■  ■--iry,  dau.  of  Solomon  Phi(.ps,  il.  Oct.  27.  171^4.  a.  50. 

Tl'JTLi:,    T(.)J)n,     1■II11'1'^,     M(X. 


Alliii;/  Pliipiis,  h.  Manh  10.  17^9,  mivI  still  liviiiir  in  1S7G,  a.  NT.  She  m.  Joel  Aiig;pr, 
aiidlivc- iii  Nonlilord.  Ccinn.J  Cui)!.  SuliiUKin  Plii|i|i:;  d.  JuiH'  7 ,  l^lo.  'I'lic  i-st.  on 
Cljfnv  Hill,  i'.ear  X.  llav..  caiiif  into  till-  Blaki-  t'ani.  l>y  iiilieviiancr  from  tlioir  'I'littic 
jincfsioi>,  aii'l  (li'iils  tii'iM  I'jimlIi  l!al(l\viii  of  tin-  •  ^-I.  adjniiii  ii;;-  on  thr  ninth,  lu/w  n\Mif(l 
and  0(:'cn|iird  hy  .lanu-s  Baldwin.  Ksij.,  as  a  .suniincr  r<-s..  arc  in  ]in.-sc>si()n  of  tin-  Klakc 

l      Av.a  Todd  IMiipp.-.  li.  -luu.    1(1.  ,1.  Scjit    2.  1771. 

II.  Kli/.aUrth  Marv  ]')ii].os.  h.  Nov.  21.  177(.;;  n..  .lonatliau  Mix. 
11!       .li'a.nna  Pliii.p.^.  1).  .lu'l'-   s.  l77!t;  im.  Oliiev  I'.nrr. 

IV.      A<a  T.Hld  I'liipi-s.  1..  N.,v.  10.  i:sl:  d.  Mav  i:!,  1 7.v?. 

V.      kuci.-tia    Phi]>|'s.    i).    .\vri!    1 ) .  1 7Nl :    d.    .N .    V.    ('.    Nov.  (i,  l.'-in.'c    in.    Sipt.  11, 
1S07.  fiainos  l^'on.  1-..  I'lvni.mth.  ("onn.,  .Iniu'  •2',i.  17sJ;  d.   N.  Haw  A]>ril  7.  ].^'."il:  .v.  ?. 

38142.    Elizabeth  Mary  Phipps,  b.  .\..\.  2].  I7;c.;  <1.  Aj.iil  l.").  isuom.  Aug. 

.'},  IMMI.  .loiiailian  \li.\,  1).   .Vpril  I'J,  17o;i:  <l.  Jan.  S.  isld;  had  only  chihi,  Adilinc  Nancy. 

SS1421.  Adeline  Nancy  Mix,  i>.  .\i>.nl  is.  h'-^ii'j;  m.  June  (>,  lN'2o,  Elihu 
Bl;iky,  i'.  Ma.s  2r>.  Wx:-.  ,i.  Do-.  2-1,  1^7:),  a.  .^"i.  .Ml-.  Iilaki>  d.  at  r.-.^.  (;f  In-r  s.  Win.  P. 
Blake  at  MiU'  iirar  N.  Ha.v..  Jan.  -Ji),  ls-;:J.  a.  7s. 

I.  William  i'lii)-],-  Ulakc  h.  N.  V.  ('.,  Jan.-  1.  IS-'ti;  uiad.  Y.  Sri.  Seh.,  1S.V2; 
P.  P..  Dart.  Coll..  .\,  .M.,  IS-i:'.:  inimualo^-ist  lo  "NN^j!  Id's  J'air."  X.  Y.  Tvystal  Palaee. 
IS.jP,;  resii^-Jied  t'j  l.Mkr  *.iovT.  api.t.  as  inineraloivist.  and  oe'do/^'ist  in  surveys  of  I".  P.  \i. 
]i  in  Cal.-.  in  wliiid;  connectini;  he  naide  se\eral  k  |iiirts.  In  IS.M  Iravcicd  thruULJi 
Texas  and  New  .Mrxieo  w  itli  one  of  thr  v  ;i(;i)n  joa:!  exiH-ditiniit;  and  letnrned  o\erth(; 
j)lains.  In  l^ijo  .-vjdored  thf  silver  regions  of  Neva.da.  In  IbHl  aii]>ointed  mining- 
enc^iiii-er  and  i,'roloj-isr  m  th.'  J^i|inri'->.-  (uur.,  and  \^-i:h  Mr.  ''unijicdly  h'jK'nt  a  year  in 
triivelinir  tl)rnu>xli  the  imerioi-  of  Japan,  btd'ore  tlie  eountry  was  ojien  lo  i'oreiu-ners.  and 
Avitlv  Mi.  P.  enimin'need  tlie  first  .scientific  and  ent:-im'crini;-  srhoul  in  Jaj'.in.  <>m 
liri'a!;ir!g  o'it  .d'  ihe  ua.r  In-  vi.sitrd  Cidim.  r<'lurniiii;-  from  Shaniidial  ^o  Piissian  Aniericu 
lia  Jajian.  Joinrd  the  '-xpi-d.  for  survey  t-l'  Stic-km  river,  which  was  ah'ceuded 
as  far  as  the  lirTe  canon,  and  several  mag-nitireiit  i;-!acifrs  oliscrved  and  described; 
)-cli!rnin_i:  via  \'ancou\-er's  l.-hinii,and  Pnai't's  Snund. ;  a'r:\fd  at  San  )-h;nicisci)  July,  ISCi/i. 
and  at  oncf  aciiw-ly  en;,ai;'rd  in  eAjdoraliun  e)r  tuin"-  in  Ne\;ida,  (.'.•(! iiMriiia.  Ari'/iina  aicJ 
(.'r-g-un.  In  l^^lio  appi.  ]U'(d'.  df  i^mloiiy  and  mining-  in  Pniv.  of  Cal.  and  eeologi'-t  to  the 
Stale  Pxiaril  of  -\^;"!  icnh in<'.  In  iMiT  ap]it.  cnnuuission.-i-  ot  ('ali!o''nia  to  the  Paris 
eyjM'S.  and  on  retuin  to  ^^'ashing•ton  edited  the  reports  oi'  the  l".  S.  commission  in  tlie 
?«tate  Dept.  In  1^71.  as  cliief  of  the  Scie-utitic  C\iri)s  (/f  tin-  cclclua'ed  San  Domin^-iJ 
exited.,  led  a  party  across  tlie  island,  visiting  the  chit-f  [ila>-es  of  inMu'i-.-t.  includiuii'  tin- 
mountain  when-  ("olunibns  planted  t!ie  cros-,.  llavin.i;-  lixed  his  residence  iu  Conn. 
0,s:(;7)  -was  a]>i)ointed  witli  I-'Ji  ^VhitIley  (desc.  (d  Kli/.abcth  !•)  F.  J.  Ktngsliuvy, 
(desi  of  John  1 . 1  <-iiiiir.  to  tlie  Centennial  exhibition  al  Phila.,and  elected  executive 
otticer,  wliich  he  held  until  Ids  depaitnre  to  iln-  \ienna  I'lxpu.-..  a.-  the  special  a^ent  and 
rep'e cntatiN-e  of  the  commi-:  iiui.  His  repoil  in  relation  to  t'iie  \'ienna  Ea]kis.  was 
'])ul_!.  ii\  C'l'n.  a.nd  was  of  m'T' iit  service  in  th.e  inan.aueinent  of  liie  I'liila.  1-xhib..  in 
which  service  lie  ciiiitinued  as  chairman  and  nienib-T  i,f  important  cc)nimittees.  In 
ls7-'">  appt.  by  tlie  Smiihs.udan  Inst,  to  collect  mineral-  ami  metallurgical  product-  to 
illu-trati-  tin-  resources  of  the  V .  S. .  resulling  in  an  i-xii'iisive  and  valualde  collei-tion 
■('Xiiibiied  at  the  Pliila.  K^ihib.  and  in  Washing-tou.  lie  is  a  member  and  corres.  (d' 
many  le.irned  societies,,  among  them  the  Ho-ton  Soe.  id  Nat.;  the  Phila..  Acad.,  id' 
Nat. 'Sciences;  the  Am.  Philosophical  Sw<  :  the  Conn.  .\c;ul.  (d  Seienccs;  ]-\'l!(..\->-  of  tie- 
iieoiog-icai  Soc.  of  h'dinburg;  oi'  the  ( ieolog.ical  Soc.  of"  l.ondon.  ami  \'i:-e-Prest.  of  the 
.\m.  oi  Mining-  J-higineers,  In  ISiS  he  was  elecied  (.'he\-alier  of  Hie  l,egiiiii()f 
Honor.  Paris.  France.  His  writings  are  numerous,  aimuig-  wliieh  are;  Sih-ir  Of,  .•:  ifii(f 
S,'/,;  r  JA//,',v//  (IS(il),  f!'"^o'jii  oj'  CnJifnn.iii .  11  p'lri  on  tin  P V(»T i;rtiuii  "f  tin  J' 
J/ir,;'.v.  Mui'imj  M'lrluninj  (1^7]).  (yriiiiiir  Art  I''  Vliiin'i.  He  Ml.  at  Soutli  \^v\- 
wie!-..  .Me.,  l)<v.  i-t.  I'^o.")'.  Charlotte  Haven  Ford  (dau.  of  Ibm.  ^Vm.  .\.)  1, 
\\  M.  Pirnu--.  d.  IS.;;;.  -J.  Fk.wc  is  H\vi:s.  ;:!,  Josiumi  Atorsri  s.  4.  Tiii.'H>i)i;r; 
\\'ii;-i  Ni;\ .     ."■>.   ( 'o.\-T  \\i  1-.  !1  WKs.     ('.,   l).\.\ti)i;-rii  I'liU'i's. 

II.  .bmiii^  Whitnev  p.lake.  d.  Jnii.e  "J,   iSll. 

III.  Adelin.-  Fiaris-a  I'.ia.k.-.  d.  An'g.  2:!.  iSo-l:  m.  Nov.  11.  Is.'it).  (ieorge  Hryan 
Panton.  1>.  (>,i.  ,><.  l,s-J7:  d.  Feb.  -j;;.  ls."')7.  1,  .\iu;i.K  AxN.\.d.  IS."i'J.  -J,  Fm.m.x  I,iiris.\, 
111.   1S71  James  \Vm.   Fia/.er.      1,    A'1,1'   An,!,     b.  andd.   lS7o. 

\\   \\  iiiUiey  l'.lal;e,  d.    Ft  b.   "M  .    is.",:). 

\'.       I '.mm  a   l.onisa  Bla!v^',  cunt  li  In  i  ted  this  record  of  lie  descendants  of  Cap*.  SohHMtu; 
I'nijips,  to  w-hoin  1  am  also  iinhdned  lor  valualdi> ion   derived    from    old   deed^. 


iniAXCTI    OF    .TOXA'l'lIAX. 

ami  <.ih<M'  (li)finnenrs  in 

sioii.  ;nvl  I'or  tr:i(  int;s  of  aiili)irra j)li-<  of  si.'%t-ral 

ol'  tlii'  siiu--  and  'u'  hit'".  J<->rfU'laiil>  of  \N'i  =  i.  'I'liii  Ic,  the  I'.'.u  mii'f  aiul  In  ad  of  tliis  faniilv. 
W.      'rh..'();lrnv  Au,i;-nsiu-<  Rlaki',  1>.  iSvS;  gi;;(l.  (V.l.  City  of  N.  V.   l,s:)S:  sitiil.  Sh(_'!li(.|,i 
Sciciiiilic  Scliool  I'^fi-i-;^,;  (Jeulo^irist  of  Alaska  cxiiflilinu  ]'xiu  ;  Cuv.  ^cr.  C'al,  Acadt.'iuy  m( 
Scii-M."i-;;  (.'nil  aud  Minim:  Kan-infer. 

Vli.      I'nvl.Ti.-k  l"ay  iflak.-Td.  F.-b.  !(l.  \X4]. 

3S143.     Joanna  Phipps,  1).  •laly  S!,  ITTi);    d.  Dec.    lii,    IS-^H;    m.    otiu'N     Bun-,    d. 
March  21,  lSl(t. 

1.  .MiU-v  Ann  lliiiT,  b.  -laii.  0"j.  1^<:)1:  d.  .km.  '21,  Iskj;  ju.  Sijit.  17.  l^-j').  r-aiimid 
Miles,  v.hud".  .June  O"^,  ISJS,  a,  57,  1,  A\'n,r,i .v^i,  d.  Feb.  14.  IS-.'-.k  Xk  I-Ii.jz.m.k-h!,  ■!. 
.Maiek  n.  F'^!^,  eon.^.  H,  >F\!;rii.\.  d.  Ajell  Fl,  I'^l'.'.  ron.-.  4,  W'li.i.i.wi,  m.  .NFary 
Ann  .NFilkr,  who  d.  l8H-,k  ("J)  in  <'aracas,  Vene./.u<  la,  Feb.  S,  1S7F  Natalie  ]•",.-^|)ino>;^  de 
Sisa.  5,  M.\i;y.Axx.  0,  S.XMri.'.i.,  d.  F'.-.-.  0.  F-^;'.'?.  F  lF\i!i!iKT.  S,  S.\Mr]:i.,  d.  Sept. 
G,  1S:!(;.  '  Ik  l]i'.MnK.Tr.\,  ni.  No\.  17,  iMJ.'k  d'e-i.  .\inbi-0F:(;  Steven^.  1,  (;,,/,  A  hJti'.s,  ,  ,], 
1S7;',.  2,  hf:i  I-J/i:!,'.  (\.  IST").  10,  (iv.oKi-K,  d.  .Xny.  14,  lst.;().  11,  -IdiiN  S  \mck!,.  (F 
Anvil  2.'>,'  IS.' j. 

li.  Fli•/^d^c*Lh  Ikirr,  b.  April  19,  ]SO:J:  d.  June  4.  18:iS:  in.  .Jum  2.1,  F>22.  iktiris 
Sco\iUe  F  N.  1.  slate  .Fnn^  7.  17S7.  1.  LreUKTi.\  Fe.\>,.  b.  Nov.  IM.  lN2:.k  m.  .Mav24. 
18M,  l?enj.  Chase  Lcvcridge,  b.  Dec  14,  FS2F  ],^A(hfinr  .1A//;'<A/.  m.  David  P.'Mc- 
iCea(-hnie.'  2,  A/mit:  C/t/rt":.  '^.  John.  4,  Annir  EHzuhith  Sn-rU'r.  0.  Mt/r//  f.o'-t'iur. 
(J.  J(j/ui.  7,  E/tc/i  Loiii:n.  2,  .M  \i;y  Anx.  b.  S<'i)t.  7.  1N2.''):  d.  Aug.  20.  1S2().  '  ?,,  IIow- 
Aiai.  1).  Sept.  20,  1827,  d.     4,   (■(ii:.\f:i.i.\,  b.  .AFiy  IT.,  l8:il;  d,    Feb.  27,  ls32.     T),   Eliz.v- 

.r.i"nr,  b.  An.^r.  :jO,  18:34:  in.  F)exter  Ilnwo,  wlnj  d.     1,   (.'•frinlia.     2.  .     fk  JA>rr;s,  Ij. 

S.-pt.  4,  ^'^.fK  d.  Feb.,  ls:;(.). 

Di.      .lann-s  Phinps  Ikii-i-,  b.  March  12,  ISO-");  d,   Ai'ril  10,  IbOu, 
IV.      .laiin-s  Fhipn.-;  Ikiri',  b.  Oct.  o.   1S!.17;   ni,  ileniietla  liray. 

4.  Jonathan  Tlltfcle,  I'-M'-  i"  Ck.'irlcsion,  Ma.->-.,  .Tuly  s\  Ii3:j7:  m.  IF'brrra,.  d;ui.  ..f 
Lieui.  l-'rancis  IFdF- of  Stamford;  b.  An-.  Kilo;  d.  ^^Fiy  2,  1(371;.  Ab');it  l<J70he  b--i;an  a 
Kottlemenl  near  the  Quinnipiac  IJiver  in  what  is  n.e.v  rln^  .sieitkein  p^iii  nf  the  t>/M-n  <n~ 
N(.irtl!  Haven,  and  soun  after.  Fbenc/cer  bUaiveslee  ..bdm  il  nmi.-lon,  Ikmicl  and  'Jdini^ias 
Barnes,  Moses  Brockett  ami  lati'r  tin-  Claiks,  4'odds  and  <itliers  sel'led  near  the  ceiiM  r. 
AUlhe.>e  families  liave  iniernv.irricd  witli  i-ach  nthcr.  ^.^-t-m'rati.m  after  --en. -ration  and  ii\ 
many  instanc'.s  rfdaiiDiiship--  are  nriusallv  complic-at<'d.  'I'le-  .vt-ti  leim-iit  wa.--  \"r>  sln\^ 
a,t  !ii-.-t.  and  for  n.iany  years  some  <>(  the  planieis  Imried  Fneir  (k'ad  anil  atLt-nd,,  d  chh.  in 
New  IFi.vcn.  .lonatlian  !.>uih  a  Iniili^e  ovm  the  tjuinni[c,ac  in  Ninth  liaveu,  which  %\a.- 
loier  known  as  '•'i'ltttlt-'s  brid;_':r."  and  by  a  decrt'ccd'  t!i.  cnirt  lie  \v:is  allowed  lo  deman.d 
<d" '-ach  ii-avcler  ]iassin;i- over  ;'.,  liorsi-  and  man,  2  pence  in  money  or  '.^  pence  in  pay 
ib.irt'-r);  I  .\c. pi  ion  was  made  inlavor  of  deputi"s  going-  !•)  c  mif.  He  was  also  allowe.lf.i 
Odce  modiTa.i,'  conii>ens:itein  for  any  r.drc-dunent  or  d.-ink  rnrnislu-.l  to  travcdcrs,  i-yr-,.pt 
strong  (Fink.  F(d).  20.  17il4-'>,  he  conv.  to  .kiseph  Tiitlle  one  -ixtli  -part  i>f  ihc  third  di\  . 
tlnit  wiLS  laid  out  to  \Viu.  Tiitile.  lie  d.  in  170o  and  next  yr.  Simon  Tnttle  admr.  his 
«'si.  Signature  of  ~ 





*jch-in  Hell  pub.  in  London,  1016,  a  Fiench  traoslatron  of  tlie  Enylisli  I.iturfjv.  Gotten  Mather,  Lieut. 
Franci.-;  Hell  one  of  twenty-nine  settlers  of  Stamtord.  Conn.,  who  were  as-iijned  lands  there  in  i6.;o  "'A 
tiriti  Paritan  in  forms  ;ind  principles. "  His  iitnic  with  those  of  Genr^c  .Slausoii.  Richard  Law,  .ionath.Tn 
S'.-llci.k  and  John  Holly  are  afii.xed  as  purchasers  for  Stamford,  to  t'tie  second  deed  of  Irinds  from  the  In- 
dians represented  by  Tapliaase  -and  Powayhay,  In  in.j4  Francis  Hell  and  Geor!,'e  Slauson  were  com- 
inissi..ned  to  invite  Mr.  John  Bishop,  ttien  living  in  B-isioa,  to  succeed  .^lr.  Denton  as  pastor  of  the 
;S;.i':,ii:rr!  chh,  FSiey  went  on  foot  takine-  their  provisions  with  them  .and  rcturnini^  in  the  svinie  manner 
iii_  erM!M);;T\y  with  Mr.'nop,  the  latter  carrying  his  Kiblcunder  his  arm;  this  booW  is  still  in  posse-.sioe. ' 
c\  i'v^c  ,,f  iii- desc  in  Slam.  Mr.  Uell  was  one  of  the  commisjioners  to  procure  the  union  of  t!ie  two 
col-riies  in  lO  ,|:  stvera!  limes  representa'ive  and  one  of  the  nine  pcrsor.s  named  in  the  patent  of  Staai. 
M.>v  ■':,  ;.-:-,.  Wc  d.  h-r..  8.  \Cq:>:  Inv.  t'317.  Will  names,  son  Jonathan,  .crand  dau.  llr.nnah  opd  f;r,-ind 
•1  c.i.  kciiecc.i  w.'uiin  he  liad  Ijrouiibt  up;  and  his  dan.  Tuttle's  sons.  Simon,  W'llli-i.m  and  Na- 
il',mfl-.  iiis  wf.  Rebecca  d.  May  17,  Ki(,  Inventory  of  Mrs.  r.ell's  ciotii- s  — (.V.-rt/«.  A\  tc  ?•<;-,/>',.,./■  i,  ^-i 
1.1  w!i-!i  i^;,-re  divided  equally  by  Mr  fiell  between  the  two  daus,  Rebecca  Tuitle  an^l  ,Mary  ftovt 
I.icui  l-'ran.i~,  I'.eil,  Geor£;e"Slauson  and  John  Holly  were  thie  tirs:  or  loading,'-  tov.  ns'iv-n  of  :S:ani.  (J'-ti  : 
J.  .l-.'ii:.';iun,  b.  i'.i.ii:  the  tils'-,  while  c'-;i:l  b.  in  the  tO'.vii;  the  r)ld  liible  contaii-int;  ihe  rci;ord  i-,s.ud  to 
.  ".V  1.  ■■:.'■.('  o'.ei-  ill  ilie  M:;y:hv,ver  and  is  still  in  poss  .s'on  o:  :!-■•„•  I-.  1|  f.vaily;  d,  .Sep:.  :-i.  i.-^Si;  ni . 
''  '•  ■■•  n';,  Mercy,  dau.  of  Jasper  Crane;  she  d,  Oct,  :•,•'.  1  ,-1;  .-'  r.:.-,  .Su-iinna.,  of  Abrah.^ni 
■  ■'•r -iM  o!  liranford.  (.'onn ,.  afterwards  (jf  Newar.k,  N.  J  . ,  (•!  wli'ch  he  i^  sonieiime  callr-d  (he  founder 
S'.-.--,!>ii..  si.s.  loRev.  .Vbrahant  Pierson,  t'-.e  lirst  Presijent  ot  \-.<le  colic^'C,  whr.^e  s:,.a:ue  stands  on 
<  1-1^  p,ut  •..!  the  tiiPcjoc  trrounds,  fi.irmerly  the  h'all  lo»  i|).  -j.'i,  2,  Rebecca.  rn,'j'irialh.iii  Tuttle.  j.  Mary, 
'■'I    ,i'.s>  a.i,  son   of  Simon  Hoyt  of  S'Ji.D.\.'—[//ii 'I'ii.-rWK'i  ///.>;  i;/-y  .y',S/ij //./;■)■</ ,.-«,/  • -.A", ^< ■•■,>.•,■  <;.' ■■.■,■,'," 

PHIPPS,    TUTTLE,    DAYTOX.  ]  9^ 

1.     Ifobccra.  1,.  F.-pt.  10,  l(J(il,  111.  l);l,ton. 
11.     yiin-y,  h.  Fel).  7.  KiUli;  111.  Williani  iM-ci'rri-icks. 

[II      Joiuithan,  I,,  April  (I,  1089;  joiiicd  clili.  KiOj;  d.' ITfK);  inv     \u-  ^Jofrlr,.  vi-   ^'iOI 
Sunoa  Tutrl.,  .l.l  bro.  u.hnr.      Hi,  person.!  and  otb-r  ..opmv  di;'  ;„;,:;; I  his  I  o';^; 
ail  sisters  Ly  ao,venu.i,1 :  l„.tu-...n  Simon,  W  m.   and  x\atl,']  Tuttl-.  W,n    iMvd.ri.-k.  in 
b-baltol    h.sdaugl-iersand  J^-iK.fTaJ)..i->^htc>n;  al!    v.uu\r   marlcs    X    r^,.y,t    Shn..M    u] 
wrote  Ills  name.  '  " 

l\'.     SiDiuii.  b.  >r;ir(-]i  11.  1071:  m.   Flizabcrh  f:i)cnicTba 
V.      \Vil]i:nn,  1,.  May '.',0,  ](i7:j;  m.  Mary;a,  sis.' of  Kli^abHb 

\  1.      .Naibaiu.d,  b.  ].\-l).  2.-),  IGK!;  m.  INther  Elaiccsk-c 

1  ]^'-  p.,  nb  f  !:;T  r  '^''^^^'>" '"\  ^-  '••  ''»'  '-'"•  to  X.  IJav.  audd.  between 
1  /1-i-^v.  J.aJpb,  t.  of  >ani  \,  was  one  ot  tlic  brst  s.itlors  of  X.  Hav  The  \ew  Jorsev 
braiirh  are  desr.  from  oiio  of  tlie  .sons  of  M:,\y,h.  Jersey 

1.     Isaac  Davtoii,  m.  Elizabeth  Todd 
II.      lle/-ekiah  Dayton. 

III.  Xatlianiel  Daytmi. 

H.    ^^^■/V-Vo''"'"^^'''''t''-  V'-  ^'^^-  ^^"'■>'^'"^^"''^^>'-  «"'i  ^-    '■    <■■    «!-'•    1 744-  res     ;n   X 

Hav.  abt.J,!!);  aceiieiulated  a  iare-e  property  on  1;.  I.  

V.      Mary  llaytoii,  m.  Keiiben  Jcdmson." 
VI.     Chiirity  Dayton,  m.  Dee.  bj,  ni}<i,  Caiit.  Ahner  .lolm.son 
..^;  V-      •"'"'!>  ^^?-"^"'".  >'^-  -^^'^tthew  EelJamny  ('Jd  wf.)  of  t'heshire,  (  V,r,v,       ^vho  d    ab- 

•111.     Lsaac  rayton,  ni.  Dee.  2!t,  llO.s,  Eiizabfih    dau    of  'V'eh'.el  -md    irii....    ti- 
i5rown)Todd,  h.  Feb.  12.  IGi.O;  res.  Xo.  Haven:  adui.   of  .^r    of  t^  ii     IW  on  ^^i^ nled 
1.0  s.    Jonathan   and   s.    Isr;e-!     .I.-n     IS      17.')7-  it. is     dai        W-   !    ii      , ^'  '  O.'   ,    •-'^':"^'^ ' 
,  Enj^lish,  Hannah  Jaeobs    Deborah  Mansheld  aiKl^lua-it^-JhtUi;':' c:.',>ln;m''Todd  I'l"  < 
I  odd,  .James  Pain  Kwhvide  tlie,  est.  '  '''i.i.ii,.^ 

r.      Jb'ber.'a,  b.  Mav  1.  1700;  d.  Dec    10    17]) 
II.      Eli/abe,h.  b.  Se])t.  2:i,  1711;   1,..  Daniel  iWditiJe. 
•  ill.     Lebeeea,  1..  April  12,  171:!;  m.  Au-.  4,  1  r^^n,  Ehenr-zer  (ulber;    b   Julv  J    UF' 

1,   Hkzekiai!,  b.  (,.•>■!.  IC,  17;-F,,     2.   Er.isiiA,  b   :.F.v  4    17y,s  '      '  ' 

IV.  Israel,  1..  Marrh  12,  17F^;  m.  .lnn<.  2.-,,  17;37,'Din»h  („p)  Cla-k 

V.  ^-■.!,,b.Juy27,171.;:d.  Feb.  21),  i;uU:n..Sept.21.17l^:!,FenianunEn.di.h 

^     .  Hannah,  b.  An-    4,  171S:  m.  .Ian.  11.  ]7;:;s,  T^teidieu  .laeobs  4  !  V 

A  11.,  b.  Aiitr.  aU,  1720.  '  •  I  -j 

Vin.  Mielniel,  b.  June  4,  1722;  m.  Jan.  2!),  174M.  Mehitabh-  Do  dittje 

IX.  Deborah,  b.  Ann;.  S,  1724;  m.  De<-.  o,  174o,  Xatlian  Mansfieh!     ' 

Andri^-s.  ""•  '"•    ''^-    ^■''''-  '"•   ^^^'^'^"'  ''''''    ^'^'y  ''='^^^  ^^^   '>-'•■  ■*>>I"r) 

XF      Cluuity,  b.  Sept.  20,  ■17.30;  m.  Jeliiel  Tnttb-  []  i 
XH      Giles,   b.    Feb.    20,    17:]!;  m.   June    14,    1757,    hv   Is.iali  Tuirb.    Marv    dau    of 
feamuel  Bishop  of  New  Hav.,   b.    Dee.  13.    172S;  rem.    to  Blanford.   Ma  ^       "  N    "c    b 
il'S-.fy  ^'■%'^-  JI«reh4    17(10.     2.   Emzm.eth,   b.  Au^.  28.  1702.     ;;.  Jsvvr    1     Xo 

lmo:OH;:;iSo,-MLS'o;i:^^^^^^^^  =''^'"^   ^^^^^  '-''   '•^"'■'    ^-^   -'->"---  Fre,.,u;n. 

((•^' '?ii)  S^nS^^!^,i^e?uv.'-  if  lb-  J:V '  iTin"  ""'^'-  ^- " ''-'-'  ■'-'  "-^"^'^ 

F      Diumd  Do.ditib-,   in.  l.-ebeeca :    vvidou--s   .b.u-er  dFt.  ISO!/-   nnis    hrs   jr  the 

foov-,n^  order.  (,>erhaps  not  ail   children,    but    ihe   fanilv   was  p.ob.'la   "e        e^     'r      V 
dnl.  homo-  b.  witnin  the  i)eriod  of  7  yr<.  and  10  ninnil,^)-    '  (.Mb..     ),,],  ,'>  f  ^  ,  , 

'tu-;:l  : r^:/;- -V ;;•  ^:;^^K':;,^i¥v^'' i ^I'^^T^^-'"!'' ^'^•^'^-^'' •'--^'-  ^ ■-^- 

SvfMi.    M-,r.h->d    is-r        ■     ~-     p      .:-/"■    'l-      ''-'••     ^^  -fofix^ox.  ^o^•.  1<;.  177o.      4. 
^-1  10,  1.0.     7,  KKKH.CA,  Xov.  7,   1771;  ni.  —  l^.ssell.     8.  Xvrn.x' b     f;;,",!;; 

il.     (ijh  -  D.Hdittb-,  b.  Xov.  (i,  Vr.'A  ■    ■ 

Hi.     Mi-du.elDo.dirtle.  A|n-ii   12    1 7;;s 

Ilanuaii  Muns„n  Cook.  b.  1752;  sis.  to  l^in  l,e  ^abos  e)  and  to  (  VJ    lsaa.:Co'd;-s  wf.  MLu^a; 

-.f,^  KKANOH    OF    JONATHAN, 

1.  Ilt-nrv  Tlanisuii.      His 

I  ^nd  Hunt  to  Capt.  .lo-l  Cook,  a  <^^-'-}^^^;'f^^^:}'l.l;:C\^:^  ''" 

!  '     '     V       i:ir/.:il)('tli  Duolktle.  b.  Jan.  8,  J<  1'. 

I  ■        Vl'     .],,1ui  D>'o!iltlf.  1>.  Jan.  lo.  IT-IT. 

i  vn'      Tohii.sou  Doolitfh-.  (I.  in  \\alhn--tora,  Coiiii.  ^ 

^  V 1     ■      F7r"l)nolittl..    h.  .laB.  :^.  17o0;   C'ai-t. ;  d.  in  Clu.sluiv.  April  o.  ISoS,  a.   .b  vrs.; 

i  ,  Tin  1     A,.-     1      l^iT     a     01       1     ]:/.iiA,  1-.    Mav  N.    ITTIi;  ros.    and   d.    in 

;^^  r^ni.    :rA,,;^l   .    ■iS^.-a.   .:5:  .a.  Kstlu..  Tut,i...  1-.  1».....0,  17.2;  d.   M.nd. 
fe    ]8b-K    '4,   Sai:ah.  m.  13-nj.  ]X,^vd  Dooliul..     o,  hrx.cE. 

y,l^f^       Tc:v,ol   Davton    1j    March  T2,  ITl.r,  a  lUv.  sol.;  m.   June  "^X    1T37,   Diuah 
4115.  .f^V\ei  iJaytO^.y.  ^  v.-id.  Lncv .      l{e  d.   about 

i  1^-  "'■;  j;;'  v^";r  \l"^.^n  ht  or  ^^-all■d.  .no  4itb  T,u..v  scdd  all  the  est.  of  IsraH 

l7o<.,  anu  lY^,;;;"^-,  -  :  -'    li   17....  ]„.  bv  d.rd  fnnn  hi.s  f.,  Isaac  Dayton,  ^0  acres  m 

^  ^n-;v"^Saed  ;'  -th  bv  E;  ki'l  Tut.U..  south  by  K.  Bradl.y.      In  I7q3  Wl  Dayton 

!  .        T      /;  ■,,,•!  r'.n-l-    bnihof  Wall'd    +•■)  acres  and   dwellin-  1!o•J^e   in>.Hav.       Jn 

rSf^o-:^  ""^  ; latl    u  D  "  on  or  X    iiav.  G  acre.  -  .here  I  now  d.ell,  to  ve  west  "     In 

]:r,i   ^  ^e^er  B  ^kesle-,  i r. .  appt.  to  settle  est.  of  Israel  Dayton    sc^nues    house   to     he 

vid        Thnothv  Clark  of   Farvnington    apj.t.    guard,  to  Israel  and  baniuel    lainor  chih. 

!  ni-  ir^  S'louathan  Davton  gu^-d.  to  Jehiel.       A   grave-stone    >n    ^^outlangton    says, 

I  ••itPi,.!  Davton  d.  Anril  2:-!.  17o(».  in  his'Jodyr.  ,    •     v-  ,k, 

:  1      Jelr-d    b    Dec    •'■'    17H7;  lived  in  X.  Dav.  and  Farmmgton;  d.  m  >.  unm.  abt. 

i    •■s,;t;r  ^;:;;^::;"■/ ;,;::tu:;i::i;  a;.t^i.;  Js;:';i;2:9::.k,  ;;r  til;;; 

II    "  -Mn'-iil    b    J  111  v  111    171:1;  d.  Sej't.  '^■"i,  1751. 

11  Uv^  b  Marcii  ^0!  1744;  in.  Oct.  ^2,  1786,  in  Cheshire  A bi ah  Dowd  M.e 
was  uhubtoConu-.  chli.  at  Semthinglou,  Conn.,  Aug.  29.  1790.  lb-  d.  m  S  o_i  con... 
I; Pi  •'  18  )o  a  i;0.  1.  James  ZACU.MUAir.  bap.  Jan  P.  1791.  2,  .^hek.mam,  twin  with 
:?;;;;;;.  ziari'ah.     8,  cai.KS,  bap.  Se]H.  2,  1792;  d.  Jan.  2U.  17U5.         " 

'y-      Sannlel'lxl^f 'll:'l7oO:    went   to   S. :    m.       1,    SAMt:E.,.    b.    1777;  m.  1S„U. 
J.u<  reiir,  M'orrill.      2.  Inkant,  d.  Nov.  1,  171'*). 

4115      Serah  Dayton,  b.  July  27,  171t»;  d.  July  20,  1769:   '■  di.^tingui.'^hed  aniong 
|,.tleK-fof;S^>;^Hauy   piety   and   usefulness,  and  her  children  nse^p  .uul  cjd    her 
1.1......,]    ],f.,- husband  als,,  and  all  that  knew  her,'  (grave-stouc):  m.bept.  2o    l,c),  B(  nja- 

ini.1  i:n"::lish.*  b. Oct.  ^,  i:i'-.;  Mai)i.ed  by  a  British  soldier  while  sitting  uihis  own  hou-e 

'"  '^7'''s:;;d;Ei4li;h,'K"Aag.  27.  Ijl^s;  d,  sept.  2s,  1794;  m.   June  4,    1757,  Wiilian. 
l'!ll\inr>t         1,    Sakah.  b.  Oct.   2S.   1757.  ^_  ^x-,  -.n 

•ll.  Abigail  English,  b.  April  S,  1741;  d.  Nos  .  2b  l^o.a^  <■»:  m.  by  Mr.  ^.  h,  1  ■- 
sev  Dee  :J0  'I7(i2.  Nathaniel,  s.  of  Nath.  Spencer  oi  lladdain,  (  onn. ;  reu,.  o  N.  lb  ^yi 
Marcli,  175:-!;  and  was  40  vrs.  of  age  when  in.  He  d.  a.  80  (grave-sl^one).  1,  J.uu;/.  K 
M.,rch  D-?    1704-  moved  to  SaliM,urv,  Vt.;  ni.  and   had  10  ch,!.     2,   A.uc.Mi.    !>.  Jar       ■ 

11.  » 

r.C.O:  unu>.  :l  Ei.iHl-.  b.  Dee.  9.  1707:  d.  num.  at  tlie  old  hoine.stea.l.  4,  W  "■'■  -^^  •  '  " 
Sept  4  KOO-  d  a.  8vr>.  5.  SAt;Aii.  0.  Aug,  Dl  1771:  unm.  0,  V,  n  i.ia.m.  b.  Jub  U 
i:'.!  ren,.,.  7.  BrNtAM.X.  b.  Sept.  :!,  1779:  d.  at  old  homestead  u.  >. 
11       s    JosKfii.  twin  with  Belli.:  d.  uuim.  ls,:Vtat  peiioit.  .Midi. 

lli       Beniamln  En-liMi.  b.'  Dee.  10.  1742:  m.  17-;-^  Abigail  Dordittle. 

1\        Marv  Er.-li<h.  b.  Sept.  29.  1744:   m.   !7il    Oavid  Phipi.s. 
V       Ihumah  En-lis!i.  b.  N.n-.  29.  1749;   m.   ITTU  Daniel  Brown. 

*<.'ca:cn  Knuli>h  of  Salem,  .Mass  .  n. .  A«-.  c;.  e  ■  7.  M^rv  \\  aters  of  S.     lie  d .  r>:;c.  .   .  ^^^y—^% 

„,-.  L,.n.  /';,-..  ^  He  was  a  mercbanL  and  a  m.m  o!  wealth  and  h.i;!i   co.i'^idenition       i.   .Mar>  v^-  '  ^"^,      ' 

..v.,       ...  K,i/.:,heth.   Feb     ....67.       3.  Joseph.   .M.irch    ,.,   ,673.     4.   Benjamin    Oct.  :g,   107.;  doubtless 

ica.    10  Xcs-.  Haven.     -,.  Abi::ail.  Dec.  6.  16S0;  d    a.  17  yrs.     6,  Clemenl.  March  7,  u  'i.  u-.P,  un 

I  Or!,t  in  ies   /.,f,-.y  mentions  a  Mr.  English  of  S.ilem  and  his  wite,  and   the  wite  '^,    f  f  .\\  '''  V.c 

i  Vae,.ps,  uii,,  were  accused  oi  witchcraft  about   .-,...  and  thu  the  Kn^  tied  to  New  \  ork  to  escape  .r.c 

I  *■  "^T  r'.".di'fi""rn  the  Knt'lisl:  familvsavs  that  the  first  of  the  in   New  Haven  w:..s   Bei.j.iaiin.  ar.d  ^ihai 

f  l,"  came  from  Salem,  Stsss. ,  about  1700.     He  m.  at  Salcui  .1  une  3.  iCg  1,  s,arali  \.  .ird  wr.u  n  .  i   -<■     ;.          . 

[  .ir.d  w.>K  bnrled  in  New  H.Hven.     He  m.  c--)  Auril  2.,  1703.  Rebe.-ca  I'.rown  ot  Haven,  Y"/"  '''•;:     ' 

I  .!.v       He  d.  17.-S.     I,  A  S.a.  b.  Mav  ..,,  d.  Dec.  3.   'J---     --   ^"rah,   b.    f-cD.   7.    .,-.4;  m.  J",'!'^/^'/',:^ 

I  S;.-i'ri'  l'ri^!e-v.     3.    Uenj.imin,  b    Oct.  S,   i;^,-    n> .    Sarah  D.ivtou.     4.    .Mar>-.  teb.    10,   ly.^/.   <- •    '^i       ' 

t  17-i       <,.  Joseph,  b     ir^).     '.,   Mary,  b     17:4.     7,  Clement,  t>    Oct  ,  wej 

DAYTOX,    KXtiLISII,  195 

41153.  Benjamin  English,  1).  Der.  Ki,  \li2.  Shi];ina.stf'r  for  many  years  of  vos- 
.sftls  in  the  New  Ihiveii  and  w'est  India,  and  otlicr  fnii-i;;n  cominerco.  In'lSUl  lie  nv;is 
a]>i't.  liy  Jeffer.-iiii  a  custom  iioiis"  ()tri''er  in  .\.  !lav  juid  luld  tlie  ]iosition  tintil  his  d., 
A])ril  li),  1^09;  ra.  Nov.  17,  ITOS,  Al/urail  (daw.  ..f  Naac  and  Sarali  Todd)  Duolittle.  h. 
l>>-c.  M,  17-^9;  d.  Oct.  0-i,  17!M. 

1.  r,^!ijainin,  b.  Jan.  0,  1770;  ni.  .1  luie  U,  179:5,  Mary  \Al)ito.  Uc  sailed  from  New 
l."nd(>n,  T'onn..  as  nia.-t-M- of  a  ve.-^sel  and  was  never  heard  from:  hist  at  sea,  1809.;  wid. 
m.  ('2i  l.vrii;.n  D.'vvil.      1.  H.vNXAir;  ni.  ]{i(  hard  Law. 

IT.  ■  Sarah.  I).  Nov.  S.  1771:  d.  Mardi  '2(>,  1S4:^,:  unrii. 
in.     .I'.hn  'ludd.  b.  AuiT.  :'>.  177o:  d.  at  St.  Croix  of  vellow  f.'ver,  June  19,  Ib'Ol;  uinu. 
IV.      Ahitrail.  b.  Feb.  1.  177<J;  d.  March  r,\  1S;^4;   m.  Au^:.  2{),  1S02,  Innnanuel  IIop- 
kinson.      1,    Ak.\hkm,\    Fi;.vX(1>.     •.?,    MaPvV  Aiiir;.\ji..     8,   >[.\];-i-iia  Jank.     -J,   ]m.iza- 

BETH    A  NX. 

V.     Mary.    b.   Jan.  \2.  177>>;  d.  Dec.   i:;,    1S4.^>;  m.    N-.v.   :!,    1709,  Kosv.ell    ]5r(i\vn. 

1.  CHAKT.K.v.       2,    J  \XK.       :'.    P.KX.TAMrX.        1.     MaKIA. 

VI.  Hannah  JJeluvca.  b.  Jan.  ."i.  ]7nU,  m.  Dec.  7:  179'.),  iSetiiel  Tiittlc  [1].  ],  Jditx 
'lonji.     2,   (i'kmugk. 

VII.  l.-aac,  b.  Mavc).  9.  178'.2:  d.  Uci.  7.  b^-2(i;  n;.  July  2(1,  bS07,  Catherine  Koss  of 
New  London.  1,  \\'ii.i.i  \Nr  FuKDEiacK.  !■.  Dec.  b2,  JSUO;  unm, :  at  sea.  2, 
Natijaniki.  Sri. NCI. k.  b.  ]),-r.  10,  is;il.  ;;,  Sai.ah  Ai'.aoaii,,  m.  Isaac  Prior.  4, 
Haxxai!  Mat.Ia,  ju.  .Marrli  4,  ISHO,  CnyA.  Pi  njamin  Minot,  eld.  child  of  KudS  Allin;;- 
.-aiid  Marv  (Carriugton)  Prescotl.  b.  June  4.  ISOO-  d.  Marcli  lo,  bv52,  a.  4'r,.  She  d.  Dc(\ 
22,  lS46,'a.  30.      \.    Wif/iof,'  AV/^/A'-s//,  b.  May  4,  IS'IO;   a  bookkee].er  a1    Fortress  Monroe. 

2,  Fra/'ri."  O'l-riti:^/',/',  b.  Jan.  111.  ]8-l;J.      :!",    Hi  njn nn.i     \ri, ■.'>■■.  b.  Dec.  3L  1H41;  a  book 
keiper  lii  N.  Ilav.    .j,  Cathkuixk.    0,  Jilia.  m.  Cajit.  (ieo.  \Va!(l  of  W.  4Iav..-  mariner. 
1,    Frank  }fi II uf,    u\.  Carrie,    dan.  of   Wm.  Atwater  and    had    Frank   Atwjiter.      2,   JAUir. 
o,    iJt  ii'i:tiiiiii :  h'.wyi-r   in    San.    Francisco.      7.    ]sa.\.c.    b.  May  Pi,  1^27;  m.  ^fay  27.  i^oO, 

^"'ecerlia  Wondhouse  (;f  Northtield.  Conn.      1,    CliTt'ord.  b.  MavrlL  ."',1.  iSol. 
VIU.     Jame>,  b.  July  2iJ,  1784;  m.  1807,  Nancy  (;ris^vold. 
IX.      Aaron,  b.  Nov.  2".,  1780;  d.  Nov.  2:-,  Is;^.);  n>.  Aug.  9,  ]S22,  Sarali  llavncs.      1, 
Hanxvii  liKiiKCCA.  b.  May  9,  ls24.     2,   Ciiaki.ks  ilAA-xi;s,  b.  Jan.  11,  1820,  d.'Nov.  29. 
lSo7.     :3,  FnKOi'cuK  Nathan,  b.  March  Pt,  ls29.     4.  SAi;.\n  Flt/.abktk,  b.  Dec.  2() 
18:-J1:  m.  Oct.  12,  IS-")?.  David  P.  Mansfield. 

X.     Eli,  b.    March   9.  17.^9:   m.    Sept.    20,    1821,    Emily  Siockinij.      He   d.  and    was 
buried  at  llartft)rd  4  Corners,  \'i.      1.    l~i{Ki>KKJfK.     2,  Jaxk.     o.  Ei>iZABETir. 
XI.     Nathan  Frederick,  b.  .\]"il  9,  179-.';  num.:  at  sea  (1814)  in  brig  Aaron. 

411538.     James  English,  b.  July  20,  M^i:  d.  Dec    2.  IS.jH;  m.  ]\Iarch  -JO.  ps07; 
Nancy.  <hii!.  of    Sa.n.uei  and  Lucy  il'liijips)  (iriswold,  b.  Aug.  10.  178G:  d.  Aug.  o,  18G7. 
'l.      H:innuli  Eli/.a.  b.  AiiiT.  2'i.  1807;  d.  18i»9. 

11.  B-njamiu.  b.  Ja;;.  24T  P>^09:  d.  Aug.  29.  I8:'.9:  in.  Jan.  1M,  1S80,  Su-^anna  Mans- 
licdd  I/incs.  b.  Man-ii  2i>.  l^Os;  d.^u.  (d'  Iiis  2d  c(nis.,  Stephen,  ami  Elizabeth  (<iouidey) 
Lines  [11].  Sin-  li.  .\bay  2i;,  IsHs.  1,  FiiAX(  i.^  Ei.izai!i:tii,  b.  Oct.  20,  1n:j:J:  d.  Feb.  2(3, 
18r>7;  m.  Oct.  20.  lS.j:i  Stephen,?,  of  Steplien  and  Hannah  Cotler  i  Atnater)  Bishoji.  b. 
•Oct..  28,  1830;  d.  Oct.  27.  ISliO  [3]:  ,v.  i.  2,  Jamks  (ioti;lky,  b.  Feb.  Pk  ls:34;  liim  of 
Englisli  iV  Mersick  j9j.  im]ioi-teis,  manufa'-tiii-s'rs  and  liealers  in  (  ariiage  good-,  oH  and  H."^ 
Crfiw  n  St. ,  New  Haven;  m.  On.  7.  ls.')0.  .Marv  llli/.-iberh,  dan  ol  Isaac  'i'ultle  [:;|,  b. 
Dec.  10,  183-"):  ,v.  /.  " 

III.  b.  Sept.  28,  1810:  ■!.  Nov.  2!,  18G5;  merrh. ;  iinuor  John  Eutriish  ..V  Co., 
ViceJ'ies.  of  the  First  Nat.  Bk.  of  New  llav.,  and  Ih-Iu  other  lespon-iOle  ])osit;oi:.-;  m. 
Sept,  11.  ISMo,  Su^an  CuthT:  (2)  Eel;.  3,  l8.")o,  France^,  dau.  (;f  Li-wis  and  Hanm;li 
'I'rowbridge  H(.ti-hki<<  [:'.].  o  by  2dm.:  1,  .Ia.mi'^,  b.  .Ian.  11.  INom.  -',  Ll-AVis.  (Jet. 
31.  Is.jJ.  :i.  Jovr:fii  '^l;c)^^"nl;l|■)<:I;.  b.  Aug.  7.  l8o6.  4,  Olivia.  Feb.  S,  bs.^)S.  ,"^i, 
.htHN  ( 'i"i  i.i:!;.  .Fail.  29,  IsfiO. 

IV.  Janii-s  ^M\^ar<l,  b.  March  Pk  lSl2.  When  little  more  than  ten  yr^.  (jf  a.  the 
iudejxaidence,  sidf-ii-liaur.-  ami  i-m.'rgy  of  his  .  haracter  v.-as  sliowu  by  his  lea\4ng  home 
to  shaoe  liis  own  course  in  lifl^  He  renuiined  away  bet\\('en  two  and  three  yrs.,  \viirking 
Oil  a  farm  in  Litchthdd  Co.,  meanwhile  attending  si;ho"l  in  the  fall  and  wint'T  juoit"  ;s. 
After  returning  hou)e  he  attended  a  private  school,  ami  devotiMl  himself  to  study  for 
aliout  three  yrs.,  tA-iiirinir  a  sirong  tah.'nt  lor  m.ecduuiical  and  ar<diit<-cturai  drav.-im;-.  iu 
wliich  he  was  given  sp^'cial  instruct ir,:i  by  ids  teacher,  ilc  wa.-  soon  able  to  fuinish 
building'-  plans  fci-  Cue  oM  ma-t<r!)ui  Id'^rs  ol  the  city.  About  tin- aur  of  IS  in'  re;-;olved  to 
learn  the  cariitnl.-r's  trade,  and  sei  ve.I  an  ap!>!entice.-hip  till  21,  \vhen  )u-  liegan  business 
fur  Iiimstdf,  and  during  tiie  m'Xt  twoorlhiee  yrs,  erected  several  handsfime  buildings 
from    his    own    plans    ami   materials.       'This    h'-ld    ])io\iag  too    limiteii,    he   st.uted    tin- 

f:         ,,,r  HKANCll    OK    .TON  A  THAN 


l„„a..rhusn...s^.     tlu       «.1.>^^^  its   .eat  on   Long   Wlu.rt    .0  his  nun 

r,.w  yca.s  lu    1..^51  *    ^<  "  ^^  tinan<-ia]  rani.-  ot  LS^T,  wliich  ruined  tl.ousands  ot  ..i1..m>. 

^''T'''-,/';J::d'h<'  .n.ortnniti.s  of  Mr.   English.      U.  .stabllslu-d   hinis.df  at    Alhonv.  in 
(tnlv  cnniii:' il  I'K     '11   ,       ,       .__      1.1;,:,.,,  4,.  1,;..    v,.>s-  n-v,Mi    ,ns  iicss.    and    sliipiu'd   laru'.- 

:,'■■'  V'Y.':,1..  InniLcrtradr,  inuaaitioutolus  Nrw  ll.vrn  business  and  sLipi-e.!  la.- 
,1...  v.i,olr.a  .  !>"'*;;  ;  '\-  y  pj^i,.^  n;  n,,,-.  anu  ntln-r  points:  In-rann-  Mm-  (Avn-.r  ol 
'*"='"■'!"''  ,"'ri,l'shedfa-i'd,llin.-s,  and  hud  ihr  foundation  of  his  grcat_  wealth. 
lE:;;l>:^4ur.n;  divestments  i,,  funking,  real  estat.  and  n.anufaetnrin,   .■"=-,;--  were 

Hi,  subsequent  -;-;;--.-,-„;,.  ,,  a;,  ri.d.est  tnen  in  Conn.      A.nong.utnet-ous  estah- 
vtMysu<-ee..Lul    an      I      -  ,..nn.eted,    may   he   neMilionod   tho  N<^w  Haven 

IVj'T'-;^  r  ";^'l  :    ^    !"." 'm  'd  the  Umd    in  the  world,  of   wide),  le-   has  he.m  Mte  ,.rn, 
aj^rhusinei  manager.      And   the  th.odyear  Metullie   IJahher  bhoe  (  0.,  a  ve.y  huge 

••''■";■;•  ^nadil'uVu'auo'his'^etut-n  fron.  Albany,  whet,  he  was  elected  a  tnenthep  of 
11,^  ''"H^'^-.       t,,tu  of  N    liav..  and  annuallv  re  eleeted.  serving  for  tweUeyears,  timst 
thel5oardof  See,,tnK  tot    N    uaN    Couneil    audio   ..ther 

ofthetune-asohatrman.  ^'l  l*:!  ,  Vlf  ,  s.V,  eh-.-ted  to  Staf  heg..  the  three 
,osi.iot.s.rccotvntg^oeson...M  ^^   ,..,no,td,tatlon  itt   ISoU,    iutMn..s 

su(a;eeding  jcais  .(.l^t  ' ..^^n  1  ^^p„  ^i  C  re-elee!,-d  in  1K«,  serving  four  years.  In,mtoEtuope.      hgbjnclo     n^^  ^^      ^^^   ,,y  Mr.  Welles.  See.    of 

iV'V  "^';:u'the 'l^  / Cot^^  V  s:  but  in  that  Cot.gress  he  served  on  .-omttuttee  of  puhlie 
the  Navy  foi  the  ■-'^,';  .  '  -  ,-^,,.,  ,„,,,  f,„.  ]X.,,t.  of  State.  During  the  war  lie  was  known 
'""'^'  ":1e;:  -"'u  V^^^  ..r  -  ti,.,  i.f  sh,v,.ry  in  Ihst.  nf  Cd,.  and  for  every  Ihnon 
us  a  ^^-'^1  '^'  ''''''''';.:,,,;',•  in^  own  n.-ans  ,0  tuvpare  outfits  for  fuun.  ivgnnentv 
;r""V:^.^"'lK■U     S^      .•     -^  ^-tionil    Hankl.,.   Systen,     foreseeit.g    th-ir 

He  opposed  th     K  h'^^  /"      ,i„,„,.-U  hu-,-lv  interest,  d  in  manufaetures.  he  <,i,po.sed   ••  ].r.. 
<  l«Tn"-ious  ';.,'';^1';';^;'';..  ;!;;,,;.,:;  -      i,-;  ih-,,-.  deellned  nouu,.atiot,    for  third  tern>   in  Con- 
''"'"'"    in  Sfifi^.      I'n  V  .,    o    'of  Conn.,  over  Cett.  .h.ephl^.  llau  l.-y.  a.ul  in  that  tern, 
f.rress       ^"J^'V  •  A.'.rnvernor   in    all    the   suites.       In    ISO^    (deeted.    governor    over 

was  the  only  ^'l^^^"  n  nc  -a  ma  or  v.  unl  the  same  vear  his  name  was  prumit.ent  in 
^"T  ;  m    N^\i     lai  ("  ,v         a  e  nniiliate  for  the  preMdeuttal  nomitiation.      Xominated    tor 


lI:;!;:;sol  ;.rii  {^  S.  Slmator  hi    Pla.e  <.f  Hon.    <-.  S.   Ferry,   dee.,  term  endtt.g  Marel,  1, 


.11  „   ,1  1.,  he  ore<.Md  ••  writes  a  iournalist.  •'  when  Mr.  English  went  t<,  the])av- 

Heholar.  '1  his  payment  ''f}''^^':^::^.^^  ,  ,V  iM-netits  A  d.-u-rmiued  opposition  to 
M.stru.-tionv.d.o  most  needed  it^  "^'V  "  ,  v  \1  Fnodisl,  aiid  the  sta  e  assum.-d 
Ihe  abolition  of  tln^  tax  was  m.t  and  ';-'''   I'  ^^   .^^.,^  .I;  ,^-    ^I      p,-     :f  wa  ks  of  edueatioti 

;;;;;■  ;.;;:d;n'an.iMUarian,   geneal-gieal  and  historical  matters  n^l-'^n^ '"  ^-  -"-•  '  "> 
and  smte.  and  his  knowledge  in  tlu-e  .hreetions  1.  ex  etisne  =  "    ;;^;  '  / ,  .   ,  _,^^  •    ,  .^,.^  ,, 
Uis  ven   rare,  indeed,  that  the  satne  man  suereeds  in  ^^^ '' ^  ^^      _  ^^''^     ,' w    ,n.u, 
o...-,.<,f  wed'th  andpoiiti.-al  preferment,  ano  that,  withnut  making  eneiun  s,  .rdu.    1 
<»,.,  <,i  v..aitna     I,  1  .^   residence,    where  he   i.s   unt%ei^aily 

k::.';:    ;;V:  1;l   interests   brmg   h.m    into  personal    ---i    l;--;;;- 
^Mi;:;,.-  10  a  noilutnde  of   people,  he  is   aceounte.l   o.u-  ot_  the  most    -;;^V  ;.<-';;    j 

,,.,,,,1,,:,.  ,,,.i        Mic  spirited  of  its  .dt./ens.  and  m  ,>..nit   ol    1-1'    l.m.s   ami       n.^ 
!,u..'    It    would    be    diliieult  to    mtnm  his    stipm.or         uu.    aeg  ee      .     ^  ,A  •^ 
.•„nlen..<l  hv  V.  C.      lli<  full  length  portrait    ad.orns    he  lihrary    ot    t h e    1    , u    --;''■ 
Jan.  -:..  !s;W.  Caroline,  dau.  of  Timothy  l\>wler  of  N.  Ilav..  who  d.  t)ct.  2-.,  ls-4,  t. 
thihh.    !1km!V  Fowl. hi;,  b   .luneo,  L'iol. 

ENGLISH,    PIIIPI'S.  11)7 

V.  Chiiilrs  T>i-v»^rftt,  1).  Aug.  5,  1S14;  in  spring-  of  1874  iioin.  Ly  tlui  Ei'imblicans 
fur  Stati'  Si'iiaror  of  X.  Hav.  Dist.  At  the  \\c\^.  coiiv.  at  llai'i  ford,  Jar.. ,  IS?."),  wa^  iioiii.  for 
Lieut.  <M)V.  of  tlic  Siaif  ami  fleeteil;  In-  Nvas  l^n-s.  of  ilu-  lirst  liepuliHcaii  State  C'oh- 
venlioii  licld  in  Colli.,,  Mai<li  \:},  l^-lf!;  lie  ib  in  tlielmnbcr  Imsiiu-ss  in  >«.  }Jav.  firm  of 
'J'uttle  i<;-  F.nolish:  111.  Julv  !.-).  1S40,  Mineiva.J.  Iboiisou:  d.  Mandi  7,  1S4:5.  (2)  April 
4.  ISIf,  S;-,rah  \V.  r.'.on^'.n,  si-,  of  Lis  1st  \vf,;  d.  .Ian.  SO.  1^'47.  (:-^)  .Vjiril  111,  1S18, 
Jlairiri  Di-iiv,  dan.  of  Fliilein.m  and  l)c.-ire(SnHtli )  llciU.  h.  Autr.  Ifi.  isn;  /.  l.y  1st  ni.: 
1.  .Ii  I.I  \  MviMA.  1'.  MaiT'li.  1S41;  d.  All;:-.  '..'T,  1^40:  /.  by  -20  ni. :  2,  X.vncy  M:ini;i:v.\.  d. 
:Mar.di,  istr:  /.  l>y  ;M  m. :  3.  ( 'ii.\i;r.Ks  L.,  1..  .Ian.  14.  Is4l).  4,  Ur;M;y  IIot.t,  1).  Au^-.  34, 
JS-Vi:  d.  «.)i-t.  Hi.  l^ol.  -r).  .Iri.i.v  Adij.i.n,  b.  De.-.  s,  is.-,i,  i;  ].;i,\\  in  Hoi.T;  b.  Seiit.;;8,  lSo4; 
m.  in  Waterbnv\,  Conn..  Oct.  o,  lb'S-,>,  J.ucy  ^\■.,  dan.  of  Ih.n.  S.  H.  Kellog-r.  M.  C. 

\'l.  Ilcniy",  b.  Sept  4,  ]S10;  d.  July"  o,  b-^fi;  lo.  Sept.  Ki,  bS::J'J,  <Jia<'e,  dan.  of 
TiriK.tbv  Fowli-r  and  sister  to  Caroline,  wi'.  of  lion,  J.  K.  Ene-li.sli.  1,  Bi:xj.\m1-N  Rice, 
b.  1-Vb.  ":?6,  1S4'3:  ni.  May  17,  b"t;Ur>.  4'1ier,-.-,;i  Ijenrietta.,  dau.  of  John  and  Polly  Fa.rrcn  of 
Fair  Haven,  C(u»n.  1.  "././//"•<  E'hr.n-'L  ~'',  b.  Sept,  17.  l'^G7,  ',',  ]h  inantin  Farrni,  b, 
June  :^".,  1S7:3.     o.    r^.-v^f,  /eeTv^,  b.  S.^pr.  o.  ]s;r. 

VII,  CeorgT  Doolitle,  b.  A])rii  14,  ISU);  d,  in  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  ^vhih'  on  a  l)usin(^ss 
visii,  .1  une  0,  1805;  nieicu  :  ni.  Se])t.  12,  1S4-^,  Mary  Eliz;ib;-th,  dau.  of  LeGrand  and 
Mary  Elizabeth  (Trowbridi^-e)  Cannon,  b.  Supt.  1,  ls21  [.IE].  E  Joi'.x  C.^>;.n()>-,  b.  Jun.> 
E  ES4y;  served  in  tin  1st  Conn.  Hatierv  during  its  term  in  the  late  war.  2, 
LorisA.  b.  Oft.  10.  1S44;  r.\.  Cliarles  Snii'th  Mersiek.  3,  GEoi:'a-:  Li'>r.  b.  Se])t.  ID.  ISol, 
Nov,  2i;.  1870,  at  the  Frenrh  cha]iel  in  University  Place,  N.  Y.  C,  by  liev.  T^L  (jrand- 
hinurd.  a.ssisted  by  ]{t.  Pev.  Bislio])  ParuTke,  Clementine,  dau.  M.  Charles  Viliot  of 
P/ieims.  France. 

VIII.  Elizabeth  llaiinali.  b.  Xnv.  23,  ]«2();  m.  Feb.  23,  185G,  Philo  Babbitt.  1,  Ed- 
\v,\];i.,     2.  CiiAiit.Ks  IL 

IX.      Xanry  Maria,  b.  Feb.  14.  182:1;  ni.  Jan.  15,  1S4G.  llavi/rn  Linu;  nnister  builder; 

jhe  d.  Sept..  1849;  (2)  Aug.  1,  1S.5U,  AVilliaiu  B.  Pardee,     i.  by  1st  ra,:   1,  H.vui'lN,  a  stu- 

<]eDt  in  V.  ('.;  \sas  drownedat  Dul)U([Ue.  while  on  a  We.stern  excursion  tour.     2,  CtKOuGK, 

i.  bv2din.:      3,  ^VM.    SniANTON,   b.    Sept.   1G,  1800.     4,  F.\nxik  Bisiior,   b.   Xov.  3, 


X.  Caroline  Beers,  b.  Sept.  15.  1S2S;  d.  Jan.  1.  1881-;  in.  Jan.  4,  185S,  Frederick 

41154,  Mai*y  English,  b.  Sept.  29,  1744;  d.  X.  Hav.  of  yellow  fever,  Oct,  9^t, 
1794;  m.  June  13,  1771,  Cajn.  r>avid  Pliipp.s,  b.  Falmonth,  Me.,  Aug.  2,  1741;  d.  March 
2G.  1825.      An  officer,  U.  S.  X.,  Rev.  war.      Bro.  of  Soh)ino;i  Pliipps  [3]= 

I.     Mary  Pliip]>s,  b.    Aug.  21,  1772:    m.    Samuel,  s    of  Rev.    Sumuel   Bird,*  Y.  C. 
1776:  d.l822;'went  to  Birdville,  (Ja.,  where  she  d.  .v.  /.  abt.  1821.      He  m.  there  li  lady  of 
<ia,  for  2d  wf. 

II.  Sarah  Philips,  b.  Xov.  2G.  1774.;  m.  Rev.  Josejih  Mix  (half  bro.  of 
Mix),  minister  at  Suliirdd,  Conn.,  wliere  .slie  d.  .s  i.  abt.  1819. 

III.  Elizabeth  Phipi>,-,  h.  Ajjril  8,  177G;  m.  ItrOO,  Jared  Manslieid. 

IV.  David  Phi]>])s,  b.  Jan.  IG,  1778;  drowned  in  X".  \.  harbor  Aug.,  1822;  unih.; 
huried  in  Trinity  chh.  yrd.,  noi1h  side,  middlr-. 

V.     Roger 'Peering  Phipps,  b.  July  28,  1782;  d,  <d'  yellow  fever  Se])t.  25,  1794. 

411543.  Elizabeth  Phipps,  1'.  Aj-ril  8,  177G.  After  m.  rem.  to  Cincinnati.  O. 
.A  pub.  letter,  written  l)y  Henry  lb. we.  mivs:  ■•Cincinnati  never  held,  T\or  X.  llav.  })ro- 
•duced  a  more  queenly  woman.  Slie  introduced  the  custom  of  Xew  Year's  calls  in  tlie. 
former  citv."  She  d".  at  Fishkill  Landing,  X.  Y.,  Ainil  12,  1850;  m.  in  X.  ITav.  by  Rev. 
Bela  Hubbard,  .Marrl,  2,  E^OO,  Jared  .Alansfield.  "  b.  X.  Hav.,  Conn.,  May  23,  1759;  Y. 
C.  1777;  taught  school  at  X.  llav.  and  after  at  Phila.  Prof,  at  W.  Point  Acad.  E:^b2-o, 
during  wliich  jteriod  he  jjublished  hi.s  2s  matliemalical  and  physical  essays,  wliich  gave, 
him  a  high  iio>itinn  among  tlie  ^ci-niific  men  ni  the  country.  About  lb03  appt.  by  Pres. 
Jellerson,  Survy(u-  (jeneral  of  the  Xoiih  West  'I'ei  ritory.  ui'i.n  \vl;i<di  he  introduced  and 
perfected  the  pn-.-ent  admirable  system  nf  dividing  tlie  puldic  lands  by  north  and  south, 
■  and  west  li'ies,  into  ranges,  town.ship-  and  se-tions.  This  sim]ile  jdan  lias  been  of 
•grea.t  benetil  to  tie-  rapid  and  easy  settlement  of  the  West.     He  res.  .souu-  time  at  Marietta 

»Rev.  Samuel  l^ird  was  the  first  minifter  of  the  Wlute  H.wcn  Society  (North  Chh,l  from  Oct.  15,  i7.s«. 
to  Ian.  1.,,  i7''c.  isuccreoc!  hy  the  R<-v.  KHw  irds,  LVI),^     lb-  ::i .  {:'.)  J^.nr.ih,  d.HU,  of  John  Prowl, 

iiridhad:  i,  S.-iiuucl,  who  m.  M.irv  Phiptis,  as  alnve.  2,  'Ihomas,  wliose  s.,  ]a\\n  Prodl  Hiru,  in,  LyJii 
Camp,  and  had  a  dau..  who  m.,  nnich  aL'.-^inst  the  will  of  her  f,  Joha  Ridm:,  chiof  of  t!io  Chtrokce  N.ition, 
v.-ho  WHS  assassinated  Innc  2z,  ii^.,(i.--U  hite' s  J/ist.Coli  o/' Or..  Isa.ic  Bird  in  his  .iccount  of  the  Hire!  f.nrn., 
ll-.c  pro^fc-nitor  of  wliich  was  amonsr  the  early  settlers  of  New  Ensjland,  expresses  surprise  th.U  the  liviut; 

male  P.ird.s  scarcely  e.xcecd  fifty,  and  the  lem.iles  perhaps  one  thousand. 


t  mill  Ciiu-in!->!iti.     In  1812  vesuincd  the  Profes.sorsLip  .)t'  Xutural  I'liilosojjhy  at  W.  I'nint, 

I  cojitinuod  till  18"^'8,  when  lie  n-turncil  to  ('iiicimiati.     lU-  d.  wiiilr  oii  ;l  vLsit  to  X.  IIuv 

!  Feb.  S,  ISHO,  a.  71  yrs.       ]Jj.  ]).,  Y.  ('.  1S?5.       His  j.ortruil    liaiigs  in  the  Y.  ('.  Gallciy". 

i  Col.  Mansfield  was  distiniruislicd  I'm-  van'  aUninnimts  and   extraordinary   Mallif.matiral 

i  >c»'nius,  and  I'or  hi^h  moral  character,  genei'usity  ami  siiiecuty.       Manstield  (,'itv,  tlu!  (,'o. 

'  seal  of  irielnnoiid  ("n.,  0.,  was  named  lor  Idni." — Iloin's  JliM.  ('i)U.  of  0. 

1.      Kdward  l^e-^riiij:;-  Mansfield,  b.    X.   llav.,  ronii.,    Aug.    17,   1801;  rt-ui.  \vif)i   his 

r.  \\hcn  luit  i'(air  years  old  to  Cinciiiriati,  0.,  then  a  niere  frontier  miliiary    post;  studied 

lor  a  year  or  two  at  i};e  .\ead.  at  Cliesliire.  Conn.;  ent(-red  \V.  P.  >iil.  Acad.  INlo. 

;  and  gained  a  gold  \\:it.di  olleri'd  by  his  father  (then  a  Prof,  thr.)  in  c;isc  he  .should  grad. 

I  among  the  fir.-t  live,  whitdi  he  did,  raidcing  the  iUT-ond:   decline.]  an  a}>})oinlnient    in    the 

1  army;  i>re],ared  tor  (  o!.  at   Fariuington,  ('(.nu..  under  Pev.  lb-.  Porter,  father  of  I'nst. 

.  Xoah  Porter  of  Va'e  (."(d.      (iiad.  Princeton  is-j-^,  liead  of  his  <dass  (salutatorian).      Stud. 

law  at  Pilchtield.  (.'onn..  at  scliool  of   Jadge.-^    'i'ai>))i!ig   and    Peeve.      .Vdnntied  to  Conn. 

bar   lyi'o,  l)nt    soon    )ein.  to  C'in.,  <>.'.  and  ])racticed   in  Co.  with   ().  M.  Mucin  11.     .\|ii)t. 

Prof,  of  consiit.  hiu  and  in  Cin.  Col.   ISoli,  Imt  soon  resigned  and   abandoned    legal 

](ractiee.      Ivlitor  of  the  ri„,  C/ii'O/ik-'f.  iS'ifj-PJ;  Ed.  e,f  Thr  At!, is,  iSlO-r)^:  Ed.  of   t'lu- 

Railroad  ihrord,  18o4;  to  187:3.    Pong  connected   with  the  (7/^  (hiznttr;  (-(jrresjiondent  of 

eastern  ])eriodioals,  esjie.'ially  the  Jy'."-   }'"/•/■,  undt-r  sig.  '•  A  "^'eteran   Oiiscrver." 

His  inii)lished  letters  in  the  7V//o.y  and  other  journals  during  the  period  of  the 

AViir,  were  vei-y  liopeful  and  did  much  to  .susrain  the  sinking  s]iiril   of   the    north.      Coin- 

mLssioner  of  .Staiistics  tor  Ohio  18.")7-n7;   Mem.  of  the  French  Sriciete  de  Stntisiiijue  Uni- 

ver.selle;  I>L.P.  from  Mariejita  Col.  IS.jt;  author  of  a  Tnatlsi  Oh  Constit u(i,,hiil  I. fur    18:;o- 

i  Political  (Ira^riu'ir  of  a,,,  r.  -\.  l^:-:"):    Tlu    Ia;!"1  U'liiltU.  l)>itl,.^  and  JJohditus  ,,f  ^Vnn.(n\ 

\  lS4o;    JAfiofi^,,,.    ll7»//ciV  >ce(Y,  18-11);    JlL-^t'Ti/  of  i]u-  ,<;iu    1  !'«/•.  1848;    J //u/rf-v///" 

I  Kdnrnfinn,  18.')'.t:   Dlsrouv-st-  on  thr  Uti'ity  nf  ^f,itlu]ont^i'x,  Mnno'ir>i  <f  Jkutiil  'J>roke,  18oo, 

and  numerous  addresses  on   education,  j.ojirics   and  literature.     lVrsonull\  accjnaintid 

witli  a  large-  number  of  nu-n   and  wcnnen  of  great  renown,  lie  began  a  work,  considered 

his  greatest,  entitled  /,,//  Mimoric.-<,  the  lirst  vol.  of  which  wa,-  j)ab]ished  in  187U  bv 

Pobert  Clark  A:  Co.  of  Cin.,  ().      'J'his  extends  to  Is'U,  but  it  is  su|)pos._-d  anorher  vol.  has 

been  i>repared.      He  was  a  mem.  of  the  I'resb.  (dib.;  d.  1S80;  res.  Morrow,  O.;  m.  Marr 

VV.  Peck   of    Litch1i<--]d.  ('onn..  who  d.  18o7,  leaving  0  sons;  (i)  Margaret,  daii.  of   «-iov. 

\Yor(hingt(in  of  Ciiillicothe,  ().,  who  d.  iti  spring  of  180::!.  leaving  :3  daus.  and  1  .-on;  she 

was  sis.  of  Sarah  Worthingtou  who  m    lion.  Pufns  King  and    had   I'lifiis  and  'Diomas. 

I,  Kj.)Waim>,  d.'c,  ■,'.  CifAiM.f.s.  Payma-ter  P.  S.  X.  H,  So\,  dec.  /.  bv  -^d  m.:  4, 
I.Tl.r.tK,  m.  Rev.  Air.  Piidby.  pastor  Late-  Sem.  Pre.-ii.  chh.  ."j.  Va.\.\.  m.  Cirarles 
Moulton,  dec.     G,    EutTir,  unm.      7.   Fii.v.vK,  an  otiicer  in  V .  S.  .\. 

n.  '  .Mary  .\nn  Mansfield,  b.  .Jan.  'Id,  b80T,  at  Ludlow's  Sta..   near  Cin.,  O.;  m.  Oct. 

II.  1825,  ('has.  Davies.  b.  \^■a^hii]gton,  LiicLti.  Id  Co..  Conn.,  .bui.  S'?,  17!)s!  d.  Sept.,  IS. 
1876,  at  FLslikill  Landing;  adm.  at  \Y.  P.  lsl;i-l.");  grad.  and  :ippt.  Brev.  2d  Lieut. 
Art.,  P.  S.  A.:  served  on  Post  duty  to  Aug.,  ISPi;  liom  [_)ec.  lo  He.-,  in  New  Fn^■]aud 
states;  inoni.  to  2d  Lieut,  and  trans,  to  engineer  cin-]).s.  and  assitrned  to  dutv  as  instruc- 
tor at  ^V.  P.  until  Dec.,  l.sic,  when  he  resigned  his  commissiim  in  armv  "and  bei-ame 
Princ.  Asst.  Pmf.  .Math,  in  the  W.  P.  Acad'.  In  Oct.,  1821,  Asst.  Prof,  of  .\at.  Philos. 
In  May  2:1.  Prof,  of  Math,  untd  May,  18:57,  resigned  on  aci-ount  of  ill  health.  In  Europe- 
till  18^9.  Then  Pnd'.  of  Math,  in  Trinity  College,  Ilartf. .  till  1^11,  when  bronchial  atf. 
comp.  resignation;  seived  on  Poard  of  X'isitiits  to  \\'.  P.      Xov..  bS-H.  ajjpt.  a   pavmaster 

^with  rank  of  major  on  tlie  siaiV.  Then  ireasmer  of  the  \A".  P.  .\cad.;  h-ft  arm'v  Sept. 
18-iri,  and  in  184S  became  Prof,  of  Math,  a.nd  Xat.  Phil,  in  X.  Y.  Univ.,  for  a  short  time. 
Ill  18o7  Prof,  of  Higher  M:itli.  in  Columbia  Col.  until  .Line,  isr.,-);  n-tired  from  active 
work  as  Emeritus  Prof.;  was  greatly  iiitei'e-^ted  in  all  e(lucational  intei-,  ^ts,  and  was 
I'res.  of  the  M.  1,.  T.'a.diers'  As-o.  His  serie-  of  math,  \vorks  begun  in  earlv'  lUe  have 
I)(>(>n  for  yrs.  u>e(l  in  almos;  e\-ery  s(di.)o!  and  in  this  country ;  A.  .\l..  Wm's.  Col.  1820,. 
and  1824  by  Princei,,n;  LL.P.  by  (-iene\a  Col..  ]84i).  1,  Kr.iz.vr.K'rif,  nt.  Sept.  2o.  ISlf)." 
\^■m.  (J.  Peck,  LL.  1).:  b.  l/irehtield.  C(mn.,  Oct.  Ki.  is-^n.  West  Point  Mil.  Acad.'.  1844;. 
I^ieut.  P.  S.  4'oii.  Fng. ;  r-signed  ps.",.-,;  A-.-ist.  Pi'..f.  mathenmtics  W.  Point  lS47-ls."i.'';.' 
Prof,  of  physics  and  engineeiing  Piuv.  of  Mich..  lSo.v:)7;  .\uthor  of  ]-j\  iii>  ids  of  Mirfoni^ 
if-a,  18-")9:  (htnlfs  y^ttnrid  Fhdos.'jdi/i.  Isr,!!.  and  wiih  Charles  Davies  VA.  Math'.  Diet,  and 
<"yc!o]).  ,,r  Math.  Sciciice,  8  vo.  bSo.")  She  <i.  Miirch  2,  18(ii,  h  avini;-  a  son.  2,;l-;ii 
M.\.\SKii;ri),  m.  and  has  1  ilau.  :!.  .M  ,-\  !;\  .  d.  v.  4,  Liili-,\  I  i.tiw  m  llenrv.i. 
^'■'"''!"C  ^ii'd  d.  Dec.  -J-,  ]si;i,  i.-avin.,-  :;  .-  ,ns  and  ;  dau.  :,,  Il.M;!;ii;T  d  v  C  Ih.^iet: 
''•.111.   Dr.  (i.  S.  .Mhii  ami  lia>  ;{  s.      7.  Ai.UK. 

ni.       L!./.Hl„.th  .Mansiield,  d.   inf. 

IV.      .hired  Augustus  Man-;ield,  b.  May  21.   ISPk  in  X.   llav.;   d.    inf. 

rniPPS,    EXGLISH.    DAYIOX.  19'> 

41155.  IJaviuah  English,  b.  Nov.  29,  174!);  m.  .\]'V]\  24,  1770,  Daniel.^  s.^  of 
Elfitzer  and  Saraii  (d'owe)  Brown  of  K.  lluv.;  h.  Nov.  '■).  174:}.  '•lie  d.  Oct.  9,  1788.  a. 
4.");  hurt  li\  lifting."  In  17'JG  adm.  of  Ihs  givt-  to  Isiiac  Brown,  wdio  was  to  luive 
double.  sliaVi";  Mi>\  Ilannali,  surety;  nine  cbil.  nnul.  l)olow,  living-.  \n  1880  the  widow's 
dower  cr  t  st.'dist.  to  Daniel  Brosvn.  I'lmlie  ]?rown.  Saruli  Brown,  Clarissa  Brown,  v.f.  of 
Jairuf;  Sanford;  Boswell  Br<)-.\n.  Mary  Hemingway,  %\  f.  of  W'ylli-,  Isaru-  Bunvn,  .-\nvr 
Brown,  IMiila  J?rown  and  Sarali  Brown,  the  legal  r.-p-^.  of  l[;ii\nali  Brown. 

I.  Isaac   l^.rown.  b.    Fel*.    27,    Mil;   m.  Sarah    ,    who   d.    in   cliildbed,  -Inly  f>. 

1813,  a.  ;32.  1,  Sami-K!.;  d.  of  crou]),  Nov.  U,  Iso.").  a.  :\  yrs.  2,  Ai,.mii;.\;  d.  of  .-loii]., 
Nov.'.  ISOo,  a.  io  iiios.  H,  S.s>UKi.:  d.  of  choU-r;!.  ^*]>\.  ]>j,  180(3,  a.  ;5  weeks.  4,  Da.xiki.: 
d.  of  "cholera,  Julv  20,  J8ll,  a.  o  nu-s. 

II.      llannah'l'.rown.  b.  Nov.  18.1772:  d.  of  cons.  Al.iy  15,  1797.  a.  24. 

III.  Daniel  l>rov.ii,  h.  Sejit.  11,  1774;  d.  April  10,  17>:2.  a.  7  yr>.;  whooping  rough. 

IV.  Sarah  Bro^\n,  b.  .\r.ril2:i  177();  unni, 

V.  lu.swell  Brown,  1>.  Oct.  C.  1778:  m.  Nov.:-!,  1709,  (his  cous.)  Mary  l'hio-li>h 
(/'///■f.);  re>.  Suliield,  Conn.     1.Chai;t,i>.     2,  Bkn.iamix.     ::>,  M  aim  a. 

Vl'.     Phila  Brown,  h.  Aug.  MO.  1780:  unm. 
VII       ('h\ris-.a  P-ro^vn;  b.  .hme  14,  178:3:  in.  Jairnf^  ^^anfovd. 

VIII.      Daniel  Brown,  b.  Dec.   20.  1784;  in. Prindle.     (2) ;  had  large  fandly, 

of  whom  1,  .Iamks.  res.  Oraiiice,  Conn. 

!X.  .\ner  Brown,  b.  On.'  Bl  HSC:  est,  disr.  181')  (called  of  East  Hav,;  wid.  living) 
To  Na'nev  Smitli,  Sallv  Br.iwn,  Muria  Tutths  Charlotre  ('hirli,  Thonuis  Blown.  .V  son. 
DvNfi:!.",  d.  Se])t,  4,  1810.  a.  4  wks. :  (dudera. 

X.      Mary  Brown,  b.  Dee.  21,  178S:  n\.  Nov.  Ki,  1^00,  Wyllis  Ilemingv.-ay  [6J. 

4117.     Isaac  Dayton,  b.   Aug.  :^0,    1720:  shoemaker;  ivm.  to  Newport,  H.    !..  as 
soon  a--    l74->:  an.i  d.    Tlw.  alit.  1800.      Prominenr,  aclive  in  tli'_'  Keviduticn:  Col.  ui.  Mil.: 

J     ,),    Mary '-,  wlio  d.  in  N.  17!.!:J;  (\\ill  of  Thankful  Ibaton,  pr.iv.  Newlbav.,  17S(i.  inns. 

dau.  Marv  DaviMi,^  rliil.  hao.  in  N, 

I.  "isaae.  1..  June  14,  '175:!. 

II.  BrnrdiiT,  111. .     1.  POLl.v,  lu.  (ia,yn.,r  lianlin.r.     2,  D.U.,  in.  ''apt.  \^  aldron. 

Loiitr  1^1.  Sonird  navigator,     :3,  Dau.,  m.  Aih'u  Jordan  of  Hudson.  N.  Y. 

in.     Henrv,  (Capt.)b.  1751;  d.  17'j2. 

IV.  Hezekia'h,  removed  to  Hudson,  N.  Y. ,  of  whi(di  he  was  one  of  ihe  tir.-t  .-fttlor.s 
and  an  incorporat  .r,  wa<  >.ii  relief  com.  and  Lieui.  of  train  band  in  K.  I.  in  177^:  Tn._— — 
1,  Kitty,  ill.  Roh.-rt  .lenkin.-.  merch.  'i.JJn/.,  m.  White,  (s.  of  Dr.  W  h.iTe, 
Sup!,  of  insane  .\svluni).  2,  Lv.wis,  d.  unm  :k  I'oi.i.v.  in.  Wm.  Gelsion,  merch.  of 
Hudson;  (2H'apt.  Alexander  Cotlin,  jr.:  many  yr.;.  a-t.  of  State  Prison;  .<•.  ;'.  4,  Joirx 
H  5  II\lilUKr  b.  at  II.;  ,1.  at  Prime  Kdward  Onirt  llou.^e,  Va..  Sei^t.  18::'>G;  m.  Pieazer 
Boot  kr.vver  h  1S02  at  Canaan,  N.  Y.  1,  Cor/nif  F..  h.  18:]];  m.  I81S,  4.  P.  T.  Ingra- 
haiu'of  .Siilwauke...  \Vis. :  r-.  Indianapolis,  Ind.  2.  Fr,fh  rh-t,  h.  1S:?:3:  Cai)r.  in  24th 
Vi'is.  Pa-e. :  was  .<"ver(dy  Monnded  at  taking  of  Viekshurg  and  a.  in  ISO-l  after  battle  of 
Chattanooi^a  of  tvphoid  fev.-r:  unm.  'i,  Waxhinnfun  ln-l„,i.  served  in  l'o;ifed<-rate. 
annv  and  i)n  one  or-easion  was  engagvd  against  a  Union  force,  in  which  it  hai.pem-d  his 
,-    brother  Ca].t.   Frt'derirk.  was  serving.      4,  JA'///.      5,    li'/'V'V'/"  d.  y. 

V.  Samuel,  m.  (iavn<'r.  bolorm-in-- to  a  loyalist  fam.  in  Nruporl  whl<di  leit  tm' 
Nova  Scotia,  wlnn-eshetaii-ht  srho..':  at' St.  Johns.      Wv  d.  in,  >;.  C. 

VI.  Kli/abeth.  m. Balfniir,  a    ]!arti.san  Cok  in    X.  C..    wIht..   h,.    was^wayhiid 

and  killed  bv  tories.  leavinu'  hi.s  family  in  ileiiressed  eiiviim-tancs.  She  Post  Mi.s- 
tresi  of  Salisbury.  X'.  C..  until  hiu-dee.;  /.  among  others:  1,  An]>i;kw.  2,  Pkocv.  m. 
Hudson  llug]i'-sof  Salisbury. 

41171.     Isaac  Dayton,  b.   June   14,175:1;   rem.  to   Hudson,    X.    Y.,    1781,  and    d. 
thr.;in.  June  20,  1774,  Sarah  Iri^h,  b.  at  X.  Xov.   Id,  175:!.     (2)  Sep,.   -2,  17.^:1,  .slaiilda 
Oardiner  of  Xauiratuck.  Conn.:  i.  h\  1st  m.  b.  at  Xi'wport. 
1.      ls,-'.ac,  Sept.   ]:k  1775;  d.  unm. 

II.  John.  1>.  June  2''..  177l>:  d..   !\4>.,  1777. 

in.  John,  li.  Mav  25.  1777;  d.  -v.  /.at  Iiud.~on,  X.  "\  .:  m.  Maiy,  .lau.  ot  'i'iios. 
Trowbrid-.-.'  \\\\  of  X."Hav.  . 

W  (4iarlf>  b.  .Mav  Id,  1770;  sailor;  blown  oil  his  vessel  at  sea  aiul  drowm>d  m 
ISO!);  in.  Harriet  Jacksnii'of  Xew  koiidon.  I.Haiikmot.  2,  CAi.'oi.iNr,.  :-!,  Cii aki.i:-, 
b  Julv  :;(!  l-o^;  m.  Sept.  10.  l^;;l ,  Pii/abeth  D.-v.ii.T  Clark.  1.  .l:^,i'!i  JL.rn:.  .\. 
\6:V'-'m  in'  BruMklvn  X.  V.  Au-.  :5,  INC.O,  Amiie  i;ii/,a  Ui(diaids  of  Waies,  I'.rilani:  an  2,  (/uir'l^s  .1,  ;i,  JAav/  AV ,•-„/„//,,  b.  April  bl,  ls:i7;  m.  in  B...  Bol>ert  kiud- 
sav,  tvpe  founder:   b.  in  S.-oilau'l;    r.;m,    to    l-Minle.irg,  S<:ot.,  and    lives  there.       1.  .\b-\- 

300  }?liAXCJI    or   .70NAT1IAX. 

nnd.-r  ,A  ii-liii.  L\  liclcn.  o,  Caroline  ]);nt(>ii.  4.  I.N'bcrt.  A.Ji'Jin.  r>,  hulxlla  Jhtxulie 
1..  IVi)  ,-).  ]S-i2;]n.  ill  ]5.  April  18.  ISTI,  Ih.  .Ir-nan]  Wilirtl.  fron,  Eiiir.  0,  .hromr. 
\.  <iil,-s,  b.  Jan.  'J5,  1  TSii;  iDi'idi.  at  liurl.-on,  N.  Y.  /.  hy  yd  tu.  : 
Vi.  SiiiniK-l.  1).  at  PiiAid..  i\.  1..  Jinir  'J,  17>'1;  owrnT  ai\d  master  of  several  vessels. 
la  ]S75  lived  on  his  lariu  at  Kid-ev/ouJ,  X.  .1.,  wliere  Le  d.  .May  llO,  1«T?.,  v.\.  Ida  Hiclcr 
of  N.  V  .  • '.  1.  Wjr.lTAM,  li.  X.  V.  ('.:  iiis|ii-tU)r  fm- lire  ins.  co. ;  master  of  various 
vessels;  m.  C'aroli)ie  Street  of  Sullivan,  X.  Y..  i.siv.  of  Alfred  Billiiig-s  Street,  the  poet). 
1,  J(l((,  jo.  \Ym.  <■'.  (son  of  Alfred  and  Mary  Baldwin)  I'eck,  his  2A  Avf.  lie  ni.  (1) 
Eli/.abelh  Davies.  a  'j:v.  dau.  of  Col.  .Tared  Mansfield  {(UiJi'):  he  was  b.  Litchfield ,  T'oiin., 
Oct.  10.  1S'.J0,  J'ruF.'  Math,  and  Astr^nomv  in  C(du.nbia  Coll.,\.  Y  C.  1  llenrv  .■<' 
•J,  (Juy  ]).      -d,   Ida   ..1.  ■  '  "       ■ 

Vl"l.      lienjamin,  b.  I),.c.  20,  1785:  d.  Dee.  30,  178o. 
Vlll.      Sarah,  b.  Jan.  24,  1787;  iinm. 

IX.  .Matilda,  b.  Xov.  10,  178S;  d.  Jnly  10,  1791. 

X.     i^enjamin,    ]>.  Feb.    17,  1791;  d.  v):  yellow  fever  at   Havana,    Cnba,  abt.    ISoO; 
master  <jf  various  vessels;  ni.  Joanna  Bicker,  >is.  of  his  bro.  .'■^aniied's  wf. 

XI.  Edward,  b.  Feb.  17,  1708;  mereh.  and  slii])  (diandler  fnr  luany  years.  As 
police  officer,  was  on  dutv  at  the  Astor  I'lace  riots  in  X.  Y.  C;  afterw.  capt."  of  ];o]ice;  d. 
Jan.  n,  1874:  ni.  Jidla  Ann  P.irker.  win.  d.  1805.  1,  Ji'i.tA,  b.  1n24:  d.  18-25.  2,  Js.\ac, 
grad.  I'nio!!  Col.:  lawyer,  firm  Ihiyten  >V  Todd,  X.  Y'.  C. ;  register  in  bankruptcv  for  Oth 
tlist.  0)th.  15th  and  lOt'h  wards.  X."Y.  C. );  aldej-man  for  the  7th  aid.  dist.  (ISfJl-.-/):  authfjr 
of  "Surror/ati.-<:"  m.  Emeline,  dau.  of  L'obon  A.  Barnard  of  Hudson,  X.  Y.  1,  Hohrrt 
Alix'r  Barn((rd;  n\\.  Hart.  Col.  i860.  2,  .Ivl'm.  3,  Fjhrard  Jlvgk  Gardiner.  3,  Mii,n 
Pakkkk,  b.  1821,  (firm  Ea.slman.  Bigehiw  i-  .Daylon,  ini])oi-ters,  425  B'dway,  X.  Y.);  m. 
Sarah  F.  Townsend.  1.  frank,  b.  Aug.  13,  1851.  2,  AlUrt  J-Mstrnan,  b.  .Jan.  17,  1857. 
3,  /////'c'^/  CVv/rt^rr-//,  June  9,  l'^5G. 

XH.     Henry,  b.  Aug.  8,  1795;  res.  Chautauqua  Co.,  X.  Y.;  blacksmith;  was  di-afted 

from  Easton,  X.  Y'.,aud  went  to  Plattsbitrg.  war  of  1812;  m.  .    1,  Sakah  MAisrm.A: 

m.  Willard  Wood,  keejier  of  the   Comity  House,  of  Chau.  Co.     2,   Hakmet;  m.  — -,  mem.  of  Assem.  tor  Chau.  Co. 

-XII!.     Matilda,  b.  Aug.  17,  1797:  d.  unm. 

XIV.  Gilbert,  b.  Aug,  20,  1709;  was  Port  Warden  of  X.  Y.  C. ;  .sailing  master  in 
Pacific  squadron  in  war  for  Union;  bought  laud  in  Mott  Haven,  ^■^■estch.  Co.^X.  Y.,  and 
lives  there;  m.  Evaliiu-  Ostrander  of  Huds(ni,  X.   i'. :  .«.  i. 

4118.     Michael  Dayton,  b.  June  4.  1722;  C;i]-t. ;    m.  in  ^^'ate^burv,  Conn.,  Jan. 
2'.l,  1740,  Mehitable,  dau.  of  Samuel    Doolittle  of   Wall'd.       She   d.  July   9,  1813,  a.  87. 
He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  tlie  Cong.  clih.  in  Westbury,  Conn.;  Ca]>t.  of  Mil.  and  in 
Kev.  army.      In  X.  Y.  was  taken  sick  with  cam])  distemper  and  returned  home  to  ^\'ate^- 
tov.ii.  Conn.,  A'.l'.ere  he  d.  Se]it.  22.  1770,  leaving  considerable  est.;  some  of  his  ss.  served 
in  the  Kev.  war.       The  will  of   iMehitable  I)ayton,  exls.  by  s.  Charles,  Sept.,  1813.  nms. 
.'=.  Charles  execr.,  David,  Ju.^tus,  Isaac,  Samuel.  Lxnian  to  have  double  share;  Abel  and 
»iaus.,  Miriam,  Mehitable,  Lolv.  Elizabeth  anil  Olive.     Chil.  b.  in  Watertowu: 
1.     Charles,  b.  Xov.  3,  l"747. 
n.     David,  b.  July  23,  1749. 
\\\.     Miriam,  b.  Jan.  20.  1751;  m.  • — —  Munson  of  Wall'd. 

IV.^    Micliael.  h.  Sept.  11,  1752;    d.    F(d).    9.   1805;    est.  prob.  in  \Vaterbury;  March 
11,  1605,  Justus  Dayton  and  Amos  Titus,  admrs. ;  ss.,  Charles  and  David,  }>erhaps  others. 
ile  m.  Abigail,  dau.  of  'I'imothy  and  Sarah  ((luern.sey)  Foote,  b.  1704. 
^^     Justus,  b.  June  30.  1754;  m:  1777,  Hannah  Titus. 
Vi.      MeliJtable,  b.  Sept.  11,  1750;  m.  1780,  Samuid  Sevmour. 
Vll.      Eoly,  b.  .March  2],  1758;  d.  Jan.  30,  1830;  m.  Ann-s  Titus. 
Vlll.      Elizabeth,  b.  Sept.  10,  1759;  m.  Mattoon. 
iX.      Isaac,  b.  May  30,  1701;   nun  t,.  llarjKUsfiekl;  d.  Xov.,  1812. 

X.  Samuel,  1).  Sept.  27,  1702. 

XI.     Ijvman,  b.  Auir.  27.  1701:  m. .     1,  Isaac.     2,  Samuel. 

XIl.     Abel,  b,  F,b.  28,  175G. 
XI 11.     ulivr,  m.  Munson. 

41181.  Charles  Dayton,  b.  Xov.  3,  1717:  d.  Jun.e  22,  lS:-!4;  a.  87;  farmer;  deu. 
ot  the  rhh.  in  Wat.;  noun.  Conn.;  m.  Sej.!.  ;'0.  1773.  Ascna'h  c,i-  Irie.^*.  <l-iu.  of  Dni:iei 
:«>id  li.uma.b  J  mid  Guernsey,  b.  Sept.  19,  1756;  d.  Feb.  27,  1788.  (2)  Eli.'.abeth  Semou 
<>5    \Na-hiagton,  Conn.;  1..  1755;    d.  Jan.  9,  1844;  a.  89. 

1.      Piuymest,  b.   Oct.    17.  1774;  d.    Mav  23.   1S2G:  m.  1798,  Sarah  Brvan,    who  d. 
•^"K-  21,  1804.  (2)  Dec.  8,  1308  at  Ilarpersfieid,  Jerusha  Smiih;  b.  at  Haddam,'  Conn.,  Jan. 

DAYTOX.  201 


11.  178G;  d.  .laii.  .j,  is,",n;  1,  HAiniir.T,  1>.  1>it.  2,1,1708;  d.  Feb.  24.  ISO.'j.  2.  Duy.^n, 
b.  Jiilv  ;?(),  1nO(1;  (1.  Si'i.t.  15,  ISl,-);  m.  l.vdin  C-jplfv  niid  liiid  7  cliil.      o.Sauah,  U.  Jan. 

12,  ISO;-;:  (1.  v,„)!i.  /.  "ny  id  in.:  4.  )5i;"nni.t;  S..i).  Mny  2,  ISO!);  d.  Alay21,  lN2ii:  in. 
Sarali  Ann  F()(/tf.  1,  I'h.ijun  st.  2.  J-j'nn 'i  i,il.  V),  UnUliji.  \,  J.n,>i  ■■<.  ."i,  ]':i).MrMi  O.  O. 
Sm;\h.-\.  7.  I[ai!1;i!.i  ('.  s,  11.  0,  No'.imax  S.  ](),.)  am  i-.s  S.  ]],Z\(ii.v- 
Ki  \i!  N\"iin-.MAN.     ]2,  IfiJiA.M  !<iiKLDox.     1:!,  S 1  i;riij:x  ]•".     M,  .Iektsilv. 

II.  Cliarlrs,  li.  Sept.  17,  ]77(;;  rem.  to  llari)fisfitdd,  N.  V.;  fanner;  iii.  Polly 
Siiiiili  (pis.  f)l'  .K-!P.vli;,).  1,  ('ffai:i,i:s  I^nwix,  M.  D.:  n-;.  l^crne.  .M!)any  Co.,  .N.  Y. ;  in. 
l-'nidciicc  Chfshro  and  had  7  diil.  2,  (i'!:!*];!;)'.  A.  ?,,  Ciixrx'LKV.  in.  Lydla  lliainenl. 
re.-i.  Alliaiiy.  4,  J7r-.i/.A.  m.  Sniitli  l/aml);  rc^.  111.  ."),  I'di.iA'  Ann,  in.  John  Shaler.  ti. 
]MA.\A>rn,LA,  m.  l^bcn  S.'.'Iy;  n's.  Thoomc  Co..  X.  Y.  7,  V.iA.ciw,  <\.  y.  8.  lliy.rKiAii. 
m.  Catharine  IIolTinan.  U,  Am, ex,  d.  y.  10,  17.mii.V,  lu.  j<e\niour  ^\■el!.>ie;  res. 

HI.  Mary.  h.  Nov.  11,  1778;  d.  at  Manche.^ter,  Vt.^  iM..  3,  ]809;  m.  July  4,  17!i;), 
Jami't..  s,  of  Jam.  s  and  I'Ainice  (Collins)  HieK-ox,  1>.  Nov.  2G,  1780:  rem  to  Yt.  and  \va.- 
for  niaA.iy  yr^.  ;i  mairi^trale  in  Mam-lipsler.  lieiuiin^-ton  Co.;  farim-r;  one  child.  1,  Naxci' 
.S..  h,  Ainil  8.  isoO;  rriurned  to  Wateitown,  and  m.  LV-e.  8,  1818,  David  MaJlooii  anrl 
liad  <i  rhi!. 

]\ .      Ro\;ii>.i,  i..  N..\.  17.  17^1;  m,  P-'trr  .Marieii  ot  \V.:  renu  to  Ilarpersfield,  wliere 

li-  d.       She  is    now    livinir:   a.   'X).     1,    Kmj;i,ixk,    in.    lluli    IV-ivis.     3,    PO],t,y,   m. 

Bristol.     ;l   I)<)i;()TiiY.  m.  \^■esley  (iihhs.     4.  Cii.vKi.KS,  m.  Mary .     5,  .^sj:NA'ni,  m, 

Stejjhen  Maynard:  r*--.  Stamrord,  X.    V.     G,  IIaxxaii,  m.  Stephen  Maynani.      7,  Ji  i,i.\, 

iTi.  ■ Cowley. 

^".  Cluumcey.  h.  March,  1783;  d.  Au;:.  .">.  IS.V?;  m.  .Maiy,  dan.  of  Xoble  and 
Mai>iar''i  (Judd  1  At  v.-.;i.l  of  NYalcrt.  He  wa,-- a  farnn-r;  just .  of  the  jieaee.  1,  (.  ifAVX- 
■(•KY  Lkwis,  h.  Feb.  IH.  L^I.k  school  t<M(  her,  constable,  iiist.  of  i he  P. ;  fanm-r:  ni. 
Apr!''  !i,  ]S"5U.  Martha  A.  Paytoii;  (2iSu.-.:ii)  .\.  I  >ay1on,  dau,  of  bis  cousin  Tvunian. 
2,  PoiLV,  11.  1817:  m,  is,',(»,  .Aaron  Feiin  of  Plvmonth.  Conn. 

YI.      Matthew. 

YIl.     John   (!uiri;-e\.    lu.     .       1.   MA'iTiit:w,  b.  at   Jefferson,    X.    1'.,   1811,   res. 

Buffalo:  Chief  Clerk  in  Erie  Co.   Cicrks  oflice  many   years.     2,   Lkwis,  b.    1820;  grad. 
(.-reiieva  Med.  Coll.;  mem.  of  Assembly;  >rayor  cd'  Butfalo,  187:1-5;  m.  Craco  Hawiey,  dan. 
of  Canal  T'ommi-sioner.     3,   CifAiii.Ks  M.,  (M.  I).);  res.  ButlVJo.     i.  bv  2d  m. : 
VIII.      .As.'nath. 

4.-1185.  Justus  Dayton,  b.  June  30.  17."54:  Capt.  in  Wcw  army;  d.  ubout  132,"), 
in.  June  1<,>,  1777,  Hannah  'litiis,  who  d.  al  l)aytonviiie  (a  ]'art  of  the  village  of  V\'ol- 
■cottville)  Feb.  1835. 

I.     Spencer,  b.  Oct.  21.  1778;  res.  Ciienango,  X'.  Y. 

II.  Kussell.  b.  17S(I;  d.  >it  Winsted,  Conn.,  a.  72;  m.  and  had  several  ehil.,  of 
vliorn:     1,   CiiKstKH,  m.  Julia  Ann  Parsons  of  FnionviUe,  Conn, 

111,      Khoda.  b.  June  19.  V7S2;  d.  .\;ur.  IT.,  ]7r'2. 

IV'.  Jonah,  b.  July  31,1783;  farm(>r;  rem.  young  to  'i'orrin.irton.  Conn.,  bought 
land  and  built  a  housi'  18d9-10;  upon  this  land  stand  the  l'ev>'  dwellings  comprising 
Daytonville.  He  l>uilt  a  saw-mill  1831.  In  1^^34  his  son  Arvid  jnit  u[i  the  shop  wliirli 
witli  subsequent  additions  became  the  organ  factory.  He  m.  Polly  l"'lint.  1,  Aitvn>,  b. 
1814;  a  great  lover  of  music  from  his  earliest  years;  his  mother  having  a  marvehnis 
memory  for  poetry,  and  love  of  song.  He  easily  learned  to  perform  on  various  instru- 
ments when  (piite  young  and  was  mainly  instrumental  in  getting  the  first  band  oiganize<l 
in  ^Vok•ottville,  Conn.  He  began  to  build  pijie  organs  in  1840  but  soon  turned  to  n'ed 
instruments  and  is  belii'ved  to  be  the  first  who  Imilt  organs  of  this  kind  in  America,  and 
he  is  really  the  invi-nioi-  of  a  large  ])roportion  of  the  improvements  that  Irave  been  madi' 
on  Ihem  in  this  coiii.try.  He  also  invented  a  wrw  jirinriph'  for  tuning  organs,  known  as 
the  Tuner's  (iamut,  in  eMen--i\e  \i-,e.  lie  never  look  (jut  jiatents  for  his  inventions  but 
freely  exhibited  them  for  the  purpose  of  selling  the  instruments.  Others  ad<ipted  them, 
forming  <-ompanies  with  large  caf)ital  to  make  organs  with  lis  improvements.  Some  of 
the  most  finished  workmen  in  the  largest  manufactories  in  the  country  learned  their 
trade  of  lum.  The  most  important  improvement  ever  made  in  reed  organs  was  .-i  supe- 
rior anangement  of  the  ived  boa'J  the  iiriiicijde  of  which  was  tlie  subject  td'  a  great  law 
suit  in  187G  between  Pihy  Burdeit  of  l]rie.  Pa.,  and  Jacob  Estt^y  of  Braltlebce.-o.  Vt. 
Tills  improvemeni  Mr.  Dayl.iu  invented  ami  had  used  some  twenty  years:  wlu<4i  was 
clearly  shown  tiy  the  lion.  \\'\n.  \\ ,  lv,-;irts  in  hi^  speech  in  fh.-it  case  before  tlie  P.  S. 
drcnit  C(Mirt,  and  aNo  in  the  spiM-(di  of  the  lion.  lOhnui'd  Burl-.i  .  tin'  celeln-iiTed  ]i:aent 
lawyer.  Mr.  Burke  said  of  .Mr.  l>avto!'  that  "  In-  wat-  on:'  of  the  earliest,  mosi  original 
Jjnd  jngenins  inventors  and  improver.'-   of  the   ired   organ  who  has  evi-r  ajipearcd  in  this 


(•(uintrv."     Ono  nC  )iis  instniiiients  made  7iiiict<'eM  yt'iirs  bd'orc  containiii',' all  ttj- i--o!ii- 
hiiialio'iis  of  luusiral  capahilitirs   of   the  ipfrini^iiii;  or^i-a.n  vais  exaiuiiU'd  by  coun.-cl  and 
t)llicrs  and  still  uiadf  good  imi-^Ic.  lliougli  it  liud  ncv.T  liccp.  rc|i;!iri'd  or  oven  tiim  d.      "  It 
is  b<di(!Ved,"' said  Mr."l5urki\  "that  few  if  any  dtlitT  nvi]   OYix:\u<   liave  vwr  t'vhiijJTcd 
siirh  a  reiiia.i-kablc  end iirancf.     *     *     ■•■"     A  nnbb-  li'si inionial  tii  llu'  genius  and   fidelity 
of  its  invi-iitor  and  nialuT.     ^     '"     "•■'     A.  tli(iioii;;li  tt.-si  of  tin.'  workmanship  and  niatorial 
us(.-d  in  its  cnnstraction.     Tliis  was  one  of  th'/   (arlitst    i>ro(l  net  ions  in   tin-   art  (d'  origan  in  the  U.  S."     Mr.  l)aytoii  r»s.  iu  Wcdcottvillc  Conn.,  engaged  in  tiie  niamifai;- 
Iiir.- of  or;rans,  nudodians.  ]iianos,  etc.     2,  Maiki's.  a  Union  siddir-r. 
V.     Nhdutable. 
\I.      ]3uola]i. 
^  11.     llf'urv.      1.   Si'KNCKU,  b.  1N~'0;  stnd.    law   in  (fo^hen,  Conn.:  rem.   tc;   \\'.  \;v., 
and  has  been   j-'rosi viiting  Attorney  and  Staic   Senat<n-.     2,   I.Kwis,  b.  18:17;  eidi.-^l.'d   in 
C<i.  1),   Iltii  Conn.,  and  killed  at  i>atth'  of  Sharpsbin  <;■. 

\11!.      .!ust\is.      (A  Justus  1  )avton  went  to  the  war  as  Kaud-iuaster. 
IX.      (.'hester.      (Win.  Davton.  h-ader  of  the  Wol.  Curn.-i  band  in  b%0.) 
X.      Arrliil.ald.  a  M.-;b.  Vlass  leader. 
XI,      Eii/.abeth. 

41186.     Mohitablo  Dayton,  b.    Sopt.    tl,   n.V-;  m.    May  is,  ITSO,    Sanund   S.;y- 
innur,  r<'s.  Watertovv-n  (Jonn. 

I.      Samuel  Seynif>ar,  lu.  Lura  Tayhr. 

II.  -James  II.  Sevmour,  carciag-e  niak-er:  d.  in  W.  Nov.  .1,  lST'.i;-  ni.  IS'S')-.  hdora  II. 
Hud.son  [///,/,;].  1,  CriAtii.T.s  H.,  h.  Ajnil  2i\,  1^37;  m,  Marv  Jndd;  {2}  Jan.  :!,  ISBO, 
Susan  Isbelj.'  1.  A'ir,'  Ji. .  U-z.  II,  m;r^.  '2.  E'l:rii,  J..  Vv]).  10,  ISTI.  i),  Ciiaim.OTTK 
IT..  Mandi  ."i.  1SS3;  m.  ISijS  Tri  Cbureh. 

111.      'i'nanan  Si-ynioui',  rn.  Clarissa  I'am  raft.      1,   (Jkc^U';!-:. 

411861.     Samuel  Seymour,  carriage   maker  in    Wolcotiv. ;  m.  1S12.  Lu;a,  d.m. 
of  Josi'pli  Tavlor. 

I.     .kili'a,  b.  May  ^i.  isf:',;  m.  M^y,  1S:;|,  Sainuel  Brooker. 
II.     i\Iaria.  Oct.  -.'1.  isi.";:  m.  Martin  iJrookcr. 
III.      Marv,  March  11.  I^IS:  m.  Daui.d  lioberisnn,  i^^)  S^unud  Burr. 

♦  IV.  I'diy.a,  b.  iMav  •2^^.  isvf);  m.  Nov.  3,  1S41,  Lyman  Wctmore  Coc-,  b.  Jan.  50, ■ 
1820;  Prcs.  of  the  C'M-"  r.i.i-s  Co.  of  Wolcoitvillf,  Conn".  His  business  has  recpiired  him 
to  make  several  tii]is  to  Ihtroiic:  ic]i.  in  Conn.  Leg.  \'''A~)  and  ISoS;  senator  of  th-- 5th 
(list.  iNi'c..'  and  of  tlie  ].")th  in  IcTtJ;  Pres.  oi  ilu-  I'onn.  Scnulc.  pro.  lem..  lS7i).  (Sec  steel 
portrait  and  biog.  \n  Hiyf.  of  Tonhifitnn .  i'lnm.)  1,  A  1)KI,aii->i-;  Ih.iz.s,  b.  0(d.  sHl,  IS}."): 
m.  \\m.  }I.  Cxodfrev  of  N\"aterbury,  and  had  J/ez/v/,  b.  July  V.\.  1S70.  2,  EnwAun  TiK- 
M-u^  ]>.  June  1,  iSdd;  m.  Oct.  M,  bs73,  Lclia,  dan. 'of  Ann.s"U'heeler  of  \V(dlcotvilIc.  3. 
I'l.LA  Si:vMr>ri;.  b.  k"eb.  24.  b'^-Vi;  m.  Oct.  21,  187-1.  Tie-mas  J.  Ni(dH)ls  of  Ib-ooklyn.  N.  Y. 
V.  Frederi(d<  .1..  b.  Oct.  Id,  ls24.  Kngagcd  with  the  Waterburx  JJrass  Co.  fri>m 
lS-17  to  ISO'J.  the  later  years  as  superintendent,  which  position  he  gave  uji  in  ansM-er  ti> 
I'res.  Lincoln's  call  for  30l),0i>r);  raised  a  company  bn-  the  14th  regt.,  and  >\as  elecied  1st 
Ideut.;  i>arti(dpa,ied  in  nearly  all  the  (-ngagements  of  the  Ai'nty  of  the  Potonmc.  For 
j.'-ood  conduct  at  Antietam,  ])romoted  to  he  Cu]rt.  of  Co.  (i.;  commission  bearing  anniver- 
sary date  of  that  battle.  After  battle  ol  Lredriidcs!nirg  liad  typhus  fever,  billowed  by 
fe\er  and  ag'ue,  and  was  homn-ably  discdiarged  for  disability.  He  then  turmnl  Iii-s  atten- 
tion to  manufaciuring-  enteiprises  in  \\'<deottville,  mg-ani'/ing  the  Seymour  Manfg.  de,  f'>r 
iij)luilstery,  liarihvare  and  metal  iioods,  whi<di  became  iinally,  in  1ST3.  the  'I'lirner  and 
Seymour  Co.  Ho  has  made  many  im]'iovements  in  nu'lals  anr]  w  orki  ng  a]ipliances, 
Jiniong  the  iiinst  iiiitabb'  of  ■\\dneli  i.s  the  imjirox-ed  machine  for  spinning-  ne-tals. 
II'-  JLas  securi'd  many  patents  on  impro\ cmenls.  ddirough  bis  in\cstigai  ions  tin- atten- 
tion .,!' lii^.  l,[■,,.i,^_l;^vv,  Lvman  \\'.  Coe,  wa-<  tui  ned  to  nnxiiufai-tiuing  e;-.ter]iri-es.  which 
resulted  in  till-  puridiase  of  the  brass  ndll  i>ropei  !y.  the  siiciess  (d'  whi(di  has  added 
largely  In  the  prosi->erity  <d'  W.  (Sei-  ]Mirtr.-iit  iu  ( hrnti's  l['>t .  Tor.)  He  m.  .\ue-.  2''^. 
l*t'-i'.),  i'dorimiue  M.  Migeon,  b.  IS'Jo,  in  Sedan.  I'h.iece;  dau.  of  Henri  and  Maria  Loni-a 
(Beaudelot)  .Mie'i-ou,  who  caiue  from  llaiconrt,  Prance,  to  .\iiierica  iu  isjl).  1.  Pi;i:i)- 
i-itKK  H.,  law  stud,  in  Detroit,  Mich.  2,  Makia  L.  3,  KissKi.t,  A.,  d.  Nov.  14.  lS."it''. 
4.  Iviiiii:  V,. 

•iilfi,  Deborah  Dayton,  b;  Aug.  S,  1724;  d.  M..y  2n,  \>i\';.  a.  IKlyrs.  l-..r.s,v- 
eral  years  Ijel'ore  her  d.  had  been  the  (dde--t  ])erson  in  X.  Hav.  Sa.w  her  l'I.  ut.  g'.  c  am! 
tier  surviving  of  four  generations  were  just  e(pial  in  number  (i*:i)  to  i  he  years  of  her 
ble  She  partook  of  the  holy  i-ommunion  with  nu-mla-rs  (d'  four  general  ions  of  lierdesc. 
loid  I'rnnouticed  Iter  blessiny;  on  three  of  the  5th  generation.      She  could  remember  v.dien 


there  \vi,.s  l,ut  one  liousv  of  public  ucrship  iiiid  l)ut  one  luinist.T  in  \  Hav  •  \vho,i 
them  was  not  one  painf.-d  liousc.  n.u-  one  pane  of  sash  £rla>;s.  u<>v  on,'  riflin-  eliair  in  tli,. 
towu;  Mlieu  all  the  lor..iKU  tra.le  eu.i.joyf.]  but  two  small  vessels,  and  wlien  the  lirst 
timber  Vy'^  hud  for  the  -long-  wharf."  '•  Fua.u-al  eulo<ries,"  savs  the  Coun.  .Jn„rnn! 
of  June..,  ]S1.  Ironi  whic-h  the  above  fa.ts  are  t.k.n,  -'an-  too  fnHju.-ntlv  extravac^ant 
but  the  wr,  er  bvls  r.>n,pell..d  to  say  that  if  the  uniforju  prartiee  of  hiduMrv,  prudenn- 
haehtv  auJ  b-ie-volence,  -priugin-  from  vilal  pi,-ty.  .b'scrves  the  esteem  of  fdlosv 
morta!s,,let  the  memory  of  tin  do.  oas^d  be  regard.,!.  S],r  w.s  an  nn.-on.mon  wonuui  iu 
her  day.  s  out  and  robust  m  t.^rm,  of  strMn;^.  wdl  l,alaur,.d  mind  of  eKecllent  iud-- 
nieul,  and  a  vein  of  ]>l.-a^unT  luimor.  IntelH-.-nt  j.ruph-  fn>n.  a  di.sfan<-p  -ou.-ht  h^r 
society  to  enjoy  on,i,nnal.  indepeMident  and  shrew. I  ivmarks.  She  was  familiar  with 
tl.e  bible,  with  writin^^s  of  Flav.d  Baxt.T,  h:dwa^.l^  and  iJ.dlamv;  ],ad  ,s..,.n  :,„.!  .■,n,- 
versed  with  \Vasliin^non,  and  had  heard  W  hitlield  j.rearh.  Sh.>  ];(>re  lier  L.u-  illiip^^  of 
neatjv  hve  years  with  patien._  In  an.swer  t..  an  in.juirv  unr,-  put"^  to  In-r  br 
The  K..V.  Dr.  Mason,  sh,-  rej.lied:  -  ITavint:  throuo-],  divin.-  -rra,-,.  i;,.,.„  able  to  resist  the 
jdtarksnltlu.  advrsary  for  n.-arly  sixty  v.-ars,  1  >1k,11  not  h.  hd,  to  fall  into  his  hands  at 
last  but  feo]  sure  oi  viet„rv  thnMi,.ru  i),,.  .-ru.-iliod,  ri.sen,  ivi-nin.-  and  all  ron.|u..nii.r 
Kedeenipn  si.,-  m.  1  ,-l.>.  ^atl,an,  s.  of  iVa.  .]...,aihan  >lan..iiel,I  ,.f  X.  ]L,v  b  Man-lT 
r.bS;  d.  March  IM.  ]  rs;l  He  lived  in  tin-  h.uise  built  bv  his  father  in  ITMl  "whi(d- 
stooduutiUSTl.  when  it  was  removed  by  J.,. seph  E.  Shetilidd  on  wle.^e  e-fite  it  st.>,,d" 
toinakerooml-.n-the'-Shemehl  S-icain.-  S.dio.;]  ^niMin^■.•■  Xa.han  Mansti.-ld  wa^  a 
l.mibst  m  thr.  revolution,  and  during  th,'  Hriii..],  -a-.-upati,,.?  „f  X.  Hav  in  Julv  17;4 
many_.vh,-s  .sought  refuge  in  his  house,  and  under  Ids  hosj-iiabh.  nxd'  were  protecte.l 
from  injury  and  insult  for  tw,,,lays  and  one  niuht.  or  during  tin-  oe.'uprdion  oi^  X  Hav 
by  the  enemy.  His  bro.,  Kev.  Kichard  Mansfi;i.l.  I).  D..  who  uls,.  was  a  lovalist'jn  \C 
N  H"v""i'sU  '  '"  "''"^  "^''  ""'^  "'''"  '"''■'■■'"  '"  ^^'''  ^i-'lh>ati..n  u{  Trinity  chh.  (Kpis.)  in 
I.  Mary  Mansfield,  b.  Dec.  14,  174o;  m.  Isaac  )}eers 
11.      ]a>is  Mansfield,  b.  April  V?,,  1747.  in.  AVui    J.vcm 

III.  Xatban  Mansfield,  b.  Nov.  ;3a,  174^;  Living  lu  tlie  Derbv  r.;,ad;  m.  an.l  ha.i  a 
large  fani  (A  Xat  .an  ManMield  ni.  March  0.  177.-.,  Anna  Tondinson  and  ha.i.  1 .  .)  u;K.> 
July  11,  1,  ,.).     i.  Bktsky,  Dec.  1.  1777.)  ^'-  .   , 

IV.  ■   V\dlliam  Man.sfiehl,  b.  Ma.rch  -J'.l.  17.'.0. 
y.      Achilles  Manstield.  in.  177!',  Susan  Elliot. 

yi.      Susanna  IMansfiehl,  b.  Sept.  23,  l7.-)i;;  in.  Major  I 

Vll.     (i lover  Mansfield,  b.  17tj7 
^■lli.      i:iisha  :>;ansfi,dd.  d.  unm. 


socjable  luatrnns.  one  of  wh„m  was  .Mrs.  B,.,.rs'  grandtn.nh.-r.  'I'hev  oft.-n  met  at  irrand- 
ath.M^D.-a.  Mansfie  ds.  Mrs.  Beers  wa.  a  born  hi-t.u-ic  g,-nius,  tJicin:;-  inieie.l '  whih- 
the  otiier  gran.i.diiblrea  look  lu.n.-.  in  narrailv  I'S  wbi,di  weiv  the  ;,,od  an,'  .leli.dit 
ofhermmd.  She  believed  that  all  tie  .hul-es  were  bu.  h.-re.'  i.saac  i5,.rs  was  a 
bookseller  and  Pres.  of  the  okl  New  Haven  Ba.dc  from  17!)S  1-.  \HVl.  His  will  names 
bros.  Ellas  and  Nathan  Beers,    neph.    Isaac,   s.    of   Nathan;  si.s.    Sarah   Pierp,.nf    n,.pi,' 

^^S^l^^^.i^'f::';^:^^'^^,:''    ■7'S;kincdbvBr.,ish.nX.Hav.,Ju!y5,x;:.;,n.Han,.d, 

1.     Isaac,   m     Maiv  Miinstiekl. 
Hu^"nif' ti.'rin^od^/l^ll;^^^  ("Tf    ^^^"^'^^    '^■^^'^>  ^'^  '^^^   ^-  '-3,  a.  ,..         ,,  E,  ,..nK.,:;    ,n ,  Stephen 

ofth"v^/;;n"h\^MU'\''''=    'fT°^   '"   ^":  ''m^'  '%^"^'  (Uiards.  with   Arnold  to  n„ston;    Dca. 
('        ln!,l   1,   K   V  ■  '-M-4v:  ci.  a.  Q..j;  ra.  .Mary  Pliulp.s,  ^s\^o  d.  iSm,  a.  oR. 

\ew  Hav     H  .'rhnr'  ^^-Vfrv-  '■^•'^■^^^■^^•''■-^^  H.nye.  who  d.  on  hi.,  ves.sel  v.hile  .-ntcrin^ 
.^e^\    Mav     llarl>or.  She  m.(2i,I,has  b'.illwe:!;  i.  bv  isi  m.:  i,  Han-..\i,,  m.  S..lonioii  Cc.l'is    2    Svpm. 
WM,  with  f  r.nnah,  m.  Amos  (s.  of  kobcrt  and    bro.-of  Kb-oncleri  Townscn.  .     i      /«  m    c  s.^'cr'c^-  n4"v" 

X)0.i  15RANCII    OF    .10XATHAX. 

i  lie/;  JliAvc;  (\\L  Sanili  Nicliols  of  Strat fold,  %\lio  ^v;^-^  to  have,  in  addition  to  a!,n'''iniPiif 
I  licf.  111.,  inv  slip  in  'I'linity  (dili.,  el'j.;  srr.  .■liil.  i.ciiiiix"  ill  and  Woo^tt-r,  roas.  Isaar- 
f  15.>i''rs  s.  oi' Josiali,  lat,'  of  Stratford,  an<l  now  res.  in-ar  Cayn^^a  ].al-:e  in  X.  "^^  An 
I  ao-n-ein.'nr  li.-:twecu  lie/.,  llowo  and  inysrlf,  dated  Aui;-.  '.2;),  ISO'.),  he  to  have  lialf  the 
'  sNtU  in  trade  on  ii:;\-ii)t;-  nie  .'v:!00  jier  annnia  ihuiii-:-  niv  life,  etc;  to  Pros,  and  Fellows 
I  of  ^lale  College,  all  "lu  v")iiv.]ie)ty  iu  the  to\Mi  of  Holland,  ( )rl.-aii.'<  Co.,  Vt.,  consisting  of 
j  five  shares  aiui  a  fraer'ioji  and  ri>;hts,  to  he  applied  in  siip))orl  of  a  mediral  institution  in 
I  said  eolle-v. 

\.     Sallv  :\!:iria  Imm-.s.  h.  ITO"):  m.  ITS'".,  ^^ln.  ('.  l.^thngw  (dl. 
11.     Elizahclh  Beer.-,  b.  17(;7:  m.  Col.  .losopii  1,.  \\'u:-»lcv. 

\  411911.  Sally  Maria  Beers,  h.  lT(i.');d.  Aug.  ••2."),  lS;]U,a.  Ooim,  ITSHhyKev.  At-hil- 

'  Ips  Mausliehi,  ^^'In.  V.  i^ellingwtdl ;  grad.  Y.C.  ne.Kt  day;  1).  Sept.,  170.");  d,  (Jet.  2o,  18;'l, 
a.  Oil;  (he  was  the  tddfst  s.  of  Col.  Ciirisropher  heliiiigwell  of  Norwich.,  Conn.,  who  was 
V.  M  of  Nor.  terap.  Washington's  adm. )  rem.  to  X.  Y.  ITfio  ami  was  partner  with  He/.. 
IJeers  Pierjiout:  reinriied  lo  X.  llav.  l^nO;  lived  on  tlic  cor.  of  Cliaj"-!  and  'J'.-  ni])h;  sts.,  in 
house  built  hv  Jared  Ingersoll,  afterwards  owT\ed  and  oecn])ied  by  the  Street  family  and 
now  known  as  the  "Foote  House."  "Ho  was  tlio  ricliest  citizen  of  X.  llav."  See  Xfr 
Englahd(i',^-Mu,  ISS'i,  poprr  hi/  Ji'  r.  Dr.  ]hj<-oii. 
I.      Isaac  Beers  Lefiiugwell. 

11.  Wni.  Coit  Lefhugwell,  b.  Dec.  ^o,  178N:  Y.  C.  Is'o; ;  A.  M.  isil ;  d.  Jan.  5.  183;>; 
in.  Sarah  S.  Dunham,  b.  "April  12,  17'J8;  d.  Dec.  l:h  lsi;2.  1,  Enw.\J!])  Dkxham,  d. 
,lune  IH,  ls;;;a.  a.  IM.     ".?,   ALVin:])  FKia>iyAM),  d.  Aug.  lO,  b'^^s.  a.  N.     '6,  S.\KAir  C.ako- 

■  i.iN-r;.  d..  .hiue  t'O,  ls;;0, 'a.  4.  -1,  TnF.O])!^.!!-;  Ai.KXAMn;i;.  <1.  .Tune  11,  IsJlO,  a.  flinos.. 
I        (iiTave-stone  insc.  in  the  Lefiingv.oll  lot,  and  sup.  lo  be  cliil.  of  \\'\i\.  Coit  lyetlingwell. 

;  ""     HI      Carrdine  Marv  I.eilingwell,  b.  .\pri!  30,  17!.lO;  ni.  Augu.stus  R.  Street. 

i  IV.     Isaac  Beers  Lellingwell,  b.  July  17,  17U2;  d.  Oct.  1,  ]S:i^,,  a.   43. 

V.  Sallv  Maria.  Lelliuirwell,  tv.-jn  with  Isaac,  d.  .Ian,  Ml,  isHG;  ni.  Timotliy  Dwight 
^Villiams,  b.  March,  1794;  d.  June,   1831. 

\\.  Lucius  Wooster  LeffingwelL  b.  Sept.  -m.  17!)(;;  V.  C.  1814;  A.  M.  18M:  d.  Feb. 
1875:  ni.  Jan.  11,  l8l9.  Olive  Douglass  Starr,  b.  Norwich,  Conn.,  May  5:1,  17t)G;  d.  Oct. 
29  183(1  1  Wuj.i.^M,  b.  Nov.  ."i,  1819;  res.  San  Francisco,  Cal.  2.  S.VK.\ii  Bkiiks,  b. 
March  13,  18-2CI.     3,   Hf.NUY.  b.  Sept.  21,  18-.24.     4,   Dorai.Ass,  May  17,  182(i.     5,  Cmtis- 

■  'ropiii'K  Staki;,  Dec.  1(1,  1S:;7;  'I'rinity  Col.,  Hartf.,  18.")4;  F,]es.  clergynian  at  (-.'ardner. 
Me.;  ni.  Oct.  7,'  is.')7,  Catharine  B..  d'au.  of  Ciiarles  I!,  and  Eleanor  (.\rHistrong)  Alsop 
<^>f  jliddletown,  Conn. 

!  VH.     Edward  Henrv  Loftingwell,   Y.   C.    1^22;  M.D.    1824;  Prof.    Clvein.    Xr.t.    Hist. 

«iK!  GeoloiTv  in  Univ.  of  Mo.,  anf!    Prof,    of   Cheni.,    Phar.    and  To^!c.    in   Med.    Col.  of 
'         Memphis, 'fenn.;  rem.  to  X.  Hav.;  Pres.  N.  Hav.  Col,  Hist.  Soc. ;  ni. 

41191i;3.    Caroline  Mary  JJefringwellj  b.  A])ril  30,  1790:  d.  Aug.  24,  1877; 

in.  Augustus  Uu.-.-ell   Street  (s.  of  Titus),  1>.  Xov.  T),  1791;  Y'.  C.  1812;  d.  .]une  12,  ISilG; 

inv.  ^177,000.     He  lived  where  the  Xev,  Haven   Hou^^e  now  stands,  cor,  of   College  and 

<"hapel  sts.,  till  he  gave  the  projierty  to  Y,  C,     His  endowment  of  the  Y.  S<-hool  of  Fine 
,         Arts  amounted  to  ^280,000. 

i  1.     Caroline  Augustus  Street,  b.  Aug.  24,  ISUI;  <h  Auu'.  2-'!,  18(53;  in.  Andn:w  Hull 

!  Foote  (s,  of   Hon.  San'uiel  A.  and  Eudocia'lluil   Foote*),  b.  in  Cheshire,  Conr...  Sept.  12, 

!  180G,  liis  2d  Avf. ;  he  m.  (1)  Caroline  Flauv.  who  d.  183^,  a.  31.  Acting  Midshiimian 
i  1822;  next   vear  was  sent   in  the  scliooner  (iranrpus  to  cruise   against   the  West   India 

i  pirates;  Eieut.1830:  Comnuiuder  1852;  Fhig.Lieut.of  the  Mediterranean  S()uadron  18:53,  and 

i  in  is:^8  as  1st  Lieut,  of  the  John  Adams  circumnavigated  the  globe.     While  statione<l  at 

lh..-  Xaval  Asylum,  1841-3,  lie  prevailed  on  many  of  tie-  innuites  to  give  up  their  spirit 
\  ration>:  and  later  in  tlie  Cuniberhnid  he  continued  hi'-   eifnrts  ami   (hdivered   besides  an 

j  "•xti-mporaneous  seimou  every  Sunday  to  the  crew.      In  1849-.52  he  cimimanded  the   brig 

1  Perry  on  the  African  coast,  engaged  in"  sui)]iressing  the  slave  trade,  and  in  1S.')4  published  a 

i  v-oik  on  tlie  sul)j'-i-t,  Africn  a ikI ihi  Aim  rirti n  FIcj.     In  c(mimand  of  th.e  shvip  Fortsnioutli 

I  :it  Canton,  Ciiina,  1S,^(;.  before  beginning  of  hostilities  between  England  and  China. 

!  he  i-xritcd  himself  to  ]irotect  Am  rican  property  and  was  tired  ujion  by  the  barrier  forts, 

I  An  ap;dogy  being  denumded  and  refused  he  att:ud;ed  tin-  bu'ts  with   the   i'ortsmouth  and 

i  C.-vaiM,      The  foris  w  i-re  four  in  loimber  with  granitr  v.  alls  and  seven  feet  thick,  mount- 

'  ing  17',:  -uns  and  uurrisoneil  with  5,000  m.Ti.      Aft.  r  makir,g  a   lM<-a<h   in   the   largest   of 

•S.muicl  .\.  Koole,  b.  Cheshire,  Conn..  Xov.  8,  17S0:  V,  C.  1797;  M.  C.  from  Conn.  1S19,  ':2i,  '73,  '15, 
n.  '-n:  U.  S.  S.  ic.:!7-3v,  (iov.  Conn.  i«-!.(-35;  aullior  of  the  "  Foote  Resolutions"  which  p.-xvc  rise  'o 
m;  i,Tmi,us  Wc-bstur-Haync  deljaie  in  the  V.  S.  S.     He  d.  1S46.  a.  65. 

BKKTIS,    LEirrxmVELL,    MAISSI'IELU.  205 

the  foits  lu>  l:u\(U'(l  witli  ~'>'l)  s:tiIor>.  and  cariifd  it  by  storm;  tlu'  rcir.aininf';  i'orts  wcrc^ 
also  carried.  His  loss  was  -!<)  men.  'I'Vn'  <'!itniy  In-t  ali'ml  -lliO  m(i\  Icillcd  and  wdiindrd. 
In  Jnlv,  Is'iil,  111'  was  made  Ca])t.  and  in  Si  ]it.  Kla^-  Ulliccr  of  the  Motilla  in  wi-^tern 
wnti-rs".  Ill  ]'"eli.,  ].^i>-,  he  sailed  from  Cairo  willi  .-cvc-ii  ii-nn  Iniats  to  attark  Fort  11'  nry. 
Without  waitin;:  t'oi'(iraut  In-  attacked  at  noun  on  the  Gth  and  took  it  in  two  hours.  ()n 
the.  1-lth  he  attacked  i'ort  1  Vmnlson,  luil  \s-as  pcllcl  to  haul  off.  lie  ^vas  licri-  severely 
wounded  in  the  ankle  hy  a  fiaL'inent  oC  a  04  ]M>urnl  shot.  'I'lience  he  i)roeeeded  on 
crutches  to  l)esiei:,'e  Island  Xo.  1(1.  Al'ti'r  its  rediicliwn  he  returned  to  New  lla\('n  to 
reirain  his  h.ealth,  and  was  made  (''hiel  of  the  P,ur(  au  of  r"(|uii)i!ient  and  liecrniiino-. 
j\]>poiuted  r.ear  Admiral  July  ;! I.  ] St)-,  and,  to  -.uc-ceed  ]{i-jy  Ad'nind  Dujioiit  in  com- 
mand of  the  S.  A.  sijuadnm;  Ijtit  his  liealth  was  too  nunh  broken  for  further  service, 
lied,  at  the  re-idence  of"  his  l^rotlier  Ilnn.  .lolm  A.  r'oute  in  ( 'ieveh-nd  June  20,  1^(1:!; 
buried  in  N.  llav.  His  life  was  writn-n  l>y  Prof,  .fatnes  }Io])i)in  of  Y.  ('.  and  pub.  with 
steel  ])ortrait.  A  .short  time  before  Admiral  l'^)ot  died,  his  mind  recuiintr  perhaps  to  the 
scenes  of  earlier  and  happier  years,  he  e\])revsed  a  -tvon^-  desir;'  to  see  an  f>ld  friend  who 
had  been  his  neic'hbor  in  Cheshire.  Con.n.  (an  uncle  of  the  compiler  of  this  work),  saying 
"I  would  ii^o  further  to  see  Stejihen  'I'nttle  th;ni  any  man  in  the  I'nited  Stales."  1, 
Emily  Fixkhkiuca,  d.  186-3,  a.  10  yrs.  2,  M.uda  IOudoci  \,  d.  1802,  a.  7  yrs.  S.  \V>f. 
LiOFFiNCiW  EI.L,  d.  1862,  a.  li!  yrs.  • 

II.     Sarah  Maria  Lelhng-we.ll  Street,  d.  Mandi  10,  1S.5:}. 
III.     Dau.,  d.   1853. 

411912.  Elizabeth  lielTingwen,  17l>7:  d.  duly  24,  1S2();  a.  .■,:!;  m.  Feb.  2s;.  nui, 
Col.  Joseph  Lucius  Wooster  of  llunti.tgton,  Conn.;  b.  (Jet.  11,  17(50:  Y.  C.,  1781  ;  <i.  .July 
20,  170(5,  a.  ?..");  s.  of  Joseph  and  Lucy  Ni(dtols  W.  of  ^:ir;;tford.  Conn. 

I.  '  Eliza  L.  \Yooster,  b.  Ivlay  2-1,  1795,  d.  Aug.  oO.  I.s21.  a.  20;  she  ])osse.-sed,  it 
is  said.,  ihe  !ii>i  iihmo  in  Xew  Haven;  m.  Eleazer  Thompsou  Fiteh;*  b.  Jan.  1,  1701;  d. 
Feb.  o,  1871;  (^he  iu.(2)  .Vugusta  Susanna  Root;  d.  Oct.  2,  l.-t^lO;  a. -hi).  He  vva-<  the  young- 
est of  ten  chil.  of  Nathaniel  and  Mary  (Thompson)  Fitch;  grad.Y.  C.  islO;  laui^ht  school 
at  E.  Windsin-;  stud,  theology  ai  Andover;  t)U  d.  <d'  I'res.  Dudght.  eh  i-ted  Piof.  of  Hivin- 
ify  Y.  C.  and  Jiaslor  of  the  c.'d.  (dii;.,  ISJl  to  IS."-,'  The  Hev.  Nid;emi;ih  Brown,  f.  of 
the  wife  of  tbe  comjiiler  of  ihi-  work,  was  the  fli-vi  to  wliom  lie  admr.  in  that  relation  the 
rit(Mifd)apti-.m;  2  cliil.  1.  Li'<  n>  \N"oost[:!i;  )'.  C.  l"^-!(t;  (dioscn  d--a.  No.  chli.  1.S07;  trea.-^urer  Y.  C. ;  m.  Sarah  Tufts.      1,  E/,,/-,  ,■  'i'liniupsnu.     '2,(7'i>/. 

41192,  Lois  Mansfield,  b.  Aj-rll  l;>,,  1M7:  d.  Aug.  28.  1821.  a.  74:  m.  Cnl. 
William,  ^■.  of  Wn'.  an.d  K!i/-al.eth  i.MaliiM  )  L}(.n.  b.  Mandi  0,  174n;  .1.  Oct.  12,  ls;:;0;  a. 
nott'd  antifpiary:  the  first  cash^-r  of  the  old  New  H.'ven  bank,  the  first  hank  estaldished 
in  the  (dty;  aftei'the  dec.  of  his  father  he  sui)ported  and  educated  his  In-otliei-.^^  and  sisters  . 
as  shown  iiy  an  agreement  Dec.  17.  I'll*?.  '*  In  coiisideratioa  of  support  and  education 
received  from  our  bi'o.  Wni.  hyon  after  dec.  of  on;  father  we  give  up  lo  him  all  riglit  and 
interest  in  said  father's  esia-e.  Signed,  Mary  Lyon  F>eeeher.  Elizabeth  and  \Ym.  Mans- 
field, Annie  Lvon.  Nathaniel  Lvon,  Experience  I. von  Hrainerd. — X.  liar,  'foirn  Juroril 
1.      Wilfiam  Lvon,h.  Julv  12,  1772;  d.  Oct."20,  1841;  a.  (iO. 

II.  Elizabeth  J.yon.  b.  Ju'iy  2,  17'i7:  d.  Nov.  20,  18,5(1;  a.  74. 

HI.     Marv  Lvon."l).    On.  7,   1780;  <1.   at  Charleston,  S.  C..    Sept.    11,  IsilT;    rem,  to 
Grov<'  St.  Ceni.  N'ew  llav.  Feb.  1810. 

IV.  Sophia  Barnard  Lyon.  \>.  Mai-cji  17,  1782:  d.  Jan.  :-'.l,  1800,  a.  84;  '•Superior  in 
intfdlect  and  (Uilture:  lovely  in  disposition,  as  gracidul  in  mien.  Ih^r  long  life  was  iial- 
lowed  hv  devoted  i>ietv;  i  e-iave-stone);  m.  Kev.  James  Harvev  Idnsb  \  :  b.  Nonhloid, 
Conn.,  May  5.  17S7;  d.Vtiatford,  He.'.  20.  1843;  Y.  C.  1817;  he"  was  a  Baptist  clergyman" 
hut  in  conse([uence  of  ill-health,  turned  his  attention  to  Natural  History'.  Hi'  pul).  in 
Am.  J'liiruiil  i.'f  -'^'■ii  lift .  Vol.  4'.].  a  catalogue  of  nuimmalia  raid  <if  birds  in  Vol.  4.).  A 
memoir  of  liis  life  was  jaib.  by  his  dau.  in  184."),  18mo.,  llartf.  "  An  earnest  mini--ier 
of  Christ;  eminent  in  learning  and  science;  esjiecially  distinguished  as  ;i  naturalist."  I, 
Ei,iz.\nF,TU.  res.  Straiford.'  2.  Soriii.s,  m.  Rev.  Sylv:inus  Hryden  Phelps.  1).  1).;  b.  Suf 
field,  Conn.,  iMO,  Madison  Cn\.  \sM:  Fniv.  1s-14.  "  pastor  1st  Ba]iii>t  chii.  X. 
llav.  184(5  formally  years,  .\iuhorof  A"e.y'," //.-,■  ■>/  Xnhi  ir,  ]s'42.-  Siinliiilit  n  Jli-drtliyht^ 
1850.-  Jlolii  l.inid.'A  Viars  'Dnir.  l.S'i;!;  'J'lu  J','»  ('.■^  S>/it/,  1807;  JUbfcLand.  1800;  also 
Scriiions  (ind  dont ribiition.'<  to  periodicals;  sescral  chil. 
V.      Amelia  Lyon,  iii.  Joseiili  Benneti. 

*"The  three  c!erf:ymcn  of  New  Haven  to  whom  I  pave  my  whole  mind  and  heart  were  Prof.  Fitch,  Dr. 
Ta>lor  and  I)c.  i;;u-,)n.  *  *  '-  The  iebi;k;:d  and  stilled  iiU^Ilcct  of  l.)r.  Fin,h.  wcthin^'- in  hushed  cou- 
cciilraiion  of  ar}.^uiucnl.  luitil  there  c.nne  nr.e  si.irtHng  outbreak  of  devotion  or  tcndcnitss  at  its  elose.'' 
—  Reiiiiru'scenLf^'  oy  .Xeiv  flavfn  hy  N .  /'.  H'illii  in  }Jo>iif  "Join'tu-.l. 

'200  r.RAXCH    OF    .TOXATIIAN. 

VI.     Saviili   Lyon,  ni.  Samuel  Law  of   Mcrt'ditli,  Vt. ;  a  lartro  laud   owntT  and  v^-ry 
'  rich. 

41194.    William  Mansfield,  l>.  Manh  2i).  i:4li-r,0;  d.  May  .:28.  184:2,  a.  «)-2.     ii,. 

was  with  (ifVi.  ^^'lH(^^t(■l■  at  Kjiii;rtirl(t  wlicu  that  olik-.T  was  luortally  wouudt-d;  and  witii 
his  follow  (iti'/t^ns  of  N".  Hav.  coutfstfd  tlu'  iuva-non  uf  den.  <iatU':;  division,  July.  ITTiJ; 
in.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Lyon.  h.  IT.-jT;  d.  Oct.  18,  LS17,  a.  60;  she 
was  sis',  of  Col.  William  Lyon.  ^vh..  ju.  Lois  Maii^tiehl.  In  lS2o,  when  74  yrs.  of  a.  ]).• 
UK  (2)Sarali  Culvm-  and  luui  t\\'n  s-.      She  ua-  h.  Pel-.  -.'T.  \7<\;  d.  .luu^-  14.   IS!0.     ('.  hy 

i  i.      William,  kipt  a  tinware  stnr.   at  head  of  Fleet  st.,  X.  Hav.,  alir.  1S-.20;  m.  Lu(-y 

i-l'.ek.  h.  I7^^i>;  d.  A].ril  •»).  Js4-3. 

j  II       Kiizal.eih,  h.  IT^ii:  d.  >L'iy  •2>5,  1818:  lu.  Maieh  :^],  1811,  ('apt.    Hldiard    Everit 

Usee  b-l"W)       1    I'liiXKAs  EvKFis,  1."  Dec.  7,  1812;  d.  Sept.,  18o4,  uinn. 

i  111.      Ann.-,  1>.  Srpt.  y,  1782:  <i.  March  2o,  18ti:J,  a.   81;    ni.   Henry  Eld.   1).    Feb.    10, 

'  178;l-  d.  Oct.  2;l  ls04.  a.  SI.       1,  Hknkv.  b.  June  2,  1814;  Lieut.  \'.  S.  X.,  under  Cajit. 

I  Wilkes  in  e.xoloriu^- expedition   to  tiud   the  ^^ntarctic   C<uitinent,  1.S58.       Lieui.  ]-dd  was 

•  the  first  TO  di^'-overft.  At  10  A.  M.  -Tan.  10,  18;!i).  he  called  out  from  th'-  cross  tref'S  of  the  1". 
S  slooi)  of  war. "Peacock.'"  "Land  !"  Lieut,  \\dlliarn  Keynolds,  lu/ar  him,  directly  replied, 
•'So  it  is:"  'I'lievthen  confirmed  the  fact  ami  reported  to  Cajit.  Hudson.  From  this  the 
<i(-)vernment  of  the  L.  S.  dates  the  first  di^covi-ry  of  the  Antarctic  Continent,  and  Ca])t. 
Wilkes  named  tlie  h.iirhi'-t  mountain  toj>  ••  Eld's  Peak,"  and  lh«'  next  liiolicst  "  ]-?<'ynold's 
Peak  ■■     2    Ei,iz.\tu;TH,  res.  X.  Hav. 

IV.  Sarah,  b.  April  4,  1701;  d.  July  2H,  !87o,  a.  84;  m.  Feb.  «,  1820,  Cai-t.  Richard 
Everit.  Hi-.  1st'  wf.  w;i-  li'-r  .-■-.  l-IIizal"  th.  }{•  wa-  of  an  .'lil  Lon,;,'  L-laiid  fam. ;  b.  X.  Y. 
Dec.  23, 1 772.  liecaiue  a  shij'  ma>tfr  and  commanded  packet  ships  trading  bt-iwi-een  X.  Y . 
<ind  Holland.  Lon<lon  and  Bristol.  He  also  made  voya^rfs  to  other  Eiiropean  ports, 
the  W.  I.  and  South  America.  He  commanded  the  second  Ameriean  vesstd  that  vi.sitfd 
Rio  (jrande  do  Sul.  in  Brazil,  now  the  great  hide  ex]iortinu-  jdace.  His  life  was 
remarkabh-  in  some  respocts.  He  began  going  to  sea  at  the  early  v..  of  11  yr-^.,  nnd  fol- 
lowed it  until  lie  ^\  as  50;  then  n-tired  to  X.  Hav.,  and  livrd  th.Tf  40  yrs.  ■  4'he  F^verit 
Place"  on  Grand  st.  is  still  a  remini.scence  of  his  comfortalile  and  ])leasant  lioine  life. 
He  never  drank  a  glass  of  rum.  gin  or  brandy  in  his  life,  a  r<r.iarkable  circumstance. 
<-i)nsidering  his  occupation  and  the  habits  and  customs  of  hi.--  clriss  and  of  the  tinn-t.  He.  d, 
March 4, 1SG3,  a.  90.  He  was  of  a  kindly  and  genial  d:s])o.s!tion,  and  had  many  friend.s  and 
few.  if  any,  enemies.  1,  RiCH.^iU'  M.vxsiri:!,]),  b.  April  9,  1824;  was  a  raerch.,  largely 
<u)irao-ed  in'the  \'\'.  I.  and   Amazon   river  trade;  retin-d  from  active  business  in  1870;  m. 

1  Ft-b.^T,  1861,  r^Iarv  Talnian.  dan  of  ^Vatso^  E.  and  Augu,<ta  M.  Lawrince  of  X.  Y.,   res. 

i  Whitney  av'e.,  X."Hav..  Conn.  1,  liichrinl  Lairrcnec,  b.  X.  Y.  C.  Dec.  19,  1861;  Y.  C. 
188-^-  re'-  Brooklvn.  X.  Y.  2,  Annif  Coleij.  b.  X.  Hav.  Mav  16,  1S67.  3,  Kdirard  Hoirh- 
Jn's^h.  X.  Hav.  AuL^  o.  1>^70.  2.  Wn.i,i.\M  Lyon,  b  Oct.  21,  182';;  m.  July  2«.  18"3. 
Adelaide,  dau.  of  Jam.'>  and  Martha  Frink:  res.  22.  Trumbull  St.,  X.  Hav,  1,  MuhartI 
Manxful'd.  b.  Mav  4,  l^."i4.  2.  M<irthn  Pn'srotf.  b.  Feb.  25, 185'; ;  m.  Einil  (lessner,  and  ha^ 
3  (diil.  :;,  WiUiniit  l.(i"iu  b.  Dec.  IS.  185(i.  3,  IMKiirK.iN,  b.  Feb.  7,  1829;  m, 
Auir.  4,  1S51.  John  Hvi'le  Coh-y,  who  was   for  many  yrs.  a   leading  dry   goods  merch.  in 

•k.  "^Hav.       1,  i/'/ry    Krrrit,  b."  i>ec.  16.  1853;    m    Oct.  19,  1875.    Dr.    llolmes   FL  Sadler; 

!  re's   Em].oria'  Kansas;  3  chil.     2,  Uah.i  MevcHii ,  b.  Sept.  17,  1859.     3,  Elizahcth  L'arftr. 

\\^.  iVc.  3,  1861;  dec.     4,   Wiflvn,,  Brarh,  b.  Oct.  8,  18ii4.    5,  John  Hyde,  b.  Jan.  20,  18(;s. 
V     'wiiiiam  Lvon.  b.  1805;  d.  April  28,  1M76;  m.  Elizabeth  liaclxtd,  dau.  of  Justus 
'and  Sarah   Hayes  Bradley  [6].  b.  Xov.  14,  1808;  d.  Sept.  21,  1841.       1,   Cirii.i),  d.    Aug, 
27.  1S23,  a.  2  vrs.      /.  by  2d  m. : 

VI.      l',.M;jamin  F.,has  been  town  agi-nt  of  X.  Ilav.,  and  is  mu(h  employed  in  public 
alTairs;  m.  and  has  fam. 
Ml.      Frederick. 

41395  Achilles  Mansfield,  Y.  C.  1770;  i)astor  1st  chh.  (  Killingworth, 
Conn.;  fron>  1 TTO  till  d.,  Julv  21,  l^M:  F.Uow  of  Yale  Col.  1808-14;  m.  March  10,  1779. 
Su-an'(dae..  of  J.;.->e]d:  and  Sa:ah  Walker)  Elliot,  b.  July  24,  1751.  She  m.  (1)  Rev. 
Eliphaht  Huntington,  AjMil  24,  1766,  (he  was  the  predecessor  of  Mr.  Mansfiidd  in  the 
].aslorate.  and  successor  of  his  "wf.'s  gr.  f.  Rev.  Dr.  Jared  Elliot),  who  d.  <d'  smnll-pox 
Feli,  >,  ]-;77._Mrs.  Mansfield,  a  dc"-c.  of  Rev.  John  FHiot,  "  A])ostle  to  the  Indians." 

I,  Flizabetli,  d.  A'Til  20,  IS'iH:  m.  Ma.y  6,  1^07,  Au-tin  .Mcott,  a  phy-^,  of  K.  1, 
■  El  r/..\.  m.  William' C.  Wilcox,  a  merch.  of  X.  Y.  C. ;  rem.  to  I'hila.  an  1  has  a  large 
;  fam. 

li,      Nathan,    b.    Aug.    6,    17s!!;   '\'.  C.    1803;  .-,tud.    nied.;  d,    at,    K,    .\prU   6,    i8L->; 


III  Su^au  Elliot  b  Jan.  -27,  ITUl ;  lu-r  childhood  iiuiikcd  by  sensibility,  soljrioty 
smd  tundoriH-s^  of  con'sripncc.  Uw  constitution  being  delicate,  she  ^va,s  educated  m.jstly 
at  home  and  allowed  lo  follow  h.T  natural  inclination  for  reading  and  hterary  exercises. 
She  united  with  llie  chh.  in  K.  at  the  age  of  IT,  and  about  the  same  tim-  began  keeping 
■>  i.rivate  j(uirnal  wliicli  she  continued  through  her  life,  but  destroyed  a  s}u)rt  time 
before  d  Of  her  numerous  other  writings,  there  only  remain  some  letters,  Th:  Story 
of  Littli  J '"■>/ --^i^^^ '^  ^^'^'^-  l>it-<-'">^  "f  ]>"<■<'■>■  t?lH'm.  May  18.  kSOO,  Ibv.  Jo.shua,  s.  of 
<Jen  .ledediah  Huntinuton  of  New  Loiuhm,  Conn.,  b.  Jan.  HI.  ITHH:  \,  ('.  ]W)4:  junioi 
T.astor  of  the  "Old  South  Church"  from  ISOS  to  isll),  15....iun,  .Ma^s.,  to  whuh  place  slu- 
rem  Her  life  liere  was  one  of  earnest,  self-denying  ].iety.  A  working  an.l  .-ubsr-nbmg 
memlier  of  nn  less  than  eleven  religious  and   benevolent  socn-ties  of   ]>o^lon.      She  d.  of 

<-ons..,  Dec.  4.  b<2:h 

'■  Her  end  was  full  of  peace, 

FiltinR  a  life  of  pioty,  serene  ;        ,        ,  ^  .  . 

'Twas  rather  the  deep,  Immble  cahn  of  lanti  .    .  • 

Than  her  high  trui-nph  :  Jrnd  resembled  more. 

The  unnoticed  Silling;  of  a  clear  day's  sun 

Than  his  admired  departure  in  a  blaze 

Of  glory  bursting  from  a  clouded  course.  ' 

Tle>- memoirs  were  written  (and  pub.  bS29)  by  li^v.  Pr.  15.  B.  Wisn.T.  pa.stor  of  tlu> 
Olfi  South  chh  Bo.'ittni,  an  abridgment  of  which  may  be  seen  in  Jfrnmir..  „f  Kinxnenily 
p:\rl  Wnmin  bv  David  Frami-  Ha. •on  (].ub.  ls:>5).  whuh  also  c, mains  her  portrait,  in 
«  crroup  of  live  engraved  on  steel  bv  Daggett  and  Kly.  The  group  consi.^^ts  of  ^arah 
(Pien.oiit)  Edwards  Isabella  (Jraham,  Mi>.  Ana  E.  .lu.lson  and  Mis.  ILinnah  Adams. 
The  Hev  Joslma  nuntingt..n  d.  at  (iroton.  Mass.,  S,  ]>t.  11,  ISHJ,  returubi-  from  a  jour- 
nev  for  his  health:  bu.  in  F.o.^tou,  funeral  sermon  in  Ubl  So.  chh.  by  Kev.  Sereno 
Ed'wards  Dwh^ht  fNj  then  j.astor  (d'  the  I'ark  street  chh..  to  an  immense  concouim- ot 
frier.l-^  'cl-r-rv^of  Ho.ston  etc;  servh-e  verv  solemn  inid  affecting.  He  wrote  the  life  of 
\bi^ail' Waters  puh.  JSIT."  1,  S(.n.  at  Andover.  l^Ca,  2,  Ei,i/.-U5KTir.  of  whom  her 
motljer  wri'es  Eel.  (',  ISIT.  ••  I  never  felt  as  if  1  had  more  cause  for  gratitude  tlian 
now  evcrv  trial  is  so  mercifullv  temi^red.  i  enjoy  tlie  exhibitions  of  reason  in  my 
other  chihiren  a  thousand  limes-imue  on  account  of  dear  Klizabeth's  situation.  God  is 
verv  gracious  to  me,  even  in  resj.ect  to  her.  She  x cms  n.  sutler  but  little,  and  is  a 
.jweet'"  quiet  child.  -■■  *  *  I  ^hall  begin  on  the  sixth  ot  nexi  month,  which  is  her 
hirth-dav,  to  observe  a  (juarteriv  tast  oil  her  accomU.-  She  d.  in  Aug.  or  Sept.,  IS'^l . 
;i  JusiirA,  b.  Nov.,  1819:  d.  Aug..  IS-Jl. 
4119CS.    Sii.sani3a  Mansfield,  b.  S.^pt.  2;!.  iTr.r,:  d.  .\ug. ;.>,  l8-?4:  will  dated  Oct. 

■-iO  l^'':-'>  leaves  all  her  }>roi'erlvto  daus.  Susan.  Mary  and  t  ran.-es.  David  i>:igi:ett, 
execr  '  Simeon  Baldwin  and  Elisha  Munson.  divider^;  m.  Cajit.  Major  Eines.  b.  Oct.  14, 
1747-  'd  March  2  1^14.  He  was  4*1  vears  a  conunandei-  in  the  merchant  service,  in 
which  he  imide  iTl  voyages,  lli^  will,  dated  Feb.  ir,,  isi  f.  names  wf.  Su?anna  execx.. 
•      Wealthy  Ann  Daut^ett,"   \\  in.   Eelliligwell  and  Elea/.er  j'osicr,  wil. 

I  '    Stephen'  Lines,  b.  .Ian.  :'>i,  1717;  in,  Elizabeth  Courley. 
II       Charles  Burrill  Lines,  b    .hily  29.  1779. 

III  William  Eines,  b.  March  18,  1781;  m.  IStK").  Elizabeth    Osborn. 

IV  Elizabetli  Eine^.  h.  .lulv  .">,  17^^o;  m.  1810.  John  Chalferton. 
v"     Sixanna  Lines,  b.  Mav:jl,  ITS.k  d.  .Tan.  21,  1871,  a.  8U:  unni, 

Vl'  Marv  Eines  b.  Marcli  81,  17SS;  d.  Dec.  27.  18.VI,  a.  M:  m.  May  (i.  1840,  Hon. 
Invid  Da^r.-vt't  (his -2(1  wf.h  his  Ist  wa^  NN'.althv  Ann.  dau.  of  Eneas  Munson,  wlm  d. 
1839-  b  Atfleboro,  Mass.,  ]>ec.  1.  1701:  d.  Ai)iil  12,  18T.1:  1.  C.  178;E  Rep.  Conn.  Leg. 
179E  E  S  Senator  from  Conn.  181:3,  1819:  instrurtiu-  in  "\  .  Law  School  182E  Kent. 
Prof    IS'^IJ-    same   vr.  .ludge  of  ;^perior  C(mrt  and    EL.  D.  from  \.  C. :    Chief  JusEice 

■  '■     '    i  Supn>iiu"('ourt  of 'Conn., '18:12:  retired  by  limitathui  of  Kg,'.  1S:5L       A  sketch  of  his  life 

■  '  i.nd  character  bv  Rev.  Dr.  Dutton  pub.  18ol. 

'■         VII  Lines,  b.  Mav  21,  1790;  d.  Feb.  8,  iSfiD,  a.  lU;  unm. 

Vlll        M.-ijor    Liiie>    h.    .hilvU.  17'.)2:   d.    .Ian.    1<I,   1870,  in  I'hibi^  m.  .Inly  11.   ISb-l. 
■...Martha  Tiuesdel.      1.   TiiKdDoiu-:    b.  Sept.  D',,  IsM;  in  i-rosperous  l.ns.  m  Fhila. 
i  411961.     Stephen  Linos,  b.    Em.    :U,    1777;   d.    ])<■.-.    2.").    I^Ei;    m.    .luly.    17!)f!, 

i  KHzabeih  (iouriey,  b.  Jan.  22,  1780:  <1.  Aug.  28.  IS),. 

!  I.      Sallv  0'I)urlev. 

II  Fli/abeth  Sloan,  b.   Feb.  on,  n!>9;  m.   lleuiy  Cannon, 

i  Ili.      Maria    Sarah,  b.   Feb.    IH.  Isil;   d..  .v.  /. ,    Jan.  20.  18.i0:    m.    Nov.    (I,  ISO.",,  Kev. 

Wm    Chapman,  who  d.  Dee.  '24,  T~^2-'),  a.  27. 
■       IV       Julia  Ann,  b.  July  II,  l^n:"':  ni.  Join;  Hutchms. 

V       Frances   Amelia    b.  Dec.  10,  1805;  i.i.  i'"eb,  Hi),  1828,  Lnbau  Smith  Beecher  1 1"!). 


208  ]5UANcn  or  j  ox  a  than, 

VI.      Susniina  Mansflold,  b.  Mfticli  10,  ItOS;  d.  Miiy  2fi,  183S;  m.  Jan.  1$,  183'!,  Bf-n- 
I  jaiahi  lliiglisli,  whod.  Au-;.  27,  IS'd'J. 

I  4119612.    Elizabeth  Sloan  Lines,  h.  V,'h.  2(3,  1790;  d.  F.-!..  s,  18(;-3;  ,„.  .luiv 

1  1-1,   IS','2,  llt')iiy  Caiuioii,  b.  .liily   S,    17U7;   d.    AjTil    ],18:i0;  bro.    ol'    L>'i.'nuid;   r.'iii.    Uy 

I  UirhiiKisid,  Va.    He  was  a  oreut  reader,  and  ruuiu-d  his  sons  after  lavorite  a(itlu)r«i. 
!  I.      i;inily  Aug-iista  ("aiuion,  b.  May  17.  1820;  d.  Aii>r.   ;]]  _  1S24. 

j  II.     Edward  Yoiiag  Cannon,  b.  Nov.  24,  1824.      In  his  yomli  known  to  the  cciiujnlor 

1^  as  n  fellow  member  of  a  debating  sorieTy  in  X.  llav. :  lie  was  even   then  remarkabb?  for 

1  «;xlensive  and  solid   infonuation,  and   elegant   and  fluent   dirtion.     l'i'<)wn    rniv.  184."); 
lawyer  in  llichmnnd,    Va. ;  ui.    Junt-  29,   18j4,    Mary   (ieorgiaiui'  Siaith.      1,   (fr:o.  Han- 

t  Doi.Vu,  Nov.  9,  18,-)r,.     3,   Hknkv  .Manskikt.k,  MarHi  1,  1S;,5T.     ;!,   \\'.m.  r)K.A.N,   Feb.  21, 

i  lHr)S.     4,   FLr/.\r,KT!T  Sioan.  Jan.  7.  ISGl;  d.  Julv  15,  lyc.l,     ."),   M.\kv  1>kan.  Ort.  2:1. 

I  18C.4. 

i  ill.      (uu-land  II.  Cannon,  b.  May  11,  182(1;  d.  May  8,  1832. 

I  IV.     AleNi'.nder  (.'.  Cannon.  <L  Apiil  24,  1828.        "  ■  . 

{  V.     P.ichard  Watson  Cannon,  d.  Aug.  15,  18o0. 

j  VI.      Henry  (libbon  Cannon,  b.   Nov.   18,   1830:  lawyer  in  Kii-hniond,   A'a. ;  ra.  Nov. 

I  17.  IsiiO,  Margaret  E.  Blair,  b.  Jan.    18.   184(i.      1.   Ei.i/.u;ktu   Links,  Jan.    5,   1871.     2. 

i  Thomas   Klaik,    Jan.  28,   1872.     3,  James  Eumi'nj)S().\,   Aug.    11,    1873.      4,  (jiubon 

1  IlKNTiY,  Feb.  24,   1875;  d.   A})ril   9,   187(i.     5,    AKTurx;   Midui.f.ton,   Jan.   5,  1877.     fi. 

■  Maiwaui't  Antoinette,  July  3,  1878. 
I  \'1I.      (Jeorge  IJandolpli  Cannon,  d.   Dee.  9,  1853. 

VI 11.     Frederiek  Middletou  Canniin,  unm. 
IX.      Louisa  Chatterton  Cannon,  d.  June  25,  li^3S. 

4119614.  Julia  Ann  I,ine.S,  b.  July  11.  1803:  d.  in  N.  Y.  C.  Nnv.  4,  1837; 
buried  (iTove  St.  cemeiery,  N.  llav..  Conn.;  m.  Aue:.  14,  1825,  John  Hutching,  who  d. 
.May,   1803. 

I.'     Angu.'<tiis  Hutchins,  li.  July  8,    lS2f3;   f(jr  s'-vernl  years  secretary  of   BooTiton. 
N.  ■!.,  Iron  Work's,  and  d.  there  of  runsumption.  Feb.  23,  1854;  unm. 

II.     Charles  Ilutchijis,  b.  June  2(3,  172S.     On  the  7th  of  Feb.,  IsJO,  started  for  th.^ 
I'acitic  Coast,  and  now,  1879,  living  in  San  Franciseo;  m.  18G'3. 

111.-    Albert  Hutchins,  b.  Aug.  23,  1830;  aeeideatly  killed  v>hile  in  eharge  of  a  bhu-k 
domestic,  Julv  9,  1831. 

IV.     Albert  Ilutehir.s.  b.  Oct.  17.  1832;  d.  Aug.  31,  1833. 

V.  Alexander  llutehius.  b.  Jan.  22,  1835;  grad.  Wvus.  Col.  as  valedictorian  1857; 
stud.  nied.  in  Bo-;ton  and  N.  Y.:  M.  I),  from  N.  Y.  Med.  Co!.,  18(i0,  ami  at  the  ^aTne 
time  reeeived'  the  jirize  in  the  ilejiartment  of  'roxici)logiefll  Chemistiy.  WhiU' 
in  N.  Y.  Med.  Col.  was  As^ist.  Ed.  of  the  J,i>/r/>a^  of  McUrht  Mit/ira  o'f  N.  Y.  C-. 
On  day  aftiM-  grad.  frojuMtd.  C'd.  in  March,  18t;(),  ap])!.  surgeon  of  the  "  Star  of  the 
West,"  of  the  New  York,  N.  0.  lV  Havana  Steamship  lini'.  whii-h  he  resigned  after  four 
months  .serv.  to  accept  the  ap])t.  of  House  Surgeon  b;  Black  well's  Island  Hospitals,  in 
which  position  he  remained  a  year.  In  July,  18(31,  after  jjassijig  the  reg^ular  examiica- 
tions  befcjre  the  naval  board,  was  commissioned  c>s  surgeon  in  the  I'.  S.  N.,  and  served 
successively  at  the  Brooklyn  Naval  Hos. ,  the  V.  S.  shij)  Wyandotte,  and  then  ordered 
to  t!ie  ['.  S.  steamer,  Harriet  Lane,  flagship  of  the  Potonnu;  Flotilla,  where  he  remained 
till  Feb..  18<i2.  After  a  short  leave  of  absence,  joined  the  U.  S.  Steamer  •' Massachu- 
Mils,'  supply  ^hii)  of  the  Atlantic  Squadron,  as  well  as  in  charge  of  the  sick  in  transit  t'> 
nnrtlieia  lidsjillals  till  July,  lS(i3,  when  ill  health  from  hard  si-rvice  compelled  his  resig- 
mitidu.  In  Sij)t.,  18(33,  began  private  practice  in  Brooklyn  at  70(3  DeKalb  hv..  where  he 
Mill  resides,  lie  has  served  three  terms  as  Pres.  of  the  .^ted.  Soc.  of  Kings  Co. ;  is  u 
pei!nan(  at  member  of  the  x\ied.  Soc.  of  the  State  ot  N.  \  .;  visitintr  ]>hysician  t'>  tl"' 
iUiioklyn  City  Hos.;  a  dele^rate  to  vaiious  med.  societies:  a  contributor  from  its  origin  li> 
ihe  ■■  Proceedings  of  the  Med.  Soc.  of  tlie  Co.  of  Kings."  His  jiriuclpal  contributions  to 
lued.  literature  are  monographs  on  "  Afocynum."  "  Jaborandi,"  "  Nitrate  of  Amyl,"  and 
an  ;-.ii\  on  "  School  Hygiene  with  ref(>rence  to  the  Physiological  relations  of  agi'  aial 
-e\  to  Mental  and  Phys'ieal  Education."  to  which  essav  tin-  State  of  N.  Y.  award,  d  tin- 
ptl/e  ;.,r  Is;,-,.  lie  ,,i.  Hec.  1(1.  lSt33,  Mary  V.  Pel  ton' of  Puughkeep'si.-,  N.  Y.;  b.  Ih-^-. 
25  Is:;,;.  .,  iiie.^.  of  ijov.  Samuel  .1.  'liMen.  1,  I:i,i7,.«.t,ktii  Br.iym:!:,  b,  <tct.  ICi,  1^(!4. 
2,  .M.uou.N  KAtr:,  Aug.  25.  18iif>.  3,  (sEH'I'KUI.k.  1).  .lune  5,  ISiiS.  4,  Jannii.  Moi;i;<)\n 
1>  .\ii!il  7.  1.^70;  (I.  April  1(>.  1S79.  5,  CiiAiti.Es  I'r.i.ToN.  Sept.  10.  1^;2.  '",,  (.'oki.dn 
LlM.-^.  July  7,  187r).     7,  Oi:o.  Pi.i.TOK.  Nov.  7.  b'^77. 

LIXE3,    MANSFIELD.  209 

411962.     Charles  Burrill  Lines,  b.  .)uly  29,   ITTlt;  d.  April,   1S42;  m.  dau.  of 
Sti'plicn  J'-ishop  [;!J. 

I.  riiiirlva  BiuTill,  1).  X.  ][uv..  Marcli  12.  ISOT:  liis  f.  did  not  inherit  the  nioney- 
mukinir  capycitics  of  liis  rare,  and  liis  lot  in  life  was  humble  and  laborious.  Witli  liis 
father  he  learned  tn  pither  and  sell  elnnis  to  helji  out  a  inra^rc  supjiort.  From  the  a.  of 
lij  he  was  coniiielled  to  caie  for  himself.  He  went  to  sea  awhile.  i)nt  afterward  loai-ne'd 
the  trade ^if  cjiliiiiet  making.  When  he  de.sired  to  marry,  lie  went  to  Judge  Daggett, 
who  set  him  up  in  buhiness.  He  seems  1o  li.ive  done  undertaking  to  some  extent,  tor  lie 
put  Noah  \Vei)Ster  into  his  c<il!i)!;  and  .lohn  Trumbull,  aid   f)f   ^^'ashington,  into  his. 

He  was  alwavs  an  urgent  reformer,  and  ready  with  Nuii-e  and  pi'u  to  hfdji  on  i-veiy 
good  work.  Ardent  in  the  ttnujieranee  movrnn-nt;  then,  in  lS.-)4,  lie  '^nterf'd  with  his 
u.sual  belligerant  energy  into  the  Kansas  Anti-slavery  \^  :ir.  In  ISoti  he  conrludi'd  to 
fon3i  a  company  to  colonize  in  Kansas,  and  in  further;tnec  of  tbat  enter{)rise  the-  cele- 
brated meeting  in  tlie  Xorth  chh.  in  N.  Hav.  was  held,  at  which  a  tjuantity  of  "  Sharpe's 
rities"  and  a  sum  of  money  were  subscri lied  to  arm  and  eipiip  tlie  emigrants.  He  left 
Kew  Haven  the  same  year  and  settled  n\  ith  his  colony  at  \\'abauns(e,  now  a  ■  flourishing 
agricultural  community;  and  Kansas,  the  dark  and  bloody  ground  where  the  battle  of 
freedom  was  fouglit  and  won,  is  now  a  great  state  <if  a  million  of  inhabitairts,  inore  or 
less,  lu  lyTl  he  was  appointed  pension  ag-ent  for  Kan.  Hem.  in  X.  Hav.  Jan.  18,  1829, 
Maria  A\'oodin,  b.  Biistol,  Ci;nn.,  Jan.  7,  180^';  golden  wedding  celebrated  at  Wabaunsee, 
187i).  'i'hey  have  had  t)  chil.,  4  girls  and  .">  boy's.  20  gr.  chil..  and  1  gt.  gr.  ch.  Thirty- 
two  of  his  relatives  are  settled  around  liim  at  W.,  of  whom  28  wen-  present  at  the 

II.     <ir:'.ce  ,\.,  m.  Francis  A.  Collins. 

4119G3.     William  Lines^  b.  March  18,  1781;  d.  in  Savannah,  (ia..  Oct.  10,  1822, 
sen  captain;  m.  18'.).j,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  ('apt.  Edward  Osborn. 

1.      Edward,  b.  l8UU;  m.  and  had  chil.;  res.  Chatham  Four  Com'^rs,  X.  Y. 

II.      ATnelia.  b.  1808;  d.  abt.  ISGl ;  m.  Smith,  a  purser  in  U.  S.  X'. 

IH.      W»n.  Fred.,  b.  1810:  m.  and  had  cliil.;  res.  Xewark,  X.  J. 

411964..     Elizabeth  Lines,  h.  Juh-.j,  17^8;  d.  March  20,  1852;  m.  1810  John,  s. 
of  Samuel  and  lUioda  (H.ill)  Chatte'rton,  b.  Xov.  10,  1781;  d.  Sept.  8,  1834;  10  chil. 
1.     John  Henrv  Chatterton,  b    Feb.  2,  1811;  d.  Jan.  b"),  184(5. 
II.     Elizabetli  Chatterton.  b.  Aug.  19,  1812;  d.  Feb.  7,  1828. 

III.  Samuel  Chatterton,  b.  Jan.  5,  d.  Oct.  10,  ISIG. 

IV.  Thomas  Chatterton,  b.  Aug.  16,  181  >^;  rem.  to  X'.  Y.  city  wlierc  he  has  for 
many  years  done  a  large  and  prosperous  liusiness  as  a  manufacturer  and  v.lKjlesale  dealer 
in  clothing;  house  of  Thomas  Chatterton  w^'  Co.,  265  and  267  Canal  st. ,  near  Broadway. 
He  has  many  interesting  heirlooms  and  family  relics:  and  has  also  made  considerable  . 
collections  (;f  local  history,  biography,  anecdote  and  genealogy  relating  to  his  native 
city  and  its  pcojne.  He  has  traced,  mainly  from,  original  records,  several  of  his  ancestral 
lines,  and  has  obtained  much  information  of  his  collateral  kindred  of  various  names. 
For  the  privilege  of  exainininc:  these  paners  the  thanks  of  th.e  compiler  are  due.  He  m. 
Aug.  27,  1844;  Adeline  Marble  Bishop'-[:Jl.  -  1,  Lons v  Brsiror.  b.  July  19.  184.-,;  m. 
Wm.  McAljiine  Wiswall;  4  chil.  2.  Emii.v  Adeline,  b.  Jan.  1,  1852;  m.  John  F.; 
2  chil. 

Y.  Louisa  August  us  Chatterton,  b.  Aug.  27,  1820;  d.  A])ril  19,  1S4G;  m.  Jeremiah 
A.  Bishop  [8], 

VI.     Edwin  Starr  Chattertiui,  b.  April  8,  1822;  d.  Jan.  5,  1828. 
YII.      Susan  Lines  Chatterton,  b.  Dec.  1.5,  1828;  d.  May  5,  1825. 
VIll.     Francis  Chatterton,  b.  June  5,  1825:  m.Mav,  1849,  Josephine  Riker;  8  (  hil. 
IX.      Alfred  Clark  Chatterton,  b.  <Jct.  14,  1820. 

41197.     Glover  Manslield,  b.    Dec.  20,  I7ti7;   d.    0<-t.    29,  1849,  a.   82;   m.  .Mary 

j  Aikins,  b.  1775;  d.  Xow  18,  18.>"<,  a.  88.     He  left  8  acres  in  tlie  X.  E.  part  of   the  city  of 

i  X'.  Hav..  which  \Nas  a  part  of  the  original  purchase  from  the  Indiaiisand  remained  in  the 

!  Manslield  family  till  }.art  of  it  was  iuiught  by  A.  X.  Skmccr  and  .loseph  SIi."tti(  Id,  Esq. 

I  "^riie   house   in    which    iie  lived   was    built  for  his   father,  Xathan    M.,  by  Dea.  .idnathau 

j  Manslield,  al)oul   174!';   it  wa.'3  on  Prosp.'ct  st.  and  ^\as  jiulied  down  in  1S71. 

1  1.      (iiles,    b.    Jan.    15,    17. »8:   d.    July    15.  1875,    a.    S2.      "lie    was  active  and   >uc- 

!  cessful   ill    business,  an   earnest   reader,  a   ]iungent  wriier  :ind   a'l  honest   m;in."      He  m. 

I  H.-irrie!    Sianiev,  b.   ;7'h;;    d.  .\ug.    X;S,  I82.~;     (2)  llarri(  t    Stanley,  a  Cdusln  of    his   first 

I  wife,    b.  1792;'d.    Ort.  '.»,  I'r^lS;     CV)   I'li/.abeth    Deniing,    b.    ls!4:    d.  Sei>r.  28.  1854.      1. 

I  Mahv  Ann,  b.   1.S17;  d.  in   Muscogee,  (ia.,  .\i)ril,  1840;      2,    (ii^ioin;!-:  S. ,  b.  IMb;   d.  (Jet. 

1  14 

ij^^^,  _  BKAXCJf    OF    JUXATIIAX. 

7.  1 
r.ianv  vrs.  t rea.'-- u it- 

[  1^    isn<»-  unia      8     John  W.,  b.  18..>U;   twk-o  elected  tore]).  New  Hav.  in  Conn.  Leg.; 

I  rv.nv  vrs    trea-uie r  of   tlie  Conn.  Saving.^   Bank,  wl.lcb    liad  in   1H79   four  miUions  in 

d eoo-^ils-'  was  offered  tlie  presidency  of  the  N.  II.  Bank,  but  to  remain  ^ec.  and 
Tr  s  of  the  Com.  Suv.  Bank,  the  latter  otlice  he  held  for  nearly  30  yr.s.  with  great, 
.,    .-n,„nre      He  d'  \iu-    ■'>.  1>^T!<;   inv.    soso,000:   ni.  Mary  Macomber  and  had  2  chil .. 

I  d:.St  ^s  "    4    KMnA^ll,   b.   Oct.  S,  1821;  m.  Timothy   Dwight;  s   r.     5.  IUkkikt.  ]>. 

lS--d    March  5.  18^-2.  a.  5  vrs.     fi.  TuF.ODOm:,  res.  in  Boston;  r.  by  3d  m.:    ,.   Hknky, 

IH'^T-   d    March  ..<    iNi"^,  a.  0  vrs.     n,    i  ui'.'>uujii-.,  n^,.  m  i/v..^i^.i. ,  <.  ...t 
m    Tulia  StaconiluT;  has  a  dan.  and  a  son.     2.  by  'M  m. :     8,  JosKPli. 
'  "  it       Nathan    b.  June  9,  1790;  d.  May,  1SG9;  Oxford.  Conn. 
Ill'      Fli    b    i)ec.  U5,  1790;  d.  Dec.  33,  iSil;  Sparta,  Ga. 
IV'     Mai-v    b   June  11.  1799;  d.  1836;  "'a  long  sickness." 
V'     fJliaV  b.  Jan  31,  1801;  d.  Sept.  30.   1801. 
Vl'      Uarri'et,  Dec.  5.  1S03;  d.  Aug.  9,  1803.   , 
VH'     Andrew,  b.  June  0,  1804:  d.  in  Ohio  1849. 
A'lU       Car-dine    b.  Aug.  4,  1800:  d.  July  0,  1880. 
TV       Horace    I'l    June  IG    I^^OS;  a  successful  book  publisher;  New  llav.;  ni.  Sept.  10 
1S;;;3    Marv  Jane   Dimock.  whn  d.  Aug.    30,   1845,  a.  34;     (3)  June  34     1^40,    FJizabetl 

iwl  r  J^MVs  D.,  b.  Aug.  33,  1834;  d.  Oct.  13,  18o7  (in  St.  Cloud,  Minnesota)  2. 
K.  ,  vv  J  '  h  Juiv  4  1S30;  m.  Wallace  B.  Fenn,  April  14.  18:)0.  3.  Maky  A.,  b.  Sept. 
17  V4>'m  "f  W  Wilkinson.  Nov.  5,  1SG3:  d.  July  24.  1879.  4.  KdwakT)  (I.,  b.  April 
19'  ]SV''  m    EuPua  Smith  of  West    Hav.,  Conu..  F.b.  3s,  1^74.    o.   S.MiAti  ^^  ..  b.  Mar 

•>1    1844'       ■  bV  3d  m.:  .  0,   EMZAiwrnt  Ikkna.  b.  March  15,  1847;  d.  Sept.  23    1849  . 

jFVMF/LortsA.  b.  Feb.  18,  1853;  m.  John  D.  Bulkley,  A,.ril  3  18.4.  who  d.  April  3 
1877-  m  (2)  Charles  M.  Brocksiaper,  April  1.  1885.  8.  Ckukok  B.,  b.  Jan.  lo.  1^«.)4.  9. 
IJouVc^'j^h.  April  23,  1850.  10.  hofis  D..  b.  March  33.  1S58;  d.  Aug.  10,  l8o8.  11. 
Rkhaki>.  b.  15  b.  19,   180S. 

X.      William  A.,  b.  Se])t.  37.  1810. 
XI.      Eli/.aV)eth.  March  37,  1814:  in.  Neu-e!l  C.  Hall,  nu-rcht. ;  N.  llav.  J)cr.  vj  (Aocn , 

411.10.  Jonathau  Dayton,  b.  Jau.  31,  173G;  r«^s.  in  No.  Hay.  In  1754.  conv^ 
Hcre.s  on  the  Blur  Hills  to  Abel  Tuttle.  In  1755  conv.  land  boun.led  by  land  of  Darnel 
iv-olittle  f5.nstant  Kirtland  and  Daniel  Ciark.  lb-  was  a  Capt.  in  Kev.  armv,  ano  had 
fizrof  hissnusunderhim.a  fact  which  gave  the  mone  of  '"^^^  ^^^'^ ^%.  '^:^ 
co..imand  He  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  active  in  to%vii  affairs;  d.  July  3i,  .804; 
Avi'l!  i.rov'  sm.  vr. ;  Oliver  Blake..lee.  Joshua  Tuitle  and  Cynthia  1  uttle  wit.;  nm..  10 
chil  '  Be7ale-el,  exr. ;  m.  Mav  IG.  1751,  Mary  Yale,  b.  Dec.  13,  1739:  d.  abi.  l,^i:  (3) 
Bed.-  (Cooper)  Andrews  (wid.  of  Sauinel).  who  d.  March  3,  1833,  a.  Go. 

1  Thankful,  b.  Dec.  6.  1753;  m.  Dec.  0,  1775,  Cooper  of  No.  Haven.  . 
PviY  b  N..V  -M  1770.  3,  David,  No%  .  13.  1778:  ni.  Barne.-.  1,  J-J'^d-> 
-Lncrdlo  b.' April  \..  i838;  m.  in  Fair  Haven,  by  .Kev.  B.  Hart,  April  33.  185G,  Henry  1. 
Il"  c  of  \lbert  J.  Thompson  of  E.  Hav.,  b.  July  5,  1833;  enlisted  as  musician,  Aug.  9, 
l^i'^"  "in  Co  B  15th  reot.  Coun.  Vol..  Inf.;  .served  3  yrs.  10  mos. ;  hon...dis.  at  Newborn, 
N  (■  June  35'  1805.  1.  Heiirv  Ellsworth,  b.  July  4.  180fi.  3,  Jnred,  m.  m  No.  Hav 
Nov  •Mi  1S5G  Harriet  S.,  dau.  of  Ca^it.  Cln-ster  and  Esther  Mausheld  ot  New  llav.  1. 
Carrie  L  b;  March  9.  1859.  3,  Hattie  E..  Sept.  35,  1801;  d.  1804.  -Z;  y/arc^j/.  enl,ste<I 
iu  15ih  Be-t.  Conn.  Vols.,  Co.  K.  3,  Sakah,  b.  Feb.  20.  1781;  m.  Beuajah  Bishop.  4, 
Zt:u.  lAii.  b.  Jan.  30.  1783.     5,  Lfvi.  Jan.  30.  178^.     0,   Nancy,  m. Hoadley  of  .N . 

"'''11  Jonathan  b  .March  10,  1750;  m.  Sal-a  Brooks  of  Cheshire,  Conn. ,  who  d^  abt. 
1S59.      I.-Eno-   BiiooKs.   m.    I.ucietia   Todd.      3.    Lois,    m.    Alfred    Doolittle.      1,    l."'l/- 

3.    O.-nriu.      '■).    .h'liHthin'i.  ..,,,•  t    ,        1 

HI  Nathanb-l  m.  Mabel,  sis.  of  Eli:-,abetli.  wifr  of  (ule.s  Burpont,  1st.  !. 
.'rin.  m.  Enu'iia  Birnes.  Amelia  Daytou  d.  in  N,..  Ih.vcn,  May,  18.9,a  89.V;  b.  aOt.»  2  Jo-^nrv  ni  Julia  Bedtield.  3,  Sakah,  m.  James  Thompson.  4,  lArn.^o. 
\pril  :',  17S4-  m  June  S  18J0,  Solomon  Tuttle.  5,  i'l KiiroxT,  b.  179o;  mtw  (,18-4- 
living  on  the  Pirrpout  phu  <■  in  No.  Haven;  a.  S3.  He  nn  as  brought  up  m  the  ''•"''''V  "' 
«;;i,-^  Bicrpcmt.  0,  IIahkikt,  now  tis79)  living,  a  wid.,  in  New  Haven;  m.  WiH''^ 
'I'ab.iuit'X'.      7,   Mai!KI,.  d.  v. 

IV.  Cnrnelms  b.  Fe!;.35.  1703:  d.  1S39:  m.  Mary  La.du-!or.  1.  StsvN.  _3.  Lyi.^. 
ct     I'di.i.v      4,  SvK\ii.     5,    Lkwis.   m.    >laria    Mumsou   and  had  1  sun.     '>.    .Mai;\  A^^. 

'.u.  .b.bnis.  of  Jnlmaud Muns,.ni  SutlitT.    b.    1^03:  (3)  Rebecca   ^nles  -d  <  heslure. 

7.  Ji(u:mi\u.     S,  CuKMcr.tus. 

V.     M:uv,  b.  Scot.  4.  1705:  m.  Ciles  Beach. 


V].  Bezalfcl,  h.  Marcli  15,  ITf.S;  d.  Soi-t.  20,  1S50,  a.  82;  m.  1797,  Sophia  Jolmson, 
b.  in  Wall'd;  dan.  of  Kntli  MtMriman.  She  d.  Aug.  .27,  1827.  a.  oS.  1,  Joxatiian 
TlEZKKiAH,  in.  May  !»,  18:^,U,  Polly  '['(kUI,  a  gr.  daii.  of  C'apt  Gideon  T.  ip'A'<t):  .slie  d. 
i*<(;pt.  2-^,  ls7ii.  2,  Samaxtha.  o,  Ukama,  ni.  Lyinau  Siuitli.  4,  Tk.vkna.-  5,  Emii.y. 
VI!.  Sarali.  1).  March  19.  1773;  ni.  Joel  Thori.  of  No.  llav  ■  rem  to  Ohio  i  br 
2d  m. :  '     ^ 

VJIl.      Miii;uii,  h.  1785;  d.  IWii:  ni.  lSO-2,  l.yniaii  'J'uttle. 

IX.  Kedotlia,  living  in  1882  in  No.  Hav.,  still  hright  and  full  of  infonnation 
though  )iast  90;  b.  May  IS,  1786:  la.  Sept.  llj.  I,s21.  Jedediali  Button.  L.  Fell.,  1704;  d. 
Man-h.2G,  ls;^4.  1,  l^AinKNNA  S.,  b.  .hin.e  29.  l.s.22;  d.  Jan.  20,  187:^;  rsj.  March  22, 
1838,  \Vm.  Jacobs,  wlio  d.  May  18,  1874.  2,  Em(.k:vne  A.,  b.  S<  pt.  24,  1823;  d.  Aug.  l] 
1825.  3,  ENfocYNK  A,,  b.  March  4,  1829:  d.  .Vjiril  2fi,  183]. 
X.      Darling.      1  suii  and  3  daus. 

411.10.5.     Mary  Dayton,   b    Sept.  4,  1705;  d.   March   19,  1829;  ni.    May  3,  1789. 
•<Jiles.  s.  of  Rev.  lic-njaniin  Hearh,  b.  Jan.    13.  1765;  d.  June  22,  1847,  a.  82.     Hem.   (2) 

Jlfinnah.  .Jeanneiti-  Siilson,  wlu)  d.  May  29.  1875,  a.   Sn. 

I.      Bede  l^earh.  b.  A].ril  1,  179(i:  no\\:  in  her  90tli  year  (1879),  bright  and  active; 
m.  Saniuel  Hemingway  of  ]■"..  llav. 

11.      A:i<-y  lv'a(h."l>.  Miircl:  5.  179.2;  cl.  Oct.  1  1794. 

HI.  JMs.-])h  PayToii  Bea.-h.  b.  Jan.  S,  1794;  <i.  Occ.  IS.  1^74;  in.  Julia  Curtice  of 
i^liaron.  Conn.,  wlio  d.  Oct.  5.  is73.  Served  in  wur  of  1812  at  (rrnton  and  New  London, 
and  received  two  govenuiient  land  WarraiU.';;.  1,-  Hai.,  b.  and  d.  same  dav.  2,  Citt!- 
TiCK,  d.  a.  I7  yrs.  "A  very  bright  and  lovely  youth."  8,  Fkanki.ix.  4.  Havih,  res.. 
J-itclifieM.  Conn.;  in.      1.    Hdirnril,  in  Andover  Seni.,  Mr.?s. 

IV.      Orni.lia  BcMch.  b.  Oct.  (>,  1795;  d.  same  dny. 

V.  Henjnuiin  Hulibard  Bear-li.  b.  Se]>t.  21.  179(1:  d.  (>ct.  7.  1855;  m.  Xov.  23,1825, 
liannah  Stanuan!  of  New  Marlb')ri>.,  who  d.  F.'b.  ;j.  ISiil:  b.  Feb.  24,1793.  1 
and  2.  Infant  Oais..  twins;  b.  Aug.  27.  182().  3,  Inf.  son,  1).  Nov  27,  182«.  4, 
JoirN  Fr>.^NCJs.  li.  May  "JO.  1831.  5.  In)  .  son.  b.  Sept.  21.  18:^5.  0.  M.^n-^JKAN- 
NETTh,  b.  M;iy  2^.  ]^38;  ui.  Oct.  2.  1.^55,  W'm.  Heurv  Dixon,  b.  .iulv  20.  l.syi;  res.  New,  111.  1,  Ch-ruir,-  Kihj,,,\  Feb.  23,  1858.  2,  J-^raul-  CJl/ord.  July  18.  1859. 
-3,   Slut  roil  Unhlinrd,   June  25.  ISI^'.     4,    /Viy/.  JV/v^e/, ,  June  29,"  lh;f;C. 

VI.     (iiles  Beach,  b.  F<b.  H.  179l";  d.  .March  4.  1799. 
A'll.      Jonalluui  Beacli.  twin  with  (iiles.  1>.  Fel).  11,  1799:   d.   l'>'b    20,  1799 
Vlll.      Mary  Heacli,  Jan.  1.  ISOO;  d.  Aprrl  19,  1809.  '  - 

IX.  .Abraliarn  Beach,  Dec.  24,  1801:  d.  Au?.  23.  1832;  ni.  Hlinda  Dorothv  of  Fair 
Haven.  Conn.,  who  d.  Im-I..  24,  1S77. 

X.  Alley  P.euch.  June  1.  18')5  (my  corres. );  m.  Geo.  Alva  .Miner,  killed  bv  cars  in 
Kewtown,  C(jnn.      1,   d'li.t.s  Ai  \a,  b.    Feb.  12,  1838:  d.  Nov.  2(i.  1807, 

XI.  Sliaron  \a\t-  Hcach.  b.  May  21,  1809;  began  life  as  a  peddler;  for  mauv  vrs.  in 
Tfie  busines.s  of  j.aper  making;  .iust.  of  tlie  P.-ac,-.  At  beginning  of  the  civil  war  he  w;us 
the  first  in  Seymour.  Conn.,  to  off^r  a  bounty,  and  paid  xlO  each  to  27  soldiers  of  the 
20th  Conn,  from  that  place.  Has  lieen  a  mem.  of  tlie  Ba])tist  clih.  for  liftv  vrs.,  and 
wa.s  the  hrst  (lea.  of  that  chh.  at  Ansonia,  Conn.  (See  steel  jiort.  in  7/i":'.-^.  <lf  Der^'tj,  \i. 
533.1  He  ]n.  Oct.  4,  1832,  Ad. -line,  dau.  of  Sperrv  of  Orange.  Conn,  b  Sept'  4 
1812;  d.  Feb.  S,  ls71;  (2)  April  21,  1872,  Julia  \..  Him-  of  Orange  Had  8  chil.  by  l?t 
Til.;  of  whom  5  are  living.  ],  (iKOKGi;  Wei.i.s,  b.  Aug.  18.  1833;  Supt.  Xaug.  K.  K. 
since  iSfi^.  l^ostmaster  at  W'aterbury.  Conn.,  lsO(i-7.  Hep.  Conn.  Lcir.  1870-7 L  Dea. 
of  the  lirst  Bap.  chh.  in  Waterbury:  m.  1855,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Hiram  Upson  of  Sevmour; 
res.  \\\  1.  llnirii  Dajjlo-n,  b,  De"c.  29,  18.58.  -i^.J-Aliaird  AniUmou,  Oct.  10,  1873.  2,' 
ANniiF.w  (Cu>F..  freight  agi.  al  Springfield,  Mass.;  m.  Mary  Woodford  of  S.  1,  Emc- 
lint  }■:.  3,  SiiAi'.ON  D..  has  charge  of  the  ])apei-  milPat  Sevmour;  m.  IClizuIx'tli  Hvder. 
4.   TiiKoDDKK  B..  ticker  agt.  at  XVat-ubury.  Conn.      5,   FMi'r.iNK  17. 

412.     Hezekiah  Dayton,  b.  1710;  lived  at  Setauket,  Long  Island.      In  1732  John 
TuttellofSouthoId,L.  P.decd.-^laniltollezekiah  Da vton;  Benjamin  Wool.sev  and  Benjamin 
Youngs,  witne.^M's.      May  :«),  1737,  He/..  D.  sold  a  tract  in  Brookhaven   lo"  Ilenrv  TuMie, 
who  dcvis.-d  Plic  same  laiul  to  Jlenry  'I'uttle.  jr. 
I.      ^^'illi,•lUl.  b.  about  1734. 
II.      Rebecca,  b.  17:!0 
111.       Ibv.ekiah.  b.    1738. 
IV".      Spencer,  b.  1740.  " 

V.     Marv,  1.;  1743. 
VI.      Ann.  b.  1745. 

212  BKANCir    OF    JOXATIIAX. 

VIl.  Susanna,  li.  1710.  fOni'  of  tlic  dans,  of  lltv.ckiah  m.  David  Robinson  and  lived 
in  t-astern  jiart  ol'  Manor,  L.  1.  Tiiev  liad  a  s.  l>avi(l  wLo  reujovi^l  to  another  |)ait  of  tl'.o 

4124.      Spencer   DaytOD,   1>.  17!!);    m. Brown  of  Oranx'- <'o.,  N.  V.      llfliv-d 

Hlid  (1    at  St.  (ieoi-ce   L.    [..  ISl'J. 

I.      U'liliam,  h.  \H\^:  in.  J\li/.:i!)rili  llrrhert. 

1!.      I'iiebe.  1).  177);  ni.  l.saac  Biuler.  liotel  keeper  and  furiuer;  reis.  Stateu  Island. 
1.  Ann.     2.  'I'ikimas.     y,  M.vRi.v.     -1,  (.'onn.NEY.     .l,  H.vj'.mi.i.     t}.  Kmii  v. 

111.  Ho!>err.  I).  1784;  d.  at  Speoiik,  ],,  [.,  Aiwil  -U.  ISOG;  ni.  Ilaiinali  (dan.  of 
Josiuh,  Esq.)  IMiillips,  b.  at  S.  April  S.  1  7s^ ;  .1.  Feb.  C,  is-j^.  1,  Xoak  Halltck.  '2. 
Okiun.     8,   ('Ei.ixi)A.     4.   Maiuett A  .1  \.M".. 

41241.  William  Dayton,  b.  17()S;  m.  Klizalirth  Herbert,  sis.  of  Col.  Herbert  of 
Now  Jersey;  res.  Middletowii  Point,  ]Moninouth  Co.,  where  bot'i  d.  The  old  faniih 
IVibie,  ](rinle(l  in  Edinburi;li.  of  old  date,  Is  in  this  family. 

I.  Spencer,  b.  March  4,  17Ii.j;    d.    at   .JaniesiH.rt ,  I>.  1  .  July   li.  l^tlS;    was  a   boat, 

builder;  ni.  .       1.  Adki.ia,  in.  Albert  (C  Kandail.       2.  Sauah.  unm..  living  at  Wat- 

tatuck,  1S71.  :;.  llF.JiiiJ.iiT,  b.  Mareli  -,'1,  is^i);  1,1.  .luly  111.  isr.s.  Harriot  K.  Youni,',  b. 
1M;?.3,  at  Stony  Brook.  4.  Joii.x,  d.  y.  o,,  b.  abt.  ISiJiJ:  ui.  ls71,  li.njamin  (i. 
Tnttle  of  Jiiniesport:  seaman;  res.  MauaTink.  (i.  Wii.i.ia.m  Si'KNcku,  b.  .Ian.  10,  lS:-{2; 
r.i.  Dec.  23,  18(14,  Sarah  Brown  of  ("ireenjiort,  L.  1. 

11.  Hannah,  b.  1796,  in  West  Jersey;  m.  Amos  Tuttle,  cariienter,  res.  I'ort  Jef- 
for.son,  where  <he  <i.  Any-.  IS,  1848.  1,  Gf.ohok  llA\ni..T()>-.  ni.  Sophia  Still.  '2.  Minok, 
in.  Elizabeth  Floyd.  'A,  \Vai;kkx,  m.  Mary  Payne.  4.  JlHiOMK,  in.  Adelia  Emmons. 
res.  Brid^report,  Conn.  o,  Fi;axk,  i.o.  Catharine  Payne.  ♦!.  Ai.oN'/.u,  m.  Mairiri^"  Floyd. 
7,  C^ONsTAMMVE,  m.  KuTe  Randall.     8,  Sarah  Ei.i/aukth,  d.  \. 

III.  Obadiah,  of  Wading  River,  sailor  and  soaca]it.;  drowned  in  the  surf  in  front 
of  his  own  house  while  ;-.ttem[itinir  to  ,ii:et  aboard  his  vessel:  ni.  .\niia  'I'nttle.  1,  SZKKNO, 
h.  Dec,  i,  1845;  in.  HaTtie  Floyd,  sis.  of  Mrs.  Smith  Dayton;  he  is  a  sea  ca])!. — pilot 
yachtman.       2,  Sarah  A\'ii.i,1s,  d.  ls;i].     :^,  PnKr.E,  d.  v.'    -i.  KA'tt:. 

IV.  Eliza  llubbani,  b.  Jan  24,  ISOo;  ni.  Aug.  2G,  182.5,  William  Woodhnll,  b.  June 
29,  1706:  chil.  ti.  at  Moriches.  E.  I.:  1,  B.,  :Maich  4,  1827.  2,  Edwin  IE, 
Oct.  21,  1K2S.  ;;.  John  Cii.bkkt,  Mandi  24.  18M0.  4.  Maky  Ei.iZAHETii,  ^'ov.  21,  18^2". 
5,  Amelia  J.,  Jan.  10,  ls;-53.  (1,  Ismma  B.,  Oct  9,  1834.  7,  llKr.EX  Mauia.  S.  Wh,- 
1,1AM  Da  Vicix.     8,  Aui;ei.ia  Jaxk.     10,  CiK(n;(;K  HKitiu-.i;  r.     ll,Liai-\M. 

V.     Joiin    Herliert.    m.        1,  Joux.  b.  1S34 :    d.     l.s;-'.t;.       2.  .biHx    J.,    li.    183t);     m. 
ilarv,  dau.  <if  ^^'il^utm  Sev.'ard  of  So.  Ambov,  N.  J.      j-le  is  a  master  mason 
VI.     William. 

413.  Nathaniel  Dayton,  h.  abt.  1715;  lived  at  Setauket,  E.  I.;  a  large  prop-ity 
holder;  hem.;     prob.  had  Ijut  oiio  cliild. 

4131.     Tuttle  Dayton,  m.  Elizab.nh   Turner  of  St.  (b-orge  Manor,  where  he  had 

a  farm  of  200  acres;  l;e  taught  school,  was   a   mem.  of  the  Suttolk  reg.  in  1775;  d.  Iisl3. 

I.  -  Tryjihena,  ni.  Jacob,  s.  of  Daniel  Carter  of  X.  .J". :  farmer.   1,  Comeout,  m.  John 

Dolaiid,  proprietorof  a  paper  mill  near  the  manor.   2,  Isaac,  ni.  Sally  White  of  E]ast  End: 

fanner;  sailor;  sea  Cajit. ;  well  off.     o.  David.     4,  .Ixcoi'.     5,  JM."i/.ABf;Tn.      (i,   Saka!i 

II.  Isaac,  in. l.ane  of  St.  (b'org.^   Manor:   he  liecame   intemperate    and    mind 


HE     Natlianiel.  h.   1770. 

IV.      Samuel,  b.  1772.  '  '  '     .  . 

41313.     Nathaniel     Dayton,   b.    1770;    d.    abt.    ISiiO;    m.:      r>.'s.    Tuttle    Mills.    . 

I.      .Miriam;  m.  John  Edwards;   farmer.      1,  St'AUKouD.      2,   i)AXli:i..      3,   Iti-ni.    4. 
Mini  AM. 

II.  Nathaniel  of  St.  O.  M. ;  farmer;  s])eeuiator:  oyster  jdaiiter;  j.earJi  orehard: 
bui]<ler.     W  hen  a  young  man  ran  away  with  his  brother  Tuttle  Davton  to  South  Ameriea, 

hut    Nathairud    soon    enine    baek.       lie   m. Bueknlew:  (2)  Charlotte  !,aml>er-on  of 

Mattatuck;  (3) Smith  of  .Mattatuck.      /.    bvlstm.;      1.  Rkiivud.     2     \\"ii,i.i\M.     3, 

En/AUKi  11.     4,  Jemima.     5.  Dat.     0,  Maiiv.' 

III.  William  III.  1,  David,  m.  Polly  Fanning;  he  enlisted  in  heavv  artillery 
.11.(1  his  head  was  taken  <,iT  in  battle  bv  u  cannon  ball".  2,  Axukew,  servi'd  in'the  Union 
army.      -.  C  KuiiGi::,  .sea  C.iiit. ;   res.  Port  Jetlers.m.  -  . 

IV.  Ruth. 
V.       Eleir/.er. 

VI.      'luttle.   m.  Caroline . 

]).\YTOX.  )ii/, 

41314.  Sanracl  Dayton,  1'.  'i'i72  :it  St.  (<.  M.;  Constable  sovcml  vrs.;  rem.  to 
IjOikf,  C'ayu^'-ii  Cd.,  X.  Y.,  ."j  or  0  yrs.;  llicii  at  Cuhn,  Allf^'-aiiy  Co.  1:")  or  18  yjs.;  then 
roiurncd  to  P.  .W-JT.  ami  d.  flu-re  March  ?■"),  IS.iS;  m.  al  Soutliold,  }*iiivy  (Joochviii  of 
Soul  hold. 

T.     'riutlc.  1..  .\ii--.  -20,  ITOf!;  m.  Kuth  Tucker. 

1].  .loM]i!i,  li.  .Tall..  l'i\i:i:  served  in  war  o!'  1S12;  .sailor;  well  olT;  i-es.  Moriches; 
jii.  .Iciiiiinu  lioiiiuson  of  St.  <i.  M.  She  d.  Aua..  IS'yi.  1,  .JEMlAr.\,  in.  rlarvey  Beiija- 
iniii;  he  d.  1871.  1,  Ji  //lii/id,  m.  Thomas  Tattle.  2,  Frcihrick.  8,  ILfltcrt.  -2,  Joskpii, 
b.  at  Koflvv  Point :  m.  Catharine  Tnttli',  sis  of  Josrph  of  Speoid-:;  res.  Moriidies.  1, 
Joseph,  'd.  D.vvu\  Statini:  Atrt.  at  Mori<he.-s:  m.  C\nlliia  llallidav  of  Alljanv^  N.  Y.,  b. 
Nov.  20,  lS:!:i  4.  1s.\nna.  5,  Isan.w.  (5,  A  Dai:.,  d.  a.  3^  yrs. 
III.     Mary,  lu.  (Jarrett  Iheves;  res.  near  Erie,  Pa. 

]^'.  liobert  White,  h.  at  St,  (i.  M.  Ai)ril  22.  ISO'^;  Supervisor  fi>r  a  sldpi)ing  tinii 
in  N.  Y. ;  .sailor  and  ('a]it.  most  of  liis  life;  ns.  Hannah  l>e  \Vick  of  Moriches,  b.  at 
•Setauket  ISOiJ.  res.  (ib-nCdve.  1.  S.wi i"i;i,  t i AiiiHM.H,  proiessiona!  tiiaiiner  and  yacdit- 
nian;  sailed  ]5e!ineti's  yacdit  '"  'J'he  Dauntless"  two  or  three  yrs..  and  oilier  yaehts  of  his; 
als;i  for  Duncan  the  ]_).niker.  I-^  ownei- of  s»_'veral  vessels.  In  1872  ^^■as  in  oyst(r  •busi- 
ness: m.  Louisa  .llev  of  Brooklyn,  E.  ]\:  res.  City  Isliuul. 

^^  Samuel.  )em.  to  Alleghany  Co..  N.',(l  d.  at  I^eli.-i  almut  IS'id;  was  a  black- 
smiflr,  iron  \vorker.  tool  and  scale  makti-;  owned  land,  cattle  and  farm.^;  speculator  and 
.active  bu.-iness  man :  well  (dV.  1,  Dallas,  d.  at  Delta,  .Mi(di.,  aJjcut  l.'-'tJS;  an  educated 
nian;  stud,  law  and  attended  to  his  fath^'i's  estate. 

VI.      Louisa,  m.    an  artist;    (2) Ford;    res.    Cuba,    X\    Y.      1.     Danjki..   a   school 


Vll.      (')iarles.  unm.;  seanian;  wa.tchman.  roving  eiaatic;  struck  with  liivhtenin<r  in  a 
A'esstd  of  his  on  the  Swnnd  ami  beeanm  somcwdiat  deran^'-ed, 
Vlll.      Trvphena. 
I\.      15<Uy. 
X.      Orangt:  Webb,  blacksmith,  edge  to<d    nniker,  faiiuei',   dl■l,'^er,    land   sjieculator; 

rich;  ni. Scott  of  Cuba,  X.  'I'.     1.  ^Iauy,  ni.  Strong,  lawyer;  res.  Cuba,  X.  Y'. 

2,  ElJZ  viiKT]i.^L\i;iA,  li.  at  Speouk.  .Jan.  ol,  ISo:;!;  ni.  Walter  Scott  Tnttle,  Surveyor  for 
the  Xa.ssau  Insuram-e  Co.,  DreidUyn.  1.  LihbU ,  b.  March  30,  1857.  2,  (J<<>.  Wdlttr,  b. 
April  9,  ISdt;.  :j.  <;>;(>.  V\'ai{iii;x,  b.  -Ian.  i),  \XfA\:  in  clothing  business  on  Broadway, 
X.  Y.  C. 

413141.  Tuttle  Dayton,  b.  Aug.  20,  I7!»f;;  m.  Kuth  Tucker  of  .Ml.  Sinai:  re.s. 
P.  .Ii^ff.,  of  ■ivhicli  Vie  was  one  of  tile  orig.  juiiprs.  Hi-  \\  as  genial,  social  and  jiopular;  a 
good  ImsiiU'ss  Tuan.  and  ]ios,--(;>.se(l  a  tine  mind.  He  d.  at  P.  .1.  .Tune  2-1,  l8()i,  and  bu. 
with  Masonic  nonors.  A  tine  tnonnment,  erected  by  tie-  Siiil'olk  bulge  in  the  Cedar 
Hill  ee;neiery,  comniands  a  view  tif  the  S.aind  and  oi  ihi-  ocean  inscribed,  -'l  have 
fought  the  good  figdit;  1  have  iinisbed  my  cour-;';   1  have  kept  iiie  faith." 

I.  ■  Tuttle  Orrin  <if  P.  .T.;  mas.  of  a  ves. ;  m.  Mary  .Ione.~.  1,  CUAlif.i-.s  E[;a,stus, 
10.  Afary  Lee.  2.  ^LviiY  Ei.i/Ar.K.rii.  M,  Mai<(.ai;i;i  Lm  isa;  4,  tii:uK.;i ana  Mauia. 
T),   Maiiv  Tri  Ti.i;.     (i.   Hfrtr  Ikkxi..      ~,,  'i'lTTi.r.  Okki.n. 

!L  Charles  Ivlwin,  mas.  of  ve>. ;  m.  Amy  S.  Hoc  .cd'  Iv  Iboiiklyn.  1,  IxTTU 
Ei.iZA.  2,  .\mv  'I'crri.K  :!,  CnAi;i.Ks  j-jiwix.  A,  Ekastis  C Ai{r>.M;i;.  ."),  Wm. 

HI.  fieo.  Merriit.  h.  ..Ian.  lb.  l,s:-il;  mas.  nf  ves.:  res.  Seblen,  L.  1.;  m.  June  8, 
1802,  Fanny  \\.  Pne,  sis.  of  Amy.  !>.  <»;t.  N,  1^:12.  <d'  I'.-itebogue.  1.  (■Ko.  Mki;kitt,  h. 
March  12.  ISoo;  d.  soon.  2.  ((vs^.  'I'l  i' ri.i:,  b.  .Iune22,  ]S"it\  W.  At,i;i  iri'  OvkktoN,  b. 
Mar(di  8,  lS.-)<);  d.  soon.      4.    l\\.\xrK  E..  Ai>i-il  f:!,  lSi;7;  \\.  y. 

1\'  l-"rastns  (iardiner.  s.-a  ('apt.;  m.  Sarab  S.  Slater:  re.s.  Ath.-ns.  X.  Y.  1,  Ol!Ki?{ 
Slatki;.  d.  .ALiy  12.  Isoi),  a.  1. 

A'.      .Tosliua  Xelsou.  -ailorand  ina.-.  <d'  ves.;  ni.  Cornelia  Kel.sey  of  (ir>-enpuint. 
VL      .NLirv  Catharine,  d.   Mav  15,  ls;!3,  a.   K!  mo>. 
VII.       L.uiisa,  li.  Oct.    18,   IS.-JL  a.    I  nm. 
VIH.      William,  d.  .MM.n. 

TX.      l'11i/.a  Mari:ai-ei.  in. lb-nder>on:   in  shipping  buvinos;    res.  Drooklyu. 

X.  Kuih  Addi.'.  m.  Lewis  Wheeler  of  Atbeii.-,.  X.  Y. :  res.  Tiutenville.  on  Staton 
Kstatui,  when- she  i-  tbe  jcii-cipal  of  a  srlmiM.  I,  .Mai:v  Anun:.  2,-  Lr;wi<  EfCii'iNK 
Ti'iri.)..     :;.   M.\i:v  Caiiiakim;.     4,   L(U  isa.     o.   Miuianl 

.\l.  lianiiab  .M.iria.  ni.  • 'lias.  ]^,.■,  Imo.  n.  .Vmy.  1,  .)c,si-.i>n  Trill. K.  2.  SliKi'AUl) 
Ci.Aitr  x'l:.     :;,   Ocrs  t-A  r.ui-.t  i  .     -L   TdaPki.i..     h.   Eini..\xi)  FiKiiriA. 


liltAisCII    OK    JOXATHAN, 


415  Mary  Dayton,  m.  March  11.  1718,  .loluison.  b.  Au-.  2<,  l(.i)4.      In 

17-.()  ]((*  was  -'of  WaUinKt'oiil."  i"  <5'"'''i  <'^  '^^   Kphraiin. 

1.  Justus  J..hnsnu,  1..  G,  172()-,  d.  May  12,  1720. 

II  Justus  .loliiisoii.  b.  Marcli   2(;,  1721.  1,1,      1—--        .> 

III.      Ki-hrauu    JiJuison,    r>.    Haiin.ih .       1.   C'n.NTi.NT,    b.    July    14,    I  ,.,...       .. 

LiriMKU,  b.  June  2'),  17-"i9. 

IV       Kcl)ec,-;i  Jolinson,  b.  Julv  21.  172b.  ^.  .      ,,      .  , 

y.     ZarchousJolmson,  in.  IMu-b. .     1,  JrsTi-s,  1>.  lU-r.  (i.  1-ob.     2,   >.:r.Y...  b. 

■''"'vi'.'  ^K.'ubcn  Johnson,  ni.  Jan.  :?0,  1750,  in  }!un1  hiflou,  1-.  I.,  Elizabeth  Bru^h;    i2). 
June  20.  175S,  Nsid.  Susanna  Titus,  who  d.  Jan..  M,  17S(j. 

416.  Charity  Dayton,  n.  Dor.  M,  172.i,  Caia.  Abn.i-  .l,J,n.s..n  nu-rch.:  b.  .\u-. 
>'  170  >  d  Dee  2S  17o?;  will  dated  Mav  7,  sni.  yr. :  mad,-  h,^  A  niavk:  nni.s.  sons  Ihiy- 
Ton  ilrzekiah,'  Abner  and  Jacob;  daus.  Lydia,  wf.  of  K/uene/.-T  Fitoh  and  ehantv. 
-H.'.n  Vbuer  to  bdno-  hinu^elf  up  to  leaDiing."  Caleb  Juhi!s.;u,  -unrd  to  Aimer,  lley.ekiah 
,,f  Wuird  .nuud.  to^h■u■ol);  Isaac  John.son,  Sarah  Johnson,  Jamrs  Miles,  wit.: 

I  IhiVton  Johnson,  b.  Feb.  2s,  172S:  d.  Feb.  lU.  l7!tS;  ni,  Hannah---.  _^She  d. 
JiMi.  r,,'l778,"  a.  -lii.  1.  -V.v.MMK,  Aug.  lo,  1702,  2.  Ei.i.vkim,  Dec,  :^!,  1  <oJ,  o,  Han- 
nah   b.  AiTil  2.S,  17ol},  ,  ,       ,  11111 

■       II       Kezehiah   Johnson,  b,  March  12,  1782:  m.  Ruth    .       1.   Cm.kk,  b     -laly  H. 

17.-,!)      2    (lEotiGE,  March  11,  1  TOO,     o,  r)i.vui.p:s,  Nov.  21,  I7til, 
ill.   '  Anna  Jolinsoji,  b.  Aiu'il  18,  17:^6:  not  named  m  will  ot  t. 
I\'"      Abuer  Joluisel),  b.  Ai!,u-.  t>,  17;jS.  ,    ,       . 

V      Jacob  Johnson,*  b.Julvyi,  1742:  rem.  will,  his  lam,,  abLlsOd,  to  Johnstown, _,>. 

Y      from  Torriienon,  Conn.:   m.  l^sther    — ,  "a  professional  doclivss  ami  a   very  noole 
man  "     Celebrated  as  a  midwife  or  accouclieuse,  and  i'oriemarkable  success,  nevei  Ua\ - 
■  lost'a  i.atient  in  some  hundreds  of  cases.    She  kept  a  horse  for  this  special  purpose, and 
rode  ni-l>t  and  dav  far  and  n-ar.  until  she  became  as  thonniirhly  km.wn  anu  trusted  as  an% 
phvsiciV^n  in  the  Town.       1,  C.M.KB,  b.  May  1,  1774:    m,  Dec^  20,  17S»S,  ^htrv    Beach, 
rr'a'enr/.-    Dec    lo    171t',i        2    J,n,Ns    li", ,  Dec.  27,  1^01 ,  lu  Johnstown,  .\.  \  .       -j.  ta'.d'.. 
April  10."l804;johnstuwn.     4,  .M'u,  iicnrh,  Sept.  20,  180(i,  in 'J'oi .      2.  'rf|ANKKUi-,  Oc^. 
1(1    177(;.       ■.\.  Stkphkn,   .May  9,   177S,       4,  (•u.utiTY,  Dec.  2o,  ImO.       o,  J.v  oh    Leb.  b. 
17S2       6    Ai^ui.PHfs,  2.-,,  17S1;  d.  Dec.  fi.  1787.     7,  Sl'sanna,  April  2.),  I.M..     \ 
At.nkk   AiHii.i'iiis,  Jan,  11,  17^8,     9.  Jehi'SRA.  Nov.  24.  17e9. 
\'l.      Lvdia    .lohnsou,  m.  KlKiuzer  i^itch, 
Vll.      «:'i)arity  .Johnson,  b.  May  19,  1749, 
•  41  6G.     Lyclia  Johnson,  m,  Ebenezer  Fitch;  desc  from  (iov.  Thomas  Fitcii, 
1,       Irene   Fltill, 

11.      Dau,.  m,  Duti-lier. 

41661.     Irene  Fitch,  m.  N'oahShep^-rd,  desc  from    liev     Wm,  Slu-pard   of  Ma^^s. 

1       Fit(d.  Shepard,  b.  Soutliburv,   Conn.,    April  7,.  I.su2;  d,  Sha.ron  Spnn--,  ^.  \  . 

An-    21,  18S1.    in   the  80th   year  of  his  a.ire.      Som.- time  casl.r,    o{   the  Chautampia  t  o^ 

kr-oGc     '^^hrn'elTeVry;^-/b;nf.,andhad3chn^       .  Alfrc,  Ten:^       3,  Kllcn      3,.  Tho,nas.  .^  t^ 

;^i,  .  ^;'l^^n'[^>"^  ':  F?ara^1^"Oc^6^e:^,rV  Med.'s^h^  1^33;  I'r^-  of  Surgery:  ^.G.or^- 
ina  M^nso'^dau'  ot  a;arl^s  WUiiam  and  Jane  Kl^za  ,Newt„n)  Wooh,ey  J.^^^^^'i'^^lt  1%2e. 
(■    I--    ••  law -cr  a-  Kc.chcstcr,  N.  V.    6,  Geort,'C  Ula-den,  May  2-,  lajf^;  \  .  C.  u.-.'S,  ^,  1  .U.,  cl.  id.o,     7.  -^\ 

''^^■Ji'iZ^^ti^l^^r.i  W.ll-d  ,nov.   W.7  n,...  wf .   Do--  ^f  ^'" V<f ^rFunL^Si^^":;!  S''^^' 
m-w   L'   dans   I  vdiaaid  prucdciice  Hclt.  licuocn.  eld,  s.,  Israel,  dec  ,k-Ud.u,  KunKC     MLk.aul  ut.ik,   ^^ 
Kv^.V-norAb    .■   Cllcb,  Dan,  and  Jacob,     ..  S.vk,m..  au  Daniel  liarlholomew,     -  l^-^;-,  •  ■"•  ^F  V- 
an     b:'d      V  LvMa.     2,  /V,.rf,v;.v.      ^,.  RKCr.FN,  m.  Mary  D.iylon,     4,  I-K.^K,..  a  worker  of  bra^s  4   • 

IcVvi    J   est     o     eV.>-n-    m     Jan     sO.'itj.-,  Sar.ih  Miles      i,  /•.>/,;, v.  Jan.  13,1734-       -.' t''"'^f       >  '  V^   I' 

^is,  i>  dec;  div,  ic.  Miles.  Silas.  Eunice  Johnson  an^  I'n.dence  Cook,     4.  -'l'"'".  Apf'"    " /.'-f '     ^''  V  .;.,,/ 

«l.  .  d.  n'ov.  .o.iju.,  a    65.      6,  K,sos,  b,  uh;8:   d.   Jan,    3',  -A.,  a.  SJ.      7,  A''^'"^  '-.m.  Vk^ 's  a  "^     "^^ 
a,  fM..->,  b.   ,7.>i-  ;  d.  O.t     r,.  .777;  n>.  R.ubcl   Broekelt  1,.t.|;  est.  d,v.  to  next  ot  '^  "v -' ^^"\^,^  ,n"     \ 
o.  I).-.,b.  ,70,;  d    <>.:!..  M,  173'^.     >^\  Cacov.,  b.  1713:  ^     ' -■  '74o;  tong.  nun.;  set    at  OnUon,  Conn  . 
M.    i7<'.};  d.  1794. 

DAYTOX,    fJTC]l,    JOIIXSOX.  215 

Hiuik  .'.t  .lamestown,  N.  V.:  rem.  to  N.  Y.  ('.,  vlicvo  ho  cstalt.  the  Nat.  Bank  Note  Co., 
1859,  one  of  the  largest  artistic  and  industrial  estahlisliuient.s  in  the  U.  S. ;  <loiii«r  busi- 
ness with  tiie  banks  and  f^overnnients  of  this  and  foreign  countries.  Retired  frnni  presi- 
d(>ncy  of  the  Co.  in  l.s70,  and  spent  several  yrs.  travelin.g  in  i^irope.  A  man  of  great 
industry  and  force:  rare  executive  ability;  skilU'ul,  judicious  and  ijivariably  sui-et  .-.sful. 
•'A  gen'tlemnn  of  the  old  school,  of  warm  heart  jmuI  large  aiT(>rtioii.  and  nuruberod 
among  his  friends  some  of  tlie  most  prominent  men  in  llie  city,"  lie  m.  Drlia  Maria, 
(dau.  of  Hon.  Paul  Dennis, "a  Ke]>.  from  Wiishinglon  Co, ,  in  N.  Y.  Leg. )  1,  Ei.T.iOTT  F., 
lawver;  his  great  services  Avell-kuown  throughout  the  c-nuntry;  he  was  aetive  in  rai.sing 
andequipping  troops  in  the  late  war;  twice  a]»pointed  to  the  ronHuand  of  ^^  estern  X.  Y., 
under  proclamation  of  J'res.  Lineoln;  m.  adau.  of  Cornelius  Vanderbilt,  the  K.  K.  king; 
res.  N.  Y.  C.  2,  .XinrsTfS  D..  the  Vice  Pres.  .\m.  r>:uik  Note  Co.,  consnlidaK-d 
witli  the    XcitioiKil. 

4164.  Abner  Johnson,  b.  Aug.  (),17;:38:  Y.  C.  1759;  stud,  tl'-'ology  and  preached  for 
a  shcu-t  time  !uit  gave  ic  u]i  on  aceount  of  ill-liealth  (hypoclioudriac).  lie.  established 
himself  as  au  apothecary  in  ^Vaterbury,  in  177;';  the  fiist  in  that  whole  region.  'J'he 
place,  has  not  been  closed' since  he  bought  it,  aiul  it  still  remains  in  the  family  (]>eav<-n- 
worth  and  Dikemau).  He  was  town  clerk  of  W.  in  1804;  d.  1817;  m.  June  '.i,  1778, 
Lydia,  dau.  Eliene/.iT  and  I.ydia  (Clark)  l^unnell  of  Cheshire,  Conn.,  a  woman  of  great 

1.     Van  Julius,  b.  April  PJ:  d.  Nov.  i),  1774. 
II.     I'anny,  b.  Feb.  '.28,  i776;  m.  Frederick  Leavenworth. 
Ill,      Narci'ssa,  b,.Mav^.'8.  1778;  d.  unni.  about  1815.    . 
fV.     Cliloe,  b.  Jnne  IB.  17^1;  d.  Feb.  :!,  1780. 

41642.  Fanny  Johnson,  b.  Feb.  2H,  1776;  d.  in  W.  May  14,  1852,  a.  75;  m. 
May  19.  179!1,  lied'erick.  son  of  Col.  Jesse*  and  Catlierine  Conkliu  (wid,  of  Capt.  Cul- 
pepper Frisbie  of  Branford,  Conn.)  l^i-avenworth,  b.  in  W.,  Feb.  4,  17G'3:  M.  D. ;  d.  May 
17,  18.50.  When  (juite  young  rem.  v.iih  his  ])arents  to  New  Haven,  where  his  failier 
resided  for  some  yrs.  on'tlie  south  side  of  ^Vate^st.,  i-far  the  P:.tvilion  Hotel  building. 
At  about  17  yeur.s"  of  age,  left  tolas  own  resources,  he  shipped  nnder  Cajit.  Holmes  of 
New  Haven  and  made  several  voyages  as  ruate  and  supercargo  to  sourhern  ports,  West 
liidia  Islands  and  "the  8pani>h'  main."  l.orated  awhilt>  in  the  Island  of  Trinidad, 
took  the  yellow  fever  and  'returned  h<une  to  die,"  but  n^covercd  instead,  j^tu'l.  loed. 
and  practiced  successfully  awhile,  but  gave  it  up  and  went  into  the  "Soiithern  traile." 
Afterwards  engaged  in  nuiniifacturiug  in  Waterbury,  where  he  was  ])0Stmaster  uj^wards 
of  20  yis.  preceding  his  death.  He  was  a  man  of  extensive  and  varied  knowledge,  keen 
sarcastic  wit  aiul  strong  sense  of.hunior;  deliberate  in  forming  opinions  but  decided  and 
tenacious;  inde]>endent.  but  of  quick  sym]Kithies;  his  religious  opinions  different  from 
those  held  l)y  most  of  his  friends,  gave' rise  to  a  want  of  symi)athy  keenly  felt  by  him: 
and  resulted  "in  later  years  to  a  c.rtain  studied  disregard  of  son^e  conventionalities, 
amounting  to  eccentricity.     {Sk-tcl)  ^ii/  Jl':'ii.  V.  .1.  jM'of/dnn-//,  I.tnrrinrorth  Gen.) 

I.  Luciii  Leavenworth,  b.  ^larcb  24,  1797;  m.  at  West  Stockbridge,  Mass.. 
Nov.  22,  182(),  Kev.  Asa  M.  Train,  pastor  of  the  2d  Cong.  chh.  at  Milford,  Conn..  23 
yrs,  where  he  d.  June  14,  18ti;;.  Mis.  Train  d.  Ni  w  Haven.  April  10,  1^07;  she  is  now 
described  as  a  uomaii  of  >irong  (duiracTer,  'diar  intellect,  diseviminating  judgment, 
generous  heart  and  un.sellish  devotion  to  the  good  of  others.  1,  At'(;i"STI"s  L.,  }>.  Feb. 
18;  d.  Oct.  2,  182.S.  2,  Ar.XKU  L..Se|>t.  It),  bSiO;  Y.  C.  1S.53;  chiif  cbu-k  in  Pri7.e 
Bureau,  Navel  dept..  l"^tj;-i;  now,  ]n75,  editor  Xcir  IJi'Cin  PiiUifiU'iui ;  in.  March  17,  1868, 
Susau  A.  Bull  of  Milford,  Conn.,  who  d.  July  22,  1870.       1,   Clndl.  b.  .Ian.    12,  1S64;  d. 

*  Co!.  Jesse  I.eavenworth,  b.  Nov.  21,  1741;  Y.  C.  1760;  m.  July  i,  lyot,  C.ither;.nc,  dau.-of  _  Joha 
Cor.klin  of  Soi'thanipion,  L  I.  Tiadiiiun  says  a  very  hamlsoine  couple.  He  was  Lie\u  ot  theOov.'s 
Foot  f'.ii.-trdb  I  Benedict  .Anio'd.  Capt  \  and  went  with  the  Guards  to  lioston  U77''^'  ''with  old  I'ui  AlonfT.'' 
Fred  followed  them  to  the  ou:--.kirts  of  the  town,  'llie  Co.  returned  in  about  three  weeks.  Col.  Jesse 
was  cnijajjed  in  corriDJcree  and  once  lost  in  Hurl  Gate  a  sloop  Liden  with  fl.i.\-seed.  He  owned  the  ferry 
to  1-lnst  Haven,  wliere  'I'omlinson  s  bridu'e  and  the  steamboat  wharf  nov,  are.  When  the  liritish  invaded 
N.  Hav.  in  1770  they  robbed  his  house,  up  the  Uatlitr  beds  and  emptied  them  into  the  w.^tcr,  and 
did  much  other' dan^age,  besides  taking-  the  silver  buckles  froin  Mrs.  l.eavenwoith's  shoes,  while  she 
stood  by  and  },'avc  them,  as  she  used  to  sav,  "a  piece  ot  her  mind."  s|,e'a  keen  black  eye  and  a 
sharp  tonprue,  and  ir.  after  vears  perhajjs  not  without  sufucient  cause,  she  turned  it  on  her  husband  with 
such  efheacy  that  he  soucfht  shelter  in  the  wilds  of  Vermont  About  17S3  be  became  alienated  from  her 
and  taking;  th*  >  ountccr  children  he  left  her  forever.  There  may  have  been  fault  en  both  sides,  but 
apparently  m.iin'y  on  his.  He  to(.k  a  ivoman  with  hiin  wi  o  had  been  an  inmatcof  his  whcm 
he  afterwards  married,  son, e  sort  of  di  vorce  havin-r  been  obtained.  He  d.  at  Sackei's  Harbor,  Dec.  r.>. 
1 624.  He  was  son  of  Rev  Mark  l.eavenwoi  tli,  and  his  wife.  Ruth,  dau.  of  Dea.  Jeiem:ah  IVck,  son  of 
Rev.   jeromiab    Peek,  and    Joanna,  dau.    of    Robert    Kitchell;   she   m.   e^)  Capt     Culpepper    Frisbie.— 

210  BKANCH    01'    <10XAT1IAN, 

soon.  2,  Annie  L.,  h.  Miircli  :^1,  1><(j~..  '6,  Wu,.  ,!.,Jun"  T2;  d.  Aug.  13,  18GG.  8,  Ann 
Eliz.\,  b.  Mav  17,  183;j;  d.  Oct.  24.  JSoT.  4.  Fj{A>ces  Reukcca  b  Oct  27  1835 •  d 
.luuf  28,  1830. 

II.  YXvL-A  Loiivenwortb,  b.  Dec.  17,  179S:  d  Nov.  It),  1S')2;  m.  >[arch  o,  1821, 
Chai'k^s  Dontiison  Khigsbiay  [IJ. 

111.     Fiedtjrifk  Augustus  Feavcrnvorth,  b.  .1inii>  18,  1801;  d.  Doc.  24,  ISO!). 

W .  Abiier  Johnson  Lfavenworth,  b.  .Inly  12,  1808;  d.  Vvh.  12,  i8»)'.t;  Ainli.  Col. 
1S2."J:  tlif>o.  at  Andovcr;  licen.sfd,  April  22,  182S;  .stud,  \vitli  IJev.  ,T.  Hallock  of  Canton. 
Coini  ;  sfiicicnt  and  assT.  at  'J'roy  Rcns.  Insi.:  one  yr.  princ  'of  acad.  ai  l^oxford,  Ma.'^.s.; 
s!i]i.  (!ong.  cbh.  at  Oraugt-,  Conn.,  out-  yr. ;  ordaint'd  I'a-tor  at  Biistol.  Conn..  Dec.  Hi.' 
1820:  dis..  Sept.,  1N31;  rem,  to  Charlotit'.  X.  ('..  and  was  i)astor  I'rt.-sliv.  clili.  ami 
])r:n'-i]ial  young  bidics'  scliool.  llr-re  he  laboicd  with  zeal  to  wa];e  u])  tlic  ]u'o]dr'  to  thr 
import.Tncf!  of  education  by  l<<;uros.  newspaper  ai'liclfs.  ])ani))bb'ts,  almanacs,  etc.  In 
sinnnnn-  he  travided  among  the  mount;iins.  liunting  with  tlie  pioneers,  talking  and 
preaidiing  SuiKiays.  In  18}^:  lie  rrm.  to  Warr.-ntou,^  \'a  ,  bir  benefit  of  lualtli  of  liis 
family,  where  he  establisjicil  a  sidiool.  In  1  S:J9,  having  been  colled  to  the  new  High  st. 
chh.  in  IVtersburgli,  Va..  he  left  the  school  temp,  in  cluirgr  of  his  wife.  This  chh.'~grew 
out  oi  a  dilliculty  in  :iii  older  organization,  and  w;is  without  a  building.  UndeV-  his 
man.'igement  tliey  soon  had  a  handsome  edihee  with  organ  and  beli  He  r..mained  here 
about  fouryeais.  and  the  new  chh.  was  finally  ab'-'orbed  in  tlie  tild  one.  Aftorwaid,  he 
prciiched  to  destitute  chhs.  in  ditferent  parts  of  the  stnte.  and  gave  his  eiterg-ies  to  a 
scliool  lie  had  re-e.-<tablislied  in  Petersburgh,  which  soon  rose'  to  great  im])7)rtance, 
attracting  scliolnrs  from  long  distances,  and  Nourishing  till  tlu^  breaking  out  of  the  war! 
Jn  the  great  struggle  he  sympathized  with  the  South  and  jironioted  its  cause  with  all  his 
energies.  Ar  it.s  conclusion  lie  again  turned  his  attention  to  educational  matters,  and  at 
The  time  of  hi--  death  was  Cor  Sec.  of  the  \'a.  Kdiic.  .\sso.,  an  ortranization  created 
]uo.stly  through  his  efioits.  and  through  which  he  hoped  to  develop  some  liroad  ]>laus  of 
educational  intei-est.  He  was  of  medium  In-ight,  rather  slender,  thin,  light  hair,  bright 
blue  eys;  raniage,  very  erect  and  digniiied;  of  great  energy,  physical  activity  and 
jtersonal  courage.  A  bold  and  vigorous  writer,  and.  a  ready  and  eioijU'-nt  speaker,  iuid 
an  acconipli.shed  scholar,  both  in  litiraiure  and  the  sci<^nces.  "\YJiatever  he  ])ut  his  hands 
to  was  apt  to  prosjier.  A^  a  teacher,  his  talent  amounted  to  genius.  A  ]-emarkable 
combimuion  of  exciting  enthu.^iasm  in  his  i)ui)iK.  of  conimuuicatiug  knowledge,  and  a 
dignity  of  maineu'  l)y  vx-hich  he  conld  maintain  dis<ipline  with  little  apjiarent  effort.  On 
the  occasion  of  hi,-  d.,  1^4).  12.  It;!j9,  cmumendatory  resolutions  of  tli'e  higlies-t-  (duiracter 
Were  ]>assed  by  the  Various  bodies  to  ^^4lich  he  belonged.  (See  }.,utr;iit  fn  L>'iici  u 'r^ir'Jt 
(y.:,,ii('nii,i).  He  m,  Jsiue  14,,  KIiy.;i!>e: h  Manning  l'e.-,l.odv  of  Sal-m,  .Ma-;s.,  a  lads 
of  lare  excelJenee.  She  d.  .1  uue  2o.  1^41.  1,  lM{i:DKi;rrK  ('.,  b  .Inne  U!,' ISJM,  at  Char- 
lotte. S.C.:  engineer:  m.  Oct.  IH.  IS.'iS,  (Airnlinc  I'orter,  who  d.  Sept.  1.  ISi;;;!; 
(2)  Dec.  0,  isr)4,  hdiza  C.  haw'ience  t,f  Siiievcp:,,rt,  i,n,:  res,  S,  l,a,  /,  bv  'Jd  \\\.:  \. 
IhM,!-.  b,  (J.'t.  2--:-,  lSi;.l,  2,  P?r:<i  Jhln..  Oet.  !,  ISf;;^:  ,|  o,.}  <),  l^'lf!).  8,  l/'^'•v 
Pr.r;,;d>i,  March  8,  ISTO.  2,  Hki.!-:\  I:..  .Inne  1],  is:;.;;  m.  He,-.  1;  rC)?,  .John  MeCCll  at 
Petersliurgh.  \'a,.  \\4ir.  the\  res.  1.  //,-',//  L..!r,  Sej.t.-l'.),  !S,~iS.  2,  .A-,',,,  P^>ih>,du, 
4un,  21,  ls[;i:  d.  Hec.  24.  ]ni;>.  ;!,  Frr.unrl.  Ijnr,  mr.^rth,  h.  M;,v  21,  IS';:;,-  d.  Sept.' 
Hi,  ISiis,  -J,  lum,-!/ l>,,'<,,  .March  2't.  iscr,  ,-),  ]]'„,.  }fr(;i!!.VrU.  2.').  IM'.;).  (I,  ])(_>ra 
^t'l.irt.  Aug.  27,  is;u,  7.  M-n  !'iU(.i  Piah"iU/.  Nov,  ;>U,  1S78.  8,  .\nM;r,  ArofSTls,  b. 
Mareh  8il.  1S8S:  d,  Hee.  2,  iSl!,  4,  .M  vhv  l-4iAX<Ks  VtnoiNi  \  1,  \pril28  is-il-  d 
duly  ."-).  1S42,  -        -  I  .  ■ 

\'.  Canny  .\ugustM  Leaveiiworih,  li.  .lune  I.  1812;  ui.  May  21).  ISjI).  Xath,  S. 
^^or.diu.  .-m  apothecarv  at  i'ri<lgepo;t,  Coiui.,  but  li'avt'  u].  business  from  ill  health,  1, 
Fi;i:nK!tn  K  .\,.  ,\pril  li).  ISjO:  d,  dune  9,  1S18.  2,  Hki.kx  C.M;ni.i.\i-:,  Nov.  17,1842. 
:Cv  X.v'iii.  Kici.Nf;.  May  2(i,  \s.\A:  V,  C.  1S71;  served  V,  yr-,  in  Cnion  armv.  4,  F.VN.NV 
H,  -Vug.  lit,  ISIS.     .").   Tii(i,M,vs  ("ooK.  Oct.   \r\.  |s."j8. 

VI. ^  Flisiia  hejiveuworih,  Mareh  l.'j,  JSj-H  br^d  an  .apothecary  with  Hr.  Lewis 
Hulclikiss  of  New  Haven:  v  rs.  |iostm;is;er  al  \\'ateri)ury :  s<'veral  times  Hep,  in 
<'(!nn,  Leg.:  ['re-,  ^\"aterb,  iMme  Savin;r-'  I'-Muk:  m.  Se'pt.  "7.  JSj.-),  CvnthiaC  dau.  of 
H-i!J.  Fuller..!  W",,  uiiod.  Dec.  .",,  iS.H,      1,   M,\i:v  K. .  d,  Nov,  7,  18o"l 

42.  Mary  Tuttie,  1>.  Fel;.  7,  Him;:  m.  Willijun  Fre.lerieks  of  \\  albd.  She  d. 
perbai»s  before  1700.  as  she  is  not  named  in  dii.-.  of  e-,t.  of  le-r,  .lonatban  'I'uttle.  .\t 
si<-ourt    held   .July  1.  170u.  Simon   'I'lUtie.  bro,  of   .Maiy  l-'redei  iid^s.  e;.:  bJSited   (b4)ls   due 

flom   e.-,t     o|-  hiv   I,,-,,    .lon-;ti!:,Ti.    eo;;.,,,!    | -j    ,,||ip.    ;:  Hn'ex  hi  i  .j  te.l   ae, ;  u  it.ta  flee  <    fi^)m   W'ni. 

ai.d  Naili.  'I'utile.  i:ebe,-a  Heighn.u,  .Mirv  I^.M.lii  tie  :oid  l':ii;<a!.eth  Curtis,  <!a-us.  (d"  Wm. 
I- n  dericks.  He  m.  (2)  Abigail  Doolittle.  and  liad  Abi-uil,  m.  Hee.  Is.  1718,  .fosiah 
i  odd. 


I.     Miu-v  Fredericks,  b.  Julv  '^O,  IGS.-J. 
1!.      Elizabeth  Fredcri<-ks.  h.  Feb.  18.  ICNH-T.         -     - 

421.    Mary  Fredericks,  b.  Julv  22,  1GS5;  m.  Fch.  -^8,  ITOo,  Jolm,  tddest  s.  of 

Abrabaiu  uud  Marv  (lIoU.)  Jli.olittlc.  b.  Au<r.  l!),  IGSl.  of  Wallingford,  Coun.      IIu  m.  (2) 
Miiry  I.L'X'iis,  and  <1    Nfiv..  17-Ij:    called  S('rL'"faiit;  wid.  Maryadnnx.  and  appt.  guard  of 
Pat)-'!,!,-,  b.  .liilv  ]7.  17;''2;  d.  1T4.7,  before  the  court  niadu  clioiee  of  )ii<>.   for  guard. 
].     Benjamin  Doolittle,  1).  July  10,  170.");  d.  lud'oie  17-lG. 

11.      Susanna  Doobttle.  b.  Feb.  4.  UOG;  m.  Juiu-  !.  17-27.  Kaiah  Tuttle  [j>o!<t\. 
Hi.     I'Ainico  Pnolittle,  b.  May  :^0,  1700:  living  1  74G. 
\y .     .bi':in  ])oo!ittlc.  li.  Feb.  0,  171-;  m.  17:11,  Hannah  — — . 

V.      r]iel>e  Doolinle,  b.  Xov.  2C,,  111']:  f-sT .  div.  1717  uvAoui:  brollieis  and  si^tersi. 
VI.      FicHb^rick    T.  l)MM!Ji!l.e,  b.  Oct.'.^O,  ni.l;  d.  Sej.t.  2,  17-lG:   Mary,  wid.   of   John 
cxecx.  :  e-^t.  div.  among   hi.^   live   l.iro.^.  and   sisier.-^.    .Susanna.  JInniee,    Jolm.   Pliebe  and 

Vil.     o'"'d  Puolittle.  b.  (),-i.  :?.  1717:  d.  X,,v.  -!.  1746. 
Vlli.      Nathan  l>,Mdittle.  b.  Julv  -je.  1720:  d.  An-    -^O.  17-28. 
iX.     Marv  Doolittle,  b.  (),-i.  i.;.  17-2o:  d.  Dee.  -1,  1724. 
X.     Ke/i:i]i  Poolitile.  b.  Jan.  21.  17-2N,  d.  S"pi.  22,  174i;. 

'  4214.     John  Doolittic,  b.  Feb.  G^  1713;  .1.  in  ^Val^d  Nov..  1747;    m.  17oG     Hun- 

jtah :  she  ni.  i2)  Saniuel  Mos->.     In  1747  \\\n.  Hannah  admx.  ofest.  of  John  Doolittle, 

jr.,  and.   guard,  to  Titus.  .^IargeIy,  Eunii'e  and  Hannali.      In  1747,  Samuel  Mos.'^:,  clainiO(i 
i^  ii.  of  his  vvf.  Hannah.      Sannud  Koyce.  guard,  to  Philemon. 

I.      Pliili'min.  b,  Feb.  2'>.  1740:  rem.  to  Blandfoid,  ?>lass.,  1777;  thence  to  We'-.tern 
X.  Y.,  \Airi;   m.  J.m.  .5.  17o7.    hydiallall;    (djil.  b.  in  W.      1,  Phekk,  Mav    2.j,  17o!(.   2. 
Kkzi.mi.  .\pril  -211.  17()().       o,  Lydta,  Oct.  ^'.t.  17»n.      4,  Jonv  FKKDj.pjcK.Fel).  11,  17G7. 
v^,  Hn  K,   Auo.  27,  17G9.     G.  .1  \i;Ki).     7,  Jk<se.     S,  i\\Tn;Nti;.     5),   Uaxnaii. 
II.      Fujiic.-.  b.  Jan.   :^1.  1741. 
Ill       Mar-erv. 

IV.      Hannali.  b.  -May  12,  1744;  m.  Zopliar  Tutlle. 
V.     'I'iius,  b.  .(uui-  12,  174j;  m.  Mary  ]>e\vis. 

42144.  Hatmah  Doolittle,  b.  May  12.  1744:  m.  Jan.  11,  17G7,  Zophar  Tuttle 
\pot<f].  and  had  Ezra,  Alnatha  and  John.  She  ui.  (2)  Jonah,  .s.  of  Aaron  Blake.^lee  ajidhad 
time  sons,  I  j)e!haps  other  chil.,)  from  wliom  a  large  numi)er  of  the  name  of  Hlakeslee  in 
\V(stii-n  Pa,,  are  ru-scended.  The  ])arent.'<  rem.  fnuu  Wallinirford.  Conn.,  to  Vt.,  thenet- 
to  Pa. 

1.      Henjaniin   ]51akeslee. 

.  11.      hyman   K!akesle<'. 

111.  Z')iJiar  Blakaslee,  til.  and  had  L.'amks  1.  2,  .'sahai!  M,,  m.  Asa  Pa-d^er, 
1'.  My.-te-.  ('.■;;■.;  v\4!eii  alioti'  IG  yrs.  of  age  he  .journeyed  oii  tuf>i  \siili  all  hi.s  eariiiiy 
pos-tss'.ous  in  a  kiuipi-aids  on  his  l^aek  lo  Sus^jindianna  Co.,  I'a.,  and  apprenticed  himsidf 
to  liis  uu'-lf.  a  caijienter,  and  in  two  or  tbri-e  years  v,-ent  to  X.  Y..  to  work  at  it,  but  not 
liking  thi- ciiy  returm-d  to  Sn-qnehanna  Co.,  where  -'he  married  at  tlu-  age  of  20  tb.e 
]>ri-lty  daughter  of  a  farm<-r  Indng  in  the  neigli luuhood.  For  four  years  the  p.air  c-ariiod 
only  a  scuTity  subsistfui-.  ,  y.juug  Paeki-r  wm-king  a  small  fariii  .-ulI  doing  odd  jobs  at  liis 
tr;tde.  At  the  time  of  the  ojioning  of  ilw  Eeliigh  Ci;;ia!  in  the  spring  oflSoo,  he  became 
it  eana!  lioDt  driver.  AN'ith  his  '■aiiiings  hr  gradually  was  enabled  to  Imy  inii-rests  of  liis 
own  in  a  number  of  b.iats,  aiul,  retaining,  he  gave  up  <ii-ivini:.  and  ojiened  a  store 
and  a  l>oat  yard.  .\f[erwanl  he  (ajntracted  toi-  ihe  buiidingof  loeks  in  the  upi'er 
Lehigh,  and  soon  bi.s  fame  as  jieontraetor  becione  great  througlnutf  the  region,  lu  183s 
he  built  boat.'-  a'  Pottsville  for  the  transjioi faiion  of  eo:;!  to  Xew  York  direet .  In  ISlO. 
leaving  his  boat  building  business  to  liis  brother,  Mr  Park,  r  r.-umvetl  to  Mamdi  Chunk, 
and  f(U-  many  years  engaged  in  the  shipment  ol'  coal.  In  1.^^02  he  alone  began  the  build- 
ing of  the  ladli^rh  \'alley  Uaill'oad.  In  !s">">.  when  ii  was  eompleteil.  he  was  all  btlt 
iiiitu'd,  but.  aided  by  Commodore  Stockton,  he  sur\ived  lii>  temjHirary  end'arrassmi-ui.s, 
and  hi-  ro;id  .twanhvl  hi:n  to  that  extent  thai  for  many  ye.irs  he  has  beiui  aeecumled  the 
riehe-.!  luauiu  Pen i wuiia .  Mr.  Parkep  w.-i,-,  twiee  elected  to  Congress,  ami  servi'd 
under  the  a(lministiri'i.)n  of  -Mr.  Pierce.  He  built  bu-liimstdfa  beautiful  resideui-e  at 
Maii(li  rbunl;,   whiidi   was  his  Imnie.'' 

42145.  TilUS  DooIilllC,  .iune  12,  174.");  rem.  i;;i.  to  I^isseli.  .Mas-,.:  farimu-; 
d.   Nov.  2:!,  ISli!.  ,-1.  7:;;   Ui.  .\..v.  20.  17G1,  Marv.  dau.  of  Dr    l.-wis  of  \\'aird. 

1.      J.ihn.  b.  Jan.,  KG.l:  d.  v. 


11.  Elizabetli.  1..  1707:  il.  Ajuil  28,  IS.!!;  v.\.  Abrahmn  I'-nulloy  of  Kussell,  M-v^-^.. 
and  left  sons  and  flaus. 

III.  Titus,  farmer  of  K.,  Mass.;  Avas  livint;-  in  Painesville,  (). .  l>^4'^;  ni.  17!»-4,  Mary, 
(laii.  of  K'-v.  Stephen  Tracy  of  Norwieh,  Ma.s.s,.  who  d.  184;J;  liad  10  chil. 

IV.  Marv,  1>.  17r,!)-  d"  Mav(di  11,  1817:  ni.  Noble,  s.  uf  Saiii'l  and  Naomi  (Noble), 
(levc    from  Aini)iosi>  Fowier  '..f  Southwiek,  Mass.:  h.  Jan.  10.  MiV,];  left  -1   son.<. 

V.  Joel,  I).  177-1:  d.  March  9.  18-il ;  M.  A.,  Y.  C.  T/ilO;  tutor  Middlel. my  Co!.,  Vt. : 
ini^m.  Vt.  T.e;:.  and  (inv.  counc'il;  nieni.  corp.  M.  ('(d.:  Pres.  of  the  council  of  .state 
cereors;  Jiid<;e  of  tlie  Supreme  Court  of  Vt.  many  yrs..  and  -nu-m.  Con.;  in.  Sarah  P.. 
dan.  of  Kpln-aim  Fitch,  Es.p,  of  Pav.dct,  Vt.,'aad  liad:  1,  .loiix.  2,  Trrr.-^.  3. 
Cii.vKi.f.s  IlritH.MUi.  -1.  .loui.,  and  0,  Makk  Poi'.KKiKAr,  twins.  ('.  SA7:.\rf.  7.  Eliza- 
hi:tu.     'A  of  Joel'.'--  son-;  re>.  in  Ohio. 

VI.  Amasa,  b.  1771;:  d.  is;?,");  ni.  Mary,  dau.  of  Aniasa  llittdicock  of  Cheshire, 
Conn.  1,  A.NfASA  Hric'licot  k,  i-.?s.  Clushirc,  on  the  u]d  Lewis  I'^arm.  2.  Makv.  ni. 
fh-e.l)cn  Palmer  of  Sprinptieid.  Mass.;  red.  \\'.  S..  Mass. 

Vil.     Martha,  m.  Solomon  Cillettee  of  Cohdiester.  Conn. 

YIll.  Mark,  1).  17Sl;d.  Nov.  18.03,  a.  71;  Y.  C.  IhOl;  res.  Hehdiertown,  Mass.: 
lawyer;  author  of  an  liirdorical  sdcetidi  of  the  Cong.  chh.  in  lkd<diert(iwn,  {]2  mo.  282 
pp.);  pub.  Northanii)ton.  18.V2,  Nvhich  contains  this  account  of  the  Doolittle  fajnily  and 
a  steel  ])ortrait  of  the  author  engraved  by  I..  S.  Pundersou  of  New  llav..  (\:inn.  (See 
Gen.  Rig-,  vol.  fi,  ]>.  217,  tor  p.ort.  and  sketidi.)  ■■  He  has  been  a  benefactor  not  only  to- 
Helehcnown  I '.it  to  liie  commonwealth  at  larirc  in  various  fields  of  duly:"  m.  P>etsey 
]\Iatilds,  dau.  of  Daniel  Smith,  Estp,  of  ^\'est  'ilaven,  \x.,  Avho  d.  Nov.  14,  lSl-4,  a.  2S; 
(3)  Sarah  T.,  d;iu.  of  Cliarle.s  C.  Kobertcau,  Ks(j.,  formerly  of  Newburyport,  Masis.,  who 
(1.  is'ov.  23,  1818.  i.  hy  fst  m. :  1,  Lt<  v  .MAniA,  m.  1834,  Pr.  Horatio  Thfunpson  of 
]^:lchertown.  Mass.  2,'  Pktsky  MATti.m,  b.  May,  1814;  ni.  John  Strong;  Y.  <_'.  1827; 
res.  Addison,  N.  Y.  /.  by  2d  m.:  3.  Saiiau  I.ukV.xa,  d,  July  2!),  1849;  a.  18.  4.  Wii,- 
I-IAM  C. ,  d.  y. 

422.  Elisabeth  Fredericks,  l'.  Feb.  18.  l(j8(i-7:  m.  .Ian.  4.  1107-8,  Samu.-i 
Curtis,  b.  Feb.  3.  107>^!»,  s.  of  Thos.  and  Mary  C.  of  Stratford.  Une  of  the  foundei-s  of 
the  Northford  (\Vaterburv)  societv  1738.  was 'voted  into  the  3d  seat  witli  I'enj.  T'j.sou. 

I.  Enos  Curtis,  m.  May  28,  1733,  :Mary  (iale.  1,  TiTi.'s,  b.  Jan.  28,  1730:  d.  so^n. 
2,  Mauy.  b.  Nov.  S,  173(J.  3.  Comiout.  June  2.Y  1744.  4.  E\ns.  .Ian.  27,  174(1.  'k 
Lois,  March  1.  1732. 

II.  Abi  Curtis,  b.  Sept.  2!*,  17ifi;  m.  .Ian,  8.  173."),  llezekiah  Clark,  3.1  cousin-;  si-t. 
in  Southington:  8  chii.  I.  Ant.  2.  IIiv/kkiaii.  3.  SAMrii..  4,  Ei-m:\ist.  .). 
Oi.ivK.     G,  Okeo.      7,   Isaac.     S,   Eky. 

HI.  Olive  Curtis,  ni.  March  14,  174o,  .bilm,  s.  of  Dea.  Moses  and  Sarah  (Bcntoi\> 
Blakeslee  of  Plvmouth.  Conn.,  b.  }>c.-.  ■?.:,.  1723.  1.  -louN.  >4arch  3.  174G.  2,  Amasa. 
Jan.  1."),  174S;  ni.  Estlier  Parkci-.  res.  I'lvnuiuth.  1.  4///-.S.  1772.  2.  A.v //</'//,  1174.  3, 
Eneas,  \Ti\i.  3.  Joki.,  Aus.;.  P.),  17."!U;"m.  res.  P.  1.  Limi^.  2,  Rimx'-ui.  3,^ey. 
4,  Erastus.  T).  AiN.nvln.  4,  Enus.  b.  Julv  12,  !7.V2.  :>,  Or.r.n.  Aug.  2U,  17.04.  t>. 
o'ltve,  March  2!),  17.0S;  m,  Flnathan  Ives.  'l.  LKri  is,  IICP;  d.  i7«l.  8,  Lkt'I'Is,  May 
27,  1763:  m.  Ira  Pond.  9.  Jaui;1),  .Inly  8,  17t;.-):  m.  ami  has  family  in  Plynn)iith.  Ut. 
Sam.y,  Aug.  20,  17G'^';  m.  Stephen  Seymour,  1).  ^\  atertown.  Conn.,  July  21.  1109.  s.  of 
Stephen  ami  Mehitable  ( Ilickox)  S. ,  served  in  Col.  Meigs'  regt.  Conn.  Line  in  Rev.  war 
1777-80,  and  in  Shehlon's  Liirht  licusc  from  March,  1782,  to.iunc  ll'^3:  rem.  to  Otsego. 
N.  Y.,  about  1818:  in  1S32  was  res.  in  Chcuant;-o,  N.  Y.  1,  Sfitrinn,  a.  24  in  .lune,  1820. 
2,  JuliuH,  a.  10  in  1S2(I.  3,  ihnrii.  a.  13  in  1820.  4,  >W///»</,,  a.  0  in  1820;  suppo.M.>d 
the  Salmon  Sevntour  who  was  Frcst.  of  the  Isr  National  Pank  in  (Jeneva.  Ohio.  1^74. 
11,  Crurrs.  IVb.  IG.  1770;  d.  y. 

44.  Simon  Tuttic,  b  :Marcii  11.  1G71:  m.  Fii/abeih,  eld.  dau.  of  \Vm.  and  Sarah 
(DoolitthO  Abernetha  of  VVallOi.  b.  D.-c.  10,  1G73,  In  1  701;  Sinu>n  T.  bought  of  Sam  i 
T.jdd  i4e-bt  a.ciH'S  iu  F.ast  llavcn.  (0>!in..  also  other  lands  near  New  tla v.  In  various 
records  be  i.-,  called  oi  Neu  Haven.  Ajuil  17.  1721.  S.  T.  und  wf.  .sell  lands 
in  \\'aH\!.  He  d.  .'u'v  G,  1720,  llisgiave  stone  i-  tie-  (dde;,t  in  the  N(nah  Haven  burial 
g!-ound.  In.  .V].ril.  172G.  Isaiah  'i'ultle  was  apipt,  to  adm.  est.  of  his  1.  SiTiem;  inv.  1'847 
cletu- of  debt;  .Mo--es  Lllalscslee,  .b.sepli  Clark  and  PenJ,  Todd  .  divid'-rs;  s^'fi,  .buiathan  s 
!m  Ir.,  an.l  !.-pres:'nl.;tives  Imd  ih-  borne  1,,t  and  house,  Pavi-I  n4  acr.'S  behin.i  the 
nine  Hills. 

L      P.d.ecca.  b.  April  30.    ICl/S. 

II.  Jonathan,  b.  S.'j.t.  8,  17i>!;   m.    Dec.    8.  1721,    Marv,  dau.  of  Jolui  Cooper.^    ^ic 
d.  in  No.  Hav.  Dec,  1120,  a.  24  (irravc  stone).       In    Feb..  172.0-G.    adui.    giNcn    to  Mary, 


wid.  of  Jonathan  Tuttli',  lute  of  Xo.  Hav.,  «Ioc.,  and  sl-.e  was  njjpt.  f^uard.  to  Simon, 
"only  iiiinoi- fdiild;'"  Thos.  13each,  Moses  Blakoslee,  Aaron  Tuttlo,  wit.  lier  l)on(l  She 
d.  l'>ec.,  17CG,  a.  24  (gravH-stonf").  John  Cooper,  adnir.  of  her  t-st.,  IT'JT.  Later,  tho 
unadni.  est.  wa.s  given  to  iNaiah  Tutlh-  to  adjnst.  Inv.  L'KO.  1,  Simon,  1).  N<a-.  l<). 
1725.  He  was  constahh^  in  No.  JIav.,  17(iH;  m.  Sarali,  (hi.u.  of  Nathaniel  (Joodyear.  h. 
1724;  d.  Nov.,  17oS,  a.  Hi.  Ihe  will  uf  NatlianieKJc.od.year prov.  1752.  nms.  wf.  Sr.iah, 
exrx.,  and  son  Shiion  'J'uttle,  e\r..  and  chil..  Obedience,  Hannah,  Esther.  Maliel  and 
Sarali  Tnttle.  In  IHXi.  Sinu.n  'J'uttle  of  N.  Iluv.  eoiiv.  to  Jesse  JohnsrMi  <•!"  W'ondhridge, 
Tt.  in  bind  laid  out  to  Simon  'J'uttle.  I,  .Van/,  h.  June  8,  1740.  2.  !<nr,il.  Ort.  12. 
174S.  3,  Rchrcrii.  I'tee.  ol.  17.")1.  4,  Bcih',  turn  v.ith  ]U4)ecea.  o,  Mulul.  Mureh  2S. 
1753.     6,   .S"?«o//.  Mar  5.  175G.     7.  ./'.'// /^  Ft  b.  12,   1«5S. 

IH.     Jsaiah,  b.  Julv  10,  1704. 

IV.  J'^lizabetli,  b.  Nov.  8,  1705;  d.  1725-n;  and  her  est.  ^y;ls  divided  betwen  her 
brcithers  Isaiali  and  David. 

V.  Deborah,  b.  Jan.  1,  1709-10. 
VI.      David,  b.  April  25,  17 Jo. 

443.  Isaiah  Tuttle,  h.  July  10,  J7U4;  Ensiyn  in  17o7;  Justice  of  the  I'earr-:  De;,. 
in  tbe  Cong.  ciiJi.  in  North  Haven,  Conn.,  for  35  years,  1741-76;  much  emidoyed  in  the 
settlornont  of  estates:  d.  Sejii.  11,  J77G,  in  his  73d  yr. ;  Deborali  Tuttle  and  Jesse  'i'odd 
udmr.s;  inv.  -t'440.     Hem.  June  8,  1727,  Susanna  Duolittl"  of   Wnlhd,  a   (hiu.  of   his  1st. 

cous.;  d.  Mni-fli  (i,  ITt'il,  a.  55;  (2)  Deborah .      In  June  1793,  adin.  of  est.  of  Deliorali 

Tuttle  late  No.  llav.  dec.  v,as  given  to  Joseph  'J'uttle,  only  .s. ;  Peter  Eastman,  and 
Enos  Todd  dividers.     I.  bv  l>i  m.: 

I.  Jonathan,  b.  Mav  ^'^,  1T2S:  m.  F-'b.  G.  17(i!,  Hannah  Barnes. 
II.     '  b.  March  4,  1720;  d.  in  W  all'd  Nov.  17,  1787. 

III.  Isaiah,  b.   Fe'o.  G.  I";:!!  ;  d.   c. 

IV.  David,  Jan.  31,  173:^-4;  d.  "Sej.t.  IG,  17G4;  inv.  fl70;  est.  divided,  to  his  ;|,re^- 
bros.  Jonathan,  Theopliilus  and  Soloim-n. 

\ .  FJi/alietli.  h.  June  17,  173G-  ni.  Titus,  s  of  Heiijamin  and  Dvd.ia  AlliuL;-  4'!>dd, 
b.  July  Hi.  173!':  ih  June  28,  1850.  He  wa.>  Dea.  of  t^.e  No.  Haven  chh.  His  will  dated 
April  31),  18i'5;  prov.  180G;  nms.  r.enj.,  Ichabnd,  Th''.)phihis,  Titus,  Abraliam,  Chloo 
Tuttle,  J-'.stlier,  and  grand  dan.  Maria  'rnttie.  [All  \m\  tlie  first  four  sup,  to  b'-  by  2d  m, 
June  7,  175^,  to  Esther  Ba)-nes.      1,    Abraham,  b.  A].ril   29.  1750.      2,    l]li/abeth,  I).  July 

14,  17G].     3,  Chloe,  b.  Jan.  2G.  17G3;  m.  Samuel  Tu'tle  [1].  whod.  1802.     She  m.l2) 

(irannis,  amf  d.  about  1810.  4.  Titus,  b.  Aug.  13,  17G5;  d.  Sept.  10,  1810.  5,  E.-"ther, 
b.  May  15,  17GV.  u,  Abraham,  b.  Sept.  1.  1773.  J  1.  Hi-,x.i.\min.  2.  Icn.Ar.oi).  3. 
'J'heoi''H1i,i:s.  aiimr.  of  est.  of  Samuel  Tutth'  1tj(r2.     4,   Ma};i,v. 

VI.      Sarah,  b.  Julv  13,  J738;  Amus  Manstield    truard.      She  d.   Ai)ril   21.  17Gi)    num. 
Vll.      Isaiah,  b.  N.Tv.  29,  1742;  d.  %. 
Vni.      Solomon,  b.  Au-.  2",  174G;   in.  Nov.  11,  1707,  Eunice  Tuttle.      /.  by  2d  m.: 
!>:.      Susamu',  b.  Marcdi  12.  17G2:  rn.  Jonathan,  s.  uf  Caj't.  Jonatlum   Smith   of   W  . 
Hav.      ],   Ei.iAKi.M.  b.  17S5;  m.  1810  Sarah  B.  Tuitle. 

X.     lt;i(diel,  b.  Julv  9,  17G4:   He/ekiah  Tutth- guard,  in  17S0. 
Xi.      Elizabdh  Sarah,  b.  Muv  30.  1  7GG. 
XII.     Josej.h,  b.  June  2,  177U. 

4431,  Jonathan  Tuttle,  h.  May  19,  1728;  settled  in  the  south-west  corner  of 
tlie  town  of  \\  allJngf'jrd,  Conn.,  near  the  f(.,ot  of  tin-  "  Blue  Hills.''  The  jilace  loi.-  (ver 
since  borne  the  nanie  of  Tuttle's  l^irni.  He  d.  .May' 29,  1793,  a.  G5;  m.  Feb.  G,  1754. 
Hannah  Barnes,  v^  ho  d.  Nov.  2G,  ls:n,   a.  9S. 

I.      Uebecca.  b.  Aug.  29.  1755;  m.  Lent  Hougli. 

II.  Isaiih.  !).  Mav  5,  1757;  m.  Hannah  Jones;  (2)  ^-^rah  Yale. 
111.      Ihmnali.  b.  J;\n.  4.  I7(il;  n..  Berhel  'J'odd. 

W .  Sarali,  b.  Dec.    18,  i7G2;  m.  Ihiiben  Jones. 

V.  David  Ju-tus,  b.  Jan.  27,  17i;5;   m.   1700.  Dollv 'I'nttle. 

VI.  Samuel,  b.  March  IS,  1771;  m.  17;cj,  AbiL-ail  "Cook;  ^2)  1SU9,  Lucy  CrJiies. 
Vli.  PoUv,    m.    San:uel   Jolrnson;    chil.    b.    WallingfonI,    Conn.       1,     Hrs^SKi  J  .       2, 

Fi:iK.\i).  m.  l"'hel,e  Vale  (dau.  of  Benajah),  b.  March  2,  1803.  3,  BfHK.  4,  iloitDV. 
5,  Mai; v. 

44311.  RobOCCa  Tuttie,  b.  Aug.  2!).  1755;  m.  Jan.  20,  1774.  Lfut  lb. ugh  of 
Widld.  b.  175Uts.  of  Wiiiiam,  s.  of  Snnu  1.  :.;.  of  James.  ,s.  of  Jo.-epl<).  She  li.  Xu):. 
22,  liS'S.  He  in.  (2;  .Mar_\  Dlerpont  Andiews  ol  No.  Hav..  who  d.  June  27,  1^32,  a.  75. 
He  d.  (»ct.  8,  1837,  a.  87.' 


1.  Lucv  Hoiu;h,  1>.  Nov.  :.^7,  177-1:  in.  ^■f•\vlM!Hl  l[;ill. 

II.  Hannah  lioii<rli.  m.  Ira  Ilall  of  \\ail\l:  .v.  i. 

in.  Scrajah  Hough,  b.  March  :.^(;,  17S0;  m.  Elizabeth  Avery. 

IV.  Ahnira  Hougli,  h.  >vov.  6,  !7'J7. 

443111.     I.llCV  Iloilgh,  b.  Nov.  27,  1771;   id.  J)<'a.  Newiiiaii  Hall  of  \V. 
1.      Hebcc-ca  ilall,  ni.  Jared  Hull  of  ^\•. 

11.      Hannah   Hall.   ni.   .loel    Hull   ui    \V.      1,    .John,  m.  Coni.'lia  IMuuson,  .■>'.  ;'.     2, 
Isaac,  m.  and  has  oni'  tdi.      >'.    Hf.NKV.  ni.  0]il!i  lia  Munson  of  \N'. ;  one  eh. 

Hi.      l.ucy  Hall,  ni.  Jan.  21).  1S21.  Wo.-sn-r  Y;ilo  of  W.,  afterwards  of  Xcw  Hav. ,  b. 

,hin.  12,  17!)7;  an  extensive  nianuf.  of  ^hocs  in  W.  several  yrs.      On   rf'tirinir  frf)ni  that 

l.>usine.-s  and  rem.  ti.)  .\e\v  Haven   he  ojierp/d  a  ioiieryand  ex<dianc;-e  f'iice;   for  sonie  tinnr 

Deputy   SheriiT  of    New  llaven    roanty       lie  iinally  ri'iui-iied  to  \\".  and  settled  ou  the 

farm    ori>rinally   OMned    liv    his    ancestor,    'Idiomas    '^'ale   in    1770       He   d.     Marcdi    27, 

1S42,    a.  V)    vf-.       1,     L-ri;7VtiA.    1-.    (K.i.    2y.    Is21:    .1.     Dec.    2,    1S2;;.       2,     Kstiikk 

[       C.  b.  April  ].-,.  1S2;;.     :!.   (ii-.n.  ^\'.,  Jan.    12:  d.  Hec .  2^,  js;-,'.-,.     -1,   (-.'ko.  \V.,  b.  Dec.  29, 

I       182(;;    n).   Ducv   I'avis,  of  X.    Hav.:  res.    Ha,i!f.      1,  />.////•    lb.,  ni.   Cvnthia Penncv.     2. 

:        h'lla  F.,  b.  Jan.  8.  ls5:J:  th.  Se[.t.  20,  ls70,  Hranic  W.  Miller  of  Hartf.,  Conn.     5,  "AVii.- 

j.iAjr    Hr;XKy.  b.  March   28,182.8:    d.   Dec.   Hi,   18-'I.     (i,    W'li.T.rAM    Haj,),,   b.    Xov.    12, 

■        1831;  m.  Any-.  29,  18'i-j,  i^arah  E.  Banks  of  Xorwalk,  Conn.:   res.  ^^■in(lIn^,  Minn.;   1  ch. 

1,  Ch.irks  B..  b.  .Xov.  in,  1800.     7.   En^vJ^■  Ai.o\y,u,  b.  Di:,-.  ^.j,  ]8:i:i;  m.  Oct.  17,  1853, 

ilertrude  Pae;e  of  Xew  Dritain.  Conn. :  re-i.  Louisville,  Kv.      1,   (hiir'csP.     2,    Fvtih  rick 

;       J/.     3  and  E  Infants,  dec.     S.  Makv  <'.,  b.  A]iril  14,  18:Jo;   lu.  Oct.  17,  185^,  Geo.  K.  (s. 

j       of  Riley)  X'oit ;  is  colleciino;  material  for  a  historv  of  the  Xott    tamilv;  res.  S'.  Hav.     9, 

.     EiTV  (E,  b.  Sept.  21,  1s:;7:  d.  Dec.  4.  l.^ijn.      in.  "Si  sax  E.,  b.  Juiv  li",  1S41:  m.  Sei.t.  28, 

1       1SG8.  Henry  ^^.  Phitt  of  X.  Hav.:   res.  We.>t  Meridan,  Conn. 

1  443113.     Serajah  B:ough,  b.  Much  2i).  17S0:  d   in  Meriden  Ans^.  8,  18.-):E  m.  I'Vb. 

18.  IHUI,  Eii/.abeth.  dau.  (d'  .\l)ner  S.  A\ery.  b.  Sept.  27.  17^2;  d.  Aul,^  14,  187U. 

I.     Evnu.n   ^^■or.'(ste^.  b.  March   7.  ls02:  d.  in  Mer.  \w^. .  \>iM\  ni.  Oct.  2o.  1S25. 

Ruth  C.  lEl-e  of  .M.,  wh..d.  .hilv  s,  l^fio  1.  Sirv-.  l.'ici:.  b.  Dec.  lU,  1^27;  d.  Julv  27. 
i  l."-'Mi;;.  2.  Jaxi:  b.  .ian.  2-.  \^.;\)\  m.  Sept.  4,  I'^o'J,  Dea.  Hobart  C.  Hull;"  res. 
j        \V.  :der.     8.  Er.i,KN  Kkkkcca,  b.  Mav  7.  E-J8. 

'  H.     Eent  S.-rajah,  h.  Jan.  20.  IsOl:  educ.   at    l^aneor,  Me.;  gra.].  Yale  Div.  School 

■•        1S;H:    I'leached  at  Chaplin.  Cunn..  oJ  yi-<.;   Xoith  Madisot!,  :',  yr.--. :  IJethcl,  1  vr. ;  Middle- 

lowu,  ^^"e.^t^.eld  S*^ciely,  abt.  IS  y;>.  :  \N'o'coti.  \\  yis. ;  Sah-m,  1 1  yfs.,  thence  to  E.  Eynie. 
i  Conn.:  an  earnest  and  succes.-ful  lU'-acher;  m.  Jul_\  12,  bSol.  llannah.  dau.  of  Eli  Snutli 
j  of  Xorlhfo'-d,  Conn.,  1).  .Uily  2.-i.  Isii.-,,  (>is.  to  Rev.  V,\\  Smith,  D.  D. ,  missionary  at 
i  15eirut.  India,  v.heie  he  fansiated  tin-  1'.:!  b-  into  Arabic).  I,  l"!!,!  SMtri!,  li.  Aug.  10. 
:        1882:  m.  Oct.   8,    18o4.   Caroline  Hall.       2.   S.vIvAH    L.vnmax  S.xrrlii,  b.  May  8.  1S8.3;   m. 

Xov..   is.)!),  (  liHi-b--   Heniy  (ialpje,  n!   W' >!  iield.  Conn.,  n.  1^:'S;   enlist..  Aug.  G,  lsd2.  in 

Co.   }■",  1  i;h  Ib-gL  CiMiu.    \  oN. :     wound.ed  at  bat.  of  Antieiam,  sup.  beyond  recovery,  and 

<li.sclnarged:  returned  home  and  recoveicd  so  lai-  as  to  pa'^s  muster  into  the  1st  C(Uin. 
j  Cav.  ■  After  the  bat.  of  the  \^  ilderu'-^s.  attain  piosi  rateil  by  oveiexei  tiou  :  sei\-ed  to  end  of 
;        war  in  Vet.  Res'uve  Corj^s.    1.  >' '/•«'/-.  b.  Seja.,  ISCO.    2.  C/,",;//,  .v /;,  „;,7„///,,  J  une.  lS(il,  dec. 

8,  Ih,ttk  B.'H,  1).  isiil.     4.    /;//■  ]!...,;/.  Aug.,  ES(i8.       o,  .V/;-.///    llotigh,  h.  Jan.  20.,  1878. 

8,  Mahi.v  ^^'AKU  SNtmi,  li.  Oct.  0.  1S44:  ni.   Jan.    E").   1S(;7,  .lo,-.epl,   Eiv  H;ill  of  I,yuie; 

res.  Cobdn-<ter.  (■(uni.     1.  ArtF.r  .<t.'„t<n,.  1>.  Jan.  21.  b^b.^.     2.  Jf,  rl;  rt  'H','in]i^  b.  March. 

1870.       4,  Hi-.N.i.wiiN    SMiTii.  b.  April,  17,  1S-!E  enlisted  in  (\^.  H.  8d  Kegt.'Conn.  Vol-., 

and  wa- in   Isi  bat.  (d'  Dull   Run;   leenl.   SSth  111.   \'ols. :  at  liat.  (d"   Perry  ville,  and  after 

passing   Xa.^h\ill(^  in  juir^uit  of    lEagg   was   nearly  killed  by  d.rinking  fioni   a    ].oisoned 
[        spiiug:  tra,nsf.  to  \et.  IJo.  Corji.-:    r.  s.   V^^\■\  S.audeu,  I'akotii.      o,  Mahtii  A    Ri:ni-.i'('A,  b. 
1        I'l'b.   18.  Isl7.     t).   Makv  !",i,i/..\i;i;rii,  twin  \\\\\\  Martha. 
;  lib      Xancy  A\ery.  b.  I'eb.  4.  \^\%:  d.  Mai'di  ii.  1^28. 

:  1\'.      Ibdu'cca  Tiittle,  b.  .i:,u.  :!.   1^'is.  ni.  Se|>i.,  18:i-J,  \\y\ .  Sanund    A.  Curtis.      Mrs. 

Rebel  ca  'I'uttle  Curii-;  and  her  (iau.  .\un  W(  re  killei!  by  lighuiing  Mandi  25.  1842,  durin,;^- 
'■■  a  fearful  thu n.ler  sTonu  at  l"n.i(Ui.  C'  nu.  <  Jeiu-ge  (''urt is  was  sitting  with  his  f.  and  Ins 
!        sis.  .Ann  v.ith  h"r  luo.      lln-  former  two  were  uninjured  1.  Axx,  b.  March.  1884.       2. 

j  Okok-ck,  b.  Jan.  5.  1S,;7:  Rev.;  v,-t.  in  jbii  win'ou,' Couu. ;  ni.  .fan.  18.  ISiU,  Klvira  Cor- 
i  hill,  1,.  .Dun.  pp  is:,s.  E  y.'i-u  Attn,  b.  Sept.  20.  is;;.-i.  2.  Ci.tvn  C<n-hi„,  b.  June  10, 
[         bse.s.      :p  Mxrii  llA.a-r.i,  In  .Dun-  "-.   I'-'Dl. 

I  V.      .\lou/,o  I.i.uunti.  1...  Match  25.  Islii;   m.    Keb,  2n.  1S88,  K'ebecca  (illiiert   of   Eud 

!         lov.-.  Vt.;   re-.  Vin<dand,   N.J.       1,    Ktr^.M^    l.vnox.    b.    June.    X-^Xy  (ib-c.)       2.    \N'ti. 1,1AM 

1      <>-Mv,.:.N.  1,.  ypindi,  IS-!:; 

HOICII,    TLTTl.i:.  221 

VI.     (Jeorge  Slieniiaii,  1).  Ovi.  7,  INl',':  ni.  Morch.  I'^!}'",  llclt-ii  Fiinilmni  <if  Oliin.      1. 

(ibuii.ii;  Ki)wai:l),  h.  Aj.iil  :;,  l.S'O;  d    Fd..  1,  1S71.    2,  ,!ri.i.\  ]1i:i-kn.  ivs.  J'jri.shuvir.  Pa. 

VII.      .loliu  Mfirs,  1).  On.  ^1,  I'^lo;   in.  .Imif  'J,   IS.|1,  Ami  Eliza    llol).'!  ts  ..f  XoVtnik, 

Vn.;  ii's.  Tyrrcl  Co.,  X.  ('.       1,  M.\i;t.Ai;K-i'  Ann  IIlizavjoth.  b.  A].!;!  -20,  It^-.';  d.r.     2, 

.Irfjus  Av(':i>Tr<.  h.  .'an.  vlit.  1S4r):  drr.     ?,,   ('aikhjnk  \'ii;(iiNi.\,  b.  Sept.  -i').  is'-ltj;  in. 

Haywood.       1,  JL/ni/.  h.  Maivh,  IMll.       4.  I-Idwakh  Ai.onzi.,  I..  Aiij^;.  8,  1^-1!».     5. 

Thomas"  H.'c.,"18.">1.  <J.  doiis  MnnMiv,  1>.  M:.y,  isi,(i.  7,  CifAiM.Ks  Hvv- 
^vo(>I),  Si •])(.,  ISf!;;. 

V!II.      Wni-u'iii  An^U'.tu.';,  1..  An^r.  14,  181S;   d.  at  Kavcniia,  U.,  D.-r.  •^.'i,  18o7. 
IX.     Juliu.-^  O.u-dcii,  .luly  21,  1S22;  d.  Jan.  1,  ]S2:]. 

44312.     Isaiah  Tuttle,   !•.  Moy  .T,  1757:  m.  llaniiali    Jdicy;    (2)   Sarali,  twin    dan. 
()!' ('a]it.  Stcplu-n  and  ^^arah   J-icadlcs  Yale,  ]>.  .Ian.  2.'J.  17.>'j:    1  (!i.  Lv  1st  ni. 
I.      Sanuiol,  b.  Juno  4,  HSi.  '' 

II.      Phebe.  b.  Jan.  2,  17H;-;;  in.,  d.  ,v.  /. 

III.  Jonathan,  b.  I'ec.  IG,  1784;  d.  July,  M^'oT),  a.  SO;  m.  ubom  isOS,  Zt-ruali  (iid- 
(liiigs;.  lie  Vfui.  t"  ^^■illu^msfield,  Asb.  Cc,  O.,  :>boiif,  is'u:),  wbr.  lie  tiUcd  variois  otlicps 
in  town  and  county;   it-[>rc-;enTiii;j  h\--  ccunty  in  titc  \.''g.,  and  was  uinvcrsally  !■•  S]ieotf'd. 

IV.  liarvcy,  b.  XoV,  2,  17SU.  Hcv.  Anson  Yale,  his  Italf  !)ro.,  says  of  him:  "  He 
was  a  living  tdironolo,t:ical  table,  a  \vondt;rt'ul  memory  for  facts  and  dates.  He  taught 
school  about  20  yrs  and  was  untiring  in  his  efforts  to  pioiuotf  Sabbath  scliool.s  and  gen- 
eral education."     He  blled  many  town  and  county  oiiice.s  and  ])osit)ous  of  trust.     He  d. 

a.  80  vrs.;  m.  1818  Sallv  Tov,)i.send  of  Crown  Point,  IN.  Y.  1,  Sahau  Almin'a.  b.  1810; 
in.  Sept.  23,  1841,  Wm!  Crissy.     l,,Ph>hna.  b.   Dec.   19,  P42.     2,   HA^-^•Alr  Evklina. 

3,  EvKi.YN  Perky,  b.  Mavcli'28,  ISi^^;  m.  ^^<^'^.  Cliarlotte  Bruen.  1.  SteUa.  b.  Aug.  2:'). 
185o.  2,  .dWfc,  Feb.  22,  l^.Vj.  3.  KriUiKi  II. ,  Jan.  18,  l,st);i.  4.  Phkbk  [.itina,  b. 
July  24.  1829;  m.  Nov.  1,  l8o5,  E.  W.  l?ritrbain;  res.  Hillsdale,  Midi.  5,  Aakon  Town- 
SEM-),  24.;  iU.  May  22.  1>tJ3.  Abbie   llarjnon.      I,  J,s,,p],ii,e.  b.  Dec.  11,  180H. 

\'.     Svlvia.  m.  Isaac  Dowd,  1812  or 'lo.     1,  LirjKx.     2,  SopinuiNJA.     3,  Matilda. 

4,  LATiiA.'all  dec.  r,,  IIiKA>f  H..  b.  April  2,  18:39;  m.  Oct.  24,  18.12.  Electa  Dowd.  He 
d.  Oct.  20,  1S70.  F.?,.n.  r'^s.  Centcrville,  Onondaga  Hills,  Onon.  Co..  X.  Y.  1.  WiUar'i 
Emyaett.  b.  Mav  IS,  IS-Vl.  2,  Lfvirn  Siphronia,  b.  Oct.  12.  bS.j.l:  ^h-c.  3,  Jlr/n-'/  M.  r- 
rit:f,h.  Oct.  2,  18.57.  4,  U!>!,ie  M.iij,  b.  Mity  24,  18.19.  -5,  Freddu  L''n,r/idt,  b.  Mas"  2, 
1801.  6,  Christopher  llirant,  b.  Dec.  27.  'l8G3.  7,  Ahhit  Flore nrc,  Feb.  24,  18!j4.'  8. 
ElU  li  Leonora,  Sept.  .5,  18iJ9. 

VI.     Hannah,  b.  Jan.  12.  1793. 

VII.  Isaiah  Irwin,  b.  Xov.  lli,  1794;  Dea. :  rt-m.  to  b'ootstown,  }\irt:\ge  Co..  O.,  aiit. 
1838;  ''a  very  v.-ortliy  man;"  d.  April  17.  18i).0;  m.  Oct.  2.i,  1824,  Abigail  Beach'.  1, 
CuJ-NKLtrsBKAiNK];!).  1).  May  15,  1827;  m.  May  1.5,  18.").5,  Lois  Bainbridge.  \,Kini,nf- 
L.,  June  25,  18.50.  'Z,  ElUri  ./..June  21,  1861.  3,  Xhtrmnu  <"..  Dec.  21.  1805.  2. 
0){VIT,I.K  Paksoxs,  Sept.  3.  1829;  d.  Sept.  11,  18i.;i'.:  m.  Xov.,  18151,  X'ancv  Annstr(.ng. 
1,  Miiron  E.,  b.  Oct.  4,  I8'j2.  2.  I),:rhl  T'..  Oct.  28,  1803.  3,  Ann  Emzaiiktu,  b.  Sept.  2?. 
1831;  m.  18.57,  Joliii  Baiabiidge.  1,  ]V'>rn'-rR.,  b.  Ma\  5,  l.';G9.  4,  Myi;ox  E.,  b.  Ju!v 
18,1834;  d.  Jan.  18,  1802;  m.  Oct.  14-,  1801.  Marv  Jane  NiouUon.  .5.  KosA  La  vim  a.  b". 
S"pt.  2(t,  1S55.     0,.  Leonard;  res.  West  Andover,  O. 

\I1I.  Piomaiita,  b.  D.  c.  l,1790;m.  Mamre  Mun.s(Mi.  who  d.  Sejd.  30.  18:}3:  a.  33;  he 
m.  (2)  June  21.  1S34.  Elizabeth  Tew.  /.  iiv  Isr  m. :  1.  Jane,  b.  Feb.  20,  1S23;  in.  Sab 
moil-Hart,  v/ho  was  killed  in  a  factory  at  Xew  Uartf..  ConT\.  1,  J>'iu.,-\\\.  Henrv  Smith 
aud  has  one  child.  2,  SliEJti.ciCK  M:,  b.  March  2,  bs2i;;  d.  1807;  m.  James  M(i.scs.  ]. 
Jfoirtird,  m.  (ieorgia  Call  and  had  a  .son  b.  1.^7(1;    res.  New  llartf.     3,    LfMA.x    1'2i.i;p:i!T. 

b.  Dec.  22,  1.^27;  m.  Nov.  25,  1849,  Mary  Jane  Andrews;  b.  April  8,  is:!2:  res. 
Wolcottville.  Conn.  1.  Amm,  b.  Aug.  8.  18.5.'-'.  4,  Ivmh.v,  b.  Xov.  14.  1^:29;  d.  .v.  /.  Oct. 
7,  1(S5I;  m.  Sylvanus  ^\■ilcox.  .5,  Medaii  Evj:i;i;i  r,  b.  Oct.  14.  ls:;i;d.  a.  7  yrs.  0, 
Mami;E  .M.,  i).  April  30,  l,s3.'!;  m.  (b-o.  S.  Ives;  i.  a  dau.:  res.  C(del>rook.  Conn"  /.  bv 
2d  m.:  7,  Mai;v,  b.  March  21.  1.^35;  d.  ^■.  /.  Jan.  ;jO,  IS'in,  a!  \\'illimanli<-.  Conn.;  m.  (feo, 
Dunoclc.  8,  ll\NN\;i,  b.  .Jan.  5,  1N;!7.  !,',  JA\!i>  (i.,  b  Fel>.  0,  l^^S;  (].  .v.  /.  Mav  (i. 
1802;  III.  Calista  Spi-iicer  of  lligganum,  Conn.  Id,  j-ls  ai.ini:,  h.  .Manh  5,  bs:;9;  m.  Ib.b 
ert  H.  (.'ray  of  (iroton.  Conn.;  she  rl.  ,v.  ,'.  .>s,.|>t.  4,  bsiil.  11,  Fj.iza,  b.  Aii;;.  29,  lS4i;  m. 
('has.  A.  Ihirvea  of  (iioton.  12.  A  i;i;i  t:,  l».  .1  unc  9,  \^-\\  13.  .\i  M;<;ai:  i;i-,  1>.  Feb.  2(). 
1840.     14,  JoiiN.  b.  Au:r.  22,  !s.-,i). 

IX.     Sarah,  b.  Jute-   14,    17!'^;   m.  Mil,..^  (JPhttf.        1,  Thkfion    Pkadlkv,    m.    res. 

(".•)Iebrook.      1.  Denltl.     2,   Li'iir.     2,  Ckt  is-|  i.v,  u\.  Cic.-ro  If.ib.'rt-;  \-r>.  W'ind.-or,  (.'onn. 

X.      Anson    Y:de.  b.    .Ian.  24,  i^Dj;    Amlfist.  Col.    is;',,?;    stud.    2  yrs.  at    Andovcr; 

J^rad.  Theo.  hist,  of    Conn,  at  Fist  \\'i;i(Nor,   iSOO;    lic..nsed  sm     yr.   i)y  T(dland    As.socla- 

tion.     Ordained  at  Ibiutstown,  (J.,  Dec,  1S40.  and  iii.-.ialled  the  sm.  vr'      Dismissev!  ai  his 

I       22"^  ]{U\XCli    OF    JOXATHAN. 

own  rfqiu'st  May.  1814:  m.  Fpi>.    18,  J842,  Aiuu-fti'  H.  Donimn,  wlio  d.  Fcl).  27,  1800;  (5) 
May  24,  1868,  Emily  NN'oods  of  lludscni,  O.,  wlio  d.  «.  /.  Aufr.  8.  1870. 

443121.  Samuel  Tuttle,  b..Uin('4,1781;  mn.  to  flartforu,  Tnnnbull  Co.,  0.,  1805, 
lliciict'  to  Williaiu.-tifld,  ().,  in  1807:  then  an  unbroken  wild.  'J'wo  families  moved  into 
tlie  townsliiji  some  throe  mile.'^  distant  in  the  fall  of  1800;  being  then  tlif  onlv  white 
inliabilants.  Mr.  T.  lived  alone  most  of  rlre  time  fur  iive  years,  snrnmiuli-<l  hy  Indians 
pnd  wild  be-asTs.  He  relates  that,  one  dark  niglit  lie  awakened  by  an  outcry  annmo- 
tlie  swine,  whicli  proved  on  investigalion  to  l)e  caused  by  a  bear  tryinfc  to  (!arrv  off  the 
"mutbtn- )io^."'  yei/.intr  a  rail  he  belaboied  bruin  until  he  \vas  forced  to  dro])  hi.s  prizf^ 
and  retreat.  Mr.  'i'.  filled  various  jiositicms  of  i)ublic  trust,  and  e.'ijoyed  the  res|)ect,  and 
coufiih-ncc  of  the  eonjmnidty.  He  d.  Ajiril.  18f).5.  a  8l:  m.  180o.  Elsie  .lont's;  d.  in 
Hartford,  ().,  Sept.  17,  ]8()G:  "(2i  1^"'.  l-"'"-  I-''<'nard,  wlio  d.  in  A}n-il.  18:J1;  (:])  in  spring: 
of   is;«  Mrs.  Matilda  Hayes,  wlm  d.  alxvat  ls;57.    /.  by  1st  m.: 

).  'I'lieophiliis.  b.  Feb.  2il.  18 ')4:  111.  Nov.  ,5,  1824.  Irene  Keed,  res.  West  xVndover, 
Aslital'ula  Co.,  O.  1.  S.^MCKI.  U..  )>nrn.  Apiil  l."i,  IsiO;  m.  June,  184(),  Lucv  Hire;  he  d.' 
March  28,  lt;")0.  1.  ILirt^on.  b.  July.  1S17.  2.  Maiuji'is  J..  If.  Au-.  :30.  1y?7:  m.  Feb. 
25,  1858,  Nam-y  (iilb-tte.  1,  Enuh;  C,  li.  April  ;^0.  1859.  2,  y</r,(  K.,  Mav  li),  l^ifil. 
3,  Dirinld  J/.,  b.  Oct.  2(1.  l.s(;5.  :-).  Ai.siH.v  E..  b.  June  0.  1SH2:  m.  April  7,  1852. 
Seneca  Wright,  who  d.  18(!2.  1.  Minuu.  b.  1S5;!.  4.  John  W..  b.  June  0.  1834:  d'. 
1858.  5.  Iy(\  H..  b.  Sept.  ;-;.  ISHS:  d.  Feb.  25,  1S5;).  (J,,  b.  Auf,^  8.  1839;  d. 
Julv  2.  isi:l  7,  Ft.siH  k..  b.  Jan.  S,  l.Sll;  m.  Marcli  IG,  18(i5.  Beiij.  1).  Landoii.  '  1, 
Frrderlrl  ^V..  b.  May  1.  ]s(;(>.  2,  Bt  nj.  ])..  April  28,  1870:  res.  Linesville,  Crawford 
Co.,  Vc,  e.xcept  Elsie,  this  familv  re^ivles  at  ^^'iHi;lTn-;fieid,  Aslit.  Co.,  ().     i.  bv  2d  nt.  : 

II.  Lennard.  '..  Jan.  IS,  1^17:  res.  W.  And.  O. ;  m.  Ct.  4,  1S;{8,  Phehe  Ha-t,  who 
d.  Sept.  5,  lf:'54.  He  m.  t2)  .Marv  M.  Lvman,  in  bs55.  1,  'I'KfNf.^N,  b.  Dec.  2(»,  l>s'-U;  d. 
Dec.  2o.  1S41.  2.  S.^muki,  II..  "b  F-b'.  12,  1841;  m.  Oct.  4,  18ti4,  Philena  Crissv.  8, 
Anson  (iAi.i:.  b.  (ici.  14,  1S45:  d.  Sept.  5,  18.54.  4.  Is.vivii  II.,  b.  Hee.  2S,  1847;  d."  Au^, 
24,  1854.     /.  t>y  2d  m.:     5.  Cl.vyto.n  E..  b    Dee.  2'.i,  l^GO. 

44151^.     Hpnnuli  Tattle,  b.  Jan.  4.  nCF.  m.  in  Haniden.  Conn.,  Hetbr.],  s.  of  Dr 
.Ste[>lien  Todd  of  Wall'.l. 

1.     J. din  Todd,  b.  1794;  d.  unni. 

II.  Slierlock  Todd.  b.  1790:  m.  Zillah  (lilb.Tt  of  Eastnn.  Conn.  1,  Bt  i;t(*n,  d.  y., 
unin.  2,  SKTU.m,  Oct.  1, 1845.  Deborah,  dan.  of  Hrjidlev  Burr  of  Kedding,  Conn.,  b,  Dec. 
•26,  \^-K<.  1,  JL'K/rij  />'.,  b.  Dec.  29,  ISai'.;  }n.  Albc  'NVhe.l.-r  of  Betltel,  Conn.  1,  Loni  ni. 
Feb.  5.  IS:;:^.  2,  'Jrace,  Jan.  C,  18i8.  2,  Ch,ivh^  Jiurr,  b.  Jan.  9,  1849;  author  of  the 
lliktcrry  of  iJic  Burr  Fuiidltj  In  A/m  rlr,t ,■'■■  of  v,  hieb.  two  edition-:  have  be;-n  ]in.b.,  and 
llidorij  of  liedilihg,  Coim.  8,  A'.l"  J.,  b.  .June  10.  l'^52):  .trrad.  Fort  Fdv.ard  Sem.  lN7o 
and  at  Ciaverack  1870.  4.  J-nhi,  N. .  and  5.  Jlntiir  K.,  twins,  b.  June  24.  ISOO.  o, 
-loiiN,  in.  Harriett  Biown,  ,«.  i. 

III.  Edward  To-ld,  b.  i797;   l)ecauie  a  teacher;   rem.  To  Hi.Lrhland,  111.,  ilienee  to  Mi. 
<.'arme].  111.,  where  bed.;  m.  Caroline  I'enton.      1,   CitAiti.KS.      2,    .Ai/nn.A. 

IV.  Maria  Todd,  m.  Wm.  Jndd.      She  is  imw  (1879)  livin<x  in  Fairlield,  Conu. 
V.     Hannah  Todd.  m.  Buit(jn  Thorpe;  rem.  to  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

*Tci/:t  Editor  n/  the  A'ctc  Ycrk  7"///.vj.— In  a  recent  leview  of  a  "  Life  of  Hamilton"  your  reviev.'er 
goes  out  of  his  way  to  stigmatize  Aaron  Hurr  as  a  •"  wretched  adventurer."  evidently  on  the  aG,-,uraption 
that  '■  ht  has  no  Irienos.  therefore  kick  hira.''  The  animus  of  thai  rtvii-v.- isaf.p.-ircnt,  and  it  is  evi- 
cicnl  that  old  v/ounds  still  fcitcr.  liut  wherein  was  Aaron  Burr  an  ''adventurer?"  As  Colonel  in  the 
Kcvohuionary  anny,  or  Attorney-General  of  New  York,  or  Senator  from  the  same  t;reat  state,  or 
Vice-President  of  the  nation,  m  all  of  which  offices  he  v.-on  the  plaudits  of  the  people  .'  C>r  was  it  when 
entertaining  the  ehiefest  men  of  two  continents  at  Richmond  Hill,  or  durnif;  the  fleliverv  of  that  raatch- 
le--%s  oration  on  t.ikiuj^  leave  of  the  Senate,  which  inelfed  even  j.-rave  Senators  to  tears  ?  In  point  of  pedi- 
f^rce,  Hamilton  was  certainly  the  '"  adventurer,"  for  iiurr  was  descended  by  both  parents,  from  two  of  the 
proudest  ard  best  families  of  New  Eng-land.  as  cerlain  printed  works  in  the  Astoi-  or  Mercantile  Libraries 
■  will  prove  to  the  curious.  La  point  of  fact,  the  whole  treatment  of  .\arr.n  Hurr  is  a  di.stjrace  to  our 
boasted  civilisation,  a  rank  instance  of  the  inciatitude  of  republics.  The  Federal  partv^  the  Presbyterian 
cluircli,  the  Virc;inian  f-jction,  the  Clinton-Schuvler-Hamiltoi.-Livin^^stoa  faction  of  New  York,  all  pitted 
aj;ain^t  one  ione  man,  -ivas  a  spectacle  for  pods  and  men;  but  the  sanse  united  in  an  effort  to  bia.;ken  his 
nai.'f;  and  niemorj-,  a'.i.i  eontinuintr  50  yoars  after  death,  oni'-ht  to  provoke  the  indlnfuant  protest  of  every 
lo\er  of  justice  and  fair  play  The  victim,  too.  is  quiescent.  Often  and  often  Col.  P.urr  was  urfced  by 
his  frit-lids  to  reply  to  il;e  calumnies  circulated  about  him,  ''  can  J  do.'-  he  would  say.  "alt  I'nv 
valuable  papers  were  lost  in  the  shipwreck  that  bereft  me  of  inv  daiinliter;  let  them  do  with  t.he  old  man 
as  they  will,  the  truth  of  history  will  yet  appear,"  and  so  Burr's'friends  have  t>cen  passive,  and  ttie  t;houls 
of  church  and  state  fiave  had  it  .all  llieir  own  vvav.  I  wish  to  say.  in  conclusion  that  I  have  studied 
.^;lron  linrr's  cli.-iracter,  caieer,  ideas,  habits,  and  hereditary  tendencies  thorouphlv,  and  in  the  lii;ht  of 
an  iiuimaie  knowledge  of  his  family,  froni  ihe  advent  Of  his  lirst  ancestor  at  l!,  in  \(^^•^.  and  am  well 
crnyinctd  that  he  is  wortl;y  to  take  nnk  with  any  of  his  peers  in  the  afTectinn-;  of  his  countrymeo.  and 
am  simply  ama/ed  at  the  mists  of  ij;noranee,  calumny  and  mis:ippreh.cns'on  which  have  been  cllectcit 
ab-iu;  the  name.  CHARLKS  BURR  TODD, 

Autnor  "  Hiitory  of  ike  h':irt  Fiimily.^ 

I  TiriTi.K.  223 

;  44514.     Sarah  Tuttle,  h.    Dec    18.    17(i-2:   m.    K(  ubru   Jones,  (s.  fo  Natlianiol.  s. 

I        i>i  Tl)ec)}>liilu^.  s.  of  Nullumiel,  s.   of   l-ifU-t.-Gov.  ^^'iUi;^n);   res.  in   \\!illinL;foi(],  aht.  a 
'        mile  east  of  tin'  villaiVf,  where  desc.  arc  still   livlny.      lit-  d.  Oct.  (i,  lS4b,  a.  84;  sht.  d 

March  13,  18:5:5. 
i  I.     .h'rt'niiah  Jones. 

i^  II.     Hubbard  Jone.s. 

III.  Siikov  Jones.  •  ■ 

IV.  Polly  Jones. 
V.     S;ii4i'!i  Junes. 

443]  5.     DaViid  JliStus  Ttltlle,  b.   Jan.   27.    ITf..");   d.  Jan.    9.  1S12;   m.  April   2it 
1790,  I'oilv  Tnltleof  \V.  Ilav..  who  d.  Sept.  2'J.  18:^ti,  a.  07, 

1.  B^-tsev,  b.  Nov.  1,  1790;  d.  S.-pt.  17,  lS8i;;  m.  Nov.  1 ,  181:1  John  Oavlord  of 
W..  b.  Mav  9,*  178rt;  d.  April  10,  isijl.  1,  David,  b.  Oct.  12.  1814:  rn.  Oct.  "4,  1840 
Bertha  Bartholomew.  1,  Ch'ir'.i-.s  II'.,  b.  An^^  2S,  184G,  (M.D.)  2,  If//;.  /A,  Sept.  27* 
1849.  ::'.,  Frnitk.J..  b.  June  10;  d.  Dee.  27,  ISo.').  4,  Idu  J.,  b.  Sej)!.  22.  1858.  2.  S-MiAii 
Kt.i/.m->ktii.  b.  Sej't.  4,  182:3;  in.  A])ri]  6.  18o0,  Hinsdale  Suliman  Rice  of  W.  Meriden-*  ;' 
II.      Sally,  b.  June  29,  1792:  d.  Sept.  i!],  1810. 

III.  Jesse,  b.  S*'pl.  22,  1794;  ni  Feb.  10.  1824.  Klizaberli  Alien.  1,  IvvuLV  Jakk, 
)■.  N<<v.  18,  1S2G:  ni.  Aj)ril  7,  184G.  Kirtland  Cook.  \ .  J<  unit  Kirthi nil ,  b.  Feb.  2o', 
3817:  d.  March  12;  18(5.").  2.  S.^MfKi,  Ai.i.kv.  b.  Mav  27.  iSoO;  d.  Oct.  18  180")  'i\ 
Fh.LKX  A.MK)J.s,  h.  March  11.  18:^4. 

IV.  Harry,  b.  Oct.  20.  1790;  d.  in  ('lns)iire.  t'onn..  .\\iy,.  o,  ISTit.  ji,  s;],-  m.  J-an.  1.^, 
1822.  Hilary  Bronson  of  Wolcott,  Conn.,  wlio  d.  in  Cle-^hirc.  Dec.  12.  18.')4,  a.  09;  the  first 
S  chihb.  in  ^"\■ind!l:•.nl.•  X.  ^'.;  tlie  hisi  '6  in  < '.  1.  b.  Dec.  4,  182;!;  d.  March  2:3. 
1808;  in.  <»c:.  ;j,  1S.V2,  F/liza.  W OodinLr  of  Xangatuck,  ('o!ii!..  ulio  d.  Dec.  :](),  b'-!.>i.  a.  ZV. 
1,  Addie  E.,  Aug.  12,  18r);3:  res.  X.  Hav.  2.  Elcir"  W..  Drr.  \:,,  1,S'.4.  In  1870  received 
one  of  Orange  J  udd's  prizes,  "the  only  one  taktii  in  t'onn." — ^  A".  }'.  h'riniur/  Posf.)  2. 
Matjv  B.,  b.  AuiT.  20,  1820;  res.  C'lifshire.  Conu.  ;-{,  il.\,\.\..\£i  ('.,  b.  in  Uindliani.  X." 
Y..  Se]>t.  :30.  1829;  )u.  Dec.  8.  1802,  Geo.  (ioodyear  of  X.  Hav.  ("oiui.;  cliil.  b.  tliere.  1, 
Grorm,  Oct.  ;3.  180:3.  2,  MlUiam  Tutth-.  Mav  4  lNO."i;  r.-s.  Fli/.:tbct]i,  X.  J.  4,  Bet^ky! 
b.  I^inv  2:3,  18:31:  d.  in  Cliesliire,  March  24.  18:32.  ."i.  Mionhv.  b.  Oct.  20,  18'3;3-  d' 
Sept.  8,  is:30.     0,   HKNJiV,  1).  Dec.   8,  1841. 

V.     Julias,  i).    D.'c.  2.  179.S;   m.  Jan.    24,  1S2.-),  Sylvia,  dan.   (d'   Ambrose   'I'uttle  of 

Hamden,  Conn.      1.   Wu.i.iam.   b.   Xov.  19.  182."j;  m.    May  0.  ]S,")2.   Pcdlv  E.   Beecher  of 

Woodbridire,    Conn.,    res.   X".    Ibiv.      1,    Wiilidin  />.,   1>.    Feb.  1:3,   1:-;G:3.  '2,   ^[(^nJ  K.,h. 

Jan.    17,  185S.     2,   Ali.kv   .A.,  b.    Se[it.  7.  1828:  d.   June  17,  INOI.     ;3,  CirAi;i.i;s  F..'b. 

April  2-"),  ls;U:   inerclianl   on  Broadway.  X'pw   Ilav.;  jr..  in    X".  Ilav.  Di-c.    28.  18."j^.  Marv 
i         C.  Sperrv.      1,   C7/«Wt'.:*  J..,  b.  Xov.  ;31.  18o8.     4.    IIknuv  0.,  )).  J\ilv  10    18:35      .">  M -luV 
\         K.,  b.  Dee.  8,  1841  ;d.  Jan.  1:3.  1844. 
!  VI.     Rebecca  Hough,  b.  March  7.  ISQl:  ni.  Augustus  Hilclicock.      1.   Ki.iz\  Alick, 

xn.  H.  A.  Shasv  of  Eaton  Raiiids.  Mid).      2,   Cahoi.ixi;  .Arfa-srv. 
VII.      ICliza.  uimi. 
Vlli.      Mcr'.vin,  b.  Ajuil  20,  lN();i;  d.  in   i'ast  Haven,  April  20,  1800;  ni.  Sf])t.  1.  18:3:3. 

Eliza  A.  Henringway  of  E.  Hav..  b.  Dec.   19,  1^07.      ],    .\n\  Adki.ia,  b.  Jan.  21,  18134;  m. 

April  7,  1857,  Steidien  Hemingway  of  E.  Hav.  1,  Chmiis  TuttU,  b.  April  29,  18r)8. '  2, 
i  Lottie  A.,  b.  Feb  :3,  1800.  2,  E'lkazkp.  H.,  b  Jan.  6,  18:30;  Jii.  Jul}-  .1,  1.80."),  Annfe 
i         Consmnce  of  Ilk:  res.  Ailanta,  HI.     :j.  Jank  E.,  b.  Mav  14.  18:3^;  in.  Alex.  Forbes.     4 

Makv   i:.,  b.  Jan.    18.  1842:  m.  Feb.  19,  1800.  Jolin    \V.   Thompson  of  E.  Hav.     .">/   d'. 
1         Eui',i;>'iK,  1.1.  .\pril  0,  1S44:  m.  Scth  Shaies  of  Hanidcn,  Conn.     0.    Dvvi])J     b    .lulv-'9 
j         1848:  d.  Dec.  20.  180.-,. 
I  IX.      Caroline,  m.  Allen  S.,  s.  of  Ambrose  'I'nttle;  res.  Xo.   ilav..  Conii. 

•  44316.     Samuel   Tllttle,   b.   March  18,  1771:  d.    I'cb.   ;k    1824;  m.   Oct.   2.").   1792 

Miitrail.  dau.  of  .\mbro>-  ami  Fsllnn- (Reck)  Cook  of  Wall'd,  b.  A]iril  9,  177:3;  d.  .(ulv  o' 
180S.  lb-  m.  (2)  March  ."i,  1S()<).  Lncv  ('(dlins,  wlm  rl.  I  >.c.  2,  b'^2;J.  ••  He  was  a  man  of 
liotf-  in  Waird."-  y>,///.N"  His',  nf  If,///',/. 

\.  I,nc>,  b.  Sc].(.  2.),  179;'i:  d.  b'cb.  8,  IsOI:  m.  Aug,  Kk  18-.'7,  SammJ,  s,  of  Jona- 
tini!)  \\'ainwriulit  V:^  wf.  ),  1).  in  Salisbury,  Conn..  17;i;  d.  in  Hurlini;-ion,  \'t..  Mav  10 
1S41.  1.  (A)!;M:r,iA  S.,  b.  An--.  22,  ]n29:  d  I'c!..  ;;.•  is:;;;,  -j.  I, rev  .\.\x.  1;.  -;cj,t.  9.' 
is;3];  7n.  July  4.  Jy.")."),  t.'yrus  R.  Currier.  1.  ('(ixsi-r.^  Wdunrri'/ftf,  Jnlv  2-'^i  1807.  2* 
Fnildir,  Au.ii.  10,  18(!.-);"d.  March  29.  1800.  :3,  Ii"S,ftr,  Dec.  21,  1871,'  d,  .'an.  5.  1872'; 
'(-;.  I'iirlinLiton.Vt.  :k  Coiivdon  Cask.  b.  Dec.  17,  18:34;  nj.and  has  lam  ■  res  Malonc' 
N.  Y.  '  -         •  . 

I!.      Anna,  X'ov.  o,  179.'). 

22-i  BRAXCir    OF    JOXATnAX. 

I  HI.      Orriii,  Jan.  IS,  ISOl;  d.  a  vouiiu  inan.      i.  by  ^d  lu. : 

[  1\  .     ]'(ii  Stnct,  h.  FrI).  8.  ISli):   lUv.       Left  an   orpluui  nt  thf  a.  of  M.  to  l;is  on  n 

[  jriiidancf,   lie  clio^o  the  oi]g>'  tool  l)usinfss,  wliicli  lie   followod  several  yrs.,  I)nt  at  last 

j  under  many  trial- and  dif^couraj,'-enient.-^.  i)rciiarpd  liini-self  foi   the  ministry  (Bajilist),  in' 

\virKh  he  lahoreil  lor  many  yrs.  iu  the  de.-titute  reirions  of  \Virf(on.siii.      He  was  .stronljlv 
I  anti-slavery,  ami  gave  of  hj.s  time  and    meuns    freely  10  that  cause.       Some  vrs.  before 

;  liis  d(;at}i,  liis  house,  books  and  other  ]>roper?y  were  consnmed  by  fue,  and  at  about  the 

same  time  he  became  totally  blind.      lie  d.  aj-  Ontario,  Wis.,  Aiiril  9,  1873;  m.  .\.\i^.  2S. 
I  is;!!.  Kliza  Aim,  dau.   of  llev.   Dr.   13ronson,  Principal  of  ihe  Epis.  Acad,  at  Cheshire! 

j  Conn.     Slie  is  now  (187.1)  livinp:  at  llinsboro.Wis. ;  chil.  b.  in  l^i'rk.shire,  Tio<ra  Co  ,  N.V  - 

j  1,   SA>iri:i,  'J'iM.oTSON,  Sept.  'JT,  18:^0:  d.  at  La  (iranire.  0..  .Ian.  24,  ISoO.'^  2.  Dau.'.  b." 

j  March  H,  ]S;;i;  m    at  Rutbiiid,  Wi^,..  Sept.  7.  I'^.GO,  IMwind".  'i'hompson. 

I  4338.     Solomon  Tnttle,  b.  Anu-.    t^O,  17^0;  m.  by  Rev.  Mr.    Trumbnll   of  X(,rrh 

j  Haven,  X\)v.  11.  1757,  Eunice,  dau.  of  Simon  Tnttle:  l>.  .July  HI,  17.51;  d.  April  27,  1H38 

!  a.  87.   Solomon  Tuttle  and  wife  joinnd  the  Couir.  ihh.  in,  Xo.  Hav..  Htjif.    He  was  chosen 

!  Pea.  Nov.  2.  1  7sO  and  held  i)u-  oiiice  43 yrs.  l.'^2.'^:  (liis  father  Iseld  it  :>j  yrs.)    He  d.  April 

!  22,  l'^28,  a.  82.     Those  who  knew  him  say    Tie  was  a  remarkable  man  and  a  wonderful 

j  peacemaker"  and  that  'Tiis  grave-.stone  inscrijitiou   iu  Xo.  Hav.  cem.   is  dlltr'ie."     As 

j  follows:  "For  48  yrs.  he  di.-charired  the  duties  f>f  a  deacon  v.ith   univeisal    acceirtaiice. 

i  To  a   disposition  naturaliy  kind  and  atfectioni'te,    wa.^  superadded  christian   7)ieekne.s3. 

■  Like  the  beloved  di.-ciole  christian   love  fornn-d  the  chief  trait  of  his  character.      Au 

'  affectionate  husband,  an  indulureut  ](arent,  his  virtue.s  are  engraven   on  the  memories  of 

i  Ins  survivors." 

\  1.     David,  b.  Oct.  22,  17'1S:  m.  Sarah  Bas-ett. 

i  H.     Elizabeth,  b.  Xov.  8.  17  70;  d.  Oct.  30,  177:!. 

.  HI.     Zeruiali,  b.  Ainil  14.  1778;  d.  Aul:.  •^.  1 '••"">• 

i  IV.     Elizabeth,  b.  May  13,  177o:d.  Dec.  ob,  i^iS;  m.  17i*^,  Capt.  EbenezerK.  Webi); 

;  res.  Southwick,  Mass.     1,  1s.\i\it,  d.  y.  2,  Ei.izA,  d.  y.     ?,,  Am'.-s.     4,   Isataii  Tittle 

and  5,   Betskv  live  in  Southwick.  Mass. 

V.     Zoruiah,  b.  July  2-0.  1777;  d.    unni.    March    3.   184S,    at    house    of    Elizur   Cne 
Tuttle,  Esq.,  of  Xew  Haven. 

Vl.     Lucretia,  b.  Feb.  2.t,  1780;  d.  Sej,:.  12.  l'-4.'j;  m.   March  25.  180-j.   Ariel    Alvord 

;  of  South    Hadley,  Mass.       1,  Zf-kuiau,    m.    l^arritt    ISrockett   of   Xo.    Hav.   and  had  a. 

numerous  fani. 

VIL     Solomon,  b.  .lune  'I.   1782;  m.    June  8,   180'J.  Pattv  Davton  of  X'-M-th  Hav  ■   b 
April  3,  1734:  d.  March  14,  1824.     {2^  -M'^''  1'^-  1847,  .Mrs.  Philena  Coolev.  wle.   d.    .hva.' 

i  0,1859.     He  settled  in  Southwick,  Mass.,  and  d.    April  10.  18G."),  a.  83  vrs.      j"  bv  L-tni  - 

j  1,  Mary  Olivia,  b.  Jan.  (5.  1817:  d.  Xov.  13.  IS.50:  m.   in  S.,  July  2,   1840.   Bennett  B. 

'    .  Loomis.  b.  Aj^ril  18,  1818  (s.  of  ^^'aller  and  Clarissa  Bush);  he  m.  (2)  April  3,  'ls.51.  Eunice 

T.  (Jillette.     1.  ^Tn,thtiFArrri'..  b.  in  E.  Windsnr.  Conn-.,  July  N".  IS4I:  ni.  in  S.,  Feb.  22. 
Isr.d.  s.ym.cir  L.  Oranger.      1.  AValtf  r  S. ,  b.  Dec.  22,  ISiTi.    '  2.  Eiinly  A':lrlia,  h.  Dec.^l! 

•  181.7;  (1.  in  Cranbv,  C'onn..  Dec.  11,  IS.5.-).     3,    fyiriii  J-Ji~.ahe11i .  b.  Jan".    S    184S-  m     Vch 

\  15,  1870:  F.  W.  L"egate.     4,  iA///.,  b.  Jan.  13.  1S50:  d.  .sm.  dav. 

.1  VHl.     Sally,  b.  Xov.  19,  1784.  (twin);  m.  Caleb  Thorp  of  Xoitu  Haven.     1,  Sai  r,v.    2. 

i  Sel.mi,  twins;  the  mother  dying,  the  father  removed  v.ith  1.1s  chil.  to   Ohio. 

j  IX.     Selah,  (twin  with  Sally);  m.  Xymphas  »Stacy  of  Xorih,  Haven.    1.  Joiix  AvEiis. 

I  d.  a.  3  yrs.     2,  Sr:vf.A  Ap.u.ta,  d.  a.  22  yrs. 

j  X.     TheopLihis,  b.  D'c.  17.  17>7:d.  Feb.  19,  lS2ri;  m.  Oct.  13,  ]Sl3.  Estln-i- Ives  of 

No.  Ilav.      1.  i:i.i/,ri;  Cowlks,  b.  Jan.  17,  iSb"),  was  a  .select nnin   iu  Xo.   Hav.;  a  promi- 
nent and  useful  citizen,  a  kind  hearted  and  excellent  man;  d.  suddenly  in  X.    ilav..  May 

;  1'),  187.");  he  was  unv  of  tin- Com. .of  three  who  manaued  llu'  Tnttle  <rathering,  \y~^:   m". 

r  -May  17,  1S43.  Hannah  Wright,  dau.    of  Dr.  llincklev  of  Ma^s.     \  ,^'^f,'|■!l  C-'^sxiin'ini    'o. 

\  March  7,  IS47.     'Z,  KUznr    Wririfif,  Y>h.   (i.   isr.l       3."   Ds.ri,,   JJi„,-/.f, ,/.  iht.  2.  1S.".2      2 

t  M.\i;y  IvKs.  b.   April  17.  1.^20; 'm.  June  22,  l.<74,  Henry  li.  Dickennan  of  ilanub-n:  .-■.  (". 

t  44331.     David  Tuttle,  b.  Xo.    Hav.  Ocr.  22,    J7(;S:    m.    Dec    5    ):•<:•    ,><ara'i 

i;a--.-tt    .;f    Xc.     ilav..    b.   I'eh.    IC.   Kli^;     d.  t),t.  .S,   ]^:,.-);     tsis.  of    '" 
r.-u;.  tM  Branfnid.  Cnn.,  after  birth  ..f  2d  or  3d  <-hil<l.  thence  !-. 
1^'24   to   Weodtuvd.  Vi.,  theii.-e  to    n.i:nin-t..n.  Vt.,  in    1S2S   wh 

\  a.    72.  .  .         ^ 

I  ■   ,     '•.     ^''""iha    b.  .\Mg.  24.  1791:  .1.  .«.  /.  in  X<c^^i,■l,,     X.  V..  Oct.   4,   1873. 

i  -''■•■'"  miali  Shuniwjts  of  (luilford,  X.  V. 

l  li.      Martin.  b.".Mav  24.  1793;  d.  June  21.  LM.-.  unm. 

f  111.      liyman.  b.  May  9.  179.');  m.  Dorcius  Ui.ton. 











.(■.  .\I,- 


tb>  lice  in 




24,   l'^'!*). 

TUTTLE.  226 

IV.  Warrou,  b.  Miircli  l'^,  1797;  d.  July  11,  1812. 

V.      Eiuiice,  b.  Aug.  20,  17i;LI;  d.  Manii  S,lS2;i,  umu. 
VI.      Silva,  b.  Feb.  2,  1802;  d.  .i.  i.  May  20,  1^:;2;  m.  Alausou  Pif-rpout. 
VII.     Chuuucfn-,  b.  June    10,    1800:     d.    in    Ji'-iniingt  "ni,   >fandi   0,    184">;    m.    Hollv 
Dwigbt.  who  d.  .1   few   bours  before  ber  liu^haiul.       1,  MakTiN    W.,  in.  and  d.  b-avini'- 
several  cbil.     2,  W'k.lta.m,  m.  :tiid  re.<.  in  Ixiston. 

443813.     Hyman  'i'uttle,  b.  May  9,  ITOo;  rep.  tlte  town  of  Woodford  in  Vt.  l.e^^. 
10  yr.'^.  and  lield  several  town  oMIre,-,  in    \Voudf(;rd   and   in   ]^<-nrdii>flon,  wbcre   be  was 
dearon.  and  d.  Marcb  24.  JN70.  a.  7o;  m.  in  ^V.  June  27.  1^21    Doreas  I'luon    b    Dec   11 
1795;  d.  Au^c.  :t,  ls72.  ,     •  .       , 

I.  Charles  Jobu'^on,  b.  May  2:-!.  ]n22.  in  T;(;we,  Mass.;  m.  ]7v]ine,  dan.  of  Paul 
and  Mary  (W'lieelfr)  Boyntmi,  b.  ^-'cbairbticnlu-,  X.  Y..  Mareb  '3  7,  1820:  first  tbree  (diil. 
b.  in  Ben.,  Vi.,  tbe  rest  in  Hoo>ick  Falls.  X.  Y.  1,  Hi:in!Ki;T,  b.  Nov.  29,  1840:  i^rad. 
Univ.  of  ^'t.  I.Sfi'.i;  assist  editor  Ji'o.-tf,,!  DiiU;/  Adrirfi.yir:  spent  ei<:]it  vvs. 'in  stndv  and 
liierfiry  work;  l.ecrurer  on  Inii-iijati';nal  bnw  at  Fniv.  of  Midi.  ISSO",  and  since'  b'^.'^-l 
Prof,  in  Cornell  Fniv.  at  Jtbiea,  N.  Y. ;  U!.  1875,  ,>lary  MeArttiur  4'bonipson  of  Hillsboro. 
0.,  niece  of  Hon..  Jobn  B.  Tlionipson  of  Ky.,  and  g.  dan  of  (iov.  AlF'u  Trimble  of  Obio. 
2,  AOXES  EvKi-i.\K,  b.  May  2S,  1849;  tu.  flirain,  s.  of  Horace  and  Marv  (Anderson)  Pren- 
tice, b.  Greeuwieb,  X'.  Y.,  Julv  19,  18b"i.  1,  (^hiirb.i  Amimr,  b.  li.  Falls  .Mav  \Z  1873 
2,  Friuk  If.,  b.  Dee.  16.  1877;"  d.  Sept.  28,  ls78.  :-!,  FuinKiurK  ]5oY^-T()^-,  b.  Dec.  10.' 
1852.  4,  Claivkxo;  Dwigut.  b.  Mandi  G.  1854;  d.  Xev.  9,  is56.  5,  AiMtk'  Vi  Jan  28' 
1861      6,  Fi:a.\k  LoKiNG.  b.  Marcli  18,  1803:  d.  .\pril  21,  1874.  '     '      '    '"" 

II.      Oscar,  d.  a.  0  mos. 

in.      'I'lien-sa   .Aug'usta,  b.   Dec.   1,  1S27,   in   Woodford,   Vt.;  in.   J.  II.    Lorinir.       1 
F.ANMK  TiiKRicsA.     2,  JosEPii  Hkxi'.y.  d.  a.  0  vrs.     ?,,  Xi-.r.iif.  Afcrsrv    d    a    A-r 
IV.     Fidelia  Sylvia,  b,  July  10,  ls';J2.  "  -     ■  .    • 

V.  Henry  Martin,  b.  Jan.  15.  l^^.JG:  in.  Julia  Lincoln.      1,  MMcv.  d.  a.  4  v.-e;  ks. 
VI.     Caroline  Sarab,   h.    Marcb  5,   l^oO:    m.   Jnbn  X.    Hills;  res.   C!:ica('o,    111.       1 

Lai'i;a  C.     2,  ("i,AKV. 

45,  William  Tut  tic,  b.  May  25.  107:J:  joined  ebb.  1707:  m.  Mnrv  Abei-narba 
(sis.  of  tbe  wf.  of  bis  bro.  Simon),  b.  :\Iarcb  27,  1679-SO.  In  Sep!  ,  1 70A,  tlie  est.  of 
••  our  fatber  ^Vnl.  Abernatban "' late  of  Wall'd  was  distrib,it'-d  to  Wilkaii.  A.,  €80  14s. 
Od. ;  Samuel,  i'OO  7s.  ;-5d. ;  Daniel.  L'47  7s.  ?A.\  Simon  TuttU'  in  ripii  i>[  5i:-<  wf..  €40. 
7s.,  i3d. ;  Wni.  Tuttle  in  ]i!,dn  of  bis  wf. ,  t'40  7s.  3d.:  Tl'os.  ^^'il!sl;ire  in  riiidit  of  wf. 
€40  7s.  ;!d. ;  Sus:uina  Abernatba,  €40  7s.  3d.  All  sii^ncd  tb.e  aiiTeement.  Aliout  1005 
be  received  b.v  deed  frour  bis  f.  Jonatlian  Tuttle  40  acres  bounded  by  land  of  Satii.  Jcdm- 
son;  Win.  'J'.  d.  1727;  will  proveil  Xov.  0,  stmie  yr. ;  names  eld.  s.  Aaron,  Marv  Tuttle  and 
s.  P'/;vkiel  exis. ;  inv.  €9;j8;  Aaron  bas  32  a(  res:  Ex.ekit  1  31  acres  adjoinine:  Aaron's;  Wm. 
To  bavc  boTuestead,  huildiufrs  and  or(diard;  yoi;nL''est  s.  r)ani(d  to  liave  a  "i)art  of  tiie  lauds 
lieat  rbe  Blue  Hills  in  Wall'd;  yO(^n>;e,-^i  (iau.  Haniiab  to  bave  25  acres;  s.  .Moses  and 
jj-r:ind  s.  Moses  aiid  dans.  >,rary,  S'lsar.iia,  Lydi::.  and  Jemima  named;  Jeremia.b  Hull, 
Isaiab  Tucile,  witness. 

I.     Aaron,  b.  X'ov.  25,  1098:  m.  Mary  Alunsun. 
U.     Moses,  ra. 

III.  Mary,  b.  .\ng.,  1702. 

IV.  E-/.<'kiel,  m.  April  21,    1729,   Susanna  Merriman:  (2)  Jan.  10,  1700,  Sar.dt  Rov. 

V.     Abel. 
VI.      Savanna,  b.  Xov,  10.  170?=!;  m.  Feb.  28.  172.^,  Elisba  Parker. 
Vll.      Lvdia,  Y>-\,.  22,  1710-11, 

VIII.  Jmuiuia.  I),  Feb.  13.  1712-13:  m.  Ma%  17,  1731.  El)cnc:/.er  (v.  of  Ebeiu)  Blakeslee 
of  Xo.  ilav.  (.Marv,  wf.  of  ]:i:e!i.  BlakcJce.  il.  Xna.  13,  1700,)  1,  COXTKXT,  b.  Auo-.  5, 
1731:  m,  .ian,  14,  i,49-5:).  .I.wepb  Wolcoti,  1.  A'h  '.  \k  S.-pi,  21,  1750:  m.  Oct.  3.  177l! 
in  (.'le'siii'c,  .Mi>.  KVi7.:>\ri]i  Belial, !>•.      1.   Ann:',  1..  0;:t.  20    17^2. 

i\,      Hai,ii;il.,  b.  X-n-.   io,  i;i5.'  r,  .  Vc\,.  S».  i;:M~3r,  ( 'bri.-topb,  ;■  To.Id, 
X,      Willi:, ei,  l>.  All:;-,   1.   ITIS;   ni.  Jan.  '30,   1713-44,  Alii--ail   l^vd. ricks. 
Xt.      l)aniei,  !).  April  30,  1122:   m.  Pbelu-  Bca<4i. 

451.  Aaror  •Tuttle,  '>.  .\ov,  25,  10!)8.  He  was  one  of  tbe  founders  of  the 
Ejji.scopal  soci.'iy  in  W'a!  I'lu-t  n-d .  Conn,  and  one  of  tbe  TJiiitfcu  mc!,i1,,.ix  v,  bo  sent 
letter  to  tiie  Bis!u>p  of  Eondon,  1720,  He  d,  in  17!"'5;  will  nuts,  \\f,  Mai"-,  b.cir.s  (.f  (b-c. 
S.  Jude,  sons  Itbamar  and  Isaac,  daus.    .Ocburaii   and    liacbel,    au'i    ^r.    s.    Abel.      Hem. 


];KAXCH    or    .TUX-MJIAX. 

Ff'lt.  f),  17'2:l-4.  Mnrv  INhin.uui.      In  1747,  Aaron  'i'nttli'  and  Thomas  Miin.son,  aclnirs.  of 
<-st.  of  Mr.  TIjos.  Miinsoii,  late  nf  New  liav.,  il. ■(■,.;   inv.    C'.'i)0. 
I.      Jude,  1>.  Aair.  11.'.,  17-24:   \n.  I.vdi;i  At\\att.r. 
II.      IVl)ora1i,  h.  ]>ec.  '.¥K  1725;  ni.  Oct.  2s,  1747.  Amos  Clark. 

III.  A'hcl,  b.  Feb.  14,  1727-.S;  in.  Ain-il  2>;,  17:)'2,  Dorcas  'J'homas;  atlui.  of  his  est. 
"•iven  to  f.  Aai-on  'I'littlr,  i7oU:  w\d.  Dorcas,  livinir:  ^^'!n.  and  TiUis  Tultlt',  ap])i's.;  iuv. 
5;4S.      1,  Jr.s'irs,  b.  Si-|>i.  7,  Hoy.     2.   Av.y.i.. 

IV.  Aaron,  )>.  Oct.  .2;i.  1729:  d.  AuL^,  17:37. 

V.  Marv,  b.  Mav  22.  17;J2. 

VI.  Elea/ri,  b.  Oct.  12.  17:54,  d.  \\>nl.  17:!9. 

Vn.      Itliann-r.  I..  Oct.  2(J,  17:3t;:  in.  Julv  2«.  17G2,  liboda  Barnes. 
A'lII.      Aaron,  b.  Nov.  :^(>.    17:W. 
IX.      i:U.-a-/fr,  b.  S.-j.T.  2,  1741). 

X.  llacli.d.  b.  July  14.  1742:  111.  by  Ib-v.  Benj.  Frunibnll,  May  2:3.  17G4,  James 
Hill.  1,  i'-s'nii:n.  b.  Ji'uh'  ]:!.  17t>r>.  2,  Kzua.  b.  Dec.  2'J,  ]7t)7.  8.  Stki'Iikx,  June 
17,  1770. 

XI.      Isaac,  b.  Feb.  4,  17  I  bo. 

4511.     Judc  Tllttlo,   b.  Aug.  10.  1724:  m.  July  14,  174S.  Fydia,  .lau.  of  Caleb  and 
Abigail  (Bradliyj  Aiwatcr,  li.  April  -i,  1729;  .same  year  ie(.'eived  from  his  f.  deed  of  land 
in  'nhe   Ble\v   Hills."     He  lived   in   Haniden,  Conn.,    and   d.  there,  lice.  ]:3,  1702;   adni. 
gave  to  wid.,  Lydia.  June,  170:3,  and  appt.  guard,  to  tin-  minor  children;  iuv.  £70;  Jesse 
Biakeslee  and  Simon  Tattle,  ajiprs.      In  1770.  Al)e!  Smith,  guard,  to  Aaiioi;  llie  vvid.  ui. 
June  2o.  17()7.  Ai»l  Smith.  \v]u>se  will  v.'as  prov.  in  X.  Ilav.  179S. 
I       H<-/..4-:iali.  b.  .May  2U.  174il;  m.  Mary  4'urner. 
n.      I-bmicc,  b.  Julv  if).  1751;  ni.  Dea.  SoIouMm  J'utth'. 
HI.     Kuth,  1).  Oct.  24,  175:!. 

IV.      M;i)y,  U.  July  20,  175^':  n,.  Ni'v.-man  P'l^hop;  rem.  to  Russell,  Mas.s. 
V.      Aaron,  b.  Oct.  4,  17<)0;ni.  Mai-tha   Woodin. 
VI.     June,  li.  Mareli  7,  17t);3  ii'osihumou'-). 

45111.  Ilezekiah  Tllttle,  !>.  May  20.  174fi;  ('apt.:  m.  by  Joshua  Chandler. 
Ma'cli  10,  1770.  Mary  Turnei-,  li.  .Kpii!  o,  17o4;  dau.  of  Jatnes,  in  whose  est.  she  had 
il   sliare  in  1S14;  re.-.  Hamden.  (_"onii. 

1.      Je.-^se,  b.  March  S.  1771;  ni.  Fsther  Pierpuijt. 
II.      Eli.  b.  March  1,  1775;  m.  dan.  of  Enocli  Jacobs  [1]. 
111.      Elaui,  b.  July  :',0.  1777;  :ii.  Sarali  Trumbull. 
i\.     Cah'h  Atwater.  b.  Xov.  l-s,  1779;  m.  Sallv  Bead. 
V.      Lvdia,  b.  March  4,  17s':3;  m.  Amos  Ahbev. 
VI.      Asahel,  b.  Au>:.  27.  17S7:  m.  Sarah  Wells. 
VH.     Miles,  b.  Sept'.  ;3,  1792;  n>.  Sibyl  Thor])e. 

4511X1...  Jesse  Tutlle,  b.  March  S,  1771:  d.  Oct.  2G,  1S17;  m.  Soipt,  dO,  1795, 
Estlicr.  dau.  of  O'iles  Pierpont  of  Xo.  Hav.  and  aunt  of  Hon.  Ivlwards  Pierpont;  sliC  d. 
Nov.  11,  1857;  /.  b.  in  Xo.  Ilav. 

1.      Dennis,  b.  Marcli  SI,  1797. 

II.  Zerah  Pierpont.  b.  Oct.  2.  1^00;  in.  >.laria  Todd. 
III.  Elizabeth,  b.  April  5  lS(i7;  d.  Xov.  1:3.  1S49;  m.  Fel,.  3,  lf-::31,  Edward  .Johnson 
Doolittle  of  NN'all'd,  Conn.  He  ni.  (2)  Jane  Burnhara,  wlio  d.  Feb.  4,  1S71;  hp  d.  Jan. 
28,  1871,  in  E.  Hav..  Conn.  /.  in  Xo.  Hav.;  1,  Hi:xi;y  17..  March  3,  1835;  d.  unm.  at 
Camp  Suffolk.  Vu..  April,  2.  180:3.  2,  Ji:ssk  TtTTLic.  March  14,  1841;  m.  Mav  18,  1802. 
Abbev Josephine  Clark  (jf  Xo.  Hav.;  res.  E.  Hav.  1,  .V.7,v/  Err.,ih,th,  b.  Feb.  18,  1805. 
2,  Ehu  Clark;  b.  June  2,  187:3.  S,  Wn.i.i-V.%f  J.,  b.  April's,  lsi:3;  d.  Julv  4,  1844.  4, 
Asa,  b.  April  12;  d.  Sept.  2,  1849. 

4511111.  Dennis  Tuttle,  b.  March  :31.  1797;  d.  Xo.  Hav...  Se])T.  2ib  1878,  a,  82; 
m.  Sept.  24.  1S20,  Xaney  T.  Sanford,  who  d.  .■<.  i.  Xov.  28.  1821;  (2)  by  Elder  John 
Sherman  of  Xew'own.  Conii.,    Dee.   15.   1^2-!.   Jeiai.-ha  (ijllette.  v.ho  d.  l"eb.'  9,  1^05. 

1.  John,  b  in  X.  Hav., 'Sept.  24,  1^24.:  J  ii-iice  of  the  Peace,  and  has  tilled  several 
local  otliees  and  positions  of  trust.  .A  man  ol'  inMn.nce  in  city  jiolitics;  lui.s  dealt  mucli 
in  real  estate;  grocer,  X.  Ilav. :  m.  June  27,  1^17,  Almiia  S..  dau.  of  Elali  (forham,  b.  May 
8,  1828;  vl.  -s.  /.'  .March  15.  1^54;  (2)  Oct.  10,  1851,  Harriet  Augusta  Oorhain,  .sis.  (jf  his  1st 
Avf.      1,  Jiiiix  Iii;.\!:v.  li.  Nbiy:>l.  b85K  gia'i.  Vale  haw  S<diool.     2,   Ch.M!). Ks  Ekwis,  b. 

Feb.    12,    Is.-jS.       :;,    .\|   MjKa   .'Uol  >iA.    .^."ia.    i.":.     Pn'iO. 

11.  Maltha,  b.  .Iui'ft29,  182';:  d.  in  Xew  blav..  Cnn..  April  2:*.  issl;  m,  April  22, 
1^49.  .-Vnuu  SturgfS.  who  d.  •>!.  /..  Dec.  21,  185:3.      He  m.   (2)   .\pri!    21,    1855,    wid.    Eucy 

T UTILE,    AT W ATE II.  227 

Ann ;  rts.  X.  Iliiv.      /.  by-^.lm.:     1,   Wim.if.  M.\i;ti.n.  Nov.  1 1    Ifcioli      2    ^V\[n() 

Dkxms,  Nov.    29,  IS.l^;  (1.  F.b.  2,  lNri2-o.  .        ,        .    . 

HI.     Lewis  Ciliottr,  1).  Sri,T.  i),  is;!5:  lu.  Mav  -1,  ISoS,  M;i<:iiii,is  of  X    Hav 

1.    EmZAJ;KT1[   AxX.   >[;iy   -J."),    JN.V.I.       2,    (tK01!<;K   \Vo<):>TK1!,    1).     A]. ill    li,     1S6]         8      lAVY 

.Tank.  1..   S.-jit.   2().    ls(i:;.     -4,  Maktix   Lewis,  Ajn-il   22,    \xi\{j.     5,   Dknxis   Oi.ivKf.    1) 
July  2:^.  IXiis,     r,,   J1ai;imi:i   Lo;  isa,  Vvh.  23.  ISTl;   res.  N.  llav. 

4511112.     Zerah  Piorpont  Tnttle,  h.  Ort.  2,   ISOO;  n,.  A])iil   7    ]S24   MimI-i 
•dfui.  of  Olivpi-  'rn,kl  of  No.  li,n.,  wl.o  ^!.  Ainil  2S,  JStJO.      lie  m.  (2)  Ort    2S  "^isiiV  Ah'iv 
Cot.k  <.'f  X.  iJav.  ^  ■     "  '  • 

I.      Xewlun,  1).  April  l:],  lS2o;  m.  Xov.  24.  IS}!).  Liu-ijidu  Susuinia  Mix  of  Xo.  Ihtv 
-wlio  (1.  Ht  Miit  ("r.-fk,  o  miles  west  of  Lenvenwortli  Ciiv,  Iv;..^. ,  Mav  14    ls."")4       JJo  in    (•■') 
■at  Salr  L:ilv-c  (,'ity,  I'tali.  l.y  llftu'i-    ('.    Kimball.    .Apiif;.    Lv,-,,"},    l.^milv    Am<4ia    dau    of 
Auios  P.  Stone;   re.-;.    Wood.--    Croj),  East    Loimtiful.    Davis   Co.,  Ttali.'    /    by  Ni'iu"-'   i 
Ch.KUA  MEi.fxivv.  b,  Xo,  Ilav..  ('..nil.,  Ang.  Mi,  IS.O;  d.  on  (uasslu.pper  fri-eJc    40 'miles 
-^vesT  of  Leav.   City,    K;,s..   June  2^,    lv:.4.      /.  b;-  2d  m.:     2.  E.mii.y  Li:f]\]).\    '],    Get    ] 
18.-)',;;  ]n. David  B.  Delle.      L   EnnUic  Kmiln.  \^.  .luly  ],j.  ISS'J.     2,    Vinry  BUhop    Dec  "lo' ' 
INNJ.     3,  b'vriiKt.  AMKf.TA,    Oer.  27.  1S>S;  m.    Sept.  12.  ]y77,  David   Eti..-irs       1     lla-hrl 
Ann.,   June  Id,  ls'7.>^.     2,   >//'////.  July  17,    l.^JSO      -1,   Xkwtox  Zhkah,    Dee     1    ISGO       T. 
Claka  MixKP.VA.  Frb.  12,  ]*Sfi.V     (j,   \\'i[.F(m:i),  .March  17,   LS07      7    Fu  vvcK><    -^  u'.r    •-,' 
18(19.     s,   FiiAXKr.rx  ct.iVKf:.  b.   Xov.    10.    IS71.     !*,  Jkssl:  Pkasi;    Dee    11    1^74   ''lo' 
li'oijAtK,  Au>;-.  22,  1S77.  ... 

II.      Euincf.  b.  .Ian.  10,  1^27;  d.  Ajmi  l.j,  IS-f).-  m.  Sept.  21,  IS.j]    Bavard    \.     Pier- 
])Oiit;  .V.  /. :   ri's.  No.    Ilav. 

III.  Fli/.a   Maria.    .Marrh    21,    1620;    d.    .v.    [.,    April    18,    X^Y^:    m     .\nril    FT     lSI-> 
iSilvester  B,  Allis  (d'  1 ! uMt!n_£rton.  Conji. 

W.      Carolin.'.  b.  Xov.  2"7,  ls:jl;   m.    De-.  in,  1sr;2.  (Jeo.  B.  MMeinni^:   res    Xo    Hav 
1.   Caii'mf  i:i.!z.^,  b.  S,,pt.  11,  lsi;8.     2,   .H:xxii:;  Louisa,  Mareli  5,'jN(J5. 

451113.  Elam  Tultlc,  !>.  -Lily  yo.  177:,-  d.  at  So.  Windsor,  Conn.,  0,-i  1]  leOG- 
in.  J.80::5  Sarab,  dan.  (,f  I;ev.  Dr.  Trunibul],  I  Ji.-,iori;.n  of  C'onii.;  (2)  in  i  Fle<-ta  Smilli 
■fjf  ^  eriion,  Conn.      /.  by2d)ri.: 

I.  Edward  T.,  \k  O.-t.  lO.  ISlfi;  in.  in  Sprin-li.d.!,  Mass.  1  M  \i;y  E  Ui<^  ''O 
IS.VL  y\.  y.  2.  .Iaxi!:s  B.,  b.  dan.  17,  1S.-37,  and  lives  will,  bis  cousins  the  chil '  of  .James 
A.   J'uttle. 

II.     Mary,  b.  Julv  F'..  ]S2():  d.  Fel\  4,  1^20.  '     

HI.      .lami'S  A.,  b."F.  1,.  F-j.  F'<22:  d.  M:ireli  !l,  1S2.'i. 

IV.  lanily,  b.  ,)an.  27,   )s24.  m.  Oet.  14,  IHFi,  Charles    A.    Jann^s   (d'' So     Wind.sor 
Conn. :  .y.  i. ;   res.  ^'ernon. 

V.     Mary.  b.  Jan.  17.  1^2'F  m.  Oet.  H),  FS47,  -John  G.  Bailev  of  HockvilJe   Conu  • .?  i 
VI.     -James  A.,  b.  S.'].t.  is,  FS27;  m.  Diana  Smith  of  Hart'f..  Conn  •  res    So   w'     \ 
EowAitr.  S..  Dec.  17.  IsoF     2,   .b.HN   II.,  March  2;J,   185G.     3,   Bkn.i.  F.    Ai.rir4    18j<»' 
4,  Gko.  W.,  Au-.  15.  18(iF  and  two  others.  ' 

yil.  Elizabeth,  April  18,  \xm-  d.  ••*.  /.  Aug.  l,j,  F^Vw;  m.  Clnium^ev  llibl,ard  of 
Itockville,  Conn. 

VIH.     Sarali,  b    .Ian.  28,  1883;    d.  Dee.  8,   FS61;    m.   Allen   Cliapin   of   Kockviile      1 

A  Um  rt .  '        ' 

451114.  Caleb  Alwater,  v..  X.n-.  is,  1770;  d.  at  So.  Wind.sor  A.u^^-   ".t    F"^44-  u, 
Sally  Heed  at  Xo.  Hav.;  cliil.  b.  and  lived  in  HartF,  Conn.  ^''    ~   '  '       " 

1.  <^'eorye.  .July  14,  FS07:  m.  .Tan.  8,  1882,  Mary  Looiuis  at  Bloomfield  C^in  h 
Xov.  24,  lbii(j.  dan.  of  Benj.  and  Mary  (Gaylord)  Loomis.  She  d.  May  27,  1S74  '  ] 
M.\KV  A.,  b.  -Ian.  :>,  Fs.8o:  num.     2,   Ai/uKicT  G'kohok,  b.  Mav  24.  1884;  m".  at  \v    Hartf' 

Martin.      He  is  -em  ral  ti.  k.-t  a-^nt  Hartf..  Prov.,  Fish.  H.  H.  at  Hartf. ,  Conn    '  1     rd/f/] 
Martin.  Jan.  2!j.  1S(J4;   .1.  .^rp.t.  22.  1S71.      2,   ./,«/-/(■  l).»r„inr/,  Julv  17    ISiU  '        " 

IF     Elanr,    b.    Dee.    21,    ISIO;    m.    ;o    Bloondield.    Conn..    March    24.    18:;(!     Bet<,.v 
1^0'>i,i!s;  rrs.  \\.  IF.r:f.      1.   Cvm,;ia    F.,b,  Auy:.    11).    ls:;s;    m.   April    18,  l^.ls     Hiram 
A.  Elmer.      1,    //. /■•'/^ // H. ,  Feb.  lo,  ]si;o.     2,    (h  o.  }[..  An^x.    i^.    l>-'d2.     .8.    j-Jr^rardO 
July  2.  1.^07.     4,    E'.l'i  M.,  twin  with  Ikiward  O.     5,  Jo.'uph  O..  Sej.t.  18,  ISlj.s'     fj_    jj'/// 


/;.,  Nov.  2S.  1.S70.  2,  Jani;K.,  h.  Jtni.  3,  lS.l;j;  ,n.  Jan.  U,  1S60,  Fivdorick  C.  Stcr-lp; 
fhil.  1).  at  Hartf.  1,  jVi/ro/i  J'\,  .]:in.  'Jl,  l.s;j-j.  '2,  E.-.rrU  7'..  Ai)iil  1,  ISfir,.  ;^,  Fiu-.o- 
VAUCK  L..  Nov.  2;5,  IS-lti;  in.  Nov.  20,  ISi;-;,  Maiv  K.  Stdddaid.  1,  Ihrh.rt  F  1)  ./ulv 
10,  1868. 

III.  Sally,  .Ian.  G.  1814.  m.  at  Ilaitf..  MaicU  2>i,  IS-ta,  James  (ioodnuui,  ivs.  Blooni- 
H(-l(i,  t'onii.    'l,  M.MiY  A.,  Jan.   o,  1^'M:  in.   J:;:i    22.  isfifi,  Morton  Sanfoid.      1,   JrnnU' 

K.,  b.  at  New  llartf.  Nov.  17,  18G7.      2,  SiSA.N  A..  Yv\y.  11.  184!);  m.  1^71, Sanford; 

r'^.s.  Tarlffvillc,  ('onn. 

IV.  Wfalthv  Ann,  Feb.  It),  1819;  ni.  Marcb  12,  184."3,  Mvmn  Webster  Loomi.s-  b 
Of.t.  22,  18U);  bi(>.    of  Mary  above,    Ib.H-kvil'.e.  Conn. 

V.  Lanra,  Dec.  9,  1820;  ni.  at  So,  Windsor.  A[)ril  14,  1S47,  l'^-;..ncis  IVidwel];  iv.s. 
So.  Man.rlie.ster,  Conn.  1,,  b.  Aug.  cl],  IS-VJ;  m.  Sepi.  17.  b^71 ,  Marv 'J'lnnbull. 
2-,  J.'vMF.s,  June  20,  18.54.  ' 

Yl.  Alfred.  June  1,  182.-);  m.  Sc].!.  27,  1847,  Anna  E.  Moore;  cliil.  1...  tbe  1st  *j  in 
So.  ^V.,  the  7th  ia  A'eraon,  Conn.;  all  res.  in  I'elhain,  Mass.  ],  ("ii,\];i,]',s  A.,  U'-t,  <5, 
18."il.  2,  Ki.TZ.vinri'H  A. ,  Feb  2,  18r)4.  o,  M.vkv  F.,  An;;.  ;:;i,  1S,")().  4.  S\i;Aif  I..,.)i-!v 
2,1850.  .5,  CiiAULOTTK  :M.,  Fel).  27,  18G2.  (J,  Waltkk  I.,  Feb.  21,  iSfiO  7  Cvjuuk 
l.,0;-t.  20,  1868. 

VII.      Francis.  Dec.  0,  1821!;  m.  at  Mnnson.  Mass.,  May  14,  1850,   Nanev  A.    Darrell; 
res.  PeUuun,  Mass.     1,  Emma  11.,  Jan.  20,  1754.     2.  HatIik  E..  Anu'.  19.  "isfjo. 

451116.  Asahel  TattlG,b.  An--.  27.  17N7;in.  June  12,  1820.  Savali  Wells  of  Ibuti'.  ; 
Oct.  11,  1794,  [2j."    r--.-.   \'enion  till  l'--15,  tle-n  ISloomlielJ,  x\    be  d.  March  16    1854  ' 

I.  Jared  V>'el!s,  b,  S.-pr.  6,  ]S2i;  M.  D. ;  n,.  May  12,  1n4I1,  Mary  J.  J,e'\vis  of 
CJreenoorl,  E.  1.:  re.>.  in  1871.  llaniiiion,  Mfi.  1.  Joirx  I'jIAs  is,  Julv  27,'lS50;  d.  .lulv 
4,1861.  2,  SAf.A.if  Ei.vii!A,  June  16,  1852;  d.  Se}.t.  21,  sni.  vr.  ^.'Mai'.v  \Vi:'l!.s  Jul'v 
31,  1859.     4,  .^VucAii  CiAiiA,  Jan.  "1.  186;!. 

11.     Henry  Aiiicustus,  b.  Seju.  ly,  lN2i;:  d.  .\  no-.  H.  1862. 

III.  Lomiiel,  Mandi  14,  \^-^S'6\  ni.  Au>;-.  26,  1>59"^  Phebe  Ann  Pludps  of    I'ost  Hainp- 
b>n,    ?.!ass. ;    res.    Galesbiirg,    111.      1,    ILvitik    FitANCES,    l'"eb.    21.    l.'^GtJ.      2,    IIknkv 
At;fu;.sTrs,  April  14,1863.     :1   Emma   .It  i.t.KTTv;,   Auir.    \~\   l'^65.     4    Ai.ick      Vn.^    1^ 
1867.  "        ■  .         o-      -. 

451117.  Miles  Tuttle.  1>.  Se].t.  ;j.  1702,  d.  in  Vernon,  fonn..  Auir.  21,  18;!6;  in. 
June  2,  1822  by  Kev.  Dr.  4'rnnibull,  Sibyl  'riior]>,  b.  Au<;-.  11,  1791:  d.  Anfr.  24,  is::!:]';  (2) 
Nov.  16,  1884,  Mademoiselle  Nel^.on,  b.  .Uine  28,  17S8. 

!.     Eester  C\-son,  May  12.  182m;  d.   I'er.    l:j,  1s44. 

II.  Susan  Loriiida,  b.  Mav  18.  1s2i;;  m.  in  llartf.  .\\\--.  14,  1,^:49,  Jomitlem  L^lv 
Wel).ster,  b.  May  29.  1,^24;  d.  Oct.  12.  1«59.  1,  Isakoki;,  An^^  ;jl.  1851 ;  m.  in  WalTd", 
Jan.  4,  1871,.Cliarle-;  \\'.  Mnnson.  2,  Wii,};t'i;  Evma.n,  Oct.  lo,  \^:)?y,  d.  Nov.  oO,  ISlvj! 
8,  UmvAiiD  Chai'IAN.  Nov.  In,  1'^57. 

]T[.     Oi.son  Lev.-is,  Aiiril  7,  1^21!;  d.  C  t     28,  1865. 

4:5116.  AaiOii  TmtlO,  b.  Oc;.  4.  1760;  d.  Mav  17,  18.31.  a.  72.  lie  was  a  sol  in 
the  Kev.  and  had  a  toe  shot  otf;  ni.  Martha,  dan.  of  Tiinotliv  Woodin  of  Ilamden  wlio 
d.  Fi4..  20,  1814;  chil.  b.  in  ilamden. 

I.  Nancy,  Ajnil  14,  17s3;m.  J.'roniah  Harris  of  Dntciiess  (V..,  N.  Y.  He  went 
away  sev.  yrs.  Ix'f.  d.  of  his  uf.  and  su]).  lo^i  .-a  sea.  Shed.  Sejit.  12,  1849.  1,  Wil- 
liam Kti.f.y,  (1.  sev.  yrs.  ai:f>  at  Memidiis.  'I'lnn.  2,  LufiSA  m  W'ni  P  \ddison- 
res.  N.  Y.  S.  .       .   -  , 

II.      Isaac,  b.  Oct.  25,  17SE  d.  nnm,,  in  Ilamden    Conn  ,  1S59 
•     HI.     Piley.  b.  S.-pi.  2:1,  17s7;  m.  Ennir-e  J.  .Iae.)bs. 

IV.  Faith  Eli'/.u,  1).  Nov.  25,  i;'.)ii;  d.  at  Ftica,  N.  Y.,  (_)ct.  5,  1840;   nnm. 

451153.     rdley  Tuttle,  b,  Sept.  2;;,  Ks?:  d.    ,l(,n..  2:5,    1^64;  m.    Se].t     1:(     18-M 
Ennice  Jeanneti.',  dan.  of  Eli   Jacb.   ,,r   No.    Ijav.,    b.    Sepi.    IS,    1S()-J;  ,1.  May  7     ls:jS 
I.      .M.-irMia  .bannette,  An^-.  :>.  ls22:  d.  Oct.  :',,  1s;];i;  m.  IS.'W,  (fibson  llollivf'f.r       l' 
MAirniA  .Ikanmoiti..  b.  AnL^  21,  1^:;'.);  u'.  Jan.  1', 

II.      (.'.■or-'e  iiip.y.  b.  in"    Che.-^hiie,    Conn..    Manli   4,    1 S24 :   went    to    Mobile      M.-, 
1817;   m.  .^lav  ;iO.  bSi'.i,   \'ir-ini;;  Ann.  dau.  ot  Join   C.    l!,.d--e.s.    toimcrlv   of  Va        lied 
at  Mobif'-,  Nov.  2!.  ISijG;  rhil    b.  at  M<,bi|,-.     E  -bjiiN  I?ii  i:v    .lum-  •'    ■ls5!»      -^     M  \rv 
Viitc.iMA,  (i,t.  9,    P'52.     :-!.   (Ji-nnor:    I  b  n^M-s,  ]),.,  .    4.1s5l.     4.   Wm.  ll|.vi;v   J.a'n    :;!) 

1S.)7.       .).     \'.  Al.n:!:    I.k\   Mcr,  (l.-t.   '.i.    )S5s;  d.   .\la.N-    14,  l^lUt        (i      iM.Kl-slKi;     S.'pt     7     iMlT 

7,    El;!.!.'-.,   Jan,  29,  Isr.E   n  s,    Mobil,-,   .\la.  '  .        t         ■  ■ 

III.      .Mb   rt  Monro-,    b.    Sept.    ;;<),    ls2'.);n..    .\uc-.  21,    1S61.    Co,  n.Jia  .lane    dan    of 

l>aii;el  Iloyt  o!  Nov.-  ilav.,  a  desc.  of  Capa.  Andrev  ■J'nttle.      1,   Al.f.iKT  .Mo.XKv'-K    Au-'- 

AT\V.\TKR,    Tl'TTLE.  229 

15,   1S()2.      3,  ilKo.    Rti.kv,  Juno  1,   IS'oi.      :5.  Forkstku  Staui;,  Sept.   18,   1865.     4, 
Nki.i.ik  .1i:.\nxi;tti:,  Mav  20,  18(>>^:  i<'s.  No.   ITav. 

IV.  Mary  Louis;,.  Aug.  2,  1s:\A:  iii.  in  .Mol.ile.  Nov.  ;!(),  isr,-?,  J,,iin  Iv  D.  Hiclnrd- 
iioii  from  . James  Citv,  Va.,\v]io  fl.  in  Mo.,  July  ]'i.  ]'■■>',,  a.  2S.  1,  Cakhlink  Jb.VN- 
NKTTK.  Si'pt.  27.  (l.'Oct.  ](),  is5;!.  2.  ('.SKdi.iXK  Ji:anxi:t'I'i:,  1».  July  2'),  JSoU;  d.  in 
.Jam. -s  City,  \a..  S   p;.  2r,  l!-<(ii);  whl.  ics.  Mohilu,  .Ma. 

4517.  Capt.  "Hhamar  Tuttlc,  1'.  <>-t.  2»;,  ju.  l.v  Yiey.  ]5rnj,  'J',uml.iill, 
Jul>  28,  ]'dV2.  IJan.oof  No.  liav..  h.  1747:  d.  Mav  (i,  ISOU. 

I.  Joshu.a,  li.  .Maivh  :;,  T;r,4;  in.  Cvntliia  Tod-l. 

II.  Jude,  1).  J  line  27.  IKi.-);  in.  i;it2,  Lovici-  Smitli. 
111.      J.rvi,  m.  Mnliy  lias.clt, 

]\'.  ^\'ll!tillJi•,  ni.  Jan.,  1^01,  Luciiida.  dan.  of  Dan.  Tuttlc;  rem.  to  Salisluiiy,  N. 
Y.;  killed  Dec.  2,  \^V_K  ^^llile  niovinij;  \o'j:>'  \:'u\\  an  u.\  team  from  tlu-  North  Woods.  I, 
JlKMiY,  b.  De<-.  14.  1802;  m.  Dec,  i,  1^2!t.  and  liad  8  cbil.  2,  J'.dwaki),  b.  >!areh  UK 
l8li>i;  d.  u.  2  vrs.  :1.  Fcaxiu.IX  M.,  Sent.  24.  1Si);<;  m.  Jan.  4,  IS^iS,  liowt-ua,  dau.  of 
Zoidiar  M.  Tuttle;  re.-^.  N'ew  Hartford,  o'nnda  Co.,  N.  Y.  1.  J'l/iit.-^  ('..  S^-jit.  17,  184:1 
2,  6'-' /■/•// .7-:,  Nov.  23,  18.52.  3.  L'lrlmhr  ,y,//,r,  Dec.  21,  is.jij.  4,  Lixtnda,  Dec.  2;^, 
1812;  m."- Curtis.      (_2)  Alden  S.  (uiire,  T'tica,    N.  Y. 

V.  Jerry,  m.  ^lary  l^rouson  of  \\  ail'd;  n-m.  to  yvnicusc.  N.  Y.  1,  Dovic;!':.  2, 
IfdKAn:.     8,  "Jai;i;d.     A.   Lu<v.     .■}.  I'dm.y.     (j,  Joskta,     7,   Sai.i-y.     8,   Maiu'. 

Vi.  Betsey,  ni.  178'J,  Eeuben  I'looliiijc. 

VII.  I'ollv'  m.  David  Justus  Tuttle. 

Vlll.  Tatty,  m. Ibadley  of   W  .      1,   Poi.i.v. 

L\.  I.yman,  b.  .■\])ril  2o,  177'J;  m.  i8o2,  Miriam  Daycon. 

X.  iVboda,  m.  Aufos  Ib-adlev  of  No.  Ibiv.    1.   Nki.siin.    2,   Cvntuia.     3,  Mki'.i.i.n. 

.XI.  Mainiii;.^;,  b.  1181;  m.  lsi.b<.  Ik'd''  Dames. 

45171.  Joshua  Tuttle,  h.  M.-arb  3,  17(M;  d.  Feb.  2!),  18">0,  a.  8t);  m.  (Vnthia, 
■dau.  of  Fnos  'J'odd  of  No.  Ij-iv.;  ri-im''d  in  s"t.  of  };er  f.'.s  e.>t.  in  b>!);>;  b,  }-"eb.  12,  I'lVl: 
•<1.  Jan.  10,  18.J2,  a.  81, 

I.      llairit't,  b.  Marcb  21,  1790;  d.  Aug.  1,  I83'b 

II.  Itbamer,-'--  b.  M:,y  9,  1708;  n\,  Nov.  22,  1822,  Aurelia  l^as.sett;  res.  No.  Hav.  1, 
I'yN'DiiA  AriiKi.iA,  July*  19,  1822;  d.  8<-[>t.  14,  18;>2.  2,  HI'Miy  8i!Ki;man,  1^.  Oct."/, 
1834;  d.  Anj?.  :!!,  18:^2."  2,  K.mii.y  SoriTuctMA,  June  1,  lS27;  d.  181)7.  4,  IIakuikt 
Etjza.  Mav  3,  1830:  d.  June  27,  18?.-..     o,  i]i:M;v,  Sept.  2."'>,  d.  Oct.  2ii,  18:^:3. 

III.  FmosT.Mld,  b.  Au-.  12,  l^'M;  i,i.  :Ma\  8.  isj,;,  Ai\iia:  l>a:,-.'rt.  1...  May  7,  1808. 
■d.  June  19,  1848;  i.--^.  No.  liav.       1.  If.\i;i!ii;T  Amiklixk,  b.  April  20,  1837;  d.  Jan.  28, 

1830.  2,  AxoKi.iNK  At.yiiia,  .Ma.rcb  28,  d.  A]iril  19,  18:'.0.     ;],  W  i!.i,iA>i  Jo^^ima,  May  10, 

1831.  4,  A.xx    Dlm.ta,  Au<;-.  23.  18H3.       ~).  I,(eers\  D.\s.<i,Tr,  .^  is,  K^3u.      <;,  FraoD- 
KKifK  (Daoss.  Ai>ril  .").  D^V);  d.  ^\\x\|'  I,  ls;o.      ;,  AD;ii',vi.N  WniTixc,  July  14.  1844. 

l\'.  ^^■il!is,  b.  J\ily  lb,  ISO'v  (1.  Oct.  2:>.  1SS2.  He  wns  an  activ>'  mem.'  of  tbe  Con>;-. 
■ebb.,  and  in  t1h>  temperance  cause;  7  yrs.  Supt.  (d'  Sabbath  S(dir.ol,  and  was  hi!i,-bly 
esteemed.  He  was  one  of  the  cotu.  of  arran,i;-ements  for  liu  Tultle  iratlu-ring  in  1873; 
m.  Jan.  18,  1831,  Abbev  BassetT,  who  d.  April  10,  bSTU.  a  OS  vi.<. ;  ics.  No.'ilav.  1, 
Katik  L.,  Au^^  19,  1S34.  2.  Jri.rAX  W . ,  April  10.  ISOtb  m.  Nov.  28,  1801.  Charlotte. 
Blakeslee.  1,  Stflla  JhH.  AiiL^  17.  ls;i3.  3,  Jaxk  C,  Oct.  29,  ls:;S;  d.  April  12,  1857. 
4.  ]-KAxni;i;  rKi:r,  .May  24,-ls47. 

45172.     Jude   Tuttle,  1>.  June  27,  1705;   m.  Jan.    1,    1792,    I. ..vice  Smith,  b.  March 
10,  17tiil;   went  to  Saiislnuy,  Herkimer  Co. ,  N.  Y. - 

1,      jUuelia,  m.  Jesse,  s.  (d"  .Vmos  IJiis-ctt  of  Ibamd'-n;   r.'s.  llartf. 

li.      \\  hitiui;-.  n.. Fairl>anks  of   Watertowu,  N.  V.;    res.    Antwrrj),  N.  Y.       1, 

<'vNriiiA.     2,  .Mai;v. 

III.  i'auy  or  Manlui,  b.  in  Ijowc.  Masv.,  .Mandi  7,  1794;  m.  Lyman  Tuttle  of  Mid- 
ilietown,  < 'oun.     1,  Lrzi'.cxK      2.  X'vdin.e.Kii'ia;.     3.    Axcki.ixk. 

1\'.      Lorinda,  d.  in  No.   .\dam-.  .Ma--.>. 
W      llaiiiuili,  b.  June  4.   ls(.i2:   m    l^';-.  Thoma>  Smith. 

VI.  Jiide  >..  li.  J(ilv4.  1801;  m.  .\  2fi,  ls2d,  Cvnthia  l?iak.'.-,lee  of  Rowe.  Mass., 
b.  Mandi  2'.l,  ISO');  d.  Mandi  17,  |Si0.  1 1.-  m.  (2)  Nov.  21,  ISlO,  'IJiaukful  C.  Sears  of 
Hawley,  .Mass.,!..  .May3L180(;.  /.  by  2d  m. :  1,  CvxriiiA  1;!,aki.:si,i;k,  h.  Sej.t.  8,  1^11; 
ni,  Nbiv.  19,  b>li2,  .Martin  N.  Cvcarv.  ir;^.  ib'we.    2,   ibi  w  i.aX  ;>  ,s. ,  b.   .\uu,  13,  iSP;;  m.  Feb. 

*  An  Iiirmia  Tuttlc  was  the  tirst  orJ^inc.l  clilcr  of   llie  I'irst  Prcf-t).  Clili.  .it    .\ntvviip,  Jcrftrson  Co., 
N'.  V,,foua>Jcd  May,  iSiv. 


ir>,  INTO,  Kllen  X.  Hanicy,  n-s.  H.  3,  I.v.max  C,  May  18,  ISKi:  m.  Oct.  14,  ISOS,  llar- 
iii'tl  K.  'I'ddtl,  los.  Ileatli,  Franklin  Co.,  Mah..s.  1,  Li/mdi)  /,'.  h.  .)iuu;  30,  iSGi).  i,  JLittic 
y;.,  S>'pt.  ;!U,  INTO.  4,  Jl-dk  S.,  1>.  Nov.  ]S,  1S4'J  (res.  Uov.c),  at  Koval  (Ti-ani  '.\  Y  ■ 
d.  H.  i.  April  14,  187U. 

451725.     Haunali  Tuttle,  1>.  .luni'  4,  ISOi;  m.  .Ian.  24,  i>sl9,  Dea.  Tlioma.s  Smitli 
of  iNorthturd,  Conn.;  h.  Sept.  v'O,  17'.»S. 

1.     .iulius  Smith,  h.  Dfc.  U,  IslU;  ni.  .Xpril  7.  1^12,  >rMrv  A.  Frost;   res.   Hartl'ord 
1.    >F\i{r.\   .\xxF.i-rF..  li.  Nov.  19,  lyCi;  n;.  .N]ay  23,  isi;',,  cii.n."\\".  Taln^a-iue.     2,   M  vi'>v 

AuGt;sT.\.,  b.  Jan.  S.  1846.  '  -   ■      - 

ir.     Geo.  l^vulall   Sniitli,  h.  Jan.  IS,  F-<21:  ni.   .Au>;-.  24,  1^45,  Fnidinv  A.  .MiniM)n: 
ros.  Nortliford,  Conn.      1.   (^Ko.  \n\.  June  1.").  1X40.     2,   S.\K.\ii  J.\xi;,  S<].T.  '.i,  is!;)     3 
TiiONf.vs  TiiEKo.v.  July  22:  d.  Dc-c.  20.  IS.^.'i.     4,  Edxa  Loiis.v,  Si-pt.  C.  1,'<.5S. 
HI.      J^arali  Louisa  Sniitli,  1).  Ajiril  20,  1S24:  d.  Auir.   13,  182."). 

IV.  TUoma--  Andiew  Si>i!ili,  1,.  Ja.n.  !),  1827:  nt.  .Mav  (1,  is.j,",.  Ann  ]>'::'lia  Hair's  m, 
wlio  d.  Nov.  30.  i.";.-)!!.  Ik- 111.  (2)  (.-i-t.  21,  18<.)1,  .Martha  Fa-c,  n-.-.  N(.)rihiV)rd  Conn  l' 
AT,];r,i;T  IIaiums.^n    1..   Fel..  <),  IS.-jr,. 

V.   JauK's  Franklin    Smith,    b,  Wh-.  31.  18:10;  ui.  Feb,    17,  18.")2,  Franc, ■>    Fli/.ab.nli 
Ijrockett;  res.  Nortliford.     1.  \\"Ai.'n:H  E.\tMt:TT,  b.  ])fi\  23,  isj.")      2    i-;M\r\.  IbincKi.  rr 
May  24,  18.1S.     3,   Fiiank,  May  9:  d.  July  23,  IS'Jl. 
VI.      Jauf  Frances  Smith,  twin   witli  .lames  F. 

Vli.  John  Whiting-  Smith,  1).  Jan.  14,  183.");  m.  Jan.  1,  is.'ifi,  (ieorgiana  F!i/,a 
Fowler;  res.  Si'yinour,  Conn.  1,  F'r.izv  .VrorsxA,  li.  .Mav  17,  18.>7.  2,  Fjii-DnmcK 
'i'lKi.NtAs,  Aug.  23,  1S63. 

VJH.     Julia   Smith,  b.   Aug.   20,  1844;  m.  Sejit.    17,    1803,  Henry   Lautrdon    Ilarr:^on^ 
res.  Noi-thford.      1.    11  Ai  TTK  AvtilsTA.  Sept    22.  lS(').i. 

45173.     Levi   Tuttle,  d.  1X20;   m.  -M(;llv  H-iss,-tt;   rem.  to   Herkimer  Co     N    Y 
■      1.     Cynthia,  d.  a.  12. 

]J.     Sally,  m.  W'm.  l^urnd!  of  Salisbury,  N.  Y. 
HI.      Julia,  m.  Sei.t.  14,  1S21.  llorae(-,  s."  of  Thaddeiis  and  Fois  ((iriswold)  i  oosuis 
b.  March  4,  iSOii:  d.   Dec.  20,    IS.'.O   ihro.    of  ][on.    Arphaxad   Loomis   of   Fittle  Fa.lls.  n" 
"i.),  Macoupin  Co.,  111.       1,  'I'nAi.nJMs  ],..  b.  Sejit.  2s,  1,S2.">;  m.   Dec-.   13,  18.34    Sir-^an  A 
Duckels,  Carlinville,  III.        1,    0'.- <>.  7^,  Sc]U.  30,  isr.o,     2.    /"/-.'//^v.s- .,/".,  .lulvj;'  ■|s.-,7      ;V 
Win.   '/:.  July2f;,  1863.     4,    JL.rnr,  E..  Ort.  2.  1807.     2,    \Vm.  1?..  A]uil  2S,  ]y-r, ;  Shurt' 
CoF  18.53;  d.  Jun---  11,  1867;  m.  Jan.  21,  bSll,  Marv  Ann  Fldn-d.  Minnea]icjis,  Minn       1 
M'ei)//r/-/;//^,/,.',  Nov.  11,  1S.-,1.     2,    Licrnn    IF(76?/V.  Feb.   8,  18,13.     3,   Hdk.u  i;  .1      Mav 
17,   1832;  Shurt.    Col.    18-j2;  m.    Sej.t.  12.    l.^."-)4,    Alice  M.  l-:idred;  ChesterHeld     Ill's       1 
Horner  IF///.,  b.  Sept.  7.  18."i7.     2,  .V7-;V/,-  Allri',  Oct.    Ifi,   ISOI.     3,  AihlU  L<'''is[.      -\u<'' 
31,  IbfF..  ^   .     ^. 

W .     jjovina.  ni.  Beman  Clinton  of  No.  llav. 

^  ■  ^^\'l''''-  1"-  Burton  Tuttle;  (2)  Amos  Fish  .if  Albany,  N.  Y.;  d.  1877.  '■  Aiuoii 
Fi.sli,  \yl)o  died  after  a  long  residence  in  this  city.  l>-f;  jjrop/ity  amounting  to  ii:."')0.Ol)0. 
The  will  lias  uot  yet  been  presented  foi  ]irobate,  but  is'to  contain  s"^ime  singular 
be()uest.s,  and  is  likely  to  be  contested.  The  widow,  who  ha.s  been  his  wife  for  tlilrty- 
tivc  years,  is  allo-wed  ."^l  a  day  as  lonir  as  site  livt  s.  He  was  an  eccentric  rua)i.  In 
explaining  the  way  he  lived  to  a  fnejul  once  lie  .said:  'I  buy  a  shaidc  of  beef  from  the 
butcher,  which  (-<»ts  me  ten  cents.  My  wife  makes  eitougli  souj)  from  this  to  do  us  one 
meal;  then  the  meat  cut  from  it  afterward  makes  two  more  meals,  or  one  dav's  food  for 
teii  (-ents.  I  si)lit  the  bone  and  get  the  i-iarrow  for  cookiui;-  puri)oses,  and  mv  wife  finds 
sulhcu-nt  fuel  hi  the  bone  itself  to  do  considerable  (-ooking.  Then,  in  an  iron  box  I  save 
llu;  aslu'S.  which  I  use  f()r  manuring  a  few  plants  tliaf  n-ali/,e  for  me  six  c^uits  ea<-h.' 
^  <-t  when  extra  taxes  were  put  uj^on  his  property  h^  very  rarelv,  if  ever,  demanded  rent  from  teiuints  than  tliey  hail  Ix-en  j)aying.  He  considered  anvthiug  more  than 
plain  and  clieaj)  dress  for  man,  woman  and  child',  extravaf^^ant.  Mechanical  labors  he 
eneouraged,  ami  would  prefer  to  let  one  of  Ins  sO.res  to  a  l.Tisiness  of  this  kin.i  than  for 
other  pui-posrs.  He  considered  the  jewelry  and  othi-r  1anc\-  trades  wlmllv  urniecessarv, 
and  l>y  no  ini-ans  would  encourage  them.  "—.1//.,//,^    7V///«.v." 

VF      Harriet  P.,  m.  Tuttle,  bro.  of  l^urtcui,  s.  of  .\biiah  Tuttle        1     Jri  \\       '^ 

liAi;itii-;T.  and  two  oiheis.  ■-.•■-• 

Vil.  Aim.  Ton,  re.-;.  Mt.  .Morris,  N.  Y.  Mr.-^.  N-c  s 'I'uttlc  of  Carlhare  N  Y  i.s  of 
tlos  iani.  ■  '^ 

45176.     .Betsey  Tuttio,  b,  Man-h  12,  1789;  d.  June  i.^40;  m.  Keubru  Dooliu.le  of 
^^allingi(,rd,  Conn.,  who  d.  .lime,  1842. 

TITTTLE,    DUOLn-liJ:. 


1.      Alrnon  n.„>linK-.  b    Juh  :?-,  ITIMV  ,„.  Clarissa  Tuttlo.      1,   Makv,  ,n.  Fri  Jo).„- 
son,  ah<]  },.d   s.  ^-..nJ     SI,.-  .1.  in  W.  Jan.  !/.  ISC;;,      o     ^j^.^^.^  j.      ,,     .-,.,     ,^        '      . 

JiM'SKV,  III.  r,(.yal  Diullcv  and  iviii.  to  .Minn. 

b2..     ::!    M.sKr.M    A.,  1,.  is;30.  <i.  Ih.      1S5-2.     8,   K,^^sr^^   A.,   ,n.    Kn,ilv  B  adl 'v  aul 
liad  one  dan,;  if.s.  Tlonici.  N.  A.     ■)     ilrijiiN-  '  .   «u  i 

III.      Kliuda  Dn.dinlf. 

Vn1^'^!,^?f  „^!'?x'^'^\^?°,^iV'^^'-''-  '^^^"-  ^"''  ^^tM:  d.  Sept.  •.'!.  isni;  ni.  Jan.  Id,  l,^->0 
An,<rnstus  Ihill  ol  \\  .,  h.  Julv  M,  ];<;(!)  ,     ^  ./. 

Dm-  \    V'"'"i'  ;Vi^-"1"'  ^'"''' /"';';■    "^-    l^^l;    '^k  X„v.  o^,  jsii,  Anna    P.-rkins.      1, 

rs^oo^- ''A^;'^.^Vi::"Api-inS:s;;..-^^^^ ^- ^'^'^ ^^' ^^^='-  "•  ^---^ ^^■•^^-■'•'' 

II       Kii/al,,.tl.  .\nn   llall    An^.  2.  l^->:>:  .1.  Auo,  ],.,  i^,;i:  ,„.  F.l..  S.  1S-]|    othniol 

1S..1;  in.  S,.,,i.  ;i„i,v(i,,  Fjjend  ('.  .Ml^u.      1,    /.///„,,  jf.,  i,.  ]),.,.   4    jso:) 
111.     Kniily  1).  Kail.  Xov.  \U.  ]^-j."i:  d.  Mand.  'V,    i>'->(> 

L.,  I'^J^-*^;   '.  1^.^;^:  n..  Jan.  .  ,  Is.    .  ..,.0,  1..      1,   yf;v,r^^  JA.  h.  (Ft.  1,  1^71. 
Fi.oN  L.,  Jul\  11.  is;,,,      .),   Fii.!,i):  A..  Ffi,.  10.  iNiit. 

t..n,  vho  (,.  Lsn2.  a.  7,;  rt-.s.  Ihunden,  CV-n.,,, ;  mast, t  l,nihl,M- 

i.     Al.uul,  1).    ]80:j;  ni.   F!i/.abrtli  ^^niitli;  (2)  I'ollv  Matthews 

JJ.      Adrlia    1..  isnj:  m.  Job.  F.  Mniison,  (,h-r.)  r.-^'lfatnden.      1    Jo,;  F     nnn.  ■  res 
q^7;;j5^'":;:^     ^-   -^"V'-'-'',"^-  ^•'^•^'l^-^^'^  l^^  ^^'"•"':  '-s.  S,,rin<rti,dd.   Mas.::"/.,  onedi;n' 

4,   JOIfN  W  .\Tsox,  res.   X  cw  Zealand 

III.  Mil,,,  b.  bsiKi;  d.  IJsir,. 

ly]>a.    ISU^:  m.    JS2!..    (bauneoy   hvs   o-"  Fhesbire,    Fnnn..   ,dee.)     F   -Iaxk 

:^'    ;;J''  '■/    ^     -tl,    dec.       2.    Fi,i,snvo:;th    1...    n,.    .nd    bad   on..cldl,l;   rrs.  Pbiia.: 

Tr,^-     ■;?;•■  ''''m''V";''T      '•   ^^'-^'-^'^^v,  n,.andhas4clnl.;   res.  llan.den.  Cnn. 
4,    FrnsAKi),  m.  and  bas  2  cliil.;   res.   H.     r,    Ar.sroN     m 

^  .      Fvnian.  b.  1S12;  d.    l,--::)!!, 
,oJ^\    -\'''-'^""'  f'„  l^';-  2'?,  1870:  n,.-Fs4F  TIn.s.  11.  llowarth  of  New  IFiv.,  b.  Feb    U 

VII.      Sibyl  Felestia.  b.  0<-t,.  islO:  m.  Fn-d.-rlek  F<,ote 

Mviov    ,^'^1--'  •'';    ^T,'""-    ^^'^-    ^^'''^   Andrews   of    liamden.    Conn.:    nuedtinist.       1. 
.MMJO.N,  machinist.      2,   D.vvtox.  macliinist. 

IX.  I'aytou,  thnnvnfroni  a  and  killed  near  Ml.  Cannel.  abt    ly;;5 

A.  F^ulin,-:.  b.  April  2o.  F-F,;  m.  Jane  Hall;  re.s.  Mt.  Carnnd.     ]     Dau 

5  chil  "''"'"•  ''""  ''^^^^  ^^^  ^lf'»ti'-^t-;  i-es.  Cohunbus,  O. :  m.    185!),  Harriet  J.    Cuns; 

XII.  /'''"'■;\,-^-  1^^8;   in.  Sept.  U,  1850.  James  Wn,.  Cann,)n,  b.  Mav  2'.K  ]S25    son  of 

Meeker     alhoun;   1.  (  .  Theo.  Fept..  1S7.I;   Con^.  ndnisl.-r  in  Cb-vebunl    (  .    '        IF./' 
(rraml,  .1.  a.  abt.  i.     2,    Mauv  U"..  J  nly  20,  is:,.;.     3,    Fr:  ^iuAN,,.  Marc!.  3,  F^fM.       ' 

4f  -^iV-l'^^'^'^    ^'^"^?'   ''•    ^"-  ^  •"•""•'•  <■"■'"••  1^^-^  '••  ■"   Soathin.:ton.  Conn.. 
I,  Vs-^V-.,  ,T    •:'•   ''-/"-f'"''^  '  "•  l^"'''  "■■1=^^'''<-'1'   Smith,  b.  O.-t.  10,  is.,3:  went    West 

on  F     'n    'clfi;;    ^':"^'""%l""„     "^-  -•-    -"•  1<"1"  ■'  nvery  stable  for  30  ^  rs'  on  th,.  cor 
•'"'.n  \Mudd,.n  oi    IJoekford.  III.,  and  ba.l  2.hil.:   res.   issi,  rbal,d,el,i,  X, 

232  BKAXCn  OF  jonatitax. 

II.  M:ny  Anj^asta,  1).  Dcr.  !*,  IS-JS;  m.  John  Ikisiol  Bnn-kctt,  wlio  d.  in  Millonl. 
Conn.,  Oct.  ;)1,  is^^d.  a.  a:?;  "  L>ej_':an  mjikin;;-  axles  and  carriagr  .^pring-s  vitli  his  f.  at  Mr. 
C'arnit'l,  Conn.;  rem  to  X.  Haw,  and  in  iNtK'  hfi;-an.  to  nnikc  c'ari-iaij,('s;  next  yr.  took  in 
his  1)1-0. -in-hiw.  Milo  D.  'I'nttlc;  firm  of  Hvorkett  iV  'i'uttlf  were  known  tliiiin;;hoiit  th<' 
"West  and  Sontli,  \vliprf  they  had  cariiat;''  r^positoi  ifs.  He  was  a  man  ol' ^^rt^at  (.-ntfi-- 
])rise  and  hnsim-s.>  caivicity.  of  siij)erior  jnclgnu-nt,  -tiict  iTitfgrity  ;iiul  sterling  christian 
oliararter;  mem.  ]?a].ti,st  (Aili." — X.  J/m:.  I'aprr.  Ih'  IxMight  the' res.  of  |)r.  V.  O.  (.'rosby 
in  Milford,  and  liis  lam.  lives  tlu-ro.      1..Makv.     '.?,  K.m.m.\.     o.  Klizaukth. 

III.  Al>ind,  Sept.  07,  1S80:  d.  July  ;J1,  tS:3-2. 

IV.  Aliiud,  Aug.  17,  \>^'-^>'2;  iii.  asid  had  orje  dan."       He   went  to  Sout],    Anieriea,  and 
110  tidings  aftor  the  great  earthijaake  in  which  it  is  ladieved  he  ])erishe(k 

\'.  Iv.uily  S. ,  .lane  -,'7,  iy:i4;  m.  ISti'J,  Solomon  V.  Stuart  of  Nurthlield,  Minn.;  /. 
T\\  ins. 

y\.     Lunnui,  Any.  '2o,  1886;  ni.  1^07;  ri's.  Faribault,  .Minn.;  /.  one  sou. 
Vlf.      Milo  !>.,  b.  Oct.  8.  ls:38;  firm  of  Brocketi  A:  Tnt'le,  as  above;  res.  X.  ilav. ;  m. 
Louisa  Stuck,  dau.  of  Dea.  Stock,  a  Vs-ell  known  railroad  olHcial. 
VIIJ.     Caroline,  b.  Jan.  4,  181(b  les.  Southinu'ton,  Conn.;  nnni. 
IX.     James  W.,  b.  April  8.  d.  Aug.  21,  1M4-1. 

451797.     Sibyl    Celcstia    Tattle,  b.  Hamden,  Conn.,  Oct.  1,  ISIO;    m.  June-);-,, 

1810,  Frederii-k  Foute  ui  Xorthfoid,  Conn.,  s.  of  Isaac. 

1.      FieJ.i-ick  FoMte,  b.  Aj-ril^l,  1811;  d.  unni.  Feb.  'J-.3,  1S73. 

11.  Cele.stia  Tiittle  Fooie,  b.  Dec.  G,  l-'-f.?:  m.  Jan.  Iti.  ISIJS,  IT.  Willard  Smith  of 
N.   Ifav.         1,  I'ltKDKKICK     \Vil;,.\  111).  Jun>-    '.?(),  ISrjfl;     ,1,   June    -.27.  1871.        -2,  FjiKDElUCK 

FuoTi;,  Xo^-.  20,  187-2.     8,  H.\in;v   Wii.i.AiiD,  b.  Dec.  iil.  187:'>. 

III.  Isaa.-  Ko..;e.  b.  Oet.  17,  ISM;  a  dentist ;  res.  Middlelown,  0.,(U'S-2);  ni.  March 
19,  1S';.7,  Mai  V  C.  Xeale  ,^f  Earon,  O.  1,  Jk.xmk  Ci-:i.KSTi.\,  b.  March  iy,  Istiy.  2,  Edith. 
Julv-  'Zl.  1879'. 

"IV.     Anna  Adelia  Fooie,  b.  June  18,  1849. 
V.      Ellen   Mary  Hall   Foote,  ii,  Aug.  4,  iSoo:    ni.  Xov.  :28,  I87S,  CliarJes    Heed   of 
Abington,  Mass.;  hon.  Y.  C.  1816;  law  school;    lawyer  in  Aiisoiiia,  Conn.       1,   Cj-;j.Ks'r>; 
FdOTK.  1).  Jan.  9,  1^8"2. 

VI.     Caroline  Sibyl  Foote,  b.  Ai)ril  5,  18(51;  ui.m.;  res.  Xorthford. 

4517.11.     Manning   Tuttle,  d.  Aiu-il  0,  lS.-,7,  a,  70;  m,  Jan.,  18(jS,  Bede  Barnes 
of  Xo.IIav.:  b.  Xov.  :2."),  l7v;S:  d.  Julv  4.  1800. 

].     Aliuira,  b.  Xov.  17,    1MJ8:  ili.    Mav  10.  iNiU),    Ilenrv  X.  Dc\Volfe,  wlio  d.  Feb, 

10,  l8n-<;  a.  GO.      1,  F.,  b.  Jan.  If).  l">!82;   m.  April  OO".  18-m.      1,  Lsridorc  A.,  Auir. 

11,  ]8,-j<i.     2,  I]i:m;vT.,  n.-i.  -21,  lS8o;  res.  Texas.     8.    AnTiirH,  Mav   -2,  1845;   in,  June 
10,  l8f;G,  31artha  D.  Atwater;   res.  Terryville,  Conn.      1,  Edith  A.,  Sej.t.  8,  18G7. 

IT.      Jnlia,  b.  Jan.  8,  1810;   ni.    Elijdialet   ("ooper. 

III.  Luan,  b.   \Iarch  1^,   1S18,  m.  Leonard  11. 

IV,  Elia;;,  b,  Aug,  8ii,  181.-);  m.  Ahiu'ail  Incham, 

V.      Polly,  b,    VA).    -22,    1S18;  lu.    Dec.    16,  1841 ,  Linus    B.    Castle;   res.   ITarwinton, 
e'oun.      1,  Emm.v  a.,  b.  Oct.  81,  1848;  in.  Feb.  1'2,  187U.  Sauiue]  Baldwin,      1,  (rco.  E.,  1>. 
Dec.  8,  1870.     .2,  El.miha  J.,  b.  Sept.  24,  181.1;  d,   A])ril  29,   \>^yi-l.     8,   Ciiaklks  M..  b, 
Aug.  4,   1840;  in.  March  8,  1871,  Elinira  li.  l>irt;e.     4,  S.,   b,  Oct.  '28,  bs.j8. 
VI.      Laura,  b.  Dec.  -2.").  18-20. 

Ml.  Charle-;  Manning-,  li.  Mav  G,  lN-28;  in.  Oct.  17,  1^49,  Caroline  A.  Dickerman; 
res.  Xo.  Ilav.  1,  Frank  W'..  b.  Slav  8.  iNol.  '2,  Fi,nt:KX(  k  A.,  b.  Fel).  11,  ls.14.  ;i 
Axciici.Lxi;  .M.,  1).  Dec.  -27,  18.'37.  4,  M  \i«v  E.,  b.  Oct.  14,  1^65.  ."),  Chaiilks  1-:.,  b.  Dec. 
2,    INGS;    ,1.    Feb.  7,    1^60. 

VIII.      LMiiis:,  H.,  1..  .March  1,  iS2G;  in.  May  lo,  184!l,  Dial  Waters;  res.  Oneida,  X.  Y. 
1,  IOdith  L.,  b.  Junef.  b^.-js. 

IX.     Soj.hronia,  h.  Fel..  27,  ls:]0:  d.  Sept.  12,  L-^.H. 

4517.11.2.     Julia  Tuttle,  Jan.   8,   ISIO;  d.  Feb.  15,  1841;  m.  April   17,  183j,  Kli- 
idialer    Coopej-. 

I.  Thendore  A.  Cooper.  April  G  1886;  ni.  .May  l'^,  lS.-,7.  Sarah  I-:.  Hrouks;  res. 
X.  Ilav.  1.  Ekxks'i- E.,  April  80,  IS.IS.  2,  ^Vri.i.t.xM  \\'.,Jan.  lo,  isiid.  :;,  0(,];a  Fkax- 
<  K<,    l-^-b.  1.-),  is;;  J. 

li.      Julia  A.  Coojier,  .luly  :-!!,  1-40;    ni.    May    11,  iMil.    (;us!avus   A.    Elli,,    res.  X. 
Ilav.     1,  i!i  iiK.x  .\v\>\).  \\v.  {),   1>6S.      2,  JoiiX  riii.XKV,  Sept.  li,  1^70. 
111.      (Jertrude  \V.  CK.per,  Mav  1,  1S8S;  d.  Se[,t.  2N,    ls8!rl. 

TLTTLE.  933 

4517.11.3.  liUan  Tllttle,  Mar.'li  ]S,  IHIS;  m.  Xuv.  2',,  Ib.U,  LeoiunJ  R.  Hotch- 
kiss,  ii-'s.  J51ui  nil  field,  jinvii. 

1.  ]-()uisaK.  Hotchkiss,  April  9.  IS-iC,;  m.  Sept.  H'),  1S./3,  Jolm  W.  Hotclikis.<.  1, 
rjiAiii,i>  ('.,  March  ol,  IsH-t.  :j,  J>ovai  J-:i).mi  xd,  ()rt.  30,  IS'^O.  3,  Emekett,  May 
11,  \x-)[>.     4,  Lkcinakp  Edsox,  Jiuiell,  18(i>5. 

II.      Ellen   (i.    Il.'.-hki^-s,  March  i,',    1«0;  m.    O.-t.    17.    IS^S,  Loval  D.  llotchkiss, 
Lro.  ul' .luhii  \^'.      I,  \\  ILLIS.  Jan.  21,  1^<«30. 

Ill:  Leonard  E.  IJotclikiss,  h.  •?:J,  1N4-::  ni.  Jan.  C.  18<11.  Hannah  Gibson.  He 
enlisted  (Avi>r.  C,  1n6'2)  in  the  oOtli  Iowa  inf.,  Co.  H.  and  wns  killed  in  the  battle  of  liiujr- 
iTold,  (>'a.,  Nov.  2',.  ]>:^'>■^.  leaviutr  one  ehihl.     1,   Hattik  tiTBsuN,  b.  Dec.  -5,  1^(51. 

IV.      KneelaudT.  Ilotchkiss,  b.  July  ■..',    In.50;  m.    Fel).  ?,    Ib^il,  Sarah  J.  McDcwal. 

4517.]  1.4.  Elias  Tattle,  Au^.  ao.  iSlo;  m.  Nov.  ir,.  is3':f,  Abigail  Ingrem,  res. 

1.  Frederick  C,  b.  Dec.  ."},  lN3f);  m.  Jan.  80,  'i>^CjS,  Juliette  C.  Ailing.  1,  Hattik 
M w.  Nov.  2.  lSo>>:  res.    Ibanden.   Conn. 

II.     Harriei  A.,  b.  Nov.  io,  1841;  m.  May,  ISH-"),  Jerome  Pavne.     1,   Fjcedi:}{KK.  b. 
Juh.  jSC.d:  re^^.  Trov,  N.  Y.  '  •  ' 

"ill.      George  ]{.',  b.  Dec.  31,  1^43:  res,   Troy. 

IV.  ^Manning.  May  18,  1847:  ni.  Frb.,  18G0,  Eunice  Hunn.  1,  BriiTOxE.,  b.  Sept., 
iNfjSi;  d.  Oct.,  1870. 

V.     Abiud,  Nov.  '2.  1840:  res.  Sprintrfield,  Mass. 
VI.     Stillman,  Feb.  28.  18ol. 
V]\.     Charles  E. .  J ul v  2,  1853. 
Mil.      Wilfred  II.,  Xov.  14,  1s.j7. 

452.     Moses  TllttlOj  late  of   Nev.-   Hasen:  dec;  adni.   given   to   David  and  Jesse 
To<ld  111  Fel).  17^0.     (.JraiKi  uaus.  Ann.  Thankful  and  Don^thy  Tattle  to  whom  tlie  estate 
"ivus  eoually  divided.     Enos  Todd,  Peter  Eastman  and  Daniel  Doolittle,  dividers. 
1.     :>loses. 
11.     Neheniiah,  b.    Sept.  22,  1727. 

III.  Dau.,  ni.  Turner  and  had  a  gr.  sou  ^vent  to  sea  out  of  Ne\\  Haven. 

IV.  Lois. 

4524.  Lois  Tuttle,  nt.  abt.  1754,  Tlujnia.s  Davis, •■  b.  1729;  d.  Nov.  1.^.  17;)3.  She 
became  acquainted  with  ..Sir.  D.  wliile  at  tlie  boarding  school  of  Rev.  Mr.  Bird  in  New 
HavcJi.  Her  ]jaients  and  relatives  in  North  Havfii  being  strong  Congregationalists, 
were  ojiposcd  to  the  nuitch  for  the  reason  that  Mr.  D  was  an  Episc05>alian.  She  was 
taken  home  and  he  was  forbidden  the  house.  Sh^-.  however,  left  her  father's  house  iu 
North  Haven  one  summer  evening-,  walked  to  New  Haven  and  was  m.  and  had  1(3  chil., 
of  whom  4  d.  in  infancy:  12  Avere  living  at  close  of  rev.  Avar.  Their  gr.  s.,  C.  S.  A.  Davis, 
has  ]>«b.  some  interesting  family  reininisc  nces  of  the  British  raid  in  1770.  Thonias  l^avis 
Avaf  in  the  sliirmish  at  West  Bridge,  but  seeing  that  the  tov.ii  Avould  be  taken  hurried 
home,  hid  his  gun  and  silver  and  aAvaited  events.  A  sijuad  of  soldiers  soon  entered  his 
house  and  rummaged  it  for  plunder,  but  did  no  further  danuige  than  to  crack  a  China 
punch  bowl  (which  is  now  iu  jiossession  of  Mr.  C.  S.  A.  Davi?.),  and  drink  some  St. 
Croix  rum.  It  was  one  of  this  xjuad  that  killed  Mr.  llotchkiss  and  took  his  Avatch 
which  lie  shoAved  to  31r.  Davis.  Mrs.  Davis  had  sent  her  sou  Solomon  doAvn  to  the 
Ijarden,  ■' on  the  shell  r<»ad,''  as  ^Vooster  street  Avas  then  called.  This  garden  occu- 
pied the  whole  sijuare  bounded  by  Chapel,  Wooster,  Chestnut  and  Franklin  streets.   The 

*Dr.  James  Davis,  b.  in  Wales,  sent  over  about  1700  b}-  the  Brit.  .cov.  to  the  Col.  of  X.  V.  as  physician 
-and  surgeon,  with  w'.fe  and  chil.  HisAvifed.  here  and  he  m.  i."  an  Irish  girl,^ribcih  Carroll,  and 
had  an  only  child,  Thoinas.  Dr.  D.  d.  abl.  1737-  Tiionias  was  left  in  care  "of  Mr.  Forbes  who  put  him 
to  sail  ma'-cin.<,-  m  1743.  In  1750  he  rem.  to  New  Haven  and  be.iran  business  as  sail  maker,  the  rirst  in  iJje 
town.  He  ai^ervvards  eni,'agf:d  in  a  general  merchandisin.sf  and  shipping  business  with  St.  Croix  and 
other  W.  I.  Islands,  and  in'  1753  took  in  Mr.  Sandford,  f.  ol  the  late  .■Xnihony  P.  Sanford  of  New 
Haven.  This  co-p.  continueu  till  170S.  Davis  and  ^a  Tford  with  si.x  others  built  the  old  Trinity 
church  in  Church  street,  which  was  afterwards  iwice  enlarged,  and  taken  down  in  iSig.  The  workmen 
"  bo.trded  round '■  among  the  S  until  the  church  was  linistied.  Thomas  Davis  built  his  residence  on 
Fair  street,  and  owned  the  whole  square  bounded  by  Fair,  Olive.  Cherry  street  and  Prindle  Alley,  except 
a. lot  on  corner  01  Cherry  sireet  and  the  .Alley,  which  belonged  to  Simeon  Joselyn.  Mr.  J.  lurnished 
Benedict  Arnold  with  his  ric:~  and  c-iuipraent.  as  Capt  of  the  :.1  Co.  Gov.'s  (juards.'  but  was  unable  to  get 
his  pay.  Arnold's  letter  from  Canad:-,  to  Mr.  D.  declining  to  sef.le  was  in  possession  of  Mrs.  Canby, 
but  could  i:ot  be  fuund  aiie-ng  lier  effects  on  i!k-  division  of  tlic  est.  in  iJ..;o  -  les:.  In  irto  ?.!r.  D. 
receiveii  a  Ch  na  pui,ch  h-jwl  from  St.  Croix  as  a  prc.-;eiit.  It  was  first  u.sed  in  \ji6  at  the  binh  of  his 
dan.  Mary.  On  her  m.  with  .Mr.  Post,  it  was  presented  to  her.  C  was  cracked  oy  liie  Brifsh  July  5, 
177-!,  while  rumm.igir.g  the  house  of  Mr.  L'avis  lor  valuables.  Wm.BucI  mended  it  with  silver  clasps. 
C  S.  -A.  Davis  inl'.erited  it  from  V.'m. 

234  BRAXC']!    OF    JOXATTIAX. 

Sdldirrs  finnul  Solmiion  hcrt-  ;iu(l  tnok  lilni  piisniuT  to  thrir  caiii])  near  Mill  river,  ^vll(>re 
he  \v;i,s  cDiiilcn-fil  lo  l.riii^-  water.  Uf  youii  cscajiod  and  ran  to  a  lot  n<';tr  \\'liitnfivville 
vvlieroliis  tatlici's  cows  were  ]>a.sturcd  and  drove  them  uji  to  I'is  (irandfather  Tuttle'.s  in 
North  ITaven.  Mrs.  Davis  sent  lier  young  danohtpi-  Maiy  for  safety  to  tlu-  lumse  of 
Aliiathar  r'aniji  (a  loyalist),  which  stood  corner  oV  (,'liajxd  and  Triion  .^^neits,  site  of  the- 
)>resent  Masonu-  'ronqde.  It  was  tlie  headquarters  of  (ion.  Tiyuii,  and  a  nice  dinner  was. 
being-  spread  for  the  ofiicers  wiirn  an  ahirni  wa.s  pivcn  hy  a  sentinel  in  tin-  sti'.pl.-  df  the. 
church  by  ringing  the  Ijell,  tliat  the  njilitia  was  aniiroaidiiug  tlie  lown  in  i^-reat  iiuni- 
hers,  xipon  whi(di  (irn.  'I'ryon  gave  <iV(Ier'-  to  eniharlc.  and  lefl  hastily  %\  iih  liis  utH.-crs- 
without  eating  his  diniicr. 

I.  Thomas  Davis,  a  shiiniiasler:  ni.  1,  Sai.i.Y;  d.'af  mute,  and  wlien  alioiit 
00  yrs.  of  age  hec.  totally  blind.  2,  'riiOM.vs;  deaf  intite,  and  when  about  (JO  vrs  of  ago 
bee.  totally  Idind;  learned  trade  of  sailmaker  and  was  u  good  v\'orkn;an;  both  could  reail 
and  write.    '6,   -loilX;  8ail.>rand  chief  mate  of  the  shiji  in\\hi(di  he  was  I'nst  at  sea. 

II.  Jk'tscy  Davis,  ni.  Caleb  Hay.  i,  Samikj..  m.  in  P>altiniore.  1.  J'</r/Inii,r.  'J. 
Betsev,  ni.  .lasoi!  Potter  of  \\'estvilie,  Cfnin.  1.  Jd.s-mi.  2,  Jtii,ui<.  '6,  Kihcin  J).  A 

III.  Xabhy  Davis,  m.  Win.  Hue],;;  silversmith.  1,  X.xnBV,  ni.  .](din  Porev.  1^ 
Cntlmriin'.     2,    .luhn. 

IV.  Lois  Davis,  b.   IT.-jO:  d.  Mandi  10,  1  j.'-^S,  a.  20;  nnm. 
V.     John  Davis,  b.  IT'ii:  m.  li;nn.ah;'(2)  .Ma rv  Fitch. 

VI.  Davis,  h.  17(14;  d.  Oct.  24,  17.S5.  a.  21;  iinm. 

VII.  Solomon  Davis;  srnlmaker.  afierw.  shipmaster;  lu.  Mary  Hood.  1,  Sui.omox. 
1st  Lii'iit.  undei'  ('apt.  Jonathan  Ibiw  land,  in  l>:i2,  of  )'riv:iteer  Sabine  of  X.  V. ;  m. 
Sept.  5,  1810,  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  Joseidi  H.  TrowiM-idge  of  X.  Hav..  b.  Feb.  IS,  ITt^O.- 
her  bro.,  (tco.  Trowbridge,  v.-as  a  sailor  on  b  .ard  the  fri.-ratc  ( '.)fistitiiti-)U  in  her  ti^ht 
with  the  Guerriere.  1,  Jnue  Ann.  h.  .May  11,  l.sil;  m.  Mav  lo,  1S;^W,  (Jeo.  Thompson. 
1,  Jared,  May  yo,  1S.12.  2,  Geo.  Trowbridge,  June  2H.  1S:1.Y  ::!,  Fli/.abcth  Sarah  Mav 
ol,  18oS.  4,  Lydia  Jane,  April  17,  l^D.  "2.  IVv-hnnl  Jh«-(i,  ;jO,  1S13.  3,  Elh'i- 
beth,  b.  June  2(5,  1815;  d.  Nov.  20.  ISir,.  4.  S.tmh,  b.  June  20,  181."); '  twin  with  Fli/a- 
beth;  d.  March  o,  ISIO.  2,  Ja.mks  C.vitnoi.i.:  sliiiunasrer.  1m  Li.-ut.  and  half  owner  of 
ship  commissioned  as  u  htler  of  marque  by  Ihienos  .\yres  (patriot);  lost  at  sea  1818;  a 
very  fine  oliicer.  3,  N.\N-cv,  m.  Capt.  l:(J)t."Allen.  4.  "Ma!;v.  o,  N\'n.i.r.\M,  sailor  ami 
mate  of  vessel. 

VIII.  :Mary  Davis,  b.  17(3U;  d.  Sej.t.,  18:J0;  m.  Samuel  r,,si,  jr.,  (,f  N(jrwJch;  bro.  of 
llaniiali.  lb- d.  in  Pliila.,  1794.  of  yellov,-  fever.  (2)  Thos.  (',f  I'liila.,  and  ron. 
to  N.  Hav.  He  was  a  shi]>ping  merrdi.,  but  l,.>t  a  butane  bv  the"  failure  u[  Tavjor  \' 
(iamage  of  New  15edford,  and  d.  soon  after. 

IX.-  ^^■illiam  Davis;  about  the  year  1800  he  was  taken  from  an  American  vessel 
near  the  mouth  of  the  Delaware  river  and  innprevs,.,!  en  boa.rd  the  liritish  friu:ate  I'elle- 
rophon  (t)ie  vessel  iti  whitdi  Napoleon  was  conveyed  fo  St.  Helena)  being  clainied  as  an 
Englishman.  He  was  never  lieard  from  directlv.  but  many  years  afterwards  an  old 
Kailor  told  the  wife  of  his  brother  Joint  that  in  1812,  one  of  "the  ofiicers,  a  Lieut,  of  a 
vessel  in  Hardy's  fleet,  to  which  he  belonged,  was  named  Davis  and  (daimed  to  Ije  a 
native  of  Nevv  Haven;  the  fam.  believe  this  British  Lieut,  to  be  ilie  above  \\m. 

X.  Benjamin  Davis,  Avent  witli  Mr.  llendiicks  to  Demarara  ami  d.  thr.  of  vellow 
fever;  unm. 

XI.      Lucy    Davis,  m. Hendricks,  an    English    plantei.who   went   to   Demarara 

and  (].  there.      1,  I>Af. 

XII.      Dan.  Davis;  d.  unm.  abt.  20  yrs. 
XIII.      Nancy  Davis,  b.  1778;  d.  May  19,  1783;  a.  ')  yis.     Three  more  chil.  d.  inf. 

45245.  John  Davis,  1>.  17f;i;  d.  ISDO;  learned  tailors  trade  of  .Mr.  Austin  of  N. 
Hav.  who  rem.  to  Uartf.  during  John's  minority  and  failed.  John  and  his  f.  wen-  volun- 
teers at  th<!  skirmish  of  Comia.;  tlu-y  were  also  at  Nev.-  Lotidon  wlnm  lliat  place  was 
burnt,  ami  Fori  (irij.woM  taken;  he  n"i.  Hannah  Post  (jf  Norwich,  Conn.,  ami  rem.  to  N. 
Y.  C,.  and  began  business;  l,is  u  f.  a>'..'  4  <if  liis  chil.  u.  there  of  vellcvv  f.-ver,  abt.  1  ;0;> 
and  Nvere  all  i>ur.  in  '1  ri:diy  chh.  vrd.  lb  then  rein,  to  Norwich  and  live.l  with  his  wf.'s 
f.  Samuel  Post,  sr.  He  m.  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Isaae  Fil<-h  of  L<-banon.  [.  F. ,  was  a 
cous.    of   <i,,v.    ')'n;nd>ull.      It    is   said  I.    F.    had   12    sous  in    tlie  P>ev.  arinv.  who  were  all 

kill,  d  Ol-  ,k     in   ti,.-  ,s,  tvl.-e.        (■.     !,,     p..r    ,11.    jv-sides  4    whe  d.    of  Vellow    tevei- 

I.      Saniue!  Post.  d.  lsr,();  ,.,.  F.iiima  CliapiTian  of  Uartf."    I,  S\M!i-:i.    2,  i:.Mi-:r,r.\K. 

'"• Pendleton;   re>.  New  llav.     ;1,  .loiiN  IL      4,  SAi;vif.      T),  S'.sa.n  C,  m. .Mun- 

sou-   res.  N.    Hav.     (i,!   .Maiua.     7,  Jami-.s.     S,  IL,    Pectin   of  Christ, 

TUTTIK,    J)AVIS.  2o5 

chh.  (Kpis.)  Jirosvu'^ville,  Xfl-niskn :  ni.  S^■l•.•j•a  Nir!i<,ls.      ],  ^:n,ntd  Fu^l.     2,  VUm,  ,,liha. 
:i    Will.  Cmil;,!  Xirlu'h 

II.  Su.--::!!  (i.,  ui.  Frcleiic!;  Mills  of  Stocklioli.i,  Swefd.-u.  1.  ],tcv  11.  X',  II.^^•^^\}r 
P(.)<T.  3,  FUDDi'uicK,  (1.  y.  1.  <'.\Ti[AHiNi;.  ."),  ]");i;pi;i'.[<K  Davjs;  Y.  C.  1s;5<):  1(M!i. 
to  lowu;  iK'Ciime  >rajor  i:l'  :i  Vol.  icut.  in  Mcxiian  war  an<!  \'.  as  killcil  Sfjil.  IS,  !S47,  in  :i 
diar^'i;  {it  tiu-  sratcs  oi  tl;i    ciiy  ol Mrxic),      i,    byvJdiii.: 

111.     .Inliu    F.,    I),   l.eliaiioii,    (Viim.      \\   the-  airi'  <^t'   1f)\\;i'^  a   sailor  on  tlif  ])rivat<-i-r 
Solomon;    ui.    Ilarritt    Miui.-^on   or    .N.     Y.      I,  J.wiis    W.      2,   Srs.vN   .1.      o,   Joiix   M. 
4.  (ii;oKGh:  \\\      5.  X.^.vey  J.      d,  1Ii:miv  W.      7,   13i;.N.i.\>nx   H.      8,  .S.\Mrj;i.  i'.     U, 
('n.\i:i.Ks.     10.  ]I.\TTrE. 
l^'.     JJciiiaiinii,  <l.   y. 
\'.^  (1.    .\.  i.\  1)1.  .Iiihn  Kn.tx. 
YI.      Marv,  jn.  Jutiics  ^^■|l!r.■.      1,    X.x.scY  \\'.;  d.  a  1  vr.     L',   ('ii.\Ki.KS  E.,  d.  .i  1  vr. 
YJi.      \Villiaiii  15.,    in.  Kli/.alHTl;  H.  Hcadlev.    1,  ]<.\.\(  V.      2,  Kr.Wi.N  S.      3,  .AliKi.U!,. 
4,  still  h. 

\"HI.  'lli<;iuas,  111.  Al'i-ail  Siuiili  of  Ko.-t(ni.  1,  .M.\TiV  K.  2.  N^'  II.  3, 
d.  V.     4,  K.M.NJA,     o,  C'haklks,  d.  y.     (I,  CnAi;i>Ls,  d.  y.     7,  SamlklI'.    s,  d'Eoitci:  F.  .J. 

5t,    F]vA.NK  K. 

IX.  CliailesS..  A.  !>.  X.  Uav.  IH'C.  7.  I'^^OI;  roiinci-fc(l  formally  years  with  the  Xcw 
llav.  Reiji-sh  r  a  poj.r.lar  daily  and  wrf-kly  i!i'w.-.|i;iiMT;  n-ia.  to  Plainfield,  N.  J.,  and  no','.-, 
1S71'.  the  only  survivor  oT  his  f.'s  I'ani.;  lo.  1)>'C.  1-!,  ]'s;;fj,  Mary  Downs  of  Bumford. 
Cunu. ;  from  a  mss.  written  i>y  .Mr.  !>.,  lor  tin-  hem-lit  of  his  (diildri'ii,  this  arrount  of 
Lois  Tntlle  and  h<  r  d;_'.-^rendun'-<  is  taken.     1,   Loirsi:.   2,   X);i.i.!C  F.  3,  Thomas  11.  \^. 

4,    (.'tlAKl-KS  Iv   L.  B. 

X.      L--auc  ]''..  h.  Sept.,  iNGit;  d.  iiiua. 

454.     EsGkicl  Tutlie,   m.  A]/ril  '.?l.  17'i!-t,  hy  'V.  (.'ale,  Susaiinali,  dau.  of  Jolm  an. I 
Eliza l".-th  (P.-ck)  .Merriimin,'!).  July  20,  17U'J.      f.lnhn   .Mcrrimaii  was  s.  of  C'apt.  Xath'i., 
an  early  settler  in  Wall'd   and  ])rominenT  in  X^.  ihiv.)    He  m.  (",')  Jan.  Hi,  17GU,  (hy  ('ah-h 
Merriiuan,  hio.    of  his  l.-^t  wf. ),  Sarah  Ke.vford*  nf  X.  Jlav.;  /.  hv  Isr  ni. : 
1.      Lois.  Oct.  31,  17V.M);  d.  y. 
11.     Tims,  Sept.  IS,  173]:  ni.  Lois  Afwanr. 

III.  K.-becca,  Xnv.  IS.  1733. 

IV.  Lois,  h.  Feh.  14,  1737-S:  ni.  Seju.  :;.  ITo."-,  I^.Mijamin  Tndd;  (2i  Dec.  S,  17.1i], 
James  .\t\\alcr. 

V.  Pve;ihen,  >hn rh  3.  T;3!i:  ni.  Jau  20,  17G(),  Joanna  T\  ler. 

VI.  Mamiv,  Miircli  4.  1741. 

Yll.  Susanna.  Jnne   17.  1744. 

Vlll.  Jemima,  Jan.  13,  174'J:  m.  Dec.  8,  1772,  Sefh  Blake.-dee. 

IX.  Ezekiel,  h.  Dec.  3.  174.");  m. :  /.  hy  2-1  m. 

X.  Lucy,  h.  Jan.   10,   iV'Jj. 

4542.  Titus  Tuttle,  h.  Sept.  18,  1731;  flrafted  at  Xo.  llav..  Conn.,  into  the  Pev. 
army,  Imt  his  tddest  s.,  C'aleh.  was  accepted  as  a  sn]):stitiite;  enrolled  a^  a  minute  man: 
ni.  1S.")9,  Lois,  dau.  of  C'aleh  and  2(1  wf..  Abigail  (Bradley)  Atwater,  b.  Ajnil  2.  1742:  rem. 
to  ^^'.  S]>rin„'lield,  Ma-s.  (  irehmd  I'arish,  now  llolyokc),  and  d.  there  Jan.  17.  1820,  in 
his  Sydi  vr.      His  wf.,  Liis.  d.  in  a  tit. 

r.    "Caleb,  1).  Dec.  7.  ITfiO;  m.  17S4,  .Mary  Masters. 
II.      Loi^,  b.  Xov.  14,  17t)2:   m.  Sept.  30,"l78t.  lieiiajah  I'.rackett. 

III.      Lorania,  b.  ,M;iv2r.  17(i");  d.  Sept.  18,  ]7ii7. 

1\.  Titns  Wells,  b:"  Julv  s,  17i.>7:  d.  S-jK.  18.  171),');  m.  Jan.  24,  17!)3,  FTecta  .Mor 
pill,  b.  Jan.  3.  1770;  d.  Jaii."l4,  fs.jl.  [Sbi'  m.  (2)  Xov.  2i.  ISOO,  Levi  Fairfield,  and 
had  :>  chil  :  Waller,  Aui:.  3o,lsi)l.  .\nna.  Dec.  ?A).  1S02.  Sophia,  Sept.  9,  1S04;  d. 
Dec.  20.  ]S2».  ColumbusV -lulv  17,  ISO';;  d.  Feb.  c^,  IS17.  Lutlier  .Moriiaii,  Sp])T  15. 
18US;  d.  April  1^.  ls:2.  |  1,  Tkiphkna,  b.  I\"i>.  21,  17i)4:  d.  20,  1858;  m.  Erastusi 
Moodvof  So.  lludlev  Falls.  1.  ^,^^^ ,//7/o  !<ri,i<h,  24.  1  ■<27.  "  2.  Jfc'ru  S>p/ut.  Dec. 
2.'),  IS'3.-);  d.  Oct.  24,"  1S71.     2.  Titks  Wki.i.s,  h.  Xov.  21.  17!T):  d.  Mav  lo.  1821. 

♦Arthur  Rcxford,  b.  in;  mas'.er  of  the  sloop  Rose;  traded  to  ihe  West  Indies.  He  d.  in  N. 
Hav.,  Fe'j.  i.  i;-.'!;;  m.  3d  Sept  .  17-12,  E!i/a!)ct'i  Stevens  of  Xtw  H;i.-.,  :ir,d  had  :  i,  -Arthur,  b.  July  li, 
170;.  •.■,  .Sarnh,  i(.  i..ept  6.  171'^  -,,  l*li;h|',' b.  Tutu;  ii.  17  ;S;  in.  .-^nn  be<:;hf;r;  12'  ^T.•lry  ^  Hlak^-bU*;  > 
wid.  of  John  BjH  .•,.  D^'iit-!.  b.  M;iy  =7.  1711  ct.  ^r.  1.  of  .iuhn  D.  Ke.\fi  ra.  Ks.i.  (ienealo^ist  01  ttic 
Re.\foru  family.  Mr.  Re.xford  thinks  he  has  ail  the  kc.  Kirds  wUr.  tvce  in  New  H.iven.  bti^y.-ei;  i7.» 
and  i7!V>.  and  knows  of  no  o-he;-  S;-,i:di  tiian  the  abcv;  ddii.  of  Capt.  .Arctiiir  Is.e\ford,  b.  1705;  if  identieal 
with  the  2d  wl.  ot  F.zek'ei  'I'lrUe,  si  ,  she  became  a  in  the  561(1  of  hiT  :i;^e.  The  only  Ret- 
ford appearing  in  N.  iiav.  in  1760  was  L\inic!  and  his  faiuily,  b.  1742;  s.  of  D.inieh  b.  171 1 


iniANCir    OF    JoXATIlAX. 

^  .     L..Ta!ia,  1,.  M:,_v  1(1.  ircii:  ui.  Ort.  'JU.  ITS:*.  QuaMus  Morirau 
VI.      Lv.lia,  1..  .\uw-.  :],  1771:  ,].  Jan.  Vi.  1771     '  "      ' 

Vir.     Mirlui.-l,  1).  .\;i!r.  .^.  177:;:  d.  .Tan.  1:2    1771 

.  ^■^'^•,  .^^'';1'^'"].  !'•  ,^'-';-  ;''  I  ' '^;  ,  "•■  ^^-^^^  ^^''I'jert  to  (it.,  and  was  drowu,-,!  in  Conn 
river  while  cl.-ann-  the  li.slniiir  eddy  for  tli,-  sluid  ai.d  salmon  iift  Aiv  1  l.sK;  jJi.  ,„' 
J.ui-y  dnn.  <,t_  Sainp-.m  and  Sarali  Vv>-wh.  A  it, a-  tlio  (N-utl,  of  lu-r  husl'.and,  .slu-  lived 
and  d.  w.thj,,-.  1-ro  II,.nry.  1  Atca-sTUs,  1,.  1S03;  dro-.vnc.J  in  Conn.  Uiver  near  Sprin:. 
fiHd  ,n  isl,.  !!,.  was  m  h.ahuvj;  with  .some  .,:h.,,  i.,,.,,  but  his  .ries  and  s.rn-.c.le's 
lailed  to  attract  the  attention  of  some  w,,rknien  on  the  l)ridoe  near  Lv,  for  the  reason 
that  ti.ey  luul  Ijeen  •■  fooled"  l.y  vi,„ilur  uua'.ifo.siatious  hefore,  and  so  the  poor  bov  fell 
a  vicnm  to  a  prarti.-al  joke  -.M.^ftsA.  m.  aht.  IS07.  William  J.  AVhah^n  Sunt  of  tiie 
Kussian  Iron  W  ..rk--  on  Lake  Champlain;  rem.  to  Milwaukee 

IX.  \Voosierb.  Julys.  17:7:  was  in  tl.e  distillery  business  in  Kasii-ort  Me  and 
l)ecame  very  wealth  v.  but  lost  heavily  by  a  .^reat  fire.  ir,>  was  never  m..  but  an  illV-iti- 
iiiate  dan.  iuhersi-J  hi^  proi.erty  as  ixr  la\v<  ,,f  the  state  of  3ie.      He  d    in  E    ISKJ     " 

X.      h'-veivtt.  twin  with  \\V)oMer:  111.  Cynihia  Pa-e  of  Ifutland   Vt      1    hj-'vtUKTT 
A.  a  vo«n^  man      ^.  Hakhict,  im  --^--  Kuox        3,  fVnthia.  m.  Ifev.  John  C.  Ilulbrook: 
XI.      Au.^ustus.  b.  July  24,  Lb^O;  d.  :Mav  30,  17!I7. 
XII.      Henry,  1,.  Sept.  4,  17S8;  m.  Dec.  15,  1X04,  t'lrjissa  Freneli 
Xni.     Daniel,  ],,  June  5,  17.SS;  ni.  J.ucretia  HtiivoOvI 

A  Lydia  Tultle  m.  in  Wesi  Si-ringtield.  Mass.,  M~arch.'8,  17!)-\  A.s:,  Dav  of  .^o    Hadlev 
Mass.:  pub.  in  S.  Feb.  19,  17S>i.  •  ii.uiie^ , 

4d421._    Caleb  Tuttle,  b.  Dec.   7.    17(iO.      His  fnthei.  wl.en  drafted  into  the  IJev 
^^yr^'''"^-^  ^T'^u      ^''^^•="■'"*-'^'^   family  of   youi,.  children,  could  not   l,e  spared' 

Tenath   M    M  f  T       •''"  "'  •''^";  '"r^'\    ^^'■'-'^'•^l'"y-'y  1'"  '-^PPli'-'i  to  the  Col.  IJeturn 

Jonathan  Me.,^.s  and  was  accepted.  At  the  expiration  of  his  term  lie  enli.sted  a.-aiu 
sen  ed  through  the  war  and  was  honorably  dischur-ed.  He  was  one  of  the  40  "nicked 
men    sele.-ted  by  Gen.  Anthony  Wayne  (Mad  Anthony)  for  the  advance  parties-     id rir 

.Id  i.akedness  at  \  alley  Forge  and  ^vhile  fighting  to  achieve  the  iudep-mde-nce  of  his 
country,,  that  of  hundreds  of  others,  and  in  the  later  period  of  his  life  he  endured 
much  troni  anieuess  and  otherwise  in  consequence  of  this  early  experience.  He  was 
\,r^,  ieet  high,  well  proportioned  and  of  great  strength  and  courage,  but  good- 
natured  and  of  a  jocuh.r  turn  withal:  ^vheu  in  tJie  arnn  lie  was  clialleiu-ed  bv  u  fellow 
-soldier  to  fight  a  ,b,el,  but  declined  on  the  ground  tliat  as  tollghtino,  their  counnw  needed 
^^^ZTIi  '^"■':^^^^'   '-:F  niore  .proper  to.  fight   the  enemy  tlian  each  other:  but  to 

b  .   draw,     ;   i?\ir'  ,-^^^^t'-^'f^'«">"  >*^,  ^^^^^  I'e  j.roposed  that  his  own  profile  should 

be  dra^^  n  m  chalk  on  a  barn  door  and  the  challenger  to  fire  at  it  to  his  h.'arfs  content 
J  his  raised  a  laugh,  restored  good  liunior  and  perhaps  averted  a  I5ut  tliere 
vva>a  nmt  to  his  toi.bean,nce.  In  Hartford  once  Im  was  prov.d.ed  i!v  u  swa^.ei^S' 
bulyoi  large  proportions  into  whipping  him,  which  he  did  easilv  and  "in  short^,Kler 
At  e    the  war  ho  beg.-ui  the  bus,ne>s  of  boating  on  the  Conn,  river  between  Hartford. 

lT^,r;f;ri  1  \'v  ■"'.'■'  ^'v- """7'"r  "''''■'■''''"'''■"•^^''  every  sort,  and  establishing  stores  at 
Hartfonland    Wmdsor,  \t..  the   latter  a  wholesale   store,  which  .supplied  all  the  towns 

H^i^r  ?'■,!  ^^u""'''  ^'=f  ^■>;-'^l  ^^'■""-  l-'l^  l-i^rl't  -as  uliJhipped  and  cart  ^ 
aound  ],e  l.alls,  db.  was  the  fim  man  to  cany  out  the  daring  in-o,Vcr  of  runnbi^-^ 
f  e  ght  boats  over  the  Fa  Is  at  South  Iladley.  whicli  he  did  alom-  and'uuiide.l.     He  also 

h^w   !,l''^       -1  "1,^"'/'''V'^'^';-      "''    "^"'''^   '''■'''  ^"'-  =^    ^''»-    v.uv  prosperous   and 
hi.  wealth  considerable,  but  his  large  business  requiring  more  attention  lie  took   in  as- 
partnev  a  young  inan  of  good  (V)  business  education,  but  us  it  proved,  .d'  dishorn  st  char- 
of  *iL   ?     i        "r     '  ''        '"*  ^"'^'"  '■'■:''•'  ''''''^'  ^  valualde  carg<,  leading  U.  an  examination 

,d   !    ic'T  ''""    "'•'"^■'^'•"-  i^^'V-^    -•■'■'■   'discovered,  which,  together    with   lo.sseS    bv 

evc^^  n?  ^^'  '"''^'^  r""-\  ■ ''m  ''""^  "^  ''■'  property.  He  poss-Wd  a  fine  mind,  an 
no  .tm^  '"""'•■  '"'    r  ''"""•':'  ^'''"'^   "'^'^  -^  ^■-''■'  sulTerings,  misfortunes  and  disap- 

Kuments  were  not  able  to  sour  Inm,  and  w!,ieh.  when  old,  lame  and  helpless,  endeared 

ISIO  is  .alhd  ;'t  ^Wst  bpnnc:i-,eld.aged  7J.      He  d.  thr.  March  •?(),  1M4.-,,  in  Soth  v,-.  of 
\uo-^Is4->'"    '"  •       "'■^'  ^'"'''"^    '"    >'i'l'"^'"^-n.    Conn.,  who  d.  in   W.  Sp:in%fie!d 

TUTTLE.  237 

I.  Caleb,  1).  June  1,  ITSo;  sailor;  I'rll  frnin  ilic  yard  ami  of  a  sl;i])  in  a  yalo  at 
sea,  stiikiiiLT  tin- outer  porti*)!)  of  tlic  vi'ssrl  as  he  ffll.  and  d.  lS:!,j. 

II.  Sullivan,  I).  Mavdi  L>,  ITS?;  (1.  lSi)(i. 

III.  Sal.ii'.ia.  L).  July  \2,  1TN!»;  d.  1S.-)S;  m.  Zcruli  Lull  of  llartland,  Vt.  1,  ILvi;- 
KiET  I'.  2,  .a."  ;!,  Wri. 1,1AM  W.  4,  J.::vi:i{t:tt  A.  fi,  .loiix.  0.  Ciiavij.ks. 
7,  Ij.wka.  8,  lIci.KX.  9,  l.AritA.  10,  LoiiSA.  TJie  sous  who  are  liviu.£r  are  in 
Dubuque,  Iowa;  two  dans.,  one  liviiiLT  in  ^^'l)odsIo^k,  Vt.,  one  in  Denver  City,  Colorado; 
in.  John  Walker. 

IV.  Marv  J':i;,  1).  Ana'.  31.  i:92;  d.  lS7:j.  uimi. 
V.      Atwater.'l).  S(j)l.  .").    ifu.");  d.  l.SOO. 

Yl.  Julia,  1).  May  2,  179?;  in.  .Tose])h  Eaui^s  of  Sprinirfield,  Mass.  1,  Jiija  11,.  in. 
Jolin  Adkins  of  JJrattleboro,  Vr.  2,  Em.i.n  T..  m.  \\  in.  Phel]is  of  Hartford,  Conn.  o. 
JlAitiA  S,,  ni.  Frederick  0.  Brooks  of  jMadis.iu,  hid.  4,  AXXA  D.,  in.  Jolm  M.  Fra/.er 
of  St.  . Joseph,  Mo.      .-),    A.NiKi.rA. 

^'II.  Elenora  Liuania,  b.  Jun*^  19,  1804;  iii.  jJev.  l[t-rvcy  Sini  +  h  of  W.  Springfield: 
re>^.  F.asthanipton,  Mass.  1,  LY.\rAN  MoNTAGLK,  m.  Klizabeth  \V.  Busli  of  Jkirhton, 

VlII.  Sullivan  Ma.sters  Atwuttr,  li.  Any.  11.  ISdti;  m.  Eliza  Cock'ivld  Pannaiee  of 
Wolcolville,  Conn.;  rem.  from  Litchfield  Co.,  Conn.,  to  <iun  Plains.  Alleirau  Co.,  Mich. 
P.  O.,  Oun  Marsh.  1,  Maky  Ei.lex,  b.  June  2G,  18o!.  2,  Hai!11ip:t  Atwatkti.  July 
11,  bSoo.  ;:.  HuM!:i:  r'Ai.Ki;.  Siin.  5,  ]><■?,■>.  4,  Ai.>rji;A  Minkkva,  .March  8.  ls;js.  .i, 
Caulyj.k  FiiANKi.iN,  Sept.  9,  1.818.  6,  Cajiuj>im'.  Fkanck--,  twin  witli  C.  F. ;  d.  April 
21,  1872. 

45422.  Lois  Tuttle,  b.  Nov.  14,  17(;2;  d.  Sept.  11,  1795;  m.  Sej.t.  3U,  1784.  Pen- 
ajaii  Rrackett  of  W.   Springfiehi. 

I.  P.cnajah  Krackctt.  b.  June  22.  17N--.:  m.  Marin,  dan.  of  Jb  v.  Pi.yson  ^Vi^■i.-I.)n  of 
Easthauip'ton,  Mass.,  and  sister  of  Hon.  Samuel  U'ilbston,  f(uindi-r  of  the  AMliistoei 
Sem.  at  Ea.stham]non.  1,  Saiiaic,  m.  liev.  Xi.h'iiiiah  .Ad.ains,  D.  D.,  of  Bo.ston;  b. 
Salem,  Mass.,  Feb.  19,  ISOH.  [perhaps  his  2d  v/f.  He  m.  Martlia,  dau.  of  Win.  and. 
Poliy  Kead  llo]iper,  who  d.  1848  leaviiiir  two  sons  and  four  daus.  of  \\hoia  llev.  ^\  in. 
U.  Adams,  jiastor  of  tlie  "Circular  chli,"  Charlesion,  S.  C.  autlior  of  Tin  SiXi-n  ll'r','7.v 
From  T/icCroSf.]  Harv.  1S2G:  Andover  ls29;  colleague  of  Rev.  Dr.  Holmes,  First  chli. 
Cambrid.ce,  ^lass.,  1820.  Since  March,  1831,  jiastor  Essex  st.,  chli.  lioston;  many  yr>. 
an  oHicer  of  the  Am.  Tem.  Society,  r.nd  of  the  A.  B.  C.  F.  M.  od  B-jnarf.;--  on 
the  LJ/i((oviini  JJeh'/f;  Thr  Friends  of  Clirist,  18'")1;  Aoinhiorji-iiplnj  of  TJi'mms  SJo  j>  ird , 
18:32;  ].[f(  of  Jiiltn  Eliot,  1817;  >b'/i'/(  SliU  Vietc  of  Sloriry,  l^iiii:;  Co)araouiori\'<aJihn(hs\ 
Frcninr/  irit/r  the  Doctriiii  >>.      He  d.  Oct.  (i,   1^78;  senior  pas.  Union  Coiii;-.   chh.    Boston. 

2,  JlI.IA. 

11.  Cii:irles  Biaekett.  li.  Sept.  S.  17.^i>;  m.  Xnv.  2.  1819,  his  cc-us.  Lucy,  dan.  i>f 
Jolm  and  Sarah  Brackett  (jf  Dlanford.  ;\la:;s.  He.  d.  A]u!l  27,  IS.jij,  at  iln-  house  of  his 
uncle,  Henry  Tuttle,  and  his  wid.  and  driu<,  Lucy  and  Urania  remained  there  until  the 
daus.  were  in.  Mrs.  Liu;y  Bracki-tt  then  rem.  to  Si)ri!ig-tirdd,  Vt.,  andlivtul  with  her  son- 
in-law,  Dr.  Ceo.  Bowen,  and  d.  tluue  of  cancer.  Sept.  28,  187.").  I,  Lois,  b.  Mandi  19, 
1822;  d.  Feb.  23.  1842;  m.  at  W.  Spriniifield,  Dei.  14,  1840,  lldward  I'lvvere  (d' 
Amherst.  2,  SAitAii  S.,  b.  Sepi.  14.  I,s23;  d.  Jan.  18.  l.S-14.  3.  Bkxajaii.  b.  Feb.  is, 
182G;  d.  Mav  .-),  1S27.  4.  Lt(  Y  Hi:i.K.\,  b.  Dec.  30.  1829:  d.  May  18,  1832.  o.  Lucy 
Makia,  b.  Dec.  18,  1832;  d.  May  20,  181)4;  m.  April  17.  1801 ,  Juhn"X.  i'ierce  of  Ih.dh-y, 
Mass.  0,  EntAXiA  Eliza.  1>.  Sept.  13,  18oo;  m.  by  Ib.-v.  Simeon  Miller  at  llolyok'e. 
Dee.   28,  18.')9,  Dr.  Ceo.   Bowers. 

*Rev.  XoLib  Williston,  b.  July,  1733;  V.  C.  1717;  ordained  at.  West  Haven  i7''o  and  d.  there;  m.  Haiina'ii 
Payson  o!  Pomirot,  Conn.,  b,  174-';  d.  1769.  He  m.  (2)  Nov.  25,  1779,  wid.  Eunice  Hall.  i.  F.asson,  b. 
1764;  Y.  C.  17S?;  ord.  Easiliampton,  Mass.,  1785;  d.  1S56,  a.  9.';  ni  bar.ih,  dau.  of  Rev.  Xaihan  Dirds- 
eye  of  Stratford,  Conn.  1,  S'tithait  /Hiiiscyc.  d.  a.  4  yrs  2,  Mn>ia.  ni.  I'.en^jab  Brackelt.  S,  S,i»i!i.-l, 
b.  June  !7,  174/s;  State  Senator;  founder  of  Williston  Semin.iry  at  Kasthampton,  .MahS  ,  to  which  he  j;ave 
f25o,'>:..-;  two  proiessorshitis  at  .Amherst  College  •'53o,doo,  and  other  endowiatnts;  m.  May  C7,  i?^;,  Emily 
Grave.s  of  Williaaisbury,  Ma-'s. .  b.  Ju-ie  5.  1707;  dau.  of  Elnathan  and  Lydia  iPomeroy)  (iraves.  4, 
Sara''i,b.  iS>:>;  m.  Josiah  Dwight  Whitney  and  had  13  ch>l.,of  whom  arc:  i,  Josiah  I')«i^lu,  b.  Nov. 
23.  iSig;  Prof  in  Harvard  Colli-i;e.  ?,  William  Dvviulu,  Prof.  V.  Col.,  sTiiscrit  ar.d  coaiparaiivc  philo- 
'''CT-  5-  7''^"  f''oysJii  (i)ea.i,  m.  Clarissa,  dau  of  .Asahcl  Lyman.  2,  S.vkah,  b.  June  14.  1763;  ni.  Oct. 
12,  1733.  Rev.  Richard  Salter  Stoirs,  s.  of  Rev.  John  of  Manslicld.  Conn.,  and  wid.  Eunice  (Conant) 
Howe.  I,  Kici'titrd  Sitc'r-r  St'rn-  [{i .  D.l.b.  Feb.  6,  17S7;  Wil^iaiiis  Col.  1S37:  ni .  u^t^  Sarah  Stronif 
Woodliull,  b.  March  14,  17)3,  d.iu.  of  Rev.  Natnan  Mid  H;iiinu!i  'J.'.a^ei  .'  WooiiiiLill  of  L.  ]..  who  d.  j-.  /'.' 
He  111,  2)  Ha:;.!.:a  Moore  o!  i>osion,  b.  Dec.  12.  i7£'>,  whod.  July  10,  1S34.  He  in.  ejt  Oct.  iS,  1355, 
Anna  .Stebbin.s,  b.  Nov.  15,  17Q2,  dau.  of  Rev.  Stephen  Williams  Stcbbins  of  East  Haven,  Conn.,  and 
Eunice,  dau.  of  Rev.  Nicholas  Street:  only  son:  :  Richard  S.ilter  Stotrs.  I).  I)  ;  b.  Au:,-^.  21,  1S21; 
pastor  of  the  Church  of  the  l^ilgrims,  Brooklyn,  L.  I.;  m.  Oct.  i,  1S45,  Mary  lihv.ll  Jen'.:s,b.  June  5,  1824. 

'■^^S  U  RAN  en    OF    JO  XA  Til  AX. 


III.      Theodore  Brucki-'.t.  1>.  ^;^|)t.  IS,  17,'^'S. 
1\'.      Lois  BiT.rkott,  !..  .Mairli  If!,  l?!)!. 

45425.  Loraua  Tutlle,  1-.  May  1(3,  ITii!';  ,1.  Auc;.  24.  lSo7.  a.  ss  vr..  :-j  i„ns  u,,) 
Ddavs;  n..  0>-t.  29,  1  Tsy.  l,y  Krv.  Mr.  Lcttl.rop  of  \V.  S,,nn>rfiH,l,  MaVs.'  gu:ulus  Mor 
-an.  IJ.'  wu-  private  M-rn-tary  to  Sr.-uLcn.  Al-t.  1  794  horem.' to  ihc  tow,,  of 
i;o.-K.!<,,  \t..  aud  i..-t|l.Ni  at  what  is  i,.r.^  B..Il,nvs  Iv.lJs.  .vl^-ro  he  kept  a  puhli.' 
hoiis*'  vlucli  hecaiiie  .-eleljrateil  thn.uo-lioiit  .New  J^ui^'ImhI,  Xmv  Vork  and  Can-ida 'is  a 
iv„>del  tav,.ri,  '■  .Mr>rgan-s  TaN  ein  -  u  a.s  a  synouyi.i  for  >;ood  ch.-et  and  lionieUke'o'ou,- 
fort,  and  it.s  host  and  liostess  liked  and  bv  evervhodv.  'Idn-  i'  O  in  Ivdh,--. 
I'alls  ^vas  estuhli.shed  in  INUO.  and  .Mr.  Morj^an  wa'i  t!ie  first  postma.ster  II. -  d  Mir.'h 
1,  l^;i<).  a.  44  yrs.  1  nio.  and  14  days.  After  Ids  .h^nth  Mrs.  >for.ran  carried  (,n  the  hr^\ 
n<-^;s  ahoi,'  live  yry..  tlien  built  a  liouso  on  a  farm  thev  liad  bought  a  little  whv  fro->i  th- 
vIHage  .-enter,  where  she  sii.'Ut  the  remainder  of  lier  davs,  and  where  her  son  I'-unes 
Burt  Morgan  still  (]S7«)  resides.  -  ^;h<-  was  a  very  remarkable  and  estimubh-  woman  •• 
pays  Mrs.  11  a! I. 

].      Lama  Morgan,  b.  Fel).  12,  179(i;  m.  in  W.  Sprlii-ii.ld,  Mas.s. ;  d    Mandi  1    i.SOi 
11.      Lovisa  Stebbins  Moriran.   b.   Y''>-c.    10,    ]7'.')1,   in '  N(,rt]iampton    Mass  -d    ]i    V 
Vt     -July  llj,  1S41.  in.  i.y  Kev.  Joseph  Elliott,  April  Vi,  ISIo,  UubbanrBellow's  of  Wal- 
pole,  X.  11..  wlio  d.  m  W  .  May  19.  ly;],^),  a.  48:  eliil.  b.  in  Walpole:     1    Soriii  \    b   Mairh 
ISH!:  .1.  ,n  \\  .  Aug.,  ISoO;  ni.  abt.  IS'di)  in  Maeon,  Miss.,  Joel  Tracv  of  Brin.'hn"/ Vt     a 
graduate    oi  ^  Capt.  Partridge's  Military  School  at   Middletown,  Coiui. ;    civil    en.'-neer 
Alter  d.  01  Mr.-i.  Tracy  he  went  to  San  Lrantdseo,  Cal.,  and  was  several  vrs    a  t.-acher  in' 
the  jiubhc  Kchi.ols;  tlu-n  rem,  with   Ids  cliil.  to  Kent.dia,  Wis.       AVh--u  the  v-iV  bee 
lb- 8e!  went  into  the  ann^.  but  Mr.  Tracy  n-.t  bring  stronu- enough  for  acti've  servu- 
i-ntered  tbe  liospital   at   1-ortn-ss   Monroe  as  steward.       1,   ]■:,],(, ,nl   Brfl.oicx    b    lM4U-i]  • 
.mt,-red  the    I  nion  army-  ro.e  to  rank   of  ('a,.;.:  d,  <.f  wounds  at  Fernandina,  Florida' 
i,^r,n,rc^  Jh,as    \,.  L^u.don,  Miss.    ISJ:^;  enierci  the   Union  army  and  served   out  his 
enlistment;  res.  111.      .-5,  JTcuni  Jhnlxon.  b.  at  lir.tmlon.   Miss.,  1N4:!:  eiiK-rd  arniv    was 
v-ounded  am   taken  prisoner  in  La.  or  Ark.,  but  esraped  after  some  exciiiu<r  adventures- 
res.  (1S<.)) -Chicago,  111.       4.   i-rxhrirh   K„.,j,i,,   b.    Walpole,   X.  U     ^fiAC,-~        5    Sar,tJ> 
B<lh,,r.-i.  b.  \\  .;  d.  in  ^A  .  abt.  Is49.    2,  }L\i:nii:;r.  b.  1N17:  d.  Bellows  FaJl^   l.-sij)     ■{   inov 
iK  W    1-10:   d.  Brandon.  Miss.,  abt  iy:,2.      4  ar,d  o.  St.xs,  d.  inL       (1.  Ci^i  l^uri'"    b' 
\^  .    alit.    ]S2..-    d.    m    Cir.rmnati  lS,-iL)-7.-    ui.  Edward  Stone  ,.f  Davton    O        7    M\vva„ 
iSTUNK,  b.  .!uly  2.  1S29:   ik  in  Davton,  ()..  Sept..  1  S,-,0.  .         •      •        -.  iia.n.,au 

Jll.     guanus  Mor-an.  b.  N.:v.  2o.  17!i3,  in  Xorthampton,  Ma>o. ;  d.  June  (,.  ISQS 
l\.     Flean.jra  M.)!gan.  b,  liorkinn-linni,  Vt..  Ort.  12,  1^02,  d    Jan    ]Q    bs()f     '    '■' 
\.     Laura  Vvarner  Morgan,  b.  Xov.  15,    1804,    in    Vt  -' .f  in' Middle 

'r'"-oV''"lo^H'-'V^\l-''"-  "'^.''^  ^^,-  ^'-  ^'>'  ^'"''-  ^■'^'■'^"'^  ^'^'=^^^''-  '-e-tnr'of  Imnianu'elchi; 
Aug,  21,  ib2,,JohuUy,seur3L,  whod.  Xov.  21,  lv.7n.-chil.  b.  iiiM.  1  Lwu  v  .Moj'- v\  ' 
i>.  June  5,  lb28;  d.    in  M.  May  24,  IsiU);  m.  bv  Bev.'  Dr.  F.  J.  Cro,,dwin      Ai^ril'-^^  'l^oV 

;V"|^^^"V''  ',';  .-^.''V'^' -■"•   ^'-  ^"'•'•"^-  ^'""'-   *'^'"^'^    ^""^^"•-  l^^"J^-      Afterwards  Ij^-came  a 
-Licut.  ;n  tne  Br.tisli  .Nav.v.  whicli  lie  n-s.  to  be<onie  a    .Vieth.  minister;   was  stationed  at 
Antiquaand  St    kitts.  W.  Indies;  rem.  to   F.  S.  about    b-M8,  and  studied   with  the  Bev 
L)r    Sanuiel  1-.  Jarvis  of  Mid.,  for  the  ministry  nf  the  Prot.  F,)iscopal  chh. ;    ordained  bv 
liisho].  Brownell,  and  oiliciated  a  short  time  iu  ^\'aterburv,  Conn     and   Oswe>ro    X    y" 
n  is.,v  went   to   Africa   as   missionary  of   the  Epis.    eld.:,  and    d.  at  Bocktown',  Vai.e 
]  all,  as,  Afnca.  Oct.  2.  ISol.  a.  3:j  yrs.      1.  J/,/r//  J-Jizahih  Lmira,   b.  M.  Jan    10    ]S5-> 
res.  ilackensacK.  X.  .1       2    \^  h.i.iam    Sr.MXKK,    b.   Oct.  3.    1830;  res.  Xcw    York  Citv- 
euL-aged  uith  Harper  Brotliers;  m.  (2)  Aug.  12.  1878.     3,  Axx    b     \pril  -m' 
1.....:  '"-1-v-  \\;  I>an.  V/elleslIollev[7J,  red,  u- of  Christ   (Ei,is.)  chh.    at  llack'nsaJk.' 

sland.  Oct.  2    isb.^     o,   r/,/,;.  ,1.   inf.     3.   Alfral    Tilghman,    b.    liacken.sack,    Feb    lo 

Xov.  8,  ISd'.l;  d.  Dec.  2i».  l.snO.— y^  ,-.    If.    lb  JL.Ucy  ' 

Kuller"o-;k""'V'r''^'"''^?-l',''''V^-  ^"^""^  '"•  ''^ -^t^^'^"^'  V(.,  April  21. 1S;U,Lucretia 
)  uU.-i    Oaks   ol    Atner,s,      1,   M.uiV  L.nt.xx  v.    b.    Jan.   2(i,    IsT,.     :•    Twin    b    Jan   ''(1 

-p-'-     '^•.^''V'Y^  FnwAri,.  b.  April  1.  1837:  m.  inButland.  Vt..  June  17;  iSliN    Lizzie 

.1.1,.  l.s,  lM-:o.  Aug.  13.  IM.,.     ...   Ii,u;inr:T  }3ki,i.!)ws.   b.   U.t    :ij     JS44      ti     Umks 
Lt.MUKTT,  b.  S,..p,.  It;.  1S48.     7.    U-|i,;  Wvst:,  b.  Aug,  12,  IsSl. 

\.!^;i:*.mMon    -P^^??"^  "^^"(^'J:-    ^'^'':-   -*•    ''^^''   "^-'-'^   ""^'i^    f-'l>----,.ad    on 

TUXTLE.  239 

(].  .Tunc  11,  ^A•2',■.  (-2)  M;in-li  IH,  1S->S.  Lv,lhi  (.lau.  of  Jolni)  Hn'cki'tt  of  Blanford,  Muss  • 
1..  Vr\>.  n,  171)1;  (i.  Xov.  •:,-).  l.sM,  eliil.  bv  1st  in.: 

I.      l-;n)i!y  Dickinscju,  !>.  St])t.  12,  l"sO();  d.  l-"cl>.  <),  IbOT. 
II.      AliiX'I-dl-  Atu;il.T.  t).    I-\'l>.    IG,  ISO-;,  d.   M:iirli    •2>},  1S->S. 

111.      ^V(>ost•■^,  1).  ()i:t.  S,  ISijK;  (1.  .Mnivh  ],  lyi  1. 

]V.  N\'(io.-t'^r  llcnvy.  1..  Dec.  4,  I'^il:  r.-i.i.  im  ( 'ITk  .ipcc  and  went  into  l)us.  witli  his  .\lnc:t,  nhvady  i!i,.ie;  rhvuc-  tlu-y  inu.  to  lludlrv  und  l)ou<iht  land  abt.  1S4S,  in  tlm 
east  ]);nl  of  tin-  loun,  wl-cre  tlicy  lived  to^n-tlier  until  Albert  d.,  wlien  \\'oos'er 
boii^ht  (uifhis  brotliei's  beii.s.  He  m.  ^v\>t.  1,"),  lS-}-2,  Kiizabetli  rdae.  of  .lohu  Henrr 
.and  rharlotto  ]':ii-/abeth)  Helnising  of  oemiauy;  b.  Fel).  4,  1H2;^;  d.  -June  10.  isr^*..  uf  "a 
•Cftncer.     ('.?). hi rie  '?,  1874,  Caroline  Biiit(dau.    of  Spencer  and  Caroline  Burt)  Clapp  of 

East  Hampton,  >ra>s  ,  and  v,id.  of Sniirh,  b.  Jiilv  17,  l^CO;  /.  bv  !-■!  ni.:     1.   Anna 

Lt;(V,  b.  .!nnp  1!),  ]v.'4;-;;  ,,,.  Iv,,-.  2],  IS'G.^.  Tiionias  Dsviglit  Morroa,  s."  of  .b.bii  Alden  and 
Suplirorjia  .Mo"ton  of  lladliy.  '3.  ClaimslvV  FiiKXtiir  b.  Jan.  !),  d.  Si-i)t.  21,  1.S4.").  .S, 
Ci.Ai;\  l':r.i/..\HF.'|-]r,  b.  .\u,i:.  10.  IS'IC.  in.  >'ov.  i;5,  1S73.  San\uei  Leonard  of  Canton,' 
31a-^.;  u-;.  i'lovidenci",  IJ.  J.  4,  ('fr.xi;!  (Ci 'j  i:  ^^■I!.l,t.\.^!s,  b.  ])er.  ;j,  lS4it;  d.  Dee.  4,  180"/. 
5,  NLujiA  Lori'-v,  b.  Nov.  2:.  1>."^1;  orad.  We-tri-ld  Norn\al  lust.  (1.  Tiianja  Helm- 
i-ixc,  b.  Jan.  -3.  1S.")4.  7.!!;.  WoosT.'-i;,  1>.  Jiui.  14.  is.'^f}.  ,'^,  \]\j.\  AifEMA,  b. 
Feb.  1,  ISOS;  d.  Sej.t.  KJ,  1S50.-  K,  (4i.i)!;r,i-:  Ai.i;ki:t,  b.  ])ee.  2,  ls")l),  10,  CifA}:r,K« 
AiGVSTfs.  b.  Xov.  :27,  18iil.     11.  J-'i:  vm<i.i.\  i':i,;.ior,  b.  June  17,  ISiJl. 

A'.  M0MI  .Vlbert.  b.  Jan.  8.  1-^14.  He  -.v;.--  a  tall  man.  ipiiclv  and  very  stron^;-, 
^Teat  with  the  axe  and  i-radle;  liad  said  that  le'  eonld  .'-i-lert  a  srandii.;.^  tree  tliat  wotifd 
tiiake-  a  curd  of  wood,  cut  and  split  it  in  an  hour.  On  the  mornin;r  of 'the  9th  of  Aug., 
18tj'.2,  lie  \veiit  out  witli  Ids  son  10  cradle  a  small  (ield  of  oats  near  his  lioiise:  the  weather 
v,-a-^  exti-fuii-ly  w.-ii'.u:  luHiad  era'lbd  tv.'o  swaill.s  lei.^uiely  and  stood  wlu^ttiiig  his 
scythe  and  talking  to  liis  -on,  when  he  broke  ofi  in  the  midst  of  a  simteiice  and  fell  to  Ih" 
earth  dead;  sujij-osod  diinculty  of  the  lieart.  He  m.  Aiiir.  28,  1842,  Chiirlotte  ^''parliawk; 
}..  Aprd,  :.',>.  l,s'i7,of  Hadlty,  dan.  cd'  Eliliii  and  Kiizabfth  Cook.  Sbe  m.  (2)  Xehemiali 
Underwood  of  Fi.skdalc.  Ma=s  ,  and  res.  thr. ;  ehil.:  1,  Hi;XKV  F.i.niL",  b.  Jiiiv  4,  384-i; 
res.  East  Hampton.  Mass.:  m.  April  21*,  1N72,  Har-iet  E.  (dan.  of  and  Charlotte) 
Hitchcock  of  E.;  b.  S^j.t.  2;j,  ]sr,<i,  1,  Ch.nh'tir  Mny,  h.  Feb.  10.  1S7;^.  2,  Ihrhcrt 
StiUnuti,.  b.  Oct.  2:j.  l.-<;4;  d.  An-.  2'J.  Is7.1  2,  (;i:()i;nE  Ai.BEitT.  b.  A])ril  20,  lS4f;:  d. 
Au^r  o,  IsE.  o.  EzuA  ^Vli.),IA.^['s,  ii..luiie  27,  1S4S:  d.  Au.t:.  2:1  ISJ'.i.  4,  S.\};Aii  Jaxi;, 
b.  .lun-'  22,  is,r2;  d.  Jan.  23.  1N72,  in  Fiskdal^-  bus.  in  Jladl'ev;  m.  Sept.  2i,  ls;o,  Xathaii 
Kobinson  of  Pittsti'dd,  Mass.  5.  ].,vdia  EunAXtA,  b.  Au^  iT.  l-o4:  n..  Dec.  17,  bSj;J, 
Knfus  E.Bond  of  Fiskdale,  s.'of  Beniamin'and  Luui.-i'  'E.  ^^oimI  of  Ware.  Mass.  1' 
(?/'/;•./  JZ-v/,  b.  Dec.  22,  1874;  d.  Aiiril  2:1,  1S76.  0,  ii>A  Co.n;,  b.  JuJv  2o,  is.y/;  d.  Se],i' 
♦J,  18B0.  .  -   i    • 

VI.  Hublniid  Bellows,  b.  Xov.  7,  181.");  was  in  trade  several  years  in  Cabotville. 
M;'.ss.;  rt  lu.  to  Califorriia  in  sprint,-  of  184(5;  em',r.-;ed  in  gold  nnning;  d.  at  t)ic  liiiucs 
Sept.  T),  ls.-)0;  m.  at  Westheld.  Mass.,  May  16.  l.S4;j.  T.ucy  l.onitiis  of  Knsjell,  :Nra>.s.,  b. 
Juue  11,  ls22.  She  m.  attain  .Tune  1;  l.'-'.".l.  Mib.  A]>dr<-ws  of  Salt  I.nk-c.  and  had  .several 
chil.;  res.  Sj.anisli  Folks,  L'tah.  Co.  (chil.),  I'tali.  1,  ]'"KANeK..N-iA  LucY,  b.  Oct.  8,  184.5; 
■was  nearly  l)lind  from  iritiatnnuition  of  the  eyes;  d.  Nov.  G,  ls72,  at  Si>auish  F. ;  m'.  Dec' 
(i,  18ti2.  Milo  Andrews;  chil.  b.  at  Draiiersvilh-,  Ftali.  1,  B^rnii,  1).  Sept.  f!,  18ti3;  d 
Sej.t.  27,  1NG7.  2,  Oi^iar,  Aug.  1,  18(30.  ;i,  .-\pril  11,  '1871;  accidentallv  killed 
while  hunting  ralibits  with  a  i^arty  of  boys,  shot  Fob.  2.'3,  18'^2.  2.  Licina  Ci'aki.-ssa, 
b.  Sej)t.  G,  1848;  d.  June  29,  1874".  at  St.'  t-ieoriic,  ^^■ash!ngfon  Co.,  Utah;  m.  Nov  6* 
l'^G7,  John  M.  Lytic.  1.  Juhn  M.,  b.  Julv  10,' 1808.  2,  (lojnur  Hubbard,  b.  Nov  8' 
18GU.  ?,,  Jlasirdl,  b.  Oct.  .S,  ls71.  4,  /.>/'■>/,  h.  June  l."),  d.  Jtilv  14,  1874.  3  Uvn- 
BAUi),  b.  April  29.  LSjO;  m.  at  Si)anislj  F.".  Utah,  March  17.  IS7V,,  Harriet  EliV.abelli 
Simmons;  kcjit  tavern  witli  las  nio.  G  vrs.  at  Sp:iiiish  F. ;  actiujr  Chief  of  Police  one  yr  ; 
farm  and  stork  raising.  1,  JInhburd.  h.  Feb.  7,  1^74.  2.  C/,t.sin-,  Xov.  :i(>.  Is7.-,;"  ,4' 
Dec.  2:J,  1877.  -'J,  J/«'//.cy/j,  April  20,  1878.  4,  /'./,•//,  Feb.  2G,  1881.  o.  ]J'irri,f  -inn 
March  18,  1883. 

Vll.  Mafia  Eunly.  I).  Jan.  4,  ISlS;  -n.  ;•!  (h'.nnby.  Mass.,  March  7.  1.^4;1,  J,.hii  i;:!y- 
iiolds  (son  of  ("apt.  John  ami  Ltic_\  Ka>nobL)  lb.,>t  of  (iret  nv.icli.  ^Liss.,  u  ho  d.  Julv2'8, 
1811,  :■..  27  yrs.;  (2)  at  Holyolxc,  ".M:,.-C..  .iniu'  20.  18.">4,  Oliver  P.  (son  of  i)v.  Oliver  ami 
Oli--e)  Ha-tiog.s  of  Cluirlestown,  X.  H.  He  d.  in  a  tit  of  a]iople\v  Oct.  ;!il,  18."i7,  a 
ri2  yrs.;  (X)  at  (iiveutield,  Ma>s..  ,lulv.'),  lS.-,9,  Nathaniel  'roi)lilT.  who  d.  An-'.  8.  is'os' 
•/.  hy'lstm.:      1,   .biiiN  H  wnu'i.i.-    b.'Feb.  I'.l,  lS4.'i. 

VHl.      I.ima   French,  b.  Ma:  -h  V2,  i8^i';  d.  Sej.t.   U),  1S12. 
l.\.      Au-'-ustus  Titus,  b.  April  2.  1N22;  bought  a  farm  in  Enfie'd.  Mas.s..  and  settled 
id  Nos   ,  l8o2;   taught  school  .six  winteis;   S.diool  Uommittee  2  yrs.;   Assessor  of  the  to'.v:i 

24.0  BRANCH    OV    JONATTTAX.  j 

of  F.isru-l*!  5  vr.-..;  Su  ,>.•;  ihtfiuli-nt  cf  Con;;.  S'lhlnitli  ^'.■liool  3  yrs.  aiul  leader  of  |]if<-l;1i. 
chuir.  'I'd  liis  I'lTuits  tills  rcronl  >>(  (Icsrcuilinits  of  lii;s  gv.  f.  Titus  Tutilc  is  dut-;  n;. 
Dec.  3,  184.1,  Surah  .lain-,  dau.  of  ]{(.ul)i'n  and  Lucy  Smitli  of  So.  Uadley,  b.  Marcli  '27. 
1824.  1,  Er(;i".N!-:  Ai<ii>T(s.  !>.  May  !»,  1S4S;  jirodix-c  jucvfluuit  and  res.  \viili  lii>  f.  at 
I'.iifieUl- 'ill.  Fell.  2(',,  1sT;J,  I'lllen  Maria  (dau,  of  lleiiiv  and  J^nudine)  Barlow  (,f  Ware. 
Mass.     1,    >',//-7//  /'./■',  z^.v-,  b.  Mairli   l!i.  1^74.     '?,     W.^>;Inn<J  A"r/n,-fns,  ],.  l^'^r.  -i,  isli}. 

2,  Mauv'Iacv,  1".  Nov.  n.  Ibol.  o,  UoiriK.xsK  Ai)i;i.  mijE,  b.  .June  10,  1S,')7;  d.  Sept. 
11,  1859. 

X.  Clari.-sa  Louisa,  b.  April  3,  1^24;  d.  May  2,  ]X4A:  m.  at  Ibdyoke  Nov.  27,  1S43, 
Roswidl  Smith  of  H.adiev. 

XI       Kzra  W'illianis,  d.  Mav  7,  182].     /.  bv  Od  ni.: 

Xn.     Kniily  Dickinson,  b.  a'ld  d.  March  2(1,  1S29. 

Xlil.  Ahuorou  Aiv.'ater,  b.  June  3,  ISHO;  a  popular  nnisician;  farnu-r;  res.  oii  father's, 
lioiuestead  in  Ibdvoke;  ni.  .lune  29,  ISGo,  Fanny  Amelia  (dati.  of  Cyrus  and  Eel)ecca) 
Kemp  of  II.,  b.  Jan.  21,  1842.  1,  IIknuy  Atw.vtek,  b.  May  .t,  d.'Aug-.  2''.,  1N(;,S.  2, 
Hi.NKV  A'j^\"  viKii,  b.  S'i'L.  .■"),  18G11.     '■],   LiLi.tK  M.vuiA,  1).  Sept.  24,  1872. 

XIV.  Fydia  l.orana.  b.  (»ct.  7,  1^32:  n;.  at  llolvdla-.  Mass.,  Sept.  30,  18r,7,  Samuel 
Locke  Wih'h-r  of  Cliarlest(.wn,  N.  11.,  s.  of  Samuel  Lorke  Wilder  of  Rind^'-e,  X.  H. 
Mrs.  AVildfr  is  a.  noted  soprano  singer,  and  ha^  Ix-eii  a  salaiied  ])eiformer  in  rhurelies  at 
Ho!  voke,  Northampton.  Spring-field,  and  now  of  15u^lon. 

45-lt?,.13.  Daniel  Tattle,  b.  .lune  ,t,  17S8;  sl  i-ved  on  Lake  Champlain  in  war  of 
18b2;  d.  .June  H,  iM'ii;  lu.  Lucretia  llajigood,  who  d.  in  Brooklyn.  X.  Y.,  March  19,' 
1870.'  a.  81. 

1.  Quartns  Moviran  b.  Atic.  2^-!,  b'--<)9;  res.  0;tawa.  Canada:  unm. 
IT.  Frances  Adeline,  b.  (imfton,  Vt..  March  b"),  ISIL 
III.  Adeline,  b.  1$l:.!.  n  =  .  Xov.  27,  )X:',-\,  Hollaed  Wheeler  of  .<nxons  IJiver  Mill. 
Vt.,  who  d.  1812;  (2)  1.^40.  Edward  Hall  of  \\  estminster,  Vt.,  /.by  Istm. :  I,  Kikkk 
^V]iKKol^I'.,  b.  Auc.  1.5,  l83o:  Albany  Law  Scliool  18;")9.  In  1S7(i  practieiuic  hnv  in 
T>eWitt,  Iowa:  m.  there  1803.  1,  Frunns:  AdiUnc.  .)-ax\.  1.5.18134.  2.  IMhtud.  Se])t.  3, 
18G.5.  2,  ]I()i.T..\N'n  Whkki.t.i;,  b.  Sa:<(v,i>  Biver.  April  19,  1837:  Univ.  of  Vt.  18.58;  has 
been  for  many  yeais 'dry  eugliieer  and  county  survfvor  of  Lawrtnce.  Kansas,  and  ha.s 
done  c^ood.  service  in  advancin.g  the  interests  of  that  city.  /.  by  2dm.;  3,  .St.fkko 
Stevens  1Ls.1.1.,  b.  AV.  .-\i)ril  14.  1850;  grad.  Dart.  Col.  1873,  in  soph.  yr.  toed,  first  prb'.e 
for  essav  on  "  I'hc  ]^'^<'il  VVj  inriiU  iv  Jjit;  stud,  liv.v  in  Bo.-tou,  and  in  ])ractiee  ther''  on 
Bostojt  ib  i::ht-^.  1,  .Joirx  (kuimaeii  IL\i.t.,  U.  Sept.  11,  1852;  r^s.  D'-AVitt;  druirgist. 
W.  I'laniel  Atwati-r.  b.  .luly  4.  1815;  pr-t^uieto;-  of  a  pa[i..r  irdli  at  Buriiside,  Conn.: 
selectman  of  E.  llartf. ;  mi-sed  an  electio!i  for  Stat^'  Senator  by  only  about  80  votes;  tn. 
Juh-  27,  18-12,  Harriet  Adeline  (dau.  of  .losejdi  .imd  Hannah  Rogers)  Lomlrardof  Spring- 
field, Mass.,  b.  Marcli  2(i,  18!8;  lie  d.  .Inly  17,  l.'^82;  buried  Springfield,  Mass.;  only  /. 
1,  Lym.W  .v.,  b.  .lune  9,  1843;  enlisted  Aug.  14,  lSi>2.  served  3  yrs.  and  two  mos. ,  being 
the  only  menibi-r  (d'  the  regiment  who  wore  eye  glasses,  and  an  exc-ellent  ]ieumaii  witlial. 
he  wasofl'ered  a  clerkshi))  w]ii<h  is  a  mucli  easier  ])o>iiion  tlian  llial  of  ]>rivate  .soldier  in 
the  ranks:  but  he  declined  the  clerliship  for  thr  n-asoii  that  he  enlisted  to  carry  a 
musk<'t.  and  he  continued  as  lie  liegan  to  the  eiul  of  his  term  of  service.  He  \vas  in 
seventeen  battles  and  •-kirmishi-.-..  inclinjiug  tluit  of  Oluskee,  Fla.  In  business  Avith  his 
fatlier  after  the  war;  res.  Springtield. 

\.  Caroline  Matilda,  b.  .Vug.  18.  18K;  m.  Solon  F.  Geiodrich  (firm  of  (joodrich 
.V  Walker),  for  3*1  years  in  the  C'li ma  trade,  X.  Y.  C.  ],  (iKoivOE,  ik)W  (1873'i  of  lirm  of 
Coodricli  &- Ben-oii.  tea.  trade.  X.  Y.  C.  2.  L'.\l;ui.l.\K  M.,  m.  Herbert, -i.  of  Rev.  Mr. 
Bancroft  of  Wendell,  Mar->.  Has  an  uncle  who  is  of  the  firm  of  Clatlin,  Melleii  >.K:  Co., 
X.  Y.  C. 

VI.  Lviiu;!!  Hai'C'ood,  b.  Oct.  28,  l!-d9;  he  v.-as  stiid_\ing  navigation  on  "  his  Mapv-,- 
ties  brbg  Maje>iic."  and  was  to  have  .u'orie  on  next  voyai;-e  :is  her  second  mate,  a  po~;ition 
which  lie  lui'd  liren  t.iTered  forthefa*al  voyage,  but  derHnc<l  for  w:Mit  of  contidcuce  in 
himself,  lie  was  washed  overboanl  in  a  fearful  storm  about  700  miles  from  X".  Y..  Oct. 
S,  1841. 

4544.     Lois  Tuitle,   b.    Feb.  ]  !.    17:;7-S;  m.  by  Isai.-ih  Tuitle.  .1 .  of  tlie    IV.  Sept. 

3,  17.""i5,  neiijaiuin  (s.  of  r.enj.  ami  \aA\:\  .\1  liiu')  TiKbl,  b,  .\pril  l(».  172S:  d.  Xov..  17">5. 
on  expeditioii  to  Clown.  Point.  (2)'<.).-t.  21,  Ib-iO,  .Limes'^,  of  Caleb  and  .-Vbieail  Ibad- 
lev)  Atwatcr  '-of  Xine  l'aid;i.o-."  b.  Sep'.  1.  17".];  bro.  cd'  Titus  d'ciitle's  w  f.  d'licy 
re'm.  to  Hillsdale,  Colund'ia  Co..  .X.  5  .      /.  by  i  m: 

L  Benjan.iii  T.ihb  b.  1  75'b  m.  Mai.-h  1.  17:-^,  Hannah  Reyn.ihls,  !,,■  d.  at  Cherry 
Valley,  X.  Y.,  May  0,  1>^33.      1,    John,    b,  I'eb.  IC,  1779;  m.    Xaucy   Alsiyne.    \,  .fames 

TUTTLE.  241 

TUTTLE.  -iil 

CwMiirn,h.  )>i\>\.  9,  \s\l:  (].  y.  2,  ,-l/•/v//,w•///^  Jan.  2-1.  1S13.  ?j,  E'unfhau  Unji.oJds, 
Dec.  15,  ISIT.  4.  r',//,,'/V;/.y  iV//,s//.  h.  .July],  islO.  2,  Ivi.nathan,  1).  Auir.  2;!.  17i)o: 
III.  Mary  Bliss  and  liad  scv.  rliil,  :?,  Hanx.vh.  4,  1>oh('As.  ."»,  Mki.ixda.  H,  Mf.rcv. 
7,  ].,0!S,     S,  Soi'iMA.      ('.  l)y  2d  m.\ 

II.     James  At  water.  _ 

TIT         ri ;..!     \  +  ,,...1  .^,,. 

ji.  .<ain(.'s   »i.i\\auT. 

HI.  Dan'ud   At  water. 

IV.  Stejdien  Atwater. 

V.  Lois  Atwiiter.  in.  Miiliael  Sherman 

VI.  Knnicr  Atwau-r.  m.    Iv  Ynnn^'. 

Vn,  Cnleli   .MwMt.T. 

\  1.      J'>nnicr  atwaier.  m.    i\.    i  (mn^^ 
vn,      Cnleli   .MwMt.T. 

4545.  Reuben  Tuttic,  h.  Mnr.-li  ?,.  17;!!l;  m.l.y  Kev.  Mr.  Kold.ins,  Jan.  20.  1776. 
Ilunnali 'j'yler  oi' Bianl'ord.  (.\in!!.,  who  d.  Sejit.  1,  17N>;;  res.  N.  Haven;  aflni.  ;L''iven  to 
K.  (Jhed,  Marcii   l.sO:-;:  insul. 

I.      Heheeca.  h.  Nov.  :^.  17(>H;  May  9.  1  7S  ^,  ni.    Rev.  T.^nj.    Bcnluun. 
li.      IMii'.emnn.  h.  <.)'t.  ::;0.  nf>-:  m'.  17!il.  Hannah  Turtle. 

Hi.      l^enlalr.  h.    }-^-l>.  S,    T,71:   ni Jl'i.^sctt   and  ]uis  ^in\:     1,    Ai.i.t:n  of   niiiide.-, 

Yates  Co.,  X.   Y. 

I\'.      iu  ulien  Merrinian.  h.  An>r.  S,  177o;  m.  Sarah  Clark. 
A'.     Obed,  b.  June  26,  177G:  ni.  Lnn-.>tia  Cbrk. 

VI.  Mary.  b.  A]iril  2t5,  177H;  tn.  Fsra(d  Farrell.  1.  Isi!\r;i,,  merrji.  juul  J^,-a  in 
Auburn,  N.  \.      2.  of  Dundee. 

VJl.      Hannah,  b.  Drc.  [).  i;si;  ni.  July  2;!.]S0r),  tsoh.mon  Hill. 

45451.  E,ebecca  Tuttle,  b.  Nov.  .■>,  17r,(;:  m.  May  f).  17s'8.  Benjannn  l^enhani. 
b.  in  Vv'yterbnry,  Co!in.,.lu!\  21,  177:';  n-ni.  to  Xe^v  .Millonl,  Conn..  1S|J7:  nrd.  l)eaeou 
Prot.Epjs.  chh.  at  Brid.H-epoi't,  Sept.  10,  1807;  Priest  at  Xurwallc,  Conn.,  An^,'.  :-;i.  ]S|),'^; 
preacheil  at  ?\ew  Mili'urd  and  l^Tidireport  20  vrs.:  Hectoi-  .if  St.  .lolni-;  d.  Is.',  J,  ;..  Sf  vrs. 
He  ni.  (2)  (J^-t.  1 .  I.s2; ,  Salib'  .Mim-rva  Shernlan  of  ]]ro,iklieid  and  had  Candace  Vashri 
Brittania,  b  Oct.  10.  1^^2il.  wlm  ni.  at  Brookfield,  Conn.,  by  K'tv.  Hrnrv  Nubje,  Ocr.  4, 
18.')1,  AuLrustus  Clail;  ]'.ocr.n'm,  M.  D..  of  N.  Y.      Cliil.  b.  'in  ^Y,■^l^•l■bln  v.  C.mhi. 

I.  Louisa  Bcnliani.  b.  Ant,-.  2o.  i7'.'l;  in.  Scjit.  -J,  is!0.  ()li\  ,t  "  Warner,  jr.;  ',2) 
Ang.  2.Y  l's22,  Reubi-n  Burr'.A^s  of  Mai-on.  (ni..  and  went  sontli  wl;ere  lie  d.  She 
returned  north  and  .1.  in  l^iocktiidd,  Conn.,  Dee.  IS.  1S;]7. 

ir.  Knos  Btn}\;un,  b.  Jan.  1.").  1 7b;L-  d.  1^72,  a.  7!»  yrs. ;  in.  Nov.  2:'>.  ]S;^7,  in  St. 
James'  V'.pis.  (dih..  H'^iai-dinan,  <>.,  I-'liza  An.n  (iilbeil,  ami  bad  S  of  wbdUi  :>  s--.  are 

111.      Jarvi-  J'mliani,  r\\in  with  I'.nos:  d.  a.  IS  vis. 

\\.  Sarah  Hall  l^'idiain,  b.  {•'.■b.  4.  i;'.!!'.;  ni'.  Dtc,  Hi.  Isls.  Henry  Masi>n  Boai<!- 
inan  of  X'ew  Milbird,  Conn.,  b.  .Ian.  4.  IIHT,  [s.  of  Hon.  b^lijah  and.  Mai-y  Ann  Whitlnii- 
Boardniaii,  V .  S.  Senator,  audi  bi-o.  of  Hon.  \^' .  W.  BMardiua.n.  The  1(.)wn  of  Boardnian 
in  Ma)!n;iina-  di,,  u  .  was  so  iiani"d  in  Hon.  of  Hon.  lllijah;  ^fol  l4omajd>iLa]  .-ktt'-h  of 
wlioui,  by  Hon.  ib-uben  H.  NVahvovtli.  see  yrir  Eng.  (hi:.  JtO,/..  vul.  17,  \<.  214);  his 
ehil.  wi'ie  Hon.  Wni.  W'liitiiii:,  Henry  MasMii,  Ceo.  Caroline  Maria,  ni.  Hev. 
Joim  1'.  Selineder,  D.  D..  a.-'dst .  minister  Trinity  rhh  .  X.  Y.  C  .and  I'eeior  of  the  chh. 
of  tin' Crucilixion]:  rem.  to  Boar<lman.  <).,  ^vh<.■re  he  d.  Pee.  17,  ls4(i;  killed  by  beiiiif 
thrown  from  a  rarriagt-.  ,>he  rem.  tu  Cbveland.  O.,  and  d.  tberi-  Feb.  S,  l,s70.  1, 
Kj!!.i)i;nuiv  AM-;\.\.\nKi;.  b.  Sept.  1,  1S2<V  ni.  Mary  .\nn  Williams  (.f  X'ew  Milford  and 
lias  one  sun;  rrs.  H.,  ohii).  2,  Ki.i.tah  (it:()in;K,  ie  JuH  ol,  1S2'.I;  d,  in  Cb_'veland.  O.. 
May,  lb.")2,.  o,  \^  ii.i.rA.\r  .l.\r;vis,  b.  .Vprii  ].j,  ls:;-,\  uTn<l.  Col.;  lawv-^r;  res.  C.  4, 
IIi;'m;v  \\'iiirix(;.  b.  F(4i.  7.  18;;7;  irrad.  Col.;  r.'-.  C. 

V.  .Caiidine  Benliam.  b.  .Ian.  ;!1,  ISOli;  m.  May  7,  1S2G,  Josej)]!.  s.  of  Ldniund  and 
laiey  Haw  ley  of  Stratfo;<l.  Conn.,  b.  June  10,  17;)2;  d.  Si-pt.  2(;.  ISJ-'k  He  wa-  of  Hi-idi;o- 
port,  ('.onn.  ;  merehan;  ;  (2)  in  Cazenovia.  X.  V.,  Xov.  10.  isjs,  ],,.vi  lb  Mmii^  ,.f  Iim, 
Cayui;a  Co..  X.  Y.,  \vlio  d.  .luly  27.  IS.")((;  (;•;)  .Vinil  2l.i,  ls.")2,  Janu-s  Ibmse  and  r<'in.  to 
Ca/.o.  wln-relifd.  Xov.  12.  l^Tvb  To  Mrs.  IJ.niso  tliis  ree.^rd  of  le-r  _i:randfathe;-'s  dt-sc. 
is  l-argojy  due.  /.  b_\  1  si  m. ;  1,  iH:iu:<c\  Bt:.Nii.\.M,  ii.  .May  7.  !S27;  d.  Aniil  2(i,  is;;4. 
2,  Ai,vi;i;i>  Ijimixk.  b.  S.'pt.  11.  is-jS;  d.  Au^-.  1  7,  \:<\i).  ;\.  CiiAi:r.K>  r.i:\.iA\iix,  b. 
Ma\  l;;,  |s:',2,  crad.  bniv.  .if  ai  Ann  .\re.i:-;  .M.  D. ;  m.  Auir.  1,  lsO:l,  Liiza' eth  S. 
Johns, 111  of  Onioiiau-un,  .Mi'-ii.;  mrr.diJiit:  res.  I'lali  City,  .Mo.  1,  J\rr/,.  b.  Mavl,  IsCi. 
2,  .1/.'",,/,  h.  (;,:t,  <i.  i'-t;s.  4,  <'ih:.\ki.ia  l-h.i/.  \hi-:TU,  b."  Mar^di  1,  is:]-! ; 'm.  .hin."l2.  is.l:^, 
Jann-s  inirti'n- bam  ol  ( )iiTiinaL:-on ;  r<'s.  D.M-.iit.  Mi'di.;  mannf.  and  wb.d.-sah-  diab'r  in 
sho.'-;.      1,    /;.,,,,;.-.  b.  .^Iar.•]l  !i.  is.-),-,,   in.  Mav  i:;,  C-^.-,.  l--|-,iiik  K.  Sno%.- .if  D.     2,    C/ro- 

s.-,<).     :h   ./'</e  .W/.f.a',.//,  .\u,--.  2:,  bStll.      4,    \Vt/';,r>,/  Jlurn/, 

iUoes.        I  ,     ;,,,,,,,.-.    o.    .Man-n    ! 

i/ii-  liodrdiiuni,  b.  .Iiiiy  10,  is; 


2-12  .       liHAXCII    or    .lONATIIAX, 

Nov.  I'l,  1803.  ."),  Sirah  JAhn,  ()<-t.  11.  INU.").  0,  Coritdia  A]>ps,  h.  Aug.  27,  ISilT.  7, 
'c/i/i'r'i-.',  Ufriil  Oil.  :;0.  l.^O.S.  .V  I1i;m;y  Ai.ii;r.!).  b.  Dec  20,  1^'3!':  m.  in  Hnuiilon,  Vi., 
l.v  lU  h'.v.  Bishop  Hupkiiis.  Jiilv  1:5,  isti:!,  Al.b'ic  Mary  Abl.ort.  I,  Il>  i,rt/  Ahl,<,fl ,  h. 
.Tiilv'2i»  ll^tJti.  2,  Anixi  M'lrii,  -Muy  'J,  isij'.).  /.  l,y  2>1  in.:  C,  Wai.'i  i:k  .M()UU)>,  }>. 
r»<":.  2, 'iS49;  d.  inly  29,  1«.")1." 

45452.     Philemon  Turtle,  Ud.   ;J0,  HCS;  d.    Dn-.  IG.   isjl;  ni.    1701,   lI;Lnn,'.li, 
dau.  <»1'  (ic'isliom  'J'uTlIf  of  NAiril;  Ihivt-n  (3'1  cons.),  b.  Jtine  4,    177):  brmiirlit  v.y  by  her 
u'lK-it,  Joiiatlian  Tutlli- of  No.    llav.     Slu'  d.   Aiifr.   -U.    ]S11.      I'liilcinun  s-ttlid  tiist  in 
I'tira',  N.  v.,  llioncc.  in  1SU2.  to  C'azriiovia. 
1,     .liilia.  b.  Fob.  C,  171)2:  d.  y. 

II.  ]li-niaini!i,  b.  An;.'-.  2(i.  1711-1;  li  Marrb  11,  1^^7-1,  lu.  J'olly  Smitli.  I,  .l!I,I.^, 
If.-.  M'l.      2,    iiEl  l'.i■.-^.  Yv= .  \\  av(  rly.  hiwa.      ;!.    Ib.ixv  A.,  m.  Alon/.o  Hall   of  Cazt-novia. 

III.  Hrniv,  b.  .Man-b  14.  17H7;  .lustiri."  of  ibc  J'faco  3  yi>.;  lom.  to  Wuukciran, 
Lake  Co  Hi  ■  111  in  1*^20.  Maiia  A.  IJnns  mi  of  Ca/onovia,  X.  Y.  lie  is  now  (1H70). 
bvin-  l',  Pun.KMOX.  h.  .luuc  7,  1S21;  d.  a.  5.  2.  Hk.m^v  S.,  b.  Ort.  12.  1S2:^;  rem. 
lo  \^  i.-.  1^4  !■:  a  few  yrL-;.  aftrr,  (m.^.-rd  the  ]ilain.s  to  Cal.  and  worked  in  the  mines  3  yrs. 
verv  suceoHsfullv,  and  now  in  Nevada:  .Justice  of  tlie  Peace;  m.  and  lias  laiii.  3, 
llvNN  ui  .^!..  uviu  witb  llenry  S.,  d.  a.  1'.!.  .biMX  S..  b.  Ai)ri!  27,  1(-!2S;  res.  Wnukogan. 
.">,   S(>\N  ('.,  b.  Nov.  •")    ls:]l:  res.  nr.  N\  . 

IV.  t^helden  (i..  b.  Anjr.  2o,  18US;  d.  D'-e.  lU,  \^W\  m,  Me1i<;-,a  Kin.-rsb'y.  He.  was 
a  Ba[it.  dea.      1.    Pliil.KMnx  \\ .  id'  Syracuse;  i^,ei\ed  in  tlie  late  war.      2,    Ai.iUKU  Wash- 

J.SCT'J.N.    lo.-t    )iis    ri_:i'bT    aim    in    tbe    war;   res.    Syracuse.       ;J,    H.\;\.NAH,    m. ;  res. 

Koclie~ter.  4,  Enwix.  o,  ('h.\t.i.f.s.  G.  Nki.i.v,  rt"^.  Manlm.-.  N.  "^^  7,  Cv^sira 
L. .  r-s.  \V(st.  ami  o  more,  in  all  10  eliil..  of  whom  7  are  now  liv. 

45454.    Reuben  Merrimaii  Tuttle,  b.  Au;',.  !^,  177:i:    sea  cajir. .  lost  at  .-ea, 

Sei't..  1S!1.  n\\  a  \(iya_i;"et"  the  \V.  1.;  m.  at  West  li:ivi-n.  Conn.,  S;iiab  Ciaik*;  cbil.  b. 
\V.  llav. 

1.      lieuben  .M(/!rin'KUi,  b.  17!)5;  d.  0,;t.  2S.  is-^l;    unm. 

II.  Tliomii^on  Clail;.  b.  <»<-i.  -J-,'.  IsOl:  <1.  >pj.t.  10,  1,'S74:  m.  at  Woodl>ufy.  Conn., 
April  1  i.  I:s24,  kliza  Lol^  \\'ainei-.  1.  >-'.\;;.m!  Soi'i:;A.  i>.  .lu]\-  7,  1^'2'.;.  at  \NasliinLnon, 
('onn.:  m.  at  N.  Hav..  AihU  12,  ls44,  ^Vill!.■;:u  Walbu-e  lln^irlns:  ejiil.  b.  at  X.  llav. 
1,  Cdhi  Kltz<(,  June  lo,  1>4.'k  1!1.  Aui:.  Iti.  lS!j2,  William  Josejih  Skinner.  1,  Florence 
Mav,  b.  Nov.  s.  IbG.'l;  d.  Ajnil  2~<.  1S(JS.  2,  Clarence  Edward,  b.  June  8,  1SG>>.  3, 
AlbeVt  \\'i]riam.  Oct.  :'.l,  1^72.  2.  1f7V/V///?  Ihuru.  b.  Nov.  S,  1S4'.).  ",  >'.'.'V/A  T"fih, 
Oct.  14.  lf^o2.  2.  Sai;aii  Makia,  b.  iu  \^'ondbur,v,  Oct.  18,  1^*28;  m.  ai  N.  IIa\.,  I>ec. 
24.  1S4.").  iJoijeii  ilanis  Isbell:  cbil.  I>.  in  Nau_i;auiek.  Conn.  1.  /•'/(//</.  .">'.////.■.-''//•.  May 
1,  1S.^)0,  m.  Jan.  14,  1S74,  E!i/.a  Lnne.  2,  (uo'rgc  Thoinps-m.  April  14,  b^oo.  3,  WlUard 
Jlanii-.  Oct.  20.  1^")7.  4.  .I.'/.m.s  (r<  rtrudc,  Tilarcli  18,  \><i''<\.  3,  Ei.i/.AtiKTii  Chakky,  b. 
W.,  Dec.  17,  IboO:  m.  N.  llav.,  July  4,  1S50,  John  Thomas  Ib.dson.  1.  Ailhur  F.-iijiiu, 
b.  Marr-h  2-'i.  l'-;">7.  'J.  }.«:d.<  llim  r.-<nn.  May  17.  ISfiS.  4.  N'..i>i.k,  b.  N.  llav.. 
Au^.  4,  l-;^4ii:  m  Ausr.  3,  1>:()M,  Eii'n'.a  Kiun -y.  .j,  ICiva  i.n  Koski.tha,  b.  N.  Hav.,  Oct. 
7,  fsi^';  iJi.  N.  llav.,  Dec.  2.").  l.^GU.  llenr.s  j.ei"  Cults.  1.  Ch'irUx  IJrnry.  b.  Jan.  30, 
ISfiO.     2.  .4/;Vc  (Ifriii'di.  Mav  17.  iSGi*. 

111.  Sarah  Maria,  b.  July  1810:  m.  Jan.  !,  1S2S,  Mildeu  Mirehel  Isbell  of  We.viville, 
Conu.  1.  Of.uugk  MrRitr.rj  .  b.  Sept.,  ls2S;  m.  in  Meriden,  Conn..  ISlil.  Jane  Stevens. 
\,E<rAno  FAh.rnrd.  b.  April,  ]St!4.  2,  ii>i,r<jt.  b.  1  ^W,.  :J,  Ur,in-kr,^  b.  D.c.,  ISOS.  2. 
idr.iiKT.MAX,  b.  Jan.,  I8:j2;  m.  in  ^Voodblid^^•,  Dec.,  lS.-i(),  Eatiua  Nortiirup.  \,  NelUf 
Jh'tsr,/.  1S57.  2.  s,n-uh  ^r■'n^>'.  IN.">;1.  3,  ^rddn,  MitchclL  l8fJl.  3.  John  Bjjay,  b.  Feb. 
14,  IS:ir):  d.  (.)ct.  2!i,  ls70;  in.  IS!!.  Lucy  .Murse  of  New  Haven.  1,  Vm-.i  7>. ,  b.  1807. 
4,  J.VMKS  EjiaNRI.i.n.  I).  July,  l'-^:;;-:  d.  I'el...  ls(i7;  m.  Su^an  Ilewiit  of  liydePark,  N. 
Y.;  ••<.  ('.  ■"),  Mil.Di-.N  Ci.f.N  Ki.A  NP.  b.  I'eb.  14.  1^!2.  m.  iu  .Vnsonia.  Cenn. ,  March  bS,  1808, 
Lo'ui.-.-.  Sp.^rry.      1,  Mdbn,  Cl-irinri,  b.  Nnv.   10,  1870.     2.  ./.    Alfred.   Dec.  1.  1873. 

454  55.  Obocl  Tuttle,  b.  .luiw  20.  1770:  rem  fnmi  N.utli  Haven  to  ]'ros])ect, 
Conn.;  farmer  and  bbieksmit'i:  m:  vie  scvilics  and  axes:  d.  in  P.,  An.;-.  20.  l.*<02:  m.  Ln 
cretia  (Mark  e.f  \V.  >t  Hav..  wlio  d.  .Ian.    12.   iMi:;:  ehil.  b.  in  P. 

1.  Pacini,  b.  Ai)iil  ."!,  1^00:  ru.  Sept.  30,  bsbs',  AikIicw  Smiib,  i-s.  P.  1,, 
b.  Nov.  !■").  isl'.o  m.  Marcdi  ;>,  lS-!2.  .Marv  Sillette.  ;.',  Iacki.iia,  b.  Sept.  is.  Is^l;  d. 
Aug.  12.  IN3s.  3  lu.^T..  b.  .Mav  22,  l"s2 1 :  m.  Dee.  2s,  ISj,^,  .\nleimiti'  Palnufer  of 
Jlam.'wn,  Conn.  1,  F'.d^  ri-/.  I...  i»,c.  12.  I -'V:.  2.  X.!r,  ./.,  (I,;.  M.  1S04.  4,  Jank  E.. 
Jaf  I'.i,  bs3i.  d.  (i.t  II,  |s:;"  ."..  Jriirs  c.  Pee.  •?!;.  p;3';:  d.  .\n-  V.\  is';4;  m.  O'-t 
li^.'iO,  Eiuitv  Clnrk  of  P.  1.  /■"-/•  /.c.  b.  .Mandi,  is.i2.  0,  Andkkw  H..  Feb.  23,  1^!0; 
m.  Oct.  24,"  1N04.  Erumi  M.  Pavcu  uf  llamden.  7,  .lA.Nt;;L.,  b.  S'-pt.  11  1812;  d.  Feb. 

TCTTLK.  2-13 

II.  ].\r!;)V.  Muivli  ]■.],  \<l\-::  m.  M;uvli  2^,  5s-}!).  MatiMa  Scoit;  ivs.  La  Iliipr-, 
II;.  'I'll.'  '■')  »M.  fliil  ]>.  ill  I'lo.'^iieci.  iwoiii  Wcstvillc,  ('■iiiii.,  and  rlic  last  in  I>a 
Hari>f.  1,  SvuNKV  S.<  Juti.  Uo.  ls:;ii;  m.  J),-,-.  M,  ls.-,s,  ]{m].\,-  D.  I'a\]j.'.  i.jjllict' 
Mtuoli  4,  18(10.  -J,  J!":/ S..  I..  ',.  lS(il.  :i,  Wi/'^.J..  b.  Mar.-fi  1,  is  i!);  ics.  l.u 
Jlariic.  2,  Dkxtkk.  Ik  -laii.  ]i',  ls;;-2:  )■.•■-  (-'laiid  I>laini.  t'al.  >],  AiiNi-.i:,  in.  0<-t  ](>. 
l,sr>->,  Ijy./i.'  Kirki.aTrirl; :  ii->  1  :  li.  J,  J/.'f/i, ,  h.  \),;-.  •,';,  Isi;;}.  0,  r/,r,.  J  ,  A).;il28, 
1807.  4,  l..\ri;KX.  I>-f.  :5ii.  ls:J7;  <1.  in  \N  i-.-itviilc,  (.■(hui..  i'Vl..  IS,  1S.12.  o.  Si;j!i:NO,' 
Nov.  2-2,  1842;  <!.  Sej.t.  2it,  1S-i:j.     (i,  I^dw  in  I".,.1u1_v  17,  IS.VJ. 

III.  Clark,  b.  A\n\\  ','7,  18(l(;.  His  voutii  was  s))iMt  at  liuni.',  hr  ]n\]r.\\^r  J,is 
tat>icr.  ciiDpiiing-  timber,  clcaiin.ii-  hiiul.  burning:"  and  (;artui<r  C(ial.  and  workini^  at  liis 
fathf-rs  IbriiT.  His  time  tor  .«di(iij]iuix  was  very  limited,  ain]  liis  l.-ssuns  ^tndii  .1  for  t'u- 
ino-it  part  wliib'  blov.iujr  the  bi-lluws.  in-  in  tin- 'Twallnn'OnilM- 'nountains  wliilr  icndin.i,' 
the  eoal  jiil.-;.  .\t  the  a^e  of  20  In-  went  to  h^l  railsvi'di',  (  onn..  to  work  at  making-  forks 
Tiiree  years  later  he  returned  to  Prospect  and  bepuimakin^  the solitl east  steel  hn<j.-,of  thi; 
"guo<f  neck"  i)attern,  of  wliieh  he  was  the  oriirinaior,  and  ulneh  eventnally  \v)i<dlvsnp 
)'!amed  thi- ''eye  Inie"  nnute  l)y  blaeksmilhs  thruu_i,-houl  theciuriUry,  aiid  in  univr.-al  use. 
At  his  liues  wrre  nia<l<'  entirely  by  hand  in  lii.s  .slio))  on  Pn)S])ect  Hill,  and  t(;  ]>n)dni-e 
2o  hoi-s,  nquired  tlie  hibrn-  of  S  nn^n  for  nni' day:  .subsi-cjuently  by  the  use  oi'  water 
]io\ver  and   of  nuichinery.   much  of    if   Ids  own   inrention.    tin-   same    amnu!;i    of   labr>r 

■sulheed  to  jiroduet'  several   hnmlr'-d  h.i).rhly  ))u]i.-.hrd  lioes. 

Tho  tirst  ]ii:t,-Jiii,f  used  by  .Mr.  ']'ut!li'  was  a  '-jiulc  trip  hammer.  \\hi<d:  v\  ;;s  located 
five  mib-s  disli'ivl  at  TniDn  \'ii]:i_m\  in  Nauganud;;  aiid  whicli  was  available  for  his  use 
oidy  ai  ni^dit.  Vt^r  sertMal  Vf-ars  all  tjie  In^e  blanks  were  earied  to  this  plac.',  tl  e  hoes 
]dotted  during  the  night  and  cartfd  buck  to  J'ros]>e(i  the  n<\t  nmridiur.  The  demand 
for  his  lioes  increa-inu-  I'asi.  he  n-m.  in  184()  to  I'nion  Vill.-ioe.  erected  a  small  shop  and 
lieo-an  to  make  use  of  tin'  finr'  water  ])ower  and  additional  nKichint-ry;  and  added  tlie 
makinu-  of  many  kinds  oi'  a^ri'ultura!  lools,  as  forks,  etc.  The  ])usines.s  sooii  ltcw  to 
large  jiroportions  and  niui"  ea]>iial  and  nuiuag-ing  ageiiciis  wcic  reijuiied.  wliirh  were 
■obtained  by  thr  formation  ol  a  .i<<ini  stock  company,  uiider  the  name  of  theTuttle  n'.anu 
factiu'Ing  Co..  'vith  .Mr.  'I'nv.h-  a;  ii^  I'.ead.  Tnis  i<.!;ij);iny  \y  w>w  rich  and  jiowerful 
and  is  still  knov.n  by  rh.-  i.anieMf  iis,  r(.und<'r.  In  ]S.')i;)a'  withdicw  as  I'n-s't.  and  built 
a  factory  m-ar  tin-  de]H')t  in  Fnion  City,  where  fm  iibmit  twu  _\ears  he  d,!(,l  a  hirire  and 
<-oustanrly  incn-asiiiu-  businiss  under  ihe  !"iame  of  the  F".  C.  Tuitle  Mannf.  Co..  wliich 
Lid  fair  soon  to  l-.ecome  as  exti-nsive  as  tlif  orii,dnal  Tutih-  Ci...  wh.en  in  ISoS  liis  ^v(n];s 
Avere  destroyed  by  Hro,  inHicling  on  him  veiy  lif>avy  los-.  s.  In  iscolu'  went  tc;  O.^hawa, 
C  ^^'.,  vihere  In-  organized  a  comj'any  -aiid  l)uilt  tin-  large  --Cedar  Dab-  ^^'orks,"  wliich 
now  lank  annmg  the  niosr  imp<ntani  manufacturing  concerns  ol  the  "Dominion."  The 
ground  on  wliich  these  work.s  are  located  was  covi-r(.'d  with  f<n-est  and  swanij),  and  in 
the  severe  labors  of  clearing  the  site,  buiMiug  dams,  factoiics  and  starting-  the  trade,  lu- 
overstrained  liis  phy.sical  iiov.ers  and  laiil  the  foundation  (d  a  fatal  maladv.  lli.s  bu.'-i- 
nes«  relations  liere  not  being  >atis!aetory.  he  reiuriu-d  in  iStPr  to  "the  StaK-s."  and  a.t 
Auburn,  N.  Y..  organized  a  coin|iany  and  built  the  works  of  tin-  ''K.  C.  Tuttle  Maiuif. 
<.\i.,"  now  called  the  --Auburn  Manuf.  Co."  Jlehere  continued  suceessfullv  abmil  four 
years.  In  ISii'^,  leaving  a  large  inierest  in  the  Aui)urn  coiu-ern,  lie  returned  to  Canada 
and  ai  S;.  Catliarines  started  the  manufactory  known  as  ••The  Wclland  Vale  Works." 
in  which  in-  unfortuimtely  a  large  j^art  of  his  hard  earned  estate.  He  continued  Id.- 
luisiness  and  resi(h'nce  at  St.  Catharines  until  a  sliort  time  before  liis  decease,  lii  the 
wintHr  of  1873,  while  en  a  visit  to  his  frimd-  in  Conn,  he  d.  J)er.  o,  1S7;1.  at  the  house 
of  his  son,  B.  B.  Tuttb-  of  Cnion  City,  of  ]'ara!_\.->is.  "His  repiitati(ui  as  a  manufacturer 
was  almost  world-wide,  and  wlien  the  history  of  the  manufacturing  founders  of  the 
Naugatuck  ^  alley  shall  be  written  his  name  will  be  an)ong  the  fon most.  He  lived  to 
see.  the  busines>  he  commenceil  in  a  small  way.  gi-ow  to  almost  gigantic  proportions; 
and  tlie  little  hamlet  of  Union  City,  whieh,  when  he  went  tlii-re.  contairied  .'-carre  half  a 
<io-/.en  houses,  by  his  enlerpris(-  became  one  (d'  the  lirsi  nianufacturing  villages  of  the 
Naugatuck  Valh-y.'" — Cninian ,<h;ft>iL  He  April  21.  1s-J<).  Temperance,  2d  child 
•of  He-/ekiali  Beech er  of  I'ro-pei-t:  .she  d.  Oct.  :!.  l^C:!.  a.  ool  yrs.  He  m.  a  2d  wf.,  who 
Mirvi\es  him.  i.  by  N;  m.;  ].  .1  ri.i  Kill.  Alt;!  s'l  \.  1-..  in  Prosp..  Aui.^  I(j  ]8;>2;  <I. 
>^epi.  2:;,  is:j.~).  2.  Pii-ixso.N  Bn.i  ii  i.i;.  I'ec.  2s.  is:;i-,:  liriu  of  Tcitle  iV  Whittnore. 
manulacturers  of  agricultural  implennn's  at  Union  City  and  Pres't.  of  the  Pratt  Manuf. 
Oo..  --liailvvay  Track  Sujiplies"  oillce.  71  P.!...;dw,'y,  N.  A'.:  m.  Oct.  12.  bs.-,}(,  .Mjuv  a. 
VN  ilcox.  1,  '  II.  b.  in  Nauiraruck.  Oct.  21.  Im.:;.  ;;,  A  ui  i,1!I-.i;t  (.'.,  b.  .March 
11.',  1847;  m.  dune  |;;.  I,s;2.  .Margaret  Carlisle  .d  St.  I'athariiu-s.  C.  \V. 

IV.  I,eonar<l,  b.  Maich  :.5.   ist'S;  „,.  May  .'!.  1^21),  h'hoda  S.  Sanford.  w  lio  d.   18-10.  a. 
;{'J  yr.s      He-  m.  i2)  Oct.  :J0,  is.jt),  Sarah  A.  Noithi-u[>;  res.  Aiuiawan.  Ib-nrv  ('<,.,  111.   /.'bv 

V14  r.IIANCll    OF    JOVATJIAN, 

Isf  in.:  t,  l^iiouA  S..  h.  in  Naiiy.,  Jan.  17,  184!).  /.  hy '2d  ni. :  2.  Alice  Joski'iii.nk. 
1).  in  N.  April  2P).  IHIiO. 

V.  iUiih-nion,  h.  Xov.  IC.  ISU;  lias  cli;u  tii' (,f  the  t-vtcnsi\^-  -wcirk.s  of  tlie  'I'utlir 
Manuf.  Co.  ar  Auburn,  N.  1..  an  in^^enidus  niarlliai^t  and  active  busiiu-ss  man:  m.  ut 
NN'atcrbniv,  Conn.,  Sept.  2i>.  ISliti,  Jane  Iv  Kvcs  of  15ir)nin>;liaTn,  Kuir. ,  \vho  d.  >-.  /.  at. 
l^rospcct,  "Coun.,  Fell.  '2^,  ISJl;  (^'j)  March  -JO,  is-i',\.  .lanr- ]<:.  Royc*-;  res,  Auniini.  N.  V. 
1,  Emosjkxk  a..  1).  in  Nauir.  Maroli  2^).  isr)0:  in.  Nov.  Id.  V-!70.  Niajoi-  H.  (i.  Dcindston, 
v.-lio  ivas  an  oliiccr  in  tlu'  rnion  arniy;  rf>.  i'h'.Msburg,  X.  Y. 

45457,  Hannah  Tuttlc,  \>.  I>'<-.  'J.  17.S1:  d.  S.-pt.  -Jo,  isiil:  i„.  .July  :.':;,  l^ili.;,  l>y 
Ui'v.  Henj:nnin  l^ordiani,  .•^olomou  liiil.  jr.,*  of  New  Mili'uid.  Conn.,  \i.  I'cli.  S,  17^1;  i|. 
Jan.  8,   V<ur>. 

1.  Willii'.ni  ijfujamin  Hill.  1).  May  14,  ISOS;  n,.  1^.',,.  IC,  1S;](;,  Han  let  Xewi-i! 
l?iirn('s,  in  Mich.,  and  ri_'s.  tlir.  1.  Ta'C[i>-  ]s.\,\(  ,  h.  X'ov.  .'>.  is;;!);  ni.  Die.  :',,  IbSHl, 
Fraurt'S  Almira  Kfinn-y,  1).  (Jet.  -.^7,  1S4:1  1.  C'T'i  A'/'/,'/,  h.  D.-c  10,  l^'-'l^.').  ■>..  I.i>ri,r- 
Gf.neden-.  May  2.7,  iscs.  :1  1(7//.  F:t<hrirl\  F.-h.  -.M,  1n:1;  d.  :<."iit.  -Js,  isr-j.  4.  ./,/,/,,-., 
FrnnJdiu.  Feb.  24,  1H7!.  .7,  Ohn  L^>,/i,  Auii-.  1,  ls74.  C-.  Jri.iA  Loiisa.  b.  Mai(di  29. 
<1.  Su]>t.  80,  lHo9.  o.  Maktiia  I~Ai;i:r.i.A.  h.  Sept.  11,  IbR);  d.  .luly  1.7.  1S42.  4.  (Jkc. 
Wasiiinotox,  b.  .lulv  lb,  d.  Ai;.:.  22,  1S!2.  -7,  .1  i;a>.\kt'1K.  b.  Aii<i.  20,  1X4.7:  in,  Feb. 
18,  18(57.  William  HoHister.  b.  M.-Mih  12.  1841;  d.  Dec.  2.7.  1.S74,  1,  hlhi  J/ni<r,  b.  .lulv 
4,  18'J8.     2,  {7///rA-.v  li7///7/>/-.  Xov.  lU.  I8l)!:t.     o.    S,ir"h  Juli,,,  b.    .An.;-.  15,  1871;  d.  AuJ. 

21,  1872.  6,  JiLrA  IsAUKi.r,  \.  b.  An^.  80.'  1840;  m.  Sept.  17.  1808,  Jame.s  r.  Corbin. 
t.  Burt  Eugci.e.  b.  Nov.  .7.  ISC.!).  2,  Haltic  )fny.  b.  .Mav22.'d.  Aui^.  7.  1.s74.  7.  W.m. 
Lkst)-i;,  Feb,  10.  l.x.7(),  x,  Ar-iv  J Ayi:,  b.  .Tulv  2!l.  d  An-,  1!),  18.71.  9,  Soi.omox,  b. 
March  20.  d.  Sept.  8,  187.7,  10,  Solomon,  b.  .Ian.  14,  l.^os.  11.  b.  Mav 
4,  18(Ki. 

11.     .lulia  Kebecca  Hill,  b.  l'7d.,  17,   IslO;  d.  .Inne  9,  lSl:j. 

ni,      (7oiner  Hill,  b.  Sept,  21.  d.  Sept,  31.  1812. 

iV.  .loyce  Kcb.-ca  Hill,  b.  Oct.  4.  l^KJ:  d,  .lum-  .7,  ls;-',7;  m.  Mills  D.  TniT.'ll  of 
llarif,.  Conn.  1,  Sakmi  J\.\k.  1>,  Xov.  2-7,  is:J7;  m.  .Ian.,  1SG2,  Xelson  IJitdinioiid,  b. 
Dee.  17.  IsHii,  1,  .11  rt!,.  b.  Dec  7,  d.  Dec.  21,  1^''12.  2,  Lvrln.  ]i;h\h,  4,  18(34. 
'■).  S'ij)/ihi  .8"/.//,/'.///,  b,  April  t).  18r,(;.  4,  .sy/,/,.  h.  s.-pt.  (i,  18i>7,  .7.  -A////;*  FUmlidh.  !>.. 
.May  215,  isr,!).  (i,  ll7//7./r(.  b.  Feb.  10.  1872.  ?.  iv'/,/.  b.  Dec.  22,  I.s;.7;  d.  Jan.  17.  187(1. 
\.  Saiali  Jane  Hill,  b,  Sejit,  U.  1n1.7;  m.  Andrrv.- Clarl-.  of  I'.rid-.-jiort,  <!(■■•,:  wid, 
now  li-s,  at  old  homestead  C)f  Solcunon  Hill,   jr, ;  one  child, 

\'i.      L.icinx  Merrinian  Hili,  b,  Aiij^-,  ll^'b^^H;  m,  Marv  Slerwoo.l  of  X.  Mil  .  b.  I),..-, 

22,  IS28,  1,  K:s-o(  u  Hvxtinovox,  b.  Oct,  14,  18-70;  m,  Jan.  22,  l.^;:l,  Kllen  A.  liciH-dJ<-t. 
3,  Wii.i.iAM  Hkm!Y,  b.  March  IG,  18-72:  d,-  Feb,  10,  1807.  8.  Ln.irs  (iAiiwooD,  b. 
Sept.  20.  l.''-'74,  4,  Ei)\VAJ!l>  AN',  1;,,  All^^  Ki,  is.")?,  .7,  Ihi.HAii  ('i,ai;i-s\,  b.  Orr. 
.7,  l'-r,2. 

Vir  Julia  Mnria  Hill,  b,  .iaii,  S,  K's-Jl;  jn.Xov.2i>,  1SI4,  .Mar.^hall  Marsh  ui  Xe-vv 
Mil.;  b.  .Ian.  .-<.  1S20;  res.  X.  M.  .Mrs.  .Marsh  fninished,  most  of  this  n-(-(,rd  u\  i\i':^r.  of 
her  father,  Kev,  Henj,  Bt-nham,  1,  MAKV.IvNt;.  b,  SepT,  Ki,  1.'^I7,  2.  Sa!;vu  Hoakd- 
-MAX.  b.  March  V.\.  1847:  m,  Oct.  2.  iMw.  .WJlliaiii  Schov<'rIinv.-.  li,  .\prir2.  1889,  8, 
M(>sK,s  SoLo.Mo.N,  b.  Jan,  8,  l.'^72.  4.  Aai;on  Da\is.  b,  Mar'-h  2'i,  ls,7l.  .7,  .Vnoiikw. 
Sept.  14,  18.77;  d,  Au--.   Ki,  18i;2.     (1.   Jrr.iA  .1  k.\nxk'1  te,  .Tnne  8.  1S(;2, 

Vlll.  Jeannett.-  Hill,  b,  Julv  22,  1^28;  m.  Alb.-n  Ferris  of  N.  Mil.;  b.  April  7.  1-^20. 
1,  ("A  1:01.1  M-:,  b.  Xov.  2(.',  184.7;'m.  Hoo-r  '!'.  Hartwdl,  1,  r-.--,/  /-'..  Dec.  IS,  IsiiJ,  2, 
.Jtnnic  ('.,  Dec.  8,  1S78,  2.  Makv  H,.  b,  Feb.  14,  1.S4S:  m.  .Vmos  H.  lloueis,  1,  A/hr  rt  C. 
b.  Mareh24.  1870,  2,  A7///7  A..  Dec.  4,  is:;j.  ;',,  /-;•,//,/  .1.,  An.;-.  1.  1.^7.7,  8.  Jclia  .M,, 
June  20,  1.S7I):  m  John  .\.  Morehouse,  1.  /v/'  rl  .i..b,  .Ian.  7.  1^74.  4.  JknmkA.. 
li.  June  8,  l.'~;.7.7.     .7.   Cii ai;i,o-itk  (.'.,  De,-,  l:).  1.^.78.      »i,  .Ioyc'I-;   \t..  J;ui.  l.l.'^Ol. 

1\.  Ibniben  Solomon  Hill,  b,  .March  21,  isOi ;  m,  77b,  20,  ls,-,o,  Sar-ah  F.  Ho\vr> 
from  whom  In-  ^.-|i:iiv.t--d  .lul.\-  2-^.  l.^;i;2.  iv)  1-7-b.  S.  iv,;,-,.  Phel.e  Cantield;  res.  Danbury, 
Conn.  /'.  bv  1st  m.;  1.  Oi-.okol  Ouei.N.  b.  Am:.  11,  is.jl;  u\.  Xov.  2N7  1.^71,  .\da  M. 
Caniield.  l',  /.''///'</-  /;.,  b.  ls72.  2,  A//-//  1'..  1874.  2,  l-J.r/.A  .1  ax  K.  Dec.  10,  \sr,:l:  m. 
Frank  Ti'.ylor  and  !ia\c  one  (-h.  8,  M  \  kth  a  17i.i/..\  r.i;rii .  .\pr:l  28,  1N.7():  d,  IM^'-i,  4. 
11k,nkv  ',  Sept.  .'s,  l!s.-,s.  ,-,,  p;i,i,\  Soriii  V,  Dec,  27,  b^GO;  d,  ,',  bv2ilm,:  G. 
Ai.ii-,.;in    S,,  b.  .iiiiie   12,  b'^o.'-!,     7,   Faxxh:  AtorsTA.  b.  .June  28,  b'^TO. 

_  *SJ;i<;  Hill,  Ills  bro,   Solomon   ."ni.l   sis.    Sarati   rem,    froni    Greenwich,    Coup,,,  to  N'cu-  MiUord,  Conn    promiiioiu  in  town  aiid  clih    .■.ff.iirs,  ;i,  Os.t.   i,  i;/:'.,  :\.  ^6.     Sar;i!i  ;I,c;itli),  Ms  wi.,  u  .  .-Xpri!  ;,  i;  -. 
n.  :/>.     Theirs     S.jlotnoa.  b.  175,;  d.    Ar.jj.    2S,   iSj^;    m.  Jan,    16,   17SJ,   .-\rny   Slonc,  am!  haJ  7  chil , ,  </! 
whom  Sol-jnun,  jr.,  in.  Hannah  Tuitie, 

Tl'l^lI.K,    TALLETT.  '-.Mo 

4549.     Ezckiel  TuttJe,  1'.  l>i<-.  ■^,  iTlo;  m.  (si;i>.  in  N,w  Haven)  Sarali  licxfonl. 
wLo  <1.  Si-jiT.  11),  \X\'2:  rem    H*  JJlanl'ord,  .Ma.-.-;.,  wlicn  .Melicu  was  a  cliild  and   was  killitl 
there  l)y  a  tree,  al't    17S;j.  leav.  iani.  in  deslilntion. 
1."    Ohediencc,  h.  17»;.~):  in.  .Inlm  'I'a'il.ii. 
II.      Sally,  l.i.  .\iil:.  I.  .A.^a  Stnckweil. 
UI.      M(  li(   '.,  li   .Iiim    1^,  17T.'»:  m.  Lovi.<a  l)i.-;lio)). 

454S]..      Obcdi.^noo   Tuttle,  l>.  ITf^^):  d.  Sept.  lO,  IM;!;  m.  ,)o1>.i!  'I'all.-U,  1..  Manl. 
14.  ITtil;  d.  Maridi  V!li.   1>;-N.      ilr  \>  ;.,^  a  lli':5si;in  sr.ldicr  under  Uuri^'oyne;  J)  (diil. 

J.      .lu.stenos  'J'allilt.  m     -- —  DdiIlic:    he  d.  .Njandi   '.l[),  ]Hy,l:   ."-mne  of  llie  desc.  of 
lhi>f;'n!.    le.s.  in  ()t.-;idic,  (  h'-Iian;."  <.'i).,  .\.   ^".       1,    Fn.\-NCI^.       Ij,    Al,MIH.\.      ii,    CYNTUT.V. 

4.  Jdu.n.     •"),   .Mahv.     (i.  FiJ)Kr.i.\. 

II.       (lef-l-fje  'J'allea. 

Ill  .T<dm  Tinis  Tallett. 

IV.  .\Ielieu  Tallett,  (1.  May  31.  l.s;^M. 

\'.  William  TalK-tt.  in.;  d.  ,'•.  i. 

VI.  llei>rv    Talleti,    ni.    (lieeri-i    Climcli;    i-e«.  Oi.selic.      1.    Anisk.      2,   M.MiV.VNN 

■8     ])A.NiKI.. 

\']1.  J)ud.!i.\  'i'allen,  ni.  .\nnie  ('liureh;  ie>.  Otselic.  1,  .Ama.\d.\.  "2,  KENssKr.AKi:. 
■'6,  ]^ANMi.M.  4,  ('Ai.NiN.  5,  Wki.i.ks  (i.  I'.vu.v.  7,  Lk\\  IS.  b,  Wksi.kv.  9, 

VIII.      ]\-.llv  Tallett.  h.  .Mav  -Js,  lSil,->;  ni.  .]ain,-s  .Mvers. 

JX.      Fanny  TalletT,  h    .Vi'ii!  -J),  1.^0^;  ni.  J.,<iah  )).  (•bani])lin. 

454912.  George  Tailett,  d.  March  22,  ISVI'?:  jn.  Betsey  I'roetor. 
1.  (')ilisl..>iilier. 
II.  .Marv  -Ann.  . 
II!  Cliafles  ^ViHia]u.  h.  Ajinsville,  Onei,!:,  ('«..  X.  y,  March  27,  ISUt.  -After  de,-.  ' 
of  ]t\>  '■.  he  went  to  live  v,-ilh  ld>  gt.  iinc.  Melieii  Tnttle;  stud,  tlw'ce  years  at  Clinfnn 
tSeni..  1^4],  1b'42.  1843.  and  trmirlit  .■school  to  ]'ay  t'X)ienses,  and  heinir  very  fund  of  the 
eniploynieiit  va.s  very  successful  as  a  tefichei .  P;is<ed,  an  esanunaiion  for  the  s<>}>li. 
class  at  llaniiltnii  Col. ,  hut  ufiepted.  instead,  a  tliree  yrs.  eniragenient  as  teacher  in 
Yorkville,  ()]iei<laC'<). ,  X.  ^".  ^^'hile  here  7n.  in  184.")  Minerva  Ainauda  Thonn-is  of  W. 
Kxeter..  Otsego  ('(-..  X.  V.,li.lS2'?.  He  soon  hegau  stiuly  of  nied.  with  l)rs.  Thmnas 
and  Gardner  id'  \M)itesto\\ n.  Attended  med.  lee.  ar  (ieueva  and  IhilYalo  X.  A  ..  and  at 
(.'oh  of  Phys.  and  Surg,  in  X.  A".  C.  v.dure  he  grad.  vviih  honor  1^4'J:  bought  out  ])r. 
Tlionias  in  \\')dtesl)oro.  and  prac.  niediciiu;  theic  thrive  years;  elected  town  su]>t.  of 
•common  .s<dniols.  T;\  ISoo  rean>veii  to  W.  lOxeter  a.-nl  re,uin'-d  his  favorite  eni])10}uieut 
as  teach-'-r.  In  l^oO  visited  Kansas  and  interested  liiuiself  on  the  side  of  free  soil  was 
arrested  and  peaich.ed  liy  Marshal  Donaldson's  ikjsso,  -witnessed  tlie  inunier  of  .lohii 
-.'ohiies  at  I'lantor.'s  Bridge.  May  l!i,  Iv-v').  and  the  destruction  of  the  printing  press  aufl 
the  •■  Free  State  Hotel,"  and  (•o\'.  ]U>hi>i£on's  liouse  on  the  21st.  Belurning  home  he 
took  the  iuini]!  for  Fremont,  and  ^\■;•s  (deeted  nieinher  id'assenihly  hy  70'i  majority  over 
<.i'n\.  Brown  of  ('ooii<='r.sto\\  n,  1s.")t;-.")7.  In  isi;.")  reni  toAA'.  AN'inficdd.  X.  Y..  and  became 
Jissistant  jirincipal  of  the  acad.  thr. ,  v.hic]i  lie  compelled  to  give  up  at  the  end  of  H 
j^-ars  on  account  of  health,  and  in  ISfiS  rennned  to  a  farm  near  ("lintou.  For  llie  bevielit 
of  the  s|)rings  rem,  to  Eaton  llapids,  .Mich.,  bat.  .settled  at  last  in  Cohhvaier.  .Mi(  h.  In 
1877,  for  the  ]>ur])ose  of  bringing  up  a  declining  school,  he  took  temporaiA  change  of  it, 
and  d.  in  the  midst  of  his  schnlars-  of  hean,  from  whieh  lie  liad  sutTiied  for 
years.  He  was  revered  as  an  educator,  philanihropist  and  Christian.  His  grave-t^tone 
is  inscribed:  '■]'>r.  Cliarles  William  'I'allett,  d.,Feb.  2S,  1877.  Called  to^teacli,  and 
leaching  whenialled,"  the  closing  W(n'ds  of  a  memorial  liy  an  old  pupil,  .Alphonso  A. 
Hopkins,  e.iiti.r  <d' the  /.'".'■-// //.///.■(  of  Hoche.sier,  X.  Y.  Alnion  Lee  Tuttle.  Fsip,  to 
wliom  I  an»  in.lebteil  for  tliis  recoid  of  ]v/.ekiel  Tuttle.  jr.'s.  desc.  says:  "  1  knew  C.  W. 
'J'allett  intinnitely  from  r,  boy:  v.iih  nin;e  continuity  of  pniptjse,  his  reinail^able  versa- 
hility  and  genius,  must  l.ave  made  his  luinte  known  to  fame."  ),  Ci!.\.i;i.Ks  Hi:ni{Y. 
b.  W'liiicsboi'ti,  X.  v.,  Sejii.  1.  IS-")!):  \\  :e;  injc,ic»l  nti  a  r.iilioad,  and  d.  of  epilei'-v  .\uir. 
1.  1S72.  2.  Ci.AUA  .MiNF.HVA.  b.  \V.  j:\etei,  X.  V...lune2,  ls.-,4:  m.  .May.  |s7:),"  Chas. 
<•  Ringham,  a  sehocd  teacher  and  farnnr.  Sle-  obiained  a  divorce  1n7'-^  and  m.  (2)  Jan. 
1.  lysi,  (.'eo.  L.  Hale  of  Coldw;\ter,  .Mieh.,a  farmer,  1>  ls."i.-,.  1.  <;,rtr"J<  Minrrrn 
UiiKjhaif.  b,  Feb.  2.'),  1.S7(;.      o',    A  son.  b.    and    d.    feb.    2!,  ls.")(;.      4.   CoitA  l-:!,?.ni;A,   b. 

\\  .    Wildield,   X.    \ ..   Oi  1.    1  !.    i^'C"). 

!\'.  (u'or^,-  llenrs,  b.  Oc\  ;;i,  i.syj;  grad.  \N  hire.>.t,avM  S-in..  1S47;  troight  ^:(dlooi 
^vi:l|  success.  .\  !'ti-r wards  (i).ened.  ;i  p!i.itoL''rap!i  ;e  ;',all'My.  "  \\  lieginniiur  ui'  war 
-eniisted  as  priv.-if  ill  the   lii-t    reginu-ni    X.   V.    Idglit    Artillery;   promoted   toSergi.,2d 

24  (i 

BKAXf'ir    OK    JONATHAX. 

l.icuf.,  1st  l-i.Hit. :  scrv.n!  four  years."  This  laodcst.  jukI  flianicloristif  rcsj)oiisf  was. 
Iroiii  LKMit.  TiiU.'tc  tn  ;;  iv<iacsc  frnni  A.  I..  'I'MttU-,  Ks.j..  t(.''  his  militarv  n-ropl  Froin 
other  source.^  Mr.  Tunic  l.Mni.s  tliat  Lit-ut.  'I'iJl.-tt  wa-;  ti  fllicicnt  .'^olfijcr.  Ili.s, 
n'_i<inu-i)t  m  soiuc  of  the  s.-v.T.v-,r  (•iiL'aLOMr.fnts  nf  tlir  war.  and  li'iiiisrlt  in  o\cv  HO  pitcluHi 
!>-itth.^s;  witli  McClcllaii  uu  the  l't'n!!!-.uh! ;  in  tho  hotirsr  ol'  tli.-  ( ictry.'-huri,'  1i<>-ht-  1 
heliuvt' at  Fre(ifrickvl,;,rK  and  (.■lian((>nur.s\illc.  ]iV  was  n,  ih>-  harths"<d'  t!ir  WMld,  r- 
iif-,v;,^riid  was  iiovt-r  w-ouiuh-d  or  sick  <-nou,L,'h  lo  I)>-  roni|..'llr.l  i,.  .;,.  into  ihi'  iiospiial.  II.- 
was  in  easy  sight  ot  the  i.Ia<-;-  w-hcn-  Ciraiit  and  !..■('  .-ontciivil  hi'lnri-  thf  .surrcudi-r  ;i>- 
is  now  a  farmer  aud  luarkef  gardfiu-r  in  NVatcitown.  .\.  V.,  -.hhI  a  iuost  worthv  citiz.-ii 
lit!  m.  FV1>.  -2:?,  is.-il,  Kar,- C.  Hakcr.  h.  Juii(>  7.  ls:;o.  ]  WM  n  i,  F,.],  is  'is.-,-,  '>'  B  ,  I).  .Ian.  '24.  is:,;. 

45491S.     Polly  Ta!]ett,  !..  -Mav2s.  i.s!).-,;  ni.    .Mar<-h    is    ]s>4    .i;,,n.-s   Ms,--.   :, 
Aiiril  :.^-i,  1^04:  d    l-'i  !..'.),  IS.ji);  .-j  ,d)il.  '  •        '     ' 

1.      -iamcs  T.  yiyrv.,h.   Jan.    22,    IS;'.",;   m.    Frh.   -JS,  \<>s,    Sauiantha  lln<l..u.i    ,,h.,' 
d.  July  8,  iNTd:  -I  diil.;   n  ,.  ( '(  Cht- nan-<.  Co.,  N.    ^.      1.    S.w.Ui    i.('L:is\    Xi,v 
17,   lS.")!t:  d.   so.>n.     2.   Anv   .M(.\i;!;\a.    l-',d).    -.'-i,    ]v(;i.     y,    Minvh-     M;,v   ••>-!     iss;i"-   .•, 
Djc.  2'.),  ISSl.  Silas  A.  Tniuian.  b.   I\  h..  is.-"!).      (.   S.vmanth  \.  Au--.  2-<.  'isflj' 

If.      Polly  Minerva  Myers.  1).  dune   2r,.    IS-?t;;  d^    .I;,n.    1'.)  '  1S.-,V-   n>'     Wni    Co.v       1 
Okvii.t.k,    h.    duly,    d.    Au,L^,    1H47.      2.   Mi.m;i:v.\.    Jan.    lit,    l,s.-,i-  i,,     .)..,„     li)      !>,(// 
Mcrion  Taliett.      1,   ,/,///.     -j,   M.ij/.  ■       -      .. 

111.      .John  'J'.  Myers.  Sept.  C.'ls'OT:  d.  Jan. '2,  IS.IS. 
I\'.     S.irali  .Myris.  .May  j^;,  isis^  d.  Oct.  .:,,  ]s,ji_ 
\.     Ellen  .laiie  .Myei.s.  h.  May  -JI.  1X47;  d.  X,,v'.  .-,,  ls(Jl. 

454919.    Fannie    Taliett,    h.  '27,   isos;  ,;.   >hir(h  -j!)    isio-  m    o.-t    -h) 

1S21,  .iovi;,li  ]}.  ciianiplin,  I,.  July  ;U.  lN(l-2:  d.  Oet.  ]:],  1870.  "' 

I.  I'liiletus  ],.  Chainplin,  h.  Dee.  7,  ]8':'7;  ni.  Jan.  2k  IST,.  Plndu-  Mill.-r  h  Dee 
lo,  T'vlJ;  r>-s.  ().  Iv,,'in.  IVa.'lianan  C,,.,  hnva:  h,as  !>e,-H  id'  tin  tliree  Co  .-upervisr.r< 
three  yrs..  and  -.n  18S1  was  <diairnuin  of  tlie  board:  lias  ludd  other  oliiees  J  Vimon 
if.,  b.  June  1-1,  IbtliJ.  2.  D.M-..  b.  and  d.  Sept.  ];>>,  lS(i7.  :j,  (.i-xdo.s  U  .\u-'  !*  IS«.S- 
d.  S(>j)i.  8.  IS'!;).     4,  I'.MM.TuN  K..  .MavJu,  I8;n.     .-),   F.vnw  C     Sei^t    )■'    is;i",l   M^.V-".'" 

7,  1870.     (i,    IJosroK  S..  F,di.  7.  1ST4:  d.  Feb.  S,  187-").  

II.     (ir.-Mivilie  Hugene  ( 'hanipliii,  b.  Orser;o  Co..  X.  Y..  Dee.  -.M.  ]>-iS;  learned  >iioi'. 
nr.ikin-:  trade   in   Conn.      In    18")4    went    to    Fd^in,    ]1|.<.,    as   Cen'l    AienT'of   tin'    T^Kk 
Matrnetic   C-j.  and  t  rav.  over  111..    Wis.  and  Iowa.      In  tin-   fall  of  18.V,   locai.'d  4uO  .•u'■^es 
of  land  lu  Fayette  Co. .  hnva.      !{<•  set.  ])eriM:inenriv  f,a    his   land    in   bs.-'.l.      Was  t in-  iir-:<  ■ 
Hepubliean  alerted  to  nfnre  in  !ii^- tovMi-hip:   m.-ni' of  bi.Md    of    Sup.-rvis,)]-,:  ,,r    Fay  c!) 
18(J2-4;  Jusiirr  nf  ;Le  I'eaer-  twoyr>.:  owns  SdO  ai-r-'s  of  land,  worth  ^.-JO  to  ^-J.")  per  •icro" 
With  bro.,  rhilotiis  L.   Chainidin,    were  ainonn-  the   llrst   settlers  of   tin-    eountv;   men  of 
chiiructer  and  iidluenee,  and  prominent  in  bnsini'ss,    oiiu-ial   and   sodal    rdariee       lie  ni 
Mareh  1,  ls.7'J.  Amanda  .Miller,  b.    Chenamro  Co.,  X.   Y..   Fs;|s       J     M  i.n.n'ik  Ft  o^'i  nck 
1).  Xov.    14,    INoJ:  ni.    Oct.     ],    ISslJ,    Jvlwin"    L,    i)o,diltle.      1,    JJoWl  J:J;.U''"'      •>     Ce-vu'-     •:,  J.A.V  Ji.iioMK,  July  27,  1N<;;;.     ;h   >!.\nv  Estem.a.    Aui^.  2;;    isct;-  d'  <  j.-t    1 
18)7.     4,  ^iviiTiE  Oi.rvic,  Sept.  12.  FsOl).     .1,   Alid.v  M.vy,  Ajiril  Id   d    Sept    24    J,s74     ' 

III.  Obedienee  Cljami)lin,  b.  Feb.  4,   b^dO;  d.  Au;^.  2U,  1S4S. 

IV.  Fydia  lana  lia   Chani])liri,    b.    .Fulv2(i     lSd:J,°m.    Jan.    1      1S.-,S      V.Mison    i  ero- 

^.\TJ-Z'^''^'?->-^-    ^''•'■'-     "•■    ''"■'^-^'''   ''^''"''-   •'='"     !''•    l""!')-      ■'•    IX.iiii'PHii.i/rrs.  Jnlv 
22,  18i)l.     o,  I'KKii.  KosKi.r.i:,  Ajiril  12.  1872. 

V.  Kmeiancy  Cham[din,  b.  Man  h  lo.  \y-.:\\\;  )n.  o.t  22  I-oT)  Sidn.-t  W  I  f-w-^ 
farnn^-r;  who  d.  of  cons.,  Aurr.  ;^(),  187^';  wid  :  r(->.  Oelweln,  I'-avette  (''(,.,  low-a  l'  Kmm  v 
(■Ki.i.v,  (Jet.  18,  18.70.  in  Pitcher,  ChencTi-o  Co.,  X.  ^  ;  nn  Mareh  22  1S74  Charles  ^ 
Hancock;  learin-d  priid-T's  trade,  but  gave  it  up  on  act  of  i„-alth.  and'is  now  .•Hn.mter- 
res.  Oehvein.  I.  I/-/-//.,  b.  Au-.  12,  1877.  2,  FroKxi:.  b.  June  is;:;  ,i  i„  ;,l'.  (1  w' 
:-!.  N'lTTiK  >F\Y.  May  20.  lsi;:;  d.  a.  4  moiitlis.  4.  H.vttii;  Bi-.r  i„  Srpt  2o  jmm  d" 
in  about  (!  wi-.dcs. 

VI.      l-'.bjah   !■].  Chainidin,  b.  ,Iune:3.  ].s:j7;   \sas  in  battle  of  Fair  <  )aks-  d    in  hostdtal 
at  .Newark.    \.  J.,  id'  typliMid  fever  idmut  1^(1;;. 
Vil.      .\nn  K    <'lnm])lin.  b.  July  11,   ls:;il. 
\'1II.      J-:ii/.ab.eth   Ciiamidin,    twin  v.ith  Ann  Iv  :   ni.  .iuni-  ."i,   ixd2    (i.'or'-eJ    <'ran'lail 
h.  All,-.  !2.  lx;:ii:  brou-iir  up  a  fareu'r;  stud,  at  Clarksalle  Sem..  X.'  V.:  be-an  tomva<-li 
atageot   2.);  seventh  day  Hap' ;   pastor  (d' several  ehli.s.  in  State  i.''  \    V '■  eni    Col    at 
AifredCenfr.  X.  v..  lsi;7.  -rad.  1S7:):   wliile  ,n  Col.  w.s  jKi^tor  at    i{i.d;  i;iu- and  o;h^r 
plac.  s;    rem.  to  111.;    preached  a  few  years,  thence  to  Xebrnsko,  1879:  now,  18S2,  pastor 
«r  chh.  at  North  Loup,  Xeb.,  and  two  oihur  cluirches;  hi.s  lam.  carry  on  a'farm:"h-  is  a 

TALLKTT,    TUTTLE.    .STOCK  W  i:  f.L. 


prominonl  diTpviiuMi.  1,  C'ai.vix  I'Iit-knk,  .liiiy  •?s,  1i<C,:].  2,  Hr.nnKiiT  Lincoln. 
Au^^  :.'!,  iMi").  ■;;.  Myua  Ai.cix.a,  Sopt.  S,  1^(57. "  4,  Na-iiiax  IJi;i.i..  Doc.  ."),  IsTO;  d. 
,in\\.  '2'),  ]S71.      ,-).    f.lNTON  FiKOWN,  Sept.   ],  lS7o.      f.,   <;i;mk,  MhivIi.CO,  177o. 

45492.  Sally  TutLlo,  1>.  Aui;.  ].  lUiS;  m.  .As.i  Stockw.ll  1,.  May  1,  17';7:  ..n.- ..f 
Iho  tir.s:  .<cttU-r.s  ill  tin'  South  |i,-nt  nl'  S;uiL''rr;iclil,  N.  V,:  k-c.'ui  ly  il'f  pi)stiii;i~-.t'T  of 
Stoc.kwcll.  naipi-d  for  liiiii;  (J  <  lii!. 

I.      'rrvjiliciia  Stoi'kw.'li,  li.  .•^<'|>t.   1".',  17in;in.  .Infl  Si.-i-.m. 

II.  .Aimer  Sri>rkwt'll,  I..  D.t.  (i,  17!'''.;  In  w.n  <>i'  l.slij;  d.  Ai'ri!  lo.  IST),  iji  NOth  yr.; 
111.  .Murc'ii  [2.  ISl.'^.  ('viitlii.-i  (;nll^■t■r.  wk.o  i].  <r]><.  7,  ls7(i.  1,  .\i;nji;.  t),  Vi-\>.  •':!,  k^-JO; 
d.  l'"fh.  20.  IS'-")!:  ID.  'M.-iv  ■,>:'.,  l^^l.'.  ICi.iih-  Maitisoii,  wlm  d.  .li;lv  lii.  l,S4-'l  1.  A'wiVy/,  h. 
Jui.cod,  1S4:-'):  111.  Maivl'i  S.  ISHO.  W  im,  I'l.  Sa.nndcrN;  -lir  (].  Jt-r.  2,  l^lWJ.  2.  1!a!;kikt. 
b.  >{;-ii'oli  2,  1S22;  m.  Srpt.  )(i,  1n41.  Ira  I'n.iiii.  :!,  )>lli-.];i;,  .June  |:!,  1S2S.  4.  Al.F.X'- 
ANDKK,  Oct.  22.  is:i|;  res.  llartfurd,  V;iii  rjUM.Tc  Co.,  Mirli.  .").  Mkm.nda  ])i.tii;nr. 
Mav:]],    ls:i-!:  m.  .Mav  ;]1,  1S77,  David    ]!.  Moses.  l>.  .Xi-ri!    :>,  !S24:   res.  Marslia!.  .Mir), 

1.  'Fl.jr.,.rr  r.,  1,.  Feb'.  2n.  ]S7S. 

III.       f'Jl'life  StMrk-Wei;.   ill.   Sila--  <  i  .'er ;  lanre  i'aiidl  v. 

\\ .  Sallv  Stockwill,  11).  Sejit.  21.  ]S2!.  Ahizar  Katoii,  wlm  d.  Maicli  19,  lv:]l  ;  she 
d.  (Jrt.  27.  k's';!.  1,  lli.T,  Mav  in,  1.^2."*;  d.  Mav  2.  1S(;2.  2,  kKVi,  Sept.  2:3.  1S2S:  m. 
Oct.  2.-).  lS.-)8.  Alvira  Slocinn,  h.  Nov.  1,  lS:iS.  "l.  /././  Jf,/?/,  h.  Se|,i.  27.  ls.-,J;  m.  Nov. 
10.  ]S',:i,  .Fanii's  .M.  St.  wart.  h.  Sept.  1],  lsl7.  1.  Kirklaiid  T.,h.  .\ui,^  2:i.  1n7.'>.  :'.. 
Ai;i7.\i;.  Mar.-h  4,  is:]!;  in..  !>ec.  2."i,  IMll.  l.oisa  }'eiiiu-r.  1..  Au.i;-.,  I'^^U. 
V.      A-a  Stocku.  li,  1).  Fell.  2:;.  180-1:  iii.  Orj-ha  11.  Siir-ncer. 

VI.     Marv  Stockwell.  h.  June  2:k  iSOT;   m.  Marcli   24,  D-;2-),  .James  Eaton,  h.  March 

24.  ISO.");   d.  Aiiril  20.  1S72;  res.  South   Brookfi.dd.  N.  V.      1.    FitANCis.    ni.   Sara.h  : 

b.  Nov.  IS,  IS-!.":).     2,   Makia  A.,  h.  Nov.  10.  1S30;  ns.  Aut,-.  7,  Ifoik  *ieon;e  S.  Sheldon, 
b.  Oct.  v.).  IS;5(i;  res.  Morris.  Otseo-o  Co..  N.   V.      1,   FAln,M..  April  ii.  ISiJl ;  m.  Nov.  24,  , 
ISStt,  h.  I..  ilod-TF,  b.  .'uly,  IS.-.n'.     2.    Muu,  Marcli  2!»,  lSG:j. 

454921.  Trypiiena  Stockwell,  b.  lO,  171.'1;  .!.  .Ian.  V.\,  IsSl.  in  Ontli  yr. : 
m.  Dec.  1.   1S]0,  .io'-l  Sflson;  d.  Aui^.  17,  k'-iO.      He  was  in  the  Avar  of  1M2;   10  chil. 

I.  Fucy  Si.'i^on,  .May7,  FSI2;  in.  .laii.  12,  D-:V2.  I^Iisha  Pieive;  .'joliik  1.  LfciNDA, 
Ai-ril  "J-:.  ls::i;,;  m.  Oct..  isi)0.  John  Hlasier;  le.-..  Stura^eon  Bay,  Wis.  2.  FiDi:i.tA,  March 
20,  1S:1."):  id.  A|c,il  .'),  1S."")0.  James  J'ierce.  Shi-  d.  Auu".  -ci,  Un4.  :k  Fkkoy,  Sept  1, 
18od;  d.  Dec.  IS.  1S.7.~).  4,  Dlil.AXu,  Auff.  21.  ]Sl:k  m.  -Ian.  2').  I.StiO,  kouisn  Stetson. 
F  Vfrni-  J).,  .luiic  7.  1S71.  2.  Xfr",  Dec  2;"),  lS7:k  .""),  F.i--\i,;i:,  b.  I»,m-.  Fl.  k^lij;  m. 
Dec.  21,  1S(')S,  Aib,-it  Moiiian,  b.  Oct.  1,  ls4fi;  res.  No.  F.rookli.l.k  N.  V.  1.  i''h'toa. 
Marcli  IS,  ].n7:3.     2.    Cr, -./,•/.  .luh  27,  ls7.^j_ 

II.      I.ncind.-i  Stetson,  b.  Dee.  l.'),  F^>!.");  d.  .\pri!  :).  1n:JI. 

III.  Fiances  Marion  Stetson,  b.  .March  ;F  ISIO.  lb-  is  n  inannfacliirer  at  Sto-.-kwell. 
Dnolda  Co..  N.  v.;  m.  Nov.  2,  1S4.1,  Sarah  CF  \V(d!.-.  F  (D;xiK  F.,  \>vc.  F>,  1S17;  m. 
Dec.  2i'.  ISC,!;.   i;u^h  IF  West,  b.  April    11,  ISlG;  fann-r.      1,    X'tdr  L.,  March    10.  ]>^71. 

2,  \Vli,i,iK  )•".,  b.  .hine  10,  1S.")0;  ni:!!iiifactjVer  at  Clierrv  Creek,  Ckautampia  Co. ,  N.  V.: 
111.  Jan.  o.  1S7F  Mary  J,.  17atoii,  h.  Dec.  ^.F  IS.^.o.  '  \.  X,>,i  L.,  b  May  8,  1S74.  :k 
<.iOiu>ON  Wkm.s,  b.  Jnlv  :],  l.S."37:  nianuf.;  in.  May  10,  ISSF  Hjitrir  M.  Carter,  b.  -lune 
."),  F'^.')(i.  4,  Fvi::ut:r-!-  F.,  Auu-.  24,  IS.'iO;  maiinf.  ,"m.  Feb.  17.  ISs'l,  Alice  Dav,  b.  Aul'. 
IG.  IMJF     .'.    17r,i,A  A..  AuiT.  Fi.  ISil."..     (i,  Cf,AUi:Nri:,  May  ;3F  Fsii7. 

\\.  Melissa  Stetson,  b.  Sf]it.  2S,  1S21:  m.  Oct.  2,  ISoO,  Ceor-re  \.  I'otter;  f.-ininn-; 
res.  Herta,  Cuvalioira  Co..  (>. 

V.  Orlando  Stetson.  Mar(di  IJ.  1S2F  in.  .lunr  0.  l.s."")2,  C;)ro!ine  M.  Mvers,  res. 
Stockwell,  Oneida  Co.,  .N.  V.  1,  F..  b.  July  11,  l^o:j;  ni.  March  27.  1S7S, 
F.phraini  ConL;er,  b.  Fell.  21.  l^'^O;   n-s.  Marsliall.  Oneid.t  Co.,  N.  '1'. 

VI.  Eniilr  Stetson,  b.  D.v.  21,  ]S2(;;  m.  .\\>v\\  F".,  b^.'iF  An-^l  !)o  Forest.  1. 
Emkiisdn,  b.  Der.  :k  1.S.72.  2.  Fi.i.A,  April,  is.'.k  :k  Coiia.  o.-t.  2-'),  ls.-,7.  4,  AKTim:. 
July  17,  i'^o'J.     .■"),    Ai.n  v.,  March  24,  lsc,2. 

454925.     Asa  Stockwell,  b.    Feb.  2:k  isOF  d.  Dec   2(5,  is;:',,   in  Fvnden.  N.  V.: 
farmer;  111.  Nov.  2t.l.   !S20,  Orplia  II.,  dau.  of  Jo!;i,  ai;d  1  biniuil'.  Si>   b    Jnlv:;0.   ISll. 
I.      Funic- S..  b.  Aujr.  :F|,  1S:;0;  <1.  a!  San-.-rti.i.k  .\  ,   V.,  An-.  ;;0,  is:il." 

II.  Charhi'ie  M.,  b.  .!ulv2,  1S:;2:  ni.  .(an.  1.  IS.")!,  'rrunmn  C.  I'rait;  b.  llartwick. 
OtsciToCo.,  .\.  V  ,  N.^v.  10,  1S2.").  1,  Ih.KANoii  T.,  b.  Srj.t,  1."),  1'-^.-)2:  .1  Nov.  1.  I'^-VJ. 
2,  I,fcii:x  Ik,  Au^^  0.  IS.!.");  ni.  Oct.  27  l^'-^O.  I7inin.i  C.,  (kni  of  Natlianiel  and  itarrii't 
Jewel;   b.  .\-,ir;i  I,  IS'F     :},  .Mai:vF.,  b.  .1.11!.  2:k  l^^'il.     4,  Fi:nik  A.,  .lau.   2.").    l^-'-s. 

HI.  Eleanor  Ik.  b.  Nov.  30,  16:5;"):  m.  .lulv  4.  1  s.-.  k  .lames  A.  D.  bnv-.t;  b.  Ajcil  :,. 
1834;  d.  Dec.  :U,  b^i'-5;  Vi)   Dec.    12,    iSiiS,  .lames      1,  Makkin    A..  .Iune2.k  1S,").5; 

248  KHANCll    Ul'    .lOXATHA^. 

!     3,  Ki\<:si.i;>     K.I, ,■,';',.  is^i:  (1.    A  pi  il  o.  Is::.'.     4.  Annu.,    I)(c.  ''0,  1n;:>. 

1\  .      Aln:i7(i  i).,  1).  Au'T.  1(5.  l.S;.i7;  m.  Sfpt.  l.'i.  ISilH:   iMiici-aiicy  U..-;ui.!th.    1,  Aiu'iJ, 
.     A.,  1).  .Iiilv  N.  ISiii.     -J.  Asa  Kahl.  A))ril  IJ,  isr,'. 

I  V.     "llniii.iil,  S  ,  li.  l)t<-.  G.  ISW:  in.   -Miir.-li  12.  Isf;-j,   (ico.  W  .  N\  iitcrs.      1.    Hat'iik 

A.,  Au<r  2.  isi;;). 

!  \'].  .M:;ri.-,ii  I"..  1..  .Iul\    l:'..   l;-i2:   .!.    Aui^.    IT.   1M;1. 

i  \'ll.  H:ui!s..ii  .[..,  I).  A;:"-:-.  2o,  lH4(J:   lu.  .)ulv    1,   IS'ufi,  .Mar\  l.-iii".      I.  Kor.i- i;'i .  Wn .  1.^, 


"\'I!1.  As;,  K..  All-.  2.y.  1S.57;  a.   Manh  20,  )xr,s. 

;  454f>3.      Mclieu  Tuttle,   l'.   Jucc    is,  Im.");  liis    I'athcr  dying- wlit-n  .M.  was   about 

j  nine  yix.  1.1' a..  Ici!\  int:  vlii-  rauuly  ill  di'sritiiTc  cinninstaiu'rs,  Mi-li'.  ii  at  oner  iiumrniiy 
I  oont'roiitcd  tiic  diilicuitivs  di'  rln'  situation  and  su.-cci'dcd  in  oviTCDininj;  tbcin.  About 
]79o.  1h>  went  west,  into  tlu-  vilds  of  ccnti-al  New  "\'(n-l;,  ;'.iid  lncat«'d  some  ^vild  bmii  in 
Avliat  is  now  tlif  town  of  (.'o!u;nl)iis.  ("iifiiani^-o  Co.,  (d(  an-d  a  \K\tch.  built  u  lop  i-aliin, 
retiirnrd  to  Mnss.  and  in.  17if),  l.ovisa  l^islioji,  and  iiok  Imt  l)a'l<  to  Ids  ,v'l)ih  in  tin- 
wood.s.  'I'hf  ^\■cdi'  and  licar  and  olln'f  \wld  dmi/cns  of  lln-  foiT.-t  tlirir  only  \i--itors,  and 
Koim-  Indians  who  had  nor  vf.  luaili-  up  tlicii  minds  to  leave  tlie  graves  of  tln-ir  fathers 
and  dejiait  for  the  l;i!ul  of  tiv  setliiiiT  sun.  oceupyina'  :i  win^wam  on  a  jtoit  of  his  ju-eiii- 
ises.  ileii'  tli(>y  lived  and  labored,  the  husliand  over  70  yrs..  the  wil'e  over  5;)  yi-s.,  and 
l)roii<'.-ht  up  their  family  of  six  (diildreii.  I'xmul:  very  inj^enious  in  mrelumieal  contii- 
vaiices,  he  l>e<-ame  intlisjieosa  Lde  to  tlie  other  new  settlers  \\  ho  a  iu-i  w  aids  e..ine  in.  lie 
<-ould  fiiiild  a  loj:;  cabin,  make  au  ox  sled  or  i;ai-t,  a  built  plow,  a  meat  rask,  i\  sa])  ]iail, 
ete.  His  ]iowers  ui  pliysieal  hilior  and  endiiranee  w  ere  Jle  would  iro  Two 
juiles  to  liie  ol  liis  i)jo.-in-law,  di  a  iuijre  ihiy's  ^vorI^  lo-eine  and  c-hoppine.  then 
back  i.  luishel  of  >.:-rai;j  a  mile  to  the  mill,  have  it  .iirouinl,  and  then  back  it  lion.e  tliree 
liiih's,  in  ih(  darl:.  through  wikkIs  ami  along-  a  dim  jiaih  mavi^ed  onl_\  b_\  lua-.'.e(i  trees. 
Once  it  was  necessary  to  go  HI  miles  to  tlie  mill  at  liurlingtoti  F"lat-  \\ith  grain:  haviiig 
no  vehicle,  he  hung  a  bag  of  r\\-o  bushels  between  two  oxen  and  started.  Three  mile-, 
short  <d' liie  mill  the  oxea  couul  bear  the  io.i.i  iiu  furtlier.  Mclieu  took  it  on  lii.s  back, 
and  on  arr)\-ing  found  the  mil!  -'ch*sid  tuv  repairs,"  and  had  tore.uiii  without  his  grist. 
Siibsejuently  lie  imjirovised  a  cart  without  wheels  -\\  hicli*  answ  errd  as  a  vehicle  for 
bringing  hone- the  giisi.  He  once  walked  ilie  entire  distance  to  New  "\'ork  City  (250 
jiiile.s)  to  mai;e  jiaymenr  on  liis  land,  crossing  the  Hudson  liy  swimming  \vitl>  his  clotlies 
bundled  and  strappetl  to  liis  back.  He  was  kind,  hoiiesr  and  faithful,  and  long  lived  to 
enjoy  tile  fruits  of  his  labors  and  tiic  esteeni  of  his  fellow  citizens.  He  d.  .hily  ol,  1872, 
in  tlie  D.'^itli  vear  of  his  a.  His  wf..  b.  June  11,  17.8;  d.  IVb.  IC.  1S49.  in  lu-i"7islyr. — 
;      ('ont.  hi/  A.  "a.    y'(tf^>.   A'.vy. 

i".      .James,  1;.  O.-i.  H),  KUG;   m.  Ueb.cca   Craudall. 
II.      I'hebe,  b.  Au:r.  2;),  i;;*!:^;  d.  .lulv  7.1b(;7. 
HI        Julia,  b.  De.-Mo,  17il;(;    ni.   l.ew"is  Clandall. 

IV.      Amos  IJisliop,  b.  (.)ct.  IG.  l^■i)::;:  m.  Pattv  Sjiaulding.  .      . 

V.      Diantha,  b.  .Mar;-h  21,  1807;  m,  Anthony  Olney.^ 
\[.      Kmelina.  b.  Marcli  20,  1810;   m.  Alvin  Vl.   Ham"b. 

454931.  Jo,me.=;  Txittlc,  1'.  <>et,  li),  17'.)(e-  now  (1SS2)  livimr  ;  m.  Jan.  2U,  ls2(). 
Kebecca  Crandail,  b.  Aue.   1S».  17;*S:.l.  l'<4:i;   res.  Ib-.H.kli.dd:  !•  chil.l. 

!  I     Lewis  Crandall,'"!,.  Oct.  10,  1S21:  tn.  May  ;il.  isMi,  Phebe  K.  Wt.odward.  b.Oci. 

!      ;j1.  1S-J1I;  (1.  Jan.  24,  lsr>()     (2)Jul\    liJ,  lS(i'.'.  .lennie  ]..    Hickinson;   les,  N.^wton.  Kansas. 

'  1.  Kmm\  p.,  Aug.  ;-!(>,  IS-ls;  d,  Aug.  14,  b'-iVJ.  2.  M  \i:v  K.,  Mac  11,  ]s.'>(J,  d.  Mav  2, 
bSol.  :'..  M.  Ida.  b  .Ian.  r>,  ls.-,-,>;  .p  o.t.  .'),  l,s()7.  4.  ('has.  H.,"b.  X..v.  I.'.,  Isol:  d. 
Jan.  2.  ISii").  .").  Ciiri.i:  b\,  twin  with  ('has  H.:  d.  March  11,  \s:,r,.  »;,  L.  M ai;(-ki.i,.\, 
Nov.  2s.  1^'.');:  m.  Sepr.  -J.).  b^7.7.  Marv  Ik  Craudall.  b.  Auu'.  22,.  ls?.7.  1.  M(irtil>.. 
Krb  2.",,  l;<77.  2,  ./'■''/•'  // ,  Aug.  4.  1S7S.  7,  Ai.ici-:  11..  Feb',  li),  |sr,-2:d.  Oct.  22. "1.^1)7. 
S.  .It  :;.s-|i-.  M.,  b.  March  IN.;  d.  Auir  2,.  isiis.  /.  b_\  -Jd  m. :  !».  kiXN  B...luu.' 
;;i:  isro.  K,,  I'-i.o-,  .s..  .lun.  :k  1S72.  11.  Ij.w  M.vv,  S.'pt.  11,  1S71.  12,  H.\i;()i., 
l:;.   Cau.,!..      11,    KTin;i..    irii.iets,    Dec.    11.    IST'J:    llaiol    and   Carol    d.  .Ma'ch2:).   INSU; 

I'th,  I  d    ik'c.  11,  i,s;n. 

11.  Khoda    k.,   I",b.    Is.  1S21;   111.  Silas  l,a;nb;    res.   I'ay.'tte,   I'ayetle   Co.,   Iowa.      1. 

I'lMt!;.  2,   Cii  A  i;i  <>r !  t .     -'k    Ii:wi\. 

111.  Kmelim-    (>..    b.  M.;:,-li    l(i     IN-jii;    ,1.    .Ian.    2:i.    1N7;:    m.    .Iul_\   :!.  is.M.    Smith 

I'rcss.-r.  1,    CtiAKM  s_    I,,  .\lar.-h,  ]s;i;(l.   now  .I8S2).-rud.  in    Corm-li    i'ni\irsil\.  liii.ica. 
X.   V. 

TUTJJ.E.  249 

IV.  John  ]•:..  1..  M:iy  11).  1P--,'.S:  m.  April  5.  isr.f;,  Haniei  Wvnian.  I).  Xov.  2,  1827. 
'. .  l-;i,i,.\  .M..  Ii  Ajuil  •"(,  ISfii;,  iiTud.  Whit' :-r()\vii  ."»i-'.ii.  "'A  i;irc  scluij;!!'."  2,  AuTHlU 
I)i',i.ii.-s,  1..  .May  22.  1^.")^;  d.  O.i.  22,  lS(i;j.  :;,  Hakm.v  .M.,  .fuiif  .■}.  ]N(iO;  d  Aug.  15, 
K^tM.      ■},   iMiA.NKi.iN  .1..  .l::;i.  Ki.  isr.:;.     .->,   Mauy  }{..  April  Ki,  ISCC. 

V.  (liurlnt;.-.  I),  .lane  :,.  ]s:]():  m.  l\.l..  2:),  l,s(i2.  Kdaiii  iiuuli.-k,  1..  ]\'l..  G.  1820; 
res.  l^i-ii()ld!>-Kl.  .Miuii'^'iii  (\t..  N.  V. ;  ,I;ii:irs  'I'litili'.  ihcii  fjitlier.  is  with  tlnMi.  1., 
Man-h  ::,   IN.;^'. 

VI.       \\'c;illhv,  1:.  .1i:lv  7.   \K.V2;  (\.  Awj;..  1S.-)fj. 
\"ll.  ]■■..  h.  V<-\k  2:?.  18;^(;:  d.'j;  n,,  1^51, 
Vlll.      ('(.riii'liH   Solly,  h.  Maivli  7,  ]S4n;   m.  March    17,    IS.'i'^.    M:urii>  S.  Sail.>v:  res. 
ISbiTliunif.  .\.  ^  .      ].   .iA.Mr:s  K..  Jan.  2.  1.'^ ■")!);  d.  March   IC,  isti.").     2,   lii-.HMAX  S.,  Oci. 
18,  l^:'i--i. 

IX.  l-"raucis  Mariijii.  li.  Aii^-.  S.  iS-Ki;  m.  Oct.  11.  1>-l'i,  Susie  A  i  iustr<iii;.i ;  res.  Sher- 
hnnu-.  X.  V.      1.    !.i;'in  ]).,  h.  sV-].t.  12.  is;7^:.     2.    Lkmo.v  Ji.,  Xov.  15,  1881. 

454933.  Julia  Tattle,  h.   Dec.   i:;,   i7U<(:'d.  April  ]:',.   1872;    m.    Dec   1-1,1817, 

].<'\vis('ra))d:iil:    \>.   S>>v.   ]s,   i;<jr»;   d.   Mi'.n],   14.   ]Sf;:/. 

1  Fr.-cinaii  Ferrv  CraiKlall.  h.  Xov.  25,  ls20;  i,,.  Xov.  'JG,  184."">.  Adeline  Cutk-r. 
)..  X()\.  10,  181!*:  d.  April  1,  JN;(i:  re.'^.  South  lirooktield.  X.  V.  (2u1iilvM, ,  Harriet 
Maria  F.russie,  h.  Oct.  2^.  ISo.j.  1,  Im-'\_\t.  d.  Sej.t.  12.  18-j!t.  2,  Imi'iii:}.!  i;  A . ,  1).  July 
27.  1S.")1:  (1  Jiilv  'J7.  IS.")-"):  :i,  Oiu  Kj'i  .\  A.,  h.  Maici!  '.',,  ^■<■^r,■.  d.  Dec.  i),  ].^ii:;.  4, 
i.iM.iA  l;.,  I).  Sept.  2(:;.  IS.JO;  m.  Se]il.  20,  1872.  Daane  ( 'rniifl.-ill,  1..  Jutie  0.  l^ol.  1. 
////<//,■  J>..  1'.  Mav  oO,  1877.     2,  A'lt'inr  Lyrlmf,  Match  2(),  iss]. 

ii.  K-ther  "Crandalh  1.  Mardi  8.  182."):  lu,  Feb..  1.848,  Kli  Shertnau;  h.  Foh.  8,  181'!: 
los.  Salem.  Fleiiosha  Co..  Wi^.  1,  F.^^•.I^  F.,  Sept.  .").  184:'.:  tii.  S<-pt.  20.  1^7(3.  Fvr.  D. 
reasK,  h.  Oct.  oO.  18-57:  res.  Salem:  tV.ri;ier.  1,  hJh,!  /,'. ,  h.  Xov.  Di.  l>^;s.  2,  Fkm;.na 
A..  I..  Xov.  22.  1S4(;:  im.  Xov.  .5.  1874,  J:;]);.-.  W.  llaliadiiv;  I..  :5.  1^4S:  res  Salem. 
1,  I.isH-  .1  ..  h.  Fell.  ],  187G.  2.  M.n,,!  /,.,  F.-h.  lU.  I-';;).  ;>,,  M,i[>l  ],.,  h.  Match  27. 
1880.  o,  FK\rrs  K.  A..  I..  Feb.  4  is.-):];  m.  l-<h.  27.  "i87!*,  Fli/.aheth  M.  Fadeu.  h.  Dec. 
22,18.58,  1,  JIiirr,ij  K..  Ma.y  vil .  18S(»,  2.  //,;;,  Jan,  !»,  I.S'^'J. 
111.      Fliehe  Crandall.  h.'.\|iril   20,   18;-;);  (i.    Alarch  7.  i>-i)2. 

\\.  ('harh.tie  Craiidai;.  b'  Xov.  11.  l.^.jl;  d.  .lutiei:-;,  ISC,;:  in.  184!l.  .Vmei,/o  ( 'linii- 
Tiuiiv  1.  Makv  .1.,  b,  Feb.  7,  ls.-;0:  d.  Scj.t.  :^5.  l-vsi;  „,.  .Ma.rch  24.  b-<)7,  Xathaii  liurch: 
lariner:  b,  Jan.  14,  1S48:  res,  lirookfield.  X.  Y.  1.  /.e.v/.v  7/,/,///,  Dec.-"..  J'-'(i7.  2. 
Fh.r"  (ihn.  Oct.  4,  l.^'Gii.  ;!.  Ahna,.  ].,,,  .Ian.  11,  1871.  4.  D.iiru!  nii.lWq,  Julv  22. 
1S72.  .5.  l-jViti,  (hir,,,  Oct.  2:11874.  G.  J/.//-;/,  b.  Ai!:il  27.  ]s'77.  7.  .V./.'/m;//.  Sept.  17, 
is;*!  N,  /,;/■:.  b.  and  rl.  Sept.  2-"),  I^Sl.  2,  L'ki.ia  !'.,  b.  .Fan.  10,  isri2:  d,  Feb..  ]S81;  in. 
Feb.  IS.  l,s7G.  i;os.s  Faiidiiin.     :i.  Fi.(»{A.  b.  Xt)v.  4.  1V.">4:  d,  Jan.  2i.  l8G'-f. 

V.  Andrew  Jack.soii  Crandall.  b.  Mav  12    IS;-^:^;  d.  March  10,  IStW. 

A'l.  Hhoda  Keoecca  rrandall.  b.  Dec.  "24.  ls:',S:  ir,.  Dec.  V\  1^G4.  Oharlc-  (ireeukaf 
Ames:  t'aiinor:  b.  \\vs.  is.  is;j,:;  ics.  C'obinibus.  X.  Y.  1,  FiNcot.N  .Iackso.n,  March 
15,  18GG;  d.  Aug.  2.  lMi7.  2.  Fkanv  i:  F.,  July  2!i.  1>';7;  d.  Match  12,  I'^GVi.  8.  .]  i  i.ia 
CRANDALn.  Apiil  17.  ls71.  4,  1'i;ai!:.  .\  n.M.^  S.'j.t  20.  b->7.').  .J,  Fk'.msC..  Feb.  8,1878. 
{).  Ft  CI  A  F..  Feb.  8.  1S78. 

454934.  Amos  Bi.sliop  Tuttle,  b,  Ori.  k;.  \<[):\;  ie>,  Culumiius,  X.  Y.;   fainu-r; 
jn,  Sei'1.  2-"),  1S2.5.  Fatty  Spaiiidintr,  b.  Sept.  2:-i,  ISUG;  tl.  .lui_\   ;!0,  1>.G0, 

],      Alinon  Fee,  b.  Xov.  22.  18JG:    januer  and  mamii'acturer:  Justice  of  tin-  I'eace 
foi  toxv'ii  of  ('oliinibiis  is.Ki  to  1872:  McuLber  of  tlie  Board  of   SujH-rvisors  of   FhenaniJn 
Co.  for  vrs.  IMF).  'G(iaiid"72:   in.  XyxW  \\).    \>-:A  .    I'hiJie    Mari.tte    I'^raiicis,    b.    1-eb.    10. 
ISol.      f.    I'mma  Ai)!:i.n\.  b.  S.-jit.  1.5.  Fs.-,:;:  d.  .Ian.  2;J.  1.SG2. 
II.      llarvev,  X..V,  20,  ls->s;  d.  Jnin  2!),  1n;!:F 

III.  Fm-reiia,  Se].:,  4.  1n:!1:  d.  Jnlv  12,  l^.'yl. 

IV.  Celia.  Apiii  ('.  1^:!:?:  li.  M;iy  S."  !>:;>. 

\".  Delia,  twin  with  Ceba:  m.Mav:!!.  IS.TJ,  Wni,  Faker  Olnev.  1).  Xov.  24,  18:)0; 
<F  Jnh  2;!,  1875.  1.  .Iii.!\  'riT-ii.r,.  b."s..),t.  17.  l^'^^v.  d.  April  2,  isG2.  2.  Cki.ia,  b. 
Julv 'J,  l^GO;  ni.  .luly'.b  bS7!).  Ahmzo  V..  .Miller,  b.  18."):j,  ;5,  Jo-^IMI  f;i;i:i;M:,  b.  Xov. 
2;>."l8G4.     4.    .\i  .NtdX  '1  1  •111  i:,  March  21.  1>72. 

VI.      S-iiah  I.ncretia.  b.  Sept.   i;;    is;;,-.-  d..K,n.'   10.    Is(i2:   m,   D.c,  :.!!,   is.y?,  IJeulK-n 
F.  Fsitnli,  b.  1"^25:   now  of  Fan.-iouvil'e.  ?\i:!i;aia  Co,,  N.  \.      1.    .Minmi:  Hahmdn,  An-. 
25,  IS.-,'-':  ,1    Ma.rch  1.  lMi2.     V.   \\  ai,ti;i:,  JuF  •,':.  Im.M:  d,  Marcl,  :;,  1nu2, 
VII.      .Iiilia.b.   Marc),  2;,   IS|0:   d.   Dec,  2'!.,"  1^1^, 

454935.  Diantha  Tuttle,  b.  Maich  -M ,  Is'F;  ,i.  Ai.iil  22,  184G;  m.  Ainil  2.  1840. 
Anthony  ujiicy:    faiinei-:   b.  Aug.   7,  F'^i.):   ics.  So.   lirooklield,  X.  ^i  . 


HliANf:lI    (JK    .TO.VA'l'IlAX, 

I.  Kllcn  IViantlii,  niiK-v.  Arm-.  10.  isll:  m.  IVl..  ■>!),  ISGO,  Kduiii  Jlfiil.-v,  !>.  Jniip. 
T.),  1810.      1,    \\  11.1. IK,  .Manl.   Oii,  ISlil;  d.  Nov.  2:>,.   isir}.      '2.    Mvkon,  .1  uiic  ;i' 1SH3.      :! 

Fkkk,  .\u;'.  l'i;.  i"-i;i.     i.  im-.m^t.  KcI,.  n.  i,<r,(i. 

II.  (.'io.  \\'.  OliicT.  ]>.  .Mai-rh  2,  1S|<;;  111.  .Iinic.  lSi;7.  l-'ramls  ,1,  Staiiln').  K.  N'ov. 
I."),  ]S1S;  (I.  All.--.  8i),  ist)7;  c')  Feb.  •,'■.',  IN'iS,  l/ihi  1),  liiinlick,  h.  S.'i,:..  1S.V2.  11.-  .i. 
.M:iy  !).  l.^:.'-;.      l',   ro!;.\  M.U-.  Sf|>t.  .").  ISd!). 

454fK]G.  Emclinc  Tllttlc,  h.  .Manli  -Jd,  isiO.  ,1.  .\\>n[  is,;.|:  m.  !),■<•. ,  1S;30. 
Alviii  .Mil.)  I..Mi,l..  I).  .Nprils,  I.scs:  y\,  Apiil  -jd.  l^yj.  C,  <.-liil. 

I.  .\lviii  .M.'li-u  l.:(.iiil),  Auir.  'J'-K  ls:;-3:  in.  .Np'i!  :;.  I.s.-):;.  .M;,nlia  .Iniit-  ( iroci.lfal", 
1).  April  •2-],  ic..  l  clnialiiK,  .V.  V.  1,  l'";  iwci.  .M.,  lite,  M,  l^ljli;  til.  Xiiv.  4, 
187!l,  KhiMT  Full/,  l>.  Oci.  IS.  F-.-,.-,.  ].  (jff,,  /.  .  Manli  7.  issd.  -j.  /„/■„/,/  .s„„,  NFif.!.' 
•i,  1^'s-J.     X',    t-;i..Mi;r.  F..  Sfpi.  24.  Iscl.     ;;.  ( 'i..\i;!;.\<  k  ().,  .Mav  •.;.' 

II.  i;.ul„-ii  F.ui^  Faiiil..  Nov.  7,   is:!:",:  ,1.  April   11.  In,;,;;. 

III.  rial. in  F.'H.v  FaniF,  Urr.  -'.  Fs;r,;  d.  v;,  Fs40. 

I\  .      .laiiK's  .Vcxs'iiKiii  Fanili.  .Ian.   7,  lS:;r;  ,1.  S-pt.  2:!,  1S4(I. 

\'.  Miin-iva  Am.  ha  l.;uun.  Sf|it.  17.  ls41;  ni.  O.i.  in.  is.-,-;,  IPnry  M.  diiu'v,  o. 
Ocl.  4,  is:;,-.:  i>-.-.  \'crnMn.  Slii:iwa-^>-cc  (_'-..,  .\ii(li.  1,  .)\mkv.  1)c<-.  1.  Is.-in.  -j,  W'm.. 
Dec.  2->,  isiil.  :;,  I'  Oct.  Fi.  IS'iL  4,  F.mki.i.m:,  Fd,.  r,,  ,1.  .Mardi  Fs.  isiiv.  .-,, 
t'i,.\r..\,  Dec.  7.  isiis.     r,.   Ai.vix,  (i.i.   IG.  1S71.     7.    Fki;i).  M.jy  2:!.    IsF",. 

450.  Susanna  Tattle,  l-.  N"n.  10.  17lis:  m.  l''.!..  2^.  !7-2s,  Kii->!ni  Fark.-r.  i..  (),-t. 
5.  17iis:  V.  (if  .lu'iii  and  Hannah  i!>a-<!-U)  J',  of  WallM,  Cunn.  In  1  Fl!)  I'.lia.Ia  Park(^r. 
a]i].>t.  ,<rii;u-il.  of  !-;iis!ia,  .-.  of  j-'lisha.  In  I  7-')  F  .l()--cpli  'I'm  n.-i .  jr. ,  of  N .  il.-iv. .  ijuard.  of 
Dan  M.,  s.  of  j-:i;.,]ia,  ilii-  inn.  bcni-  pr.-..-fnT  i^\'  Wall'd 

I.  Fu'.li   Faik.-r. 

IF  Arunii  FarkiT,  I-.  Aprllij,  Ko'i:  ni.  Marcdi  11.  17.'.i;,  Saiah.  .lau.  o*  Kol.crt  .M:\rriu. 
1,  M.\M!'i:.  h.  IVi).  11,  17.".F  !.  Foi;i.i;T  r\-!i.  F.'.  I7.".';'.  :!,  Srs.\.\N,\.  IVi..  20.  17(;-3.  4, 
AiucFU!,,  h.  April  1.  17(iF  •'',  S.\!,l.^•.  .Mandi  2.k  1  ;(■.(;.  (i,  1  vm,\.n.  .\i.''il  17.  17(;s.  7. 
Ec-NKK,  .fail.  'll.  ir.F  s.  in-ni.  Ii.  F.d..  i.  1774.  '.K  Fv.m.\n.  ]-"i'I>.  ;',().  177').  10. 
Lin-.^i,\.  F.  .liiiv  IC),  17S,;;.  d.  F'l.:.',  a.  >'t.  m.  Wldtin.;  IF-.idkv  ["/./■],  '.v!!..  d.  is.-;;;,  a  70. 
lil.  Kiislia  Faik.-r.  I.,  .inly  -J-'i,  M  ■','>:  m.  Awix.  lU.  1  ;.1!»,  Iv-^i  k,  i- Sprnr.i.  1,  Kr.i-It.v. 
1).  Ajnil  -js.  17i;i.  '2.  K.\  11!  \!:i,NA  Mar.di  ;;i)',  IM',:;.  :;.  Fhi.ok.  Dec  -is,  i;r,.-j.  4, 
As.\iiFl,  April  2.  I  Tiis.  ."i,  Fi.i.i.v,  :>Fir.K  20.  177:;.  (1,  Si[\i.i:i:.  .\iu'.  2s,  *77r).  7. 
PoT.i.Y,  Scj.t.  \:',.  1:7s. 

IV.  .F.lin  i'ark.r.  0.  Srpr   17.    17:;'.) 

\'.  ]ian  Far.k'M-.  in  Nov.  is.  i;(i2.  .Miriam,  dan.  ol'  F.-nj.  Cnni.^.  I.  ];t  rn,  F,>1>. 
;^,  17t;4.  2,  i)K.NM..MX.  S.p'.  2s.  17r.k:  m.  Fvdi.-i  kF-a-lk-v.  :!.  I  .n  1  m.  \,  .!  nF.  21.  !77F 
4,  Ki-ni.  Dec.  It).  17:4.  .■).  i).\Mr.r..  .May'24,  177:..  '  tk  Fi  111.  Fee.  27.'  1777.  7. 
]ii:T.-;T;v.  -luly  Fi.  17s(i. 

\'l.      I)emari.-<    I-'iukcr.  b.    .ln!vl<k   174:):    m.   Dtc.    2.  li'ii,    l-jio.s,   s.  oi    Diiiviuu.^  and 
Plndw  ;.),d..i..-^<.n)  Farki-r.*    1,    Fok.a^.  !^  '•,  17.  KHF     2,    F.\x.  .Mar  !i  is,  1  7t;4". 
AMI.     Susanna  Farkri-,  b.   l).v.  7.    174^. 

458.  Jemima  Tattle,  b.  .Ian.  Fk  1 74tk  m.  \h-r.  s.  i772.  .-kth  l!kik.-sb-r  ^.,-,n  of 
Kb(-ii.,  jr.).  b.  F.-r.  F),  17;;s:  lu.-;  2d  w  F  Uc  m.  ,1^  Si  p!.  7.  I7i;F  Fb,  b.-,  dau.  ..f  CVr 
slutiti  and  Hannah  Man<ti(dd  'ludd.  by  whcni  In-  had  amnin;-  •■lln-rs.  Caleb,  b.  April  2-") 
1702;  111.  L_\dia  4'i.Ttlc:  Sdh  Ik.  r.-s. '.Nc  liav.  Hk-^  will  i.rnvcd  17»!i:  v.C.  .I.-mima  and 
l^onniiu  Rni'.jks.  CM-CIS. ;  Abel  iFi<h,)p,  Fichaid  .Mansli-ld.  .Xbralnui:  Uisknp,  wit !i.-;.-;r.-;; 
names  s.  Calid)  and  all  the  (d:ik 

1.      Fludx-    FdakosltT.  b.   Fci..  S.  1774;   in.  llcnton. 

II.  I'aFicncc  Hlakcslc.-.  b.  Amr.  14.  I77rv  m.  .ic->>r  Fassctt,  u  ho  .1.  a.  S-");  i.  b.-sid.v 
4  ciiil.  whod.  inf.  1.  1)  \r..  b.  17i'4  ;  in.  .bdni  ( iood-cll.  1.  ,A  .v.v, .  2.  ( 'iii.m!:.  b.  1  7rt7:  m 
Ania^a  'rh<ir|ic.  Mrs.  'kiiurpi-  \va^  at  liic  'I'ntth'  iin-ciinL:  in  ls7:!  witji  :',  ;.  r.  chik.  ii!i/.a. 
Churtiit  Ic  ;iiid  .lu'iia.  '•  .\  viry  pha.-^ai.t  and  r.ithi-r  r.-ma  rkaliic  even!  took  idacc  ai  The 
lionsc  ol  .Mr.  .I(ji'l  kki.ssctt  in  '.Xoiih  1  la\'!!. 'kh.nrsday.  Tlic  cvcni  a  family  ^atlnn-- 
iii!{  in  honor  ol'  tlic  cii' In  hah  bir;inlay  01'  Mr--,  .\nias:.  d'ho'jn',  a.nd  was  ri'inarlcabh^ 
because  f  <n  r  a'-ii'.  !•  idd  ladies,  a'l  sk-;'!>.  w'.e  piivcni.  ihe  aii'ii'retrale  ol'  v\hi>;e  a^-'es  is 
HlOyear.s.  'I'lie  sist.T.--  we;-.'  M  r,...  .lohn  (  b.od..  .41,  a^'ed  fi;;hly-i  hi.-.' y.M,---.  .^l  rs.  .\masa 
Thorpe,  u^-0(l  t'i.,'lity,  .Mrs.  Ii  hannir  d'nt  lie.  aLCid  ses-enty-seven,  and  .'Nils.  .Funes  Smith, 
a^cd  seventy.  Of  a  I'.uni'y  .d'  nine  ciiildr'ii  of  .ies-eaiid  Fiitlence  F,a>'<eU  liie-e  lour  are 
the  only  livin.i;-  members,  iiavin^:-  ili'-.i  in  inlan  >  and  another  ilauLrhter  dep.-irnni: 
thi.s  life  .some  thirty  o(M  ,\ea|■^,  a-o.  ']  he  Iki.-rt'il  i.;mily  was  one  of  th>'  lirst  \\lii.'ii 
settled  in  North  Haven,  and  th.'.ihl  ji;  >:iiesf  .'n.l  k^  \,.t  i,>  b.  s.-eii  -•t:;nd'i!ir  a  short  distance- 
from  t!ie-  bridi;-f.      .lesse.  ihe  inimedinie  iinccslor  (d  this  braindi,  livcl  on  tin-  spot  wh<-.'r(,' 

Tl'TTLE,    TOli!).  251 

l)is  iiarnesaki'  ^^|•.  .Ie.-!S(»  (Tf>o(lr-n'n  now  rt'si^ies,  and  licie  \hc  four  sistiMS  were  liorn  aufl 
l)rout;lir  ii]i  in  (li<.'  ways  nf  good  old  New  Kti^-iaini  life,  rcjili'iiishiii,!:'  t!ir  fVLniily  ■wurd- 
roli<*  by  moans  of  t!n'  knittinir  iH'cdlf,  iln'  li.^jm,  and  the  spiiminfj:  wlif-fd,  '•onvcniiig  tin- 
prodncts  of  Ih.-  dairy  into  hiittrr  and  i  ln-csc,  ::nd  1;'l;ii\y  their  .sluu'i'  of  I'un  at  rovn  liusk- 
inp;.  '-audy  pullings,  I'tc  'I'ln'  ]>at('rnal  .l<-:>;-r  livrd  to  thi'  advanced  a,ui-  of  cij^lity-five 
yt'a!>-,  and  Mis.  'I'lioipf.  or  "■  Aunt  ('liloc,"  a^  slic  is  familiarly  called,  lias  in  lier  ]iossi'S- 
si(ni  likciu-s^rs  o!  t)olh  ]iarii'i-i  wliicli  an- well  wo'-tU  seeing-  It  is  said  tkat  the  old 
;;'t'ntli'ii'an  nn  ni'cd  to  wear  u  ^viL;■  at  ;ui  ai;-t'  wlieii  nio,-t  nii'n  aro  coniiM-lifil  lo  do  so 
or  i;i\o  uji  lliv'  inx'niy  f)l'  liaii-,  and  as  iu-  in\aiia')ly  pi-csciitcd  hiin>-oii'  \vitli  i  :h  li  ])a!lic- 
ular  liair  in  it-^  piopi-r  p'aj->'  lie  cann-  i<i  u'i>  ky  tin'  rN-pi-o^<ivc  nanu'  of  "  Slii-k  Ik-ad  Has- 
svtt."  !]'■  was  t!n'  sfc'Mnd  man  in  town  'o  own  a  om-  lioi-se  wai^-on.  All  of  tln'  .--isit-rs 
liavi'  hc-w  marrir(!  and  have  rejired  faniili'--.  {■'•>\  -<-\cral  years  it  lias  keen  t  iirir  custom 
to  uiiilc  in  cck'kratin'j' each  otlif-r's  natal  i\a\.  km  this  time  tli"  ])leasiiie  \\as  ini-rea>(-d 
]>y  tlie  n!iex])f'i-t(d  iiarticijiation  of  rkildnii  and  ;iiandcliildreii,  inclndiiii;'  one  uieat 
i^-nindi-liild,  nearly  all  i.f  \\-lio;ii  wt-re  pre-ent."- — Xi  ir.sptiiji  r.  IsTk  1,  ]j<'!^nl.  '■). 
Ai;i!r,i,iA,  li.  kSilO;  m.  Irluimar  Tuitle.  k  Ww . .  k.  IsiiV;  m.  James  Sinilli.  5.  |)At., 
(k  ak  lilt  i,s  IT:  m.  'I'ke  compke;-  w  I'.te  to  se\  eral  parties  in  No.  llavea  for  record  of  tlie 
ak.>\e  iamilv  witkout  success. 

Ilk     Aki!,^vil  Hkike^ee,  k.-k.  4.  17;S:  m.  Akel  Ikiskop. 

IV.     Poliv  k'.lakeslee.  Fek.  -2^;.  17sri;  m. Ik.rnes. 

V.     Seth' Elakeslee.  Auir.  o.  1  TSJ. 

Vk      Betsey   Blakeslee.  m, Dlakevie.-. 

Vlk  Confent  Bkik.vMee,  k.  Scpr.  v?4,  i;:i;'.:  d.  Dec.  -J,),  ISJS;  m.  lV,-ik,  >.  of  Jov  and 
Abigail  Tuttle  Bisliop,  vIim  (k  in  No.  Hav.  Fek.  -J:),  isfil.  1.  Amuikw  H..  Oct.  l!i,"fSU!h 
d.  May  ;:;i.  l^il.  -J,  Mj.iiAi,,  At'ri!  4.  1^11:  d.  Sejif.  5,  iS4>i:  m.  Miirline  kradle\ .  :k 
Kl'ji.A,'  Fek.  Ill,  \<\:i:  d.  S,-].t.  -2]".  IS}-?;  m.  Sallv  Akkv.  4,  OlMtiN  <)i;s.,x,  Feli.  fi.'lM.T; 
d.  Au;x.  10.  l-^o:-;  in.  Maria  I'kiiiip-  k(4,.  27.  ■|S4o.  "5.  I'  Ik.  Marck  kk  1S17:  in. 
A])ril  Ik  ks4i.  Ciunk.rte  'riioii.c.  0,  Atk i.i.i A ,  .! liie-  10,  ksfH:  .k  Mav,  lv77;  m.  Miuck 
:J1,  k^aO,  IJora.ce  .Joliiis.,11.  7.'Ami;lia.  .lum-  in,  IsiS;  d.  Dec.  -js,  \s\:-,:  m.  A]-.rik  iSoS. 
Amos  ]\-ase  Stone,  n.  kiirrsKY  A.,  .luh"  22  IsOl;  m.  .\ov.  2.").  kS;',.^,  Oi-rin  Mansfield. 
9.  Dav.,  k.  .hiite  k-),  lsv;J:  d.  .-auit>  d.av.  "  ]ii.  Ikii.i.y  C..  An;;-.  -21,  k'^24;  m.  Oct.  io.  kSl:;^, 
Hdwin  .\fan-!ield.  n.  .Iamts  K.,  Oct."  10.  k-<-'(i:  m.  Fek.  1.  is4(k  Kii/.ak>etli  Turner.  1'2, 
<;ko.  a..  .Inlv  ^s!.  k^2'-:;  \'\.  .Inlvljii,  fSjil.  Clari^-a  kk,ickir.!:kam.  lo.  Jason  ]i. ,  A]>ril 
IT),  \K.A):  d.  .iiiie'.  is;3:j.  ]4,  D'at..  F<  1>.  .  \s:-\:\;  d.  Marck,' IK'.ik  k").  kAfi-.A.  S..  Sept. 
■21,  k-^;].";.  Itk  Ki  I  1-..V  I'oNTKNT.  .lun.  o.  1S-j7;  d.  Dec.  '22,  ls."i7;  m.  Dec.  '2:1  IS.IG,  (ieo. 
M.  Bea.di. 

459.  Hannah  Tuttle,  k.  Nov.  10.  171o;  m.  Fek.  «),  17H7,  Christopker.  s.  of  J)ea. 
Samuel  and  Susanna  ('rutrk>)  'I'odd  [fj],  k.  Atiril  27,  17k-^.  He  lived  and  d.  in  Xo. 
Ilav. :  lii.s  will  ]>i-(iv.  17s.");  nms.  wf.  liaunak,  S()ns  Samuel,  Dan  aiiki  I'.dmuud,  lieirs  of 
dan.  Ikmnali  kradk-y,  in  wit:  Meliitaule  and  Sarah  Bradley,  dau.  Al;ii,^ail  and  {^r.  chil- 
dren Oliver.  Flam  and  Susanna  Tod-k  llar.nali  Wlieelerand  Josiah  Todd  Wkeeler.  The 
yr.  ciiik  Inid  I  Hcje  Josiali  'J'odJ's  land  in  Xew  ("am bridge  Soc. ,  Farmington.  Court,  1S31. 
urns,  children  of  Akiirail  Wheeler,  dec.,  Elam  and  .Vdin  Todd,  heirs  of  Oliver,  doc. 
Mabel  'i'ruesdelk  heir  of  Sarah  'i'ruesdell.  <lec. 
1.      Susanna  Todd,  1).  Fek.  l!i.  17:i7-N. 

Ik    Oliver  Todd,  b.  Oct.  -2.  17;;:). 

Ilk     Samuel  'J'odd,  li,  Jan.  4.  1741-x';  m.  Abieall  Tutrle. 
IV.      Dan  Todd,  1).  .^lalc)l  2u.  17kJ;  m.  Lucv  I'rost. 

V.      Flane.ah  Todd,  b.  i:i  W'aierburv,  Conn.,  Nov.  C,  k;4(.;:  d.  hek  17S5:  m.  Feb.  1!). 
1767,    Abel,    s.    of  Moses    Bradlev,    b.    Ajiril    7,  174-2.      1,   Mr.niTAnr.K;    su]).    the  Mabel 
Truosdell  of  ksr.l.     2.   Sai:ah,  d."  b.ek  1S;^1:  m.  Truesdell  and  left  ckik 
VI.      kaluiund  'I'odd,  b.  Jan.  i!.  174.S:  m.  Hannah  Tuttle. 
Vlk     Muhilable  Todd.  b.  Nov.  (1.  17ok 

viik    Josicvh  Todd.  b.  oei.  i:.r;o:;. 

IX.     Abig.iil   'I'odd,    I)    Oct.   -22,  Ik.o,   m.    - —  Wheeler.      1,   Hannah.     2,  J»isiAH 


4593.      S.'imuel   Todd,   b.    Jan.  4,    i:4!-2:    reui.    to    riymouth.    Conn.  (Todd    Ikd- 
low),  abt.   1770;    (k  April     kl,   jSlO;    m.    kis    c.uisin    .Miiu-ail,  dau.  of    Wni.    and    .\bii,'ail 
Tuttle.  .ki'ie  7,   i7(;'.):   d.  .)i;ne  -J-k  ls2S. 
J.      Oliver. 
II.      S:iniuek  b.   Mai'di  1,  1774;  d.  ne\t  mo. 

252  j'.K\\(  II   o\-  .iosx'wiss. 

45931.     Oliver  Todd,  1>.   S.'i.i.  11,  1771;  d.  .lum-  5,  18;W;  m.  Mav  li),   17!Jl,  Al.i 
uHil  Wan.-T,  1..  Im  1..  I'.l,  177);  (1.  -Inlv  Id,  isl'.i. 

I.  Sainii.!.    1.  K.!..  IS.  Wxl:   ,1.   .v.  /.,.lu!v  22,    1870:   lu.  Mm v  l'i>T|K,nt,   h.   ,\))!il 

U.      Miraiuia.  1..   .Miuvli  -j;,  17!»J:  d    Au-.  :;i,  ITUii. 

111.      Milan, l:i,  1..  .Iuim^-^T,  ITH'l;,!     !),.,•.   K],  ISHt;   i;,.  Merrilt  IJiji-frs. 

]\\  I'olU  Maria.  !..  M:>v  Iv'.  i:!'!!;  in.  Ainil  2:],  hS'iO,  John  M.  Beach,  1..  Dcr.  ](), 
]7!ll;  .1.  Ai>ril  1.  isl:).  1,  Oi.rvM;  Tom),  I.,  o-t.  ;j.  IWl;  m.  Nov.  1.  1^11,  .Marv  HalJ- 
win.  1,  ('■if/mru',.  h.  Apr:'  111.  i^KJ.  L',  h'r.- nc< .^  Lo-.h'i,  Dec.  21,  1n41.  :;,  .A/.'//, 
J/(;/-.vA.'iV,  Miiv  12,  ISK).  ^,  M<  .vaml,  r.  :\,,hi,t,l,.  ('>.  ,)rii  nj.  2,  Auic.mi,.  b.  Sept.  Ki. 
1>^2:^;  111.  ()ri."20.  l'vI2,  Trniiiaii  ]).  lv( -.  h.  K.'C  2:).  ISM;  ics.  Pjvinouth.  1.  7/,/,/-//,  h. 
Nov.  1.-),  ISOO. 

\'.  .loci.  1..  Mai.h  :jO.  ISlJl;  (!.  May  1,  IS.M;  m.  Soj.t.  8,  lt-2(J.  Austria  (iii--s.  1.. 
Julv  y,  1S07;  d.  Aim.  0,  1^-17.  rem.  to  .Marietta,  o.  1.  Tkk  tils  Sam'i,,  I..  M;',rch  10,'lS2.S; 
<t.  Au^i-.  28.  1S.54;  111.  .Ian.  2:i.  ISo-l,  Emma  Caldw.  11,  1..  Nov.  5,  ls:',S:  d.  Frh.  22.  IS(i'J. 
riymouth  Co.;  Ti's  Marietta,  o.  1,  }hi)-!i  CtiUhrdl,  1..  S,-).!.  1.").  IS.')!.  2,  Makv  l'ir:j;- 
rONT.  F.  b.  IM.  js;]!),  ,11.  Xcv..  Isr.U,  .hjiiii  L.  S!ia,v,  I,,  .hwic  (].  ISO!);  r.'s.  M..  O.  -J, 
F)i.\NCKs  I.diis.'i,  M;;_v  2'-!,  is;i2;  d.  .Ian  2s,  IS-I?.  -1.  ( 'ii.\i;i.())tv.  ]j.i/..>l1;i;i  ii,  Ajuil  Ki, 
]H;5G.  d.  May.  2i;,  ISj:!.  .">,  I-'.mmv  .1.\NK.  .lulyi).  lSi]S;  in.  .Iumc.  1s.')7.  Natha'i  ']'.  ('as.-,  b. 
]S27;  res.  l)e-s  Moin.  .s.  *!.  Bl:^•.lA^n.^■  Sir.u.ucK.  .Ian.  2S,  IslO;  d.  .\u;:'.  2:!,  ISCJ.  7, 
Al)i-;i.iM-.  MAinA.,  b.  and  d.  April  10,  is):!  s.  \a-.  (iUA.NH  Hkkks,  May  2:-!,  l.siJ;  d.  (>et. 
'2k),  ls!i4.  at  Carlton,;  in  war.  Si,  Cohnki  ta  ArsTinA,  .Jan.  2s,  1840;  d.  al>t.  18(»2; 
<ia!io!!,  Crawford  ('o. ,  (). 

VI.      Al>i.irail  Timlo,  b.  May  21).  ISO:!;  d.  iinm,  .luly  1(1.  1S47. 
\\\.      l>avid.  b.  All''.-.  :iO,  IS'ii.");  in.  and  liad  Fain,  and  ri'iji.  tu  Cincinnali.  <). 
VJII.      Hiram,  b.   An^;  o,  1S()S;  ;,  dtiitisi;   ir.-,.  Culiiinbus.  O. ;  ni.  Carrii-  V..   \N'rii:hl.      1, 
1.I/7IK      2.   \^'Tl,l.!I•:.     ;!,   Fi,oi;i:n(  i: 

IX.  Hli/,abe:li'',  b.  S.-pt.  1.  ISIU,  lu.  .lames  JJn.u-n,,  [.]|.| 
X.  Oliver  Aiufi-ustus  (jarrelt,  b.  Oct.  1,  l!sl2;  n-s.  1  )anlmr\  .  C(,nn. ;  lawyt  r:  •!  udtre 
of  Frubate,  is")!),  m.'.lune,  20,  1S;34.  Mary  Ann  I'ierpniii,  b,  Aui:.  2;!,  ISlo.  d."Man:li  27. 
ISiiO.  i,2)  0<t.  s,  ls(i.s,  Josepliine  (rray  SinPii-is,  1'.  ai  \\'ili< :n,  C.inn.,  Ajn-il  80,  1-4(1.  1. 
Mii;a.\|)A  I.iuis.s.  .Inn-'  ;,  is;!.").  2.  ]ri;M;v  Arcrsri  s.  b.  .March  s,  is:i7.  ;).  >F\i'.iox 
BKAinriiin .  !)ec  ;).  ]s;3s.  -|.  Fn  \x(  ]:s  Ai>i:i.Ariii:.  Si-pi.  22..  1s40:  m.  .lann-s  Xorfin; 
n^s.  N.  Y.  C.  ,"■),  b;ATUAi;!.\K  I'l  nu'ii.NT,  b.  Nov.  12,  1S12;  d.  y.  0, 
Ih.T/.A  i;k-|  ir.  Se])t.  ;■;,  ISll;  d.  y.  7,  lltKAM  \\' A 1 ,1.  A(  i;,  Marcll  12.  IS.IO;  d.v.  S, 
At,fi;ki.  ]>rv'.i;roxr,  Aj.ill  11.  is.VJ;  /'.  by  -id  r,i.:  0.  SAMrv.i.  S'l  i  i;(;i;s,  l)ec.  27,  IS'lii.  10, 
Jo<i:eiiixK  (i'k.\.v.  March  is.  1X73. 

4594.     Dan  Todd,  b.  March  2(1.  171:!:  d.  Sei.t.  20,  is(l,^:   m.  Lucv  Frost,  h    17.')4;   d. 
Jan.  8.  1821:  res.  X.  Ilav. 

F      Sainne];  stnd.  law  and  srt    in  Ciii<-inna;i.  O.      1,  7>(/".,  m.  1\<'V. . 

II.  .b.siah,  b.  ])er.  IS.  17!)!.  at  Nn.Hav.;  m.  .'nue  Is,  1710,  l'7I;/„belh.  dan.  of 
-lessi-  and  FatieiM-e '/FiMd)  C]ii;ton,  b.  Se].t.  20,  17l!0;  ivs.  Xev.  Cenn.,  Newarl;  Valley, 
'I'ioj^a  Co..  X.  V.  1.  Sami'KL,  b.  Ani;-.  22,  1SI7;  slnu-inaker:  No.  Ilav.,  Conn.:  m.  .ban. 
T,  is'.jl,  Emily  (dan.  llnrvev  and  N;u.<-\  .lohnsun)  Ivich  of  Owe^o,  N.  ^■.,  b.  Dec.  10, 
1S2.');  d.  Newark  \'allev,  x!  ^  . .  Fee  'ii;.  isos.  2.  Fi;ki>i:hi(  k  llAM)i;r,,  b.  Feb.  20, 
1S1fl;m.  Sej.t.  17.  1S.-,(V  ]>b,.l,r  b7rr/abitb  Sb.sson.  b.  Nov.  '.i,  ]^;'.0.  ],  IF//'.  Sh'sMu. 
•Ian.  2f),  d.  .Ian.  2!l.  1S.V2.  2.  Cniui,  Au>r.  0.  d.  An<,r.  20,  IS.VI.  :;.  D'nui.  .-Vnir.  0;  (t  win) 
d.  Sept.  8,  IS.^,1.  4.  ]-rnlrrirl.-  /.-////.v,  .NJar.di  10,  IS")!!;  icl.--rai,hrr  at  'I'owanda.  Me.  o, 
Frtti'l.-  Jhiijd.  „.  ]k  F.'b.  20,  ISOi).  at  Fi-,  Hapids.  .M  icb.  '  H,  l\r.,  d.  a.  3  we.'Vs.  4. 
Amki.m  .linii'i-,  b.  .Fine  7,  ISj;!.  m.  l>ea.  NVm.  H.  Ibisbnell,  Niwark  Vailry,  ?N .  V.  ."), 
llE.NKiKTiA  ^^^\ll.\(  i..  .\piil  22.  1S27:  r(s.  N.  V.  0.  l;'ir;i;!;i  IJfUxs.  .Mai.di  .0,  lS21i:(i. 
Se]>t.  28.  is;;i.  ;,  .Mailv  .Josmmi im;,  Feb.  0,  is:!:',;  m.  S,  Fii)i;i.i\,  Mav  i.  is:!.");  iF 
iMuy  10,  ISf::).  !),  44ii,i;r,-..  Adki.  mdi;.  I).-c.  4.  ISijS;  vi.  Feb  14.  ISlHl,  Manddbert  New- 
ton Chapm:ni;  fanner.  X.  V.;  b.  -luh  .">,  iS;;;;  d.  I'rb.  11,  IbOS.  1,  J'',i/i  ,,//./:>■-:(  ji/ti/h\ 
Oct.  2S.   ]S02. 

III.      Mary.  ni.  Stn-r!   II  nniiston.  (Ibi'rlin,  O. 

IN'.      llannali,  m. I  ves. 

\'.      Fn'-y,    num. 

4596.      Edmund  Todd,   b.    .Ian.  (i,   174S;    ni.  his  consin    Hannah    'lull  ]••,  sisier   of 
.'Mi.:j-ail,  \\\     of  his  bio.  SanuK'l. 
1.      Fiani. 
II.      .\din.    rem.  to    .Me;,ditli.     Didawar--    Co.,     X.     "\'.;    m.       !.    CiM'>i-.       .',    S\li,v. 
3,    l,\riiA.     4.   4'rn  s.     .")_    i;i.i;\i>\.     0.    1m;.\sii  s. 

TODD,    TUTTI.E.  ^y.i 

HI.      PaiiiH. 

IV.     J.,%-(lia,  111.  Cliamllcr  XfU'toii  of  Bristol,  Coiiii. 
V.     Susanna,  lu.  May  1,  170:!,  Uri  AU.-n  [i]. 

45961.    Elam  Todd. 

I.     Trill [KTi'jico.  1).  1-Vl).  0,  ]7nO;  m.  ].aiiri;!i.  .--.  of  Asapli  nnd   Diujiaii^  Todd  Mt;>r- 
rijtian  of  Mcridi-n.  Conn.,  who  d.  April,   ISGT,  a.  80;   (>  cliil.     1.   Hannah,  1>.    Dec.  2s, 
ISl.");  in.  C)c-t.  10,  1838.  A!i>ert  Fostpr  of  Meridt'n.  b.  Nnv.  7.  1804. 
II.     Dull,  rem.  TO  Munioc  Co.,  O. 
HI.      Flora. 
IV.     A>a. 

V.  Silas,  li,  Xr.v.  ^n.  I7!i:-':  n;.  Nov.  :-!'\  l^-}."),  li.-ts.-y  riUf^y.  1..  Aiiir.  1;J,  ISOO.  1. 
.Iamks  I)oi;r;,  1).  Maivli  2-2,  ISili);  Conjj'.  Min..  Craniie  Falls.  Minn.;  ni.  Oct.  2.  ISo.-)' 
Susan  S.  Webster.  1,  CoriuJin  Knnina,  Dec.  8,  1850.  2,  JaiiHi<  Morcu-i,  Oct.  12,  IN.^i.S. 
3.  Wm.  Eihniril.  April  20,  IS'll.  4,  Daud  lUi.Uy.  May  18.  1860.  o,  Jonv  llei/nnrd. 
Oft.  27,  lSfi7.  (>,  8i'.!^"!i  Eraii}:cth,  So])!.  4.  isll.  •>.  Esiinni'tA,  ]>.  !).,•.  17^^,  1828': 
111.  Josipli  Alonzo  Frink.  H,  Adf.i.ia  Ei.i/.a,  dan.  20.  ]No2:  d.  May  K.t,  l.s73;  m.  Biicr 
15.  Ben.son.  4,  Fi^waiid  Pavsdn,  b.  July  24.  1837:  ni.  Jaiio  M.  Lcinon.  ."j.  MAin 
Ki,iza)u:tu,  b.  Ati^-.  22,  1839;  ni.  Joliii  M.  Favake. 

VI.     Arli^ali. 
VI 1.      liannali. 
^'Hl.      .Marv. 
IX.     Fvciiuc. 
X.      Ep.liraim. 
XI.     Adui. 

45.10.  WiJham  T\lttle,  b.  Aus-.  1,  171S;  d  O.r,  -),  17!'0:  v.-ill  dat.ri  ,lni:ol7. 
1785,  lun.s.  \vi.  Abiirail,  anil  all  ilio  (diiidn-n:  had  land  l)ouud<.'d  by  donah  Tutth-,  hoir  of 
Hea.  'J'uitlH  of  New  Haven,  also  on  Blue  Hills  bound.'d  by  Isaac  TntTlc  and  Enos  Todd. 
Inv.  taken  bv  Peter  En^tinan  and  Cabdj  'J'odd.  Hi'  m.  in  S.Mitliiuirton,  Conn  Jan  •"".■) 
174  1,  Al.i-ail  Fr.'deri(d.vs.  b.  May  27,  1719:  <i.  Ma>  !.  l^lii,  a.  f)7;  rhil.  b.  in  X'o.  Haven", 
bnt  he  ri-ni.  to  Plymouth,  Conn. 

I.      X';ahan.  dan.  1,  1741-.");  ninn. 

H.     .b.el.  Mav  1,  174'J:  ni.  Sept.  3.  1772.  I.vdia  P.radlev. 
HI.      Hannah. 'b.  Jan.  22.  174X;  in.  FdinnndTodd. 
IV.      Al>i.y-/dl.  1).  Hino  7,  17  lU;  m.  Sainind  d'odd. 
A',      ^'^"ilii;!ll!.  m.  Phebc  Bnulh  y. 

\\.      Pati'-n.c.  b.  .May  1,  17--)2:   in.  I'diene/.er  l>:ad!ey. 
VH.     Maiv  Ann.  1'.  .Mareh  21,  17o4;  nnm. 
VHl.      Sara'h.  ni.  Setli  Pluiuh  of  Wair.l. 
I.\.      Matilda,  m.  Kjdnairi  Todrl. 

45.10.2.      Joel   Tuttle,  b.  May  1,    ndH;  (1.    Oct.    !'.  IS2r.;    will  jn-ov.    ^ni.  vr.  of  Xo. 
Hav..  inn-,  ihih.  Aliral.ani.   t-diada.  Hannah.  \vf.  of  David  Bassett,  Olivo,  \\L  of  Harvi'v 
Bassett.  Soly,  V.  f.    of    Ira    I'oolitth-,   Loi<,    \vf.    (d'  Fcvei-<'tt    Morse,  Lydia.  wf.  of  Justus 
Smith,   and    i^ueinda,    wf.    of    Ruel    Todd.      I>\nian    d'odd   anfl  Dan'l    Pierpont    exrs  •   m 
Sei.t.  3.  1772.  l.vdia  HiiMllfv,  who  d.  A))iil  24.  1SI4.  a.  (!4. 
I.      Fivdeii.dv.  b.  dun-'- 22.  I77;i:  d.  a.  Pi. 
H.      Furi;ida.  Ajifils.  177-""):  in.  Bind  (s.  of  ,b)b  and  Mai-;ha   Tnttlf)  Todd    and  it-ni 
to  Mt^   Ibdly.  Vt. 

HI.      Ai)rahain.  b.  duly  17.  1778:  m.  Mary  Barnes. 

W .      Hannah.  b.May'2s.  17^1;   m.   Havid"  Bassett  (d'  No.  llav..    Conn.      1.    Philan/o 
SilAnnoN,  li.  b-^i!^.     2,  .![i,i.\  .\NN,  IS!(i.      3.    Hauvky  Vk.    I>.    Ainil  7,  It^ld:   m.  Fell    i\ 
]Nld.  .Mary  Ann  ]'(;ot;   r<'s.  Mniden,  C.-ain.      1,    Klls^mrfl,   /•'.      2.    L>ir,j  A. 

\.  Olivi',  b.  .<ept.  2").  17>;3;  m.  Hai'vey  l>as>eu  of  Plymouth,  Conn.  ].  Luciiuhi. 
2,    Jf.iiiit'tli.      3,    //.'/T' v.  and  anoilier. 

VI.  Fdiuda,  1).  J. ill. -2.  li^'d:  m.  Hannah  Santord. 

VII.  Folv.  b.  Si-j.t.  27.  17.^S;  in.  Ira  nuolntl,'  nf  Nortb  ii.aven.  Conn.  1.  S.\i;  u( 
111.  Ib-iiiy  Bladb-y  o;-  Bristcd.  1.  W,  i,i ,r,,itl,  If.  2.  linn;/  I).  3.  JIar''ii,  I'n'jt.  \. 
S'lruli  An:,.     ."J.    S,i,il!<i.     2,    .\  ATU.\Nir.i..  d'c.     3,.    1 1;  \  i-iA  km  r-i',  irs.   HfiTm,  f^mn. 

Vlli.      l.vdia.  b.  April  7,  17'll;   m.    .lu-tus   Smith    ol    .No.    H.iv..  and  liad  2  Hnl   ■    liofli 

IX.  hois,  b.  Dec.  22,  17iH:  m.  hov>-rott  Mor-.-.  1,  Fussa,  m.  \\dlli.-^  Savan  of 
Berliu.  Conn. 

'■2.rj4:  rniANCi!.  or  joxa'i  man. 

45.10.23.     Abraham  Tuttle,  l'.  July  17,  177^;  d.  An-.,  l.'^07,  n.  SD;  rc-m  to  Ply- 
riK.iuli  fil'-oiil   ISO');   111.  May  M  ),   l^-Ul.  Mavy  IV.iiiicsdf  Wall'd.      lie  in.  (2) I'ayiie. 

I.  (Jcorur,  li.  Si-jit. 'l2.  ISW?:  rem.  lo  (.'and',)-,  Tii^ii,-;'  Co.,  N.  V.,  .lane,  ]s:54 ;  d. 
Julv  2o,  lytiS;  111.  May  22,  ls2").  Soi>liiu  Xrul",  1..  in  Sniiiliin^'ton,  Coim.,  A})ril  2S,  1,S0}, 
si?. "of  Hcv.  linlliii  11.  Ncalc,  I>.  1'.,  the  ('iniiieut  15:i;iti-t  tlcrfryniun  oi  Boston.  Ma-s.  1, 
IJoLlJN  H.,  ITS  Cui'.dnr,  N.  Y.  2.  (iKonc.i:  lloi.i.i.N.  in  .1an.  17,  ISdIi,  I'limna  A.  Norton 
(Istcnu'-.)  1,  /Vr.;-,  ;;r,  Alt'n'ii,  b.  -laii.  20,  1871;  ;r>.  RrisKd,  Conn.  ;},  Ki,i\i).\,  m. 
Oct.  lo,  1SI'>»I,  Np.ncy  l.aUian.L^.-.  1,  llV/Zt- .  li.  Au/r.  ID.  IJ-C)!.  2..Fn'l(U',  .luly  v7.  18G8; 
res.  ('aiulor.  -1,  \\  AiiKKN  Hri.i,.  ni.  Di'c  K.\  1S()2.  J-ydia  A.nn  Fo^^y1ll.  1,  J.firir,  Nov. 
4,  ISIio.  2,  j':';/>)/i'i  Vi'!.  Oct.  2.1.  IMJ.";.  5.  .)o!,i,  Ai;KAi!\>i,  m.  Aut;'.  4.  \H\1 ,  Lucy  Jiar- 
d'en:  res.  A]ipal!\rliin,  Tioga  Co.,  N.  ^  .  1.  lU-rthn.  (">,  Bk>:.i.\mi  n  Fit.\NKLi.N,  in.  Dec. 
i51,  186y,  Tlu'rcsu  BrTli  V.  ;  ics.  C:.;i(]or.  7,  ^1a!:v  Ay.N,  in.  Au<;-.  2o,  1H4(),  Tinujiliy  ("urd. 
\,' Alonzn,  .]\n\(i  !S,  184V.  2,  S,,f,lti.i  /nhhtUl,  Aug.  2,  18:)1:  lu.  F.4).  4.  INOD.  Williain 
i^'elsoii.      8,  Gcordi'  Ro^lin,  Nov.  G.  ISoO.      4,  Carrit  Ji  iuh<  ,  h.  b<-],{,  4,  \sr,U.      ,"j,    7)'>;/of/,// 

Ah'i-'n.  May  HO,  isiU.  8.  Pini.i'..N]iA.  iii.  Nov.  1,  IN-VI,  Danitd  l-onnsliurv.  1,  J.ois  Kni, 
May  ;!,"  ISiifl.  n,  Poi.t.y.  in.  .NLandi  Id.  ]S(jO.  Cluirlrs  V,'.  Allen.  1,  Mi/r/'i^.  Any.  8,  1S(J:!. 
2,  (;,/'iii.  Anir.  S,  18G'). 

II.  Jnel,  .June  22,  1804;  iii.  1''^;j4,  H<-tsey  Coursin;  res.  AVilsey vili.-,  'I'ioo-a  Co.,  N. 
y.  l,"Wn.i!"AM,  Fel'.  8,  l>^>14;  m.  0<-i.  12),  IHI.").  Minerva  Hlair.  l",  Afuaii'-.  2.  Bertie'. 
:-!,  Freddie.  2,  CAU'iriNi:.  .May  T.  ls:l(j;  i:i.  Per.,  ISHI.  .lefTei>;on  Cooper.  8,  Bhtskv. 
Nov.  lo,  l;^l(^  m.  Mareli  21.  1S,")>.  .lohi:  Sihernail.  ;>,  MARTlfA,  li.  Sejit.,  lS4r);  d. 
Sepr.  18.   l.-'l'').      -3.  I,')ri-\,  h.  .May  8,   INoO;  m.  Aug.  22,  1S(>9,  .leronie  Stevens. 

111.      l-lliad.-i,  i).  Marcli  2,  180((;  a  clock  niaker;   d.  .luiie.  18o4,  in  Owe^o,  N.  Y. 

I\".  l.idv,  1..  Mai'ch  22,  IsOs;  m.,.  ,">,  18;^l,  .!(diii  Huinistou  oC  ^yol(•ot.t,  Conn. 
\ .  D.viui's.      2,  rinri:.N-n.^. 

V.  I'hilander,  b.  .lune  In.  l>-']0:  m.  .lune  ."i,  l^;-;!,  Sylvc.'^ter  Fn)>t  of  Soulliinjrton, 
1>.  Mnv  8,  U-iol.  Skiii  F  ,  li.  Fe!..  24,  is::2;  m.  May  2:4,  ISoS,  lltlen  l!al!.  2,  llKinacK 
J'  h  ".hm  10,  IS.i.l;  Ml.  A]>ril  22,  IN.'i.^,  Amelia  >Fix;  re.s.  Cliapel  «t.,  N.  lluv.  ;>,  ll),M;v  1>., 
b  Oct.  12.  F-:'ii'>;  n;.  Oct.,  1804.  Ab',:r:dl  I'.iU-.  4,  Caimh.)  nk  M..  b.  Oc.  ID,  l.s40;  m.  Alay 
14,  18'>',  Nel  on  N.  Mill.--.     ">,  ^Y^;.  !'..  b.  •\^;^  l"i,  IS40:  m.  Seni..  F^TO,  r'anny  Dickinson'. 

VI.'  Maiv,  1).  Ft4..  ■].  |S17;  ;n.  Hinry  Fp:^(.iii  of  \V.4coit,  1,  fli.i.ior  Ar.(;\.\i,  li. 
Dec.  9.  1810;  'ii's.  \\;aerl)ury.  Conn.;  dealer  in  ice  and  wood.       2,   Ivm  ioyi:ttk,  .May  25. 


VII.  Candine,  -Ian.  ;'.l,  ]81!i:  d.  .Inly  20.  ISTO;  ni.  .lolm,  s.  Seth  and  Fydia  ((iilb  tie) 
Norton  of  Fnstol,  Con-a..  b.  Nov.  27,  lSi)2.  A.,  b.  Sept.  10,  1844;  ni.  (F  R. 
Tuttle.  2,  Ai.Tiii'.A  F.,  b.  >F!icl)  0.  is4"-';  in.  A.  V/.  Fiarnum.  o,  Fyih.v  C..  b.  .Ian.  8, 
18.")!.      4,  .FOiN  A.,  b.  May  22.  F-'.".S. 

45.10.26.  Eliada  Tutiie,  b.  .hme  2,  178iF  m.  l'\b.  ll,  ]S12,  llannali,  only  da:i. 
<,f  Col.  J-:iibii  Sanford  of  Hethany,  b.  Scju.  eO,  H;*:!;  d.  Sept.  \:],  18C>S.  Tiieir  dan.,  Mrs. 
<,']i'il-.,  \vt':!(',;  in  1^70,  '■  .My  faFiei  is  m'H  !ivin<'-  bere  in  Bri.sfrd  (Cnnn.>  at  tlie  j^ood  old 
iio-e  (4"  8-1,  with  a  bric-lit,  (jiecifni  C(nint',  iipiiee  and  a  iniiul  uninipa.ired,  but,  of  course, 
lonely  from  the  loss  of  a  u^ood  \\ife.  for  never  -vv.hs  there  a  better  mW'c.  jind  mother." 

'l.      \Vell)ny;ton.  1).  Sejit.    (i,    1814;  drowned  in   San   Francisco   ]3ay,  Jan.    28,  18.")0; 


IF      Elibe,  b.  Se].r.  F?,  1820;  d.  ■<'.    i.  April  25,    1847;  in.  May  22,  1844,  Caroline  M. 

Join!  son. 

III.  Hannah  SaiF'ord,  b.  Deo.  2.-|,  1S22;  m.  June  1,  l84o.  i^inijey  K'dsey,  who  d.  -v.  /. 
Oct.  20,  1847,  H.  27.  She  m.  (2;i  Hon.  Charles  Ezra.  Chirk  of  \\  atertown,  N.  Y.,  li.  in 
Savbrook,  Conn.;  i/rad.  Y.  <'.;  an  eminent  lawyer;  mem.  of  tlic  !S'.  Y.  Assembly  8  yrs. : 
Mem  Coll.  from  \Vatertow-n  Disi..  N.  Y.,  d.  Dec.  7,  18(;:F  i.  by  2d  in. ;  1,  Chakoj:s 
FziiA,  1).  >iarch  0,  ls.-):4;  d  u.  4:;  davs.  2,  JtM.iK'i  S.,  b.  Oct.  !»,  1^,^)4.  2,,  Chahlks,  F.  S'^pt.  Fl.  18")(;.     4,  John  X'KKUi,  b.  Nov.  2,   18.")S.     .F   Fi.ui^K.xtK  S.,  May  1, 


IV.  IFiiriet  N.,  b.  June  4,  1825:  m.  1),  1847,  \\  iltiod  H.  Neitletmi;  .".  /. ;  res. 

Bristol,  C.iiiM. 

V.     S.".rah.  b.  Sept.  10,  ls27.  d.  F.4).  27.  ISl-jlJ. 
VI        Fliada  S.,  b.  Oct.  24.  1^24;   ni.   Ap'il  27,  Fs5S,  Ihneline   llawlev  of   ]',cihhdiein, 
I'onn.      1,    Aktimi:  Wf,i,i,in.:to\,  b.   Feb.    2:i,    1S5'J.     2.    llAi;i;ti:T  N..  b.  July  24,  1801. 
y  Mauv' FouisA,    b.    .Fil\    17,    18'i4;  d.    Nov.    21.    1807.     4,   Anna    Ci,.\i:k.    b.  Juneo. 


A"!l.  Fucinda  .;..  b.  .hiiv  21,  F'^;F;  m.  Sept.  20.  IM.^O,  Ibuiiy  Mcrrimaii  ol  I'ristid, 
Conn.;  rem.  alit.  18b.l  to  Clinton,  On-Ma  Co..  N.  V.  1,  IFCt'iik  Ni:t'1'i.ktox,  res. 
Wauriown,  Conn. 

Tl-TTLK.  255 

45.10.5.  William  Tllttle.  In  Oct..  irsi,  .,ii.-  <.(  tin-  oroiMii/tis  of  an  JCpis.  soc. 
]i!  Nditliiiuiy,  Colli!.:  will  pjuv.  nt  \\'iiteri.iniy,  ('mm.,  Jan.  ,S,  ll^lN,  "late  of  Piynioutli  "; 
JyyiuHn  :iiid  Nallian  'i'nttl'-  adnirs. ;  in.  Plu-lx;  I5iadlcy,  \\]u)  lu  (2)  .Tool  Norton,  and  in 
182:-)  a--  wid.of  Wni.  'ruttlcind  wf.  of  .Foci  Noiton  joiixil  in  acfrfcnuMit  vit)i  Lvniaii, 
Olix-cr  and  Narliaii  'J'r,ii!c  it  latinir  to  lan<i-;  in  rh-nio;iili  ami  Bristol  Slic  d  1S:J7" 
1,  Lyman,  b.  17s:',:  m.  Mcli:t;i!>!i' 'i'oI!,-s. 
II.      \Vii!i:iiii.  \k  Jm'1).  1(1.  ITS,-);   )u.  .Mairh  21,  iSHl.  ];,.i,s'_'y  I'latt. 

III.  Oliver.  1.,  .June  ](\,  ITsT:  ni.  A]»ril  1:],  ]S10,  1-ydia  .\nn  licad. 

IV.  Nallian,  !>.   ITlil;   nuTrham  in  .\i-\vi(;n .  fonii. ;"  d.  nnin.  Oct    :jO    l^^S^    a    47 
V,      Ch\n-. 

W       i'l^llur,  in.  S.uiund  .Mallory:  rm.i.  to  l^i.  wliciv  he  d.      ].   Dat,  m.  Hohert  Neil; 
»(-^'.   I.!il;c  Conio,    \V'avni'("o.,  Pa. 
VII.      Al.i>:aii.  in." Larkin. 

45.10.51.  Lvman  T\lttle,  d.  Ajnii  1;;,  lxr,U.  a.  «(>:  m.  Nov.  27,  iSOo  Meliitaldt^ 
'i'(Ul(-^.  v.liod.  V,-]..  It;.  l.v(iS».  a.  .^o. 

1.  i.riia  .Al.ii:ail.  !>.  Feb.  2'i.  isii;;  unni. 

I!.  liiMiry,  Maiv!,  21.1.  ISOS;   wt-nt  •■,\ oi  a'Hiiit  IS'oo  and  m-ver  lieard  from. 

Hi.  .'nli:i  Ann,  .Ian.  2S,  islO:  ni.  ()>-i.  Id,  18;12.  Au.stin  Sh.ddon  of  Kranford,  Conn. 

IV.  .\l/iiiia.  1..  0<i.  2:>.  ls]l:  in.  May  17.  1S41,  Thomas  P.   Tompkins.      1,   kr.iiiu. 

2,  .t.A,NK.  :-"..   I.Ari?.\. 

V.      l.yniaii,  ]..  Aini!  27.  1S];5:  m. Atwait'i.      1.    Kmockxk.      2,   l^ifiKNK. 

V!.  .Mrldral.].',  Vt-h.  2'!.  isio:  m.  Sfj.t.  in,  l,si7,  iif^nrv  Plninb  (iri'r^r^-  s    i 

y\\  ChloH,  1>.  ])."<•.  U.  ISltl:  m.  Smitli  Dart.      1,   H.4.KKIKT  Lnri.s.v.'^'^ 

Vlll.  Salome.  ])'-(.■.  7.  JSi-S;  m.  .1  nlins  OlmsU-ad.      ],  .Tui.U's  Ai  Gi'STfs. 

IX.  Siidircjui'i.  tvvii;  v,i:li    Salon. e:  in.  William   ];ie',iards.      1.    Ki.ijvN.     2,   Kmii,t. 

:-^     K^r.V.         ),     I'.DV.MU).        .-),     Klk;  \i!.        (i,     KDiTIi 
X.        S;,llv.    li.    \\:,vrh  2o,    JS2]. 

XI.  l.;Miiaeite,  April  27.  Ib2:}. 

XII.  Ci>.-o'it\.  .ViiiT.  2(1.  1S2."). 

Xril.  S.H,ri,K,.  \)<-c,  :!i.  Is27. 

}:\\'  i'llean.n-.  Manli  f).  ISHO:  m.  iJa-^seTt  Cohveli.      ],   Ei,n.\. 

45.10.52.  Vv'illiam  Tuttle,  1).  Feb.  Ki.  17s:.-i:  m.  >iaivli21.  ISIO.  L" 'is,-, ,  d'au.  of 
isaa.    JMai:  of  X'-wtovvn,  (;Mnri..  I),  .bin.  1:;.  ]7;)2:  rem.  to  Meieiiith,  iVdav.aie  Co'..  >,'.  Y. 

1.  .Inlia  Fit'-,  b.  Au>r.  0,  ISIl:  m.  I.'ad  P.-iise.  1,  0]-hi;i.i,\,  ni,  .lobn  I'risbie.  1,' 
Lillir.  2,  .Iri.i.v.  i.-i.  Theodore  Caivin,  left  M  cliil.  :-],  >!ai(i.\,  m.  (fro.  l::il^.  i,  C/iil(J 
(].  y.  4,  Mii.Tn.N.  .").  H!.\!:y.  ni,  Alaria  Peake.  1.  r.//'/7< .  (i,;\,  m,'  Mvron 
tri-bee.      1.   X.f/t,_    '1.    F.v.N.viK.   lu.  .F-i-nie   H.   c'oodrieh.      1.    .)/,/,',/  y;.;/.     2,  Jloicard. 

vS.     H<I\\AJ;!).        9,     lIl.l'.MilN. 

11.  Polly  .Maria,  b.  .May  l:.l,  ISi:!:  ni.  V>",|...  H,,w,..  1,  Po.MKKov.  2,  Cai;u}.i.\k, 
m.  lsa;ic  \\'!ekliam.  '■>.  1  ii-.i.i  A,  m.  l)r.  Cvrns  K.  Teed.  1  ^I  S,>,,  4  Flizvuktit  ■> ' 
hli.t.A.  ■  .  -       .        , 

III.  I'hid,.li;..  .Ian.  F  ispb  (d, ■(•.);  n..  Hir.-iwi  .^M-ajs.  ],  A.N<;E1,IN-K,  .Ian.  Fl  F^rjti; 
in.  }.lay  211.  ]S;V:!.  Peter  <".  Furliam.  lirm  of  Dnrliam  iV"  Wooster,  enrriaoe  makers.  New' 
IJaven,  Conn.  F  fLj'rl-s  S..  b.  Im'Ii.  2U,  18.-)F  d.  St  }>:.  ],  h'^^i2  2  (im  7'  '  Dec  97 
1857.  o.  Mi/rnu  U..  Dec.  20,  ],sr;4.  4,  Wilun-d  s.Oci.  12.  ls<i7.  .■).  /;/•//.  .v/j  Sept  ^>' 
1871;  d.  An.c;.  F  1^72.     2.  l-irFisA.,m.    Aj:ne>,  Thomji.son.      1,    PhuhVui.     2.  AXcnzo. 

IV.  lictsey,  b.  .\l;;v  n,  lvi»:  (dec);  ;n.  \Se\vard  Smith.      1    Ci.iNrox        2    Cir\Rr,F-i 
V.      William,  b.  .km.   11.  1S27. 

VI.      Alonzo,  Miiy  -F  1>^2U. 

45.10.53.  Oliver  TuttJie,  b.  .June  16, 178F  d.  Dec.2o,  1^1)7;  }3a])t.inin. ;  preached  in 
Danbury,  Cmiiii.;  rem.  ihenceabl.  ISftU:  ]ireached  in  Ftica.  X.  Y.,  and  residedsometime  in 
>Ioredi!h,  X.  Y. ;  theme  re]]...  to  Xew  Ilartf.  ,<  imidn  C,..  X.  ^".,  where  lie  resided  abt.  ;j,li 
;>rs.  The  probate  of  iiis  e>t:ite  on  record  at  Ftica.  X.  Y.  He  bmight  in  New  JIartf.  of 
Mr.s.  Corntdia  Ilnnr  120  .M-r.s  of  land  on  the  X'.  llartf.  A"  Ftica  nnul.  now  (ieneseesf., 
Utica;  deed  daied  -Ian..  1.^42  The  >tie,.(  i>  now  b.t;iiered  with  fin.'  resitlences  and  the 
land  vers  valnabh-.  .\  fe>\-  y;-.  befoi-..  ],is  d.  Mr.  T.  tii\  i.l,-d  ]ii<  c.^iate  am-.m;-  his  heirs. 
Tlit^  pan  lyin,;- on  tin'  lF'd;_-.  \var.-r  plank  ma;!  i.-- ..wm^d  and  ticcupied   bv   hiss,    (.'eo    11 

•  Tuttle.  He  in.  April  F!.  ]siO.  l.ytiia  .\ni!  Pea.l;  b.  .liil_\  27.17'.)!);  d.  Ma'y  14.  lb.")!;  dam 
of  Fev.  Am<».  Sh'-  came  01  a  famih-  01'  (deri::vinen  ol"whoin  is  IJev.  Danitd  Peud'  lil^ 
1).-  i'rcsidi-nt    ShnrTli'Teolie;'.-. 

1.      -Maria,  b.  -b.n.  2(:.  1M2.  d.  .Jan    8,  lSiJ4. 
H.     Marina.  i>viii  with  Maria. 
in.      Mercy  Eineliue,  b.  Oct.  18,  ISbF"  m.  Almuii   Baldwin. 

25  G 

BH.VXCfl    OF    .lOXA'li!  ANT. 

IV.  S:ira])  Ann,  b.  O.-t.  27,  ISlo:  in.  Ji-sse  R.  Teed. 
V.  Uf'  K.,  li.  Oft.  1?7,  ISIR;  111.  Ot't.  -^ti  1S."»::!.  Sarah  llayiics.  1.  I^icKMA 
Ski.i;aX(m;.  Fch.  '.^'),  1S.")4:  lu.  Nov.  2;!.  IX^D,  NN'm.  <  Ice  Cattle.  1,  U'/'v.  Th"i,ni.-<.  ^\v.^'•  27. 
1(S7  1.  2,  .(A' /7/  7i //■-/(.  Jan.  i:>,  l^l:'..  ;^..  6'.  ■>.  J/Ar/V.  Soi.t.  27,  !Nr4.  -\.Il<iifh-  Mat,. 
Juno  y.  J877.  2,  M.viiv  July  ](),  IS.V):  ni.  Araicii  1,  l.sTf).  .lolm  INiIhti  .l.^irs.  \\, 
(!f-;o.  Oi-lVEr..  .F!il\  24.  !"<.")'■;.     4,  .\!»a  Loris.v.  .lunc:"),  ]S(11. 

VI.  Mary  An'ii.l).  VvU.  IS.  Is2;t;  il.  Oct.  !G.  lS(il:  m.  .\<jv.  i:!,  IS.'iO,  Sannu-:  I'ra.nri.-s 
'!'(■<-(].  M.  1).,  liiiiot'.t.  S.  'I'ecil  of  I'tica.  will)  \\\.  hi,-.  .-!:<.  Parali  Ann  'i'uttlc.  1.  I,f.i.i.\ 
H.,  1).  Kt4..  U»,  Jx:,:-5;  ,,).  Feb.  :J.  Is:.'),  Cliarie.^  ()\v,-ns  (,f  I'tira.  now  of  riiilaiicli)liia  ; 
sculiiTor,  and  liaii  j!nr(jnn ii.  ,  b.  l>vc.   IS,  1S".8.     2,  Smjaii  \'i()r.\,  .May  1,  b'^:»7;  ni.  May 

1,  ISTi'i,  Slr])lifn  Wood!. nil,  and  Imd  I'Mi J' e.  . I \i\y  ^.  ls7T.  'A.  Howakd  Ja' kson.  -lai;. 
II;  .1.  Nov.  28,   ]S()0. 

45.10.533.  Mercy  Emeline  Tiittle,  b.  <>'t.  bs,  bs]:j:  ,„    ]),<•.  s.  ]s:n,  Abno-,! 

IJaldwin;  rem.  from  iVluwaro  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and  settled  on  a  tann  ni-ar  l'inu:hamton,  N.  Y.; 
t]ici.<-c-  to  Farley,  I)4bu(|ne  Co..  Tov.a;  (ddl.  all  b.  in  Del.  (',...  X.  Y  :  -rv.  of  lids  fain. 
are  ([ulte  \veali'iy  and  all  \'.i  li  to  do 

I.  Samuel  Ki'.-d,  b.  Feb.  12,  IS:;;;.  in  is,",:-  to  Kaii-as  and  ].artici- 
])ated  in  the  "bordf^.r  rutfiiui'"  trotibies;  m.  in  Kansas,  .May  l.">.  iy,~>7.  Arminda  -Ifie- 
Chase,  who  (1.  in  Mo.  I'eb.  20,;;3;  (2)  Oct.  2.3,  l.sCC.  l.iz/.ie  Ann '  Ovenmni.  1,  M.vky,  Nov.  21,  l.s.^:);  m.  ISTS,  in  Dakota,  Dr.  Dowi^s.  2.  Ii).\  AD!.;r,i.,  Sei>t.  14.  bSHF 
i.  In-  2d  m.:  :i.  FoTTii.  f  v.osx.  Nov.  2''.,  bSf;7.  4.  .Fvmks  Al,^i^.^■,  May.  IsT:^.  .j,  Jk.nmk 
I.\.VA.NOiv,  is:4.  tj.  Ei..Mi;i;,  aiid  7,  \N'.M..  twin.-;,  b.  isTT;  ,,ii,.  d'Ano-.  ]S.  u;7>;;  tin- 
other  Aug.  -10,  1S78. 

11.  Cyrus  Stii4ini;-  BaM'.^in,  b.  .\])ril  :',  is:!.-);  wen!  ro  Kansas  with  hi->  bi-o.  Saui4,- 
but  returned  to  N.  Y.  1.S.-)S:  -tiid.  r;i(  d.  with  l)r.  S;.n)iiel  'I'.-ed;  sni-seiinently  ^i\u].  iu  ilit- 
Cinriniir.ti  Col.  r.f  Mei!.:  ri'Ti;  to  and  now  jira.eiices  in  eonneetiun  \\iili  the  di'uo- 
bus.  ill  }^til(y:   m.  Marrii  2.  iS.-)Vi.  .\ia;_\    .\un  .Miller.      1,    Ki.i.A    A.rois'i' \ .  (»e;.    12,  iSilO 

2,  K.M.iDTT  Hii.sroi:,  Dee.  2r),>];  .d.  .Mareh  16,  ISi.K;.  ;;,  Fi.()iu;N(  i; 'IYmplk.  Ant;-.  7, 
1SG7.  4,  liKur.DtT  .Mii.i.KK,  .\u--.  s,  is70.  <■>.  I'h.MKi!  Lavki.i.i:,  .March  4,  I'-'Tb.  0, 
Fmrit  L.  Cnuxfii.iA,  Feb.  i2,  1.^71*. 

III.  (Jeorge  Oliv.-r  Hrddwin,  b.  .April  '.).  18;i7.  an  ex'tensive  faruier;  ni.  Jim-  l,  ISfjO. 
■Alary  Adeline 'i:.>e,  who  d.  Oet.  :-!.  l.s.3'.).  (2)  May  lO.  ISCI,  Maria  Celostia  Tlionijison. 
1,  .Ani'ii-'.  Ih.rzA,  .\i.r;l  l-'-.  ISt;.").  2,  Wai.'I'KH  "Ai.o.n/.O.  April  1.  Is7(t.  ;;,  Cauhiic 
IvNiKrtXK,  .Inly  2li,  ls71.     4.   Cavi.(h;i:) 'J'linMi'sOX,  .\w^.  13,  1S74. 

IV.  Myron  Tnti  le-  Ba.ldwin,  !>.  Au:'.'.  5,  bSdl:  a  i)h(itowrai.her  in  Chiea>,M,  lib;  his 
bus.  i-  n;i..  of  1h,'  lai!(.st  uf  the  kind  in  C.  ;  in.  .Ian.  10,  ISi;.").  Mary  < 'ori'elid  Hurvy.  1. 
(iKo.  Ai,.\;ox.  Nov.  2s,  IS!)";.  2.  I'ur.KL'iK  Mve.nx.  Oct.  id.  is:;:..  ;-;.  MiN.\ir:  ForrsA. 
Sej)!.  2tj,  1S72.     4,  Jru.sux  Hkxhv,    Feb.  20.  d.  Feb.  2s,  1S7.'). 

V.  Mary  Idla  Baldwin,  b.  Nov.  24,  184'.);  ni.  Feb..  lS7i!.  Fev.  X.  F.  lloyl  (Ra[)tisti. 
1,  Ai.iiK,  1).  1877.     2,  MaI'.y.  Jan.  1,  ls79.  aitd  a  stei'-dau. , 

45.10.534.  Karah  Ann  Tuttlo,  b.  Cct.  27,  ISi-"):  m.  by  ib-v.  Oliver  4'utTle, 
April  24,  is;-;'),  .)t-<e  !;.  'I fea  of  Mo!a^ia,  N.  V.;  inventor  and  nianufaetui-er  of  the  Teed 
Turbine  AN'ater  Wdieel.  This  wheel  is  fast  sujjerccdinf;  all  others  of  the  kiml;  the  prin 
ei])al  factory  is  at  M.;  there  is  one  at  Collx-rtsville.  N,  Y.,and  several  in  ntlier  Slates;  ali 
of  the  five  sons  s<  rved  in  the  Union  army. 

1.  (reorye  W.  T'.'ed,  ii.  S..>!)t.  7.  IS^m;  served  in  3  nm.s.  call;  he  is  a  photograplier 
and  ]).irtrait  artist,  hate  of  Chica^-o.  now  of  Moravia;  m.  1S."J7.  l-!(dirida  Hob  ae.d  had  2 
rhil. ;  d.  infants. 

11.  Cyrn-^  Knmulns  Teed,  b.  .luly  o,  l.s:;!t;  served  1.3  nnis.  in  Fnioii  army:  stud, 
med.  with  his  iimde.  Dr.  S.  F.  Teed;c;rad.  Fclectic  Med.  Col.  i>f  the  city  of  N.  ^■..and 
reed.  M.  D.  dec.^-r,c:  has  prae.  med.  several  yc-irs:  he  is  now  d..\-oting  himself  to  tin- 
inculeation  and  spr-ad  of  his  jiecnliar  vi'  ws  of  the  ti'ue  chri.-rian  lif>'  and  doctriiie;  he 
has  pnbli.--hed  si'Vt  ral  nnnibci-s  of  'J'ln  //. /v/.',/,  which  contain  a  s.-rie- (d'  writings  ir. 
whicli  his  .system  of  soul  e\«.dntioii  is  ablv  Mt  forth  and  did'ended.  d'o  .Mr.  Teed  1  am 
ind(4.ted  for  tbi^  record  .,f  the  Tee.l  family;--  m.  .Vpril  I'd,  1S.31),  Delia  M.  Fowe  of  Mi-r.- 

*"I  cl.-^.e.u  to  ennc  ill  :iiy=c'.f  thioui^h  t'c.e  ihrxc  fan-.ilies,  Tultie.  Rend  and  Teed,  the 'Ci-i  [ribe>  of 
Israel  wtio  wfrc  c.-jrricd  ciptL-c.  or  [he  •.■[■j\a  tribes  of  Ua-  ten  in  which  the  ten  w:--re  Inst  in  the  Ass;,-riaii 
i-aptivity,  3,75^  years  ;i;io  Ti:e  luitlc,  4  cod  and  Read  lamilv  constituted  one  larnily,  the  name  oi  vvhict; 
was  '1  ut,  pronounced  in  Hebrew  with  the  long^  sound  01  "  u  '"  or  Toot .  The  lost  trioe^  located  in  Mediri 
and  Cyrcs,  wl\o  conquered  Batiylon,  v.-hs  a  descendant,  through  Media  of  tt:e  l.'St  tribe.-?  of  Israeb  The 
Welsh  i.""p't  •T'-' the  descend  ir't^  of  the  ios'  tiibe  of  l,sach.-'.r".  Ttu-  pron-iisc- of  re>ior.ition  throiiuli  the 
male  will  waft  made  to  l'ui.5  tribe  and  ;hc  family  nmic  'I'oot  Wiis  to  be  tiic  nntetynica!  n;itne  ol  the  re-.tor.i- 
tion  or  the  second  coming- lit  Clirist.  The  Hebrew  word  Toot  means  the  collector  of  il-.c  pco;4e.  Of 
course  I  have  not  iiaic  to  f;ivc  now  the  evidences,  but  I  eivc  yoa  the  above  sim;.lc  facts.  S'ou  do  not 
realize  the  bcaiinn  of  your  present  work  as  a  part  of  a  chain  of  natural  evidence  of  ttio  natural  line  of  the 
descent  of  the   branch  promised   ai  the  restorer  of  Judah  and  Isru'-L"— Zj-.-.',-;- /c  t'l,-  Ccnf'.  Jrou  (."jc'-is- 


(liih,    X.  v.,  (iau.  <>[   Will,  and  i'olly   Mun;i  ']'u;tlc   l.'ouc.     ],   AiiTiin;,  Ffb.  '21,  18G0; 
luittr;i!l  uiul  hMiiisc.ijir  iiaiiiliT 

111.  XN'ilsiiii  l'>.  IV-fil.  b.  Si'|)t.  7,  IS^l,  scivc!  in  riiidu  army  fiMnii  Ix'triniiiiui  to  ciid 
of  \»-iii-.  m.  .\i!^.  IS.  1^1)7,  Mary  ('(lylr;  r(s.  Mi.ravia.  ],  ].ii.i.\x  .^[.VY.  (>ri .  To,  iSCs.  •?. 
J.AMK.s  \'r-i{\u>,,  .luly  -Jl.  187U.  o",  S.vm'j-  Mri/iox,  Av.ii\  12,  1S7-?.  I,,  Ktuih,  N'u.nk, 
^.■■|)i.  •"),  1>7S. 

I\'.  CiuirK'S  .hick.--:;!!  Tccil.  1>.  .hily  :!.  1S-|:!;  scrvcii  in  L'liioii  aruiy  alit.  3  yis.;  m. 
Fi-h.  2:'),  IS?  1.  Aiii.-lia  Mc!/;uurliliii.      ),"l7(,i,.\,   .Miiv  C.  is?."). 

\'.  Mf|..ra  ]■:.  'I'vcd.  ])".  Ainil  7.  IN  I'):  m.  .\u-.  29.  1S!17,  .V.^-ihrl  \\'akcinan ;  i.-s. 
WalKiu,  .\.  Y.  1.  Wii.i.n:.  l>---r.  l-").  l-^CiS;  ,1.  _May  ."),  ISC'.i.  2.  Il.VTTii:  Z.vx.\K!T.\, 
Nov.  2!t,  is7'i.     ;!.   lirKi,.\ii  J'Imma.  27,  ls7:j. 

V[.      Oliver    l''iancis  'l"t't.'(!,  1>.  .March  1."),  1S47;    M.   D. ;  m.    Si-jit.  ^O,  1S71,  Minnie   A. 
Davis.      Ill'  ^^(•|•v^■,l  in  the  I'lii'^n  army  from  bcp-in  to  end  of  tlie  war. 
VII.      Alice  Zanii'^tta  Teed,  ^Fa.y   G,   1  ■'-."):]:  d.  num. 
Vlll.      iMniiia   Teed,,  Jan.  S.  1S,"t7:  m.  Alliert   E.  Xoiton;  inacliinist;  res.  Xoru  ieh ,  N. 
Y.,  and  hiu!  >i.\i".i:!.,  d.  y. 

45.11.      Daniel    Tuttle,    l>.  AjiriloO.  1722:  111.   Phelie  Beach,  ^vho  d.  a.  .S2  yrs. 

'l.  Zi-idiar.  .Iu!v  lU.  17-J2):  ni.' lluiinali  Doi.linie  of  Wall'd. 

11.  I'rud.  nee.  .Tune  2-1,  174."");  m.  Dec.  :!1,  17(i:,  i.'ai.tain  (Jide.m   Tn.ld. 

111.  Dan..  Nev.  27,  17iG;  m.  AbiL-ail  Frishie. 

W .  lu-iion;,  >L-\'l.  -Ji.i.  1741);  went  to  ^■ermllilt;  in  W'eatl'.ei.^liehl.  1775;  an  iirdent 

V.  .habez,  .Iuly3'V,  17.")^"'.;  m.  Fe],.  JO,  177M.  .Mary  Todd. 

VI.  Iciiabinl,  .\ov.  2>.  1". 'i 7 ;  when  n  I'DV  v.-;>.s  liiirt  at  school  ami  d.  s<.nn. 

Vjl.  r.eri,  A]>'i!  2;i,  liHl;  m.  rbiuity  .i(.']in.M..i 

45.11.1.  Zophar  Tiittl.';.  b  -h-dy  ib,  \',i-':  m.  .Ian.  11,  17i'.7,  l!.,i:na]i  Doolirth.' 
\f.,ih \  ill'  W  allin.irb.ird.  (/uim.  lie  went  \s-ith  15er.  mi  .Tattle  \i<  VerniMnt.  then  to  Snsque- 
liiuina  Co.,  reiiu.,  wheie  lie  ,]..  an'!  his  widow  Hannali  m.  \2)  .bmah,  s.  of  Aaron 
]?lakeslee.  audliad  IV-.ij.unln,  Z:e|,har  ati.l  hyui.tu,  froni  %vhom  .i  laroe  re,i,idjer  ..f  the 
name  01  rd,d..e:^!ee  in  \V.  W-iin.  are  ik-r-C'Tcled.  Zojdiar  1'dakrs.lee  \vas  f.  of  Janie.>,  1. 
ami  Saiah  M.,  who  m.  Asa  Packer  (d  Maudi  Chunk. 
I.      Fzra. 

11.      Abiathar,  s..n.  b.  Ani;.  2iJ,  17bli. 
III.      Jolm,  lixed  aiid  d.  in  Vermont. 

45.11.11.  'Hzva  TiDtlt,  b.  in  \\'al'in.cb.rd.  Conn..  .Maidi  20.  ]7r>S,  v,a.^  taken  \o 
Vermont  liv  bis  father  wlicn  yl.nnL^  and  m.  thcr.'  June  I,  17S7.  Heliecca  Thomas,  b. 
Marcdi  7,  l'7G6.  ills  wife  ih  D.-c.  ;iO,  D42,  In  VrU..  IsOl,  with  b.i-;  fa.niily,  consistinp-  of 
wife  and  0  eliildren,  he  left  Weatherstield.  \\'ind.-.or  Co.,  ^'t.,  and  arrivd  in  Sus(ji:e- 
liaunaCo.,  Penn..  in  Vlarch.  lie  drove  tvvoci.\i-s,  mie  two  liorse  ie,;in  arel  raie  ene  horse 
team  all  th.e  v.-ay  from  Vermont.  He  bon>ilit.his  b':id  under  tlie  *..'imn.  titb-,  and  i.aid  to 
Ezekii'!  ilvde  s:';o()  fer  2.00  acres.  Ir  was  near  Capt.  Sj.ancer's  land.  lie  had  after- 
\s'anls  to  )ui.y  s-'AM)  mr.l■^■  tosei-nre  a  title  from  tin-  I'enn.  claimant.  Henry  Drinker.  This 
was  in  Sjiringlield,  and  was  loni;- known  :is  the  Tnttb-  Farm.  Here  he  lived  and  died. 
Tlie  farTii  is  now  owned  by  tlie  Hon.  Asa  Packer,.  Tin"  house  burned  and  with  it 
thi'  old  family  Ihble  which  contained  the  family  reian-d.  F/.ra  was  an  ai-tive  and  ener- 
■;;eiic  man;  acaijienter.  miUu  rii^bt  ami  farmer:  v.ithtlie  aid  of  his  sons  cleared  abmit 
2")l)  of  his  r!(.iO  acres,  an!  b-u!t  tin-  tirst  tsamed  1i<iM.-e  in  r^prini;;;it  Id.  He  interested  him- 
self in  all  public  improvements  td'  his  and  cmuity,  uriring- them  on  and 
aidin.q- them.  He  constrm-Ted  a  !ai-,;;e  part  of  the  ^^'il'^-esbarre  turn-;>ike.  In  1S14  he 
was  road  vieuc-r,  witii  S.iliiion  Tuttle,  .Mr.  Blake -l-v  and  others.  He  lived  and  dieil 
liiehh-  respect-d.  He,!.  .Nlarch  !).  l'-2<;,  Cbil.  b.  in  Wb-atherslield,  WindsorCo..  \'t. 
'l.  Abia.thar,  b.  Maich  2',b  lb^>:!;  m.  .'aiie  liosencrant/,. 
II.  Svlvia.  b.  F.4>,  11.  17bO:  m.  A.  W.  Canier. 
HI.  S;.b:ina.  b.  ?dav  4.  17b2:  in.  Denahili  M<d\ei,/ie. 
l\.  I'.enoni,  d.  Feb.',  ls:>j;  ui.,  has  fain. 
V.  15et~ev.  1).  .Nov.  i;,  \:'.H>:  m.  ai  S.,  Pa,,  .\pril  14.  iN'Ki.  .-lamiiel  Siiti-rn,  jr..  b. 
at  Miibnd,  Pa.'.  Sept.  ■',•  K  17bi;,  1,  4"ii  kkks.v  .\,,  b.  May  27.  bs|7:  il.  Hoc.  H,  l^ul):  ni. 
Nov.  ;■<',  1^H7.  \\'eUo!,i  -S;!!'.!';.  2,  .MaNMNo  1.'..  b.  .inly  '.1.  i^l'.l;  m.  S.'pt..  1s:;i),  i'hil.i 
A.  Alain.  :;,  H(:M;i:.Tr.\.  ..lune  12.  !'^21:  m.  IV-c,  2o,  IS-Il.  .Mib-  Prit.4i:ird.  4.  .H  i.i.v 
A,,  .'r.uv  il.  1^22,  111  S.-pt.  ii.  IsbV  .iob,,  -Jobn-oi^  o.  S.wll  •- (.  ',■]..  <»,;.  S,  1^2.;;  in,  Oct. 
S.  tS.~;  l,'S:imanfh.-i  F.  i.atblop,  ii.  Cu.l-TA.  Dec,  -1.  IS'JS;  d.  Mas  2'.).  b^'i:!.  7,  S.\i'.i;rN\. 
.May  4,  !>=;)l;   m.  .hiiy,   isbo,    L.   I.  Bosem  rantz.      8,    I'liKlu;,   ..lam-    PJ,    l^^-.-J;   in.    Feb.    i». 



I  isc.i.  Oaklt^y.     Shrd.  Deo.  Ifl.  ISO-!.     !),    Ki.iZA,  ,lulv  20.  1S8(J;  m    St-nt   -V,   \sry, 

I  ]j.  \N'.  'rit);U!y.  ■  '  I    •  ~    .  , 

I  VI.     AfliVah.  b.  Murcli  •.'(;.  ]7!i;»;  <1.  Au-.  2-1.  Isf^S;  m.  Ivc.   f,.  I,s20    (;,-,,.-..-e  Stritl" 

i  l.ui.l.  1..  :<uv.  !l,  ]7;-i:.      1.    ], Y.MAX,   Oi-t.   5.   182;!;    <1.  Dec.   25.    1SJ2      2'HIH^'^I    M-iv -^ 

j  1S;JU;  (i.  Oct.  17.  1S4!).     8,   i^nsi-v,  Sept.  1^!,  ivij  (;  ,i.     4.   Amaxd.^    Aiiiilli;     ]'s:3s-",„' 

Mav  .5,  1800,  Isaac  TiflV.iP  '  '        "'-•'"• 

\  n.  Myron,  b.  May  2,  ls02:  ilu-  first  cLiLl  1>.  in  the  tinviisliip;  d.  .^larcli  13  18n.S 
Hi  (.null  Co.,  ^\  H.,  havin^i;-  rem.  tluTc  abmit  1,>^45:  m.  Feb.  0,  iSiil.  Cali.sta  Tliouius  l' 
Kdava):]j  Saj.m-ox.  b.  Xov.-1.  IS.'JC.  2,  K/.n  v.  Nov.  12  18oii;  re.<.  Vtinon  Co  \Vjs'  ;3' 
Xki,>ux  E.VTox,  Nov.  27,  184o:  r^-.>.  ?tfenoniino.'.  \\"i~;.;  :jotlier-<d<-c 

eportuieiit  an   lienor  to  liiui.-']!'  -vk]   t)i^   chnrcli.-     An  obit    iii  the 
WJdt,:  JLn:,,,  Standard  contain.-  s,,nic  add.:     '■  He  n-s.  .^  vr.s.  in  White  Haven  up  to 
lS,-)0.  and  was  a  leader  in  Ineal  atiairs,  a  inriniiei-  ,>.'   the   council  on  its   or'Oiiii/a^  as  a 
borough,  and  for  several  yrs.  acted  as  Justice  of   the   Peace    tor  the  lownshii)  (;f   \!ison' 
He  was  named  as  one  of  the  tniste.-s  by  the  L'-ld-h  Coal  and   .\"av;.>';,tion  C..    wlien  thev 

].  J.d\n,  b.  Nov.  17.  b'-'P?;  ni.  Feb.  U,  b'-;47.  Surali  Crav,  b.  Au"-  2o  IS-^C-  res 
Springvllle.  1,;  A/ T5..  b.  March.  5.  ]S4^'.  2,  Je.n.vij;  !■:  Jiini-lV  IM'i  '! 
Stei-iiicv,  Nov.  2:J,  18o].  4.  Makv,  March  :!.  Ibo:!;  dec.  5,  .Iamk's  \V.^  Juiv  1  ' \^b^> 
(j,   Soi'iiKoxiA.  Jan.  81,  lSo9. 

11       Stepiien,  h.  May  ;;,  1^-47;  nnni.:  re.^.  St.  raul.  Minn. 

III.  Howard  P.,  April  17.  Is21:  Justice  of  [he  J'eace;  Insurance  and  (Vdlectin- 
Airem  at  ^^  hiT(;  Haven.  Lu/.ei-ne  Co.,  Pa.;  ni.  .Marcli  20,  IbiJO.  Sii.sanua  K.  MoiU-e  ,.d 
Way)ie  Co.,  Pa  J.  j,tti.\  A.  2.  Edwakti  W.  3,  Maf.p:)  W.  4,  H  ^ 
Haxxau  M.     G,  Giiovi:]j  (j.  .  ■     •  . 

IV.  Sarah  lb. b.  ecu.  Nov.  23,  1^24:  to..  Jniiies  L.  Vv'inder,  b.  Nov  8  1S24-  res  St 
Paul.  Minn.  1,  Kdwaiux  b.  Nov.  o.  I,s4i/;  ,h  March  .5-  1S71  2  iUKi;^-  "-ind  iwc 
oth.ei-s.  .  .  ,  ^ 

45.11.112.     Sylvia  Tuttle,  b.  Feb.  ll,  1790;  m.  180(i,  Au-ustin  "Wcl is  Carrier  b 
Feb.  10,  17^2  in  lledron,  4'ollaii  1  Co.,  Conn.,  and  reinoved  to  Susq.  C<i.    Pa     abt    b'^'OO' 
T.     Minerva   Carrb-r,    l>.  Uct.SS,   1807;    ni.    I.s3ti,   J,dn:    Emd.    and  has    one'  dau 


Jl.     Mahala  Carrier,  .March  10,  18()!>:    uinn. 

III.  X'larinda  Carrier,   b.  Sept,  20,  1810;  ni.  bs27.    David  Wakelee  and  hud  Mn;\XL.\ 
O. ,   EsriiKii^  A]{AD  and  Ei.iza". 

IV.  Doncy  Currier,  b.  May  10,  lsl2;  ni.  b^iO,  Benjamin  Faurott.   1,  AtcrsxivK  ^Y 
:ind  2.  Cji.\]>.max  C. 

V.  Myron  Carrier,  b.  Fel).  11,  18M;  ni.  1810.  Ph-Jje  Faurott.  He  and  his  s.  Scott 
both  inined  the  Union  army  and  botli  d.  in  lS(;;j  from  contracted  in  the  service 
l.JA.Mi>.     2.  Isaac.     :;.  SroxT.     4.  J(«si;i>u. 

\\.      AuLrii.-tin  Caiiier,  b.  Dec.  ;;l.   l81->:  d.  March  14,  1^40. 
\'il.     Chapman  Carrier,  b.  Api-il  2.*i,  1>;2i);  d,    Mar(di  <}'  iS4s. 

Viil.  Arabella  Carrier,  b.  Jan,  (i.  JS2.-,:  m  1Sj2.  l,evi'^bd..'and;  he  joined  tlie  I' 
army  and  was  killed  in  battl-'  of  the  \\ilder:n'!;.s.  1,  i'^ic.vxcKs.  2.  Addisdn.  V,  luv 
4,  < '.m;!!!.!  VK.      ■"),  Si  i;i'iii;\.      0,  ,\i;  \  i'.i-.j,i.a. 

IX,      Eli/oa,  b.  beb.  s,  is2io  d,    Mav  2:.     !8:;it 

45.11.113,  Tutllo,  b.  :\ray  1,  17;i2:  m  in  S-.rioi'-viPe  Siis,,  Co  Pa. 
S;-pt..  1^10,  Henai.di  McKen/.ie,  vb,.\srnt  fi'oUi  Eeban'-u,  U  ind'hamVo  Conn  to 
^■"■-  '"  l^*'l-       i^i  tl-'t  wimerMr.  M.  i;c/i>;ie  and  Caot.  Hard  w<-it  2"  m'!e<  to  MmrvaM 

TUTTLi:.  250 

jirar  tlie  uiout':  of  tlif  Wy^ilusuig  riv.M-.  f(M-  --niiii.  ami  Ir.ulit'j.l  tht-iv  at  lihick's 
mill  H'-  cli'iui-.l  rJ.-j  a<Tt's'  of  his  own  faiin  and  o:-!  of  thai  of  liis  father-in-hnv.  Lute 
in  lifo  li<-  sold  his  f.-viui  ami  bouirht  a  hons,'  and  lot  in  M(;ntrose.  Just  hrfort>  his  death 
(Fcl)  M  IS?-''  in  his  s.")th  vt-ar)  he  vas  th"  oldest  vv.m  in  the  horoiiLih;  the  nicmher  of 
longest' standing  in  iliePiesln.  rhh  and  ]»-U  in  honm-  In  all.  Mrs.  Sal.rlna  McK.. 
d.  in  Briduewa-er.Pi...  Srpt.  :20,  ISM.  ,„    .    ..  ,,       , 

I      E/.va'l'ntih-  McKenzie.  h.  Sept.  o.  isll;  rem.  to  Jll.  ItJoi;  ni.  and  has  two  dans. 

ir      John  M''l\enzie.  1>.  An>r.  t?:.  isj.^:  m.:   went  lo  Kansas  in  1S70,  where  lie  took 

up  a  farm  in  Detroit.  .■<i}tcc  ravairc-d   hv  the  o;rasslio].].er  ])lagiu\  wliirh  destroyed  evory 

f-reen  thin--  .'ven  t-  the  in-aches  on  the  tree^~.     On  tin-  24th  of  Au-,.  1S74,  he  was  mor- 

lallv  woutTded  hv  the  accidental  discluuKv  of  a  i)islol   in  the  hands  of  a  hoy  and  d.   22 

houVs  after.      l!i"s  fam.  now  live  in  Iowa.      1,  (i  KV.niLUK.  ni.  and  had  4  dans.     2,  Maky. 

"in       Fli  M<dven7ic    b    Dee    -J:;.  ISIo:  ni.  and  li  vin-' reia-  Seranton,   Pa. ;     ,•<.  i. 

IV.'     Xa.nni   MrK.-n/ie.   h.  Der.  ^i,  1S17;  n, .  f.  A.  Barne.s.      1,   i:r.HKKT  P.,  res    Mon- 

""'^V.'''«T!deon  Nohie  .MeKen/.ie,  h.  Mareh  01.  18-20:  m.  and  liv-.<  in  111.      1.  Kittik    h. 
ISOO.     0.    ]-:mvix,  b.  1S(J4.  . 

VI       Catliarine  Jud<l  MrKenzb-,  twin  with   (i.  X.:  d.  Nov.   1,  IS.-I. 
Vll.     Geor<re  MeKenzie.   b.    .May  p.   ISOO;  livin.o-  in    Jll.      P    ^^M.     2.  PnwiN.       3, 

(']  ai;a.     4.  V.\.\.  ,^  ^,  ,^       ^   .,. 

VIll.     Jane  MrK.Mr/.ie.  b.  OeT.  2P  b^2P  tn.   Pobert  h  oster.      P  Mri.ToN   H.     2,  M  \tiY 

■V      H    (iijtKCK  E. :  ri'-.   Montrose. 

PX.      Elizabeth  MeK.■nzb^    b.  Sc].i.  23.  1^27:  d.  Jnne  P  l^Tl 

X      Edwin  M.jKenzie,  b.  June  29,   ls:5P  m.     P  Pdwakj-,  b.   isbl.     2,   lP\ii;aKT, 
1S0:1      :3    Pons    IsGu.     4,  FAVt;TTK,  1>;72.  and  babe  unnani-d. 

XI  'Phprles  .AleKenzie.  h.  Mav  12.  1S34;  enlisted  Sept.,  isp.l,  in  O..  D,  :)lst  Hegt. 
Pa  V,.p  He  was  <vn  board  the '\\'inii-!d  Seoti  near  Beanforr.  durin,:r  a  terrible  sTorni, 
hrwater  lip  to  his  waist  l.,r  24  hours,  and  as  a  eonseipien-e  was  in  hospital  nearly  all 
vvinter.  thou-h  eniplove<l  niueh  of  the  time  as  hospital  nur.-<e.  He  was  s..  elReient  m 
thiscaparitv  that  he"was  retained,  ihou-h  :ible  In  ji-ir-h.  nid;  t,.e  fall  Oi  Sbo.  IIis 
first  and  onlV  battle  was  that  of  the  ^\■ihlerm-s  (May  (!.  1^04),  wh.-re  be  was  killed  by  a 
l.<a]1  throciiili  fhehf^'k— .A'</.>;;'/i  B'lriw  of  Jfontr".-.',  Po. 

45.11  .2.  Prudence  Tuttle,  b.  June  24.  174r,:  m.  by  Mr.  AVatennan  of  No.  Hay 
(k.nn  Dee  :;!  17(i2.  Papt.  (-;ideon  Tn<id,  b.  Nov.  :P  1737;  Mr.-..  Nancy  Jones,  now  (PS, 1^ 
in  lier  Soth  vr  writes  to  the  Compiler:  ■•  Prudence  was  a  remarkable  woman.  \\  l>en 
^he  British  "invaded  New  Pavei,  '.niM)  h-r  husi^and,  v.dso  had  made  rca.dy  that  niornin-- 
TO  bntch.ev  a  fat  ok,  rauiiht  uo  his  '^nn  and  ran  uitli  his  neighbors  to  the  defense  of  the 
town.  After  he  left,  Prudenee,  with  the  hel].  of  a  boy.  killed  the  ox  and  sent  it  on  after 
them,  savin-.  •  thev  must  hav.-  smnelhino-  to  give  them  .strength  To  bglit  "  fshe  .1.  l\v 
10  17!*s"  Hem.  i2)  March  7.  17VM).  Eunice  Piockctt.  b.  Peb.  21.  1,44:  d.  Maich22. 
IMU-  i:;>  Juiv  4,  isui.  Eliza  Brockeu.  He  d.  Man-h  22,  is]7;  %xi)i  daled  A]ui!  19  IbOi-); 
prov  1817.  iim>.  wf.  Ennlc-.  and  ch.iL  Caleb,  I.ymaii.  Samuel  Beacli  Melieu,  who  d. 
pending  the  settlement  of  his  father's  esi.,  heirs  of  Pucinda  Pierpoiit  heirs  olUari.ssa 
Chapman.  Sally  Bald\^in  and  Amarylla  Podd;  Joshua  Barnes  and  Jo.^eph  Brockett, 
distributors,  ,       ^,  .     ^-      tt 

P      Caleb  Podd.  b.  Jan.  31.  ITOP  d.   .\ug.  18,  1S43:  Capt.  in  No    Hav. 
11       ],vman  Podd.  b.  March  .-).  17b(i:  d.  May  28.   1841;  ni.    Elizabetli  - — .  b.  l/-o; 
d    Oct    .-,    ls-24       1     PovAi.  ]'..  lu.  Esiherioidv   child   of  Ebenezer  and    P.sther)  Ives,  b. 

1802:  d,  Julv  11.    1S35,  a.    33:  (2)  ■ Dickerman;  res.   CenterviUe,    Omn      2.    /.//«m// 

k,y,   m.;    s.'   i;    res.    Chicago.    HI.      2.    Ell-ahcth  F.      3,    Jlcnn,  ,s.      2,    ]Ikni;y   A\  .. 

m.:  .<^.  i'.     8.  Polly  P..  ni. lIumi.-.tom  ....,,,,,.  r.       ^-    ^- 

P/i.  Samuel  Beach  Todd,  b.  A-pril  r,.  17b^;  d.  at  I-airlndd.  ibrknuer  (  o  N  \  ., 
d  March  }-2  1S.V2  a.  SJ:  ni.  Polv  Humiston.  b.  1772;  d,  Oct.  T),  1  7'.)4 :  (2)  \^  id.  Hrockett; 
{3;Jnlv4,  1833.  PoUv  l?i.-e.  L  hv  1st  m.:  1,  Anxis,  d,  inf.  2  EsTiihin,  d.  mi.  i.  by 
■M  m  •■  3  MvxxiN-.;  S..  b.  N-.,v.\'S,  171*7:  m.  March  12.  IsW).  Maiia  Pickert;  ivs.  lair- 
llrld  'n  Y  •  ^.bil  4  BftsFvP..  b.  Sept.  2;,  Hio^:  in.  Sept.  2r.  l^is,  Eb  McConneip 
re^  Salisi.urv  Center,  lleik  Ca  .  N.  v.:  b  ,  hi!,  o,  Lyman  S..b.  N^n.  7.  iM)2.  m  Sept. 
20  isyo  Sal'lv  D.  Baldwin  of  Ibahford.  C.HUi.;  res.  Ptttle  l^ails,  .N.  \.  P  S.  J'(^"'!/- 
m'  llenrv  Link.  2,  /.uzcrnr  <..  Pieut.,  P.  S.  A.;  d.  at  New  Cile.n-.  !.a.  Aug.  b,  P-b., 
<j  llKKMXN-  S.,  b.  Pel>.  T),  1SU4:  d.  Dec.  !l.  1S40;  m.  Jan.  4,  1832,  A  (  arpenterot 
^or^.av  N  y  .  ,...^  ];„.,.i,i.  X.  y.  1.  ]!:>,.-!'.■  II..  Aug.  2  1,  l^r):  d.  N"V.  P,  l^W: 
n,  S.-p't  11  is,-„y  Paura  C.  Parkhnrsi  .d-  Middl.ville.  N.  Y.  lb-  d.  Nun.  P  18u2;  2 
•■\\\  ■'  M.n-,l^  M  o  O.-i  b  1.^3t;-  d  I'eb.  24,  Ps(i2;  ni.  Feb.,  1.<ks,  A(!(  bm;  Evans  ot 
Mid'     X'  V       3.'^  Ann,  Jan.  23,  d.  Feb.   12,  1830.      7.    Lciinla  C..  b.  Feb.  14,  1S11; 

\  •>r,0  incAXCH    OF    JOXATIIAX, 

d.  .hilv  3,  IHTo;  m.  Nov.  4.  lh!o(),  Amos  F()~;tor  of  ]"ort  j'hiiiis.  N.  Y.,  h.  Ayr\]  11,  181)4: 
a.  !;v.!'.  :J1,  ISM-.  1.  S>n-<i]i  Eiiwliiif,  Nov.  10,  ls:;i:  iii.  Oct.  ■^'.  isj:-).  (,'iiriuncry  \\i\v,\\':y: 
Koi-l  I'iuij),  X.  V.  2.  M-ini  Ann.  Oct.  1:5,  iS:',:l;  m.  ,l;in.  S,  ISGI.  Jauirs  !'.riH>k-iiia!i.  :>,, 
JLlrii  F.'KptH'i.  y\<iVih  :20.  "iS-ll;  m.  .hia.  S,  ]'^!il,  l^-tcrO.  \V;ii:ihm-;  J'ort  i^l.ihi.  -1, 
Ih:nnoii.'A.,  ^u'^  •.'•".  l^'i":  'i.  Mny  2.  1S71.  5.  K.Jirin,  ]),-(;.  21),  3847.  C,  C/>>iu m;,, 
Cl'irl.-,  Feb.  M."  I^'''.';  ni.  Fi!>.  9,  187(1,  Alicf  >[.  IJiiutlcy  of  Syiaciisf,  X.  Y.  7,  J/ir 
,/{■>! nil',  Aiif;-.  2i.  {-■■''~>:   Fort    l-hun. 

IV.      Fiu-iiid;.  'iodtl,  1).  Ajiril  22,  1770:  d.   Mardi  24,    "SOi;   ni.   Jain,  s   Pioq.oni ;   lia.3 

sc-v<-vul  .S'):is,  and  u  dan..  Di'.i.i.v.  in. Haii:   now  a  \\-i(t.:   i-hs.   X'.'w  Havfii. 

V.      M.dii'ii  'I'o  id,  h.  At!--.  ;!1,  177.",:  d.  Antr.  4,  ISKi;  n,.  Mai  y  11. .      1,   Bktskv. 

2,  .M.\i:v  A\x.  in.  .M-.ritt  l^.'inu's.  :!.  (' vK.ii.ixi-,  4,  Foi.i.v  F. ,  d.  Sei.t.  22,  l,s:<):  m. 
.I<niail!aii  li<'  !.)avTon  of  Xortliford,  ('(,r,;i.     o.   l?r:i;i  .M..  d.  .Si'in.  o.    1N74. 

VI.     ShHv  Todd.  ii..Ju!\   lit,  \::fr.  d.  D.N'.  2;i.   IN';:.;  m.  P..Mijaiiiin  Baldwin. 
V]I.      Clarissa  Todd,  b.  Xov.  2-),  177U;  d.  Or;.  5,  i::,a:!;  m.  vSAamol   ('l.a]iniaii  of  X.\r 

XU'i.      Auiilla  Todd.Jnlv  24,  17^-^1;  m. Twd.d ;  n-m.  to  \t. 

IX.      llcurv  'J'odid,  Jan"  24.  17^7:  <l..Tnlv  12.  17'.).1. 

,\.  ,lolin"4'odd.  b.  Fil).  4,  17'.i1 ;  d.  April  li,  l-^'ii:  m.  Nov.  20,  IS]:;.  T,^^vpy  Fnnisa. 
I'icrpc.'d,  dar,.  of  Jo*  I  (.-;.  -.f  Gih-.)  and  Flaii'ial,  l^a-rpont.  b.  Ai'iil  o,  170."):  ^t'  daii.  of 
fjilt':,  ]\,  vlin  adopted  her  iifici- d.  of  her  fa'lir;-.  1,  (.'i:,).  Ci.imox.  b.  lirr.  1,  ISHJ:  d. 
Oct.  ;51,  182o.  2,  I,  \v,-|;i:Nri-:  i-n:i;i'o.N'i'.  b.  .lulv  7,  1S22:  in.  Mai'i.i  An-ion-tte  IJaldvvin.  b. 
isai;  d.  June  1>;,  1S74.  :'k  U':<).  11i.m;v  b.  Jan.  24,  IS-J.S:  m.  .Mav  U,  l.'^.-.S,  Fvdia  (". 
(4ia].!nan,  b.  Ocl.  4,  1812:  ns.  Xo.  liav. 

45.11.3  Dau  Tuttic,  b.  Xov.  27,  174*;;  ni.  Ai.M-ail  Fii,->bie.  Hr  wa  <  in  early  life 
a  t;ai!or;  lived  .^onietinse  in  \\'oli-of  i ,  (''Mui.  :  bccKiiie  .-i  iilacksn.itli ;  rem.  with  his  faniily, 
iiic-liidia^  lii.s  grandson  Ira.  lu  Sailsbniy,  llcrki-ner  (\<  .  X.  Y..  and.  eiiiia.ired  in  furininir; 
became  somewhat  noted  a.s  a  cancer  doctor,  tie  d.  ab(;id  iSKi  in  Fainden,  X.  Y.:  was 
vuUed  "  Fncle  Dan"  by  ev..>i-ybody.  • 

1.      Fvina:!,   ii.   i7o:(:   in.  Anna.  I'iost. 
11.      S^lonn.n.  b.  ■.■.nA  d.  1772. 

111.      Soloinor.,  b.  Sept.  7.  17;8;   in.  F'ol  iy  Fiophins. 

lY.  Henoai,  ni.  Li\e{l  near  Hatavia,  X.  Y.  in  1  s-,>2  a  Penoni  'i'uttle  was  Si!]ur- 
visor    of    the   town    of    Sardini;i,    Fiie    Co..    X.    Y.      1,    l'.\>,.      2,    Lt:vf.      3,    Jdii.x.      4, 

]j<H  iS.\. 

A',      /.ophar,  m.  Betsey  E.    I'dwdiiy;  res.    Camden,  Uneida  Co.,  X.  Y.      1,    II.\.vn.^i!. 
2.    Poi.i.v,    in.    Samuel    C;istle.      ;],    J.\Mi;s,  m.  Lovefte   Xirhols.      4,     l)i;i,n;j!j'.  dec,      .7. 
S.\r,>r()X,    m.    Ijiudine   Pai^'e;    (2)    Saiah    l!aile\.      (i.,    m.    F.W/.n    Sh''i)ard:    re- 
Morris,  111. 

Yl.      j.evi,  nn Hn!i!)a.rd:   li\eil  in   Jefterson    Cit..  X.    Y.,    afterwards   in   (jaleu;.., 

11!.,^-J,  ].i;vt,  r, .-.  Attica.  Ceiie.see  Co.,  X.  Y.  2,  ]]\'.:r.'.Y.  :].  i»Axii':i.  4.  ]5!:jm.  '-,. 
ilinwi.  (',  .Vi.Mox.  7.  JoiKV.  8.  ..\ri;i;i,i  v.  0,  \\'Ki/iiin\.  All  sap,  to  be  livimr 
near  (Jalena,  111. 

Vll.      Hannah,  m.  Bisho])  and  had  1  dan. 

VIII.      Lncinda,  b,  Xov.   FJ,  1780:  m.   \Vhitin,;r 'J'ntlle. 

IX.     X';iiuy,  uiiin. 

X.     Abigail,   m. Scolj.dd;    ivs.    .\ttica,    Creene   Co.,   X.  ^'.      1,    C  F.oiitu:.     2. 

--\ii\'KNU>.  ;F  \ViiiTiv(;.  4,  Fv.\[,AX.  '>,  (7i,i\i,.  (i,  Syi.a'ia.  7,  W i;!,'i  in.\ ,  and  two 

Xi.      Fncy,  b.  nea.r  \\';:lline-b)rd.  Conn..    April    1;bl70C.:   m.    in  lb'rl;imm-  ( 'o. .  I.s18. 

iiopson   of    \Vall"d.       \.    Hi.x i;i KTi'.s ,  .1an.  :;.  !s|.^:   m.  Cliaih-  Cramp:   n.-.  .M:;r<,n. 

7'Iae..-ii  Co..  ill.  2.  Ai,i-.\aNI>i-.I!  C.,  Jan.  10.  IMS,  d.  in  Isansa-,  Is.')7.  :!  J.\mk-.  b, 
<><(.  U.  )S][):  !<•:■.  .Mae<in,  111.  4,  Coi;xi:i.irs,  .\pril  2:1.  bs22:  d.  1SH4:  lived  in  S.ali>- 
I'iiry,  .\".  Y.  o,  S.VL.Mox  4'.,  .\ov.  17,  1^24;  res,  S.aiisbiiry,  X.  Y.  Ij.  S.u;i;i.i.K,  Feb.  11, 
b'^2-,i;    res.  .Macon.      7,    Fi-ev.  .\pi-il  :;,  18:lo:  -1.  in  111. 

_4o.ll..*Ci,  Lyman  Tnttle,  b.  17(.0:  a  line  mn.^ici:;n,  and  went  into  th.'  F.  S. 
iniiitary  .service  .-s  drn.n  m  ijo;-.  ;  n<l  d  in  ili-  >er\  ce  in  isb',,  a.  44;  m.  AnnaFro.-t;  /. 
besides  Axsi'.].  and  \a     [Xlx\,  v.l.o  bothd.  nnm. 

45.11..'U1.  Ira  TnUle,  1'.  F(4,.  II.  1702:  m.  <»ct.  21.  lSl;i.  ],r.rv.d-ui  ..f  Dea. 
Am  :s  Hrociveit,  a. ..(  sister  ..;  Zena.-  Ibcckeit  oT  Ibn<  kef t's  Jhid-,  ,  X.  1'.,  win.  fnitushed 
i-o..4i  ,)••  iPis  f.nnily  fr.i  went  v,iih  tin-  faiiiil  v  oHiis  -I  andfat  leT.  Caii.  Tattle, 
u.  S.ihsbnry.  lieikmnr  C.,  X.  V.,  I  li!;:,  lie  was  a  p',,,,r  fai'  buy  witln.nt  a  per- 
ntiUicn:  .emie,  li^.t  mana'.:;eil  b\    hard  work.  tea(drnn'-  school  \\  inters  and  workine-  on  farm 



siinunfrs.  tu  'oU)>|)'irt  ]jiri>.s<'if,  obtui;-.  a  hnr  fdii^'atinn  nud  iic([uirt'  some  jiroix'itv.  T'loii 
■eii'^au^cd  ill  Canuii.".';  and  clu-t'si' making- ^vlltMl  the  liu-iiu'ss  wa>  coniiiarativdy  new,  and 
in  tiiiu-  b(;-i.-aini'  ib^'  <r»'.ncr  (.'f  a  ]ai\irt'  and  cxtiMi.-ive  (I'lii  y,  in  \\-hicli  lu- lias  bfL-n  (inineiilly 
].r(i>lir'rrd.  llis  -arlv  disrijdiiu-  of  mind  and  lindy  cojitril.uting-  to  liis  succss.  l!<^  touk 
iTii'al  ).;.ins  to  <ilura"tr  his  '•liiMicn,  ;ind  iin'y  hav.'  VL|Kiid  his  cnie.  i.  in  Siilishury, 
Thiklii-r  Co..  N.  Y. 

1.  Kiiachi,  b.  .li:ly  •?.  I'^h");  ^iiad.  Ihnniltcn  'J'hio.  St-iii.;  ?eiit  by  the  P.aptii^t  Home 
M!>.siouarv  soricly  into  IV'Uii.  and  'J'f-i,ii.,  wbero  lie  ovri'.nizcd  ard  built  ii]!  .-evcral 
cliurclK's."  A ft(,T\va!ds  settled  ti<  ])a-1cir  of  tin-  Hajitist  chli.  at  Boonville.  N.  V.,  w!iei»; 
liis  miiiis.terial  ended.  He  d.  oi'  br.uicidal  e-ni-iiniiiTiou  a;  his  hillserV.  hou.-^e  iu 
Clinton,  N.  V..  <»et.  :^0,  IS'-l,  a.  o*J  yrs.  He  was  a  iimui  of  fine  lalents-and  was  nuivev- 
sallv  b<'!...ved  ar,.i  i-e.-qa-eted:  in.  Jiily  2l),  IS:!."]:,  Carolina  Smith;  (2)  1  iliza  (Juthrie.  wJio 
SKoe  d.  .■..  /. :  (:Jj  Saiah  \^■ads\v()l•lll."  i  by  J.-,t  in.:  1,  .Uj->s<>n,  d.  a.  G  yrs.  /.  byodni.: 
2,   Fi.uK.v  F.:  ;h   Nkv,T(in  >.,  bmli  living;-  in  Chieago,  11!..  "InT'I. 

11.  Samantha.  b.  Auf,^  J-"),  I8!7;iu.  Au.i;-.  -io,  1S!0,  IJcv.  Abra.m  Knapj!  (P-ant). 
Si-  d    ,v.  /.  Jure'  :jO,  t^->n/in  lhiiliii<clon,  ^■.  Y. 

lil.      HnUlab,  Mav  "'S,  1^-20;  d.  Slareh  '27,  1S03.  in  Johiiscn  Co.,  Iowa,  unm. 
]y'.      EIcu,  1>.  Jaii.  7,  l^,':!:  a   laii;-!'   d;iiry    farmei-    al    Cieur    Lal^e,    l.Ava:  m.    aljoiit 
]S14,    OrisM-,   C.  lhimi)lireyville.      1 .  ~^^■l•■.i,L^"•,  L.     2,   A  df.i.mick  M.     8,  .Ji:>.nnkttk.     4, 
Svi.x !  \      T).  LriiEN.     I).  iSi.ipiiJA. 

W  Alvali  Ihorkett!  b.  Jan.  14,  l^^r,:  grad.  Ham.  e'oh,  N.  Y.:  tau-hl  school  sev. 
v-eai->;  iilso  a  suree.--fu!  merchant  and  lawyer;  n-s.  ("ity.  Imva:  m.  in  .1ii!y,  1b'4ft. 
ihaiiit  M.  \Vii;htman.      1,  MiMXiK.     2.  I'l.vTTiK.     ;J.   M.vvxAi;]). 

VI.  Hhoda  B...  b.  Fel,.  ](J.  lv:8:  m.  I'ec  ."),  Iso'J,  .limes  A.  rvarudl^:,  \v).o  d.  .?.  ?. 
iSCi*':  '■  a  noble  maii."' 

\"11.  !h:.hel  IV.  b  Fib.  2S.  ls>;?;  d.  Jiine  9.  l>S(i;,  at  Hulon,  bnva,  unm. 
\'  ill.  >;r;ce~.  :>.  ^b•^v  10.  is;j!).  in  Fairtield,  31erkin:c:rC<>.,  N.  Y.:  ivm.  v-ilh  his  fatlu  I's 
famiiv  tr,  Clinton,  N.  Y..  v/iune  ])e  attended  tlie  hi.o'h  school  tin.l  tli-'  academy,  an-l  after- 
waiclA  the  academv  at  \Viii;esto\vn.  To  defiay  his  ,-x;h-i;sis  he  was  c>b'i-:ed  conslan!  Iv  to 
teiich,  and  Sbiall  v  Vo:  -vai.t  of  nic.i.-  had  to  r.  omiuish  bis  d.-sign  nf  a  ccillege  vduc.aiun 
and  ivturii  h>y]ir  ^'aiin.  He  ca<t  Ids  tir-t  vote  wiili  th.-  Frer  S'-il  j-avty,  and  ha.-^  been  a 
niemi>er  of  il.f  FeiJuinicaii  ]>ar;v  fi-(.m  its  oriiani/.aiion.  In  ]>r'>^j  In-  InraK  d  at  (  le:u- 
Hak.-.  Ceiio  (io^do  ^'o.,  h.wa.  and  was  one  of  li  .^s  tliaii  fifiy  volcr.-,  who  (jryaniw  tithe. 
Cci.  A  few  vears  a^'o  77/r  I-i/ra  S/dfr^inii/i  pnlilished  a  sei  ies  of  le.o^uM-aphical  sketches 
of  men  pr.>m"ii\ent  in  the  ^'ovei  nin.'in  and  pnliiic-  nl  tlu-  state,  t  roiu  the  b.)-e-tc!i  «! 
IFm..  .Marcns  Tnttie,  the  followin>r  is  copied:  "lb-  en.--a';vd  in  faiminj^and  land 
aL-eU'-v,  and  \\as  llie  pvincipiil  propiietnr  of  tlie  villa-e  of  Clear  Lake,  whicli  is  sit;:att'<l 
on  thr  b'Oider  of  tha^  Iji-autiful  sheet  of  water,  lb- had  many  inK-nstin-;  e\perieu_'-es 
Aviih  Ih,-  Indians,  who  were  reluctant  to  aliand-n  tb.eir  favorit-^  hunting:  and  lishiug- 
grounds  in  the  neiu-hborhood.  He.  ludd  for  two  years  llie  (Wiice  of  count \  judi^e,  and  on 
tliC  (-i-.-i^.n  of  the  internal  rcvenm-  law.-,,  wa>  api^oim,  d  assi.-;ant  assess...r.  He  has  be.-ii 
for  several  vei'.is  a  verv  s-ej-c-s.-f ul  nnnvliant,  and  has  boeii  connected  besides  with 
aKricuttural,  banking-  and  other  business  inten^.sts.  In  flie  fall  of  1807  he  was  elected  to 
the  State  Senate,  of  which  he  was  an  active,  honoral>!e  and  iisefu!  member  for  iour 
vears."  He  m.  Feb.  4,  1851,  CaroliiK-  M.  Warner.  Tlir  Oe.-vM.-  r  of  Cb  c.r  Fake.  Feb.  fl. 
1870,  in  an  article  two  columns  loni;-,  descrilies  their  silver  w(Mldinir,  Feb-.  4,  I87r..  At  the 
conclusion  of  an  interesting-  i-eremony  tlieir  eldest  daugliter,  much  t<^  the  sMr[>n.-e  ol  rhe^ 
assemldeil  ijin-sts,  was  m.  to  C.  B.  yiclnto.sli,  and  received  from  In-r  f-athi-r  tbe  (b'cd  ot 
a  valuaide'faim  and  oshcr  suljstantial  to]<cns  of  pati-inal  reg.-ird.  1,  liosji:  M.,  h. 
1857;  m.  l-Y-b.  4,  b^7lb  (i.  B.  Mcintosh.     2.   FJi.\NK..M.     o,   Axnik  L. 

45.11.:^3.  Solomon  Tuttle,  1>.  in  \'>olcon.  Conn.,  Sri-t.  7,  177:1;  m.  Jan.  ;Jl, 
17;nb  Poliv  l!,,j.k!i.-ol  \\olr,,tt.  Com,.,  b.  Si'i.t.  ll".  1170:  d.  June  21,  ISli'i.  He  rem.  to 
<alisburv"  \  \  abn;u  ITHb  and  livcii  iIut^  till  I^IH;  tlu.nce  ivmoved  to  Siu  fiieid. 
M;iss.;  ti;em-e  in  jsjo  to  Ch.veia.k,  N.  Y.,  wju-n-  he  .1.  .\pril_12,  1HG2,  ;>.  7it.  He  Wiis  Ji 
farmer,  Idarksunth.  ar,.-!  '•  ac.-iimu!a!e,l  a.  vry  good  jor.nn.e."" 
1.  Flerm,  b.  .Ian  27,  is(;2:  .1.  S.-pt.  17,  1S2(). 
11.  Leonard,  b.  April  14.  iso.-);  m.  .M.-i:rh  22,  b8:iO.  Nanry  llulduud,  a  grand  dan. 
of  the  ti;-st  s.  Illed  minister  in  Sl.efriei-,!.  Mass.  1,  Bi:N.i.v.\ii  N  F..b.  Jan.  b").  IN"! .  2. 
li!)i:\T!.i,  \k  Nov.  (i,  b^J2;  m.  .).ii\  lo.  Fo'^,  VA'v/.n'  IJarton.  :',.  VA.y.i"V.\  H..  b.  2fi,V:3.Y  -i.  i.!:.>NAi:i\  b.  Jan.  Hi.  ls;;7:  tluei- >  ear.- in  F.  S,  seivire  :.s  volunteer 
i!-.'c;.valrv:  or,leil v  oiiieer:  now  i1n7(I|  .-egi-r.ssing  .-le,k  b.rtlie  Miss.  House  of  Hepresei.- 
latives.  ':>.  Nb.-rVll.,  1).  .1  nn.'  2.1.  F-^:'.'.l':  voluntee.o  d  bu- nine  monlbs  s<-r\  ice;  okUuIv 
in  Co    F     -hiTb  .Mas.;.:' wounded  in   tbe   attack    (^n    i-^.rt    Hudson;  honorably   disch;irii-e<i 

:l(\l  HKAXCll    OF    .lONATH.VX, 

with  liis  ooinpuny.  Eiucrcd  tlic  sevvv-v.  a^-ain  iis  Lieu!.-f"ol.  of  ti;r  ."jili  Hfct..  t'.  S. 
colorod  vuliintfi'i';-.,  was  at  taliinir  of  M.ihilr.  and  honorably  disidiavi^Td  witl:  hi-  n-^t. 
Ai)i)oint<'cl  slicriif  of  Carn/ll  Co..  Mv.-..-..  liy  {i.n  AiiifS.  and  on  tlu-  rstalilishincnt  of  civil 
H(;vcri!iii(-ut    was  rf-ai'i>oi:ited  Ijy  (iov.  .Vl'-iuii.  and  holds  the  olfire  now  (.Mai-.b  21.  1^7]). 

III.  J;Monit'  Hi>iia]'urtc,  b.'Scpt.  2.  ISOI:  in.  Scin.  '.27,  ]s;;-t.  Cliariry  Skinkh';  n-?. 
Anihoy,  Lee  Co.,  111.:  w;i-~  i-ostiiiastcr  undiT  \'un  V.iir.'n,  and  scvfial  yis.,  unlil  i*-in.  to 
Hi.,    ("oniiiiissionc.-    of    loan-    for   Colunibia  To.      1,   nai.m'vi.x,  Awj:.  24,    ls:;.~).     -2,  Maiiv 

.) ANK,  -Nuv.  2(),   1H87.     o,   A>.\   Ei.i7..\,    U>x.   2o.  1S14.     -I,    Li;wis   S.,    Ajiiil  s,  IfiV.).     5. 

Jr.KOMK  II.,  b.'Oct.   81,  1S52. 

IV.  Horatio  Xilson,  b.  A]Mil  2"..  ISfO;  ni.  (),t.  :-;.  1  ;U,  Ivnily  Lui.nii-.  b.  Mundi  27,- 
1812;  dau.  of  Moses  and  Ihmnali  Forbes.  l.Ki.wi.v  11..  b.  Orr.  4.  ls;-!7.  2.  .^ntmj- 
NKTTK,  July  10,  !«;-;>».  o,  Maiiv  K..  Oe,-.  ;:!().  T-n.  4.  MAy:THAi:TTi:,  b.  .May  2:!.  1s4"k 
d.  Sept.  2S,"1SG2.     .1.   LorisA  J.,  h.  Aui^.  21,  lS-'7.      (i,   Ki.i.K.v  H..  b.  Au.--.  1.  1^54. 

V.  Loiiis-i  E..  b.  .\uu-.  s,  1>^17:  n).  O.-t  2-1.  isij-;,  Z  irrlu'U.-.  Caiidee  of  Slicilield, 
.Mass.  1.  Po!,!.Y  .losj-.i'HiM..  b.  March  J,  js40:  d.  Si-i>t.  27,  1^41.  2.  HorniNs'l'., 
Maicli  :Jt'.  is  12.      o,    1Io!:a<:k  T.,  b.  May  lo,  lS4ri. 

VI.  Salmon  Ho;. kins.  b.  Jan.  I.  1N2U;  ni.  No^-.  15,  1n4;J,  Mary  E.  M.jnty:v.  1,. 
IviriSA  E..  Jan.  81,  isfs. 

45.11.5.  Jabez  Turtle,  !>.  July  :-5il  175;;;  d.  Jmu'  ll,  I71iy;  ni.  by  Jo<haa 
ClKuuUer,  Pel).  1(1.  1778.  Mary  I'udd  of  Ilamdcn,  whn  il.  .\ov,  17,  lN2s,  a.  71  vrs.  f>  inos. 
an.d  12da\s.  In  177S  Jal"-?"  and  Mary  conv.  ri^^^lil  in  est.  of  f.,  (ier.slioin  Todd,  and 
widow's   di>\',  el'. 

I.  Marv,  b.  JX-r.  4.  d.  Dee.  U.  17  78. 

11.  Pavid  Todd,  IK'e.  2S,  1774:  d.  June  li*,  Isbl. 

III.  Asenath.  b.  June  2).  1171!:  d.  Jan.   IS.   ISOl. 

1\'  Sn<:.,'ina.  b.  Jure  12,  177S;  d.  Julv  21.  ;7;'.). 

V.  iiaiiiah.  b.  .lalv  17.  d.  July  22.  177H. 

VI.  Z.)].har  .Mo:ri^,'b.  O.-t.  C,,  17S1;  m,  liaehel  Brockett. 
VII.  Bcnoui.  b.  ih:i.  2,  17s8:  d.  April  7,  iSOl. 

Vlli.     Jx'ansoni.  b.  Jnlv  s.  17^-5;  ni.   1S06.  Ethona  Ellis. 
IX      Consrant,  b.  Marrh  2s,  17.S.S;  d.  April  2,  1795. 

X.     A,sa,  b.  E-b    ■^.  i:m:  d.  Oer.  17,  17114. 
XI.      Alfred,  b.  Ai-wii  17.  1702:    d.    in   Salisbury,    N.  V.,   June   5,    1R44:    ni.  Abigail 
Sliepard,    who   res.    with    her  dau.,    Mrs.    Dossnider.       1,    Ei;ki>ki:uk,    liv.  in  Mo._     2. 
EoL'fSA,  rr-s.  .\atnral  HridLre.  X.  Y.   8,  J  K  \nnktti:,  in.  Henry  ('ro-^l>y  of  t'liniton,  X.  Y 
4,  Soi'HKON-rA.  ni.  !■.  F.  iJoxsiader  of  Little  Falls,  X.  Y. 

XII.  Mary,  b.  Oci.  20.  171*0:  d.  .v.  /.  in  Salisbury.  Mareh  lf>.  1SG7;  m.  Tlionias  (  oUr 
of  Eairlield,  X.' Y.,  who  d.  Murrh  12,  l^'M. 

45-11.56.  Morris  Tuttle»  b.  Uct.  5,  r."Sl;  rem.  to  Herkiner  Co.,  N. 
v.;  was  often  in  |)o>iiiuus  of  tru^l;  a  veiy  useful  man  and  much  nsjiected  in  tiis  neijih- 
horhood  and  tos\n.  lb-  d.  .Vpiil22.  ls42,  a.  ()<>:  buried  in  Wall'd.  Cnnn.:  m.  Hachel 
linK'kett.      Chil.  h.  in  Salisbuiv,  Herkimer  Co. ,  N.  Y. 

1.      Asenath,!).  Dec.  5,  IS'Vj:  m.  Oct.  29,  1S21),  Ira  Comsrock:  res.Whitestown,  N.  Y  . 

II.  Lx-man,  i>.  Oct.  14.  Ib04;  d.  June  21.  1SS41,  unm. 

III.  Uiinsel,  b.  Cct.  18.  ISOd;  m.  Oct.  28,  1^82,  Damaris  Chase:  res.  W  hitestown. 
1,  IlKMaKTT.A  >i.,  b.  Julv  27,  1^88:  m.  James  1-;.  Marvin,  a  lawyer  of  X.  Y.  C. :  res.. 
Morrisania.  2,  ADDr^'o.x'H..  b.  in  Salisbury.  July  18.  1^8'?:  ri'iu.  to  Whiiesiowu,  April 
27,  ISiJO;  nmni.' of  X'.  Y.  Lo.iT-  from  2d  Assembly  Dist..  1S(39;  next  y.-ar  a  mem.  (d"  tlie 
Re'pub.  State  Convention,  and  assessor  of  internal  revenue  for  the  2lst  Con.  di>l.  of  X. 
v.;   ni.  Henrietta,  da:-.,  of  Janu-s  Ilallock.  and  had  one  chihl.  b.  abt.  1:^07. 

1\'.      Emilv,  b.  Oct.  22,  IsoS;  <1.  Mandi   2,  ls27,  a.  11'. 
V.      IJrchVl,  b.  Ai'iil   2-^,    isil:  d.  April,  1^12. 

A"  I.  Eb.-ctR,  b.  Maivh  ;;i>,  \s[.[;  d.  .hnie  25,  1S14:  m.  June  ]1»,  \6:'>G.  Hiram  Ayers."  b. 
Julv  81,  1^04.  "'•  Diedat  his  residence  in  Fairtieh!,  (Ui  Sunday  theHth  in.-i.  ;A].rll  9.  l-'<7ll, 
of  ("((['.irfsiion  of  tin?  lun-s,  Hiram  Ayers  in  the  (;7ih  yr.  of  his  age."  Theabdve  anm>  laru.- 
mi-nt  \\iil  b-'  read  with  .-(.^ri-ow  i)v  all  wlm  liave  ever  know  tlie  wortli  and.  charact.'r  .>f 
the  decea:e<l.  In  many  re.>pec:'<  lie  was  an  extraordinary  man.  His  meiLmry  esiiecially 
was  b-ttcr  than  tliat  of  anv  -.t'n-r  man  in  the  county  wirli  wIkv.u  we  have  ever  b-een 
accjuainted.  As  a  surveyor  liis  service-  thromrlmut  the  noi-thern  part  of  the  county, 
where  tith-  were  di.-puted  .n- lines  Wert   \vitl,   ditliculty  trued,   invaluaMt-.       A.-  a 

*For  several  biographical  aoticcs  of  ihi;  Ayci.-;  family  sec  Bcnicn's  History  of  J/^rl-i/itrr  Co.,  A  .   i  . 

TUTTT.E.  2G3 

witnr.s-  iti  foiitf'stcl  casis.  a-  an  adviser  in  nci^lilM-.rliood  iriisuiiilfrsiamliiiL's.  liis  o|)in- 
io!!,-;  wi'i-e  frfijiiriii  l_v  sniiulit  and  do|ior.(ici!  npoji.  Mr.  Ayrs  was  for  several  years  suiirr- 
visei' of  llic  rown  of  Fair:iel<l,  and  liis  nanio  bad  fie(juoiitly  heen  nu'ntion'-d  in  rinnvction 
willi  iiiiTlifr  ]K)siiions.  He  M'as  a  valued  friend,  a  i-es]iected  eilizeii.  a  lov.-d  lrasl);;nd  ajid 
father.  Yc\y  men  in  the  couritv  wouhl  liave  hrei>,  more  :;-eni'Tal!v  missed,  or  moie 
s;iiu-.ieiv  mourned."-— /,/'V/r  Folfs  .7»'//7-e/,  Apri!,  1S71.  1 ,' KMii.v,'h.  .Man-h  11,  ]:s:17. 
2,  h'.i.wKVX  J5. ,  h,  .\i)ril  (i.  ^'i■'>>^.  3.  ll\KUii-;-i-  !■'...  ii.  Mav  4,  is!4:  m.  March  IT.  iNi'.'.i. 
Lawrence  LaUue,  h.  Nov.  5.  iNdo.      1,  Chiirh:<<  Rorn< an.  \>.  April  !1,  InTH. 

^'If.  r);iv!d,  b.  April  V2,  iSKi;  m.  in  Salisbury,  I'eb.,  IS'JT.  IL^ther  Dilddc.  and  lia^ 
1  s.,  .Iamks. 

^■ln.  Kfo.  eiia,  b.  Ju]v  eu,  l^'l'^;  m.  Jan.  4,  l^ii";;,  F'-anklin  M.  'I'utlb';  res.  New 
Hartford,  <  )Ke;d,,  ( V>.,  X.'Y.  ].  ('.,  b.  S.  nt.  ]  7,  1s4;).  0,  (.'.u;i;v  V..  b.  Nov.  •,';-;, 
ls.o->.     8,  i.rciMiA  Ja>;e.  b.  Dvc.  LM,  is.n;. 

!X.      lai.-y,  b.  Nov.  30,  lb:iO:  d    .Uily    l'^,  lS4r,;    m.    Oct.    13,    1S-1(I,   James   C.    I.ani- 

45.11.68.  llansoi'l  Tutiie,  b.  .lulv  S,  K.S."),-  d.  in  Salisburv,  N.  Y..  Dm-.  4,  IS'".-'. 
in  liis  >Ms:  yr. :  m.  1 '..'e. ,  ]Ni(,,  J'  Ellis,  b.  in  \Ve.-nuor.-land,  N.  H..  l>ee.  4.  17SS; 
rem.  whenhyrs.  of  a^^e  to  Herkimer  Co.,  .\.  V.,  and  d.  July  "2,  IS7I,  iu  Ij.t  S2d  yr.  Cliil. 
1>.  in  ^'ali^-bur\ . 

I.  i^arah  C,  Aug.  ^s.  1S('7:  m.  IJenjamin  !».  Broeketi  [.lb],  bro.  to  Zenas  Brock- 
eii  oi'  Bro,-ketrs  Uvidc-eT  lb-  wa.-  a  Justice  of  the  Peata-  in  Salisbuiy  Center,  and  !iad  tlie 
far-ultv  of  p.mic.-;bh  adju.-tiiijr  diliic-ultios.  Now  i  ^^71)  livinir  iu  P.idvidere,  N.  Y.  1, 
M.vrii-nA.  -1,  ]1a)!I{iv:-i'.  3,  \Vii.i,aki>.  4,  Lt'ii  s.  ."i,  Uansom.  (i,  aivl 
another  d.  v. 

Ik  FJiza,  1).  ])^■>■.  b't^OS;  u.  Ja)i.  17,  1N.">3;  unni. 
Ilk  Ala.m-on,  !).  Sejii.  14,  1^10;  m.  May  k2,  ]^J3f;,  Henrietta  M.  l.nivdicr-on;  b.  iu 
Salisbury.  Mav  12,  bVlG:  d.  June  7,  1S42.  (2}  Maich  9,  Isio.  Aludra  jloy.-eu;  1).  at  Man- 
lu-ini,  N.  Y.,  ,ian.2,  IXlS:  res.  Saud  Spriug:s,  Iowa.  /.  l>y  1  m. :  1.  Mauti]  a  A.,  b.  at 
Fairtield,  N.  Y.,  June;>7.  \>inr<:  m.  Auir.  7.  l^oo.  IJanJamiii  A.  Smiih,  wliod.  x.  L:  \vid.  res. 
at,  Helloville,  Uurarlo  Co.,  C.  W.  -J.  Hi:!, FN  A.,  b.  Pec.  Hi,  Is:!;'*;  m.  Dee.  Ifi.  l^m.  Kov. 
Win.  1).  Havely.  1,  Oir,u  L,/:n(/r.  1..  ]s(i:):  res.  Pl.itte  ' 'ity.  Mo,  3,  ^VTI.T,TA^r  L.,  b. 
Mav  i'O:  d.  AnL'.  2ik  l>-42.  ;'.  b;.  2  m.:  4.  Ai.kilkd  lb,  Feb.  o,  l'-'44;  enlisted  Autr.  2."), 
ll^'S2,  in  142(1  l!egt.  N.  Y.  Vols."  raised  in  Si.  kaureneeCo.  under  Col.  1{.  Judsnn,  ^vho 
M-as  ."snoceeded  by  ( 'ok  (after-.v^rf's  Ndj.  <b'n.)N'.  M,  Curris.  'klie  regf.  was  variously 
(juiployed  about  a  year  with  occasional  skirniisliinrr;  then  ordered  to  South  Carolims.  near 
Fori  Sumpter;  ocdipied  Foliy  ksland  aiid  other  jdaces  in  operation  apiinst  the  Imht..  After 
several  mr.iiths  the  vviisx.  was  ordered  back  to  Va.,  and  early  in  June.  1SU4,  joined  (irain'.s 
army  at  Cold  Harbor.'  Here  he  was  regimental  or  adjutant  (lerk  and  was  employed  to 
••arrV  despatches  from  Lsland  to  Island  and  frou\  place  to  ])lace.  Often  fired  upon,  linllets 
.stvikine-  the  iioai  liis  uu-n  were  rowinir.  On  tlie  lltb  of  June,  18(54,  while  on  duty  attke 
riiie  trenolie.s  at  Cold  Harbor,  he  wa.s  shot  thron^'-h  the  neck  and  died  in.stanlly.  li's 
regt.  Lndonijed  to  the  l.sth  army  corps.  Letters  of  condolence  were  ^en^  to  the  stricken 
parents  by  Cajit.  AVheel'^r,  Chaplain  Palmer,  Col.  Curtis  and  Cen.  Ames,  rei^resenting- 
respectively,  his  companv,  rec^jimcnt  and  armv  corps.  .">,  Haitik  M.,  b.  Au?.  1,  l^W, 
ni.  Feb.  l,"lS70,  Charles'o.  Winfr.  1.  Lunfit'c  /.'.,  h.  Nov.  .21,  1S70.  Ck  Sthphen  IC. 
b.  in  Adams,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  ^tl,  pspi;  m.  Dec.  7.  ]S7t).  Pima-  H.  Karst.  7.  1).  in 
He  Pevsier,  N.  Y .,  Sept.  1.  ls.")l;  d.  May  3  .  1S.')3.  8.  Ft  NKTTT-.  !■;.,  b.  in  Manheim,  N. 
Y.,  CJct.  G,  ISiio.     1),  C.vKiny:  P.,  b.  in  iV  July  25,   IH.-jS. 

IV.  Sopkronia,  b.  Se].t.  18,  1812:  m.  Jan.  2P  ISol,  Josiah,  s.  of  Hei'  H.  Kice 
of  Meiili'-ini:  b.  in  Salisburv,  .Ian.  21,  F-ns.  l.Jri,i\  A.,  b.  Fuirlndd,  April  24,  1835; 
m  Mav  2S,  lS5fk  Frederick  Ives;  b.  Sal.  Feb.  2,  1818:  one  child.  1,  Crtl,.  b.  May  18, 
1H57.  '2,  P.Kii.MAN  IP,  b.  iu  Mr.nh.  Jnne  23,  PS!7;  m,  Sept.  9,  lSii2,  Stejiu  j-k  Ferris,  b. 
Knsbia,  N.  \.,  Au':,  :;,  1S43.  3.  Jo-hrn  4',,  b.  Manh.  Nov.  21.  1"-'41:  m.  Sej)!.  12.  i^iifk 
Mnv  iS.   Foster  of' -M;  b.   Mav  25,  1817.     4,   JcsiAii   A.,   b.  IVb.    IU,    1848;  ,1.  Aug.    28, 

1  s.:.('). 

\'.      llarriiM,  Nov.  15,  bsPl;  m.  (  haunrey  Ives;  res.  Fairfield,  N.  Y.      1,  Sarah.   2, 


Yl,      William,  b.    May  0,  1817;  d.  Oct.  17.  1^2-. 

\'ll.  Chauucev.  b.  Dec.  2ft.  P'-ir.';  in.  J'hebe  J;ine  Fuller;  res.  Freetown,  Cortland 
Co..  N.  V. 

VHP      IM!}.  b.  Pl-c.  2.-    1821:  d.  Sept,  4,  1;:50. 
IX.      .linJs    HauleN,  b.  .Inly  27.  l>-:4.    in    Salisbury :( tb-v. )  an   able   and    prominent  of  I'ne  Pni  vev.-;.list  (ienonnn.ation;  ordained  1814;  lit.'  u  as  jiasmr  of  the  Soe.  ;it 


IJIlAN'i.']!    OF    .JONATHAN. 

Jticlifii'ld  S:)riim-s,  X.  Y..  l!ii-<-c  \c:\\<:  of  tlir  t^.ic.  in  l''nlti.ii,  N.  Y..  fivt>  years;  oj'  iIk- 
S'jc.  in  lJor!'.>.sU'r,  N.  "^'..six  _vi';'rv,  ;ui'l  of  !!•■.'  Soi'.  in  Cliicrt^-o  s.  vfii  yi'n-s;  is  n(<\v 
<  lbN-2)  pii^^tor  lit  tin-  Soc.  ill  Miiim>;ii"ilj<,  .N!imi.,  w  li.'ie  ]ir  lias  hi'cn  M'lrii.d  I'.',  vimi-.,;  1). 
11. ,  ]5iu-litfl  (u!..  (>.  He  i:i.  llidiii'i  Mel  riuu',11,  !).  ill  Coini.;  rmi.  when  youi.u' to  X.  Y. 
State  and  <1.  in  Oii-mKu,  .Saxony,  whiihri-  slit-  liad  uo;i''  >\itli  he;  yonn;;-i'i' sm  for  t)if^ 
benefit  of  liei-  IumIiIi,  .I;.i!,  1(»,  i^^T:}:  li>-r  reimiins  were  linin!,'-lit  l)a''k  nu:h  l>n.  in  Hi'se 
JTill  cenietery.  (,'liicii,:o,  111.  1,  .lA\n.s<;.:  JST-I.  in  I'^uvoiie;  now  (iss;.')i!i  V)ii,;.  in  Min- 
neaixdis,  Minn.:  in.  Nijilie  'r(.dd.  'J,  (ii:o.  .Mo.njcjci.mhiiv,  V.  (".,  i;>77;  Col.  .riiys.  and 
Sari:-.,  .\.  \.:  now  (l'"^'^'^)  Plivi-ician  in  ( 'liief  id'  llie  iMiiiiyi.iiion  llo:  oi'itl,  W.-.mIs  I:,land, 
X,  Y.  liarl.'.-r. 

X.  Random,  1).  X'ov.  7.  IsO'J;  m.  hucinda..  dan.  of  ANXllis  Avery  of  Salislnirv,  X. 
v.;  sjie  d.  in  Cul.a.  Alle-any  Co.,  N.  Y..  Manl!  10,  1S7-1,  in  In-r -ii;' !i  ye;.,-.  'Dxc'Cn),,, 
llcmlii  of  Aj)!']!  :i.  followin--,  contains  nn  oliiinnry  nf  a  colnni.';  ami.  a  lialf  in  ]e)iijtli, 
<'onsistin;i^r  of  addresses  d(divLn-ed  by  l>ev.  1^.  P.  i^iarkioid  and  Kev.  V.  M.  Alvord,  to  a 
i.'ircP  (:on<;reg-ation,  \\du(di  attende<l  tlie  funeral  se;-\-ic<s  at  the  rniversalist  cjinreh;  in 
wliieh  she  is  descrilied  as  a  lady  of  a  bri.i^lu  and  juyou-;  nature,  eanyini,'-  snnshiiu'  with 
lier  \-.  lierever  she  went;  of  uriistie  taste-:;  a  luver  id'  the  be.vutiful;  a  j;ure 
NN'e.nian,  .-ind  e-eneially  of  sneh  aini.ibiliiy  .ind  e-..iei!. •!,:,■  ot  idia  raet'.'i-  lluU,  if  she  had 
faults,  it  v.onld  lie  diilirnlt  fm- those  \.  ho  knew  best  lu  tell  wliar  tlu-y  were. 

XI.  Williaiii  liem-y,  b.  Xov.  -^t-.  !>C'S;  rem.  lS,-)2  fnnn  Salisbury  to  Turin,  .\.  Y.. 
ihcnc(>  in  \X'u  lo  Al!:oiuikee  (',,.,  \^<\\a:  <iiliste<i  Aiiir.  1!',  b-^'i-\  in  -Jith  fiee-i  h.v.a  Yol. 
Inf.;  served  as  Isi  Sergi  .  In  Sept.,  j'^li'J,  the  Ke.^t.  was  seni  to  liiiin  iiiver.  3Iiiin.,  as  an 
<'Seorl  to  Com.  to  pay  a  tiibe  of  In.dian.--.  Jn  Xov,  tlie  re.:,t.  was  ordered  down  the  rive:- 
to  Mempliis,  'j'enn.,  and  in  I)oc.  to  'i':'.]laliatrhie  river,  a-aiiist  Sens.  Priee  and  Vuii 
Dorn.  and  liad  some  skirmishing,  rein  i  nin:;  to  .MenMiliis  and  thenc."  to  Holly  Sjirings, 
i\w\  was  tl'.ej-e  v.'hen  <jen.  Yati  J >or)i  toi;k  tliat  ]dace.  Dee.  yi,  b'^d'i;  tlienee  to  Jackson, 
Te;)n.,  witli  ee.iisideiable  skirniisliin.c.  Cn  the  Kt  .)f  .Ian..  IMC.^.  \Ym.  Heiiiy  wa.-:  taken 
siek,  and  after  several  montlis  in  In-spita.l  was  (May  !■">,  I^iJi-Jsr.nd  return'-'! 
to  hiwa.  lie  was  npp;.  deputy  I'li'V,,,-!  ."^Jarslial  for  Alh.nuif-ee  Ce.  and  held  the  otliee 
until  it  \\ris  abolished  in  saninnT  oi'  l>'(i4;  rem.  to  >-e\\;iid,  Nebr:iska.  Mtiy,  ISil'.t  and 
wav  elected  SherilVof  Seward  Co.;  m.  Ang.  -.'it,  IslM.  Abbev  A.  Xirhol.,  b.  i"n  llerkinu-r 
<'o,.  X.  y.,  ,lune  1(3,  -[^-2.  1.  Ida,  ie  0--\\  -Jb,  1^."".];  d.  .km",  fS.Y'J.  •,\  Ei.i.A.  h.  Oct.  20, 
iSo.'i;  nr.  in  fall  of  |S7(C\Ir.rtin  Le;;-'.:aii,  b.  in  ( •. ;  r^-,;.  i;i  Xeb.  :!.  Ja'c-1J-;.n,  1>.  Oei.  Of), 
lSo7.     d,  ].izzii:.  b.  .\nir.  01.  ]S(i7.'   :■>.   V.vva:.  h.  .Ian.  (J.  fSliM. 

45.11.7.  Beri  Tattle,  b.  .\prll  -J-.l,  i7H!:  m.  Charily,  dau,  of  Dayton  and  Cluiriiy 
]3eadle.s  Johnson.  'J'lieii-  dan..  .Mr-.  Mary  .Jones.  i;-ive>  the  follo\\-inir  account,  of  the 
maiuier  of  his  deaih  on  the  Iliii  uf  May,  1l'07;  "■  A  paily  of  tnen  were  building  a  bridge 
over  the  Qninnii>iac  liivi-r  al  W'aliingford,  Conn.,  when  one  of  them  fell  into  the  water. 
One  of  Ills  compani(;j',s  spi-uii";  to  liis  ii  cue,  and  was  diawn  uiulei'  by  the  diowning  man. 
Bi'ri  then  spran^;-  in,  wu.--  eanglit  in  their  drowning  e.Tasp  antl  ail  iliree  perished 
iOL;-i'-'her."'  '•  lie  was,"  suvs  his  dan.,  'a  man  of  great  ciiere'v."  His  wid.  d.  Jan.  Jl, 
l^'l-l.  a.  .-)■!  ■  ■  ■  - 

1.      haura,  b.  Nov,  1-1,  17^.-,:  m.  Xov.  C'o,  ISlKi.  Asa  Tattle. 
11.      Xaiicv.  b.   Feb.   17,   17S7;  m,   \l.   V..  Jones. 
111.      Clariss;i.  b.  April   IN.  USS;   111.   Almeu,,  s.  of    iJeiiben    Duolittle  of  XYallingford, 
Conn.      1,   fJiKi  s.     0.    ,Mai:v.  d.   l^i;:!.      J.    Hi:'rsi;v. 
[Y,      Merrill,  li.  March  1.  17'.i.7:    m.   .A'arvCo.d,. 
Y.      ]M-ankliii.  b.  Sept,    b").   IsO'J;   d,   XnV.    IS.   jSll. 
W.      Ira,  h.  .lune.7,  isn."};  (bisq.;  d.  .v,  /'.  .Ian.   10,  1S70;   ni.  Mary  .bdne^on, 

45.11.72.  lYancy  Tullle,  b.  W-h.  17,  I7S7;  m.  b^ilii  IJetnrn  h:|.1iraim  Jones,  b. 
in  Stratfoi-d.,  Conn,.  17("'(;  ptai-liced,  iii'dieiin'  in  ll.-Uiiden.  Conn.,  ten  or  twelve  years;  a 
self-Tnad-' m.-in ;  ^:erved  in  ilieuar  nf  isiO:  dio'.vned  in  Sirarfnid  h.-irbor.  Jlis.  Josn'.^ 
\eas  li\-i!ig  in  lla.iever.  .Mass..  in  is;i,  and  )iei-  biters  to  the  cnmpiler  writlen  in  that 
year  ai  the  ae-e  of  SI  yis,  show  that  hei-  hand  is  siiil  linn  anil  her  i:;ind  nncloinled. 

I.       .\anes  .b,;,e-^.  b    .Inneti.   |,sil;   ne  Jan.,   |S;;7,  Alanson    X.   Dewev   of    Shettield. 
Mass.;   res.  Ce;",tral  ill. 

Ii.      Li.>i;sa  M.  -lone-;,  ii.  Oct,  o,   |SM;   ni,  Se;.t,,   I^J"),  .\  Uini^i  i;n'  .Vn<tin;  jeweler. 
III.      Sidney   J., lies,    b.    .iiily    0.    1^17;    d.    Ma'y    11,    1^71);  'm.    .May    IS!-;.   Craneis   C. 
J'hisi^n.      1,    l-J;vxK  Iv .  b.  .liilv  .").  is,")i. 

IW  .M:  ly  Jone^,  Mav  00.' 1 '-Xi;  d.  May  11.  ISl''..';  m.  Ma_\  1!),  ]<W.  L,  Hnri.dl 
forn.-  r!y  of  ^he'lield,   .Mass  ,   n.>..   i  e'  liiMover,  .b  lb  Ci;.,   M...  " 

y .      Clara  J.  .bme--,  b,  S -i.t.   17.   I^.'O;   m.  o-.-t.,  iS-17,  llenr\-  .Vusiin. 
W.      i:ilen  1'.  .lones,  b.  Au;;.  Ob.  1.-07;  m.  Mav.  IS.')-"). 



45.11.74.  Merritt  Tultle,  1).  M;ir,]i  1,  ]:ur,:  .1.  June  -.'0,  l^-ll;  m.  Maiy.  (l;r,i. 
<i1"  Slej'lii-ii  ('('<));.      She-  111.  t-J)  \\'i!l!ari!  '['(k'iI.  ;ni  ciiiim-nt  builder  nf  \VaIliii!.'-f<in!,  and   <1. 

■o.t.  -J,  i.h;). 

I.  Siuali  ('..'ik,  1).  .Ma;.-li  1,  1S1T;  d.  Jtinc  ]  !.  ]*^.-,v,  m.  (^-i.  ill.  is;;r,  (.'.■ora-r  ]'. 
<'<)nk;  jvs.  W.  ],  i.KoKGr,  M.,  b.  Xuv.  17.  \S.lH.  2,  }.] .\\[\ .  b  June  14,  IS-IT;  ni.^A.  11. 
i 'liai!ii'i<'n.  nii'lluid;      1,    >'ir''/(  .!..   b.  July  ]>',  1>-',:1';   i-,s.  Mciidcn,  v'onn. 

11.       CalolilK^     Anloiliintr',    !).    li-.-r.    17."  ISlS;    Hi.    .Muivli     S.    IS-lo,  StOIiiK'U     Mn'>r.        1, 

KlJ.ioT   S..    b.    Sent.    l^.    Isi7;  ;h.    .May  9,   b'-;71.  .Martlia    ')".  l^J!n(■^1\■.      -2.   Af.UKo  .1 . ,  b. 
iMav-14.  ]>.")():   all  'ivs.  in  \\'. 

'm.  Maiirita,  b.  F(/b.  'V..  l^'oO:  d.  A]. ill  10,  l^'dC;  i„.  Im'Iiii.  1,  l!.\.\XAH,b. 
INh.v  4.  ls4    :  m.    April   i'.'.    Isr.T.    Frank    Hill.      1,    /.',.';,/•/',  b.  Feb.  1;^.  ISCy.     '2,  Jnndc, 

Ffb.  k;.  r  ri. 

n'.  Henajaii  .bdihsou,  b.  Manli  11,  is-Jl;  killed  in  a  eider  mill  Nov.  \-2.  ]S;J:5. 
V  Jiilia  Eliza,  b.  Nov.  8,  iS->,';  d.  Fe|).  1!i.  lSfi4:  ni.  Apiil  !l.  is.")l,  llirarr,  Yale 
7\iidrin\.-;,  1).  Ort.  17.  l^lfi.  s.  of  Silas  and  Hiuli  (Yale)  Andrfv.s  nf  .Merid.'H.  ('unii.:  res. 
Parker's  Farms  in  vve>T  jiart  nl'  ^^'a!linl■■f^)r4.  1,  i'l;  \.\'is  .\i  Atim.x.  !-\>b.  I!.  IS-l-j.  5, 
r.K.N.iA>ri.\  Ii;\i.N.';.  b.  April  I".  lS.~):l;'d.  Ajuil  11,  is."",;.  ;:i.  I^kn.lvmin,  I..  .Nov.  14, 
]S(3;]:    dee. 

\'l.  ira  Alonzo.  b.  Jan.  -jn,  1^-24:  in.  Oet.  17,  1S-1!).  Julia  Mario,  dun.  of  Hiram 
r,ri>!nl;  le-.  W.  1,  ])A\ii)  P.,  Jan.  -24,  1S.-J4,  -J,  Fi.-vVi  x  1. ,  b.  June  ;,IN."r..  o,  Fug.m; 
A.,  b.  An-.  1,  18T^. 

\'ll.  S(dden,  m.  Ap;il  11.  lS4;i.  l^llen  Doolitlle.  w1,e  d.  in  child  1.;h!i  A]>ril  L-O.  FSo'l, 
a.  ;;o.  He  m.  Vi)  l>e<-.  04,  l^i-J.  Sarah  H.  C'lititfield.  i.  b.  Istii,.:  1,  AN.N.Uitu.A 
.\MKi,iA,  b.  June  v7,  1S7)-J.  i,  i-;oin;r.-i-  .\T)AMS,  d.  Xwj:.,  ISul,  a.  0  yrs.  and  Id  mus.  :i. 
FiNA  H<.K)!.[TTi.i-:.  b.  Ajiril  C-d.  l^;.";il.  (',  by -..M  111. :  J,  .M  viiTii:  F.f.i.KN,  !>.  Juneo,  ISori. 
f),  (iFitTKL']5i:  (']rATFn:j,u,  b.  Mav  4.  IS'ir. 

Vlll.  Henry  Clay,  b.  .lime  V-:V):  n>.  Ajiril  14,  l^^^;.  Fordelia  Flakesh^y;  res.  Bridire- 
jKMt,  Tonn..  f,  C."  IHui.EV.  b.  Nov.  U,  l.s:)4.  'J,  Axx  Fi.iza,  .Vjuil  JU,  L'>5y.  8. 
■l;iiAi;i.i;s  Hi-;m;v.  Dec.  7,  \^^'-'y 

IX.      M(-rritT,  ],.  J-,,,.,  ivi'o       i|,  is::;,-,.^.  Hejnware, 

X.  Fnuisa  A.,  b.  .\ii;:.  fi,  1^^;:7;  ni.  Henrv  \\.  Todd.  1,  \Yi!.i,[am  T,,  b.  Oct.  27, 
JS."i7.      ■?,    BntTox  tf..  b.  Sept.  17,  l^Tif).     M,    y\.\\\\  L.,  Maridi  17,    1S(;4. 

46.  Kathaniel  Txittle,  i-.  Feb.  -j';,  i(i7(i:  m.  Father  FMak-e>:ee.  He  d.  17-3S;  inv. 
Mar.di,  17'^^,  ■IT)47.  A(iin.  --iv<-!i.  (Jei.  -l-.i.  17-3^,  lo  i:silier,  wid.,  and  Jonathan,  fdd.  s. 
<jf  dee.,  who  had  double  t'art:  Sib-nee  '['uvnei-.  (dd.  d:,i,.,  s^.  Knos,  Natlianiel.  Iv/ia,  aitd 
dan.  Esther  iianied.  'ihe,  Esi];er,  d.  llh']-.  adin.  iri\entose,n  F/.ra:  inv.  L't7."); 
Simon  Tuttle.  a]>p!uiser:  lliakesley,  coininis>iiiiier.  Fund  n  cord,  ITUi.  Jidm 
]^l:ike-]ee  na!nes  ■■(Ihti.  Mary,  that  \vas  the  \vf.  of  Natlianitd  Tattle"  (not   iiiideist*.-  d.;. 

F  Jonaihat:,  1>.  March,  17n-_';  ai.  Dec.  N,  1700,  llebecca  eiilbert;  d.  v.  /.  In  17'2J 
they  are  called  of  Wall'd  in  a  deed  ToSeirt.  John  liilljertof  -'two-lirths  of  lami  that  was 
Jaidi  oiit  ill  w'.ir  father.  Samuel  ('iii)eri,  dec;"  .\nn  (rilbert  of  N.  Max.,  dan.  of  Samuel, 
j'lined  i;;  t-..,n-,-. 

IF      Sih-nce,  b.  17(t'J;  m,  Jan.  0,  1  7-2s.  John    Turner,  b.  Au-'.  4,  1704  (s.  <d'  Isaac,  s. 
of  Isaac,  .s.  of  ('apt,  Xathanieli.       In    17:;o    tliey   conv.  tn   He/.el.;iah    F'eecliei'   "land  that 
was  laid  ont  to  our  -j:.  f.,  Jnna.tiian  Tuttle."      lie  in.  r2)  (let.   7,  ]7.">(),  .Mary  Foi'ir.vall,  and 
d.  abi.   1770.  leitvine;  minor  dan.,  .^hl!•v,  t(»  wlmm    l-]phraim  'i'urner  was  apot.  i;iiard.      1, 
Ei-iii;aim,'  b.  Jun.e  IH,  17o(}:  m.  O.-t.  "i,  17o-l,  Faclud   NYhecder  fd'   Wall'd.  '    In    1779.  lie 
conv.  te  John  Perkins  land  laid  out  t-.  4  leouas  J'uttle,  jr.      1,  J,,n.  b.  April  Ofk   1  7.")o. 
HI.      .Mnse.-A  I..  .Nhtv  S,  ]7n4:   net  named  in  will  (if  liis  fatlier,   170S. 
IV.      Nathaniel,  h.  Mav  ik) .  171  F  m.  Jan.  Ki,  17:;7,  .Marv  Todd,  {2)  Abi^'ail  Ingham. 
V.      Ivios,  111.  Ajuil  -j-j,  1741,  .Marv  Todd. 
VF      Esther.  III.  N-.x,  ](;,  \-..\s.  n-njandn  DoMlinle. 
\  11.       l-;zra,  b.    \'r2\--:   m.   i!:.;i!;!h  d'odd,  {2\  Susann;-  Merriman, 

464.  Kalbaniel  Tnitle.  I>.  .May  ;?J,  1714;  m.  Jan.  Ui.  17;17,  M.-.rv,  dam  of  Josiah 
and  A.'u--;:ii  (  I'ed  I.  b.  >;ov."'.^7.  17-Jii;  )i!i:ned  in  tise  will  (d'  her  f.,  dated  Oc;. 
•Sy.  1  ,  id.  a     the,;  u.  e,;  she  ,i.  Dee.  ^  ;74-3;  he  m,  {2)  .\biyail  In^iiam;  (diil.    b.   in    llumde.!, 


F      Fri.    See'  S,  17;!S;  m.  Thankful  Ives. 
IF      Abiua'd,  .\ue-.  "!!.   174(i;  b:,i.,  >\-o\   ;m.  Jan.   F'k  Mm.  Joel  Hradh^y. 
Jii.      N-'ihaniel.  1,.   X,,v.  2^\,  IM-J:  m.   FIiA,ii/ef li  iias-etr. 
i\'.      .Mary,  twin  v.iih  NailiF   ■■■a.  .Mwct  Todd       i.  I)y  'Jd  m.: 
V.     I'lnuhv-,,  m.  Naney  .iolin.:<.n;  d.  abr    1 7  77  ami  id-^  Fs! Im;- t-iok  ch  i r^e  ,,f  his 
t.'Si,  a.-i  adm\. :   sh.'    ;ji.  bef.   I7S!,— —    l'e-k,and   h'-r  br.i.   Tuttle  suc,-eed<'d.  i) 



EsllKT  iiRiidmr.  .^f  Ian.  C'lnvlcs:   inv.    C:;*)?:    ivs.  Xew  llav.:   only  child.      1,   CiiAni  ea 

M.o^tliuiiin'Ml,  1).  1777;  Ivi'icd  'hi  wai  <.f    ISl-J. 

VI       J'lsclio!     1)    Ort.  -21,  17  1>';  M.   17S1;  lallrd  KsiIh  1-  Pre',:. 
VJl.     .l.,!uifh:iii,  h.  ;M:..v,  r,.V2:  ui.  Kc/.i..l:  .\fui;-.n;  ;-J)  Kli/.ilx'tl.  Pnkms. 
Ylll.     Jfssc.  1>.  Jan.  -J'l'.  Kl.t;  ni.  l.U'-y  I)iclconiiiui;  iO)  Kunicf  (lilhfit. 

A'd^l  Uii  Tuttlo,  1'.  ill  Ilatn<b-M,  C..;,;i.,  S.'].t.  s,  17;;7:  (1.  .1  luu-  IS.  ls:2?,  a.  8-t 
yr...:  iii.'l>y  i:<-v.  Stfi-h.-u  Ilawlry,  Dec.  5,  \'AJ\.  'I'liankfai  Ives,  b.  Man.l.  14,  1,4,;  d. 
Au<r.   !,   l>;o4;  o^tli  vr. ;  Ti'S.  HfTiiany. 

l'     .l,-:-iM!ih\h,"  1).  0,-t.  14,  171;.");  111.  Sally  CritTcndcn. 

II.  AT.ia-'a.  I).  Mav  4.  j7<;7;  m.  Ksthrr "Tnil.'^;  |-.2)  Mary  Hevclu  r. 

111.      r.i.  1,.  1>.T.  -31.  17r,|i;  t..  d.;   a.    i  yis.  ,      ,     ,,     , 

IW  V},'vuu;-v,  b.  Sri.:.  P'.  1771:  d.  .■^au^  "M.  1S4;!,  a.  7-J;  111.  Mrs.  hu/abcth  I'ock. 
1,  Maxsfiki.d.  ui.  Mar>.- '!>a\vso)i.  0,  i^(i;!:riT,  111.  Julia  Carriuii-tnii.  8,  Sat,!. v.  ui. 
Lewis  ('iMindiiil.     4,    Mil, !■:.<.  m.  F-ilu-r  liuii!,.-!!.     1,J///..v. 

V.      Mavy,    b.    .N.'arrl,  ::'7..  177o;    n;,    .\iarck    14,  17;i2.    Jn:i;di    'I(,dd,  and    had    .^-voral 
(Jul   [(ij. 

A  1.      I'ri,  1>.  Oct.  2i\,  177">;  in.  Kh-i.ta  Prrlviiis. 
Yli       i'Jain,  1).  Ji.iu' 'Jl.*,  1777.  lu    l^''-;.  Mary  S.:a)!i<-id. 
VII!.      Pcuajah,  b.  S.'vt.  1:1  17S1;  d.  Sr^it.  5(1.  lyUo.  a.  !>2. 
IX       James  Sevmoar,  !>.  June  04,  1TS4;  ni.  Saraii  (Jilberr;  {•^}  Clddf  Peck. 
X.      t':;lvin,  b!  Pee.   14.  17S'J;  m.  ISlO,  Sylvia  Sinitli. 

4G4i].  Jeremiah  Tattle,  h.  0,1.  14.  17t;.-.;  m.  Sally  Crittenden;  rein,  to  Otsego 
Co  N  V.  He  .1.  All-.  S.  17;i.i,  a.  2^.  i'dn;  p\.n.<iii.  yr.  K.  the  wid. .  Sally.  In^lSUi 
she' is  caUed  Sallv  Tuttie  Jolm.son.  v.-f.  vf  (.itb^dn.  Plias  Lotiusbury  ouurd.  w  Sally,  a. 
15.  lNO'3;    Israel  Pvrkins,  rr'-'-vd.  ro  Charh.s. 

I.     Sallv.  b.  Or:,  if.  ITST;  m.  Syhauns  XoMe. 
H.      ChaVhs.  b.  Oct.  ly,  17ST. 

III.  A  Una,  in.  Jerro.l  Tiutle. 

IV.  Polly,  b.  Xov    -j:;.   !Vi;l;  ni.  Charles  Piatt. 
V.      JiTciiiiah.  b.  l/iM:   m.  Minerva   'I'annei. 

464111.  Sally  Tattle,  h.  Woodiuidge.  Conn..  C'et .  11,  17^7;  tNvin  Nviili  Cl.arh\>. 
In  lS7n  she  was  li\\  in  Uexter,  Mich.,  witli  her  dan.,  Mrs.  Cray,  and  tohi  her  bro 
Jevenuali,  that  she  wus  S:5  vrs.  old.  'Idie  X  JLn:  Pnh.  Jl-r.  says  she  %vas  b)  in  joU:^: 
Elias  Lnnnsburv,  guard.  Slie  d.  in,  Mich...  Feb.  -7,  l^'7t);  vn.  July  :.,  ISKk 
Svlvaiius  Xoble.  b.'  -New  Milford.  Conn..  Ai^ril  17,  ViS")  s.  of  Fdnatlian  an<l  J..nannan 
(Bostwick)  X'oble.  He  rem.  lu  Mich..  ].^-J4.  and  d.  in  Dexter,  May  D,  IS-^U.  She  m.  i2> 
Feb.  14.  11^4:!,  Xathaniel  Daniels,  win.  d.  Se[.t.  Pf,  IS.")!.). 

1  l.ouis  l.e  (^rand  Xoble.  b.  New  Li.bnii,  X.  Y..  Sej.t.  iO.  bVll  (in  tne  valley  ot 
Butt.-riM.t  Ore-k)  Oi^.  -0  Cc,  X.  Y. ;  lem.  with  his  ta^lier  to  the  !,  ,)i;  the  ^^  a'-umat- 
qnif^ck  n.nv  called  the  llnron.  a  small  river  in  Mich..  ai;d  ihere,  amid  scenes  ot 
remarkable  wildness  and  heautv.  he  ])ns.-.ed  most,  of  his  time  until  the  commencement  ot 
his  college  life.  "  In  a  letter  to  me."  writes  Mr.  Ciriswohl,  ••  he  sa\s,  ■  I  was  ever  mnler 
a  stroi!"  iii].alse  to  embod\  in  langnnire  niv  thou^l^hts.  feelii.ffs  and  fancies  as  tliey  si)rung- 
up  in  the  j.iesi-nce  of  the'rude  but  beantiful  thiiurs  around  me;  the  ])rairie^  on  nre,  the 
snarl--linK  lakes  the  ].ark  like  ff>rests,  IndiaiiS  on  the  hunt,  -nidi ncj-  their  trail  ^anr.e.> 
amid  tlie'raphls  or  siandintr  at  ni-dit  in  the  red  litrht  of  tlieir  f^.-iival  (ires.  1  bivathed 
the  air  of  poetrv.'  His  jnincipal  iieetical  woik  is  y.-u.iih-n.;,:.  an  Indian  story  m  tnree 
cantos  in  whicli  lie  has  made  o-nod  nse  uf  his  exia-rlec.ce  in  forest  lifi-."  t><H'  '' '''■;'"■''"  " 
F,„t.-<nruJ  PodruofAmair,,.  p.  4ol.  He  is  the  autln.r  of  ]Jj\  ,n,aarniu.<^  }  h.n)ni.s 
Coh,  The  r,<nU  ^Ahf/rlin^'.  and  other  voems;  Ajh  r  Ir,r.rr/s  irHh  •<  P«uitvr._  P.e  was  the 
friend  of  Chundi,  tin-  v-ainfuv  and  hi^  companion  in  some  of  his  urti.-tic  e\curs:nns; 
Church  painted  while  Xoble  wrote  He  was  admitted  to  Holy  Ordeis  m  the  Prut.  hpis. 
.■lih  in  1S40:  some  time  Hector  of  the  Cloireh  of  Hie  Holy  Trinitv  m  Jer-.ey  city; 
oIliHated  in  CatskiU,  X.  Y.;  Peeler  o''  a  chh.  in  Chiea-o;  Pn,f.  of  Pelu-  I.eitres  ana 
hn-iish  hit-rature  in  St.  StephenV  1  •.  Jh---.  Aimandab".  N.  Y..  ls77;  afle,  wai'i  preaclied 
at  ionia,  Mieh.,  v.h.r.  he  d.  1^^-.      He  m;.  Oct.  :1b,    1S44,  Sarah  Ann  llaye^,    and.    had  one 

.    '  "  '  ii.     Sally  Jcannette  X(J.le,  b.  M^y  2s,  l^pl;  m.    Pec.    11.    ls:i:;,  Anios  (^.ay,  >Pi».. 
jind  d'near  l>.-:.i.r.   Miidi,.  Sej.'.  '^o,   l>-74.  ,.,.., 

1![        e-hunlius  Heme  Xobh>    b.   Xwj.    lb,    ISpi;   d.   in  Pexlel-,   Pe<-.    He    1>--'I. 
IV.      Amliiese  P.(.stwi(k    Xoble,    b.    Nov.    4,    1^17;  d.    ut.m..    in    S.doia,    O..    Au,c.  '.P 


TITTLE,    -JOliJ). 


V.  Kmily  Miuia  N.ihlc,  Doc.  IT).  ISM);  m.  Avii;-.  2'',.  ]s;;n,  rasKius  Swift:  C^i  Nov. 
17.  1850,  ^^'l^.  Sir\i-i;s:  (iiviri'ccil  Ircin  him  and   ri-siinicd    name  of    Swift:   n's.,    in  ls7(;, 

i/»    D.'Nt.T. 

\'I.  FraiK-is  llimciic  .\,,  .lul_s  1,  !S-?I.  in  U<ic!w>i,.r,  \.  Y.  Tn  IsTIi,  was:  a 
])li_v.-,ici;ai  in  .I(M;-c_s  Ciiv;  in.  May  2:k  IM'.O,  (.'oinc  liu  |-:ii/.a  I'cck. 

464112.  Chaiios  Tuttlo,  i'.  Oci.  i;i,  n^l:  U\-l\,  with  Sallv;  rc!,,.  i,,  X.  y.  Sr-iu- 
al>t.  Lslii;  d.  is:"),  ji.  ,SS;  m.  I^IU,  Uiuh  Jimk--,  li.  in  i,\.  udinir,  ^■t.."^'uv.  :?,  17!ll:  a  uuni. 
of  the  I',  chh. 

[.      iMidlv.  1..  Vr\,.  ],s.  isi;.  , 

11.      l)rh,'s,  h.   Kcl..  17.  ]MN:d,  uiiin.  Jan.   lo,  ]N-!7. 
HI.      ].:•    lf"y.  1).  .lull''  ],  ^^■•.31  :    kui.  Wc-t  and    w;is  a    htaik.-r  a)u)    ln^kfr;  lii^  -jccat 
liusiri...-.s  (apa-.-ity  hrcuiiin;-  known  t»  ilic  antlioiiii.--  :it  Wj- )tii,<Mon.  lie  w;-,v  ,.ni|.|i)Vfd 
in  tlu'  r.  S.  'ritasary  as  as-^istat^t  treasurer. 

"  Tiu-.\sn:v  Dki't.,  W.\siir.\..  to.n,  Nov.  ],  ]n(;(;. 

].<■  \l>y  'I'lUilt:,  k7-(|.,  havir.LV  Iier^n  ajij/./nired  and  roirini-j-.inned  Assl.^Jant  Tie.-i.-surer 
ol  the  Tniled  Siarcs  by  the  Pn'sideiit  oi  rlie  I'niled  Stales,  [  ha\c,  witli  ilie  i^inseiit  in 
wrilin.-  of  llie  Si  ,n  rary  of  llie  'I'lea^ury,  autliorizcd  the  said  as^istaiil  to  ac;  in  niv  ]A:.ut' 
and  srtead,  and  ai  any  and  at  all  rinn's  to  dis<d)ai-gi>  any  (.r  all  of  the  dntie.-  if-ouired  hv 
law  of  me  as 'I'leasuver  of  the  United  States.  His  signature,  hereto  couDteisijrned,  will 
be  regarded,  wh,-a  afaxed  to  any  ollicUi]  paper  cjuanating  from  this  oilic<>.  as  ilaving  tlu- 
rhe  same  forre  and  (llec;  a.-;  if  signed  by  me. 

F.   E.   Si'iNNi:);,  Ti.iis.  \'.  S.  " 

"  When  speaking  of  Treasurer  Sjiinner  s.wiie  time  ago.  we  incidentally  mentioned 
Assistant  Treasurov  Le  Koy  Tattle.  He  is  w.nthy  of  mi;re  particular  notice.  TiUtle  Ik 
a  lnisii!e;-sman.  'J'heic-  is  no  more  Ucsh  on  him  than  there  is  on  alihertv  pole  (.>r  u  zio-y.-Ac 
fence;  but  as  much  life  and  'get  up  and  get  along"  iu  him  as  in  a'ojiard  chased  l)v 
lions.  He  is,  in  short,  the  embodimeiU  of  aclivity:  and  he  alwavs  mear.s  is  Inisi- 
nesb — the  getting  ready  for  business  which  re(pnres  one  le  move  ar(;nn'd  iiveiv.  If  anv 
one  was  ever  born  a  business  man  it  is  I.e  j-ioy  Tuule.  ii.>\v  nne  ot  thi'  Assistant  'i'reas- 
urers  of  the--e  United  States,  and  twelve  yi>ars  ago  the  casliier  of  a  bank  in  a  .^inall  citv 
<iul  \\t:~t.  A  va-^t  sum  of  .money  been  ])aid  out  of  the  I'l.dted  States  Treasurv  since 
Tuttle  has  been  here.  He  has  had  niany  men  under  his  management,  ^^■e  b'dif've  l)ut 
one  ever  dereived  Irmi  and.  broug-ht  him  to  grief.  Indeed,  th.e  Treasurv  here  has  been 
snriwssingly  free  from  defalcations  and  eitibez/denu'ids.  Such  crimes  have  been  too 
often  committed,  but  in  nearly  every  ins1an<-e  iliey  have  oc>-tirr<'d  after  the  nu)nev  had 
been  lawf  lilly  taken  from  the  'J'reasury.  .Mr.  'j'uttie  is  entitled  to  a  large  share  of  c'redit, 
as  well  as  (Jen.  Spinner,  that  such  is  the  fact.  In  person  Mr.  Tuttle  is  small  in  stature, 
but  so  wiry  and  active  that  I  think  he  must  get  over  more  ground  than  anv  other 
muTi  in  the  'I'reasury.  He  can  talk  lo  a  do/en  ]HMsons.  and.  keej)  on  writing  at  his  desk 
just  a.s  tliough  nn  on(.-  were  present.  IS.irv.itiistaiiding  the  vast  amcunt  of  business  to 
wlucli  he  atieiiils,  he  iias  always  f'Hin-.i  time  tu  read  a  great  di-ai,  and  is  a  highlv  intelli- 
gent gentleman.  He  is  always  uncommonly  w  <'ll  infiu-med  as  to  all  i.assiiif  events. 
being  a  constant,  judicious  reader  of  ne\vspa}ieis." — ]Vii.shtn'jtO)i  ('(irrt.t. 

He  resigned  at  the  .same  time  with  d'en.  S.,  and  is  now  in  business  at  (Jeoriretown. 
D.  C;  also  engaged  in  mining  enterprises  in  Califnredii.  He  m  March  '2A.  1S.57.  .idehude 
Merry,  and  Ints  one  son.  Lk  JioY,  b.  in  .Mohawk,  X.  Y.,  .Mari:h  T,t,  is."3s 

IV'.  Melinda,  b.  .May  :\.  ]s2;i;  m.  her  cou.-in,  Kdwin  Amasa  'J'utlle  <jf  Be'.hanv, 

V.     Calista.  b.  Feb.  '20,   ls2G:   un?ii. 

VI.      Jan.!,  .Marel,  -JS.    IS'^S. 
VII.      Alma.  b.   Dee.    M,    ]s:Ul:   n;,    .Ian.   IT,    ISJl,    Aiu-am   Z,-.lbu.      1,   Jessii;,  b.    b^r)7- 
grad.  \'as>ar  CmI.  i^so. 

\'1II.      .leannetie.  1).  Aug.   Ill,  18;i:;;   num. 

I\.      .lulia,  b.  .\pr!l  '^s,   1 -.■•;■):   unm.  res.   b'ichliehl,  (Jlsego  (.'o. .  N.    Y.  ' 

4G4114.  Tolly  Tattle,  b.  Nov.  •.•;■!,  i;:il:  d.  Feb.  F.),  is;^,-,;  ni.  Jan.  1,  IMl,  ('has. 
ITati  ol  .Nev   .Miii'.'ord..  Cntiii. 

1.  diaries  Ad./lphus  i'latr,  b.  Dec.  ]|.  1SI4:  m.  Nov.  7,  FS'.';,  Elizabeth  Flatt.  1st 
cousin,  lie  m.  cJ)  Sejit.  S.  ISj".).  (/coi-u-iana  Hrooklield.  i.  h\  I  m.  :  1 ,  .\!  ak  v  I".r  f/ \  i;i;rii . 
Aug.  1,  F^:;!i.  2.  S.MiUi  \v^;v>[\.  .Ajail  11,  It^f-,'.  ;;,  ( •>f.u;!,i;s  Hf;.\  uv,  Mandi  ^.  i^M. 
I,  (<)i;\i.[.i.\  .\.N.-..\.  (ici.  i;.;.  .),  WM.  i;i)w\i;i),  .bin.  2\.  bs:.:;.  (I,  l.n.i.ii:  1s.m;i:i,, 
Aug.  '..'(;,  INo-F  /  liy  '.'  nt..  7.  i:A-iri.\.ui.\i.  '  m);  ci.  \s-,  Feb.  17.  JsiiF  s.  .MiisK-nw 
Bkookkii;i.;j,  July  :ji",  IsLil.     !i,  Ji)si;i-hi.nk  Ik''""1\  .Vlay  11,  iNC.j:  res.  .\ugusta,  (ia. 


j;i;AXt,l!     (JF    JON  All)  AX 

I!.     Su-^iiu  :\[;ii-i;i  !'!a(t,  .M;tirb  ;10,  isl7:  d,  .liinc  4.   J^Ol. 
III.      \N'iili;ini   ll-iiry    Phiii,    1..    Si>v.2:l.  IS'l^,   d.    \:i-.   TJ,  ]S\<j, 
.     1'''-      I'l"'.^     •\:i:i     I'l'.m,    h.    Oct.     LM,     ISO-I;     i,.       \n^.    •^•2,    l^T.O,    Auui^;!    AlinUifuii 
^fai  l^'^,  'J'\  cuiisiii. 

\'.  .lac.)!)  H.).v;ii-,liis  IMrilr,  I..  .lun.^  l.").  IS-JT;  m.  ()(;r.  5,  ISli),  Fannie  (I,  IJnbcrt; 
1'''"'  tiW^ia.:  d.irf  r,i.;i!if.i-  l''iic  ;i  -jit.  1 1  f  A  iil';u,-.!:i  : .  ! 'nni .  ( 'i  luiici  I  four  vc:,  rs ;  bcrvL-d 
ill  the  Cniilri!.  ainiy.  i!u)i,-!i  not  in  il'c  licld;  ii'in  i<,  Xo;|f)llc,  \"a.,  and  ikav  I'cs.  llicrc, 
(JnTS.)  1.  J1i;.v!;v  ('ii.\!;),i;<,  .July -Jit,  I^'IO.  2.  !■' \ -n  \i  r:  Moxtki.i^.-v,  .Tan.  10.  is.",].  :j' 
Anm-i:  Siini.iK)\.  Oct.  IS.  is."}.-,,  -l,  .l.\(oi;  I'.o.i.vKDrs  .Inlv '.)  l.^.ls  ,-,  ]^)l■.|■  kt  Ti 'j-rr  v' 
Marcli  ;;".    l^-il.i.     "  •  ' 

Vi.  William  [.vi.ii  I'laii ,  .Tnuc  ■J',\  IS  in  ;  m,  .[  nl  v  1 'J.,  ISall,  (  ;crj!'^i:iii:i  F,);-ct..  ],  .John 
\\'.\);i),  .Inly  11.  IS!;!i.  ■.?.  Lori^,  Jm)1:(i:,  1m-1..  :.'(;,  lS(i;j.  :;,  Adki.i.v"  Im-kck,  Julv  ;j,  ISIJC, 
(il<T.)     4.   lii/iz  \i,i;tu,  I).  is:;u.     ,•),  W'ri.uAM,   ics.  Au,<;-asta,  <ia. 

46413.5.  Jeremiah  Tattle,  !'.  Kiil;  rem  .■!.  IT,  i.,  T/id.nn,  Otscl-u  To.,  N. 
1 . :  .--crv.  ai)|ii-.,-iuic!'.<hii,  ];;riin_t;-  hnsint-s-  with  ('.  E.  vV  S\  Ivan  u^  Xolilr  ( l.rni  liv'rs-in  law), 
sind  (;i]i)cn;  its.  Al.-xaiidria,  .li'tT.  ('<y,  N.  ^  ..  5-2  yrs.  :  ivni.  to  Ou'cr.  X.  V.  LdsI  tlic  use' 
(if  f'lic  of  1 1  is  a.ruis  iiv  iMilliii^-  a  t.xitli  \vi!lt  lliuiiib  and  liiii'-cr.      lie  in.   ^^^lrI■\•a  'I'aniicr 

T  ... 

11.       S.-illy   M.,  h.    ]),^,..    1.-,,    lN->n:    ,1..     Ocl.     is.     ISId,     i;i,y;d    .Morse.       1,    CVXTIHA.       13. 

-l.w.     ;!,  .I.vsdx.     4.  .\i:;.-u.\.     5,  .josinw.     (i,  M  \!ri!i.\.    ";,];wv\i, 

111.      Ncj.oi, . 

1\  .  Ni  Isi.n,  1).  Sej.t.  C'o.  IS-2::',;  lueUadly  luiii  on  a  sidcwal!;  in  Albaiiv.  X.  Y.,  b^^  a 
Lai-icii)!'  liou!-  lallio.L'-  on  liii,:;   survived  ■.'(;  da.ys,  and  d.  in  ll,e  ;iiiMn].h  id'  f;:iiii. 

^■.  Jeanneit,-.  Misicli  T,,  Iti'Jr.  m.  X'o\cs  ),.  Knd;  us.  i-a-ii  av,  Co..  Midi.  1, 
<.)]i\-|i.i.K  <)i;-i.N,  Feb.  ].-,.  1S17.  ■>.  l)i;[.vr-V,T  Aiiuinr^,  ..Inly'i:-!,  jst'.i.  i!.  J.v.mks 
.)-\s!M.i;.      -I.  lb)si.-.n.\   .M;nk!;\  \,  b.  .liiPe-JS,  b^.V.\  and  twonnee". 

^'1.      .Alma,    Jidy    !.    lS:j:!;  ni.    l;o!)ert    Sinitli.      1,   ( 'i[.v!;i,j;s,   Dec.    ;!J ,   ]W2:   and  4 
]U(>rc:   V.  >.  (Mb  alls,  .bdr.  Co     X     V 
Vi!.      .loan,  .May  2-2.  ]s:i.;;   .i.  a.  18. 
"\''II.      In!.,  b.  Anir.  :).  ls;;S:  d.  a.  1(1  mos. 

IX.  Lanra  .\nie!;n.  ['eb.  12.  1S40;  n;.  Win.  Sn^illi;  ves.  Orleau.s,  X.  Y.  1.  ^^■l^.^■I- 
1  Ki.l).  (dan.)  and  1  w  o  sons. 

X.  Clnirles,  March  :!,  FS4o;  m.  Is,;.")  SaTiianlha  Smitli;  r.-s.  Onuir.  X.  "i.  1.  Ar.mi'; 
A.,  Sent,  bs,  i.siiii.     -2.  .li-|,r.v  Ax.N,  May  10,  ISiis. 

46412.  Amasa  Tuttle,  i>.  -Ma\  4.  ]:t,-.:  m.  i-:si]iev  1'olles  of  Woodbrid.e-c,  Conn., 
v,-l,,,d.  Dec.  2:).  i;;t2,  a.  -.'2  yrs.  tie  m.  C'l  -Maw.  Oaii.  ot'  i>;ivid  and  Hanindr(l'erk)ns) 
Be.  ,  her.  u-ln.d.  March  10,  ls2S.  a.  .".s.  He  d.  lu-v.  :;u,  ]S2(.i,  a.  T/J;  <ddl.  b.  in  \V.  /. 
hy  11,.; 

I.      Saiali  I'.ellainv.  b.  .M.,v  1S.   i;!ll.  1,1.    r.iialsin!  Smith. 
M.      F-iliei-  'I'ejies.  b.  Dcc."2;:;.  ITiij;  111.  ]-evi  Meivvin  .M.irks.     /.  bv  2d  in.: 
111.      Davhl    Deecher.  b.  Feb.  12,   IT:)."):  d.  May  N.  ISIU,  uinn. 

464121.  Sarah  Eellamy  Tuttle,  l..  Mav  is,  170I:  in.  iii  chh.  \\".,  bvjJev 

Ecnlien  Ives,  .Maiidi  (\,  b^dn,   l-dialCim.  s.  of   .bmatli.-tn   and  S.isanira  ('I'littlc)  Sinitir.  b.  in 
^^  e.vt  iiav,.  Conn..  May  -O,,  ITS.-j;   .].  in   lieihany.  Conn..  Mar.di  it.   jS.-;'.). 

1.  II. -nry  .\iuas.a  Smith.  1).  in  W.  Ainil  J  7,  Isll;  m.  .la  n.  >!,  1  s;;;.  Cat  harine  l-di/.a- 
betli  j'.radley:  rein.  Xov.,  IS.'),""),  from  Xew  llav.  lo  Ih'.reau  C.,  III.;  faiim  r  iiiifil  .May, 
iS!:i.  whe-i  he  lefiiel  from  business  and  rem.  toChica-i..  lib;  res.  :',S2  W.  Madison  k. 
1.  .Unis  Coi.Tii.x.  Mav  1,  is:;s;  farmer  and  dealer  ii/siock;  m.  in  111.  Jan  2'.l.  D-iil, 
Mary  Hryani.  a  idece.d' tie' i)oet  \\"in.  C.  ihvant ;  res.  Prim, ton.  ill.  1.  .b/  //.'/'  l!ni<ii.i. 
h.  .Dily  Id,  l^(i.-).  2.  Ih-.Mjv  \M  vs.\.  .m:., 'b.  .Mav'n,  1S4'.);  merchant  in  Cdiica^-o.  :!, 
lii.\   !'.i!.\i,!.i  V,  .^;ar.d,  :!!.  IS."^,.-,;   .Mdn^oi  lea.  her. 

II.  l.aniu  Smith.  \\uW  .■>.  isb",;  m.  Se[)t.  !^,  IM."),  \\u\.  I'.radlev  Dlch.rmau,  I. 
l-h'.lxKlM  >:Mr!ii,  b.  in  Ch.'-liire.  C,n;n  .  .Innc  .2,  !,>!;;  d.  .Ian.  2(1,  l^lf).  2,  CiK.v.  h.  in 
^^■in'.(ead.  Conn..  Del  .'),  1  S.-)2 ;  U-aidnu  ;  m.  .lune  21,  ls;.t;.  {{.■v.  I'huvn.-e  W.  ("olt.)!! 
(Id';--!,  boiii  mad.  Conn.  Slaie  N,,rmal  s.diool.  :i,  (»i,i\).,r;,  .Mar.di  2o.  ISl^;  d.  O.-t.  20, 
1>^2:.      -I.   S.\i;.\ii,  b.  in  Woodbrid,..'-.'  Cel).  24,   1S2:;;  d.  .Ian.  !).   IS4;. 

464122.  E.sther  Tollos  TuTllf,  b.  in  W.  D.c.  24.  17!'2;  d.  .la.n.  1.  ls.>!;  m. 
i'l  Cli,i.v,  ,hli.  \"N  ,  by  i;..v.  .Mr.  Co-nuall.  Ai)ril  IS,  ISid,  l,evi  .M>M".vin  Marks,  ',.  in  .Mil- 
ford. _  Conn. ,  1^1..  s,  1702:  (k  llie  man  in  Ivilhanv  Feb.  2.-).  lyso,  a.  SS  yr-^.  ,  ciiil.  b. 
in  XN'ateriuiry,  ( 'onn. 



.J         -    ^\ 

JaHa^^  //'/-t-i^^ 


a¥-C^/:  m.ciAA^ 



I.      MiUT  Ksth'-r    Marks,  Oct.  :?(),    ISI^;    uum.      SMine   dC   h^y   v,-viti!i<,-s    have    hc-n 

II.      .M'uif!  va  (.'oi.tciit  .Mark.s,  May  IS,  1M7:   in.  .hui.,  ]s:5r.  JOIia.'^  Newton  Clark.      ] 
W.Ns.  Nf.\.h>\.  !)(c.  Io,  IS;!r;   r^.^.  Li\-.'i-j.M,,I ,  olii,,;      :?.   Tnn.M  v.^  (;i:(,i;(;k  Ij.mokf' 
Sci>l.  !),  IMl;  d.  Oct.   IT.  ISIU.      ;S,    Ki.jas   I,r;vi.    Sri,t.    1,    istl:  iii.   Ort.  IT,  IS!;:.  Alice 
SoDicrs.      1,    'i'lm.M.As   (;i.<M;f:i:   Ki.mokk,   .Ip.hl.!.    ]^r,i\      r,    ]]]jy.\    V.(si\iv\    .lii-n-l] 
1S(;2.  '  '  ' 

111.      Davhl    Hceclicr  .Marks,  N(,v.  0,  IsH);   m.  Nuv.    9,  ]S4(;.  Sorajdiina    ll..l,.ii    ]1;,11 

I,  Si(JXOKi.\  KsTiiKK,  Oct.  57,  ]S47;  unni.  2.  OvJ.vix  PjtKiSMTZ,  Julv;;i.  ]S4'.l-  innn 
:i,  Ma};y  I^;,()rsK,  Ar,i:.  ^W.  Is.ll;  m.  1S7-.'  (iates:  ros.  Duraiid',  ill.  -l,  A  \i  v,s -, 
BiCECHKK,  Mar.-h2fk  IS.",;;:  ,1.  Apjil  -Jl.  Isiil).  .-,,  KAruia.  Minki; va  .Mar-'li  10  Ib.^O-  d 
A))ri!  '2:>.  \r-W.  li.  ■.MAirruA  F,i.i7.\.  April  -Jli.  ],-';,7;  d.  X(,v.  Hi,  J^r,s.  7,  0]{i;i  S.-'i.t' 
•?r).  Is.V.);  .1.  Feb.  ;■),  [sr,{).  s.  |)AVii>  \\rM-ii;i.ii.  F.'l).  if),  Istij.  !•,  Ih'xKv  <,'n\N|-' 
Fell,  s,  |S(ii;  ,1.  .Jan.  L':;,  Fsc.j.  ID,  CiiAiii.onK  }Ii:i,k.n-,  h.  Julv  14  ls(;7  11  Ci-^rj." 
1).  .Ma-cli  ;i,  FS70.-  ■  .         .  -  -, 

I\'.      William  Iw;  Marks,  Aii^r  ;?7,  Is-j-j;  d.  in  Water!).,  Marcli  10.  ISg?. 
V.      .\iiia,-a  Abiali.-im  Mivrks,  b.  in  \W  Ajiril  :',  Fs'.3.");   inventor,  paleiaee  tind   niiimi- 
factnrer  oi  n;tif;rial  limbs  in  N.  Y.  r-ity.      To  uIk.;,,  v,-;;':  awaided  bv  tin-  Americim  Insti- 
tute in  \>'i;r)  a  ,:;old  medal  for  tlie  best  artilirial  limb-.      Ap-aiu  in  1n!;7  the  lirst  ]>reininin 
a   Inrge    bronw    nudal    wa^   awar.F-d.      A.-aiii    in    isCii    tl'i-    first    lovmium.  a  iiK'dal  and 
(lipionja  was  awaided.      'i'lie  siiim-  in  ls70;   and  sinee  tl,e  (dnuiLM'  in    tl;e    bv-laws    of   the 
lusrituie.  J.y  v,-liirh  medals  rnd  'iiidoii'.as  ure  aboli-^hed.  Ids  work  ln,s  received  a  cohtimi- 
ou-s  .sevie.s  of  coiumendatory  re]Mirts  (d'  the  ex-aniinin-  committee.      Also  received  a  urniid 
medal  at   Centennial    in    J'hila.,    Fs7(i.      Oiiice   .")7.")' hWoadwav,    \.    V.:    res.    I%'ive7-side' 
Coim.      Hem.  in  X.  Y.  .\n-.  22,  iSoO,  his   2<1    coes..    1  lev  Ann    I'lati,    a    ;;-rand    dan    of' 
.Jpn>!nia]i  'J'ultie.     1,   ("HAumis  A.m\sa.  b.  in  X.  ll.'iv.  .July  10,  is.")l ;  stud'ai  1 'nion  Col 
and  ])i\-.  at  I'hila.      In  the  Fpis.  mini^tiy;   w^w.  ]'<'i'J.  rector's  a-sistani   of  St.  .\m!re\\-s', 

l^hila.,  lUv.  Dr.  II.  B.  FJaxton,  rector;  m.  Oct.  2.">,    1S7.1, Divine.     2,   O'r.o.  Kuwix' 

•Ian.  2'.).  ]i<r,:l\  ^:rad.  with  honor  ('..!.,  (dass  js?').  o'^  Lr*  Y  I7s'ri!!:i:  b  Ai,ril  2y' 
Is.Y):  d.  Dec-.  20,  4.  Fim- nKficK  Akiiaiiam,  1>.  Au-.  4,  1S,7?:  ,1.  ^'ept'.  4'.  ISi;.-,  ;-,' 
M.UIV  Ei.i/.\,  Mav  27,  IsitU:  d.  in  Shar.m,  Conn.,  Nov.    I   dS(;2       (J     A\'m    Ffco;  x    \u." 

II,  'ifiCii.     7.   .\>:xA  Adki.ia,  Xov.  27,  JSCf,.  '  •••-.-.■ 
VI.  •  Kli/.a   .Jeannett.'    Mark-,    b.    Jely    13.    1^28;    luniiait    and    laii(Kc:,],e   artist    and 

writo-of  talent;  lu.  Jan.  -21.  It'oo.  '.eo,  Henrv  Cllnron,  a  wood  carver  Ik  d  in  asvhit'i 
at  Dnrtf.,  .Jnly  2,  18711;  (2)  Dec.  1,  ]SS1,  Jair'us  F.  Lines,  M.  D.;  V.Med  ScImh.F  res 
X.  llav.      1,   (iKO.  llK.vr.V,  b.  ],  ls:,l;  <\.  FS,-,,-,. 

46416.      TJri  'Puttie,  h.    t^ct.    2r;,  17  7o;  rem    to  C.dumbus,    Chenaiiii-n  Co     \    Y 
wheie  lie  d.  Nov.  4,  ISoU,  a.  84    vrs.:    m.    Electa,    dan.    of    hMward    F.-kins  id'"  Wood' 
bridge.  Conn.,   h.  Oct.  ao,  177.";;  d.  July  li,  Fs.7ti.  a.  81. 

I.      l-ldward   Perkins,   Feb.,  1797;  in.    Aue.    J,    ISll);  .Maria   Medljuiv,  sister  of  the 
rariway  director",  :\Iedb;,ryof  Cidiimljns,  o.      1,'  Fi  <  i    Wt-.i.Ks,  Oct.  ,"),  ],b:2b;  m.   Wm    F 
IStedman.     2,   lliU-\Nr.  Marcli  25,  182.*;  d.  Dec.  :j,  F-^d'.*.     8,   C.XTiiAitrxK  .M  viti  \    Oct    -'a' 
1S2;J.     4,    Fi.'VNKi.iN,  .June  20,  1S2G;  d.  Dec.  2ti,  Fs:,;l  "  '    '    ' 

IF      Flviia,  ..Ian.  8,  1709;  d.  Oct.  2,  ls02. 

HI.  Lanra,  b.  March  rW,  1801 ;  d.  .Jan.  2i;,  ISiit),  a.  (F),  in  Paris,  Oneida  Co  N  Y  • 
ni.  t^ej.t.  -0,  JS20,  Newton  Ilorton,  b.  in  FitchCicld  Co.,  Conn.,  ,Filv  18,  1700;  rem  vsitli 
his  parents  to  C(dutnbns,  N."5'.,  sprinr-  ,jf  lsi7,  d.  ,lnlvl.-),  1840.  Jn  ls4(;  Mrs  H 
moved  to  the  ohl  honn^^tead  to  take  enre  of  the  old  penpfe.  In  thai  vear  herself  .diif 
and  husband  were  sick,  and  the  latter  died.  It  w^is  a  veai  (.f  darkness  and  she  was 
oveidtnrdened  with  care  and  sorrow.  'J'owards  the  close  o'f  her  life  she  was  h€-a:d  to  sav 
that  her  last  da.ys  were  her  lnipi)iest,  as  her  cares  and  n'sponsibilities  were  lessened  '  l 
.\i)  Nov.  18,  1S21;  d.  a  wido-.c  .lune  7,  F84t;.  leavinij  ]  dan.  2,  Oi;s.i\  Match 
IS,    js-e);  (1.    May    1;i,    t81(j.     ;j,  .F\m-:    Ax.\,  b.    April    21,'lS2.i;  d.    N'ov.    FJ.  Fs47.     4, 

Jt:A.NM:i-n:,  .Mr,ich  H,  ls27;  m.  Sisinjier.      She  is    now   a  widow   wiih  micdiild     a 

.son;  res.  ll.andllor,,  N  Y.  ,">,  M.\i;v  i;i,i.:.  ta,  h.  Mav  12,  ls3-l.  (i,  e'ifAi;Ms  Fkw'is 
S.-i>t.  -^-l.  1s;t7:  owiis  the  F.rm  his  era  ndFiihe.-  F  ,i  -Fnttie  selth  d  on  wh.-i^  it  was  a  oari 
of  a  vi,.-r  lo!e-t,   m.  :,!id  ha-.  2   chit. 

1\.       -Mmon,   1).   Nov.   .""i.   Isw;;;   d.    line:.   Sept.   •".•,   1S2V 

\'.      Parley,  Oct.  211.   I    Oi;   ,|.   |-Vb.  2*i,  bs.77;   m.  .Mma  .Malvina,  dan.  of  Feomud  and 
Fanny  blau.  ot  Noah  Fa Mmport )  A.Fit.      1,    Dahwi.n,  res.    Coinmi.u>,  N.  Y.      I.    M.niin 
\ii^'ii.  re<.  llm-n.  llsviMe.  N.  \  .■  jn-oininen!  bnsiia  .-s  m-;  n.     2.  A'.  ./'.// -rO,    1  e-    1  loiiiMs\-iilo' 
t  ']\'-nan.LO)  Co.,   N.  V, 

^'F      F.'i.-ome,  b.  Sept.  12,  1800;  d.  June  G.   18;;ti,  unm.;  accideniallv  kHled  l.v  a  irnn 

70  r.UAXCK    OF    .TON  ATI i. AX. 

"V'll.      Mnrv  Juli;;.  1..  Fcl).  '2.1.  ISU:  rl.  .\]y:U  If;,  IWU:  m.    ]),■(•.  H,  ls;j4.  Alcott 
1,  Tlr.XKY  11.;  Mnv  1.  1S8!);  d.    An>r.  i:,.   Ls')!).     -J,  F.,   Jui..  1:2,  isll;  ,]     Jan 
:^>1.  l.''-04.     :;.   Knv.A!".!).   b.   .JiMirli,  ]s;4:!;  ,!.    f,.),    is,    ]s44.     4.   1'akkikt  E.,M:iv]0, 
lS:>."i.      .').    Ai.NK.ix.  li.   l>rr.  .'),  r^-!T.      n,   .Iii.rA  AXN.  h.  .Tniic  ?!),  l,S.-,0. 
\'ill.     F,nn-!iiic  ]•:..  .M:iy  H.  j.^lT;  d.  .line  "J,  ]^|:i;   in.  liciuy  lloliues. 

46417.  Eln.m  Tattle,  !-.  -huw  ^J.  ll?:;  \ve)U  to  On.-idi-  Co.,  N.  Y.,  atxmt  IROO- 
lu.  -M-ay  1.  1S02.  .Mary  Srofidd.      He  d.  .M;i\  4. 

I.      Alvir.i.  1).  Jan.  o,  lN!i;j;   in.  Ft-h..  ]>-'4!»,  Samuel  Ad:uii.s;  .s.  i. 

II.  i;.-!>:r;:il:.  h.  Ajiril  S.^,  I.^n);  d.  .Mnrdi  14.  FSO."):  ri.  Ai>ril  ].~),  is;j2,  C'clinda 
Tuttlf,  whovl.'Ort.  S?>!.  1N44.  II.'  in.  [2}  iKc  18,  181G,  Doicr.s  ^^tabldjiid;  i.  hv  1st  in.: 
1,  LAfKA  ('.,  1..  M.nru -21),  l^:-:-!:  r.i.  ]).'v..  1.S59.  rhurics  Austin;  "2  chil.  2,  Ly.max  A., 
li.  Feb.  14,  1.S8."):  in.  Xnv..  ISoo.  Deborah  M.jsier;  f<.  /. ;  reiu.  to  Kent  Co.,  Mi<h.,  iy(H5. 
S.  Fkaxk),ix  F.,  b.  Sept.  20.  ISoO;  served  two  ve;iis  in  .Annv  of  I'oiomac,  unin.  4, 
LeIIoy  W.,  1).  Nov  IS,  18;5S;  in.  Dec,  ISGS,  Loverna  M.  Tntile;  i.  ou'r  .idkl.  a  son.  .5' 
MATrniA.I..  Sept.  IH.  1.^42:  ni.  about  ]Sf)7,  irn-ha:-d  IMwards:  reni.  to  K'ent  Co..  Ml<-ii  •' 
/.  by  L^dni.:     0,  Chaki.i.s  O.,  b.  .March  1.  1.S48. 

"ill.  iM-.-d-riek.  b.  ]Hr.  i^^.  ISO-"",:  rem.  to  Kent  Co.;  m.  1810;  returned  to  Oneida 
Co..  N.  v..  A]. lib  l^oT,  and  back  to  Mieh.  IsiiC;  res.  Kockford;  m.  N<rv.  :]0,  1840, 
IJlioda  .\usii!!.  v.dio  d.  b'eb.,  isYi.  He  m.  {•})  Jennie  F.,  \v!<lo\v  of  Fly.sses  M.  Tutlle, 
in  Jan..  b^»i't;  /.by  Istm.:  1,  Jt'.an.n  F.TTi'.  (.'. ,  b.  .M;iy  12,  1.SJ2:  m.  Jan.,  bSf'i'F  Ely 
Sauford,  2.  Lovkiixa.  m.  Dec.  18ij7.  l,ei;oy  W.  'fmrle  8.  Juii.n,  b.  Jan.  2.'i,  I847.  4, 
F.VKi.i.Ni:  .\.,  b.  July  28.  18.")(!,  uur]i.  .AiiMilierd.  in  infancy,  'i'iie  three  daus.  of  Frcd- 
<='rick  Tuttle  resid*?  in  Conn. 

IV.  Charle.s,  b.  June  22.1.^07;  m.  10,  l8ol.  Havriet  Tuttle.  1,  I•:LA^f.  1). 
Feb.  10,  18;!-2:  m.  Feb.  ^^^  l,<->7.  .Mary  Jane  ]5arne.s,  1).  in  Paris,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y., 
Mavcli  '2,  180"),  dan.  of  ham  and  Juliet  .-\nstin  Barnes,  now  of  Cortland  Center,  Mich. 
Ii-am  \vi;.s  ^on  ol'  Ab.d  and  Martha  liausoii  Barnes  of  Conn.;  r>'s.  (].'S7i)j  li(;ckt"ord,  Mii-li 
1,  Vhrrhs  Mr.nJir.  b.  .\'ov.  lO,  1  ^'.V.i.  2,  IIV^''^  J/,//-//.,  b.  D.'c  1(J,  ^y■i\\\.  2,  Osc.\l!.  1^ 
Jan.,  ls:'.i!:  nnni.  H,  Flysm-'-v  >{.,  b.  l^;"!'.*:  d.  fall  of  bSIJ'^:  m.  \X\V>.  Jennie  \,.  IJevnals, 
-whom.  (2)  Frederick  TiUtle.  Fly.-se^  .M.  Tuttle  was  a  hnvyf-r  and  J  ustice- of  the  Peace; 
i.,  three  soi!s.-    4,    \  Ciiii-U,  d.  inf. 

V.  •Betscv.  1).  Jan,  1,  is-i'J:  m.  March  17,  18-20,  Ib^nrv  IJ.Mtb-ti,  who  d.  .v.  i  Mv.x 
m,  1848.  "  ■  '        ' 

VF      .Vnuis.:,  li.  .Marcli  -2,  I8U;   num. 

\\l.     Hannah,    b.    .Marcli    28,    1-;14:    d.    Jan.    7.    ls.-):j;    n,.    Feb.    18,    181:3.    Truman 
]>ariieit:   /.,  three  chil. 
VIll.      Inf.,  (1. 

46419.  James  Seymour  Tuttle,  h.  June  24,  1784;  d.  Sept.  23,  18rw;  m.  ISOo, 
Sarah  <;!;l"Mt.  acIh,  d.  Jan.  12.  182T,  a.  4:1  He  m.  (2^  Oct.,  1.S27,  (.'Idoe  Peck,*  b.  M!ir(di 
i:i  178i;:  d.  in  15--Thnnv,  Conn..  Oct.  20,  187!),  in  her  filth  vr. 

1.  Sylvia,  b.  Nov.  12,  18U5:  m.  Sept.  20,  1822.  Oeor-e  Peck,  b.  .Mav  G,  1800;  d. 
Sept.  28,  i86'i.  1,  Oeokok  F.  H.  2,  ]5ri;NKTT  W..  d.  'l870.  o,  Hk.njiy  S.,  of  1:1 
Stone  St.,  N.  Y.  C. 

II.  Eli/.a.  b.  Mandi  27,  l.S)8;  in.  Jan.  9,  18:,!2,  Samuel  Davidson  of  Yalesville 
Conn.,  who  d.  .May  21.  184'.),  a.  40. 

III.  Julianna"  Lovenia,  b.  Mav  22,  1810;  ni.  Nov.  10,  183;),  Flizur  T.  Bradlev  who 
<1.  .\ov.  10,  1S.-.2.  a.  44. 

IV.  Sariette,  b.  Dec  1,  1^12:  m.  April   b'),  18:1>,  ("Jeor^'-e  Kimberlv;  .s.  i. 

V.  Charles  Seymour,  b.  March  14,  1810;  d.  .\])ril  22,  18G8;  ni.  Jan.  1,  18:39,  Lvdia 
liishop.  1.  Sauaii  v.,  1).  Sept..  2:F  18:1!);  m.  Jan.  li'i.  ISOi).  Dennis  Mae-in.  2-,  Cifi.oK 
\'.,  b.  i,)c.  li',  1.S41:  d.  Mav  27.  l.<47.  'i,  Jam['<  Skv.moiu,  b.  Nov.  2'^,  1844;  uum,  4, 
MAiiniN  c.,  b.  Nov.  V.\.  -[.<A:  d.  Oet,  2ii,   18G::'.. 

\'!.      Cleirry  S.,  b.  .May  '27,  F-!^:  m.  <J<i.  22,  18)^.  Noyes  W'lieeler. 
\'\\.      .leann-lie.  b.  .\!av  27.  1822;   num.:   re.-.   Fet  liauv.  Conn.      i.  bv  2d  in.: 
A'lli.      lI.baM  P..  b.  >:.;'v.  28,  ib2U;  d.  Feb.-.j7.  ISV).  ' 

4641.10.  Calvin  Tuttle,  li.  Dee.  14,  17.^G.  .1.  .Maich  12.  1N44:  m.  VA^.  1:;,  l,si2, 
Svl via  Siiiith. 

I.  lii-iiajali.  Ii.  Nov.  :j.  b'^'12:  a  mem.  of  rh.' Ab-th.  cdih. ;  cl:i>-  I'-.ider  and  exh.uter; 
m.  .\pril  17),   isti'.i,  .^Jis.  .Vliee  C.  Siieri^  ,  ,n.  /  ;   res.  In-lhany. 

*Lo:s  Cl-.atterton,  wid.  of  .*nvjs  Peck,  d.  Sept.  .•2,  1S52,  a.  \<xj  yrs.  S  dios.  and  6  d.-i)s:ino.  of  Ch'.oe. 

tl:t')'j/r.  271 

II.  Jeivndi.h,  1'.  M:iicli  '-??,  18!"k  d.  S(]:t.  29,  iS.'j'.l;  uiun.  Ilf  was  :ui  injrcnious 
\-<.-rsifif'i-.  and  iiuuiy  acro.'-tics  and  otIici'  rliytlmii''al  ••oinp'isitions  of  his  ave  jirfsciN  cd  in 
llie  faniil\ . 

III.     F.Ji/abftli  Hai-i'ict.  b.  .-Vutr.  lo,  b^lT;  uniii. 

l\.  ]'jil\vin  Aniasa.  1>.  Scjit.  o,  1S'?();  d.  .v.  /.  nf  iiiHMunonin,  in  Tv>rli;n:y,  Conii., 
v^undav,  Ma\-  Kj,  l.'-^T.";.  He  was  niurh  in.teips-ti'd  in  this  J'amily  Idstory.  and  witji  hi.s 
jii-o. ,  Benajidi.  collectt'd  lor  this  work  a  large  |ni»i)orti(jn  of  tlie  record  of  his  gr.  f.  I'ri 
Tuttlt-'.s  desc.  I]<Oiad  a  fine  tenor  voiee.  and  sanjr  witli  feeling-  and  effect  tin' sini])lo 
■inusif  nsed  in  the  New  l-".n^land  country  chnrcln'.-.  lie  ^^•as  a  likrtl  ^vov]cinl:r,  honest, 
faitliful,  afFectiniuue  and  jiion-;  man,  ;an!'iiioiis  only  to  do  right.  Once,  while  visiting 
his  cousin,  A.  .\.  Maiks,  then  living  in  N.  'W  City,  he  ])assed  a  ferry  gate  unob.sevved, 
not  'knowin;,'  that  a  far-'  w;ii  due.  On  nientioning-  the  circiinistai:ce  to  his  host,  and 
being  infornnid  that  In'  Inid  •"rnn  the  gate.'  he  returned  to  the  ferry,  a  considerable 
distance,  and  relieveil  his  burdened  conscience  liy  paying  the  oin-  or  t>vo  ((^nt  fare. — 
Cvuipiler.  Hem.  Oct.  '2o.  1S'3"3,  Melinda,  dau.  of  Charles,  and  sis.  of  Loroy  'J'uttle  of 
WashintjVon  C'itv. 

v."  Horace*,  b.  Feb.  5,  ]^C!:J;  d.  .March  22.  1,S82. 

VI.  Sylvia  Elvira,  b.  May  o,  IS-iO;   unni. 

4642.  Abigail  Tuttle,  b.  Aug.  y,\.  1740:  d.  IS28,  a.  8s';  ni.  by  Ib-v.  Dr.  Stiles, 
Jan.  I'l.  l^;(i.  ,b,el  Hradley  oT  Ibundm,  (.'onji..  -vvho  d.  ^''i^r.  IS.  1SU1,  in  tin-  G:.)d  year  of 
h"sa. :  \s-ili  dated  Ang.  22,  ISOl:  nms.  Avf.  Al.'igail,  chil.  Cliloe,  Phebe,  Joel,  Fdan'i,  Ezra 
and  Seymour;  of  g.  chil.  Mary  and  Fdna.  gives  to  the  Epis.  llamden,  i'OO;  s.  Amasa, 
excr. ;  Abraham  Lewis,  .Anu)S  Bradley,  N'iitiian  Allen,  jr.,  \vit.;  Clniuncey  Dickerman, 
Andrew  Hull,  upprs. :  inv.  of  real  est.,  io, 749:  iiersonol,  i!b!7.  The  w.  of  Abigail 
]>radley  [>rov.  182S,  s.  Ezra,  the  surviving  execr. ,  the  other  wa.s  An.ios  Dickerman,  who 
d.  ]rending  the  settlevient.  provides  for  ;i  moiuinient  to  dan.  ?*hiry  Munsou  &nd  I/er  dau., 
Abigail  Munson.  who  were  bu.  side  ijy  side  in  the  Nortii  bu.  ground  of  Haraden;  nins. 
dau.  Chloe,  g.  dan>.  I'olly  and  Edna,  heirs  of  dec.  dau.  Mun.son;  heirs  of  dec.  dan. 
j'hebe,  heij-s  of  .Amasa:  s.  Ehnm,  heir  c.f  .lotd;  heirs  of  Seymour;  s.-inda\'.  Amos  h)ieker- 
man.      Ambrose  Tuttie,  .-\iba  Dic-kerman,  e.xecrs. 

].     Mav  Bradlev,  b.  Nov.  11,  1700;    ni.  Mun-^on.      1,   AHi<;.\]n. - 

II.    •  Anmsa   F.radle%. 

III.  e'hloe  Fradlev,  b.  June  Id,  17G4;  m.  Levies,  of  Samuel)  Dickerman,  v.-ho  d. 

IV.  Sarah  F.radlev.  b.  Nov.  7.  17r.r.;  m. 
V.     Fetsev  Bradlev.  b.  Sept.  lo,  l^d7. 

Vi.  .bx'l  Bradley, "b.  April  V),  ]7ii9;  Y.  C.  17S'J;  set.  July.  17P:3,  over  the  1st  Cong. 
chil.  at  ^^"cs!moreland,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.,  till  A])ril,  ISO'),  greatly  beloved;  afterwards 
pastor  at  BalLston  S]>rings  a  few  yrs. ,  his  health  failing,  he;  let.  to  >Veslmore]and: 
tlience  rem.  to  Clinton,  N.  Y. :  in  bV22.  with  health  restored,  he  was  set.  as  pastoral 
I)e^^'i^!,  Onondaga  Co.,  N.  Y.,  wlit  re  he  d.  Aiig.  o,  1S24;  bu.  on  the  anniversary  of  his 
1st  ins'aUatiou.  Hon.  Ponieroy  Jones,  in  his  Hist  of  Oneida  Co.,  X.  ^'..  tlius  speaks  of 
him:  "He  was  most  C'm})hatically  a  good  man;  we  have  ])enmd  the  foregoing  (enlogv) 
with  the  most  liallowed  feelings  of  veneration  for  hiu)  wlio  jueachcd  to  ris  our  iirst 
sermon  and  was  our  first  pastor;"  ra.  in  Cheshire,  Conn.,  Sept.  14,  179.J,  Marv  A.  Beacli. 

VII.  Flam  Bradlev.  b.  Xov.  15,  1771 ;  d.  Feb.  ],  177:F 
Vlll.     Flam  BradlcV,  b.  Feb.  1,  177:-'.. 

L\.     E/.ra  Bradley.,  Y.  C    1797;  d.  i.Soy. 

X.     Seymour    I'radley,  b.  abt.  177.');    est.  dist.,  1 1^22,  by  Ambrose  Tuttle    and    Enos 

XI.      Ksther  Bradl.-y. 

XIF      I'hebe   Bradley,   m.    Amos  l^ickerman,  v. ho   d.  in  182?.      1,    Aivro.vii,,    m. 

Ives.      2.  Ciii.oi:.     ;!,   S.M.T.v.      4,  M.vnv  Ann.      ."),   K/.nx.      G,   N.\ncy.      7,  Amos;   d. 
F-;.")(,).     S.    .\i.Kj;i:i),  b.   iso.-i. 

4643.  Nlitbrajiol  Tuttle,  b.  Xov.  2(i,  1742;  m.  by  lUv.  Mr.  Shernmu,  An--.  2-1, 
17<J.^.  Elizabeth;.  w!io  d.  Aug.  4.  It^TJ.  a.  72,  les.  Betliany.  Conn.  He  d.'Fe)). 
20,  1SU2:  adnir.  of  est.  nanus  .Abiiah,  Simon,  Jaied.  listber,  wf.  of  David  Lyman  l>.e(dier; 
Mabel,  wf.  of  Titus  I'eidc;  Beisev,  and  .Mma,  wf .  of  .lareil.  Most  of  this  fami'lN  ^vent 
"We.- 1. 

].      >ini.m,  b.  .\i>:i!  iS.  i  7t;'.». 

II.      ilslher,  b.   l-'eb.  (i,  li7F  m.  David   l.ynian.,  s.    of  David   and   Haniuili   (i'erldns) 
)5eecher  ["/^./<  j,  b.  July  14,  17Gl.t. 

■'Z'l'l  j{i;.vxo[r  of  jonatii.yn. 

UI.  AliiJMU.  111.  .Ian.  S,  17!)7,  Ma'.K'l  S!ii'|ian!  of  X.  Hax.  1,  Whitix*;.  -3,  Amos. 
;>.  .Mii/r<)\.      -!,  1';  K'!M.\.      ,"i, ,  m.  liani"!  'I'mtle. 

IV,      .la'-t'(l.  III.  Alma,  ilaii.  of  .lisciiiiali  'I'lUtlo,  and  rem  to  Coliimlms,  N.  \. 
V.      M.-ibri,  !).  alit.  1777;    in.    Titus   Pf;'k,  only  s.   of  l.iriit.  'I'iius  Pock,  v.hoso  csi, 
sidni.  1777,  N.   ifav.;    v.X.   nof^cct-a.  dans.   .Maivand  Jlolinra;   'J'inioihy  Pock  and 'J'inKjiliy 
Ball,  ndmrs. 

VI.,  b,  17^0:  "  d.  Fcl).  i1,  Islf,  a.  .1.^ "  (l!.iiiidoi-i  Pl:,in:;  i,Mavo-stouo),  ni. 
ll'/-kiali  .Johnson,  \k  17s0;  ■■  d.  .Ian.  27,  Isl."").  a.  (;:>  "  (ih!,l.)  1,  SYi,vi:.sTr,i;,  h.  IMd; 
"d.  7,  is:;(;.  n.  •?'>-  {jbi,l.) 

4G41.  Mary  Tuttle,  twin  witli  Xaihanici.  1).  Nov.  2(1,  1712:  "a  very  r-mailsaldo''  Shod.  <);-r.  ,s,  IS;}!,  a.  1'2;  m.  alit.  17i;i,  AUnor,  s.  of  Itlumnir  Todd,  h.  Nov. 
4,  17:'S:  lom.  from  llaindcn  to  ]-al;c  llidg-o.  'l'oiiii)kitts  Co.,  ?s.V.,  al>t.  JS04,  wlioi-i  lio  d. 
,Ian.   1  1,  ISU-l. 

I.      Palicncc  Tod.l,  b.  ]")ec.  (J,  17tV2;   ni.  I^im.   A.aron  l^iadloy. 

\\.  MarvTodd.  b.  Dec.  Ml,  17iU;  d.  Aioii  24,  lS.-)'.».  a.  i).",:  m.  .Tan.  s,  17S.-).  l>,_'a. 
IsaacCliailorii.n  of  iintiand.  \'t..  b.  Nov.  2:;.  IL')!);  il.  Ajnil  '.i,  lsr.2,  a.  i'M.  1,  ( ');  i.iirn;. 
1).  .Julv  !•"),  t."'^'):  d.  -May  (I,  !S.')f:  ni.  .Mon-i.->  lo-yiiolds.  2.  Pni.i.v.  May  2i).  17^'7:  ni. 
Nov.  A,  ISOS.  William  (iilmoi-H.  '^.  l.EVKiurrT,  .hinc  \:\.  17',iO:  m.  Mary  .hiclcson.  4. 
t'lH.oT;,  b.  F>d>.  (■>,  17i»l;  d.  Pel).  ]S,  IMS:  m.  Silas  Smiili.  .").  i.ovici;,  Nov.  15,  17!i.");  d. 
Dim-.  Id,   1>;:)S:   iu.  (icinnin  llamnunnl. 

III.  Pi-iTodd.  Dec.  7,  17(i<i:  d.  Doc   VA.  17!tO. 
I\'.      .\bnor  Tod.i.  Ajv.-ii  (i.  17i;:j:   d.  Nov.   14,  17si). 

'\'.  C'ldoo  Todil.  Aui:.  21,  1771:  m.  Idias  llotcnkiss  of  N.  Hav.  July,  1930,  adm. 
given  to  bc\  tTcrt  llotclijciss  of  No.  liav. 

W.  Mcd:nlT,Mid.  i'.  Nov.  27.  177;'.;  d,  .Nov.  20,  b^'ll;  in.  Amanda  CliaiMnan,  who 
(1    Scut    !>    is-bt    a    711.      1,  l'i:i.  )i.  (*i-!.  0,  l^OO:  d.  .In1v2.~),  ISI'O;  m.  Sarah  ,  who  d. 

Nov.  25,  l'-  5d,  v..  52.       1.    !jn!(.<>    K..  d,  Sep;    2U,  ls")4.  a.  21.      2.    Ednuird  A<iff''<t>"<.  d. 
Julv  -J,  ISd").  a.  "d  vr-.      2,  Ll■:^\■Is,  d.  June  11,  l^lio,  a.  2  days. 
A'll'.      .losiali  Todd.  b.   17M;  m.   Lnc;-etia    hic-ersoL 
\  ill.      liuth  Todd,  and  others. 

4G441.  Patience  Todd,  b-.  Dec  0,17l'.2;  d.  Nov.  1,  l>^l)l:  m.  Dca.  Aaron  Dradley 
(d'  Ilamdcn.  In  1.52S,  adnii.  of  his  est.  given  to  s.  IXivid  (the  wid.  dc<-!iinn<;;),  bond 
s2(!,000;  John  Fiudi,  seeui'ity;  inventory  names  among  otlier  things  .Nji'Ttacles,  .<-! ;  (duck, 
^oU;  iiroperty,  !^2,(''37;  2TS  acres  of  land  at  S2S.82  per  acre,  S7,d2:->.8r>:  Ambrosi- 
Tuttle  and  .\rba  Dickernian,  a]ipraisers;  est.  div.  to  Duvid  ISradley,  I'ldoe  Di<d;ermaii, 
Pollv  Ilotehkiss  aufl  Patty  Fitcli:  the  ^^•id,  ;icce]>l<'d  certain  bonds  in  lien  of   Power. 

1.  David  Bradley:  ;>reached  in  llanub^n  ((/edar  Hill)  -!()  yrs. ;  d.  1S.54:  adnii-.  given 
to  Son  Ilenrv  I.   Ilrad'.ev,  Oct.,  1S.77;   nius.  sliare  in  the  meetingdunise,  m.-a.r   dwelling   (>f 

I'ri   Todd:   tn.  Abigail' .     l,]lF.\iiY   Ivks,    .M.    D,  ,  res.    New  Hav.     2,   Amklfa,  iii. 

Wvllis  (.■Imrchill. 

11.  (ddoe  Pnailby,  m.  L-vi,  s.  ^yS.  Levi  an.l  Cliloe  (P)rad!ey)  Dicke;-inan  [*//,/-];  wili 
prov.  iS42,  nins.  v.  f.  ('diloe,  I'.au.  Mary.  s.  Lambert,  wlio  ha.l  land  on  J^lue  Hills,  abt.  bS 
acres.  :in<1   NVm.  ]>. .  execis. 

in.  Mary  Bradley,  m.  Silas  Hitchcock  of  (lieshire.  1,  1m{.\XCKs  A.,  in.  Oct.  G. 
1820,  Joliu  Alfred  Foote,  Es(j.,  (s.  of  (iov.  Samd  A.  ami  bio.  of  Ib.-ar  Admiral  .\ndrew 
Hull' I'ooto),  b.  Nov.  22.  lS(i:;:  hiwver:r.'m.  to  Cic'Veland,  U. 

IV.  Martlet  Br.'Mlley,  b.  July  d,  ]7!i2.:  d.  May  !t,  Isiid;  m.  K)v\.  11,  1S]0,  ,bdm  ImIc];, 
],  Oct.  9,  17St):  d.  Jan.  2"^,  iS'iN.  s.  id'  Nathaniel  and  Mary  (Thomp.- ..n)  and  iiro.  of 
Frof.  l-dea/er  4diom]>son  Fitch.  1,  John  W.m.,  le  .June  S,  b':^i:s:  Brest.  Mechanics' 
Bank,  New  Ha\'.;  m.  Sept.  Ci,  1S42.,  .lane  Louisa,  dan.  of  Henry  Trowleridge  of  N.  Hav., 
who  'd.  Sept.  2'.)  1S.5():  (2')  I'^.^fi,  Mary  Sherman  Skinner  (Marsh).  1).  .Ian.  2,  lS2(i. 
dan.  of  Boirei  Shern.'an  ami  Ma.ry  kock-w,ii..l  (  Pe  i''oi'est)  Skinner  ami  wid.  of  i;e\  .  Sam'l 
j)  Mar.■^h:''\.  C  b- 1  L  missiomirv  to  S(uiih  Africa,  who  d.  is.5d;  aft<-rd.  of  Mr.  i"it<di, 
Seiii  11,  b^'il,  she  m.  d'.lOct.  1^77,  Piv.f.  Samd  liarri-,  P.  D. ;  Bow.  l.'(d,  X^'-jX.  W ,  .M.\i;v 
Fi  iZ.s^'.KTir.  d.  y.  4,  \Vii,i.i.\M,  b.  Aug.  21,  !S-JI1;  d.  .May!*,  IS^r:  at  a  meeSnm- of  the 
N  11a  V.  Board  of  ', '..nncilmen  the  following  residutions  was  n  nanimoti-l.\'  adopted:  '  'riiat 
■,'n  the  dieatli  of  lion.  William  Fit<di.  the  late  Mayor  (d'  this  ciiy  and  Paymaster-*  ieneial 
of  the  siate  of  t'on.n.  during  the  late  war.  New"  Haven  has  io-t  one  of  it-,  tormno,-,-,  c  ili 
/.eiis,  and  one  v.!Lo--e  ]dac<'  in  the  community  it  seems  imjiossible  to  till.  ('on.-.ji:cnoii> 
for  bis  mddic  vj-'rit :  ]u-ompi  and  nntiring  in  the  ilisclunL'-e  of  every  duty:  freely  sp.mding 
iji^  >r:ei':L;;b  ill  tl'.e  -■ipp(c.!  and  condnc!  of  our  local  idiaiiiic-;.  in  wdiose  behalf  he  cheer- 
lnil\  a-sumed  many  a  Imrden  from  u  hi'  !i  othei>  shrank.:  always  to  lie  buind  at  Ids  po.-.t 
in    \vliatever   position  he  was   called  to  till;   ludding  oiiice  with  reUictance,  but  admiuis- 

TL"j'j  i.r:,   'loiH). 

tering  it  Xn  iiiiivcisul  uccrjitiiiict.'  mul  ^vi^ll  a  sino-lc  vii'\v  lo  ilic  ]iulili,-  (.rood,  Ik •  was  a  man 
without  ri'iinuiL-li  :.n.l  witLoni  an  eiicniv.  Isc^dIn  r.l,  tliar  in  tnlu-n  of  our  respect  fi>r  ]iis 
lii'-niory  the  Coii  1 1  of  ('oiiinn.:!  Cnuneil  will  a{ic-i,il  lii^  fniifval  in  a  i)n,|\-."  Siiuilai'  reso- 
lutifjns  were  afh)i»te',!  Iiy  ;);(>  I'xiard  ul'  IId.kI  ( '■•himission.M-s;  hy  tlie  New  }!av.  Saving's 
I'ank,  nf  \vhi<li  \if  wa:-  i'l  i'.--;(iciit ;  hyihi'  Si-.-dinl  Natidnal  IJank,  cW  wliicli  he  -.vas  a 
Diic.Mnr;  h_\  tlie  i-nii>!i'yec;  nf  N\'.  \'  K.  T.  J'"iteli,  ani-mL;-  othrrs:  "That  we  have  a 
li'ue  I'riiMul,  one  .'Vei-  iiitcii'-ted  incur  ^ve'tare  and  to  wlio-r-  luMM'V<i!i'nre.  ]iiii  ity  and 
rioijl>'ness  of  eliiiiactor  w  •  N'.auild  advl  our  tc-tiniony ;"  I'.y  tlie  Xow  llavm  <Jr))han 
Asyliui;,  ol'  uhiclthe  w  a-;  Secretary  and 'i"ro;ise  lor  and  nu  nihi  !  ni'  'heAdvisiry  i-loard  and 
l.)y  the  (ienei-;il  !(o-<]);ta!  S"clety  ol'  <"oiin.,  of  wliieh  ie  was  \'ire- p;r>idr-nt .  and  of  ^vliicli 
"lie  was  tlie  nniln  pillar,"  and  to  wdioni,  "'inoie  iluni  to  any  utliei"  single  pei-.-'on.  is  dne  the 
extension  of  the  hnildin^s  an;!  conveineiice>  of  the  ho.^jiital.  wliicli  have  of  Ian-  ?o  irn-ijlx 
widened  its  tiidd  of  nscfulness.  l\e;'.dy  and  wise  in  I'on  n.sel ;  ijinnijit  and  etie-ien!  in 
action:  Liixing  ol'  his  tinii'  and  liis  nuauis  with  tins|iui-iti,;r  a'cneinsitw  lew  cliatities  h:ivi' 
evi-i-  kno»vn  so  faitlifiil  and  si.-lt-sacrilicir.L'  a  friend.  He  i-endered  inioortaiit  s.-r\-;?r-.^  To 
tlie  city  and  si:i!e;  Inrin  this  honr,  the  Utiest  eulo/^ium  seems  to  In-  the  simple  word.-- 
with  wliic'i  s'nh  a-  he  iire  welcomed  tohe,-n-en.  •(  was  si;dv  and  vi.»  vi.-,ited  me:  iia];e<l. 
and  ye  ch.Mhe.l  nie."  "--  \\'i"h,!it  Fifr/,  .V,n,"ri:'':  w  hi. di  :il>o  contain-,  fninMid  -ervii-,->. 
May  1-1.  is:?,  with  addre-s  h\  l.'ev.  Dr.  (;<■■>.  L.  Whilker,  and  a  memoiial  di.-conrs.- 
j>rea<died  Hi  the  {-dr.-!  idd.i.  in  New  Ilav..  Sunday  mornin;;-.  Mav  CO,  InW.  hv  Ih-.  F,  A. 
Nohle.  fion;  tiie  text,  "he  wa-  a  i_'-ood  nnin  ae.ij  a  jnsf."  lie  m.  J-Jni'y  .M . .  dan,  id'  •I;nhih 
I'^iishie.  -i.  J''i.i;a/1'.i;  'rii<c^n'Si.),\  I'dT'  ii.  wdm  c  letinnes  the  niarmfa'-tnrini,-  Inisines-  of 
\^'.  \-  ]■:.  'J'.  I'dicli,  in  Ni-w  Ha  v.:  m.  llaniuil;  .M .  Ihewsier,  h.  .Mav  S.  ]^:\l:  d.  .hm.  (J. 
IS.'iii.     .1,    i-h.iZAn.KTM  W":,  1),  O'-t.  1:^,  ls-;;;:d.  .\  S-k  l^oS;  ni.  I,,'D.  Wihoxson. 

46447.     Josiall   Todd,   ic   lT>;i:d.   Ajnil  M.  is:;."),  a.  S-!:m.  Oct.  -i?,  ISii;;.  LneveHa. 
Tn-e;so!l  [s],  1,.   i:ss.,|    .1,:, ,.••>!,  is,;;]. 

1.  Sidney  SiniiJi.  !i,  .huie  !l.  isnO;  n;.  Dec-.  'Jit.  is:;ii.  .Mdu'v  lianiilton.  a  r-iai-ve 
of  (fen.  Ah'xander  lian.ihon.  1.  Adf.i, A lin;,  :2.  ( 'dKMn.i  a.  :j.  Il.vni.w  l'.\r;i;.  4, 
Hkija.     ."),    IIdwin. 

li.  Henrietta,  1).  S,  [■■.  t\.  isln-.  m.  Oai.  iO.  ls:;i.l,  W'alnj-  <;.  l^radh'V.  s.  of  .h;h(  z  of 
Hanuleji.  1.  .J.\!5r::/,.  1..  Sept.  .-).  l.s.VJ.  •,\  J)AN,.lnne;!.  :!,  .\\T(iTMr.Ti  i:,  Nov. 
20,    ]y^!(i.     d,    Vi(-;-i,i;[A.   June  fi,    ISdS.      n.   S.\Md.  r.\ itf.vsi.i:,  Vf\<.    -js.    |S-12.      i;.   Coi;- 

NEI,IA   KsTflKR,   Ftdi.   U.    Is.ll. 

]II.  Carlista.  1>.  .March  h,  isii;  m.  J-Vdi.  Ti ,  lS:l!t,  Tinmthy  i>awrenre.  1).  .March  I'.t. 
18<jO;  Norwalk,  (>. :  l•elat^•d  to  A  and  Ahivitt  J,a\\rei;ce.  i,  .lo^.iMi  'J.  I)i-:i.iA  i... 
Jiilv  U.  isd;;;  ni.  Feh.   14,  l^dt).  Kdwin  I.  Curtis,  (,'alainnt,   ?d:ch. 

n'.      Sophia,  h.  Feb.  o.  isid:    m.  Fel).  2(),  18o4.  lsua<-  l^ower-.      1.   .Iam.;.     -J.  FntN 

L.    :;.  Ki.\.\. 

y.  Mary  Tuttle.  h.  Marchi  14,  lS10;n!.  June  Oii,  ISdIi,  Ahel  Fletcher.  1.  Da.Na. 
VI.  Harriet  XeW(dl.  Feh.  :],  ISIS;  m.  .1  n lie  ','.""..  ISIS  I)avid  Wood  (cms.  of  ex-(iov. 
dolm  \\oed)(d'  Quiiiev,  HI.  FFi  .M\N  ]a,w\]i\».  -2.  \VKi.-ii!A  Fi;\;i\A,  :;..Mai;v  Kva. 
Xll.  Sen  no  J:dw'a.rd-.  .Him- ;h  F-^'M:  m.  June  -Ji;,  F^M,  Khodn  J'eek.Fahe  i«dire. 
Tom])kins  Fo.,  X.  \.  F  Naonsi  .M  vsvii.i.A,  J  uue  11.  IS4S:  m.  Ort.  1,  1S74,  Clias.  W. 
('nnil)ton,  Newark,  X.  J.  2.  Dwiu  PixK.  Match  H,  ISoF  m.  Marcli  o,  FSSO,  Mahe] 
l.,ooni!S,  only  child  (u' Frof.  Loomis  of  the  Xaval  ()h~ervalor_\-,  N\'as!iinoton.  1).  C. 

VIIF      Jaicretia  Hi-ersidl.  Se])t.  MO,  Is-J.];  m.  Xov.  IS.  is;4,  F.  Smith.      1,  Chv. 
f'';i)\VAi;i>s.      "J.   Makv. 

JX,  Jo--iah,  Mar.h  14,  ISCf".:  in.  I->h.  Fl',  1s.->:F  .\my  F.'.k.  1,  Jdsiah  Jav.  •,>, 
Ha'j  111;.     ;;,   AiM;i.i;i:i:i-. 

4647.  Jotliam  Tuttle,  h.  .Mav  id,  IT.V.F  live!  on  -  Fnitle-s  Farm.''  \^■allinefo^d. 
Cotiin:  <1.  May  11.  is]  7;  v...  Dvc.  4,  17S().  K'e/iah  MnnM.ii.  h.  Mandi  F  lidi:  d.  .Cng.  ",'. 
17!)!l;  (a  ^r.  dan.  of  IFv.  Faae  Stiles  (d'  Xd.'llav.  .Vmon-- other  relics  how  i!i  p,lv^e^^ion 
of  her  !j-r.  dau..  .Ms,-.  Ih-ek  worth  of  Siiuihin-'ton.  <'(c,in.,  is  a  hhuds-et  in  whieh  F,/.ra 
Stiles,  afterward  I'lvs.  of  V.  ('..  was  ha].,);  FM  Dee.  :.>.  WilO.  Fli/.aheth  Perkins. 
1.      i'.li,  h.  Dec.  :is.  USI:  m.  d'haidsfnl  A.  Perkins. 

II.  Asa,  m.  Xov.  'i.-),  fSiKh  Faura,  D;in.  of  Fv-.i  4dittle,  h.  Xov.  14.  lis.",:  <\,  isTti. 
He  il.  Dec.  OS.  :s}9:  l.otiihu.  in ',de>-hire,  Conn.  1.  Fk;;i.  'F  Fkziaw.  :F  Ft  i/.a.  4. 
FAt;nA,  r.'s.  \\'aird.  .-).  S;:i,i)i;x  .\ .,  re.^.  (dn-hire.  i;.  .Mai;v.  T,  l-'i;  \^K!.I.^.  One  rd' 
the  dan.-.  (.)f  A.^a  T.  m.   W'lu.  l/naFlev  of  Fair  Haven,  Conn. 

III.  >Firy,  h.  .Match  :;tt.  ITsd:  n"i.  John  ]■:.  Jones. 

IV.  F-mIc'.     ['.   Fe'..  ii;,  !>:::   n;,  i'i'\<-U  IFidlev.      ,".  ]■%   Od    m.: 

v.      Joihani  Manninu-.  rem,  to  .Marion.  X.    V.;   '-es.  in    ^^ahvorrh.    X.  Y.:   m.   Foeky 


274  ]U'.A^:clI  of  joxatiiax. 

Benliiiir,.  of  Siilciu,  ('(iuii.,    vliw   d.    .      1,   Ki.iz  \i!K  iii    Anx,   h.   Auir..    iS'i-?;  d.  y.  in 

WuHM.  ",',  P'.MKr.i.vK.  1>.  Aii,;^.,  lS-2-1;  iii.  A;udii  \l.  Avny  of  M;irinii.  N.  Y.,  wlir.  slic  d. 
Juiu',  1S4."),' li'uv.  on,- ell..  .1(/Vm.'  /■'/>, .  d.  iiiC.  ■^,  I'.i.i/.Ainyrir  ANN,  h.  Nov.  -jii,  18-.i6; 
m.  Jonsitliau  Wake  of -Maiiini,  ^■.  V.:  h.riri'M  ;  .-,.  /. :  res.  WilJiumsnii,  N.  V.  1,  Isaac 
J..1i.  Di'c.  ;^.  1^o4;  ti.  V.  •!,  MAiiv,  1'.  I'-'c.  II,  ls;t(;;  ni,  Fredtiick  Shaw  of  Mavion: 
fanner:  ics. "  WaUvoiti,.  1.  .[('■/■  />"//'''.  Au;r.  'JO.  IN.VS;  d.  Dec.  7,  lsr,:j.  2,  7i;/<//.y 
AVt;.,//-,//',  1>.  Sej.T.  ]:5.  ivill  C,  I.iiVAT.  ^M^!.<>^.  li.  OeT.  20,  ls:i!»;  fuMner;  111.  Mury  1^. 
kiiaii])  <if  ^V;.l\^..^t^l.  1,  />//,/.  7A/./7/,  1>.  •Jan.  T.J,  l^liG.  2.  AU.:„  De  WUt,  Feb.  4. 

46471.  Eli  Tuttie,  b.  I'fc  2S.  1781;  d.  April  21,  1841;  m.  'niankfiil  Aseiiutli 
PiikiiiS  of  I'etliany.  toiiii.,  .-!■..  o<  h\-:  failiers  2d  w\.  Slie  d.  Apiil  •.'].  l.sll  ;  liu.  iU  Ml-. 
Ciiniiel  ( llmnden). 

I.  Luciii->,  Dee.  7,  1N(!7;   uiiiu.;  ve-^.  Jiaindeii. 

il.  I.eoiiarfl,  Soj)!.  80,  1810:  carpeiUei-;  leii,.  to  (>.  wdieii  yoimr,  aii'l  tle-re  ni.  .Ian. 
12,  l'8:.iri,  Itaiw-iah  Brown,  \k  in  Nort]i:an]iton.  ^.  D.,  .Dine  S.  DM.";..  ],  Ili;f  i;x,  !».  in 
Lodi.  U.,  A]iri1  .^.  l^"i!i:  in.  Xo^".  <j.  1S(;2,  .lacoh  Vs'.  Xafryke;  re>.  ].anibei-tvine,  Mich. 
2.  .lOX.vniAN  B..  1>.  Aii^-.  15.  1841;  lauver,  Pi-obute  .Didue.  J>n.s  Aliv.;  res.  Alpena. 
Miel,.:  ni.  Sept..  l^ij.-j,  Sarali  lioss.  1.  ]fd,,i  Elh.'lnC,  1,.  Jan.  Ifj.  1S(i7. 
11!,      l.iMv,  Oct.  22.  181-2;  d.  St-pt.  2."),  18'27. 

IV.  I.ameii.  1..  April  2.  18l-J;  lived  and  d.  in  .Meriden.  Coiin.,  :MarH,  14,  18G4; 
.-Hi]ie]it''r;  in.  Sept.  .■>.  l.'^H'.i,  .Maw"  Treat  of  Middletuwn,  Conn.,  wlio  d.  Feb.  2ti.  1848; 
)ie  in.  (3)  Fell.  1.^),  1844.  H.nrier  Te-d..i  of  Waii'd.  /.  by  Isv  ni.:  1.  .MAf.v  J.,  b.  July  4. 
1841:  some  Tinii  a  tea.'lier  in  tbe  Sailurs  and  SoMiei's'  Orphans"  lionie.  ^VuslliIl^;tOD,  D. 
C. ;  now  (IS';:;')  teaelu--  in  MildleKnvn,  Conn.  ;'.  by  2d  tn.:  2,  Sah.ui.  b.  May  12,  184."); 
in.  May  12,  18(;.M,  Wni  Meh'en/.ie.  8,  11  attik.  Del.  7.  1^17:  \\\  Feb.  t).  187().  SeyinoTir 
Hore})ki<s  nf  (.ab-^.ville.  i/onu. 

V.     .Tuliana.  Ajiril  2S.  I.sl7:  \\^.  Mated;  l."),  l.Mi<),  D.  Alon/.o  Hurnbam  of  Detliany. 
Vi.      Meliitui.le.  .liuie  :J(>,    l>;i'.!;   d.    Apiil   20,  '  18'!^',    and   !iu.   in    No.   Hav.;  in.  Ziba 
Andivw.s  of  Dotlumy,  v.dio  d.  Jan.,  I.80O:  (2)  Alfred  Con;>er  of  Datnden.      1,   Ai.FiiKO.     2, 
.TiLrAMA.  (i.  a.  2  iims.     ;],  Duukakd.     4,  XK'rrii:. 
VII.      Loiii-a,  Nov.  IS.  1S21:  d.  Au--.  14.  1822. 
VID.      A-^aliel,  Jai!.  1.  1S24;  d.  Feb.  4.   1850;  bu.  Mt.  Caruiel.  Conn. 

46473.  Mary  Tuttie,  b.  M-urb  ;!'».  17S(;;  d.  Feb.  2>'.,  b'^lO;  m.  Jan.  14,  1^18.  Joim 
Fdvard  Jones  of  So;ithin>?;ton.  C<inn.:  b.  .Mad;s(,n,  Conn.,  Mav  80,  17s9;  d.  Ang.  6,1879, 
a.  isO  fdosc.  of  the  4ih  K'-h'.  from  Ft.  (.'uv.  AVm.  Jonesi.  lie  in..  (2)  Mav  2ii.  1819,  Joanira 
F..  dan    of  SetU  and  Chloe  (Bailev.i  Chirk,  b.  De-    10,  1  7;'2. 

I.  Caroline  Clarissa  Joiies^  b.  (let.  27.  ISKl;  in.  Nov.  8.  D:8:i,  NeDon  John  lleael: 
<)f  North  Haven,  l.'ojtn. ;  farni<-r.  Delias  re]!,  liis  town  sev.  torins  in  Conn.  Deg.;seleet- 
luaii,  town  treasurer,  and  ha?--  lilb-d  .•  otiices.  Often  called  upon  for  counsel  in  dilTi- 
<-ulr  matter^  and  to  .-eltle  c>uites,  etc.  1,  'S[\Y.\  Jo'.nna.  b.  Se-j.t.  14.  1S42;  d.  Jan.  20, 

II.  Tiittle  Jones.  1>.  >"eb.  8,,  1817;  1)1.  <'ct.  9.  1810,  .Nelson  P,e^d•■.^vi11l; 
.dealer  in  boo;s  and  shoes;  d.  April  •>"^.  b^-Ys.      L.  Jank  Fi.i.1-..\.  b.  June  22,  1841;  d.  A]nii 

9.  1848.  '2.  JoJix  Xki.son.  b.  Dee.  11.  1S48;  m.  Oet.  28.  1S'78,  Florence  Helen  Jkirwell 
of  New  llartb.rd.  Conn.:  res.  Brooklyn.  X.  ">'.  8,  Maiiv  Fstmkh,  b.  Feb.  2^.  1S1<I:  ni. 
April  2,  184s.  Orjdieus  Biliin^-s  XeaTol  Sniithin-'ton;  fanner.  1,  ^\  idh{>:,  S/nrimu,.  b. 
Feb.  1,  ].^49, 

46474.  Esther  Turtle,  b.  Feb.  20,  17'^'.';  d.  Mareh  11.  1878,  a.  84:  in.  Oct.  .59. 
IM.-,.  Cal.-b  Dudlev,  b.  Mav  22,  17sl;  d.  Maivh  10.    18.;4. 

1.  D.diirht  "Dudley,  b.  Mr.v  7,  1807;  m.  Sepr.  14.  1S84.  Fncas  Allen  of  \^'al^d.  1, 
DET.iifiiT,  d.  Xov.  ;i,  \x'.]T).  2.  {'atiiaki.m;  Amki.ia,  b.  Sept.  1.  188s:  d.  .July  22.  is4s. 
8.   JDiiKiM  Siri.Ks.  b.  Julv  20.  1S42.      1,  Ai.t>i;ii  Nr.wroN,   b.    Au--.  2'-.    1840;  m.  Xov. 

10.  I8;.5.  FPien  D.   Coe  ot   VVa.lld. 

II.  MarvDudle',,    b.  Df/r.    10,     b-^bO;  m.    X.    Biakeshe.      1,   .Ioiiia.m    'I'ri'n.r.,    in. 

Marv   .Moss  of"  \V.        1."    /-;/r',',  ,///,;.       2.     V<f,ini/.       8,,     (InllUs        4.     A"//"/.       C,    Co!!  N  Fl  1 A .  in. 

HenVy  Clay  Tiutle  of  NVall'd.  1,  A:,,.:'.'  2,  Cahl..  8.  Churf''^.  8.  >Fmo'  .Iank,  ni. 
Miuo-  Mui.son  of  Brn!:;-epor;,  C-uin.  1,  il'tlir.  4.  hbiwiN  As\,  in.  Maiv  Deinores;  of 

111.  I.oval  ])oMlHtle.  b.  Alareh  10.  1S12;  rem.  to  Minn,  and  d.  tlieiv  An--.  '21.  1S72, 
xu  .Ian.  18.  1S41,  Betsi'v  M.  Doo!itfle,,f  Wall  d.  1,;t.  2,  Ci.acissa,  in.  Jaeksou 
[i,.ynohls  of  Minn,      8.    D;  x'i-'ri:.      !,    Dri-iv.     .").    .M.\t;v. 

'  \\ .      Sojihronia    Dudley,  b.  .Iuiy2.   1^1  I:  d.    Ani^-.    2,    1S.'>:-1:  jn.  Sept.    14,  1884.  .U-re- 
inial!  Hull.     1,  CoKXKi.rA.     2,   Dii-\M.     8.   S>>rn  •;! 'XtA.     4.   Ci)!;i>i:r.A. 
V.     Jothaiu  Tntlh-  Dudlev.  b.    Feb    20,  1817;  d.  Sept.  27,  182.'i, 



4()48.  Jesse  Tutlle,  t-.  -I'ln.  00.  175!):  d.  in  Haiiulfii.  Corn!.,  l^^U);  ;i  '.){)  vrs. ;  m. 
l^ucy.  <!;!!!.  oi'  Saiiiti!  1  aiul  M:ir\  .Mlinp-  !)icl.:<iniaii  of  ]!.;  h.  .lui.c  1.17.")!i.  lie  m.  (2) 
Eunicf  (.'ilh.Tt.      ('.  l)y  1  la. : 

I.      .\iiil)r...--i\  1>.  >'in.  17.  IIS-I:  in.  Mary  Allien. 
H.      l.fveicn.   li.  I7si);  111.  Kli'ciu  Kiinbi'rl\. 
111.     .l.---r,  li.  All-.  IS.- 1^92:  m.  Daiit-y  IJ.  ".i.)iu),-.Mii . 

46451.  Ambrose  Tuttle,  h.  <,■].■,.  17.  ITsi;  ,!.  a.  81  yi>.:  1,1.  Mary  Allen,  b.  Urt. 
4.  ■17'*^4;   if>.  llair.ilfii,  ("irMii. 

I.'  Svlvia.  b.  .hui.  -27.  lb  )4;  ni.  -I;,!'..  24,  ISj:,.  .Inliiis,  s.  oF  David  .)n-<fus  'i'nttir  of 
Walliii<;fonl,  and  bad  fiv.-  cbil. 

II.  lltMiri'-Tta,  b.  .Jan.  4.  ISDG;  d.  A]n\]  17,  ISTl;  iii.  Jarcd  Dickcnnaii  of  Hamdcn- 
b.  i)ri.  -2.  17i)!i.  1,  .b\v!:.  b.  Aujr.  '2.""..  \sy,0;  d.  .Ii.n.'  s.  1m;1:  m.  A;wii  :;0,  IS."")!,  ("i!arb\s 
E.  Allen,  wlio  d.  nine  nioiabs  after.  Slu'  ni.i2)  Si-jit  2S.  ]N."i^,  Teter  1'  Tbo'rne  1 
llrh,,  J/,v.,.v.  b.  Maix-b  2ii.  b^f.l.  -J.  .Makv,  b,  ;--i)t.  111.  is:;-:;  d.  -June-  10,  l<]s.'  n. 
AXN.  b.  .Iiilv  -JU.  ls:-',i.  J.  Ai.KMKT.  b.  Aj^rd  12,  ISMii;  m.  Jennb'  Aiidr.-ws.  1,  Lif/ii  ],' 
yUis  IS.  1^.>.  2.  /.'■//•".  b.  .NIaivii  ];.  isca.  ;;,  ./,„■;,  l,.  .J^n.  21,  lS!i2.  4.  dny'/n-r  b 
May  1.  ixi:<'.'.     A.  Mauy.  b.  Feb.  24,      c..  Jniir..  b.  Sei.t.  22.  1840;  d.  July  4.  Isf^j",  al 

•<jettvsbuvir.    ill    lio-jiilal    of    i\    wound   rerei\-|-d   in   b:Mrie  (jn   I  be  :3d  of  .l;il\'.       "j,   MK\}r     b 

Sept" '24,  1S44;  d.   dune  2^*.    l^bj.     n.  ."<is..\n.  b.  Nov.  J^,  ],S4.->.      H.  lii.AXPiv  \  'b    l",b']() 
1>^47:  all  res.    in    ilan.den. 

111.      Alien,  b.   Feb.  17.  l^U^;  ir,.  N.iv.  2!t.  1S:;0.  Faixibne  Tpttb-  of  WaHin- ford.       1 
l)-.Yi(.iri-  F.,  b.    .Nhuvl:    11.  is;j:.>.     -j.  .\n.N-V  A.,    b.  Ainil  27,  b-];l      :',.  Fi.!;'.'  a\.  O.-x.  27* 
1834:  m.  Zeiali  T.   Hbik'-k-e  (if  Nort!,  Ibiven.     4. v  F..  b..laii.  ];].  1S40:  m.  .Matlie 
."'udsoM.  ot  (-loxbiny.  Conn.      '>    V\i\yri:<  S..  b.   /.u;;-.  '■^.  Isbb 

[y.      Amos,    b."  May  20.  b^lH;  ni.    Feb.    2-4.    1>J0.    Ibarb-i    Itussrtt   of  Xortli   llaveu, 
Com..:  b.  S.jH.  2S.  1;-^12.      1.  <  onxioi.iA.  b.    An--.  1-1.  It^ll;   in.    A;Mil    11.  1>-''A),  l-Muln  .!.' 
Ciir.ion.     1.  ^/m/.-, '/■  7;..  b.  S.'|.;.  :.  l^f;2.      2.  l-J.wi.N,  b.  A  ii-.  2  t,  I'^-l"!,      :!.  r'lr.x    b    Oct 
■OS.  ]s4'.i 

^'.  .Mary.  b.  Sep:  2^.  Islil:  in.  Oet.  ]:',.  \x[].  .^!edad  Atwalri-  P,;isseit  of  Hainden- 
.'..  .iati  14.  !"d2.  1.  F.i,!Z\  Ann.  Nov.  2.  1^4:5.  2.  .I.uin  .\-;  ,-,A'i-i::;.  1).  .F;iv  lb,  1>:.(.->j 
m.  Xov.  2.  l"7(i,  Fineline  M.  Wrigbi  of  M!,  to\sn.  <'.inr..:  res.  iuifaiibi  Ah-.  :!, 
Fym  AV  11  K/.i:Ki  Aii.  b.  1\4).  lb.  IS.")!.      4.  Ciiaim. f.s  Mu.ti'N,  .Mar(di  17,  ISo}. 

46452.  IjCVeret  Tuttlc,  b.  i:sv,-  !>■>.  in  Ilamd'-n:  many  yr.^.  seleefm-n  ;u,d 
.a^;sess:)i;    b'-L-ji.    iu  Conn.    ]a\s:  Cap',    nf  a.   c.r.npany  or-deji-d  To  dei'erise  of   .\e\v  I.ondMn, 

1812;  li.  .l>e.-.    11.  1S77.  a.  1)1    yrs.;  tlier,   tie-  oI<b--f  man   in  Haniden;   m.  Mareb  27,  \s:)u\ 
I'^-lecia  Kimberly  witb  winrni  II-  liviil  ibOyi>.:  .--bed.  abt.  1s7.i. 

1.      Jloiaee,    b.    .Jail.    11.    !  Si  1 ;  jusi.    of  tbe  peace  in  H.;  t:,.    Sept.   :21,    1S:;:;_    Sa)-ah 
•C^-.-ik.      1,  FinKxnConK.     2.  F./ka.     :1.  Fkv.i-;  llr  k'idn.     4,   ^^'■i^l  jn(;. 
11.      !.e\\!s.  (1.  Marjdi  2.  ls;is    ^    'j.!  \r;^. 
111.     .!uMa.  d.  .July  Fb  1^4!b   a.  :U  yis. 

I\'.      Ib-nry.    b.   o.-t.    2:.l.  l":2i».       !\!e,-ud   in    bs71,   State  Seiuoor  from  tlie  4i]i  Sen. 
I'i'.t.  nf  I  oi.i...  olem.)  b'-  was  oni-  of  tbe  .'^i.K    Stiiatois  re])i-esenting-  the  State  iu  tlie  cor- 
poration  of   Yale   Col.    and   iu   tba;  eaiiai-ity  look   ]iart  in  tbe  eb-etiou   of  Xoali  I'orter  as 
Pivs.      He  111.   AuL'-.  17.  is.-jS,   Fiba  Fraiic-'s.      1 ,  Fn.MKir,  b.   Aiii^.    12,    1S59.     2    Fu.!  \n 
"b.  Ma^-  i:'..  Isibi:   d.  Mav   M.    bs7ii;   re>.  II. 

V.  Feiirdd.  i..  M.neb  F.i.  ]s2(b  m.  F.  b.  14,  IS,").").  Anna  Hotelikiss.  1,  j-Ui.-xKv  b 
May  v.).  1S(;4:  ivs.  }]. 

46483.  Jesse  Tuttle,  b.  An-.  1^.  bsil2,  <i.  Sept..  ISSh  m.  Dee.  2s),  1S2.").  Danev 
K..  da.ii.  of  .bdm.  -IF  .iol!:i-,)n  of  ^^'a^li^,i:  fr.:-d,  who  d.  Se]>i.  2i),  1S4().  (2)  May  1 ,  1^4-2. 
F.iieinda.  (iaii.  of  Will  ra-^aiiv   \'"iil'aiiis  uf  ^\'.      /'.  bv  1  m.; 

I.      .lobn,  !•.  \..v.   In,   I'^'Or.;    re-..  (iilpiivC.,.,  Co'lnrado;    num. 

11.      Liicy.  b.    I'.-b.  ],    isO^:  m.    .\pri!  2n,   ls4:.  .Meninian  Iv  Mm, son,      I.  ]nA.     2. 

Si.:  I'fN.      >].   W'li.i.iii'oiii'.v.    4,  .M  AKV.    o,  C  r;,ii;(;[ANA.    'blnJi.      All    residr   in  W.   nnni. 

Hi.     i'barlt.-  lb.  b.  Mandi  'J2.   \>-ii:  i'arnier  in  Cob  irado,  C'ilpin  Co.;iiiim.    /.  b\-2m.: 

]V.      l'w;i:bt  \^'^llianl<,  b.  .bue  11,  bs4.-);  yvud.  "^"ale]  and  adni.  To  pnietire. 

,Ma?<];  :v!,  F-.:;7.      Faw  \'-)- ami  cnroner  ai    F.  Haven.  Conn. 

V.     (F-ove  .;..  b.  AjMil   2,  F'OF 

465.  Encs  Tuttle,  m.  April  2:b  1741,  .Mary  Tod. F  (2i  Martha  Ibxcketi.  In  1732, 
adtn  on  e^e  of  luiili  Foihrap,  lao'  ..f  Waibd,  wa-^  Liiven  to  i^no^  4'nttle.  jr. ,  of  New 
IhiVeii,  in  rt.  of  his  wf.  Marina,  who  ua.--  bb-nilia  iiii.i-keW.  half  ,sis.'  Hi-  will, 
dated  .\u'_;-.  l:!.  1  7;)!i,  eaiie'i  of  Ibinub-M.  pro\.d  .b.n  .  •S0;F  eKhibited  by  Simeon  Fristed', 
i'xr  .,  i.^iis.   wt.  .Martha;  gr.    s.    Fvuin.i,    s.    of    Hezekiah;  s.    Enos;  daiis.,    .Martha,    Sil)vF 


liUAXClI    01'    JONATHAN, 

K'ih'iicc.  Tliaukt'nl,  Lydia.      Ilf-  Imii  \k\]k  in  ('lic.--lilrc,  ( 'loin. ,  !>*■<•.  ^<,  iT'il,  (^annexfi  *!<)in 
JiiiuiiU  ri).  Si1rii''i-.  lli/Z.M;i'i'li.  MiMtha  anil   'I'lianlirul. 
.     I.     Sil<ni<T.  I..  D(r.  is.  174!. 

il.  Hez.'kiali.  1.  .Julv  14,  174:^;  ni.  by  >[f.  'rrunil.nll .  1>.t.  7.  ITiiM,  I.oi.s  Ciaik ;  hi^ 
cHt.  ("ii%'.,  1SI4,  \<)  \Md.  ;-.n.l  to  cliil.  nani.-il  1h-!o\\.  cxci-jit  S^.t'ini'in,  n^r  nani.'d.  1. 
i\lKi.iNi)'\.  "i.  I,v?iAN.  1>.  June  >!.  1770.  o.  Sui  hmon.  ]..  .Manli  24.  1 7  7:.'  4,  l.r<  rx!>A. 
111.  Siin'Mii  \V;u./:<-r.      •").    i .' ii-i>A .  Ik   .May  (i,   177."i.      <">.    k(H,v. 

111.  .Marrli:;.  l».  .hm.  1.  174."):  ni  .\i)rll  II,  17'''."'i.  Iiy  Cali-h  .Mfrriman .  Job  'I  laM.  h. 
Au.^^  .").  1744.  1.  I'lKr..  b.  Od.  -"M,  1  7ii.">;  <1.  Ai'i-i!  t.  l'770:  n>.  Jau  imia  ^i'-ittlc.  dau.  .>t 
Joe?,  \>.  .\\m\s.  177-):  i-.-ni.  to  Mi.  Holly,  Vt.  2.  )-:m'iii:i:,  ().  t.,  17i)7.  :"].  An!.\s.\.  Auu-. 
1709.     4,   Rri-i..  S.ju..  1771. 

JV.     Tbankfal.  1).  Nov.  17,  174^;  d.  0,t..  17V). 

^■.    Joiiii,  ^\•i>t.  1 1.  i7oo. 

VJ.     Tkanlitul.  -22.   1 75-:. 
A'll.     Sibvl,  .^l.,i:.  1,  17.".:;. 

^"^!!.      I'jio:^.  11..  Mayo.  1 7.'^'.k  Car.dafc  Hotcliki^s  ot  ('!u  .->iiiri'.      1,    David,  b.  (K-..  18. 
j  7S,").      'I'li'.v  \v,T.-  both  ii\  Sii^<|U<'lianna  Co..  l^a..  1  M.)."),  tin'  fonnt-i-  \-.ini  a  family. 
IX.      lAiYid.  b.  Junr  1(1.  1751;:  il.  ;J,    17.')7. 
X.      Lvdia.  b.   17oS. 

46G.     Esther  Tutlje,  ni.    Nov.  in,  174S.  Bcnj.amin   Doolliij..  ot    \N'allM.      In  !">.^\, 
174",  tiu'V  coiiv.   to  Narliaiiicl!  l-'.iaw   'rni;l</. 

1.  'lv'niai!;!U  ])ooli{ti<_'.  '■Fioiii  W'a  1  iiniifoi  li .  w  a  ^  in  W  iHbii^lio!  ou;;!!.  Su-i(.  (<.., 
Pa,,  ill  ISUl.  Nvbcrr,  in  17i/.l.  Iw  bad  bonxUl' Hnii  ■.„■], '^:  -i.  i'annio.  .Ian.  of  l.-LalnHl 
Ward." — !/;.^f.  i.f  S'l-- /"■/'</ n  I' fh  '"').  1.  .\i;i.s().\.  2.  .\  i,i',Ki;r.  :;,  (it:ni;,,F..  4. 
5,   ]^):^^)\^il^.     <>.   l.viJfA. 

11.  Klixabi-'li  !>odiitb-.  b.  Anu.  1,  17^2:  d.  ])>■•.  20.  isb;.  in  li -r  !)2.1  yr. :  :a. 
Pl!ii..Ms  C,  s.  of  I'lr.niM-^  Pi'ck.  \\hM  (1.  .\iio.  1.1,  iso'i.  y,-<,  Pro:^),..:-:,  Conn.  ).  I'kn- 
.}'^\ll\  b  1771;.  2,  ^anm'k:.,  b.  17.?ii:  d.  in  tric...!ic.  X.  v..  isr.u.  1  ,.//.-;•-', v  .  ro.-.  ii'L-iinan. 
X.  y.  2.  Cniri-y.i.  ■■].  J)''.,.i''.  4  S,i,„^,,/S.  :-,,  .\s,,l,,J  I'.  i\,  j'hff:'  X.  7.  At/  //.  S. 
BdMi/  Sf.      ;->.   Naihamki..  b.  17^4;   it,-^.  Caiudt  n,  Ind.      1,    FJlxiii.,  th .      2.    J".si  jiJi    F.      :>. 

.I'-ltn'c.     4,    (tc->.    \y.      4.   KsriH-;!'.,  b.  17^7:    n,. llougli;   iv-..  .Mi.ldhnoun,  Conn,      o, 

Ei.i/.ai;ktii,  1).  17iii):  d.  1^'il;   ni.,;i. 

III.  Estliei  Doorut'c,  b.  May  2;).  1754. 

IV.  Eunice  r>oolinb-,  (»<-t.  4,  Ko"^. 
V.     Snra])  Dooiittl-,  July  20.   I7r,l. 

VI.      Abigail  Poolitrte.  <>rt.  Hb  1  7<):j. 

467.  Ezra  Tattle,  1'.  1720;  m.  Ilaiinah  oian.  of  <ier-lioniC|',„ld..  who  d.  Or,-..  17l'0 
(2)  f^usaima,  dan.  of  Gen.  ;uul  Sn-anna  ( Alu-iu'tliyj  .Merrinia.n,  b.  Sejit.  1.!,  1  72o.  in  l.':i20-  of  Susiiunu  151ak<"di-e,  late  w  I  of  Oliver  Blaki-.-^lee  and  wid.  of  CajU.  E/ia.  'i':iiilt»: 
di.-l.  to  (diik  of  Ezra  Tuttle;  David  4'ho!|)  ar.d  Coniidiu.-.  Dayton,  adiiirs.  lied.  Juu<-  il, 
17;):!,  a.  7:!  yi-.;  v.iU  tuove,!  17'.Ck  v.\n..  all  tie"  eliil.  eve.;]!:  2  ;,",d  :;;  vval.  Sii<an;ia  aiul 
s.  Joiiafaan  refused  lo  a',To|.t  adni  inistration :  inv.  '24i:;.  'I'l.e  :j  eld.  elii!.  d.  bef'."e 
their  f. 

\.      (ieri-lioiH,  rtan.    to    \'t. :  an    artisi;    patrioi    ie.    Wcat iii-rsiield.    177o;   ni.  and  l-'ft. 
eiiil.  :  a  dau.  IIan.naii  ni.  Plub'nion  'I'nttlt'.  :vl  cons. 
[1.      Eh/.abetU,  m. Hro-kott :  bd  i  cliil. 

III.  Irtaac,  ni.   J7stl:t'r . 

IV.  Ilannali.   in.  by  Mr.  Truniiiull  Jan.   \'\.  1777,   lienjanHn  ]'>a.-;,sett. 

\'.  Jotiathan,  b.  17.'!(;:  ni.  O.-t.  24,  1  7S4,  Sdiyl  Cooprr.  wliod.  Sopt.  2S,  b'^2.S,  a. 
(54.  Ho  d.  AiiLL".  Ot>,  1>^22.  a.  (i'l:  will  |e.',,v('d  sain'b  year;  nanios  wife  Sii.-yl.  1, 
UuVNi^.b.  Nov-  20,  Ks"-;  in.  JS'll),  IJa/./.ar.!  j-iatton.  2,  I.M-.,  no  n.-iint-.-  d.  Ort.  17. 
17S(;.  ;;'.  E!i:a7.;.i;.  b.  Nov.  20,  17h!7:  d.  Feb.  (i.  \VM.  4,  A-a  T.,  b.  Jan.  :].  1707;  d. 
.Inly  V.I.  1S32.  ."i.  i-^i.i/.A.  b.  D.-t.  4.  1^0.""..  im.  Si-j't.  12,  is:',:-),  hra.d  S.  Cantield;  ro.-,. 
Wi".  1,  <.'tr:'h  Klii'i.  b.  (),-(,.  b.  l.s;;7;  d.  An-.  He  ls::;s.  2.  Klmi  I!.,  b.  (),t.  14,  ISJd: 
d..  D>a-.  i';k  IS!,:'..  :',.  .!.<,/.,/.  b.  Jan,  2S,  l.^'bi:  d.  Sept..  lS4i).  4,  M.iri.m  Fllzn,  S.-i't.  ::!, 

Vi.      Phebe.  lu.   P.eii.),  .1.  Todd;   I.  l>y  2d   ni,  : 
Vn.      .S.isa-i'ia,    in.    i'avid    Thori);    n-s.     No;-tl.    Ibiven.      1,    ].,\m;!  .\  i)A.    d.    .luiy    \'^*, 

1S;J'J.      1,  -/'."■/''  -!..  b.   1S2S;   m, Moll'et.  and  lia<  fa;nily;   re-.  Mon  ]-,,  (.>rM-..;,.  cI.,  X. 

V.  2,  Sn;vi..  ni.  .Mil.-^ 'i'nttb':  b-ii!:  d.  befon-  INdl',  1.  Lest,-,-.  2,  iirrin.  'S,  S.IX..I.I, .. 
:\,  t.v.MVN.  -1.  l.l^\■ls.  res.  (  ;,.iro,..\.  V.  .").  II\i:\i;v,  !!,  I,i...v):!::-.r'i .  barn'-,!  to  lii-at'i 
ii!  a  j)ir;  ra.  Di;idanni  'I'mdver  and  bad:  1.  liniil,  re,-.  W'e.-i  Pawrern-o  ',  ifsotjo  (,'0  . 
N.  Y      2,  M'lr'ui.     '6,  Saitjord.     1,  J''i.[iri.'. 


VUi.      Jv/.ra,  h.  Nov.  't.  17t''>'.t:  m.  ITD'j,   i 'Inriiidii  .Toluisnu. 

IX.  Azul-a.  111.  'I'inioiliy  .\ll<'n;  ivs  :i!ut  d.  1  icHiiU.M-.  .Madison  ('().,X.  Y.;  luid  10 
,-•]:;':       1.   ]^rsr<!'.i.i,.     •?,    Bknv.iah.     :;.   -IdN  \T!i.\.\.      -I.    I1ii;.\m.     o.   Hahkv.     0,   F.zii.v. 

7,  .'.Ki;t  s!i.\.     s.  Sai.i.v.     0.   li.MiiiiKi'.      in. . 

X.  I5en:ijali  ('.'apr.).  in.  An^u-.,  18(H).  I.nvic,.  IJay;  (•.?)  .Iiinc  2 i .  I'O'J.  ISciscy  ]^,ay:  ri-s. 
N.-.  Ihiv.,  Cnnn.  ].  (■' i-;iiK(^  r.  b.' Mairli  ".il.  ISiil:  vi-;it>'d  lii.s  ;i!iiit  \\'iii'cl<T  nian.v  yf;u\> 
ai;i'.  VJ,  i.ovuL.  n.  Dc-.  111.  Iso;!:  ni.  John  ( .'i  II,-;  res.  X.'w  llin-.'n.  :'..  lii;iM:v,  Ai)ril 
•2[).  INil'.i.  4,  .M.\KV.  .Man  I!  11.  l>^]'i;  ni.  \\m\.  Ivc--  of  New  llav.;  sin-ina'  nl;■^t(M■;  and 
d.  in  rhil'lhcd.  1.  .lA/ /•_,/,  ni.  K.  A.  I'ar-ons.  suln  pianisr  an.l  dinrtor  ol  tin  Xfw 
i'.avfi!    <.'rjn^i'rvaTnr_v   ol  .Music:   oiH_MMisr.  at    St.   I''s  clili. 

XI.      Sinai.  '>.  Anu.  'J'.).  Kx~):   m.    I^'in'i.  Xatliaii  W  In-d'T. 

4.G751.  Urania  Tultle,  l-.  Xo-. .  -jo.  i;s.-,:  d.  .Man-i,  2i;,  isTl,  a.  sc,  yis. ;  m.  Xov. 
2:-;.  ivOfi.  MiizardJ'.iitTKn.  h.  Feb.  li*.  ITSd:  d.  May  ;i.  is.-,s. 

1.      Ivl\^•al■d  Daniel  pjiitton,  li.  Sr]>t.  11.  ISOT.      1.    1. i:\viv.     -J.    l,vs\.M)Kii.     :',    D.w., 

V-:.  l-'ai^-o  aviillcid  1  i.di.:   all  livina-iit   P-ml'T  Ccntfr,  J'.ntlcrCo..   Iowa. 

11.  l.vsaiulcr  Ivinon.  S.  j.t.  -2,  ISID:  m.  A\iis.  -J  I.  Ls:iT,  .\lji^r;iii  1,'ann.v.  1,  .M.vKV 
..lifSKi'Hi.M-;".  1).  .Tmu'  -2:?.  )><-]>\:  d.  .lum-  t?;l.  l^.-.v.  -..y  Ki.r/,  \,  1,.  .!an.  1  !.  is.}].  ;!.  Tuyj)- 
iJ.'iiK  ]•:..  li.  Dc.;.  IC,  iSl4:  nt.  .Ian.  81,  is;i,  Indu  S.oir.  4,  .Iri.i  \  M.,  1..  June  IS.  IS-tO; 
in  Ani:.  1.  ]s:m.  Milton  I',  .lont-s.  o.  (-haki.k-  1?.,  Anril  •?].  1n.")V!;  al!  irs.  in  Wat.>r- 
ford.  X.  Y. 

Hi.      I'ldhuiilcr  l^uuon,  twin  wIti!  l,y>and(  r;   d.  .lur.o  1,   1  Sl ! . 

lY.  I'iiiland-'r  I->nUon,  \>.  lY4i.  3.  ^•~^\■>■.  V.  C.  lN:]il;  valiMlictm-ian ;  ac(i,iiiiMl  a  coni- 
pct(^ni-H  in  hnsint'ss  in  X.  "V.  fity:  n'tir.'d  xi,  ( i;ci.-n\i  ii-h,  ('o:a;.;  l).,i,  ol'  tin-  i-mI'.  iIicit. 
iind  for  I  won.Tv  five  vcafs  Prin'-i^.;.!  ol'  tnc  d' rofvwicli  .Veadiny ;  ^^■h(■l•l'  be  •:[.  Mi..y;-1. 
isTs;  n..  O.-i. '',1,  1^:4:).  .hilia  A.,  dan.  of  Dr.  I'aiius  Mend.  I.'  F,.1>.  >f-<r('-li  1, 
lS4ii:  d.  Apiil  I'K  lS4't;.  2,  I.VDIA.  July  Ti.  F^od.  "..  IVvitn  s.  twin  wi'l!  L\d:a.d  .Inly 
i;-;,  iSoO.  4.  .li  I  i.\  -Y.  !..  No\.  11.  is.")':i.  :>.  A.N.vii;  F..  Xov.  Fi,  l^oa.  O.'f.vNmk  K, 
FhIv.  1.  is.-..^. 

4678.  Ezra  Tuttlc.  b.  in  Xc-w  llav.  Xov.  r>.  i:ii;l:  ni.  Ajnil  IKI.  )  ^IfF  Clanuda 
..lolin.-on.  b.  July  iO.  KM;'  d.  in  Siron-^viib-.  ()..  June  2:'..  is:;:-t.  Ilf  rom.  fi-on;  X.  Fav. 
'.(.■  X.  Y.  >talf.  ibcnro  lo  Fov.f.  Ffanklin  F(.>.,  Ma--.,  tlicnrr  to  Xo.  Atlani>.  tln-nrt-  abmit 
"iS-J:.!  v<  Siron--^iil'•.      F'    d.  Julv  :-;il.  ISOO. 

1.      (  ii.-tr!- J.,  b.  <lri.  0.  r^H-J;   m.  Sabrina  Ivislncv  of    I-Jorkpoii.  ()..  t\<,\v   of    F)i^- 
dnF.Micb.;  S  r-hii. 

11.      Foul.  Junro.   ]7!*4;   d.  in  .Mas.<.;   nn   Aifii-d  Ouis;    7  rjiii. 
HI.      ]->/.!a.  ])"c.  4.  17!>S:  m.  .Maria  Strwari  of  Conn.:    rc'S.   ls71.  Fl.;   ;-;  cliil. 

IV.      I-;,  niaiiiin.  Feb.  IS.  isi.i4:  m.  F; 

IS-':    Sl 

Ml   La.liiiiii 

.:  r<-s.  S..  ().      1. 
F:.1ZA  .l.v.NK.  So],t.  ',>;F  iS-^S:  d.  S'-;.t.  17.  ISuii.     2.    Hi.n.!.  A.,  b.  <'rt.   11.  is:)!;  n-.  >Firy 
Ann    St'-vif    of    Svniniv'.-.' Cicfk.  Mn.-lun^uni  I'o..  <  >. :   les.  \\\'si  \'a.      He    is  a   i-arp-'nter 
iind    ]].  F.  l>ridt:."  l)nild.r.      >',.    Fvman    .\..  \h,.  IJ,  l-::]0:   n;.    \).-r.    'H).   iSiifl.  Minitir    K. 
M'b's  of  S..  ( ■'.  :   ri-^.  Fiui-a..  < ».      IF    is  a.  tracFrr  of  vocal  and  in.-:  tiinn-ni?il  music.. 
V.     Flarind-..  b.  Feb.  1.  ISOi!;  d.  Feb.  •><!.  1S;^(I:  n;    Fiavcl  Wbiuicy  of  S.,  O. 
\].      Fc.Mci.    b.    Fob.    2o.    1^17:   ni.:   n-s.    Dover.    O.      1.   F.^:^•f.\-^^^•.     2,   K/.nx      o, 
.M.'.iiri's.     4.   AN^.'.i.d.     Ti.   S.v.Mi  1!.   .F ,   b.    Aiiix-    "-'.    IMu;  ni.    Jinn-    1.    1870,   Bianca   I'. 
Kb—  of   IliiFdaif.  Miidi..  attorney  at  law:   tir'n  of   TullI;    \   llarwooj,  Lincoln,  X'"eb.      (J, 
Fi:i;ni;i;i(  k.     7.   \V.\i.i.v(k.     All  live  in  Fovirexccju  S.  J. 
VII.      .Maria,  m.   llob-is  Whiincv  in  Fn\  atio-a  ( '.i. .  < ». 
^'lli.      Jan.-.  b.   Xov.  7.  iSlti:  d,."(.)-,-t.  o."lS2i;. 

4G7.11.  Sinai  Tuttle,  b.  An.^^  'Jll.  17S.-,:d.  (•.-i,  on.  IS'iO.  a.  ?:»:  m.  D.-c  ■J.n  ISOC, 
Xatiian  W'beej.-r.  b.  April  i!),  1  7s:F  d.  Am:.  F.t.  isc.l.  a.  7>-i:  rem.  to  .\ .  ^".  S..  INdS:  res. 
'i..aur>-n--,  a  few  niiie>-  from  F>iii  ternuis  (Firuei  isvil  b-i  <  )rsrg-o  Co..  X.  V..  wbere  all  !h< 
■c'nibh-ci!  wert-  bo;  a.  in  a  Iol;  FcniS(-  be  buil;  in  tin-  wo.hF:  lie  wa--  a  mil.  cap:.;  both  were. 
nn-n;bcrs  of  ihi-  Faptist  cnb.:  foremost  in  'ji)r,<]  \\orl;.<  asid  hos|)italde. 

1.  Julia  A>leHni-  \Vbe,-lei  .  b.  Oct.  F;.  ISni;  m.  June  'JS.  ]S;M.  Allen  Wilde,  b. 
.ian.  !t.  \^\'' :  farnnr.  1-.-.  Ibi'-kdale.  X.  ^.  1.  .\m.\.\ii.\  Mi,;.Is.-.\.  b.  S.'pt.  7),  ls:;,^;in. 
Sej.r.  ]■:.  l'^r)4.  \Vm.  Fnapp  Mead.  ii.  Dei-.  Is-j.S;  re-.  riiadiUa.  N.  V..  faiine.-.  1.  /,h:i:'. 
A.!<"'i'/u.  Del-.  17.  l^.To.  "2.  J'V,/-  U /.V/- ,  An^^  24.  ISfiU.  :'>,  \,f/i^  .] '-//ir.sfa,  .M«.^  2?^, 
lsn4  4.  .!////<'  M', 'is.s.i.  Fell.  4.  1SC..S.  2.  M.m;-!-  Fi'(1NV,  b.  ISiJS:  -rad.  Ca.-/eno\  ia  In-t.: 
d.  Ano-.  1.  is7!;n!.  Jun--27.  lsi',4.  ]U-\  .  Wm.  llemy  !  lai-lir  1  Metli'.  f^jii-  ..of  C..  b.  Dec. 
;-s;i;:'ie>.  i;,-ls  iuere,  lb.       I.    .»/.<,-//.  A ult.    Hb  IS'ii;.'   2.    /.v./'/.,-,  .  May  10.   l^i)--^.      :l,    J'ir,, 

Or-.    12,    1N72.     ;;,    F\K!.iM-;   \'i(i.M;i\.   oei.  2^,  1-!' 

Ma:-.n    ::•), 

.\i  i.i.n. 

A/.i  iiA,  April  (b   1SJ;F  m.  Sept.  2(.l.   Isil.').  i-'.dn.nnd  Adam.-,  b.  July  21.    ISjO;  fanner:   res. 

'<?78  15];a>;(::]'  oj'  .losKrii. 

Noiili  :M!i!iliiis.  Oiioii^liiL;-;!  C)..  X.  Y.  !.  Juliii  Cilhd,,,  S'>>il.  :!.  INfiC..  3,  IhlrrI  J;>,rn.^. 
r'cl).  H),  \'<':.\.  ."■),  I.l  /.MINI.  Ai.l.KN,  Fil.'.  10,  1S4.")  (ii(-v.  \!''tli.  i-lnis.*.  ih.  Aiir.  •?-!  ISiis" 
I.cll  ^^  l^fnu-ii,  re-.  N.I  X'u-  n.'iliii.  !'lii-i;!>i-o  ('/,.,  N .  \.  1,  .l'////,,/,  ll',.v/,'y,  Nov  li/ 
ISld  G,  ././///, .V  J//./,,  \i:iv'li  li.j.  Jn;:J.  :;,  F:i,u!r  EreHn  ,  SUvrh  H],  \s,^:\.  '(i.  Miwtk 
AisKF.fXi;.  M:ncli  7.  ix:):?:  in.  !);■(■.  ;!.  ls;:i.  Ilcniv  Parsons,  h.  Aiiu-.  I'l,  is;!',;  ;:,ni,.T- 
res.  Jv.  (;!iiir.inl,  N.   V.      i.  /■'/'.,.»    Mira,  >v\A.  li.  isT-!. 

II.  Su'^.-uma  \\  h.  .-I.T,  Ai'iil  'j:;.  isrj;  d.  .,.  ;..  .],)ly  •-.'»,  lS(i:;  ],,.  \\.^y  -y,^  is.-;.5,  T. 
'!.  (toitdi!,  wluid.  ;;i):.  .')yrs.  I'Jicrni.:  I>')i  li  adv  luici'il  in    vr.s.   wlii-a  ni. 

i!!.'-  Tiittlf'  \\"|!i',>1,t.  April  •,'.■).  I'^l.'i;  stud!  iaw,  <1.  Ort.  :j:,  l^MI.  n.  -,^7, 
whih'  (in  a  -vd.-di  !n  b;.-  un.  Ir   Y'./.Vd  \\\  (Mdti;  im.  is.  ricvfland. 

IV.  .lolm  llcsvaid  \"i'he!'li'r.  \^\,  \X\'i:  twici-  in.  and  !ia-;i(diil;  n  s.  ( •i.-.r,). 
X,  v.;  g-iii).sniiiii :  an  only  dau.  res.  ?il')i  ri.<,  N.  V.:  as.  i-:  ]iri)|)!-iet.>r  n!  a  piiotn  L;'tdi";y 
aiid  j'-\'.i-lry  store. 

'\".  N'atlum  Wh.-idri,  .May  Vi.  IN:'.);  af!flid.-d  (fi  1  li.-rtsvi]  h-  Acad.  and.  wa-  tln-rr 
^o\\\\  Supt.  of  .'-•idioMls;  i-fin.  t<i  (iiafldU.  ( 'ha  utauriiui  Co.,  [vaiwa.s;  .)ndi:c  of  Prrdia;.-. .  :m. 
andi   lias  "J  cdiil. 

VI.  Isaar  Pn\s-.dl  \Vh.  rP-r.Muivlt  :^d.  ls-?I  ;  alrc!id;-d  ( Jiilurt^vi!;,-  Acad,  ;;nd  at  ('...m> 
ej-sf(j\\  It;  a  )itu-i'-i.ui  I'  t\l■^■r.,  "ioiii  lirl^.'ade,  (iiJL  l)iv.  N.  V.  y\\\..  is.VI-I-'J;  to\viiSu[)t. 
of  OtPt^o,  N.  ^'. ;  a  man  of  s'l cut  cn'.'ru-y  and  ri'soiutioii.  nnd  in  roM.-c^iu'nci-  \i'u:u!od,  uur 
too  soon  altt'i  sicl;n(->  anri  tooii  ci>ld,  udiicli  spttli'd  intii  inHainiiiHrorj.  rlM-n-natisTii :  aft"." 
tliat,  in  di  fianc  oi'  '.Narninir  of  piiysicia.ii';.  In-  mui.ic  poliliral  s]it-C(d:i-s  f(,r  ;,  nuiiduM*  of 
years  and  wore  !iin;--idf  onl  Nvliii''  ye;  a  y<jun;_'  man.  In  ls.~)Ii  aiipf,  Stati-  1  .ihiarian  nut 
de;di)ie'.i.  Ii;  lS(v()ap]iI.  .Vuditoro!  tU..-(,'anal  i)c['T.  Imt  d,  !>■  fo;-"  tak  in;,'-  i,.!iicL',  iim.  l4. 
l.Sl'O:  til,  Aprd  \'k  l-'+'i,  I  u-!--,)  Cook.  ].  J'JL.V,  Au.i,'.  IC,  1S.-)|  ;  atr. ■;;(!. 'd  l'illc-AcufL 
and  tau^lit  .-rhool;  m.  1^70.  A.  -1.  ( ii'tr-;,  -omi-  tintf  a  tnardiev  in  tin'  l'"raidcli!i  Inst.,  tjovr 
\vlin!e?ale  d,oulci-  in  prodiu-c;  i^'s.  Morris,  1  )tse:.r(i  C.,. ,  N.  V.  1,  A'-A'/t',  .Vnr'l  8,  ^>■',■^.  -.?, 
lu.s  i'A.ixx,  Aei:-.  ().  ]so4:  lu.  Pt'7-.'.  -i.iy  Lent;  farmm-.  1.  J/,'//(,  ,/. ,  u.  Ftdj, ,  Is;);  ;j' 
IsA.VC  I-\>"\Vi.;i.!,,  I-\d>,  t^s.  !S.".^>;  li;  d  a  iTm:; 'jt.ilj  1' ■  UK -nioi'v ;  li-aiii:;.--  \,\  Ii.-ar!  from  a  -iiiirlf 
reading;  far  a(haii'.->-d  in  all  siuoies;  wdu  n  aht.  II  yrs.  ol'  a.^f.:  he  wa>  jmslu;d  froin  st. 
wagon,  and,  fallim,^  on  Ids  h^'ad,  ilied  <d'  l.he  inini-^'in  ahoiit  a  mmv,  Ma\-':S.  )'s70^ 
I'roni  Mrs,  ,\.  ,).  (iati-..  .Motri.v,  Oisci.-o  Co  .  N.  V.    "      ' 

VII.  iM-ast  us  Craft  W  ],.-dfr.  \^.  .inm-  fs;  d,  Au>:.  |(>.  IS:];!, 
Vll'I.  ]'.d\s-iin  IC  WlnTJi-i',  h.  Sept.  14.  lN'34;  srliool  tnacdicr;  weiiT  Soia'n  and  '-.niit 
bridii-es  thr.  Jle  was  ■■nia.trr  huild-r  of  high  LTad.!-  iie  ;d>o  maniif'aetu  fii  -■a.-.le"-s, 
doors  ami  Idind--.  \\'L'i  :,  ^„•,■(•<s:oll  lieiian  lie  rid'u.-ed  to  vott-  (li;U  ti'-kt-t  and  \k -.<.<,  yix .' ,\ 
tea  days  to  h-ave  tlio  rinintry.  Sin-rifirinLr  hi^  y.roperty.  ].>■  .•viavtcd  fo;-  :.\\v  Ni.ntli  ur,h  a 
mule  team,  iiut  could  u'et  no  fiirtlif'i  tlnm  \V('aUi-'rs!i'dii,  iii-.  Palla.,-,  lie  maj!ai_-('d  ti;  -ket-p 
out  (>!'  tl'.e  drafi"  unl  il  i-'i.j,  tiie;.  (•■inscrij.ic  1  and  si-nt  to  tin-  f;<int ;  served  in  1  h-.-ca  /,:  lrv-_ 
soon  deserted:  reariied  the  Cnion  lim-s  in  .\>as.  fidislnd  and  served  l\>  ei'.i  o':  war. 
during  the  war  went  to  Pexington  in  ilie  enemy's  cnintiy  on  fntloj!;-!.,  am.l  'nrourriit 
away  his  family  n:-der  difiii-nlCiev  ;i;in  (iane/eis  ih.-it  to  ino~r  rneji  would  ha.\-e  -eeiur-d 
and  "»vou!d  luive  tjeen  insurniountahle,  .Vr;-i;  -d  [o  (leiVnd  iif-  life^  he  heu-ed.  the 
in  the  wood.,->  to  uiak'-  hi^  wa.^'on;  made  ra  \\ -Idtle  ropes  f:>r  trace-  and  secm-ed  tluee  voice's 
oi' oxe.n  for  a  teane  l!i-  fuCon^'n  \va.s  tor  liO  (hiys.  thout;li  he  \\as  three  month.s  absent. 
l,>nl  Ns'a.s  fimilly  mnsteri»d  out  and  honora Idy  ddscli;. is^ed  \vith  the  rest.  !!i,- lieallli  was 
l>r(/];en  liy  sleepinir  on  tne  i^.-romid  and  e\pos:ire,  wddcli  resu'tcd  ii'  (•onsnm]'noii.  IK' 
went  to  Califoi-nia.  l)y  mcdii'al  advice  and.  d.  in  Sonoinn,  .Marcli  '^7.  h'^77:  he  n;.  aht.  l>^')'2 . 
Joanna  A.  t^teere  of  H.  1.  fam. ;  wlio  d.  at  St.  Pouis,  .Mo,;  alu,  1n.")S,  c^iat  llunnewell. 
Mo.,  in.  and  somt  r.nn.  '.o  B-aumont,  'I'e.vas.  His  wiii  is  mcv '  1  ^sO)  livini;-  at  Unnne''vell, 
Mo,,  witli  two  sons  and  one  dan.  1.  J'liwjx  \',  < ',  W 11  r;K!.!.i; ,  i>,  .\kron.  ().,  .la.n,  2!*, 
lS."j;;;  l)oc)kkee|)er  and  printer;  re.,.  'I'itusvi  He.  Pa  ;  m.  June-Jl.   ls,s-2.      -j^    |)At".,  d.  y. 

I\'.      Wesley  Wln-eler.  Oct  IN.   IN-J7;d.   Nov.  -jl,  iSC,]  ;  luiin. 

6.  Jo.sepPt  Tuttle,  Pap.  in  Ni'w  iiaven.  Nov.  l^.  \i\V.):  m.  May  'J,  IflC.;,  Hannah- 
dan,  of  CAp!.  Thom-'s  .Mnnson.'^-"  P.  June    il,  PUS.      .\    conijilainr    against  liini  an<I  .Pd/n 

*T!iC'nas  .Niunso.n  tar.Te  in.  tne^i  to  !;.>,t-:!i  ir.  tf.;)  :  lom.  [o  H  irtford  and  if  the  H.iriford 
Cpntuitrr^nt  uii'.'.er  Catu,  .\';i.-;oa  at  trie  cic-iriiccion  of  tile  I'tquot  Fori  iSce  h'iij-i/o>-J  in  thr  ,'i.t\-n 
!'iin,:\;  rem.  lo  N'ew  Haven.  Ttija  ;  f.fTtred  Oiie-tfarri  of  ;>n  unclauin-d  uhotmen:  ir.  the  (jovernor's 
Oa  u'lcf  on  cnndirif-a^  t'lac  be  never  co";[.>li..d  with.  n;ert!y.  that  l-.e  would  l>'jild  a  house  tf.ere^r.  .-amcI 
<l_cv.)te  Inriisc'f  ei  ir;.'.'i-.r.i:  vvliccis  and  plotiijns  i<ir  tin.  ^"ooJ  of  the  colony.  Ii\  icog  he  was  :<  Lt.mmis- 
sioner  with  Samuc!  Hiil.op  and  three  others,  to  live  ciioimisficncrs  frof!-.  to  est.iblish 
boundaries  In  if'-5  he  ro:nni.\ndcd  th'j  N't-w  Haw;n  troops  who,  at  XorrilLuk,  defcndcil  the  pfnuatior. 
sgainst  tlie  Indians.  Miis  inilitary  raTil:  was  Capt.  He  was  representative  in  ttie  General  Asscinbly  2.t 
.serssions  troni  lifA  to  .•>;;:  d  11VS5  ;  inv.  t'27o  .-'.o  a;:repui»;nl  for  di!:t; ibMtiop.  sic.n^d.  jime  !•■.  i-'-"-,  Dy 
'>\'-a\".:,  .Munson,  Kichard  Hi;, \.':nboi:uru  .Mid  Joi. ■)•■!;  Patde  .  laeyabUMJi  viocu  botweon  Kli/.ftbe'li  Piqi^-in"- 
b^.tto:!'  riiid  Hannah  Tiinie.  t{i.^  s.  S.invjcl  m.  .^:arth.i,  <.-y\'  ft  Wra.  l',rai,c\  of  C inn.iiu.  Hi-."dau". 
F!i'..-\!ieth  m.  Richard   Higciabottoin. 

TUTTLF.  -3  TO 

Diiid  wa;:;  i!i:ii]c  Anr,-.  7.  l(>''>(i.  for  "  t:niuili  ii'>n.<  cuiiuucc  ;uul  spt-;!l:ii!i  ;ij,'-:iiiist  tlic  iiitlic- 
tioi;  <M  juini-luiu-nt  uj'.ni  iw'.i  ('-.■JiriiiUciUs,"  fiiicl  'JOs.  lie  was  L'\i'i'.-C'i  'imiu  -.vaM'IiiiiL;- 
iii  ItlS'),  ••  hc'iiii;-  al,  ihi  j">t''t'.r  Ui.-ui.  Ir.iviiii',-  I'jsl  tlifux-  of  <mi.-  (il  liis  iVii,  aiui  !i<u\-  !i;i\i!!'.; 
iwi)  j-'Hi  •  ill  till-  i'it!)!i--  .-..  ;vii  ,•;"  (tiit-sc-  niu'-t  have  Ih-i-ii  rlic  two  i-l<lcst.  vi/.  :,  .I..->']ili  alio 
SaiKuci,  aj-ct!  rrS|>iTi  i\-|-l;, .  i?  ami  Jo.      S:uiu' yr..  lu.-  was  iuijif.    I 'i,ii>i;  lih',  luir    il.Tliiu'il 

(in   :i'-.-i;Ullt   of  lal.lctit   -•<.    '  H-'    (i.     Scpl  .  ,    If.iltl,    (';,.    C'J,   sr.  ys   1  Mdil  ;    ''.rni-);    iuv.     nf    ir,.>    est. 

jir.s.  by  his  wUl.,  X!)V.,  S!i5.  yr..  i"-,'tl:  'J"lii.v<.  1\  iinl.ri  1\  aiiri  .VhralKP^i  Ivailli-y,  api>r.-<.  ; 
vill  inns.  .Iose()l!,  t..f  I'avc  (I.)Lih!i'  imit.  Suiuul'I,  Sif]ilirn,  Joanna,  Susanna.  lOlizalii-i  li 
ami  Haiiicili.  Hi-  ^vio..  Jiaimali.  iii.  Aim',  '^i.  J'il'l,  Natliaii  ]^.ail!.-y*  df  {iiiilfunl.  and 
(1.  ii.r.,  N.:v.  ;.!i),  l;;;*.:'.  lu  ('.n -l.  .i.-, ;•.-.]  U;;*.""),  flarn.ah  Hiaillry  cdiiv.  I'.i  S.-tiMii^'l  TiUtl'-  ilif 
(Iw^Iinif^-  will-,  lu-  is  ii(i\s-  livini;;  \\iii.  Joiics,  llair.iali  .Iniif-s  idan.  of  (imv.  KaTniiS, 

i,  1).  Marcli  ]H,   KJ-iS;  m.  N,jv.   iii,  lOiH.  IClizahinh  Sanf.-ird. 
11.      Sanuif!.  -liilv  ].">.  li.TiS;  u\.  I^.-r.   !!.  HWC,,  Sa  laJ,  .1  lart. 
in.      Strplu'ii.  May  -iO.  iniy;   in.  Si-).t.   12,  ICyri.  Kiali  V\v.'.  Pvaiulolpli. 
!\'.      Joanna.  !).•(•.  :!0.   10,"."):  in.  S't-pli.-n  I'a  iialiorn. 

\  .     'I'lnti-thy.  >-i.t.  :!'A  1»>7n:  .].  Nov.  01,  l'j;s,    i.ameil  in   ^ti'if^'  J/i.-.:.  <,ftJu  .J'^ilr/,.->, 
Vi'ifli  Sanuiel  Mill'-    a.s  {];[■  only  deaths  in  .\,  Ilav.  in  tliar  yr.     - 
\'i.      Snyfinna,  i'eli.  2-.'.  li>7;i:   lu.  Sainiiei  Todd. 
VI!.      Klizalutii,  .Julv  IV.  \i\>:?..  -        • 

\  111.      llannal..  Mav  "l  1.  1HS5:   d.  -oon. 
IX.      Hannah,  h^^o.  Keh.  2fl.  ]t.v<;. 

6i.  Jo£.eph  Tllltle,  o.  -Mar<d;  is,  ItjC,,'^;  m.  in  Milford,  ('onn.,  hv  (Jov. 'J'reat.  Xov. 
10,  IH'Jl,  Elizah^ih.  (Ui'i.  of  Thomas  and  ]71i/;-ih-ili  (Paii;,-)  S.mford,  h.  KiTl.  tie  liv-d 
in  il  lliiv.;  proiuincui  .'Uid  a(  (!%•>■  in  local  aiTair.-.  In  1707  the  villa,?;-)'  ol  '['..  Ii;;v,  vi,tfd 
Ol)(.l  i\cr{'S  of  Innd  \^>  Itr  sold  to  rai:-*-  nion^'y  to  di  I'cud  thv  'Vi^idvcs  in  law  suits  against  X. 
Ilav.  This  trarr  !:iy  heis.L'-n  ;}te  foad  ;u";d  the  Bull  .^wanip  hri. ',::;■.  Ttir  hnvri-  were 
Wni.  Liiddin,o!f>:i,  .j'nhn  Knssidl,  -lohu  _M';nlvhr,)p.  Tutlh^  Oanh  1  C.diin.-  aii<l 
Jacob  JiObinsi'M  A'.ijit  Fob.  ].~).  K'.il.  ^er^■t.  -lohn  I'oivcr  a.nd  .l(;'~i  ].ii  Tattle  were 
lihe'.Vled  •■  to  aiieml  a  o.\\  i,  ji;ef  lin-  i,i  2ve\-,  ila'.  .  to  ouiaili  iheir  consent  tiiat  thhs  vilia.::!' 
(E.  liaA".'!  iie  S'-tth  ,!  a  distinct  tos'.'/i";  e-roiited  by  tlie  a.;s('iMbIy  tin  fwilnvint;'  spriuu'. 
and.loscph  Tiitth-  \\-->.s  ejected  I'ep.  to  .-rale  L.e^-. ,  Ma.y  and  <.>ct.  sf-ssi(n*.s.  171fh  ih.oUirh 
til'-'  asseini)ly  ilenied  the  riu-jit  of  Ih  ilav.  to  s- ud  depn'iies.  Al  w  court  lield  at  N.  ilav., 
2d  Monday  of  Xov..  Hiliii.  ,jud,u-nient  for  -CloO  and  C'l-fs  wav  rendered  a,i.-a!  .io-oph  T.. 
cordwainer,  in  fa\-or  ol' .loseph  1.5h-i|eiihur'j-]i  of  Xev.-  York.  .losejd!  T.  titijiealed  to  com-i. 
of  nssi-tnurs  held  at  Haftf'e-,i  M„y  l;i,  1i;'i7.  In  1  ■;  ! -j  he  sne.'i  f:id,!;nTi  Mor^-an.  an 
Indian,  for  debt.  He  -A-as  related  in  some  way  to  the  ( '.lopers.l  :The  v.-iillof  hi-  bro 
Stc-piKni  Tiittle,  dated  17l)'J,  c-'Jls  John  ("oo]!er  <:uVi-\\\  and  appoints  liini  one  ef  tlie  exr-. 
As  such  Jolm  ('on])er  took  receiipts  of  ijie  li(>irs  of  Stephen  ii,  1  7-2."). )  lb-  v.a^ 
sussiyriot'  (-jf  Sarah  (.'ooper  of  Lone-  J-^hmd.  Site  was  >i-^.  to  .Jaini-'^  and  I'.llis  Mew.  In 
1700  Mr.  Blit),  nia:-i:ier  of  B.eton,  ae-I  .'m-  jdi  Tnlih  ihdtned  the  .  state  of  iillis  Mew,  tbi 
worker  ol'  London,  f'om  >shon!  l-llin  ^^:o^'.ed  priwer  ol  aitoriu-y.  James  ami  S^iinucl 
C'oODer  were  tilso  akin  to  the  M"-ws.      James   Mew  lived    in    Soath  \\b)od  street.  Londcn. 

*N'3than  Bridley,  t).  ic^S  :  can-ic-  from  F-nid^arf,  <i  boy  :  !a:ii-'cd  at  Sa\  hrooW  ;  ihence  journeyed  across 
the  \vildc^nes^  iiiicn  unbroken  by  sc'.ticmenti.  to  Xcw  H.ivcn  He  set  la  Guill'ord.  He  \vas  quite  a 
hunter,  an.d  (.bscov^red  tiie  sources  of  the  H-u-amonriset  river  in  a  pond  which  is  slill  called  "  Nathan'f; 
Pond  ''  For  a  story  in  which  he  played  a  subordinaf  jiarl.  the  prmcipa!  being  borne  by  the  Dear,  see 
r-^irl-^r'j  IlisI .  Col! .  ,\r' Cl'ku.,  />  2?;.  He  ni.  1 3I  .May  10.  i^.;".  Hcuon,  dan."  of  De,o  V.'ro.  oi  North- 
p.innton,  ^la^'i.,  and  wid.  ot  I'liomas  Slroncf ;  Xalhan  N'o?.!)  Bradley,  exr.  of  the  will  ci  Xarhan  Bradley 
of  Guilford,  paid  legacies  in  1711.  Iiec.  n  a!id  31,  10  Mary  Tuttle.  I'aticnre  '£,aton,  F.sther  Mp.rsinill  ;  wit.  to 
Marv  Tiuile,  Isaac  ^b'isv\old  and  \Vm  .  rio},'crs  ;  wit.  t.:>  Fatic-ncc  Eaton,  Murray  and  JosUun 

-I'  Jonn  Cooper,  ai;eni  ol  the  ir>in  work-i  at  Stor.ey  River,  came  to  .New  Haven  between  i-.jij  and  :u4_s. 
(Daii;c  v/a?  spclied  Co-vV[)eri;  Rep,  ^rA^--_  may  have  seiiled  firs',  at  Lynn,  Mass.;  interested  in  the  iron 
works  there.  If  so  he  embarked  in  ilie  H  .■pevvel!  o:  I.i>ndon,  .-Xprii  ;.  io,;5;  b.  at  Clney,  Ibjcks  Co.  birih 
place  of  th.e  poet  Co'.v)  so'uetiTnes  spelled  Cooper)  150^.  He  raay  have  .^(one  from  bynn  to  Scuth- 
ampton,  L.  F'' — ,9(;t.?<v  Cm.  Pi-st.  John  Cooper  signed  bond  in  Southampton  Nov  7,  i'>5r,  and  a 
j'-.ha  Cooper  wa.i  livin<;  tbere  in  1664.  •  Ke  d.'in  F..  Hav  Xov.  23,  loc!,);  chi!.:  :,  ^b■^sv,  a.  ij,  b.  iS:2-  2, 
-loH'.',  a.  10;  h.  16^5:  ,ni.  fee.  27.  if'Jo,  -\Iary,  dau.  of  lohn  Thompson,  .-ind  h.'^d;  t,  /V^v'tr.-ij,  d  166S,  a.  7. 
yrs.  y.  A  noit'ic)-^  d .  i6qo.  3,  .l/.vrv,d.  soon.  4,  J'-.y/in.b.  Feb.  23,  it';i.  5,,  June  3,  0:75.  0, 
Abi;:ai/,  Oct.  3,  ic'7o  3,  Thom.^f;.  a.  7,  b.  i''d,=i.  4,  M.-\K-rHA,  a.  :;.  b.  16-0.  ~,  .M  -ii<\  ,  b.  1^31;  bsp.  in  X. 
Hav.  1641.  6,  H.*-. .s  va.  b  i^jS;  bap.  in  X.  Hav.  ir'41;  m.  John  Fetter  1^61.  7.  ?.\t;\n,  bap.  .'sep;.  ..■i,  1^.15: 
ui  Saniu.--1  Hemenwav  )':.C2.  p.  J amks,  livir.i;  at  Southampton.  I..  I.,  1705.  It  is  a  plausablc  co'^.jcct'.n-e 
th.^t  t!ic  wf.  of  Capt.  Tl'.omjs  Miinson  sisier  to  Fiiis  ~>!ew. 

Court  I'Tb.  iq,  1O73.  X.  Hav.-  Reci-ivcd  of  lames  Drvivs  iC'l.  Job:'.  Di\wc!li  of  X.  Hav.  £3  :iie  which 
was  tivcn  me  by  my  uncie  Mr.  }5enj-  Line  :'S  .-i  Ic^'acv  bv  Va>,  U.m  wiii  .•in'!  ;cs'an-''tr.t  .Also  ^  barrels  of 
Viork  V.  hi-:"!;  my  .\unt  I'avids  delivered  unto  him  to  £;ivc  to  iao,  S.iiiiuel  Cooper.  Tiiomas  Munson,  Tho:,. 
Mi.'i,  !'!i'i;s  .Mew.  v.itnts.^es."" 

'>Sl.'  I'.llA.NCH    OK    .TOSKlMi. 

S;;m',iii-1  S;i!:!i)ril  luut  i;liiin>  i)!i  the  Mr-w  lUdix  riy  in  i-i>^:li1  of  his  wf.  .\nii,  Vv-lfj.  n)'  i-'ilis 
Mrw  (!.  ill  IvKl  ll!<v.  Ti'''..  170i,  ;ili('  iii'KT  \\.  .laii.c.-.  :uul  'j'lios.  Ctvij;-,';- of  S>'i;;;  !'.:i  .•, 
1,.  1..  .•niivfv<-,l  till-  liulu  to  tii'-ii-  uii.-h-  l-:Ui-  >!'  iv's  cstaii'.  l:iT<-  of  X.-w  l!iL^..  lo  I'lK.niH.s 
■l\-uh-. —  .\i\r  I/..:\  h'liil  l.-r.  Ann  Mew,  .uilv  rli.  c!"  Kii:^.  d.  ](■•.>>].  S;-,!.  I'J.  lUltS, 
.l(;l:ii  M:ilb:ii  n!'  >>'.  Y.  so!i!  t.i  Josci'li  'riinlc,  corilwaiiicr.  Ills  Iioiiic  lilt  and  twD  u'-ips  in 
Nr  V,  i,u.)!'>  (>ii:incr,  liouiulcd  so'.itli  l>y  tl,f  .\:;>.ikoi  I'lac-  (I'ltiu-r  (in-cii),  wost  hy  ^rit-rt 
(I'^iiu),  iii'Tl]]  hv  lot  of  .lolin  Mix  (iinrthcast  mi  iid- F,lm  aiiil  Odii'i;-,.  ■^is,).  and  ea--t  \<\  Mr. 
•lami'S  I*ii'r]'(>iit'.v  lot  (iM'twrcii  T(-iiiidt'  and  Culifgi!  sis.);  aho  otln  r  ])ai<eis.  In  I  (i'.M 
dosejili  and  i-li/.ahclli  '1'.  cunv.  tf)  .lolni  lilal;e^lf.'.  In  HiUo  tln^y  conv.  to  \\u\.  J^liodfS, 
juaiiner  of  Ncwpoit.  K.  1.  In  l?il  to  Iticliiid  Miles  liirlil  in  i2T.  f.  Wni.  'I'nttlc. 
In  liio  half  division  nnidr  in  V.  !la\.  1 70'.),  Joscpli  Tntth'  is  li>Tr<l  at  s  jm-Ms,  (•.)ns.- 
<;iicnt]y  h.-  !iiu>t  have  In.d  anoilicr  chiKi--'  of  uhoni  I  liavc  no  record.  Tiic  v.iil  or  adni. 
<if  f'^t.'of  .l(isr-;di  n'lt  found. 

I.      .lo-:.]di.  h.  Nov.   10.  !(;f)-J:  ni.  Mrrc\   'I'hcinq.son ;  ('^)  wid.  Sarah  \\'ash!>nrn. 
11.      Noah.  ]>.  Dec.  12.  1(;;!4:   in.  O".-.  1 ,'  ITC'i;,  luuhrl  li-)adloy. 

III.  Kaiharin-,  .Nov.  ■>',,  Ifi'.i;*:   n;,   F.I..   14,  17'JI.  (u-orn:(.Mix. 

IV.  J'-.d-.'-uW:  til,  !>.  .Inly  -27.  17u.'>:  m.  Scpi.  -J-")    i7-l(l.  C:<i.\.  Sanoud  Harm's. 
v.     Tl'ankful.  Sr|.t.  H.  17iii.t. 

Gil.  Joseph  'j.^UttI.O,  h.  \ux-.  11).  IC.'.fJ:  (  a;.t.  (d  tin- tram,  hand  in  E.  Haver,.  In 
17-IV  fontirnief!  i>yt'i.;in.  Lt-i:;-.  tjnarternuisier  id' tin'  trooj.s  in  tlic -Jd  i.-^t.  In  17-So  ai/d 
sr^ain  in  174(i.  i-i<rled  ntoderato;-;  and  was  scho',1  (•  nnm  at  various  i  inie»:  in.  Meii-v.  (d'.hdin  :;d  and  Mer<  v  i  .Man-tie]. i )  'rhoitMi^.m,  h.  I'eN.  -.M .  ]n<ti!;  d.  S"].t.  h,  174'i:  Vi) 
\vi,i.  W'a-hhnrn.  "in  1701  he  hoiitlil  his  hre-hei'.  \oali  TiUlle's  rl.  in  the 
•■  'I  tittle's  lliil  lot."  lie  is  called  ol'  Di  rl>v  in  17.^)1 :  in  K.^."^  .tosej.h  Tuttle.  Jr..  sold  to  Mr. 
P.crc"  Woodwr.  id.  1'oi-  i'-J-2.  lantl  in  old.  hulian  field  iso  calh-d.).  ::i  acres;  also  hjiid  o;i 
•■  Tntt]e"s  llill."4  In.  17!^,  aJso  in  ]7."i:;  he  houe-ht  lauds  in  Litidilield  Co. .  Conn,  lie 
d.  .ian.  Ifh  17dl.  .\t  a  court  in  New  Ila>-eu.  .March,  1  7';i .  J'^aral..  Tntiie,  y:'u\.  ...f  -lo^ei.h 
apjit.  exrx;  inv.  t;2.r..'V:  th.'\\iil  n  eni  ions  ■•  Tin'  ho.i-e  at  Di-rhy;  the  !iou..(>.  shoji.  and 
iie^rro  rooms  at  Ka<t  ilavrn;  tiu-  Fort  liii'.lot.  •2.'i  acre-;  the  India'^  i-"ield  liiil.  :]!  a<re.-: 
Tuttle'v  Hill.  :JS  a.cies:  land  and  nieiulow  at  t!.e  f.  vrv  :  \vrio,i  let-,  u-n  a^res  ;.t  Stony  Hi!!; 
all  TiLe  lands  that  Cai-t.  Tctih'  owneii  a:  Fond  !;!..-..k;  the  .\c-i;n  lot,  in.  tlie  |.]air,s;  nim- 
:u-re-  tiear  hi-idge  in  Bridirr  Suamp  in  Herhy;  thefr.nn  atOxfoid;  a  negro  man.  Iindiard; 
j^iu:,h  ai\d  Feilund.  vahn  il'Ai ,  Cainliridg.-.  IT.'):  Lncy.  tl.^;  Statii:i,  •l.'iin;  A  xs,  ■■,  ilQ',; 
Heiiheii.  .L'-JU;  land<  iri  town  of  Saiisfmry;  l.")!)  acre,-  on  Tacoric  mountain;  other  ].;Mce!s 
o'l  land,  !'J.  8').  !K.  7.-).  7 .■).  ■.?■"}.  1".  "-^d  -acres  le.- ;>ectiv(  ly;  wid.  S.iraii  to  7.^1  ai'es  neur 
Caini'V-  Iron  \Vorks  hy  South  Foinl.  Sali-luiry;  Samu..]  to  have  the  Fon  Hii!  lot,  the 
!i..-->v  'havi;  an.d  lot.  tlie  Indian  Hill,  :;>;  acres,  'j'nitle's  Hill,  :;^'  acres,  and  other  lands; 
dc.seTdi  to  luive  laud,  in  D.-i'oy  i-.nd  the  farm  at  U:a'ord,  100  acres;  Amy  to  have  j^ova- 
iii'-s;  Joel  to  tlie  New  Haveji  |'iro|iei  ly.  l."i  acres  in  Salishury  and  ih"  mountain 
land;  .\hra!:am  and  .Marv  HeniiiiiiWa v  to  have  lands  in  Sali-hury. 
1.  .lo.;.!.  h.  (.)-t.  l.<  171.^;  ni.  hVd>.  17,  17F.'.  KeLecc.  Row,'. 
11.  .Maiv,  h.  l),-c.  -J'J.  IFJd;  m.  .\"ov.  '.).  I7:!s'.  .hdm  l!emin>rway.  jr. 
111.      Anu-,  h.   17J.;;  d.  Nov.  :.'n,  1 ;:](;. 

'177X.  Timotliy  Tuttle  of  N    Hav..  quitclilms  to  bro.  Jo.sepli  of  Oxford,  lands  in  E   Hav.,  1773,  Tinjotliy 
!.  of  N'.  Hki\-.,conv.  10  lo^epli  of  N.   Hkv.   land  improved  f^r  ine  Indians.     1  havint;  bought  ilie   hidian 

!  titk   of  Saiauei  Adara.'     The  \\i.  01  'I'uiiotliy  TuLtle  of  1'..  Hj\  .,  had  will  prov.  Sept.,  1745. 

1  iThis  is  the  hii;)iest  eievaiion  on  the  east  side  of  Xt-w  liaven   liarhor.     Ii  is  or  ha^  been   knovvn  by  so 

j  ir.anv  na-ats   lluii  iis   general   desisjnai  ion  is  not  easy  to   deliTuiine      Oa   its    north  end    was    tlic   i;reat 

I  burvint:  ^'ound  ol  the    Indians.     In    i8?2.  Rev    Mr.'Dodd   opened  three  of   the  graves,  and  otiiers   were 

I  oiieiied  ^o  or  r,.i  year.s  earlier,  and  Indian  implinients,  it  is  said,  were  n)und  ni  thein.     It  was  called  Grai-e 

■  Hili.     The  Indians  also  h-d  a  Ion  on   it.  hence  caileJ    Fort   Hill.     It  was   also  called   Indian   flili.     Its 

i  coromandinK  position  snd  comparative   heijjht  made  it  suitable  for  a  point  of  observation  and  for  bea- 

cons, and  one  was  erected  ineit  in  i;;-.  by  lf,e  town  of  New  Haven,  and  "  !:r>-d  "  at  6  r.  M.  on  the  2cth  of 
Nov.  of  liiat  the  nei.j-tiborinK^  lowi'.s  h;;vin?  been  previously  .idviscd  to  take  its  bcarirfr-=;  so  that 
itiey  luiuhl  knov/  what  it  inta-.l  in  case  of  alarm  f-'r  r  liie  same  reason  that  made  it  Beiicen  Hill  it  was 
Prospect  Hill,  and  It  richlv  deserves  a  less  hackneved  name.  As  Rarlv  as  iSvi  and  probably  much 
sooner,  it  was  called  "  '1  u'ltlo's  Hi'l.  and  iS  treo.ueiniy  so  named  in  ohi  records,  it  was  included  in  Wni. 
Tutils's  f^r.iut.  and  remained  ill  po-se^sian  01  h"is  a>aie  descendants  ft>r  several  <;en<- ra'ions.  In  iSi-i  a  fort  or  earth  work  was  erected  on  its  t>v  Now  Havop.  people,  as-isied  hy  ti^e  nei!4hborii;i; 
i  lowns.     In  October,  ivv,  men  from  Cr!e>!iire.  ander  Andrew  Hull    v.orked  two  days  and  reiarned  tluoiiK." 

i  the  city  in  wagons,  with  music  iiJasin^'.  and  s.dated  by  clie-.-rs  froai  the  ciiizensand  discharees  oi   canon. 

i  The  iic'\t  dav  i<..r,  men  from  North  Havtn,  under  their  pistor.    Rev.  Dr.  Trumbull,  worked   ..n  the  Ion, 

^  and  tlie  ne.xt  dav    kx>  men  from   Hamden,  under   Cap-      Whinnjr,   carried    on   the  woik       Mcriden    also 

volunic-ercd         la     ife   cinltr    d    ihi-    old    fr  r;itir<uion   r.i  w    sin.i.ds  a  iU'C;   staff   ot     tlic    I  .   S.    Toast 
1  Sui-v-jv  for  purpc<e  of  tr!a::.:,'a!.H!On.      No:  therly  loiin  Tuitlc's  IMl   a   lif.Io   ^^  .-.y,  ifiere    Is  .=.  l.wer  eiev.i- 

(  lain,  tin  which  ihe  East  liaven  reservoir  uist  been  built,  which   is  called   Tutdt.'.^  Hi';,  Inr.  herc- 

'.  after  nil!  nrobablv  be  known  as  ke^ervo'r  1  lil'. 

TUTTLE.  -^' 

IV.  .M.Mry,  1).  S-'i.t.  17,   lT;'n:   m.   April   14,  17-Mi.   A1>im1j;uu  1  i;iniii--\v;,_v. 

V  Coir.ioit,  !>.  IT:;--':  ii.  N"V.  "j;.  ]]'■>'>. 

VI  .1()-v;ili    I..  iT;;l: 

VIL  <-Mv.r.ri.  I,.    iT-ll:   lu-  Scpl.  (1.  i:<:i.  j5r,tlKi  Mil.->.:   '.  l.v  2d  m  : 

\-lll  ,)n^c|.!i,  r.i.   !ianu;i!i  'J"\vilcli''l.  ■  ,    ,,    ,       .  ,    ,, 

i\  \,nv    n,    h,  1..T1.V,  rniMi.,.lulv    -!.    1  ;(iS,    i;,.MJ,nan,.  s.    nl    Ki-hnnui   ^^';'\  ^'^^jT 

i    <Vu'n-   1.    :iaV   -iLWTl.      ^^,    l>nKMM.l..  Mas  ^:;.  177.),      i.u  ,na,  L,    1, ,!.-<. 
d'  .T;"ily  ■!.'l77<,      ^i,  .1.'-k;>u,  '..    \yr.\  M».  177^. 

6111.    Joel  TuUle,  1..  uoi,  is.  171-  ,1,  -.r  Ci.mi,.  .i>ny  yu.  |  ;^^';  =',.'U  T/- i 

111     l'<'V..   17,   17-l-J-;-'..    \U-\K-rvii.  (llUl.   n\-    MiiTtlu-vv   :iivl    ii  el  u  ,ru  ( M  i  X )   How.-j-Jj,    li.    1.1.1;    <i 

''""■   'l  ^"su-i!i.n' 1..  F.!..  s,  174>;:  d,   <>.■,.    1.    ls->.  n.  v-  „,.  No..  i;>.  17ii-,  ('.»• 
<,!  l)u.-lKun.  {'onn.,  wl.o  <1.  May  (>.  is.Mi.  a.  oL:  n^ru.  t„  Ma.-^.      1.   AMA^^.  n  m^  '^  5;;'^^^;:  ' 

T'l'l    s     •'      coll-        I'l     M  vl",!  A, 

]•"     ;i.,rl    h.  Aiu-.  -^l,  174(1;   in.   Aniri   Wowdwan!;  C? .  Kiixala-lh  1  mvU-r.  ^ 

;ii'      DauH'l    1.    S'-I't    ■:".'.  174!t:   (1,  Am:.    U,    1^)7.    a.    .-jS;   n,.    .Mairli   -i-!.    \  ,^.>.    Aiii,- 
.,:n.,n,i-~  o!  i':.   Hav,      1,    liK.K.  .  a.  in.   iS'Wi.  -K-iiy.  s.  .,1  ILv^kial,  T.da.  K  IW.  M.   1  .-•., 

'^'"1\-  \hn.]^an.  1)  X.-v.  7,  17r.i):  .!.  On.  :?-,  IS-M.  u.  71:  m.  !>}  K.'V.  .lauu-  IXiua, 
W  10  17M1.  \v\d.  AiniaThon,a^..t  X.  [lav.,  s.l,..  ■!.  Mairi,  i  1.  1M5.  a.  O'l.  1-  -l'"^!. 
1kw..'<'.-i.  1(1.  171:1;  <i.  N.'N.  SO,  l^-i;.  a.  oH;  umh,  2.  .\Ki;Aii\v  liowi;.  1.;.^.  <'-i.  ^'- 
i7l';!    (!    in  St.  Auu-u-iiiif.  Fla.,  Feb.  'J-i.   ls;M 

V       Mcrev    h.  Ainil  111.  HriO;   m.  .lo-.lnir   !vmiu-.. 
Vi       KcOpiTa.  1..  i>>v.  VO.  17^1);   ni.  .iu-..).!i  l^ru'-K.'U. 
All'      (  ]iri-To,.li.r,  1).  Sept.  :?(;.  17:^;!;  m.  Al-iirail  Lu.Mingi..!),  i;2!  Mary  Dawson. 
Vlll.      Maw.  I>.  April  11.  I'.iM;   'I.  -Inlv  ].  1  ;r.!i. 

Cl"ll'''  Joel  Tut-Jp,  1'.  Aui:-,  vM,  1740;  Capi,  <.;•  !];.-  irain.l.:,n<l :  u-s.  <  •'i^Ht'J^'l; 
.(>,,om"  .r".)an  •;  1771.  Anna  \V.,<,(hva : J.  v.ho  d.  (>•■!.  "J.  177.V  a.  -'<i;  cM  Oct.  1..,  l..>. 
U    vi;      /Fo     l.r-l  (;      nn1->1    S-I't    :](;.  is-iv,  a.  -M.      1!,.  ,1.  Nns .  ^'d,  1S:22.  ..    7(3, 

r     s!ual!    1>    llnlv  IV;  1771.;  d.  -Ian,  :i:;,  IS.,:;:   ,„.    .Inn-  4.  1^110.  Malarhi   l>ahn.-v  of  rnun..  \vliu  d.   Feb.  10,.  ISO,', 

1)       l-,!i/;dv;b    1>.  Male-]'  11,  !7n-,^:  d.  .Mav  In.  1N-!1. 
iii       Anna.  iv>ir,  Nviin  Kll-/a!)"tb.  d.   lU'-;.  "J.  Is4'.':   unm. 

IV.      liebee.-i.    l-Vh.    .:2-3,    17S.-,;d.    F- r.    'J-,*.    ISlO;     unm.        I  U. •,■<.•    last    tlr.vo    sis.<'i> 
)ii;in<d,  d.  of  jiaralvsi^. 

V       Pollv,  b.'Sci.t.  r>.  17>7;  d.  F.'b.  •>:',.  ISlO;   iniia. 

\\.     .K>!la,  .hin.o,  17;k..:  d.  M.i.h  14.  lilH:  ,     ,      ,.,     ^       -  ,-   n, 

VII  j,,,.l  1,  M-,v  S  i7!i0-  tnwnrlvik  (d'  Onillni.i.  (^.nn.,  l,^-]s  4-,;  dusii-c  (u  tli.- 
]'ea..  .■ls:l^<-5^;  i;.-].:  in'ronn.  I..-.  I'mni  G..  isyO.  1^:14,  is:jS:  Ju.Urr  nl  Fi^-bate.,  IS^S- 
4>--  d  Mav  1.  l.^.M.  His  ,,!(>p'-'t.v  ^^••^I  to  Pi-.p.-m  l>.M,rk,.TT  Sally  larobs  and  tl.r 
E.Vard  FaViH-s  raiiOlv.  II.  P.  It.,  in  a  s.iie.  of  artirl.s  in  tlu-  ^.>r  II,n:  .  j\dIncor,n, 
1S7i>  in.-niion.  ih.  t^vin  TkttIo  hou^^  in  (J..  •ThasU-  and  <„,  tbr  Mpnin..  as  bertun.'  a 
TunlehouM-.  bulb  bv  .lo.d  4'uttl.-.  b.v -J.-i  yr^.  a  1-adci  iu  onr  pubbr  and  s,..-i:.,.  albi.vs. 
-»  *  -  *  :,ttrr  uiinin  bovs  w.T-'  iiainrd,  and  i.v  v.-1ins.'r.,iin;fls  many  a  pcinT  id  tnwn 
poli.-v  ^va--bap,d  and  sntled-;  n,.  April  -2;;,  1 S:,  t,  Ju..  Iv  Sa..;  of  uppe,  ^}^i;^^^^\^']^ 
Conn.  1.  .b.Ki,  b7invAi;i>,  Marrb  s.  d.  Au.^'.  •-'!»,  l-^.>',k  •2.  ^^  M-  -vu;!,.  1>.  r.  >,  IS....  d. 
,luiv  07.  is(i7. 
■       61115.     Mercy  Tuttle,  b.  April  lo.  17;,V:  d.  l-^^-^^- ",;';■  .!'=';-'>;;  "- ^"■'' 

IS     r7.>     ,K,s!,:,.    15arn.-s.   1>.     I7:.;b    d     An-      1!.   IS^il.  a.   s:;.       11,.  n..  C?)  F b/alM^n   Haw->. 
v«-h.Mi.   An-.   F.I.  iS-ll;a.7S.     1  !.•  u  a<  .1  n-i  i.,- <,f  ihr  I'.-ar..;  I  lea..  ..f  t  Iu-  ,  i,b.  in  N  n.    !lav.-n 

■  1  .!,,..•, ua  Hanu's.  b.  IV..  27.  17S1:  d.  ^ux.  2:..  1 S4 ,  :  in,  Nnv.  21,  1^0).  .vnudia. 
.d>H;,'dPl,ibn:nn  Pa-:.ti  nf  N.u  l!av.;d.  .huu-  1.  isd!.,  a  SI.  1.  Cn  UNrKV  M.,  u.nt  ly 
C'alif.nnia  in  1S4il  an.l  d.  ihrrr.  2.  iMiul.iM:.  ni.  i-lm  Mrld,  -land  s.  .d  (  apl.  <.Mb-._n 
Ml  :;  \M,  r. I  \.  in.  SidnrvFManlnnu,  nf  i)ah,.H,Ma>s.  1.  .1  KANN  KTVi:.  d.  a  IS  vis.  ••. 
|./,,,".\xx  1,  ,M:  V  Isk;:"  in.  .lavd  ( ddd^.y  ,,|-  Fmnlurd  uWt.  );^  Nvid.  ivs.  .N.ilav.  n. 
vv-.,  .Ilmiia,  ni.  .NbMN  Pa-e.  C,  I  >.v,,<  •  i:v  i ,  t  v.d  u  ^\  :!  h  W  n:_.  .bi:-!in.i. 
II  Piv.l,  lirk  Fames,  b.  .Inly  •!.  1  7^1;  in,  l.un. na  FiaR.-sl.v. 
111.     Mtncv  l?arn.-s,  b.  Au-,  10:  <l.  Fei..  Iu,  i7^7. 


I'.KAxrir  or  .)os];i'ii 

I\'.  Mfny  Buriirs,  h.  May  ?0.  17sO;  d.  M;iy  ',^(1.  (SJO,  a.  ol  ;  iii.  Dcr.  ;^1 .  ISI!, 
Aiiilr,'\v  ]'i.Ti).".iit.  I).  Dec.  \y,]Yx^.  1,  I-iiMma.  1).  .hm.-.V;.  ISl;!:  <!.  Tel..  -.Mt.  1^'lS;  ai.  .^ihll 
!\  Fust.  1,  Jo/.i,  AhdnT.  2.  M'.n->:  Eh:..:^;ih.  •.',  rii\i!i.Ks  'rnr)MA>.  h.  Mairli  !{. 
isU,  (1  N.A-.  to.  I^ii:?,  i..  4M:  jii.  ( ini.-c  Tn-ld.  1.  .l-.s,  j,!,l,.. .  A.  .-i.  ."l  yis.  :',,  1Ianv\:-i 
H  r.inxcA.  b.  .I;ui.  l:),  IMd;  d.  .T:in.  'l'^.  l^iU.  ;,.  .17;  iniin.  4.  ])vai;ii  AM)KK\\>.  1).  Oi-t. 
■JT.  1:>IT:  lii.  S.-i't.  :il,  is:,l,  '■luriicc.  duiu  of  ZiTali  Tulilc  [  {|.  o.  i'vNKriA.  !..  S.-;ii  li. 
isi'.t:  uiiiii. :  r.'<.  X>-u  Ih'.v. 

V.  K,d..-r,-u  ('.  r,:.nir->.  1,.  A].:l!  T).  171)1;  d.  An-',  l:!,  ISi;::;,  n.  70;  lu  .'iin.  1.  ls|S._ 
Col.  Kk-az.T  Wanu-;-.  1).  X.'w  1/,);,.  N.  \ ..  d.  July  .'k  ls.")i,  a.  HT.  \\v  was  D.-a.  .,.!  th  ■ 
<-ltli.  ill 'No,  Hav.  rrniii  l^:'.").  ID  yis.  1.  lii.r.i-c c  \.' m.  Hnsv.-rll  Sfilliuan.  M.  ]>.,  .>.'  i'.'.r 
rnigt.);i,  X.  Y..  now  ( IsTIM  of  Xo.  Ilavtu.  ll.-iii.  \T\  1,  Cttlnitif.  "2,  'Slurij.  o,  vV/'w.-v*. 
\vli()  d    y.     -2.    Amanda,  d.  y. 

^■!."    Bvaid  l^a.r!ifs.  h.  Mav  (i.  17;r2:  d.  S.-i.r.   1,   1 7'.t:l. 
\'II.      Byard  Baru.-s.  h.  Jan.  •2-2.  17't|;  m.  Kli/.i  t.'ill.      i2,i  rie-.;a  l/iiid.Nl.-y. 

611152.     Frederick  Barnes,  i>.  Julv  4.  17n4:  d.  Dc-r.  4,  l.s71,  a.  s7:  m.  Ai^nl  :>, 
IsOS.    Kuii'x-ia   idaii.    nf    Amos  and    Ivmin-)    !31a!,<s!((  .    h.    !).■(,•     li'     KSii:    d.    Juiv    ^lO 

]8r;2.  a.  7.1. 

1.  Dtdia.  li.  Juu.-  (J,  ISIW;  iii.  S.-pt.  Jld.  1^2:t,  Sex  in, mi r  Bradlt-v  [4j.-.  uf  'I'iius  ;uul 
Mai-\  B.,)li.  Aac.  17,  IS'JIJ:  n-s.  Xfw  ilav.  1,  Koiir."  I'.ai;m>.  1>.  X...  Ilav..  Mavl,  \\). 
ISoO:  iii-rch.  and  iiinp.  of  tlie  Xfw  Ilav.  A.:,'rir'il.  \\';'!-flioii<''  ;  m.  T)''-.  HU.  r-..")S.  ('nnirliri. 
iltui.  of  'I'l-iiuia!!  and  E'lnii-f  Minor  of  l'r.4-;-k  iii.  X.  \  :  ti.  July  i:!.  iS-'So.  (4"o  .Nfrs. 
Conudia  Ai.  Jiradlcy  our  nl)lii:;aTions  aro  dm-  for  tlii--  rcnord  of  dcs;-.  of  S.-yjnoui-  Bvadl'-y."; 
1,  Ffdd'ik  I'r'iiinii,,  \i  Xov.  •2.<.  isi;<).  2,  H'-'i,  rt  St:/:;t.>i/r.  Aui:.  o,  "isii:*.  ;:J.  .1/",/'-?/. 
S.-j)t.  7.  1S';7:  d.  (!rt.  1.  lSd7.  4.  J)  /n,  Ihnu.s.  May  -ir,.  isyi.  .-,;  Co;-,/''/,/  \[;!.u\  May 
lo.  !^7f).  d'hc  TWO  SOILS  ar»-  in  lloi/kins  (Jfa.iti.  s(lio,.!.  X<-w  Ilav..  litrini:  for  V.  C.  '2. 
Fi;\NKi.iN  SEVMorti.  1>.  May  17.  l^':;.);  'i'.  (.'.  l^'tH;  I'lv.s.  Vale  Xard  llaid^-  7'.'.  ilav.;  lu. 
(tliv  dav  of  iiis  g'aduuiiou)  .hilv  20.  isiii,  Louisa  'i"i..wl.!id;;,>.  dan.  i,f  Lolirrnd  ('aniion. 
1).  Si'i>t.  It,  1^:-.!).  1.  ILin-n  ].>■■  (i,;i„d.\K  Jills-  !f).  lsti-.>:  tli<-  .da-^-  li..\  cd'  1^7!  2. 
Fr<ni]:i(ii  'rn.'rhii'hj, ,  1,.  Manli  l(j.  l.sfU.     o.   Jw//,    /A//./.  1..  St-pr.   s.  LSiCn 

II.  >rary  .\nn,  h.  July  4.  l<l'i:d.  su'l.  Kcli.  ',1.  i--:7;i;  m.  !.'.•<•.  12.  ls:l:i,  II. , rati.- 
XVl.-oii  ^^"aM!H!•  uf  X('\s-  Lisiion,  X.  V..  wlio  d.  .Vu--.  i'.,  ;s7:i.  a.  H'.!,  ( lno.  of  loi.  FJ."a./..-r 
Warnt^ri.  1.  !i'iu.vT:iv  b.  Mar.di  2.  1  s:)7 :  il.  y.  2.  .\  M  axda  J  ii.i.nk.  Mandi  2U.  US4!.  o. 
HoitA'i'io  ri;  i;.  Li.  ,-.  27,  1^4!';  d.  V*-\)'.  lo,  ls7.s.  a.  2,";.  4.  Xi:!  -ox  IJaknls.  Nov. 
•2i).  lSo7.     .■).   .M\i;v  Kr.\i,n.\.  Maivl!  2.'.  isr,!. 

II).  Juliiif.  b.  June  7.  1-^21.  d.  Mairh  2").  lS.-)4.  a.  Wl .  va.  Oct..  b^dl.  Wji,.  Todd  of 
Xo.  Ilav.  1.  l''i;A.\(  i:s  AiM-,!.[A.  (1-t.  2o,  lS'i7;  n;.  April  ■".,  i'-;7!.  .ii.scpb  Srott  ..f  S(v;-,li- 
luirv.  Cnnn.     2.    \V\;,  1'.,  Mav,  Isoii;  ,[.  v.     :).    \\\\.  Si.vMoru,  June  27.  b'~<o;i. 

"IV.  Fiedcririi  l.u/fru.-.  b.  Marrl,  11.  !S2.-):  .j.  May  22,  1S77.  a.  .V2:  Dea.  (.'on^-.  cdiK. 
in  Xo.  Ilav.  iS.'w;  in.  May  G.  I.si7.  ratiiarinc  Louisa  (dan.  of  Bctlimd)  Broidcott.  1.  JuUN 
FuKDKHH  K,  Juijt-  '2").  isjs.  2.  ]^)i;T.  X'F.r.sON,  Auu-.  ().  ISoO;  ni  Ocr,  ^H,  1S7'»  Flbi 
Slioas,  ii.  July  2.  In.i.k  ;;,  Ji  i.i.m-;  I-Jkhkcca.  i>.  Xov.  2'),  1So4.  4,  .Ki.nKirr  ( i  AKUNi;!;. 
-Ian.  11,  .^','.'',  d.  ^,  o.  'i'iios.  Albi'.i;  li .  i"i  li.  l-'!.  lSb2.  ii.  <i()Vi',UNi:ri;  'I'iiDMrs.iN, 
Fob.  7.  isTiii.     7.    i).\r..  Fed..  17.   is7l). 

611157.  B>ard  Barnes,  b.  Jan.  22,  17'.I4:  d.  l\d..  .-,.  l.soi;  d.-a.  Conir.  rhl!.  No. 
ilav.  from  ls2!,  :;7  >;.-.;. m.  Xov.  (1.  l^Ki.  l^'/ii/.a  (.iM.  wh,,  il.  Au,l-.  2b,  ls-2;;,  a.  2f>:  ;2) 
.Marrhol.  1S24.  ('!«■,  )"i  a  I.iud--l..'y  of  Xortli  b.rd.  Conn.;  \^no.l.  ,S.-pi.'  17,   lS7ti.   a.    77. 

1.      Kliza  AuiTusta.  b.  Aiiir.  1.  1^17;  j,,.  .Vpiil  1.  i^oS.   (b-,..  Ii.  Bro.-k.ti,  ,s.  nf  }<7:i.> 

I.  ri!Ai!i.F.s.     '2.  (TK()K(ii:.  111.  On.  S,  1^72.  Marv  A.  W  liiu-. 

II.      Bfdc  (io.idy.-ar.  1,1.  o<-t.  1 .  ls;i;i;  d.  .1  ul V  ;'(),   ISoD:  m ,  Mar.di  ',*.  1^40.  John  IF  nry 
]5ani<'s  of   1-raiiklin.'  X.  Y.  ' 

Hi.  Fllon  Amanda,,  b.  F-ii.  lo,  1S22;  d.  Apiil  17.  \^\V.):  n\.  Xov.  li).  l^;l().  H.nry 
l[ab'  of  Xr-\  Haven,  1).  April  '2.;.  islM;  .a  ii-iauc  inaKei'.  ],  M.\!;r\  Fiiza.  b,  .\\\X-'~-''. 
l.S41;ni.    Mar.di    Hi.   l^-d:!.  Tbf..dniv   lii.di   Davi-.  i).  .Mav22.  ls:5'J.      1.    A'//,/-    /.'-VA.   Juno 

II,  l^r.4.      2,  ^r/./r,'  (ilUnrt.  Ort.  14.  IsbH.      2.   Bv.MM)  ISakm:-.  J  ulv '21).  isbi;   d.  Aui,-.  •2'b 
l.^:.->2.  :!,  F.invix  Fi  t/i  u.  Mavrb  22.  1M!I;  d.  Xo',-.    m.  ISol.   /.  bv  2' m. : 

lY.      Andrew,  b.   Feb.  :!.  ISC-Y  d.  .<.  i  .Mav  11,1^7-,;  i,.    Xov. ■2b,  l>-4'.i.  J  cli^i  An.iosvs. 

Y.      Byard  Elizur.  b.   1  i.e.   11.  is-d;   d.  An;-;,   lb,    ISdo. 
VI.      Ceiestia.  1).  Au;4'.  lb.  1S2S;  d.  .\pril    22,  l^'lo;   bur.  in  ^aiiie  coliiu    with  iro    F'i 

\M!.  >!an-iis  Lindd.'y.  b.  r>.r.  10.  I>^;;0;  .1  S,  p!  2i:.lSi;4:  1,,.  i;,-e.  2;;.  ls.-)7,  KlizuOe;!, 
Ann  II.-n\int;wav.  Slie  m.  i2i  O-t.  ol .  ls7'i.  1  lenrv  I  la'.-.  I.  IFvitm:  i-7i  iz  \r.i -n; .  Dec. 
10.   iN'jl. 

TUT'i'i.i;,   i;akxks. 


VIII.      Kli  Henry.  Ii.  July  00,  1S:13;  d.  .\i)iil2.l.  is:?,-);  l.iir.  wltii  sis.  CcU'stiii. 

IX.  IK-ihiTt.'i).  rtl>.  4.  T-'M,  linii  t.!'  Siroiiu-,  Ilai-i  i.\:  r>:u-m's,  .\f\v  llavini;  in.  rl;ui. 
2S,  \y-r;S.  F.ii/,;il>i-l!i  S.  J)i.-k<  i-ii'.-iii.  1.  I^hwa  i;iWlK!ii;!:i:'i'.  Nov.  1.  isiiii.  ~,  .VKTini; 
]">i'rKi:KMAX,  N('v.  H.  I'-'i^.      '■'>.  V.\.r/.\  i;.  s.  (l,.laly"?>j.  l^^lit. 

\.  St. 'wart,  h.  .Inly  Hi,  ISiKi;  m.  Nov. ""21.  IM'.:!  S'liali  ('.  .lolm.-'jii,  wIh.i  d.  .v.  /. ;  (2) 
Mav  ".")    is7(i.  V:<{\ir\  I'. 'St.      1.  Ilv.Ma*.   Nov.   s,  !,sT2. 

'Xl.  l-:ii  Ih'iM-v,  1).  .'ail.  17,  ]'<',•■<:  m;  \hi\  2.").  1  sr,2.  .Ifniii.' Iv  ( ':ir;:!ll .  wlio  <1.  }>I:iivli 
C,  ISi;')-  a  4,";  linn  ef  Sp'Ti'v  iJ.'  BiUiie.s,  .  xtoiisivf  cattle  ami  meat  dealers  on  Loni,'- 
Wharf.'x    li'av.      1.  .iKX.MJ^:  ('.,   Oei.  l."),   ivij.");  d.  Fel).  HI.   IsTI.     2,  <.'i..m;.\-M..  Nov.  S. 


XII  Clenva,  1).  \nix.  '-■■'>.  1N41:  in.  -laii.  :!,  IS?!,  Wui.  Henry  Burr  of  Heddm.i;-.  <.'oiin.. 
(]ds2d  v>r.),  li.  >l.indi  fl.  ISol.  (d'  JM.orah  Hiirr,  wlio  iii. 'Seth  Todd  [[].  1,  Bv.\liJ> 
B.vr;N)os,  i>.  .\!)ril  !•"),  I'^7ii;  d.  .Jan.  4,  1^77,  a.  .^luos.  2.  .!  i'..NX[i-.  Ti.kuk.v,  1«.  April  20, 
is:4;  d.'.lai).  11,  1S77.  a.  2  yrs. 

61116.  Rebecca  Tuttlc,  l'.  Dee.  20,  l7.-,i;:  d.  An-.  14,  1^:'..""..  a.  7!i;  m.  1782. 
.Inseph.  s.  of  i;  and -Mary  (Pievpnnt)  Br,>.-ketT.  1>.  da:..  I7.  17.-)7:d.  or,  i-iithday. 
Jan.  17,  1S20;   res.  Xo.  Hav. ;  Cai.t.  .Militia. 

1.      Roxaiia  Brvxdcett.  h.  Nov.  20.  l7S2;  d.  is^S;  unni. 

11.  .l.-sse  Kroidu'tt,  1>.  May  2S.  178."):  de;i.  in  Bapl.  ehh.  in  Xo.  Mav.;  Capi.^  Mil. :. 
Jusliefof  die  I'eace.  re;-,  the  town  in  Conn.  Leg.  several  yrs.  :  d.  in  X.  "\  .  C,  l'*^")!':  in. 
Anna.  dan.  oi  Medad  'I'ainter  of  Xnliiiord.  C'on^l.,  wiio  d,  in  S|.riri,:;iield.  .M^i^s.,  dan.S', 
lsr)7.  a.  70.  1,  Ax.NA  M.v!ii.\.  in.  ('ha-.  H.  U.iy  of  Xo.  Hav.  2,  I-.M  .,  res.  Moiu  Ciair, 
X.  .1^  ;5,  Ax-iioNin'TK,  res.  S]<.ii!ji-tield." ;  d.  Xow,  IS.'^l.of  paralysis;  nnin.  4, 
AVm.  Bkxti.i.v,  writer  for  IL",I/,  n ml  Jfanr  -AmX  other  iu-ri(/dieals:  res.    I'oint  Orieni.  L. 

I.;  11).  Mtdcii .     ."),   S(M'llJio.M.\.  res.  Si.>riii;L;-tield;  d.  unni. 

111.  Pier|ioiit  BroekeTt.  h.  (.)ei.  MO.  17^1;  (-due.  ;tt  imlilie  .-.elnmls  and  stud,  for  some 
yrs.  under  Rev.  I>r.  4'iinal'nli  ef  Xn.  H.-iv.  In  tin-  \Nar  of  1-^12  lie  was  l-jisien  (Hd  kienl.) 
"in  the  Xo.  Hav.  Co.,  and  wa- at  Xe\vJ,<mdon:  Ids  t.-rni  expired  in  isB-i,  and  In-  soon 
joined  tin'  Bapt.  (dili.  and  .stud,  fortlie  ministry  with  B.'v.  Dr.  -leic.  Chajdir.of  Danvers, 
Mass..  >,vl)ose  s(dH)ol  the  fon-ndaCKJii  of  the  Xewl.-,:)  'Idie  •,.  <,-\v..:  (;:d.  at  ''anton. 
Conn..  lSd7.  v.liere  In.- •")  yrs.' min.  was  very  sncees-ful.  He  m,  Sept.  22,  ISII).  j^ajali . 
dau.  of  Col.  .'o-^iah  Sau-e  of  rpper  Micidh-tov,  n  (Cr<nn\Mdl  i.  Conn. ,  I).  Sept.  D-'..  17!io;  d. 
Oct:'  11,  I^>2,  a.  87:  a  consn  (d'  .loel  d'niile'.s  wf.  In  IN';!  appt.  (ien.  3lis-..  of  the  Conn. 
Ba[it.  Associaticni.  and  lem.  to  Xo.  Hav..  Imt  i,ext  yr.  he;anie  ]>astor  liapt.idih.  aj  Kil- 
liim-vv'urtU  iClinton.i.  (.'onn.,  for  o  ws.  ;  ihenee  lo  Isi  Bapi.  chh..  Iv-sex.  Conn.,  7  yrs.; 
iiftr;,'r;'ard  at  Aii'nwa.m,  Cahotville,  Mas-;..  .No.  Stoniiiulon,  ^^'ilahrop,  J>>-me,  Cohdieste^r 
and  \Vethers!ie!d.  Conn.;  three  yr.-.  ■  lS.'j2-.'..l  l  (■haplain  o1  Conn.  State  I'lison :  reiired. 
1S."J9;  (\.  ill  W.,  A]iril  N.  J^'i^.  in  Mst  vr.  He  somelime  tauivht  aca.demic  sclniuis  v.iih 
irreat  success.  'Some..f  his  sermons  w'ere  pnl.lished.  1.  HiNrs  PiKurnNT,  Brown  rniv.; 
Med,,  Schools  <d'  Ntv,-  Hav..  1S4:J;  Washinirton,  D.  : '. ,  and  X.  V.  C.  Dnring  his  literary 
life  of  foriv  vrs..  has  v/rinen  v.holly  (e.-  in'p^'it.  5^  vols..  ,4'  v/hieh  K)  related  to  the^hni- 
civil  wtw,  of  which  is  \V>  lon i,'-^  W'nrl  i,>  (he  ('in'/  W'l/r:  some  of  theni  reacliiuL:  a  sale  ol 
from  4.),()0i)  to  !!U.O!)!)  eo]r,es.  Has  been  on  the  ediiorial  stalT  (d'  seven  (■yclo])a'dia-,  two 
of  them  foreiirn,  i.esides  mncli  other  literary  work;  m.  [)vr.  22,  lS4ii.  kucy  Maria,  dan. 
of  Rev.  Washinirton  'rhau-her,  then  ,-)f  Jord'an,  X.  Y. ;  (n,e  ch.:  1,  J  r'J"ir  T/unr/ar.  h. 
Oct  0  1S47;  d.  at  Hartford.  Conn.,  Jan.  ;'i,  !  ^•"■,4.  2.  S.mj.mi.  h.  Maivh.  12.  ls2;i;  d. 
March  17,  siu.vr.  :'.,  Hi..M!Y  S  v(.i;.  April  24,  k^Oo;  d.  Maieh  1.  1n2.;.  4,  Jti.i.v  1! 
iNiov  11.  k'^2tr,"d.  Sej.t.  Hk  l-"4.  .■;.  j:n\v.\ni)  .Iruso.N.  h,  .Maivh  7.  !s;j;k  in  ni.'rcan.  in  0(4.,  lMi2,  Marv  fk  anc-s.  .kiu.  uf  (Jeo.  (kiult  of  Brookl.\n,  X.  Y.;  T,  chik: 
1,  Gnj.  'ri'rj,"i!t.  h.  dan..  1^14.  2,  Fn'nrl.-  (,'.  '■',.  h'>'''t/,.  4,  Fn  <!,  ri'-k\  h.  1^72;  <k 
Au^-.,  1SS2.     o.   //,/,/,,  h.  ls;t;. 

G1117.  Cblistophcr  Tultle,  1>.  Sept.2lk  IkV.t;  fanner:  ni.Maieh  1  k  1  7,-<(>.  .M.i.eail 
L(i<ldine;ton,  uhod.  Xov.  1(1,  IM:;.  a.  411;  (2,i  .May  1 ,  ISlo,  Mary  (dan.  (d  d'imoth.y  .and  A  nna 
Holt  ]>a"v.-nn  \\\  (d'  1-k  Hav.,  twin  sis.  ol  ddminas  ka;w,-on).  I),  in  South in;,'ton.  Conn..  .Inly 
2S,  177"..  .\  renn;rka.lil\- a'llve.uid  industii.ius  w  onian,  and  ,'njoyed  alnn  ■-t  nninti-ri  npted 
~-oi.'!  health  SIh-  d.  -JalvlH.  l'<7(».  a.  Su  vis.  licdm;-  at.  th.Mkim  the  (ddest  p,.rson  in  ihe 
rownsliii'.  [\<-i\  dnne  2!l.  ks:l.>,  a.  M).  4'h<-  hoa-^e  he  hnik  at  Koxon  (alMmt  four  inile.- 
northerly  knin  the  stone  chh.  injv  Hav. )  is  o.-c  npied  1a  his  ,e-r.  s.  Hiram  .lac,, ks,  Ls.,|. 
Th."  sitiiation  is  verv  romantic  and  keantifnk  'khe  farm  was  .a  pan  of  one  ol  t.m 
divisions  to  Wm.  Tuttle.  and  has  hee,,  owned  cntinuonsly  liy  his  de-cendanl.-  si  nee  it 
was  lum-ht  ,d-  th-  lndian^..  (4,ri-;.  pin  ;■  d'u'lk-V  ,;i.  ^.,  -k  nk  Ikadley,  ko,.>k  pii!di>her 
of  Phila.,  .-mployed  R.  Norris,  the  himi.-cape  a.rll-t,  to  inal;ean  oil  ].a.ll,tili,i;- ot  thepla.c-. 
\vhi(di  is  now  in  possession  (tf  Mr.    i>.      /.  I>y  kst  in.: 


P.J;axi  li   OF  ,uj.>Li-ii. 

1.  -Mrn-cy,  !..  .'nneS,  ITSS;  in.  l.sii:;.-  Blakrslfv;  fj)  Caleb  if.  Wilson 
ll_.  .(osc],ii  'i-|Ui!..,  ],,  Aii.u-.  on.  i;!)I;  ,(,,n)t\  siiiv,>v<,r.  Wiijlo  l.uih'iin'.v  In,> 
nc;,!  lii.N  fatlMTs  li<-nv, ■!■.:<. •n,Ml  Miii.M'  (1.  ..f  l,.'inorrlia£ri- of  ilic  huios  Xnv  1  ISIS- 
111.  .Man-  (;,H,:1-,|.||.  Hi-;  will  jumv.  I^IS,  mii-.  Cl.i;>!,,T  i'litrif  cv,.,-!-':  if  Mar'v  and' 
<laii.  Man-  Ann  Im  1,. ■,-.,■  haif  ..f  hi^  iin:.!-'-:  .y,  l-ut  if  .^Ik-  .1.  s.  /.  ,.,v  i.n..  .Miles  'I'litlh'  to 
have  !!.  His  V,  ai.  i,,.  Samurl  I'a-e  of  lln.nfm-,!  and  l.a.l  s-vi,i!  cfaLlreii.  .laivd  M  ii.s- 
tie.'.l  u.,<  imiri,  ntlacli;  ,i  T,,  .1.,.-,  pli  ■i'lift!,-  aild  r.inic  lo.-  hiii;  t.,  -,,  u<  WesI  I'niilt  In  a 
l"trei-  li-,„ii  W  e.-l  Pnint  S.'pt.  Vj,  IS'l.  tn  his  latli.T  (I  riiia  ll<ai.;  v  u  el!  wri  tl-n  in  all 
rei;ipee|s)  say^:  ••  .Mi.  .Mansti.-I.i  ;i'ol.  .lareil  |;ij)  is  iraiiiin-  slrr>\lv.  1  „-,,  „,,  ,,, 
>(|\vl)ii(-^-  i-vcyy  ofh.T  day  I'.ir  i,,ns.  l,nl  do  not  i-.,\v  tlie  boat.  Di-iii-iioinirj  in  nor 
IH-Ini;- aide  io  <i-o  w.-i;  wanted  to  travel.  Does  le.t  like  so  ir.iich  di-t iiictioii  at  \Ve-<t 
I'omi:  no  iniddk-  lauk;  all  nlHecrs  or  uaiters.  wlikl,  aieords  with  .Mrs  Mansfiel.l's 
feelm-  t.ui  no;  x.i'hMr.Mansfield-s.  .),  .'anno:  foresee  anv  advunia-e  in  sta vim- at 
\\  !■,  and  will  l.-ave  next  snrin-.  lla-  been  olTer.-d  .^2:,  a  nionlli  for  (i  nn.nllis  to'  t(-ael. 
sehoo]  HI  the  yil,  <l;.,triet  of  Oraii^v  Co..  N.  Y.  Sckolais  from  lo  to  "M  vears  o[  a^-r-  to 
teach  the  tluve  li.'s.  ili"  last  (aritlnnetici  jw  incipall v,  ih,-  [.aiviits  bcin.'-  a'll  Imtelr  l,o'-ini 
^:3a  wc'k  i-x-dnsive  of  wa-biii^,-.  ■'  I  oH,  yro  to  <:n  l\,r  r^>]i)  u  nionrh,  wldel,  1  "d,,  „,-; 
tlunk  they  will  yive.  Tk-  Dulcliniaii  Sidd  fiiitker:  -if  vou  will  karii  deiuwell  -^-.r 
ieli  will  insure  yoi:  ikr  best  ^-irl  amun.e-  dem  all.'  1  ileinkej  kim  for  tlu-  oifer  bnt  did 
not  tlunk  best  to  ekoose  on  tkes,-  ..•onditlous,  and  j. regime  vo;i  will  not  eeii-..ire  M'e  •' 
want-  to  hear  from  all  the  family,  a.nd  from  Meicv's  ami  wliat  (apt  .Morris  has 
ha(|  to  say,  for  I  b-!ieve  he  was  dViei mined  1  slim, id  Iraki.  1  shall  not  traui  liere 
am!_  do  not  iearike  i-m-my,  fea.r  an  iini.maHkd  i..,wder  maira/.ine  IkO  or  OOO  vards  olV 
witn  V.oDO  barr.-l-,  of  i.uwd.T  in  it  and  no  s.'n.tinei  on  o-uard.'  The  late  news  niako  our 
Demoeraiie  ikeir  liiek  .Mr.  ylamsfield  has  put  Ids  bov.  Kdward  1>  into 
tin-  mditary  .srho<,l;  an  exeellent  ekam-e,  and  ii  i  were  nud.-rOl  vr...  (it  a-e  sk<mld  lirefer 
11  xo  any  otlnT.  Ik  S.^-Since  I  kave  b--en  ],e-re  I  kav,-  not  slept'witi,  Mr  Mansp,.!d  no.- 
^"-,  "''  *'  "'"'"•"  '•  ^J-^''^  ■\^'^-  •'■  1^1'i;  <!  -'ii^-.  l^:--i.  a.  K:  tea-ker;  verv  b.-au^ifai 
and  estnmd.k-.      One  of  In-r  .-.-kool  mares,  i!  is  .-.aivj,  WM'.e  a  i.o<  711  in  ].rais,. 

Ilk      Smith  Tutile.  k.  Sej.i.  ;:lli.  IT!)-:;  d.  .\o\     -Jk    1  T'.Jt 

l\k  SmitkTnttlm  k.  Man  k  iO,  IT!!);  d,  Mai.k  o.  INil^.  He  enteied  rke  firm  of 
-b).ni  and  Lnjak  l{..we,  rakiii-  tin-  p!ae,-  <,f  Klijak  on  ki.,  ivtiremeiit.  This  was  tk-n 
and  lor  many  y,-ars  tin-  prin.-ipal  st^re  in  l-'air  llav,-i;.  His  Imsim-ss  ivradnailv  ,.N;t-nr|ed 
i.n'\  kebeeame  en,-a-vd  in  tiie  .\".-w  Haven  and  Wrsi  In  lia  trade  k,r  wkirk  k(- 
bnih  ami  owned  several  ves..,ds.  He  a!,,: ,  t  raded  to  several  Soutk  .-Vmeriea  n  ]e,rT<  and 
San  l-ram-i.-eo.  Fir.m  of  (iillette,  kk.iciikiss  ^-  Tntlle.  He  owned  a.c-reat  deal  of  land  ar 
tie  \A,-st,  an.l  ,-„,kl  S.-^O.nOO  wrrk  at  .Xaiuoo.  Ilk,  to.losepk  Sm  il  k ,  Vor  a  .Mwnnon  -^-ttk- 
""''  '  li<'  impurted  tke  tir.-r  .-ar^o  of  oyst..r.-,  from  A"a..  .-md  kis  ollk-e  wa.-^  tke  luad- 
<ina_i!.-r-  of  ike  m.-n  who  entered  early  and  kiiilt  up  tins  <;-reiit.  biisiiie,ss,  manv  of  whom 
Mnilk  'I  nrile  kelp.-d  wirk  kis  moiiev.  He  mav  Tlniefore'^  b.-  caUed  with  ].roi)rietv  the 
lounder  of  tke  oyster  tra<le  <d'  Fair  Haven.  He  was  a  lar-re  ]:farted  and  jHiklie  spiriied 
mam  .piiet  :;nd  nnnstmrat ir.ns.  H,.  xvas  ..;-.<•  oj'  fuur  eiti/.ens.  uko,  iu  ]^;lil  eaiiM-d  '-'Ike 
Old  Ikiek  Ck.M(d,"  to!.-  bnih,  Mr.  'kn: :!,.  lw,„]in-  the  subseriplk.n.  On.,,  when  in  X 
V.  city  an  emiiriant  iniek.-t  arriv.-<!  lo.-ided  with  i>ass,-no-,.rs  half  famisln-d  with  a  km-- 
<-oiirv.-ot  skort  rations.  Mr.  Tuttk- .ptietiv  ko-ukt  a  drav  Inad  .d'  br.'ad  for  tIkmh  wkieh 
tkeyeaj^r.-rlv  (k-vonred,  bui  nevn- km-w  tke  name  of  tk.'ir  kem-faelor.  He  was 
hom-si  and  earefuUy  sknruied  extra  va-aiie,-  in  nKinmr  ><r  dre~s.  One  of  the  last  a<'~ts  of 
Ins  l,r,.  was  to  n-ive  skJ.O'HJ  to  tke  Xeu  Haven  Oipkan  .\svlnm.  Tke  bulk  of  hi.s  larcr,. 
<-stare  wa-- divided  op.'-tkird  to  tin-  widow,  on^-tkird  [0  id-^  dam  Mrs.  khmna  ISradk"^- 
iind  on-^third  t..kis  son  S.  (k  'knttk-.  •ik-mlin-  lirk4-ation  in  regard  to  tke  division 
belw.-en  l^T.)  and  ISSl.tke  in<-ome  ,d'  tin  e.state  amounted  to  ••>  ;'(),(U)()."— X-r  J/,irri, 
P'fJ'.  r.  d.  I).  (Hllette-  and  (ieo.  H.  Sr-ra  11,  exers.  Ik-  111.  Ikiekel  (iiileti..-  (•>) 
Aiiiarilla,  wid  .d'  Klipkak-t  Sandford  (JilleTie.  Sln-d.  S,])!.  Ki.  ISdC.  I.  S.m.tiMui.. 
i.F.rn:.  m.  Ckarlot:,-  k^nak-rai'i.  lb-  was  postmast.-r  at  Fail  Haven  four  vears  •' 
Sis.x.N  .k\NK,  im  Hiram  K'ey,--,  ;].  Fm.\i.\.  m.  ke.-  k.radlev.  I.  S,uit,'.  T-itH  ■,  o  Jf;,rnn1 
A I  III  .V. 

\k      .\bio-;,j|  .Mik-s  Tntik',  b.  .Inly  -Jk   i;:k,;   ,1.   Feb,  !i.  I^JS;   m,   ISIS    .Munson    s    .k 
Inns  liradlev  .d-  Nn.   Hav..C,e,m.  b.  (i,r.    k.   1  iHF   d     .Ian.   kk     IS-Vk  drn—ist;  onlv  ,di 
1.   .l<.-!:i'ii   \Mi,i,i.-vM,  k.    Ik    liav,    .Ian.     Ik    isi'.e   ,1,,;    well    kiioNm    b.-.k  "publi.^ker    of 

;J.  11.  (.i!l.;ttc,asicp-son  otSmith  Tut,!,-,  wore.  i»  FU:'-:iri.  Ill  .  rxbout  1840,  to  raise  caftio.  He 
n.  ..rut  i,,..v^.,:u:r.--,  ah.nit  -o  i.Mles  .-tl.ov  .--.rin-felrl  „n  ihc  Criic-o  .\  .-\ltnr  K  k.  He  w.^s  vltv 
A        T      Vn      '^  i-''"'-'"'  f'"-"''"  ^f  ■'^^'''di^ni:    l.iacv.ln.      Mii  ckk-  !   tUiu.    im.    (;,.v.   (i^-lc-^hv     now  e,S  ■     US. 



Pln):i.;  in.  Aui^'.  •2-'.,  !s|.,.  Ain'-lia(\,  ,|  ,11.  of  Mcnrv   iiii.i    Dni^illa   (|);,v)  M,,,.,,.    l)     T)  .,. 
31.  l«-'l       1,    JA//-.V  J/;/,•,^,^  .M;,v  li),  ivm.     ,-j.    /://■>  l)ni,h,,r    !),■.■     l->  ■;sl<»,i  'inh  '■•' 
)Nr,0.     ;}.    />,/,/,,    /;„y.    .lun.-    21.     is:,l.       t.    .IrM./r    ll',/,/.,,-,.,//,     .|;,'„      is.^;''    '-,     ■,(•■''- 
Morsr,  .J:iii.  II,   In.jn.      C,    Ijhrnr.l  I, ■<),,,, ,;.  S>'j!i.   14,   l.'^iil.  '  '        "        '"' 

\'l.       S:ir:ili  Si.iitli  'i'llltli'.  il.   V. 
VJl.     MilrsTutil,.,  1,.    (),-.    V\    l^Mii;  „..    X,,,-,    t-;;,  isos.    M,  l,i,al,h.    Ur.^^,.\\       tIm-v 
ccl.'bmtc.l  thru-  .;. >!,!.■!,  XV, .l.iiiiir  .\,.v.  -J.-).  1n;n.      1,    AnicAii,.  h.  .^-■,,t    -1     \k"<,.  (in,u,',..;i 
Au-v.  n,  in;:!,     -i.   Mu,i>l>Aiii;Ki.:.  h.  A,>,il    1  r.    l-:;i;  ,„.    on.    -1     \y:,^      \m;,  Mum  M 
1.   ""■;;'•  ^.    /.'■'/'.    ;!/>'.//,,    -,,    ./„/;.,,    :),   ./,„,,„.     ;..    i!,;^^;,..   M.-ut.   i,,    r,i'„ 

•":",V''   ^'"'V-.V''"-   "■■'■'■'■Iv-''"^'-    •■^'    <'""-•    'l^li.inK.iiJIav,-!.:   in.  .h.n,.  An  .„.>.,     ,1  u, 

l.n,m  .Inn.  ...  >.(,2.  _.,.  Makv  ]>..  1,.  S..,,,.  1^-,.  is:;;;  .,,  x„,.  o-,  js;;:.  ( 'iuu-l..  D.-niM.-.n 
.<  Ar.n-sTA,  h.  A)..,]  -;.  ISJO;  „,.  N„v.  -.,  ]s.v),  l^pln-uini  Cl.apni.M  ]  117///;  '  - 
hi.iss  C'Din-Toi-iiKi;,  I,.  An-.  7,  \x\->:  cnli^u.!  ii,  l,-,ih  C,,!.,,.  i;,.,.i  V,',!.  .',1  .„  v,  ' ' 
Ihtu,  N.  C.  (),r.  ;'.  l.viM.  a.  2'J;   /.  1,-,  -^  u,.  '^  '  ■' 

\-lfl.      Sarah  Smith,   t).  \,,v.  4.  ISIH:  1,!.    in    I'la-i    Hr.v, mi    FH,      If)     ls:!.-,    (ir,,     Ii,,,,v 

1      II!  ,.\.M,  1..   u.  K,   Ihr,.    .Ian.    •.>.\    \S.}.y-    cnv.Ox    (■   nf    .W-w  Jiavr;,    ( '.,  ■   ,,, 
J-J'n    I  lunilJ'Snli;    ,v,    /.  •  ■    '"■ 

611171.     Mercy    Tattle,  h.  .luii'-  s.  lls-^;  ,i,  Mar,-li    i.sjs-  ,,,    x,,,-     ^^u\   i 
J'.!ak.-.h.,.|l]„l  X...  JIav.,  „.  .\ ';,.,):  1.   177:;  ,1.0,,.  :n.  ]s-'()  '  '       ''•  ''=''"■ 

Vfs..l.  ;i!i.l    ha.!    I„'cn    .■n-ao>.a   Mt,;,-,-v-.rii]  jv  in  ,].,.>,,     \,,.cii,'a    tiuh-  \'-i,TaV 

S,nnh  ha,l.„l,l  ln.v,.-s,.l  nhjl  „t)uM-  i,r„|u.m  .  a..,l  ^^  a>  r^t  n^  lu.n.^  uilh  )uu<h  ,-mn'Vx-' 
...  What  v..>..!  ,.  unknown   hnt  uas  inohahly  mmm,!,..,  ,!  an,l  thr.Avn  .n-.M4,„an!.     His  iajv 
u.siunn,iua.h..<la>h,m-.;:;.      A  sns,,..,.t...l  i,„n,  str„.^l  v  hn,,!i,-nt,.,il,v  Hf- 
cunistan.ial  cvu!,'!!-,..  (.,,,,,,1  i„-v,m-  h-  i.n>-s!,,l,      SI,..   ,n.  i-JMaloh  II     WvJnr    h    n-,'    •', 
1810;   (1.  Man;),  li,   ISHii.      Slic- -1.  in  Fair  \U^xv;^    S,M,t    -^    \^[^       :    i,,-  1,.  ;;    ."'  ',     'j,  '  " 

is;^!h  K.bon-a  Sti.upson  ,.r  An„.ra.  Jll.      1.  S.rr„l,  iha.U.ik    h.  .h,!v   ^H      N^lJ      ^  7,^; 
J/,'//.  ])oc.  20,  1S(,1.     ,,  ,-..,   T:,..n..,  .1  uly  10,  IS,;..     4.   WIJlKnu  7/,  .rv.  Ma  H.^i  ^s   " 

larcli  .1.  I,v(i7 

^-.  IMF  Hi.  l-,.b..  Fn(I.  Susi,..),,nes  ol    Fair  Havvn.  wh,,  d.  An-.  ^3.1. 

AC  I 


II.      Fu.-ins    M,.rrick    Hlakr>l,M-,  tu  in.    1..  .lau.   1 ,  ]  SI  4-    ni     S,m,i      \\      is-?<i     1       ; 
All...,  h.  IV,-.  Ki.  1S15.       ],   FcuxAUi,   SM,r.:.  !..  M^v  1     is;i-    d '    A  ,1,  "i    T^''^    " 

A.  June  21.  ^vlF       4.   .Iam:  Km.kx,  h.  .Ian.  K,.  1^4;  n.,  Mar,h  -r",    is;;.,    l      ,>:  'i-M  " 

o,  M.;u.ns  Evk,     h.  o.-r.  15    is^J^;  ,1.  hu,.  14,  IsnF     (.;.  Kmma  Fucsa,  1,.  .luF-  F!   j^.^;^' 

1.1.      -'ulius  .Men-lit  }3,ak.:-...h-i-,  twin.  h.  Ja.n.  1.  lsi4:  ih,:-,.  nvi,.  1,;„.  w.-n-Virh  rl. 
unH..  S„u,h  Tnttl...  ahr.  2(.  y.-s..  «s  cl..,-ks  .,.-  par.a-rs:   n,.  in  Xorthf,;n!;  Conn     X    v   So 
18.5/,  LiJCniaF.-,tr.,t  OuiHonl.C'onn.     Slu- d.  4  un..  I',),   a    4"  at    \,i-n-o    in  ''An^~ 
18;-57;  ISljO.  ..Ian.-  Hi,-,.].-       -    1-- i-- 1    '■.■■.. " •_-',-• -^  ;Vii_-"-r_U!.  ,(,)<)(_.(.  .,. 

lh^<;]K.O.  .lan.-lh,-..].-.  ,  hylstn,.:  1 .  < ; r:oK,. r;  Fi-WAi;...  h.  F.4,.  o  ,(  Man- h-M;:.; ' 
2,  \Vm  1haxk,,,n.  1,.  .Inly  lo.  ]sF>;  .-niFt-.i  in,  Co.  B.  ;^()th  i;,..-t.  Ill  \  oN  J  V  i;!"::"  : 
Tohisai.nt.Mi-...  1 1  iu'lic, u-k.  .hiT.-d  F,,ui-.vilh-,  Kv     S,-,.t    -^(i    lvf;->    1,/.    ..\         •  U" 

MO  gl.o.^l-..      AH    h.-  woo,|...n  .-r.-sso...  hav.-  dis.-q.o.-a  i.-d,  us.d  for  lire-wood.      War  i^  ron;.), 
hut  h..n.s,  N.v.-ral    ol    hi.s   h-tte.-..   fron.  th.-  wer.-  puhlisho.l  in  th.-  X.w     !.,?,:; 

Y.iy>:T>.      He  was  a  .^ood  writ.-r.      II.'  was  wonn.h-d  in  the  Fattl,.  .,f   Mnrfri^.-s',,;,-,.    -.v 
...  hospital  at  Ciiu-inna.i.  O. .  Maivh   S.  is^;:;.     ;).  EjnvAKi.  Xiastox    h    I;.-.-' -'s    ,s  u    ,! 
July  ;]..).  l^oT.  K!,zal>,.th  IIa,-kn.-y  .d'  Aun.ra.   !!F.  an,!  ha,l:       1    Juur-        ,  -.^/l     {/ ■/';■ 
21    18ti.».       0.  Harry   ^,,,L  F.4..  Fl^ls;,.     /.  ,>y  2d  n,.:      4,  M.A,;r  U^x.;    i.     l^d!.' 'J 


\y.     Ahi-ail  niak,-sh-,..  h.  .Ian.  :;.  !Si7;  m.  Hola-rt  llii,-hc.„-kof  F,-,,.„..,-r    ( •„„„      ; 
>cr^   10,  isie;   n,a.on;    ,1.    in    Fair    llav,.n,  C„„n,,  .Inlv  2o,  IS.ii..        ,      J     „  ^  .  .:  V       m-t" 
k  Nov.  !|.  is:;:;    l,.arru-,i    hi.    fath.-r's    t.-ad.-  of    .to,.,.-,nason.  h„t  u  as     •    p  ,  ■  h,,  C,  t  j- 
Fm-  tin-  .  F-th.       IF-  wa.  had,  r  of  th,-  .h./ir  an,l  t.  a,-!.,-:-  in  th  -S  .         T,  s  l.a, 
^.iu.'a..-.    at,;.  IFOh.nd..,.nn;.:Vs,d,..,.linS..n,Fnd.a,,.luasav,.un.,nu,,r    '^^^^^^^^^^ 

.x.x,  h,  .Inly  1..,  ISJF  .I0..S  a  lar...  whol,.al,.  hnsin..<sin  Uahlu.,;;v,  >hl     o'^ 

].M.-k(-,.   lnrn,.h.-s  Fn.-opuu.  st..ninu-.-.s;   n,.  Sept.  20.  IbU^,  KateCaudee  of'Alfcrd.  C..m, 

:>8(>  jiKAXcir  ok  joskpii. 

Shi-  (i.  in  P.LiU.  !-"el..  ■-' 1 ,  1-^7-2;  {-2)  ^a-\><..  2!),  1^::^..  (■;fi)r;:i;Mi;i  Aiiunr  ol'  J-'air  lla\rii.  Conn. 
/.  l/v  1st  1-1.:  1.  /;.^.-vV.  !•.  .IiiMf  (i.  IS!'.:..  0.  Ifn-'y  ]\;'j,i.r.  h.  \-<-\>.  S,  1^70.  ;;,  l.Arii,,, 
.l.w'r..  1).  Oct.  1,  \>i-\:  <l.  -Itinc-,'!.  ISIo.  .[  S\i;vn  Ldi  is\.  !..  .\nv.  11,  1S(,-|;  in.  Nov. 
1  1,  ISC,^.  Xcwcl  I'l.-tilirr  liiirriii.  s.  of  liuu.Tt  of  Stiatlnr.:],  Conn.  I.  Unnir,  ]i,nf,  h. 
Ang.  2;',  Ih'C.O.  :.'.  /,'-•''-,'■'  \Vin,,ir.  h.  T>.r.  -Ji).  IS?].  :].  hy,n,_nl  K'hL  h.  M:iix-li.  I'sTG. 
4.  A'i;/'(st>ix  I't'cl:.  1>.  !"cl>..  issi.  a.  Mi:i{i!ii  k  'I'l  ■iri.i;,  twin,  b.  May  St.  1N."")1:  conuui-- 
sio!)  Tnerclnmt  in  W.  !.  anil  So.  .\n:iMir.:n  ti;iil'';  in.  a!  X.  ILn..  .Inni'  I'i,  IS^:;.  Ann  M. 
Siiiitlf.  (J,  MkhimiT  ]>i.\;F.,  twin  witli  M.  T, :  m.  Man-l,  IM,  isij:),  A<l.lii>  Nfal  jnt- of 
Stiuni'ovd,  (.'onn.,  1>.  Sr-pr.  H,  I'^IS;  ,x.  i 

6112.  MaryTuttle,'.!.  Di-,-.  ■.>•>,  \',i\):  m.  Nov.!*.  17;;S.  .I:,]in,  jr..  -^.  olJuiinan.lMary 
( Moriis.i  il''ininusva_v.  u.  0,-f.  :-!.  ITlo:  (1.  of  ni  ili^ii-in;  ]it'  nrisy.  A{.:il  17.  !7l">?:  will 
<latc(l  April.  p!-o\-cil  l>,r.  'VK  "17it-\  .>a\s;  '•  1  am  wouinli'v!  and  may  not  i'ri-o\ci-."  .Ml 
tin-  clii'.  ininu'd  iuit  -'ofl:  s.  Jolm  to  have  r'.  in  the  uri.-^t  and  saw  mill;  wf.  Mary,  and 
\>v\i.  .-Mnaliam  llcniiim-xv  ay.  i-xis..  bur  A.  II.  dt-rlinod.  >:\\v  d.  of  hiliou.-;  c<dic,  .'an.  17. 
]7i!).  rJ'li'-  wiii  of  .tolin  Jlomin^'Viiiy.  sr.,  juovtd.  17:>r.  \iv,\>.  \\\.  Ma-ry^  and  s.  Sanund, 
<'x;-s.;  s.  John,  da.u-s.  -Mi-liiliiblc,  .N[ary.  iK'-irc  and  K.-innaii.  i;(\'..  Mr.  JIavcn,  antlior  of 
an  nn]iiiblish''d  lii--i.  of  J-!,  liavcii.  saysili.a:  S;\murl  lii-ininuway,  Ivxj..  {^\\  f.  of  .Tolm. 
jr.).  Nva.s  ])rol)a.b!y  tbr  rirln-st  and  most  inilurniial  mai.  in  I'm-  \d'ia;.T'.  IN.-v.  .lac.ol)  Ilrm- 
incway,  tiir  first  miiiisicr  at  V..  ifa.v.,  \vas  his  son]. 

f.  John  Ilt-;nnni-way.  ;](! ,  b.  .\w^.  fi,  17:!'.l;  d.  oi  jauiidu'c,  F-d-.  :'S,  1TH7:  m.  Anjr. 
2.J,  17(;i.  Ji-minni.  dan.  ..>f' I lav.i-d  and  Abi-ail  (Chidscy i  1  iiir],.o,-k.  I».  D.-o.  17.  1741.  1. 
Joiix,  4tU.  111.  i;!i7.  flann:i,]i.  dan.  of  .Mov,.^  and  ] »isirf  fMouMnop • 'rhoin])son  [l];(2i 
ISOC,  Auipiil.  dan.  (d  .!os;ah  and  Comfon  ( liitrhcock !  Bradl-v,  (and  wid.  .of  Suiiuud 
Ib.h^..  1).  'Oct.  '22,  177(i.  Sh(.'  in.  Samurl  llolt  .May  1,'.  IT'.i!'..  avIic  d.  June  2'^,.  fS0-'5.  leav. 
■c'li"!  .  Mi'ii'd,  .r-M-cniia]!  and  .Maiv.  i.  b\  l.>i  m.  :  1,  Unrii't.  2,  Lmtrn.  il.  of  t\-idius 
fcvir,  .Mav  Cd).  ]s1m.  ;;.  !u.  y,  jiLrritt.'  4.  .].,!,„.  d.  of  JVvcr,  Imt.  10,  IsO-'),  a.  4.  5. 
^r■'rl^:.     >.\:\2]ni.:     V,..l.>ho.     l.AnrJn.,.     s,    Win;,;,,,. 

Id.      Jo-rph  H.-min-^-wav,  b.  .lane  ti.  174;  ;  A.  of  dvsi.'U..  Si'j)t.  4.  1718. 
'   111.      Aniv  llcmin^wav.'b.  .Mav  2(5.  17-18;  m.  .bin.  I':].  17Gt».  .Vbraham  Hradliv. 

W  .  Jos."-ph  Ib-mimrwav.  i>-  Marrh  1  t,  174^):  d.  .d' .-.(n-  .  Sept.  S.  1,^22:  i:i.  "l>c<-.  21, 
n(5i*,  Klizub'-th.,  dan.  of^bdi'n.  j:-..  and  Mary  ]  )i.-n.i.-..n  Woodward,  b.  Ftd...  tj.  17.")2;  d.  of 
cons. .  Srjit.  2S,  17>^o.  iShowa.--  -is.  of  .lord  Tunl'V  \vf.  Amiai.  lie  m.  r2)  .Vpvil  9, 
17S'i.  V.'id.  Abi^-ail  ddmrni^Min :  she  d.  of  cons,,  Jtin.'  21.  iSOii,  a.  ofi.  /.  by  1-t  m.:  1. 
Ai:n'i).  2,  Ivciswi.i.i..  d.  y.  o,  J.\ukd.  4,  ll.vv.XKs.  ,"),  Hti;i.,  d.  Jan.  2o.  17i;4,  it.  1); 
■canlcc-r  rash.  0,  l-7!.!/.A!;i.i  ii.  d.  v.  /.  bv  2d  m. ;  7.  'idioMl'soN.  .^.  J('jsi:r)!,  ;i  twin. 
d.    Aitir.   20,  17U:j.  a.  C:  dvscii.      fi,   S.m;.\'!1. 

V.'     Tlanuah,  b.  ]'.d.."l4.  17  17->::  m.   i>aac  Forb,^s. 

W.      Jai'id  Hcmiiigway,  !i.  May  17.  174'.);  d.  Jnl\   10.    17s"),  of  cons.,  a.  o'd.      \\v  was 
a  Rev.  s.d.,  wa-  takon  ]M'ison<,'r.  and    in    tin-    jni-on    ship  at  X.  1..  bccamt-  .';.>  dcd.dli1at«l 
iuid  diseased  that  ho  never  rccovcn-d;   ni.  Jnncil,  1774,    Iliildah,    ^^'oodward,  b    June  17. 
17.';1;  d.  .v.  /.  Xov.  ■!,  ls21.  of  l':dsy.      She  wa-^  .^is.  (d'  tiic  v.ife  of  liis  bro.  .b>-c]di. 
\'I1.      .Moses  Ilcniini.'-uay,  b.  Au'.r..  171!:  m.  Martini   Tyler. 
^'Ill.      Aniiu  ]l(.'mine'\vay. 

IX.     Joel  lleinhi>^-way.  b.  May  21,  17.14:  not  named  in  set.  of  Ids  f.V  est.,  1  7(i2. 
X.      Mary  IIfiuin_u-way,  1).  Se]it.   1,  l".")!:  m.  )^.-'.<  kiel  Ihiyes. 

XI.      Fydia  lleminuwav.  b.  May  22.  i7.VJ:  m.  Nov.  :-!.   1777.   .Jacob,  s.    of  Ja.c.ob  and 
Mary  i  Ueniinii-way)  Pai'dfe.  who  d.  in  ]'rison  slii[i,  Oci.  22.  177*J,  a.  21:  had  s.  J.\toii. 

61123.  Amy  Hemingway,  1>.  .Alay  2)i.  17i:^:  d.  Sept.  :j.  17^.1:  bu.  in  crypt  of 
(."t'Ulcr  clili..  X.  Jlav.  •'ot  exem]d.''.ry  Jiiety  and  charity,  humility  and  mcekuess. 
Com]iassion  to  the  di^tri'ssed  and  alms  to  the  ])ooi-  embalm  lier  memory.  Into  the 
upright  tliere  ai'isetli  liLidit  in  the  darkmss.  lie  luith  dis]ici-st.'i| :  ho  hath  Live:i  to  tlu' 
poor.  His  righteou-,ne.>s  endnrelh  forevei-."' — /:}///.  m.  .bin.  2:>.  17(iO,  ("apt.  Abraluiui,  b. 
of  Zobnlon  ami  (IJemiui.'-wiiy)  Bradley,  b.  V-].  17-11;  d.  March  (>,  1M7;  lie 
wu~^  it  mi.Tch.  of  the  hii;]icsr  (Jass;  founder  of  tlie  Xew  Ibiven  Hank,  and  one  of  its  first 
.sto(diholders.     .ib'   m.    '2'.   Sej't.    5,    1790.    Fuince.    dan.    of   Caleb   and    Abi:.;ail    Ibadh-y 

Atwater,  .-md  wid.  of J'.ase,  b.  July  21.  17-ls. 

i.      \larv  Hradlev.  d.  ti,  170;',,"  a.  (>  weeks. 
11.      .lared  JiradleV.  <l.  Mav  7.  17(i.").  a.    1  mos. 
111.      Abiud  Ibailley.  d.  y.  " 

1\'.      Ibudiej  Kra.iiev,  d."  1704.  ni.  lleaioi;  Uni-ei.'^.;  ^^  (•    17sf:d.  17;M.      1.   .SiDNiOY. 
2.  Srv.  (h   soMU. 

V.      Al^raham  Brad!e%.  :5d,  b    1772;  n;,  Maiv  ;',,ill,  '  . 

TU'ITLK,     II  KM  I  XG  WAY.     };IIAI)T.EY 


VI.     Sanih  UiadlfV.  \>.  ITTC;  d.  1^.'1>.  '3S.  ISSO:  m.   Niifliaiik-l    Lewis,   M.D.,  I..  IT-'iO; 

-(i.  .Iu!\-  l;\  I'^Js.      1.    Aiu:\H\.M  l?i: APi.KY,  (I.    in    X"\v   ll:\v.,    Ajiril    '>.    ISs-;);  umii.     IFu 

v\}is  a"  rniiTi'l    li-iifla'tof    ,,r  llir    X.'sv    ]I:nri,    Vuuu;:   Men's    hi.-^t it iite.       -J,    liKA-i.,.      ;;. 

M,\in  Ann,  111.    Krv    Mi.  I'itkin  .if  H.>-tnn.      /.,    ■'   S'.ns.      i.   N.\-n!  >.mi;i..     ."J.    IIann.nh. 

\'ll.      N;;iicv  iM-.t.ll'v.  li.  S,[>r.   l!l.   I'l'.X;  111.  ll(M-vi-y    .Mulfniil. 

A  ill.      .N!ai-y"  li)-ii(il<'_v',  il.  Jan.  -Jit,  !7SI.  a.  S  ni'>.-.. 

I\.      .hir.'d  Hia(il(\v.  i>.  i7.>4;  in.  (iiact-C.    Wliitini;-. 
X.      Sidney  lirudley,  d.  ()<•!.  2li.  17.SS,  a.  it  iiios. 

61123.'3.     Abraham  Bradley,  3d,  i-.  iT?,-  d.   on.  -2;,   1S!'2,  a.  70;  m.   Mary, 

dac.  of  Deu.  Strplir-n   Hall  [:',].    h.  Sep!,  ti.  Tii;;, 

I  J.conard  1>.  Or!.  1-1.  17iJ7;  d.  .Iiuh-O!.  1875;  m.  CharlntN-  S.,  dau.  of  \Villiaiii 
j.„d  ilannali  (S.di.vk)  1  ...,k%v,H.<l  of  N.-rvaP.,  Cnnr...  1..  I'ec  21),  1^0,-).  1.  LroXAltl. 
Ar<):\iiAM.  V.  <".  1^"''i-  i;'.\vver,  N.  Y.  C.  ^itli  Ouis.  1,.  Stiuii.t;-.  2.  \^  M.  Lo'- kwood, 
Y  ('  IMld:  .M.i>.  l^i;i:  ]••>."  X.  liav.  :l  Sl>.\\.  -i.  .M\i;vA.nn.  .">.  l-j.i/.Aiw.iii. 
il.  Williaju.  1..  Ihr.  1S,  1  ;<),-), 
1(1.  Maiv  \..  ).i.  Cliarli-s  !\.  Sliii'inun  ol  X.  i!av.  1.  CnM;i.i;s.  2.  lliNin  S.  :',. 
';v:<iiu;i:.      J."M\iiV.      H     Cuai.-I.oT'IK,      G,    lV\r..    m.    lion.    -T.    C    lIollis.tei-  of   X.Hav.; 

/liis  2(i  \vf)       7.    ilAT..  m.  McHar^n^  of  X.   V.  i '. 

IV.  {■".li/ul..-ih.  m.  Col.  .Mason  .-^.Duiand,  who  d.  1S;J'.'.  I,  I^r.iZAinnn  B.,Ai)ril 
7  1828;  111.  April  22.  IS.")!!,  Wm.  Isaac  Townsriid.  niendi.  of  i.ondon,  Knirlmui.  (^See 
]ui|"er  in  X  /■:.  I-'"'     h'"/..   L>7ri.  l.y  Capt.  ('lias.  H.  Tov.  n.-end ). 

V.  .leaiiuelic  Aiiiv.  Ij.  O.'t.  lU.  17'J.");  m.  Aj.iU  7.  T^IS.  (."'laiirs  Idoyd  Strong,  h. 
AnL'.  1").  17'.ll;  a  ne-rcli'ant  nf  N.  V.  ami  < 'iiu-lnnati.  Ohio.  win.  he  d.  Marcdi  or  Ajiril. 
\S(\A.  Mr-'.  Str.ini;-  i.crivhcd  at  sea.  on  the  Fr.  n.di  sieanw,-.  hyi;uai-.r.  wliieh  left  X.  Y. 
^ov.  1.  ls:)ii.  ami  roltide.l  \'.i[i,  anoilicr  vo-,-;!-!  next  day.  II''  lu.  (2)  Xov.  12,  18--)7. 
Adeline  Xorloi:.  1.  .Iri.iA  ^^■!■■.I.K^.  \>.  l)e.'.  11,  fs-:.-,:  HI.  -May.  ISl!.,  Tlicodore  A n 1 1- 1 roii ir 
Baih-v.  h.  Jan.  1>.  ls](i,  (son  o!  linn.  'I'li.'ndmr  !',aiii-y.  h.  S.  S.  1 1'or.i  .X.Y.,andfor 
luriiiv"  vrs.  }.'(wnr;a-ler  (d'  X.  ^  .  ('..  lS<)4i:  .v  /'. ;  hoih  lost  on  the  l>youaise.  2,  f'llAKl.Ks 
I'^nw'AKD.  l-'(d..  7,  ]'-^24;  .\niherst  Coll.'^r,.;;:  lawyer  in  X.  Y.  with  liis  cousin,]..  A. 
bradlcv:  m.  Aj.iil  IS.  ISiin,  Kh-anor  I'.nniit  i'".  aI'i^>.^  o.  Jan.  "J,  18::^1  {diiu.  V\'iii.  S. 
Fearinir  «ii(!  Sarah  S..  di'iu.  of  lion.  James  r-iniiu,  V.  S.  S.  fioin  1!.  1..  ISlif).  1,  Knfr 
Ff-'trii^j.  h.  Vr\,.  •2>.  is.'il.     :;.   'i'lMi'i.K  Xki.--'in.  h.   l>ec.  1.-).  1828:  d,  soon. 

611237.     Wancy    Eradley,  h.   Sopi,    ly.    177S;  <1.    Aui:'.    IM,   ISIl;   m.   Marrh  2'.i, 
1707,  Hei'v,  V,  >.  td  iiai  iialiar.  and  M  rh  iialih' ( ( i>  Tham  )  .M  n  I  fni  d ;    li.  July  7,  1777;   d.  F''h 
IG,    1847;   Y.' C.    l7'J4:    nu-ieh,    in    Xew    liav.    and    X.  Y .  :  dnriiii;  the    irouMes   bcnvcen 
Frai'.ev  and  KturlaU'!,  In- lo-i  heavily  hy  sci/.nres  by  Frenrli  vess.ds,  ela'uis  forlo.-'-.> 
were    adiu>trd    hy   tin-  i  wn -.iv.-iium-nts  and  an  ai'io-oj-riation    hill    twifc   i,,i,-sed    hy  l.-otli 
liunsfv  o'i  ("unur.'ss,  Im!  failed  to  r-'cdve  the  l'r.->ideiu's  siuiialur<-.      'i'helirst  j.assage  of 
tl.iv  ImII  \\a-  I'U'-elv  dne  to  Mr.  Mulford  who  -pent  several  wi-eks  in  YN'asiiingtou  on  this 
l-iiHtn--.      lir  111.  (2'  Mrs.   llanmdi  l^srher  (.Mnl  r-vd'.  his  euuv.    Oct:  22.  1'^4r,.      .s.  i. 
1.      Amv  Hradlov  Mnlfurd,  h.  ll<'e.  2;  d.   I>er,  fi,  1707. 
il        Idi/a   Ann  Miilford.h.  Nov.  2i;,    17»S. 
111.      Xanev   Maria   .Mulfe.rd,    Xov.    2o,    IS(H):   d.    h.o.    .-),    1^(1:!:   a.    (32;  in.    Mandi   I-. 
iS20.  <'harlf>  T'ohins,.,!,,  h.  Sonihin-ton,  Conn. :  V.  C  1^21  :  d.  Oct.  1,  1S7i;,  a.  7<e  hnvyrr, 
res    Xew  liav.;   v.  ,,f  Wcv.   \Vm.   Ki'.h.  and  of   l^r.   Ko' .i  ns,m .  the  cej, -lira,  e.l  Talest/ne 
cxidorer      1.  ('oi;m;i,:a.  h.  l!.'.-.  7.  1n2C.:  <1.    MaN  21.    18(;'J.     2.    Klizahkh!.   h.  Au<r.  2.s. 
1820:  d.  Oct.  24.  is;^,l.     :].  Chaim.ks.  h.  June  2.'").  ls;Sl:  <!    .Ma.nh  1^.  Is:):',.  4,  F,i,i-/AHi:Tif. 
Nov.  2S.1,  h8o:5:  d.  Xov.  Id,  l^M!).      Y,  (■iiAi;i.i>,  July    Kt,  ls;.t}:  d    Jan.  1.   1>S)7.     (>,  ^^  m. 
EDWAr.D,  Oct.  8(1.  18::it.  <\.    De-.    14.    IM:!      7.    Airnni!.   1>.   Jan.    21,   18to;  m.  Oct.  is, 
18«i4     Jane    llowcll    I'urur.    h,    Mandi   (i.    Is;!;   dcai.    of  Col.    Alherl    Howell   and    Julia 
l.Malth.-\v^)  I'm't-r  of  Xiairara  Fal)>  Villaue.     s.  i-JiM-sT,  h.  Fee.  2d.  ls4o;  Y.  C.  18f)7:  d. 
X'ev.  IS.  IsTO. 

1\.  Jaim-  !ltrvc\  Melf.>!''!.  h.  P.-c.  2d.  isil'.';  nierch.  in  X'.  Y.  (',,  hrm  oi  Atwater, 
M.Filnrd  ^  Co.  (Ymi.  a-  Caj^t.  «--ned  l.y  l^eWiM  ClinlMii,  l.S'J7;  m.  Ylaich  14.  1^2ti,  hy 
i;<  V.  11.  C|-n~w,  11.  [{.-Iiccca  (,  <laii.  .d'  Stephen  and  iMa-cca  ((ioihain)  Atwater.  (2) 
l>ec.  .").  I,s4'.i,  Marv  M'.nr.'  Farter.  i.Miss  < 'iinuin.Li-hani).  1.  Hkkvkv,  May  Fi.  1^27;  d. 
.April  2(1.  1S(;'(J:  m.  June2  1.  l^-Vi,  Fiederi.-a  S.,  dan.  ol'  Win.  and  Jane  Cunudia  (iVi'-.-etl} 
irouMde":  F.s.i.;  late  of  X.  Y.  C;  lauver.  1,  11/,,.  j;'.;,s„n.  Jnly4,  1857, author  (da  sketch 
of  the  .Mulford  fa.inilv,  puh.  in  .\pril  Xo.  l.ssii,  A'<  <r  /:„:/.  (nil.  Rigi.-<tn\  from  uliiHi 
several  facts  in  this  aVcnni  an-  t:dven.  2,  J>  r'rr  ll^^'/;v/•  Ir<ii'>tvh.  Dec.  2(),  ISd-).  2.. 
M.MtV  h  .March  2-  ls2',»;  m.  .March  '.I.  Is-ll.  .iames  i  jeai'v  Co-hill,  ivsip ,  a  nejdiew  ol 
Htcliard  A.  tiaurtt,  nierch.  (at  wh.i.hnii-  J.  Wilkes  \V,.^\\^  hillev!)  atul  \v:'ts  uv 
liis  eiiiphiv  al>oi,t  2.  vr>.:     rem.  to  Alton,  III.,  and  res.  o  yrs. :  ret.  to  X.    V.  C,  and  res.  12 


;i:ancu  oi'  .iosi:fii. 

yr.-;.;  rcui.  tii  San  l"rniici<"((  in  ISIS  i,uil  \vu>  in  tin'  miniii;--  rcuinns  s(iim>  time:  tli-'ii  ;it 
Sun  Fi;mcisco;  cstiilinslicil  the  liii!i-,,' df  .1 .  i|,  Coi^ImH  x  Cn.  wh'cli  Itccninr  diw  of  flu 
lar^cest  tiriiis  in  tin- st:i;>'.  In  IsriT  c^mh.  ;,  luiiu'-l,  in  N.  V.  ('. ,  mid  ],;-;  ics.  ihcr;'  ever 
sin'-c.      In  1S(ir,„.7  tvav.   \\itli    his  i'^ini.    in    l-;uiu]i,>   j^ml   on    lii>    irinrn    imli.  ;i    journai  of 

1l;!\-f!>    for    iJfiviitr    .-iicuhilio:!.   cntitir;!   "Ali-o;.!!."       In    l>"r.S  o;i  v.  •   np  lliV    Ini-iin-.s  to  his 

bid.  W.  II.  ('o-li:ll,  no.\  Couhill  ,V-  l,y,,n.  Ho  wn--'  oho  yr.  ]\>-s.  of  tiio  X.  ^'.  hiani-Jinf 
■'Tho  Infi'  As-,o.  of  .\nn:i.-a."  |lii-  l-.t  \vl'.  wa-  S.iiaii  P.,  dun.  of  .1.  S.  I'a>nu!iu  of 
naltinior,.;  in.  .Inly  1.  lS-17:  d.  Mar.-ji  io.  Isl:*,  a.  'JD  vix. ;  hv  wlnmi  In- liad  •.'  chil.  !.. 
W.M.  Hknkv.  1).  .Apiil  I'h  l>-'l'-=:  'I.  •I'i!\  '21.  sm.  yr.  L'.  Sa i,'.\i!  Adi-.iim:.  h.  Mavh  ;;' 
lS-!i|.j  ll.-isilif  authoi-of  ilir  •■('oLrliiil  Faniily"'|,;ih.  in  isru,  v,hi.di  r(nirain  >  hi^  por- 
tniil  and  riiat  of  liis  .--on  Howard.  I.  J/  nra.  \\.  D.'c.  js,  hs.")-;;  d.  on  ■>liii.  'lioldon  (iato," 
in  liai'Itor  of  I'anaiiiii,  May  l!l,  IsriT.  'i.  Un,r,i,<K  h.  \\\v:.  'l\ .  1  s."",^;  si  nd.  in  (_"(,],  Col. 
1S7!I.--'V/,//,///  /■;/„/.  :],  hj.!/,  \i;i:ti!  A'i^A  .\i  ,.!;.  D,.,:-.  11.  ls:!!:d.  F.di.  ;!.  IsTM.  ni.  i'lj;>..-;. 
W.  rr<..<!iy.  4.  .f\Mi;-  IIi,k\-!;v.  Aniil  -J;],  ]s;]';.  .-,,  K.\i\;\  s.  d.  V.\.\7.\  I'n  ii.i.ins.  Sfr)t,. 
8,  l^.")-2;  m.  Joim  I'iliot  Cnrraii,  H-ij  :  lawvor:  V  ('  is^o  Fj  j;  cd  is7>'. 
\'.      .Mary  "Mniford.   .1.  y. 

VI.  .lane  i'.r,-n!loy  .Mi;!foi-il.  1,.  .s.  l-Un;  ni.  .M;!v  -Jo,  IS-2S.  Chiirh'^  Ilrya- 
\Vhiit]os(.-y,  l!ea,.  df  Cnntor  rhji.  N.  Ih.v.  My.s.;  li  I'o.-.  1  •/.  1;!j:i:  d.  (>-t.  IS,  ls-)'.t.  '  •. 
Si>\N.  -2,  M.\!;v  .M.,  in.  S.'j.t.  IC.  1  So^'.  Mi.sns  .\!e-iriu  (M-o.Mi\\o..d.  !..  1 !  nl.l.;.,rd<*on. 
.Ma--:.s..  .Tnin-  -.'M,  ]s;M;  "^  .  C.;  i;,  rotton  and  j.:tMnT;d  i-otnniisxion  husim-.-s  with  hi>  f. 
iriXowO.:  fnni   of  Mosc-  (imcnwood,  \-   Son.      1.    A<hll. .  .Nov.  (1.    \>^',\)       -l      ]/„.v,_.v    \Iav 

80.  \-<Wl.     o.  .1  i:,.i,    Mn!f,,rJ,  iv-r.  rl.  !N(i-i.     :h    Axxi:  t'rn,i:i;.   m. •  NViiinios.v  .  i; 

Norwick,  (onn.      I,   <';i.i>  IIkmiy,  Y.  C.  l^.-):!;   A.  M.  I^ii"):  Cd.  and   Hn-v.  li.-ii.'  T. 
S.  A.:  d.  at  Chi-yonm-  1^71.      ■">.   J  \\i;  J'j.r/.A.  li.   \s?,:>;  ,;.  ]--:;;i;. 

\'ll.  Alirahani  Hradh-y  MiiUord.  h.  Nov.  I!,  ISfiii:  wlicn  11  vrs.  "of  -.iv:^-  v.ent  :r, 
China  a.-;  a  aftorwards  eoinnnmdi  d  tIo-  packot  ship  Ila.vri-  oi'  tho  Xh-w  York  and 
llavfo  liin-:  dnriiu'-  \\\<'  ^var  for  tin-  i"niiin  lie  voluntct-rod  to  .^.■rvn  in  rln-  in!\v  .;.  pt.  -itni 
was  si'fond  olii'--'r  of  thi-  ]'>i  roiilywim-;  aftnrNvard-  coniinanth-d  tin.-  ^'oro  ship  I'p;;. 
.Moigaii  and  wa.s  in  Hampton  lioad.s  uhrn  the  .Mt'rriinar  .•^aiil;  t!u*  (■onirV'ss  and.  Cnniin-r- 
land  and  fono-hr  th*-  Monitor.  Ih-  \va.-  afterward.-,  sujicnntoiid'-nt,  of  rh.-  v.-oiks  foi-  raisit.i; 
the  Mcrritnar.  lied,  at  his  uoino  in  Brooklyn.  X.  Y.,  211  .Ma'-ou  .^t  .  n.-c  IC.  lss->-.  i,-^ 
J\Iar<-h  02.  1>'14.  Cliarlotto.  dan.  <d'  'Jdnnnas  a'ml  j-lstin  r  iFraidvHn)  \\':dd<-in  Ih-r  nto'tli.'-- 
was  (d'  the  Franklin  fannly.  wdio  a,  con.^Idi-raldc  estate  in  X.  V.  (-it\  ,  of  wliii-h. 
Franklin  Sijiun-.-  wa^  a  j.-arC  Th.-  \^\lhh•n  fannly  v.mli  is  in  Trinitv  chnrrh.  Vard.  X.  Y. 
C.  1,  .!.\.MF-;s  !!;:i;\KY.  h.  .Ian.  F  \y\'.:  m.  .!o-,.-phi!i.-  May,  and  luid'  1  .h.  -J."  \Ya i.fJii.N. 
h.  Marrli  7.  FS-i7;  d.  c.-r.  7,  1S7-I-.  niini.  :).  Hk  (-'irxssi-;  Fnwi.i;];,  h.  Auu'.  i'.  F'^4;*l 
inoi-chant  X.  V.  city.      4.   •!' >v!:i'ii  F\i;!u.i;.  y'r.w   If!,  IN-". 

VFil.      .Mohitahh"  .Mary  Mnllo.d.  h.  ih\.  14.  h^U"^:  d.  Mar.-h  2."i.  is-js,  a.  ]!/;   unm. 

IX.      (.'race  Mn.lfoid,  h.  Mardi   17.   IMl;   d.  Jan.  :;0.   ISF!. 

X.  CaroFini-  M.  Mnlh.rd,  1>.  Mar.-!i  M,  li^l:;:  m.  1-"hU.  Hi,  l.s;^-.,  doM.pli  Pai-ke/  of 
New  Hav.;  ]>apei-  inaiinf.  1.  Ficv  Va.v/.w.v/iw ,  1>.  .iuin-  lO,  H-t*;;  d.:  in.  IF  niy.  .-,.  of 
Thomas  U.  TiMwhrid-c  |  !  1  ] :  ',  .Iril.  v.  ('Ainn.i.M;,  ni.  I7d\vin  Iloti-hki-^  ol  X.  'lia-.-en. 
and  lia.d:     F    Fj>  •<•'.  i' .     'l]!<<ir,nd.     :\,   J-h.iz  \  Mt  i,K(ii;i..      4.   .I(i-i;fir. 

XJ.  H.-uriet  .Mnlford.  1>.  VAk  11.  h^HF  in.  Sept.  FI,  F-hJ.  Sidn.-v  M.  Sioiieof  X.--w 
Hav.  (his  Od  uf.*.  1>.  Mays,  isii;;;  d.  in  X.  IFiv.  Anv.  Fi,  F^s-2;  hni'ld.-r  ninl  arrhifcTi 
largely  instrinnenta!  in  i)iiilding  np  Sioi.evill.-,  in  X.  F..  i|uaiier  of  X.  H;i\.;  hnihh-r  •■>r' 
St.  Paul's  (-hh.  and  the  old  Conn.  Hospital.  As  an  a,  r(-hitect  h.-  (Ic-iu-ned  more  rhai!  100 
diuirhes  iii  varion-.  parts  ,,i'  Hn-  eonntry;  hesid.-s  many  other  pnldic  lMiildii;i:'s  ami 
private  resid<-m-es.  !h-  w:is  Capiain  of  ih  ■  (Hays  ls:i.'i-;;-,\  atid  tin-  tir>r  Ma,i(M-  of  tin- 
veteran  organiz  ition.  His  1st  \vf.  \sav  Ahigail  'i'r.-a!  nf  .Mill'(n-d.  C.-nni..  wh.o  d.  Jan..  17. 
1841.  a.  :?!)  yrs. :  o  rhii.,  of  s\  honi  three.  Mary,  W  in.  W..  a.nd  the  v.  f.  of  Alfred  S.  II. d* 
of  X.  Hav..  sup.  hy  i sf  m.  1.  H.UMtn, r,  m.  Haid.-l  Fothro]).  a  not.-d  hook  luiidisln-r 
of-Hoston.      •?.    Fi.'/,\    m.    io'v.  ( h-o.  S.    4'hrallof   i^t-id-eport.  Conn. 

XII.      (ieor-o  .MnHrrd.  h    S-pt.-}n.  fSls,  d.  in  X.  liav.  .Fine  17,  lsl:F 

6112o72.  Eliza  Ann  Mulforcl,  li.  Xo\.  Oi;.  !7i».s.  d.  at  liavnham,  F,.  H..  .Jan. 
:i,  ISSl,  a.  N-2.  greatly  adniired,  honoK-daiid  l-eloved  hy  alFwho  kn.-'w  her.  Xew  Haven 
papovs  |)nhli-lic<l  e\feiideii  ohii  iiaiy  not  ires  in  w  liieh  In-!- ,  haiacter  is  ih-.-riht  i!  a-  ■'  rad'- 
ent  ■'  froni  a  r  i  re  nnion  of  a"  •  mi  plisli  .n  -n'.-.  of  .-ndearing  i|ni  lilies  and  of  ehristiai* 
virrnes.  Among  ht-r  anresior-.,  trac-d  l-in-k  hy  !n-r  s..ii.  Capl.  Charh-s  H.  'I'ownsin-nd. 
to  fifty  or  m-.ire  of  the  hrsr  si-tth-rs  of  Xew  l-:iii;-land.  ate  .hdiii  llowland  and  .lohii  'I'iliv 
of  the  Mayilower.  and  pi-rhap ;  l7o\-.  C:n-ver.  whw  ■■  da.n'  l-Mi/.-d'-tli  l;ia\  liave  hi-;ii  v.if'.- 
o'l  .lulm  'lii^y;  m.  F'.-e.  ;!,  isjii,  Hon  \\"m.  Km-ehind,  s  .if  Isaa.-  and"  Hhoda  i  At  wa.ter) 
Towiiscmi.  1).. June  ;!.  17Mf.;  (  of  tl'.e  late    Prof,    l.-aac    llenrv    4'o\Mi-.Iiend    of   ihe'^ale 

URADLEY,    .NtULlOJUK  281) 

I. nw  Sch')(v]  ;.••■"  Mtii-h.;  ilii\'Ctoi- of  tlii^  New  Tlavcn  l^iuik;  I'rcs.  ff  spvi-ra)  ri)ri>oratii)iis 
.'uvvl  as.-dci.iti'ins:  Lit'iii.  2d  ('o.  '.  Inv/s  Uoi'sc  (inards;  jtisi.  i)f  tin-  pcui-c;  IN  p.  t'ov  I-'.,  ilav. 
ii,  C";>;!n.  Li'i';.  11'-  retired  jilmtit  \<)\)  tn  ]iis  (stuti;  m  K.  Havm.  <-all.-<l  Kiiyjihani  after 
till.'  Cuniilv  scat  uf  the  I'-ii.uiisli  'rownslieiuls,  a  in- est  or.-.  dT  tin  I"),  llavi-n  taniily.  aii'l  d. 
ilitTP  Scpi.  2^),  18-19.  'J'liis  fijii>  i>i<>].orry  is  bcautit'tilly  louatcii  on  tin-  sidf  of  New 
il-i\  (•!!  havl'ipi ,  and  is  pitrt  of  tlif  miniual  o-|-,n\t  of   tlic    Nfw    Haven   colony  to    William 


1.  Wni.  Isaac  Townsend.  h.  Nov.  28.  lb-22:  tn.  .April  2.'.  is:,0,  ini/.al.nh  1'..,  <iau. 
of  tV)].  J!«s.)ii  A.  and  Kliziibcth  Bradley  Diij-and,  li.  April  7,  JS'JS  (•2d<-oii-.)       1.    Mi.i/.a- 

KKTii  DLii.vNi).  i>.  ivi..  n.  if."ji;.i.  .Muy  •.>:,  ls>:. 

11.  .laiuc.s  .Mnlford  'I'owiiSciid,  I),  .'an.  ^l),  ISi.");  f'a|)t.  of  tin-  ■•  Grays"'  ]S4S:  hn-s 
liliid  variou.s  i>tr!i-,-s;  Senator  in  Con!!.  Lcl;-.  1N(;4;  w.-.s  oticved  anii  di  elin.-d  tlic  Ri-piib. 
iionj.  for  Lient.  (tov..  and  al>o  for  Slate  'l'rt.-a.--iirer  of  Conii.  During  the  war  he  raiseri 
and  equipped  ilic  ••  'J'ownsend  Kilies,"  one  of  tlie  c«')ni)a!iii-s  ofthe  7th  Conn.  Vols. 

>ir.  'rowns(>nd  (U-:.riiniy.ed  at  N.  ilnv.  the  l.-st  Oil  Co.  in  the  t'.  S.  It  wa.-^  called  the  S»'iu'ca 
Oil  Co..  and  at  one  time  own<'d  nio.-r  of  the  hindsationt  Titu.-ville.  I>a.  Mr.  K.  L.  Drake,  a 
conductor  on  the  N.  Y.  &  X.  11.  1!.  II.,  w;is  en!i)loyed  l>y  Mr.  'i'ownxnd  ::s  >up.-rinteudient 
at  a  salarv'of  KlUI)  a  montli.  After  spending  ahoiit  Iw.j  yrs.  and  a  d,  al  of  money  in 
ex'  }<\\.  Dr:ike  w:'s  instructed  to  ])r(;cu;-e  at  N.  >'..  a  man  of  exiie- 
rience  in  h  uing  wells  tursali,  to  hore  ;■.!  'JMiusville.  I'a.,  fiMoJl.  {' \i  to  ihi.-.  time  tlie  oil 
was  '■•ol  in  si-antv  siijiply  Ijx'  crude  am!  iiiellicient  methods,  a,-  iliudiing,  t reiuduni;',  ski:n- 
miiiir  ihc  water,  dipjiing  and  ■'vringiKt;'  <if  hlankets,  •:'tc.  After  bonng  aliout  CO  iet-t  all  the 
men  of  means  i>!  the  coin];a.ny  (exceiiting  unu)  hecouiiug  discoura.ged,  refused  to  sai)i)ly 
more  money,  and  Mr.  'i'owuseii'l  hfd  to  hear  the  wh(;h-  liruiit  of  the  enterjirise.  In  time 
he  loo  became  di.-hearieiied,  and  .sent  Dr:'.ke  s.")OU  to  jiay  bills  ami  come  hoine.  The  day 
thai  Drake  received  tnoney  and  order,  the  augur  diepjied  four  inehes,  (into  a  crevice 
probablv)  iu\d  the  oi!  '-aint-  up.  ■Jliedeoth  was  I'.-l  i'eei.  This  wa>  ihe  iirsi  well  andllu! 
hrst  jietioleuiii  raised  ill  tlie  U.  S.  Tlir-  result  v.'a.s  due  lo  tlie  energy  and  ]ierseverain;e 
of  .Mr.  To--vnsend.  (S,,  MrCurthif.'i  Hi"''-!-!/ .,/  I'drol,  i:,,i. »  Mi-.  'JV.wnsend  s.-nr  a  speeimen 
of  l!ie  pii/duci  to  J'aris  for  analysis.  It  was  carried  by  hi-  br.>..  Capt.  Charles  H.  Tnwn- 
.seiid,  v>'ho  also  brought  back  the  report  cd' iln-  cln-misi.  It  was  highly  favorable  us  to  ' 
its  luliricatingand  illuminating  qualities,  and  predicted  great  results  if  th.e  supply  proved 

'J'h!^:  was  thc'  begiuning  of  tliat  vast  produciion  luul  export  \\diich  lias  bnnigiit 
great  wealth  into  the  V.  S. ,  and  especially  into  the  State  of  Pu. ;  whi.-h  has  been  an 
imporlant  factor  in  tnrning  the  balance  (if  trade  in  ou.r  favur.  and  in  relieving  rlie  country 
in  some  im-asure  f  rtun  the  gravest  of  the  hnanciai  em!)arrassment.s  inought  al-out  by  the 
war;  enabling  the  resumption  of  specie  payments  :ind  a  settled  linancial  ])olicy.  A  fev.- 
weeks  after  the  discovery  of  the  oil,  tlie  entire  work-<  of  the  coniiiany  \vere  der-truyed. 
The  ongiiiei-r,  ignorant  of  the  gas  wh.iidi  (.■(une.--  u])  with  th'-  oil  and  wjiich  i<  now  e;;iTied 
olT  throuich  a  tub-  in  the  well,  entered  the  oil  hou^e  at  nddoight  with  a  ligh'-  tu  ,-:.••■  i!)at 
all  was  right.  Tlte  ga<  took  fire  from  the-  lamp  ;md  several  tln'Usa.nd  gallons  of  oi! 
went  u]i  \Nith  the  works  in  .smoke  and  ilamc  The  oil  was  tleMi  stdling  at  one  dollar  a 
gallon.  'Idle  work's  were  lelmilt.  but  by  tluit  tine  the  pruduction  from  other  wells  was 
so  lai-jrc-  that  the  ju'ce  had  fallen  to  one  dollar  a  barrel.  At  that  price  there  was  no 
profit  to  the  ]>i-i.ilui-er,  and  Mr.  T.  sold  out.  It  is  said  thai  Humboldt  left  a  sum  of 
inonev  let  be  liiven  to  the  dis'.overer  of  petroleum  or  rord;  oil,  and  Mr.  Town<end  has  been 
leipicsted  by  emiuent  oi!  meri  in  Pa.  to  jiut  in  his  claim,  but  sn  far  has  m.t  done  st),  and 
tie'  medal  is  not  awc.rded.  There  is  also  a  pioj.ositi' ^n  to  eicct  a  bimize  statue  at  Titus- 
\  ille  to  .Mr.  T-i'.vn-end  as  the  di-coverer  ot'  the  ]e,,d.nct  which  has  brought  s<j  much 
wealth  to  the  State  nf  I'a. 

Mr.  Tow  i;seiid  e.-tablished  the  "Townsend  bund,"  with  ;in  ycaily  income 
of  >'lii.i.  to  i>.-  given  e;e-li  year  to  that  student  of  the  Yale  haw  Schoel  who  on 
£Traduation  didivevs  the  be.--t  written  and  best  spoken  Hng'dsh  oraii</n.  Townsend  .Vve.. 
Ka.-,i  Haven,  was  si>  nann.d  in  his  honor:  in.  Sept.  1.  1S4T.  .^laiia  Theresa,  dan.  of 
17|)aphras  and  Sarah  (HabWlark  of  ,Midillet.iwn,  Co,-,n.;  b.  Ocv  10.  ]S'2s.  Mr.  Claik  at  one  lime  oiu'  of  t1ie  largest  publishers  in  the  P.  S.  1.  \\'.\i.  KnkI'.i.vnd.  b.  June 
1"3,  ISJS:  Y.  C.  Isil  with  honors;  mad"  toui-  id'  I''.U'ope.  and  mii  r<-iurn  entered  Yale 
PawSiluxd;  grad.  1S7-I,  "Jd  of  hi.^  du-^s,  Taking  the  .lewell  and  Civil  i,;iw  C<impe,.-.ii ii,n 
].;i/,es;     LI.,,  li. ;  on  retnin  from  "Jd  Kuropean  tri|)  began    jnactice  of  law   in  New  Haven, 

^Ttit  Townsend  racdal-;.  lo'jaded  by  T'rof.  Is;i;ic  H.  Townsend,  are  prrzes  lor  tlio  six  best  c-s.=;a\s. 
h'j^lO'.ve.J  aiinciUy  Oil  j._>  many  ^ra'iuatcs  of  tluil  vc.w.  The  I>(:l-"eresi  medal  is  to.'-  the  h:si  or.T'ioa,  and 
the  competitors  are  the  six  winners  of  the  Townbcnd  medals. 


X-»90  '  jjnAM;]!  or  .losi-pii. 

aiiil'(;nten>(l  '■  ^viid.  course"  cf  law  si-lmul  JSTG,  takiiii;-  druifc  M.  ],.  isTSaml  1).  ('.  L. 
1883;  mt'irilicr  coiniiioii  cnuii'il  issi);  aMt'iin-au  tci    l.^l   wanl    l^','■:^)■•2;  aiitlxtr  of  77/''    Xnr 

(JOn».    Cir>y  0[!ir,,-.   ]>l.c-(l    ISSl,    aii.)).!,-,!    as  a     trxt     bnok     in   "^'.C.      Law    Hrlioul;    s:,i|,c 

ywu- appt.  I'lnf.  ijf  I'l'.'ailiiii;-  in  V.  ('. ;  m.  .Julv  |,  Is)  I,  Alaiy  J  ,<'a  vciiwn;;  h,  daii.  of 
Winston  .).  and  Niarv  L.  Tr..wliri(l>rf.  I).  Bailniddrs.  \\'.  1..  Mav  C,  \s:u,  1,  M'i„.':(,,)i, 
Tro'.rhnd./c.  ,h.inr  lO',  1^7^:'  "J,  M"n/  J ..  ,i,<  inr.,rth,  D.-c  (;,  1S7«|"  L>,  .1.v.mi;<  .Mi:i.K(.i:i), 
Aui;.  2'i,  LS")'.':  y.  (.'.  1871.  with  hunoi-s;  (-nc  td' tlic  comnicnci  iiiiTit  sjnalcf-i.^  winnrr  (d' 
tlic  i>.  FiJicst  ,t;;old  nii-ila!,  llicu  tlie  )uL';]if.->l  cullcL'ialr  honor  at  Vah',  and  llic  Townsend 
jirize.s;  Cohiinbia  Law  Sidiool  ls7fl;  ui'-m.  Uiw  h'rm  of  CJiittt-ndeu,  'J'owiisend  A  (.'fiiut-n- 
den,  N'.  Y.  C. ;  lias  twice  visited  Kniopi';  ni.  N'dv.  I,"),  188'i,  in  Lexin^^oii,  Va.,  llarrict, 
dan.  of  Prof.  John  L.  (;'ani[d)ell.  LL  I).  S  j.ui  ui  entirledllie  "  W'echling  Chime,"  wa.s 
wiiuen  on  tlie  occasion  hy  i\u-  well  known  wiiter,  Mrs.  INfargaret  J.  Preston  of  lA-xinx-- 
ton,  \',i.,  ])uljl!-hed  in  the  Uuiiw  ,]\inrn(il  and  copied  into,  the  ><'ew  Jlfiven  and  otlier 

III.  <ieo.  Henry  Towiiseud,  b.  Dee.  ::?8,  lN:?(i:  m.  Oel.  -J-i,  ]8fi'J.  ^fary  Cit  rtrude,  dau. 
of  .lane  s  and  Mar;:-aift  Snedieor  Buckalew  (d' Jaineslnir:;-h.  N.  .1.;  h.  X<"v.  \'l.  \K'M. 

IV.  Frederi'k  .^.tv.ater  Towiiseud.  b.  Ma-eli  '..'0.  IS-jiJ;  ni.  Jiim',  dau.  IJuu-tT  Sher- 
man Preseott.  * 

V.      Hobei-t    Kaikes  Tuwnsend.    1>.    Df-e.  C'i),   ly;Jl;   d.    June   ;^0,  18r,7;  \\\.  >fareh    'il, 
is.iy,  Alniira,  dau.  of  llezekiah  Tuttle  [;V|. 

\'l.  Charles  Henry  'I'ownshend,  1>.  Nov.  0(j,  ]8:j:^;  has  been  cimnuander  of  ]i<iek('t 
shijjs  and  ouean  steamers  foi  several  years;  eouanandei!  the  U.  S.  mail  steamer  Fulton 
of  the  Havre  Hue;  as  eommandor  of  the  steamship  Ontario,  HJJOO  tons;  lie  foi^k  her  into 
H.nvre,  France,  laden  with  lirearms,  ammunitioji  and  e(]ui]inienls,  to  tlie  value  of  two 
and  a  half  million  of  do'lnrs,  of  which  the  j-'reiich  rovemmenr  was  soi-ejv  in  need, 
duriiii:  the  j^'rauco-'Pru-siai!  war.  I'lie  tiimdy  arrival  <d'  the  ('utario — the"  J^russian 
ailvanee  guard  ln'in.u-  ^vithin  is  mile.-  of  thi'  city — sa\ed  Hav.e  from  ca]iture  oi-  assault 
and  an  amici'pated  loss  >,f  at  least  hfty  miiliuns  of  dnllars.  This  aehieveimiit  created 
greai  entlittsiasm  and  deUyht  in  Paris  and  Havre,  and  Cajif.  'I'ownshend  was  evervv.-liere 
the  fjliject  of  unlimited  courtes'u's  and  attentions;  In-  was  a!^o  promi-^ed  a  decoration  of 
the  Lei^ion  of  Honor,  but  it  has  no*  been  received.  Hi  all  the  years  of  his  indu'^  to  and 
fro  across  the  stornii'-st  of  seas,  he  has  never  lost  a  diJlar--  \\'(irth  of  pro]HM-fv  nor  a 
pass-euii-er  er.trusted  to  his  care.  Plutarch  tells  ns  that  in  ancient  Pome  it  was  desired 
most  of  all  to  bn  considered  fortunate,  for  good  fortune  was  evidence  of  the  favor  of  the 
e-od^.  P.ut  to  wlnitever  his  extraordinary  success  was  due,  the  nunn'rou.-  testimonials 
of  \\\<  grateful  passengt-rs,  published  in  the  newspaiiers  from  time  to  lime,  ])Vove  him  to 
hav<'  be.-m  a  prudeui.  efficient  and  vry  ])opular  officer.  In  jiromoting  the  je.-osjieritv  of 
his  juitive  city  lie  is  active  and  inlluential.  Th"  idea  of  the  breakwater  (suage.sicd"  bv 
his  observations  of  similar  works  in  Puro])ean  harbors)  now  in  course  of  construction  bv 
the  U.  S.  government  for  the  )m])rovement  of  the  harbor  of  Xew  Haven,  was  ori;rinate!i 
by  ("apt.  Townshend,  and  to  his  intelligent,  wetl-din^cted  and  i>ersevering  efl'ort.s,  the 
]iublic  is  indelited  for  an  apiuopriatiuii  of  §.:2."iii.0()0  for  the  harbor  improvement  and  for 
a  j-e-survey  of  Long  Island  Sound,  now  ( ISS'J  i  ii.  protircs.s.  'i'h.e  imjiortance  of  th.e 
re-survey  arises  from  the  groNvth  of  .\.  Y.  C.  northwardly,  and  an  antici]>ated  change  in 
the  route  of  sea-going  vessels,  Capt.  T.  b^dicve.^  that  A.  ^ .  C,  \\-ill  in  the  near  fiiture 
reacli  across  lower  \\'i'>trdu'ster  Co.  and  lace  L.  1.  Sound,  whidi  will  become  the  great 
commercial  liigliw  ay  between  the  F.  S.  and  JOurope.  With  all  Ins  Imsiness  activitv 
Capt.  T.  lias  found  time  to  indulge  his  tastes  for  literature,  and  especiallv  for  auti(jua- 
rian  and  genealogical  research;  tracing  his  ancestry  in  all  its  lines  l>ack  to  tlie  lirst 
settlement  id"  Xew  F'.ngland,  some  of  them  to  the  Mayflower  exiles  and  some  of  the- m 
far  beyond  into  the  ''dim  obscure  "  of  forgotten  generations.  He  has  comi)iled  at  threat 
exi>ensc  a  (r,  ii:  n.,,(i;i  ,tf  i],f  'J'ljir nxh(  n'l  Fniinhj:  author  of  several  able  articles  in  tl^e  iV. 
E.  Hut.  I! ''ji>-l<  r.  In.  bs7'.Hu'  published  by  re,] lu'^t  of  se\  eial  promitiiMit  citizens  of  X'ew 
Hav.  a  (_i  i:t,  iiuid!  Jli'.t'n  1/  ,.t'  1/11  llri.i-^h  J  i>r,i>~i'>i,  nf  Xrn-  Ihirm.  and  is  a  trequt-Tit  con- 
tributor to  the  public  Journals  of  higlily-pri/.i'd  ariich's  relating  t:i  the  commi-rce  of  .New 
Haven.  He  is  the  ])u.>.-es-or.  h<'  supiHisis,  nf  the  onlv  cojiv  in  this  i-ouniiv  id'  Fric^-'s 
Celebvat.-d  fl'>i:.'ynf,,!  iVcV.//-//  ';/"  ///,  .S),,/„/V,  Ann^nh,.  wliiidi'  Ih'  has  had  repVnduc.-d  by 
the  heliolyjif  po,r.":s  on  a  somc\\  h;it  reduced  scab',  and  1'as  presi'hle  I  ropi.  ,>  to  the  \ .  (  '. 
library  and  looihi';  ]Uibilc  institutions,  lie  is:;  director  of  tlu-  Xi'w  Hav.  Col.  Hist. 
Society  and  (d'  several  oiln-r  corpnraiions:  m.  April  Oli,  1S71,  Mai'v  .\nn,  dau.  of  llenrv 
and  i:ii-/.ab' ih  l>.ig:r.-tt  i  l^escoti )  Ilotchkiss,  b.  jiec.  ■"),  is:!;).  |l!eiiry  Hotchkiss  was  foV 
many  _m  a  ■  s  Fir...  of  th.  .Vcw  H:!V.  I'a^d:;  ih'-  F.  Caisdee  KubbVi-  Co.  ;  v.'as  lanj-idy 
iuteivsieii  ill  loinii-roii-.;  nniMiifactiiring  e.--ialiii,shmeiits  aurl  was  one  of  tie-  builders  (d'  tlie 
Union  i'a'i'ic  P.  iv.J     1,  Hi-..M;v   Hi/n.fiKiss,  \).  Sept.   ;.iU,   1"^7F     '2,   P  wmi.vm.  \>.  .lulv 

MULl'Ol:!),     lIRADl.i'.Y,     11  KM  I  X(n\A '^•.  291 

10,  1ST8;  a  hriiilit  lioy.  In  l^>i'3  lii.«  fnthcr  Hfuroliiiig  tlic  hou^o  in  vain  ii>r  ;i  i)ipcc  of 
'liroJcrn  g'luss  to  smoke  for  oliscrvation  ot  tin-  Inu'sit  of  \'enas,  was  rdicvod  bv  th.^  su<-- 
^;e^^rion  of  liuyuliini)  to  u>^i.'  the  ^'■uiret  \\ini!o'.\-,  wliicli  »vas  of  colort'il  i^la-s.  h"  was  done 
aiiil  answered  ilit-  )>iir|n)se  adniirably. 

V]l.  'J'imothy  Bei-is  Townseml',  li.  X,,v.  ;M,  is;;^;  Y.  ^Ted.  S.,  1S5,S;  j'hys.  iiiul 
Siu>;-.:  ap])t.  l-y  tlie  Staf  of  C'oun.  witii  i)r.  l.'o;].  \>  or,d  to  visit  tliC'  Cojni.  troops  ii'ftrr  tli.- 
battle  of  I'ri'it'-rirkslinrii'.  nuriug  the  war  lie  r.  n^lered  elii.-ient  service  as  suro-eon  at 
Kni^l'.fs  ilo--|iital.  Jn  IbfiT  be  ^'.■as  seU-cted  liy  a  eciuncil  of  jdiysicians  in  New  llav.  to 
])erfoi'n.i  tbn  ra.>.saviaii  (j]ieration,  oiie  of  tlie  first  ii,  tbis  L->iintrs  ai-.rl  probably  tlie  first  in 
New  Kngbiiid.  Thefe  bad  been  ;'.t  that  time  mtly  a  few  siiece>>sfni  operations  iu  the. 
Avliole  of  Kurope,;  lie  bad  witnessed  it  in  Paris  and  had  stud,  in  Kuropi-.  The  cperatioti 
in  Nf^v  Ibiv.  was  completely  suc-<essful;  he  was  a  suri^-eon  of  crreal  skill,  ra])ld  and 
<-areful:  he  was  olTered  the  professorship  of  surgery  iu  \ale  but  deciincd.  For  sevcra! 
yi'ars  bis  healtii  has  lieen  ])oor.  owiniT  t<\  a  jia.rrial  sunstrolie  an<l  to  ovtu-work. 

YTII.  Edwiird  Howard  Towns.'n'd.  b.  Aju-il  8,  1^-10;  m.  April  :?8,  ]Sf;il,  Alice  Eliza, 
dan.  of  Caleb  S.  and  Mmtv  ]•'<.;. ^.-r  Maltbv  of  Xesv  Jiav. .  b.  Ai)ril  4,  ts-t:!,  in  Triadelpliia 
Va.      1,  M.\i:i),  b.  .lime-  2],  d.  .'uly  2.  bsM. 

IX.      I'.iiza  Mulford   'I'ownsend.  b.  ]>ec.  o,  1S.J2:  m.  Oct.  Ki,    ]s(i;-!,  Charles  A iigaistus 
Lindsley  of  X.  Y. 

611239.    .Tared  Bradley,  h.  i:s4;   d.  Feb.  19    1S2:..  a.   41;   m.  Jan.   in,  bSOf). 

■Orrce  Carolii!.'  Wbitin-,*  b.  Ibso;  d.  Oct.  11.  l.s-M,  a.  :-]S. 
i.      Jar.'d. 

U.  Hannah  AN'hitiuir.  b.  Mandi  .'^.  ISt!',:!:  m.  .Ian.  7,  1835, ■  Georire  Kobinson  of 
llartf..  Conn,  (his '.id  wf. ),  b.  ]),c.  ;;,  17!)>'.  s.  of  ]b-v.  ^^"iljiam  and  ]':riz!il)er.h  (Xorton). 
and  i)ro.  .if  Charles  and  of  I>r.  Edward  Ibiliinson.  tl;e  I'ylosline  exjdi.irer.  His  first  wf. 
was  a  dan.  of  (o'n.  ^'o]on\on  Cowles  of  F;tnnini:ton,  Co!it>.,  who  d.  Eeli.  20.  ^S^V■^,  a.  HO. 
He  was  in  the  Comp! roller  Ollice,  Harn.,  .-everal  vrs.;  rem.  to  W'etiierslield.  Conn.  1, 
•GEOr.nK.  b.  May  2:;,  ]s:](i:  d.  March  Cs.  iSMT.  2,  JoiiX  Stcnm',  b.  >ray  29.  ISoT.  s! 
•C.\t;uf.iXF.  ELiZAisKTii,  b,  :Mav(h  21.  lf>;;'.»;  m.  .lames  A.  ymilh.  1,  .1  ,\mks  Bj;.-\in.KY, 
b.  April  10.  1*^41:  d.  An-.  ]',(,  T:^4:3.  o.  ('HAnr.r.^  AfGtsTGs,  b.  July  17,  1H42.  6, 
TiiKiiKs.A.  b.  25,  1S45.  7.  M.vnv  .\t-i;t  .-r.\,  b.  .liilv  1).  1847.  .'5.  H"k\i;y  Xukton', 
b.  I>ec.  31,'  1S40.  ii.  .Ai.kj:.  b.  Oct.  21.  ISH;  d.  S<i>t.  o"  1S.V2.  10,  Ekki)K}:i(-k  \Yhit- 
7N(;.  b.  April  8,  I8.ii;. 

HI.  Caroline,  m.  X'athan  Smith,  b.  aln.  l^ilO;  in  Inndware  business  in  X'.  llav.,  a.'id 
afterward  lor  many  vrs.  a  promirTent  whob  sab-  b:ird\\:;re  merihant  in  X.  Y.(Pavne& 
Smith),  8-J  :tna  b]  ..lo'bi.  St.  He  n'tiroil  abt.  ISCii,  and  res.  :it  l'.:oh,  l■;n,L^ ,"he  d. 
A])ril  21.  1878.  lb_-  was  a  mem.  r;f  the  X.  V.  Cenuiry  Cluh.  [His  lirst  v,f.  was  a  dnu. 
•of  Abraham  Bishop  [:-3]  uf  X'.  H;iv.,  by  whcm  be  had:  1,  .Abraham  Bishop,  who  is  unm. 
.and  roving.  2.  Hev.  Ce.rn.'llus  ]i.,  n-ctor  of  St.  .lames  F:i)is.  chl!.,  X.  Y.]  In  1881  a 
murnl  table'  was  set  up  in  St.  Paul's  F.pis.  chli.  iti  X'.  Hav.,  inscribed;  "  ••  In  loving 
rcnn-mbrani'e  of  Xathan  Smith  (son  of  lion.  Xaihan  Smith,  V .  S.  Senator  from  Conn.). 
«jne  of  the  founders  of  this  ]iarls}i,  and  f-.i-  some  time  its  jiiuiin-  warden;  b.  X'.  Hav.  .luue 
IG,  180S;  fell  asleep  on  E.aster  day,  187S.  in  Bath,  Ihig..  where  Ids  body  rests  in  AN'alcot 
-cemetery."  1,  X.a.tu.\x.  d.  num.  2.  F^dvv.mid  S.\\))i:i;sOX,  d.  num.  8.  A  i-i;.\'AM)fcH 
]McK.\Y,  F'.pis.  clergynnui;  asst.  rector  of  St.  'i'bomas' clib.,  X.  Y.  ('.,  with  Pev.  Dr. 
V\'!lii;im  V.  Mori;-an.  .  4,  l'^}:.  b.  aiu.  IS.'H;  res.  Bath,  Eng. 
lY.      Abrahanv. 

Y.      .Martha,  m.  H(m.  .lohn  C.  HoUister  of  X,  Hav.;  Y.  C.  HW. 

61125.  Hannah  .ircrningway,  !■.  I'eb.  1  i,  1747-^;  m.  May  1,  17(36,  Isaac,  ,s.  of 
Samuel  an.<!  .Marv  (4"honiiison)  Forbe.s,  b.  Ajn-il  2,  1742;  d.  of  con^!.  Mav  23,  1808;  had 
lands  in  Woodbridg.-. 

I.      Saudi  FoiIm's,  M.irc!:  7,  1707;  m.  .br.'Miiab  pK-'-chcr. 
.11.      .lohn    Fori-cs,  Oct.  l!(,  177(1;    m.     17"):!,    Aniei.dau.   of    Pan  and    Anna    Hitch- 
cock Holt,  b.  M-.iV  Ki,  177:'.:  d.  .Tnlv  20,  ]  p:.,5,  a.  21;  cliild   bed;  (2}  h<-r  sis.   Amv,  b.  Feb. 
20.  177S;  d.  of  cms.,  .M;ircb  24.   1S15.     1,    Axsdx.     2.   William,     ;i.   IbM:A(  i;",  d.   Aug. 
lU,  lSll,a.  1;  cons.      4.   Hm;Ari.,  d.   y.     o,   .Jrsiux.     0,  -Iaukh. 

*Juseph  \\'hitii)u  d  Feb.  3,  17^4.  a.  3.^;  tn.  Martha  Lymin,  wh^j  d.  'feb.  4,  i?i?.ct,  a.  72,  i,  Joii.s,  c!.  y. 
c,  Gk'ack  Cakol'ne-.  its.  Jared  lir;idlcy.  3,  A.saiiei.!..^,  b.  .April  17,  i-!>o:  d.  in  V.\.,  Feb  ,  i8''7;  m.  abt. 
iSur,  William  M  i.v  or.  .\'  llav.  1,  OVi  •."■•"•';,.•,  il .  iianv  1.  .>/,'.i  rift,  \n.  William  Thi>a-ii>son  ol  Phila.,  bro. 
of  Rev.  Dr.  Joseph  V.  T.  .j,  1 1  vkiai  r,  c.  1305,  a.  16.  5  M aktu  \.  b.  Jan.  23,  1792;  m  iSr-,,  IJcary  C. 
l"la,L,'L:;  bi/vyer;  inavor  of  \.  Hav.  jijs  rr.c.  wrvs  a  sis.  of  Washinsiton  .-Vision,  an  t  con-:,  of  Gen.  Joseph 
Alston,  Gov.  of  So.  Car.,  and  son-in-law  of  Col.  Aaron  IJurr.     Mr.  Fiaj,'t{  had  several  chil. 

202  r.KAXciT  or  josf-.i'TT. 

HI.      Isaac.   Fcrlie.^,    ]•.    Apiil    1."),     177.".;     in.    ])cr.    ^,,    Ann:.    Bnullrv,    v.-ln.   d. 
Marcli  24,  ISi:,,  ».  -U  :  cons.      1.    1  I.mci:i  I'.T.  Ii.    ITd'i;  d.    MaicU  ;!,;,.  ;;  v.-(-i.k.s.  "  :?.   M.skv. 
(1.  V.     :'.,   Ili'XKV.      4.   MakvAnn.     5.    Ilri.n.Mi,    d.   .Julv   'JT,    isn,  a.  -I.     r,     W'u.m-tt 
■  ]y.      Aninsi'  I'orlifs,  1..  Marcli  1<),    i:;s. 

\'.     ]''ar.-(Mi  I'oi-bcs,    li.    Mari  li    ID.    ITS-!;  in.    Sophia .    who  d.    c(ln-^..    Ajuil    o 

l.sll,  ii.  2H.      }le  ni.  (2) . 

(51127.    Moses  Hemingway,  1>.  Auf.   i-i,   17.")];  d.  .'an.   ."i,  isiii,  (,t  i^rav.-l:  m. 
177(!,  Muitlia  'J'vIlt.     She  d.  of  !iili(nis  lever,  Sc|.i.  2:.,  INOI,  a.  4'.t. 

1.  .lanifs,  I).  Juiu-  13,  l7';7;  d.  M:i\  11,  isio.  tvphoid  fever;  va.  ]':ii/.uiu.-tli.  d;,u.  >if 
.To.'^iah  and  Coniffji-t  (Ilitclicoi^k)  Hradl.-v.  h.  Dec.  IC,'  177!:'.  1.  I'oi.i.v.  Oct.  ^,  17'.»^.  2. 
Jot^iAii.  June  10.  ibdl;  d.  y.  :;,  Sami'LI,.  Sept,  tl,  ISO'.i.  4.  1!ii;a.m,  l>fc.  ."i.  iM),");  d. 
S^pt.  2S.   ISd.S;   .suno'-atdl  liv  a  hcan..      .-),    .Ja\!1>. 

IJ.      Marv.  1..  -Nlav,  r,7\);  d.   Fcl..  21,   r;;)4;  canker  irs], 
111.     Oiandler.  Nov.   17,  17s:5. 

III.      (  hiMuller.  -Nov.    I  ,,   1  1^4. 

W.      i:\H-n  Tyler,  b.  17^5;  d.  M.-iivh  !),  litHi;  kicked  by  a  hor-.;e, 
\'.      liarvey.  1>.  .hiiie  1.  ITSS;  ciij;t.;  d.  in  Bio.)l;h-n,  X.  Y.,  Jan.  7,  l.s49;  m.   Marcli 
M,  ISll,  Lydia,"  flail,  oi'  Sii'phcn  and  l-'di/.aheTli  (Mwiiis)  \Vi„.d\vaiil,    h.    Mav    ."..  \1.<'.\:  <1. 

Ml.      John. 
VUi.     Joel. 

6112.10.  Mary  Ilemiugv/ay,  1>.  Sept.  1.  n.-)."):  d.  March  21,  ]7!tO;  m.  E7.ekicl._ 
s.  of  l'7/,ekiel  Hayes,"  b.  Fe!).  iU,  17.");;.  i[e  wa.s-a  blacksmitli;  res.  .south  side  of  I'onrt 
St..  hetweou  Stii!--  and  Oran^a'.  New  llav.,  Conn,  lie  in.  .Inne  22,  IS'K).  Mi-s.  Weultliv. 
wid.  of  Sa.niiu4  Ikirue?  and  dau.  of  Kntl!erf(nd  'rrowbiidiii'  [11 1.  wlio  d.  Julv  19,  i^^lii. 
Up  m.  (8)  1S22,  Keliecca.  ^vid.  of  Archibald  luce.  He  d.  Oct.  2l),  1n2.^.  and  liis  \\'i\.  m. 
about  ISoO  Dea.  .bj^luia  Barnes  of  No.   Ilav.  [,uif-.] 

ill.      Keiiccca   Ma^■es.  It,  .Nov.  li,  1,,I);   d.  .tunc  21).  l/'.U. 

IV.      Kzekiel  Hayes,  b.  Manh  14.  17^2:  d.  .inne  :',.  17!)!. 

V.  Lucretia  Hayes,  b.  April  24.  1  ;S|;  d.  April  12.  bs.^i!!;  m.  Nov.  12,  TO.",  \\'vIii-> 
liotchkiss,  b.  Dec.  20,  ]7n2:  d.  June  H,  |S,-,2.  1,  .Makv  An.\,  b.  Julv  24.' ls07 ;' d.  Oct. 
0,  lSi;i.  2,  .T.\MKs  lUssi:i.i,.  b.  (.)ct.  17,  INOi;  d.  S.'pt.  2!.',  ISf;.  ;J,"  l'!ii:i:>-:  HriMixr;- 
WAY,  b.  IVb.  l:j.  ',sll:  d.  o,-t.  >',,  I.M:;.  4,  [Oo^n-in  Havks.  I..  I-'e!).  1.').  ISJ:;;  d.  .Iune2J, 
lS2i;.  •"),  Hi;.\KV  \\'i-.i.i.s.  b.  Sept.  2.  ISI,"^^;  d.  \),-r.  .-).  ]s2i;.  (.;,  ,F\Mi:-  \\'v;.'  i,.  X,,v.' 
10,  IMS;  d.  I'"ei).  20,  1N22.      7.    i-".i.i.s\v(,ii  i  ii  S< o'i  r.  b.  ,!ulv  Fl.  IS.'.O;  d.  o.-i.  2U,  Ib-'i'i. 

\'i.      John  Haves,  b.  Xnv.  7.  n^O;   ni.  .hnie  2^.   1-^10,  Kli/.abelh  Rills. 

.. ,    .   1-^10,  kli/.abeih  Rills. 

Vll.      Hariiet  Haye,,.  b.  March  1,   I7s;);   r,,.  Henry  'i'nnvbridge  [11]. 

in:.Mi>:(i\\-AV,  tuttlk.  293 

VIII.     Niuicv  Hfiv.-s,  1..  .lulv  H.  17(11:   m.  K.^^wrll  ')'n,w!,n<l.Ln>  []!].  I 

IX      .lames  Euss'.'ll  Ihiv.-.,",  b.  .hm.  Ki.  l^.il.  il.  Juii.-  24,  iliU.  I 

X.     Krbe.-ca  JJuisfU  lhivr>.  b.  .lulv  ;l  ITi'.-,:  d.  Sept.  'JO,  IT'J-".. 
XI.      .M;u-y  K.'bcrru    Hayes,  b.  Nov.  :2-2,    IT'.ii;;    <1.  July   7,    1^14;    lu.   June   27,    IS-i'l, 
<'h!i!i!iroy   Tn-iit. 

G114.     Mercy  Tuttle,  l'.  Sept.  1 7,  17;in;  d.  Ja;i.  20,  1812:  a.  82;  m.  AprilM,  174(:.. 
Abraliini.,  jr..  s.  dV  Abraham  ami  liw  2(1  wL  Savali   ('raliuado-e)   Hemingway,    b.  Aiuil  1, 
1727.  dfa.  dl'  ihe  eiili  in  Plvniiuirb,  ('(inn.,  v,1i(m!.  Aug.    2.">.  17'JIJ. 
'  I.      ].<aac  llemiUL-A-ay.  b.    Feb,  2:].    174t)-7;  d.  yT     , 
[].      Saral,  Hcinini:-\\ay.  b.  Feb.  17,  174S^-ti;  m.  17(;'.b  Jacob  Eaton. 
in.      .Mu-iilnnn    Ib^niin'^w  ay,   b.    Aini!    10.    17.'>|-   m.    A  luc   11,    1771.    Anna,    dan.    of 
Dan'land  llaiimih  (Atwater)  Smith  of  E.  Hav,.  \k  An,-.  2."),  f?,')].     1,  Saiiaii.     2,  1-oi.i.v. 
8.  Anne.     4,  F.i,i7.a.     o,  Av,i;AiiA.\r.     C.  I-^aa(  .     7.  J  vcor..     s.  Lmjan. 

IV.  Abi-ail  HeminiTway,  May  17.  U^o:  m.  .Maicli  KJ,  1777,  Xatli.-Miif],  s.  of  Naiba.i.iel 
suid  3d  v.ife'wid.  Abigail  ^llolt) "  iKurf.-.  \>.  .\ug.  28.  Kol.  1,  .A}'.!'Aif  am.  2,  i^.MiAii. 
8,  AkiiL',  d.  y.  4.  >. atiia.mki..  ."i,  J));isii.i,a.  G,  Alnson.  7,  Hkmixgvvay,  d.  Oct. 
?',    lT9r>;   a.  1  yi  .;  dvsen. 

V.">  llcmiiiirway.  b.  Si'])t.   17.  K'i.'i:  m.  1777,  Savali   ilcuiingway. 
Vj,      N;;ncv  Ib-minLTwav,  li.  .Inlv  5.  1757:  in.  ]>aniel  Smith. 

VII.  Kli.'.r, belli  lleming\'.-ay.  li.' May  1 ,  1  7i''i;  m.  l.-'avitt  Pardi.M'.  1,  Samcki..  2, 
Sai;aii.     :1.Jai;]:i).     4.  Axnk.     .">,  Fkavitt.  d.  y.     (>,  Inf.,  d.  y.  , 

\U\.  Isaac  Hotiiingway,  1>.  May  8.  I7(j2:  n;.  Fnnice  Beeclier.  1,  ('jiaki-OTTK:  d.  y. 
■2.  f>.  NKI-:  '.J,  Si^'SAxT  4.'Pi>Li.v.  T).  IsAAf:.  G,  Li:vixs.  7,  Chaui.otte.  8,  Ai;i:aiiam, 
twin  wit];  C'iiarlotte. 

IX.  Jacob  Hemingway,  b.  Mar.-h,.  1704 ;  v.i.  Dec.  28.  1784,  Aiiigail  Findsh-y.  1, 
J-ucKCTiA.       2,  Na.nlv.       :F  JAtoii  Si)u:n.T.      4.  Favjxa.       o.  Aii:i;(  y.     (-;,  Fui-iA.     7, 

Er.NICI.V.        .S,    A  lUlAiiAM.        9.    C'AKol.lNi:. 

61145.  Enos  Hemingway,  h.  Scju.  17.  I7r>.-j;  bttwet-n  17<'7  and  IsOf*.  imdnsive. 
he  ^■erv(•d  Twenty-une -ession-  as  ili-v.  o!'  1^.  Hav.  in  ihe  Conn.  Fcg.:  tlie  longest  in  ir.s 
historv:  m.  Ajn-'il  28.  1777.  Sarah,  dan.  of  Samuel  and  Mehirable  (l>enirsou)  Jlemingway, 
h.  MaVls,  17r,8. 

i.      Samuel,  b.  Api-i!  2:).  177^:  d.  at  Halifax  of  y.dlow  fever,  July  25,  1812. 
II.      Sarah,  b.  Sejn.  17.  17>-*i. 

III.  F.ets^ev,  (let.  2.-),  1782. 

IV.  Nanc^,  May  7.  (L  Aug.  80.  1785,  canker  rash. 

V.  An-nii    e ct.  Ill,  1787:  drowned  Aug.  8.  1805. 

VI.      Willet  (twini,  b.  Jan.  29.  17!tl:  Col.  of  Mil.;  m. .      F    Wjm.kt,  d.  Se)^.  4. 

I8li(.  a.  1  vr.  2,  ]U\  K^RT  of  Clyde,  X.  Y.  8.  T.  H.  llKMixcriVAV  of  Clinton,  Iowa,  vhr 
lie  does  a  very  huge  canning"  husim-s,  (1881;.  4.  Haj'-vkv.  5.  I>.\u..  in.  He.'-ekiah 
I^aniider,   d.  out   Nve--t  in  govt,  service. 

\'!I.      Willi.-.,  (,  b.  Jan.  8i).  17'.)1;  in.  ^lary  15rown. 

611457.  Willis  Hemingway,  (twin),  b,  .lan.  U*-,  17i>l:  a  leading  man  in  F. 
Hav.:  Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  did  a  large  share  nf  ihe  to\vn  business:  in.  Nov.  IG. 
1809,  Marv.  dau.  of  IVmiel  Bnjwn,  b.  Dec. '21,  17'.»8. 

1.      Samuel,  b.    March  4,  1811;  Frest.   2d   National    ]5ank,  N.  Hav.,  Conn.;  d.  l>ec. 

-31.1881;  inv    828!i.iio0;  in.  Ch.'lnda  Benton;  (2)  Marietta  Foster;  (8)  Mr<.  Matilda  Foote. 

^vid.  of   l.-aac    il.      1,   CiiAKLKs  Wii.ijs.      2,   (Do.  S.\.Mi  i:i,,  d.   of   C(ms.   about    185<>.      8. 

Jaxf.  Cloi;ixI'A,  ih  of  ton-,  abcut    1858.      (.  bv  2d  m. :     4,   Samcei..     5,  Jame.s  S.vitii. 

H.      Jane  A.,  b.  A])ril   12.  1812;   res.  X.  J." 

HI.  Ai:.-.on.  Dec.  12,  1S18;  m.  Charhuie  Kellogg;  rem.  to  Chicago,  111.  1,  Hr:!{- 
BEKT     HaKMOX.        2.      FUKDr.KICK,     (F     y.       8.     iHA     CAl:!US<rX.        4.     Axsox,     d.     y.        5. 

<Da>K(.):.     G.   M.u;  i  i.\  Ki:m.(m;(;.    • 

1\'.  Salh  .  b.  May  20,  1817;  v.heii  in  her  lOih  yr.  embroidered  a  tablet  of  the  n  e>M-(i 
•of's  faniilv((>ct.  1^,  F>-^2n,)  from  wiiich"  this  was  coided  in  .lune,  1S7S,  by 
>Hs-  Sarah  K.  Hugle-s. 

"\".  Willis,  l>.  I'eb.  Hi,  IslS:  dry  goods  mendiant  in  l-5iir  Haven;  Fe]!.  in  f""'J^>_;- 
FciT.  1N45-51;  Dca.  Cong.  chh. ;  m.  'riuM-esa  Frie/e.  1.  (D.oicoixNv,  m.  Jiine8,0,  1^77. 
]iev.  Joscidi    Cook,   an    ehxiueni    and    iiojuihir    writer,  lecturer   and    nreacher,  <d'    whose 

s-r-nons     ami      |.-el,ire--     S-veral      ^'oh.      );:'Ve     been      publi-h-d.         •_',       \\"ll.l.|v      FtV^A!!.         8. 

CilAUf.Ks  SA.Mlt.!.,  I'riiicipa!  of  a.  hiuh  school.  Ibdvoke.  Mas-.      4.    Fl^Kl)i;i;i.K  HoWaiuk 

VI.  FnosF.,  b.  !)<(■.'  28.  isi'.l;'  m.  I'aulina  Kelloeg.      1,    Fno.s  Fuwaim*. 

VI!.      Daiii.l    Ihowii,  (Jct,  IS,    lS2i;   m.    Sarah   Maltliv;  (2)    Fouisa    Fard.Mt;   r.s.  Fair 

294:'  JiKAXCii    OF    JOSKl'lf. 

Havf'ii  aiu!  HiiUiiaoit'.  1,  l-'i.LKN  ^lAi/niY.  i.  by  2d  ni. :  2,  .\i.riii.r<  'idrxc.  Z, 

Vlll.      Marv  ,\nn,  On.  Is,  ]^'-j:>:  5h.  AIi'Ikmis  V.imi--:  (•.')  1?.'V.  IJ.  ]'..  ];ull. 

IX.  Cliailniti'  .\.,  Oct.  i:i  l.^-,>."i:  m.  l".  All^-ii  Jluiitly.  1.  .M.u;v  I"i:.\.N(i;s.  2, 
Jcu.N.     :-!,  Ki,i,.\  C'H.\>K.     4.  C.m.imim;.     o.  ('iiAi;i.c>'n  i;. 

X.      I'liiia  A.,  m.  .lillJ^(•^  li.  'J'n'.rli-.      1,  .-\].u  i;  Jd^Ki'iriXE. 
XI.      John   I'raiiri.s,  lu.   C'aii'i''  C.    Maiisun;  {'I)  JIaniri    Iloli    \\'<;()d\\-ar(l.      ].  .).\m(:s 


6117.  Samuel  TuttJc,  1>'.  1711 :  re-,  in  K.  Mav.  <m  lan.l.-<.  i1iat  cam.-  to  liiiii  hv 
will  of  )iis  i. ;  lint  is  called  of  Xcw  liav.,  in  conv.  17Nl.  to  J^'la  Hiihliard  rd  40  arivs  <)f 
iaiiti  in  K.  llav.  Tlic  fir.-t  ludding  of  the  Epis.  Society  of  E.  liav.  was  liold  nt  In.-- house 
Marcli  31,  17.~-S,  and  he  wiili  James  T'arder  were  tlie  liist  eJdi.  wardens,  lie  rer'(i.  bv 
w.  of  his  f.  tlie  "Fort  II:!!"  let,  tlie  let  on  wliid!  .sto  id  thi- new  barn,  tlii- Indiiui  liill  and 
TuUle's  lull,  beside.-,  other  ]irnperty.  ^Vi^h  other  E.  liav.  men  he  o)i]H,scd  flu-  Bj'ltish 
r;  on  X.  liav.  July  177'J.  l->!it  seeing  the  day  was  ciideavurLil  to  save  some  of  hi.v 
g-ood?  whieh  he  had  loaiicd  on  a  curt  and  w  a:,  try  in:.;-  to  rouccal,  wIkmi  he  \\-as  ea])tiired, 
taken  to  New  York  «nd  k*']f\  a  prisoner  abr.  si.x  months  wiu'n  ho  escaped  or  was  reh-ast-d. 
\Mseu  the  E.  Ilav.  defenders  retreated  hi-;  house  Mrs.  Tuttle  ran  out  with  her  four 
children,  on<^  of  thorn  in  arms,  anrl  in  her  fright  tried  to  follow  her  retreatlntr 
iieigiibors.  but  finding  lliat  she  was  between  the  combaTants,  and  theeueniy  abe>ut  to  fire. 
.she  called  to  the  cluldren  to  lie  tlaf  on  th.e  grass  and  say  their  pr.ivers  for  they  hnd  bat  a 
moment  to  li\c.  As  tln-y  lay  oti  the  grass  a  volley  from  the  British  jiassed  over  their 
lioads,  auu  v.-ouiuled,  it  was  su]iposod mortally,  (."ha rh-s  Pardee,  who.  howc\-.  r.  eventi;all\- 
rccovered.  Mr.  'i'.'s  he.use  was  rrtusacked  and  afterwardsset  or.  fin'.  ATu<eii,^  the  tliin^rs 
rarricd  oil"  was  an  old  fatriily  Hiide  i)rinted  in  l..ondon,  IWo.  Ten  yr.-.  ufteiward  it  was 
found  in  Wallingforii.  it  was  restored  to  the  nwn<'r:  and  was  lately  in  jiossession  of 
Samuel  utiles  Turtle  of  X.  11,. \. — C'./;,/'.  C/ni.s.  ]£.  ToTHfirnd.  Dodd  savs  h^amuei  Ttitile  d. 
in  E.  liav.  May  20.  lsl7,  a.  78.  Ilis  w.  date:!  1S02,  names  wf.  Beihia;  s.  Fred  Wm. : 
dau.  Sarah  M.  i'ierpont  and  other  ehil.  Samuel  Zurviah  13rown.  X'ancy  Gilbert  and  Eunice 
Done;  Epi.-.  ehii.  lax  to  be  paid.  Ho  m.  Seiit.  G,  17GI,  Bcihia  .\lile.s,  whose  est.  wus 
adm.  in   IS'J  i. 

I.      Am.isa.  b.  .\ug.  27,  17ii2;  d.  o  days  aft. 
II.      Samuel,  b.  Any.  G.  l7Ho;  d.  next  ihn-. 

III.      Bethia  Miles,  Jan.  22.  1705;  d.  Oct.  ;"i,  1770. 

I\'.     Samuel  Ammi.  b.  Se]it.  18.  1707:    d.  of  croup,  June  1773. 
V.      Sarah  Miles,  Feb.  2.  1770;  m.  Ku-seli  Pierpont. 

VI.      B"thia,  b.  March  22.  1772:  d.  M  days  after. 
YII.      Samuel,  b.  June  2:).  1773:  m.  Betsev  liotcbkiss. 
VIII.      Annul  Miles,  b.  I)ec.  17,  177o;  d,  at' sea  of  yellov.-  fever,  Dec.  13,  1793, 

JX.  Zurviaii,  h.  l\4i.  22,1777:  d.  Aue;.  1,  U'nl :  in.  Erastus  Parks.  (2)  Isaac  B:own. 
i.  by  1  m. :  1,  Ib'.irn;.',,  d.  y.  2,  S.\i;.\ii,  m,  Lucius  Maltb}-  (jf  Fair  Haven,  i.  bv  v  rn. : 
3,  AL^!iu\,  ni.  ]:!;.  II.  Bradley.  1 ,  6-'/w,  t  and  2,  -b^'cwe//,  ^twius).  o.F/rddl:.  4, 
Ijaclnn.     ;">,   S:iht>i,[  .V/'c.y. 

X.  Phel.e  Anna,  b.  Dec.  fi.  17sO;  d.  Dec.  10,  1823;  m.    Merriit  (filbert. 
XI.      Ihmicia.  b.  Sept.  13,  1783;   <1.  Oct.  3,  1S4.:  m,  Dnane. 

Xll.      FrediTici-:  \Viili:aii.  b.  May  :'.(!,  17si;:  m.  PcWly  Frost. 

G1176.    Sarah  Miles  Tattle,  b.  Feb.  2,  17;0:  d.  Au^^  23.  1^'H,  a.  71;    m.  Dec. 

8,  1790,  Kus.seli  Pierpont  (d"  llanuleu.  Conn. 

I.      Xancy  Pierp.nit,  b.  Jan.  9.  1792:   m.  Jan.,  Is:i4.  Leonard  Pierpont  id'  Xo.   Hav. 

1,  SAtt.\ir  JK.WNi-.rn;.  b.  Nov.  b'),  ISL"!;  m.  Au--.  is,  ps-.u.  .bnues  .AL  f'aul.  .  i.  Mmi'^t 
/;.,  Nov.  1.  I.S4:i.  m.  F(b.  lii.  1-07,  Jacob  C.  Cault.  1,  Fraid<  C. .  b.  Xov.  12,  lSi;i).  2. 
ylfi,;  J'.,  1).  June  3.  1^44;  ni.  Oct.  10.  1S';7,  FJ-ar  A,  (\n^  1,  .\  Cldld,  b.  Sept.  1(1, 
1809.  3,  l'i<i„,;s  A.,  b.  Jan.  2s.  l^oi;  r<-s.  (/la  n  sville,  X.  ^'.  "  2.  JcuN  i;i-:sKtu..  b.  An-.. 
1810;  m.  Elvira  Bhikeslee  .d  Xo.  Hav.:  one  clnld.  3.  Jfi.i.v  Ei.iz.\.  1..  Ju!v2,  is2i);  n:. 
June,  1S42,  .b>seph  flnpnian  of  Fair  Hav..  ( 'c;Uu.  1.  S!-.  rii,.i n .  b.  .\iiiil.  is.].};  „,.  js.;;, 
Jennie  Ihd.bard,  ae.d  had  a  <-h!!d  b.  isiO.  2.  D.rl-ihl,  h.  .lene.  ISIS.  :l.  A',/:';,-,  b.  Sent., 
ISoO.  4.  Cnnxlilt  A'-.v.//.  .  b.  I'eb..  I-.')';.  .-).  Iliit/n-.  b.  IS.")!!.  4.  Cun.M-ll.IA  l;<)sl-.TTK. 
J).  1S23;  ni.  Sept..  ].s47,  (b'orge   ('(,op.T   ,,f    Haniden.       1,  Mmth-  J.,  b.  S-.-p;.   11.  !.^4s. 

2,  2t['up.  b.  .Ian.,  is")l,  ~i.  Iii>i;.\ci:,  I).  |)-c..  Is2;(:  enlisiej  in  liaiuden  in  a  Conn.  Begt., 
and  d.  iii  Iiosi>iTal  et  •■>':  near  Baton  K'-'e^e.  ],;,.,  I'-m'.:;  1;  ni.  .Mnii-a  -loncs,  and  left  one 

II.      Mihs  A.   I'ieipont,  b.  March,  lilis,  d.  June  23,   bs.'.O. 



III.  l',enliii  ]\t'ri"'i!T.  b.  Fob.  -2,  ISOl;  d.  April,  1^41:  in.  Ort.,  ]S'21 ,  Jolin  Thomp- 
K.ili     ".1     (iT  I".:\-l    llavrll,   ('onll. 

'iV."  Sarah  Kosrtta  I'i.-ri.^mt ,  1).  Nmv.  1  :l  ISnS;  i;..  iVr.  -M,  Isi^.j.  VA\.i<  F.'nl  f.l" 
l'lai.ii!i.-ii.  1,  I'-i.iA^  ]'H::i;i'u.n'1\  h.  Anu'.  2:],  1S:!7;  m.  Si-pr.  -J.-,,  l,s.")!t,  Addia  A.  Newton 
or'v^nrllac.  '  1,  Mini'i:-  JCsffil, .  i<-.  Hulyoke,  Mass.  2.  J^i.i.swoin'ii,  li.  .\w^.  4,  1^41: 
in  Xnv.  1").  1S7(I,  Flla  Eli/,;!  '!"',' i; el. pI  ui"  Wcstvilic,  Cor.u.,  Inrinc-ily  cii'  Ixill-ton  Spa., 
X'.  \..    ivs.   rlurknpci'  Falls,    N.   Y. 

61  177.      Samuel  Tuttle,  \>.  .hir,.-  ?;',,  i;;:i:  d.  July  5.  FSJO;   in.  lietsey    llotcliki.-^s, 
1.,  .Ma\  2,  177il;  d.  Au^-.  2,  ls:51. 

i.      lOsdiiT.  1)    Jan.  'i'i.  ISnl  ;   iiiini. 

II.  Milps  Auiiiii,  1).  Dn-.  21.  1^^02;  d.  in  Paiis.  Fran.-.-,  Oct.  21;,  ls.",S;  huri.-d  in 
Uartl'.,  (\.iin..  Div.  22.  1S."^)>-;. 

Hi       Samuel  ll.i;.;M;is>,  1).  March  1<.i.  iSO:,;   d.  J).v.  1[),  ISOC. 
IV       Sallv,  h.   Vr\^.  Vo.  IsoT;   d,  Mav  l;t    ISlC. 
\'       S;nnu(  1  ]I<)t.:hl:iss  1>.  Fe!..  lii.  d.  Sept.  l-V  Ism!!. 
\1.      lleisfv,  h.  Juiip  24,  .1.  X.'v.  24.  IsiO. 
VIT.      l'red."rie!c    Williani,  h.  April   •"•,  It^li;   m,  Sarah    iJanisev.       1.  S.VK.vil,  h.  Sept. 
10.  d.  Sept.  ■24,  1^41.       2.   K.vil:.  April  10.  isl:!;  d.  S.-pt,  20,  1S46.       :3,   (JiiAeK.  b.  l>i-e. 
in'  IsJO.      4.  JaXK.  b.  .Inne  7.  I'^^T-';    r''.'<.   liartf. 

VIII.     Sarah  Klizabeth,  b.  Mav  11,  bSlC:  iii.  Dr.  l!ii<--ell  ..>f  Hfirtl'. 
IX.     Sa.uiuel  Isaac,  b.  D-.-e.  Ui.  l^^ls);  in.  Mar'.li  :]1.  1S12,  Louisa  Ilaii'say:   res.  Hart f. 
1.  I'j.i.K.N,  b.  Dee.  il,  lt^4:].      2,  I.oiisa,  b.  May  ;',\).  1S4S;  d.  X\\^^.  2S.  1X57.       8,  Ai.riK, 
Seiit.  8,  IS-").").     4,  Sa.muel.  b.  C>ct.  is,  lS.i7. 

X..  liiiel  Ibiiehkiss.  b.  duly  Hi.  1S24.  several  yeais  rector  ol'  tbe  F.jii'-.'opnl  ehli.  in 
Windsor,  Conn.:  m.  in  IJosion,  .Ma<s..  May  10,  '^><r)'i\.  Sarah  Ann  Cnnnpt.m,  b.  in  Ibd- 
.•o)ube.  l..a!i<-ashire.  Enir.,  Sept.  10,  IKjti;  dau.  of  William*  sntd  Snlly  (I. avv),  and  grand 
dau.  of  Tlioiiuis  and  Maiy  (Da-w.-^on)  Crovnj)tou.  1,  Axxii:  Elizauktu,  b.  oldtoAii,  >[i-., 
March  18,  1>^-")k  2.  ],oi"ri.N-K  l^ssF.u.,  b,  July  8,  d.  Se])t.  4,  IS-'jS.  8,  Amy.  4,  P,CEL 
CiMiNfi'TO.N,  b.  in  W  .  Sept.  21.  iSGd. 

6117.12.  Frederick  "vVilliam  Tuttle,  h.  May  20,  17sG:  Auir.  2s,  is(.;9,  tl-en.  in 
las  Slth  vr.,  ^v^s  still  aide  to  do  a  ^ood  days  Avork  mowinc;;  ni.  Jan.  1,  bSlO.  Polly  Frost. 
1.  'S-anincl  .Miles,  b.  I>ec.  6.  Ibil;  'n.  May  17,  is;),'i.  (iraee  Ann  'l'lio:n])son,  b. 
June  1."),  Isl4;  d.  suddenly  in  Fair  Haven,  Conn..  .Inly  l"),  1^78;  mem.  of  th.e  Epis.  ohh. 
and  orektlv  bcj!ovi-d.  I.'Ceo.  TiiompsON,  1).  M;iy  2-5,  d.  Juno  26,  Ift^O.  2,  .Nrev'sxA 
Maiua,  b.'june  80  IS8S;  ni.  Oct.  21.  ISoS.  WitrueV  0.  Xettleton.  1,  Jlu'lri  0..  b. 
11,  ISUd.  8,  F--.!.M.\  Tir.vNsi'.Nii,  b.  June  M,  U-40;  m.  'JcT.  2."i,  It'ii.l,  llomanta  Wells,  b. 
WothersfielJ,  Conn..  Auir.  21,  ls::0.  1,  fJia  }far;!  h.  Xov.  IS,  ISiiS.  2,  ILrrry  (^id.ou, 
.luly  21,  1S7-").     4,    FiKiJir.  (;ii,i;Ki;T.  b.  Oct.  20,  l^'Jl;  re?.  Fair  Ilavt-n.  Conn. 

11.'  Wiirum'i  l^-ederic!;,  b.  Nov.  80.  bS18;  m.  Nov.  o'l,  188j4,  llarrid  Andrews;  res. 
on  the  i.M  'I'ni'h-  phi.-e  in  l^a-t  Ii;a,-ii.  1,  C.vinM.lM--  I.."iT-i-A,  !).  ]>ec.  (),  1^'8."):  rn.  April 
27.  lS-')7,  David  F.  Ibadley.  1.  V,'<'l-<  fx'n .  b.  1802.  2.  ]I',n-.,,  b.  isOf).  2.  Cohnkua 
HAin;i!;"i.  b.  .inne  2-3.  \^Z^:  ni.  Jan.  D'i2.  Ib-nry  Fandcraft.  1,  EUn,  0.  Ani;-..  1808.  2, 
ld,i  MaJn),  b.  abt.  1S78.  8,  Iv^Tl'Ki;  Maiita,  b.Dec.  20,  1848;  d.  Dec.  0,  ls;;2.  4,  Mahv 
Eliza,  b.'Xov,  2:],  is4i;;,  o.  ^^'^[.  C7-ni>i;,  b.  .Jan.  0.  1S4S.  0,  S  m;aii  17i,i/.Ai;F.'i  H,  b. 
Auir.  1,  18.')0.  7,  IbiWi.N  Mn.i-.^,  b.  June  2.").  l.^.-)-").  s,  Euw.vHnE.,  twin  with  V..  M. ; 
d.  -buj.  8,  1S.78. 

III.  Marv  .Vnn,  b.  Feb    17,  ISln;  unnv. 

\\ .      Cliailes  .\acn.^tus.  b.  Feb.  12,  bS17;   ni.  Maria  BroNvn,  win)  d.   IS  17:  (2)  Amelia 
Potter,      i.\>\    1st  in.:     1.    (ii'.i  )i;oi.vx  \,  b.  July  1,   b'^40:  m.  iSOi,  Henry  Palnu'r.      i.  by  2d 
m.:    2,  (iiiAC'i:  Amelia,  !>.  Sept..  is.")7. 
X.      Estlu'r.  b,  Mav  0.   ISIO:  d.  y. 

VI.      IiU'd    Pardee.'!).  Xov.    2,  1.^2);   m.  1S47,  Sarali    Ib.jwn;    ('.  1  cliild.      1,    I'-Kiiiu- 

X'vXl),   b.    iS4S. 

Vn.  l-:ii/.a'.;th,  b.  Mav  .").  ls24:  d.  y. 

VlJl.  F.niilv,  1).  Jnn-  4,  1S27;  d.  y. 

iX.  .b)hn"  b.   April   H),   l>:'.i!:  d.  y. 

X.  -bilin.  !•.  -Inly  n,  l'-:'!:  n,.  1^.')4.  .l.Mnn.-ite  Seymour. 

XI.  I'Vii/.abctli.  b".  Am:-.  21).  \>^'-V<:   m,    1^17,  Heniy   (>.  (.'iiin'rl.      1,    Iha   ELi7,A!;i/ni, 

1).  D..-.,  D'.")'l    2,  llr;.Ni;\  M  i:ui;ni-,  ie -hily.  ISdii.!iA('K:  4,  Ib.AM  ii,  t  wins,  b.  IsOS. 

XU.'  .F:.:ne,-.  b,    .Mavfi.    js:'.'.;    in.   1  ^i;2.  J  eHnu.-l !  e  Pol  ier.      !  .  A  K-rUf  I;  -I  A  M  i;s,   b.    iMw. 

*\Vill:.Tm  Cr.anplon  came  lo  Ai.icrica  in  iS;"..  an.i  nc.\t  yr.  inveni-.\!  rlie  Crornoteii  I.odin.  v.Iilch,  isccord- 
in--  lo  :;.e  deijosiiKiu  of  La-.vrence, 'iias  been  •"of  iT^cakulublc  bciK-l't  lo  the  w.-ol  ?.nd  woolen 
inTcrcsi-;  of  l^c  ccuntrv.'"     'Iht  -^pinn-.ns  male  invented  by  a  relative,  Satn'l  Cronipton  oi  litiglatid.— 

2U\!,  ]uiAN(;n   of  .toskpii. 

6118.  Joseph  Tuttlc,  set.  on  xh<-  I'unn  ;'t  Oxfnnl,  Conn.,  dcvi-cd  ti-  liim  1)\  liis 
fiit1i<;i'.  ii;  li7->,  'l'iirii«t!i_v  'I'littli'  of  i'^a-t  Iluvcn  (juiic-laiins  Id  lu'utlu-)- Ji)M'])1i  .if  ( )x  h>|-.!, 
hiU'ls  ill  E.\i-i  Have.;:  d.  Apiil  -1,  ITi'T;  in.  liatniiili,  dan.  of  Joliu  aiui  Ann  (llaigcr) 
'rwitclicl.  i'.  Manli  IS.  ]7-!l;  .TdIih  'J'w  iii-ht-l  adtiii-.  of  est.  and  ,iciiai<l.  "l  tlu"  fourfhil.. 
I'l^'')-,  rsi.  di-i.  Xciv.  is.  17sT;  ^Jd\<{.  .)o-c]ili  Oslioiii.  FA)i'i\i-/.rr  ^Vo()s;;•|•,  Cajjt.  Jolm 
\Vnc)s>-,T.  divii!tM-.s.  ]u  17^7.  J'avid  loninii-^DU  of  l).Tl.y.  _^uavd.  to  Ilaiir.aU. 
i.  .Ju>i'|)l:,  I).  Oft.  10.  ]7r,r,. 
n.      Aiiir.  1,.  (j.-t.  ;ji!,   ]7(;7. 

III.  llaiinali. 

\\ .  Heiijiiiiiin,  in.  and  lunl  <.  Finirr  H.'J.dwix  Tr'pri.i:.  ond  <^n-.  <.  L'/rin,^  f.  T'lH'e. 
who  res.  at  Duvli  ('annn,  Ihuidxildt  Co.,  ('al. 

61181.     Joseph  Tutllo,   l-.  Oct.  lO,  17i;(i;   n m.  17i)Sto  Rutland,  Vt.,  thence  ISiiB 
to  I'^nltiin.\r,Lro  (.'•)..  -N.   i.,  \n  licif  hi'  d.  at  the  res.  of  hi.s  .'^(jn  in-law,  Frct.inau  (josikt, 
(with  wliuni  he  iuul  lived  :]()  vrs.).   Dec.  '21.  ls!i-j,  a.  '.)('>.      An  obilaaiy  in  tlu'  Ioc-hI   nows- 
pMl)ei\  lieadi'd  '•  Death  of  ii  Vcnci-aldf  Miui,"   stales,    anion-'  otlier   tiling'^,    iluii    he   was 
one  of  till'  "  i'ioncers  id' Fulton    Co."     Jle   ni.   .Inne,  17S7,  Annie   Perliins,    who  d.   IJec. 
1(1.  1."^?!.      Anotln.T  iidVnmant,    his  son    Diivid,    ^taUs  tha'.  lie    had  eiev(-u  rliil.   all  b.  in 
Kntland.  "\"i .,  e:;!-.'pt  tin- younirt-st.      "'As   to   t1ie   inainifi-   fd'   liis   death,  lie   went  to  bed 
W(d!,  and  died  in  the-  !ii^:iit  (juictly  and  i>ea'-idulh'  as  if  iallinir  asleej)." 
I.      Iluldah  Mari:i.''in.  X.  S. 'Lnddintrton :  (•>)().  d'own. 
II.      Abaa.  1];.  Lynniii  Patterson.      1,    (iKiir.cK.      2.    \\'\].]J\SU 
ill.      13ets'v  Ann.  ni.    Fr.cnian   (iosprr  of  Fnlton,  X.  V.      ],    Lois  Axx  \'.\x  ]^CiU-:x 

of  Fnllon.   ()-.Wf,:;-0    Co..    \'.    V. 

IV.  Syrena.  n;.  .Mo->es  K.  LnddJnL-ton.  l>ro.  of  X.  S.  L. ;  dau.,  Mi:s.  E.  S.  M.wd. 
V.      Faura,  d.  a.  DO,  in  0. 

VF      Maiv  Ann.  lii.  Wr.i.  M-avo:  res.  M.-'Vn,  Fe.lton  Co..  11! 
Vll.      Fthel,  m.  Fhoda  McAlirin:  reni.  to'Cal.  in  isf^   %\lili  hro.  Favn.!;  returned  and 
d.  in  lowu  in  IS-").").      1.   .io;.!  ,  ,1.  iji  Cal..  lN.:.-i.      ■,>    |>',Mi;i..  Anr..ra,  Dnl'at:^-  Ci-.,  1!!.     :-i, 
MiLo,  in   Iowa.     4,   (-'KC.  AV.     5,   D.wn).   in   Watcrnian,    l).d\a!h  Co..    111.;  was  in  the 

VIM.      .Josepl,,  liv-d  in  MilwauFe*-,  Wi-.;   had  laijre  family. 
IX.     Piiilo  Perlvins.  res.  e"olleL;i'  Spriiii^^s,  Iowa. 
X.      Ceur^-e  Albert.  )».  A}iril  ■?(),  ISld:   m.  .Mary  A.   Fnrrouy-hs. 
XI.      ]>avid,  b.  Jan.  20,  l^fS;   m.  l-^ii/.abetli  A.   Fifrson. 

611S11.  Huldah  Mavia  Tuttle,  d.  ..i  Plainvill.-.  X.  V.,  n.  77  yrs.  7ni(-s.;  m. 
ISl'F  Xarhaniel  Steward.  Luddintrton:  CJ)  Isiid,  ( )rhuido  Town. 

I.      Foretta  E.  Fuddin_uton.  ni.  Wm.  P.  .•Vndrews:  r.'s.  Warsaw,  111. 
Ii.     Caroiim:'  F.  Fuddini:-ion.  n.n  Wm.  Fcwis;  r•^s.  W.,  111. 

III.  ^^'a^ren  Ste\var<l  FmUiinc-ton,  d.  a.  A2.  at  Chirasro,  lll.;,rrad.  Fcleejic  Med. 
Col.,  v/iii.,  (.)..  1S54:   M.F.:    "a  sujirrior  mind  and  iiolde  ehi  ra'-ter." 

IV.  linldah  Maria  Lnd.!!n>:io:i.  nn  Sej.f.  '2."i,  \y','.K  ( ».  S.  Fretnuin.  at  Warsaw,  111.: 
cri")-.-ed  ilie  jdairi,>  to  Cal.  in  own  eoii\-eyani-e.  in  IMJF  in  5  mos.  iUul  2  days;  ,v.  ;.  [A. 
C.  Fii'e!ii:ii.,  .s.  Ill' (F  S.  by  Isi  ni.,  is  author  of  si'verai  law  bool<s.  acrepted  as  standard 
ami  to  be  foitnd  in  law  librai'ies  of  Enirland  ai:d  the  F.  S. :   lawyer  in  .'-^aeraTnt-nto]. 

\'.  Harii«'t  A.  Fndilinf;ii_in,  m.  Pobcrl  T.  JFirnes:   res.  ^Fieh. 

VF  Mark'-aret  Ann  Fud(.lini:ton,  m.  David  Usborn;  res.  Plainville,  ^F  Y.  /.  by  ^d 

Vli.  dames  W.  Town.   in. 

VIIF  OrlninbFi'owM. 

61181.10.  George  Albert;  Tuttle,  b.  April  -20,  F^U:  saddk-r  and  hurnesr. 
nmkir,  re.s.  Chenan-^'o  l-'tnl;s,  X.  \'.,  whr.  1st  U  cdiil.  were  b. ;  n-ui.  to  (Jraiul  Fapids, 
.Mich.:  in.  Feb.  <F  b't^oT.  Marv  Ann.  dnu.  of  .Jared  Biirroii^udis  of  C'reene,  Cln  lum  iro  Co., 
X.    v.;  {2)  April  IM.  lb'(]7.    .Niary  Fsttdle  of  (.'rand  liapids,'Mieh. 

1.  .Fime-  Philo.  b  F(d).  'id.  18:|S;  luudware  miM-tdi..  Palmyra,  X.  Y. ;  m.  .Inly  2'-'). 
FSiVi.  F:.ura  W  hitin-  of  (.)swe;'o;  d.  ING-r!;  rJ)  April  22.  1.^70,  Sarah  F>-arh  of  \V.  \\'in- 
ti(dd,  X.   Y.      ,:,  bv  j'-,t  ill.:      ],■  Ai.i.ti;.      /.    by  2d  m.:     2.    A    Dvi". 

Ii.      'b'o.   .\i<lb,-iT,  b.  .Ian.  2\.  ]S40;  d.'oi  cons.,    D.-e.    11,    jsr.d;  earria-e   trimmer. 
111.      Catlnuine  Fiiz-i,  D,  r.  <),  lo4 1 :  d.   1m;7. 

lA'.  4  heodoi-e  l'T-e.din_i;:iuysci!,  Sept.H,  ]S4F  liar:!rss  maker;  enlistrd  in  ^^th  Reyt. 
X'.  Y.  \'ols..  and  was  in  4  battles,  one  of  them  Fn-derii  ksbii  ri_-li.  whert'  lie  was  one  of 
the  ]('■)  lu-.-<\e  ;;iiMi  wbobiiip  a  bri'l^eof  boats  in  ihi'  fai-,.  of  tin-  eu'-niy's  sl,a'p--hoe,ters 
and  l>aiterie.s,  in  whiidi  darine  weei;  oindialf  of  i!ieir  nnnd'cr  weri,'  kilb-d  arid  winmded: 
m.  Cet.  12,  l!<70.  Jetwd-  M.-rriam  of  (iiven.'.      1  child. 



V.      Wm.  Knistiis,  h.  Nov.  'Jo,  istd;  d.  Juiir  r>,  1848. 
\'\.      .WnuviX  Ami.   .Uilv   It,    l^^l'.);   lc;ic!i(r  :>  ■    ];ik   Cmvp,  S;icraiii''ntn    C*.  ,  Cr]  ■  m 
Wi,..   K.  l/:iul>ay  „f  ]•:.  (J.  ' 

Vll.  n:;-,;.  ;i"}:mi-rsMii,  Se;)t.  !-t,  1>C):;;  a^ojit  tur  X.  V.  l'uhli-,lii:,.^-  Il-m.-^c;  res.  ]!,ii;i- 
ilt'ii:.  X.  ^".:  111.  S'jit.  "J,  1S77,  Fraiikir  E.  JJiooJis  ol'  Nmu  irli,  N.  ^'.  ],  Euwix 
LijiNAiin.  Jniii-  •,';),  ]N>2. 

A'lil.      .-Mli.-rt  l!iii?'vii''.  June  -),  is")'!:  di-alci-  in  liaiiic^st-s,  etc.;   re.-;.  J'alinvra,  X.  "\'. 
!X.      Mary  r.liza'r.crli.  Iter.  18,  IS.IS;  scln^ol  teacliej-;  re.s.    Eli,    (Jrovc,  C'ul.'     i.  l)_v  iii 

X.      ]?oi.-rt  .Mcrroii,  Maivli  n.  lS(i^. 
XI.      Jnsruh  E:\vin.  A]e-il  lo.  ISTO. 

61181.11.  David  Tuttle,  1j.  .Ian.  OO.  ]S18;  lein.  t<.  !!!..  IMJS;  in.  Julv  li>,  l.^lO, 
ill  I)'.-Kali.  r.i..  111.,  J-:ii:/.ai>fT!i  A.  Picr.-ioii,  h.  Mmrisr'u..  X.  .1..  14.  IN-JO;  crc.-sc.l 
till-  ]i!ains  lu  California  wiili  wC.  ami  ■">  tliil..  in  l^.j-3;  set.  in  .Marysvil  ie,  Vulia  Co.;  n  n.. 
to  Santa  Crnz  Co..  to;-  h.-,;!iii;  tli.Mirt-,  in  l^.iO,  to  W'iliit-.  M.nnlorinu  '(,'o.  Tiiere  had 
bec-u  njuoli  -~irl;n<--.s  in  tin-  (Vmily  tfoni  !o-al  (■au.--i'.^.  "  'i"illl^^  y./ii  ^ji.'O.'  '  (leilin  of  ])avid 
Tutf!i*  to  Couipilei)  ••  I  lun  0  no  otluT  lei-ord  tlian  tl;-!ti)!'  laisiny  a  lartrc  1'aniilv;  and 
fliougli  i  liave  not  lieeu  able  to  ^ive  them  more  llian  a  eoniinoti  scliool  edneation,  thev 
Lave  gone  out  inro  the  woidd.  men  and  woin.'ii  of  good  luilnts  and  ]irinei]des  and  liav'e 
made  }iai>iTy  home.-;  for  thtrir  fatuilie.s." 

I.      Piiilo  C-nrgp.  1>.  July  :]1.  1^41;  e;il!~tid  in  Co.  E.    ISatallioii  Cal.  Mouniain- 
ef-rs;  el. •(•!(•,!  Coriioral.   June  '-K  17lJo;  .servi d  in  tlir    Indian  on  the  Cal.  r-oa^t;   iimsr. 
OUT  at  Eo;-[  lliiinb  )1  It.  Cal.,    June    14,    ISiil;  n.(i\v   (l>^.-^^>)   ki  fiu-r   of   tin-    Eureka    Light- 
house: 111.  ])ei.  17.  1S7].  Auiilla  A.  n^horn.      1,    Xi:i.i.r,;  A..  Erb.  -J,,    1S7:-!.     -2.   IIi]7.>lM, 
Muv  r2,  is:,j.     :;.   H.  T..   on.  7,   b?7r.     4,   Civ.vTiAX,  Sei>t  ,  1S71J. 
lb      <■.;•:.!..  Eli/ab.'th,  O-t.  bb  l84o;  d.  Aju-il  tj:^.  1M4. 
i!i.      Jovei)ii  Mu-;hm:.)ie,  .Marrh  b'.,  JSl.--;   re.<.   W.-stpor-t,  Mendocino  lo. ,  Cal. 
IV.      Lo.-enzo  Hra'ly,  Oct.  :j.   1847;   r.  ■-.  Ci^volo.  Cal. 
V.     Amuuila  Ihirrici.  Mircb-b"),  b^"):!;  m.  X.iv.  1,  1S70.  Jame- 1).  Ward.      1.   St:i;\  FF. 
K.,  Eel, .;':.  1870.     -2.   Axnfk  ALav.  Mav  b!.  1-7 !.     :;,   Ibvn  ii:;  j;r(-;Kxri;,  Xov.  17,  18;  7. 
4,  Gi.-.-su:.  Jan.   I.").  1s>mi.     .-,.   M av-kii:  1  >Ai,f,As.  Nov.  14,  bS.^I, 

VI.  iiliver  Mibe:-.  Aiiril:!.  l-;~:?;  m.  Ma:-c;i:J7.  U:?:.*,  Marv  Eita  Odb-v;  res.  Prescott. 
Arazom..      b   Ei>iv:i  May.  M;.;'cii  .24,  ISS!.). 

Vli.  Anna  Jan.-.  h.  .Maiy.-;vl!le.  Cd.,  July  Oil.  1^-14;  m.  Nov.  U!  18?:^.,  Frank  Co^.le.-^; 
eiiTered  7th  Kegt.  Cab  Inf.  V(ds  .  Oct.  11,  ISlib  Ser-t.;  .<tatio;ied  in  Arizona;  di.-^charged 
June  OS.  !N!;(.;.  b  Hattif:  .M ay.  Aug.  'Ji,  ls'7  b  d'.  Aug.  10.  1.^70.  2.  13ki;tik  Iim^xk, 
Sept.  1<I.  187tb  3.  .Mai;ki„  D-.  24,  1878.  4.  Loi:  \  (.'Kuitci  v.  .May  14,  1881. 
VUb  Edward  Tlieodore.  Nov.  2i'>.  IS-'i'b  le.-.  Wt.^ton,  UnatiUaCo.,  Oregon. 
IX.  Adelaide  Pheb^-,  Jan.  i(i.  Iv-'iii;  m.  Dec.  24 .  lS7!b  Jarman  Roderick.  1,  11  at- 
TIK  Ci  VKK.  8ept.  17.  188U. 

X.      bo.bei-i  Friderick.  .Man-h  24.  iSiU, 
Xi.     '  iKi.'<.  \\"m.,  b.  a!ui  d.  June  17,  i8ib'b 
XII.      Ali(-c  baura,  Oct.  4,  d.  Oct.  1».  18t!4. 
XIII.      baura  Alice,  April  8.    18(;6. 

612.     Noah  Tuttle,  b    'bt.  bJ.  1(594:    joitied  the  Branford  chli.  June  iHb  172(1;   m. 
l)ec.  1.  1720,  bachid  lloadley.    who  d.  April  7,  1749.  a.  40.      In  17.K3.Xoa1i  and  Timothy 
Turtle  ami  Ik-nry  Freeman  llu^-lies  were  plaimitis  against  Ibivid.  W'ooaier  and  recovered 
judirment  for  £~>24 .     The  adm    of  hi^  est,  giv.  to  Henry  Freeman  lluglies,  17o7. 
b      l.ydia.  1)    Jan.  27,  1722:  m.  Henrv  Freeman  line-lies 
11.      Timothv,  b.  April  H.  1724:  m.  Jan.  12.  1  M-^.  Anna  Washlmrn. 
lib      liesire,  h.   IbJi.i;  d.  so.ui. 

]y.  E!i:'..-ib.  ii,,  1).  Jan.  s.  172^;  m.  iu  >b.d(ll,to\vi,.  Conn..  Ih-c.  21.  171<;.  Isnie] 
Abb, .u  of  M.  1,  Mci.i.Y,  1>.  .Man-h  2r.,  1749.  2,  Ha.vnah.  Jun(-2.'.,  17ol.  :].  Sam, v. 
o.-T.  ;-;u.  i7.v;. 

■\'.  besir--.  !>.  Sept.  :]().  17^0;  m.  m  >b:ddleio\vn.  Conn..  Dec.  7.  171!),  Ceo.  Adkin.-^ 
of  M.  ],  'iiMciliV.  I).  Drr  1.  i::.0;d.  Ee:>.  2.;.  177*1.  2.  J.ri;.\.  Jan.  :b  d.  Mav  24.  lb">:5. 
3,  John.  h.  Jan.  2^.  17o.b  4,  (.'Kojici:,  Nov.  b").  ."),  IIan.naii.  Dec.  2")".  17(12.  C. 
Setii.  b.  Xov.  28,  !7')7:  li.  (!>\  cart  runnirie-  over  him)  Sept.   2S,  1772.      7.    Dksji;]:,  t\^ill 

V.-ith    S^•Il| 

M     .los,-|di.  b.  .bilv  IS,  i::!4:  ,,t.  yi-.iy  (iiuiiet,.r. 
^■I1        Pa.-hei.   !.,    17;i7. 
Adii.      Ahig.dl,  b.  Seiit.  12,  li-lU. 

2 us  •  1!R.\\CJI    OF    JOSEril, 

6121.     Lyciia   Tultle,   \>-  •'•i"-  -~.  IT'-^'.?;  m.  .July  1;),  \',V.K  Henry  l-^'i'cnuui  lin;;-lit's 
of  ]■:.    Havcli,   wlio  (i.   (Irr.    l;;,   IT'.il,  u.   CS  w..-  r,.i,y. 

1.  Ilriii-v  lliio-hcs.  \>.  .lulv  7,  .ITOl:  (Ir^.w!,,-,!  ii!  tl..  \V(  stiii-ld  vivd;  in.  Nov.  2], 
KTl.  Mai\  Nirhdls-'  111-  rc-^.  iit  Siri.^hi'.rt:-.  Coi'ii.  1.  liio.NUV.  1,  D^icid  D'lruln:  hi\vy(?r 
and  solicitor  frw  'ii-.iul  liajiids  .V  li..|i:'.iia  \l .  \i.  Co.  ainl.  ast:ijtol  by  lii.-'  son,  cnii; pil.T  of 
frfMiPuloav  of  till-  lliiidn--  f;'i.nilv.  ]iiii>.  Is, 9,  •lt<).,(l(,l  n;i.  ;  -17 -J'-ffi-rson  a  v.-uuc.  ( .' laml 
Haplv'.s,' Midi.      1,    V.'.iln-r  H. 

i!.  l-'it-L-ni-.m  lluu-lif-s;  in.:  he  uas  a  l,.ya!  an.l  ivft  N(-\>.-  Ha%-.  '.villi  tUi-  15r;t;sii  m 
Jiilv-,  17?!),  for  Nov..  S.-oiia  1.  .Makv.  2.  11  w:\.\H.  M.  Al'.uir  -10  v!--;.  siiK  i-  a<';ijiL 
.liick'i;uu-l'i'-<,  clainiini.';  to  Ik-  a  son  of  Fi-.-cui.-in.  sail-.-d  a  vcsm-I  L.-iwern  Nova  Scotia  an<i 
New  Vo;lv  cUv.  :;n.!  v/licj;  in  tl.c  latK-i-  j.lacc  hi.s  v-s^cl  n>(;il    lo  lie  in  Quincy  ^lip 

III.  .tohn  liuiilics;  ni.  (»ci.  1<I,  177S',  .M.-iry  (fvanni^^,  dan.  of  I'mirill,  jr..  and  .Mary 
Ladrhii-ron,  s.  of  ii'n-^si-l!  ,i,-.d  l.vdia  ( l-'oro-  > '( J  r-omi^.  1.  I.YDi.v.  .\\vj:.  17,1770.  •-?. 
LOI.-5,  S^-i>r.  12,  17c'-;'.  :i,  Ki  .-r-ri.i.',  Nov.  C.  1?-!.  -I,  Ilri.i>.\ii,  .Nov.  •2."),  17^7.  ."j,  f'oi.i.v, 
J'auf-'2r),  T7S'..i.     li,   ilKxiiv.     7.  .John,  d.  y.     •'•,   Ai;i(.An,. 

IV.  Daniel  ilimlics.  h.  .lunc  17,  J7";li:  in,  ^jraimi-..  sis.  of  Mary,  aliv. :  (2) 
Saiali,  dau.  of  l-'mjainin  ;-.c(  P1i-I>'- t^Mo  vA  Atwittr-rof  ( 'lu-siiii.-.  Conn.:!'.  .Npril  2(), 
V:~}V>  i  l\t)S\vi:iJ,'  I--S.  D.-rl>v;  in.  liolsi-v,  dau.  of  Joslma  and  Anna  Miles  Soars;  i». 
Feb.  22,'l7S;;.  1,  l).ti,!.l  }[if,;<.  2.  .S//-"A  .i^'/yv//,  \k  April  1,  ISIH;  d,  .Ian.  27,  1S71; 
ui.  Nov.'];!,  l.'-;:-il,  Me.rrav  Lf;st>-r,  .son  of  'i'imothy  J!ald\vin,  and  In-n.  of  Al.ijiail  and  -Inlia 
Ann  I'.aidw'in,  who  ni.  M'i.-'i.a.--  j;it!ur,  l'oin..-rly  en;r;i>i"d  on  N.  llav.  ,}c  N.  1!.  It.;  .son  of 
(Jov.  Jfvseph  Hiinor  of  Fa.:  h,  in  ji.-rliy  Conn.,  Fel,.  7,  1S')7;  he  in.  (2)  Sept.  24.  Is73, 
Miss  'S]v.v\-  11.  Ros-^iter  of  L'.-rln-.  !lo  was  a  shot  maimer  iiy  lr;.a]e  and  went  to  Newark, 
X.  .).,  to  take  charge  of  a  factory;  tin-  linsiness  cl.)s<-d  by  crash  of  1.'::H7;  lie  rein.  toJers;-v 
Clty  as  a  coul  agent,  and  built  a  tu;j-  to  draw  his  coal  boats,  said  lo  lu-  the  first  iii  N.  V. 
harbor.  Aflcrwards  in  the  steaniboat  lin.--iL-e.--s.  lie  i.'-<-aniulat.;d  a  handsoin.'  fortune; 
res.  East  Haven.  1 ,  Edward  Murray,  May  1.  1^':>!,  V .  S.  N. ;  in.  Sr^j-l.  14,  1S71,  Ad.-k  ido 
Kndora  kin-.l.l'-v.  2.  En,ii-lel>rec]iC  b.  1-i.  IS.'.'i.  otfn-er  V .  S.  N.:  retired 
actinp;  Cant  ;  in.  Mav:W,  1801).  Antoinette  s.  Ko-siter.  (1).  -Inlia  A..u>;nsta  .Mills,  April 
22,  16t;i.  '  (2;,  Minni'e-  Adelim- Revr.olds.Ma v  o.  I.^Ori.  3.  Julia  Ad.-lai-le,  in.  (.U-t.  7,  IStUC 
Josq.h 'J'h'omas  I'l-rkin.-,  a  nierch.  of  IJrooklyn,  N.  Y.  (1),  Wilson,  b.  C'ct.  1,  1«71.  2, 
Sak.vii  Kosi:-.vvKT,i,.  ;■',,  I)AXt!:n,  d.  y.:  '.  by  2'1  in.:  4,  .Vv.kox  Atwatkh,  li.  Jan.  20,  i;o7; 
in.  Lvdia  Caroline,  daii.  <.)f  Josiali  and  J-:\ela  M  >'atey)  4'nliic.       1,  Sm^ilt  Kni.       2,  Mfrui. 

V.  ■  Abio-ail  Huch,.s.  b.  Oct.  2,  170!;  i"..   I  »<  c  H,  17S],  Stephen  IJoue.     A  <:iun.  dau. 
of  Mr.  Hno-lies  m.  Henry  Burr;  many  yrs.  aut.   \\.   W.  Co.  at  Merideii;   woninled  and  left 
for  dead  at  Aiiliotarn;  amputated ;'  o:it    of   nal!iiv'>  lioiileinen.— 7''j/r/(.v,- v^r.v    Cm//-/- 
nud.       Daniel    Hiu:h(-s.    h.    a!;t,  17.">o,      IN-sw.-i!  of  K.  Huv..  b.  abt.  \1>>:\.      Sarah  Abi-ail 
Hughe.-,  111.  Murray  Le.^lie   13:-Lldwin,  b.  1^]:]. 

6122.  Capt.  Timothy  TutllC;  1>.  \y-\\  ;'..  1724;  m  Jan.  12,  l74S-9,  Anna 
Washl.urne  of  Herbv,  Conn.,  \\\.u  .1.  Yv.v.Ax  17,  W^l,  a.  :>0.  In  17.')2  ho  ivcovered  l'2ai) 
ill  a  suit  ag-aiust  Saai'l  Manstield;  he  d.  (>...  22,  177.--^;  inv.  'J2,4ih>;  d-.-\-is.-.~l-,nd  on  Indian 
Hill  and  'right  in  ves<el  ('.-^rgv,  in  uhlCn  craft  Flam  l,nddinL;ioii  also  own-.-d  a 
sharr;  ^vf.  .\iina  cxr.-.^.  1;.  1S7J  Fdani  Lnddingion  r.nd  .Vnna  'i'nttle  v.-. -re  exrs.,  mentions 
his  movables,  all  of  which  were  taken  awa\  (-r  destroyed  by  the  British  in  July.  177'.); 
est.  to  be  e(|nally  divided  among  the  thuc  (-hildren,  Saiah  Forb.  s,  lhu-ln-|  Fuddinglon 
and  Elizabeth  Kini;-. 

1.     John,  Nov.  .>,  1740. 

II,  Sarali  'I'littlc,  b.  March  0,  17.'')2;  m.  Levi  Forbes  of  V..  H;iv.,  who  d.  of  cons. 
Nov.  24,  1705,  a.  od  vrs.  In  170!;  wid.  Sai-ah  e:-;hil..  acct.  of  li",.".  we.-ks  to  liring  yoini-'est 
cldld  to  age  of  4  VIS.:  11  diil.  living."  1,  Anna,  b.  Mar(-h  2^  1770.  2,  .M  vi;\,  Feb.  (i, 
1772.  ;4,  SAiiAi!,'Mav  2(1.  1774.  4".  Li-;\'INs,  .Inlv.s.  I77l):  d.  at  L(-a,  Scj.t.,  1 701.  a.  is; 
vrs.  T),  'ri.MoTiiv,  \i  177.-^;  d.  v.  fi,  Fvi.i\,  .^^.-pt.  10.  17s0.  7,  Oct.  S.  !7.^2;  m. 
ban,  s.  of  l-:duaril  and  Lvdia  "(Chi-Fey )  Hi -ulh-y  of  East  Haven.  Conn,,  b.  M-.rcJi  27, 
17S4:  set.  in  Soni  liiim-ton,  "Coim. ,  and  d.  Swj:.  W.  F'2,;  shed,  .lune  '.».  lS^24,,-i,  !2.  1. 
ILirrht,  b.  l.'-:i)-"';  d.  Oct  2f;,  l.^fi:!;  m.  0<-i.  1.  1S20,  lloi.ic,.,  s.  of  Ira  an.-l  .\nne  (  M 'illory  > 
\Vrb>ter,  b.  .Mav  2:h  l;-l)7;  he  m.  (2)  wid.  Hotchisis:-:  of  Fair  Haven  ami  d.  tlmr.-  .'an.  1. 
iNiM.  1,'  Sarah"  F.  2,  Fiaiic  s  fV  ;,:,  .^h•.)  t  !ia  .\.  1,  I'an.  o,  Corneli.-i.  ('.,  Fi-\.i-.  7, 
Walter.  N,  \'.';d!.-r.  0,  Chariot;,-.  K'.  WiUe-inina.  11.  Willomrhby.  2,  A' ''/.'•'■■'/, 
1).  1S1)7:  d.  Jan.  2:!.  1><7.-.,  num.  :!,  7'e',V-.v,  4,  Ch.i.!.,,  b.  lSi2:  d.  Nov.  11,  sm.  yr.  T), 
('h<n-l,s,\K  isi:;;  il.  .hue-  2,  !s2ii.  (5,  II,  ^,,  a.  N,  l.:-vi.  b.  .M.-ncl;  14,  I7.^"i;  m,  .NFny. 
<lau.    of    Constant    and    A  nia  nda  (  Hm-l  1 )  ];.-d  li.-!d.  and    wid.    of    D.-ivid   Sto-.-.-r.  b.   Killim/- 

w,.;ih    Con:;..    Nov,    1!,   i;.).    'ivid    in    Ixanfoid.  FOP.      1,    M.n-,/.    m.    11  .  vlnr  of 

Braiibird.      2,    /.■ri„'is     '.',.    J.iri.      4.   ,/».<•;-/,.       o,    /i' „j.i  iiii  „ ..     (!,    S.(nili.      0.    I'l-l-A.      HI, 
liKl'SI-.V.       11,    SUSA. 

TUTll.E.     ■  291* 

'ill.  IJachcl,]'.!  KK'un.  s.  of -It'ssraiid  Mcliital>h' ^Sluitll)  LiuUlinjctoii;  (i)  I  7!iO,  David 
Eurnliain.  ],  John,  \>.  >!ay.  ITT-"):  d.  Sept..  177<;;  cankfi-  rasli.  :.',,  Nov.  ■.',  1777. 
3,  Pl..\<'iiki>,  Sc|ir.  -I,  !7>;i!.  -1,  Mi:hi  r*  I'.i.i:,  .April  il.  17>^-'!.  •~>,  Naomi  Smiiii,  Ma.icli  :->, 
1787;  «■.  l)v  :.>d  lii.;  t>.  .).VNrK<.  Jan.  4,  17'.i;;.  7,  W)i,liam,  .huit.'  1 1 ,  17y.">.  N,  Maktii.v, 
Oct.  5.  17117. 

IV.      Anna.  d.  .\no-.  "I,  1770.  a.  IC 

y.  l:ii/.a!)i  th.  ni.  .May  80,  177<i.  (ienrpe.  s.  of  {u'oriicand  I'aticiK-c  (ConK-lin )  King. 
In  17w7  adui.  of  est.  of  Kiizah"tli  Kin^,  L':ivi.-n  to  Sarali  F=>rl)cs.  an  only  s. ,  dolin.  aged 
abl.  1")  vrs.,  Josiali  'J'.itUf,  aimii'^-,  :i'id  an  on]\  daii.,  ]-.!liza!)>'lli,  a.  ahr.  lu  yejirs.  1, 
Patience,  b.  177S;  d.  of  dysont-iy,  -hm.  v'ii,  17S(;,  a.  s  yi.s.  0,  Juir.x,  1>.  o.-t.'  fi,  17^0. 
3,  Pfc: I? !■:(.•( -a,  1).  alit.  17^3;  "d.  of  dy.-^ontH-ry,  Jan.  20,  17sii.  a.  2  yrs.  4.  EiAiMVivvn.  1>. 
Sf^pt.  14,  17.S1. 

VI.     Timotliy,  i>.  al-t,  170(1:  d.  of  b-vef,  April  !•,  1777,  a.  17  yis. 

6126.  Jo.^^eph  Tuttle,  b.  July  IS.  r7::U;  rc<.  K.  Thiv.;  ivm.  1 7!frt  to  Duiiiani. 
("onn..  wlnTf  In-  \va<  jirnli.  liv.  in  Nov..  1804,  as  liis  s.  Jciscpli.  th<'n  of  P..  iscallcd  jun. 
in.  1701.  M.ary,  <Vju.  of  I'ani'd  (Y.  C.  1780)  and  AI>i;jrai!  (DenisonKJranii-er  of  Suliivld,  - 
Conn.  Hci  .s.  J^ev.  Tiniotliy  4'utlle.  descriix'd  her  as  a  woman  of  g-rcat  emM-gy.  dccit^ion 
of  c-baractcr  and  iVrvciit  jiiety.  Ib^  lived  on  a  ]iari  <if  tlic  paternal  est.,  now  known  as- 
tlie 'IVnvnsend  farm,  or  K.-iynba.m:  nis  b.ouse  and  barn  was  bnrned  by  the  l^iitisli,  July 
5,  177!'.  That  morning  lie  bad  sent  bis  \^  f .  an. 3  cbildrt-n  and  a  j)a.;-t  of  iiis  liouscliold 
effects  np  conniry  for'ety,  fnit  I'emaine'.l  wlili  liis  ebn-;-!  s.  and  wi;ne.-srd  tbe  bnrning 
of  Vii.s  proi'eity.'"  lit-  al.-o  >av,-  ibi-  killing  of  Jacob  Tlior])  ilie  .■-aneeday  on  hi.'^  own  land. 
.'\hertbe  war.  be  buih  a  litrle  sontb  f;f  tlie  old  site,  a  luif  location,  counnanding  a  bea\i- 
tiful  vi.>v.- of  tbe  city,  liai'bor  and  sound,  a  large  double  liouse.  At  the  S.  E.  corner  of 
this  !};>.' Tiiltles  erected  a  ])'ain  stone,  inscriljed,  "Htre  f-dl  Jacob 'i'liorj),  July  5, 
11'i'j."  Tiiis  ston.e  has  disa])pcared,  "bui,"  says  CVqit.  Townseiul.  "it  will  be  found  some 
day  no  doubt  among  tbe  stone  of  the  fence."  This  pro}>erty  ■wa.s  bouglit  by  bsaae  and 
Kn<ebind  Townsond,  who  reu'oved  tin-  liouse  to  its  i)resenf  location,  on  the  <'oi-ner  of  the 
Fort  Pale  load.  lu  ISO-J,  Ib'v.  Timothy  Tellle  tbm  in  his  .s-M  yr.  and  abt.  a  yr.  before 
Iv-  d.  vIsIlcI  the  s])ot  \^■jTh  C;.]'".  Town-ieJ.  and  ]ioini«d  out  tin- i)hci-  of  the  old  v,-i.'"]s,  of 
the'i'h.orp  memorial  .su)in.\  atul  id'  a  hoj'.eysuckle  that  was  growiu;:  in  his  early  d;iy.s,  of 
which  lujthing  but  the  stunrp  3-emai)ied.  '■Pnt  after  his  dinith  it  .-tart^Hl  again  and 
bei-ame  a  thriftv  ^•ine.■" 

J.  Josiali.  b.  Sejit.  4.  1700:  m.  17fi.->,  k'.v.hi  (bitt-s.  rem.  to  N.  Y.,  and  is  donl>tIess 
that  ''man  of  prayer"  of  \\  hoju  Pr.  Fowler  in  Pist.  of  Durliam  relates:  "A  Mr.  Tuttle 
of  \Yhitesfov,-ii  was  in  tin-  habii  of  lioldingmeetings  overy  Sabliatli  in  a  barn  and  asking 
each  one  pre.seni  tii  ]M-ay.  N\  m.  Ilataly,  a  loose,  noisy  man.  projiosed  to  W'm.  1-linnran 
and  Asher  (.'aiai>.  two  at  least  of  ilie  tiiree  being  endgrants  fiom  Purhani,  <"onn..  that 
The  first  man  lie  asked  to  ipray  should  .'itlicr  do  so  or  jiay  a  bottle  of  rum.  \N'm.  Handy 
Avas  asketl  firs!.  lb'  niade  a  .s]i<u-t.  incoherent.  Innrird  pr.-iyer.  bi-cann^  serious,  and 
thoughtful,  embraced  leligioii  ■.wul  in  time\vas  clio.-en   Pea.  id'  the  i'oug.  c!di.      1,  Mxitv 

(■ii;AN(,i';i{,  m.   (iariett   and.  d.   at  Peoria,  PL,   leav.    chil,     "2.    Lydia  OAttoi.tNi:,  m. 

Aaron  At  water  Hughes  of  K.  Ilav.      She  m.  ('^) Sterbnu",  res.    Pomeo,   Midi.      /'.    by 

1st  ni. :  ■].  A/fr-fd,m.  Mary  Powe  of  K.  Ibiv.  1,  Parolinr  'le.tMe.  2,  Norman  Atwater. 
1,  S.nrdi  Ell!.  Principal  of  the  DiN'well  School,  N.  llav..  Conn.  Avera^'e  number  of 
Scholars,  abt.  oOO.  .\  very  lab. irir.e-,  and  resjioiisiide  position.  8,  Joiix,  n'.  and  d.  at 
Peoi.ia,  lib,  leaving  iliildren. 

11.      Ma.rv.  b.  March' !l,  17(io,  d.  in  Parliani.    f'onn.;   utim.. 
Pb      Pani.d,  b.  On.   HI,  1707:  d.  unm,  in  W.  --l  Indie.^  of  yellow  fever,  Nov.  00,  17^8. 
IV.      .\nn.;i,  m.  Jolin  Monroi'  of  lbanb)rd.    ( 'onn. ,  and  d.  there.      l.pAMV.l,,  d.   unm, 
abt.  1808.     0.  I'd.nk  NI),   d.   v. 

V.  Jo.M-ph,  b.  .luly  -I.'  170'J:  bo;i-lit  his  father's  jdace  in  P.  Pav.  aft^r  tin  laiter 
reni.  to  Ihirham:  enlisted  in  the  wai-  of  isfO  in  (Stli  Co.  ( 'oini.  S'ate  troop-^,  under  (.'a] it. 
JohnlhitbM-;  cbo.-rnso.  iriv's  c.dlecio'-,  Nov.  P.),  IslO;  m.  D.'c.  Cj,  ISJO.  Ma.rgaivt  ( 'eo. : 
(•?)  I'hebe  Smith.  lied,  iii  Pnrbam.  Jan.  10,  Is.-)!:  a.  7;-:  m-<.  ,'.  l)y  1  m. :  1.  F.i.i.iAU 
Coi:,  b.  Pre.  '2'2,  P^'M  :  num.:  n--.  .New  Pav.  '•pi  my  i-ar!y  day"--  I  sjionf  a  year  in  the 
family  of  my  un.cb-,    \lr\  .    Tinnrby    Teitli-    of    Pcilyard ,  and  his  kindness   lo    mo,  a  ipoor 

m<  ile.rless    boy,    I   sl^all     n<-vii    b>rgi-i,'        V.    l'h,i/,\      .\1..    b,    Marcii    8,     IS-.M;    m. • 

Pace,  and  has  Yarn.  8,  >[  vm.  a  i;t;-|  ,  b.  July.  is-J.i;  d.  Oct.,  1S48,  /.  I.y  0  n;.  ;  4.  P.v.vii.l.. 
b.    April   17,    188".';   ri^s.    Plan'sville  (."^.juthingicui ),    t.'onn.;  a   nninufacturer;    m.    Sept.  S. 

*TiieGcn.  Asscrab'.v*  of  Cnnn.,  in  170:?  soli!  a  Uir^'e  tract  of  !,ind,  at)0'Jt  5. 10.000  acres  in  tfiC  westt-!-; 
reser\-e  for  the  relief  of  ti-.e  sufterers  tiy  \.\ic  raid  on,  FaiiVicld.  Norwalk  ami  New  i.'avcu.  .b'Scph 
Tutile  receive;;  .f?!,;  qs    ^d.     The  coTnmor.  school  fund  was  derived  front  the  s;ime  source. 

:}00  BHAX'l!    OF    JOSKrir. 

ISO:;,  .Mfxrv  Fli/.i  Nosvcll.  1,.  S-^pt.  11,  1^10.  1,  .I'ur  M\>nrc,  h.  'Jet.  2'^.  1805.  ."3,  'I'imivihy, 
1).  Mav  •i/lSiJ-l:  (1.  Isr.  .Monday  in  April,  1S4T,  C.  .losi.i'ii  Nki.sox.  h.  Aug-.  '),  ]S:5H;  ni. 
iiiiil  liv.'s  111  UniMiivilh- ('•^aini'iui^Toui,  ('(.iiii.      !,   .Y/7/,'V.      -2,  .lo^'-,   and  two  otluMs. 

VI.  A'-alicl.  It':-,  in  ,\i'\v  !i;ivi-n,  ami  ••(Icwn  tDwn"  \vas  sniiicTinics  jirt'liMHl  to  ]li.^ 
iiiune  v.:  (li.-tin',ui>h  him  I'roiii  liis  namesake  llf  in.  ]m*Ii.  13,  17!.IS,  Mary  Coiioily.*  1. 
Tn>.iM.\.-\  d.  V.  '2,  AsViiKf,,  il'ol.i;  wtut  to  S.  (".  :!.  .NF.MiV,  d.  at  N.  Ilav.  unin.  4, 
Yaazx  Ann,  hi.  Saniiud  .lolnison  an'l  lias  family.  .3,  '1'|!().ma>,  d.  in  N.llav.;  in.  ]''.muia 
Duimun.  (i,  J.VNK.  d.  .Jan..  ISts,  a.  4(i:  in  .\.  Ilav.  ; ,'h.  \>.tiit  Suiiili.  S,  CiiAKl.ES, 
wmi  South,      i),  J'"i(AN(  i;s,   d.  ill  X.  Ilav. 

\"n.  John,  dr.iwni'd  in  llud-on  livrr:  ujini. 
Vitl.  Tiinothv 'I'utth',  h.  E.  ilav.,  Nov.  V!).  ITsl:  V.  (".  IHO^:  ord.  at  (iroton,  Conn., 
ISII.  a.nd  d.  thr.JuiiL-  G,  1SG4;  a  ]>a<tnratc  id' 08  >rs. :  in.  l-Vh.  13,  1810,  Mary,  nnlydau.  ol' 
Steidici)  and  >[;uy  ^Mrrwin)  Xorton,  h.  Au-r.  '28,  IIS):  d.  Feb.  ]  i.  18r)(h  of  w\mn\  lier 
liu.sliand  savs:  "*  I  n(v:T  could  luwf  lived  u]ion  my  .small  salary  but  for  the  iiidustry 
juid  rcoiiouiy  of  iny  Avifc."  AVh-n  his  Ijri-throa  have  exprfstiod  their  snrprisi-  that  v.ith 
his  resouvct'S  In-  had  not  only  lived  conifonahly,  Inil  had  laid  up  soie.ethiiitj-  for  liis  rhil- 
<lreu,  Rud  had  in",'er  r-ent  the  poor  empty  a\\ay  from  liis  door,  he  ha.s  replied,  in  iii.s  laeoidc,  "  That  v.-oma.n  did  ii."  The  l'ol!'>-.viii--  is  from  a  bioi,'.  u,em.  wriueii  h.y  his  gr. 
>;.  \Vm.  'j'utile  Cook,  ivad  r<'ad  a.t  a  meeting- of  the  ini.siee.s  u\  the  JhU  hiiiiary,  of  Nur- 
\\iid).  <  onn..  by  whose  order  it  vva.s  published;  d>'diriited  bv  the  writer  to  lion.  Meiiry 
liill  of  .\..  "who  at  all  times  v.a<  a  true  and  faithful  f  n- nd  to  the  subject  (d'  this 

••  I  was  the  youngest  of  eight  children,  six:  sons  and  two  daughters.  My  clnldhood 
and  yo;ith  were,  .speut  in  my  native  place  uniil  I  had  entered  my  eigliteeuth  year,  in  the 
spring  fd'  tluit  year  (179!.))".  my  lurreiits  rmnoMd  from  j-^ast  liaveii  to  l>urh;im.  Tiiat 
removal  was  the  (x-easi.-.n  of  changing  my  <-ours"  of  life.  I  went  there  witli  no  otlier 
cxpeciatiou  than  that  of  Iving  a  fanner.  'Sttange  it  i-^,  that  1  have  since  f.)und  mysidf 
invested  witli  iln'  ministerial  olhce.  (),  hnw  unworthy  b.r  such  a  ]dacc.  In  my 
<.'hildlior.d.  1  know  uo^  iliat  there  wa>.  anything  distiugui^lialde  bey.. ud  v.duit  was  cuinmou. 
AIv  fhildhood  was  allotted  to  me  ra-h'--'-  in  tin  lower  walks  of  life.  My  pnirents  were 
not  ubsolnrtdy  tpoor,  but  they  had  sniTeved  .sevei.  ly  in  property  in.  the  levolutionary  war, 
bv  Ih-itish  viohuu'e.  Coiisetjueurly,  v.-e  wer.'  fa.r  from  having  all  tiiose  cumforts  of  life 
w'hieh  people  now  have.  1  -,\-a.- a  feeble  chiM .  but  it  was  necessary  that  I  sb.ou'd  be 
<lnlng  somi-thing.  and  by  doing  something  in  the  field,  or  by  using  the  oar,  at  the  latter 
of  which  I  becirme  an  expen."'!  have  no  iloiibt  1  prepared  myself  for  endurance.  I  came 
up,  ho%\ev'--r,  like  a  jdaDt  of  late  growth..  My  mea.n^  of  educatioii  v.  ere  scanty,  ihough 
n''>i  more  so  in  my  ca-e  than  in  that  of  others  similarly  situated.  The  only  branches 
tauL'ht  in  tin-  con"nnou  schools  id'  that  day  v.ere  reading,  writing  and  arithmetic:  tlumgh 
in  the  last  <d'  my  s.diooling  at  Ea>i  llaveVi  I  got  hold  of  a  small  .system  of  geography." 
His  mother  was  a  woman  of  great -energy  and  decirsiou,  joined  to  fervent  piety,  and  he 
thus  alludes   to   h'-r  religious  influence,  aided  by  the  Ass"mb!y".s  Catechism: 

"  Tov,-ard  the  dose  of  the  PubbaTh.  my  utother  would  take  nie  and  my  brother  uexr 
.ddcr,  into  a  room  by  ours-.dves  and  teach'  ns  the  (atetdii^m,  and  now  I  must  confess,  it 
wa-^  that  mother's  restraining  inliuenee  and  counscd  that  l-.ept  me  fiom  many  a^  wiong 
act.  Without  her  watchful'caie  over  me  1  should  never  have  been  wha t  1  am."  Tleit 
moiher  lived,  not  only  to  se.-  her  ^on  a  ]Hca(-her  of  the  (iospel.  lull  to  visit  him  at  his 
liome  aiu'uig  the  people  of  his  (barge.  lie  says;  "After  we  retnoved  to  Durham, 
«f)me  fd'  my'friends  fancied  I  was  (pialilicd  to  teach  a  school,  and  I  suppose  I  was  wdlling 
myself  to  "think  so,  and  accordingly  1  commencetl  in  the  t<,wn  of  13ranf(jrd.  j>ul  alter 
leiicliing,  or  pretending  to  teach."  four  we(d;s,  th.e  committee  of  visitors  chose  to  let  ine 
<df,  an(l  gave  me  leave  to  withdraw.  They  ought  to  have  examiiu'd  me  at  the  first. 
That  wav  tlu'  surest  trial  1  had  then  evei-  n;"ct,  Imt  it  was  good  in  the  vuA;  tin'  best  thing 
that,  could  then  have  been  done,  for  it  aave  me  a  s]M-i[ig.  and  a  deteiiuinatioii  thai  1 
would  l.i.oir  ;<-,,nitl,iii<j.  I  went  li'.me,  hut  -^oon  a  man  (d'  educalhui  <-ame  into  Diir- 
liam  and  comim.'uced'a  school,  and  many  id  my  !i;:(  .  some  and  some  younger,  and 
1  among  the  r"st.  w<u-it  t^.  his  <cf,,,(d  tc^sm.dy  k'nglish  Grammar.  i  was  (h;;.  imlned  that 
1  woiihi  not  be  outdone  bv  and  1  iieiicve  1  was    not.      Thc'    op]'ortunity   g.ive   me 

*Sorac  yrs  since  the  coaiiiilor  received  a  kticr  f,-oni  S.  Jane  Leaver.worlh  '•■i  .\iiirola.  Union  Co.,  111., 
savin}<:  -'.My  mother's  name  was  Veon]an<i  .Notes  of  our  ancestry  have  fallen  into  the  possession  ot 
some  one  niuiied  'I'ullle      r,t.  <rr.  f.  ^■eo^Uln■<  lived  am!  cl.  in  Xesv  Haven  al);..  if??;  his  w id.  in. 

CiT.olly  and  bad  one  dau.  who  ni.  'futile  and  had  si.\  cliil  ;  ?  sons  :uui  .)  daus.     The  daus.  d.  unin. 

e.xcepont;  one.  Whatever  beloic'cd  to  mv  1,'r  f.  wis  left  in  the  ■I'lite'-  lunily,  as  he  left  home  when  a 
boy.  fiieie  is  a  lari;e  property  adveni-^ed  m  lui^.,  in  the  \  eoin  in'^  name,  supposed  to  belong  to  iny 
i;r.  1.,  bi't  we  caiu'Ot  tind  ifiC  o:d  record." 

TrTTLi:.  30]. 

(•il('!)rit\  ill  lUiihaiu  luid  l)rniii;-lir  luc  inoit^  (liicctlv  tn  the  l;iiin\!c<.li;c  of  (mr  iiiini.stcr, 
.Mr.  Sinitli,  (111'  t<-!i'jln>v  liuviniT  Ihcii  liis  cliissuiatt'.  1  tlit-ii  tlic  first  tiui'-,  ciiinf  in 
coiitiK't  with  Murriiy'.'-  (iraiiimar,  and  dtiriiiij  the  l'.)lli>u iiig  smiiiiU'r  I  devoted  everv 
Ici.-iiic  ino;i,(-n!  u;  tlivstiuly  of  i*  i'to;u  tl>r  Ijeii-inniiiii;  to  the  end,  exaniiinnijovery  seutenci- 
till  1  iH!(]ci'.s''Kid  it, 

"  Iniiie  s])iini;-  of  l^'fi^l,  wlii'e  loaclMh;;- in  tlic  viiliiiif  <t\'  Durliani,  a  revival  i>f  r.'lii^ion 
commenceJI  ilie  firsi  ]  cvci-  Icnew  jinyihiiic  I'.ooin.  I  h.-'liive  it  was  the  lirst  in  that 
phice,  for  it  seemed  lo  lie  a  new  t  hiuLr  lo  ifu-ohl  jii'oph- tliere;  the  ]ihice  liad  li;-en  noted  tor 
i)alls,  and  tiie  Imsiness  of  tlic hall-room  wascniidiieted  systeinaiieally ;  none  wereaduiitled 
to  th.H  hij:lier  jj,-rade  hut  liy  vote,  find  the  nianni;-eis  a.ssii,MU'd  tii  eacli  liis  jiartner.  ^^onn- 
youn;.:-  persons  liad  ah'eady  liccome  hojxd'ully  r-mverted  and  had  forsaken  the  ha!l-rooni, 
but  tlisi-e  was  eoiisideral)l(.-  strife  in  sonie  lo  kee]i  up  the  l)aiis  in  opjiosition  lo  tin- 
revival,  i  did  not  art  in  oppnsiliiui  to  il  a-;  s(.nu'  did.  for  I  dared  not  in  ronscienee  sa\' 
it  was  false,  licdiiiions  ]>ersons  fre>|uen'ly  acei  sted  n:e  on  the  stiliject.  I  felt  tlieie  \\;i.- 
a  realitv  in  relie'loii,  iiul  was  for  (leferiing  it."  Al  tliis  time,  a  female  friemi.  .NJarv 
Xoiton.  whu>  afleiward  heeanu'^  hi.--  V  ife.  to<ik  advanlaire  of  a  iriowiuu'  mutnal  attaeh- 
ment  to  ]ii-ess  iijion  hill)  immediate  atiention  to  teli,ri>in,  e\hL*.)rriM;;;- liim  to  seek  tip- S;i\  im- 
in  ;dl  the  ard<jr  of  lier  own  new  horn  ho]>e.  lie  says,  "  It  was  as  unexjiected  os  if  a 
Viiiee  from  the  other  world  liad  spoken  to  me.  I  %vas  surprised  and  (.'(Uifoumled.  'Ihen 
1  came  Ui  the  i-esoluti(ni  that  I  would  dtday  the  husiness  of  reliii-ion  no  longer."  Afler 
])assin^' throu^-h  many  struiigles  with  his  own  heart,  hocame  at  length  totrusti-i  Christ, 
Wits  lilled  willi  joy  and  ]>eacc  ill  helievimi;,  and  uiiiied  with  tlie  chureli  ia  Durham  ou 
the  Salil.)aui  in  .\ovemhei-,  ]^')-].  N>i  sooner  lit'. 1  he  nuide  pr'dession  of  religion  than 
his  pastor  beiran  to  urge  him  to  lit  fur  erdlege,  "  hej."  he  sa;.'s,  "  ho%-.-  emihl  1  engage  in 
suedi  an  unde!-ta];ing  V  1  ha<l  mu  tlie  means.  1  \\-as  Ixnn  in  sight  of  Vah-  Colh-ii-e,  and 
thmigh  an  edueation  thei-e  was  highly  di'siralde  in  n.y  mind,  and  ahva_\s  liadheen,  still 
I  eould  see  no  way  in  whieli  it  could  he  aecomjilished."'  He,  however,  commenced  tlie 
Latin  (irauimar  about  tlie  i!Oih  of  Novemhei'  of  tliat  year,  and  iu  ten  moiulis  was  exam- 
iiu'd  and  entered  Yah-  College.  He  says,  "'  AVhen  I  commenced  fitting  for  college  I  had 
seventy-five  (h)ilars  (isTo)  on  luuiil.  whicdi  I  liad  earned  l)y  teaching,  and  1  mad.e  that  go 
as  far  as  it  would.  Hut  liow  insuhieient  was  To  defray  the  ex]ic-nses  of  four  years 
in  college!  J  I'jd  to  work  my  way  as  1  r-ouhl.  hut  i>,  the  trial,  the  labor,  tlie  anxiety  of 
inindl  1  kuov,-  liow  tn  -jiiiy  tlie  young-  mm  \shi)  lui\e  thus  to  v.drlc  their  i>assage.  Some 
of  tlie  tiiTK  dui'ii>g  til, ■  lour  years  I  I'vrunv  what  it  v>as  to  feel  th(^  g'liawings  of  hun_'-or 
for  weeks  in  sun-ession,  and  to  \vet  my  ])illov,-  witli  my  tears."  At  one  tine  as  lu-  v.-h3 
passing  a  baker's  sliop.  he  saw  sonn'  rolls  of  bread  in  tlie  windo^v,  and  having  a  fe-w 
pennies  on  hand  he  stopped  and  inquired  the  ]Mir-e  of  a  roll.  Th.e  baker  said,  '"  'J'hat  i.- 
bread."  "  I  know  it,"  was  the  lejdy,  "but  1  want  it."  Fi)idi)ig  that  it  v.-as  witliin  hi~ 
means,  lie  bought  and  cari-ied  it  \>'  liis  room  and  tiiere  feasted  upon  it.  JTesiiirl  haii  he 
not  ijeeu  so  fai'  from  Imme  his  motlier  would  have  supplied  him  with  foed.  "  Jlet."  lie 
continues.  "  now,  on  h.nking  hack,  1  feci  glad  that  !  liad  tliose  trials  to  pass  thrnuirh. 
for  they  taughi  me  how  to  live.  In  college,  not  v.  ithstanding  the  shortUv'ss  of  titiie  in 
which  1  had  to  fit,  i  oljiained  a  resjicctalde  standing,  In-ing  aliout  luidway  among  tiie 
first  third  of  my  class."' 

After  leaving  college  hi'  taught  school  a  short  time  niv.l  then  commenced  studying 
theology  with  his  ]iasior,  .Mr.  Smith,  leaching  Mr,  Smith's  lioys  to  pay  his  boai'd  with 

'Hie  next  .May  (ISdld  lu-  was  licensed  to  ]ireach  "mueh  sooner,"  lie  says,  "thau  1 
ought  to  have  iieim.  Hut  .Mr.  Smith  thnighi  1  should  do  well  enough.  'I  iieii  came  tin- 
sober  realities  of  life.  1  had  got  to  make  my  way  in  the  world  by  some  means,  hut  iiy 
what  I  could  not  i'ore^ee.  My  olij^ct  iu  ohtaining  an  education  was.  that  I  might  be- 
fitted to  pleach  the  (itispd  to  my  fellow  beings,  not  that  J  e\pi-i-ted  freedom  fruiii  toil 
and  aiixiety,  am!  perhaps  mueji  opi.o-.iiion  ungodly  men.  hut  tliai  I  might  lie  of 
some  use  iu  the  world."  Mr.  Tuiile  cinae  lo  the  p:ir!.-hesof  C'roionaiul  No:th  Crotou 
in  Aplil,  ISitl,  lu-ing  lei-oiumeiKled  to  do  so  by  a  college  a<-(piai  iita  nee,  the  Ih-v.  JI<  /ekiah 
(i,   I'lTord,  who  jireaciied  lieie  a  f"W  Sahljr.ihs  piesious  to  tlii-  time. 

The  church  iu  (irotou  had  lieen  destil  uti^  (;f  a  pastor  li  ft  years.  Xoitli  ( irotou 
(nosv  hedyard)  had  had  no  settled  minisier  for  thiny-uine  ye:u>..  'i'h.-  I'liuich  had 
become  extinct,  anil  there  was  nothing  to  reiniad  one  that  tliere  e\er  had  be.  ii  a  church 
of  Christ  gathered  here,  exi-ejit  achureh  edilice  in  a  state  of  decay,  a  U'w  names  of 
chureh  members  found  on  the  society  record-;  and   an  ancient  eommuniou  ser\'ice, 

.Mr.  'I'liltle  .-ays  iu  a  se;nion  preached  ar  the  il''.!ic;iilon  of  tie.-  |ue-;eiit  ho!;M-  of  wor- 
shij)  l)ecem!>er  li.  b'^4;):  " 'i'lie  foiiiier  hou-e  of  worship  w;is  thetifst  that  was  ever 
erected   iu  this  soe-iety.      It  was  cotuiueni/ed  in  li"'-.'?,  and  tluugli  it  underwent  some  {lar- 

30-2  BKAXCH    OF    JOSKPir. 

;  ti;i1  ivpuirs  f.t  <!irrVrc-nt  inTio'ls  of  its  rxistr'iuw',  it  \v;,s  )i,.-vei-  tiiiishod   ovoii  till  Ih.'  (i:iy  it 

j  was   taken   dnwii.      J-'vcry  storm    -.nid  nv-yy  wlr.try-s    Mast  liati  .si-urcli.d    its  .i.. vires  ami 

I  found    s<niie    \v;,_v  of   ar.-r.s  lu   its  in:-i-inr.      It    was   cn-ctcd   douhllcss    Lv  j.eopk.  of   onr- 

;  dciiomimition    iiixl    for   tlK'ir   own    us.-,  for   it  is    not    probable  that   tlictx-uas   then  anv 

.  r<-!i,irinu'^  dissent   in   t]iL- i>Iar..-.      But   durino-   tlu-  long-  [u-riod  of  a!nio>t    foriv  vcars    in 

j  wliicli  was  no  settled  pastor,  the  pulpit  was  occu])iod  ocasionallv  by  preileJuTS  of- 

[  slniosT    all    of  tin-   diff'-rent    denf>7ninntions  existinjr  in   tliis   ]i;!rt    of  "our  country,  and 

[  soineiiin.'s  ir  «to,.d  probably  for  niontlis  nnor,'u|.ied.     I  am  infonii.-d  that  it  once' stood 

;  so  lor  years,  a  p!a<-.-  nl'  tl;e  moaning— noi  of   peniicnt  souls,  but  of  the  winds  and  utt-T- 

..  ing   the   Dielamrholy  tale    that    'truth,'    or   nUher  the    love  of  truth,    •  had  falha;    in  tlie 

j,  streets.'      Wliat  its  ,!.rl,,ry  was  dnrin-  the  sueCL'Ssivc  r.-rinds  ,,r  7nv  predecessors,  or   >\luit 

i  success  attended    their  labors    I  have   no   means  of  knowin^r,     'j'here   was  a   chtindi  in 

\  evisrence,  orptni/.ed  il  is  suppo.sed,  about  the  year  17,-20.      ]5ut  no  record  of   tliat  cluur]. 

liave  1  seen,  Jior   was  I   e%-er  actiuainted   witli  a  single  mein1)er  of  it.      IJow  lon^- it  had 
j  been  extinct  when  I  catue  to  thi.s  place  I  know  not.  "  .My  setlleinent  liere  was  effe'cied   by 

men  who  remembered    tha;  in  their  yountrer  davs  thev'had  a  i)nstor;   )>rincipa]ly  must  '] 
attribuie  it  to  the  intliience  of  one  man(Capt.  Knbert  Allvn),  and  liii'n.self  not  a  iu-ofessor 
•of  ulin-lon.      'I'in-  pre.sent    churcli  was  formed   Dec.  !:.>,  \SH).      [mvc  i^ersons,    one   male 
i  iiiid    four  females,  on    day  met  at    the  hou.s.-   of  Stej..hen  MorL'-;ni   and  'si-.-'-neJ   the 

■  dmrcli    articles,    'In    tlie  ].resenc«'  of  Walter   .Kinj^,  pastor  of   the' 2d    Confreytitional 

j  clinrch  in  Norwich,  and  Tinu.nliy  Tuttle,  candidate  for  tlie  <rosi)el  ministrv.'"'     ""^ 

j  'j  lie  iiame.-.  of  tlinse  persons  were  Kol)t.  Allyn,  K.s(].,  father  of  the  C'ayit'.  AlJvn  ab.ove 

meixtione.l.     He  was  then  in  liis  >i:)(]  ye;.r  and  had  never  !<,d'ore  prob  ssed  relb'-'unr  I'ru- 
;  <leuce  Morgan,  Priscilla  ],ee,  Anna  Gallup,  Freelove   Morgan.      .\11   ihe   femafes  e.Ncei)t 

I  one  v.-ere  far  advanced  in  life. 

;  Ml'.  'J^itlle  was  ordained  at  'Trotou  as  Pastor  of  the  First  and  S.  e(.nd  C'ongr.-ational 

j  church.-s   HI   (.'rot-.n.    Aug.    14,    isll.      Me   was   expecied   to   jireaeh   in  ea(drcluircli  on 

[  -alleriuae  Sabbatlis  nnd  was   to  receive  a   silary  of  ^450  j,er  annum,  e.ich  soejetv  i.avino- 

'-  liim  X'J'-'j.  .   i    .      fn 

:  One  reason  why  he  v.-as  so  deeply  intere.=-,ted   in   the   ])eo])le  of  his  char^-e,  was   the 

xmiform  kindiu-'ss  with  which,  he  was  received.      In  tlie  sprino-   before  lie  v,-;is   ordained 

lie  hada  severe  attack  of  illness  at  tlie  liouse  of  ('a])t.  James  Mitc.helJ,  one  I'f  hi.s  liiirish- 

ioners.  and  the  kindness  of    ('apt.  M.  and  his  wife,    togelher   with    the   services    of    his 

;  ]diy,sieiau.  ]>r.  John  ().  Miner,  gratuitously  given,  was^  ever  remcTubcrrd  hv   hi,u    v/ith 

j  gratiiude. 

.-\  tiling  which  attached  him  t.)  the  people,  v.-as  the  large  number  (.f  youth  in 
1he  North  Society,  a  fact  whi'-h  nn^y  be  lendilv  understood,  when  it  is  stated  tliat  .seventy 
.  singers  residing  in  tliat  soeic  ty.  met  at  the  okl  inefnimr  house,  and  rode  in  iirocession  led 

j  by  their  chorister  James  (Jeer,  to  tlie  chui-i  hi  in  <;i-(C. in  To  assist   j,,   tj;,,   ordination   (-\er- 

j  -cisps.     They  rode  in.  priniiiiM' style  on   hm-sebaek  with  .saddle  and  ]>illion.      Several  of 

;  tlun  choir  are  still  living. 

:  'i'here  was  much  work  to  be  ].erfornu'd  in   thi-  nev.-  field.      The  chiirehe-;  in  which 

Mr.  Tultle  j-reaelied  wpve  seven  miles  distant  from  each  other,  and  the  parish  extended 

several  miles  each  way.  beyond  thi>  churches.      He  sought  bv  every  means  he  conld  use 

to  benefit  his  people  botli  sinritnally  and   temporally.  "Tim"  siaiufard  of  education  was 

:  low.      English   grannnar    was    not    taught    in    any   s.-hool    in    the    ie.wn.      He  visited  tlie 

;  l-Lildic    sidiools,    encouraged    tlu-    intioduclion    of   well    educated    leachers,    and   finring 

his  residence  among  his  peojile  received  hundiv<ls  of    vouth    into   his   Inuisc,  to  be   iltted 

:  for  college  or  to  become   t.  achers    in    tlie    puldic    scliools.      lb'  visited  mindi  amom-- his 

.  parishioners,  held  weekly  meetings  at  tlie  school  houses,  and  in  dwelling  houses,  in  the 

elilfc^rent  ])arts  of  his  extensive  parish,  and  this  j.ractice  was  c'ontinued  even  to  tlie  last 

;  year  of  his  life. 

;  In  lS-3-2- the  society  in  (Jroton  re.pieste<l    Mr.  Tuttle   io   relir„[ui.^h   llftv  dollars   of   his 

.salary,   thus   reducin.-   tb.elr  proportion    to   (,ne   hundred   and   seveiitv-five  dollars.      He 

did  so,  and  eouiinned  to  preach    to   them    until  A])ril,  iSoJ,  when  aft.T  havinc-  assi-ted 

them    in    ere(.-tin;;-   a    new   <-!iurch    edifice,    he    was   dismi-sed,  Ij-ie   mo.-t    frienrflv  feelin.'- 

exJstin.L!-  between  ilieni.  which  continued  to  the  lime  of   his  death.      He  s;iid  in  refeience 

to  his  di-mission,   ■■lamiir.-d    of    bein-    l;,ilf    a    minister."      l;\    the    earl  v  sla--es    of    his 

minisTry  in  No;i!.  (u-otun  (now  hedyard).  Mr.  Tiiith-  mef  with  miu;h  oppiV-iliun  fiom  the 

j.  enemies  of  the  truth.      At  nearly  every  nice-ting  of  tlie  .Kcclesiaslical  soejetv,  tliet-.'  was 

I  a  contiict  between  its  friends  and  its   enemies.   '  li  was    not   on    accieant    of   ;"inv  persona] 

I  dislik(>  to  him,  but  to  the  truth  \vhi(di  in    jireached,  and   to    the   denomiu.-iiim^  to  v.hich 

j  h.e  iielonged.      <  Me- (..f  his  most  violent  opj.i.wers  on  being  asked,  "HowdM   von   lil>e  Mr. 

:  'I'uttle  ".'"  rejdied,  ''  He. v.ears  well." 

TUTTLE.  303 

In  Marcli,  llS^U.  tlu-  "  Clniirl)  and  irii^ids "  in  North  (j'rolon  ^nvc  Mr.  TuUlc  ii 
"call,"  reiiUL-s'tin*;  ]iiir.  to  ,iiivt  tli.'Ui  tli.' other  lir.lf  of  his  jvastoral  scrvii'f^;.  which  cull 
]i(>  iiccvptod  un  a  s:\liU-v  of'thfoc  "liundifd  d')llars  ]"T  HnnuiLi. 

l!is  ministry  was"  hlcssfd  witi;  s>-ver;i!  Jicusons  ni'  -jh-cijil  revival,  particuhirly  iu 
1R14,  1S8:,  IS-I-^,' lt:'-')U  and   l!^r,^. 

Still  tlif  d;ivs  c)f  darkness  and  disconratrcnu-nt  v.crc  many.  One  c.mnnnnion  sfM'virc 
was  'hel.l  wlien  'there  ^vas  no  mrJe  nieml)er  l)el()n>:ing  to  tlie  chiircli.  Mr.  Tuttle  said  in 
referring-  to  it,  "  I  borrowed  a  Dea;-on  "  from  the  Croton  cluireh.  From  tlie  time  of  the. 
-or'>-;\iii/;ttion  of  llie  thundi  to  tlie  cJosi-  of  the  year  1S-.32,  foriy-si.K  persons  had  been 
received  to  its  meiiib'-rslii p.  tliirty-eiizht  females  and  eiglit  males,  but  the  numl)er  of 
male  i-ncm))ers  was  soon  diminislied  Ijy  d'-atlis  and  removals,  so  lliat  for  several  year.s 
Drevi'His  to  I'^'l-i.  Warren  Williaujs  v.a>  the  only  male  member  in  thi-  cluireli.  Tie  was 
deacon,  chorister,  and  deletjate  to  all  meetings  of  consociation,  ordinations  and  dismis 
sions.   '  lie  wa.s,  as  a  neiglibtiring  minister  remarked,  "  Cajjtai}!,  mate  and  all  liands." 

But  as  time  pas.sed  on  and  another  generation  c;ane  u])on  the  siage,  waim  fiiends 
for  whom  the  aged  pasior  felt  .strong  attachments,  were  raised  up,  and  towa;-ds  the  close 
of  his  life,  it  seemed  a  relief  to  him  to  fe(d  that  there  were  those  u])On  whom  he  could 
deT)end  to' watch  over  tliis  particular  branch  (vf  the  cluircb  wlien  his  work  here  was 
done,  and  in  one  i]istanee,  he  made  a  sj)ecial  re((Uest  to  one  of  his  friends,  from  wliom 
be  had  received  ntany  tokens  of  kindness,  that  he  sliould  care  for  Itis  people  when  he 
was  gone,  and  it  was'  a  consoling  ibouglit  tluit  such  a  ]n-ouu.^e  h;id  lie.-n  jnade  him. 
Before  the  formation  of  the  Sabbath  scliool,  the  ])eople  met  j/aslor  once,  in 
two  weeks  to  recite  the  a<sembly's  catechism.  A  Sal.ihath  S'/hool  was  organized  about  the 
vear  1818.  The  mann.-r  in  which  it  was  couducied  was  entirely  (lifTere)it  from  that  of 
modern  Sabbath  scliools.  The-  chddren  were  i,  quir^'d  t<,  learn  v<-r.^es  from  \he  Bible 
and  hymns:  the  pastor  heard  the  recitations,  and  a  y.uiiig  man  who  was  studying  with 
bim  kept  an  account  of  the  number  learned.  At  the  close  of  the  school  in  autumn 
scholars  were  paid  in  books,  at  tbe  rate  of  the  vahi>-  of  a  I'eiiny  f.n  leu  verses  from  the 
Bible,  and  the  .same  for  twenty  verses  of  hymns.  Thre.-  little  girls,  Sallv  Sterry,  Anna 
BiiliiU'-s  and  Tabitha  Laiab  rei-ited  each    one  tii')nsa!ui  verse.-^   from  the   Bilde,  and   eacli 

received  a  Bible  a'-:  a  regard. 

After  severa]  vears  a  ])iO]>osition  was  nurde  to  estaidisb  a  Sal)batb  school  library, 
some  of. the  young  ladies  s.taned  a  subscription  paper  and  obtained  the  sum  of  seven 
dollars,  v.ith  which  to  commence  a  lii>rarv. 

At  the  close  of  the  Sabbath  school  tbr  tin-  winter,  a  Bilde  class  for  young  i)eople 
look  its  place,  the  pastor  pre])are<l  (questions,  and  copies  of  tbctii  were  distributed  among 
the  juend-.ers  of  tlu- class,  wlio  were  e:cpected  to  jneiuiro  answers  in  writing,  and  read 
them  at  tb--  cb\<-  meeting.  From  these  small  Ijegiunings,  the  Sa))l)arh  sidiool  has 
increased  till  it  has  embra.-ed  nearly  all  the  me)nbers  of  the  congregation,  and  has 
■obtaineil  the  name  of  •    'I'he  Banner  Sabbatli  Scboid  of  the  State." 

An  extract  from -Mr.  Turtle's  lialf-ce.ntury  sermon  will  show  how  deojdy  he  loved 
this  institution:  ••  Let  nu.'  exhort  you  also  ever  to  cherish  a  deep  interest  in  tlie  [.ros- 
perity  of  the  Sal>bath  school.  You'  know  there  are  many  of  the  adult  population  around 
vou  who  do  not  attend  public  wurshij)  any  where,  ami  the  luobability  is  that  but  very 
'fe\v,  if  anv  of  them,  will  ever  alter  their'course.  \N  liat  then  y<ui  have  to  do  is  to  lal».)r 
to  save  their  children  fr(uu  becoming  hoim.'-m:ule  heathen,  ami  since  many  of  your  own 
<;hi!dren  are  g.nnt:  to  other  inirts.  if  >  ou  would  have  the  congregation  increase  in 
members  and  strengthened,  if  you  we,uid,  in  a  moral  sense,  lay  a  good  foundation  for 
tho=e  that  shall  come  after  you;  if  you  would  be  in.strumental  in  raising  up  a  commu- 
nity who  shall  a])iueciate  tlie  instifutions  of  tjie  gospel,  and  l>e  deterntined  to  maintain 
them.,  then  let  the  Sabbatli  school  he  the  object  of  your  earnest  solicitude,  and  untiring 
eiYort".  I  should  be  sorry  to  iiud  a  member  of  this  churcli  wlio  feels  no  interest  in  the 
SaV>bath  school.      1  sliou'ld  fear  that  such  an  one  had  lu.)  iiderest  in  good  things." 

One  of  Mr.  Tuttle">  ]iupi!^  says  in  s]i''akina-  of  him,  "'  lie  was  a  man  of  few  words, 
but  those  words  were  often  prove'i-b.-  iu  meaning,  discriminating  and  sparing  in  Jiis 
prai-e,  the  pari-^  <jr  pupil  was  fortunate  who  drew  from  liim  even  moderate  apj)ro- 
bation."     The  following  are  among  the  anecdotes  related  of  him: 

On  lUie  occssion  after  having  pi-rformed  a  marriage,  service,  tlie  aunt  of  tJie  groom 
met,  him  and  asked,  "  What  fee  did  you  getV  he  replied,  "Can  you  keei>  a  secrc-t  ?" 
She  savs,  "  t)  ves  :"   he  an.-^we^ed  "'  So  can  1." 

At' arioiliei  lini'- h.e  ca.Ued  on  one  of  his  parisbioneis  after  the  family  luu!  taken 
l,.,i.  'l-h,  l;t>.v  of  tile  l,o:i,-e.  V  !;o  juide-.'.  !u  .M  ir  r,  the  4r,,i'i;yof  her  i.-a.  i',epau-d,  as 
she  Sui)iio-?ed,'a  cup  for  him:  afr.u-  w.diiuL:-  a  sniiai.le  time  for  his  luaiso.  and  nor 
lieaviu"-  from  him  she  savs,     -Mr.    'i'uiile,    how    do   \ou   like   ymii     tea'.'"      lie    jvplied, 

oO-i-  ■  BKANCII.    OF    JOSKPH. 

"  'riuTc's  no  tiad  ',a--i'.-  to  it  '"      ^^'ll!■ll  the  l:ul_v  t-in j.t if<i    tlic   tea-pot    slif    found   slir   ]\nd 
ic.Tii  ^i\in,u-  lu-r  jiastor  \vann  wati-i-,  tlic  tea  she  liad  i'ofiro:;i-ii. 

S(iV!.-ial  years;  atiiT  liaviiiLr  loi't  (Jrotoii,  he  fxcliangod  witti  tlic  iiiini>t('i- t I'.cn  lliore. 
ai);l  the  ii'iiiiirk  \va-^  madr  to  liiin  by  one  ol'  liis  lu-aiv!s.  '•  Yon  ii!i'iic]t>-il  t!]:;i  situwm 
liere  iK-foi't-."'      llf  rr-iiiifd,  '•  ^^■ilenyoll    live  i;{>  xn  thai  I'll  pi'^at  It  aMothci." 

A.yaii:  aficr  having,'-  marrifd  a  CoUjdf  he  inrn>'d  t<.i  tln^  biidi'.  wdio  was  sealed  liy  Ids 
side  at  tlie  tnMe,  and  ealliiiL'  Hi'i-  hy  name,  said,  "  ')  i  you  want  to  knoN\"  ]io\>  to  imve  ;i 
good  liush.-md  V"  '■  Yes  sir,"  slie  said.  '"  \N  eil  ;  P.e  a  '^^ocid  wiiV."  was  ilie  ii-join(](^r. 
Otlior  fuiecdotes  iuii;lit  he  iidated,  hut  the.-e  will  show  ihe  peiiiliar  vein  of  humor  he 
))ossessed.  Duriiiir  se\oi-al  wintefs  in  saceosion  lie  deliveicd  h'ctures  on  seicniitie 
sahjeets  to  the  youi!ii>-r  meinhc-rs  of  hi.s  parish.  ih^  lertuied  t,n  Xatuial  I'hihiSophy. 
Chemistry,  Anatomy  and  Ph.ysiohigy;  the  last  iiamed  siihjeet  v/as  one  in  wliieli  h.e  was 
very  deeply  iutere-Sted.  Mr.  TuHh^'s  heaiiii  \vas  iwver  lirm,  and  for  many  yea!s  he  harl 
siilViifd  from  a  disease  (wat'-r  on  tlie  lieart).  wliiidi  must  eventually  destrny  his  lif-. 
In  January,  18t54,  he  went  out  on  a  severely  cold  day  to  visit  some  of  hi«  parishion(-:s. 
aud  to  liohlun  fc\'enin^'  iiieeiiiijj-.  The  elTort  was  too  grctit.  ai)dexi)o<ure  to  eohla^u'i'avatf.'d 
tlie  disease.  He  remained  at  hom;'  one  Sahhatli.  Afterward,  thout>di  .siilW-rini;:  greatly. 
he  attei!de<l  to  his  ])asiora!  duties.  In  April  lie  attended  the  ministers-  meetimr  at  New 
J.,ondou,  iviul  i)reac]ied  before  l:is  bretlnen  in  the  iiiiiiisiry  for  the  last  time.  His  decline 
wa.s  so  o-ra<laa!  ay  to  be  almost  impereeptible  to  himself  or  those  about  liim.  lie  rode 
out,  visited  his  peo})le.  and.  |iieacht  d  onee  on  e;i(di  Sabliath.  till  within  three  weeks  of 
his  dentil,  liis  days  were  passed  in  quiet,  Imt  his  id^-hts  were  attended  for  the  nio>t 
part  witli  in.tense  F.ufferi rig.  'idiere  wa.s  no  so^•erl'  ])aiii.  but  an  irregular  beating  (u'  the 
heart,  and  ditiiculty  of  breathing  deprived  him  of  rest.  Tliough  he  had  not  oTjiieissed 
the  thought  lie  should  not  i^'cover;  yei  it  se«Miied  to  be  in  his  mind.  lie  a])peared 
to  be  taking  his  leave  of  earthly  thijigs.  He  fretjuently  went  t'l  the  wiiulows  and  looked 
out  npon  the  trees  and  Howe!.-  which  ]iis  luvn  h.:'.nd  had  ]ilar,Ted.  saying,  •'  1  never  saw 
the  eartii  look  so  beautiful  before."  A  pocket  tdition  of  the  (ireek  'j'estament  givi'n  iiim 
by  one  who  in  the  early  part  of  his  ministrv  studied  with  him,  had  liei-n  in  his  hands 
almost  daily  for  years.  Two  weeks  before  his  denth  it  \\a5  laid  aside.  On  being  asked 
how  many  titnes  he  had  read  it  through,  lie  snid  he  did  not  know,  but  mentioned  the 
chapter  at  whi<-li  lie  left  off.  After  his  decease  the  little  well-N/orn  volume  was, 
according  to  his  vecpicst,  returned  to  the  giver. 

His  sufferings  i;ow  liegan  to  increase,  so  tliat  they  were  as  sovei-e  duriiiiC  ih<^  day 
as  in  the  night,  still  th<-re  was  no  deliriutn.  no  i(,irg(  1 1'ulnc-ss.  His  done'-stic  alta.irs  were 
cared  fe,r  to  the  last  days  of  his  life.  He  had  expresserl  a  desire  to  recover,  and  occa]iy 
his  ])nli(it  iigidii.  but.  after  licin.g  told  that  he  seemed  a])proacliiiig  his  end,  he  i/ave  up 
the  thought,  sayiiii',  "  1  wi.sli  I  c(Mild  jueacli  one  more  sermon." 

He  sjioko  freijiiently  of  his  own  unwoi'thiness,  and  of  liis  trust  in  (Jhiist,  .-aying.  "(). 
that  I  could  have  the  lovresr  jdace  at  his  feet,  it  would  be  enough,"  Once  In-  mentioned 
dear  friends  who  had  gone,  before  to  heaven,  s.-iyin!.-:  to  a  member  o!'  his  family.  "•  !  sliali 
se(-  your  mother  there,  and  1  shall  see  McMwen.  '  He  tlien  spokeof  a  lu-loved  memlier  of 
his  eongiegatioa.  who  died  a  U-\y  months  before,  and  said,  '-(Jiie  day  when  I  we-m  to 
see  Col.  Wood,  I  foiijid  him  in  great  distress,  and  said  to  him.  '  There's  no  sulfering  in 
lieaven:'  he  answereth  '1  know  tt.  1  v.ish  J  was  there,'"  and  then  he  added,  '-l  ho]i"  1 
Siiall  meet  him  there."  He  ha.d.  words  of  counsi-1,  warning  or  encouragement,  and 
expressions  of  gratitude  fe.i-  kindness  shouii  liim,  for  iho.^e  \'.  h<)  called  to  see  him. 
Three  of  his  four  grandchildren  were  from  home,  a  grandsc.ii  and  two  irraiid-dauLrhters. 
'J'he  grandson  he  did  not  f-xpect  tfi  see,  but  said,  ■"  I  want  to  so,'  thi'  airls."  A  message 
was  sent  to  them.  One  return.'d  the  week  before  his  death,  and  it  was  her  privilege, 
evening  after  evening,  losing  to  her  hi-loved  griUidfathor,  those  h;.miis  sn  ].'!ieious  to 
him  —  "My  ftiitii  ioiiks  up  to  thee,"  "  <  iuide  me  <>  thou  <;r"at  .bdiovah."  '■  Thep-  is  ^ 
lai:d  of  ]i^ire  delight  "--the  last  moii'ionid  to  his  favorite  tune  of  ''.budaii."  'i'he 
other  .irfaiid-daii.^diier  did  lu-t  get  the  lirsr  messaiie.  and  arrivt'il  (inly  in  time  to  rereive 
his  dy inj:  li'o>.-iug.  lie  had  prayed  that  he  might  u  itnoss  ano!  her  revival  of  religion 
amoiiL''  his  ]H-ople.  He  see:iied  to  have  the  assurance  that  th(  j-e  v.culd  lie  one;  he  said 
to  his  hriends,  "  'i'here  will  b:-  a  i-e\ival  of  ndigio'.i.  1  .--hall  n.ot  live  t,)  s,.,.  it,  Inu  rheie 
will  be  one."  At  ;;t;oiher  linio  he  s;ii<l.  "  1  fear  that  I  I'.ive  this  church  bei-MiM  ir  is  ii:y 
ch;.r(di.  and  not  hecause  ir  belonirs  to  my   Savior." 

On  the  last  Sabbath  of  his  life  he  sent  a  messa;re  to  an  aged  nmmb.-r  of  the  parish. 
Karlv  th'-fe.llowinv.  niovniiig  the  <ih!  gentleman  came  to  visit  his  dying  jastor.  liis 
voice  lia.'l  lien  fa.ih-d  -o  that  it  -(.as  d.ii'eull  So;-  hiiu  to  be  ui.dei  .-lood.  l!o<;iid  to  a 
meiuiier  of  his  family,  '  •  Tel!  him  1  \vai:t  him  to  be  a  t  rue  follower  ..f  Christ."  'I'ln-  old 
gentleman  repiied,  witii  a  treuibling  voice,  "  1  am  sure  I  want  to  he." 

TUTl'LE.  •"0''> 

Hi-  vin-nijtli  r.-iuriR-u  s.i  tluil  li<'  was  ;'li]o  to  ronvcrse  durlii.u- tluMiay.  He  took 
1(';ivf-  ol' his  fiuiiily  iii^vard  (■\('ainir,  viMH.'iiilii-iiim- the  :ilisi',n  one,  iLiw!  jilmuT  11  o\-loc-k 
p    M    i);issc(l  fiwuv,  Moii.luv.  .Inni-  (3,  ISiM. 

Ih  st;aue  Mr".  'I'ultlt-  \".:i--  inilier  iili;>vo  the  im-iliuin  li.'iirht,  iufliuiii;;  in  l:ite  ycM.s  to 
sloop  a  li  lit';  in  iii;iiuu"r  lio  w:is  (luict  and  rrscrvcd ;  liis  si  \  !c  of  oiatoi  y  was  not  th(> 
m-'sr  i!lc;\si;io-"io  tin'  rat  ',.;'i-lia[is.  hut  or.c  on  li^iniin!,-  tn  jiini  coiiM  not  hnt  fc(>!  assured 
that,  llf- wi-.s  raino.-t  in  what  h<-  said,  and  his  st^Tmons  h: rhcd  not  Ht  doj.t li  of  lliou;:ht. 
Hi's  styh-  was  rh'ai  and  (•oni])n?lK-usivc,  and  lie  \vas  careful  to  us-,-  no  more  words 
than  was, necosarv  to  express  his  exact  nieaninir  ,  ,  ,  . 

For  fifty- fourVears  he  was  fomiliar  with  the  affairs  of  this  church  and  )>oople.  and 
often  vvouhl  he  sue'ak  of  the  rreat  chani:<-s  which  liad  taken  placi'.  not  only  in  this  imme- 
diate vicinilv  ill  the  atlairs  of  this  irr.-at  nati.m  for  v.hos.^  prosperity  he  always  tell 
an  intense  int'et.'st,  aiid  for  wiun^e  suc<-,--s  h.-  exj.-ssi'd  the  wanue.-t  solicitude  during-  our 
civil  war  luit  \vliose  triumph  he  did  not  live  to  wiinrss.  It  seemed  to  hmi  on  looking; 
ONcrlii-^  past  life  that  luii  litlle  had  !)'.'en  accomplisiied,  compared  with  ilie  largeness- of 
liis  d. ■sires,  vet  could  we  review  the  past,  could  \^  e  see  this  socieiy  as  it  was  sixty-four 
\ear>a--'-o  omhi  we  watch  the  improveuients  that  liave  heen  made  lhrorio;h  hLs  lustru- 
iueniali'^v',  we  should  realizr  im-re  fully  than  we  now  do,  that  thi-<  devoted  minister  did 
not  waste  in  idleness,  or  burv  his  talents  in  the  earili. 

Extract  from  funeral  s-M-mon  bv  the  Kev.  T.  1..  Shipman;  ••  -Mr.  'I'utth  "s  prcarhint: 
has  hecii  in-tructive  rather  than  exciting-.  He  lias  fed  liis  peo]dr  with  knowledL'-e  and 
understandiuL'-.  He  has  slmu  n  himself  to  he  a  w<uknian  tliat  le  edetii  not  to  he  ashamed, 
ri"-litly  divini^ng  the  v.-ord  of  truth.  His  (ireek  Testament  ha.->  lain  on  his  .study  tabl-, 
ofU-n  consnlted'^to  caT.-h  the  sha.les  of  meaning  which  no  translation  can  convey.  His 
slvle  is  a  mod'd  of  simpli-itv  a.ud  p.-rsph-uity.  While,  lacking  the  grace  of  eloculuni 
iiece^s'.i-v  to  a  ])opulai-  M>e:d<iT,  lie  lias  nevertlH-less  heen  a  ).ersuasive  one.  for  his 
preachii-'.'-  ha^  been  euf-nce<l  l.v  the  elorpi-nce  ,.f  a  holy  lite.  As  a  pa.stor.  yon  know 
after  what  manner  lie  kas  laen"  with  vou  at  all  sear-ous.  with  wliat  fidelity  he  has  te.-^ti- 
fied  rep.-uiance  toward  (  and  faith  towanl  our  Lnrd  Jesus  Christ,  not  only  in  the 
sanctnai-v.  hut  from  house  to  h.His,'  and  hy  the  wayside,  what  a  dc]^  interest  he  has 
.shown  in  all  that  concrp.s  v,.ur  welfare,  wh:n  swliciiude  he  has  f.dt  that  after  his  d' 
it  mav  '^.<  u-dl  v.-ith  vou.  atid  vour  chihlren  after  you,  v,-ith  what  ^lee[de^-s  ^'igileuco  he 
has  wat'^heil  ovr  the  kui>bs  of"  the  (lock,  and  iiou-  he  has  i)rayed  withr.ut  ceasing  f,.r  th^^ 
the  young,  that  tiny  might  l-.e  k-'jU  fion;  temptation,  and  their  f.-et  guided  in  the  way  ot 

peace.    "  -  •      i        i  -,     i         i 

"  'I'he  cattse  of  education  has  always  found  in  him  a  waim  triend  an-l  lie  lias  done 
u.-t  a  liith'  by  j)Oi>onal  teaching  and  .-ourses  of  h-.ciure-.  a.s  well  as  by  liis  visits  lo  the 
publi<-  schools,  to  raise  the  standar<l  of  education  here. 

"The  success  v.hich  has  crowned  his  efforts  is  well  known  not  only  at  home  but 
abroad,  for  Ledvard  ami  d'rotou  have  >ent  forth  not  a  few  wlei  hav.-  honot.-d  th-ir  early 
trainiriL''  and  who  clierish  for  their  jiastor  the  affection  of  children  a  fatlier. 

••  Vou  feel  to-dav  that  it  uiil  be  ditiicnlt  to  .^ui.l-ly  his  p,!;.,-,'.  and  this  leelmg  is  the 
best  trib-.)te  vou  couhl  pav  to  his  excellence.  His  brethivu  in  the  iuiui:-tty  ^hare  in  your 
estimate  of  iiim.  I  have'known  him  long  and  known  liim  well,  and  the  better  [  have 
known  him  the  moie  1  loved  him.      The  s.-rvice  devolved  u]>oii  me  to  day  is  truly  a  labor 

of  love. 

"  We,  shall  miss  hitii  in  our  monthlv  meeting,  we  shall  nnsx  Ins  presence,  we  sfuill 
miss  bis  I. raver,-,  we  shall  miss  the  influence  of  liis  excellent  -pirit.  His  dis^erbitions 
and  evT.ositiJuis  of  .scripture  have  been  nmoriir  the  most  valimble  couinbutions  to  the 
meefiu"-.  Simple  in  laULMiaire  but  rich  in  though.t  his  articles  Imve  always  commanded 
attention  and  have  elicited  ^'rom  those  v,]io  have  list,ui--d  to  no  .-mall  commenda- 
tion. We  all  know  what  Hr.  McKwen  tlioucht  of  his  m-i-hbor  Tuttle.  In  the  punciu- 
alitv  of  bis  art.-n.!.,n-e.  not  on!v  upon  the  mini.-ters  meeting  hut  ujion  other  ecch-sia-rical 
gatherine---  and  the  anniversaries  of  important  benevolent  soch^ties  when  the  inluciities 
of  a<'e  mb'-'hl  liave  .eemod  to  excu-a-  him,  lie  ha-  left  an  example  worthy  of  imitation. 
On  occasions  when  dillicuh  m.atters  have  come  l)eforr  the  a-.-o-iation  or  r(m  .o,uatioii 
though  bis  v.ords  liave  been  few,  his  counsels  have  been  wise  and  his  judgment  has  had 
great  wei-ht  \vith  the  bodv." 

Fcotu  per-.nal  rcniuf-ceacc^  of  Mr.  T.ittl-  by  U'-s .  .fam's  .V  (.allup,  a  native  ot 
Ledvat.l-  ••  We  shall  not  ceasi-  to  remember  tin-  marked.  sinudi.Miy  ot  his  (diaracter, 
Wit'iioui  pride  or  ostentation,  oppo.s,.d  to  all  preieu.'c  and  mere  show  in  (diaracter  and 
manners,  nev.r  seekln-  -re:.c  thimrs  forhiu-e!f  or  ),:>  friends  and  content  with^tnall 
and  hon. St  gains,  lu'  lived'among  us  unto  the  enih    'fhis  .impUcily  pervaded  all  his  halnts 


800  BKAXCII    OF    JOSEI'i;. 

of  lite  luitl  liis  with  otliero.  It  cluiracterizfil  liis  conversiitiuu  and  liisstvjc 
of  public  iiddn-ss,  'J'lue  merit  he  was  (juick  to  see  and  admire,  pretence  lie  despised. 
Ideas  he  appreciated,  but  mere  words  liowever  elegant  and  ])olishcd,  were  his  abhor- 
rence. He  was  liiniself  a  man  of  few  \\ords,  l)ut  these  words  were  often  proverbs  in 

'■  lie  still  lives  in  liis  patient  example  of  industry.  In  his  study  cr.-  in  his  field  In; 
was  pre-eminently  an  industrious  man.  At  liouic  or  alirnad,  in  his  parish,  he  was  never 
idle.  He  knew  not  liow  to  bt^  still  when  abh'  to  muve.  hew  men  ha\e  used  more  con- 
slantly  or  faithfully  their  full  nn^asure  of  strength. 

••  Xor  shall  we  soon  forget  }iis  public  spirit.  He  entertained  the  most  liberal  ideas  uf 
culture  and  improvement.  He  believed  in,  material,  and  spiritual. 
fie  stimulated  the  young  to  tliink  inteiligenily  and  liberally  on  all  (piestions.  He 
preached  up  benevolence  a.s  good  economy  as  well  as  a  christian  virtue.  The  ]K)or 
aluays  found  in  him  a  friend.  He  took  a  deep  interest  in  eilucation,  ()])cned  his  house 
as  a  s(diool  for  ttarlu-rs.  visited  the  ])uljlic  srjiools,  gave  lectures  to  the  young  people  of 
his  parish  im  the  natural  sriences  and  in  every  way  aimed  to  awal^en  in  all  a  liberal  and 
cultivated  spirit.  He  kept  i^ace  witli  the  times  and  made  himself  familiar  with  the 
inarch  of  events  and  with  the  great  principles  involved  in  them.  Though  in  no  sense  a 
politician,  he. dared  to  be  a  ]>atriot,  and  to  express  with  characteristic  candor  and  jdain- 
ness  Ids  love  for  liberty  and  the  Inion. 

'•  He  will  live  long  in  liis  git  at  sinyh-ness  (<f  jiurpose.  'i  he  sjiritual  welfare  of  his 
]>eople  was  the  onr-  great  absorliing  thougjir  n\'  his  life.  The  jo-osjierity  of  Zioii  was  his 
constant  ]irayer  and  labor.  He  rejoiceil  in  those  seasons  of  revival  tliai  repleuished  lier 
waste  phi'-es  and  brought  honor  to  her  Goth      He  longed  for  tlieir  return. 

'•His  sermons  and  exhortations  at  all  times  bore  witness  of  the  earnestness  of  his 
desire  for  the  salvation  «i  souls.  ThuUirh  not  especially  gifted  in  persuasive'  jirivate 
conversation  witli  the  im]>eintent.  yet  many  will  remeniljer  the  somevshat  (juaint  but 
often  telling  words  addressed  to  tliem  on  .-onu'  <diance  ojiporiunit}  and  if  not  alwavs  the 
most  smoot)!  Hud  \vini\ing.  yet  no  rm-  doubted  their  sincerity  or  their  force.  He  longed 
to  see  the  church  on  u  sultstantial  fouii'latiou  and  to  feel  saie  lliai  it  W(juld  never  be  less 
vigorous  and  ho}'eful  than  at  iire.-eiit.  Often,  my  fiiends,  has  he  spoken  to  us  of  the 
jirosperity  of  Zion  wlien  he  should  be  gone.  W'e  sliall  remember  bis  stiHmg  attach- 
ment to  tlie  places  and  scenes  of  his  early  life.  With  uhat  zest  lie  revi.sitefl  tin?  old 
places,  and  re-called  the  early  associates  of  his  youtli.  What  fresh  and  increasing;- 
interest  he  manifested  towards  Yale  College  b'lth  in  its  i  ailier  and  later  histoi-v.  Every 
year  almost  without  excejition  found  him  at  her  annual  co'iimeneement  exercises. 
Before  the  era  (if  railroads  he  failed  not  to  ]nty  his  annual  vi.-^it  to  his  Alma  Mater,  trav- 
eling ill  his  ju'ivate  carriage  and  visiting  at  conv.-nieul  intervals  at  the  house'of 
some  friend  on  the  route.  His  own  struggles  for  an  eilucation  made  him  the  earne:-.t 
friend  of  all  \\dio  encountered  similar  iiials. 

■"A  self-made  man  liiniself,  he  had  the  highest  esteem  for  all  who  by  their  own  exer- 
tions rose  to  honor  and  usefulness,  and  the  largest  faith  in  the  ability  of  all  vouth  to 
make  sometliing  of  themselves,  and  I  doubt  m^t  many  liave  gone  forth  from  this  center 
of  his  influence  inspired  directly  or  indirectly  with  loftier  faith  and  a  nobler  ambition 
than  they  would  otherwise  have  had." 

The  children  of  Mev.  Timotliy  Tuttle  are:  1,  A>.\.\  M.AUtA,  b.  Ot't.  lo,  1811;  m. 
Nov.  0!:»,  ISi-JS.  R'^v.  XehemialL  B.  t'o  il-:,  then  pastor  of  the  1st  ("ong.  chh.  at  Stoningi'Ui, 
Conn.;  sui-ceded  liis  father-in-law  in  the  chii.  at  Ledyard;  bed.  Xov.  17,  iSTil,  a.  f^O. 
1,  Willim/t  Tattle,  b.  at  Stonington.  A]u-il  'Jtj.  1S40;  res'.  Kast  Saginaw,  Mich.  L\  Eliz,' 
Brddirln,  b.  Oct.  9,  1841;  m.  Oct.  17,  Ib^'t'K  (iunioii  Williams  of  Cliicago,  HI.;  res. Titus- 
ville.  Pa.  1,  Lucy  Maria,  1).  at  Ledyard,  April!),  isiis.  :],  JuJirtrr't. Dtc.  ol.  b^4;}.  >, 
Haiu;i!;t  Ni:v,-Kf,T.,  b.  April  lo.  lNl"4:  m.  at  Ledyard,  Sept.  lo.  1811.  Leonaid  Chi-istei- 
pher  Smith.  1,  JLtri/  y>.>rt"i' .  Jan.  -^'i.  1S4.'):  m.  l).-t.  17,  18(37,  Charles  Smith  Noble,  b. 
HartL.  Feb.  4,  184-'.  1,  Charles  Leonard,  b.  at  Led.,  Mav  7,  ly7U;  res.  Hartford.  '-'. 
Harriet  Kli/.a.  b.  HartL,  .March  1.  I^T-J.  ;j,  Edwar.l  James"  Julv  80,  1S75.  2,  ILirril 
R:n/,n:'nil.  May  S,  1S4'.);   d.  May  12,  IS.",!. 

613.  Katharine  Tuttle,  b.  Nov.  Go,  l(li);i:  m.  Feb.  14,  1724,  (leorge,  s.  of  Sam'! 
and  LVi»e.-!a.  dau.  of  G  m..  Lardee  .Mix  ..)f  N.  II  iv..  b.  Maivli2L  ITU-'.  lb-  wa-  nepheu 
<d'  Ib-v.  Siep'ieM  Mix  of  W :  I ! lerslleld :  re.^.  N>'.  I!av.  (.).;t.,  irb7,  Iii.,  wilNxlub.  b\  r- 
SanuKd,  urns,  daus.,  S.byl  Wolcotr.  KiUharine  Todd;  ihui.  K-^ther  Potter  to  have  2<) 
acres  on  l>eacon  Hill;  gr.  s.  Samuel  Mix,  2ii  acres  on  I'.eacon  Hill;  s.  Stejiheii,  (JO  acrea 
on  Beacon  Hill. 

1.     Son,  b.  Sept.  4,  d.  Sept.  7,  172o. 

TUTTLE.  307 

II.  Sibyl  Miv,  b.  Sept.  2(j,  17'3(!;  m.  Aa^^  10,  1744,  John,  s.  of  John  and  Ann 
Sjx'irv  \N"oli-ott.  1).  .lun.  S,  17",'5:  wUi.  Sibyl.  udinK.  of  est.,  K.j-J.  1,  Joiix,  b.  June  8, 
I7I.").  ~,  'I'lMoi  iiY,  .Marcli  4,  1741;;  Saiii'l  Mix,  j^'tianL,  1761.  3,  Sai;.\u,  h.  April  :;0, 

III.  Kathai-iuf  :\Ii.\-,  Jan.  2-2.  172U;  tl.  ill  rhesieiii.'M.  Mass.,  Avig.  2(i,  ISIS,  a.  81); 
111.  Jan.  24,  17o<),  (iershom  (s.  of  (JiTslioiu  and  Hanuali)  Todd,  bro  of  Asa  Todd,  who  ni 
Marv  TiUtle,  dan.  of  Joslma  [:!].  Est.  adin.,  1770;  wid.  Katharine,  admx.  and  t^uani.  to 
.histiis  and  Esther,  Stejihen  Mix,  iruard.  t(.  Mix  and  Asa.  1.  Mix,  b.  and  d,  Xov.  ('), 
1751.  2.  Mi.X.  b.  Dec.  21,  17-32;  "  now  (Dec,  177S)  £!:one  over  to  join  the  enemies  of  tli^' 
V.  S;"  C'ai>t.  Saniind  .^t water,  adinr.  '■].  As.\,  June  2S,  17")(i;  d.  in  ('unmiin^'ton,  Ma.-,-;., 
Julv'lO,  1S17.  a.  '.II;  Bapt.  minister.  (See  Jh'Ua  inV.i  JU'<'.  of  W..  J/./.<.v. ;  ni.  May  24, 
177S  Abiicail,  dan.  of  Amos  and  i'hebe  Hishop  of  N.  Ihiv..  h.  Sept.  24.  17.")S:  d.  in 
C'besteriield,  Mass.,  Ort.  2,  18ol,  a.  tcl  1,  Thirz'i.  b.  Jan.  21,  d.  Eeb.  24,  1770.  2. 
Tlilnii,  ba]).  Get.  22,  1781:  d.  Oct.  10,  ISOl.  3,  L'lrrAiu.  b.  May  s.  1  rs:i;  d.  .March  2'j. 
IS].*),  a.  ol ;  ni.  Moses  of  (.'.  4,  ./'•■.v./z/.v,  Jum-  24,  17S5;  ni.  '  Apiil  U,  1S07,  ("yicne 
I>ainon:  (2)  ls2r),  Mrs.  Jemima  Shaw.  o.  J)ir,:ii!  Mmiiictn,  .\w^.  2S.  1787;  ni.  Ajnil  9. 
ISlO.Marv  Kowe.  6,  Mury,  b.  Oct.  15,  1780;  d.  inC'.,  Oct.  17,  1810;  ni.  Lewis  IIiirfi:ins. 
7,  Lyyncti,  Oct.  :]0,  17'J1;  ni.  Sarah  Kinney.  S.  K-'<lln  r.  30,  17!)4;  m.  Ezra  Stearns. 
9,'  0'')i:(h'c)hv\  Sept.  20.  I7'.)l];  m.  (.)ct.  3,  18b").  Jolm  Williams.  whi>  d.  in  .V^hfield,  Mass., 
Aj.vil  4,  187f' ,  a.  Sit  vrs.  1 1  mos;  wid.  res.  Athens.  Ala..  ISs;].  4,  Pitkiu-;,  !>.  Sept.  2^, 
17."")8;  d'.  Chesteiliclll,    Mass.,    O-t.    2,    iSol,    a.    'J3.     o,   Esthkh,    b.   Aug.    28,  1751).     (3, 

Jt'sTrs,  d.  nnm.,  1780. 

IV.  Samttel  Mix.  b.  Dec.  15.  1730;  will  pvov.  ISOO,  of  No.  llav.,  nnis.  only  s,  Satn- 
u(d,  gr.  s.  Samuel,  daus.  Lydia  Ives,  b.  A])ril  23,  1753,  Lucretia  Brooks,  who  d.  before 
1818,  leaving  i.:  Iieliecca  ^\'o(Jdin,  Anudia  Ilomeston  and  Katharine  Todd. 

V.  Esther  Mix,  b.  Nov.  22.  1732;  m.  Feb.  15,  175(>,  Tinrnthy  I'oiier.  A  Timothy 
Potter's  est.  of  Ilamdeii,  adm.  18:)2,  mns.  chil.,  'J  imothy,*  'I'itus,  Ja.reil,  Allen,  Jolm, 
James,  Katharine. 

VI.      Isaac  Mix.  b.  June  13,  17:i5:  d.  Xov.  30,   1730. 
VII.      St.-pln;,  Mix,  b.  May  11.  1730;   loyalist;   wf.  Zurvlah. 

614.  Elizabeth  Tuttle,  1'.  Jnly  27,  170,-,:  d.  S.-pt.  27,  1751;  in.  Sept.  25.  1740,  ('apt. 
i^aiuuel  Barnes  ibis  2d  wf.),  s.  of  Thoma^  an<l  bro.  of  Deboiah,  wf.  of  Jnsiali  Tuftl*'. 
lie  ni.  (l)Iieb('ccu  Parker,  win)  d.  173U;  (3)  about   1752  Dorcas,  d;iu.  of  Joseph  Turner. 

h.  June  17,  1722:  d.    Feb.    17,   ]75li:  (4)  Phebe .      He  d    Jnly  21,  1702,  a.  03;  estat.- 

iitsol.;  wid.    Phebe  named:   Doicas  a  minor  in    1707;  Dr.   .Eneas   Munson   guard.,   suc- 
<'eede<l  bv  Joseph  Sp^rrv  in  1700. 

I.   'Pebecca  Barnes,  b.  July  27,  1741;  d.  y. 

II.  Samuel  Barnes,  b.  A"!>ril  24,  1743;"  ('apt.;  ni.  1704  Tleji/ibah  Collins,  lb- 
v.-a^  the  first  moderator  of  thf  Epi-.  society  in  I'-,  llav.  17s8,  and  with  Samuel  Tuttle 
and  James  Pardee  tin-  Hrsi  wardens  ami  vesirvmeii.  1.  Samuel,  b.  Jan.  3,  1705;  d.  at 
sea  Dec.  10,  1704.  2,  J):i;kmiaii.  b.  March  0,'l707;  d.  Aug.  29,  1783,  of  small-jxix.  :'>. 
Elizabeth,  b.  March  is,  1700;  d.  Sept.  0,  1772.  4,  CiiAtycEY,  b.  Feb.  1,  1771;  m. 
May  29.  1704,  Iluld.ih  Smith.  1,  115//.  2.  J/-//-/'/.  3,  N.////////.  4,  )[diiiLhi.  5,  Jcre- 
iiiiith.  G,  Aliiii.rii.  7.  i'hd'i iifi ii:  and  by  a  2d  m.  this  niotlicr  bad  3  more.  5,  Ei.i/..\- 
HF.Tii,  b.  Maixdi  7,  1773.  0,  S.vkaii,  b".  Nov.  4.  1775;  d.  Mnv  12,  17S:!;  measles.  7,,  Jan.  20,  1777.  s.  Amos,  Oct.  14.  1770;  d.  Xov.  30,  1707,  of  yrllow  fever.  0. 
Hhla  Collins,  Der.  is,-  |7SL 

III.  Elizabeth  Barnes,  b.  .Muivh  1,  17b5. 

IV.  Lsaiah  Barnes,  b.  Jan.   1,  1747-S. 

G2.  Samuel  TllttlC,  h.  July  15.  1070:  by  trade  a  mason;  inv.  Dec.  1,  1700.  Id3(l; 
^^id.  Sarah,  (bil.  Samuel,  a.  13;  Sarah,  11;  Ste])lien,  li;  Jonas,  4;  .Vnios,  H;  .Vnna  not 
nanied..  In  171!,  Samuel  i  hose  Eieut.  irndiaid  Mile.-  guard.  Sarali,  Ste]dien  and  .buuis 
chose  Capt.  Joseph  Munson.  In  1713  est.  of  Samutd  T.  orderi'd  sold  and  \-  given  to  the 
will.,  the  rest  divided  into  0  eyiial  ]>arts.  In  May.  1725,  the  wid.  Sarah,  then  of  .\.  liav., 
conv.  laud  in  Farmiun"t(jn  to  s.  Steidieii,  and  tlie  lU'Xt  year  she  conv.  land  to  .Jonah; 
S  irali  makes  her  :u;trk.  In  1725  Sieplien  Turtle  .m'IIs  land  in  F.  to  '"my  uncie  .lolin 
Ib'.rt";  Jonah  sells  land  Julyl.  1720.  In  1725-0  Si^rgi.  Samuel  .ludd  (.f  15.;iirngton 
^ays  '•  my  kinsman  Jonah  'i'utile  -.ihor.!  j  b.ive  brought  n)i  fi-om  childhood."  .bin.  22. 
17-j  Sarah  Tuitb  ct.siv.  ;o  soi  Anios  land  thai  shell  be  laid  out  to  my  liu.-b^'iid  Samuel 
'I'urrie,  dec. 

*I)isi..  of  est.  of  Tirnothv    r'j->ttpr,    iSiC.   t.)   witl.,   land   t)Oundcd   by    I'.li   \Vhiliu;y  :     j->ani»;l,    Timothy, 
.bii.c/,  Cjerjri:c,  Scfiey  Hull,  X.incy  Shipraun,  Raciicl  I'olter. 

,'KIS  }5IiAXCJ[    OF    JOSEPH. 

1.  Samuel,  h.  Jan.  9.  KJOfi-T:  d.  bffoiv  17-29;  as  a<,a-eeinciit  of  Doc.  '29  of  that  yr. . 
Sarah  and  Bf'njaniin  Doiinan.  jr.,  of  N.  Ilav.,  StiM>heii  and  Jonas  Tutile  of  Farininirton 
conv.  to  "  our  rchiTion  "  Amos  Tutth-  rii^ht  in  est.  of  our  l>ro.  Samuel  Tutih',  \av-  of  X. 

II.      Sarah,  h.  Sept.  o.  lOtll*:   ni.  Benj.  Dorman. 

III.  Anna,  h.  Dec.  '23,  ITUO. 

IV.  Stejilien.  b.  S<-pt.  o,  ITOo:  m.  Sarah  ;  perhaps  that  wiiL  of  Slrph-n  Tuillr- 

who  d.  in  Fannington  .Inly '20.  IToO.      In  ll^o  Sreplien  of  Farm.  ennv.  to  Saiaii  Tutth.- 

rii^ht  in  f.  Samneriuttle.'    1,  Sti'.I'UKN.  of  ^Vnllin.irford:  in.  AbiiCail  -.      1,   Sftphen, 

K.'of  Stephen  of  Farmiuirton.  Uet.  lit.  i:.V3.  '2.  Strplnu.  b.  Sept.  17.  1702.  :;.  Anno. 
March  2.S,  17G4.     4,   Sarah.  Oct.  It),  1703.     •").   Mirry,  Sept.  (J,  17(J7. 

V.  Jonali.  Nov.  "20,  1705;  in  17"26  called  Jonas  of  Farminoton  in  dte<l  to  IMirhael 

Vi.      Amos,  b.  May  :;0.  1708;  m.  Sarah  Mansfield. 

6*22.  Sarah  Tuttle,  b.  Sept.  8,  1099;  m.  Jan.  10.  17-22,  Bfujamin,  s.  of  Benj.  and 
Ihith  Johnson  Donnan,  1>.  Any.  U,  HiUit.  luv.  1783,  wf.  Hli.^abcth,  Esther  \vf.  of  Nathan 
Dumnier.  heirs  of  Lydia  Hitchcc^ck,  Phebe  \vf.  of  Mattliew  Gilbert,  s.  Samuel  Dorman. 
gr.  s.  John  (Jorham;' adm.  of  Elizabeth  Dorman.  17S7.  yiven  to,  wid.  of  John 

I.  Samuel  Donnan,  b.  Jan.  21,  172:;:  in.  May  1-1.  1740,  Sarah  \\oodin.  1. 
Samuki,.  1).  Nov.,  1749.  '2.  Mai!V.  Oct. -2!),  17.'):l  :!,  .)"ami:s.  Nov.  is.  17.j5.  4,  David. 
June  13.  1757;  d.  Mav  'J,  1821:  m.  Mal)el,  who  d.  Marcli  1^.  IS.^S.  u.  >i'A\  yrs.;   "2  cliil 

11.  Lvdia  Dorman,  Mardi  12,  172(1;  ni.  Dec.  15.  1745,  Joim  (bnhajn.  She  m.  (2) 
- — Hitchcock  and  d.  before  17s3.  1,  Isaac  .  Auir.  3,  174i;:  d.  IM:).  2.  STKCtniN.  F-b. 
1,1747.     Phelie  wf.  of  Sit  i>hen  d.  1S22.     3,   Hannah.  .Inly  25.  1 75(i.      I.  .Joii:;,  July  7. 

17.53;  d.  before  r7s7:  m.  Susanna . 

III.  Pliebc  Dorman,  b.  May  24,  1731;  m.  Nov.  23,  17411,  .loseph,  s.  of  Jo-eph  Donnan. 
He  va.s  killed  by  British  in  N.  Hav.  July  5.  1770;  will  ]mov.  .v;nne  \r.;  Phebe  eserx.  and 
guau!.,  1781,  of"Ke.:-'er;  Levi  lv(  s- was  yuaul.  to.b  .-cph.  P.i  nj.  Wrodin  wa.s  uncle  to  dec 
8he  m.  (2)  Jan.  3,  li^'l.  Matthew  Giii)ert.  1.  ]7Li/.AiiKTH,  b.  .-Vpril  (i.  1751 ;  m.  David  Mun- 
son,  jr.  2.  JOKi.,  April  '.»,  1753.  3,  FixiiK.  Feb.  2(»,  1757.  4.  F.sriiKi:.  May  17.  17(Jit: 
d.  183(>,  a.  70;  m.  Isaac  Aui:ur,  who  d.  Dec.  11.  ls2s,  a.  75.      1.    Klilni,  of  New  l.ond(;n. 

Conn.,  b.  1781;  d.  Jan.  9.  l.sll..  a.  ;^i3;  est.  a/lm.    by  f.    I-aar:  ni.  h'^-tht-r .      2.   l-^iac. 

b.  1705;  d.  Feb.  4.  IMiO.  n.  74:  wf.  K-i1ht  b.  170ii:  d.  Dor.  i:;,  ls:i(i,  ;i,  40.  5.  Jtv-in-.v. 
Dec.  1,  170-2.  C.  .loiiN.  twin  with  J(-<h.!a.  7.  P.uokk.  < 'rt.  1,  1705.  S.  Is.\.vc,  Nov. 
21,1708.     0,  JoKi.,  March  4.  1772.      10,  .Ioskimi. 

lY.  Esther  Dorman,  July  5.  1734;  m.  .March  11.  1750.  Israel  Doiman.  Ino.  Joseph 
above.  In  1757  In'  deeded  to  'I'rin.ity  clili.  New  Ifav.  the  (ilebe  lands.  He  d.  befon- 
1771.  and  ^'.  id.  Estlu'r  m.  Nath.aniel  Dumnier  whti  in  1770  in  riglit  of  his  wf.  Esther 
adm.  on  est.  of  The  late  Israel  Dorim\a  dfC.  a  jiart  of  the  est.  of  the  wid.  Sarali  Donnan. 
{^ratuhuollierof  heirs  of  Israel  1,  JosKi-ii,  May '28,  1757;  m.;  est.  adm.  abt.  lS-23;  naiui-> 
cliil.:  1.  A(hih,  dec.  and  left  heirs.  '2,  Lnr!n<hi.  3,  Merri*'.  2,  Isuaki,.  Sept.  "23. 
1701.     3,   Stki'hkn,  Nov.  7,  1763.     4,   Ai)Ait..Ium-  11.  1700.     5,   Isuaki.,  A))ril  23,  1707. 

626.  Amos  Tuttle,*  May  30.  170--;;  m.  Sarah  Mansfield,  b.  •'S.  170G;  dan.  of 
Jai)het.  In  175S,  he  sold  land  in  Blue  Hills,  laid  out  to  Samuel  Tuttle,  jr. ,  to  John 
Turner.  In  1730,  lands  laid  out  in  name  of  Simon  Tuttle.  sr.  (whom  he  called  uncle). 
to  Sainuel  Darling.  In  1732,  he  is  called  of  Cooper's  Quarter,  N.  Hav.  1731-^  Amos 
and  Saiah  of  Wijlingford.  conv.  dwellintr  Itouse,  shop,  liain  and  one  acre  of  land  in  X. 
Hav.  toCapt.  Tiieophihis  Munson.  In  1734,  conv.  to  John  Woodin  it.  in  f.  Samu.d  and 
Uncle  Simon  of  ^Val]■d.  d.-c.  In  1753,  Amos  conv.  landtojoil  Bradley. 
I.  Samuel,  b.  Marcli  5.  1731. 
If.      Sarah,  b.  ,luite7.  1  ;:^3;   m.  bv  Mr,  Stiles.  Xov.  0.  1753.  .la.mes  Ives. 

III.  I).  Marcli  lil.  I7:'.'i:"m.  by  Mr.  Bird.  .Ian.  27,  1701,  EOcMu-'.r-r  U'aTiier. 
1,  A.MOs,  Nov.  s.  1701.    '2.  Esiini;.  .Uilv  I'.'i.  170M.   3..1uN.vir.  Fob.  l,s,  17(;,-,.   4.  Han> mi 

March  14.1700.  5.  Eni:.\i;7.KU.  -lulv  10,  170"-^.  0,.  Sisa.nna.  Ajiril  1,  1770.  7,  Is\a<-. 
Jan.  (),  177'2.     8,  I.ydia,  Mav  5.  1773." 

IV.  Lvdia,  b    Julv '211, '1741 ;  m.  by  Mr.  Bird.  .March  7,  I7(iL    V^rn] .  Allimr. 

V.      Mar  V,  .Nov.   ih,  IM:;;   ni     .Vpri!   4.    F,  OS,  ,,l(  .h.ii   Culver.      1,    W  ii.i.i  a.m.  b.    .Mar'-h 
27,  1770.     2,  .Moi.i.v,  March  12,    1772. 
\\.     Samuel,  b.  Aug.   25,1745. 

*Aci  Ai-.os  i'unl'-  had  b.ip.  in  Chesliire.  Dec,  1742,  Jau     Msry  and  soa  Xath.^nicl. 

TriTLK.  309 

fc|'  63.     Stephen  Tattle,    b.    Mhv  'JD     ]()?:!:  r  .u.  to    \Vno.ll)n<l^!,ro,    N'.   J.,    waci-f  his 

If  name  (ir.-t  aiipi-ars  un  i.-ttid  rec.  A])iil  IT,  li)'.!."),  ;i>  i;TaiUPp  ol'  Ti  acres  of  lii^-h  iand,  wliirli. 

j;;.|.  was  laid  nut  In  liiiii  Ik'c.  21 ,  same  yr.     lit-  ii(H;i;lii   ()   jiures  adjoinitiu- of  .Joliu   lioMiison. 

'ft  blark.sinitli.    dfcil   dated   Xi'V.    ]'.],   1701,    in    wliich  .losrpli  Tuttlf;  is    luuui'd.      At    tou-ii 

;-|  iiit'ctin.i:  .'an.   1,  1G97,  Stt-pbcn  Tuttl*'  was  clio-t-n   constable   for  tlie   year  ('.isuiiji:-.     His 

f'f  name  stands  fourtli  on  tlie  li:-,t  of  cliLircli  ineiiibers;"    m.  in  ^^'oodbridtl:e,  N.  •!..  b\  Satnnfd 

%  Hale,  .lii'-lice  of  the   Peaee,  ^Sel.t.  10,  lOSir.,  JUitli    Kit-/.   Kandolj.h  of  ^\  oodl)rid^i;-c,  of  tli« 

^4  family  fmin  whieli  (iov.  Itai.di.djih  is  de-,r.      His  will  dated   Uci .  2t>,    1700.  aiaf  rervrded 

:-'K  in  Trenton.    X.  .1..  same  year;   names  (.'nnsin  .lolm  ('ooper,  s.  Timothy  to  have  tin- lionsi'. 

■'I  sons  Josepli   and   Ste]>li,n  to   have   i;iOea(di.    S.imiie]    not    nann-d;  .los'-i'li  to   be   s.-nt  to 

i;|  New  Haven  to  Theophilus  Mnnson:   A]>ril  t»,  17'J."),  Tiinotliy,  Josepli  and  Stf;plien  Tattle. 

f|  of   Newark  received  of    Daniel  IJrittan  and  John   Cooper,  exeers.  of  the  will  of  [Stephen 

iS  'I'uttle  of  ^^'oodbridire, -dec,  t':3-")0  in  current  money  in  fnll.     iy</nir/.'   7o/r/i    licctn-d.) 

ff  ].     'i'innithv,  b.  Oct.  llj,  KiUti;  m.  Cecilia  Moore. 

i.|  II.     Joseph,"  b.  Sept.  :2.  IGU^;  m.  Nov.  Ti .  1700,  Abigail  ()o;den. 

f:i  111.      Stephen,  m.  Jan.  '},'■),  17oo,  Sai'ah  Stanley. 

ifh  IV.      Samuel,  probably  d.  y. 

Il  631.     Timothy  Tuttle,  b.  in  Woodhridio-,   X.   J..  Oct.    IH.  Klim;   with  his  brother 

i"!  do-epa  settled  in  Newark,  X.  J.       In  f  7'2:!  Timorhy   wa'^  chosen  '■  Clerk  of  Strays."       In 

■£  17y(>-'51,  fence  viewer,  and  one  of  the  overseeis  of  the  poor,  and  in  1782  he  elio.sen 

^1  Assessor;  no  mention  in  Newark  Kecords  after  17o2,  and  deeds  in  ])osse;.sion  of  Jolm  0. 

'f  Tuttlef  (d'  Hanover  shou  tliat  his  ancestor,   .loseiih    'i'nttle,    bouirhf    hnuls  tlnTe  in  1725. 

J  and  the  hr.ither.-~  removeil  to  Hanover.  Morris  (.'o..   almiu    M'-Y-i.      Titnothy  'I'nttie,  Es.-j., 

;'|  Justice  of  the  I'eace,  d.  Dec.  ol .  17ol;   will  prnv,  , Inly   IToo;   nms.    <-liil.  ]">ani(d.   Thon^as. 

vi  l-aa<-,  Sieplu-n.   A'orahaii!,  Mary  and  .Joanna,  \\'a\.  (V'cilia  and  >on-iii  la\\  Joisaliian  Slilehi, 

ll  Hem.  (.'ecilia  Moore,  whose  burial  .Inly  :l  17()S  (a.    GS),  is   the    liist  record  on  the  "  Mor- 

^,  ristown  Hill  of  Mortality."" 

%  I.      Daniel,  b.  Jan.  lo.  172."):   m.  Jendma  Jnhnson:  (2)  Catharine  .McDowell. 

•'»  II.     T}n>itias,  m.  Mejiitable  I'airchild. 

Sill.      Isaac,  buried  Nov.  ti,  ]77(5.  a.  T)'^  (d.  of  jileiirisy.  Morris.  15111). 
IV.     Stephen, 

i  V.      Abraham,  b.  Dec.   17,  ]  7'i2,  in  the  2-1  ih  \  ear  of  his  age;  est.  adm.    bv  Jonathan 

:|  Stiles.                                                      ■    .              ■           '     -  •                ■    ■  ■ 

;|  VI.      Mary. 

I  Vli.     .bianna,  buried  Sept.  17.  1  7sl .  a.  .-););   fever.      The  Morris  Bill  says  wife  of  Jona- 

il  tiian  Stiles,  Ks(|.     (Saiah,   v,f.    of  Jotuitlian  Stihs,  I'-q.,   of  eons..    Feb."  6,    1802,  a.  70; 

%  DorotliN  .  wf.  of  Jonathan  Stiles,    l''si|.,    of   hurt    and  fever,  Jan.  18,  1804,  a.  OS.)     Jona- 

4  Hian  Sfites,  Es(i.,  d.  <d'old  age  Oct.  I),  ISUG.  a  S."). 

:|  6311.      Daniel    Tuttle,  b.  Jan.   1;;.  172o,-   m.   1747.  Jemima,  dan.  of  Hezekiah  John- 

i  .son,  who  d.    Jiily   21,    1774.      She  nnnle  pr(d.-ssJon   of   religion,    17.j2:  (2)  Mav  17,  1780, 
Catharine  M(d)o well,  who  d.  Sejit.  2^'.  17^:!.    a,    :jS;  c!^  June,  1785.    Marv   Plum,  who  d. 
'     Sey)t.  17,  1808,  a.  80.      He  d.  Oct.  !),  1S(|5,  a,  SO.     Daniel  TuUle  and  five  "of  his  .S(ms  were 

I  in  the  Rev.  anny. 

I  1.     Timothy,  b.  Sept.  is,  174S;  m.  Marv  Ward. 

I  II.      Anna,  b.  Feb.  2:!.  1750;   d.  Ai)rll    !),'  isl.-,;  m.    March  2!l,    17C8,    Uzal    Kilcliel, 

I  wlio  d.  .Ian.  22.  181o. 

I  III.      Phebe.  b.  Fel-.  S,  1752:  d.  Aug.  11,  170*;. 

I  IV,      Jo.seph,  b.  June  22.   1754:  m.   I'.-^ther  Parkhurst. 

I  V.     John.  b.  Ort.  2,  1754:  a  Hev.  sol.;  d.  at  Vallev  ForLM'.  April,  1778. 

?,  VI       Jemima,  b.  .Marcli  25.  175();  m.  Walter  Mofla'tt. 

I  VII.      .Marv,  h.  Julv  2;.  1757;   d.  Mav  ;«),  17fi!, 

I  Vlll.      Duniei,  b.  Aug.  :j,  175i»:  d.  May  27,  17Go.                                                ■ 

^  IX.      \\'iriiam,  b.  Xov.  5,  17G0;  m.  Tempi    W  ickham. 

\  X.      Cecilia,  b.  Dec.  2i).  17G2:  m.  Ch.arle.-  Cordon  Smith. 

t  XI.      Katurah    b.  Dec.    11.   r.G4:  d.  .•<.  i.  Marcli  1,S,  1850,  a.  Sd.      She  was  for  s.iv.-nil 

\  >'s.  hous(dceeper  for.ludge  Hohert  .Morris  of  New   Ihunswick.  X.  .1.      She  m.  abt.  1817, 

I  NV'illiam  I'datt,  wliod.  abt    1S20. 

|.  XII,  ,    David,  b.  March  22,  WGfi:  m.  Oct.  10.  170:^,  Jemima  Keoimrd. 

I  XIH.      Czal,  June  25,  i;t;7;   m.  ^usai■,  .\lner.      /.  by  2d  m. ; 

I  .    "'The  church  at  Woo(ib;id2e  was  I'ounded  Jan.  ^9.  i-;i>3,  by  three  persoiis  who  h,:'.d  been  coinniunicanis 

fc  '•"•  otlier  chiirtlies,  \iz.:  S.^aiiicl  Hale,  John  V&.ii  an.1  No:ih.  l',is!' 

k  'John  TuLlle  iiud  v.ile  rCt/iah,  who  J.  ol  fever  Dec.  -,o,  17S5,  a.  6j. 

:JK)  BUAXcir  of  josepii. 

[  XIV.     Jolin,  n,T.   24,  17S1:  <1.  in  Iiuli;ma.  1S8!I;  in.  Curulinc  P.  Thoma.s. 

I'  XV.      Jalif/,,  Soi>T.  19.  l7t^o;   ni.  ISUS,  i;ii<i(!a  liuvnctt. 

j  63111.     Timothy  Tuttlc,  b.  Sfpl.  is,   174s;  a  R,-v.   sol.;  <'ai>;.:  ni .  Maiy,  dnu.  ,,f 

!  'ri!i!o.|iy  (.'oopir  W'aiil.  who  d.    .luiU'   5.  lN.")l.    a.  DO;  a  [u'lisioiuT.      lie  d.  .luiic  Ki,  ISK); 

I  jiiadti  pnifcs.siou  of  ndit^ion,  July  4,  ITVIO;  les.  Whippaiiy,  .Morris  Co.,  X.  .1. 

V  I.     JaiiH's.  1).  .luiK  i>\,  l~S2:  m.  ]-:ii/.al)eth  Farrand" 

!-  11.     AslibL'll,  b    Ort.  1.  178:3:  Uv<-d  in  X.  \.  citv  sev.  vrs. ,  amid,  thr   .Ian.  21,  is-j'.)- 

i  m.  ihirriet  Halscy,  b.  June  9,  1790;  d.  IX-c.  2:i,  1^49.      1,  Dki.ia  Makia.  b.  Vr\>.  (i.  IM.V. 

;-  d.    Ain-ll    16.    iNoS.     2,   A.NPKEW.    m.    Emnui   Swan;  both   dec.      1,    A/mti   FninriH,   m. 

I  Fri-di-rick  Meekvr.        >],,v  (".,   in.    W'm.    Bi'acli;  (2)   Ilciiry   Halscy.     4.    William. 

j  i\\.     T',,    ED(;.\lt,    m.     G,    LoiisA.   ni.    (icor^c    Davis;  (dec.)      1,    Gcin-'jc.      7,  .Jank,  unni. 

i  III.     Tunothv,  b.  Sept.  17.  \~^~^\  m.  Susanna  U'asliburn. 

'  IV.      Anibro.s... 

;  V.     I'helie,  (I.  Dec.  22,  1S4:1   a,  54:  m.  (h-x.   .-),    is22,   .loscpli  Blvthrn  (2d  %vf. ;.  wlio 

\:  .1.  .May  11,  1.^44,  a.  ."iS.     1,   E.Mii.v,    \>.   Jan.    ."i,  1X20;  d.    April  11,  isi?.     o,   ErcKXK,    b. 

!..  Dfc.  (i.  1S27;  m.  Mary  (di^<-.);   res.  .\niboy,  X.  .J.;  2  daus. 

t  VI.      Elizabeth,  d".  .v.  i. ,  Aug-..  1S.V2:  ni.  Ihirvt-y  Davis  arid  rem.  to  Srhi-ncctady,  .\.  Y. 

;  VII.     Lydiu.  (1.  ^ilarcli  24,  l'^4o:  umu.      "A  dutiful  chui,t;htor  and  atVcctionute  sister" 

t  (gravestont'). 

i  Vlll.      Mary  Ward,  in.  Jan.,  ]s;^tj.   Edinund^stroth    Blevthen,    s.   (d'  Joseph.      1. 

I  Wm.  IIkxuv,'  b.  Jan.  ■"),  1837;  ni.  Eleanor  L.    Boue-luou.     1,    l\nins.i  Sir,.rrl.-:.     2.  JkU.i. 

f  3,   George.     2,  Cko.   Dickwokth,  Oct.  17,  1842;  M.D. ;  anin.;  res.   X.  Y.  C.     8,  Jii.ia 

j  I,Yni\,  b.  March  ;l  1817;  in.  Jacob  K.    llalsted. 

•j  IX.      .\nibr<^se  Johnson,  unm. ;  res    Fentonville,  ('luuitatKjnu  (,'o.,  X'.  Y. 

631111.     James   Tuttle,  b.   Jan.    2:1,    17.'^2;  d.    Feb.    G,    1S44;  nn    Xov.    l;l    ISuG, 

•■  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Earrand,  b.  Mav  DJ,  1787.    - 

j  1.     Eloise  Elvira,  b.  Feb.  14.  1808;  in."  Jose])h  Uould. 

;           ■  II.     Mare-aret,  b.  Au-r.  24,  1811:  in.  Xov.,  185],  Albert  A.  Kifchtdl. 

{  "         III.     Ariadne,  b.  July  2'.),  1812;  d.  1815. 

'  IV.     Martha  Ann,  1).  Julv  7,  1814:   unm. 

i  V.     Phinehas  Farrand,  b.  Julv  17,  181G:  m.  Jane  Wood  of  Phila. 

I  VI.     Charles  r^ollin.  b.  Aus;.  24.  1820;  d    ls2:i 

■  VI!.     John  Harvey,  b.  Oct.  20,  1882:  ni.  Oct.  20,  is.-,:},  Pliebt-  D.  Searin-   (d'  Xewark. 

■  X'.  J.     1,  J AMf:s  William,  1).  AiM-il  4,1855.     2,  Ciivr.r.Ks  Kdlltn.    Dec. '2:^,  is.ic,     :3. 
I  JdiiN  IIai'.vky,  Xov.  5.  18(52.     4,   Fkedf.iik  k  Si;ai;[N(;,  Autr.  4.  18(>8. 

I  Vlli.      Ariadne,  b.  Aug.  C',   1825;  in.    Dec,    l.sr4,    Lewis    Henry   Freeman.      1,   Fkv,  is 
Hknhv.     2.   <iK(>iif;K. 

\  6311111.     Elois   Elvira   Tultle,  b.  Feb.  14,  ISOS;  d.  ISOO.     -'A  devmed  chri.Tian. 
wife  and  motle-r.     She  iidieriled  from  hei;  father  all  those  noble  traits  of  (diaracter  which 

'  made  him  .so  marked  in  his  day,  and  left  a  vitdi  legacy  to  her  children  of  a  life  speiit  in 

HI  *.•.>*'.■      111111      .','      Jiiniivv't.      JH       111'-     iiii.^'    ,      cii....      Avii      n.       i.i.v.1.      i.\im,*v^i        vw      I  i\,    \.         i^llllVll'Xl        \J  I        (I       iilT         ."'l/rilL      IM 

])rei»arinfj  them,  by  example  and  prece])t,  for  this  life  and  that   which  is  to  come;"  m. 
-March,  l.s:32,  Josepli  Gould  of  Xew  York,  firm  of  J.  (iould  iV  Sous,  90  Front  st. 

1:  Charles  Judson  Oould,  b.  Caldwell,  X.  J.,  May  19,  18:W:  in  business  with  his 
f. ;  m.  X'ov.  15,  18G8,  Annie  L.,  dau.  of  Frederick  Westbrook,  Estp,  of  X.  Y.  C.  1, 
Ei,r.A\()i:   Fkancks.  b.  Sept.  11.  18G9.     2,   Iiosalik,  !  .  Sept.  15,  1S71. 

II.  (ieorg-e  Tuttle  (ionld,  b.  Xewark,  X.  J.,  Aug-,  2,  18:17;  in  busines.s  with  his  f. ; 
was  chief  of  .stall"  to  Major  <ien.  T.  Hunyou,  duriiiir  the  war  of  tin-  rebvdlion.  and  Inspec 
tor  (leneral  of  the  Xatl.  Guard  of  X.  J .,  with  the  rank  of  Col. ;  m.  April  10,  1807.  Mary 
Hi(d)a;-ds  (iardner,---  b.  ISosom.  Mass.,  Sept.  21.  ].s4(i.      From  early  childhood  Miss  Gard 

*kiu-hard  (rardner,  b.  abt.  r6io;  in  Woburn,  .Muss.,  1642;  tree.  1652:  d.  March  20,  i6g3;  ra.  Oct.  iS,  I'^si.. 
Mrs.  Anna  Blaiichard,  wid.  of  'Ihomas,  j.r.,  of  W'o.     His  sun. 

Henry  Gp.rdiicr.  b  W'o.  Feb  12.  165S;  res  Cliariestown:  d  Feb.  m,  1713;  ni.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  U'ni, 
Lane,  b.  Bo'.,   Feb.  3,  ii^ot;-  d.  June  3,  177:,;  (2)  Hannah  Prescott.     .''.  by  ist  m.: 

John  Gardner,  b  'July  22,  lOuf;  Harv.  Co!.  1715;  minister  at  Stow,  .Mass.;  ord.  Xov.  iS,  171S;  d  there 
Jan.  10,  1775;  Ti.  April  14,  1720,  Marv,  dau.  of  Rev.  Joseph  Ba.\ter  of  .Mcdtield,  .Mass.,  b  Feb  iq,  1701; 
d.  Dec.  3.-1.  175.; 

I.     Samuel,  b.  March  6,  1-2;;  Harv.  Col.  1746;  M.I)  ;  d,  B03.  J.Tn.  iS,  1770;    m.  May  22,  i7'6,  Mary, 
dau.  of  Rev.  Win    Coojier,  D  D.,  who  d    June  23,  1778. 

IF  Henry,  b.  Xov  14,1731;  H.-jrv  Col.  1730;  n'em.  Middlesex  Convention,  1774;  Prov.  Conff  . 
Oct  i77t-  First  State  Treasurer  of  .Mass  .tillhed.  Oct.  S.  i7?7.  at  his  res.,  the  "  Old  Province  House'" 
in  Wo.;  m.  Sept.  21,  177"!.  Hannah  Clap  of  Dorchester,  b  .March  i_,,  1750;  d.  Oct  21,  iS:g.  1,  Hini;v, 
b.  Aii^'.  2,  i77q:  Harv  Col.  170-;;  '>F  D  ;  never  practiced;  m.  May  17,  1S03.  J^^anna  Bird  Everett,  who  d. 
Feb.  7,  1807;  (ji  .March  2u,  1810.  Clarissa  Holbrook.  /.  by  2d  ni.:  i,  lleniy  JoitpU,  b.  Dor.  June  14, 
iSift;;  Gov.  of  .Ma-s.  1055-6-7;  m^  Xov.  21,  1S43,  Elizabeth,  dau .  ot  Richard  Cobb  of  Bost<;in . 
ID.  I'rancis,  b.  Fe'>.  19.  1757;  Harv.  Col  :  1755,  ord  minister  at  Feominister,  >.ia-.s..  Dec.  22,  i;- >; 
d.  suddenly  at  Walerlown  on  journey  to  Bos.,  June  2,  1014;  m.  Oct.  5,  iSt>2,  Sarah, only  /.  of  John  Gibson 



II. T  was  thr  p.tif'.  <niii  nii'l  ron-cspundtM't  nl'  tlic  lion.  Edward  Everett,  many  >ii'  wliose 
letters  ti)  litT.sell' she  ^.as  iifesf-rvt'd.  Slit- also' i>.>-^esses  the  iiianiiscript  (»t'  tlie  famous 
••  \Vashin;^toii  Oiatioii."  ]'resentfd  to  Iter  iiy  it.s  distinu-Jiislied  author.  1,  .JoilX  'Jakd- 
M-.n    h.  Sr]>t.  lTi,  ISTU.     •■?.  (iiooKOi; 'I'l  iTi.K.  h.  \\\is.  (•>,  1S7:1 

iir.  i:ivira  <iould,  1).  X.,  -\f-.Mvh  1,  1S4U;  m.  Xov.  14,  1SC,i),  Kaac  V.  Brokaw  of  X. 
y  ('.  1.  (iKACK.  1).  AjU'il  ■,'';.  is'i;';.  t?,  Fkkdi-.p.k  k,  A\i--.  18,  l^HS.  3,  Isaac  lH\-iN(f, 
March  5ii.  ISTI.      4.  Ei.vw.a.  An>r.  :J1,  IS?-?. 

IV.  Josephnie  (iould.  h.  X.,  Mny-Ji;,  1S44;  m.  .luiieV:?,  1S()5.  Trevonian  Haight,  .M.D., 
nf  .Monmouih  Co.,  X.  .1.     1,  Ki.nisi; '( Joi  i.i>.  Xov.  ','.  1S()5.     -^^  Ei.r/.A  Axx,  Dec.  S'i.  ISBtj, 

:],   .JOSKIMMNK  (idl'l.D,   -Illlv   07,    h'^G'^. 

631113.     Timotliy    Tuttle,    b.  Sept.  IT,  ir,S5;  ('apt.;  d.  Sept.  7,  1855;  m.  Su.sanna 
Waslihurii,  h.  Oct. '4.  VAVo. 

I.  AU'xiua  Maria,  m.  .Toseph  I>i'  <"amp  of  X       1,  Al.KXiXA   Makja. 

II.  Marietta  Elizal)eth,  m.  Fraid-;  W.  I'itrce.       1.  Ida 'I'rTTLK.     2,  ENnr.v  Lovisa. 
;i.  ]:i)WA!<i)  Lkk.     4,  Ff.ank  Ke)i;KiNs. 

III.  }".d\\ard  -MoiUiromery,  in.  Mrs.  .loaiiiu;  Day  Xiehols  (lu-e  Bruen).  He  was 
drowned;    wid.  and  cliil.  re.>.  at   Chtitliam,  X.  .1.      1,  FiiAXK.      '2,  .Jaxe. 

IV.  Lucina  Youn^^  Li'i-,  lu.  Jolm  Ilal.sey  Ihuner.  1.  \\'>r.  H.  -3,  Timothy  Ti-ti'I-e. 
?,,  Ei.i'/.A  .Jaxk.     4,  Mauv  ll.\rsKV.     5,  Wasubi  i;x,       (3.  -Iuun.       7,  St  sax.     8, 

SUSAX  CaMI'HHT.I..       y.   ClI.^Rl.KS. 

V.  Ann  Aui^nista,  in.  (Ten.  A.  Hunter. 

VI.  Mary  J^ouisa,  unni.:  res.  \\'liip])any,  X.  J. 
VII.      Kmi'lv  Beacii,  m.   Wm.  .1.  Bruce  of  l.)over.  X.  -J. 

VUl.  Susanna  Alexiua,  ju.  Williaui  H.  Iloweli.  1,  Fkaxcis  Cai.vix.  2,  Ror>NKY. 
:j,  r^DWAtii)  Li:r.. 

63114.  Joseph  Tuttle,  h.  .Tune  22,  175-'j;  hlaeksmith:  and  by  hard  work  earned  a 
house  and  lot,  but  unfortunately  elected  to  office,  th.e  dutiesof  wh.ich  conflicting  with  his 
kind  dis])nsition  a>  a  ueiKhbur,  led  into  enibarrassnn  nts,  and  finally  resulted  in  his  being- 
sold  out  liy  tlie  .slieritf.  In  tlie  latter  part  of  liis  life  he  was  crippled  in  one  of  his  feet, 
and  most"  men  \inder  sin'ilar  disability  would  luive  considered  it  an  ample  exciise  for 
ceasing  hard  labor.  Y.-t  he  continued  "to  work  at  his  trade  and  seated  on  a  revolving 
bench  between  his  anvil  and  tire,  "he  hammered  out  an  honest  living  for  his  family ;" 
ni.  Esthei-.  dan.  of  Samuel  and  Esther  Bahluiu  }':irkhurst.  who  d.  (jf  consumption, 
.March  20,  17N1),  a.  vf);  (2,1  I7'.)i»,  l.ydia  .Mitchell,  b.  Dec.  14,  1752;  d.  Sept.,  ]s:;G.  He  d. 
of  jialsv,  Apiil  IM.  1S02.      /.  b\   I  ni.: 

I."     I'hebe,  bu.  Sept.  181  1781,  a.  1  vr. 

II.  William,  b.  in  X<'W  Vernon,  .M"orris  Co.,  .X.  .T.,  Aug.  22,  1781;  m.  ISUG,  Hannah 
Camp;  /2).Tulia  .Vnn  Tattle. 

III.  .lemima,  b.  Oct.  27,  17N2,;  m.  Xov.  20,  1N07,  \Villiam  Voorhees.  h.  1783;  d, 
Feb.  17,  18UJ,  1,  Wii.ija.m  Titti.i:,  !>.  X,  Y.  C,  Aug.  11,  ls08;  .1.  in  X.  Y.  C..  A].ril 
2U.  18(39;  unm.  2.  CitAitr.KS  F.,  b.  in  Xewark,  X.  .1..  -Tuly  8,  1811;  d.  in  X.,  Sept.  19. 
184().  ■  " 

IV.  .facob,  b.  Aug.   24.  IT^^C;  m.  lsl4,  Elizabetli   Ward. 

V.  Eliza  Dellart  (twin  with  .Jacob);  m.  Sejit.  8,  ISlrU,  Dea.  .Josiah  L.  Ward  of 
.lersey,  <)..  (his  2d  wf.)  He  d.  Mar.di  20,  T^51.  Mrs.  Ward  is  still  (.Jan.  :iO,  1878)  living 
in  vii;orous  Irnilth  in  the  9id  vr.  of  her  a.      /.  bv  1st  m.  : 

VI.,  b.  Jan.  24,  I7ij2;  m.  1814,  Sarah   Mvers. 

VII.  Fzal  .Johnson,  b.  .Jan  15,  1797;  m.  1M9,  Bachel  King. 

631112.  William  TutLle,  l'.  in  Xew  Vernon.  Morris  Co.,  X.  .J.,  Aug.  22,  1781; 
learned  the  printin<:  busiue.-s,  and  f<->r  many  years  was  editor  of  tlie  Si, fin,  I  nf  FrcrOmn. 
published  in  Xewark,  X.  .).  Hi  Js07.  unde'r  the  preacdiing  <>t'  I'l'-  <iritliu,  he  bceann' 
converted,  and  united  with  the  l.-t.  Presb.  cldi.  of  Xewark,  In  ISHJ,  then  com|iara- 
tively  a  young  ma!',  for  tlie  otiiee,  lie  v.-as  (deeted  an  elder  of  the  chur(di,  s^liicli  then 
niitnbered  over  live  hundred  coiumuniiatUs.  For  a  number  of  years  he  was  also  a 
tea(dier  and  sui>erinteudent  of  the  Sabbath  ^ehool,  and  in  the  latter  part  «d'  Ids  life  was 
made  an  almoiuM- of  the  (d>ur(di,  and  devoted  nearly  all  his  tiui.'  a'.ul  all  his  income, 
excepting     neei'ssary    support    of    his    fannly,    to   visiting,    comforting,    raring    for   and 

of  Lunenbercr,  M.i"^s  ,  H,  (uno  i  ,,;  d.  .\ii£r  15,  1^17-  r.Joi!\-,  b.  Jan.  i,  176.-;;  fanner;  d.  .^ng.  21, 
iKso,  a.  SS;  iiJ.  (Jot.  ji.  17;).=;.  fili/rfbetli,  dau.  of  Gen.  Wm  (ireenleaf  of  Lancaster,  b.  Sepl.  2.  i;''-"-;  d. 
July  i-,  1S14.  1.  •'h>hn,  b'  June  ■.!.  180-,;  merchant  ot  Bus  ;  m.  Sc(>t.  5,  iS;<5,  Etnilv,  dau.  of  Dr.  Jeiemv 
Stunson  of  i,  Kmily  Suropson,  July  i^,  1843.  2,  .M.iry  Richards,  Scet.  ?i,  iS^o;  rn.  Co!,  (.co. 
Tiiulc  Gould. 

i3it.\>;cii   or  .losKPJi, 

le'ifviut;-  I'.ic  sifllicted  iiiid  tlit:^  ju-rdy.  His  di'iuli  Di-cui-red  suddenly  fnnu  <ii>o])lfxy, 
>iar<di  'J"2,  1S47.  \\<-  luvd  Ijei-n  aUfudJiif;  to  soiiu-  hnsincss.  n'ld  v.ns  .sti-ndiiig  on  ilif 
<-t)iiier  (if  FiUi.a]  and  Mufket  .siiHi-ts,  in  ^'rwaik.  lo-ikin--  for  Ids  liots.'  wlncii  lie  had  U-It 
tht're,  luit  wliich  some  buys  taken  for  a  iidc.  \v1icm  he  fell  and  expired.  Of  his  life 
and  c'liuracter  ilie  llo'i.  'J'hei.dMre  Frelinirh'.iy^en  thus  sj/eaks:  "I  h<>noi-  Ids  uieuiory. 
His  life  shune  as  that  uf  a  hundde  c'lnsisteut.  h<'avenly  minded  I'liristian.  'I'liere  was 
a  tenderness  of  s])irit  aliout  him,  an  elfenionat"  -ympatliy  with  Iiis  neii^^-hliors.  and  an 
honest  heartedness  tliat  d.reNv  to  him  the  hjve  and  esteem  vi  his  townsmen.  H(^  was  an 
Israelite  in  wliom  there  u  as  no  ^uile.  lie  follov.-ed  the  Savior  willi  humble  and  willinw- 
footste]>s  He  h)ved  his  closet  and  there  recniiied  liis  streni^th  for  the  eoidiict.  His 
hesi,  iinmi.stakahle  memoiial  is  the  preeiousne.vs  of  hi.s  mesiiory  in  Newark  where  he 
lived  and  died."  'J'he  siory  of  his  liie  written  by  Pies.  'J'little  of  Wabash  Colle<re  is 
beautiful  and  im]ue-^>i  ve."  It  was  first  jHildished  by  Robert  I'arter  iV  15  rot  hers  of  N . 
Y.  Siibseqiientlv  an  edition  sune-wliat  abri^iiied  and  rnntaiidui:-  a  steel  ]>ortrait  was 
published  bv  the"  Ameilcan  'I'ra't  So<;,ty;  n,.  Feb.  4,  l^OC,  Ilannali,  dau.  id'  Nutlutniel 
and  Ka(diel  (t'-i'it.')  t'amp.  1>.  :ii  Mi.  Veruoti,  Morris  Co..  X.  .1..  A-()ril  '26.  1T.S4:  d.  Dec.  I.i. 
1824:  ('irJan.  25.  1^27,  his  2d  c-casiu,  .luiia  Anri.  ihtu .  ol  Samuel  and  Abby  (Kiteheli  i 
Tuttie.  who  d.  at  Whijipany,  .\(<v.  4,    ISf.s.      /.  by  1st  m.: 

].      Jr)se'>}i  Natliatiiel,  b.  Jan.  ],    b'.-lO;  yrad.    Priucetor.  Col.;  an   elder  of  the   1st. 
Piesb.  chh.  in  N'-Murk.  2S.  -k,  and  treasurer  and  cliief  executive  otHcer  of  the  Howard 
Savin;.s  Iiistitution  of  that  city.      He  m.  Feb.  4,  isy."i.  Jo.sephine  M.  Daicy. 
H.      Fhebe  Camii,  b.  Jan'.  :!,  1^12:  d.  Aug.  21,  1S13. 

III.  William  ParkhursT.  b.  Hei'.  2ii,  IM4;  •.■■rad.  Princeton  (.'ok.  1n:]G:  d.  .lujtc- 24. 
iSoT:  drowned  hi  (.)\s  a.-^'.-u  lak<-.  uea'  Auimni.  X.  V.,  ^■>hilea  .■■.tudeiit  in  the  Theo.  Sent. 
of  that  cilv.  lie  was  in  a  sail  boa.;  on  tlu'  lake  witli  three  of  liis  classtnates,  when  a 
sudden  sijuall  >trt',ck  the  boat,  whicli  instantly  tilled  and  .satik,  and  all  were  dnnvned 
Tlie  names  of  his  companions  were  H.  Smith  (d'  .bduison,  Williiun  Woodbridge  of 
Stockbrid^-e,  Ma.s.-.,  an. I  Simeon  S.  -kdinsiin  of  Swe<!en,  X.  Y.  .\  montr.nent  has  been 
erected  over  their  remains  at  Auburn. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Camp.  b.  An--.  7.  ISllt;  d.  Drr.  2.").  1S51:  m.  Aug.  '.KK  l^-V-).  Aaron 
('alter  of  Newark,  b'.  Jan.  17.  i8i7.  1,  \N  i  i.i.i  \.\r  I'l  Tii.f:,  d.  y.  2.  W'li.i.i.v.M  TtTTJ.K, 
))     Sep;     2s     ]S4;)        ;',.    KlIZAKKTH  JosKl'iilN!.,   li.   Hec.  2('.  iNol:   d.    .\i>ril    l.'i.    1S.")2. 

V.     >iary  Caroline  b.  F..J..  2.  lS:j:;:  d.  Aug.  17.  ]S2:1. 

631144.  Jacob  Tuttie,  !>.  Aug.  24,  17S(i;  Xew  Vernon,  Morris  Co..  X.  J.,  ajipren 
ticed  to  a  ca.rjx'nler  in  Metidham.  X.  J.,  and  the  writer  id'  tld^  sketch  ne-t  a.  hidy  i'.i 
Pa.  wlio  said  that  Jac<d).  wdien  an  apprentice,  had  freiiuently  walked  four  Jidjes  after 
his  dav's  work  ^\•as  done  to  cut  tip  wood  for  a  poor  widow  in  the  village  without  pay 
He  was  verv  a' siduous  in  study  during  his  lei-^ure  liours,  an.d  Dr.  Amzi  Armstrong,  then 
minister  at"  Mendhani,  em.ouraired  liim  to  bei;-in  the  study  ot'  the  hinguage.s,  -wliiidt  lie 
did,  re<itini:-  to  I'r.  A.  In  !m)>;  he  united  witli  the  )'re,s.  chh.  at  .M.,  and  soon  after 
ent»'-red  the  Blootntield  Acail..  then  almost  as  tammis  as  Princetoti.  In  1812  he  was 
examined  and  admitted  to  the  juinor  class  at  Princeton,  but  f"r  want  of  means  was  not 
able  to  continue  and  was  oliliged  to  n.-turn  to  Blomiield.  His  acipiaintance  with  (das- 
steal  studies,  was  so  thorough  that  wdien  he  was 70  years  old  lie  reail  and  construed  many 
of  the  text  l)Ooks  readilv.  Indet  u.  Ids  memory  was  .so  accurate  that  w  hen  he  was  nearly 
SO  \ear.s  old  he  learned"  the  entire  ei-i-tle  to  tiie  Hebrews,  v.ith  his  Bible  class  reiieatiug 
clut'iiter  after  (diai>ter  with  <rr.-at  Hm.ncy.  'Die  shorter  caiechisn;.  he  could  re])eat  ques- 
tions and  answers  to  tlie  very  la.-t  of  his  life,  with  a  multitmie  of  scriptuie  ]iassages  and 
Watts'  ]>saliiis  and  hymns.  '  NN'hen  on  his  death-bed.  a  beautiful  octogenarian,  he  was" 
wont  to  rejieat  the  scriptures  from  memory  and  sing  the  liymns  witli  perfect  cheerful- 
ness as  if  his  chambiM-  wa.--  the  vestibule  of  heaven.  In  1814  he  began  study  of  theology 
muler  l>r.  Armstrong,  and  in  1817  reiuoveil  to  Newton.  Sussex  Co..  X.  J.,  and  taught  tn 
the  Acach-mv  there  until  1820.  when  on  the  20lh  of  A])ril  he  was  licensed  to  jireacli  by 
the  Piesb.  of  Jer.sev.  The  same  year  he  was  called  to  the  \\'esl  Milford  chuich,  Passaic 
Co.  and  ordained  and  installed  .\ug.  14,  1S21.  He  labored  here  until  Oct  .  1,^:;2:  thetirst 
four  V(>ars  with  litth  appaient  success.  Inleiiiiierance  was  bla.-iing  all  that  was  fair  in 
that  beautiful  valley  and  lie  was  about  to  L'-iveup  w  hen  a  reinai  kable  set  iousnes,-  was 
seen  in  his  con.'regatiof,,  udiich  wa.-^  followed  b_\  au  extensive  revival.  le  the  spring  ot 
18;!2  another  ivviva'  occurred,  liuriiig  which  "be  and  his  devoted  wife,  a  la<ly  of  rare 
excellele-e  atal  iute!  liij  ,-:ice,  vi.-ir.  .]  c\ci;\  l,..,.se  and  cabi'.l  io-  miles  in  every  direcfb>n, 
and  their  names  are  still  held  in  L'^reat  veneraiion  in  this  reginu  nf  their  labms.  in  1^-'- 
he  reniuved  to  Ohio  and  engaged  in  home  missionary  work,  i)lanting  several  churches 
aiide%erywhere  honored  as  a  true  man  of  (Jod.  His  piety  was  of  a  cheerful  kind,  which 
made  hiiu  a    w.dcoine  vi-it'H-  in  tin-  hone.--  of  his  and  e.-,pecially  in  the  slide 

'-r  *,     wrs-^ 

5  / 

-JlWffr  T'r^lvrfnrri-  r  4fi*-uij£*ii)liatBridtS!!Sni:t'ia&^'^ilS»i^'i:i^tieivl>ii 


31 H 

\  few  viMis  licfoiT  Lis  (U';itl\  hv  icrrivt'<l  :iu  iiijiiiv  wliicli  ciiuscd  liiiii  ,i;-it-;ir  ]>aiii.  l'])  to 
tli:it  tiiii''  lie  liiiil  'iiccn  a  luilc.  acti\>'  man,  Nslid^t'  (juiclc  st^p  ami  briu-ht  looks  fxritod 
.'.'•"ii.-ial  aitciilion.  He  i. •tinned  to  Jcist-y,  Oliio,  -.nid  ^l>.■llt  the  last  yeafs  of  liis  life  in 
ori-a^ioiiul  Dn-achiiifi-  and  otluT  chri.-^liaiL  lalhus.  lli.s  last  year  was  one  ol  lir-h  si)iritua1 
iiPMVim-iit.  and  oiilV  a  dav  or  two  hct'off  he  diid  he  was  licafd  sini:;iii^'  as  idii-erfully  Jis 
;i  (-liild  the  iisalin: 

"  My  spirit  looks  to  God  alone. 

My  rock  and  rei'u£;e  is  his  throne. 

In  all  my  feats  and  all  my  straits 

My  soul  on  His  salvation  waits." 

li.  (.  .ian.  (J,  lN<iG.  Ill  W'ii-oirs  I'ri'slj.  Aliuaiiai.-,  vol.  M.  from  whirh  tiif  abovf  ski-trh 
i.s  taken  tli»',-e  is  isppciidi-d  a  lit-aiitifiil  eulogv  of  Hcv.  .lacoh 'J'littlo  l>y  Kev.  Dr.  (^'ox.  lie 
ju.  Ant;-.  '--'^.  It^l^.  Klizah.'th  Waid  of  Hbxnntirld.  N.  J.,  1..  .\n^^.  -ii).  1787:  d.  Aug-.  2U, 
1S7!.  "slic  was  the  Sth  of  I'J  (diildron  of  Samuel  f-awreiire  and  .Maiiraret  (Farraiid) 
Ward,  wliti  wa^  of  the  4ih  Lienefatioii  in  de.-oent  fioie  (ieo.  W'aid  o!  Bratifoid,  t'onn.  : 
Mar^jaret  Funaiul  was  tif  the  -llh  n-eneration  in  descent  friini  Nathaniel  Karfand  of  Mil- 
ford,  (.'oiin. 

1.  Samuel  Lawreviee,  1>.  Aue-.  •j.").  In].");  ahmit  the  aue  of  nine  ye.i)>  he  was  sent 
to  the  i;;,;omlitdd  Aead.  Ihiiini:  tJie  revival  there  in  Is:}.")  lie  was  converted,  and  began 
preparation  for  ilie  ministry,  jn  the  fall  m'  ls;;;i  liis  mndc  Wm.  Tnttle  of  Newark  look 
liim  into  hi-  own  himily  and  seiiT  him  to  one  of  the  be>t  .s<-hools  in  the  city.  Wiien  his 
father    remnved    to    Oliin   In-    remained    in    Newark,    his    uncle   W'm.   assuniiit":   all    tlu^ 

expense-,    ol'    his    ed  tK-t.llon.       Ill  tlie    sprint!-    of    ls.;7  he  entered   witli   his  ('oustn    U'lii.    P. 

'I'uttle,  the  Soph.  clas.-.  at  Princeton:  ■' half  advanced. "  Here  liis  mind  ta])idly  devel- 
t>])ed,  and  his  <da~;s  ^landing  was  liiirh,  especially  ;is  a  spetiker,  and  he  was  repc-atrdly 
elected  Id  reiiie~>enr  his  i  la.-s  and  >oi-iet_\  at  ])nl)llc  rx  hibit  ion>.  At  hi^  i;-rad.  in  ls:^f>  he 
vva--  appointed  one  of  th.e  .-^jieakers.  In  ls;;;7  he  entered  the  'I'heo.  Sem.  at  Anburn  and 
look  a  hmh  rank  as  a  writer,  sp.'.-iker  .-ind  ^!dlolar,  and  after  the  n^iui!  coiif.-e  of  three 
\ears  Wils  liceic-ed  to  jireach  Oct.  S.  ls4(),liythe  Newtirk  Presbuery.  He  was  soon 
afterwan!--  called  to,  oidained  and  in->talled  over  the  chnrch  at  I'aldwell,  N.  J.  Hi.s 
ministrv  was  successful  and  memliei.-  were  added  to  the  chiirtdi.  He  h:td  the  reniark- 
iible  facultv  of  beina-  able  to  call  every  iierson  in  liis  parish  by  their  (diristian  name. 
Finding  his"  .salary  insiifiicleiit  he  was  dl.-missed  at  Ids  own  re.pu'st  in  April.  lS4f».  He 
was  en'iploved  for  several  vears  fi_\  the  Am.  iiiiile  Soc.  lioth  in  the  Secretaiy's  olli<-e  and 
as  genenirnL'-eiit  forConn'  lii-lan.,  ls.-,-|,  he  was  instalh.-d  j^astor  id' the  (dih.  at  Madison, 
N.^Il..  and  <-(,ininm  d.  until  Aj-rii,  ISti'J,  wlnn  he  resigned,  mucli  agaiiivt  t1ie  wislies  of 
nearly  all  of  his  parishoiiers.  He  was  then  ;ii>p<.inte(l  agent  of  the  Am.  Hible  Society  for 
western  N.  '\"..  but  in  1S0:1  was  invited  to  the  liible  Honse  as  assistant  to  the  Secretaries, 
which  ]>osition  he  ocoupled  until  his  deatli.  in  this  position  he  displayed  great  talent, 
tact  and  mdii^itry.  and  was  often  sent  to  distant  and  imi)orrant  cities  to  re-present  the 
parent  societv.  'in  April,  iMjti,  he  wa-  atiaid;ed  witli  inilamniatory  rheamaiism,  and  d. 
on  the  Kith  (">f  that  niontli.  His  funeral  at  Madison  was  an  extraordinary  one  from  the 
solenmitv  and  deep  interest  nujuifested.  ami  the  u'-'eat  number  who  attended  from  Cald- 
well and'othiri>lac-es  near  Madison.  Tlie  Newaik  Presbytery,  Hien  in  session,  adjourned 
to  attend  tint  si-rvii-es.  In  j'er.-on  he  was  nolily  formed  and  evidently  very  stroiiir.  His 
countenance  bright  and  kindled  quickly  in  conversation  or  imblic  speaking.  His  voh-e 
unt-ommonly  rich  tmd  powerful,  delightful  to  ]iear,  yet  leaving  the  im]ii-es-;ion  t!;at  its 
power  was  iiot  fully  exerted.  Some  of  his  sermons  were  tine  si)ecimens  of  elfective 
eloquence  and  it  was  not  uni'reipient  ti>  see  numlieis  of  his  hearers  moved  to  tetirs.  In 
praver  lie  liad  unusual  gifts.  'J'he  prayer  he  oll'ered  at  the  bedside  of  his  dying  father. 
tlie"lusT  visit  he  atid  his  brotln-i.  the  P'rest.  of  Wabash  Col.,  made  to  him.  will  not  be 
forgotten.  'I'  ])resenr  say  it  was  ;i  marvidou-  prayer  in  its  tenderness,  earnestness 
an<]  exalted  faith,  as  if  both'father  and  were  th.'ii  seeing  (llod  face  to  face.  Those 
who  we]. t  under  tlie  |.ic,ver  of  that  jirayer  did  not  doubt  that  the  fathe|>  would  soon  be  in 
/(/V  Father's  house,  but  they  little  thought  tliat  the  son  ajso  u  as  so  imar. —  Wi'fsni'.-^ 
J'rt.-:' .  AhiniiKii',  vol.  It.  He  111.  dune,  jsi  l .  bv  Hr.  Lyman  Peeidier,  .\ui-elia,  dau.  of  Aaron 
Camj)  of  Newark;  sh-  d.  suddenlv  Hec  -Jo,  1  s.-,!i:",-3)  .Ian. .  IsC,!.  |,y  Hev.  .lacob  Tuttle, 
Margarita  Thoiup-on  of  Madisou.'N.  ,1.,  who  d.  IS,  fs.i-i.  in  idiildblith.  i.  by 
1st  in.:  1,  Wii.l.i.wt  F.\HKiii-i;sr,  li  Dw..  ls40,  m.  Sept.  4,  iNf.T,  .loanna  Ihith;- 
Tiomp-oM  (d' .Miulivon.  wh,,  d.  -oo,,.  /.  b_\  Od  m. :  4,  .bist:ru  N  atii  \  NiKi.,  b.  Ajuil.  ISC.:.: 
V.  C.  .Ian.,    IS.vj, 

1!.  .bisi'ph  Fairand,  h,  at  l>loom!ield,  .March  1 J,  i^lS:  rein,  with  iii>  fathers  fam. 
in  fall  of  ls;5J.  to  (di:.';  \vorked.  (ui  tlie  farm  until  Nov.,  bs:j(;:  finished  prei)arations  for  in  (.irair.  ille   Aeadc'iny:  giad,    ai    Marietta   t'ol,  ]S!l.      At    Lane   Seminary,    1S4L 

314  lUtA.NCl]    OF    JOSEPH. 

Liccus(-(1  by  Prosbt.  of  Marion  at  Ik-lawan-,  O. .  April  '1.  1S44.  In  Nov.,  ]S-|.-.,  went  to  Oa 
Prcsbt.  clili.  at  Dclawar.',  ().  OrilaiiiPil  and  installed  i)ast()r  of  same  April  -21,  !M(5.  Or, 
Hiniry  Suiith  pr.-arhin,i;-  sermon,  and  IJ.'V.  .lacoh  Tuttle  uiviao;  ,  liaivrf.  In  Sept.,  Is47, 
accepted  call  lo  Pr.'sht.  clili.  at  Hockaway.  X.  J.,  where  lie  (-ontiiiued  niitii  ISil-j";  tlim 
became  I'res.  of  Wabash  c(dlejrt',  at  (■ra'v.rordsvill.-.  lud.,  whicli  i.o>!tioM  h.-  now  (Is:>-Ji 
holds.  He  i>  the  aiitlujr  of  nnmerous  ])ublishcd  sermons,  addi-esses,  cssavs,  etc..  ami  of 
a  life  of  hi>  u\u-\,\  Wni.  Tuttle,  before  refrrred  to.  He  is  oiic  ,,f  the  \'iVe  Vtv^.  of  thr 
New-  En>;.  (ieMt-alotricai  Society:  has  taken  tniudi  interest  in  this  work,  fnrnishir.i;-  copi.;- 
of  his  ^-enealoirical  jiaprrs,  and  at  the  tirst  family  iru'heriiitr  in  IST:'.,  Jusi  twn  c*  nturirs 
from  the  death  of  \Vm.  'J'attle,  delivered  nearNexv  Haven  the  ad<lress  to  his  desccndaiits. 
wlii<di  was  extensively  copied  in  newspapers,  and  afterwards  iiulijished  fiy  r(H(uest  in 
pamphlet  form.  "He  isa  man  of  noble  presence,  an  eloqnent  ])reach.-r  and  a  mauaii  onir 
ten  thousand." — Wf.sfi-i-ii  Corr<:-<]vni(I,-i,t.  1).  1).;  m.  Oct.  1.  Is^.l,  Susan  ('arolim;-  Kim:,  '>. 
April  7,  181"),  yonu.irest  dau.  of  Rev.  Biirnalia^  Min.u-,  D.  1).;  formor.'  than  half  a  ceiuarv 
pastor  of  the  Pi-pslit.  (dili.  at  Kockaway.  Hi-.  \\\\\^  pcrf(c,-m.-d  tlm  ccrfmouv,  a^si.-,;rd  b"\- 
Kev.  Samuel  L.  Tutlle.  1,  .I.m.ui;  f\\iii;.vNi).  1).  Au^-.  20,  lS4r..  2,  ('.\th akink  Em/..\- 
TJETir,  b.  iu  Rockaway.  A]Mil  3.  IS.-)!);  ni.  in  (,'rawfordsville,  ind..  Nov.  7,  1N?1.  '■'< 
A)tTiiLK  Waki..  b.  Oct.  2.  1N.")2.      4,  .losKi-iriXK.  b.  Jan.  :!(),  ls:)(i. 

in.  HannahMary.  Nov.  H,  lS2ii:  m.  at  her  f.'s  liousein  E.  Hlindon,  Franklin  Co  ,  ().. 
Sept.  !',  1J^45,  Hon  Mattlmw  Lom^-of  Iowa;  a  tnemberof  the  Iowa  State  Senate  {1N70);  chil. 
b.  in  Columbus,  (J.,  ex<-ept  tilt- la.-.t.  1,  William  L.\wni:NrF:,  .June  IH.  \HU>.  2,  .Mah- 
garkt  KsTirKit,  b.  Oct.  1.1.  IS  IS.  ;j.  .Iacoh  TtriLK,  April  li,  is.l].  4,  Euwaud,  Dec 
28,  lsr)2;  d.  at  Stellapolis.  Iowa,  a.  12yrs.  o,  Anna,  twin  v^-ith  Edward,  d.  .1unc  2i;. 
lSa3,  inCr)l.,  ().      (!,  Kli.a,  b.  in,  ( ). ,   is(3d. 

W.  James  ];icliards,  b.  at  l-;io..mlicld,  N.  J..  March  2(i,  1S24:  m,  Martha  Lon,i,r  of 
Colamltus,  O.  He  pursued  a  partial  coursf  of  study  ai  CerulaCol..  O.,  and  f,ntve  some 
time  to  the  study  of  law,  but  compelled  by  ill-health  to  give  up  profe.ssioiuil  designs  and 
follow  farming.  1,  Elizauktii.  2,  Jost'i'ii  E.  o,  .Tank.  4,  Amkf.ia  C.  o,  Mary.  d. 
inf.     0,  LA^M:EX(■K.      7,  .Eacoi; 'rrrTLi:.     S    Willi  am  <'. 

V.      Margaret  Esther,    b.    at   West.  Mil.,  Co.,  N.  J.,  .lulv  4     1S2G;  d.  Sent    21 
1840.  ■  ' 

631346.  John  Turtle,  b  -Jan.  24,  i;92;  d.  in  Newark,  Ai)ril '.I,  1S2;^:  m  Dec  ij. 
1814,    Surah    Myers, 

I.  Eli/.ar.uth,  b.  May  oO.  isKi;  d.  Am;.  17,  \<iy.]-  m.  ls;]6.  Alexander  Fiudlev. 
1,  Isaac,  b.  Oct.  2ii,  is;i7:  d.  May  2.1.  ls70.  2,  .Iu.sK!-iu.\k,  b.  Dec.  0,  1S40;  im  Dec.  0. 
l«Glt,  Kol)ert  Hynson.  1.  AU.r.mdrr  Fin'llni,  h.  Oct.  8.  ISfil;  d.  Nov.  17,  1SI)7.  2. 
Rijljt'ft  v.,  b.  Oct.  8.  l^c.c,.  8,  Anxik,  b.  Dec.  7.  1.S48.  A.  John,  b.  Oct.  lo,  1S4(;.  .l. 
Nellie,  b.  March  is.  ls.-)4. 

11.      Dcdia,  b.  April  2:5,   I><21:  d.  at  St.  Eoiiis.  Mo.,  Nov.   ](i,   l«41l;   nnuL 
HI.     Eveline,  b.  Nov.  24,  lsi7;  d..lnne  IG.  1822. 

631147.  Uzal  Johnson  Tuttle,  b.  .Ian.  1.1,  1797;  v.\.  .Ian.  18,  ISP,),  Ra.diel 
King,   b.   A]>ril   12.  17!)m. 

'  I.  Eydia,  b.  Dec.  11,  lsl9;  ni.  Nov.  22,  184:5,  .lolin  Seeh>v.  jr.,  b.  Oct.  1,1S1S.  1. 
William  ■j'title,  b.  Itec.  c.  isf-l.  2,  Emma  Cakolixe,  b.  Ma\  0,  1S47.  ;!,  EinvAKi.. 
•Jan.  ;;,  4.  EzAi,  .loiixsox.  Atiir.  7,  1S12;  d.  A])ril  IH.  isi.i.  1.  .Makv  JosKriiixi:. 
Jan.  28,  1.S.14:  d.  March  2:i.  b'^.l.l.  C.  EuKLM.Kn'K,  b.  Eeb.  :!.  is.lG.  7,  Ekank  Einwood. 
b.  Sept.  i;i,  IS.lS. 

11.  Charles,!..  Oct.  :^0,  ls-.'2;  m.  Dec.  ;;o.  1S4(),  Eliza  Jane  Kent.  1,  Ahai;el.  b. 
Nov.  19,  1S47.  2,  Emma  Eaxk.  !>.  A]nil  10,  isli);  nu  Oct.  7,  b^OS,  Edward  T.  Andrus. 
1,  jMiini  }](U.  b.  Se[.t.  20,  ISC,!);  d.  .Iu!v  IS,  1S70.  4,  Cil\i;i.i:s  E/al.  b.  .Inlv  ;^.  isll. 
4,  Susan  AnirsTA,  b.  April  12,  isi:;.  l,  AxxaMatii.da,  b.  Jan.  17.;.  (";.  Eilian. 
July  2!J,  is.lN.      7,  Hattik.  b.    MavO,  isiii.     S,;  MdirriMEi;,    i).    Etdi    22    Isiil. 

111.      Ha.rri.-i,  b.  Mav  21,   lS2.l';  d.  Nov.  80,  ls2(j. 

W .      I-:mma,  b.  March  0,  1S2'.»;   utim. 

V.  .Iidm  Newton,  b.  Dec.  I!,  is;i|;  n,.  Oct.  10.  Is.Hi.  (Eden  E.  Il>lcv.  1.  Hklkv 
EorisA.  b.  I>ec.  i:!.  isiio.  2,  .Maktin  INumku.  Jan.  11,  ]S(;:i.  8,  Eri  v  Cof.s.  b.  .Ian. 
is,  d.  Julv  17.  isij;).      Another  1>.  Aug.   IS,  ls7o. 

63116.  Jemima  Tuttle,  b.  .March  21,  IMO;  m.  Walter  .Mofl.itt  from  Scotland, 
after  whose  d.  A\>-  lived  v.ith  her  si.-,.,  Anna  iviichid,  and  d.  a  wid.,  Dec.  IS.  islS;  (diil. 
both  lived  and  d.  in  N.   Y.  C. 

I.      White  Mailoek  M(,iratt,  d.    1^(1 !. 

II.  James  J'litile  MoiTatt,  !).  abf.  Kill;  d.  id.t.  1S12-18.  1,  Dal.,  m.  .lohn  Comiit 
of  India.naj)olis;   State  Senator,  Postmaster  and    Probate  Jiulc-e.  '    He   d.    suild(>nl v  iti  tic 



?    .&-> 




«'iirly  part  of  the  war.     2,   Sox,  lawvcr,    who  d.   aiM.    l!^04.     8,   I'M'.,   ni. Iluiny; 

bank  iiUk-fv  hi  Torre  Haute,  Ind. 
III.     Julia  MolTatt,  li.  MM. 

63119.  William  TuttlC,  h.  Si,v.  .->,  ITC.O:  ('apt.;  entrred  tli<'  army  at  the  a^M-  of 
nlHiut  l(i  and  si.TveJ  t  lir(iUi;h  tlie  Hi'V.  war;  iin'Ui.  (d'lhr  Sor.  of  tlie  Cincinnati:  certili- 
catf  of  iu*'m.  si;jned  by  (m-o.  WasliiiiLrtni!  and  Hui_'-li  K'nox  pvi-si'rvcd  in  tlie  family ;  ni. 
April:-},  17NS,  Tenii)e,"dau.  of  Henry  and  Mary  ( 'o'.pei'  WiciJiani.  li.  Oct.  oO,  1 T"!"^;  "tl.  on 
Sunday  nlorn^n^^  Aiiril  2S,  lt!-22.      He  d.  J;!m.'i1,   In:]*;, 

1.      William  \Mckham,  b.    Sunday   mornini;-,    .Ian.    4.    ITS!);  d.    4'hnrsdav,  S   \.  m., 
.lulyol,  b^iii);    i)M.  Au^'.  ];  (dysentery)." 

II.  Marv  (^)oper,  1>.  Wednesday.  II  a.  M.,  March  17,  1790;  d.  in  Morri.-tow  n,  X. 
J.,  1871,  a.  SI;  m.  A}.ril  -v).  ISOS,"  Josepli  \\'aniMi  Ulatchlev.  I..  Jan.  T-'y.  ITt^o.  1. 
Josi'.PU  \V.\h!:k.\,  1).  (Jot.  1!),    l':^:]!;   V.  ('.  is.-,:!;  d.  April  *!.  ISdij. 

III.  ]>e!ia  JidiiKon.  b.  Tursd-.iy  nn^rnini;  at  7  o'clo.-k,  Oct.  1.1,  W.'-i:  m.  Oct.  14, 
1824,  J<jhii  }i.  W'ii-khani;  .y.    ;. 

IV.  ('aroiine  Wickhaui.  b.  \\'edne.-,day  afti-riKHtii.  Dec.  22.  1S()2:  m.  Sej't.  2(;.  1822, 
Joseph  Warren  Blatchley.  and  d.  .v.  /.  .Inly  (5,  1^2:!.  He  afterward  m.  her  sister.  Mary 

V.  H.nrv  \^'ickham,  b.  Mmidav  afternoon,  Oct.  29,  18i)4:  d.  at  I  ;;}0  A.  .M.,S<'iit.  2. 

6311.10.  Cecelia  0?uttle,  1>.  Dec.  2'J,  17fi2:  m.  Chnrk-s  (lor.lon  Smith,  b.  t'hrisi- 
iJias  day,  l~o'.),  in  lianovcr,  Murri.s  L'o..  N.  J.;  d.  in  Carridhini.  Mont^'-oiuery  ('o. ,  O. . 
1^«88;  hu.  in  Woodland  Cemeiery.  Dayton.  O. :  son  of  .Ias])er  Str.ith  of  Eiig'laiul,  and 
Elsie  (I'ordop.  of  Scothtnd,  whi'  eniiirrated  to  .\nu-vica  and  d.  in  N.  J.  Chatles  (i.  Smith 
was  a  di-v  jjood.s  merchant  for  manv  vrs. :  rem.  to  O.  in  is'lO;  chil.  b.  in  Hanover.  Morris 
Co.,  N.  J.  " 

I.      Robert  Smith    wetit  Soe.tli ;   iii.  tin-,  a    lady  of   Xew   Orleans,    ami   had  one  sou; 
1,    CUAlU.F.s,   wlio  lived  ill  Mo. 

II.      Ibichel    Smith   (always    cali.-d    Lotd^y),    m.    Bea(di:    (2)    Dv.    Kaynmnd    of 

Natchez,  Miss.,  wlir.  slie  d.  /.  by  l.-.t  m. :  I,  KixriK  .\  MAitfA,  m.  T.  L.  E;iston  of 
JNatchez;  jjlanter.  1,  Curohnc.  m.  Stanwood  of  Woodville,' M  iss.  2,  7'.  ^'.  of  SI. 
Mary's  Parish  of  La.  o,  Jniu/,  m.  Dr.  Duval  of 'ierrc  Bonin_'  Parish,  La.  4,  ,V<'r//,  m. 
0,  Ihi^nUt  \  m.  2,  Ck'  i.;i,iA,  d.  in  eaily  lire  in  .Natchez:  unm.  e,  ( 'ii  aht.ks,  d.  v.  4. 
RoHKirr,  d.  y.  i.  b_\  2d  m.:  .'),  Na'I'IIA.x.  re3.  Texas,  (j,  Lnc  ky,  d.  in  N;!tchc/,'a.  12. 
111.  Anna  Maria  Sn.iith,  b.  An--.  2!),  ITli:;;  d.  in  Ihiyton,  O.,  .lune  2S.  liS(;;o;  m.  l.'^12. 
Win.  Gillespie  of  Dayton,  dry  goods  mercht.  ••  Several  of  the  daus.  were  very  beautiful 
and  highly  educated. — .Mrs.  C.  H.  Steveiison.  1.  CtXKi.iA  S.NriTii,  d.  v.  2,  -Ii'i.ia  A. 
TfTir.K,  I'u.  A.  O.  Lindsley,  M.  D.  1.  J/:^/-/'/  J^'iz'ihdh,  m.  2,  ./'///(/,  in.  :].  K.ili, .  lu. 
4,  J)(iii.  d.  y.  b.  Sun,  a  farmer,  as  were  the  husband.s  of  th<'  '.]  m.  darts.  ;5,  t'KrKi.i.\. 
H.,  m.  Rev.  John  Stevenson,  1).  D.,  Sec.  of  the  Am  Tract  So.,  X.  Y.  ('.  1,  S,ir<ilr 
Cecdiii  ni.  R.-v.  Oliver  Adilison  Kiiigsburv  of  X.  Y.  C. :  Y.  C.  psijO.  1,  Mabel.  2. 
Cieorge.  2,  WVlhyiu  (}..  y\.\).  :j,  /A-.w  H//A///,t//'c,  m.  Rev.  Eran.-is  L.  Pation.  D.D., 
Prof,  of 'J'heo.  in  Pre.^b.  Theo.  Sein.  at  Chieago,  111.  1,  (cieorge  Stevenson.  2,  F:ancis 
Landy.  4,  CiiAiii.Ks  Smith,  b.  ISIU:  grocer;  m.  Caroline  >Hliikin  of  Hamilton,  o.  1, 
Andvi'ir.  2.  doirlis.  M,  WiWunn.  4,  Rnh^yt.  .1,  ^'r^'/v/c,  and  4  daus. ;  d.  y.  .l,  An-NIK 
M.,  unm.;  res.  with  Rev.  Dr.  Stevenson  at  Ha\vrh<u-n,  X.  .1.  (i,  Cath  AitiNK  E\i  ii.iNK, 
m.  Daniel  Parker,  Esi|.,  of  Rutland,  .Melius  Co.,  O.  1,  (;,,ii(ji  ClUi.spii .  M.  D.,  of  Cairo, 
HI.  2,  l)<i„nfll,r!nrt.  M.  D. ,  <d'  (\iiio.  :_!.  Fnnik  1!..  now  in  Ohio  rniversi:y.  7. 
Caj;()LI\K  Dki.fa,  unm;  res.  with  hei'  sis.  Julia,      .s.    E.  S.,  res.  Ind.:  farmer.      9     l"i:i{r;V 

l>, 1         ■  IV  .  /.  .  1,,       11-      .        ,1. ..  ,,-  1     ,,  ,.  1 

I  y.  nuiu  in  Dayton.  O. ,  u{  cons.  10.  Wm.  TrTTi.f.,  res.  Wood  Co.,  O. :  ui.  and, 
har.  .■»  s.  and  I  dau.  11,  .Iamhs  1'.:  res.  Floiida;  m.  Fanny  P;inon  of  Xew  Alliany,  Ind., 
who  d.  leaving  1  dau,   now  at    boa tdiui,^  school,  lp-.\\i(di.  Slass. 

1\'.  'i'imothy  Smith,  farmer;  d.  in  (Jreenviile,  DaikeCo.,  O. ,  abt.  IS(i4:  m.  Laibara 
Haum  of  Montgomery  <'o.,  O.,  and  had  i:  (i  sons,  of  uhom  2  became  lawyeis;  ant!  o  dans. 
V.  Wiiliam  Lewis  Snnth,  dry  goods  mi-ndii.;  d.  in  \'ick-iburg,  l.s4l,  wliile  on  a 
journey;  in.  Margaret  Flwing  of  Handlloii.  O.  1.  Cii.vKl.Ks  (i()i;i)o,\,  edilorof  a  niws- 
paper  in  Egy],t,  111.  2,  W,  Ei.r/..\i;i;Tii.  4,  Makijaiik'i'.  ."J,  Joski'h  I'Avim;. 
"  went  to  ('alifqruia  long  ago." 

\'l.      Charles  Smith,    m.   P.essie .      ],.lvMi.s;    faruser;   St.    .Marv's,  O.      2.  I'-MvrA, 

:n.     Horace     \\'ebstef  (s.    of    H(M-ace)   l'ea>e    of     Dayton,     (.).  ;     res.     halve     \lills,    Flillon    Co. 

\\'i->.      ;j,   Ja.NK,    m.  Dani(d    Dryden  of    Diyden's  Mills;   County  Auditor;    res.    Dayt(Ui,   (_) 
4,    Kaciiki.,    in.  Smith;    les.  St.  Marys,    O.      5,  Ax.NA  Maiu  A,  m. Bryant.      U, 

SiCj-  r.UAXCir  of  josepii. 

MAiK.AiiKT.      7,   C'Ki.iA,  1)1.   Porkus;  res    ur.  (irccnvillf,  O.     8,  C'uai;i,i>-,   d.  IS^l), 

at  >^t,  M:uy-s.  O. 

Ml.  ratli:ii-iii(  i:inr]i!\('  Sinitli,  b.  1S))(I;(1.  in  Candlltoii,  ^Iiinti^iiDi.Ty  Co.,  ().,  \x')\; 
lii."- IS'-'-,'. 'I'cii'v  I'p-.i--.',  li.  .Ian.  Oo.  IT'.t?:  frniii  Siiiliclil.  ( 'oim.  lie  was  a  vcaltliy  laud- 
•owner;  i<-s.  Cavnilltoii,  of  \\  hicli  villaii'c  lie  L-  siiM  to  liavr  fiwju-d  nearly  the  whole, 
besides  several  tliousaud  acre.--  of  tlie  a<ljaeful  territory.  As  a  large  stockholdci'  and 
leading  dinetor  ot  the  Dayton  \- Ciin-innati  (short  liu'.-)  railway  nearly  athirdof  acentury 
ago,  lie  wa.s  well  known  to  the  eonqiih-r  who,  as  an  engineer,  wa^^tln-n  enga.^^ed  in  locating 
that  work-.  We  are  glad  to  add  onr  testimony  to  the  tribnte  paid  hy  Mrs.  Steven.son  toliis 
<:liaracler:  •'He  was  a  man  (d'  rare  excellence,  a  good  chri.--tian  and  of  a  n(;l)le  and 
generous  natiU''."  iled.  iSfvl  l.<iKO.  MoifiiMKii,  d.  a  15.  :.'.  Cakounk  f'Ki  ki.ia,  d.  a. 
10.  :■'.,  W'll.l.lA.M.  ni.  Ncdjii-  (iray  and  has  sun>  and  dans,  at  Carrcdlton,  t).  4,  .l(.isij>il.  d. 
earlv,  leaving  a  wife  and  •,' -on--.  5,  Hon.  Luther  Siieiiccr  of  Sntlit-ld,  Conn, 
and're.s.  tln-rc;  has  fani.     'i.    1-j,!Zat,i: IH.  ni.  .bdm  Zininiennan;     .v.  /  ;    res.  Dayton.      7, 

fTEOttOK.  (!.  early,     s,   B.vTn^ii);r;A,  ni. Cose 

This  record"  of  the  descendants  of  ('has.  (C  and  Cei-elia  'J'uille  Sniitli  is  from  Mrs. 
<'ecelia  II.  Stevenson,  who  writes  to  the  compiler  that  many  of  tin-  females  of  this  hraiicli 
were  i-emarkaMe  for  l.ieanry  of  i)erson  and  lovtdiness  of   ehaiacter. 

G311.12.  David  Tuttle,  1>.  March  e:2,  17(iH;  res.  Whippauy,  .\.  .1.;  d.  Aug.  28, 
1S'2S;  m.  <.)ct.  10,  li'.i::!.  Jemimu.  dau.  of  Elijah  and  Joanna  ((hui.  of  .Joseph  Tuttle,  jr..) 
Leon.-ud.  1).  Feh.  lo,  1777:  d.  Dec  lo.  \>^fU.' 

I.  lUuiiel,  Ij.  Aug.  0.  17'Jo:  d.  in  Baltimore.  >ld.,  Feb.,  lS'i7:  m.  in  Baltimore 
dune.  Ibis,  'i'liere-a  '>avis.  1.  Com' MHi.s.  April  •.?!.  JS]!):  m.  in  ]>..  ISj.";,  .-\nna  J.  (Jun- 
nevan.  1.  ].n:r<i  T..  .Vug.  S,  1S-I'>.«  2.  7/".'Wf ('"./..  t)cr.  o.  IS4S.  :],  7';v"</.- Z.,  D'-c.  N, 
IH'iVt.  4,  J.sifoi/'ii.  Mav.  lS.")-2.  o,  Lt'iri.s  C./.s-.v.  H,  A/Ou/  .Jtmium.  dune  IS.>n.  7, 
A*'A,/v'  Jucrrls.      -2.   Cu.\i:t.Ks.  b.  Feb.  lo,  isvM;  m.      :S.    Davip  A.,  b.  March  21,  ISio;   m. 

II.  Joanna  L..  b.  Julv^ii,  17117;  nowilST;-!)  a  wid.  living  in  Mo.;  m.  Elienezer  1'. 
Kitchel.  1.  Ln;)i.  b.  Jan."H.  1S2S,  2.  HoiiAri:,  Mar.di  2-2.  IS'Jit.  8,  CAinuE,  Sej.t.  17. 
is:j(».  4.  .\xi)HKw,  March  2ii.  is:i8.  o,  Noind.x.  Sej.r.  2:;,  1SH4.  (i,  Mai;y,  July  27. 

III.  -M-a.v.  b.  .\ov.  2S.  \1'M:  d.  Nov.  27,  1SV2;  m.  Zcnas.  s.  of  Stephen  Kitchel: 
now  living  in.  hi>  s.hIi  yr..  187;!.  1.  ("Krii.iA.  2._Jti,iA.  8,  SiKi-Ki^N  B.  4. 
Koiji.iri  S\. 

W .  Jn.seph,  b.  .\]>ril  20.  1S02;  d.  in  Auirusla.  (bi.,  Oct.  80,  1S27;  m. ;  wid.  living  in 
III.;  liad  s. ;     1.    H.  B.  LK<i.NAi!i.. 

V.  Eliza,  b.  Jnlv  ^l),  fspf;  d.  in  llni-onvil  le.  Ind  .  O.-t.  V.'..  1848;  m.  about  1S24 
Mahloi,  Voorhees:  had  (    livimr  in  Hi. 

VI.      Saruli,  !).  June  1  !.  \>\):\  d.  Feb.  7.  iSfn). 
VI!.     Julia  Kit'diell.  b.  .\ug.  :,.  isii);  d.  June  27,  1884. 
VilF      Steide-n  Baker.  Jan.  .").  ISpi:   m.  I'h.  be  — — .      1,  H..  1'.  res.  Newark. 

N.  J.      2.   ,  m.  J.  M.  Ander.-on;    res.  Newark. 

iX.     Catharine  Cecilia,  h.   March  14.  ISlC;  d.  Feb.  4.  1884. 

X.      Robert  Morris,  b.  I'eb.  25.  isiil;   "a  surveyor  and  a  man  of  information";   res.^ 

Morri.-tou-n:   rem.  to  Arlinirton.  Phelp-.  Co.,  Mo.;  m.  June    17,  1848,  Marv  Jane,  dau.  of 

John  and  Piiebe  Han  of  Ptvth  Anib  )v,  N.  J.      1.  Joh.n  Hafit,  June  20.  1844.     2,   JuMA 

K.,  July  li*.  lS4(i.     8.   Cataiihi.nk  ('..  June  s,  18411.     4,   Ai.tiio.xk.   July  4,   18.-,4:  d.  y. 

O,    (il.oKOI  \.\NA.    Aug.     11,    is,-)."). 

6311.13.      Uzal   Tllttlc,    Ik    June  25,    17t)7:  d.    March  28.  iSlS;  m.  Susan,  dau.  of 
John  AInei  ,,f  N.   \    Citv:   d.  .Maivh  2s.  l.s:;7,  a.  about  72  yrs. ;  (diil.  b.  in  N.   V.  C. 
I.      Charloti..,  Dee".  14,  i:!t4;  d.  Feb.   14,  171)5. 

II.  Cathari'je.  b.  Fe'o  10.  17!)ii;  m.  at  \\hiic,)anv,  N.  J  .  Mav  11,  1S14,  John 
Young,  b.  mar  ^Vhil.pany  Feb.  20,  17'.i8;  d.  .\ug.  !c"ls72;  /.  at  \V. :  1.  CiiaklKs 
EoKHTd.N,  l'"eb.  I'.i.  isj,-.;  ruiu  (if  .bdm  VouiiiT  iV  Son.  Miii-ncco  manufacturers,  t;0  Mark''' 
St.,  N'-wark,  N.  J.;  ni.  .Iune28,  isj],  (  harlotte  Deiiman,  dan.  of  Uodney  Wilbur,  ¥.«.[.. 
of  N.,  b.  Nov.  10.  isi'.i.  ;,  r/,,,,./,  .v,'A,ii_.-,  17,  1S42.  2,  Ihnni.  Oct.  24,  1S44:  m.  June 
28,  1870,  Margareiia  A.,  dau.  of  James  Hitchcock,  E-q.  1,  I'ieurv.  Nov,  22,  IS71.  8. 
llxJim:  UV'V'".-.  b.  An-,  1  ]s.-,i;  ,1.  .ML.ndi24.  18.58.  4.  ./,•/,/,.  b.  Juiv2'.).  Is.'.S;  .1.  Apnl 
28.  IsiVl.      5,    Fr,i!-:-n-l:  II  .,,■'!.•<',  n ,  b.  Ma.r.di    10,  1si;2.      2.    Isahi.i.i.a  Eiokna,  b,  Oct    n. 

ISlii.  d.  Ju'.v   20,   1>81.      8.   .Juu.v    I'rru.K.  b.  July  11.  IsIS;  d.  Dee.  25.   ISl'.i. 

III.  Susan  Caioline.  b  .ian  8,  IsDt;  m.  Jan.  !.  1821,  Noadiah  Poit>-r  Thomas  who 
«1.  ■■<.   i.  Jan.  (■»,   1852,  a.  alx.m!  08  yr.-. 

TUTiLK.  :)17 

6311.15.  J'dhe'/.  Tuttle.  b.  Scj.t.  10,  its:?;  m  1!<US,  Khndn  H.,  dau.  of  Ciij.t. 
.Ii;.suis  IJiiniftt  nC  (.'aldw.'ll,  iS .  .)..  h.  Der.  1!),  I  ?Ui):  d.  Nov.  2Ck  LSUO.  lit' st'rv.xl  in  tlie 
will  ()!'  ISIO,  anil  was  tak^M^  prisom-r  at  the  surifiidt-r  of  He  w.-uT  to  Ohir>,  and 
d.  tlit'it  in  lyn.j,  a.  N-2. 

I,  .Janif;;  ."ilrl  )o\v(dl.  b,  .Iinu-  \2.  ISO!);  Itcv.  Ifis  early  life  a  stru--g!e  witli 
povorfy,  and  an  "  iipliin  journey."  \\'lu'n  ten  yi>.  of  aiiu  he  ];ad  sulMcient  eotifidence 
in  himself  tf>  leave  home,  and  trust  to  his  own  unaided  r<'Sonrees  to  inrdse  his  ivav  in  tin- 
world.  At  the  atje  (d'  eighteen  lie  was  convertid  to  a  reliirious  life,  and  uuit»-d  with  the 
Meth.  Epis.  clih.  In  Fell. ,  1S;>4,  hi;  was  licenscil  ti-  preach,  anil  next  year  \\as  called 
into  the  itiiKMant  .'-erviee.  in  which  he  has  coniinued  until  the  present  time  (IS?.")^.  He 
has  been  stationed  in  .Jersey  Citv,  Bordeutowii.  Trenton,  Madison,  Kahway,  l^loonihehl 
and  other  important  places.  Has  lieen  corresponding  Sec.  of  tlie  C'onferetu-e  Tract  Society 
four  years,  Presiding-  Polder  seven  years,  four  ot  them  in  the  Newark  District;  about  two 
years  Agent  and  Cor.  Sec.  of  the  X.  .).  brancli  of  the  1'.  S.  Sanitiry  Commission:  twelve 
years  niaPter  of  the  ronferenre  ^t-minary,  and  one  year'  iiiumeia!  •tgenl  ;  a  memher  of  the 
boanl  (d"  managers  (d'  \]i^^  Mission  Society  ol'  tlu'  M.  K.  chh,  abt.  t\\"eive  yrs.,  and  several 
yrs.  a  mem.  of  the  (ien.  Mi^>ion.  Com.:  (  lected  re.-er\  ed  delegate  to  the  (Jen,  Conf.  IS.IG: 
mem.  id'  the  (o-n.  Conf.  ISC.O:  one  of  the  corjuirators  of  the  l)rew  'I'heo.  Sem.,  at  Mad- 
ison, N.  .).,  and  several  yrs.  secretary,  trustee  and  mamxging  agt.  of  the  exec.  com.  He 
has  filled  various  other  res]''onsiblp  positions  in  the  chh.  He  m.  Mandi  ;{.  1741,  Margaret 
H.  Dickenson  of  Dover,  N.  J.  1,  .l.vMi;s  Wesley,  b.  Mandi  2i.  lSl-'2;  for  .scv.  yrs.  ])ast 
disbursiuir  clerk  in  the  X.  J.  State  Bank  at  Newark:  m.  ^lav  ti,  lS(.;s,  Mattie  E.  Cole. 
He  d.  of  Cons.  Feb.  IT,  18TS.  1,  Adria/t/i.  2,  liirris.n,  Wifhur,  b.  .May  \s~rl:  d,  Nov.  7. 
1877.  2.  Ai,K,.\.vMo;tt  11.,  b.  Feb.  Os.  istl;  grad.  witli  In.iKn-  from  W'e^h-yan  Seminary, 
ISK'J;  ord.  nunister  of  .Meth.  Kpis.  chh.:  pa.-tor  for  '■]  yrs.  rd"  the  Asbury  M.  K.  cdjh.  at 
Haida'nstic]<.  N.  J.:  o  yrs.  in  ders"y  < 'iiy :  o  yr>.  in  Nt  wark:  ;' yi's,  ii-.  I  [a-'ketstown,  and 
now  (18>!'2)  in  his  :2d  yr.  at  P-lizab(>i]j.  N.  .J.  Has  a  hiirl;  rejmtation  as  a  ju-eacher.  Hem. 
Fottie  .Janewell.  l.'l.nftu  J.  2,  Fnn.h  Ihn  ni ,  b.  Jan.  !i.  ]S,>^2.  :l  .Mary  JCi.iz.vuetu. 
h.  Se{>t.  24,  Ib'Fi;  d.  Trenton,  Sept.  17,  Isi.s.  4.  Ci:ai:;.es  W'waww.  Dec.:iv».  Is^fJ:  grad. 
of  High  School,  Nfwark,  at  head  of  his  class:  now  i:i  liusim-ss  in  Danbury,  Conn.  (  Lae\- 
iV  Tattle):  m.  and  had  one  child,  /'/v/,  d.  soon,  ~s,  .loux  P.  F.,  b.  Au^-.  jl,  iNfl):  d. 
Feb.  lS7i.).     C,  Ai..\ni;\S..  b.  Dec.  22.   IS,-,f. 

II.  Mary  L..  b.  I"eb.  28,  I8ll:  a  woinan  of  liigh  character  and  great  influence; 
mem.  of  the  Prc^b.  (dih.  in  (,'aid\s  ell,  .\.  .1.,  win  re  sh,'  d.  in  18'!7:  of  whom  lier  i)astor  said. 
"She  was  of  deep  ]iieiy  and  wise  in  cwuiistd:"  m.  Aan^!!  B.  Hari'is(.>n  of  Cald\v(dl,  .\.  ,J.. 
anfl  raised  (i  (diil.,  id'  whom:  1.  .1ami;s  H.,  an  oUicer  in  the  L'nion  army,  and  killed  ai 
battle  of  (iettysburg.  2.  NVtm.iam  J.  (Capt,),  served  <luring  most  of  the  war  in  I'uion 
army;   and  f(_)nr  nnu-e,  muues  not  IcariU'd. 

6312.  Thomas  Tvittle,  m.  r^lehitable  Fairchild  and  settled  at  Fittleton,  Morri.s 
(/-o.,  N.  J.,  on  a  fai'ui  whicii  desceicled  to  his  gi.  gr.  s.  (/ahd)  'i'uttle  K(.)\ve,  who  sohi  it 
to  a  cousifi  in  1808.  He  d.  at  tlie  house  of  his  son,  Caleb,  in  March,  181U.  a.  82.  His 
wife  d.  of  cons.  .Jan.,  1793,  a.  (12;  bu.  .Jan.  12. 

I.     Timothy,  lived  at  Monroe,    near  Morristf.iwn,    and   d.    about    18-10:    m.   .Jc>annH 

Pearson;  Inul  2  dans.      1,  .     3.   ■ ,  m.  .J(ihn  Stiles  of  .Morris  I'lains,  and  had  a  snn 

and  dans. :  bu.  on  the  rdd  farm. 

II.  .Jacob,  drowned,  .June.  1777,  a.  2o,  in  crossing  the  Hudson  river  between 
Havei'straw  and  Sing  Sing;  a  sol.  in  tlie  Hew  arm,\  .  had  been  sent  \vitli  others  in  a  boat 
to  procui-e  ju'ovisimis  for  the  soldiers. 

III.  Calel),  b.  Nov.  9,  17.j8;  d.  Mar.  h  27,  1S;3(;:  served  7  yrs.  in  Rev.  army,  and 
rectdved  a  pension  of  !?60  ])er  annum  until  his  d.  He  lived  on  Morris  Plains  until  1  7!il>, 
then  bought  a  faun  (d'  IdU  acres  at  Fitrb-ion,  where  he  d. ;  ni.  17'ft,  Marv,  ilan  of 
Phineas  Fairchild.  She  d.  April  G,  1S07;  (2).luly  3.  ISiiU,  Kesiah  Pier.son.  /.*  l)y  1st  m  ; 
1,  An.v.  2,  S.\Li,v.  :5,  PiiKtiK.  4,  .l.\(<ir..  .').  Stki'uk.n.  tj,  Meiiitai!i,k.  7, 
FsruKK.  living  in  1874:  m.  .Jolin  Doremas  of  Par,-ip]'any.  N.  .J..  .June  oO,  1810.  and  had 
\  soris,  of  whom  2  are  now  living--.  N.  I-j-xk  t;,  living  in  1874:  m,  April  2f).  1810,  Win., 
s.  of  i^eter  and  Catharine  (Tice)  Rowe  u{  Ponititon,  N.  .1.:  he  d.  .-it  I>. ,  Mandi  28.  IsG-S, 
in  his  7'.'rh  yr..  tie-  last  week  of  the  neiiith  in  whi(di  also  d.  in  the  same  hous.-,  Ids  wifi^'s 
father  and  grandfather.  I.  I'Jizn!;  t/i .  Ar^:.  2,  Ann.  W,  <'/i/'I-  '/'"(',',,  Un-  '20  yy.-,.  (n'n'l 
Ai^cnt  fur  ttu'  -Viu'M-iean  Hible  Socii-tv  in  the  Ciry  nf  N.  ^'.  -1.  ]\'i//in/,'.  ."»,  M',it;ithi.  (!, 
/■.''/./■/■,,  ,u-r.  7,  Mn-ij  r.^tlur  !!,' l-dn-.M/iit.  in.  'I'lMo-niv,  u,.  Pollv  .\l,l„,!t;  res' 
Chauiampia  Co.,  N.  V.'  lied,  about  |s71.  1,  A'A/.v/.  2,  Join,,  o.  IF/V//,////,  de.-.  11, 
Hi  i.DMi,  liv.  in  ]sI4:  m.  Dei.-.  2'^,  bsiJU,  Samuel  Pi.Msoii  <d'  .Morristown;  .\.  ('. :  res.  M. 
12,  ^F\KV.  /.  by  2d  m. :  V6.  Ei:>\vix.  14.  Ei.i'/auetii.  15,  Axdhew.  l(j,  Calei;. 
livint;  in  1871. 

oia  r.R.vxcn  01^  josepii. 

l\' .     Silvanus. 
V.      Mcliiralilc,  111.  Tiinothy  Fair.'liild;  .v.  /. ;  ho  d.   in   middle  life;  slu-   d.    at  oreat 
ai'^e  ill  Morris  Plains,  udirir  siie  liad  li\cd  t'lnni  viiuili. 

\l.      ]-;iiein/.iM-,  ni.  Sarali  Salislni  ry;  si-ttled  cni'ly  in  Alliany;  L,  1  s.  and  2  daus. 

632.  Joseph  Tutllo,  I>.  ^^t■])t  -J.  lli'.iS;  at  Xcuark,  X,  ,r.,  a]){)t.  .sujiervisor  of 
liialiways,  Marrii  s,  172"):  i-N-rk  foi- fnifriinr  stiJivs,  Man-li  i),  17il'>;  on*- of  tlie  overseers 
of  the  poor  and  fence  viewer:  houL'-lit  lands  inllaiiovrr,  nvM-O."),  and  rem.  tliere  some 
years  later.  In  17;34  Ik'  boiii,--!!!  a  tra.-t  of  l.^^O  :icres  at  Hanover  Xeck,  on  the  Whip- 
])any  and  Passaic  river-;,  near  the  continence.  A  di-ed,  su])posed  to  be  of  this  propertv, 
dated  Jan.  "^i.  17:j;)-.j4,  given  by  .lohn  and  Sanuit  I  Jcdmson  to  Joseph  'J'uttle,  black- 
smith. He  was  a  Justice  of  the  Peace:  a  Colonel  (d'  militia,  and  a  dea.  of  the  chh.  He 
-vvas  a  widower  and  blind  some  yeans  before  his  death.  Nov.  ?>,  ITcS!)^  a<je<l  91  vrs.  His 
monument,  an  altar  stone  in  the  Whii)j)any  grave-yard,  has  an  inscription  composed  bv 
the  I'f'v.  Dr.  (ireen. 

"  The  tender  name  of  father,  husband,  friend, 

A;.d  nei£:ht)or  kind,  did  throuijh  his  life  c.xiend; 

In  I  hurch  and  state  he  virtu-jus  honor  f;ained, 

And  all  his  tiffices  with  truth  susnined. 

As  iJeacon,  Elder,  Colonel,  Jud^e,  he  shone, 

While  heaven  was  his  liopc,  his  rest,  his  home. 

Ladened  with  honors,  ust  fulness  and  years. 

He  dropped  this  clay,  and  with  ye  Saints  appears." 

in.  Nov.  -27,  17-2();  Abi.^ail,  dau.  of  Ci^pt.  David  Ogd.-n,  b.  Feb.  11,  1701--J;  d.  March  4, 
17o!M0:  (2)  June  1^.  17:1:'.  .Mii-ail  Nutnian.  sis.  of  the  Rev.  .lojin  Nutman,  2d  mini.ster 
of  the  Whiiijiany  chh.  (17:'.'),  174.V).  She  d,  Ainil  2(;,  IT.")!;  (MKJuue  IS,  17.j;J,  Mary 
Wilki.son,  who  d"  April  ",),  KtiO;  (4)  Aug..  ITCO.  Mary  .Merry,  v/ho  d.  J:in!  18,  ihu,  in 
LeroSth  yr. ;  •/>)  .March  2o,  177-1.  Isaia-lla  Drake,  who  d.  March  lo,  1777,  in  the  Glttli  yr. 
of  lier  aire:  i   bv  1st  m. 

1.  "  ihith.b.  Aiiril  9,  1722;  m.  Silas  Haines;  (2)  David  Kitchell. 
11.      Samuel,  b.  Ay-ri!  2.  1724,  m.   Hach,d  Foid. 
ID.     John,  b,  Man-h  1!',  172i,):  m.  Joanna  (Johnson)  ("ampfield. 
IV.     Jo<,-],li,  b.  March  10.  172-i;  m.   Julv  21,  17.T1.  Jemimah  Ilaiue.s 
V.      Davi.l.  1>.  Oct.  4,  17:10;  m.  175(3,  Sarah  Cole. 
VI.      Moses,  I..  Nov.  !l.  17:t2:  m.  Dec.  13.  17oH,  Jane  Ford. 
VII.      Abigail,  b.  (Jet.  K:!,  17o4;  d.  Sept.  7,  17t1. 
Vlll,      Comfort,  b.  Mapdi  10,  KHH;  d.  Nov.  G,  ]7;;s. 
IX.     Elizabeth,  b.  Feb.  27.  17ot»;  d.  March  10.  ]7G0,  unm. ;  /.  bv  2d  m. : 
X.      Phebe,  b.  March  PJ.  1740;  d.  Nov.  1,  174;]. 

XI.  James,  b.  May  7,  1742;  Princeton  Co!..  17(i4;  m.  Feb.  2,  17G7,  Anna,  dau.  of 
Kev.  Jacob  Creen.  b.  Sej^t.  12,  174S.  Wf  was  pastor  of  tlie  Hockaway  and  Parsippanv 
•(.dunelie  ■.;  ordained  170^,  and  d.  Dec.  2o,  1770,  a.  28  yrs. ;  /.  one  child:  1,  Bp:xa.ta7I, 
wdiu  d.  a  few  weeks  before  his  f.  The  widow  returned  to  her  father's  house,  and  d.  thr. 
of  cons,  three  or  four  vrs.  later. 
XII.      Phebe,  b.  Oct  2o.  1748. 

6321.  Huth  Tuttle,  b,  A]u-il  0,  1722:  d.  April  4,  17nO;  m.  Silas  Haines  (his  2d 
wife),  who  d.  Jan.  17.  1742-:-!.  Will  dated  Nov.  2'J.  1742:  proved  at  Amboy,  N.  J.\  Feb. 
2,  1742-0:  names  wife  liuth  and  chihiren  (by  a  former  wife)  Silas  and  .lemima;  Kev. 
Daniel  Taylor  of  Newark  to  have  househtdd  furniture  in  case  of  d.  of  his  idiildren  bv  1st 
wife;  mentions  br>).  Sammd  Haines'  wid.  and  chil,  and  pro|iertyon  Long  Island,  Joseph 
Tuttle  of  Hanover  and  Pev.  Daniel  Taylor  of  Newark,  exrs.  She  ni.  (2)  David,  s.  of 
I>ea.  Abraham  Kitchell.  who  il.  Dec.  2(1,17.);!,  a.  oO;  her  will  names  I'/.al,  Stejilien, 
Zenas.  Afiigail  and  bro.  .bxeph. 

I.  Uzal  Haiiie-..  b.  174(;:  d.  Jan  22,  ISl:);  m.  Anna.  dati.  of' Daniel  and  Jemima 
(John-o'n)  Tuttle.  1.  Dan  id.  ti.  May  2^.  1770;  d.  at  sea  Oct.  P.I,  171to;  unm.  2,  Ar.n;.\ir., 
b.  Oct.  22.  1772:  m.  Samuel  Tutire.  :^.  J.uu:/.,  b.  Oct.  4.  177S;  d.  Nov.  21,  1 7  7'J.  4, 
Jrni.v.  b.  Jaji.  2.  17^1;  <1,  .hily  12.   1S24;  m.  Sieplu-n  Paker.      1.   Albert,  di-c.    '2.    J),n!d; 

d.    Feb.    2?,"'iS2().   a.  1!).   5.  .I\i:ki).    b.  Aue-.  7),  Ks.'i;   d.  1848;  m.  ,    who   d    pvll     1, 

WiUidi,,.      2,    John.       ;],     D.n-ol,       4.    Ainni.       5,    Jhliil. 

IT.      Stephen    llaine-.    d.    (Jet.   Iti,  ls22.  a.  74;   in.  Hennali  ,  who   d.  1,^22,  a.  tl'>. 

1,  TiMCitiV,  b.  AuL'-.  1.  K'J"^:  M.D.:  a  nuui  cd  steiling  inregi-ity;  a  practicing  p'nvsici;in 
in  Whijipany  for  40  ye.irs;  d.unm.  Aug.  12,  ISiilj.  2.  ]>,i:'.;ii.i.:  ]dauned  and  wiih  the 
lielp  of  his  >oii-in  law.  Cal\iti  Howell,  imilt  tiie  li;st  iiudmed  plane  oii  tlie  Morris 
Canal  at  P;>ckawa_\,  N.  J.  He  eniraged  in  bus.  in  Cu'oa,  \\  .  1.,  and  d.  thi'te.  1,  J><ni., 
m.  Calvin  Ho\'.  ell,  who  was   entrusted    with  a  large  amount  of   business  ;is  exr.  of  wills 



jtiul  admin,  of  estates;  was  Rpp.  in  X.  J.  Leg.  2  yr.s. ;  liis  f.  was  one  of  the  comniissionevs 
cnipiiiycd  by  the  .state  to  build  the  J.unatic  Asyhini  at  'J'l-cnton.  ;j,  Jof-CPli;  went  to  sea 
and  d.  at  Savannah,  (hi.  4.,  ni.  Win.  B.  Ford.  T),  Si's.w,  m.  John  liicl  ard.s; 
.V  ('.      (>,    Zknas,   in.  ^iaiy,  dau.  of  Duvid  and  .Teniinia  Tntth'. 

III.  ZiMiMs  Haines,  d.  Anir.  (5,  17.")1;  a  !  yr.  7  nios. 

IV.  .-Xbit'fiil  Maine.-,  (h   iTOy.  in  lier  lStl"i  yr. 

•6322.  Samuel  Tuttle,  b  April  2,  l?:24;  in.  lliudud.  (hiu.  of  Col.  Jacol)  Ford,-  sr., 
<,f  Morvistown.  'i'lie  will  of  Co).  Ford,  dated  Jan.  l.'i.  ITTT,  names  .sons-in-law,  Samuel 
and  Mose.-s  Tntth;.  Samuel  Tuttle  was  kiih-d  in  a  saw  mill,  Jan.  o,  17U2:  will  dated 
]\Iay  1,  1731;  ])ioved  at  Newark,  Jan.  (i,  17(!2:  nam-jss.  Eltenezer,  brothers  John,  Josepli, 
])avid.  Moses  and  James,  and  wile  Karhel;  John  'J'uttle,  J)avid  Kitchel,  exrs. 

1.     Kbenezer;  rem.  to  Sussex  Co.,  X.  .)..  where  ;irc  descendants;  a  giandson,  Sam'l 
Tuttle,  res.  at  Turtle's  Corners,  in  that  eounty. 

II.  Anna,  d.  177;-!,  a.  "20,  gravestone. 

6323.  John  Tuttle,  b.  Mandi  19,  172ti;  witli  bro.  Josi^jdi;  did  business  in  Whij)- 
jiany.  afterwards  rem.  to  N.  ^.  and  d.  tlieiv;  m.  Joanna,  duu.  of  Ilezekiali  J()lins<>n| 
and  wid.  o^  Abiel  Caniptield.      She  d.  Felj.  19,  170G.  in  luu-  40th  year. 

1.     John.'^on,  keju  a  imblic  house  in  Newark;  m.  and  had  /.,  2  daughters. 

6324.  Joseph  Tuttle,  b.  March  10,  172S;  d.  Sept.  IG,  1800;  m.  Joanna  ,  \vho 

<I,  s.  i.  March  2:;.  17.");;,  in  tbt-  80th  yr.  of  her  a.;  (2)  Jnlv  21.  1751,  Jemima,  dau.  of  Sil;is 
Haines,  b.  Feb.  20,  1729;  d.  Sept.  20,  isil,  a.  s-2. 

I.'    .loanna,  ii.  A].ril  29.  l^<.-)8;  m.  Flijah   Leonanl. 

II.  Silas,  b.  Sci)t.  ](),  1700;  d.  Aug.   20,  17ii4. 

III.  Siimu.d,  b.  Sept.  27,  176(1;  n;.  May  lO,  17!*!,  Abby  Kitchel. 

63241.  Joanna  Tattle,  b.  April  29,  17r,S;  d.  April,  1800;  m.  Feb.,  1776,  Elijah 
Leonai-d,  who  d.  in  lyOS. 

T.     Jeuiinia  Lcjnard,  ni.  David  Tuttle. 
II.      Sarah  Leonard. 

HI.      Mar^  Leonard,  m.  Elijah  Ho]iping,  and  left  a  son,  b.  abt.  1N02,   now   livin<'-  in 
Caldwell,  X,  J.  "^ 

1\'.  Joseph  Tultlf  Leonard,  b.  Aug.  8,  17'^~'6;  d.  Hushville,  111.,  Xov.  2,  1841;  rem. 
in  1818  to  Adair  To.,  Ky.,  tht'in;,e  in  iN-JOto  Letlilelit-nj,  Ind.,  aufl  in  1.^22,  in  comjianv 
witli  related  families  from  X.  J.,lo  .Nbirgan  Co.,  111.,  and  settled  on  a  prairie  which 
they  named  "Jersey  i'rairii;."  He  m.  in  X.  J.,  Catharine'  Cumljs  Bcrgeu,  b.  Juiv  8,  1792; 
.still  living  (1882)  in  good  health  at  Beardstown.  111.,  \\-itli  luu-  s.  (Jefi.  B.  Leonard.  She 
is  sis.  of  \\i?\.  John  Ct.  Bergen  of  .Madis(m,  X.  J.  She  m.  (2)  Jolm  Keicker  -who  d.  1, 
Dat".-,  d.  abt.  18o4.  2,  Ei.iz.\ehtu  B.\.i.invix,  b.  July  Z,  1814;  m.  —  ;.res.  reoria.  111. 
'i,  J.AMr.s  Cox,  b.  Whippany,  X.  J.,  IMarch  15,  1818;  afianker  for  many  yr-..  in  Beardstown, 
111.,  but  unfortunate  in  business,  and  now  (1882)  cashier  and  book,  keeper  iu.the  JW^/v/.-'/l.r/ 
/S/J'/ff  J'>'//vi'// establishment  in  Lincoln,  Xeb.  4,  E.  B. ,  b.  March  26,  1S2G;  merchant  at 
Joplin,  Mo.  5,  Ceo.  Bkr(tKN,  b.  July  4,  1835,  res.  Beardstown,  111. 
V.     Samuel  Leonard. 

VI.      Sti'jdien  Leonard,  lived  an<l  d.  in   Flushing,  L.  I.;  /.  4  sons.       1,  Cii.\i;lj:s  T.. 
X(uwalk.  Conn.     2,  Wli.i.lAM,  res.  X.  Y.  ('.     8,  Ei.u.vii,  res.  X.  Y.  C. 

63243.     Sfanuel  Tuttle,  b.  Sept.  27,  1766;  d.  Oct.,  ISOO,  of  fever  taken  in  X.  Y. 
C.;  m.  ^lay  15,  1791,  Abbv,  dau.  of  Fzal  and  Anna  (Tuttle)  Kitcdiel.  b.  Oct.  22,  1772 
1.      Silas,  b.  A]>ril  5,"  1792;  m.   horania  Bakei'. 

II.     Julia  Ann,  b.  Mar(di  13,  1794;  in.  \N'iUiam  Tuttle  of  Xewark-  his  2d  wf        She 
d.  at  Whippany,  N.  J..  Xov.  4,  ISIis. 

III.  I'avid  Kitchel,  b.  June  26,  1796;  d.  in  111.,  Sept.  3,  18;):J,  unm. 

*  Col.  Jacob  Ford,  sr.,  commanded  the  I-'irht  Rcgt.  of  Morris  Co.  Mil.  duririf;  retreat  of  Amcricau 
army  through  New  Jersey,  in  Rev.  w;ir.  He  resided  ai  the  :,ow  famous  "'  Ford  Mansion,"  in  Morris- 
town.  In  tile  winter  of  1779-0:).  Washington  occu|ii.;d  tlie  whole  buildinj,'  as  h's  r.eadOiUarters.  cxcciaiii" 
the  roonis  east  of  the  entry,  whicli  were  reserved  by  Mrs.  Kord  and  occupied  by  her  tamily.  The  proiT- 
erty  descended  to  her  grandson,  Gabriel  Fo.d,  who  sold  it  to  the  state  of  New  Jersey,  to  be  used  as  a 
.Museum  of  History.  Col.  Jacob  Ford  d.  ]i\.r\.  19,  1779;  will  names  sons-in-law,  Samuel  .n'ld  Moses  Tu'ttle 
the  1.1st  to  be  e.\cr.  He  m.  Hannah  Haldvvin,  idau  of  Jonallian,  s.  of  Benjamin,  s.  of  Jose;i;i.  an  earlv 
settler  in  Milford,  Conn.)  and  had  among  otliers  :  i,  .loJia,  Uaiher  of  Gabriel  1 1  . ,  b.  i7"4;  Justice  Su- 
preme Court  of  iNesv  Jersey.  i3j<j-iS4o).''  2,  Rachel,  m.  Samuel  Tuttle.  •;,  jane.'ai.  .^loses  Tuttle 
fimolhy  5.  Gabriel.  0.  Col.  Jacob,  jr.  7,  Khzabeih.  8,  Phebe.  o,  Co!.  Chilhon  Ford,  a  di.-.ti[i- 
yuished  olhcer  ol  anillery  in  Rev.  army. 

+  He7ct;i2h  Johnson  held  land  in  C'jininon  with  Col.  Kliphalet    X.uhanic!  if.  of  Rev.  SLej.hen)  wlio    m 
Saiah  Cl;,-den,  John,  who  m.  Ehzabeih  O^^dca,  and  Samuel  Jolinson. 

"S20  BEAXCai    OF    JOSEI'II. 

IV.  StcplKMi,  b.  Oct.  1(1,  17i;y;  grad.  West  Point  Mil.  Acad.,  1IS20,  at  lu-ad  of  hi., 
chuss,  Andrew  Jai-kson  Doiialsoii  (for  wliom  Fort  Doiialson  nv,  tin-  ('iimlicrlaud  riv.-r 
was  uaiued).  iicplifw  and  privatf*  sec.  of  Prcs.  Andrew  .larkson,  henur  2  1  and  Thomas  S. 
Sadler,  od.  lie  liad  no  intention  of  couiiHtinsr  for  the  honors,  until  in  tlie  last  year  he  was 
})ersuaded  to  do  so  by  !iis  chissniates,  who  riT(,i_'-ni7,f(l  and  ai'knowh'di^ed  his  ti-an<<-endant 
ability  as  a  sciiohir.  It  is  re]Mirted,  and  as  marh  may  be  inferred  from  his  standintj  in 
jirevioiis  years  as  shown  by  the  \V.  P.  Ib'trister,  that  it  did  not  cost  him  anv  \erv  stren- 
uous exertion.  After  ,irraduatin!i-  he  was  connected  with  tlie  National  lioad  as  (iovt. 
Engineer;  also  enga<^Hd  at  Plaiiaemi;H>  Bend  on  Miss,  river,  and  for  a  time  in  Florida, 
buildiitg-  or  repairing  a  fort.  While  on  this  service  ht  d.  of  climatic  disease,  Jan.  21, 
IS-l!").  'I'lie  following  record  is  from  the  W.  P.  Uegister:  '■  Stephen  'buttle,  .No.  282,  d. 
in  the  sevice;  graduated  lS2i);  first  class  rank,  engineers;  appointed  cadet  June  oO.  pro- 
moted brevet.  2d  kieiu.  July  1.  1820;  2d  Lieut.  Aug.  20,  1^2o:  acting  .A.-sistant  Profes.sor 
of  natural  and  experimental  ])hilo.sophv.  Mil.  Acad,  at  A\'.  Pt.,  from  Julv  1.  P52i).  tn 
July  1,  1821;  1st  Lieut.  May  24,  1S2.S:  d.'at  St.  .-\uga.-tine.  Fla."  Ue  m.  KinilyW',  dau. 
of  Thomas  Malone.  K'-.i.,  b.  May  81.  IS] 2;  ■■<.  i.  She  m.  (2)  ^L'^jor  Ugden.  V.  S  '  Kngim-er. 
and  in  187(1  v.-as  living  in  Molule,  Ala.  Maj.  Ogden  was  on  the  commission  for  l^icaiing 
peitnanent  forts  and  navy  yards  h\  the  early  days  of  California. 

V.  Samuel,  b.  Jan.  81.  ISOl;  ni.  Nov.  (i"  1822,  Dorcas  Stiles,  who  d.  Sept.  2(5. 
1858,  in  tilt- o8d  yr.  of  her  a.;  res.  Littleton,  Miuiis  Cd.,  N.  J.  ],  (Ieoiujk  Fit.vNtis,  b. 
Dec.  11,  1828;  ht'v\  ver  in  NewarJ.;,  N.  J.  2.  M.\!;y  Ann,  b.  Dec.  22,  1X84.  8,  Stf.phKiN 
b.  Oct.  22,  1^:57. 

632431.  Silas  Tuttle,  b.  A]u-il  o.  1792;  tu.  Jan.  ti,  1S2(J,  Lorania  Baker,  b.  Xov. 
]!;,  179:5:  res.  Whippany.  N.  J.'  Mr.  Silas  Tuttle  lias  always  taken  a  warm  int(u-est  in 
this  work  and  the  comi)iler  is  much  inilebted  to  him  for  assistance  in  collecting  this 
record  of  the  New  Jersey  lu-anch.  He  is  still  living-  (Nov.,  1X82),  in  the  91st  yr.  of  hi.s  a. 
I.  Henry  Augu-tus,  b.  Jan.  27.  1801;  m.  April  15,  18.-)8,  Lvdia  "j^].  Hart  of 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ;  b.^Oct.  2,  1882.  1,  Ciiaki.ks  Fkaxcis,  b.  Nov.  l.'lsC.O.  2.  .Tfi.i.v 
AxN.v,"l>.  I'eb.  17,  l.Nti8.  8.  H.vRKV  (iori.T),  1).  May  28.  isoij.  4.  Fi;\xk  Wilson, 
Aug.   80,   18!J8.     5,  SiL.\s  B.\kki{,  April  2,  1871. 

II.  Charles  Francis,  b.  l\'b.  8.  1S28;  m.  Nov.  8,  184(),  Jane  D.  Crowell  of  JJrouklyn. 
b.  Oct.,  18'2-2.  He  d.  Ajiril  17,  1859.  After  his  death  his  note  book  was  found.  '  It 
revealed  a  plan  of  systematic  benevolence  which  he  ]uir.^ued  for  years  and  uiuil  his 
death,  reserving  a  certain  ]iart  (jf  his  inc<une  fiu-  benevolent  purpose>,  at  first  half;  then. 
a,s  his  im-ome  increased,  a  larger  i)roportioi\ :  and  when  it  reached  a  certain  sum  he  gave 

it    all.       1,    CiiAiir.KS    Dowxik,    b.    Feb.    27.    1848;  m.    Lizzie    ;  i.,   two   chil.       2, 

Edwaku   Fkancts.   b.    Oct.   29,    1849.     8     Emma   L.^wuknck.   b.    March    27,    1X52      4, 
Cr.ARissA  Hii'LKV.  b.  June  7,  1854.     5.   Anxie  Matilda,  b.  Jan.  1,  1^*57. 

III.  Horace  Baker,  b.  Sept.  12,  18:^5;  ni.  Nov.  29.  1S49,  Frames  .\..  dau.  of  Willian; 
W.  \',ardof  >L'iss.,  b.  18,  l88U.  He  d.  June  21,  1x54.  1,  Wif.t.iam  Wakd,  b. 
April  6,  1851;  m.  JatL  15.  1874,  Ida  Wanl  of  Danby,  111. 

IV.  Ed\sard  Austin,  b.  Nov.  12,  18~'7:  nn  Oct.  8,  1851,  Isadora  Cheney  Edwards  of 
Brooklvn.  b.  Dec.  W.  1883;  res.  131  Lexington  Ave..  N.  '^^  C.  1,  Airiitri;  CjtK.NKY,  b. 
Jan.  11,  1858;  ni.  Feb.  22,  1878.  Be.ssie  Pii\k.  1,  J'fred,  b.  April  12,  1874.  2,  T/wn- 
dore  Jiir/iards,  b.  Nov.  11.  187(3.  8.  ILirMtl  Austin.  Aug.  8,  1X79.  2,  Emilh:  FL<Mn;NrK. 
b.  Oct.  25,  1854;  m.  J.  Dickin.son  Condict,  Dec.  ,j,  is;;,  i.  F!ornict\  b.  March  19,  18x0. 
8,  IsADOKE  1:pwai;ds,  b.  Feb.  28,  1857.  4,  LAtf.A  BAKEii.  b.  March  4,  1859.  5. 
(tEOIige  NNii.mam,  b.  May  81,  IXGl.  (L  HKur.Kin'  BAt;KKu,  b.  Oct.  27.  1X()4.  (L 
Agxes  Fakmek,  1j.  July,  lx7(t. 

V.  Julia  Ann,  b.  Autr.  17.  1x29;  m.  March  19,  1851,  Theodore  F.  Richards,  b.  Jan 
29,  18;28;  res.  since  1854,  (.Irand  Rapids,  .Mich.  1,  Lizzie  Tuttle,  b.  Feb.  29.  lx.-)2  '2. 
(iEOUGE  W.,  b.  at  O.  R.,  April  9.  1850;  d.  at  Hanover,  N.  J.,  Feb.,  1X.17.  8,  Cu  \i:i-Ks 
Fhedeuick,  b.  July  28,  lx.')8;  d.  Nov.  80,  1^08.     4.    A.n'Na  M.vtiiA,  b.  May  2,  18Ci5. 

Yl.  Wilbam,  h.  Nov.  19,  1X81;  of  the  well  known  !irm  of  Tuttle  &' Bailey,  largest 
manufacturers  and  (hnders  of  registers  in  N.  Y.  ('.;  ni.  June  20,  1858,  Isabella  Rosa 
Peterson,  b.  on  Island  of  St.  Barlholomeu  .  Drc.  21,  \>^-]\.  \.  FliEDEKlCK  WaLTKI;,  b. 
Dec.  27,  1X.")L  2,  Ei,la  P.ktkksun,  b.  Feb.  1.5,  1X.19.  8.  Caiuuk  At ci  sta,  b.  Nov.  IX. 
1800.  4,  .Mi.N.MK  LoiisA,  b.  Feb.  lii,  lSi;2.  .-),  IsABLi.LA  RosA,  b.  June  19,  1804  (b 
Ci.iFKuKi)  lloKACK,  b.  Nov.  11,  lx(i5.     7.  FniTH  .May.  b.  .Ian.  5.  ixcs. 

\'iL  Fmilv  Mahuie,  b.  Jcnie21.  ix;!:',;  m.  Si  pt.  28,  1x57,  Ri-njamin  Pierson  b5>rd.  b. 
Oct.  10.  lx;-;8;  d.  Feb.  12.  Ixdo.  1,  Hei.k.\-  LofisA.  b.  Nov.  24.  lV,;t.  2,  Finvix  Pn  u 
SON,  Feb.  28,  1X112.     8.   LAt."KA  Adele,  JaiL  9,  1805. 

VIII.      David  Kitchel,  b.  Sept.  19,  1885;  nL    Ajiri!    7.    lx(14.    I'llen    W.,    dau.   of  John 
Humes  of  Abii^don,    Va..    b.    March  15,    185.s.      1.    1L,    b.    Jan.    17.    1805       ?, 



1U!>si;ll  IIUMKS,  Miireli  7.  1866.  3.  Jknxtr,  b.  Dtc,  50,  1867.  4,  Bkssik  1>orai.nk, 
Jiim-  ;^0,  1S71.     o.  Er)\v.\i{D  ArsTiN,  b.  A])iil  lo,  1873. 

IX.  Elizubetb.  b.  Oct.  19.  1837. 

X.  Sih\s,  b.  ApvU  13,  18-10;  iii.  Oct.  7,  18(')-2.  .Arabi'Ha  Boitlia,  dau.  ot'  S.  .].  Stewart 
It.  May  14,  1844.  1,  \Vii.i..\i:iJ  Stknvaut.  b.  JutH>  -J:.',  isij:!.  '.?,  I3ki;tm.\  I>oi-is..\,  b.  Oct. 
23,  l>-6o.     3,   Ii>.\  M.VY,  b.  Nov.  27,  18(i7.     4,   I.TZZtK,  b.  Jan.  2,   1870.      .""),  Uit.\(  K. 

XI.  Lnura  p]vaits,  b.  Sept.  V.J,  l^lo;  in.  Oct.  2,  1866,  Loandf^-  P>.  Fori.  b.  .Tuiif  9, 
184^3'.     1,  PuESTON  TiTTi.E,  b.  .March  3,  ]8(iS.     2.    Kditii  Mav,  b.  .July  12,  1S70. 

6825,  David  Tuttle,  b.  Oct.  4.  IToU;  d.  1S15:  rrs.  Ibmuvfr,  N.  J.:  in.  17o6. 
Sarah,  dan.  nf  L'.fnjamiu  Cor-  of  Newark,  who.  d.  Nov. ,  1  ilCl  [Beniamin  Coc  lived 
next  to  John  Oi,^deii,  K.'^q.  He  was  barbarously  treated  and  liis  liousc  hurued  by  the 
British  in  the  Hev.  war.  See  Barber's  J  fist.  r,A.  "f  y.  ,/.,  p.  184.]  ]>avid  T.  rec.  2(JU 
acres  in  Hanover  fmui  his  father;  on  which  land  sonreof  ]iisd(>sc.  .•<till  live;  may  haveni. 
(2)  Sarali  Oirden,  who  d.  Aucr.  4,  1807. 

I.  <'aleij.  Jalv  14,  1758;  d.  April  27,  1832;  m.  Nov.  28.  17sO,  Mary  Baldwin,  b. 
Sept.  20,  ITl'^O;  d.  Sei^t.  27,  179o;  {2)  Jan.,  1801.  Jcminuih  Beach,  b.  Aug.  28.,  1770;  d. 
April  2.  1844.  1 ,  JdSKrii,  b.  17>^").  2,  Saij.y  ('.,  b.  1793;  nr.  Elias  Hed7i:e3.  1,  Mnri/ 
liiihhriu,  b.  IsbT.  2,  S/r<tJt,\>.  1821.  3,  Eniih<i  /..,  18.'3.  4,  l)rnddM.,lS-2&.  'i. 
Ahdrar',  182S.  6,  Bm.  ./.,  1830,  7,  Wndeiu  .1/.,  b.  1836.  3,  David  B.. 
i).  1795;  m.  1,  Jarob  ().,  b.  ISIW.  2,  JoAepli  7)'.,  1^23.  3,  Jhudd  J/.,  1828.  4,  Mary 
FAhahih.  5,  Ann  Eliza,  i.  bv  2d  ni. :  4,  John  Oodkx,  b.  isoy;  d.  1881;  ni.  Eliza 
L  Burnet  b'.  l>07;  d  abt.  1841;  (2)  Eli:/,abeth  B.  Canti.-ld,  b.  ISKj.  1,  \Villi><R.,h. 
1828.  2,  'Endiw  r.,  Isr^G.  8.  S:irah  K..  ISJO.  4,  <'dorfj.-  M ..  1^43.  o,  ./«/,;;  //.,  b845, 
6,    Wvi.'c,  184S;     7.    tAh.nn  F.,  18.-)l).     8,  Mar;/ L.,   1806. 

II.  Jabt-z,  b.  Aug.  27,  1768  (supposed  son  of  David);  rem.  to  Mentz.  N.  Y..  of 
which  he  was  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  on  lot  No.  14,  about  4  miles  northwest  of 
Auburn,  on  a  farm,  thence  al)0ut  18:^0  rem.  to  Hannibal,  Oswego  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Tfliere  he  d. 
Oct.  21.  181)0,  in  the  92d  year  of  liis  a.  A  deed  recorded  in  Aubinn,  book  K..  p.  152. 
June  2,  1803,' from  Elkanah  \Vatson  of  Albany,  N.  Y.,  to  Jal)ez  Tuttle  of  Aurclius, 
Cavu"-a  Co.,  N.  Y.;  conv.  S6.^  acres  on  lot  14,  Mentz,  consideration.  i<439:  Caleb  Tutilc, 
wit.;  June  9,  1863,  Jabez  '1'.  and  wf.  Betsey  convey  to  David  Tutrle.  Morris  Co.,  N.  J.. 
57.1^  acres,  part  of  the  above;  m.  Betsey  Ayres,  b.  June  30,  1771;  d.  March  25,  1845.  1, 
PlTEi-.E,  b.  Nov.  1,  1795;  m.  Calvin  P'dwaVds.  2,  Ha^'XAII.  b.  .Fuly  21,  1798;  d.  Oct.  4, 
1810.  3,  Sai.ja'.  b.  Ajiril  16,  ISOl;  m.  Henry  Witbeck  of  Fleming,  Cayuga  Co..  N.  Y., 
Wi.'bar.  '  4,  BEX,lA>rix  Avkks,  1).  July  23,  1803;  d.  in  Hannibal,  r^ept.  ;>,  1874;  m.  Dec. 
3,  1827.  Nancv  Barnum,  only  child.  1,  Jabiz  Henry,  b.  June  26,  1834;  enlisted  Di^v.  19, 
1863,  Co.  G.,  9th  regt.  N.  Y.' Heavy  artillery;  d.  in  the  service  at  \Vashinglon,  D.  C, 
Julv'lS,  1867;  m.  Sept.  1,  1853,  Mary  Jane  Crofut.  and  had:  1.  Bertie  Maria,  Oct.  6,  1851; 
m.  Oct.  16.  1S72.  Lester  Bains,  and' had  iMlith,  b.  Auir.  27,  1874.  2,  Mary  Annette,  b. 
Ai>ril  1,  1858.  5,  James  Brow-.x,  b.  DfC.  5,  IM'S;  M.  D. ;  res.  Jackson.  Mich,;  m. 
Sarah,  dau.  of  David  Dodge  of  Mentz,  (and  sister  of  Ossian  E.  Dodge,  formerly  of  Boston, 
Mass.:  a  celebrated  writer  and  vocalist  who  paid  .s;625  for  a  ticket  to  a  Jenny  Bind 
concert);  rem.  to  Pa.,  where  she  d. ;  two  chil.,  son  and  dan.  5,  John  Johxso.x,  b.  June 
14,  1812;  res.  Leslie,  Ingham  Co.,  Mich.  7,  Samlki- PlEUSOX,  b.  Feb.  14,  1815;  m.  Sarah 
Luscam  of  Hannibal. 

A  Daviil  P.  Tuttle  drowned  1798  crossing  in  a  boat  from  Staten  Island  to  N.  Y. : 
buried  Nov.  12,  1798,  a.  43;  m.  and  liad  several  chil.;  buried  July  14,  1791;  Sept.  18. 
1796;  May  6,  1803,  a.  6  yrs. 

6326.  Moses  Tuttle,  b.  Nov.  9,  1732;  m.  a  Morristown,  Dec.  5.  1756,  Jane.  dau. 
of  Ccl.  Jacob  Ford,  sr. ,  in  whose  will  he  is  named  excr.  He  rem.  to  Mt.  Pleasant,  N.  J., 
and  became  a  wealthy  iron  nuiker.      He  d.  July  11,  1819. 

I.     Mary,  Dec.  15.  1757;  m.  Cornelius  lloagland;   rem.   to 
advanced  aire'  leaving  100  descendants.      She  d.  in  Ky.,  Feb.   s 

TuTTLK.     2,   Delia,  m. Morris.     3,  Jane,  m. White. 

6,  Oaki.ev,     7,   Coi:xEr,TA. 

II.  Hannah,  b.  Sept.  2,  1759;  d.  at  Pleasant  Valley,  X.  J 
yrs.;  m.  Chnrlcs.  s.  of  Charles  HolV  of  Hunterdon  Co.,  N.  J. 
inamio-er  of  the  ilibernia  Furnace.     1,  Joseph.     2.     3. 

Kv..  where  he  <1.  at  an 
.  l"840.  a.  83.  1,  Moses 
.    4,  Makti.x.    5.  .loHX. 

J.,    Aug.  26.  1St9,  a.    90 

He    was    master    and 

Betskv.     4,  IIa.xxah. 

5,   J  AXE. 

M'trix'tii . 

\\\.      Ziba,  b.  Sept 
IV.      Jane,  b,  Feb. 

golden    WHUibrig    -Jan. 

Col.  S.  S.  B-acli  of  Ho( 
I'harhs.     6,   Sau'iuel. 

away    N.  J.      1.    D'H'i.'    2,   Camli 
7,  IFtracc.     S,   Knnlij. 
6,  1761;  d.  Mav  3,  1764. 

Ki.  1769;  m.  Joseph  DeCamp  of  Newark.      'Ihr 
1^59;    groomsmen,    bridesmaids  and   otlici'Uiu 

3.      Mn 

y  celebratt'd  tlieir 
I'    clei'irvinan.    all 

'321  JJKANCH    OF    JOSEPH. 

]iresenT.  Shi>d.  in  Xfw  York  May  I,  ]SG.|,  u  0.>  yrs.  1,  Mauy,  hi.  .lolui  K.  Ilhichimui 
of  iJrooklyu.  X.  V.  -J,  ('i)i;xi:i,lA.  m.  I'liillion  ]?cai-li,  Esi]. ;  (2)  Lewis  DeCiuup;  i.  by 
1st  711.:  ],  J>r.  ru''!,nb'i.->  IlifirJi.  ?•,  J.KWTs.  f.  of  Joscpli  and  Jmucs  F.  DeCiimp  of 
Kuckawiiy.  4.  Cini.T.iiiN  l\)i;n  of  Cliarlotttnljuiy,  N.  .).  5,  Scsan,  in.  (uiy  lliin'lunan, 
Esq..  of  i)ovri-,  X.  J. 

V.     Mo.scs,  twin  \vitli  .!ant%  d.  Oct.  '2~i,  ITUi*. 

633.  Stephen  Tuttle,-  lalcn  young  wifu  Li:-  fatlifi's  fain.  1o  Woodliriduf,  X. 
.1.,  1)UT  returned  To  ("onn.  and  lived  %viTli  Theo]).  Munson  of  Xewllavi  lie  afterwards 
liveil  in  l'"arniin^-toi;.  Conn.,  perhaps  witli  his  uncle  Samuel  Tuttle.  lie  was  killed  l>y 
liglnnine;  wliile  .-standing  under  a  tret'  on  the  I'^ai-ni.  Me:ido\ss  June  08,  1185;  m.  Jan.  08, 
1784-5,  Surah,  tdd.  /.  (jfWarh.  Stanley  I  ol  F. ;  d.  ,)uly  OU,  178U. 

6331.  Stephen  Tuttle,  b.  Oct.  1!».  1785:  posthumous;  was  tr,ken  into  the  Staidey 
fain,  and  in  1740  leni.  ^^■ith  liis  gr.  f.  Stanley  to  (ioshen,  Cotiii.,  where  he  ni.  March 
28,  175S,  J^ydia.  diiu.  of  El)en.  Lyman  c,f  Torrington.  Conn.,  b.  June  10.  1738.  lie 
ownc-d  land  in  (ioshen  but  rem.  ])robahly  aiioul  1 778  to  Palmyra,  'J'ioga  Co.,  X".  Y., 
Tlience  to  AVilkesbarre.  Pa.,  where  lied.  ISu'J.  In  tlie  J/i'.-l.  of  1'i>r.  it  "is  related  that 
STephen  Tattle's  wf.  won  a  spinning  nuitch  in  T. .  doin'_r  Two  and  a  half  days'  work  in  1 
day.     She  was  own  rous.  to  K>ther,  nu.i.  of  Dr.  layman  iieecher;  chil.  b.  in  (ioshen,  Conn. 

1.     Sarah,  b.  May  08.  1751,";  d.  .v.  /.    at   l'<iug-hk,'e])sie,    X.    Y.;  m.  }3ennett:f  of 

Salisburv  (.'onu. 

IL  "  Aurelia.  b.  June  OM,  1751. 
IIL      Ste!>hen,  b.  Aug.  4,  1770;   m.  Mary  MeKerachau. 

63312.     Aurelia  Tnttle,   l).  JuneO'J,  17tl4;  d.  at  Elmira,  X.  Y.,  June  29,  1845,  a. 
81  yrs.;   m.   Dr.  Mathias  Covell  of  \\  ilkesbarre.  I'a..  where  all  the  ehil.  weie  b. 
I.      Pobcrt  Cov.di,  b.  June,  17s7;  d.   l^oO;   mei.:haai. 

\].  Edward  (.'ovell.  b.  May  10,  17i)0;  d.  Dee.,  1  00;  buric-d  Jan.  1.  1807;  grad. 
Princeton  Col..  X".  J..  ISIO;  stud.  med.  in  Phila.  with  Dr.  lienj.  Kush;  ]nM(;.  med.  in 
AVilkc:sb.,  y-A.  He  was  greatly  loved  and  re^pi'cled;  m.  in  W.  .May  7,  1S17.  Sarah  S. 
Koss,  wlio  d.  July  S,  lb(J4.  1.  Ei)\v.u;i)  M.,  grad.  Princeton  (.'ol.;  stud,  law  ai\d  admit, 
at  \V.:  his  health  failed  and  he  d.  at  Cliftmi  Spriuo-s.  X.  \.,  Sept.  8,  1864;  m.  June, 
1845,    Mildred   S.    Cla^^-^ell   of   Culpepper    Co.       1,     SL(r[/'irvt    .S       0,     William     IL      2, 

M.unifA  L.,  d.  at  W.  Dee.  08,  1871:  m.  Catlin.      1.    S'vr'iiuj   1,'.     8.   M.vitY  B.,  res. 

Elmira;  m.  Dr.  Wm.  C.  Mey.  1,  Hanull'h,  7>".r.  M.  ]).  0.  SaJUe  Jl.  4,  Ei.iz.v  E.,  res. 

fll.      Lvman  Covell,  1).  April  10.  l',i)5;   merchant:   res.  Elmira. 

IV.     Miles  Covell,  b.  Feb.  10,  J7iiS:  d.  1S51;  merehant. 
"\'.     James  Covell,  \>.  Jan.  80,  lsii5;  d.  JulvOl,  1880 

VI.      Sarah  B.  Covell,  b.  Oct.,  18U0:  m.  Dr.' Asa  K.  Howell;   res.  E. 

*A  Sarah  Tuttle,  wf.  of  Stephen  of  K.,  A.  there  July  30,  1730. 

lEbenezer  Lyman,  jr  .  \va5  the  tirsL  perinHnent  resident  of  tbe  town  of  Torrington,  .son  F,b*n.,  sr., 
Esq.,  o:  Denham,  who  followed  his  son  to  Tor.  and  was  ihe  first  Dea.  of  tb.e  chh.  (set  apart  Jan  i,  1742.) 
The  lot  of  Eben.,  jr.,  in  the  \sestern  part  of  the  town  has  been  called  the  Lyman  place  ever  since.  The 
fort  was  built  upon  it.  On  a  small  lot  adjoining  he  built  a  log:  house  in  v.-hich  w.^s  b.  June  16,  173S,  his 
dau.  Lydia,  the  rirst  cliild  born  in  the  town  so  far  as  known;  m.  Stephen  Tultle  as  above. — /f:s(.  ■'/ 
1  crrin^to: . 

;Therc  are  traces  siatiered  through  the  histories  of  the  Wyoming  \'a!ley  of  several  families  of  Tattle's 
v/hose  records  I  have  not  been  able  to  obtain.  Charles  .^iinl'r  speaks  of  Tl.omas  Bennett,  "ot  a  family 
renowned  in  that  region  for  patriotism  and  courage,"  whose  daughter,  Mrs.  .Myers  (16  yrs.  old  at  the  time 
of  the  battlei,  was  visited  by  l^rof.  Sulliman,  sr.,  t^o  whom  siie  related  many  interesting  incidents  relating 
tot. at  event  Her  mother  was  one  of  the  only  tive  women  in  Wyoming  when  .Mrs.  Voung  arrived  in 
1770.  Her  lather,  Ihoaias  Cennett,  escaped  the  n  assacre,  and  returned  to  W.  in  the  spring  and  was 
soon  captured  by  a  pariy  of  si.v  Indians  together  with  hi.-,  son,  a  lad.  .-md  Mr.  Hammond  a  neighbor. 
The  Indians  marched  them  towards  ilie  north,  and  the  second  or  third  night  ?4r.  Bennett  concluded  they 
were  going  to  murder  him  Vi  atching  Ins  r liance  he  kiikJ  tlie  Indian  on  watch  with  his  own  spear,  and 
loosing  the  bonds  of  .Nlr.  Hammond  and  his  son  they  attacked  the  other  five,  of  \vhom  they  killed  four 
and  w  >unded  the  finh,  and  then  escaped  taking  the  sci-lps  of  the  sl.iin.  Mrs  Myers  spoke  of  her  sister 
Mrs.  Tuttle,  and  of  her  son,  Thos  Mver=,  wiio  was  a  S'.ierifT  of  Luzerne  Co.  A  uauylucr  of  Mrs.  Myers 
married  the  Rev.  Dr.  l'';ck,  editor  of  the  MctitoJist  R--i-:,-iv  of  New  York.  Col.  Pickering's  narrative  of 
his  abduction,  1703,  says:  "  .\t  Tunkhannnck  1  found  a  bundle  of  clotliing  sent  by  your  mother,  and  also 
an  inhabitant  of  Fittstown  go'ng  down  the  river  as  far  as  Lackawanna  Creek.  '  .And  Tuttle.  one  of  the 
"  boys  "  said  he  would  go  down  with  us  and  take  his  chance.  The  ne.xl  morning  we  th.ree  set  off  in  a 
canoe.  Landing:  the  man  destined  for  L.  the  other  went  on  with  me  to  Wilktsbarre.  On  the  way  he  told 
me,  he  had  ioincd  the  "  boys  ''  only  two  or  three  days  hcfore  !•.:  order  to  discover  whi'  I  was,  and  to  get 
me  "ut  of  their  hands.  To  this  M'r.  Miner  adds  the  tollowing  note,  "nor  was  Tuttle  recreant  to  his 
faith.  Deceive  your  enemy  is  a  m.i.\i,-n  of  war.''  It  wa's  important  to  their  safetv,  tliat  Pickering  shonld 
t)c  cnciliated  and  uafhcd.  1  l.c  l-";^rls  iv\.\  Tattles,  slirewd  men,  were  best  able  to  throw  him 
olT  his  guard,  and  draw  out  his  opinions  and  fjilom  his  purpu-es.  Tliere  was  not  one  of  "  that  gang 
of  ruffians  "  we  tirmly  believe  who  would  not  s-  'uier  h.-ive  sacrificed  his  liie  tlian  betray  his  fellows. "^  In 
Kingston  (formerly  V\'yi.,ming).  Luzerne  Co.,  i'.i . ,  "  Tuttle  Creek  '■"  indicates  a  family  locality. 

TUTTLE.  ,30;] 

63313.     Stephe7i  Tattle,  b.  Aug.  4.  177:.^:  ,,,11.  from  >  to  Elmira  u1.l 
isi  I  nl  whicli   h<-  \vn<  til.-  hist  pi-fsulfiit.      II.-  a  lai-c  lanii  adjoiiiiixr tlie  vilh-T,.' 
wlMcli  lie  cultivat.-(l  and  (■ni,'aovd  b.-sidos  in  nieicbandisiiiy  and  niillini:.      lb-  was  inudi 
rcsp-cted  in  the  coninuaiity  of  Elmira  and  d.  th<'i-e  iSol ;  m.  Marv  Ann     dan   of  ( '-ipT 
Wni.  McKcraclnni."  b.  Kent,  Litcbfirld,  Co..  (_'oiin.,  177:];  d.  Al-nira   "x    Y     Jan  3   1,S(!() 
a.  ^<.      She  and  h«M- sister  (.Mrs.    Ah.'xaiidpr)  then  rluve  ue.ks  old.   w.Te  Vesened  from 
tlu-  ma.s.>aere  at  Wyoming.  \,y  x]v\r  motlier  and  .M-aped.     'I'hev  went  first  to   \e\\-  Mil 
ford.    Conn.,   when^  Mrs.    K,. radian  m.  Mathia>  lioUenbarl^,  aiid    after    a  e.msiderable 
lime    rem.  then.-.-  to  TiOira  Point,  X.  \  .;  th.-n,-..  to  Elmira,  .\.   Y     about  ISll        \s  hm^r 
agoasra*..     Mi-Keraehan  wasa.-.iisM,m.Ml  t..  rid-   .,n   ]„,r,s,-bark  in  company  with  lie" 
.step-farh-.r.  Mr.  II.,  tr.,m  W  ilkesbarre  i.,  i'lmira.      Mr.  H.,  traded  witli  the  Indians  and 
.supplied  with  rations  tlu-  rouneil  under  Col.  Pida-ring,  1791.     After  ni.  t<.  Stephen  Tutlle 
.-he  lived  at  Point;  themr  in  ISH  to  Elmira  and  next  vear  moved  into  the  hrms,. 
wh.ivshe  iive.ioO  yrs.   and   when-  she  d.      Kev.    David  MurVlock  ])r.M^h.^d  her  fun-rd 
s'-rmon  in  whieh  he  quotes  s(;me  of  her  short  and  drv  .savings      The    ■{/„     ^Vv-r  Bk'/:  for 
ISin.  contains  a  biog.  sketdi  in    which  slu-  is  d.-.r-riiM-d 'as  ^--a  woman   of   u-ennine  i.i.-tv 
remarkable  shrewdness  and  honesty,   and   a  litrh-  blunt  withal.      She  Inuf  little  faith  "in 
windy  religionists."     An  only  child,  Harriet. 

633131.      Harriet   Tuttle,    b.    ^Vilke^barre.  Pmn.,    LvoJ;  educated  at  Betlilelnni 
Pa.;  <i.   Pr.-.,  1S77;  m.  ls:-.>:;.  l[,,u  .Tohn  Arnot  (.f  Elmira.  who  d.   1^:8 

I.  Mary  Ann  Tiittk-Aiiu.:.  m.  IS^.I,  William  Butler  Ogden-  b  D.dawaiv  Co  N 
:^.,  June  lo,  IWo;  (1.  lN77,ar  liigl,  Bridg-.  X.  Y.  City:  buri.d  in  Wo... U awn  .'.miet'erv 
At  the  age  ot  Id  ih.-  .leaio  .d  his  lather  business  upon  him  whi.di  caused  him 
to  travel  niu.di  about  th.'  .•..uuiry  and  to  visit  th-  lar^-e  cities.  At  the  iu--e  of  1,^  he  he 
came  Rrigad.'  in-i.ect..rin  the  -tare  militia.  In  is;j4  el.-cted  t..  ih-  X  Y  he.-  esi.edallv 
to  advocate  construction  .,f  the  X.  Y.  \-  E.  K.  B.  In  l,s:r.,  went  t..  Chica-o  111  and 
estab.  a  land  and  trust  ag.-nry.  which  has  .level.. prd  into  on,-  of  the  instituti.,us  of  tlie 
\Nest.  His  opeiations  in  real  estate  soon  becam.,  aud  the  citv  authorities  heiu'- 
too  tardy,  he  laid  out  and  eonstructed  more  than  KX)  miles  ui  streets  at  his  own  cost" 
He  built  th.'  hist  swing  bridge  in  Cliicago.  then  never  having  seen  one.  He  was  amon.^ 
the  i'rst  to  intro.luee  the  r.-ajiing  an. I  iimwiuir  ma'duue,->  into  ireneral  use  and  at  his  su>" 
gestiontlie  first  was  seat  to  the  l,..n.lon  E.xhibiti.m  of  ]sr,l.  The  resus.-itati.Tn 
•and  .-ompletion  of  the  HI.  and  Midi,  canal  enlist,  .1  his  uutirini.^  efforts  He  was  the  first 
mayor  of  Chicago  and  often  ele.-ted  to  tlu-  citv  He  declined  tlie  nom  of  hi- 
party  (dcm.)  for  Congress  in  1S.V2.  He  was  the  fir.-,t  Pies,  of  the  Bush  Me.I  Col  •  Pres 
UiKago  &  Caleua  I .  B.  B.  C.,. ;  Pres.  Xortli  \\-,.stern  K.  B.  Co. ;  Pres.  of  the  Xati.uial 
K.  b.  Conventi.m  at  Phila..  is.yj  to  inaugurate  measures  b)r  the  buihliiur  of  the  Union 
lacihcB.  B.:  Pr..'s.  111.  ^-  Wis.  B.  B.;  Pres.  of  the  Buffalo  &  Miss.  B  B  Co  in  Ind 
till  merged  in  th.- Midi.  Central;  Pr...  ,,ft!,e  Chica-o  Brandi  in  111.;  Pies  ..f  the  B  .ard 
01  C<>m.  of  Sewerage  m  Cliicago;  Pr.s.  of  the  Chica-o,  St.  Paul  an.l  E..nd  du  Lac  B  B 
which  he  built  largely  from  his  own  im-aiis.  An  active  dir.-ctor  of  the  Pittsbur"-  Fort 
\N  ayne  &  Chicago  B.  R.  Co..  of  wliich  at  a  ],eriod  of  great  dillicultv  and  after  rep'eated 
declining,  th,-  r.-c-iv.-rship  was  f,u-<-ed  upon  liiTii  with  a  salarv  of  SU'.j  OOO  The  hi'di 
salary.  how,-v.-r.  he  d.-dined.  When  ih,-  Eniou  Pa.-ilic  B.  P..  Co.  was  organized  un,f,-r 
the  act  of  Congress,  h.-  v,a-  .-luxsen  it-  lirst  Pr-s.  H.-  was  th.- owner  of  ia-,,l,al)lv  tlu- 
largesr  lumbering  establi.shmeiif  in  tli,-  w.ul.l.  at  P,--litigo,  Wis.  Xearlv  eve-rv  in-^'itu- 
Tion  m  the  X..ithwe.-t.  in.-ludiiii:-  th.-  IJush  Med.  Cnl.;  "  th,-  The,.  Sem'  ..f  tlie  X  W  ■ 
th.-  Hi-t.  Soc.:  the  Academy  ..f  Sden.-.-s;  the  A-t lon.-mi.-al  S..,-.;  th.-  rnivei^i'tv  of 
Uu.ago  an.l  the  t  hicago  ^^  oman's  Ibune  meive,l  from  him  timdv  and  suhstantiaraid 
He  has  don.-  more  than  any  ,.ther,.ne  man..ntliis  .-..ntineut  tbrthe  development  of  the  X 
U  est:  and  on  thegroaml  that  he  Inul  l.,-eii  foivmo-t  and  inmi.-asiirablv  ah.a.l  .d'  all  ..ther 

_  Wm.  McKerachan  carae  tro.n  Ireland  'o  .\mcricain  i:C,.^ni  tairrht  s::hooi  in  Penn  and  Ve.v  lerscv 
jn  1774  he  was  attracted  to  W  yomintj  by  the  roii>anoe  oi  the  contest.  He  .settled  in  Hanover  townslcp' 
wncrc  he  lau-titschujl,  opened  a  store  and  bouuhl  lands.  He  "was  versed  in  mathematics  navitraticn 
and  surveying,  and  among  he-,  papers  were  found  stanzas  of  poetry  supposed  to  be  orij,Mnal  with  bin  He 
\va,  a  maLristratc  and  one  ot  tlie  judg-es  of  the  County  Court  of  V/estmoreland,  appouued  by  Gov  Trum- 
bull oi  C.onn..  and  Capt.  ot  the  Hanover  nnhtia  company  who  took  part  in  tlie  battle  of  U'yomin-  On 
the  mornins  o!  that  dreadlul  day,  he  said  to  his  Lieut.  L;'i7.arus  Stewart:  '-My  pursuits  fiave  h-en  those 
ot  peace:  you  have  beer,  reaied  to  war,  and  accustomed  to  command.  On  parade  I  can  manage  mv 
men,  bu:  in  the  held  no  unnecessary  hazard  .,hou;d  bo  rua;  a  mi-.lake  atif,hl  prove  fatal  TaUo  vT.u  th- 
.e:id.  and  I  will  h.cht  uncer  you  with  my  rnen  as  an  aid  or  as  a  private  in  the  ranks.  Your  prc-^C-nce  at 
the  head  of  the  Hanover  boys  will  inspire  coniidence."  So  it  was  arranged  and  they  fc'.l  lu-elher 
He  wasialL  had  a  hne  person,  an  alert  step  a  cheerful  disposition. and  an  e.'cpressive  and;int  counte- 
nance, "i-arewell,  to  the  brave,  the  irencrcus,  the  true-hearted  Irisliraan-  .^entle  sleep  and  a  h  inny 
rtsuriection  to  his  manly  .spini,  who  in  the  midst  of  srathering:  honors  and  accumulating  prooert>  bai 
dowu  his  h(c  lor  Wyomm'^.   —C/tas.  A/iKcr's  J fisi.  o/Hyo>,!/„£^.  ' 

>2-i  BKAXCK    OF   JOSEPH. 

in.-n  in  protertii.o-  the  ])ul.lic  cn-dit  and  advaiuiuir  puldir  in,i.,ov<.,ue>,ts  liis  n:nn..  u-,s 
urjjcd  lorthe  (K-iiKxTaTic  noinniation  for  Pifsidrnt   in   is'CO       In  1S7]    tim.- of  tlir- <'r< -.r 
(•!ii.-a-<.  flic  he  was  in  X.  V.  city.      Ifc  hurried  hack  U,  find   his  h..n>.-  witli  r\w  -athcrrd 
treasures  ot  a  tune  in  ruins.      His  h.sse^  were  over  a  million  of  dollars.    Imnrediatejv 
followino-  this  th..  news  came  ut  tlie  destru.'tion  of  his  pvat  mills  at  Peshti-n,    inclu.lin- 
the  villao-e.      His  loss  lierc  was  over  a  million  and  a  half  of  dollars        \   fearful  hxs  ol' 
.ife,  the  l.urnmp:  to  death  of  nearly  (iOO  (.eople  accompani.'d  this  disaster      The  restor^i 
tion  ot  the  Imsuiess  h.  at  once  rommeneed  and  has  rorn,.!eted.     In   Is.'i.l  lu.  purchased 'a 
villa  and  110  anvs  ot  land  near  High  hvnh^v  in   th<.  citv  of  N.  Y  ,  to  whirh   he  removed 
soon  after  the  great  fire.     Tlio  land  has  a  fronta-..  of  half  a  mile  r.u  th,-  East   River    and 
IS  tastetully  laid  out,  and  reph'te  with  every  luxurv  and  conveidem-e       His  estate  at  hi. 
decease  was  valued  at  aht.  five  millions.      At  his  fuiuTal.  "Bishoj,  Clarkson  of  Xehraska 
advancing  to  the  head  of   the  chancel    steps,   with   his  hands   folded  hefore  him    ffaz.Hl 
sad  y  lor  a  nmment  on  the  face  of  the  dead."     ••You   will  allow  me."  the  Bishop  tii,.,^ 
said,  his  voice  hemg  at  hrst     ow  and  tremulous,  ••to  speak   a   few  simj.le  words  !,f  him 
who  lies  here,  one  ot  thenoh  est  and  in  some  senses  ,  the  most  hrilliant  man  of  our  land 
I  lie  great  enterpris,-s  which  ho  ]u-oj..cted,  win.. saw  far  in  advance  of  his  gen.^ration    the 
capa  .iliiies  of  the  c.uuuient  anduno  might  he  said  to  have  l.e.Mi  the  mastVr  huihh.r'of  a 
city  that  IS  the  la.stmg  marvel  ot  these  days,  will  1,..  nuicli  writlcn  of  and  read-  therefore 
wemav  pass  them  with   si.ujde  mention.      IJut,    as  w,-  are  about  the  .-011111   of  him   we 
revered,  we  may  s,.eak  of  tliese  superi-.r  gra.-es  of  character  that  made  him  so  attractive 
o  all    and  truly  loved  by  those  near  hini;  that  charming  ,-onrtesv  that  was  inhorn  in 
him;  that  loving  cousidennion  for  others  that  was  prominent  in  his  life;  that  sterling 
cheerfulness;   that  our.stretched  hand  and  ready  help  for  everv  one  that  was  unfortunate 
or  distressed;  that  ove, flowing  love  for  whatever  was  nohle.^t  in  man.  and  that  wise  and 
patient  council  tor  hundred,  that  w.,nt   to  him  in  their  perplexitv.     All  this  made  him 
as  practK;!.    a  henefar-toras  the  .-itv,  th,.  railroad  o,  the  other  mat'erial  developments  that 
he  helped  to  assui-.d  exwenc-       It   is  not  often  thar  a  man  has  been  in  this  iife  three 
h^sn^rr    ^^''  ^™-/^"'\5''-  \\l   ^"   >"^^"y   !>'"!'1<-   that    he  has  helped,    lifted   up   and 
nsp.ied   as    .Mr.    (  gden   has.       1  he   announcement    of  his   death    will    fill    with    sorrow 
hundreds  thiu  v,e  know  not  of.  and  I  anisur-  that'in  thenuinv  months  that  death  has  been 
watchful  and  tireless  about  the  citadel  of  his  life  '(Jod  bless  you"  ascended  manvhnmlred 
tunes.      Ihe  saine  grateful  afiFe.-tion  that  has  broucrht  me  half  wav  across  the'continent 
o  lay  my  .simple  tribute  u].ou  his  cotlin,  is  felt  by  others  and  is  a  noble  crown  of  his  life 
I  knew  him    when   In.  was  foremost  ,n  th..  most  anive  enterprises;   uh,n   ...-lence  and 
learniugc.uisidered   hira  th.-ir  most  g.-neious  i-airon.       Wh.Mi  the  stato  re<-o.-nized  him 
as  her  wisest  son;  wh-n  the  chureh   regarded  him  as  her  .-onstant  lielper.  when  he  wa^- 
everybodys  constant  trirnd  an<l  adviser.  an<l   whm  thoui.d,  bm-dened  with  <  

i,„  „■  •  -11  ,  •    ,  ,     "    .i.".a^ii  oiiKifueu  \\  iin  gi-f-ai  cares, 

he  «as  ever  genial,,  high-toned,  truediearfd  and  li^ht-souled  God  be  orai.ed 
that,  now  and  tlu-u  here  and  there,  .such  a  man  livrs  amouir  us  to  help  us  bv  his- 
example.  Although  Mr.  Ogden  was  al  ways  a  theoretical  beiiev-r  in  christianit v  and  a 
generous  supporter  ol  us  institutions,  y.n  it  was  not  until  late  in  life  that  he'opeulv 
acknowlodged  his  allegiance  to  the  God.  who  made  him  and  the  Savior  who  redeemed 
him.  It  would  have  b,-e,n  better,  perhaps,  if  the  whole  of  such  a  life  had  been  spent  as 
a  child  of  Uinst.  W  hat  unlimited  personal  and  national  benefits  mi.d.t  have  resulted 
.InV'tnfir''  ir"r>'  in«"';"<<7nd  amazing  power,  guided  by  the  Spirit  of  practical 
•  nnstiaint^.  But  it  is  well  that  he  came  m  ,-h,hilike  faith  and  patience  to  the  foot  of 
I  lie  cross. 

II.     Aurelia  Covtdl  Arnot,  d.  1S74,  unm 

P..s"nf,?'1?'i'   '^A",'*'--^'";"'l'-  ^^^^-^r-     ^*""'^^'  tHe  wealthiest  men  in  Cejitral  X.  Y. ; 
In  1  ^    'r]        \T    i   "'"V  ]■'"   '^^^•l,-^f^^'"-"f  ^1^''  fit.v  'HHl  is  an  influential  Demo.-ratic 

leader;  m.  t  liarlotte.  dau.  ot  d'urdon  Hewett  of  Osw,-.--,)    X    Y 

^     }^':     :'.'''''.'  "V'"';''  ''■  ^^'''''  '"•  ^■^^'■'■■'''''•tl^  ^i=^u-  <'f  n.arles  Iluh'tt.      I,  .b.iiv  Ilrr.FTT- 
Njjdi.  in  1  .  (  .,  1SS-.3. 

V.     Mathias  lloll.nbaek  Arnot   h.  ,s:;:;:  Y.  C;  IS^O;  merch.;  res.  Klmira;  unm. 
M       1-auny  A.    }     Arnot.  b.     «,,:   m.   Kn-hard,  s.  of  Cortlan.I    Palmer;*     rj)  (l-or-e 
Gnswold  Haven,  'T'-l^er  and  wealthy  capitalist;  as  the  r.-pn-x.ntative  of  the  Palmer  est. 
Mrs.     laven  is  now  (ks,!))  engaged  as  .lefendant  in  u  legal  content  Vvirh  Cvrus  W    l-,rhl 
in    whicli  many    thousands    of    dollars  have    been  spent.       Pamphlets    And    uew.pap.-r 

*Conland  r;i!n)er  was  a  very-  uralthy  e,t.uo  dealer  anJ   proprietor       He  was  one  of   ;he  Drirc.nil 
,our:8^^,l  mmionafr'"''  '''  ""'*'   "  ''^''■^''^^  --^et  "  a.lhe'foot  of  34U.  sC.'Vonh    R.'ver^     He'd. 


Tl"l"i'l.E,    TOI)]). 

unifies   liavt'   pWen    wult-    i-ublicily  to    the    case.    i.  by  1st    ni. :    1,  KicilAia.    SfYDAM 

'I'.M.MV  i;.       2,    .foiIX  AkNOT   t'AT,:MKl!. 

Vll.     I'.'ttr  .AriKit.  1>.  iS-VJ;  il.  y. 

64  Joanna  Tattle,  b.  1><-'C.  no.  If.;:),  m.'.i  Pan-rbci-n*;  viMUuvrd  to  Wood- 
!irii!"v  N.  .1.,  Nsheie  slu-  was  udinilliMl  to  tli<' clili. ,  I  iiiic  2u,  17119:  Stfjili-'U  l\ui-;boni 
joined "tlu-VliVi.  Ort.  :3,  1710.  .  .  r  •  . 

I.  .los.-jili    Piui-boni.    was   at     Stamford,    Coan.,    a    i).-t ition»T    lor    a    society    at 
]>:irien;  in.  178i>.  ^ 

II  llaiiuali  Paiiirborii,  i>.  ITM;  ni.  .Inr.e  KJ.  17:.U,  1-,pbraini  1  uttie  [",)J. 

ill'  Timothy  Pan"-born,  m.  Ocr.  lo,  174-2,  Deborali  Younsrs,  in  Kent,  Haitt'ord  I'o.. 
Cuu,  ■"rh.ildivn  b  in  SUimford,  e'oiui.,  (lu.vv)  Liteditield,  Conn.  1,  Hanxau,  b.  Dec.  '2-2. 
174;;  2.  Sa];\ii.  C»ct.  IS.  1744.  :!,  f'-M-FAti,  1>.  May  17,  1740.  4.  No\H,  Dee.  IS.  17.><). 
o'  liKJiAlM),  March  7.  1704:  served  P.tC.  daysin  \i-'v.  army  an.l  re-enlisted,  f,,  Stki'UHN, 
j'.iia--^:,  17-VJ.      7.   Di-.nt.KAU,  0!).  17:)S. 

n"  Noah  ]'an'^-born,  d.  nnuK  in  W  aterbiiry.  Conn,  llis  will  i.rovr,!  April  />(). 
1741  (on  r<-e  at  w"^),  devises  :-U  acres  of  land  to  Rev.'l  'J'odd  [GG7]  of  the  North 
i,arish  of  W. ;  •■  lo  Abigail  Frost  [iSlS]  of  the  Norih  j-arlsli  of  New  llav.,  10  acres,  lying 
in  the  nortli  ]iart  of  the,  provided  she  remain  unmarrieil  four  years  from  the  date 
hereof.  All  the  remaining  luirts  of  my  lan.l  1  Iie(iueath  to  Mudi  of  my  brothers  and 

66.     Susanna  Tattle,!  b.  Feb.  -JO,  l(;79-SO;  m.  Sein.  l.i,  1098,  Samuel,  s.  uf  Samd 
imd  Maw  (Bra.llevi  To.ld,   h.  Julv  1,  107:2;  r..-m.  to  NVaterbury,  Conn.,  and  was  deaco-i 
then'.       ilis   wf.    Susanna,  d.    Oct."  10,    17H7.    and   he   ni.  r?)  .lii!ie  '20.  17:]'.»,  M  i.-;.  E<rhrr 
Maltbv  of  l-?ranfwrd,  a  wid.     Ui>  will  dated  Dee.  10.  1741:  ])rov    .Ian.  4,  174-2. 
}.      Lvdia  Toild.  b.  .lulv  -2S,  1099:  m.  Kev.  I'.enjainin  Dooliitle. 

II.  cidebTodd,  b.  l"eb".  '2,  170O:  ni.  Mary  Ives. 

III  St.'iihen  Todd.  Dee.  4,  170-2:  m.  hvdia   Ives. 

IV  Mehi'^'l'b^  Todd,  b.  .Ian.  29,  170f;  m.  Mav  2d,  17-20.  Fdiha  Yale,  b.  lOPO;  d.  s.  \. 
ni*-.  a.  .V2;  \v'  was  a  wealthy  jdunter  in  X.  Hav.  ;'inv.  4.'S,1S9.  He  was  a  iLcphew  oi' 
<iov.  Elihu  Yale,  for  -whom  the  colhge  was  nan'e'd. 

V.     Christopher 'J'odd.  1).  May '2,  17u7:  d.  May  12.  1712. 
VI.      Elizabeth  To(hi,  ni.  Dea.  Sanund   Saekett. 
VII.     Chri.Mopher 'J'odd,  li.  Ai.rir27,  17i:i;  m.  llannah  FiUtle  [4], 
■  YIII.      Samuel  Todd.  h.  March  0,  ITJO-K:   m.  :^Ierey  Evans. 
IX.     Susanna  4'odd,  1).  Dec.  S,  ]:i6;  m.  (>.\\f\>  llumiston  1 1  j. 
661       Lydia   Todd,  b.  .lulv  -28,  1699;  d.  .bm.   Ki.  1790,  a.  90;  m.  Oct.  14,  1717.  Kev. 
Benian.iin.  .s.  ot  John  ami' Marv  ('Pecki  Doolittle,  b.  .Inly  10,  109o;,  Y.  C.  1710;  d.  Jan.  9. 
1749;  minister  at  Northlh/ld.  Conn.,  niStill  d.       He  publi.^hed  a  valuable   Xiirrrttv:,^^  nt 
XIlk,    J/fV/uV/:"    <jf  tli,    Fiinrk    aud    Ludui uv,    from    1711    lo    1 74'--,  and    an    Imniliy    iht" 

"  Blessed  with  good  intellectual  parts, 
Skilled  in  two  important  arts, 
Nq-dIv  he  filled  the  double  station. 
Both  of  a  preacher  an  physician."— /.■//.'. 

].  Olive  Doolittlo,  b.  Oct.  '^S.  171'^. 

11.  Lvdia  Doolittle,  b.  Aua.  24,  17'20. 

III.  Charles  Doolittle,  .Tulv:]l,  172-2. 
lY.  Euuic-e  Doolittle,  Julv  :31.  1724. 

*P?ngbornc,  a  fapjilv  in  Rerkshire,  Ensr.  .     _, 

lohn  Pan^jliura  i?..'of  Edmund  and  I. vdiai,b.  Sept.  2^,1710.  ■li'r,^ri:ni,fi,-e  To-un  Ffc.  I.ydia  1  anp- 
■born  admit,  to  chh.  in  Woodbridtre.  Aup.'  15,  i:oZ.  William  Pangborn  entered  car  marks  at  \.  .,  heb.  ^, 
?7j2.     Samuel  Pan^i,'born,  a  pr.:iprietor  in  \V.,  1740. 

-•The  name  on  the  orieinal  record  is  obsoure.  Mv  opinion  from  the  first  has  been  that  it  was  Tuttle, 
bui  roi<'l)t  easi'.r  be  mista'Keri  lor  Tollf.  It  is  v.-ntten  Tuile.  with  but  one  small  t.  and  that  v^'ith  S'.^  faint 
an  indfcation  o!  a  cro-.s  th^tt  k  uiiErhi  be  taken  for  an  1;  and  'he  u  is  so  iiniieriectly  formed  that  it  mit'ht 
be  'aken  for  an  o.  makins  the  v.'ord  Tolle  Hon  L.  M.  Bottwood  examined  it.  and  at  hrct  thoueh!  u 
was  Tolle,  but  afier\\ards  jKinf,'ed  his  mind  and  hel;eveil  it  'o  be  Tut!e.  Rev.  \ir.  John  h  .  Todd 
examined  the  orijiiinal  record  and  thoucht  it  was  T.jlie,  but  at  a  later  date  he  writes:  -Since  your  letter  J 
have  re-cxamlncd  the  town  record,  and  am  jjretty  well  satislicd  that  you  are  rieht  in  ice  name 
Tull'e  and  not  Tolle,  with  reference  to  Susanna,  the  wf.  of  Santuel  Todd."  Siill  I  should  not  nave  !e!t 
satisfied  to  occupy  the  patres  of  this  work  with  a  record  of  Deacon  Samuel  1  odd's  descendants  on  so 
un'-er'ain  a  foundation.  Other  cir^um  >tan.:es,  however,  whose  siK'nincancc  would  be  belter  undcrbtooo 
by  the  genealo:,'ist  than  bv  the  cenera!  renler,  indicate  vrry  decidedly  the  verity  or  my  conclusion, 
s'jch  as  propiniiuity  of  place,  the  numerous  Todd-Tutlic  Kiter-marriai:!  s.  His  bro.  J.-Miah  1  ik.u  la.  !  :.p- 
nah  Clark  LH:  hi^  bro.  Daniel  m.  Desire  Tuttle  !  1  1;  his  s.  Christopher  m.  Hannah  1  utile  l^-:,  his  dau. 
Susanna  m.  Caleb  Humiston  1 1  ].  The  wiil  of  .N'oah  l'ant;born  devises  land  10  Rev.  Samuel  1  odd,  who 
would  be  his  cous.  on  this  theory,  aud  make-i  Rev.  Beujamiu  Ivooliitle  'whose  wt.  ..>diav 
his  tirsi  cous.)  an  e.xecr.  of  lis  will,  etc. 


''-'^  BKAXCH    OF    JOSEPH. 

V.  S(is:miiii  ])()()li(t]i'.  1).  Jiinf  lo,  \72<\ 

VI.  I,ii,-ius  Doolittlf,  Mav  Kl.   ITi^^ 

\'1I.  riilDr  Doolitrlc,  .Mav"-l.  I7;j0. 

^'11I.  l.iirv  IhM.littlc,  1..  Fcl..  27,  17:il. 

IX.  Thankful  Do.ilittlf.  h.  .III!,,' Oil.  1 7;j;]. 

X.  Aiiizi   Doolitilc,  li.  Nov.  15,  i7;;7.  "  '       . 

XI.  Lucy  ])(),.Iitll^'.  1).  July  1.-,,  17-n. 

,^  662._   Caleb   Todd,   l..  S,],t.  2.  1700;   in.  Dec.  2:],   172.-.,  .Mary.  dan.  of  Saiimel  Ivs. 

r.      Phel...,  1..  Olm.  o,  172tj;  d.  0<r.  4.  17-14:  in.    Nov.   21      174:5     David    s    of    Tl>r 
Hlakesloe    I.  Nov    7,  1722;  ,...  (2)  May   ]s,    1752,    Al.igail,  dau.    „f  .Jnuathau' 'ilou-.-  '  '7 
iFKorAsJ..  Pepr.  1,.  1.44:  lu.  Au-    14,    1704.   Lvdia    Hradl-v.      i      .\s>„r>(/>     Mnvlio:' 
1.0...     2,   /AYAiV/.  Mandi  oO,  17tJ7.     8.   C'A/„f,  F,.]..  DJ.  noH.     "4      M.,h>/     \!airh'-{l    "l"!' 
II.     ll<zckiah,  !..  May  2,  1728:  in.  Lydia  Frcst  [1].  '  '  " 

,rn    IV-   ^^'^'^''••'-    ''■    -^".--    ''    1'-":   "'•   -'"'.v.    I'-iT.   -Matll.ew.    son  ,,f    Daniel    aud    t^rrih 
Toad)  Gi  Inut,  b.    F..1,.  21,    1722:  d.   .July  2.    1795.    in  th.    73d   v.-ar  of  his  a"      'n     '! 
llainden  Plains:  est.  div.  17!)5.  to  wi.i.,  Danifl  (Jilhert.  onl  v  son.  and  daus.  Marv  Tilak.-.l.-..- 

an<l  Sarah  (Tilbert.      1.  Dantkl.  ni.  Sarah  ,  h.  1754:  d".  .lulv  25    l.>^-'5  a   7l"    1     <j,v^7, 

h.   nST:  d..lune2i).  lsu(i,  a.  1!).     2,   Mai:v,  n,. Blakcslr,.;     ;j,'  s:u;ai..  ' 

G622       Hozekiah  Todd,  b.  May  2,   172S:  d.    Nov.    li),    i:i)4ni     Jan     17     j  ",- 
Dydia.  dan.  r.{  Ebeinvr  Fmst  |]].  b.  Dec.  2,S,  1735;  d.  June  4    1SU7        '  '        '       ""'  " 

I.     Caleb.     1,  Lv.MA.N.     2.  Fakkingtox.     3,     4    Frnri-u 
II.      Heyj.kiali.  b.  Xov.  5,  1755:  ni.  Mercy  II. .It. 
III.     Lydia,  m.  Joel  Sackett,  North  Haven. 

yi.      Bethuel.ui.  Sarali   Ives;  (2)  wid.    Sarnli  Welt-.n   ot    Waterburv    'l     Byrnt  \u 
!n.  l<euben  banholoni(>w;  ren:.  t<^  Chautan(iiia  Co.,  N.  Y      2     I,.)ris\    m    I  p'vi  Fi,^  ,n  of 
Southington.      3,   IU'sski-L,   ni.    Sarah   Clark,  and  had:     1,   Hcnncff.' U.' \s^i}-    m     wid 

Ives  of  (  Ijester.      2,   JP^,a/inr.  m. Scott.     4.   Koxv,  m.   Daniel,  s.    „r  v'hurl.-s  and 

1  heodosiH  Scott.     0,   Fkvi.;ki;tt.  ren.,toN.  Y.     6,   Piikkk.  ni.  Martin  Uoson       1      V<n; 

nu    Ipson     I.ggms.     2.  J...   Vu-hti.,   nn    Akott.     3,  -/./,..,    n,'    Vinns  Vaik   of 

\\  h.tneyvilh-^  4.  (Juns^a  ronhlw.  5.  Lnr,/  A.;;,li,.,  C.  ]■)■„/,  rlr/,  Marti.  7 
'^,  ■'":'-:■.  '•  .^-^J:-'"'  '"•  ^^^'"""?  ^  I'-^'^'b  sis.  of  Martin;  rem.  to  O.  s,  Mir.Ks  m  L/.uisa 
KsthS"  10,^.;ku;"'-'-     '•  ^''""'-  '"■  ''"•'  ^"■""'"     -  ■^•""'-  '"■  J"''"'<"-''^-     " 

,\-..  ?^":;'^'  '"•  J*^-''y-l'C  '>'^n-  "i  Timothy  I  pson;  rem.  to  Vermillion,  O  \  Skj:\h 
in.  Abijah  1  ardee.  2,  \\  (*on\vA);i).  3.  CirAi:i...TTi:.  4,  Hfskv  5  ls\  vc  H 
KxKKL.vx!),  twin  witli  Isaac.  '  '■-'^•\*^-      '>. 

T-^-    ,?^''V-J'-  '^''^-^'  *'•  ^"l'^-  ^"-  ^■'^^'-  '»■  ^5*>^^*^-  -^"'ifl'.  I'.  Kt'^-  «l     Feb    •'/;    1,S4S- 
res.  .\o.  Hav.  []].  "  -.••-,  1 .-»_  ,. 

VJi.  Joel,  b.  1771 :  d.  Sep..  11,  1S20:  m.  Mabel  Mai.slield,  b.  1774;  d.  Sept  12  1n57 
I  DKNxrs.  d  in  Laltimore:  no  fam.  2.  Oiuux,  m.  Aureliu  Clinton.  North  Haven  '  l' 
/,w.7.>.  //.,v./,.,  m.  Elizabeth  GilLs  No.  Hav.  2,  A.ff.lin,.  in.  Samuel  Hale.  Calif.' 
3.  //enri/  Drums,  m.  (rrace  Hartley,  No.  Hav.  4,  M,>ry,  m.  Eli  Hro.k.-tf  /  1  son  3 
GKC.UUK  d.  in  O.;  m.  and  had  3  chil.  4.  res.  o!:  unm.  5,  Mai^kk  Salomk  m" 
I'avul   iMfikesler". 

Vill.      J'lu^be,  111.  Parker  P.ates  of  Southimrton    C 


66222.     Hezekiah    Todd,    b.    Nov.    5.    1755:  d.    May   IS,    1S:^(;;    m.   Jan       1783 
Merc.  .  dau.  ot  Joseph  and    Hannali   (Blakeslee)   Holt,  b.  Jan.  tl,  KCO    d    Sent    r>    Isp)- 
V  iiesliiic.  (  oiin.  ■        1    ■      -•  •  . 

1.      Hannah,  b.  Ajnil  13,   17S4;   m.  Freeman  Fpson 

»      1  V'  o:''TI'o.v''    '''?•  •■'■  ^ '■^•>:  "'■  18011.  Rebecca  Tattle  of  E.  Hav.    lunfr].      1     D\nu;i 

21,     ,S,1;  d.     Ml.     2.   /A.,.y/.  Juno27.  1833:d.  May20.  ls;]7.      3.    r/,,„r;,     Dee    1.5    ls35■ 
m      uly4,is.,s.    Ann    1       l.vm-h.     4.   II,. r,.    Feb.    14.    1837:  m.    F,.b,'l,     1^,7     Kmimi 

XN.ite.burv.     -.,    llK/.rKiAH,  b.  .Aug.  II,  l,s21:  m.  fmcy  Hotehkiss  of  Wolcott;  rem.  to  N 
};,„/•    /""•'•^'"•-      ^.    >/"/•//..//,.      3,    r/„,v/,r./c/-/;v.      4.    /J.nW    H.lurro.      5.    /■-;././',.      C 

ill.      I-ydia,  b.  ])(>.-.  7,  I7S<.1:  m.  .foseph  Hob  of  Waterburv 

i\.      Street,  Aug.  27.  17'J2:  d.  O.T.  25.    1S(;0;  ,„.   Feb.    ic'    1S15     i.'ntb    W     Welton 
1..    Ha.nsu.mS.,  Jan.  IS,  ISlC:  d.  June  21.  1S57;   m.  (>,-t.   IS,    1849,    c'orn.-lia    E.'Sp.rrv  of 

TODD.  o^.' 

lUthanv  slio  in   (-1) I'aine  of  W.     2.  .1k.\nm;ttk,  Au^.  H,   1SI7;  d.    M:iy  9,   l■^:^,^.; 

,,i  llcnrvTVionu.s.  ;i,  K.)1!KKT<'.,  April  21.  ]s:i(»;  m.  A].iil  2,  ISl:^,  l.ouis.-.  15;mii.-s  of 
0',(-hin'  (\Vol.-.,tt).  4,  Emvi.N,  Jan.  ;-!0.  I,s28:  d.  Urt.  oO,  U^r.S;  m.  Oct.  27,  1S4T. 
«<-iliun  Hall  -.vlio  d.  Juiie  27,  ISO"):  (2!  Sept.  1^,  lS(i.").  Liuniidu  ('.  l^aiiu^-.  .j.  .Iamks.  i>. 
(H-t.  IS,  1S2o;  111.  Mav2'.l,  1S.-,:1  Estlicr  Hull  nC  Clicslnr.'.  (i,  U  ii.i.i.VM  S.,  b.  Jan.  10, 
l^-'S-  d  IVf.  12.  ]"S;io.  7.  \Vri,i.i<  II..  twin  with  William,  d.  Nov.  H,  1871.  S, 
Kkvnki.ix  Nov  24  ls:12-  m  Ad.'liiif 'ni.Muas:  iciu.  tc  ().  9,  l-'.v  ki.tnk.  July  2i».  ISol : 
in.  X.dsnn'>I..nis  of'  Wat.-rl.ury.  lO.  J.^nk.  Au,<;-.  tl,  IH^H.  11,  Wm.  S.,  May  20.  1s:;s: 
111    Nov.  2S.  ist)2.   Einoiceuf  Miiior. 

V  Mon-v  M.dinda.  June  11,  1704;  d.  Jan.  22.  1S22. 

VI  Lucina  March  7  17^0;  ni.  Mav  2.  1^22.  S;.iuuel  J.  Tloiiru>  of  ^^  .  1,, 
All-.  10.  1S'2>5,  at  \V.  2,  Samiki..  Nov.  oO,  1S24.  S,  Wm.  H.,  Ih-r.  Hi.  ls2r,:  d.  May  2, 
1S2^.  i,  Satiah.  Julv  U.  ]>;2',»:  in.  J.  W.  Hniioh  of  Ilonier.  N.  Y.  o.  W.m.  B..  July  2."), 
IsPjl'     ()'   Hanxau  Ai;DP-i,!A.  X<n-.  8.  ls;]4:  d.'.May  IS,  1885. 

^Ti.      Pojlv  Ann.  May  12,  1800;  ni.  D.-r.,  ls24.  Timothy  Portor  of  \\  . 

G63.  Stephen  Todd,  b.  Dec  4,  1702.-  d.  in  Wall'd.  1772:  in.  May  20,  1720,  Lytlia 
Ives.  Will  pruvt'd  at  New  Hav.,  177;j;  names  Josiali  and  Steidien,  exr.<..  wf.  Lydia, 
children  Jonah.  Stei>heu,  Eli/aV.eth,  Sihyl.  Noah,  Lydia,  Asa.  ('alel)(who  wast,  of  ( 'aleb 
and  IJuth)  and  Marv. 

I.  Jehiel.  March  lo,  1727. 

II.  Ruth,  Feb.  26,  1720. 

HI.  Jonah.  April  28,  17ol;  d.  Aug.  8,  1813;  ni.  Loly  llarnsvUi;  (2)  Abigail  Cnt- 

IV.     Caleb,  April  12.  17;J;3;  d.  Nov.  14.  17G9;  in.  Elsther -. 

^'.      StHphen,  b.  March  2:>.  1735;  m.  Harliel  . 

VI  Noali.  b.  Nov.  29,  1730:  m.  Sarah  dan.  of  Caleb  and  p:sther  (rniberfiehi)  Hall, 
b.  A])ril  10,  1742.  1,  Damakis,  b.  Nov.  24,  1700;  ni.  Asaph,  s.  of  Wm.  Merrhiian,  b. 
March  14    iV."")!);  d'.  Ausj.,  1880.      1,   J.^mrcn,  m.  Oct.  2r),  IslO,  Tempen-nce  'J'odd. 

Vll.      Elizubetli,  Feb.  10,  1739. 
VIH.     Sibvl,  Nov.  17,  1740:  m.  Nov.  V,,  1759,  Josiah  Talniadge.      1,  Samuel,  d.  heb. 
2,  1700. 

IX       Lvdia,  Nov.  21.  1744. 

X.     Chai-le.,,  Srpt.  0,  1710:  d.  Aug.  12,  1779, 
XI.      Asa.  Auir.  5,  175U. 
XI 1.     Mary. 
6GF.3.     Jonall  Todd,  b.    April  2S,  1731:  d.   Aug.  8.  1803:  res.    Bethany:   lived  in 
Xonhfonl  till  7th  child   was  b.,  theu  rem.  to  Woodbrido-e,  Bethany,  where   he   d.    1803. 
His   will    proved    that  vear  names  wf.  Al)i.ixail,  who  d.  sofin;    chil.    Eli.   Clianucy,  Lucy. 
Hannah.   Anibro.,,',  Th'addeus,   Theophilus  and  Jonah.       lb-  m.    Lowly    Harrison.    \vho 
was  mother  of  the   first  7  childrni;  (2)  Abiirail  Crittenden,  and  had  3  children:  (3)  \\  id.  . 
Abigail  Johnson.     The  two  last  and  the  husband  are  buried  in  Bethany.       Dau. -in-law, 
Abigail,  wf.  of  s.  Eli.  admx.;  Uri  Tuttle,  Benajah  Tuttle.  Isaac  Jiidd,  witnesses.       i.  by 
1st  m. : 

1.      Charles,  b.  Aug.  2s.  1752:  m.  Lydia  Ives. 

II.  E.sther  Lowh.  b.  Sej.t.  19.  1754;  unm. 

III.  Thaddeus,  Feb.  19.  1757:  d.  F.b.  0.  1^20:  in.  Penina  lb..ckftt  of  N(j.  Hav. 

IV.  Thelus.    b.  Mav  12,  1703;   d.    Feb.  1,  1840;   ni.  Oct.    15.   1704.  Irene   Rogers,  b. 
Nov.  2S,  17(>0:  <1.  April  27,  1^00;  res.  Xorthfurd. 

V.      Ambrose,    b.  Dec.    7,  1701;   d.  July  5,  1809;   Y.  C.  17s0;   m.  Lavinia   Jarvis,  b. 
Oct.  3,  1702:  d.  Oct.  20.  1841.      He  was  an  E])is.  clergyman. 

VI.     Jonah,    b.  Nov.  2.  1700:  d.  Dec.  23.  1834:  m.  March   14.  17ii2,  >hiry  Tuttle,  b. 
Nov.  25,  i;7:i;  Ivi.'-t  Plvmouth.  Conn. 

\'l(.      Ely.  b.  June  2i),  1772;  d.  March  10,  1S49;  m.  Jan.  8.  1797,  Bede  Todd.  b.  l^>y\. 
2,  177'i:d.  Nov.  5,    1857.      i.  bv2dni.: 

VIIL      Lucv,  m.  Daniel,  X.  Y.  State. 

IX.      Hannah,    b.    alit.     l7bS:   a.    ain.    10   in    1S04:   Ezra    Sperry.    guaro..    in.    Alex. 

X.     Chaunc.-v,    b.    March   24.    17.s4;    d.    July   20,  ls55;   m.    Sept.    13.   Isl-'.    >usan 
Ib.tcbki.-s.  b.  Jiilv  H.  1792:  d.  April   20,  ]s54;  Buircinuts,  X.  Y. 

66331.     Charles  Todd,  b.  Aug.  2S,  1752:  m.  Lydia  Ives;  had  s.  Alh.-rt. 
663311.     Albert  Toad,   b.  17S;;;  d.  July  24.  Is43;  m.  Hannah,  di.>u.  r.f  John  and 
Ruth  Fo.,t.-,  b.   l-5-t>.  L),  17^4,   d.  April  27,  ]S40.      lb'  was  a  fanner  in  North  Haven. 

3^^'  JJKAXCII    OF    JOSEl'][. 

I.     Lyilia  Iv.'s,  b.  l.^U.j;  d.  Xov.  KJ,  1.S09. 
n.     ('li.-i,ic>.    1).    Jan.    -1,    lSl-2:    res.    Muscatin.',    lowii;    m.    I.ouisa    A.  Mnii.s,,,,       1 
,\i,i;kkt.  b.  I'.',-.  -Jii,  isij.):   111.  (Jipliic  AiiK'lia  Jones.      \,    Charlrs       •}     Jjmi.^       •■>     •,vi-vii 
Jam:,  I..  Mav,   i^<4ii:  m.  Ifeiiiy  (nitps.      1.   Ch^trbs.     -l,   ]),:,;, 

lii'i    -'^'''■'■'''  ,''•    -'^'•l"1'i^"-il.   Conn.,   ^farc]!   O'.',    1^14:  d.  N.w  llav.ii.  t'.nm.,   Manl, 
^""^"^ '   *      ^"--w   ll;iv.-n  about   ISIO:  mcH    known   t'oi-  -JU  year.';  a.s  an   active 

Fra luua  Il'urrlsoh.  .]n\y  -i'.l  1S74.     4,   

Gilbert,     o,  FuANfis  A..  Jan.  20.  184n:  ni.    Soj'i 

A.,  Dec-.  13,   18-jO;  i;i.   Get.    VI,   1809.   Fred   A.    (i'il ,  c-,,„.r    ,.,./"-" 

Edwakd  a..  July  IT,  lS;-,0;  lu.  Oet.  11,  18:t5:   bhi  .M.  Oviatt,  dau.  of  Heiirv  N 

IV.  Auibro.sf,  b.  Pel).  21,  181G;  d.  at  Fair  Haven.  Conn.,  Mav  fi,  ISvi,  of  heart  dis. 
He  bei,-an  Tlie  meat  bu.shu-s;;  iu  early  life;  afterward.s  in  the  pork  business  wldcli  he  .sold 
out  to  S.  F.  Meiwin  eV  Son.  He  was  pros])erous  and  accuiiiulnted  nmnev  and  at  one 
tune  was  joint  owner  witli  his  bfo.  Alfred  of  the  'J-,,dd  V.look  in  X.  llav  "  Jb-  b-ft  con- 
.^iderable  property  ineludinir  the  Todd  block  in  Fair  Haven,  and  otlur  valuable  real 
estate  m  tliat  section,  and  a  farm  in  Walliiiirford.  He  was  conuecte<l  \\itli  St.  James' 
ehh.  (Epis.)  in  F.  Hav.  for  over  30  vr.s.  and  had  been  Junior  Warden  b.r  about  '^o  vrs 
He  in.  .May  2().  183^.  Jane  Cook.  1.  Hiuekt  W.  ,  b.  April  2F  1S3<I:  ni.  Jaue  Eliza  Dibble 
X.  Hav.  \,,7an>  iJibhh'.  2,  S.ujah  Jank.  Nov.  1 !,  1843;  d.  .March  184!*  3  Emily  t" 
Sei>t.  21.  18o0:  m.  Hendriek  H.  Muusonof  .\.  Hav.  1.  A,nhr<»<c  \lnwh  ""^  iLirv  4* 
Hkxky  Ami',i;usk,  b.  Is.Vi:  d.  July  It.  ISoT.  '  '' 

66333.  Thaddeus  Todd,  h.  Feb.  19,  IVoT:  d.  Feb.  U,  Is^*;.-  m.  Penina  Erockett 
o{  .No.  Hav..  Conn.  H.-  was  a  bJacksniith;  res.  No.  Hav.  a  Pev.  soldier,  and  assisted  in 
tor.iTH]';  the  great  chain  wliieli  wa^  str.'tched  across  the  Hudson  below  \\'est  Point  .  He 
had  a  numerous  lamilv. 

I.  Lowly,  ni.  }*Ialtby   Fowler. 

11.  Parma,  m.  Ceplnis  Clark. 

HI.  Eunice,  m.  Justus  Biockett. 

W .  Susan,  m.  Poberts. 

V.  Polly,  m.  Ira  Perkins.     One  duu.,  Mits.  Ai.etha  Hutchkiss  of  Wall'd 
VI.  Tliaddeus,  m.  \Vehha  \^■estover. 

yil.  Lydia,  m.  John  Beers;  (2) Pardee. 

VIII.  Sarali,  unin. 

IX.  Samuel  Brockett,  unni. 

X.  X'ancy,  unm. 

XI.  Chloe,  missionarv. 

66334.  Thelus  Todd,  b.  Mav   12.   17G3;  d.   Feb.   1,   1840,  a   83-  res    Xorthford 
Conn.;  m.  Oct.  lO.  r7H4,  Irena  Rogers,  b.  Xov.  28,  17(50;  d.  Oct    2H    1841 

I.  Wylljs,  1,.  Aug.  7,  179-!:  d.  April  4.  1S49;  m.  .\pril  19,  1S24.  Maria  Cook  3 
daus  ,  of  uhom  2  m.  P.-uben  X.  Augurof  Xorihb.rd,  the  other  m.  Philo  Williams  of 

II.  b.  July  29.  1800;  m.    Dec.  24,  1820,  Heurv  Williams  .,f,i 

III.  Th.-lus,  Sep-,  m.  is;)2;  m.  Antoinette .  b.  179!'i,  d    March  !)    Is4s-  (■■>)  Cor- 

relia .  b.  1.S24:  d.  June  1.  1801 ,  Xorthb.rd.       1.    Ai-oi.i.os    I'li.wuM)    Xov    1.-.    ls3I; 

d.  April  4    1834.     2.  Mii.o  Ann.Lo.s.  J^ui.  11.  1S31;  m.  Cornelia  M.  .  Win.isor  l.oeks. 

1,  Lillif  Ai.t', .  b.  Mandi  23.  isn.").  2.  O^n-,,  .]f,/ri:>  b  Mav  T  isi;7-  ,]  ]),.,.  o  js7(j 
3.  \kn-i;i.i\  H.m<!;i-.n.  A-ir.  7,  1S3(;.  I,  Matu.i.a  Ikkxh,  Au-.  2-;.  1S41.  .-,  \1ikam>a 
Je.\NXKttk.  Aug.  2<J.  1841;  twin  with  Matilda  Irene.  {■•.  Dn  i'\  \i(.rsTA  J;ilv  4  ]S43 
/,  BKi;ruA  l.or.KNA.  Oct.  10.  1840.     8.  .Makia  Ai.ktiia,  b    D,-,-   2    ls.',o 

IV.  Mary.  b.  Pel).  18.  IsiO.^ 

V.      Esther,  b.  Xov    4.  IsnS;  d.  .Mav  13,  Isps. 



66335.     Ambrose  Todd,  h.    IVc.  7,  ITi;.");    Y.  C.   17>!0;    <.nl.    by   Bislio])    Seahury; 
rector  Kpis.  chli.  al  Sinisl)ury,  <ii:tiiK_v  uiul  1  Iiuitiii^toii,  and  d.  Julv  2o,  lyO'j;  m.  ]javiiiiu, 
jlaii  of  lili'v.   l)i-.  Saiuiicl  and  Liivinia  Jaivi.s,  1,.  Oct.  o,   l^(;i):   d.  ()c"t.  2G,  IMl,  a.  Si. 
I.      .Martha  JNtfrs.  S(')ti.  17.  1  7b'J. 
11.      Laviuia  ilarri^Oll.  Ajiril  09,  ]7!)1;  d.  July  ■J.'i,  IMO. 

III.  .\nil)io.-.c  Sfyiiiour,  I),  Ilniitiiii.'-tiin.  ('(iiiu.,  I'cc.  Ci,  17!)S;  (.,rd.  ])('a.  iri  Ki)is. 
<-lili..  lS-30:  I'rifsi  !Sv':i.aiid  inst.  by  ]M>lioi.  iMowndi  rcrtoi-of  St.  .lohn's  idili.,  Staii^ford, 
ol  wliirl)  li,'  riMiiaiiH'd  in  rliar,i;-c  nraj-ly  lorty  years.  Ol  more  than  ordinary  ability,  and 
<i(  iireal  tact  an-i  \vi>dnni  in  ]Ki-ieial  alburs,  lie  won  universal  esteem,  repaid  and'eonti- 
denee  Iroin  his  own  and  o;her  denominations:  S.T.J).,  Col.  C"ol.  1844:  d.  .June  '21.  ISfJl: 
jii.  I'^lizabelli,  dan.  of  den.  .\ndre\v  Hull,  and  sis.  to  l':ud.jcia,  \\L  of  (iov.  Sam"l  Foote: 
{2)  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  John  and  Elizalieth  Bradlev,  who  d.  in  Stamford,  Jan.  ."),  ]S(j-}.  1, 
Kl.TZAiiKTii  M.  A.,  1).  Feb.  23.  1S24:  m.  Robert  Oiiilbv.  Ko.'ldord,  ill.  'J, ' A.MniiusK 
(,'ii.\iu,Ks,  Oct,  (i.  i;>'27:  d.  JuiiP  7.  1872;  nn  Catharine  J'itt.  1,  Aoi'hros,  C.  2,  Wi/Uiuu 
A.  •■">.  Cnfli'irii,' .  :i  AM)i:i:\v  llri.i..  Any:.  IG,  lS-20:  nnm.:  tarmer:  re.~.  Cre.-'ton,  Oi^de 
O...  111.  A.  lh)\\Aia)  M<Ns(.x,  Feb.  lit.  \s:yi;  d.  April  li».  \y-VA.  .5,  ( 'ii.viu.i-s  J,,  1). 
Nov.  -M,  \>^:'A:  m.  Kn.ily  M.  Holly:  res.  Stani  b)id,  Coiin. :  in  business  with  M.  J(dinson  lV 
Co.,  tea  jobbei's.  ^(1  Fror.t  st,,  N,  V.  C,  1,  Jlmri^  Hull.  Sent.  '2,  IS.'jfJ  2  l!,>h,  rt  M'HJin 
Oct.  '.I,  d.  Oct.  bs,   1S78. 

IV.  Charles  Jarvis.  JuneOC.  1S()0:  d.  at  Polo,  O-le  Co.,  111.:  F.pis.  cb-rirvman;  h-ft 
fain,  in  Hi.  lit.  liev.  Churle.s  Todd  Quintard.  F).is,  bisluj])  of 'i'enn. .  was  so"nanied  bv 
Ins  mother  for  lier  friend,  tlie  liev.  Charles  J.  Todd.  I,  Hahhikt,  eld.  dau.,  m.  Lieut, 
Co!,  Xatlnin  R.  Sturdevant,  1,  Ana  Sri/„/»ur,  eld.  dau..  b.  lSG-1:  d.  at  (irai'id  Detour, 
111,,  July  Dj,  l-^Sl,  a.   17. 

V.  ■  William  Kiiit;-,  b.  May  28,  ]S:J4. 

66336.  Jonah  Todd,   b.  Nov.  2,  17G1):   d.  i'ec  23,  1834;  m.  Marcdi  14,  1792,  Marv 
Tuttle:  rem.  to  l-'lymouth,  ('onn. 

I.      Charles  Harrison,  b.    F"eb.  1,179;]:  d.    ls,"i.l:  m.  Sept,  7,   IS],--,  PoUv  Curtis.      1, 
-Mai;v,  m.  Wm.  Sanford.  E.  Ilav,      2,  Br-iiKri'l':   killed  in  battle  ai  Im.h  Warner. 
11.     Juliana,,  Ai>ril  4,  1790;  d.  .Manh    10,  1791!. 

III.  Jonah  Hansel,  b.  Auir.  2;].  1797:  m.  Au^;-,  2:].  1S20,  Charlotte  E.  Talnuidiro,  b. 
^^huch  15,  1799;  res.  Fair  Hiven,  1.  R]i;j)s):;ve  Tai.m.u^i.k,  A]iril  19,  l,s2I;  <1,  JiUi.  13. 
1842.  2.  Hkxky  Hor.AKT,  Jan.  23,  b823;  X.  Y.  C.  3.  Ja\j:Ei.ita,  Dec.  r,.  bS24:  d.  Mav 
y,  1847;  in.  Wm.  .Bingham  and  had :    1,  .l//<v',  m.  Arthur  .Mead  of  «i  reenwicdi.     2,   Jtm'i, 

m.  Brecdceiiridge  of  Middletown.        4,  Edwakd.  Sept,   IS,  \^2i'r.   t;old  jiens;  m.  Jan, 

29.  1.S.03.  Eydia  Alden  Ciddings,  b,  July  1.  1S31:  X.  Y.  C.  1,  Chur/'Ate  J.>/di'(.  April  17, 
]8o4.  2,  Edirard,  Aug.  1,  IboG.  3,  vD/z/^/vw  Ely.  Julv  7.  ISoS;  d.  Aug.' 4,  18G0.  4, 
Alih»  (^iiJiJiiigs,  July  12.  1801;  d.  (Jet.  11,  sm.  yr.  "  5,  A'jnhrose  (lidrHnQs^Ayy'vW  24,  18(33. 
■<j. /v/iV// JAr///,  Jan.  ."3,  l.s(j7.  ",.  JleJn,  ICr/.y//^  ("»rr.  17,  1^70,  S,  .InudeAI'iai.  yhi\  1 , 
1873,  5,  Maktiia.  l^e.-.  29,  1829;  d.  Julv  IS,  isii2:  m.  Benj,  Hall  of  \Vali'd.  '  o' 
CtiAlu.F.s  Pkkki.n,  Deo.  30,  1831;  m,  1,  Uohnrt.  2,  ('has.  Crisindd.  d,  C/ior/ott*'.  7, 
Hktskv  Jri.iAXA,  Dec.  29,  1833;  d.  N(;v.  18,  1855.  s,  Ambkosk  Ely,  March  iJS  183S; 
<1.  Aug.  3.  18.')8. 

IV.  Julius  .M.,  b.  Sept.  17,  1799;  d.  Jan.  4,  1829;  m.  Oct.  7,  1823,  Lucv  A.  Ford. 

V.  Mary  Jiibana,  b.  Nov.  17  1801;  m.  May  1S23,  Chauncerv  Barnes.  '  EDai".,  m. 
Lyman  Baldwin  of  Thoniasfon. 

VI.      Benajah,  Oct.  17.    1S03,   m.    June  4,    1827,    Harriet,   dau.  of  John   and  Huldali 
(Fowler)  FooTe,   b.   Sept.    14,  ISM,-,,       1,  AnTOIXETTE.       2,  JoHX.       3,  El.IZ  \. 
VII.      I':sther  Loulv,  Aju-il  15,  180(i;  d.  Oct.  18,  180S. 
VIII.      Ambrose  E,,  Oct.  2!t,  isll;  d,    Mandi  8,  1S37, 
IX,      Esther  Lf.wly,  Eel,.  1],  d,  Feb,  2f>,    bsl5. 
X.      Esther  Lavinia.  Oct,  2<j,  18H;;  d,  April  18,  IStll ;  m.  1837,    Levi    X.  Peck,  Epis, 
chh.  Treas.      1,  Bikdsevi:  DkWitt,  I'tica.,  .N.  Y. ;   b.  Jan.  14,  ISl.-);  d.  Sept.  7,  1S49.     2. 
EnwAKi),  b.  Aug.  27,  1S47;  d.  Se])t,   11,  lS49,      3,  E^TIIKK,  b    Aug    IG    1SJ2;  il. 
Oct    11,  ]>-\'.).     (Clie.-hire  grave-Stone.) 

66337.  Ely    Todd,   b.    June   29,    17:2:  d.    Nov.    10,    1S47;   m.   Jan.    8,  1797,    Beda 
Todd.  dau.  ot  Setli,  b.  Dec.  2.  1779;  d.  Nov.  5,  1S,M);  (2)  AbiL.'-ai!, 

I.  Lovisa,  0<'t.  11.  1797;  d  .Nov.  23.  IS'IO;  m.  Feb.  Ivi,  1SI7.  Amos  Peck,  who  d. 
Aju-il  20,  ISt-.ii.  1,  l,(ivf-\  .IvMT,  D.'c,,  ]sis:  m,  1n:!s,  Ba.zcl  Mnnson,  2.  Am...-, 
Bexnett,  Feb,  1,  ls2(i:  d,  Nov,  19,  ls.-,S:  m.  .Mars  Ib-kerman;  (2)  Elizabeth  Peuiield 
Todd,      3,  .loiix  I'.iCiii.N.  l-^'b.   ps,  ],s  ■:■.-,;   m.  April  2.   b-^itl,  Adeline  A.   Bradlev. 

II.  Leonard,  b.  Nov.  S,  IsoO:  d.  A)>ril  C,  1S70:  m.  Dec.  24.  1s21,  Julia"  Bradlev.  b. 
Xov.  2i,  1.^)0.      1,  (.!:a(E.  April    1.    1S23.      2,   Emi.'.v,   Jun,-  1,    1S25:  ni.    ]hr.    24,    IS-Ri. 

3;K).  BR.vxcK  OF  JOSKi'ir. 

Isaac  Perkins.  8,  Makcjaket.  Mfivh  1(!.  1S2S;  m.  St-pt.  3,  18o4,  Chauiicev  TmIUs 
Hoccher.  4,  ("Ki.rA.  .lulv  08,  IS.JO:  in.  tS,  IS"):},  Wales  Calcl)  Dickermai!.  1,  Fmiirrx 
Ifiirriet,  March  »'),  JS')4.'  '>.  Kid/nrri/i'  J'/fin,  May  2,  isHT.  o,  /■><(/  ir'/^<'.y,  March  0,  ]s:)i). 
A,  J'Jliza'l'tt/i  Ci/ii'i,  Vr\).  'J-,\  l^(J-i.  0,  Barton  Stnel,  .June  10,  1S(J4.  C),  h'lhninf  Todil . 
April  1!),  lS»i(i.  7.  J//''  M<i>J,  Marcli  0,1X08.  S.  Jh/untt  Jd.sjiir,  May  lo.  ISTl.  ll, 
Starr  IJr'aftUi/.  March  1).  1S7:1  o,  Stuekt  Bu.\1)I,ky,  h.  Autr.  t),  18:52;  iii.  Feb.  7.  is;i7. 
Surah  Ann  llotclikiss  1,  Addi:  .)/".'?•;>/,  An t:-.  4.  lS,-iS.  -2.  /j,7A/  .sV'/v?//.  Srpt.  11 ,  ISfKl.  tl. 
DwmnT  Ki,\,  Scin.  11.  18:-jl.      7.  .Iasphk  Bkyav,  Stpi.  9.  1J^42:  N.  Hav. 

111.  Marv  Ann,  Oct.  11,  1814:  <1.  July  4,  lsr,4;  ni.  I>>t.  24.  ls;U,  .I.'sm'  All.-.i 
Doolittle.  1,*  Sylvia  Mmua,  h.  Oct.  14,  is;;.');  m.May  (i,  isr)2,  David  A.  Lounslmry.  1. 
Marietla.  h.  Mav.  ls.")4.  2,  .1i>m:  lU  i;t(.i\,  1».  Ajiril  lO.  18:>S;  d.  Nov.  27.  IHlu:  ni.  July 
4,  18.")7,  Sarah  Johnson.  8,  Lkwi?<  Ej,y.  ^May  17,  1840;  m.  Nov.  2-"),  ISOi,  Jane  Conihs. 
A,  Hhmiy  Ai.T.KX,  May  18.  1S4.5;  d.  Aug.  27^  18(15:  ni.  April.  18C..").  Emma  n..ollTtle.  .>. 
J>i::()NAiin  Walks,  h.  "Marcli  8,  1847:  m".  Se])t,,  18ntt.   Immogeiie  Sixmtv. 

6633.10,     Chauiicev  Todd,  h.    March  24,    1784:  d.   July   20,    18.V.:  m.  Sept.   18, 
1812,  Sn.-an  llotchki>s,  l.,\juh-  IS.  17!I2;  d.  Ai>ril  20.  l8o4:  rciiL  to  Butternuts.  N.  Y. 

1.  liucv.  1>.  Oct.  80.  lsf8:  m.  June  8.  188."'>,  Xorris  (iUhert.  1>.  Sei.t.  i),  ISll:  d. 
A\\<f.  12,  1877",  Butte  City,  Montana.  1,  Hoilvut  IlKXiiV,  Auo.  2o,  1S42:  d.  Xov.  1(), 
1844.  2,  Fkkdkkick,  h.  Feh.  8,  184."):  nn  Jan..  1874,  Jan<'  A.  S.  Croclu-ron,  h.  Fel).  9. 
1840.  l',  Jla/doii  Xorri--',  b.  March  28.  187S.  Butte  City,  .Montana.  8,  .MahloN  Noiiurs, 
Marcli  28,  1848;  olertrvman  St.  l^an.l.  Minn,;  nn  Mav  20,  18s0,  Fannie  F.  Carville. 

II,  Jared,  Dec.''8.  1814:  d.  May  20,  lSi;2;  nL  Jan.  29,  I88s.  Mary  Ann  Seeley,  b, 
July  0,  18Ui.  New  Berlin,  Chenango"  Co.,  N,  Y.  1,  Hk-NKY  Huixhkiss,  b.  Oct.  81.  1889; 
l)oo"kkeei)er;  m.  Sept.  20,  18(54.  Ellen  Crittenden.  Cliippawa  Falls,  Wis.;  had  treo.  SU,7.'^, 
Aug.  2.  1871.  2,  Mai;y  Hklkx.  ii.  July  20,  l^^l."):  th.  July  7,  180S,  Janu-s  Munroe 
Spnigue.  I'riiL.sciiool.  Alton,  N.  Y.  1,  .////v/  J.vw,  May  20,  1878,  2,  Henrn  Deirrnj,,-. 
Feb.  -20,  1877.     8.   Scsan  Anxa,  Mav  18,  IS")!),  Nrw  Berlin,  X.  Y, 

III.  Albert,  Aui^-,  la,  1810;  d.  M"ay  80,  IS.IO;  m,  July,  1888,  Abigail  Muria  Andi-'.vs. 
h.  Mav  2o,  1  18:  d.  ^fav  14,  1871,  W  "oonsocket.  P..  1,  1,  Javan  Xklsox,  b,  Jan.  7. 
1841;  "jeweler.  Prov..  IC  I.;  m.  Oct.  lI.  1S04,  Helen  L.  O.sborn,  b.  Oct.  17.  1841;  had 
Will.  Osborn,  Aug.  14.  180.").  2.  David  CitAiX(  ky.  Dec.  G.  1842:  la.  Ai)ril  10.  1871. 
Amv  Josephine  Whitl'ord,  b.  Aug.  10.  is.-)!;  tanner,  Woonsocket  Falls,  P.  1.;  had  A^'''i  rf 
Kzrn,  Oct,  29,  1872.     8,  Saiiah  Amks.  Mav  ."i,  is47:  d.  Mav  8.  18o7. 

IV.  Juliana,  .Xprd  12,  ISIS;  d,  Oct.  2":.  isso;  m.  Xov.  b").  is:!7.  Cloirles  E.  Jacobs. 
who  d,  April  20,  1S71:  wagon-maker,  Ne\s-  Beriin.  X.  Y.  1,  O'l.n.  ALL.t;i;T.  April  IS. 
1889;  d,  Sept.  18.  1808;  served  in  the  war.  2,  Mai;y  FiiA.NtKS,  Feb.  18.  1842:  d.  Oct. 
18,  1848.  8,  Hklkx  Li  (  y.  Aug.  4.  Is4!:  d.  June  2B.  184.").  4.  Ellex  Jlllvxa,  Feb. 
18,  1849;  d.  June  17.  1S72:  m  .lune  27.  ls71.  Edirar  J.  .\rnold,  (ireene.  X.  Y;  lawyer, 
."i,   HoBAiiT  BiN-iANnx.  l^b.  10.  is,-i2;  aiti-t,  X.  Y.  C. 

V.  Chatles,  b.  Juiu-  8,  1820:  m.  Oct,  18,  ISll,  Hannah  Hal!  INIiUer.  b.  Jan.  80. 
1819;  Slierburne.  Clienango  Co.,  X.  Y.  1,  lU'Tii  Maima,  b.  Oct.  12.  isjf',;  m.  Sept.  21. 
1871,  Adelbert  Harrington,  b.  Sept.  10.  1840:  farmer,  Sherburne,  X,  Y.;  had:  1,  IjC". 
Todd,  March  4,  1878.  2,  Kn,dti  Addnule.  July  18.  187.""..  8,  .fameH  AUxauder,  June  4. 
1879.  2.  CKOiKii.,  Oct,  21,  iS-'^iJ:  d.  Oct.  1(1,  18(;2.  8,  Cjlvs,  Heuuekt,  Oct,  18,  ls.')S. 
Sherburne,  X .  Y. 

VI.  Edward.  Aug.  21.  Is22:  ni.  Sept.  19,  ]S,")4,  Lucy  P(d>ecca  Swain,  X',  Berlin.  1, 
Jamks  Pr.EscoTT.  .Mav  2s,  ls."-,7;  d.  Jan.  18,  1802.     2,   Sakah  Eliza,  -Ian,  2ii,  1804. 

VII.  Anibrosi',  Dec.  12,  182.".:  d.  Dec,  4,  1S8():  m.  July  4,  1850,  Mary  Booth.  Man- 
hattan, Kansas;  l,ieut.  at  Fortress  Munroe,  ^'a.  1,  Ali'.EKT.  b.  Oct.  21.  1854.  2, 
IitvtNc;,  Feb.  1.  bSOd,  Manhattan,  Kansas. 

VIII.     Ceo.,  \'>x-i-.  18.  1.S27:  d.  Di-c.  29.  IS.'kJ;  num. 

L\".      }^lssell.    Jan.    5.    iSliO;    Epis.    clerg.,    Oriskanv    Falls,    X.    Y,;   Caro.  Mich.:   m. 
Sept.  10.    1S75,    C(.ra   Brown;  had:      1,    A(;XKs   (JooDituii,    Dec.    19,    1870.      2,    PfssKLl. 
Ho;l\1'.t.  D.c.  24,  187s,     8,  EdwaIxO  IN.r.KFrrsux,  Sej.t.  21,  isSO. 
X.      Marv,  Aug.  7,  ls;',2:  d.  Oct,  7.  1.S57;   num. 
XI.      Chaiincev.  April  24.  1S85:  m.   F(4..   10,  IS.-.S.   Is.ibella   Fleteluu'   Higs>.    b.  X.iv. 
2,  1885;  d.  Feb.  20,  lS07;  (2)  Feb.   18.  ISO.S,  Jane   Dodge,    b.    Dec.    10.    1S88,  X(>w  Berlin. 
1,  Mauy  ELi/.AnKTii,  ,\prii  20,  1-00.     2,   \\"illl\m  Hr.xitY,  April  28,  lS(i:}.     :!,  Ckokok 
A.Mr.Kusi:,  Oc.  2."i,  isii.");  d.  .i,uic  14.  1S0<;.     4.   o'liu  i:.  Julv  5.  Is7l).     5.    Liwis  Ci!  ves 
tKV.  Jan.  9.  ls72      li,   .i  \v  .Mui;i:is,  .luly  9,  1870. 

6634.     Caleb  Todd,  b.  Aim1112,  1788:  d.  Xov,  14,  1709;'ni,  Esther . 

I,     Calf!),  b,  .lulv  0,  1705. 
II,      liuth. 



G6341.  Caleb  Todd,  l-.  July  G,  ITGo;  a.  Aug.  1,  1K3,;  in.  May  1,  l.s.>,  I  ..1  y 
p„.r  [)  Julv  JO  ITC.T:  .1.  .Muich  10,  1790:  (2)  Xov.  1,  17i)0.  Lydiu  llice.  b.  Jun.  1o, 
ir-'"  <l'    ^ii""-     IS    17US-     (:])  Mar<-h   14,  1799,  Fanny  Hutdi,  b.   Sept.  28.  177-" 


I    1S4(). 
?0,  1S9:?; 
,r  llanni 


I'dllv  .lulv  10  17s9:  m.  Willanl  Hall  of  ]\I(ii<lcn. 
K.astus  Muv  il  1791:  d.  Oct.  lU,  l::54o;  ni.  April  20.  LS13,  P.'Uy  Kic 
a  JinifO;'.  ']>27.  1,  L\x;ka,  March  4,  1^14:  ni,  Sept.  IS,  bS!."),  Edwin  .lolinson 
):,i  X.  v.,  i).  ]).<•.  s,  isr2.  1,  Jl'Un.  Sfpt.  S,  18:3(1;  d.  June  4,  1845,  2,  Jfomj 
|,/,///s^'v'  .Ian"    !•'"   1S4I)-  ni  '.I:'.n.  11.18(;i),   Addia  Ki-ndall,   Avoiiiii,    Ivan.       :].  Fro i „•(:■< 

)larrii(    b  .Inn.-  2:3,  184:3:  m.  .Julv  i:!.  1865,  \).\\.  Bedlo.  Hannibal.  N.  Y.    2,  C.\iiOMXii;. 

Sent    "S    181o-  in    -hilv  2^    1-^:^4.  <'ullins  Cutb-r  of  Nhurndlia,  ba,,   b.  May  12,  1SU9;  d. 

Mav'lO  "l.S,>5  '   :3    11  \i:\;[KT.  Sept.  5,  1817;  d,  Julv  28,  1802;  ni.  Oct.  10,  1840.  Ferdinand 

-inpK'-a^   b    Xov    7   1S17.     4.  WiLi..\Ki),  Jan,  0,  1821:  ni.  April  20,  1^49,  Enielme  Deyer. 

i)   May  7,  1827:  d.  Sej-t.  10,  1870,  llillsbor.).  111.     5.  K).\v.\i;i).  b.  Xov.  25.  1822:  m.  Sept. 

ls'l84:^,'.]ane'Parmel!.  b.  S.].!.  19.  1S05,  Sioux  CitN .  Iowa. 

Ill      Oliver  li     Feb    24,1794:.!    April  1,  1S5! :  ni.  AprillU.  182:3.  Hannah  W  beeler. 

b    Alav  19    1800       1     LvniA.  April  2,  1821:  ni.   Mav  S,  is.po,  Wni.  Xichol.son.  b,  Oct.  15, 

ISOO-  "a    a'uo-.  :3,    ISGO,    Kiceville.  Pa.      1.   .4 (/. ///,i'  f.,  Lawrence,    O.       2,    ]',rthcina  C. 

Siirino- Creek    Pa.      W.  (r<n-<t],herta  K.      A,  Alphoit-o.      o.  Jlimuyh  M.     i\.  Jhran:  0'.      <- 
J.^NK,  M;!rch2;5.  1820:  d.  Autr.  28,  1S55:  m.  Dec.  1817,  Kli  M.  Farrington. 

Aaron  H. 
Hiceville,  P 

1.   .1n.n,h 

("oiiDKT.iA.  Alav  8,  1829:  d.  June  24,  180:3.  4,  Ltiia  A. 
;.  1S51.  5,  ("Oi!NEr.i.\.  "Oct.  l:'..  18:3):  ni.  May,  b^57.  Dani.d  Couk. 
2)  1809,  Olui.s.  F.  Bo.-s  of  Iowa  City,  Iowa.  /.  i»y  1  m.:  1.  Alp/"'. 
I>v  2d  n:.:  4,  L'ridit.  0,  Xoii.MA.N,  .'luly  30,  18o7:  d.  June  29,  1^G4. 
5"  b'^41);  ni.  Sept.  11,  1871.  Ib.nrierta'  ShalTer,  Iticeville,  Pa.  1. 
IV.  21.  1842;  d.  Julv  4,  1n7:3:  ni.  Xcn".  9.  1805,  Asher  Langworthy 

Oct.  i:^,  18;-!1:  d.  Dec. 
who  a.  July  4.  1807: 
2,  On-iUr.     :j,  Iro.     i. 
7,  ('.u,KK  ^^"^l.,  July 

(■laro-.     8,  FsTiiKi;.  X ... 

b.  Xov.  17.  1842.  9,  Haukikt  M..  b.  July  1:J,  1845,  Perry,  Pa.  10^ 
19,  ISIN;  a.  Jan.  19.  1849.  1 1 ,  Ai.KHFJ).  Se])t.  11.  1850:  d.  Ai)ril  ;jO, 
April  19.  1S52. 

IV.     Beri.  An-    12,   d.  De--.  1,  1797, 

V       \lfreil     Dec.    28.    1799:  m.    Feb.  19,  1n2S,  Mary  A.  llovey 

Or.iVKK  P..  Mar.h 
1851.      12,  I<\a.nnv. 

Xattawa,  Mich.  1.  DaNU:!.  Jamks,  Feb.  1 
18;30:  d.  Jan.  27,  180:5.  at  Murfreesboro  in 
d,  Dec.  :30.  185G.  4,  Lrrv  Jank.  Ai^ril  14 
fanner.  1,  (Jtrtriiih.  2.  Lvry  May.  '•. 
1800,  Peter  F.  Sclirilier  of  Sturgis,  Mi(di.: 
Jan.  1,  ISaS;  in.  Sept.  17.  180:3.  Marion  ^\'. 
Eiifjfuid.  2,  Roy.  '6,  Iluhrrt.  7.  At.MKDA 
21,'l8G4,   Fdnuuid  S.    Aniidon  of  Stur^ 

b.    Jan.    15,    1809. 
d.  AuiT.  25,  1829.    2.   \\  >!.  H  KliVKV,  .Inne  19. 
civil   war.     o.  Ckas.  Fdwi.n,  April  1:3.  18:32: 
1>:31;   ni.  Aug.  12,  l':^59.  Alfred  X.  Poyn.ser, 
}.Iaky  AuGi>TA.    April  9,   18:30;  ni.  Xov.  7. 
tobacco  dealer.      1,    J^it</cop.     0.  Jami:sA.. 
Smith.  Sliennau.  Mirh, :   farmer.      1,   P/trti< 
E.,  Aug.  II.  1842:  d.  Jan.  7,  1874:  ni.  April 
Mich.:  nia>on.      l.Ftorcinu.     2,   A{fr/d.     :3- 
Hdmuiol.     ^•.  Ann  Vov.yv.i.w.   Sept.    15.  is41.      9.    Os.ivja;    H.-vkv,  24.   1^'49:  ni. 
Julia  E.  Feriand:  survevor:  Burlinsranie.  Kan.      Pi,  Ai,1!Ki:t,  .lune:3tl,  18.;0. 

Vi.      William,  Match  8,  1801,   d.  AuL^   9,    187-i.   at  \\  aketreld,    Kan.:  nu.ssionarv  to 
Madura;  m.  1S28,'Lucv  Browneli.  who  d.    Sept.,  18:35.  in  India:  (2)  Feb..  18:37.  Clarissa 
K.  F.  Woo.lward,  wid."  of  mi^sionarv,  who  d.  .huie,  ls::!7:  (:3)  1840,  'Juth  Southwick. 
VII.      Xornian,  Feb.  5.  180:3:  d.  Mav  24,   185:3;  unin. 

Vlll.  Caleb,  April  1,  1805;  d.  Jan.  20,  1875;  m.  Sept.,  18:3:3.  Sarah  Penne  ot  Si>encer- 
port,  b  Mav  17  bsii;3;  '1  April  12.  1870.  1,  (iF.OKGf:  Biiaixakd,  b.  April  :5n.  l8o-x. 
-Manlins,  OiioiuhoM  Co..  X.  Y.:  gra.I.  X.  Y.  Fniv.  at  Allwny,  and  receiveu  diplomat 
from  other  .^choois,  tlie  la-t,  from  the  Uiuv.  of  Md.,  wh.-re  he  resumed  practice  after  tin- 
war.  Earlv  in  tlie  war  he  vol.  as  Ass'i  Suie:.  in  Army,  and  was  in  many  sharp  engage- 
ments in  tlie  field,  and  durini:  the  closin;^  vrs.,  in  pra.-tical  service,  navy.  l(v 
liigh  professional  abilities  and  devotion  to  dutv  h;id  add.-d  the  Samaritan  tnulerness  ot 
the  true  phvsiciun.  and  l.e  w;i>  api'.reciaie'd  and  b-loved  as  an  honest,  taithtul.  tender 
and  true  man.— J/-'/.  Ol^if..  Fxilt.  >''//,.•  d  S.-pt.  20,  1S74.  at  Pensacola,  Fla.:  Siir-'eon.  L  . 
S.  Xavv:  m.  Oct.  7.  1857,  Eliza  M.  Tod<!,  b.  Oct.  7.  is:!!;  il.  Xov.  1,  1804;  (2)  April  . 
1800,  Ella  S.  l.aiscb.  b.  Maud.  0.  is;.it,  1,  C^n-rn  .^>-o-//,  Aug.  8.  18.)8.  2  fm/. 
Serine,  Mav  9  IMJO.  ;i.  Fh.nnrt  KHi".  Ajuil  17,  180:3.  2,  Hknkv  Pkuink,  b.  Xov.  22. 
18:39;  m.  June  18.  1879,  Marv  Stone  Todd  of  Onondaga  Castlr.  X.  \.:  res.  Sp.'nceri'ort. 
N.    Y.     1,  yA/r/7/ .s>-//'«,  Julv  11,  1880. 

IX.      Lvdia, 'b.  .lulv  2,  1S07;  d.  Ainil  ):;,  IS 

d.  .luh  5,"  is(i;i.     1,  i-iiA.vcKs,  b.  s.',.i.  1,  n 

.Moravia.  X.  Y.  1,  l>h,!>, ,  .I-n.  21,  1^57:  d  Jai 
o.  Ma,/,  Sei)t.  7.  INOI.  4.  Kd,,  Feb.  24,  isOl 
H. ,  Ai!i:.  -I,    is:30:  m.    Xov.    24,    1S(;2,    .Moi  ris   i 

in.  Xov.  i;3,  I8:3:i,  Jobn  St'>yel!,  wh.v 
:  m  Oct.  25.  ]s55.  .lo^rpli  .\lley  of 
"),  !^5'.i.  2.  ."■>"■/'''  r ,  Jan.  '.>,  l^'5'.i. 
5  /.'."/.v.^  Auir.'2,  ISGS.  2.  Mahai.a- 
AHev.      I,  ./"'/(•.',    Feb.    22.    is0:3.      2. 

333  P.RAXCK    OF    JOSEPH. 

Flon-ii<u\^o])t.  IS,  IN''").  :'>.  Jninc'<,  .Tuly  1-1,  ISd'^,  4,  Sou.  d.  si.dh.  ,5.  Hmr;/,  Nov. 
11.  ls7'J.  :3,'  VsM'.  T.,  Murcli  IS.  ls;;s:  m.  An;:,  •-in,  ls'()->,  JManctT,  Iv  \\'Mf:-lit.  1.  J.,„a 
.4//,v.(/a,  Oct',  r,,  1S0!»;  d.  .Maivl,  17.  1S71.  4,  J-uix,  .Inly  •2"").  Is4-J;  m,  .May  1.  ISTJ, 
ilatt'K' l')aiii^-h''rtv.  Kas.      1,   .l-Jm  C'l'hj.     .""),   Smith,    May   O-"),    iS-lS;  Auburn,    N.  ">'. 

.\.  (iT-diiiv"  Nolsoji,  li.  .\i>iil  :i  )M(1;  111.  AuiT.  ■-'•">,  1^4-2,  .Mary,  dau.  of  l-ldward 
EUintt  (if  Cliiiton.  N.  V..  Ii.  Oct.  o,  1^14;  d-v.c-n,  N.  Y,  1,  Kdwaui)  ]j.i,i(iri,  li. 
.luiic  14,  1.S44:  111.  Julv  .-).  is'i'l,  Eniina  \..  dau.  of  \{i-\.  I^auc  l-\istiM-,  IhiriKdKvillc,  >,. 
y.  l'  J/./r//  A7//','/'/,  .Mat'rh  OJ.  1SI17.  •,',  CA '>./".-,',  r.  Pit.  S,  lS(;s.  :j.  Erhr„ril  II:  rumn. 
Fci>.  21.  is;-,'.  'J,  Ai)Fi.  Mill'.  ST(>vi:i.i.,  Sc])!.  Is,  1S47;  ui.  .Tunc  "Jl,  l.'iljs,  .Morris  .\. 
Hollv,  OwcLTn.  N.  Y.  1,  A'//,'/ .)/''//,  .Tune  11»,  ls7:!;  d.  .Tuly  l."),  sui.  yr.  :!,  Ili:i;.Nr.\N 
Ai)i:!.r.i',i;T.  .luiic  ."),  is,",!);  Su^iiuclianaah  Dcput,  Ta. 

XI.     Cornelia,  .luly  Hi,  isl4;  d.  June  11,  ]s;!-2;  iinin. 

6635.     Stephen  Todd,  li.    Marcli   2:J,    17:35;    m.    K.icliel ;  rem.  to   Salisbury, 

Herkimer  Co.,  N.  \ .,  17»'i. 

I.  Jehiel.  1).  Nov.  :',   17()1:  ni.   Hannali  Street. 

11.  StepJH'ii,  b.  I>ec.  "J;].  177o:  rem.  to  Salisbury,  X.  Y. :  practiced  as  a  physician 
and  d.  tl.ere  on  his  hirtli  day,  Dec.  2:J,  IS^?;  m.  IV-di-  Frisbie.— 7/^/.  }l.  rl.uucr 'Co.  1, 
L.WK.^,  ill.  Set);  .Miller.  2,  .\1)i;,  m.  Dr.  .lohii  Siiaulding-.  '•).  Fmz.v  F.,  m.  Tims. 
Burch.  4,  .\N.\  O.,  m.  ]So2.  Aipluixad  Lonmls,  s.  of 'I'liaddeus.  set.  in  Little  Fall.-^,  X. 
Y*. ;  Dracticed  law  ls2~i:  (Vntnty  Surro^'ate  y  yrs. ;  l-"irst  .Tmlge  of  county  court  .5  yrs. : 
Mem.  Cou.  3  vrs. :  State  Le^.  M  yrs..  and  Const,  convention  of  1S4().  Dtd'ective  lieurini; 
prevented  hi.s  ajipointmeut  to  hi>rh  judicial  stations,  for  v,-hi(4i  li(>  was  otlierwise 
cminontlv  lilted;  b  clul.  1,  Ela<ilHih,-U\\\  l(i,  ]S;12:  d.  Dec.  1.),  1^,52.  2,  Waldo  Toild. 
.Ian.  1,  is:j4:  Brown  Univ.  IS,')."");  lawver.  Little  Falls,  X.  Y.  8,  Mufij,  April  10,  IS^ti; 
d.  AnL,^  2i),  \H^u .  4,  A'hlh-.  March  :\,  is;;s.  .5,  T!<.id,lp>ts.  \\,v\\  2s,  1S4U;  d.  Xov.  'J, 
1841.  '(),  L'/uis.i.  Feb.  11.  ]S4;-1:  m.  \)<^r.  20,  ISfiS,  David  II.  Hurrell.  7,  Sidiiri/A.. 
Dec.  Ill,  ISh"),  Fnion  Col.  ISiiiJ.      S,   Aiuf,  Oct.  27,  1S47;  d.  Xov.  27,  IS")!. 

111.  Bethel,  m.  Hannah,  dan.  of  .Tonaihan  arid  Hannah  (Hai-nesj  Tuttle,  b.  .Ian.  1, 
1T()1:  res.  near  foot  of  '•  Blew  Hills"  on  Tattle's  Farm.  1,  .Joii.x.  b.  17'Ji;  d.  unm.  2, 
SllEKi-ocK.  b.  179G:  m.  Zilbih  (iilbert  of  Kaston.  Conn.  o.  Fuw.vko,  b.  17»7;  teacher: 
.rem.  to  Hij.^'-hhinil,  11!.,  :henc-e  To  Mt,  Carunl,  111.,  wheie  he  d. ;  m.  Caroline  Fanton. 
4.  ^f.\];r.\,  m.  Wm.  .Tndd;  ri\s.  Fairtield,  Conn,  o,!,  m.  Burton  Thoijie;  rem. 
to  St.  Louis. 

66351.  Jchiel  Todd,  b.  Xov.  ;j,  1701;  d.  .Tan.  28,  1S48;  m.  Hannah  Street,  h. 
Oct.  1,  17.'.S;  d.  .lulv  21.  Isi'.i;.  Wallintrford. 

I.      Lemuel.  .Ian.  \U,  17s2;   m.  .March  1,  1S04.  Sarah  Brink. 

II.  Ira,  Ane-.l,  17.S:J;  m.  Xov.,    IsO'.i,    Sally    Ilinman;  (2)   May    1.    1840,    Catharine 
Alniv.  "^  "  ■  " 

HI.  (.'aleb,  .Marcli  IG,  17S.5;  m.  Jan.  20,  ISoij,  llepy.ibah  Miller;  (2)  Jan.  10,  1S2S. 
Abit^ail  P.   Hlanchard. 

iv.  Asahel.  b.  Feb.  5,  1 7s7 ;  m.  May  8,  1812,  .Mary  Ann  Fitch;  (2)  July  20,  181-1, 
PliiJeiia  Lon^'. 

V.      Zerah,  b.  Jan.  29,  17s:j;  m.  Dec.  24,  \8V).  Almira  .McKee. 

VI.  P.eiiiel,  Jan.  lU,  17ii2;  m.  Mav  28.  1S22,  Elizabeth  .Maria  Hull. 
VH.  Sallv,  1).  Xov.  14.  1798:  d.  Jan.  18,  1874;  m.  ISlo,  P:phraim  Carr.  h.  May  17, 
1787;  d.  Julv"81,  is.'j.^.  1,  D.vmki.  D.,  Sept.  28,  181(1;  d.  Oct.  27.  1800.  2,  Df:(.kv.\n 
D.,  Aue-.  22,  1S18.  8,  L.u  ii.\  F.,  Julv  28,  1820.  4,  As.wu  IL,  Aug.  6,  1822.  o. 
<'KYi.o.N  W  .,  Oct.  8,  1S24.  0,  S.\H.\ii  T.,'Seiit.  27,  1S20.  7.  Chestek  H."",  Aup:.  8,  B'^28. 
.S,  Ann  K\.r/\.  April  :;.  d.  .\pril  18,  1S80.  9,  Finvi.N  L..  April  2S,  1,S82.  10.  Tin;" 
\Huu:  v..  .May  10.  1S84:  d.  Sej.t.  18,  1S80.      11.   Tiir.onoin:  P.,  Ang.  10,  188(3. 

Vlil.  .Mary.  Feb.  20,  17iii;;  d.  Jan.  17.  ISOO;  m.  Xov.  11,  1819,  Edward  B.  Crandall. 
b.  Ma.y  :.'7.  179.);  <l.  Oct.  811.  1N(;8.  .M.\KY  .\NN.\,  Dec.  8,  1820.  2,  I.VF.  Si).\,  b.  and  d. 
.hui.  10.  1S22.  8.  S.Mt.Mi  .NIaki.v,  b.  .Ian.  s.  1S28.  4,  Emiky  EhvntA.  Sept.  l-'i,  ls21. 
.5,  Hannah  Sri(Ki:r,  .Marcdi  s.  1S27;  rl.  .Ian.  8,  1S.5U.  0.  IOuwako  ^V.\I.,  Xov.  10,  lS2~i. 
7,    Hi.NKvCi.AV.  .March  22.  Is81;  d.  Julv  10.  1841.     y.   Bkthki,,  Mav  2S,  188.-). 

IX.      Lodema.  b.  .Line.-,,  1799;  d.  Sept.  12.  1S08. 

663511.  Lemuel  Todd,  !>.  Jan.  19.  17s2;  <1.  June  28,  IS.ll:  m.  Mandi  1,  isOl, 
Sarah    Li-ink.  1>.   .\u-.  •,',  17si 

1.  Harriet,  b.  .March  Is.  ISO,",;  ni.  I'eb.  27.  Is28.  Av.son  Hichard-iu,  b  June  22. 
1797;  d.  .April  Ot'.,  l^:'.!;  (2'  Jui,e-J9  is:;'.).  llonnrC.  ouck,  b.  March  28,  Isd:.  I.  J  ->  M' 
.Mauia,  b.  IS-.'l;  d.  1^29.  2.  DkW  rr  r  Ci.i  X  lox,  b.  is2.-):d.  1S2S.  8.  Hikam  W.  H  \i  k. 
b.  IS27.  d.  Pv-'s.  L  S\!:mi  S  .  b  Xov.  21,  1S2!».  r,.  M  \i;v  E..  Dec.  7,  1S81.  0,  Cuak 
i.oiTi;  .\..  .Ir.iie  29,  ls|i). 



II.  Eliza.  Jan.  1.  1807;  m.  Sept,  14,  182(;,  Ilirum  W.  Hale  b.  Oct  '.'2  ]7(19-  d 
.):ui.  '^O,  18'21l:  C^)  Jan.  10,  18^6,  William  Malloiv,  h.  Juno  10,  181:l'  1,  Kmilv'  Dec  'lo' 
is;;8.     12,  Dkmis  IL,  Julv  :{,  1840.     >},  <)i'iiki,i.\."Xov.  1-J    ]S4;3  '  ,         .      , 

III.      Ijiitlin.'.  S.'|.t."ll,  1808;  d.  Au^r.  04    |,^.;,o 

l\\      IMiidelia,  Oct.  US.  1810;  d.  Sojit.  20.  1850;  in.  Oct.  11.  1829,  Jdlui  ']'.  Wilson    b 
June  2,  180:1     1,  1.i;miei,  J.,  b.  Aii^-.  10,  ISMo.     2,  Gk()1{(!F,.  Sept.  21,  18MI.     '^>  A>I)i;kw 
!.,  Nov.  8,  183:1     4,  Uki.kx  L.,  Nov.  ::',0,  ls;]l.     o.  Ki)o.\u  C..  N'ov   3   1S3,5      0    tivKMf 
Nov.  2,  1840:  d.  July  29.  1S41.     7,  Jamks  K..  Nov.   7,  1844;  d.  Feb.  8,  1S4(5. 

V.     Z.mmIi,  M;in-h  l;l,  ISl;;;    m.    .March    2M,  is::!!,  Martiia   Can-    1)    AprU    IsH         1 
.\fAirnr.\  II.,  b.  .March  2:3,  l&o;  d.  May  T,,  1869.     2,  Fk.^xces  J..,  Nov.  4,  18:38;  in.  <ieo' 
W.  i'attei>ua      1,  Oithnri/'C  LouLsn,  Jnly2>i,  1802.     2,  f/corgr  Wasliingtv'n,  Feb.  1,  ]S(J4. 
?),  ITdnnaJt   Wfdtiiit/,  March  5,  1800.     4,  Fra/trus  Todd,  Mav  8,  1S(38.     h    Friix  a'  June 
S,  1844;  d.  June  22,  isoi'. 

VI.     Mary,  May  20,  181.^;  m.  June  15.   18:35,  Janus  E.   Lanshitr        1     I^otskht  C 
AyiU  20,  18:30.     2.  S.A.u.KJi  S.,  Oct.  18,  18:37.     :3.  John,  Julv  1:3,  1840?     4,  .Mklvh.i.e  e' 
May  9,  1845.      5,  Lkmi:ei,  E..  July  24,  1850.     6,  Wili.i.\m' S..  Jan.  24,  1854.     7, 
\j.,  June  2:3,  1857. 

VII.     Augusta  M.,  Der.  0.  1817;  ni.  March  10.  18:57,  Jann'.sE.  Alniv,  b.  Manli  17,  l.Sl:3. 
I,  Gkutki'DK  A.,  Dec.  1:3,  18:37.    2,  Wii.LtANt  W.,  Sejjt.  2:i,  1842-  d"  March  15    1S44      8 
JiiMA,  Mav  2,  1840.     4,  J.\ME>  E.,  Julv  14    18-lS. 
VIII.      Luzerne,  Feb.  29,  1820;  d.  1821. 

l.X.  Enzerue,  Dec.  21.  1821;  ni.  Jan.  ;30,  1^45,  Mary  Ann  Pei>per.  b.  Feb.  27,  1824.  1. 
llEiUiEKT  LiZEUXE,  March  :30,  1840;  in.  Fe!>.  7,  1809,  Marv  C.  Hardee.  1,  Kfhrar'f 
Luzi-rne,  Sept.,  1869.  2,  Jlcrhcrt  Gkn,  March  7,  1871.  ;3.  WllJi.nn.  Auir.  29,  187:3.  2. 
(tT,EN  E.,  June  2:3.  1848;  d.  Aug-.  :30.  1850.  :3,  Emm.v  I.oei.-^a,  Dec.  27,  1851;  in.  Dec.  20. 
1872,  Elbert  B.  Sevniour.  4,  \Vili,i.\.m  Dujoht,  Nov.  27,  1854  5  Al  xjiv  IsFi  i  f  Nov 
8,  185(5. 

X.  Samuel  S. ,  Oct.  15.  1824;  ni.  Sabrina  'reiuple,  b.  Mav  11,  1824.  1,  Aeice  Ann, 
Nov.  8,  1840;  d.  Auir.  1:3,  1S72.  2,  Mai{'iji.\  r-:.Mri.v,  Marcli  :3,"  1847.  ;3  Ei.j.ex  Ameli\' 
April  20,  1849.  4  Fi.oi-exce  M.,  A]n-il  13,  1852.  5,  Fhedehuk,  Feb.  2  ls.50  o' 
(;i-EN,  Dec.  15,  1859.  '      ^ 

XI.     Lemuel  F.,  Oct.  15,  1824. 

603512.     Ira  Todd,  b.    Aug.  l,    1783;    d.    Sept.   28,1809;   m.    Nov.,   1806,    Sallv 
Hiniium,  b.  FeU.  ;3.  17n7;  d.  Feb.  5,  b^40;  (2)  Mav  1,  1840,  Catharine  Alniv'  U   March  'U 
1781;  d.  Miirch  29.  1854.  "  '  '    ' 

I.      Horatio  Xelson,  Feb.  10.   1808;  m.   Jane  Bennett,    b.    Oct.    20,    1811.      1     J  \xf 
Emzaf.etu.  Sept.  25,    18:37;  d.   Xov.   8,   1840.     2,   (iEO.   Sylvanfs,    Xov.   21,1841      3' 
Emzabkth  Bennett,  July  21,  1844;  m.  Oct.  28,   iSfis,   Henrv  W.   Mvers,  b.   April   2>^' 
1845.      1,   Guy.  Xov.  18,  18(i9.     4,  Jane  Elviha,  Sept.  24,  184S;  d.  Oct.  21,  ISGl 
II.     Joshua  Curtis,  Oct.  13.  d.  Nov.  8,  lsi»9. 

III.  Elvira,  March  8,  1811;  m.  Julv  22,  1835,  James  Constable  Duff,  b.  April  4 
1809.  1,  James  Todd,  Ai)iil  25,  1830;  d.  Nov.  11,  1850.  2,  Hei.ex'k  v  June  ll' 
1S40.     3,   Sakah  Jaxe,  April  15,  1849. 

IV.  Albert,  Man-h  4,  1813;  lu.  Oct.  27,  1842,  Jane  Maria   Wilson,  b.   Feb.  11,  1819: 
d.   Feb.  9,  1848;  (2)  Aug-.  10,  1854,  ]Mary  Caroline  Johnson,    b.    June  23,   1830;  res.    St.' 
Louis,  Mo.;  lawyer,  Y.  C.    1830;  I'rol'.  Jurisprudence.  Washin-i-ton  Col.,  Mo.     1     Eliza- 
r.ETir  Hef.en,  b.  Dec.  4.  1843;  m.  Xov.  5,  1808,  HcnrvTerrv,  b.  Julv  ;30,  18:37      l 
Albert  Todd,  Dec.  19,  1870.     2,   Robert  .fa ruri.  Jan.  24,  1872.     3,  'John    II'J/.sw//    Nov   -^1 
1873.  .  _  ,  ^       .  .   . 

V.  (Jeorge,  b.  Feb.  1,  1SI5;  in.  Jan.  0,  1842,  Alice  Aine  Davis,  b.  .Line  7,  IMS.  1 
CifAS.  Aeox/.o.  Mandi  24,  1844;  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  phys.  2,  Ar,i;v  l\i;i;E(  t  a.  Xov.  9 
1840.     3,  MAi{Y  Haiidixg,  Feb.  3,  1S53.      L   Ei.t.iot,  'M;n  9.  1855. 

VI.  Charles,  May  1,  1817;  m.  Dec.  1,  18,10,  Eliza  A  "  Leonard,  b.  1S.>7;  d.  June  (i. 
1S52;  res.  St.  L<.u(>.  1,  Fanny  Iv,  Nov.  l(i,  1S51,  m.  Jan.  2s.  1S75,  Hinman  C  Clark" 
1>.  March  29,  lS4i;.  '  " 

■\'1I.      Sarali  Ann,  1>.  Feb.  17,  1819;  d.  April,  IslO;  ni.    .Nov.  8,  1S45,    C'eo.    D    Bauin 
1,   AFKF.irr,  b.  IS47. 

^■l!l.      Walr.-r  Str.-rt.  h.  Jan.  31.  1S21  :  ni.  July  9,    184:!,    Eniilv    .Masre...    b.    Sept.    20 
ls2u.      I.   CuAKi.i-.s  I'EHDiXAM),  July  25,   1S41:  in.  .Line    1,   is?!,' Harrirt  Ophdi;,  Hath- 
away, b.    Nov.    10.    1S47.      1.    Fnnik  Bn !}bojt.u. .    (!rf.    14,    1S74;  d.    .\pr:l    2:!     IS?.".      2 
W  AHY  Elvira,  Jan.  8,  1849;  m.  May  ;3(t,  1872,  Edward  Augustus  Todd.     3,  J.vmes  Duff 
Aug.  20.  1853.     4,  OrY  Ckandvli.,  Jan.  4.  1857. 

>'^J  BlIAXCn    OF    .TOSEPK. 

IX.  Ira.  Sept.  lo,  IS^^;  ,„.  Sq,t.  :?(;.  lS-1^,  M;,ry  Washhurn  Cnshinan,  b  ].) 
lS->.).  1.  (.'Ko.  Ii:.\.  1>,.,-.  !».  1S4!».  •,'.  WD.i.u.  llKH.ri.Ks,  Julv  -js  is:,]-  a  Julv  "V 
l'S)-2.     ;d,   Hknky  \\  AsiriNGTOx,  July  It.  ly."3(j.  '        '  -     •         .    ~~. 

X.  Aiidivw  Hiiniiun,  June  21,  i804:  111.  .luiK-,  IS-IT,  JraiiiM'tr.'  \]mv  b  Ai)iil  r 
1x2::  ].  !Ii..\i:v  Ar.r.KKT,  Aprili:,  lS.-,0;  (1.  Nov.,  is^;.  o,  Fi.ojtx  D  ErT\'\(,v  ~ 
1S51.  '  •-'.-.   ( 

Xi.      Wu.sliiuiituu.  Feb.    2,    1<S;^0:   in.    Oct..    r],    isi',,-,,   ^furv  Low    Davis     1,     ISrut     ''0 
1S32.     1.   Wm.  t;i!AVsox.  Sq.t.  2:3,  isnr.     2.   1IknuvSt.\nj, Ev,.huH' 7.  isri.'        '•"''• 

663513.  Caleb  Todd,  b.  Maiv],  k;.  i:s.:i;  ,1.  Mav  2I  1871  •  m  Jan  -^c  isO'j 
Hf>i.7,iljali  >!ilb-r.  i>.  An--.  12,  1787;  il.  Dec.  2U,  lS2(i:  Vj*  Jan  10  is2s  Abbr.,;)  p' 
Bbin.-hanl  {/ue  Hook.-r).  b.  Awj;.  2s,  17;t2.  '        '  ->    -      o-'"      • 

^,  1SH!».  :i.  Hattik  Lois  May],  ls;]8.  A.  Ueshy' Calk^.  lu^ '\-i  Isoi)  ""J'^Emua 
LoriM;.  July  L  18(32.  (i,  Tikis.  En.KXK,  Julv  2.  ]8(U.  "  ■  '  .  -  ■  ■* 
1!.  Maryotte,  Jan.  17.  1^12:  m.  .Line  17.  T^^L  Edwin  (ieo.  Kip]pv  b  Julv  14 
1812:  d.  Au-  26„  18(;2.  1.  1!.m:i:tf.t  M.,  I.s.t,.  2.  Lucv  Emz.ujkth,  Juiu'  28  isy9-  d 
Sept.  2'.<,  IN.JO.  ;5.  Jaxk.s  Ei>wtx.  March  Ki.  IS-iL  <1.  An^r  19  18Li  4  Cii  vs  IL  \rv' 
A].nl  s,  d.  Auo;  11,  i,v4:>      .5.  Mauy,  Juue:30.  18J7.  ^  '        

111.  John  Douglass.  March  11.  ISU;  d.  Julv -1.  187-L  m  Der-  C,  1,Q?,7  Marv  Xew 
hall.  b.  Sei.t.  8,  1812.  1,  Edwaud  Ar.-r.sTr.v,  Feb.  ];!.  1^40:  in.  Mav';;o'  1872  Marv 
Elvira  Todd;  ],hy.s.:  Chi.  ago,  111.  1 ,  J /-M'/r.  Aug.  ,j,  IS7.X  2.  Auiuk  Xfwh\i  r  Feb' 
<j,  b^4i;  d.  Aug.  20,  1849.     c'>.  Makv  Aishik,  Auo-.  -..M,  1So(» 

IV".      Martha  Elizabeth.  March  o,  lyitj;  d.  Oet.  .j.'lS;j.-,. 

V.  Jeliiel.  Xov.  4.  18l,S:  ui.  Oct.  7.  1840.  :\Ielissa  Hildreth,  b.  Feb  4  1818-  d  Mav 
2S,  IS.,:;;:  (2)  Jan.  1,  isl.-,.  Susan  Elizabeth.  \Vhitnian.  b.  Oct.  20,  1S18  1  M\KTir\ 
Eliza HETir.  Sept.  o,  ls41:  in.  Jan.  22,  isf;:j,  lUifus  Livermore,  b  Xov  1 '  1.939  '? 
Fkancls.  June  29.  1847:  d.  Auir.  7.  1N47.  :}.  Jank  Millkk.  Oct.  11.  1849-  d'MurcJill' 
18.J0.  4,  M.u:yJaxk.  Dee.  19.  ls.-,n.  .5.  Alice  Stukkt.  JuIv  20'  6  Svmim' 
LAWin-N-rK.  Juiv -Jl.  l-^-l.-,:  d.  July  1],  ls,57.  7,  Simk  Wiiitmvx  Au<r  'M"  lS.-,y-  ,V 
Mav  2ri,  lSo9.  o         • 

\1.      Lodeina  Hepzibah,  Oct.  2o,  1S2S:  ni.  Dec.  81,  18,56,  Wm.    Ketcham    b    Mav  04 
1819.      1.  CiiAS.   Bates   Feb.   .s.   is.-}8.     2,   Wm.   Jxar.FM,   Marcli  2L    1N.j9"    3     Xamv 
Pa;nK<(  A.  Ajiril  .-),  d.  April  10,  I8G0.     4.  MA(n;iK  Lorisr..  Jan.  l.'^.  18(1-,. 
VJI.     James  (.'aleb,  Marcli  17,  18^1 ;  d.  June  27,  Ib'S-l. 

VIII.  Louisa  Ann,  Xov.  2,  l.s84:  d.  April  8,  1870;  in.  April  8,  ISHS  Seth  I!ich;M(ls 
b.  Nuv.  21.  1828.      1,   CoHA  Lot-ISA,  Sejit.  (J,  1S05. 

663514.  Asahel  Todd,  b.  Feb.  ,-),  17S7:  d.  Jan.  12.  1S71 :  phvsi-ian  at  Pulinev 
ville.  X.  \.:  ni.  May  ;L  1^12.  Marv  Ann  Fitch,  b.  179L  d.  Mav  ISFJ-"  ,•!)  Juh- op  isf; 
Philena  Long,  1>.  >Luch  7.  179:5.  "  "    ~   ' 

I.      Mary   Ann,    .Mareh   24,    ISLL    ni.    lN:i:-l.    \\'ni.  S.    Parkill    b     iSln-   ,1    ],sp)       1 

Hon    1  .,  b.  18:3L  d.  1^'ik     2,  Mk.vavii.i.k,  ls:^s.     ;],  i:roKM-:,  ]s40.     4    m'\i;y  E     ]<>'i) 

II.      Albert  S.,  May    In.  is].-,;  „,.    .March  28.  b'^40.  Alniira  (i.  raniplK.]]    b     Is'pL  d 

1844;     (2)  Xov.  1.  isis.    Delia    A.  ^'oslMlr'^h.  b.  l,si;).      ]     Ai.ufut   V       \u.-'  9     isl'i-  .1 

Maivli  20,  IS7:5.      2.  M  \!;v  A.  Oct.  :!] .  ISol.  "        "''    '  '  '' 

III.  RexaviUe.  April  2,  1S17:  d  i)re.  19.  1842:  lu.  Jan.  s  1,^41  Delos  M  \V(,nd  b 
ISLL  d.  1N."",7.     1.  Wai.tim;  1.,  b.  184;l.  '   "  '     ' 

IW  Aiigelin.  Match  o,  l,s'!'.);  d.  April  L!,  1844:  in.  Jan.  s,  L^41  liiron  \V  AJieir  \>' 
1S17:     1.  Anoki.i.nk  T.,  IS  l:). 

V.      Lilianus  y[..  b.  Mare],  1:].  ps-Jl:  d.  Mav  4.  lx|7. 

\[  Asahel,  Maivli  ■.>!;.  ls-27;  ,, I.  D,.,.  4.  In  19.  Saiali  M.  McSouth  bls;:->  1  Cii  ss  .Inly  2S,  18.-,L  2.  ( ri;o.  \V. ,  1-eh.  29,  L^no.  :;.  Lrr.A.Nfv  McSm  th  Julv  1-1, 
1m;2.     4.  l':i.i,KN  L.,  Manii  14.  IS7L  '         " 

^■J'  Fn/:i!>.,  b.  March  -,  is:j:j:  m.  Marrh  24,  iSo.l.  Ledvani  S  Cuvler  i,  ls;;;i  1, 
Ji-!.iA '1'.,  o<t.  20,  isiiL  d.  Oct.  ;!o,  isc'.i.  '  .      >    -    - 

Vlll.  Wtu.  11.,  Aug.  2;j,  ls;;rj;  d.  Fel..  l.",.  is;,-,:  m.  March  0.  iNf.l  Harriet  L  Sweet- 
ing, b.  i.^:;^.  1.  Au(;lstisP.,  b.  Eel,..  18(12.  2,  Fiikd  S,  b.  June  isii.",  ;;  Ai;t;mk 
\\'..  D'C,  18(3!).  .•  •        • 

:todd.  335 

G63515.     Zerall  Todd,  l'.  Jan.  59,  1TS9;  d.  Feb.  3,  1S'5:J;  m.  Dec.  -24,  ISIo,  Almira 
MrK-p,  I).  April  20.   IT'.)?. 

[.      l.aura  LodiMua,  Sept.  '2(\.  iSHi;  lu.  Sept.  (i,  IS'.J.j,  ('(uncliiis  Vaii< 'ureii. 

II.  Zcrali  Abiali,  1..  May  lo.  IJ^U);  lu.  Feb.  2.S,  l,s41,  Eliza  Jane  Silliniaii.  h.  A],y\\ 
12,  1S17.  1.  IviZKUNK  A.,  Ffl).  3, 1^42;  m.  F»-b.  28,  is;],  Maria  Hoirer.'^.  b.  Julv  S,  Is+a. 
1,  Flot/dR.,  July  1().  is:4.  2,  ImogenkL.,  Oct.  S.  ]S44.  8,  DeEtta  L.,  Aut;-."!!),  ls;4,s. 
4.  Al.KE,A))Kr..\iiiK,  1).  Marrli  5,  IS'oO;  d.  May  3.  IS.VS.  O,  Lwki.lyx  E.,  April  2.j,  1S."')4. 
<;.  Ai:)t]..\iDK.  Juin-  15.  1S."")7.      7,  Gko.  ]'\,  July  3.  ]S(jii. 

III.  Eiiiily  Ard.'lia.  JuneS.  l^-Jl;  m.  Oct.  1.".,  Is-Id,  H..ruce  Alvrry  IJicLards,  b. 
Aujr.  4,  1817.  1.  B..  JuncU,  1645.  2.  Ai.nEitT  ZhUAfi,  Aui:.'  11.  1S4S.  3, 
SviAiA  Akdki.ia,   April    2,  is.jl.      4,  ('has.  Fki;i>ixan]>,    Au^-.    i:],   ls,"):i.      o,  Cakuik 

Kl.lSTKEN,   Nov.   11.    iN.jT. 

IV.  Julia  A  .  ^.^yx.  V^.  182:1;  in.   Au,o-.  13.  IS.jS,  Dr.  .John  1?.  Sanborn. 

V.  Joseph  Franklin,  b.  Oct.  29.  1^20;  d.  March  2.  ls74;  m.  Mav  29.  ISOG.  Lois  L. 
Ea.-tuian,  b.  Sept.  10.  1834.     1,  FiiA.NK.  Xxxg.  18,  iNlis.     2,,  Nov.   C,   18()9. 

W.  Horace  Will.,  O't.  15,  1828;  m.  Aug-.  Kj,  l^^Oo,  ]>ouisa  IJ.  Palmer,  b.  ,hine27.  1832. 
il.  Julv  18,  l^OS;  (2(  Au<;-.  1"),  l.^f.H.  .b-anuet\f  R.  Havens,  b.  Srpr.  !),  l,^:}.-).  1.  Mix.vtk  I'.. 
F.'b.  21,  1808.  2,  MvKA  Loiisa.  Se]ii.  2,  isi;;-;.  3,  Fiikduik  A.,  b.  Ai)ril  9,  18G7:  d. 
.\uc.  9.  sni.  yr.     /.  by  2  m.:     4,  Ainiiri;  H..  July  0.   I87il. 

'  VII.  Maria  Jr.-n".'.  June  8.  1S31:  ni.  Oct.  1  l."l>-01.  S.-nnuel  Curris,  li.  Dec.  10,  1820; 
<i.  Oct.  31,  1870.  1.  Ada  PiOSF.XTA,  Feb.  fj.  ls.-,4  2,  Jij.ia  A!,.M!ka,  March  lU.  ISOH.  3, 
Wm.  Makvi.x,  April  24.  1808. 

VIII.     Marquis  Dt-Lalavetie.  A]ail  1.  1^^31;  m.  Dec.  1,  18G8,  Li/.zic  I.  Holmes,  b.  .Itilv 
18.  1837.     1,  Jcxa,  May  14.   1873. 

IX.  Marv  E..  June  17.  1838:  d.  June  3ii.  Is71:  in.  (.)ct.  8,  1867,  James  11.  Brand, 
b.  .March  24.  F:^31.      1.  Bvuox  S..  June  2(i.   d.  Aug.  24,   1871. 

663516.  Bethel  Todd,  b.  Jan.  19.  1792:  <1.  March  (j,  1804;  m.  Mav  23,  1822, 
Elizabeth  Maria  Hull.  b.  Jan.  19.  1801. 

I.  Edwin  Hull,  April  0,  1823;  d.  Auir.  29,  1874:  m.  June  23,  1807,  In-uc  E.  West, 
il.  Jan.  S,  182(5.      1 ;  l?ErnEf.,  April  20,   1808! 

II.  John  Streei,  F.'b.  3,  1820:  m.  Dec.  2^'.  1803.  Helm  Eliza  Fi^h.  b.  May  10,  1830. 
1,  Fkaxkt.ix  Bktiifi.,  Feb.  7,  1850.  2,  \Vm.  Fish,  Oct.  ob,  1808.  3.  E\  kkktt  Street, 
Oct..  7.  1800. 

III.  Eli/,al)eth  Maria.  Mav  Ht.  1S27:  d.  March  20,  ISOi. 

IV.  James  Erthel,  March"  20,  ls:-;ij:  m.  June  ]0.  1800,  Louisa  M.  Howard,  b.  Nov. 
22,  1840.     1,  Ja^iIes  Howaku,  Mav  20,  1809. 

V.  Marv  Elizabeth,  Auir.  0,"l832:  lu.  Oct.  12,  1802.  Jacol)  Haven  Powers,  b.  Jun.- 
10.1830.  1,  MiXA,  Julv  14,  1800.  2,  Leeaxd,  Jan.  20,  1807.  3,  Lots.  .Julv  28,  1871 ; 
d.  Aug.  21.  1873. 

VI.  Sarah  Maria.  Jan.  0,  1830;  lu.  Feb.,  187U,  ^Vhe(dock  Hig.i^-ins  Pheliis.  1, 
H.\TT!E  Elizauktii,  Dec. ,  1870.     2,  Maktiia  Heeex,  May,  1872. 

VII.  Ann  Sept.  20.  1837;  m.  Dec.  0,  l^iOO,  Oeo.  Brown  Haines,  b.  June  19, 
b^:!4.     1,  (.'has.  Todd,  July  18.  1858. 

VIII.  .Martha  Helen.  JuneO,  1840;  m.  Dec  29.  ISOO,  James  Washington  Benton,  b. 
Oct.  23.  1S37.     l.CiEvs.  L()i;ex/.o,  May  0,  1^02.     2.  Hattie  Loiisa,  Dec.  13,1804. 

IX.  Harriet  Laiissa,  Fel>.  13.  18'};;:  m.  Sept.  20.1873,  (b'o.  Sanders  Mott,  b.  Jan. 
8,  ISO.     1.  Mixa  Ldi  is.v,  Aug.  4,   1874. 

666.  Elizabeth  Todd,  d.  S.'pt.  3,  1737;  m.  Dec.  11.  1728,  Dea.  Samuel  Sackett, 
b.  about  l/iiO:  d.  l'e!>.,  1781.  He  m.  (2)  Aug.  0.  1702.  Hannah  Ihissell  Pierpout.  dan. 
<if  ib-v.  Nnadi:di  Hus-ell  and  wid.  of  Lieut.  .loseph  Pierpont,  gt.  gr.  f.  of  Hon.  Ed. ward 
Pierpont.  li.  Dd.  21.  1704;  d.  JuneO,  1791.  a.  87.  Will  of  SamuerSatdvett,  Esq.,  proved 
N.  liuv.  17M  :  \\  f.  ilannali  to  luive  all  the  thiiiirs  she  lirouoht  here;  S(Uis  Samuel,  Eli, 
S'Jomon.  dan--.  Sa;-ah.  Mehiraide  and  I-"li/.abeth:  Samuel  and  Eli  exrs. 
I.      Sa;<ih  Sackett,  b.  .\pril  '.',  17;-!0. 

II.  Meliituide  Snrkett.  b.  Feb.  23,  1732;   m.  A.-a  Ooodyear. 

III.  Samuel  Sackett,  will  made  1821.  j)roved  182r,;  Samuel  Mo;ilthrop.  exr. ;  cliil. 
named  us  ticlow  and  a  gr.  dau.  Betsey  Jane  Dickson;  .JiAshua  and  Mercy  Barnes  and 
Nailurn  Maiks.  wirne-ses.  p  Samiei..  2.  S>i;.mi  Mc-i  i.i'iii;uf,  wf.  i.if  Saiaue!.  3, 
Ai-.KiAii.  MrxsdX.  wi.  of  James. 

IV.  i:i;/.abeth  Sackett. 

V.     Eli  Sackoti-.  .  '  ' 

W.     Soh^mou  Sacicett. 

336  JiUAXCII    OF    JOSEPH. 

6662.    Mehitable  Sackett,  1..  Fd..  2:i.  1T;{2:  m.  Sept.  11,  iT'io.  Asa  (ioo.iv.'ar. 

h.  Auj;-.  Id,  17;':;,  s.  iif  'riici^philu-  He  owned  right  in  uruiivid.-d  himi  ^\itll  "hciis 
of  Di-a.  Stephen  Siiueon  mul  li^nrs  nf  Titus  ( inddyear.  He  was  ])ca.  (if  tlu' idili.  in 
Hiinulen,  Conn.  His  will  piovfd  at  New  Hav.  ISII;  divided  to  Ainos  Wiiite  Sunford.  a 
jiavt  of  homestead  and  lU  acres,  !>ouiuled  east  by  land  tliat  l)ol(jnt;-ed  to  my  foi-nier  wife 
Mehitable.  To  .s.  Asa,  one  dollar.  To  ehil.  of  s.  Asa  all  my  land  in  the  state  of  X.  Y.. 
to  he  divuh  d  Ix'tweeii  (anionic)  tlunn  as  follows,  to  each  of  tiie  sons  2  shares,  and  to  each, 
of  the  dans.  1  share,  aiul  oil  of  the  remainder  of  my  estate,  real  and  personal,  sons  '2 
!<liares  and  dans.  1  share  each.  To  chil.  of  my  dau.  Betsey,  dec,  wf.  of  .losluia  Atwater. 
2-9  of  my  e.state  to  he  equally  divided,.  To  i^r.  chil.  of  my  dan.  Mehitable  wife  of  Kuo.s 
Ba.ssett,  dec,  2-9.  To  dau.  Maty,  wf.  oi  Stephen  Munson  2-9;  s.  Ste]>lieu  Munson  and 
Amos  W.  Sanford,  e.xrs.;  .lolrii  llubbai'd.  Joshua  (loodyear,  Ijticretia  Sanford,  witnesses 
I.  Asa  (i (Midyear. 
II.      Betsey  (rO(xly>ar,  m.  Joshua  .Atwater. 

III.  Mehitable  (ioodyear,  b.  Aug.  v:'),  IToT;  d.  Oct.,  1777,  in  her  2ist  yr.;  m.  Marcli 
U,  )77«),  Eno.s  Bassett,  h.  March  22,  1754;  d.  Aug.  3,  T776,  a.  22,  less  than  o  mo.s.  after 
m.,  and  liis  \\U\.  d.  about  14  mos.  after  lier  husband.  He  was  son  of  Imios  and  Marv 

IV.  Mary  (ioodyear.  m.  Siephen  Munson  of  North  Hav.;  will  jiroved  1^30;  luuue.-s 
Eleanor  Warner  and  Mary  Biadh-y.  execxs.,  the  uid.  declining  The  will  of  wid.  Mai% 
proved  1837,  made  IbUO;  Seymour  Bradley,  exr. ;  ail  the  chil.  named  exce])t  Amos,  wlm 
was  d.  1,  MKifiT.\i:i.E  FoKD,  a  wid.  in  l>;j().  2,  M.\rv,  wf.  of  Seymour.  :]. 
M.A.TU.V  Mtn.s(^X.  4,  Mir.Ks  Minsox.  .■>.  Amcs  Min-ox.  estat.'  divided  to  bro.  and 
sisters  in  l.s;jO. 

66622.  Betsey  Goodyear,  m.  Jan.  20,  n7s.  Joshua,  s.  of  David  and 
(Bassett)  Atwater.  b.  May  Vi,  liry/j.  He  m.  (2)  Esther  Hull;  rem.  to  Homer,  N.  Y..  and 
d.  there  Julv  ;«,  1S14.  "The  2d  wf.  ju-ol).  mother  of  Joseph,  b.  Aui:.  ol.  ISl:!.  and 
Joshua  \V.,'b.  Nov.  3,  m-i.—Atirof.  r  Gth. 

I.  K/.ra  Atwar.-r,  b.  Dec.  14,  1778.  of  Hnmcr:  ni.  Sej.t.  Id.  1S03,  K-iher  Learning. 
1,  Er-TZ.\iii7i'ii.  b.  Oct.  lb.  1804;  m.  William  Brewster.  2,  Josutw.  1>.  March  2."),  isOii; 
d.  March  ;l  1^57,  num.  3,  PLmtly,  b.  Sept.  1.  1807.  4,  M.M'.y,  b.  Julv2.  l.S()9:  d.  Dec. 
31,  1839.     5.  lloit.xcE  C'(->WLEs,  1).  March  14,  LSll.     G.  Joiix  Lk.\mixo."  li.  Feb.  21,  lsl>!: 

d.  Feb.  23,  1814.       7,  Lr(  v,  b.  March  24.  isKi;  m. Bichards.      8,  Isaac,  b.  Mav  ;;;. 

1818.     9.  Jri.iA.  b.  Mav  24.  iS2o;  m.  Bev.  ilinmau.     10,  Jaxk  IsAj;i:r,.  b.  Aut,--'.  2ti. 

1822;  m.  Moses  C.  White,  M.D. 

11.     Betsey  Atwater,  b.  Feb.  28.  1781 ;  ui.  Kllier  Stone. 

III.  Ira  Auvater,  b.  Jan.  17,  1783;  m.  Mav  10,  1807,  Philinda  Stone.  1.  K.\(  hkk 
M.,  Jan.  25,  1809;  m.  Asa  Austin.  2,  Sakaii",  b.  Jan.  8.  1811;  m.  John  Ba!.-bv.  3. 
Naxcy  W.,  b.  March  17,  1813;  m.  Geo.  V.'.  i:;;stman.  4,  Lypta  S,.  V.  April  3i),*  ISl.'.; 
m.  John  Atwater.  5,  Eras.mus,  b.  Mav  21,  1817;  d.  1816,  unm.  (!,  Mauv  .-\.,  b.  Jan. 
28,  1821.  7,  JoHxS..  b.  March  ir,,  1823.  8,  Asa  trOoDYEAK,  b.  Jan.  2-1,  1820.  9.  Wn. 
l.iA.u  A.,  b.  Jan   3,  1829;  d.  Feb.  3,  1833. 

IV.  Eli  Atwater,  b.  Jan.  20,  1785;  m.  Oct.  22,  1809,  Phcbe  Hale;  res.  Semproniiis. 
Cayuga  Co.,  N.  "i  .  1,  Lot  isa,  b.  Aug.  17,  ls!();  m.  Samuel  Babcook.  2.  Lucirs.  b. 
June  22,  1812.  3,  Maiiy,  b.  Oct.  11,  1814.  4.  William,  b..Mav  14,  iSKi.  5,  Amaxka. 
Oct.  14,  1818.  6.  Ekasmus,  June-  1,  182().  7,  Betsey.  Oct.  13".  1-22:  m.  Wm.  l^ilmer. 
8,  Thomas  Jujjsox,  May  7,  1>27.     9,  Delia,  b.  June  29,  iNilO;  m.  Charles  Van  Schaick. 

V.  Amos  Atwat(-r.  b.  Jan.  3,  17^8;  m.  Feb.  10.  1>^13,  Marv  ^Voodside;  rem.  to 
Chautauqua  Co.,  N.  Y.  1,  Elias,  b.  Nov.  28,  1M3;  d.  Feb.  17.  1820.  2,  Juliet,  b. 
Aug.  29,  1815;  m.  Grant  Oondrich.  3.  Mauy,  b.  May  27.  1M9,  4,  Biioda,  b,  Feb.  13. 
1821.     0,  Jaxe  Axxe,  b.  Aug.  15,  1n24.     (>,  Towxsend,  b.  Nov.  2t),  1828. 

VI.     Mary  Atwater,  b.  30,  1790;  xn.  Wm.  Miller. 
VII.   (ioodye;ir   Atwater,  b.  July  9,  1793;    m.  Nancy  Alvoid.       1.  lIor.Lis.       2. 

ELiZATJETir,  m.  Skinner.     3.  Fi.xv.     4.  Hexhv,  d.  in  l"nion  army.  1S()4. 

Vlil.  Atwater,  b.  .lulv  3,  1790;    in.    I'oilv  llutiduns;    res  'chaut-.uniua  Co. . 
N.  V. 

667.     Samuel  Todd,  b.  Manh  S.  1717:  Y.  C.    1734;   pastor  uf  the  chli.    in    North 
I'aiisli  of  Wai.Tluiry;   di^mis.-e<i  1701:  d.   1789;   m.  Mercy,  dau.  of   Rev.  Peter  Evans  of 
N(ullilield.      He  was  a  devisee  in  tiic  will  o|  his  c(nisin  Noah  Pangboru,   1711. 
I.      Alathea,  b.   Dec.  7.  ir4tt;  dmwn.'d  in  aspIinL,^ 

11.  Mary,  b.  Sept.  11.  1742:  d.  May  1(1,  1815:  m.  Dec.  3,  1701,  Obed.  s.  of  Moses 
and  l;uth  Foote  of  Plyniouth,  ( 'onie  ,  afterwards  of  (Jill,  .Mass.,  b.  Nov.  25,  1711  ;  injured 
at  a   barn    raising   and    d.  Se]it.  21,  1797;  (2)  March    2G.  1798,  Ib-v.  Jonathan    l.cavitt   ef 



33  T 

Heath,  Mass.;  1).  1731:  Y.  (".  IToS:  d.  Sf-pt.  D,  1802.  1,  Asknatii,  b.  So])r.  10,  17(•.■^;  d. 
Nov.  18,  lyi:!:  in.  .lunf  ~0.  ITIM,  lll.'i.lia/,  Al-'xaiulcr  of  Biirliii<,rion,  X.'Y.:  T  diil.  2. 
^f  \!n'  DoKOTHKV.  .lunc  11,  17iJ4:  d.  A\n\]  17,  IX'3'^:  m.  Dr-c,  17n;5,  Hcv.  Aiiiasa  Conk  of 
HiTiiaiilstowu, -Nhiss. :  ;J  cliil.  o.  I'.i-.nNir;-;,  b.  June  :>,  17ljii:  d.  Jan.  28,  ls31 :  iii.  Melinda 
I'i.dd  of  l^uili)i^ton.  N.  Y.;  7  ehil.  4,  Skuate,.  Nov.  5,  nOS;  d.  Dec.  8,  1J'o7:  m.  June 
11,  IsnU,  Jobiab  Jones  oi  IJioekville,.  CiUiachi;  1  cli.  .j,,,  ,\ pril  7,  17  70:  lu.  Aug. 
8,  1791,  Sibvl  l>oolinle:  11  cliil.:  {2)  1S:>3  wid.  Parker  of  Gill.  Mass. .and  Sherburne  and 
I'ivniouth,  N.  Y.  fi.  (,'in.OK.  March  21,  1772;  d.  1829:  ni.  Lsaac  Pierce  of  Ihirliugton, 
X.' Y.  7,  l.vniA,  Mav  1"),  1 774 :  in.  A]iri],1794,  Judj^e  Job  (ioodale  of  Harnardstown, 
Mass.;  2  (diil.  S.  EiiAsTrs,  ^ept.  19.  1777:  m.  1.S12  'Sns:;n  ('arlT.-.r.;  8  ehil. ;  (2)  July  9. 
1820,  Eli:-.a  CarUon;  -1  eliil.:  Wirasset.  Me.  9,  I'llii.EXA,  Sept.  22,  1779;  m.  1802  Israel 
Jones  of  No.  Adams,  Ma^i^■. ;  8  ehi!.;  (2)  Xov.  7,  1816,  Pev.  Win.  Suiarr  of  liroekville, 
Canada;  1  rli.  10.  Riioda  Ann,  Jan.  1,  1781:  '1.  Jan.  14,  1S87;  in.  Julv  7.  180G.  Xath. 
Martin,  Camden.  Me.;  4  diil.  11,  Onr.D.  A])ril  27,  1787;  m.  July  24,  1828,  Ann  E.  Wal- 
pole;   1    rh.;  (2)  June  28,  1881,  Marv  Davis;  1  ch. 

HI.      Irene. 

IV.  Eliel.  d.  1798:  set.  as  a  physician  in  north  ])art  of  Paulet.  Vt.:  the  fir.>t  M.  D. 
in  the  to\s  u.  A  man  of  talent  and  skill  and  tradition  in\(srs  liirn  \\  itli.  rare  endoAV!iu_-nts. 
liieut.  in  the  Pev.  He  d.  by  poison  taken  aceidenlally.  1.  reiu.  to  Gran- 
ville, X.  Y.  Known  a--  an  inriuential  politician.  About  1S50  kejit  the  brick  tavern  at 
Xo.  (;.,  \shence  he  rem.   ue^t  ])Ut  did  not  long  survive. 




Lucv.  d.  V. 







7.  Sarah  TuttlO,;--  bai..  A]u-il  1042;  m.  in  Xew  Haven  Xov.  19,  Piil8,  JoJm  tflau.-^on 
C.Slason-Slosson).  s.  of  'too.  Slausonl  of  Stamford.  In  170U  John  Slau.son  and  Jo.-^eph 
Ferris  v.-ere  appointed  CM:;s;ablt's  in  S.  The  same  year  he  %vas  rated  iV.'lOI.  Mrs.  Sarah 
Slauson  d.  Xov.  17,  IG^'i.  Hem.  (2)  Eli/.abetli  Benedict  (dau.  of  Tliomas  of  Xovwulk, 
who  was  delea'ate  to  Assembly  10(54;  Lieut.  KiGo;  town  .clerk  1000;  selecimar.,  deputy 
Mav.  ] 070-7;-),  and  deacon  manv  vears).  Hv  2d  wife  John  Slauson  had  Mary.  b.  Aiuil  21, 
1080;  Thomas.  March  12,  1781";  Hannah,  b'  March  12,  lO-^o.  He  d.  Oct.  10.  1700;  Inv. 
■Xov.  29,  1700,  i:28~).  I]-t.  settled  Jan.  II,  170(;  7  by  John.  Joiiatlian,  Thom^is,  Sarah, 
wife  of  F]bene/.er  Bishop,  Elizabeth,  wife  of  X'athaniel  Pond,  :onl   Mary  Slason.    (App.) 

I.     John  S!au.'=i:)n,  b.  Sept.  9.  1004;   "  a  briiidit  boy"  in  1071;  m.  Mary . 

11.     Surah  Slauson,  Jan.  20.  1007;  m.  Oct.  2,  17oO,"Ebenezer  Bisliop. 

III.  Jonathan  Slatison,  July2o,  1070;  m.  Feb.  4,  1099.  Mary  Waterbury. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Slauson.  Jan.  80,  1072;  m.  Xathaniel  Pond. 

VI.     John  Slaitson,  b.  Sept.  9,  lOfU;  m.  Mary .    He  uiay  have  beeri  constable 

in  Stamforil,   1 70'J,  credited  to  his   father.      In  that   year  lie   \\-as  rated   £07.     Mr.  John 
and  Mistress  Marv  Slauson  d.  Auc:.  20.  1745. 

I.     Sarah,  b.  Jan.  20,  1098;  m.  Feb.  22.  1710,  John  Bell  of  Stam.      1,   Sox,  b.  and 
d.  Dec.  19,  1711.     2,   Dai.,  b.  <.)ct.  17.  1712;  d.  nc.\t  day.     8,  A  (iiri.D,  b.  and  d.  Sept.  5. 

II.     John,  b.  Oct.  4,   1G9.j;  m.  Rebecca . 

IIL     Martlia.  b.  Sept.  17,  1099. 

IV.      Elizabeth,  1?.  April  IS.  1708;  m.  June  80,  1720,  Peter  Knapp. 
V.     Hannah,  b.  Aj-ril  18,  KOo;  m.  Jan.   9,  172.S-9,  John  Holly. 
VI.      Marv,  b.  .\u(:.  2'),  1707;  m.  Xov.  19,  1780,  Jonathan  Brown. 
VII.     Rebecca,  b,  March  8,  1709;  d.  April  24,  1710. 

*Tliis  compilation  of  ilescendants  of  Sc'.rah  Cl'uttle)  Slauson,  is  made  up  10  a  considerable  extent  from 
Rev.  E.  B.  HununC:ton"s ///./.  r/"  .S".-<;;« 'nn/and  !\.:!:istri'.riiir ,  a  very  careful  and  accurate  writer.  Tiie 
lirst  and  sec.-ind  generations  are  doubtless  entirely  correct,  and  the  tliird  probably  so.  beyond  llie  third 
there  are  elements  ot  uncertainty,  and  it  is  very  likely  some  errors,  which  would  not  have  existed  had  I 
been  able  to  devc^'e  nioie  time  to  the  e.\-.iminatioa  of  land,  probate  and  church  records  o;  l-'airtk-id  Co. 
Th:s  caution,  ho^^■e^.•c^,  does  not  api)ly  to  the  record  cf  descendants  of  Hannah  .Slauson  [714  which  waj 
kindly  corrected  and  e.xtended  by  Charles  \V.  Holly,  Esq.,  of  Stamford  lor  the  compiler. 

^Geo  Slauson  of  Lynn,  Mass.,  ifi;;;  rem.  to  Sandwich,  thence  to  Stamford,  where  he  appears,  164=.  as 
wit.  to  a  deed  from  the  Saramore  of  Routan,  of  lands  forming  the  eJ^lern  v-va  of  llie  tosvnof  S.  In  1657 
as  deputy  from    S.   with   Richard  Law  and  John  Waterbury,  presented  to  ii'e  court  at   Xew    Hav  ,  the 

submis>ion  ot  tin;  coc.umaci.ins  people  of  Greenwich.     He  v.-as  deputy  from   Stam.  to  the  last  session  o_ 

the  New  Hav.  Col.  .-X-semblv.  May.  i^'';-,      '■  He  was  a  leading  member  of  the  clih    and  a  man  of  note  in 

ife."     He  d.  Feb    i-,  ico;;  will  dated  Tan.  <■;,  same  vear;  names  sons  Lleaier  and  Jchn,  .ir,d  a  dau. 

■     J/isi.  ,'/  Stiii'n/otd, 

,.._.       He  d.  Feb    .,, 

who  was  Johi  Gold's  vi\i^.—H anting 


338  BKANCir    OF    SAKAII. 

712.     John  Slavison.  h.  Oct.  4.  lOOo:  m.  Rrhecca ,  wlio  d.  Sept    1    1745 

1.     .lolin,  1).  Oct,  -^ij,  lT--?2. 
II.     Maiv.  1>.  Aug.  12.  1724;  lu.  17.")0,  Jolwi  Wan'rbury    jr 

III.  Kelx'r.u,  b.  (Jet.  21).  172G;  d.  Jan.  24,  1730. 

IV.  Sarali,  1).  A].ril  21,  i  72S;  m.  174-1.  Sti-plit/n  Hisliop. 
A'.      Kebecca.  b.  Au^r.  12,    Hoi. 

Yi.     Elizabetii,  .lan.n.  178;!:    m.   .luly   31,1749,   Ebt'iiezer  Dibbk-,  s.  of  David  and 
iipjiliow  of  lU'v.   Dr.    Klx'ii    Dil>))b'  of  .''tainfonl.     1,  Jaxk,   Oct.    2:j,  !7t9. 

VJI.     .lacol>,  Df"^.  8,  17;W;  lu.    K<-/iali .      1,  Jons,-,   Aiifi-.  21,'   1771.     2     D.vmki 

Aug.  4.  1170;  m.  June  4,  179G,  iMt.scy  l)auii.     3,    II kzkkj Ait,  b.  Jan.  S,  179i>. 

7122.     Mary  SlaxiSOn,  b.  Aug.  12,    172-1;  m.  Feb.,  1750,  .r„]iii  \Vutfibuiy,  jr.    b 
Dec.  4,  1718,  s.  of  .loliu  and  .Susanna  (Newkirk)  W'aterbury  and  bio.  of  (jcu.  David    \V 
an  officer   in  the   Rev.  anny.     'Die  f.  of  ib(>  last    four  c!ii"ldreu   is  named    David    in  tli.' 
original  reconl,  but  idianired  bv  a  later  luiiid  t<>  Jolni,  jr  —  Sfn/n    Ilia 
I.      Karliel  Waterbnrv,  b.  Mar.di    l.j,  17o(J. 
]].     .lohii  AVaterbury.'b.  Feb.  2(1.  17r)2. 

III.  David  \N'ate:i)nry.  b.  April  13,  I7oo:  m.  17N3,  Elizal»eth  Holly. 
lA'.     Mary  Waterbury,  Jan.  (i,  1758. 

V.  Pftrr  Watrrbury,  April   2(),  1700. 

VI  Epeuetus  W'aterlnirv,  Auir.  1,  17H2. 

\n.  Isaac  AVateibury,  Aug.  4,' 17(1  i.  ■     • 

VIll.  Elizabelh  \\'aterliury7  b.  Jan.  1,  1  7G8. 

71223.  David  Waterbury,  1>.  April  13,  1755;  m.  Nov.  10,  178;;,  Elizabetii 
Holly,  <lau.  of  Capt.  John  Holly,  an  earnest  Rev.  patriot,  wlio  lived  on  Clark's  Hill' 
Stunifonl,  Conn.  Anuing  tlu'ir  most  j)recious  treasures  ^va.s  a  (piarto  Biljle,  print<'d  iii 
London  in  1703,  uhicli  had  been  given  to  Miss  Holly -when  five  vears  of  ace  foi' her 
^proficieni-y  in  reading  one  of  tlie  c]iai)ter.s  of  the  Chronicles  lilled  w'ith  Scri])ture  name- 
For  it-afety  from  British  and  Tory  malice,  the  Bibb-,  with  oihei-  treasures,  was  carefullv 
buried  in  the  back  yard.  Avhere  it  remained  during  the  war.  AN'heu  uneaitlied  it  was 
found  in  good  condition  excepting  the  lieavym-tal  clasps  were  rasted  0IY.  The  Bil)le 
remained  with  herdau..  Mrs.  Aldgail  11.  .^eeb-y,  till  herdeath.— i/Av^.  (,f^ford  r,  oj;; 
I.  .Mary  Munday.  Nov.  4,  1  7S4;  ni.  .MarcJi  24,  1805,  Setli  Bnxton.  1  "Joii.v'xfw- 
.M.v-N,  Jan.  9.  iMMi,  2,  S.^i.i.v  M.vhiA,  Jan.  22,  1808.  3,  D.\md  Hk.nkv,  Nov  of,  18011 
4,   R\iin:i,  l-;i.i/, AUKTU,  .\i)ril  30,  l.s]o, 

II,      Sally,  b.  July  11,  1780;    in,  Marrli  19,  iso,";,  Abraham  Adams      1     Fi  iz  \   \nx 
Oct,    19.    180().     2.  Maiua,    Feb.    29.    18CH.     3.   Cukxki.ia,    \\-v.   -J.s,    isii)      4  '.S\uui 
Ei.TZvcr.TH,  l\'b,  28,  1S13.     5.   Fkan^  ks,  Ajiril  15,  isi.-,.     o    Jonx  ^v^r      \  u^-  '10    isi- 
7,  (;i,(>.  W.,  S.nt.  15,  1N20.  ■  ■"     ^'-    -'  ■'-^'• 

in.     ElizalH-th.  D.T.    27,  1799. 

IV.  Abigail  Holly,  Oct,  3,  i;93.  '  '  •      •      '    . 
\.      Abiginl  Holly.  Maivh  10,  1799:  m.  Dec,  19.  1818,  John  Seelev.  b.  Mav  29    i;!)3- 

d.  Mareli    10.1831.      1,    Wli.i.rAM  H..  b.    Xew  Canaan,  Conn.,  .March  19    Is-'o'    ~">'h\n- 
XAH   Er.iZAHK'iii.   Oct.  29,  1N21;   (1.  Aug.    10,  ls;;!i.     ;;.  .lon.v'  Ami;i:osk    Sept    ;io'  ]s-^:; 

4,  Mahy    i.rruKTiA,    b.    Darien,    12,    18-,'0.      5,   SAi;Air    A.\.\,    b'   Stamf    '  Scot 
17,  1829.  -.J 

VI.     John  Holly,  July  12,    1803.  ■    .  ._      '  .'• 

7124.     Sarah  SlailSOn,  b.    April   21,  172s;   m.  Dee.  27,  1744    Stephen  Bishop   (.■■ 

5.  of  Rev.  John)  Dea,  of  the  Aorth  Stamford  cbh,  " 

].      Sarah    Bishop,  May   31,17  10;   m.    Jan.    5,  1701,  Samuel   Rrevost       1     <vm(LI. 
m.   Feb.    10,   1,89,    Abio-ail   W'aterburv.       1,    //,/,/■//     Sept     •>•>     P701 
H.      Hana.-ih  Bi-hop,  Feb.  ,^'.  1747.  .  1  ■  ■ 

lil.  Fydia  Bishop^  Feb.  i;!,  K-IH:  d,  Dc-.  1.  ]7;H;  m.  April  1,  1779.  Kphraini  Jones, 
a  Rev.  pensmner.  1,  hi'irr;\iM,  July  9,  17^0:  <1.  .Ian.  27,  1  7si.  o,  Axx  Dec  9  17S1: 
m.  Ai)ril  17,  1803,  Jame.-,  .•-co{i..hl,  3cl,  b.  Sept,  ':■>.  177n,  s.  of  Johiran.l  siirah  i  Xich'olsi 
Scotield.  I,  .liiu.o^  J ni-^.  Aug,  2.\  18U3,  2,  Jnhn  117"/'////,  April  10  pso,-,  ~;i  .<,///,• 
Ann,  Oct.  13,  INOO.  4,  E-hr,,,;'.  Ih'ls,,  March  13.  ISOS.  5,  AUu  r1  11  li n/  Jniv>"'  isn:» 
i\,  Li/di'i  Einilln,.  Feb.  -.'2,  isil.  7.  Eiiz.iluth  .Sh'h->h.  Au-r  20  18l'>  ,s  U.tuwil' 
Mnri,<.  Oct_  7,  1^14.  \K  Ihn-id  7./////////.  .lulv  22  IM.;,  |0,  ChuyhM  E'dr'^iri  Dec  7 
1817.  3,  Ii;a,  b.  Ma%  lo.  ]7sl:  d.  June  4.  IHi:!  4,  Lviha,  Ariril  (i  'l7,s7-  m  1808 
William  PrevosC     5,    Ha(.  ni.t,,  b,  Atii;-,  2.  1789,  '  ■       ■        • 

IV.     Stephen,  b.  Sept.  2>-;.  1752;  d.  April  27    Is.-i3 



V.  Eli/.al)fth  Bislioi>,  April  IT),  1754;  iii.  Kch.  17,  1784,  Daniel  Provost;  Rev.  sol.; 
(].  ill  S,,  Dec.  14,  l.s;t3,  a.  7H.  1,  Wim.iam,  h.  .March  9.  ITS.j;  m.  Dec.  2-2.  1SU8,  Lvdia 
Jones,  (cons. )  1,  ]i"///.  ,7o//^  v,  Nov.  Kl  1S()9.  -2.  John  }',-////y,x,  Oct.  li!,  LSll.  ;i,  6'A*^s. 
/■.'(//m/y/,  Aug.  IT).  ISi:',.  4.  llnrrut  Kii-,ih,il,A^vK-.  ;il,  is],i  ,"),  JJnn'i/  Si/lrr.ifa',  M-ay 
2t'>.  ISlS.  3,  Km/.  \r.Ki-ii,  .Inly  o,  17>w;  in.  Nov.  -J''.,  l.SUG,  licnjuuiiu  Waiiiig-,  1).  May  11), 
;?>;<■>.  s.  of  JJeiijaiuiii  ami  Martha  Waiinti'.  1,  Wm.  IIinry..)\uw  4,  1^08.  2,  CJinrlex 
FJicird,  K\n-\\  iu),  isld.  8,  Lnvr.  Feh.  -.'i;.  17!tO.  4.  ."^tkimiion  Htsitoi',  April  23.  IT'J'i: 
iiuich  lionort'd  in  Stamford;  (.--cc  stcd  ]i(ntrait  and  hio^^.  in  llnniiiigloH't'  Hist.  <>/  Sf a, /,/.); 
in.  A])ril  ~),  1821,  Catharine,  dan.  of  < 'hristoplu-r  and  Klizaheth  Tilnnin  of  X.Y.  ('.  '  1, 
Sri-p/irrt  J/furi/.  lU'^rcli..  X.  Y.  C.  2,  ('In  istnpjij  y  Tilmaii.  y,  Durhl  11.  of  ('al.  4,  J/^n-.v 
(\iihnrlut.  ni.  ]']d\vard  Scofudd.  o.  EHzulittli  J,i lu.  v.\.  Hiram  Tayhjr  of  Stamf.  (i,  ,JuU<t. 
Fridii'i  ■•<,  d.  y.     ."),    Lydia,  Nov.  2o,  1794. 

\'I.      Stephen  r>i>ho|i.  ]<.  Sept.  17,  ll')(>:  ]irol).  the  Rev.  sid.  and  jcnsioner  of  S. 

714.  Elizabeth  Slauson,  h.  -\)iril  is,  170:1:  m.  .J n ne  ;',i),  1 72(3,  Peter  Knapj..  h. 
Al!^^  o,  1701,  s.  ol  .Inim  and  Hannah  (Kerris)  1\.      He  m.  (2)  Mary  Sloon,  Marcli  2),  17:!:',. 

I.  Haiuuih  Kna])n.  h.  A]>ril  21,  1727. 

II.  Fdizaheth  KnaV']'.  -June  14.  172S. 

III.  Sarah  Kna))[i,  .Junf  ."J.  17yt). 

IV.  Mary  Knaiip.  1..  May  4.  17:>!:  in.  A]iril  S,  17.51,  .lohn  .Arnold. 

7143.     Sarah  Kuapp,  h.  .June  l.').  17;J0;  m.  Anir,  IT,  ]7.')2,  Austin  Smith. 

1.  .Gold  Smitli.  1).  «),-i.  14,  17-V,':  m.  (),t.  11,  ^177."),  Ahi-ail  Smith.  1,  S.\i:.\H, 
Aug.  G,  1771!;  in.  May  21.  17iii;,  Kufn-<  W'eci.  l.  MJinihi,  XyvW  'm,  1  79S.  2,  S.o-nli.  Dec. 
17,  1N»I2.  ;J,  /'-/'V/.  .Innt-  1.  ]N)s.  4.  J-jai,},,  th^  !>,.,•.  1,  ]>S()9.  2,'  .1  KitK.M i.ui,  Mav27, 
i77s.  ;j,  Nkwmax,  Auir.  ?,.  17no.  4.  .Xiucaii,,  Oct,  29,  17s2.  .").  (.'(M,]).  Sejit.  :}<),  17^4. 
<;,   Ks'iiii:i;.  i>ct.  2:;.  l?^';,      7.  .hwniA.  lice.  2;f.  178S.     s.  *  ij.ivi;.' .\  [.ril  ]:].  1791. 

11.  Austin  Snn-ih.  D.-c.  20.  17-')>i:  served  220  davs  in  l^■v. ;  m.  .Ian.  11,  17S1.  j-diza- 
hetli  Newman.  1.  Pckls,  Nov.  20,  17S1.  2.  Hri:\-i:v,  Ma:v]i  1:).  178.""),  ;],  Pni.;i;;; 
Newman,  Mar.h  2,  j:-7.  4,  Mattiiiav.  March  i;i,  17-1!.  .l.  Vaa.^^.  .Inue  S.  1792  0 
Kt-TH,  Oct.  1,  1794.      7.   .\fsTiN.  \>i-v.  -J,-;,  17;)7. 

JII.  Peter  Smith.  .Xn--.  2.  ^1T,:^■,  v,.ived  in  I'ev.  Avar  22,S  days;  m.  .Tan.  17.  17S7, 
Nancy  Lintu  (..rth.  1.  \Vm.  LI^T^\".^;•nl,  Oct.  IS,  1789;  d.  .Junell.  ISOO.  2.  PKri;ii 
\VATi:i!i:ti;v.  Oct.  (I,  1791.  :-;.  Isaa<  Knaim-,  M.inh  19,  1794.  4.  .NFuiv  Ann,  Feb.  20. 
1797.  .-.,  .Jdiix  ]>..  Au£^  Ki.  isOo.  0.  \\  m.  L.,  S.'i)t.  11.  18(i;j.  7,  (Ik<>}{0(.;  H.  Feb.  7 

715.  Hannah  Slauson,  h,  .\pril  id,  170."):  d,  .Tan.  11,  1770:  m.  Jan.  9,  1728-9, 
.T.din  Holly  (Piisi,u-n).  b.  Nov.  ]().  170"):  d.  Dec.  21,  17s(i.  He  was  an  oliicer  of  the  CVd- 
(-ni;d  force  during  the  Fren(di  war:  one  of  the  fii-st  selectmen  of  Stamford,  and  annnallv 
re-(dected  for  twenty-four  success! ve  yeai-s  (17.'iO  to  1774).  Airent  btr  the  town  !it  tli'e 
<>'eiieral  l.tmrt.  in  ]\bs  he  was  on  t]u_'  committee  v.ith  Col.  Hoyt  and  Abraham  Daven- 
(lori  K,  su]>ply  tirewiuu.l  etc..  to  his  majesty's  forces  (about  2.-iO'  Highlanders),  (|uartered 
ill  the  town.  He  was  son  cdMohn  and  Susanna  fSelleck)  Ib->llv.  and  i;iand  son  of  .John 
Holly,  one  of  the  fiivi  setiler.-  of  S.  (ir.42).      He  wav  a  man  of  wealtii  and  indiieace. 

I.      llanah  Holly,  b.  .Iiii!e2."i.  172!':  d.  .Vpril  20,  174."). 
II.      Sarah  Holly,  b.  Auir.  7.  17:J1  ;   m.  David  .Maltbv;  (2)  David  Webb. 
III.      Kli/.ab.'th  Holly,  b.  Dec.  10,  \',:\:\:  d.  March    17,    1774;  ni.  .Tulv  »).  17.57,  Cai>t. 
John  Woovier.      ],  John.  b.  April  12.  17.59.     2.    I'm  1.,  b.  .\pril  12,  ITOl. 
W.     John  Holly,  b.  Feb.  2,  i::!t;:  m.  Klizabeth  Kin^-. 

V.  .lemima  Holly,  b.  Mav  1,  17;!S;  d.  Feb.  2S.  f7(U);  m.  17.55,  Capt.  Isaac  P.eli. 
Hem.  (2)  Se].i.  14.  17H1,  Susanna  Smith  and  had  several  chil.  1,  <'atkk,  b.  .Tulv  10. 
1T.5(J:  d.  y.  2.  11  vNXAii,  b.  Dec.  10,  175S:  ,,,.  Fitch  Rogers.  A  loyalist,  and  went  "wiih 
b)nr  brothers  to  St.  .T0I111-.  N»-w  T5ruiiswick.  l)ut  he-  returned  to  St'amb)rd  and  d.  tln-re. 
d.  .1 1-..M1M.V,  b.  1700:  <!.  V. 

W.      Keziah  Holly,  b.  Sept.  12:  d.  Doc.  27,  1740. 

7152.  Sarah  Holly,  b.  Auu.  17.  17:;i;  m.  Sept.  2S.  1749,  -'bv  his  honored  f.,' 
Caj.t.  .lonathan. Maltbv:  David  Maltbv,  b.  Fob.  7,  1727;  d.  Oct.  5,  17G7."  She  m.  (2)  David 
AVebb.  ■  ■ 

I.      Sarah  .Maltby.  b.  May  1,   1750:   m.   Stephen  Newman, 
II.       Hannah   Malrby.   b.  '.  l.t.  10.    1751. 
111.      Havid  Multby/l).  Auir.  22.   i;5:;:   d.  .Ian.   1,   1 75S. 

1\'.  Abigail  Malt!)y.  b.  .lulv  21,  175(;;  m.  June  (3,  17^2,  Samue],  s.  of  David  and 
liuth  (Waterbary)  \Vei)b,  b.  ( »ct.  10,  1754;  Y.  C.  1779;  d.  is2(;.  1,  C.vth,  Sept.  20, 
178;;.     2,   David  Mali  hv,  Mav  29,    17S.3.     'd,  .loiix,  Dec.    7,  178G.     4.   Jamk.-,,   Sept.  :!0, 

3-10  jjriA:scji  of  saraii. 

17SS.     5,  Sarah,  0<-t.  i'i,   1700.     6.  Aiugaii.,   June  8,  1711:2.     7.  Elizai:kti{    \ov     .•, 
1793.     8,   Mar\- Ann-,  Miurli  lo,  17!)r). 

V'.  David -Maltby,  b.  A]iril  4.  1700;  Es(|. ;  .1.  in  X.  Y.  X.n.  24,  1^07;  ni.  Nov.  \U 
1781),  Nancy  Diivt'Uport,  b.  Dec.  21,  171;."),  dan.  of  Silas  and  iMary  (Webb)  Duvciijioit, 
de^c.  from  Rev.  JohnD.,  1st  i>;i-tor  at  N.  llav.  1,  W.m.  D.vvKM-iiHT,  .Ian.  4,  17St».  '/. 
Maiiv  (\s.tiiahixf.  Jan.  11.  17!M.  :!.  Ja.mks  Htus,  May  12,  17!t:J.  4,  Jonx  KunF.i;r, 
April  7,  17U'i.  •").  ('iia!<i.i-.s  ])a\[1).  D.^-.  oO,  17!)I).  fi".  ICr.n.vK/j:!:  Davknpokt.  7^ 
Ai,iu:i;t  Svr.vf:^TKR. 

VI.  Hannah  Maltby,  b.  Ainil  2'.l.  17d2:  m.  <>ct.  Iti.  17sl.  Samiud  Ilovt  4rli.  ]. 
Jamics  Maltbv.  May  ol,  d.  July. 5.  17s2.  2,  Hauuikl',  Jnh  17.  1 7S';.  "  8,  Ja.mks 
Mai.ti'.y,  July  11,  17So.  4,  Sai.i.v,  b.  May  l.j,  i;s7;  d.  June  I,"l7s7.  ,■),  .Maria,  tv.iu 
with  Sally,  "c,  SANrrEi.  l^i.ACifr,i:y.  March  22,  i7[t3.  7,  Kluii;,  Julv'  l;J,  ns/fj.  s 
K\fii,Y,  .hily  ]S.   17',)7.     9,   E.Afti.Y,  Fi  b.  17.   l^iH). 

VII.  Ckxfi'  Webb,  b.  Aug.  18.  1771:  ni.  June  14,  1H)I,  llrv.  Daniel  Smith  (2d  wf. ), 
l>.  Aug.  3,  17(;4;  Y.  (".  1791;  ordaiu'-rl  pa'^tnr  Con--,  chh.  Stamford.  Conn .,  June  Di.  I  7!*:j', 
and  remained  .^)]  yrs.  till  d.  June  11.  1n4'!.  Fellow  of  Y.  C.  isis.  His  first  wf.  was 
Mary.  dau.  of  I'rnton  Mather  Smith;  m.  July  9.  1798.  by  u  Imm  he  had  8,  chil.  He  was 
s.  of  Peter  and  Mary  Smith  of  New  Canaan.  Conn.,  aiul  bro.  of  Hon.  John  Cotton  Smith. 
1,  David  Wej3B,  b.  Ajiril  11,  1H02;  d.  num.  in  S.  2,  M.vrv  Ei.izaiseth,  Oct.  28,  l'^04; 
m.  Fitcli  Rogers  of  Stamford,  and  living  ISfiS  in  house  h-fl  by  her  f.  in  S.  3,  Jamks 
AufUSTU^,  Aug.  1.  1S07:  Y.  C.  1821!.  4,  EnwAitn  Wim.iam,  Sept.  2,  ISVS;  Y.'c.  188"); 
Ktiid.  law;  A.  M. ;  d.  1S4I.  .0,  John  Cotton,  Ajiril  ii,  ;sil:  Y.  C.  18;-].="):  d.  while 
student  of  medicine  1837. 

71521.  Sarah  Maltby,  b  May  1,  17.^0;  n;.  Nov.  11.  17G(;.  Steplien  Newnnm,  b. 
.Ian.  10,  1738,  s.  (d'  Tliomas  and  Harrun  .latrir'T  N. 

I.     Rufus   Newman,  b.  April    11,  17')7:   m.    .Marv  Knapp.      1.  Mary   Ann,  b.  .Jan. 
14,  1798.    2,  John,  b.  Feb.  28,  1799.   8,    Ue/.ekimi.  1>"  Mav  <;,  1800.  4,   Sat.i.y  Mai,tj:v. 
b.  Oct.  20.  1808.     .■).   LrxiiEK.  b.  Sept.  2,  1807.     H.    Hcfd;".  b.  Nov.   (i.'bSlO. 
1).      Reberca  Newman,  b.  O'-t.  8,   17G9. 
ID.     Ralph  Xewmun.   h.  Oct.  C,  1771. 

IV.  ^laltby  N'ewuum,  b.  S'.'pt.  1.  1778:  lu.  Aug.  15,  1800.  Naiicv  Smith.  1,  Cko. 
Smith,  b.  Oct.  4.  isol.  2,  Ann  Ei.tza,  b.  Feb.  16,  lsij2.  8.  Jamks  Mai.tby,  b.  Nov. 
Hi.  18i)().  4.  E.vni-Y  (fKRTi:rDF,.  b.  Nov.  8.  1809.  o,  Edwin,  b.  Mav  0  1>^12. 
6,   Wm.  Drakk.  b.  May  16,  1N14. 

V.     Ste]>hcii  Newman,  b.  Sf])!.  26,  177."):  m.  June  80,  1803,   Aniv  Smith.      1.    W.m,, 
Dec.  10,  1801.     2.  Mary  OATifARiNK,  1).  .Ian.  20,  ls07. 
VI.     Sally  Newman,  b.  April  2,  1778. 
VI 1.      WilViam  Newman,  b.  Sejit.  26,  1780. 
VIll.     ("ate  Newman,  b.  Nov.  2.  17-;2. 

l.\.      Andrew   Nrwmau.  b.  Dec.  lo,  178');  m.  Sein.  20,   ISOo,  Marv  Peck.      1,    Al.E\- 
ANDKR  Sylve.stkr,  b.  July  6,  IsijO.     2,   AUGUSTT'S  liALi'ii,  b.  Jan.  29,  1808. 
X.     IJebecca  Newman,  b.  Nov.  6,  1788. 

7154.  John  Holly,  b.  Feb.  2,  1785-6;  Lieut  in  British  navy;  lost  at  sea  177^; 
vesstd  siip))osed  foundered;  never  heard  from;  m.  .bin.  28,  1760,  JGlizabeth,  dau.  of  Wm. 
jind  Deborah  (;Kna])p)  King,  b.  Mav  4.  1741;  .she  m.  (2)  June  16,  1787,  Dr.  John  Wilson 
of  Stamford  and  d.  Nov.   ,5,  1802. 

1.     John  ^Vm.,  b.  March  8,  17G2;  m.  Rebecca  Wells. 
II.     Elizabeth,  b.  Dec.  28.  1765;  m.  Wm.  Fitch. 

III.  David,  b.  April  24.  1768;  m.  Martha  Cog.swell. 

IV.  Hannah,  b.  Oct.  28,  1771;  m.  'rhonuis  R.  Suutli. 
V.     Mary,  b.  Jan.  21,  1776;  <1.  Nov.  26.  1818. 

71541.  John  Vv^m.  Holly,  b.  Mandi  8.  1762;  m.  March  8.  1787,  R(d)ecca,  dau.  "f 
Rev.  Dr.  Xoaii  and  .A  bi-jul  ( Woolscy )  Wells,  b.  .Inly  1,  1767;  d.  Mandi  18,  1859.  a.  !'2. 
lie  was  r)wner  of  tv,-o  hiru-e  tiour  mills  in  Stamford;"oTU'  of  10  j.airs  of  stones  tbe  oile  r 
of  16.      He  d.  Sept.  2!.  I88S,  a.  76. 

I.  Maria  Theodosia.  b.  Aug.  24,  17nS;  d.  in  S. .  Dec.  26,  1s70,  a.  S2;  m.  I'.'c  8, 
1-Or,  Hun.  Henry  Hud.sou,  b.  Hartford,  Conn.,  Jan.  20,  17sO;  d.  tlir.  .iiilv  1:1.  IS);;,  ib- 
was  a  pajcT  maiiu lacr urrr  and  for  some  time  .Mayor  of  Hartbcd.  He  m.  ( I  i  .Maria. 
dau.  of  tbiv.  .lonathan  Trumbull,  2d.  Oct  8,  1X04;  "who  d.  1S(15.  haviiu;-  issue  1  son;  /. 
7  sons  and  8  dau-..  nf  whcnian-:  1,  Cdl.  E!>WAi;f)  M<  K  !:nnky  of  Stauiford.  2.  KaI' 
ciiKFi:.  3,  Wm.  Iloi  i.y,  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Rt.  Rev.  Jonathan  Mayhew  Wainwrighf. 
I'rovisional  Bisliop  of  New  York. 



II      J():in  >feliin<tVion,  b.  Julv  '30,    ITIU.  d.  May  1!),  17!)-^. 

Ill      John  Molimcthnii,  1).  Oct.  1,  ITiC?:  d.  May  5.  LS54:  iii.  C'lfmcnia  Bircli. 

IV'  \\'iilli;un  \\'r\[r<,  h.  Dec.  9.  IT'.).-);  d.  Ih-v.  22,  ISTC,  u.  81;  lu.  .Ian.  '^l.  18-22, 
\iiiir  i'  S-').t  i)  ITill:  d.  .lunt- :?(■>,  IS.")'?,  dmi.  of  Jolui  J.  (j1o\  er  of  New  1  oik,  1).  in  En;;. 
■,nd  Smiui'i  C(n-uVu  of  L.  1.  He  was  a  ni.-nli.  in  J^taniford.  1,  Sakah  ]{k!5i:cca.  b. 
M-ii-fh  l.')  IS-^S-  d  Ffb.  14,1^7-2;  uniu.  2.  .loiix  Ui.ovek,  b.  May  3,  1:h2.):  lost  at  sea, 
\u.-'  IS  1844  '  3  PlKUUK  Kul-BHAf,  b.  June  4,  lS-27:  Y.  C.  lS.-)2;  prac.  med.  in  W. 
i„dn'-s  aiid  in  (^Tenwich.  Conn.:  d.  at  Bunnnda  Island.  1S77.  4.  Va.v/.w.ktu  Aj.ich,  b. 
Mir'dil7  lb2i);  m.  IN!}:!,  t'luirlt-s  Autrustus,  s.  of  Lieut,  (iov.  Cliark  -  and  Mary  Mi  It's 
'Uollv)  Il'awlrvof  S. ;  2drouvin,  lb-  is  Pivs.  of  tin-  Stamford  National  Bank,  o,  ^\  m. 
HoUKKT,  b.  Jiilv  12,18:J1:  d.  Man  h  1,  1^37.  (i,  FuAXcis  Manton,  b.  Mandi^C,  lyoH; 
V  Med  'Seliool"  IS.ij:  U.  S.  A.  Surireon  in  Texas:  a  ])hysic'ian  in  (Jreenwi(di,  Conn.;  ni. 
lyt;(>-7  Adelaide  Wilson  of  G.  7.  He.nuy  Hudson,  b.  Oct.  S,  1834;  an  architect  and 
writer  for  Un/jrr's  M-iS'^iitc  author  of  a  work  on  Domestic  ArrhiUrtore;  Modirit 
l)ir,![lna><  I'ub.  bv  Harpers.  1878:  m.  1804-5.  Sarah  Barrows  of  X.  1.  «, 
M(KrNN-p:Y  March  ^H.-^S^O;  res.  N.  Y.  C.     9.   Mahv  \Yki.t.ks.  Ang.  8.  1838. 

V      Abio-ail  Elizabeth,  b.  1797:  d.  .v.  /.   1830;  ni.    Dec.   8,  1823,  CajK.  W  m. 
McKennev,  r.  S.  N.;  b.  18'J0:  d.  1839.  ,         ,      , 

VI  Alfred  Apollos,  b.  .Iu]v4,  1890:  Union  Col.,  1818;  admitted  to  the  bar;  m.  Oct. 
1S22  Charlotte,  dan.  of  Judj:e  Asa  and  Mary  (Perry)  Chapman  of  Newtown,  Conn.  She 
d  hi' IS-M  He  ni  (2)  in  1.^20.  Marv  Catharine,  dan  of  .John  and  Ann  Seymour  (Hoyt) 
Tillman^  i.  Nov  19.  1815;  d.  in  childbirtli  in  lS4ti..  He  m.  (3)  in  1847,  Mary  C.  Towner. 
!'bvlst"nj-  1  CiiKKi.oTTK,  d.  V.  /.  I)v2dni.:  2,  Alfkkii  Tillman,  b.  1837;  d.  ]n4{». 
3  Cii\niOTTKMiKK.\NKV.  b.  1N39.  4.  William  Wki.lks,  b.  1841;  stud,  three  years 
at  Trinity  Col  Hartfonl.  Conn.  Stud,  law  at  Yale  Col.;  ord.  assistant  Kector  of  St. 
John's  at  New'llavrn.  K.cror  at  Elton.  L.  I.,  and  now  (1881 )  for  many  yrs.  Rector  of 
Chri.sT  chh.  at  H;!ckensack.  N.  J.:  m;  in  1860  Catharine  Ann  Wyse  [nitU].  i.  by  3d  m. : 
5,  ThEKuN  TowNKi;.  1).  1'^">U;   res.  Stamford.  Conn. 

17(35;  d.    Mav   (>.   1847.   a.  82;  m.  Oct.  12, 


7]  542.    Elizabeth  Holly,  b.  Dec. 

17'^1,  William, 

d  Dr.  PiT.-z  Fitch:  b.  Ocr.    10.    17Vo: 

d.  Nov.  3.  1804:  merch.  of  N.  Y. 

lu.  l!ich:irdJ.  Tuclcer. 
c<l<len,  b.  Falkirk, 

W,  dfsc.  fnan  Kev.  .larnes  Filch.  1st  minister  at  Norwich.  Conn. 
1.     Cate  Fitch,  b.  Julv  8.  1782;  d.  ne\t  day. 
II.     Catharine  Matilda  Fitch,  b.  July  1.  178J;  d.  Dec.  28.  182G 
HI.      Samuel  Fitch,  b.  Aug.  2o,  1785. 

IV.      Bctsev  Fitcdi.  b.  Mav  22.  17n9;  d.  March  22.  1878;  m.  J<din  SI 
Scotland,    178.K  d.    Pliila..  1^54. 

V.      William  Fit.h.  b.  Jan.  7,  1792;  <1.  Au-'.  1<"'.   l«-39. 
VI.     Augustus  Fitch,  b.  July  13,  1791;  d.  Nov.  Iti,    1874.- 
VIl.     Adeline  Fitch 

Vlll  Theod.u-e  Pere/.  Firdi.  F»b.  7.  1798;  d.  Nov.  3.  1821. 
IX  James  Davenport  Fitch,  b.  iSdl;  d.  July  19.  1881.  When  a  young-  man  he 
founded  and  named  "Calvary  Church"  (  on  4th  Ave.  in  N.  Y.  C.  and  to  helj-  out 
its  slender  means,  inn-formed  menial  offices  in  connection  with  it.  The  greal  w-ork  of  his 
life  was  begun  in  1839,  when  with  another,  he  founded  the  "Home  for  Aged  and 
Indigent  Colored  People"  in  N.  Y.  C. ;  a  class  the  considered  and  most  negllcted  of 
all  tlie  unha])pv  brood  of  povertv  and  misfortune.  After  a  few  years  he  relimiuished, 
almost  entirejv"  his  citv  ]>ractice",  and  threw  himself  wholly  into  this  work,  laboring  as 
phvsi.-ian  and',  at  the  !)edside  of  the  sick  and  dying,  and  through  terrible  visitations 
of  ship  fever  and  cholera.  During  the  last  five  years  of  his  life  he  was  an  invalul.  but 
it  is  said  "a  heavenlv  light  was  (ju  his  face,  and  always  on  his  li])S.  the^words  of  some 
familiar  hymn  or  divine  promise."  (Scobit.  in  'Ae  '  7/(//r/(;//o//,  Sept.  17.  1881.)  Hem. 
Manh;,  Ann  (I'lov.'r  and  left  two  daughters. 

71543.  David  Holly,  b.  April  24,  17G8;  d.  N(A-.  2,  1843.  A  iai^'e  land  liolder; 
iiuih  the  tlourimr  mills  and  (hvelling  at  the  waterside.  Stamford;  also  the  iron  miHs  on 
Mill  Biver  at  Main  st.  Owned  a  number  of  ves.-els  and  coi.drcte<l  an  extensive  business 
111  hour.  maniifa<-tured  iron,  etc  His  name  is  at  the  head  of  the  petition  to  the  Conn, 
i.e.r.  for  the  first  charter  of  the  b.ucu-h  .d'  Stamford.  lb-  in.  Nwv.  13,  1788,  Martha 
("oggsw.di  of  Milford,  Conn.,  b.  Nov.  11,  17ns:  d.  Dec.  3.  18Ji  (dau.  r.f  ^^  m.  and  desc. 
fn""^!'?!  JoImi  (^.i.;l,^-.u.•;l,  oiu-  ,,f  th.'  first  .-eltlers  of   iMiode  l.slandi. 

I  David  b  Sept  19.  17^9.  In  eailv  life  v-.vaired  to  vaii'.iis  ]'-irls  of  the  world, 
but  after  m  .  >et.  in  Stainf.  and  d.  there  Feb.  2S.  LSVl:  m.  Jan.  19,  1824,  Sally  Cooper 
Smith    b   \    \    C    March  si.  !  79(5 ;  d    Stain.  April  K!.  1881;  dan.  of  .\  and  E!ey  Miiitb 

:r.  dau.  of  Clia-.  Phi  Hi]' 

N.  Y.  C.      1,   CiiAKi.::s  Mosks,  b.  Nov.  18,  lS2il;  re. 

34.0  BKAMCn    OF    SARAH. 

Stanif  iitim.  Compiler  of  (k-scendants  of  Join:  Holly,  from  ^v)licll  this  record  of  th.^ 
H oil V  dose  of  Hannah  Slmison  is  for  the  most  i)art  taken,  and  t(j  whose  c.nrtosy  and 
kindness  I  am  mu<-h  indebted.  2.  EhV/.\  IIamikton,  h.  .luly  O'i,  ISJU;  rrs,  S.  'A, 
Mmigmmvi  rini.i.ii's,  h.  Di'C.  1,  IS'Vo:  r<'s.  S.  ■,  ,    , 

11.      W'm.  ('<>::u<iuill,  h.  .^a^^  ^*,  ITUl:  d.  July  S,  1S18;  m.  Charlotte,  diui.  ot  Judge 

XT-.,,        \>...    ,^ 

FhWcip  Mii.tox,  grad.  Trinity  Col.;  Lawyer  in 

V]       Kllzabeth  Kincr,  h.  Nov.  '2S,  ISOU.  ^  ,, 

VII.  ■  Sidney  Ang-iisins,  b.  June  11.  IH>2:  d.    June  07,   IS-]-..';  m.  Klr/.a,    eau.  of  Maj. 
(jen    Alexander  and  Eliza  (Schuvler)  Hamilton. 

Vill.     Martha  Coggshall.  Dec.  2.  1NU4;  d.  May  20,  ISTo;  m.  is^ii,  John  Imsm:!!,  a  lawver 
>'.  Y.  C. 

7154.4.     Hannah  Iloliy,   !>.  O.t.  23,  1771:  d.  Sept.  12._1.^;JS:  m.  Thomas  U.  Smith 

of  N.  Y.  C. 

1.     \Vm.  Pvol'ert  Smith,  1).  17H-1:  d.    IS")-! 

,  Nov.. 

I  \Vm.  Pvol'ert  Smitli,  I).  l.i'J:  <l.    lf^)t. 

II.  John  Hollv  Smith,  b.  17tM;:  Lieut,  in  V .  S.  Navy,  and  d.  at  Toil  Malone 
80    1>^:!''';  ni.  Louisa' Nichols  Ireland,  <hin.  of  NVm.  IL  Ireland  of  N.  Y. 

HI.  '  Geo.  NVashina-ton  Smith,  b.  17'J^::  m.  Fanny  Davi.s.  dau.  of  Matthew  L. 
bio"Tapher  and  friend  of  Col.  Aaron  Burr. 

IV;     Emeline  Smith,  b.  ISUO;  d.  Jan.  IH,  18:>2;  m.  D.-c.  Hi.  is:]!.  K    I'..  15.wtwick. 
V.     Francis  Plaine  Smith,  b.  1x03;  m.  Miss  Town.-end. 
Vl'.     Charles  Stewart  Smith,  b.  1S04. 

Vll  liichard  Oreen  Sndth,  b.  ISUG;  ni.  Su.>an  Tompkins,  (lau.  ot  Hon.  Daniel  1). 
Tomiikins,  \%h..  was  three  times  <iov.  of  N.  Y.,  aiul  served  two  terms,  Monroe  adm.  as 
Vice-Pr.'s.'of  il>e  U.  S.  His  s.,Minthorne  Tompkins,  was  the  first  Kepubliean  candi- 
date for  (inv.  of  N.  Y.,  but  was  defeateii  by  Horatio  Seymour, 

VIII.     Benjaunn  Franklin  Smitli.  1),  ISOVt;  was  lost  with  his  wife  on  Steamer  Puljski. 

X.      and  iX.      Twinsonsd.  inf. 
716.     Mary   Slauson,  b.  Aui:.  2.",,  1707:  m.  Nov.    10,  17:!0.    Jonathan    Bnnvn.  who 
d.  Apri"l  17,  17i:. 

1.      Mary  Brown.  .Ian.  2S,  1731.  /' 

II  .b)n;ithan  Brown,  d.  Jan.  M.  1733. 

III.  Joiiatlian  Brown,  Julv  lo,  loJ."):  m.  July  1,  1700.  .\bii;ail  Haiifoid.  1.  "^^il- 
I,I.\M,  i>.  Feb.  12.  1701:  serv.  in  Rev.  0  yrs.  ami  2  mos.  2.  JoN-.\Tii.\.N,  Dee.  l.s.  1,02. 
a  Ib-v  pen-.i'piM-r:  m.  Sept.2').  H'^s,  .Martha  Ibown,  who  d.  Jan.  2s,  jsH.  1.  A"  "■.'''• 
July  14,  IT'.M.  2,  ]V/,k  Jf<nr//.  Apiil  is,  1700.  3,  J!,Wrni  A/n>.  AyvU  5.  ISOO.  T 
Erl/it'n,'il.  l>ee.  2il.  ISOS.     o,    .V,nilit'  Ji'i't'.  Jan.  S.  ]S14. 

IV.     KlizaOeth  l^rown.  Jan.  20,  1737;  d.  Any.  15,  174o. 
V.      S.uaii  lb-own.  MarcJi  23.  1  7;'>!). 
\[.     .laee.-   IJn.'.vn.  Jan.  2,  1743. 
Vll.      Jani-'s  P.iown,  b.  to  widow.  .Maiy,  and  d.  May  12,  1747. 

72.  Sarah  Slauson,  b.  .Ian.  20,  KWIT;  d.  Jan.  11,  17-l:!:  m.  Oct.  ::,  17(10,  i:i.eiie/.T. 
s  of  io'V  John  Hisliop.-:--  \\"m.  Poi-fer,  in  lii>  ^vill  dated  Mar.h  'J,  10S4-5.  -'.ov!-^ 
old  '■  makes  b.-.pi.-^ls  to  the  three  son.  of  Rev.  .Mr.  l5ishop,  nam.d,  Jo,s,.|.h.  Klieue/.er  anu 
Benjamin.      Mr.   FJiene/.,.,-  I>.  d.  Maicli  12,   1710.  a.  44. 

I       Sarah  i'.ishop,  h.  ,iulv  14,  1701;   m.  John  Jetfrev-. 
II       Ann  Bisliop.  h.  S<-pr.' 10,  1702:  m.  Jan.  20,  1723,  Jol 

dm  Dean. 



III  Satmiel   BislK^j.,  b.  (^.-t.  IS.  ITOl;    in.  March  :J.-.,  17:Ki,  K.-bccca  Sluu.son    ['())(<]. 

IV  KbPiu-/,er  Bishop,  b.  March  lU,  170r)-<]:  tlic  third  phybician  wlio  ]>ructicccl  in 
Stamford;  d.  Oct.  -i.  174:i;  will  names  liis  bvo.  Thomas,  his  sister.  Mrs.  Saiah  .IclTiey, 
and  Saii'.h,  h\s  luothiT. 

V.     '1-homas  Bishop,  b,  March  G.  1T()'.»-10;  d.  Nov.   \2.  174:!. 

721.     Sarah  Bishop,  b.  July  14,  1701;  d.  Nov.   r,,    1743;  m.    Dc.-.   14.   i:-2l.  J<din 

I  .bdiu  .Icffr,-v.  b.  Oct.  H).  \l-2-2. 

II.  Sarah  .Ictlri'v.  b.  May  :i  1727;  in.  Nathan  lioyt.  jr. 
III.  Samuel  JeiTivy.  b.  Sept.  4,  17'^-;  m.  Mercy  Ilohnes. 
IV       KlizabeTli  Jeifrev,  b.  Xr.v.  4,  17o0. 

V.  Marv  .lellrev.  b.  Oct.  9,  17;«;  d.  Feb.  1,  174:1-4. 

VI.  Ebene/cr  .JciTrev.  b.  May  21,  ]7:U. 

VII.  Thomas  Jen  rev,  b.  July  14,  17:'.i).  .,_         . 
VIII.      lluniiiih  Jetlrey,  b.  March  11,  173y-40. 

7212.  Sarah  Jeffrey,  b.    May  :h  1727;   m.  March  23,    17.-)8,  Natliun    Hoyt.  jr..  b. 
Fe1>     172;}.  s.  of  Xatlian  and  Mary  (Finch) 

'  1  Sarah  Hovt,  b.  Feb.  22.  1759;  m.  Julv  13,  17Nfi.  Jonas,  son  of  Jonas  and  Martha 
(I^uxton)  Scoiield.  b.'Oct.  19,  17.jl,  and  ha.l;'  1,  SAii.ui.  b.  Oct.  11.  17^7.  2,  Kr.iiir, 
Jan  10  1791.  :!.  HuFis,  Feb.  21,1793.  4,  Nathan,  Dec.  IS,  179:).  5.  \\>t..Jan. 
o'  179s'     0    Mvnv,  Feb.  20,  ISOO.     7.   Edwin,  Dec  9,  1803. 

II  Fstlun-  Hovt.  b.  June,  l-7tj0;  m.  May  l.";.  1783,  Jacob,  s.  of  Jacob  and  AbigaU 
(Lounsi)nrv)  White. 'b.  Jnlv  14.  17.50,  a  Ecv.  pensioner.  1.  Ann,  Aug.  15,  1 7s4.  2. 
Sm-«h  S."'pt  22  17<ti.  -i.  EsTHEK.  April  13.  1788.  4.  Na'ihan,  Oct.  21.1780.  o, 
IUnnui  Julv  7.  1791.  6,  Maria,  Sej.t.  3,  1793;  m.  July  2,  1.S2U,  Isaac  Howe.  .. 
Henry,  Aug.  17,  1795;  ni.  Nov.  29.  1^20.  Leviua  Smith.     8,  JACon,  May  8.  1.9,. 

7213.  Samuel  Jeffrey,  b.  Sept.  4    1728;  m.  Sept.  21,  175(1,  Mercy,  dau,  of  Jolm 
and  Kebecca  (Bell;  Holmes,  b.  Jan.  S,  17;'>0.  ami  had;  .■,-.,.       ,r     . 

I.  Kebe.-ca,  b.  Jui>e  27.  1757;  m.  Nov.  12,  1797,  John  Hoyt,  jr..  his  2d  wf,      H--  d. 

March  1,   1S25. 

II       Sarah,  b    Oct    15,  1 759,  drowneil  Nov.  2*i,  1  (8(. 

Ill"  Hannah,  b.  Nov.  24.  17(51;  tu.  May  3,  1792.  Isaac  Smbh.  3d,  hi-  '''>  J^''--  ='"^^ 
Icub  1  O' ivE  b  .Ian  22  1794  2,  Sakai!  Jkfiiikv.  Auir.  20,  1 79...  3,  Mary,  b. 
April  S.'l79S.  4,  Piiii.ANi.i;i;,  b.  .Ian.  IC.  l^Dl.  5.  Isaac  Alstin,  March  29,  1S()4.  >J. 
S  VMt  KT.  Jl-.FFRl.Y,  twin  v.  ith  Isaac  Aust i u. 

IV       Mercv    Jan.  7.  1704;  m.  Mav  10.  1790.   Ezra  Ibnt.      1,  Samiei.  JEiii;KY,  Dec. 
l(i,  1791.     2,  Ezra.  h.  Sept.  14.  179.5.     3,   Ai.vrkd,  I>.  Sept.  :30,  1797,     4,  Ai.RKRT,  twin 
wi'th  Alfred,'     5.   Mai, v,  Jan.  G,  ISOI.     ti,   <'i,i\E)!,   l)cc.  14,  I8l»3, 
V.      Samuel,  1..  Mav  i.  17(iH:  d.  S.'pt.  20,  1778. 

VI.  Marv,  b.  Nov.  3.  1708;  d.  March  :^0.  1780. 

VII.  Martha,  b.  June  29,    1771. 

VIII.  Ebenezer,  b.  S.j.t.  -UK  1773;  d.  Nov.  13,  1770. 

722.     Ann  Bishop,  l>.  Sept.  19,  1702;  m,  Jan.  20,  172:1-4.  J(din  Dean. 
I.     John  Dean.  b.  Nov.   2,  17;?4. 

II.  J.din  Dian.  b.  Julv  7,  1720.  , 

III.  Ebenezir  Dean,  Ot't.  27,  1727:  m.  Dec,  1702.  Ke'/iali  Hoberls.  1,  Sa.mi^ki,.  b. 
.Mandi    21     1 7(i:!.       He  entered  the  lU-v.    armv   at   the   aoe   of   13,    and    .served    '    yi'^-^ 

d.  in  S..  Julv  ;^0.  1845,  a.   s3:  ni.  Dec   9,    17!lO,   Hannah   Ibi.Uon.^  ^  1,  ..■_nr>/. 

]'ensionei ;  ' 

Oct  22  1791-  iie.'-an  teacliing  earlv;  became  a  ('(um-.  minister;  rem.  to  Brooklyn.  N  ^ 
lunl  has  Ion-  been  clerk  of  th.'  Board  .d'  Education.  2,  Jhtll.  ^  Sept.  9,  179:'.;  'i-/!;!'-''!! 
20  1790  ;;  ,/vA/-.  June  9,  1794.  4.  >'fi/ni,.l.  Mav  10,  179(;.  .),  A-'ror.  Oct.",-,.  l..l^; 
iu.'Dcc.  10,  is,>i).  l-:unb-e  McCormick.  (i.  /.v,^^/r,  Jan.  3.  IsOl.  7,  .///'?/^  May  10,  Im:--.  _-- 
Ivr./IMI  April  20.  17i;4.  3,  Euenk/.i-.i:.  July  4,  17t;5:  K<-v.  soldier;  pensiouei  :  d.^jn 
St:imlord.  Au'-.   14.  1^47.  a.  s2.     4,   Aaron,   Aug.    10,   1707.     5,   Sai;au,   Aug.   28.  l..(>. 

0,  John,  Sept.  2.    1772. 

IV.  Nathan  Dean.  Mav  19,  1729. 

V,  Hannah  Nov..  17:10. 

\I.  Ann  Dean.  Sept.  7.  1733. 

VII.  Sarah  Dean.,  Mav  11.  17:55. 

VIII.  Ahiirail  Dean.  .lulv  27.   1730. 
IX.  Josiah  Dean.  ManJs  14,  1737-8.- 

X.  Thanktul  D.'an.  0<-t.  8,  1739. 

344  BRANCH    OF    SARAH. 

723.     Samuel    Bishop,  l>.   Oct.    18,    ITUl;    m.     ^lanh   2.j,    n^H,   Ri-hccca    Sl:i.oii 

[//iiUj\-    rolls. 

I.      Saimid,  ;]d,  li.  April  l-j.  17:JT;  lu.  Nov.  (j,  ITGlj,  Anna   Hell.      1,   Samlki,    Au>r 
~9l|^''"-     "-'•   -I^-ii'*  iiK).,  All-.   11,    ITiJt).     •■].  .J^.s^K,    Aiii;.    14.    1771.     4.   Anna,   Urt.   -.^T 

11.     Kfbecra,  b.  Julv  30.  1740. 
HI.      Sarali,  b.  A})rir:?4,   174:1 
IW      Ehoii.'zcr,  [Mai-  11.  1745. 

y.      Hauuali,  !>.  April  :>G,    1748;  m.    .Ian.    :J1.    1770,   Jabfz   Wt-c-J.      1.   SAnAH,.)uiy 
'2.J,  1773;  m.  Ftl).  2.T.  17it:J,  Jonathan  Snnth,  jr.     •,\   Hhoj)a.  March  is.  177.-,.     :]    .j'\mkv 
Jan.  17,  1777.     4,   Ziiv.Aii.  Au,tr.  1'.?,    1779.     0.   Sii.As,  .Julv  8,    1781.     (5.   SFVMot  r    .Ian' 
25,1784.     7,   IIanxau,  July  13,  1787.     8,   Maky.  March  20,  17!)0.     9,   .Amaziah.  pi'b.  1 

VI.     Ann,  July  0,  KoO. 
yU.     Jonatlian,    Ajtril    11,    17o2:   in  the    Stanitonl    Conipanv    for   defense   of   X     V 
177.');  m.  .Inly  3(1.  1784,  WiJ.  Sarah  Waterburv.      ],   Xancy.  Se],t.  24.  178,5-  m    Feb   n' 
ISiJo,  John  Holni.-s.  jr..  b.  July  17,  1770.  s.  of  John  and  Sarah  (ilovte)'llohnes.  '  1    JoJui 
Marcli  16,    1806.      2.   San'h.    Xov.   8,    1807.     3,   f'atharii,t,   Xov.   30.    1800      4    liebccra 
Oct.  2.  1811.     .=),  Mari/.  Oct.  18,  1818. 

73.     Jonathan  Slauson.  b.   .lulv   2-'),    li;:0;  m.    Feb.  4.  1699-1700    Marv    dau    of 

John  WHterbury  of  S.,  b.  March  20,  1679:  d.  Mav  12,  1710;  (2)  Jnlv  11    1711    Kose   dau 

of  'M^adiah  and  Kel)ecca  (Ko.-e)  Stevens  of  S.  b.  Oct.  14, 16S3.     Knsiirn  Jonathan  Slau-on 

d.  Xuy.  19,  1<2,:  mv.  same  mo.;  Jo!la^  AA'eed  and  Isaac  How,   appraisers,      i.  bv  Isr.  m  • 

I.      Abipiil,  b.  March  8.  1700-1.  '  " 

II.     Mary.  June  26.  17(U. 

III.  Sarah.  Xov.  13.  1707:  m.  Dec.  18,  1729.  David  Scotield.     /   bv  -W  ni  • 

IV.  Jonathan,  b.  Mav  12,  1712.  '  ' 
V.      (^eoro-e.  b.  Aprif.s.    1713. 

VI.  David,  Dec.  2S,  1714:  m.  April.  173.-,,  Eunice  ScoHeld, 

^  n.  PiCbecca,  Sept.  7.  1716;  in.  March  l.j,  1736,  Samuel  Bishop 

^'11I.■  Silas,  b.  Feb.  Id.  1719-20. 

IX.  Nathan,  b    F.l).   10,  1721-2. 

733.     Sarah  Slauson,   b.  Xov.  13.  1707:  m.  De--.  is.  1729,  David,  s.  of  Richard  and 
Kcah  (Bruudisbi  S'-ofiek!.  h.  .Mav  4,  1706. 

,,.-    I-     -'onathan  Scotield.   XoV.    20,    1731^   of   Middlesex  (Darien)   m    Dec    30 
lioij,  Elizabeth  Smith.      1.   Sai;ah,  Sept.  24,  17."j6. 

II.  David  Sc.jfield,  Feb.  26.1732:  m.'Mav'l6,  1750,  Eunice,  dau.  nf  I'lijali  and 
Eunice  (Scoh'eid)Seeley.  b.  Sept.  28,  1728.  1,  Eunice,  b.  Mav  16,  1752  2  Ef-m  f^ 
All-  2^,  1,.j4;  m.  Oct.  17,  1777,  Ste].heu  Bell,  b.  Julv  23,  1755.  "  1,  Frcderirk.  Julv  27' 
l/.8.,n  Jan.  2.>,  b-^OO.  Hannah  Tr.vnn.  1,  H.-rraan,  Mav  20,  1803.  2,  Hannah  "Mav 
26.  1S04.  3,  Mary  Ann,  Dec.  5,  ls05.  2,  JLmiHih,  b.  .Mav  1><  1?82  3  Durld  b 
Jul.v  13,  1795.     3,  C'ln.oK.  b.  March  1.  1757.     4,   'rnEoi)OKK,"b.  ,Ian.  17    17.59 

III.  Silvanus  Scotield.  b.  June  26,  173J;  m.  Jan.  19  1769  Sarah'Weed  1  Sii 
VAM'S.  Oct.  21,  1770.  '  ■        ' 

IV.  Thaddeus  Scotb-jd,  b.  June  2,  1738. 
A'.     Jolin  Scotield. 

,    ^^?^\J^^J^  Scofield,  b.    F.4,.    3,    1740;    m.    Feb.  18,    176S,  Susanna    Weed-     (2) 
•Jan.  14,  I,,.,,  Sarali  Xiidiols. 

I.      Susanna,  b.  Dec.  19.  1773;  m.  AVilJiaiu  Bi.shoi). 

IF  John,  b.  Jan.  14.1775;  m.  Feb.  9.  1SH6,  Sally,  dau.  .d'  Ibv.ekiah  and  Marv 
(leek)  Kna},p,  and  sister  <d'  Kufus  Knapp,  b.  Xov.  is,  17S5  1  M  \i:y  Fi  1/ \kitii  !>" 
Autr.  30.  ISIO.     2.  .I'oilN   Rm.sfv.  b.  Mav  21,  lsl2.  "   '  -    -      -      ,      ■ 

Ai  ^!^oH'hl'  \  -"^i""''  ^'''  I'-'J-"'-  l'''''>-  !■'.  l'^i'3,  Rebecca  Holmes.  1  Bk.n.famin. 
March  2.  1S04.  2,  Ali^uki..  May  27.  ls05:  lv..;m..had  amon-  otliers:  1  l|b/',7-, 
b.  April  28.  Is39:  o-rad.  X.  Y.  (',,1.  Fhvs.  and  Sur-.:  S^l^.^  F  S  X  •>  John  d  h 
April  23,  1S39;  -I'aJ.  Belbvu-  M.-d.  Col.,  1866;  Phvs.  in  Bedford  X  Y  3  M  viiv  '  h. 
St'ptl/,  18117.     4.   RKiiKccA    Oct.  21.  IMO.     5,   Sfi-'as.  April  29    1S15 

1}  Rol.,rt.  h.  July  M  i;:::  ,„.  A|)ril  15.  17!»9,  Ifaunab  i?,J|.  I  Fii7\  b  Julv 
b-  1<J9.  2.  Dakm^,  .Ian.  -;.  Isuj,  :;.  Sai.i.v,  Mav  20,  ]s.)3.  4,  (0;.u;.;K,  Sept.  bi. 
1^  /•  'L-  ■[^^''^^'^'■'■■^^^^>  in.  js:)7.  6,  01.IM.K,  June  13,  1809.  7,  Emu. V,  Mas  i::. 
Ibll.     6,   Hoi, r.v.  .March  6.  1813 

V.  .Iame<3d,  b.  Sept.  22.  177S:  n..  April  17.  1S03,  Anna  Jones  1,  J.vmi> 
JONKs,    22,    jso:],       o_    .i,„iv,.     Wh.i.ia.m,    April    10,    1805.       3,    Sai.i.v    Ann.  l>. 



Oct.  lo,  ISOi).  4.  P:i)w.\ki),  Marcli  17,  ISOS.  5,  Ar.iii:i;T  IIkxuy,  July  :?() 
isiin.  Ci,  Lyoi  \  K.MEi.iNK,  Ft'!),  "i'i,  isll.  7,  l'>(.iZAi!i:Tff  Nichols,  A u<;-.  2(),  1812.  y 
Ha.nnmi  Makia,  O.t.  7,  1S14.  H,  Dwn^  ],  JuIvO'^,  ISIG.  10,  Ciias.  l-a-iiiiAiM 
iVc.  7.  1N17. 

VI.  Eli/.uln-th,  1..  .Iulv  1--),  17S1;  m.  F.'li. 
1,'S17.  ].  Isaac,  Jan.  .",,  ]so.").  2.  Hkzkkkmi,  Fel. 
Sfpt.  1^.  lSn7.  4,  >F\iiV.  twii;  with  Saliv;  <1. 
ISO;-.'.  (J,  ^F\KV  Ki.iZAnirni,  Foli.  5,  1-1  I.  7. 
Juiif  "^'o.  181.J.  1>.  El.lZAUKTU,  1)  and  il.  .'an.  !», 
VII.  Beuiamin.  1).  .huif  -,'1.  lTs:i.  d.  On.  20, 
Viil.     Siinih  NirliMJs,  I).  Sept.  4.  178^;  d.  .luii. 

r,    1S04,  Ihifu^   Kna]'p:slif   d.  .Jan.  14, 

17,  180G;  d.  Dec.  2S,  ISUJ.     3,  Sali,y, 

April  :],  1808.     .">.   Hkn.ja.mi.n,  A])ril  9. 

.)c>i[.\.  Oct.    17,  181'?.     N.   W.M.  KriTs. 

7,  17iiO. 

y  iiij^e  coinnieiiced  liis  "  sell'-reliaiit 
in  a  sliiivt  liuie  went  to  XewJersev 

73351.     Susanna    Scofield,  b.  De^.  IJi,  1778;    m.  March   81,  1790,  William,  s.  of 
Par>^on  and  Hannah  Bishop.  ],.  .June  1:3,  17*J'.1 
1.      Leander  Bi.-ho]..  b.  Mav  IT,,  17<_17. 

n.  Alfred  Bisliop,  1>.  Dee.  •,'].  17ys.  At  an  carl 
carfvr"  a<  a  t<  aelier  ot  a  jiublie  srliool  in  Stainlord. 
^vith  O.H'  ])vnpo>f'  (.f  far)nin<r.  ^^'llile  thus  eni])]oyed  he  expeiinu-nts  witli  pick  ax. 
.sliovcl  and  wheelbanov.'  to  determine  accurately  the  cost  of  n^movin^^  earth  to  different 
distances,  by  wliich  he  pre])ared  himsfdf  as  a  contrai-tfir.  lie  was  eni,^aged  on  the  Morris 
Canal,  X.  .1.  ,  the  irrral  biidge  over  the  I'ariton  river  a  New  l^ninswi'-k,  the  lloosatonic, 
Berkshii-e,  NN'a^hiiiii-tui:  and  Saratoga,  Naui^-at uck  ;ind  the  Ne\\'  York  &  New  Haven 

He  remijved,  1834,  from  X.  J.  to  Briduepin-t,  Conn.,  whei-e  hf  spent  tin?  rest  id'  his 
life.  •■  It  is  not  claimintr  tuo  mucli  for  him  to  say  that  the  }lourisliiii>,'- city  owes  mmdi  to 
his  entt-Tprise  and  public  spirit.  IF-  reii«liiy  inspired  (-onlidiMiee  in  Ids  jdajis  for  publie 
Jni]>roveinents,  and  at  lii.--  i-all  the  lary-st  sums  wiq-f  cliei'rfnlly  supplied." 

But  in  tlie  vi-ry  mid.-t  of  his  extensive  oiieraTions,  and  while  forming  plans  for  still 
greal'U-  works,  he  was  suddeiily  arrested  by  his  hist  sickness.  From  the  lirst  he  felt 
that  it  would  prove  fatal;  and  now  still  more  than  wliile  in  In.'alth.  he  displayed  liis 
reinurkable  talent  in  arranging  and  ])lanning  all  the  details  of  a  complicated  o])eration. 
In  tlie  of  grt-at  jdiysical  suft'ering  In-  detailed  with  minuteness  the  necessary  steps 
for  closing  up  all  hi.s  b;isiuess  arr;n:geineiits,  laying  out  the  work  for  liis  executors  as 
lie  would  ])hin  the  dfCaiis  (jI  an  ordinaiw  contract  tor  a  railroad.  He  then,  in  the  same 
business-like  maiinei-,  distributed  his  hirae  estat(\  One-quarter  of  it  lie  disposed  of  in 
gratuities  outside  of  hi-  own  family,  I'UJily  to  his  more  distant  lelative.s.  partly  to  his  per- 
sonal friends  who  had  been  unfortunate,  and  }>artlyto  strictly  benevolent  uses.  His  ])astor 
was  remembtM'ed  with  an  hundred  dollars  annuity;  the  American  Bible  Society  received 
.i;10,00J,  and  the  Female  Benevolent  Society  of  Bridgeport,  ^5,000.  After  thus  dis- 
tribuiing  one-founh  of  hit.  estate,  the  balance  went  to  liis  wife  and  (diildreu. 

He  m.  Mary.  dau.  ot  Ethan  Ferris  of  (ireenwich,  and  had  :j  smis,  all  b.  in  Bloom- 
field,  X.  ..).  1,  Fthan  Fj:i;iiis,  Y.  C,  and  totjk  master's  degree  at  Trinity;  took  orders 
in  the  Epis.  clih..  and  lias  had  <  harge  of  a  jnirish  in  Bridgeport,  Conn.,  wliere  lie  estab- 
lished St.  Luke's  College  for  the  ediica.tion  of  orjdians  and  destitute  boys.  '2,  \N'ii.l.i  \M 
L)Ai;irs,  h.  Si'j>t.  14.  1S-.27:  he  luid  a  strong  natural  liking  for  meclianics  and  science;  Y. 
C.  1849;  stud.  law.  but  on  death  of  his  f . ,  of  whose  est.  he  was  one  of  theexecrs.,  his 
entire  attention  was  given  to  railroad  interests.  He  was  for  many  yrs.  Pres.  (jf  the  X. 
Y.  &.  X.  Hav.  1?.  K.  In  1807  he  was  clio.sen  Ben.  of  his  Con.  dist..  receiving  more  tlian 
0,000  votes  a1)Ove  that  of  the  Pres.  candidate  of  the  same  party;  while  in  Cmi.  a]ipt.  cliair- 
man  of  Com.  on  Manufactures,  and  was  prominent  and  ])opular"as  a  si>eaker  and  debater. 
On  the  resignation  of  the  Hon.  Jo>eph  Holt  (afterw.  Po.-tnraster  (Jen.)  as  U.  S.  Conunis- 
-sioner  (d' Patents.  Mr.  Bisho])   wjs    appointed   to    that    otlice.        As    a    mem.  of  the  Conn. 

Leg.,  to  \vhi(  li  hf  has  been  sevei'.al  times  elect 
road  legislation  of  the  state.  Of  late  years  i 
I)ublic  employments,     ."i,  Hknky,  Trinity  ('<i\., 

•d,  hi.- 

1    hea 

inlluence  has  bei 
th  has  co:np>elled 







were    re 

Morris,  b.  Nov.  -J,  isou. 
Ivluin,  April  ."),  18n.'j. 
Charles  ^Villiam,  .Mav  FJ.  isor,. 
Pollv  Semtmtha,  Dec"  i;],   1S07. 

•  feoi-ve    Albert.    AUiT.    0.    ISlO, 

Hannah  Eii-/.abeth.\\ov.  S.  ISlO. 

Harrf. ;   res.  Bridgeport. 

felt  in  the  rall- 
liim  to  relimiuish 

David  Slauson,  b 

..imniende  I    to     the     ch 



•at   N. 


111.    .\\ 

14,    17.")8, 

•hotield.        Tl 

Mr.  Mather 

34G  •  BU-VXCH    OF    SAKAH. 

I.  Duvi.l,  Au--.  IS,  I ;;;.-,. 

11.      .)nii:it)i;in.  I-.   I'cli.  :;2s.  17;*,!)-7;  (1.  at  New  (•anauii,  Cniin.,  Auir.  ;-!l,  iSJIt.  a.  Sr». 

III.  Sarah,  b.  Av^.  '.).  IT:?!);   in.  Fel).  :,'«,  IT.IS,  Kiiciiclus  Weed.      1 ,  ]-!i-,.\.i  am  i\.  Dt'c-. 
18,  IT.IM.     '2,  John.  All^^  'iH,  iTti^i.     8,  Ei'i:m;tus,  March  4,  170:5. 

IV.  I'ainicc,  Sept.  ]•;.  1711. 
V.     Ruth,  .Maicli  4.  174:! 

VI.  KclMTca.  M.iv  ;il.  174(j. 

Vli.      Mary,  Xnv.  \:>.  171-:  in.  !>•■•.  17.  1  7()7,  Silvaims  Vw-,.,1,  jr. ,  li.  17-17.      1,  .Maky, 
April  •J7,  177U.     0,  Sakaii,  .Ian.  \-2,  1772.     3,  Shawms,  Sept.  '^B.  177:j. 
VIII.      Martlia.  K.-i..  27,  1  7:>."'). 

74.  Elizabeth  Slauson,  1>.  -Ian.  SO.  ir,7-2:  d.  May  11.  1711:  m.  Nathaniel  Pond,* 
hlacksinith,  ramo  to  Stamfnrd.  Klini.  late  of  Braiiford.  H(uiirl)t  laiul  east  of  Xoroton 
River  of  .fonathaii  S.lleck:  and  in  KiDS  l)M;ii:nt  and  srdd  land  at  Stoney  Brook.  A<lii\itl>'d 
an  inhah.  ol  Stamford  by  vote  Jan.  ;M.  17U^-U.  ^Va■^l■a^-•d  at  L":!(;  "in  1700.  lie  in.  ^2) 
Si-pt.  2(»,  1711.  Mrs.  Sara"h  r\Tri.<.  by  whom  lie  liad  Nath.,  b.  Nov.  ]>i,  1712.  and  Israel,  b. 
l)<c.  !>.  i714:  ('..April:;.  171.'):  his  2d  uf.  d.  .)an.  ."..  1710.  lied.  Aui^.  2:5,  1710. 
I.      Abii^ailPoiid,  u.  April  IS,   KilH. 

II.  Elizabeth  Pond.  b.  Nov.  22,  IWJ-  d.  Dec  17.  1700. 

III.  Josiah  Pond.  b.  Jan.  l;j.  1701. 

IV.  Hannah  Pond.  b.  Feb.  V.',,  170:!;  d.  D.c.  l.'rJ,  nod. 

V.  Na.ond  Po:id. 

745.     Naomi  Pond,  b.  Maivh  22,  ]7(i:);  m.  Jan.  11,   ]  72s,  Abraham  We.^d.  v.ho  d. 
IVc.  20,  17.")7. 

I.  Abraliam  V\',>eu.  b.  N.n".  1,  172S:  in  Feb.  S,  1740,  Kli/.abeth  Bntlon,  \vh.>  d. 
April2.j,  17!»:J.  1,  Avx.  D.-.-.  1,  Kol):  in.  Dee.  :-i,  1772,  Enoidi  Com^tock.  1,  Jhr,n'i:2. 
R'tth,  twins:  b.  .Maridi27,  1777.  :i,  Xmiri,,  Auir.  27,  1770.  4.  A7/('.v.  A]nil  0.  1782.  o. 
Cephas.  K)ox.  17.  178").  0.  JAnus,  .Mareli  0,  1 7Ss.  ~  Wiitt.-<  De,-  19  17'.H)  .s  ,/-.,',//, 
Mav21,  17!t.-). 

II.      I'.artholomew  W'e.'d.  Ane".  4,  17:>0. 

III.  Enus  Weed.  b.  March    14,    17:11-2;  m.    Mary  .      .Mr.    Weed  and  hi.-  family 

were  of  tlie  congregation  of  Kev.  Mr.  Matlier.  taken  ]iri<one!s  Julv  22,  1781.  wliile  at 
wor.shi])  on  Sunday  by  a  band  of  Hiiti^h  ii  n  1  Tories.  Unlv  five  of  tlie  entire  cemrreijaTion 
esf-aiprd  capture.  I.'Sk.Tt.  b.  Ja!i.  :;0.  17o2;  Lieut. ;  scrvi'd  101  (hiys  in  1770;  e,?  D--,-.  2f). 
1822:  ill.  Jan.  :^,  1771,  Ilanniii  Andrews.  1,  .<,//,,  b.  Julv  7,  1772.  2.  Sikphkn,  !>.  <><-t. 
24,  175:->;  wa.s  one  uf  tie- tive  who  escajied  capture  ■  of  Mr.  Mather's  ccnic:. )  II>- at  once 
enlisted  in  the  Rev.  army  a;id  served  with  great  zeal  to  the  end  of  the  v/ar,  courting  peril 
and  sacritiee  at  all  times  and  seasons  for  tlu-  good  of  the  cause.  He  was  taken  prisoner, 
and  the  scveriiy  of  hi>  treatment  in  the  t  xecrahle  Provost  ]irison  in  N.  Y..  aijirnrvated 
the  ill  etiects  of  his  previun-;  hardshi]is,  and  lie  gradually  broke  down  and  sunk  ini'i  a 
state  of  mental  derangeinenr  from  which  he  neveV  reeuven d.  :;,  Mai;v.  March  2n,  17oli; 
m.  Nov.  10,  1778,  Nathaniel  Hnsted.      4.  K.^( kki,,  Si-pr.  2:).    17'il;  and  perhap.-  Enos.+ 

IV.  Nathani.-d  \Vr,-(!.  jr..  b.  Jan.  2i).  lT:-;:l-4;  m.  June  17.  17.")0,  M.utv  ^Vatell.ury :  (2> 
Sarah  Weed,  Nov.  2.  177."..  IF' d.  .Jan.  1.'..  rs'4.  i,  Sak.M!  .  .1  nu-' .s,  17.-);;  ju.  .hin"-  27. 
177:^,  Josepli  Hoyt.  Md.  b.  ().•-.  12,  17o0;  ^.  of  Jos,-p!i  and  .laneiKimri  1  .<,//•<//,. 
Jan.  27,  1774.  2,  Ap.kakam  May  12.  1  ;.-.!I.  ?>.  \\i\a.\.  Feb.  U).  1701.  /.'by  2dm.;  4. 
Fki:t)Ci;ick,  June  2ii,  1  ?70.     o.  IIkmcv,  Mav  8,  I77'.i 

V.      Hannah  Weed,  .VI av  2t>,  17:;;7, 

VI.  Naomi  Weed.  March  24.  17:JS-<). 

VII.  Thankful  Weed,  Mandi  ti,    1712;  d.  Nov.  lo.  1757. 

*Samuel    Pond    of    Wini-ior  m.  Noi-.  ij,  tSt-',  S.irth  ,  and  d.   M  irch  14,  e.;^.     i,  I-;aac.  March  ic. 

1645.  2,  Samifi.,  M.Hfc*'  1.  ic'^;  3.  Nathamki..  Seir..  ri,  ir.;o.  Ki.lcd  witli  his  Capt  1  .Marsh.Tlb  in  the 
^Tcat  Nara^:a:-.beLt  rii;'nu  L>fe-.  i.kiC75-  4.  Saham,  Feb.;;;  m.  J.  nntban  Hoyt.  and  sel.  a;  (.uilford, 

tKn  •>:;  Weed,  s,  o!  K'los  anJ  siippn^iel  hroihcr  of  Stephei,  wis  one  o;  t'le  m:i>c  erratic  cliar.iciei.^  :i':e- 
Stamfoid  has  produced.     Vie    «  as   liicnllv  an   nricinal.     Thinkint:  independently  o!  boolc.   and  without 
regard  to  cusiomary  opinions  or  iis.i.'es.     In  ni'  dicine  he  bccanie  noted  as  an  adviser  and  practitioner  in 
his  own  way.     Me  constructed  a  spcllintr  b  ■>.>'■<  with  manv   novelties,  both  in  alphabet  and  in  the  orth.>:;- 
niphy.     He  bee  mu'   a    (.rea.:i!.T  wh,.:n   the  f 'r-.>;oJri.\  could  not  uh.)l!v  endorse.  r'..r  vet  condemn.      With 
ail  hi-,  ecceiuiicity  he  was  counted  worthy  in  i-,o  of  beinjr  appointed  of  the  first   .Methodist 
e>.tab'i-ilie.l  in  Strfm'ord.  and  he  was  ,>utli,>rized   loral   pr>'Mc'rrot  that    c'enominatien.     .'-'.r.  Huntington 
tives  a  speciniea  of  his  (icnius  ip.  423)  i,)und  In  an   old  newvpaper  to  which   he  sometimes   contributed: 
"  .\!y  narnc  is  F.nos  Weed,  and  junior  too, 
U  nich  i:>  s-)::utliin;r  more, 
II  shous  that  Weeds  have  grown  before." 


34 -r 

\'II[.      Pct(M'  Weed,  jr  ,  li.  MiivcU  29,  17-|.");  i,,.    H^tlier  Boiitoii. 
I.\.      Kaih.-l  W. ■,■(!,  1).  Feb.  15,  17-4ii-T. 

7458.     Potcr  "Weed,  jr.,  b.  Miuch  2;),  17  l.~i;  id.  .luut-  1,  17tis,  i:stlHT  Huuiun. 
1.      .\i)rarii,   Di'c.  l.">,  I7i;s. 
11.      Iv,Tl|.T.  .Illlv  -i^^,   1770. 
IK,     IhikUili,  IV'b.  21,  1778. 

IV.      n-'tsey,  l).-c.  29,  1777;  m.  .Tiine  1'^,  170fi.  Stf-pli-n  Cliirlir-.-ftr,  b.  Auis.  211,  177ib 
<.  ol  Abiii]::u;i   niui  Jera.-;lia   (Steplii'n.-.)   Clii.-ber^t.T.       1,   J.\..MI>    11i:kvkv,    .Nlav  S,  17'.i7. 

2.    ILVIUMF.T,    l)r,-.    11.    17:t9.       ■),    CY.NTlilA.    l'%b     1!),    1S()1. 

V.      Polly,  J)fr.  24,  177;<;  m.  Mairb  12,    17'.);.  Samuel    Kced,    b.    Oct.   8,    1777,  s.  uf 
Samuel,  jr.,    and    Esther  (Hull)   Heed.      1.  Poii.v,    .Uily  o,    1 79S.     2,    Sa.miki..   Se])T.  2. 
ISiJO.     :i',  iiv.OKi-.K.   .Ian.   13,   IsOij.     4,   ('i,Ai;t>.<.v    MiMx-b    10,    ISO."),     o.  Hkxiiv 
Feb.    28,    ]bU7.   (i,   F^TiiKK,    Feb.    22.   ls,)9.      7,    r.iM-sicv,    A])ril    7,    iNil.     s.   A<iii;i;i.. 
March  20,  1S18.     9,,  .June  29.  ISj").      10,   \\'n.L!.\M,  Au^.  20,  1817. 
VI.      Nancv,  Sept.  22.    17S3. 
Vil.     i 'titer',  Feb.  4,  1  7S0. 
VII 1.     lleniv,  Jan.   7.  178S. 
IX.      Hufus,  Autc.  24,  1790. 
.\.     Zeiias,  Aug.  24,   1790:  twin  with  Kufu.-.. 
XI.     lleniv  Rn;;'eis,  Mav  1.  1799. 

8.  Eliaabeih  Tattle,  bap.  Nnv.  9,  IGbK  m.  Nov.  ly.  1(;(;7.  I.'i.-h;ud  Edwards,-  !,. 
in  Hartford  May.  l(j^)7.  "■  He  was  a  iiiereb;nn. "  (S"e  Dr.  Dwiij-ht'y  ed.  I\i/c  iiiid  ]!"c'/7.x 
(if  Juim.Ouiii  F'br.iril.t  f>jr  siinie  aceount  ol'  h!>  i  haraeur  ainl  l;i--r  si, ,  ■•  1  .Hichard 
Edwards  oi'  Hartfnrti,  and- by  my  ago nt  Satn-uel  Urown  |.ll.],  sob!  :•,; 'riionias  Tuttle  of 
New  Haven  [:*]  ye  whole  of  ye  land  anil  ye  i;ir;ub)->\-  that,  wa.s  ijeiijamir.  Tnttle's,  vi/,.:  \ 
part  of  4  acies  oT  nit-adov.-  l,.y  wesl  .-id'-  of  Enst  luver  near  bro.  -Jusejih  Tiittb-  and  bici. 
Joliii  Tuttle.  and  2  acres  of  land  in  ye'  Yorkshire  Quaiter  boundedi  by  Mr.  Miles'  land  near 
side,  attd  by  my  own  land  tliat  1  boe.^ht  of  bvo.  J/'avid  Tuttle  [oj  on  the  other  side,  and 
one-(juarter  ])art  of  9i-  acres  towards  ye  mill  bet  ween  Jones  and  J3rad!ey.  ar.d  (i  :i<-r''s  within 
ye  neck.  "*  "'  -  Of  2d  division  A  part  of  (i  acri  s  lyiiiir  near  Stoney  Ki\'er.  n>-ar  ye  iion 
wcjrks;  consideration  i'12  in  tull  tos-  till  ye  above  lands.  Aeknov\  iedu-pd  b.  fore  \\'ill;an! 
•bines.  a:-si-iant  a  iiaie  lerord,  of  the  oriirina!  compai-t  and  iero'-,b>d  April  2'>.  170.^;  <latedi 
.Jan.  17,  10--0;  signed  Kicliard.  Edwards,  .lonatlrui  Tuttle,  .Juhn  Sizer.'" — X-.r  7;'"".  l,in:<J 
llfC.  At  a  court  held  May,  llV.Ui.  Mr.  Kichard  Ivlwards  as  attorney  for  Isaac  Cuitis  of 
AVallingford  ])etitioued  to  grant  said  Curtis  exeeution  on  verdict  of  jury  given  by  county 
court  at  Now  Haven  IbOo  in  an  action  betweeti  Curtis  and  Mr.  John  Iluil  of  \\ .  Curti.- 
plvinliiy.  Sai'.I  Hull  liad  ill»-gally  entered  uiion.  and  maiie  ini|U  .i\  eui^-nts  on  ;'.-.  a<:e.>  of 
meadow  in  a  jdace  railed  "  ])og's  Misery,"  in  Merideu.  Capt.  Thouui.-  Yale  atiorue;.  ior 
Dr.  John  Hull.  The  mime  of  Kichani  Edwards^  tdse\\here  ajipears  as  attorn-  y  in  civil 
.suits.  He  m.  (2)  Mary.  daii.  of  Lieut.  Col.  John  Taleott  of  Hartf.  and  his  wf.,'  Ibdeua. 
dau.  of  .lohn  ^\'akenl;^l  of  Xew  Haven,  who  d.  Ajuil  19.  Vrl'-\.  a.  1)2.  He  d.  Apr:.  29 
1718,  a  71. 

1.      Marv  Edwards,  b.  ICiilS;  ehil  b.  in  llaitford. 
II.      Tinuithv  Edward-^,  Mav  14,  lOO',);  m    Esther  Stoddard  Nov.  (),  IC'.U. 

^Rcv.  Richard  Edwards  came  from  \\'ales  to  London,  time  (Jueen  Elizabeth;  he  was  a  minister  of  tht- 
establislicd  ijl.h .  His  vvf.  .-Vnne  was  employed  in  some  caj'^a-cily  in  the  Queen's  household.  She  ir..  2d 
hiis.,  James  Coles  and  c.ime  with  her  only  child  William  I-ldwards  to  .America.  She  d.  in  HartiKrd  Keb. 
20,  T67Q,  le.ivirij,-  by  will  the  use  of  her  house  and  land  to  her  son  Vi'illiain  duriiitf  his  life,  :hen  lo  lier  t;r. 
s.  Hich.ird  l'^dv\'ards  and  his  heirs  forever.  Win.  Edwards  is  n;>-:ried  ivilh  U'm  Tultlo  and  olheis  as  con- 
cerned in  tl'.e  East  H;!Von  sctilenient.  He  r.i.  ahoui  16^5  .-Vtrncs  ,  wicl.  of  Wiiiiam  Spencer;  .he  latLcr 
of  Hartfiu'd;  ■■electmaii  163.1.  and  d.  Af,^nes,  it  is  said,  had  two  bro'.hers  111  En<,'land,  one  of  them 
Mayor  of  E.veter  rhe  oihei  ol  Hrirnstable.  Devon.  l>y  \Villi;;ni  Edwards  she  had  an  oidy  child,  Richard, 
who  m.  Eiiz.d--t.ih  Tutile;  \-i\  .Mary,  dan.  of  l.ieut  -Col.  John  Taleott  of  HarU'.  Col.  'ralcoit  ums  Jusiiee 
of  the  I'eace,  Assistant  from  I'^'j  to  if>-_S,  Treasurer  of  the  colony  nineteen,  and  liistincuishcd  );'ini- 
seU  as  an  oliicer  in  Kinu  Philip's  war.  in  which  he  commanded  a  body  of  ■^s'^'aen,  crimpo^ed  of  En;;'l!sh- 
nrien  and  Mohe^nn  Indians.  He  d  .  July  23,  i(j8ri.  Inv.  t'r,i72.  Chi!,  of  Rirh.ird  Ed^vards  by  2d  rn..  5 
Sons  and  i  da.u.  i,  Jonathan,  b.  June  20.  iii<f2\  d.  March  11,  '.61)3.  a,  John,  Eeb.  2r,  i'C4:  De;i.;  d.  May 
i'^.  i/Tv;  ni.  Dec.  14,  1719,  Christian  Williamson,  who  d.  Jure  iS,  i76>).  3,  Hannah.  Jan.  3,  iC-y6;  d.  Oct. 
IT,  i7.t7:  '.n.  >h»rch  i,  1722.  Joseph  Backus,  jr.  4,  Richard,  Jan.  j.  \( ■ri:  d.  .M.iy  !••.  '7.3.  _-.  Daniel.  .April 
!!,  17.J1;  Hon.;  d.  S''pt.  6,  I7:'i5;  in.  lycS,  Sarah.  H'jober  (^r.  dau.  of  Rev.  Thi>in.r5i,  \vho  d.  July  .■,',  '77,=  ,  a. 
70  yrs.  t'<,  Samuel,  Nov.  i,  1702;  d.  Nov.  4,  1732;  in.  1731 ,  J  crush. i  I'ltkia,  who  d  July  ;,r,  17  ,  j.  a.  -  ;  >  rs  — 
(-('('(/;('.'■/; "j-  Cen.  Sotts  c/  Conit. 

■'.About  the  year  1S77  the  C0!r,[M:er  saw  at  an  auction  sale  of  a  private  lihr.iry  in  the  city  of  New  York 
a  snrul  manusc;  i(it  V'.'l.  D(  ariiig  tlic  name  <'f  Kutiard  E'"!  wards,  and  d.ue  it.ic,  apparently  for  the  most, 
jiatt  extracts  fro.n  his  rcaduiLf.     It  was  written  in  a  small,  round,  very  neat  and  plain  hand. 

3^.8      .  BRA.XCH    OF    ELIZABETH. 

III.  Alii;;j'il  Edwaifls,  IGTI;  m.  IfiSl)  H.-ujamin  l.utliiop;  (2)  ('apt.  'I'hns.  Stouj^'^litoii. 

IV.  Eli/nhctli  Kdwaids,  1(575:  in.  .Mairh  14.  1(!9."),  .liu-ol)  DcmiiiK:  (Oi Hinckley. 

V.  Ann  Eilwaids,  h.  11.17,^;  ni    ItJ'.tii  Jiuuitliivn  liiclmrdsija;   (2)  William  Davenport. 

VI.  Mali.d  Jvlwards.  h.   Dcr.  13.  iLi^.-,;   hi.  IHv.  l-i,  ](]'.JII,  Jonathan  liigelow. 

YJl.  Miinlia  K.'.uai-ds. 

S2.     Timothj'-  Edwards,   l).    Miiy    14,    KJlUi.     Some    roniarkaldf    iTovidL-nct-s  are 

relatiHl  rd'  his  vuiJy  years.  When  a  little  child  lie  I'tdl  into  a  till)  ol'  water  aitd  %sas  taken 
out  almo.-^t  dead  l)y  a  jifrson  passing.  W'lien  a  .sclu.-ol  boy  he  c-anio  :iear  killintc  John 
•Hunter  l>y  poiniinl;-  a  loaded  gun  at  him:  the  gim  tiashed  in  thfi  ]ian.  Once  lie  fell  fpfmi 
a  cherry  tree  and  carne  near  breaking  liis  neck.  (.)nce  he  came  near  going  under  the  ice 
while  .^-'kating.  At  another  lime  he  .swallowed  a  jieacdi  .^tone,  wliich  would  have  killed 
him  had  it  not  been  forced  up  by  natural  causes.  It  was  evidently  his  destiny  to  survive, 
lie  lilted  for  college  under  l\ev.  I'elatiali  (Mover,  minister  at  Springlield,  Mass.,  an 
iiccouijdished  scholar,  and  entert-d  Harvard,  1GS7,  when'  ]>'.■  ])arsued  the  usual  course  of 
four  years  study  receiving.  July  4,  ItiDl.  two  di^crees,  A.  B.  in  the  forenoon  and  A.  M. 
in  the  aft-rnoon;  an  uncommon  mark  of  res])ect.  Having  pursued  the  usual  course  of 
.studvlie  was  licensed  to  preach  in  May,  lt)i)4:  and  after  ))reac]nng  awiiiieas  a  candidate, 
was  ordained  ItiOS  jjastor  of  the  newly  consecrated  (diurch  at  East  \N  ind.--or.  Conn.  It! 
llie  autumn  of  the  same  year,  Nov.  (:),  U194,  lie  lu.  Esther,  2d  (diild  of  IJev.  Solomon 
Stoddard  (d'  .\ortli;un)>t(.in.  Mas.?.    [Ap]).] 

In  the  >p!ii!g  (.1  1  ■;()!.•  Mr.  Etiwurds  and  Kev.  Mr.  Buckingham  of  Milford  were 
appointed  by  the  <.'oloinal  Leg,  of  ("onn.  Ciuiidains  of  the  Conn  trooj'S  for  th.e  exjjedi- 
tion  aijainst  Canada.  He  left  Windsor  for  New  Haven  in  July  and  reached  Albany,  Aug. 
loth,  with  three  companies  under  Col.  Luvingstou.  The  march  to  Albany  was  attended 
with  considernbie  eKj-osure.  'j'he  counrry  was  uncleared  and  he  camped  out  two  nights 
in  the  w(jod.s.  On  the  20th  of  Aug.  he  left  Albany  and  inarched  for  \V(.oil  Creek.  At 
Saratoga,  in  consequence  of  fatigue  and  ex|)Osure.  he  ^vas  taken  seriously  ill.  On  the 
14  of  Sej)t.,  being  unable  to  jiror-eed,  he  was  conveyed  in  a  to  Slillv.aler  and 
tlience  carried  buck  thnaigh  ihe  wood^^  in  a  wagon  and  on  a  bed.  Owing  to  the  lateness 
of  the  season  and  oilier  ^•au^-l•^.  the  expedition  was  scoa  after  relimiuished,  and  Mr. 
Ed\^■•a!■d^■  in  a  few  weeks  returned  home  to  Albany. 

In  the  summer  of  17o0,  finding  the  infirmities  ot  ago  increasing  upon  him.  he  pro- 
posed the  siHilement  of  a  colleague,  and  liev.  Joseph  Perry  was  accordingly  settled  June 
11,  175.").  Thej-alary  of  Mr.  Edward-  was  coiiTinueil  until  his  death,  which  took  place 
Jan.  27,  175S,  in  theS'Jth  year  of  his  age  and  <jOth  of  his  ministry.  Mrs.  Ivlwards  sur- 
vived him  12  years,  and  her  husljand's  salary  and  the  affections  of  his  fkck  were  con- 
tinued to  her  lintilher  death.  Slie  d.  Jan.  19",  177n,inthe  HDlh  year  <d'  lier  age.  retaining 
her  mental  jiowers  to  tlie  last,  'i'hey  lived  loirether  in  the  mai-ried  slat,'  upwards  of  ^2 
years.  Mr.  Edwards  was  universally  esteemed  and  beloved  as  an  ujiright,  ]iious  and 
exemplai-y  man.  and  a  faithful  and  very  etliident  minister  of  the  (;.)sp(d. 

Dr.  Sereno  E.  Dwight  in  his  biog.  sketidi  says:  '■  Kev.  Tiumiliy  Ildwards  was  five^ 
feet  ten  inches  high,  fair  complexion,  strong,  robust  frame,  full  but  nfU  corpuletit.^  of 
polished  manners,  particularly  attentive  to  dress  and  i)ropriety  of  exterior;  never  ap])earing 
iu  public  but  in  the  full  of  a  clergyman.  On  a  visit  to  E.  Wind.sor  in  the  summer 
of  ]S2:-;,  I  found  a  considerable  number  of  ])ersons  advanced  in  y(^ars  who.  had  been  well 
acquainted  \vith  Mrs.  Ivlwards.  and  two.  upwards  of  niiiety.  who  had  Ijeen  juipils  of  her 
husband.  Mr.  E.  was  well  acipminied  with  Hebrew  literature,  and  was  legarded  as  a 
man  of  more  than  usual  learning:  but  was  ])articularly  distinguished  for  his  accurate 
knowledge  of  the  d'reek-  and  Bomau  I'lassies.  lie  annually  ]>ri'pared  a  number  <d'  youths 
for  college,  there  being  at  that  timi^  no  public  s(dn"ils  or  academies  endowed  fcr  the 
purp'>s,-.  Oil,'  of  my  aged  infonuants  who  i)ursued  his  preparatory  smdhs  under  him 
mid  me  that  on  iiis  ailmisai<ui  into  college,  when  the  otlicers  learneii  with  whom  he  hail 
stuilieii,  they  remarked  to  him  tliat  there  was  iu>  need  (d'  examining  Mr.  I'Mwaids' 
s<di<;hir.s.  ll'e  wa.v.  be- that  i):ricid,  remarkably  liberal  and  enlightened  with  regard  to 
lh<'  education  <d"  his  (duldien,  pre])aring  not  only  his  sou.  but  ea(di  uf  his  daughters  also 
for  colh-ge.  On  the  Camida  I'',xpediiii»n.  he  wi'ites,  in  a  letter  dated  .\u;r.  '■">.  ini.  ftiat 
Jomttluin  and  the  girls  uiay  cdnilnue  tiieii  ^tndy  (if  Latin;  another  le:ter,  dated  Aivj;.  <, 
that  .bin;, than  may  continue  to  re. die  liis  Latin  to  his  elder  si.-ters.  W!ieu  his  dauu'hfer^ 
wrvr  (,;  pi,)pei  age  he  .-ent  tie-m  l>>  i'.osniti  tn  liuish  their  educatioi!.  .Ul  of  ills  iduldreu 
b"e;.me  hojiefully  piolls  in  their  youth. 

He  alway.s  preached  exteinporam-ously .  and.  until  he  was  upwartb  of  seveniy.  with- 
out noting  down  the  heails  id'  his  disci)U'-s"S.  .After  that  tinn'  In  commonly  wroti  the 
.livisioiis  ,;u  s.uall  slips  of  paper,  v.hieli,  a>  fhey  appeaP  d  beyond  the  leaves  of  the  Biiih' 

EDWARDS,    TIOl'KIXS.  349 

iliiit  he  lu'M  in  liis  li.iiul.  his  ])aiislii((ihf.s  (MJlcd  "  Mr.  Edwards'  lliinkiny  jrqiers." 
Apolc^izing  for  tliis  unt;  day  to  one  of  his  jnirishidiici's,  lu-  rt-niiirked  thai  lie  foinul  liis 
jiK-mory  lu-giuniiij;'  to  fiiil.  luit  ht-  thmiijlit  liisjudirinfiit  as  somid  :is  f  ver;  and  so  thoni'-lit. 
bis  people  till  near  the  close  ol'  his  lite.  He  s'.as  not  l;iio\vn,  it  Nvassaid,  to  have  written 
out  Suit  one  sennou,  that  whidi  lie  ]i;-eaclii'd  at  the  ijeninal  eleeti-in  in  17o2,  and  ]>nl)- 
lished;  but  i>i-.  l.)\vi;;ht  >a  w  a  nuinlnT  of  .M  r.  Ivlwai'ils' .sei-iuoiis.  'J'hey  were  writter^  in 
a  small,  clear  and  heaiitiful  hand.  Within  a  iesv  years  a  luri:e  nunilier  of  his  i/a]i<-is 
have  l)eeii  found,  stowed  away  in  some  long^  i'or;j:otteu  repository.  The  election  ?-i'rmoii 
is  a  solenin  and  fairhfnl  application  of  the  doctrine  of  a  general  judirment  to hi.s  hearers, 
jjarticnlarly  n^ legislators  and  magistrates.  His  son  often  visited  liis  father  and  preached 
in  liis  desk,  h  was  comnu:)n!y  remarked  that  thongh  Mr.  Edwards  was  j'crhaps  the 
nH)st  learned  man,  yet  Mr.  Jonathan  was  tin'  deeper  jireacher  His  influence  over  his 
ccjngregation  was  commanding,  and  ever  stradily  exercised  on  the  side  of  truth  and 
rightefiusness.  \\'hen  he  knew  of  any  divi-^ion  among  his  ]>(ople  he  went  immediatelv 
to  see  that  the  parties  were  recoM<-iled:  and  when  he  heard  of  any  hiij)roper  conduct,  liis 
custom  was  to  go  iniun-diaiely  and  reprove  them.  L'nder  his  ])re.icliing  the  gospel  wa.s 
etlicacious  and  revivals  freciuent.  Hi>v  sun  oh-erved  in  IT-ST,  Ilnit  he  had  known  of  no 
pari.^li  in  the  west  of  New  England,  except  Noithampton,  v.hi'-h  so  often  had  revivals 
of  religion  as  his  father's. 

'I'lie  general  high  (diara'.'ter  of  the  peoj,].-  of  his  jiarish  and  <d  their  de^^cendants, 
became  noted,  and  genealogi^ts  ami  local  historians  have  not  failed  to  observe  and  to 
acknowledge  the  workings  of  s(;me  })<>Vverful  influence  as  its  primary  cause.  That 
influence  nu^y  uridoubtedly  be  traced  to  if.^  faithful  first  pastor.  .Vt  tlie  "time  of  his  set- 
tlement at  E.  W.  his  fatln-r  built  for  him  a  luuise  on  a  farm  of  m-xlerate  extent  which 
he  had  bouglit.  It  was  then  considered  a  handsome  residence.  'T  saw  it,'"  savs  I>r. 
Dwight,  "in  l^O-i.  a  substantial  hou-;e  of  moderate  dinu-nsions;  had  one  chimney  in  the 
middle,  aiul  was  entered  like  all  the  houses  of  that  period,  by  stejiping  over  the  ^il]. 
In  this  liouse  they  lived  ami  died  and  all  their  (diildren  ^^•ere  I'orn.  .\  ste})-stone  that 
belonged  to  it  is  inserted  in  tin-  foundation  of  the  TheoloiTical  Institute  of  Conn  at  E 

I.      Esther,  b.  Aug.  (i,  160.-);  m.  June  27,  172!».  i'rof.  Samuel  Hopkins. 
IE      Elizabeth,  b.  Ajuil  14,  10;)7:  m.  Col.  -labez  Huntington,  June  HO,  1724. 

111.     Ann,  b.  April  •J.:<,  U;i.»9;  m.  May  i^,  Vi'.U,  (.'apt.  Johti  J'wlsworth. 

1^'.  Maiy.  1).  l\-b.  n,  1701;  d.  unm.  Se[)t.  17,  1770.  She  was  s-.ught  in  riiai'iir.t^e 
but  ])referred  to  n-niain  at  home  to  take  caie  of  her  aged  parents,  of  wlioui  she  wus  tlie 
nurse,  attendant  and  alumst  the  support.  She  was  of  a  most  amiable  dispo^iliou,  hue 
understanding  and  nncommcui  attainments. 

V.     Jonathan,  b.  Oct.  o,  17(1:1:  m.  Julv  '2S,  1727,  Sarah  I'iiTjiout. 

VI.     Eunice,  b.  Aug.  20,  170.1:  m.  Oct!  1,  172!),  ]Uv.  Simon  Backus. 
Vll.      Ale.-ail.  b.  Dec.  25,  1707:  m.  O.'t.  2.").  17:17,  V,'m.  Metealf.  : 

Vin.     Jerusha,  b.  May  20,  1710:  d.  num.,  l>ec.  22.  1729. 

IX.     Hannah,  b.  Fel).  S.  17i:-l,  m.  Jan.  15,  17413,  Seth  NS'etmore,  Esq. 
X.     Lucy,  b.  May  15,  1715;  d.  num.,  Aug.  21,  17::UJ. 

XI.      Mar'tha,  b.  Jan.  5,  1718;  m.  Eev.  Moses  Tuttle. 

821.  Esther  Edwards,  b.  Aug.  (J,  ](;'J5;  d.  June  17.  17(i(;.  In  her  youth  she  dwelt 
with  liev.  Mr.  \\  illiains  of  Weston.  Conn.,  \shose  wf.  was  a  dau.  of  Rev.  Solomon  Stod- 
dard ami  aunt  to  Esther.  She  was  adniitted  to  that  (dih.  Aug:jl,  171N.  She  was  a 
woman  of  superior  int(dlect  and  great  moral  excellence;  m.  June  2.S,  1727,  Hev.  Samuel 
Iloi)kins  of  West  Springfield,  Mass.,  b.  Dec.  25,  l(i9::>;  Y.  C.  1718;  ord.  at  W.  S.,  1720. 
the  2d  minister  of  that  town.  He  wrote  1500  sermons,  and  was  the  first  liistorian  of  the 
St.udcbiidge  Indians.      He  d.  Oct..  1755. 

I.     Timothy  Hopkins,  bap.  Jan.- 2:5.  172S;  m.  Dbiah  Milb-r. 

II.      Samuel    Hopkins,  l-a]).    0<\.    ul,    172'J;    m.  1750.    Sarah  (I'orter)  Williams-     (2) 
177(1,  Margaret  Stod.ln-d. 

III.  Hannah   Hopkins,  ba]..  Jan.  2!t,  17:11;  m.  Jan.  10,  1750,  John  W(uthin.vton 

IV.  Esther  Ho), kins.  ba]..  July  :',1,  H:;:!:  d.  March  ?A,  1740. 

8211.  Timothy  Hopkins,  bap.  June  2:i,  172S;  m.  Dec  0,  1750,  Dimh  .Miller. 
who  il.  of  cons.  July  1,  179-;,  a.  02. 

I.      l-7<ther,  b.'Jan,  El,  1758:  m.  March  2.  1770.  Isaac  Xewtiui*  of  Oreeurield,  Mass. 

*Isaae  N'ewlon,  a  cclebr^aed  navi!  .^nj.ircct  (.S\<    //is/.    .1/iic-<    l'<>.'.    /V/. , /.    c;^;  b.    Ian.    lo,  lyqi-  d 
Nov.  22,  I'^sq;  b.  in  Stliodack,  Rcniselacr  Co.,  N.  Y.;  s.  of  a  Rev.  sol.     Over  qo  vessels,  ocean  steamers 
ste-iTTitifiats,  har;r?s,  sliiops,  etc..  buiit   under  hi<:  supei  vision.     The  fest   wlio  establistied  a   line    of  tow 
lioat."-  en  Hadbon  river  iioj_,).     in  iS,6  i!i^  celcbr:ited  '"  Peo[)le'i'  Cuie"  of  b.ut-j  between    New  Vort;  and 

3'r>r'  BKAXCII    OF    ELIZA  HP:Tn. 

11.  ,)osci)]i,  1..  Jiilv  1.").  i:.')!!;  (1.  Jiui.  30    18U3 

HI.  Hannah.  1).  Amr.    ^'k   ITGO. 

IV,  Timntliv.  1..  April  i).  IKJ?. 

V.  AiiKii^tii.s.  Jan.   2,  ]704. 

VI.  ,\iiKui(la,  Ajuil  -J.  ]7().'i:  d.  Au.--.  -J.-,    1 7C,7 

VH.  Mulah.  h.  Autr.  01.  lHu;  d.  1-V1>.  -J,'  17'J0 

VHI.  Marv  Kduanls,  b.  Fel).  1:?,  ITTD. 

IX.  Edward,  b   May  KJ,  1771:  d,  S-'pl.  Is,   177- 

X.  .John  U'orlliiiiirtnn,  A]iri]  o,   1  77;-i 

XI.  H.da.  d.  Jiih  1;.  177S. 

82114.     Timothy  Hopkins,  b.   April  !J,   17(!J;  rem.  frum  W.   s   to  li-,dl,n--  .! 
Ir^      -''  ■■''s^-  "'■  '^''^-  ^'  ^''"''  ^^'■'"■'■'■''-  ^'^^"-  '^''  I-^li=^!<i"i   .Smith,   b.  April    u/irri)"  ,i: 

1.  rharh-s,  b.  JuiH'  1:].  17!);]:  Y.  C.  lsi4:.l.  Dec.  -,'8.  1S2G.  1  ('ir\i?rF-<  1.  FH, 
IS.  ISIS;  ,1.  Mar.h  17.  ls-3.-,,  o.  i|.u;HrKT  .Mir.i...  b.  Mav  17  isio'  m  \u-  ']  isJ  ' 
Ori.S.  U.krr,  and  d.  ]):■<■.  'H.  isJO.  y.  Timothy  I^.nvAun.  b  I),-,  y  ]S-u  ^i  Fmu  v 
>b.i'KrN>  15,  IS-.,,,.  Mavo,;  isto,  n,,,,,  .\.  j.-,,  ,.^  5;  .loux.  b.  "ivc  0 
lb44;  111.  Jan.  J,  Ihol.  >ara]i  Aii<rdnie,  dau.  of  David  (iould  of  lb  ath  1  r,,;,„  c  ,),i  i" 
Aug.8  1S5:^  _-i  rh.rL.  JI.,f.!,,s.  b.  I),,c.  7.  is;^.!.  ;!.  Jlnrrlct  Ji^Lrr'^.y^:^'^^ 
Ib.-j..  4,  l.■tn,}■r.d,r,rl■,^r,n.  2,  ls,,!i  .y  If.'.nKun'u.  l),-,-.  29,  is.?.)-  d  Fd,  •>  (  Um 
6.  CUAULK^.  b.  Any.  10,  iS-,'u:d.  \^^^^.  ;j1.  same  vrar.'  7.  .Mahv  Ann  H.v  '  n  '  IS '7' 
ISfO  ^'•■''"^'''''':  !'■    April  :JU.    17!).-,;   ,n.    Jan.    4,    ISIO.    John    Hunt,    wli,,   d.    iK.r^'iO. 

Ill,      Emily,  b.  .b-ti,  I'.l.  isit.-);  m.  Srpt.  12.  lS;iS,  Sherman  Wvk 

W.     }Villiam    Smith,    b.    Feb.    4.  1S07;   farmm'   in   New   Sab-m;  m.    S.-pt.    :;.    US4S 

8212.     Samuel  Hopkins,  bap.  Ort.   yi,  17-.^U;  Y.   C.    1740;  mror  17.-ii-V  „ast.>r 
elm.  Ill  lladley,  .Mas-,    d  ;.-,.V1m):m.    ■•.4    yrs.       Struck    wirh   paralvsis.    Vvh     1 ROO '    vVnrh 
nnpaiivd  In- m.mtul  fa,-uUi,-s.   and   ,h    Ma.vbs,    isn.      H,    >vas  Vronondral   and' a   irood 
manatrt-r.      Ihou.s'-h  vory  ta<-:-tinus  ain-.n.o- his  friends.  Ids  manner  ;   N\ns  so  di'.nd 
hod  as  to  inspire  The   (diibiren    with  awe.      Hi.s  pulint    .hliverv    was   shnv   and  'l-m.-uid 
re,p.ining  a  laborious  aTtc-nrion  on  the  j-art  of  his  hearers.  b„t  the  matter  .d'  his  dis,-,uir<e 
was   usually    .sound,  and   ])ri.:tieal.      In    his   dav   the   whole  town    formed    but   one 
congivrrat'oii;  and  it  was  no  small  part  (d'  the  minister's  dntv  to  keep  opt  the  -,eets  or  so 
called  •■  interlnpers.''      1,,  this  matfr  he  had  rare  >a^a.ity    '  His  so.dal  .p.aliti^s  were  of 
the  liin-hest  oru-r,  and   he   was  an   anractive   companir.n  in  all   Conij.anies,      One  of  the 
stones  he  n^.^.i  to  tell  .vas  this:     \  isitimr  an  invalid  lu-  .aid.  -  It  is  a  loui:  time  ^iuee  vou 
have  been  able  to  attend  meerinff.  w.Mild    you    not   like   to   have   the  n.-i-hb.n-s  called  in 
and  have  nie  piva.-n  a  h-eture  at  your  hous.-v     'I'lie  si.d-:  man   ivplie,]-   ••  1  .•1,oukl  i;--,-  it 
7nm-h,    b.r    1    huve    n.^t    able  ,„  uvt    any    sleep    for   a  loni^   lime,  and  I  know 'from 
tnncli  expcMen<-e  that  your  pr..ich.n:;    v.ill    ifive  me  (  ssential    aid    in   this  resj.-rt  "     H,. 
published   two  discourses    on  tin-    "  Chui^di  .Membership  of  Infants-  I7"0    and  a  Inlf 
century  sermon.    ISO.! — /'/,/,/-.v    ///.v/.    vf  Ihnlln/.  p.   :;:H.      I>.    D     y    \j     ],sO'>-' i„    "i7y; 
Sarah  (wul.  of  IJev    Chester  Williams,  his  i.redecvssnr  at  Hadlev'  ^^i,od     0("t'  l'-}'    I7V!)' 
<lau.  of  Hon.  Eleaz.u- Porte,-,  b.   Apiii  2S,    V.-Kr,  d.    F(  b.    5.    1774'  a     4S-' (o/Oct' '   u'-'li 
Marp'.r.M.  dau.  of  Rev.    Samson    Stoddard,      She   d.    Oct    ?,     J  70(i     a     flp'     The   dans   'a' 
well  as  their   hn.-band-    wc-re    all    tirm    Hopkins<mians,    and   fevv  me,/"c,,uM  eoi',e   ^^  iih 
them  ill  argument,     i.  by  l^t  m.: 

]._    Samuel  Hopkins,  b.  (At,  Ml.  17.V):    Y.  C.   1777:   .M.  1).;  d.  num.     Juiv  11    17S2 
at  Martinique.  \\  .  I.,  of  yellow  fever.  "        ' 

^  H.  Mab.d  Hopkins,  b.  Au,^  2-^.  17.-)S;  d.  .\pril  10,  1^20;  a  teacher-  m  Oct  -'s 
l.,0,  Moses  Hubbard  of  Iladl.-y;  V.  C,  KC,.-..  lb.  d.  Mav.  1S22,  in  Mn.nkfbld '  Vt  '  \' 
HoswKi.i,.  Sept.  11.  1780,  2,  MosKs,  Man-l,  n,  i7S2;  d,'March,  ]S25  :;  M  ..-nrT  vnn-' 
May  ..  1-N4    d^  1S2S^   4.  CvN-jutA,    b,    March    :H.    ,7sO;    m.  ---   NVa.e;;,        "'s       u, 

PuKTi.:i:,  b,  I-.-b   2,.  l,ss;    d.    July   Pi,  i-.o.y       ,;.  Jkk.sha,  o    Mandi  12    170O-  m 

Meacham.  .,  Lawjm'.n,  k.  .March  14.  1702,  8.  Joii.v,  Nov.  24.  I  70;J-  hawer'in  'Wor- 
cester. Mass.,  d  ,>ept.  10,  ls2.y  0  S.-iuir  \,  Nov.  20.  170.-,;  „,.__._  K^pVeiton  10 
Ai,.MiUA,  b.  April  19.  1700;  d.  Jan.  24.  IsU.  i^u_.iu  n. 

Alb.^ny  wa^  placed  under  his  superintendence.  The  '•  HfrndnckTludsoiV~the  -  V--A^orKl  "  wh.cT. 
u^  ih5..uiaclc  -„c  u.;.  fr-.m  New  \  <,rk  to  .Albany  in  6  hours  and  «  minuie.s.  and  tK- ••  Is  I'c  Newton  •' 
w.-rc  put  on  bv  hnn      He  w:;s  inr  some  y,  years  an  active  rr.,-,n.  of  tl-.e  Oliv,  r  -.ircet' \    V      H  -mi"  d   i' 

uruli  1.14.  <-".  ^U),.  tor  \,tMec-ster(.o,,  i.-.i;-,?..^,  and  rep.  tuun  1:29^ -,0-3,;  V.  S.  S^ia-^ior  i^yry^- 



III.  Ilannitli  Iloi.kius,  b.  Aug.  10.  ITliO;  m.  Rev.  Siunufl  Spriiif^. 

IV.  JfriiHliii  ]l()|)kins,  1).  July  4,  ITH'J;  d.  at  Uhistoiil.urv.  Comi.r'Marcli  es.  ISH:  in 
S.'].!.  ]A.  178S,  ]?ev.  Saimu'l  .Vustiii.  s.  of  Saii;ucl  ami  l,_v(lia  (\Volcott)  Auslin  of  N.  Ilav.,' 
Coiiii.,  1>.  Nov.  7,  ITtiU.  Scrvfd  in  the  ]{(-%•.  army;  ta"ii-l)l  s'-hool;  hJtiul.  hnv;  crmd.  at 
liciul  of  hl.s  cltiss  V.  ('.  irs:j;  stud,  divinity  with  tlir  ynii'u^-pr  .lunathaii  Edwardsr  l)i  iuci- 
jial  of  an  acadeni\  at  X<^r\v:c]i,  Conn.,  4  yr.-,.:  drrlim-d  a  call  as  (.-ollcairan  with  Rt-v.  Dr 
l.ivin^rslon  of  \hv  Midillr  Dutch  ••huivh,  New  Vork  Citv;  pastor  Tliird  CongrPKniional 
diuivh.  New  Havni.  Conn.,  17S(>-JJ0;  ].aMor  lMi>t  rm;byt(>rian  clnircli,  Worcester,  Mas.s.. 
170()-I«]'i:  Au.-iin  >t.  in  that  city  .'<o  iKuncd  for  hiiu:  Pres.  Univprsirv  of  V't.,  181.5-3]' 
l.aslor  at  Xcvvi)ort,  H.  I..  ]s2-2-2C>.  Bodily  iniiiinily  and  depression  of  .spirit,  i'nten3ifi.;<i 
])y  the  df-ath  of  l!i^s  adoj.ied  son,  .Jolm  W.  Ilul.bard  (s.  of  IJnswoll).  tlie  s.-paiation  of  the 
family,  the  cares  and  burdens  of  unac-ustoined  l.nisiness  (as  administrator  of  an  estate) 
:it  lenjrtli  broke  down  his  mental  energies.  Occasional  abprration.s  of  mind  ended  in  deep 
religious  melanclioly,  gloom  and  desijair.  He  d.  in  a  fit  of  apoiih'xv,  at  the  lu)nie  of 
bis  nejihew,  Eev.  f>.  H.  Riddel,  in  Glastonbury.  Conn.,  Dec.  4,  1S;]0,  a'.  71.  .\  pulilished 
fast  <lay  sermon.  i>reacbed  in  is'l'J.  bear>  this  ini]Mim  ,,n  the  tit  le' p^^iT^-:  "  I'nblished 
for  the  pI•e^.s  by  desire  of  some  who  lieard  it  and  liked  jr;  bv  some  who  heard  it  and  did 
not  like  it.  and  by  the  desire  of  others  u  ho  di<l  not  hear  !t,"l)ut  itnauine  thev  should  not 
have  liked  it  if  they  Imd,-  He  was  of  commanding  stature.  Tlionudi  of  an"  an^teie  ajid 
severe  countenance,  Ids  feelings  were  ardent,  and  his  siLsceptibiliiv  to  external  intluem^es 
acnt.-.  His  pulpit  delivery  was  aninnited  and  vehement,  rising  at  times  to  strains  of  lofty 
and  pu^Nerful  elo.pience.  He  was  an  industrious  ami  voluminous  author,  and  imblished 
a  large  miniber  of  sermons,  addesses.  orations  ami  .■]  l)!.ssrrt„tion  on  Christimi  Thro'onu 
]n  ]«(IN  be  collected  and  published  the  Pirsf  cmnj.lete  and  accural. •  edition  of  the  work- 
of  Jonathan  Edwards.  He  \\  as  om-  of  the  founders  of  the  .Mass,  .Miss.  Soc.  Active  in 
originating  the  tienetal  .\ssembly  of  Mass.  .Nfetnber  of  the  A.  B.  C.  F.  M.  One  of  tlie 
projectur.s  and  ]'iil..lis],ei.  of  P.^.^pH-^! .  nu  abj,.  ivligi(^us  ].eriodical.  and  enrrgetic  and 
zealous  promoter  of  many  other  benevolent  and  leligious  woiks.  D.  D.  from  Williams 
Col.  He  was  sueceed-d  at  Worcester  by  Rev.  Chauiicev  A.  (bi<->dricli  [■!].  who  was  suc"- 
■cecded  by  Rcv.  Aretlus  15.  Hull  [lt|. —  M',„,  [.mrntn's  Iltsf.  ,,f  Wnrresfcr.  ' 

V.  Ste[>hen  Hoj.kins,  b.  June  1,  i;(;4;  of  Peacham,  \'t.:  d.  Jan.  la,  IS-,^:  m.  Xov 
11.  17^7,  Xnncy,  dau.  of  .bilm  Turner  of  Hanover,  X.  H.,  d.  J^^n.  :J,  bsjG,  a.  :lt):  (-.2)  Jan 
K),  1S04,  Susanna,  lUiu.  of  Dea.  Abiel  Chamberlaiti;  be  was  a  ioiner.  1,  H.\)n;u-T  b 
Sept.  1'.),  17.?S.  -i.  Sip:piikn-,  Sei>t.  21.  1  T'.in.  ;!.  SA\n  hi.  P.,  Feb.'  7,  17!i:1:  set.  rt  B-lcher- 
town,  .Mas.s.  4,  Hr.ECT.v,  May  V).  17w,->:  d.  at  Ji.cks(m,  111.,  abt.  bS4T;  m.  Wm.  Holland 
Miss,  to  the  Cherokee  Indians.  .-),  Xancv,  Feb.  H.  17'.l7:  m.  John  Hntddns.  tj  Joh.n 
Ti'iiNKK,  May  V4.  171);).     /".  by  ed  m. :     7.  Sisa.nxa,  b.  Dec,  -24,  lsii4;  m.  J.  Carter 

VI.  Polly  Hopkins,  b.  March  C,  KiJiJ:  d.  Sept.  M.  b'^F!:  m.  I),.c  1.-.  ]  7So  Beniu- 
min  Colt  of  Hadley,  b.  Sept.  :^(i.  17G0;  d.  Xov.  Ki.  1S4.^,  a.  S(i;  s.  of  Lieut.  Brnj  and 
Fucretia  (Ely)  Colt  of  Brooktield,  \'t.  1,  S  \Mfr:i...b.  Xov.  3:-j.  ]  7n7;  d.  Se])t.  l"l7Kl) 
2,  Pui.i.v  Jiiiy  i3.  17>-'.''.  ;l.  SANtLi.L,  :,Iaich  I,  1791:  .1.  .March  a.  i7Ul.  4,  EtukkmndV 
Sci-i.  0.  17112:  d.  Mardi  •,'■).  ls4:).  ",,  DAXJi^t.,  Mav  18,  171)4:  major.  0,  EMrj.v" 
Jati,  1.  J7!'a.      7,  F.i.i/A.  .May  4.  17!»s.       S,  Bi;x.ia.\iix^  ,(an.  ,'-i,  1801.      !»,  J  im.ia. 

VII.      Fucy  Hopkins,  b.  Feb.  tj.  ]7r,s;:  d.    Dec.    17,    ISIM:  m.  Sejjt.  4.  17!)1.  Pev    Wm 
Piddel.  b.  (.•ob'raine.    Mass.,    F<'b.    4,    170^:  Dart.    Col.    1711:.!:  j.astor   of   Prcsb.    (Jih     at 
Bristol.  .Me..  171)i;  to  1804:  after  .v.  twice  .s.t.  in  Vt.       He   wrote   mmdi    f.n-  the   religious 
)press  as  •'  Clericus,"  and  jirea.died  gratuitously  for  feeide  cluircbes.      i.  7  c  hil..  of  whom 
three  lived  to  maturity.      1.    Ft  cv.  b.  J  ul  v  17,   d.    ( "ct.   :U.    17iis      2,   S\.Mri:i.  Hoimci.ns 
b.  Bristol.  Me.,  Jan.  2.  ls)0;  Y.   C'.  l.s2o:'Andover  IS^C:  j.astor  Cong.    chh.    at   (Haston'- 
bury,  Conn.,  lS27-o4:  editor  Krn,uj.  }[";/..  lS:i4-."".:  a;;ent   Am.  Educ.  Soc,  Fs:l(3-8-  edit 
of  the  Coixjr.'  Ilartf.,  F'-:;-;9_.p);   Sec.  Am.  ImIuc.  Soc,  Bo.ston,  1S42-,5U;   edit    of 
the  Am.  (^ihirt'r'a  /.'/.y/.x^  ,•,  1S-I2-:J:  edit,  and  part  j.rop.  .if  x\\^i]ndvn  Pnrltnn  ]:rr„nh  r 
lS,,::!-(i;   pastor  Cong.  chh.  at  Tamwoi'th,  X.  IF.  12   yrs..    lS(;0-72:  durine-  his   res.    here 
he  was  b.r  10  _\  rv.  ;  sor.dy  tried  by  the  afilictious  of  a  l)e]V)ve(l  daughter,  wdio  d.  Is72.     H,. 
Avas  the  Fst  elected  mem.  of  the  Xew  Fug.  (■'en.  \  Bio--.  Soc.,  and  was  its  ivcordin-'   and 
Its  corresponding  s.-cretary.— A".  E.  (r.   li''!..   tict..ls7s.      He  d.    at    IFs  .Moities,  7i)wa 
'lune  1,  lS7i).      lie  had  sisters  livimr  then  in  Oliio  and  111.      He  in.   Harriet  .\.   [Mt.'h     wl'i,', 
d.  at  Watevtown.  .Mass..  M:ir(di  13,  ISoO,  a.    17.      1,   llmrui  Fltrli .   b.    Sept    2S    Is-^s-  d 
■'an.  (j.  IS,;],     -y    i),ni.,  d    1S72.     8,   William,  April  lo.  d.  A[)ril  24,  l^id.     4    J\,\k'  b" 
June  Ut.   1S07;  d.  March  2,  1S:;7:  m.  Ctdidj  A.  Coolev  of  Perrv  Co.,  O. 
\'III.     .b,i,:i  Hopidi'-.,  b,  .I;,,i.   17    1770:  m.  Fvdia  ■'ri!.,,;,p.smi. 
IX.      Eli/.ab,-th  Hopkins,  b.  July  12,  1772:  d.  S-pt.  4.    Fsi8:  tn.    X..v.    1,    ]  7!»;!    |.>ev 
Fe,,  W, ,rc, •.,!(. r,  orilainedat  Peacbani,  \\.,  17111;  0.  .Mav  -JS.  pspi.  a.  7:1:  s.  of  Xoali    who 
Fad  Ibchil.     I,   Fkonaud,  b.  Dec.  :J0,  171*4.  d.Juh  11,  171)0.     2.   Eli/aiskth  Hopki.v.s 

352  JSHAXf'II    OF    El.iZAV.ETlI. 

b.  June  11,  ITilii;  (1.  March  liO.  ISIT.  o,  Samtel  ArsTiN,  1).  Jiin.  1!»,  179S;  as  luission- 
aiv  t(i  tlu-  ('hcrok.-c  111(11:111-^  Ik-  '•  cnvollcd  his  nr.iin'  in  letters  of  c:i)l(l."  4,  ]-K()XaK)>,  h. 
Mav  20  170!);  d.  is:;.-,,  o,  IUnnad.  b.  Man-h  11,  hS()l;  d.  May  '2,  183'^.  fi,  jLiasuA, 
b  Sept.' OO,  l^O-J:  d.  >[andi  In.  I'^O:!.  7.  .Ikktsha,  b.  March  :].  I^MI];  d.  Nov.  3,  182!). 
8,'  EvAii'i's,  Miiich  24.  1S07;  Kev. :  d.  Oct.  ol.1^::t;;  scttU'd  at  Litilcinn,  N.  II.  ".I,  Isaac 
Kfdinto.n'  b  Oct.  ^;il,  180S:  Rev.;  succt't  dcd  his  bro.  at  hi1tle;<>ii,  and  ai'tiTw.  \v;is  Dist. 
Sec.  of  A.'b.  C.  F.  M.  fnr  10.  hYlUA,  b.  Oct.  2,  1810;  d.  Auir.  24.  ISll.  11, 
loux  Hoi'KiNs  b.  Mav  28,  1S12;  Ih-v.  dl' Barruii;r(.ii,  Vt.,  and  Si.  Johnslmry.  12,  I>.i;  v 
rAKTKR.  b.  JiilV  2.1.  d".  .A,im-.  21.  isM.  Kh  E/.iVv  CAiriKit,  1>.  F<'b.  2^,  .8i(.i;  M.I)  :,i 
Thetfoid,  ^'t.      14,   Lyoi.k  ]h.i7.Ai;Ki-ii,  b.  A|.ri!  27,  d.  Sci)t.  (i.  Isl7. 

82123.     Hannah  Hopkins,  b.  An-.  lO.  17i;0;  d.  June  11,  1819;  m.  Nov.  4,  17',);). 
lirv.  Samuel   Siiriii.i:,  D.  1^..   of   >;f\vl)uryi)ort,  Mass.      Ih-   d.  Maich   4,  U}V.).  a.  7:1.     He 
accompanied  Beued'ici  Arnold  as  a  (diaji'.ain  in  tiie  niiuy  in  the  expedition  to  (^bieber  and 
witnessed  the  lieniic  condiicT  of  Aanui  Hurr  in  the  attaidc.     (See  ],'/,  of  Jinrr.) 
1.     Child.  i>.  S.'i-t.  4,  KJ^ii;  d.  soon. 

II.     Mariiaret  Sprint;-,  b.  A]iril  2ii,  178^:  d.  July  2.'J.  islG. 

111.  (I'ardn'T  Sprin,^.  '».  Feb.  24.  ITS."");  Y.  (.'oh  isi.l.'i;  V;iledi(.-torian  of  liis  class. 
Stud,  law  with  .ludg-enairrcett  of  X.  Hav..  but  ]>assfd  most  of  liis  time  in  teaching,  and 
spent  fifteen  months  in  l!ie  i^)erniuda  Islands  wherr  he  estublished  an  English  sdiool. 
He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  Dec.  l,8uji,  and  began  practice  but  was  induced  soon  after 
to  studv  theoiogv.  This  great  cliange  he  attrilniied  in  after  years  mainly  to  a  striking- 
sermon"  of  tlie  iiev.  John  M.  Mason  from  the  text  '•  To  the  j-oor  tlie  gospel  is  preached." 
lie  studied  a  vear  at  Andovf-rami  was  beensed  to  prcacli  in  the  fail  of  1^^0i•,  and  in  Aug., 
1810,  was  calir-d  to  tlie  Ihick  Preili.  chli.  in  N.  V.ulc  city,  where  he  remaine.l  durim: 
liis  life,  unmoved  by  invitations  to  th.-  I'lesidency  of  Hamilton  C'ol.  and  to  that  of  fJan- 
moutli.  He  maintained  for  half  a  century  lii--  n'putaiion  as  one  of  the  lii.-t  iMvach.ers  oi 
tlie  metropolis.  In  18!ll  he  removed  wiili  his  congregation  to  the  new  church  on  Murray 
Hill,  cor.  of  37tli  st.  and  oth  ave. ,  and  in  tlie  following  year  was  provided  with  an  asso- 
ciate in  the  j.astorial  work.  He  d.  An-.  IS,  187M  in  the  89th  of  his  age,  aft.-r  a 
memorable  pastorate  of  (;:3  vi^ar.s.  \A..\y,  Lafavette  Col.,  Pa.,  1s.-,8;  S.'lM)..  Ham.  Col. 
1S19  Among  his  works  are;  Th,  Attr^irtioi,  nf  th,  Cn'SS.  184J:  77/c  ^f,  ,■•■/,■  Sr,>t.  i^V.i: 
mrxt  T/n>'f/.-<A^ry]-  TIf  'rlonj  of  Christ ,  1,S")2;  ih>  Po,r,  ,■  of  the  Pvl^ni .  1S4S;  Sh<n-t  Si  f- 
momtoaw  Pcoplr;  Th.  dUi;. ,.<fv>i,:<  of  the  Worhlto  the  Plhh'.  1S4.-):  Mrmoh-s  of  ILr^ioih 
L  MLirnnj.lSV^^-  D.i^-,' ri^tn'u  of  th,  llnl,  of  F.<UJ, ;  Hn  Doctriu,  of  EUnin:,:  Es^.tysm. 
ChrMlnii'CJnircrfn-;  The  MiMon  of  <orroir:  Fr>iiiiiicntx  from  the  Sf"'li/ 'f "  P".<ior:  1  h>' 
Contrast;  Th.  of  Mun;  P,r>yL- t'hurrh  M.morial,  1801:  P'llplt  }[u,i-f r.nho.s.  -1 
vols.  8v<.l..  lSt.',4,  and  Personal  E.nni.i.^-enrts.  2  vols.  8vo.,  18(:;(;.  Thes,-  vols,  pa.^sed 
through  many  editions,  and  were  re])rinted  in  part  in  hhi-land,  wliile  some  ot  them  w.^n- 
Iransllited  into  French  and  (iernian.  Hi.s  W(n-ks  are  ])ublished  in  ten  vols. ^Sv<i..l8.)o; 
Duykinck  pub.  His  anniversary  discoiir.-es  wt-re  puli.  nn;ler  tlie  tltleof  77.'  Uro-k ''!■  nr.'h 
MriaoriaJ;  m.  Susan  (called  Snkev  in  the  family  Bible  n-ord),  dau.  of  Capt.  Hanover 
and  I'hebe  (Wolcott)'  Barnev*  of  X.  Hav.,  b.  Sept.,  1787;  buried  in  tlie  vault  of  the 
new  Brick  (dnirch,  cor.  5th  ave.  and  ;J7ih  st.  She  had  IH  chil.  Hcmu.  (2).  1,_  Dau..  ni. 
Thomas  Paton,  an  imiiortinL"-  merchant  of  New  York  i-ity,  who  d.  1874.      1,   Lindh:y.^     -. 

Lkwis,  does  in  X.  Y.;  res.   Bergen  Point,  X.  .1.     2),   SrsAX.  m.  Si.otb.rd, 

who  d.;  wid.  res.  on  14th  St.,  X.  Y'.  C. 

IV.     Hannah  Sprinsr,  h.  Se])t.  (!,  17sS:  d.  .May  10,  179."i. 
V       ^Vaftlm  Sprlntr,  b.  Sept.  L"),  17',)0:  d    Mav  S,  1800. 

VI  Samuel  Sprin'cr,  b.  March  9,  1792;  Y.  Co'l.  1^11;  stud,  law  but  .soon  euiraged  in 
trade  After  war  of  1S12  rem.  to  BoMon;  m.  Xov.  27,  ISKi.  Lvdia  .Maria,  daii.  of  U  m- 
throp  B  Norton  of  Berwick,  Me.  11,-  -ia<l.  at  An  lover  Theo.  Seiii.,  1^21;  sanu'  year 
filled  toComr.  (dih.  at  Abimrton,  Masv.,  and  ord.  therr  Jan.  22.  ls22:  <-alled  to  >out.. 
(Park)  Com'-,  chh.  at  Hartf..  Conn..  lS27-]8:;;-l;  res.  at  F.  Hartf.  from  1^;',:;  to  IM.l  on 
account  (d''  ill  health.  Othciared  as  Chaplain  of  the  Am.  Asyhini  for  tlu'  In.-ane  at 
Hartf  ISO;^  to  T,0;  l».  D.  from  Ci>lumbia  Col..  l.s.lS.  His  d.  was  i-aissed  l\v  a  fall  U-om  a 
d(K>r  isteii.      He  lived  threo  w.-eks  after  ilie   fall   and  d,  at    F.  Hartf.  Dec.  D'..  I^b7.  a.  n> 

yrs.  9  nios.  i    <•       , 

"      Vll.      L(nvis  Spring,  Oct.  20.  179:;;    went  to  sea  Jan.  15.  1>M5,  and   never   li<-anl   trom. 
VIH       .Marv  Spring,  b.  Xov.  12,  1795;  d.  Au:r.  ^0.  1  T9(). 

IX.      Pinrknry  Spiimr.  July  \\\.  17'.'S;  Y.  Col.  IMO;  d.  Sept.  9,  1820 

X.      Charles  "Spnng.  b.  July  25,   ISOU. 
XI.     John  Ho].kiiis  Spring,  b.  Sei)t.  21,  1802. 

~ni  inover  Harney,  b.  .Aurc  20.  1750;  -.d  or  4th  Capt   of  the  Gnv.'s  Guards  of  N.  Hav.;  d,  ."^cpt.  17,  '•'^J''- 
a.  8v  y^-'.  '''^-  ^'l'l^  l'''<-l^^"  Wolcott,  b.  May  it',  1755;  d.  July  i-^,  'Sj2. 

HOPKINS.  ,  353 

82128.  John  Hopkins,  1'.  Jhu.  17,  1770;  stvlcd  C;ii)t.;  inerch. ;  rem  from  Iladloy, 
M;,vs. ,  to  Boston.  1M4.  tlicnrf,  1>:24.  to  Nortli:impti:in,  where  lie  d.  .)tui.  9,  iy4"3,  lfri\iii<r  a 
virv  l'ir"'<'  estiur  in.  duiif  12.  1707.  Lvdia,  d;iu.  of  Tlionias  Tlioniiisoii  of  Xcwburvpon. 
1,    Ai.iin7,'l77;il  d.  10,   1842,  iii  Vt. 

I.  S;ir.-ih  Ann  \\'ait.  b.  Jan.  '20,  17!»!i;  d.  in  Hurlimrion,  Vt.,  Xm-.  2.  1N17;  m. 
ycM>t  'i;^,  iy'3'',  I^pv.  Dr.  Jnlin  Wlu-eU-r  of  Windsor,  h.  (.'ratTon,  Vt.,  March  11.  17it^;  d. 
Hnrliti^ton,  April  U'.,  1S()2:  Prcs.  Vt.  Uiuversity,   lS3S-4i). 

II.  Klizaheth.  h.  May  18;  d.  Auir.  1,  lsir2. 

III.  Thonia.s 'I'honip.'^nn,  b.  Dec.  lo,  1804:  d.  .lune  27,180.3. 

IV.  yamnil.b.  .^pril  11,  1807.  Dart.  C"ol.,  1.S27.  Pastor  1st  chli.  Montpelier.  Vt., 
ls;vV.').  J'asfor  1st  chh.  Saco,  Me.,  1830-41;  dismissed  and  again  installed,  42-40;  rem. 
to  Northam]iton;  an  author  of  note;  ni.  May  29,  18>)2,  Caroline  W'.,  dan.  of  Josiali 
Dwierlit  [;>«]  of  North.     (>  chil. 

V.  ?]rastns,  b.  April  7,  1810.  Dart.  Col.  18;!0.  Sot.  in  1835-7  in  the  ministry  at 
Beach  Island.  Kdpefitdd  Dist.  S.  C.  Pastor  Jst  Presbt.  chh,  Troy.  N.  V.,  18^7-41,  rem. 
to  Northampton  and  Kf]).  in  .Mass.  Lfir.  As  a  political  speaker  had  few  superiors  in 
Mass.  Pres.  Conn.  H.  P..  K.  Co.,  Is4')-.")1;  m.  dune  2.").  is;:^j.3,  Sarah  II.  Benedict  of 
Charlf.stnn.  S.  C,  who  d.  .Mayo.  18:38;  (2)  Nov.  18,  1841,  Chajdotte  Frelinghuysen,  dau. 
of  Rev    \Vm.  Allen.  D.D. ,  of  Northami.ron. 

VI.  (ieorg.-,  b.  S.-;)t.  bl  1M2;  d.  at  the  Santa  Crux,  \V.  I.,  March  1(J,  18:30.  a.  17. 
while  a  men),  of  Yale  Col. 

V\[.  Lewis  Spring,  b.  Sr-pt.  18,  181.j;  entei-ed  18ol,  Univ.  of  Vt.,  but  left  before 
"■rad. ;  stud.  med.  at  North..  Boston,  Xew  Haven,  and  Phila.,  and  grud.  Med.  Col. 
Charleston,  S.  C.  About  1840,  began  practice  in  North.,  bsit  health  failed;  m.  Oct.  14, 
1840,  Fanny  d.  Washburn  of  Boston. — TucWs  J  list .  of  Hniih  )/. 

8213.  Hannah  Hopkins,  ha]'.  2!).  17;!1;  d.  Nov.  25.  ITGO;  m.  .bill.  10, 
1759,  John  Worthin^aoii  of  S]inngfield,  Mass.,  b.  171!i;  Y.  C  1740;  tutor.  1742;  LL.D. 
1792;  d.  Ajiril  25,  1800,  a.  81.  He  was  Col.  of  .Mil.  and  High  Sheriff  of  Hartford  Co. 
In  gratitude  for  his  eilorts  to  tpiiet  contentions  i-ehitive  to  dividing  the  original  parish  of 
l\ensin!.rtor. ,  Coi.n.,  the  rown  of  ^\'orthillgton.  Conn.,  \\as  so  named  foj-  him. 

I.'  .Mars  WoithiUirtou,  b.  March  7,  1700:  m.  Jonathan  Bliss.  1>.  1740:  Har.  Col. 
1763;  Pres.  of  the  Council  of  Mass.;  loyalist,  and  ]irosecuted  under  the  act  of  1778;  rem. 
to  the  Provinct-  of  Now  T5ruuswick  and  became  its  Chief  Ju.stii.'e;  d.  at  Frederictou  in 
1822,  a.  80.      1,   William  B.,  Chief  Justice  (jf  the  Queen's  Bench  of  Nova  Scotia. 

II.  Ilaniuili  Worthington,  b.  .lane  17,  17'iJ:  m.  Thonias  I»wight. 

III.  John  Worthington.  b.  Aug.  10,  I7ljJ;  d.  Aug.  VM,  170;3. 

IV.  John  Worthinirtou,  b.  Sept.  2.  17(!b';  d.  Nov!  10,  1705. 

V.  Frances  Worthington.  b.  Oct.  29.  1704:  d,  Aug.  8.  l8o7;  m.  July  15.  1792, 
Fisher  Ames.  b.  at  Dedham.  Mass..  Apiil  9,  175'-.  s.  of  I)i\  Nathaniel  and  Deborah 
Fisher  Ames.'-'  llarv.  Col.  1774;  3Iem.  Con.  from  Mass.  during  Wa.sliington's  admn.. 
where  he  greatly  distinguished  himself,  particularly  ire  his  sjieech  un  "' Jay's  Treaty." 
In  1804  was  cho.sen  to  but  declined  the  presidency  of  Har  v.  CiJ.  He  d.  July  4,  1808.  In 
the.  old  church  yard  at  Dedham  is  a  plain  monument  liearing  the  simple  inscription, 
"  Fisher  Anus."  He  was  one  of  tlie  most  ehHiuenl  of  American  orators  aiul  writers.  A 
vol.  of  liis  works  pub.  irx  Boston.  1809.  1,  Joiix  WoKTiilxaTOX,  b.  Oct.  2o.  179:3;  d. 
Oct.  1,  18:3:>.  2,  N.-vth.\xiki,  Fishkk.  i'.  .May  17,  1790;  d.  Jan.  18,  18:35.  a,  H.\x.v.\h. 
Mar(d)  1.  1708;  d.  Auir.  2:3.  1829.  4,  Wii.i,!.\M,  b,  Oct.  3,  180O.  5,  Jkukmiaii  Fisiikk, 
h.  180:3;  d.  Jan.  3,  1829.  0,  Sktii,  b.  Apiil  29,  1N05;  Judge  of  Suiu-ente  Court  of 
7,   Rkuaku,  June  10,  18(i7. 

VI.  Sophia  Worthine-ton.  b.  Dec.  5,  1705;  d.  May  15,  181:3;  m,  Sept.  25,  1799. 
J(din  Williams  of  Northtield.  Mass..  b.  Sept.  11,  1702,  V.  C.  1781;  stud,  law  v.ith  Judge 
Chauncey  <d  New  Haven.  He  m.  (2)  in  1S17,  Mary.  wid.  of  Pev.  hibene/.er  Silliman  of 
Amsterdam,  N.  "i..  and  dau.  of  Col.  Thrunas  Dyer  of  Windham,  Conn.,  by  whom  he 
had  5,  chii.  He  d.  Dec  9.  1840.  (For  steel  portrait  see  WllUiHii'i'  (Ji m ujoan).  He  wa.s 
s.  of  Eztdsiel  \Mlliams  of  Northtield,  Conn.,  many  yrs.  High  Sheriff  of  Hartford  Co. 
His  son.  'I'hos.  Se(jtt  N\'iliiam8,  LL.D..  ^^as  Chief  .Justice  of  Conn.;  m.  Delia,  dau.  of 
01i\er  Kllsworlh.  Child' Justice  Supreme  Court.  V.  S.  1.  .ImiN  Wor.TiitNr.rON.  Sept. 
28,  d.  Oct.  4,  1802.  2.  John  ^VoKT^II.^.;T()^,  Nov.  17.  180:J;  d.  in  Phila.,  18:37;  V.  C. 
182>.  ;3,  Ha.nnau  IbirKiNs,  Feb.  13,  1S05.  4.  KzKicii;!,  Sai.tkk,  b.  Nov.  11,  180;j;  d. 

'!>r.  Xalhaiiiel  .Ames  kepi  a  public  house  tor  many  yrs  on  the  old  post  road  tlevea  miles  S.  K.  of 
l''i«-lon.  He  was  also  a  maker  of  almanacs.  The  story  of  the  descent  of  Fisher  .\mcs  from  Dr.  William 
Ames,  iiulhor  of  the  •' .'/.;ir',v.'7,i  yV;ri'/('.j^/ii  "  is  siiown  to  be  err^nious  hy  Mr.  .MiicheU  in  his  Hist,  r/ 
J'tu/^,ivatfr,  ,l/.i,,-,. 

3-54  ,  BKAXCii  or  Elizabeth. 

82132.  Hannah  Worthington,  b.  June-  17,  1761;  d.  Julv  10,  ]S88;  "fmo  look- 
ing, \vitty  aii-l  nf  a  Mq.ciior  niiud;"  m.  14,  17!Jl,  Tlioiiuis  Dwif,--]!!  of  Sprini^fie].! 
1).  (,)rt.  '2',K  n.lS:  Ilur.  Co).  177S;  lawyer.  Kip.  Ma.s.s.  I^cu'.  and  Senator; "mem.  Con  lS0;i-.-,' 
(1.  .Ian.  -Jl,  ISiy.  ■     -         '. 

1.  Mary  Stoddard  Dwiirht,  Jan.  2(5,  179-i:  d.  .July  :?(),  l.s;^G;  verv  benevolent  and  a 
line  singer;  m.  Dee.  It^,  IHIS,  John,  .-<.  <d'  Hezaieel  Howard;  Y.  C.,  ISIO;  d.  Oct.  20,  ls4tj- 
Pres.  of  the  old  Springfield  Bank.  1,  Hannwh  WoitrnuvoTOX,  Aug.  12,  IS"?!;  in'  \\,i-\\ 
18,  l.'<44,  Wni.  Henry  Swift;  *.  /. ;  re.s.  N.  Y.  C.  2.  M.vugakkt.  MiTv  It?',  IS^ij';  nn  1854 
Charle.<  ^Vnl.  Swift:  n-^.  New  London,  Conn.:  4  daus.  3,  Fu.\N(  es  Ami:.-?,  April  2l)' 
1N2.-,;  res.  S. ;  umn.  4.  Wktmokk,  May  8,  iS^li;  nr.  IS.Vi.  Edward  de  Strecke- 
some  time  Prussian  minister  at  Wa.shington,  1).  C. ;  res.  J^uis,  Franee.      1,  ,Son 

II.  John  Worthington  Dwiglit,  Oct.  81,  1793;  Y.  C.  li<12:  d.  Feb.  i2,  lS3f}';  unm 
111.  Elizabeth  Bnckininster  Dwight.  Feb.  18,  1801;  d.  Oct.  7,  ISoo;' m.  June  21 
1824,  Charles  Howard.  br<j.  of  John,  above.  1,  Ft(ind.\.  0i:ne  Mandi  8^  l8-'','>-  nam  ' 
res.  S.  2.  Tifrx.  n^vI(;ll^,  Dee.  2.'"),  182():  Har.  Col.  1848.  Set. 'as  pastor 'I'lut. 'rdih  ai' 
Perry.  Mich.,  K)  yrs.  In  18r)2  went  to  Hilton  Head.  S.  C,  as  teatdier  of  contr;ibands  and 
was  (ien.  Siipt.  of  contiaband  scliool.':;;  Chaplain  F.  S.  A.,  1SG4-.");  ni.  18')1,  Sarah  Ann 
Eaton,  b.  Fastpoit.  Me..  1881;  ,v  /.  3,  ELiz.\uETn  Biiid'^k.  1).  Dec.  17,  1,828:  ni.  Oct. 
1('>,  1850,  ^Vm.  Shaw  TilTauy,  !..  Baltimore.  Md. ;  artist.  1,  (hmond  Chicliey  2\ov  26 
]8r)7;  d.  by  accident  Xov.  28.  1862.  2,  EUzah,th  I)ici'/ht,  Julv  1.  18(51.  3  r/,y^v'  Jlotnud 
Sept.  20,  1863.  4,  llobt.  .^Imir,  Feb.  11.  d.  Aug.  17,' ls72.  4,  wSui'HiA  Wokthixgton! 
Jan.  26,  1881:  teacher,  o,  C.\TiiArjXK  Lathi;op,  Feb.  24,  1888;  teacher  in  i^rof. 
Agassiz's  school  at  Cambridge,  Mass. ;  lem.  to  S  6,  Maisy  iVwiGiiT,  Oct.  12.  178.");  m. 
Oct.  31,  1860,  Ale:vr.  Edward  Andje\\-,-..  li.  A].ril  11.  1884,  s.  of  Kev.  l)r.  Edwd.  Andrews 
of  Binghaniton,  X.  Y. :  Hobart  Col.,  C'en^na,  X.  Y. ;  iawver;  4  cJiild.  7,  Sarau  BaN- 
riioKT,  Sei)t.  18.  188S:  m.  Dec.  2."i,  1^6(5,  Jaun-s  ^Varreji' Havward;  res.  Boston  Hi^di- 
lands,  Mass.  8,  Emii.y  \Vn,i,iA.Ms,  Dec.  2.  1S40;  unm.  9,  A.NtEi.iv  Pexbody  June  4 
1848;  d.  Jan.  7,  1844.      10,  Joiix,  June  28.  d.  Aug.  27,  1845. 

^822.  Elij'.abeth  Edwards,  b.  .■\])ril  14,  16117;  d.  in  AVindham,  Conn.,  Sept.  21. 
J738:  in.  June  80,  1724,  Col.  Jabez  Huntington  of  ^^'.;  Ij.  Norwich,  Conn  Jan'  ''»>  16;il' 
d.  in  W.  Sept.  26.  1758.  He  m.  (2)  May  21,  1735,  wid.  Sarah  \Yetmore,'  who  d.  March 
31,  1788,  in  her  88d  year. 

I.     p:ii/,abeth  Huntington,  b.  Nov.  1.  1725:  ni.  Abraham  Davenport. 
II.      Sarah  lluutinglon,  b.  Jum-  20,  1727;  in.  1748,  Hezekiah  Wetmore:     (2)  Samuel 

III.  Ti-ypheiia  Huntington,  b.  Aug.  24,  1720;  d.  Aug.  19.  1745. 

IV.  Jerusha  Huntington,  b.  Aug.  24.  1781:  ni.  1751^  John  I'lark. 

8221.  Elizabeth  Huntington,  b.  Xov.  l.  1725;  d.  Dec.  17,  1778-  m  in  Wind- 
ham. Conn.,  by  the  Kev.  Stephen  White,  Nov.  IG,  1750,  Hon.  Abraham  s  of  Rev  Join, 
and  Martha  (Oould)  J'aven]>ort  of  Stamford,  Conn.,  and  i:.  s.  of  Kev  John  D  the  first 
mini-ster  at  Xew  Haven,  b.  1715;  Y.  C.  1732;  d.  1789;  Col.\)f  Mil.;  .me  of  the  Council  of 
State:  Judge  of  the  Fairfield  Co.  Court:  Dea.  C<uig.  chh.  1759  to  1789.  Of  his  preseUi-r 
of  mind  Pres.  Dwight  relateis  a  remarkable  instance:  "The  19th  of  Mav,  1780  was  a 
very  dark  day;  candles  were  lighted  in  nntny  houses;  the  birds  were  silent  and  disa]'- 
peared  and  the  fowls  went  to  roost.  The  Eegishiture  of  Conn,  was  then  in  session  ar 
Hartford.  A  very  general  opinion  prevailed  tliat  the  dav  of  judgment  was  at  hand. 
The  House  of  Kepresentatives  being  unable  to  transact  their  business  adj-iurncd.  .\ 
proposal  to  adjourn  the  council  was  under  consideration.  When  the  opinion  of  l'"l. 
Davenport  was  asked  he  answered:  "  I  am  against  an  adjournment.  The  dav  of  jud:;- 
ineut  is  either  approaching  or  it  is  n<jt;  if  it  is  not,  there  is  no  cause  for  adjournment;  il 
it  is  I  choose  to  be  f.nind  doing  my  duty.  I  wish,  therefore,  tliat  candles  mav  be 
brought."  The  iollowing  lines  in  relation  to  this  event,  from  John  G.  Whitlier's  Tfnt 
on  the  Bfuii-h,  we  trust  we  shall  be  jnirdoned  for  inserting  here; 


In  the  old  days  (a  ciislora  laid  aside 
:  With  breeches  and  cocked  hatsi  tlie  people  sent 

Their  wisest  men  to  make  the  public  I.ivvs. 
And  sr.,  tVoci  a  h-jv.-n  }'or.Tcste;'.d,  wiieiC  the  Sound 
Drinks  the  small  tribute  of  the, 
Waved  over  by  -he  woods  of  Rip  ■■.nv.ima. 
And  hallowed  by  pure  lives  and  tranquil  deaths, 
Stamford  sent  up  to  the  councils  of  the  State 
Wisdoa  and  jjrace  in  Abraham  Davenport. 

WOinillNtnoX,    KDWAUDS.    lir.NTlN'(iT()N',     DAVKXPUllT. 

'Twas  on  a  May  day  of  the  fnr  old  year 
Seventeen  hundred  eighty.  th;it  there  tell  ■  ' 

Over  the  blouin  and  sweet  life  of  the  sprn^'. 
Over  the  fresh  earth  and  the  heaven  of  noon, 
A  horror  of  (;reat  darkness,  like  the  night 
In  day  of  \vhi(;h  the  Norland  sapas  tell  — 
The  IsviliLrht  of  the  Gods.     The  low  hung  sky 
Was  black  with  ominous  clouds,  save  where  its  rim 
Was  fringed  with  a  dull  glow,  like  which  climbs 
The  crater's  sides  from  the  red  hell  below.  _ 
IJirds  ceased  to  sing,  and  all  the  barnyard  fowls 
Roosted;  tlie  cattle  at  the  pisture  bars 
Lowed,  and  looked  homeward;  bats  on  leathern  wur^s 
Fliited'abroad;  the  sounds  of  la^or  died; 
Men  prayed  and  women  wept;  all  cars  grew  sharp 
To  hear  the  doom-blast  of  the  trumpet  shatter 
The  black  sky,  that  the  dreadful  face  of  Christ 
Might  look  from  the  rent  clouds,  not  as  he  looked 
A  loving  gue'-t  of  Hethany,  but  stern 
'  As  Justice  and  inexorable  Law . 

Meanwhile,  in  the  old  State  House,  dun  as  ghosts, 

Sal  the  law-givers  of  Connecticut. 

Trembling  beneath  their  legislative  robes. 

'•  It  is  the  Lord's  Great  Day  !     Let  us  adjourn,'' 

Some  said  ;  and  then,  as  if  with  one  accord.  .    ■ 

All  eyes  were  turned  to  Abraiiam  Davenport 

He  rose,  slowly  cleaving  with  his  steady  voice 

The  iniolerable  hush.     •"  This  well  may  be  ..... 

The  Day  of  Judgment  which  the  world  awaits  ; 

Rut  be  it  so  or  not,  I  only  know  ..'■'■  ■        •■ 

My  present  duty  and  my  Lord's  command,  •   - 

To  occupy  till  he  come.     So  at  the  post  ..  _      .. 

Where  He  hath  set  me  in  His  Providence, 

I  choose,  for  one,  to  meet  Him  face  to  face  -  -  • 

No  faithless  servant  friL'htencd  from  my  task. 

But  ready  when  the  Lord  of  the  harvest  calls; 

And.  therefore,  with  all  reverence,  I  would  say,  '  ■       ■    . 

Let  God  do  his  work,  we  v,-ill  see  to  ours.  ;-   .. 

Bring  in  the  candles."     And  they  brought  them  in .  •  .■  . 

Then  by  the  Haring  lights  the  Speaker  read. 

Albeit  with  husky  voice  and  shaking  hands, 

An  act  to  amend  an  act  to  regulate  -     . 

The  shad  and  alewife  tlsherics.     Whereupon, 

Wiselv  and  well  spake  Abraham  Davenport, 

Straight  to  the  question,  with  no  tigures  of  speech  . 

Save  the  nine  Arab  signs,  yet  not  without 

The  shrewd  dry  humor  natural  to  the  man  ; 

His  awe-struck  colleagues  listening  all  the  while, 

Between  the  pauses  of  his  argument. 

To  hear  the  thunder  of  the  wrath  of  God 

Break  from  the  hollow  trumpet  of  the  cloud. 

And  there  he  stands  in  memory  to  this  day. 
Erect,  self-poised,  a  rugged  face,  half  seen     . 
Against  the  background  of  unnatural  dark, 
A  witness  to  the  ages  as  they  pass. 
That  simple  duty  hath  no  place.for  fear. 

Anotlter  instfinci-  took  ^Vm-v  at  Daul)ury  at  the  Court  of  Connnon  Pletis,  of  which  lie 
h<'  w,v  (hit^f  Justice  "  This  veuerat.le  man,  after  he  was  stiuck  with  death,  heard  a 
ronsid.Tabh.  part  of  a  trial;  £rave  the  charge  to  the  jury  and  look  n.itice  of  an  artieh-  ui 
tlie  testiiuonv  which  had  escaped  the  attention  of  tlie  counsel  on  both  sides.  lie  then 
retired  fronrthe  bench  and  was  soon  after  found  dead  in  his  bed  —lor  portrait  s,^: 
JJisl.  of  Stau,ford,  Conn,  lie  m.(3)Au-.  8,  ITTO.  Martha  <'<^iip^'^-^^^-''\  l'«';*'>'' 
Fit.  li  tmd  mother  of  Wm.  Fitcli  [T].  Rev.  I'l;.  ^'m.  I'aitou  of  Newport,  H.  1.,  has  tlu^ 
ori<,^inal  naven])ort  tankard,  brought  over  in  K;:;-"). 

1       .John  Davenport,  b.  Jan.  16,  i:.r2;  m.  Maty  ^^  ellcs. 
II       Abraham  Davenport,  b.  Oct.  21,  ITrjIJ;  d.  Oct.  2.),  ITol.     ^ 

III.  Kli7,abrth  Davenport,  b.  Sept.  V^.  IToG;  m.   1775.  -lanies  ^'>^^f^^\\ 

IV.  .lames  Davenport,  b.  Oct.  VI.  17:.S;   ,n.  1777,  Abigail  iMtch;  ('2)  1 ,00,  Melntable 

""T.^     Huntington  Davenport,  b.  April  IS,  17(11;  d.  n.t.  'i'^,  17t;'.». 
82211.     John  Davenport,   b.  .lan.  D),  17.VJ;  d.   X-v.  2S.  ISnO;  Y C.   1770;    tutor; 
chosen  nn-m.  Congress,  to  till  vacancy  mad,-  by  d.  of  ins  bn..    Iam..s    and  cout.   l^:.y;s.;  a 
M.  C.    (17!l'.t-lSl7);     tu.    May  7,    1780,    Mary    Silve-ter,    dau.    Kev.     Dr.    ^o:ili    Welles  ot 
Stamfcrd    Conn.;   b.  Oct.  17,  17.'34;  d.  .'une  -J."),  1847,  a.  Wl. 


I.  Kliznlu'tli  Iluntiiujtoii,  1).  MardN,  ITS];  d.Mny  is,  IS.-JO;  m  Oct.  1,  1800,  Hon. 
Potfv  Wiii.  Ita.lcliiTr  (if  Bnioklyn,  N,  Y. :  b.  Juii.-  -ii),  1774;  Y.  C  179:5:  lawyer  ;it 
l'()U"-likofi)slr.  N.  "i.,  17!il~18()-i:  rem.  tn  X.  Y.  AssfinUlyman.  isll;  folate  Senator, 
1812;  rem.  to  Uruoklvii,  1S0;J,  ami  wa-  ilie  lir-t  Jiui^njol'  the  Kiiiir'sCo.  Court;  d.  .s.  i.  in 
B.    ]>C'c    1,  IS  lit. 

11.     .loliu  II.  Alfred,  1..  Jan.  -^1,  17s:5:  m.  Eliza  Maria  Wheeler. 

HI.  Mary  Welles,  Sej.t.  l".,',  17^.");  in.  Nov.  10,  ISIO,  James  Boorinan  of  X.  Y.C.:  h. 
HI  lloUiii^r^'o^"''!''.  I'^t-iU  (V).  Eng-.,  17:o:  (.s.  of 'J'honias  Boormaii.  who  came  to  America 
abl.  17!l3,  iuul  m.  Miiry  Colgate);  a  wealthy  lueicli.  of  X".  Y.  ('.:  prime  moVer  in  organ- 
iziii"-  tlie  IIiuIpou  River  ]^  K.  Co..  and  fo',nid(n'  of  the  Hank-  of  Connneiee;  \\(dl  known 
for  his  benefactions.      He  d.  .<.  i.  -lau.  U^'l,  IStio;  ado)ited  a  dau.  of  Win.   Wilson. 

IV.     Theodosia.  b.  Jan.  5.  17^9;  d.    unm.  Feb.  S,  ISIO. 

V.  Tlieodore  (Dea.),  b.  Jan.  26,  17!»-2;  rn.  Harriet  (irant  Cheesboro  of  X.  "l". ,  (by 
liev.  (lardner  Spring);  He  still  lives  (18r4l  in  Stamford.  Conn.,  a.  J^2.  1 ,  'I'liKi  iDOitK, 
Feb.  25,  l^yi;  ])ropnetor  of  the  Still-.s-aTer  Iron  Works  at  Stamford.  Conn.:  m.  Aug.  (i. 
18(52,  (jcorgiu  Elizabeth  Waters.  2.  M.\i;y  Cai;ulink.  Nov.  9.  ISHG;  m.  Xov.  !l.  IS,"");!, 
(lale'n  A.,  s.  of  Dr.  (ialen  ai\d  Ann  Eliza  (.'arteiof  X.  Y.;  res.  X.  Y.  C.  o,  Huiu;i;t 
CiiEESUo'uo,  1).  S.-])t..  18;-;S;  d.May2.  1840.  -1.  Joiix.  Aug.  28,  1840;  m.  May  28,  1872, 
Helen  IVixon.  He  is  a  merch.  in  S'.  Y.  C.  5,  Ja.mes  15ik»kman,  Dec.  IH.  1842;  in.  Xov. 
1,  1871,  Marv  Cornell,  dau  of  \Vm.  A.  and  Mary  (Cornel!)  Freeborn,  fi,  IIiCHAjid  TlGHK, 
Fel).  27,  ]H-lt>;  d.  Feb.  8,  1847.  7,  Hki>i:x  M-atiI-DA,  March  9,  1849;  m.  June  26,  187;-i. 
Saunud  Fessendei),  s.  of  Rev.  and  Hon.  Samuel  Clement  and  .Mary  .\bjgail  (iro.svenor 
(Abbev)  Fessendeu  and  nephew  of  Wm.  Pitt  Fessenden,  C .  S.  Sen.  from  Maine.  Law  firm 
of  Ferris  &  Fe^-enden,  Stamford.  Conn  .  and   Slate's  .Vtty.  for   Fairlield  Co. 

VI.      Rebeecii  Ann,  Julv  7.  179."j;  d.  unm.  Jan.    lo.  1817. 

^'1I.  April  17.  1T9S;  m.  Ocr.  2.  1822.  Rev.  Peter  Locicwood,  b.  Bridgeport, 
Conn.,  I'^jii.  8,  1798:  Y.  (.'.  1817;  Andover  Sen.).  1820;  Evaii^n-list  and  lioiue  miss.  1821- 
20;  I'astor  Presb.  chh.  at  Ringhanitou,  X.  Y.,  1827-00,  and  teatdier  liiere  1834-7,  and  at 
Berkshire,  X.  Y.,  184:^—18;  golden  v.-edding  eel.  at  Blughamtnn.,  X.  Y.  1,  Jonx  Davkn- 
roitr,  Oct.  9,  182o;  d.  suddenly,  Dec.  20,  1844,  wliile  a  inein.  of  Freshman  class,  Y.  C. 
A  memoir  was  pub.  by  the  Aiir.  Trar-T  Soc.  2.  TiiKonoHF.  Daveni'01{T.  June  20,  1827: 
d.  May  8,  ISiJl.  3,  liAUCLiFKE  J^ookmw,  May  (i,  1829;  unm.:  res.  Lam(.)tte,  Madison 
Co.,  Mo.';  Presbt.  Elder.  4,  James  BO(U!.\(ax,  May  ol,  d.  Jun(>  o,  18ol.  3,  Mauv 
Ei.iZAUETii,  Feb.  28,  is:]."};  unm.  6,  .V.nx.v  Matii-DA,  t)ct.  1,  1S:;7;  m.  May  18,  18Go, 
Josiali  S.  Tieverett  of  X.Y.:  merch.:  res.  Orange,  N.J. ;  4chil.  7,  'I'ukodd-ia  Davi:xi'0);t, 
July  28,    18;U);   unm. 

822112.    John    II.  Alfred  Davenport,  1-.  Jan.  21.  17s;j:   Y.  C.   1802.       An 

eminent  mercliant  in  Xew  York  city:  re.s.  Brooklyn,  where  he  was  a.ii  (dder  in  Dr.  S.  4'. 
Sjieers  (ddi.,  Pre^li.  His  e-^iablishiiieiit  in  X.  Y.  v,-as  the  dejidt  fin- the  go'ids  of  the  lar^'c 
manufacturing  tiim  of  Pier]-ont.  MaMory  A:  Co.*  Asalud  I'ierjionl  retired  in  18,-)2  and 
Mr.  Davenport  took  his  ]ilace.  under  firm  name  of  Davenport  &  Mallory:  rem.  to  N.  Hav. 
.and  resided  at  the  head  fd'  Hillhouse  ave..  where  he  d.  Oct.  24,  1804.  a.  81.  (For  a  tine 
portrait  see  7A-^/v'/(/).'>rf  Gcnmlorjy .)  He  m.  l-'eb.  10,  ISOij,  lOliza  Maria  ^^4^eeler.  b.  Red 
Hook,  Dutches.s  Co.,  X.  Y.,  June  10,  1784;  d,  July  12.  IS.i!).  a.  75;  dan.  of  Dr.  William 
Wheeler  and  his  2d  wf.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Rev.  Cotton  Mather  Smith  of  Sharon,  Conn. 
L     Julia  Matilda,  b.  Dec.  2(1,  180i5:  d.  June  2ti,  182(). 

n.  John  Sidney,  1).  Sept.  26.  18(^8;  Y.  C.  18:;;^;  an  Epis.  clergyman  at  Osweii'o, 
N.  Y.,  several  yrs. :  tl'ien  joined  the  Catholic  .\])ostolie  (dd).  (Irvingite)  and  set.  in  Briston, 
Mass.;  m.  Julv  6.  18;jn.  Elizabeth  Sewall  Leverett,  dau.  f)f  John  and  Elizabeth  (Salis- 
bury) li.  of  W'indsor,  Vr.  1,  Jti.iA  .NF^tii.da.  Jan.  ."".  18:!9.  2.  Mautifa,  Jan.  21,  IMO. 
y,  E),izai;etji  Leveiu:tt,  !«.  Dec.  27,  184:!.  4.  James  Booh.max,  b.  (uahanivilie.  N. 
v.  Dec.  17,  1M2;  a  merchant  in  N.  ">'.  C.  5,  Joiix  Sidxev,  b.  Oswego,  June  'i'^  IS  Hi; 
V.  C.  1866;  re^.  X.  Y.  C. ;  lawyer;   LL.  B  ,    Harv.  1869. 

in.  'IJietvlosia,  Xov.  8,  ISlU:  m.  O.-t.  2:>.  ISo:!,  Kussell  Cantield  \\  heeler,  b.  South- 
burv.  Conn.,  Dec,  1795.  s.  of  Rev.  Elijah  W.  of  (neat  Harrington,  Ma.s3..  and  Mary 
Matilda  Miner  (his  cousin),  dau.  u{  Bev.'j.din  M.  (d'  South  East,  X.  Y. ;  Y.  C.  1816;  lawyir 

X.  Y.  C. ;  d.  in    Brooklyn    Aug.  1:3,  1847;   wid.  res.  in    Xew   Haven,   Prospect   st.      1, 


John  Davkxport,  h.  An>^-.  "29,  18:M;  Y.  Sci.  ScIidoI  ISoS;  lUiinuf.  in  X.  Ilav. .  linn 
of  Davc-iiport,  MaJloiv  A:  Wluclcr:  res.  Wliitiii'V  ave. ;  (1.  ]H~^);  iii.  Katcdau.  ni'  Kicliard 
Fellows  of  X.  Itav.  '2.  Wii.i.iam,  b.  Aap.  14,"lb:^(j:  Y.  ('.  185o:  LL.  ]{..  Ilnrv.  ISGO: 
a  siii)crior  scholar:  fell  at  tln'  hattk'  of  Culi)'.s  Fanii,  Gii. ,  July  22,  1S(U;  a  L'lilon  soldier. 
;>,  JaMICs  DavkM'dki',  1).  Nov.  10,  1841;  lawyrr  X'.  Y.  C. ;  711.  Apiii  l."i,  iSiJS,  Sarah 
Brewster  Strong,  1).  July  1,  ISJl,  dau.  of  Jiidgi-  Selah  B.  Strong  of  S«-taukct,  L.  I.  4, 
'riiKOTKisiA  Maiiy,  li.  Sept.  21.  1847. 

IV.  James  IJadclilTe,  h.  Xov.  .5,  1S12;  \.  C.  1S30;  tutor;  Kpis.  clergyman  In 
Alliany.  X.  Y. ;  res.  several  vrs.  without  i-harge  in  X.  V.,  now(]S74)  in  Europe;  in. 
Sept.  7,  I83n.  Meliitabl-  X^'ov.dward  Xew.-ll.  1,  Mary  BooitMA.N,  b.  IV.b.,  1845;  m.  J. 
Eugene  Alexander  of  X.  Y.  2,  Anna  W  .,  b.  Feb.,  1S;JS.  o,  John  Ai.7''keI),  b.  Feb.  16, 
1S40.     4,  Pa-t;sKLi.  Wiir.KiKK,  b.   Xov.,  1811);  P.  B.  1871. 

V.  Mary  Boornian,  Aug.  7,  1814;  m.  Oet.  lo,  18;jr),  .losiah  Win.,  s.  of  Rev.  Elijah 
Wheeler,  b.  April  o,  iSOo;  \Vni«.  Col.  182."3;  law  ])artner  with  his  bro.  IJussell  V.  \V., 
but  now  vvitlioul  si)t-ciul  business;  re.s.  X'.  V.  i\  1  and  2  wert;  sons,  d.  inf.  8,  Makv 
Booumax,  b.  June  28.  18o7;  ni.  Oct.  15,  l'^()2.  Dr.  (iiovani  Cecarini  of  Boine.  Italy,  now 
of  X.  Y.  4,  Ei,tZAia:T)T  DAVEXt'OHT,  Jan.  (3,  ISoO.  o,  F].mii.y  Matilda,  Jan.  1,  Vyl'.L 
i\,  \Vm.,  July,  1S47. 

VI.      Elizabeth  \V.,  b.  Oct.,  1817;  nnni. ;  rcs.  Tlillhouse  avo.,  Xew  Haven,  Conn. 

82213.  Elizabeth  Davenport,  Sept.  l.j,  175(J;  d.  at  StHmf<nd,  Conn.,  Xov.  1.5, 
1779;  ni.  May  4,  177."j  (Hist,  of  Samford  says  Aug.  8,  177'!),  James  Cogswell,  :M.  D..  of 
Preston,  Conn.  He  was  a  surgeon  in  Rev.  array;  [s.  of  Rev.  James  and.  Alice  (Fitch) 
•Cogswell  of  Windham,  and  bro.  of  31ason  Fiich  Cogswell,  .M.D.,  founder  of  the  liartf. 
Asvliim  for  deaf  mutes]. 

I.      Alice,  only  cliild. 

822131.  Alice  Cogswell,  b.  June  lo,  1777;  d.  Orange,  X.  J.,  April,  I80I ;  bu. 
al  Paterson,  X.  J.:  m.  Aug.  22,  18bo,  Rev.  Samuel  Fisher,  s.  of  Jonatlifm  and  Catharine 
(.\very)  Fisher  of  Dedliam.  Mass.,  b.  Sunderland,  Mass.,  June  ;30,  1777;  Wms.  Col.  and 
Andover;  set.  at  AN'ilton,  Conn.,  then  at  Morristown,  X.  J.,  and  in  1812  in  Paterson,  X. 
J.,  where  he  organized  a  chh.  with  RJ  men)i>ers,  which  increased  to  500  iluring  his  min- 
istry. He  d.  at  Sucl-asunny,  X.  J.;  Dec.  29,  185G;  D. D.  from  Wms.  Col.,  where  he  wa.s 
tutor  for  a  while. 

I.  Elizabeth  Davenport  Fisher,  b.  Wilton,  Conn.,  May  28,  180G;  d.  Suoka.sunny, 
Oct.  24,  1871;  m.  Rev.  Josiah  Fislicr  (1st  cous.),  and  luid  sev.  chil.,  of  wliom:  1,  jA.NfKS 
BooRMAX.  b.  Paterson,  X.  J.,  Sept.  7,  188?,;  stud,  in  Phila.  licensed  to  preach  and  ord. 
in  18G2;  m.  July  18,  18'".1,  Evelvn  Foster  of  Phila.;  now  (1878)  i)astor  Presb.  chh.,  Prov- 
idence, Pa.  \'  ^fl!r)/  Wri'jht,  b.  April  80,  !S02.  2,  EUzahi'th  Durenixni,  Dec.  8,  1868. 
^,  Aniui  Fo.sfrr,  Apri'l  12,  ISHG.  4,  JJ'>///7  ]Viri/<t,al,  June  27,  lH6>-<.  *5,  Krdi/n  Fo.yffr, 
Sci)t..  1872.  '  '  •" 

H.  James  Cogswell  Fisl  er,  b.  W.  April  C,  1808;  Y.  C.  1826;  Col.  Phys.  and  Surg., 
X.  Y.  C,  1881;  surg.  in  army  of  Union;  Prof,  of  Chemistrv  and  Mineralogy  in  Fniv.  of 
X.  Y.;  m.  May  9,  1S81,  Eliza  Sparks,  b.  July  16,  l'^12.  "l,  SAMfKr,  Si'akks,  b.  Aj'-ril 
11,  1882;  some  time  Commissioner  of  the  Patent  Orlice.  Washington,  D.  C. ;  Col.  138th 
Regt.  0.  Xatl.  Guard;  lawver  in  Cincinnati,  O. ;  m.  Oct.  2,  1856,  Aurelia  S.  Cros^ett.  1, 
haith  A.,  May  28,  lt^62.  2,  Robert  -/.,  Oct.  16,  1868.  8,  Samaef  ILirbcrt.  May  26,  1807. 
2.  Wili.tam  Stewart,  b.  Elizabeth,  X.  J.,  Dec.  13,  1888;  d.  Aug.  16,  1884.  "  8.  Majiv 
Ei,iza,  b.  Xew  Pros].ect,  X.  J..  Xov.  2,  1885;  m.  Jan.  14,  1862,  Edward  Payson  Berry  of 
Dover,  X.  J.,  b.  Oct.  8.  1^89;  Capt.  of  Co.  E,  5th  Rcgt.  X.  J.  Vols.;  wounded  at  battle 
of  <iettysburg,  July  2,  isr,8,  lay  on  th-3  field  without  caic  until  the  4th,  and  d.  10th  of  July, 
bu.  in  D.iver,  X.  J.  4,  ConswKi.t,,  b.  X.  Y.  C.  Julv  26,  1888.  5,  EMZAr.KTii 
Stewart,  b.  Julv  K),  1810;  d.  Sept.  14,  18H.  n.  Hahuikt'  M^ht,  Julv  80,  1842;  m. 
Dec.  25,  1^70,  Augustus  Book.staver.  7,  Emma  Donai.dsox,  Dec.  23,  1843;  d.  Dec.  26, 
D<46.  8,  Ja.mes  Henry,  Oct.  2,  1845.  9,  Ciiaui.ks,  b.  May  6,  d.  Aug.  10,  1847.  10, 
'I'lKi.MAS  Sparks.  S^pt.  15,  1848.  11,  Xettip.  HnNiui.rrA  S",  b.  Oct.  16,  1S50;  d.  .Ian. 
1.  1872.     12,  Sophia  Spap.ks.  May  18,  1S.54. 

III.  Catharine  Avery  Fisher,'  1>.  Cin.,  (>.,  Mav  24.  ISIO 

IV.  Harriet  Cogswell  Fisher,  b.   Pat..  X.  ,1., "April   1(1,  1812,  <1.  Sept.  27.  1S81. 

V.  Samuel  Ware  Fisher,  b  Pat.,  N.  J..  Ajuil  5,  IsM;  Y.  C.  |S;!5;  stud,  th.'o.  at 
I'i'niceton  ana  ruion;  tird.  and  iusl.  over  I'nsli.  ci'.h.,  \\  .  I'.ioomticld,  N.  J..  .Vpril.  1S89; 
Itii  Prcsb.  <-hh..  Albany,  N.  V..  ispl;  ■:,!  Fr.'sl,.  chh.,  Cin.,  <  >. ,  1SI7;  Fres.  HamilloTi  Col., 
b^58;  Westminister  Pri'sb.  dih.,  Ftica,  X.  V.,  ISilG.  Health  failed,  and  he  rem.,  1S70, 
to  College  Hiji,  Ilea-  Cin.,  o. ;  d.  1S74:  S.T.l).,  Miami  I'Miv.,  1852;  EL.D..  Fniv.  of  X. 
'>  .,  1866:  steel  jiorlrait.  by  Buttre,   m.  Oct.  22,  188il,  .\iu;a   C.    .lohu.son,  who  d.   Aug.  81. 

3-")8  BKAXCn    OF    ELIZA  IJETII 

82214.    James  Davenport,  h.  Oct.  1-2.  17.",S;  (L  while  Mt-ui.  of  Con..  Au^i 
ITilT:  Y.  V.    177i):  .Iiulm-  Fail  iii-ld  Co.    Court;  Mi;iii.    Cnuiiril    of  Stiiic;  lu.  May  7,  V 
Abii-rail,  (lau.  of  I't-rez  Fit'-li    u(  Stamford.  Conn.,  who  ci.    Nov.    11,  17^!).  a.  H'j";  (2)  Nov. 
G,  ]7'J().  Mchitalili'  Coii'suell.  who  d.  Nov.  ;j().  1S04.      lit-  m.  (S) . 

I.      P:ii/,al)etli  Cogswell,  h.  Jan.  27,  1778. 

II.  .lames  Hinuington.  h.  Nov.  11,  177!i;  d.  toon 
HI.  h^li/aheth  Cntr>wcll,  1).  Jan.  27,  17S2;  in.  Cliarles  ^V.  Apthonn'.  /.  hy  2d  ni. : 
1\'.  Al.ipiil  Fitcli.  Nov.  17,  1791 :  in.  Nov.,  ISlO,  Hev.  Pliili])  Melaiictlion  Wheljilev. 
pastor.  ISi:;.  of  the  l>t  Pre>h.  chh.,  then  in  Wall  pt.,  eity  of  N.  Y.,  h.  Dec,  1704:  d. 
July  17,1824;  s(  veial  of  his  .'iennons  wei-e  ])ulili,-hed.  aLso  his  New  ]-higland  Society 
Oration  of  N.  Y.  C.  1,  Jamks  D.\.vkm'i)i;t,  Y.  C.  ls;J7:  }il.l).  1842;  srit  ntist  and  author 
of  several  publications:  (L  1S72.     2.  I'uii.ii-  .Mi:r.AN(  tih)N.     ;1   Piiii.ri-  Melani'TIIon. 

V.  Marv  Ann,  Nov.  11,  17!l2;  v.\.  Jan..  1S2:1  Kev.  Matliias  Bruen,  pastor  of  tlie 
Bleecker  st.  Pre>l..  rhh.,  N.  Y'.  C.,  h.  A]nil  11,  ]7u:'.;  d.  Sejit.  (i.  182i):  Col.  Col.  1812; 
])ub.  several  .sennons;  cyutriliuted  to  various  periodicals;  author  of  J;''<--iit/s  an  Srf/ii'K  in 
Italt/  (ual  Froncr;  descended  from  John  Brnen  id'  Brnen  Stajihd'ord,  I'stp,  of  Cheshire, 
Eni^land,  (see  lirnii'.)  In  iNol  was  published  a  memoir  of  his  life,  written  by  a  lady 
in  Scotland.  1,  .Mauy  .\>'N"  Lrxnn:.  d.  y.  2.  Fkaxcks  D.vvt;Ni'Oi;T.  8,  Maiiy  Lin- 
nil-:.  4,  FnANcr.s  Lori-A,  b.  Nov.  10,  V.'.^T);  m.  Pev.  Thos.  II.  Skinner.  P.P.:  many 
vrs.  pastor  Mercer  st.  Presi).  chh.;  Piof..  Union  Theo.  Seni..  N.  Y.  1.  M'iry  A:(ii 
J)('cciiport.  2,  Fnrnrrs  lhr.;iq,oTt.  8,  .Inni.s  J)iirn>pi>rt.  -I,  JLUi,.  ."i,  Th\'x.  H-, 
pastor  Presb.  chh..  Cin..  O.,  in  1872. 

S22143.    Elizabeth  Cogswell  Davenport,  b.  Jait.  27. 1782;  (h  in  New  Haven, 

Oct.  10.  1S77,  in  her  'Jiitli  yr.,  "  After  a  lonir  life  of  faiihful  s.Tviui;-  of  Cofl  and  her  i;cu- 
eration."  (e-rave-stone  in  (irove  st.  cemetery  in  N.  llav).  Of  whom,  says  Horace 
Buslimdl,  "  wliose  simple  di<;nitv  and  beautv  all  her  <jwn."  m.  Charles  ^^'.  Apthor[)e, 
K.sq.,  of  Boston. 

1.  Mary  Mehitaide  Ainhorjie,  m.  in  N.  Hav.,  Si-pt.  p],  1838.  Pev.  Horace  Bush- 
ni'll.  In  dedication  id'  his  book  on  women  suiTra^-e  Pr.  Bushnell  ])ays  the  fidlowim: 
tribute  to  liis  wife;  '"  The  irood  and  wi'^e  mother,  tin-  notable  housewife  and  lare  taker, 
the  discreet  adviser  and  patient  nnmasrer  of  wayward  boyhood."'— /)iV/.y.  And  again  le- 
says:  "'  For  once  I  ^vill  dare  to  break  open  one  (jf  the  custonuxry  seals  of  silence  by 
inscribing  this  little  book  {Womnn  ^>ijj'r<i[/t')  to  tlie  woTiian  1  know  best  and  most  thor- 
oughly; ]ia\ing'  been  overlapped,  as  it  were,  and  curtained  in  tin-  >ame  consciousness  tor 
the  last  thirty-six  years.  If  slie  is  otTended  tliat  1  do  it  without  her  consent,  1  hojio  she 
may  get  over  tlie  offense  shortly  as  she  hasa  great  many  other  things  that  are  worse.  Sh-- 
lias  been  with  me  in  many  \vtaknesses  and  some  storms,  giving  strength  ali]<e  in  bi'tb: 
sharp  enough  to  see  my  faults,  faithful  enough  toe.\pose  them,  and  considerate  enotigli  to 
do  it  wisely,  sliriitking  never  from  loss  or  blame  or  shame  to  be  encountered  in  anylli!"- 
right  to  be  done,  adding  great  and  hi;;h  instigations, — instigations  always  to  good,  and 
never  to  evil  mistaken  fur  good. — forecasting  always  things  bravest  ami  liest  lo  be  done, 
and  supplying  inspirations  enough  to  have  made  a  hero  if  they  had  not  lacked  tj"' 
timber.  H'  I  have  done  anything-  well,  she  has  been  tlie  moi-e  really  in  if.  she  'i;'' 
noi  k!n)W  it;  ami  the  more  willingly,  also,  that  having  her  part  known  has  not  occurr<'i 
to  hfr;  couipeiling  me  thus  lo  liunor.  not  less,  but  more,  thi-co\  ert  glory  <d'  the  wotnai:..^ 
nalaie,  even  as  I  obiaiu  a  distineter  and  more  wondering  admiiation  of  the  divine 
mc-aning  ami  nmisteniiiirs.  and  counties-  nTd>oiight  ndnistiies  it  coiilribuies  to  lli'- 
otlierwise  vvy  dry  world."— y//"!/..  p.    .K*:;.      Ibira'-e   Pm.-hnell    was   b.    at    Bantam,    iie:ir 



r;Zi;^~l77wi     April  14,  lSO-,>;  son  of  Ensi-u  nnd  (Bishop)  BusUncll;  rem    ^vitll 

•r^^^  to  New  J>resto,;,  Conn.,  1S05;  Y.  C    1.27.  t-'^^^Vr^J- mr^""S'to  S' 

\v  •  tnt,,i-    V    (•    lS-'9-  i.astor  No.  (  on-;,  clih.   (P:nk   clih.)  at   ilaitt.     ly.,.*  to  i.  .)a, 

'  ,.  iT.>^'r  \m.  He  also  puMished  luanv  addresses,  and  a  liH.,ueut  .■ontnbut m  to 
Smous  perodil-als.  He  was  aetive  in  s-eum,.-  the  beauftui  ground  m  llarrto  1, 
n\nedVor    him-Bushu.dl  Park-on  v.hirh    tlie   new  State  L-apitolis  ''••'■'■  .'^^J.^-\-  ^^  ' 

wS™cris4-  Havv.  i>^3-  u.^y^^:u  invited  to  the  ':'-;i^->-:\^^;;^';'->; 

Col    1^*0      Red.  in  Hartf.,  Feb.  17.  1^70.     On  Sunday,  Nov.    24,   is.s     .-    noual   t-m  t 
.^uto^ii  in  the  Patl.  chh..  was  unveiled  atVr  nn   ^'I'l-'l'-'y---    ;^^,  ^^^  ^^S^^t^n: 
U,-y    D>-   Burton       His  life,  written  bv  his  daughter,  Mars.  pub.  h}  llaipt  ^^.  Inc.(i    con 
Ins  two  1  ortn  it.   one  hi  earlv.  the  other  in  later  years.      -  His  tnental  was  tinely 
:^e^mlur    that  verv  reason.  i.erhaps,   the  more  easily  disturbed.      In  later  years 
';  ;  the  slSu  ^ever  thara-eompa.lie.  a  eold  would  sometimes  seH.,.  tun.d  -an^-ng^ 
Iii>,}     -n   4()      1     ELiXAiilCTif.  d.    V.     2.   noi:.vCK.   b.   Se].t..   18..S.  d.    O.  i     9.    1^4,     oi 
i;;^a'';i"i  ease       ••The  ehild  had  been  remarkably   good    aud    lovely,    with  a  sptr.  ual 
a    ^e    doubtless  pretitaturely  developed  ut.der  the  apprr.aeh  -t    <^-^-;^    -    -^^    ^^"^^ 
?    a  .u.^elio  suJtue^s.--/^..^.,  p.  W.     o,  ^Iaky,  wr.,te  U  e  ol   ^->^  ;-=  '"■  ^-^-  - 
18(>:i,  SN'.  Cheney  of  Hartf. :  r,  ,hil.     4,   1-  k.vnces  hoL  is.v.     .),   DoiiiA. 
11.      Elizabeth  Cogswell  Apthori.e. 

Ill       Frances  Louisa  Apthorpe.  ,.   t,     ,  i  „  i 

IV.     Emily  Sophia  ApJhorpe,  d.  1S70;  nt.    ISlfi,  Josej.h  Sanrpsuu  ot   Boston,  who  d. 

1S72,  iu  79th  vr. 

V.      Catharine  Apthorpe.  m.  l>r.  Head  «d  (a!. 

ft999  q-irah  HuntniEton,  b.  .lune  20.  1727:  m.  Aug.  '22.  1748.  Capt.  Hezeklah 
^^S;,l^^^I^^2u"r°n'^Vest  l.tdics;  <2.  Samuel  Beers,  Es,.,  of  Stratlord. 
Conn.,  b.  172S;  d.  Get.   17,  1708,  a.   -0. 

1.     Trvpheua  Wetmore,    bap.   July  s 
.julv  11,  17;2. 

"  11.     Hezekiah    ^^'etmore.   b.    Marcli    . 
Geoi;(;k.     2,   S\K.\u.     i.  bv  2d  m. : 

17.)0;  d.    (and    buried)   iu    Stratlord.  Conn., 
17.j4;  res.    Fairlield,    Conn.;   m.   — — .     1, 

Luev  Beers,  Sept.  10,  1760;  m.  Cec 
Sa'.ah  Ann  Beers.  June  (].  17^3;  m 
^Vilbam  Pitt  Beers,  April  2,  17(36 

Smith  of  Smithtown,   L.  1. 
David  Bee'-s  of  Fairrield,  Coitn. 
Y.   C.  178.");  d.  bSlO;  an   eminetit  lawyer  in 

N.  Y.:  m.  Anna.  dau.  of  Bev.  Jonathan  Sturgis  ot  1  airlield 


Ivis^u^    Dec     •^3    1 822   a    92       He  was  s<m  of  Mose.  and  Elizabeth  (HuntmgtotO.  s"-.  o 
Dani  d^'son  of  Daniel  of  Hudson  and  Hartf.      Elizabeth  Huntington   was  <laa.  ol   Samuel 
nnd  sis't^r  of  Eleazer.  who  m.  Elizabetl.  l^tkin  [2]  and  .d  Ehphalet.    who...  w,d.   >arah 
(Elliot)  m.  Hev.  Achille  Mansfield  [4].  ,.      .,^,       , 

I       John  Cbirke,  June  18,  1752;  m.  Abigail  >  Vri'^'T-- 

Jabez  Clarke,  b.  Nov.  2.  iTo:^,;  m.  Annie  Elderkm. 

Izrahiah  Clarke,  b.   May  16,  d.  June  11 7...-).  , 

lerusha  Clarke    b.  Mav  7,  ]7r,6;  d.  at  I  tiea,  N.  \..  JuIn  ^,  1840,  a.  b4,  unm. 

Hezekiah.  Clarke,  b.  Dee.  19,  1757;  m.  Lucy  Bliss^ 

Trvphena  Clarke,  b.  Feb.   10,  1760;   m.  Ebenezer  Bushnell. 

D<  odatu..  Clarke,  b.  July  1  i,  1762;  m.  Nancy  Dunham. 

Hannah  Clarke,  b.  May  19,  1764;  m.  Hon.  (,.eo    Bliss. 

lU-nrv  Clarke,  b.  May  4.  1766;  m.  Mary  Ann  Fl'l;''^'",  . 

Erast'u.s  Clarke,  b.  May  11,   1768;  m.  Sophia;  (2)  Soplua  H.n-. 

Tha.ldens  Clarke,  b,  Feb.  12,  1770;  m.  Baker 

Eh/.Lb.ti!  Claike.  b.  Feb.  2,  4772;  m.  l^udovu-us  N\ -dd. 








82241.  John  Clarke,  b.  June  1:5,  1702;  d.  A,.nl  21,  1S47.  ,.  95;  "  I'l-f^'^i-- 
prac  in  Wimlsn,,  Conn.,  and  afterward  in  Lebanon,  Ma<  ison  (  o. .  N  ^..  m.  De  .  1.^ 
i?8i:  Abigail,  dau.  of  Hev.  Samuel  Mnseh-y,  2d  pastor  2d  Cong.  <d,h.  at  Hampton,  t  onn. ; 

>G0  lillAXCJl    OF    ELIZAIiKTIf. 

b.  Nov.  19.  IT.V);  d.  Jan.  '28.  IS-'U.  ii.  78. 

I.      t^«j)hia,  li.   S(iit.  -24,  17S2:  in.  Ilarvfv  W.  ('iuiipbfll. 
II.     TrvplnTui,  b.  Mav  IT,  ITNG:  ni.  licv.  ]>.kit'l  .1    (;"ha])inan 
III.     J(,lm  .Mo.<.l.-v.  b.  .Jiilv'2,  ITSS;  d.  0(t.  -2.  1788. 
JV.      Xabl)y,  b.  Nov.  31),  1789;  d.  Auir.  22,  1807,  iimii. 
V.     Maiy,"b.  .lunc  17,  17il2:  m.  Mose.s  ^Vylit•,  jr. 

VI.      Amanda,  b.  Oct..  12,  1711k      In  Uite-r   vi-ars  was    an  invalid  a  ]<ii.|r  time,  and    w;i.s 
rai-fd  l'(jr  by  Mis.  C.  A.  C.  Biuckctt,  lU  whose  lious.-  iu  Lockport,  X    V.,  she  d.  .ManJi  V 
1883,  a.  80,  nnin.      She  was  the  last  surv.  of  the  dans,  of  Dr.  .b-im  t'laik*- 
Vll.      Hannah,  b.  Se}>t.  M.  1798;  ni.  William  Van  Duzer. 
Vlll.      William  Moseh-y,  b.  Mareli  2;j,  ISO!:!:   m.   Ihiriiet  Chapman. 

822411.  Sophia  Clarke,  b.  Sept.  24,  1782:  d.  in  Lockport  N  Y  Marcli  11 
1870,  a.  8S;  m.  Uet.  21,  l8i;5,  Harvey  Wylie  Campbell,  b.  Ai)ril  'JM,  17.S7';  d.  Sept  o' 
18'j8  (s.  of  Archibald  ol'  A'oluntown,  Conn. );  niereh.  in  ijebanon.  .\.  Y. ;  rem.  18'2  to 
Roche.stcr,  and  next  year  to  Lockport  where  he  liad  a  store  until  alter  the  eanaV  was 
finished;  lie  then  ])atented  an  under  water  excavator,  and  took  contracts  in  dilTerent 
places,  the  last  in  Moni-oe,  Mich.,  where  he  torik  dis<-ase  of  which  he  died.  He  was  Just. Of 
the  Peace  several  years:  an  elder  in  the  1st  Presb.  chli.  'S4  vrs.  from  its  oriirin  in  1S24 
He  furnished  some  army  suiiplies  in  1812.  As  Cajit.  of  a  Cavalry  Co.,  wtMit%o  SackeVs 
Harbor  in  that  \\  ar. 

I.  Mary  Soi.hia  Campbell,  b.  Au;:.  24.  1814;  m.  June  fi,  184L  Edward  Rufus 
(iraves,  b.  Mairh  4,  1819;  res.  Lockport.  X.  Y. ;  bookkeeper,  i>hotot;rapher  and  com- 
uiercial  traveller:  s,  of  Pafus  Craves,  ]Mf>f.  of  cheie.istry  iu  Dartmouth  Co'l.,  who,  bv  his 
own  personal  exertions,  founded  Amherst  Col.  1.  L'dw  ahd  Cusnixo,  b.  Mav  p]  i847- 
grad.  All)any  Law  School;  lawyer  X.  Y.  C. :  m.  June  18,  1879,  N'ettie'  (.'ecilla"  Pratt  2 
Emma  Weli.s,  b.  Dec.  24,  18U8;  m.  Sejn.  :j,  1n7:J.  Lvman  Arthur  Dietrick,  b.  Mav  ?' 
1843;  architect:  re.s.  Lockjiort.  1,  ]V,/i.  Art/i".!\  b.  Dec.  23  1874.  2  Lry(,r  {'in,!,-,' 
b.  Xov.  G,  1870.  '  -     ./      ■ 

11.  Cavoliup  Amelia  Cajnpbell,  b.  July  2U,  ISKj.  Instructed  bv  the  best  sele.'t  and 
classical  teachers  in  Syracuse.  "Has  never  graduated  anywher^'and  intends  to  be  a 
student  as  lontr  as  she  livt-s."  Among-  her  acquirements  are"  painiiui:  in  v^att-r  and  oil  — 
l>or(]ait  and  landscaj>e:  German,  French  and  Creek  languages  in  additinu  to  the  more 
common  braneh«'S.  In  1S47-8  was  teacher  of  drawing,  jmiuting  and  embroiderv  in 
Sewanl  Sem.,  Uocliestcr.  X.  Y.,  Lucilia  Tracy,  Principal;  ha.s  been  Preceptress  in  Acad, 
department  of  the  Union  School  in  Syracuse,  X.  Y.,  and  left  to  accej.t  a  i)rofe£sorship 
in  X._  Y.  Central  Col.;  Preceptres.s  in  Cottage  Sem.  Alden,  X.  Y.,  and  in  Lowville; 
Drawing  Teacher  in  Cnion  School  in  Lock])ort;  had  the  drawing,  painting  and  Freu'di 
classes  in  ladies'  dept.  of  Clinton  Liberal  Inst,  for  two  years;  durini;-  the  war,  same 
classes  with  some  Cerman;  18o7.  in  Hamiltiu  Aca'l.,  X.  Y,",  -aid  receivt^d  de-^-ree  of  A.M. 
from  the  Trustees;  m.  Mav  tj,  1870,  Prof.  (Jeorge  Lester  Prockett  f  11  1  b  Jan  29  l^-^7- 
d.   April  4,  1880.  '  ,       .j,     .         .       ,       ,   , 

822412.  Trypheua  Clarke,  b.  May  17,  1786;  d.  Mav  1.  1,S07.  a.  81;  m.  April  2. 
1828,  Hev.  Ezekiel  J.  Chapman,  b.  Oct.  13,  1781;  d.  Aug.  l,'lS6f);  i>reached  at  Lel)anon. 
X.  Y. ;  rem.  to  Oneida  Lake  and  preached  thr.  until  i)reveated  bv  ai^-e  and  ill-health;  lu- 
then  acted  as  colporteur  for  the  Bible  Soc.  or  the  Prcsl).  Pul).|Soc~;  d.  at  Oneida  Lake. 
He  was  bro.  of  Harriet  Chapman,  wf.  of  W'm.  Most-ley  Clarke. 

1.  Mary  Almira  Chapman,  b.  March  1,  183;i:  il.  at  Plum  Creek,  Xeb.,  1882;  m. 
Sept.  2,  I80O,  Henry  B.  Miller:  rem.  to  Somerset,  X.  Y.,  wheie  2  or  3  children  d.,  thence 
to  Virginia,  where  they  lost  another;  then  to  Plum  Cr.-ek,  Xeb.  1,  Mauy  Fk\xcks,  b. 
July  3.  ISol.  2,  ErxiCK  Amkma,  b.  A[.ril  20.  ls'r)3.  3,  JosKfir  Ht;xj)EKso.\,  b.  Julv 
27,  iNo").  4,  C.\ROMNi:  SoiMiiA,  b.  Fell.  12.  I808.  ."i,  Saha)[  Aiucaii.,  b.  Auir.  L  18yO'. 
«7,  Hknp.y  Maktyx,  b.  Mav  9,  18()3.  7,  Akahki.i.a  Ciuack,  b.  X'ov.  13,^18(i4.  >!, 
Hanxaii,  b.  Aj>ril  21.  18(i8. 

822415.  Mary  Clarke,  b.  June  17,  1T!)2;  d.  June  17,  1N2;S:  m  Mav  1S17  :\ 
^^'ylie.  jr..  b.  Oct,  :.'t;.  17i)4:d.  .Man-h  12.  ISJS;   res.  L.-banon.  X.  Y. 

I.  Henry  Clarke  \Vylif,  b.  Ffb  9.  ISjS;  m.  Fel>.  23.  1S12.  .Mai-v  Avrrv;  r.'-. 
Sparta.  Mich.  1,  Hknkv  IlfXTixciTox,  1).  .ian.  :'.().  1S43.  2.  (inoiict;  Vki;(i v\i..  b 
Jan.  10.  I84t;  m.  .Vpril  1.  ISiii;,  .Martha  Sn^.w.  b.  .Mav:;i.  ]S4:).  ;',,  W_m.'V.  b. 
Sept.  30.  bs4,i;  m.  .'dai(li  1,  IsiKI.  Annie  Slrv|u'r.  1)'.  Feb.  4,  IMii;  Spuita,  .Mich.  1. 
Eriiof,  yi-.yy  :\\ ,  ist;7.  I.  Cii  \  lii.nirK  .\.mi:ma.  b.  X'uv.  (i.  b^is.  o,  linu  ai;i:  iuvim!. 
1).  Dec.  12,  iS.jd.  (i.  (•iiA>.  AiujoTT.  b.  .Ian.  17,  \x:v.',,  7,  Maky  Ei,i/.a,  b.  D.-c.  2."). 
is.j.").     s.  ()i:i;ix  Ai.i.i;x.  b.  .Nhiv  13.  18--)8. 


3  01 

'   11       Ecbvard    Huntin^mn   Wyli..,    b.    Do,-.    8,  ISIO;   in.  Nov    22.    Ip-  Eli/aM,Hm- 
.     1,    >;„,-     •;    is-H,      1     KnwAKi)  MorxTKNF.Y,  h.  S.-pt.  I'.i.  ISC.U:    d.  Apnl  2-3,  isbl. 
•>  "Makv  AMKi.iA.  1..  .'un.  n,   ls(i4.      o,    Ai.KitKi.  Wk,.d.  1..  D<-r.  7.   l^li<;. 
'■    "ill       Mulv  Amelia  Wvlu-.  h.  IVb.  l--.,  lS22:m.  >  Weaver. 

V  Wni.  Mo..!.v  Wyli..,  b.  April  2.  1-4:  ^n.  S,;,,t.  28  18..:^,  Wizabe  .  M,  s.  b. 
Inn.'  17  18:31;  .1.  .lune  4,  b-0:-J;  (2)  U.-t.  :30.  I,s(i7.  Krnnna  Kll.s.  b  >ov.  20  iSoO.  1-, 
"V  KMA  SoF.riA,  b.  Jan.  21,  18M.  2.  Ida  C'emna,  b.  Jan.  .  18...;.  3,  Llsik  1/^.|;^.^  ^;- 
i).v  8.  1S58.   4,  LovKi.i.  Aiii-TAs,  b.  Jan..  (j,  INUO.   5,  Lii.LiK  Li.t/.akkth,  b.  ..0,  18(.o. 

S22417.  Hannah  Clarke,  b.  t^.-pt.  14.  17y-  d  Oct.  lo  lN(i5.  m.  Nov.  2().  1825 
yTn  \L',  b.  IVl.  10.  1^.8:  d.  March  S  1^42;  res.^ilvr  Owk.  N^V;  ..  ..1 
(.uak<T  vaiei.l>  -f  Paliuvra,  X.  Y. ;  a  widuvver  with  2  daus.  wlien  in.  to  Ilarinab  < 

'  1  .lohu  Clarke  Van  Duzer,  b.  An-.  M,  1827:  in.  Feb.  8.  184.),  Lavina  (^  Norton, 
^v1„,<''   T-in    HI     1S70-  (2)  Oct.  6,1871,   Kate    Stevf.n^<:  res.  P^scanuba,  Mich.     1     Ai>ida 

■  M'V-u  b'.Tniv  -n  l8iS:  n..  Oct.  18,  l>s71,  Kd^-ar  A.  Marshall.  2.  Asm.KV  .Mai:kice. 
1  \l-,-h  i^-.r  d  Wr  !.•<  I^r4:  m.  Oct.  20.  1S71.  Mary  MeKee.  V,,  AiMSTiF.r  ^  an-^  Ik  Feb.'  1'.).  18.-.4:   ni.  l\-b.  16,  1874.  Abner   L.uigley.     1.  -h'slr.  b.    Dec.  2*.  18.4. 

•       d"      Suev  Van    Ihizer.  b.  March  12,    1820:   m.  Oct.  23.  1S6!,  Julia  F.  O'Brien.      1; 
\NDK.^.  StockWki.l.  b.   Au-   :i.  1862.     2.  Adelaidk  Fama.  b.  Feb.,  istj:,.    a,   Asin.KV 
M\\-    b   March  H,  l^cs.     4.   Filanci;s  Fm/abkiii,  b.  Nov..  18.2. 
Ill       William  Van  Duzer.  b.  Jan.  1.  18:>),  unni. 

IV  Soi.hia  Elizabeth  Van  Dnzer,  b.  Feb.  10,  18:30:  m.  Sept.  2..  1861  Azariah 
Smith  b  Tan  1  1S;j7-  res  Boston,  Mass. ;  connected  some  years  witli  the  military  tele- 
arai.l.;  i.nv  io  publishin-  business;  house  ol  James  T.  Field.  ]?ostoii.  1.  ^^^I'l^^I/  ■\^ 
DuzEK,  b.  Feb.  10,  1868:  d.  May  ?A.  1>^60.  2,  Tiikodokf.  Clakke,  b.  May  18,  is.O.  e>, 
Feokknce  Ei.izAJif-rn,  b.  May  6.  1S7:]. 

V       \bbv  Van  Duzer,  b.  Feb.  1:3,  ]s:31;  d.  leb.  1,,  18.^3. 
Vl".      Edward  Van  Duzer,  b.  Dec.   14,  18:!;3;   d.  April  21,  18:37. 

822418.     William  Moselcy  Clarke,    b.    March    28,    ISOo:    res.    (Jilbertsville; 
farmer  and  carpenter;  m.  April  y,  l82y,    Harriet  Chapman,  b.  Nov..  l.Oo. 

1.      Harriet  Elizabeth,  b.  Dee.  i:j,  is:>.0:d.  March  16    18:ol.       ,    ,     ,  ^     .  .,  ,      .         ^ 
II.     John   Moselcy.  b.  April    14.  18:32;   m.  Kate    William-  and    haa  1  child;   d.  a.  b 
Nvt-eks       He  is  a  Fnive'rsalist  in  Tenn. 

HI.     Jabez  Huntinp-tnn,  b.  July  2:3.  1^:38;  d.  Aj.ri]  14.  1^:42. 

82242.     Jabez   Clarke,  b.   Nov.  2,  17o;3:  a  brave,    upn-ht    and    honorable    man; 
served  throu"-h  the  war  of  tlie   IJev.    in  the  Quartermaster   Generals  dept.,   with    good 
n.puTation.    "vfterwanls  Chief  Ju>t.  of    Windham  Cu.   Court;  d.    Nov     11,    bs;;6,   a.  88: 
m     -Vpri'  4    1787    Annie,  dau.  of  Jedediah   Klderkm.  wlio  d.  July  1,  18.58;  a.   ... 
'       I    '  C'harles.  b.  March  6.  1788;  d.  Oct.  22,  1798. 

11  b.  Oct.  29,  1789;  m.  Walter  Kinp,  Esq. 
Ill'  \\\\v\  b  \pril  6  1792;  m.  1818,  Edward  Venum,  desc.  trom  the  \  eriion  s  ot 
Cheshire  En-  '  b.  Sept.  S,  1798;  d.  Feb.  12.  1861;  res.  X.  Y.  C.  1,  Eijwakd,  b.  An-. 
"M  1819  "  2  ^Ann\  b  0<-t.  2.-),  1821:  d.  Xov.  28.  IM'.t);  num.  8.  MAiiY  Ei.iZA,  b.  Sept. 
:V'lS2s-'d  Feb"  16'l864;  unm.  4,  Sa.mfei,  H.^^uwoud,  twin  with  M.  E. ;  d.  Oct.,  1829; 
5'  Phieii-'iUkwood.  b.  March  81,  1884;  m.  June  26.  18(37.  Snphia  Helena  Duttnn. 
IV      .l(-rusha.  b.  March  20.  1794;  m.  Jesse  W.  Doohttle. 

V'  Edwards  b  Feb  24,  1796;  d.  March  8,  186s;  Y.  Col.  isi.j;  lawyer  m  W  mdliam 
Co  •  m'  Mav  2^  is28,  Harriet  Perkins.  1.  Ciiaiilotte  E.,  Jan.  2.j.  1830.  ~,  J^l-^«/ 
Pfkkins' b"JuK  4  1S:36;  d.  Julv  26.  ls70:  m.  Dec.  20,  18(31,  Anthony  Lane,  b.  July  4, 
is^lj  1  "Hrnrst  hliranl^.h.  March  :iO,  1S6T.  2,i;,?'^,  b.  July  20,  1S70.  8.  Annie  Jane,  b. 
Jan  P>'  1S46  4  He-NKY  VEiiXoN,  b.  Oct.  8,  1S49.  In  Xov.,  1842.  Mrs.  Clarke  took  i-assage 
on  a  st/amer  from  Detroit  to  ButTalo.  the  last  boat  of  the  season,  with  her  two  daughters. 
Marv  a  dark-evefl,  curlv-haired  girl  of  6yrs.,  and  Charlotte,  a  gentle,  womanly  girl  ot 
12  ■  Thev  werl'  returning  to  New  England.  The  wather  was  calm  and  ideas:int  Abt. 
midni-ht'the  boat  stopped  at  a  pier  built  far  out  in:o  tie-  lake,  to  take  on  sonu^  treight: 
amono^  the  rest  a  barrel  of  turpentine.  In  rolling  this  barrel  on  board  it  burst;  the  tu- 
pemine  ran  over  the  d.-ck,  (h-wn  among  the  machinery,  reaehed  the  turnaee  and  -^et  the 
b;.at  on  fire.  Tie-  liL-hiliouse  on  the  „ier  .-au-ht:  the  boat  was  eusi  oose,  and  dntted 
avav  and  most  of  the  erew  and  i,as.s..ngei>  jn-FHle-d.  Some  uvie  <-hi  b-d  fo_  aeaili:  some 
w,  ,:.  l.arued  with  the  ve»el:  many  w>e  drowiud.  A  few  were  saved  by  lilr-presrrveis 
and  tlou'in<-  fra-.m-nts  of  furniture.  S  -venil  years  afterwards  (rrace  (.reenwou.l  who 
had  learned  the' farts  bv    corivs].ondenr,-   vvith  her  <ousin,  wrote  the  story   lor  a  cluld  s 


liiipcT,  The  Lilflc  J'il^'nm.  uiidor  tlio  title  of  '■llfroisiu  siiul  Faith."  It  is  u  hcauiiful  aiul 
touchiii^^  iTcital  of  luatenial  love  and  womanly  couia^'t'  and  filial  faith.  Oiilv  an  abstract 
can  he-  ^iven  licre: 

_  While  iMrs.  Clarke  was  sk-cpiuu-  soundly  iu  Ikt  I)iith,  on  the  nii;lit  of  the  disa-t.r,  a 
little  wliite-rohcd  fig-iire  eame  to  her,  and  said  quit(  lit-nrly:  -'.Maniuia,  the  jjoat  isou 
fire.      Do  t;et  U]i!" 

It  wasliitle  Mary.  Th.e  mother  was  tired  and  failed  iierhajis  to  conii-rehend.  Tiien 
anxiously  ni-;is|)iiii::  )ier  niotlier's  hand  she  spok.' !i<;ain :  ".Maniiiia,  Mauinia.  \\>-  are 
barnin^Mip:      What  shall  we  doV" 

Then  Mrs.  Clarke  spranir  np.  and  saw  her  (diildren  by  lu-rside,  pah-  witli  terror.  Init 
each  careful  little  ,-oul  holdiii;;-  in  her  arms  the  clothes  she  had  taken  off  on  goin-- to 
l)ed._  All  the  passengers  had  fled  i'rom  the  cahin.  On  openinji'  the  door,  it  was  set'".  To 
be  filled  with  smoke.  Another  door  opened  from  her  room  intiTa  passage  that  hd  to  the 
stern  of  the  boat.  She  hd  her  ehildrm  almu;-  this  i.a-<s:ii;-e.  'i'hev'xvere  all  iu  th-ir 
night  clothes.  It  wm>  a  cold  Novemhi'r  idght.  For  a  little  while  ih.ev  stood  in  a  narrow 
space,  tlu^  liames  b.diind,  the  ehilly  water  before  them;  death  oii  either  hand.  Then 
the  .soul  of  the  ui.ither  fully  awoke.  'Die  water  were  lit  up  with  a  i:ha<ilv  dav.  I.ook- 
iug  al)oul  for  means  (,f  escajie.  she  saw  iindei-  the  stem  of  the  v(  s.-Vl  tin-*  rud'dei-  (diain 
and  i-(jpes.      It  seemed  to  alTord  a  (dianr-e.      She  sei/ed  it  and  b>rme<l   her  plans. 

"Children,"  said  she  calmly,  "do  not  (ding  to  n:e;  br  (juiel  and  obedimt.  or  1  lannot 
help  you."  The  brave  little  girls  promi.sed  to  be  verv  good.  Then  the  nn^ther  stood 
witli  her  arms  ;d)out  her  darlings  and  prayed.  ;,  low,'  brief  praver,  but  stronii- a^  love, 
jiassiouate  a>  life,  solemn  as  death.  Then  lifting  up  little  Marv,  she  said:  ".Mv  (diild 
do  you  see  those  ro]ies  and  chains  below  there'.'" 

''Yes,  liuimma." 

'•A\  ell.  darling.  I  must  diop  you  over  into  the  water.  Yn\i  will  no  down,  dov,  u;  but 
you  will  soon  come  u])  very  near  those  chains  and  ropes  I  think.  Tlien  fjni.y)  the  r/,,ti/,.< 
— /lot  thi'  ropes.      Jlnhlori  to  tlnclintiiS.    Don't  let  go  for  a  moment.      Do  vou  uiulerstand?" 

"\  es,  tnamnia;   I  am  to  hold  on    to  those  <diaiiis.      ]5ut  won't  I  l.u-  dro'wnedv" 

"I  hoj)e  not  dear:  otdy  keep  your  mouth  tighllv  ejosed  while  under  water;  becalm. 
and  remember  what  mamma  has  told  you.      Now,  d',   vou  must  e-o." 

Over  the  railing  tlie  mother  gently  lifted  iu-r  child".  '  It  was  fifteen  feet  to  the  water. 
One  fearful  instant  she  held  her  suspeiide  1  ar.d  then  let  eo.  Theehild  stru<dv  the  water 
almost  as  sileiuly  and  soitls  as  a  siKnc  tiake.  The  white  dress  gleamed  for  ;■  ndnute. 
then  suifk  (.>ut  of  sight. 

llow  lojig  it  s(ei;ied  waiting  b.r  her.  'Oh,  mother."  said  Charlotte,  "  M.irv  i-; 
gone!"  15ut  she  had  hardly  spoken  b.-fore  a  little  white  sjiefdc  ai.i.eared  in  the  water. 
It  was  Mary  rising  where  she  had  sank.  She  grasped  the  (duiin.  She  replied  to  their 
call.      She  was  safe. 

"  Now,  Charlotte,"  said  the  mother,  "  it  is  voui  luni.  I  cannot  lift  vou  over  the 
railing;  you  juni]).  Be  as  brave  as  little  Marv;  do  as  she  did  and"  vou  mav  be 

"Yes,  mother,  I  will  try.      But  will  you  surely  come?" 

"  Yes,  my  daughter.  1  will  die  or  be 'saved  with  mv  children.  Keep  a  good  heait— 
trust  in  Cod — ,t;dod  bye." 

A  hurried  embrace,  a  loving  kiss,  then  a  slender  voung  figure  cl.-imbered  over  the 
railing,  stood  ]>oised  an  instant  outside,  thi-n  plunged  'into  the  cold,  deep  wat<'r. 
Another  fearful  susi)eiisc-;  then  this  dear  form  arose  also  from  the  relenting  deep, 
grasped  the  rudder  chain,  and  called  to  her  mother  that  she  was  .safe. 

It  was  time  f<u-  the  mother  to  go.  The  flames  had  rea(died  the  si)ot  where  she  stood. 
She  (dimbcd  over  the  railing  and  leaped.  She  setuned  to  go  down  a  u,vat  distance  itito 
l>rofouiul  calm  and  silence,  shutting  out,  as  it  seemed  bnever,  the  scene  of  an^-ui-h. 
terror  and  tumuli  above.  But  at  last  she  also  began  to  rise,  as  if  borm-  bv  aneels,  and 
came  up  close  to  her  children.  Oh!  what  a  welcome  thev  gave  her.  She' irf.e-i'ed  tie- 
chain,  btit  the  iron  was  almost  too  hot  to  hold.  The  f!am'es^  bliiuled  and  .seorelied 
them,  the  hot  iron  became  intolerai)le.  Once  little  Marv  let  go  aitd  went  under,  but  was 
resciieil  by  the  motln^r,  en<'(uiraged  ami  entreated  to  liold  on.  "Oil,  ves,"  sobbed  the 
child,  "  what  will  poor  father  do  if  we  are  drowned?" 

So  love,  the  great  divine  htdper,  lent  her  patieiu-e  and  couratre. 

At  leiigtli.  affr  an  bourof  untold  sMtreriuLT.  h:df  burned,' half  ehilled  to  de:ith. 
they  were  liirked  up  by  a  suiall   boat,  the  very  last  to  be  rescued. 

VI.  Charlotte  i:dwards,  b,  (.)et.  "JO,  ITilS;  d.  Jan.  IS,  Ics2;i;  m.  Samuel  rerkiiis  of 
riiila.,  bro.  (d'  Harriet,  above. 

CLAKKE.  363 

822422.  Elizabeth  Clarke,  \>.  O.t.  '2'.),  ITsO;  d.  Sept.  19,  1S12:  m.  Nov.  v.). 
ISIO.  Walter  Kiiifr.  Es(i.,  of  I'tica,  X.  Y.,  h.  Juii.  0,  ITSG;  d.  July  IC,  Is.-jJ;  Y.  C. 
J  Sit"). 

I.  Elizabeth  Kiiiu".  b.  Dec.  17,  1811:  d.  June  17,  1S4><;  m.  Dee.  '-20.  ISlK).  .lames 
l^uttDn,  b.  C)ri.,  17110:  res.  I'tica.  1,  .I.vmks,  b.  (»et.  1,  IS;!?;  d.  Feb.,  ]S4s.  :>.  Soi'iii.v 
lli:r,i'.NA,  b.  Autr.  •'>,  1810;  in.  Juite  26.  1f?G7.  riiilip  Jlarwood  Vernon,  b.  Marcli  '■i'i, 
IKMl.  1,  JLirin.nO.h.  Mavis.  ISiiS.  ;;.  t'ii.\ui.i;s.  b.  Ajiril  27,  ISk':  in.  Dee.,  ISfjG, 
.Mice  l?eixle,  b.  Feb..  IS  11."  4.  A.nn.v  Vkunox,  b.  .Inly  24,  ISIH,  ."i.  Ei,i/..s.Bi:rii  i\r.\(;. 
1).  June  o,  IS  IS. 

822424.  Jcrusha  Clarke,  b.  March  20,  17!J4;  d.  Oct.  20,  ist;."):  m.  June,  IslO.  W.   Hoolittle  of  rtica.  1).  June  17.  17S4:  d.  Sej.t.  IS,  lS4r). 

1.     Edwards  Clarke  Doolittle,  b.  March  10,  1S17;  d.  June  8,  1820. 
II.     John  Jabfz  Doolittle,   b.    Feb.    Iti,   lN]'J:  m.  June  G,  1849,  Kate  A.  Roeart.     1, 
TiiKOi)(.i!K  E..  b.  Dee.  4,  is.-.o.     2,  A.,  b.  July  12.  is.i:].     3,   Lofis.s.  A..^l).  Apiil 
r»,  iyG2.     4,    Wii.j.iK  b'.,  b.  Autr.  oO,  1SG4. 

IH.  Clarke  Doolittle,  b.  Ainil  29.  1S21. 
W.     Charles  Huntin>,non  Doolittle,  b.  March  20,  1^2;]. 

■\'.  Charlotte  Perkins  Doolittle,  b.  Dec.  22,  IS24:  m.  Sept.  19,  1S4S,  James  L. 
Nonis,  b.  March  11,  1S18:  d.  Sept.  20,  iSiil.  1,  M.suY  Ai.n).\,  b.  Oct.  7,  1849;  d.  Sept. 
II,  ISoO.  2,  CoiiNF.i.i.N.  GiiACE,  1).  Nov.  19,  is.^i.  ;-],  Jam?:s  \\'aki;kx,  b.  Jan.  27,  iSoli. 
4,   lioiJKin-  Aktuvk.  b.  March  Vd.  ISOU. 

VI.     Frederick  Albert  Doolittle,  b.  .June  is,  ls27:  m.  Annie  MUchell. 
W\.     Cornelia  J>oolittle,  b.  July  2;'..  d.  Aui,r.  ],  i,s2y. 
Vlll.      Ceortre  Doolittle.  b.  Dec.'(i,  ISIJU:  nn  July  2;;!,  1S,",7,  Laura  Mann. 

l.\'.  Wili'iam  Jesse  Doolittle,  b.  June  l:;,  IS:.::!;  ni.  Jiine  2.  lS.-,*<.  Ilattie  Swift.  1. 
Ar.Mi.NA  Swii-i',  Feb.  28,  18"j9.     2,  Jk.vnik  Swifi',  b.  Sejit.  4,  1><G2. 

X.  Anna  (.Trace  Doolittle,  b.  April  20,  IS;!-"):  d.  Sept.  7,  1S71;  m.  July  8.  ]s."i7,  E. 
Storrs  Barrows.  1.  W.m.  Dooi.TTi  lk.  b.  Aui^-.  2s,  1858.  2,  Mauy  Cooi'f.k,  b.  Jan.  14, 
18G0.  8,  Ot.ivi;k  Buo.nso.n.  b.  .lune  7,  1SG2.  4,  .Ir.ssi;.  b.  Mav  8,  ISGG.  o.  NVu.i.ik. 
Aug-.  28.  1SG7. 

82245. •  Hezckiah  Clarke,  b.  Dec.  19.  17o7:  stud.  nvd.  and  surg.  with  liis  f. 
At  age  oi' 21  NV'a'^  :'-l'P*-  sui-geon's  mate  in  Col.  \\'y!li<'  n'gt. — \\'arrant  ]ireseiited  to  liim 
in  person  by  (io\'.  'rrumbull.  He-  served  two  yrs.  in  Kev.  army,  and  nearly  lost  his  life 
b\  exposure:  prac.  in  l.ane>;boro,  .Mas.^. ,  IS  yrs.:  r.-m.  to  Ponrpey.  N.  Y..  1S(I.").  His 
reputation  as  a  surgeitn  very  extensivt.'.  His  skill  shown  rrither  in  ])i  I'serviiiL'"  than 
amputating.  Many  instances  are  related  of  hi^.  success  \^■ithout  tin'  knife,  in  opposition 
to  medical  council.  In  the  \vinier  of  isi::^-14,  out  of  oOO  cases  of  spotted  fever  (Uily  >> 
<lied.  One  leason  of  his  su<-ct>ss  was  his  uiitiriin:-  d<'voti(-'n  to  hi<  patients.  In  one 
instance  he  \\  as  taken  on  a  beil  lo  t  lu- Jei'ome  fam. ,  (>!' whom  o  were  flown  with  the  IV-ver. 
It  wa.s  a  stmniy,  \\iinei-  niijht  (.)n  I'omiiey  Hill,  and  the  distance  ^vas  five  miles.  They 
all  recovered.  His  mind  failed  in  later  \  rs.,  and  after  he  had  ceased  to  know  his  (*wn 
family  lie  cured  a  tlithcult  case  of  disease--tlie  faith  of  the  ])a1ient  in  him,  aided.  He 
d.  at  Pom])cv  March  4,  1S2G:  iii.  June  2.  1785,  Lucv,  dan.  of  Hon.  Moses  Hliss,  b.  June 
19,  175G:  d.'Jan.  19,  ls50,  a.  94. 

I.      Henry,  b.  Ai.ril21,  17S7;  drown.ed  Sept.  29,  178S, 

II.  Henry,  b.  Jan.  25,  li'SU;  stud,  the  classics  ^vith  James  Pobinson  and  \\'ood.s 
Birdseyc.  In  1812  or  ISi;;  drafted  into  the  army  as  Serg-t. -Major,  liead(|uai-t -rs  at 
O.swcf^o.  At  close  of  liis  term  of  service  was  oflVi-.'cl  a  cajitaincy  in  the  regular  army,  but 
declitied.  Admitted  to  j)ractice  in  the  su[)reme  court  at  Ali)any  Jan..  1S14.  In  .Mandi 
formed  a  co-partnership  with  Caleb  B.  Drake,  Es(j.,  of  Ithica.  N.  Y.,  and  d.  the:  ■  Feie 
19,  1S17,  unm.  He  had  ac(piired  a  hiijli  repiifation,  both  for  abiliiy  and  liiora!  \\'in-lh. 
David  Woodcock  said  of  him  in  IstjS;  ••  1  looked  upon  Henry  Clarke  us  the  most  prom- 
ising- voung  man  I  ever  knew." 

'll'l.      Harriet.  J..  April  14.  17'J1;  m.   Hon.   Daniel  (Gilbert. 
IV.     Charles,  b.  April    12.  17!'-!':  m.  < >!! v  Ostrander. 
V.      Lucy,  b.  Aiuil  2:1.  17:15:  d.  Aug.  2.  K'JG. 
VI.      Lucy.  1).  Oct.  27,   17'.i;i.  d.  July  2!',  IS-IG,  in  Syracuse;   unm. 
V!l.     John  Huntington,  b.  .Inly  2S,  17!'S;  res.  Pompey.  N.  Y. :  farms  extensividy. 
\  111        \'  .Mctealfe,  b.  .Xinilo.   isui).      IMuc.  at  dist.  school   and   Pompej.    A^ad. 
In  1S22  he  ■'  went  West"  to  Oleau  Point,  where  he  Ixnurht  a  skilT.  and  wi'h  a  comp:'niou 
went  down  the  Alleg-hany  river  lo  \\  arren,  ■vvheic  they   engagrd   pa.ssage  on   a   ;afl  and 
continued  tlu-  vo_\a!'-e  on  raft  and  tiat  boat  to  Steub 'n\-ille,  ().,  tliem-e    by    boat    to   Mays- 
.ville,  thence  on  loot  to  Millersville,  Ky.,  where  he  obtained  a  school,  and   re-,  till    1S2S. 


BltANClI    OF    ELlZ.Mli:in. 

He  cKpcrif'nce.l  rdiijinii  iiud  johifl  the  I'rcsb.  clih.  in  Concfud,  \\y.     In  1S?S  hv  ifturnid 
to  Pi)nii>f'v,  X.  Y.,  on  liorscbiick   am!   alone-  u   nf   7(i;)  niilcs — and  e>ngaLri'd   in 
fiirniin"- and  teacliiniC  till  l.s:;-2;  tli''n  till  is:;^  in   DUMcantilc   hnsinfss  at  Maiiliiis,  X.   Y., 
and  for  H  VIS.  %vas  l)r])iiiy  ( 'n.  Clfvk:  rem.  to  Ssi-a<'u-;c.       In   ISO!)  idcctrd  Srliool  Com- 
missioni'i-'for  Ponijii-y.      In  1^11  Villaui'  ('Ifrj;  of  S..  and  collector  of  laxfs.     He  has  hct-n 
ill  tlic  maihlf  l)nsine:j,  al-o  in  liardware  and  in  sash  and  i)lind  maUiiig.       Fvo\u  18-3o  for 
7  vrs.  a  nit-'in    fif  the  ciTv  lH>ard  of  as<(>ss;>rs.      ][f  has  hi'en  cliief  clerk  in  ofTi-c  (d'  ct)Uiity 
cli-rk  of  (.'nondaga   t"o. ,  scar<diinir  df])ai-tnjent,   and   at   intfrvals  a])i>t.    ;y  tlic  courts   to 
•settle  several  lai"i;e  estat'-s.     In  ISij'j  lie  ]>ur(  ha-<ed  the  res.  known  as  "'  Hiawatha  liodge," 
jibt.  2V  miles  south  of  Svi'acuso,  and  lives  there,      llis  les    in  Ky.  had  enalded  l.'iia  to  see 
from  jiersonal  nh^ervutiuu  the  evils  of  slaveiy,  and  he  hccauie  a  radical   in  o})[i()sition  to 
tliat  svstem.       He  was  a  candi(k\te  of  the   Liheriy  iiarty  for  Co.  Clerk  in  lS4l!.       He  was 
the  main  instigator  and  most  pmnunent  actor  in  the  aluluction  of  "  White  Lady  Fugitive," 
Oct.  7,  1889,  from  lier  nia>tf-r  while  visiting  Syracusi.'.     This  caused  great  excitement  at 
tlie  time,  and  a  full   account    was  ])u!)li^>hed   in  seveial    journal.^.      He   thus  initiated  the 
"Underground    H.    li."'  iu   S. :     was    a   mcnt.    of   the   vigilance    committee,  and    active 
in  tlie  later  ])roce('diugs  of  the  celehrated  ■'.lerry  "  rescue  case       'i'hough  nearly  8-4  yrs. 
of  age,  he  still  retains  niost  of  his  faculties  to  a  remarkable  degree        Since  1824  he  has 
*?schewed  tobacco  and  strong  drink.      He  m.  .Tune  7,  iSoG.  Clara  Catlin  Tyler,  b.  Ajnil  9. 
1819:  grad.  C;vzenovia   Seminary,  and   some  time  preceptre-^s   in    (.'.  High  School  and  in 
Manlius  Acad.     She  is  desc.  in  the  Tyler  lim-  fr(nn  .bd)  of  .Indover,  Samuel,  Hbenezer, 
<!"apt.  John.  Dea.  John  and  John  of  Harfoni.  Pa.,  her  f.,  who  m.  Polly  Wadsworth.      In 
the   Wadsworth    line   slie   is   de<c.    from    Hon.   William   of   Cambridge.  Capt.  Jo-i'ph  of 
Charter  Oak  fame,  Joseph,  Joseph,  and  E[)aphras,  wlio  ni.  (Mara  Catlin,  and  had  Polly. 
In  the  Thacher  line  she  is  de<c.  from  P.ev.  I'eter  of   Sali-;bury,  Eng.,  Hev.  Thouuis.  1st 
pastor  of  tlie  old  South  chh.,  Boston,  ]?ev.  Peter  of  Milton,  Ma<s.,  Hev.  Peter  of  Middle- 
boro.  Mass  ,  Rev.  Peter,  A.M.,   of  Attleboro,  }dass.,   whose   dau.    Mercy  m.    Dea.    John 
'I'vler.      In  tin'  Catlin  line,  desc.  from  'I'honras,  John  (d'    Hartford,  Samuel    of   l^itchfield. 
John,  V,  ho  m.  Meciy  Seyin<r,ir.  Ca|il.  Eli,  who  m.  Elizabeih  Wey  and  had  Clara,  as  afiove. 
1,   Hi-:m;v  W.\i)swoi;'i  )1.  b.  Nov.    (J,    1S:;7;  learned   to   read   at    a.   of   2   yrs.;  began 
going  to  school  before  o:  grad.    Syracuse   High    S'hool,  but   his  healtii  would  not  allow 
uu  intended  college  cour.->e.     In  l8of»  became   ihe  City   Engineer's  (Syracuse)  Assistant. 
^Yas  City  Engineer  from  I8*j4  to  1S')9  imdusive,   except  9   mos.    in   the  army.     For  tlie  o  yrs.  has  been  Engineer  in  charge  of  the    ri'-survey  of  the  state   boundary  between 
N.  Y.  and  Pa.,  the  final  adjustment  and  re-marking  with  ])erm:inent  granite  monuments 
not  yet  completed  (iss:3).      In  1881--2  Engineer  in   (diarge   for   X.    Y.    (Prof.    I-'^lward  A. 
Bowser  of  liutger's  Col.,  for  Xew   Jersey)  of  a  similar  survey   and  adjustment    of   tlie 
boundary  line  between  X.  Y.  and  X.  J.      A  large  business  contract  pr<'vented his  entering 
the  army  until  S<'])T..  1SG4,  when  he  became  1st   Lieut.  Co.   1,18.5th    Kegt.    X.    Y.  Vols.. 
(offered  Captaincy  but  deciir.ed.t.      .\t  Lee's  surn^nder  was  teruporarily  se;-ving  as  ])ioneer 
officer  on  SfafT  (d'   d'en.  Zacli.  Chaiidierlain.  now    Pr<'s.    Bowdoin   Cid.,  Me.      He   was  sis 
weeks,  iu  Xov.  and  Dec,  lSii4.    in    City   Point    Hospital    with    malarial    fever.      He    was 
acting  Capt.  in  battle  of  (,!uaker  Pomd"  March  29,  bS'J.J;  Gravelly  Hun.   Maixdi  81;  Five 
Forks,  April  1 ;  mustered  out  June  1,  isG.").  as  Brevet  Ca])1.    X.  V.  Vols.     For  ly  yrs.  he 
was  a  MieTulier  ."list  Bt^gt.  X.  Y.  S.  Mil.,  as  private;  Ca])t.,  Co.  I,  now  Majorintlie  llegt.: 
IG  yrs.  mem.  (i.  A.  ILTanil  has    held    oflices   of  Adjutant,  Assistant  Inspector.    Quarter- 
master and  Post  Commander.      Has    been    In-:pector  of   Elections  and   Supervisor  of  the 
8lli  Ward  of  Syracur^e.   and    elected    ')   times   since,    the    last    two  almost    unanimously. 
Was  Committee  Chairman  and  Consulting   iMigineer  of  the   new   court   house    building. 
For  many  yrs.  a  Hii'ectoi    of  the    Onondaga    Co.    Hist.    .\ss(iciation.    and    now    C<u-.    Sec. 
Mem.  oftlie  Am.  Soc.  of  Civil  EnLdneer.-.      Mem.  .Am.    Meteorological    Soc.      He  m.  Oct. 
1.5,  18(>7,  Ellen  Amanda  Clarke,  who  d.    Feb.  2:!.  1S71.      She  was  a  dau.  of  his  cousin,  C. 
Fordham  Clarke.      She  grad.  at  Pliipps  I  nion  Acad,  in  Albion,  X.  Y.,  and  was  a  tea(  her 
tliere.      1.    T/'f'ih.rr   Woihn  nih.  b.  Oct.  2,  INii'^.     2,  FuvX(Es  AMKi-t.\,    b.  Dec.  0,  18;'.9: 
to  w  horn  1  am!)ted  for  this  carefully   compiled    record   of   descendants   (d'    Dr.    John 
and  Jerusha  lluniinglon  ( 'larke,  in   \n  hie  h  many  errors  in  (ioodw  in's  account  ate  collected. 
and  many  lines  brou-rht  down  to  th.e  iiresent  time.      One  who  has  loiur  known  .Miss  Clarke 

renders  th( 
«'usy  writei 
correct  in  wlc 
S(dioo!  and  liii' 
Was  a  teacher 
(dierished  ])hin 

1 1  lowing  (le.- 
n  earne.--t  w 

d  I 


(|iialil  ie^ 


;  an 

rved  triluiic;      '•  She  is  a  person   of  man\ 
rker,  mentally  and    physicallv    very   enei: 
■    Nvoii;    .she    nndiTfak'es.      Sle-   gia'duated    from    t 
isidr  for  a  teacher  of  m".sic-,  drawing  ami  painting.      Fm-  a  yea.r  sh' 
the    juiblic    sidiool-;   of    Syia.rti;!',     but    failing    health     fru.-tralcd    h'' 
md  she  was  i-omiielltHl    to  abandon  her  life's  wiuJc  for  the  more  !istle> 


occuiiatioiis  of  an  invalid.      She  wa^ 

or  N'l'ar.- 

on.-tant  sulTerer.  but   has  regained  in  .a 

CLAlMvE.  '  305 

small   dfcroe  soiuc   of  her    fonnor  jiliysiral    vigor.       She   rosidcs  with    huv   paif-nts   at 
Hiiiwatlia  l;od2-o.  m-ar  Svpacant'.      Sla-  is  unin." 

IX.  Most's  ]}!!>.<.  !).'X.i\-.  '2>^,  ISli;;:  d.  Nov.  20.  ISi;.").  lli-  was  in  pai  tinTshi])  witli 
liijibro.,  John  JL,  ajid  tht-y  res.  to^'-filicr.  lie  was  a  great  siitTerer  from  iislhnia.  niid 
was  t'ouiid  <h'ad  on  tlie  tioor  in  liis  ho\isi';  m.  .Ian.  "JG.  i^;!7,  Lucy  Dana,  h.  Sept.  21,  loOD: 
d.  May  12,  iSv."^.      1.   LrcY  Al)i:i..\n)i:.  b.  Mareli  G.  ls:jS;  d.  July  2,   1.S57:  iiniii. 

X.  Tlieodore  p'.dwards,  1).  Jan.  28.  1S0(>;  d.  ()<  t.  2(.),  isrji;  ninn.  He  was  suliject 
to  fits  in  childhood  up  To  about  the  iijj;e  of  ejoht  yrs.,  and  everafter  was  unable  to  pursue 
anv  regular  eourse  of  Itusiness  or  stmly.  Tie-  wish  of  his  liff  was  a  rolh^u-e  educatiou. 
He  stud,  at  Ponipcy  Acad,  at  intervals,  as  heiilth  i)erniitted.  He  also  stud,  at  Oneida 
Institute  at  Whitesville.  X.  Y..  where  niaiund  labor  is  eoniii-eted  wiiji  study,  and  was 
some  time  eniploy.d  as  an  assistant  tearh.-r.  Theodore  D.  Weld,  who  was  a  teacher  and 
lecturer  there,  said  he  had  a  happy  faculty  of  illustrating  and  conveying  hi.s  ideas  to  liis 
class.  He  afterward  stud.  med.  and  suri;-.  witli  Dr.  Stearns  of  Pompey,  who  said  he 
was  the  most  raiiid  and  thorough  srudiuu  h<-  i  vfr  knew;  buf.  after  six  luos.  was  obliged 
to  give  it  uj).  Previously  he  liad  stud,  law  with  the  same  result.  After  lS:31-2  he  was 
on'the  wing  for  si  vera!  years,  lecturing,  teaching  and  resting.  Afterward  res.  on  a  farm 
nt  Haldwinsville,  X.  Y..  until  a  year  before  his  death.  He  d.  at  Syracuse,  Oct.  2'j.  IS.IH. 
H.  D.  ^Veld  who  greatly  attached  to  him,  said  lie  was  misunderstood  by  most  i)eo]>le. 
He  had  "a  great,  true  lieart;  a  far.  clear-s'H-ing  eye;  profound  views  of  men  and  things: 
loathing  of  sliams;  infelicitou*.A-ircunistances  rullhd  his  surface,  but  how  beautiful, 
serene  and  trauspareni  lay  the  di-pths  of  his  nature  ^'  *  "  Rest,  lirother  of  my 
lieart,  weaiv,  .-irk  at  heart,  reaching  forth  witli  yearning  and  agony  to  tie'  tilings  b^d'ore. 
tliou  hast  atiainei  at  last."'  He  was  fiecpiently  M>Iiciie«l  to  furnish  copies  of  his  writings 
both  in  prose  and  poetry  for  ])iiblicatiou,  but  abscdutely  refused.  He  read  and  criticized 
the  ]irofoundest  wrltiiiu's  as  one  at  home,  but  in  lat(>r  years  never  wrote.  All  moral  ar.d 
ndigious  questions  greatly  interested  him. 

822453.  Harriet  Clarke,  b.  April  14,  17i)l;  d.  Xov.  27,  1^64;  m.  Sept.  C,  IS]  7. 
Hon.  Daniel  CTillieit;  hiwy-r;  b.  Sept  12,  KSG;  d.  P>b.  15.  IbGo;  s.  ot  PiCV.  Jose]>li.  then 
pastor  Cong.  (hh.  at  SlieiYndd,  Mass.  In  1790  rem.  with  his  f.  to  Weybridge.  Vt.,  and 
in  171)9  to  Pomjiev.  N.  Y.:  stud,  law  in  Salina:  soon  elected  Justice  of  the  Peace  and 
held  the  otrice  for  24  years  In  lSo2  rem.  to  Fayerteville.  X.  Y. ;  tlunce  to  Gaines,  X'. 
Y.,  a  year  after:  there  appt.  Asst.  Judge  Court  of  Com.  Pleas  and  held  bjr  5  yi-ars,  and  at 
the  same  time  ]>ostmaster.  In  1844  rem.  toColdwnter.  Mich.  He  tlnu-e  was  Asst.  Court 
Commissioner,  l>iir  diil  no  other  business,  hi?  heakh  biding  poor.  Hr  pnned  tin-  po>si- 
bilitv  of  being  an  hoiu->t  chri-tian  lawver;  child,  h.  in  Saliiia. 

■  I.  Henry  Clarke  Gilbert,  b.  July  14,  INlS;  d.  May  24.  lSfi4;  m.  Xov.  2G,  ISlc!, 
Harriet  Owsley  Clianii)ion.  b.  April  16,  1S27,  dau.  of  Peubiui  J.  Went  with  his  father 
to  Fayetteville  in  is::!2,  thence  to  Caines;  tlience  to  Coldwater,  Mich.  Taught  school 
and  stud,  hiw;  admitfed  to  Wav  1>:'42.  !a  lb44  api)t.  by  Cov.  Fitch,  Pros.  Atty.  for  ]h-<uich 
Co.,  Mich.;  twice  le-app.t.;  held  the  ollice  G  yrs.  In  IS.'iO  employed  by  So.  J\Ii(di.  Pi.  P. 
Co.,  to  procure  rigiit  of  way  through  Ikancli  and  adjoining  counties  and  became  Atty. 
of  the  compiany;  apjit.  Indian  ageiU  by  Pres.  Pii-r<-.^  to  the  ChiiJ])ewas  of  Lake  Superior 
and  Upper  Miss.,  with  stores  at  Sault  St.  Marie,  1/Anse,  at  h«  ad  id'  Keweenaw  Bay  and 
La  Point,  an  island  in  Lake  Superior.  He  adoj.n-d  a  huniain-  policy,  prcdiibited  the  sale 
of  whisky  to  the  Indians  as  far  as  possible,  and  destroyed  it  wherever  found  witliin  his 
agencv.  "intliisthi-  Indians  concurred.  In  ISo4,  iu  connection  with  another  agent,  he 
concluded  a  treaty  at  La  Point  with  the  Chippewas  of  L.  S.  and  U.  M.,  by  whi(di  a  large 
tract  was  ceded  to  the  C.  S.  After  the  close  of  his  agency  he  resumed  pndessional  and 
other  business. 

On  the  loth  day  of  Sejit.,  1802,  the  I'Jth  Ibgt.,  Mi(di.  Vols,  was  mustered  into  the 
service  of  the  1'.  S.  at  Dowagiac,  Mich.,  under  the  command  of  Col.  Henry  Clarke 
Oilbert.  Tlie  H<-ut.  left  ten  days  after  for  TluM-endezvous  on  the  Ohio  river,  10  miles 
btdow  Cincinnati;  thence  ordered  from  ])lace  to  plare.  At  Xieliolasville,  Tenn. .  a  bat- 
tery of  G  mounte<i  howitzers  and  40  horses  was  attaidied  to  the  Kegt.  At  Thompson's 
Station.  Tenn..  the  I'liion  force  of  1700  men,  including  Col.  (iilbert's  Pegt.,  was  cap- 
tured bv  a  force  of  1000  men  under  (ien.  Forrest.  'I'he  19tli  Mieh..  wlio  went  into  battle 
with  4SS  men,  !o<t  20  killed  and  S:}  wounded,  of  whom  54  died;  100  HKue  were  disabled 
by  exposure  and  cruel  treatnuuit  while  jjrisiuiers.  Col.  (iilliert  says  that  the  men  were 
literally  shiughiered  while  on  thein.ireli  to  Pi-iiiiioP.d  as  pri.^.uiers.  The  otiie.-rs  were 
cnnlined  in  Libliy  prison  from  March  20  to  May  5,  ISd:;,  and  then  exchan^'-ed.  Tin-  L'egt. 
was  reorganized"  at  Camp  Chase,  and  in  Oct.  Col.  (iilbert  was  sent  to  .Me.Minnville  in 
command  of  the  Post,  and  while  tln-re  built  several  redoubts.  In  April,  1NG4,  he  was 
ordered   to  the    front  and   was  at  the  storming  of   Resaca  on  the  15th  of   May,  where  liis 

3G6  BltAXCH    OF    ELIZA  }!ET[1. 

coiuinutul  c;i])tun'd  a  h:ittfry  on  tin-  tliird  uttfinpt,  tin.-  two  tirst  being  unsuccessful.  At 
this  tiuH!  he  u'asshut  througli  tin-  l:ody,  within  1.")  iV-t  of  thi;  enemy's  ^ifuiis,  by  ii  ball  from 
a  rilie  in  the  bands  of  a  sharpshooter.  He  dismounted  without  assistance,  tied  his  horse 
to  a  <,'-rub  and  sat  (h^wn.  Ho  was  taken  in  an  ambulancf  to  ('hatlanooL;a  and  d.  there, 
May  '2'\.  I^O-},  nine  daysafter  the  l)attle.  He  wasan  exi'(dlent  otHcer;  astrict  disciiilinariau, 
but  as  consideratf  of  his  men  as  if  they  were  his  own  children,  lookinij  after  their  wants 
and  comforts.  Ciiildren  1>.  in  Coldwater,  Mich.  1,  Lt  ev.  li.  iiept.  5,  1X4-1;  d.  Oct.  18, 
ISIir);  until.  ',',  FiiKUF.KicK,  b.  .Inly  IS,  184(1;  d.  Nov.  1,  IS.IO.  ;j,  (ii;A(  k,  b.  Au;r-  'i-i', 
1849;  m.  .Ian.  'JO.  1S(5'.),  Charle-;  .\lmoji  Spaulding.  b.  Nov.  •,>(),  1^:',!);  MirIdleto\s  ii^  Vt. '; 
jnerch.;  res.  Coldwater;  his  :.M  wf.  1,  Ethe^ya  Lcni ni ,  h.  .July  ^^0,  1S72.  2,  J.o/iisu  Adr/, 
b.  .-\ug.  1."),  1S74.  ;-'..  ^^n'l  IriVhert,  b.  Aulj.  5,  1876.  4.  (Jfiarli^  Almon,  b.  Jan".  'JiJ, 
1883.  4,  l{os.vMnM>,  1».  .June  '6.  18-31:  d.  saddonlv  at  homo  in  Waukeshma.  Micli 
April  4,  1881;  ui.  Oct.  29.  1879,  Dr.  (fen.  .1.  Wilder,  o,  XoK.V,  b.  21.  18.58;  m' 
?»lay  4,  187o,  Willis  Corydon  Marsli,  b.  .Jan.  2;;,  is.').'!,  res.  Coldwater,  Midi  1,  Zdhi 
M'ljl.  b,  Sei't.  .-).  1S74.  2.  (rrnre  <iW>'  li .  b.  May  22.  INS] ;  d.  .luiu>  8,  same  yr.  '5,  .j'a.mks. 
b.  Nov.  10.  1N")-"J;  d.  Fei.i.  4,  ls71;  shot  himself  by  accident.  7,  I',  b.  Oct.  29. 
ISOO.     8,  lli';.\i!v  Ct..vt;Ki:,  b.  Aug.  :M,  1S(;2. 

11.  .J:imes  \\illi.iia  (iilbertTb.  .July  lo,  1820;  hnvver;  d.  April  10,  1x63;  m.  Nov 
2(J,  1S4(;  Celia  II.  (ia.-ton,  b.  .Juii.  10.  1824;  d.  May  28,  bSVS;  (2)  .Nov.  29,  ISOO,  P:iia,  dau.  of 
Avora  Pelham,  b.  .June  21,  l^^tU.  1.  Ai.kk  C.Ctk.mmm-:,  b.  Ajuil  ;]0,  1S48;  m.  .Julv  .o. 
18158,  James  I'^ibert  Lambdin,  I).  Aiuil  H!.  ]x'V.):  w-..  \-\n\  Scott,  Kan.;  lie  is  a  compositor. 
1,  XiJlu  M:iii,  I'.  June  2:;,  1m;9.  2.  IJuny  WUli.^.  h.  May  8,  1871.  3,  Cord  JioHr,  h.  July 
28,  1872.  4,  Jli'h'ii  L'sfn-,  b.  Aug.  0,  1S74.  .";,  Rufph  Eriif.'<t,  b.  Oct.  10,  1880.  (i, 
Ila^s:!l  Cltirke,  b.  Jun.-  Il,lss2.  2,  Lot  isa,  b.  S-pt.  Li,  1n.-)():  d.  Feb.  1,-),  is.jl.  ;3, 
Annik  LorisA,  b.  Aug.  ."),  ].Nj2;  has  been  a  teaidier;  m.  Oct.  18,  1882,  Joseph  Erskine 
Tasker,  b.  Pittsfield.  N.  II.,  March  b"),  lS.-,0:  ivs.  Columbus,  Neb.  4,  Hexuy  Cr.AKKK, 
1).  Aug.  10,  18.').");  m.  Ore,  bssl.  5,  TiiKnixiitr:  Fdw.vuds,  b.  May  1,  1S,-)S;  m.  Fel).  l! 
18M,  Vivi.-i.  F,.  Newel,  !/.  (^>uasi]netan,  Hnchanan  Co.,  Iowa,  Mav  7,  1801;  res.  Lvons, 
Burr  Co.,  Neb.  1,  Arfhur.  h.  Nov.  20,  1881.  H,  Cki.i.n.  M.Aur;  \i:'i.;t,'  b.  April  7,  'l8(>2: 
in.  July  1."),  1^79,  Cicu.  Webi),  b.  Fob.  IS,  1840;  res.  (iaiucsviUe,  Florida;  1  el ('-ai-aph' 
oj.erator.      1,   ,I<!nh!<  Cilhtrf,  b.  Aug.  2;-3.  1880;  d.  Sept.   2.  1880. 

III.  :Maigaret  Augusta  (Tili)eri.  b.  Sept.  22,  1822;  d.  Nov.  22,  1S70;  uiim. 

IV.  Harriet  Adelaide  Gilbert,  b.  Oct.  12.  1824;  d.  Feb.  38.  IS.^.j;  m.  April  22.  1847. 
Lotiis 'r.  N.  Wil.-on,  b.  S"pt.  24,  1821,  lawver;  child,  b.  iti  Coldwater,  Mich  1  K  VTK* 
b.  May  12,  1818;  m.  Nov.  2.^,  1872.  Chas.  Asahel  Lee,  b.  Julv  24,  1844."  1,  Gn,a\  h. 
:May  8",  187-1.  2,  Jfuni'/.^>.  June  3.  ls70.  2.  ;1ai;i;ikt  Ei.i.k.n,  b.  Ai;g.  10,  18."30;' m. 
March  2.-.,  bSU8.  Erasmus  Huss  Moore,  b.  May  2.7,  184:1  1,' L'^uis  Jfciri/,  h.  Oct.  14, 
1872.  2,  Jlairy  ,WWc,  b.  Aug.  28,  1873,  iu  Kans.  3,  Lotis  T.  N..  b.  Dec.'  11,  18.V2;  d.' 
Sept.  2S.  1877;  m.  Sept.  20,  1874,  Carrio  Lathan  Perry,  b.  July  2,  18."")3;  child,  b.  in  Co'ld- 
■water.  Mi(di.;  res-  Eombard,  111.  1.  J.onls  FrrdrrlrL .  b.  Nov.  20,  1ST.-,.  2,  ]F,hn  Ann'tf''. 
h.  Aug.  28.  1877.     3.   /.'"//•-,  Lt'f/,,-oji.  twin  with  Helen  A.,  d.  Eombaid.  111. 

V.     Daniel  Howard  Gilberr,  b.  Aug.  2."),  1820;  d.  .April  10,  1830. 

VI.  Theodore  Bli.^s  iiillieit,  b,  Nov.  30,  1831;  d.  May  31,  1841,  from  being  run  over 
liy  a  wagon. 

822454.  Charles  Clarke,  b.  Ajiril  12,  1793;  d.  in  Mich.  He  was  a  whefdwright 
suul  carpiuiler;  m.  A])ril  12,  ISb'),  (.)llv  Ostraiider,  b.  1794;  d.  Jnlv  1,  183:'.;  (2)  Feb.  20, 
1S4G,  Clarissa  Carlisle;  d.  Sept.  20,  180.5. 

I.     Frances    Amelia,    b.    May  10,   ISIO;    d.   March    21,   1839;    unni. ;    a   teacher   in 
iiaines,  N.  Y. 

II.  Delia  Caroline,  d.  May  22,  1840;  m.  (b-o.  Calvert  Brown;  had  1  child  b.  in  1812. 
111.  Charles  Fordham,  b.  1819;  d.  of  cholera  in  Chili.  N.  Y..  Sept.  9.  18.->2;  m. 
Martha  M.  Hemingway,  b.  July  24,  1821;  d.  Maivh  24,  1847:  (2)  Mrs.  Sally  C.  Nor- 
throp, who  d.  .Aug.  11,  1849;  (3)  Eliza  Spauldin;:;  she  m.  (2) — —Bangs.  1,  Ei.i.KN 
Amand.v,  b.  May  0.  1^42;  d.  Feb.  23.  Is71;  m.  Oct.  1.3,  1807,  IIlv.  Henrv  Wadsworth 
Clarke.  1,  7'h(u(lon  B7?(/,v-T///'f//,  b.  Oct.  2,  1808.  2,  Chas.  BiuitiTT,  b.' May  3,  is44; 
d.  March  3.  1804,  while  at  scluxd  in  Lima,  N.  Y.,  awav  from  luuno.  3,  "M.\htha 
Baunks,  1>.  July  29,  1849;  d.  A].ril  18,  1S71;  m.  Oct.  17,  1807.  DeWiit  C.  Spaulding;  he 
m.  (2)  anil  res.  in  Wayne,  Mich.  1,  lu/y  Clm-Lc.  b.  .Marcli  10,1871.  4,  HAKi:ii;r 
Jank,  d.  a.  18  uios.  ."),  CATiiKitiNE  E.xtti.Y,  b.  Oct.  30,  182.",;  m.  Oct.  23.  18.53,  Albert 
Henrv,  s.  of  Timothy  and  Mercy  Buttertield,  b.  .July  18,  1824;  res.  Caniillus.  N.  Y.  1, 
Cecelia  Lnras,  b.  July  20.  1854;  in.  Nov.  11.  1880,  Frederick  P.ratt  Howe,  b.  Jiilv  4,  18.5.5. 
1,  Laura  Ellen,  b.  Dec.  ix,  1.8.'s2.  2.  Flora-  }IcI>  a  Fronow  1>.  April  0.  ]s,-,8;  a  teatdu-r  in 
Camillus,  X.  Y.,  and  teaching  among  otlu^rs  a  deaf  pupil  by  the  lip  method.  0.  Ei.i.K.v 
Ei.r/.Ai;KTir,  b.  Sejit.  13,  1831;  d.  Sept.  14.  1832.     7,  Hk.\j:y'Hkzi.:!;iai[,  twin  with  E.  E. ; 

CLAKKi:,    r.USHXKLL.  3G7 

ni.  Ort.  2."),  18.")G,  Marirurct  Ann  Wilson,  h.  Jan.  1:1,  IS-^i).  j,  Frtim-c.'i  Lorranic,  b.  Fel). 
IS),  1S5K,  -i,  M'ln/ (Illy.  h.  July  4,  ISOO;  ni.  Nov.  IT),  188:?,  Wilbur  Tajilin,  a  niillor; 
n;s.  I'owagiiic.  :'.,  h'lmh/  GtrtraJf,  h.  F»-b.  2,  1802.  4.  f'oni  Albcrfi/ia.  h.  y<>\-.  i,  ]'<V)y,. 
5,  ./"/<«  /)''/vt,  b.  Aug.  :J,  18(>5;  d.  Au^^  2."),  l8U."j;  i".  by  2(1  ni. :  8,  ('has.  Fiu,l>i;i:if  k,  b. 
Oct.  30,  ISoi);  ni.  J\uu'  13,  ISTo,  Ella  fl  Tlimnson,  b".  F('\\  19,  18r)4.  1,  J/Zr^/  M'»//.  b. 
Dec.  2.  1872.     2,  I'/v/.  Fif-nird,  b.  .Man-li  18,  1881.     8,   Chinnr.c  ,/.,  b.  Nov.  27,  1N82.      - 

S2246.  Tryphenia  Clarke,  l>.  Fib.  10,  niiO;  d.  Oct.  12,  1783;  ni.  Auu-.  14,  178(t, 
Eben.  Busluif-ll.  Jr.,  ot'  Lebanon.  Conn. ;  .';.  of  I'.lipn:  s.  of  Xatlian;  s.  of  Josiab;  s.  nf  Hich- 
ard,  b.  Sept.  1:1  17ol;  Y.  (".  1777;  d.  Aug.  -i.  18uUof  yellow  fever,  on  board  sliip  Warren, 
otT  Matanzas.  He  was  purser,  lie  was  a  classmate  of  Xoah  W"ebster  and  connected 
witii  him  in  pr.-jiaring  the  spelling  book,  lie  was  a  reputed  genius;  Capt.  of  train-band; 
school  teach'-r;  merchant;  editor  of  the  J\  «r/r;V//  Wcclly  llfjistcr;  v,  mechanical  genius; 
Free  Mason;  when  the  ship  Trumbull  was  launched,  he  was  chosen  to  carve  the  d'over- 
nor"s  profile  on  it  for  a  figure  head.  —  Vrvm  JinncHC  Jin.shutll,  a  'jr.  -v. 

812461.  Hezekiah  Bushnell,  b.  Se])t.  27,  17S2;  d.  Dec  4,  18.>1;  m.  Nov.  10, 
1804,  Lucy  Tifiany.  1>.  December  2(.».  17^2;  died  Novemlier  11!,  180!);  daughter  of 
of  Asa  and  liUcy  Mason  Tiffany  of  Lebanon,  Conn.  Hez.  Bushnell  rem.  from  Lebanon. 
Conn.,  to  Ararat,  Susquehanna  C<.).,  I80U;  bought  land  and  brought  on  his  fam.  next  yr. 
The  journey  v.-as  made  on  a  wagon,  and  the  party  consisted  of  himself.  wf.,t\vo  (diil. 
and  a  hired  man.  \Vitliin  ten  days  of  their  arrival,  their  eld.  dau.  d.  a.  4  yrs.  and  her 
funeral  was  the  first  religious  service  in  the  settlement.  In  a  fi-w  weeks  a  rud'-  hut  was 
so  far  conndeted  as  to  serve  forshelter  and  the  fam.  moved  in.  In  the  fall  a  dau.  was  b., 
tlie  first  b.  in  the  .settlement.  There  were  only  :]  women  in  the  township;  viz. ;  Mrs.  Tyler. 
Mrs.  Clinton  and  Mrs.  Bushnell.  Mrs.  B.,  and  Mrs.  T.,  had  freijuently  to  go  to  Lanes- 
boro,  ten  miles  o;i  lirirseViack,  witJi  Imljes  in  their  arms,  for  grist,  while  there  husiiands 
were  busy  in  tin-  field.  Mr.  B.'s  barn  was  the  first  building  raised  in  the  settlement 
Avithout  litjuor.  A  story  is  told  of  his  meeting  a  \^'l!ite■faced  bear  one  Sunday  morniiiii- 
when  going  to  chit,  with  wf.  and  only  <diild  Leonard  Augustus,  and  friglitenlng  lilm  off 
Lv  shouting  and  waving  hi.s  hat. — lli'sf.    Su.'<q.  Co. 

I.      Nancy,  b.  iNUii:  d.    181(1. 

11.  Rev.  Leonard  Aiiirustus  Bushnell,  b.  Jiine2:3,  1S08;  d.  June  30,  lS7:-i:  m.  April 
4,  18;:39,  Liveria  A.  Sabiu,  b.  Feb.  18,  1810;  d.  Ai)ril  7,  1882.  She  m.  (2).  He  taught 
school  in  N.  J.  a  few  years,  but  res.  mostly  in  Lanesboro,  Pa.,  where  he  was  instantly 
killed  at  noonilay.  while  reclining  on  the ground  by  a  tree  falling  hMigtIiwise  ujion  him. 
He  V as  licensed  and  ordained  as  u  local  preacher  by  the  M.  K.  C(jnference  and  desired 
to  engage  in  missionary  work,  but  was  prevented  by  tlie  feeble  health  of  his  parents.  1, 
Hkxiiy  1kvi>(;,  b.  June  0,  1841.  He  and  his  friend,  E.  D.  Tyler  were  the  first  volun- 
teers from  their  townshi]^  and  tlieir  being  no  regt.  in  their  Co.,  went  to  Erie,  Pa.,  and 
enlisted  Aug.,  1801,  At  battle  of  Caine's  Mills,  Jum-  27,  I'^'iVl,  was  severely  wounded 
and  left  on  the  field.  His  friend  E.  D.  Tyler,  \vas  wounded  and  taken  i>risoner. 
Nothing  jnore  was  heard  of  Henry  till  after  the  war,  and  then  it  was  learned  from  a 
fellow  ]»risoner  who  was  carried  in  the  same  wagon  with  Henry  to  Libby.  that  he  was 
shot  thr(jugh  the  side  and  lay  helpless  on  the  field  for  three  days  and  nights  without 
food  or  drink,  save  the  contents  of  liis  owti  lanteen.  The  j-mrney  to  Libby  was  a  cruel 
ride  in  his  wounded  and  iaint  condition,  l)Ut  that  and  )uuch  l)esides  he  bore  bravelv  and 
hop.-fully  until  he  d.  He  was  bur.  in  the  trenches  on  the  morning  of  July  2,  1862.  2, 
M.\KY  Ei.i/,.\BKTn,  b.  March  i).  1S4:1  m.  April  2,  1808,  Watson  A.Shute.  '  IJit-nerien  . 
b.  Feb.  20,  180!).  ?,.  W.m.  llKiUiKirr,  b.  May  14,  1840;  m.  April  8,  1809,  Martha  Lucretia 
Hewitt,  b.  July  8,  1849.  1,  Kiln  Mm/,  b.  June  28,  1870.  2,  Henry  H^'iritt,  b.  March  IS, 
1872.  ;L  H-ihn-t  Albert.,  b.  Sept.  2:L'1S74.  4,  Clara  L.,  b.  June  20,  1870.  5,  MiUit.  b. 
Feb.  7,  d.  March  2-1.  1878.  4,  J.VMF.s  Hyd?:,  b.  Feli.  8,  184^^;  ni.  Sept.  10,  1874,  Addie 
1).  Dart,  b.  J'llvll,  1841.  1,  A,hU,  fsahU,  b.  Mav  17,  1.S77.  2,  Jlatrard .  b.  Feb. 

HI.      Harriet  Buslnieli,  b.  isiO;  d.  1812. 

W .      Ebem-zer  Bushnell,  h.  June   7,    1813;  in  nurserv  busin(\ss   at  l^eaver  Dam,  Mo.; 
Ju.    Sept.    1:3,  bs4:^,.    Lvdia    II.    Pavne,   b.  Sej)!.  22,    1S20. ' 

V.  Albert  Bushnell.  b.  Dec.  ;^0,  181');  d.  Feb.  0,  1801;  m.  Jan.  4.  1S40,  Harriet 
Wadsworth  Tyler,  b.  Dec.  19,  1820;  d.  April  3,  L^Ol;  she  v.-as  a  d.uible  1st  cousin  of 
3Ir.s.  Catlin  Clarke:  rlo-ir  fath^-rs  being  brothers  and  their  mothers,  sisters.  Some  yrs. 
after  his  m.  stud,  law  and  i)raciiced.  lied,  suddenly  in  Susipiehanna,  Pa.,  fioni  an 
overdose  (d' aconite,  taken  for  medicine.  1,  Nkwton  W.VDsv.oitiii.  b.  Mav  23,  1841. 
2,  LvcY  M.\KI.\,  b.  Oct.  I,  1843;  in.  Ai>nl  .22,  1802,  Lewis  E.  Shults,  b.  Dec.  18,  1831; 
res.  ^^■indso^,  N.  Y.      1,  Albert  Manjaii,  b.    Sept.   0,    18G0.       2,  Ilan-il  Lo'i-ne.  b.  March 

3(i8-  BRANCir    OF    K LIZA  I?  F.TIl. 

24,  1808.     r.,  Paysox  KiNtisiu  kv,  Juiie;i.  ]S-I."»:  m.  April  20,  1871,  Olivr  Bryaiir,  li.  Nov. 
1,  ISi.l.      He  is  station  aj-t.  at  Niiievah.  X.  Y.       1,    liJJr    Lni/i.^ir,  h.  Feb.  ,S,'lS7-,>:  ,1.  Oct 
10.1778.     2,  ./.-.vx    ^■'(''^  1>.  March  K),  1S74.     '.i,  Ahn-t  Ehntnl,    h.   Man-ji  28.    1870.     -4 
]\ll/iii;i    ]f>irn:l.    h.    .hi  ;■.:;.  1  ^o,      ,-.    G  ■rh-'il",  U.  SXxu-h   IS,  ls-^2.      4,  M,\);y  Kmily.' 
h.  April   17,  1^>1.^  m.  May  2".l,  ISTS,  Flctciier  tJii^iaVu-.    Warufi-,    h.    .Ian.   2."),    1S:J7.       ], 
Lo'ii.-ic  BushiiiU.  1).  Dec.  is,  IS^O.      \\v  is  a  lutirli. :  n-,.   .Montrose,  Pa.       ."i,  Hoijapk.  1). 
Mav  (i,  ly.jO.      Yarii  niastt-rat  Ninevah,  N.  "W;  u\.  .\\n'\\  22,  1S77,  rrances  Ktla  U'liiinev, 
1>.  Nov.  28,  1"^."')7.      1,  Kinnir  Lwii^, ,  h.  .Iuiie4,  is?-;.     2,  /'nmrii  lL>r.i<e,  h.  May  !).  188(L 
6,  HATlKrKT  An.v,  1>.  .May  10,  is.")2;  alttr  <\.  ot  lier  t.  she  was  adopted  by  Lafnyette  Fitch, 
Es'j.,  hiwvor  of  .Monirnse.   I'a.,  and  name  rliansred  i)y  sp-oial  enactment  to  Harriet  Bush- 
iiell   Filch;  d.  (_)ct.  .8U,  1^72;    unm.       7,  .I.\.\i-:  laK■I-^A,    b.  Mav    2'>.    l^oii;   res.    Porliand 
N.  Y. 

VI.  James  Clarke  Bnshnell,  b.  .Mav  81,  1,S2(»;  m.  F.  b.  4.  ls40,  Sallv  ]{uKanu,  dan, 
of  l{ev.  Kli  and  Saliv  Ilvde,  b.  Mav  1,  is-J2;  d.  July  14,  ]S4!);  (2)  March  4,  l.S")l,  <di\e 
Wells,  dan.  of  P-ubMi  and  Olive  \\'ells  Harris,  b.  March  S,  182S.  1,  .S.mj.v  Im.mot,  b. 
Nov.  80,  18.-)1:  d.  Mav  22,  ISO").     2,  Mkumax  Scott,  b.  Oct.  7,  1S.~)3. 

Vir.  Elizabeth  Bushneil,  b.  May  2.S,  1^28;  d.  July  1.  JS71:  m.  June  18,  iSiH,  Itev. 
James  B.  Wil.son.  a  widower,  b.  Aa;^.  2,  1799;  d.  Apiii  2"),  1878.  1.  Hattie,  b.  Oct.  19. 
180.5;  d.  Feb.  24,  ]b07. 

82247.  Deodatus  Clarke,  h.  July  17,  1702:  (M^  P. 'of  0,imbriJ,i:e,'X.  Y..  tbea 
New  Lebanon  Sprini:s.  theii  Clinton,  then  Pompey  Hill,  then  Osweo-o.  when-  lie  d.  June 
10,  1847,  a.  8.-);  m.  Feb.  -J,  1794,  at  Clintcm.  Nancy,  eld.  dau.  of  ]>ea.  Daniel  Duuliam  of 
Lebanon,  C'oan. ;  ij:r,  daa.  on  mtiternal  sidr-  of  P.fv.  S.iiHMel  Moselev,  ami  sis.  id"  Josiali 
M.  of  Lexingtou.'Kv.,  b.  Oct.  7,  1778;  d.  Mav  .■.,  182S. 
1.     John.  b.  l)Ve.  8.    1794. 

n.  Julia,  b.  Nov.  10,  1790:  d.  Feb.  ."i.  1820:  m.  Oct.  1,  ls22.  Dr.  Sardius.  s.  of 
Wardsworth  and  Jernsha  Ncwcomb  Brewstei'  of  Leiianon.  ("onn.,  b.  S.']it.  8,  178');  d. 
April  IS,  l>-r.O,  Me-ico,  N.  Y.;  descended  from  I'.bb'r  \V,,i.  prcwsfr.  lie  was  three 
times  H).:  (1)  Harriet  Waite:  (8)  Eleanor  Knox.  1,  Jfi.i.v  Oi.a  k:<k,  1>.  June  18.  1S28: 
d.  Jalv4,  1800;  m.  Sei)t.  2.").  1S.-)1.  \'ir-il  < '.  b.  Mar.-h  28,  1S20:  (2)  Jo-iah 
Dunham,  b.  Dec.  ls2o:  il.  res.  Oswcl^o,  N.  Y.  \.\rn'la  Brcirst,,-.  b.  O^-t.  0,  1808.  2, 
Ca(h<ii'i)u  John.'«:>i',  b.  Oct.  20.  1800;  d.  Aug.  9,  1S07. 

III.  Nanrv,  b.  April  27.  1798;  d.   Mav  21,  1818;  unm. 

IV.  Laura,  b.  Dec.  22.  1799:  d.  Sept  20,  180S. 

V.      Edwin  ^\■inslow.  b.  Sept.   10,  1S|»1 ;   m.  ('harl<itte  .\mbler. 

VI.  Julius,  b.  Sept.  80,  1802;  d.  June  7,  181-".;  m.  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Mav  81,  1S42. 
Hannah  Lucy  Weeks  of  Salisbury,  A't.,  b.  Dec.  19,  1818.  She  ni.  (2)  Backus  Tilloison 
of  Cazenovia.  1,  Josiaii  D^^'aA^r,  b.  Lexini;-tou,  Ivy..  F^b.  14,1844;  enlistetl  in  .itli 
rcLTt.  yi.  Yols.;  '].  in  tie- --ervicM  at  Yorkt"\vn,  ^^■l.,  April.  ■'Si;-,'. 

■  Vll.  Sivlm-y.  b.  D.'c.  80,  ISIK!;  d.  June  1,  1S(;9';  m.  Jan.  14.  1S41,  Olive,  dau.  of 
Artcmas  and  i,^r.  dau.  of  Col.  (iiles  Jackson  of  Tyrijigham,  Mass.,  b.  Feb.  8,  1819;  d. 
March  22,  1878;  children  all  b.  in  Oswei;o.  1,  Cii.viii.r.s  Lfrir:x.  b.  Au^-.  14,  1842;  re>. 
Chicaijjo;  teleirrajiher;  m.  Jan.  12,  1870,  (ieorgiana  Church.  1,  ('h'trlcx  Lucicit ,  b.  Oc-l. 
6,   1878;  d.   Oct.   80,   187o.     2,   t}co.   ^V^Unn,  b.   Sept.,   1S7.").     2.  Jri.irs  Wkxdki.i.,   b. 

Jan.  1,  1844;  d.  Marcli  29,  l8.J7.     8,   Edwakd  Hlntixcton,  b  Jan.    22,  1840;  m.  . 

\\.  K.  Ai^t..  Separation,  Wyoniin,i;:  Ter.,  on  F.  P.  K.  P.     4.   Sahaii  Daxfoktu.  1).  .Vm:-. 
22,  184^';  d.  Oct.  29,  1800.  "unm.  "".").   Gko.    Wir.sox,  b.   July    18,  ISol;  d.   Oct.   20,  1874. 
unm.     0,  Joiix  Ja'Ksdx,  b.  Julv  'J."),  isfiS. 
VIll.      Lnci.ii,  b    .\lav  20,  d.  Mav  81,    1805. 

IX.      Nabby,  Ix  Aii^.  12,  d.  Sept.  (i.  ISliS. 

X.  O.ssian,  b.  July  ."i.  1S18;  m.  Mmh-Ii  20,  1S89,  Nancy  P.,  dau.  of  William  Stpiire- 
of  Oswe<;o,  b.  Sept.  80,  lS-,'0;  d.  Jaii.  0,  1S70;  he  was  a  physician;  his  first  si:-;  ciiildien 
b.  Os\ve,uo,  the  last  tw.. -at  Neosho.  Wis.,  where  he  residJs.  1,  Opcav.  W..b.  Dec.  .">. 
1.S89:  111.  March  20,  isijs,  Anna  L,  Kimmei  ly.  1,  J[ii.rri,t,  b.  1809;  d.  187u.  2,  Nam  v 
E.,  b.  Nov.  11.  1>11.  ;'.,  CoKNCiJA,  b.  March  28,  1848;  d.  Sept.  2,  same  vr.  4.  11i:k-, 
ciiT.i.i.,  b.  .\u.--.  11.  1S4.7;  d.  Feb.  1."),  1848.  ,■•».  Haruikt  Locisa,  b,  .Mareli  2t),  1S47.  0. 
JosiAH  S.,  b.  AuL'.  >s,  1S49;  d.  Am:.  2i,  saineyr.  7,  .Ifi.iA,  b.  April  9,  ls.")8.  S,  Sai:\ii 
Mk1)o!;aii,  b.  Fei>.  4,  ISo.-j. 

822471.  John  Clarke,  b.  D.e.  8,  1791;  d.  .luly  :,,  isvj;  m.  Od.  21,  isj.i.  Oiive. 
2i!tii  anil  last  eliild  of  CdI.  (files  .iacksmi  of  'ly I'iiii.'liam,  Mass..  b.  .lime  PJ,  1792:  d.  May 
20,  1887,  in  Chicago. 

i.  .Julia  BfwsTrr,  b.  Sejit.  .5.  1S-J7,  at  Coh(M-f,,n,  N,  Y. ;  m.  J;in.  0,  1S.-.2,  .bdm 
Lewis,  b.  Au^;.  12,  isj4.      1,  I'a.n  .Mi.  Wkkwii',  b.  Man  h  17,  18j8.     2.  JitiiN;kk„  b. 

CLAKKE,     I;lJ>;S.  3G9 

Oci    S    l.'^r)4.     ?..  ('iiAKi-Pi-^   Jackson,    b.    May  0,    isr.r,;  d.    April    '^-l.   1^03.     4,  .Iamks 
•Vir.FKT    Jnii.    VH).    IS.jS.     •'..  .In.iA    Mai. visa,    Nov.    (i.  ]s(;i).     0,   Fi;ank    Dimiam.  b. 
F.-h*  10.  ISO:}.     7."  Waltki:.  h.  St>j>t.  10.  isi',4.     S,  Maj;v   \an  Vai.kkxihkgu.  h.  Au-. 
"7    isdii.     !).   ^^'Il,I.ll.  M  v'lxiN.  1).  (i.-t.,  ISHS. 
11.     .luHi.s.  ],.  I),.,-..  1<0'.i:  (1.  Oct.,  1S:}1. 
111.      .hun.'-;    .larksuii.    1).    Sept.    oU,    1S3;J,    at    Odwro'n;     Sf>c    Firf   and   .M.     hi.s.    Co.. 
Detroit,  Mich.;  m.  — —  SuiitonL 
822475.     Edwin  Win.slov/  Clarke,  h.  Sept.   10,   IsQl;  r-s.  witli  lii.s  s„u  F.  o. 

Clarke  ill  0\vc:i-.i.  (;r.  tlif  Idlli  of  Aliril.  IbSy.  In  was  llic  olilc.-t  man  in  O.-wrgo;  m. 
Jai!  in.  ]S33.'(.'liaru)ttf.  dau.  of  David  Anililrr.  Ks(|..  ot  Augusta.  X.  Y.,  h.  Aug.  10, 
'isOtt;  (i  Fell.  11.  lS(iT. 

I.  Frederick  Ol.erlin,  b.  Aug.  21,  18:'.4;  firm  of  l^enfield,  L\on  iV  Co. .  prop,  oi 
Wasliiuirtou  Mill.-,  Osweiro;  vii.  June  14,  1S|>0,  Cornelia  C.  Dnnliain,  \k  Fel).  10.  18->G, 
(lait.  of  Cell.  Albert  'I'vler  Dunbain  of  W.  Troy,  aftewanN  of  N.  Y.  (.'.  His  eldest  sister 
is  the- bead  of  a  sistei bond  in  A  Ibany,  having  in  charge  tlie  St.  Agnes  School  and  the 
Child's  llosjiital. 

II.  Mar.^hall  S.  Bidwell,  b.  Nov.  S,  ]8:!0;  d.  Jan.  20,  1872;  ni.  June  S,  \x.,\),  Majia 
Antoinette  Carrier,  b,  Oct  2'.i,  iNoO;  lie  was  cashier  (d'  th.' O.swego  City  Bank.  !.  \Vm. 
AM)ii-EU,  1).  Fell,   i),   l'>(i2.     2,  CvKUS  Cakku-.I!,   li.  Feb.  1;},   ]sr,4.     :),  MAijsiixi.r.  BiD- 

NVKI.l..   h.    Sept.    1').    iMio. 

III.  Edwtu  Amiiler.  b.  June  s,  ]S'?,U:  ni.  in  New  (Orleans,  May  .),  Ib.jO.  Leoiine 
Besancnn.  b.  June  20.  ls;;:'.i;   res.  Quincy.  HI.      1,  EmvAKL)  I^KSANCOX,  b.  Aug.  20,  1808. 

2.  Fi;Kn):inrK  NVocdiji! f,  \>.  Doc.  12,  ISf,!).  :'.,  Pirri,iP  Sn)Ni:Y,  b.  On.  0,  187;!;  d. 
>iarcli  10,   lb74.     4,   Fi.<m;f.-\<  K,  b.  Mandi  11,  1875.     5,   Sox,  b.  Jan.  15,  1878. 

IV.  Florence,  li.  May  FJ.  1843;  m.  June  2;'.  18()f»,  Henry  A.  C'lapp.  b.  June  17,  1841: 
an  editor  in  Bost,,,,.  Mass.";  a  iawver.      1,   Itncr.i;.  1'.  March 'JO,  is:7.  ^ 

V      Euijene  Clarence,  b.  Fel").  3,  1^48;  d.  Feb.   2.  ISTS,  in  Quincy,  ill. 
VF      ^Vnl.   Ar.en.  b.  Dec.  2S,  ls.=32;  d.  Nov.  1!).  1800. 

S2248.  Hannah  Clarke,  b.  May  19,  1704;  d.  Sejn.  U*,  17'jr,;  m.  May  22,  1789, 
Hon.  Ceorire  lUi^s  of  Si>ringlield.  Mass..  b.  Dec.  13,  1704;  Y.  Col.  Ksi;  ].L.  I).  Harv. 
Col.  1S2;;;  "iMe'u.  of  the  Hartford  ciuiveniion.  He  m.  (2)  Mary  Lathrop  wIk;  d.  am!  ])e  m. 
(3).  He  (i.  March  8.  1830.  The  chil.  were  double  first  cousin.s  to  flu-  cliij.  of  }b--/.eki;-'.]i 

i.      Delia  Hlis^,  b.  A]'ril  10.  KOO;  d.  Jan.  31,  1803. 

II.  Caroline  l-;ii>s.  b.  Dec.  28.  1701;  ni.  Hon.  Oliver  F..  M(nris. 

III.  tJeorire  Bliss,  b.  Nov.  10,  1793;  Y.  C.  1812;  d.  April  10,  1873;  m.  182r).  Mary 
S.  Dwight.      1.'  Sarah,  b.  June  3,  ls20;  in.  1M9,  George  Walker.     2.   CKouiiE.  b.  May 

3,  1830?  lawyer  X.  Y.  C.,  finvi  of  Bliss  ..V  Schley.     3,   Maky,  b.  April  o.  ls:«;  d.  inf. 

IV.  IIa"tuiah  Ciaike  Bii-,>,  h.  Sept.  fi,  KU.");  d.  at  iJusliville,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  10.  182«: 
m.  1822,  liev.  Jobei-h  who  preached  some  time  at  Hashville.  He  was  m.  again 
in  1830.'  1,  (H:oiu;e  Bi.iss,  b.  Sejit.  23.  1823;  res.  in  New  Orleans.  2,  Hkxuy  M  aktyx 
Bi.iss.  b.  Sept.  2,  1820;   res.  at  W'esitport,  Oregon. 

822482.  Caroline,  b.  I'cc.  2s,  1701;  d.  Feb.  0,  is]2;  m.  Seju.  ir,,  1813. 
Judue  Oliver  Blis-s  Morris  (d"  Springfield.  Mass..  who  d.  April,  18(1,  a.  80.  then  the 
Oldi'st  man  iii  S.  and  the  senior  living'grad.  of  NVilliams  Col.  He  was  10  year.s  j.'egister 
of  Probate  for  Hampden  Co.,  and  snlisei|uently  20  yrs.  Judg'3  of  Froinite.  Four  times 
elected  U)  the  State  Fetr.  and  mem  (<f  the  constitutional  c.;nv.  of  ]N2lt. 

I.  Henrv  .Morris,'  1>.  June  10,  1S14;  Amher.-t  Col.  1S;12;  lawyer  in  S..  :\ras.s. ;  FL. 
]K\  d.  1871;  ni.  Mav  10,  1737,  .Mai-ia  Warrim-r  of  S.  1,^',  June  20,  ly:i!c  2. 
FinvAi'i).  Jan.  10.  Is'll.  3,  11  i.xkv  <  )i  i  vr.u.  July  0,  ls44;  d.  .May  3,  1  Si-").  4.  Cii  \i;i,K!~ 
Hk.nhy.  .\pril  .3.  l-^l'f  .■)  and  0,  NVm.  Fi;i:i)i;)UcK  and  Fiii^iM'JviCK  W.m.,  twins,  O.  .Ma_\ 
2,  ls.-)0.'     i.    Hk'i.i.n.  b.  April  12,  ls,-)7. 

IF  (leori^-e  Bll.-s  .Morris,  b.  Nov.  12,  181.-,;  Amherst  C(d.  1X37;  lawyerand  has  been 
clerk  ot  all  th(>  courts  of  Ham].shire  Co.  since  18o2;  tn.  Auir.  23,  1842,  Klizabeth.  dau. 
of  \\elb.-,  Fathiop,  b.  April  28,  1.S21.  lb-  d.  1S72.  1.  Ci;().  I'.i.iss,  Nov.  o,  1S43;  Harv. 
Col.  1:^01.      2,    Ibe.'.KHT  (.)I.IVK1;.  Oct.  18,  ISlO.      3.   Cakoi.INK,  Sejit.  IS,  1:S4S. 

8224?).  Henry  Clarke,  b.  Mav  4.  1700:  res.  T'omiiey.  X.  y..  after-.v.  at  .Manliu>; 
d.  .laii.,  I'sio.  iu  |.a!\esiioro,  Mass.;'m.  !■'-  b.  1.  1700.  Mary  .\nii.  dau.  of  Capt.  Vii\e'n  of  \>»'indfam,  C..nn..  b.  Dc,-.  IS.  1771;  'i.  July,  l^.".'^'.  She  m.  (2)  Dr.  James 
Jackson  and  lia.l  s,  .lames  I  larke  Jatd-cson,  a  physician  of  Danville,  X.  V.,  aii<l  (Jiles 
.lacksim  of  Ottawa,  HI. 

370     .  BRANCH    OF    T:I,IZAI!HT1I. 

I.  Augustas,  b.  Nov.  1,  1790;  d.  in  >;cw  (Jileans,  Feb.,  1K'31 ;  unm. 
11.  lliuiiiiili,  h.  July  -JS,  179H:  d.  Mairli  fj,  \siu  :  lii,  at  Maiilius  Jan.  VJ,  islS,  (iil,.s 
Juckson,  half  !jru.  of  ]i>n-  niolhcr's  "^d  lius.  lit-  d.  Feb.  14,  IS'JO.  She  in.  ('J)  June  2, 
1880,  at  Utica,  N.  V..  David  I,<-\vis  Koberts.  who  d.  Dec,  ISdO.  1,  Sai;a]i  Ai  wood 
Jackson,  b.  Lyons.  X.  ^  .,  ()c{.  4,  lsl9;  d.  Aug.  -2:i,  bS:;:>.  in  tin-  b-Jtii  yr.  of  h.T  a.  She 
■Nvas  an  invalid  from  lur  ciadle.  A  very  rcnnirkable  ehild.  Ib-r  memoirs  liave  been 
jmblished  and  arc  to  bi-  seen  in  Sunday  seliool  libraries.  -J,  .\F\ltvANN  Hoi?h;i!TS,  b. 
June  7,  iy:31.  y,  Jam:  Woj^kkts.  b.  Fel).  2N,  IKy.];  d.  March  \n,  lt-84.  4,  Fi.i'.i;.n  KoDKiris,  b.  May  G,  JSOo.  o,  1{(>I)i;i;kk  Hubkkt>,  b.  June,  ly:!7,  ;it  Joie-i 
111.,  d.  June  21,  1S4U.     f).  (.'lkndowki;  liouEUXs.  b.  ('hirago,  111.,  Oet.  2:3.  1841;  d    soon 

III.  Harriet,  b.  .lulv  :j!.  ITitiJ;  m.  Hon.  Klias  Brewster. 

IV.  Henry,  b.  July.  1S()2:  m.  Olive  Hawks. 

V.  Mary" Anna.  h.  July  U,  18'J4;  d.  Utica,  Nov.  19,  1829;  ni.  Ai)ril  10,  1828.  David 
Lewis  lioberts  of  Kosaf;iwrin  the  jiarish  of  Lawrhaish.  Denbi<rhsbire,  No.  Wales,  b. 
Nov.  20.  ISDl;  d.  Dec,  l^fV).  1.  Ci.AKK  Pioukkts,  b.  Nov.  12.  1829;  m.  ()(;t.  ;^0,  18(30, 
Lizzie  Linscott,  b.  Feb.  1:].  18o9;  res.  JelTer^on.  111.  1,  C/i" lic.'^  JS'i;irtou,  h.  Ha'pt  19 
lS(il.  2.  Leiri.'<  Clarke,  b.  Oct.  9,  180:;.  ;i.  T17///,v  llcuni.  b  Oct.  28,  18G5.  4,  Elbi. 
ElLnhdh.  b.  Oct.  80.  ]8(.)7.      5,   R<>>^r„e_  Liu!<ci'ff.  b.  Nov.  ]9,'l8(;i». 

^'L  Louisa  Elizabeth  Clarke,  b.  April  7.  1808;  d.  May  2i),  1887;  in.  Nov.  25,  182."), 
Epliraim  Ciirpenler  Ibed  of  Oswego  v.ho  d.  Jan.,  bs.")',!.  1,  II);i.kx  A.mI'.i.ia,  b.  18:-30;  d. 
soon.  2,  Mai;y  Louisa,  I).  Nov.  2(i.  ls;j:i:  ni.  Dec  20.  1S(J.5,  Dr.  William  Edv.-in  Clarke 
b.  Fel).  22,  1819.  1.  /,e'//.vw.  b.  Jan.  17,  lsi;2.  2.  .1/f/vrf /.://,//;/;(/.  b.  ,\hiv  28,  1804.  :V 
.^A'/i'';,  Jan.  17,  18G0.     4.  .D(//;\,  Oct.  10,  b^G7.     .""),    il7///o//.  b.  Feb. ,  lS7n. 

822493.  Harriet  Clarke,  b.  July  81,  1799;  d.  in  ]rvin!,^  Neb.,  Marcli  10,  187."); 
m.  Aug.  8.  182*;.  Hon.  Flia^  iJrewster  of  Mexico,  N.  Y.,  b.  Dtc.  20,  1782,  bro  of  Dr. 
Sardius  I?. 

1.  Henry  Augustus  Bn'wster.  b.  June  8,  1827;  m.  June  9.  1N02,  .-\riiiiiida  Br.ilev, 
b.  Feb  1,  lN4(i;  1  es.  St.  Paul.  Minn.  1,  Hai;i<v.  b.  Aug.  14.  1804:  d.  Sej-.t.  ],  isC,-).  2'. 
Wii.r.n:  11..  b.  Feb.  18.   !.s70. 

11.      Flias  Pineo  Brewster,   b.    Ajiril    24,  1^29;  d.  Jan.  4.  180.");  m.  March   21,  1.8.")0, 
Charlotte  Amanda   Diettritch;  res.  Omaha,  Ntdi.     1.   Sahuiis  Hk.nky,  b.   .Julv  7     1S57 
2,  Ki.r.Kin-  Pinko,  b.  Sejjt.  8,  1808. 

in.  Harriet  Helen  Brewster,  b.  >fnv  14,  1881;  m.  Mav  3,  1,'s.-,7,  Marshall  C.  Fuller, 
b.  Nov.  20,  ]S,H(:  res.  Omalia,  Neb. 

IV.      Sardiu>  Clarke  ]]ivw-ter.  b.  Oci.  28,  1838;  m.  Julv  17,  1802,  Sarah  Abiah  Gav- 
lord,  b.  Nov.  7,  18-14:  Omaha,  Neij.     1,   Hakkiet  Louisa,  b.  Feb.  12,  1804.     2,   Eknkst 
Li.EWKiA'N,  b.  Aug.  12,  1800.     3,  ?^IixME  Li:cuetia,   b.   Auir.  1',  d.  Dec  28,  1807.     4, 
Silas  Kalph,  b.  Oct.  4,  1870.     .5,  Hia,E.v  Hope,  b.  .Sept.  20,  b872. 
V.      Eliot  Pavson  Brewster,  b.  Dec  27,  1880;  d.  Aoril  1.5.  1888. 
VI.     Mary  Jane  Brewster,  b.  Jan.  3,  1889. 

VII.  Koderi<k  Plymouth  Brewster,  b.  Doc  0,  1842;  m.  Dec  10,  IS'.'),  Sarah  Francis 
'rhomas.  1,  Elliot  Ethelbert,  b.  Dec  3,  1800.  2,  Hodeku  k  Ei.ias.  b.  Oct.  7,  1808. 
8,  Hknky  Clakke,  b.  June  20,  1870.  4,  Clyde  Kkoinald,  b.  Oct.  20,  1872.  ■">, 
Xerei'HA  F.\itii.  b.  .May  7.  187."). 

822494.  Heurv  Clarke,  b.  Julv,  1802;  m.  at  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  April  22  1.824, 
Olive  Hawks,  1l  Oct.  24,  1.804:  d.  Feb.  9.  1.S48. 

1.  Charlotte  Maria,  b.  .May  24,  182.5;  m.  March  19,  18 b"),  Salem  Town,  Chicago. 
1,  AlaCIA  Makia,  b.  Jan.,  1840;  d.  Aue-.  3,  1807;  ni.  Julv  2,  180.5,  James  Kol.insf^n,  who 
d.  Jan.  1,  1807.      1,   Sainu.  b.  1850.     2.   Ottrlinr,  d.  a.  14"yr.«. 

II.  Augustu.-;,  b.  1827;  m.  Aus^-.  81,  b's.'jO,  .Maria  Josephine  Cross,  b.  Sept.  2,  l.'^8:!; 
d.  F.b.  20.  18fi8.      1.;kth  MAirniA,  b.  Sept.   15,  l.'';59. 

III.  Mary  .Vnna. 

IV.  Maria  Hawks,  1).  March  19.  1885;  m.  l857<.'eorge  Fiiilev  (.'urlisle,  b.  0''t.  19, 
1."^'80;  d.  Aug.  24.  1S(;5:  i-'-s.  Oswego,  N.  Y.  1.  fiEoKci:  Hi;.N!:v."  b.  June  29,  1S.5S  2, 
Ada  Makia,  b.  ,hine  29,  isoo.  8,  Eiwii  no  Hawks,  b.  Jmit'  29,  !.SG8  4  M-,i;y  Maii', 
b.  Dec  18,  1.^05. 

V.     Henry,  b.  1881. 

8224.10.     Era.stus  Clarke,   1»    May  11,  17t;8;  d.    Nov.   0,    1825.      "The  only  nian 
1  ever  knew,"  said  Hon.  .Ambrose  Spencer.  "'  who  could  s])lit  a  hair  and   then  sho\^'  th'- 
differetu.'p  between   the   parts";  m.  S-iphia   Pittfer  of   Lebanon,  Conn.:  (2)  July  1,  1^"12.  • 
So})lua,  dau.  of   Royal  and  niece  of  Rev.  Abel  I'lint.  pastor  (jf  2d  Comr.  ehh.  at  Ibirrf., 
Conu. ;  Uticu.  ?<.  Y.     Shed.  Nov.  18,  18.54. 

CLAllKE.  371 

1  S()})liia  1)  Jiinel,  1SI:5;  ni.  0,t.  10,  18;i:.  John  S.  Walton,  1..  May  Hi,  ISO!). 
I  \nmk  1).  Oft.  -27.  isys:  111.  March  2,  l^oU.  Th.ohald  roistali.  2,  Emzatsktu 
(iaukV  h  Julv  IS,  1S40;  (1.  Ai>iil  28.  lS-11.  o,  'riiu>.  llrBi;.\iii).  h.  Sept.  7,  lSf32:  d. 
S-iit  ^-1  ISlo  '4.  Ki)\\  IN  M(<iKiii:K.  b.  D.r.  81,  184:;;  d.  Srpt.  14.  lS4r).  5,  J(»i.\  Sky- 
M..u-'h  Ffl'  lo  1>^4t;  li.  <ii;AiK,  1).  Julv  yo,  1S4S.  7,  Soi'iir.\  C'i.aukk,  b.  A].ril  2S, 
|s.-,0  d.  Jan.  12,  ISol,  s,  Fki.i.kkk  K,  li."().t.  18,  l^r,!;  d.  A]>n\  >\.  1S5V).  9.  Isahki., 
1.  24,  180:^;  d.  .\],v\\  2.  \^'>U.  1".  CniiXKi.i.v  Van  Hknsski.akii.  b.  Sci)t.  24,  IS.IG; 
d    O.t.  :!,  1S."")7. 

li.      ]'',!J/abril>,  b.  Nov.   1,  ISl."). 

Ill  iM-a-tus,  b.  Nov.  211,  ISIS:  Its.  I'ti.'a:  m.  .Ian.  2<j.  1S4';,  1-anny  Bcardslcy.  1, 
M  'KV  b  .\ULC.  S.'  is-ls;  111,  l>(-c.  N,  lS7n,  ('has.  1'.  Kirkland,  jr.  2,  A):Till-H  BKAKD.-ii.KY, 
i>.  IKr.  1.  ISVl;  d.  .Ian"  S.  ls(i4.  ;3,  XN'ai.TI.h,  b.  April  lo.  I'sSG.  4.  EdwaiU)  BuAYTON. 
],.  Aug.  s,  isiii). 

IV.      Janus,  b    ]S20.  ,L  a.  o  nios. 

8224.11.  Thaddeus  Clarke,  b.  I-Vb.  12,  1770:  sprnt  a  hiri.^-  part  of  liis  active 
lib' at  LcIkukui,  Conn  ,  as  a  physician:  hi.-  rrpntari.-n  was  hi;;h:  rcn;.  1S21  to  I'umi.'oy, 
Wis.  and  had  a  hiVirc  jtracricV-.  but  the  climate  provin<;-  too  riu-urous,  rem.  to  New 
Ibiirhton,  Pa.,  in  1S4:!.  and  d.  there  Feb.  b").  is.j4.  a.  S4:  ni.  March  24,  1S()2,  Deborah, 
dan  oT  I'r.  J"^ei>]i  r,aker<if  Bii'oldvn,  Conn.,  and  liis  wife  Lacy.  dan.  of  Ucv.  FJienczer 
l.ievoc.n  of  Windham.  Conn.,  b.  S'e))?..  1  7M  ;  d.  Hcc  21.  1S74,  a.  !•:),  a  de.<c.  of  Fn-n.di 

I       I'lelia  Adel.-iide.  b.  Dee.  2o,  ISOl;  d.  < 'ct.  0.  1820,  nnin.      A   teacher  u1  Salina:  a 
li'M-s(.n  of  rare  mental  and  n!or;il  (pialities. 

II.      Joscpli  Baker.  l-..t)ct.  2;J,  ISOO,   ni.  Jane  J-S.  Synns:   lawyer  at    Dowagiac,  Mich. 

III.  Freden(l<  .Tulian.  b,  S-pr.  10,  Isu^;  ni.  Xov".  11).  1884.  Maiia  L.  Sayward.  b. 
Jnm   !',  ISOO;   r<-s,  <>ttawa.  Iowa. 

IV.  Sophia  Klizabeth.  b.  Ort.  22,  ISlO:  d.  May  2~\  18fJ8;  m  Cha^.  H.  Adams:  res.  at 
Fredonia.  N.  V.,  and  Cnhiwater.  Mich.  1.  liKNi;v"Ai,i!i:KT,  b.  April  2;i,  IS^U:  d.  Feb.  29, 
ls;Ui.  2.  11i:m;v  CuAi;i.F,s.  b.  .lulv  ].  1^:M.  :;.  Adelaide,!).  .May  lo,  1>^'-V\  4,  Ciiai:- 
i.oTTK  !lui>KfNs,  b.  Mav.  ls4n:  ni.  J.din  Pelanv:  res.  Brooklyn.  N.  Y.  Stie  wrote  for 
the  ie-e>s  over  name  of"Charl.)tte  Adams.  1,  .f".-tplf.  o.  Maky  HKAiiDsi.Ev.  b.  Fe!>.  2i>, 
ispj;  fi.  (iKo.  Bkk(  HEK.  \>.  April  is.  Is4.">.  7,  Ai.UE  Sor'iiE\,  b.  .lunc  20,  1847:  ni. 
Ceor^-e  F.  Clu!r<-h,  in-in.  of  the  I'nion  .^chooi  at  Ciddwater,  >rich. :  rem.  to  Lincoln,  Neb., 
and  ha<l  son  b.  1s70.  ,^-,  -i'liADDr-rs  Wai.tki:,  b.  (.>ct.  0,  ISoD:  d.  ISOM.  It,  l-:ir>VAi;i> 
.b)st\i!,  b.  Oct.  M,  l8o2:  d,  Sept.  20.  \X'){'>. 

V.      Albt-rt  flonrv.  b.  .March  10,  ISi;'.:  d.    Feb.  28,  182:;. 

VI.  Charles  Edwards,  b.  Sept.  17.  l-^bO;  Capt.  in  Glh  rcirt.  Mich.  Vols.,  A ng.  20. 
isdl:  ptonn^ted  to  rank  «i'  major  June  21,  1SU2:  Lieut.  Col.  May  1,1804:  lion,  mustered 
out  MHr<di  10.  1800:  commis.  a  ("apt.  in  F.  S.  Army  July  28.  ISOO:  :-!S|]i  infantry,  appt. 
from  Midi.:  acce]>te(l  Oct.  2:'..  lsr,i;;  unassiuned  throui;-h  consolidation  of  refriments, 
Aui,'.  12,  ISiJO;  a.ssiirued  to  Hth  Infantry  April  20,  1S7();  Breveled  Major  for  gallant  and 
meritorious  service.s  at  tlie  sieire  of  Port  Hudson,  L:l  :  retired  for  disaliility  in  line  of 
(lutv  June  28,  1878.— .]/;-//•.  //.  U'mJs.mrth  C'nl-. 

VII.  Paifus  Lafhrop  Baker,  b.  June  4,  1817:  em]doyed  in  Departnuuit  of  tlu^  Interujr 
iit  \Va:-liingt..n:  in.  Sept.  17,  ls.")0,  Anna  H.  I'liillips.  1,  CATHAttrXE  PiillJ.lPS.  b.  Aug. 
8,  lS,-,7.     2^  EdwakuPeiu  V.  Nov.  9,  is:)!).     :j,  Phii.i.h's,  b,  Dec.  22,  1860. 

VIll.      William  Edwin,  b.  Feb.  22,  ISlll;  m.  at  .Marshall.  Jan.  2-5,  i849,  Harriet   , 

b.  Sejii,.  I8:j0:  (2)  Dec.  2(5.  1805.  .Marv  Loui'^a  Peed.  b.  Nov.  20,  18;Td:  a  dau.  of  liis 
■cousin.  He  was  surg.  of  the  lilth  Mich,  in  late  war;  resigned  in  180;>  on  account  of  ill 
healtli,  and  was  emploved  in  the  Carver  Hospital  in  Washington.  He  was  a  skillful 
phvsiciaii  ami  surgeon.'     1,    Wii.i.iA.M  Edwix,  b.  May  7,180.7.      2,    (Jkace,  !).    Feb.   28. 


l.\.  Lucv  Caroline,  b.  Mav  S.  1821:  ni.  Jan.  L  18o:3.  Rev.  Amory  Dwight  Mayo, 
I.».  TV,  Fniiarian:  b.  1S2;!:  lia,s"  been  e.litor  of  the  A  >,i,rir,iji  Ji>nri>,il  0/  Edurxtioi, ,  and 
lectur.r.  1,  JoH.v  Ai.i;i:i;t.  b.  .Mavis.  IS.-.L  d.  June  12.  s;une  yr.  2,  Posai.IND,  b. 
Jan.  ].  ls.-),0:  d.  Sept.  22.  sanu' yr.  o,  l-rcv  Cokdi.i.ia,  b.  July  14,  ISiS.  4,  AiiTinu 
I>wi(;iiT,  b.  Nov.  1,  ISOO, 

X.  Sara  Jane,  b.  Ponipev,  N,  Y,,  Sept,  2^,  1S2:!,  Fnuu  the  age  of  12  to  10  she 
attended  sclioo!  ut  Ibxdu-^ier,  N.  Y.,  and  when  about  15  l.e^an  to  wi-ite  for  the  Koche-ter 
papers,  articles  which  tiiev  uere  glad  to  gel.  For  the  next  few  years  sin- ^wrote  iind. -r 
th.e  /e'/7/  '/</.//////,  of  ■•  Crace  (u-eenwooil,""  b>r  \\'h!ttier.  \Nillis.  M.e.-ris.  ^, "!'.■<  i;,n,'fc 
or  (/(.(/,//.  ami  was  eon,-idered  the  nu^st  brilliant  a,nd  copious  lady  corres]>,.ndent  of  that 
da\.  Ill  1S50  manv  of  Iut  ■^!;etclies  and  letters  of  this  period  were  colb-(Tf>d^  and 
]uUdis)ie<l    bv  'i'iekn'or   &    Fields,  under   the  title   of    •'  Hvrenirond   Lnn-.s."     Tin-  /'"-■,'//.■< 


wore  iiiil)li-:!if(I  abinit  the  saint-  tiiiu-.  Alumt  lS.j;>  s-lic  s]ii'ut  a  year  in  Eur(i])c.  and  wrote 
letters  lioiiie,  wliicli  iiiuuediatelv  on  li'-r  it-tiuti  were  ci)lh-cti'«l  and  ])uldislu-d  with  the 
i\X\Q  JIiipH  iiiid  Misiiiip.s  ill  F.nri'ji!'.  SiiK'e  !i«t  ni.  she  lias  fditcd  Thr  JAtHc  PUij rl,/i .  -^ 
juvenile^  wt-elvly.  t'luiii  wliieli  and  fruiu  ln'i-  (jthi-r  u-ritiii!.':s  fui-  the  yi(nii^r_  ^ehN•ti')J\.-  have 
been  puMi.-hfd  liy  'I'lrkiior  \  Fields  tn  tlie  extent  of  ahmit  a  dozen  vols.  She  was  an 
early  contributor  to  tIk' ///(/'/;» /H//';;Mind  diirini;-  the  war  a  lecturer  to  soldiers  and  at 
sanitary  fairs,  and  also  a  general  lecturer.  In  a  h-tier  to  her  cousin.  Miss  F.  Amelia 
Clarke,  (J.  fi.  says:  "  It  is  not  my  nature  to  dabble  in  anythinu-.  I  must  be  in  all  over 
if  at  all."  [See  Apj),]  A  corresjiondeiit  of  the  M't/x/iu/f/ttiu  P/v.v.v  in  1874  de.scribes  her 
as  follows:  •'  At  the  h'.st  Sat urday  eveninL""  "  reunion,' (irace  (ireenwood  in  In-r  inimit- 
able way.  gave  us  dramatic  reailiu^'s  in  c(>.-,tiiuie.  Her  iiersnnat'ous  exceedi'il  anvijiing 
the  writer  has  seen  on  the  srae-e  or  in  lU'ivate  life.  Charlotte  ('ushnian.  Fanny  Kemble, 
Scott  Siddons.  last  but  not  least,  our  own  (irace  (Treenwood.  nuike  all  the  stars  of  the 
first  magnitude  that  we  have  now  in  this  ])articular  he;ni'n  of  genius.  Attoi-ni.!y-*ien. 
\^'iHiams  says  '  that  he  loolvs  ujion  (irace  (iri-enw(_)oil  as  the  best  writer  and  the  most 
gifted  woman  in  the  country."  This  tiecision  is  legal  and  may  be  considered  final. 
Years  agi_>  the  great  and  good  Horace  Mann  saiil  that  she  was  not  only  •  the  most  gifted. 
but  that  she  was  the  most  beautiful  woman  he  had  ever  seen;'  and  his  jiassion  for 
in  youthful  days  was  as  ])ure  as  though  sh.e  had  been  a  disemli()died  spirit.  It  is  so  rare 
that  beauty  and  genius  are  wedded  to  one  soul.  In  the  opinion  ol'  the  \vriter,  Grace 
(Jreenwood  is  a  handsomer  \\'omau  at  lifty  than  in  the  •  loiig  ago."  It  is  the  dilTereuce 
between  the  Imdding  g-reen  of  A]>ril  and  the  garnered  glory  of  September.  If  her 
])ortrait  Nvas  taken  as  she  stands  before  us  to-day  and  hung  in  the  (_'orcora?i  galler\-, 
the  s})ect;U<u'  would  say  "this  must  be  a  lioman  matron  who  lived  before  the  i)all 
of  the  Middle  "Ages  darkened  the  eaiih."  How  <h>es  she  loi>k".' — a  brunette  of  the 
purest  type,  with  clear-cut  features,  sorrowful,  inrpiiiiug  eyes,  that  shine  as  ffiuugh  a 
quenchless  Hamc  l)urned  somewhere  in  the  siditud<>  f)f  her  f)wn  soul.  There  are  sonu' 
jnctnres  whi(di  are  InirmHl  into  the  human  mind.  \Ve  shall  never  foiget  her  persona- 
tion of  '  Over  tlie  Hills  to  the  PooiluMise,'  one  id'  Carletou's  p(,.em.-..  The  ])overty-strickeii 
outfit,  the  worn  carpet  bag.  the  iron-bowed  sj.ecracles.  the  gray  liair.  From  the  highest 
to  the  humblest  ot  that  u'oodly  compan_\'  scare..-  a  diy  eye  was  to  be  set-n.  'I'hen  she  told 
us  what  Miss  'i'attle.  from  ruLttonville.  saw  at  a  "  K'ejective  Session  of  the  Senate."  .This 
was  follo\\ed  by  that  %\ hich  proves  man  to  have  been  the  only  '  created  laughinir 
animal;""'  m.  at  New  Brighton.  Pa..  Oct.  17.  ls.");j,  Leander  K.  Lip])inc(rTt  <d  Washington, 
I).  ('.,  b.  about  ix:¥):   !.  an  onlv  (diild:      1.    Anmk  Oiiack.  b,   l)e<'.  ;l  IS.")."). 

XI.      Albert  Henry.  1).  May  0-2.  Is-^C:   m     Nov.   iy,    ],^r,4.   Sabina  M.   Townsend.      1, 
Ma};y  Cii.AMPi.rN,  b.  ()ct.  12.  isi;.").     :3,   Oii.\i;lks  JilDw.vitDs,  b.  Mandi  9,  IbfiS. 

8224.11,2.     Joseph  Baker  Clarke,  b.  Oct.  •2;!,    VSm-.   res.  Dowagia.-.  Mich,;  m. 
.luneMb,  is;-:i;.  .lane    i>.  Symes.  b.   Aul-".   >'."). 

I.  Frederi(dK  .Jiilia'n.  b.  Seja.  :]().  1S:J7:  d.  .May -27,  Is'i;:!;  m.  (,)'-t.  'i-'j.  \>:rA .  Ellen 
Thoimis.  He  was  Lieut,  iit  Gth  Mich.  regt.  inuler  l]aidcs  and  kilhd  at  Port  Hudson,  ile 
cheered  on  liis  men  with  a  Avounded  arm  dangling  at  his  side.  His  wf.  .served  as  nurse 
in  the  liospitals.  1,  M.visY  Wocistkh,  b.  Sept.  o.  m'd^r.  ni.  dune  o.  l.><~u.  (ien.  Geoige 
Augustus  Stone,  1).  Aui:.  lo,  is:j:j.      1,    Ati1"i.n,tl,    Munn.  b.  .'March   18.    l^^.'js,      e,    Fu'd- 

erkktlarki-.  b.  Dec.  i'i,  1>^0U.     8, .     '2.   Hk.\i;v  S.\ vwai-.d,  b.  Mav  .•>,  Is^S;  m.  lA-c. 

12,  18G0,  Docella  Weaver.  1,  CJuuh^  bjhmnlx,  b.  Dec.  t?."i.  18(51;  d."Dec.  JO.  18(j-2.  •-'. 
AJinn  Lis!,-,  b.  Sept.  oU,  ISc,:).  ;J,  Fr^ ,1,  ri-I.  .JuJom.  b.  Dec.  i-j,  1811-I.  4,  (_'at],,iriut 
Miiriit.  b.  Nov.  IB,  180S.  3.  (.'ii  vi;i.i;s  F',i>w.\uiis.  b.  .Inlv!),  d.  Sept.  i?-^.  IS-pi.  4,  ,].j,nk, 
b.  Nov.  10,  18J4:  d.  Feb.  28,  1S48.  5.  HoK.UK.  b.  Nov.  'JiJ,  l,s4n.  H,  W.\i/rKi;.  1'. 
Marcli  G.  ISdi):  d.  Feb.  -24.  18.-)4.      7.   (;i:um;K,  b.  A])ril  :J,  1.8.31. 

II.  Harriet  Symes.  li.  Sei.t.  •?7.  1S40;  m.  March  0,  1.804,  Charles  H.  Spra^ue.  b. 
April  2,  1811.      S]>e  has  bei-a  a  telei^rajdu'r.      1.    Cir.vicl.Ks;i;i.  b.  Sejit.  -V-K  iNi'.."} 

III.  Adelaide    D.-lia.  b.   Nov.   •,':).   181-2:   m.   Aug.    10,    Is'i:;.   Thomas   P.    P,)\\er;  rl\ 
.la.n..  187:>,  .lohn  Duke  .Nlurrav.  <.'hica(:,'o.      1.   Fi;i;i)Ki;uK  L[n<  (U,N.  b.  .lune  10.  1804. 

IV.  Fdwar<l  Devotion,  b".  March  ■"..  IS-'^iD;  d.  Aui:-.  4.  is.")l. 

V.      (.'race  (ire.Miwood.  b.  March  Cs,  ls,j'2:  d..  Mav  -21.  IS-j!),  in  Cohlwater,  Mi(di. 
VI.     Frank  Hamilton,  b.  Dec.  24,  l.s.Vk 

8224.12.    Elizabeth  Clarke,  b.  F.>b.  2,  1772;  d.  at  H.llevilh-,  N.  .t..  Aur.  oU 

I8")"-),  a.  M.  lb'-  1  l,.ira<'T.-ii-Mcs  were  ereat  int.-gvity,  c!u-erfulness.  fra:d<ne~s.  sinceriry. 
a  strong  and  instructi\e  sense  of  justice,  t  i-uthfiiln.'.-s  that  recijed  fium  a  shadow  ^^\ 
deception,  and  a  >leep  reverence  On  <M.d  and  sacred  things.  S!je  was  a  juoiessor  ol 
religion  GO  years.  "  .\  very  intelligent  and  accomplished  \\oman,  thoimh  somewhat 
distinr  iiished  for   eccentricities  as  well  as  for  eKcellences  of   character."' — Jjiriitd'ti  11  .^l- 


()/■  Wuidhiiiii  Co.:  m.  Nov.  11.  ITf)."),  l.nilovicas  \\"«  Id,  b.  Bruintitp,  Mass.,  Sept.  12. 
fTfifi;  \h\\\ .  Cul.  1  ;?>!':  iiu-t(ir  at  Kj)]!!!!!;-,  N.  II..  IT'.lO:  pastor  at  llaiiiptoii.  Mass.,  (Cong.) 
l?.)2to  l>iO-);  rt-ui.  to  Fiiliius.  X.  Y..  Init  <1.  at  Im-H.-v  illc,  X.  Y.,  Oct.  !),  1S44,  a.  78.  'A 
man  ol' culnirf  an<l  till'' aliililifs. 

I.-     Lewis  WH.l,   1..   OCI.    11.   ITSKl;    Y.   ('.    ISlS;    surcr.-drd  the  lifV.   TlloniaS    U.   Cial- 

laiidct  as  ju'iii'-ipal  of  tlic  Am.  1).  and  D.  ,\sylnni  at,  Hartford,  Conn.,  wliicli  oIVuh-  lie  lielJ 
•I?)  voars,  until  lied.,  l>>'r.  :)'.),  is."):;.  During  tliis  long  period  lie  discliarged  his  duties 
Avitii  dignity  and  at>iliiy,  rtr-niarkal>ly  punctual  and  systeinatii-.  He  aimed  in  his  inlor- 
course  witli  his  pupils  not  merely  tin;  <-uitivation  i>f  the  intellect,  l>ut  the  nu]>n>venient 
of  the  character  hy  iinhuing  their  minds  with  worthy  sentiments  and  c<irrect  views; 
usefulness  in  this  life  and  Htne---  for  that  uhieh  is  tn  come.  He  d.  Di'c.  30,  IS."):;;  r.i. 
May  7,  lS-28.  Marv  Austin,  dau.  of  Mas..n  F,  Cogswell*,  M.  ])..  (,r  Hartford,  h.  .March 
20.  1801;  «1.  Xov.  "l2,  l!--(i7.  1,  M.xso.n  Cocswki.l,  h.  Feh.  IS,  1829;  m.  April  1(>,  ISGO, 
.Martha  M.  C.iles;  he  bears  tlie  title  of  Col.;  res.  Closter.  15ergen  Co.,  X.  J.  2.  Cn.\s. 
T^^:i>J^<^^K.  b.  .March  21.  ls:Jl :  d.  May  11,  ISf,:!  ;j.  hi. wis  hi-.nvAKi).  b.  May  Vi.  is?,3; 
d.  July  10.  IbH.").  4,  .M  AHY  Ri.rzAiiKi  ii,  b.  Oct.  1,  bs:;."}.  ."i,  Ai.ic  K  Coc.swci,],,  b.  Dec. 
■4,  18:n,  m.  April  IH.  1871.  Uev.  \V .  H.  Hodge. 

n.  Charles  Huntit^gton  Weld,  b.  April  20,  17l»ll:  ^'.  C.  1S22:  d.  July  14.  1S73,  in 
Hvdc  Park.  Mass.;  m.  May,  18')3,  Catharine  Spear,  wlio  d.  Xov.  ti,  18f)5. 

III.  Kzra  tireenleaf  Weld,  b.  Oct.  2G.  18ol;  d.  Oct.  14.  1874;  .M.  D. ;  photo,  in  Caze- 
novia,  X.  Y.;  m.  Aug.  Iri,  1827.  Mary  Ann  Parker,  ^vho  d.  April  :J0.  1831;  (2)  April  12, 
1840,  Mrs.  Deborah  liichmond  Wells  (/;fc  Wood).  1.  TifKODouE  Pakkku,  b.  July  28, 
1828;  d.  Dec.  23.  1853,  num.  2,  Maky  Anx  Pa];kei;.  b.  Dec.  2G,  1831;  res.  Klmwood, 
Plviiiouth  Co..  Ma>r,. ;  m.  in  ti'ardiner,  Me.,  Oct.  1<J,  18t;i.  (ieo.  Kdsoii.  wlio  d.  in  E. ,  t')ct. 
16' 18()0.  Soi.n  after  his  deatli  she  adopted  a  little  girl  4  months  ohl,  now  a.  17.  3,'.irj  llKMiv,  li.  April  11,  1841;  ]ilanier  in  nr  ni'.  ^^ilmingIon.  ])el.;  m.  Oct.  12,  18U9. 
Alice  Augusta  Van  Tassel,  dau.  of  'J'ruman  of  Syracuse.  1,  Winima  lui/iington,h. 
March  22.  187.").  2,  Art/tar  Van  Ti/t<x(l,  b.  March  24.  1877.  4,  Kathkiune  Eijwaijd.s, 
1).  Dec.  12.  lS4i:  teaclier  for  some  time  of  drawing  anti  ])ainting  in  Cazenuvia  Seminary; 
les.  C.  o.  CiiAs.  liTCUMOM).  b.  March  19.  1847;  Cazenovia  Sem..  1807;  Harv.  (  niv.  and 
Div\  sch.i(/I,  1S72;  !>.  D.  <)rd.  1X73,  past. ir  First  Indejicrcient  Cliristian  chh.,  Baltitnore, 
Md. ;  Unitarian.  H.  Fi.oi;KNrE  Emilia,  b.  Xov.  1,  J"^.")! ;  took  "i  yrs.  couiso  in  Cazeuovia 
Sem. ;  teaclier  in  high  school  at  Hyde  Park,  Mass..  1S72-"). 

IV.  Theodore  Dwight  Weld,  b.  Xnv.  :.'3.  l^o;);  a  noted  jinti  shivery  .-iiul  tennierance 
public  speaker;  m.  May  14,  1828,  Angelina  K.  (irinike.  b.  I'^eb.  20,  IsOo;  of  whom  see 
J'Jmineiit  Woi/nii  of  tJic  Agi\  for  a  short  biographical  s!<etch:  res.  Hydi- Park,  Mass.  1, 
CiiAs.  Stf.wakt,  "b.  Dec.  14.  lS3!t;  res.  Hyde  Park.  Mass.  2,  'I'iikodouk  Oi'.imkk.  b. 
•Tan.  3.  1841.  3.  S\I!AII  (iltlMKK,  b.  .Mareh  22,  1844;  m.  Xov.  23,  1870,  l!ev.  William 
Hamilton,  b.  Jan.  2o.  1843;  Unitarian.      1,   Ethel,  b.  May  31,  1872. 

V.      Ciiroline  Eli/.abe-th  ^^'eld,  ii.  June  2S,  l.^UD;  d.  March.  31.  18(53;  unm. 

823.     Ann  Edwards,  b.    April  28,    lOSl!);  d.  Ai)ril  11,    nHO,  a.  91  yrs.:  m.  May  8. 
1734,  Cajit.  John  Ellsv.-orth  of  East  Windsor,  Conn.     He  d.  Jan.  4,  1784.  a.  87. 
I.      John    i'^llsworth.  b.  Aug.  24.  173.j;  m.and  had  o  chil.;   rec.  unknown. 
\\       Solomon  Ellswonli.  b.  .\]iril  30,  1737:  m.    ^larv  Moselev. 

III.  Frederick  EUsworih,  b.  Oct.  20,1738;  d.  .v.  /.  Feb.  20,  1799.  a.  00;  m.  Anna 
Thompson,  wid.  nf  ('apt.  Hugh  Thom))son  of  Y,.  W.,    aitd  dau.    of  Xatlianiel  Slougliton. 

Shed.  Aue-.  o.  1S20.  a.  79  yrs. 

IV.  Ann  ElUworth,  b.  .hm.  23,  1741;  d.  Xov.  8,  18l!»,  a.  77:  m.  Col.  Leonard 
Sioughton  of  E.  W.  He  d.  March  4.  179(i  in  liis(;2d  yr.  1,  Anna,  Xov.  7.  1770;  m.her 
cousin  Stoddard,  s  of  Solomon  Ellsworth  andd.  18ilO."  2,  John.  b.  In-b.  2,  1772.  m.  Feb. 
2ih  1799,  Sarah  Wctinore.  3,  Li;.MfKi„  Mandi  27.  17M.  4.  h'lui,  Mavl2,  1770.  5, 
Maktha,  X(.v.  lo,  1777.     0,  EiXFci:.  Xov.   20,  17^9. 

8232.  Solomon  Ellsworth,!).  April  30,  !;37:  Lieut.;  .1.  Oct.  19,  1n22;  m.  Dec. 
27,  17oS.  M.-wv,  i!au.  <pf  .Vbuer  .Mi.selev,  Ivsi).  of  (Hastoiibury.  b.  Dec.  8.  1737;  d. 
Dec.  l»i,  1S23.' 

1.      Marv,  b..  Sei-t.  14,  17o9;  d.  Jan.  12,  1777. 

*  "United  in  death,  here  rest  the  lenuiins  ot  Mason  F.  Cotr.swell,  M.D.,  who  d.  Dec.  17,  iS^o,  a  69  yrs., 
.•'.nd  of  .Ahcc  I'.'i'iJswch.  wlio  d.  Dec  3'j.  iS.  50,  ;i.  23  yr;.  ;  ihe  I'ailier  diAlini;uishcd  lor  his  private  viriues 
and  public  spirit  and  I'.is  iirofessional  worth;  and  the  datiuh'.er  iihou^h  deprived  of  heann;j  and  .speech) 
foi  hc-r  intellecnj.-\'i  attainments  and  loveliness  of  character.  The  American  .\ryhim  irr  I'.ic  Dc;il  and 
Diirv:b  whi';h,  under  Providence,  owes  its  crif^in  to  the  lather's  tenderness  tt.wards  his  child  and  his 
sya:(iathy  for  her  fellow  siilTerer.s,  will  stand  an  e.idunn;.;  monument  to  their  tuem.ory,  wheti  this  shall 
have "  —  //.!'. '/ivf/.t^v'-i'-i^c'"'.  .  . 

L^74  CKANCH     OF    ELT/.AJiETH. 

II.      Ann.  h.  Mar.-h  13,  ITAl;  d.  v. 
]]],     SoidnKin.  b.  D.'c.  l2,i:r.O:  d.  Feb.   9,  18-11. 
iV.     ElizalK  til.  b.  .Ian.  IG.  ITIm. 

V.  Stoddaid.  A])ril  1-i,  1707;  d  OrT.  ^-il.  1S47):  ni.  liis  cousin,  Ann,  dan.  ('id.  Sain'f 
and  Ann  ( F.ll>\\<u-i:h )  l>touirliton.  Shr  d.  May  14.  b^dC..  in  licr  ;*()tli  yr.  and  bur.  witli  lier 
fcniub  inf.  in  tin  .<ni.  grave.  1,  Ann.  d.  Feb.,  17!M.  in  her  "Jd  yr.  2.  Ann.  d.  Dec.  -.^y.. 
1S';'7.  a.  4!.  :;.  .M.aky.^F  May  !i.  1^0."..  a.  Id  yrs.  4.  Stoud.x  li  o*  d,  at  Harieii,  (ia.,  l)ee. 
11.  ISli):  a.  -i.-);  ni.  Amelia  ^ — .  She  <1.  Nov.  W.  1S41,  a.  o-J.  1.  ,A////,.v  .<  .  d.  D-'t..  ];.;, 
iNoi',  a.  le  vrs.      .■),  l^ri\VAi;ns.  d.  .lunc  >*4,   !SU1.  in  his  Cd  yr. 

VI.      Aliiirail.  b.  -Ian.  ('..  17tiil;  d.  F.4j.  1;!.1S41:   nt.   Abn.^v  Sa<i-e  of  Chatham,  t'oiin. 
VII.      Abn.-r  Mos.-l.'v.  .Ian    4.  1771;   m,    \)'r.  -.'A.    17H7,  Flsic  4homiw,,n;  .sh.-   d.  Nov. 
20,  ]84(t,  a.  74.      1,  Fmk.'dkkk.  K,   1).    Nmv.    s.    FTliS.       2.  .'iBNKU  M.,  d.  Sejit.  '24.  ISIH.  m. 
April  2Li,  is:r,',  Fnev  W.  Stotiii-hton.      1.  S>:r<ifi  K  .  tl. -Ian.  -.''i.  IS41,  a.  4  vi-.s. 

Vlll.      .lohn.  1).  .Ian.  V-'j.  17'7.:!:m.  Mairh   10.   In-JM;  d.  .Ian.  i),   |N:^(i,  a.  (if;.     lb'  wa.s 
vrr^.  .sexton  iif  th'-  ( 'entt'i    clih.  Haiifnid:  "W^   i\\   his   sons   rer*.    at    Mi  (dianirville,  N.   \., 
juul  was  fatlier  of  ('(d.  j'.lmer  K.    Kll>\\'orih,  who  bef(H-e  the  v,-ar  became  t'amons  as  the 
('apt.  and  drill  master  (if  the  ('lu(ai.ii  Zonavi-,-..       At    the  beirinninix   <'f   the   war  he    was 
appointed  C'id.  of  the  Now  Yi.ilc  City  Kegiiaent,  c-nmpii-.,.d  <d'  the  city  Hrs'iiien  .and  eallfd 
llie  "Fire  Zouaves"  (11th  N.  Y.  Vols.)      At  .\h'Xandria.  \:\..  In- as.'t-nded  to  the  cup.da  of 
the  liotel  and  removed  a  s'  cession  liau'  llyin;:'  from  thi'  staff  ainl  on  df*s(. emiinLr  the  stairs 
was  shot  and  instantly  killed  by  the  In.itel  ]iro]iriet<ir.    v.ho  wa.-  himstdf  nm  thronii'h  the 
body  on  the  instant  liy  a  Fnion  sohli.-r.      Ft.  Cnl.  j-'ainham  ['■j\  viicccedei'  to  the  comitiand 
and  was  nu)rtallv  v.oi;nd<-il.  at  the   Ist  battb-  of    Ibill  l-Juii. 
IX.      .Matilda.  Dee.  -^7,  l'i74. 
X.      'I'imotliy,  b.  D.T.  V2.   il.  Dec.   'J-.?.    177*;. 
XI.      'i'lmnthv.  April  17,  177^;   m.  Anna   M.-itIi't;   i,->.  F.   Wimiscir.       1.    ,M.\i;v  An.\,. 
d.  March  27,  ]S'.3s.  a.  18  vrs.     2,  1Ii;nkv,   d.    .Ian.   '2.    islO;  a    :-!l  vrs.:   m.      1.  ./,/)/.,.«  D., 
a.  Jan.  ai,  Ibo'.l,  a.  4^  yis. 

Xll.     Jo.-eoh,  i>.  Man-h  ♦:).  17nO:  (F  Sept.  -Jii,  l,S(i4. 
XI IF      Ann!  b.  .^j-ril  MO,  ITSM. 

825.  Jonatlian  Edv.^ards,  b.  O.-i.  .-,.  17(i;F  T-!<.inL;  an  (.'nlv  son  was  nanic-i  by  his 
fatluT  ••the  i^ift  of  the  Fold."  When  but  six  yrs.  of  niro  he  be^-an  to  h'arn  Latin  nndef 
his  father  and  elder  sisters,  all  of  win. in  llie  father  liad  made  ]>iotic;ent  in  that  laiiirsiai^e, 
iind  lie  was  carefully  instiucteil  at  home  until  !te  was  thirteen  years  of  a,i:e.  Tlis  letters 
anil  essays  written  at  a  very  early  jieiiod  disi.bty  a  remarkable  itnpiisitivene^s  and  aeute- 
iiess  of  miiul.  both  as  lo  ineJital  and  natural  phenomina.  A  frat^ment  wr;tte)i  v/ln-i:  he 
was  not  more  than  twelve  years  old  atrnim^t  sdine  one  who  had  ci>ntended  for  the  mate- 
riality of  the  soul,  sho"  s  considerable  wit.  rer.cF.  of  thouijht  and  jxuver  of  ex]ire-~-ion. 
There  is  al.-o  proerv.'d  m  entertaining-  and  iusuuctive  aecnunt  of  the  iiabits  nf  sjiiders. 
as  observed  l.iy  jiine-ell'.  \vritten  befoie  he  was  lo.  But  the  veiy  lirst  exeiei'^es  of  hi-  mind 
were  doubtless  of  the  nature  of  re!ii.rious  mi^ditation,  and  he  could  not  recollect  the  time 
when  he  was  not  imbued  with  a  deep  sense  of  ndi^'-ion.  In  an  account  of  his  conversion, 
written  later  in  life  for  the  benefit  of  his  children,  lie  says:  "  I  had  a  variety  of  con- 
cerns and  exercises  ab(jut  my  soul  from  my  childhood,  but  had  two  most  remarkable- 
seasons  of  awakening  before  1  met  with  that  change  by  ^vhich  1  \n  as  biongh.t  to  tlu'se 
new  dis])ositions  ami  that  new  sense  of  things  that  I  have  since  had.  The  lir-t  time  was 
when  I  was  a  boy,  some  yeais  before  1  went  to  cfdleg<',  at  a  tiine  <d'  remarkable  awaken- 
ing in  my  father's  congregation.  I  was  then  very  much  alfecied  for  maiiv  months,  and 
concerned  al-.ont  the  things  of  religion  and  my  soul's  salvation,  ami  was  almndant  m 
religious  duties.  1  used  to  pray  ti\i.-  times  a  <iay  in  secret,  and  to  spend  much  tini"  ;n 
religious  conversation  with  other  boys.  ^-  *  •^-  i  uitli  some  of  my  s(diool  fello^^.s 
joined  ttjgether  and  built  a  booth  in  a  swamp,  in  a  very  retired  spot,  for  a  place  of 
prayer,  arid  b.esides  I  had  jiarticular  secret  ]daces  of  my  ovn  in  th"  \voods.  \'>'liere  !  ';-,ed 
to  retire  by  myself,  and  was  froi.n  tinu'  to  time  much  atTected." 

At  thirteen  years  of  age  he  entered  Vrde  College,  far  advanced  in  irem--;'.!  and 
classical  leai'iiing.  and  in  his  freshman  year  ;i  ad  Locke's  /■.'.<•■-■'///  "//  thr  llnnKiu  linUr- 
utaniliinj  with  apprei-iation  and  deli::hi,  as  shown  by  some  nf  his  n.otes  wliich  liavi  been 
]mblished>.  lli>  pleasure  in  lee.dinii  ami  annotatinu'  on  the  to]iic..-  (,|'  th;-^  I'leat  work,  ha-- 
been  likei'ed  fo  rl'-tt  of  the  tniser  v,!;en  gathering  up  liamlsful  of  >i!vei-  luid  gold; 
some  m-\N  ly  disc(i\-ered  treasure. 

While  in  the  senior  class  his  second  awakciiing  took  place,  which  was  speedily  iol- 
hnveil  by  a  second  iela]>se.  ■"  \n  piocess  of  time,"  he  writes,  "my  convictions  and  afb-c- 
tions  wore  otT,  and  i  entirelv    lost    all    those   aliectioiis   and    deiight.s,  and    left   off  secret 

ELLSWOR'in,    EO\VAin>S.  375 

nravtir.  at  least  as  to  any  constunt  ijcrformance  ol'  it.  and  n'turncd  like  a  dog  to  his 
vomit,  a!»d  went  on  in  the  ways  of  sin.  Indeed  I  was  at  limes  very  uneasy,  es{>ociaiiy 
toward  the  hitter  jiart  of  my  time  in  coHej.'-e,  wlien  h  jdea-sed  (iod  to  seize  me  with  a 
ph'uiisv,  in  which  lie  biouijht  me  niirh  unto  the  arave  and  sliook  me  ovei-  tlie  })it  of  lu-li; 
and  vet  it  was  not  lonsr  after  my  recovery  before  I  fell  a^^ain  into  my  old  ways  of  si?i." 

At  seventeen  lu;  graduated  with  great  re])utation  for  hotli  knowledge  and  wisdom, 
and  he  dates  Ids  final  and  entire  conversion  shortly  after.  Its  chief  symiitom  he  thus 
tlesrrihes:  ■"From  my  childhood  u\>  my  mind  had  Ix^en  full  of  ohjeotions  agaiitst  the 
doctrine  (U' (I'od's  sovereignty,  clu.n-ing  ^\  horn  lie  would  t,i  ct-u-nal  life,  and  hardening 
whom  he  ])leased,  leaving  them  eternally  to  piu-ish  and  he  everlastingly  tormented  in  hell. 
It  used  to  apii<-ai-  like  a  horrible  d<jctrine  to  nu';  Imt  I  remember  the  time  very  well  when 
I  seemed  to  be  convinced  and  fully  satisfied  as  \n  tlie  sovereignty  of  (iod,  and  his  justice 
in  thus  et<Mnally  dis]iosing  of  jneu  according  to  his  sovereign  pleasure.  ■■"  *  *  And 
tliere  has  bf-en  a  wiuidcrful  alteration  in  my  mind  with  i-espect  to  the  doctrine  of  (.iod's 
sovereignty  from  that  day  to  this,  so  that  I  scarce  ever  have  found  so  much  as  the 
rising  of  an  objection  against  it.  in  the  most  absolute  sense,  in  (iod's  showing  mercy 
lr)  whom  he  will  shov.-  mercy  and  hardening  whom  he  will,  (bids  absolute  sovereignty 
and  justice,  with  respect  to  salvation  and  damnation,  is  v>-hat  my  mind  scenes  tri  n-st 
assured  of  as  much  as  of  anything  I  see  with  my  eyes:  at  least  it  is  so  at  times.' 

In  commenting  on  this  part  of  his  life  an  eminent  writer  .-ays:  "  NV"  cannot  avoid 
giving  our  reaiieis  a  little  insight  into  the  narrative  of  his  couvfrsicui.  especially  as  it 
contains  some  passag-es  of  deep  feeling  and  sensildlity  wldch  form  a  striking  contrast  to 
the  controversial  liardness  of  his  other  writings.  It  is  full  of  l)nrsts  of  tenderness  and 
even  whilst  the  subject  of  his  earliest  meditations  were  the  same  dark  doctrines  in  their 
most  trememious  form,  which  he  after\^ards  defended  so  ably  by  the  helj)  of  his  mature 
reason  amidst  all  the  gloom  which  narur-iUy  surrounds  thiuii.  tliey  seem  to  have  h-ft 
u]>cvn  his  mind  no  sentiments  l>ut  ilmsi'  of  gentleness  atul  charity.  4^  *  * 

In  this  document  of  Mr.  I-]dwards'  early  oi)inions  v.e  have  .said  that,  amidst  all  ihe 
horrors  fif  iiis  i n-fd.  ilu-re  are  many  indications  of  the  natural  fineness  and  sensiidiiry  of 
his  spirit.  'I'hc  following  passag-es  are  renuirkably  beautiful  and  have  about  them  atone 
of  pastfu-al  or  rather  scriptural  ]ioetry.  ''Not  long  after  I  lirst  Ijegan  to  experience 
these  tinngs  I  gave  anaccount  t<>  my  fathrr  of  sf)n;'^^-  things  that  had  ])assed  in  my  mind.  1 
was  ]iretty  much  afYected  by  the  discourse  we  had  together:  and  wlien  the  discourse  was 
eniled  I  walked  abroad  alone  in  a  .s(ditary  place  in  my  father's  i>astu)efor  contemplation. 
.-\nd  MS  I  was  walking  there  and  looked  u]>  on  the  sky  and  (douds.  there  came  into  my 
mind  so  sweet  a  sense  of  the  glorious  nnvjcsty  and  grace  of  (iod,  that  I  know  not  hov.-  to 
exjiress  it.  (lod's  excellency,  his  wisdimi.  his  ]iurity  aud  love,  seemed  to  apju-ar  in 
everything;  in  tin-  sun,  moon  and  stars:  in  the  (douds  and  blue  sky:  in  the  grass,  flowers 
and  "trees:  in  the  water  and  all  nature,  which  used  greatly  to  fix  my  nund.  1  often  used 
to  sit  and  viev.-  the  moon  for  a  long  tine-,  and  so  in  the  day  time  s]ieut  Uiucli  tin;e  in 
viewing  the  clouds  and  sky  to  li'diold  the  sweet  glory  of  (>od  in  these  thiiigs;  in  the 
meantime  singing  forth  with  a  loud  voice  my  contemi^ilationof  theCreator  and  Hedecmer. 
I  used  to  l)e  a  person  tiuconimonly  terrified  \vith  tluinder:  aiid  it  used  to  strike  me  v.ith 
terror  when  1  first  saw  a  thunderstorm  rising;  but  no^v,  en  the  contrary,  it  rejoii'tMi  me.  1 
felt  God  at  the  first  apjiearance  of  a  thunderstorm,  and  used  to  take  an  ojiiiortunity  at 
sucli  times  to  fix  myself  to  view  the  (douds  and  seethe  ]i;:htning^  play  and  hear  the 
majestic  and  awful  voice  of  (iod's  thunder."  *  *  '■  'Ihcre  is  a  ]>oetry  and  grandeur 
in  some  of  his  }>assages  of  this  sort,  \\hi(di  show  a  moral  suiilimity  of  genius  in  the 
midst  of  enthusiastic  reveries,  often  in  inferior  minds  more  productive  of  dark  and  dis- 
orderly sentintents  than  of  sound  and  elevated  ])iety.  When  he  comes,  liowever,  to 
reason  on  his  theological  and  ]dtiloso]diical  tenets,  lie  is  no  longer  either  ati  enthusiast  or 
a  ])oet,  for  then  he  ))roceeds  with  all  the  ])ertinacity  and  ingenuity  of  a  liard  headed 
<lialectician,  determined  neither  to  tolerate  nor  employ  any  weapon  but  stern  arguiui-nt. 
—  h'nft/r.  Jirii'iiiitir.t  It/t  K<Utii>n  Art.  Kdirnrdx. 

After  g'radiiating  he  remained  two  years  in  New  Haven,  studying  divinity.  In  tin- 
19th  year  of  his  age  (lT'?:i)  In-  was  licensed  to  preach  iiiul  in  August  of  that  yea.r.  accepted 
avail  to  Xew  York  city.  His  di:irv  \vhile  there  shows  that  his  mind  \si;s  constantly 
employed  in  religious  medit:;iion.  On  the  12th  of  .Tan..  172:5,  'I  nuule  a  sobiun  dedica- 
tioti  of  myself  to  (iod;  and  wrote  it  down,  giving  up  myself  and  all  that  1  had  to  (bul:  to 
be  for  the  f\iti;r'-  in  no  re-Mi^.-t  mv  o^'•n.  to  aci  as  one  %\  ho  had  \\i^  \'\,{\\\  to  himsell  in 
any  n-speci."  Alioui  this  time  he  wrote  out  7U  resolutior>s  whii-h  lie  kept  before  him  as 
his  guides  tlirough  the'  remainder  of  his  life.  'I'hey  rd'er  mostly  to  the  governing  ol 
iiis  m^)ia!s  aud  the  ])erformance  of  relig-ious  e\erci.-es.  They  are  published  in  his  ••Lite 
bv  Dr.  D-.vijriit."     After  a  ministrv  of  eitrht  months  in  N.  V.,  whicli  gave  abundant  satis- 

37G  BRANCH  OF  eliz.\tu:th. 

fiictioii,  ciii-nnistuiires  iiiiliici'd  him  tn  i-ft  tii  n  to  lii-  t';it!ii-i's  himsf.  He  runiit'il  \v;inii 
attiicliiju-uts  in  New  Yoik.  ■'.My  ln-^u'l  sci-mcd  to  siniv  wuliin  iiif  at  Icuviiii;-  thf  f,-i!iiil\- 
and  city  wlien-  1  had  juisstnl  so  many  pleasant  days.  I  went  to  \N'cihiM>!ii'l(l  in-  \vati"r 
and  as  1  saih'd  away  1  kej)t  sii:-hr  ul'lhc  city  as  loni;  as  I  coald."  But  at  Sayliio.,k  wlit-r'' 
he  woiU  Ciij  shoff  to  spr-nd  the  Sal)liaih.  In-  rrcovHi-cd  ]iis  rompoMn-i'  in  ''a  rcfi-cshitii;- 
seasnti  wallvimr  alone  in  tlie  liidds."  I'he  samnn-r  of  1738  was  devoie.l  to  th('oh)iricai 
studies  at  his  tatliew's  house.  In  tlic  IV.Il  lie  went  to  Xr-w  liavcii  t'>  receive  tlie  <l'7,^ree  of 
3l:tstei-  of  An--.  \N'as  e!fet.-d  a  tutor  of  Vali^  Collcgr.  and  r()niinn''d  in  this  position  two 
years.*  •■Jlis  inioiial  i\iiown,"  says  I'ri  .<iilcnt  Stiles,  "was  great  and  exeeih^nt." 
Jie  thei:  accepud  a  call  To  tlif  ehurcli  at  Xoriliampton,  as  colk-airne  to  his  ^-i-and- 
futhet,  Kev.  .Solomon  Stoddard,  v.  ]n'  was  far  advanced  in  years,  and  whom  lie 
shortly  succeeded  as  sole  pastor,  liei?;^;-  installed  Fel>.  27,  \',21.  On  the  ^Nth  of  the  follow- 
ing Jiily,  lie  m.  Sarah,  daugditer  of  llev.  James  and  .Mary  Hooker  Pierpuiit  of  N.  IIa\ . 
!^he  was  b.  Jan.  !',  1707.  Her  father  was  the  second  j^astor  of  the  first  church  in  New 
Haven,  a  son  of  John  and  'i'hankful  iStowe)  Pier]K)nt  of  lioxhury,  Mass.  Her  nn^thcr 
was  a  dauLrhier  of  Rev.  Samuel  Hooker  of  Farmimrton  and  a  <xr.  dan.  of  Rev.  Thomas 
Hooker,  tlie  leader  and  first  pastor  of  the  colony  at  Hartford;  her  ancestry  was  indde  and 
she  did  it  no  discredit .  She  wa<  a  yoiinj.^  lady  of  uncommon  heauty.  Xot  only  is  this 
the  language  of  tradition,  hut  Dr.  ilopkins  who  first  saw  her  when  the  mother  of  si-vt^n 
children,  says  •".-he  wa^  more  than  ordinarily  hcautil'ul,  and  ler  portrait  ]iaintfd  bv 
Sniybert  in  1740,  exhibits  that  peculiar  hjveliness  of  expression,  which  is  the  coml'inci'i 
result  of  intelligence,  cheerfullness  and  benevolence."  This  picture  now  haiigs  with 
that  of  lu-r  liusband,  by  the  same  artist,  in  the  gallery  of  Yale  College. 

T(j  her  natural  advantages  were  added  all  that  a  su[)erior  education  could  give.  In 
her  ma.nners  she  was  gentle,  courteous  and  amiable,  and  the  law  of  kindness  apjieared 
to  govern  all  her  ciuiduct  and  conversation.  She  was  a  rate  ex;inii)lc  of  earlv  pieiv, 
•warm  and  animated,  and  under  the  control  of  true  ddicacy  and  sound  discretion.  Mr. 
Edwards  had  known  her  si'veral  years  before  her  marriage,  and  in  1 7",';j  ( when  she 
%vas  but  thirteen  years  (jf  agej  he  wrote  cut  thi'  ])laul<  !i  af  ot  r.  book,  tlii-  remarkable 
descri]ition  of  her:  '  ■ 'i'hey  say  tlieic  is  a  }oung  lady  in  New  Haven  w!io  is  beloved  ot' 
that  b'reat  IJeing  who  nuide  and  rules  the  woi-!d,  and  that  tlicre  are  ceitain  seasons  in 
whi<  h  this  (Ireat  Being  in  some  v.ayor  othei  lonu's  to  her  and  tills  her  mind  with 
exceeding  sweet  delight,  and  that  she  hardly  cares  for  anything  except  to  meditate  on 
Him.  That  she  expects  after  a  while  to  be  received  u])  wliere  He  is,  to  be  raised  uj)  out 
of  the  world  and  caught  u]>  into  hen\-en:  '>eing  assured  that  lie  !o\e^  her  too  well  to  let 
lier  renuiin  at  a  distance  from  Ilim  always.  That  she  is  to  dweli  xsith  Him  atid  be 
ravished  with  Hi^  love  an^l  delight  forever.  TlnMefore.  if  \ou  {)resei!t  all  Hie  world 
])eforc  her  \'.ith  the  liclu'st  of  its  treasures,  she  dlsregaids  it  and.  cares  not  for  it,  and  is 
unmindful  of  anv  ]iath  of  atiiicti(m.  She  has  a  superior  jmrity  in  luu-  aflections;  is  most 
just  and  cou-cientious  in  all  her  coiuiuct,  and  you  could  Uoi  jieisuade  lu-r  to  do  aiivthing 
wroiig  or  sinful,  il  you  should  give  her  all  this  wiu'ld.  U'st  she  should  tdiend  tliis  'ireut  » 
Being;.  She  is  of  a  wonderful  sw(anness,  calmness  and  universal  benevolence,  especiall.v 
after  the  fircMt  (iod  has  manifested  Himself  to  her  mind.  She  Avill  s;)!uetimes  go  about 
from  i)lace  to  ]dai-e  singing  sweetly,  and  st  ems  always  to  be  full  of  joy  and  ])li'asure. 
and  no  one  kmiws  for  what.  She  loves  to  be  alone,  especially  in  the  fields  and  groves, 
nnd  seems  to  have  some  one  invisible  always  con\ersing  -witli  her." 

I)eV(ited  a^  Mr.  i-Mwards  Nvas  to  stud}-  he  \vas  less  ac(iuainte-d  with  most  of  his  tein- 
}ioral  affairs  than  many  of  his  neigjil.iors,  and  scdtlom  knew  where  or  by  whom  his 
forage  for  winter  was  gathered,  or  liow  niany  milk  kme  he  iuid;  whence  his  table  \\-as 
furnislu-d,  or  by  what  means  his  wants  w.^e  ])rovided  for.  Mrs.  Edwards  took  almost 
the  v.-liole  direction  of  the  tem]ioral  afTairs  of  the  family  withoui  doors  aiul  within, 
inana.tring  them  x'.itli  irrcat  wisdom  and  ju-udencf-  as  well  as  cheerfulness.  And  in  the  still 
more  d(dicate  and  ditlicnlr  duties  of  a  mother  he  could  sntejy  commit  his  young  and 
gi-owing  family  to  her  lovr'.  faithfalne--s,  wisd{imand  piety.  She  eiicourae-ed  exclusively 
female  meetines  fo;-  pi-ayer  and  ridigious  conversatiori,  in  wiiich  slie  took-  lu-r  ]>ropei- 
share,  and  in  ihi^  way  helped  to  brinir  alnu!t  the  fre(|uent  revivals  for  \shicli  tlie  .N'ortli 
ampton  cliurch  was  leimuicable  during  the  minisir-y  of  .Mr.  Eiiwards,  Thev  liveil 
together  thirty  years,  and  he  \vas  to  Hie  end  the  same  enthusiastic  admiri-r.  She  relieved 
liim  from  all  cares  be}-oiid   his  study,  whither  every  day  she  cariied  i:t  a  silver  bovvl  his 

"  Vhs  only  real  est.ue  then  belonuinpc  t,>  t^c  colio.q-e  w;is  the  old  lioaicstcarl  oi  Wiiiciin  Tiutle  on  whicli 
luiii  been  erected  its  first  buii.lint;-,  and  on  the  verv  spot  where  T^d  « .-irdy;  >,'udied,  t.'.ii.;i:t  .u;d  won  "  t'.i-; 
j;reat  and  t.vcelleiu  tLitorial  renown."  E!i/..ibetti  'I'mile.  the  <,'r.-ind mother  ot  Edwards,  ha.'l  (),<;;--ed  lue 
years  of  her  thildhr.od  and  youth,  until  as  thi:  wile  of  Richard  J'.dw.irds  she  removed  K.  IJanford  and 
bccanie  the  ancestress  of  ••  a  |.;lorJous  jiostf  rUy  - "  A  posieruy  ttiat  jias  iciic.  leii.  pcrhips.  more  lustre  on 
the  nainc  of  Vale,  than  that  ot  any  lulgiim  to  these  sliores  from  ihe  landing  on  I'lvmouth  Rod;,