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Full text of "The descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches : also, some account of the descendants of John Tuttle, of Ipswich; and Henry Tuthill, of Hingham, Mass."

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(^  ^' 


I    3  1833  01421  9718 


W'AO  c.w.E  Ki:oM  Olt)  Ti)  Xf-w  Evci.  \vf..  ly  ir,:;-.,  .vx!)  S.r.rxLF,!)  in  Xkv,' 
IIavkx  i\  ]iio"J,  ^^lill  xi  Mi,Hors 


Al.^O,    SOMF,   ACCOI.'-ST   OF    XJU;   1)FSC:,XL).\  NTS    OF 

JOrv  TTT'r'TT.K.  OF  l.iOYK]:.  N.  II.;  incil.VKP  TrTTI.K.  OV  W^'STnK :  JOIIX 

Tin^TLK,  OF   IJ'SWirli;    ANH    liFNKi    'iT'i'lllLF.    OF    nivcFAjj, 

MASS.;  TO  VailCU  AKF  AFFENDJ'.i)  '.,  K  X  l.A  1.0C;i(  AlL 



:::^:::S'^;;,uVY':; 'iu^lluir^n  ;';';''.;; 'uFm^t      ....n.onos,  ...t  sm  then-  is^autod  a 

rmNi'Fi-  .v.M>    m  iM  i-.iu;ii  h'.    ■ 

Te-TTLF   ^-    rOMFANV,    ..Fri-l.M.    <l   ViF    I>i:iNTFr-.    IMT-AN!..    VT. 




KUWAilDS.  377 

siinjile  diet;  and  cvfi-y  iiii;lit.  -aUi-v  tlie  ollu-r  iiifiubcrs  of  tln'ir  family  luul  ri'tin-d  td  rt-st, 
llu'v  iiifr  there  t<>  >]>>'ud  an  hour  it;  c  .nvrivation  and  iirasei-. 

In  l^ol,  Kdward-.  \-isi;fd  lio.-lmi,  and  wliilr  there  dr!i\cri'd  hofofe'  an  asr-.iciation  of 
uiinisier-^.  a  sermon,  w  hi<-h  liy  their  reijuesr  was  jmlilii-jird.  It  ua>tiie  first  of  liis  works 
wliiili  was  pvinti'd.  and  ir  luadr  siK  h  an  iinpre  ^.-ioii  that  pnldic  I  haid<s  w  c:  c  oifcrcd  to 
thi-  Head  (d  ih.'  ('hiireli  for  rai^uiLT  up  so  gri-ar  a  teaidi'T,  In  \1:',\  iMciiri'.-d  a  reinarka 
hie  re\-ival  in  his  own  'dmrrh  at  Aorrhai'ititon.  an  a'-rount  (d'  \\hi'di  In-  pnldislird  at  tlic 
tinieiuuler  the  title.  .1  J-'^iithfn'  XiHT:i,'irr'  of  tin:  Su  rjiiisl  irf  \\'',rl:  nf  <ini]  n,  titr  ('■i>n:i:r- 
MOH  of  yfiinij  I  fii  nil  i\  II  -  "f  S  ,ni.'<  ill  XiirtlKi  III  iiiiii .  'Idiis  uiJilv  i-\-citi-il  ii-rt-at  intt-rest  and 
was  re[.uhlished  in  KnuHand  fiuni  I-M  wa.rds' mannsi'rijit  under  the  editorsluji  >if  llie  i-ele- 
hrateii  Di'.  Watt-  in  IT-iU.  Idii^-  w  a.-,  tiie  l,ci;imiin;^-  of  "'Jdi^-  (ireat  Awakening," 
wliieh  eiihninated  in  IT-iO-l.  The  revival  was  gfnenil  thruughont  tlie  country  and 
(-xtended  to  itie  it>inot<-s!  re donii-s  of  Aun-iiiai  and  toI--n;;!and  and  to  .Scotland.  Ministers 
and.  conu-re.uations  froin  all  ]>arTs  of  New  Ki  L'land  a])])lii(i  to  ivlwards  for  assi^tjuiee  and 
iK'boiiirht  hint  to  lanni- atnoUiT- them  and  priarh.  As  in  all  seasons  e.f  tTcat  excitenit-nt , 
fanatical  exc-esse.s  wctc  romniilted  w  hiidi  hioutrht  ndigion  into  cont(  inpr  and  in  other 
ways  t;ome  evil  was  mingled  wirli  the  good.  Kilwards,  thougli  full  of  zeal  and  earnest- 
ness, liiul  no  synipatliy  witli  fanatiidsin :  to  niodemte  and  guide  the  mi.sdireeti-d  and  the 
overzealous.  he  wrr>t"  his  ■   7V( '"■('-•  on  tlif  Rdi'jvuix  Aif'tftums,  i)iil.)lislied  174IJ. 

In  the  year  1747,  Itavidi  Hiaiiifid,  tlie  famous  missionary  to  tlie  Jndians,  eauie  T(j  the 
lionse  of  Edwards  to  dir.  l)ui-ing  liis  sickness,  .lerusha  Edwards  gave  him  lier  constant 
<-ar«.  and  Htienti'in,  They  were,  nodnuhl.  hetrotht-d..  "She  was  a  )):-rion  <d'  miudi  ihi' 
same  spirit  as  Iwainerd."  said  her  fathor.  He  died  Ort,  !l.  1747;  and  Jernsiia  f'dlowed 
liim  aiioiit  four  months  later  anvl  \\  a.s  burif'u  hy  his  side.  .Mr.  Ivlwaids  \s  rote  the  Lij't 
of  I  lurid  Biiiihi  rd:  puldislied  in  174'd. 

During  all  tjieyears  of  his  pastorate  at  Northampton,  ^Ir.  ]-]c'Lwards  was  indiefatigalile 
iu  the  dischaige  of  lus  oHicial  duties  and  diligent  in  self-improvement.  "His  jireacljiug 
produced  ehects  wlihdi  have  never  heeii  surpassed.  His  (diuich  liecanu' thf-  largr.-t  ])ro- 
testaiit  society  in  the  world.  He  st(.»id  at  the  liead  of  ihe  clerieai  jirofes.v-on  in  New 
England.  Wdiei'evci-  In-  i/reaided  crowds  hun_;  upon  hi,<  lips.  While  yt  a  young  man 
sermons  and  V(dume>  (d'  hi--  wi-if  rejinhli.^lu'd  in  (iriat  Diitain  and  %videly  circulated. 
He  was  the  lii-t  Aim.-iican  auiiier  \'.dii>  ai'hi'.-Vf.l  a  imputation.  He  held  this 
position  many  years.  < 'n  tin  Viith  of  .1  une,  IMO,  he  v\as  iiji.'iiiiiiiiiii(.s!j/  di.sinissed  from 
the  church  at  Northampton.      Where  does  tiie  iiiiiominy  n-si'.' 

Aliout  six  year--  l)efor<-.  le-  h:i.d  oti't^nd.ed  an  inriuential  juirT  of  his  '-ongregatioii  liy 
taking-  some  very  active  ami.  as  they  allirnu-<l,  aihitrary  measuies  in  c(jn,^e(pu'uce  of  the 
repinted  <-ircuIation  of  oliscene  l)ooks  among  the  younger  members  of  his  lio<dc.  He  wa.s 
openly  resisted,  in  his  atfi'mpi-  lo  make  a  ]>ul)lic  cxamide  of  tlie  olTeiulcrs,  and  his  influ- 
ence over  his  ]H_'oi)ic  from  that  tine-  hega.n  ri  wane.  l*>;it  a  mor>'  potent  cause  of  tlio  final 
rupture  \vas  a  ditu-r.-nt  oni-.  In  tin-  t  ast.Mii  ciilonies.  ujcAard,^  of  a  ctiiiuiy  ago.  all  Hie 
])olitici;iiis  and  nun  of  fa-liion  maiiag-e<l  to  retain  a  "  iigular  standing"  in  some  itdJu'- 
ious  society:  it  wasesseniiai  to  their  respectability.  h,  was  not  deeme<l  necessary  that 
they  sshmild  make  a  luibiic  proft.-ssion  or  ])raetice  tic  dntic.-<  of  .dii'istianif}',  only  so  far  a--  to 
give'uii  intellectuui  asvent  to  its  doctiim's.  'i'liey  could  not.  or  would  nor,  say  that  they 
had  )  embraced  christianitN .  In  short  they  \vere  uncoiiverted  persons.  In  Mr. 
Edwards'  clmrch  the  custmu  had  been,  introduced  f'y  his  predecessfjr,  Mr.  Stodilard,  not 
Avith(,)ut  o]>position.  ot  aduiittiiiij:  sue  h  ]'ersons  t<,'  ]>artici[iati(ui  in  the  sacraim  nt  of  the 
L(jrd's  supper.  Aluuu  1744  Ed.wards  iiegan  to  insist'ou  a  return  to  the  (dd  custom.  A 
tif^rce  op].o.-.i!ion  wa>  iai<e(h  The  next  six  years  was  spent  in  continual  disputations. 
und  in  vain  aitemjUs  to  break  the  re>ohite  will  of  l^dwards  dett'imined  that  the  line  (.>f 
demarkatioh  between  the  church  and  tin-  \v(>rld  should  not  be  entirely  obliterated.  EiVoris 
at  mediation  and  compromi?"  laile,!.  Hi.--  dismissal  was  (damored  for.  A  council  of  neigl;- 
horing  j.astors.  appointi-ii  to  adjucli.-ate  lietucen  the  partie-.  \oled.  by  a  majority  of  one. 
tlie  expediem.-y  of  an  imruediat'- d!--olntioii  of  th'-  j>a-toral  relation  of  M  r.  J'kl wards  to 
his  flo(d\.  When  it  r;ime  to  the  people  !oi  a  final  Vote,  ir  is  said  that  tho-^e  who  \vei>- 
iie\'er  tiiere  he  fore  now  throm^eii  I  he  ni'-d  ing  hou^e  to  pri  vent  I  heir  own  di^f  ranrhist'.nent ; 
tliat  a  iiMpb  -ucc:-e.|ed  in  ]'rocuring  the  ui--ud^.--a.l  of  the  w  ise-^t  aiid  mo>t  faithful  of  i)as;oi  , 
The  vote  was  ove[-  -JIKJ  to  -JU.  A  fter  thi--  he  occa->ioiuil  ly  supjilied  the  pulpir.  jiendine-  rhe 
a]ipolnTnient  or  hi-  siH-ce,-.^or.  until  a  \iite  was  pa'-sed  prohiidting  his  leturn.  Tlirouvh 
i'.il  this  ciinte-.!  Edwards  iior-  oim-idf  InMoical  1  v.  .\  o  |  i--'"' inate  word,  or  un<ee!n'iy  a.-t 
marred  the  grand  compo.-nre  of  his  spee-h.  or  tie-  dignity  of  hi.-  coialuct :  but  witli  strong- 
and  steady  pi-r-isience  in  he  kness  to  be  h,--  duiy  he  fLiught  the  good  light  to  iL;e 
end,  williiiL''  to  sulTer  all  thliii;.-.  for  the  --ake  ol  his  .Master.  Some  of  iho-e  who  W(  n 
(he  nicst  violent   in  oppositi<ui,  year.--  al'i-iwaids,  \viien  lime  had  given  them  oi.'].'ortui.!- 

37S  niJAXcn  of  kliz MiKxii. 

tifs  for  roticction,  r('j)oiitc<l  in  >ark  clotli  .uid  ashes.  In  17")1  lu^  rcmovi-d  fo  St'.ckhridi^'-H 
Mass.,  as  a  luissioiiiirv  to  iin-jicli  tn  tlit-  liidiaiis  and  a  small  clmrfh  ni  Aii;:l(i- A  ii;<Mii'an^ 
which  had  liceii  fdriiit-d  ilicrc  hy  an  i  iivliiM-  nns.-ionary.  II.-  had  a  wil'i-  and  <-i_'-lit  chil- 
dren to  support:  his  salary  was  sunill;  liis  dauyjitcrs  made  laces  and  paint<'d  fans,  whirji 
were  sent  to  15i)ston  lor  -■■i\\>- .  S(h,n  after  Ids  settlement  he  ani.oiiMcc-d  in  a  h'tter  to  his 
t'liend  Kr-kine  ol'  Scuihuid.  his  intentiijn  to  write  a  work  upon  l''ree  Will  and  M.eal 
A,tr<'nry,  in  whirh  he  Wdulil  luin^'  tin-  ehj,  ctiuns  to  tin-  ' '  Tal  vinistic  divmit  v  '  to  1 1;,- 
test  ol' tlu'  strictest  reasonimr.  and  parlienlarly  lliat  ;:reat  ohjeciion  in  wliieli  ih<'  iii(>d>'rn 
writers  have  so  tnueli  _i:lorieii,  so  lont;-  ti-iuniphed  \\'ith  so  i;-reat  a  deirrec  oi  insult  toward 
the  most  excellent  divines,  and  in  ette<-t  airainst  the  iro-^pcl  ,<[  Clirisi,  thai  the  ('alvin- 
istic  notions  of  (Jod's  moral  government  are  cdntrary  to  tin-  couinion  s<-nse  of  mardiind.'" 
'J'lns  work  was  written  in  four  nmnths. 

The  controversy  at  Xorthiimjiton  did  not  hei^in  nor  end  thi-re.  h  \s  as  sini]>!van 
outhreak  of  the  old  disaii-reemenf  lirwt-.Mi  the  marcriali -jn.  tli'-  stiihlMiin  prid>-.  si-lti-h 
ness  and  si-lfdndiilirence  of  hnnian  natniv.  when  h-fr  to  it>.'it.  and  the  .>piiit  oi  diitv. 
hniiiility,  self-sa<TiHee  and  <lcjiendenr:'  <e.i  (iud.  end'odied  in  Kdwards.  formula.ted  in 
doctiine,  defended  liy  an  inti'Ilert  (d' ama/.im,'-  power,  and  foriilieil  l)y  an  nneonqin'rahle 
resoliitirm.  His  rhcnln^.'-y  i^  jp-ifd  in  ceiiain  ipnirter>.  no  hrttrr,  or  evtii  h-s^.  now-  than 
it  was  then,  and  the  man  him.-elf  is  re.r:u'di'<l  with  an  avt-r.--ion.  oftt-n  thinly  vt-iitd,  ieif 
s.-inietimes  expre.-sed  in  op.'n  and  eoar-^i-  dennm-iation.  .\t  a  late  lat-eiinL''  of  niodt-rn 
lihilosophers  and /<',V;-(/,'i  in  an  easitn'n  eity,  Ivlwards  was  i-allcd''a  scivundi'el  i  we  heu" 
pardon  of  our  readers),  a  liyporrite  who  ilid  nut  h  •lifv<-  what  In-  taiii^'ht,  wlm  in  tact 
knew  hettrr."      .\notl;'r  critic,  if  noi  nnr-'  profonml.  at  h'u^t  in  far  hrtter  taste  sjvs: 

" 'i'he  Iriii'  to  taste  whiidi  compriscil  an  edneati'rn,  ihe  i.-dl'.in:;-  ophidian,  the  many 
centurii-tl  iiatriarrlis,  the  li.iatinu-  ne-nau-eiie  witl;  tin-  launa  of  ihr  diownin^-  worlil 
repn  sent.'d  cm  itsdi'ck.-;  the  modeiinu-  of  ilir  tirst  wi.iuan  idioiil  l  h.-  of  the  tirst 
nian.  All  these  t hi n.i;-s  were  to  him.  as  to  tiioM-  alioiit  him.asri-al  historicj'l  faets  a- 
tlie.  buildini.;-  of  the  ])yramids.  His  ari;-nnn-nt  is,  v.-c  aic  fn-c  to  follou.  hut  not  to  f<'ri'i 
our  will,  as  f/'n/i  of  nert-ssity  (dif-ys  tie'  .-I  i  oiii:'-st  inolivf.  .Vs  tin-  natural  nuoi  siu'-.' 
tlie  fall  is  corrupt,  his  motives  and  conseqin'niiy  his  volitions  art'  evil,  until  cham;i'd  hy 
i;Tace.  wlii(di  i^  a  free  i^-i  ft  im  smdi  as  ar.' eh-iti-ii  from  eternity.  Thf  doririn.' of  srp'- 
determininc  will  r.s  llie  trionnd  of  all  moral  irood  and  (  vil,  tends  to  jinvent  anv  iiropcv  of  faith  in  (io^l  ami  t  'hrist  in  the  affair  of  our  salvation,  as  ii  tends  to  i)revent  al! 
dependenci'  upon  thmi.  There  i-.  no  se.tlicici.!  reason  for  atracliiuL;-  the  moiiv-.  of  a 
man  so  sa.inrly  iii  life;  v(,  h  ly  i.,  -i.-^piratiun-:  so  patient,  -o  lu.'.-k,  si.  lalioriou.-,.  so  thor 
oiiij-lily    in  eanc'st  in  the    wmk    to    which    his    whole   lit'e   wa'-    Lfiven.  -  -'  * 

A  natural  man  i,s  hetter  tlein  an  unmitural  tln'Mloy-ian.  It  is  less  violence  to  our  nature 
to  deity  pr'Ho-plasm  than  ir  is  to  diaholiz"  the  Pidty.  ddu-  [U-a.ctical  etlVcd  of  his  teacji- 
ings,  revivals  in  whir):  tk.e  majority  of  tho  converts  udl  awr.y.  nervous  disord.-rs  of  all 
sorts,  in.-an;iy  and  suiciii(^  oiiter  areaiaiion  and  (pnuiel  witJi  his  people,  if  tins  was  a 
successful  ministry,  what  disasters  would  con>^titute  a   failure.  ' — O,    U'.  Jfuhnr.-!^ 

There  is  no  need  id' an  answei- to  the  indii'tment.  as  to  •■  the  hitter  alienat'on  and 
([Uarrel  uith  his  jieoph-;"  we  liave  seoi  what  that  nn-an^.  i!ut  there  are  >ome  ver'. 
questiomii)le  assertions  of  fact,  anal  smue  nu)re  than  .pn.'stionahle  infen-nc.-s  in  th^ 
the  above  quotation.  Is  it  trm-  that  the  majority  of  the  c(ni verts  fell  away ".'  Tlia.t 
nervous  disorders  of  all  sons,  insanity  and  suicdde  were  tin'  practical  elT'ect  of  his  tea'h- 
ing'S?  Tiiat  his  ministry  was  not  u  successful  one?  (.'an  ndoims  hi-  affeeted  or  attempted 
without  conflict  ".'  Can  a  radical  chanue  in  moral  disposition  and  habit  from  evil  to  o-ood 
be  accomplished  in  the  individmil  without  mental  or  emotional  disturbance?  It  is  tie- 
old  controversy.  With  respe.-t  totlie  workof  Kilw-ards  on  the  will  described  .so  ^ildyand 
meastired  in  tie-  few  lim-s  above  (pnitt-d,  ami  his  nn-ntal  calibre  or  i':va<ie,  a  ^x'"«"!'* 
writer  speaks  by  impliea^ion  as  of  '■that  class  i.f  mi;',hty  and  terrible  mimls.  for  whi'-h 
are  reserved  in  soun-  sort  eertain  iirobb-n]s  whieh  ai-i-  dantr'-rous  ami  unfathonnibh' 
abysses  to  all  others;  ti'i'nnndous  re\-eries  and  sulilimities  of  sneru  lation.  from  which 
some  very  great  nnnds  lik-o  Swrdeidcore.'  ami  Pascal  have  gliih-d  into  insanity ;  all  thos.- 
]>rof  undities:  to  the  apostle  con  vergiti;:  ujion  ( iod:  to  tin-  Athei-t  upon  annihilation  — 
destiny,  goo'l  and.  evil;  tin-  war  of  la-ini;-  against  being;  the  eonseifn(-e  of  man;  th'- 
thought  like  di-eams  of  the  animal ;  the  transformation  of  death  *  -  the  soid,  natut'-. 
lilxM'ty,  nec-essity:  ditlienlr  problems,  sinistei-  de])ths  towards  which  are  drawn  the 
gi^•anti(-  -irehan^-i-ls  i.f  the  hunuin   taie  '' —  Vi, ■!,,!■  Ihnjn, 

I'.dwanls  had  mm  h  s]iare  time  in  Sto(d<  bridii-e.  ;ind  had  in  view  si-vcral  'j^v-.W  litt-rai'} 
enierprisi-s,  mie  ot  whieii  was  begun  inil  not  ready  for  the  press.  Ii  was  ••  A 
History  of  tiie  Wurk  nf  Redemption,"  a  complete  system  <if  divinitv  cm  a  n.-w  [ilae.-  b 
wmtld  prolsaOly  have  been  hi^  mastfipii-ee,  and    would  ha\e   raised  him  in  repu'ation  a-- 

f-  ■■     ••1 

r  i 

I  *■■  •  ■  -  .--4 

I-::  •.-..  .  5:^1 

r  -■      -  ■         • -^ 




37  !j 

niiK-h  higher  than  lie  is  n.>\s-.  as  hi:,  cui.ii)Ift('d  works  eiuiilf  liini  to  Ix-  lunkf.i  i.l.ovr  all 
othrr  tlifological  writi-rsof  hisii<;e.  Aiiothor  work  he  (.•oiil.'iuiilatci  v.;is  tlu-  "  lliirnionv 
of  llie  Old  aiui  Neu  Totainrnt."  In  tlif  aiUmiiii  of  17.")-l  he  ^v•as  seized  with  a  sever't- 
!\'v.'r,  from  wliir]]  h,-  did  not  irrov.-r  until  the  f-dlowini.-  Jamiarv:  Hi'.d  Ids  favorite  jmr- 
suits  v.(-ie  .sfill  fuiilicr  iiiirr-ni  nred  \)y  tli.'  iMciudi  and  Indian  war.  <hn  iPf,-- wldeh  siddiers 
\\(MT  qnarlcied  in  li;>  hon.-e.  In  tli^'  last  tliree  years.  ]H.\;-,-vrr,  In-  w  rotr  souu-  of  his 
:;'d(  --t  \vorks.  a.nioni:  whieh  arc  ;]:,■  di--r)-[at  ions  "on  O',,,/',:  J,,,..,-  /';,,,/  ;,,  //,,  ( -rn/tif/,  of  t/t. 
W.'H^J,  and  on  the  .V,/,''//-,  of  Tr'ic  V'ntnr.  ■•'I'l.e  la-t  of  tlw^c  j-nl.jr,!s  ha-  I'.Vn  a 
favorite  onr  xsith  ethic;d  wri'crs.  Ai  i.stiK  lo  n-atded  viriuc  as  ///,  ]n^i,_  t,,iUr„;  llnnn.- 
says  it  is  V,  li.atevcr  is  uselul  or  agre.-ahle  to  ourselves  and  orliois;  iuid  Paiin-.  uiio.  as 
\',ell  as  Hume,  liad  Ix'en  a  eareful  readi-r  of  Edwards,  tlial  ii  is  ■'tlie  doinu-  ;:(mi(1  to  man- 
kind in  ol.edicnre  to  tlie  will  (.)f  Ciod,  and  for  tie-  -ak.'  of  evorlastiniT  liai'l'" 
Kdwards  held  it  to  hf  in  some  sense,  the  same  as  heauty:  in  other  words,  to  l.e  every 
voluutaty  art,  of  \»djiih  the  ultimate  end  is  tlie  iri  eaTesr "  i_r,„,d  to  the  -■•r  e;.,t',.s!  nnnd-er. 
'i'liis  dibsertaiion  is  jHThii-.r.  tie-  most  (ui^tdnal  of  his  woiks,  ;ind  is  mi  i-'oncdusive  tliat  all 
otliers  on  the  sul)je<-t  liave  siiice  heen  consi<lere«l  as  ohjecis  of  riiriositv  rather  than 
MS  fruides  to  oiiinion.  .Vmrm-r  tlie  wiiterS  v  lio  have  heen  hiiu'elv  indel.ted  to  it  wns 
William  (iodwin,  who,  \\\\\\a  ,///,vy,V, .  ;;<  i^,l.eIt  Hall  v.eil  ol,>erves,  ■•^Vith  a 
daring  eonsistence  has  puisued  the  i)iinciides  of  fvhsards  te  an  exivem-  fioia  whi.di  that 
exceilent  would  have  recoiled  with  horii.r." 

His  treatise  on  Origimd  Si)i  is  usually  ranked  next  to  thai  o?i  the  \\\\\.  for  eh-arne-s 
force  and  com]irehensivene-s.      It    was    fiid-hed    in    ITo,.      I'r.    'ra\  lor   of    ^'or\vi.dl    had 
boasted  that  his  (.\vn  argnr,\''nt  oji  this  ([ueo  i,,,,  i-,,u!d  n.'Ver-  i,,.  ansu-eved.      'i'he  re!!i'ati<in 
of  it  hy  Edwards  uiis  so  (•o7i,i>lete  that  evei;  'layler    m  .-ss   eoinpelled   to   adiiiit    that    tiu:■^^• 
could  he  no  rejoinder,  and  his  mo! ti tieatinn  is  :;;i'i  to  have  shortened  hi-  davs. 

\\']ule  Ed\wirds  was  lahoring  with  hi->  wouied  ii.<lu-ii\  a!  Stock LridLre.' In-  nceivt'd 
inttdligeuce  of  the  death  of  his  son-indaw,  IJev.  Aaroii  HurV.  Pie>.  ,,f  the  '("'oUe^r,.  ,,)■  ^,  vv 
•Jersey;  and  a  few  days  afterwaid  a  letter  fnun  the  'i'lustees  MJvised  him  thai  he  had 
heeu  elected  to  the  vacant  otlice.  He  sul mmied  tl:e  (inestio!'  to  souie  of  his  fiiends.  aud 
iicdiug  on  their  advice,  arcej.ted.  the  invitation  and  ice,'-,., led  to  Piine-ton.  wlier'e  he 
arrived  in  -Ian.,  17",^'.  A  fev.-  days  aft.-rwaid  he  w  a- ijifo:  iie-d.  of  the  .h'ath  of  liis  father. 
S<'veral  we.  ks  i,assed  hefore  hi-  inaugu'at  i..n.  Inii  he  luciched  in  the  mean  rin;e  in  the 
college  chajiel.  v.dncli  his  tame  .-au-ed  to  he  tilh'd  i.n  evers  ocea-ioi,  to  its  ut-nost  limits 
He  WHS  inauiiuiaied  on  the  Kith  of  Eel..  On  'he  i?:-:d  he  wa>  inoculated  for  the  hUiali- 
]>ox,^whi(di  then  ]>revai!ed  in  tli-  tov.ii,  aiid  on  the  O'^d  ol  >'arch  In-  died  of  th.xr  di-".  a-e. 
'iVj  JUS  daughter,  Lucy,  s\ho  attended  him  in  his  last  sickness,  he  said:  •'  It  sei  ms 
to  he  the  wiH  of  (iod  that  i  must  shortly  leave  you.,  give  mv  kimh-st  love  to 
my  dear  wife,  and  tfdl  her  that  the  uncommon  "union  that  has  so  long  si"il)sisted  between 
us  has  been  of  such  a  n.ature  as  I  trust  is  sidrjuuil,  and,  thmefore.  will  contiin:e  forever 
-Aiid  1  hope  she  u  HI  he  su|ii.oiie,l  under  S.J  great  a  trial,  and  submit  cheeifcllv  to  the 
will  of  (.rod.  Ai'd  as  to  my  children,  wl,o  are  now  likeh'.to  he  leli  fatherless, "whi(di  1 
liope  will  he  an  inducement  to  you  all  to  seek"  a  Eather,"  who  will  never  fail  vou.  Atid 
as  to  my  funeral.  I  would  hav<'  it  to  be  Hke  Mr.  P.urr's.  and  anv  ad(iiii<;nal  sum  of 
money  that  nnght  be  ex]»ected  to  be  laid  out  that  \\;iy.  1  weuM  have  it  disj.o-scl  of  to 
charilabie  uses.'  h'ersons  at  the  bedside  lamented  ili"e  loss  his  death  would  he  to  the  col- 
lege and  to  r(digion.  to  whom  he  replied-,  -"rrust  in  (iod,  and  ve  need  mu  fear  "  These 
were  his  last  words. 

In  person  he  was  tall,  slender  ami  slightly  stooping;  his  face,  very  pale  and  some- 
what wasteti.  wore  an  aspect  of  singular  refinement  and  diynitv;  his  manner  calm  and 
gentle;  he  s])oke  very  little.  He  lamented  his  awkward  addn-ss  and  uniinp.isinir  presence. 
''  I  have  a  constitution."  he  says,  ■■  in  many  resjiects  ].eculiarl\  unha]ipv,  attend,  d  with 
Haccid  solids  anil,  si/.y  and  scarce  iiuids,  and  a'low  lid.- of' si/irits :  ('.fteii  occi-^-ioning 
a  childish  and  contemptabh-ness  of,'ch,  pi,  .-^en.-e  and  demeanor  and  a 
disagreeable  d.nlliiess  and  stifiness  niiudi  unliiing  im  for  conversation."  '■  .\dmi(abh'  to 
such  a  man,"  .says  Carton,  --must  havesenued  thealeit  ami  brilliant  Ihirr,  so  rl'or,,iighlv 
alive,  with  every  faculty  at  instant  command,  of  dauntless  self-possession,  with  a  pros"- 
eiice  and  address  that  inviied  conlidence  and  disarmed  impertinence.  Ihirr  on  his  part 
had  g.iod  v,.||se  and  mode-ty  enough  to  know  that  wiih  all  hi-  shlnimr  .jualities  he 
was  no  imu-e  the  superior  of  .lonathau  Edwaids  tlem  an  :innorv  is  .-nperior  to  the 
n.n.eof  or,.,  fp,ni  v.h-,-!,  ih-  polish,  d  weape,,..  (,f  a  tl:ou:.aiid  ai  moi'i.'s  can  be  u.aih-  "— 
/,;./(■  of  Jill rr. 

The  (diief  works  of  Eil  wards:  A  Tniiliin  Court  mi  i,<i  (lu-  l^ilii/i'.us  A  ii'<  rti^'us.  M-li: 
An  Inquirji  ii,t„  thr  Mmln-u  I'notxliiKj  Xniioi,^,  I!,  siHrfim/  tli.  "/•>.<  e'-e,  nf  tin'  ]Vi!f 
irhii-h  is  .'<uppo.Md  to  h  K.-^.ni.tial  t:  M^riil  A'jmri/,   VirUu  and   Eev,  h'ur.n;/  ami  I'lmi-^h- 


15UAX0II    Oy    Kl.I/A  I!KT1I. 

m"nt,  PrdiKi  ninl  IVanic,  IT.ll;  'J'ln  Cj'riiit  ('//ris/ian  J),>r/riiir  <>j  Orif/inul  Sin  l),fnidi:d, 
coiitaiMiuf:  ;i  rcplv  ic  tlu'  nlij..-,-thins  of  !>r.  .(dlni  'raylur,  17.")S;  Tin  llistorii  of  R'thnip- 
tioic  A  ])i,-<s,rt~ft'i<>n  ('"i.rrrii'ih'j  th^  Ei,<l  -nr  irliirf,  ( ;n,l  Cr,  ,it, ,}  th,  WorUJ;  A  bh^rrtatioii  ' 
Cdui-t  riilnii  i'lK-  Tru.  y<il'iri'  of  Cli rl-yUii n  I'irf'h.  'I'lic  tliir(  last  ucir.  puhlislicil  alter 
lii-  dcatli.  !!r  vA>u  ^\I•l>tt•  M.veral  voliiiui-s  of  scininns.  |iiiiitril  at  vaiidus  tiiiirs  ami 
ol'ti'ii  u-iiriiUcd  ill  EiiiriaiiJ  as  \\r]\  as  in  .\iinTica.  'J7n  Ja/i'  cf  J)(iritl  Hroiimil,  17}'.); 
All  lii'iniri/  ini"  Ihr  (h/,i'fir./li,j,i.y  /,>;■  /•''///  < 'nm  ,i,  n  ino,,  \n  tin  i'l'sihl,  dmrrh.  1749; 
MiKcllnnrcii.s  O'h.s,  ri:iiti,:,iib  I'll  liii/iiiitoiit  I'll' nil, ijlriil  Si'/>jn_ix.  I.uikIoii  17!I(I.  i'.liit  .^<'Vi-r;il 
otli'']-  tracts  ol'  Ir'ss  iiu]i;irtaii<'c.  In  iMi'.l  an  tditinn  ni  )ii>  works  \>y  Pr.  .\\i--iin  was 
})uMislie(l  \u  f-"nL:!ai)(I. 

Ill  ]S;lU  ;\n.  ciliTinii  of  liis  worlcs  in  icn  vols,  was  ihiIi.  hy  l)i-.  Sficno  1'".  ].>wi:;lit. 
27<(  Frt'uhnii  nt'tln  li  i// liKs  iiff-n  iiiililislii'd  separately,  with  an  i nt roiiuelfiry  essay,  hy 
Mr.  'J'aylor.  aii'.liorof  the  Xnt uro!  ]Jl.s*n;  i/  of  Koih hhIo.^ii: .  An  old  dok  on"  wliicfi  the 
FriiiJnn:  of  till  TIV'/  w  ;'.s  writti-n  is  in  po--.ession  of  the  'ilieoloi-ical  Seminary  <;f  Yah,- 
Collfire.  In  187".j  tlie  descendants  of  Lvhvards  elected  a  nionmnent  to  ]ii>,  jin-uiory  at 
St(;ckl)ride:e,  Mass.  it  is  of  red  Scotch  cranite,  liUeen  feet  hii^'h,  and  stands  on  lln.' 
]»nb]ic  sqnari-  'vest  of  the  ( 'enieii,'rv.  .\iuoii;r  :-oini-  lecently  dist'overed  mamrscrijits  was 
found  H  treatise  on  tlie  Trinity  liy  Kdvvards.  It  was  jnililished  hy  Charles  Scrihiier,  Xew 
York,  ISSU. 

A  iiienioria!  wiiu!o%\'  in  tlie  cliajic!  of  '\"!ue  Collei;.-  is  insei  iliei! :  ■'  Jonatha'i  Ivlwards, 
Sn  III  mi  III  ir.-fsia  nrili,,i)<  ]\itt.s:  fiiil  n  m  w  ■-«icrii  mi  in  philn^nphn^  qvi  Kiuu-ulnvinn  admi- 
rati'iin.iii  iiiorJ:   iJiiriiltn  inyatAre  nunintiKxi nms:  lii<'  ff ii'iihnt,  ihiriliiif f 

liis  famr-  i-  ^'■-.•at  in  all  (/hristian  hnids,  and  his  vcnks  and  chiuaeter  the  ailiuira- 
tioii  of  the  most  profoand  thinkers  and  of  the  h^-^t  men  of  every  generation  sinre 
his  time;  an  admiration  exjiressed  in  terms  as  varied,  as  strontr  and  as  cnqihatic  as 
Imiaaii  iiiLrctmity  can  invent.  Vet  as  we  have  si  en,  very  ojiposite  views  are  eiiiertained 
mid  f'N pressed  in  disjiaran'oment  ot  his  i^cniiis  and  vii  n]M-)ution  of  his  cliaracter.  It  is 
therefore  eminently  pnipei-  to  add  here  the  testimony  of  men  who-t  opinions  the  \\i)rhi 
lias  been  aceusto!nc<i  to  rei:aid  will;  res[M  ct,  in  order  that  detraciion  may  not  de.^troy  the 
Ipiritiniute  inthience,  v/hieli  cannot  well  lie  s[iared  yet,  <d'  a  u'reat  name  ;,iiu  a  nuule   life. 

"Edward's  sennor.s  .-eem  to  me  tlie  hest  in  the  laniiaage."-  AVc.  Dr.  Mafldn--^ 
Bruui,  Jlr.s(  pi.-iur  nf  tin    JJi'm-l.-.r  Sf .   P  n  s>>.  I'lil: .    \.   Y. 

In  a  re.-eiit  wo!-k  on  .\morican  Hteratuie  Prof.  'r_>.  lev  coiisideis  .lon-jiimn  Edv.aids 
the  nmst  ori^'imil  and  acute  thinker  yet  jiroduced  in  Ann ficii.  He  i^ives  full  ciedit  to 
the  traditions  that  In,  v.- <  ome  dou  n  to  n-.  of  the  treniemlous  eiTecis  iirodnceii  hy  Ivlwards' 
presentation  of  the  Calvini-tic  theolojry.  vSueh  was  tlie  )>ower  of  his  sincerity,  of  his 
solemnity  atnl  of  Ins  lnw-ic  that  1m  wroujrlit  results  not  snrpas.sed  even  hy  Whitfield's 
cdo(jiience.  --As  a  tln'olocian  and  nieta  ].hysi<ian,  as  the  ■.iitlior  of  •Freedom  of  the 
Will  '  and  the  chami'ion  of  ( 'idviiijvm,  a.-  tli"  ins'pirer  a'ld  i!ri!!  ;i:a-;trr  of  innnmerahh- 
niinds,  Edwards  lilis  a  laree  phn  c  i  ti  ecclesiasti'-al  r.nd  nhilos.  ,phic;;l  histc>ry." 

^Vhen  Samuel  Hopkins,  the  dist int;-nished  theolon-ian  id'  Ni-wjiorr.  wa.s  a  student  at 
Vale,  Mr.  \Nhiitield  ajjpeared  there  and  in  i)rx.  1740  preached  to  crowded  assemblies. 
Mr.  Hopkins  heard,  him  anci  wa-;  sone-what  impfssed,  and  justiiied  hini 
with  tho<e  who  were  disposed  to  condemn  him.  'I'he  next  sprinir  (iilhert  Tennaiit  (th.c 
J'amous  itinerant)  came  and  staved  ahout  a  weejc  and  preacheil  seventeen  sermons.  "  ile 
was."  says  Ilopkiiis,  'a  reiniirkahly  jdain  a  nd  rousing'  jn.'acln'r,  and  ever_\  jx-rson  in 
the  i;olle<i-e  s,.,Mned  to  he  under  a  deeree  of  awakeniii:,'-  and  conviction."  Hojikius 
Jidmire;!  his  pi-eachiiie-,  tiiouu-ht  him  the  e-reate^t  and  hi'.-t  man  he  had  ever  seen  or 
heaid.  and  determined  when  he  should  leave  coUeLic  to  ao  ;,n(l  Ww  witli  him  wherever 
he  miirlit  !)<■  found,.  Bm  on  the  17th  day  of  Sept..  just  l)efoie  he  was  to  take  his  dee-ree, 
•  lontithan  I''.dwards  of  Northampton  visited  New  Haven  and  preachi',1  his  cidehrated 
seriMon  on  -Trial  of  tlie  Spirit-.'  llo[ikins  heard  it  atnl  was  so  atb'cted  that  he  cliamrcd 
iiis  irdnd  in  respei  t  to  Mr.  'i'enmmi  and  rc-olveil  to  reside  with  .Mr.  Eduards  when  he 
should  have  opp  u-tiiniiy." — A':!n'ii;,ipiij,!nj. 

••The  icfeatest    nu'tajilivsician    in    .\merica." — Sjn'ni/m'.^   A  n  ihiIk  nf  the  Ami'rn-iin 

"Jonathan  Edwards,  the  )m>.-t  i:ifted  of  all  the  men  of  the  1  SHi  cent  iiry  :  jierhaps 
lliemo'-t  pr.^fop.n,' thinker  of  H;e  w.irhl."  *  '■*  "''  '•  ehnr-si- hted  ie;  the  ea;_'h'.  nnlirinu 
as  the  light  that  travel-  fiom  the  lixed  stars,  reirai  disii;-  the  wide  field  o)'  h.uman  thought 
with  a  glam-e  iiioie  delicare  and  compi-ehensi  ve  I'lato;  an  imagination  no  h-ss  suh- 
iime  and  a  soul  how  much  more  seretudv  pun-  thantliatid'  i '.aeon,  he  stands  tin-  fore- 
most .rimong  ail  phih.sophical  thinkers,  ar.cient  or  modern." — JInlJisI,  r'^  ofVonii. 

j:i)\vaki)S.  381 

"  His  inliufiicc'  is  disci-rniiblo  on  cvfry  l<';i<lirig-  uiiiul.  l^cilumy  an'l  ITnpkins  were 
li:-  pupils;  lHvi;;lit  \\iis  his  cxpnsilor;  Sinalicy,  Knniums  anil  nuuiy  miIht-,  wen;  his 
t()llo\v('rs;  thioii<;h  llnjvkins,  liis  influence  ffachcd  Kirkland  and  a>sislrd  in  niDulilin^ 
i!,c  rharacter  ol  Cliar.ninir.  Of  all  the  sch.'lars  and  philiisuphcih  that  Anifiii-a  iia'i 
piiidnced  lii-l'dn'  tlu;  hi'^Mnninsr  <il'  ihc  jircsMut  ccntuiv,  two  only  jiad  i'.-.;al)lislicd  a  ci;n- 
sidi'iabli'  and  permanent  reputation  in  the  world  (d"  10iiroi>ean  thiuijrht,  Menja.inin 
l-'ranklin  a.nd  .lonatlian   Edwards." — Jl^nirrnft. 

"Recollect  \-our  Kd wards,  erectiniT  in  tliis  i-einoiL-  reiM'in  the  standard  of  orfliodoxj 
for  eidightened  i'lotestant    ];.uroi)e."— -J/<  .c.  //.  Kru-itt. 

"  '  'I'he  l'hL'ed<jrr:  cjf  the  \\'ill  '  is  the  w'l-eatest  a<due\-ein<-nt  id'  the  human  intellect." 
—  iJaiiid  W'tl'xttr. 

Seeds  from  Edwards  liuve  taken  root  in  strane-e  jdaces.  A  single  stalk  Ids 
philoso]div  has  slicd  lieanty  and  i^i'i'l  ujne  over  wastes  of  modern  s]  Many  ot" 
whose  oi>inions  aM  is  dl•os•^^hat  i-  not  hi.rrowed  from  liim.  Iiave  exiiihiled  the  jioverty  of 
their  natural  powers  in  assaults  uj'on  his  system:  and  others  incapable  <)\'  ]jenetra1ing 
hevond  the  shell  of  his  logic,  and  of  understanding  the  Iteauty  id'  his  life  and  doctrine, 
have  done  him  k  much  greater  injury  l>_v  profe.^^ing  to  i»e  of  his  school. 

The  stvle  ol  I'dWiirds  is  unconnnonly  good.  It  is  suituhje  for  his  subjects.  It  has 
seldom  Ix'en  suipa>se(l  in  perspicuity  and  jirecision.  It  is  deficient  in  harmony,  indeed. 
and  occasiomilly  Ints  other  faults  of  a  mechanical  ■^ort:  but  he  wrote  hastily,  and  ])r)nted 
witliout  revision.  Scarcely  any  of  )ns  sernuni<  v,-e\-e  intendi  il  for  the  ]n(\-s.  and  sesei'al 
of  Ids  nn)re  e.xtended  treatise  are  but  rough  drafts  of  v.liut  h,'  designed.  Ife  a]i])e-u-s 
never  to  have  thought  mu(di  of  tbe  imjuu t.ance  of  styie,  until  a  few  years  liefon.-  his 
death.  ^^  hen  a  cojiy  of  Kichardson's  Sir  Clui rl,s  (r rn I'Ci.'cr:  faJling-  in  his  lu'nd-',  lie  read 
it  wiih  jilea^-ure,  and  di>-cover<d  the  seci.t  of  its  iiilkniii-<-.  I'lom  this  tiuie  he  ati -lujited 
to  wrile  more  gracefully,  and  the  -woiks  on  tlie  \\  ill,  am!  (jn"(.)ri.i;-iual  .Sin,  subs(;(iueiitly 
finished,  ,slu>w  that  lie  improved. 

He  had  a  vitv  powerful  imagination,  and  some  of  liis  writings  aie  full  of  the  most 
impressive  ine.ij-.'ry.  In  his  earlier  years  h'' ga\'e  a  li-ee  leign  to  his  creative  tacully, 
l>ut  afterwards  re>traiiied  it,  o.cept  \vheii  exjires-ion  (d'  his  thouiiln  wasditiicult  witliout 
its  aid.  Hi--  wit  was  of  tlie  Datfia^cus  soit,  shining  and  keen.  He  delighted  in  tht- 
ri'd'/ciio  ltd  iil>sitvdiii,i.  of  whiidi  his  works  jirobably  contain  tlie  finest  soi cimens  in  the 
English  l^anguau'e.  He  directed  hi'-  wit  a.gainst  principles,  and  rn-ver  against  Ins 

No  assertion  in  regard  to  Jvhsards  has  been  more  common  than  the  on.-  that  he  was 
not  eloquent,  'i'he  mi>untebauk  declamation  of  these  latter  days  has  so  pei-vert(MJ  jnen's 
jud^inenls  tli:>:  they  cannot  understand  how  a  preacher  wdio  rested  one  arm  upon  :i  Ingh 
pulpit,  with  its  di;nitiutive  and  delicat(dy  moulded  liaiid  Itoldiiig  a  small  manuscript 
vohiine  all  tins  \siiile  close  to  his  eyes,  and  with  the  other  lULide  siowiy  hi--  JV-w  and  oidy 
gestures,  could  be  an  orator.  Inil  he  could  keep  a  cougi-egation  that  had  assendded  to 
liear  a  niornin.i:  sernnni.  ignorant  of  the  ajjproach  id"  noon,  until  through  the  uncurtained 
windows  of  the  church,  tiie  setting  sun's  red  rays  were  shining  upon  its  ceiling-.  (Jm- 
time  he  was  disc(mrsing  of  death  and  tlie  Judgnn?nt;  ]K()i>le  rose  up  from  their  seats. 
with  pallor  on  tluir  faces,  to  see  Chri>t  descend  through  the  parting  heavens.  IJeing- 
requested  to  ))rcach  at  Enfi(dd.  where  he  was  a  stranger,  and  the  assend>ly  were  so  indif- 
ferent to  religion  as  to  be  ne.irlectful  of  the  decency  of  silence  while  he  pia\ed,  he  liad 
not  lialf  finished  his  sernmn  btd'ore  the  startled  sinners,  Iniving  "  already  passed  through 
tlie  valley  <d'  silence,"  began  to  wail  and  wee]!  so  bitterly  that  he  could  not  go  on  for  tlieir 
distress,  Tlu'se  ate  trium])]is  of  ehupnuu-e  not  dreanu'ii  of  by  su(di  as  deem  themselves 
masters  of  the  art,  fr.)m  readin.^r  the  foolish  recipe  ascribed  to  I)emo,-thenes. 

ht  tlm  sanu'  jm-.'-e  of  .Mr.  (iilhllan's  S!:iti:li,.-<  ,>f  Mmh  m  ].U.  rat  nr, .  in  whhdi  he 
declares  that  1M\\  ards"  stv  i>-  ■'never  rises  iuto  eloquenci',"  he  gives  the  following  anec- 
dote: '•  He  reminded  you  (d"  .Milton's  line,  '  Tlie  ground  burns  fioie,  and  c<d<l  })erforms 
tlieeffect  <.)f  tire."  Asignal  instance  of  this  is  recorded.  A  large  <'ongr"gat!on,inclu.ling 
many  ministers,  were  asseud>led  to  hear  a  i-opular  preacher,  who  did  not  fulfill  hi> 
appointnu'iit.  l-]dwards  was  selected  to  till  his  place,  priui-iiiaily  because  being  iu  the 
habit  of  ieaiiin.LT  his  discmir-es,  he  hap])ene(i  to  have  a  sermon  leady  in  hi-  ]>ocket.  He 
a-cei\d.  d  the  ],  ai-conlin^ly,  amnl  almost  auddde  nuirks  of  disa")>pointmeni  fi'om 
the  audieuc'',  w !;: '-in ,  how  .•  >.  r  i',  r,--p.-ct  for  tie-  aiiiliries  aid  ih:>racrer  (•!  the  poacher 
prevented  from  leaving  the  church.  He  chose  for  ids  text  ''rh-'ir  foot  .shall  .slide  in  due 
time,'  and  lje.y:aii  to  read  in  his  usual  (puet  wa_\ .  At  lirsi  iie  had  b'aieiv  tlieir  atlenlioii; 
by  and  by  lie  succeeded  ir.  riveting  every  one  of  thtMU  to  his  lips;  a  few  sent.-nces  more, 
and  theybegaii  to  ri^e  by  twos  and  threes:  a  little   furtiu'r,    and  tears    were   tlowing;;  a*. 

3.82  BKANc'ir  OF  Ki.i/Aiiirrii.  I 

tho  close  of  aiiotliov,  purticular  do.'])  groans  were  lieanl,  and  out-  or  two  went  oiT  in  fits;  \ 

jind  ere  lie  reacliod  the  rliniax  i>{  liis  terrible  a]i]n>als  the  wlioh'  audiance  had  risen  u].  in'  =• 

one  tumult  oi'  irrief  and  cousternation.      And,  amid  all  this,  thei'e  stood  the  caltii/iniutT-  j 

turhalde  man,  readinir  on  as  yof'tly  and  gently  as  if  he   \\  <'ic  in  his  own   sTudv.      And  in  'S 

roadin^L'  the  sernion  wc  do  not  wonder  at    thr    imprt-ssinn   it    jjinduecd    ujiDn  aii   audii-ncu  « 

constituted  as  that  must  have   bee'ii.      It   is   a    s(i<-cc-:sin;i    of   sv.'ift    tluiiidi'r   <;laj)s,    each  ^. 

drowniiiL''  and  deafening  tlu-  oiu'  ^^hi^h  iireredcd  it.      ^^'•■  read  it  once  I.)  a    distiii>'-uished  '■ 

.-Kiriiid,  who.  while  disa|>])riivin^r  of    it-;  sjiirit,    was   eomiielled    liti'ialiv    in   sliiver    under  > 

the  '  fury  of  its  [mwer.  "■ — (,' rixirohl'f<  J-'rose  Wi  iters  i>f  A  iiurira.  '  I 

■•'i'he  iirst  man  of  tie'  %vorld  dariiii;- the  second  qnaiM-r  of  the  ei^^hteenth  centurv  was 
Jonathan  lahvards  of  t'onn.  As  a  ihetihjgian,  Kolicrt  Hall  and  Thonias  Chalmers  admit 
that  he  was  the  gieatest  who  has  li\ed  in  the  (.'hristian  ages.  And  as  a  metaphysician. 
Dagald  Stewart  and  Sir  .lames  Ma-kintosh  ag-ree  that  he  was  never  surpassed.  In  (ireat 
Britain  ami  nn  tl;e  cdnriiient  rd"  Enidpi',  meji  "disavowed  hidiid'  in  sone-  (d'  Ids  doctrines, 
hut  confessed  that  they  had  only  protests  to  oppf)se  to  them.  I-Mv.ards  had  anticipated' 
iind  refined  all  ili'dr  arguments.  Adoptiin;-  some  of  his  principles,  others  hnilt  up  for 
themselvts  great  reputations  hv  perverting  them,  or  deducing  from  them  illeiritimat.' 
conclusions.  Jn  whatever  light  he  is  regarded  he  commands  our  aihniraiion.  lie  '.v.-is 
uiie(pnil!ed  in  ititellect  and  unsurjiassed  in  virtue.  I'acon  was  descrilied  as  the  wisest, 
jindtlie  meanest  of  maid^ind:  hut  Klwards,  not  infei'ior  to  the  immortal  chancelior  in 
genie.s.  sutVered  not  even  an  accu-ation  of  anything  unbecoming  a  gentlemen,  a  philoso- 
])her,  or  a   ch  ristian." 

But  in  a  country  wiii<di  was  still  almost  a  wilderm'ss;  educa*ed  in  a  college  whi<di 
liad  scarcely  a  lo'-al  habitation:  settled  a  large  piect  of  his  li  fe  overachurcli  upon  the 
confines  (d' civiliy.afi(m.  and  the  i-(  ,,t  .d' it  in  the  very  mid.-t  ol  barliarism.  in  the  iiumble 
but  honorable  occupation  of  a  missionary,  lie  owed  nothing  to  adventitious  circum- 
stance.-;. Witli  a  fragile  boily.  a  tine  imagimttion,  and  a  spirit  the  most  gentle  that 
ever  (hrilh'd,  in  the  ine.'^ence  of  the  beautiful,  he  seeme.t  of  all  men  the  least  fitted  for 
tlie  great  coniiiriin  wluidi  he  was  engaged.  Hut  He  u  ho  gi\  ing  to  Milton  the  Dorian 
lieed,  s'lif  out  his  Seiaphim  to  enrich  him  with  utterance  and  knowledge;  with  fire  from 
the  siime  aitar  jmritied  tjie  lips  of  Kdv.ards  to  teach  that  '■true  religion  consisPs  in  holy 
affections"  t!ie  siuing  of  all  v.hich  is  "a  love  of  divine  things  for  their  onn  beautv  and 
sweetness." — .(Jris/riild  n  Prusi    Writtrf. 

"We  lose  our  religious  emotions  in  the  intellectual  contemplation  of  its  (d)je<-ts.  It 
need  not  be  so  on  the  earth  to  the  extent  which  it  is,  as  appears  in  the  life  and  writings 
of  Kdv.-ards,  whf)se  vigor  of 'ntellect,  com]>ass  of  thought,  patience  of  inve.-itigation, 
accuracy  of  <liscrimination.  power  of  aig-unient.  knowledge  fd'  the  riible,  and  strf^mrthof 
lii.dines-,    >;a]id    eniisale>i. 

But  lor  his  piety,  lie  might  have  been  a  skejitic,  nnue  dangerous  than  Hume  or 
Voltaire,  and  but  for  the  ••ommand  (d' his  religion  overall  his  jiowers.  he  mic-ht  have 
been  one  of  the  most  dangerous,  as  lie  certainly  was  one  of  the  most  original  and  fe;'rless 
of  specuiaioi-s.  But  the  attractions  of  his  heart  toliod.kept  him  in  his  oi-bit,  and  emibled 
him  to  go  foiih  and  survey  ami  adjust  the  relations  of  the  moral  universe,  without 
}>ecoming  a  wandering  star. 

Next  after  the  Bil)le,  read  and  study,  Kdwards,  whom  to  nmlerstaml  in  thecdogy, 
aeeonimodated  to  use.  wouhl  be  as  high  ju'aise  in  theological  science  as  to  understand 
Newton's  works  in  acommodatiou  to  modern  uses  of  natural  philosophv. 

Edwaiils  and  duller  are  the  two  best  theological  writers  for  a  young  man  to  study. 
But  whilst  Fuller,  availing  hiius(df  of  his  own  jiowerful  mind  acting  on  Kdv.ards' 
materi.-ds.  has  written  with  more  conciseness  ami  perspicuily  than  Edwards,  hi-  falls  f  a  r 
I), -low  him  in  the  ardor  of  his  jiiety.  and  in  his  jiower  of  ajiplying  truth  to  tlu^  con.scienee. 
In  thi-  respect  Edwards  stands  unrivalled.  There  is  in  liis  revival  sermons  moredi.scrimi- 
natiou,  power  of  atxument..  and  i>uni:etu;y  id'  aiijilication,  than  are  contaitied  in  all  the 
seriMiuis  besides  which  Were  ever  written.  Study  as  modtds,  Edwards'  A|)ldication^. 
They  are  oriLrinal,    multiform    ;uid    powerful    beyond    nu'asuie.      ■■■  *  »     Jonatha.n 

Edwards  wa-  a  prince  atuong  iireachers.  There  is  no  one  in  uurdav  who  comes  witliiu  a 
thousand  miles  of  Vwwr'—Autnhh.ijriip/n/  i,f  Jjiui'iu  Ihirlirr.      Lrtirr  to], Is  Son. 

■•My  ilhisirio'is  ])redecessor.  donathan  Ivlwaids,  the  greatest  thinker  that  thi- 
country  has  pr<^iuced,  ii,  wliose  da///ling  beams  the  others  of  us  ai)pear  as  the  smalier 
jdanets  passiiie:  over  the  di-k  id"  the  sun,  has  made  a  bold  atfemj)t  to  resolve  all  \irtue. 
into  hn-e. "—/>/■.  JA'CW/,,  /'/v.s.  Prih''ctoii  Col.,  nurt-iilni r,  ale  Sermon,  IfSTo. 


i:  I)  w  Alios. 


"  Hffon'  till'  loinnuMh'fni.'nt  of  tliis  reiitnry  Aincricii  liail  l>ul  oni'  gifat  man  in 
iiliiiosO]iliv;  liut  that  (<uv  v  as  illustrion'^.  I'lDrn  tin-  i!n\  s  ol'  I'lato  tlii-ii'  lias  h-'t-n  n:>  life 
<it    iiidic  siinplf  ami  iin]i()sing"  grandeur  tlian  tiiat  of  Jmiiit  lian   l-",'h\ar(ls." — M'i'st  inin><tir 

"  'I'lic  inii^'  clalioratf  trvalis.!'  on  original  .sin  is  i-onfi'^-.-rdly  thai  of  I'lcs.  lOl wafds. 
It  is  not  onlv  thr  nio.-t  clalioratf  liiit  th.>  n;i)st  rijiiijih-tc.  Th'-n-  was  .■vcryihing  in  tlie 
iiiti-lii'ctual  Vhaia.'tcr,  the  drvont  liahiis  and  tluMoi.g  ]iiai-iici- of  tin- irrrat  rfasonnr  to 
hrin"  his  crigantic  s].<-cinien  of  tlieological  arguint'nt  as  near  to  perfection  as  ve  may  expect 
iinv  human  conii>(tsition  to  approach.  We  an-  not  aware  that  any  other  liuman  com])o- 
.sit'i.on  exlubits  ni  the  sauio  flegree  as  Ins,  the  love  of  truth,  mental  indrp'>ndence,  grasp 
of  intellect,  iiower  of  concentrating  his  sLrcngili  on  u  dil!i'-nlt  inquiry,  reverenct'  for 
<iod,  calm  stdf-i)OSsession.  superior  to  all  jioh-niical  unfairness.  Ijenevoh'ut  regard  for 
the  hio'hest  intere-ts  of  man;  ki-t'n  analysis  of  argument  asul  tlie  irresistable  fo)'ce  of 
ratiocimition.  He  vennnds  n-«  of  the  scene  (h'scrihfd  hy  Sir  Walter  Scott  hetween 
iiicdiard  and  Saladin,  uniting  in  hiin.-^tdf  the  sharpin.'ss  of  the  sclmeiarand  tin-  strmglli 
■of  the  battle  a\." — I.  >i(diiii  (hmrti  ruj  I\<  ririr. 

"  in  tlieoloi:v,  .lunathaii  Ivlwards  is  iiie  very  i'jiclid  of  divines,  and  th<'  .Americans 
would  do  well  in  claiming  lu. nor  for  th.'ir  geniuses  t(.  put  liim  at  tlie  head  of  tlif  list, 
for  th<'  country  lu-ver  ]iroduced  a  greater."— 7v''//('/"/y///  Ji'i'l'ir, 

"Having  produrrd  him.  the  .'imiu ican>  need  riot  ih-spair  i>f  tlu-ir  mela]diysicians. 
We  (h)  not  srruide  to  say  that  he  is  one  of  thi>  acutest,  most  powerful  and  of  all  rcasoners 
liic  most  consi-icniioiis  ami  sincere,  ilis  closem's-^and  candor  are  alil.r  adnnrable.  ^  * 
His  metliod  iv  an  h.ine.--t  nn-ihod:  tln-ro  is  not  a  trick,  a  subterfuge,  or  a.  verba]  soj)hisni 
in  ids  wiiolc  liook.  *  *  *  'I'hose  whc,  compare  his  arguments  with  wliat  Priestly  or 
i!ol)tis  have  written  on  the  same  subject,  will  tind  the  one  petitlent  and  the  other  dog 
matical." — Kiuii.J\,r.  l.^'^H.  ;/.  IHl. 

"Jonathan  Edwards'  works  on  The  rnnlum  »/'  (hr  117//  and  Ojiyiiud  Sin  are  the 
acknowled.ged  authorities  in  derenre  (d'  the  leading  views  of  wliat  is  generally  known 
as  (.'Hlvlnis'tie  diviidty.  'Y\\f  Ii<i'ir;/  into  ihr.  Fn,jin„i  „f  th,'  HV// is  dispute  the 
most  coHidete  aiul  masterly  treatise  in  whicJi  that  .subjeet  is  regard<'d  as  a  (juestion  of 
metaph.ysii-al  theology:  ami  ^s•hatever  may  be  thi^  ojiiinon^  arrived  at  by  tin-  reader  as 
rec-ards'  either  the  prineip:d  or  secondary  e..)ncln>;i.eis  (^f  the  autli'.'-,  there  can  be  no 
(pu-stion  as  to  the  jirofundity  of  hi.-  reasoning,  or  the  (dearness  and  V^vrv  wit'j  w.hich  he 
sels  forth  his  aiguuients.  Kdwards  wa-,  in  fact,  oin-  of  llie  gfeates!  tiieta phy-icians  of 
his  age,  and  his^wiitings.  though  delieient  in  the  graces  of  style  will,  a])art  froi'.i  tlndr 
value  as  exponents  of  tlie  views  of  a  great  theological  jiarty,  be  of  ])ermanent  value  as 
<'xamples  of  conipreheu'-ive  in  cestigation  and  acute  logic." — Enryr.  Jlrifannic/.  "lOi  Kd . 
Artirl':    E'liriirilx. 

"  There  is,  however,  one  metaphysician  of  whom  .\merica  lias  to  boast,  Mho  in 
logical  and  subtilty  does  not,  yield  to  any  disputant  bred  in  the  Universities  of 
Europe.  I  need  not  say  tluit  I  allude  to  Jonathan  Edwards." — JjiKjahl  Stewart  Intro- 
ductcry  E.-^'^'UI.  Enryr.  Brit.,  1th  Ed. 

"In  power  of  subtle  arginiuuit  he  was  ]ierhaps  une(}ualed;  certaiidy  was  unsur- 
pa«wed  among  men."— .Si'r  Junu^  Mdrlint'ixh. 

"  The  greatest  of  the(dogians." — ])r  Chifimcn:. 

••  He  was  the  greatest  (d'  the  sons  i>(  men." — Ih'lx  rt  ]Ldl. 

"Edwards  (ui  the  Will  is  a  woik  whiidi  never  was  answered  and  which  never  will 
he  answered.' — Dnijuht  Sf,  /r,irf . 

"The  subject  since  then  has  hardly  been  (Uie  id'  controversy,  though  it  has  occa- 
sicuially  be  'U  talked  about.  Some  ingenious  pei'sons,  to  attract  attention  to  essays 
against  fatalism,  have  called  them  replies  to  Edwards:  but  scliohns  have  no  need  to  be 
informed  thai  Edwaids  never  entertained  any  su'di  doctrine  as  that  word  describes," 

t'hildren  of  .lo!u\Than  and  Sarah  Pierjiont  Edwards  : 
I.      Sarah,  b.  Sundav.  .\u<r.  ~5.  II-^S:  m.  June  11,  IToil,  Elihu  Parsons. 
II,      .lerr.sha.  b.  Sunday.   .XprilOr),  ITed:  d.  Suniiay,  E(d..  14.   171^:    uniii. 

III.  i:-ihcr.  i)    Saiida\'.  lib.   \'->.  lldJ:   m.  .)uneL",i,  ITo'^,  Rev.  .\aron  Purr. 

IV.  Maiy,  b.  Sunday!  .\pril  i:.  i;:'.l:  m.   Nov.  S.  IT.i'l,  Major 'i'imetby  PwigJit. 
V.      Lucv,  b.  Tuesii.ay,  Aug.  ol.  1  ;;!it:   m.  June  7.  17fi4,  Jahleel  Woo<lbridge. 

VI.     Timothy.  1).  Tue'sday.' July  •,'-■),  1~:JN:  m.  Sept.  -i."),  Xld.  IHioda  Ogden. 


liRANcii  oi-   ]:ij/.m;i:tii. 

MI.  SiisatiiKi,  1).  I'liilav,  J  I!  lie -JO,  1710;  iii.  Si'pl.  IT.  ITCO.  Elfa/rr  Porter. 

\IH.  JMiiiiri',  1).  Muiulay.  Mj-.y  i).    lM:i;  m.'  .Ian.,    17(11.   'I'hdiiia--    I'.'lluck-  (-J;    !?oli,Mi 

]!uiit.  "           '                        ■ 

IX.  .Iiiuailiaii,  \i.  Siii:.'].P.,  Mav  CCi,  IT-J.");  in.  Oi-i.  I  JTTii  Sa.ia')  Porifr-  ,'->)  Mcrcv 
^ahin.  '           ■                                                       '                              •          -         . 

X.  l-:ii/,  ih,-tli,  1).  \V(■.lIH-<la^  .  .May  IC,  l^JT;  il,  Xor,!i.a;iip!.n;,  ,l;ai.  1,  j  Tti'i,  a,  !;> 

XJ.  Pi'-i-i):>nt,    h.    Sii!i(iav.    A]>i'!l    o.    ITTiO;   m.    M;;v.  ]7l'>0    Frai"-;-   O  r,],.,!     ,•>,    .M.,,-v 

'J'ooIk'I-.-  ,            ■                                                      ■               '                        ,---.,..,. 

The  lirsi  .-rvtii  cliil.lrcii  a!!  hail  i]m-  iiit>a.=-l.--,  lat.'  in  17-l(>:  siv  cf  ih,.  .•l^.^•e^.  urre  l> 
oil  Sunday,  ntic  on  Monday,  iwo  on  ',  en;    ou  \^"l'dnr■sdll v  and  cie'  on  Frida\- 

8251.  Sarah  Edv/ards,  h.  Auis.  -^r,,  170^,-  d.  at  (;n.->!i.-ii,  X.  Y.,  Mav  i,^,,-,;  ui. 
Jane  ,1 1,  17-Vi,  J-~lilni  ['arsons.   [7-i]. .  of  X(n  tluvm  oion.  win;  d    Aii"-    '.i"    17s.")    ;,   V.i; 

I.      E-riier,  1).  M.ay  17,  17r,-J;  d.  Nov.  17,  ^]]■{. 

II.  J'.lihii.  h.  I*!-.'.  '.I,  17."):i:  d.  in  i.'oslicn  .An;^.  -■">.  1>'!04:  ni.  Klioda  nin,-d:de  of 
Lenox,  >!a-s. ;  C>  cliil. 

III.  j;iiid)alel.  b.  .Ian.,  17:^^;  d.  .Ian.  1,  1^!;!,  at  (']ienant.-o.  X.  Y.;  n,.  MarOiu 
'i'oiin;;'  (jf  1..   I.  ;   3  cliil. 

IV.  Lxdai.  b.  .Ian.  b"),  17.j7:  m.  Key.  Aaron  ln<;c]>nl  of  l.i-e,  >bi.;  4  i-lnl.  l 
Amkjuosk  oT  Syracuse.  X.  Y. 

V.  ],i:rr.-;"ia,  Ij.  .Aiit:.  ;-,,  i:.~)<);  d.  ar  (ioslu-n,  X.  V..  ])■-,■.,  I'it:;;:  m,  F,;,  'i^  ;  .-,•  r. 
Rev.  Juslin  }*arSMn.s  of  Pittsburp-,  Pa.  After  lu-r  d.  lie  r,\.  acain  ami  had  a  son  .\Jio  .,\iv' 
iiiis^sionary  1o  Palesrino.      1.    ].v(Hy:r\\. 

A'l.  S:nali.  b.  Sim4.  S.  !7(iil:  n;.  ))■■(•.  p),  K>!1.  ;\.a,  p.-ivid  Iii^',r.-,oI "•  (,f  I,..,-.  !;;  ■•'aii. 
of  v.liom  were:  ],  W'iij.ian!,  b.  Pe-.  '20,  iSt'il:  a  el";-..ynia!i.  di-v.'tiv]  i,,  rl,,,  •;,.,, ;,:,.  .jj 
reli^^dous  edueaf-on.  '2,  lu.ll!  r  P.\  i;>i>.\.s,  b.  P-:!)4:  a  eler'^'vnnin  oi  ].■■,-,  >Ia>s-.:  Prof,  'rj 
Oberiin  Ct  1.,  a.fI.■,r^^-arl!-  n  sid.iic'  in  jva.nsas;  in.  Ajirii  'Jli.  ISJ."),  in  ^.io.-lvbridire,  F.•al;•i^- 
l-onisa  Periy.  b,  P.-no.v.  Ma^s,  .Inne  27.  iHPi:  d.  in  Albany,  X.  Y.,  .\n.i;-.  ^D.^PSIJo",  f. 
Jifi/ir-x  JUnni/.  b.   Feb.  -2^.   iNotl;   d.   in  'l'o])eka.    Maji.,   An>'-    Pi.   isi;-) 

^'lf.      Pal!.,  b.  Get.   11.  IPi'J.   111.  Keteluuii  of  Vi.-t..r,  X.   Y.  ;  M  rhi! 
\'lil.      doiialliHli,  (1.   \\ 
IX.      .leresha,  b.  .MarHi  ].  ]7<;".;  d.  inf. 

X.  Jerusl,;..  b.  May  V, ,  177(i;   ni.  Pec.  -24,  17f/."i,  Iia  Seymour  o!  St.,,  kbri.jn-,..  Mn-^.. 
afterwards  id'  N'n-tor,  X.  Y, ;   b.  in  Xorwallx.  ("'one..  .An-.  :;i,   I7!s'.  -.  ol    .j.'.'ju  \,^mI    iUw)) 
(Poldrii)  Seynioiir.      !b'  ni.  P!  itiitli.  dTin.  of  J-^lisiia  and  Kutli  S;  vnioei-  Smith  of  llanf. 
wl;o  d.  AuL,-.  Od,  17;*2.  a.  ."iD.      lie  d.  Ocl.  21.   is:P,  a.    si).      1.    J"i;Kui.i!in;    ,m  .,  i  sp  s    b 
Feb.  2:j,  17f!7.     -2,    Hkf.I'Kn,  b.  March   'J'.',  i7!)!».     :p   Cjikstkk,  b.  April    •2:',,  is(i];  re,.-'  -y, 
N.   Y'.   P..    issl.     4.    PiKiti'oNT,  b.  P,d).  -"\  1S('3:  m.    X.iv.   l'C.   IS?-:.   Faniice  iJiUis      1 
7v///a,  b.  Jan.  10.  ISO-'.     •.'.    r7.,n-!->s  J!nl,l„ll,  M^v  n .  in2;>;  ,.,.  .lati.  o.  ISo.T  Ileh-nellania' 
Pardee.      :).    CJl,,  (■„//./,.,.  b.  .Ian.  Pi.   ls:!i):  ni.  ()',-i.  :?ti    ps.-,s,    ll,>,;;v   T.    Xsro,;,       ^^    f;,.,. 
Jiigi r:^(jll,   .Marrh    17.  l^;5t).      ").   ll.inii  /''nurroi/,  h.  .Vm;-.  "Jfi,  bs41."    5,   M.v.uv  Fdwahlv. 
b.  Aug.  2ii,  ISil.p 

8252.  Jci'USha  Eclwai-ds,  b.  Sunday,  'Jij,  !;;;0:  tl.  Sniulay.  Fei).  Pt,  17J.\v 
after  an  illne.-s  of  four  days.  It  is  alio^cljn'r  [Uobablc  that  she  was  b.-irotln-d  to'pavid 
l^rainfM'd.  Mora!  and  spiiitual  atiinitics  and  symiiatliics  v.-cn-  so  closi'  b'tw.m  fhcni 
that  sucli  a  result  would  have  been  as  certain  as  aii\-  operation  of  iiattirri]  law.  iiadlifc 
and  healtli  been  spared.  After  dec.  lier  fa.thersaid:  "She  -vas  f.  )jersoi!  ot  iniedi  tin- 
t;aiiie  spirit  with  15raiiierd.  She  had  constantly  takeir  care  and  attended  liim  in  liis  for  P)  wtad-cs  ladore  his  ('rafh.  devoting  hcrs<-lf  to  it  with  ,o-reat  ihdiudit  hocauso 
slie  loolced  Oil  hiin  as  an  endnent  servant,  of  Jesus  Chiisr.  Iii  this  time  he  liad  mucl! 
conversation  with  her  on  the  thitiij-s  of  relii:ion:  and  in  Ids  dNini;-  siaii'.  ofie:,  exnre.ssi-;) 
te>  us.  her  pa'-eiits.  Iiis  rrrrat  ^.,■lt!sfa(•lioll  concern  imr  her  true  piety  and  l'i>  run  fiden'ce  fiia; 
he  .shcujd  Meet  le'i  in  heaven,  Mia!  liis  liiiili  opiidon  of  her,  not  oidv  -js  h  true  idiri.-lian, 
iu-.t  as  a  very  endlieiit  s:dut;  one  wliose  soul  wa-  uncomnioldy  led  an  1  ("U'er'aiaed  wiili 
t!dKL'"s  wliich  apliei-T.-iiii  to  lliemost  spirilnal  ex  j.e!  ii.ienia!  ala'  disi  iiii,  ui -Idiu:  p,,  ri,s  of 
relip-ioM,  am!  one  wlio  hy  ih"   temper  of  her  leind  was  fitted  to  denv  hersid!'  for  (ie.d,  ari'I 

*Rev.  Alvin  In'^'srsoil  m.  Jan  t^,  1S25,  Hanuah,  d;ui.  of  Caleb  i.ymaa  of  Torriiieton.  Con:v.  iio-i  JT^iii 
I.  .Sar.Mi  l.uoinda.  Nov.  24.  ii.;5.  i.  Jonath.m  Ed w.-ircls,  Nov.  16.  iSj;.  ;.  Cicorie,  Feb.  i;,  18-13.  4, 
[vi.iry  Kiii-abetli.  July  :i.  1^32.  s.  Cbiirle-,  Kinney,  ]\-h.  5,  iB;;;  Lic'Jl,  in  C)hio  c^  v.dry  and  d'  inV  i  ;', 
i"C,:,  a.  2'..  C,  Fijiily  Louiid,  May  i,,  liio.  kev.  Alvin  '  sdu  ptihap.';  01  J'ca.  iJavid  or  Kcv  .  A;!ro:; 
of  Lee,  Mass 

Lucy;d.iu.  of  David  Tntrcr.sol!  of,  b.  Juiio  6,  17  .  ■,  d.  .\''>v  4,  i^i^'';  m.  if iS 'losi.ih  \.'ile  ^1, 
attenv^rds  of  Saralepa  Sprint;>,  b.  July  2l).  1790.  1,  Farthcnia  C  ,  Pec.  i,  I'si-^.  ?,  Caihaiie.e  V.'cli.s,  v'cb' 
27,  1S22.     3.  Cbarles  Lester,  Marifi  -^3,  iSio.     .),  Lucy  L,  June  v.j,  1531. 




Id  (l.'L'.inrl,  lifvnnd  aii\  woiiuin  \s  liutsni'vcr  wli-mi  he  kucw.  Slic  had  siinriiif^tcr! 
a  li'-^art  \:ii.'ninmoiiiy  (Icvcnil  t<i  (.'oil,  in  tit'- (•■mm-.i.  dI  Ijn-  1;  t'«-  iii:,iiv  M^ar-  liflmi.  ]icr 
.1.  ,;rh.  liiifl  snid  i.n    Imt  (if;it!i    Ip.diha,'    .^lic    •  l.:u!   u.,;  .s(  ru  (,iic    iiiiiini.-  for  ,-,.v.  r,-i!  \  (■;:!•> 

wlH-l-fi'i  .-^lic  ili'.-ir.rl  l<,  ]\\r  ,,i:c  mi  laiti-  Idliffrr  for  '\,r  sake  of  ;inv  nl!i>-I-  L',o<.:l  !i,  lifi-.  \nn 
doiDfr  (;-0'>,l,  li\  in--  ir-)  >.ii  1  ;i!id  tlnin_;  w  i!iii;lit  lif  foi'  His  i;lor",-."  A  f.'-w  d;tvs' i>i-forc 
<]ir-  dentil  of  l'.rai!)ard,  .Mi.  |■^l^vav(is  say^-:  ■■\[\  daujrlift'r  .rTuslia  r:iine  int.'.  his  nH,;';i- 
he  hH.l<,..i  oil  1,,T  vry  )dr,.-,.iit!y  und  >aid:  •  D^ar  J.-rii-ha,  iuv  \..,,  svijiiui,-  (.,  pj',-,' 
vi;h  iMc':''  ■!  ain  (jiiiti-  ■>■  ii;i'i,_;  ti>  part  wirhyon;  I  am  willinu-  to  \Viil:  all  jn v  fri.■Illls• 
]  am  \'-il!iiig  to  ]  witli  my  d.-ar  lirothm-  .loin,,  tlioii,:;ii  ]  Inv,-  liiui  the  l,r-;f  .,f  nttv 
cicaliirc  llv;ll;,^  ]  liav  romuutifd  ini);  and  all  my  fi  lends  to  i^,),];  tl.on;rl;  if  I  Tlion^dii 
1  should  no-,  s.-e  you  and  he  liajipy  with  you  in  a.notlier  world.  ]  ,i,id,l  not  1,,-ar  To  part 
wiili  yon.    r.'it  •■ve  shall  sp'-nd  a  hapjiy  eti'rnity  loi'-otliei-.'" — K'! :r.i ril.s    ] .i i'l  nf  H ri.l i:,ri! , 

'■His  life  and  diiuy,"  says  a  odehratod  Kn.u-lish  divine,  •■exldi.o.-  a  pe'rfe.t  patfein  of 
the  (pialltir-  v.ldcii  should  d'sliiimdsh  the  in-tru(;t(.r  of  rude  an  1  IruPji  ouv  trih.'-;-  tin' 
most  invincilde  i)atii'nre  an-l  self-denial:  the  ]e,ofonnd,-st  linndiitv,  evfjiii^iio  ])nn!i'-nee. 
indefaliiral.di'  industry,  and  sueh  a  ih'Votedii"s-  to  (lOiI,  or  rath. u' such  an  ahsorptioui  of 
llie  Nvhole  soul  iu  /ral  f ■  u'  tho  divine  j^lory  ain:  the  .-alvatiou  of  meii,  ;;.s  fi  he  .scairelv 
paralleled  sin<-"  the  days  <d"  tlie  Apostles.  His  ce'nstitnlioiial  imda'ncliolv.  thouv.-li  it 
must  lie  ro..;;ud.d  as  a  phys!(  al  iiiipei-fee! i(,n,  inij.avf.';  an  additional  interest  and  i-athosto 
Tlie  narrative,  sin.'e  v.-e  tieue  easily  symj-ahiise  with  the  emewion  of  cnrrow  tlia.ii  of  jov. 
Tliere  is  :■  monotony  in  liis  feidini;-s.  ir  must  Iu.'  and  ron.seqnentlv  a  f-'e- 
(oieiif  i.']i;t;on  (d'  the  same  ideas,  ^vhieh  v.ill  di.s-j-ust  a  rahtidiou.s  am'  suj)erlieial  Ve'ad.-r 
hut  it  is  the  //,,,•,.,,',:,*// o/'  .v/./zV.v///^/."' 

Brair.erd  d.  Oel.  li,  "IT-J^.  a.  'JD  yrs.  aiid  ahrau  -I  months  hit. t,  .Ti-i'usha  Jalv.-a.rds  d. 
and  vas  h^iiifd  hy  his  si;h'.  ••In  holy /oal  ami  ■h'Voih  v  toil,,,  .-^a^re,!  ,Muse  of  ehristia,-!' 
ity,  as  a  missionary,  l^avtd  Brainard  stands  con  (.■ss..,i  iy  the  hrst  in  me.U  iti  times,  (  oni- 
jielled  to  h/  the  ph  Id  of  duty  \vhere  his  )n  ,>ri  lincrf.r.-d.  he  went  to  Hoston  in  .1  iilv 
]'747,  and  retnrnin;.;-  to  Xorthaniiitou,  took  -u;.  hi- ahode  with  .lonarl,;.!!  Edwards.  Ii;  tin- 
family  of  that  j^- rear  and  i>ood  man  Ids  ilo.sei  oi'  life  faded,  aed  when  the  leav'.^s  hi  ra a 
to  fall  in    \utiinm,  he  tidl,  like  an   ajiiih'  early  ri].e,  into  th<'  lap  of  i  lie  l;  rave." 

8253.  Esther  Edwards,  b.  Sunday,  ]','o.  1:1,  \',\',2:  <!.  Ajiril  7,  17.T^:  m.  .Uin-  -iU 
17.1:3,  Kev.  /,an.!i  Burr,  h.  Fairtield,  (.'oun.,  .km.  A.  fM5;s.  o|'  D.mii  1  and  J-ilir"  la-t'h' 
Burr,  lie  ]>rea(died  Ids  fir-t  s;-iinnM  in  (oeenledd,  <'oiin.:  rem.  10  Haiioxer  Morris  Co 
X.  J.:  ordained  i)astor  k-i  i'lesh.  ehh.  ui  .Ne\.,ark,  X..k.  Jan.,  17;;'.).  In' 174s  ,deeted 
Pres.  of  the  (\dleire  of  New  Jersey,  ih.-n  locatedaf  N<-v.ark,  air.  rv.aid  rem.  to  kriuet-ton 
suceeedinu' Jeuiathan  Di'-kinson,  its  J're.s  lie.:!,  of  uervou.s  ii-vei.  Sei't  ",'4  ikV/' 
Onhis  death  bed.  lie  onlered  that  his  f  uncial  sliou!,!  not  ho  atte;uh  d  '.vith  ponio  ata'l  eosi ' 
nothintr  to  he  expended  heyond  what  \x  a.s  neeessaiy  to  (.'lirisrian  decency,  and' the,  (\\i'\(-v- 
cncein  co-i  hr-tween  a  moili-~h  I'lineial  anil  a  ne^i.dy  decent  (unj  to  he  jia'id  to  the  poiuout 
of  iny  est.  He  i^uh.  'J'hr  Snpri  im-  l)>l!  ,^  uf  „,i  ,■  J.ord.  J.. ■<■,.•>  ri,ristM,uiitoii,t,l:  A  Lalii, 
a  rannnnr.  i\i\'\  several  semnuis.  S'earus' i//,;'.  if  (!■.■  j\r>'  ./*■.-''/.  ('In  ■rf  \.. ■•-.,,.,[■ 
fontalns  a  fine  steel  iiorit.iir  of  Pre-,  kpiri-.  \\"ithi,i  '.In.  coii.Dar.-.tivdv  short"  period  of 
fonrteeo  months  from  ki^;  death,  four  others  .d'  The  hMwards  familv"died.  Soon  after 
Jonathan  Edwards  arrived  at  ikincetou  to  sucecfd  liis  soiidndaw  iii  the  ]'resi(lenev  of 
the  college,  his  father,  Ih-v.  'I'lmothy  ]-klwards,  d.  Jan..  17.";.'-:;  1  wo  nnjnths  later.  .lonathun 
I-'.dwaids  (k:  sixteen  days  afterward  M 1  s.  P.urrd.and  seven.  mr.iiMis  hiiei  tJie  wift'of 
Pres.  Edward.s,  who  lu'.d  <rone  to  J'ldla.  to  take  iliari,^,-  of  tho  two  f.rplnni  rhildien  of 
I'res.  liurr,  was  t.-iken  with  a  d}s"nfery.  of  whh-h  she  d.  The  children  w,.re  takru  into 
the  family  of  tlioir  uncle,  d'imotliy  I'Mwards,  at  i'di/ain  thtow  ,1,  X.  J.  A  private  tutor 
Tapping  Peeve,  su]ii-riiitende,l  their  eailiest  siudii--,  and  in  ■'time  m.  Sarah. 
I.  Sarah  Ikun,  1>.  .Ma,v  o,  ]7."t4;  m.  'i'apjiing  li'ee\  e. 
ll.      Aai^ou  Hurr.  i>.   Ee.h,  (J.  n.Vk  m.  Theodosia  ( Har'.owj  Prevosi, 

8253.1.  Sarah  Burr,  h.  May  C.  1  7.~)  k  m.  .Inne4,  ]77ik  Tapping  Peevo.  h.  1744  d 
Dec.  Pk  k^-?:;;  ('hief  .iustifo  Supieui-  Couri  of  <'(,.nn.:  tounder  of '"tlie  eelrhratVd  law 
scdiool  ur  kitcldi.dtk  konc,.,  wIn-re  he  resided  tor  tifiy  yrars.  Purim,-  a  pat!  of  that 
pe.iio.l,  Dr  lyman  iii'.-cher  was  pa.stor  of  the  chh.  at  "[,."  ami  ih-  fatnilies  were  vei'v 
intimate.  Ha  rri>'t  P.  c,  lu.r  Stowi- sa>'s,  ■•Jlov.-  well  [  r.  uuiu  hrv  .J  |i,,„-,,  ];,...\ ,.' ;  l,,,,,s<k 
wide,  r"oniy  ;ind  cheorfnl,  it  used  to  Ik-  the  fldcn  of  out  ima-iiial  ion.'  I  j  i-m.-^mli-'r  tlu' 
great,  old  fashi.,ui.d  gaiden  ^\ilh  hri.,,;l  aPe\s  s,.t  ■,\ithall  so;ts  ,.f  stately  Imnilns  of 
fl*'\'. '  IS  it  u-..!  to  I.,-  my  leuaid  wlu'ii  1  was  -,..od,  to  s]„nd  aSatui,!a\  afjonioou  tleTe 
and  walk  up  ami  d,,wu  among  the  Ih.wcrs  and  piek  currants  id!  the  huslus."  .'■^avs  Hr." 
I.yman  Pe<  '-her,    ■'  Oh  1  what  a  nutn  In-  was  !      When  1  gel  to  H.  avei,  n;e'  t  Idui  'there' 


]n:AX()i  OF  ];i.;zAi'.i:'j  H. 

Avluit,  ii  s'l-.ikin^  "i"  lumdr- tliere  \vi!l  be  I  ■■  'J'lie  houses  of  his  JavtuUc  t';iinilics  in  l,ircli- 
ticld  lie  UM'<1  to  call  his  "Judcf  Ki'cve  ]il;ic>'s" — .\>ih>li<iijv!iplni  (ff  L:_/i:i(ih  J>t>  r!i,_r. 
J)i-.  Siuiiiicl  Hopkins  says  of  Jmlgf  iJccvo:  "He  was  alto^rtlH'v  an  achniralilc  man.  of 
a  jiiiilly.  siiiciniiy  a.nd  '^uih/U-ssucs^  (>|'  lic-iii  .-ueh  a.-  1  had  seen  in  lint  U-w  men  of  this 
\v;ivM.'  Mrs.  ];■  eve  was  an  iiivalirl,  and  cuidinei,!  to  Xm  r  bed  fc-r  nianv  \car-.  Sin' d. 
Mai'.h  00,  ITIJT.  He  m.  C2)  ApJ'il  r'U,  l^'.is,  lif't,-n-_  Ci-.nx.  of  Zin^naiiah  Tli(iiii]):-:nii  (d"  15rtii- 
Ifdi.  lu.  (,'onn.;  A.  /.      /.  by  1st.  ni.: 

1.  Aan.n  Imim-  ib.-ivc,  b.  Oct.  :},  KvO;  \ .  ('.  b^lf.';  in.  in  bit<d;rMdd,  ^'ov.  0],  1^:0S, 
.\)'abi'lla  Shfddi.n,  )>.  N.  Y.,  <d'  Sc'o!;-h  iiar.'nts,  in  17s7.  !!,■  w^.s  an  ;'tti)nu->-  :.i  \i\\\  in 
Troy,  N.  Y.,  wl,.,  iv  he  d..  S-pi.  1,  |S(i;>.  His  wid.  in.  Anrll  |-,>,  IM'J.  l>,.ud  jin!-,i.  Ibiir 
of  N.  ]biv.,  s.  (if  Sturgi«.  li,  Xcwiown,  (,\.nn.,  .Inn-'  l,  ITS;;;  r<  i.i.  to  Richmond,  \'a., 
wlK'iv  .sh..-d.  in  is:;;':  /.  an  (.nly  (diiid ;  1,  .\.\i;.>N  l-icKu.  I...  in  'I'lov,  N,  Y.,;-.  Id, 
ISijJi;  d.  in  Litrbii.dd,  while  a  nicin.  (.f  Y.  ('.,  An-.  -J^-,  \S-l\) . 

82532,  ii.aroro  Burr,  b.  Xrwa.ik,  X.  J.,  Feb.  C,  i::,*;.  After  d.  of  his  nl<  he 
was  taken  liy  his  u;;'-!e.  I'iiunthy  ]''dw;iids.  wlio  resided  in  ]'!li>,abo'Lt"Wii ,  X  J.,  and 
lived  in  his  family  nnti!  he  went  U>  Co!.  Wlien  adioui  ^uwy  yeais  of  au'e  h»-  lan  awa}'  in 
consiMinctice  of  sMuie  inisiui'.lerstandiiit;'  \viTh  ins  -jni-eepto!-  and  was  not  f')und  nntil  the 
third  or  foiiith.  day  after.  The  family  izovernmeni  of  Mr.  ]vl\va>rds  \\as  strie-  ami 
.severe,  bnt    lie    is    represented    as  sayiiii,-    in  the  case  uf    Bui-r,  and    also  nf    his   N'ounu'er 

bro..  Pie 

rjiODt   l-/iwai('i 

ids.  ^vhoul  h 

|-H)l;1h  u]).  ••the  rod  was  spared."  It  seems,  riever- 
tb.ele-s,  to  have  been  lie  '•ina])l.->'i;;-ar"  e-ove,  i.nnnil .  bir  Aaron  himself  relates  tliat  one  fine 
aftemo'.n  in  duly  lie  was  in  a  (dn-iry  tive  in  jiis  uncle's  ^ai-den  when,  lie  observed  canning 
lip  the  u  alk  an  elderly  hidy.  a  t;i;est  of  thi-  h..i;,se,  weiiriii-  a  aiilL  dress,  which  'was  then 
a  rave  luxury.  'I"hf  prim  iiehavior  atid.  .-.<'veie  m..rality  of  this  aTu-ient  m.ii'hn  had 
made  her  a  somewhat  odiims  objert  in  the  sight  of  the  boy.  Coiicealed  in  the  tree  he 
amu.sed  hini-elf  by  ihio'.ving  cherries  ;it  h-^r,  uixm  o!i=;e;'.-!ng  v.ldch  -he  aiigiily  s<.);ight 
I'liole  TimolLy,  to  ttdl  him  of  Aainn's  nn^onduct.  lie  was  then  in  the  Stli  yea.r  of  hi^ 
age.  Uc  was  sunimoued  te  the  s*ud.y  wdiei'c  the  case  was  treate,;  iu  jhi  severe  puritanic 
method.  First  e;.ine  a  hniir  lecture  on  the  enoriidly  oi'  the  ofrense,  whidi  was  t;dli.)wed 
by  a  long  ]-rayer  for  the  olTeiider's  veformaiion.  hp'ni  the  beginning  oi  these  cercn'Onie^ 
tlie  bo\v  \s-ell  knew  liuw  they  v.i-re  tn  end,  .and  he  e(,nld  form  an  idea  cd'  the  severity  i;\ 
the  coming  ];iui;-lun>M:t  from  the  lenglli  (d'  the  piiiyer  !\nd;  (  .\hoi  tatii.n.  A  terrible  cas- 
tigatioii  followed :  or  a- Burr  used  to  I'xpre.---  it,  "  lie  licked  me  like;  a  sack." — Porte, i. 
At  the  age  of  ten  lie  war.ted  to  go  to  sea  and  ran  away  To  Xev,  York  and  eritei-eij 
himseif  on  l)oard  a  vessel  as  ;•  cabin  b,.\.  Pnrsnei!  l.y  his  uncle  lie  tound  reinge  a.t  i  he 
masthead,  froui  v.hidi  lie  i-efused  To  bud.u'c  until  terms  of  jieae'.'  safisfr.e-r'U'\'  to  honself 
liad  been  agreed  ujiou.  "SN'le  ti  eleven  years  of  age  he  was  prei)aieil  fm-  coih'ge,  but  was 
not  )iermitteil  t'.  enti'r  till  nf-yi  yiar;  he  grad.  with  distinction  a.t  Prin<  ctoii.  a.t  t!,o  age 
of  sixteen.  W'liile  in  colhge  he  won  a  Mnall  sum  at  his  rirst  game  of  l.'iliiar'.ls.  ami  ^vas 
so  i,iorTilied  that  lie  n.ev:  r  jiiayed  again  ai  any  game  tor  money.  Abou.t  tlie  time  that 
111-  left  cidlege.  beine-  une:is\  it,  iiis  mindi  on  the  snl>jeet  oi  ndigiou,  he  ieM)lved  to  visit 
the  iiev.  [)<:.  Beiii'.my  ar  Ijeihudiem,  '..'onn.,  and  wdth  him  pursued  a  course  of  religious 
.study  and  conversation  (froni  autumn  of  1778  to  .-pring  (d"  1774'i.  Iiis  conclusions  on 
certain  Calvinistic  points  (if  faith  were  sonieu  liat  at  variaiu'e  with  those  of  his  }!rece]Hor; 
buT  henceforth  lie  avoided  all  religion.';,  disjuitation. 

KM'KniTrox  TO   (jTKi;nr. 

Ill  July,  177o.  being  a  litile  niore  than  ninerei  n  years  id'  a^.e,  he  hTt  F.Ii/al)etIitowii 
for  Cambridg-e  to  offer  his  services  to  the  ]iatriot  cause.  While  in  Cambridge,  the 
confu-ioii,  absence  of  di>ci]dine  and  org;ini/.a.tion,  disease  a,niong  the  Troojis,  and  selfish 
squabbles  about  rank  among  the  othcers,  so  disgusied  him  that  he  prostrated,  with  a 
nervous  fevci'.  'bhe  news  v'i  Arnold's  ])iopo>--ed  exjiedition  for  the  cajiture  of  (^tuidjec. 
le-animaied.  him,  and  though  still  weak  and  feeble  iu  heal'h.  lie  shouhler.-d  his  musket 
and  on  Sept.  14.  177.""),  started  for  Xewbiiryport ,  v,hen<-,.  the.  expeditimi  was  to  sail.  Al 
X.  h''  iound  a  message  from  his  uncle  Fdwa'ds.  (U'd.eiing  his  return,  and  two  uieii  vho 
(hli\'  re('  ^l.e  order,  sc-med  d.isposed  to  er.foicr  it ,  but  v.  e'emeT  with  such  niaiii  bstalions 
of  -;piriT  and  resolution  on  the  iiart  of  the  youiliful  ]>airi.a  tluit  he  >vas  alh^wed  to 
proceed.  The  exjiediliou  start(>d  too  late.  By  thetiinetlHy  were  will  on  their  wav.  the 
usual  line  autumn  weather  \sas  |)ast,  and  the  s'.icceedini;  fall  lain-^^  L:!eailv  inerea-ed,  the 
dit'  and  dangers  of  the  niandi.  From  the  head  of  n.avi^'ation  on  the  Kennebec 
river,  it  \\-as  an  unbroken  wihlei-ness  b.r  tlirte  hundred  luile--. 

Their  bateaux  luxd  to  b.e  draggtii  over  NvrJcrfabs,  p(Utagt->,  hd'iv  mountain.-,  deep,  and  thiough    tliick    woods.      l*ogs,    reptiles,    cnrtridge   boxes  and   shoes   woe 



-eaten  fur  fond,  uti'i  ;i  ]iitit  nt"  thi' iinny  rctinncii  Id  (':iiii1ii  id;ic  to  avoiil  s1;ii-v;itio!i.  It. 
A\as  a  icrrililc  inarch,  aiK.l  tlu'  story  i>  oin'  of  CAtrrinc  h;M(!s!iii>,  mi IT'm  in,;,  ]iri'i)  ai.d  jni- 
vatioii;  iiiaii\-  ol  tin-  vn.'n  l.-l!  in"  tlicii'  ti.Tick-  to  ris^'  no  more.  Hurr  >liai''(l  in  all 
lliosn  perils  and  liaMUhij.'s,  out  beiiur  tised  to  an  ;ili>t(.  niions  dit't .  iirohuhly  suffered  less 
from  liiiiiLMT  than  most  of  tlie  troe.i>s.  In  ])a-s!ii:;-  llie  rapids  of  ilie  ''louidiere  river  In- 
])ro\-ed  Liin-.df  a  -kiHiiil  ludniNinan.  tli.aii;]!  lTie  l>  \\a.,  e;;rrii(l  over  a  fa;]  of  t\senty  ■ 
f.-ei  and  one  soldier  d.n.wued.  'i'he  rest  leaeliedllie  sliore  with  iiieat  dililculty.  Arnohl 
wasalwavs  in  advance  whh  iiis  Indian  uiiide.-,  and  l-^nri-  l.'dieve'.l,  did  n.-t  particinale  in 
ilif  -privuiions  of  his  men.  for  on  entciin.ii-  his  tent  v>dien  the  trooi>s  anived  at  I'oiiil  J.evi, 
he  I'ouiid   tea.    eotyee.    loaf    sU^:tr.     wine    aild    olh'^r    niatiers    of    i.rood    livill--oii    idstaide. 

\\dien  the  e\iK-d;tioii  arrived  at  Point  Li  vi  it  lieeanie  neeessaiy  to  inform  (ien.  Monl- 
iromerv,  \Oim  \v-i;h  his  armv  wa.i  a!  Monirea,!.  15nrr  wa.s  s.jeeii'd  as  tie'  n.esseii^er. 
'Disgiii'sin^-  lilmself  as  a  ( 'atliolic  ])riest,  lie  safely  and  sufei-<^|  ully  aecomplislied  Ids  dan- 
y-evous  and  dilRiMilt  task.  Monle-omery  was  lumdi  pleased;  iindted  Bun-  lo  re;iiaii;at 
heaihp'arters.  appointed  liim  liis  ai(h\  and  aiiuoiinred  his  a.i!i)ointnH-nt  in  ;;cneral  orders 
hefore  <.,)iielieo.  Sul >-•■!, u el .tly,  Ihin-  idanned  iin  al  taek,  \'.  hieli.  as  apiM-ar.-,  from  later 
'developments.  wou](i  jn'ohahly  hiive  siieeeeded.  h^or  this  a.-sault  he  re.juesied  and 
(d.taiiied  command  of  a' small. 'foi'loru  liope  of  foU;.  men,  v.di  .m  he  thorou<r!ily  i)repaied 
hv  driliin:-.  furnisliin--  with  s.-aliiig  ladd.ers,  etc,  Aiiothei  jdan.  ho\vever,  was  adopt-d,  ■ 
The  as.-uiilt  was  madie  on  Dec.  :!1.  i;?.'),  andd  a  heavy  fall  of  smnv.  'J'he  first  harrier 
\\a.s  a  Ijatierv.  in  fp.;!;  if  v.-]drh  a  h'oclv  house  A-  the  Americans  advanced,  the 
troo-ps  in  the  hlocds  hou-^-  fired  a  few  raiidotn  shfc..^,  t!i";i  tlirev,- do\va  their  arins  and  tied. 
unci  for  a  tniie  tlie  harrier  was  eniirtdy  deserted  ;  hut.  the  assaulting  column  hcin^  delaye<l 
hy  various  obstacles,  one  m-  two  soldiers  of  the  eneiu.x  veniured  to  ivtiirn  to  th-'  hattery, 
aild  seizin-  a  mutch,  d;-i  ha  •  L'ed.  one  of  tlKy-iais.  Sev-eral  s'.  ere  kilhYl,  among  tl,em  (.'.n. 
M(jiiti'om!'-iv,  Cap;.  Mcl'her.son,  C'a.iit.  Checsentan  and  others.  ]-lvery  one  (d'  the  party 
near  llie  (  d'lieral  kiiiedor'  woinahMi  excrptitlir  !>nrr,  who  stoo-l  within  six  feet  of 
Moiit-iV.merv  wli.'U  he  fell.  Ideut.  Col.  ('amjdHll,  Ining  next  in  coiemand.  (.rdereda 
retre;rtair:dnst  the  ad.vice  (.f  l^urr,  wdio  deriared  thai  ha.l  tile  i-elumn  ]iUNhed  on,  (.)mdi.c 
would  haxL  heeii  taken,  (ieii.  Moutgouiery  wu.s  !v,u-i:e  from  the  field  in  the  arms  of  )J<r:r, 
fo''  some  di.-.tance,-"-  hut  the  rapid  advance  of  tlm  eJiemy  fomp(d!ed  him  to  drop  hi.s 
huiih  c. 

Armdd  succeeded  a.s  Commanderdu-rhief.  hmrr  left  soon  afterward. 

MB    Te)    W.VS.OT  VC.TDX. 

Arriving  at  Alhaiiv.  h(  was  laitilied  lo  meet  W'a.-diinglon  in  New  York,  lie  reported 
accordiiu'-lvrMav  -,^0,  l'77(i.  a.iid  hy  invitation  hecame  a  memher  of  his  military  family, 
with  the'  laids-  oi'  .NIai<.r.  Burr  sn'on  he(  am.Mli^satisiied  and  iti(dined  to  (piit  the  ser- 
vice, leit   at  the  instan..-eof  dolm  Hancock  a-'cepted  the  position  id'   aid  lov.i'n.  ihitnum. 

This  instanc  has  l,,een  much  used  to  tlie  preimlice  of  Burr.  The  writer  oi  an 
iu-tich^  in  the  April  n\  of  rhe  Jf/e////>  M.-niln'n.  IS.IS,  iiuima[e>  th:a  a  di-reimialde 
fllTair  with  some  female.  ••  similar  to  that  oi'  thehiautiful  and  uiifoiiunate  2ilarga.iet 
MoncreitVe  which  occurred  soimmonths  afterwards  was  the  cau-e  of  tlie  disagreement 
with  ^Va-.hington."  Fm-  ihi-  inr-inna.tion  there  is  not  a  shading  of  fact  or  cvidencr,  atid 
the  writer  himself  sets  it  aside  in  the  sajue  sentence  to  make  room  for  another  tlieory.^ 
ic)  wit:  ■'  Ihit  aside  from  aiiv  such  cause  there  was  ground,  enough  in  the  cjiaracters  of 
the  two  men.  Discipline  comjielled  Washingt.m  to  Indii  his  suhordmates  a,t  a  distance  of 
imidied,  if  not  asserted  inferiority,  and  Burr  never  me!  a  man  to  wlu/in  he  tiiouglit  him- 
self inferior." 

^Ihis  storv  is  not  found  in  M.  I..  Davis'  bioijraphy  of  Burr,  for  tlie  reason  that  the  latier  forbade  its 
inserieai  wiiliout  ^ccump.n  yin.i:  fviritncc.     Burr's  detractors  had  fallen  into  a  habit  of  oeiiying  or  mis- 

thrcedavsherelinuuishe.d  thedef.;cn,  but  just  before  !eavH>j:,  he  said  "  iny  son,  I  must  .see  CoL  Burr 
before  I  leave  the  citv.  I  went  throu.ah  the  woods  with  him  and  Arnold.  I  stood  by  nis  side  on  the 
Plains  of  \hrahani,  ai'id  I  have  not  seen  him  since  the  roorninf,'  on  which  Mcnigoniery  _leU.  ^  Jt^was  a 


liR.VNCIi    OF    ELi'/.AWKTH. 

>;,M;j,i    Mo,N(  r.^iT']  >;. 

TiK-  „;uno  or  Hum-  La.  !<■,;,■  l.....„  .s..,n„...l  i„  ,„  inr;„Mnu>  ...nn.-r  v-itl.  ,!,at  „f  th- 
.n,  urtun.U.  wn.nan  nnm..!  al.,v..,  .n,l  ,„  th,-  ,,.r..,v.,.,.  J„s,  ,,,.„„.,|  i,,.  Uu  t  ih.r  ,!•  u  ! 
h.-i  lM.|n,s,.r  ,s  nu,.l„.U  ns  .  m  tn.-d  lart.  Sn,  1,.  „n  ,]„ul,t.  i.  ,!„■  l-rli-f  ol'  Ir.ui.i.v,!.  u  hu 
iK.v..  m.v.r  Tuk.n  .  „.  ,n,„hl,.  „,  as^vrtan,  tl,.-  truth.  I,  i.  ,,,„„.,,  ,],,,, ,■„,.■  thu-  ol 
,..un,  s.,,n  ^1,„.,M  ,,..  tol.l  luro.  At  tiu-  turn,  ^vl„.^  linrr  1...,.,,:,..  :ud  „,  Putnatu  ih  m'  • 
resided  ju  llu-  tatinly  ot  i^i-  U,i,LTal  •,  (iau-liter  ,,f  C.d  ).,.,...  M,„  ,-,•  ;,T  .•''"' 
Margaret    her  n.h^r  !.  h,,  .vitl,  th-  ].n,.:h  an.y  ..,  Lon^lstlnd;   s!;:!'     ^  '     l.^rn; 

pujuant    a.ul    1,,-aut,   ul.       J  ,..   y„„n^    r.u,,!,,  ,.si,li„.   u,   ,,„   ,;,„„.   rannlv  "  ^ ,.,,.,,  uch 
to.,M-ll„r,  ai^.l    t.>    sH. •,„•..    tl...    t..,yi:,,,e    of    M/aml;'!     uluH,    b,,.an    1„    v..<r\u..      .,]         , 
-vn.,.v..d    :o    Ki.^-s  nnd,,..  :,„t    l,y  o.d,..  „i    NVa-,l,i.,ron,  as 'l..s   1„...h  ^JXd    1  ^t    l' " 
(>en.  I'titnan,  and  at  tV..  mntest  of   iJurr  lu:u,,.lt,      TIht.-  wa.  nu  d,.ul,t  a  stroi..^  attar 
mem  ot,  .,„..  „    not  o„    Loth  sid.^:    that  i.  all.      0,.t  of   tla.e  sin.p!.  fa,.,;  Uu^rh^U^^u 
held  up    ,n    <-.,rration,  as   a    monster  ol'    tiirpitmh',  a  sedurnr  ,,<■    vii'-i,,  jp, „„.,.,.,,,.,.  . 
bamno.  in  hl>  7//./.  nf  A^^nnon,  Loyalist,,  tho.jgh  evidently  not 'fri,.,;:!! v  to  th.  n,:;no); 
oi  Burr,  says  lie  must  ho  held  innoro,,t  ,,r  this  rliai-.^.    Tho  ladv  ),,-,M.|f"iii  h,-r   1/  „    ;, 
^ritteu  n.:;,   says:      ■•  O    may  tlo^^o  pap-s  on.  day  mo.-t  t!..  .n/.  of  hiuM  llim  .^.ot!  li: 
dued   my  VM-,u    heart    whoni  th<.   tmmuTal,],-  unorrin.    havs  of   nauu.'  had   poiiu^d  ou, 

^>    tny  h„si,.„d,  hut   wljoso  saerod  do,-,-,..  ,1.-  harha, ^  ou>,on.s  of  s<,notv  vtlda  ^d       T- 

html    i-o'd-oo    Diy  Mn;in    v.o.v  aiul    1  -luill  te-v.  r   r,  ,,sr  to  jauu-nt    thai  olVdl...,,. .  t     ,\. 
fatho,.  hd-t   it  inconu.lote.      NVheu  1    tvf!..ot   np,m   „,y  past  snh^.iJJ  m;.:'':;:;'   ''  Ja        j;  . 
l)i-ei=eut_soriwsp.e-sh,aviiy  upon  mu,  I  oanm.i    ivf.ain  from  ov,,,,  ialiio^  a  llll'uon  ti  n. 
inev.tahle   horror,   ^vhi.d,  evor  attend    tho  frus,  .•ati,.u   of    narnial    alfoo/  m,"        '  mv'.    ' 
who    unpnnxl  hyth,.   uorhl    l,avoondui,.,i  .voryra!a,n:iy,luU  loumHinaturHu;^^^^^ 

jvhid.n,avo,.on.....ohod.  wuht,useon,;:;;;io;:;:f;;;;::,;;iv;-;':i;;  s^^^^ 

have   ho.n,        Sabiim   adds,    "  I  pon  this  wrhtoi,  ov^don,-;,    Kurr.  !„■    hU  V.nutntion    f.!  ■ 
iD.nguo  as  H   may.  ,.  to  ho  arqniuod  of  tho  luin  of  :^la,xaror  Munoreitfe    sin-e  th.  onlv 

prool  IS  Irom  ],or  out,  p,T,,  and  si,.-,  instrad  of  a.ausin-  him  a.  iho  ai'ihov  of  h.v  ^ 

h-ipKed  >>ar-k  to  her  ro!alions  ^^-■l]!  liim  as  to  tl,--^t  lucn^orios  of  hir  ]if,..- 

ailp  T(i  oi;Nr;i!Ar.  i'ct.nam. 
Hy  Amcriran  ],ist,,rians  it  isironorallv  oune^Mh'('  tlia-  th<  liai!'.'  ,,c  1  ,.ncr  T^i...,  i  \,,,. 
2/.  iMh  was  disastrous  to  tlupnmot.ause.ruMl  ou.h,  no,  lo  ha  vo  ho.-n  i^mi^hl,  'iVo 
days  heloiv  the  hattle,  U.n.  broono,  ^^ho•o•omma„dod  tho,  o,  loft  tho  eamn  and  (hv, 
Putnam  took  his  phu-e.  IV.ut,  as  his  aid,  iuspooied  iho  troops,  aral  r.  ported  ^h^  t  th.  ■ 
were  ttndise.plmod,  hadly  armed  and  so  unlit  for  halth-  tiu.  i)  would  he'tnl^hmi'  o  k 
one.      i  1, roe  works  hotore,   he  had   written   to   his  unrle   Kdwards.  rhut   an  en;^,.-eiueni 

*  JanM.s  Mono-ciffc  ofNew  Yoik,  Litr.t.-Col.  of   En-incers;   brothcr-in-lv,v  of  tohn  I-^-  =nri  r.(~r 
L.ving-siun.  ana  uncle  of  Gen    Richard  Montgomery.     -  I  hav^  rl°C.%m^~,%  l^^^^^  ^"'" ■ 

"  that  1.C  was  offered  the  command  of  the  army  for  the  invasion  of  Can  fdl.s^b^eru^.tfvtven  vl^c^' 
gomery,  l)in   he  adhered    to  ihc  Crown."     He  planned    the  works  at  CharleMon    sT-fnH  „-•?„■  - 

commended  by  .Sir  Henry  Clinton  for  skill  and  '.rood  cor.du.  t       H^  vTviccs  \t  s\v  '.nr-df  w.r     '^  '■'' 

of  savin.,^  it;  but  at  the  evacuation  of  Charleston  he  shitM.ed  off  urwVrdV  of l:   h,  h-fnH^^^^^^  the  in.;anf, 

been  .Muployed  on  las  works  to  be  sold  in  Cuba  for  his'o\s-u  bL^e'ii  ,Tt  lid'  V'e  d  n'x'T'  ,"^'-  t^t!^ 
was  buried  in  Innity  chh.  His  dau.,  Mar-aret  m.  Cat.:.  John  Co..],!,  n  nf  the"-,tb  Ko^V  f  /cc/'  'e  '•  ■,'"'^  act  of  Rev.  Dr.  Auchmuty,  as  rector  of  Trin  ,y  ehu  ch  w ho  d  .f.7  Ouv  Cn^  nn  ?  '""  ■='' 
mto  the  arms  of  a  lover  by  hus  brutality.  Sne  asserts  thai  she  had  lev-  a  s  -  r-rh  ,  V,  ^''■-^'^"  ^'■°,^'^'  }"='' 
bavins  been  forced  into  a  marriage  with  a  m.ui  she  loa-he  1  and  who  net'  hlrT'rf  ^  T''  ■''"■"; 
cruelty.  She  separated  fr-m  him  and  became  the  mistress  V  he  DuLV^fVoVr^nd  S^^^^^^^^ 
!-everal  other  iioblen;ea.      Fur  a  period  of  tifteen  years   from  --^      sh^  rn  ,dn  nr  ;., -^     •/      .  ,  ■"■^■*    "^ 

fashionable   circles  of    Oeat  BriVain  and    Frauce^lV;;na;e  y  P  vef   n  "  m    weliur^md'"^  ^  in  ^ 
poverty  until    nt    last    she  died    a    broken-hearted    woman  '    Cant   f  "oo!  Kn\vas    so      'f    0         '^  ''' '"''^ 
chant  of   great  wealth.      Ho  entered  the  Hnti^h  navy  as  midshiiH^arwnd    wc^^  ound  the^,^;^  ^^^i.h'u^e 
ce.ebraied  voya^v^.  c  apt.  (  00k.      Dislikin-   the  sea,  he  turned    liis  attention  to  the  bar  atid    then    t     the 
church    but  iinally  procured  a  r„a„nission  ir.  the  army,      .\ff-r  the  dose  of  the  Am    M-^n  v! -fr  h     ^  .  , 

permission  to  serve  in  the  Russian  army,  but  d'.tnesiic  -niseir'.' <^^  led  him  n^A  ^^  I^der  oe  ''''i- ',  t.nlu  he  broke  down.  A  ^retched  outcast,  he  became  Ln  innaie  of  S  R  .n  oIcmie^^s  h',  s-r ;"] 
m  London,  ar,d  dieci  then:  ,n  1^07,  ,n  his  54t>i  year.  His  rehuions,  both  in  En^U:U'^°^^  IVr^  ^i^^' 
rcspect,ih,e,and  his(,odywa>  retained  in  tl;e  dead  Im.uso  for  ci-ht  d  iw  iu  rhe  Inn-  h  ^^!  ^  ^. 
them  xsou'ri  claim  and  Rive  it  decent  buaial  ;    but  the  chanty  o     a  s  ri   -<  r  f   r      '     ?^h  ,-  7"-'-" 

jn  the  hc.pi,al  .rounds.  It  ,s  said  ,hat  Cap  ,  Co.hUn  w.:^'^ne'orthei;!G;cL^n  ^r  ,e,^^  h""^^;'^^^^^ 
con-.iviaMtna  ,n  las  eharicie-  when  he  had  the  means,  liberal  10  a  fault.  One  caas-ot'  th'  d--t}"r%  e  •' 
o^t.^ecn  .inn  ar...  ,<oi  ua-te  w.w]cai,  .s!ic  ^ymp,^ili/.lI,-  with  the  \\-tu-s:s.  A  novel  ealied  r'<i---,.x^/ 
w (s  wf'C'/  ^""?"r'^,,  7>  ^1^'^  ■''.ff""-  ^^-'i  ^v-.itten  by  C,  j.  C.urdett  and  puhhshed  ,n  .V  \  Mr  "C?:^ 
lownlconnf  ^'^l"  ''•"-'^■"'    was  .duc.ted    by  h, mat    Capt.    Panndt;e's    Mil, tar,  School    .uMidd!^- 



AsuiiUl  lie  cxti-iMiU'ly  1iii/,  an.l  tl,.;u  ilir  i.'tn':ii  trf)in  Lnticr  Lsluiul  miolit  Ik;  rut  otl. 
'J'lic  n-siilis  l,ir"vly  vi'ifii-il  his  p!-.wl!(;ti.)ii  (>;■  tii-,"),()  ii)  tron]>s  eii^;agcil  ojrtlic  A'lU'riraii 
xidc,  m-iirlv  oni-liiilf  wi'-  hill''il,  \v(miihI(  .1,  nr   t;i!ci-n  jai-dU'-rs. 

On  llic  rcticai.  ami  f-iiiliarkation ,  K'lrr,  Iruin  liis  iuiou  ]v<l^v  a{  Idcaliiics.  svii  :  cnalilrd 
l(.  ivnd.-r  imi-iu-taiir  >rrvic.';~.  (i(-ii.  M(Pnii;;al  v.  lio  had  rh-rw-,.  ,ii  t  hr  cnil-ai  kat  inn  was 
a  witness  of  \]u'  rUiri.-iKy  (yf  tlic  yiHiThfi;!  aid,  and  '■vit  a!ici  i.':a\.'  Iiliii  ],i^;  t-niiiT  runfi- 
d<-!ir!".  (.)n  ill!-  rctri'at  (rr-iu  S^'W  Ymk.  ]5,irr  i.indoulitcdl  y  sav.'d  tlie  hrigailc  of  ( !t>n, 
Sullivan  fnuu  raiuni'.'.  '\'\f  facts  witc  -rtr)'\\-ards  [.ic^'dl  Ir.-  i lie  test in7onv -d'  cvr' 
witii.'ssrs.  Thr  lifiL^ailc  liad  Ifcn  ii-d  liy  (mmi.  Knux  v,  ;i  small  f-Mi  in  tlic"  snlniihs 
^^w'raii'l  St.  ;uid  J!  iw.-iy  i  kn.)\\-n  a-  Buiil;c."'s  lidl.  .Major  15ii  rr  h  ivin^i  !i(  i-n  .s?nt  init . 
ict  his  own  re(jnr,-.[,  wiiii  a  few  drauM.nis  lo  |.ii-];  u])  ^tfa  li'^  Iits.  discovered  tlie  error,] 
alter  some  inelT,,  tij;,!  e.M!\  .-r-ation  v.  iih  (It.  n.  Ivnox.  w  ho  im.eide.]  m  remain  ai.d  de-fend 
tho  I'oi-T.  je.vvailed  uiH.iii  tlie  iin-n  to  follow  him.  ]-;cv.  lie/.ek-iaVi  Kijdev  wlin  was  olHcers' 
eliaplitin  of  tlic  biiya(h'.  testilii'd  tlial  tliev  w.-re  tired  i!i>o!i.  and  tlla'  I'nirr  pilloped 
directly  to  i!  e  sjwt.  sluuited  to  his  7iien  to  follou  .  ])iir.-iied  and  killed  i-everal  of  tlte 
enemy,  eatn'e  haej-  and  lonnd  ll.-at  the  cdninn  had  taken  the  wi-onir'  roud,  imtne'diatidv 
led  l]iem  nlY  to  tl'.e  left  and  made  good  tlieir  tetreut.  A  similar  tilTair  whieh  oceiarred 
sn.m  after,  eansed  fhi-  ol'  Hiiid^'T's.inii  t.>  luMim.-b,  talkel  of.  On  tin-  IGtli  ol'  Nov,,  17T(i. 
Fort  \\'as|iiimion.  with  jn-arly  o,(l()i»  in'-n  tinde!  (Ven.  (ifeiie  Nsho  Jiad  heen  h-ft  totlefetid 
it,  \v:ip  taken  !)\  the  (•ucmy  aftev  h  lira\e  d.-fenve,  (.)t  tlie  •?,.10f)  tiiea  who  snn  o-iidered, 
no"  500  .survived  tle-ir  im]irisoniiK-nr.  It  wa,--  thi  rr  who  jiointed  ont  to  (,'eii.  r'utn.ani  the 
^^ay  of  cserqu.  from  tho  J^ntis],  juiiiy,  whieh  h^e.;  oee,t;)ied.  the  .>ast  and  raiddle  ro;id>. 
^;eltlier  tlie  AiiiiM'iean  ee.iiunandor  nor  any  of  his  oHlreis  knew  how  to  jiass  the  foresta  and 
.swarn])s  Vnif  P.urr.  who  idloted  thetu  ' tlirotiiih  tif  wo.idswestof  Inroad v.'ay,  and  bv 
the  river  hank  to  Hlor.niin-dale;  a  comnlte,  iujt  narrow  escape.  Of  these  iiii jiortaiit  Ker- 
viees  n.)  olii(  iitl  notiee  was  taken.  'j'liis  in  jiistire  in  eonneetion  with  sfiiue  other  minor 
oceijrrenees  tihoiit  the  sa.i'ie  time,  V^uv.-  C'.h-'.-iied  into  aets  of  h.>.stillty  and  his  prejndir,. 
against  the  eonuiiauder-iii-elnef.   Tj-caine  fi.ved. 

:M.\i.(()r,>t  s    Ki;(;i.\it;.N'i'. 

Ill  the  s])rinfr  of  11',",,  several  new  regiment  were  raised,  and  iM)]itieal  Colonels  wei» 
ap])0)nted.  Tito  real  coinmar.deis  were  the  Lieitt.  Colonels  who  ^vere  exjierienred 
oflk-ers.  liurr  was  appoitited  Lieut.  Col.  of  .Male.olin's  regiment.  Ci>l.  Mah-olm  was  a 
merchant  in  .Ww-  York,  a  very  good  and  a  very  r.  sjiectahle  man.  After  a  few  weeks 
ob.-ervation  ol  his  su!)jrdinatv  o!ll -.-r.  he'  very  wisely  re.'^igued.  saying  to  Hnrr,  'I  will 
be  the  father  of  the  r,'_rii:umt:  w.u  shill  hwe   the  luiii  ir  of  fiirlitini  it." 

Malcoiii's  ngimeiii  was  made  up  fr;im_  diiferent  sta.ies.  Some  of  the  roiiipauie'.^ 
contained  only  a  tew  men  and  yet  had  a  fnll  eompliim  iit  (d'  othiers,  who  Uavitig  olitained 
their  commissions  were  siitisficd  with  matier.s  as  tIk-v  w,  i-e.  tu-gh  etinu'  to  iee;uii  and  to 
firing  u]>  their  commands  to  the  pro'per  siandaid  (d'  numbers  and  discipline,  jiurr 
•obtained  [-ei  tnis.don  from  d'eii.  Coii\'.a,\  to  expurgate  these  useless  ollleeri;.  Eleveii  were 
discbarged  in  a  single  day.  It  i-  iioi  liludy  thtii  tliese  .■■lunh  nu  n  would  cherish  feeling.s 
of  a  very  friendly  miturc-  towards  the  aiiihor  of  Their  disgiace,  though  they  acquiesced 
silently,  excepting  ono  ymmg  captain,  wlio  ).rer-uming  ou  his  wealthy  fiimily  conneclions 
wrnte^  Burr  an  ins(dent  letter.  'I'lu'  inler)H:.sition '  <d'  his  finnife  friends  jnotected 
"Neddy"  from   u!i}!il  coiiseipienccs. 

In  Sept..  177?,  while  the  legiment  lay  at  Sutferns,  int<d!igence  cante  that  the  enemy 
was  at  Iliick<n^a(d;  in  gie.-it  force,  aial  advancit  u  int'>  the  country.  Cok  Burr  imniedi'. 
-ately  maridu-d  with  th--  etfective  men,  Iciving  only  a  guard  to  take  care  of  the  cam)). 
'I'iie  rest  of  the  story  is  told  liy  a  metnber  iA'  th'e  regt.  as  follows:  •' ^Ve  arrived  itt 
I'aramus,  a  disiai;ce  of  sixteen  miles  btd'.ue  sutiset.  There  were  consirlerable  bodies  of 
militia  in  gneat  alartn  and  disord-r,  and  doing  niticli  nuschief  to  the  neigddioiing  farms. 
'I'ln-y  coiihl  gi\e  no  intelligence  of  the  eneiiiy  bitt  fiom  rumcU'.  'I'liey  wen-  sup;ifisfd  to 
be  within  a  f>-w  inih-s  and  advan- ing.  Cid.  Burr  set  some  of  the  militia  to  repairi-iig  tlie 
fences  they  had  dcsiroycd:  arranged  them  us  will  as  tinnwould  pet  init,  and  having 
taken  measures  to  secure  the  iroojis  from  suriirise,  and  also  for  the  ]vrf)tecli(ui  of  the 
corn  helds,  lie  ininched  innnediately  ^viIll  .•.bout  thitly  of  the  mo-t  active  of  tlie  regt., 
a.i\<l  a  few  (d'  the  militia,  to  ascertain  the  ]io  -itiou  and  numbers  of  th.e  ein-mv.  About'  10 
o'clock  at  idgliT,  being  three  miles  front  llackensack.  we  got  ceitain  intelligence  that 
we  were  within  a  mil.-  of  their  jiiido-r  gua.rd.  Col,  Burr  tlien  h-d  the  men  inn,  ji  wo(.d. 
an-1  ordercil  them  t..  sic,  p  ueii!  Im  slweiM  ^vake  t!;eui:  of  ^ve.icliNse  had  -leat  nee,l, 
lusving  marched  more  than  thirty  miles  .-im-e  noon.  Col.  Inn  r  th.'ii  went  alone  to 
discviver  tie-  l.o.^itic.n  of  the  ei.einy,  I!e  letlinud.  ab.inl  half  an  hour  hefoie  dav,  w.d^ed; 
ns,  and  told  us  In-  was  going'- to  attack    the   pi<-!;et    id    tin-   enemy:    that  we   luui   onlvto 

3^0  r.i;A\(Jii  OF  Ki.rzAUKi'ir. 

iVilldW  liiiir,  !(n<]  then  rDibaiic:  un_\  irtnu  to  speak  oriiicoii  ]rA\n  of  dcuili.  lli:  tli'-a  led 
u;>  b(.'!\ve,'ii  tlie  siiitinrls  in  sucli  a  \\'ay  tliut-  \vi-  wcic  wUMii  u  U-\\  yards  ,if  l1ic  pirkec 
u  iiard,  hcforf  tlicy  siis])fcN'd  our  a]iproafli.  He  llien  iravc  tlic  wonl  and  we  ^!^^ll(■u  upon 
tliotn  bofoic  tlu'y  had  Uiiic  1o  take  thi'ir  anus  am!  llic  yrfalcr  par!  of  thfui  wrvr  Idllrd. 
A  lew  [trisiPiiers  and  -soiiK^  ac<-!UiTrciai-iii,.s  \'.  rrr  l)roUi;-lil  ofi  wiihoiiT  tlit-  lo.;s  oi'  a  luan. 
</()!.  Burr  ininicdialt'iy  sent  I'll'  an  iNjiress  to  Paranuis  to  oiiIim  all  \]\>-  t;-oon^  l>,  move 
and  1o  rally  till- ((liiiary.  Our  little  siei-ess  liad  so  enrotiia,i!,ed  tie-  inhabitants  tliat  they 
tinned  oni  wiili  t;i-e;it  alaeitv  and  jmiI  !  heniseis  cs  nnde:- tin- roiuiaa  nd  ol'  (';•!.  Imii'i.  Ihit 
the  eaeuiy  pi-ol.'ahiy  alarm. -d  hy  tii-'-i'  I  h  i  eat'-idii;;'  a.pjieui-anres  retreated  the  next  day, 
vlay,  h-avin;':  lu'ldiid  them  the  i^iciiiir  ])a!'t  ot  the  ju n n.lei- they  hail  taken."  This  had 
the  eileet  ol'  ]ireventin:r  I'lii'tlier  I'xeuisions  on  the  ])ait  of  th.;  en'-niy  in  that  section. 

AT    VAl.l.K"!      I'OIICK. 

Diirin^Mlie  winter  at  \';dley  ]'oii_'-e.  Col.  Hiiir  iiropo-^e.l  to  (;cn.  V\'ashin-ton  an 
expeditioi;  a,i_-ainst  Slateii  I>-kmd.  It  v,  as  decdiiied,  Imt  ih'-  altemjii  was  afterwaid  made' 
hy  (I'eii.  Stirlini:  and  failech  Thr-  snfferin<i-s  of  the  army  at  \'alley  Foru.('  I'roiight  tin' 
l>at,riot  (  ause  lo  the  ver^'e  of  luiii.  ('onsi>ii'acies,  mntinies  and  dislu;ndnn'm  weie  I'ifi'  in 
(he  camp.  On  <.iie  occasion  ('ol.  Ihirr  alone  and  unaided,  sn.pjucssed  a  mutiny,  without 
blofxlsheil  exc"))t  ciittiiiij;  olT  the  arm  o|  rlie  rino-leader.  As  this  man  stepi>ei|  out  o!'  ihe 
ranks,  and  with  mutinou-;  wiu'ds  invited  his  comrades  to  foHow  hiiu,  Ihiri-,  li\  ■<  -ingl*' 
stroke  <d"  his  .-,;d>re,  cur  otT  hi->  anu.  'i'he  nst  \\-ere  a\scd  into  suhmissiou.  —  h'n  >jiji\:  Lif'' 
of  Jyiirr. 

AT  ^mxMOU'rii. 

At  the  liatth'  of  Monnioutli,  June  ,-''<,  I  IT'S,  C(>].  Ihui  commande-d  a  briu-ade  in  the 
(tivisioa  e''  )>ord  Siirliiif:.  Desirintrtodislodfje  tlie  en''iiiy  from  an  ail  vautay;eous  position, 
he  requested  and  oi>tauied  ]>ei'iuission  to  niake  llm  a'ti-m;-!.  .Vs  he  n\;!,-.  ad\aj;ciue  ^vitll 
spoilt  ;it  the  liead  of  his  nu'j),  and  had  come  within  the  enemy's  fire,  lie  ie(\'l\-ed  an  order 
froiri  (icii.  W'ashintcton  to  halt  wln^re  he  \v:is.  He  ))eiTei\ed  tin-  dl.■~a^.ier,  but  olieyed 
iilze  a  ^--ood  soldier,  auid  >a\v  oU(^-thiril  of  )ii--.  men.  dei-treyid  by  th>-  enemy's  ai'tilleiy, 
withouv  ladnp:  aldt.'  to  liie  a  shot.  As  lie  sal  in  hi-;  sa.ddle  awailimr  finth'T  (uders,  a 
cannon  ball  hilh-d  liis  horse,  Mrikin,-;  just  hehijid  the.uiith  u{  ih.-  .saddle.  'I'he  rider  liad 
jit.-t  strefch'd  h-gs  forward  of  the  sjjoi  for  gre;iter  e.ise  ((f  jicritiou.  After  tliis 
shiugliter  he  \vas  a.lhjv.-ed  to  take  part  in  the  battle,  and  his  conduct  was  p.-alsi.d  by  the 
wlude  arinw  //.'/'/.  'J'liis  disastor  strnk  deep  into  his  mi'id  and  st:  emithemd  lu^  (ii^tiust 
Ol  ^^'ashiui,'■ion  as  a  military  ntan.  In  after  year<,  ^vhcn  M.  b.  !>avis  wae.  [M-ei'arii:^  tin- 
iiioijfi'aphy  <d"  Ihn-r,  he  was  de.-ired  ti)  re-oj)i  ii  this  mattei-  of  .Mi)iimouth.  Mr.  l>a.^■is 
d.t.'cUned.  "I'lie  fatiijiieaml  chac-rin  (d'  this  day  at  Monnuc.ith  had  a  very  injuriou--  and 
lastiii-;  elTcct  on  his  health,  and  in  Oct  ,  177y.  le-  j.'sked  to  be  furhni^hed  without  ])a_\,  as. 
he  never  held  ollice  for  the  emolument  it  eifei-i'd.  'Jdie  furlouLdi  was  not.  ij-ianted  oa 
thai  condition,  and  he  rej<iined  his  retdne-nt  at  West  Point,  of  \\hich  lu-  \sas  bu-  a  whde 
in  c!nmiuuid. 

KN     \VJ;ST(  iIKSTKt;    (.OUXIA'. 

•  His  defense  of  the  lines  in  \A'e>tidie^.tiu-  Co.  in  ITT^^O,  wouhi  reijuire  too  much  sjiaco 
to  rcdate  iu  detail.  N\"ith  about  six  hundi'ed  nnui  he  kept  the  adjac(-iit  cfiuntry  in  a  stal*' 
of  securitx'  and  quiet,  and  the  enemy  in  eoinplete  check'.  lb'  lived  ;i  bstenjimjsly  and^ 
sha.'ed  all  the  hardshijis  of  Ids  soldiers,  and  was  even  moi'e  severe  to  liimself  tlian  to 
otlnrs.  Jle  visited  the  sic!;,  jU'escribed  and  adndnistered  tliidr  nu'dicines,  and  after  a 
v.ddle  they  would  take  it  from  no  one  else,  ^^'ith  all  his  other  aecomi)!ishmi'nts  ho  was 
a  guoil  luirse.  At  the  sanu- time  he  \\'a^  a  strict  iliscipliuari.ui.  and  was  feared  as  ^vell 
as  I'.n-ed  by  liis  men.  In  the  siimmei-  of  177!',  Iu'iiil'-  \'voi  n  out  and  in  poor  lir'ahb,  he 
reslgiU'd.  The  ollicer  who  succeeded  him  being  unable  with  the  saiiu-  fiu'ce  lo  mailitain 
the  lines,  new  ones  were  foirae<l  fuitluu-  n[i  tlie  river,  and  i  he  inti'rmediate  country 

A'l'    >KW'    IlAViOX. 

After  his  lesignation,  <"'ol.  lunr  iciii-ed  to  New  Haven  and  was  there  when  the 
Kritisii  tool<  j>os-;ession  of  tie-  ])lace,  .hdy  ."i.  17i'./.  lie  ai.i.^e  f roia  his  sicdc  bed,  and 
though  baielv  able  to  mount  his  horsi-,  tonk  command  (d'  a  body  of  '\'ah'  Cidleg,-  studeiits 
at  their  rMpiest.  and  assisted  in  i"iuil:-iug  tie-  enemy.  To  this  incident  he  always 
referred  with  exultaii'-'u  atid  pride,  as  e.ineing  the  miilidcnce  ol  ihe  young  men.  Tlds 
was  the  bi-t  act  '.f  bis  mi!it>'.ry  life.  He  v-asiiite,!  byr^cuius  aed  cliaiaci.-,-  to  have  done 
niiiclt  greater  things,  au<i  had  ojip(utunitie>  been  given  hii.i,  to  ha ve  rendered  far  greater 
servii-e^  to  liis  counirv. 




K,r.'nMUf- luis  bern   m:uh-  t<.   th-  (■yir,.in    =umI   .•.,ufid.>nrc   in    wlurl,    Col.    Burr   %vns 

ahvnvshrhl  by  (mh.  .Nb.-.l)on;._:al  aft. t  the  fro:)i  L'.n:r 


l/u-ut  llnW-n  liu.-.trr.  who  XTV.-I  two  vavs  u'.kI.t  IbnT,  liad  an  unbonndyd  rrspecl 
„.  1  s  '■.h..-an.i  rl...a,-ui'.  -if  ai.v  olii-ar,"  ^a;d  hr,  -  .b^.-rv..:;  vrro^rnUlon.  it  IS 
■!!l  Ibn'r  lb-  s;u  lilirrd  Ins  l.rahb,  anil  n  ,uo;v  lati-u,'  an<l  jTivation  Timn  any 
tlKTolli.'.  1  o^^dM).^  1    had    anv    kn.uvb.lirr.      His    su,KMiovi-y   as   a    Uiiblary    man    was 

nnivcisallv  allowed.  ^,   ,    i,       i  i    ,  ■  i    w;,r  >.i,.<\v<,i tb, 

(,,.u  i^„,|■  s|..!;r  of  r^uyy  as  a  livst  rab'  othr.-r.  Od.  Ib-ooks  and  i  ...  ^^  1^;^..  su.  n 
w.n.ol1en  h.avd  by  Mr.  Kna,-!- to  speak  of  lb,n-  as  of  tboso  svho  were  born  tor  g.  at 
...nnnanders.  Tlu-se  otiioers  u-v,-  ,lu-  pride  ol  llu-  Revo  ,..  ,onavv  .\nn>  (  "  ;.r^  -'. - 
xvortl,  was  with  Arnold  on  bake  Cbamidain  a-ainst  (avhoi,  and  .^upj-beo  ..n.oM  x  U 
Lu.ieal  seienee.  lie  ua.  the  besr  bi^.oriral  ^tude.P  of  h.s  ,  nne  ,n  Anter  .e  to 
Brooks  was  ronsidered  the  most  areonu-lished  oiheer  o  the  state  of  .uas..  H  w  .  ^  . 
in-.nv  veavs  (ien.  of  the  Middlesex"  division.  .\djabint  <.en.  ol  the  st.o  i-'H^.u-, 
(Governor  and  t'onnuaitder-in-Chief.  '1  nesc  men  were  not  koUncally  o,  tlm  ^;^';'',  l^;;^ 
with  1MU.^  bnt  spnke  of  bin,  as  tlM.y  knewhun.  andtn  aj-vordance  wnh  tlnu  u      ,      .^n^^ 

eonvb-tionk      "  In  fact,  there  was  never    the  s!i,:  n-st    db  erenee  of    opnuon     ^  -ng   b . . 
oineers  of  tbe  Kevolntionary  arn,y  in  respeet  to  llnrb.  tntbtary     ab  nt..      l.<   ^^ '^^^  ^^^ ' 
to  all  n^  a  beardle^^  vouth.  with  great  imelligem-e,  penetratum.  high  t.n.ral  ana  ph>  sical 
coure'e    a  loft,  sen-'e  of  dnrv,  ,ud  leadine.sP.  meet  everv  dan-  r.      llekt.ew  ,1m  nuMH. 
necessai'y  to  Ilie  end  of  every  military  m<A-.'me;,t,  and  had  tlie  courage  b-  relreat  as  ^^eu 

as  to  attack  when  prudenr-e  dictated."-    A'////-/'/'-  ,     .      ,  .  ,    ;    .  l.n.i 

h,  later  vears.\vhen  the  slanders  or  poUtieal  and  pergonal  rivals  and  rnenne-  had 
rnbbedhis  name  of  almost  every  elaim  to  the  ronsideiation  sympathy  or  tellou.n  pot 
,„„pin<!.  bnrrh:n..elf  remarked:  "  if  thev  pmsist  in  spying  tiiat  ^^'^^^  ^^'^  ;  "  J'  ; 
,)„,,  .,p,!i  „,  p.a.,  admit  tni'  I  was  a  good  soldier.'  Sul>se,,ueut:v  wlu-n  ^  ^;^;^'  ^^.^^ 
lu'vle  Jieul  Gen  of  the  armv.  Burr  was  nnable  lo  obtam  a^b,].. 
p;^;;cinM  In^-  have  .  tempora",  v  sneee.s  ami  kib  it^  victims  with  its  po,.oned  an-ows. 
AdulaMou  nu,;-  build  np  iic,ieio.s  repntatio,;.,  and  put  its  creatnrc.nno  otys^^^^^^^ 
Tim  .^natallv-ofirntl;  i.  •IVne,   and  the  moral  ol    \N  eH.nct.m  s  savmg.that       .vlunm) 

life  is  wiitten,  many  statues  must 

conn;  down,"  jias  a  nniversal  application. 


\Vl,ile  on  datvin  We-^tehester  To. .  Cob  Burr  became  acquainted  witli  Mrs.  '^'eo'losia 
(B-M-t^^-    )'.vvo-l'='  wid,e.v!adv  ten  vearshissenior,  and  then  the  motherottvvoclaidre 

.  ;   Vm-T,v    T>.,;-,d  I'J^.ait     lulv-^    i:s-3        ^Irs    Burr  <lied   ot  cancer  la 

J  hev  were  manied  ^^    l.ex  .    i>a\al  l>eg(  n,  aui\    ~,   i.'  ~-  _       ^    ^ 

the  ^iiring  of  1  79  b      Their  only  child,  Tbeodo.^ia,  was  born  dune  :-.  li^o. 

T,AvvYi:i;  AXi)  fill  tTiriAX. 
In  l7Sb  Col.    Burr  studied  law   with   Judge  Paterson  of  batei.on,  N.  J.    a.Kl   m^t 
spring  with  Thonnis  Smith  at  llaverstraw.       He  began  le-aetu-e  at  A  '-y.    ;"    -  ^^ 

evacuation  of  tin-  city,  removed  to  Xew  \ork.       hi  1  ,v    he  was  elected  t.,   .    p  t     1. 

,.itv   in    the   Slate    be-i~lature.   and   so.ui    made    himself    conspnuous    b>    ..j^po  !n„    .... 
defe^uhi;    the  seven   years  apprenticeship   bill.       This  was  a  to  prevent  any   pes,, 
from   working    at    any   mechanieal    craft    or  trade   n,    tbe  eccv    win.   l'-\,"^^ .;'';/;.;' , 
app,enticeshii>  of  seven  years  in  the  city.      Jmu-  opposing  the-    cd  he  was  ^     '^''^\'\']^l 
11        lb-  also  oppose,!  the  speculators'  bill  b,r  sei/.mg  the  pn  d,c  land.,    and  i    n  .. 
deb'bnb      He  was  cln.irnuui  of  tl 'e  c.numlttee  .d-  the  Hou^e  b,r  leviMUg  the  laws  oi    the 

"""'  'in  ITiiO  he  was  appointed  attornev  general  of^the  state  ot  N.-w  ^oi-k.  A  uTeat 
unmbe,  and  varietv  .,t'  cb.i.m.  arisine  <uit  ot  the  i;,.volut  ionary  war  were  to  b,e  '•>■•'';';  ' 
.'ted.        .V'boar.i  of  eommi..^iouers,  eonsiMinu'  ol  the  state  treasurer,  comp.tiol.,  ■ 

iind  adju 

;;;;:;  ilnluCv  general:;;'   a    p:unt;.d.       ^b;.    h,tt.-r   a.   ,dn,irman   dre.  ,,,  .he .^^^^^^^ 
auiendniem;  were  olb  red  :   its  prmelples  w.nv  adopual  by  other  stat,^,  and  it  iou.nd 
basis  of  all  future  settlements  with  public  creditors  on  account  o,    tlie  wai. 

CoP  Hurr.-  -/n'//<v;'i  ///.v.'.  e/  (/ V.tA  /u-,./<r  Co. 


jjjiVM'H   OF  yAAy..\\;i:i\\. 

Tin;    MAXIIAl'lAN    liANK. 

In  171*.?  tin  New  Vol-];  baiil-;s  had  iVJK'ii  iiHilcr  tlic  cni.tru]  at'  uii  .-m  istcx  lary,  who  as 
asiia)  ii--i'd  anii  ;•. !)iis(<l  1  Kv;  c  ]M!\ilt t^cs  for  tlu-ii-  own  l..-uclit  and  tlic  dct  i  iinrnt  of  oi  li,.'is. 
'j'd  l)i-(  a!'  .low  H  this  ^y.-i.i'iii  of  l;i\-oriti'.iii,  ISuri  (■slalili-.h;'tl  tlir  .MaiihaUaii  I'aiik.  It-- 
'■liavtci-  was  i.>iita;iii-J  hv  ii.e-an^of  a.  s(inu]at;nn  !■•  iuiii^  w  ain-  into  the  city  of  New  Vori;. 
'I'h.'  ]n\\  of  thi.'  -Laic  luadi'  it  ii)i|'os.^i IjIo  to  tict  a  (liiiTt  (haitcv  fui-  hanl: i ii;.';  ]>ai'jio-,is. 
'J'lii.'  Water  cdaiiso  \.;;s  an  i-vasioji.  'i'lir  coiiipany  how  (  \cr  hiid  wocideji  iii|MS,  dug  \\i-'!l>, 
Imilt  ie-,or\oiis  and  suiiplit.'!  liii  Jowoj-  jiart  of  tii.'  city  uniil  tho  rioion<-i  came  in. 
Some  o!'  its  wo'.l-:s,  a  r,- --ia  uir,  ^\■'•li  and  puiu]!  at  the  cniiici-  of  ]'"hu,  licad  and  Ccntci- 
sTict-t.-,  sujijd.yjni;- a  sleaui  cp.i;ini-,  ;u'c  still  in  ojicia.i  ion  to  niainlaiu  the  \alidity  (d'  its 
charter,  wjiirti  depends  on  in-  cnntinuini:  a  su;ij>ly  o!  water.  As  a  h;:id,;  it  h.a'-  si:i  s  ived 
all  tlie  linancial  storms  of  thiec-tjuarteis  of  a  century,  and  is  to-day  one  of  ihe  mo.-(  ^olid 
instimtiojis  in  the  country.  d'liis  i---  ihat  ' '  I'rauduleut  haid-iine'  institution  "  alluded  to 
in  a  mali^nani,  atiadv  on  tlie  clmraetiM-  (d'  Bun  in  tlie  At/'i/.fir  M'udhU/  (d'  Ain-il.  ISVS. 
A  similar  "  franduh'nt  l>an];in<j-  institution"  was  incoi  oorated  as  late  as  IM'JI).  under  tlie 
name  of  tJie  C'lieinical  Ijanl:  of  New  \  orl^  Tily.  us  a  manul'actui'ing  coinji.-'.uy  \\-ith  hank- 
ing privileges.  'I'd  olitaiii  the  cluirter  greui  stress  wa.s  laid  on  tin-  advanlaires  to  acei-ue 
t!)  the  city  from  the  irnninfacture  <d' chemicals,  thoni^h  lianking  and  tan  iminul'aci  urim;- 
was  the  rt^al  puv]iose  of  the  eon!]i-niy.  This  hank  luis  never  su-pended  sjiecie  payment, 
and  is  the  mo-t  >ncce--ful  iiistit  n!i'>n  (d'  tlie  kini!  m  tlie  I'nileil  Slates. 

TtfK    lli.UI.AM)    l.AMi    CO. 

At  this  tiine  Burr  was  clwirged  Avitli  dishonesty  in  conneeiion  with  the  n(dlaiid  Land 
Co,  a-  well  as  with  the  Manliat  tan  ( 'o.  A;^  inve.-tigalion  failed  to  in.  iilpate 
liim.  "  By  those  wlio  kno^v  me,"  he  said,  "  it  will  never  be  credited  tliat  any  man  on 
earth  ^^ouhl  have  the  harddne~s  even  to  propose  to  me  dislmnorahle  com  |iensattons." 
It  was  his  connection  with  tins  ci.nipany  llrat  le(i  to  l;is  liist  duel. 

TlIK    FIKST    tMtil,. 

I'urrlias  he  en  cad  led  a  juactici'd  and  Ci'dd-ldooded  duelist:  a.-'iutof  l>u(dns  O'Trigger. 
«lwavs  on  th.e  alert  for  a  (h'  quai'el  and  ahva.y-  sine  to  kiU  Ids  num.  The  onlydufd 
he  ev(  r  fought  besides  that  \.  ilii  iiamilttui  was  m  liie  sumnu'i  of  1  T'-'i).  John  Ik  (diurcdi, 
■<\  lirotlier-in-hiw  of  Hamilton,  had  spoken  with  nun  h  freedoni  '^1  the  legi'dative  services 
rendered  by  Burr  to  the  Ibjih^nd.  kand  To.,  greatly  to  the  iletrine-nt  <d'  the  go'>d  name  of 
the  latter.  Jkirr  ciiallene;L-d  him,  and  tliey  met  at  llohoker.,  Se],t.  t?ih  '•  Bvdore  leaving 
luime  Burr  had  jiartieularly  e\phiim.-il  \u  liis  -ecmd,  Juilge  Burke  of  So.  I'ar.,  that  tile 
balls  vere  east  too  finall  for  his  ])istols  and  that  '  hamoks  leath"r,  c'Ut  to  the  pro['er  size 
and  greased,  must  he  jiut  around  them  to  mak«'  them  tii.  Leatlier  and  grease  v.-ere 
jdaced  in  the  ca--e  v.'ith  tie,'  pis'ols.  .\fierthe  princinais  ].;'.<l  been  )d<iced  Iturr  noticed 
,Iu(|o;e  )-;urke  vainly -endeavorinir  todii-.ein  thei'amim!  with  a  htone  and  at  oiice  sus- 
pei.'ted  tha!  tin-  j.-iease  had  been  forg'itien.  A  tnonMiit  afterwards  the  pistol  wa,->  handed 
to  him.  \\"ith  that  singular  c(.M)lne-s  he  was  wont  lo  exhihit  a;  <-ritical  moim-nts  lie 
drew  the  ramroil,  felt  tlie  l)all  and  told  the  ..Uidge  it  was  not  home.  "  [  knov,-  it,"  replied 
tlie  second,  ^^■iping  the  pc-rspiration  from  his  I'ace,  "  1  foigot  to  grease  the  leather:  but 
yon  see  your  man  is  ready;  don't  kee])  liim  \^'aiting;  just  talve  a  crack  as  it  is:  V\\  grt-ase 
the  ner.t."  Shots  were  exidianged  without  idl'ect,  except  that  the  ball  from  Mr.  Church's 
jiistol  ]iassed  through  Burr's  co:it.  Mr.  t_'hur(di  iln-n  nuide  tiie  reipii'-ite  ap.ilogy  and  the 
I)arties  letiirned  to  the  cit_\   in  the  iiighest  e-ood  humor. — I'li rton's  I. iff  i>J'  Ihiri-. 

In  l7!ll,  he  was  noininat:-(l  and  coutlrmeil  by  the  Council  one  of  the  Judges  of  the 
Su])rerue  t'oiirt  of  tlie-  state,  hut  de(dini'd.  He  was  i:ilkevl  of  this  \ear  as  a.  candidate  for 
(iovernor.   - 

J.N     Till".    sKXAlK. 

in  Jan..  17U1,  he  \\ as  eleeted  to  the  I".  S.  Senate,  in  place  of  (ien.  Scdiuyler,  whose 
term  I'vplred  in  ^hlrc]l.  BufusKin^  wa.-^hi;  colh-.agiie.  Coiigj-e-,-.  conveiieil  in  Oct.  ITill 
and  \\'a^hingtoii  made  liis  animal  eonimunicatiou  to  ( 'oiuTess.  'Die  Seii.-iti.-  ordiucd 
Burr,  Cahoi  and  .bdmson  a  commitiee  to  prepare  a  nd  report  a  d  raft  of  an  address:  the 
next  day  Burr,  a--  (di;;irn;an  id'  the  conimill''e,  reported  aiian-.\ver  wldudi  was  adopted 
wiiiiout  alou-atioii,  an  i.niisual  occnrrenee.  .\s  a  Seuatoi',  he  was  i  ;,du^t  rioi!-  and 
I'flicient  on  nnwiy  imp  utaut  commitiei —  geinuTdly  as  (  I'maii. 

l)i|.;i._r  tl;,  winrer  oi'  1  TI'l  --'  In-  -peiir  no: eh  time  in  the  stati'  dept.  in  order  f,,  ;nake 
liim-^elf  with  foreign  atTalis,  whhh  he  considered  nei-e>-.aiy  to  the  hiirhinl 
ami  ll^efnl  perfornia.nee  of  hi^duty;  helahoi<'d  atlhi--  uniil  a  perempioiy  order  1  loni 
\\";ne!ou    lorhade    Ids    furthiu    e.viiminations.      At    this    ixuiod   the    Senate    ieuislated 



with  c-.!ost'.l  (!(Hi;-s:  Bi!rr;)i!voi;iii(.'(l  iuid  votod  for  ojiciiinw-  tUi'  _L;-iilliTi:.-.s  tn  tlif  pul)!ic  wliili- 
so  (■ni,'iij^;'i'il.  A  fii'i- imii'li  (>p]'(>.■^itinll  this  mi  ,,'  wa-;  limillv  can-iid,  h\\).  l'.  IV.)!.  At. 
tlte  sr.'oi'.!  <lci-ti<]n  nl    Wusliiiij^tnii   limr  rfcr'uc.l  o:ii-  Noti-  i;i  lin-  clrrti.i'iil  cullc^-c. 

ill  Will  ( 'ol.  Uiii-r  \v;l-<  ih,'  clioici.'  oT  ills  ]'Li;ty  HI  llu-  l".  S.  Siiuilt-  an<i  )l(ui;-t'  a.- 
Miiiisi.',-  to  ill"'  l-'rHiicli  rr|uiii!i(.-;  tin.'  rtn-all  o!'  (i.Mi.  .Munis  havin';-  Ijccii  roiiu'-i-ird  b\  lli.' 
(■\ccii!i\'c  I'l-ovisioiial  c'liiiucil  (if  Tik'  I-'i-cip-Ii  ri-]'iil,li,'  mi  tl.i'  jii-duad  lliat  lie  was  I'oiu-.iii- 
.Tcd  -I  iii'i.i.Mrliist.  .Mr.  .Madison,  .Mr.  .Moiiru,-  and  auoilirr  iiu'inli.'-i-  of  the  House  were 
dcU-^^ratf  (1  to  cniivry  t  hri  1  clioi.-f  of  Col.  r.iirr  lo  i  h.'  Pr.'sLJcn)  _  and  to  iii'Ui'St  liis  a  l)||(Jillt- 
lH(■l,I.  (n-n.  W'asidiiatou  dndined  on  I  lie  uTon  ml  rlial  In-  liad  not  coiiildi-iici-  in  Coloni-l 
t>',i:  r's  iuK'-iiry.  'J'lic  (MnihiUTcc  rriiicd.  '1  he  Si'n:it<'  ad'icn  d  ununinioiiNly  to  tlnir 
idioir-c,  and  ili.-  <-ouunitteu  a;.'ain  A'.aiicd  ni'on  tin;  ]*iosidMn<.  who  icplied  Avir.h  soni'' 
warni'h.  Ilia!  Iii^  d.ocisiou  wa-  i  rn'\  o.-aldi  ,  :ind  ■-!li'rfd  loa|ipoiiit  'Mv.  .Madi,-on  "  or  yivU, 
Mr.  .Monro.  .'  'I'iio  connuitloc  again  rotircd.  M'h''  dcinoi-i;'.tic  incinhcis  wen.-  intiexiolf 
and  would  nt.imiitato  no  cthL'i-  ])iTson,  nor  in'd<f  an^■  otluT  sidi'ciion.  'I'lif  I'icsidint 
at^poino'd  .lamrs  .M..nroi-,  .May  i27,  ITDt. 

Ji.  the  L'ii---,l(h'iitiai  idfcthm  of  17!"''  (.\da,in.s  aiul  JoIT.m'soi;)  J'urr  rcci-ivrd  thirty 
tdvctoral  \otis. 

His  senal'  term  cxjiiri  d  .Maiidi  1.  1  Til?,  a  tid.  n^  .vt  yrar  In*  \\as  again  clcrti  d  lo 
ibf  State  L.-L'islaturr  and  sunf*' orted  tlic  law  of  ]~,U'J.  liy  whirh  slavery  was  to  l)e  ulli- 
Illati  Iv  ah  dislied,  willnn  the  stale  i,['  N.    V. 

!'.!"i;i;  s   ■•  iN'j  K!(;ti-.      i-oi;  Till-;  i'hl-uii;xcy. 

Tiiere  \Nas  great  uneerlninty  and  an\i>'ty  i]i"«iughoiit  tlie  emmtry  respecting  tlie 
lirosidt^ntial  eleerion  of  Isoo.  'I'Ik-  lesult  de]>eiided  (-n  New  NOrh  v.nd  New  York  w:;s 
•doubtful.  The  deiiiocrHtie  sui.Te-,.  wasd,ue  to  Jbi  i  r.  Thrniigh  his  ejlort-^  ih.e  liomoerats 
<d<'rted  their  city  caDdii'.ates  io,r  th.e  assembly,  wldidi  gave  them  a  inajoriiy  in  that  body 
and  steui,;d  tlie  state  elee'tors.  'j'lie  New  ^"orl:  eleeti.'rs  decided  the  issue  in  tl'e  el"ctorai 
toUege,  giving  a  majority  ti.i  llie  fhiinocrat ic  ticlxer— .leffeison  and  Ibirr — against  the 
fed.elal  —  .-\dams  and,  I'inekney.  'J'he  suhse(pieiil  eoiitesl  in  the  House  resulted  from  til'' 
<.!d  rule  (  wldedi  coiitiur.ed  in  force  nmil  tIu'  p:i>sa!;-e  of  the  1-.?;1)  cen-.tituiicnal  atnen!!- 
llien!  I  I'y  which  each  elector  \iai-d  loi'  t  \>- o  p.-rsous  ;i!id  tie'  caiididati.'  receiving  tie' 
liigbist  mimoer  (.f  \otes  becaun-  I'resIdtiiT  and  n''.\l  hluln'st  became  \'icej''resideni . 
There  was  no  s])ecilic  \ote,  as  now,  for  President  and  fcir  Vice-1're.-itlcnt  ^^dlel:  tiie  elec- 
toral vote-  \vyc  connf'd  it  was  found  tliat  JefTerson  and  Hurrh.;'.d  eac):  rec-ived  7:-i  votes, 
?(!  being  necessary,  'ihn--  tie  devolvi'd  the  eiecti.'ii  on  tlie  House  of  l!epre-entati\'es, 
voting  by  states,  ea'li  slat"  ca-iim;  oii''  vote.  Tie-.e  were  liisiaies:  .S  were  for  .Icfier.son, 
(i  for  Uurr.  .2  di\dde(l,  !)  necessary  lor  a  choice,  'j'he  ballofing  began  on  the  (fih  of  I'el.i. 
Jiiid  C(.)ntiniied  seveiMtays.  The  exciiement  was  i  n  luendous.  Sevei-al  days  ii.'l'ore  the 
vot'-,  •liidi.'-e  Morris  writin;;-  to  Ilamibon  says:  "  IacIic  mei;!  feaiful.  .-md  my  o\-,  n  posi- 
tirm  as  a  calm  .--pei  tator  dihru  n  It  to  sunjiort.  Vou  who  are  tenij'ciate  bi  dtinkiiig  Jiave 
never  ixrbaps  noticed  the  ;i\\-k\\ard  sitmition  of  u  luan  who  (amtinues  snber  afii'r  all  ilu^ 
I'e-t  <d'  the  comiiany  are  drunk."' 

It  WMs  during  these  seven  d.-iys  ol'  stmo-^,],.  .  ,,d  suspense  that  Burr  is  charged  witli 
intriguing  to  make  hiins(.'lf  Jbe^ideni,  iigainsi  the  rightful  claimant  .lelVerson.  "  Tnirr 
iind  Jell'erson  were  presented  on  ei|uai  teims  and  with  eipiul  claims  before  the 
House  of  Representatives.  'I'here  ^vel■e  men  of  all  ]>arties  who  preferred  Ihirr  as  a  man 
tir  aliKe  for  the  cabinet  oi-  the  field  :  who  rega  rded  his  (|nalilications  as  superioj  to  those 
of  JeiTersun,  and  !ielie\-<'d  that  his  ad.nunisi  rat  ion  of  tiie  go\erniiient  wne.ihi  be  more 
vig<.>rous  and  dignitied  tlian  was  t, I  l)e  expected  <d'  his  undecided  rival.  .Mr.  Iv.iyard  of 
Dehiware  considercil  Ibirr  the  better  man  fm-  the  oidce.  'I'he  fi'derab^ts  geiiertilly  jire- 
ferred  Buir,  believinu  liim  to  iie  both  a  iri-eater  and  :t  better  man  than  delfersm.  Tlie 
federalists  w  ere  in  tlie  ma  jority  in  tin  House  an<l  win  Id  ha\e  elei-ted  Ibur  on  liist  Inilloi  : 
he  had.  in  lac'  a  numeiical  majority  on  every  vote. 

IbM  r'-  ji'i-omil  frieicls  entreated  him  to  decide  tin'  content  by  ph'dgdng  himself  to 
timm  on  ceitain  ]-)oiMis.  'I'hbs  he  refused  id  do,  or  lo  allow  his  friends  to  do.  .\  1 1  (hi^ 
friends)  deny  intriguing  for  r,uri,  not  l)ecau>e  ii  would  liave  bc'eii  Nvion:;,  liut  l)ecause  it 
wtis  iiiitru".  i  bul  he  ic,tri;:iicd  as  claiiimd.  lie  -.snuh!  l.aV''b<en  I'resiiii'iit ."—  /•,'.(V'//(////c''''''t 
t;/C/'" /■//'. V  ^nj.iinst  i!,,    i'niiliriil  Co/n/ffr/  nf  J,/f,j,i  Ji'frr.  by  \V.  1'.  Van  .N'ess,----  .\.  V.,  JSlii. 

^lluiKe  W.  P.  V.m  Xcss  is  c:i!l  j.l  1)V  Dr.  1  i.eunnn.i.  in  liis  ro'iHuil  Hist.'yy  of  Xi-y.'  )',e/-,  one  of  the 
sh'civa'.'St  and  most  -iau-icious  uu-n  .\cw  N'orl^  <-vcr  pridriccd.  He  .u'lcrvvariis  acle.i  .i';  Burr's  sccen<i  in 
ihc  liut.-l  wiiii  HaniiUon  Cornelius  1'  Van  Xcss.  w'o  soini:  tinu-  t'ollector  of  the  I'ort  of  Xcw 
V..'rk  and  (iovtrnor  of  Vermont,  w.ii  bi.s  bro'  .A.;,'!uer  ol  C-jv.  V.iii  Nc^s  m .  .1  Lld,^■"^J  Kunicvch  of 
j^.'^■^^   \'urk. 


HRANCH    OF    KIJ  Z  A  li  F.Tif . 

M  1'  «^  s;,v.  ,  u<]^..  ^  an  Ncs.,  "  Mr.  .),.fy..rsnn.  t!i;ou-l,  a  f,i,MHl.  o-.v,-  ,i,r,.|in.r  a.sur- 
»i.ce.-<  t(,  tlu-  Ic.enthsts  in  iv-ual  to  <vrtain  i.oinis  of  sinl,-  polirv,  and  tl,at'  , -erf ,!■, 
l.-.L-ndofhrei-.  s)„.uj.l  not  I.,  r.^niov,  .1  in  r;,s,.  .f  his  ,.l,.,.tion.  .t  uh.-li'il.ov  withdn-v,-  -1,.  ir 
»y]H,<n,<,n  and  on  tlu- JGtli  hall.-t  i„-  xv.;s  rLrtrd.  i.'urr  l..',-;..,,.,.  ^•;<v.i'lv^id.■ht  \li  th- 
tnn.'  uurmsv  tins  exriting  run.,. -t  lu^  ^vas  in  Al!.;.n^,  calinl v  alt,-ndini^  I,,  t!,;.  nn.para 
li.'iis  ioi' luy  daiii;!iifi's  weddiu".  ■  '      ' 


TlirKlnsia,  only  oliiM  of  (',,],  A:iron  and  Tl,c-;,dosia  Bun-,  was  !,.  June  oo  i;,^..  shr 
wa';  cacMnlly  ..'diicated  und.T  ilio  dirvri  and  <'on^tant  suiu-rvislon  of  ]„t  IVt'k'i  IVs-J.-s 
tlH-  n.unl  arvomnli.hnuMUs  si,,  was  pn.ii.-l.nt.  in  th.  (fivek,  Latin.  ( i-n,:an  '  and 
J'renH!  lan-uap'S,  and  familiar  witli  tlu  lust  wuiks  oi'  aii,-i,.n!  and  iM..d,-v„  ,.,-ni,..s  '\t 
the  age  o!  lonn.vii  slio  prrsidcd  at  Inn  laih.-r-s  n.ansi,,:,  at  J^irhmond  Hill  and  en'(-r^ 
tamed  his  nuuicrous  aa.i  distinuuislied  -ursis  will,  rhainiiu..-  ^-rarr  ar.d  di  -iiitv  s],,. 
was  ireeh-  acknowledg,.!  ihe  n.,s.  Iwantifnl  and  a.von.pli.lK^l  \vu,nau  of  hJ,  tinn-  Sh- 
m.  a  Albany,  N  \  ISdi  .Iu..,,h,  s.,n  oi  H..,,.  \V;l!ianr>  and  HH. .<■,.,  :Muti,.,  Aliston  of 
N:.uth  an.hna.  b.  1,,S:  ,d'v.Or.\  a  lauy,-,-,  hur  .lid  not  ,,ra<;tir,.:  l„r  srvnal  x,s  a  dis- 
tmiruislipd  mr:n\u.r„[  tuo  N,,  (•;;,-.  L":-.:  (Ion  of  Mititi:,;  (;.,v  nf  So  ('rr  ]si"-i  1-  vcs 
allcniairlv  .V,  1,1.  csiai,-  nc-ar  rhaid.'stoun  and  in  [!>,■  .dtv.     An  onlv  ,  iiild  \\  m;<)V  \]vkk 

Alston,  h.  isirJ.  •  .  ,     .       .      ^  _iiw 

AS  i'i;r-;si[jK\-i-  (IK  Tifi:  skxati;. 

It  is  said  lie  nrvrrhad  a  superior.  ]!,■  was  ujast.-r  of  everv  nil.',  order  or  cm  nnrnv- 
eoo.,  proni).!.  ininaitnil:  no  high  toned  voice  or  sharj.  sen;e,,res:  i,recisr  ir.  atten'ion  to' 
etniuetie  in  Us  nuiiiiiest  point,  and  aiv-avs  diimihc^d  and -ourteons  ''or  the  1 1  irl  .d'  Tid-j-- 
Chase  he  ai-ra;:-ed  all  iLe  prei;:,iinaries,  and  pr.-id..l  in  a  manner  that  w,,r  nniv'.-r^il 
applause.  1  here  were  several  peisous  in  th,'  audience  u!„,  had  seen  i.orlion.  of  the  o-Url 
ol  v\  a.'re,,,,,,^,.,  ^vho  de.daivd  that  tlm  \dee-l 'resident  presided  a:  the  trial  of  .Ind^,. 
(  hase  with  more  ili-mty  thai,  th<'  Lord  Chancellor  at  the  trial  oi'  the  (mjv  Cenerd  T,f 
Hen^^al  '1  he  p,oceediu-s  at  this  trnU  have  been  consirhivd  as  auihorit^  eser.ineein 
ail  the  states. 

lU'lMi    .\M)    liA.MlLTD.V. 
In  ISOl  Cd.  Bnrr  was  a  candidate  lor  the   ohh-e   of   Coverno.    ,,f    th<-    stal,-    ot    \ev,- 
^ork.      hour  before  h.'h-d  iM-en    thonght  v/MnliV  l;v  a    i,u:aerieal    maiodtvof    the 
representative-,  ,,f  the   p,.,,,,h.   in   ('onirress  to  .,e,■„,,^    tile   ld;rlH-t    ph.e,.   [:,  ihv'^'uylo'-Vr'u 

of_  the  I  nited  Sta.e:..  and  he  ha<l  in  fact  lilh-,1  durin-  that  period  it.  see„nd  hb-hestidaee 
with  transcenrlent  ability  and  credit.      The  fri-anUof  Ih.rr  eonlid-ut  i>f  Ins  HecMon 
I  hen-  cliauriu   and   disappointtnent    miy  he    imagined  when    the    resnll    berame  known 
Abn-gan  J.ewis  was  elected  by  T.OiH)  majoritv.      Bnrr  nveiv,-d  about  ''s  000  vet,--.       Whnt 
was  the  cans,,  of  this  sudden  do-v,„fali  V     Th'e  friends  of  Hurr 'ascribe.rit  to  tl,e'hn--  coii' 
tinned,    eeasele-;s   and    bitter   at;a,d<s   and    -ront.dle-s    aspersions    ,,f    ila.,rdtM),    o^    ih,- 
per-'Miai  and  i>rlvate.  as  W(dl  a-  the  public  and  inditieal  charaeter  of   his  rival        Ii'i' j7-)-> 
''""'j'-  '"'"j''''',.    ■    \  '""'■  ^'''"  ''^'  (1^'^"')  i^  iniprin.  ipb.,!  both  as   a    p,nblic  and  a  iirivare 
"'■■",'■      '■      '■''     ■■■     ''''     I''"!- or  against  anytliiiii'- as  irs  suits    his   iii'e,'-i    orambi;i,,n       *     * 
■■^     ^     J  am  n,i.staken  if  it  be  not  liis  objci  to  phiv  the  u'ame  ni   cmspiiarv    and  I  feel  it 
a  religiousdnty  to,,ppos.."     ToUnfns  In  ing  he  wi,,;e:      --Mr   Ihi'rr's  int,  ./rilv 
as  an  individual  is  n,jt  nninip.ea,die,l,  an.l    as  a  i>nbiic    man    he    is   ,,),,■   ni   the  we.,sl"snrt 
*      •      ""     "I"  :>  ^vord  if  you  have  an  ei,,bryo  Ca'sar  in  the  I'nited  States  it  is  Huir  -     To 
v.hich  Mr.   King  i,.pli,.,l;      ■•(are  has  b.  en  taken  to  put  our    fii^uids   at    tle^    .aMward    on 
iheir  guard. _       It  was  Indieved  that  from  tlie  very  beginning  ..[  hi>  e,u,nc,-tion  with   tlie 
c,m,,iel   as  his  juivate  .eereta  ry,  iiamilion  ha,i  n..e,rnis  intiuema' adverselv 
to  }3u,T       It  was  ren.Htubered  that  in  1  7>M  \VashingTo:;  l,a<l  refus,-,l  to  ratifvthe  nomina- 
tion ot    JJurr  as  miiKMer  to  France  on   th,.  L'-roiind   that    he    ),a,i    ii,,t    conlid, ■!,.•,•    in    Col 
|-.urr«  integrity,  tliougji  his  integrity  liud  never  been  (|ue,  except  bv  Hamilton  -ind 
otlieis   b.r   political   effejt.      In    ITIIS   when  war  will,    France  .seemed    imi">iin,.nt,  and  un 

nVilli.-im  Alston    b.  ,757;  a  cousin  of  \Va..hi,-.-ton  Alston;  C.un     u^,^-r  Ma.ion    -M-i  Co!    ,„  R^T^e 

m.  Ocn.    Thomas  i;.ncknev,  and  anot),.r  ,-!au.  n,.  his  brotl.e,-.  Ch.,r!es  Coe.-s.ver.i.  l'i,uKncv     t,  ,  I    be  c!i  u- 
K..v.,no,s  of  South  Uu.„n.,  and  An.bass.dor.   to  a   foreign  court.      They   uWc  s^.^  0}  cine}  "h^^lce 



arnjy  vas  VMreJ  und  <;'rufiiil  ofrici'ix  ;i]ip:)im<'(l  \<y  L'i/ii;,'re-<s,  Col.  'Ruit  (Ifsiivd  an  iijiiioiut- 
iiii'Mt,  ?niil  was  :i,^-aiii  tliw.-iiu-d  by  )  laiaihini.  Julm  AHains,  \vlir>  was  tlicii  l^csidciit  and 
t'r'.-.lrc<l  !()  uniiiiiiatc  Col.  I'lirr  as  I';  i;':H':li(.T  Cfiicral ,  writes  a^  lolldw.s  in  ISl;]:  'lit' 
(]^iirr)  liad  si-i'vcd  in  ihc  aiiny  and  canii'  out  of  it  \>'itl'.  ih'  (■liara<-t<:T  of  a  l^iii^lil  w  itlmut 
fear  and  an  abio  olliccr.  Hi'  liad  aftorwanl.-i  stndird  a.nd  i)vactic('d  law  wiih  a]i))li'-;,i  i<,i\ 
and  surrcsj.  Runyrd  Up  cii  ll.idr  rclinion.s  |.,,)iiaiit:<s  and  tliis  niilitaiy  and  judicial 
leputation,  it  i.s  no  wonder  tliat,  (iov.  Clinton  and  (.'hanrclldr  J,ivin^-.ston  .should  takf^ 
notiee  of  him.  'i'hev  luad'.'liim  Aitonicv  (lem-fal  and  1  !ie  i.e.ri'- latuic  sent  liini  to  Con- 
gress,  wluTL'  1  helitve  lie  served  six  years.  At  l!ie  next  election  lie  was  liowever  hd't 
o\it,  and  lu-iiii;- ai  time  somewliat  eniha  n  a^-sed  in  cinai  mstancrs  and  rcli;clant  to 
return  In  the  \^^^r,  he  would  liave  rejoiced  in  an  aj)])'iintment  in  tlie  army.  In  tins  sitiia- 
tinn  I  j>ro;v(-'d  to  \\  a  dnni^tnii  ami  throuich  hi:ii  to  the  tiium\iiate  (\'\"it.-  hin^'tcii,  Hamillon 
ami  I'iiickney)  to  imminate  Col.  Jhiir  Tor  a  Bri,u-adiei  (iem-rah  \\'ashihi.r;on's  answer  tc) 
iiM'  was;  •  i'ly  all  that  I  ha\-e];no\\a  and  he;,rdi,  (.'id.  Ihiir  i^  a  hrave  and  able  oilicer; 
hut  the  'jiie.s'inn  is  wheihei-  he  l;a-~  not  eipial  tajems  at  intrii;ui\'  How  .-^hail  1  de-ciiix- 
to  you  my  sensalMu.i.-i  at  that  momr'nt.  He  leid  cmn].)elii-d  nn  lo  jiromote  over  the 
h.eads  of  ]y;ni:(dn.  Clinton,  (tales.  Jvii^x  and  otheis,  and  esmn  o\er  l'inckni.'\ ,  one  of  his 
own  tiininviratc  ilJamilimii.  the  nmst  restie,-.s,  im]iatienr,  artful,  indefatigahh'  and 
unjirincipled  iurrie-iier  in  the  riiiied  Stales,  if  imt  in  the  world,  to  lie  second  in  com- 
moiid  nnd'-r  liim.stdf,  and  nowdri'aded  an  intriuaier  in  a  poor  hriij.-adiei'.  He  did  how- 
ever pi-ipc,-..  it  ai  least  to  Ihonilton.  Ihit  1  \\<i.-  not  }iermiited  t"  nominate  Ihirr.  H'  1 
liad  heen  v.-hat  would  liavc  h-cii  tlu-  c.  >nsi(ju,Mii'e<  ?  ;~iia[i  J  .-.ay  tliai  Jjamilton  would 
have  heen  now  alive,  and  Hamilton  and  Kurr  m)\v  at  the  head  of  affairs.  What  tlu-n  ".' 
If  1  had  noniinateil  Burr  wiliiour.  tin-  consent  of  the  t  ri  emvirale  a  nCiiative  in  the  Senate 
was  certain." 

Ill  th(>  contc'st  for  PresideiiT  in  h'^DO.  Ilamilion  frie-htened  at  the  seeminir  i)os>ihiliiy 
of  Ihirr  l"-'-;,:iiin,c-  President,  ^-rew  still  im)re  hil  ter  and.  denum-ialo;y.  'J'o'  \Volc,,tt  h>' 
wrot<.-,  'die  will  employ  the  roeaiis  of  all  panics  to  overrule  the  coo  1  men  of  all  parties, 
and  to  prosecute  projects  wjiich  wise  nn-n  of  every  de.-.cri jition  will  disapprove.  These 
thin^T^  are  to  he  infmred  \>ith  cejiainix  from  the  characiei- id'  ilie  man.  llveiy 
steji  in  his  career  proves  thai  he  has  fornn-d  him-. elf  upon  the  imjdel  of  Cataliiie,  and 
that  lie  is  loo  cohi-hloodeil  and  too  determi'ied  a  con^-jiiruTor  e\-er  to  chaiie-e  his  plan,  ■*" 
'••  ""  *       Adieu  to  th.'  federal   'i'roy  if  iliey  once  introduce  thi'^  C re<-iau  liorse  into 

their  citadel."  'I'he  sane- y,.ar  he  wroic  to  Senator  Ihiynid  of  I)(daware,  "IhuT  will  c,_'|-- 
taiiily  attempt  To  ndorrji  the  (i.ivermnent  a  /u  iumapane.  He  is  as  nnprincijialed  and 
danoferons  a  man  as  any  i-ouiury  cau  luiast.  As  tr(H'  .a  Cataline  as  ever  met  in  midnight 

'■'In  personal  intercourse  Hamilton  was  still  m<jre  busy  isml  hitter  in  dtlamaiion  of 
Ihirr,  and  liis  utterances  th  i-own  hroadca-t  over  the  (lountry  andrep.eated  in  ton  thousand 
form-;,  iH'ii'an  to  tell  nponilie  reputation  and  popularity  of  his  \ictim.  At  the  ciiuiiUMice-. 
men*  of  liis  t^rm  of  ollic.'  as  Vice-i'r.-sideiit,  he  was  a.i  the  hei^dsth  of  hi.-,  per.-^ollal  |iop.ii- 
laviry,  irdhience  and  glory:  h'd'oi'e  the  id'ise  of  isn},  h.e  ^vas  suspe.-ied,  c(ndeniii.;d, 
<leri<led  ami  pi  o.-.t  rate  and  this  mighty  revolution  elfected  \vithont  any  w  I'omr  act  on 
his  ]iart,  and  in  spite  of  the  unju  ecedenti  d  ability  he  ha<l  di--pla}edas  I'lesident  of  the 
Senate.'" --7>,/r;',s.  Hamilton  was  not  alone  in  this  work.  Jeiferson  fell  a  deep  resentment 
against  Burr  forha.ving  ;dhiwed  himself  to  be  vot.-d  for  in  the  Hoirse  of  Hi'jiresent;;ti ves 
for  President;  and  -imige  \'an'\e-s  dates  tlu'  hatred  and  emnily  of  the  ( 'li  iilon  family 
■from  the  same  period.  Of  the  latlri'.  .luiU-.e  A'au.Vess  says:  "('onscious  of  the  iiiiquity 
of  ihcir  motives  and  designs,  in  darkness  they  have  made  their  attacks  and  like  c'.vards 
set  to  blast  his  reputation.  One  in  conhdential  whispers  would  hazard  insinnatious  cal- 
culated to  cKcite  lese-iitments.  Another  would  Nvhisjier  into  the  ear  id'  a  friend,  hea.rsays 
wit1i  iiualillcations  ami  mmdi  apparent  sidicitmie  as  to  the  degree  of  tiiilh  to  be  attached 
to  them.  in  these  tortuous  and  hidd'-n  c.>uise..  have  tln-y  purs\i'd  the  character  of  a  man. 
wdiosi-  ci-i.-rgy  and  talent  thi  s  dieaded,  and  in  wdio.-e  pn  seiice  they  hnnddy  acfruowdcdged 
tiieir  inleriiirity."  Burr  ]>jid  no  aiteution  to  im>  course  of  Hamilton  untii  IsoO.  v.dieu  li" 
soiighl  a.u  interview  and  explana.l  ion.  'I'iie  latter  admitted  t!iH.i  in  the  heat  of  political 
iii>cu.,-,i,,n  lediad  spoken  hastily  of  Icirr,  and  iu  terms  imt  u-iial  with  gentlemen,  tuiil 
lu-omis,  d  amendineiiT  in  the  futn.i'i-  Ihir  in  Isol  when  Bui-r  tan  for  (.iovei-nor  of  Xe\\- 
\ork,  Ihitnillon  was  more  \;olrnt  and  bitter  than  t-vei'.  But  for  these  open  and  secret 
attacks  mi  his  ehar.-icter  I'uM'  would  Imve  beru  elected..  Then  cani"  the  letter  of  Dr. 
Compel  in  w  liicji  llamihon  wa^  repmled  .as  expressini'-  "a  licNpicable  opinion"  an'!  'a  still 
more  ih'spirablr  opii, ion  of  Co!.  Bui-r."  'I'hi-  latter  stung  by  defeat,  misreprescn  tar  ion 
and  abuse,  bilie\  iiig  Hamilton  to  be  the  author,  ir.-.t  iga  tor.or  eticounmi-r  of  these  attack.s, 
and  urged  on  bv  his  friemis  wlm  had  loi:g  since  i  oinc  to  llie  that    Burr's  for- 


]:1;AXC1J    OF    KI.7Z.'.  ]!K'jij, 


rival  _l,m  in  t.-nns  oi  rvs,.,.., ;  >;.t  to  ,l,  n.:    ,'  I  'V  ;     :,    j;,;;;;-;!:^-^  .-^p..ak  .,ra 

|nvanal,:vl,,sn,;,.!,u-tio.lay,A.ia,„.a„-inannlr,u     i!..    !,        h  .  ;  'i,  ,  '''"  ''J '''' 

Lav,.  sin,Kl!iitliat  n-luiiMii  t,.  liiin       Tint  ),,.  1,,^  .,',;,„    i  "  ^^  1^"  ui  !.,•  supi,...-.-.!  to 

t;.  .hesu,,,„„-r  nn,a...  .lander,  ulu.-l,  h  '  ln;s  .i.v.VlaT  .;"•,:";::;  ^/r'''''  ''"  '"'""  '""^ 
tl,.-,-an,l,M-  t.M-,.,„,a(li,n  ur  disavow       Mr    J^trr  I',  ,•  1,  ■      "    ""/'■^'^^.t'"'  ninpuiniuuty  or 

mo.u:  lHnin-,.x,.rciM.dlnrhea   an,-.    '     i    f;       i         ^      '';hro>    t-ulln.    .ak,- of  Ik.,- 

lie  Mould  h.'vrrcca-.,.  i,,    Ir-.  o>iiduri    louar,!.   \r,     i  ■"^' !'" -^i''l'     malvs  olcn.-,.:   that 

'^•"1   tl.a  ]„_.nn.fortl:   h.      a^   n  ^n'    u     tu     "       ""  '"  '"'"""  '  >  — "■■t.-.i...  of  Hlo. 

Avhi.-h  ro„.i.t.-nr!v  uukA  :  i'    ,'•.''''<-   '""  "'  ="""■"•.(■,■  thcso  tln-„.:s  to  tl,.  vv,,dd 

-utati., ,,..  ,.,.,aiuct  of sirriialiiu::;;;: .-; :  ;,;;  ,;;r^^^ 

=""I  -•hnra.t.r,      D„t  th.-s..  tlduys  ,uus,  l,av.  ai,  rnd/'      '^  l'>'"^>mon.  o„  lus  lam,. 

TiiK  ])i ■]•:]-,. 

TIk'    liirn-tihi;-  took  ]da....    \V,..;;„.s,i„v    ,],,i^-   I  I     .,--.,     ,  ^.        .,         . 

m.umh.J  attlu-lirst.hlre.  and  died  ,1,,.  n-Vi   aft".rn,',on    *  ^'--'n'lioi!-  uas    inoriallN 

The  consM,j„,.nc,-'S  of  this  ev.-ut  i,,  Unrr  wrre  s'l,.]',  ■,-.  nr,-  .  k  <■ 
visited  iij.on  tlM-  ...irvivor  of   a  d.,rl         T    ■     ,  '^  •- n^'^ '7 '•'•ion- or  sin.r  liavo  hoon  a  iurvof  in,  n^st  '  vo^di^t  o  f"!  n,.!:. '"'''"'r'^  ^;"'"^''  •|">;:--i->r  absurd 
Jndigna.ion  tkat  "f,  lIou-,.'l  Li,n  e^.n^  ,::;':,  ':;:,,;\.,f;^^:iJ;';--^-  -'l-^--nt.  u,nl  an 
Lips.,  of  tin.o,  to  ,he  ond  of  his  lif,./  |)no  li  i^  i  .1  .  '"  ,^^  '" ,  """'V  ""V""'  ^'V  ■■^" 
w  rt'  it  aluas-<  f<.llo.,ve,i  i.v  ^.,,.1,  ,.  „.  '"  t-'iivdh,.,  alrsiird  and  \vi -ked,  and 


>ind  that  Uiiniiiion  justly  uoTiiod  h\<   f'ttr.  '  ''"  i'";'\r"'Ldd.. 


-nopatdJn  .■,,...;  iiatnUtotrS    'l"  ,   id^    nd  .  ^n    ^,  th    X"  .r^  ^'r;'' 'T  ''^^ '^'T''^^  ^'^^ 
"">1  pv<H-..-d..d  to    „:Mrat,.  the  i-.r^h  p 's    "  \^.,    o,  ,  '       '  •'  ^^ '"^'■'' ^"'  ''^^'!  -'-'"i  ''i'^.-elf 

His    eve   h!a/,rd-  his  voir.     n,-.       '',    :-'^"    '  '  '   ^"    ■--'■■ied  lo    o,.    ivkindled  udthin  hinn 

received  front  ihuuilt:         a         dd    'u^/^uTrlnUr'"''  '^TT'  '"'  V'''-^  '""  ^'='^ 
l-or^iven.  and  even  stoo,   -d  to  ren  o    "r-u '■     i    I'  'T  ='"'' J';'-''"'-""  '""i  I'^r^iven  and 

.-i^-hi.  a  wr.'tcd,    de<n-ade(l  Vn  1  ,1  .s    i    ..I       '  !    ""  '""'^■'*  '■^'■'■l'^  '^'  ■^''"'l^   ""t  "f 

^-n.  ih dueii ;l.neht';i;;:' n;.;;;ri of i';;.;;-; :',;r"i;-:!r:::'-:"i i'^^' ''''< t' ^'''^'^t 

<-v.d,-nt  and  e.-wanily:  a  tnan  ^vho  w,>,.ld   Ma      '  nv       ■.  ""7    1'-"  N-ith  b-„,^  ,ual- 


^.e.n  previous!.  :n.  and  had  obtained  ucvorc-'^  She  d'  IIo^JITZ'^I:  ""1  -o.h.r  of  Ale.vand^'r,  f' d 
ciroumjtanccs   h-inu--   straiten.- -1      ^U.v-,r,j»,- ,..^  .   i  ,  ,^     '  ■'^  ''■    "'   -Alexander.       His    father'-, 

H.^re   he  became  clerk  for  NLhoi;s(>rer'rn,^r'^^^^^^  When  r,  yr^"of 

v.ath  such  a  ca.eer.  and  in  r;-r  went  l-/\    V    C   ^ndWuV   a        'P;  ■'''l>'''''.^  '""  ^mbidou.  to  be  sa:isfied 

.^-.resumed  practice  oflawin.N.  V.  C     Hisw      ir^s  u^  r'   .^''''i'    "■;"  J'"';'^  ^^    '•'^"^-  «<^"-    '  i" 

T;r!;i;.  3'.)? 

iiiidcr  it;  hi'  Inol-cd  like  a  (.'(Jii victed  fclnn.'  'It  was  not  tiiic.'  he  CDiitiiiuci].  ■iliat 
llainillou  <li(l  not  lire  at  liiin:  Ilamiltou  iircil  first:  lir  licaiil  t!u'  Im!!  whistle  aiiiiuii;'  the 
hraiirlics  iuxl  sawthr  .scvorcil  twiw- abovr  lils  hi-u'l.  He  s]i  )l;c  ol'  wliat  Ihunilldii  wrotc^ 
on  the  (jveaiiii;-   hi-fnri»  thi-  diiri,  with   iiifini'.i'   CDntriiii/i .  'It   icails'   sal<l   In-,  'liLc   the 

foiiff.-.sioii  (;!';:  ]>riiittMU  iiiuiilc'  These  isohuftl  cx  iirfsslod-;.  my  in  I'urniant  sav.s,  C'liiVfy 
i)(i  i(hM  ^vilau•v^'l■  (it  ih-'  tioi-y  iulp^t'S>ivaIK,■s^;  with  \s  hich  lie  s|m.'.c.  Hp  justilii-tl  all  lii- 
liad  'h>iic-— nay  aiJi>luiuh'il  it.  He  \va.  s  iir)\f;l  t  '  i\\'-  (!i'']i!lis  i,f  ]ii.;  sdiiI.  '1'!ii>  ji-iit-up 
I'ecrmirs  (if  t wcuty-iive  years  hurst  into  sjicerh.  His  co;ii)):iuion  \'.lio  liafj  l-:rio\\n  him 
iiitiiiKitcly  many  yt'iir>,  and  liiul  ncv('r  seen  liini  arouse,!  Iiefore,  was  almost  a\ve-stnii-k 
by  this  straii/rt;  of  emotion,  an.t  the  startlinii'  forri-  .,['  niany  ot"  his  expressions. 
lie  rcmi'inheis  -sviinderinir  that  he  could  ever  hivi>  tlioiejlit  Uiu-r  small  of  stature,  for 
(lurin,^-  ihiy  scene  the  loftiues:^  of  his  (leincan;ir  vas  such  that  hi--  veiy  form  seemed  to 
rJt^e  and  expand.  It  \\  as  lon^  hfd'ure  lie  r<',i,'^ained  his  nsuai  eonqio-.uic.  All  tlu>  wavhotne 
he  still  s]:)oke  ui  tlie  oldi-n  timi^  and  seemed  to  renew  his  ycnuli,  liiid  live  over  ai^aiti  his 
former  life." — Pdrfon'a  Life  of  Burr. 

KAIU:'.S'i:i.[,  T.'l     'illL    SKXATi;.. 

After  the  ilmd  he  jonrnoyeu  until  tie-  neetinu-  ^\\  (,'oiiui'ess  in  autumn,  and  toolc  ]iis 
seat  as  Pros,  of  tin?  Sena'i',  i-vhiMtimr  the  same  eoiniie,.,;;i-e  and  Jii-mttess  of  nerve  as 
ever.  lUirine;  th.e  femainder  of  his  term  not!du,e-  of  imp^i  tanre  iK-curred.  On  Safiirdav, 
.Mar<-h  t?il,  tSii"),  he  took  le.;ve  of  the  Senate  in  an  addre»  Avhieh  wa-^  ,-aii!  to  he  tin- ne'-'-'.l 
digiulled,  Miblirne  a;id  imp.jsiiie-  ;ha.i  was  ever  ntt'Mi-d.  The  v>-iio|e  Senati-  vi-as  \i\  tears 
and  so  r.ninanned  that  it  was  half  an  hour  before  they  could  sutiiciently  recover  them- 
selves to  come  to  order  aud  rhon--'  a  ^■i(t■!-'res  pru  U  m.  On  the  .Moudav  niornim'- 
following-,  two  Senators  in  eonver.a'i. in  v'.-eri  n-lai  in;;- thi-  eiicum  ii-.nce.  One  of  theii'i 
said  tliat  he  v,-ished  the  tradition  nic-jht  be  pre.ser\'fii  as  one  id  the  i;io;,t  c-xtraordinarv 
e\t_']nf  he  lia;]  evi-j'  witnessevl.  Anoiher  Sen. iter,  who  was  aslced  how  lon^i-  Inirr  spo]>;e, 
eonld  fee.-in  no  i(h\i;  "It  ndudit  luive  lieen  half  an  hour,  and  it  mi:/lit  have  bei-ii  but  a 
moment.  \Adien  he  eauie  to  his  .sen.Si-s  he  scenu.-d  to  have  awa]-;i-ned  a,s  from  a  kind  of 
trance."  Buir  himself,  in  nlbaliise'  to  this  aiMrcbS,  saiil:  "Thei-e  was  nothini;-  -a-ritten 
or  ]nei)arcd,  exccjit  that  it  luid  ber-n  some  day^  in  my  mind  to  say  som(-thinc-.  it  was 
the  s.oletnidty.  tho  anx'iety,  the  expectation  and  the  interest  wlTu-li  I  saw  stron^'-lv 
imprinted  on  the  countenances  of  the  auditiu'S  thai  i!is]:)ire<l  wlmtever  wn.?,  said.  T  did 
not  shed  tears  nor  assuni'-  tenderness,  fmt  tr-ai-s  did  liow  abuielantly." 

Till;    MKXIC'AN     I'TMMKrT. 

The  retirement  of  Bnrr  from  the  Senate  eloscil  Ids  jiolitii-al  <-areer.  All  hope  of 
further  advaneeimmt  oreven  of  employment  in  Ids  own  country  was  at  an  ent!.  He  could 
uot  remain  inactive.  He  turned  his  utlentioii  to  Mexico  and  formed  a  sclieme  to  estab 
iish  a  s'jible  ^'overntiient  in  that  eoe.ntry.  with  himself  at  its  he.-nl.  It.  was  a  y-i'and 
desig-n,  ami  hadi  it  succeeiled  \vould  in  all  Imman  pi  ohability  ha\-e  been  a,  ha])p>- 
in  the  liistory  of  that  di-uracted  country.  Many  pi-ominent  men  joined  him,  annuii;- 
them  General.s  Adair  and  Dayton,  (Jol.  Comfort  Tyler  and  t'ol.,  afterwards  (b-n.  Zebnlon 
Pik(-.  Before  the  cession  of  Louisiana  to  France  (ISiJU)  l^aron  Bastj-oj"  liad  coiilrai-fed 
with  the  Sjiaidsh  ()'ovt.  for  about  f(jrty  miles  sijiiare  of  land  m-ar  Xachitoches.  After- 
wards Ool.  Chas.  Lyiicli  agreedi  with  Ba.strop  for  u  six-tenths  intei-est;  aaul  Ihirr  boue'ht 
of  Lynch  for  .s.")0.(X)U  one-half  of  his  interest.  Ihirr's  ])urchase  consisted  of  -lOO.OOl) 
acres.      It  was  designed  to  eoloiu/,e  on  lliese  lands  as  a  bas(^  of  operations. 


On  his  way  to  New  ()ih-an>  in  l^^e.~)  Ihiir  paid  a  \isil  to  Ib-i-man  Blannei-hassetT.  who 
v.asli\in>r  \'.ltii  his  v.ifeon  a  lonely  island  in  tie-  Ohio  liver.  lb-  A\nsb.  in  J-ln^Iaud  in 
]7()7;  of  i  rish  d.-s'i-ni:  grad.  b  nis'  of  Diililin. :  ad  nn  tied  to  pia.ctice  at  the  ha.r;  m.  .\deline 
Agrnew,  dan  of  (b-n.  .-\g-nc-w.  v.  Iio  was  with  Wolfe  at  t,)uei)ec.  Beeomine-  tii>-d  of 
civili-/,ed  s<iciety  in  the  (lid  \\i.i!d  and  ]>ossi  ssing  fortune  and  lei-;ire.  h-  soneht  to  realize 
an  ideal  of  syl\-an  happii-ess  iii  tlie  new.  Ib-eann-  to  .\ .  V.  ciiy  in  l7S)r>,  and  thenc-  to 
Marietta,  O..  wheie  he  bous^dil  the  island  sirie(- c.-d led  by  his  name.  It  lies  a  lew  miles 
liehnv  Marietta  and  contains  alKJiu  Mi''i)  a(-res.  He  imrchased  om-dialf  of  it.  b'r  wliich  he 
paid  .'■;-."i.(»,.Ml.  In  17!H  le-  began  in;pro\iiig-  it  and  lioiii^ht  a  liiir.iry  and  chemieai  appa- 
ratus, and.  ]ihiIo-ephieai  instrunn  nts.  lb-  had  no  idea  cd'  values  and  was  tai-:en  advan- 
(:'ge  of  !i_\  eV(-r\onc-.  1 1  is  impiovements  eosi  .-s  ;.!,(nili  v.ldeii  w  as  a  e-ii-at  d.eal  n. .■.,■(•  than 
they  were  wonh.  lie  lived  in  this  -:oliti;,le  sevi-n  y(  .\t  the  time  of  burr's  visi'  he 
was  deejdy  in  debt  and  had  become  utterly  tired  (if  his  lonely,  monotonous,  inai-t^ve  and 


I'.KAXriJ    OF    ELI/.AHKJMl. 

]>ur]in>.:'li'Ks  cxi.-toncf".  ]!i.^  tlicri'foie  ca^-crly  aviiili  d  hiiu!.(ll'  of  \h<-  (ip]v>il  unity  afTordt-d 
))}•  till'  pnti-i')ii  isf  111'  iUiii'  to  ''sra])!'  at  ilii'  same  tiiuc  Iroiii  liis  rn«(liiois  and  his  iilvsoiur 
.situation.  lli>  ^;lllJ^■(_•4llL•llt  lo.- scs  and  troiiljlrs.  sn  {i\v  asthry  rcsi'.!li_d  I'l^oiii  tlii.salTair. 
iire  due  to  Mr.  Ji'lu-rson,  \sliosi'  inTcircrcuci'  raiis-  d  il>'-  scdicinc  to  tail.  .Afti-r  tlif  ai  i-iv-t 
of  ]5arr.  lihuiin'rliasset  rf'si<k'(l  on  u  cotton  jilantation  in  .Mis.-^.;  tlicnr,'  rcniiivi'd  North  to 
<'dn<;;vto  his  cldidicn.  lu  Canada,  he  pi-artiscd  hnv  awhih'.  In  l:-;;!]  rt-ru.  to  r'nglaiul 
and  (\.  on  iho  Island  of  (Tucinscy,  in  llit.-O'jd  year  of  his  a,L:i'.  lli^  widiiNs-  rrtui-iu-.l  to 
the  U.  S.,  hroiu'l-.t  <-!aini-~  airrdnst  '.he  covri'ni'.ion' ,  a.nd  in  I'^TJ  was  r<-sidini:  in  N.  Y.  ('.. 
\vhili-  ]ii'o.>>-cntin;r  licr  cd-iini.s.  Sin'  was  then  very  juior  and  lix'cd  on  tlif  cliarifx  of 
friend^.  Orii  of  this  nialciial  \"\'ni.  ^^'irt  niadr  u])  llio  jiatlifUc  st.ny ,  which  is  in'intrd  in 
the  S'-)niol  l)i.u|.:s  as  a  rradiui:  lesson  for  ch  i  Id  rcn.  It  pictures  the  isla.nd  asaneaithly 
]iaradi>e.  and  ihe  fjlannerha.-setts  innoeiMit  and  !iui'].y  as  our  llrst  i>a!-t-nrs  lufure  the 
fall,  until  the  e\il  one,  in  the  shape  of  Burr,  iniiuded  into  thi>  new  l-'dcn,  and  with 
t-atanii"  ui't,  iioisoned  their  minds  with  discontent  and  vain  ainhiiion  and  lur-.'d  iheni  on 
to  ruin . 

Til  tin'  suiniic-r  of  I'-O!)  ahoe.t  lorty  men  asse?nliled  at  the  island  i.nd  in  the  !'a;'  ])i'o- 
<-eed'-i\  do\\ni  iht.'  idver  to  the  mouth  of  iln-  Cumljerland,  \\hei-e  tie,  Jiaitv  inerta^eil  lo 
about  otu'  huinlred  nu'U,  with  lliiri'  in  (•(nnnnind.  went  ori  e.  a  jioinr  jiear  .N'atehc;',  where, 
in  consi.-(jiieijee  of  the  hostility  of  lie  administ ration,  the  exp(  d.itioii  wa,s  alianihui(d. 

.\i;i;ksi    AM)  'iriJA/.. 

After  t;'ivini;  r,p  fLe  ex])editi()n,  <'ol.  l?urr  nnnie  his  way  across  lire  co\intry  as  far  a.s 
the 'J"om!)iuhe,-  river  in  the  Mis,-,,  'i't  rritory,  where  In/  v.'as  illegally  am-.-ted  ( Fee.  Ill, 
ISOT)  hy  a  military  force  ai-tim:-  nude:-  the  ,.;d.i'i'^  of  .Mr.  Jefrer-,011.  'I'li^uce  iai-ri"d  to 
Piichnvmd,  Va.,  indicted  for  t!ea-.on,  am!  I  ried.  The  trial  lasted  seven  months.  John 
Marshall,  <  "hief  .1  ustiee  of  the  I',  S..  pre-i'le.l.  .lehn  lianiloiph.  oi  H!.aMol;,e.  wa.s  fore- 
man of  the  jiiiy.  William  Wirt,  w  h.ose  turyidt  (-joipu  i,.-e  n-edi  to  ad,.:u  our  sehool 
l)Ooks.  Mclhe,-,  au'l  (ieo.  liny,  l'.  S.  .Vtim-ney,  '-O'ldni'ied  tie'  prns-entien.  Hurr  con- 
ilucted  his  ow  n  ease  assisT'\l  hy  l!a\er.  l''"tTs.  and  Lnrher  Martin.  Tin'  re]>orts  fill  tw-o 
volumes,  ii  is  a  cnus,  n/d'ri.  The  most  strenuous  eiToit-^  were  niade  to  .-ecure  his  con- 
viction. Parlies  were  ur^'-ed  to  tell  .huh.-e  Marshall  tha!  the  administration  deuianded  ' 
it.  ••  Tell  /'i'}i  that,"  saifl  om-  who  heiier  umh'i  -to;)d  tin  ehaia.etrr  of  that  e-r<'at  'nan, 
"  Yon  mie'hi  a-,  well  tell  him  that  the  admiaiM !  a'.ion  deimuided  tliat  tin  sun  shocLid 
Standstill."  rmn-  -was  a.eipiitied..  After  this  he  was  lield  under  a.  bail  hond  of  .s:;hO0O 
to  ;ij>[M-ar  ill  < 'hio  on  a  cliaret'  of  oriicinittii.i;'  a  .secret  m.ivement  in  that  State  ae;aiiist 
MexicM.      fie  re'.er  appeared. 

IX    lU'HOl'K. 

Soon  after  his  ac([ultt.ul  at  Piichmond,  he  went  to  I'ltU'dand  ^\■ith.  iln-  ohjecf  of 
<m2f!T.,ir!!'fr  the  T^riti>^h  ifo\-.-rnmen;  in  the  ennincipaiiiin  of  Me:;ie(i  fiom  Sp:iiii,  am!  luMran 
negotiations  with  sonn-  i)r(^s]ieet  of  sueeess.  Pur  tie  year  ISil?  sa\'  the  ciiluiin.'Uion  of 
the  power  of  Xa]Tdeon  wdio,  from  a  Lieut,  of  Artillery,  had  in  a  few  ytntr.s  imide  liim- 
self  the  master  of  hhiropie.  .\nd  the  Pritish  (I'lV.  lo'il-:  alarm  at  the  military  repntntion  of 
Burr,  wdio  it  wa-  ajiiireheiided  mi^ht  inn  a  similar  career  in  South  America.  He  was 
therefore  warned  to  leave  the  country,  and  reijUested  to  name  the  place  t<i  wdiich  he 
■v\()iild  e-,).  lie  suLTye.^ted  l-'ranee,  th.'ii  Ireland,  then  Ifussla  or  Smith  America;  Xo  ! 
The  ministry  then  named  lleliivoland,  a  barren  island  in  the  (ierman  ocean.  Pun- 
positively  reftised  to  go,  and  declared  that  the  I'litish  nation  had  not  ]io'.'.i'r  to  cari'v  him 
there  alive.  Sweden  was  det erniined  (Ui.  \\  Idle  in  Pngland  lie  was  tru'  some  time  the 
guest  of -b/remN  Peiitham,  and  lln-y  entertained  I'or  ea<di  other  a  l.igl;  admiration.  At 
Stoc.kliolm  he  \'.a-;  received  in  the  first  circles,  .-md  lor  six  month--  enjoyed  himself 
wifhoni  disturiiance.  Prom  Sweileii  he  proceeded  to  (.'erinaiiy,  thrie c  to  Scotland, 
Holland  aii'l  Palis,  and  was  eve^ywheie  received  -with  marked  distim-lion  and  kindness 
Tlio  literary  and  scientific  circles  of  Paris  treated  him  with  espeeiad  consideratifui,  and 
I)e>'.on,  the  c.-h'braled  t  r.i\"elei-,  and  then  di'ector  of  the  Xapol,e<in  Musmim,  ^.ave 
him  flee  admi-^siicn  to  all  tin-  institution-  under  his  con'iol.  By  th"  go\-crnnienr,  liow- 
<'\er,  he  was    \  iewed    -vith    jeahuuy,    and    was  dct.'iined    in    Pari;;    in-arly   a  year,    almost 

Avithout     liope    of     reh'ase.        1)111  iui;-    this    period     he     was    often     red  lie.  d      to     the     (•ii'Ute^t 

straits.  His  rurels  were  exhausted.  Xo  |-emillances  oi-  letters  a.rrivi'd  I'lom  .\meiir.-i. 
A  few  entries  from  his  journal  sliow  tin-  extent  of  his  destitution: 

•'  Xo\-.  -Jd,  1'">IU,  leithing  from  America,  and  i-eally  1  shall  slai-ve.  Bl)lro^\-ed  iliree 
fiancs  to-day.  hOu  r  01-  live  little  dtd)ts  l<e,-],  me  in  constant  alarm.  A  Itog.'tlicr  ahoitt 
two  lonis." 



"  ])('(•.  1,  )sl(i,  Mr. cjuiif  upon  nic  this  inoininc'-  just,  as    I    vas  out  of  1).'(1,    for 

"27  livics;   )';iiil  lilin,  wliirli  ii  ■(il<  liiciaDy  my  last  sons." 

'•  WIhmi  at  Drnoii's  1  tli(ai;:lit  J  ini;^r]it  us  wrll  i>-i)U,  I'alaso-i,.;  set  olT,  Imt  vc-ullortcd 
llial  1  ()',vt_a  i]r'  v\(.n,au  wlio  sit>  hi  ]>assa^e  1  wo  sons  for  a  riivar;  so  iiuTird  ahimt  lo 
]iursu('  iDv  way  liy  tlu'  J'^'nf  (/<.v  Aii.\  !'fnifiiil)er.'<l  that  1    Iird   not    wlnrt-witli  to  jiav  ilu- 

toll,  hi'h\<r  (,i;.;  sou:  h:\<\  to  -o  all  iho  \va\-  inUllfi  1)\  J'ort  llnyj],  DiolC  tlian  l.a'C  a  liiil.'." 
()nci'  hf  wa--  inh^si.cci.'iI  ly  rrjicx.-.j  \>y  tln'  !)uki>  of  i^assaiio,  tliiMiiu-j.  ihcaiii  of 
])rnon.  At  aiioihrr  tiiiio,  to  :iVo;il  starvation,  lif  translalcl  ji,,ni  Ki.-lish  infn  iMoncli 
two  oriavo  \olnnics  sviii:'li  <'ost  hint  -hrcc  month.s  ,,i  haid  woi'k.  and  lor  -.vliich  lie 
rc(t-i\c(l  one  hundnd  hniis  (ahont  s:'*j4).  "Jli'tlcr,"  iic  s,iv.4.  ■•than  to  starve,  '['he 
cnthais  I'arl  ot  the  story  is.  the  ImAi  eontains  a  ijna.htity  ol''ahuspau(l  libels  on  .\aion 

Ill  additi.'ii  to  th!<  he  xvns  sulij,',-ted  to  itisaUs  and  meannesses  from  Ameriran 
ohieials  and  SMJnumers  in  Paris  wJiieh  slekiaiiii^-   to    relate-.      I  ,S r    ,Ji,nninI  and   Cor- 


Jle  at  last  got  permission  to  leave  tie  fnintr;/,  and  ernssinc:  the  ehanmd  to  Eitwlanil, 
.S(^tsail  .inne  8,  1Sl'-\  and  lande.l  at  Boston. 

:.!i;.   MAsov  u.\i>  ~>\  t'i-)in);A \v.\  fim/.m   ( ().M.M];i;rK. 

His  first  ev]'erieiie,-  in  J'ii..ton  was  a  miid  foretusi.-  of  the  tieatint'iit  tliat  awaiteil 
him  in  his  nativi'  land.  Ih-  \v;is  iu  destitntf  cii-enm^taiK-<  e  Amoiii^'  )iis  rJieels  v,  i  i-e 
.some' valuable  books  whieh  }:e  iuid  Inniirht  in  Eurojir.  Mr,  Jonailian  Ma^Mn,;m  old 
classmate  ami  letiied  merrhant  \\astlien  lixdML':  i"  lioston.  and  t<,-  hini  Cot.  Ihirr  off.-r.-d 
these  hooks  for  sab.',  OI-.  i  I  ]e-e!Vried.  as  s,.cuiiiy  i'oi  a  loan.  Mr  P.,  wlei  boreF.urr's 
Uiessage,  w;:-:  re.j.u'sied  by  .Masm  to  inform  the  u-enilema.n  thai  he  had  withdra.wji  from 
comnmreo,  and  that  it  'Nvas  iiot  eon\-ejiii-iii  {o  ji^ake  adNanee-'. 

AN!''<ll'ATruX^TIli:UlH)SlA CAMI' 

Uf  all  the  forms  of  human  love,  one  ni  the  tenderest,  stroni,o>sr  and  most  heatififnl 
is  that  of  a  faih.'i  for  liis  .iaiurhtei.  'j'ln'odosia  was:  an  onh-  child.  L.isiiic  her  mother 
in  cJiihlhood.  without  brotlic  r  or  sistei\  her  fatlier  1iad  lilbd  lhe]>'aeeat  once- of  fatlu-r, 
motlu-r,  ccmipanion  and  tea.rin-r.  Despisinu-  as  In- did  the  vain  a.a-omi>lishmems  and 
frivoh'us  pursuits  of  tiir  ra-liionable  wumnt  of  his  (iay,  and  havintc  a  loftv  ideal  of  tlie 
]ios.sibilili(s  (if  female  culture  and  rtev.  1- .pmnif ,  ]u  "soiiLrlit  tu  reali/.-in  Theoi'o.'^'.a  his 
ideal,  and  to  shoA-  tin;  w.u'ld  what  a  u.dl  cdueat.d  woTMaii  slen'.ldbe.  liow  well  he 
suecei'dcd  1--   a.hi-ady  ktiox\ui. 

izi  South  Cai-oliiia  site  mainiained  her  i)!:u:e  at  the  head  of  societv  with  diiniitv,  but 
v.ithout  liatmir,  eapri<<-  <n-  vanity.  Slio  \\as  cous'dored  a  imMlel  <d'  onrit',  .  iiltelliLo-nre 
and  lovclimss.  Jn  makin^^  Th.-odo-a  l..\  ely  aial  ..miable,  her  father  lunl  made  h.-r 
<-a;.ahle  (,\'  lovin^-  and  arhuirim;  wh.atevei'  \vas  woithv  in  (;ili*^!-s.  She  :fdn;ired  and  lovfd 
her  fatiiei-.  and  none  km-w  him  beti.-r.  She  ei;.m]>are.;  hint  with  others.  "  Ofb'i,,"'  slie 
.says,  "aftei  relleet  liig  on  this  siilij.Tl,  you  aj-p.-ai  to  me  so  sni.erior,  So  elevat.d  above  a! '. 
other  men,  I  eont.'m))late  you  with  such  a  si  ton;;-  mixi  u  re  cd'  humilit\  ,  admiratieui,  rever- 
6:iice,  lo\e  ami  ])ri  !e  that  Very  little  superstition  would  be  necessaj  v  to  mak<'  me  woiship 
you  as  a  sujierbu  bein^::,  smdi  entl:nsiasm  doosvora-  cxeiti'  in  me.  When  1  after- 
wards revolt  to  mysel''  liow  insiiinifiean!  do  m  v  bi-st  qualities  api)ear.  .M  v  vanitv  would 
]»f  jj^reaier  luel  1  not  hecu  phieed  so  neai- yon .  aiid  vet  in\  lu-iih-  is  in  mir"  Kda.thui.ship." 
Theabiise,  sbmder  and  odium  Inees-antly  heajied  J,„,ii  h'ini  served  but  to  intensifvher 
■admiration  and  love,  and  to  arouse  within  hei'  a  biihiime  d.evoiion  i-a)uibie  of  any  s.-ierliiee 
for  his  sak-e.  "  Indeed,"  she  wiites,  "1  witjiess  voui- i-xtraoidina.rx  fnrtiiude 'with  ihav 
wonder  at  every  new  misloitune.  Kraxc  the  stoian;  if  tin  v.aust  comes,  1  will  leave 
eve.A  thine  te  snlTei  with  yon.  I  would  ralie  r  not  live  than  not  be  the  dan-hter  of  sii-di 
n  Tiian."  He  was  suiv  then  of  one  \\elr,,.ue  ill  America,  one  deer  was^, pell  to  liim. 
Associated  with  d'heoeosia  in  ail  his  thoimhts  was  his  little  erands.m,  Aaron  Ihirr 
Alston,  of  whom  he  never  spoke  bm  -.Mth  an Cndearinu'  diminutive.  The  i:rst  lispiiie- 
<dTort  of  tins  l)oy  to  prone.unee  the  NM.rd  ■"  -raealpa  '  resuited  in  "  eanip/-  and  ever 
afterwards  Burr  called  himsell  ;uid  il.i,.  boy  "  ( Jam  j.  "  indlsei  iminaKd  v.' 

Theodosia  wa  ;  in  Smnh  Camlinia:  she'  was  to  meet  ber  father  i'u  New  York.  II.' 
rame  on  by  water  from  Uosi.ui.  and  wlieii  (df  Mill  liiveron.  Lou--  Ishmd  S.nnal  he  makes 
llie  loilowin;.-  entry  in  his  j,,urnal:  "  .Jul\  .-),  l^TJ.— 'Idie  wind  fell  l.isi  evenim;-.  and  the 
night  wa-  (aim  and  j.erf  .  :!y  dear;  smd,  a  sky  as  J  nee-  r  saw  in  ihmland  or  idance.'  I 
]iasse(l  Si. me  lumrs  on  .!.-ck  admiiin--  the  luiiliancx  id  the  siais,  thdi-  majestic 
marcli  tJiiongh  inliuiie  s],ace,  ami  iracine  the  hand  <d' Omni  pntenee.     rivsiimpt  uous'aim  I 


luiANcii  or  in.izAiiKur. 

Yci  lline  is  a  cliai-ni  in  siirli  foi]tcin].laliuii  of  v.iru-h  voii  (Tlicodosia)  know  nil  ihc 
liixiifv.  It  is  iiiil\  vnii  w  Imisc  <(K-i.-ty  1  coLil'i  cmlurr  on  sm-li  an  occasion.  Vc-,.  ami 
Jiiy  dear  'it  tie  (lamp  tc)  iiit  nnlnci' lo  liis  (jprnWi;:  mind  tin-  wonders  of  nai  uic  and  tin-  <',u  !  " 

.Mrs.  .\;-!c.]:,  in  on  ■  of  lici-  letrcrs  to  In-r  tutli.M',  wrius:  •  Mv  son  is  at  rmics  S"i/,,.ii 
with  a  sincular  kin<l  ol  lor|ior — a  licavy  list  Icssnoss  whcd.  is "  impossible  fo  r.-mov,. 
Tlicsc  liis  do  not  ja-t  aijovc  a  day  at  a  time.  lie  is  ?iatiiially  liv.dy."  (.)n  one  o;  ca.-.imi 
}ie  liad  ;rri'atl\  plcaseil  liis  ,ui'aiid  latlier  liy  aji  cNliil.ition  of  extraoidinars  couiaLTe  in  ,,\]:- 
soyoiiue-.  lie  was  rceaidcd  as  an  nniisnally  inicrcsiina-  and  ))romisi'nti-  (diild.  Ki\e 
days  lu'iorc  (.Iniie  :M).  l:<]2)  the  entry  (pioied  ahove  he  died  in  So.  Car.  of'l'cver.  and  -.vas 
then  ii;  his  c-nwe. 

'J'lie  licaltii  of  .Mis.  .\lston  had  iieeii  deliiMtd  for  some  --ears.  .\s  earl  \-  as  I , Si  1.5 
appn-l'cn-ive  of  ati  early  death,  she  liad  pr''pAre<|  a  letfcr  to  he  ■j]\  .-n  to  .^I  r.  .M'st^n  af*'-!- 
her  de.ease.  ft  is  in  the  iiatuie  of  a  will,  and  was  foi.ud  anion;:  her  papers.  'J'ho-i^.ii 
intended  only  for  the  eye  nf  her  iuishand,  it  hreathes  a  spirit  so  -olemn.  tender  and  aii'ec- 
lionatc,  and  portrays  so  unconsciously  her  sweet,  delicate  :nid  iU/Me,  nature,  that  it  wa^ild 
be  wron;;  to  wit  hold    it. 

Tl!l'.()l)(i>l.v's    W  II.I,. 

An.ij-.  (i.  ]s(C,.  The(jdoHa  to  Joseph  Al.slon.  '•Whether  it  is  the  efTect  of  extreme 
debility  and  disordered  m  rve.--.  or  wdietln-r  it  is  a  real  jnesent iineid  of  the  e\i,-tence  of 
\eliich  I  Inn-e  been  often  told  and  always  diuil)ted,  1  cemiiot  tidl:  lin!  sonieihin:-  whi.s[jev> 
me  that  my  (-!>d  api'i-oache,^.  In  vrrin  I  leavoi,  willimys<!f;  in  vain  1  o"iaipv  ir,v  irjjt'<i 
and  seelv  It)  (ix  my  attention  on  other  >uliject--:  tliep.  js  about  m.'  that  dread  ful"  Jieavines^ 
aie!  sinl.inu- of  heart;  that  iiwfii!  foreb,  ..(ine- of  whicdi  it  is  impo,-<ible  to  diveM  n.vst  If. 
l\'rhap-  ]  am  now-  sttnidiiie-  on  the  brink  of  eternity,  and,  ere  I  phtn:;e  into  the  fear*'!;; 
al\v<s  1  ha\'e  some  few  reipie.-ts  to  make. 

'•1  wish  your  -istei-  one  of  them;  it  is  imnitHerial  which,  wciald  .v.-leei  fr,im  t^v 
clotlies  eeriain  thines  v.hich  th(>y  will  easii_\  perceisc  beloijeed  to  m\  niotlu-r.  'j'ht -,(• 
with  whalr-verlaee  they  may  liml  in  -a  larg-e  truttl:  in  a.  eariet  room  of  the'Ckiks  laue^e,  addei 
TO  a  little  .sitin^vood  iir.x  (;the  lare-est  and  haviim-  a  loc]^  and  kevt  a.nd  a  blad'r  <-i'f-'>. 
emhroidered  box  with  a  ]'iii  rnshion;  ad!  tliese  tliimrs  J  \vish  ihe\-  \<'oitld  juit  toe-^.tJiHr  iii 
one  trtinlv  tind  send  them  to  Fred.,  v.itli  the  em  losed  letter,  1  ju-td'ei  ]iim,  fie(  ;uise  i>ar- 
To\v's  wife  \^-ould  have  litth;-  respect  bu-  what,  liow  ever  ti  iilini;  it  luay  app.ear,  1  never- 
tlielcss  deem  sacred.  I  bei:  si-ter  .Maria  will  aeo-jit  of  mv  watch  rin-j'.  She  will  find  a 
locket  wliicli  she  ^ravi' me  contaitiitie-  the  li;d>' of  her  mother.  Sh>  h:'cl  better  take  it 
If  the  ku-e  in  my  wardrobe  at  the  Oaks  will  be  of  anv  use  to  Chaih-iLe,  T  l)ef  slie  will 
take  ii,  or  an^l bine- cdse  she  wishes.  .My  heart  is  with'Tho--e  deiir  amiable  sisler.s  to  n-i%-e 
tlicm  sontcthine-  wortli  preserving  in  Tocollection  t,(  me;  bet  they  kn^w  that  a  warm 
friendskin  is  all  1  have  to  eive. 

Heturu   to  inamma   tlie  eaole  she 

Should    i1je    opjiiu-tuidty  to    Ca 

Brown  eveveccur,  send  her  a  ptail  lu'cldace.  a  small  d.iamond  riuu,  a  little  tiairof  •eu;:!^ 
ta!i]ets,  whicli  are  amon;:  my  trinkets  tit  the  (»aks.  I  tu-ay  you,  mv  dear  htisliand.  send 
Iktrtow's  dauL'-hter  some  jiresent  for  me,  and  to  liimself  aiul  Frederick  a  lock  of  mv  hair. 
Iteturn  Natalie  the  little  desk  she  gave  me,  aeeomptiided  by  as.-,[irance.>  of  m  v  affeetiotiate 
recollection,  ;ind  a  rinu:  ol'  my  liair.  Uemember  me  to  Sally,  who  is  tiulv  amiable  autd 
wliojn  )  truly  esteem. 

I  bee  also  you  ^^■i^l  write  imnu'diately  to  New  ^Oi'k.  forwardini;-  some  mouev 
for  the  comfortable  sup'portof  Peiji'-y,  until  my  father  can  ]>rovide  for  her.  hv,)  not 
permit  ,<:rief  at  the  loss  of  me  to  render  you  fore-etful  id'  ibis,  for  the  poor  creatnrt>  niav 
exjiire  of  want  in  the  meantime.      I  bee-  thi-  thiim-  may  be  attended  to  without  delav. 

'I'o  you.  my  beldved  htisband,  I  leave  onr  child;  tiie  child  of  uiy  bo-oin  ami  win")  was 
once  a  pait  of  myself,  and  from  whom  I  sletll  shortly  be  se]>anited  b\-  the  cidd 
You  love  hiut  now,  her.cefortb  love  liini  for  nu- al.-o.  .\udoh,  m\  hu-bat;d.  attend  to 
tlie  last  pwtye!  of  a  dotil.--  mothiu-;  never,  never  lisleli  to  what  any  otle'r  per-oo  tells 
vou  of  lii'it.  ]'ey,;ur-(df  his  j udiie  C)n  a  1  i  occasioies.  lie  h;i>.  his  faults;  ^eetleu'.  and 
correct  y<HU->el  r.  1  )esist  not  an  instant  in  yon  r  endeavors  to  seeure  his  confidence. 
It  is  a  work  which  leipiires  uniformity  of  (  (imiucf  as  v.-ell  as  Wi  alth  oj'  airection  Tow.inN 
him.  !  l;now-,  my  beloved,  that  you  can  fon-e..  what  is  rieht  on  this  snl-'jecr  as  on 
every  othiu-.  but  re"o!lecl  ;he-.e  are  the  la<t  w.u-ds  1  can  evm-  utter.  It  w  ill  tramjuilize 
inv  hist  imunenis  to  have  disburden",!  myself  of  them. 

■  1  y(ui  Nviil  be  scarcely  able  to  read  this  scrawl,  but  1  I'eel  hurried  and  aiiitaied. 
De.ith  is  no;  \\ele'.nn-  to  me.  1  confe-s  it  is  e\  en  dr.aUed.  Vmi  have  made  me  too  bind 
of  life.  .Adieu,  then,  tlem  kind,  thoo  teiulm-  hn-b' -al  .\dieu,  fii<  ci!  of  my  .^!a^ 
heaven   jireserve    ymi  and    may  we   r.ieet  iiereafter.      Adieu !  jierhaps    we   may  lu'ver  see 



<•  ntlifr  ;!,;;Min  in  lliis  wnrld.  Vi>ii  ru-e  iiwiiy;  I  v.isiii.d  t(j  linld  you  fast  ami  ]i|-fveiit 
yon  fniiii  ^;uiiii;-  Il^!^;  inoniiiii.';;  l>ui  III'  wlin  is  \\isilMtii  iisrlf  ojdcts  <  vents;  \\c  must 
^ulimil  til  tl'i-iii.  J,<a>i  III'  all  sliould  I  niuriin'r,  I,  mi  wIkdi  ;-■!  niaii\-  ljli-ssiiio-s  lia\f 
Im'cu  slicAtTfil;  w  !:m:''  (lays  luiM-  licai  liUlul'ci  cil  l.y  bnu  lit  ii'S ;  win,  iia\  !■  Iiail  sMcli  a 
liuidiaiid;  sufdi  a  cliild  and  sucli  a  ratlifc.  Ulil  iiaidmi  iii.',  niy  'u)d,  if  I  icuTct  to  l<"a\<.- 
tli'-io:  I  i-i'si.rp  myself,  .\dieu!  imre  mn-e,  aud  tdiilii'  la- 1  time,  my  hidiAed,  Spea]<  of 
me  fd'i'-ii  lo  (inr  :-inn,  let  )iini  l(>ve  tin-  UHUKiiy  (d'  his  iiidiliei  and  let  him  jnow  liosv  l;e 
was  loved  by  her,  you i-  w  1  |e,  ymir  lend  \vit(\  'i'le-ndesia.  my  father  >ei-  m\  son, 
souietime,--.  Po  net  lieuii!<iiid  tdwaids  liim,  wimm  1  liave  ]o\i'd  somiudi,  1  lie-;.-ecdi 
you.  nmii  a!!  my  ])a|iers.  excepi  my  fatlier's  lettei-s,  svlii(h  I  hen-  v.iii  ]iim. 
Adieu,  my  s\>-ee!  hoy;  hi\e  your  lather;  he  eral'-fu!  aiid  a  fT'eet  innate  l<i  jiim  as  !:ili-  he  lis  es; 
]!'■  the  jiride  o!'  his  meridian,  tlle  siip|ioitnt  liis  dec  liidiur  d;iys;  iieajl  that  h.ewi^jies, 
lor  he  made  v.  mr  ami  her  ha  ])]  ly.  t))i,  my  llea\-enl\-  j'aiher,  lih-^s  them  heth.  1 1'  it  is 
peimitlfd  1  will  hovei-  rnurid  you  and  !;ataid  you,  and  inTei<;ede  for  you.  I  hoj.e  \t,y 
li,'!]i]i:m-,s  in  the  m-:-.t  wae.dd,  feir  1  have  not  heeii  had  in  thi^,. 

"  [  had  nearly  inr"otleu  to  sas  that  1  (diai'L'e  you  not  Id  allow  me  to  he  srrinp-'d  a.nd 
wasjied.  a^  is  usual ;  1  am  jiure  eJidUgh  thus  to  reiu.nt  to  dust.  Why  tlien  (  .\]iose  mv 
])efsou".'  l^ray  see  td  tlds.  If  it  (h,;-s  not  a]iiieai'  coiitiadieiory  or  ^illy,  ]  heu  to  lie  K-i.-ju, 
as  lono  as  ]iossih!e  hefiu'e   1   aijt  fdieULiueil   lo  the  earth." 

(llireeied:  "Myhtishand;  lo  he  delivei-ed  after  my  death ;  1  wish  tliis  to  Ix?  read 
immediatidy  hiddre  my  burial."') 

Tin;  t.AST  .iinjTixKv. 

I!y  the  death  of  her  sdu  Mrs.  Alston  was  rrj-eat  !y  j/rosl  rated.  She  longed  to  meet 
lier  father.  I  inhu- d:'.te  Auj;.  l'^,  IM'J,  she  wiotf  :  "J  wish  to  .-,ee  yen  and  will  leave 
1l\i^  as  sodii  as  )i  issihl-'.  [  fould  tidt  iro  alone  hy  land  foi-  our  coarhman  is  a  i:reat 
druuK'ud  and  re,|uiies  tie'  lu-esem-.'  of  a  ui:!,-,ter,  and  m\  husband  is  obli.^O'd  te  wait  for 
a  military  rdurt  id'  imjuiry. "'  (Jii  tin'  oUth  of  Dec,  ]i-^V2.  she  embarlced  at  Gr'diuitown , 
S.  C'.,on  llie  srh').nier  Patrii^t  fdi-  Xew  "i'luk.  'i'he  vessel  did,  notarri\e.  For  motii  iis 
her  talhi.u-  \saited  in  an  airduy  of  susj.ense.  In  hiter.--  to  (mu.  Aisbm  he  enireaied  Jiim 
to  give  sduio  Jidpe:  that  th,e  vessel  liad  put  into  sum.-  p(u-|  inxl  \M.edd  yet  Ite  Ima-d  frdu,. 
No  t.idin,es  ever  rauie.  Ilepe  she.vly  j.'-ave  way  to  de.-pair.  l-'nun  tliis  b'.dw  ]\r  never 

At  tlie  time  it  was  Cdmnninly  sui>pdsed  tluit  the  s  essel  foundeied  at  se.n  in  a  heavv 
trade  a  lew  days  al'ii-i  leavimr  pdit.  Many  believed  that  sh(-  iiad  been  eaptured  In- 
yiirates,  ^\  hn  infested  soulhen;  wa.tei-s.  and  luu  crew  and  ]ia-s-en:.>(U's  mu;der(.-d.  lii  [Hl'u 
h  Xi'w  "^  ork  e'ly  nev;spa]>er  i-ontaim-d  tlie  fdllowinu-  exira'-,^  taken  fri/Ui  \]<r  ]Vii.\h- 
iKi/toii  Post: 

TIIKODOSI.V     1',I:UUS     KATK — 'JUT.     .\1,L1X;  1',!  >     (OX  FF.SSK  .>;     Of     A    l'r:.\  ITl.XT    OJ.O    I'iKATi;. 

I  8ee  hy  the  C]il,-n,u,  J  .,1,  r-On  n  n  of  Juno  2S,  and  tlie  VJiichjn  'ri)i),.s  of  July  7,  (hat 
the  mystery  contieeted  "AitJi  the  (d'  Tln^odosia  llurr  Al<!<«n  has  been  aeiiin  brdiie;ht 
to  jmblie  notice.  As  the  artiele  in  tliese  pa.peis  v.  a;;  taken  fnuii  tlie  l^ ,  !  wi'ite  to  you 
because  my  sloiy  coiu-obora tes  it. 

In  l^•;.")(.)an  (Jd  man,  wlm,  yeai>  h'Udre,  had  be(Ui  a  s.iiliu',  an  dccupant  (d'  the  Cas.-- 
county  ]>onrhdnse,  C'assdpdlis,  Mich.,  in  ton-rersin^-  witli  a  lady,  the  wife  ef  a  Midhndist 
ministei-,  a!i<un  his  past  life,  iilled  wiih  v.  rdnL;-ddi!iy  and  crime,  said  that  the  net  whiidi 
(au~e'!  him  the  )nd..-i  remorse  was  t  lie  li  ppi  •,,:;■  of  the  plank  dU  whiidi  .^i  I's.  Alstoii,  ihe 
(laught(U'  (d   Aaioii  Hun,  'isalked  inlo  tlu'  ocean. 

Said  he;  "  1  wa-  a  sa.ilor  on  a  pirate  vess(d.  ^^'e  ca'ptured  the  vessel  la  whicli  tliis 
lady  was.  \\  lien  told  slu-  must  Nsalic  the  planlv  into  tin'  ma'au  she  asked  tor  a  few 
moments  alone,  w  idu  h  was  uiaiited,  Slie  came  forwa.i-d  ^\hen  told  luu-  time  liad  e:.;pired., 
(he.-^.S'd  bcaurifully  iu  white,  thehcvliest  woman  I  liad  evei-  -een.  Calirdv  shesiepped 
U]aui  the  pla.iik.  \N'ith  eyes  raised  to  the  heavens,  and  haiids  (U'e:-.-''d  reverentiv  ujion 
lier  bdsdu:,  she  w  rdl;"d  s!(;uly  and  lirmlyinto  tiie  ocean  withoui  an  ajiparent  tremof. 
Had  1  I'dii-ed  to  pel-form  niy  waud;,  as  1  wi^li  \v\\\\  .all  my  heart  I  had.  m\-  death  would 
luive  been  sill  e  and  <erta'n." 

'Idiis  is  the  ti  stiuioiiy  of  an  a]uui.-,t  dyiii;' ma  n,  the  camfession  of  ilie  most  terrible 
act  (d  his  lite.  ji  seem-:  to  me  when  an  (dd  man,  hi  uioaniui;  his  life,  Iilled  wiih  ,^.in, 
mal-;es  suidi  a  con  f'-s'-ion  wilhoui  any  oiher  pi  d\-dc,ei  idn  whao-sar  ihati  tlu'  unbii  rdeiiiui;- 
of  his  .soiil  during;  his  'preparation  mm'  anoiiier  iH'e— bu'  death  cam.  soon  aftei  —  iliaX 
there  must  lie  triiili  in  his  statement. 

405  miAXciL  01-   ]:]JZA j'.j-Ti!. 

'I'lif  l;i'ly  to  uliojii  llir  cDiifcssiu!!  UKulf,  ic | iriit I'll  lo  my  trni'idiiioih^'i-,  svliosi- 
maiden  ikuiic  \n:i.s  .Mmy  l-Mw  aril-,,  and  '.vho  was  ;i  (•iivi>iii  (,f  Aaruii  \]'iry.  tlic  storv  as  I 
]iavc  told  ir,  as  slir  liad  1i  i  uu.iitl}  Ik  aid  hiT  spiak  (d  the  niv.^tciv  ^(lln•(•|■niu^■  tlic  dratli 
of  Mrs,  .\lsi,.!i.  ■  "      S'I'J-'.LLA    A.  7)1;AKJ-:. 

Sm;<;is,  Si.  .)o  Comny,  .Mii-ii..  July  '?;. 

,-\iT.M- till' d,-aili  of  id-  v.ii't'  and  M.iM  a  s-lt  led  di--]  iMiidcDcy  Wjok  posscssi,,),  ,,f  Mr, 
Alsion,  j')-i>i!i  wldidi  notlihiu  could  aimisc  liim.  lie  d.  ai  < 'iia-ir-;toii  S  ('  Si'pi  10 
ISIO,  u.  :JS  y.-.MS.  ■•■■!•. 

}n'.sr\i  ts  ri;.\<"'i  \<\:, 

Sof>ii  afliT  Ids  aiiival  in  ^'('^\  Vor]<  (ol.  l'.;i!i'  opened  a  lawoHire,  lliou«_di  soiue- 
lliing  lil- !■  a! 'la!  ion  ap]>.-al-ed  to  be  fniiiiinLj-  a  ya  ii,,-!  Id-  letiuiiiji--  Im  tl.e  Ijai:  lint 
llie  more  l.oiKM-alde  ineDil,,-!-,  nf  the  iiKilr-sinii  relu'-rd  I.,  j,,Mi  it,  and"  aiiionii-  otlier.s  wdio 
.s)inriied.  tiiis  e,,!ispii-a.ry  lo  starve  jiiiii,  ^^■as  Cadwalder  D.  ('oMi  n.  'Idic  erfut  rei-ntiitioii 
<.f  I>urf  a,-  a  la^\■yel,  Ins  familiarity  with  reeinds,  the  aiu-estry  of  prnndn'ent  raunlies  and 
llie  ti  imre  of  titles,  seruied  fuj-  iiiui  at  onee  a.  laiiie  a.!,d  proljtalih-  lei-ne  -s.  He  was 
<')nji1o;,.-d  on  alinoat  eveiy  hiiid  ease  on  the  doed^ei,  and  his  inronie  was  so  i;oiisi(leralde 
that  he  miylii  have  aevpiiied  a  fortnn.e  ],u\  foi'  hi-  i'\,-::.-.]vr  lioerarit\'  and  fari'h-.^sness 
in  tlie  use  of  money.  J'or  many  \eais  hullier  NJaiiJn  wa-  Lis  i^nes:.  To  the  necdv 
uround  him.  he  acted  as  if  lie  were  tin'  eiiaidian  trii-iee  of  a  larL;-e  paitlinonv  for  their 
henefit:  wlole  l,.-  lived  ithstnniously  and  slept  ,,-,  a_  -e-tie,..  i; ncomlortahle  enoiieh  f,,r 
ii  friar  ^f  La  '  Ida  ope,  ')dn-  remainin,;- years  of  iiis  life  tliunu-li  mariy,  are  .so,ni  told,  tlione-h 
U  Voltime  of  exceedin--  iliTciest  inisiii!    oeJilled   witli  tUMedoles  relatini^'   lo  this  Jieiiod. ''' 

(K- I  i:  \fisM, 

lie  was  tinpopnlar.  His  Inisiiiess  f(ll  olT,  lie  vised  to  pa-s  whoh'da\s  in  liis  loiwlv 
;-nd  dine-y  oi|i,.,_.  m  Kcade  street,  \\ith  head  sunli  iij.nn  his  hreast ,  a  ppaien'tP,  ahsorhedi  in 
mdanelioly  reiiectiou-.  Wl-en  ],,•  wall;ed,  tlie  .streets  h,e  ac(|niied  the  liaidl  of  iookini; 
11])  furtively  \vill!()iit  rai-in::  Ids  liead  to  see  if  the  ai)proa<ddinL'_  ucpiadulanee  nn  ant  to 
etithim,  which  wa-^  e.-iu'i  a!  iy  tie'  intent  ion.  The  lic\'.  (ia  Miner  .-pin:;-,  i '.  1 ».,  cautioned 
his  tather  not  to  call  on  Ihirr  a-  he  ha.l  lost  ca.sic  ji  was  a  peri.ul  of  complete 
Joneliiu-s.  (m'  mournful  meuneies,  and  of  soiial  ostiacisni,  which,  however,  did  Ufit 
emliiiier  his  f((lii,c>,  Tln'i-e  is  a  touch  of  i)ity,  n..t  unmin-deil  ^,-it],  admiration,  in  the 
account  eiveii  oy  U  illiam  II.  Sew.ard  o:' ;m  interview  h.e-  had  with  Hurr  in  l^:il,  'j'hev 
were  oj)posinu  counsel  iji  a  cham/eiy  suit,  audi  the  call  for  the  -jmrposc  of  arraiurini'- 
the  tiim-.  ,M  I ,  Sewaril  tf  lis  i  in  -t(jr\-  in  a  letter  te  .Mis  Scward  '■  tiei  \':i\y)-)  %sm.-,  ;,•  (],,, 
.'deicdiautr  ■  K\changi'  (.Aiiiauy).  (Uie  of  the  toiirth  class  iiouses  of  the  citv.  1  cuuld  not 
hut  think  a.-.  1  ascended  the  nariow  dirty  staircase  to  Idis  hnlicin^-  in  a  small  two  licldcd  in  the  upper  story,  of  tin- cduii  asi  between  liis  present  -late  and  that  lieiiijoved 
when  heconicnded  so  Imic-,  even  hainh-dt,  with  Jeltei.-on  for  the  presideni  i;d  chatr  ('•ii'th>' 
second  .lectiua  after  llie  retirement  of  \\'ashin-io;i,  ].',  lias  lo.-t  ju-opert^',  fane.',  clnir- 
uctcr  and  liomu-  (.>nc'.'.so  ^••ay,  <•>  fashionable  in  Id-  diess,  so  fa.scinatin,!;-  in  his  manners, 
so  glorious  in  his  eloipience  and  somi^hty  in  his  infhieiice.  liosv  altered  did  he  seem  as 
he  met  mt\  ilrawinga  ci:)arse  wo(den  surimit  over  his  otliei  ch;thes,  his  coarse  cotton  shirt 
and  cri'.vut;  ytrugarliue-  hy  the  form  of  modern  fashions  i,,  display  the  j)rotid  spirit  of 
the  weaver;  hi.s  i'ew  grax  hairs  just  tilled  \vith  imwilcr,  put  on  as  iliichlv  as  j^aste,  v.'et 
down  and  smoothed  over  ld<  head,  his  l'oi-m  slirivelled  into  iiii>  dimeiisions  almost  'of  a 
dwarf;  liis  voice  fm-getfnl  of  its  former  m-lody;  \vhile  nau;j;ht  remained  to  express  tlie 
daring  s])irit  of  his  youth,  but  his  keen,  brilii:'i!it  ihirl:  eye.  '  \l,'  ai)|)roarh"d  me  wdth  the 
iur  and  demeanor  of  a  c^r-iith^nian  of  the  old  school,  and' as  I  sho(dv  hi.s  shrivelled  and 
trembling  liand,  1  f<di  a  thousand  recollections  c(jme  to  my  mind  of  a  nn)st  un])leasaut 

M.VD.V.N.'   .ifNrK.n.-'' 

'i'owaids  tlie  last  Ihirr  became  iipp:ehensive  ni'  cimiplet.-  desertion  and  liomeless- 
iies.s,und.  under  t.h- inlluemc  of  this  fear,  he   married    Madam    Juniel,  for   w  In.un  he  had 

*  About  20.1  years  aijo  Kior-itcd,  a  H.'.Haiidor,  owned  a  rnui^di  V.nm  r.ii  Ihirlcm  Ucij^hts.  I'Voin  liis 
heirs  it  pr'.ssed  to  a  Mr.  Corr.'-ii.  A  lew  years  bcioi  e  Die  revolution  C.tA.  Geo  Morris,  wlio  had  been 
aide-de-camp  to  Gen.  Bradd  .)ck  and  an  iiuitnato  ini-ndof  Col.  Geo.  Washinp'ton,  biju^ht  it.  Tn  i7si> 
\Vashin,i:ton  and  Morns  visiti-d  N  V.  and  were  cricnaincti  at  the  house  of  Mrs.  iJeverly  !  Pr,i;)ipse) 
Robinson.  Her  beautiful  and  accon-.plished  sister,  .M;u-y  I'  was  witli  her  at  the  time;  AWr^liin-'idn 
fell  ill  love  \viti>  .%tary  and  il  is  said,  pe-ipo-^ed  !r.arri.i--e  a;id  \v<i-,  ll.iii  v  reluscd  .  in  17,5  she  ni .  t\)l 
Morris,  .^bout  ths. time  Col.  Morris  biiil;  ihc  m.ia-ior.  \vhi(.h  alLeru-ards  became  r.b.e  njmel  rehidence 
A  pari  of  the  l:cid  v.-as  uilcea  ye.irs  aco  U.r  the  1 1  i-1;  Crid.ue  i  e-.crvoir  and  jiai  k,  nie  Croien  Aqueduct 
and  loth    aveiuic.     Col.    M  orris,  I'evcrly  Robinson  and    the    I'liillipses  were    loy.disi,,  and    aiterihev\ar 

VAllM.  403 

<l()nc  somo  la^^  Inisiiirss.  'I'hc  ci'ii'iuony  Um1<  phce  jii-t  liftv  y<nirs  t'nim  his  fiisi  iiiiir- 
ria"'c,  Jiii'l  was  iiiM-l'ni'iiicd  \>y  lin'  s:tiii'_'  clcTLi'vinnii  dfliciatini''-  oii  tlm'  nci-asion.  i;c\-.  I)r, 
lloircrl.  ])ip-."  \\a^  ill  the  T-Sil,  vrar  of  lii-  a<j:i-.  Tiit-  m-w  niarriril  ])air  iiiaili'  a  slion. 
Mill'  ill  <'ouii.,  and  N'isiiPiI  llnii'v  \\'.  Ivl  vv  aiiU.  lli>ii  (mi\-.  ii'i  <'.-):iii.,  an<!  ic.-^idiiiir  in 
NcNV'  Haven,  'i'lic  nniiHi  \\  as 'if  sliort  diirai  i'Jii.  A  disar^Teonrnt  alKnii  ninncy  nutters 
led  te  a  se]iaratiiin  an<l  lie  was  airain  liMnieless.  l^'oi'two  nv  t  li  lei- vi.'ars  liel'nre  liis  (jeiiili 
he  sntteKid  froiii  tiu  elVects  id'  paialv^i.-.  and  iirally  iieeanie  inra]iul/le  id'  ninvini';  a.liMiit, 
•  or  even  ("if  di'essini!'  liiniself.  thfi;i._di  iii-,  !nlnd  t'etained  niucii  of  its  vil;' )r,  and  !ii-' 
nifiudiy  as  tn  evenis  of  i'm^  sta.ndinir  itidhipaired. 

'lili:  I,  \sT   )-i;ii-,NJ). 

Ir;  tliis  e\:tie;iii!  _v  I'jii!!'  liHind  his  last  fi  lend.  ?\ea,rl_v  sixty  yeai-s  hefnre  lie  liad  nnt 
nl  tlie  rixiile:  neai'  Qnidiec  a  Scdidi  elliee;-  of  tlie  lliiiisli  aniiv.anci  liad  u'eneieusly 
shated  with  liim  ;;  I'i.-ci-  of  linisi's  1oni;iie — a,  ])l-ieeless  liixniy.  'I'liis  olhee]-  Wa^tlie. 
fallier  (it  liiirr's  lastliieiht.  lie  iiad  ]>ass(ii  away.  11  is  i!;-,  ii;;liter  liail  niai  vied  .Icshna. 
\V(d)'!)  atid  liad,  lu-ee/ine  a  \\idie.\-  \\\  siraiirl'.ti  iii^d  (■ireimislaiiee-.  and  was  i-;ee])in'_''  l.-.u. imI'TS 
in  :ln- (lid  .lay  iniUse  at.  tlie  lower  end  (if  Bi'nadway.  ?\.  Y.  I'lur  liecanie — to  tis..'  je-r 
own  woi'ls— ini-  "liono-ed  ^aiesi."      Tin-  liaekdiite.  s  and   slanderi:-;s  were  stil!  Inisy. 

"  \\  lial."  said  s!ie  To  him,  '■  do  yon  tliinl;  I  have  lieai'd  this  n'ornin^;' '.'  'I'liey  say  1 
Hvu   y  fii;  ;•  ihuu'diter." 

"■•  \^'t  1!."  he  answered,  ■"  we  do  n(,>t  cai'e  tor  thai:  do  we?" 

"Not  a  hit.''  wa<  in  r  ie|dy.  ■"  Hut  they  say  t^onieihinu-  ids.',  ('ohnnd ;  they  say  I 
was  yeaiv  mist  ress." 

'■  IKi  they'.'"  said  he.      "'  I  (ion't  thiidi-:  \\  c  care  mmdi  for  that  eiilier,  do   \ve  V" 

"  'i'hey  ]:iu-.t  say  wlia'  th.-y  idioo-e.'    sii"  r'pliid. 

•■  7'Af //•<'//,•■  .'  7  /',//■■<",>;  .'.'  '/'/"//■''■'/'/.'.'.'  Never,  my  (diihh  use  tliat  wi)rd  '  'I'heicis 
a  rh  I  ee  fold  deaili  in  the  slainlerer's  tin_'.;:ie.  It  kills  him  \\]\'>  utreis  it.  him  wlio  i^  tin- 
snhjeit  of  it.  and.  him  who  u-'eives  itl  Hni,"  said  h.e,  talxinu-  lier  hand  in  ho'l;  his  and 
lifting"  '.t  to  his  lips.  hands  shakini;'  wiih  j^aralysis.  '■  I'll  tiji  yon  sonu/thin.i:-  they 
piiirhT  -ay  that  would  he  tr'ie.  Let  them  sa.y  thi^  of  yon:  S/,i  ti/i,\  tli:.  old  iiniu  n  liot.n 
I'^hci.  hii''!'!!!}!  <''-^c  ii-iiiild.'"  He  nitr;ed  these  wor(hs  wdth  an  ("niihasis  so  tender  and  pene- 
tratiiui  ihat  two  of  hi-^  relatixt-s  who  was  ]»!'es.->i;t.  nn>ya  meinher  of  tin'  hav  and  th"  othei- 
a  iudire.  eonld  not  retiain  t'lom  leats.  He  was  7u-ver  a  i.;'!-i'at  talke]-,  :uid  in  thf- decline 
of  111.-,  lite  K.'iainel  mmdi  (d"  that  d'i:inlierl  sedateness  whirh  Inul  idia  iactt;rl/,ed  his  nici'id- 
iaij.  ^^'ilen  -visited  lis  .>!  ranker--  lie  received  iheiu  witli  '■ollI■Te.-^v,  nnles--  liis  ]iride^ 
awiikenedi  liy  a.  suspiiicn  of  idh' or  impertiiient  cm  io-ify  ;  the;,  he  l.'e-an.e  lereial.  cold 
smd  rep:  1  hnj.  Tin uhl  .lay  hoase  was  jiulled  down  in  the  summer  of  ISilii.  and  early  in 
the  season,  Bnrr  was  renaAf'd  to  j-fiidmniiid  oti  Staten  Island. 

Al'     !!Ksr. 

ri"lei' sr,t;'erin;^s  o!' hody  or  mind  he  SI  hloii;    erun jdained:    Imf  .towaids    the  lie 
liecame  lesth-ss  and  im]M'ient.      The  fri'-nd.-i  of  his  y  onth  had  iill  i^o;:,-  liefore  liim.       All 

Col.  Morris  took  his  familv  to  England  nnd  his  prepcrly  in  this  country  was  cor  thscated.  Tie  died  in 
England  inijoj,  a.67.  His  wife  (jierl  iSi5.  a.  uc  1  he  cinliscation  did  not  destroy  the  ri:T'at3  o!  the 
children,  and  in  1800  Cayit  Hariy  Ga^e  Morris  of  the  Royal  Navy,  .'^oUi  his  ri.t^hts  to  .'o'-.n  Jacub  .Astor  lor 
$ioo,co:i,  who  in  turn  received  :?  for  the  property  from  the  State  of  N'ew  'S'ork.  Con(5scuted 
estates  had  much  to  do  with  .Astor"s  early  success. 

Eli?a  Howen  was  born  at  sea  in  177;;,  of  unkii<'wn  p.iti-rnity.  The  was  cared  for  hv  t!ie  Capt.  of 
the  vessel  until  forced  bv  STes.s  ef  weather  into  Ne.vp'^it  harbor.  R.  I.  .She  was  <;ivcn  10  Mrs  Thompson 
ot  that  pla-.e,  who  brought  up  t'cc  waif  and  gave  her  a  tine  education  .  She  was  known  as  Capet 
Wlien  about  17  she  elopi-d  with  Capt.  Las  Croix  and  went  to  N.  N'.  Of  him  noilnns  more  is  known.  In 
N'.  Y.  society  she  immediately  became  a  favorit-^  and  famous.  (.)!d  Ben  Franklin  called  her  his  ■"fairy 
queen.'"  Patrick  Henry  caught  tire  and  so  on.  .At  some  period  before  her  ..'d  m  ,  she  is  said  to  h.uvc  h.-.d 
an  ilietritimale  son.  wtio  was  known  as  CtCo.  Washington  Bowen.  and  who  claimed  an  e.valtct'.  patcridty 
and  tltrureil  as  a  claimant  for  the  Jumel  property  in  sul>sei)uenL  law  suiis. 

Stephen  .lumel,  h.  in  Fr.ancc:  went  youii;^  to  St.  l)oinins;o;  was  tlierc  a  planter  and  narr.iwlv  escaped 
the  massacre  ot  t-;-j-\:  went  '.o  St.  Helena,  thence  to  \.  Y.  C.  I'ecame  a  merchant;  male  monev;  bought  tlie 
Morris  est.  and  mansion  in  iSio;  m..  Klizi  Howen  and  in  1S15  settled  the  house  and  3^  acres  on  his  wile,  to  bo 
hers  forever.  Jtune!  bought  other  parcels  Irom  tinij  to  lime  and  i;vcntually  ouned  a  v^^ry  lar^'C  tra-'t  in 
the  upper  part  of  Manhattan  Island  .  They  v.ent  to  France,  set  up  a  eranJ  cstatilisliment  and  made  a 
stir  in  society.  Lafayette  was  heriricnd.  ThIU: yrand  w.vs  ctiarmed  with  her  and  ;ill  tlie  I^ourt)C'-.s  were 
pleased.  Napoleon  was  at  St.  Helena.  Hy-and -bye.  money  trettinCT  scarce,  ihey  returned  to  N.  Y.,  and 
Jumel,  who  seems  to  have  lost  his  eneriry,  was  replaced  bv  .Madame,  wlio  took  ho'd  of  business,  lioutiht 
and  sold  houses  and  lots  and  made  tuo.'iey  rapidly  In  May,  ijjj,  Jumel  was  tlnown  Irom  his  carriaLje 
and  d.  on  the  2rd.  He  was  a  lar<Tc  and  ver\  h.mdsome  man.  He  loft  no  cliiidrcn.  Ten  yc:trs  after- 
wards the  v.itL  in.  Cos  Burr.  Slie  d.  July  is.  i  ?•:■•_-,  ju  her  Q2d  year  The  Jumel  provieuty  increased 
er.ormously  in  value  and  bcc.une  V  e  obiect  of  llti;.'.ition  amonLr  a  variety  of  claim^ra.,.  The  c.ise  w.,s  in 
th.e  courts  for  many  Ntars  and  employed  .it  one  time  and  anotlier  Mveral  oi  il'c  im  >•  eminent  lawyejs  in 
■thect'untry      yuitc  recently  it  was  settled  by  a  decree  of  ;he  U.  S.  Supieme  Court. 


liu.vxcji   OF  KLizAMirrri. 

tlic  tics  whicli  united  liiui  t:)  the  wurUl  wort' srVL'K'd.  I'lici-i'  rciininc  1  tn  liim  hd  sister, 
no  hMillicr,  wi  cliiM.  His  years  wiMe  four  s  -on-.  He  \v;is  helpless  uiiil  iitierlv  depfixl- 
eiil.  He  seciie'd  ;iii\i<ius  lor  llie  lioiir  \\-li"!i  his  eyivs  sliou  lil  lie  close:!  i  n  cvcrluslinL;' 
sleep.  .At  h'lmlli  that  hietir  e:inie,  iile.l  he  died  a-,  cilmly  ;.-,  il'  t'alliliL^  iiitu  ;i  ^'eiltle  ^iiirii-  Ill  confoi-iijiiy  with  h),>  wish  liis  hod.y  was  taken  to  I'riie-etoii.  N.  J.,  and  leiried 
iieav  the  i;i':!V(s  ol' his  i;!;uidr;-iheis,  Pi,s  13iirra!nl  h'.duards.  'i'iie  1  nm-ral  was  intended 
hy  a  nulilary  esenj-l.  the  riesjdeul,^Mirs  and  stiiden's  of  the  cilh;:;.-  .'iud  u  hiP"-!- 
(•o)K'(nirse  of  eiti/.''ns.  The  Pre.-,idenl ,  1  >r.  < 'ui  naha  n.  prearhed  a  hrief  funeral  sermon. 
iSoHio  years  afterwaids  n  nnirhle  luonnrnent  was  erected  over  his  I'eniaius  liv  hi^.  kinsinan. 
Judge  O^den  JmK'.umIs,  who  Inul  al.-tianended  m  his  wants  dnrin--  liis  la-t  sndue-ss.  It 
liearstliis  insciipl  ion :  ■■  .\arou  Unrr,  hern  Feb.  (j,  ]  Tod;  die-d  Sept.  14,  ]>:;''i.  A  Colonel  in 
the  ai-niy  ol'  the  i{e\-<dutioii :    \"\rr  f'j'esideiil  of  llie  I'liited  States  fr<en  lt<Jl  to  IStj.",." 


In  pei-soji  lie  was  itboul  five  feet  six  inciie-.  in  heii:ht.  well  formed  and  creel,  willi  a 
niilitai'v  air,  an  1  nmin  hdiy.  ]>  dished  and  ciKinly.  In  the  d.rawi-i;,'-  room  pceurKM-jv 
gracefnl.  and  liis  wlcle  nianner  unennscionsly  fascinaUiiu',  His  fi-atuics  Wfie, 
and  e-(^in'ially  consid.crcd  liamKouie;  eyes  jet  lihn-k  an>;  cxceediiii^h  hril'iant.  Hiscoii- 
veryational  powi'is  were  rcniarkablc.  He  was  let^avded  as  tlie  licaii  of  the  iuir.  Hamilton 
liis  only  I'ival.  When  eiu:;i>rcd  on  the  same  side,  as  they  efieii  ^^•e^c,  lie  alwa^■s  eaN'c  llie 
hilter  liis  choice  of  jilaee  in  the  ease.  .\s  a  sjieakei-  he  was  "  sententious  and  vivid, 
tu-e-mnentative.  slioit  ■.■■\>.'l  ])it)iy:  no  parade  of  fancy,  meiaphoi-  or  sentem-es 
;!.re  to  \>f  IViniel  in  liis  sp( f(  lies."  .Vnothei-  di-scrilics  hinr:  "(M'  all  lawyers,  Hurr  was 
llie  most  diiiicult  to  lollow  in  tln^  way  of  taking;'  note.,;  \,t\  eoncisf  .  everv  wo'-d  th.e 
rie-Jit  one,  no  icpe;ition>,.  Style  luiiipte,  hrief,  ijuiet,  \ery  diu,-ni(ieil :  eunneiatioii  ^Auw,  dij 
tiiici.very  emphatic.  a]\va\  sself-pos-.e~sed:  an\  rhinu'  hi.;  deid ainaiorv,  am!  more  resenibh-d 
an  elevated  tone  of  <-enversation,  in\Nhich.  wiihmjt  ap]);ire]il  eilort  (jr  desi;jn,  a,  man 
expresses  his  id, -as  in  nieasnred  and  heaulifnl  laninnig-e  in  some  small  and  sidect  cir(de, 
dislodL:;ing  their  rwn  opinions  on  ai:y  particnhir  suhiect,  and  iixinu-  hi.-  own  in  thcir 
inirids  by  a  sce!ni?ia'ly  mac-jcal  fascination,  whie];  heeoald  reitdei'  when  he  (hose  almost 
irresistable.  Yet  he  ne'.er  spoke  with  sal  isfactiini  tohini>elf."  His  nilin:;-  pa^-ion  was 
iiiilitarx  idory:  next,  dijiiomacy.  '■  It  is  idle  mcv  to  speculate  h"  miiidit  have  been 
I'ad  Washim^toii  yieldi-d  te,  .Menuie.  Madison  and  otln^rs  ar.d  aiipoinied  liim  minister  to 
the  Fj-uicli  IJepnbiic.  Our  country,  btd'oi-e  wliiidi  lu^  then  stood  in  the  oriinnal  brii;ht- 
ness  of  his  character,  would  liav.-  lieen  hon(.red  in  the  (dioice,  and  his  envn  destiny 
lH'(»n  widely  diU'eient.'' — J'l/ if"ii.. 

P.ITJK .\.\A. 

Dirriiie-  liis  e.xile  in  llurope.  hUirr  Icejit  a  ]e.-ivate  Journal  intended  for  tin-  perusal  of 
his  daue-hrei-  'i'he-edo-i;-..  A  ft er  t he  (h-a th  of  that  lady,  the  jin.irnal  was  ca ndully  pre- 
served i>y  her  faflier.  and  finally  idven  to  his  bio^-raph.r,  .Ma;thew  L.  Havi:^,  with 
iiiilimilt.d  license  of  ])ublicaii<iM.  ■^hh-^  iouiiial,  with  a  cidlcetion  <if  Jiurr's  letters,  was 
jiublished  in  two  vols.,  octavo,  emit  led.  Ji"/n/'iJ  mid  Con-i spamh  nre  cf  An r'iiij]urr. 
On  goine- to  l\ui(ipe  in  1S(I7,  lie  left  liis  uitr-t  valuable  papers  with  Mis.  Alston,  and 
tliebe  weie  lost  in  the  ill  fated  "  Patriot." 

The  first  liiogia]diy  of  Burr  was  written  hy  Sainu(d  ],oi,.n/,o  Knapn.  HL.  [).  He 
was  fcdhjwed  liy  Matthew  1,.  I'a.vis.  \\  ho  hail  |M)ha]),s  more  abundant  materials,  or  a 
more  intimate  association  with  his  .-ubjeet,  and  the  men  and  limes  conmH-t,  d   w'nh  it. 

Tlie  fas(dnatin^-  work  (jf  .lames  Paj-ton  is  diicredised  in  sonu'  (|uarters.  thouifh 
ap})urenlly  for  no  bettei  rea-on  than  iha.t  it  read-,  like  a  romance.  All  his  biograidiers 
agree  as  to  th<'  main  faet>  i.nd  conehisions.  and  thus  far  they  have  n<jt  been  successfullv  Tiie  care(M- (d'  Ihiri-  was  a  rumance  in  real  life  whi(h  needN  no  invention  to 
equal  in  interest  tiv^'  most  ingeni<eus  works  of   lictioii. 

])r.  K'naiip.  in  his  pief.-uv,  gives  an  amnsino-  illustration  of  the  in  which 
rejmtation-  ai  e  sometimes  or  marreil.  '•.\iudent  hi.-^toiy  inlorm-  us  that  (Isaplm, 
a  i.yhian  king.  \>.  a.-,  an. x ions  to  have  divine  honors  paid  to  him  by  his  sn!ije,-ts,  beiiiir 
surfeited  by  SIM  h  a-;  Were  merely  human.  This  wish  of  hi>  h.eait  oecii  pied  lli^  atten- 
tion day  and  niL:ht.  At  ia-t  he  hit  upmi  a  strategem  to  secure  the  homageilue  tiie  i;dds 
for  liim>elf.  lb'  estab'islnd  all  extensi\e  aviary  of  numerous  talking  biids  lound 
in  warm  1  limati  s.  llisshntsin  s>  ere;  taught  the  birds  whein-\er  the',  wiii:  led  or 
wanted  lood  to  ciy  aleiid.  •(t-anlio  is  a  god.'  When  alljhe  birds  were  thoroimhlv 
iiisMuctcd  in  this  language,  the  whole  lloek  v.ere  ali(e,v,.d  to  fly  from  their  <-ages  to  tin- 
thickest  gr(;ves,  and  when  llu'  shepherds  and    heius  came   to   re[)ose  in   the  shade  iii  fh..- 



Lent  (if  the  (l;iy.  tlie  \vl)(i!f  sylvan  liaiii  wim'p  astnnislu-d  to  licai  llif  l.inls  piY.nouiiCL' 
distinctly  ill.-  \v.)i-(l-<:  •  O^iinl,,-  is  a  la)'!.'  'I'li.-  in-ipiivd  liiids  svcrc  Innir  and  liad  no 
tVars  of  nun;  tli  !-•  ine!  fa<i'd  iln-ir  cri'dit  wit  li  iIk'  a  inrnoicc.  'I'lic  \s-ords  v.  ri'c  r.-piMicd 
from  li.'c  tolic-c  until  the  wlioji-  o-povf  was  voi-al  with  tlic  sound.  'I'lic  w.mdt  r-st  riK'k 
llslon.  Is  huni.-i!  Ii'oni  li,-  .:-:osrs  lo  the  i-ala,.',-  ..f  t!..-  kin;:  and  Iril  ,h,u  n  and  uoohipi-d 
liini.  Tlio  lan-na,L;i-  of  ili.'  was  ia];.'n  as  oiar,ila|-,  wlnMi  it  onlv  arose  ri(;ni  a  trirl 
to  <;-nll  the  Lyhians, 

'How  (asily  ini^dit  tin-  .s,-,.iio  l,avc  Iio.n  !vvc:si'd  if  sonn-  cin-n,  v  of  ili-- kini--  had 
taii^lii  a  florl;  of  tlu-so  talkin-  l.i)ds  l,y  the  sani-  aH  to  jiav,'  said:  •(>^a]dHV  is  a 
doni.-n.'  In  all  in-oiialiilii  \  the  in-iiiious  moinirrh  would  liavo  bc-n  nias.^a.Tcd  hv  his 
stibjr.-ts  oi-  ]ia\\'  hccn  driv.'i\  inio  the  d.fsMt  as  lialid  hy  man  and  loisak-on  i,v  the  ijods. 
In  even  a-,-  and  inilion  rlicro  ha  vc  hccn  atlrni  [its,  porha  [)s  less  harmh-ss  than' this, 
to^.dcvalf  tho  (dnii-acti-r  of  one  and  to  dc|.ri-:-s  tliat  of  anotli.T,  1  )onn  .stliiMU-s  an-ainst 
-KsrLinfs.  C'ic(.'io  against  AntJiony,  Cliathain  a;_;-ain>;  tin-  Waljiolcs.  otr. 

•■In  all  tiui"s  wo  \r.ivv  soci,  ih.'So  iusi  met.  d  p;,ir.,t.,  v.l.o  havo  hom  tan:rlit  to  d.-rlarc 
this  Oil.- a  >ok1  und  aiio'lHT  a  <K'inou.  ^o!  .,:ilv  tin-  i,arr..t  and  tin-  ni.  ..-kin.'-  hivd  lia\  o 
iK-.-n  so  insii-urt.-d,  l.ut  hirds  also  of  a  less  tjonoi-.,!,;.-  .-lia.rai-t.-i-,  th,-  vukui-f  and  th.- 
raven  aft.M' ihcir  i^ind  liav.-  hc<-n  kuwwn  to  llap  tln-ir  v,Iiii;s  :ind  to  croak,  to  ^^ivp  sonu- 
jiolitical  soothsay. Ts  till"!. portuniiy  of  1,'tnrnini:  I'^nl  omens  t.>  the  peojde  iitrainst  tlie 
i-lcetion  of  i-crlain  nun  t<.  otU.-e.  and  even  nn>re  "unkind  stili,  th.-  litth'  son-^-siers  whose 
ili^Jit  A\asnol  hii;))  <-nou,:r]i  D  he  within  tl,.-  eii-,-l,.  ,,f  divination,  were  maide  t..  llufter 
anti  scieum  at  a  )>arii.;eJar  nanu-.  ■•■■  ^  ■•■"  *  ■"-  -;>         -::  ■;:■  '■'• 

"'idle  CTVoi-s  of  hi--tory  ari- often  cured  by  sul.M-i|ueni  historians.  Init  when  an  indi- 
vidual is  sla!i(H-r,-d.  th.-  ,s!and.-!-s  l.-r^t  lonu'  aial  hecmn-  a  jiart  of  liis  leone.  'I'h.e  maliu' 
liaiit  e\a-yeiar.-  thtm;  the  .  a  t(  less  ie])e.a  thos,-  ^^  h,,  have  ].reiiidi;ed  will 
tiri)  he  eonvineed  .)f  tlieir  .-r'lir." 

As  an  instance  of  v.'ild  exa-ii-eration.  i  f  inde.-d  Idasplu-my  he  not  tlie  more  j.roni-r 
leini,  it  i.s  relai.-.l  that  l.afayetre  was  weleonu-d  at  JJolto'n,  >!a^^.s.,  ni:der  an  areh 
ifiscrihe.l;      ••  1'he  (ireaf  .lele.vah.   U'ashini^fon,  an.l  ),afavetie." 

'"""•'""        1C31970 

.loiiN  A  AM.i-:i;i.vx.--P,urr  always  had  a  prot.---.-  in  training;-  u])on  culiu)-e  he 
bestowed  imwraried  pains  and  more  m.jn.-y  tlian  hV-  e-Mild  alwav-.  aH'oid. 

'Jdie  most  di-tineuish.-.l  of  thes.-was  Jolm  Vanderl  \  n  w!u;m  Hnri-  discovered  in  a 
hlacksmnh's  sho))  n.-a.-  Kii:v--ton.  X.  ^'..  wliere  l,.-  |,ad  si.'.pperl  to  have  a  shoe  repdaced 
Oil  one  id'  liis  horses.  ]je.(vini;-  the  shop  he  strolled  awav  for  a  few  i.ninuti'.-.  and  wlieti 
]u-  r.-Tuvneil  di-^.'overed  on  the  side  of  a  s;abh-  n.-ar  hv  a  n-marka  hi  v  s].!i-it.'d  and  well 
(-xeciited  charcnal  drawimr  of  his  ov. n  .Tiiria.r-e  and  lio'rs,-s.  On  in.pii-v  hr  h-arned  that 
tlm  blacksmith's  apprentice  liad  it.  He  eonv.-rsed  with  the  hid  and  loutidiiiu) 
intc;ir..i;vn!  ihor.irh  iguovai.t,  b.-rn  la  t  h.-  nei^■h^,,|•hoo(i  and  wlihuut  insiru.  lion  in  diaw- 
J^f,^  Ihiir  wrote  his  addn-ss  on  a  pii-ce  ,d'  ).aper  and  handinu-  it  to  tin-  bov  said:  ■'  Mv 
iioy,  y.,11  are  to.,  smart  u  i'elh.w  to  ^ia\-  hen-  all  y..ui  lib-.  If  sh..,nh]  w'ant  to  cliamr'e  (-uipl.iynu-nt  am!  ^e,-  ij,..  worhl.  jmi  a  clean  shit;  into  voiir  iiock(-t,  >:o  to  XeS\-  "i'ork 
:tnil  .1.0.  sTrai;:ht  m  that  addn  — ."  In  a  l.-w  monihs  ;h.-  b  .v"  \'a,n(|.-i-lvn  mvs-nted  himself 
at  liurr's  r.-<id,-ne.-  at  Hiehniond  Hill  wiiii  a  .I.-an  shirt  nic(lv  bdd.-d  in'  a  par.-el  and  tlu- 
Jdentieal  pajn-r  whi.-h  ihirrhad  i;iven  him.  lit-  \\:is  warmlv  v.alcomed,  t-.iken  into  the 
b-imily.  edm-at.d  and  inv1iu(-t.-d  in  diawim:-.  A  ftervsard-  Ih'irr  a-si,,ted  him  to  Enrol..-, 
wh.'.-e  h.- speni  hve  years  in  tlu-  study  of  paintinLT  and  an  arii'-l  worthy  of  the 

\\  liih-  Ihiir  him--elf  was  wa.mleriiiu'  in  j-juoi.e  \';inderlvn  was  evhihitini;  picture.s  in 
th.-  Louvre  at  Pai-is.  and  i.-ceiv,  .1  from  Nap:)leon  a  ...dd  me'dal.  .•i.mplim.-nis  and 
lebeit  ai,.ns  tin-  l-hnp.-i-or's  own  lips.  |[,-  a(it-rwaid>  had  com  mis-,ior,s  from  ('oiio-ress 
and  pa.inte.l  th.-  ■'  i,andinL;-  .>f  ('(dnmhus"  f,,r  a,  pan.l  in  the  id'  the  capitol  at 
W  ashiu-ti.n.  lb-  als..  paim.d  the  portraits  of  Ihirr  and  Th.-odo-.ia.  fiom  wliieh  tlu- 
enirnivin-s  w.-re  i;d;.-n  by  whieh  th.-ii-  lim-aim-nts  aie  imw  known  t-i  the  publi.-.  Jhirr 
Nvas  aKo  ].;unt.d  oy  :;iewart. 

Aai;.)X  C.  V.inn.  uho  d.  in  N.  Y,  ( '. ,  .lulv  •::.  iNsO.  w.-.s  broimht  o\  er  ;<>  tliis 
countr.v  wh.-n  ei-ht  y. -cirsoid;  a.h.pie.l  by  Cid.  Ih'irrami  look  liis  nann-'  .M.ont  ISk^  in 
b.-.  ame  a  .h-ahi-  in  .b-imends  and  pr.'cious  ston.-.-  ami  ai-.piir.-  1  a  ciimp.-:,'nei  :  lie  ictir.-.l 
iiboui  iNC.e.  His  life  sui.v,.,jK.-i.i|y  N\as  sj-.-nt  the  111. ..-I  i.:ii-t  in  trav-.-lini:-  an.d  In: 
;iccum  11  kited  many  valmdule  a  nti,| ;..-.,  ami  i.  Ih-s.  H,  s.-assaid  t..  Im- a  son  of  Ton' at  \'.  nh: 
<le  Lisle,  a  French  mildemaii.      lb-  left  a  wid.  and  ..m-  son. 


1!i:ax(;ii  oi-    i;i>iz.M:i:-ni. 

ClVAHLV-.s  .1,  ]5ri;ri)VrT,  was  (■(iiir:Ui-(l  l,_v  Cul.  Wnvv  al  C;i]>'.  l>:u  trid^rc's  inililn.ry 
sc1j<ji>1  iu  .Niiilillctown,  ('ciiii.  He  stu(!u-<l  law  and  w  ■-  hidicvc  inaciic.  .1  in  N.  V.  ciiv, 
wliciflif  waswi-ll  kiinwji  aii'.imu- 1  hr  local  poliliciaiis  aii'i  ci  icln'iii'--..  lie  wrote  M.t  r'jdr,  i 
M <>),!■  I,  ijj',\  a  iinv.-!,  ai;il  s;  vrial  uliri"  similar  woilcs.      lie  iii.  and  liad  a  son  and  da.i'i, 

Ti.K  .Mi-;si:s  J^Di.N.  —  Mi-d.Md'  Ivlcn,  a  v.ia.ltli^v  Xiw  "^  nil:  Ivicuri,  dlcl  Ipavii,,:  u 
large  aiiitMiMl  (d  nai  otatc  to  liis  tv.o  son^,  to  Iw  ('(iiialiv  divid.-d:  hut  il  ouc  ([ii-d 
unuiun-ic'd,  iIk  .smvivor  to  l.avr  tin'  wliole.  TIk-.-^c  Noun-  im  n  wi-yr  >oi;ic\\  liat  lasr,  and 
liavin*:;-  nerd  of  ninrh  irady  ni.mcv,  I'orioui'd  it  (;!'>lnirpi'i  s  at  hcav\  imfri->,t  sccun-i!  on 
first  ninrtpi-Ts.  Thi'  ]o:.ns  wciv  called  in,  and  in  dnault  iln-  lcn,|."i>  look  the  i>:()p('it.v 
at  forced  sale.  'J'hcic  was  crookedni'ss  in  .-onie  of  tln:e  t ransai'lions.  'j'he  Kden  vminir 
men  weir-  redm-i  d  to  pov.-rty.  ,\f!ei-  .-^ui]■Vl  in j,-  a.  while,  thev  rook  i]u>  ease  to  an  old 
friend  of  til. -ir  fall'.er's,  niinnd}  .  Alexander  Ilamdton.  ills  decision  was  tlial  tnev  had 
been  nnfsiirly  done  ont  of  ilieii  [u-opiTty,  imi  that  tl!<-v(i,nld  not  !,■(•. .vm- it.  Afw-.  \v;u-d, 
llu'.y  suhiuitted  the  ease  lo  Aaron  Inii-r,  wlio  ai;reed  with  llaniiltem  as  ;o  the  wron^-.  Ini: 
dilfered  wi;]i  him  as  to  r'C(jvery.  lie  udd  them  rh.-y  could  uei  i;  hack:  hut  for  ^on;.- 
reason  llie  hroihi  is  failed  to  ]nos-culc,  1.-,:  hope  an>i  x<,.>\l  to  .itink. 

Aftei'  ]?urr's  return  from  Ivaroiie  In'  lia)/pened  one  day  to  read  a  I'otii-e  of  tie-  dea'.ii 
of  (jiie  of  the  Ivleii  hroihers,  and  the  whole  nnttier  came  hack  lo  l:is  mind.  lie  liun!<-d 
11])  the  ^  :i:\-i\  .11-,  whom  he  foiijid  witlia  \\  i  i  e  and  two  little  eiijs  livin^,^  u.iseral.i\'  in  a 
hov(d  in  \\'estchester  (Vuinty.  He  at  once  retnoveil  tin-  famiiv  to  his  owi;  hons.'  iii  Xev. 
V'nrji,  ami  snppoi-ied  them  until  the  i  mis.;,  protracted  hnv.suit  which  heln-'aii  and  ca.rried 
tlirough,  was  won  and  i-estitntion  nuide.  He  <lirected  the  education  of'  the  dancdiiers, 
forrosjiyjidiny  u  it h  them  regularly ;  and  his  letters  to  tiieni  wouh!  i<u m  an  iiiten-stiiii'; 
and  valuiilde  trea.tise  on  female  eihicatJosi.  IVside-  reeuverinu  the  i-stale.  his  iiuardnan- 
shi[)  was  of  ine^tiniLdjle  value  to  the  Misses  Kden. 

X.vjil.iK  ])l::  P.\i;i.:.— The  yonnc  dan.irhie:- or  a.  Ihvm  h  hid\  who  w  as  once  a  me:n!ier 
of  ihe  fatnily  (d'  ihe  Princess  Hamhalle,  was  adopteil  l.y  linii- in  his  iliys  id'  prosperity 
and  educated  as  hks  o\wi  eliild.      Nalilie  imirrie<l  ;i  -on  of  (.'ol.  Sumter  of  South  Carolina. 

NN'o.'.tKN. — The  remark  of  Pavis  conceridii_;-  Hun's  lehuion^  to  \s<im-en.  i'aiton 
("inplmlieally  denies,  aiei  Bi,rr  idtjiseU  .lechue.^  that  In  was  not  j^uilty  of  the  crimes  in 
tliis  lespei't  wi'l  whiidi  he  v.a.  churned.  I>ouhtles.,  he  was  much  iicue  ienip:i-d  rJian 
many  others,  aud  Ids  coiidact,  })erliups,  not  always  exemplary ;  hul  his  life  lone  haidi  o-!' 
adopiiiiii-  and  educating  increased  lii-  reputation  for  c-alhiiitry.  At  one  time  in  the  latter 
pari  of  his  life  h.-  contributed  ln  tlie  supiport  of  ten  woiin'U.  not  one  of  '.slu  m.  it  i.s. 
alisolutely  certain,  stood  in  tmy  improj  ei  lelaiioii  to  liim. 

Sl.A\]uS.  —  Ho  was  the  owner  at  different  times  of  seviu'al  slave,>.  All  that  leni.-iine.l 
in  Itis  faiiuly  lor  any  length  of  tinte  were  tanght  to  read  aiel  \\iite,  and  it  wis  his 
]>raelico.  in  absence,  to  coiicspond  \vith  om.-  oi-  more  oi  them. 

(lem  Jacksoii  never  believed  tlr't  ]>urr  was  a  t  raitoi-.  His  object,  lu'  said,  was  to 
extlrpiue  the  Spanisii  power  in  .\meiica,  beiilnning  with  the  colonizing  of  'fexas.  thence 
tomandion  Mexico  ami  make  liiniscif  emjicror. 

Wliy  I?urr  should  tell  M.  H.  Davi.s  tlutt  liis  grandfather  was  a  nolde  (lenmni ,  <u- a 
German  of  noble  parentage,  is  a  my-lery.  When  on  his  tiav(ds  in  (iermany.  ceri.-iin 
(ierman  families  claimed  relation.-^hip  in  ;he  Ibirr  line  (d'  his  ancestr}.-  U'as  burr  who 
wassov.-ell  infornn  d  as  to  the  i.edig-i-(  e  of  others,  ignmatit  of  Ids  owmV  The  fact  being 
tlial  not  one  of  all  his  tiiua'stors  (Ui  either  siile  to  tlie  Tlh  generation,  sofa:-  a.s  tiaced,  wa.s 
l)oin  <nit  of  New   Jingland.      {Apj).^ 

.(hi  l)is  retain  from  the  fatal  grouml  at  \N"e(diawken,  a  r<dati\-e  1 1'om  New  ilawn, 
one  of  the  fid '.s'ai  ds  f;im  i  1}  ,  eal  led  and  retnained  some  tine'  in  eon\  ersation  with  1dm. 
Tliis  gentleiium  on  his  \\;iy  down  Town  soon  ali(i\\ards  Iji'gaii  to  ])ercei\-e  siirns  of  sotue 
unwonted  exciteim-nt,  an.d  wassion  imt  by  the  rumor  that  tin-  \  iced'i  eshlent  had  triat 
very  mfiudng  sliot  Hamilton  in  a  duel:  tliis  he  was  aide  to  cor.t  radict  etaphatically.  for 
liad  lie  not  lefl  Mr.  I'lirra  few  minutes  beb)|-e.  in  wlion:  lie  had  failed  to  see  the  siightev,t. 
a]ipeaiame  of  a,ei;ation,  and  who  had  spoken  not  a  word  about  ttduel. 

Dr.  .Ma.lthi'v.s  testitied  in  his  Recollections  of  Ibirr  that  nothing-  cmi'd  be  imiie  fasci- 
riating  tlian  his  manmus.  or  imu'e  delirlitij,;  i  leu,  1,1-  i.  .n\  e,- .n  ■r.n.  Wdiile  Hr.  .M  .  was 
Speidcing  (d'  'f iieodo.sia,  Run  moaneii  and  wept  to  such  a  degM'ee  that  Dr.  M.  p.-iuscd. 
'■'i'heie  is  a  de-:(j|ation  here,"  said  iUiir,  layiiig  his  handi  on  his  lieait,  '  ihat  n(U;e  bui.  the 
seanditu-of  hearts  can  uiidersta.nd." 

HlRl!,     KDWAliDS,     r)\\-10TIT.  407 

"He  (lid  not  ]o\-(:  his  (hui^litrr,"  s.iys  tlic  writer  in  tlif  Atlmitir  yoii.l}iJ;/  oi'  l''-">b!, 
lirforc  rclVni'il  ti).  'in'  was  jjrnud  of  her  bi.'i';ui-c  slie  \v;is  hraiiii  fill  iind  talfnTtMJ ;  IcmI 
slii'  l)C;'ii  ;i  I'lain.  nr  ;ui  ordi  n;a  v  juMSDn,  lie  \\(juld  iimI  Isjivt-  cirfd    !or  her." 

'■Tlicri- is  lilw  ays  siuiifihii!;;  in''''1  i't  ;li'.'  ni;ui  ;ii,^;ii!i't  \vlioni  tin-  v.-nrld  i'\Tiai)ii-.:  ;iT 
^\■ll()nl  cvrrviinf  lliiows  ti  stiim';  on  \s  ho.-r  (dihtiicU  r  all  atlcHi]'!  to  fastfn  a  tiioiisand 
crinK's,  \\illiout  liciiiii;  aldi'  to  prove  oni-." — Zim/m  rimin. 

8254.  Mary  Edwards,  li.  Sunday,  April  17,  WM.  d.  at  Nortliamptun,  Ma<s.. 
\'\'h.  22,  ISD).  ■•She  was  (listiniruishi-d  not  le.  s  t'or  lu-r  niafrn:.!  solicitude,  avilfnt  t"in- 
]K-rau)ent  and  i)atriu!  i^'ii  than  lorth--  iiilidh/et  niJ  ijualiliet.  wliirh  made  so  ill  U'-trioui; 
till'  naiiK-  ol'  donaihan  tOlwaiil-;.  Slie  early  )'eri-eived  the  indii'afinns  of  superior  ^u-<-iiius 
HI  her  son  'I'i'.'iothy ,  and  tinder  lier  direetiuu  he  Ik caine  fatniliar  with  tlic  rudiments  of 
tin'  Latin  langua.ire  heCore  ]ie\\assix  \  ears  old,  and  at  the  sane'  e:M  ly  iieiio,!  laid  tin- 
l'oimdaiit)u  of  his  rema.rkalde  kno\\li  d^-e  nf  history,  ,i^-eogi';i]iliy  and  the  kindre.l  depart - 
iiicittsol'  learning,-."  She  in.  Ni.v.  s,  ];.">'),  Maj.  'j'inioiliy  l)\vl;/hl  ■'"  of  XortlKUnp'on,  '",.  ]~i',S: 
Y.  (".  IT-Ih  lie  was -a  la  i!,e.  stroni,'-  man,  six  fi  et  iind  I'onr  inel:.-  ]ii,:h,  \vhi;e  i;i:~  wit> 
was  so  siiiall  that  lie  used  tu  carry  her  aiuiuitl  the  rouin  on  llie  jialm  o!  liis  hnii'.l  at  arm's 
lenj.lh.  Her  .--ons  \\ere  larirt'  and  stron,^  lih'e  iheir  failier.  Ih-  diid  of  levei-  al 
Nat(d!e/.,  }^!i<s.,  June  111,  17TS.  He  had  h'liurht  a  larire  tract  of  land  on  the  },H-'.s.  river, 
extendi!i;r  sevei-al  niih^,  along  tlie  haul;-  and  imdndinf  the  piest  nt  city  of  Xatclio/.. 
iiitendinir  to  reuiove-  therewith  hi  ^  laiire  family.  IlJ-^  -nn,  Sej-enn  Jh  ])  wight,  arci,m- 
])anied  him  aijdi  wa>  lost  al  sea,  and  tin'  evi<h■m■^•  (if  ti-]e  \o  tie-  land  wj-.s  nev(>r  found. 
The  iiiL'Ws  td'  the  death  ijf  tin'  failier  was  ahout  u  year  in  reachiuL;'  the  family  at  N".  it 
^vas  a  suiniiier  <iay  a.nd,  one  id'  the  (dder  ■-ori'-;  was  malting  h-'.y  in  tlie  fi-ld,  when  oti"  of 
ihe  smalle.-V  id'  the  child, en,  wh.)  la'ard  tic  annu.iiicemeii : ,  raine  u.nerin.e-  tlirongh  the 
grass  with  the  sad  story,  'j'h.e  youth  th.rew  hi>  pitchfork  into  the  air  and  exclaimed: 
•■ 'I'heii  we  are  all  rttiniiil,"  aiei  -iich  w:i>  the  I'eri-.-  nf  hi-;  emi.tiuns  tha''  his  ndiid  nevi-r 
recovered  from  tiie  efl'eci;.  to  the  dav  of  his  t'U;\x\\.  -■fjiriqhf  (i\i)riiio<ji/. 
J.  Timothy  Dwight.  h.  May  14,  17o2;  m.  1777,  Maiy  Wolsry.'  ' 
11.      ,h;nu--  l)wight,  fwiu  v.ith  TinmiliN'. 

111.     Sereno  Edwards  ].)\vight,  h.  ]\c.  10,  1751;  m.   177"),  Cynthia  Fom-roy. 

1\'.  iiiasius  ])\\iL'"ht,  Sept.  Hh  17oti;  loyalist,  and  for  that  was  thru'-t  int>:  prison  j"-. 
Xorlhamjiton  ajid  iieaiid  witli  such  harhaiity  that  his  mind  lo-t  its  hahuiee.  l-"or  f'U-ty- 
fi(ur  year.s  ( 1  7  77-l>^'2l  l  he  lived  alone  in  the  lususeof  jiis  ,c:r.  father.  Col.  Tnnoiliy  I1v\ighr; 
d.  alone  and.  wa^  I'uuud  d.  in  hh^  bed,  Ftdi,  14,  1S21. 

\.      dnuathaii  Etlward..  I'wirht,  .Ian.  -J',).   KoU;   in.    K'^'^,   Miriam  A\'rit:dit. 

Vi.      ^^arah   Jhvig-ht.  h.  May  'JU,   I  7i''n.      ■•  \    reniarkahly  heauiiful    WMmnn;   a  CMiniii- 
iiati(jn  of    hc,-e!ines>  and    womanly   streiigtli  of   characti  r.  slic  had  very  oeaiitifiil  eyes."' 
{Jhrif//((  <!iin<il.)  She  m.  Sej)!.  '2,"]79;).  Nathan  Siorrs;   she  d.  .v.  /. .  Ma'rch  7.  iSOo. 
V'il.      Marv  Hwirhi.  h.  Jan.  9,  ITO;];  m.  1.7>(1,  Fewi.s  li.  M<uris, 
VIII.      Theodore 'lUvi.^ht,  h.  Fee,   Ki,  ]7iJ4;  m    Ahhev  Alsop. 

IX.      Mauri-e  William  Dwi-ht.  h.  Dec.  15,  niiO;  Ju.  Margaret  D.'Wiit. 
X.      iMiielia  Dwight.  h.    An--.   7,  1  Tfi^s    d.  Ja.n.  •^-J,  1,^47;    m.  Jam  IH,   17!!;1.  JoiiaHian 
Kdwards  Porter;   Y.  C,  V,b{\:  A.  M..    llarv.  Col.   ITiii);  lav,  ver  at  Iladlev,  .Mar-s  :    rem.    to 
Xew  Hav.  a!.-.  ]SUH;  d.  Mar.di  4.  hS'2l. 

\1.      Xathaiiiel  Dwiglit,  h.  Jan.  ;]  1 ,   1770;  m.   1  70S,  W^^^^-cv^,  Ftddiiiiv 
XII.      Kli/.aheth  Dvsigh.t,  h.  Jan.    :.'S>.  177-:';  ni.  171)0,  William  W.  Vv'olsev. 

XIII.  Cecil  l^wight.  1,..  June  10,  1774:  m.  Mary '('lap. 

XIV.  Henry  l-]dwin  Dwight,  h.  Sept.  2(),  177t);"iii.  l-'Jei'ta  Keyes. 

S2541.  Timothy  D^right,  1'.  May  14,  17r,-.'.  \\'hen  tliineen  years  old  he  enterd 
Y.  C.  v.ith  health  impaired  hy  too  (d(.)se  i)revious  study,  therefore  jirogressed  Vui.t  slowdy 
•luring  the  first  two  years,  hut  h\  intense  ajipliciitioii  suhs<'(|uenfly  was  enahled  to  grad. 
in  17(11*  as  the  tiist  siJiohir  in  the  institution.  Ho  tlien  opened  a.  grammar  sci'.  '  d  in 
Now  Haveii  \\4ii<di   he   tautrht    for   two   ^■(•ars,  and    then   ejected  tutor  in    V.  C.      At   thi> 

*  Descended  tVoin  Joliii  LMvieht  of  DeJliaii!,  whose  s.  Tiuiolliy  was  six  tints  in.  as  fellows:  (i)  Xdv. 
II.  1651,  Sarnli  I'cTliaitt.  '  (^1  .Nlay  3.  1653,  Sur'ah  PDwell,  dau  of  Mich.-iel,  who  kept  the  (.)r<!inary  linn  ■  of 
[icdlirim;  she  d,  June  ?;,  1064.  '3'  Jan.  9.  i6ii6,  Anna  Flint  of  Brp.inlrcr,  who  d.  Jan.  29.  16S5.  u''  .Ian. 
7.  1606.  Mrs.  ^iary  ICadwind  of  Readiiu;,  Mass  ,  who  d.  Aujj.  yi,  itSS  151  luly  -51.  i^ijo.  F.siher  I'^ishT, 
dau  of  Danie!  of  Dedhain;  slied.  Jan.  30.  ii'.iji.  k'i  Feb.  i,  loqj,  Bcihia  Morse,  who  survived  her  hus. 
and  d.  Feb.  6,  171s;  hed.  Jan  31.  i7r*<.  a.  8?,.  1.  by  3d  m.:  X.aiuavif!.,  b.  Nov.  3.>,  \(>'C:  settled  first  .-it 
H.-.llieid.  Mass  ;  rem.  t^  Northan;pto;i;  trader  and  Innkeeper;  ni.  flee.  0.  i6t>3.  MehitaMe.  dau  of  Capt. 
Saniai.-I  P.-.riridi,-e  of  Middie'ot'.  n,  Cc^nn.,  who  d.  at  Nonh.iiiM'ton.  Oct.  ei.  i75<',  a.  S?;  hed.  i-x  \V.  Spriii;.^- 
ficld.  Nov.  7.  1711.  Th.t;  eldest  01  iheir  eleven  children  was  'I'itiiotky,  b.  0^^\.  1,-,,  '''■i/t;  several  yrs.  matjis- 
trate;  Judf,'e  of  K'rnbaic  and  (^ol .  ofMiliiia;  ni . ,  17U1,  Fxpcricncc,  dau .  of  Joani-Ciitfr  ot  Northampt.i.'^, 
wlio  d.  Dec.  i,s,  1/^3,  in  her  7istyr.;  hed.  April  30,  1771;  /..4Chil.,of  whom:  i,  VJeanor,  b.  1717;  in. 
Crcn,  Phii'icas  Lvnian  of  Suffield,  Conn.,  and  had  several  children;  "  the  unhappy  family  "  {Set  /'ic/y/j/'j 
7>.i7i'A*,  and  'i'lniothy,  b.  17^6,  whom.  Marv  i-u  wards. 

408  Ei^AMcir  OF  i;jJz.\]!Ei'ir, 

thili'  t'n'  i-'.!li  ;;■(•  luu!  lirco:iic  u-iMI'-l  il  1 1  v  II 1.  ]  "  >|  /  III  UT  ill  (.mii;m  I  j  1 1  i-I!  CI  •  (if  alli';;>-il  >~i-,-|;i:iiin  ru\'.iu->";.  'I'wo  ol  tlic  iiiTiTS  liiul  fisi;;'iir<l,  I )  \\i!_';li  t  aiiu  ,luliii  'J'Miiiilmll  ta];iri;^' 
t]i.'ir  pla'-r-<.  'rill.'  ici'-i'ni-iulidn  of  tlu-  co!!.-;.-!'  v.nw  ln-i^an;  tin-  ^tiidy  i^l'  Ik-1  h  s  |,m  nos 
\\as  iiitrniluriM! ;  j(s  (  luiia.cU'i-  rapiiUy  tum'.  ami  l)\\ii;-ht  lirramc  so  |in|)iilar  s\iih  tlic 
Stiulrnts  tlial  wlifii  at  liir  a^i^c  ol'  '-.'■■)  he  irsiu-iicil  his  iiliic'.,  tlicy  (U\-\\  U|>  ami  aluiust 
muiuiliiously  sigilfd  a  Jn^Titinil  to  tlif  coipoialion  thai  he  iiiiirlit  \j<'  vlvvlrd  T,,tl.r  ]\<i-<- 
idciu-y.  J)wii;-lit .  liowfvi!',  iiiti-rposc'l  ami  jinvciii  d  fui-tlici-  pi  ocf'diiijjs.  A  t  t  lie  ai.'e 
of  Ut  hf  bfouii  wi-itiiis.''  t!H-  (_'n;,oiir'.-:f  (■/'  ( 'ii /, ,  1 1!  ■,  ^  wliifli  111'  li!ii>liril  in  aiiuiit  t'.iiir  \(_'ars. 
Somi-  ])assai,n's  froiii  ii  an-  i|noti.'rl  by  >h-.  <.'' ;  isw  eld  in  his  J'i>,ty  u/nl  Pt',,'//  of'  A  im  r!'-ii , 
^vllic•h  lliat  wiirt-f  and  oihi.r  Clitics  LVMisidi-f  t-(|!ial  to  any  .\iii(i'icaii  ]iofiry  ]iiodm-c,l  at 
thai  ]Hiiod. 

Jii  1777  ihc'^',  <■.  clashes  wen-  --cpavatcd  on  nccoiint  of  ilic  war.  In  -Ma\'  of  llmt 
y<  ar,  ]  >>■.  iLflii ,  wiili  a  iiiuiihiT  ol' stmirnis,  rcpain-d  lo  \\  .■■tlnTslii  Id.  (_'onn..aiid  icniaincd 
till  auiui.'in,  w  lir-n  liaviiiiT  nccii  liccn>"il  to  }. roach  a.--  a  (.'oiii;'.  minister,  lie  joined  the 
aniiy  as  clia))hiiii.  In  this  oiiii-c  he  won  imirli  ref;'avd  liy  lii^  ])i-ofcssioual  iiniustrv  and 
oloqiicncc.  and  ai  tin-  same  time  I'xertri!  con-ideralileinlim'nce  by  writing- pat  rio'ic  souirs 
^vllicl!  liecam."  pci^nlar  throii-dn  eit  .\e\v  i'i;;!;  land.  The  deatli  of  hi^-'fatluT  in  177s. 
induced  liJni  to  '•esi^ni  the  ciiaplaincy  an.d  re'inn  to  Noitl;ani))ton  to  a.ssis!  liis  mofhci  to 
su[i]io)-:  and  ed.ncate  lii-r  family.  lie  rmnained  tl.i  r.-  five  years  lahoriim  on  a  faiu!. 
].>iv;u-liinL'  and  sU]ie'rintendinL;'  a  school,  and  was  in  that  period  twice  elected  a  memlcr 
of  the  -Mass.  J,e.2-. 

DecliiiiHLr  oilers  of  jiolirical  ailvan.-ement  he  uasordaiiiLd  (I'/S:'!  ministei-at  (ire(n- 
fifdd.  Conn,,  \\  licit-  he  remaiueil  twei\'e,  discliarLi'liiy  his  pastoral  duties  sulisi'ac- 
t'jrily.  and,  jn  addition  takin,^:  chari;-!-  of  au  academy  estaldished  hy  himsidf,  wliich  soon 
liecaine  the  nio.-.*  ))opiihtr  schr^ol  of  tlo'  kiiiii  tlmt  1i:id  ever  exisied  in  .\imM-ic;i. 

I'r.  fertile-,  d.  in  ?^h■ly.  IV-'  I,  l)wi<.;ht  a;  the  ne.\i  cinimencene-nt  !  Sejit.  .1  7!'  ')  was  eh  cted 
To  tlie  ]iresidency.  'i'jie  colle:'-e  at  this  time  \\as  in  a  disoi-dered  c- 'iclii ion  ami  siijlei'ini^ 
froni  p*'c;ini:iiy  emharr;i-smi  iit<.  The  n  pntation  of  the  new  ]i."i--,ident  us  a  teache!-, 
soun  hi'oncdit  around  liitn  a  vt.-ry  hir;-:-e  numhej-  of  studenis;  nev;  pnd'essoi-.diips  were 
eKtaldished,  tlu-^  libra ly  and>  philosoidiical  apparatus  extended,  the  course  ol  stndv  and 
.system  of  g-overiuueui  chanu-ed.  and  the  coilo^i-e  lajtidly  r<jse  in  puldic  favor.  iM'sides 
acting  LIS  president,  Dwi^lu  wa<  tiie  .staled  preaidicr.  Profes-^or  id'  Theolouy.  aiid  teacher 
of  tlie  senior  class  for  ne.-.rly  "21  yeais.  dnrinLC  wlildi  tiim'  tin-  !  ejiutation  of  the  coHcire 
AViis  inffrior  to  tliat  of  no  other  in  America.  As  an  in-iructor,  prohahly  lie  was  iiever 
surpassed  in  thi.s  country,  and  as  a  theolo^iian  hi-  had  few  if  any  eijuaU.  .\n  eloijiicnt 
preaclmr,  with  a  handscjme  person,  an  expr.-ssive  cnnnlcmince-.  j'ojiv-hed  and  alTable 
manners,  bi-illiant  conx-ersationa.l  ahibti'-s  ;ii.,!  vast  stores  of  huruin<;.  it  is  aluci.^l 
impossil/lc  iiiat  he  should  iail  of  succi-ss  in  -.xny  effort,  and  least  of  all  in  th--  adminis- 
tration of  the  important  oliice  which  he  so  loin;  iind  so  honorably  tllleil. — C.-mlru^' d 
from  R.    11".    <'rhr,,hr.sJ-'o,(s(iiidl\>t(nji<f,\iii(i-t'-,i, 

Jtr.  Lymaii  J'.ee(dier.  in  .\  utoblonrapli},  says:  "  On  the  accession  of  Fre.v.  DwiL'ht.the 
c..lh-i,e  \*;i^  in  a  most  un.:oiiy  .scate.  The  Ciiristian  <-!ciuen[  was  .-ilmost  extinci.  .Most 
of  the  srmh'-nts  \ve;e  ski-ptical  and  rowdies  \\'ere  ]denty.  Intemperance.  ];iofii;;-acv. 
giiinblin^-,  and  Ih-entimi- mss  weie  common.  .Most  n{  the  members  of  die  classes  before 
nu',  we]-e  inliilels  and  culled  themselves  \'oltaire.  l{os.-.eaii.  DeAleinbert,  etc.  They 
thought  the  f;n  uhy  were  afiaid  id  free  discussion,  but  \^llen  the_\  handed  Jjr. 
Pwioht  a  list  of  subjects  fi.u- class  dispuiation.  (o_  their  suriuise  he  selected  thi.-,;  ■  hs  tin- 
Bible  the  word  of  (  bid  V'  and  tohl  them  to  du  their  best.  He  heard  all  they  had,  to  .say  and 
answered  tlieni.  and  ihen-  w;,s  an  end.  To  a  mind  apiuoximately  l:i:e  mit:e  his  ]) 
ir.iT  ^\.'is  a  continual  feast.  He  was  coj.iious  and  |>olishi'd  in  style,  ihonglidisciplined  ami 
logic;-.!.  Tin  ic  wa--  a  faith  and  power  ol'  doci  rim-  tlier,-  that  has  not  been  since  surpa.ssed 
if  eijualled.  1  took  notes  id' all  Ids  seiinons,  condensing  and  foi  mi  ng  sket<di(-s.  He  was 
a  nobh  form  with  a  iioMi  head,  and  on"  of  the  sweetest  smiles  that  you  ever  saw. 
"li  !    how    1  loved  him.       1  Io\-ed  him  as  tny  own  soul  and  he  losed  me  as  a  son.       *  * 

He  wa-  liu!  versallv    levei-ei!  and  loved, 

'■  His  intln.ence  was  (-Ktensi\-e  and  liiuieliceiit  biyom!  that  of  any  other  man  in  New 
England.  His  enemies  called  him  ■  nh!  I'ope  Dwiglii,'  whic]<  was  om-  tiile  to  m\- 
respect.      The  family   ihuughl    il  a    iirivile-e   to   g.-ilhe,-    round    and    liste;i    to    his    talk.* 

*In  :m  article  pul)iished  in  the  A'c;c  Ihivii:  J'-ir/.-ci/  in  Uic  spriiifr  of  !?,-jS.  c^.Wr.d  "  Retniniscfnses  ol'  an 
Old  Booksrore,"  Henry  Howe  (ol  skeiche  ^  some  of  llic  notables  of  New  Haven  h  ilf  a  century  a.^'o,  who 
used  to  frtqiienl  llie  Co  let;e  l!i)  of  Hezekia'i  Howe,  a  \-ery  attr.ictive  phice  for  the  e'.ill'^ye  n'jcn 
fe.i.i  oi"'ier/.-? -/-.i.'.-.v'-.v:  Prcs.  I )  wi-jh.'.  \v:ts  !">i-t  .re  Heiirs 's  !i:nc,  but  l.i^  t.ulier  I'.is  lelt  a  ri.-in(rii-.cence  of 
him.  ].)»vi.i;-ht  would  some  limes  drcjp  in  to  look  at  the  new  books  and  in:n.'azines  and  converse  with  friend* 
\vh;)TU  he  hiini^ened  to  met--t  tiiere.  On  these',-i-;i->-'-^  the  nev.-s  w.jcl.l  s  dii  sprcii  :ia-.i  r.'-ie  nei;;hbors 
wo-jld  tiock  to  li-.c  store  and  surr  und  the  Doctor,  those  in  the  rear  ,u;»ndiMi,'-  on  lip-toe  to  s:,'e  over  the 
head.s  of  those  in  front,  all  ea.f;er  to  hear  every  word  fell  from  his  lips. 



Nu'iody  cviMi  lliDiiL'lit  of  talkiii:^-  niui-li,  only  nf  liraiiiiu'.  A\  lienrvtT  I  waiitcil  a(lvi(/i'  1 
wfiil  tn  hill)  :■-;  a  fallici- ami  tnhlhini  c-ifryi  hin;^-."  Cailiariiic  ]].  Hcii-licr  nlalis:  " 'J'ln- 
}ir\\<  (,','  l)r.  1H\  JL'lit's  (Iral  li  sva-'  1  il  ( i:  I C  1. 1  to  ratlicr  in  the  1  Ml  1 1  lit  (  I. Itr'ii  (!(■!(!,  t''.|ili.  ).  llrar 
tip-  clo-.i'  oi'  tt;>.'  Saliliath  siTviia-.  A  niaa  <anir  in  -luMcnlj,  aiMJ  went  n|.  iniii  ilic  jmlpit: 
aii.l  'A  hisjM'icil  to  liini.  l-'ailn-r  tninr.]  !roin  tlif  n)cssrn^':cr  to  the  con^i-i'ira' ion  and  i-^aid. 
■  l>r.  Dwi^-lii  is  rono;'  lluni,  i-i  i-^inL''  lii^  lianils.  lie  said,  with  a  hiirsl  of  fars.  -.My 
talli'T'  My  failin!  'I'ln-  idinriots  of  Israi-1  and  tin-  lioiM'nnjn  I  hcicnf. '  'i'ln-  foniifrc^-a- 
lion  witli  ;iii  o'c-iMrii-  inipnlsc  arose  to  1  liidv  ii-i-i ,  am!  iiKiny  fyc:  wcvf  liatlicd  in  t'-ars.  It 
^vas  (jhc  ot  liio  most  ini  p.  rssivi'  M-fim-  I  fvcr  sa.w."  llr  d.  of  intcriial  ranr.'i-.  Jan.  11. 
1S17.  ;.T  .Nrw  ll;'v.-n       'I'ln'  To]  lo\v-i  nu' .".  I .'  Ills  i.'ibli.slH'il  v.-o:ks:     .!//(- r/.v/.  a  ooi-in  in  tin- 

.sty]..  <,f    Poy,,-'s     li7//r/.v,-/     /",y,-,.v/.    i:,-'.':     y/n     I/isfon/.    KI;(j>U„n'    -//.(/    P„'(r!J'ji!n    /;>!'''. 

"iT/J;  '/7i'-  I'' .■■ij>n.':f  ,.'f  f^iini, I /I.  -A  innw.  [',>'''):  J  ^/  'FJidin!,  S,  r ,/",  n .  iT'.fl;  '/'/W  '7'f //',•(•.. - 
ji,K^  ini'J  A '////.■  tiilri/,/  ,,ftl>(y>,r  1%  mint .  ITDo:  Grfinj'dil  ILUl.  a  iioc-hi,  ]  7!)  S ;  7'/,,- 
TrliDiipli  of  Infiittlitti.  ;:  safifr.  iuid  two  1  )Ls,::,ii  r^.  s  m,  t)ir  ydtnrr  <'i"!  J><in(;.r  (>f  Jiipdil 
I'lHosoah't/.  17'.)7:  77..  />.-/'/ .-;•. I /w./'/v-.v  /,/  thr  l^  Crls-s,  17'.is:  n',','.rir'<^,jn  th.- 
Clnir.iri,  r  ..-•  117/.v/,;.,^'/,./,,  i':^"0:  7;/^  ■,..//•^  ■  "h  !">y'r  h'r,/.f.i  i„  ?,V  liid  r,utor;/.  \sij\  ; 
S.riNnn.-::  (Jn  the  D.-ath  of  K.  <i  .NFaisli,  lsu4;  Uu  Idicdlin.u-.  isO.j;  .\t  'I'i.c  Andovrr 
'liu'o.  Som..  l-'ir'^:  Ofdina'ion  of  K.  J'(.aison,  |S((S:  (j.,  i|,,.  'l)raiti  .if  (io\.  'ri-iiinimll. 
l.^OK:  (»n  Clia.iitw  L'-^lH:  Oidiiiation  of  .N .  W.  Taylor.  IS]-..):  On  tlio  Days  .>f  Pnhlic  I'ast- 
iiiir.  lSl-3;  aii'l  befori.  th<.  .\iiH-i-icaii  i].,ai-d  of  Fi'iroi-ai  Mis-ions,  I,':;!;;".  Hi  nruLs  n,,  A 
lie!- T  ,.f  In.'hrnnn-s  L,tt,r.~.  \'<\:y:  Ohs  rr<it.i<>i,s  ,.„' Lo  „,/:■>../,.  -.n-n'.  an  /:■<.<.',/  m,  Lujht, 
l>'!(.i;  arid  T'tnnhxjij  id';i''iii,t '1  (ini!  Diji  iliL  d.  in  a  scfi^s  of  sn-mons,  and  y'nn-i'.i  iu  X<  >'■ 
E/Lf/litiid  ■/ nil  .X'lr  Yiiik\  in  \'.liii-h  is  i^iv.-n  an  a.'-.-oant  of  varions  sjn'ii'.i;-  and  antniiiii 
<-xi'nisions.  rarli  in  i'ouf  vols.,  j.ul).  afioc  Ids  d.'ntli.  f'orirail  l.y  'J'ruudmll,  on/rav.^d  i.y 
.1.  i;.  l-'orrcsi.  li.'  111.  u.  \'r,'i.  at  tlu'  In-asf  of  ri'..r;.o!ir"j:(hva,.!s  in  N.  \'.  ilav.-n'. 
Marv.  ,la!;.  .if  1^..niainin  Wo.ds.-v,  1->.|..  1..  A(.ri;  II.  1  ^Vl :  d,  (;.'t.  h.  l>!-lo.  a.  91. 
].  Tin'.-tiiv"  h.  >!;.r.-|i  :'!t,'l77^-,  i.'.  '.'i..ri--a  Slrou-. 
)].       r...)ij.-ini"in   Vri..,:s..y,   h.   l-"(.l,.    10.    17Nt);    ui.  S:i[ilua   W.   Strong. 

ill.      .laiins.  li.  Sept.  1.   !7*r-'l:   m.    A  ni-rlia  ]"m:  rmi,^;  (2)  ^Mivan  Ijrcfd. 

1\'.  Maw  \V<,ol-^>.-v.  ;;.  Sent.  ].  ^',^\.  trijilrt  with  Jauns  ai.d  .lolm;  d  at  N.  llav., 
Mairli  24.    I'^i;^.  a.  71*.  ' 

V.  .Jolm.  S.-pt.  1.  i:s4:  Y.  < '.  IS;)-?;  d.  of  fonsninption  a.t  iiadlcy.  >[a<s.,  .[uly'j."i, 
lS(i3,  wliili-  ..11  a  visii  to  l,i,-,;  in-d,  .Miss  .Mar^.  dan.  of  (lilrs  lU'lloi^Lr.  v.-ln.  d..'s..':;n 
ufin1.ini.  Whi!..-  in  (.•oll.-ir."  Ik'  look  a  p.'-i/..' of  -f^d  oiTcrrd  by  Noali  W(dj..t.r  for  tlif- 
ln-sl  piK  in  \\  riiii.n  i.y  :■.  ro!  lt'L;c  siud.-nt.      Ii(.  i.-.v  pi"-tcii  tt.i  L)i'.-o;i:c  a  r  let  L;-\inau. 

Vi.  Svr..ii...  Kduaids,  May  l.s,  l..--ti:  V.  C'.  \>i)'.'r.  r..Mna:'r.ald.-  iii  yMitii  for  l)rilliaii1 
talents  an. i  f.i-.-e  of  cha.rarter.  ('li;tidain  V .  S.  S.'nate,  ISi'):  2d  juist'.r  I'aik  st.  Colli;'. 
<-lili.,  IJoston.  ]^!l7-2lj;  rr.-i^rned  from  ill  liealtli;  fioiu  l.">2s  to  IS:!],  \\itli  his  Henry 
roiiducifd  t]iM  ■' (jyinnasiniii,"  a  laryc  s.d:.i:iMii  X.  llav.;  rr.-,.  Hani.  Co!.  l.'~!3:-l-H."j;  d. 
Xov.  oU,  18.V>;  autlnjr  of  llthrc  m  JJf,  ,  and  edited  an  ed;!i:.):i  (d'  ]l''^,7,.s-  nj  J,  mat  in  in 
Kd'^nriU.  in  10  v.ils. ;  ni.  .\ni:-  2S,  IMl,  Su-^aa  1-M\v;u'.'s,  dau.  of  .Tu.iuo.,  ]}asid  and 
^V^ dthia  Ann  (Miin.soM)  ]>a,!,rgen  of  N.  llav.,  h.  June  :J(),  17S'S;  d.  Aug".'  Is',  ]S;i9.  1, 
( 'iiiMi.  (1.  soon. 

\'i!.  William  Tli.'.Mlore,  li.  June  l.^,.  [VJh:  m.  ]7Ii-/,al)etli  !,.,okeinian. 
VIII.  ileii-y  Kdwin.  .\]iril  l!i,  17'.t7;  Y.  C.  1S::.:  stml.  'Idn-.i.  at  .Vtidover.  lunurniriii- 
from  an  excursion  tei  the  White  .Mountains  he  \\alked  Tr^.  ndh's  williin  2!his.  and  cant;dit 
:i  seviTf  cold,  f  r(>m  tlie  efTerts  of  \\  hifdi  lie  ni.v-.T  !i..-overed.  Stmi.  four  years  in  the  Univ. 
<if  CiotteiiiTPn  in  Cermany.  1  .*s\^  1-2.^.  With  l!.\.  Crmdius  'i'uthi'l  and  Xatlianiel 
Chauncey,  cstah.  "The  Mii'l  os.'ope,"  al  N.  IlaV.  li.'  was  ^-xperti  p.^- t..  ni.  ,MisS  Ciiavincey 
of  t'liila  .  but  d.  tit  X.  lia\..  Aug.  11,  \K\2,  a.  'M\.  I)i-.  Spiae-ue  says:  "  1  kn.'w  liim  as 
a  classmate,  aie.l  l.Acd  liitn  as  a  frii-n.d,  .-mil  rai.dy  h;is  ther.'  b.'en  knov,-n  ;i  more  gener- 
ous and  nolde  natuie.'       Ilej)uh.    'fri  rr/.s  in  A"rt/i  <  ii  rniani/  \u  lS2-">-2'). 

825411.  Timotliy  Dwight,  '  .  Mar.di  2l),  !77S:  d.  Jum-l:;.  ISJI:  hanluare 
inereh.  in  X.  llav.  JSiii-ili;  m.  .Mav  21.  1  So'.h  Clari.-:>a,  dau.  <iov.  CahMi  ami  Sarah 
v!I..,)kei  iSwoni:  ..r  X.n-ihan.m..n,  M;i-s..  b.  .Inn..  I  I,   17s:;:  d.  l-",d.,  2Y  H">^. 

I.  Timo'.liy,  .Ajird  I,  ISll,  hai-d,  w:i  r.'  m-ndi  . :  nnmnf,  of  paper  at  Chiei.i'o.  111.;  m. 
Mav  11,1^)2.  l.uVv  Stan- Olmsi..;,.!  ] ,  Tl  .moth  V,  [■".■b.  2  1 ,  !>^l;;i:  m.  H...-.  l-""),  1  Si! ! ,  1 ),  lia 
AlT.-n  Willi;. ni^  of'ciinton.  X.  "l'.,  b  Isp'..  2,  Ki.WMM)  Ci-:eii.,  b.  .Ajuil  li,  1,-1."");  .1.  .M;  v 
11!.  T^lit.  :;.  ll.e.xiiv  Til  i,iii)'>i:i;. -h-in.  1^,  1^17:  d.  .Inly  ^hl^l^.  4.  Cii  a;;i.]:- [■'Ki'nKitK  .^. 
.April  r,'.  Is4;';  .1.  .Iel\  :;i,  1N.")2.  .Y  W.M.  Ci.i  li..  .An-.  21;.  is.",],  c.  Id;  \Nus  A i,Ki;i;:  . 
Oct.  24:  d.  <».-i.  2S.  ]>'-,:;.  7.  .\.,x;;s  ],>,  .  v.  Jui;e  27,  IS'AY 
11.      Cah'b   Stion--,  b.   U12;   d.   1SI4. 


B  KAN  en    ()}■■    KLlZAISinil. 

Stron.-   l.ui.l.t  "  •"'  ^•"■"•^^'"Pt-":  In.lst  ^^  f.  was  her  si..  J  alia. 

Jan.?,  INi!,.     :i.  Hkx,.  Wc,.„,.,..v    (..-t   :.    \s;   ■     '  Zl:' ^■'    s'^'   -  ^;  ,^- "•  '  '.^nr^sA. 

r';-.^?-  ^^I'.r  T- '-'  -.^"■•■-  ^.  vs'.:',i;l-aiV'To,isr:;:-.,  i. ,  ,v\^,';?;.r;r'v::; 

llad),-v,  Mass..  ]s„l        s     T  '  It'      -r    •"  1    .  i  '  ,  '"'■   '"  l'"-^'''"' ^  ""K-    '•!'!-■    .it 

7.  is:,!:   ,,hysici.n,  S:.n  Fnu,Hs.-o  Cul  '    H  'im;    Nr  s  H    ^     ^^ "^      T  ''"  1^      'Mf ''I  '-  ^'=^>- 
'■oia.tiyu..siu,ly  it,  natural   Irsturv.  '  ^"..iu1n,,i,    is,].      H,,  u  ,.,u.  U,  that 

iX.      (^'laiissa,  Sr 

I'l.  ■?2.  is-jii:  d.    .laii.,  ]S'j,^. 

1).     ill.     ITSO,    Y.    c.    ];;,,;.    ^p,,, 
:   l';.-ir.    iiM'l.    ai  ^■aiski!'.  X    V..  lait. 

825112      j_^e]ijamiu  Wooisey  Dwjght,  i.    V'. 

taed  wuhj)rs._l'ayu.e  and  Kusl.  oll'ldla.f'M.'l).:  p,,.,,-  „.,..  a,  .  ■.,<:„"  N  >  I 
— "!-lH'd  ,o  r,  It  l.y  .lyspc.p.ia.  fn>n,  wl.irh  !,.  .nd-M  I  't,' •  Iv  •  1!  1  V  L  V  '' 
u.nv  m.nh.  at      MsIuU:   ai.,  in  X.n-  Ilav.n  in  <  Ium-voH^.v  in::,'  .^s  L '         rd       .-    [  . 

"/  M-   .•^.w,v,^.  puh.  ,a,..  of  UuMo.u,.    A-ad.    of  Arts  and    Sn....,'.    IN,,      '-nli 

D:'''v.^si';'fo/h:.;:^:--;;;..-,.!;r;-^;;-  s,.: 

Hosnil;,!        S-rv.d  -'s  <nr. .:,'.;     ','     ''.''•' ^"  '■'"   .'"'i    .-H  !>A'ou  or.r  yr.     atlSrooklvu     Titv 

of  ,(,..,iu:u.v:li,i:;:r::::.;:;;;;:r'ji-k;;;,  »----'■  i'--,,-i.M    ,,. 

8.,,,,,.. j>., ^ „  „  ^,;,,  ■  ^ ',;'„i :r-\ ;i;:':;:x;:, :,';;^rM  :'r,';.'r"  '■ 

n v!:'  ,.'i;i:^:'';v,""i'::i';:;,;';,-;^;:r  'n  v:^--:, """""'. 's,o,  ,„„„  „..,.,.  ,s,c-4„ ,.,,,,. 

I'-iin.v, !> ,;,v;  ,„.„  ss   . ; 'r^u V,,':: V  ,'"l":-'i""  r'r '""  'i''' ''•'"■> "'"' 

IN^S;  4  rhil. 

,     ,,  .  .........  is.  ;    m.    .Mav  1>:     ISt? 

'.  .I'-.    'i'"i    -^l;"v  ^l,nli)  Footc  of  riiiuou.    X.    v.,    i,.".M;,i'.:-]i:!l,' 



VI.  ]':ii-/.!'lKii,,  Aug.  5,  IS.:M:  d.  Jmii'  CO,  is;0;  lu.  Jan.  l],is;iri,  ll(,ii.  KUiotf. 
Antliouy,  hci  li.-iii-l. 

825413.  James  Dwight,  l.  S.'pt  1,  ITsi;  ,1.  .\l;nvl,  '2-i,  Isc,.!;  m.  .N!urrh  11,  isn, 
Ann-lia,  d.  (>!'  I'r.  .In.-'jili  ;iu,i  A  ui\lia  ( .\1  i  lis)  ]  )ai  liiiLr.  1'.  •';ui.  11,  ITSS;  d.  Sept.  'JV,  lsi;5. 
(-2)  Ail--.  S,  ISM,  Su,  ;,im;l.  ll.  <il'  John  MrL;,;-,.i,  ;im.1  'l.'rh^.c, -a  (  Wiillccr)  l-.ivrd ,  b.  Ni.rwirli. 
<'(iiiii.,  Dr.-.  17.  ITS");  (1.  .\im-,  -JD.  IS.")];  sis.  i,\  S.ual  1  .1  ch iisi m  Bn'c!!,  who  wa-  'i'l  ui".  ni" 
Ii'l-\-.   W'lii,   Allt-n.  auilioi- of  .1 'V, //',v  /)';v;/.  J)lri (,,iiit ry. 

1.  i:ii/.:ih,'il.  Siuiih.  .lulv  -Jd.  I'si-J;  d.  .V.  /.  .March  ;!(),  l^lS;  in.  .\^l^^  2;),  ls;j:J. 
IJfMssidacr  Xii,)',  s.  (■!'  llriis,  ami  Aisiia  (.I'-nkiusi  1 1:-.  vfiis,  I,,  .\ii<_.;.  -j.l,  ls04;  a  m'Trli.  in 
>\(  w  ila\-. ;  artiv<'  in  ht-hait'  of   jiiisnii  i-il'oiin  ami  \  irinus  .diildii  u.    /.   1)\   'Jd  m.  : 

11.  Ann  Ha.,  .luly.--!).  isKi;  ,,,.  .Inlv  io,  IS-IC,  \\,.y ,  niclia-d  l!.,.ikfi.  h.  10. 
]S(;,S,  s.  of  .ludi;-.-  .loin,  and  ^dau."  of  .),,sia!i  lKvi;;!it)  l!'M,ker;  V.  ('.  lS-,>7:'  l^rL-sl.v 
(d.M^vnian  at  Ma'-mi,  (ia.;  d.  a;  Xrw  jla\.  I'cr.  lij.  IS.")?:  1  (diild.  1,  'rnoMA-,  ],.  Sept,. 
;-;.  isiil;  V.  ('.    INiiit;   tutor   ihoiv  .sin.-,'  is,"!;. 

111.      Tiniothy,  b.  .lum-  in.  Is^H;  d.  An--.  11,  ls-2-,\ 

1\'.  dohu  l-in.-cd.  ]>.-c.  S,  IS-JI:  Y.  C.  IS-lij;  tutor  iiu-n-;  Mini- days  alici'  his  hji]).  \\a.-. 
fatally  w.mndod  l.y  a  .1  rni'du-n  stinh-nt  and  '!.  i\\.-ntv  dav>  altci-,  ^.-'t.,  \s\:\, 

V.  .hums  M(  Ihv.-d,  Ap.g-.  11,  Is^y,;  Y.  ('.  ISiC:  tuio.- tlu-r..'  1  s.;ii-."")d:  LL.D.: 
•  'idunibia  ('ol.  l.-slii  ;  i;  ra.L  C'oluni  hia  Ccl. ,  1,.  S.  and  Assf,  Tt-a.-hcr  I  lif!«-;  slud.  Tht-.i.  at. 
Andnvpr:  prac  la-.v  in  X,  Y.  (\\  in.  .Iniici;,  ISiif),  (_'<>i-a  Charlesini',  d.  .d'  Maj.  (.'ha>.  Bi-nj. 
Tahiia.l;;-.\  1'.  S.  A.,  and  Maiya '.-.-t  (K't-nn.dy )  'I'a  linadirc.  h.  (),-r.  1  T,  ls::l;i;"  r.-;.  L.jnd..i,. 

'VI.  Timoti-.y.  h.  Xov.  IG,  IS-^S;  Y.  C  T^li);  tiit.-r  thoru  is.-il-.Vi;  .stud.  'I'ln-o.  at  Xt-v." 
llav.  and  stml.  two  yoars  in  (  l.'niv.  .d'  Ham  \-  li-rHn;  I>.1>.  a.nd  I'rof.  of  (Irci-k 
and  sacr.'d  lio-rai  m-.-;  Y.  Tiico.  Scin.  sin.-.-  IS'iS;  on.-  of  tin-  (.-iitors  of  tin-  Xr '•- 
h'i'ijliiiiili  r  sii,,-:-  l^o'?,  iii  whii-h  hr  jHiMi-ii.d  in  1>7m  a  s;-riv.^  of  ai'ti.'lcs  (.n  'j'!i.  'I'rrt- 
Ith/ftl  of  ,1,1  Am,  ri<-  in  I  III  ■•(  ,.-<ii,j  ^  f,,r  iif  Fiji'iv,:  ff  )',ii'  (\i!lriir.  1  If  i>  one  of  t  lie-  (.'oui- 
initti'i'  .d'  .\iM('i'ii-an  si'liolais  ('ii,:;a;_'\-d.  in  coniit-rti.)!-.  \'.it]i  tin-  ilnu'dsli  ('..m.  in  I  he  rt-^isioii 
of  tlif  Flnp-r:-.]]  \-iTs!on  .d  tin'  X.-w  Testann-nt .  IIo  h.-ais  a  n-niarka  hh-  rcsenildan.-f  in 
]'.Tson.  Kail .  iiiiiniiHi  ami  t.-ain!..  i,,  t'\ -i'l.-s.  '['.  1>.  \Vonl-iy> ,  and  .dd  a.ciuainta  m-.-s  ai.- 
sometinn-s  jiu/.zlcil  to  t.-!!  ^'.•|lu  is  \\1>.>  w  Imn  nn.-ftini;-  .-iilnji  ...f  ih.-in  on  tin-  street.  Ihf 
<;oni].i!.-r,  whih-  i.-sidiii.u  in  Xw  iiavcn  durin;r  tin-  -^l:Rnm'l  <d'  ]Ss-.'^  iiiadi-  r.'i'.-aled 
iiii-;tak.--  <i\  itl.^ntiiy  in  r.-laiion  t.i  th.^m.  An  int*-r.--tiii^-  in-taiu;e  of  licredity.  tin-  latiit-r 
of  Dr.  'i'iniotliy  Dwii;-![t  fiein^  an  o\vn  coLi.sin  on  hoth  his  fatUt-r  and  iiiotln-r's  side  to 
ex-Pres.  W.jolscy:  m.  IV-f-.  Ml,  iscd,  .Marv  \Yakoina]!.  dau.of  Ilo-'er  i-lu-nnan  am!  Marv 
Lo.-lvw.tod  ^DcF.'.ivst)  Si;iniii'r  of  X.-.v  ih'iv..  i>.  April  :j.  lSd2;  ;3  .dul. 

825417.    William  Theodore  Dwight,  •Jum-  lo,  17!).";;  V.  C.  isi:!:  tnt-.r  th.-n- 

1.S17-1!);  pun:-,  law  ten  yrs..  ls-Jl-:;J;  pastor  dd  f  on;;-,  rhh...  I'oithimi,  M.-.,  ls:!-?-..d;:  .1.  at 
Aiidov(-r.  Mass..  ()<•{.  •.?2,  ISdo.  lit- ^\  as  on(:>  ot  the  inosi  prominent  and  inlinential  nun- 
istcrs  in  Maine;  ex<-i-l!eii  as  ii  jirea.fher:  '•  earnest  to  ve]i..-nniiee  in  vin;li.;atii;i;'  tju-  ]ioor:" 
I'res.  .ll  a  nunilMr  id' inisvii)ii;..ry  ami  1  <.-iH'Vol.'nt  s.K-h-t  i.'s;  aul  hor  of  sum!  i_\  pud.  oiati.m.s. 
addre-st-s  an-1  disi-..ins.  s,  an.l'dA /.v/z-.w;,/-'  U<r.  S,  rmo  JS.  J>irii,/,t,  J),  I)',  pul).  IS.Il;  S. 
'i".  I>.  n.)Wii.,in  <'ol..  IS.")!;.  lie  in.  Ort.  Vl.  is:)!,  I-:ii-/,a]ietli  L.M'l:.-!niau.  dau.  of  d'h..)nas 
and  Kli/al.M  ili  (1,.,.  kernmnl  l;rai!f..r.l  <d'  I)   Del.,  who  d.  Oct.  2,  1S(;:;.  a.  .Yd. 

I.  ll.-iuy  h.  An;:.  •,*,  ISd'J:  Y.  (;  is.",;.';  A  n-iover  d'h.-o.  1S.')7:  past..;- i  ong. 
ehli.  !\t  llamlolph.  Mass..  '2i  yrs.:  stud,  in  (.iermaiiy  ami  Idam-.-;  Fhys.  in  I'liila.  sim-,.- 
1.SG7;  m.  Dec.  21.  ISd.;),  Laura  )-aiinia  l^eiirnLann  .d'  W.-uchai.-l.  S\vit;'..-rlami,  \>  March 
7,  l.sdi;;  2  cldl. 

]].  FJi/.ah.-th  Biadf(.r<l,  .Mav  10.  ks;!.',:  m.  Aie;-,  12,  l.v-,7.  Rev.  K-l.,-n  Cotlin  Smith. 
1).  Aug.  2-1.  l-2i),  s.  of  i'rof.  \\\\\.  Sniilh,  ["lA).;  "Pnd.  K.-eles.  Hist.'  at  Andove.-  'I'lieo. 
Soni.  sine-  ISO:;;    .v.  /. 

III.  'I'homa-  Bradford,  0.  S.-p.t.  17.  ls:!7;  "ik  ('.  lS."^i!k  hiNvyeraml  Dist.  Ativ.  at 
Phila  ;  m.  .June  0,  is72,  Jnuia  Kl!h-ii,  (hiu.  (d'  Ikd.ert  Ii.  an.l  1  ,  ( 1  i,-dl )  Ik,ri.'-r  .)f 
\Vashingtou.   D.l. 

\\ .      .Maiv  .luiu-  2:k  Isd'.k  re;.  Amk>ver.  .Ma-s.:  unni. 

Ak      William  Th(-.'Hi..r.-.  .Inly  22.  1SJ{;  .!.    Xov.  12,  is4s. 

8254-3.     Sereno  Edwards  Dwight,  l^ee.   id,  17-"!;  pkys.  ,-ind.  .singeon  in  »he 

British  army;  '•  t  he  hamls.  miest  man  ot  tint  ham.lsoim-  family." — l),ri'jl,l  I  ii  n .  :  had  a 
line  \-ok-'-  an.l  ^\as  a  .:ood  sinjii-r.  10-  was  at  s.-.i  ..ft  tin-  (-.i:ist  of  .Xo'.a  S-otia  D..-e. 
iO.  I7s;;;  in.  .Ma\  .").  177."i,  Cynil.ia  i'onn"-oy  ..!'  Xorf  hanipt.m,  0.  D.c.  7.  I7.':>");  d..\Ia,y2s. 
17'.;,'.  Sk.'  n,.  (2)  .kdiii  kyiu'au.  I..  S  p!.  S,"l7.':,n,  a  .h-af  iiiiM.-.  ami  sin-  d..  a:  ".d'  iu 
(lau.,  Cynthia,  who  nt.   Xov.  20,  ISOO,  Tiius  ^siiiith  .,f  ( ■' i  anky,  Mass. 


iii;.AN(if  ov  ki.izai;i;tii. 

17.K    \      r  '/V'--   ^''^:\!'   '■    y--    '-    ^^'--    "'    \Vi!k<.sl,am..    Pa.;   ,n.    S.,,t.    2;. 

1.      I'o'^l       ;'■  ,-.        /•''.'^'=""   '■-li>'-^>l"'tlM.\uMnO    l).-„isn„„rN.  lh,v  ,  (\.nn.,   w),o   ,1    S,-|,t' 
iV  ;        •,.,',"'■    '■-'-'^^'•^•■"■'  ^"^^  1.   i;!'i':  <1.   1)"-.  ^.  U^;;::.   ir,.  .In.l-r   CI,.;.    iMn-or 

M....-;uHk  .,  ul   \\_vn;niuu-  Vallrv,   t'a..  h.  .)u!y  i),   IIW;   y.  ( ■.   ,,.,,4.   ,,    .\„..^  ,s.;.        1!,.„, 
...  ^vL   ^  \      J„sfu>  J}.,.ls>„.     V,u.:.   ],   ^^:2(i:   Y.  C.  IM.y      I,,  1  s:>0  w,.„i  to  !lr:n.,h;ln    San.i- 
wi.-ii  Isiaiids,  ai>.|    nrv.T    luir   one,'   I. rani    tnuu.      :>,    J/,/,-,'//,/   ,i/,„     I.,.,.     ],-,     ,^0.,.   ,'1     j.,|;. 

2i.  INOs    d.  <„,.  00,  1S4-  ,„.  ar  Will...-,.,,....  Ma,   1,  J.:;^,  ,;„„.  j;,',    ,^    Iv     ,       •^^ n      'l 
van      K. In,,..   Jl.  jsini:    r,„o„   (  ol.  ]s:,0;   la^v;,..,,      M,   .1,  ,,,xxnk.  h.  ,h,lv.  J.u.i-  ,1    f;!;, 

82/545.     Jonat}ian  l^Idv^tu'ds  DwiRht,  .!an.  e;J,  ]?:,!);  v,,,t  wiH,  l,is  1  ;,,„l  l,,-,, 

Scn-nn  Iv  a..)  nc  „.,.^  to  lou.Hl    a    clowy  at    \ai,;l,r.;    a  ftM-u-ards    ].;,.,,,    nuhlir  'h^-.s.    ..t 
<a„:,Joha|.,e.    V    \        ,,„.U1.    Ih.r,.  al,.u.t   1^(H»;    ,„,    .Au;,.    J.    V,S-' ,    \l\y]Ju   \\  rvht  .i   Snyth 

.'m,,HM',,  w!.„.l.  at    k<,„.,.   „r   iH-i-  s.  .1.  .-\.  |.ui..b,    i:-:7_.^.  -j  ,„)„.,  ,.i,ji    ,,  \,,  ^     \^^^,J^ 
uiil;iii>\\  n.  ■   •'  "'"■"  .^ 

U^^,J;-^' '■''''"'    '-'l^^^^'-^-.    ''•    ^'^i-  'i-   M'.iitreal.   rauaJa,    ly^!).    ••  unfoitunate   in   l,i. 

II.      .laiiir.-    .\(laiij.';. 

J.M..  ]]..1„.   Woiti,    (,,.J.Tn„,    1,    .1,;,,,.    !.,   ,-|rJ:   d.  at    ]>,.tn.i!    .-\j;,.i|    H,   isn  "     ]],'  ^y,.   .] 

lniM,)f..,s  aii((  d     a;   ^aciaiiicid.  .1  iinf.  ol).   IS.iO 

1.      San,,,..!    (M.lst,a,      l:m.    H.     IsK,;    .ailnr;    ,„<  ,.,.],a„t    at    M^Ml.,   Ala.;   sti.di.d    at 

-\   '■;  \J-  ^'-  ^\''^  '"  M"^■'<^^.  Sanrlv.;,-]:   l-.;a„d..  and  lau^lir  nativ.   l,-,,,.!,  s  tl,,.,.,..'  ,„ 

'\    ■     '■'    ='5'    '.-i'l'.aU.d    i.i.Jiv,.    uu,!iau.    Ai.iia    Makai'    of    Molokai.       ll.-    i      unw     ^S'■^ 

<;ar,.ymi:,,„ada,,.y  la.-.n  a,  Pnkuo,  M.      1.   .kvM::.  A  hams.  FH,.  i:,    Is,-,;^.  s-dlu,- oii  k    s' 

n^r.  >a,ra^-an-„.,,   Is;:].     o_   s.uin^i,  Ca.ti.k,  Juu^Or,  is;3(i.     :l,   .J  ruK-rTK  f     O.;    ':>o 

i>.><.     1,  i  II  \-..  kr.-iKi!'.  (),.T.  Mil.  ]■■<:)•.),  '      '.  ^  ■ 

n.      Cliar!..,.  .In!v,  l.'^Ri:  d.  Frk    '2.'    ksk.) 
Ilk      Kl^  Kduard-..  Xn^.    ,f..  1M7:  ,„.  F,.,.d,.,;,.i<  M.  S,n„„.,.  a„d  had  <>  .-inl    .d' 

t-.aii,     !„,.,,  a,    s),.ua,-d:    h.llnu.d.    skn-nia,,    t,.   il,,.   ...a.     •?.   ,I«.mks   ])v,i,;)fT    1,    \Hr' 
nicThantn,  l)..,ron,     :J.    \Vm.  .\  i.kkki..  is.vj      .1    (J,.,,    Foinr    ]s-,l  "'.'•■i^-+., 

..    ,   '^'p    ^^M.a],   A-„K  Dec.    ]7,k<l!!;    ,n,   lk..v>,.„  Ik  I^.rkms;    nu'irka,.,  at  MnLUval-   <l     -tt 
-utn,.    ]v,,u^,.,  ka..  Nov.  ^.  ]^:,.l.      Sk..    is  ,„,w.    is7:k    P:i,„ipal    cd    tl,,-    J.„n   '  d    k  , 
;.^-'"'"'  '']    ''■"•""•    ,'■    ^^  ^'.  llr.NiA,  k.   kstl;   ki-ut.  an.l   Ca,,;.  i,.    1m    Mi.  i,   V 

i,''"'-       f     ''"^  '-.^    ^"^  ;iiT.    1>.    IS^d;    irark.,    i„   ikr  (as.    l-;,io„  s.-liool  at    1 
1   •!:  |)wi(;,rr.  1,   l..V.>;    t,..,rl,  i,,  Ca.s  k,don  s,.l„,>,i  at  IhTl-uit 

\  I.       .kiliics  .\dpii;s.   Si-l't.   -Jl,   k^-2."). 
^'ll.      -kill'.  Ailvu,  Sr.])i..   |s:!i.   d     An-.-      k'^"i'' 

Sa'-uli;   l''d::";'i."v.lIS'   "■   ■^'"■'^^'''■^^^'^■'''i-   '^-"/o^  '-•■-   M.'.Mi.l..: 
n^f^'S;,     w^!!?:    plight,!.,  .k,,,^  ..    nck   „..    nsfl,  G,.„.  k.uis   i:i..l,a,d  M,„.,.i..  k. 

<d'  (J.  11.    Will     M 

-MoJiitts,  I,    k^lO    d     ISM       •;    \\  \|     ' >     - •      •   '    ' '•      '•    J.l'-^^i.'^ 

>l    Ik.    Ik,M\-aj,d   k, 

ol.  (.avalry 
>i't,.oit.      ;k 

•      .     ■•.Ji-i.'-ii^.    vi>.    .'1)111   r>       s      nl         u'l'iiiiit 

''■'-'<'■-!    :''Huro,,,  n.,  F,k.  -    Hi:k(C)  <;..,,.  l^dH.;t\k,:;^.,', :,.;.':   s 
o„,.;„n,.My,,,   la.      1      PI^:Kl■oNT]■„^^A,;,..,  k.jsns;  d.   1-kk    ^-, 
, ,,  "-,'  ■   1^1-'.      •;■   ^^-^i.  -''Mi.xso.N,!,.  ksll  a,  \\a,.r,.„,F).;r„.  1^:;.,    M,.,,    d.ui 

„■:/;;?■■";'' \vr'^ ';'^'"- r'' •^='=-'^ '^''"-"'  -  wain„^io,d, Ma,ud,.y .  1 1    ■ 

H..M.:x  kor,..  M..x.n,nMK,: v.  k.   IMd,   o.   May,  1^-;  i;..  Sa,m;,.l  1  In,:..        "^"^'■"""■-      '^■ 

^r^"^^-   ,:i'heodore  Dwight,  k.  n,.,-.  1,-,,  uok     ■•ilappih-  i>n,k..  Ids  i..f,  .,,.,n   <„ 

::^-':::;  :'■-;,  ::::'.^-i;d?;:;'^^    i;" :-■■'<- '•^''--•'•v  •■-'■•  '-^- - '•-^^-■''' 

DWKiiiT,  4];; 

}finif'>ri!  }f!i  ri>r:  sec.  of  tlic  Urtf.  ("'oiivcuTio!i,  whof-c  iiroccrdinps  hf  iviili.  in  \^.).).  In 
l>i]:\\s\\h.  Alhtinji  J)<i:!!i  AiJrriii>^i  r.  In  isiT.  \)i"^::<\\  tJir  .A'.  )'.J)iiih/  Aflr,  rti-^,  r,  ^.n^A 
WHS  iissnciiitp  cilittM  and  i>r)]i;-.  till  1S;>.3;  r.-tnim-.l  t,i  1  l;iri  T.  A  t'cuiinlcr  ;uiil  :.crivr' (iiii-rior 
of  tlic  Bible  S')ri<-ly.  A^suciai  "<1  with  Also],  ami  II.i[ikins  in  tli»'  Jv-^avsof  the  A"--///  in 
ilie  Jlcrtr'", ■'!.]/',  lYiin/.  AutKor  of  J.iie  oj  ./,  il'i  rxoi,  ;  m.  Alihv  ANon  of  Mid.lidoun 
Conn.      ilf  tl,  in  N.  V,  City,  Jun.-  I'J.   i,^4(i,  a.  S--'.      :!  chil. 

I.  TIh-o-Ioiv,  li.  Mav  3,  i:.yu;  Y.i'.  1M4:  sj,-!,!  ],is  life  in  literary  and  pliilan- 
tluojiic  jiurs'iifs.  A  in-oldic-  wrii'M-;  a  Lfood  lini;iiisr:  nieni.  of  nianv  ]dii!M-;i  )j)Iiic;-d,  srien- 
tific  and  literary  sorir'iies:  rec<'ivi,'<l  formal  thanks  at  dilTei-ent  liinfs  from  several  of  tke 
liberal  ^oveiiimems  id' ill"  Sii;;ni.di-A  nierii-a  II  liei'iiblies:  IMirriorX.  \.  A'^vluni  foriln- 
Blind.  As  one  of  tlie  N.  V.  (.'ity  I'ublii;  Sebool  ( 'oniiiiiiii'e  he  ini  ;<idnced'  vocal  nni-ir 
into  tlie  imblie  sehools.  In  ]So4,  joiiu'd  with  (ie.)i-.:-e  WubiT  to  sr^tU,'  K:iiiv;,.-,  will!  l-'r^-e 
yoilf-vs,  and  directly  induied  llj. wards  of  ;i,(!0)  |ieison.s  lo  ,-etile  tliere.  Ivlited  3'.  }'.  Adr,  r 
tiscr,  his  fatdicr's  pajfer.  )'ooi/:'.-<  J'l/i/iij  J-'.i/i,  r.  A 'iirrir.n,  M, alitor,  luninh/  ]7.w7e/-, 
Prrdrst'iiil  VinoU-ntnr,  X.  Y.  rrc^-^'i/ti  rlmi,  t'li ri.<lun,  AU:<inr.<,  an<l  An  fsnirHti:  li,ih,<i, 
His',  "f  Co/.i'.,  ]S11;  A  ."^iiiintiir  l'oi:ri<,  thr.  y,,rt]nTii  <n,<J  MldiJir  Sl.flm,  lsl7:  »/,■,■/- 
ini'&t!'r\'<  Fri:  I'd,  ^ijiiinni  Ti-'ifhr.  ],i.\.'-ii>i.\  ui  iiin!,\  FaUur's  j;, ..,!.■ ,  and  a  i;ood  nianv 
poetieul  compositions,  sonic-  of  which  are  in  F'-r  i;  .■-!'.•<  J\,(/.s  /,/(,>,,„,;  ./.;ii  rii'il  ,,f  h  'J'.m', 
ill  ltd  1 1.!.  Adrrnt'Tifi  iijAf  OfLif--  S'j/dicr.  17^(7  f.'  Tr.uis,  I'rfs.  I)irl<jt,f><  J)ej-[sUn',s  ,it  Yiil- 
Colhyr.  A  S-l'  'ul  BlrtinKiiri/of  IiOi>t.-i  ifinl  J)- riint' /■,.■<,  and  otlur  works,  (iaiil)aldi,  when 
in  this  coiintiy  coniinitted  his  Mss.    autol)ioi'raph;>    with  him,  to  be  used  at  his  di.scrftion. 

lie  ]Uib.    it  in  .      He  was  a  iiieui.    of  the  bitaie   ('oiineil  nearly  .S'^vei,  vt-ars.      He  ^^vas 

takine;  leave  of  his  daiiphier  on  ti  lailroad  car  in  .Jj/isey  City,  when  ti;e  train  started;  lie 
jumped  ofi  and  was  faialiC  hnil;  d  in  ]!roold_sn  (iet.  10,  INfif!:  m.  .\jiril  ■,'-1.  l^'F,. 
Eieanor  i;..v:iid  (jr  iJojsd,  wle.i  il.  in  iv ,  Apiil  Jo,  ISTu.  J,  ,M,  \(;(.v;;),  I'eb.  iT, 
18'2y,  d.  Feb.  11,  is.yi.  i,  Vaa.'.s  B<ivi>,  Sept.  ](i,  isau;  m.  l-Vi,.  is,  l^fiO,  C.  \\. 
Kennedy  oi  X.  C,  an  otlicer  in  1".  S.  .\7  (his  i-i  :.!.),  after\\:.  id,  ef  the  (J.  .jifedi  rati- 
Xa\y;  now,  IS?:;,  a  meichant  in  Xmdolk.  Va.;  ]  (diihl.  ],  'J7/r'jd.,)r  ]jiri<;ht,  b.  Jiilv  C. 
lS6»j.  3,  Tjikudokk,  .March  4,  If":-:!:;;  d.  J)ec.  IS,  IS.VJ.  4.  M.\!n-'f.  '.March  "l?.' 
183(5;  coudi'.c'is  v.-ith  sister  Anr.a  a  e'l-jv'  .-chool  in  P..  7,  A  NX.v  ?>[.\  !;i  a,  Xos.  Is,  i -•,?. 
(),  AforsTA  MoOKK.  Xr.v.  fs,  iNiO;  n)..Iune  2:],  ISCiS,  Shev^vood  Ix  !-7'rr)s.  ?.  ]:i;i;i:i  ca 
J.-VFKii.W,  Mi'.rch  1,  1S4-J;  m.  Oct.  ^.  ItfiJT.  Ke):t';.ii  Bokwell,  b.  April  2:^.  iN;iS:  ('apt.  Co. 
K.  Ibth  KeiTt.  Mich.  \i)ls.;  with  Banks  ani^.  Canby.  Red  Hiver  a.nd  .Mobile  Campaign; 
Judi^e  .\dv(icate  marly  a  year;  l^rovost  Court  in  .X7-.\-  Orleans:  ]irac.  law  in  MiniU'apol'S 
t\voyis.;  now   in  X.  \.  C.      ]  ciiihl. 

II.  \\  illiaiit  Biciiard,  Jan.  ;.'o,  IT'.IS;  m.  S'.pt.  ',  iS'Ji;,  .Mar\-  \N'arien  l'7ske,  a  i;-r. 
dau.  of  L'ol.  M(d'en,  oliicer  of  the  day  at  execution  of  Major  .Andre:  an.  ofncer  for  '.Jo  vrs. 
in  various  banking-  instittitions;  fond  of  musii',  and  a  sltillful  linte  jdaver;  Dea.'lsr- 
Presb.  idih.,  Brooklyn,  and  of  So.  Presb.  (dih.,  of  which  he  t)er-aine  Bulinu-  Elder,  and 
Stated  Clerk  id' Sessions.  Jle  d.  June  s.  lsii4.  1,  i'.i.i/Anr.iH  I'iski:.  ])e/-.  4,  1,s-27:  d. 
April  '2f),  1S:;i.  2,  Jfi.iA  Poirri'i:,  Xoc.  :!ri.  \)-.\u,  d.  at  Ho:vb;,:y,  uiun.,  Jan.  s, 
8,  VA.\y.\v.):\n  1")skk,  Au;r.  l"i.  P's'do;  d.  May  U.  IS'io-  ni.  Oi-i.  (;,  Vs7'>,  Benjamin  Pierce 
Staitli.  2  (ddl.  1,  (ii:(ii:.;i:  Si'iu.xc,  b.  Dec.  M,  l,s:i7:  maimf.  tunbiHll;is  ami  parasols; 
Pres.  India  BubberC<i.;  It.  Pl.  contractor,  .Midland  H,  P.;  litei'ary  tastes  and  \viiler  of 
good  verse;  -es.  Morristown,  X.  J.;  m.  June  27.  ls'',10,  .Mary  '.rorrey.  b.  Dec,  lb.  bSoLi.  *! 
clul.  ."3,  .Ma]!Y  Eh\v.\i;ds,  .Vut;-.  19.  l.'^dS;  m.  Sr-pt.  17.  iHli-J,  \\4n.  Arheiton.  b.  .Vn.e-.  1!!. 
ISoS;  leather  merchant  of  Boston.  4thil.  d,  Sakmi  .Mi;[,f,7:x,  b.  .March  lo,  ISd'l;  u;. 
.Mandi  o,  ISd:;,  Bosseter  Worthiiieton  Hayniond,  li.  .\pi-il  27,  ISJO;  edin-r  Foiiho  nlii: 
and  Miniiir;  .liiiirnii'i ,  A\\Awy  o'i  Ainu !<  iif  (l,c  WiKi.  Aimririiir  Afim.s  mid  Miniiiij.  Afifs. 
Mills  <iiid  'Fiirniirrs,  Sdaroiid  <!<jhl,  I'ltr  <'!,iUJri  id s  li',  ./■,  Srr,  n  S/n, ■;■.■<  Jdr  Scr,/,  Darf 
Lliiislnftid  \\'oud,r<'.nd  Slnyij  Jlnd.:,  ISnu;  llmrts.  lie  is  a  l".  S.  Coin.' (d'  -Mininy  Stat- 
istir-s,  and  s|iecial  lecturer  on  iriii:inir  ,;:'eology  in  Lafayette  Cid.      7  clii!. 

82549.  Maurice  WilliaTii  Dwight,  ic  Dec  17,  17i!d;  .M..D, ;  d.  at  Kempsvil  h-, 
Va.,  of  yellow  fever,  Anir-  1-,  17l'd;  m.  abt.  1 T"-'.'.  .M  ai -^ar.T  DeW  iti  of  .Milford,  Conn., 
b.  (.)ct.-2^.  17t)7:  d.  at  Pittsburi;-,  Pa.,  Julyli,  Is-jJ.'  She  m.  I'J)  ("apt.  J(din  Mav  of 
Iladdain,  (.'onn.,  ami  had  dan.  C7ith;aine  I'oud  Ma\-,  1>.  Jiilv  lo,  isotj;  ni.  Oct,  '■'>.  rs2s, 
Piichaid   i:dwa,lds  of  Pi  tlsi>iir>.r. 

1.      .\lar::aret  Van  ilorn.  b.   Dec.  2i),  ITUd;  m.  \\7n.  Bell, 

II.  Ilen'iv  Mdv.ii;,  April  dO,  J7;);:3:d.  Aue-.  21,   17'..'(i. 
111.      Catharine  B.anker,  <7<-t.  O:.'..  17!)  I;  d.   174).  -'.o, 

W .  .Maurice  V\'iliiam,  .March  -(,  J  7!id;  '  ^diiniiiia  C(d.  1  Sid;  stud,  d'heo.  at  Princeton; 
D.l).;  m.  .May  i),  lN27,  Catharine,  dau.  of  .Maj.  John  C.  Ten  Bioeck  of  J{uds-..n,  X,  Y.; 
d.  s.  /.  at  Brooklyn,  Die  8,  lN7ti. 


UKAN'CII    OK    ELIZA  !!I:T1T. 

825491.     Ivlai\a;:u-ot  Van  Iloru  Dwicchl,  1..  Dc-.-.  -yj,  17'jO;  ,].  0,1.  ii.  is:^;  ,,1. 

ANin.    ]>,■!!.     jr.,    h.    Iivhuid,    l"i-l..     11,    li'Sl;    wliolr-al.'    i\\-v    >r.,o(ls    nu-irli        i'itisl,!iv.- 
rirli;  ,1.  Nov.  -J.  is:,),  ,-,.   7-1.  ■     ■  '  '"" 

1.  \Vilii;,,!i  .M;uilicr  B-ll,  1..  Ort.  V2 .  \S]->;  ,1  .l„ly  2  1.  ISri;  in.  .\],ril  •,'(),  IS.'iT, 
Iiiinu:lh  A.  H!(nvii.  (wliosf  llintlicr  \v;i-;  si.-<.  of  r.i^iM)[>  r.;i-r",  ,|ii  o'.'  Mclli.  l';],j-.  clili  Soiuii)' 
Slio  (i.  Oct.  •,>!;,  1S:);J,  a  :\S-  (2)  Jan.  -U,  isiil,  .Mary  .Ian,-  .MiU  -;,  1..  Apiil  ■-?:;.  IS'J^:  l"-  was 
ii  )u;n, nl.  in  .\  I'l'^liany  C'it.v  of  hmwn  (  slicrtjiius.  1,  Ci.mi.v  BAsrini,  h.  .Ian.  2t\. 
]^;)S:  111.  i-fl)  -Js,  isi';:,  Aloeruon  Sidney  .Vlnunta'n!  '.\l(ir-a.i,.  Col.  l'.  S.  .\'. ,  ii.  Mayli" 
ls:ll,  i-  in  .nnwiitiinl  V .  S.  arsenal  ai  I'irt.-hn  i-^-;  4  (.-liil.  2.  .M  .\  i;(..\  i:i:T  D  w  i,.  ii  i .  Jan.  1, 
lSil;ni.  Nov.  ^S.  ls;:>,  .loss.^  ivlliot  .larobs.  1,.' .Ma.irl,  Ii).  lS:;;i:  (J.-m.  A'ji.  (.'real  Hr(M(l)li/- 
Lit'./  In-s  v'o  at  C'lira-o.  ;;,  JM.niiKNCK.  h.  May  ,S,  isl^,;  ni.  IVr.  l.sTo,  Jos-ph  I'lliiion' 
^Vof..l.  K.  An::'.  Is,  ls:l!):  j)!-!  rolenni  <onj.  niorcli,  at  P.:  1  son.  4,  F.MvtA.  I.  o.i.  14,  Is.!",; 
]-ii.  Jan.  -JW,  .is',  I,  i'.ilwara  S],anMin,--  Vli  nirhil  I ,  a  W..  1.  innivli.  at  I'oi  I  land ,  .M.'. ,  li.' 
Ajiril  IsK",; -.111' d,  Nov.  24.  ]S7l.  .'..  \\"m.  D'.viout,  li.  .\iMi!  IS,  1S4S:  ,!.  o.-t  -]  ]S()->' 
II.     .Injin  W'alioi-  l^dl.  \<.  <)rr.   Id.  ISl.-l:  d    Sopi.   H.    1S14, 

ill.  Walt.T  Dwii^ht  Hell,  1).  Ort.  -J-J,  lSM;in.  l>.r,  :;.  ]s4l,  l^lizahrtli  Ami  irnlialds 
;d'  l^hiln.      IN'  i.-  .-!  i.naiiul.  ■>(■  pi--  i,-,,i,.  cast  iron  |)i|)f--,  .■'.-.:  re,..  I'hila.:  1   (ddld 

]\'.  Sarali  Ann  1,.  Keh.  2:1  ISlC:  in.  Oct,  4.  ls;'s  (om,.  ( -nlljcr  <,.f  Si.  l.oui:,, 
aM  v.-f.  ),  l..MaMli  17,  \:\Hr.  wholesale  cfoccr:  ricji  ;;t'  St.  j.ouis,  v.lir.  l;ed.  dlllv 
Is.  ]sr>2.  She  !■-.  n;,vv  (is;;;)  in  ( 'iijiia  V.  ith  hei- dan.  Ma.r-iuet  nwi-ln.  1,  .M  .\i;(i  \i:i.'r 
Dvvifnir.  h.  .hdy  2.").  iS:!'.':  ni.  Mar^di  2',.  Isf,;),  J.-.tlian  Alh-,,  Hitchcck.  a  I'ea 
Hon/r  Ko!i^-:  ( liinliant  A  ( 'o, :  1  (diil  1.  2.  Fi!,\.\ci,-  l-'.ri'n  r;  «.-i  *.,  Anu'.  1.  1^41;  ,1.  Fel>. 
■,'^,  ]s!';.  d,  W'm.  Bki.i.,  Aiie-.  2?,  i.s44.  4.  .M,\rnn,  i;  Dv,  n;iri\  Mav  (!,  ]s4"i;;  Y.  c. 
isfU;,;  lawyer.  Si.  houis:  ni.  Jnne  7,  !s72.  Claia  Aide.-,  o.  Tn(eM.\s  I-'.^sm-it,  b.  dan.  Id. 
I'^ls.  fi,  17).ix,\ni;rii  ddK.MAX,  h.  C)ct.  Ii).  ISlfi;  ch  Sein  ]4  Is.'di  7  llivVy  Sei)'  l" 
is;.-;,!:    d,   l^U.   ].  is.-,,-).  '  •        t    ■     - 

^.        'idieode.l-e    l)\vi;;ht    H(dl.    OC.    o.    1S17:d.    Oct.    2:1.    1 S 1 S. 

V],      Mary  i-,ii/.a  he;  li   11-]].   l^.-c.  2:»,  ISIS;  d.  Mar>ii  d,  Isju'. 

Vll.  Mar-anM  I'cWiri  ]!ell,  Ani:-.  'JJ,  ]s?ii;  m.  John  Lo^an  HIaine,  h.  o' reen  Co.. 
Ky..  Ma-ch  2'd.    IM):;  nu-ich.  at  St.  l.onis,  whr.  lie  d    .Mav  ','(i,'l   (15;  ;  chii, 

Vlil,      Henry  IJni-crs  r;,ll.  h.  Ma.rrh  2!),   1S2-,';  d.  .Inm'  14,  l-nd-    M   D     inac    Chica-o 
•and  .M-advilh-,  Pa..:  4  chil.  "  ... 

L\.      Pavid,  \\  iihanis  |'„dl.  h.  duly  0.  ]S2d:  lawyer  in  Ihiishuro-. 
X.  Sidnev  had!,  h.  An^^.  s,  lS2:i:  la\vvi  i  in  I'.,  m.  \)rr   14    Is'.'r^    Mai'>.arei 
Sara]!  Vh\U.  h.  duly  (I.  ls2s;  :',  diil, 

XI.  l.oui^a  Maiia.  An--.  2U.  1S-J7:  d.  dune  i;,  lS.-,-.>;  m.  June  27.  isli.),  Jolm  Ih 
^^]lel>ley.  lawyer.  St.   l.miis. 

XII.  j-llh-n  Pell,  dnly  2.  ]S2i);  m.  <.)ct.  s,  is,-,l.  Ihn .  dedin  Van  Liev.- 
Keynoids,  h.  Xleadville,  Pa.,  f2.  ls]r,:deih.  r.d.  IS;!!;  j'rineeton  ddie.).  Seiu.  hSds; 
Presl).  Mill,  ni  Mi-adv.  :',{)  yrs.  ( |S:;s..(;i),^  .,    /_ 

Xlll.       Kli/.ahc'tll   Woid.siw  Peli.   h.   Se],t.    7,    |s,;4;    ni.    ^lav  i:,.   IShl,    pes-.    >f,iicns  Wis- 
liait  ff    \Va>liin,-ton,  ,1'a.,  h.   Peh.    4,  Isdd;    'U'    Tol.    is'll:    ihvsh.  .Min    at  i'ittshur- 

:■'.  (diih  "  .  " 

8254.11.  Nathaniel  Dwighv,  b.  Jan.  dl.  I77ii;  d.  Oswi^eo,  X.  v.,  Jmie  11,  isdi, 
of  Lake  fever,  cantrht  v.  hile  on  a  visii  'here-;  .^tud.  nnd.  at  Hartford  wdth  Dr.  Ma'sc.n  F. 
Co,iiS%ve]l,  .\sst.  Stii,-.  r.  S.  A.,  at  (Jov.  island,  X.  Y.  Harhor;  ].rac.  at  Westfield, 
Mass.,  New  I.onrion  and  N'^'eiherllehl,  lAuui.  In  IM2,  set.  as  minister  a.t  We.stcdiester', 
("o)in. ;  rem.  to  Providciicr-.  P.  I..  1S2U.  , hence  lo  Xorwirh.  Conn.  He  j.rej.ared  and  jnil).' 
tlie  firs;  s.dnud  i^eo-raphy  n-ed  in  the  U.  S.  it  was  in  the  h^rm  of  (|iu-stions  and  aiis. ; 
it  was  very  extensively  used  and  ])opularl\)r  s(Aeral  years.  He  wrote  •■The  (freo.l  Ques 
lion  Answered,"  and  '"A  (■ou;i..'  liisi.  cd'  the  Sie-nn-s  of  lh.-  I  >r-ciaration  of  lnd(>- 
jitndence."  He  \vasamone- the  liistt"  set  in  motion  thesvslem  oT  Stare  Insajie  IN-treats; 
m.  June  '2-\.  17iiS,  Pehecca,  dan.  of  .\|.],h-i,,n  and  Marv"  Stillman  P.ihhins  of  Wevhefs- 
rhdd,  h.  17;  I.  d  Ajiril  2S,  ls4S.  1,,  J,,...  v,,utli  s!ie  was 'celehia;e<l  for  her  l.enntv 
1.      (  hild.  d.  r.'J'J  at  h. 

II.      Jolm    Aiiyn.  Sepi.   10,  IsnO;  vial  est.  hroher;   num. 
11!.      (.'ew.  Ih.hhins,  X<e,-.  ;i,    ISi,,';   ,11.    Feb.  22,    ls;i2,  Sai  ah  Smii  h  <d'  \\\      Uv  d    s.  i\ 
o.t  Dnnki-k.  X.  Y..  .\ny^.  24,    IsC.S. 

IV.  ddn.mas  .Mason,  Dec.  17.  ]s(l|;  j'hanklin  rni\.  at  Athens,  (.'a.,  ]sH!.  Pi-esb. 
Theo.  Sem.  C'olnmbia,  S.  ('.,  ]s;;d;  pa.M.irchh.  ;it  Path,  <.a.;  m.  Sept.  ]|,  1  s:|:i,  A n-elina 
Hiini  of  X'ew  P.i'uii.-wick,  X.  J.,  b.  ls(),;d.  Oct.  11.  is:;!',:  (2;  Xov.  2::,  1S12.  Almlia 
C'dlins  of  Mi'ldleiown,  (  ojin,,  h.  Ind'ejm.  Sep!.  4.  Ish!;  id)  .hui.  "j.  1^.77,  Sophia  Palmer, 
win,  d    July  14.   1S7II.       He  ^^a,,   also    set.    over  (.'ony.  cidi.  at  I'utnev,  \  t'. ,   lSiil-!s(j.-,.      {[ 



■GiiJii'KT  Snowokn".  April  '-2.  iS:'-"):  ••nlistcd  U.  S.  VoU.  41st  (Miio,  C.,.  K ;  scro-t.  iind 
ord.rlv  ,]  at  I,<)ui>vil!r,  K\ . .  nf  tvplioid  r,-vcr.  J  1-t,  IsC"!  ■/.  liy  0.1  in.:  ;',  Mason 
Coi.l.iNs.  ('-ct.  -A.  ISi:-;:^'.Ml  <•-,.  1,  In.  iiairi-  Cav.  (if  N.  Y.,  U-ii'i;  tii.  O..-.  •-.':>,  ISCl, 
llcr.ic,- (.'alhariuc  I'.i-owiiiiiLr.  I>.   .\i>i:-.  TJ,    l>lii.      1  rliild. 

\'.       ll(Mir\    (•(-■il,   li.Oi-l.   -J".,   IS.IC,:    d.  Nrw     l,i)li.]n;i.   ^.'i.t.    17,  ISDT. 

\'I.      lli'iiiV  ('.■.••1.    1>.   Nov.  C,  Is'UT:   11).  liis  <;<.ii>;ii,    Auiu-s   .\Mi_v   Dwi-lii:  iuimtI).    ir. 
].:•.,    .^Ii(d..v.  f',   N.'V.   II.  is;;i):  iVM  Sept.    1,   ISl'i,  Sarali  Auu-j  of  Mcnl,  \'i.    1  cidld. 
Vli.      Naili^iiii.l  .\pi.lrt,.ii,  .lull.'  (',;  ,1.  .Inlv  'Jo,  isd'.). 
V!!l.      Natliaiii.-l  Appl.-tmi,  May  -j;!:  .1.  Au,-.  30,  ]slO. 

8254.12.  Elizabeth  Dwight,  h.  Jan.  '2'.),  17?0:  d.  .d'  cons.  1).^-.  8,  1S]8;  in. 
April  -.3,  I7'.!-:.  ^\  illiani  W'alti.n  \N  o,d-ry.  1..  S.  pt .  17,  1  7(i'i,  .s.  of  l^'lljlunin  \\'oo]scy,  jr.. 
-I. I'  D.isoris.  L.  1.,  and  Ann  MniiSfiii  Ijis  wf..  and,  l.r...  id'  Mary  Wnnlscy.  who  iii .  '' 
'I'inw.iliv  i)\vii;lit.  Mr.  \^'olll.-^^■y  was  a  IfadiiiL;-  ni.'iidiant  in  N.  V.  ( '.  ami  Indd  many 
^11)1. li.  oitii-t's'and  uu-rs.  1  !■•  wa-;  several  y(.'.irs  Prest.  ..f  llo>  N.  V.  Mcrclianis'  l-lxidiange 
(.■(>.;  Ti-ca-Mirc!-  and  A'i.-r- Pi.-r.  .d  t]:v  Aiii.  BiM--  >..:■]•  ly.  l\<-  m.  C'l  !'.-<•.,  i.s].-,  S;:'-:ili 
K  dau.  <d  .liidr.'  <'l.ri)li--  ami  .Vniuail  ( 1  )arliinj  )  ( 'lianmcv.  a  desi-.  of  1  janiiah  (Tiittk') 
\V(dl<s  {•':]  of  N.  Ilav..  1.  \Ur.  -2.  17>-0;  .1.  •'.  /.  F.'l>.  0,  is^if.  II.'  .1,  An-.  ]>^,  fsyii,  a.  7>i. 
1.  ^Jarv  An;.  \\',-.  .  1..  Marrli  :!,  17!K;;  d.  April  -^S,  IsM;  m.  S.'pt.  :..  1S1:J, 
, hired  S.-arl.r.!...mli.  li.  .Ian,  21.  17^1";  s.  .d  ..I..-.e]dL  and  I'elK.rah  S.  of  l',i  .mklyii.  Conn.; 
y.  ('.  ]S(i);  111.  ;.-iiani  at  llanf.-ni.  Cjuii.;  d.  N'ov  2o,  ISlC,;  pi;  X.>v.  S.  ISlO,  <;,-org-e 
Kna.dl.-v,  1..  Brar.f'.)rd.  Cunu..  l'.-.-.  to  17sl;  d.  at  Cleveland,  (.).,  Im'L.  20.  'l>^r,] ;  Y.  C. 
ISU]  :  'i"iit<.r  ]SO:i-l-0;;.  In  Isiii;.  '07  and  liS  \\',L-lii!i^i..n  eo:  n  ,po:iden'.  of  tlie  J'/nlii.  I'. 
>'.  <i(i^n/r:  Mayor  oF  New  Haven  ISO-.'  lo  IS'JIi  an.l  l'i.'st...f  tlie  Ivmle  Lank.  In  lS;3ii 
rem.  tn  t'l.'viland  and  was  ti\i'  times  eleei.-.l  .May.,r,  lS;,;0-;.i7,  dorm;;  wjiieli  tiun'  lu' 
decidiri!  00, Odd  suits;  .May.)r  of  C.  aj;;iin  i.S4l.;-47.  He  was  a  li..rtii-nltuii<t,  arhorist. 
oo-,^t,  and  I'l.rn.-d  in  "New  lMu:-l;in.l  faniil>  lii>t<. ry.  ;'.  liy  Is!  in:  1,  \\'ii.i,i.v>r 
^V(.>._ll.M•■v.  1..  Alii:-,  on,  Is'il.  liiendnint  at  Cin. ,'(.>.,  amlViext.  ed'  tin.-  IJaidc  ol  tlie  Oiiio 
Vall.n  ;  m.  Apiil  17.  1.^41,  Sarali  Van  P.eiii.M  of  Zaner.N  il1e,  (.)..  ii.  Oet.  Od,  IS-,',  dan.  of 
John  and  K!iz;d..;t]i  Aspinwal!  Van  li. :  lias  had,  in  .ddl.  0.  I'h.fz.v  nr.Tii  Jnvj.iirr.  h. 
Nov.  1,  1S1.3:  d.  next  .lay.  '■'..  .lusKi'ii,  )..  jiiul  .1.  .Ian.  "I,  1S17.  /.  hy  O'l  m.:  4.  M  \\<Y 
A\S  He,..,  iii,i,\.  I..' Se],'t'.  ;-].  IS-Ji);  d.  .Inly  ."i,  ISdO:  m.  Jan.  i).  isjil.  'Jdinnias  Fr.lle;- 
P.ini.,'re.'y.  M.  |)..  hoinn-puihy:  ■^.  ef  ]!r.  'J'iie(..i]  an.l  .Maiy  I'lill.-i  P.:  Pninn  ('..'.  ]>■.:].">: 
res.  ]).-u-.iJi,  .M;e)i.:  Iiad  '>  ijiil.  .j.  Jh.iz.M'.i;!  n  Dvacnr,  le  .lane  11.  ISOO:  m.  Mav  8, 
,  LS44.  .loslaia  Hail  lial.-s.  h.  .-,.  1S17;  W"..',-^.  Peini  lSo7:  hieuP  V.  S.  A.  in  1-dorida 
wiir;  Ihhr.  <M-n  .d  (.1.  V.ils.  t.;  Aiii;..  ISeil:  lawyer:  stale  Senator  iSdl;  r(\s. 
(iiieiiiiiaii.  U.:  s.  ef  !>!■.  (.'.■■■>.  an. r  Jdi/.al.eth  ilali  15.:  ."")  eliil.  C,  (.i.oKi.i:,  le  .lulyoi, 
]62ii\  West,  h'eserve  Cnl.  is.i  1 ;  lawyer:  .hnlio-'of  the  Supr.'ine  ('  .d  ihimillou  e"o., 
'<-).,  1 8.32-0  and  ]Soy-(i'):  siiiee  IsiM  Pn.f.  (d'  eonnnereial  law-  hi  Cincinnati  scliool ; 
Pr^-.t.  j'l-o  ft'iri.  of  tlie  ])..-in.  c.inv.  of  Ciin,  l.'riSi).  wdindi  iii.:ainate<|  (n^n.  Hancock  for 
P;-.-^t.  P.  S.  :  n:,  .\c,.r.  }:]_  is.-,I,  M;ir>,-  Pa.iriiet  P.-irve.f  Ciii,.  Ii  M,uv]i  1,  1S:.'7:  dau.  of 
Jvuiiuel    and    .Maiv    Burnet    Ih-w  ]>'.■  :l  rdiil.     7,    PAfn.\,    1>,   An-.  .'>.  is;i4:  d.   .lune  19. 


IP  Isli/.aheth  \Vo.)l-..-y.  h.  n,;t.  (),  171)4:  m.  .hm.  OlP  PSlCi,  Francis  Hayurd  Wjn- 
lliio]>,  jr..  (lii<  2.\  wf. ),  h.  .Sl.areh  On,  17S7  (s.  of  Fr.iiK-is  Hayard  and  l-^lsie  Marston  W.); 
y.  C.  I'sdi;  lawver  at  X.  Hav  ,  d.  Vlar.d.  01.  ISll.  !!.■  in.  il)  dnlia  Ann  ]h)o;t.vs,  u  cons, 
of  his  0.1  wf.  l',  1'fii;(i.  \\'.)oi,si;v,  1).  Oct.  ol,  ISKl;  d.  S.-p.f.  OS),  is-jd.  0,' EniZAUKTii 
\V(.a)i,si:v,  1),  Nov.  01,  ISOd;  re^.  Stalen  Island:  unin.  :'.,  Ff.ANrls  P>.\ Y.MM).  li.  Dec.  07. 
ISOO;  d.  F.di.  00,  ISOd.  4,  Puii.v,  Sept.  p;,  1^0.".:  ui.  NVm.  Teniplfton  .lohnson,  w  lio 
d.  Oct.  OS,  ISilS;  (s,  of  Win.  .Iidiiis.m.  r.'[>oiler  of  cas.'s  in  the  courts  i.f  X.  V.)  .5,  Thko- 
iKiKv;,  h.  S.-j.t.  00,  PSOS;  y.  (■.  1S4S:  visiie.P  Ihiro]K'  for  health  1S4".t-.'(I;  then  b.-cair.e 
li!to:io  .-.  of  Wni.  IP  .Aspinwall,  in  \vho:-c  cuntini;-  lion-c  he  wa^  aftci-waixls  ein].loyed. 
Sjieiit  twii  years  in  P;in;..nia  in  .  niplny  of  th.'  Panama  Sieainship  Co,  \'isiteil  C.alilonua, 
■<,»rei.'oii  ami  \"an  C.mveis  I-Iand.  Ace. jmpanie.l  the  r>;irieii  F,x]  (d  Pieut.  Strain. 
In  is.-|-|  a.iinitied  lo  tlic  har  and  pr.i.-i ic'd  in  Sr.  Pouis,  .Mo..  Ini1  the  climate  not  ii..^-reeino- 
with  him,  v.'in.iv.-il  to  X.  V.  ( '.  In  ISlll,  alter  fall  ,,f  F.ut  Sumter,  h--  joined  lhe7tli 
P.'-t.  X.  V.  S.  X.  C.,  ami  iH'came  niililaiy  secretary  .>f  (i.-n.  P.  F.  FwiiIit  at  lAirt 
M;'inr..e,  with  raniv  of  Maj..r.  Kili.'d  at  tin"'  hat  tie  of  Bi,c-  liethel,  \'n.,,luue  ID,  ISiil. 
Auth.if  of  r,,'/'  /V/vv/z/.s.  ,7,;>///  /lr,nt.  f-M/rli,  Ji  nit/l<  r'"f( ,  CiOlo,-  <h-"l  Si/d,//r,  JJf,'  In  fj,r 
Opin  Air.  ami  a  numhi-r.)f  n.a  ;;a/.im:  ariicles,  (iiie.)f  wlihdi  was  an  ai'count  ..l'  i  Im  c;im - 
].aiiii!  of  the  7th  lo'-i..  ii!  thi'  Athiutii'  .)!"iil!if:i  .d  .Pine,  ,)nlv  and  Auc-u.-a,.  l,s(iP 
/'/.'/.P.v   JU,,'/.    J)iri.     (i.    Wii.i.iA.M    1).'   An--.    M,    ISIil;    ^^    C.     ps,",]  ;   i,.,u-ver: 

as'-lvi;;iit  t.)  ,!e,.l_;-i-  Ad,-,  ...-•at.'  d'eli.   i!.d!   in  the  laic-  war.    wit! 

d'  Mah.i 

Sa);aii  \('i;v 

Xov.  0>-:,  is:l:p  d.   Se|.it,   :iij,  is:;|.     s.   Sakaii  CiiAC.xe'iov,  Dc 



is;)-!;  ju.    iNCi,    'I'linidmv   W'estfiii:  Y.    (.'.    1^-.^;;:  n    v'wW    t-riL'iiifcr  finplf.'vcd    on   Ci-ot.iu 
^^■:l!^■l•  \V<.iks.      She  il.  b'xui,  Icaviu-   1  <-1mM. 

IIJ.  .lol.u  .Muniloi.l  W'lHu^ry.  li.  ,ii;ii.  10,  i:\H\:  \.  ('.  isi:-!;  liarilwan-  )imt.-1i;uu  in 
X.  ^'.  ('..  iiuii  laid-  l:ui(!  a^-i-iir  and  rapilalisi  in  ('!pvi!:aul,  O. :  r.  s,  1S.")2^7()  in  X.  liavcii. 
(-Viiiti.,  aiul  d.  lli.Tc  .liilv  11,  1S70:  liurii'd  al  Dusni'ls,  L.  1.;  lu.  ls:i-2,  Jaiu\  dau.  of  !>!■. 
John  Andrews  T.f  WaHinirfiTd.  (Vmn.  1,  Saii'iH  Cli  Ar.\(i;v.  li.  Jan.  "^H.  IS:!."):  a  j-^iimlar 
\\iili'i-,  Iniowii  a'-  ">''/.v7/<  ('(HiHihj, ."  i^oilor  of  Liji  und  Lilfirs  of  }{rx.  J/,hiiiii.  2. 
,1am:  A.M>i;1' ws,  1).  (),••,.  05,  IS-MG;  ni.  licv.  li.  nry  Alia  ri  Vaiiil'-y;  V.  C.  IS").");  tuioi- 
lSoS;  I'nif.  in  P.t.Tlcel,-y  lliviniiy  ScIim.p!  \V.\<\<.  Srr.i.)  at.  .Middi'-loWn.  Coiui.,  If^ii:]  to 
IS^O.  and  (1.  tlifTf  Ajii'il  3.  ISS-J:  4  chil.  :'.  I'm/.  Mir.i'u  ])'.\  i<,irr.  April  -J),  IS.^S;  in. 
Jinie  l;!,  1ST7,  llaaii-l  Cat  (iihnan:  V.  C.  j'^Vj;  I'rof.  tlifie  1  s(i;i-7-..>:  Prt-s.  I_  niv.  of 
(.'alifornia,  IsTii,  and  now  (IbTS)  Pics.  .Julm  lloiddn,^  i'niv..  15,-)ltiiMnn',  .^ld.  iIIlmu.  Isi 
Mfii-y  Krt<diani  vlio  d.  Oct.  ".35.  l.'^l.l'J).  •].  'J'li  iiuixnii':  Wai/iun.  Si-jk.  7.  I^IO.  5. 
WiLLiA-M  ^^■AI.•|•^^■,  July  IS,  lS-I-2:  m.  dnm'  1 ,  isf;;).  Catharine  I'.nrkini^liani  t 'mii vi  r<; 
lives  on  a  planiatlon  ai  Ail<rn.  S.  C;  1  rliild.  1.  Chw'i  i'mi.^t,!  lu-i:  \\  Jan  !l-  d  J  unt- 
il, 1K72. 

1\'.  Williriin  Ceil  V\'o(.lM_y.  (fv.ln  wit];  Ji.],i,  M.);  \.  C.  l.viM;  a  in-ii>.Mii-iT  in  .\.  Y., 
v.liiTi."  lie  d.  Nov.  U.  1S4l):  nn  "Mandi,  1S-H|.  Catliarinc  JNda'cca  Bailry.  dan.  of  C.-n.' 
'I'Ju'iidorn-,  and  2d  \vi.  Kdiei-ca  Talma::.'  IJ. ;,  li  May  -Jd,  1N|)4:  d.  in  X.  llav.  Jiilv  24, 
INM.  1.  Ann  Ki.iza,  Jan.  22,  ls':!0;  m.J  iuk- 5,  isil!).  Saniind  l-'isli-r  Cannali.  !•.  "ls:>,i  .- 
s.  of  Culidj  and  Sarah  (.'.  of  Fri.'Uiisvillc,  I'a.;  a  lar-v  land  invin'r  al  W A  riUi^iin:-,  V:i.\ 
\\v  A.  Jan.  27,  1SG4:  .•^h^  d.  J  uno  27,  l-Oo;  2  <-hil.  2,  W.m.  W'Ai.TiiX.  Ain'i'l  24,  In:)!:  V. 
C.  Mtd.  S'diool;  prac.  at  LHi!)ui|Uf,  Iowa,  wdnre  lu-  d.  .May  2'>,  js.")7;  ni.  0;-i.  4,  IS.-j.^. 
Fanny  Sheldon,  h.  Xowpoii,  X.C,  .\])ril  \).  LSH'.*:  dau.  of  l.^rael  of  Oranu".-.  X.  J.,  and 
wf.  >!ary  Wallace  (P.ord<-n>  S.  She  m.  (2)  Wool-.-y  l-;(.u-er-  Hopkins:  1  ehiki.  :],  'I'iiK'.. 
l)0l>vs  J1au.i;v.  Maxell '),  ls;;it:  a  tlonr  inerrh.  in  X.  \.  <.'. :  in.  n.-t.  |.  \>.-\\_  Marv  iiniihe-; 
i?ailey  of  iMn-dham.  X.  Y..  o.  ls:iS;  dau.  of  Xa.iln  Pk-.t!  and  i:!; /.a  (  Meir)  l>aiiey.  He  d. 
•V.  ('.  Anu'.  9.  l^''.k      4,    (k-\  Til.MilM;   Cix  ii,,  k.   P;'e.  .",,  kS-Kt;   res.  X.   Y.;    lliiin. 

V.  Lama  W'ook'-^ey.  1).  Jam  PJ,  lSt)U;  ik  al  Stratford.,  Com:  .  Nov.  2'.i.  IsSd;  last 
surv.  dau.;  ni.  April  2.  1n24,  ^Villianl  Samuel  Johnson-,  b.  Dee.  iH.  K;)."),  s  of  Sanitn'?! 
Williani  Johnson  and  Susan,  dan.  of  I'ierpom  l^ilw.^rds  and  Praricrs  O^den:  irrad.  Pnioii 
Col.,  X.  Y.,  Ibl4;  res.  Stratford.  Conn.:  chil.  h.  in  X.  ^\  .  1.  Srsv.v  Ei)v,Ai;r-s,  M.areh 
12,  182.):  nn  June  27,  ISGl,  William  Henry  Ilnds.m.  ),.  in.  P-ed...  p],^-..  peh.  12.  1S2(\  s. 
of  Jos<-])h  Hudson,  afterward  of  X.  Y.,  and  Fdlen  Pa\erty  TcMil^er;  kille<l  by  a  railroad 
accident  at  Stamford,  Comn,  ^Piy  7.  IMJ-I:  h.  i.  2,  SAAn'Kl.  V\'!i.i.i  a'.!  ,  b.  Oct.  27.  Is2::^: 
graJ.  Piinceii/H  Co].,  X.  J.,  IX-I'J.  and  in  his  la".-  stinlies  a.t  Ikirvard  in  PS,")! ;  ni.  ?\Pirch 
1,  Fmnces  Ann  Sainh-ison.  P.  Oet.  27.  H2ik  d-'n.  df  J7ilv,ard  Fisln-r  Sanderson  of  Suiiield, 
Eng.,  and  Julia  i.'a.row,  (kcu.  of  Isaac  e'arow  of  N.  Y. ;  1  <-liild.  3.  PvfUA  \'\'(mm.sJ';v,  b. 
Aprils,  iyo7;  nn  Dec.  S.  ISC,:;,  ])i.  Wm.  Ik  ni-v  Carni'dt,  b.  An^-.  Ml,  k^oi;.  s.  of  Caleb 
and  Siirah  Curniall  of  Lakeside,  Pa.:  .M.D.  of"  .\.  Y. ;  2  chil.  -i.  \\'.H)!.si:v.  M.D.;  P. 
Feb.  S.  Ib42;   e-nid.  Prkneeton  Cok,  ISdO.  ar,.!  ai  N.  Y.  .Miik  Col.  1^'ikP   i)liy^i.-ian  in  ,\".'  Y. 

Yi.  TiieedMic  D\viuJit  WnwPey.  1...  (.)ei.  ;;i,  Psul :  ^^  C.  J,"-.''!.-  tntm-."  lS2:'-V~i:  sMnk 
Theolo;/y  at  Princet;)ii  and  ^A-w  Haven;  ^lud.  and  traveled  in  Fuiope  1S'27-:^:m:  Piof. 
trret'k  Lan^nia,ge  ami  Literature.  Y'aleCok,  twentv  veai's,  iN:!lnP  Pres.  '^k  C  twentv. 
five  yc-avs.  ]S4ij-71:  A.  M.,  PP.  D.,  Wesleyan  Col.  'iNk'.;  S.  P.  P.,  Harvard  Pnlv.  Is-i7; 
Pres.  Fvan.Lielical  .Vlliaaice  held  in  N.  Y.  C.  1S7;P  member  <d' Air.eiiran  Comnntiee  for  rlie 
Kevision  of  the  Hible.  .\nihor  of  several  clas>icai  lext-boi.ks;  '/'/tt'  .Urtsfi.s  nf  J:'"  i  (j'idci:. 
Tilt'  rrinnd/ifii.::  i,f  .l-WliwH.s,  T If  A  iitlijoHi  of  .7-.'.vr/,_(//y,',v,  'ill,  El.rtni  i,f  >>/;;/, ec/, .k  and 
'I'hi  (Jor^ji'i^  of  V'lol.,.  (if  keal  works,  lu;  is 'the  author  of  l,d  r.xhi,  'Jon'  i<j  (//-  >',• '/(/.//  of 
Iiitcri.iitloioil  L.iir.  /•;.vv,///.v  I, II  J)i  mrir  and  JJicrcr  und  D'n-nycL  l.njixliiiinn  ;  and  has  ]iub. 
a  \ok  of  sermons.  Since  he  le-i^Mii'il  the  Presidency  he  has  continued  to  ^i\-e  insirnc- 
tion  and  lei-turesin  the  law  and  thei.lo-ical  Sidnnds,  and  ha.s  wiitteii  law  aiticks  on 
iinijoitant  (juesti-on.--  «d'  the  day  forditferent  h.-adiny  maea/.ines  anil  newspa.  pi-rs.  Iv-.-iilcs 
preaching  from  tlim:'  To  tirLie  im  s]ieci;.l  oi<-a.->ions,  iiial  has  deli\eied  a  eours(-  of  lectures 
at  Amlovei-  Theo.  ^em.  on  Ikdythei.-m  and  foiiie-n  missions.  At  ;iu  .Vlnmni  in-  eiin.;;-  in 
New  Haven  in  ISSd.  the  presid. mt  of  the  P.  S.  (  decdared  thai  in  re.irard  to  a 
certain  very  important  Ime  of  jmblie  ])(i!icy  be  wa-  in  L;reat  perpl.-xity  until  the  tlmuL-dit 
liashed  npcni  ins  niiiid  of  v.ri'.in.r  to  Pre'^.  \V<.ijls.-y  fur  ;idvice,  which  he  oPtaiiu'd  and 
folk. wed  implicitly,  ajid  thinks  h(-  found  in  that  the  true  soluiiun  id'  the  diilicniiv.  He 
in.  Sept.  .5.  lS:;:k  i'Ji/.ab.jih  .^hlrtha,  dau.  id'  Josiali  ami  Abbv  I'.i .-e^^e  ^;alislmrv  (d'  Ko.-,ton, 
.Mass.,  b.  Nov.  ;]il,  1SI2:  d,  veiy  smkhnly,  Nov.  :k  lS"i2:  (2)  Sept.  i\_  1S.".4,  Sa:ah  Sears\ 
dau.  oi'd'ilman  aial  .M  aiy  lPi"-e-s  Prit'-h:ird  of  lio.-t^ui.  1,  P,i)\\Ai:i)  .<A  nismic  V,  b,  .Jum.- 
10,  PS'.4;  d.  Pec.  17.  iNPk  -f  .scarlet  b-ver.  2,  Ki,i/.a!;i:ti!,  b.  N-.v.  :',0.  1^:1,",:  <[.  o»' 
scarlet  fever,  Dec.  17,  ISIM.     o.   Ac;.m:s,  b.  June  :!i).  is;;s;   m.  Mav  14,  psdo,    Ih-v.  Fd"-a)- 

nwHiiir.  4]'j/ 

J>;uno-    Jlcrninrirc,  b.  .\i,!il  HO,  IS;}:!  s.  (if  If. -v.    Ucnrv  Il-Tniaiiff  f,f    Kiiidcrlinok .  N    \ 
iiiid  CallmiiiH'  1/nn;,^    V.C    ls:>S;   New    llnvcii    'I'liro.    Snii.    If-'lil;   j.iislor  ol'   llir  Dnirli 

K'rfoniHil   cllh.    ;it    Cast  Irli.ll,      l;r'l)sv,.l:;iT  < 'o.  ,    N.    \,_    ISljl-'.i;    siiir,-    1 S7 1    ,,.<.    .\c\v    [IuV(-n- 

K.  i.     4,    \\  ii.i.i.v>r  Wai.I'ox,  !i.   .luuc   TJ,    1S40;  d.    p,'c.    ;',|,    jsi;-;     ,,r   M-;,rlrt  fever      ." 

J.AI:i;A,    1..   Jmw  L'-.\    1S.|-J:    d.   of  t\p:i..;d    (ryrv.   Maivli   0;'.,    l^dl,   :,.   is.       (;,    CvrMMMNK,  l")' 

Jiin.  17,  ISl.r,  d.  Jijiir';,  1N.")I.  vJ  Amherst,  .Ma-.<.,  \\],\\r  on  ;i  jr-uriKV.  '  7,  .M.\i;'nr\'  h 
.Inly  7,  KS-iT;  d.  [)f  liilioii.s  dy.-rali-jy  a!  .l<Tiisali-i!i,  Palrsiiiic. 'Dee.  s'.  I'-id,  S.  li;:i,'i,:N' 
Aug-.  7,  ISI'.I;  d.  ef  saine  diisrasf,  and  1  Ud  iliiv^  aflrl'  li.r  s'lste;-,  ;,{  ".1cni.-.alclM,  lirf.'sl 
1S70;  both  bn.  in  rity  (•ciiictcry,  X.  Jiavcii.  I),  'I'ii  ij  m  x  ii;(.  S  M.isr.ri;  V.  b.  (<(■;.  "i-J  HH.")?'- 
^md.  ^■.  <'.  ISrJ:  siiid.  law  at  N.  ]]av.  :  a].].!.,  1S7S,  ]',-,,[.  (,f  Int<'iiial  li.nal  J^awyT;' 
(!.  by2djii,:  in,  Mai.'Y  l^i;ri(,  b.  Scnr.  l.lN.Vi.  ]1,  .hurx  Mi;!;-,).v.  b  L-Vb  i;; 
iS5.S;  d.  (d'  iyi.l.<.id  ffv.-i-,  .Maivli  ]:;,  ]s(il.  '  ]2.  ( .' i-.(.!;i;i;,  b.  Mav  2  ISiil  1::'  'I'l'.rrn' 
h.  July  2.  IS.;-!.  •       '  -•     ■ 

Vli.      Salab    Wnrdsoy,   b.  Ort.  -,'7.   1S(I.-,;    ni.  .April  Til,  IR;!.-,,  ( 'hurle.s  riv.bTi.-k  .bduisoii 
1).  Seji'.  1i».  bs.M.  (,uiy  s.  of    li'nbcrt  ('.  .lidiii.sfm   of   Stralfuid,  (\nr.)..  aial  ('atlianuc  liav- 
ard,  dan.  .if  .\i.  heias  and    ( 'rJliai  ine    I.ivini.':.-.t(,iic  Iniyjwd    of    X.   V.       [I,.    \w,v   ti-aincdio 
llif  hiw,  ixiT   lias  \:i'f\'.  all  his  life  an  aiiiale;n-  fjirmer  a'  Owen,),  Tinea  <'"  ,  X.  Y     di  vntiu"- 
liini.self  esi.eeially  to  n  adini:  and  study.      lb'  ].iib.  i'li  ai.noiated  iian-iati'on  <,f  Lueretiu-T 
Siu-d.  v.t  l\,)i.,  ITanc.-,  feb.  2S,  bs70.  a.  (m       1.   C'iiAHi  |.;s   rni;i.K.i;ieK,  b.  Mav  .^v  ls:5(;' 
at  X.  Y.:  srfad.   Y.  (".  lS.-)7:   was  .\sm.   Piof.  of  Matlieiu.-i!  ics  in  the  I',  s.  Xa\-a]'Sehoo!  at, 
Annr;]M)Iis,  Abb.  irnia  b'-^do,  when    if    \\;,s   t.  nii.ofa' ily   adjonrne.l    to    Xe\vo()i;,    H.  ].    \o 
1S70;  aflei-wavd  Stijit.  of  llie  I'.ristol  lion  XA'erks  ai  <  )\ve;;-,'i,  X.  Y,      lie  in.  dan'  21    IS?" 
Elizaberli  d,  AbeMpine,  dau    nf  ibin.  Willi:. ni  d.  iMcAipin,-  of  Pirtsti.'dd,  M;;ss.    '•/  St's\N' 
b.    Dee.    ;?s.    1n:;s;  d.    .May,  bs:',!!.     M.   A  n  n  v   Mrii:-.,>:.    U.    b^M>;   its.  Ou.'.-i.-  u':;ui        4 
\\'rLi,iA\i   Wddi.sKV.  b.  dune  24,  IN-ll:    ^.  ('    ISdO;   Asst,    Piof.  of  Mailu  ina<i'es  '■.,{  V    s' 
Xaval  S-IiomI  at  .\!ina|..dis.  Md.,  ISdd-!),  and  VmL  M.ithematies   Kenvo,,   Tnl  .  (^a-nbiei- 
(I.,  1S70-2,  and  Huee  1^:-J,   at    St    dnluds(ol..    AiniaiKdis;  m.    A'M':.']2,    ]:<i\U.    Siisa.nii.i 
lA'vereK,  dan.  <i!   b'ev,  ISred.-  F-aieheller  of  A.      1,  (7;,i/us  liV//,'.///,. '  2.    77/, ,„•/.;/•,■   li'er/.v,// 
5,    KATiFAKtM-.   IfWAiiii,    b.    afit.    ]x\i:  is   a    stmlenl    of  iiaiioino  at,  I'nvi-.  !-^-uv.-fi    '  'J 

XdcH.()(.A.s   |').V\  .\l;li,    b.^e])!..    ISIil;    d.   s,ieli. 

\'11L      'J'heod(,sia  \\'oolsev,   b.  Hvi.,   1-<1();   d.   An^.  !l,   IS]]. 

8254.13.  Cecil   Dv/ight,  h.  June  In,    177!;  ('(d.,-  d.    Xov     ;'r>     iSdO-  i--,     aj.,,.^. 
C'laj).  '  •       ■    -   '    . 

I.  Ib-niy  .\uunslas,  b.  Mareh  7,  Ifc'Oi;  WiHianis  Co!  IS-^iJ;  stud.  Then,  a!  Xew 
llav,  and  K.  WindsMr:  cl.issical  teaehef  r.r  XorTlian;;'ion ;  in.  Dec.  4.  iSds:.  Idi.-betli 
dau.  id'  (':i|)t.  Win.  lifintiial;  d.  Oct.  "?;.',  jeld;  (2,i  4  n  ly  'M  jSK):  I.uej,,,  (ban.  of  W'ui ' 
l)wi;id)t  (d'  .S!o(;lJ,;iilu-e,  Mass,  1,  (_'hA1:1,Ks  AloisTfS.  b.  Xov.  ".Ml  IMIM-  d  'diicae-o' 
lib,  Cct.  S,  ]Si\}.  2,  KK.xitv  e'crii..  b.  .Ian.  10,  1 S 1 1 ,  ('apt  ('.,.  .\.  '?7ih'  l.'eet.  Ma"ls.' 
VuLs.;  was  at  battle  of  Koauoke  l-^lain.l  and  Xewbevii;  i-esi!j,ned  his  com.  iMi-!;  luerelt.  at 
Dnrtf.;  m.  Oci.  d,  ISfJ"),  ,\nnie  >4aria  WriL^Iii,,  b.  Sept.  4,  IslT  1,  Vm,.  ll'intmJ  Sepf 
24,  18G'l  2,  r//,.w/eA  .4i///'/v',/..,,  Xov.  2S,  ]STO.  :!,  -!/,//a'  .!/,//v7',  Mandi  ;'.U- d  \pVil'*8' 
lS7d.     ;'.,   (.'i-.O.  Ai.KiJEi),  b.  Oct.,  IS'i;;;  7  ehil.  by2din. 

8254.14.  lleni'y  Edwin  Dwight,  ii.  Se-pt.  "Jf),]  77();  d.  at  rof)),e!-stown,  X'.'i'.    May, 
1824.    lie  kept,  a  |)iiblic  house  at  Ma  alius,  X.  Y.,  l''.M2-17,  and  at  Ithica.  181  ,'-2i.    He  stood 
six  and  a  ludf  feet  liie-]i  and  weighed  'M'ui  l!js, ;  had  a  line  \oice  and  was  a  sn]..-iii)r  siiierr 
and  wit;    in.    I-decia    Keve.-'   Ceiilie,    b.    W.    I  lartf. ,  Maivh    S,   17S2-    d     a  t  Fia  idr  liri     \7\ 
May  ;],  bSV.).  '  '     '•' 

1.  Saiali  iMizabetli,  b.  dan.  S,  IS'Vi;  d.  March  'JO,  1  S.-)0 :  in.  Justus  IJul!  [buhboiie, 
Es(j,;  lawyer,  J':ider  in  Ib-f.  Dntcli  tdih.  at  liic.a,  X .  \' .  lie  d.  .Ma\2l),  l>Gl,a(;r)'- 
n  (diib  1.  M.\i;v  Dwicirr,  b.  July  12,  js'j;;;  m.  (»ct.;;i,  iNof),  Jaiec^'t  Ui  vfr  ]'e;'i-'e  l/ 
Jnnel.  ISbS;  ineudi.  Phda.;  7  i  hil.  2,  AM)AI.1s!.\  i;  in  >  \  di.s,  J  n  n.-  |1,  Is.'lu.  d  M;i\ 
l.'i,  !Sr)7;  in.  Ani;-.  i5,  \K)\.  ddios.  \'an  I7iiib;:r-b,  b.  July  dl,  !s2.-.:  res.  I'tica; 'j' cldL  ' 
1!.  d'iiuo'hy  Ceniie.  b.  Aue-,  2d.  ISOij;  elk.  .se\  .  yrs.  I'ti-a  and  < 's\\  en'o;  i;s;>i!v  vis. 
ill  .\.  Y.  ( '.  ill  various  kinds  nf  bus.  :  ni.  Sept.  d.  1S;!L',  Cat  hai  ine  i-klniondston.  b.  <.)i"t.'l2, 
18l)f).  l,J(i,s.  lloNAi'Aifri;,  July  li),  l^dd,  unin.  2,(w.(i.  Tayson  IJauk},!!,  Xnv.  i  7,  b^dd; 
d.  May  d,  lSd7.  ;;,  Ci;u.  r-AvstiN  b.A!;i^l^l;.  kid.i.  Kb  d.  .Vurr.  d,  jSdS.  1.  .\(;m-:s  A  !;i;v," 
Jan.  li),  ls-l(!;  d.  Im4i.  d.  islj.  ."i.  A  i,[ii:i;T  Sr  T  ii  i:i:i,A  mi.' Xnv.  10,  1n41:  ent.  V.  S.  a" 
dd  Lieni,  Iddih  be;.';..  X.  ^.  \'u]<.\  killed  ai  l'el<Tsbni!r.  \'a.  June  22,  lS<!l.ii22.'  (j 
(I'lM).   I^\^■.(l^   1;m:ki-.k,  b.   keli.  -Js.   bv  bd:  cb.uic  in  X.    V,  Cn-;n;,!  Ibue-e. 

Hi.       Ihunas  Aiivon,  b.  Oct.  'd2,  iSdS;  ui.  Susanna  Wmrhces  of  Princeton    \     I   •  y   / 
lied,  l.s47.  "  ■     ■"■    ■ 

4  IS  MUAXCil    OK    r.I.f/.Ai;KT)I. 

IV.      .A'rnrs    .\l'!>v,    .itilv    T2,    I'^IO.    in.Oi't.    1S:V/,,  ln-r   cons.   II'MH  y  ^''^i-i!   !>'i'ii,rlit ,  ),. 

Nov,  (i.   I'^io'?.  "  "  ,,,,.,-,■ 

V  llcurv  1-MuMi  li  .Imir  18,  lei:'.,  v.cnt  cavly  t..  ri\>  nn.l  lr,l  :.ii  :nl v.-nt unnis  ii.r; 
,p  aili.u  of  unr  (.t  Ui.M-h'h^r^  ..t  tl.'-  SouUi  S.'=.  Ishiud-,.  11,'Uiis:,  ],bim.Tin  ],u.  uiui 
lived  srv.  yiv.  iu  IlMiuhiia-  IkuI  1  <iau,  1.  Ai;n]:s,  now  liviii- (1 '  7:^0  t!'^'  ^^  I  •  '>l  '>:'■ 
("a'icr  (^f  Kai-i'tnii^ia. 

VI.  KlM-n  KnlHTi,  .'n-ii-  VJ,  ISlii:  .1.  sunn. 

VU       Marv  l''.hv.,i-a^    Aprii  1.   IMSiiu.  V>r.  A'»~<']>]t  \N  arn-ii  Lyiiiaiiot    !•  rank  I  ill,  ha,, 
).    lioniunon'  N    11.    AnrU  Ti,  Isn-iuiad.  .M-ul.  J).|>t.   Dart.  (V,!.  IS;..".^;  ,S  ,-l,il. 

■■In  1S71  ;!!l  iin'  lii-^c'i-ndiMits  of  l'r..-s.  Dwnrlii  nuinlicr,  aOi'i^  nearly  inOyr.^.  smcr 
In.  m.  in  1777,  Lnt  13.  <.f  wlxan  13  arc  k-  <^-  ''"^1  W  J-'-  K-  '•-  *'l  ^l"'  ^';-  '•■  ,V'  =':'''^  '?'"'';'7' 
ot  III-  K.   -.  1-.  !'ai-c  iiial.-,.      Of    lli«  nnmbci'  (  !:))  ri  are  (Icsa.  of    Dr.  ]>rnjainin  \\  . 

8256.  I.UCY  Edwards,  !•.  Ain-U  ;;i.  17;5n;  ,1.  at  St..rkl.ri(l-c.  A!a>s,  Sept  is, 
17S5-  m  .lunc  7.  17<;1,  JaLlcH  WMn.ilKi.i;-..,  1,,  17:;-::  Princeton  <',.!.  KGl ;  .i.nlLn-  <  "uri 
Conniuin  Pl.-a^  fur  llanip-hin-  (  u, :  .hnl^.-  uT  Proha!-:  C.^nnn-^ioncr  mvar  ot  li.-v  ; 
State  Seiiat.n'.  lie  m.  CJ)  whl.  of  IJov.  \\in.  Krci,  of  Shciiiol'l,  .Ma^s,,  nud  (I.  Aug.  \o, 
l"i':li',    a    r)S  \  r.<. 

'  1  \V<.o,il,ri(li'-o.  Marcli  12,  17(;r);  d.  at  Yn-.m-'.^tou-n,  ().,  An--,  i,  1S:H(;;  m. 
Kucli.'l',  (Ian.  of   A-^1il)cl    WcHc-^   of    W,  lla.rtf.,    Conn.,  wlio   d.  in    Stockln  id-e   Nov.    7. 

11  Jonarliun  Wo.aibriiluc,  .l-.ui.  14,  U^i'm,  of  \Vortliiii-;ton,  Ma.-,.-.;  lawyer;  d.  ]"-0S; 
m  Sandi  M.Mil,  elii!  b.  in  Noitlianii.lon.  1,  Lt  (  v,  m.  K.  S.  llcrrirk  of  Alb.aiiy,  N.  Y. 
'5  'Mm;V  Ann,  m.  ('Mlvin  Walker  of  lVro,d:port.  N.  Y.  :i,  Ar.nv  D..  tca-ln-r  in  Albany 
l-Vundc  Acad.'  4,  Vaavmdi-,  b.  lsd-2;  d.  in  Hartf..  Conn  ,  nf  cons.  >\ov._l«, 
1^77-  V^'iH'^  Col  1S-3-J  valedictorian;  ^(lnl.  la w  in  W'iirc;  tau.^-lit  live  years  in  Frederick, 
Mo  -'Mild  Thco^  aM'rinccMMi;  na-torof  thr  CniunCon-.  eld;,  at  Uorce.ter,  Mass.,  and 
at  \V;-r.  ■  ediioi-  of  tlie  JJoxfa,,  p.trit.ii,  Urmnh'r  V.l  \\>.\  tauelit  at  tin-  l.a  Salle  Seni.  tor 
Yonnc-  VVonnn  at  Anburndiile;  rent  ,  to  the  west;  went  to  llarlf..  Conn. ,  lo  e;,ve  only 
fdiild'f.y  '^4  HI.,  a  son,  tlie  benefir  of  the  biifl,  ^diuol;  left  v.  id.,  :;  son.s  and  1  dan.  ... 
(ir.OKi.V,,  ]ia~tor  at   incliiuond,  Va. 

lU        1  Mcv  \\oodbii(b'c    AjTil   !I,   17!','.);   ni.  ber  cons,  .binailiaa    l-.du'auh. 

IV'  .!os,'p1)  Woodbrid-e.  .)n!v  -J-.',  liil;  d.  Ai^ril  2:!.  IS'?;!;  in.  MayiO.  ISOO,  L..nis;i, 
dan  of  Col.  ;Mark  Ib.ukins  and  aiint  (d'  l're>(.  Mark  Hopkins  of  AVnis.;  b.  17?.);  <1.  Veb. 
I'i  Irtlil  a  44  lie  \v;is  a  lawver.  Clerk  of  (  onrt  of  Com.  Pleas.  1.  Catu.mmnk.  "J, 
jiKTs!;y  il(irKi\s,  V.  C    is-j:^:  d.  ls4ti.     :!.   4osv:nii.     4.   ^VlJ.MAM. 

V.  Kli-/.abetli  Woodbi-lde-r,  .lul\  1,  177:'.;  m,  Fdislm  P.rowii  (n  Stocki>ort,  .\,  \  ., 
tlieii  <d'  Davton,  O.,  where  he  d.  Feb..  is."};;.  _ 

VI  Slindi  \Vo.xlbrid-c,  .hine  7,  1775;  d.  in  (  <  .ni.  .,.  \.,  1 'c.  11, 
\d:M-  m  N(e,-.  0,  1S()7,  Moses  Pester  of  Crisw.dd.  Conn,  (hi.-  Od  wf.X  who  d.  PSI.).  1, 
CuAUb!:;^  i:insAl;J.>.  b.  ar  <i.  Jul\  17),  ISP",;  antlior  of  (ilurif.iiid  S/iUinr  of  Knyni  ud .  ar,d 
other   wOJ'ks. 

VII.  .b.lm  FIlio!  AVoo<lbridi;e,  June  24,  1777. 

VJIl       Ann  Woodbiidee.  Nov.  (i.  Ii7i>;  <1.  a.  about  9  years. 

[X  Tinnithv  ^^  oodbridee.  Nov.  :.':!,  17^;1;  lest  his  si:  lit  while  preparing  tor  the 
uiinistrv  but  <-(,n"iiileled  his  Studies;  pie.udiedi  in  N,  Y.  C.  and  other  [daces;  known  as 
"  the  blind  jirear-he.,-  thon-h  not  the  siibjeet  of  Win.  W'hv.i  \\\i(i\  flown  <!escnption; 
set,  in  tiree,,.  h'iver,  N.  Y.;'afierw.ards  at  Sp-Micertowu;  ntirt-d  in  l.s.>2,  but  preached 
occasionally;   reeei\ed  deeree  of  P.  D. ;  ni.  I'ynthda  Phelps. 

8256.     Timothy  EtUv^ards,  duh  CY  17:18;  I'rim'cton  Col.  17.^.7;  res.  in  Fli/.ai.eth- 

tuWP  N  .T  till  1771;  r^'in.  to  Stockbrid--.',  Mass. ,  and  (epened  Us  first  stove  m  l.C; 
mem'  <.f  the  council  of  Mas,..  177s  s;7 :  ,1  ndee  of  Pnd,..te;  mcnn.  of  Connnenta!  Coni; 
•and  ui\  connnitie..  to  conshh-r  con-uinpiio;,  of  l-hielish  K'""'^:  ''"1-  "t  ""litm;  I  )ea  ,  (  on-. 
(dih  •  d    Oct    •-':,   isi:];  .s„!ne  time  after  the  de,-.  of    his   si-rer    .Mrs.  Ikirr    In'   to<-.k  yonn,;r 

Aari.'n  and  hi-  sister  into  hi<  fandlv.  '-'Ihe  .st,.ry  of  lliehard  .)a<-k.son,  a  condemned 
'i'orv  -;aved  bv  Yiniothv  h:.lw..rdY  narraiiui,  ,.f  .iac-l.s.>n's  honor  and  hdeliiynnder  the 
,„,.;;'fvin.'ciVciU;istaiVe,.,  should  be  reu.emi.e,  ed  to  the  hon(U  of  both  j^a  it  les,  "-See 
J),r'n/,''-<  Trin-Js  Mr  m.  Sept.  2.'.,  lidb,  i.'hoda  <  ied.en,  b,  1742;  il,  in  Pitch.  Conn, ,  Nov, 
21.  bs22,  a.  SI),  <lau.  .d'  P'-.berl  and   Kli-/.abech  O-den  of  !  ili/.iihethtown.   N.  .) . .  and  s^s.  of 

\aron  (»edeu  (b,v.  of  V.  .! . 

1.   ";..■.;. d\.  b,  ■]n[\    11,   libi:   m.   l.'iiiainii;  Cha.p!  dii. 
11        [•■,i.,v;M.l    b    .li-^n    '.'0    17f>:i;    Ib'.dster   of    Prob.-ib>   at    S. ;  in,    .Mary ;   rem.    to 

Berkshire  aboiit  isio,  Nesxark  X'allev,  N.  Y. ;    rem.  to  Pha-a,  N.  V.      In  An-,,  1NI2,  the 

r)\\r(;iiT,   kuw.mmi.- 


loHnwiii.-- rliil.  unv  l,a|,. :     I.Mauv.     -J.   'J'iMwriiv  KiiwAiM).     :),   I';[)\vi,n-      4    Hk.nkv 
.•),   AM'A.  liAMii.-Kix.     (i,   ('iiAKijN.      II.Mu-v  livcil  ill  Wi.ncii^l.iii..-    X    V     ill  is7l' 

'"•  J"i':<'lian.  \k  Orr.  IC,  licl;  ,n.  \,,v.  -.).  17ss.  },is  I'.iiVv  Wo,'.,)l,ri(!.r,.'.  r,., 
Boi'ksliir-.  .\.  \,:  ,!i.,„i.s,  ,i  Irnm  rhl,.  a-,  l;  .,l:^lniv  1M:  m,.!  jnohabls  Nvcni  to  Bii..-' 
liamloii.      In    May,    IMl.    ,-liil.    l,;,,,.  ;     l,    .Mvthias    0,;ni:N.      -2.     Ijia"      :;     ('oiininx' 

4,  .JoNAfilAX.  ,-,,    •ri\r-)TIIV.  (i,    liKllAKii.        '  •,^:i  1 V,-  il  lu  1    -oid:         (),',    til''    ;-Vrnil'  ^    of 

■Oct.  o  1N7S,  tl,r:;ol,l.n  vs cMin- of  M  r.  an;]  ^i,>..  IJirhai.l  iVlu-ard^  Touk  jila.-r  in  I'Tu- 
Imrii-,  ]  .-11,,,  aial  atil,,-  sanu-  iini-  lli,-  silver  u-cd.liiur  uf  ilM-ir  ilau-licr.  .Mrs  I'lvciMick 
\V  (  lusleu.  anu.;.,.  uf  ,]„• -,l  l^v.',  rhl,.  .,f  ln.liaha;-oli..  ,,f  ul,i,-i,  )„.,  lu.slian.l  is  nn 
!,  '•  MM  ■  J'"''^'^'''-'^  i>;i  Lj-iaiHl-(!au.  of  Past,.!-  May  ulu.  i-nadici  ^O  vi,;.  in  Iladdani 
Cnn.i.^  Ih^y  unitnl  wit],  tie-  l-i  .■],],.  nf  PiiiOai,.;,  pr.  li.rn.n-s.  r,n  vrs.  a-o  and  Avli-n 
tlic  .id  rim.  Avas  Mro-aniz.'d,  Mr.  Ivluards  1,,-rajnc  its  first  rldri'.  lM,,"si.v  n'i.-,  li,-  ^vas  an 
(ddci- oi  l!io-.M  ,li]i  f,f  l)iiliii,|uc.  His  ;  liviiiw-cliiMrMii  v/.tc  al  1  [uvsciit  and  1 :!  ..f  liis 'j  .T 
livnio->;r.  rliil.  I'issr.n,  lies.  .M.  J\  Kdwai-ds  ,,f  St.  rani's,  lus  ncpl,cv,s  I.N-v  .),,l,n  () 
<...rdnnand   IN-v.   ]).   K.    ilnr.l.  v.  .m  .■  alsn  ],, .  xn; . '■— .N'.  )•.    Kra  ,:'i,li.t .      7    li  POi. «,  OdnKs' 

5,  S.\i;/.n  l-,r.r/.\];Ki-ii,      !t,   Jd-.KD!   \\'()(»i>i;i;i).i;i- 

Ha  l^iHiard.  .Mairl,  .^.   17(1!;. 

\.  Plirl,,.,  1,.  Xmv.  -J.  17';^:  ni.  17icj.  .\sali.]  li.Kikpr 

VI.  Williatn  T.,  1,.  Xnv.  1  1,  177<). 

,^   y,'-  '■"'"■'•'    <-'^^<l.-n.  1..  Si.pi.  :;(),  177^:  lu. l^.nuTor  of  Noii]>pii;„ton.     R]„.  n. 

(-3)  .lolu,    la;. pan  of   lio'-IOii.  ■  -  ■ 

\']11.  Tirrjotliy.  1).  July  I'J.  ]774. 

IX.  .Mary  ().;-den,  .April  ',i,  177ti:  d    of  niali-nant  sore,  throat  Yv.h    1  ;>.    I777 

X.  Plio.iu,  I..  >Jay  7,  177S:  „!.  ]  7!(^,  .losiali  D'.vi'rlit. 

XI.  .Marv,  1,.  (Jct.'rx  17^1).  in.  fsOO  .Ma<oti  \\io;triic. 

XU.  Hliyal.i.rl;.   twin    u!l!;    Mai-v. 

XIII,  .\-nuA.  I,.  ]-.■!,.  -2,  ]7s;4;   ni.'  D.-a.   Aslilev  Wtliianis  of  JXil^.n,  Mas«     1,     -\u,.    07 
1  ( (.).  '     ■  '      "■  -'> 

XIV.  PoliLTt  Br.rr,  \>    !»>,■    U    1 7s7 
XV.      Anotlicr,  d.  y. 

8266.1.  Sarah  Edward.?,  l;.  .inly  U.  17(;;,  d  ]Sll,  a.  N');  ivniaikahlo  forinPdii- 
trfiifc  and  dfrisioii  id'  .diara.-ter:  m.  li.  nianiin  ('];i;]diii,  jr.;  \.  f',,177S  of  ;vlai>sri,.!d 
(.'oim.,  (son  of  lira.  r>tnj.  (.'iiaplin,  in  v,];o'so  I, on.,!'  tli-  town  of  ('li:ndin  'irt  Windl'ani 
Co.,  (onn.,  wasnaniod.i    \\v  ^],  of  ni.-a -It-,  .Ma  .^vli  •.>!),  K^^lk  :)Wt.   a.  monMi  l.ofo-..  t1,o  h   of 

his  son.lonatlian  Kdv/ards  Sin-  m.  r})  17:;n  c^p;  )>an.  'J'v'l,  -.-..f  Ihuoldini'.' (\inn  '  Ma 
Col.;  lir-2d  v»-if.';  In-  ni.  fi)  adtm.  <d'(.t.n.  Jsrael'  willi  wjioni  In-  srvved  a'--  i, 
111  inany  cinitpaitrns.      H,.  was  larirtdy  riiL:airf--(l  in  mercliandisinij- 


Drjijatnin  ('l:ap!in. 
]I.      'J'iniotliv  rhaiiiiii. 

HI.  donadiau  Pduaiils  Cliaplin,  1,,  Aptil.  17N!).  Y.  ( ',  j.^OS;  stud  law  r.  in  to 
Kn'Talo,  N.  \  .  In  ISf.^,  r.dni.  to  ].ra(ii.a'  in  t!io  ^;upIvnn  rouri  of  X,  Y.  Ij,  v  ar  of  18]-' 
WHS  ui'i'i.  anlo  to  tit'ii.  I'ortrr,  and  contraet-d  intrin]i<'rak'  Iialats.  %v])i.-].  <'ontinu<-.i 
niunyvrs.  and  \v,dl  iiiirli  i>rov.-d  Ills  ruin.  In  ISPs',  ivm.  to  rrbana  ()•  \,vAr  lav  and 
til  1fS:3(l.  nt.  ]ia.rrii-t  1  loi.sin>:d.fn.  l.iit  <a.ntinnod  lii-  ilou-jiward  raivfr.  '  '•With  o-,vnt 
vorsatilit}  ol  talent,  a  ready  wit,  and  an  alniM-;  ox]ia.usii,..-,s  fund  of  an-'rdoto  h-- had  a 
sortot  ]>oi,u!aiiiy  witli  the  hisver  clrxssr's,  ..yen  after  lio  had  rcachod  a  ]u,int  of  ext,...,,H. 
moral  (H-g-radtition.-— ,sy,/, ,,,/,/, '.v  Aitun's.  hi  ls;5(),  his  laind  tr.ok  a  now  dire.-tion— ahm 
doned  Ills  <-v!l  liahns.  i.rofe.-srd  faitli.  and  l.oramr- a  mi-inl)or  (d' the  Moth  Ki.i.s  .dih 
llioi.o-h  roirardcd  av  a  hi-hly  a-'coinidi-ln-d  lau  vr,  he  i\vvn;>H\  it  liis  dmv  1.,  preaeh  -111(1 
was  iH-nsed  as  u  loral.  From  hs:!H  to  Is:^,  was  ].rincipal  of  tin-  XMrwalklO  )seini'virv 
lii  ls:M  ;:<!ni.  to  th  ■  OhioCoiiiV-ivnro,  :ind  on  leavin-  these.ninarv  laliored  hvuppoint- 
incnt  of  thoCont.  wUh  irreat  accoptance  and  sur/r.-ss  in  Kl vria.'  Detndt  fithn  and 
.Nh.uui.-e  Vn\  stations.  Wliiie  at  Tiflin  Ids  \\  f.  d.  leavin;:  hiin  witli  t  wo  chlMicn  tln- 
yor.n.^er  In.ta  feu-weeks  ,dd.  He  ni.  p?!  ;Ma  v  00,  1 -^'Jl  at  .Maiitne,.  Ctv  tlir-  widow  of 
(  ol.  .losiah  StielhllL^  then  hoe  of  tin-  oth  Infanfrv  V.  S,  .\. ,  and  dan  "  of  C,  d  ThM-cs 
Ilnnt,  unotlur  dis'in-iii-hed  ,. direr  of  the  arinv.  'in  ISPO  In-  was  appointed  prinei.'-'i  of 
1he  l_H-au<-}i  of  the  State  fniv.  at  W],ite  Pi-eon.  and  the  colle-e  [.mspere,!  umler  ids 
adniim-^tiation.  But  iin<]er  tlie-..-  l.ilior-<  in  conne-'iion  willi  two  seiinoiis  earli  Sald.atli 
and  other  sermons  ,,n  spe-,iai  oeea.sions.  Ids  health  wav  in  tlie  fourth  \  ea'- '  and  he 
Tes.M-,,,.!  l,,s  [.niee  i  n  t  h  -  i  !i-t  •  t  n '  ion.  Med.  S-p'  !,-,  INlt;, 'a.  ;ll-[  .',7  Vvith  'lii-.  l-.s- 
hreath  ho  <-ri<-d,  --a;!  is  peace;  all  is  e-lory.-  i;,.foie  Ids  .-,. aversion  In-  s.-(-M,-d  to  have 
h.s!  nli.ily  i~\\  pu\Ner  oi  resistance  lo  i  he  ,-r:ivinu-  fm-diink,  and  ver,  amidst  it  ail  tln-re 
i-euiained  amiahle    and  nolde  trails  of  (diarader,       I'nlikc  ni-)st,  iiiel".!  lai.-s  In-  uas  alwavs 


UkAXC.H  C)i-    i:i,iz.\  i'.i:tii. 

ill  gond  hunior,  :in<l  no  iiiuii  at  niiv  tinu'  'loul'trci  liis  stern  intcu-iity.  In  his  wildt'Sf 
(Jays  iK^vci-  profiinc,  vii!L'-:ir  i>r  wii-kcd  in  lanu'nanc,  and  liis  fi'.'lin^'-s  always  ))cnc\'olenl 
smd  kiiidl\.  \i'\'cr  an  uid^ind  \n  m-,]  sp.ilscii  tn  liis  wil'c  in  his  wildest  nioinents  ol"  dissi - 
jiatiuu.  Ai'te-,- cnin  eisioii  lie  iu'i-cuui'a  t'Mn]ieraiice  advnciite.  and  says  the  l{ev.  Win. 
K.opi'l-,  •'Ids  tenilieranee  led  nie^  were  s'lmetinies  like  a  Tenipesi .  s\wej>intr  ;,11  btd'o!'' 
them,  and  s'-(in  s  ucn-  fc<dai:ei',!.  As  a  iM-e;ieht'r  ]:,■  u  us  eniTLreiie,  in'.])i-essive,  el(U|UcViT 
and  siiceessful  in  winninp-  sonls.  To  the  nerdy  he  S'.'as  more  likely  to  ^--ive  the  \\holeoi' 
Ids  last  loaf,  t'nan  hall'.  His  |ui|)ils  In-  lejTurdr-d  wilh  a  iiatetnal  alVeeiion.  ami  not,  nn- 
connnoidy  a1  ])arlin,L''  he  would  take  them  in  Ids  arms  and  weep  pnifiisely  as  he  badi- 
tlioni  I'arewelk  and  in  al'tei- years  he  wmild  yathe;  as  nniny  ol  tlien;  (dinini;  conferenet' 
sessions)  as  he  <-onld  for  an  intendianc''  <>f  >;:)-eetini:-s  and  reeolleeiions.  Mnltitudes 
honore<l  and  r<'\  eicrl  him  v.  hde  livinj-,  and  remenihcr  liini  with  iiTatituile  oj,d 
veneration.'"      /.  hy '2d  ni. : 

]y .      Frederick  'I'yler,    a  mt  reliant  ni'  llartl'f.'rd.  Conn. 

82565.  PliebO  Edv.'-ard.s,  h.  .Xov.  -1.  i'ilV^:  d.  Jan.  I-,'.  IS-IS;  lier  luneral  sernvn. 
was  preaelied  hy  llvv.  Leonard  \\'o,.<l-,  ! ).  D.;  m.  Jum-  I],  IT!)?,  l-Jev.  .\saliel  Hook'-r 
of  (ioshen.,  Conii.:  Y.  C.  17^1);  d.  IslM;  C?)  <  )rt.  ;-;i),  ISU,  Samuel  k'ariar  of  Andover, 
Mass.;  ]>.  ])rr.  \:\,  i:;;-;;  M;mv.  Col.  lii)?;  Treas.  and  Financial  Airl.  of  Andovr  Th-o. 
Sen).;   i'lcs.  Jxink  of  Aridocei;   ('.   I  s.  and  'J  dans. 

].  ]<]dw;,rd  Hev.:  J'roi'.  in  Theo.  Seni.  at  V..  Windsor,  Conn.;  aiterwards 
jiastor  in  Fair  !la\en,  \'t.;  insi^ncd  l^'H'J,  re.-s.  Xewoaryj.ort,  .'vhe^s.  1,  i;v;\-.  I-j.ias 
Coiivi-.i  MS  lIooKiO'  o1  Siockhridge.  .Mas-.;  m.  lUe.  'JO.  l>^i;'».  Sarali  R.  M.  \\'iliianis  o!' 
New  l)niy  port,  t?,  l!i-;\'.  FowakdT.  I](I(iK!;i:,  pastoi  at  Hioadl)rook.  Conn.,  1S(5,S;  m. 
Dec.  I'A.'.  isii'.t,  Sus:,i\<''.  Atwat"r(d'  ]hx)oklyn,  X.   V. 

II.  Miuw  lloolier,  ni.  Sept.,  1^!S,  [li'v,  Flias  Coriedi  ns,  h.  IT'.C);  V.  C.  IS]:;;  S.  'i'. 
!».,  F^art.  CoI.'IS'H);  Coi.  >'fr.  A.  Ik  C.  V.  M.:  i\.  1^'h.  12.  is;kj,  a.  :)?;  author  of  a 
DlscoiiibL  OIL  tlh'  Ji'iftriiii  ■'(  t};i:  T iliiii ij ,  X'^yx'wwcA  as  No,  iSo  id'  thi-  pnl.>.  of  the  Am. 
Tract  fioc.  1,  S.m;.v)(  Emv.vnns,  uj.  Kev.  (ieor-clk  kittle  of  Iknnror,  .M.-. ;  iifterwavd'-- 
<d  \\>-A  Newtou,  Mass.  1,  Minj.  '2,  tS'imh  Cnrhc'hu.  2.  CoK.\i;i'.[rs,  with  her  sistej'. 
Mis.   FittU-,  have  (ipc-ned  a  for  roiinL,''  ladies  at  Xe\Moii  ('I'litin-.  Mass. 

IH.  Fli/.:d.ieth  i:.  liooker,  ni.  -May  11, ']S;2r,.  Rev.  Fr.  Soh.n.on  F.'cic,  h.  .km.  o,  ISCn); 
For,-  Sec.  Am.  Ba]/r.  Mis>.  I'nion;  les.  Foxle.nv,  Mas.-,.  1 ,  Fr.i/..\i!i;-)ir  IIuokio;,  li. 
Marcli  17,  ISH).      'J,  S.\i;.\ii  J-lt-WAinis.  Aie,'il  •.',  f.s'.vy 

82566.  William  T.  DJ]d\Vi-  rds,  h.  Xov.  ;1,  177U;  a[ip,eidi<-e(l  t-  lii-.  uncle,  Col. 
Matliiiis  O^.leji,  a  tanner  and  eu,  rri.r.  C.d.  Edwai'ds  introduced  the  .system  of  tannini.' 
leather  now  (  iiiployt-il  in  iiearly  all  the  tanneries  in  the  F.  S.,  hy  whi<-h  'li'arlser  is  tanned 
in  nhout  (jiie-fonrlh  tin'  time  re.piiicd  in  the  old  Kuropean  [)roce^s.  He  rem.  fvuni  Fliz- 
ai)ethtown,  X.  -k.  to  XiMth.ainjuon.  .Mass.,  whert.'  lie  liuilt  his  ilr>t  tannery,  and  sent  his  leather  to  I'.ostou  in  17',M.  The  suppl_\  of  liendo.-l-:  hark  havimr  faili-,!  in  tlie  valley 
of  the  Conn.,  he  tiirne'i  his  attention  to  the  v.i-^t  hemlock"  ffu-i'sis  of  the  i'atskili  moiiii- 
tains,  and.  in  1S17  rem.  to  Hiinte!,  (irrene  Co.,  X.  V.,  and  erected  on  Selmharie  Creek 
lii.s  model  tannery,  from  wdiiek  about  Id.OOU  sides  of  sole  leather  were  sent  to  X".  Y.  C. 
annually.  Me  invented  many  macdiim-s  and  adapted  devices  nsed  foi-  other  inirjioses  to 
the  ))uriH>se  of  tanning,  and  w-as  able  to  nial^e  water  power  t;d;e  the  ]ilace  of  nianuel 
lidiiu'  to  a  i;ii-at  e.Ktcnt.  Tlie  i!:v>-nf  suecc-s  which  has  attended  thi-  inantifucture  (d' 
hiutlier  in  the  F.  S.  must  be  ascribed  not  only  tei  the  plentiful  supply  of  tanning-  mate- 
rial, but  also  to  the  imi>rov(;i  nietlioils  lirst  emp!oy<;l  by  i7d  wards.— .'s',//// ;/(/  J).  7'////;,,/// 
in  Johnsuii's  ('i/r!',/iii:fli.i.  He  was  Col.  (d'  Mil.;  d.  sudilenly  in  Fiooklyn,  X.  V..  ])v'.\  :;!(. 
1851;  111.  ITit'k  Hebf-cca  Tr,])]ian,  onlv  sister  of  Arthur,  a  in-om.  drv  ynoils  merchant  of 
X.  Y.  C. 

I.  William  W.,  1).  XfMthamptoM,  Mass.,  ] 'ei.c  1  0,  1  7!)(i:  m.  Mav24.  l^^Jl .  Helen  A . 
Maiiu  of  Riattieboro,  \  i.;  le.-.  kVrooklyn,  X.  Y.;  12  chik  He  was  foiimleiof  ll:e  Broek.- 
]yn  Savinu'-s  Hank.  lie  wa  ;  buried  from  .\o,  •js.''  H(iiry  st.,  Ihnoklvn,  March  l2,  ]'<l>'i: 
one  Sviu  and  thre<'  dans,  then  livi;i<;-.  1.  \\d[,i.l.\M  lli:.Ni;v.  .Man-h  F'i.  iNi'J;  m.  Catlc  rine 
Colt  'i'ai>l,'an:  res.  (.'ole.dmi'i:-.  \;,.  2,  llii.KN  .Max.n,  .\prl!  11,  ls:;d:  m.  ()-,ieii  i-:dwards, 
Jr.  :k  .il  \!;v  Fm/.viM.-iii.  .ium- S.  ls;;7;  m  July,  ls72,  Di-.  ko-ti-r  of  ( 'iiiton  Springs, 
N.   V.      -1.  FnA.Nci:-.  ];:-.i;i;i  (.•.<,  Auu'.  '20,  is:ls;   i„'.   .\nthoii\   ( iilivs^n  ol   Hiv.oklvn.  X.   Y. 

11.  [km  V,  b.  X.,  Oi  t.  22,  17ils;  ni.  Sept.  1,  IS2.s.  .Martha  Ann  Dorr  (d  'Hos;,,ii,  re.s. 
thr.  ;  lue!  -I  'Idk;  all  (hv. 

Ilk  (),_-den  F..  b.  X(,v.  12,  l^<02;  wa^  elork  for  Jacob  l.orillard  and  snece.-d.  d  him. 
in  the  leather  'ousiiiess  i;i  ihe  "  swamp,"  X.   Y.  C. ;  d.   Apiril;:jo,  IS-lS,  at  Fe\  iiij;i.on  l''la.'s. 

*Thc  hue  Gen.  Daniel  Tyler  was  of  this  fariiil)- 



X.  ■)»  . ;  in.  April  1."),  \^y,\  ('.•itlmrine  Shc|i.-inl  of  Nnrtluimiiiti.i,  Mass.  1,  0;ii)i:n  ]■].,  ]>. 
Miircli  '.?;;,  ISOil;  ni.  \]r\rn  .M:ii;il  Ivhvnr.Is;  ics.  M:iliill-|,  Iv  Imlic-^,  ()n(;  ,,'r  the  Pliilliiiiiu-. 
InUdkIs.  'i.  l-'i;.\Nri:-.  .\Nrii.i.,  W,  Nov,  V.  l*^;^);  im  .!  Wiurcn  l.'dncis;  i-rs.  Sciirunro,  N. 
Y.  ;-i.  IvOlW'.in  SKIxiwiCK.  li.  .I:ui.  ;!,  ls:;,S;  'iil  1/icul.  -iMli  lic-t.,  X.  Y.  \'(>]--  ;  killed  at 
Foi-t  AVr.Lriii-T,  <'harl''.sioii  llarlinr.  .!  iil\  1^,  Is'i:;.  -I,  .\xn\  Liuisv  Xdv  -Jt'is;!!)-  r(-s 
];r.....k'',vM.   X.    V. 

I\'.  Alfiv.l,  1>.  X..  Aug.  in,  1^04:  !ii.  .luti.'  -21,  1S:J1,  S,,i.liia  Matilda  l.ewis  of 
Bti/olilyii;  (eld.  il:ui.  of  Zadiariali,  our  of  tlif  r  arlv  foinidcis  of  tilt.  Xcw  ^'ork  (,'o/l> /i:riTiiil 
Adocrtisi  ,-).  Ill'  was  cdiiratt/d  at  privfito  sidiools  in  X'.  ^'.  ('.;  apprt'iitii-cd  at  1(1  to  hi,-, 
uii'.df',  Artliui  ']'a])|i:in,  a  dry  .uriods  !iu-r(di.  of  X.  Y.  ;  ro->i'  ra  ])id  ly  tn  ])arl  m-rslii  p  aiul 
finally  the  hous.-  of  Alfred  Edwards  lV  (  m.  liecanio  rccoo-nized  as  the  indisjmtah'K'  leader 
Hud  ruler  of  tjie  trade,  lie  was  the  lir.^t  Jo  hegiii  ilie  ui>lowii  inoveinem  (from  near 
I'eiirl  aii'i  Hanover  streets)  and  "rashly."  went  uji  as  far  as  I'ark  iiov,-.  }fo  was  also  tlip 
first  to  venture  to  ca;  ry  an  e\(diisive  stock  of  silk<;-oods.  Ijev/as  enter-prisin;!,  art  i  ve 
4\nd  siieeessful.  and  his  n;niie  is  i-iirolle.]  aiiLon--  the  ' '  >j  rreliaiit  Prinee,^"  of  X.  V.  ('. 
lie  was  tlio  fii'sr  l'iesi,li-ut  of  the  Paeifi,'  M.irine  1  iivur:iui-e  ('<,.,  and  ledd  ihr.  otiice  nntil 
liirf  r<!tiiV!Mei:t  from  luisine-s  in  IStiT.  -  .''xt  rernely  lilieral  and  eoune.ted  v,  it  li  manv  of 
tlio  most  de.-er\  in;;- (duiritii'^  (d  theidrw  Many  years  ago  ;;ss,)ciat'(l  \\\\V.  Harlan  Pa"i" 
as  ay.  S.  teaelici-,  and  during  the  last  2.",  years  deliglited'to  S}.end  a  jiart  of  each  Sabb-'ith 
in  explaining  seripttiral  h-ssons  to  the  inmates  of  the  "Ihnne  for  the  Fi'leiidhss."  It  is 
s.iid  thai  his  lovc  for  (di'ldren  ainovmted  alnio-i  to  a  pa^-.-ion,  lie  w;is  ;i  devout  Pres!i\- 
teriun  i;ud  a  memher  of  Dr.  .hdin  Hall's  (;hh...")th  aMMine  ami  ooth  riree',.  He  was 
influential  in  introilueing  the  F.nglish  sparruw,  to  cviermiuaTM  the  mc;isuring -worm  ]), 
and  h(n-e  a  large  part  of  t  he  eXjiensf  foy  |,inl  liouses.  i  tc.  He  d.  ;-e)ir.  U,  l^'S2,  at  liis 
res.  11:.'  10.  :JOih,  st.:wid..X?  sons  and  :'<  dans,  survive.  1,  ^uniiiA  M.v'iii.n  \ ,  ( let.  li,>. 
IS;!:.!:  m  Harv.'v  Speiicer  oi' X.  Y.  ?,  .\r.i'Ki:i>  l.r.wis^  ]),..,■,  •,>  is';;.-,  :;^  I-j.i/a  \\".\ti',1!- 
)U)(V,  Ai;g.  CO,  ]s:N:  ,;.  .p  HAi;;:ii;r  Poi  ]s.\,  ]-"e!i.  1.  fs;].  ;,,  i;Kr,n(.\  M.\tij,h.\. 
Mar(di  L'N,  ]S44:m.  Dr.  \\'m.  H,  Lewis  of  X.  Y.  (>,  Z.-SlCII  .\  iM.vii  Hi:v,  is  h  .Mavlj  IS-IS; 
res.  X.  Y.  (.'. 

v.      iriizaJ.eili.  Dec.  C!!.  ISdii;  d.  .lau.  :?;»,  IvOT'. 

W.  Pudircca  'J'apiian,  h.  April  :-!(!.  isys;  d.  ..v  i.  at  sea,  Julv  ■>■,',  iSlf;  m.  Sept.  2. 
1ho!i,  Penj.  Curiis  <.f  X.  Y.    . 

VU.  Sarah  Holmes,  .'utie  (i,  ISPJ.-  m.  Sept.  M.  ]-^.U.  Pev.  .!<din  X.  Lewis  of  Prookhii. 
who  d.  Oe-t.  5,  isr,i;  res.  \V.  Farms,  X.  ^'.  1,  Za(  i!.\i;i.\ii  Jn-Avis,  duly  29,  ISiirj:"  d. 
Dec.  2';.  is:;7.  2.  .li)ii.\  Xrn,  irti'',,  .Mandi  IS.  }>:.]'::  res.  Xewl)urt'-.  X.  V.  H.  S(»i')iiA 
Rj'f.Krc^,  n,  U-i'.l;  m  Rev  A.  K.  \V,,od,  Miss.  Pr.'sh.'dV.ard  in  Syria.  4. 
ZlLl'JJAM.vii  Idiw.vKH.-,  Xov.  o,  IS-IO:  .M.  D.,  West  Fa!-ms,  .X.  V.  5.  SAi;.vi!,"Aug.  H, 
lyd'l  (i.  Ai.i  i:Kii  l^lnvAI;I)^■.  Mareh  1-1,  1^4."}:  res.  Brooklvn.  7,  lii:i.i:\  (' vni.DV.  r;i,i,, 
Feb.  2S,  1S4S.      S,    Hf.nk\  h;t>w.\i;L)s.  Mruvh  28,   !S.-,0;  Aniin-rst  Col, 

Ylll.  Ann  Maria,  April  22.  1N12:  in.  Sej)!.  21,  l^SfJ,  Pev.  Edward  A.  Park,  D.D.. 
Pr(d.  in  .\nd,o.-er 'Idieo.  Sem.,  s,  of  Pev.  Dr,  (  ,alvin  Park,  i'r(d'.  Prov.n  Eniv-r.-ity.  1, 
W.v,  I':nw.v);i>s,  du'v  1,  iSi-'T ;  .dert;^-maH,  Lawreu,-.-.  .Mass.      2.    .\oxks,  ,Ju!v  tJ,  IS-hY 

EX.  T.  C.  Amo'ry,  b.  A].ri!  24VlSl  1;  m.  Feb.  FY  I^Tm,  Sophia  NL  Jones' of  Fairlield, 
i'onm;  res.  Elizabeth,  X.  .1.;  1  (diild,      1.    .\\i\   f.'KV.KrrA,  dune  -Jo,  FSoT. 

X,  Elizabeth  'J'appan,  b.  Chester,  .Mass..  F.d).  27.  IMIi;  m.  2^!.  FS4T.  Henry 
Piowland.  of  Jirooklyii  and  (i?  Fmnt  st.,  X.  Y.  1,  lli:xuv  ErnvAiiDs,  (.)■(.  2o,  JSlS.  i, 
S.\Mt:i:n,  Maridi  2o"  ]xr,ij.  :],  .Nmdkv  Edu  .vims,  Julv  2,  ls'o2.  4,  Pinu'.cc.v  Taitan, 
Oct.  S,    ps.-j7. 

XI.      Pi(diard  i.'unningham,  b.  Hunter.  X'.  "i'.,  (tet.  F"),  IsP).  res,  hirooklvn,  X.  V, 

8256.10.  Edtoda  Edwards,  b.  .May  7.  177S.  •■  a  wonder  and  a  joy  to  all  who 
kneu  her  to  the  em i  of  luu-  long  life  bir  int.  11. -I'tiial  powei- and  brightness  ami  n'uu-.d  \M>rth. 
She  was  a  per-oi;  of  great  dignity  of  carriage;"  d.  .Xnv.  F'h  ISfiF'a,  .s(i;  m,  Mar(h  -,  1  7bS, 
dosiah  I'wight  of  Springlieid.  Mass.,  (  2d  wl'.e  b,  Sepi.  17,  lTb7;  s.  .d'  lion.  Josial. 
and  Elizalu'th  Puckminster  D  .  H.-irv.  Co].,  17Mi;  mendi.  at  Stocicbridig',  and  sonn^ 
time  in  busitu-ss  wiih  Ins  li.dnh.  Win.  T.  1-Mwards;  some  vrs.  clerk  rd' the  Hamjishire 
Co.  Court  and.  Stat,-  Trea-,  of  .Ma-^s.  lb-  m.  iF.Mas  21,  lis'i"  Camline  Wdlliams  who  d. 
Dec,  2n,  17i'd.      He  d.   Mar.di  S.   IS21,  a.  od.      ;..   lo  .diil. 

h      Car.dine  W'ii'.ianis  D\^d-ht,  b.  .l,an.  22,  17'.)!);  d.  ofcons..  ]),i\   li).  ISPk 

II.      'I'iuieihy  IMuanb-  Dwivhf,  .Mas    Fl     IsO:);  d.  of  spot,   fev..  .Ian,  22,  aSi)7. 

lib      ivizab.'tk   Ibi.kuMifco.r  l)\vi,;li;".  Spi,   17,  b^'Dl;  d.   Xnv.   IS,   is'ii,  a.  (id:  kept    a 

young  la. lb  s'seho.d  in  LeUox,  Mass.,  abr,  :]<)  \  is,  ;  aui  hor  of  Sji:niJ>h  ('■,;,  ^/nr.sf  ufA  ui'  rir,>  ; 

Lr.-O'jny    W'ir  j;,„,i-.  ;    ly,,u^.i    ,/ .■,  r/  /,,  ,•  C-,  v,s-/„  ,•   i'i,  .is  i ,,t  S'H.'l.i ,-,  ;     'J'l.-<     !l  .f' i! '/''<  ^  ;   A 

'J'dlL  witl,   ^f,/  J',/p;;^  :   m.  Sept.  2,0,   l^Pb  Cluvrles   Sedgwick  nf   L'.'no:<,  b,    D.-c.    P"),  1  7i)l  ; 


r.RAxcn  01'  i;i,[ZAi;Krir. 

d.  All-.  ;>,  ls.,(::  CIciIl  Stii-rfti-.c  Coiirt  <-r  .M;i>^s. ;  s.  <.f  ]!„n.  Thf.,(lon<  aiidLiotluT  of  Miss 
Catliarmc  M.  S.',ii:wi,-k,  tiu'  crl.-lii-Lird  sviitiT.  1 .  Cath AHi:< k  M' vui  \  Sept  ].-)  |S->i)- 
III.  Nov.  -js.  is-|-,>,  Wi.i.  .Miii,,r,  1..  .\i.iil  7,  ISIT:  JIarv.  ('.,1.  ]s;;n-  1;uvn,  r-  :■.■.  I'-nsUm'  i> 
ciiii.  ;2,  (;il\i;i,Ks,  April  -I.  ]s-J2,-  a  Mipninr  iin.^iiist;  d  u!'  hrain  I-^v^t  v,l,il,.  a  iiici,,  '.,1 
Ifarv.  (ul.  ;j.  ]■:(,!/,  \i;i;rir  Dwk.ui'.  July  l.j.  1S;>():  m.  Kiu.l.-;  irk  \\..  s.  of  !);p.i,-! 
Ii'uflvcman  of  IhviiM-ii.  (ii  riiiuTiy;  iiiusic  tcaclic;-  in  N.  V .  {\  :  l-i-liil.  1.  U'.nJ  Dwk'/h! 
1..  l>i-nnx.  .luiH- •.':,  1S;J1.  ]!;u-v.  ('..!.  1N.-,1:  stu.l.  ii,  (MTin.uiv  aiul  ]l.-irv.  law  ,•„  liool  ■  >,,-t' 
111  St.  l,.>ui.^.  .^Jn.  ;  111.  July  I.-.,  J,S.")7,  in  ll:i!i,.v.r,  (frr.,  I.'.iii.-,;, .  lia  ii.  of  Trof  \  'l,.]\. 
kaiiipi"o[  11.,  (;cr.  Ill  ISul  rn,u.  as  1st  l,iri,t.  ii.  -Jd  .M  \<i!s.:  dclail,-]  as  ,,nlinau'T 
oliicf-r  i!i  r(Hp>~  ,,f  (H-ii.  tiaiis.  to  slalf  of  Maj.  (m-ii.  .Jnlm  S,-,li:  wi.'k  wiik  r^mk  ,,r 
Major:  womaiol  ;u  l.aitl.'  of  Aiitiolain,  Sept.  J  7,  1.s(;2,  and  .1.  at  K.rdvs\  ii'],.  M,i  ^,,,,, 
29.  ]y(]2.-.S.^  /A//-/-.  J/,, /,..;•;-//,•  loft  ;]  dai...  o.  (iKvCK;  1,.  M,,nh  :,'  Is'rV 
a  lios))ital  iiur-c  in  latr  war;  iii.  ('has.  Astor  I'-risnd:  C'd  \vf. .  a  o-j-.ind  s  of  .loin,  J-r-ob' 
A.stor  of  X.  y.).  I,.  1N21:  V.  ('.  isy^j;  stud,  at  'J'ri.-iitv  Col.,  ('a  nl.rid-v  Ku--  an.!  iu"lS.-)-> 
}.ablisLcd  a  Work  en;.  Fir.-  y,or:>  in  an  Iuhi^-^^,  [nirrr.^i/,/.  Ho  wrote  hn-Vlv  foi  vaii^ 
ous  luag-a/.mos:  <L  in  Wa^hjnirton.  D.  ('...lan.  ]  }.  1,^:4.  Ilislsl  v/f.  was  l,aura'  \Viii;i-or 
Erevoort,  da.u.  i^f  llfnr,\  of  .\.  \.  (_'. 

IV.  Hol>oi-i  i>-d,-u  ]M\i.:],t,  1).  Oct.  ].  IKOO: 'stud,  at  Aniltorst;  trrad  \iid,,v.  r  '.'-^l- 
ord.  by  A.  i;.  C.  V.  M..  M.i.s.s.  tolho  Madura  Pist..  Southorn  india^d.  tb.r.  .Ian  ,'^'  IS44' 
111.  Mary  \\  illiaiij.s  Billiim-.s.  U.  Mar.di  s',  jso:;;  ,1.  at  Ma.dur-i  India  .1  m  7  r^i  j  ] 
Makv  Iln.i.i-vos.  I,.  Kolv  ];i.  l^;-,  ;„  J)indi-Pl,  India;  n-s.  So.  lladl.-v  Falls  '  Mass  nnin' 
2.  K()i;r.!:T  (h;r);.N.  (trt.  .s.  1>:]S;  lawyer;  ivs  S.  ]!.  l'-,alls;  m.  O.'i.  t;,  ISliP.  Sai'aii  J-^ 
Col, urn;  .s.  /.  :_;.  \\''.r.  1!  ^i-jiis,  <.)(t..  ]>^4();  d.  m.ou.  4,  Tn'M-in  v  f:i)v>  ahi.s.  i).' Uo.'. '2li 
isn,  ,a  Madura;  a  laailvct  ::ardi.'nor.  inmi. 

^■.      Ma!-ar.T    1 1  sv  i^l,  t,  L.   April    M.   lN(i4;   <I.  Sep.     :,,  iSt.",;    t-arhor  of   ;;   .■•  kduatod 
S'.-hool  ii:  Nonhaniiitoii  from  tin'  a^^c  of  Ki  till  de.-. 

VI.  An..'!;;.  J)ui,,l)r,  h.  S-pt.  17,  IsOU:  ,1,.  .Tun.-  1.  l.s-,'4.  D;-.  .l.,-..pli  H.-n-h.-w  !''ni,i 
01  -N.;cJ.i  wt.j;  I..  Ajnil-JO,  K^Mi;  <1.  .\.,v.  !1,  lS4f;.  1,  i'j.iZAKKTii  J 1  K.xsiiv  w  Mas  '^:-; 
1.^-2.:.;  in.  Sopi.  -J,.-.,  IS.")!),  I.^r.  .\rtluir  An,.;-ii>tiis  Skiv-vick  of  Nrw  Hcdior.l  wlio  d" 
Oct.  3,  H(j;-1.  •^.  Ej)W\T;I),  Nov.  1,  ls-.?H:  .<,,pt.  M'ail  Sreaniskip  (',,.  a*  'San  Franris-.j' 
Cak;  lost  or,  home  voya-r  .,n  stmr.  (ioldcn  (,  .kulv  07,  \^ii-^;  111.  \ov.  2i)  )><:)'.)  FJ],'n 
Hall.n  of  H.iston;  s.  I.  'A.  Maiiy  .  J  ulv  :!(»,  "kS^S;  ni.  D.-.nirl  ( lorliani  Jja'am  k 
Harastaklo.    Mass.,  An-'.  ■Jli,    IS-JU:  iin-nd;.  .\.  V.  C.      1,    /•;;,;-*'v .'/,   J/,  n.-hmr    1.    i  S.J:.'    '  •'' 

Gorlnni.     1S.-,.1.       :k     Con.-'ai.r,-,     l,S,-,7,       4.      U'/,/.    J),rl,;Jit_    ]S,V,);    d.    ISti:)        :,      D.ini.l   T.^H'^' 

(k   FA'rnnL    istitk     7,    Tl^.rt    n.;d,.,,\in^.      !.  .k).i;rii    Hi:nsu.^w,    S.^pi'    :?:J     If^:;;)-  'd 
March.  7,  1  ^;!  J.  ^    -1,    H.wxau    Wii.i..\i;i,,    1..  ,ln!y  1,   l,S;;.-2;  d.    F.-k.   'M,  lS:i4.      C.    Hoi-KiiX 
()(!i>:-.N,  .km.  •2;k  kS^-t;  an  oJiietT  on  so'a!ii  ya.drr  X.irjli  Star  an.un.l  tiio  \'.ork!  wi'k  Coin 
noiloiv    Vand,rl)!!t:    lo.t    ..verlioaid  olf  tlic  coasi.  of    Port  acra.l,  Jul  v  i?!).  ],s.-,;j,  in  his -jUi  ], 

yr.  7,  Josi  Ml  J^WKiiiT.  1).  D.-,-.  O'.k  k^oo.  ii;.-.i,-anco  kusin..-ss  in  .\.  Y  C  ■  n,  June  "•■' 
l.S7().  Mary  Ik)wo.-,,  ,k,u.  o|  Ik.v.  .k,s..-],k  Ik  Jlull  [U].  s,  k.v.ri;.\  A.mioi.i.v,  Jnlv  1  1  IS!')' 
111.  .May  .>,  IS.j^',  (.'apt.  .k-s.'pk  Hrrnt  (iriswnld  Idiani,  ni.ariiu-r;    1  .diikk 

\\\.  Mar\  Ann  Dv.  i-rla ,  k.  Sojit.  17,  lsi)(5;  t.-aclnn- of  drau  in,- an.l  paintin-;  oaticnt. 
f;entlr,of  soun.l  kn.iu-icdiic  and st  rongscnsc.f  duty ;  .slu'd.  at  .Morrisiana,  X.Y.Xov.'4.  iX.'iS: 
uutlior  of  trririiin  ,n,il  il,:n>in  Mi/th'ilofijj  ;  I'oit'n/  for  I  he  Toinifj  :  Coirp'/s  Ti-.n/fi'iifi''/', 
oft/te  IU,nl  ,riiJ,  \„f.js  :  Ji,  Ahrvhinncnt  of  Lmzi' >i' ]nU:nn/ <rf  Painting  :  An  KU.:nn,tar:i 
TrcatUiv  m,  tin  Fino.  Arts,  ■ik.-r  general  likuarv  rai>ai-il  v  and  tuilture  "were  also  k.i.rli  '  — 
Hist.   Ma;/.  Jan.   k^.")0.  .         1  .  ^:,    . 

VIII.  Susan  l)\vi,nli;,  i\Nin  with  .Mary  .\iin,  k.  Sept.  17.  k^Ofk-  in.  Frd..  4  \^:'A  kewis 
Williams,  m.-rcli.  of  Ckillir,  ,t  iu-,  (). .  \v  l,r.  he  d.  Am;-.  Fi .  l8o2.  1,  kcwis,  June  vO 
18:>7;  e'iv.    Kne-.;   Suj.t.    ('in.,  Ikim.  \-  l>a.y.  Ik  Ik      2,    .\nn.\,' .1  iine  -ji,  1S41   "d' 

-tlid.   law  wifh  Tie 

Aug.  22,   :,S42. 

IX.     'rimothy  Kd^\■,lrd.■^    Dwielu,  1,.  June  ."1,  1S0>!:    V.  ( '.  1S27 
n.'vereii.x',  lu.s  n.-.tlier's  cms.;  Ci.  Mav  2U,  XX'.Vo. 

X.      'riionia-,  liwi^'it.  .\  ."),  I'siO;  d.  (),;r.  CU,    ISkn 
^1-      iiaiinah  kuekminster   D>Ti..'kt,  k.   Dei:.   1.  k-^lFd.   I>e,-.  Hk  ISkk  a.  :;  yrs. 
Xll.      Ikmnali  \\'oiiiiini_;ion    Dv.iekt,  twin  uitli  Ilannali    Ik  ;  d.  S.^pt.    17,  ]s27. 
Xllk      Ca.oliu.    Williams  Dvviukt,  Xov.  1  k  IS!:);  m.  y.Av  2lk  '!>::;2,  Samne'l  lkj'[>liins  's 
(d'  rapt.  ,Iokn  11.  i;  Dmi.  (,\,1.  1^2;;  A  ndovm- Tkeo.  S,-ni.  IsAl  ;  01, 1,  aii.'l  pre;,rhe,l  a*  viiri,')lis 
plat-es;   aullior   of     /,■  .vv„„,v  ,,/7,/,.    (•,;■....:    llisl..r;j.F    Vtr.iinia:    y/o'     Furitansan,i    Un,,n 
Flivitnt!,-.      1,   Si  n.i.i;,)ux,  l^:',:k     -J,    i'k.!/,  \r.r;rii.  k.  I  »ee.  1 .  !^::4;  m.  Now  22    1  v.-,!i 'jk-v 

.losepn  iienr,\-  Myers  of  \\ki;.M  ;.i\\  n,  X.  ^..(li:-,  -J,!  u  f. ).  I..  Oc!.  2'.i,  'sil;  riM.dier  a' 
Milrou,  X.V.  ;kWK.:u.,i:,k.  .\kuvk  kk  17.;;,  M.i).;  As>i  Sur-'.  k.  S.  X.  Dep;..  \Va^inn-ton, 
!>.  (\:aUi'r\v.  set.  at  Covi-r;,  S.-n.'e:i  Co.,  X.  V.  4,  k;.\  !;!;i.l..\  'ikio.Mfsi  )\,  j>ee.  14  ?,s:i!). 
num.     .0,   MAP.ii.\u!;-r  l>wi(it)  r,  Dee.    is.  lS4i. 



MV      .loshil.  lUvurht,  .Imu.  •Si),  I8i:.:  m.  Nov.,  \S:V.>.  Ainand.i  l,<:..T,:vnl  Ci-illii,.  !'    ^^n. 
"()'  l^<l7       1     ('iiA>^.  Skix^WI'K,  Au'r.  <i.  lS4il;  in  V-atllc  of  St. mr  liivcr,  and    iii  JO  l)i\ttx<>,-^ 
and  -kirniisiH-s  i)>  Vnion  iuiuv;  ni.  Nov.  10,  1870,  ]':i!.'ii  K.  Mas,.n, 
XV.     Clarissa  Dsvi-dit,  h.  Jan.  10.  1S17:  d.  Nov.  12,  U'-iO. 

825G.]1.     ITarv  Edwards,  h.  Oct.  11.  1780;  .!   Jan.  ;!o,  ]s7:_i:  n,.  Ai-ril  2.7,  isuo. 

Mjkou  \Vhi1in>i-.  b.  .Mav  S,  177-4;    lawy.M-;  icni.  U,  Biiiirli.-iiHlon,  N .  \.:  nMin.   K-'JI.;   i'ls.. 

Aftv.  and  d.  Jan    11,  164'.);  rliil.  h.  at  IVuii-liaiuron,  N.   ^  .  .,      .     ,  .„,      i       - 

*    I       Murv  F.rr/.;J.i-i)i    Wl.itin-,    1>.  at  (iival   l^arrin,L':lon.  Mas-.,  April   ■-!■>.  ]>>)]■  <\._iu 

]3in.rluunr,.ii,'  X.   •.  .,    Nnv.  22,  1Sn2,  a.  SI ;   an  a.ilnav.s;  n,  S,.,,;.   111.   islli,  J<.;,n_  i  u^-u 

Cn'  (.r  .Niiiitia:  s.  of  Annni  D.;  (-■-'m.  D  of  tluarmy  u;,s  a  cans,  .d  U,,.  J.  i  1'.:  t  h'' 
Irtrrr  vas  lirsi  a  farniu.  ili'^n  a  druu-lst,  llicn  amcirl,.  m  N .  ^  .  (  . .  Imaily^a  5^.;11 - 
:,p)..)intcd  and  s:l  f-sapi.".)  in-  cdty  missionary  in  Hr.uiklyn.       1.  Jniix  Mason.      -,    VN  m. 

"'"^'n'"'\\ilii',;n  Kfhvardx  Whiting,  1'.  S.'i>*.  !  1 .  16U;J;  d.  J  un- ;.!,  Iss2;  a,  71t;  a.-iiny; 
'I'r.-.s  '  \ni  ^Fi--  V-so  ■  a  rnlini:  <lil-r  in  I'm-di  ]^■!■ul■nif•d  rid).;  m.  May  2^.  l^>>'-.  Ann 
I.vcdrdan.  (.fJol.n  1.   I'ost  <,f  N .'  V.  0.;  h.  Aug.  4,  1:^(M;  nuw  liv.  in   |-;r-,<.klyn,  ^.  '. 

•  m  (Hndir,..  WhiJin-,  !•-  Sr,,t,  1,  l-o:.;  n,.  Xnv.  11.  1^2:;,  U\rU.n\.  s.  .,!  ^hy  v,..m.t 
Mathr.rof  I,vni-.  ('..nil.  1.  J'Mz.w.ktu  W.mtk.  2,  M.xuv  Emv.Mn.s  ■  d.rr,.  ,.,  Hmodx 
Li:s;i;i;.      4.   N  \M  V     Luris.v.      .7,   Caijomnk    \VinTi.\.^      (i.   Masun    \St!H!>h^.       .. 

1-'KAN<Ks    AMI:!.I  V  idvc).  ,,.,,,     1  .•'.■-  r»  ,- 

1\-  Ithnda  \nn  Wl.iiii^jr.  1..  April  TJ,  1S07;  n..  A].nl  :!,  lS2h,  l.alid:,  s.  ot  iunnthx 
].,;stor  of  X,.r\n.d,,<'oMn.:(a  rmiote' coa^.  of  T.  Kdward-  L.-st^'r);  Imnkrr.  d.  in  i.ork.-ster, 
X.  v.,  Jniv  n,  isi;o,  .  ,,    ,       ,  •  u-  1      t 

V  Fiaia-s  \vrrv  Wlurinu-.  h.  An-.  2!>,  1S!1:  i„.  llniry  Mather.  Lm.  m  i.n-hard: 
a  surr.-s-fu!  Imsiur^s  Inaii ;  >.i..TnlHtor  in  land  and  viliag.-  l-is.  ].  Mai:v  D-i  ;;!.Kt.A\ 
(dcf)      2    lliri!  \i:n  IlKXi^.Y.     H.   Klizmjkui  Kap(  i.iKKi:.  ^_ 

VI  Mason  Whiiin-.  1).  Jan.  IS,  l."U:i;  rt's.  Bru.nnc  Co.  and  X.  Y.  v.;  ni- _";;;';■  '"• 
1S^W,  Eliza,  daa.  oF  Hmry  Vand.'wai.  r.  L.  X.J.,U.-t.  18,  iM2:  <1.  Aiuc  Ih.  ib,..,.  1. 
Kmza      2     Amkm.v.     ■l    Wii.i.iAM.     4,  lIi:MtY. 

Vli.      Cathariiu-    Sprnr-r   Whiiin-,    1..  S-pi.  22.  IMl;   d.   April   17.  ISd.;    ni.  Julv^E 
U;;^5    Criak  ^^uri^  Stow,-rs,  b.  Watennxv,,.  X.  Y.,  Xov.  21.  ISilS;  d.  Srran,nn.  P''--;    "^ 
1;!    ]S7();   carri-d  on  bus.  in  ]Vn>-lianitoi,.  Scranton   and   Clnc.i.LTo.      lie  \vas  s.  ot    ..unn  o. 
Watorto'wn.      1.   Mai;y.     2.   Cathkiit.xk.     ;!..   Mokkis.     4.   Fi;ami-.s. 
VlJk      Aiindia  (.i-deu  \\'liitin,u-. 

8256.11.8.  Amelia  Ogden  Whiting,  b.  >ray  14.  181'.'.  m.  S..,.t.  4,  isi3l»,  K.-v. 
Wni  Sfvuiour,  s.  of  Joai.  and  Xabby  (Sevimuir)  Tyler,  b.  Hartt.,  SM:ai.  <- o. .  la.. 
Sent  2  "l^lO;  Aiuhrrr.t  Col.  ]s:;(!;  tutor;  .stud,  Tliro.  at  And-ver  and  witb  l'-^'_  ;'■• 
Skin'ner;   lias  been    for  nearly  oO   yrs.  I'lof.  .d'    Cr^-.p  ^.an:^  and    kit.  in  Andiers';   Ikl).. 

^  '  \  A[ason  \V)diin^Tvb.r.  b  June  17,  1840;  Andiorst  Cok  1  8112;  mlist.^d  at  one.-  in 
li7thMa8S.;  eoinmissioii-.d  1st  kieut.;  s..rved  tbn.ngk  tk.'  war ;  ^vounded  at  Pet.'rsbur-. 
went  home  on  erutches:  veturiu;-d  loAiiiiy..!'  ]>oton,a<-,  under  ^^"''■"'^"'  "\  "".f/';?,."' 
Shenandoali;.  Provost  Mar.slial  (d'  ^Vin^h.-ter;  C.k  by  biwet ;  in  D.v.  kJ  IM'.).  kli/.a  dan  ..f  Ib'v.  Dr.  Sekived.-r  of  St.  Anns,  15r..oklyii.  k  Mvm.x  Wunisc.  b. 
July"  2k' d.    ^^^'^■    17.   l^k-^k      ■■•   ^^'•'>'-    >^HVM<UK,    b.    Ort.    IS.    1872..       o.  (  onsKT.\v> 

nu.VKD.M.VN.   k.   Xov.    k"),    187.").  ,,,.,.,  (.       r 

II       Williani    Wellin-ton    'lAdor,    b.   Get.    14.  1841;   Amher-^t   (..J.   ls(.4;   n.anuk  .d 

Turbine    Water    Whe.ds;   linn    kliod.-n  \  Tyler;  took  1st    pii/..' at  (  .■ ;  res. 

Mt.    llollv.   X.  J.;    in.  S>-].i.    12.  1S72,    Sarah    Braksley  SiierrenJ    of    SeraiiDn,  we.o   d.  at 

Mt'  11     Sepi     IS    1.^^2       1.    Amf.i.ia   \N'i(1tinh;.  b.  Jan.  17.  1S7.'). 

'in"      Ibnrv'Matker    Teb^r.    b.    Xov.    is,    1S.1;P    Anili.'rst    Col.  k^(i.7;   nitor   and  stn.i. 

Theo  •'  rr.,f    <;f    (ir.ek    iii'i^iu.x    Col. .  (.iak-skitr-,  !  11. ,    and    aetiuir  i''-^'"' ^ '""^-    '''''■■ 

aflervv.  i.a.>lor  in  Fit.dd)ur-,  Mass. ;  st^.fd  supply  -d  Kdwaids'  .bb.,pt..n^,  y  r. ; 
Prok  of  Cre-k  in  Sniitli  Col.,  n.:.u-  <.,t  Pifdnemt  .dde,  W  on-.-M.M-  -.•iss.  ;  r-s.  .Norm- 
;„„pton;in.  Juh  :10.  ls;2,  Marv  Fran.a-s  IV^brow,  b.  Monr..,.^Mi.-h.  1.  11knkvI>Ks. 
HHow.  b.  An::.  24.  is:.-).  2,  Maimukh.  Kdsva.kds.  b.  On  .  :J.  ls,,;d.  An.;-.  li>.  l^.S-  ■<■ 
])i)\Ai  !-  \\'irrn\>.,  ie  Juk   ").   |s;i).  . 

IV  John  Mas,,n  T\b'-i,  b.  M  av  18.  is,",!;  Amherst  Crd.  F^-:.;  sne!.  lie..,,  a!  I  nion 
Theo.  S.-m.,X.  V;  l^bdo-y  a  ud  Kin-ln  d  S'-ien,-es  at  (b,iiin-.-ii  ami  k.Mj.sie.  ( ..M!nan%  ; 
Jb-of.  of  kioio-v  at  Amle-rst;  unm. 

424  '  i;UAX(;3i   of  kli/ a r.KTii. 

8257.  Susanna  Edward;^,  !■.  .I'.m,'  'i!),  17  lO;  d.  May  2,  IS'Kl:  m.  17.  17(;i), 
Klca/.cr  I'di-U-.- of  Uudli'.v,  iii-  -.M  \vl'.  ilr  in.  (1)  Aiiiri,  ihi'i.  nf  ('■>\.  .Inlm  Pilkin  of  Jv' 
JIavtt.,  Cmjik,  \,  Iki  fl.  Nov.  7.  17  •">'-■,  in  li.T  'J  Itli  \  r.  .  b.  17-Jy:  V.  ('.  \]  IS,  Just  in.  of  tin- 
<.^)iH'i-iiii.,  1777:  .i;i(l;'.'  (rf  thr  Conn  of  Couiinnh  Pleas  alioiit  '.'(I  vr.s  ;  d.  in  Stiirl)!);].-,. 
Mass.,  Mav  '21,  ]?.):. 

].  Klra/t'i-  J'niler,  .1  u  nr  14,  ]  7(;-J;  il,  in  Snirlj. ,  Mass..  Mav  ■? ,  L'SlH:  lu.  Jan.  f). 
17S:.],  Sar.ili.  d.ui.  o|  l>:i\;.l  Iv.-ycs  of  \\  r..I:)ii.  Mas.,-.,  1,.  17M):  (l.\NJair-li  ^(i.  ISy;,  a.  '.ti" 
],  D.wiii  Ki:ii:-.  ]-"i-n.  :}.7.  lis];  rc.s.  S.  -2,  Sisanna,  I);c.  -JO.  i^s:,;  d.  Jan.  Il',  iN.jii; 
iiimi.  '.'.  S.\i;.\ii,  Maivh4.  ]'iX^::  u).  Saiii'l  Pilti--.  -I,  17))V,'!.\.  J  un-'  1 1 ,  171';);  r.-s.  K'irli- 
iiiotid.  Va  :,.  llFNKV,  S.-pt.  1.  I7!j:i:  d.  (»rl.  >;,  lS-,'(;.  C,  SiD.M  V,  Sr-]it.  -J;!,  i7!).">;  ivs. 
Stiirir.  7,  M.\i;i-\,  Jal\  ^J.  r<',»7:  ni.  J)r,  Wociiwaid.  N.  ]7i,i;  \;'.i,i;.  .\u;'.  10.  17;tl):  res. 
Sfaniford,  Coiiii.      9,    lidii.v'j;.  July  11,  1^0:!;  d.  .)aii.  Ill,  IN,!!. 

11.  ^^"iliianl  i;.  rorii-i,  li.  Do.-.  li,  iii;;];  .\i.l).:  dfV(.ii'Hl  luucli  tiiuc  to  t  radnu;-  ]inr- 
sniis;  ill  1I11' sanio  sioii'  in  iladli'V  for  (in  yr.s. .  and  d.  Nov.  (i,  ls|;,  jeaviuL;-  llic  l.-UiMst 
t-.^i.  in  lladlcy  up  to  that  time;  uj.  ]^rv.  !',  I^SS,  l^ois,  dan.  of  Dea,  John  Kastnuiii  of  11., 
\vlio  d.  iU'f.  12.  171)','.  a.  -2:-::  iO;  J  un^.-  Ki,  ]]'.)l,  riia.rlotlc,  (],>>:.  lion.  Wni.  V.'iHian-s  of 
I'/iltoM,  Mh^-..  uhod.  Nov.  10,  ISi-j.  a.  72.  /.  h\  Isf!:..:  ],  l>.\r.,  h.  U<t.  14.  17^J'.i:  d. 
soon.  2,  John  On.  24.  liiU.t;  Wins.  Col.  iSHl;' h.,-v;an  inac  la'.v  at  Anhiirn,  N.  Y.  :  inn; 
boi-'ii  a  niiiii.  of  h.iili  liranchi's  StaTr  la'i.'.  of  N.  V.:  SiiriMj^raTc;  [-"ii's.  fif  a  inanuf.  Co. 
;it  .\nlioiii.  .  ;),  Wli.i.i  \\t.  Nov.  14  li!).':  Win--.  Col.  ISI;!;  prar,  law  at  I. en,  Mass..  and 
d.  t!ir.  I.  by  2d  iv..:  4,  Hf.E.v/i'.u  Wii.u  v.m,--.  ,Mav  2:t,  I  ]\ir,:  d.  Fob.  2'J.  17!;I7.  ."),  C.\uoi,i,\K 
\\'lij,i.\Ms".  May  ]!i,  1  ;!)7.  (.,  Mai;v  J'.hnv  a  r.i  :r^ ,  ] ).  ,-.  J  1 .  1  ;;i;i;  d.  May  lo.  IM);;.  7.  I.ois 
KA^T.^!A.v,  I-"cb.  S.  y  .Ja.mks;i>.  Fi'b.  lb,  l'-{):i;  nii-ich.:  nj.'Jan.  i'l.  is;]!.!,  ^su.vuu 
Pai-.sons.  1.  h'/l/r./i''  CA'/V.v,  b.  l<o';.  b.  lS:J'i;  ^j'.  ('.  b-^oS;  delivered  the  jxiem  al  the  Ci.-n- 
tentiial  Cele|)ra!ioi;  at  Iladiey;  d.  lS7i;.  2,  r/,,/i-/,.fJ,  HV/'7'//;/a,  Hef.  r..  b^'lO.  H,  W>'>. 
A'T.w//-.!',  March  !),  bsf-j.  b.  .M-.kkm  i.\  n .  1  >ec  2^,  JniM;  vLms.  Col.  ls2.7;  ].roni.  as  a.  li.inie 
rni.s.sionavv ;  i-astor  of  (dili.  at  (ireeii  Hav,  W'i.:..  and  at  Clileaeii,  111.  Jd,  Ciiaki.i;s  .Mav 
12,  d.  Sr'pr.   1.  Ic07.      1  1.   ''HAiD.Ks,  July  2S.  lHi>;;  d.  a.  2  days. 

III.  Jonathan  Ivlward^  P(n-tei\  b.  .May  17,  KbC;  Ihiiv.  Col.  17Sb;  a  ])isl.  j,av,  vei'; 
(MLUise]  l'(n-  !lani;;Hii  an.l  Daly,  who  w  (-ic  t  ried  and,  eveiuted  IVn- nmrder 'd'  Marens  Lvoii. 
lie  died  Mai-rli  2K  IS2I,  in  Itinica.  N.  V'.:  manie,!  Jaunarv  lb.  1  ilC-J.  Fidelia,  dan",  of 
Timothy  lUvieht  l'.';(/,  j  I.  Dac,  b.  .Aju-ili:;.  1  r'J.!  2,  .Jrnt.\  .\x.\.  .N  p:  ii  JC.  j;<)4; 
(1.  Dec. "is.  is;;ii:  m.  Joseph  I're.-ser'  Wiclibani.  b.  Thonip-on,  Conn.,  .April  1.  17!t7:  V. 
C.  IHbJ;  |.rea.che(l  ai  New  liorlielje  a]i'!  W'esi  l^iiju,  C(ni!i.,  l-2')-2S;  Prin.  W'a- hine-fon 
Inst.,  N.  \.  C.,  i'-~2S-:4};  |iastur  Pi-eVi.y.  ,dih.,  Maileauiui,  N.  J..  ls;;4:  in  bS37  Vjr,].: 
(diai-j^e  (d"  the  jbirr  Sein.,  .M.ancdjester ,  Vt..  27)  }i's.  He  111.  (2)  Dei'.  2'S,  bSi^l.Amv 
Porter,  cons,  to  hi.-;  1st  w  f . ,  b.  S"pt.  ■>')_  b-'  \vl!oni  hn  had  Fniina.  b.  Oct.  21,'lN22; 
111.  Rev  .'vllie.l  C.  Hoe,  l^e.^,  ni  Clyde,  N.  "l'.,  fds  2d  v,  f . :  m.  (:j)  Oc! .  12,  K^:J4,  Eli/abctli' 
C.,dau.  of  J'ev.  Sanine!  Meiwiu  ot  Ni;s\  Hav.  l.Wfm-ii  Lu'iis.i,  b.  Nb.iw  7,  1S27;  ih 
July,  1V2N.  :],  'J'iMdTiiv  Dwioirr,  March  II.  ]7'.)7:  Y.  C.  ISKP  siuTp  nied  ;  )>rin.  and 
I'rojir.  of  Wasliineton  Inst.,  lolhst.,  bet  wccn  od  and  4th  a\es,;  rem.  to  Mnrrav  Mill, 
and  owiu'd  thes.jnaie  bound  by  :;d  audi  Lexingion  aves.  and  ;;bTli  and  ;j7lh  s!s.,  aliont  2 
acfP.S,  and  was  jin-si  r\ad  by  him  iri  its  orii;nai  shape  until  a  few  \  j-s.  a.eo,  when  i(  jiad 
b,.'com.'  very  valuable.  With  his  brother.  T.  \V.  Port-r,  endo\\ed  Yah'  Col.  \\-it]i  S212,- 
OlJO,  called 'the  ■•  Porter  l-\ind."  lied,  in  N  JIav..  Dec.  lSN(t,  a.  !:^2;in.  Dec. , ']  S:>i(, 
3Larv  l-]li/,a.  dan.  of  Hon.  .I7phra.ini  and  .\lar\'  (Sevmonr)  Hart  of  I'tit-a,  N.  Y.  She  d. 
Feb."  24.  b^')4.  1.  ,/■///,/  ])>i;<jht.  b.  abt.  1H42;  d.  "soon.  2,  ^fl!r^|  L>'n.s,(.  .\pril  1.7,  INJO. 
4,  Tiih.iMxiiiK  'A(;v.  b.  .July  lo,  17!i',i;  \.  C.  pspj;  d.  Aj-rd'o,  JS,7:):  ninn.;  iissisted 
his  bru,  in  \\'nis.  In.-t.  .7,  Jiiii.\  Dujoht.  .Maich  lH.  lsi)0:  d.  next  day.  i),  Jun.vthan 
Fdwauds,  June  27,  I'SOo. 

TV.  Mo.-,e.-,  Porter,  b.  Sepr  P.),  17bS;  P'ol.;  d.  May  22,  1  N.7  1 ;  at  that  linn-  the  oldest 
<lesc.  <jf  Pros.  FMwards.  He  lived  and  d.  in  tlie  bon.^e  in  Ihnlb'y.  Mass.,  in  wliidi  he 
was  b.  .Mem.  .Ma.s.,.  HepM  Ma-s.  Cnjist.  Conv.,  IS2n,  and  held  otiier  i>ositions.  .\.  man 
<d'  sound  bnl-em.'nt,  eneri^etle  and  jn-onipt  in  action,  ^enei-ous  in  feelini.:,  a  friend  to 
liie  wblov.  and  Hie  failierle-,^,  hand  e\  ei-  opi-n  l:>  the  ])ooi-.  Administrator  on  iiun-e  esls. 
than  any  other  man  in  llaniji-hire  Co,  \'isited  the  sii  Ic  to  pray  a  nd  relb-ve;  ever  \v<4- 
eomo,  b:'[ipy.  cheerful  ami  e,,n.-is!ent.  lb-  in.  Aim'.  '■'/),  17'.)1,  Ann',  dan.  of  Denj..  and 
sis.  of  Christopher  Col:  of  Haitf.,  Conn.  Sln-d.  Fi4>.  II.  PH;'.,  a.  71.  I,  lb;N.i.\M  i.\ 
Coi/r,  June '.),  i7'J2;  d.  June:;.  i;.i;.  2.  ]7i,i.',  \i;i:  I'M .  Ja!i.  2 1,  1  P.if.  :;.  l5i.;.N.iAMiN,  Oct. 
Ti,  17b.").  4,  Sci'iil.v,  Nov.  I,  IP.);,  d.  .\p:il  :',.  iNll;  m.  Ala\  12,  b'--:;,  P'.-a.  Cli.arle.-; 
Hiichcrl...  He  m.  (2i  .VuL'  21,  ISJ:;.  i'oreeba  (Hnbbaiil)  Wei  fs,  dan  .  of  P'o^well  linb- 
ba:-d,  -7,  Mm^i.s.  Oef  pp  n'lp.  ;p  .\\!v,  S.-pi.  2i.),  1^!)!:  d.  Or|  .  :j;,,  p^^V:  ni.  Dec.  2S, 
I.^:;i,  Joseph  Dre--.'r  \\  ickham.  \\hos,'  isl  wf  \\as.luria  Ann  Pmter.cons  to  .\my.  7. 
^'■l•s>.^^A  17iuvai;i)s,  b.  Jan.   l.^\  bsi.|.4.  d.  Nov,  2ti.   1SU.7.      S,   Fi.k  v/.r.ii,  .Ian.  2ib  Ibnb.      \l. 

EDU'Al.'DS,    I'ULl.OCK.     1)  K  V  KUETX  .  i^i) 

Sl's  V^N  \.  .laii.  :5n.  ISU-^;  d.  in  l'):it:i  via .  III.,  .lai:.  07,  1^4'.t;  iii.  ilrv.  ],ut  licr  I'aniinn. 
IC.  ],ri-ici;riv  ('i):.r,  Mav  1.").  1^10;  d.  .lulv  ;;,  is'i;;  m.  May  Id,  ]"•:;*>,  'rimma.s  ^'ll.•ll  lU' 
No.  Hruukli'.-l<l,  .Ma'<<,.  I.'Au;;-.  li ,  IN'l!),  s.'dI  1;.-v.  Di.  'IMuinias  „  iiil'l'ir/ali  (St  ic),::)  Sncll. 
Ill-  111.  r-''  All-.  -J"-;,  l^^lil.  Aiaiy  Wik-ox  Fi.^U.  i.  U,r.  .l/,.,s-  .s  />■,//,  r,  May:;,  is;;'.);  Ainli. 
("ol.  l>:;i:  111'  \\is.  -U.  l"-'.'>i".  -Mai-y  Ccu-nclia  llalincl;;  Jlaill'.,  Coini.;  scrv.  in  rniuii 
nriiiv,  isrrj-tit.  l.  Mnwin  I'drtii.'  Amr.  'J.  l'~:^ii-'!.  -i.  (''Tai'l  Hall.)."!;,  Aii^-.  'J,  l^-CC:  ,]. 
Juii.'- 1-i,  is;:)  ;;,  ]-:;i/a  (•.iir..ll,  .luiM.'  L  isi;s.  ;>,  .s: //■,'//  A',/,////,  Maicii  ii,  isU;  il. 
JiuitrO,  iMT.  n,  Fiiu:;  1  V  Dwiciri',  July  7,  IS1:J;  d.  Aui;-.  17,  INi:!.  I'i. 
EnwAi;])--.  A[);il  li.  isi.'j,  i:;.  I'.Mii.v,  ^Fav  -J.").  !S17. 
V.  .).,], r.  Wmw.  .)u!v  -27.  ^1,  Auc.  7,  H  7-J. 
Vi.  l'i.T|...,!it  P(;i;iT,'.liiin-  1-J.  1 ;;.");  d.  Jlui.'  i.').  ISO."):  in.  Nov.  -27,  17!i7,  liaiinali 
^Vi^-l.■•i!l-  ot  i:-:s'  Wiiid.M.r,  CniiM..  v.ho  d.  Aiit^-.  :^,  1S:;<;.  a.  i;:).  l,  .!Ki;rsn.A..  .inly  •.':-•, 
179sr(l.  .iaii.  10,  isuo.  -J,  Lia  i:k.ti.\,  N..v.  -J;;.  i  7!i11.  :i.  Fi;i;i)i'.i;i(  k,  Dt-r.  :ji,  iSfU. 
4,    LKi(t'>TKi:  \V.,  Jan.  7.    ISd:;. 

8258.     Eunice  Edwards,!'.  May'.).  1 7  lo.  (Monday);  d.  at  NcwImtu,  X.  (;.,  S.-pt. 

ff,  1>:VJ;  )i;.  .Ian.  .">,  1  711 !,  'I'll' nnas  l\il  Iml;  (  Pnjk  an  abin-'-vialioti ),  J7-^(l. .  of  tin'  l]ali;ni 
■('St.  N.  v:.;  1'.  .liiu.  o.  1>:!':  d.  17  77-;  [-2)  li  .hort  Hunt  of  I'di/ala/thtown,  X.  .).,  who  <I. 
Mitrcii.  isn;. 

!.      K!i/.d,.t!i  Pollorl;,  d.  ,v.  /. ;  m. W" ill iuin.'s. 

11.       II.  -Ifl-  I'oil.H-k,  di.  y. 

III.  Tl  .;na~  Tollo/k.  ik  aJ  I>iicra,  Ilaly .  nnin. ,  ]Sli;k-  a  prott"  and  was  ir1'u>t>d 
Imiial  in  lln-  paiial  sta'cs;   was  lj  rrii'd   to  L<  udioiii  a  nil  Im.  tlnre  in  tin'  !7n.t:!isli  jrionnd. 

IV.  Fiainc-   F(dlo,]<,    in.    .](,iun    Doveiciix. 

V.      (.■.•..i::--   I'nilo.-k:  killed   ky    falling  1  roin    hi^  horse    on  liis    phunaaion  in  X.  (.'., 
Fs.:i',i.  num.      i.  h^-  2>\  m. ; 

Vl.  Sara),  Fiorponl,  .May  i).  17S1:  di.,1  .\!a;c]i  "JLk  \^-i:]:  in.  Au^.  3(1,  ISDI), 
nX  Sa.'::t  '..a  Sii;7-!;Lrs.  N.  v..  .k.k  1  I'.naninj-  i  >  i -;,'■  wy  n .  l-7-(],  of  tin'  Hci-mitairi'.  Wil- 
luinyton,  X.  C.s.  of  Jnlii,  lhii';;\vyn  (d  (Jloucrshiif,  kai-,  1.  .)n.i.\  'i  ii  i.uUosi  a,  Sept. 
HO.  lSti7.  'J,  (.i.n.  PuMo'  K  .\i.v),'!;sTiixi:,  .'line  11.  1^10;  d.  Feb.  •'■■),  ]><:l[i  :',.  ]Ii-:ni;y 
Ki>.'-.  .!?.;).  7.  I'^kl  -!.  TiiiiMAs  Pvii.i.iK  :..  l»ff.  ;k  k^l4  •'),  .Ujiin  ('om.inson,  Sfjit.  7, 
ink;,  d.  N(,v.  ',i,  1S4-1  (k  17i>v,A]:i»  1 'K.\  i:r.|.:r\,  .Mai.k  ve,  kSllk  d.  Sept.  4,  IS'^O.  7, 
>Vm.  fk-ii.  Maivit:Jl.  ls-1:  d.  Sent.  ;k  1N;J0.     s.   Sakaii  Kmii.y,  k.  F.-k.  24,  iS-M. 

S2564.  Frances  Pollock,  tu.  .lohu  Dcvoifux  of  W'cxknd,  liel-md:  ran  away 
froUi  St.  Cn.aks  ('ok.  to  iivoitl  kccomiii--  a  ]nii  <t,  and  i"itcr,'d  the  Ikiiisk  navy,  .\ftfrw. 
■fanie  TO  Aiiiiiiia  as  s|i|m.j(-u:-;,^o  oj'  Irisli  linen.  Shipw  i-erked  on  coast  of  NoTth  < 'arolina  . 
and  \\eiu  to  NtAsiiein,  w  ke]-e  li'-saw,  loved  and  niarrii'd  Fi-anrr-  Po'loclv.  He  d.  in  N. 
I.  .Iid:n  D.'vert.'ux.  killed  v^dien  a  k(iy  hy  a  tail  fioiu  a  horse. 
11.  Thomas  PoUo'k  Devereux,  k.  17ii4;  "in.  < 'atlnuiin.'  Ann  .lolnison;  (2)  Ann  Marv 

in.  (ie.,.  Pollork  Devei-.Mix.  nn  Sarah  171i/.a!'eih  .lohnson  [,'/./(]  nf  s.frat  ford,  Conn., 
and  (k  ks;',7  at  SulTolk.  \'a. .  en  rnntp.  resuli  o[  a  fa.ll  fioni  ki--  lioisesev.  yrs.  iu-foie.  'i'iie 
wid.  then  ri.'ni.  to  X.  fla.v  wliere  she  was  wi'll  l^nown  for  lier  larue  and  i;'e;u'roas  hos- 
pitality. 1.  kii.iiK,  h.  X.  ('.,  All--.,  is:]."i;  a  ninrli  adiiiifed  lulle;  m.  \Kh),  Frank 
riu^4e(i,  a  ki wyer  of  Phila. :  r<.-s.  two  yi>.  in  ;k,  koikis.  Mo.  lie.  d.  in  IS.")',).  J>efi>r(' 
tliat  <  vent  she  luid  written  skeu;l!,-.s  Un-  Ilai'i'erV  M<i;/,ui/ii ,  and  a  novel  railed  Sj"f/'iri/l'f. 
Alter  llui!  she  wi-'ite  largely  for  h-adinu'  newsiri]iei>  mihI  niaL;a/,ine>.  In  the  vvintcr  of 
ISGl  slic-  w;;s  t!ie  NA'a.shinii'ton  .-orrespondenr  (,(  the  X.  V.  kX  enini;-  /'»/,-/.  In  Isil-J  j.uh- 
liiihed  i,'..,'/,7k/''/,  a  luu-el  atn!  wioie  maiiN  snnie--  lor  I-"ran!;  keslie'N  117./'//;  the  Piiiki. 
J-'/'i.'f.s' and  otlier  ])ul>lifat;on-;  ni.  iM)  ISfiH,  (.'r-enlill  l-Slakc  of  X.  ^  .  city.  iti  ks72.  jnib.<:r(.ii  J-'ii/-  l.ih  .  a  novid.  to  shov.-  the  leiral  disad vantao-es  of  wi>jncn:  and  since  is7(t  she 
lia.S  IhH'ii  a  leaiiini;  a<lvo-at('  for  women's  ejilranchiscinent .  lect  nrin<r.  x'.-fitino-  and  per 
sonally  ph-aciintr  before  coniini!lee>  (,f  ( '(uigii'ss.  state  lei;is!af  il  ics  and  other  bcid.i.s.  'l"e 
her  fik.'its  it  was  mainly  owin;,'  tkat  the  kill  was  p.iss,  J  ami  kecame  a  law  in  llie  state  ci 
Xe\\  ■^'orlv,  eivine-  to  v.i.:ueii  the  rii.dit  of  sciioid  siitTra'^e.  Shi'  alsi,  ke^ali  the  iiciM- 
nietit  to  open  ('ill  11)1  dna  c(>l!e:;c  Ki  wuiucn.  She  is  a  licautifiil  wi/tn:in  ,  v'.-iUi  weMfornn  d 
featiirer^.  !ar-ee;-ay  c-ve-  and  a  ;i;oud  li-nre,  and  always  die^sed  in  excpii^iie  ia~te.  Slie 
Inis  a  ready  wit,  ami    as  a  lectimr  there  is   no  kidy  in  the  knited  Stales  more  admired. — 

]\  .      ]■" ranees  .\nn.  ni.   lk'\  .    i.ei)nidas  Polk. 

8258-12.  Tho-nis  Po]lock  Devcictix,  b.  i;!'!;  Y.  ( '.  l^Pi;  A.  M  P^17;  d  in 
Halifax,  .\".  ('.,  .May  7.  ls;'l;i.  .-i.  7."^  lie  \v;;-,  Snpieme  Court  i;ei>-):ii  :•  and  V .  S.  liisirir: 
Attorney.      A  s'.aum-h  I-'edtrali>t,  and  t  k  n.  .!aci•;^.,)l|   vvasureid   oii   tiiai    accnunt    to   rem. 


jJHAivCif  oi'   VAA?  \v,\:yu. 

l)itu.  "  Ai-''  yo.i  san-,"  .'iskcd  .la.-k'-on,  ■■  Ik-  is  ji  inic  Mnc  l''ci!('!-alist  wiihoiit  a  doitbl?" 
"  I'niiiinpiniiii'.ir.L:  sunl  <lvf<i  in  the  wnnl,"  was  tlic  it|'1_\.  "  'I'licii,"  said  ()li!  liirk.irv, 
"  Ik'  sliall  li<-\  (  r  Ml'  l-.-li;.>\C(I  \>\  me  fnr  1  ex  jut t  ]  slinll  I'lan;;-  some  nf  rluisc  S  lii'li  ('al"i>- 
lina  N  wlliliiTs  ;"u!  ir  w.':i!;'.  Take  the  .-n-oii'jrst  soil.  <,!  lM<!i-ralisI  In  ).i(is.>,-ut<'  tli.iii."  He 
in.  ( 'atliaiiiii-  Ai\ii  .luhiiMiii  r.r  Si  i  al  t'',|-il.  ('(inn.;  Clj  Ann  .Mai\,  dan.  uC  Hdlicrt  ^!aitlaIld 
(if  X.  "W  '-'.  anil  si>,.  i,f  Mis.  Aiiiiusins  \':\\i.  Currlaud.  She  d.  in  ) 'clcislnirir.  Va  ,  L-'ch. 
IC,   IN.SI,  a.  ,s:;.      /.  hy  1.-,;  ni.  : 

I.      l'~r;una.s  .loimswn,  d.  Jnlv  •?7,  ISM  ;   in.   licni-v  \'\'.  :\H1I(T  ot  X    ('     \\li<)<i    l'~(i9- 

II        k:i;/;:lvtk   l'..llnrk,  <k   iN?;*:    111.  'J'knnias  V.  .lun.'S.  a   laNs\ri-  in   X.   C.  ;   4  oliik 

III.      Jidm.  V.  C.  kSIU;   ni.  Margaret  .Mor(lc<-ai  of  Kalciuh,  X!  ('.;  N  fliii. 

1\'.      ^\"illia!il  .'iilin-'in,  d.  ^' ■  ^ 

\        Sitsaii  .lohnsoi,.  d.  y.  ' 

\1.  (.'atliariii'-  Ani^  d.  .n.  /.  1871;  ni.  Patricls  Ivlniundsrunr,  wlio  (k  IS.jT. 
Vn.  >ktry  Fiayard.  I).  ,\!av  I'l,  1^-,'T;  a  writer.  ]).if  t  and  JMnrna.list:  ]ihmi)1>i"-  oi"  t.]<<' 
X.  V.  Slatr  I'lcss  As.sueiaiioii :  lirloi'i'  uk.irli  didivcrrd  a  jmlmii  IS'Sil:  alvo  hcinr.-  tl!^'■ 
MasMHs  ami  Sr.  .loliii's  Oi-jdiaii  A.syliini.  Oy.kiidi;  a  c..ricsi..>ndi'iit  ol  l'..i,yard  'I'avloi-,  -win.-) 
said  of  licr  ]■.  icin.  entirk'd  ••  rieDjiatra's  Sidikiiiny."  ],n!).  in  tin  ^'r//i. ',,//.' "T lie  Ix'st  niafxa- 
■/.iiif  pMcin  (if  ike  srasDn." — Sn-  Sn:i(J'[(ti,(l  1! '/vV, /w;  ni.  a.i  ri's.  of  kcr  l;;rhiM-'s  sister,  Mrs. 
I'olk.  ky  k'(-v.  Leonida--  Polk,  Aiiril  (k  kSJs,  Wilk-.;n  .j.:diii  Ckuko.  of  knirli.-h  e.'vtra<'.tio;, 
on  jiaiii'na!  side,  and  Fii'iadi  I !  tiiiaienot  and  Diitek  riialt  rnall  >.  ,  lii-  nm..  Aiun-  Maria 
IJatntciii.  liis  cr.  nio,,  (uvrm.  of  a.  fainiiv  wliick  eniii:i-atod  from  i!ol;.-,n;!  to  West,  Pa.; 
Univ.  Xo.  (.'av.  1^H;  kapt.  ll-2'li  1;.-l;I.  r.  S.  1.  !SJk^  \v.>ni,d,.Ml  al  kattlc  of  Xaiional 
Brid.uc;  |(!o;)n>tod  to  ranlc  id';  rc.-,i--n..;l. ;  ( 'oni].i  i-ollor  of  No.  Car.  1N.">U;  n-iu.  to 
I'exas  iNo.'i:  Pn-si.  Sa.n  Anionio  and  .'do\k-:;n  (iaif  P.  Ik:  Col.  in  ''oi.fd.  arms';  jirisoncr 
in  Fort  PcUiware.  Af'er  peace  joineii  i;e|Hil)li<-aii  ])any  and  lnd[)ed  [nil  down  Kndxlnx: 
.Tudii-e  :-i(l  ludii-ial  Pist.  l^T-'i;  .  iiiov  (,f  ;,  nr-w.-n,!  per  at  Ikil-i^k  \vldrh  su  iMioitiv!  <  i'  ii 
<;i;'.nc  •!  eliii.  1,  Fi!.'.N.  is  Dlmci; i:rx.  k.  K;.Je'i;;h,  X.  kk.  .,l;in.  ok  IMii;  s^'iV.'d  as  Mid- 
sliipnian  in  Confederate  navy;  stud,  cisi!  i-n:r.  anil  imw,  k'^^^^'J,  Jkuf.  of  ii;athenia,ties  ami 
elieinkstry  X.  Y.  Inst,  kir  deaf  innte-,  a.i  Wasiiinuton  Heii^^lirs;  ,,-,  \-i~A  Celia  kanra.  dan. 
(if  Aloxis  Pansoni,  !-'-i|.,  of  Kalama/oo,  .^[i,■]|.  -J,,  \\\\.\a\\\  J]|iw.\); t)s_  |,.  [;  ^ku-ck,  7. 
PS,")0;  Cohiinhia  Col.  kaw  Seliool  .lsr;J:  la.\\-yer  in  Xewkurn.  X.  (k;  Ik-p.  k'o.  of  v'rav.-u 
in  X.  (;'  lyti.-.  isrik  '77.  ■7;';  and  'Sii,  and  in  State  Senate  ]S'~'k-ik  o,  M.\i;v  Dr;  v  i;i:i.'r.\ , 
P.  K.  l"<ol;  ni.  1S7-!  Pufns  .^lol•i;•an  wko  I'eni.  to  Califorhi;i  and  d.  Fnere  in  April,  I'^MI. 
from  eii'in.L;-  poisonmi-.  inn.-lo-ooni-.  1.  }hirij  llivjiird.  "2,,:'  \\"ds,_,„.  4.  4'i!iVM.\s 
|)KVM;i:t".\,  l>.  S-,i!i  Antotiia,  Teyis,  Is.V.k  a-soeiated  wit!;  !ii-  faik.r  a-,  assi-^ta.iil.  editor 
of  tie-  S[>j,,<:l,  and  now  of  tin-  .  k-,/e  .-k'.k   AV,r,v, 

Vlik      Xorah,  in.   Hokeri  jl  ines  Cannon,  M.   P. ;  lie  wa- aeeidentallv  killed  kSlV;  ;  4  diik 

IX.  \Villiain 

X.  Sa.rah  J\ul!.:ers.  ik  y. 

XI.      Sophia    Chester.  !>'   Sept.  7,    ls:;:k    d     Sept.,    IS'-^O;    m.    \'^r-,{\   .losiali    'riiiner,    a 
Meru.  Xo.  Car.  Pev. ;  edit,,r,  IS7;k   Rnlrlfjli  .h>un:u! :  7  ehik 

Xik      Mar::-a:ei  KnTi:e,'.>,  d.  y.      i.  hy  2d  m   :  ■  . 

Xllk      Susanna    Harrison,  nnm. 

826844.    Frances  Ann  Devereux,  m.  Ik-v.  k.  IkileiL^-h,  X.  C.. 

]SI1();  West  Point  IS-JT;  smved  a  short  tine-  as  Pieiit.  of  arlilkry;  siad.  'I'le'o.  in  ilie 
Epks.  chh,  and  was  IP  ctor  ]b;:!l-:lS:  Missionary  ik-^hoiiot  .\  rkan^.is  and  Inikian  Tei-rit.-rv 
south  of  o'i  dev^-ree-  MO  nkinutes,  [n  IS}!  elert'ed  Pish,,p  of  ka.;  res.  Pafoniele'  Jkiiisi;. 
where  he  had  extensive  pkintalioiis.  In, Inly.  ISI.;i.  >pi  jie,'.(  ;,.i;  ( ■ojifedemte  a.i-niv  .md 
selceti-il  posts  (,f  defense  as  Forts  Hi'iiry.  Donaldson,  Colundms.  Ky..  k-land  Xo,  li)  and 
Mf-nildiis.  .At  liatTl..  ,,f  Shiioh  eonmianded  the  1st  i-orps.  aii.l  al  .\l  ii  i  [diiey.-horo'  and 
Cliiekaiuan^a.  Iknnt.-tieneral  l^O.-p  kilh-d  liya  cannon  sliot  v,  hile  reeonnoiiering  near 
Mariet'a,  <,ki.  Had  ne\  er  i-e.-i.^md  his  ilioreseand  intemled  resurnin!:  his  I-".pis.  function.-; 
after  the  war.  He  was  a  vM  eons,  of  .Jani.'s  K.  Pollc.  11th  Pivst.  of'tho  P.  <,.  — J )r,i}:t' s 
lii.,1  lliri.  His  son  |>r.  Win.  .M,  Polk  of  X.  ^  .  C.  i^  preparin-  a  kio;.;-.  of  his  fallier  k.'- 
]uiklicatii>n  . 

P      .Mexunder  Ikunilior,  ni.  Ihnily  Peach  and  d.  leaviu';- 5  sons.      1,    ktt.\.\iis. 
]P:\'i-.ui-.f\.     'Z.   rii:ii,  Pi;uii.     :p    lk\,Mii.'rii.\".     4,    Pr.oxiDA--.     A,    Xic  lun.i.s  Bk.m  n. 

Ik      I'^-ancc,    k>evie-enN   Pa_\  ton    Sk-ipwortii.       1.     ( ',\'iii  ,\  Ki  N  K    .\  M)i;i;si>N. 
Lk   P.wniN. 

Ilk      Ca-liarine    Iki';';,    i.i.   \\k   P.  (ki'.e.       \,    l'j..\  ,<;  i,-.    Iku.i;.      li,    W  i  i.(,i  \  ,\!    Orin.t.V. 
:-i.    K.\ri:  DiA,  i;i;.a  X.     4,   Pi:om  !i.\s  P.u.k. 

l\k      Sarah  llawikins  I'olk.  III.   i-"ra.ncis  klkike.      P    Fl! a.X(  is  Ikn.K. 

DKVKKEl  :\,    KDW.MIDS. 


V.     Sn«in  15;ivui-i- P(j!k,  HI.  l>f.  .Ii)S(']>li  .lours.      1,    I'li.'.NTKs  Poi.k.     t?,   Ha.mii.ton. 
•A,   I. An; A. 

VI.      F.liz-ilM'ih   P.^vcn-iix   )>o]k.   111.  \\')i),    K.  !l;.,::iT.      1,   1"i;an(  Ks  1'ui.k.     V,  .Ioun 
>riPi)i,)';ro.\.     :;.   1,l\!.\..     4,    Ivmii.y.     •"),    .\v.tiiii;. 

VII.      \Vil!i;Mi,   M(',-klcul>urjT.   M.  !>.:  iii.  I(i:i   L\<>!.;  rr's.  X,  V.  ( '.      1.    Fi;vxk   1a<.n. 
2.    .Ii.UlN    .\ti:ii  Al.K. 

Vi!I.      Hi'Imtcu  Lm-ia  Pullv.  in.   j",(!  wurtl  C'lKipiiiiU).  .v.  /. 

S250,  Jcr.;..than  Edwards,  i'.  .Mi«>  v'i,  1T4."»;  n-iii.  IT.".!  wit'.,  l.i,  ti.ilirr'<  f.-mi.  r.. 
8t(>ckl)ri(|i:r.  'I'l.t-  .uitlfiiii'iiT  tin  i.  li.ii  ]-^  wliit.'  ri.iiiilic-;  jimi  \-)t)  li.ciisip. 
i'ainili'js.  lie  a--iK-!a;ril  ]>ri;jciii;illy  \'.'it!i  Indian  Imy.',,  and  diiKid^'  af.  liis  t'a  lin-r's  taiiiiiy 
shMohi  In'iii'd  aiiv  laiiu-ii;.':- 1-  liiif  tin-  Indi.iii.  \'.lii(di  wa'^  nMin-  raiiiiliai'  Xn  liin.  than  Id.^ 
iiiollie.'  tDiiiiut.'.  lit.'  l<n('\v  tlic  Ind.ia!)  i.atin-  >d'  m^ii.c  ihuii;-,  wli^i,-:-  I'diirii^li  naim-  'ht-  iiii. 
iiot  knoN'.  ;  111-  tlii)U:,dit  in  .\i  aluait  tin,  a::-<'  id  tn.  lie  \v;'nr  \vitli  thf  It^'v.  (iidnmi 
llawley  In  ( inda;;n.  uii  rhi^  Sns(|i.'dianna  Pi  \-.'i ,  to  l<;;n.  t  l.n  ( hiL'idia  lan;:ua;i-f,  !..ui  war 
I'irfakini:  out  In-  Niayrd  Put  .six  iii.>iiili.->.  'Id.'-  P.dian-  1m  n.indi  atta.i  !u'd  ;•>  l.iin. 
iirsd,  aiiprtdieiidiin^-  an  ariark  fio;a  tin'  I'd'i'iii'li,  1(mi1;  l.ii.,  o..  li.irk  and  cairi'-d  iiini  ii.a/iy 
iniN'S  tlirongli  tlic  wildtM-i.nss  to  a  plac,'  of  sal'my.  In  ITfi:!  I.m  was  cdiiMMipd  nndt'r  !'r. 
Pinicy  audi  ].i-olV's-t'd  i-cli,i:ioii ;  ^:nd.  nmlii'  ])r.  Pclla.ui}  ami  lic-nsi-d  to  jni'arl.  IVliip 
Into;- at  Pr;n(i;ioii,  ITCT:  oid.  j)a.-!or  i.f  tin-  XurlP  Ciwiix.  rl.l...  New  Hav.,  Cinn.,  .I:u..  '>, 
■  Trdi;  ronfimud  Inri-  until  ^ply,  17!i").  wln-n  lu'v^as  (p>,.iiissi'i!  P}- an  IdrP';.  ('.)nncll  in 
(■onsi(]iU'ni'(,'  id'  ditP-itin'^'  (d'  si'iitinirnt  \\i!i.  i>ii  i'isliioU''f>.  Wd.i-n  \Va- kin-ton  was  in 
Xfw  IIhni'11  Pi'  artoiulcd  piddic  \\o>-.->lii]i  at  tin'  dinirl.  nf  .Mr.  lv!\'.'aids;  tl.o  latt'-f  kavin,;- 
jii'id-'  ]«ri'i)aration.-  t.>  adip.i's^  tim  Sunday  S  -n  i.d  idiildr'-n  of  his  i'oiil;  ri'„'-ai;ioii,  lu.ul.'  i>  i 
variaTioii  in  tin-  fXf'f<'i.--L'-!  j.o-.'an,'.  aJ'n^'im  to  tin-  iH  U'-t  iP  in-s  visi'or,  a  cmui'S',-  fav  n!o:-i: 
airi'oealjlo  ti.i  \'\';>aing'ton  nod  md'.  than  ti.r  int^t  miaiy  o;o-ni;.t'oa>  attt  ntioii.  In  .laii., 
I'T'du,  in:.tal.  p.istor  Con.u'.  rlih.  at  ( 'oloPlool;,  Coni;,"  In  Ipjli,  ajipt.  Ipos.  Pddioti  Pol. , 
anddnrini;'  iu^  ti'imof  oti.ce  or.;'ani7.i'i!  a  nniidn  c  c''  ('oI'l;-.  rhni-i'ln's.  A  -.'A'cri' a  ■t-ii-k 
oT  inti'!'.nPit'e::t  fi'V.-i-  in  July,  h^ld  ,  s  i  atT>' -ti'd  Pis  imi  \  sysimii  :i<  to  d"]);'i\-cj'dn.!  ol' 
spec'Cp,  and  at  ta-i  of  i-cason.  hi^  in.iud  dnriiii,  tlio  hitl-T  day.-^  iinini:-  ll]nll^■^I  .'i  hiar.k.  Pc.L 
Aug'.  P  P^nP  fii'  was  aopan-ntl}  anstofi'  and  ie'-.i'f\'cii.  hiit  rnaiiy  iiiihi  ain!  alit-'riion.-.i'-- 
thongh  faiiisiitulioiially  irrii.'iPlc.  Simi-t  in  ^t.itnr.-.  da ;  k  roniiiloxion,  pinri'lng  i-yn  ai:d 
.scsA'i'f^  c  nDi'i'inuu'^',  strotiLr'y  lin.'d  wdth  thoi;L;ht,  distai-t  in  nianiu-r  and  -ivith  !io  sinaii 
talk,  lu  ll.f"  i'nl]>it,  too  ]iVid'onrid  to  do  inlnn'.-stini:  or  cv.'i!  to  be  nnd.ffstood  hy  oi-diinirs 
minds.  .\  potiion  of  his  jinarhiii;;-  v.-as  piL'^hly  pi.ntira!,  and  sonn'titur.-,  i!'ri^-ii--taPly 
iinj>ro.ssiv(>  and  i'\-t'ii  loffildo.  Ho  loolcd  hiiT  littlo  at  his  auditory  a.iid  se'o-ncd  i-onso- 
(]!ioiitly  to  ba  di'adiny  in  al>>!  tartii'ii-.  Xfvi  !"hi'l'",-.,  hi'  \sas  nltn-ini:  i:-i'i'al  and  tMo!o;iiul 
Thoughts,  and  thosi-  who  Wi'fc  i-apidilo  of  uiidi-i'^tiinding  a.diidi!'._'d  hisi;indn-.  rcrlain 
(•oinrideni-<"s  with  hi--  fttthoi-  ri.'n-<;diM-i'd  H'niafkahli'.  Of  ih*'  sanic  nati.c,  iiin-i  ^ili_\ 
<^diicated;  distingnishoil  sidmhus;  tiitoisin  tin--  .-v-tn .  \v]:v.  luPicat^'d:  onr  at  I'riin-'.  •:. 
thi^f.thofat  Yah';  jiro  ndicrs  :  si'Mh'd  it'siicciivcly  in  ciiiimt'i'ati'jns  i  ii  wd.ii'h  tlndr  niateni.'d 
gi'andialhi'is  had  l"'(-n  snttlcd  boioi-.'  lin-.n."" 

r>isinlsst',l  for  diii'i.'H'UCfs  wlPn    muL;-!  o;'-ations'-i  a    j>a-;tofati'  ol  a.  .juaitoi-  i>l' 
a  contiiix  ;  Hfti'fw.    settled   in  fct  lird  situat  ion :    then  oloctod    Ci'llogo  Pi'i'-idmii    and  .s.ion 
after   inangniation    diod    at  vvvy  iic.ii'ly  iho   saino  tigc      To  tliis  nn.y  I."-   aihii'd,  in  niind. 
])Orsou  and    lili'.  tlios"  worn   ii'in.ifl-Tably  aliki\      '!'oth('--e  I'lvincidi'i.n's  ni,i_\   bo  .-Lddid   il.i- 
facL  that,  lik"  Idis  i'atl.i'f,  he  jniMrhod   on  tit."  first  Sabbath  id'  ihn  yrai-  of   Ids  doaiU  from 
t)ie   text;    '• '   yoar  Titoii  shalt   snridy  di'.'. "      IP--.    I'Pnmons   says  that    thf   fall.  •;•  had 
iiioi't'  T'(ja^;oll  than  liis  m):i.  but  the  son  ^vas  ;i  gicatoi'  n'a-M.n;-!'  rhaii  ihi'  fathei'. — .S/'. ■';,'"'  ■< 
Annah.      P.  i.'.  from    )-*rinccton   Col.      His  coinph-ti'  works   wato  oditcd    by  his  grandsun, 
'J'l-yon    IPdwards,   p.!)  ,  in  •>  v.ds..  i-ct..  and   pub.  a.t    Andovi'i-,  b^l'P       llr  I'n.  On.  -! ,  ITdj. 
-Mat-y,  dan.  of  lion.  Jshazerand  Saiah  (PiH<in)  Portor  of'V,  Mas-.,  b.   Hartl',  So).'.. 
l(i,    Pr-I'<:    a'-cidi'idall  V- drowiif'l    in   S;.binP    mill    p  >nd.    ni-ar    Wd.ii  noy  vil  h',    Xi-w    Hav., 
Cinn..  .][\\\''  Id.  ]7>2:..  fnnm-al  s-'i-mrm  pi'i-aiho'l  bv  Dr.  Stiloi.        ddi  '  fi.niTal  p;'o '.'sslon 
ih.'  most  nnm 'ron-.  eve..' ^-ci'ii  in  Xoss-   Havmi;  (",')  D'l'.   PS,   I  TSo,  .M-Ti-y,  dan.  uf  IP";'.k!aL 
Sa.biii    ..I'    Xi'w-  ]P;\-(':i.  w  h  i  d.   in  Pi'i.ox,  >,  Idd).  -Jd,   1^::',  ii,  tin-  IMth  \v.   ol   Imr  ag<;. 
P       inf.'iiiT,  d.   soon. 
11.      .M.iiN.  b    .h\-A>    -JO.  KPP  m.  danm.  J.   Ib.xt. 
111.      .bmirli.n  W.dtr,-,  b.   P.-b.   j:i,   l?;.-);  m.   IPi/,d..'d.  T.-y.-n. 
1\'.      .Ii-i-n,-,ha,  b.  .Pin.  '■)),   !  Ti'.-:  m.   IP-v.  Cdvin  (diapin, 
V.      Idi/abi'th,  d.  a.  II  VIS. 

*  Rev.  Jj.T,::s  I'icroont,  m^.l.  a.,  i  of  tin-  yoaat,".*r  K.-t'.v.'i!' 1?  w.'S  li.e  sco'inil  p-i.-i'.or  of  the  rir.-.c  ctiurc!., 
Ni-,'.-  il.;vja.  Tin'  vVhit'j  H.iven,or  .\  :)rin  churv'h,  ovc  which  the  yoaii.^cr  I^.i  .v.u  .Ij  nvj^  sc'.llr.'ii ,  v.- il% 
r:ct  thcii  in  c.\i  ,ttni.o. 


J'.|;.\XCI1    Oi'    JOI.lZAlM.ill. 

82592.  Mary  Edwards,  l..  .luno   22,  1T7;J:  .].    isi;,-).  a.  J)-^;    m.   ]).■(■.    1,    l,si)(), 
.]u;u'-;  Jiiai. -i-y    ih.vt,  I''.-i.,.>t'   Srl,-ii  •daih  .  N.    Y.,^.  of    Ui-\\  ISfiij.uuin  Jl.'vt  of   ('dim 

Fanii-.  .\.  .1.  ■  ■ 

1.  J.ii  !thi;i  ]",  hvard-  !I)U.  !>.  (),-i.  !l,  Is,.)];  ,1,  .Inly  Kj,  is:,-,;  i;i.  1S'3I.  .Mari;i  i5a>s 
of  CiilcliiMiik.  ('(iiiu.  1,  M.\i!V  i'',i)\\  AUns.  Ajiril  •.'li,  is'-Jii  -J,  Ax.nv  Msuia,  'f'rh.  fi. 
183S.  ;;,  Ijf/.  VKITH,  :\!;i:v!]  4.  1>.;;);  m.  l^!>-i,  Cliai-i.-s  A.  \Vil!i-!;ii<  ;iiiil  i.j.s  'i  c'li  1.  4', 
FiLWrK-  l':i>'.vAi:i.~.  1>.  N.'V.  2i;,   lS:!;i:  111.  ls-^,s,  Cliarles  II.  .)nliii.;,,ii:  ;',  cl,:]. 

IK     .laiiv,-,>    .l:iiui.-ev    lluvt,    h.    Aiur.    ISjj;    ,1  rowuv!   ill  \\'^-tlwrsli"l(l     (\>]\]i      Julv 

;■;,  IN  I II. 

]'.l.  \Villiain  Siu'nli  )]>y;.  \k  D.t.  2>.  !NO:t;  nicr.-li.  N.  Y.  ('.:  m.  \l;tv.  li  -J,  1S;J5, 
Friihi-c.-,  ()^'ii,  il:ui.  iif  11  '11.  ileiiry  \\  .  K  Iw ar.l.-;  of  N,'\\- irH\  I'li,  (.'onn.  1,  11  K.M;ri; i  i  a 
Fi.MN  vKi''-,  li.  .'nnf."i,  IS. is.  m.  11.  W.  Sli-lioii.  ',',  JA.MK.•^  .h\vsri:\\  S.-nt.  12.  l-.v!0.  8, 
W.M.    ISj.N.IAVIX.   Oct.   -J.    iNl'j.  , 

IV.      I'.-njauiiu  }l.\vt.  I,.  Aug.,  1S!3;  ,1.  A].:-!]  7,  isi:,  mun. 

82593.  Jonathan    Walter  Edwards,  !•.    N>av   l!;.v.,    c.>un  .    Fcl>.    on,    KTo; 

.St'j:!(fitr'J  Jiofil:  ^,\ys.  Ja.ii.  .",,  ITrJ;  V.  ('.  1 7>;il;  ti;t;ii  tlir.  l,Sl-J-i4;  lawyer  i^>  llarlF..  Coim,, 
wlicre  hi-  (]..  April  :J,  iS-31;  );i.  No\-. .  1707,  J'Ji/aivili,  cM.  <h(ii.  nf  ('',;]. i.  .M.-.-i-<  'I'lyr.n  of 
W^'tiuT-^tiri.i,  r.iiiii.;  F.  S.  X.  In  hfi  Yi'iitli  r.--ui."l  in  rlir  familvanl  a  jui  pi !  "in  t  In- 
fr.nious  yr],<,:,]  of  .[>ah.'lla  (iraliatii  of   H.ii'ff.      Sl;o  <l.  May  -,^4.  1>'.)7,  u.  ."")!•. 

L  .loiiatliaii,  li.  }lai-:  .  S.'^p:.  '27.  17if.S:  V.  ('.  IMli;  x.u.l.  Mi:-]i!i,.4il  Faw  Sclvol : 
^-,'h^^.  FS/i,  in,  ;iraci:i-f>(l  law  and  jiai-t  o!  the  time  oilitf.!  7'/,i  I '.nun,  rtiml  Mirrnr  : 
•J\idg<' iif  Froii.U'.',  ls:JF  r'.'iu.  n-  'r!(ry,  N.  "\'.:  many  yoais  J^c-.  uQcl  ai/rin;r  Supi.  of  tin- 
TroV  ami  (iiriMili.isli  F.  i:.  In  is,-,;;,  clorinl  '\<\  ihe"  Vs'lii^-s  lo  tIic  As.v,';!;  .Mayor  of 
T:i!yFs")4;  nu.-iii  of  As--';n.  isri.',;  <v.[i'-y\  i-^.n-  s;ii  \\ai\!  IS.'r'.-'.i.  Owin.c  To  tin- d.  of  hi.s 
\vf.,  ivni.  to  New  ITav.  isii7:  re^.  tln-rc  wiili  liis  only  s.  and.  d.  .Vui:-.  2'.),  IS7.F  r>uriiii,^ 
Tile  Fu^-'i-  year-  id'  In-  life  lie  preoirel,  it,  e',c,.iec;!>,u  wifli  iiis  sie.!,  a  iceiit-alo^'K-al 
nrcoiiiit  of  the  !■";  l\vard<  family;  d.  New  llav.:  ni.  Marr'i  F  1^:C  Maria  Chainpiou,  b. 
C.ok4i(.--ier,  (dnn.:  d.  Ajuil  7.  IS.'F;  one  (diiid.  ],  .Fi.v.vTii  \x,  li.  Oei.  :,,  !S4I;  flie  .^tl,  of 
llie  ir.iuie  ]<.:  luii-rokeu  line;  Y.  C.  ISod;  Col.  Fiiy.-.  and  S(i:e.,  X,  Y.  t". .  isi;7;  ic-,.  Xew 
liavcii;  lias  the  (ien.  .\1SS.  of  the  Fdwa.ris  family;  is  )uU'  ii  inlere>ted  ajnl  learned  in 
Xiinu.=!Tnaties:  in,  ISS-j.  Mi-.-   Collin-.. 

II.  IFi:^alK':li  'J'ryon,  !,.  Xovenii^-r  17.  UlK):  d.  .Inlyi:.,  l«o:;.  at  ^^;o!lingU)n, 
i.'onn.,    uiHi;. 

in'.  Walter,  li,  Nov.  Od,  ISOl;  Y.  C.  lS-20.  lawve;-,  N.  Y.  eitv;  ni.  Sept.  '^'d,  18-W, 
Sarah,  <h;:,.  of  F  r;kw..  .!  \)  ■Fij;v<r.  Fs.p,  of  N.  Y.  ei'tv.  II  •  d.  Ap'ril  2  >.  ISSF  He  \>as 
n  m  •.ni.  ot  ilie  4th  ['i\-^\^.  e'th..  N  \.C..  for  4''*  yr-.  "l,  Fd'a.vici^  W'mfaimw.  h.  }A:\\ 
20,  ]s;!-J:  i'oiumhia  Col.  '2.  \\'ai.ti:i;,  l-"eh.  7,,  isdl;  William-  C.d.,  is.').-.;  m.  Camiil'a 
Leonard.  ],  Cumio'".  <).■<.  -J  1.  !  sc,  | ;  ,1.  April  Id.  ISC'I.  -J.  .]/;,•,  .June  U,  ]i<i:,S.  :], 
Jl,'>,n/  /.'.'/.'in!.  Oct.  14,  fs'l'i.  ;4,  M  ai;v  P.u;  it.;;,  Nov,  21K  l.'vJ^;  m.  !s7F  'J'honm.s 
Sed.cvs-iel;  ^'a,Il^'olkerdlnr-■;  Y".  C.  ISdd;  C(d.  ].::v:  Sehoo!  1  SdS.  4,  Sls.'..N  F*  u;].),  ^fa  V 
20,  'isJF  d.  Fee.  l^^4H.  ,-,.  Chaiii  i>  .\n\  uod,  .\!ay  i"J.  IsfJ,  Y.  C.  l^Cll  (i,  Wui.Ki.iiit 
]>iiFoi!Ksr.  Nov.  '.).  F-oF  N.  V.  Fniv..  ]sr,!i. 

IV.      Marv  Forter,    h.  An-. 'Jd,  ISi););  ,\.  liee.  !(,,  isiKi. 
V.      ,)ohn  Fr-kine,  h.  .Fily  4.  IS'.S;    V.  ('.,    ps-Js;  d.  at  FonLrwood,  Mass..  of]>aralysis 
of  ili(,'   iiraiii.  ain,    ls7:!;   jiastor  of  Con^i:.    v\\h.   at    S.,  Coini.;  ni.  May,  FsiO,  KHzabetl'i  ];. 
W.  ihild.arl  of  Worce-te;-,  .Mass. ,  who'd.   Nov.,    ISlU;  (2)  Mrs.   .\nna  Flielps  of  Stonin<r- 

ion,  dan.  of llainiuon.i  (4"  Newi>,irt.    li.  1,      F  .\(iXKs,   t)i-;.,  1st.-).     '2,  I'lii;!'.:;,  Aut;-., 


VF  Tyn.n,  h.  An-.  F  iSdfi;  V.  C.  ISJ.S;  p  i-to;'  Is;.  ]\;-.\<.  elih.  Fo'-ln-iei-,  N.  ^■.. 
F'-^'.U-")-).  Cone-,  idih.  N(  w  F  uidon.  Conn.,  iSl,-);  afierw.  Fr.-s.  \\"ils;in  l-'ennile 
C<d.,  )4ai.'arstow;i.  Md.';  S.  T,  1).,  W'ahish  C:.l.  ISl-'.  a;iTle,r  of  r,v,,-7v' ■.'.-/'/,/ ,/  I'M'-.s  ,i>'' // 
a  I'rin-i.,''^;  S,lf  Cn'tlr  ,U,n,:  .1  .U  ;,'  'i  r  uf  tht  S  ;■„  :i,l  }>  r,  ^-i'J  ^  nl  Kl'r.tnls;  J  M,u,i'>r 
.  of  /.'.'',  //'•''' ,'///','■  an  lotln-r  w.nks.,  F  lit  w  for  m  ww  \<-<.  o;'  rhe  {''.nnllij  Ch  ri-^ti'i  :i  .[I  in'im'r. 
Edit  ,r  of  the  \\o;-k-  of  I're-idnit  I■:lu•ard^,  luihl'i-luMl  Is  lO ;  anl  h.or'  of  a  /'/•/•.,  Tnirt  ox 
Sih'i:itii  >  ■'/'"/''.v.  piili  ispj;  he  Was  he-id'-  a  e  >nstanl  roni  ri  ha  tor  to  T  li  e  reli-  pre-s; 
in.  .Mrs.  C.itharine  Urin.  dan.  of  Thomi-  HuL^'hes.  i-i-.p.r,!  H.,  Itdn- .;e.  .Md.  'i-yoiy  ]'\4,. 
's.'4,    1^41;.      2.  Fii/.nii;ii,   ls,->i). 

Vll,  (.eor--e  William,  h.  Nov.  1,  1 S 1 1;  \  .■  C .  \w.]2:  res.  N.  Y.  C. ;  m.  Mr-.  F.rind.a 
Cheney  ol  N.  \",.  who  d.  F-IO;  ( -J )  A  n.  Li' ,  1 S,".!  I,  llanindn  I,.  Ahhc,;:;  ehil  hy  Ft.  wf.  1. 
]h  l/.\ilK!  li  .  h.  .-'ept.  is.  ispj;  ,1.  Xnv.  II.  isp.i.  -J,  S\l;\ll  i '  i  I . '; ! 'ON  1  .  M:'iyS.  tsjti:  ni. 
.)o-eiili(i.  llon-hton  and  ii.vs  one  .diiid,,  ;!,  r,\:n.  HA!:n|.!;,  h.  .liilv  11.  isi's;  m.  Or-t.  I), 
]^;-J,  liaide.C.  dan.  of  liev.  F.  1 ».  Mi!,piiV(d  Ih-.okFn,  N.  Y. 
\'1I1.      Sarah.  Fierponi.   .Mav  jC,   ISi:;, 



X.-     Eu.,-,u..    b.    Au,.    .4.    ISIO:   Y    C.    is:!!-:    1-vy.r;     .vs.    ^'J; " '-^i^ •<-'-•.;  -,, 
1>MS.,  MnrtlKi   Kll..n    riu-l,,.   ->!    S.       1,  Km/.  M-.inu    1  i;vn> ,  >.■!''.•    l>*.    l"^-"-        -•  ''"'^'•' 

I'liKi.i's,  Nov.  -js,  isi;-:, 
82594      JoruRha  Edwards,  1>   -bu,.  :iri.  il^u;  <i.  1)..-.  o.  ISIT;  m.  Vrh.  ;^,^^^>''-  rlTm  ..  S  T  !)  I..  -I.ilv  ;.'.',  |-.<;;:  s,  nl-  I),-,.  F..hv;,.-.l,  nl  >y,vnv^\u-\<\  Mass  ; 
n^.u  .;....  w].oo,-^am...lih.'  A  15.  (\  R  M.,  of  win,  1,  1..-  wa.  .v,-„.,l.n::  s-.i.-ta,  ^  .^. 
vrs  :  <1.  Maivli  IC,  If^ol.  a.  .^7  yr<.  ,    ,,       ,    , 

1  ;         o      l.\,y^     CiiM^IX      S-.))t     •-"     \'-'l>:     .11.  411:1.:'    K^.     l^-)^.    4c.>-riM.     Mmh.iil.         J. 

'L;;.  ;..(V-  ;;:'Mavn  \s^l;  .i^lay^l.  ISI..  .,  0,/...  /^./.v../.,  4uu..  IS  ,s.O,  .L  Apnl 
1~    lS-)4      1      l/v'/'.'r  l!  •■''    1>    '■'■''■   I.  '^•>'"':   '  •  *'■  ^^''-      "^-    -'^'"•'  '''""■•     ""■     ■  ■■ 

III.      Edvoi,  Chainu.    L.    K.4>.    U».    17V.;i;     \  .  T.    ]SU);  m.  Sa.-ah  Mr(>mlb  ot    \o.k. 
j'i,      wli.TO  li'-  'i.  -March    1  ;,  IHIi?:   lawyei'. 

"n-.     J.rii^l,:ini:i!.iii.  1-.   .\piil  ','.  1S'»J:  '1.  l^.ib. 
825.11.    Pierpont  Edwards,  1.  Ai-.i!  s.  1750;  (V.L   17(;s;  his  vouth 

was,,M.>vthrStnHc;H-ia^M.;aia,,svvlinsHaiur..aK<- In.  a-MiUir...!  ].•■., ■•<■=>,    b.-aa 

i;  uv"und%v.s  in  Uv.  batd-s,  i,u4..1u,,c  that  ol  Paul-.M-y:^  Mmi.  ol  th.  nl>!  '-iHiaita. 
Omvm-os^I^n:-!..  an.lan    abU-   a-ivorat..    bM-   tb-   •■-.n-t;.  an.  .n    in    tu.    v.r^Ur:dun     v.n. 

\V,'.1.H...„,M  .,l.,....l..,l  ■,!:..  ■■,^  ;>U...nH;..l....,„.-  r.illi    \Av.,,r.U  ul,.,,    n,    .s.    IHv.      ,1.- 

Ma:-  1  ;;r^  C;.;.';  .;'o-;.l  -lan:  ..f  Mos...o::,U.n  I  Apv.]  of  J.:n.ala..b,  N.  -b,  and  .s.  .i 
])av,:-l  (.^den.  She  d.  in  N.  Ibiv.  July  7,  ISiHi,  in  th.  r,)<i  > .-.  a  b.r.-..;  (^l  ^la,•y  1  c-k.! . 
who  d.  ^;f'!.t.  (b  lo^;',  a    :Ui  ;::iavv.s1oat.).         ^  ^,..,,.  ^, 

I        ^u-'in    b    b*;.,.    '^\     r,71  :   n\.  S:.niu.d  ^^  ilbain  .bd-,!r-:oi,. 

]]  l„!,n  Siaik  b  Aur.  -2-^.  1777;  Pvinreton  (  ob  ll^iS:  rvni.  to  (inn.  and  Nvast hr. 
Co,.  .,"nub.ia':  M..:i"  Cou. ;  tb.  b,..T  .4, -T^  ,n  i>.  bi.  di.triH  but  d^  i,.fon.  takmg,  ys 
scat  at.  Iln.nn  ().,F.b.  22,  is!'!;  m.  his  n,us.  b.uisa  Ma.ia,  ,bui.  .d  lb,n^  L;■^.  is  Lm  haid 
Mun-is[:;2Sl.      Sh..,n.(^2)<;.-n.  Uoben  Munt-nnn.i-y.      1,    bii.i:-oNT.      ?,    biiwis  isbniKis. 

a.    \V\(.  .hHiNSON. 

)lb      Ib.nrv  ■^^■o!i■anlall.  b.  Ori.  17,1);  ni.  Lydia  .mi11<t. 

IV      Mrw's  o-dm,  b.  Am;-.,  I7.^d.  ,,     ,„■        ,      ,        i    t. 

V.      Air.-ed  l'h-.-pont.  b.  S.-i.l.  i5.  1>4;  m-nd.:.,,!  i^n  >v .   \       . ,  Unna     rad,-;  d    Ur. 
14    18G->-   bnri-d  in  N.  Hav.;  n..  l>rb,u-ah  (ilov,-.  b.  .Inly',',  l-HO;  .L  April  -M),  ib.3^. 
'   VI.  '  lb->nriftta  Fi-a.nrfs.  b.  Juin^  2S,  17^0;  m.  Kb  \Miitiu-y. 

825.11.-!.     Sltsan  Edwards,  b.    ]),■<•.    24,    1771;    n,.    Samn.d    WiUian,    Johiison. 
E>^1  of,  rnnn..  h.  «).■!.,  17t;i ,    V.  C.  177«l;  d.  U^.b  «.  ol  \N  m.  ;>a;u.  and  gr.  s. 

Ili-<b  in  Strar 

.)f  Ur.  Samuel  .bihn.sun,  first  Ib-.'st.  of  JTing's  (_'■ 

I        Anna  l'"rain-(S  4c)hn<:'.i.  ^ 

11       Wni.  SaannelJuhnson,  A.M..  Y.C.lsbb  ]a.Kanra\\.Md^.rv  [,s  _ 

lord  Conn.,  4..,,.  17,  iss:3,  ..  SS;  rnion.  (Ad.  1M4;  n.n..  to  N.  ^  ,  b.  IMi);  .-tun  lav  :n 
„qi,.;.  of  ddi.nuas  Addis  Knnnrr ;'  adndUed  to  bar  P^2(!;  b.ra.n,.  paiinrr  wth  (-gd.n 
Fduanis  and  al.orwiud.  with  4u<lg..  Win.  K.nt,  s.  of  (dnuiolh,.-  Kent;  .doni.  (.  on.nion 
•  ni.nrii  lS44^r>;  and  wu.-  arWve  and  in  tb.e:;;;:,  I  in  procnnng  ibe  mn-'na'tjon  o!  rln- 
Crown  aMa<.durt.  also  bu-  the  building  of  the  Tond-  ,..4sm.  on  ( V.,,,.,^  M.  and  tV;  .u.n....• 
,\.vb.ln    -n  [bnukw-'lbs  l..ia.,d:   Me.n..  N.  V.  Senate  Is:  l.s'-.).  nnd  mu-odueed  the  odl  whielL 

"or;a(i  . 
aiiie  a 
welfare  I''''  thai   nalion 

aniea  law  bH-thepr..UT!ienof   the  genera    i  n<liai,s,  :m,l    di.l    ninrh    iu-^ides    f..r    lln- 
!.■  boim-ht  a  !aii-e  trait  id'  land  in  ( 'alt;;  rangn-^  (  o. .  .\ .    >  ..    ai;.'i 

welhire  ol  lliai      i  le  ihhi- m  .i  i.m  ;  .    i,..i.>- •■■■,,.?        .,,  ,.  1, 

,,I,.n    d  a    huel   olliee  Oi   Klbeoluille  in    ISKi;      lln^   le.isiliessot    wllirh   I-  still   e,.n,.nue,l    l,^ 

hls;ieentK    1).  Xorihrop.      He  rem.  his  bunily  to  E.  in  ]S^1  and    hve.l    me.v    t.U    ls.;s 
)i;.  v^.-  nni.reTeniio,,..  of  the  st.'i:-,  .t  iniegrit>  and  .he  wriest,. .    h:..  long  bb 
filled  wilh-oed  works.      lie^^;,sa    devoui    .■bris.i.o.    and    one    ol    the  vest :  v,m  n    ot    the    ehh.   H,    S.;   ni.  Ap.41    20,  1S2!,    K:,n,a,    dan.    of    Wn,.    ^^  .    and    Kb.abeth    Dwight 
\V(u,l;:ev  and  si'Mi  r  of  eK-rresi.  Woulsey  of  Y.  C.  [aiilfj. 


lutAxrir  or  i:LizAi;r:Tii. 

III.  Snrali  !^n/;il)cth  .Lihii-iiji,  m.  (.'co.   |>(,li,„-l;  Di'Vfivanx    'M  cous 

IV.  Kiisv.-nd  .l(iIii,.M,n,  V.  C,   I.N-j;!;  (!.   |S7;5. 

V.      ];<.:),■!  i  Chiirlis  .J.iliiivnn,  A.  M.,  Y.  c.  l,v;;o. 

825.11.3.  Kein-y   Wagaman    EcUvaids,  h.    <i<i..   i^T:*;   Princctoi-,   r<)]!,>rr,. 

ITDT;  siu<l!f'(!    l:i\v  at  1  .itclilielvi  iuid  iU.   New  llavin;    mnn.  Cu-ni.   l.i-;;.  anrl  clerk  ol'    thi' 
Hon-,-    isi.s;    SjM  ak(  1- Conn.  H.  Ik'p.   IS;J'.i:    njeiii.  < 'mi.   l^qii-^:];    l".  S    Sen    from   (',,i)n 
lS2:i-21:    (i(.v.   I.I    (':,!, n,    is;):.!;)!    ami    U^':;,-,  i.o   is:-;s;    1„-1,1   thf  oiuc-  4  VIS.     'iV.    wl„)s.- 
<niligliU'iif(|  :/..;,J    wliil.-  in  this    i.n'irc  the  State  of   C'niiii  ov,  .-s  its  ;;iMl(u'ica,!  siirvcvs        lie 
look  gn-aT    iuUTc-t    in    fruit  culiiire,  aii'l    was  Pr<-;.  of    tlic  Conn    PoinnloaJc-i  1    si>'      'J'l'ir 
large  pardon    lM'Ionf:ing  lo  hi-  r.v-i-.K ncf  on   .Mra.low  ^t..  in  Xcw    llav.,  containfd  u  iTrat 
number  of  fiuit  ti.  ,■>,  nntil  in  lliis  ])rcs./nt  .snninicr  of  lss->,  thcv  were  cut  ilown  'au']  tin- 
]iousi_'   in  w'liirli    lie    live. 1  Jfinoli.sheil,  the   projajrty  havino    I.h'ou    .'^ohl    i>v  a  .lan;,'-ht.T  of 
<T(>v.  Edwards  (.Mr.s.  Dr.  \\'oiihington   Ilook.-r)  to  tlie  State  <if  (.'oiin.  as  a"  site  for  the  2d 
Regt.  Armory  Imilding.      L'e  d.   in  Xew  llav.,  July  22,  IbJi;  JiL.J).,   V.  ('.  isy:};  m.  Oet 
4,  L'^Cl,  Lydin,  dan.  o"l    Johii  and  [,viiia  (Trow  l)ridi>-e)  Miller,  1).  Au^^    16    1778 
!.      dolm  .N.'iller,  June'  J,   l:sui;  d.  i,e.>>l  dav. 
II.      i^'ierpont,  .lune  \>i,   ISOiJ;  d.  .Ian.  ^'-i,  I'-'CC). 

HI.  .lohn  Miller,  Oct.-  :-f  isu.-,;  Y.  C.  ]sr\-  hivwrn- in  Caidield,  (>hio;i!i  ]^l,,d.p  N(urv 
<'rall.  '  '  '       ■ 

IV.  irmry  Pieii^int,  A])!!!  '2fi,  ISOS;  V.  (.'.  P^2::  Litrl, field  Paw  Srhool;  om-  of  ilir 
Judge.s  of  tin'  Siij, rente  C'ouii  in  N.  V.,  1S47-.'i;:!;  d.  .Manh  2s,  iS'>:>:  then  presidino- J  ud-e 
of  the  Voltlt  of  Al'l-'MiS.  "'  ". 

V.  Alfre.l  il.  P.,  Aug.  !7,  Pspi;  d.  Jan.  8,  iS-w;  Consul  at  .Mauilla,  P.  1.,  manv 
yrs.;  <li«l  a  large  mercatnil.'  h'ls.;  m.  May  ip  ]^.",p  Mary  (jriswold,  dau.  of  Nathaniel,  a 
iiiejehant  of  .Ma-s. 

M.      Prances   Ogden.  h.  C<t.  2,  Psp2;   d.  at  .\\-w  }3riu lue.;i,  Star    Island    N    Y 
Or\.  2.  lN?i;:  ha,  Xr  A-  !lav.  ;  i:i.  Mar(d)   2,  ]S:Ui,   Wm.  S.  Hovt  of  S.  !.  '  ' 

VII.  HenrP'i"!  Whiting,  h.  Se).T.  C,  ]^]rr.  m.  Jan.  ;;i,  ts.-P),  \\'ortliingion,  s.  of  Jud:--,. 
.John  and  Sarah  (DwighM  ]  i(;oker.  1).  Springlhdd,  .Ma-~s.,  .Mandi  o,  IMU;-  Y  C  ]K->.-.-  M 
D.,  Ilarv.  Col.  !,s21l;  Pr..f.  'J'heo.  and  Prac'.  of  .Me.l.  Y.  C,  Med.'s.  Ps.-,2-(i7;  '  author 'of 
sev..ral  jiopuhir  t^-xt  hooks  for  schools  and  colleges  oi,  Physiologv  and  kindred  snhjt>cts; 
also  oi'  sov.  l)o(,ks  adapt-d  to  ih.'  wishes  ate!  wantso!  children;  also  of  a  nuniher  of  prize 
<.^ssa,\^  on  M((!.  and  Ph,\sio.  sni'j.-ris  on  whi(di  lu'  wa.N  regarded  a^  a  distino.iiished 
authority.  A--  a  I'ractii-inr-  jihysician  he  was  eminent;  d.  iiPXi'w.  Hav..  Nov.  A.  1SG7. 
Hem.  vl)  lsy<.  Mars  Piger.-o'll  (»l  SorinitJiehh  His  luili.  works  arc:  (■/,if,rs  /)o,'f,-  of 
Net '!?'<:  Fird  JJ'i'>l.-  ii>^  C h- inlscri;  :  X'Unrdl  ll'istm-ii -,  ScJ^i'-r  f<;r  >'rhiin!  ,ni<J  I-'i/t/iih''; 
Fird  Bool-  of  (\j,ni,o.ii  T!nn;i.~-  :  Fhi/sirlo,,  k/k!  ]'ofl.  oi.  ;  llotno jnu'lit/  ;  M.iUfol I),[itsion--'  '; 
Fioffunl  ThcroptnilFs.     1,    .\i,).i;ki)  ]:;b\v.uii)s,  Jan.  (j.  l^oT. 

825.11.4.  Mcses  Ogdoii  Edwards,  h.,  i;sp  sev.  vis.  Surn.gateof  N.  Y. 

County  from  INOT:  mem.  N.  \ .  Peg.  1spi-17  and  ol'  the  Cotc.;r.  ("onv.  of  P?2P  in  whicli 
he  hore  a,  disliiiguished  part:  Cor]Mii-afion  Coun-.el  (,r  N.  V.  ('.  lSin-22;  Circuit  Judirc 
of  Che  Pirsl  Judiciary  Dist.  i  s'i2  t..  isfp  d.  at  St:ilen  Island,  A])ril  1,  1SG2.  During  tL- 
last  sickness  of  ]iis  cous..  Col.  Purr,  he  ]>aid  him  evrry  atiention;  ^vns  present  ^vhen  lie 
(lied;  acconrpanied  his  rrmalns  to  Princeton  and  had  the  nnmument  erected  over  his 
grave,  ahout  whiidi  a  rimianTh;  hut  untrue  story  has  heen  told.  He  m,  Harriet  Peiiliehi, 
dau.  of  David  of  X.  Y.,an(l  had  111  chih.  four  (d'  whom  d.  y.  On  jircsentation  of  his 
likrni-ss  to  the  Supreme  C  itn  in  June.  hSsp  hy  his  son  Jonathan,  a  h'lwver  of  X.  Y .  C. , 
Jtnlgo  Pawrence  said:  "l  well  recolloct  him  as  (,n.'  c.f  our  aMesi  jurist;,  and' 
resiierted  elti/'..-ns,  and  have  frecpiently  enjoyed  the  pleasure  of  li-ten:;;-- to  his  conver- 
sarion.  It  is  eminently  pro]>er  that  the  likeness  of  one  who,  for  Pi  vears  jire^^ided  o\er 
The  tii>;  ('irenit  of  the  State  (d'  New  Y u\\  sluuihl  he  )j!aced  upon  the' walls  of  this  Court 
nnd  an  ord'-r  to  tlnai  etiect  will  he  tnad"." 

!.        Pleipmit,    h.     ISlj'.l. 
II.       Pe'irv   Pelltiehi,     PSp). 

III.  Pra.nees   Ogden,    Ispj. 

IV.  ()jAo\\  p..  h.  \y^\\:  hnioit  Coh  ;  m.  Maria  Sa\  h\s  of  Post.-)!i.  P  Amy.  2, 

\'.  Marv  Pentield.  h.  lS|.-,. 

VI.  AlPvd  Kiehard.    h.    1^17. 

A'l!  (ieoree.   11.    IXI.^, 

\'lil.  (.eo;ve    Peiill  dd,   ISlil. 

P\.  Jonathan,  h.  X.  "i".  C. .  X(!\-.  h,  ls2i:  Prim-eioti  Col.  Isp);  ndm.  to  X,  Y.  Bar, 
]S4:j;  lu-ac.  in    Cal.  iNoil;  retiirneii  to  X.    V.;  Pros,  of  the  Jvpjit.  Trust  Co.  of  X.  \ .    Ps78; 



,11    Miin    l';ivn.>.  .Ian.  of  lirranl    M  on  i.,  i.f  M<i!  ri-iari:. :  iO)  J  tiiif  ^,  IsOl,  Mary  .'niM^,  .lau. 
<,f  John"   Cla'rkson  ;um1    Lama  (I'nvnc)  -lay,  h.  .Iiinc  :;.   ls.>,7,  at   li.  r   f.  s  i.-s.  in  Uyc.      Mm- 
wj^s  nianv  vrs.  S.M-n-iaiv  of  tl,r  Won.ans  lT,.si,ital  in  N.   V.  (.'.    /.  l.y  l.t  ni.:     1,  (iKitAKi. 
MoKilis."    '2,   M\i;v  .Mo;;uis.      /.  by  ■.Mm,:     :'.,    LaVKA   Jav. 
X.      Will'aui  Irvini:,  1..    lS-'--2. 

8'?  Tlerivictta  Francos  Edward.^^,  i-.  ..lnn.-2s,  V.yi'r.  <1.  April  HI.  is:;). 
a  S4-  ni  Jvi  V.l.itinA.  'n.  Wi-lhoro,  Mass. .  iVr.  ,S,  1  TIm;  \.  C.  17lr,',  and  ailrr 
NVf'nl:  to  (.a    wlnTr    Ik'-    s' ml.  law,  n-.- ii'.iny   nicanuliilc    witli    tli"    wid.    of    (Jon.  (irccnr. 


industiv  ior  on 

K-Xl'pnsi'vc  as  to  br  of    li;t!.-  valuo  as  an  arti'-lc    of    c-.nnnoice.      This  diiru:iil!\    ' 

fclt'l'V  tlu'  i.lantri  and  ti,>'  ^^•ish  C'\provsc<i  tluH  a  nnnd-iii.'  mu'.d  ]<-^    inv.-nicd 

worh"     Mr'  V.'ldtnrv  innn.diatMy  Ix-'an  ti  invcstl.-itc  tin-  siruc'.nr.-  ol    tlio  yr 

]|.  n    l.i-;  Httonrii.!!  ^\  as  railed  to  the  s!ov.-.  iniporfoct  and  rxi,--nsivr    i>ror,   ol 
tlictoiton    Ol- -^.'pararKii:  tli<>  socil  fron!    tlio   llliri';   wlii.di  was   donr   cnlii  rly  l.y  l;and ,    liy 
m-^'kin-oi'il    on.-   -ei.d  "at  .a  tlnn-  with    Uir  (i!m-*n-s.  and    it    iciiuiod    d.'M«'rity .  sl<  ill    and 
.n  to  rh-an  on.'  ji'i'ind  a   day.      Hy  this  pror. --    tin-   luaicrial  was  sw 

This  dilliciiltN    was  sorely     • 
to    do    the 
iroiinci  and 
to  dcvi-v  nnansid-  nu'kin'r  ir  of  value  to  nianlvind.      In    a    shoit    time    lie    contrived    ami 
(•onstriicted  a  inarhine.  emivelv  m-w  in  form  and  i-n.:ei,>le,  wlneh  ansueivd  evei^    ]uir- 
pose  aimed  at       This  was  the  cotton  .^in.      \S  iih  tins  maidmie  one  jurson  may  with  .a-e 
clean  one  thousand  i.'.und.>  of  cottnn  in  on.- da^,  an   iiM-rease  of   one   Thons;,nd    lold  over 
h'ind       -\s  a  lahor  saviiii:  nnieldne  thendore    it    ha>   ].erhrn,,s   nev,-r   heen    nvaled. 
Tin;  inv.  ntions  of  llar-rea  v.-sT  Aikwrijrht.  Watts  and    orlnrs  had  jMepared  the  Nvay    f..r 
that  of  VVhitnev    without  which,  at  least  as  to  the    I  wo   hiM.ljH-y    v,-.Mim    iiave   heea  oi 
■COiripandivolv  iitlle  valnen)  mankind.       The    eN  en    of    Fnlnm    hecn  ot  h.-s 
value   tn   the   S.Hitln-ni    States   thai;    Wliiiney's        Th.-    results   -.vhicli    followed  it  werv 
wondeiful  hi  nia--nUnde  and  extent.      It    tielded    the-    vi-doe  of    mnn-nse   at-as   ot    h-.nd. 
It  has  saveil  to  ih"Sout!iein    States  one  tlnxi^and    millions  of   dollars.      It  nnule  coftwn 
kiiiK^      It  \Miiiei,,-d    ev.rv   sea    wiih    the  wings    of   c..:..merce.      l\    hailt   gn-at  cilie,.        It 
-rave  .niploMnent  to  millions    of    i-eopl.  .       It  has   arhle.l  to  the  comforl    ot   almost  every 
faunan  lain"--  on  th.e  irlohe:   vet  Mr.  Whitney  received  no  campensatnin.      He  (d.)iaiiifd  a 
patent    hut  the  law  was  inqu-rfect .  the  c.nrts  and  juri.  .-,  peixmally  interested  and  venu!, 
Kiid  h-'  noirh  in  did'eudiiur  Ids  rights  against  the  enevoa.chniems  oi   the  ei,viou,-. 
and  de..-l  -nin--    in  a  h.n-  seiie-,  ot  law  suits.      In  i:;)7,  iinpress<'d  with  t he  une.-rtainty  of 
his  hop(^  in  relation  to  ihe  ;rin.  and  the  necessity  of   some  l.iisine-s    r,,i    the    sujiporl    of 
himself  and  familv.  he  ..htanu-d  in  IT'.IS,  throa-h  Hon.  Oliver  W  olcott.  ^secretary  ot    tin- 
Trea-siirv    a  c-ontvact  to  sui-i'l^  th.e  h.  S.  with  leti  thonsun.l  stand  ot   aiins:  lor  siyi-.OtiO. 
He  innnedialelv  purehased  a  -if  and  erected  his  works  ahout  two  rnile^  fr.tni  New  Ifav. 
■Green  (now  Wlutnevville)  and  complet.-d  his  cmtract  in  ten  years.      Several  others  mad.- 
shuihir   contracts  \\iih    the    .'■.>vernin.-nt    ahont    ih.'    saiin>   tinn\  i-ut    nom/    succeeded    in 
nioducin-  work  ot  the  requiVed  .luallty  a.nd  at  the  stip.;!ated  piicc,  and  in  som.'  instances 
larfP  sums  were  si)eni  in  tlie  a|te;n].t.      Mr.   W  hitn.y  succe-cdd  princ)i>a.]ly  nv  means  ot 
<nio-inal  machinerv  and  m-w  i,r..ce>se- and   im-ilmd:^  .d    his   own  inveiein;,.      The  inevit- 
Hht'e  ohloquN,  rldi'cule  and  ..ppo:,ition  of  .-ompetitois  and  enemies,  the  deuors  and  a].pie. 
lionsions   of"   friends    an<i    the   ohstinale  adheran.-e  of   workmen  to  old  ways  were  at  last 
ovorcoino    and  Mr.  ^Vhilnev  lived  to  sc  not  oidy  his  system  hut  imist  ot    his  ma.diinery 
adoptt^d  in  ewiv  other  con-'i-terahle  i-lahlishnient.  puidh-  or  luivate.  in  the  I  .  S.      After 
the  c-oinph-'ion  of  his  lir.-t  .-oniract  with  th.-  govennnent  In-  ohi  inn-d  a  second  tor  ntt.-en 
thousand    stan.l    of   arms.      He    d.  in    N.  Hav.  Jan.  ,^.  T^'?--),  a.  .V.t   yvs.,  greatly  respe,  td 
and    Iv,  ;..ved.      Wh.nuev  ;..v!un-    hears  his  nanu  ,  al-o  \\  h;tin-y  Lake,  the  reservoir 
KUiiidh  s  the  citv  nf  N<-\v  Haven  uith  water:  and  Wliifney  Pea!<,  an  elavafinn  within  tin- 
new  l^ast  Hock' Pari;.  ^.       ,        ,      ^„        ,    . 

1.      Fr;inc.--    Klward.s    Whitney,    m.    I>ec.    1,    1S4-?,    t'liarles    h.  (  haphiiu   -d    (  am- 

hrldi.c,  Md.. 

'ij       Kli-al-i-th.  Fav  Whitn.-v,  h.   Mar.di  14,   is!!':  <1.  teh.    ,,  Is.jt,  num. 

Hi!  Fdi  Whirnev."  Col.  fsli;  .\,  M.  Yah-  a,nd.  Piinc.  on.  isi.iO,  (•..ntiuu.-^i 
lh(.  husines-  toen.l.-d  hv  hi-  fath.-r  al  \Vhitne\  \  ilie :  m,  June  is.  Is].",,  Sarah  I'erknis, 
(|;i,i  ot  -Mai.  Jame.-  S.'HaHiln.',  F.  S.  A,  ami  his  wf.  Susannah  1 1  ;;ntingtO!i,  h.  Ihnm-, 
\  V  Juic'-'-'o  fs-jr,  1  F.i.i.  V.  t'.  ISii',):  m.  Sarah  Sh.-tlhdd,  dan,  nl'  Heniy  and  .\nna 
S.'i  Whitman)  Faiinim  ..f  N.   n'av.      1,    /;//--//„  r./,   F,'>/.  hap.  May  t?n,  Is;;!. 

826  Eniice  "Edwards,  h.  Auir.  -20.  ITOo:  .1.  .lum- 1 ,  li-s,  a  s:^:  ,n.  o.-t.  1,  iTOf!, 
i-!.'V.  siu!ou,  ;.  ot.lov.-pi.  t;a.-ku-,  h.  X.>rwich.  Conn.,  IM.,  11.  1701:  V,  ('.  l7-:'4:  set.  at 
Newinjie.u.  Conn.,  17-i7:  Chapiaii;  ot  Conn.  tr..ops  ai  1  ,..iii.-.iHirg,  ami  d.  tle.-i.-  1-eh.  -J, 
17hh  a'  !o.  ii's  wid.  i)e;it;(.ncd  the  (Jen.  .\s.-em.  .d'  <.'onn.  f.n-  relief,  and  was  grant. -d 
the  sum  of  'JoOO. 


nir\N''H   or  E].i/AiiF;i!i. 

I.     C!"iiu(l:i  r.itckiis,  1>,  Oct.  ;}1.  lT:jO;  d,  Oct.    2n,    ISd;;.-  711.    almut    nnO.  Zolindial/ 
liailiroj)  of  Norwicli.  Ci'iin.,  wLri  <1.  Nov.  14.  11'.):],  a.  alu.ut  (!S.     1,  .lu.-i;i'n.  1,.  IT,'),");  d. 
;it  Wot  I'oiiU.  (luiinc:  IN-v.  N\;ir,   a.  'Jo.      L\   /i;i;a  i>r.\  ii .  I>.   r,,"iS;  d.    al>i.   IT'.tS;  ],,    a.  d'aii 
oi'  Williaivi  Starred'  Middletnw  u,  ('oct!,.  !),c.  )1,  1  iS;),  ]>,  \l:,v  l,  1  T.-.i)  •  d    ,Iunc    !S-l<i    a' 
90.     8,   Simon  Ha*  kis,  1.,  17i;0;  d.  Dec.    l  !,    iso.-,;  ni.'  >iaici;    | .'   iTnV,   Mn!!,-   (''ulxprnf 
X/.r\vicli,  CiVAn.:   >rv.  rhil.      -! ,    .\s.\,  d.  .v.  /.  (,ci,  2!»,  ISOX;   m.  a  dan.  of   ]:i,,ii.-/.cr< 
()!■  Norwicli.  wIki  d    ai    St.  .Man 's,  <  ul      .',.,    ]-:cm(  1:,  d.    ]S0(I,  uniii..    ;ir    New  ('ana.'ui    X~ 
v.      Ci.    N.\'iiiANn.i,.  li.  17t!^:  (i.  at  St''.c!.,l.iidL'-i'.  ]^4X.  a.  Si). 
II.      ivaiii'c  Inckiis,  .'an.  14.  i'l'.j-',:   d.  ninji..  ISUS. 
11!,       i:rr/,a!.  -til   r,:icl;,i.~,   .^!a^    ]U.   I7:;i,   ni.   Kcl..    1-1,    i:t;i.    David,  s.    (,t   David 
add  Sarali  (iiant  liis-di.  ii.  .\piii'J'..  17;JJ:  d.    ])<■<•.    1(1.    17'.'!».      ],    X(iaiii  sir.    hap.    N:iv 
2:,  ITi'iI;   MaJ^jr;  in.    Sihyl  aiu  )>  ,d'  \'t.  :  ( O)  iJe;-,  •%■  Sluilik  .v ,.:  tli  of  Drilhaiii,  Mas.s.;    rem'.  ° 
In  W'iiidsoi-.  Vi.;  (".,  1  cliild  liy  in.  and  -I  l.v  2.1;   pro!.,  lailicr  ol' Simon  Ba<'kiis  iViss,-!' 
h.  \i.     ISdS;   Canic.x'orc  T,  S.  N..  and  Wni.  11.  l^i.sseli,    ],.    \'t.     ISll.      -J.    Iiavid,  .Iini,' 
(I,  17(il:   Ml.  Heart  \^■ickllanl  (d'  Poinli-ct,  I'onn.,  and  set.  tlir.  :   vtwi.  tn  E.  Windsor,  ('onn., 
Ihciicc  to  Havtf..  an:!  d.  I'ii,  aht     !>1  ('..  lea  v.  ;;  sons    and    :!    dv,n<.      lli.^    iii.T?)    Dr' 
Edward  Tisd"!- of  Mivid!.  town,  Vi..  a  native  cd'  E.  W .    :].    Mativ,  Nov.  14,  ]  ;fi!:;  d.  y.^y 

7.   1771.       4.    Sl.-.tON   BacKIS.    l-ap.   .'llla-'J,    17d'l;    iii,   a   dail.    of    (ion.     Moroy  (.f  U.\f()i(|.    \. 

11.,  vvli<-ro  lio  set.;  rem.  to  ( "iicinnali,  (>. :  /. .  4  cLil.,  of  \^-;iom  miio  \\-;.s  ;i  r:,i]i-f  at  Wc-t 
Point  and  ])atron  (d' (ien .  W'm.  Heniy  liavi'isDn;  afterwai'd  Lieut.  V.  S.  A.:  res.  I'liila 
.";,  Mauv,  A]iiil  in,  177J;  ni.  Xailian  Lvman  of  < 'ov<  ntrv.  Coni,. .  .-ind  set.  in  17  Windsor 
lied.  .\!an]i  :;.  ]s-l>\.  a.  5^;  Dicjdi,     (1,   ( 'LoiaNir'.,  1..  i;7'.;;  d,.  Awj;.  -27.  sm.  v.-. 

IV.  Simon  I'.ackiis,  1..  Feh.  l:;.  17:^::  Ke\.;  V.  C.  17V.);  p:i<ti>r  ef  tlie  "ist  (diii.  in 
(iranliy,  Mass.;  aft  ervcard  of  ( i  iiilferd.  ('e>ni.  ;  d.  at  Stratford,,  ;\  n  l:  ."-.•' 7 .  ]'<■.':!;  hn.  llrid^-'- 
jMin;  t"n.  fele  7.  17(id.  Kaclnd,  dan.  .Mnier  M<isele\  o!'  i:.  Ihtddam,  1  enn.,  ulio  d,'^iu 
Stratford,  duly -JS,  ls-2.'),  ;;.  70;  Canlkin-;  savs  lied.  INJ.s,  a.  ^7.  I,  .Jovm-h  h  Dec  -Jd 
]7!i1;  ni.  Oct.'].-,,  r,'.i7.  liuldidi.dau.  of  Sk  plien  l^urrou.-l.s,  17s.;. ,  id' S. .  v  In- li.  Dc''  I:,', 
lS.')l,a.  n:1;  res.  ilrid-cpo/t.  i,  Mmux,  Ij.  Seiit.  1,  Tdilj.  :],  SiMdX,  Sept.  1.  17(1^.  4.' 
ri,A);iNA.  .Juiu.' •J.-).  17ili.  .■.).  AuNKi; -Musi.i,}:y,  .\lay  oO,  1  77'2;  d.  Au^;.  'jl,  177.-).  (i,  M.\kv, 
,liily  1,  1771;  d.  tiioii..  at  Xcwboin,  X.  ( '.  7,  j\i.i'.ita,  Sept.  ].',,  177d;  d.  M.-ov'd,  iSOo'.. 
8,  Si.MoN,  Jan.  0.  !77iJ;  d.  Dec.,  lb;:'.d,  in  X,^'.  C'ii-v .  !;.  J'amoi:,  Feb,  ]s.  !'7s;f  \{/^ 
AiiNKi;  .Mds.Ki.KV.  .]nne,  l7s;j;  d,  in  llliac'i,  X.  Y..Xov.,  l.^fs  \)  ^  lJ\(in..i,  Oct  [:', 
17S.">.     1-'.  Tuos,  Mo^.Li.c.v,  Xov.,  17S7. 

Y,  Esili.T  Hackus.  \k  X-.v.  li.l,  r.o'.(;  d.  Sept.  Ill,  INVU;  in.  Jnnel,  r;.")S  Keniandn 
El}  of  Il.dyoke,  Mu-..-^.,  who  d.  De.-.  2.-),  ISO'J.  1.  law-'.  Alaivl.  11,  17."):/.  2.  EnTUKi;.  ],. 
Nov.  2d,  17(;.'t.  d.  1\<)JU.KT,  Ft.'i,.  2S.  17(;d.  4.  J7cM<'i;,  O-;.  1."),  17(;7:  d.  Marcli  Dk 
17;2.  ."»,  i^tvCiAMi.s.  ..)ai:.  dii.  1770.  d.  Elmaii,  .Mandi  1 ,  i  7i2  7  I'A-nk  !■■  .h.|i  1  r^" 
IV.  Joseph  !5aekus,  h.  May  dO.  1741:  d.  .Ian.  ],  1742 
^'il.  .lemsha  H:ickns,  h.  .fan.  Id,  Hl-d;  m.  Siidtii  Rad.  y  of  17.  \\di)dsoi-:  rem.  O^ 
Eastern  funn.,  aht,  17(15.  1  and  2,  d.  inf.  :],  'I'K.tri'iis,  h.  1770,  m.  and  set,  in  Ston- 
iiif^ion.  Conn.  4.  Poi.f.V.  h.  >!ay  l(k  177;1:  d  Sept,  .y  170;;;  ,,;,  [),.,._  i;;);^  .lon.-itluu., 
s.  of  Cap',  .'onailoni  a.nd  (""riseilla  ( Hainniond)  nii;;e  uf  E.  'A'i!uE.,T.  l.i.  17d8;  d.  Dec,  12," 
1S20,  a.  .')2.  Hern,  (2)  Mav  S,  17'.'4,  Sarah  Warner  and  had  7  (ddl.  On!v  child  ])v  l^t 
m.:     1,   ]:<'!>'.//,  h.  Auic-  4,  17!td. 

VUl.      -Mary  .'lackns,  h.  March  24,  174.-,;  d.  Dec.  17,  17.-)1. 

827.     Abi.scf^il  Edwards,  h.    I'^a-.  2-->.    I7(i7,  d.  S.  pt.   24.  17(ij:  m.  Oct.  2.5,  17::17, 
"SVilliain  (4111  child  of  .hiiiatlian )  Meicall'e,    Esip,    (d'  L(   Conn.,    ]>.   Au^;.  17^  17()S; 
llarv,  CmI.  1727;  alter  ]M-eaciiin>:auhile  enteredi  iido  partneislii])  Nvith  his  father  in 
lie  d.  .Ian.  M,  I77:k  a.  ti.-)  vr.s. 

1.      Ahic-ail  .Metcalle,  b.  April  2.  i7:i!), 
11.      \N'i!llain  Met.'alfe.  .Inne  4,  1742;  .1.  .Inlv  .".,  17.50. 
in.       Eli'phalei,  Jiilv   I'd,    1;  l-l;  d,  .Mav,   171.7. 

IV.      laecy    .Metcaife,  b.    May  2.-),   1  e'di:   (h    Aj-rilld,    IMS,   m.    Jnne    12,    17(ii;,    Pev. 
Johi:  lhintin;,!oir    (;f   ]:a>t  lladdaiii,  Conn.,  b.  Mnvch    12,  17d7:   d.  ^huvh   .5,   ISHO.'a    ltd. 

1,  h'i;.'.N<.'Ks,  b.  .Uiii.  21,  1770;  d.  nnm.  2,  Ltcv,  .,!an.  2.7,  1772.  '■',.  .loiix,  b,  .\lai  d:  25. 
177;'.;  f'-^  Suiuhrlaick  .^'asv.  :  in.  S,,[,lda  .V  Fo-ter,  !.  .  i  A//,  :•'■/;.,  ne  Fvdiia  ,\  .  .Mot  I  ; 
res,  llarrf..  tVmn. :  S  id' tin-  idiil.  d.  initif.  4,  .ai!U;a' i,,  Xiv\ .  2 1 ,  1770;  in.  -bilin  i'.ird; 
Y.  C.  17^0;  r.iem.  Cen. :  d.  bsui:  (2)  fk-n j-nnin  Is.'c.seid'  Kee.^eviMe,  \,  Y.    5,  Isi;  u:i..  b.  Juno 

2,  17.S0;  mom.  .X.  Y,  Le^^  !S)4-5;  res.  I'tici,  and  Syracu.-e,  X.  \.,  tn.  .\1;m'\-  W.  Eivd,  of 
Woodstock,  \'i.;  tied.  Sejit.  Id.  1SG7,  in  St.  .\ntlionv,' .Mian.  1,  1!  „,',  1)  7/.-.r/.r,/)',7,  ii,  ISCS-  d. 
in    ucneva,    X  .  Y. ,    1^;;2.      2,   J./;:i  Fil.-l.    U.    1S1.6:   d.  nnm,,  iSol,  in    Xew  Orb  ans,      d. 

♦  His  sibicr    A!if.."v,    b.  i7..v;ra     i;;,.-,    Chjr'f>3    Collir.s,  and    hr.d    Kll/atx-d.!,  b.  17—,..,].   bimes    Piciucnt 
;ind  hrvd  Re".  Jc'It  Pa.rporc.,  peel. 

FDAVAKDIlS,    METCALrE,     HLISS.  43i5 

Mart/  Ann,  h.  Lsr^;  m.  Is;!?,  riu'rl-s  ]•:.  ("lark;  ros.  BniTiilo,  N.  V.  4,  J.-o:/,/  E'luanh. 
b.  1814;  li.  inf.  5.  /v/;/,''v  h^  l^V,;  in.  ISM,  K.  ,N] .  Skiuin^r  of  Svi-.h-hsh.  N. 
Y.  (i.  I.rturii  .J<'ii/',  1>.  islit;  1c;m'1ic!-  i:i  Syrai'iisi'.  7,  I'lidf..  !!<'{/.,  1^01;  in.  ISiT,  C'aro- 
liuf  A.,  dan.  nf  >-ain'l  l^.iiryof  Ni\v  Ldiulon,  Conn.  S,  J-^rui'  /'iJiniril^,  iS-J4;  re.s.  S. 
9,  SuKi'iu  .Aiviolil ,  1>2();  lu.  ]8"i2.  S;Mn"l  L.  Trury;  rcN.  Si.  Anthouy.  Minn.  (i.  Kink  k. 
Oft.  ;}1,  17.S4.      ;.    \\' ^.l.l.\^i,  l\>in  \>.-ii!i  Knnice. 

V.  Klij-iuilft  Mrtcnlic.  1..  \o\.'2."),  ]?!?:  d.  Maidi  ir..  l.s;{!-;  m,  !>.■(•.  01,177."., 
Marv,  (lixu.  of  .loslm:,  West  oi'  ].,-lx;!u.n.  Conn,,  b  ,Iun.  '.>.  175-1;  d,  .Mairli  \i.  l.s:55.  ]. 
VriLi.iA.M,  Dm-.  :;i),  177(;;  d.  M-.'.rc],  ■\-),  is-j,-,-,  ,n.  .Mtir-di,  ISUS.  Mf.r<r;nvt  \":!n  'I'nvl  of 
^ortlmmb.-i-lnnd,  N.  Y.  2,  John.  L.  Mav  '-.>1,  177ll:  iv.^.  No.,  X.  V.  ' ;!.  M.siiv.  1m'!>.  1!. 
1781  ;d.  .Sejit.  4,  17s:].  4,  Ar.i<;.\ii.,  .luno  ]S,  ]7^';;;d.  Au,--.  K'.  IMl;  m.  Muni.  :il .  InQS, 
Ariel  l^ircliard  of  Rozrali,  Conn. ;  a  son,  l^iev.  Win .  Mctndf,  JJnr/,>irJ;  V.  C.  ls;r..  5. 
Ei,IP11.-\TJ:t,  May  50,  17S."i.  m.  }.liircji  ;^0,  IN17,  Mary,  of  I.saac  .lon'>  of  1  .coanon, 
Conn.  G.  M  \ky,  h.  Anj;-.  OS.  17S7,  m.  Marcli  :'>0,  1S17,  .'oonj.  S.  Van  'I'uvl  of  .\.  V.  C.  7,  Lu-'v. 
Ocr.  20,  1789;  d.  Dec.  Vl,  isOD.  y,  Eli/',  I'd),  lij,  l"792:  r.-^.  L.-h.anon.  H,  TI.^iu•|'liv 
Edw.mcds,  Sept.  .10,  nit'i;  jivini,'-  IStM  on  tlio  .Motcalfo  famiin  l.olianon,  \^■l^i(■'l  \vas 
oi'cn]ia  ,1  by  iiis  ;;ivar  gfandfailit-r  1 7i»  yt.'ar.s  a^o  ( 1 71 ! ).  10.  Iv.rn.v,  Scjit.  2.  1  79S;  re.s. 

827.1.    Abip;aii.  Metcalfe,  b.   A|n;i  2,  17;]!;:  d.  Ana-.  29.  iso;);  m.,  i7r,:j, 

lion.  Mo.-c.^,  s.  of.b'dedinli  and  Ka.clirl  Sln-ldon  Idis.-,  h.  .Innc  Hi.  17,1'^  Y.  C.  l",r,.'i;  d. 
Julv  14.  1S14,  a.  79. 

I.  Gfor^-v  Idi.^.s.  b.  D.'c.  i:!,  17(14;  Y.  C.  1781;  I.L.  D.,  Ilarv.  ]S27;  incni.  Flartford 
convention;  in.  May  22.  llf,').  llanuali  Cl.aiko,  Lis  2d  cousin  [^ffi].  \\lio  d.  Die.  19,  179-"); 
(2)  Mnv  29,  1  7i)9,  Marv.  dan.  of  Johi-.  Lathroj)  of  Now  llavrn,  Coiuu.  wlio  d.  .v.  /. ,  .Mav  1, 
18'}3,  a.  mC;  [■■))  No. .  ir,,  1-01,  Abicail,  dau.  of  Hr-v.  David  Slionnan  Uowlan.l  of  V.'indsor, 
(V)nn..  vho  d.  .Ian.  21,  1832,  a.  .^8.  lie  d.  Mavcdi  8,  ]R:iO.  1,  Dl:i,1.\.  b.  April  jC,  17:H); 
d.  Jan.  :il.  IMIO.  2.  Caiimmm:,  b.  Div.  2."^,  1791.  M,  Ci:ot;oE,  b.  Nov.  bi,  179;^;  in.  1, 
Geoff/e.  4,  M.\KV.  /.  by  .'Jd  in.:  ."),  Di:i.iA,  b.  A]iri!  7,  ISOii;  d.  Fed).  l.")J  IS.^O,  nnui. 
f),  AiuG.Mi.,  b.  Drc.  .1,  ls97;  d.  .Maivli  27,  1S32;  ni.  Sanniol  Hovnolds.  7,  Makv,  Aiif. 
23,  1809;  d.  Scjjt.  19,  1812.     8,  l?irn akd,   b.    .Mav  12.  ISi  1. 

II.  LucyDliss,  b.  .lune  19,  17f)i;;  d.  .Ian  li),  18.-)'J,  a.  S4  yrs.  in.  .)une2,  178-j,-  Dr. 
Hrzekiah  Cl.a'rki-  [init>],  2d  ronsin. 

III.'  Abii-ail  Bliss,  b.  N.,.v.  20.  17GS;  d.  s.  1.,  0<-\.  17,  1827;  m.  1i-m.  Ibm.  AYm.  Ely 
of  ^jiriiifrtlcld,  Ma.^s,;  \\  C.,  1787:  mein.  Con^rcsj-,  1817. 

lY.  '  ^^■nl.  .\btr;,ir  lHi-,s.  b.  Uct.  28,  I77O;  Y.  C.  V790;  d.  18.^.8;  m.  C}nnl(,rto  A-dib-y. 
1.  }l.vuini:T,  d.  m  1S2:1,  unin.  2,  Ciiatm.otte,  d.  unni.  Jj,  C.\iin!,i\i;.  d.  -Ian..  1S44_ 
unni.     4,  NV.NS.  M ictcM-KK,  jr..  ni.  8'.rpi,  1,  isl).  Ml-,,  Cluw.ipion. 

Y.  I'nmcL's  Bliss,  b.  May  10,  1772;  d.  .Ian.  is,  1,s:j;1;  ni.  A].ril  10,  1800,  !b'v.  Ht-niy 
A.  Ro\sdand. 

Yl.  .Mosr-s  Bliss,  b.  -Inly  10.  1774;  d.  Sept.  11.  1819;  m.,  l.^'t)4.  Ma-y  ^Y.d.•.,lt  of  Say- 
brook:,  Conn.,  .and  liad  10  cbild.  of  \^■llonl  1^  d.  in  inf.;  res.  Si')rini:!i(dd,  Mass.  Auiorii,'-  tb.c 
children  wer.' t^  in-,  b.  Mav,  lsl.""».  1.  W'l i,(,u\.\r.  2,  ALvuv  U  <>i,(  <iiT,  "'dav  S,  ISIO;  d. 
Feb.  12,  1849;  m.  168^5,  Ibm.  \Yni.  Brooks  Bristol  of  New  Haven;  b.  ,Junc'l9,  iboO;  Y. 
C.  182.');  lawyer  JUKI  judtro;  d.  Ui-t.  10.  187G:  [s.  of  Wni,  and  Saiab  (F.dwards)  ]^<ristol.] 
He  lu.  (2)  Nov.,  18o(),  her  sistvr  Caroline.  ;/i,  IIkxiiy.  4,  bicv,  who  d.  a.  IN  yrs.  and."), 
Ei.iZABETiT,  were  twins,  dioru  same  day.  ."),  CAr.oi.i.M-:,  !>.  Sept.  ]7,isl7;  in.  Nov.. 
18.')0,  ys  above,    Hon.  Win.    T5.    Bristol  and    jtrob.    ^^as    nn'iilier  of  -lolui  ^^'.,  above.       7, 


Yll.      Edmund,  b.  Nov.   lb,  177.");    \  .  C.   b^OH;  d.  is21. 
Ylll.      Fmilv  niiss.  b.  Aiiir.  2*;.  17sO;  .1.  Mav  :,.  1797;  iinm. 
IX.     Harriet  Bliss,  Mar<di2:i,  17n2;  d.  Nov.  11,  IS,-,:',;  ni.  Nov.,  1810,  D:Miiel  Hontecoii 
of  Sp'rinn-field.  who  d.  Nov.  24,  1S.",7;     2rhil. 

82715.     i'ri^.nces  Bliss,  i-.  ^!ay  10.  1772;  d.  .Tan.  IS,  l.s;;;;:  m.  April  10,  1800,  Rev. 

Ilenrv  A.  Iio\sbind  ..if  Wind.-^or,  ('onii.,  who  d.  Nov.  2S,  18-'.");  p-astor  Contr.  elih. ;  slie  was 
his  2d.  wf. ;  all  'bihi.  b.   Wind.-n,  Conn. 

I.  I'^li/.al'eth  Newberrv  Ib.wla.nd,  b.  Feb.  9.  ISlil  ;  d.  a.  o  yrs.  4  nios. 
II.  l'>ances  Bliss  llowbi-id.  b.  Au<;-.  21,  18(l;\ 
III.  Henry  Au^-u-lns  Ib-wbuid,  b.Sept.  19,  jMil;  ^".  C.  1S2:!:  Andover  1827;  Ant. 
of  Am.  Bible  Soe.  ;^  vis.;  pieiirhed  ai  I'avetteville.  N.  C. ;  Presb.  In  ISI-il  insl.  pastor 
Pearl  st.  ehh..'X.  Y.  C.  In  ISb;  invt.  Presb.  ehh.,  Honesdalr,  Pa.  In  IS.-.ll  set. 
ovur  l'i>,-b.  chl!.,  .\"w:uk.  N.  .1.:  tl.  Sepi.  -I,  is."^,!!^  ji,  l',i,.--,toii  udnle  en  \ae:itioM; 
Y.C.,    S.  T.  D.,  !S,7;;;  in.    Aug.    15,  U>'[i,  Hairiet    lleyer   of  N.  Y.      1,   FA.NNiii    Bi.rss. 

434  15RAX(Ml    Ol'     EJ  IZAliCTir. 

2,  Anna  l''t-i.i,r.i'.T()X.  3.  Maky  Ujcks.  'I,  Jam-:  1iiov!;i;,  h:.  Oct.  1.  iSd.S,  L<-iiiucI 
Thfitn^s  (if  IS'cwaik,  N.  .1.  •"3,  (.'i>J!Nk,ija  \\'ii  r'l  i  m;,  m.  l>c,-  1.",,  ISlj""),  Wm.  C.  X'tTiiiiivc 
of  Xewnrlv.  1,  11'///.  (;v/;tnl.  \k  J  li  ui;  20.  1-Sli  r.  'l,  JI,  ju'H  lioirhind,  .)i\\\.  7,  1^(10.  Vi, 
Kk.vkv  Aif.usTi  s. 

IV.  l''lizalie;li  Xcw  Ixirv  linw  l.uid,  1>.  M-.iv  s,  lSi>7:(l.  Julv 'JS,  IS'):?.-  in.  Juiw  I'O, 
1S3:{,  J)r.  'riiroanr.'  Sill  of  \S'illd-:<)r.  V'niui.;  1).  J\ill.  1-^,  IMIS;  ^^  ('.  Mt-d.  Sc'linol,  18oJ  fd.' 
Aj>i-il  2!l,  IS.-,:).  1,  ']'i!K')ii(M!!.,  I).  .M;iy  ;}1,  1n;JS;  d.  i'\.'!i.  (I,  J8i7.  0.  J^dwauu  \\o\\i.\'y.v, 
April  :Jfi,  ISM  :  Y,  C.  U-i;];  n^.  Oakland,  <-'al. :  j'n.r.  Ellt,^  Lun.^tiugc  .-tud  l.ilerattirc; 
I'liiv.  of  C";il.;  li.i--  ,'ul'.  ma'.  jioeius;  m.  Feb.  7,  iNtlT,  I71iziir)L'tli  fc^ill. 

V.  J'dward  i-Njuliuid,  1),  Nov.  IS,  1S0U;Med.  Scli.,  Its:i7;d.  Aug.  J,  1845;  Anihcr.^t 
Col.  18;-i2:  lii.  Nov.  2,  ISll,  Kliz;)l).'tli  Avery  of  Dt.dawarf,  (.).,  who  d.  Aui^.  J.S,  l.Su4.  1, 
Fanmk  I51.ISS,  b.  Aug.  -22,  1!S4:>;  m.  Feb., "187;;.  Jf)hu  M.  Hibtjins  of  ^^'ini;lnlSl)OI■t,,  I'a.,' 
nnd  Jiv.  tlir. 

VI.      (ieorge  Rowland,  b.  Oct,  LM,  b^ll. 

VII.  James  K..%vh.iid,  b.  Ort.  '24,  ISl-f;  grad.  Med.  CVd.,  Castleion,  Vt.;  ufterw.  stud. 
'Dii  i>.  .■uid  was  i)astor  Pre.-b.  vdili.  C'iiileville,  O.,  and  d.  thr.  Nov.  '.).  ]8ri4;  ni,  f'-HlliHriiie 
Morgan  of  NViud-^or.  1.  I1i:n  i;v  Ar<H  sn^,  d.  dan.  1.  ]Mr.:j.  o,  \V.\r.  FjiKDr.r.icK;  r!;s. 
N.  y.  ('.     8,  u'Euiu.K:  res.  N.  Y.  (J. 

VIIi.      ■William  ShtTi.ia))    IJuNvland,  b.    Oct.  2;j,  1^17;   d.  Alav  .j,  iN.jH-   Y    ('    18HG-   res 
N.  Y.  C;  lawyer. 

829.  Haiiuah  Edwards,  b.  Feb.  8,  17F!:  d.  .hiHe  1,  i;7o.  "She  was  liiglily 
intellectual,  of  decj,  ariil  fervent  piety;  m-ver  for  an  ii^stiuu  e^impromising  truth  anil 
justice  f(u-  exjiedi-'Ucy — traits  for  which  jier  family  weii-  ^o  rt-Tiiarkabb-.  Tlie  inHuence 
of  \\(r  e\ani])le  and  preeeprs  were  hnig  felt  by  her  descendants,  wlm  to  ih"  third  and 
fonrth  generation  liave  reason  to  Idess  her  memer;.."  Sli"  v.\.  Jan.  15,  1 74r>-('.,  Setli 
\N'einjore,  E.s.|..  of  Middk-town,  Conn.,  (his  od  wf.),[see  ^-;tow  fam.],  b.  Nov.  18,*]7U(); 
<1,  of  sniail-po.K  Ai-ril  lU.  1778.  He  ^vas  d,ep.  to  tho  Ccm-ru]  Court  -IS  terms,  1788-17(51: 
Magistrate  of  the  town  of  .Middbo.v.  n;  Judge  of  tlie  Ijartf.  Co.  court,  and  with  Jabez 
Hamlin  Ju'stire  of  the  Quorum  f(.)r  Ilartf.  Co.  17G1~'J8.  (For  auuisiujr  nnecdotes  of  Judge 
Wetmore  see  Witimji-t  Ocnr^iloyij:)  A  genial  liumor  is  a  cdniracteristic  of  the  Stows  of 
Middlotown  and  of  tlieir  descendaiits.  Througli  tlie  Stows  Judge  ^V.  was  a  second 
cousin  of  Sarali  Pierj-uut  wife  of  Jonathan  Edwards.  His  wife  was  Aunt  to  Jouathnn, 
.jr.,  and  Pierpout  Edwards,  and  grand  aunt  to  Timothy  I>wiglit  and  Aaron  liurr.  Pier- 
■pont  Edwards  and  Aaron  Burr  studied  law  with  J  udge  \Vetn:ore.  Dwight  and  the 
younger  Jonailian  l•>J^^ards  were  occasional  visitors.  Pmii  ;ind  his  uncie  Pi'-rjiont 
Edwards  were  nearly  of  the  s:nne  age  and  in  sonu-  '-espects  of  ihe  sain':'  inclination.  One 
Saturday  night  Purr  and  EdwardN  iit  tl'c  full  dress  of  the  time — short  breeches,  silk 
stockings,  hnv  ([uartered  shoe>,  etc.  -iu  great  lia.ste  to  g-et  tln-ir  supper  in  order  to  <,all 
on  some  young  ladies  of  the  neigliborhood,  dro]iped  some  hasty  jmdding  on.  their 
bn-eches.  The  kind  hearted  cfdored  cookess.  Membo,  with  towel  and  -wann  water 
<deanod  ;uk1  nmde  them  presentable  and  sent  them  on  their  way  rejoicing.  In  thr> 
division  of  Judge  ^Vetmore■.s  estate  .Membo  fill  to  ^ir.■^.  \N  liittlesey.' 
1.  Lucy  Weimore,  \\.  April  "'X\  1748;  m.  Chauncev  NN'hitTlesev. 
11.  Oliver  Weimore,  1).  Mav  -24.  175'3:  m.  Sarah  PrL'w.-^ter. 
III.     Hannah  Wetmore,  b.  1754;  d.  July,  175G. 

8291.     Lucy  Wetmore,  b.  .\pril   KJ,    174s;  d.    Jim.    2:>.  18'i6:  widelv  known   foi- 
practical    ]/n't\  ;    n-i.  Vvh.   12,    1770,    Cliauncey    Whittlesey,    E.xj.,    of   Mid.:'"\".    C.    I7f;4; 
licensed^  to  ])reac]i   Init    gave   u])   to   ill   health.      FJected  "pea.  Cong.  clih.  Sept.  17,  1778, 
and  s.-rved  2:!  yr-.      Aldernuin  and  Collector  of  ihe  Port  of  .NPid.;  (h  March  14.  18] 2. 
1.      Eucy  Whitilesey,  li.  O.-t.  4.  177:4;  m.  Cajit.  J.  W,  Alsop. 

11.      Hannali    Whir.rh-i._v_    b.    ^\-^^y  jo,    1775;  d.    D^.^.  -Jij,  is;j:l,    unm.;  corresfionded 
(■■xtensivetv  ^vi1h  di-^tintuished  nu'ii  in    Europe   and    Anujrh'a.      .-\  verv  suptM'ior  v,  oman 

III.  .\  Son,  stillljorn,  Oct.  24,   17  ^fi, 

IV.  Eli/..'Li>eth  NN'hiitb-sev.  b.  .Nhiy  21.  1  7^(V  d.  .v.  i,  (),_•(.  5,  ]8-i5;  m.  May  25,  1817, 
Caj.'!.  Josi-ph  \\'illi.Ai,is  (2d  wf.).  whod    Oct,  5,   hs:;5,  a,  5tj  vrs. 

\.  A  dam,  stillborn.  M.-Uvdi  20,  liM. 
\\.  Chaaiici  y  \N  hinle-ey,  b.  Ja)i.  IN.  \'t^:;,  \.C,  1800;  hiw\er  in  .Mid.,  N.  \ ., 
l,ouisville.  Ky..aiid  New  ()|-h'an-,:  Mem.  id'  Oct.,  bsii;;  Oen.  of  Prle-a.le 
Conn,  militia.  In  .\'.  ().  he  lo-t  his  hclth  and  i-eturning  to  Mid.  iu  1^2?  his  si-ht'and 
other  faculties  rapidiy  faifd.  and  th(m;',h  racked  wifh  i);nn  and  almo-i  ludpie-.-.,  he  e'l-ew 
nmre  tender  and  alVecliMUuTe  and  •  ■  th  lo/ejh  ye:us  of  t  rl;;  1  ticrcj  out  the  f:tiTh  and  [>a»i- 
•.n-eo''  ih'.-  sao;ts  ".  .!  1--4::  iM,  .\p;ii  U,  [^:\^<,  Puth  Paihiop,  (hiu,  of  Fl,,-he..;en 'i'racv. 
1.   CuAs.  CiiAtNct.v.  Y.  C.  18:j8;   lawyer  iu  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  d.  1875.     2,    lli;.vi;v  \\'Aui>. 



i]    MM;r\   'l'i>'Arv,      1.   Ki;km:/.!'".u   Tkacv,    h.    l^^'J-").     T),   Fi;  \,\i;r,i\  Waim).  ]>.  18?7.     C, 
]AV\  Ai.soi\  1..  l^'.".l. 

8''-'.0]l.     I'UCV   V/hittlGsey,  l'.  Oct.  4.  1773:  d    Oct.,  IS.-.f,,  n.  S:!;  m.  Xi>%-.  ,•.,  17!!7, 
Cni.r  .lii.^.'i'li  \\'iii;'!il  .Mm'P'.I  Muldletnwii,  Conn.,  ]<.  1771;  d.  Oct.  IC,  ]Sl4,  ii.  73. 

I.  l.iicv  ^^'••tln^'n■ -Mr;!))!,  m.  Henry  ClKMinccy,  Iv-'].,  of  .\l.'^n])  \-  Oo. ,  morcliants 
^tf  V^ilpar.-.i.-'i",  Miil  .Msop  &  Clitiuiicey  of  X.V.  ['.>].  1,  ili';N];v,  ni.  17ii;ily  .\si)iii\v;ill, 
<;;iu.  <if  S:iinutl  Shaw  llowland  of  X.  "^'.,  liousc  of  Howland  A'  AspiiuvJiU.  A  sisttM-  of 
S  S.  lIo\vi-'i:(l  tn.  John  A;-i'in%\al!  and  ^v:;s  motlvr  of  Wiiiiani  llowland  As[dn\*,-al !,  in 
v>dio-f  lienor  tin-  citv  fd  Aspinwall.  on  the  h^^thiiias  of  Pan:uuu,  \vas  iiinaed.      1,    Ih'  itii/. 

•2.  i.'tc:j. 

II.  Clarri  r(jinf-i.-iy  Alsof.,  d.  y. 

III.  I'hailoy  h'ii.lKird  Also].,  (•ii,.:ai;i'd  on  I'aiuuna  !?.]{.  with  llowland,  Aspinv/all, 
Stephens  (.V  ('ha\uicey. 

IV.  .losepli  Wr'.yht  A!so]>,  h.  Nov.  'I'l.  INQ-l:,  in  Middlctown,  i.\m\\.,  whore  lie, 
founded  the  firm  of  Al.-.ip  >.V  Chauncey.  ^^'a,s  s'-voral  yrs.  in  ])i)slne-^s  in  Santa  ("niz. 
With  Chauiiccy.  Aspinwall,  Stevrn-,  l^arrctl  k  Co.  he  (■.■•■tablishcd  tic-  Pacific  .Mail  Co. 
and  the  ranaijv.i  M.  W.  He  was  a  director  witli  Asjiiiiwall  of  the  O.  cV  Mi,-;s.  K.  il., 
:and  when  that  vinforinnate  c-onccin  wi-id  inlu  hanlcriq-.tcy  he  aiid  A.^l)en^va!l  xs-ete. 
receiveis,  fivi  torethei-  tiiey  ran  tin'  road  for  over  ten  }-ears.  IIo  retired  from  active, 
business  ahoiit  ISiVj.  a.nd  in  Ins  home  in  X.  Y.  C..  Xo.  '.M  Washin^ion  S(juare,  Feii.  •ii), 
1878,  m.  Mary  Oliver.     1.  Josi;i'i(  NV.,  (d'  Middh  town;  M.D. 

V.  Clara  }^Jnlel^<^■  Alsoji. 

VI,      Idiy.ahctli  Also]i,  HI.  (ieo.  Ho]i])in,  Es(i.,  of  l'nn-idcnc.\  1{.  1.      ■ 

VII.  Mftry  Wright  Alsoit,  m.  Dr.  Tlionias  Mntter. 

S292.  Oliver  Wetmore,  i'.  May  21-,  KO^:  tiUed  for  Col. :  united  with  the  Cong. 
<-bh.'in  Mid...  177J:  eh-rted  l>ea.,  178i-17'.iS:  ju-edicled  the  ioir  of  his  (U-ath,  Dec.'l, 
1708;  a  niijst  excfdlent  man;  regarding-  his  possessions  as  a  trust  for  which,  as  stownrd, 
lie  nniKt  i;dve  accouid.  He  sharctl  his  j::ianaries  v/ith  the  ]„,or  and  in  xvinter  the  bars  of 
liis  woodlands  v.-'-rc  let  down,  atid  fuel  free  to  the  ne/dy;  ni.  An;/.  ]:'.,  177;^,  Sar:>.h,  dtm 
of  (.'aid.  1-dlsha  and  Lucy  Ye(nnans  Ihewster.  \\ho  d.  .Inly  o,  1827,  in  7c!d  yr. ;  of  the  .'.th 
.generation  from  hlhh-r  ^Vm.  Hr.'Wster  of  tlie  .Maylii-v,  er. 
^         1.     Oliver,  !■.  Dec.  1,  17  77:  m.  Esther  lle\nolds;  (2)Chloe  Benton. 

II.  Klisha,  h.  Ocr.  1,  177(),  farmer;  d.  of  wounds  liy  falling  on  a  scythe,  Fel).  IG, 
18o3.  "A  wanndiearied,  gi-nerousniait;"'  m.  Juno  25,  180:'),  .Maiy  Pacoii.  1,  Samttki, 
E. ,  .Ian.  i;),  IMl;  m.  Ajuil  ■■">,  1832,,  Eliza  BridVehain.  1,  J-Uhha  j'h;irstcr.  2,  Caroline 
Tud",-'       '  .... 

III.  Sarcdi,  h.  Oct.  o.  1778:  m.  Jolin  Ston;chlon. 
IV       Tiiuothv,  h.  Aug-.  2,  1780;  m.  Ihumah  ^^'ard. 

V.      Lucv,  1).  May  9,  17>2;  d.  ..Ian.  oO,  IV!"!,  unnv 

VI.  llan'nah  l-Mv.ards,  h.   An;';.  8.  1  7^4;  m.  John  Pon-ieroy. 
Vlh      Cha-issf.  h.  July,  17^'(i:  m.  Ca))!.  <iale  Ctc,odwin. 

VIII.  Sophia,  h.  '■'!ay"2r),  1788;  m.  (iiles  Soutlmuiyd. 
IX.      Channcev.  h.  ."hme.j.  1790;  m.    pebecca   ITubljard. 

X  Emilv,  Jan.  1,  1795;  d.  April  27, 1S52;  m.  A]>iii  G,  1815,  Sain'l  P..  Smith  of  M.,who 
d  JuU.  184;-!,  a.  5:1  l.Lucv  Bkers,  April  9,  1816;  res.  M.  2,  Emii.v  Wkt.mokk,  Sept. 
i:;,  1817.  :3,  ilKNUY  CiiAiu.i:s,  b.  June  PJ,  1819;  d.  at  Xevada,  Col.,  May  4.  1851 ;  m  Jan. 
Id'  184:',  JniiaBurr  of  Fairfield,  Conn.  1,  M"r//  KUkl  ,  Jan.,  l.'^44.  2,  JuUa  Jieas,  Sept., 
is'hi.  4.  Samt.t.l  (iK(.).,  July  pi,  1821.  5,  Jt-|.iv  liKr.ns,  l'"el>.  28,  182;J;  d.  on  visit  to 
E.'W..  X'.v.   1,  1815. 

82921.  Clivor  Wetmoro,  h.  Dec,  4,  1777,  missionary  in  Central  and  \Vesiern 
X  v..  till  invalided  Pv  tr>il  and  cxpo'uircs;  rc^,  priiui jially  in  Ptica,  X.  Y .  ;  d.  Jan.  1, 
1852;'  ni.  .ian.  15.  17!l7,' EMlcr.  dau.  Capl.  Jona.than  Peymdds,  who  d.  Jan.  17.  18(;i;^_(2) 
Sei't.  2:>.  1^"7,  ^.  liioe.  dau,  (.'apt.  .\s:i  aiid  Abi,cail  Penfon  (d"  llai-tford.  b.  .Mandi  27,  1774; 
livine-,  n.  s7  vis.      /.  bv   Isi  m. : 

'].  Ed.ntuml  Aiiiold.  b.  .Vu,-.  d.  179-;  Ham.  Co!..  PS4  7;  stud,  law;  prac.  in 
Urica;  tre.i,^.  X.  V.  State  Pit  u;itie.  Asylum;  twice  e!eci(>ii  .Mdermaii;  Mayor  of  P.,  bSj.,, 
re-eh-t(di  next  vr.  ;  oin'  of  tlie  ;,ix  slate  s(diool  conns.,  and  conir.  for  buildin,;;- t  he  ciiy 
hall  Manv  vrs.  trustee  id"  Ham.  Co!.;  ajrent  for  Holland  Paiul  Co.;  m.  June  ;;.  1829, 
Mai'v  Ann. 'dau.  of  John  llosniei-  am!  .lein^Iia  ( Ivlrkl.-ind)  Patiirop.  \>.  O-t.  H'.,  l.^^lld;  a 
I,,.-,,;.  ;,)■  .'olin  ddiornten  fPrl- I'o.d,  1,!,.  H.,  I'.--.  Harvard  Pidv.  .Mrs.  I..,  was  Ch  in 
de>e  from  Cai't.  Miles  Standish.  1,  M.\i; v  lU  lK.mixstili;.  2,  C(.)!i\i-i.ia  Lat!1!Uii'. 
o,  P.i)>ti.  Ni).      /.  by  2d  111. : 

4?>(j  JlKAKClf    OF    EUZAIiETVI. 

TI.  Kdwavd  ]'f'rkip.s,  h.  So.\>t.  20,  ISOS;  Ixinks.-llcr  a!i<]  Idiidcr  in  Cincinnati  and 
C'icvcvlfind,  0. :  iii.  in  Cin.,  Man-ii,  1851,  Mrs.  Harriet  Fiiiiifcs  (Norton)  DocUstadcr  n)' 
Cleveland;  ^v,  i. 

III.  Inf^  son. 

1\'.  J;\iMf.-  Canialiau,  b  Wliitustown,  Onoida  C(i..  X.  Y.,  .May  1.  ISl!^;  naint-d  for 
Pjcn.  (.'ai'iud'.au  til'  I'rinci'tnn  ('o1.  His  t'.  l;"-kin^;-  means  roiild  ^^.'-ivi-  IdTn  onh'  a  conininM 
^^(.dlOol  edueatioH.  W'rut  tu  X.  V.  city,  IKV2 — cludera  tlicn  ra^-in^: — \v-iili  leiter.-s  of  intro- 
duction to  sundiy  "rneieliant  iirlnees."  inti-rvii-ws  with  '.vhoui  left  an  unfa \'oraljl(!  impres- 
sion as  to  tli(:ir  g-o-)d  breeding;  and  Intel ii.u'enre.  Went  South  and  failinij  in  business 
toolv  benefit  of  bankrui-'t  la \v,  but  subs'^iuently  malLing- and  eolb-eting  ^10,000  or  $i2,()i)U, 
l)aid  his  (h.djts.  l>evoted  a  summev  to  the  imin-ovenient  of  the  navi_iiation  of  the  l.'jjper 
Yazoo  rivei-,  and  u-;is  voted  a  piece  of  ]daie  by  ]iarlies  in'.cresti'd.  At  l>altle  of  Muena 
Vista,  acted  as  volunteer  aid  to  Ca]>t.  }^),^'•e^s  of'  ('(jl.  J.-fV.  Davis'  Miss.  PJties.  In  181!^). 
rem.  to  ()lii(.'.  Compiled  and  published  the  W'fui'i/'C  J'limi'y  I/ivf/'i/,  ivAn  wliieh  we 
liave  coj)ied  nmch  of  this  record  of  llannuh  (J\dw;!rds'i  ^^'l■tmo^e  and  lier  desc. ;  rn  .Mav 
y,  1851.  in  St.  John'.s  (dih.,  Middletown,  Catharine  Mary  Dellart.  dau.  of  Hon,  \Vm.  and 
Marv  (Harbor)  Clietwood  of  Elizabelhti^wn,  X.  .1.,  ]>.  .Jan.,  1S'J~J.  1,  John  Cn  tOTWunD 
b.  A\:..r.  22,   ISoC. 

V.  Ab)o-all  Sarali,  b.  Jan.  8,  181(i:  d.  May  ]G,  IS.^.O,  !i,-ait  disease.— ///e^.  Sketch  in 
\V(:t'i!iort»  lUiiiJ:. 

82923.  Sarah  V/etmore,  b.  Oct.  :!  ITTS;  d.  Xov.  12,  isjii;;  iu.  Fi-b.  2i;,  IT;)'.). 
,lol,n  Stouj,diton,  Ksij.,  of  E.   W'imisor,  Coun.,b.  l-'e'o.  2.  ITTS;  d.  S.]-!    l',i    IS-U-  2d  cous 

1.      John  W'etmore  Stouirhion,  b.  Xov.  .",.  IT'.t'J;   d.  Sept,   lo,    l.'-;.n. 
II.     Sarah   Siougiiton,    .""),    IKil;  d.    Per'.    14,    JsH:  m.    .May   22,    1828.    Tlio.s. 
I^otwin  of  K.  Windsor.      1,   Tiui.\r.\^  SroriiitTo.x,    Y.    <\  I'^.'d:   I'^jf);   Rev.  (Con^^) 
2.   Lk.mti:!.  SiufOHTox,  Y.  C.  I80-I;  tutor;  Kev.  (Cuny.j;  Lat.  Prof.  Vi\-.-i.  I?es.  Col.    ""y,' 

in.     John  Weiniore  Stouedit.m.  June  2(1,  bSOC;  d.  Xov.  IM,  1812. 

IV.  Lucy  Wetnnjre  StouL'-hton.  July  18,  18U'i:  m.  A]iril.  l--;-;2,  Abner  >(..  h.'llsworlli 
(d' E.  ^^'inds^n■.     1,   FuFOKutiK.     2,  S.wi'i.  }l.\vri!:x.     :!,  Li  cv  STOf(Ui  ion.     4,  S,\ka!i 

E.f.SIK.       O,    STOtT.UTON.       G,    JdHX.       ?,    HiXilf    'i'llOND'SOX. 

V.  Lemuel  Stou^diton,  Marcli  5.  b^ilS;  ni.  Dec.  HI,  1811,  Hannah  Plod^-ett ;  (2> 
Dee.  4,  1S."H,  Mary  Moody  of  (iranby.  >rass.  1.  Tl.>.>:x\!i  Ei''s.  2.  Li:.\'i;kt,.  8, 
(  Wkt.mokk. 

VL  Ann  I'dizabe-th  Stouijliton,  I1.  3Liy  2."),  1810:  m.  Oct.  27,  18)2,  Fred.  \\\\\. 
(.irani  of  }''.  \\indsor.      1.   FiiK.)i.  W.m.     2,   Ax.\.\  SiorciiJiuX.     ;-),  IhisWKi.i..     4,  liiicv 

ELTZ.Vi!i:i'll.       5,    El,IZ.\ISETJI. 

Vll.  John  Wotmore  Stouo-hton,  1,.  Oct.  18,  ISD!;  W-y.  in  Le--. :  m.  Marv  E.  Ells- 
worlli  (d' E.  Windsor,  Eel).  17,  184;;  (2)  Ma.ry '  I'ulklry  Eilswoirli  of  E.  "VV.,  June  4.. 
18")a.      1,    J'.iiix    \i.i;ex.      2.   >i.\i;v   hltur.vsi" 

A'HI.      Fred.  J:!lsworth  Stoii-htou.  July  23,  18i7;  d.  S.  j.t.  IG,  i8;U). 

IX.  Martha  Jane  Sioui^diton,  Jan.  23,  1821:  m.  her  cons.  Charles  Southniayd  of 
Mid,  June  17.  184G.      1,   Si_ii'iii.\.     2,   Axx.v.     3,    li?.\.     4,   >[ai!V.     o.   Cj[.\.s.  EvKiiirrT. 

82924.  Timothy  Wotmore,  b.  Any.  2,  1780;  farnu-r:  rem.  to  (ienese,-  Co. ,  X. 
Y.;  tiHUice  to  Erie  Co.  :  fell  from  a  .sc.iiToM  In  hi>  baj-n  and  d.  Julv2r),  1S4S;  m.  April 
2«.  18(,)8,  Hanmdi.  dau.  of  Samuel  Ward  of  .M..  b.  Aju-il  2(;.  1781.  "She  res.  vvitli  h(>r  s. 
Oliver,  in  .Mid.lleville  township.  Miidi. 

].     Oliver,!..  M.arch    U*.   1814:  m.   Paiuelia  Ma-on.     1.  M\Ky  J.i^xt;.     2,   IIstmkk 
A  XX. 

II.  Tine'thy  Edwards,  li.  Feb.  17.  1821;  ( ditor  of  the  agricultural  dei-artnu-nt 
(intuit  l!n  r  K'njlc,  .AFich.,  and  sp(.'cial  ctmti ibutor  to  Muon^'s  lu/nil  yor  Yorker.  'I'his 
and  oihiT  j.iurnals  contained  e.xfended  obituai-\  notices  after  liis  deatli,  .1  une  20,  l^o'i; 
m.  April  20.  P-dS,  Elii'-ibelli,  dau.  of  Hev.  H.  Ifalsey  of  47.  Wilson.  X.  Y.  1,  V.'.\;:i;kx 
H.M.sKY.     2.  W.M.TKic  Ei.v.     ;!,   S.vMn.i,   HiMi..     4."  Cii.\i;i,i~s  ]'h)\!iis. 

S2926,     liannah   EdwarcEs    Wetir;oro,    b.   AuL^  8.   1784;  m.    \-\\k    V.\.    I80.I. 

.Tohii  P.mneo.-.  s.  (d'  (>ov,  John  'I'leadwell  oi  I'a  rmiui^ton,  ('or,!i..  b.  Pet.  ]'.),  !77S:d. 
Oct.  11.  I8dp.  Sin-  d.  Sept.  .-J,  ls,-i7,  in  Middletown,  in  the  room  in  \^hieh  she  born 
and  man  ieil. 

1.      Oliver  \\'etnn)re  Tr-e;,,]  weU.   Dee.  ;;i,  ISOC;   erad. Col.;   rem.  to  !?:Jt..  Md.  , 

e.vabiisiicd  the  .\if.  IFipe  Female  Sem.;  lem.  to  Xe\v  Haveii,  Con:i.;  n'.  July.'U,  1;<]4, 
Aiina  Ileleua.  d-.u.  Frederick  Kramer  of  P.renu-u,  (fermauy,  b.  Ocr.  10,  18iU.  '  1,  Ax.x.v 
Hi:i,.t:x.\  DoKO-niii.\,  b.  Oct.    ol,    1837;  m.    Xov.   4,    bSoG,  "'idios.    Wilson   I,on(';t   of 

\vKT>r(>uE.  437 

jMontgonievv  Co.,  M<i.  1.  Udimi  TrniiJ  ir,  Ii'.  Aui!;.  '^•'^.  ]fir)7.  2,  Aiihur  "/'nadirr/'.  .Uily 
20,  18o9.  i,  Oi.ivi:!:  Fkkimnanu.  Juiif  ::.'.■),  is-il;  Y.  ('.  ISO-,':  M.D.  1S;U.")  :j.  (iKoiuw; 
EnwAii])s,  Maivh  H,  ist:l:  V.  ('.  ISi.;."):  ),L.  li.  isf.T.  4,  hr(  ^  Wiurn.KSKv,  D.  r.  I'j. 

11.      iMinii-f  (iiv.v  'J"i-.-:i'l\M-ll,  .Iu]\-2:j,  d.  Nuv.  'Ji,  IMJ.S. 

III.  .lolni  (idodwin  'i'n'adwcll,  .liui.  -Jt;,  isil  ;  jiitiiol  'ririKhvclKV:  Vcvvy,  All.sniy, 
^;.  Y.;  111.  April  :ji),  1811.  VAlen  TinlnM,  (hui.  (..C  .l;,rol,  1  l^l^l.■^  uT  New  Lmiiloii,'  Comu.  1, 
H.\x\.\n  Yv  i-.T.MMiii:,  Jan.  en,  1^4-2.  2.  Kj.m-n  ]1i)i,mi<.  Auir.  10,  l^f.l;  d.;i.  IM-i.j. 
:>,  Smj.vii  \N'kt.\'i)1;f..  Au^'.  1-3,  l^^l").  4,  M.\i;y  Tilm-^,  Mmrh  22.  1N47.  5,  .}vn:<  (.'odn- 
%viN,  N(.>\-.  2'-i,  IMS.  (j.  .iiuiN  P(i.Mi:i;(iv,  !),•(•.  7,  ].s,")2.  7,  Tiiom.xs,  Nov.  IS,  ]S,")4.  y, 
EinvAKD  N(>i;r<»N,  Sejit.  7.  iSoij. 

IV.  Win.  Drcwbtf-i-  Tifarlwol],  Jan.  C'll,  ISlM:  -i.;'.riii.T  v,-'n!i  J.  (.;.;  in.  M;iy  ]4.  1814. 
Mary  Eli/ulicth,  ilau.  of  liieluinl  Adams  of  Alliaiiy.  1,  J-lu/Ai'.j.rii,  IS-1.").  3,  I'^iKn- 
KUicK.     o,   Fkanki. IX  .Adams,  July,  1841;. 

V.  Samuel  Ivhvards  Tr^^advidl ,  Die,  17,  ISl.');  M.]).;  pia<-.  nun^v  yrs.  at  Ilavic  de 
Gia.-f ,  Md.:  d.  i!i  rity  of  N.  Y,,  o!'  tyolioid  IVv.-c,  A].nl  ;5,  }>■(<();  m.  Sept."  12,  INlio,  Anna, 
dan.  of  MonUcai  ^t.-unp  of  Talliot  ( '<i. .  Aid.  1,  Ui;.LK.NA.  2,  .\i,i{  i:,  i),  Lrcv  \Nk'j'- 
>iui;K.     4,   S.uiAii.     .-).   Mmitha. 

Vj.  Saiah  W.'trioiv  Trendw.-l],  May  30,  1818;  d,  X.  Y.  ('.,  .May  18,  1845.  "A 
y'(jung  lady  of  numy  ]>fr.sonal  charin.^  aiid  (diiistian  virtut'^>." 

Vil.  Edward  Franri.s  TrfadwcU.  Anic.  2ii,  ]S2();  lawyer  in  N.  V.  C. ;  ni.  April  21, 
1847,  Rosina.  dan.  of  Tlios.  llaniill  of  l-Ialt.  1,  \V.n(.  I^kkY',  <tk):.  2,  h'osi.NA.  Jj,  C'oK- 
.N.F.i,!.\  i.A  ']'(>ri!i:rTK.     4.  J amks  Wkimouk.     5,   JJeid'ha  F];axcks, 

82927.  Clarissa  WetmorCj  l>.  July.  1781'.;  m,  Oct.  12,  18;!:;,  Caiil.  <iale  Good- 
win; niar'ncr;  li.  Midd.,  Julv22.  I'ls."'):  lo-,(  at  sea  in  tin- "I'attv"  (jf  Xev.-  London;  supposed 
.Tan.'  IT),  l.KKi;  (2i  Oct.  12,  isKi.  STephen  Dodtre  of  Colrhestei".  ("oni:..  Iv  I'el,,  21.  1771;  d. 
iJaitf,,  <'onn.,  I'td).  -^r,,  l,v-j7. 

].  Iv.nily  <iale  (ioodwin,  h.  0<-t.  Kl,  ]S()li-  d.  at  .\tlieii.s,  Ala.,  Sept.  4.  1848.  She 
was  H  coil! '■■dintoc  li_>  the  Fhlia.  ■'•'■it iir<h: u  J'jn  nii^ij  ('./:/,  i,r.  wliicL,  in  ati  obit.,  Sept.  2-, 
1848',  says;  "  AN'e  rt  uiet  to  ree' it:iii'/i'  in  Tlie  naim'  of  tlie  drc.,  chh-  of  onr  admired  cor- 
r(-^])!  indents,  untlmr  of  .4.  Sn/,//  i_,f  tin'  Sni-i/-;/  TimC  (pi-inted  iri  tin'  )Vftuiort'  Gr/i.),  J 
K/ifiic  till  Sji"f,  and^  oilier  picce.s:  she  \sa--  lioantiful  ami  a.mialde  irj  ])eison  and  chiiTacter;"  liartf. ,  Xov.  2r,  1>-:'.U.  I'r.d'.  H<'nj.  Spilsliury  liar(lay,  i>.  V.'orcesler,  l']i!^:.,  ]S()(i; 
ii-rad.  O.vlord  Univ..  Jmij:.  1,  Tiin\;As  Sj'ii.siuuv,  Ftlp.  \>- ,  l^"-V.',:  d.  in  }'liil;i.  J;il}  10, 
18:31.  2,  ]]mji,Y  l^i.i/.Anf.Tii.  Feii.  1,  l-oo:  ju.  Ayn]  lO.  ]8.'>7,  t^-eo,  Stnari,  h.  Saiatoj^a 
I'o.,  X.  Y.;  Y':  ('.  IS.-..-,:  d.  iNi'.in.  and  had;  1.  "IF'^'.  JlacOii/,  .Marrh  1,  1S,-,.S;  d.  sin.  day. 
2,  Edi.cirrd  (jiih.  Uet,  1,  ]8.",:i;  d.  sooji.  ;;,  liJA  A\  ii.j, JAMS.  Nov.  2'J,  IsMii:  n;.  Cieinen.t  (". 
Moore  of  Fulton,  Miss.,  whr.  site  d.  det.  1),  18')5.  4.  Fdv.-ahijs  \N  iMMtna.,  J-.m.  8,  1842. 
-5,   C],ai;a  JTannah,  F.  Camden.  X.  J.,  Julv  8,  1845. 

II.  EH/.airth  AYhiin.v  ( .-..."Iwin,  b."  A  mi;.  27,  ISM;  m.  Jan  4,  l^'^^O,  Jolm  Mil- 
var<!,  li.  ]Ia]ifa;<,  X.  S.,  Feb.  !l,  is!^;  ,,.  /. 

111.  llarri-t  Cdara  (b.odwiii,  li.  X.  Y.  C.,  F.d).  l ,  1818;  m.  F.  1..  19.  184i;,  Dr.  Thos. 
(irtcnh-af  Chase,  h,  Bolton.  Ma-^s..  March  ;-5,  17"Jo,  s.  of  Qtiincey,',  a  Col.  in  1^'V. 
aiinv,  grand  nejdicw  of  (iov.  Hancock.  1,  .\xviF..  Xov."l2,  1S40.  2.  'J'iii'MAs, 
June  11,  1843.  3,  Ai.i.yn  CAi;rn..Nf:ii.  March  2d.  1S4',I.  4,  ({v.o.  Y.\\\\\^-ivy.\.,  March  8, 
1852.     5.   F.MFJ.iMC  (Hu.DWiN.  Mandi  27.  1854:  d.  Aug.  15,  185C>. 

V\ .  Clara  Ilariiei  (M^Klwin  (twin),  d.  l>"c.  3,  1850,  m.  Oct.  2(1.  1S40,  Dr.  John, 
Foiuh'V  of  Alhanv,  X.  Y.,  h.  W-^-.  22,  1815;  a  lluirni-noi.  1,  Maktiia  'I'uv,  ns!:m..  May 
15,  1843.  2.  AVm.  Ih-.NX.  Jan.  25,  184S;  d,  Aug.  tl,  18,-.0.  3,  Cfai:a  h'lF.WAtuis,  3, 
1S5U.  4,  !1kfk.:n.\  VVfimouk.  O'-t.  14.  1S57:  d.  Ang.  28.  185!).  5.  S  i  i;ciii,.N  I.iiamnioh. 
1>.  Xew  ll:>von.  .):m.  25,  1S21;  .i.  Phila.,  Ai-ril  2G,  1855;  m.  March  2i(,  184S,  h:ii/.-d, 
McCalvcy,  1..  riiila.,  April  3,  1S23;  desc.  on  maternal  side  from  the  Ahhotls  ,.f  Hug. 
Her  gt.  uncl'j.  h-aao  Ahhoti.  was  llitrli  Chanetdlor  of  l^ii;.  for  nnmv  vis.  1,  llmili; 
MiUrurd.  June  ;;u,  IS-;;).  2,  ]!/  Clinj.  V-M\\n"\\\,  Kv.,  Xov.  2(),  1851.  "r."  W'm.  IIkxhv, 
1>.  [lartf..  S-pI.  <;.  1S.>4;  m.  Ori.'l4.  1S52.  Caroline\vn  Ry:in,  1..  Khdiinr.nd,  \'a.. 
Jan.  2u,  is2i.      7.    FiJ\VAiu>s  AN'i.i  Mii!;i;,  h.  Sept.  7,  d.  S-j't.  8,  1S2((. 

82928.  Sophia  "Wetmore,  h.  .Mav  25,  1788;  d.  March  15,  isiF  m.  Feb.  2,  isil. 
(iilcs  Soiithnnnd  id'  .\1. 

I.  ,b.h!i"l).  S.mihnn.y.i.  b,  Mav  S.  F.M5;  m.  Aug.  11,  1841.  llarri''*  11.  Xorth;  he 
<1.  O'-t.    ll,ls4T.      1,    FKi,i>i;i;ti  K  (iii.i-.s. 

II.  'riiomas  SoiUhiiiayd.,  June  11,  IS!?;  m.  .Aug.  31.  lS4li,  Mary  A.  Matilus;  .v.  /. ; 
res.   W'ilminuion.  X'.  C. 


BKAXf'li    OJ-     E].IZAin"!il. 

Jil.      i^li/.alieih   SniiTtniiiiy.u   .July  12,  lf<U>;   )n.  ?>I;iy  't.  1858,  SainTHrowji:    res.   Col- 

(■l):-stcr.  Conn.      1.   Tin.).^.  SoLTHM.wu.     2,  I-i\a  Coxk. 

I\'.  ChMrliv^  SoiitliHiay,!,  Oct.  1,  IS-Jl  :  iii.  ,iur.'-  K,  isl,-,;  Manliu  ..huif  StoiightDii, 
(<-ous.)  1.  Soi'iiiv.  2,  A.N.Ni:.  8,  .loiiv.  1.,  .M.\uv.  5.  ('has.  l';vKi;i:ii';  res^  Mid. 
V.     'i'ii;i>::hv  \v.  South  Ilia  v(i,  Scpi.  27.  is-;;;j. 

VI.      J.iuv  ^Miiilimav.l,  ()i-!."ni,  ]x-2r,:  ,1.   \)vc.  1,  ISJil. 

Vn.  Small  t-'diithiMavd.  Fc-1..  5.  IN'.'S;  m.  Jmu-  .",,  lf>(;(i,  lifv.  .lohii  llai-UvcJl  of 
i.C'Vrrrtf,  Ma,--^. 

VJll.      Wiiliaiii  S-)utli!.;av(i,  \]>i\]  2\L  lr';»;  d.  May  \2,  ISi'.O. 
IX.     Luo.  Xuv.  4,  i^ut;. 

S2929.  Cluiliueey  Wet'moro,  li.  June."),  ITitU:  faruuT:  rr.-;.  ij.  tiv'  hoii,,,-  built 
(171(5)  l.y  his  ^^  f.,  Jud,u-c  Svih  W  fti'i..!,.;  Hi.  tk-t.  !),  ].S17,   i;-!,,  rca  IlublKird, 

].  "  C'liauiicuy  i:;d\v;;rds.  b.  l^.-c  2S,  ISbS;  i-r.,,,.  lo  Halniiior.-,  Md.;  ih-ii'-e  toCali- 
i'ornia  ^\  his  b.-iiid...).  W.  JoiU's,  (akiiii;-  out  ):ua;liiiiiTy  lnv  tionii;  i>-  Diill.-;  ()i\  arriviiiir 
luard  tlu-  Ui'ws  o'i  gdld  discovery;  res.  .Ma.itincz,  Cub;  iii.  (.)>■■.  s,  IS-i.").  .Marv  Mix  Buck 
of  Weth^'rs^Rdd.  ('onn.  1.  Eihtu  V.  2.  Wyi.  Ejtv;vvsi  kk.  y,  !ti-:xi:Y  ("[..vvkhavck. 
IL  bu.-y,  J)(T.  :?■},  Is-JO;  :ii.  l>iT.  U,  ]S.(7,  Saiu.i.d  Cution  (.uav,  b.  P-.ston,  Mas,.,. 
Oct.  11,  IKifi,"  chil.  ;;]!  b.  in  Cab:  res.  I'cnicia.  1,  El.\sa!;1!,  N.u-.  K,  bS-J!);  Y.  <:.  IN?!;. 
M.I).  2,  Fi;.'lNi,l!N  1!.,  b.  Aui:.  20,  isr,] ;  d.  Jan.  IS,  1n,-,2.  ;l  Sa.m'i.  AiiTiiCH,  Xov.' 
2-1,  IS--)-).     4.   'l'i;;-.ii!H)!:i;,  Oci.  2^,   ]><:>^>. 

III.      Harriet,  !■.  April  15.  IS^H;   ni.  June  S,  is:,2,  J.Jdi  W.-slev  Jones.      1.   Wai.tki: 
Julv2,  1856.     2,   A  Dai;.,  Julv  IC,  bs.VJ. 
V.      l.vnnui,  b.  Sept.  80,  IsOo;  d.  June  27.  182!). 

V(.  H'enry  (.'oodwin,  b.  Ji:n,  19,  1828;  ni.  .\pril  (5,  b>:52,  Mary  To'.vnsend  \'\'iui!: 
]-es.   Suisin    ^"alley,  S.duno   Co.,  (;;>.].    1,   I'liAX Ki.i  \    Hkxhv.    2,   Ciias.    CuAi'.vtM':Y.     8, 


Vll.      Cornelia  lIui>ljHid. 
VJil.      Mary  Ellen. 

83.  Abigail  Edwards,  b.  I(i7i;  d.  Jan.  28.  K.Vl,  a.  88;  m.  1(;s;i.  H.-ijamin 
TjiUlirop,  who  d.  ,v.  /.  IfiUO:  i2j  Muv  11"),  1(;07,  Cajn.  Thomas  Sroi;:j-hton.  b.  lb  \\'iui!t,or, 
Conn.,  >iov.  21.  I(?fl8:  d.  Jan.  11,  1740;  his  2d  wf.  lb-  m.  (!)  \)-c.  81,  Ifif'l,  Mrs.  P/orotliy 
Talcutt(sis.  of  Kicliard- Ivlwards' 2d  v,  f. ;  dans,  of  bien1.-('ol.  .bdm  'I'ab'utt,  a  fan.ous  loader 
in  Khif'-  Pliilip's  ^■>•arl,  bv  whom  he  l^ad  Marv.  b.  Jan.  4,  U'M\;  ni.  .\iiii;.  C,  1711,  Cap*. 
Pfdatia'h  Allyn  of  E.  W.  ' 

I.     'Jdujuias  Stouo-hton,  b.  April  !l,  1(198;  m.  Oct.  8,  1722.  bathrop. 
]l.      Da.niel  Stou^dilon,  b.  Aug.  18,  1G09;  m.  Sept.  18,  1  biil,  .b.anr.a  ,Ml\n. 

III.  r>enjan'.in  s"roiio^liton,  b.  'A])ri!  28,  1701:  ni.  Dec  2(i,  1741.  Eb/abeih  Bartlett,. 
Avlio  d.  Jnl\  I,  17(i!i.  i,  Ai.i.XAMH.i;,  Se'pl.  8,  1  M'.i.  2,  Ei,]ZAi;Ki  ii.  July  8.  17.')2.  8, 
Jonathan,  Auu-.  1,  17ol. 

IV.  Tiniothv  Siou-hton.  b.  June  27,  1708. 

V.  AbiirairStono'hton,  b.  Dee.  24,  1701;  in.  Dee.  2.  1724,  J. dm  Moore. 
VI.  David  Stiniij:iiton,  b.  Sept.  !»,  ITOH. 
VH.  Mabel  Stougditon,  b.  Aug-.  TJ,  1708;  ni.  Any.  IE  1782,  S.ainnel  Debdior,  who  d. 
s.  i.  17-")G;  sui'.  killed,  at  or  near  Ciown  Point.  Inv.  ■i;2'Jii:  \\\\{  pros,  tc)  court  by  Col. 
Jo.s(.'{)h  liirliards  of  Dedhaui.  .Mass.,  as  exeer.  ;  pro]i.  di\'.  to  wid.  and  to  liis  laius.,  Be.b 
clier,  s.  of  Jo.seph  Hicliards.  except  small  sums  to  bis  bro.-;n-biN\ ,  lies.  ,\iubrose  Tvler, 
and  Rob,  c-a  AValto!i. 

VlJl.     Jomithan  StourJiion,  Oet;  21,  1710;   d.  An-;.   10,  1788,  nnni. 
IX.     blii.'.^'beth   Stounhton,  Dee.  20,  1712;    d.    Mareh    b'»,    17oN:     ni.    bVb.    28,    1789, 
V.'jlliaiu    (b'vlord,   who'd.    Sc.-pt.    11,    17.").").       1,  Ei.iZAi'.K'ni,  Nov.  IN,  1710.       2,  John, 
June  211.  1748.     8.  JKicL'siiA,  .\piil  !b  1708. 
X.      b^.iae  SlonohTo!..  .\ov.   10,  1714. 
XI       John  Shiu-hion,   1 'e.  .   11,11  lb'. 

831.     Thomas   Stoiightoi.i,  b.  April  <J,  ICDS;  d.  Jan.  14.  1748;    (per.  rem.  to  Tor- 
riiic^ton.  Conn.,  wUer^  u  ('apt.  4\  S.  was  one  of  iho  j)roprierors  and  .apjus.  on  the  tax  ii.-t, 
178:',  rate. I  at  .fl.").-)i;   ni.  Oct.  8,   1722,  .Mehitable  L.athro])  of  .Norwich,  Conn.,  wdio  d.  .Jan. 
10.  178!,  ii  hor:;pli  vr.      'J'.  S.,   jr..  le^'ji-d  bjrn:  the  Tor.  chh..  and  ^va,-,  on  connnitlee. 
1.      ThoiiKis,  Se■p^.  2-.b  1728'. 

11.      Mehiiable,  April  bs,  ]72o;  d.   Ceb.  4,  1744. 
Tli.     Zc-riadi,  .Mac  2(i,  172;i. 

WKTMORE,    F.DWAT;DS,    STOl'C;  inOK,    ]1YI)K.  439 

IV.  Elixahelh.  Jan.  lo,  ir.'^l;  m.  March  5,  175; .  .l-Lii  (^nvlord.  1.  .Arikt..  April 
aO,  175:]:  res.  K.  V\'.  1,  Z,  ruih.  March  5,  177.").  \\  Juhn  l.nihr<>\i,  \\\i'.  2S.  177(i.  '?<, 
Bdiil,  M:ir<-li  -l.\,  1778.  4.  (thij,  .hn,.  ]■;.>,  17^'().  5.  Unr^rr.  Au;r.  l.",'  17?;K  0,  Sf,,iir//,fon, 
Alio",  17,  17S-(.  7,  .1///^,  l'ch.,"l7s(].  S,  ]l„r,ifio,  .Murch  IT),  1  f ss.  <»,  Ihini/.  d.  ()<-t.  10. 
1700.  10,  /'"////.. I  iilv  1  1,  170;;.  11,  .S'"/'///",  twill  witl'  PmIIv,  15,  .V" /•'///"//,  .M:iv  :?, 
ITOO.     2,  ZintuiMi,  1)."  March  Ml,  ]7(H. 

832.  Danic}  Sf;oughlon,  h.  1:1  Kilifi:  It--]),  r.f  ^^  iiMlsor,  rtuui..  in  Statf 
!.■<■:<.  15  scs.-ru.iis;  ']'(Avii  (,'!crk  iMiil  J  u>tico  of  tin-  Pi-jh-c;  hi.  Sept.  \',].  17ol),  .,hiaiHi;i  xVllyn 
wh'i  <1.  Sept..  ;!(1,  17o'),  ill  lii^  •'((ill  yr.  He  rem.  1<)  'I'orriiipiwu  av'Iu'Vi-  )u-  ln.uji-hl  in  June, 
17;/U,  of  Al)i!l  l>e;ich  lot  S'J  with  dwelling;  house  on  it.  He  was  jiiominent  in  the  oigan- 
izatioii  of  the  ci  ctesiustical  societv. 
1.  Chine,  h.  Julv  Id,  17S1.' 
11.      P.mifl,  i).  .Miirrh  (t,  17;-)o.  -    ■ 

111.       l;o;va!;n>:i. 

8323.  iloxaUaia  Stougllton.;  h.  Oct.  i;-'.,  17;--1;  i.ins>es>ed  k  reniavkahly  strong,- 
churucter  and  cultivated  mind  \N"lK'n  aliove  bO  i^die  often  read  Kollin,  Plutarch  and 
siniihvr  anlhors.  JI(m-  chiMr''n  ^\•el•e  reniarkahlo  foi-  intelli^eucc,  and  though  not  woalthy 
^vere  among  the  hi^t^hest.  in  the  esre(;ra  of  their  lownsuien.- — ITyih'  (U)i.;  ni.  Juiie  1,5, 
■  r7.5f;.  Mattliew.  eld.  s.  of  Caiif  Miittliew  ami  Elizahctli  11  untiiitrton  Hvde  of  Fnvuklin. 
Conn.,  b.  April  ST.  17:3-2;  d.  Sr]>t.  24,  PSOfi;  res.  Ellin.;ton,  Conn, 

I.  Cu^tHVus  y.  llvdo,  b.  Sept.  '.'7,  175^.;  d.  Nov.  17,  1750, 

II.  Ann"  Hvde,  Mauli  O,  17(;i:  d.  July  -J-l,  1S12:  in.  Vov.  G,  1782,  Dr.  Elihu 
iV.f.seli,  pln.s.,  1.1.  Jar..  i:>,  1757,  at  \'S'ind.sor.  Conn.,  s.  of  Daniel  and  >;iizuheth  (Loomis) 
Bissell.  lie  .s.-i.  in  So.  Hadley,  .Mass.,  where  he  d.  Aug.  2.'},  1802.  Hi<  t,-.  f.  Daniel  m. 
IVP-i  Jeru,~tiit,  f!au.  of  M!ij'.)r  Jame.s  Fit^h  of  Canterbury,  Conn.  1.  Wad?- 
Avoirru,  ■lune  15,  17''^-1:  1\e)i.  CVmn.  I^e^r-. ;  jn,  Jan.  2."),  1S;->S,  hi>.  2d  cmiy.  Mar^•  Ann,  eld. 
dan.  of  ]';iijali  Clarke  Hvde.  1,  JTvnru,  O.-l.  1,  1SHS;  d.  Aug.  25,"  18?.y.  2, 
Jltnry,  Auj^.  4.  1S4!).  2,  Hf.xkv.  Au^.  20.  i7S5-  d.  Aup;  10,  18;]2;  set.  Boston,  Ma.-<s.; 
ni.  Dorothy  Plunuuer.  1,  (_'//<■ /■^(■■<.  ',',  jfinnj,  v.ent  to  Cal.  ;-!,  JoscjJi  Wddxirmih.  4, 
Jfani'^t,  lu.  I-',i':'n(  hirown  of  Sjirin^Mehl,  Mass.  5,  }Jory  .!/''',  m.  Theodore  Ashh'v 
.  of  \Vatervirie,  Me.      ?>,   Pux.xi.A.v.v.  b.'Dec.  11.  17.s;;    lived  n't  VA\.  is^S,  luun. 

HI.      Louisa  Hvde,  b.  P.'b.  24,  l^i;:;:  d.  Julv  22,  1S2:],  unni.  at  K. 

IV.     (.■usta\u.s  Il.\d-,',  b.  F,-b.  2;;,  l';(;5:  d.  June  18,  17<57. 
\'.      Uoijmt  Hyde.  b.  Alii;.  I>,  Kii."-:;  ]!ep.  in  Conn.  I.e^--.:  many  yrs.  Town  Cleric;  d. 
June  l;3,  i;-!5!),  a.  Vi\ ,  umn. 

VI.      Daniel    Hyde,  Dec,  11,  1770;   living;  a.  K',1  in    1859;   ucim.;   farmer   in   Fllin^srlon; 
];<■]>.  anii  ^^eli-  •;  mail. 

Vir.  AUwt  Hyde,  1,).  Aicil  5,  177;];  d.  Aii<r.  2S.  1855,  a.  K3;  res.  K. ;  a  distinp-uisln^d 
j)hy;^;ci:!n  and  r.T,"ived  hon.  W .  D.  f^-Mni  V.  C.  1824  and  the  appellation  fd"  •'  the  beloved 
jdivsiclan  "  V,  a-  wvW  deser\-ed:  m.  .Nfay  30,  1805,  a!  \\'inii-0!-, ,  c]au.  of  Coi. 
01iv<'r  (and  Jemima  Fn,--.\vdrtl;,  sis.  of  Chief  Jusiie.>  Oliver  FlIsv.-orTh)  Mather,  b.  Mav 
31,  1781;  d.  May  \\K  1S:J,5.  By  CInef  Justice  Ellsworth  and  by  liis  chil.  Dr.  Aiiwi  Hy.le 
was  always  liehl  in  particular  e.stceui.  1,  Or.iA'KU  ^fA'rnr;t;,  March  2l),  1806;  a  ri(di 
farmer  and  worthv  nam;  m.  No\-.  fi,  l8o7,  Marv,  fiau.  of  Si.inmd  and  Maw  I'^dlsworth 
Thompson  of  K.,"b.  Aju-il  Is,  isifi.  1.  .!;■;'/,;/,.■.!////.■/,  b.  Mar.di  1:5,  ISMf!.  2.  Mm-i! 
KU.siornli ,  March  2(),  181:3.  :k  FJIih  Maflirr,  h.  Jan.  22,  1847.  2.  Fax.nv  J^Li.swuKTit, 
twin  with  ().  \V. ;  d.  unm.  Sept.  10,  !82ti.  ;\,  .It-.mima  Matkkk,  Jan.  20.  Ib08;  liviiifr 
1858  at  Y.. .  unm. 

VJll.     Cld^x'  Hvde,  April  15.  1775;  d.  June  17,  177(1.  ■      • 

IX.     Chloe  Hyde. 

83239.  Cliloe  Hyde,  b.  June;;0.  17"i-^;  livin/,^  in  1850;  m.  Dec.  5.  iron.  Col.  Asa 
\S'(dls.  b.  a-  Colchesti-r.  Conn.,  Au-.  "k  lFr4,  s.  of  Col  Eewis  Wells,  a  \\>-y.  oliic:-r.  and 
.lerusha  Ciaik  of  J-";ilin:;ti  m.  He  was  a  farmer  and  surveyor;  '.lun.  abt.  P>0:;  to  Ponipey, 
X.  ^  ;  Jn.-tice  c.f  the  Pea-.',  Mejn.  Leo-.,  ('<,].  of  militia,  Jmb^eof  CouutA  ('ouri  and  d. 
Feb.  4,  1S5!. 

].  Loui,-;a  \\'el!s,  Se].!.  8,  ISOO;  m.  Aiiir.  <k  1 S:^..',  .bweidi  Puel  Pitkin,  b.  Ajiril  27, 
1707:  rem.  to  Osweyo,  .\,  V.;  merchant  anci  manuf. ;  kr  d.  Dm!!.  1,  .bi'^Ki'ii  \\VM.<. 
Mav  Kj,  d.  Nov.  2S."l,'^Vk  2.  Joskpu  Wki.i.s,  Aui;-.  ;-il,  P-25;  m.  Feb.  5,  18.">0,  .hilia 
•\uiicen,  '[■]r,i;!!,-r,  b  (».■:.  1;',  1  S  .is;  r^s.  t  )ms-. ■,.-,,.  1,  I  ,>:.nx,i  ^n  lirmi ,  Wwyv]^  8,185;!. 
2,  ('h<if<.  ,/".--/»//.  April  17,  l.s5ik  :k  Chakms  li  v:.i-:,  b.  Maich  2:-.,  1S28;  d.  Scut.  2,  1820. 
4.    Loi  ISA  IIypk,  Junc'J;k  iN:;i:  d.  Sep-.  -1,  l;!:;5. 

II.  Ik'  Wells.  March  i,  1S02;  m.  Julv  2:1  ISIU,  Bev.  Jared  Fordham  Cstrander 
(C<ini:.),  b.  Sept.  Bk   P^'>5,  at    Platisl-.ili.    X.    V.",    s.    of    Peter;    res.    A/ailau,   Wis.,    18;:3^; 


BJiAx<.']i  Of  i:iJZA  liirjir. 

stu(J.  iu  Aul)nni.  1,  Ihiv,  ,1  ri.] A,  Nov.  IS,  18;!,-);  m.  Nov.  SO,  1S.".:3,  ^VI^  Mi^Mick-Mi 
l».  Nova  Sro:.:,;  ics.  .Mautnnvillc,  .Minn.  ].  7/w/'r/Y,  Nov.  :S,  lS.-,-|.  o  /,;//,,,,  April  '^.l' 
\^'''-      -•   l''-'.!  ^  <'iM;:>KMA,  Jan.  I'J,  is.^?:   m.  Un.  ;'.  IS.T"-;,  }| at— ]  \V ilia i,l       l'     (.'„r/Jfia 

Ji'o'n,,,,,  (),■(.  •:■.'.  is.v;.    -J,  y;,p^,  ]•<■.•.  l".i,  is,-,s.    ;j,  i.kvi  Wki.i.s  ai.iII  :;i)  is.;,] 

lit.       CliI"-  llw!,.   W.lls,   Aj.-il  (i,   IMJI;    ni.   Joel    Hil-rlou,   E^M       1,     (j,-,      oo'j-h);;     .,f 

V'"":'"'-  ^'-  ^-  "f  ■'•-'"^li  an,!  Sara),  (Culver)  ]ii,..<'lo,v:  s,.t.  ConvoKl.  :\]]rh.,  ^y]nu■  'she 
(1.  .V.   /.  (»(■!.   3N,    is.-||. 

(V,      ),<.vi  W..Ms,  Jan.  :?S.  ISOC;   m.  Alaivl,  :Js,  ]s:^0,  KH^a  Jan.-  Stevens    .,    / 
\.      Mailliew    lly,l..    Wells.    June    J(l,    1SUS:    ],livsieian    and    fanner:    ni     l^li'/ahelli 
Neavine-.      1,    Cuss.  ]Ivj)k.  ls:i:;. 

VJ.     J.uel,  ;,    i;.  AV..11S,  h.  <),-t.  s.  INK):    .M.    ]).    Iviivn,  1,1  .Med.   (■,,]  ■  ni    On    -^    IKH 
Orjssa.  .Mosejey  S.'ai-lc,  b.   ..\piil  -JS,   JSli;.       1  .     l^l ,  W  AJtl  >  11  VMK.    b.    De.e     V?l     ],M,V> 
^  n.     ('liarl.iih'  XA'clls,  .Maivh  ij,  ISi;-;;  (1.  .Vui^-.  ;',  184C.,  nnin 
\ill.      Amelia  Hyde  Wells,  June -!.  L'^l.-K  rann.      '  '  •  ' 

IX.      Eniina  W'ells,  Sept.  22.  IS]  7:  d.  Nov.  C.  ls;j7    uniii 
X.      Asa  riaik  Well..  April  U.  ]s-20.  d.  Fel,    :?.l    ls->5 
X!.      Alniira  CanipLell  Weils,  Ainil  21,  IS-?;!;  m.  Un.  8,  ISKi,  Morris  ll^-ard  a  lunner 
ol  1  (,ni])ey.      J,    l,.-\VJ>v.v  A.mj:m.\. 

^T^"^l^^,  -""^^'^^''^^  StOUghtOU,  h.  J)ee.  -,^4.  1704:  iH.  Dee.  0,  n'?4.  J<,hn  .Moore  4tb  1, 
.i\larc!i2].  Ifi9i-."):  res;.  E.  \\  indsor.  and  d,  at  Lal'e  (.'eoiire,  N  V  \  ul-"  V'  1  T^s  'n,. 
was  s  of  Jolm  and  ALipiil  Srrong,  wl..<,  wa.^  y.  of  J,,!;n  and  lianmih't  iolTe',  who  ^  ,;f 
l-ea.  John  Moore,  Vv-jio  eann-  as  dea.  of  Mr.  Warham's  elih  to  Dm,  ht-stcT  .^•lts;^,■  Kj'JO- 
removed  to  Windsoi  about  Ki:;:^;  d.  Sej.t.  IS,  KiiT.  (In  Si,//.,'  ,>/  Wimhor  see 
rti^M-aving  of  an  old  hoi;.-.,',  huiif  l.y  ])ea.  .lohn  Mooie,  v/hi.  },  v,  a.-,  inherited  hv  Jolm  'W 
ami  was  given  by  Jiim  to  Id.s  s..  Jolui,  :;d,  ,,a  lils  weddin^^  dav  )  '  '  ~    ' 

J.       i;. -.swell   M,„,re,   b.   Mav  17,    |;-,'S;    ni.    I'e^ir.'   Duphain 
11.     Oliver  .M.„,re,  b.  Jam  -27.  ]7;J4-r);  d.  y. 

8351,     Bosvvell  Moore,  h.  May  17.  172S:   rem.  t(..  Soulliim.ion  and  iheie  n.    June 
-JO.  lio,).  Desire,  dan.  of  iTi([e,m  l^unham,  b.   IV-SO    who  d     N(>v     ;j     Kso-'     -i     -•>       ]],.,] 

smidenly.  sup    in  a  lit.  Dee.   1:].  17!i4.      He  had  1 n  ^n^^  ell  for  s„nK- time  and  Mas  found 

dean.  !ie:ir  Ins  i'onse. 

\.      Oliver,  Jum    7,  17.");;  d.  :,laivh  0,   1777. 
TL      Hosv,-ell,  June  2M.  17ri]  :  m.  Lovina  Fhillij.s 
in.      Ebene/.er,  Feb.  1,  KiM:  d.  Jan.  Kh  1770. 
IV.     Wilbaui,  Nov.  i;-;.  i:*.;*;:  d.  Juh   i.  I7t;s. 
'\'.      Abi.-ail,  June  (;.   17(i!t:   7n.   lehabod  Rradley. 

83512  Ror^well  Moore,  h.  .ium-  -J;-!,  17i;i:  bv  deed  dawd  Nov  :ll  17S.-,  he 
bouglit  ot_ Jonathan  Mtmson  of  J:;ranfor<l  and  Solon. on  .\Inn.sonof  Snuihimdon'  i-'i,  acres 
<^  ,vUh  uu-e.hni:  house  and  bun  tm-ieon.  m  Soul  hlnjrtou,  for  i'S,!  Oppcsiie  this 
Inud  he  afterward  built  a  je.,.i>-.,  in  whi(di  h.-  res.  nmil  lie  d.  'J  ]S47  a  S,j  He 
^^•^  "'='">;  >'''^^;\-|"^^'^-^'  "'  ^l"'  ^■''■'^^■''.  «"<'  iH'hl  manv  impoHan.  olliees.  Hem  Oet  S 
loSi,  i^ovmu  i'hilbps,  b.  21,  KCl);  d.  Julv2."),  bs|;i.  '     ' 

1.  Jolm,  b.  June  (3,  17MI;  rem.  to  \\-e,st 'Sprireo-fi-dd.  Mass.  lb-  was  a  faun-r  and 
mvented  some  ol  rhe  iirsr  s,a-d  planters  and  cuhivat<n-s  used  in  this  r<muirv:  m.  Nov  'Ky 
lSlo._buth.  dan.  ol  ('harh's  and  .Martha  Ohurehill  Trvon  of  .Middhtown  'Oonn  b  Feb" 
7^"-  '''V,      ,  '•'    VI     '■''^-  '-'  '"'1^  t''"''i"  !''><   f:.ther-s    familv  b.dore  m.     She  d     Sepr    1'' 

Vr'         ,    V  ■    !"  •   ^-^  "'  ''■'"-^•'    -^''--   ■'■'    '^^'^         1'    •'•»">-  "llK-MtV,   d.    v.       2.    JC.IX     \\-n' 

1).  Mareh  10,  ISlti:  m.  Sep,.  22,  isj;.,  J,,hn  Traev  of  A^awam,  Mass'  b  June  i;i  HM?' 
'•'■■.'•./''■''■,  J*'-  "''':':=■  -^^  "'■  '^•■^■-  .^u-I'li-ni  Traey  of  Hunti.i-ton .  Mass.  :!,  l.oviVv'b' 
April  o  JSl,:  nn^Nov.  ;;u.  1S;17.  Joseph  Hedotha  of  Airawan,,  b.  Mav  2^,  1811-  Ju-He,: 
o     the  i  .■aee,  ls(.,-,;,:   S.derinn.n.   .Mem.   .Mass.    Le-. ;   1  umber  ma  n  u  f'. :      d    v       4 

"i'-'r'"!';''  '•.,;^""^''!--  ''~'•'^'^•-'•  ^'i'^-  ^"'  l--^  "'•  •^^'"-  ^.  I^-K*.  l.^man'AI.\n  I,; 
AujT.  ol,  IM..  ...  El, 17  V  Dimmit,  Nov.  4,  |,s;il:  m.  Mareh  l(i,  is.",  1.  "H.-.n-v  lll-rben 
I'rentiss,  b.  .Maieh  Iii,  [y:]'):  .-,  rhil. 

■  11.      l;in.'>;;-  ''■  ^'^'y   l^.  1V!M:   m.  Nov.  l!MSI1.0h<..ter,  s.  of  Stephen  a n d  Ha nnah 

(D.iw.son  ,,|  1-,.  ilavmi)  i.iannis,  b.  M.areh  lb,  17s').  She  d  (),■'  ■>;!  ]sr,  a  •' |  |[,,  .,, 
(2)-—  ,,f  E.  Hav.,  whod.  Oet.  4.  1S2(;,  a.  4(1.  Ib-d.  1' eb.  2-1 ,  '  I  S  !  E  a.  .Vi"  1  le  entered 
but  did  le.t  eontimm  at  <-oih-e:  y.-ry  s„on  dra^vn  into  pnblie  Hie:  .sev.  time,  eleeird  Een 
■'"  ^  "■'•'•  '■••>^■  ■•'  ""l^'Ai^'te  to  thv,  mv.x.  of  l-!s:  a  !im-  pnblie  speaker  •  .y.;\u\n 
eonversatioiad  powers:  -emleuianly  am!  k  ii.d  1  v  in  maioer  and  dispnsition  and'ofa  noole 
■:mdem,:mand.n^pe,sonandpre.em-e.  IhobabU  no  oi  her  man  has  ever  1.  v -d  in  thei,.>vu 
(S.,.uhinyton)so  w.dl  luted  t.;  aliiact   the   arienlion   and    respect    .,f  stran-ers       ]{,■  rose 

lIVDli,    STOIGllTUN',    MudUK. 


tlu-nutcli  tlicscidc  of  riiilitniy  rank  to  tliat  ol'  (it  n.  oV  "JJri i^adi'.  —  Tihihiir.  1,  }Ii-:njcy,  b. 
N"i)v,.']s'i:;;  (1.  .M;)\  S,  IS!-^!.'  '2,  ]:i,i/.ai;i;ti!.  .lime  '.'1,  isi.");  i,i.(_)ct.  -J."),  ];>:',.:■  Daviil  ('' 

III.  Vui:~\V<ll,    1..   .)U!1>     2S,    ir;,';;!;    ('apt.    of    ihcSniUii.     Mil.     C,..;    iy.),,.     to     1\  rusi  nyt  nil 

.imd  tlicK.'  lu-.'-aii'i-  i!' a.  of  11h' clili.  ()\\  jk-'I  a  ]ia  rl  of  ?vio",o'.-,  .M  j  j  is;  d.  the  fii:4  lioiuof 
ol'  {1m-  _\car  IS.^;;  111.  (Jci.  ]4,  L^'Jo.  l-iicv,  dan.  (d'  .lo,]  AM*  u  ol'  S.  {(t!,t,'\:  ('.>|  1  )i;idaiiiiii 
.\f\v(dl,  h.  .\ii-;.  4,  IT'.ll),  nf  S.  ],  N!;i,M):,-  .\\(,i  s'j  is,  1^  Aiu;.  l\  IsM;  a  pn])il  ui  Dan'l 
Jlir.itiiigTun.  Piv.-.  of  National  .-\rud.  (;f  l)v'sig;i,  N.  "\  .  Jii.s  r.-|)uIatioii  as  an  artisr  land- 
.si-a)rf  ]i-.r.iitci-  is  lni;]i  immI  iiiCTcasiti!;-;  its.  >, .  \.  ('.  lii-ni.  .Ian.  'l'\.  IS'VJ,  .Anna  .Maria, 
(laii.  of  Alansiiii  1.  a.iid  Marietra  iJMnilli)  Pi.■!^l•■,^  df  .\;aii:;.tn<-l;,  !>.  .)un,.  :j,  ],s;;2.  1, 
EiU('u)  At'f/>i.-fu-\  A-ua-.  -J-l,  ]!^.~)S.  2,  jyf' i,  M'.nlt/.  Dim-.'-!.  i;:(;i.  :-!,  hjl,,lh,rt  AH,,!, 
-Nov.  oO,  iM'i-!.  -1.  .j<i.-<,)ir  J'kkti.  May  o,  ISuT.  :.',  \'.\.\.\:s  Va.v/.\,  i)ci-.  ;!(),  IS-J.-^;  d.Nov! 
14,  ]S''>0.  ;5,  I'dsWKM.  Ai.T.iiN.  ■;-■■]. t.  ;.i,  J.s:-;-..';  ;cs.  i\i>iisiiii.'-toi!;  nia.niil'. :  m.  ]>oc,  17, 
IS')-,',  111  iiiict'a,  d:in.  id"  I'lii  !i  ]>  ;.  nd  I'lifdic  ( Ivlward-- )  AoMoti.  1,  lliisin  U  S  h  W-],  h' 
ISiifJ.     2,,   J/.7/7/.  ,^' .1  ,  July  :2ii.  l^CS. 

IV.  Olivfi-,  I).  l\4i.  \l{\  17'.)(j;  s.i.  i;,  Ki'usin^-lon,  whi-ic  l.e  owm.d  ' '.MonrfV  .Mills. ""  An 
uigfiiio'.is  millvi  rii'lit :  d.  }t!ay  2,  1^71;  n\.  Sov.  id.  l^P),  (.'aKdin,'  1  ,<  .limrd  of  Wc-a 
,Si"rriu<i:(itdd,  Mu'-s.,  \v].o  d.  Sci.t.  14,  lb2;f.  a.  2"^.  Iff  m.  (2).\os-.  ;;.  lS.;n,  .\bii^ail,  d:ui.  of 
C'yjiri'au  HD'l  1, acy  i.  Hook, ■i-)  Jlart,  h.  Sept.  12.  ITl.'i.*.  who  d.  Sept.  2,  i^.'iK.  1,  .!am]:.s.  h. 
Sttppt.  If),  ]S2(I;  iii  hunber  business,  inaiinf.  and  drabT  ai  Miller's  Falls,  .Mass.;  kilbd  liv 
a  run;'\^!iy  a'-ridcnt :  ]u.  l!x)ie)-if;'ni  r  Hoiit  llol'.mi,  \,  ho  d.  S"[it.  ->:>,^  ]S4K;  pji  l\d).  ?", 
lb'5CV  l'-ii7.;.  Jan.':  Arsnn,  who  d.  .May  1(1,  Is.'iS;  (M*  June  V),  ISo'.),  Pi-isriila  1,  Jni:,,'.-< 
.1/. ,  b.  So]ii  >-\  1^-12:  ni.  On.  2S.  P-'ti'-i,  Anna  I,aTvT,-n<',..  2,  K\!ir,<ul,  b.  < 'ct.  2.^1,  ls44: 
enlistt-d  It:  (.'o.  (i,  P'.tI)  <'oni\.  A''.d'>,,  Aui:..  1^(12;  v,  ini  ndcd  ,•■::  .\  ntii-tam,  St-pi.  P7.  lb(J2: 
taken  prisoni'V  at  Piyjnunlli.  X.  Caroiina:  coniincd  at  Andcis.-.nvilb.',  (.''jn  inid 
Florence;  ni.  An.i^.  2'>,  Is'tifi.  Laura  .M .  Sa\\-yrr.  :',  {'l,j ,■(  m:,  /^-loi.  b.  Sept.  S.  1?^4S.  ('. 
bv2di!i.:  4,  L',.'>,<dn  i:.;  j.,  i !,  ra-i .  b.  !>.'r."l2,  1S.,L  :}.M<rriil  A 'h.<ttii ,  h.'  Xv^^^.  2^. 
iki;.!.  G,  C<r,-'Hiu  Kf[:,/h,f/..A>.  Julv  2,  \i-C,r,.  ■;,  Olirrr,  h.  Xov.  2N,  l.s,j(;.  /.  iiv  :jd  nf. :  S, 
.Van/  J'ri.^ri/l,,,  b.  Ann-.  ppi,s(.il."  2.  .\'.\N(V,  b.  .\n-.  2,  ]«4;  d.  ,\o%.  2^.  ls:U  :V. 
C'AJiOilNK  H.,1..  l.^:f-?;  d.  ]»rc,  ]U,  b'.'42.  4,  IvMlLV,  in.  Jur,d)  Paucr.d'  X.  V.,  v.'ho  was 
5111  otruer  in  tiK;  Fnion  army. 

V.  Sluddon,  b.  Ort.  "17.  17',)S:  Y.  ('.  p^bS;  stud,  lav,-;  set.  in  F.:  becauie  a  land 
■  surveyor  and  farinor;  d.  .Mati.di  2i»,  Isiic,:  ^i.  Nov.  1,  ]S:]!,  ^^ii;  Pani^xb.'n  I>ickiu^oii, 
dau.  of  Jesse,  b.  in  Iv..  Nov.  2o.  P'-flJ.  P  John.  b.  S.'pt.  in.  ps';2;  i,,,  Marv  Ilcrton;  In.' 
Avas  ii  (.'apt.  in  the  Uriion  army;  fanner  ni-a.r  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  2  <  liil.  2.  C]l.\.iii.F.s,  b. 
**^e[.t.  o,  l^Hp  ownstiir  B.-'nneTi  A  ri'dreivs  farm  in  S. ;  in.  Si'[ri.  ;;,  ls.")7,  Sai  ah  .inn  L'ortoii 
of  K.,  b.  Oct.  P),  ps:]7.  1.  X('/;,  MoorejK  (Vt.  b',  isr,>\  2.  77- .vy  .s'.,  Jan.  lo,  isiil.  ;J, 
.  Alary  Sn  sail,  Dec.  Is,  PSG7.  4,  Cha.-ks  Martin.  .March  21,  P-<7.').  '  :;,  Sis.\x,  l'..  Se])t.  i). 
l!f4S';  111.  Clarence  Moorr,  s.  of  James.      4,  Sox.b.  May    PI,    d.  <>!.!•,  lS,")t!. 

A'L      ]':ii,  b.    Feb.    ;j.    ]S0P   Cnyx.   of  S.  Mi!.  Co. ;  "  fai uiei    and    ci-ment    iiiamif.       He 
JH.  lutein  !ifi-,  Sej-i.  2;»,  P^t.)4,  Neh  ii' Unokoi .  and  d.  •<.■:.  M.  1S70,  a    (ill     1    V\.y/\  Lu\tn\ 
h.  L>ec.  12,  is;>;. 

\^JL  Lovina.b.  Aui;-.  li,  P<u:):  d.  Ai^ril  22,  iSdd;  m.  Apii!  24.  l'-2S.  (.'roinw.dl,  s.  of 
Auios  and  ]..iny  '.iiooT)  Newrll;  b.  >Ptrch  IS,  171*0;  ulio  d.  Nov.  2-1,  IS.V.p  militia  Cai't. 
P  Kmsii.a  H.,"b.  April  2.  ls;!(.l;  m.  Jan.  P  IS?!:.!,  Kvelvn  Toild  of  AN'ohou.  ],  Clatrlrs 
M  ,  b.  (>ci.2:i,  P-^ns.  2,  Kra  /.,  b,  lAJ,.  14,  1s;tJ."..  2",  Sau.mi  E.,  b.  Fe!,.  ,5, 'is:;2;  d. 
May  PL  ls:',7  ;j,  Lrev  E.,  .Ian.  2(i.  Ps;54;  d.  June  7,  Ps:P7.  4,  P.-  lkkn  A.,  b.'  Marcl'i  (i. 
18aU;  d.  Ajuil  2G,  Is:;;*.  ,-,,  Lmkkw  b.,  I,  isi^.s.  „i.  Ai:::.  2.0,  Ps71,  Paura  ALibie! 
<j.  Mauv  K.,  b,  Srpt.  11,  ps4t>:  ill.  Sept.S,  ]sf.s,  paiiiid 'J'uTTlo  of  Plants\il!e.  7,  Cir.MU.KS 
.M.,  b.  ].)cc.  ."),  P_-:42:  •!.  .Ma\  lo.  |s,-^^2.  y,  .lo.-r  ui,  b.  Ann-.  14.  isj,!;  d.  April  28,  PS74. 
VHP  Sarah,  b.  Oct.  1 1.  "ps.P,;  m.  Se].t.  20,  1S27.  ^Lo  tin,  s.  ol  Ichabnd  Culprppor 
Frisbie,  and  his  wife  44n>nkfuP  dan.  of  iOlihu  and  F.stlier  (Clark)  .Moss,  v,lio  rem,  from 
Branford  tiCS.  Ma'-tin  was  b.  Oct.,  ISO;!;  j.romincn!  inS.  \-iiit,].  I.  .NiAlfiTN.  li.  and 
d.  June,  1S2.S.  2,  S  ViA  h--ii:K,  ii.  A|iril  1.  psilO;  d.  An^^,  2<i.  IS.'jS.  ;p  I'lt  \MvFfl,,  b. 
>Pi!vhlP  bS:!P  d.  Ajiril  lb  is.-.s;  ,„.  .\l;^y  n,  is,',:,,  Frank  P..  IPr.s.  1. '.P-//v  I-:ii:nh,th. 
b.  :Mav  2M,  ls.")b.  4,  S.utAU  PoriSA.  b.  .Mandi  s.  ps:;;);  ,,,.  .\hiv  ;;'l,  ps.'iS,  Wu'i.  jj.  liarii- 
son  of  Wolc.n,  Conn.;  b.  Feb.  P.p  ]s:;f;;' .■nli..<Ted  in  7tli  Conn,  \'ols. ;  d.  of  v.dh.w  b-ve  r 
in  hosji.  at  iPlton  ll-el,  Oct.  12,  pst;2.  She  m.  (2 1  Oct.  17,  bSiii),  h'.dwani  \V.  Twitch.  Pi, 
O.  >fAKTiN  W.,  b,  (J.i.  2!b  is4ie  IP..  Oct.  17,  ISiii;,  .lulia.  dau.  of  ib.-w.d!  Pia.nev,  \\!io  d. 
Nov.  l;],  isti7.  ib-  111.  r2)  Nov.  2,  !S70,  Charlotto  V..  Cirtcr.  i!o  wa-  a  >ohlirr  i'n  Pnion 
army.      1.   II  n  r;:  A ..  b.   lsi',7;   d.    so..;,. 

"P\.  l-iliza,'  b.  Sept,  IF  ps'!7;  m.  Auir.  'k  1-2!^,  C!i:irles  Caiter.  s,  of  Ci!.-; 
and  Saiah  jCartii/ Pan-don,  li.  .\ua',  ti,  P^Oii;  srhool  toarjiri  in  S. ;  mcivli.  in.\birion,  Ala., 
.20  vri, ;  editor  of  tuo  Mobile  J)  uUi  Adr,  riis,  r  ;   leader  of   the  ohl   ^\'hiL'■  l)artv  till'.  ;  nu'in. 

442  BKAXCir  OF  j;li/ai;ivTH. 

of  Ala.  L("^.    l.'^.)*.}— 10-5G  ami  ['<(>'2;   rn'mii  luiui:  opposed  with  vflicmenct' and  j^ower  tlur 

S.  C  nullili'viiiuii  iiif-iisiirfs;  nvm.  NN'liii:'  Nitt.  (."ouvcntions,  181!— l^^-oS;  Chiy  man.  In 
1851  rnion  ( :iiulid:itf  1'or  inoui.  oi'  ('uii.,  Moliilv  i-ist..  ImiI  dcici' t'-d  hy  "  SoutluTn 
Hijrhis"  ciuhI.  MayMrol"  Mohih-  IHfSand  ].So4.  In  l^ol  sol<i  Ids  iuid  Uuu-ht  a 
])]uL'e  aht.  'i.")  niiU's  Irinu  M.  and  cstaMi^lu^d  ibc.  Lans^dnn  N  ui'<ci-ifs  and  fditsllii'  Ai^nirul. 
i)cpt.  uf  .Mnliiif  .{'!■>  rf.'srr.  In  l^ijo  im  ni.  of  .\hi.  icconstimiion  ronvcniicn  and  oiectfd 
to  Con.,  lint,  witli  oi.ln'i'  Soiitlicrn  nicinlii'rs,  \v:i<  nor  admit  i>'d :  aluindonini,'-  p'ditics,  he 
lijis  ^dven  iiunsidt  v,dinllv  to  drvelopin^^  thn  H,urici;ltnr;'J  ^■.-'>^|rl•^.-^  (d'  ilir-  Souih.  1, 
S.-vi:.\n  L.,  li.  Mav  '.id,  Isdo-.  d.  Anjr.  Id.  r^'d).  '  :?.  Lkon-iim;  I,.,  |..  'sh.-rd  o.  ISdO;  d. 
Julv  Ki,  iSd:.  o,'1Ikm;v  i'n.w.  b.'Ans:-.  '.).  1^!;!4;  d.  Dm-.  ]■.',  l.s.'jd.  4,  S<.)X,  1>.  Sent,  o, 
l^;;!7;  d.  April  Id.  U':!'^,  ■.  CiiAni.r^  ('..  In  Aini!  •?-!,  l:;:;;!):  .1.  April  ;i:?.  1XG7. 
X.      >,  h.  Nov.  :j,  IS'dd:  d.  Doc.  d,  )S-2J.. 

X.I.  C'liarlo--:.,  b.  .Ian.  J,  IM^;  d.  of  <-ons.  Mandi  1.  ISK);  r.i.  Mav  2d.  ISod.  Thanl- ful 
M.  Loonard  of  W.  Sprinaditdd.  .Ma  ^s..  h.  An--.  <i.  ishi;  d.  .M;iv  2S.  "is  1 1 .  1,  llr.xr.Y.  1.. 
So)it.  -1,  IScd',;  1!-.  Diadaiuia.  dan.,  id"  Hii^-rl!  Wells  of  iC.'ii'-in.^'Tnn,  1>.  dan.  -1,  Is!!:  w  r.t  ■ 
TO  Moiitoval!.-.  Ala.,  vlir.  he  d.  Nov.  15.  ls,',;|.  Hi^  wjd.  ni.  f2)  Nov.  11,  l.'^CoJ.  l-iaiia.n 
Androws.  1,^i  I...  h.  Maivh  ft,  isdO.  'i,  (di.\Ki.]-:s,  1..  >.  pi.  •>«,  1S;;S;  sot.  at 
Tnmpa  l^av,  Tda.:  rocni.  (d'  L''^-.  luid  Indd..  various  <dti(<'s. 
XU.      I'.oiain.',  1>.  An;:.  -JS),  \^\A:  d.  IVd,.  T),  \H\?,. 

83515.  Abisail  Moore,  l>.  dnno  d.  i;d;i:d.  A). rill,  In:;-.':  m.  X.-v.  27.  17^'S. 
Ldiahod,  s.  of  Dan.  and  Sarah  (dndd)  llradicy.  h.  Xov.  10,  1701.  and  his  um.  dyin:;-  jdnc 
davs  ai'ior.  he  was  oallod  Icdiabod.  Ho  wa-  a  successful  fanner  in  X'.  E.  \yw\  of  S. 
and  d.  Del.  Id,    1  :>',;'. 

I.  Polly  Ikadh-y.  \).  May  •!.  HSIi;  m.  ISdS.  l^enjaniin.  ^.  of  I'.^-njaroin  (and  2d  \\-f. 
Mary,  flan,  of  SariiUel  IvArno-)  .\ndri'\v:-;.  !■.  Di  c.  -'SA.  \'>^\. 

*11.      \N'vllis  l^radlev,  h.  Anir.  d,  1791:  nr.  h'annv  Stedn)an. 

III,  liosweli  Bradley,  h.  -Inly;?,  lid!;  d.  April  KK  ISdl;  ni.  dnnc^d.  IS-Jd,  .Inlia. 
dan.  of  Ashhcl  and  Sarali  ^\'dari  .-n)  Xeu-.  11,  w'oo  d.  .\ni,.  Id.  l.>")d.  a.  5.5.  1.  DwKiii'j- 
r.,  h.  Ai.rii  G,  ls'2l:  d.  July  14,  DCd  at  (ioldsbonV.  X'.  V.  2,  Ai'srix  W..  b.  Oct.  iS. 
1,827;  ro.  (.)ct.  2s.  \x\\.  Marv  dd-ead^\  av,  and  liavc  on^-  son.  C.  1!km;y  I\.,b.  .Mav  7, 
18d2;  d.  Julv  25.  l,s'70.  4.  -(wax  Ann.'  b.  Uct,  17.  bsdd;  m.  (Vt.  IS,  ISdd.  Martin  "W. 
Frisbic  and  d.  Xov.  Id,  lNd7, 

IV.  \\dUiani  Po-adley.  b.  .Niay  12,  ITfiSiin.  .\pril  24,  iSd:!.  Sai-ah  (iilb.-rf.  1  son.  1, 
AVii,i,[.\.M    W..  b.  Oct.  2;i",  1^-12:  ni.   ]N(iH.   Hcrsev  ( iill^.Tt 

V.  Ddnlanii.a  Kradb-y.  b.  Jan..  27.1Sil1;  no  .May  0.  ls-.'7.  Julins.  s  of  Hoswell  and, 
Svlvia  ^dall  of  Jonathan  Harn.'s)  Hart.  b.  .Vmr.  i).  17;'fd,  win.  d.  April  d,  187;i;  farrin^r.  1. 
Dh.^ULKS  a.,  b.  Ajn-i!  Id,  j.s2d.  2,  A-oioMi'l?  .  A)):!!  5,  ].^d:!;  nn  Xov.  d,  1.S51.  Jnlius 
Ijcwis.     d,    Hi)i;.\('K.  Xov.  27,  1,^:^5.     4-.   E.Mii.v  Ji:.vxM::ti'E.  Feb..  ls:js;. 

Vi.  Hie]  Eradilev.  !,.  Ja;,.  23,  ISOd:  nn  Sept.  25,  lSd,4,  p:iizadjeth  iiiloert. 
Vll.  Charles  Bradl-y.  b.  May  15.  IStlS;  )„.  D.dia  F' 
VHl.  A  nn)U  Bradley,"  b.  Feb. '20,  lSd2.  Ho  lb  said  to  have  a.nia.^scil  a  lar,t;-e  prop."  rty 
in  Sonthin;;fon  Centrt-,  v.l.err  lu'  holds  a  larj;(>  ani"i;nt  of  real  estate.  .\  coi-ispicuous,  far- 
.seeiuLr  ami  Jndieions  'pobrital  manager  ( |)euu)ci-:iti.  Cantioiis.  -|>raciical.  industiions. 
aleit  for  oppco-tunities  and  pr(.ini]it  to  inipro\-e  them.  \  warm  friend  of  ihe  Unitnrinn 
rlih.- dining-  its  exi.-^tence;  m.  ()cx.  2S.  IS-Js.  livijia.  dan.  of  d'luman  and  Lowly  (l^arretr) 
]5anies.  i.  V\i\:<w\.\\  P.,  bd  b.  20,  ls4d:  m."  Juno  l(j.  ISd'J,  Julia  A.  Armd'd:  1  child. 
1.  J'libntriL  b.  April  5.  isTO.  2,  Ai.u-i-:  ]:..  b.  Oct.  22.  1S41),  m.  Oct,  Si.  ISid.  Xornuui  A. 
Barnes.     W,   E.m.m.v  H..  b.  An^r.   If).  1S57. 

S4.     Elizabeth    Edwards,  b.   I(i75;    m.  March  14,  ld'.t5,  .la.-<d,    IV-min;;- of  Hartf.. 

b.   Ae.;r.  2r,,    ](;7(t.        Ar  the    .May    sess.    in    Hartf..  ICii/s.    Jacb    Demin:;-   was   voted    Ld5 

gratuity  on  accon.nt  of  indn;,'-  sotely  \s(Minded  in  lirintr  .^real  i;nns  by  ordiu'  of  Hie  court  i>ri 

the  proclamation  of  ])eace.       .lacob  was  s.  of  .I(dui  (audi    IbniMur.  dan.  of   Kichanl  Treat), 

who  was  s.  (d' Jolm  Deo-iin.u'.  of  \\  iiuisor.  1i')2,5.  naineil  in  ^\  inthiop's  charier,  D)d2.  aiid 

represcuitali\  e  \ery  often.      Shi'  m.  (2) llirnkh-y;  .n.  i. 

I.      Jacob   Deminir.  b.   Match;   ItiOd. 
M         'P;  ..,.,..1. ..   )>...,'; M 1.   .-i,f     ii:r>o 

11.     Timothv  l.n-niinu-.  March  2(;.  Itiff.S 
111.      Abiirail"  Demin-.  Jan.  21,  1700. 
iV.      la-m;;(d  Deminu-.  b.  1  7!;2. 

85.     Ann   Edwai'ds,  b.  KHs!;  no  I'liUj,  Jontitlo-O!  Hirhaidson  of  Hanf.,  who  d.  May 
7,  1700;  (2)1702.  Wililam  Davenport,  bap.    in   Hartf.,  S-pt.  18,   Iddd.       He   m.  0,)  i"'''''-'^- 


]„.t)t _  ^vll()  (1.  I"el).  19,  1()07,  a  37.       ^\'illial)l   Davf'iipnrt  %vas  s.  or  ^.  s.  of  liumpliry 

]>.,  wl.o  m.  Ka.licl  Holnifs.* 

1.  JoiiuTlian  Riclianison,  l-ajL  Nov.  21,  ](;'.)7,  lii.  O.'t.  '2.".,  1721,  Aniio,.lau.  (-f  ]?cv. 
SaliiKin  'i'reat. 

11.  Amos  I^M-liunl-^oii,  b.  .Dm.' 2;j.  17f)0  \  ji.-rrf]-.  d.  1  77It;  in.  Kachcl  Farrin-.oi;  of 
L.  1.  <)[  thi.-;  iai!!.  was  Auios  Hicliardsoii  of  ('o'.-riitiy,  ('<iiiii. .  1>.  al)f.  ]72y,  wlio  ui.Juno, 
1752,  Kiith  .^lil's,  b.  Jiiih-  2:j,  17:]").      /.  by  -.M  m.: 

III.  lliiiiiiihrov  Davviipurt.  b.  1703;  d.  .y.  /.  Jan.  1!»,  17.")U;  m.  May  !»,  17:'.7.  Jiannali 

l\ .  AuM<'  i>aveiiiiort,  li.  Aiur.  20,  17().");  d.  Nov.,  17^0;  iii.  Habalail;  Turner,  ^vllod. 
Jan.,  17!f2,  !i   .^7  yrs. 

V.      Elizabath    Daveiip-jrl,  d.  Sept..  1783;    m.    Xatliaiiiol    (ioro,  Esq.,  wlio  d.    Doc., 


V[.      Kae],(l  Oavoiqhorl,. 

\\].      IJi.Iiard    Davriiport,    b.    17ir,:    d.    Oct.    !(>,  1  S'V,,  a.  S7:  ,n.  Alico  .  d.  Ft-b.. 

1772:  n  (.-hi],  or  tills  braiirli  doubilfss  was  Benjamin  D.i voiijMirt  scytluMiiaker  of 
Covf-ntry,  ('<!nii  .  and  bis  di--'endauts. — S,'r<'/n/  fj</u'<l.,  ji.  4ir.. 

Beujaaiin  Davcnpoi-t,   b.  ]7fj;;:   si'ytlio  malcer  C'ovent;y,  t'l.nn.;   d.  20,  lS2-i; 
111.  Narcissa.  dau.  oi   Dea.   B.'^najali  and   Luc^   (TlislioiO  Stron';,  b.  Xov.  2',!,  1771:   d.  July 

3,  1n:>2. 

J.  U'illiam,  res.  Crawford  Co.,  Pa.;  d.  in  .Mirdi.  I'eb.  C.  18ol.  1,  U'n.MAM,  b. 
March  fi,  IN]*;.     2,   S.\Mr!:i  ,  April  2S.  IMl^.      :>,   f-'vU.iA,  .May  21 .  1>  20.     -1.   11(>m';k,  Ma\ 

17,  1.S2.'.       ."),    P.K.NMAMIN,    Jll!\    1';.    1S21.       «),    Cl.A!:.^.,     Apiill'N,     bS2li.       7,     -Ms-iiN,    Ffb. 

25,  lb28.     8.   LrcY,  Manh  2-1  ]8:!U.     9.   Ia'tili:!;,  Jiily'lO,  is:!2. 

I!.  Clnumccv,  d.  so,>n. 

III,  Lucy,  lu."  J(diu  Perkins  .,f  And.>vev,  Conn.,  and  ci.  1821.  1.  Andkkw.  2. 

IV.  Cluuuicey.  lunl  2  sons,  one  of  ibeni  an  l'".pis.  i-]'-i-^yni:\n. 

V.  Marv,  b.'Sept.  24,  r.'.M;  m.  F.  Mu-lin  layman  of  So.  Coventry,  Conn.,  wl;o  d. 
18."J9,  a.  77.  She  was  bed  ridden  for  37  yr.<.  ( l>^;n).'  I,  Mai;y  Fn  \.\(  ks,  1».  Se]»t.  b).  1817; 
m.  June    19,  18:18,  Simon    Mens,  ]_>.  .\\>i\\   I.  is"'-:,  in,    En-buul.    an   ueeountant    in 

■New  Yoiiceitv:  d.  in  Ji'vsev  Ci;v  X(;v.  lU,  ISud.  1.  JA-//-^  liiiKibitlc.  Nov.  18,  1841;  d. 
June.  1S4:C  2  Sirah  Fr<in_r,s,'])-^-.V.\.  IsFi.  2,  NATJfAX  b.  July  14,  D-^U.': 
in.  Au.2.  1,  1SJ2.  Ann.  dan.  of  \\"m.  ICello-m  of  V..  IFutf.,  Conn.,  b.  May  20.  18:.'I.  He 
in.  (2)  ^hlro■an  t.  ilan.  ol  Jolm  Peek  of  inooi^iyn.  L.  I.;  larnier;  les.  Stanion,  \:^.:  41)0 
acres,  i.  bv  1st  lu. ;  1.  11'///.  Kmnxt,  m.  Nettv  l>ow  o\  S'.,  Co'ventry.  i.  by  2d  \u.:  2, 
J'jhu.  o.Ch'iilfS.  A.y<ir>/.  '),  E'iiriiril.  iS,'(U».  1,llfl,u,.  ;h  Hkm'.iktta  CrTi.KK, 
b.  Jiiri.  28,  1821;  d.  Se]it.  2s,  1Sl;2;  in.  Y..  Duu,  s,  (jf  J(.s,.pl,  und  Hannah  (Ficliardsoii) 
Dnw.       \,    ].ij))i.ln.      1,    ThCo'h,:::.      V,.  .I>^x:'p]d>-C.      4,  ./,.■  "/r.v.      ,^.   ///•,/,■/,•,().  Sept.  ]>,  1802. 

4,  Josj.j-ii  'Sii;on:;,  b.  Jan.  9.  1S28;  fai'mei-  in  W'aterfnrd,  Conn.:  m.  Uet.  G,  18o8, 
Aut:u;-,ia,  dan.  of  L'luis.  Peek  of  Lyno',  Conn.;  .v.  ('. 

VI.  Vtalier,  b.  Sept.  IG,  1798:   res.  No.  Car.:  d.  unm. 

Vll.  Bishop,  b.  Nov.  G,  180U.  an  autlnn-  and  j-ublisher  of  boolvs;  d.  Sej.t.  2,  IS.")."); 
m.  Aug.  11,  1825.  Eliza -Dimmiek  who  d.  July  11.  ISOV;  re.-^.  Conn..  N.  J.,  D(d..  and  (). 
],  l^KX.iA.MiN  F.,  b.  182G:  res.  Nevada;.  s].eculator.  2,  Makv  An.\  M(km)V,  b.  May  10, 
1828;  m.  Win.  Stout:  (2)  W.  S.  Mesi(4v:  res.  Sacrameiito,  (/al.  1.  Vuiui  Ann,  !■.  1852: 
111.  iSfi'.i  Dn-.ry  Midone.  2.  JA////  M^'h'k,  1S57.  :'-,  Lm  i-a  Maui  a.  b.  1^^:10;  d.  18:12. 
4,  \\'.\!.  Hi;\iiY,  b.  1S;J2;  lawver;'  m.  Marv  S]iani;ler.  5,  Cakoi.i.m;  l)i:sii;K,  b.  18:-'>4; 
lu.    Parisli    B.   j.add;    res.    San    Francisco. '  Cal.     1.    Fnmk.     G,    Thomas   Fitch.    ls:jG; 

♦William  Holni'j-s  of  Plymouth,  i6;.;  was  sent  next  yr.  with  an  armed  force  to  re-establish  the  tradintr 
iiou?e  above  Hariiorit  against  ilie  Duicii;  aad  lie  ereeted,  1633-4,  at  t!ie  mouth  of^  1 1'^ariniiiKlo'}) 
river,  lor  purpose^  o!'  trade,  the  tirst  frame  house  in  Conn. — I'lai-tjotu  in  the  t^ld^ri  '!'•>!:■■.  He  served  in 
the  Pequot  war;  was  I-ieut.  at  Seituate;  went  home  to  I-".nff.,  and  [jot  emjilciyment  in  the  {jrer.iri; hellion; 
came  b.^ck  and  d.  in.  ISoston,  Nov.  n-,  164^;  prob.  without  \\i.  or  child.  Is  styled  Major,  ard  ii'  ids  will 
trives  estate  in  Anti,.;ua  and  his  (arm  at  Seituate  to  daus.  of  his  bio.  I'honias  01  London,  if  they  come  to 
New  lint,'.  Tliey  were  to  1  poor  to  come,  as  shown  l')y  deponent.s  in  June,  u'j-j.  Thomas  Mcnie,  «ho 
arrived  in  Boston  froai  London,  in  "Speedwell,"  July,  1656,  a.  11,  may  he  a  relative.  The  Major's  wiU 
mtntionc-S  arrears  due  lor  services  as  soldier  and  commander  ir,  army  of  Kin;:;  and  Parliament .  —Sai-<ii^:\ 
His  niece,  Rachel  Holmes,  dau.  ot  his  bro.  Thomas,  wa>  his  heir, as  appears  in  her  trial  for  plciyinp  cards, 
of  which  she  was  convicted  in  tCo;;  .ind  liicreupon  removed  from  liartf.  to  New  York,  vvhere  she  was 
living;  in  if-74  ox\  Broadway,  beine,-  J-leetor- St.-  -/'/rw.-.-.v.'.';-' tV<'.  Roi .,  ,'-u!- .  l-y  Siatt-  <if  Mms .  bhe  m.  Ihim- 
l.hry'Dave-'.port,  a  re!:.t:ou  of  Rtv.  John  of  Nevv  Havni,  interred  from  the  use  of  the  same  arms  by  Inm 
or  liis  iiimicdiaie  dcscentiants.  iSee  .V.  /.'.  Ct>i.  /<•■■;  for  e'-o.)  liuT-pnry  Daver.noi  t  came  from  Barba- 
ac'Vi:  to  Boston;  m.  Racliel  llolines,  and  had  Richard;  then  rem  .  to  liartf  ,  :uid  had  Thomas,  Huraphry 
and  William,  and  rem.,  1067,  to  .N.  V.  William  Davenport,  who  m.  .\nn  I'.dwa-ds,  above,  was  s  or  p.  s. 
of  Humphry. 


BKA:XCI1    of    KJ.1ZAJ!£T)I. 

(HAS.  lUsiio,-.  1,.  ]Sl:;..  „u  !rl,a„t  i„  X^.y^d:..  '  ■^"' 

Mil.      I'ljlu.-.,   m.    CaTli^irin..    A.!..n,i>   of    Berks    ('u.,]>a.      1.    Amam>a.    „,     \ath    F,.,- 
K"^'>';;     ~\   Kkkkcca.  m.  (iru.  1!.  Siiiitli  of  Marion,  ().     ;i,  Wm.     .|,    F)Ar      ''         ' 
iX.      Jos"])!;,  n -;.   1\  !..):-: ville,  Tciin.  ;    unni. 

X.      Austin,  ni.  Susan  (.'avid!,!;   Its.  Clintiin.   Wa\nM  Co      ]'a       1      C'li  MWr-y  15 
M.      Wi.a,  1,  JalyV!!.  isie:    ,n.    K.-I,.    2o.    ls,5;,  John,    s;    ,.f   TurnHius  'and 
<lnlma^,.)^an  D-      ,■„,.,    of  S..nn.rvill.,,  X.  .1.,  1,,   F...,.    os_    ^s,)?;  d-Klor  in   ,,aini.  ad 

1.  1H4.  .lolin  \an  X.-st  Talina-e,  1).  D,.  1,,  S. .  X.  .).,  Aio.-  l,s  Is]-,  s  ..fll.M,  1)  v'i  i  •  i  1 
Oithanne  \an  X.-st  Talnia;.a-.  bro.  of  IJcv.  Dc  Witt  fahni.,-,-,  i)  D  „a^t,,r  of  'il,',. 
Brooklyn  lal,efnarl,.;  Jjutgofs  Col.  ISIO:  Th.n.  S.nn.  IS:!,!;  Mi,s.  liof  ])  'hb  ,f  ^n..,v 
i,"',':j:.r'""^^^^''-,  ^-  ^?"^,^^"-^".  1'.  An.oyAn^.  1(1,  l^flo.  2,  Fmkljx.c  Srui. v.;  XoV 
yvv  i"'  nT-  .-i  ';'"•  ;^'-V'''"-^_^'^"'l'  ]-^  l^^l:  ■".May  !i,  1^;,;,  Vir^^i.da,  d^u.  of 
I.CN.  J<   ;>.  \iinK!,'(dc.     4,   .loiix   CoKMn^n/s.   Xov.    li,   isi:-  X.    r     Fniv     JSTo    ,,iv 

iKifiii^'-  Jo!  in)r.i.-,trv. 

iiiv.    ]S7w,  pn 

SG      Mabel  Edwards,  b.  ].,•<■.  ]:;,  k^so;  d.  MaN  ic,  in;:.;  a  8i)- m    in-c   1-!    ic'Kf 

Jotnabau...  .,f  .lonathan  and  Heb.rra  iSlu-pard)  Bi>:,dou-  of   liailf.-   b.   iOT-l;  d.  July  '^U, 

].      Timothy  Ki-;dov,,  b.up.   Jan.  •?(),  ];O0;  m.  Abi.^ail   -\lcort 
Sovnlo'i    ^'"'""^    Bi-,'low,  i,.    Xov.    (i,  i7(>:;;   d.  Xov.    10,   1757;  ni.  May  10,    17:?7,  Daid.d 

III.      Ilobecca  BijTolow,  b.  Nov.  r>,  17o8:  d.  Jait.  8,  1754,  unni 
iV.     Irene  Bi,irfdo\v,  b.  X'ov.  4,  1711;  m.  (apt.  Ihiiii^d  \i''r<h 
}'       .TonMtliaii  Bi,i:o!o\v.  b.  .];,,„.  ^7.  r/Fl;  i:i.  Tubitha  Colcinau 

M       JerushH  Bi-olovv,    b.    1717:  d.    s.  i.  Ait-    l(i,    1777;  m.    m,ha   B:,tb-r    win,  d 
AjTil  J, ,  1  ,.S(),  a  b). 

..S'-^i-  -Timothy  Eigelow,  hap.  Jan.  io,  1702;  d.  Jntu..  K47,  Lient.;  m  17-jr 
Ab.pttlOl.on  b.  1-vb  -  1.0  ;  d.  D.c.  -JO,  177<3,  a.  1V>  (dau.  ,d'  .lohu  and  uf.  Maw.  ^vlni 
uas  wid.^ot  \^  Hlr.)  [,y„^].     Sho  no  ,2;  ('apt.  Pard.!  (bnuhviu  of  llaftf     \vho  ,| 

1."^     Ilozekiah,  Vr]).  !i.  1 72,S. 
II.      Tiniotliy,  Ma^   02.  n.SO;   ni.   Ihinnah  II vdo 

Oddw.dl    o.     ]Ia.    k,    b.  1.-2;    d.    Xov.  11,,    JS14,   a.  S7;    bu.    in   old    Xofth    .rr^und       1 
^^T,,(^AM,    l..p.  >opt  J2.  170G.     2.  .Iamk.,  Jan.   N.  1758.     y.   DANtK,..    Mar.d.  ^     ITO.: 
4,  t-  Ki.ov  (..-r    IS    |,,;p     o,  Anna,    M.vd,  il,  ncik     G,  J,^axm.:ttk,  Fob.  21    17.15    in 
1\.      Anr.H.  b.  S,-pt.  2,.  17:>5:  no  Jonatlian  Oh-ott  '       ' 

,,  ^'-  ^MartliH,  b.  Xnv.  22,  17;j7;  m.  May  22,  1700;  Dr.  Samn.d  Fiair.^  ,,f  Hartf  1 
^:''Y^1^.'''  "V  f^-  1'"";  ^'^"'!''y<'n«^vold,  1).  Turvi.t^ford,  Cmn.,  Xm-  M  17(]s.  Y 
C  ]_/b6;  msTah..d  pastor  at  Now  Milford,  Conn. ,  17i)0;' tvtir- d  fmn,  tho  nu,d;irv  l;;o;k 
^t,d'i„  w'.u"-  "'"^■'^{•"I'rr  "^  ^)«ll"'l'-,  N.  II..  1N04;  S..C.  Tor.  Mi,-h.,  1805;  {o  Ohio 
and^m  IbOU  appt.  by  (,ov.  Huntinirt.m  U.  H.  S.^nab.r  to  fill  va,-an<-v,  afterwards  a,>ot 
C  .>.  .)ud,-o  tor  Xortliwrst-r..  Territory:  d.  of  f.-v.-r  at  ^hawnctou  n,  HI.  Au.^  21 
]M4,  a.   .)i .  '  '^' 

AntuL    bpTn-er;    lein.    t<,    Xantn.-ke,,    whr.    ho   <k    ls45.      :k   .Ioils,  b.    ])rc     ti    1775-    n, 
Uan^sa  Htlb.^-   and   ],ad  K-  s.   U.ohard    lliilyer  Hiiodow,    X.   V.  (A       4,    H.;x,n-.  b.  J ..-,.; 
1.'.  1.  ..:  d.   1  ,,s,i.      .,,    i!ioiiAiM).  b.    l).-o.  2ii    177:i-  lo-i  at  sea    1  7M7 
\  11.      .iain.->,  bap.  .May  li),  1745. 

OQ^^f'      Timothy  BigelOW,  b.  Mav22.  17;ii);d.  in  th-ar,.,v  at  Fort  Stanwix.  Xov. 
2b,  libl;  ji!.  lUv.   17.  1,.)7,  Hannah   livde 

I.      Mary  l.ati-ti.  H.  b.   IV.-.  ;{1,   HoS;   no  Capt.  .Varon   Olntstcd. 
^'-      I';""-'''-  h.   Xov.  2.!,  1700:    ni.   Waid  \V.)odbriduc. 

S6121.     Mpx-y  Largtrcll  Eiy;elo^v,   b.    iv-.  ;n.    i;5^:  d.    .\pril  21.   1^20;  a.  07 
^1.    and   ,mo^.;  MO  Jor     ,0.1    :s,(  apt.  Aaron.  >.    of  J,  .nathan  and  Ihn.nah  M,.akin  (.)lm - 
biod,  .4   h.  b.   .May  111.  175:;.;    d.  Sept.  il    lS;lij 
I.      Son,  h.  and.  .1.  .-.aiiio  dav.  '  ' 

I>A\'KNri'ORT,    KDWAIIDS,    }!  I  G  ]•:  l.O^T,  445 

II.  }l(;rai-,.  1^.  Olmstf.l,  1>.  April  2?,  1781:  d.  A  l:^^  29,  1S17;  m.  Se])t.  2.  1804,  Aiiii 
(lOdihviu  of  v..  lluriinrd. 

III.  Mp.ry  ()i)iu.u-(l,  1).  (_)rt.  27,  178;);  d.  Marcli  22,  1S2."J:  711.  .\]n\]  '.K  ISIO,  '.'corfre 
Austin,  X.  y.  riiy.  1,  llAUKiiyr  IIowkm,,  1>.  July  2!).  ISll;  d.  1m/'...  (i,  1S12.  2,'!v):(>k(7k 
'l'ir.\i)iJi-u"^,  )>fr.  U,  )x\2-,  d.  -Aiiril,  187.!;  uinu.;  .\u.  ^Ii^lll•ll.•^,t^•^,  ('duii.  M.  .) I'ia.v  S. ,  li 
,I;u).  o,  181-1;  m.  1n:u;,  Wm.  II.  Driiki  .  N.  Y.  (.'.  1.  ,////;;  /  i),r,,.'i„i'.  li.  IS:)!);  la.  ISOO^ 
jMlward  Outhr.iit.,  N.  Y.  C.  4,  11<ukiioi-  11.,  b.  Jan.  1!),  \^]C,;  m.  Xov.  11,  l^'lo,  Jaine.^ 
\^'<)odl)I•id.L^r.,  ^vh^,  a.  .\ll.!.^  o(>,  l>^7o;  K.  Ilartf.  1,  I/'/;,y  A '■■■<{  in .  \).  Sow'  i.  IS-H.  2, 
Alfrni  Ward.  b.  July  ]-J,  ls4;j.  .■),M.\1!Y  C,  b.  Jan.  1,  bsis;  ni.  1n;-!7,  I'liilip  11.  11  ml-^ou,' 
No.  Manclie.-^tri-.  1,  P/iifip  ir..''.'/.v, //.  b.  IN-iO;  m.  Kiniiy  (  hciifv,  No.  M.  -i,  ]]',„' 
Kdirurd ,  1>.,  l?->42:  n\.   Caroline  Clu-iU'V. 

\\.      llarrifL  Ohn^l.'d,  1).  Nov.  G.  1  ,s.-,;  d.  June  2s,  17,^i;. 

V.  Harriet  Oliiisti'd,  1».  Nov.- 2.  1787:  d.  Jan.  22.  IM  1  :  lu.  Mav  19,  INOS  (,'cijr<-e. 
Howell,  IMiita.  1,  CAKe'LiXK,  b.  1808;  1,,.  Dr.  Charle-,  Hitd.H'f.;  (2)  Janie.s ']'.  Sb.-nnan. 
Triuton.  N.  J.     2,   M.u'.Y  HAN(T'r!;!;i,i..  b.  isii);  d.  a.  2  vr.s. 

VI.  Aaron  i-;-anklin  (.)lni^ted.  b.  .March  !■!.  17ii2;"d.  lS2o;  Iv  Hartfoi'd;  m.  Dfli;, 
Pi^iun.  1,  A.\i:()N  iM;.-\.NKi.iN,  b.  Aulc.  22,  Isls;-  Union  Colb-oo,  is:-',n-  cb-ro-yiaan-  res 
i:iiiii-beck,  N.  Y. ;  lu,  Oct.  i^,  1844.  Caiolinr  Cook.  1,  Fr.ln'■,:<]|oh■'.h.^v^ix  li!,  ]84r); 
m.  Alii:.  7,  1872.  IC  .M;'V!i->rd  .Marshall,  Clsarh'ston.  S.  C.  2,  JA/z-y  A'^'! ii.-:lii ,  b  Feb  2.8* 
1847.   "m,  i.''.\'//  .K'/,-,<f,/''.  b.  Jan.  2*;,  1^4;^;  111.  l.i,^.-.  20,  ls7ii.   (i.-o.  A.  \\'i!lianis,  K.  Hanf.' 

7.  JoJiU  Co'<!:r.  b.  An;-.  25,  bS.")!;  Univ.  ^■a.  Med.  S(diool,  b87(;;  .\tl.-iiita,  (ia.  o,  Fnin/.-liu 
Jlthr;;,  b    Oet    4,  is."",:;,     (i,  .J"!iii  Cirolifr,  b.  Nov.  22,  1N5.3.     7.  AV-oVy  ILnrlrltn,  b.  Hee. 

8,  18"37.  8.  ('h.trhs  Jli/dr,  b.  Ault.  0,  ISuO.  'J,  CYv;.  C,//,,,/-^;..  h.  Anu'.  lo,  18!J4;'d.  18f)'>. 
2,  HiiXKY  W'.M.,  d.  INt'J;  111.  .\dtlliie  Bariir^y,  N.  Orl-^ms.  ?.,  1)i:i,ia  1'itki.\,  i;i.  Henrv 
HuilsiMi,  HaFll'ord.  4.  Jii.iA  LAFAVKT-ii;,  ni.  Aiii;-us(us  U'.  Ihii-ion  wlio  d  ']S77  F-i,st 

^"11.      Charb.'S  Obiisied.  b.  Oct.  1,    d    Oct.  10,  1  79ii. 

"\"1I1.  Charhs  Hyde  Olmsted,  V).  Jan.  28.  1798:  Y.  C.  1818;  d.  June  5,  187t!,  a.  80. 
iimti. ;  E.  1  lartf. 

JX".      H.H. mah  01n;-ted,i'.  S'-a.  4,     d.  Sept.  8.    1799. 
X.      Jaiu<-.-.Oin,-U'.d,  1).   Nov.  (i,  1800;  d.    Sept.  0,  ISOl. 
XI.      Julia  Oh!ist,-d,  b.  Nov.  0,  l8i)(i;  d.  \HUA-   unni. ;  Hartb.rd. 
XII.     Caroline  OJni.sted,  b.  Dec.  IS,  lN(i4;  d.  Ju'y   lo,  180u. 

8G122.  Hannah  Big:el0W,  b.  Nov.  2;!,  1700;  m.  July  o,  l70:j,  ^Vard,  ,-..  of  V.'aul 
andSarah  (Olcou)  \S'oodbndffe,  a  ]>ronunent  uieridi.  in  Hartford..  Sin- d.  b'eb.  10,  18i).-! 
Ib-m.  (2)andd.  in  Hart f.,  Oct.  :31,l.v,08.  Ste  Woudln-Uhjr  Fam..  FUtnl  D^jiirdd  (i 
Mltrhd.  ■  ,. 

1.      Her;ry  ^Voodbridge,  b.  Juiu3  11,  \V.F)\  d.  at  Montville,   ().,  Frb.  2s,    ]So7:  num. 
II.      I'^li/.a  Woodhridge,  h.  -'i  ug._  27,  1797;   ni.  l^urzillai  Hudso;(,  a  mereli    in  Haiif., 
many  yr.s. 

HI.      Kdv.ard  \\'oodbri(ige,   b.   Se])t.   29,   180t.t:  m.  MaivAini  lla/'>'nrtv  of  K v  •  res 
IHinois.  •  -.        .  . 

8614.     Knwa.  BigelOW,   1>.    Se].t.    27.    1735;    d.    F(  b.    f..   1S07;  tn.   Feb.    2u,    17,53. 

Jonatlian  Olcott,  bap.  J7:i(>:  d.  June  12,  1777,  s.  of  Jonathan  '0. 
I.      Aiiiui,   b.   17.74;   d.  y. 
11.      He/.oki;di   Olroit.  bap.    >i-]A.   20,    17.59;  twin;  d.  Sept.  17.  lS-.y5,  a.  GO;   ni.  Mary 
Eliis  Harris  (4'  S.aybrook,  Coiin.,  who   d.    Sept.,    is:iv.    a.    78.      I,    Hi;-/,k,k  i  vii,  d.  abr,);id"; 
UJiin.      2,    Ar.l(T.\lL.b.  17S2;   in.  Sainuo!  (iood  win  of  \\al<'rvilic,  N.    Y.  ;  several    rhjl.      -^ 
1!\KIMS,  .Mar(di  ;.k  178-1;  d.  No-,-,   pi,  \x:]:\;   m.  Anira,  dan.  of  Aaron  Cook   of   Ilartf     who 
<L  Feb.    IS,    1S2G.   a.    47.      1,   J/"<;///   Ann.     2,  .I'dm    Fdirin.     :j,   Aamu.     4,   Ji.udcl.     5, 
IJiirnx.     0.    Ilmni.     7.   Unth.      s,    FJl~idutli.     4,   (."i:ni;(;K,   1.,.   about    178t;;  Y     C    ISOo" 
d.  l.s<;4.     5,   .\l.\i:iMA.    b.  17^S;  (L  An-.  2s,    psl5. 

III.      .loi;a!haii  Olrott.  b.    Sc].!.    oO,    1 7 .79 ;  t \'.  i h  :    in.    Junel,    17S9,    LucindL\.  dau.  of 
'rurncr  Miner  of  New  London.      1,    Ax.\f.,  .\ug.   S,  1795.     2,   Ai{m;i;,   Junt-  19,  179s.     ;-) 
Lf<>A,    Juno   (;,     iscd;    ni.    Ib'nry    Seldi-n    of    ilartf.       I,    Cnii'li'i    l,',I>irr/i'.      -J,   J.du- 
{.invnUi.     :-;.   Jf>  nri'ft'i.     4,   All"/-/  Hmn/.     4.   i;i:i!r:(('A   MiNt;i;.   b.    N^v     11    \sm-  d 

Jui>  27.  I8;;n.  '  ■      -   .  - . 

"iV.      Abigail  Olcott,  1).  Sej.t.  Hi,  HCi);  d.    April  2,  18:;8,  a.  78;  ni.    NadPl  Channccv 
jr.,  (d'Mid.  \a„t,]. 

V.  Anna  (dccet,  .M.-M(4!  10.  170.5;  ni.  June  8.  1791.  \Vtn.  Storki!!..  ,,|  ^r;,!,!!,.,,,,,^,, 
1,  \\'l!.;.).\.\;,  Nov.  2.  \rJ^\  lo^t  at  sea,  18;jl  ,  on  vo\;,,oto  tlie  Facilir  Ocean.  2,  (.'kouck 
Feb.  11,  !7'.i5:  ni.  Sept.  2),  1821,  Sarah,  dau.  "\  .Mar'-hai:  Frit. .:i  of  ]\,:-t!and,  ("onn  \v],i) 
d.  Mav   11,    l,s;i.      1,    Sarah   Ann.     2,    Geo.    Ilenni.     hi,    A7/(ri"/;.     4,    Flhlin.     5     Ua^pli. 


I'.KAXCJI    OF    EL]/CAl!i:TiJ. 

^ll.        liM'-liel    Ololi,   1).    ]rtiS;    (i.    (),•!     ]       1S->;J  ! 

VIII.      AtMuT,  d.  a,  „.a,  July  o;>,  j  ^, ,:;.  a.  2^;   ..  /.  ;   n,.  Lu,  y  ]>ow..,s  of  N.   L.  j 

8G2      MabGl  Bigelow,  h.   Nov.   d,   ];();J:   <i.   Nov.    lo,    i;;,:.  ,„    ^I,„.    ,„     ,~.,.  ! 

VOLS  ]);,n)e!  ami  Clun-!,-:;,  „a,„-..l  »>xrs.      II-  v.  a-,  iwo    nf  IKni.-l  '         ''  '''^-    ''''•'•  ''>  i 

I.      Daniel  Si.y.nom.  l,a|,.  July  Oo.  ]7>!0;   jii.   [,v(iia  Kin..-  f 

.      -\m,f.  S-v-iuour,  lM|..  .hu,.  -;:.  ]:y2;ni.  ApHI-?,  ITOi),  .loc.lComisli         ■  t 

HI.      onvaaiHa  S.'vnionr,  I).   ],:]>;;  L>i.  Aaron  iMo.^os.  j 

n  .      ri.arles  S,<yn.MU!,  1,.  ,r,nir  !),   IT-i^;  m.  Kli/ai^-tli  [lun.phrey.  ; 

8621.     JJaniel  Seymour,  l.a]..  ,iniy  •:(>,  ^-;:\i}-  d.  Nov.  s,  isir,-  Cni  ■  ,„   itv)  ' 

L.vd;,..  ,iau.  <.t  U,>\„m  Kino.,  i,.   i;;-]-,;  d.   April  1    ]S27  '         '  '''   ' 

].     Mal):d.  b.  April  21,  1751;  I!,.  MoM-r,  Smitii  ! 

11.     ^!;u-v.  bap.  May  1<).  ]754:n,.  Mairli2,  17Sti,  San,urMVf.!,.t.T  '  i 

111.      Ashbri,  1,.   17.-,7;  rn.  llannab  (Jranf  ! 

^\-  -^^^V-  ''•/";'-  ■''   '7'^"-   '"■   "'■^-   '-^ '•  ^'-'''  I''li>^al)rtl,  D^Miison                                                     ! 

V  Lydia.  b.  !,(,.,;  d.  in  ]]r,nf.,  Jiilv  ;;0,  1N2S,  unisi  ' 

^  1.  }w.>l>crt.  b.  17i)ii.                                ■                              ■  .                ' 

^'11.  J^anir'i,  b.   irii7:  ni.  l^liza.b.-th  St.'cb'. 

liar.,.;  On.  2.1  u  7. ;  [;,...,].     ij,.  ,,  Marc]hri^!i7  '        '    '  ^'-'""-'T  B.nrnrd  of 

IX.      Sarali.  1,.  ]7M;  m.  .bdi:i  K,,bbin.^  of  Itarff. 
N.     Jniiatlnin,  b.  i:7S;  m.  Mari;i  L:r,vr.-nff. 
XI.      labi'iia.  b.  .Mav,  17S();  in.  ^-av.kv]  fanii. 
Xil.      Khuda.  b.  177(i;  d.  May,  ];7G. 

^1,  u,.\  Muse.    s.  ,d    j^.  Kli.ha  and  K.itii  ,,r)  Sn,itl,,   b.  l).v.   21    1147      \y    S(  « 
lu-  Pni..v...d  I..  Aun.ia,  N.  1.  and  <i.  i),r.  1V1>.  27     is-.'i,  ~i.  J  .  t/.      n,  i>(,mj 

1.     Mabel  Siuitli,  b.  D.-r.  G,  177H;  rf-ni 
,  May  21,  lSo7,  innn. 
11.      -Mose.-^  ^riniitli,  b.  J 

N.  v.,  Mav  21,  1S07,  unnn  '  '"  ''''""''  ""''  '"•'■  '•  "'  ^'^'"^  ''■  ''^  ^^■"■ 

Aru.ui.,    I'.  J>-<-.  ^-n  !.>..    d.  Aov.  lb,  Is, 2.      1.    Asiikkl,  b.    An;.-.    1;J    iKO.j-   Y     <_'    jvM- 
^     ::,.-'    Z"^:     :"!.?!,   ^■^=^^J",'"--^-:^^^-  :^-— ^  «*•  Cl.>ud;  n-caHoJ  .nd'ap     . 

r    ■  '..        -  ;  "^  V  •  ^"lyenu-  (Vh.;1  M    Trnn..  ISfiy.      l]o  svas  an  able  aiul   loarnr 

a^,e.    a    pnuuand   jun.i  and    an  upriybi  .lu.^,-;    br  d.  in  M.Muphis    Dec    m     ],S7S       ' 

<.^...  AT.    KK,),  1,.  Ocr.  22,  lSi7;   smd.  2  ^rs.  at  Trinilvrul.,  Ihn.b.rd;;  si,  d     ,^1   ■  %■., 

t!  a"Kit;:::,^^::rli;:i,:';i:' ;r"'"' " '^  '■^""' ""^"- ^''-^ -^^■-  -••  ^'— - ^■.'■"  ^> 

d    in  P      D  v'^^^^isol-  1"   '•""'';.^'^'  ^  '  '  '  ^  ";■  ;''•'•  ^ '■"'■  <=M't.  Steplu.,  follin.  ,d-  llarf. 
CI.  m  i..,  Dec.  „.  ls,M;  lit-  ni.  (2) ,  and  <!.  Oci.  22,   bSol. 

ly.      Kiisha  S,,.:iil,.  b.  May  12,  !77S;  d.  J  nl  v  "lii"]  :,> 
^.      Ashixl  Sniitii,  ii.  Srpt.  2<1,  17: 

V  ^^u,H•l  r^n.n,.  ,,  ^,.p,.  ^n,  ]  ,s|  ;  d.  at  I),.,nara,-a  of  v.llou-  fevrr,  Ano-  oo  ^SOJ 
M.  Cu.,r^-r  sn,:ih  1,.  A  „,o-.  i:!,  ]  ;>•.!;  ,,-rrl,.  in  Sripio.  N.  V.,  n,  D,  b  1-'  IS-M 
liarnot.dau.o  l^.nu,-  and  Mary  (Clapp)  St.H..  of  llartf.;  b  lAd  1-  17S5-  h^  Mu 
Sc,p:o    >-pt._l.;    i^^;,!.;  >]„■  vid.  n..  ,2,  .b.d,di:,l,  of  A„r,„a.   N.'v  ^1  ^.n' 

\  II.      Ab,,:au>n>.-b„.    April    I),    f7M);.l.    J  nly  21 .   IS  1 7;   n,.  J  ,:no   2.t    I  i-*;!     ]>ani,.l 
Ax.ry  of    Sr,p,o,(..  ol    KuM^n    Dani.d    Av.ry,   uho    uas   luli-d    at  fort  ..rlMvobJ,)  k  at 

r.icKJ.ow,  SK^jfoiTK.  447 

(I'votrtii.    S<']>t.  IS,  ITfifi;    r'M'.i.  to   Auruin,  1795;  iiiciii.  of  Con,;   ho  ui.  ('3) uinl  d    .I-.iii 

;in.  VrA2. 

\'lll.  ('l;Missu  Si.iith,  !).  Au;^  -I,  171)2;  in.  .Iuiw2."j,  ISl.j.  Alfir,],  (s.  of  0;iii.-l  Avciy 
liv  his  1st  uiM,  ti.  .\iu^  12,  17:)1,  at  (irnton;  d.  at  (icn.i:;,  N.  Y.,  April  >)  is:,.}-  sl.c  d" 
April  2,  1.^5;:  S  ehil. 

IX.  Urania  Sniilli,  1>.  ,hily-l,  H'^S;  loiii.  to  Auroi;;  h.l'oic  I8(K;;  m.  Vv]<.  S-',.  lS];-i, 
I'll; 'aye !■   Biiiiiliaiu  <<['   Auroiit.  ;.    rclJifd  lawyri  ;    sun  of    .M;!\(;r   Asa  JUuiiliani  of    S'luris- 

I'lM-y,  \'t.    siir  .i,  I  !<-t.  •?'.;,  isori. 

X.      I'^lisha  Sinitli,  h.  Nov.  21.  1700;  iii.  Nanry  Markliaiii  of  Aulnini;  l,;.d  .dii]. 

86212.  .Mary  Seymour,  luq,.  .Ai.ay  v.).  175 1;  d.  at  SrliairhTicokr,  N.  v.,  oa., 
lbo2,  a.  7^!;  m.  at  ll.-irtL.  .Nfardi  2,  17s>-".  S;,inp.(l  \>'fl>stcT,  s.  i>l  Mattlicw  and  Mahd 
(I'ratt)  WelisiiT  of  ILn-tr.,  aft.  rwaid  of  Srjiagli.,  ji(,\v  llarl's  J'^adls,  wIkuv  lu- d  >iay 
ij.  iSia,  ill  his  (■4t]i  vr. 

1.     Mahol  \Vciwt(.-r,  1).  Uaiif.  Jan.  i,  llSs-  d.  Xov.  22,  17!'0. 

IJ.  Ma'-v  VVi-bxt,.,-,  1,.  ji.  Marrji  21.  Will;  in.  .Maicli  10,  ];,12  .lohn  Flviiu  of  lla!'' 
M..on,  N.  V.  ■ 

III.  Janio.-,  W,  bsu>i-,  h.  fu  Scliagli.  -Ian.  29,  17!I4;  still  liviniv,  l.S.Sl);  ni.  1>,-c.  2,  1.S12, 
IJannah  Wiildrou;  i2i(>ct.  23,  INK!,  Maii^afft  M.  \'aii  \t(;ht(  n ;' (H)  Dcr.  1],  1,S50,  ('alh- 
ariii'-  M.  ])o!!iian, 

]\'.      Lytlia  WcliMfr,  b.  al  S.  An--.    27.    K'JS;    m.    Feh,    27,    1826,    Koland    Adatns   of 
Alha.nv,  wjio  d.  ,\i>!-il  211,  1851,  a.  54.' 
V.      IJohert  \V,l,>tcT. 

8Gi;'13..  Ashbol  Seymour,  b.  1757;  m.  llannah  (.'rant;  aftvi-  xho  ]|,iv.  jvni.  !i> 
'rio_\ ,  X^.  Y,,  wluif  Iw-  rsialilis}i<;d  a  paji>r  mill;  d.  thc;-t'  Sept,  28,  1705. 

I.  llannali,  d.  .>-.  /. ;  in.  (lu^;  2d  \vf.)  Hon.  llzra  Adams  of  C'anti'ii,  Conn.,  I..  1751; 
:^.  of  l.iout,  ])avid.  Ills  1st  \vf.  Hanii-ih  \Vilrox  d.  1801.  JI'-  v.  a.s  .liistic..'  of  the  Poar.> 
1810-20.  i;,']..  in  ('on>:.  I>r;:.  1801);  d.   Is;;>7. 

II.  Claia.  m.  Si-pt..  1810,  Win.  11.  J fallork  of  ( 'anton,  Conit.;  ono  t.if  two 
sisters  in.  for  2d  !nis.  ,Mr.  \N  red  of  Canton. 

86214.     Asa  Seymour,  Ij.   l-\-\>.   5,   1700;   m.   Dec.   7-17,    1780,  Klizal)clh,  dau.  of 
'I'lioma.?  and  Calhariiu' (8!taiT)  iK'nison,  h.  Xcw  London   JMaroIi    7.  1706.      lie  K<.TVod   as 
Iji'Lvate  in  Col.  Isaar  Shernian's  lii.^rt.  in  l\ev.  avinv  for  tl:;('e  vr^;.  and  oiglit  inos      JIo  d 
in  IJarif.  Ort.  2s.  1S10.     She  d.  May  20,  is-ili. 
I.     l>ftsf\ ,  0.  iVl>.  10.  1788. 
II.     C:!llui"rinc,  0.  An-.  00.  1780. 

111.  Mary,  1>.  May  27,  T/.M;  r.i.  (liis  2d  v,f.)  May  20,  1810,  Ilogr;-  Sln^;-;nan  Xew.dl 
of  Scott's  Sv.aiuj.,  I'arniinytuti,  Conn.,  li.  March  2S,  1701.  lie  d.  hvc.  1,  18oo.  Siu^  d. 
A.  i.  Ahl:.  2'^,    180.0. 

iV.     Chcstef,  0.  .laii.  10,  1708. 
A\     Mahfl,  1).  >;ay  2:.!,  1705. 

VI.  \^'illiani,  h.  May  26,  1798;  a  fanner  on  Kockv  Jlijl  in  Hartf.  lie  d.  Oct.  21, 
1850;   uiiui. 

Vn.      Ann,  i).  Dec.  27.    1S01. 
Vlll.      Albert,  h.  April  20,  1S()4. 

JX.      .\linira,  twin  ^vith  Alljv-rt;   bruid;   d.iii  Ilurtf.   I8(i0^  uniu. 

86216.  Robert  Seymour,   b.  1700;  d.  in    Harrf.    June    10,  1803,   in.    Lucia    

vho  d.  in  llaitf.  XOiv.  1,  1821,  a.  01. 

I.  Lred(  rick. 

II.  .lames. 

III.  Jai.d,  d.  at  Deinarara.  \V.  I.,  1811.  a.  10. 
\y .  l^'anuy,  m.  Sauimd  Steele. 

^^      Delia",  le.   Alfred  (ioodriidi  of  X.  Y.  city. 

86217.  Daniel  Seymou.e,  b.  17(j7:  m.  in  \N'cthcrsneld,  Conn.,  Jail.  2,  1707, 
Kli./.abeili,  d.-,ii.  (0'  Li-murl  and  Ma  iv  ((  bq,,.;  Steele  of  llarlf.,  b.  (»<t.  10,  17tii):  bed  ii! 
llanf.  (»ct.  10,    1^2(0  sle-  d.    \)r,-.  5.  is27. 

1.      Jnlia.  m.   lO'V.  J<Miath!ii:  of  lOx-hester,  X'.   Y. ,  a  nd  had  1  -^on.    1 ,  Jo.s.viii  \  n  .  ■ 
II.      b:ii/.aln  lb.    b.  June    12.  1  ^  12 .    ni.  as  lii.~  2d  wf  ,  Jem-    10.   ls:;,s,  ().  b;.   \';,,i  De-n- 
thuvM'ii  .0  Albaiiv,   X.   Y. 
"ill.       ^.  M.tin." 

IV.  liobert. 

V.      17nn-iiiie,  b.  Feb.   17,   1800;  ni.  jM-;,,pli  i^entoii. 



F.TtAKc'Il    OF    KLIZAi;Krn. 

\'l.      ;\s1i]k'1,    I).  1707;   a  ])iintcr;   ivm.   tu  X.  V.  C.  ancl  d.  t'lcre  C),!. ,  IS-?:;,  a.  •}0-  ni 
M:iiy  (iar.von.  '  '  '       ' 

86219.      Sarall    Seymour,   b.   177!;  d.  ]).•<■.  17.  IN-17;  m.  Jfdm  Ilobhins  of  IJiuif 
I.      Sally  Kohliins. 
II.      JOlizVi  K'ol.l.iiis.  in.   .1.  Sai'-e.  '         ' 

III.  Julia  l;,ii,'<.  "^  .  .  : 

IV.  Jului  H.>l)l,ins. 

V.      .lames    Kohhins.  .  '  .. 

VI,      Mary  A.  llnMiins,  in.  C.  Lyiiuni. 
Vll,      I'mily  HmI.Mh'^,  in.  C.  ( .' ivrloy  or  d'nrlry;  ivin  to  St.  ];oui.s.  Mo. 

8G21J0.     Jonatlian  Seymour,  1).    177S:    in„ui.   in-rci,,    and    l,usiu.>ss   man    iic 
^'-   ^-  <-'•;  '■•"inc.-l.-d  wirli  paper  luakin-  aiid  .■>-,:.!..  i]t;.  S.yinour  Pajwr  Mills  at  Win.l.'^oi- 

Lo.'hs,  C'uiKi.;  idso  a  liook  puhlislxT;  lu.  Ma.ria  I;a%vi()icc  of  .\    '^'  ■  r2]  I'atii'noi- •  l,r- 

d.  iu  X.  Y.  <■'.,  Nov.  2.   1811. 

1.      ]"»ai)iid,    1..    ISOO:    les.  X.  Y.  (/.;  a  !;cnt.  of   Icisui.' and   cultivatinn;    tr:.,v(d,-d   in 
EtiiniH'  sevejal   yr-.,  d.  in  N.  \.,  June  s,  is^y^  uiiia. 

II.      Melancthur,  1...  li.  ]H!0;  re.-..  X.-   V,  ('.';  (,f  univh  litnarv  last;--  d    in  N    Y      \ov 
2],  IM).-,,   unin.  "  '     '    Tabitba  Boymouv,  !■.   .^Iay,   n.-rfO;  d.  in  Ihrnf..  Ori.  ;)i     IS7]    ...   oj- 

111.  .-Nimuel  Cairiji  of  Ilaril'.,  who  d.   ])cc.  ;!,  li'.VA,  a.  04  vr<.  •     ■  ■     . 

1.      (•Ji/a  Ann  Cauip,  li.  ISOH;  d.  ^!a^-  27.  ]>:?]. 
II.      Fann;.   Camp,  in.  ^^'nl.   fuller  <d  il art  1'. 
III.      Dani.l    Sryniour   Canvp.    b.  ],Sl:j;    in.  An-elia    Ann    Undi;   he    \va,- k'illed    iiith,. 
exidosiun  a.t  l^il-.s  .V  (ir.iy'.s  rar  s)i;,p  in  Hartford.  .Marrh  '2,  l^.VI.      ].    Dwiki,  Si-^V.m.m  r 
SPrved  bra>tdy  in   Conn.  Vols,  duriu.j-  the  war  for  the  Union;  afn-rw.  a  ])liotuJ-ra]ih,-r  in 
Hart  f.  a  lid    waskdhMi    in  tlie  di^^cliaro;,'    of   his   d.utv  as  a   fuvniai,  in    Mark.-^  "t      Faitf 

May  2-!.  lt^7>^,  a.   ;-!4.  "  '  '"■'^'•' 

iV.      S.-'iunel  II.  Camp,  killed  iu  explr.siun  at  Fale.s  A:  (.;ra\-'s,  Mareli   *    IRoi 
Y.      Kn.fline  Camp,  ni.  Oct.  U,  IS,".!),   Thouia.s  Au.stin  'IVI.a",  s.  of  I^li'iah  and  J.u-v 
Seymour  Terry,  1).  Jan.  1'.3.  ISIO,  in  flartf.;  d.  Feb.  L':_'.  UCil. 
VI.      Julia  A.  (;ain)>,    m.  Edwin  ]).  Tiffany  of  liartf. 

8622.  Anne  Seymour,  bap.  Jan.  •>:!,  173-.';  :u.  A]ui!  2;-i,  t7.r2,  Joel  of 
Simsbnry,  Conn. 

I.   "  Anne  Cornisli,  h.  March  19,  d.  Nov.  7,  17,",.'!. 
n.      Anne  Cornish,  b.  Jan.  '20,  17.")~). 

HI.     Ceorijfe  (.'orni.-sh.  b.  March  17.  Kof):  d.  Nov.  ](),  HAD. 
]\.      lihoda  Cornish,  1>.  Jan.  4.   17.JS;   d.  Sept.  2.""),  1759. 

V.  »;eoi>i:e  Cornish,  b.  Auj,^  10,  ]:c,0;  admittrd' with  his  wf.  to  tlie  chh.    in   Sims- 
bury  June  G,  17'>4;    Oeacon  of  tlio  chli.  nianv  vi-s.  and  d.  Nov.  ?1,  IS})-  m     Anna 

1,    LiH'V,  ba],.  Jnnel).  l-TM.     -J.   S!C\.M(.l-u,  bap.  Juiv  1,  1767;  d.  (')ct.  10    ISlO 

Vi.     Joel  Cornisli,  b.  March  2-.>.  J7(i;;;  res.  Simsburv 
\'\].      ];ho(la  Cornish,  b.  .\u^^  21,  17(;i. 
VIII.     Sou,  1).  and  d.  Oct.  2, 'l7(;y.' 

8628.  Su.sanna  Seymour,  h.  17;3S;  m.  Aan,n  Mosrs  who  rem  from  Wintonburv 
to  W  .  Simsbury  (now  C^uiton)  17.-,7.  She  ,1.  17S:i  He  m.  (■.')  llachel  Cilbert.  He  was 
Deacon  in  the  (di)i.  Jit  Canton.  Cdiin.,  ami  d.  ISOfl. 

1.      Darius  Moses,  b.  Sims.  Xov.   1],  17oS;   pn.niinenl   in   Canton;   Capt.  oi    miliiia- 
m.  Sarah,  dan.  ol   kn.-ut.   David  .\dams  i/f  Canton.      lied.   \S24. 

II.      As.Miath  Mos.-s.  b.  in  S.  Xoc.  •?,  ]  7(;ti:  m. Ad.anis. 

111.      Aaron  Seymour  Mos.'s,  b.  Julv  'JO,  Kfj-,';   d.  March   V2    177-'> 
I\'.      Susanna  .Mos.-s.  b.  Si-i.t,   ILI,  r7(i  [;'m.  J.'.seid',  Hutiolph 
Y.       Martin   k.-vi  M(,ses,  b.    l),-c.   20,   lltiO;    drnwne<l 
VI.      Aaron  Seynionr  Mos(-...  1,.  (),-t.  2:>.  1772;  d.    ISIC;  m.  lihoda  I!um]>hivy. 

8G2-1.  Ciuirlps  Seymour,  b.  Jnin^  9,  1743;  d.  Dre.  1,  I7!):j-  m  Kli/.abetli 
Humphr.'y,  b.   .Apnl  -i.   i<41;  d.   D,  (  .  2(t.   Ixpj. 

1.      Nathani.  1.  b.    !7(;9;  Capt,;  d.  in  llar,l.  Jan.  21.  i^-O:];   m.  Ann.- ,  wh.,  m.  (2>       i,    l).\Mt.l    C.,.i.   Feb..    iSlil,  a.    19;   buri<..l    in    ll.artf.      2'    S\i.\u     ni     Nh.v 
2.-),   iSlS    !ohn  l;ish-y,  jr.,  o|     F,  Hartf.,  b,   179:!,  s.  of  Join,  an-i  Kuih  (.Md,e)   l;isl,-v-  p2> 

S..lw!:.on  ^^  d!i;.!n-  .if  !;.   li:i!-fi'.  ;   C,-;  .  --v    ' 

II.      Cha.hs,  b.  177(1;   ,1.  in    Hartf.  Jan.  h,   IS4.7:  ni.   Jan.,    1S14,    J';!i;'..ab.-t)i,   dau.    of 
Tl'.eodore  and  Al>by  ^pencer  ol  Hani.    Shed.  Feb.  23,  187o,  a.  bl.    1,  Cii.\s.  X..\thaxii- n. 

>L\\i>n\i,    J!j<; j:i.(i\v,   >;,\i;.-.ii.  449 

I..  AjTil  -1.  isi,-,;  Trill.  C'r.l.  isll;  (.rJ.  at  Iliintin-Mn,  Ccuu.,  Juiu-  '.^(i,  )S-}1;  m 
.hily^!l,  ls;j,  Hriirict;;i.  ,Iau.  cf  SluTtium  ami  liciu  i.-riH  I'l.iaidniaii  cf  !l:ii-tl'.';  sincr'  v,-l" 
ill  Whai.'Iey,  Mas-^.,  iir.iiil-lvi  ,  Cniin.,  now  t'.,r,ir.  niini'^tri-  ai  'l^oHaiul.  Conn  "  1 
,S7/v///,  T.,  h.  .luiic  -JO,  l,--4'„i;  ill.  in  J-;n„,i;|vn,  C'miiii.  . 'uci.  rJ.  ]ss!  AiUmr  ,1  Morion' 
C'asliicr  ol'Tli.- 'I'ollau.!  C.i.  Nat.  ]5ank.  0,  Jl>  nunn  F,ui„rl.c.  d.  in  Ijaiif  \huvl,  1  180?' 
:i.  ii;.  y,  A.;/  ]{■>,!■, s.  1,.  An-.  :::;,  1^:,4.  ■[.  .F/V^w  y;, ,  h.  ^Ii,;,-1,  -iT  ls;.:(  cli-rk  iii 
irarrt.  'J,,  1..  IsiT;  nn  Srj,i.  ;!.  lS-i4,  Srth  11.  (;h,rk  .,1  llaiif.  ami  J  .)u]v3 
]>■(;!;   loax.a-^oii:      1.    'J'/,viii/is  S.  •      ' 

in.  .McliiKla,  li.  ]::J:  d,  Ainill,  l.v'ij;  ni.  Sanuul  Danfortji  of  Hanf  !>  \i,iil  ]i) 
177J:  d.  .\in-;i  11.  Isiii.  l,  j:i,rz\  An-'.  '.^8,  ise?,  Edwin  of  11  •>' 
Mei.ivda,  d.  .March  :J-J,  l,s-,'G,  a.  Ou.  :-!,  r.vTii.vniXH,  d.  in  .\.  Y.  C.  Anlr.  17.  ISC-l.  u„,,V 
4,  S.\Mri:!..  liviiiL,'- ?onu'  vears  aiTO  in  Lafavt  t^l^  lii'i.  ."j,  ]!  \i;i;;i.  i-  O'^.M  urrii  v  1  l/ 
isus;  d.  Fell.  •,^'-.',  1813,  a.  4  rr.^/N        "  ''      ' 

IV.  ]«:ii/,al.,-th,  I..  1777.-  d.  Drr.  S,  ].^>J^,-;  ni.  May  4,  1  v2s,  Dr.  V\-ni.  Whiiman  (lu^-. 
I'd  \vf.l;  Town  Cl.-rk  of  IJanf.  for  many  \r.s.;  s.  ot  ]\v\ .  Elnntliun  and  Anna  iSiault-vV 
A^lliflilan.      lied.  J:.-,-,  C'.-.,  IMd.  a.  S»).  '  •' 

\.      Sii.-aiiiia.  d.  ^)^■1.  ."),   17^0,  a.  .'.)  yrs. 

864.     Irene  Bigelow,  Nov.  -1,  1711;  d.  .ALudi  :}7,  ]7i;0,  m.  al.l.  17c!]    Cant   Daniel 
Maisih,  who  d.  Nov.  li.  17:io. 

I.     Klizali(-th  Marsli.  ni.  .To^rjili  ()ic')tt. 
II.      lii'nr  .Ma'.>ii,  \).  17.')J;  m.   Natlianhl  Uh.'ott. 

8G41.     Elizabeth  Marsh, d.  Dec.  isi.";,  at  h..u<e  ol  s.  Jan-d,  in  WalLTtou-ii    X  Y  • 
in.  abt.  17oS.  Jns.-jih  Olcott.  \vlio  d.  in  Hanlord,  Ahirch  !j    ls->j    a    8^  M's 

I.  Jaivd  ()h:ot;,  h.  July  22.  17o():  d.  Watrrtown,  N.  Y./at  au'advamvd  a-,^-  ni 
^Jaiy,  dan.  of  I  Caldwrll  oi  iL-irl  ford ;  (J)  of  Waivriown.  Anion-r  (,iln-r(  j,U  Ind 
l.Ui.  i..  March  11.  ]7s4:  s.-t.  in  Tarillvillo.  ronir.  wlicr- ];e  was  k.  l,v  a  fallina 
stick  of  tinihcf  from  a  IcaildinL'-  he  wa.s  Iit-lpin:,r  to  ra.i.'-c,  Sept.  lU.  ]S2S;  ni.  Nov.  i!."i  ISOy' 
HntJi,  dau.  of  Panicl  Frazer  of  Uranl.v,  (;r.nii.  1,  Ihinhl  F  .Uinc  ^'7  '{s'li.-, '  ~  ■''  G^o 
,1/.,  -May  ].  !.-"j7;  nr  Mary.  dau.  ..f  Hr:  ,k^  Bakr.r  uf  Woo;M,,,ro',  Md.  ?,  Orri,,  L  Mardi 
;ll,  1810;  d.  March  :J1,  1811.  4,  ]:,t",  J/.,  March  :>,  l^^l-^:  m.  jlenrv  Whltni  nv  .,f  \Vetlifr<- 
!n/ld.  Conn.:  n-^.  Sin,, -luiry.  5.  7.\  ,^,  c.w  A'. ,  Aj.rillO,  1814:  d.  Mav  C,  ]Si4  H  Fjhj:  L  Jnlv 
8,  .IMo;  in.  Win.  Fra/.cr  of  lirooklyu,  N.  Y.  7.  JLnri.f  J/.,  Jnlv  4.  I'slT-  n,  "Wni" 
];ced  ot  (iranby,  Conn.  S,  JnJnt  J,\,  S.'pi.  i;,.  ]8lO;  m  Alii:;ail,  dam  of  llc/ri.iali  (.iris- 
Wold  of  Uranhy.       !.),  77( ///// M. ,  Nov.  ;};;,   1821. 

U.  Mahcd  Olcutt,  1).  Ai..-ii.-3.  i:,'jl:'ni.  Maivh  Ox'.  HM .  Isaa- Skinner  .-,)'  liartfonl 
v,-!io  d.  Oct.  3,  181G,  in  hi.s  G^-tli  yr.  t,  ]:i,iz.u;:.Tii.  M.iicli  14,  17>:i.  2  Awi^  Mu'rli 
0,1785.  8,  Oksox,  March  15.  17-.-7;  d.  Nov.  J.-,,  18:1.-,.  4,  C\Tj'r  \i,i  xr  \pr:' (i  r,'y'\  '  ', 
AMnH.i>K.  Oct.  -211.17111,  d.  Oct.  2y,  1  :il4.  U,  Ciii-TK k,  h.  Vrh.  (i,  17;i;;-  d  Oct'  y'lSOo' 
/,  ]-.\.\c,  Jnnr  0,  170il.  8,  AMni;o<K,  Anp^.  G,  17!»7;  d.  March  20,  ls;;i  <l  Ar.'iG  Mi 
•)ar,.  15,  1S02.     HI,  Waiu!i:.x.  April  O,  1804.     1 1 ,  J]:.\xx:rn  f   Nov    •2  I    !^^0o  ' 

111.      Flizabctli,    Jan.,  17G3;    ni.    IJoderick  F-un'',.  of  llaiti-ord;    r.-ni     to   Ncv.- 

Marllioro,  Mas-,.,  where  he  d.;     [-2} Kiiapn,    and  rem.    witli   her  cliil.    b\    1st   m   to 

soulli  siiore  o!  Fake  Ontario. 

TV.     Irene  Olcotl,  b.  Dec,   17G4;  m.  David   ^Vadswol  lli  nfUartford;  rem.toO  •  sev 

V,  Catliurine  Olcoti,    b.   Jan.,    17G7;    in.  Flias  Chirk   of   Hartford;  rem    to   Fr.wer 
Canada;  sev.  cliil. 

Vl      Ann;r  01c, ,tt.  b.  Jan..  KG'J:  in.  Fenj.  Sju-ncer  ot  H.;  (-2) \Vilson-  s-v    chil 

\  11.      Joseph    Ohott.    b.   D.-c,    1770;   d.  in    Madison    Co.,  N.  Y.,    lS2s-  m    and,  .-et    ju 
K-remont,  Ma.s.,  rem.  to  Oneida  Co.;  .sev.  chil..  of  wlrmi  1.  JosEi'ii,  lived  in   Sullivan 
.Madiisi.e.  Co.,  N.  "i  . 

VIII.      HhodaOlcott,  b.  >F-irch.  17  7;.!;  m    John  Frace  (,f  Hartford-  .sev    ehU 

•JX.      Cliloe  Olc,.;t,    Viii;-.,  1775;   d.    AnL'-..1777. 
X.      ChiueOIcit,  b.  A|>ril,  1777;  m.  (iiles  F.h.-erton ,  res.  N.  Y.  C  ■  sev   idiil 

XI.     (inrilon  oic^iit,  m.  177'.):  li.  ;i;  Dcrioii.  .Mieh..  jsni. 

XII.  Helen  Oic,,tt,  b.  , (.an,  1>2:  m.  \\"m.  <:i:nivh  (d'  H.  1,  \  \;  ivs^fo  ^'> 
CAi;,>!.rxi.,.  m  Jolm  Crane  of  WrtlKTslhdd,  Conn..  Nov.  2>;  1822-  re--  Mo  ;!  N  v.vfv' 
111.  May  -2}.  1S2G,  Fev.  Ira  Fidwell  of  Meth.  chh.      4,,    ivs     m,',      .-,    Thiu'.v'r    of 

Mo.     (i,  .Mai;ia,  m.  Franklin  F  .lies  of  Fon-ddceepMe,  N.  Y.     7.  J  \  \  1  ■;    m    U-r   of 

Cincninan,  i).;   res.  Nio.   .  .■^,  .Wt;  m.ti' i.v  A  \.\.  ni.  .)  nstin  Frior  of  .Middle'town    Conn   -res 
Ai.o.      ',1,  Jm.s|.;i'h  NK\VToy,  Cincinnati    O 
XIII.      I.ucreria  Olcott. 


450  ];raxch  of  elizaueth. 

•      8641.13.     Lucretia  Olcott,  l).  Jan,  )}[),  ITS-i;  ,l.  March  2s,  Is;;:];  m.  Jau     isao 
Jiuiics.  s.  <.[■  Thnmas  S:u-ali  l\in,Lr  l>;;rr,  h.   l-\-\).  18,  170(i;  <].  March  IG    ]  ■^45 
I.     Jason  l^irr,  1».  Ndv.  ■?':»,  INJO;   d.  Jiuiceo,  ]S|!). 

II.      Xnrinan.!    Durr,   h.   (»ct.   (i,   ISoO;    d.    Drc.   5,    ISOI;    id.  Klizaheth   S.  Ihinc-   of 
Hsnti".      1,    l''i;.\.\t  IS  W  .,  ui.  .\iiM;i  Cliaiiin  of  Iliirtf.       1,   J.oai.s  C.,  \).  1^\J7.     2    L'r.^sir   \, 
1S75.     2,   A.NN.v.  in.  \Vni.  (.riili>-rt.     ],   yrciiun><l,  ISilT.  '  '      "'  ' 

III.  Ccrn.Jia  Buir,  b.  An^i:.  2^,  \<U\;  ,i.  u,-t.  '..^0,  IsOs, 

IV.  Aluiira  Burr.  h.  Sopt.  1,  isiif];  m.  Aiif.  -j,  1S4.T,  Cvnis  (ukkJc!]  ]  \iici- 
Ll-(  itF,T!.\.  1),  June -28.  lS4i.i;  d  X.)V.  C,  ISTl;  rn.'D(M-.S,  IS^O,  tsuac  ('ro-^s  jr  o  'iv.nk 
Ei,iz.\,  b,  March  ]-2,  1S4-S;  m.  ISIJS  Jolin  S.  lldhh'n;  ;j  .hi],  3,  Kj>ml\d  Bitr  XoV  -^s' 
IfOl.  -   •      .  -       ■  -   , 

V.      L-vrct   Burr,  1..  Oct.  0.   1S0S:  d.  Julv  18,   1S4S;  m.   June  3,   1833     \nK4ia   11 

VI.      I'lliz:.  Burr,  h.  Fch.  11,  l.sU:  d.  X..v.  23,  1S(;0;  m.  Au-    1,  1N48,  Daniel  Brown 
[onU].  -        • 

^  II.  Coniclia  Jani'  Bun-,  h.  Maich  J,',  1813:  d.  (>,:t.  O,  l'^;;!;  ni.  July  3,  1S33  Bnlj.-rt 
John-nn,  jr.     1,   BiiiiKijTli.     2,   M\i:v<'.,  ni.  \V.  11.  ]),,dd.     3,   Hlmiy  M. 

VIII.  Alfrt-d  Edniund  Burr,  h.  March  27,  ISI,-).-  jiroin-ictor  and  cdUur  Hertford  />,///•// 
'J'itins;  ihe  ]Hihli.-aii'.n  of  winch  he  be.iran  in  1841  and  has  continued  uut.ii  the  i>rc>eiit 
In  18.'J4  Ids  hro.  V .  L.  Burr  became  as.sociate  editor  and  in  1871  an  eifiial  j'artner.  Ik-  uas 
Mem.  Conn.  Leg.  18-"')3  and  "60;  Prcst.  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners  for  buildin--  tli.- 
new  State  ('a[)iLoI:  Cliairman  of  the  II.  Strwt  Comnnssion  and  Brest,  of  the  11  \y,u,^■ 
Savings  Bank:  m.  April  18,  1841,  Sarah  Ann,  dau.  of  Abner  Bootli  of  MeriJon'  {\,nu 
1,  Edmind  B.,  h.  Feb.  11,  1842;  d.  Nov.  3,  184.5.  2,  William  Olcott.  Sept.  27  lsi3'- 
m.  May  21,  1^74,  .Vmric  S,,  dan.  of  Gilbert  Lincoln  of  IBirtf.  1,  Fiirm,-,-  Linr'^^n  iV 
April  29,  isi^..  3,  Sau\h  E..  1).  May  13,  1847;  m.  Jan.  22,  1874'  Dr  Janies^MrMan-s 
of  Ifartf. 

IX.  Luther  Sava-e  Burr,  b.  Ucl.  2;i.  1817:  res.  Memphis.  Tenii.;  m.  J;uie  Farrar  of 
Mem.  I.  Charlk?,  b.  184S.  2,  Ella,  h.  18.30;  m.  Walter  L.  Paikcr  of  Mem.  3, 
LuTifKii,  1:>.  Is33:  drowned  in  youth.     4,    Ada,  b.  X"o\.,  183'.i. 

X.      Charles  Cooley  Burr,  b.  ().;t.   3,    1820:  d.   Jan.' 20,    IsTG:   2:rad.    Xewiiurv  i'o\  ■ 
ord.  minister  Metli.  ]^p•s.  chh.;  ll  Jane  3.  1843,  Aineli:!  !».  (Jilivum  of  Xashua-  (2)  Jam- 
M.  Periv.     1,   E^fMA.  \n.  Artlmr  W.  Fiske  of  Wa^h.,  D.  C      2     M  u;y   1-'      d    "Xov    '^1 
1803.     3,   Addie  p..  b.  1870.  '  .,      .   ^       .   ,,   , 

IX.  Delia  Burr.  b.  (Jet.  29,  1822:  m.  Xov.  21.  ISJS.  Ceo.  D.  Jewett  v>'ho  d  Die  1 
JN74.  1,  (,E0.  BritK,  b.  Au-.  24,  islii;  m.  .March  2G,  1874,  Annie  ^l.  Merritt  •' 
Fj{T:i)    Dsvkmit.  b.  March  2'i,  18G1. 

XII.  Mary  Kmih  Burr,  b.  June  23,  1823;  d.  Jam  21.  1833;  m.  Oct.  21,  J84S.  J:ni!,-s 
J.  Crocker. 

XUI.  Franklin  Lewis  Burr,  b.  June  4,  1831;  twin;  mana.o'ins-  editor  of  the  ILnff. 
JiineH:  nn  April  13.  1.834,  Elizabeth  \\'.  Merj-ow  of  11.  1,  m"ai;v  C.  ,  M;iv  13  1833  '•"> 
Fi;i:DJ:ia(  1^  W.,  Feb.  12,  1837.     3,  Emily  W.,  Doc.  10,  183U.  '        " 

XIV.  I'rances  Ellen  Burr,  h.  Juno  4,  1831;  twin;  num.;  prominen.t  os  un  advocate  for 
ji  larg'er  sjihere  of  employnu-nt  f(jr  womeiL 

f^%A'.9..  Irene  Marsh,  b.  1732;  d.  <)<-t.  2?,  177(5,  in  her  24fli  vr  ■  m  Lieut  Xatin 
Olcott  of  IL,  who  d..Feb.  23.  1801,  in  his  69th  yr. ;  he  nn  (2)  I-vdia.'dau.  Lieut.  CliurchiP 
of  (.'h.'Uham,  Conn. 

I.     John  Olcott,  b.  July  26,  1708:  d.  June,  1833;  m.  Bef.sev.  dau.  of  Lemuel  VCliite  uf 
E.  Hart.      1,   Solo.mon,  d.  unm.     2,   Ci.omiK,  d.  unrn.     3.  Joux  4'.,  m.  Almira  Sa^-c  of 
Vernf>n,   Conn.;   wid.      1,  i^V/^'/i^'ti'/;,  d.  March  14,  1830,  a  2  vrs.     4,    I-h.iz  vlltu-   res    O 
.5,   WiLLiA>f,   res.  Mancliester,  Conn. 

IL  Elisha  Olcott.  b.  Mc.y  10.  1770;  d.  Oct.  23,  1820;  m.  Amelia  Ohn.sted,  sis.  of  Elihu 
of  F..  Ham.,  v.lm  d.  b(b.  4,  1.830,  a.  00.  1,  Sophia,  nn  Levi  McKeeof  Manchester 
Conii.:  r.s.  0.  2,  FiAiuiiKT.  d.  March  7,  17!)8.  in  li-r  Uth  mos.  3,  Elisiia-  res  111  4'' 

8G5.     Joi:'::Vthan   Eigolow,  b.  June  27,  1714;  d.  Jan.  2;;.  1778;  m.  Tubiiha  Colenuui 
w'ho  d.  Sept.  17,  1703,  a.   TO.      /.  ann5n>j- o;he;'s: 

I.      Hannah,  b.  1738.  v.\.  Capt.  John  Barmird. 

II.      JonaTluui,  1'.  a!c..  ir4(p  m.   Alici- . 

HI.      l::ii:iice,  b.  1741;  m.  Capt.  Daniel  (_dci>[t. 

8651.  Hfaiuah  Bigelow,  b.  l-;38;  d.  N,,v.  I3.  1810.  a.  7l;  m  Caj.t  Jnhn  s  uf 
John  and  P'atiianm  iCa^e)  Ikirnard  of  E.  Haitf. ,  b.  1722:  d.  Dec.  28,  1812,  a.  Ul. 

OLCOTT,    MA];S11,    lU  G  i'LOV,',    HARXAllJ 


I.  Jamosl^ani^ra.  in.  Eli/.iihotli,  dau.  of  Jusliu.-i  (.'oo.irirli  of  ^^■^th.•!■sfil;l^l.  1,  Eliza- 
beth, iii.  Ei):ipliras  IJi/bens  of  K.  llarlf.;  li.ul  4  cliil.  2,  Mahy,  dk  iMlward  (iri.-v.i'ld 
-of  Sinishary.  o,  Maktiia,  unm.  4,  IIokaci-:,  m.  Hnniri  ^)i]l<M'  of  Simsbiirv.  5,  Juma, 
in.  Julins  }].  Sliarpo  of  llartf.     (J,  .Iami-.s  (.;.,  1).  ISOS.-  d.  ]-'.d).  ISoG,  a.  L'8. 

]I.  Dorns  Barnard,  h.  17.")!!;  d.  Jan.  IS,  1818,  a.  o!):  ni.  Abigail  ]\.d.]  of  U.-M-tf.,  1.. 
17:.9;  d.  Nov.  23,  INll,  a.  5-2.  1,  Wri.i,i.\M,  in,  Polly  Sh"i.ard.  f,  MWiatn.  2,  Ha[;kv, 
<'a).'t.  :  i!i.  ]'",uiiirt'  Ldaik  of  llartf.;  had  Win.  :],  ( i  i.oiu.  K,  )),.  .loru.sha  Cla]),  h.  ITS';  d. 
?>Iay,  1S8(1,  a.  42;  (2;  31ary  Smith  of  E.  lladdani,  Coiui.;  had  fani.  4,  Taiutita.  ni. 
Lf'imiel  Steele  of  Albany,  N.  Y.  5,  lloi; '.(),,  m,  llanii.'i 'I'liwinir  of  ('harleKt<ni,  S,  C, 
■\vh(>re  he  d.  She  m.  (2,)  Chaunccy  15.u)iard  of  Harif.  tj,  <.'ita];i.i;s.  b.  I7G7:  d.  Au^.  5, 
1S27,  a.  r.O,  unii).,  on  a  ve.-^.sel  off  Sandv  iiook,  reiurnin^^  honn'  froin  C'hai  le.-ton,  ,'4.  C. 
7.   Haiivkv,  ni,  Pliebe  P.rodwell  of  I'tl.-ii,  N.  Y.,  and  resr  there. 

III.  (Jrove    Barnard,    d.  Feb.  8,  1.S.S2,    a.  Gl>;    m.  Ma.ry  Ann    Ensirrn,  who  d,    Marcli, 

1837,    a.  7o.      1.   HrKUs,  ni.    Mary ;  (2)  Mary  ('liainn;',n;  o-!)  .\uTeiia .     2,   .1o\A- 

TlTAX,  ni.  twire  and  Inul  st-vcral  chil.  o,  Mahv,  ni.  Scynn.^nr  Wntrotis:  liad  fani.  4, 
Euwrx.  m.  in  N.  Y.;  had  s.  iii  llartf.  and  .■;.  Charh.'.s  in  X.  V.  5,  Ci[A]',i,i:s,  ru.;  res. 
(iranville,  Ma-.s. 

l^'.      Channi-'.-y  Bai'nai'd. 

86514.     ChauDOcy  BiTirnard,  b,  Xov.  llj,  17G4:    d.  March  5,  1807,  a.  72;  m.  Feb. 
4,  1^02,  l'.;!izaf)eth.  liau.  of  \Vil!i;nn  and  lIjMinah   S.'vnnnir   Aie.Irus,  b.  Nov.  2-^),  1770;  d. 
Fell.    8,  181H;  (2)  Eli/.a.  dau.  cd'  Daniel  S^.ymo'j.r  [2],'   v.-ho  d,  Feb    1,  1831,  a.  (M. 
1.      ]]e;yt-y,  in.  Allen  '\  Bo.irdnian. 

II.  t^'hanncey,  m.  wld.  oflnseous.  lTo:-;i;.-e  Barnard. 
[[I.      dohn.  ni.  Mary.  da\L    of  Ben j.    l^eiardniai:. 

IV.  Henry,  b.  H'ariford.  I'onn.,  Jan.  2-1.  1811;  Y.  «.  . ,  r^:;0;  tiav.  in  Europe;  several 
tiUH's  h'ej).  in  Conn.  Fei:. ;  elTeeii'd  a  I'ern-.riink'.a.tion  of  the  .-tat"  f^chool  .=;ystrm,  ami  was 
fc.ear  yrs.  S.-i\  Board  of  s.'].,,,,]  ,-oni.  Hi-;  li!.~r  a;inar,l  r^  p'U't  (.bboO),  called  by  ('luin.L'ellor 
Ki.-nt,  '"a  bold  and  .■^tartlinir  document,  foundnl  o;i  a  mosf  ]iainstaking  raid  critical  in- 
-Ciuiry."  Durin.i;-  this  period  he  issued  four  vol.>.  (jf  the  ('■'nn.  School  Jour  ncil.  and  afterw. 
continued  it  fioiii  tiie  yr.  F'r^oO  to  ISo.j.  From  b^iy  to  b^-lii  h.-  had  cluirgc  of  the  ])ul)l;c 
.sclioolb  of  Blioile  Lsland,  whore  he  established  a  in^dei  ay.stein  of  pojmlai-  education. 
Iniere.>tinji-hini.^elf  in  i-eliool  architecture  he  was  State  Supt.  from  fS.JU  to-  18o4.  In  ]8-jr> 
he  ber;;;u  ifie  Am.  Jni'Tiutl  nf  ]'jliii-iiii,ru.  President  of  tlie  .American  Association  for  the 
Advancement  of  Education  185.',^  and  w;is  offered  tlic-  Proideney  of  txsoState  Universities. 
C'om'r  of  the  new  ])e])t.  of  p]duc;.tion  in  Washiuulon,  D.  (.'..  1NG7-70;  Pres.  Conn.  Hist. 
Soc.;L]..  P..  Ilarv.  Fniv.  ts;."')2;  ('hane.lloi-  Vinv.  of  ^V!.-.  lli.s  jirincipal  works  arc: 
ScJiOol  An-Jih'cturc,  IS.Yi;  Xorhuil  ,SVe-*^'  •//,  1J,c  V.  S.  and  K'/mpc,  1851;  7V/V>.'7r  to 
OaUji.iidit,  1852,*  JS\'t>o,t/il  hjd>t"nli<iniri  Enri'iif,  185};  J<j>irn:V.  of  II.  J.  Im^.  of  Invt  rucfion , 
t"?  volumes  1845-8;  Ediieiitionnl  Biotjiuiplnj,  illsinrii  .■-/'  Edurotlon  iv  Conn.,  18.j8-1854; 
Hint'i  of  Mitltod.'t  for  ihe  U.ic  of  Tc'ich,r.^,  1857;  Lfc  of  Ezekirl  C/icrrrr,  (nnl  JVofef^  on 
fl'C  Fi'tC  -^''Jioijl-i  of  X<  ,r  Eii'jliind,  IS'io;  Educoiio/i  in  Fur/oru's,  1842;  Edin-odiorj/I  TructH, 
18P.2-6;  Sdiool  [Libraries,  1854;  ni.  a  lady  of  Detroit,  Mich.  1,  IIkxuy,  res.  Detroit. 
2,  Emh  y.     3,  JosEriiiXK. 

V.     Clarissa,  m.  Dorus  Clark  of  I[artf(n-d. 
VI.     Hannah,  ni.  Thov.  Sloan  of  Hartf. ;  liad  fam. 
VII.     Fois,  in.  Mosfs,  s.   of  Moses  and  Eliza  King  P>urr.       1,  CirArxncv,  b.  May  21, 
170-!:.     2,  M().sEs.       o,  Svi:)XKY.       4,  Loitse,  in.   J.  B.  I'lagg  of    Hartford;  r.nn.   l82it() 

Buffalo;  .<f.  «.       5,  Jl'l.lA.  ni. King  of  Biifl'alo.      1,    Sjj','„r/j.     G,  JotiN.      7,  E.MEI.IXK; 

in.  P.  II.  Maynard  of  BufTalo;  d.  ■>-.  ;'.  8,  Maria,  ui.  — Caaneron;  (2)  IF  H.  Maynard;  s.;'. 
^'III.  John,  m.  Sally,  dau.  of  Fevi  Bobbins  [ante].  1,  Cr;ci:iaA,  unm.  2, 
Kor.Hixs,  d.  y.  o,  Ei.isua  \V.,  of  X.  Y. ;  m.  Frances  Doddof  Ilartfcjid.  4,  Lydia,  m. 
Mai'inns  Ford  of  llartf.  5.  CnuxKl.rA,  m.  Mason  Gross  of  Haitf.  6,  Favina,  unm.  7, 
■Cema,  ivi.  Sylvanns  Cone  of  W.  Hartf.     8.   Sakaii,  unm. 

8C52.     Jonathan  Bigelow,  b.  about  1710;  m.  .\lict> of  Colchester,  Conn. 

F      Betsey. 

S€S521.     EcFscy  Eigolow,  b.  abmit  17t)7;  m.  Benjamin  (ireene.  of  C.,  b.  lladdani, 
I'onn.,  Aug.  ;;1   I7tj-.'.      Sin.'  d.  at  \N Dlcottvilie,  Cmin.,  July,  1855. 

I.  Buth  (ireene.  b.  Pre.  IF  17;)0;  d.  Xov.  IS.  1851;  III.  Feb.  25,  1827.  John 
Warner,  .«.  of  f.lijali  and  .Mai'v  '^N'arner  Barber,  b.  Feb.  2.  17'.'8,  Autiior  of  E'x'orieal 
i  (jllri  li.ius  of  .^'.a.•-s.  ;  (  (am.;  ai;d,  in  connection  with  Henry  Ho\\i-  jU].  id'  ,Xew  "^'ork,  New 
Jersey,  et<-.  Ituth  (I'r'MUe  was  Ins  2d  wife.  He  m.  (li  Hairiet  I".  Fines,  \\  ho  d.  March 
17,  lM2t'),  having  an  infant  .'-on  David  Braineid,  8  d.ays  idd,   v.-ho  d.  5  months  after,  and 

45;i  iwiA^rn  of  simox, 

iiflnu.  Ma:-y.  li.  Aiiij.  oO,  \s2.i;  iii.  IJfUt.  Kirhy  S.  Wonrlwarfl,  U.  S.  Krv.  StTvici'.  1. 
l-:i.i/.\r,i:Til  <;.,  'u.  Ndv.  'JO,  H,'T;  la.  April  s.  ISiSl,  Cuiit.  C'liarlfs  II.  llanctt;  Y.i',  18o2; 
itKuitH-r.  Shi- (i,  July  10,  lS(j:3,  of  cliolci-a  on  l)ii;;i\l  luT  husbaii'l's  sliipin  I  !i>' Cjiliirf' 
sea.  A  V(il.  i>\  Iii.T  jiu(".iis  was  ]iui.)lislir,l  afu-r  her  d.  1,  /t)/f,h  Lmii.^  .  \^.  .Ian.  'J").  ISliO; 
(!.  Nov.  :>,  ISii.;.  i?,  C.\i;mi,tm:  T.  ,  b.  :Ma.v  -.'ij,  1^^:?!):  m.  Aujr.  U,  IS'iO,  (..•.,!■;■-,•  W  .  Jones;'; 
V.  ('.  \x')[^;  .\s-:i-,|.  I'lv.r.  Math,  ('cnirll  I'liiv.  ;;,  Joiix,  h.  Xdv,  ,"),  1n;;I!; di.  March  7* 
ISOI.  Sarah  !:.  Uarii..-,;  n-;.  X.  Hav.  1,  Clinrlrs  S.,  h.  Jai).  27,  IN"!."):  i!.  July  9,  1x77; 
2,  V,'ii'ur,  h.  Af;'v  1!),  Is'rj.  4,  J.VMi-.-',  h.  An^s.  l!',  l,s;;-.':  num.;  rr,>.  Hajii(i(;ii,'(  Vmn.  5, 
li.\i;iaKc,  1).  Ffi;.  27,  IS.));  d.  .luiif-  24.  lSi;2.  " 

II.  liarri.'t  H-'-cu^-.  h.  April  liO,  1^'iiO;  ni.  D-c.  2:].  lS2:i,  Geo.  X.  Blnkesle.- of 
Xf)rilifi>rd,  ('(inr..  1,  tJiOi).  Pii:KroNj',  1).  Nov.  HO,  1 S24.  2,  ,ir.<ix>  Fha-NKMX,  1>.  Di-c. 
4,  182.1;  r.i.  J.'huiiiu  rrlton;  (2)  Jar.e  Wi.-nt  w  ortli.  ?,.  IlAl'.l'.rKT  I'vcr.iM;,  1).  F.4,.  9, 
Ib'Si);  d.  Si  pt.  U.  f-yO.  4,  LuutsA,  h.  .'an.;;,  ls;;i;  in.  Oct.,  ]85o,  Sanuiol  Hawkins;  of 
Hidg-ciicid,  ('o;ui.  -j,  AN.-oy  OiLi:r;M;,  h.  Nov.  22,  1:-<;J2:  d.  I'cb.  21,  ls4(i.  (;,  Caiiolixk  b.  J.iii.  !.5,  is:!4;  i;;.  .Ian.,  is."),'.  Kn-djriek  'I'lionipkins:  of  Wj.teahury.  Conn. 
7.  Sakati  Ann,  b.  Jier.  24.  .ts':3i;>;  d.  Mar'-U  i;;,  l.^.'.^i.  S,  Edward  \\  ai;!;!:x,"  b.  .Julv 
24,  1840;  ni.  0.;{.,  ]H(;:;,  Anna  Coruwe!!  uf  W". 

ill.  llanmili  (ir'.cir.  b.  .bin.  2,  ISO:;,  at  E.  ]I,;ddani,  Conn.;  d.  Marrli  11,  lS5o;  m. 
at  E.  lias-.,  Au!.:.  2s,  b'r'2.7.  I'anii.d  Tnlilr,  d.  Aprli  2ll  ]'S29.  ilo  was  .s.  of  Rev.  Ezra 
Tniile,  \i-h..  was  b.  al  Chelsea,  Mas  •■,;  Sept.  KJ,  }-,rA:  d.  Sein.  4,  18.74.  ].  Cahounk. 
Lnci-A.  b.  .juiy  2.  1S2''.;  d.  April  17,  1S27.  2,  Ma  i:y  ( 'i-.i.kstia,  b,  Nov,  2S,  ls'27:  d. 
Ji.ily  7,  1^2^,  :■!,  j  ia  n  (i:i.  (I  i;!;knk,  ii.  .lun.-  :j,  !SJ;i;  li .  .Mrreb  0,  1S.77.  H,  wa.s  Assist, 
('oiiiin^-'.'ciai  Jvlit-r  of  ilie  _\'.    V.  .!■,>■  of  i'vimnm-f. 

IV.  Saraii  W'ini;  Creene,  b.  Muich  27,  isO-:^;  d.  N.  V.  (.'.  Sept.  21.  1^40;  m.  A])ril 
IM),  1S27,  Sylvester,  .s'.  of  Ih.-w  V.v.vv.  4'uttle  [:-]j,  b.    S'  p:.  5,  ISnf;. 

8653.  Elinice  Eigelow,  1>.  IMl;  vl.  Ainil  4,  ISIO.  a.  Ob:  m.  Ca!>:.  Daniel,  s.  of 
■lenaihan  (.);.;,,tt,  b.  17:Jf);  d.  Feb.  4,  1720,  in  70th  yr.;  iiad  li)  cluh,  who  all  d.  iii  infancy 
ex  ce)-**  1  \vi ). 

].  Paity  Oh-oTT,  li.  17{j:l;  d.  Aul'-.  .1,  isoij;  m.  Noimand  IJutler  of  Ilarif.,  wlio  d. 
A'prii  r..  ].s.is_  a.  75.     1.   Ei:!'.i-.c oa  31.     2,  C'(it;xi;li A. 

II.  Eunice  Olcott,  b.  1771;  d.  Aui:,  11,  1S27;  ni.  liei  cousin  iu.ulerick,  s.  of  Satuue.' 
(.)lc(:itt;  wh(.  d.    -Uiy.  i,  iSOl,  a,  ilj;  (2)  Ceor;;:e  Goodwill  of  ILutf. ;   .«.  /. 

9.  Kimon  Tufrtle,  laip.  in  New  Haven,  Mareh  2:".  1G17.  Ho  appears  in  the  list  of 
jjroiirietors  of  ^^'al]in,u,■ford  in  IG70,  raai  had  lot  Ne,,  l:]  wiili  S  Kcies  of  (;ut  land  as^signed 
Us  hiui.  Dr.  Savagf  {(ren.  Uu-!.)  says  he  ('id  nrii  stay  loi;:j-.  Fie  did  lait,  in  fact,  take  up 
his  allotment  and  probahlv  coiitinued  in  Ne-.v  Haven  until  after  the  death,  of  liis  Rie.tlicr, 
Deo.,  1081. 

He  is  01,  ihi:  list  of  propiieTors  -^f  New  Haven  Jn  IGSO.  and  received  Ins  share  in  tlie 
8.1  division,  '■  \\\n  hc'ad^/"  sh..\s-ini;  thai  at  Tlmt  date  he  leid  a  A-if"  Ini'  no  <  hihlrcn.  He 
was  probal>ly  m.  in  1070  or  lOso.  In  Vu'.]  he  i>,  called  ot  New  Haven  in  an  aereeineii! 
for  vii^ht  of  way,  si<;-aed  by  Th'anas,  T>iivi(i,  Benjainin,  Jonathan,  Simon  ami  Nathaniel 
\Tuttle.  The  original  paper  bs  now  in  posse.ssion  ed"  the  family  of  th'-  late  Elihn  J!laV.<', 
Es(i. ,ofX  Hav.,  from  wiiich  the  fac  simile  td"  signatures  was  trac-ed  by  his  dan.  Miss 
Emma  L.  Hlake.  In  1077-8  conv.  tojjenjaniin  Brocketi,  Cordwainer,  "a]>aii  of  land  my 
father,  Mr.  William  TutHe,  bought  of  John  Ihmdei'son."  lii  lOsl  he  conv.  rt.  inland 
on  Tlie  west  side  of  West  river,  in  th.'  4tli  division.  In  lOSo  he  cmivi'ys  house,  barn  and 
homt!  lot,  ^^  (d' an  acre,  !)oiiiuied  fin    the   ,-ast    by    Nathan   Andicws,    we.-.t    by   the  stn-ef, 

north  hy  home  h>t  forme'ly Jelms m's.  and  ■-..ulh  by  iviward  Dvi^font  ;'.'i,  to  liichard 

Higirlnliotbam  of  X.  Ha\ .  In  tiiesj  deeds  he  is  call,  il"  of  N.  Hav.  InlOSo,  ••Simon 
Tnttle  of  Waliin.H'ord.  con|i.T,"  conv.  his  piJiti.m  ol  the  jld  division  in  N.  Hav.,  tldrty 
aer'-s  at  <>_\s;er  Point,  b  mnded  on  the  u .  st  in  part  by  the  Mili'ord  lliv;  ree:'i\  ii;g  in 
exiliaage  a  lot  a.IjoinirLg  ihe  c.niunon  0:1  the  ea'-t  >id,-.  Fioni  these  re'-nnF  b  fopow-: 
that  he  remevesl  to  Wall'd  about  I'iS.i.  .Ic-'  oh  V.  Ivach.  i-N;p,  of  Cheshire,  f'.aii!..  .says: 
•'Simon  'r'L';t!e,  in  th.'  firs;  lay  out  of  \'.''d.  in  '  y  -p:ii'_^  id  107O.'  I;ad  hi  N'.i  l;-i  on 
(]m  e;e-t  side'  of  Mail,  .--t  and  lot  21  <d'  the  ri\-.-r  hits,  bm  (I.-;.  ;;u,  1071,  ■nni  pos--e^sing 
his  lot  and  the  river  lot.'tiiey  v.  e;-.- t^'a  iite:l  i<i  .b  i.^oph  Iv.  s.  Hi  the  21  d.ivi.'-ion  in  WaUM, 
Dec.  L'7,  Ib-'i,  Simon 't'uttle  tiraw-;  "loi  .Vo.  .■)2,  and.  tak.-s  up  HH  aci-es.  In  the  Falls 
Plain  ;,  now  Hannver  or  S.aiih  .Mc  d.ivishm,  I'Vb.  lb.  lO'jn.  ..■•  g.  ;>  he  N'.i.  14.  In 
li'e  :;,!  divisi.m  he  !.■■.■■  s  '<■■'■  acr.  s."  p'so  SMia.i;  T.  of  Whdt'd  ~.dis  t.i  i-.aac  4'iii  mr  b  acres 
••  f'.iirwi  iy  tieliinjiui:-  le  mv  fattier.  Mi.'  \\il!i;ini  'I'n'i!.'."  bouiid'-d  on  tlie  n.irth  by 
Nathaniel  !'iiule,  south  by  .njin  Mix.  (>a- t  by  lia<;  lli  v"  !Me;;,!ow,  w-  ;'  by  roimtv  road. 
liiS>)  Simon  auvl  David  conv.  t'»  P.i''ie  ;wii    parcels,  VI}-  a. 'res.    lying   together,  east 

JSKiKlJJW,    TLIII.E.  '10.') 

.sidi  'A'  New  T[;ivcu  Kv.^l  iiver.  ".d  ilivision.  A\>v\]  .j,  ](js7,  ,l,,liii  unu  Samui'l  'I'mM,  f-xr,-. 
.ami  t^fins  o!'  (.'liristopluT,  roritinneil  an  ai;-i''tanfiit  m  (■!•_'  by  >-;\\d  ('.  'I'.);M  i>i  lii.s  lit'i-tiiijc 
v»-itli  ^"1)110)1  Tutili- of  \\'a!l\l,  for  cXL'liau:/!-  of  lnuisi'  -.wul  l^n.d^  in  Hiai.furd .  o\viir(l  l,>y 
•Sai']  Todd,  '2^  iu-v<-<  and  ImiiM';  u'.so  .swamp  lar.d;  nhvi  ollii'i'  parcids,  IN  acii's 
and  31  aiTi's,  t'lir  wluidi  Simon  'J'utrlc  i;i\i  s  lands  in  X,  Jla\'.  on  ncst  side  cd'  East  liver, 
C''.i  iicrc.-.  V;ounik-.l  (■<)  tI.o  iii/!th  'oy  •loicuhaii  'i'nt'li-s  l;uid,  cm  ilu-  south  by  Sitinacl 
I'ruwn's  <i.">rii(_'  lut,  on  tin-  fa^t  by  .Tnnailnm  'I'ntib's  and  land  fo'imsiy  btdo!i--in;i-  to 
Ciirisiojdier  Toddi.  :iad  on  ill-'  ^\|•st  I'y  lli"  b.;L'dn\ay.  .-\l--n  Id  f,ci'_'s  lyiin'-  in  Snxilra;-: 
I'iains.  bimndinl  east  by  iln;  livci'.  riortb,  ami  west  by  .lonatliun  'I'uttli-'.s  land,  and  sdntli 
by  Sanund  Ibown's  l:Uid.  Also,  G  ucrr's  bvHindrd  ni.iti:  l)y  Samuel  liiov.  n"s  land,,  rvist  by 
rivi-r  and  Jonathan  'i'uttle.  and  n'lrth  an.d  cast  by. Jonathan  'i'utth-'- honn'  lot  and  ];:irt  of 
th.i- lot  fonoerly  Chri:-!o!'inT  Toid's.  a-  a!s>:  -.{]]  {h.-  v-si  oi'  I'ly  land,  b'-iiiz  abniit  6li 
ai;res,  lyimj  rhrre,  bo'.;  on  the  cast  by  tin.'  i-ivm-,  nortli  l.iy  Sammd  }iro\vr.'s  home 
Lit.  a.nd  s  iiiiii  by  Samm'l  ]>ro\vn"s  land,  ti>,i:f.tli('r  \\'ith  half  a  hoiisc,  i-lc,  l>ii  aforo^-dd 
Ja'idi;  .sami'el  Mnnson,  Maltha  .MunsDn,  wit.  .Inne  "Jt,  Ki'.hh  he  ajipcaicd  befon-  Jolm 
:Moss  in  \\'aI!M  and  aol,nowl,;<I^(-d  oonv.  oi'  hm.i  in  Xe\^  llav.  Xcrk  to  .bdm  Atwatrr. 
iu  1701  ral.'d  at  iT',)  on  tin'  Walbd  graml  list.  170.)  calli-d  Simon  'J'ntilo,  .si.,  of  \\"a!rd, 
in  to  Saniuol  I'lU'lo  of  "all  my  riuhi  U>  nndii\lded  hindis  in  N.  11;. \-;;"  .ndni  Hall, 
p]lizali!'th  Hall,  wit.  liti.j ''onv.  Ill  cov;-in  .loslom  Turilt'  "'all  my  ri^dit  in  Uranfm-d 
division  si  t  to  my  fathm-,  Mr.  William  'J'utth'.  now  (I'tb.  ]l,  17(i."j)  lai:i  out  fur  iiis  chil 
<lr':'n.'"  He -vvas  apiJ^.-inteJ,  gaui;t'r  and.  ii;M.d-."r  ior  t!!'- town  (>r  W'all'd.  Mr.rch,  170:;-'.t, 
iind  at  s!  vmal  timub  rtfrcrward.  Juno  2d,  171o,  ho  i;ivi'.s  to  1.7-  so;,,  Liardol,  a  lions. >  l.)i 
in  XX'all'd  coiiiaiain;r  1^  acres,  also,  olhei-  iaiuls.  Juiv  Id,  17]],  lie  i;ives  to, 
Ti!not!l^  ,  the  land,  ',).;.  acre.s,  •■Ibomdiiof  Kn-er  'IMor.''  He  d.  Ajnil  lU.  1711).  Jlis 
.wi.h,  Abi^^aii,"  d.  Aug-.  11.  17:2-3. 

Signaiur."  (I(j7;;])  of 

I.  Daniel,  b.  Nov.  11,  irivi);   m.  Ort.  IS.  1710.  hJuth  llvv..-. 

II.  Timoihy.  b.  Id^^-?,  m.  Xuv.  ::.  17di:>,  Thankful  r>,.>-)Iii  i!-;  {■!]  June  1).  1721],  ?.!aTV 
l^Av..',  wid.  nf  Si;-]dien;  ^A  May  17,  17d!i,  Mary  ilnniiston:  (d)  Juno^s.  I71h,  Mis.  Sarah 

III.  Al)ii;-.rd.  m.  June  ■">,  ITOfi,  Isaac  Ihirlis. 

IV.  Tliankfal. 

91.  Daniel  Tutlle,  b.  Xov.  11.  1(5>';0:  m.  n::t.  1M.  17  11.  ilutli,  dan,  of  F.i)hiaim 
IJow.'.  He  settled  on  lot  K.)  east  sidf  of  Main  st.,  \\  all'd,  V .^w.x.  In  Jlimo,  171."),  tie 
received  I'y  deed  from  )iis  faiher  a  liouse  lol  (d'  1:^  acres  ami  otlnr  land,-,  in  \V.  In  17d:s 
Iris  commission  as  ("apt.  of  So.  Kast  Mil.  (/o.  of  ^\'a!^d  confirmcl  by  a-scnddv.  In  1  , .jo 
Im  was  lic-nsed  t.j  ke.-p  a  tav.-rn.  He  d.  in  AVali'd  l7-is.  In  li-iW  Li-.i.t.  Ji.ddel  Tiurle 
exliibiied,  will  .>f  ra;'i.  Haniel  T..  d.-oed  May,  17-17.  n;ime,~  vi'.  ],'uili;  irives  eld.  s.  Jehie! 
.-tdOd  besides  wluu  he  has  ha.l;  elcl.  dan,  l'''hel)e,  v.f.  of  Samuel  .^)iies.  .LnO;  hydia,  wf. 
of  Beiijamiu  Cnlvi-r  4.'-)!.);  l.unice  i'5:  Mary  -LTdii;  J.ois  ymingiSt  d.ui.  .I'lOd:  .'.mbro^e 
and  Jehiel,  exis.;  John  Miles.  James  Miles  and  Jose^di  Doolittlo,  witnesses.  Amonicthe 
siixners  au'ainst  Mr  Dana  in  17(10  were  Josi-ph  and  Jacob  Fran-^is,  Joel  and  Oideoii  Ives 
•arid  Danitd  Tiittle. 

I.      D.iniel,  1).  1714. 

II.  J.liiel,  All,!;-.  17,  1717;  in.  Amr.  :il,  174-2.  Hannah  Hnll. 

III.  Pliebo,  b.  Jan.  .^■.  1710:  m.  Nov.  2'J,  17;Jti,  Samuel  :\Iiies. 

IV.  Martha,  b.  Feb.  h.  1720;  d.  Jan.  1,  174-J. 

V.  Lydia,  b.  Ajiiil  l.j,  17"22:  ni.  Henjamin  Culver.  1,  Jo.siiuA,  b.  Nov.  1,  1741;  d. 
:soon.     2,  Josin.v.  li.  .Vjuil  4.  174:1. 

VI.      Eunice,  b,  \y  17-'.",;  d.  A]n-il  13,  i72d. 
\[i.     Funic,  b.  Juiv  13,  173(1;  nn  1  hh")  (.idoon  jvs. 

\'ll!.      And  lose.  Seju".  3."),  173n:  m.  Mav  VA.  174^.  Esther  Ive.-,  sis.  of  Gideon. 
IX.      Enos.  b.  Jan.  d.  17:13;   m.  Aiuil  31,  175;',  Saiah   Fram-is  an.i    had:      1,   SAliAri. 
').   .Feb.   li).  17-'j^-.      'i'lm  mo,   d.  ..anie  da\-. 

X.      Marv,  (.)ci     1 1 .  1 7o:j;   m.  Oct.  dl .  17.V>,  Jo -,_-jdi    Franeis. 
Xl.      L.ils.  March  >.),  17;]7;  m.  June  lb,  17('').  Ab.l  Ive,.,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  9,  17:^0. 
XH,      Abiah. 

•■^I  was  cnriy  iniormed,  on  what  seemed  ,;_'00ti  ituihority,  tti.'l  tie'  abov..:  .'\hij;ail  was  the  ri.iu.  ot  t!uit 
nr.i.ic  of  Richard  i-ieach.  whose  bird;  or  tia'p..  .tdvea  !iy  iJf.  S.iv.i,uc  in  i'';^,.  Jo.■^cph  W  Bench,  Ksg.. 
liiinks  iliat  she- (.-;..ul'J  nut  r,.i\c  bet-n  .1  llcach.  RicharJ'.s  d.iu.  A t-.;i;ail  ii  net  ;ntatiu:icd  in  i-c;'lcmi;nt  of 
iiev  f.i'.hcr':.  e.-.ia;c      The  fM/int  remains  in  ui.ct rtainty. 

45-4  1']^\X(;h  of  sj.mox. 

91M.  JehJel.  TutllO,  1).  Aup-.  17,  1717;  r.i.  Aiii,-.  8],  17-|-2,  Ilaiiniih.  dau.  of  Dr. 
Jeremiah  Hull  of  \V;illin<rf,ir,l,  (.nun.,  1).  Mjux'Ii  IS,  lijo,  ,J,,h,i  Hull,  0.1,  .J.Teuii;.)i 
Hull,  Eiios  Bi-n1,am  aii'.l  Aniu'  Bi'nliain,  Jox-pli  Hull,  Ilamiah  'Jut tit-  aii'l  .Ulncl  'ruttli- 
convey  to  William  Bradley  the  whole  of  a  tiac!  in  ,\<'vv  Has-i-n,  "  helone-iuir  to  our 
father,  Dr.  Jeremiah  Hull,  late  (>f  AV'alliiu^ford,  dec,  which  he  houirhi  ni'  .loh'u  Beechfr." 
(Kecorded  Ai)ril  7,  1755,  /jV-/-  20,  X.  Jf(c.  l),uh.)  .jrhie!  Tutile  wa>  a.  Lh-ut.  in  the 
French  \\arof  1  75-1 -(>-!,  aiul  in  an  expedition  againsi  'I'lconden >•,■>!.  and.  I'rown  Poini  wa-< 
w\)audcd  ;iiid  d.  in  caaii)  oi'  liosp.  in  1  75'J.  His  est.  was  insolvent.  inv.  l>y  Th!-oi>hil  us 
Dooiitile  and  Isaae  Cook  of  XN'all'd,  'J7  (Is  fid;  debitF-',  i:-25;),  or  <m--  penny  faVthiiii.'  lo  Hh- 
pound,  nL!_).^^ly  due  tr,  Elihu  Hall  ot  W .,  to  whom  was  i^iviui,  lHiO,  adm.,  th.'  wi  i.  rrfu--- 
inijf  the  ^am»'.  in  A]nil,  17i)7,  Isaac  Cook  alhjwed  to  be  e-uavii.  of  i-iiufu  s.  ('harles.  li> 
17(10  Ste))hen  Andre .v>'  appt.  guard,  of  Jeremiah.  The  Nsid.n!.  C:.p;.  :ste]ihe!.  Andvew.s, 
and  had  Mabel,  b.  Sept.  2:},  17G1,  Sarah  and  Conlent.  About  1  7i-;S  ihe  fa.Uiily  removed 
to  Winilham,  Creene  Co.,  .\.  Y.,  where'  manv  of  th.e  di  scen.dants  still  reside.  Chil.  b,  ;n 
Wall'd,  Conn. 

1.  Ihjiiel,  Jan.  9,  1743--1;  went  to  sea  v.'ln'n  a  yo;;n;'  nnui,  and  nothing  flireci 
ever  heard  about  him  by  his  relatives;  fuil  an  utieeriain  report  that  he  lived  in  North  or 
South  (  aioliii.i. 

li.     John,  b.  Ai-ri!  80,  K-b);  in.  Jan.  ?0.  niifl,  Lois  Austin. 

HI.     Charles,  b.  Dee.  ■>\,  1747;  d.  July  8,  1751,  a.  4  vrs. 

IV.     Jeremiah,  b.  Nov.  25,  1750;  d.  y.  in  ^Val^d. 
V.      Charles,  b.  Jan.  '^b.  1753;  nn  Aniui  Fremdi;  (I,^)  Sarah.  Bliss. 

VI.     Joel,  b.  July  26,  175(1;  nn  1785,  Rebecca  Bierce. 

9122.     John  Turtle,  b.    A))rll  oO,  1746;  at  about  the  age  of   1.3    In-  joined  n  n:ili- 
tary  company  aia,!  nijuched   to  B'd^e  ( biu-ive,  \vith   tlje  object  it   i-  said  of   re.;o\-erin<r  his. 
fathei''.S  >,uii  an.d  powder  horn;  his  iVther  liad  d.  tie-    \ear  InUo;.-  at  t'i'own  Boini;   John 
recovered  th^'  gun  and  horn  and    used    them  afterx'.a.rds  as  a  s'ddier   in  the  army  of  the 
revolution.     About  17S8  he  went  to  (--'reene  Co.,  N.  Y .,  put    u])  a  log  liouse  and  returned 
lo    Wallinglord,  Cmin  ,  for   his    fa.mily.      'JJie   counrry  \v<'si  of   theHe.usm!   -was   a 
Vi-jkleriies6  almost  unln'oken.     During  liis  aijsence  lii  Conn,  tin-  house  ui'.s  torn  down  by 
the  Indians.     He  was  for  manv  veara  a  coinmissinner  of  tl'e  poor  for  eij'ecr.e  Co.;  he  d. 
Aug.  Hi,  1825,  a.  79;  ra.  Jan.  20,"i760,  Lois  Austin,  who  d.  Sept.  19,  1808. 
I.      f'.nos,  1>.  Auc.  25.  1776;  d.  Ai'g.  27,  177-L 
II.      Sarah,  1).  Feb.  22,  176^^  d.  Ant:.  9,  1774. 
HI.     Jehiel.  b.  Sept.  2^.  1769;  n^  Hannah  Hunt. 
IV.     Loly,  b.  lM>b.  7,  1771;  nn  1704,  Ichaliod  Andrews. 

V.      Lncina,    b.  JulyoO,  1773;   d.  .*.  i  in  \N'iiidham;   nn Pa.r]  of   Lexington, 

Greene  Co.,  N.  \.,  who'd.  al)out  1808. 

VI.      humice,  b.  .May  20,  1776;  m,  .b^liu  Duane  of  Cat;d^ill  and  had  0  chil.,  t,i   v.-ho!ti 
were;     1,    (iboie-i;.      2,    Jiuix.      3.    Bi.isi-.Y,  m.  Dr.  Brn-e  (_,;' CatslCdI.     4,    flL'XiCK. 
Vil.      \Viliiam,  h.  Any.  20,  1770;  j.i.  1S02,  Lusalle  Steele. 
VIH.     Jolui,  b.  July  b,  1782;  m.  Pollv  Snme;  (2)  Ann  S^urgis. 
L\.     Sidui-y,  b.  Dec.  12,  1786;  nn  1808,  Clarissa  Steele. 

91223.  Jeb.iel  Tuttle,  b.  Sept.  28,  1TG9;  by  trade  a  bhudvsmith,  afterwards  a 
farnnu-  and  de.iler  in  cattle,  hovs.'S  atul  slieeji,  and"  ke*  per  of  an  inn.  At  his  house, 
Bishoi)  Hob;,rt.  wlu-n  in  that  region,  always  sioi)]ied  and  wa-,  enteitaijied;  he  was  a 
(fen.  rd"  Militia  in  the  war  of  1812;  liimself,  wife,  father,  children  an<l  mo:-;i  if  tiot  all  his 
brother^;  iuiil  sistei's  were  memljers  of  tlie  Prot.  b'jiis.  chh.;  he  d.  Feb.  II,  1n52,  at  the 
res.  (!f  his  br<").,  John  Tuttle,  in  Ashland,  (ireene  (/o.,  N.  V.;  m.  Haninih  Hunt.  b.  in 
Tolland,  Conn..  .May  ;;i,  1774,  (a  cousin  of  the  late  Washin-.'-ton  Hunt;;  d.  Oct.  3,  184t); 
I'.er  father  ke])!  a  i.ul)lic  house  in  Windham.  X.  Y. ;  ehil.   0.  in  W. 

I.  Mr'dad  Hunt,  b.  Dec.  2,  1793;  d.  March  0,  1M5,  num.;  caught  in  the  gearing  of 
a  gii--t  mill. 

II.      Am:ind,(,  b.  Jan.  7,  1793;  m.  Levi  H,   Aldeu. 
HI.      Maidihi,  b.  Nov.   15,  1705;  n, .  Lyman  Mnis*/. 
\\ .      Lin-ina,  b.  April  23,  KOS;  m.  Consider  King. 
V.      Sarah,  i.i.  J;in.  22,   1800;  d.  Jam  20.  1x05. 

"•'CajiL.  !-'lep!;en  .■,  b.  ijjj.  liad  by  TSt  \vf.  a  d.-iu..  .Mii^^'aib  b  17-^..  viio  nn  Major  'aftciw.irdi- 
(ica)  J'h'i  bt.'Jt,".vii:k.  :.  Rr-v.  onicer.  Then  son.  Hen;  en  in  Sea^-wick,  in'.'Ohv,-  ("Dliln^..' .-eid  tine'  .'oh') 
(.Maj.-CJeivi,  a  of  the  cth  Corps,  U.  S.  A  :  •u.lcd  .it  ^po[uy■varli;^.  His  bi.uuc  .stands  on  Uic- 
p:iradc  i^round  ai  West  I'oint.     u':'Of  Sedgwick  fani..  A//>.) 



VI,      IhiPUJih,  1..  Oct.  23.  1801 ;  d.  Marcli  0,  1S2:^,  itt  Milford,  X.  Y.,  while  on  a  visii 
to  lifi  sister  Lu'Mr.n:   iimn. 

VII       Julius],  b.  Pec  U.  iSOu;  d.  Nov.  U,  1^1;).  _ 

Vlll  ]  .lis  A.  b  Sept  IT  1^1^-;  m.  l>ec.  1."),  1S4!.  i;-.>r;io  Lord  .^Iul•se;  m  the  thimuig 
|,u^  .-U  Carboiidale.'P;..  1.  AUhm.i.a  E.,  b.  .luly  -:>,  1:-!^:  m.  l.eonidi.s  Meise;  sot.  m 
Wu'vi.e  Co.,  T..,  i.nd  lKid  -1  Hnl.  ^,  ]s.MU-:i.i,i:,  Muidi  24,  1851.  3,  Amam^a  L.,  Jiu.. 
ir.,  ISo-l.     4.   ]An<  R.,  Nov.  10,  i^'m. 

912232.  Amanda  Turtle,  b.  J.n.  7.  17:.^:  d.  March  7.  1^:"',.  ^\^^,^'^^."^^^iji^ 
\Vnvn<- Co  Pa  of  iiitlannuaiion  of  the  lune-s;  m.  at  ^^  ludham,  ^.  1 .,  .Jf.n.  ~-5,  i'^if . 
Levi  H.  Ald.n,  b.  at  W^rham,  Mass.,  Aug.  2S,  17ii:i;  d.  at  C.rbondale,  ]>a..  Auj:.  0, 
I.SGO  Of  The  Gth  treiieraiion  iu  desc.  from  Joh.n  Alden  n|  the  Maybo'.ver:  .I'yj'-'^^'' 
abl'aeksmith;  arterw.^rds  farmer,  in  is^ij  ^veux  into  the  tannin-  l';':;-!"/-^^  ^•' ''.'^  f^'^^-'^ 
Pratt'at  Aldensville  (named  for  }um),  ^VayDe  Co..  I'a.  In  ^var  of  1S12  dra  ted  and 
.tntinned  at  ihenavv  vard,  Lon.e  Island:  an  ensiir,,.  Tlie  father  ol  L.  H.  Alden  was 
KHr.o,  a  Pev.  soldie'r;  Just.  ..f  rhePea.-e  in  ^Vindha^l,  .\.  Y  ,  K,  yrs.;  Judge  of  tlie  Co. 
Ci, art  one  Terni,  and  elerk  of  ilie  Epi.-.  Parish.  ,       .  ■,      r.      r--  1     , 

J  .Jame^  M  .\Iden,  b.  April  24,  ISbS:  M.  P. ;  studied  wnh  Dr.  King  and  .a 
Phil  •  p-uetire.!  at  Windham,  .then  at  Milford,  N.  Y. ;  afterw.ards  started  a  drug  Ptov,;  on 
Pe"rl -street  \  Y  citv  and  pran.  medicine  at- the  same  time,  then  m  l.rooklyn  In 
m\  appointed  bv  Washington  Hunt,  pliysieiau  at  the  quarantine  on  Ftateii  Is  aiid. 
%vhere  he  had  ]l'i)patient,s  under  his  care,  and  where  lie  d.  of  shii,  iever  March  .0,  Ibol, 
num.;   buried  in  (ireenwoud   ceriu-tery.  1     ,   n  11  ;    X' 

II  -Julius  Tuttle  Ahien,  b.  Feb.  IS.  bS-.21 ;<.ole<l  at  ^^  indham  and  at  Delhi,  X. 
Y  ■  then  a  dr.>v(U-  f-.r  a  few  vears.  In  ISoO  cmmeuced.  tamung  s.-.le  leatlier  v.uth  /adoe 
Pratt  and  l.evi  11.  Alden,  jr.".  at  Aldensville  (Pratt  k  Ald<M,).  He  als<>  rait  a  st<.re,  grist 
mill  fanu  etc  In  P-57'bnueht  out  Pratt's,  and  neit  year  sola  out  to!..  H. 
-Alden,  ir.,'aud  rem.  m  Om.onta,  (4tsego  Co..  X.  Y.;  thence  in  Uvn  or  thr.v  y-.trs  to 
Little  Falls  \  Y.  and  resumed  tannery  busine.^s  there.  He  lunl  also  an  mteres.  in^_a 
leather  st(ue  in  N.  Y.  C;  postmaster  at  Alden-ville  during  residence  there,  d.  lU-.  I,, 
IRGS  eftusiw),  of  thelu)--;  m.  Ib'xv  A.  Emmons  of  Oneonta,  X.  1.;  res.  Litt..'  land. 
■    1     Vm^m-aM.,  An-,  l>o4.     2,  MakvE.,  May24,  ISoS.  i   i,  n  •      .     ^ 

'  III-  1  evi  Ffitlieflv  Ald.ui,  b.  J..n.  ],  1825;  schooled  at  A\  indham  and  Delhi;  cuu-k 
in  "Countv  Rtore  "  at  Piatr.vijle,  Kea<l  Falls  and  CVu-hill.  Had  charge  of  a  woolen 
mill  atPo^klandvilb-,  X.  Y.;  drove  cattle  one  year;  tanned  leatlier  about  one  yea. r  in 
1817  traveled  over  Ohio.  Kentucky.  Tenn.,  Arkansas,  Miss.,  Virginia  and  Maryland^ 
In  1S18  uKOiuf.cturcd  caps  and  peddled  them  in  X.  Y.  Stale.  In  lS4i»  Nveni  to  x  a.,  and 
^vithJ  T.  Ahlen  took  charire  01  the  building  of  a  .sole  leather  tannery  at  Aldensville 
for  Pratt  .V  Alien,  and  next  vear  bought  an  interest.  In  1S58  bought  out  Alden  anu 
c-rried  it  on  alone  till  I'^'P^".,  liavinc  also  an  interest  in  two  other  sole  leather  tanneries 
in  the  vicinity  One  of  ihe^^  up  to  ls75  had  turned  out  over  one  million  sides  ol  sole 
leather.  lu  iNio  rem.  to  Pa.^a.e,  X.  ,1.;  take,  a  lively  i.'ierest  in  ti|mily  lusto:y  and 
o-miealoi^v.  and  some  vears  a-o  began  keeping:  a  record  ol  Ahh.u,  ^J■'f^^,  >^/eo/  aiJu 
7'h^;/c  families,  but  of'late  vears  it  has  boon  pushed  aside  by  the  eares  of  aneMen^iy 
business;  m.  Mav  27,  1857;  Lois  M.  Strong  of  Woodbourne,  Sullivan  C  o^._  V  \  .  1. 
Lizzie  A.,  May  4,  I8mj.  2.  J.^mksS.,  Keb.],  I8O0.  3,  Luis  May,  July  lo,  Ib.O.  4, 
MAiiiin  i3J,ANrri,'Aug.  3,    1874. 

912233.  Marilla  Tattle,  b.  Xov.  15,  1705;  d.  of  p.nenmonia  Jan.  23  b'-;75  at  the 
res.  01  her  dan.  Mrs.  Hurd  in  Flushing.  L.  1. ;  m..  Dec.  14  1H8,  l.yn-an  >bu^e,  b.  Jain 
8  17il5-  .scalded  to  death  in  a  vat  of  hot  liquor  in  Hone.sdale,  Pa.,  July  >,  i:^^-.  tie  vas 
tiie  eld.'  child  f.f  Capt.  Foster  Morse,  an  early  settler  of  the  town  <d    ^\  mdnam,  X.   1 ., 

'"""  I  ''"^iiarVirt  Cilbert  Mor-e,  b.  Dec.  3(»,  ISIO;  m.  Feb.  3,  1818,  Ibmiy  Hurd,  b  S.^p^. 
4  ISlo-  us.  Flusidn-;  chil  b.  iu  X.  Y.  city  ex-ept  tie-  last.  1,  Mauia  b.  Oct.  2^. 
isb).  2.  Lymax  Moi;sK,  b.  Jan.  23.  1852.  3.  Jkuiki,  'I'uttlk,  Jan.  14.  I800.  4, 
Hi-^-|.v  (in -e.T'iri     b    Feb.  21.  1s57:  d.  D.  e.  2:1,   1-57.  _, 

'■  11.  Me<lad  4hnileM"r.e.  1,.  Jan.  24,  1^21;  pw^tuuister  at  \N  uodbourue  builivan 
Co     X    V      oviu-  :iil  vrs.      1.    MAliii  l.A  'I'l   rn.l,,  .-rad,  A  assar  leuuih-  (  el.,   IS,,!. 

"[1!       lior  e-e  Bi^Velow  Morse,  b.  March  31.  1821;  d.  March  'J,  l^^oH,  unm. 
1\-.     Jehiei  Foster  Morse,  b.  Sept.  8,  1832;  d.  April  I),  1S51,  num. 

012234.  Lucina  TultlC,  b.  April  23,  lii'S;  m.  June  FT,  l^'il  ('onsider  Ivi- g.  M. 
1)  1.  M.ivh  15  i,-..T.  IT  He:,.<rl.:.vvine,  .\li.-niy  Co,,  N.  A.:  seirle.l  In>t  aiMilterd, 
Otsi  ir..  Co.,  X.   Y.;  rem.  abe.ut  1851  to  Honesdale,  Pa.,    where  In-  d,  March  .,  IMj..  a.    ,0. 

45G  iniAvrjr  of  >!mi,)X, 

I.  Lucv  Bw\  Kv.'.'j:.  -'uU-  27,  InO-3;  m.  at  In  r  I'uilirr's  rr-idi'iu'i',  ("uwiu-rstuwii,  N. 
Y.,  Sr;,!.  '2.  l'-!';,  l\l.cii./,.T  Maxw.-li  I.,.;,l  ,,f  Drllii,  X.  Y.  A  lawvc;-  l.iy  ]>vn\..  hut 
.-■mplns  ,'.1  mM>:    i!'  111..-  liiiii'  ii!  til''    P.    O.    D.'    \\a--!iinu-i()ii,   au<l    in  Dtl'iri'   ,.i'  Sic.    nf 

■.Snitc  111  Ail.any,  wlu-rc  lu  d.  Jan.  ]  ■.',  1s.")'.»;  -,)n-  m.  C-v';  •inn-  1-i,  T-'(JJ.  11. .u.  Win.  11. 
8h:uikland  of  Svracusi',  N.  \'.:  lawyi-i  and  judLir;  n  s.  Cirihual,  X.  Y.  ,1,  .M.\  vw  ):i.i. 
JviNu,  A\vA\  :,'!,' 1  .s.")');  d.  Fi'l).  '?!,  l^'y-l  2.  Y'ai.i  oi.m,  Vvh.  ■-'i.i,  1S5G,  now  (K^^M)  htiul.  at 
i.'oriiidl  rni\'. 

II.  Ilarv...'v  R.  KiiiL'-,  1'.  -liuK'  7,  1N?7:  d,  MaivliS,  18-Js. 

III.  lla;uia"h  Tuttl.'Kin.';,  li.  at  Asl;hin<l,  N.  Y.,  Aiur.  1.  l^:^'"*;  m.  Jan.  Ti,  is.vs, 
Kdvai  P.  lliMWii  .d'  X.   V  .  ('. ;  lawyer -^Ji)  l.'.iiradw  ay .    X.    Y.      1,   ('i,.vi;KX<K  Kixn,  A|'ril 

■24-,  iS'iG,     -J,    Ki)(;.U!.  Juni-'  7,  ls!.;7.     '.).   M.sxwki.i,  Li:.\i..  d.  in  ini. 

91224,  Loly  Tultdc,  !>.  IYI,«.  7.  1771 :  m  Ki'4,  Irli;,l.,,d.  .^.  df  Laban  Andivws,  b. 
iu  \V'allinL:-fov<.i,  <..'o!i!i.,  .jn!\":i.  17ii7:  leni.  Iroru  h' xinyton  t"  iicadinu-,  Sti.aibcn  C'n.,  X. 
Y..  and  d.'"lli..'iv  Julv  IS.  1n4h.  ^bc  d.  in    lb.  2!t.  b-^lb 

I.  I'bilo  Andr.'v.-.-.  b.  .Inly  17.  17;i."");  iM.  Ii.i:  d.  .Ai.iii  4.  ISlT.  at  Sci;.io,  ind..  ni. 
is-JO,  Cl.iris-a  r.dto:i  and  -ix  (diib  of  wbi.n)  two  and  tbe  afc  livin::. 

II.  Sb.'ilo(d;  Andunvs,  July  ^'J.  \'\Mk  ni.  Feb.  7,  IS-?] ,  Parnielia  Tlioioas:  celebratr-d 
pr.Tldc-n  \',x-d.din,!.r.  Feb.  7,  bsTl,  at  Dundi-c.  Yate.-  Co..  X.  Y.  lie  lias  IjfC-n  elected  to  tbe 
first  oilici's  iu  rb.e  town  and  basnot  an  cne'iuv  in  tbe  world;  spv.  chil.  and  g.  cliil. 

HI.  An-on  Andrew.-,  b.  Oct.  19,  17!ir;  ("M.  I>.):  d.  .v.  /.,  Marcb  O'i,  b--!'),  in  Ueadin^-. 
He  and  liis  bru.  Phil"  ^'cre  well-educated  and  ]!'j|ni!ar  ]iliy>;cians;  he  m.  Mr.-i.  SKrali 

IV.  Jolui  'I'uttle  Anda'ew.'^.  b.  May  20,  ISIj:^,;  knr.wn  bince  2<)  yrs.  of  a<;-e  as  '"Maynr 
Andvews;"  nieicb.  in  early  life;  justice  of  Ibe  |h  ace  si-veral  yi'.~. ;  bliei-JiT  <if  tie'  Co.  mI 
8toiibi-M  ]s:',:j;  n\eHi.  <.)f  ('onL,'ress  lS4f>,  and  .-;er"\i;d  three  ,-e?sions;  ni.  Ajiril  2.  18^)2,  Ann 
F.iiza  .\ndrews  and  had  lU'ob    Jo'ni  'i'. 

\'.  Poly  Andrews."  b.  Xov.  14,  IH)."};  ni.  Feb.,  1n:J2,  Obed  S.  Thomas,  who  d.  ISJ.-^; 
Avid.  and  two  sons  still  !i\"inL''. 

\'l.  I-'d^\•in  ( '.  .\ndriM\s,  b  Feb.  7,  P.^b7;  (>i:e  r.f  tin'  most  exten-I^'r-  farmer.-  iw 
.Scbnyb  r  Co. ,  X  .  V.;nian}  yrs.  supers  isovcif  his  to>.vn  ;  twli.-ein.,  and  "had  t\'.'o  .-on^^,  ano 
four  dans,  (b'.es.  and,  on''  dan.  r.  i-e  (_'o!.  o-i;,d.  One  of  tlie  ubiA  e  s<jns  of  La.l.ian  An  Jreu  > 
■wa-^-f.  r.r  c-r.  f.  of  J,d;n  T.  Androws,  b.  Peadimj-,  X.  Y.,  1^12;  Fuioii  Co!.  ps(.i4;  enlisT.-d 
.soo!i  afi'-r  in  FfHtb  X.  Y.  A'ols.;  co)ii:,ii<si<nnd  2d  I/nut.,  Feb.,  IM.iJ:  brevet  Ca]>t.  after 
clo.-e  of  war;  unisferi  d  out  .Uine  20,  lS(j.'):  stud,  law  at  Peuii  "i  an;  adnuited  to  b.-ir 
iMIi),   elected  ni.-m.    X.  Y.   la--. 

91227.  William  Tuttde,  b.  Any.  2i),  17:yt;  f.anm'r:  mereb.;  mem.  of  Assembly; 
<1.  iu  lib,  while  on  a  visit  To  las  s.  lleni-y.  Xov.  11,  b'-Jl;  m.  Ort.  3,  1602,  Lusalle  Steele. ■•■ 
h.  in  WallM,  Conn..  1765;  d.  in  Bi- Fia";s,  X.   V.,    Xov.,  1S.">S. 

1  Lauren  An^-usius.  b.  Dec.  1.  iMio:  d.  of  pneumonia,  Mar(di  lib  lN7o:  toob' mueb 
interest  in  tills  ^vnrk  ami  (olbctcd  a.nd  forwarded  to  tin'  comi'ib'i' a  lar,ij;e  p:'o])ortioii  of 
tliis  record  ot  the  (ireene  i'n.  l)ranch;  m.  Ma\  81,  is;.b2,  Mary  .snn  ikitler,  who  d.  in  P. 
v.,  Feb.,  IsaS:  three  chil.  who  d.  v. 

II.     Jehiel.  1).  bVb.  17.   d.  Maicb  17.  ISO,-). 
lib     Cali^ia.  Jan.  0,  ISiiil;  m.  Sept.  IS,   bS2r,.  Wm.    Wheeler,  who  d,  Jan.  29,    1620: 
{'2)  l>r.  Ib-iA'cy   Camp  iu  1627;  both  lived    in    \\'indbam.    wdiere  I'r.  Canqi  has  practiced 
iiu'd.    i'orty  years.       I,    Lm  i\.\  Tt'TTi.r;.   m.  Miio  C.   ()s!)orn.    f;i''mer  an.l   merchant   in 

W.;  .sev.  chil.       2,  MlNi:i;v.\,   m. Moore  of  Durham.  X.  Y.,  and  d.    sev.    vrs.  ai;o. 

IV.     Perey  Slc-lc.  b.    Feb.  22,  1606;    rem.  1640,  to  Tio-a,  Pa. ;  mefcluiut ;  lii.  Oct".    11, 

1S;12,  17mily  Ilollistci;  /.  in  N\"indham:       1,,  in.  Howell,  merchant  in  X.  Y. 

C,  ami  d.  it.  idiildbirtb.  2.  M.\i;y  An.n.  b.  l6-.'0;  m.  Oscar  Sirallon;  res.  Addison,  X.^'. 
-b  L.VLT.KX  [bw.i,lsTt:t;,  res.  4'ioi;-a,  X.  Y. ;   num.;  siml.  la.w. 

*Georgeand  Jocn  Steele,  brothers  I'roin  b'.ssc\,  Knj;.;  proviriet;)rs  in  Xewttnvn,  tCambridcel,  Mass., 
1632;  rem.  witli  Rev.  Tliumas  Hooker's  C).  10  IlartlViid,  Conn.,  ai;i)  liv^d  oa  whst  is  row  \Vasliins;tun 
street,  S,-)Ulh  Kast  of  'I'r'.njty  ci^ileLie  arui  d .  "\erv  old''  in  1763  His  son,  i,  bs.^^ns,  m.  Ann.i,  dau.  ot 
Jolin  I' i shop  oi  Ciailfcrd  ,  Conn.,  who  d. ,  1670;  he  m.  12)  Betliia,  dau.  of  John  Hopkins  and  wid .  of  b)ea. 
S.iir.nel  Stocking  of  Mici,'ictown,  Conn.,  [Sc't-  / A'/ 't-.''»/j .  Sij:c^'  ai-,/  S.'.'ri-.'n t: _/:•■  "i :'/'\:^  ■'iA'*-^  '*>'  'St  ni.had 
son.  I,  yaiiirs^  b.  about  Hijo;  d.  i/i?;  bieut.;  ni .  S,ir.ih,  dau.  of  Hart'.ejlone'W  ti.irnard.  wiio  d.  1732;  had 
son,  t,j;.imcs.  b  Hartford,  ;6r.-j;  d.  Dec.  4,  i-;-,y.  iRev,);  ni .  May,  r-20,  liuth,  dau.  of  Col.  Samuel  Porter 
of  Hadlfv.  Mass..  b.  Xov.  ir>,  i-.ji;  d.  May  i.|,  179?;  Rev.  James,  prad,  \'  (,'.  171S;  th.e  tirst  setdei  min- 
ister at  'J'olland,  Conn.;  salary.  .V75;  had  soa,  ni,  Capt.  Stephen,  b.  Sept.  2^,  112;:  \-i .  ?-!ay  s-..,  itjt. 
Haiinali  Caaptiian  ot  C'>iin..  who  d  .-\ut;.  ?-.  icoi;  h;id  son  I'crry,  b.  at  Toii.ind,  Mav  i,  1753;  d 
l''eb.  jS,  \\  ineCi.  be^.  .born  Greene  Co..  X.  V.,  Cv-.^--ir,  i  i--s^.;  r.i.  June  7.  r/ii,  Hannah  Simnionr,  of 
'roban.!.  u  h.o  d  ,  .Maicf:  ,•,,  i?;.>;  eh.-ven  clu'dren,  of  wi;j:n  Ciari^s.^  m.  Sidney  'rattle  and  l.usalie  ni . 
V.'m.  Tattle. 



V.  Wiiliiiiii  Au^l!!!.  1).  S.'i);.  11.  1^10,  j..-i--tiu;ist,-i' mC  r.i-  l-'hit-;.  ;iaa  d  thcr.-  A-fiil -! . 
isr.!:  i!\.  Apiil  H,  ls;;s.  ^l:i;'\  Rm-c  oT  i;-:-,i;nu.  .  1,  M  \  iK  .-\i;i;i'  Lr^  m.i.i:.  ]>.  1^:'.'.);  v\. 
].o(.;-iiii<l  MrXiiliv,  ill  I.;;--.  il'sTiDnt  li..i-t!,.'a.l-,,  X.  V.  1.  Aih''l,u  C'.,r<'.  '2.  J."",'-"'. 
;;,  MiO'iiriii  Tnltl,'.  .(,  ./"/(/'  'J'oK't.  "J,  \\'ii.i.i\\f  KiiKAi;,  i>.  lS-1-,':  m.  I'^'unrcs  IV.n.liaiii 
ni   Khiiira,  X.  '\'.,  ;u;.l  \\:A  ow  child,  it  d:ia.       o.  l[i;\!;v   I.aiki.n,  li.   lN4i".;  d.  18U'J.       4. 

('HA!;!,KS  OciiK.N.    ii.    1^."')N. 

Vi.      L.ilv  Aiidi.--A>.  1..  .\\>\V.  •■?!i,  l^lo;  n's.  B.  1".:  uht.i. 

Vil.  .Miiifr\u.  i..  S,  pr.  ■-?-2,  ls!.">:  ni.  AprM  •.'-.  l^:'.!i,  I.N'V.  (irn.  l...\vis.  s.  of  IMii-.a 
and  I'oliv  (!!au-l--v)  Vn,,:-.-  m'  Uuntiiii.'-loii,  C.jiii.,  •>.  .Aiarcli  -J,  jSl'J;  llccn.i-  uf  Chii^t  clili. 
vl".i';>.)  at  Nc\\t<i\ni,  C.iii,.  He  d.  at  Movris,  N.  V. ,  .\,,v.  7.  1  Sf;:j.  'I'lic  \vid.  ivs.  in  1S70 
Aviili  li.-r  s.-ii..Li\v.  \l\.  \["\.  I).  S.  'j'litilc,  in  Salt  LaU.-.  I'tali.  1,  (:ij>K(.i:  'I'l.i  TI,K..1). 
Ai>!il  "J.-),  d.  Nov.  -1,  l^!i).  "2.  lL\'i;i;(V.'r  MiM;inA.  I>.  Anir.  is,  ]s41.  in  IJoxbuiy,  (.'(.iiu. ; 
111.  S(j)t.  10.  isr,.j.  iJi.  ];ev.  Danii-l  Syl  vcr^ti-r  'J'nttlr  and  has  tJMic  rV\\.  ".,  HKMiV 
hl-;\vi.-.  (twill  with  Ilaniit  M.),  I''<ntfi_  'V,;,-, .  savs  h.  May  2,  1S4."):  JJov.:  n  inis-icmaiy  nf  tin- 
Pnn.  E],4s.  rhh..  witn  I'.i-hop  Tattle  in  Tiah:  in.  1SG>^.  Christina  C'air  uf  X.  \.  ('.,  win. 
d.  in  iv)i>.,- (/ity,  hlalin.  in  l^'''!).  4,(ii'ii;i;K  William,  h.  in  linx.,  Marrli  10,  1^4:5: 
Rev.;  an  !-".pi-.  niin  w  iih  lii-hni.  'J'uttli-;  m.  isi;;,  Savnii  l-^li/ahd  h  Pid.-!>-v.  ."),  Mak'i 
'J'l-rii.K.  1..  in  Mr], .an.  'J'.uni.kins  Co. ,  X.  V..  Feb.  C,  1^)7:  m.  in  ISfiT.  Wlv.  \).  B.  Mil- 
ler ;  I'lii-..];  Went  to  hi-iho,  (J.  Fr.K.nF.iac  K  IIiilsa.  1).  is,!!);  nuw  in  luisiue.-,  in  Syracuse. 
X.  \' .  7.  Sal-aii  TvATiLU'.i.vK.  b.  1N.r_>:  m.  ut  St.  Marys  ColU-or.  X.  Y..  in  1S7n.  A.bel 
^\'.  \\'hitf,  with  ^\'^■[^  iV-  Farirn  Exjiress  Co. :  .UL'-ent'  at  Sait  Lake  city.  8.  Cli.MtLKS 
EiJi.Ai;,   1).  !S,""ji;  ,sir,;i.  at  ]>►■>  Vaux  Col..  Siisiiensimi   Biidiio.  X".  Y. 

\'lJi.  llenry.  b.  Jan.  •2'.i,  ISIN,  in  Windham,  X.  Y.;'rrin.,  1s;',7,  to  Sterlintr  (then 
calh  d  Ih'ek  h'i'vei  Kapid- *.  Hi.  He  was  anion;,'-  the  lir.-^t  srtth-rs.  tlie  Indians  haviiiir 
hfi'i;  ri'i;Mi,  irl  !,iu  a  yoar  and  a  hall',  and  the  hmd  not  in  niarke!  and  nnsiirveyed  until 
tie-  sprini;-  ol  \-<\-l'  In  fall  of  1S41  "  my  father  canie  oiu  to  se.-  the  camtiy  and  make 
]Mi'i>;naiions  to  remove  hi-  family,  but  ^^■as  t;i]::ii  ^-iek-  and  d.  there — a  great  di'-apiioint- 
ia<-;,:  to  me,  as  I  had  looked  forward  liojiefuiiy  t"  tho  time  \\iii-n  I  should  auain  be 
united  with  thos,--  ino>i  dear  to  me.  Tiie  land  I  secured  near  Sterlini:-  became  valuabh', 
iind  1  sold  it  and  boa-ht  ;!'iO  tieies  about  ten  ndh-s  west  of  S.  near  the  B.  K, ,  now  (ls;(i) 
vortli  xi.':'.()()0.  1  il'diu'lit  in  th<'  occupation  ef  farming-:  liave  never  held  or  souirht 
Oitice."  '  He  d.  JatL  1:3.  ]s:0.  'I'he  X\'hitrsijir  ^rufi/.,!.  111.,  of  .Jan.  HI,  ]>^:'.).  contains  an 
obituary,  from  whicli  wt-  extract  tie-  followiiic.--.  ••  Mr.  'i'atth-  died  last  Sunday  morning 
nfter  an  illness  of  Ten  d,;'ys.  '•■  *  -  lb'  made  the  entir.-  journey  Wi-i.  a  distance  of 
1,000  miles,  in  a  bu-'u-y.  Mr.  Tattle  was  a  zealous  member  of  the  Koimd  <Ti'osc  Meth. 
clih.,  and  was  liighly  esteemed  by  liis  fellow  members  as  a  'j-'X'xl^  )o;ictica],  e\'evyday 
chri:-tia_n.  lie  was  extreviiely  l.;ind  and  gen.-inii-  in  hi-,  ireatmeiit  of  ymor  piMole,  and 
made  it  a  rale  lever  to  turn  a  needy  piM'scm  from  his  door.  In  tjie  family  circle  he  a 
model  )iu.-.bai-d  anil  fatlier."  fie  in.  in  S.,  March  :3o,  ls4s,  Laura  Penrose.  1,  L.U'liLX;,  i>.  I'eb.  2-2,  IS4:i.  2.  Ciiallks  I-Idwi.s,  Au^-.  21),  ]s".l.  :J,  (;:l.\i;l.n(k  llEJtr.Kin, 
Feb.  11,  is;:.:;.     4.  Iha  .May.  July  12.  I^oel.     o,  Makv  Lmlv.  li.  Mandi  b.  isiji). 

IX.      Ivigar.  li,  July  i.s,  Is-jO;   Nvent  lo  California.  IMli;   imw  living  tle-re:   num. 
X.     <'i;dcn.  i).  Xov.  5,  ].s22:    farmer  and   mercliant:    re■^.    Minneai>oli>,   Minn.;  m. 
May  b,  ISbo,  Julia  Ann  Camji.  and  ha>  1  ehihi,  \\'illt.W  Bkac  ii. 

'Xl.  Lucius,  1).  March  I'J,  l.'^2o;  m.  June  17,  ISt^M,  Sarah  K.  Burt;  res.  Corning,  X. 
Y.     1,  Sakau,  BruT.     2,  William  Amasa.     3,  Jtiiix  Buut. 

XII.      Sarah  Maria,  b.  Dec.  2S,  ls2t;;  d.  Jan.  ol.  iS4S;  num. 

91228.  John  Tuttlc,  b.  July  S.  17s2.  in  M'all'd,  Ccum. :  lein.  vCith  h\<  father  to 
A\'indham,  X.  V..  when  seven  years  of  a^e,  am!  d.  there  Feb.  2b,  ISGl.  He  was  a 
fai'ieer  and  mercliant:  m.  Polly'Stoue  of  \\Tnd..  who  d.  Dec.  17,  ]S20;  (2)  Ann  Stuvgis, 
wiu.  d.  .s.  /.  Feb.  lo,   F-.")!.      i.  iiy  1st  m.  : 

1.  .\lbeif,  b.  April  2:].  isii'i;  farmer  and  mercliant;  Loan  Commissioner  for  six 
year.-  lor  loaning  money  of  the  F.  S.  dep.  faini  for  the  Co.  of  (iie,'i,e:  .Mem.  of  tiie  X. 
V.  Lee;.  ISl'.i-eO;  SupeV\i-or  lS(jF  '(li  and  'b!»;  m.  Oet.  2.1.  1627.  .Minerva  Strong,  b. 
jMaich  7,  ISUS;  iwln:  d.  June  2:.:.  ]>oo;  (2)  July  10,  ISol,  Amelia,  daii.  of  Hon.  Jairus 
S'tro:'"-.  i.  b.  1>t  m. :  1,  Jwiix,  b.  Ja.n.  20.  1^2;),  iinm.  2,  J  Aims  Si'iniM.,  b.  June  !». 
I.Sel:\l.  Maich  1,  IS.V.T  H,  .MiN-KU\-A  Sn;.)Xo,  b.  Jun.-  2'!.  Is;;;;;  m.  J, me  HI,  ISo'J, 
Fdward  ^\■.  Butle:;  res.  Clierrv  Vai l-v,  X.  Y.  1,  A'l„  rt  'J''i(i'^  .  b.  Ju!v  0,  ISotk  2 
Fnn.r,'f:  .I'/A'oo.  b.  Maivh24,  >bO.  ;S.  J///,,,/.,  b.  Alay  2-b  lst;2.  4.  Tl<.n,^<s  llV/y/--, 
b.  !•■(!).  D,  isi;,-,.  /.  by  -Jd  m.:  4,  Fmm\lis>\,  1>.  Xov.  ';;i),  is:].-};  ,!.  .Lme  20,  INob.  ."",, 
<i!o.!;oi;  Sto.vk,  b.  .^lay  :j.  1S37:  d.  M.iy  F-.  1^42  (b  I-T:an(1'.s  .\ri;!;LlA.  b.  Jan.  :;. 
F'sUl;  m.  Sci>;.  12,  1:^.'m",  'i'lioma-  \\'iionr;  !:;ei(diaiit  of  "i  ab  >vilb'.  Conn.  1 
Ihs'^r;  IF,  b.  .lune  OS,  ]s(;2.  2.  C-/re/;,,  ,y,'e/o/.  May  2^.  ]s(J4  ;J.  Uar^i'A  .\i:rdii . 
ApFil  .■),  isi;t),      7.    r-l.i.K.\  LiciXA.  1).  June  10.  iSlO. 

458  lUtAXij]]  or  simox\ 

II.     Nancv,  b.  Stpt.  18,  1807;  d,  iSTii;  m.  June  10,  ItJol,  Allj.-rt  Rtt-clc. 
in.      Adclwif,  \>.  Apiil   4,  INiiO;  ,].    in   Xi.itlivilk',  Fulton   Co.,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  r?,    IH.Vi; 
m.  A[iril  0,  ]s:]iJ,  Jolm  ].:i\Vfi;ui[i  und  liad  1  cliilil  who  d.  a.  lO  Tiioiiths. 

IV.  Maluila,  h.  .Ian.  S,  ISll;  d.  St-jn.  'JU,  IS-li;  lu.  May  'JO,  J  y-10,  Aaron  B.  :^teel. 
1 ,   Cim.l;,  \vlio  d.  a.  .")  vrs. 

V.      Mary,  1,.  Sept.  2-1.  1S12;   d.  in  ^h.  Movris,  X.  Y.,  Maivli  '20,  l,^;-;:;  m.  Jane   Ifi, 
]S3,j,  J.  ^^■.   Law  I  rail])  iiiid  liad  one  i-hild:     1,   Ar.BP.ii'i'  'ri;iTi,i:,  now  living   in   Khr.ira 
Tion-a  Co..  X.   V. 

VI.  Julia,  h.  Am:.  0,  ISU;  d.  May  Di,  1841;  ni.  May  28,  18:14,  Bctluud  troinhn- 
iand.  1,  Maky  Jam.,  in.  Cliarle^  K.  Par];'T.  2,  Clarissa,  ni.  Hooker  Hull.  She  d. 
about  ls«5.      1,    d'lrc^.r,.     2,    CliarhsP. 

VII.     Clari^.-a,  b.  Ajiril  2,  l!slO;  d.  s.  i.  April  10,  18:17;  lu.  March  7,  18:30,  Hev.  L.  E. 
Lock  wood  (I'rrdb.) 

VIII.  Luciua  P.,  b.  Marcli  25,  1818;  m.  Junc:W,  1810,  Sauford  Tuttle,  1,  Adelaide 
L.,  b.  Jan.  7,  LSoO.     2,  Jn.iA  A.,  b.  July  7,  ]8o2.     3,   E.NfMA,  March  0,  183G. 

91220.  Sidney  Tultlo,  b.  L^ec.  12,  178G;  SlierilT  of  Greene  Co.,  X.  Y.,  182.J-28: 
Postmaster  at  Winuhaiu  2."i  yrs.  until  lie  rem.  in  Scholiarie  Co.;  Kep.  counties  of  8clio- 
haric  and  Delaware  in  the  State  Senate  1850-1;  Delegate  to  the  Democratic  convention 
in  tfunuiier  of  ls!j,'s  to  nominate  Presidential  candidates;  several  years  SuiHTvi.-.or  of 
CochccK.m,  Sullivan  Co.,  whh.-li  office  lip  held  until  over  ,'si  yrs.  id'  a.  He- (iccujded  r.u 
enviable  position  for  many  years  in  Greene,  Schoharie  and  Sullivan  counties.  He  d. 
Sept.  25,  1808.     The  foUowimr  is  an  obit,  from  a  Windham  Co.  newsjiaj.'er: 

"  Died  suddvidy,  on  tlie  evenin'r  of  the  25th  inst.,  at  the. residence  of  Iiis  son-in-lav.-. 
E.  A.  Clark,  E.sq.,  at  Jeffersonville,  Sullivan  (.'ounty,  Hon.  Sidney  Tuttle,  in  the  82d  \t. 
of  Ills  age,  lionored  and  resi>ected  by  a  lajgi^  circle  of  relatives  and  friends — whfi,  v.iih 
the  community  will  long  mourn  liis  loss. 

"Mr.  Tuttle  was  no  ordinary  man.  I'orn  in  the  State  of  Coiiiieciicut,  he  tame  to 
Windham,  (jrcene  Co. ,  X'.  Y.,  soon  affr  the  ch'se  of  the  Pievohition.  (Ireeue  county 
wa.s  tlien  ncM"  and  sparsi-ly  settled.  Wiilmut  the  advantages  of  early  c'ducatiou,  but  with 
a  rob'ust  constitution,  smtnd  mind,  and  great  energy  of  cha.i'acter,  he  grev,-  uji  -with  the 
growth  of  the  country;  early  entf^ring  into  every  enterprise  calculated  to  o]h-u  its 
resources,  and  increase  its  gfrowth.  He  was  among  tlie  lirst  to  see  tlie  inj]iortance  of  a 
great  tlioronghfare  from  Catskill.  on  the  Hudson,  we.-^t  via.  I^daware  and  Susviuelianna 
rivers,  to  the  lakes,  and  mainly  through  his  enterprise  the  gneal  Catskill  Turnjiike  v.-as 
liegun  and  conij-'letod. 

"  With  Col.  Edwards.  Col.  Pratt  and  Dthcis,  In- engaL'ed  in  and  fostrred  the  then 
new  tanning  interest;  wleich  has  added  so  mucli  to  the  wealth  and  prosperity  of  the 
country,  and  its  enterprising  citizens. 

"  Sucli  enterprise,  energy  and  zeal,  Avas  duly  tqipreciated  by  his  fellow  citizens.  h\ 
eh'Cting  liim  Sheriff  of  the  county,  whicli  oilice  he  held  many  years  \^•it!l  other  oliices. 

'■  In  1S19  he  V, as  elected  ."State  Senator  from  the  Delaware  and  Schohuiie  District. 
In  April,  1851,  with  tlie  Hon.  Charles  Mann  and  others,  .vlio  l.ielieved  the  nine  million 
bill  for  the  enlargement  of  tlie  canals  unconstitutional,  he  resigned  tlie  office  of  Senator. 
IiiMay  of  the  same  year,  lie  was  re-eb-cted  by  a  largely  increased  majoiity,  his  resigna- 
tion being  thus  ajiproved  by  his  constituents.  In  1852  hi-  moved;  to  Jeffersonville. 
Sullivan  county,  there  e-taldishing  a  large  tannery  and  other  business  enteri'rises, 
which  have  added  so  much  to  the  jiruspeiity  of  that  tJiriving  and  section  of 
country.  In  1855,  he  settled  at  f'ocbccton  De[>ot,  using  l.ds  ample  means  in  aiditig  his 
neighbors  and  the  ])ros])(-rity  of  the  vicinity.  His  townsmen  H]ipreciat(-d  his  serviees, 
and  for  st-vei-al  years  h*'  reprc-entpd  the  town  in  the  Board  of  Sni)ervisors  of  the  county 
with  marked  success. 

"  In  politics  Mr.  7'uttle  was  a  Democrat  of  the  school  of  Jeffc-rsuii  and  Jark^'^n. 
With  the  latt.-r  he  li'.l;<-ved  that  the  '  L'nii/n  must  be  ]>re,-tTved.'  Entf  ring  heartily  into 
llie  ciintf.-^i  fi.r  its  pre.-ervatinn.  he  contributed  hinrcly  of  his  time  and  money  fn;- 
])urposc-.  Sucli  \\as  h'-  sui'ces--  that  the  t<)\'.-n  i>f  Cochicton  sent  no  nran  ^(.i  the  \var  by 
draft.     Xon(^  r>'ioiced  mr>re  at  the  linal  successful  cln>c  of  the  war  tlnm  Sidnev  Tut  lie. 

J.  \\   (•.' 

Hem.  April  21,  lsOs'_  (."larissa  Steele  (-i.^ter  of  his  brother  William's  witei.  b,  at 
Tollaiul.  Cimn.,  .\ug.  20.  17.^'J:  il.  at  Jeh'erson\  i'le,  X.  Y.,  Jaii.  14,  ls55.  and  buried  in 
the  f;o.  lilv  c(n;eti-r\"  ai  N^'iiidham. 

I.     Sarali  M..'!).  Xoc.  0,  isOsL  d.  April  15.  D<12. 

ir.  John  t-teeie.  b.  .Aug.  b"),  ISll;  uliulesale  dealer  in  hides  and  leather  in  Ce.hi  -r.. 
city  (.if  X.  Y  :  m.  Se])t.  15,  ls:j.-,,  Eliza  Ellerson,  and  had  1  child.      1,   Saijaii  M.  b.  Xov. 

TUTTLE.  459 

'21,  183fi:  in.  (»ct.  1?,  l.'^rvi),  ^^■.    Ptoui,  and  (1.  Ai>ril  !.'(),  IsOS.     1,    ElUr^on,  )>.  Junf- 
12!  1S!;1."      -J,    f.>>"isn^  h.  Anu:.  11,  l.SG'3.     u,   Sidmi/.  li.  Ai.TJl,  I'-^r.-s;  d.  Junt-  18,  1&<)9. 

III.  Snt:i!i  M.,  h,  .Aiirifs,  iSlS:  d.  March  2C),'>5. 

IV.  All -till  Siiiiuinn-^  b.  Miiv  C'2,  I^IO;  in  iiif-n-aiitil.-  luisiii'-ss  N.  Y.  (\  2->  yi-ars; 
Oil*-  (iC  tlip  ]i:-nprietors  of  tlie  Plt-asaiit  Vullcv  Wjno  C'o.'s  wnrks  at  Haminnndsport, 
N.  \.;  m.  Ncv.  '21,  1^59,  Anna  Ponin.  1,  Avstina,  \>.  Oct.  IS.  ii,  Fi.okexcf.,  b.  Nov. 
(J,  IKvS. 

V.  (;icori:c  ^^'..  b.  Maivh  2i,  1^17;  grad.  l'nio;i  Co].;  .--.tud.  law  ai.d  adin.  to  tlie  bar 
bill  sodii  aftcruard.s  bou^'lit  a  laimoj-y  iii  Ulster  Co.,  N,  Y.^  ai,d  n;>ouod  a  Ijusincss  house 
in  N.  "l".  C. ;  re~;.  Binir'ianiloii ;  m.  Nov.  1'-^,  1^'U.  Kutli  Crn-wrl!,  daiightt'r  of  VS"m.  JI. 
and  Carollin' (Staiib-v!  \V('y,  b.  March  iU,  iN:.**),  d.  (.)ot.  lU,  lN.">o.  1,  (iE0K(O-:.  d.  inf.  3, 
^';iixi.v.  b.  S.]!!.  "JN."  ls-b"i."    :J,   Wm.  Wkv,  1).  .lune  21,  l'-^19:  res.  lllooniingtoii,  111. 

VI.  Harriet  Steele,  li.  Ajirii  0,  1S19;  m.  May 'in.  IHIT,  EcLiert  A.  (.'lark;  re.-.  Biii',^- 
haiiifon,  N.  y.  1,  SiiwcY  Ti.TT]  K,  b.  April  ;i  1S4S.  2,  C'l.AK.i  L. ,  b,  A  ug.  S,  i^i.K). 
^],   b:(-Nii  r.  .Ta<  lv^:li^-,  b.  Sej^t.  7,  l^oo:  d.  Aul-.  17,  1^6:1. 

Vll.  lamice-  L.,  b.  April  10,  IX2'3;  m.  .May  2r>,  1^40,  Samuel  W.  Juchs->n,  v,-jio  d. 
l.)er.  10,  iN.Oo:  shed.  s.  i..  .\'J-r.  17,  iSO:! 

Vin.  Helen  C,  b.  Oct.  52,  1S27:  m.  Mnrcli  15.  1Sn3,  Frank  L.  I5ogardus,  v.-ho  d. 
.Ian.  1.',,  1S.-)S.  1^  Fi;an!C  A.,  1..  Mav  17,  IS.Vi;  d.  ."March  17,  In.j.j.  2,  EotiKJiT  H.,  b. 
Feb.  IS,'  1850. 

9123.  Charle.";  Tllltle,  b.  .inn.  2G,  1753:  served  five  years  in  Bev.  army;  d.  Ai>rit 
5,  I'-^IS;  bu.  in  Prattsville,  N.i".;  m.  Anna  Fincli;  (2»  Seja.,  llS'i.  in  Walliue-ford,  C(.inn., 
Saiali  (dan.  of  Abr.tT)  Blis.s,  1.).  Nov.  14,  r.5S;  d.  July  15,  isi:i5;  l)u.  in  PrattsviHe;  i.  by  m.: 

I.     .Jererjiiih,  b.  Feb.,  1770;  ru.  Peillv  Merrirnan.    /.  l)y  2d  nn; 

11.      Anna,  b.  ..lun-.^  30,  17S4;  d.  iii  \Vi'udl;,ini.  X.  V.,  <>ci.,  l<-5i):  iii.  May,  1815,  Thcs. 
liiitdicoek;   res.   N\'.      1,   Elkkf.,  res.    wiili  iier  sister,  Mrs.  Ho'coiule  mini.     2,   Sakaii 
A.,  rn.  l^'^ii,  Cailns  P.  liolcotnu,  ]iroprietor  of  Eohiy:li  Taiuiev}  ,  Carbon  Co..  ]'a. 
in.      Manire,  b   .bin.  22,  1787;  ni.  Ezra  l>isbro\v. 
[V.     Salli.-^  h.  Aw.:.  1.  1780;  m.  William  I^fviinlds;  rein.  tr.  Ohio  and  d.  5.  /'.  1827. 

V.  Cliarlotte,  b.'' March  28,1702,  in.  Marcii  ir.,  J.s'oL;.  Frederick  Sti;r;,'is,  v>ho  d.  20,  1^18;  slie  m.  (2)  .Tan.  12,  ISIO,  (ieori,-.  An. tin,  ^cl;e•  d.  May  15,  ls2ij;  he  was  a 
Capt.  on' the  hake;  Mrs.  Austiii  still  liviiiLMMaich  i'-^,  1871.)  and  lias  28  grand  cliildren 
and  19  y:X.  >;•.  clii!:  she  left  P.oxbuiy,  N.  Y  ,  wiih  her  hnsbar.u,  O 't.  3,  1810,  and  arrived 
a;  A'enriillion,  '.).,  Nov.  7.  and  they  were  the  hrst  iiermanent  hrttier.s  iu  V.  hi  the  war 
of  1.^^12  they  liveil  in  dan,L-er  and  in  great  lear  of  the  Piriti.sji  and  Indians;  her  sisler, 
Mrs.  I'eynolds,  reni.  to  Minton,  0.,  about  70  miles  frour Venuillion.  and  Charlotle  went 
once  alone  on  liorsfback,  and  once  aaain  "in  a  shiii;,de"  (".')  with  her  liusbaiid  to  visit  this 
sister;  now  livinn-  will,  her  dan.,  Mr^;.  Pelton.  1,  ErXTC::  OsBcntN,  b.  iu  Roxljury,  July 
27,  1810;  ni.  T'..,-'.  •:>,!.  1^2^.  S.  A,  Pebon.  and  h:'S  8  chil.,  of  vhom  5  survive  ,'1.s7]).  2. 
Briii.ow.  1:-.  in  V.,  Erie  Co..  (.).,  F(b.  23,  1815;  m.  Jan.  31,  18-'',  Ciuciine  >.!anuel,  and 
had  3  chil. ;  res.  Port,  Mich.  3,  Sakaii  Blis.'^,  b.  Apiil  23,  b-?l7;  d.  Jan.  17,  1853; 
m.  Aug.  12,  l'_^34,  Austin  Pelroii,  and  Imd  7  chil.:  res,  V.  -!,  ixF.,d.  soon;  /.  by  2d  in.:  5. 
Inf.,  d.  soon.  0,  Cicvi;:.)-:.-  TcTTi.t:,  b,  June  1,  1820;  d.  Feb.  7,  iStJl;  m.  Sept.  7.  1842, 
Harriet  Hitsniau.  a.nd  l-ad  7  clii]  ,  of  wlioin  5  survive;  tldsfani.  res.  near  Berlin  Heights, 
(.'.  7,  CKAia.oTTE.  b.  >h'v  -JO.  1*^22;  m.  Uet.  12,  1^52,  William  Maxlield,  and  had  4 
chil.;  res.  near  Toledo.  U."  8,  Et.rz.Ar.hnir,  l>.  Fr-b.  n,  l82n:  m.  Fell.  10.  l.'^55  Henry 
Kcoder,  a  Capt.  on  ibieet's  Sound;  had.  chih;   res.  \\'hatcor.i,  \Vr><hiimtou  'I'er. 

VI.  Charles,  b.  Julv  Is',  1705;  m.  Aiiril  12,  183G,  Sal'.ie  Conk,  b.  Oct.  30,  IS]  1  ;  rem. 
1845  to  Pawsouviile,  E.iniin  Co.,  (J.;  j'.  among  others:  1,  William  NelsOX,  !;.  April 
18,  1837. 

VIE     Daniel  Bliss,  b.  July.  1107;  in.  Abigail  C.  Stimpson. 
\\n.      i:iiliraim,  b.  June  .5.  171)0,  m.  Sylvia  Ihishnell. 

91231.  Jeremiall  Tuttle,  t^.  Feb.,  l';70;  learned  th.j  trade  of  bhu-k-miili  in 
WifiiUiani,  \.  \.:  vceiii  back  to  Widl'd  after  he  became  of  age  and  lived  there,  exeept- 
iiig  a  Year  r»r  t\cr,  ill  l»urrhe-s  Co.,  N.  Y. .  until  bed.  May  1>!,  iSlO;  in.  Ja.n.  25,  1801, 
Poilv"Merriman  of  W.-dhd.  Siie  111.  (2)  Nov.  10,  1823,  <.'ali-b  Ives;  (3)  Nov.,  IS-JO,  John 
E.  Ibidh-v,      Chi!,  b.  iu  W'uliM. 

J.  'C'eorge  Mei-rimaii,  Nov.  4,  ISH;  d.  Nov.  fi,  1S30;  m.  Ne.v.  2:'.,  1823,  Sallie^il. 
Atl..ius,  wiiM  (i.  ill  N'oiscich,  Conn.,  tweiity-foui- hours  a  iter  civing  icrtti  to  a  rHisiliumou.s 
t.on.  1.  (;i:()i;(;!:  CiaHv.  b.  .M-iy  17,  ISO);  fa'<eu  wIkm;  (>  we.-ks'ild  to  Ib'a.nford. 
C.jnn.,  bv  ids  fntheFs  mother,      lb- in.  Nov.  12,  iMil,  Nellie. M.  Steele  ..f  Hamden,  Conn.; 

4G0  JIKAXCI!    OF    Si.MOX. 

res.  -21  Liii\v.,()il  f^t.,  Ilani'..  Cdihi.      1,    Ot,,yy,-  S.,  Scj.t.  13,  ISfJTi     2,   A'hcrt  C,  Aiu^.  521, 

11.     .\n;i:!  FliM-lj,  Aiiir.  o.  l^Uo;  d.  A].)!!  ]s,  ]S'3:j;  m.  Pnrkcr. 

91233.    Mamre  Tuttle,  b,  .lan.  -l^t,  iTx?.    o.^.Wu  'J'uttio  of  >ii)uir!iiM-)ii<.  vIm,, 

.  I'ni  u  tinii-  I'l-.s.  m  lit-i- faiiiily,  ^avs:  "Slu\\;is  a  very  iiiirniiicnt  ■\\-()iii:!!i,  atnl  lunl  a  li:)!!-!- 
roni'.ii  (/;■  tin;  'i'litlk'  family  iliaii  any  o'u'-  1  cvi-r  l;ii(»w."  Slic  iii.  ,laii.  !),  iSKi,  Iv/ia  ])is. 
bi\n\".  \vh'>  il.  ]S">5.  •■  Ma?iir.'  'I'att](.-  wa-  lioin  ill  W  a  ll'ni;;  Inid,  <  "niiii. ,  in  17S7.  \\')..oi 
<]uitL' youn^- sill,' I'fUiDVi-il  with  lici'  ]>aj-fm'<  to  \\'iiidliani,  (iroiru'  ('n.,  N.  Y.  In  isir, 
she  niarrie.l  IZzva  ai,d  lu.^itcd  at  \Vest  Settlcnimt,  ii,  tlic  town  (,r  Asli'aial.  .Sh.' 
iiiiit(\l  with  ihi' M.  E.  cliurL-h  at  IS  yrai-s  of  a^n-,  and  i(;iuaincJ  a  int'inlni'  duritiir  life, 
wliicli  \'.ns  7-")  years,  llcr  liouse  was  always  opi'ii  in  M.'thiMlist  iiiini;-j(  v.-..  Si."  hicana 
a  lift- infinlur  of  the  I'areiU  Mi.s.siouary  ^!oriety  in  ]S47.  Shi;  biirvivrd  Jut  h unhand  C'.') 
\vi\\-6.  Six'  ycaf.s  airo  sht^  cauii'-  to  ('oT.esvillc  to  ri'.side  ^^  ith  iur  son,  A.sahcl  ]  );^h^o\•,•, 
wlicn.'  she  i\Uiainf(l  nnti!  Ijcr  dratli,  iM-b.  4,  ISSU,  I  uiny; ',).",  vcars  old  — ''-•■/'>'-"//  M<n,ltnr 
I.  llanic-l  I)i-lT<nv,  b.  Dt-c.  S,  ISKl;  m.  Williruu  S.  Ulnk'^ho,  who  d.  ,\uu.  -1. 
IS.-.V:  rrs,  A^lilaii-.i. 

II.  Ciia.l.'s  'i'utth.-  ])!-brow,  b.  May  IC,  ISIO;  M.D. ;  yraih  Med.  Col.,  \A'ashinirTon, 
J).  (.'.,  1SJ-:  inac.  in  (^ii-LM-iu' Co.  a  yr.  and  a  Inilf;  leui.  to  Mi<h.,  Aim-.,  bS-13;  ])rai-.  In 
O\lord  aiid  Si.  t'lair;  icni.  to  East  Saijina.w,  >]:ir(di,  ]s."JO,  ami  d.  there  Xw-j:.  7,  ly;):]:  lii. 
Aug.  111.,  >[ary  C.  Iiii^vr^ol,  h.  Oi-t.  I'll,  lfc!-2o.  1,  IIki.i-.x  M.,  b.  Nov.  S.  f'-^l:',:  v.. 
Oct.,  T:'ii7,  ( KorLTf  (i.  ('haiinuin,  iiiercliaiit.  of  ('hira;;'o.  i,  Ir^iu:,  1).  Nov.,  IS'jf).  :;', 
6V-/v,v  7,//-'V./„.  Dee. ,  IM'.s.  '2,  ('tiAiti.i.s  \V..  .laii.  S,'  ISjI.l.  o',  FuAXi  is  \Vii,i..i.',.m,  h. 
Au.e-.  2.  is.-,l.     .1,   EHM;-rT  I.).,  Felt.  '^.  bs.",s. 

"in.      Sarah  Bliss  IHshrow.  1,.  .\;.:'il  P;.  iN?;];  d.  in  Wiiailiani,  ]>-e.  27.  F-G;i;  in.  .lau. 

8,   ls4f).  Bei/oni  Bronson.     1,  Anna,  b.   Nov.   21,  1S52.     2.   Frank  A.,  1>.  Fel).  2;J,  IS.^'.i. 

IV.      Asaliel  Disbrow,  b.  Sept.    \\.    IS-JC;;  ui.    Mareh  .1,   Fsnn,    i;:.,di.d  Dewel,  who  d 

Dee.  1!,  1S21J:  ros.  C'onesviile.  N.  Y.      F   Zi-.Mi-iinv.    b.    March  17,    iS'il.     12,   BosivnA. 

b.  Mareh  10.  1S44;  itt.  Oct.  -j,  ISOU,  Lsadore  I'arker. 

V.     Ezra  T'isbrow. 

91237.  .Daniel  Bliss  Tattle,  b.  .inly,  1707;  r,i.  1S21,  Al^i.r;nl  Clark  Stinq.son 
of  Windham;  eelebiaicd  their  i;'>)lden  wed dinu'  in  1871,  at  ^\'i^alhaln.  lb' d.  Seju.  (!. 
1S77,  a.  S(t.      She  d.  Xos".  10.  1S7S,  in  her  7i;th'yr. 

I.     Femnel  Sii)Hj'-o>,.  h.  Oct.,  ]S21:  d.  Apiil  2:1,  1S70,  a.  40;  unm. 
II.     S:';'ah,  1,.  S^i-t.,  Is2!;;  ni.  Aaron  B.  Steele  of  Bi--  Flats,  Chemu);-;  Co..  N. 
Y.     1.  .h'l.iA.     2.   Fj;a:.'i  IS.     ;),   D.\Nn-:i,.     4,   Aiuoaii,. 

111.  Daidel  Sylve.-  =  ev  i,_  Jaii,  of,,  ]  s;^,7 ;  g,-ad.  Colinubia  Col.  1S.")7;  Supt.  of  Si 
Paul's  Sunday  School,  >,".  Y.  (The  old  altar  cross  of  St.  I'anl's  is  now  in  St.  Paul's  ehh. 
of  YiriTiiiia  City,  Montana.)  Elected  Missionary  Bishoj)  of  the  Prot.  Epis.  (dih.  in  ISii.'^i. 
beiiiK  l>ut  2S  yi's.  of  a.;  consocra.ted  two  yrs.  K'lter,  .May  1.  1S<;7.  Mi-s.  IM^dio]!  fr,r  th.'  T-o.- 
ritorie.s  ol  Montana.  Idaho  and  Utah.  He  was  tlieiiihe  >oiinii-esi  of  the  hisliops.  W'lien 
lie  '.vent  to  Ftah  in  It^GI  tliere  was  not  a  ])rotestani  (dih.  or  ministi-r  in  all  tliat : 
there  wei't' but  two  comuinuieai\ts,  and  twenty-five  others  calliue;  ihems.dves  cliri-tians. 
ami  tli.'.se  \\t-re  persecuted  by  the  Mornnais  The  field  had  l)een  abandoiii'd  by  every 
christian  minister  who  had  atteiui)ted  work  there,  and  upito  1871,  and  perluxps  later,  the 
Bisliup  and  his  co-laborers  were  tlie  only  protestant  ministers  at  v.-ork.  In  ]S71  there 
were  -even  cler_:ryii;en,  b,-side-  hini-^idf,  and  fivechurch  edifices.  One  of  tluiii.  Si.  Mark'- 
in  S:ill  J,ake  C'itV,  is  Iniiit  <if  stone  at  cost  of  ^lO.OlH),  wa~.  oj.eni'd  on  tlie  free  seat  piin- 
ci])le.  Tiiere  are  day  schools  and  Sunday  sehoojs,  many  of  the  i)iipi!s  in  whii  li  iirc"  cliil 
dre-n  of  Muniion  ])arents.  Connected  with  the  mission  is  a  grammar  school  t:uii,'ht  by 
New  York  ladies.  There  is  a  school  at  Oiideii.  and  one  in  ('iiy,  where  tliere  isal.-o 
a  church  which  has  (1^71 )  s:3  communicants,  and  is  .-elf-supjiortiue;.  In  the  various 
sche.ols  there  are  220  ]inpils,  and  in  t!ie  Sunday  sidiools  neaidy  as  manv.  Mo-^t  of  the 
children  are  free  si  hi4;'rs  and  s(i].poiieil  i.y  schok-n-shiiis  fioio  the  Fast.  The  Bisliop 
is  kindly  treated  by  tlje  Moi mons  and  has  (heir  respi'ct;  yet  hi^  task  as  to  T'tah  mr.-t  b.- 
one  of  peculiar  dillie-alty  and.  trial,  and  to  liim  and  Ids  v.ork  are  jiartieuhuly  and  emi- 
nently apidic;ib]c  the  remarks  of  P.i-liop  Fiithjolm  in  Eiicohi  Catheilral,  En::.,  v.heri' 
he  f;ave  an  aeeount  cjf  the  American  ('hiiridi  as  a  mission.-i  ry  bo.jy:  'Mtf  the  missionary 
bisliops  I  cannot  speak  to(i  liiL^rbly.  'i'hey  ari'  v,-oithy  of  the  best  days  of  t  In-  cli'.ifcle 
and  for  ener^^'-y.  zeal,  endui'ance  of  haniship  and  denial,  lelniini.-^irative  ability  and 
alc;n,!:,,i^-:.  ,,1  labois.  I  doubt  \\heih.,-i  aiiy  l>ody  ot  ne-n  <'oiisecrated  to  liie  lilo-  olliee  and 
ww;-1l  has  ever  surpa.-sed  them.  Without  e-ccption  ihe c  mi n  of  licroi.-  mon.ld  are  Jay 
iiii;-   amid.-^t    discourae-i^'iiieuts  and   liiliiciilties    I'oiinda.tioii^    uanihy    of    a])o:, folic    master 



•  i<i:jSy-.hY  ii:3';op  o:-'  Kj:r:>.:;.4  idaho  at::)  ut/j: 

Lij.s"  r.y?.Ul^Mev. 



IjiiiMrrs  ill  till-  iiriinitivc   da\s   nf  tlic   rluiiTJi       V,v  u•l,■,^  il,  .•>-  .1       i  1       .v 

111.'  l.e\.  .\.   \\  .  (nlbcTi    wni^-s   in   tile   S/jirif   of    )//„/,,,,,     1;,,,,.    is~-.       <■  t 


■      'J'hc  pcoj.l.'  have 

hold  wold,  anil  his  comiiur  a  wait. 'd  wiili  iuicnsi-  f.a"-.Tn( 

l)wn  dnuvii  to  the  cliiiivh  rliruui;]!  tlie  inilucnccnl  HiOi,,,,  Tuiiip   I'nn..  "       II     ■      t^      . 

nf  X..vton,  Conn.      1,  Gkuk.k  SiakJ.^    h   ki  J  V  r'",: '"rTs  •"'':;'  5"'^^ 
91238.    Ephraim  Tuttle,  b.  .lunr  :i,  iTDO;   d    Jan    •'    i-rp.   „,    p,,    ,.,  ,,..,, 

Sylvia  ihi^dinidl,  1).  in  W.  U,-t.  ti,  ISO?-  ivs   Chittfran.r,,    V    v^'r'i;i''i     ■     J    ',[■'      ''i"--' 

II.     IJi.diard  \Nilliain.  b.  D,-,-.  ]9,  LSOIk  unni 
in.     C'liM-If ..  b.  lA-r.  ;^u.  ]sii;;i.  d.  F<d..  :2.-,,  ]s3i. 

of  Cazcnnvia,  N.  Y..  b.  Urt.  7.  1S|:3.   '  i^lJy  :.:.  ^     V^^'''  ^^'^^  J>"».i""nn  Coolny  P,,tnani 

J]rAi([.K<  Ki'iMLM.M,  b.  A])nl  x'L\  lyo!). 

Bn.rccof  CornNvall,  Conn.,  b.  KOfJ^d    Ma^  7^;^ '"   "  ^"'^'l'^^''^^  J"^ '"•  K^?,  Keb.cca 

1.  J>uniah.  re.s.  Wind!,aui;black^ndt'h;nn.n..ofthoX.  Y    S  Lo<.-  ■  d    in    A.ldo,.-! 


III.  ^>ophia,    ni.    ISlo.  .]<,], n   Ashnan  llmd,  ivia    tu  SuUivu,     \Y      1      r,,.-, 

IV.  .Julius,  d,  a.  15. 

V       Vintrs.    in.    Stq.henBushiKll;   jvni.   to   Madison   Co.,  X.  Y.      ]     IUk,  r,u-      o 

•3,   A;.1;,>.^!     ■''  '"■  '^"^'^^'"^  ^''''  "^'  l''="'^-  t<'^vn  of  Durham,  Gre.u,,  €«:     1,   Xaxcy. 

913.     Plicbc  Tuttle,   b.  ,!an.  S,  iny- ,]    March:)    roo- ,.,     v,„.    or    ,-,,'.    c. 
Milos  of  Wallinyford,  Conn.,  b.  l),r    ]d    1mI- d     AVri  '  IS  7~Vi    )         'n    i  ^ '  t'  ^""''^^' 

"'p       - .  - .. 

Joseph  .Milf.s,  b.  March  7.  1737 
I!.     AniMS  Mih's,  ],,    F,.!,.  r,^  ]  7;-is 
III.      i.'uth  .Mih-..  b.  May  -Jl,'  i;;;i);  m.  >:t.'|.]n-n  Hall 

-•      v''",'  ^^}!'T-  ^'-  *-*■'■   ''  1 '11:  '"•  ^'aj.t.  Jnhn'McChavr 
^.      >lariha  Mihvs,  b.  June  ^s,  I7.j;> 

\'l.      I'jnif!  .Miirs. 

^'iI.     Jo(d  Mih-s,  Nov    l.S    17.10 

VI II.      Isaac  .Mile.' 

\l  i.      Isaac  Miles.     \ucr.    'jr>,    1:3-   m.    Mr.  H.d.omb  nf   Leld-di   Tannerv     T'n  ■;. 
i;rand^..!i    ot    Isaa.-;    Charles  W.  .MiL-s   nf  .h-i~.'v  (■•tv  !,•,      ,-,„.,,    f        '•'»■"';,    1  a. .  is  a 

Tv"  ■  o-''       ;\;.-        ',"■'  "'  ""i'li'.v  1"  biui  ut.s  nor  answer.-o 
i-y      Samuel  Jiliiev,  1,.  .\i.u-.  ]-j_  j  7.-,7_ 

X.      Caleb  .Miles 

-iG2'  ]!i;ANcir  of  sr.MOx. 

9133.  Ruth  Miles,  b.  May  134,  1730;  m.  Apvil  21,  1 7n;\  Sl-i.hen  Hall  b  Nov  7 
1124:  be  vas  a[.})t.  Licm.  !iud  idu-yw.  Capt.  in  on.'  of  tlw  6  leoimcuts  ordeivd  to  In' 
rai.scd  in  Coni!.,  Oct.,  1770. 

1.      Ibuii.-y  Hail,  1;.  Julv  S,  ]7i;i. 

II.     Stcplieii    Hall,  F.-b.' 27.  17(1(1;   111.  Der.    H,    17Sf;,  Liicv,  dan.  of  Cnl.    Is-ic*  and 
Martliu  ((''>ok  Wool-,  b.  Jan.  .J,  17ili).      1,   Sox,  d.  a    fi  davs.      2,    Piij  i..\xi>j.:i;     b    1700 

HI.  -loliu  Hail,  b.  F.b.  2:;:,  HC-S;  in.  Oct.  2?,  1  r:.!],  Lurv  Fnmci.^  1  \\H\\n"v''b 
Oct.  14,  i7;rj.  2,  EsTiii-:i{,  Urt,.  11.  17114.  3,  Is.vac,  April  Is,  noo.  4,  .M.vutus  S.'-i.i 
-20,  171)N.  "  '     '^   ■ 

W.     E,-,tl!ei- Hall,  b.  April   17,  n70.  > 

9134.  Mabel  Miles,  h.  Ort.  l,   1741:  d.  I),-r.  2f),  177r,;  ,.■..  Capt.   Jolm    McCbavo. 
I.     Miles  McC'b.uvL',  b.  170:';  d.  in  s..M-vi.-L- of    his  coiiiitrv  of  ca:iii)  di>tcnii).-i-     An.'' 

1,1 77(;,  a.  IH.  ■  '      ' 

II.      Polly  M.-Clcavo,  b.  17()!l;  d.  Oct.  2,  177:;,  in  4t1i  vr.  of  b.^'  a. 

III.  Piiebe  Mel. 'If.ivo,  d.  aft.T  Juno  Ifi.  is:!(l,  "  inonfiied  and  bcart-brokou."  "  \ 
woman  of  .^-i-.-at  oxcollcuco:"  ni.  Hoc.  (i,  lis;).  ])j-.  Najhaniol,  s.  of  Col.  Lev.-n-tt  llub- 
baiil  of  New  Hav. ,  baj).  A  u  o-.  11,]  70.5.  I  !o  wa-  a  f^iniou.-  ar-oucber  and  was  in  nnivoi-.-^al 
domand.  In  171)7  bo  wa.s  Adjutant  in  tbo  i.'onn.  .Mil.,  ami  latei',  liiicrado  Major  and 
Insi>(:-ctor.  Hi.-,  Labit.s  wlti-  conviviad  and  bo  went  astiay.  }[<•  d.  (in  poor  bouse  it  i< 
said),  June  16,  l.S2o,  a.  about  Go.  lie  lived  some  tinn-  in  tbc  old  b.iuse,  corner 
Meadow  and  Gc-orge  st.s.— i>?'.  If.  Jlruh^o,,'^  Jh'f.  /'/-.'.v.  He  was  an  onlv  cl.dld.  '  Mary 
Hubliard.  2d  wf.  of  Hr.  Abdial  Holmes,  and  ateji-inotliHr  of  Dr.  (.)liv,:-r  \V.  Holmes  wa.s 
bis  cousin.      1,    J  AXr.  \\'. ,  m.  • Moore  of  Salisbiirv,  Conn.,  and  d.  ,v    ;' 

IV.  Patiy  McCleave. 

91344.  Patt:v'  McCleavo,  d.  Marcb  12,  1S;1<;,  a.  G4;  m.  Jan.  2(;.  1704.  James,  s. 
of  (Japt.  Jeri'miah  and  .Mindv.eli  (Coi.jr)  Carrin-t'in.  !■.  ,\o\ .  0.  1770.  He  wa.s  for  maiiv 
yrs.  supt.  or  tlie  g-un  factciry  for  Eli  Whitney.     Po.stinaster  of  AN'all'd;  a  fine  .sina'er. 

I.  Miles  >irCleave  Carrington,  b.  Nov.  M.  K'.M;  m.  Marv  Bebce  of  Walivf  Conu 
1.  IIr.xi;v  Bi.!:i.i:.,  Y.  C.  ISi.j;  grad.  W.  P.;  raisod  a  vc-t.  of"2,ln0meu  for  the' Union' 
•army  ;ind  ua--  a  Ci-n.  in  the  late  war:  Col.  V.  S.  .\rmy;  now  (1,^7."))  Prof,  of  Military 
Tactics  in  \\'aba;5b  Col.,  Iiid.,  fn.'Ui  wiiich  In-  ).-ccivi.'d  tbo  d-'gvee  of  FL.D.,  1S70. 
Author  of  7i'.'//'-.s  „f  tjir  Aiihri';.')>  Utrnhid,,,,.  x.',  Mauy  HioxitTLiTA,  m.  Rev.  Edwin 
Kandol],b  Cilbert,  b.  Fei>.  10,  Ih'Oy;  Y.  C.  Is29;  stud,  v^ith  Jiev.  Amos  Bassett,  D.D.,  of 
Hebron,  Conn.;  pa^-to^  Cong.  (dili.  at  ^Val^d,  lS'!2-74,  and  d.  there,  1S74;  Fellow  of  ^" 
C.  Iy49:  D.D.  S(.-e  portrait" in.  yM-./.v' ///.v/.  (//  ll",///';/.  He  was  son  of  Pevfon  K.  and 
Anna  (Gilbert  of  Hebrou.  Hem.  (1)  Dorcas  Sonthmayd  Diitti.m  (daii.  of  Rev.  Aarou  of 
AVatertowii,  Couii..  and  sister  of  Bev.  Dr.  S.  ^^'.  S.  l>Litton  of  New  Haven)  who  d.  1849. 
"  He  m.  (2)  Se|it.  7.  lSo2.  Ann  Clarissa,  dau.  of  \Vm,  Pvildwin,  b.  April  1,'  ISlo;  d.  s.  i. 
Aug.,  1864,  and  Mr.  C  m.  again." — B^ddwiu   Grn.,  p.  4-)]. 

II.  Caioline  Carrington,  .June  12,  1706:  in  I'^D:!  she  paintel  a  larg.^  genealogical 
tree  of  tiic  descetulants  of  Isaac  Cook  of  \N'allijii;ford,  drav.n  b.v  her  father-  m  Coust'int 
Kirtland  of  WallM  |".ll.]. 

III.  Sina  Carrington,  b.  Aug.  31,  1790;  d.  unm.,  Dec.  ol,  1S.">1,  at  the  res.  of  her 
bro.  Jame.s  W.  C. ,  in  Astoria,   L.  I. 

IV     James  Whitney  Carrington,  Mandi  1,  d.  M:iy  21,  1S02. 

V.  Mary  Carringt(m,  May  o,  1^:1)8:  m.  Jidm  Hart  of  N.  Hav. 
VI.     Harriet  Carrington,  d.  in   Wall'd. 

VII.  James  Wliitney  Carrington,  May  6,  1800;  res.  Astoria,  L.  1.;  m.  Sei)t.  7, 
18')G,  Grace  Townsend  oi'  Nov.-  Haw 

VIII.     Susan  Carrington,  July  2,  1812;  m.  xVlgernon  Sidney,  Esq.,  of  Moljile,  Ala. 

917..     Eimiee  Tuttle,  b.   Juh-  12.  1720;    m.   Oct.    17,    174o,   Gid'^on  Ives    jr      b 
tSepL.  24,  1720,  s.  of  Gidfon  and  Mary  (Koyce)  Ives 
1.      Amos  Ivt'S,  bap.  June  5,  17o2. 
II.     Isnos  Ivts,  b.  Dee.  2,  1753. 
HI.     JHrnsha  Ives,  bap.  Oct.    12.  1755. 
IV.     Gid.:on  Ives,  1.).  Mav  15,  1757. 

*  Col.  Isaac  Cook  was  an  officer  in  the  Rev.  array.  His  s.  Joel,  b.  Oct.  12,  i-oo,  served  throueli  the 
war  of  the  Rev.  He  receivc.i  a  Captain's  com.  from  I'res.  Jefferson  and  distineui's.bed  himself  in  the  war 
of  iiir.  He  v,-as  in  many  h.ivd  fouyht  Indian  battles  and.  it  is  Shid.  saved"  the  lile  of  Gen.  \\'m.  H. 
Hanison  at  the  baitle  ot  Ti;-)pecanoc.  He  d.  at  l)t;er  I'ark,  L.  I,.,  Dec  iS.  io;i,  in  hi.'i  Qid  yr.  Lois 
Cook,  who  m.  Oliver  Dooliitle  I'.i'  v,a<^  sis.  of  Col.  Isaac,  .\nothcr  r-iv.  Pbehe.m  Isaac  Doohrtie  'i-T 
Phili|;  Cook,  who  m.  Thank;u!  Tuttk-  [cj  .vas  a  first  cous.  of  Col.  Isaac.  Mrs.  Ruiherford  B.  Havei  i;j 
is  a  i:t.  i:t .  dau.  of  Col.  Isaac  Cook.,    McCLKAVE,    TUTTLE,    JVE8. 


9172.     Encb  Ives.   b.  Dec-.  2,   17r,H;  m.;  rmi.  to  liri.-i-l    Cuun 

I.        iMUliCc. 

.  91721  Euuice  Ivcs,  1.,  Mardi  11,  1780;  d.  Vw.trrl,,,,,  X.  Y  Junr  !•->  184r  ,„ 
.n  Knstol  Nov  i,,.;  Orna  Ihm,  b.  M.y  5.  17^9,  s.  of  A.nbVus;  and  M  xn  '(iSo  ' 
in.w)  Inu.of  l?>  .  (  onn  llo  ru.  iL>)  ]8J4,  Luriu.  (iay]ord;  rem.  to  \\Vtcu-lo  8  S- 
f,  f-''''^^^'"'-';^!'^'.  ^■  ^..  at  l.niH-  ol  .on-iu-law,  .J.  B.  F,a,„.is,  Nov.  U,  1S70  a  8"^  v^x 
l!e  Avas  a  cabii.n  imda-.-;  d.'aron  in  ilir-  chli  '  ■ 

I.     ^nnidia  M.    liart.b    Spj,!.   5,  ISLl:  d,    F.d,.    10,   ISO!);  n,.   A],ril2}    1S:)1    Gr^o 
IL  Langd,m  ot   hurlui^ton    Conn     s    ol   A.ah.l   and  Viol.tla   (HitoWk),    b.    Feb    ?^' 
1.>U'J;  d.   at  X^  aterlu...  U,-t.    9.    1S;J7,    Joav  in- -.3  hons-    C',  (,,.f      ic,-,.    h,,,,,/',    t    V       ^-; 
Soutldngton.  s.    of    Na,,hani,d   and 'Mub.!  iCnunptonl' '^'  Oun  x '' '^Asu.v;     "Jn!  d 
3-.  and  o,  Ui.M.  A.,  d.  in  annv,   F.d-.  2-2,  ISd^.      f    ])v.ight  A^AI1LL.  l„>tl,  d. 

II.      (Joo^  Hart,  b.  F,.b.20,  1S]0;   d.  Oct.  2(J.    INIJIJ;   „,.  Sarali  Edwards  of  (), is    \    Y 

K:^;l^Zn^:£v.^^^'n^.^'■  -^--^--  '■>''••  ^^>^-'-  oct.:  ..nJ-^r:  4: 

in.^- O.wl.s  Han,  b    Ang.  19   1S18;  m.  Au^.  20,  183S,  Lucinda  Di.brow    s  i 

N\  .•th!')sh..dd,  e'onn.;  .V.  i.;  res.  Cananda.o-Liia.  N    Y  •   i  iaa<  i.,,    u. 

V.     Enos    Ivfs   HaM.    b.  Sei-t.  11,    1^22;  cabinet  n.akov:  went  to  Carandai..-,;a    but 

re  urn,  d  1S41:  went  to  California,  1^52.  and  spent  :>  yrs. ;  nnnvned  ,n  For.:  .]   r  C.;,    "' 

June  .  ISJU,  i^-Kev  I n-  PorterjU  1  arnnn^rton,  lid,  n  K.  ]^dd.n,  dau.  of  Ai  of  l^u  Hn!!: 
Ht]S02  ■      '"'  '    ^     ^  ^'  ■    '^'''-    ^''-''  «<^i^'^^!-     ^,  t:xoslvKs,    Au|. 

918.     Ambrose    TuUle,  b.  Scid.  2o,  1728;  m.   Mav  21,  1748,  Estlier  Ives    sister  of 
<.i.  .-on    y.honn  Eui.n;,.  J  utile;   wid.  Estlier  Tuftle  was  admitted  1  v  inter  f cui  tlu  ,  Id 
at  ('],.s  are  to  the  Cong.    d.V    at    Xo.    Canaan.  Conn.,    M=n-   27    i;;(         n  V  V         ,n      f 
.,,ol  Am  u■oseTnt.l^  late  of  ^yalHngford,  dec.,  given  t,,  widow  Estl.eiJ^^^^ 
hn     i'4       ■        ''  ''""'■''"■'  '^^-".l'^"""  =^»''  Samu(d.    In  17,;o  Jo,d  Ives  guard  to  Ambrose: 

I.     Samuel,  b.  Dec.  22,  1748;  d.  .March  0,  17,-)5 
II.      -Marilia,  b.  i*ct.  LI.  ]  7.")0. 
HI.      Ambrose,  Oct.  11,  V,:y2. 

IV.      Benjamin,  Sept.  o,  J  7.V1:  nn  Mary  Lvniau 
V.      Samuel,  Dee.  22,  17.j7. 

j.^l'li-     Lois  Tuttio,  b.  March  fi.  1737;  m.  June  U).  17(]0,  AI)el  Ives,  jr.,  b.  D,:c.  G, 
I.      Ruth  I^e^,  b.  1701. 

91,11.1.     llulh  Ives,  b.  17G1;  d.  Aug.  24,  I84:j    a    83  vrs  -m   Xnv     l~v5i    p      , 
art.  b..Julv  4,  1708;  s.  ,u  Ca,..  NjuhanieUnd  A.ic,:';iiam  k^n   !  i^„i,S/g^-^ 
lie  d.  m  (losben,  (,  onu.,  Mav  22    1S;36    a    73  vr.s  "J'-'>3"-)ui,  L(um. 

I.      Inf.  ■        '     -    "     ■ 

11.     Lois  Hart,  July  17.  1787;  m.  Asa  ^Va.rd  of  Cornwall,  Conn 
III.     Alice  Hart.  Nov.  28,  1790;  m.  Daniel  Beach 
I\  .     Seeley  Hart.  b.  Fel).  28,  178:3;  d.  a.  2  vrs. 
V.     Amanda  Hart,  b,  l'\d>.  29,  17!j0-  m    May  21    IH-''!    -\lv,l,  \v;  • .  ^r  w 
VI.      Seele,  Hart.    h.  Feb.  1,  1798;  rem     o  0     ol82      theiV  ru    Oc  'lO    1^-'"T"-  ■ 
Thi.a  Cha,tnan.  b.  Mard.  ,u.  180.,  dau.  of  Constantr.  J:     n.    B^kf  d'd^^iio '"""" 
MI.      Betsey  Han,  1,.  Ort.  14,  1801;  m.  Rufus  Carrier. 

VHI.     i;eub;-n  Han,  I).  May  2,  iS()3;  rem.  to  (')hio'lS2i;-  m    there  J„lv '-   i  ^on    v 
A,ml.nv.b.  Nov.    1...    1810;  carpenter;    res.   Brindldd,  (i      i     Ch\;   '^.  Vu  m^  D? 
o    IN.-     m^Oct^ir:.    ls.;.U-deanm-X.Stilwell;  farmer.      1,   .t/,'.  ;h.  (?     Julv  14    ]^1      o' 

Ssi^w,tj:;/77'^^4n  ''■ '"'"'  ''■''-'■  ''■  ''''■  ^'  '^^^-.  Juiyii'^s!^-  o; 

liyei^,;  i;;f;- ,ta  :;h^^pL;:.^T s;;;.:^-  ^-J^^-  ]^;:-  'i:^r^^:n^;r^.  ^e 


in;ANcii  ()!'  sn;<>>;, 

92,  Tiinolhy  Tuttle.  i'.  lt;S2;  ]>y(i\<.  in  N.  IJavcn;  ivin..  v>itl»  his  ratlur'f^  f;niii!y 
A\  lidi  fiVionl .;  y(;'.ix(jr  n,t;>.'  tn  Walliiiii-fiTd,  (,'oiin.  In  fai'ly  lilV-  lit-  exploi'cd  Ilu>  country  to 
llif  wt'stwavii  cf  \N'.  uiid  hi'Ii-cictl  ianil  IVn-  a  l':;nn.  \\irn  li  Lf  cl;  anvl  with  hi-:  (i\vn  ]i;ui(is, 
and  OK  it  jii-e;iari'd  a  lionie  for  Ids  family,  ^\nr!■;i;1-•  'iuough  tlic  week  as  it  ^vas  too 
far  ti)  i;(i  lionif  (-very  nieht  and  r^-i  in  lunfji;  only  nri  Satsiiday?;,  guiih'd  hy  a  lin.c  ol'  hliizid 
tifis  111'  harl  inatlcrd.  tlirou_L':h  the  v.-nods.  'Idn^  spoi  is  alamt  a  luilr  j-ast  ni  thf  ci-nlral 
part  of  rh'^  villafcr  of  Chcsliiic.  In  l?!.""!,  it  is  nicrrcd  to  in  the  division  of  ^^'al)in;:f()rd 
into  scho.'i'!  districts,  the  west  divisiun  to  i-xtcnd  "  a.s  fa.r  as  wi'st  of  tin'  i-i\ci'.  as  higli  as 
Tiirn''hv  Tuttl.'"s  and  Tiniotliy  Bea<di's."  Here  he  aftei  wards  crerted  !)i--fiisr  iraine 
lious'  in  tin- tr>wn  of  t^'hisldie  (ac<'ordin;,'-  to  the  fan. ii}  rradition,  iuit  Joseph  1'.  lleach 
lias  dovibts  al)out  tliis  liouse  beintr  the  iirst,  and  accords  that  honor  to  llie  Jhit<dicock 
house  in  aniither  iinrt  of  the  town;  "  tlie  'J'lirth'  llo!I^e  may  lia\e  la-en  the  seconds"  Jt 
was  a  o-ood  s])eciinen  (.)f  the  Conn,  farm  house  in  the  ohk-n  tiuic;  nndcr  its  roof  were 
born  cliiUlren,  grand  chihlren,  gveut  gr.  chih  and  groat  great  gr.  cliih  of  the  luiilder;  it 
was  standin!;-  until  n  few  years  since,  wdieji  it.  was  burneij  by  an  incendiary.  b'/ie,g  at  the 
tiijK-  nnoeeapii.-d. 

In  IT'Jd  rise  ^\'est  \'t'ail!nLM'ord  district  was  made  a  society,  and  at  the  fii'St  nri'Cting- 
(SepT.  lii,  ]  7',':;)  Timothy  Tiittii'  was  \(ited  Movh-j-atoi '■  for  thf  year  ensuiiiir.  liis  laune 
is  til"  first  name  on  the  lecords  of  the  town.  Nov.  -!,  1 7:?o;  Caleb  Williams,  'J'inioThy 
Tiuth-,  .b,)slina  Hotchkiss,  Nathaniel  Dnnuell  and  Corry  were  voted  a  comnntlee 
to  manage  the  work  of  the  meeting  house,  IL-'C,  17-^^8:  Tiniotliy  Tunle,  Jo.-e]i]i  'i'lK.mj'-on 
and  'I'lnnnas  Mathews  the  c<iinniitiee  to  seat  the  meeting  liouse. 

Sept.  1,  1T24,  the  same  conimitiec  to  •■  dignify  tlje  meeting  liouse;"  same  yenr  ho 
was  one  of  a  conimittee  of  three  to  manage  sch.ool  affairs.  Nov.,  17-24,  he  was  one  uf 
the  com.  of  three  t.i  alYairs  o|  Ordination.  (Mev.  Sa.iiiu' 1  Hall  VN"as  ordained  the 
first  pastor  of  the  chlj.  in  Cheshire,  iv-c,  V.'li.)  The  yiai  'V.  '[\  a'p-jioinlid  coh  of 
the  four  iiemiv  rree. 

In  Dec.  17-0.  on  a  com.  of  throe  to  manage  society  atfa.irs  for  ensuing  yv.  Jh-c.  20, 
ITOf),  "  Seri^canl  Tutth.^  "  on  com.  of  tliree  to  i-un  l)oundary  lines  between  the  ea'-t  and 
v.X'St  societies  (Wallingforu  and  (Cheshire). 

Nov.  17.  IT-?!),  Miuthew  i'lellimiy,  if.  of  l!;v.  Di.  Jo-ei)h,  tl^-  ceh.-br.ited  divine), 
Sergeant  Tuttle  anil  Isaac  Mo-s,  a  anw.  to  bnild  school  house;  also  ;o  manage  soc.  affairs 
for  ensuing  vear.  Also  next  year,  aral  to  jiianage  school  affairs.  Nov.  S,  1732,  Sergeant 
Tuttle  voted'moderator  for  year  ensuing.  Xov.  1,  1700,  .lolm  Hull,  Sergeant  Tu'tle  and 
John  (iaylord  lo  manage  society  affairs. 

On  Sept.  17,  17;!7.  a  new  nteeting  house  G!x4."J  and  24  fei-t  m  height  was  voted,  and 
Sortct.  Tutth_^  to  fie  .Moderator  for  yeai'  ensuing,  and  on  com.  ttj  nntnago  soc.  liffairs,  and 
in  f73S.  Jtme  12,  17;.'*J,  on  com.  of  three  to  s'-ll  theold  meetinghouse.  Chosen  dieaconj 
Aui:.  I'J,  ITo'J.  In  Dec,  17;j!),  on  com.  of  three  to  ri.anage  s..;-.  affairs,  an.d  tin-  two 
succeeding  years.  In  1742  he  was  a  nicmber  of  the  eniui.-ii  for  th.c  ordination  of  Kev. 
Bonj.  ^Vuodbridge  as  nr.>t  pastor  id'  the  chh.  at  Amity  ( Wi.u.Hibridgc  ) 

'lie  bouirlit '  hind  in  Ftirmingtoit  of  r.t-nj.  .Iiidd.  —  Farm.  L'ind  liec.  He  d.  in 
Cheshire,  .-'ipril  lo,  ]  7.")G,  a.  74,  "llis  gra\-e-stone  once  st;'.ndiitg  in  the  old  giave-yaru 
there,  and  on  v>hich  faint  traces  of  itiseri]>tion  are  still  visilde,  iias  been  utilized  in  th.e 
construction  of  an  adjaceiit  stone  fence.  His  lite  began  two  years  lad'ore  the  death  of 
the  aitcestre-ssof  the  race  recorded  in  this  work,  and  In-  doubtless  sat  on  Iior  knye  and 
heard  her  voice.  It  emled  only  nine  years  laT'ore  the  birth,  in  the  house  wluch  he  built, 
other  grt.  grt .  gri.  gr.  s.,  b'ri  Tuttle  (the  father  o\'  ih"  compihr),  thus  covering  a  jieriod 
that  embraces  in  jtart  the  cotemji.irary  history  of  live  getn  raiiotis. 

Ilis  will  dated  Dec.,  17,');;,  '•  being  in  the  7lst  year  of  my  age,"  names  eldest  son 
Eohraim.  execr. ,  '■  wife  r-^artsh  to  Inive  till  the  os'ate  .-h*'  brought  nn-  at  time  of  my  mar- 
rh'iL''-,"  s^'-uis  Mo-'.,.,  (.'ershnjn,  Timothy.  Simon;  daitgliters  Mary,  wife  of  Miles  Hull;,  wife  of  .biliM  i.'aylical;  Midiitald.e,  wife  ni  .\mirew  Clark,  and  i-hildrm  ol 
Hach'.d,  wdio  was  wife  of  Nathan  Tvler. 

■^  In  eurlv  :irii-:'-^  tbc  Moder.i'.nr  ;irc.-.'!!c-i  at  the  Town  C'U'rts,  \\r,i(.h  Li.nsistccl  of  tlirec,  live- cir  fevcn  of 
the  chict  inl..ibif.u!- IT  S'-;cc;rii!.-n.:'.ri!l  in  case  Oi  tie  liehaiMriL-  Cii^'inij  vote .  'I'tii'-.  Court  met  .-a  stated 
times  to  hear  .tail  clcidc  minor  coritrovrr^iifs  between  the  lownsnn'ii.  rcspertirt;  itespassfs  or  dcoii.  It 
also  liad  li'.e  power  of  suinmotiiti,;  ;  attics  bctore  it  !'.•:  --/''<(.-  .'.v'  ///.v.'.  c/  I'.'iu'i. 

'The  til-.;  .i';a:;'--- ■  ;  tr.t  <  !.':i-l.  :•  c-I:'<.  v.erc  Stcpht-a  Hntchki-.s  ttnd  Joseph  Ives.  On  the  re<;!£;r^:i - 
tion  of  Oca  Mntt!ikl-.s,  'i'mow.v  ■liutU-  wris  chosen,  .-'.ii.i  on  iho  rc-ii^n.-ition  of  Dea.  Tuttle,  Sttplu-a 
ill  tc'iklAs.  ir  .  s->n  M  &■■  rir,'.  <:.-;c:n;i,  u-.-i.;  -jlu-.'-.fn  in  ol-ivr  'a  Dd  Tattle.  Ephr.->.im  Tuttle.  son  of  ibc 
litter,  !«.  lor  I'lrst  \U'.  I'.stlicr  Ibi'cb'rd Vi.  daa.  ol  the  t^rst  I^t.e  i^tephen. 

'Ji  rn.E.  ■  405 

][v  HI.  Xo\ .  '.^  nOj,  Tltankl'ul  l>:io!ittlc-' ,   who  d.  Nov.  '.^I,  IT'i':^.      lit-  in.  (•.?)  .lime  !), 
i:21»,  Mary  Uwnv,-,!  who  d.  .)aii.  'J".?,  17;!S;  (:W  -May  17,  lT;!fi.  Mary  II  r.iiiislMU,  wlu,  d.  Jan. 
'22,  17  i"-':  (llJuiic  'JS.  17111,  .^Il>.  ^^aral!  iliuni-^toii,  \vi(|.  of  Jaiuis    [aufi   14  IJ,  and  dan.  of  am!  Alii^call  (Jlcatnn)  .\1  w!'.tiM-,|:  b,    April  G,  lOUlJ;  d.  Mav  2S,  ]7iU:  /.  iiv  1st  ii:. : 
1.      Kaeiicl,  1-.  .\]inl  10,   17. d;   ni.  Xailiau  Tyl'.-r.,:; 
U.      J-.b.'T,v/.(T,  h.  May  LS,  17ilS;  d.  J.)cc,  ;),  17;iu,  u.  •2^^,  "  of  yo  tlirr)at,  dvsiroycr."' 
111.      l-;]iliri>.i>ii,  b.  April    10,  1710;   in.    E,->tlu'i    llotclikisb;  (2j*  Jlaiwiali  raiigb'.Mi;  (3) 
'J'l.aiiktul  (Si-dr-uirk) 

]\'.      Marv,  li.  (i.'t.  :l  17J2:  in.  Ih--.  4,  1729,  Miles  Hull  of  Dirbv. 
A'.      (ici-di.Ma.  b.  Aui;.  11,   17  M:  in. 

V!.     'iiiiiotliy,  D(x-.  4,  171i;:  m.  Jan.  27,  1743.  Ifaunah  Wadliairis. 

\']I.      Abijnii!,  Aj^ii]  lo,  ]7]it;  m.   Jolm  d'aybird.      ".Mrs.    Uaylord,  bu.  Nov.,  1751, — 
CliCf-hirc  Ri'-.\  1,  Ciiii.D,  baj).  June  27,  1742.    '2,  A.Mo?,  bap.  March,  174G. 
VlJl.     SliHi'ii,  li.  Jiiuf    2,    1721:  ni. 
IX.     M.isfs,  b.  Ih-c.  IS,  172;!;  n^.  June  2,  1740.  Sibvl  'J'liouias. 
X.     'J'bankfnl,  li.  Nov.  5.  172i];  d.  I'n^r.  U,  1747,  a"  21;  unni.      /.  bv  2a  in.: 
XI.      Mekitabb'.  b.  Xnv.  1.".,  1730;  ni.  Feb.  7,  174n,  Andr^\^•  Clark." 
Xll.     Irhab^d,  b.  Jn]N2,  1732;  d.   Jan.    <-',    1747.     .A    cdiild   of  Sits.;!.    Tuttle  d.  Ik-e., 
]727.—'.7(' >/((■/■(:  C7(//.   Ho'. 

921.  B.achel  Tutile,  b  A])iil  10,  170r;;  d.  in  (,'];r>]iire.  Conn.,  Xov.  25,  1740,  ni. 
Jun-  2'>,  liob.  Xatlmn.  s.  of  J, dm  an<!  Abigail  (Hail)  J'ybi,  b.  April  17,  1701.  Ik  ni.  (2) 
Tlianl'.tui  — - — .  Ii'  J  ,nie,  1707.  adiu.  of  liis  i-^t.  givcu  to  Ejiliraini  .Siiiiili  in  n.  fif  lii.s  \vf. 
Tlji'Ukiul,  llu'  wid.  refu^in'';  c>.t.  in.-olvt-nl. 

*  I  stiipose  her  to  be  c'r.  dau.  of  Abrahain  and  dau.  c>f  Jof;n  and  M:'.ry  iPetk'  Dwt'itt'c.  Marv  Peck 
was  dau.  of  John  Mary  u^Io>Ri  Peek.     Mary  .Mens  was  da-i.  oi  John  Moss  of  W.ih'd. 

t  Mary  Ivowe,  jd  wife  of  Dta.  Timothy  Tutile  was  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Lydia  (Ralli  Peck.  Joseph  Peck 
was  of  .Newark,  X.  J.,  and  d.  'here  .Ian.  i?.-,;,  a.  jo.  He  was  son  oi  Heiry  Peck  of  New  Haven,  ar.d  his 
wf.  Sarah,  dau,  of  Dea.  Rogrer  .AHint:.  Lydia  BaU,  wf.  of  Joseph  Peck,  was  dau.  of  Edward  Bail  of 
liranfcid,  \vLi..  rcir..  to  ^^'twark  and  was  Hiph  Sheriff  of  Es<e.x  Co.,  .N.J.  .Mary  Peck.  dau.  of  JoSL-ph, 
ni.  Stephen,  s'.  of  John  and  Abiyail  uMsopi  Rowe  of  E.  Hav.,  b.  July  i,  loS?;  d.  Xov.  13,  i-jj..  This 
g;enealogy  is  proved  by  sundry  records.  A  deed  recorded  ai  Xew  Haven,  17J0.  to  "Robert  Talu.ia^e, 
who  has  supported  our  mother,  Mrs.  Sarah  Peck,  for  .si.x  years,  of  our  part  of  her  thirds  in  ilie  ^'ork^fiire 
(luarter,  alsj  about  four  acres  in  the  common.''  si^^ned  Joseph  I'etk  en'  Xeivark,  X.  J  .,  James  Peck  01 
Xew  haven  ar.d  Mary  and  Timothy  TutOe.  Anothtr.deed  to  Tioberi  Tahiia<,'e  for  the  same  coasid., 
rec  1742,  signed  by  J;!rTies  Peck,  Samuel  Peck  and  Tliomas  tiiibert.  and  in  i-.<4  Joseph  Peck  of  Xev.ark, 
then  a.  6q  yrs  ,  .-Vmos  l''eck,  Abjtraii.  wf.  of  Robc't  Tahnai:e,  Samue!  i'eck,  Tnomas  (iiUiert.  Joseph  Peck 
of  Daabury  and  M"ary,  wf.  of  Timothy  Tuttle,  ?,s  joint  heirs,  unite  in  a  conv.  to  Mauliew  Gilbert,  lames 
Peck  m.  a  sister  of  Stephen  Rowe,  as  ajipears  by  an  agreement  between  tlie  heirs  of  John  Kowe.  e.\hib- 
bitrd  at  Xew  Haven,  by  James  Peck,  1742,  signed  by  John  Matthews,  heirs  of  Stcprien,  x\bii,'nil,  wid.  of 
James  Morris,  liaar.ah^wi .  oi  James  Peck,  and  Sarah,  wf.  of  Pllcazer  P.rovvn.  Dodd  sa>  s //<;;.■ /..j/; 
Rowe  m.  172^.,  John  Peak,  and  makes  no  ruention  of  his  dec.  or  of  hsr  id  m..  bir.  from  the  above  record 
It  ir  clear  that  she  was  wf.  of  James  Peck  in  174^:  chil.  of  .Stephen  and  Marv  Peck  Rnwe.  1.  St.--;fhk.v, 
b,  Sept.  7,  '-It;  d,  Xov,  i^,  i-;i.  .;.  Josr:i'K,  ti .  Oct.  7,  i;ii;  m.  Dec.  i^i,  1743,  .A.Digail  Beecher.  3, 
iJ.nMia,,  b.  Xov.   7.  i;'-o.     4,  Marv.  b.  Li^c.  21,  17-'.';  m.  Rraciicy,  and  liad  umor,(;  others:  i,  Si^-Z/if/i 

iVcTt'i-  lirnJlt),  b.  C!;cshire,  Conn.,  Feb.  20.  "s.i;  V.  C,  1775;  rem.  to  \'t.  1770;  set.  at  Westminster."  He 
drew  up  the  "  \'eriron;  Apiieak"  pubiislied  by  the  State  Council  1779;  many  years  Pro'-,  .^tty.  of  the 
Co.;  Col.  and  Gen.  of  Militia;  oltea  Rep.  in  Gen.  Assembly;  one  of  the  commissioners  in  17SQ  in  the  final 
adjustment  of  the  controversy  with  New  Vork;  three  times  elected  C.  S.  Senator,  scrvinj,'  ever  i.)  yrs.; 
lied.  Dec.  19,  1S30. — HalT  s  Hist .  0/  I'!  His  dau.,  Adeline  Gratia,  was  fir~t  wf  oi  Sara'i  G.  Goodrich., 
(Peter  Parleyl  p.  loS.  and  liad  .Mary  Elizabeth,  who  m,  hercous.  Charic>  M.  Wolcctt,  Esq.,  p.  r-.y.  His 
s.  Wr.n.  Czar  Bradiey,  b.  March  20,  17S2;  \' .  C.;  LL.D,;  mem.  Con.;  an  able  lawyer;  d.  .Marcn  3,  1S67,  a.Sj. 

tin  1750  slie  quit-claimed  Lcrii;,'ht  in  estate  of  her  father,  Et>cnezer  Atwater,  to  her  brother  James 

gWilliam  Tyler  of  .Milf.ird.  said  to  be  from  Devonshire,  England,  the  oldest  persr.n  found  in  t!ie  Xew 
Haven  Colonial  Records,      In  a  hst  of  after  settlers  is  Win.  T\  ier.     Inv.  of  est.  t.iken  Feb.   iS,  161^2-1,. 

1  ,     Rocer  Tyler,  m.  June  10.  i6uS,  Sarah  Huimston  of  Waihn^'lord-,  perh.ips  dau.  of  Henry,  and  sis. 
of  Jolin,  whom.  Saraii  Tuttle,  icoS  [i\ 

II.  John  Tyler,  ra.  Jan.  14.  ifv4,  Abisfail  Hall,  whod.  Xov.  20,  1741.  i.  EsTntk,  Sept.  20.  ity5;  m. 
Moses  I'earh.  2.  Joh.v,  Jan.  2g,  lio-  ;  m ,  April  7,  1731,  Piicbe  Beach  ;  (2)  X'ov.  q,  17.;;,  Mary  Doolittle. 
i.  by  2d  m.:  i,  A'f.'.  yo/zn,  Episc.  minister  at  Norwich,  b.  1743.  3,  twin  with  John,  m.  Samuel 
Andiews.  .(,,  m.  Racnel  Tiiiile,  sis.  of  Tiiriott;y  01  Goshen,  whose  dau  Mary  m.  dcni.indrj 
Sedi;wick.  5.  Eoi,';,  Xov.  ^,  1706.  0,"-.  b.  Xov.  .('.  i  r,-'i-  ;  ni  Lydia  — — .  7.  L-a\c,  Ian  17.  171;; 
m  Susanna  .\Iiils.  S,  Josti  li,  Marcli  13,  1^16;  m.  Mehit.xMe  Cl;'-rk  [ai,r,  ;,]  y,  E.xrtMK.srE.  10,  IJ.^.s- 
NAH,  111.  Macock  Ward. 

111.  William  Tyler,  m.  Mary  -  ,  who  d.  March  11,  1754.  1,  M.\kv,  Sept.  7,  itc,;  ;  ni.  Feb  t.  i7-;4, 
Francis  Sedgwick  2,  S.\k.\h.  .Nov,  25.  ir'',7.  j.  I'He.i;.'-;,  (Jet.  5.  17.0.  4,  .S.-\MfFi.,  Aug.  11,  17"?:  m. 
Feb.  IS.  1734,  Jerusha,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Ruth  iPeck>  Sedgwick  ct  llartloid.  and  had  ;  i,  Sa/i;;!,/,  b. 
Dec.  14,  '7.-5  ;  I"  Dainaris,  dau.  o!  Pl;;nci'S  and  >Lir\  .-Mwruer,  ^nd  han  Selina  M  Sinrlock  and  Andrews. 
3.  ^L-MiMi.^.,  b.  Oct.  4,  i7-"j  ;  in.  Jan.  1,3,  1733,  Jacob  h'rancis.  6,  M  EHn.vbLi-.,  X'ov.  14.  1707.  7,  .Aii.xh, 
Xov.  10,  i-rj'.  S,  ErnF;.\i.M,  .-^p.ri!  i.-;.  1713;  m.  March  13,  17-4,  I'^Hzabcth  ].'■=  Wolfe,  q,  M  khit.^i  le.  Xov, 
17,  i;i?  ;  m.  .A;;ril  12,  1743,  Stephen  .Meiwin.     10,  As.\,  July  3e\  1722. 



]in\Sr]l    OF    Sl.MOX. 

I.      Lois  'I'yl.T.  I..  Mav  l'^,  i7;ll. 
I';.,    '^'''»"'^'''"1  Tylrr.  h.  Ai.ill  is,  1T;;::5:  m.  Kpliraiiu.  s.  of  Joiudli.-ui  Smith,  b.  Julv 
1 1 ,  1 1  •J-). 

Hi.      Uiu-hc]   'YyU'v.  ]>.  Nov.  ^\.  i;;jr.:    ,u,  kh,    2s.  17.-^^!,  oiuuliiih   Muii.s;.'i    jr        ][,. 
m.  c^jOct.  5,  17.-).1.  .M;.iy  Willlnni.^,  aii.l  Imd  Sil,\]  and  (,!!um:^.       1,  I^ajsx  vnxs'  '\^     Sci)! 
2!,  17.>|.       ^n   unci,-  ,,r  J^■v.   Myn.n   K.   .M,i!,-.,;n  u',-i„.al..oi.t t  inj,}  i,i,u   tluu' iJa'n'uilm.s 
%vas  tlu' fiiie.-t  gcntlcuiaii   ot    tli-'   Miiusoii    I'aiiiily.       2,  W'l i.Mo'i',    ]\.   Julv   'J:)     ]7:).'j-    m 

Patiencf' ;   jdini.-tl  llic  chh.  in  Soul '.linmoii,  Sept.  2,  17^^.      ]    U,:rJ,,!   ii    J),',-    ]  (j    ^'^ii' 

2.  Mirhn,!.,  IVl,;  25,  i:-].       :i,  Abrlrn.  .hme   V<;.  17^2.       -i,  Prnr:,rns    Juiu'  0  "l7S-i  '"'V 
]7'.v:';/.  ,Iai:,  21.  17sr'.     0,  .V/-',-/ „.•,,•,  I.aiv  ,' ulv  ] i<,  1 7.s'.i  '       '' 

JV.      Tir/.ah 'I'ylrr.  b.  Mairli.  C.   1  7':JS. 
"\'.      T>:unaluis  Tvi.T,  b.   Aui;'.  :]'•,  ]7o',i;   bap.  Si'])t.  '".'    17Af)-   il    St-pt    ■>()    17t<) 
VI.      Kb.'iiczff 'I'xk-i-,  l»ap.  An-.,  1741,  '       "    '      '  ■'■• 

VII.      Kniiir<.  Tv],"r,  ban.  Aiu-il':;,  174:'!. 
VIII.     II-b.T  Tyler,  1^  a'luUl.  Scpi.  2,  174.""). 

9212.     ThHukful  Tylei-,  b.  Apiil  1,  !7:!;!;  m.  F.pbiaim,  s.  of  Jonatba.i   Smith    b 
•luly  11,  17:-'/i    III  1754   EiHi.  Smitii  of  Cheshire  cuv.  to  hi>^  bro..  Joruthau   Smith    jr 
rt.  iu  >;".   f.,  I'.houias  ]\iiuter.  dec;   A^~a   Smith,  aiiothei-  bm..  in  ;,  r,,nv.  nm.s.  bro    Ti'tiis 
and  iiiwther  ibdiecoa:  and  Nehemiali  of  W.  Hav.  uhso  sold  out  to  liih   bro.  "joiiatiiau  of 
^^'.  llav.,    fatlier  of  r.jdiraim  and  othei-.s. 

92121.    Ephraim  Smith. 

I.      Jioswell,  b.  alit.  lSt>(>;  iii.  Se])t.  5,  17l:t(3,  Ijiiey  Ann.  Norton;  (2)  April  19    ISOl 
nanuah  ITitchcoclc.    He  wa^  Cajii.  and  tiie  first  7i;alc  jn-of.  of  reliiriou  who  settled  in  l'\v-  " 
viile.      He  liad  1  1  chil.,  all  m.  ana  had  tamiiie:;.      lie  was  an  elder  in  the  y-hh'    ] 
SrsAXNA,  b.  dune  9,  17(f7;    m.  'lims  L.  .Merriman.      2.  M.urniA   Gori  D    D.'e    1    i-'Ms' 

3,  lU-Fis,  May  27,  ISOO;  Cob  1,  /.V  r.  lb.  .S  S.nn'Ji,  VhA).-  elected  jnineipal"  ISfj^t-' iV 
Frraiklin,  Pa.,  Oct.  21,  lS;i8.  At  1;^  he  entered  Harford  Academ\;  conveited  at  \l-  b,Tr;i,'| 
to  preach,  1S57;  enteied  Soph.  Wesleyan  Tniv,,  1800;  g-rad  Ihi'j'o;  sajne  vr,  or'ranizeifa 
connnercial  e•^!lI'•^re  in  addition  to  the.  Wyuming  Seminary.  Mav  IG,  18!>4,  v\.  l^^ivinia  I'i" 
Lines  of  I^ini^ston,  Pa.  In  1S05  elected  Assistant  I'lducipal  of  \V.  ^^^m\.  4,  bELOSTY  li 
Feb.  1,  1N02.  5,  Ltty.  m.  Kufns  Lines,  jr.,  s.  of  Piifiis.  ])ioneer  of  Luwyvi'le  '  d' 
Noirrox.     ;".  by2dm.:     7,  liviiKV.     S,  Axsun,  D.  D. ;  res.  Clevel^md,  O.      9    Il\xx\n' 

in.    Neliemiali  Park.       10,  Iv-riiEi!,  ni. \\'ati'ous.       11,  .UxK,  n;.  Orri'n'   Watniu-' 

12,  Cl.AlUXDA,  ni.  Poidittle. 

II.  Ephraini,  bap.  Dec.  21,  1777:  d.  Nov.  4,  IS.")!),  a.  79;  m.  Sallv  Tnttle-  (2~,  '^'•iril. 
Pueh,  b.  1>'s;  d.  Nov.  is.  1819,  a.  01.  .       •         ,  VW  -^^uau 

III.  'I'itus,  b.  Sept.  27,  1779;  ni.  Clari.-sa  rnttle,  b.  Pec.  31,  1779-  died  ^  .-ne 
day,  Feb.  IG,  lSf)2,  in  i:-I'l  yi-. 

IV.  R;iymond,b.  1781;  d.  Feb.  14,  1870,  a.  89;  slioenraker;  jn.  Poivana  Andrews 
wLo  d.  l>,i)S,  and  mourned  as  a  mother  in  Israel,  "Aunt  Poxv."  1,  Axdjiew  Lff  m' 
Phebe    Law.       2,  Mai;v.  in.  Pussell  Southworth,       3,  Ki.77,A,"in,  Garrv  Law;  his'iffv.-f' 

4,  PiiKiiK  Axx,  in.  (iarry   Law;  Jiis  3d  wf. 

V.  Anson,  b.  Marc'h  7,  baj..  .May  30.  1784;  d.  iu  180.>,  9  davs  after  beim^  i'ljured 
by  a  ialling  tree;  the  lirst  burial  in  tlie  tounslup).  " 

VI.  Silvester,  1).  May  Lb  17'^(i;  m.  P,,Iiy  Pates.  1,  TiioNtAS  Batks  ni  Vm-li-i 
Brewster.      2,  Bex.TA.MFX  Buck,  a  thriving  mercliant  ui  Hone.sdah',  Pa.;  m    Betsey  B"ush 

3,  Frastis  B.,  m. •  Watroiis.       4,  Axcklixk,  ni.    —-  (ircea  oi  Bhiohambjn    N     {'' 

o,  Louisa,  m.  Sheldon  Hendricks,     fi,  Maky,  m.  Kevnolds. 

VII.  Lyman,  b.  Sei>t.  7,  1788;  m.  Deborah  Buck,  da'u.  of  ("'aju.  Ichabod  of  (.'reat 
Bend,  b.  ''dareh.  179:j:  sis.  of  liis  l)ro.  Kid;rauu"s  2d  wf.  He  was  an  elder  in  the  Presii 
chh.;  ren;.  to  Bin,>;hamtou,  N.  Y.,  1849,  and  d.  in  the  7.7ih  vr.  of  his  a  ]  Li cv  ni 
Bennett.     2,  pAXtKL    lU-.'K,  m.  Went^.     3.  H\1!i;ikt.     4,  Hki.kx.  ' 

923,     Ephr.^im  Tiittle,   b.  AprillO,    1710;    d.  in   C'lu-d.ure,    Feb.   2.   1773.    Ser--t  • 
his  will  maile   1772,    was  exliib.  by  son  b;bene-/,er,    nanu^s   v,-f.  Thaidvftii,  sons  I'lbene/jM'" 
Fphraim,  Timothy,   Noah.    Lucius,    Fdmuud   and  daus.  Estlu'r,  liann.-di!   'J^haukfulund' 
Puth;   lands  in  tlie  Hampshire    .rovei-nuienis  (^■eIiuonn  to  be  e.ju;dlv  (iivided,  aniouf*  a!) 
theclnldren;  ne'ntions  ."i;!  a.eres  in  the   v,  eastern  p. irt  of  Fariniui^ion 'i  Ibistul )   value  V-(';(| 
and    103    aer.'s  in   Wallin-lord.       Inv.    .<jc,97;   Samuel  H  nil,   apprai/er;   ^vid      ThankLi) 
Kuard.  ..f  The  twe  uiiu'U- children,    Ruth   and    bjlvard;  m.  .Mine  I  1 ,  1  7;i  1     l-%.;b.M-   dm    n'\ 
Dea.  Stephen  1  b  .1  ■dik'-s  ..f  ( 'heshii  e,  b.  Feb.  s,   i;i2;   d.  ,..  /. ,  .Lilv'22,  1732  oi' .-■,,',ai  I  j.'ox 
She  was  sis.   of    Dea.    Steplien    Hot.  hki^.s.  2d,  ...f  (.'.  and  id'  ( iij,.",i-,    i'b.t.dd;!-^    tl'.-   tirst      ' 
deacon  of  the  Cong.  chh.  at  Salem  (Naiu:atucivi,  Con.n.      H.'  m.  (2i  Jan.  p;,  1734.  bv  P.ev 

TVLKR,    S.M!Tir,    TrTILT:,    ATWATKK.  4G7 

•SaiuiU'l  Hall,  Huinu'Ji.  dau.  of  Stcpln'ii  (Tiittlo)  I~'a)i'.r!)oru,  and  ^-i-and-dau.  of 
.1osi]ih  and  llauuali  Mu!i>  m  'i'litiK-  [('<].  ',M  uoiisin.  1),  171-!:  d.  }.[av  '?0,  IT-IO,  in  the  4-3d 
_v;-.  nf  hryii.—rrnir,„,  i,,  Chishir,.  \\v  m.  (:])  Dcr.  10,  ITi.W.  'I'liVidKriil  Fiv-;to;i,  w'ai. 
of  ScrL;-t.  JtdiicI"  of  \\'all in lifurd,  and  dau.  of  Sainur]  :',ud  li'nth  P,-(  ]<  Si-di'-wick  of  ll.artf  ; 
(>ef -Sv/y/nV/,-  Fun..),  1).  April   Ol,  IT'JI. 

1.'  K.hnnnd.,  1..  X..v.  -JC;  l,,ip.  D.t.,  i:;)!;  a  ph;,  sicia.n  in  Cl..-lnif  an. Id.  thcic  May 
■1,  ITii.i,  of  a  fi-vfc  ta]<i-n  of  paiii-nt.^ :  it  was  a  sickly  s('a-;on.  In  Aui:.,  L'^'io,  adin.  of  lii's 
est.  givrn  to  l^pliiviin  Tultlr.  f.  Jnv.  I'^O;  dis-Jdod  to  live  oi'  and  tlirvc 
bistei-s,  J'lUi-'iiO/.'.-r,  Epliraini,  'J'iinotliv.  .\<,ali,  Lucius,  E^tluT,  Ha.n'iali  and  Thankful; 
Strpln'U  lioKdikiss  and  li'Mii.jfU  Atwatf-r,   dividiTs. 

11.     Estli.T,  1..  Frh.  10,    Laji.  Maicli,  rr.Wr.  ni.  .la;;.  ;]1 ,  17")4.  William  Afwat.T. 

III.  i:bcn. /.f r,  h.  Oct.  1.",,    !ia]i.  (Jet.  b'.  liarC'):   in.  iMini.'c  Moss. 

IV.  Ki)]uaiiu,  ii.  ^larcli  "Jfi,  17:]i);  in.  Marv  ilnll;  ii)  Y.Vv/..\\h'\\\  Atwatcr. 

V.     Noah,  b.  June  10,   La]..  Julv,  17-11:  d".  .Jan.,  171]--?  '    ' 

"^'1.     'I'iniotln.  I..  July  1:  hap.  .liily,  171:l. 

A'll.      Xoah,  h.  iVc.   IS,    ha],.  Nov.,'  17-j  1  (Vi,   m.  .June  C,  1771.  'J'haidcful  ilovce. 
\']1L     Tinio-hv,  h.  Ma\-  17.  17-M;  v.i.  Mchitahlc  hovce,  sis.  of'i'hankfnh 
IX.      Ihmnalj,  h.  Jan.  -i,  1747;  in.  Aaron  Math.nv.s. 

X.      Lucius,  h.  April  'Jit,   hap.  Mav,  174!!:  in.  F.-h.  10.  177:1,  Hannah  llulh 
XI.     Tlianl-.ful,  h,  March  V'- ,   lirq).  Aju'd,  17.rJ;  d.    Nov.  15    ]77fi,  ni.  Dec.  17,  177-2, 
Antos  Lh-istoi.  ir.,    w'lo  d.    April    8,  1777.       A  cluld  d.  S"i)t.  27    177fh  p.  (ddld  d.  Ocr.i) 
1770,   ;-.  hv  L^d  ni.: 

XII.      Kuth,  h.    Jan.  M,   1773;  ni.   Jan.  13,  1785,   Aaron    l!it(dico,-k  of    Cheshir,-.       1, 
A.-\Rox  Ai.T'iiKi).  h.  Nr>v.  :M,  KnG.     -J,  IJrnsFA- LoDr:NA,  b.  March  I'J,   17'-<s. 

Xllh     Ednuuid,    li.    Dec.    2(i,  1  ?(!4.  Surah    Hoyco.    "Ou(M>f  tlie  dau^diii-rs  (d"  Ejihraini 
'Tutth-;  in.  Ft'iin.iini]  lived  in  No.  C'aiiaan,  L'oun." 

9232.     Esther  Tuttle,  h.  Feb.  10,  1780:  m.  Jan.  31,  17ol,  ^Villialu,  s.  of  Phineas 
and  Mary  (\\"ard)  .-M-.vati-r,  h.  aiiout  1730;  of  Clieshiie,  Conn. 

1.  'Kufus  Atwatcr,  h.  Nov.  20.  HOJ;  lii.  Doc.  IS,  1777,  (his  consir;)  Marv,  dan.  of 
of  Ehenczct  and  Eunice  fMc^s)  Tuttle,  h.  March  11.  1701;  she  v^.  '2;  Elislif-  Randall  an<l 
Jem.  TO  Little  Kivev,  Sidney  Co.,  Nova  Scotia,  where  slie  d.  of  measles,  July  13,  1822, 
ii\\v  ];ad  hy  '2^1  has.:  James.  Ell.shr.  Mattliew,  John  Alexander  and  Sarah.  1,  Saukina, 
in.  Moryau  Connor.  2,  LvMAX.  3,  ADOLi'iirs.  4,  Wiijja.m,  visited  his  cousin 
Ebene'/.er  Tuttle  in  Chesliire,  Conn.,  about  1S20,  and.g-ave  Hirum  A.,  tlien  a  .snirdi  boy. 
a  Jew's  harp;  this  is  about  all  I  have  been  abh.'  to  ascertain  of  Ids  lustory.  This  Tv'iHiaiii 
Atwater,  su)t})Osed  lost  at  sew.  and  I^benezer  Tuttle  .so  wrote  in  tlie  fam.  Bible;  Mr.  Han- 
dall  wrote  from  Nova  Scotia  to  Ebenezer  T.,  informin;^-  him  of  the  d.  of  his  aunt  Mary, 
date  not  co;nmnnii-ated.     o,  Esthkk,   m.  \\'in.  Stroplc.  , 

II.      Luman  Atv.-ater,  h.  Fcli.  s,  17-")7;  fern,  to  Nova  Scotia. 

III.  William  Atwatev.  ],.  Feb.  10.  17;i!i:  rem.  to  N.  S. 

IV.  Abel    N^'ard   Anvater,  b.  1701;  d.  in  N.  Dav.,  Sept.  8,  1822,  a.  01;  he  was  a  sea 
■Ca)>t. ;  vestrvmau  of  Triniiv  chh.,  lsiO-12;  m.  Abiah  Aiu-ater,  b.  Oct.  0,  1S65;  d.  March 

16,  1823,  a. '58.  1.  Reufxca,  b.  Sei.t.  23,  17S7;  d.  Sept.  22,  17SS,  a.  1  vr.  2.  Haruiet. 
Feb.  23.  17S9;  d.  May,  170."),  a.  G  yrs.  3,  James,  b.  Mavl,  1700:  A.  Oct.  1,  1701,  a.  1  vr. 
4,  James  Waiid,  Feb.  11,  1704;  d.  Dec.  8,  1820,  a.  20  yrs.  o,  Wnj.iAM,  June  30,  no"); 
d.  Jan.,T810,  in  France,  a.  15.  G,  Hahkiet,  March  bj".  1707;  d.  Se]>t.,  1108,  a.  U  yrs.  7 
Abigai],,  Sept.  4,  1708:  d.  Nov.  11,  179'.b  a.  1  yr.  N,  P,irHAi;i>,  March  25,  1802;  m. 
Caroline  lUuier;  (2!  Kit;y  Morris.  1,  ^I'lr-/  Curl-inf,  h.  18;ji_);  d.  1800.  2,  hurid  M  . 
Jan.  28,  1^31.  0,  Edw.vrd,  b. -June  20,  ISOJ:  unm.  10,  CirAiii.(,>TTE.  b.  Sept.  0.  1S!)4; 
m.  J(din  Knox,  s.  cd'  Jonathan  and  Jeannette  (Knox)  Atwater,  1).  ISoO. 
^■.     Chl'je  Atv.-ater,  b.  Seiit.  21,  1703:  m.  John  Clark. 

\[.      Ira    Ai\\ai'r,    b.    June    21,    1765;    m.  Lois .      1,  ]Maky.     2,   ?^Iartiia.     o. 

VViiJ.iAM.      4,   Jonx,    d.    South.     5,   Lr.\rA.\   id'    Fair   Haven,  C.)uu.       (3,  Eb'iJihU.      7, 
Lots.     8,  Cm. OK. 

Vll.     Asenerh  Atwater,  Oct.  30,  1708. 
VIII.     Esther  Atwater,  Oct.  4,  1771. 

92325.     ChlGO  Atwater,!..  Sepr.  21.  1703;  d.  abt.   1824;  m.   Jolm    Clark,  b.  Ilad- 
dam.  Conn.;  a  farmer  in  cc>mfortable  circumstances:  rt.'S.  New  Marll)oro,  Mass.      Ilisearlv 

*Sor»,n.  Jfhiel  Preston,  !•  S-'pi  ii,  iriv;  d.  Xnv.  22,  575-?;  111.  Oct.  I'l,  1741.  Thiinktul  Seiigwick  and  1,  .'^AK.iH,  h.  .-Xu^  :>3,  1742.  ;,  E.-;ri:p.H,  .^pril  3.  i;.i.(.  3,  S.vnc.  kl.  April  2^,  i74'5.  ^.C.mku.  j.  Ke- 
r>ECC.-»,  1).  Sept.  11.1750.  0,  TH.\.si-;t  iL  ,  t).  Dec  1,1,  1751.  7.  Rci  ir,  b.  Jan  28,1-1:.  Tr.  175S  E:>!raiin 
l^restoii,  and  Tijanktui,  wiii.  ot  Je  icl,  v.ere  rj;ide  pus.'d.  !o  Sarah,  E-^ilicr  II  tnnaU,  Kchecca, '1  ti.inkful 
and  Ruth.  >.!iib  o*  Jefiiel,  due.  fn  1753,  Epliraim  Tu'Ulc,  adrar.  es:.  of  Ruth  i""  ston,  :i  minor,  a-.i-i  all  the 
.above  children  nnincd.  and  ari.:>".her  named  itiuel. 

4(!S  BirAXCii  or  simon". 

advaiitaf^es  quite  limited,  luit  liy  cxlcusivc  ri':Hliii;r  iuid  i-cmsttiut  of  vigorous, 
nalnriil  powers,  hecaiuean  aMe  |■ea-^ll:.el•  ami  thiin)Ui;li  tlieolo^ian,  Sla-  was  distinguishod 
for  consistent  ]>iety,  sound  St/use,  aud  (■\(.-elleutjiidiriiH'iii.  Mr.  (_dar!<  was  liroup-ht  up  a, 
C'tmgrc/^ationalist,  Imi  jdined  the  I'^iiiseopal  conininnior..  The  siory  of  Ins  conv.-rsioii 
\ra>,  rolaU  d  to  his  jiTandson,  Kev.  Jnlm  W.  ChirJi,  by  Kev.  ])r.  Bnrfiau.s,  the  cidelirated 
home  raissionaiy,  whom  lie  met  at  tlie  liou^e  of  Boardmaii,  in  Now  Milford,  Conn.; 
the  Dr.  v  as  then  not  far  from  his  OOili  year.  In  coiir.-<e  of  his  mibsionary  labors,  Dr.  B. 
liad  built  a  shed  of  scantlintrs  and  boards  not  ffir  from  Mr.  Clark's,  administered  the 
Holy  Communion  and  jMvached  in  it.  After  the  service,  Mr.  Clark  invited  the  Dr.  to 
spend  iliP  nijrht  at  his  house.  He  declitted  at  first,  but  learnin^e:  that  Mr.  Chirk's  wf.  was 
«u  Episcopalian,  consented.  After  supper  the  fine  points  of  Calvin  were  discussed  by  the. 
Dr.  and  liis  host  until  past  eleven  o'clock;  the  discussion  was  eati-erly  listened  to  bv  the 
tu-Q  boy.s,  William,  and  Orriu,  and  the  dati.  Clarissa,  and  "  tlie  chihlren  never  winked, 
they  were  so  interested."'  An  impression  was  made  on  Mr.  Clark,  and  he  finally  became 
an  liljii-scopalian;  "  but,"  says  Kev.  Mr.  Clark,  "however  mucii  credit  belonged  to  Dr. 
I>arh:ius  in  the  matter,  I  think  the  iuluience  of  irrandma  imuidy  wrou<rht  the  cliariire. 
She  -was  a  lovcdy  cliristian  woman,  whom  all  lu-r  sons  and  daughters  rose  up  and 
called  blessed."     Eleven  chih,  of  whom: 

1.      NVilliaiu  At  water  Clark,  b.  duly  20,  ITSG;  m. 
1).     C'rrin  e'lark,  b.  Jan.  2,   ITS'S. 

Til.     Clarissa  Clark. 

W.     John  Alonzo  Clark,  b.  May  U,  ISOI, 

923251.  William  Atwator  Clark,  h.  July  20,  ITSO;  taught  school;  .'-tud,  at  Epis. 
Acad,  in  Chesliire  under  Dr.  Bron>ou:  lic  (l.'-JlO  i  dea.'s  orders  fr<un  Bishop  Moore  of  X. 
v.;  labored  with  great  zeal  and  under  ajipalling  ob.siaclcs  as  raissionarv  in  Western  X, 
Y. :  Ordain-d  I'riest  I'y  Bishop  Uoliart  (I^^IO)  at^-Vuburn,  and  two  days  "after,  m.  bv  the 
.same  I'relarc  at  SkrueaT'-h's,  Jacintlia,  dau.  of  Deter  Anspach,  Esij, ,  who 'still  (ISo-^) 
survives.  He  jireached  in  Auburn  nine  months,  but  his  mi'^sionarv  zeal  led  him  to 
abandon  this  desirable  situation  to  labor  in  more  destitute  regions.  At  .Nhudiu-',  X.  Y., 
Till  181S.  then  at  ButYalo,  wh..Te  Bishop  liobart  having  hull  tlie  corner  stone  of  i^t.' 
Paul's,  the  first  p]]>is.  chli.  in  tliat  place,  Mr.  Chtrl<  made  a  journey  to  Xew  York  to 
c<iriect  funds  to  ertci  the  Ijuildiug.  That  building  was  the  iiredecessor  of  the  preseiit 
noble  edifice,  "St.  Paul's,"  i-r.'cted  about  Itj.'i'^.  From  lb20  ti;  lSi4,  rector  of  Cinist 
chli.  Balstou  Si)a,  then  by  rerptest  rem,  to  Xew  York  city  to  aid  in  establishing  anew 
parisli.  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  city  (AH  Saints i,  of  wluJh  he  became  the  first  rector. 
Tim  servi'-es  held  at  first  at  thf  rector's  residence,  were  transferred  iirsl  to  a  temporal  v 
chajiel;  thouce  June  o,  l-^Q^,  to  the  new  church  ou  the  corner  of  Henrv  and  Scammel 
streets.  This  part  of  the  city  had  been  quite  destitute,  especially  of  Episcopal  minis- 
trations, and  his  energetic  and  v,ell  directed  efforts  resulted  in  auefticient  congregation, 
Avliich  contriliuted  greatly  to  the  religions  iirosjierity  of  the  whole  neighborhoo(f.  His 
daughter  relates  tliat  when  the  Seventh  Presb.  chli.,  corner  of  Hidge  and  Broome  streets 
was  burned  down,  my  father  immediately  conferred,  with  his  vestry'  and  tendered  to  their 
pastor,  IJev.  Elihu  W.  Baldwin  (afterwards  Pres,  ^^■al)ash  ddlege),  the  use  of  our 
church  Sunday  evenings,  and  lietween  our  morning  and  afternoon  services.  As  "  AH 
Saints"  was  the  most  central  and  cmveuifnt  place  "for  them,  they  gladly  acfeiued  the 
offer,  and  worshijv.-d  there  many  months. 

After  a  ministry  of  thirteen  years  in  X.  Y.,  a  chiruiic  rh'-umatism,  brought  on  by 
exposures  during  his  mis-ionary  lifo,  imim-od  him  to  s:  <k  a  mor.-  quiet  and  rural  situa- 
tion. Accordingly  hi  D^HT  he  resigned,  removed  to  Michigan  and  settled  on  new  laud  in 
Brighton,  Eivingston  Co.  Finding  there  a  state  of  indilierence  to  religious  matters,  he 
opened  his  own  liou.-e  for  services;  the  liearers  b'came  morr  numerous  and  a  temporarv 
building,  with  rough  board  seats,  wa^  ]>ut  up  and  .-^ccui  liH-nl;  \,y  these  means  and  his 
private  exnm]de,  intiuence,  ccmnMds  and  in^tru'-tinus,  an  iiujxdt'aut  moral  chamre  was 
wrought  in  the  community.  He  d.  of  congestion  of  the  luiu^s  Sept.  ^H.  l.S-U.  Ho  re<-. 
degree  of  .M.  A.  from  Co:uml)ia  Colleg.-  iv>4,  and  D.  lb  from  Allegany  College  ISol.  A 
nruiil;er  of  Ills  sermons  wre  puldislicd,  and  in  |S;;;J  a.  volune'  of  p^  .M-rmons  were  j.up. 
by  leipiest  of  tlu'  v.-stiy  of  All  Saints.  {Sprtin-i.  's  Aitini/.^,  in  which  aho  see  a  sketcli  ol' 
his  character  by  Dr.  John  .Milhu-j.      Xine  chih: 

I.     John  William,  grad.  Columbia  Col.  and  i.'en.  Theo.   Scm.  of  X'.    Y.:  rector  of 
(trace  (dill.  Chicago,  III.;  now  (1  S.s;i)  (,M.exingtoii,  Mich. 
li.      Wi!!::!!u  At\cater.  a  di-riiiL:uislicd  huwcr  in  Mi<di. 

HI.      Jam.s  \^■ard. 

IV.      Bcniamin  Tr-adwell  t)uJerdonk. 

ATWATKU.    C'l.AUK,    TUTTLi:.  4Gi( 

V.  Mary  llctln.Tingtou. 

\'l.  Chine  Alwiit"!-. 

Yll.  K')io<l;i  Eli/.alu'th. 

Ylll.  Ann  Mtuin.  '     .        •  ■ 

IX.  JiU-intlui  ClurHsa  Cliurlotte.  '-  ' 

923252.     Orrin   Clark,  b.  -'an.   0,   U^S;  unusually  delicate   in  Lis   earliest  ycai-s 

und'iii^  ]ilivsii'iun  had  liule  lioi.e  of  his  Mirvivinir  the  period  of  childhood.  He  beg-au 
his  studies" bv  stealih,  carryinir  his  liouk  while' he  followed  the  ])low,  and  when  the 
team  btop]).!!  t."  rer^t  he  '-t.ipped  to  study,  ami  in  this  way  learned  hi.s  J.atin  Gre.tnmar. 
At  a  vevv  earlv  ])eri...d  he  i^ave  evidence  of  a  reliiri.ui.s  ciiaraet<T  and  ent.-red  the  Kpisc. 
Acad,  at" Cheshire.  Admi'tt-d  to  Holy  Orders  atrNew  Haven,  1811;  missionary  in  Ontario 
and  Genesee  counties,  X.  Y. ;  arcnuipanied  IJisho])  Hobart  in  his  first  visitation  in  that 
res;ion.  1812,  and  soon'becanie  l^.rtor  of  Trinity  cldi.,  (^eneva.  He  continued  a  super- 
vision of  the  2-enera]  interests  of  the  E].iM'.  ch.h.  in  we.-,tern  ^*.  Y.;  always  on  the  alert 
to  fori:,  ehurches  and  introduep  niinist.'is.  "  And  he  contributftl  more  than  almost  any 
other  man  to  the  earlier  trrowtli  and  pr.'Spce.ity  of  tlie  F.pisc.   chh.  in  the  western  part  of 

the  Stat.'  of  N.  Y." ^i  t\  Dr.  J.  X.  Sim),-.     To  ];im  more  than  to  any  one  else  is  due  tlic 

establi.shm-'nt  of  tho  Ceiieva  Colh-o-c,  of  wldch  lie  was  an  original  Trustee,  and  held  tie' 
office  while  he  lived.  IXD.  from  Inion  Col.  IS-^T.  His  life  was  a  struggle  with 
phvsical  infirmity.  He  d.  Feb.  '.21.  1S:?>^.  Hishop  Doane  says:  '^  He  wa-;  the  pastor  of 
my  bovhood.  He  strucl:  ):;e  tii.n,  and  the  impression  remains,  as  very  like  Arclib'sliop 
Ti'llotsou.  i  had  seen  his  iiortrait  in  som.-  old  folio.  1  was  catechised  by  liin;.  and  pre- 
]iared  l)v  him  for  confirmation.  And  1  am  much  indebted  to  his  earntrst  championship 
for  the  advantage:,  .-f  education.  No  clergyman  in  w.-stern  X.  Y.  was  held  in  higher 
res])ect.  '  That  h.'  deserved  it  is  well  shown  by  the  fact  that  he  was  honored  witli  the 
•  confidence  of  that  consum.-,te  iudtre  of  tmut,'  Bishop  Hobart.  *  *  *."—^S])ray>u',i 
Aun<-1^.  He  m.  (1)  Eliza  Ann  Uutijers,  foruierly  of  N.  Y.,  a  sister  of  Robert  Humney's 
first  wf.;  ('i)  Mav,  1S22,  Susan   Nicholas,  d.-u.  of  John,  formerly  of  Yu.   wh.o  d.  in 

July.  ]^>37;  (3)  Nov.,  IHOT,  Mfjs McCouili  of  New  York.     i.  by  1st  m. :     Three  dau. 

■one  of  wliom  is  Mrs.K.  H.  llutler.     i.  by  2d  in.:     Two  daus. 

923254,     John     Alonso    Clark,  b.  May  6,    180!:  Pitt-field,  Mass.;  youngest   of 
11  children;  inheriied  from  his  mother  a  delicate  constitution.;  prei>ared  under  his  two 
elder  brothers  and  entereii  Union  Col. ;  grad.  18:^3;  a.imitled  to  Deacon's  or>lor.s  by  Bisliop  in  Ali  Saint.s'  chh.,  N.  Y.,  IS'^ir.  took  charge  of  Miss.  Sta..  Palmyra.  N.  \.,  &nn 
at   Lvons  and   h\.>dus;  hil)ored  for  o  years  there;   rector  .d   (.'hrist  chh.,  N.  Y.  city. 
Pev."Dr.    Lvall,  rector;  in   l><:i-2  beca'me  rector  of  Grace  (dih.,  Pi-ovidence,  K.  I.,  then  a 
feeble  ]>arish.  but  under  his  energetic  ministry  grew  until  it  hold>  a  i>hice  second  to  none 
in  the  diocese;  in  1835  he  was  cailed  to  the  Tcct(.)r.-hip  of  St.  Andrew's  in  I'hila.,  to  suc- 
ceed tiv    ir.'v.    T)r.  B.d.ell.  btti    liis   constitution  h:\d    b".-u   s'>   much   under.'; lined  by  hi.-^ 
sever- labors  that  his  remaining  strength  was  not  sut'dfdent  for  hi?  vsib-ss  energy  nnd 
ceaseless  devotion,  and  after  twn   years  be    was  compelled   to  take   a  voyage   to  Europe; 
absent  nine  months;  on  liis  return 'he  published  Glurpsr-^i  of  the  Old  World,  in  tv.-o  \ols.; 
republished  in  Londoti  with  Bioij.,  bv  llev.    Dr.  'I'yug,  18-17;  in  1843  he  was  compelled 
fiuallv  to  resign  his  rectorship;  lie  d.  Nov.  07,  P^K!;  D.I).,  Kenyon  Col.  1810;  besnies  the 
travels  he  pabli.shed  A  f'hriHtiiin    Expcruin-r,  m  I)isphn/vd  in  Life  ni.d   Writih-/s  of  St. 
Pti'd-   TJw  Pastor' ■•i  Textirnovai,  183.5;   The:  Ywuirj  Disrlplr.  ar.  n  MnwAr  of  Anzonetta  R. 
Pttci-y;  GotJnnd  Frarimint.^"  \2mn.,  1830;  .4  ]Vidk  Afloat  Ziov ;  dle'nnDrjshy  the  ^^a^j. 
13  mo..  1842,    and  a   vol.  .d'   sermons  jmb.  after  his  d.,  Airo}:e  Thou.  Strrprr.     Kev.  I')!".  Peck   oi   Brnuklvn,  sav.-:     "Few  men  in  our  communion  or  in  any  other  liave 
arisen,  done  their  werk  and  j.assed  away  at  the  early  age  at  v.diich  Dr.  Clark  was  called 
to    hi^  reward,  who   deserve   better   to  have  their   names  eml-almed    in  the  grateful  and 
affectionate    remeirdu-a.iice   of  thechundi."      Kev.    Dr.    Stephens   of   Phila.,  says:     "His 
])ulpit  and  ])arochial  labor-,  were.  ennu;!:h  to  tax  the  full  i)owers  of  r.n  oniinary  mind,  but 
to  lhe.-<;  he   added  the  toil,-,  of   author.shi;.  iMid    edit-u.-ddj).  and  sustained  liim.-ieli  in  each 
with  hiirh  honor.     Manv  of  )iis  works  will    be  perpetuated  through  di.stant  generations: 
bv  these  he  became  wid'.dv  known  thnniglmut   the  (diurcli,  and  throuu'h  them,  he  beiug 
dead,  vet  speaketh."—>>;'v;//,/,',,  ,!;;«. ;^.?.       He   m.  Oct.,  1821"),   Sarali   Buell   of   Fairtn.dd, 
Herkimer  (.  ;j.,  N.  Y.,  and  liad  it  idiil.,  of  whom  6  d.  befoie  him. 
I.   .bdm. 
9233.     Ebene?er   Tuttle,  b Oet.    i:.,    ]T;;!i:   perhsps   a-;^,d   in   the  orgaidzafion 
<d"  tlie  <ddi.  in  <,'liiit..n.  N.   V.,  ii-,  Aue;.,  IT'.'l,  wiieie   tie    name  app-.irs  as    trustee,  with 
I\lo?e--,  iM>,,te.    Samuel  Tuttie   and   otliers:   if  so,  relumed    to  Conn,      in  ISIO  in  cor;i]iany 

470  r.KANClI    OF    SIMON, 

V,  hli  liiM.,  Cnj.t.  Lucius,  tlicy  visit<'>l  Iiid.  Xuali  Tuttlt',  in  Cair.dcn,  X.  '^'.  He  d.  in 
Bristol,  e'onn.,  Jan.  •!,  I'^'IT,  a.  TN;  iii.  Eiuiicf.  daii.  <>f  Jcsr-jili  an:]  J.ydia  (.Inr.i-s)  Moss, 
1-.  Chcsliiii-,  ('(,1,1).,  May  '>,  174'J:  d.  May  14.  ISilS;  Ini.  in  lot  of  Ezra"  Darrg^nt  in  (jrove 
St.  C'cnu-ti-ry,  X.  llav.      (.'lul.  li.  in    Hri.^tol,  Conn. 

I.      .\Ja.ry.  M'lrt  li  1!,  1 70J :   n).    Ikt  cousin,    Hufu.s    .Atwater,    and    liad    five   c] 
aliovi'  (3)  F.!i-.iia  Randall;   rcni.  to  Xova  Scotia  and  d.  there,      i.  ]>y  2d  ni.;     (J,  .Jamis.     7.. 
Kj.i.<h.\  M  ATTHKv,'.     8,  ,loii  X  Ai,i:xAXi)i:u.     {i. 
II.     Plit'lie,  S,  1701;  m.  .Amos  Doolittle. 

III.  EI.H-iiei'.er,  Julv  '3S,  I'.i'S;  in.  ('2)  Lucy  Gi.anu-er. 

IV.  Joseph,  Aui^-.  y.  r.i'.7. 

V.      liiuni.e.  .Ma'ridj  T.;,  I7r,0;  m.  Mar.di  :iO,  17U0.  E/.ra   ].hita'<tt.  ■     - 

W.     Con:  tuni  L..yal.  .lau.  L-'r^,  17.7.")a  ni.  Cet.  21,  17iis.  (  hlof  Mauh.^ws. 

92332.  Phebe  Tultlo,  h.  Aug.  8,  17r4;  d.  March  1,  iyj.7;  hu.  in  Grove  st.  Ceni., 
X.  llav.;  ni.  Amos  DrMditrle,  b.  Clie.-_liire,  Conn.,  May  IS,  17.el;  harned  trade  of  silviT- 
smiili.  As  miMV.h.T  of  the  d'ov.'s  (iuards  nmrched  under  Cajn.  Uen-.-dict  Arnold  to  join 
]iatriot  army  iie.vr  l^osuui.  Earl,  a  portrait  painit-r.  also  volunteered,  and  <ii<.  returuini;; 
to  Xew  Eaven,  I'oidittle  and  Earl  marie  aserifsof  four  engravings  repr(\--eiiting  as  many 
(iifierent  views  of  the  battle  of  Lexington.  Earl  nn\de  tlu;  drawings,  witli  Doolittle  as  a 
model,  and  the  latter  made  the  Engiaviugs. '  Tln'y  were  probably  tlieiv  Mrst  attenipTs  in 
these  arts,  and  con.Sf.'qut/ntly  (jnite  rude;  yet  they  nnnie  a  great  sen-ation.  These  were 
tiie  lir.'n  cojii)er-[dates.   ai;d  aEo   the'    first    liistoiica!    engiavings    minle   in    this   country. 

■ "  IE"  :,.<.,si.--Teii  Abel  liuel  in  emrraving  Iloman's  Mii]i  of  Xorth  .\merii::i,  supjiosed  to  be 
the  l;rst  n\rr^)  engraved  and  pulvMshed  in  this  country.  IJ''  continued  in  the  bu.-iness  of 
engravir.g  for  more  iliari  fifty  yeais,  auAl  the  la.--i  day  he  \'.  a.-  abb.-  to  work  lie  assisted 
.Mr.  J.  ^^'.  l^arlxu-  of  Xe^'t'  Eaven  in  making  a  reduced  copy  of  '  d'he  Battle  of  Lexing- 
ton'  for  the  77('.s-f.  Coll.  of  Conn." — Bnrhcr'.'^  ]Ji''t.  Coll.  tif  (Juiin.  lie  was  with  ('apt. 
i'liineas  Bradley's  Co.,  who  made  tlie  .stand  n^'ar  the  ^Vestviile  Itridgein  defense  of  Xew 
Haveu,  July,  .1779.  Wlien  co;npe]led  to  retreat  he  returned  to  his  liouse  uesr  tlie 
ccdlege,  (his  »sdfe  rieintr  thrui  sirl-;,)  tlwew  liis  gun  .nnd  und'.r  the  l.ied,  and 
awaiiet!  uitli  gieat  anxiet}  the  conring  of  the  eiiemy.  IIi-  probrl.dy  owed  his  life  to  llie 
address  ;i)'(i  coiirae;e  <,f  air  luigii.-h  lady  v/iio  rtsided  with  him,  wh.o  ex])lained  t.i  ihe 
soldiers  in  regaid  to  the  ,gun,  that  e\eiy  ijian  was  refjuin-d  !iy  la\v  to  keep  one  in  his 
house,  and  lh:.-  owujer  o,i  it  was  as  strong  a  friend  of  King  (ieorge  as  themselves. 
Several  citi.^.ens  vei-e  killed  liy  tlic  eneu'.y  v.-ho  Lad  given  h-ss  provocation  than  had  Mi. 
J>oolittle.  Al;i:iut  17v'S  he  jmblished,  in  connection  witli  Daniel  Eeed,  ten  tiumixus  of 
77,c  Ainciu-au  ^[H.-:i<-al  .)/'i_i;/'izi'/if'.  a  quarto  monthly.  He  d.  .Lui.  30,  IS'62,  u.  78:  bu.  in  Cem.,  X.  Hav.  His  portrait,  ]>ainted  perluijis  by  Earl,  is  in  po^-ses.sion  of  the 
Xew  IIa\en  Col.  Tlisf.  Soc. 

1.     Sarah  Doolittle,  June  4,  IcOl;  d.  Sepi.   22,    I8!'i8;  m.    S.   C.    McClary,  M.D..  of  Have'-,,  (_'nnn. 

IL     A  sen,  v,ho  li\ed  to  matnritv  and  d','signed  to  preach. 
Hi.     Child,  whud.  y. 

92333.  Ebencaer  Tllttle,  b.  July  28,  ITGG;  d.  Se])t.  1,  1830,  a.  70;  twice  m.  ;■ 
his  2d  wf.  was  Lucy  Granger  of  SufReld,  Cfimt. ;  chil.  b.  in  Bristol,  Corin.,  by  1st  m. 

I.      E.nnice,  b.  .Ian.  QH,  1702,  m.  Ira  Barnes;  res.  near  Madi.sou,  V.'is. 

IL     I'hebe,  Jan.  18,  17W;  lived  and  d.  in  Ohio;  m.  Cowell. 

HI.  Hirajn,  A]>ril  3,  1797;  rem.  to  Ypsilanti,  Wa.shteDaw  C<^,  Mich.;  had  s.  living 
there,  1S7G. 

IV.     Levi,  March  25,  1799;  rem.  to  Ohio. 
V.      Constant  Loyal.  April  12,  iSi'd;  renn  to  Yi>silanti  about  1820. 

VL     Betsey,  b.  July  10,  180:"L  m.  in  Ohio, Haslet;  (2) Dickenson;  rem.  to 


\'Ii.     Maria.  April  7,  ISOo:  d.  .iboul  18G0;  nr. Haskin^  in  ',». ;  rem.  to  Mi(di. 

VIII.      Marcus  1-eleg  Daggett,  March  1,  1808;  rem.  to  Y..  Mich.,  :in<l  d.  sntm  after. 
IX.      ]-:i)ene-.'.er  Buiton,\Mar..di  1,  1810:  il.    March,    18;.;2;   rem.  to]-:.  Doviglass,  Ma.-s, ; 
m.  and  h./ul  eliii       /.  by  2d  m. : 

X.  I'^iijah  (Jianger.  an  importer  and  \\ho]esaIe  dealer  in  feathers  an;i  rutiiii  ial 
fioweis.ofG  Broadway,  X.  Y.,  end  Paris,  France;  twice  m.  /.  l>y  l.-im.:  I,  Mai;v.  2, 
Ai-!i:!.Aii)K.  :!,  ADKiiiKirr.  4.  H.  ."i,  ID:i;r.K.icT.  G. ';i:nH<ir.  ?'.  by2dm.r 
7,    Eno-\u,      s;,   E'.i^M.      9,    XN'ii  !.rA>f.      li'',    .ViM'h'.i;;  a;i:i  ti'rci  uior.-.  who'd,  y. 

.\!.  .loseph  Eiiic.  tu. ;  res.  T/;.-\  incton,  M(j. ;  ef.tered  ihe  hlast  (buiesee  ('onfennce 
::;  ('■■,'.8;  for  u  tirev  l'ri"-idini.r  I]'der.  and  a  mem.  ol  th.e  d'encMu  Conftreiice,  It'GO:  trans- 
ferred to  Mo.  in  187G;  was  PresidiuLT  Elder  of  Conference;  2  clnh 

TUTTLH,    DAGGETT.  471. 

XII.     Ahn,  til.   liud  has  rum. 
Mil.      Philoiiia.  111.  "     " 

92335.  Eunico  Tuttle,  1'.  March  12,  ITr,!)-.  d.  Sun.hiy,  Julv^:i,  lh2(;;  cons.;  m. 
Marrli  i!(l.  17L)ij,  l./.i;,  lia-La'tt  ol'  N.  Ihiv.  ,  s.  of  IN-v.  Dr.  Najiiliali  J)augoti,  Trt-st.  of  Y. 
(".),  li.  ITf,.-,;  ,1.  .Mairh  iyViy44,  a.  79:  chtl.  h.  in  X.  Ilav. 

1.      Elizabi-tli  ])aguott,  1>.  Jan.  'JO,  IT'.lt'.,   in.  Thomas  Keiisett. 
II.     Smith  DairtreTt,  h.  .^laicli  Kl,  17*j:^;  m.  Sarah  (i-uifivv. 

III.  Julia  I>af.M:,-n,  h.  I>-r.  07,  17'.)!;  d.  ii,  X.  ]!av.  i.S74,  a.  80.  unm. 

IV.  Ezra  Dalri.'.nt,  h.  Jan.  2\),  17<!7;  d.  Aju-il  -J^,  ]s,V:. 

V.      Alfrt-d  I'ac^'-ott,  1>.  Srin.  ;!i',  17',)!l;   m.  ].auia  (ullic-rT. 

VI.      William  DaiTt^Ht,  b.  D.-c.  15,  1S(I1;  n,.  Ursula  Hunt. 

\'ll.     >darv  Daggotf,  b.  Nov.  2[),  1808;  m.  Am(,s  liradlov. 

Vill.     Frederick  Daggett,  b.  Oct.  2;),  ISO.".;  d.  Jan.  3,  IWH). 

IX.     Sarah  Daiiirett^  l-.  (»i-'t.  7,  1807;  m.  Jolin  C.  Xtersicl;. 

X.  Frrdftick  Daggett,  b.  Xr.'V.  'JS,  l80i,»;  d.  April  '2::'..  IS.")!;  m.  bS;',t;,  Susan  Hall, 
AvLo  d.  Oct.  2;5,  b8.")l.  1.'  XF.hsOX,  Sent.  7,  1n;-!7;  d.  March  l.",,  ]^>jl.  '2.  FK]:i:ti:i;U'K.  b. 
Mav  24.  1841.  3,  DnvuutT  E.,  1>.  Mav  18,  184.J;  d.  Julv  29,  1804.  4,  Ezi;.\,  b.  Xov.  7, 
1847.     .-),   M.\i;v  A.,  b.  Dec  2:;.  l^r^^}. 

Xi.      Harriet  Daggett,  b.  Sept.  1"',  1811;  d.  Jan.  3,  1833. 

923351.     Elizabeth  Daggett,  b.  Jan.  20,  1701:  m.  May  9,  1813,  Thos.    b'.-n.'^^'tt, 
b.  at    Hampton   ro\n-t,  Midd!e-ex    Co.,  Eng.,  Ai\^^.  IC,,  178C>:  d.  June    Hi,  1829.     He  was 
an  engiaver  and  ]iab!ished   about    ISI"!   th<'    map    (d'   Xev.-  Haven  diaAvn  liv  <.ien.  \\'ads 
worth  in  174S.      This  was  the  lirst  ma.p  of  X.  Hav.  published,  though  an  cirlier  uiie  \s';'..s 
drawn  (1724.)  by  JosejOi  lb'..wn.--;i,(/e,  r\v  X.  Jlcr. 

].     Tliomas  Kenseit,   li.   Frb.  12,  1814;    d.  1877;    dealer   in   canned   i'ruiis,   meats, 
oyster-^,  etc. ;  res.  Ivahiuuu'e,  ]\.!"d. ;  ni. 

11.  John  Frederick  Kensett,  1>.  in  (_']ic;diire,  ("onn.,  March.  22,  1816;  ii\>iiicnticed  to 
his  unch'  Alfred  Dagirett,  an  engraver  of  bank  note  vignettes.  In  1840  lie  v,  <  nt  to^.nd  wh-ie  h.e  studied  ]'ainting  f"r  tiveyeais,  suii]iorting  In'mself  Viy  engraving;  at 
that  period  he  exhil.)ited  a  view  of  ^^"ind^^^  (.'a>tle  in  ;he  e.'vh'.liitioi!  of  the  society  of 
Britisli  artists,  v.diich  ^va.s  selected  as  the  b,  st  in  tlie  colic  ctii.n.  In  ISfjO  lie  returned  to 
Xew  York  and  began  a  si-ries  of  hnidsca]>es  of  moiuitain,  river  aod  Ink-e  .^ci^nery  of  Xe\v 
York  and  the  eastern  states,  with  marine  views,  ^vhicll  liad  eager  purchasers.  I'rom 
this  time  onward  his  reputation  and  success  as  a  landscajie  painter  were  great  and 
assurt-d.  Xo  artist  was  better  knov%-n  and  tliere  is  hardly  an  American  art  collection  of 
note  that  does  not  contain  one  oi'  more  of  his  pictuics.  His  works  are  liighly  esfemed 
in  France,  Belgium  and  England,  as  well  as  in  his  native  country.  In  18'"i9  ]ie  wa.s 
appointed  a  member  of  the  "  Xaiional  Art  Commission''  and  engaged  to  .'uijierintcnd  tlie 
ornamentation  of  Hie  national  ca]iit(.d. 

hi  the  tadl  <if  1V72  he  h;'d  a  \ery  sevM'e  sickness,  but  cr)ia-aleseed  to  nearly  his  usual 
health  ami  wa^  on  "  Contentiiient  Island"  (one  of  the  small  isbuids  on  tlie  Conn,  sliort; 
near  Darien)  wiili  in^;  fi'iends  Mr.  and  Mrs.  X'incent  Collyer.  A  bar  oi-  neck  of  sar.d,  bar'" 
at  ebb  tide,  cojmecls  the  island  witli  the  mainland.  Mrs.  Collyer  returniug  in  a  carriage 
to  the  island  over  this  bar  then  partly  covered  by  the  tide,  ir  was  overturned  and  she 
was  drowned.  Kensett  becoming  aware  of  the  accident  ruslied  into  the  ■water  and 
seizing  hor  (had  body  bore  it  to  the  h;ni'-e.  The  slujck,  ej;ertion  aii<l  chill  broaglit  on 
pneumonia  of  wliich  he  d.  Dec.  4.  1872. 

"  And  thus  closed  one  of  the  giratest  and  m'■^'l,  evenly  s  icccssfe.l  of  artistic  careers. 
An  artist  without  enemies  in  his  own  guild  is  a  rare  man  to  find.  Out  wiio  ever  spoke  ill  of 
Kensett?  He  hioked  and  was  a  perfect  gentleman,  (d'  kindly  sentiment  ai;d  genial 
rulture,  a  friend  to  all  good  men  and  an  enemy  to  no  one.  .'.niong  all  the  guild  of 
■  artists  in  the  Century  Club,  in  the  Union  League  and  among  a  large  circle  i  f  imr  best 
men  and  women  Kensett  will  be  mourned  with  uiiHlfected  s'lrrow." — y'nr  Y<n-k  Olani'rer. 
Tlie  funeral  was  attended  by  the  Council  of  the  Xat.  A.^ad.  of  Design,  the  H'.;ard  of 
Control  of  the  Artists'  Fund  Sue,  of  whicdi  he  v.  a.s  }b•e^t.,  tlie  representatives  oi  the 
Union  League  Club,  the  Century  Club  aiui  of  other  (ugani/.ations.  The  following  geu- 
liemen  acted  as  jialhhearer.-.:  D:\idel  Huntington,  \\'orthingtou  Whitridge,  John  W. 
Casilear.  Kaufonl  U.  Ciiffe.rd.  Thfrs.  Hicks,  llichard  W.  HubOard,  Vincent  Colh  er,  Jervis 
McEntee.  Henry  H.  Bn.wn,  .bJm  M.  Falconer,  H(d>ert  Hoe,  sr.,  (iee.  'J'all>ot"  Obphant. 
Buri<'d  in  (irernw.i.Kl  (.'eiiietery. 

Among  the  anists  present  were  J.  II.  jfelph,  W'aliei  Satterlee,  S.  J.  (iuv,  .1  (,_>.  A. 
Ward,  D.  M.  Carter,  J.  E.  Freeineji,  K.  M  Hrrt;.  ^^  .  H.  15iMid.  J.  (C  Hroun,  M  F.  H. 
DeHaas,  W.  H,  Powell,  Jerome   Thnmpsnn,    L.  xM.  Wiles,    haunt   Timmp.-ou,    N\'inslow 

472  r.KAXCK  OF  srMOx. 

IIorn.T,  J.  ().  Eaton,  J.  D.  Barrow,  K.  W.  Vvny,  O.  J.  l.av,  James  B'.nj^]>\  ]..  E.  Wjl- 
nianh.  Charles  Pnrsous,  (".  F.  Bluuliclt,  Jr-s-i- ''I'iil  L)..t ,  'i  hoinns  ].p('lerc,  I'rof.  J.  W. 
\\\rv,  C.  F.  a.  Tlioiiips,.!!,  11.  \V.  K,,l,bii;s,  A.  W.  Tlioiu<oii,  Win.  Mor^-au,  U.  11.  Mcf'wrd, 
J.  V.  Croi.sey,  Carl  Mailer,  E.  I\  K.  (ireeiir,  \Viii.  Pu,--.-,  Pres.  of  ihc  Xatl.  Acad.,  T. 
Aiidersoii  li;c])ar(ls,  .John  WilliamsDii,  Charles  Crtlvcrly,  .1.  \N'.  J''.]nii)iL;-er,  Win.  <V'iver 
Stoiio,  Alfred  Jones,  John  Pope,  Julian  iScotr,  John  LaFur^-e,  II.  A.  Ivoup,  David 
Johnson,  Josei>h  Fugiinni,  Pi.  Swayne  (iift'ord,  J.  M.  Falconer,  J.  11.  Haws,  r'arl  I'^randt, 
A.  F.  Tate,  l^uhtnian  Johii^ou.  Jann-s  11.  ]5eard,  A.  11.  Pichie,  tiilhert  Biirliiie-,  Tierre- 
]iont  ]?artow,  J.  C.  \\'iirs.',iii^.  Frost  .Tolni^ein  and  A.  II.  I'aldwin.  'i'];e  motJK'r  are!  sister 
of  Mr.  Kenseit  were  also  inesent.  Pes'dntions  of  'espeet  \'.-^_re  adapted  by  tiic  Ameiican 
artists  in  Pome,  anil  in  ]'''h>,  Italy.  By  the  Artists'  Fund  Society  of  Xi::w  'i'ork,  and 
by  the  National  Acadeniy  of  Desiirn. 

(leo.  H.  l^oujrhton,  -writinti-  from  L'.)ndi>n,  I'>ng-.,  says:  "As  an  artist  and  n,  a  n^an, 
he  (Keusctt)  was  as  near  perfei;ti(^n  as  pos.sible-.  Others  there  are  left,  kind.  au(i  gooil 
and  gifted,  but  he  had  his  jiarticuhir  chaiui  and  value,  and  it  died  with  him,  all  too 
soon.     JIe:iven  rest  liim." 

O.  B.  Frothingham,  in  Jo/iiiso/f's  Ci/clo]i"'dtri,  says:  "  Keusett  went  to  Fni:land  in 
1841,  ]>as,sod  several  years  in  England  and  Eiiroije  studying  natural  scenery  in  Switzer- 
land, on  the  Rhine  ami  in  tlie  nioautiuns  of  the  Ahruzzi  in  Sicily,  the  Bay  of  Naples, 
uraoug  the  Italian,  lakes,  amid  the  scenery  of  the  Campagna,  and  the  associations  of 
Home.  Ahvay.s  observing  and  faithfully  transferring  to  the  canvass  ]ii-<  impressions,  in 
1848  returned  to  America  and  studied  native  scenery  on  the  Atlantic  sea  coast,  \^'hitu 
Mountains,  Adirondacks,  Catskills,  etc. 

"A  facile  and  diligent  artist,  well-tr.'.ined,  (|iiick  in  perception  and  delicate  of  touch, 
lie  executed  a  great  number  of  ]ncrures  singularly  equal  in  merit  and  of  a  very  high 
rank  in  excereMice.  His  jiersonal  qualities  of  sinct^ritv,  modesty  and  purity  made  him 
belov(;d  by  many  friends,  and  iiiade  his  pictures  deal'  to  lovers  o(  truth  ami  feeling  in 
an.  His  work  commands  the  best  prices.  1'he  collecticiii  of  his  sketches  made  for 
exhil.'ition  and  sale  after  his  death  excited  nnusnal  interest.  IMr.  Ken^^ett  belonged  to 
the  realistic  school  as  it  is  called,  but  was  p<jlished,  harmonious,  sweet  ;uui  symjia- 
thetic.  His  portrait  painted  l>y  hi.s  fri<-nd  luikei,  ivas  engraved  by  ll;il])iti,  cabinet  size 
for  fr^'ining,  and  ]>ubiished  by  S.  P.  Avery,  NO  Fifth  Avenue,  N.  Y.  C. 

"'J'he  auction  sale  of  his  pictures,  in  the  Chrisiiari  Association  Hall,  N.  Y.  city,  com- 
mencing Mc.itiday  evening  and  contiuaing  during  the  five  succeeding  evenings,  was  one 
of  the  mf'St  reinarkalile  and  interesting  that  ever  tocdv  ]ilace  in  this  ceuniry.  The 
amount  realized  was  sp??,?!.").-!!).  Sulisecjuently  selections  I't'  thirty-eight  jiiiintings 
from  his  '  last  summer's  work  '  were  ])urcl!ased  for  the  ;^;ew  'i'iirk  Meiropolitan 
Museum  of  Art,  and  culled  the  '  Keur^ctt  Memorial.'  This  collection  is  a  permanent 
feature  in  the  new  Art  Building  in  the  Central  Park." 

At  a  special  nreeting  of  the  Century  association  of  the  city  of  New  "i'ork,  I">ec.  10, 
1872,  in  relation  to  the  death  of  Kensett,  the  following  pmceedings  t0'>k  place: 


Mr.  Daniel  Huntington  presented  and  read  the  following  minute  : 

As  mem!,»ers  of  the  Century  Club,  we  liave  met  with  a  severe  loss  by  the  death  of 
our  late  fellow  m-'mber,  John  F.  Kensett.  He  ]ios.sessed,  eminenily,  those  qualities 
which  form  tbe  bond  of  our  I'nion:  a  p:issiiin  for  art,  a  lo\e  of  letters,  the  culture  of  a 
gentleman,  the  refined  taste  of  an  auiatetw.  ami  a  warm,  afTectionat(>  heart,  ^vhich  gently 
won  the  love  of  all  who  knew  him. 

Into  all  the  plans  of  the  Club  for  the  advancement  of  art,  of  literature  and  of  social 
happiness,  he  entiM't-d  \\  ith  a  zealous,  self-sacrificing  spirit  and  freely  gave  his  time. 
Ills  talents,  and  every  aid  in  his  jyower;  and,  more  than  all,  he  gave  that  cheery,  hearty 
.sympathy  which  kindled  a  Hume  in  every  oilier  heiirt. 

As  an  artist  his  rank  was  of  the  highest.  He  had  that  rare  uss(^mblage  of  ipialities 
wliich  coiubiiic  to  make  a  great  painter;  an  euthusiiistic  lo\i;  of  beauty,  a  marvelous  eye 
i'or  cfdor,  a  clear  perception  of  form,  a  passion  for  his  art,  sustained  l)y  a  c:ilm.  persistent 
patience  in  its  jnirsuif  aiul  a  hand  obedient  to  his  ti'ainc-il  ey«',  a  hand  which  expressed 
Ills  tluntght  with  w(nuiious  spirit  and  felicity. 

T'^  tiiis  \vas  added  sound,  })raciical  common  sense,  which  held  sway  among  tliese 
gifts  fr<im  (ojd.  P<;rhaps  the  faculty  which  most  distinguished  him  was  ohn-ing,  wliiidi, 
always  harmonious  and  refined,  includes  the  atmosj'here  and  tn.e  true  .^cnt iine:it  cd'  the 
hcuir  and  the  sci-ne  as  he  feelingly  renih-red  tiiem.  He  thlighied  in  .silvery  gray,  and 
ciit.dd  .--eiKl  the  mists  tlritling  along  the  hillsiiles.  m.ike  tin-  mountain  !;ro>)l;  sparkle 
amo.'jg  tin'  m.'xs-growa  roc];s,  ov  the  s-a- waves  roll  in  on  sandy  Iteaidies,  or  on  riedi  toned 

KEXSETT.  473 

clitl.^,  drijipiii.u  witli  fo:im  ;aid  illiuniiifd  hy  ijoMcn  li.^lit,  \s-itli  u  luaxi';;'-!  skill  oiul  livmg 
for<;i'  ]■•(•(■  uiiai'ly  hi-,  own. 

'J'hr  i(lo\v"<>f  si!ii>c't  lit-  (iftrii  loudly  .Uvrlt  <-'u:  li c  lovfd  tl ic  So] enmity  of  t\vjlii:,'lit; 
]ii>  iiiuutiiprd  lnu-s  an-  the  full  hhi/ '  of  our  ( »'tol).'v,  hut  so  touiiiiTod  hy  his  ]i:iri>iouiziii- 
liaiid  as  X>>  dolii'dit  and  >ati.>i'y  iho  oyo. 

Thi'  arts  of  (!ur  coimtfy  linvc  a  ri:'h  inhcritani-o  in  thf  trca^uies  his  Li;ouius  h;i.s 
ht'qut'athi'd,  anil  ii  i,--  to  ho  hoped  thai,  many  o(  tliem  may  he  secinvd  for  our  jiuldio  gal- 
leries. The  iirtist.s  gvnerally  loved  Keuse'tt;  tliey  confided  in  Inm,  for  Im  wa.s  thoroughly 
trustworthy,  lie  rejoiced  in  the  ^;u(■eess  (d"  othe'r^  and  cheered  on  the  youn:;  aitists  hy 
Icind  word.s  and  a  lielping  luiiid.  When  a  i>roiui>iiig  app-'ared  hy  a  new  hand,  or 
imj)roveineiit  in  an  old  one,  liis  fac.i-  Avould  li.ght  nj)  witli  j.leasure.  ^^'e  si^ught  for  his 
•(•rili.'isiii.=i,  liecauso  lie  was  h(.;Th  kiml  ami  .sincere.  }!>■  would  gently  p;iin1  out,  errors  and 
make  suggestions  which  were  iuvaluai.ile.  hecausr  his  judgment  was  sound,  his  taste 
pure  and  discriminatiii.H:.  'i'o  tlie  older  and  exi^-rienced  artists  he  ])aid  a  mo  h',t  defer- 
<'n<'e,  reverenced  the  great  of  the  ])ast  and  eag.'rly  sought  to  profit,  hy  tlie  study  (d'  the 
best  works  of  all  the  schools,  both  old  and  new,  that  came  within  his  reach. 

'idiese  trails  of  the  artist  sprang  from  the  basis  of  his  character  as  a  man;  he  wa?. 
Sitamped  with  true  matdlness:  the- sweetest  charity  blended  with  all  his  actions;  he  was 
friendly  at  the  ijottojn  of  hi-.hrait;  gentle  and  a.miahle,  yet  firm  as  a  rock  wdn/n  duty 
demand'  d  it,  forL'dving  of  other.-,'  fault:-  and  con.demning  ^^■ith  severity  only  baseness  and 

Dnrir.g  his  dangerous  illn.-s^,  soothed  by  the  temb^r  care  of  a  sister  and  dear  friends, 
we  anxiously  watched  and  prayed  for  his  recovery.  As  he  came  gradually  up  to  nearly 
Ills  usual  health  we.  began  to  'lift  up  tlianksgivings  to  God,  and  as  wo  gathered  around 
liim,  CKpecting  to  see  "him  once  more  take  up  his  v.-onder-working  pencil,  suddenly  a 
radiant  hand  touched  him  and  he  di.sai)]ieared.  To  our  sobs  and  entreaties  there  vvas  no 
answer— excejit  to  the  ear  of  Faith,  au  angelic  voice  saying.  "Blessed  are  tlic  pure  in 
heart  for  ti^ey  shall  see  God." 

Mr.  Thomas  Hicks  move  1  the  adoption  of  the  minute,  with  these  remnrks  ; 

Mr.  i'/v •>/'/(./)/'  .-  r^bore  than  a  ([uarler  of  a  century  ago,  in  Italy,  I  made  the  acquaint- 
ance .of  John  F.  Kensett.  He  came  to  Home  in  the  month  of  November,  bS4o.  In  a 
fe^v  %veeks  after  his  arrival  lie  was  very  ill  of  intlammatory  rheumatism,  through  which 
illness  it  was  my  i-rivilege  to  nurse  him,  and,  it  was  under  the  necessary  intimacy  of 
patient  and  muse  that  our  friendshi])  b.-gan:  and  it  was  in  th;-^  rela.tion  tv.enty-seven 
years  aftei-wards  it   culminated  and  became  transfigured. 

As  soon  as  he  was  able  to  work,  he  went  at  it  wiih  a  ^vill;  ami  by  the  spring  c'f  '4t^ 
Ills  ])ortfcdios  were  well  filled  with  valuable  studies. 

I'^arly  in  June  he  v.ent  to  the  Alban  Mount,  and  began  his  oii+door  worlc  in  earnest. 
I  joiiied  him  in  July,  and  we  W(ukedside  by  sid(;  for  tliree  months,  at  Anieia.tien/.am)  and 
Xemi,  on  tin  ,\lhan  Mount;  at  Cora,  in  the  V(dcian  Mountains;  and  aiOkvano,  Civitella, 
Subiac),  Crvorro,  (b-nnaz/.uno  and  Palestrina,  on  the  Sa.bine  >b-)nntains. 

I  h'ft  him  at  Pale-trina  early  in  October,  to  arrange  ffir  ^vintcr  quarters,  and  he 
went  bai-k  to  Subiaco,  and  walked  throuudL  the  Valley  Aido  by  (ierano  to  Tivoli,  and 
thence  to  Jiome,  about  the  1st  of  Nov<!nber.  From  that  time  till  tlie  following  sjiriug 
vre  had  a  studio  and  a]iartments  together. 

He  left  IJome  wdth  George  AVm.  Curtis  and  other  friends  to  visit  Naples  an  d  its 

Towards  midsummer,  they  came  noith;  and  in  the  latter  days  of  July,  '-17,  I  joined 
Kensett,  (ieo.  Curtis  and  his  brother,  at  Florence,  and  went  to  Venice.  U'e  staid  there 
through  the  month  of  August.  Work,  work,  work,  was  always  the  order,  and  Kensett'.s 
Venetian  studies  will  be  found  to  day  among  hund.r-eds  of  others  iti  his  studio. 

Wo  parted  our  Italian  life  at  Padua;  the  Gurtises  went  to  Germany,  Kensett  to  Paris 
and  I  iemruc>d  to  Ibune. 

F.arly  in  tlie  winter  of  '48,  Kenseb  was  in  New  York  at  work.  It  was  a;  this  time 
that  lie  was(decteu  a  memli -r  of  the  Century.  I  h;Ml  many  letters  fiom  h.un  <luring  that 
Avinter  and  the  sj.ring  foUnwing;  they  were  ver\  frank  with  regard  to  his  ne.'tls  and 

The  sjtring  exhibition  of  the  National  Academy  of  Design  is  opened;  two  of  his 
works  are  there;  he  wrote  to  me  at   Paris: 

■'Mvtw'o  p-etuie.-  i'l  f  hi- ae,>jh-my  are  v,,l,l  to  a  gentleman  in  Pmvidence:  Hurra! 
Imt  1  can't  get  the  mimey  till  the  exhiidtion  rdoses  in  July:  Vdve  h>  i'agatelle  I" 

His  rej'Utation  was  c  stal)li-hed,  and  from  that  time  io  the  i»re>';nl  his  miCi-i  ss  wa.-. 
Jcnowti  to  all  loNCis  of  art.  ciuiimon  to  you  and  in<-  alike. 

474-  nn.wcii  of  >!_mon-. 

It  is  lu.t  for  ine  to  culnp.ize  uiv  (Ifjiarttd  hvdtl  er:  our  rclatiou  v.-!ist<;o  iic;ir,  too  spurred 
for  thiit. 

His  iiiiMi'  ami  licautiful  spirit  is  dcfplv  iiniirc?s^-(l  uin-n  tli'.-  iiuriiorics  of  all  v.ho 
kn^'W  hiin  juid  iiio^i  (  ui">n  tl.i-  DU'iiMiiif.-,  of  tli(,-.c  v.ho  kiuiw  him  best;  wjiile. 
from  liis  maiiitohl  works  this  5;}>irit  imt  only  sp-aks  to  iis,  but  ihfv  shall  be  the  living- 
^vitnt-sscs  of  his  trnilifiil  and  crfntlo  nature  tn  t:euerati.)!is  yd  unb.nn. 

}lis  name  lias  pa-sed  (juifily  into  history;  his  fame  is  fi>:ed;  and  the  du^t  i-  alrt^ady 
gathered  iqion  the  iii,]>lcnients  of  his  art. 

It  may  iruly  be  said  of  him: 

"  None  Wnew  him  but  to  love  him, 
XoDC  him  bul  to  praise/' 

Mr.  Piesident,  vitli  a.  heait  full  uf  snrro-.v  I  move  the  adopiion  of  ihu  miioite  v.diicU 
lias  been  pieseuted. 

In  .seconding-  the  mctinn  for  the  ad<ijition  of  the  minute,  Mr.  John  (_!ourlie  sjioke  as 

Mr.  President  n/nJ  Geritle'i/u  n  i]f  tlnCi  ntui-i;: 

The  Board  of  Management,  thmugh  tlio  Seeretary,  has  lequested  me  to  offer  .some- 
remarks  on  this  occasion. 

I  can  add  nothing  to  the  generous  eulogies  bestowed  upon  the  me;norv  (\[  Mr, 
Kcnsctt  by  tlie  public  pressand  the'  voiecs  of  his  frieivls;  he  des'-rved  th.e  lu-aLses  he  has 

A  pure-heavted  mau--amialjlo — iugennous  and  geneious  in  his  nature.  Of  all  the 
men  I  liave  ever  knowri  he  ];(;sses::rd  the  most  admirable  q\;alities;  he  wsis  a  man  with- 
out guile. 

My  a.Njuaintancc  witli  Mr,  Kensett  began  a  long  time  ago  in  an  otiicial  wav;  as 
treasurer  of  the  Art  Union  1  l;ad  corres]ionded  v.ith  hiiu,  but  our  more  intimate  acquaint- 
ance commenced  on  his  secon.d  return  from  ]Curoiie. 

I  find  his  name  recorded  Dec  G,  IS.'iO,  as  a  guest  of  the  Sl-etch  Club,  on  the  minute 
books  of  that  society,  of  which  I  v\-as  the  Secretary,  On  that  eveiiiTur,  his  \isit 
tliere,  his  friv-nd,  F,  O.  C",  Parh/y,  ]i.».d  been  unaniniou-ly  elected  a  nn-mber. 

Mr;  Kensett  on  that  occa-^ion  was  greeted  and  welcon.ed  with  great  cordialitv  bv  us. 
all.  liis  handsome  face,  his  bright  eye,  beamed  with  cheerfulness  as  he  found  hiniselt 
again  among  liis  old  frieiuls,  in  his  native  ho:i,e. 

In  looking  over  the  rej'ort  of  the  Art  Utnon  for  IS-JD  1  find  a  list  of  liis  works  winch 
were  distributed  to  the  members  that  year.     'J'hey  are  as  follows,  viz. : 

"  Anio — A  scene  near  Subiaco,"  "'Pas'^ing  Shower,"  "A  Eerch  (I'rove,  near  ^Vindso^ 
Forest,"'  "A  Land.-cajte,"'  "  Euviron-^  of  lihai.-a,"  "  Paven  Hill,  Lli/,aljethtoNvn,  X.  J.,'' 
"Trout  Stream"  and  "Study  from  Nature. " 

In  October,  ls.-)l,  ^[l•,  Kens.:-tt  v.-as  ehTted  a  im-mb-r  (,f  the  Sketch  Club,  and  at  this 
time  my  intimate  acipiaintance  with  him  begaii.  I  %sas  often  at  his  stu<lir>.  and.  have 
been  the  jdeased  observer  ot  his  thouglitful  and  laborious  industry.  He  was  an  untiring- 
laborer  in  his  art,  and  loved  it  with  ilie  true  devotion  of  an  earnest  student  of  nature. 

As  one  of  the  earliest  and  most  faithful  founders  of  the  Artists'  Fund  Society  (in. 
connection  with  his  friend,  Mr.  Falconer,  the  honored  custodian  of  his  funds,  and  inauy 
others  of  his  brother  artists),  he  always  envinced  a  most  active  and  getu' rous  interest  in  its 
prosjierity  and  success.  There  was  a  modest  yet  generous  charity  in  his  heart,  whick 
every  friend  of  his  acknowh  dged  and  recogniy.i'd..  His  hand  was  always  opC!:,  as  we  all 
know,  to  the  claims  of  his  brethren  udio  n^eded  kindly  act-.  The  fidlowing  is  a  copy 
of  a  letiet   I  rereived  from  him,  now  in  my  ])osse>sion.      It  is  charaeteristic   of  the  man: 

" 'iignonx  tells  tne  you  can  disp(ise  of  more  ticket^  for  tlie  Artists"  Fund  Fyhibi- 
tion,  and  I  send  you  therefore  twenty-live  additi(UKil.  If  you  can,  without  trouble, 
scattei  thenj  ar(Uind  t(;  s:>uls  greedy  of  inKdlectual  feasts,  you  will  do  a  double  service- 
in  aiding  you  frienJs  of  tlie  Arti-t,-.'  Fuml.      Tndv  vo;irs, 

J.   F.   KFNSFTT." 

Ever  active  and  energetic  in  whatever  he  undei'took  lo  do.  the:e  was  in  iiitn  a  quiet 
p.erseveratice  which  attracted  but  Iittb'  atteniion  fnun  others,  but  wliieh  was  jnost 
effectual  in  its  results. 

I  kn.iw  of  many  .".cts  of  his  kindness  which  lesnlted  in  much  good  t(;  those  they 
were  tiesigm-d  to  aid. 

During  the  i;e!"liion,  when  the  Met  ro[w)!iian  fair  >\as  projiosed,  he  took  a  lively 
interest  in  its  <aec.-NS.  lb-  was  Uiadr  idiairmau  of  tlu'  .-irt  er.mnuttre,  and  in  <-onjur..f iou 
with  tnany  of  our  f  i  i'-nds  (d'  the  Century  Club  and    tln'    I'nioji    League,  whose  names   I 

KEN  SETT.  4?i> 

iicrd  not  riU'iitiriii,  li  jnovfd  <i'\iv  of  tin;  most  succt  ssfiil  (.!i')>artincnts  i>\'  thnl  f;rcr.t  t-iiti'i- 
inisc.  'J'}iat  (.•finniiittcc  paiil  to  the  iiiihI  (or  tli'_'  iL-lii.'t'  oi  the  sfildii-rs  (>f  our  tuiny,  tlie 
sum  of  ritrlity-l'nui'  tluuiiiiml  dollars. 

]  know  tJKit  [\.l•n^<<■;t,  if  ItvinL''.  ^\■ould  not  claim  for  himstdr  any  uii(lm'  sliarc  of  tlu- 
morit  of  this  siK-ce.-s,  nor  ■will  1  claim  it  foi'  liim,  foi-  li.'  Lad  ardent  and  ])ntriotic  col- 
Icaj^-nes  a.s  cai-ncst  a.s  Itimself  in  the  caiisc;  bin  this  1  do  know,  that  his  heart  was  filled 
with  }jiide  that  his  countrymi-n  r.]'iirf</)p.t<-d  iln-  h-lM,!-,  of  hi.-,  committo!',  and  ilhi'^trated 
their  in  this  f^ph'ndid  icuard.  These,  ei  nth  men,  are  niy  rcmeralirances  of 
the  n.sefnl  life  of  our  friend. 

Ills  jdace  in  ilie  ]ust<ii-y  of  the  f\u<'  arts  of  onr  cfiuiitiy  will  he,  if  it  has  not  alieady 
lieeii,  deteiiiiined  uv  the  puldic  ojiinion  cd'  his  coaritryju'Mi.  That  \\v  worked  with  con- 
seientions  fideliiv,  that  he  stndiitl  nature  with  a  lovint'  heart,  tliat~  liis  h;ind  v-'as  iiever 
idle  in  the  fulfiliment  of  all  the  duties  of  Iris  irre;:t  nii-sion,  and  that  he  has  left  an 
honored  name  and  memory  v,-hich  will  lie  long  cherished,  all  will  helieve. 

But  my  task  ^^•ould  lie  im))erf(Ct]y  performed  if  I  failed  to  say  something  of  that 
marvelous  indu.-try  whicli  enabled  him  to  accomplish  so  much. 

There  is  liard'ly  a  }iarlor  or  a  private  or  public  gallery  in  our  city,  and  T  might  say 
in  our  country,  that  does  )i<it  contain  one  or  Uiore  of  the  productions  of  Mr.  Kensett's. 
hand.     A  catalogue  of  them  Vi-ould  hU  a  volume. 

His  works  are  s])read  widtly  over  the  country.  They  adorn  the  princely  ]',alaces  of 
the  wealthy.  'J'hev  cheer  the  humbler  homes  of  the  niore  (juiet  and  unobtrusive  lovers 
of  art  for  iis  owyi  sake.  ]lo\\'  n.iany  a  cheei-ing  I'ay  of  la-auty,  awakern-d  by  his  peuciL 
has  illunnnated  V.  ith  a  kiiidiy  iidiueiice  the  home  (>{  many  a  lover  of  the  "serene  and 
silent  art !  " 

It  is  a  pleasing  contemjilation  that  liis  ^.■orks.  like  the  songs  of  the  bards,  liave 
in.spired  a  love  of  beauty  and  of  nature  in  the  modest  homes  <jf  our  people,  as.  in  the 
gihled  galleries  of  the  proud;  and  what  a  benign  inlluerice  is  reflected  therefrom. I  To 
touch  the  heart  of  a  nation  is  the  suldime  iriutiijdi  of  genius. 

If  our  friend  has  foreve.r  passed  away,  the  (juict  brook,  the  tranquil  meadow,  the 
cool  shade  of  tlie  forest,  the  ascending  hilis  and  the  hdty  mountains — radiant  with  the 
beams  of  lliC  r;.--;ui;-or  the  setting  suu,  illustrated  by  his  skillful  pencil — still  remaiu 
to  us. 

It  is  no  evaiiescetit  fame  that  follows  such  industry  ;is  tljis  1  speak  of. 

Ill  his  own  studio,  where  he  laboied  with  deyotior.  .and  constancy,  niiii  died,  we  may 
say,  Avitli  his  pencil  in  his  hand;  I  an;  told,  tlu^re  are  more  thati  five  hundred  of  his  studies- 
and  fln.ished  works  ujion  its  walls. 

All  tliis  has  not  been  accomjilished  without  thou!.'ht  and  labnr^abor  that  has 
cheered  "(//•  hearts  and  homes  as  the  sundight  and  the  breeze  bring  lienith  to  our 

Ami,  who  can  say  wind  plea-aiit  influences  these,  his  labors,  may  exert  upon  the 
mind  and  Ttiste  of  the  geuf'rations  tiiat  are  to  follow  ours? 

'I'lns  irilnite  of  our  gratiitufe  to  him  for  lliesi;  giits  we  render,  not  only  withor.t 
reluctance,  Imt  with  a  juide  in  our  knowleiige  (if  his  character  and  in  the  earnest  ])ur- 
poses  of  his  unpretending  life. 

Kensett.  in  tiie  true  sense  cd'  the  word,  was  a  I'oet.  How  couh!  it  be  otherwise? 
His  intercourse  with  nature,  his  lambles  in  the  fields  and  iVuesIs.  and  by  streams  •'  tluit 
make  the  mea-iows  green,''  made  him  one,  and  v\dien  he  returned  to  his  studio  from  his 
out-door  work,  he  came,  not  only  with  the  freshness  of  the  sun  and  bretze  up-on  liis 
noble  brow,  but  with  a  more  exhilarating  freshness  in  his  heart,  which  only  a  true  lover 
of  nature  can  feel. 

The  skillful  hand  hath  lost  its  cuujiing.     The  bowl  is  bri.>ken  at  the  foutitain. 

We  alone  are  left  t(.>  record  the  evidences  of  our  respect  atnl  atfeotion  for  the  jirivate 
virtues  and  usef\il  jruhlic  life  of  orir  distinguislu'd  friend. 

The  "Rev.  l^r.  Eelhvws  then  addressed  the  meeting  in  these  words: 
\\  hen  1  entered  this  room  1  had  no  ex])ectation  of  iianicii)ating  in  this  solemn  cujn- 
memoraiion,  otherwise  than  a  mute  ])reseiu-e  anH:ing  yon;  but  at  the  request  of  the 
secretary  I  am  permitted  to  add  my  voice  to  that  of  bretluen  who  have  j^id  careful  and 
impressive  tributes  to  Mr.  Kensett's  talents  ar,d  worth .  leap,  add  little  to  what  much 
more  competent  judtres  arid  much  closer  friends  have  offerr-d,  in  estimating  liis  trenius 
and  chaia.-ter;  iiT  unlike  them.  1  am  neiiher  skilled  in  art,  nor  had  I  the  pb-asure 
ofstandMLj:  in  .'-ueh  intin;:ite  ami  familiar  relations  to  Mr.  Keiisctt  as  would  make 
my  testimony  cf  sju-cial  value.  It  is  true  J  Inid.  the  lumor  of  being  a  co member 
witii  our  dejiaited  friend,  aiid  wi;h  the  giiirlemen  who  have  spoken  of  him,  ^'i  tliat 
deliirhtful  and  memorable   asso'-datior. — the    Sketch    Club — never  to   be  nanicd   without 

'■^'^'^  1!KAXC]I    OF    SIMOX. 

.gratitudi-   aini    r.-.rrrt^-u!i.I  for   tsviiUv    v.-aisu^i^in   tl,,-  h;]^7~~~',~        .'.      ^ 
om-ea  Umin^Ui  to,  -=ix  in,m'l,s  in  ij,.."v,."i,-     „  tl  •  .'    '""'•^'^K  Mr  Kons-ti 

iiatin^  of  avt^ti,.  a  so4      ,  w  u  AjT  K^n    ■       f     "V'- "^  '"""^""^  "^  '^^^''  '»«^t  fas.i- 

tin,,,  .nd  r,..>,n  an  aH-an..„r    o  '";':.  -I^.^lll'^f^^--'   -'^-"g  <'-sp,.si- 
only  a  prctWrnce  for  work  over  lalk-was'n.t  i/;   1  "    Vl>  t  ~  'i  '"''■'  ^'f^''-"   '^*'^''^ 

l.iTu.elf  .nucl.  on  sue),  ocva.ions,      ytill  ho  did  n^t      i  ;.;!    T.^T'^'''^  «    ^'1'^"^"^ 

iutolli^enc.,  kindliness  and   wortl,,   and    won     n y      i  ,•      ros,      r  '"''^    '"'''''  "^  ^"" 

his  personality  was  su.I,  as  to   n>ake   an   id^u  'a]  o       r;,,  '  M    ■'""""■      ^"^"'^'^• 

who  knowLim,  ho\vovor  sli-rlitlv       ^^■e  niav  so-o  ,      '  '  ois,-,.r„n.i:  j^.-rsons 

truest  o..n.val  of  a's  ci.amor   W    "■"'•,;:]"  '";/■";  "r^^'  ^"  ^^^^^^   ^"  ^!- 

muovedofu.n,vt   a.fairor    arul  Juste,  ^i.nv  o^       pu        ^.    n  '  "  I. '  fe  ,!:'T  ^^^"'^ 
friends.  ii'-n.    j-i.>n.  tn<  n   i'l?  Jiiost  intimate 

It  is  Certainly  true  of  Mr.  Kcnsett  t'lat  l.e  si,,-,.,.,.,ir.,i  ;,.  i 
frirnds,  nearer  or  remote,  a  unique  and  i  eniiea  n  ■  I,  s"7"Y  "''  the  puMic  and 
<]uiot.  cheerful  and  modest  whs  he.  that  liis  t.l/  \V  1  .w\  ,  '  '^^'■'■•^■'^•^'J.  >a"nonir,us, 
rk-x  or  ditTer  abotit.  Eitlier  as  to  his  ^e  ius  as^n'-  r  i  "^  "  '''--^^^^'''^  ''^'le  to  per- 
ietal chKraceristics  in  hoth  %hts,  there  w^s  h^^  ^  :;^  f  ^  hi-'  V"  '•"^'"'  '"'  ''  =  ^ 
«.l,uos,  any  man  of  ciual  en^nence.  His  su.vtne  ,  of  ,  is  ' s  f  "\  '"  "''^"^'\  '" 
lively  appre,'iation  of  the  merits  <.f  fellow  nrti^tV  k^„  i  n  -  in?  V  /' f-'  ^^-"'I'Uihy, 
delic'ucv  of  feelin-  aud  orudence  „f  sx  <.d.     ,  ,        /!^""l'f>    '>  regard  to  his  own  works. 

hrother  painters,  and  ij;;^ou^;iwa;rwel;:o;;;  'at  i^^ 

ever  to  have  hoard  liim  s,.oken  nf  v.dth  dispara^M-nient  and  iJ  IK  w'tl  I  r^'-olh-t 
in  lu.s  artistic  character,  and  never  cau-^ht  a  Hso  of      i;/, le.-,  r      •  '"^  •'•'''  '^''"■''"^■^^=^- 

his  character.  His  .enerosity  dis.rnu^  iuiS;  S'  ^^^  ^  ';;^:^;:^'^-f  .>:;  /^^-'^  ^? 
suspicion:  his  eentleness  and  candor  drev,-  ull  the  vem^  o  w^'  J^  If^f'^^^'^'T^'^-  '"'' 
artist  has  suce-eeded  more  perfectlv  in  escai.inu-  i],e  !,f 't+  t,  ^'V  -  i  ',"'^'^"  ''  •'•"-• 
-the  egotivn.  vanity.  jeal!,usv  aad  p.i  "!  ^i,  ij^^'!^"^  "^0'^ ''' '^  ^"^f-^""" 
that  provoke  emulation,  live  bv  rivalry  ar.d  invie  co't.w  -n  ^■""    ^'•'   ''^■'"^' 

^very  profession  or  vocation  lias  it.  o^^•n  sv,' '  ]  '  i;  :''  r  "!  "■''''7''''''-.  .  <^ '^^•*^i"b-. 
be  concealed  that  the  poetic  and  artist  c     eiape;^','.^^";'."?^^  "  '''"^  ''^' 


feeling  an,i  exquisite  manipulation  1  e  ]' d  1  ule  oJ  no  I  f",!  ''  ''?■!''''  '"  ''''' 
sensitiveness  of  his  class-  and  his  tin    esv    n  .    •      i       ,  ""K^^"''   irritability  or  over- 

<.almness  and  equilibriniu  "ul      v^  t   e^     f  h     ;e:^;H^^  ,'--'^t^--"J  f-  the 

qualities  enter.xl  into  lii.  wnrk^  .ni.Pr  ,1  l,;  r  !'-'-!""'^'  h-ahn^,  while  his  tine  moral 
.       It  .va.,  perhaps    th!:  hannony ';:?  nllre  :;:i^Z^  ^:^^^h.o'l::;;'>?;i^Ta!^^  "^■^^• 

companied  by  the  pow^r  of   s!  c"^ ur    !  f^  iH  i^;:    "■t'l^^'V-'^T'  -'-''^  '-'.f^->  "uac 

undervalue  a  boM  and  .larin,^  te.nperain In    i  •    t       Pr  ,.;    1  ■              '"  ""'  '"  ^  '--^I''/^'--  ^"' 

rank  without  it.    First-cl-i~s  "...nius  is^  «-  l  'i    ""  ""'"  '■""  ''^t"'"  the  iirst 

and  various.     It  aUen  ms  ,p4\       ',1^;  f  ,  ?'  ""^'""i"'  and  soaring;  nay  it  is  versatile 

tlierev)  there  is  nothlno-  more  ton,, i-Uei.',,  ,,-'■'  ^'^^-''^^^^  (^^"J  how  lew  can  belono- 
of  his  mvn  powers-^n  ex  ct   ne  isu^Jm   m  I  f  r  ''■'"  ri^"";'  ''"l'  """'*^^^  appreciation 

~KEX,-KTT.    ■  477' 

works.  'J'iiero  \v;is  a  i-frtniii  inoiiot^uiy  in  lii^  tiihjrcts — a  wiint  of  broad  (lay]i<_':lit  and 
liriii'liT  in';]>!rini.,'-  ronic  ]>  iwt-,- — an  alist/ncf  of  iT'-ativf  iiivcni'u'n  or  .snri)ri><ing- rdTccts — 
luit  it  \sas  well  supplii'd  liy  sometliint!;  i'liiirnacliint;  )KTf(vtio:i  in  tl,<,'  tliriijfs  lio  lialutu- 
allv  Ircitcd— and  liy  tlu'  drlicacy.  rlfL-'anrc  and  iin("xaf.rtrcratfd  (|;iality  of  Ids  rendc-ring. 
And  wldli'  his  styli'is  Ins  own  and  not  to  It'  mi-nakcn,  lif  was  not  a  mannerist  in  a  bad 
sense.  He  lo\-cd  Xniure  too  sincei'.dy  and  di-voully,  lie  di'-.t  i  u.sted  li's  attainments  and 
criticised  liis  <i-,v!i  s^orlc  too  freely  and  carefnlly  to  beeome  ena)iiored  of  ]iinjs(df  and  bi.s 
perfornianci  s,  or  Ituricd  in  his  own  furrow.  On  the  contrary,  olie  of  tb''  most  diliireut. 
painstaking  and  laljoriotis  of  artists,  he  went  on  fniiimvinp  to  tlie  last,  and  tb'jse  who 
will  compare  his  ]iictures  at  tlie  period  when  he  acijnired  liis  great  rciiutation,  with  liis 
very  hast,  will  see  liow  mach  lie  grew  in  grace  and  in  unity — how  winnbTfully  ho  har- 
moniy.ed  and  perfected  his  mannei',  and  finished  liis  iiieturc-..  without  finishing  th.eni 

'But  it  is  deliglnful  to  feel  that  it  is  c^ven  moie  as  a  man  than  as  as  an  artist  that 
we  sha.ll  miss  him:  foi  this  means  that  lie  lived  to  the  true  ends  of  life,  and  on  leaving 
his  iiencil  find  studies  behind  him,  has  gone  wli-.rc  bis  real  '•works  will  follow  liim." 

\\'liat  a  restiiuouy  to  his  cliaracter  and  tlie,  ludd  be  ]iad  on  his  fellow  artists,  and  on 
the  cultivated  ])ortion  of  New  York  and  l^iooklyn.  was  given  at  his  funeral!  ^^dleIl 
Inive  so  many  men  of  tnark  and  wortli  met  over  the  bier  of  atiy  man  not  the  representa- 
tive of  yiolltical  or  juilitury  station''  The  snow  ston^.i  tliat  raved  could  not  repress  deli- 
cate women  and  busy  unui  wliose  pi-rsonal  affecti'Uis  drew  them  to  the  spot  ^v])ere  tlie 
last  view  of  bis  handsome,  delicate  and  genial  face  wa-  to  be  sadly  taken.  And  lerw  lu- 
inet  us  in  his  <-ofiin:  He  seemed  still  /•///).•.•. //■'—^vell,  oidy  ash.').— so  young,  and  fr'-sh 
and  fair,  tii.nt  if  was  (juite  iin]io<sible  to  associate  his  real  age.  m  decay  and  dea*b.  with 
hi-  remains.  May  it  fore-token  the  fresluiess  in  v.liich  his  nie!i:ory  will  l,ie  held  in  lids 
club — so  familiar  and  aear  a  i>lace  to  his  feei — tin-  undying  hold  lie  will  keep  by  liis 
pictures,  both  on  the  country  and  tlie  art  he  loved  enthusiastically  and  served  to  the 
last  breath,  and  tin-  eternal  youth  into  which  his  j.ure  and  gentle  spirit  has  already 

In  couidu'rion,  the  Kev.  ])r.  C><good  made  sonuM-emarks  iq.on  what  we  all  owe  to 
our  artists  as  ediicators  of  taste,  and  esp(  cially  ujiou  the  relation  of  <jur  lamlscape  paint- 
ers to  t.he  higher  culture  of  our  age.  It  is  not  wise,  he  tlK'Ught,  to  treat  tliein  as 
specialists,  aj-art  from  tlie  great  movements  of  letters  and  humanity.  'I'liey  belong  to 
the  no'ole  company  of  Thoughtful  autl  gift<;d  men,  who  have  felt  iliat  there  is  a  sjurit  in 
all  creation,  and  that  nature  is  the  great  temide  of  life.  Mr.  Kenseti  ludouir.-,  in  his 
way,  to  that  tendency  of  tlu-  modern  n.iind  tliat  has  given  us  (ioethe  and  Ihinis,  (/ideridge, 
AN'ordsworth,  'rennyson,  and  our  (iwn  Bryant  and  Emersi;iu. 

^Ve  need  such  interprettrs  of  natute  to  soothe,  and  cheer,  and  elevate  us.  ^Ve  live 
too  nuich  in  the  crowd;  we  are  too  much  worried  and  worn  by  vrork-  and  by  care.  We 
are  vastly  bel]ied  by  cl'.>ser  cor.ununion  with  the  ^voods  and  waters,  t!ie  iiiouiitains  and 
meadows,  the  elou<ls  and.  tlie  stars.  Tlu'  new  ami  remarkable  dev(do]iir,ent  of  land- 
scape art  among  us  is  nn-(.-ting  a  gieat  v\'ant  in  our  intense  life,  and  there  Imve  never 
been  such  painters  of  nature  as  oar  ceutury  has  sliown,  ami  our  country  has  doiu'  her 
part  to  ]iroiluce. 

lie  thought  that  Mr.  Keusett  liad  limitations  in  his  genius,  as  all  artists  have.  He 
was  not  as  romantic  asl'ole,  nor  liad  he  the  t ranstiguriiiir  imairinalion  and  the  grand  his- 
torical visimi  of  Turner.  But  in  his  ^^•ay  he  was  admirtilil",  so  truthful  in  his  rt.'port  o!" 
n.ituial  o!>ject,^  so  strong  and  faithful  in  his  worlc,  so  alTectionate  in  his  tempcj-  and 
tone.  He  was  a  classic  amoni:  our  artist-,  free  ftom  all  the  prevailing  or  tem})ting 
excesses.  He  had  not  the  ^vearisome  detail  of  a  certain  anticjue  school,  nor  the  dreamy 
indefiniteness  of  the  new  sentimentalism.  lb-  had  the  sevi're  truthfulness  of  the 
engraver's  art,  wliiidi  lie  once  adorned,  :iiul  he  was  no  stranfer  to  the  (loet's  fetdings  and 
fancy.  'J'here  w  as  not  a  little  of  Woj-d-worth's  tenii>erament  and  gift  in  his  work,  and  hi.-^ 
nian\  and  various  [iroductious  art/  this  paintiu-'s  "  Excursion."  the  re.-ull  of  Ids  studies 
of  natme  :in<l  the  world,  the  juuiciUed  poems  wdiiidi  v.ill  live  after  him. 

])v.  O-giiM.l  threw  out  some  thougiits  up<ui  tiu'  mam  er  in  wb'udi  the  lau'lsra])e  padnter 
puts  his  |)ers"na]  life  and  cliaracter  into  his  works,  and  callsmen  togetlier  in  thoighiful 
and  giuierotis  fellow.'-hip  among  the  scenes  \vhieli  he  presents  to  them,  and  also  how  he 
show's  the  aHiniiy  betwe.-n  tlie  universe  and  the  Eternal  S]iirii,  and  lifts  all  things 
till  towai'ds  the  Supreme  .Mind.  Mr.  Ken^eti  may  not  had  tbe^nns;  exalt' il  inspi- 
ration, nor  a.-ee::de,!  to  the  bs  ,,;;.;c  vision  of  (oid  in  nature  as  S(UUe  others  had  done,  but 
he  sp.iely  .saw  the  risint;-  stairway  from  i  ;'.r;h  {■<  leaven,  a'ld  all  his  landscapes  invite  us 
to  live  in  the  j)eace  that  is  not  oi'  this  world.      So  in  his  way  he  is  a  preaclier. 

-178  r,  RAN  oil    OF    SIMC)X, 

]ii  ir-'/aJiiiLT  this  o'.iiliiH'  .>;■  li!s  i.-ui:iiks  Di.  ^)^i_■::^.)■.]  :irlils,  t)i:tr  lie  lias  since  exaiiiiiic.i 
Mr.  Ki'iisctt's  works  inoir  fully  and  iluir  hr  hns  Imii  ilii-  ].rivi!c;.;f  uf  seoiii^r  ir  full  tin- 
-sktHrlr.'s  anil  iil.Tiin--  whirJ!  an-  lli'-  jiro'lih't  nf  iliis  las'  s-.i-on's  lahir,-. 

"  Tills  is  r.Ttainly  a  imrjiMiaMc  n-sult  of  a  siniuiicrV.  wui  k ,  .■iinl  tliis  Ic^-arv  nl  tlir 
-artist  is  a  wortliy  mi'iunriai  of  rln-niaii.  Tlu-s,.  jiirt in (_•.-,  t real  very  familiar  sulijcns, 
scuUl's  Very  m-ar  to  his  own  (htor,  aiul  ln'  handier  iln-ni  wirh  i^ivat  siiioilicitv'  ami 
Avithout,  a'ly  tliii-hts  of  fancy  or  straiiiiu;'-  afw-;-  draiULitic  c;lc.-rs.  li-'i't-  aro  (.'od's  conmiou 
and  iihoLUuiiMi:'  irlfts — llic  water,  the  rocks,  ihelircs,  tin-  ]i;,'-ht,  tlu-skv— all  rcndor.] 
with  severe  tra'hfuliiess,  yet  witli  exijiusiie  lieauty  an'l  dehcate  and  juVifound  cxpres- 
sioii.  1  make  :■,,,  claim  to  he  a  critic  oi  art;  1  am  eontem  lo  he  a  love]-,  who  mav  kneel 
at  tlie  shrine  \\"lllioiit  i)resLinihoj;-  to  mhiiste;-  at  tin-  altar;  yet  I  certadnh  can  s'av  that 
these  works  scfin  to  have  characteristics  if  iin-atness;  aiid  that  as  a  c'llonst  he  inav  he 
naiued  with  the  lua-tersof  hisa!-t:  and  wiiiist  others  m.iy  have  more  I'.oldnes-;  of  toucliand 
mi)re  s^v(.■e].l  of  imag-inatiou,  he  has  as  mredi  trurh  and,  |nii-ity,  and  delicucv  as  an\-  of 
ibem.  The.s  ■  picriiros  are  a  cyide  of  sonn;'ts  of  iialure;  a  sfii.;,^  of  iirecions  iiincns  of'onr 
common  lot.  and  tliey  helu  us  in  that  threat  task  of  oracticai  wisdom  which  iinds  bless- 
ings in  (mr  daily  path  and  sees  (io;l's  love 

"  I  liriv(>  lived  for  ove;-  twcMity  years  witJiiu  a  short  di-tance  of  K.Misett'.s  summer- 
lioiise  and  1  have  watclied  lu'/utli  afrer  month  tho  effects  of  eurtli  and  skv  and  water, 
which  hc'  treats.  His  rendciiny  to  tliem  is  saiisfaetory,  suertrestive  and  iiiiposin'^;  he 
has  per)>etnated  iijioii  his  canvas  moods  of  the  sea  and  the  sky  that  seemed  m  me  tc^have 
passt-td  away  with  the  moiiient  tlcit  oriirinated  tlu'm;  and  his  reniark!',l>le  studies  of  cloud 
■and  sky  under  all  cluin^dng  hues  and  combinations,  froiu  sunrise  to  sunset,  seem  like 
the  vision  of  the  face  of  a  departed  friend,  a  restoration  of  the  very  count enance,  v.ith 
its  light  and  form,  its  thought  and  feeling.  Certainly,  if  a  mail  ca'u  beijiu.'atli  light  to 
those  who  come  after  him,  Kensett  has  left  a  legacy  of  light  to  us  all — of  light,  too,  that 
is  all  instinct  with  feeling,  all  alivi!  with  love  and  apparently  with  a  sense  of  deepeninj^- 
ijeriousi'.ess  as  the  evening  shado\vs  drew  on. 

"The  rocks  in  our  neighborhood  are  frei|uent  and  characteristic,  lie  has  not 
treated  tlie  most  remarkable  of  them,  hut  he  has  sought  tlie  more  (]uiet  and  soothiiio- 
rather  thaii  the  nnn-e  weird  arid  exciting;  but  he  has  rendere(i  them  in  a  w-oi.derful  way. 
Under  his  touch  we,  see  the  marvel  of  the  Egyptian  sands  reappearing  on  the  shore  of 
■our  great  Sound,  and  that  stone  looks  ui)on  you  \\ith  the  face  of  the  Sijhinx.  Tliat  rock 
whis])ers  to  you  the  secret  of  eartli,  and  sea  and  sky.  Its  surface  speaks  out  the  myste- 
rious life  of  iiatnre,  which  glows  in  that  rich  color  like  blood  in  the  cheek;  and  those 
stains,  and  seams  and  mosses  are  the  in![>ressions  which  ages  have  left  njion  that  stonv 
face  und(;r  the  changv-s  of  the  air,  and  water  and  light.  'I'his  Sphinx  means  more  thaii 
we  ran  understand,  and  her  features  and  look  so  faitlifully  report  her  colloquv  for 
thousands  of  \ears  with  the  sea  and  the  wimls. 

"  Perha]is  his  most  remarkable  picuire  in  this  scries  is  that  which  i)resents  the  sea 
viuder  the  sunlight,  with  nothing  else  to  divide  tin-  interest — no  land  or  sail,  no  fi.;'.ire 
and  not  eve'U  a  uoticealde  (doud  to  givc^  ])eculiar  effect,  or  a  rock  to  provoke  tlu'  dash  of 
th.e  waves.  It  is  ]!ure  light  and  water,  a  bridal  of  tin-  sea  and  sky.  Ls  it  presuiU]>tion 
in  a  ])o:-.r  no\  Ice  in  art  like  me  to  say  that  tliis  is  a  great  picture'; 

'■  Next  to  this  in  jiower  and  suggestiveness  seems  to  me  to  be  liis  picture  of  a  cliiT 
by  th.e  shore,  with  shrubs  and  a  grove  and  ligure.s  above,  and  the  whole  surmounted  by 
a  nolde  pine  tree,  tliat  stretches  out  its  limbs  towards  the  sea.  It  is  a  charmimc  scene", 
and  combines  great  carefulness  and  severe  truth  with  bciuty  and  sentiment.  Since  the 
-artist  sketched  it,  this  tree  has  died,  and  if  we  may  hold  the  poet's  faith  that  everv 
Hower  enjoys  the  air  it  breathes,  we  may  su])])ose  this  forest  king  to  have  breathed  lii's 
last  not  without  comfoi-t  in  that  his  rii)e  glory  had  been  so  vividly  i)erpetuat''d  u]Km  this 
canvas.  The  tree  has  gone,  and  the  iiainter  lias  g()ne,  luit  the  bloom  of  their  last  sum- 
mer now  li\es  in  the  treasure  house  of  art,  wliich  ouglii  n(4  to  b,-  far  from  the  Kim^dom 
of  (Jod." 

'J'he  minute  ])reseiited  by  Mr.  Huntington  was  then  adojited,  and  oideied  to  be 
entered  on  tlie  records,  and.  an  account  of  the  proceeilings  to  be  jiie])a)<Ml  lor  juiblica- 
tion,  together  with  the  following  sketrh  of  Mi.  Ken:-eit,  written  liy  .Mr.  (u-orgeW. 
Ourtis  for  Harper's  Magazine,  and  taken,  l,)y  his  permissiini,  from  its  pages: 

In  the  course  of  many  years'  monthly  chatting  and  chroniidiiti:,  the  ('hair  iias 
had  occasion  often  to  speal;  a  word  of  regretful  fa'rewid!  to  some  whom  all  ineii  honored 
and  loved,  a;id  to  soni"  l;iio.\  o  o;dy  to  a  snialh  i  i  ircb-.  It  is  pleasant  in  thinK.  tJiat.  on 
some  day  hereafter,  when  this  c,niury  i-,  ended  and  we  are  all  gone,  and  t'ue  new  world 
/hat  follows  us  wondi-rs  over  the  cpiaint  ways  jmd  amusing  conceits  (d'   their  ancestors. 

KRNSETT.  4.70 

s<imL'  khiil  uuil  curLuis  ^oul.  Tuiiiia;;-  ovfr  tlic  vcllnw  puL^r-;  of  ^innc  oilil  vnhuue  nf  this 
iiiaL;-;v/uit',  wil!  fiMnc  ujiuu  tlie  iiiuiie  of  I'iuil  J)u!r,i;':in,  nnd  tlumk  tin/  J']nsy  ( 'luiir  for  a 
ii'lir.ipsc'  of  tliiit  )>erh;i))s  elsi'  fnr.LXOtlen  l:ri^4it  ;u\<l  ^^iMiial  nature.  lint,  ,";rnt!(.'  iTiulor  nl' 
tlia!  distant  day,  wlic;)  yuuv  eyrs  fall  up:)!!  tlii-<  Jiai^i",  kimw  tli-i  ilu.  |,.u-  words  wliicli 
ill-'  ]-'asy  ('hail-  is  ah  ui!  to  write  cannot  slnnv  you,  as  tlicy  fain  would,  the  sweet  and 
<  lufTl  111  and  serene  muiI  wl'.ieli  l.eiu-el'ortli  lixcs  l'(jr  us  oidy  in  luemory  and  m  his  lieauti 
fill  )ii(.tures. 

Ihmie  clianire-  so  lirtle  from  to  yi^ar  that  the  sjiai'ioa^  studio  in  wldch  the  Ensv 
Chair  lirst  sa\\'  jveasetl  doiihtles^  still  reiuuins,  pad  is  oecujiied  p(.'rha])s  hy  some  vount;- 
%\orl\er  at  the  ei\scl,  who  liears  the  same  (dd  Constant  riuginj^  of  ehiueh  hells,  anil  who 
cdimhs  the  hill  over  the  studio  ;it  evenmii' to  Se'e  the  sun  setlint;-  and  St.  Peter's  .steejiod 
in  ilie  rosy  liidit.  It  was  upon  the  ^'ia  ]Mari:Utta,  a  little  iiack  from  tlie  stie.t,  and 
Kensetl  slnu'ed  the  studio  ^\ith  his  life  lorig-  fiiend.  Thonias  IIirk>.  'i'heic  in  the  hajipv 
<lays  ihty  studied  and  painTi-d,  aivl  there  was  ahvays  the  livi-ly  welcome  for  the  mere 
loune-(.rs,  youths  makiiiii-  the  craud  tour,  and  ex<;idlent  seni^tr.-  who  came  to  Ilonu'  witli 
families  and  traveling  carviaires,  the  hland  disjieiisi-rs  of  commissions.  All  tluit  Jvensett 
wfis  in  tlie  hitter  duya — over  l)ri^lit,  traiup.iil,  syinjiathetic,,  e-,-nerous,  maiilv — he 
^vas  ill  the  l^lma!1  days,  more  than  twenty  years  agr).  Never  iieevisli,  neA'er  selfish, 
^coniing  to  solicit  iu  any  way,  self-reliant,  trusting  Idmself  and  the  future,  how  plainlv 
he  seems  to  stand  at  thi.s  moment,  steiipinir  hack  a  little  from  tlu:>  easel,  turn  in  l";  liis 
head  and  studyiiip,- the  effect  of  every  touch,  while  a  soft,  hnely  landscape  of  sumuier 
peace  hri^rhtens  his  canvas'. 

There  was  the  u.sual  sign  of  artists  of  all  kinds  iu  Konie,  one  of  ■whom,  tlie  oldest 
resident,  Koln-rt  Macphersou,  wlio  married  Mrs.  Jameson's  niece,  and  wlio  chanced  upon 
the  famous  Se!)asti6n  del  Piomho,  died  just  hefore  Kc-nsett.     We  all  dined  at  the  j.epre 

and  probably  ate  more  than  our  i)eck  of .     But  what  a   tlav(;r  it  had!     Hark!     That 

is  the  "  boss  "  waiter.  "  Ecco .'  Sl'jttori',  ring:',  rftigo!  I'Jriyiui  ij'/.fi  /  "  ^V]la^  u-uests 
does  the  bustliiiii;  Muzio  serve  now':  and  what  viands'.'  Do  t!ie  imwarv  still 
■ex].'ect  broth  ^vhen  lliey  order  Zuppd  Iii'jh'se?  Does  the  tradition  of  Mrszo  Sbri'ino  vet 
linger?  And  (/ah'i.Mh.uiio,  witli  his  smooth,  fair  face,  v.  ho  needed  only  the  heavy  vine 
<diaplet  to  be  Aiuinous  himself,  in  wliat  celestial  tvatturid  does  he  now  come  smilfuii-  in, 
lioldinii;  hui;h  piles  of  plates  aloft  ? 

From  the  Lepre  we  crossed  to  the  Cafe  (ii'eco.  It  was  fajuous  ground,  for  Thor- 
waliisen  had  sat  there  sipping  Ids  black  coffee,  and  Gibson  was  sometimes  seen  iu  our 
<hiy.  We  sat  in  the  narrow,  dark  room  called  the  omnibus.  \\'e  j)aid  two  haiocchi  or 
jienuies  for  a  tumbler  of  cotTee.  How  we  smoked!  How  we  talked  and  laughed! 
Wlutt  good  things  were  said  at  the  Lepre!  Because  there  w  a-,  a  Mcrnuiid,  shall  there  be 
110  other  cal-ies  and  ale  "?  How  jdain  it  Avas!  How  ding}'!  And  \',-ere  ever  more  sati.5fac- 
tion,  more  i)leasure,  and  richer  memories  bought  at  a  cheaper  rate"?  .And  among  all  the 
famous  hnterers  at  the  <ireco  \vas  there  ever  a  kindei',  simpler,  sweeter  conijianion  than 
Kensetf?  He  tiot  fluent.  He  bild  few  stories.  T!ut  his  generous  syrujiatln,  his 
interested  attention,  \s'as  iiispiration.  He  made  a  sunshine  that  harmonized  and  softened 
all.  Is  there  a  (I're.'o  still'.'  Tiu-  old  dingy  room  must  have  gone.  But  if  bv  anv 
chan.ce  it  remains,  let  its  freijuenters  of  to-day  cherish  it  more  l.iecause  of  tliat  "■■entre 
l)resence  long  ago. 

Was  it  to  the  Piazza  anil  ti^i  the  round  game  of  ])ool  at  the  liilliard  table  that  we 
ji ft er ward  repaired 'i"  Tleue  is  not  a  gilded  tledgling  id'  a  New  l'<uk  club  that  would 
not  have  smiled  at  our  small  sl:ill.  ]>ut  the  Easy  Chaii-  watclcs  the  splendid  games  of 
to-day  and  sees  no  gaycu-  jilayei-s.  There  are  jokes,  tie-re  are  incidents  from  those  old 
games  of  ]iool  still  current  aunuig  those  innocent  gamesters  groN\n  gray.  There  ai-e  char- 
::icters,  figures,  moveuifnts,  that  are  still  irresistable  in  memory.  Those  Poman  hours  of 
youth  aie  li:;;,ds  still  amon^-  men  whose  lives  are  widely  severed  and  who  have  no  otli,.)- 

intei-i.'.-^ls  in  common,      (.'hristophi-r  Sly  and  old  Joiin  Naps  of  (.i recce  are  names  merel  ■.• 

so  are  ].,eafcirdd  and  the  fat  British  troubadour.  He  played  tlie  guitar  and  threw  up  his 
round,  blue  eyes  and  his  jmdgy  fingers  as  he  tndlel  a  sentimental  ditty.  And  what 
awful  stories  lie  told  afterward!  Thai  fat  troubadour  told  tales  of  hlnglish  social  life 
which,  if  ihey  \vere  true,  :ire  such  as  Mi's.  A[i!ira  l!eliu  would  lia\e  delighted  to  record, 
bui  whieh.  juobaley  for  thiC  honor  of  human  naluri',  noui'  of  the  hearers  bcl  eved. 

'I'liere  u  ere  tea-parties,  also,  in  the  rooms  ol  the  baidiehus  up  main'  and  maiiv  a 
flight  of  stone  stalls.  The  Hearer  the  ro(d'  tbe  neare'-  heaven.  NiU'  was  there  anv 
<listu!bing  fear,  as  in  tlie  sph-ndid  modern  citie-.  Tle-re  was  no  l.Mirnin;;  in  Home,  tlv.a 
is,  no  Luruing  of  houses,  'i'liere  had  I'leeu  oi,h<u-  kin. Is  formerly,  aiul  ai.-ecu-'liiii.;-  to  some 
.sennons  pK  aelir-d  thei'e.  there  wa-  immeu-.e  p>-''p,i  ;:.:tiou  foi-  lirJn-  up  lo-reai'tei-.  There 
Were  l.iaclielor  tea-partic-s;  tea.  with   a   b^PJlf   hot    spiced  \vine;  siniide  wme,  mhi    nndiu' 

4(S0  iJKAXetf    OF    >LN!()X. 

staud —  VdUtri,  ;inil  (>;]:(•!■  vincviivds  ol'  tlio  iii-i,i-,l:!Mrinf:  Jjill^  Not  one  of  tliat  sei  of 
f(irf"i>,'n  Komaiis  did  llie  Easy  Chair  >'vrr  scij  us  lie  •~liouhl  imt  lie,  liy  imsoii  ci  \\iiic. 
One  iiiglit  There  ss'as  a  synijKHiiim  :it  tlio  nxnus  of  KiMiscti  and  irii;lv<.  li  ^\;\s  a  ]>h_-a-iuit. 
lueny  siriirinir,  not  roystfiiii^r,  least;  tea  in  hir^re  cups,  Avithoiii  milk,  and  a  dasli  (.if 
Velletri  soniev.-here  dar!i!i,M)ic  eveniiig.  And  soimdiow  it  caiiie  to  be  inidniLrht.  and  as. 
Tinie  isa'way^  |piishing  on,  lie  In-gan  to  ino'.s  the  tender  sti'.ll-:s  of  morning-  li<!urs,  and 
still  the  tea  was  liot,  and  still  there  Avas  one  more  glass  of  sjiiced  Velleiri,  and  another 
song  \s-her.  there  wiis  a  knock  at  the  door. 

It  Ava.s  an  hour  \'.  lien  only  or  the  ]"ilicf  kno'-k,  and  th'.'re  was  soTiie  wonder. 
But  the  yoiiiige-l  corner  said,  (jnietly,  "I  think  iliat  liiusi  he  I'ousin  'liinothy."  'J'lie 
youngest  C(.nuer  was  new  to  Home,  aiul  was  storq'ing  with  liis  cousin,  who  served  the 
god  of  regularity,  and  who  vexed  and  alarmed  by  the  nocturnal  truancy  of  a  tyro,  came 
foith  to  seek  him.  When  the  door  was  opened  the  admonishing  figure  of  'J'imothy 
appeared,  holding  a  coil  of  wax  taper  in  hisliandto  light  his  way,  and  it  also  revealed  the 
spruce  irimness  of  his  attire.  "  It's  time  lo  come  home,"  said.  Tini'uliy,  gravely — and  he- 
was  in  tin-  right.  ]^,u  the  youuir''st  cony.r  replied,  calmly,  "Cousin  I'imothy,  hence- 
forth 1  think  that  all  h:igcai:e  had  hettei'  l>e  at  the  r!si<.  of  liie  owner,"  It  was  decisive. 
Tiiuothy  ]iMHiely  withdrew  and  Ininted  no  more  t-riing  lamljs  hefnit-  light. 

From  Ho:>ie  thi':>^  ^vas  a  long  and  hajipy  journey  with  Kensett  to  Xnp.les  and 
Pitstum  and  Amalji,  Ischia  and  the  Blue  (-irotto.  Then  again  for  a  few  summer  days  to 
Kfime,  and  slowly  northward  to  I'lurence.  After  a  month  at  Florence,  where  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Browning  then  were,  we  passed  across  the  Appenines  hy  Bologna  and  Ferrara  to 
Venice.  In  Sej-tember  we  came  through  Lombardy,  and  one  soft  evening,  at  Varona, 
Kensett  climlied  into  the  I)an(iueite  of  the  diligem^(\  and  reaching  down  his  hand,  we 
who  renniined  sliO'jk  ii  Juartily,  and  bade  him  b'ocis]ieed  for  .-\merica.  During  all  tliat 
Italian  time  K':'r]S./tt  w-as  cruistantly  at  \\(jrk.  and  with  wonderful  little  waste,  lie 
\--ould  pa.--s  a  iliiy  fairhfully  s'.udying  an<i  jainting  a  muilein.  His  -rketidif'S  were  so 
vivid  and  faithful  and  delicate  that  afterward  there  was  no  wall  in  New  York  so  beau- 
tiful as  that  of  his  old  studio,  at  th.e  top  of  the  ^^'averl(■y  House,  on  the  corner  of  Broad 
way  and  Fourth  street,  iiptm  \\'hich  they  were  hung  in  a  solid  mass. 

He  returned  home  to  a  series  of  noiseless  victories.  He  was  a  recogiuzed  master  of 
landsca]ie,  and  all  his  pictures  are  biographi<-al,  for  they  reveal  the  iidelity,  tlie  tender- 
ness, and  the  sweet  serenity  of  his  nature.  Universally  beloved,  he  was  always  wel- 
come. He  did  not  live  to  be  an  old  in;tn;  but  altbouirh  he  had  turned  the  half  centurv 
ccuner,  he  si  cmed  no  oUler  in  heart  and  symjiathy  and,  tie-  fr^-sh  faith  that  illuminates 
life  v.  ith  c-lestial  radiance,  in  the  s'udio  t;]>on  the  F;>nrth  avcinte  and  Twenty-third 
street  wheie  he  dlt'd,  than  iit  the  iild  Koniau  room  in  the  \'ia  ^largutta  h.>ng  ago.  Siuiie 
what  lonely  he  must  sometimes  ha\'e  been,  but  no  one  jirobably  ever  heard  fi-om  him  a 
sigli  of  regret,  or  the  least  im]iatient  wish  that  life  might  have  been  dili'erenl.  As  th.ose 
who  ])ersona[ly  knew  him  ilie,  his  eventless  life  "will  ])ass  from  memory,  but  his  lovely 
character  will  stiii  ii\f  on  in  his  pictures,  and  mingle  unconsciously  to  those  who  grow 
bem-ath  the  s(>ell  of  their  beauty,  \s  ith  other  lives  and  chriracters  in  a  hundred  homes. 
So  the  inliuence  of  a  good  man  is  not  lost;  and  so  vjll  it  forever  insi'iie  tliat  faitli  in  tho 
divine  goodness  which  was  peculiarly  that  i;if  this  lieh>ved  artist. 

"  For  Nature  ever  faithful  is 
To  such  as  trust  her  faithfulness. 
'  When  the  forest  shall  mislead  me, 

When  the  niL'ht  and  morning:  he, 
When  the  sea  and  land  refuse  to  feed  me, 
"Tv.-ill  >'e  time  enou£,'h  to  die; 
Then  will  yet  my  mother  yield 
.-'l  pillow  in  her  greenest  lield. 
Nor  the  June  flowers  scorn  to  cover 
T'nc  clay  of  their  dc()aried  lover." 

HI.     Hlizab.-th  Kfus,  tt,  b.  Aug.  11,  1S17;  m,  1S;34,  H. -ratio  Nelson  Vail. 
IV.      Frrderick  Newberrv  Kensett,   b.    1  )ec.    ',^7,  1819;   d.  iti  Brooklvn  at  the  res.  of 
Mrs.  Kelloc^,^  Au-    27,  Issl." 

V.      E-/.ra  Haifirett  Kensett,  b.  Ai)ril  ID,   ISOl;  d.  .Tulv  20,  1^22. 
VI.      Sarah  .Marshall  Kens.'tt.  b    ^        "^  ^'      

923352.     Smith  Daggett,  b.  March   lo,  171):;:    d.  .Mar(  h   13,  1S40;    m.  April   T-\ 
ISIS,  Sarah  tiodfi-HV.  wiio  d.  No' 
I.      F!i/a.  h.  .ian.  2-'.  d.  !) 
II.      Fli/.a.  1).  .June  24.  1n24: 
111.      Allied.  1>.  .Marcii  F!.  IS'-'ii;  m.  at  l.alay,-tte,  Ind.,  No'..  11,  J.sOt;,  Emma  Britain, 
b.  L'iiitdni'ham,  Eng.,  ,lan.  20.  l^oS.      1,   .Vi.kiu:])  B,,   Sejit.    10,   1S.")7.     2,   EAri-:.v  Ann, 



.  bS22; 



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1  V  -O  1 


1  her  41 


y  r. 

1    .^  ~  1  . 

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m  Y. 



m.  at 



,  1 


,  Nov. 



KEXSi/ii'.   !)A<..iti;i-i'    iriii.L:.  jyi 

Jan.  ]•.',  IS-VJ.     :!,    ()i;ioN-  ^\■. .  .lau,  -1,  ISDl.     ■',    IvMMA  <.'ako!,!XI^,    Aju-il   'So,    18G!i.     o, 
iMai;y  (JoDrHKY,   Fen.   '^M,  INT'J. 

iV.      H.irii.'t,  I..  Nov.  ];,  •.S'JS;  d.  Oci.  ]•,>,  i^::;:], 

V.      \\;ili;im  l\,  i..  >!;i\   •,'-!,   M;j();   in.   A 1  vi  i  a,  S-.  li  hn.T.    . 
^■i.      ll.-iirv  S.,  1i.  Fr!i.  ■.»(»,  1n;;'J:   res.   !.;if:i%  ,-;u-,  Iixl. 

VII.  (u,, !;'..•  W'..  1,.   Maivh  IV.  (1.  S'4'T.  !0,'iy;j! 
Vlll.      Sainli  K.,  1..  A-.-.u.    11.   ls:!i;. 
].\'.      Carolm.-  K.,  I>.  Maidi   I,  iNlO;  in.  Henry  Slioii. 

923355.     Alfred  Daggett,  1>.  S-i.t.  ;10,  ITiin.     ]h-  \v;,s  n,  l)aii:v  note  cn.L'ravci-  anil 
tangi;l  tlu'  :irt  t"  )ii-  nri'lirw  .lohn  F.   Kriisott.      ilt-  sv^n  lAxnw   l^-ifF';  Cliiff  Knyhici.  r  .\ . 
Itav.  tire  (!t-]ii.,  tiiially  an  ('''iccr  uT  iIk-  and  d.  in    Xc^v  lla\-en   in   lsT'-2.'     lie  m. 
Nov.  li'i,  ISJ'I,  Faura  (iHiH-rt.  dan.  d'  Eliu'^,  win,  d.  in  \.  Ilav.  Aua..  ].S7.~),  a.  s?  vri. 
I.      PLeI.e  Ann.  i).  .Mandi  .".,  Js:ri;  d.  Jan.  .'U.  ISo-J. 
11.      Forn.elia  (Filheit.  li.  Nov.  (1,   is:;-,';   d.  >Ja^    4,  F^.r3. 
HI.      Vi!--inia  Benevlier.  h.  Mareli  :?ii,  is::,j;  0..' \-\'\k  o,  1S-)>!. 

IV.  .Mind,  1..  .■\l;L^  SI,  ls:J7;  rn.  N>v.  FS,,  .Maiy  .lane  Mas(.ji.  ],  .\i,ri;Ki) 
^F\soN,  b,  .\iil:.  it.  li^i'A;  d.  Mardi  o,  F'^iio.  0,  Fi>rni  .\F\v,  Oct.  5,  isi;.-).  "F  <.'i;ACi. 
Kni/.A,  Julv  ];>,  l^'.W.     4.  J'litx  .MaViikv.  ,  Jnlv  ."},  F^ii'J. 

^^  F'ania.  F.  Oei.  s,  F<'-l);  nn  (Jer.  1-2,  F'd'TH,  Frank  E.  Si-encer.  ],  .Alvkkd  Lxw- 
]ii:xtK,  F.  Jan.  ().  F"-TI. 

VF  Ilmrv.  i:.  Jnlv  F,F  ls41  ;  m.  May  F,\  IStW,  Hanicr  K.  Wilc-.x.  1,  Hkx];v 
.MAVili;v,  ,   1,.   Vluirll   111,'  Ft^d'.i. 

VII.      e'liarles,  li.  Jan.  '2',',  ist.j:  d.  April  2."),  1^4'J. 

92305G.     William  Daggett,  F.  Ulc.  V2.  IHH;  m.  Nnv.  2G,  1n2s,  F-rsula  Ihuii. 
F     EFi/a,  IFmt,  ii.  Dec.  au,  F^29. 

IF      William,  F.  P.-e.  ol.  F^:-!l  :    ni.  May  18,    jSo^,   PlnJ.e  Ann   WebMer.      F    Sala 
>F\!;iA,  F.  Jnn.'  iJ,  F'to',*.     0,   Fr.urn.i:,  Wau.'iam,  F.  Ah-rch  4,  l^tFi ;  d.  Mav  F;,  lsi32.     o, 
VVii. 1,1AM  'i'Ai.r.uT.  b.  Sej.r,  OU,  1>'H.     4,  <.'ui;a.  F.  March  18.  1807. 
HI.      SaiaJ!  Fonudia.  F.  0<-i.   FF  F><:FF 
IV.      Fob.-it  IMati,  b.  Jan.  FJ,  4S47;  m.  Dec.  1,  18G0,  Carrie  E]i-/.,-d.etF  Frost. 

923357.      Mary  Daggett,   b.  Nov.  2!F    F<:^0:];   d.   Majcli    F^,  ]8.j0;  in.  Mav  7,  l^m. 
Amos  Hradlev.  b.  All^^  21.  1T!'"J:  d.  Mav  Fj,  F^(;7. 
I.      Sibi.-^  Anros,  b.  Marcli  !.i.  ls;F2." 

H.  Fredi'nrk  DaL^irett.  b.  X(.v.  22,  F^;i:F  in.  Julv  20,  F'^.V!,  France.s  Maria  ]\ist.  1. 
Fur.nKRKK.  d.  F.b.  G. '1870.     2.   Ts\i;KLi,A  F^ditii,  h.  Feb.  24,  lSo!F 

HI.  Jolm  'i'hr.mas.  b.  A\i>:.  ill,  l8o-j;  d.  Jan.  3,  F8G(F  in.  Oct.  Fj,  1SG2.  Eliz.abeili 
Naomi  Kello^n-.  i^  Juiix  Tiiu.MA--,  F.  A\ii^.  10,  isGo.  2,  FALKii  Kxkvals  F  Ftd)  FJ 

IV.      Harriet  Eii/.aFfth.  b.  Aui^:.  -^.  18o8. 

V.  Julia  Ann,  b.  Jan.  23,  d.' Aug.  2ti,  F84F 
VI.     Mary  Jam-,  F.  July  24,  d.  Aug.  14,  1846. 

923359.     Garah  Daggett,   b.  Oct.  7.  1807;  m.  April  2:.,  1832,  Jolm  C.  Mer.sick. 
I.      IJdwin  Francis.  !>.  Jaii.  8,  18oS;  in.  Nov.  13,  18G1.  Emily  Angu.via,  dau.   (n    Fe 
(irand  and  Mary  Elizabeth  ('rrowFridgc)  Cannon,  b.  Aug.  18,  1832;  d.Jan.  17,  ISGG;  (2) 
.May   18,  1871.  Emma  C.  Fewi.-.      i.  bv  1st  an:     1,   Svkaii  Emily,  b.  Anir.  27,  18G3.  ' 

IF  t  liarbs  Smith,  b.  Dec.  13,"  1840;  m.  Oct.  lU,  18G.'.,  Ellen  Fouiva  Eno:lisli.  1, 
?iF\UY  ExoLi-^n,  li.  May  G.  1808. 

92336.     Constant  Loyal  Tuttle,  b.  Jan.   2^,   1770;  <i.  Oei.   24,  ISo^,  a.  S3-  m 
Oct.  21,  171i8,  Clle^e  Maih^ws,  b.  Jan.  22,  IT^-^O;  d.  Julv  30,  1834,  a.  .j4. 
1.      Fueiu-,  b.  Feb.  -J.  IsOCi;  d.  March  11.   l^i'S. 
IF  b.  .Ian.  31.  18b2;  d,  Mav  2!l,  F^dl. 
HI.      Ihinic.',    b.    April    ."3,    1.^04;  m."F,'b.  ]■:,  F-:24,  Nathaid.l  Maihews,  wlio  d.  Am?. 
13,    1S03       1,    Hknky,    d.   y.     2,    Ai..\[Ki;i)x,    d.    y.     3.    Wji.i.iam    l>i.i;rux.  d.   .v.  i.     4, 
F'rc:i;xi;  .MiDMi/ruN,  d.  .v,  ,'.     .").  Sahaii,  m.  F.u'.r.-rt  F>:'.ri-o\v.      F    li"e^''e-,.      2,  l-J"",in'. 
3.   Fi,il^  rirl:,  ivs.  Nev,- iF'uii-wirk,    N.  J.     G,    .Mauy,  m.    liiia.m    A.    Camii;    i''-"^-   Nurth 
StamFird.  Cmin. ;  .v.  i. 

IV.  Eliza,  li.  F.b.  20,  iMlG;  m.  Henry  Danbird  I'rom  Canada  \\'e..t ;  n-s.  Harkliam- 
st.'d.  Conn.  1,  Emii.y,  jm.  — —  Swe.-t:  res.  Terryvillc,  Cmiii..  and  has  3  eiiil.,  boides 
an  ini-.nt  and  a  sun  d.  a.  ""i  ;-r~.  ".',  Fvkia,  m.  Fli-k.a  Mirrill,  3ebi!.,  n-s.  WiuMcd, 
C(jnn.      3,    ElJ.KX,  in.  Henry  Kanil   of   Doslou,  Mass..  and   hiis   1    child.      4,    Sakau.      T). 


4S-?  r.RANClf    01'    ^IMOX, 

riiKK."!:,  ni.    Ifcnry  TuclriT;   i._<;.    Barkli.      ('..    \Vi)  f.iam   Hknky,  in.;  res.   New  irartronl, 
Conn,      r,    ].(^)VAi.,  n-.-i.  Bri^^t'i],  L'onn.     S.   Ai.riii:rs.     0,   I,'J^^'^A. 
V.      Philonia  Anna.  b.  May  26,  ISO!!;  i!.  Nnv.  7,  is'dO;  nam. 

VI.      J-:niily.  1>.  Jan.  2S.  isf-?;  m.  Ilanl'nia   J^ninvci-;   iv.-;.    liri.^to],  Conn.      ].   Km.m.v, 
in.  fiiiii.s    ].i)nn->:.'ury ;    re.s.  Nrw  Canaan,  Conn.;    ha.s  1  dan.      '.?,    Fi;\N(i;s,  in.  I-'ic.!'.  rick 
Candif;   n-s.  low.n.     ,3,   .Vx.vs  r.v^  i  a.  iinin.     4.   Cvi:i  ii.i\  i;,  il.  v. 
Vli.      Hcniy  Ln<:•hl^,  b.  Vv\k  ii,  IN! 4;  <].  Nuv.  •,>! .  ]n-2.-). 
Till.     iUr.u'n   Adoli'hu.s  1..   .June  IS,   JSIil;    ni.    Mareli    IH,    184:!.  JnlJa    E.Moore   nf 
]51nMjnliel4,  Cnnn.      1,   Uf.inia  MuOI'R.  1).  Seiu.  ;M,  I'^iii;  d.  Aut;-.   IS,    ls.l:J. 

IX.  ],f..nora  Clilor,  1).  Ort.  m,  I^IS;  ni,  .Iclm  1  vs  i>t'  Cle'-lu!.-,  Cnn.  1,  Loyaf, 
Tl'ti'LK.  Hi.  Katie  Tayli.;';  i.-.  New  I5iun>v.ick,  X.  .1.  !?,  liAinuKT  Emzauktu,  ni. 
Hidn' y  lijiHH-Ii;    res.  r'.I.-:\-,.'r,  ]\i.     ?,,    Amki.iv.     4,    Ei).mt-\i\     ."),     G,  .1i-.n.\ii'.. 

8234.  Ephrairn  Tuttle,  1>.  Mardi  20,  n:;;);  v,-r.  Cluvlihe,  in  In. nse  built  b^  lii.s 
^r.  f.  J)ea.  Timothy,  d.  -hily  -ji.i,  181 1.  a.  72;  will  dated  Nov.  12,  iSOo.  iiair.e.s  five  du-is. 
5ind  lliv.-e  sons;  I'ri  and  Epiuaiin,  e:v:ecutnrs  m.  Au^;'.  2,  17(11,  Mary,  dau.  of  Elieiiezer''- 
and  ilannah  (llati-s)  llnii,  wlir,  di.  Mareh  8,  17(j'-!,  leavin,/  oiieeliild.  Cri.  IL-  in. (2)  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Slvjilien  and  llaanah  ( flutrhkiss)  Atwater  of  ('.,  b.  Sept.  12,  1740;  d.  June 
10,  1807;  i>.-e  Atc-'itrr  ,-1/^.  >;  G  cliil.  b.    in  C. 

I.      I'ri,  b.   Ort.   81,  17;;.");  ni.,  17!io,   Mar>;-aret  Moiri.son;  (2)  1S14,  Charlotte  ,"<lo\ve 
i.  bv  2d  lii.: 

'll.     Ma'v.  b.  17'iO:  ni.   Samuel  V.  I'.caeh. 
III.     Elizabeth,!).  June  2>,  1774;  ni.,  }^',m}.  Nathaniel  Hoyc-. 
1\'.      Hannah,  b.  1770;  m.,  ISOl,  Elisa]ih  Preston. 
V.     Ephrairn,  1).  Sept.  2,  1781;  la..  180rt,  hois  llifeher„dx. 

VI.      Abitrail.    h.    1784;    (snpjiosed   I  win,  n.-^  a  ehiid  of    Ep'uraim    Tuttle  ^va.s   ]>.    in 
'^•}l.^•^hire,  Xov.  22,  1784;  d.  N.iv.  10,  17S5);  m.  ISOfl,  John  I'eek. 
Vll.      S-.i'phen,  I'.  Fell.  >o.  1787;  ui.  181 1 ,  Catlia rine  Smith. 
Vlll.     j.uey,  ni.  Nov.  2;.i,  171)2,  Gideon  Walker,  ami  settled  in  Snutliincton,  T'lmn.;  he 
was  b.  l';70,  and  d.  18o0,  a.  80  yrs. ;  shed.  1812.     1,  Evt'Y,  b.  17I'.j:  now  ^1-70)  Ilvino-,  a. 
7.1;   m. Fisk.      2,  Sl  san. 

92341.  Uri  Tuttle,  b.  Ch.-sh'.ri-.  Conn..  Oct.  ;jl.  nO.");  not  being-  abh-.  to  work  on 
the- farm  he  we-ai  te  Nevs"  Ha^■en  ^v]len  abmit  tweiity  years  of  age,  aud  learned.  ll;e  trail.- 
of  caliiuet  making  winch  he  t'olluwed  during  the  rest  of  his  liff.  Amoug  some  unpiib- 
lishetl  papei's  of  Pres.  Stiles,  iu  ])OS.Tes.sion  of  th"  N.  llav.  Col.  Hi.-^t.  S.)e.,  are  his  notes 
of  yellow  fever  ill  N.  Ha-.,  in  1794.  '^  Uri  Tuttle  taken  siek  with  yellow  fever 
Oct.  2,  1794;  Oct.  S,  mneh  better."  lb-  was  souiewliat  above  the  average  lu'ight  in  pjer- 
son,  and  w(dl  proportioned;  l\i.s  liair.  a  dark  bniwu,  never  eanie  out  or  changed  its  eoloi-; 
Itis  excellent  teeth  renuiineu  sound  to  the  last.  His  education  was  such  as  the  common 
school  of  liis  native  afforded,  .'.!ijip!enu-nt>'d  ]>y  tliat  of  a  grrat  universitv — tlu- 
v,-orhl — in  which  all  nuist  stndv  and  learn,  \\)!cther  tlu'V  v-ill  oi-  imt.  He  d.  OCt  2:1 
1820,  a.  HI. 

Vv'o  would  like  luuv  to  interpose  our  defi.'use  against  a  possible  inisconstriiction. 
There  is,  or  was,  a  v.idely  jjrevaleut  notion,  tluit  the  motive  and  object  of  fainilv  lustory 
is  tlie  gratification  of  family  ])ride.  In  some  ii\stauces,  we  are  sorry  to  sav,  it  mav  b".' 
so,  and  tlie  genealogist  is  peculiarly  liable  to  that  imputation,  liecause  in  his  brief  chron- 
icles of  tlu'  acliievemeuls  of  Iris  kindriMl,  lie  riiay  seem  to  entertain  a]i  undue  rosjtect  f(u' 
success.  The  world  is  full  of  luro  worship,  of  Mammon  \vorship,  and  of  otlu-r  and  even 
baser  f<>rm->  of  idulatry.  Emiu^'ni  positinn,  sorial  rank,  f-inu-  and  wealth  hold  the  highest 
))!rtces  in  the  estimation  of  uuiitiiudi's,  and  cummanc.l  their  sineere^t  aduration.  ^  We 
are  not  of  that  mind,  and  while  \ve  do  not  seek  to  undervalue  the  adyaiita^'es  of  worldlv 
success,  or  to  umleratethe  energies  and  the  .- treugth  an.d  i)ei~isteney  of  juirpose  it  geuer- 
aliy  re<iuire3,  it  seems  to  us  that  its  motives  are  not  of  the  higliest;  tliat  its  objects  are 
lov.',  illusive  and  unsatisfyitig;  that  its  pursuit  is  apt  to  call  iiuu  u>  live  exeicise  and 
cpaick  develo]imeut  a  train  of  ignoble  .pmbtie.s;  aiul  tliat  its  attainment  too  (-fteii  begets 
]u:':ury,  sel(i,sh.nes:-,  of  lieart,  pride   and    vainglory.       Tiu'reforc,  wliile    we   are 

'-^Kbcnezer  Tlul!  was  s.  o'  Ebonezer  and  Lydi.i  (Mix;  Hall,  aad  '^r.  s.  o!  Dr.  Johr.  TJull  oi  Derby  and 
Wall'd.  Dr.  Savage  errs  in  saying  that  Ebene:^cr,  s.  of  Dr.  John,  was  cirou-ned.  Ii  was  Kbone/er.  s.  ol 
John,  jr.,  and  gr.  son  ol  Dr.  John,  w)io  was  drowned.  Lydia  Mix  \vas  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Ivutli  'Rock 
welb  .md  gr.  dau.  of  T'loinas  and  Rebecca  (Turner)  Mix.  Rebecca  Tutner  was  dau.  ot  Capi.  Xathajiiol 
Turner,  v.-'io  v.-as  lost  in  the  "Fhantoui  Ship''  in  1646.  Ruih  liockwcll  wa'; -lau  .  of  Johi!  ;ind  Sarah 
(iv.isi^'ii)  .i-sd  trr.  dau.  of  l.>ea.  Wra.  l\i.ick.wc!>  and  his  jd  wt.  Susanna  Ch.ipin  of  Windsor,  Cor.n.,  (ances- 
tors of  Gen.  Gran:).  (.)ther  ancestors  of  Mary  Hull,  wore  -'a;nes  H.ues  of  Dorchester,  Robert  Charmian, 
Tlioniat-  Hhs-,,  Capt.  Tliomas  Bu'.l,  .beiu::.  Ensign  .md  Henry  '.Villungton,  ruling  elder  o!  itie  chh.  in 
Dorchester,  "who  exceileti  in  raeekness  and  goodness." 

TITILE.  483 

v.illin^-  t.)  uivc  :i!l  ill.'  oi-fdit  that  ib  duo  to  success,  we  urc  imt  williiiL'"  to  l.c  acciuulfd  as 
^lUdiii,'  the  tniin  <;f  its  worshipers.  Tht-rc  urt-  men  wnrtliv  of  ili-.'  ^■!•••;^ic^t  fstccin  tliir 
sum  tif  \vho-<-  v.-nrlilly  ]>ossfssions  would  iiut  par  the  c>.;>!  (jf  a  rich  uuiu's  I'fasl,  wlm.^c 
imuics  arc-  in)!.  adnrned  with  titles,  prufessioaiil,  lioiim-ary  or  of  courtesy,  are  not  fouufi 
in  liistorics  or  l.>io>^r;qihical  dictiounries,  uor  iu  th(^  lists  of  ollice  liohh.'rs,  nor  aniojm-  tlie 
■"  locals  "  of  the  cooti.inporary  ne\vsj)apei,  nor  inscrjheJ  on  nionuuu-nts  or  corner  ]uin])s 
of  the  street;  Uieu,  in  short,  who  have  nnt  suecee<lcd,  and,  i)erhaps  from  lack  of  motive, 
liave  not  tried  u,  succeed,  find  whos(/  Hvcs  are  ahnos:  as  obscure  as  the  oblivion  into 
Avhicji  they  sink  at  death.  Of  this  clas.--.  ar<^'  of  whom  it  ha-  been  said,  '•  Tie- 
^\dild  kn(j-v\s  nut  its  i^reatest  men."  and  of  wliom  it  miidit  lie  said.  Tie-  \\'orld  knows  not 
its  l>eit  men.  A-  a  representative  of  this  class,  aiid  as  an  exani;)le,  A\e  think,  of  th>^  most 
worthy  manhood,  we  desire  to  speak  briefly  of  him  whcise  name  stands  p.t  the  liead  of 
"tins  article,  who-e  character  we  have  learned  to  revere  and  love  from  a  study  of 
little  tiling.-^  that  ordinarily  would  not  be  deemed  worthy  of  recollectii:)n  or  of  n<itice;  a 
life  and  cliaracter  ])aralleled  no  dnubt  by  hundreds  in  these  ]>act.s,  unkuiiwn  to  u<, 
■\s-hiise  meagre  reccid, 

"  Like  the  one 
Str^y  fr3;^''!nent  of  a  wreck  whicti  blown 
,  With  the  lost  vcsiel's  nnnie  ashore, 

TcIIi  who  ihey  were  that  live  no  more." 

It  has  beeti  truly  said  that  a  ju  rfect  hone.,ty  is  rare  among  nnui.  Honesty  of  the 
common  S'U-t  is  not  inconsistent  with  great  injustice,  and  with  taking  every  unfair  ad 
vantage  %\ithin  the  beunds  of  law  and  custom.  Has  the  man  of  nnllions  given  an 
■equivalent  for  his  wealth'.'  Perfect  honesty  is  jjiother  name  for  ju.stice.  The  distani-e 
between  common  hone.ity  and,  honesty  iu  the  true  sense  is  inliiute.  Common  horustv 
•enables  men  to  d'-al  with  each  other.  Perfect  hmie-ty  (uuible.-,  th.em  to  resj'ect  eacli 
other.  It  is  simydy  tin?  golden  rule.  A  just  n.ian  made  jvrfecl  i.^  companion  and  e(jn;il 
with  the  saints.  In  all  his  dealings,  Uri  Tuttle  was  governed  by  the  irolden  rule.  His 
■eipianimity  and  coritentment  of  mind  was  remarkable.  He  seemed  devoid  of  passions. 
Envy,  hatred,  rnalice  and  all  uncharitabk-ness.  ambition,  greed,  the  lust  of  j'ower  and 
distinction  were  uidcnown  to  him;  temiierate  in  all  things  and  serencdy  ])atient.  During 
ilie  ]'3  year.s  comprising-  the  peri(jd  of  his  second  marriage  he  never  s])oke  an  unkind  or 
impatient  word  to  his  Avife;  nor  Arouhi  he  ever  permit  a  child  to  be  sci)lded  or  struck;  lie  did  not  believe  that  To  sjiare  tlie  rod  Avas  to  spoil  the  cldM,  but  that  vaow  often 
than  otheiwise,  tlu'  rod  v>as  the  AveapvUi  of  an  impatient  ;iud  despotic  teiuper  than  the 
aid  of  a  calm  and  u'lse  authority.  And  he  -was  right,  at  least  as  tohiso\^-n.  "His  heart," 
said  one  v>ho  knew  him  W(dl,  "wa?  as  big  a.s  his  whole  body,"  meaning  that  his  whole 
nature  was  I'ermeaTed  with  th.e  quality  of  tenderness.  In  him  was  endjodied  the  I>t)uglass 
motto.  ••Tender  and  true."  In  the  connufm  affairs  of  life  his  judgment  was  excellent  and 
his  advice  much  sought  by  his  neighbors  in  perplexity.  He  was  much  g-iven  to  medita- 
tier;  and  reverie,  ai^d  often  a\  .-mi  absorbed  wuuld  talk  loliimseif  in  an  almost  inandiid*' 
tone  Avhile  i>erform!ng  at  tlie  same  time  some  mechanical  labcn-.  of  the  subj'Cts  oi- 
quality  of  his  mediiati'Uis  A\-e  havt'  no  jio-^itive  knowledL''(":  but  may  I'easonably  infer  a- 
to  the  first,  that  they  were  such  as  f(n-ce  themselves  on  trie  aitenti(Ui  of  all  thinking  snen 
who  are  not  crazed  with  the  passions  and  blinded  with  the  sirifi-  for  temj)oral  things — 
the  ])roblemsof  life  and  the  'mysteries  of  time  and  eternity.  The  i^emark  so  often  made 
with  regard  to  the  literary  life  is  even  nujre.true  of  this;  ii  is  lacking  in  incident:  he 
was  contented  wiili  his  lot  and  anxious  only  to  do  right,  leaving  i>thers  to  pursue  what 
phantoms  and  sharhcvs  tlicy  would,  and  when  the  iinal  sumnujus  came  he  was  not  afraid, 
uor  greatly  desirous  to  ward  it  ofY.  n..-r  over  si)licitous  about  himself,  hi>  future,  his  sal- 
vation, leaving  that  with  <iod,  but  his  last  thioughts  an<l  words  r(dated  to  the  welfare  of 
liis  young  children,  and  ^\'ere  as  noble  in  s;.'rit  as  any  thai  have  been  thought  woithy  To 
Ije  per]tetuaTed  in  moriumental  stone  or  Inrmze. 

Hem.  Jan.    10,    17;j:'.,   Margaret   of  X.    Hav.,    b.  Feb.  r..  KC,::  d.  Oct.  17, 
1813;  (2)  June  2i).  Isi-i,  Charlotte  (,d;iu.   of  ^^'m."  ami  Eli/.abeth  Pa'dwini  Stowe  of  Mil- 

"*V,'ni.,  t>.  Milford,  Conn.;  d.  in  St.  Croix,  W.  I.,  Jan.  ii,  179^;  ni.  his  2i5  cousin,  Elizabetti 
BaUhviii,  both  descended  from  John  and  Mary  (Bruen>  Baldwin  uf  Miliord.  He  v,-as  .son  o:  Ca^t. 
Stephen  .Stowe,  b.  Middietown,  Conn.,  May  22,  1726:  reni.  to  M.  and  m.  Freelove  HalJwin.  } 
M.,  l-'eb.  S,  1777,  of  levcr  taken  in  ministcrinfj  to  American  soldiers  from  the  N.^V.  ]iri.->(.ins,  who  had  been 
landed  at  Mi'.l'ord  in  a  destitute  and  dyinij  condition  from  a  British  Cartel  slup.  Few  were  willing'  in 
run  the  e.vtreme  risk  of  rdrsint^  these  men,  who  were  sulterine  with  sniRl!-po.\  and  other  contagious  dis- 
eases. V.'a;.it.  S'owe,;uus  of  hi^-  diiatrcr,  made  his  will  a  lesv  days  before  his  death.  tSee  paper  by 
Th')s.  R.  TrowbruifTe.  jr.,  in  2d  vol  of  AVic  /At;  f';  O-/.  //.•'/.  .sV,-  0'//.-.-.'/j>;.  The  I. ef;.  of  Conn .,  have 
Auihoriiied  an  inscription  ••«  n.'tfHi'n'.ira  to  bo  cut  on  the  Soldier's  Monument  in  Miliord.  Capt.  Stephen 
Stowe  was  son  of  Dca,  Sarnuel  of  Middielown,  descended  from  John  and    Eh?.ibeih  'Uiiri:'  Stuwe.  who 

484  I'.UANcn  OP  >iMitx. 

f(inl,  C<iiin.,l>,  .Maii-h  5,  ITMl:  il.  in  rincimi;;ti,  < ). ,  :it  liniisf'  of  luT  son-in-law,  H.-nry 
llov.c,  Nov.  0:!,  ISl'i':  Im.  Spriu::-  Ci'iov.'  {'via.  l>iiiiiiL;"  lu-v  lont;-  lite  of  nearly  Sil  _\  is,  slic 
had  nosfiious  illiirss,  ami  \\;i>  as  \vrll  as  usual  mitil  wiiliiu  lialf  an  hour  of  hor  d.  i. 
hv  1st  111.  : 

I.  lU-niv  Ho).kiiH,  Mi:y  IS.  ITHl;  d.  S.-pr.  1.  1705. 
!1.  William.  Amos.  .hui.  •2-2.  17!Mi;  iii.  Afril  (i,  ISls,  a.T  .Auhurn,  -N.  V..  riiideivt', 
dau.  of  .lo.M'ph  Mar.shal!  of  IHiode  I.sland,  h-  Maivh  7,  1  7'.r, ;  d.  Ajiril.  h^T?.  1,  Sr]i.\rn\ 
>hiv '^S,  LsiO;  i!i.  .lulv  y.  is-ii.',  Eu^'t-ne  Ptdcvaii  Baiiktr;  x.  /.  2,  M.\iu,-\]{KT,  Aui:-.  lo, 
1X24 Tm.  -hui''',  isc.n,  \Viliiaia  Davis,  and  has:  1,  I[,f,n  Mar,  h.  MarHi,  fSijl.  ;,{,  Hm;. 
RiKl"'  Xov.  17,  1S2IJ:  m.  .Mav.  1^1',),  ('liai'l.-s  A.,  s.  of  Phincas  and  Ihdx.-eca  Trowhridgt-, 
h  J  line  12,  is2(i;  n<.  ^^"orpesT<■l■  Co..  1,  (l;.i  rlr^  <'Ur,!,in'l.  Jul}' 4.  IS.'O.  "2, 
K'Kh'idc  V'  Oct,  1(1.  is.ll.  3,  Ili'ci.  K.  <>.-r.  17,  1S04;  d.  tJci.  12,  IS.",.-,.  4,  lla,ry  IL, 
Mandi  y,  is.-.ii.  .•).  Iffitr  f.,  Fch.  C,  IH')  > :  d.  Au^a'.  2?,  isHl.  C.  Xtliir  Jf.,  A].ri!  U, 
INf.n.  7',  .)flnn'"  H'.,  A^.i-ii  17,-ls!>"^.  4.  \Vii,i,i.\vi  A.mos.  h.  Xov.  2,  ]s-2!l:  rn.  May. 
1850.  Widthia  S,  'i'iunsrm.  1.  Kinnoi,  1;--)1;  d.  l^--""i;i.  2,  JA/ '■///".<,,  ls."i:].  :t,  .1/-/;-'7//( 
Aliiifrla,  \^:)'<i.  4,  /V,,/',  ;,o*'.  l,'-f;0.  o,  Cn  ts'i  ki;  Moiuiisox,  .Inly  2d,  ]^:;2.  (">.  A.Ni)]:i;v,- 
Jacksox.  Aj)vil  11,  1"^;!").  7.  M-\t;Tr-\  ]^-i;i-:x,  t\vin  Nvith  A.  J.,  d.rowned  in  Owasco 
river,  Julv  2:i.  i^-'ll.  .•'..  H.  S.  Hki.kx  M.M!.  Nov.  IG.  IboS;  m.  Idi.-i-.  24.  l^dl.  (\en.\\ a'^h. 
Chadeayn'o  1  Fn'^'io  117///.'///,  .1  ulv  SO.  1  ^li,").  2,  ./.','.;./(  .1/i//v,''.y'/, 'June  L''),  l.'-^i;.7.  ;j, 
Go>.   W.tshhi<it'>!i.  dun.-  K;.  l^t^f).     4.    UV'//.   7„^//,%  Auo-.  :3(),  ls7(t. 

ill  Idi/al'i'tli  Ma!  \ .  Nov.  2ii.  l'i!'7;  d.  l"^4(i;  i-'uiaricaldy  In-autiful  in  Ik  r  youth, 
and  a'wavs  vcrv  t'liira^-ii'iir  and  gfiiilv  of  maninr;  in.  July  4,  1--21.  Cliauncey  IJall,  b. 
Durham,"* 'onn!,  Jan.  v..  "l7ii;].  ll':-  was  th.«^  yon.n-fst  of  *A'-\v\\  iJiil.  of  Timothy  and 
Dtdn.ialUltuni  Hall-  (ills  sister  Klioda,  h.  Saiurday,  Feb.  s,  ]7/.i;  in.  March,  ]79!>, 
Selh  Baldwin  of  Durham.  Conn.,  and  was  mother  of  Kev.  f>wit,du  Ixildwin,  tlie  vener- 
ahle  mi-ssionarv  to  ihe  Sandwich  Islands.  S.-e  7>'//'7'r/;,  6'( /(..;/.  ."Jli2,  for  jxirtraii  and 
."^kctcli)  lie  was  emrasxed  iu  a  lar^re  and  jivspeioi-.s  sh(H'  l.usiness,  mannfactuiiug  at 
the  North,  and  havimr'an  estaldish.ricn:  at  Ch:irlc.sion.  S.  C.  lie  was  a  free  and  con- 
vivial live'r  aiul  tinallv  l.pcaine  icduci'd.  losing  ],roi>eriy,  l>usiiu-ss  and  iiealtli.  lie  d.  iu 
New  Haven,  (•(■nn..  in  March,  I'^'.l.  1.  C.vmu.iXK  Ei.iz Ai;Krif,  I).  Oct.  Id,  1S2S;  m. 
C."  Chadeavne;  •<.  /.  2,  lI.\Ki:ii:i  E.,  1>.  Sei-t.  7,  1>:^2'J;  d,  nnni.  'i,  \Vll..Li.\M  Cuws- 
cKr,  b.  MaV'di  iO,  ls;-;2.     4.  Ilicxuv,  d.  y. 

IV.      Harriet,  b.  A}>rill2,  ISOI;  d.  March4,  1677;  m.  Edward  M.  Snith;  s.   i. 
y.     Jane  Catharine,  b.  Sept.  17.  l^Uo;  d.  Aug.  17,  ISO."). 

VI.  Charles,  1).  Oct.  8,  1815:  suffered  nearly  all  his  life  from  ill  health:  d.  in  Cin- 
cinnati. 0.,  Oet.  2:3,  I'SGi,  a  40;  uum.;  buried  iu  Sjiriug  (hovi'  c.meterv.  A  great  reader.. 
of  sound  judirment,  sui>er'.or  intelligence  and  of  an  extra.ordina.ry  purity,  integrity  and. 
elevation  of  chaiitcter.  Thi-^  is  the  unanimous  te.stimony  of  all  who  ever^  knew  him, 
even  froiu  a  child.  In  the  line  of  duty  and  in  defense  of  right,  he  was  fearless,  and 
of  an  nuconquerai»le  resolution,  tliough  naturally  of  a  ].eaceal)le  and  quiet  disposition. 
U  is  remembered  that  wlien  a  boy  of  about  twelve  years  of  age  he  was  brought  Iionie  on 
a  yliutter,  insensible  and  covereil  with  ])lood.  In  old  times  in  N.  Hav.,  as  elsewhere  in 
lar<>-e  towns,  before  tlie  organizatifiu  of  u  ]iaid  police  force,  the  ]iugnacily  of  young 
luimiuiity  of  tlie  masculine'geudcr  veine,!  itself  in  frequent  sireet  lights.  Boys  formed 
themselves  into  gangs  ollensiveand  dtdensive.  and  were  known  collectively  by  the  name 
of  the  street  or  neigldiorhood  where  the}-  lived  and  had  their  being.  Sometimes  piiclieii 
battles  were  fouixht  between  rival  gangs,  and  then  woe  to  the  windows  of  a.djac-nt 
buildings,  wliich  generally  sufTered  far  more  tlian  the  belligerents  themselves,  amis  (d' 
precision  not  beiu'r  in  use" among  them.  But  the  favorite  mode  of  warfare  was  the  Na]>o- 
leunic  trick  of  concentratimi:  a  .Cuperior  force  on  a  weak  })oint  of  the  enemy;  that  is,  to 
ambush  a  strav  urcliin  found  on  forbidden  ground,  and  with  a  i)rei>oiulerating  force  of  live 
or  six  to  one,  give  hiui  an  unmerciful  thra-hing.  Iu  this  they  also  resembh-d  the  dogs 
of  C)ustanlinople,  and  the  verisimintude  is  worth  noting  iu  relation  to  the  law  of  evolu- 

c.-i'ne  from  Mnidstone.  Kent  Co..  EnErland.  and  settleii  in  Roxbury,  Mass.  Thankful  Stowe,  d.-iu.  of 
Tohn  m  John  I'icipont  and  was  raoLht-r  of  Rev.  I,imc;s,  2dminis:erat  New  H:tv.-n.  i-.iid  fjr  mo.  of  barah 
Pierroat.  who  m.  -loncuhan  Edwards.  Amons  the  olber  ancestor^;  ol  Charlotte  Stowe  are  John  Hopkins 
of  Hertford  prt-ici-nitor  of  a  faavdv  of  that  name  famous  in  divinuy.  Geo.  Stocking  of  Hartford,  both  on 
the   FouTidc'r-;'    .Monument  in   Hafiford  ;  John   Coit  and   Hutjh    Mould   of  Ncu-   London,   ship  builders;. 

Spirit  would  a!\vavs  watch  over  and  protect  the  good   white-lace  and  his  posterity.     V.'hat  the  iniiEicril 
tribe  thought  on  this  point  is  not  recorded. 

TUTTLE.  48.1) 

tion  nnd  tlie  surviv;!l  of  ilic  fittest,  that  is,  llie  ufj;li''st  and  tin-  inr\iiio~t.  In  tho  lu-i;;:^]!- 
borljood  of  the  taaiiiM'k'.s  on  Geovi;-r  Stret't,  there  was  a  ]yccnliaily  rougli  set  called  tlie 
"hnither  laut-  panix"  who  kept  the  neighborhood  in  awe.  One  day  wliile  fi'oing  ahoathis 
business  he  was  attacked  by  this  tribe  of  Arabs  and  fouq-ht  them,  single  handed  and 
alone,  until  he  cdiild  Uglit  no  longer,  and  was  brought  home  as  related  above,  on  a  shut- 
ter, like  an  ani'e  lit  hero  on  his  sliield.  When  about  2"?  years  of  age  lie-  was  advised  by  a 
pliysiclan  to  try  a  oa^on  of  cod-fishing  on  the  Banks  of  New  Fouudland  for  the  benefit 
of  his  health.  Accordingly  he  shii)ped  as  a  common  hand  on  a  small  vessel  and  spent 
three  montli^  hauling  up  codfish  faiiionis  deep  with  hook  and  line.  Tosr-ing  like  a  cork 
on  tlie  great  waves  of  the  Atlantic;  often  in  storm  and  darluiess.  weak  in  body  from 
want  of,  exposure  to  the  elements  and  coarse  iiiiiuiriiions  diet,  liomesicl^  and  lonely, 
in  ch.b-i;  JLixiJipnsitiiUi  with  natures  as  widely  ditlercnt  and  iucongenial  as  could  be 
imagined.  Alu'ays  in  danger  and  once  nearly  ruii  d(jwu  by  an  ocean  s.leamship  rushing 
through  the  wave;  ill  a  dnik  nigld,  black  and  huge,  close  t(j  the  fiail  little  fishing 
craft;  hisluauN  swollen  from  tl;e  fpuh  ,j  of  tlie  fith  to  nearly  doul.ile  theii'  natural  siz'';  of 
all  these  tilings  he  remembered  or  at  least  related,  only  the  humorous  asjiect;  for  all  of 
life's  experiences  liad  to  him  a  humorous  aspect,  dyspeptic  as  he  was,  and  his  stories 
connected  with -this  harsh  and  trying^  episode,  alway.s  excited  the  greatest  tnerriraent 
in  hi.s  hearers.  The  great  holiday  season  of  liis  life  wa.s  a  partial  tour  of  Europe,  in 
ISoS  or  18'')9.  HJsiory  had  always  been  his  favorite  reading,  and  froru  the  Jcuowledge 
thus  acqniri'd,  ainl  fnim  liis  symjiathy  with  human  ]irf)gress  and  ^^■ith  the  gi'eat  qual- 
ities of  histoiic  men.  his  vi.sifs to  remaikable  places  afi'orded  liim  the  greatest  possible 
enjoyment  and  I'Voiii.  He  had  ]ilanned  another  foreign  tour  to  be  taken  in  compuny 
■with  the  compiler. 

About  ISijO  or  b'^'Ol,  he  became  proprietor  of  the  stock,  stereo'yjje  plates  and  cojiy- 
rights  of  a  wholesale  book  business,  wliich  he  tJienceforth  conducted  so  prudently  and 
successfully  that  at  the  time  of  his  death  in  1SG4,  it  stood  on  a  sound  basis,  out  of  dei)t, 
and  with  a  largo  casli  capital. 

Of  tlie  finer  and  n.obler  ti'aits  of  his  character,  it  is  difilcult  to  convey  an  adecjuate 
idea:  mere  general  terms  and  phrases  are  meaningless  from  much  u.--e  and  more  misap- 
plication; and  liis  limited  sj)here  gave  no  opportunity  for  a  wide  employment  or  recog- 
nition of  them.  In  delicacy  of  mind  and  purity  of  heart. and  life  he  ^va3  immaculate, 
and  the  perfect  confidence  and  resjiect  which  he  everywhere  insiiircd  was  but  a  faint 
refiex  o'l  himsi-lf. 

VI!.      .hTiie.  b.  ,l:;n.  5.  ]S1S;  d,  Jan,  9,  1810. 
Vm.     Chester  Ailing,  b.  Oct.  :jO.  1819;  d.  Sej.t.  10,  1S20. 

IX.     Frederick,  Jan.  2.S,  1S21  Uwin);  d.  March  27,  1823. 

X.  Frances,  b.  Jan.  28,  1821  (twin).  \'N'hen  a  young  girl  in  the  puldic  sclifiol  of 
over  one  lumdred  pupils,  .she  had  very  few  equals  as  a  scholar  among  them.  Gifted  by 
nature  with  a  soprano  voice  of  the  best  quality,  and  with  musical  ta.ste  and  capacity, 
equalled  by  but  few  professional  singers;  m.  Heiiry,  s.  of  (tou.  Hezekiali  and  Sally 
('i'ownsend)  Howe,*  b.  Oct.  11,  ISKi;  (."itli  cou.sin  by  common  descent  from  'I'liomas  Mix"). 
-Mr.  ilowe  was  brought  up  among  books  and  became  at  an  early  age  a  botJ; maker.     He 

*Jatnes  Houe,  rroin  Sussex,  l-^n^'land,  1737;  in.  Eli.'abet!',  only  dau.  of  John  Dane  of  Roxbury  Mass. 
(James  Howe  wf.  Elizabeth  of  \V"e  t  Ipswich,  executed  on  Gallows  Hill,  Salem,  July  19,  loqa,  for 
witchcraft').  Abraham  Howe  'i.  of  Janice,  at  Ipbwich  m.  Sarah  Peabody  and.  had  Sampson,  b.  at 
Ipswich,  1683;  removed  to  K-Uingly,  Conn.,  and  m.  at  K.,  1709.  Alice  P-.-rlcy  and  had  Sampson,  b.  Middle- 
town,  Conn .,  m.  Sarah  Sabin:  (2)  April  5,1753.  Hannah  Foote,  by  whom  lie  had  Alacia,  Perley  and 
D  )maris.  By  ist  wf.,  Sarah  Sabin,  who' was  of  French  Htiguenoi  slock  he  had  Hc/ekiah,  b.  Middle- 
lown.  Conn  ,  -Auj;.  2S,  1741;  d.  at  sea,  1775;  111.  HannrUi,  sis.  of  Isaac  Beers  Ul-  She  in.  (z)  Capt.  Klias 
Stiilwell.  who  d.  ioii4,  a  75.  Shed.a..jS.  Her  son  Hezekiah  Howe.  b.  Xew  Hav.,  March  25,  1775: 
brought  up  by  his  uncle,  Isaac  Beers,  who  established  him  in  the  book  business  in  New  Haven,  where 
he  kept  tlie  'College  Book  Store"  for  many  yrs.  In  war  of  1S12  he  was  Lieut.  Ci il .  of  the  2d  Res;t. 
Conn.  .Mil  .  a  detachment  from  which  was  ordered  to  report  to  Major  Gen.  Wni.  V\'illiams  at  Groton, 
("onn.,  the  tleet  of  Decatur  being  then  ^ilockaded  by  of  Hardy  in  the  Thames  near  New  London. 
As  senior  ofiicer  Col.  Howe  commanded  the  britjade.  David  Austin,  chaplain;  Lcverett  Hubbard, 
paymaster:  Timothy  P.  Beers,  Scrgt-Major;  Picrpont  Hrockett  [6],  En.sitcn;  Andr'r.v  Goodyear  [il,Ser^'t.; 
ISdward  Tuttle,  Corporal.  Col.  Howe  was  Military  Comiaandatu  of  New  H.iven  during'  the  war,  and 
was  made  a  Hrit'adier  General  of  Conn.  Mil.;  res.  on  the  north-cast  corner  of  Chapel  and  Howe  sis., 
the  latter  si.  bei'Uf  named  for  hiin.  .\  most  CMceUcnt  man,  and  lii£;hly  esteemed  in  New  Haven;  m. 
Sept.  21  iSoo,  Sally  (dau.  of  Ebcne/er)  Townscnd,  b.  1776;  d.  in  Cleveland,  O.,  iS.,i.  iShe  was  a  half- 
sister  to  EI  hu  Townsend,  Esr^  ,  merchant  of  N.  V.  C.,  firm  of  Nevins  I'v  'I'ownscnd.  Her  father, 
Ebenezf-r  Townsend.  was  a  lieavv  shiopuiK  merchant  at  the  beg;  of  this  century;  was  called  "ttie 
merchant  prince  of  New^  Haven.'"  Gen.  Howe  d.  May  26,  1S35,  ai,'^ed,03. 
I.  Koen,  b  Sept  ii.u^oi. 
II.  C.i.irisi,  July  23,  1^03;  d.  about  iS;3:  m.  Alfred,  s.  of  Gen.  Natiianiel  Jerry  and  his,  \vf.,  a  sis.  of 
Daniel  Wadsworth  of  tiartf.;  V.  C.  1.^.11;  lawyer;  Town  Cieik  of  N.  H;iv.;  d.  i£6o.  i.  Ci.akx  HK.src- 
KiTA.  b.  Sept.  S,  i5i7,  d.  133a.     2.  .Alkk.-.h  Hnv.  t:,  b.  .N'.'V.  u,  iS.;/;  ^laduated  at  the   Vale    College    Law 

480  LUtANCU    OF    SIMON". 

(•umi)ii<''l  M^iholi-fiof  Kmiiitiit  Michiinirs,  piili.  18'j9;  afiei-uarrls  IjotiffUt  \>y  \hf  Hi'.rperV 
who  issued  sovoral  editions.  In  conntr-tion  wirli  .Mr.  J.  N\".  BarlnT.  lu-  comjiilcd  Jjfsfi,r- 
icnl  Cviledh/if  of  lh,uSi,Ue  of  Xeir  Fork,  Js4];  llistoricil  Col'rrlioos  of  X^-m  Jcrs<^y,  ]S-14: 
aloiif  he  coiiipiird  JUdoj-iciii-  <_'o!'ii-fion>i  of  fivjinio,  \v4~y.  Jli^oi-kal  Col'ei-iioin<  nf  Ohio. 
1847,  being  tlif  fourth  stHtc  ovrr  v.liiidi  lie  tr.ivcli  d.  collcctiiifr  ]in\teriiils  aiul  taking 
views  ol' places  iiiid  ol)ji-ct.-3  of  inrire.^.  In  JS17  lie  leui.  to  C'inriiinati,  O.,  joid  for 
niauv  years  carried  on  a  hu'tre  Ijook  subscription  Imsiius--,  ]:uli]ishing-  'J'Ik  (Ircat  Wtst: 
Tndch  niul  Ar'rcnio.rrft  of  Cdd>r(d'-d  Tmvders:  Lif-  Drotli  on  /)n;  Jdvroiitr^s 
anil  ArJii'i-i  tiU'tifs  of  Aim  rii-on-'i:  Our  Whole  <\>otitr)/.  cVc  'Jdie  ];;st  named  \v;is  hy  .].  W. 
Barber  and  Henry  llc>\\'e,  an  csji^'n.sive  woi-k  of  iriljtl  or'Ta\o  ]~/a!res  ami  (iOd  cnm'nviUiis, 
mainly  from  oricrinal  drawinu's;  was  publislied  at  the  liefrinninii-  of  llx-  v.-;ir  for  tlie 
Union.  In  l-ST";-  TS  herem.  to  X.  llav.,  Coini.,  and  iv\-^ide.-;  on  ("rown  siiift.  ^iti'  o!"  the 
old  lioniestead  of  Uri  Tuttle.  His  last  book  is  entitleil  Over  the  M'urld  Tiaeels,  \nih- 
lishcd  by  HraiUey  &  Co.,  Phila.,  this  (188o)yr.  1,  Fii.^xcics  Cii.vttT.OTTi;,  a  .siiip;er  culti- 
vated to  tliH  high< degree: — voice  is  of  i-eniarkalde  sweetness  and  compass,  reaching 
with  F  in  ;;it. ;  also  a  Thorough  musician  and  few  equals  in  rulii^-nting  t]u- 
voices  of  others.  Has  a  line  re]intation  as  a  concert  singer.  "A  brilliant  vocnlist,  Ikt 
voice  a  clear  high  so])rano." — Art  Critique  in  Cinjinnnti  Coinrei:  rei.'L  '2,  Ol.\i:_\.  a  iin<- 
church  ;uid  coiicert  singer.  3.  FK.\Xii  Henky  Townsend,  aspocint^,!  wiih  ]:d\vhi  ('. 
Grillith,  Ite  was  among  the  pioneers  to  introduce  into  CiiK-innati,  0.,  the  artistic  dt-t-ora- 
tion  of  ]jottery,  Avliich  lias  since  become  a  huge  ari;l  Sii<-cessful  i>ianch  <if  industry. 
He  is  ijiucii  iniere.sted  in  genealogy  and  has  mode  consideraide  collections  of  ancfsiral 
k)re  in  the  paterrinl  line.  The  coin]iiler  is  indebted  to  Ivini  foraid.  4,  ('ti.-\KJ.i:s  'I't/TTLR, 
designed  to  bf^come  an  architect  and  was  eniploycd  in  otiices  in  (.'incinnati,  and  \vii!, 
Benj.  Silliman,  jr.,  of  New  York  city,  who  olrereil  hin;  sni'erior  induci-Tnents  to  renuiin, 
but  his  .strong  musical  tastes  and  abilities  led  iiini  in  a  ditTerent  direction.  He  is  an 
excellent  andii^^-c'iiral  <L-aftsniati;  an  organist,  p'a;ii>:  ned  master  of  ih^-  Hute  of  v.hicli 
instrument  he  is  a  teacher  of  high  repuie;  res.  J\.  Hav. 

XI.  Geo.  Frederick,  compiler  of  this  woili,  1).  Oct.  2?;,  ISOO:  v/as  apprenticed  to 
au  uncongenial  ti-ade  which  he  did  Jiot  leai;i  nor  follow.  In  fall  of  ]S44  was  roct- 
nmu  in  leveling  party  in  surveys  and  location  of  the  N.  Y.  and  X.  Hav.  ii.  K. 
between  Soutbi)ort  and  the  state  line  in  Cojin.,  Mnd(  r  I'n.d'.  A.  C  'i'Mining  [i.']  and 
afterwards  on  survey  for  the  Xaugatuck  \';illey  ];.  J^  From  ISio  to  ISJ'J  on 
surveys  <'•  till  cimstruction  of  th.e  X,  Hav.  and  Xorth;;niptiin  li.  1.'.  from  XewHa\en  to 
Avon,  jnchuilng  branch  to  Ci>ll:nsvil)e,  inost  (jf  the  time  as  assistant  engineer  uiider 
Henry  Faniam.  Joseph  E.  Sheliield  being  ]>vesident  of  the  Co.  In  l*^o')  fs 
principal  assistant   engineer,   located  the  Cincinnati,  Hamiltoti  1.^  Dayton   Bailnjaii  fj-om 

School;  Clerk  of  Couii;  Col.  2d  Regt.  Conn.  Mil  ;  served  ihroufrh  the  war;  Major-Gea.  of  Vols  ;  Rrj<T 
Gen.  U.  S.  A.,  hon .  deg.  A.  .M.  V.  C.  I'o;;  unm.  3,  Harkiet  Waiiswokt  ;  many  yrs.  teacher  in  Xcv\ 
Ilav.;  Lady  Principal  of  Vassar  Female  Col.  7  >TS.  4,  .\uri.-\n;  res.  Kno.wille, 'renn. ;  Coi.  on  stail  of 
Gen.  A.  II.  Terry,  Ui.ion  Army.  5,  jKi'.ii.M..^ii  W.'.I'S'.voath.  Sut};eoii  2;;i  Conn  ,  Un;c!i  .\rmy;  ni. 
Mrs.  Josephene  Dwijrht.  6,  Clar.\  H.s.-.piET-rA,  m.  M^y.  1S76,  Robert  Patterson  Hui.;iies  Capt.  U.S. 
.A.,  oa  stall' ot  Gen.  Terr}-.  7,  Robert  (joldsroko.  8,  Ei.iz.\  Howe.  9,  Fk.\nxes.  10,  Krfdi:i;ick.  u, 

in.     Sa'Iy,  Jan.  24,  1805,  d    y. 

IV.  Jane,  Dec.  14,  1S07;  m.  .Nioses  Kellcy,  lawyer  of  Cleveland,  O.;  dec  t,  Fj;.'\nk  Howk,  ni.  Flor- 
ence Jevvelt.  e,  J.-\ne  E.mza,  d.  1S70.  3,  Maicgarkt,  named  for  Margaret  (Tuttle)  hlerlintr, 
dau.  of  Asi'.liel  i^s] .  4,  Geokge  D.a.siei.,  m.  Kate  Wick.  5,  Makv  Sakah,  d.  6,  Ci.ara  Howe.  m.  Dec.  iS, 
1879   Earl  Knigh.t 

V.  Fran-.-i-.  b.  iSii;d.  in  Chicafro,  TU. .  of  cholera.  i?j,2;  w?.?  edac.-^ted  at  \\'.  Point  Mil.  .^cad- 
He  was  some  lime  Sec.  and  Trtas  of  the  Chicago  and  Galena  R  R.;  m.  ,\ov.  ij,  IC41,  Rose  \' 
Bailly  of  Bailiyiown  near  PorterSta..  Porter  C''<..  Ind.,  dau  of  Honort- Grallen  Joseph  BaiUy  de  Me>sein 
of  Quebec  and  his  wife  Maria  Lefevre,  whose  father  was  P'rench,  as  the  name  imports,  and  wliose  mo.  was 
of  Indian  paienta.ce,  the  dau.  of  a  chief  of  tiie  C)ttawa  tribe  /.  5  chil  of  v.'liom  3  d  y.  i,  Ro^k  Baillv 
Howe,  b.  >.ov.  12,  1^42;  d.  qf  cons.,  .April  5.  .S79;unni.;  St.  >!ary's-in-th_e-\Voot!s.  near  Terre 
Hau;e,  Ind.  In  !i;6-.. 'A-ith  her  mo.  and  sis.  Francis.  bet;an  a  tour  ot  Germany.  France,  Italy  and  ihe 
Holy  Land,  visiting  shrines,  not  as  tomists.  hut  as  pilgrims  at  Prague.  Einsiediin.  .■\mmerKau.  La 
Salieite,  Lourdes,  .Notre  Dame  dela  Garde,  Lorello.  .\ssis-,i.  Genoa,  Perugi.i.  where  by  personal  invita- 
tion they  had  an  audience  with  Cardinal  Pecci,  now  Pope  Leo.  XII!,  Rome,  Calmaduli.  Nazareth. 
BethFhem,  T  habor.  Jerusalem,  .Mt.  Olivet,  C.-ilvary.  the  Brook  0(  Kedron,  the  Valley  of  Joljosophai, 
the  Tonibs  of  th"  K;nf;s  '"  Never  have  we  known,''  says  her  oiOf.;r.ipher,  "  such  piF'rimages  under. aken 
and  accomplished  by  trail  women.'"  They  were  absent  five  years,  returninfj  in  fail  of  1874  On  return 
Miss  Ho  .ve  wrote  .1  bouk  pi\  ingr  an  account  of  her  vi-iit  to  the  ".Miraculous  Lady  ot  Lourilcs."  ^he  was 
a  frequent  and  much  valued  contributor  to  the  Caiholic  piess,  and  was  '"deservedly  called  a  chimpion 
of  the  faiih."'  Her  last  literary  work  written  at  St.  Catharine's  Cr«vent,  near  Spnnifrield,  Ky.,  and 
pub.  1370,  is  an  account  of  her  ••  Visit  to  Cdn;ado!i."  .A  biog-.  memoir  and  covrepoadence.  quarto,  64 
pp.,  pub.  iSSi,  Fery-iis  Printing  Co.,  Chicatro,  111.  a,  F^A-.cts  Howk,  cdULaied  at  St.  Mary's,  near 
Terre  Hauie.  Is  a  wri  cr  lor  Catholic  publications,  and  the  author  01  a  work  entitled  L.j.cii.).  l..zii,iu. 
VI.  .A.nn,  .May  14,  1813;  res.  Cleveland,  C>.;  unm. 
Vll.  Henry.  C'ct.,  11,  iSio:  in.  Frances  .\ .  Tuttle. 
Vi!I.     Ehza  C,  t)orn  Sept.,  181S;  d.  n.av  S,  18^,7. 

TUTTLK.  487 

}I;i)iiill"n  lo  iiaytdii  iiiifl  until  pro^tvattil  by  thf  the  I'cvcr  fif  the  cliniaTe  and  cuniiii/llcil 
win  n'M'iiii:- to  ri'turn  lo  tli''  Ki'si  Id  rccuinTaic,  ]i:ul  clianrc  nf  constnirl'K.ii  as 
division  I'U^'iiii'for  Soon  atu  i  \-,-ai-ils  In'  surveyed  a  lino  arro--,  tin-  "■Wuai  Coiid  "'  (jf  tlio 
Susqnehanna,  Troni  Bintrlnunto!!  to  Hariieisvillc,  lor  llic  AlKany  iV  Snxi.  liailicad.  In 
iSol  ho  had  riiai>:o  us  ]inncii>al  assistant  fiigint.'iT  oT  surv.ys  fn>n!  Ciindnnali.  (>..  To  St. 
[,ouis,  >ro. ,  for  the  (.).  it  .M.  1!.  l^,  i-on-i])risin,!j;  a  year  of  Inlinrioiis  licld  worlc.  camjiing 
out  a  pai-t  of  Tho  lime  to  avoid  gvcatcr  hardsliips.  Tho  coiuitry  was  now  and  rompara- 
tivolv  nnsoitlod.  In  1S5C  ho  surveyed  and  locat-jd  tho  Ciii'-in.nati  iV  l>ayiiin  Shuit  Lino  J!, 
i;.,  liio  ooiistiin^tion  of  wliiidi  \vns  Ix'srun.  but  soou  si"]>iiod  by  tlnv  oj'oosiiion  of  the  rival 
CMr|u. ration  and  want  <d'  ado((uato  funds.  Smuo  t  \s  outy  laior  the  lin.i'  \\';is  onui- 
|doTt  il  and  ]uit  in  i.']toraliiin.  lli>  afterwards  surveyed  and  made  apiiroximale  liicati<;ns 
for  the  (.'inciiiniiti.  J.ehation  A:  Zenia  K.  U.:  the  ••Four  Mile  AVd ley"  ]{.  U.,  from 
Hamilton,  (>.,  to.  Kiclimond,  Ind.;  the  Sciot.'i  Valley  R.  1!.,  from  Columbus.  ().,  to  Cir- 
(deville,  an.d  of  the  Atlatitir  iV  Ohio  li.  K.,  eastwar-.l  frmii  Coiumlius  toward  the  Penn. 
state  line.  A  iiart  of  titis  line  \n  as  under  contract  wlien  the  1\.  li.  ])aiiie,  indurcd  by  tlio 
Scduivh-r  frauds,  eaused  th-.'  immedi'Ue  r-Msjn'Usion  of  lu-w  II.  U.  enterprises,  p.)]d  a.  lonc^- 
Stagnation  luisued. 

In  1^55,  he  rem.oved  to  New  "i'<:>rk  city,  and  began  the  wholesale  lioolc  sabsrii|,ti,ui 
btisiness  in  conneetion  with  llem-y  IJowt-  of  I'iiicinnali,  (_).,  which  ])ro\ed  ipnie  sueec,-.s- 
ful  notwithstanding  the  panic  of 'oT  and  the  tremendous  })olitical  agitations  ])reeeding 
the  war,  tuitil  the  war  itself  (h-stroyedas  by  an  eartlujuake  almost  every  occupation  that 
wa.fMiot  ^(jiinected  in  some  way  with  the  se.]iport  or  the  destruction  of  human  life.  In 
l.'^GS  lie  joined  tlie  •'Stowe  Association"  and  was  led  into  some  genealogical  investigal!<'ns. 
Tlie  interest  excited  in  the  maternal  lineage  and  relatioiishijis,  naturally  and 
speedilv  extended  to  ])aterna]  si>".e  and  finally  resulted  in  this  com^iilarion;  n;.  in  X.  Ilav., 
bv  IJev".  I)r.  Edv.^ard  Strong;-.  Feb.  21,  18o4,  Christina,  dau.  of  J)ea.  Thomas'"  and 
Bathshel.a  (Andivw-)  Sn.-ll.'b.  in  ^Va•,•.■,  Mas-.,  A]irii  15,  ls3l;  d.  m  Sturbrldge,  Mass., 
IMarch  21.  iNoC);  (•.?!  by  Rev.  .'osejili  F.  Thompson,  1>.  !>.,  in  Broadway  Tabernacle,  cor. 
84th  St.  and  IJtoadwav,  N.  Y.  city.  Oct.  lo.  IMiO,  Maria  Antoinette,  dau.  o{  l-Jev. 
Nehemiah  and  llenriotta  («.'oid;lin)  Brown,  b.  lluiitington,  L.  I.,  Aug.  2,  \^27 :  d  in  N. 
y.  city  of  p)nniiuonia,  Feb.  2:1,  1HS--3.  /.  liy  1st  m.:  1,  CllTii.sriX.v  Snki.L,  b.  .March  l;-"., 
d.  July  4-,  18o(j.  i.  by  2d  m.:  •?.  Fi;A\rF,s  Baldwin,  b.  A])ril  14,  1SG4;  d.  of  imeu- 
monia',  Mav  o,  1S74.  a.  10  vrs.  "^1  days.  "A  very  beautiful  child  and  remarkably  lovely 
in  disposit'icm  and  gi-eatly"beloved.''  '^,  Hi;.m;ietta  RTO^vK,  b.  April  20,  1^05.  4, 
Xi^TTir:  Hri.i.,  1>.  Aiiril  23.  1810. 

Xll.  Chester  Fr'i.  b.  .lune  il.  18-2:):  d.  Sept.  20,  1S2S,  in  the  4ih  yr.  of  his  age.  A 
pecnliaidy  bii:.;dit  and  high  sjurited  boy,  no  doiTot  deservedly  the  favorite  of  the  hou^-e- 
Ih>M,  and  remembered  for  mote  than  half  a  century  l)y  the  elder  members  of  the  family 
with  undiminished  ju-id..-  ami  s(Mi'o\v  for  his  loss. 

92-34?!.      Mary  TuttlO,  b.    17!;;):    d.    in    <:'heshin\    Conn.,    F-d..  1,  1854,    a.  85;    m. 
Sanund  Ftt'ovd  Beach  of  Cheshire,  Coini,,  who  di.  April  10,  ]S05,  a.  oS  yrs. 

I.  Samufd  Beach,  b.  1701:  iti.  X'ov.,  isJO,  Fucyliull.  b.  (Jet,  211,  ISOO.  1,  Bi-:.nja- 
MIN  L'l- I'Cii;)),  b.  .March  10.  1825;  m.  185(i,  Thalia  Smith.  Me  d.  in  the  Union  armv 
March  2-!.  Is'm.  1,  C/wHrs  Smith,  b.  Xov.,  185K.  2.  M,ir'j  A 'i;/i'sf,t,  b.  Julys,  \m). 
3,   ne>ij<i,niii  S.,  b.  March  17,  1SG2.     2,  Makv,  b.  Aug.   :.'4,   1.^27;  d.   IstU;  m.    Lu/.erne 

*Dea.  Th-imis  Snell  an.i  his  brother  Melville,  rrm.  f^o^l  Ware  to  Sturbridc'e,  Worcester  Co.,  Mass., 
and  in  1^42  bc;t,'an  the  raaiiul.  01"  bitts  i.nti  ai:;.:crb  \i\  Wncht  villas^c.  In  1S47  Town  i*;  ChaiTet  built  a  large 
brick  ?.\\o\)  lo  raakc  tiie  same  goods  with  steam  power,  vvhich  was  purctiased  t>y  the  Snell  brothers.  In 
1S52  their  old  mil!  was  bLirnt',  and  the  same  year  a  new  buildina;  iov..\j2  Icet,  and  two  stories  hiph  was 
erected  on  the  site.  In  iS=,3  the  Snell  Co.  built  two  stone  mills  45.\ioo  and  26.\4'i  respectively,  ard  otficr 
buitdines  fr>r  dwellinsrs,  laid  ovu  new  streets  and  spent  ^ys.c<o  in  iinproveirents.  In  1554  they  employed 
some  75  hands.  In  1S57  the  roanacrer  of  ihe  firin,  Otis  Snell,  s.  01  Dea.  Thomas,  d  .  _  Thi.s  year 
was  di^astrous  to  the  hard\\'are  ti  ,ide  .iirenerally.  and  n^any  lirms  were  swept  awav,bui  the  Snell  cr-mpiiny 
weathered  the  sterm  until  !c>''o  when  thev  failed  and  the  business  passed  inio.the  handset  John  W .  Draper 
wlio  cond'.ictcu  it  until  i?£;.;  when  Clark  I'c  Wilson,  an  old  hardware  firm  in  New  York  citypndK.  L. 
Hates  of  Fiskdale,  bcuijjhc  tne  entire  business  and  organi/x-d  under  the  nanic  of  '•The  Snell  Manuf.  Co. ," 
which  has  coniinued  until  the  jitesent  time  1  i^'SoK  l.)urinj,'  the  pro;.rress  of  tlie  war  niany  goods  were  furn- 
ished 10  various  departments  of  the  pcvernraont  by  concern,  and  il  coniinucd  to  prosper  until  the 
panic  ef  if  7;,  al'er  which  for  a  few  years  the  trade  was  very  much  dimini.-hed,  thou«;h  the  company 
kept  their  works  in  operation  and  m.aintained  the  credit  acquired  by  the  Snell  lirothers  of  makinjj  the  best 
.LTOods  in  tho  market.  Its  sale.s  in  some  year-,  have  e.\reeried  ^ici.v-no  and  its  coods  are  'old  in  many 
countries,  in  iMirope,  Australia.  Bra/il  and  Cuba  in  adduion  to  all  pans  of  the  C.  S.  *  *  *-  /:'i'st .  o/ 
ll'orr,st.-r  (.'<'.,  .l/.i-.c  ,r-('.''.  r  [,,'».  :,7  .-71.  Dea.  Tlios.  Snei!  m.  liathsheba  .\ndre\vsand  had  i.  Oils,  m.  Clarissa 
Crowell.  2.  Lucius,  m.  Lticir.da  Tait,  res.  l-i:.kdaie,  Mas.-.  ;,  I"),  m.  Ifu.crh  Cnlbrailh.  res  N'ev, 
Haven,  Conn.  4.  .■\uocsTl.^  k.  5.  Chkist  on'.-,,  ni.  tier..  F.  Tutde.  r.  Soful^o.MA,  m.  Horatio  Kcdrield  ,  7, 
Ameioccs.  S.  Lrcv.  m.  I'avid  Ga'braith.  bro  of  Ih.',?! .  c;.  .•\:^'i  i  le  s  C,  in  ,  Mary  Andrus.  >'au.  ot 
Henry  F.;  res.  New  Haven.  10.  Julia,  m.  Editar  Miller,  res  .Worcester,  Mass.  11,  I- i.i.a,  m.  Joh.n 
Hebard  and  d.  in  t'.rst  childbirth,  March,  iSSj. 

-^SS  i;j;ax(  ]:, 

(Joolsi'll.  1.  ILUixi,  h.  M:.:rli.  ]S.-)0;  1)1.  MmivIi,  22,  IMCi),  Fr.'dcrirk  Louis  Innuui  and 
li:i<t  1  rh.     2,   S>i.hrn),i.',  h.  ■>^'\n.  S,  isr.r,. 

II.  Klizi  i'varli.  1».  IT^iil;  a.  An-.  .-..  ISTli.  !1.  SO;  ui.  D.'O.,  1S2(1,  .Amos  ))...,littl;'.  1,. 
IT',).';:  (1.  M:iv  i:].  isi;?,  ii.  72.  1.  .MAi;v,  1..  Scjit.  4.  1^21;  m.  is.^jO.  John  (.iil(>ttr.  2. 
].rri;!.:Ti.\,  \<.  182:'-;  m.  S-pt.,  lS-|."f,  Chai-Ics  lliflu'in-k.  1,  ],;,,•;;:,■,  2,  11 -/■///, /•.  :!. 
Ai.i;-V.\.MM;i;,  b.  1S21:  m.  ^i;l^_v  Aiidrrv,.-,.  1,  Jmiso/,,  i,.  ,lan.,  !s."):i.  2,  /\jii nni,  .]\\r;i\ 
iNoo.  ;!.  A'"''/'//',  1).  IS.")'.*.  4,  "j-;i)^v.\i;i>,  b.  ]S:;2:  i::.  ISlJ.T  Cornelia  A.  (ui\!n!il.  ]_  J/,//-y 
/:.,  1..  F.-l).,  ixOT. 

III.  Mary  Ann  B-'acli.  b.  Oc!.  7,  ]Sl)0:  ui.  Nov.,  1s2ii.  Bcnajali  Ive.-,  of  flw-,lii;-p.  b. 
iM-b.  2i'i.  ]]'^^'.  llr  wa>  a  .fad-.'  of  Probat.-,  ])ro:iiinci,t  aud  lii-lilv  ist^onifcl.  1,  Ca/ju- 
LlNK.  b.  Jan.  ;]0,  L^22:  d.  Jnni'  4,  IS.-.S;  m.  Jnn-,  ]s4.-),  WiHiuia   E.  Alb.ii,  \vl,o,  d.  Mav 

17,  INCH,  a.  4M.  1,  ll',;'.V<//;/  llu iU:>irt.  b.  MaivJi,  1>.17;  m.  Se]'l.,  ISI'.S,  C'aioline  llitcli- 
c<M.-k.  2,  Arflnir  I'rrs,  b.  Si-pt.,  is  .4.  2,  IIanxa  ii,  h.  .Fob.  27.  1^2:;;  d.  (),,:.  7,  1827. 
Tixrs  Br,\.\.iAH,  l>.  Feb.  20,  1828;  ba^  if)),  lii--  town  in  Conn.  Loi... ;  m.  Ann  l-"ii/.a  Pcck 
[f|].  1,  Fr,<h:rirl:  ,  I  ".,o/ .>■//, ■,., .  b,  March  21.  iM'.d.  2.  J/-/ .'•//  C ■'"■"■'" ^.  'j-  •'fiiK-  14,  l^b3. 
4,  EuwAKi.)  Ki'Frs.  1).  Jaii.  is.  l^.jl;  d.  .Marrh  11,  ls:;2.  ■"),  1-"i;i-,i<ki!)ok  ArGiviTs,  !>. 
Oct..  IS,  ]n;;7;  d.  .lulv  14.  l^o^. 

IV.  Alborr  r-rarh,  b,  isn2;  m.  Hannah  Ilotchkiss,  1..  Oct.  22,  1  TiJS,  d.  Aii<t.  2«, 
]^4iJ.  1,  I'KA.NCKs  A.,  b.  Fob.  18,  is;-i2;  d.  Soj.t.  7,  1S47.  2.  I'^du-aud  N.,  b.  Ocl.  SO. 
IS/Ji.      ;],    SA.Mtr.f,,  ii.  F(4).  It',,  ls;;7:  m.  .Marv  iJosoll.-  and  had  2  fhil. 

V.     ];\ii\;s  Jl.-.t.'h,  b.  l-^ijl;  d.  Crt.  n,  l^iid,  unm. 

92343,  Elizabeth  Tuttle,  b.  June  28,  1774;  d.  Aug.  2r»,  1850,  a.  8.1  yrs.;  nr 
Autc.  4,  1800,  .Xatlianiid  Kovrf  of  South in.LCtcjii,  Conn.;  b.  iu  (ioshen,  Coan.,  Feb.  Iff 
1772;  d.  in  Oxford,  N.  Y.,  March  1,  18r,2.  a'.  'Pi)^,  cliil.  b.  in  S. 

\.  Franlclin  Ihivce,  b.  .^cpt.  1,  18i)7;  ni.  (Jet.  10,  ISIIO,  Einilv  Savaji:e  of  ]3eriin. 
Conn.,  b.  Dec.  l:;,  Isli;  res.  P.,  1,  A.,  b.  .lulv  ]\\  l.-^.e2;"  ni.  Aurii  2'.t,  lsl7. 
Filmic  S.  Mead.  b.  Fee.  21.  is:!7.  1,  ll,:,r>i  A.,  b.  ..hine'21,  ISo"-'.  2,  M.irv  11..  Mav  IC, 
l8(i:J.  :;,  X'^'u'  3/.,. June  27,  ISiilj,  4.  t'  1^,  Jiui.  D.  d.  April  2,  ISIII).  2,  Jvlia 
y\.,  b.  .\n;-.  24.  1S44.  :-!,  S.\i;  ui  M.,  Aug-.  2"t,  is;!!).  4,  F.Mn.v  F..  Jan  o,  1^12:  d.  Juno 
2i:,  1S47.  5,  (i);oi;'.F,  F.,  b.  .\u>;.  .s.  1S4"); d  Ju)n>  2.  Isi.l.  0,  IIai  iiK  A.,  b.  Jan.  8,  18."il. 
11.  F-,yal  C.  Kov'-''.  ''•  ^'^l:^?-'''!'  ■-^-.  l^^"-;  lii.  Jan.  21),  Fr-'ot-.,  .Mary  Ann  Far;  of  SoulhiniT- 
ton,  b.  Nov.  2s,  j.^'l-j;  vonu^'e^t  (htu.  of  Fcl.  Sani'J  I  lart  and.  his  2d  w  f. .  Faiience  Andrews: 
res.  Oxford,  N.  Y.  l".  Fi,iz\e,KTii  Ann,  b.  Jan.;;7;  d.  Au--.  0,  lS7i);  m.  March  2';, 
18.1.-,  Ja;ne<  O.  D.d-e  of  Oxford,  X.  Y.,  b.  Auu-x  25,  18:j().  'l ,  AV/^^y,- /,■,  ,  b.  April  IS, 
IS.ln:  ,h  Sei-l.  lo,  IS.V.i.  2.  A v//,/',  Nov.  24,  lS.-)7.  o,  KUt.d  E.,  Anc-.  IS.  \^-]\-  d.  Nov. 
in,  IS'',--.  ;j,  J.i.'ji:-'^  I!  ,  ie  July  oF  ]8fiiF  d.  Aim^.  ti,  1^70.  2,  SvMriu-  Xr.i.^ieX,  b.  July 
ol.  Is:.;;).  i:i.  l->b.  27,  Is7d.  lle'srer  Padiretl.  d.  Feb,  2'J,  ls48.  ;.'.,  1-i;n,  1'i:.\.\kmn, 
1).  May  2,  1S41:  in.  Sept.  2'J.  iS'iS,  Saiah  F.  Hrown,  b.  Nov.  27.  ISl'.J.  1.  CI.,;-//,  .l,/;'e„. 
In  ^Fi'rcli  14,  187U.  4,  Aakon  Nathaxh:!,,  b.  April  20,  lS4o.  5,  Fti:NK  1;osan.n'A,  b. 
.U\'^-  2.Y  ls',7. 

III.  Fii/  Ann  ]^)vce,  b.  Nnv.  2(1,  isl  1  :  d.  Jan.  8.  18'")S;  ni.  Mav  1,  [832.  Joel 
F.  Judd  of  S.nithin-lo)!,  b.  Sejit.  PJ,  iSOlh      1,  Ffn:!:iiA  A.,  b.  Auir.   i3."ls4lt  m.  IVl,. 

18,  180.'.  John  J.  Stodd.anl  of  Coventry ville,  N.  Y.,  b.  Oct.  Fl,  ls2;J,  and  had  one  cliild, 
LUoi'i  A.',  Julv  4.  iSli.l. 

IV.  Susan  Fovee.  b.  Jan.  l(f,  1814:  d.  Jan.  11,  1808  (tliroe  d.ivs  after  the  death  ,,f 
her  .,i^..  Kliz:ib,-tli');  in.  Isp),  Khjlx-rt  17.  ]lv,<e  ,d'  Oxford,  N.  Y.,  in  An--.  13,  1817.  1, 
I>K\vis  !;.,  i,.  Ain-il  2-').  ]s12;  d.  Dec.  2.  Iso'e  in.  Sept.  FF  ls02.  .Martha  A.  Wri^dit  of 
Oxford,  b.  .iune  17.  isio.  1.  .J.mif  JhiJe,  b.  .lulv  4.  lsti:3:  d.  An-.  2:1  ISO',).  2.  Cha>. 
A.,  b.  O.-:.  20,  ISp:!;  in.  D.-c.  2"),  ISO.I,  Futh  E.  Faman,  b.  Pel..  17,  isp.i,  and  had  Minimi,. 
1>.  Mav  P").  ist;7.  ;-;.  C.):t>'Ki,iA  P.,  1>.  ^t'\)X.  .1,  1S47.  4,  .]  x^v.  Ph,  b.  Jan.  :!(.).  d.  A]>rii 
2(F  is'.l:;. 

V.  Nani'v  IJovce.  b.  Mav  10.  iSlO;  d.  Mai-h  IJO,  P'^07;  in.  F(4,.  27.  ls;fH,  i,e,-,nard 
F*.  F.iote  of  Oxlord,  b.  A]uii  >'■,  ISKi;  d.  March  21,  1^7)4.  Siie  ni.  (2)  Jan.  It.  Isl!). 
'i'  <  f  recne. 

Vi.  .M:irv  i;r)vce,  b.  Sej.t.  11.  181'.);-!in  .March  11,  1S4F  Solomon  Harris,  b.  Marchi 
;!,  18]s.  1,  p'uvxK  N.,  li.  Miv.  2;j.  lili).  2,  Alma  A.,  b.  June  10.  1S12.  W,  FfiKi.iA 
S.,  i).   Dec.  S.  It^lO.     4,  17>.-rn;  >F,  b.  Mimdi  7,  IsOl. 

923-14.  Hannah  Tattle,  P.  177:i:  d.  Sept.  2S.  psOl,;,  ,S2:  nn  Sejit.,  Isul.  EIi.-.apli 
I'reston*  of  Piosp.'c;,  Conn.,  who  il.   Fell.   PJ.  is.-,:i.  ;,.  s;!. 

*\\'illiaai  I'fosion  is.  oi  John,  s.  ol  Cuior^c  nf  \';i!le.v  l-'ortTc,  F,n<TA  v.-.-\s  crealfl  a  'aaronft  of  Xova 
Scotia  in  i^v  1"  i'^'.i5'  '^-  44.  came  in  slap  --  True  l.ovo"'  from  Vnrkstiirc,  Van::.,  -vvit.!!  \vf',  .M;iry.  a.  3; 
a'lJ  ciiil.,  Kiij.ih,  a.  10;  Sarah,  a.  S:  Mary, a.  6:  Jolin.a.  3.  ami  chib  b.  in  New  Haven:  .johiei.  i-.4'..; 
raai.  10  S'.amlerfb  Hack.iliah,  b.  i''4.';;  set.  in  \Vi, 'Jbury.  Conn..  i6>i .  Elisapli,  b.  i'.''43:  IivoU  in  WailM, 
Cjnn.;  .:!ca..-aa,  scho,3lmaiter  ainJ  rirsl  lown  clerk.     Joseph,  b.  Jan.  74,  1647. 

I.      UaM-ict  Pn  sT.-n.  1'.  Srjit.  21.  I'-O'?:  in.  \Mllijn;i  (ioMrh-irli  ,<[  (.'lic-liiiv.  t/mui. 
H       Hukici-  I'r.v-tMU.  1^.  .luls-  1").  l'-^i>l:   lu.  IMioil;;  Aii'lreu-s;  res.  Bcth:my,  < 'omi. 
111.     .^iiu-u-tu^   riv.^t('U,  b.  Aui;.  2J,  1>!0."^>;    m.   .^Iiii;i   Ciill.iti';    ifs.    Lfi;'>y,  Sn^ijuc- 

I'v  Kli/.ulictli  A.  Pr«--t<!H.  1).  Nov.  S,  ISIJ.S;  ni.  'riiOMiii.-^  M.  H''m1;:uii;  ri's.  Aslitabnln, 
O  ]  .1ri.n  -'  11.,  !'.  Nov-  '■'■  l^"'l;  ''i-  ^''1'^.  0-.\  is.')'),  MartliM  <iiv.ii;  iv-.  Mi'tvoimiis. 
IJl.  1,  Ih  !■!!:'(  A'.',  li.  St-j.t.  1!S,  ISIiU.  2,  ,/'///'/■■-■  }f..  li.  -May  17.  hSCJ;  (1.  a.  ^O  tiios.  :], 
J'hniiHis  ^[  It  Oct  ;!M,  isd'j.  2,  Si>.\N  M.,  1).  A)iril  11.  l.^:^:  m.  June  :j,  iNfiH,  W'ui. 
J.  Si.olhnan";  i.-s.  Sayl.'mi.k,  roiiu.  J,  M.lrVU  H.,  1'.  Scpi.  L  lb'<i2.  ;j,  M  i-.i.V  1  l.l.r.  ('., 
]).   Marcli  2'\'  iSK];   if.   in  A.-^htaWula.  (»..  An_'-.  J,   ISIIJ. 

V.  J.iu'ius  I'n-.sion,  1>.  \^>-\A.  ;'.ij,  I'^l'?;  hi.  Jlli/.abrth  Sicvcns:  res.  ('he.-~hiie.  ], 
AVii.hi  \M,  1)1.  Martha  Thoina-  of  Mi'M)--u.u-n,  < 'onii. ;  re^,  Meriiifii,  2,  .)<>ii.\  H.,  iii. 
Eii/.abeth'Tlioina^  of  WallM,  o.  C.m;u!i:.  in.  (_)ri,urn  Hul.bell  of  C'lie.-^liin';  les.  Naui;-a- 
tuck,  (Vmii.  4,  Ki.iz.\r.Kr}i,  in.  Leonard  Northrup  of  I'lynioutli,  I'onu.  .">,  ,  res. 
Olus'liire.      (>,  ll.\i:iaKT,  n-;.  ^Vinstell,  (.'oiui. 

\'I.     Hanuuli  I'l-^'^iMn.  !<.  May  8.  INlo:  d.  in  Prosnect  Sept.  10,  ls49,  num. 
VII       C'liarl*'.-,  Preston,  .Inlv  ;jb,  ISlS;  iii.  Harriet  Woodin;   re.s.  ]'rosi)ect. 
Till'      .luPa  }^-<-,t.,n,  1).  A]n-il   10,  1^20:  d.  Nov.  lo,  1S22. 

IX.     .lulius  Pres'uni,  b.  .'une  22,  lS2:j;  d.  Nov.  7,  1N2G. 

92345.  Ephraim  Tuttle,  b.  S-pt.  2,  1781 :  ^vellt  to  Ln\vsvil!e,  Pa.,  bouglit  a 
farm  :i;ul  rnadi-  improvenienrs,  but  refarn'\l  to  e'lir.^hire.  Conn.,  and  d.  liu're  Aii'.il  ■!. 
IbGO,  a.  711.  His  I'oi  in  l.avsvilli',  called  the  '•  Tuttle  Ivt."  was  bon^^lit  l)y  Silv.-siei' 
»S'uit'h  [!)|  There  an  old  orchard  on  the  place.  He  ni.  1800,  Lois,  dau.  of  Cupl. 
iVavid  Hit'elicock  of  C,  1).  Sept.  2.  1781:  d.  Sej.t.  11,  l^;i:],  a.  02. 

I.  Marcus,  b.  Marcli  20,  1807:  ni.  1832  Fannie  Trycci.  b.  Jan.,  1817;  res.  CoL 
<-hester,  (■,,!,!;.  'lb'  d.  there  May  10,  1S82:  he  was  hi-hly  esteenii.L  1.  \Viil,iA.\i 
Hexhy',  1'.  Anc^r.  2;!,  1833;  iii.  Aug.  28,  1870,  Julia  (_'.  Davis  of  Mystic  I^ridge,  (/one.., 
M'lifre  thev  now  res. 

]1.  Kphraim,  li.  J.nn.  20.  IsOfi;  in.  JuU"  3.  1834,  .Ann  Iv.'s.  b.  in  West- 
vilie.  Conn.,  Dec.  23,  IMO;  d.  An^;-.  10,  1830.  He  m.  (2)  Sept.  12.  1842,  Candine  Dlak-e, 
b  in'  AHddletown,  Conn.,  March  2,  1813;  r-'s.  Mid.  1,  Ckckok  Kand.vm.,  b.  May  23, 
18::]7;  d.  Nov.  10,  1800:  m.  Jan.  3.  1S02,  Mag.i^ie  I/.gan.  b.  July  2:.,  1842.  1,  ^VU'iaii) 
Louiii,  b  Dec  20,  18  i2.  2,  iyi-'i},{tl^  Ani,y\K  June  1,  1800.  3,  Gtoryr  L'i,,<hill  \-. 
Ma'v  31.  ISii,^:.  4,  Kihranl  Kph  .unu,.  \y.  May  0,  d.  Any.  21,  1870.  /.  by  2.1  ni. :  2,  Su-.VN 
Er,r/;.\r.!:-i'ii,  b.  V»-r..  22.  J.S43.  3,  I'Atnn.i.NK  .A.mki.ia,  D.-c.  4,  lS4o.  4,  Ei)-.vai;I) 
3!AKii..\,  b.'  12,  1n47.      '■^.   John  W h.  b.  i".  b.  4,  !8.->0. 

ill.  '  .\bner,  b.  Jan.  27.  D.^1!,  r.i.  May  27.  Is3.^,  Hannah  A.  Pa'-kt-r,  b.  in  N'.'aUM 
Aui;-.  4,  1>:0S;  li's.  P.risiol.  Conn.;  Ich.  "l,  Lk.\XTI.n|-  T'.L'.RiA,  b.  Sept.  30.  1842;  in. 
Andre\v  Sh<-pard  of  Coniit-ant,  <»,,  b.  Nov.  0,  ls-.'7;  d.  Jan.  lo,  V>iiO;  chil.  b.  in  p.ri>t(d. 
Conn.  1,  C  7/. '/•/,. V  /,',.  Oct,  lo.  l^^bO;  drowi;.-d  in  a  widl.  2.  .Ij-v/c  2^[unj.  \\  .Ian.  2!, 
1N02.      3,'   l!'///*'////    7'.,  b.  Jiill.   1.   IsOo.      4,    ^■.■"/■;^    J.,  b.  Jnie.  0,   l.S'iO. 

I\'.  Heiirv,  b.  Srpt.  S.  1S12:  m.  March  13,  1n:30,  Abigail  .\ines,  who  d.  Nov,  2-^, 
1S44.  lie  m.  (2)  (Jci.  14,  ISl-").  l!o.\ana  Cary.  [.  by  1st  in.;  1.  \\'il.LtAM  Hv..NKV.  b.  in 
Kewburgh,  Ohio,  Nov.  12,  1^37.  At  the  a,g.'  of  10,  sju-ing  of  IS.JO,  went  w>-st.  enten-d 
the  service  of  tlie  Am.  Eur  Co. ;  head.piarters  al)oiU  the  inouHi  of  the  Y.dlowstom;  IJiver, 
l.oOO  miles  from  white  settlements.  Soon  h-arned  the  kaiiL  uages  of  the  dilTereiit  tnlie.- 
and  was  appointed  tl;e  first  Indian  agent  for  the  Sioux  nation.  4  lie  Indians  constantly 
at  war,  his  partner  murdereil  and  several  ait'-mpts  ni)on  bis  own  life  indnciMl  him  T' 
resiy-n.  lie  th.'ii  stalled  for  tlf  Nb-vada  miin-s,  njion  reaching  v,dii(d'  the  lb4>e!liou  broke 
out'and  he  enlisted  a.-,  a  jirivate  in  tin-  2d  Pegt.  Cal.  V.d.s.  ;  serving  through  all  the  inter 
mediate  gra.des  he  b^-eame  Acting  A.sst.  Ailj.-<Mni.  with  tin-  rank  of  ?,Iajor.  His  cNperi 
ence  as  u  fronti(,'rsina!i  beeoniiin:  known  to  the  old  aiiny  oifice:.--  hf  \'.  as  tlu-nceio!  t  o 
<'nililove<l  until  the  end  of  thf  \\ar  against  thr  Indians  on  ili,'  piidns  iMid  in  Texas, 
Arizona,  \N'ashington  I't-r. ,  Oregon  and  Nevada.  He  then  went  to  Mexieo  and  was 
uippoinled  Col.  in' llu'  Mexican  army  under  (ieii.  Vega;  but  a  sin.ut  expM-ience  in  tliat 
M'-r\iee  siiOiced  to  make  evident  llic  .-^n  peii  u' att  raetio;is  of  ]uivate  American  <dti7,ensliii.. 
Now  (ls7Si  les.  in  S;.n  iM-ancls.-o,  Cal.,  m.  thrie  Aug.  22.  lSi;:s.  Aii-e  E.  (dieney.  b.  in 
Indiana  .Ian.  27.  1802;  only  ehiKl  Z-c  LnH,  ,  b.  San  .b-e.  Cab,  .M.andi  18,  ps^,);  iiiade  1  er 
first  appear;. nee  on  liie  theatilcal  stage  at  San  I-baiicisco  Aul;.  o,  rs7o,  in  her  Oili  yea.r. 
and  ai"  ibis  time.  Is7,s,  is  a  p,,piikir  favorite  the;,-,  plaving  leadiuij-  paits  in  '■All  io- 
(i(dd"an.l  oriier  pie,-,  s.  Tlie  >,-/-  rv.n.rism  ]'...,',  weekly  and  daily,  of  An--.  M  1^?^. 
s-.ys;  "  Little  Z.-e  ■i'lMii...  tl)'-  pretty  an.d  jciinan.;  littb'  --ill  preci)ei>,us  talent  i^ 
.•s.»" familiar  to  our  tiieatr.'  iroer.-',  goes   east    in    c-harge   of    her   mother    tosiarin'All  b.r 


_  ki;ax(;}i  of  sniox. 

her  rendiuon  .,i'  tl,,.  .Lavl  'r  'A'  ■  1  ''"'''  '"'■  '';;.  l;^"f--i-nal  ad,nir..,.s  of 
inscrij.tinn:  ■  T„  ,1),.  l,  Littl',.  ]  u  t.  n  -•,  ,  ,  ,  •'  ^'^^'''"'""l  ""'1  has  the  f.,ll,nvi:,.- 
Nov.  10,  1679.'     In  the  .•entre     \,  ,      l.l      '      ";'  j'-'^'^-^-nal   a,lnu,vr.,  Chi.-.^o; 

Pahuer,  les.sees.     Tlic  i^htv  h'ld  a  nm  of  Uv       i  ,"""' ^    H.^vti-,  N.  \.  (-,,  O'ainti   \- 

J8G5,  in   Imlep.ndence o::    d    A    .  1  V   &i7  ^  ^     ;^;-'''  TV'    .'•     "■'^^'■'  ^'■-  ''■  Au^.  0^. 

Jla.xh  25,  1S44.  1.  0.vv//;7^o;^/^  1,  S^;  h  iO  1  sr"'^  o^"  ]Vr  ^"  ^'V"'''  "'  ^^'■^'^■'•'  ''" 
SGI).     4.   OiAKLES  A.,  1,.  Julv25     850  •   rV  t     i     ?i      f'f"   ^'"•'^"''  "'•  "'■'■  ^^• 

V.  Kdnmnd,  Ij  O.-r.  P,  isM-' , .!,,,. .,.,1.,,,,  r  .-,  ,,. 
Conn.,  1S5K;  Tmi.urer  of  th.  Y  M  T  s.  .p, "L  ^  Tf  ^  "^-  '•''''■  "'  ^^'^  ^i^rnh-„, 
in  1874  for  State  Senator,  and  in  i'^O  'fi  v  ^' l;^  r'  '■""''"=^"^'  ^'-"'  "'^  P^ohi^itio„  P.,tv 
«"^l.r-'>-  in  a  public  Journal  an  interesting  ^^'^  nn  oMn;;;;.',-,- ';;f;;-  J^*'  ''^  -'-^*- 
remini.c.'nc.-..  and  traditir.ns  of  the  old  4\itn,,,  J,  "  ^'''' "^'^''^  '''"''•  '"'■<"" 
sketch  of  the  irubl.ard  familv  1  Y  i  J  1  '"  '"  ^'^'^''"•^•-  «l^o  a  i,enealo;:ica( 
this^vork,  in    .l,e   ar.luous    labo,-      f^     ^„t ';;':,''!'■  '"'"''^''■^"  ='\  the  con.menc,.n,enMd- 

f  a  nnihiiudiu.iu- 

1880.  Betsev,  dau.  of  Col.  Thonn^^lWl,!        '' orw^lu;:;:;;;,'','''';'^^-^- oJ^*; 'Vi  '^^•^-  ^«' 
Mendrn,  Conn.      1.   H.vitik  Wrx.s,  usv   b     n   1  ril-r        '  \'^K"^  ^'^  ^'''^^-  ''^s.  W. 

18G2.  Charles  J.ynjan  Tavlor,  b    in  K     \„ J  '-    ,  '^^'^      "'I!'-'  '^"  >"  ^'^^  1^-10:  m.  Au^:-.  20. 

1843;  d.  Mav  1«,  18rjy   a   '^l      H-  u' ,s^  '  T/m  '      ''  p   ''^""•ak;.   HrnKAjtn,  Mav  24' 

facturin<restaldislun;:ntHrW    Me^    I'o  1  ^1' •'  ^'^  'V"""'"'*'   '"^^"='^^'-  "''  ='   '"^"u" 
his  employers  and  of  ,1 min:    "n;,'^^- 'hH.  sf  ti  ^'":, -?':''''7-'^   -'<'    -t.eni   of 

pastorConiT.  ehli.  in  Chamberlain    ])-,!otV      n        '    ^        '    r    V  ^^''''-  ^^  "'■  ^'    Hubbard; 
out  from  Yale  Sem    in  C^.i  '  "■      ^^'   ''""  ""^'  '"   ''"■  I'^'hotn  bund.  ,hat  vn-nt 

^^.  i^K;  ':i"::h;p;:'d  :!"dS"-M^,.!^!^v;:'-  ■'^"-  ^^^  ^^^-  ^^-■>-  -^""  ^^"'-■>-  •'•  >'-^ 

0..  b.  May  24,  is;u.     1.   L.:^n•K..   Hkno;    ^ o^^Hh v  ^^'^i:;;:^-  '^'-^r'-^""  "'' ^^!"'="^'-J=U 
Nov.  it;,  INCT.     y.   ].:,>.,A  j,n!s   .I;ui   4    ]n7  ;  '     "'  '        '   *  J-^J<^->'*->-- Ci.r.vrox, 

X,     .lames,  twin  with  Jovep],.  d  'a    8  w,-',. 

n.  Danitl.  b    i-vj^ 

IV;  {{'|^l'l;r^  '•'^^"^"'•^'- Style,  Pres.V.C, 

_  V  .  V.'tn    .\b,;ia!. 

,.YJ  Stephen  Whitehead. 

\  i  1.  Le^eritt. 

^'(H.  .\n.ei.a,  rii.   He^ekiah  SiU.-ma:! 


TUTTLi:.  _1_1 

IV.     Julia  A.  ?'■'■!<,  J:^".  U,  ]^\>- 
EnwAKD  .l./F.b.  31,  1S(15.     2.  CHAin.r-  L..  1  cb.  -.,  ia>K 

affection  and  ..t..u.      When  Adnnra    r..;n.   ^^T^^l^rt^/in^nd  b. '  lUnt.,n,   s^oin,,  •'.  I 

;Stt:[i>;.r  :':::;<;;:;:b:"-'i' n;:^ .. .... ..  ti.  i-.b..  .,....•  n. ...  ,n 

Burton,  O     ^'Tt.  ^^^'1^;!:,-'%    1S13-  m    Murv  Stebbius.  ^vlu.  <1,   May  1R.  ISI^,  a.  ^s. 

He  n.m.  to  Obi.;  .-us  Sh.nlT  ci  -^^i'='^!;f  ^^-;,ri  m  r  .  n.  in  n, 're.mile  bu^in.-.s. 
,.ablir  si>irit-.l  and  u-^.ivd  tuan.  "^  v,a.^  M  Vcb  l^^T;  d.  n.:cx  day.  -.  Wiu.tAM. 
Hfd.  in  Burton,  Juuf.  lb. 1.      1-  :V'-'\- '  '  '  f^        ',    •iVli)-  ni     S.-,-'     10.    ISC'.l,    n.nrb-.^ 

"  ''7  ''■  '  r'^  %'{%  I'ii  ■-'■"  u'<  ;.:  Mat^hlo,  1847;  ll,  S.,,.  31,  1S4..  5. 
llawtbornr,  wbo  d.  >ept.  IJ.  i  -t>i.      .,    -^i' 

FKEDi.iK,  b.  S.M.    17,  1^*;(..  d    Au?^    1   b.  ],.,.i.,.i-  Ma.v;  d.  U. 

HI.  Ebxab..,b,  ..  Apnl  3.,,  ^^l-'v  ^^bf',;  :'  ",  ,  '  ,  ,vboM.  faniilv  at  Cinciunati, 
18f;o.  "  A  very  int-lb^vnt  v;>inHn,  -  "  ^  ;-^'>  ,|  ^M  'd  1SG5  was  u  season  of  -reut 
().,  she  visited  a  sliort  tune  b-in,..  h-  d-atl,  ^  '  /  '  J  ,.  ^,i,.  „f  ^ilr.^  Lavlord,  cou- 
n.ortality  in  Burton,  f-oin   tnah^uant  ^^'^  1^*'  >   .  J   J'  ,  j"  ,^,,1,  .nd  don/e.ti-s,  bvo 

0237.  Noah  TutHe .,.  1- 1^;.;;«:. ;-;  ';•  S;;t;;;,^  l,'  J,;^'^^;;;;'!,;^^:, 

nrttnity  ^vho  jttdge  V-f-:;'"J,^^l    '^^V    '^  i'  ^   ,      o    strife  and  nunpetition,  that  -  Uncle 
1,,-arlv  perbet  than  is  often  leali/.ed  in  this       '.1  i^  f,,llowin^^  ■,neC(U.!e  illustvates 

areumalatb.-   wealth,    eouv-u-sin-   one   da>    ^^  '''',"    r'.,,'  ]„,,,.,  ,   ,,,1,,.  .s  he  roubl 
,,,.  .like  in  this  respe..t,  and  that  7";,^, 'j^  ^    '     <  ,,  ^l,/ ?  ^Jl,  if  .ku-ed    -^ than 

his  own  eMiiaate  (alwa^^  a  ^'^k:- at.'  on,  , -u  ,-,,    —  ,^,^,,^^.,, -^j,^^,   s^,,,,  ,,,a  a  enw  t 

,l,i.  i.M.e  a  b.t  was  n^a<\r  U.^^vvyn  I  o'  ;;'■■  '  ";  ^  ^  ^^.^,^  ^^^[,^,,  .,n,  ami.  atter  the 
,,  S30.  m  pursuanee  „1  a  previous  ,  ;  -?'^.>!;'  .^  ,"  "v.  -  I  s.^y,-  >es,u,.ubd 
„M,a!  beaiin-  the  hush    lu-  ^^  as  <  t  1  ^^^'    ■;:'„,,  •■       -,.,,„  ^u,.,„i,.  1,,  t  liis  wa->T, 

H.  d.  in  CanHb;.,  Juu..  ^- ,  ^;^V,^^/  V^;  ■,/^;:.,  •,,,■  O,.  b'^'  '  VO  Tn  rb.  h.t  s!,.  was 
17;;.:;:.;"  Inendan^'af  HdJand  a  tguSar  tn..nd..r  oi  th.  Sun<b,-  s.i-oob 

4'.) 2  ISKAXCII    OF    SIMOX.  i 

].      All. hi'Nv.  1,.  X..V.  ;).  177-?;  m.  17(11,  I'hilnu;.' Allrii.  | 

11.     ]':ii/„ilic:li.  li.  .\|.:-i!  .").  177."".:  <!.  On.  11,  177S.  i 

III.  l.aiira.  W.  Ahiic'i  ;l.  1777:  -1.  .luly  s,  IS-.^S;  m.  PliiHi.  Tiarn.--;  tlvy  %veiv  of  tli(>  ' 
loiiii  l.-is  m|'  th,.  Ciiii:.  <'!ili.  ;it  ('aiu.lcu,  N.  Y.;  luiil  two  ilar,:-.  in.  aiitl  liviii"-  in  \\'(-t-  ', 
tirld.  X.   V.                                                                                                                             "  ; 

IV.  I'liiii.-lias  b.  Scj.;    s.  ]77<i.  1 
V.      Oiauiun.  li.  .Ian.  ;j,  KS-J;  ui.   IsOl,  AM  lianics;  CJ)  Kliza  Buri^-e.Sh.  | 

VI.      Noali  I'au-iuan,  .Iiilv  -24,  17S}:  <!    .Inlv  1.",.  1704.  '  ! 

Vli.      Chlo,-.  1,.  Nu,rc!i  ]:l,"i:s7:  m.  Imj-,,  riM-.-us  Allen.  i 

VJII.      X.'h.-niiah  Kuyr,'.  o.  .July   1,  171)i):    .i.  sni.  yr. 
IX.     Cliauiicey,    h.    Xov.    8,  17;i2:    m.    ISK).   'riu-odoisia    Cari^eutor:    (2)   is:30,   Sarah 
<.'niti..;:  (:])  IS.JS,  lair-inda  liun-i;-li\-; 

X.  Xoah  Pan-man.  1).  Oct.  17,  IT'.t.-i;  d.  May  2(i,  l^MS;  m.  Polly  Cady;  cLil.  li.  in 
<'nnHlen.  1,  SAiiAir,  td.  U.  Atwoixl,  aisi  li.  in.  Muii-son,  111.  2,  PurxEUAs"  ;-;,  Ce\\.o:<. 
15(>ili  left  ('iumli'n  in  \'i''aiii,  innliinir  know  (jf  tln'ni.  ■ 

XI.  D^'r.icl,  1,  Apnl  Q:\^  I7>i8;  ni.  1S17,  Eunice  CariM'ntfn-;  (2)  1834,  Alniira  f. 

92371.  Andrew  Tuttle.  b.  Xov.  0,  1772;  d.  Oct.  2^).  1S2!J,  settled  in  CannbMi 
^^)tli  his  faflicr.  ai:i.;ng  the  Mr.-^t  there;  v.k  Aug.  12,  179."),  Philonie  Allen,  (.sis.  of  Pe:- 
«eus,  wlio  ni.  Andrew  Tnttle't.  si-..  Chloe.)     Shed.  Xov.  7,  l><~)<). 

I.  I,vin;;ii,  b.  All;:.    M,  1796;  in.  Sarah  llungerford;  (2)  Saltr;.  Whitney. 
II.     Or;-i-,  b.  Se],!.' 14,  17rtS;  ni.  Ann-  Smith. 

IH.      Fliv:a,  b.  Xov.  P.),  IsoO;  d.  Feb."  1(1.  ISH;  unin. 

IV.  AriKMula  ('.,  b.  .Juneyu,  PSOl;  d.  s.  i..  Xov.  Pl.  IR^.H;  m.  Mav  14,  18^4  StiU-.s 
..1.  Predion. 

V.     Tliankful  O..  ]>.  Mar-di  27.  ISO^;  d,  Oct.  o.  is3(j,  v.nm. 

VI.  Ibd.ecca.  b.  Xov.  :i,  ispl;  n,.  Feb.  1,  p;:;2,  Iviyle^  (.'(unvtork.  1,  Semantiia. 
li.  Pe::.,  l'^:32;  ni.  .Jo~iah  As!q>  ib-;  res.  n-^xv  Pr-kforl,  11!.;  /. :  three  snus.  one  of 
Avhoni  d.  in  2.  Samam,  .Pily  21"),  ls:'A;  in.  Xov.  2."),  1N.')2,  .lames  Giil'ord,  re..^. 
C'an\d(-n,  X,  Y. ;  ('.  2  >biu.,.  o.  Wu.r.!  a.m,  m.  Jennie 'l"(dle.s.  1,  ilunnici/.  2,Mtni.ic. 
drowned  in  sriinmer  of  ls71;   a.  2  vrs. 

VII.      Anre-lia,  b    S-i-r.  17.  l^Vr.  d.  .v.  /.,  Oct.  .""<,  lSn;l;  ir..  March  10,  lS:-'.s',  Seth  Panies 
of  \^'(•sl   M.oielund,  X.  Y. 

023711.  Lyman  Tuttle,  b.  An-,  14.  VM.  near  Clinton,  Oneida  Co.,  X.  Y.  Pe 
began  to  .-.ti.dy  tlie  mini-try,  le;t  failim;-  eyesiulit  com-.elled  liini  to  ai«u.ulon  it.  lie 
heM  tlie  otfice  of  deaeun  in  ti:e  Presbt.  rhii.  (.>!  1  aniden  for  uver  Mn  y.'ars :  i\.  Ocr.  2."i. 
].■?(;.').  -'All  obitua!-y  written  by  his  jia>tor  sin-  liev.  W.  S.  b^ranklin,  .-ays:  "Tiie  oni- 
niunity  ha-^  -ustained  a  coiunion  lo.^.s  in  The  death  of  Pea.  Pyiiian  'ihitile.  He  was  a  n-.aii 
of  rare  worth:  one  of  tlio.-v'  v,  hose  los>  will  bi- aiijireciated  the  )n;jie  ^ve  realize  tli;'.t  lie 
is  gone.  Having  been  a  re-..ideet  of  this  lown  frir  sixty ci-lit  yea.'s,  he  lias  seen  tlie 
wilderness  become  a  fruitful  field:  a  thriviiig  village  taking  t!ie  jiiace  of  a  dense  fore.-t. 
lie  has  been  esjieciaily  idep.tified  wiih  tin-  ie!i;;ious  history  of  the  place.  \\'hile  a  yeutii 
he  made  jirofes^ioi;  of  his  faith  in  Christ  and  for  iifiy  year.-  wadked  before  this  commu- 
nity a.-  a  man  (nninentiy  worthy  of  his  higli  and  lioly  calling-.  Peing  uiuted  with  the 
Cong.  chh.  lie  ^vas  ont- of  its  nutiu  suppoiiin;,' pillars  and  a  faithful  standard  bearer  for 
imiie  than  :)(>  years.  Hi-  euIo.ey  is  written  in  a  long  life  i>f  earne-t  piety.  Until  a  f-'v,- 
days  l.iefon'  hi.-  death  lie  was  active  and  energetic  ii\  liis  Ma-^ter's  l.iusiiiess,  we  so  little 
thinking  that  wv  siiould  so  soon  bear  him  to  tlie  erave  with  universallumentations. 
such  is  the  way  of  Him  v.dio  lia--  now  removed  from  tlie  church  militant,  one  we  could 
lea-:i  afford  to  spar.-.  Hi-  went  down  to  hi-  irrave.  ..^atliered  lilce  a  siioclc  of  corn  fully 
ripe,  in  his  -eason,  h-aving  u>  lo  moui'ii  his  loss,  \\jiile  we  temper  our  .LTlef  with  thi' 
assurance  that  our  lo-s  i.-  hi-  eternal  uain;"  m.  S,']>t.  21).  lS2f),  Sarah  Huni'-erford.  who 
U.  Oct.  10,  is:;.):  ^2)  May  (i.  l.^::!.->.  Sabra  \\d.itnev  of  Hender,-,on.  .b-;ierson  Co..  X.  Y.,  b. 
Aug.  PP  P^'07;  d.  at  Hendeison,  X.  Y..  Oct.  IS.  is72;  (a  nie.-eof  the  P.ev.  C.  E.  Finney;) 
/.  l)y  1  m.,  b.  in  C;imd.en     X.  Y. 

I.  Andrew  Orvi.-.  .Inly  7.  1^21;  m.  May  20.  isH;,  Pet.sey  Punlap,  wlio  d.  Feb.  22. 
IS.'yj;  (2'FeIj.  ti.  IStU.  .Mary'.Ptiie  (iraliam.  lie  rem.  to  Peoiia.  PI.,  where  he  cultiva.teii 
}\  lari;-!'  farm  and  held  .-ei.'erai  impirtant  town  ami  countx  otlii-es:  /.  liy  1  m..  in  l'i\-o!i. 
III.:'  1,  Pvma.v  IHXJ.AI'.  b.  Pe..-.  :!(.).  P'^4s:  m.  .Ian.  12.  1^71,  .b.-nnie  i>uncan  and  Inel  1, 
Ju'n^  i;>.rl.  b.  Ort.  pi,  ls71.  2.  CiiAi;i.i;v.  b.  Apiil  20.  l^.M.  ::,  Fi:axk  P..  .Jan.  1^. 
l^j:;.  -P  M  u;v  ]-;  ,  b.  o.  ;.  ]'.i,  \sr,\,  r>.  S.-^  P...  i..  Oec.  ;».  Is'''!:  /.  by  2di.  m. :  G. 
(Ji!.\Nr.  Ii.  Awj.  :;i).  l^:;■,'       7.  Stsv.N.   b.  .A'.ril    p;    l-'fU 

II.  A   son,  d,  v. 



].   ^  Sarah  E. ,  h.  OrU   ]2.  IS'^D;  <}.  0,i.  ■Jd.  ls:i  ;   ni.  .Juur  5,  1s.-,(i,  Calvin  F.  l'i(.:.tnn 

'  'Iii:     Oi.i.iF,  A.,  li,  July  :,,  ],sr,7.     /.in   Oil:.".: 

..  ..  IC.  ls-29:  J.  o,i.  ■ 

(.1  Canaila.  who  il.  S.-pt.  2,  l^t',;,,  l  r]iV  ' 
IV.     Iiilam,  r 

;in(l.    l\'iji.    ]) 

'I'l't.    Obcilin    (_\i].    ISGO:  in.    Oct. 
Ha!l>.TstlfI..l,  ().,  Sc-|)i.  20,  1.S20: 

"     .-7,   IsiiO.     2. 

d.    April    G, 

1  \  .     iiiiani,  II.  s...,n. 

V.  llc-lcn  Ai.].'l;a.  h.  (.),.'t.  11.  1^3S;  i^ind.  l\'ni.  Drpt  Obcrlin  Col 
21,  ISCl,  Sanim^l  Cook  Il,.t,-liki>-.  of  .Monro.,..  .Mid,..  1,.  1  larp.Tsrifl,!,  (). 
ir.s.  Wliitt'i'ord,  -Mii'li.  ].  (;i..m;i:m  e  Lv.m.w,  h.  S.'j.r.  2,  ISCC;  d'  j, 
.Iri.iv,  I).  Washin^^ion,  D,  C.,  Am:.  ('»,  [X',{).  y,  Kcr.v  h'.lnlv  '"'<  l^' 
1.ST4.  "  '  ■     "'        '^'    "'    '''""    "• 

923712.  Orris  Tuttlo,  h.  S.-ot.  M,  ]?,)S;  th-  -Ith  .-hlhl  l„,rn  in  tin-  mwn  ,,f  Cam- 
den; n;.  l»fC.  ?>0,  l.SlS,  Amy  >mhh  of  C. :  h.  F,-h.  27,  ISUI,  ar,fl  c.-h-hi  aird  --olden 
wedding  in  Mun-ou,  111.,  ih-r.  o'\  Isin.  ,,f  uhirh  an  intere.-tin--  a.'C(,aut  e..nt'>inimT 
valuahle  historical  matter  was  i.iihlisle.d  in  the  j/',„so/i  I^cju/Llic.  ^  'J'hev  rem  To  'I'ivoif 
111.,  Sept.,  18-lS,  tlniiee  To  .Muii'^ou  in  l.'^.rJ;  at  that  time  th,.  whole  eoimtrv  h-'tweeii 
Caniliri-l.Lce  and  (ienr'.-eo,  on  Chiea_u-o  \-  h'.R-k  Idand  R.  R.,  was  ioi  unhi'oken  Avild.-rue';-? 
not  a  siii.i.'-le  hon--  Ue-veen  the  two  p.,i,.iT<.  He.,-  liP  woiked  hard  10  iijiprov  his  farm' 
ei.diinni:-  j.atiently  the  hardship-,  and  privations  of  ].i,,neer  life.  He  has  litled  various 
nifiees.  '•  Mov  thati  nOy.a.s  ag<.,"  he  writ.-s.  --in  my  (diihlh-.t-d  I  recolleet  seein-  two 
of  my  'rraiidfather's  l.iotln-rs  in  CamchMi,  X.  1'.,  oji  a"\isir  to  mv  n-randfalher  No;Tli.  I 
think  Their  luunes  weie  Eh-ne/.er  and  Lneins."  From  an  ohit imrv'^  half  a  column  hue- 
puMished  iii  the  local  \Ki],'-y  we  learn  Iha,^  .Mr.  Orris  Tuith'  d.  ,.;i"Monilav  niirliT,  .Jan.  V. 
l.-:;77,  at  ilie  res.  of  his  s.  1..  F.  Tuttle  in  O'-ient  town.^hi]).  111.  •■  Fat'her^'J'uUle  was 
loved  hy  all  who  knew  him  f..r  his  unvaryiii--  elmrity  and  kin<lm-,s  of  spirit:  liis  ever 
ready  helping  liand  aud  his  uniform  ohservanee  of  the  irohlen  ru'e.  He  was  of  stvono- 
mind  ami  constitutimi,  sehlom  siek  and  r.'iaii.,-d  his  facultie.^  to  tie-  last.  Just  before 
the  end  he  asked  -^.loTher  'J'uttle'  if  she  thou.-ht  he  wa-  dvin^-.  She  replied:  ^Father 
1  don't  know.'  He  ih^n  r^-maiked:  ■  It  matters  not:  vm  ^viH  c.^.^r,  lie  with  m.'  a-ain  ' "'' 
•■He  died  being  and  full  of  days."  Aft.-r  a  funeral  discourse  hv  the  I^'V.  J.  K  Dunn 
his  remairis  were  f(dlowed  hy  a  large  futieral  ]u-o<'essi,,n  to  the  Oiiep.t  Cemet'-rv 

L     .Martha  Fliihnna,  b,  April  20,  1.^^:20;  m.  lS-14,  Alonzo  Moigan.      1,   M  uVrit  v  M 
P.,  1),  in   (Jnoiidaga   Co.,    X.  Y. ,  An-.  27,  ISF.;  d.  in   M.,  HI.,  Nov?  2ii    ISIJO       2      Vic^' '- 
-liKUT   I.LWi.s    b.    Aug.    IsiS.     3,   ED(;Aii  \V.,   b.    Sept.  \sr>^.     4,'nj)  v  Acin'-m  a     b 
July  2,  I'S.)^'. 

II.      Sarah  Angeline,  b.  Sept.  10.  Iy22;  d.  Jan.  4,  1840;   unm 

III.  Lewis  Lyman,  b.  Nov.  2G,  1.S24:  m. ;  ,v.  /. ;  res.  Munson. 

IV.  Amanda  Emeline,  b.  July  0.  FS27;  d.  in.  I'arniinu-tf,n,  HI.,  Nov.,  ls.jr,;  ni  Jan 
21,  IS.jfi,  Fhilo  W  Chapman  of  Peoria.  1,  S.mijk  .Mii.i.s,  b.  Oei.  21,  l^"n-  m  Oct  10 
LS70,  Maiy  Candee  and  had  a  .son,  Arthur  Jhi'.di.rln.  b.  in  Fariuiugton  'ill  \mr  \ 
1.S7L  '        '"■     ' 

V.     Amelia  Louisa,  b.  in  \\'illiamsto\vn   Set.t.  .S,  1.-20;  m.  Oet.,  1840    at  New  ^'ork 
Mills,  Joint  .E.  Crawford  and  hr.d :     1,   Ai>.>.  Ai.nV.,  b.  in  Vi,.nna,  X.'v.    x'nv     l.s.-,l    ar'd 
others  b.   in  (/amden:     2,    Sophia,    Feb.,    \SM\;    d.    1m;0.     3     A\\\    b    Alay"   FSfi2'      ^ 
Jexme  Ei.iz.c  b.  ^x\^h^,.     5.  Nkllik,  b.  ISGO.  '  '  •  ■    •     .-     -^ 

\{.     Aurelia  Anti.  April  MO.  is:!]:  d.  i)i  \\'.  Sept.  .'^,  1S;JL 

Vll.  Eli/a  i;ebeeea,  b.  July  14.  1n;j;J;  ,n.  in  FeoriaV'o.,  111..  Oct.,  ls.'.2  Ihainerd  J 
Orton.  1,  Ar.i'K  Ltka.  b.  Julv  17.  Is.-Jl.  2.  Eiutii  Amwi.v  b'  He,-  ;lu  18.jG  'i 
Fi;.\m;[.ix  Fk_\i.\ki:i.,  ."March.  bs.V.i.  4,  Haitik  M.  .  b.  Jul  v,  ISGO.  ,-,,  M  vky  Julv  s' 
l.^^'iG;   all  but  th'-  (iist  b.  in  .Munson,  wh-'ie  thev  now  i-es  "  '         "      " 

^'"^        ''—     '''■■"     '•      ^•■■■"    '^     ^-"^  ■'  .ly.^is^b.    Maty    Jameson.      ].     K.vtk 

A/7AV.,  Ajuil  10.  l.sGO- 

i.-M>).   ail  iHiL-  lie-  Mist  o.  in  .Munson,  wli.'ie  tliev  now  res 

Vlil.      Alonzo    Allen,    b.    April    ;].    l.sij.-^^;    „i."  J„lv.    JS.V;. 
Amki.ta,  b.  Nov.  1,  is.oi).     2,   SMiTir  Fokd,  b.  Dec'l:-),  1SG2.     -c   j.i/zir.,  April  lo   l.sGO- 
res.  Cieni'seo.  III.  i  •     ^  .    - 

IX.  Hiram  Smith,  b.  May  11,  ls.17.  In  the  fall  of  ISGl  enlisted  f,,r  three  vear^  in 
the  inh  111.  cavaliy,  Co.  C,  and  having  served  iiis  time  .mt  r.Tnnied  home  si^k  and  d'ed 
wnluii  2w  .lays,  in  fall  of  ISOF  He  m.  in  Munson  in  l.s.^s  Julia  A.  Huslmell  1  Criiv 
lAXTiiK,  b.  Dec,,  o  ]„^  IFcMix F.i.i,.  April,  iscii.  :;,  H'-kiucht  Li:wis  Mav 
lSG:i;   wid.  and  <di;l.  res.  in  Se\sard  Co.,  Xeb.  '         "  ' 

X.      Anna  l>iane,  b.  J,ily  2G.    Is;!;);    ,1.    xsint.rnf    ls74.^.^,;    ,„,    i„    y[     March     l,S.-)9 
1  homas  llenrv  Th.atchei-.      1.    Lii:\  H  kv).  n  i  r  ^     1:    s;,.i,t      i  ^r.n       •>     Ax.,,,r...,    i'    -w,  '  ' 

i>>b'.i\   wid.  and  cli;l.  res.  m  Se\sard  Co.,  Xeb. 

X.      Anna  l>iane,  b.  J,ily  2G.    Is;!;);    ,1.    xsinfrnf    ls74-^.^,;    ,ii,    i 
Thomas  Henry  Th.atcher.      1,    LiK.v  Hem;ikt  i' \.  b.  Sei-t. ,  ISGO.     2,   AN(.jjri;ii    l',    XoT-' 
10,  l^i;,5;   i-es.  Ori>-nt,    Iowa.  .     •  -        . 

M.  Oet.  10,  l.^GT,   Mary  A.   Chamlwrliu. 

10,  \mr,:   i-es."Ori'-nt,    low; 

XI.     Orris  Andresv,  b.  De.-.  :',\ .  1SJ2:  m.  in 
1.   Ai.oN/:;>  CirAMi;r;i:i.!,\.  b.  Mav  10.  b^TO. 

Xll.  Amy  Maria,  i,.  April  !:;.  isfri;  ,„.  in  >F  Mav  2:i.  ISGo.  William  Huisw  Stron/r 
b.  Nbiv-.:;,  |v;j.;  i-es.  Orient.  1,  A  !.F  uKi.  Okkis.  b.  Julv  7,  1^18.  2,  HfiiT  'Ilttli.' h 
Jan.  F],  Is,  1.  •  -'     • 

494  35UANCI1    OF    SIMON'. 

92374.     Diiucas  Tuttlo,  !■.  S._-pt.  s,  ktO;  ]\-aruu;  m. 

1        Mcriiillia,  Am:.  •,':,  LnJi*.    ]>;ivi(l  S.   Vt'ii^lit. 
II.      Sni>hia,  ^'uv.TJ,  lSi)l:   111.  Pet. T  J).  Wood. 
II!.      ]lii:,m  15.,  .luiif-l,  1^07;  111.  AuKUKhi  M.  Sl;iiiin'r. 

023741.     Mcrintha    Tattle,   l-.    An,:.    27,    Imhi.    m.    Match   1      l,sv,-,     D^vid    s 
"WrigliT,  wlio  .1.  ill  I'curia,  111.,  U.-t.    i:;,  l.stj."). 

I.  Marv  Aim  Writ:!!!.  Aug.  -23,  IS-^G;  d.  July  'io.  1s,j.^. 

II.  I-:iizahrih  \\'ii-li1,  July  'M,  1S>2'J;  iii.  Aug.  ;i,  IS.jlj,  Zarali  A.  Katoa;  cliil.  b.  iil 
Pt'oria,  III..  ],  ( 'i)];.\  I-;.,  Jan.  o,  IS.'iT.  2,  IL\'i'i-ii:  .Mi;i;i.\-i  n.'i,  Sfpi  -^A,  ls.")lj.  3, 
ViSLi:i';  A.M. ski:.  Dec.  ,01.  ISGO.  4.  'r[iAi>DKrs  Zauaii,  April  ']:',  J.^-^CG  nt  Clavtoii' 
Wo<.>;lfor,!  Co..  111.;    ivs.  Xrv.- Cliirai;-,.,  Kas. 

111.  Sanui>-I  li.  Wrigiir,  Aug.  17,  is;',];  m.  .\\i'.:.  )',[),  ISoC.  Eaton.  1,  Ida 
F,l.\Oi:a,  Jan.  il.  l.S.-)7.  0.  C'.\i;i;rF.  Auki.k,  Jan.  f»,  ison.  at  Munsoii;  d.  Jan.  :,  ]S71.  at 
>ve\v  (/.,  Ka>.     ;],   S.v\!t;K(.,  m;  i  ii,  Aug.  1(»,  Im;).     J,   Fisa.nk  Z..   D.t.  OH.  l':'(W, 

n'.      Jaiui-.s  II.  \\'riglit,  Jan.  S,  ISiU;   in.  Aiil'.  O'.i,  ]S."»:.  Sarali  Atwood,  \\],o'  d.   Feb. 

10,  ISUo.      !!i.Mij.(0) .      ^liy]^;tni.:      1.    Mai.Y    Ax.v.    .March    U,    l^jo!).'     2,    IloisAit'i 

Jam.ks,   .May    Jo,   ]SC«1.      I.   by  2.1   in.:  :'>.   A\'it.i,i.-\M    ll.vv/i),   Fd).    12.    isilS.     4,   Jkx.mi. 
Bki.],,  Ajiiii  Of),  is7i);  ic.  (iihnuie.  Iroijuoid  Co.,  II!. 

V.      Favid  S.  N"\'iiglit,  July  :-5,  1S40:  ui.    Nov.  15,    1S("J,    Scniaiitlia   B.    'rhouias.      1, 

MlNNIK   J  K.\.\"XKTTK,   JuiieOS.    18()S. 

923742,  Sophia  Tuttle,  1'.  Nov.  12,  ISOl;  m    Sept.   2o,   1820,    Peter  1).  \Vou(l; 
res.  (>rieiit,  .ViiairCo.,  Iowa. 

I.  Jane  F.  Wood  Jn'y  m,  1^21:  in.  June  2!J,  PJMD,  in  Camden,  N.  Y. ,  Augustus 
Mow;  rem.  to  Ca-s  (.'<>.,  .^Licll,,  where  cliii.  were  le,  thence  in  ]sO"),  t..  Chic]-.-^a\v  Co.,  la., 
where  (hey  now  live.  1.  1>a\jl>.  2,  C.Viioi.i.SE.  y,  AuGL's'iUs.  4,  CkhK',;!:.  o, 
>^or}irA.     Ii,   luA.     7,  I-:i.M(ii-t.     -:.   Hatiikv. 

11.  Hannah  ^>o]dua  Wood,  May  lo,  l.s-JJ;  in.  Jan.  G,  1812,  in  .Mason,  Cass  Co., 
^licli.,  Silas  II.  Lay;  rem.  in  ISii."}  to  .^lunson,  111.  ],  I'iilveas  S.,  1)^'.  h,  1S42;  iin 
Oct.  27.  lSfl7,  Maggir  Allen.  2,  .M.viiv  Locisa,  Jan.  Id,  Isi.',;  m..  ])Jc.  G,  jsii'ii,  P.u.cius 
E.  Whipple;  res.  Hillsdale.  Mi(di.  1,  /A/-/v/  L,i,/,  Oet,  Ki,  ]sG.t>.  2.  r/ct-'/Y/r  N.',  Oct.  24. 
1870.  y,  (.iK(iU0E  D..  Jan  2'.*,  I^IF  4.  CATiiAiirNir;  A  i{Ai;r:i.LA.  Sept.  Fli-lO;  d.  Jan. 
26,   lSo2.      5,  Jli.ia  .Mai:i  \.  .Vug.  ;jii.  is.vj       G,   Lnvii.v,   .\ov.  2:;.  I^."i7.' 

111.  Charles  F.  ^^\)od.  Dec.  U,  1S2G;  m.  Nov.  4,  ISol.  .Marv  Coodrich.  who  d.  ,s,  /. 
Aug.,  l^oO.  11»- m.  1,2)  (.)ct.  1,  li'Gl,  Manila  Frazier,  and  had  a  child  h.  June!  18GS- 
<1.    Dec.  9,  Isod. 

IW  Hiram  d'uttlv  ^Voo(I,  July  G,  1S2!F  m.  Nov.  11,  is.^s,  Eliza  CJurmon  ami  had  2 
ciiil.,  who  d.  soon. 

V.  (ieor^.'  'W.  ^\ood.  .\ov.  27,  ls;;'.4;  a  successful  farmer,  and  Justie,.  of  the  Peace; 
res.  ^Muuson,  ill.;  m.  March  7,  ISG.:).  M.arv  A.  IIoiTstaiter.  1,  A  S(i.\  h  IbGVJ-  d  soon 
2.    Cl.AIIA   .M..V,  Feb.  11,  l^;(l. 

VI.  Henry  Delos  \N'ood,  b.  May  JtU,  ISSS:  m.  Feb.  11,  l^GF  Emma  Harper;  both 
teach  school  in  .Miinsoie      1,    Rdi.i.ix  Mi-:i!!;i  1.7,,  h.  ls71. 

\n.     Eunocia   Wood.    b.    April    11,    1>j42;  m.    F(d_c   23,    18G3.   John   Iloflstatter;  res. 
Adair  Co.,  Iowa.     1,  Myhti.i:,  .A]>ril  13,  iSGs. 

923743.  Firam  Tuttle,  h.  Jnm'  4,  IsoT;  d.  nt  (frand  Mound,  Iowa,  .June  8,  1870; 
m.    at  Mixtown.  Pa.,  Amanda  .M.  Skinner;  chil.  I,«.  at  C<jniing,  N.  Y..  except  Mary. 

I.  .Mary,  b,  ut  Mixtown,  July2G.  ISli);  m.  A]iril  22.  18G1,  Daniel  Suiulerlin,  1. 
lIiitAM  P..,  b.  Jan.  20,  18G2;  d.  .Mairh  17,  18G3.  2,  Cfuhgi;  DAVin,  b.  April  21,  ls'G3;  d. 
]\larch  3,  ISt;.-,.  a.  Fki.i.ik  H.  M..  b.  Julv  2!»,  18GF  4,  Ada  J.,  h.  Oct.  G.  I'yGG  '  o 
Lilian  Ia  a.  b.  Feb.  2G.  I,s70.    . 

II.  liarri'M,  b.  Sept.  2C,  Is'il:  u>.  at  A\',  Pa.,  March  14,  iL-Gl.W.  F.  (.'eisc. 
1,  Cakuik,  Jan.,  1SG2;  d.  June.  1 8G8.  2.  .Ik-s1  i;\t,  b.  Nov.  1^(53.  3  Hikvm 
15.,  b.   Aug.  4.  isGG. 

III.  Hiram  Iv,  Nov.  o,  1812;     m.    Mandi  0,  ].s;f;i ,    Susan   Sniidrrliii        1,J\mk:0! 
)).  April  21,  iSiO. 

IV.  Fli7,abe-lli,  b.  .hm..  1.  isfl:  d.  June  IG,  Islo. 

V.  William  T.,  b.  .May 'J.  l.^p;;  ni.  at  Jas].er,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  18,  ISGG,  Lorrtta  T 
'J'owsley.      1,  CoKA  E.,  b.  .hme  M,  iSGi);  res.  Fulton.  111. 

VI.  'I'hewre-sa.  b.  .\].ril  22,  1848:  d.  at  Corning,  Oct.  10,  ISol. 

\\\.  H.  iirv  S.,  h.  .Mac  I,  ISMX 

VUI.  Phini''as  C..  b.   .Mandi  '.',    ls.V2. 

IX.  liannnh  E..  S'-i'c  N.  "*i'.,  S'pi.    24.  IS.jl. 

X.  Chailes  W.,  b.  ai   Williianspdrt.   !'a.,  April  2ib  18-"!S. 



92G75,  Oramon  Tuttle,  h.  .hni.  ;),  1:n-3;  (Doa.);  m.  ,Iau.  24,  1S-M,  Ahi-uil 
15ariii'S,  1>.  in  Sliafi.-I)ur\  ,  \i..  .'an.  li,  1  7n:V  l.iv  ulioiu  lir  hail  I'lrvcn  cliililri'ii,  oT 
vlinin  till'  G  rldf.-t  l.oiii  in  Caimlfii,  >.".  Y.,  and  .")  in  X'icniui,  N.  Y.  Slir  U.  Nov.  7, 
IX'AS-  he  111.  (0)  .laii.  ."),  ]S>'.'..',  iii  Fldi'iMice,  N.  V.,  J-lIi/a  I'.ur.':.  ^;s,  \\-li(i\va-,  1>.  in  Siiaft-Jjuiv, 
"\'t.,  ]■'.  Ii.  \-2.  ]N'.)1,  \,y  \s!i,,iM  lu'  liad  ]  cdiiid,  1).  in  X'irinia,  N.  Y.,  \\lir|..>  he  d.  Oct.  2^ 
isr,],  a.  ><n:   l,r  was  a"  tanner. 

I.  ];niilv,  1).  Im'!,.  ■:(!,  l>:iK-};  m.  K/ra  Alii.;. it;  he  in.  (-?)  iu  Adams,  Mirh.,  Deo.  11, 
l.S;(l.  Maiv   IlMnMiJi.   li:  Adams,   P'el,.  !.•!.),    IS^l. 

II.  Saliv,  1).  Fell.  ],  ISOT;  d.  ,v.  /  in  Vi,-:;iia.  X.  Y.,  Jluie  22,  \S'>2;  m.  Dec.  14. 
Ib;j0,  Aliel  i-;rev,>ter.  <1.  in  I'arisli,  Ots,-:,)  {',..,  N.  Y.,  MavH,  ISV.I. 

]I1.  .Dani.  1,  1).  Vvh.  J,  ISiHt;  m.  Marclir.,  ls:^fj,  Sarah  CoVil,  b.  in  ^'.,  Feh.  2."'),  ISIT; 
L  in  IJi.u-ewav,  .Mich.  1,  Am(.;.,  l-\d).  1.  Is41;  d.  Mairli  7,  IS-io.  2.  Lt.N  j ,  ..Ian.  1, 
1^'l.j.  ;;,  Oi;\'>M(iN,  :.raivl,  :j,  l-'JT:  d.  Mardi  5.  1S4S,  4,  .Mki.iss.v,  h.  Apiil  4,  1S.50;  in.' 
JSov.  14,  lS(;s,  Waireii  Covil;  .^•.  ;'.     ."J,  Sai.i.ik,  b.  JiUi.  11),  lS.12. 

lY.  ].,eiit.  b.  AjHil  11,  isll:  m.  Dec.  2'J,  ]s;j;;,  e'athariue  llosmer,  b.  in  Ciat't.-bnrv. 
^'l.,  F(d>.  4,  1S12:  /.  in  V..  Oneida  C,>..  \.  Y.  1,  Fansim.,  b.  Fei).  14.  ls:)."j;  m.  in 
Onecmta,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  0.,  isi.l,  -Filia  Yea-ri,  b.  in  v..  X,,v.  11,  ]S2:).  1.  7iu-./„7,  b.  1S(;2. 
5,  ALU,  b.  Ant;.  2,  iSoT;  in.  in  \'.,Maridi  2."),  Isiilj.  Euuch  (.'ollins,  Ii.  in  Palei-nui,  Osweu'o 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  20.  b^ol;  farmer;  i.  in  V.:  l,J.uit<'.y,  -Mav,  l,s(j4.  2,  John,  Aj-ril,  lSlj7. 
3,  L'<h!i>-  L.,  Nov.,  ls(i!J.  ;'.,  DwiGiiT,!'.  March27,  d.  .]uly6,"lS41.  4,  KrrL'.-:,  Jan.  26,  1N4;J; 
m.  in  ().,  N.  Y..  Ann'.  C,  18<JG,  Francejia  Yea,o-er,  b.  in'o.,  Jan.  11,  1S4S.  1,  Citrnt\  b. 
in  Y.,  July  14.  IsG'.i.  ,5,  A,.i.ta,  b.  Aui:.  o,  1^:4'"-;  m,  in  \'.,  IManJi  5,  l^fj'-i,  Foriii  ihislmolF 
b.  in  ^^,  Nov.  G.  ISl.j;  ,v.  (.  G,  Sui-iiiA  A.,  b.  Mav  4,  1804.  7,  Ca)!UIK  A.,  b.  April  29, 
lHf)l);  d.  in  ^'.,  Sept.  S,  ISGl. 

Y.      Mary,  b.    May   :j,   l^i;];  d.  June   ]o,  182G. 

YF  Alma,  b.  Seju.  7.  ]Nb^);  m.  Dec.  lo,  JSLIG,  ^Villilun  S.  llosmer,  b.  in  Orltjans 
<\)..  Yt.,  Mav  20,  ISdl);  /.  in  Florence,  N.  Y.  1,  E.un.K  A..  Jan.  14,  ISJf);  ni.  Dec.  2, 
iSGo,  F.dward  Plielp.s.  b.  in  Camd.  n,  N.  Y. :  ..■<.  i'.  2,  lljJiAM  S.,  b.  Julv  U,  1848;  d,  .v.  /. 
Nov.  9,  18GS:  m.  Oct.  27,  1804,  Miranda  J.  Yandec.  8,  .\F\iiY,  b.  March  i!0,  b^4G.  4. 
SoiMHA  P.,  b.  March  2G,  F^-ll;  d.  March  2G,  ISGG  o.  Aknei;  P.,  b.  Feb.  14,  1854.  G, 
EttikM.,  b.  March  1,  p:.")7. 

A'Jl.  'Ihar.krul,  !>.  Dec.  15,  Fsl7;  m.  Nov.  11,  1838,  Abner  L'.  Pearce,  b.  in  Tor- 
rinn;ton,  Conn.,  AuL^  28,  isi.'j;  ,y.  {, 

YJIl.  Soj.hia.  July  14.  ]^\'i):  m.  in  ('am:l-n,  N.  Y.,  Jan,  10,  1SV4,  Ib.mnev  Pludjis,  b. 
iu  Cam.,  SejJt,  l^<,  'l811.  1,  Sktii.  Oct.  20.  1842;  niercJuint;  m.  in  C,  .hi  Iv 
30,  18G7,  Fannie  blie))urd,  b.  in  Canulen.  1,  Ci'rri>'  ,8'.,  b.  in  Hillsdale,  >Fic1i.,  Ane-.  ]G, 
18G9;  d.  July  PJ,  1^70,  2,  Nkwtox,  Feb.  2G,  l^lo:  m,  in  Y.,  Oct.  22,  18G7,  FnimH 
Yeagcr,  b.  in  Y.  ?.  in  Camden;  1,  Miiudi \  June  10,  ISGO.  2,  Trar)/,  Jan.  4,  l';^71.  8, 
Tlt.u-Y,  m-c.  7,  1S47;  d.  in  C.  Oct.  2o,  18G^.  4.  (Ti^oniiK.  b.  Julv  9,  1852. 
IX.      Nancy  C.,  July  ]r)_  ls22;  d.  in  Y.  June  2;1,  182;3. 

X.  Oriunon.  1>.  AjU'il  27,  ]s24:  m.  in  Camden,  Se]it.  12,  18-14,  Sallv  Ann  Spencer. 
h.  in  Fitclilleld,  C'.nu.,  May  28,  b^'2G.  F2  chil.,  of  \^  houi  the  elder  7  b.  in  Yienna,  N.  Y., 
and  the  rest  in  Seneca,  yi'vAi.  1,  Cii.vr-.i.Ks,  M.-iy  31,  F84"i.  2,  MaIxY  J.,  Aug.  11,  ls4G; 
m.  in  Seneca,  Dec.  i,  18G8,  Charles  0.  Pabcock."  b.  in  Doxer,  Mi'Ji.,  June  11,  1847.  1, 
L'dith  Ma>j.  Jan.  15,  ls70.  3,  II,  Dei'.  22,  1847;  m.  in  F&irlield,  Mich.,  Dec. 
35,  18GG,  U'allacp  Bryant,  b.  in  Dover,  Mich.  4,  ^Vili.ia>[  i:uGK.\K,  b.  Nov.  11,  1840. 
5,  \Yj],i.aud,  March"  23,  d.  Marcli  25,  1851.  6,  Jkssie  M..  b.  April  25,  1852.  7, 
IIakvey,  b.  Sept.  G,  1854.  8.  Ida  A.,  1).  Oct.  12,  1850.  9,  Hiuam  IF,  Nov.  11,  1858. 
10,  OiiAMox,  Jan.  20,  1801.      11,  FiiKD.,  Ajiril  IG,  lsG8.      12,  TlDwix,  b.  Jun.-  12.1870. 

XI.  Mary  Nancy,  \>.  Sept.  10,  L>2G;  m.  in  Y.  July  27,  1^47,  Thomas  H.  Srowe 
<farnier),  h.  in  Pochester,  N.  Y..  Sept.  23,  182G,  i.  in  Y'.:  \  DuiiA,  ^'ov.  G,  1840.  2. 
TifKHOX  D.,  An^-.  2;:,  ls52.  3,  PosCOK  C,  Feb,  2S,  FS50.  4,  \Y'.ia;vi\  ().,  June  8,  1862; 
-d.  inf.     5.  Wii.i.iK,  1),  in  Cam.,  Jan.  IG,  ISiM.      i.  bv  2d  m.: 

XII.  .Noah,  b.  AuiT.  12,  1S42;  m.  in  \ .  Dec.  31,  ISGi,  ."Marietta  D.  Bushnell.  b.  in 
V.  Sept.   18,  1S17;  .s.  i. 

923751.  Emily  Tuttle,  b,  Feb.  2n,  1805;  ni.  in  Y.  Nov.  23,  1823,  Ezra  Abbott 
.(fiirme!-),  b.  in  \N'arrer,,  Ibiknner  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  3,  1700;  d.  in  Adrian,  Mich.,  Jan.  6. 
18G0.:  i.  0  cliil.,  of  \\hnm  the  live  el.'er  wer'-  b.  in  A'.,  and  fiuir  iji  Lenawee  Co.,  Mich. 

1,      Nancy,  b.  S,,pt.   1,  1>24;  m.  in  A'.  (Jet,  17,  1843,  Ilarley  D.  Foster  (farmer),  whn 
^vab   b.    in    Jiristo],    Oniario    Ci>,.  .\.  Y..  .Mav    o'l,  Islli;  chil.  b.  in  Senech,  Fenaivee  Co. 
Mich.      1,  Si-;:v(  K';  H.,  b.  oc,  o't,  V^'rl:   m'.    in   Cho  u^n,    Mich.,    Sepr .   12,  1^G7.  Louisa 
BeiKxlict,  b.  in  Canada,  .May  2,  1817;  i',  h.  in  Dover,  Alich.      1,  }-:ihtr',rtJi.  b.  Oct.  2,  1808. 


J'.HAXC'Il   OF   srMox, 

2.'i'V(Y.',  I..  Mnv    7.  ]S70.      2.  -Makv  X.,  I.,  .lulv  G,  1^"j;5.      3,  Geokhk    J,      1,     \,|,,-   os> 
lSo5.  ■  ■  e-  ~  ■ 

11.      AarvMi,  li.  Mareli  "J.j,  1>^'37:    in.  in  Koine,  Mi''li.,  June   o,  l"-;")!'.,  .Malicl    .loluisun 
wliK  was  b.  ill  !:'.'-rlin,  llui-on  <'u..  .Mirli.,  Auy.  o\ ,  l^Hl;  rliil.    Ij.    in    lludboii,  Midi.       ] 
J.\.Mi;<  B.,  I'.-li.  'J."),  is.")?,     2,  .\r.T.iL  ('..  .)!in.~27,  isnu.     3,  .-\i,iu;kt  Iv ,  .-\u^r/i    jsci      4" 
OLivi-;  A.,  Au<:.  ;'l ,  l>^i>:). 

III.  (.icoi-yM  I,.  Al.lMtr,  h.  Frh.  8.  is2ii;  d.  .<,■.  (.  in  Dovvv,  Vvh.  12,  1,S70;  in.  iii  1)ov(.t, 
Midi  .  l'\'l).  IM,  1^;.j4,  L'lui.sii  Wait,  1>.  in  l.cKny,  (ieni-seo  Co.,  X.  Y., Murdi  27,  1S;J4. 

IV.  (Jianion  Alilintl.  b.   July  2-1,  1S;J2;  in.  in   Fsiirttr-ld,  .Mid,.,  Ort.  SO,  LS60,  Maria 
SlsiiHKT.  b.  in  l',  Vt.,  i^-'SC,.     1,  Ar  Airrnri!,  b.  ]),■<•.  1.  IS'JG.     2,  Ei.on' Li  \i 
1).  Dvr.  10,  isir, ;  (1.  |-\-!).  ;),  isi;^.     :j,  ].nk7,  Lorir-::,  b.  July  2i),  isr^t. 

V.  Os<-ar  Abbcii,  b.  ]'\'b.  2.  ls;j,j;  ni.  in  lln.Isdn.  .M'irb..  .Inn.-  II,  1S'.-,r),  Catliavino 
E.  iiaitlinlnincw,  11.  in  Ly.sandt-i',  Omndai^a  Cn.,  X.  Y  ,  Sejif.  4.  l>i:'>;  i.  in  ])over,  ]Midi. 
1,  Ai.iCK  L.,  b.  Oci.  Kb  J.'r^GO.  2,  (iKOiu-i':  E. ,  b.  March  (j,  ISiM.  ;j,  /\  dfj.l  (i  Mav  '>s' 
\^{\v^.  '        ■   "    ' 

VI.  E/.ra  .\bb.itt,  1).  Fi;\).  12,  IS.!::  111.  in  Dcnor,  .'an..  1.  Isii2,  Sarah  \).  Thuibrr,  b. 
in  S''iii'ca,  Mich..  Mardi  8.  b^4-l ;  ('.  in  Idn-cr.  1,  l>(.u.\  L. ,  [>.  ]'Vb.  27,  Itibl;  d.  Jaii.^.") 
1807.     '■].  X(i]{.\i.\x  !>..  b.  Sept.  14,  ]>i;r,;  d.  Fib.  G.  1-'G7. 

Vll.      (,)iiv(     Abl.Mtt.  b.  May  ;;i,  IS-iO;  d.    s.    ?■.  Sci.t.  21,  18.VJ;    m    in  ]).  Dec.  ]().  isr.r. 
Aiidicu- .1.  Fi-k,  b.  in  Vi-tmn,  ('hcnanu-,,  To.,  X.  \  . 

Vlil.  Elou  F.  Ah'.iott,  b.  Xi.v.  2G.  \>4:i.  m.  in  Adam.-,  Midi..  (Jet.  1.  ISGY  Judp  Ann 
Br.rwii,  b.  ill  ('amliria.  Xiau'aaa  0>..  X.   V..  A'ly:.  ]■"),   1845.      1,   Ezu.v.  I>.  .\!ar(dj  .'i.  L^i;7. 

IX.  Abbott,  .hnif  11.  1847:  m.  in'  I>.  Aii£r.  2ib  Isdii,  Martha  P.owb-,^.  b  in 
Springlltdd,  Clark  Co.,  0.,  D.-r.  24,  18-1:>^.  She  d.  in  Dover,  July  18.  1870;  biinitd  u< 
death  by  keroseiii'  can  exidnsio-i;  left  one  child,  Xa.\cv,  b.  Anu'.  10,  18GS. 

92377.  Chloe  Tuttle,  b.  Ma.r-di  ];!,  n87;  d  in  :\Innvnn,  I]],,  Sept.  24,  ISo'J,  a. 
72:  til.  in  Cau'ah-n,  X.  Y..  <>'■{,  Fb  18U5,  Prr-jeiis  Alh-n,  whu  d.  in  M.  June  22,  I^GV,  in 
liis  SGtli  year.  Urri-;  Tutile  remenibers  attendiiijj:  the  weddinf^  of  Aunt  Chloe.  A  iVu- 
days  over  (15  years  ul'tt-rwards  he  attended  the  -weddliur  ed'  her  first  yrand  child,  which 
took  ].h',ce  at  lJo<rer  Allen's  in  Mnii.-un;  chil.  1.).  in  Cain. 

1.     Seinantlia  Alliii,  Xov.  21,  1^{H>:  d.  A]'ril  VJ,  ]S-i'.i,  luiin. 
II.      Alon/.o   Allen,   b.    Xov.   28,    J80S;    m.  in   C.   July  10,  1n;j4,   Etnelino  Mij;.      He 
rem.  to  Midi,  where  he  d.  ^^  i.  (>ci.  8,  1884.    ' 

III.  I'khvin  I5arzillai  Allen,  b.  Sept.  5,  FS12;  d.  in  Camden  June  7,  F8I0,  unm. 

IV.  l^liibmie  Allen,  b.  June  U),  1814. 
^^      Phinifdia,  twin  to  P.;   both  d.  .-^oon. 

\'l.  Pormelia  Allen,  b.  Sept.  14,  iSbb;  d.  March  FJ,  F^IG. 
\]i.  Poyce  Alien,  b.  June  16,  1817;  m.  in  Fivoli,  111.,  May  I'J.  ]s'4G,  Sarah  E. 
\Vilsoii.  Yhe  fust  '■'>  chil.  b.  in  Tiv.,  the  in  Munson.  1,  M.M;i.\  Fi.iz.iiiuiTir.  Ii. 
March  10,  1847;  in.  in  Xi.  Oct.  27,  lb70,  Daniel  C.  CiUord.  2,  ^^I.v.uar:,  Jan.  12.  F-:.0; 
m.  in  ^I.  Oct.  27,  l'-^G7,  Pliineas  S.  Fav.  ;j,  JfLiA,  b.  Jan.  12,  F^o2.  4,  Camuk  Cin^oi:, 
b.  Miiv  21»,  F'^.»4.  ."),  PKRSKUr^  \\'>,-,  Aul:-.  17,  185G.  G,  KovfE,  b.  Mav  17,  18GF 
7,  Saiiah.  b.  Nov.  8,  18G7. 

VlJl.     Henry  Allen,  July  2F  d.  Any:.  17.  1819. 
IX.     PermVlia  Allen,  b.  ;i(),'l821;  re.^.  Munson. 

X.  PiTseus  P.  Allen,  b.  A])ril  0,  ls24;  in.  in  \\4iitestown.  X.  Y. ,  June  7,  lS-17. 
Elizabeth  Morton.  1,  IhiKEirr  Mcunox.  b.  in  Amboy.  Ovwcl'o  Co.,  X.  Y..  Jan.  1-1, 
1849.  2,  Mai;v  E.,  b.  in  Cam.  Xov.  4.  IS-in.  :;.  Ji.n.xiV:  P.,  b.  in  Ibi.oklvn.  X.  Y.,  (h-:. 
14,  180.').  4,  Povi'E  A.,  b.  in  1!.  Xov.  21.  1857.  5,  Ai,i).-Z(i  K..  b.  in  P..  Xov.  27.  1859. 
6,  Emma,  b.  in  (ieneva,  111.,  March  17,  b^G5.  7,  AMiTiii:;;,  b.  in  St.  Ju.-^eph,  Mich., 
Mardi  21,  18G8. 

XI.  Mary  Allen,  b.  Aug.  4,  182G;  111.  in  Cam.  April  15,  iS47.  Ibiss.dl  (i.  Whipple 
who  d.  of  small-pox  at  Osco,  HI..  Fdi.  5,  1S70;  res.  Osco.  where  the  la-t  4  ihil.  were  ii. 
1,  Sk-MA-NTH.-v  *:'..  b.  at  Con>tantia,  X.  Y..  A]iril  12,  1^18.  2.  Sotkia  lb.  b.  C'linion,  X. 
Y,,  June  9,  ls.5-b  8.  Cii.\i;ii:s  A.,  b.  at  Clin.  April  9,  ls51.  -!.  Edwin  P.,  b.  at 
Munson,  HI.,  Sejit.  ;jO,  ls-5(_;.  ,-,,  A.nhhkw  'iU-n-i.r:,  Cct.  1,  1S5S,  G,  .M.vkv  X'.,  ii.  Jan. 
5,  l^r.F      7,    Lilian  .V.,  Apr;!  P.*.  ISii'i.     s,   Daisy  P.,  June  G,  If-GS. 

Xll  Andrew  4'intle  Allen,  b.  Jnii(>  2S,  IsMO;  d.  in  M»n.-on  of  smalbpox  Dec.  9^ 

9237f>.  Cbaiuicey  Tutile,  b.  Xov.  S.  1792:  m,  April  17,  islG,  14ieodo.-ia  Car- 
peiUi-r  o|  Cauid'''.!,  who  vas  lh>-  iijorhci  of  his  G  chil.  and  d.  July  24,  U^o^;  (2)  ftU.  2-1, 
ISi'.O,  Sarah  Curtis,  who  d.  Sept-.  27,  185o;  (:ii  Jan.  5.  Is5,s,  Fucinda  lUu7,'-!es:  /.  in 
Vienna,  X.  \  . 



[.      A1]i1p)1im>.  .];ui.   17,  IMS:   d.  in    Kair!i.-1<!,  lluioi,   C,.,,  O.,  Ajuil    18,  J81'J,  \\]i,-if 
liis  ]i;ifci)ts  liail  H'ln.  in  I'a'l  uf  1S',",I. 

11.  A'rslH.  Oct,  s.  isji);  ni.  ill  F.,  (.).,  I'er.  0,  isii).  .ImiHtlian  P..  AM)ott;  rem.  iSVj 
to  (■niuliiiii  Mills.  Mirh.,  wlitTc  ilicy  now  i(s.  1,  S.\i,(i>!i.  Ai)i:i,!.\,  1>.  Ndv.  '^G, 
]S41;  in.  in  \\  ondljridL;^,  Mi-li.,  l>i-i.-,  i;:,  1800.  -lolin  S.  Strvcn<;  k.s.  Sti'ul.eii  (_'<.. | 
In.l.  1,  J-:rin^t  h'(if;>  n,\\K  .\]'V]]  ]\,  ]>:&^.  '.\,!,  A]n-\l  •.."..>.  l';r)l:  d.  Apiil.  ISUG.' 
a,  y.M./,,  h.  July  17,  1S70:  d.  March,  le^Vl.  4,  7,,/,•(^  twin  witli  Lcdii.  2,  Aa]iux 
("iiAVNc  i;v,  li.  Nuv.'.'ii,  l^-lo.  3,  .M.\i;iA,  h.  Seiit.  4,  iS47;  m.  Oci.  1,  lsi;s,  ConiniiMlurf 
Smith;   res.  llill^dah-  <'o.,  Mich.      4,    Lli  I.IK  May,  h.  Xuv.  -.^li,  isd;;, 

III.  SalutiiH,  Jnnc  C.  ls-2v!:  lu.  in  I'airtifld  ,  ()  ,  lSt>-,  W'Jiliani  Turner;  rem.  in  Midi, 
about  ISTi^i.  Shi-  \\as  drowned  July  4,  ]'<'}U,  while  nn  a  idoasure  exrnr.^ioii  crn  i'lear^e,  a  beautilul  ^lu'ei  (,{'  water  in  Stenlien  Co.,  liid.;  an  ailopted  dantrhter  and  nine 
other  pei>ons  'ohared  h'-r  fate.  Her  husharid  r.nd  her  si-ler  Vi'.sta  were  (d'  tlie  party  l)Ut 
wiTv  re.scned  and  resu-;<Mtati-d  alter  reiuaininic  .■^onic  tinn_'  uucoiisi.ioiis. 

IV.  Anson,  h.  1»ee.  '2'J,  l^OG;  m.  Jan.  IH.'l'^'ol.  Matilda  I\M1v;  jv.^.  Greenfield,  Huron 
Co.,  O.       1,    Fl.dVD.   Dec.  G,  IS.-, -J. 

V.      Freeman  A.,  h.  in  Fain'.,  O.,  April  2U,  1831);  M.]>. ;  m.  Harriet  Fnlvcr;  rem.  to 
Hillsdale.    Mich.,    and    hf'uan    pruciice.      ^^  hen    v-'ar   he^am  he  enlisted  in  tlie  aimyand 
served  from  hcLiiiuiini:  to  end    as   army   suiireon.      Al'ti-r   tli''    war,    settled    in    JetTerson, 
Ashtalnila  C<j. .'"(.•hio.      1,   He?<hv,  li.  in  I'eadinii:.  July  14,  IS.")!*. 
VI.      'J'heodovi:i,  h.  JuIn   13,  d.  Aug.  '24,  ]S,3,s. 

9237.11.  Banicl  TlUtle,  h.  April  -j;;.  17!)S;  the  first  Avliite  child  in  the  lown  of 
Camden,  and  ironi  IST)  till  his  (i.  the  oldest  of  that  nniivity.  He  d.  in  Sprini;-titdd,  (>., 
Oct.  '-iO,  1877.  He  \vas  a  teachei'  ol'  vocal  and  insirnnienial  music;  a  ]'rayer!"iil  and 
earn(.'>t  Cliristian,  and  a  dea.  of  the  Con;^.  chh.;  res.  riei!e-e(\  111.;  m.  in  \'eiiion,  X.  Y.. 
Mav  2.S,  1817,  I'hinice  Carpejiter.  li.  in  Conu.,  Fid..  21,  isDl;  d.  in  CltA-eh.nd.  0..  June  S, 
1834  (chihMurth  .;  (2>in.  l.'o' hearer,  X.  V.,  ])ec.  24,  1834,  Almira  Cornelia  Wilco.K,  b. 
Ftica,  X.  v.,  (let.  2],  1811.      ('.  bv  Is!  m. : 

I.      Angelina,  b.  Mav  23,  ISiS;  d.  a.  2. 
11.     A  60U,  b.  Julv  14-.  1811.1;  d.  soon. 

III.  Leoiuird  Hoyce,  b.  Sej.t.  3,  1821;  m.  in  Delaware,  0.,  Xov.  20.  1844.  Flinily 
I'idelia  Ho>.ve.  He  learned  the  ]>rinting  business,  but  dcA-oted  mo.d  of  lils  time  to 
leachiiii;'  bands  and  to  mu>~ic  us  a  profession.  As  a  tc'Ucher  of  militaiy  fiands  he  was 
considered  as  good  as  aiiy  in  the  state  (d'  Ohio.  He  went  with  his  b;ind  into  the  Fnioii 
army,  and  coiuracK-d  tlie  disease  (rlropsy)  of  which  he  died,  at  Springfield.  (_)hio.  Sept. 
],  18G7.  1,  A  (urrj),  unnamed,  d.  SMon.  2,  Isai;).i,i,a,  Scjit.  17,  b'sbJ;  m.  Josepli 
Jhincan,  and  d.  at  S]uingtield,  C).,  18G1.*,  ]ea\ing  two  (diil.  3.  4  fuid  5,  nanus  unknown; 
all  d.  V.  (i.  A.\xiK  Pakkkk,  Mav  31,  1848,  in  S.  7,  J.p:onakd  Vixaj,,  April  13,  is."33. 
8,   Lucy.  Aiudl.  ISGO. 

IV.  Saniari:..  b.  in  Vernon.  <>.,  Xov.  24,  lS2;b 

\.  Martha  Siupaid.  ii.  in  ftica,  X.  \.,  Xov.  2S.  I,s32,  m.  in  Chester,  U..  Cci.  24, 
1852,  Jaim-s  V;\n  Inireu  Herrick;  b.  in  Ciiamplin,  llenm-pin  ((_),,  .Minn.  1.  A  mi  a 
P>Ki,i,.  June  30,  ],^,jG.  2,  lioi.niN  Jf.ssik,  July  27,  ls,"j7.  3,  Fiilkman,  July  21,  18.VJ, 
and  auoilu.u-. 

VI.      An  Infant,  n.  with  tin-  iiunlier.  June  8,  1834.      /.  by  2d  m.  : 
VII.      Elizabeth    Ma-on,  b.  in  Clevtdand.  O.,  Xov.  17,  183G;   m.    in   Springlield,  Ohio. 
I'ec.  17,  is.").'!,  Frederick  Halt  St<nie.      1,   Cuaki-ev  .McSiiki:,   Dec.  27,   IS.'.G."  d.   Mav  22, 
185!».     2,   iD.Wii.KXDDK  \,  (Jet.  12,  18oS.     3,   AoM.s  Ib'.Li,,   Jum-   U*,    18I]U.     4, 
(.ioKDoX,  b.  and  d.  Feb.  27,  lsG2. 

\'l\\.  I'hinici'  Cornelia,  b.  in  Columbus.  (.),,  March  4 ,  IS^-'J;  m.  in  Frbanna,  (.).,  Mandi 
10,  18!i.\  Henian  Allen  A-.hlev.      1,   (Ii.ADVs  AiU'i.K,  Dec.    !),  ISGG. 

IX.  Ivatie  liail.  b.  i)ayton.  (J.,  Jan.  11,  1844;  m.  in  Kelhfontaine.  ().,  Jan.  11, 
18GG,  J{ev.  t^amm  1  Ueary  Hair  (Piesb.);  chil.  res.  Sigourrie\ ,  Kc-(daik  Co.,  Iowa.  1, 
Ciiii.!),  b.  Ajuil  .J,  18G7;  d.  a.  abr.  IS  nios. 

X.      Carrie  Bell,  b.  Davion,  O..  Xov.  15,  1S4G. 
XI.      Ida  \'irg!niii,  b.  iii  Sanduslvy,  (.).,  l^-r.  2G,  ls4S. 

9238.  Timothy  Tattle,  b.  Cheshire,  Conn..  May  17,  174G:  an  ensign  in  I?ev. 
army;  rem.  to  (.)neiila  Co.,  X.  l'.  "Thi' settlement  of  the  town  of  Kirkland  commenced 
in  ^laI•ch,  1787.  \\'heile'r  'I'imotliy  Tuitie  or  Lmlim  Hlcdu'ett  (one  of  them  cerlainly) 
were  o(  the  eight  familic-s  \vho  liii:an  the  settlement  is  uncenain.  In  the  fidiowing 
.■\]U  il  b<i-h  i:a;i'i'>  y.pjM  ar  <n.  the  recoids.  v"!int(Ui  %illagei.^in  Kirklaud;  liome  1..!-;  on 
the  i;oitii    and   south  Main  street.   Clinton,  were  two    acr(>--  i.-uch,  aiul  extended  fjom  tiio 

498  BRAXCH    OF    SIMOX, 

"liovcc  Mansion"  In  lilt'  (Iwi-llinir  of  Mrs.  Mays.  Soon  aftcf  eifj.-lit  iicri'-  ndjoiniritr  were 
set  ajuii'l  tor  »-;i.'li;  lir  Imih  tin-  tii>t  frainf  hiMisc  in  1 1n- town,  1  (■''',;.  *  *  •'■'  Tlie  town 
of  Caiiulrn  was  organizoil.  lTi)U(a  ycai- after  the  oi;'aiii/,ation  of  tlie  clili.  at  I'aris  Hill, 
I'v  ']'imoTli_v's  ivo  Xoali  and  others),  and  tlic  tirst  to\',  n  nn-ctinK  was  liehi  at  tlif  lionet-  of 
Samuel  lloyce.  ]^S(].,  wlm  ^vas  cliosm  town  clerk;  a  Iteantiful  cotTau-e  now  (,ieeu))ies  tlic 
Sj)ot  Avhere  this  tirst  im.t'tin!,'  was  lielii.  It  is  at  tlie  licad  of  the  main  street.  Mr.  Koyce 
es.cliaui.ced  ])laees  wirJi  ('o|.  'J'iniotliy  'J'uttle  and  n/in  to 'i'ntilc's  olaci-  in  riinton,  and 
Col.  'J'uttle  rem.  to  ]^_>vee's  ])lare  in  ('aniden  and  Imilt  u  new  liouse  on  il  \\hicli  is  still 
Ftandiii.t;."     ./■//.,  .v'*  Jlilf.  ,>f  0„,;J.<  ('„.,  X.    V. 

The  first  m.  in  the  town  of  Sani^eriirdd  s\-as  thai  of  Sylvani;--.  Dyer  and  Il.mniih, 
»hai.  of  Col.  I'lavid  Norton,  Oct.  fiO,  17'.);;,  hy  Ksq.  (Tin'.oili'y) 'J'uttle.  '  It  was  his  Hrst 
jMM-formanee,  or  as  Mi^^■  l>yev  says  "the  lin^t  knot  of  the  kind  the  S([nii'e  ever  tied. 
iCvery  )'iTson  in  tin-  to\\]i  wasin%i;ed  to  tin-  NveddiiiLV  Ji'id  not  on<-  failed  to  he  i)re.sent." 
— //'/"(/.  'I'ln-  'I'little  fam.  record  .states  that  Timothy  was  the  fiist  <'ol.  of  tlie  tirst  militia 
regiment  raisei.!  in  ()nei<l;i  ("o.,  bi;t  M;'.  Jones  in  liis  history  r.f  tlie  eonn'y,  I  tliink. 
jiamcs  sonic  oiie  else.  In  answer  to  a  h'ttei' of  iiuiniry  from  tlic  conip.  on  ihi.i  point,  Mr. 
.] ones  say >:  "A  uiilitla  rcii^iiiient  was  ortranizcd  in  L'a.n.idcn  ipiiie  eurly  and  prohahly 
'J'imolliy  Tutilc  \\'a.s  the  lirst  (_'<d.  One  of  Col.  'i'inmtliy's  whs  a  Ser^rt.  Major  cm  the 
frontier  ill  tin'  war  of  l.sh2.  Cid.  T.  was  one  of  the  trustees  of  the  C'liuton 
Academy."  Afiei-wards  merjred  in  Hamilton  College.  He  d.  in  Clinton  village  al.iout 
IHOO;  111".  Mehitahle  Ih.yce,  sis.  of  }ii<  hro.  Xoali  Tattle's  wf.  After  his  d.  sli<>  lived  witli 
lier  dan.  Mrs.  Dunhqi.  at  Noith  Kasi,  Penn.,  where  slie  d.  ]ifv.  o,  ]Sd4. 

I.  Merah,  drowned  in  Oriskany  Creek  in  sprinij  of  ITSS,  a.  1 7  yrs.  "The  first 
dcatli  in  ('lintr)n  village,''  sa,vs  Mr..  Jones.  "If  tlic  settlement  was  couicnted  and  haiijiy, 
they  also  came  in  foi'  their  sjiare  of  alHict ions  allot;ed  to  humanity.  In  tin-  sj>r!n:_'- nt 
this  year  the  in-^atiatc  archer  s-nt  a  shaft  into  th.e  scattered  settlement,  and  he  rarely 
a.ssnmi.'.>  a  more  disti-essin,ir  oi'  he:irt-H'n<iinL;'  form.  Tlie  ho\N  \vas  not  di'awn  at  venture, 
for,  as  tlie'])i,et  writes,  •  Heath  iovis  a  shinin.j;;  mark.'  ^IJss  Meralj  Tutile,  dan.  of  Col. 
Timothy  Tattle,  who  o\\ned  and  le.-^ided  on  the  Royce  farm,  was  drowned  in  the  Oris 
kany  Creek.  The  circumstances  are  hrielly  these:  Miss  Tuttle  and  Miss  Annie,  dau.  of 
Capt.  ]Moses  Foot,  started  late  in.  the  afternoon  to  make  a  call  at  Mr.  N^'illiam  Cook's, 
who  resided  on  the  west  ^hle  of  the  creek  in  a  log  house.  For  lack'  of  jiei  fumed  hair 
])owder  for  tlieir  toilet,  tln-y  called  <in  the  way  at  Ca.-sety's  ndll,  and  with  ti.e  mill  ilust 
Avhitened  tle'ir  locks  as  for  some  ejihi  day — such  ^^■ast!len  the  fashion.  At  that  time 
from  its  Miurce  to  its  moiitii  no  l.r'.de-e  sjianned  the  stream,  Imt  a  cuaple  of  trees  had 
been  fcdled  a  little  helow  the-  site  of  the  hridee  on  the  rou<l  to  the  colle'^e.  When  the 
girls  arrived  at  this  r'ros-ine  they  fecand  the  stream  swoleu  v,;ih  the  s]<riuic  fr.-shet,  and 
the  water  was  foaming  madly  ahiiig  its  channel.  At  first  they  (|uaih?d,  hut  ^Hss  Foot. 
the  most  courageous  of  the  two,  soon  led  the  \\ay  followed  hy  her  companion.  When 
near  the  middle  of  tlu'  stream,  Miss  Foot  lieaid  her  friend  exclaim,  "  0  dear!  my  head 
svvin:s,"  whicli  was  instantly  followed  liy  a  siJash  in  the  water,  and  turning  ^a-.v  her 
struggling  iu  tin'  .stream.  Miss  Fuel's  cries  were  di.-tinctly  lieanl  at  Miss  Tuttle's  resi- 
dence through  the  )nter\enin;,^  wood.  ^iv.  Cook  %■■  as  near  ai  hand,  and  trieil  to  rescue 
lier.  Her  body  ^vas  found  next  morning  drawn  under  a  jJIe  of  drift  \\ood  near  the  site 
of  the  C'lirit(jn  factory. 

"Few  eyes  in  Clinton  slept  that  night.  The  latf-  Neheuiiah  Jones,  knowing  that 
there  w.Mihl  be  no  cler,gyman  found  A\-est  of  Albany,  look  a  volume  of  sermons,  in 
which  t]n>re  ^vas  one  on  the  death  of  a  young  man  who  was  drowned.  Aft*.'r  pra.yer  by 
Capt.  Frrd.  he  read  that  sermon:  text,  I  Samuel,  xx::!!.  "There  is  but  a  step  between 
Tlie  and  death."  Her  grave  was  first  dug  on  the  green,  l>ut  it  being  thought  te)0  wet,  she 
was  buried  in  the  south  ].nrt  of  the  pii\sent  bui'ying  ground.  wlii(di  was  iheti  a  )iart  of 
her  father's  farm.  Ma,j.)r  Barnabas  Fond  informed  tlie  a.utlior  that  he  (lu,^  he-i-  grave, 
"and  evc'vy  other  subsofpiently  until  over  one  luindred." — .hiiu-'<'  Jh-'^t.  of  Omiihi  ('u. 

11.  Eunice,  m.  John  Russell  of  Xoiih  F.a^^t,  Pa.,  and  rem.  to  Cincinnati,  o.  1, 
N.\Ntv,  m.  Samuel  C.  Brown,  M.l>..  of  (.'in.,  O.;  rem.  to  HI.  '2.  Timothy.  M.D.  3, 
\Vksi,i:v.     -1,  Eddie,  and  another  sou  (all  dec.) 

HI.      Amos,  b.  Sept.  V.\.  177h:  m.  Sarah  i;i(diards. 

IV.     Xancv.  m.  James  Dmilan. 
V,      Jare<l",  b.  May  15,  HS-^;  'm.  P.uth  Higby. 

VI.     Eunice. 
VII.     (,'ontent,  b.  July  3.  17-^1;  m.  Eliplmlet  Petts. 

*Hun.  Pomcroy  Jones,  the  author  of  t'ne  history  of  Oneida  Co  ,  N  .    '\'.,  m.  a  dau.  of  Sariiuel   Koyce, 
Ks(l  ,  I<-"'  his  3d  wf. 

TF'TTLE.  499 

92383.  Amos  Tuttle,  1-.  Sfpt.  \:].  17rO:  <1.  .Iuik-  in,  ISl.!;  m.  ITDJ,  Sariih  Rich - 
.ards  of  i^iris.  Diirida  Co.,  N.  Y..  h    Oct..  10,  1772;  d.  :a  Xortl,  East,  Pa.,  Srpt.  7,  1818. 

1.  A!l)prt,  1).  Nov.  i:5.  171)1;  d.  in  lloscuo,  Midi.,  l,S,-,0;  m.  l,s>0,  Sarali  Putnam  of 
X.  E.,  P;«.,  wlin  (1.  lsi;n.  1,  Wn.i.i.v>r  Ci.\HK,  Jnlv  ^-!,  ]H2i);  m.  Julv  3,  1S49,  Frances 
Euu-r;  iv.<.  Eurl  D.kIuc,  L.wa.  1,  Errnt  11'.,  1>.  April  1.  1S4.").  2,  S,rrn/t.  8  ' An//ii.yi,i 
J/.,  b.  April  -^ii.  l^.-.ij.  -1,  /;///'/,  b.  1>;:,7.  r.  and  (i,  y,'„,v,r  luui  /'^'-/n/,  iwin.s,  1). 'l)e<-., 
1859.  -2,  V.\.i,i.<i_M.v  A.,  b.  lS-j:j;  ni.  l8.>7,  Manlfv  A.  MavnurJ  1  Albert  h  Feb' 
185!).     :i,  Amos  Rovci:,  b,  lsi7.  "  "  •  .     •  . 

I!.  Benjaiuii:  [\i'.\r(\  b.  M'arrli  '20,  17'.)^:  d  ar  N.  E.,  ]^a.,  .Mav  In,  ]S(;0;  ni.  Mary 
Ann  Kobinson  rd'  Eri<>  Co.,  Pa.,  wbo  d.  1^4-J:  ('2)  Mary  Ann  iMcLord.'      L  by  1st  ni. :       1. 

Edwix  ]{r^jr.  Soiit.  ,'2.~i,  ]S:j-2;  ni.  Mary  E. .  and  d.  Doc,  1863,       ],  AV/Vz/i   Sh'rwoo<}\ 

Nov.  17,  185^.  0,  .1 /-(/,/.'  /?"///A'.''.//,"S.'i)t,  ."),  IKfio.  0.  .y/;)»!V  ^■.,  Mav  lit,  ISb:.!.  2,' 
TiKt.M.xs  U()i;i.N<().\,  May  19.  is:!?:  d.  ])fo.  20,  18:;-^.  ;!,  Kicir.M;!),  .Juim"  lb,  i!.  Au>x.  7,' 
18"-!9.  i.  bv  -Jd  111.:  4,  "Annk  (i..  b.  Mandi  10,  d.  Xwg.  2,  1S47.  5,  J\Mi:s  L)  b  April 
^29.  1N49;  d.  Apiil  (1,  1.8.-jS.     [].  Ann.\  M.Mtv,  b.  Nov.  IS,  18,52. 

III.  'rriniiaM,  b.  (Jet.  IS,  ISdl:  arti.^t;  res.  Ananiosa,  Iowa;  in.  1S2S,  Marv  d'la.s.sof 
Prt'dcjrua.  .\.^'.,\vlm  d.  1849.  (i.,  1).  1829;^t;  m.  E'luisa"  j'ullfr  of 
Midi.;  r.'.-^.  Ahulndan.     1,  Fninl-.     2^  dnui.    2,  Ch.\K].k.<,  b.  ISJ:;;  its.  M:in.-as;  nia(  liiiiist. 

IV.  '['iinoiliy.  b.  Jan.  4,  1S()4:    d.  X.  E.,  Ajiril  7,  ls7;-);    m.  Eiailv  Shaw  of  Oneida, 

N.  5'.,  wluj  d.  ]8?1.       1,  .lo^Ki'ii    So(u.\'!i:s,  1).  Is27;    ni.  1855,  Mariii.' -of  Eri'-,  Pa., 

wlio  d.  \>^{'t~y,  re-..  Xilcs,  .Midi.       1  and  2,  Anmi.  and   l-'iinn<i.  twins,  b.  18,~)9.       ?),  I'l'm/. 

2,  Math  i).\.  1>.  1829;  d.  1858.     0,  ANOhJAXK,  b.   ls;;i;  m.  IJanvtt  of  ().      4,  Ei>"ir 

A>-\,  1).  is:);;:  ni.  John  Hart  of   Xiles,  ^lirh.       5,  Uiislj.a,  b.  18S5;  in.  Kcv.  '-  Pork 

of  St.  (/loud  C'Mif.,  .Minn. 

V.      Anins. 

923835.  Amos  Tuttle,  b.  Feb.  13,  isuii;  d.  snd(bidy  of  dropsy  Jan.  17,  1873,  in 
lH(.)scoe.  111.  An  obituary  of  a  cohinin  in  Icnutii  in  the  local  ncu-.^pajie;- contain.s  u  sketcli 
■of  his  lib-  and  character.  He  was  one  of  \Vinnebapo's  oldest  and  esteemed 
citizens,  in  the  spring-  of  1S07,  t ravelin;.;-  facilities  beioi:  ]'0or,  he  w;dd;«'d.  from  Detroit, 
Mich.,  to  I-oivcoc.  lih^  wldi'li  tlicn  coniaini-d  Init  s^'vci,  or  eitrlit  ismiilie--.  His  family 
followed  the  next  year.  He  bou;;ht  from  the  U.  S.  t^ovt.  ail  tin.-  land,  nn  the  east  side  oV 
Main  St.,  wlu'i-e  the  vilhiLfe  is  now  located,  and  gm'e  aw  ay  many  lets  to  induce  scltk;- 
meiit.  He  vv-as  a  builder  ami  most  of  the  old  houses  and  many  uf  the  new  show  his 
]iandiw(ji-k.  ]hj  helped  to  the  riv>t  hoii.~-c  built  in  Ueh>it,  Wis.,  and  built  tlie  thirds 
frame  houve  in  the  ''by  of  Pock  ford,  111.  He  liuilt  tiie  jniblic  buildinu-s  in  Posco" 
includiiiL;-  tlu'  churches  and  sclioid  hou.^i-s  and  two  of  the  churches  in  ]if>ekton.  He  wjis 
honored  ;uid  esteemed,  faithful  iu  adl  ]iiJsitious,  honest  in  all  business  transaction.?. 
•Over  forty  year.s  asro  he  united -Willi  the  Meth.  Epi.-~.  chh.  and  c-iive  all  his  en.'reies  to 
hnikl  up  and  estoblish  it,  and  his  name  is  ludd  in  .i,'-i-atefiil  reuieni'brauce  by  his  bu'lbreu 
as  one  %\ho7u  tiorl  ^;ave  tlii'in  as  a  i-.'^'Mlful  lielper  in  tlie  Ln-eat  work:,  for  without  liim  ii 
conhl  not  have  been  done.  lb'  was  one  of  those  wortliy  men  to  wliom  we  owe  a  debt 
Avhich  (-an  never  l>e  repaid,  who,  under  ditHculties  and  headstronq-  ojijiosition  and  much 
])rivation  wlien  tlieir  numbers  were  few,  planted  here  and  there  on  Hiese  we.steru  w-ilds 
■and  briiad  un|)eople<l  ])rairies  the  standard  (d'  the  cross  to  uri-ot  tlie  swelling;-  tide  (d" 
inimii;-ration.  Too  much,  say  tliose  ^vho  know  him  best,  cannot  be  s.dd  of  this  noble, 
christian  man.  As  a  diristian  undemonstrative  but  faithful  and  earnest,  atniable  in 
disposition  ami  hi^  life  fra.u-rant  with  the  aroma  of  a  noble  christian  chaiactcr.  He  was 
■one  of  the  first  board  of  trustees  of  the  M.  E.  dili.,  which  positiiui  In-  bidd  over  20  yrs. 
Resoluti(n-is  ]>a^-sed  by  th"  olHcers  of  the  chh.;  "Thai  we  re(;ognize  the',  fidelity  and 
nprie;htne.->s  of  th..'  de-i-ea-ed,  his  kindness  as  a  friend,  Iiis  integrity  as  a  citizen,  liis 
.wortli  as  a  nei-hbor.  Ins  ciu-rect  walk  and  hi'.-irry  de\-i(tion  !is  a  christian  as  worthy  of 
■our  praise  and  shcnild  excite,  our  imitation."  He  m.  1838  Abi  Ann  (.'ole  of  N.  E.  Pa.; 
res.  Ro.s-.-oe,  HI. 

I.      Anrelia  Diantlie,  b.  Awj;.  21,  18:19;  d.  Feb.  20,  184(i. 

11.  Hai'inon  l^iascom,  1).  .June  10,  1815;  grad.  Cnion  Parle  'Jheo.  Sem.  at  Chicago; 
set.  s)n-in--  ..f  1S73  iiastor  of  Co\  rr.  dih.  at  kal-.e  Mills,  \\  is. ;  m.  Dec.  2(1,  1871,  l-anma  .1. 
Puck  of  Shopbre,  Hock  Cci.,  Wis.  In  1875  in  WiuihiuL'-ton,  Minn.  1.  (.Hy  Pascicm,  b. 
April  12,  ls;;<. 

HI,  kdbert  C(de,  b.  Mai-(-h  4,  1S48;  m.  Jan.  1,  D71,  Fredorica  1!.  Harlev  of  S  .uth 
<'aro!i!i-i.      ],    (ivv  ]5Ase(.).M.      2,   Bxe.xiK, 

I\  .      Amos  Elliot,  b.  Mav,  )S5!. 

V.     Lillie  Eli/abeth,  b. 'Xov.  19,  bS53;  t.a.dier. 


LRAXCT!    OJ''    sr.\rON, 

■  VI,  Siilly,  b.  Apii!  'J>^,  IS!',':  in.  M:.n-li  ]il,  1-:!;-).  Kiifus  Setli  (s.  of  Joi'l  luu]  SM>an. 
iiali  liiiird)  1  ,■...(  mi.-,  ol  i;iiilry,  N.  V.,  1).  .Inn.  ■:o,  IMl;  ifs.  Nf.rtli  East,  Pu. ;  I'mf.  ,Jo],ii 
Loomis  ol'tlic  111.  lUitiil  Asy.  at  Ja.:lc-^(.ii\  illf ,  111.,  is  l;vv  lno.  1.  Sts.\.\  A.,  li.  Ort.  20, 
18;:i4;  (I.  Fell.  ^H,  l^'.M.  "i.  "S.U;.\li  A.,  twin  with  Su.'-an  A.;  d.  ,lan.  27,  is.-,';,  o',  Amos 
TuTTi.K,  b.  Jan.  1-1,  is:i7;  in.  ])<-r.  :-!,  isr,<,  Mnrimi  ('.  Coh  of  Kiie,  Pa'.  1,  Geo.  (:.,  b. 
Ajiril  11,  lbT4.  4,  Joiix  Jay,  b.  Juno  1."!,  1.^39:  sf-ivfil  in  V.  S.  A.  ISOl,  Sstli  Pa.  1-Jeg-t. 
5,  iM.'inY  Iahisa,  b.  ^^e^t.  21,  ISil;  d.  J"pb.  14.  isis.  (J,  I'^jjances  Amklia,  b.  June  2!)" 
1844;  d.  iM-b.  10,  IS-IS.      7,    Ki.i.i.n  M  w,  b.  May  1,  Is.-.O. 

928834.  Nancj^  Tn.ttle,  d.  isi2;  m.  Jann-s  Diuda].,  an  t.-niiiK-nt  jdiy.sicjan  and 
snifii  (111. 

1.      Son,  d.  V. 
!1.     Eliza  AlVliitablo  Dunh.p.  d.  a.  .-.  yis.  at  Mobile,  Ab.i. 

III.  James  Dunoni  Diinla]',  b.  isdii  m,  111.,  ibt-n  Indian  Ter. ;  spent  a 
few  VIS.  witli  bis  uncle  Pr.  Livingston  Dunlap  of  Indianajiolis,  Ii,d.;  stud,  lawv.itli 
Thoi.  (iibbs  of  Eric,  and  snliseijuently  v.-a.s  associated  with  Iv  liaMiitt;  tlccvcd  IS-p)  to 
ii(']>.  ill  Pu.  Stale  Le^-.  and  for  iive  years  rej).  the  distiict  in  botji  bousf  s.  lb-  juacticed 
law  iu  Erie,  Pa.,  and  tar.ght  in  tlic  ])ublic  scliooK  ilieiefor  17  yrs. :  author  of  "  rhinkqi's 
I'ornis,"  wliicli  passed  ihiougli  bnir  editions.  He  d.  .Marcli  2S,  IS.IS;  m.  Mav  11,  18o;-5, 
Marianne  Finley  Russell,  b.  Pouny  (,'astle,  Nortli  of,  I)ee.  12,  1S20,  d'au.  of 
Moore  Evelyn  Pussell  and  wif*-  Sarah  Fiide_\ .  1,  Em.m.'i,  h.  Jan.  4,  ISol;  prad.  liiirli 
school,  teaelier.  2.  \VAnL.\u:,  1),  ,\p)il  fl.  18.').").  o,  Mai'.y,  b.  Nov.  0,  l.srjij;  frrad.  Iu^^Il 
.selioo! ;  teacher. 

023835.  Jared  Tuttle,  h.  M.iy  l,-),  17S2;  rem.  to  Snndy  Lake,  .Mcxer  Co.,  Pa.. 
-.vlieie  he  d.  M:iV  4,  1N?1.  a.  s:»  \  rs,  in-ailv;  ni,  Puili  lli-bv,  li.  In'ov.  17it2  d  Dec  '28 
1874.  a.  82.  ■ 

1.  Naiwy,  b.  Apiil  11.  IsiC;  ,\.  F.;!..  2^.  I^K';  in,  about  lS:-!4  M.  C.  Dorchester. 
1,  Lfiii  S.,  b.  Xov,  2,  ISoo;  m.  DcC.  2.  is.-).-,,  Edwin  E.>;-liert:  res.  Sandv  Lake.  1. 
JJ/i'iii  /•;.,  Sept.  27.  b^.".7.  2,  Z'.'-v  7.s^r///,r/.  AuiT,  yi.  IsV.t.  ;;,  ,Vd'(/-^.//, -V/'ei-^?-.  .Mardi 
24,  ISCl.  4,  .>/"/■/.■  H'l^.^'U.  Jan.  !»,  l^C.'j.  b,^  Ezm  .bVA',,/,,,  Dc-e.  2.""),  isd-k  G,  Milo 
W(is?iington,  I"eb.  22,  ISC;.  7.  fAziic  M.nj,  June  22,  l^'is.  ,-v,  Pr>:d<n<;  AU, „,  oVt.  19, 
1870.  "J.  Jr^A^T  r/,,-,-/.,  Oct.  IS,  b-,72.  \o.  Z- <f/.v  i/'/Z/t,-/.  March  5(»,  187.",.  2, 'Pi;t;r.F.x 
S.,  b.  '^lay  2o,  iSrjS;  m ;  a1>oui  is."",7,  Eniil_\  Lowinu-;  res.  Decoiali,  ^\'innisllick  L'o.,  Jowa. 
1,  ,7e/ni  C     2,   LinruK/. 

11.     Va^■hli,  b.  Aug.  2o,  1S22;  d.  Marcli  4.  1S>;8. 

923837.  Content  Tuttie,  h.  Julv  ;:!,  1784;  d.  Dec.  12.  1834;  in.  Eliphalet  Petts 
Fob.  Ui,  1771;  d.  Oct.  yo, 

1.      Harry  Belts,  b   A],ril4,  Isoi:  d.  May  15,  bS-2C.. 

II.  Maria  Melietahie  Belts,  b.  Oct.  12,'lS()2;  d.  Sept.  13,  lS-40;  ni.  Dr.  G.  Barlow. 
1,   M-'vTi!.i>A,  ni.  yi.  B.  Moore  of  BulYalo,  >,".  Y,.   lawyer;  s.  i.      2  and  3.  d,  nnni. 

ill.  Hirani  Beti,s,  b.  Se],t.  2i».  \^^)'):  in.  in  ^^■ils]dn;ct(nl  city,  D,  ('..  Marcli  24,  1830, 
JMp.tildu  ]\loi!n,  .^.  /. 

IV.  Matilda  Ab;f.;-ail  Belts,  b.  Jan.  8,  lS(JS;  m.  Dr.  S.  N.  Seniple:  G  chil.  of   whom: 

1,    Lot  ISA. 

\.  Ckarle.s  S.  Bett.s,  b.  Feb.  P2,  1S12;  ni.  Ocl.  13,  bs35,  Barbara  Moriu  (dec)  1. 
Chai;i,!;s  Bhiim.kfoud.  b.  Au^'-.  k2,  is;]s.  i,,  Louis\ille,  Kv.;  nor  (1870)  clerk  in  auditor's 
cifice  A.  A:  (i  W.  P.  P.  r,,.,  Meadville,  Pa.  2,  Bhssik,  i,.  at  Wharton,  Te.Kas.  Jan.  2"J, 
1858:  re.s.  BnlT;;i;\  N.  Y. 

VI.      Eliiihalet  P(,ck',\o(jd  I^.'ils,  b,  April  fl,  ispi;  d.  Meadville,  Jan.  2,  1845. 
Vll.      ('arolin<>  Betis,  b.  Auc-.  14,  ls2U;  d,  Sept.  U,  1827, 

9239.  Haiinall  Tuttle,  h,  Jan.  4,  174i;-7;  d.  latter  of  1813;  in.  Aaron  :Mat 
tliews,   and  rem.  from  ('le.shiie,  ('oiin,.  to  Caniden.  N.   Y. 

I.      Datius  Mailliews,  d.  a  youiiLr  man  in  L'anideu;   unni. 
IL      Anna  Mattbi  ws,  d.  in  <".,  unm. 

Ilk      Ilahnah  Matiliews,  m. llart. 

l\k      /Xaron  Mattliews,  d.  a  youth,  unm. 

\.      Lucy  Matthews,  m.  ■ — ~  Smith,  (2)  Miies  Spencr.      /.  by  Isi  m. :     1,  Whj.iam 
NdiiMAX.      2.  TiiMMAs.      3,  ATWMui).      /.by  2d  III.:     I'wo  or  ihre".',  nanies  not  fjiven. 
VI.      Lyiuaa  Mattliews,  in.  Polly   01c. n't. 

Vll.  Po-.-ttu  Manliew.-v,  ni.  Sterling;  ( iiaves.  1,  ".Ai.mon.  3,  CiiAui.oTi'E. 
4,  Ai.oN/o. 

Vlli.      D:uii;hter,  iii.  Chur.h. 


92396.      Lymau   Matthews,  a  survry,,r.  and  r.,u-n  rl,.rk  „(  CanKh-n  many  y.'iirs 
viiiTL- he  (!.  Nr)>t.  fi,  1S17;  m.  i)i>t.;!1.  Iso:).  l'(.li\- ( );,-:, u. 

1.  J'.'Iia.  An,-.  C.  ISDfi;  m.  .l„n.  Id.  l-^i.N,  Lr  „i;i,-,l  liinl,!  1  Arni-^r  1!  1,  X-,v 
1,,  IX-JS;  111.  St'iit.  5.  IS-)!),  Mary  Am,  (,-;  /.  in  Kalanr.izn.  .Mi,  !,.  1  />.//,  'l^nto'/^nc 
J,nu.  Ki  _isi;„.      0.  .-1,/,^/,  /;.,  .I;.,,.  11,  ls(;o.      o,  i^y,;.,.  M.,  1,.  s.,,!.  1.  ls;i:);  ,i.  Ito.l.e..- 

^'•1;  ^^\^'-''■':■  "•  1^''-     ^-  ^^  "  •■'•^^'  •'•.  ^'^^y  l^-  l^-i^-     -l.  fLivn.x  J.,  l,.  in  Danvpi-s- 
A-illc.  (  .   \\  , ,  ^(.■pr.   , .  ls;;.-j. 

^        II.      Aaron,  1..   F,-l.    O.  ISO'^;   ni.  1  nMI  ,  Sarali'  11 -ihhar.l :    ,v..    Minnrs^.ta ;     1,    in 
(  aind^Mi.     1,  Jam.vx.  is:i;i;  ,1.  a.  -1  vrs.     2.  h    is:;^'-  d    ;,    -|  vrs      o    S,;-ni\ 
1).  May  ,,.  is:;:.     4,  l.v.M.vN,  I..  \^:<.U.     5,  Tu.vDj^Kr.s  1'.  i^-H.     (1.  \Vn.i.iFui:i>  'lsi:j      7' 
"\}i,  1^-t.").  '  ■ 

HI.  Sylvia,  1..  O.'t.  ;',L,  ISOO;  d, .  ]S:«,  Aivhiluia  Aiiu-truM-  Slip  .1  ^I,.v  '^1  1S3.-, 
leavmi;  an  inf..  h.  :!,,■  same  day  namf.l.  1,  Cnxvsri.x.  m.  and  lia.s  'J  .d'lil  -'ivs  R.,m.-' 
:N.  \.     1,  .l,n„\c,  h.  :il)t.  ISdii.     :i,  f/ud'J,!/,  1..  al)t.  LSfiG 

^  IV.  Cdu.uurry.  1,.  X.-v.  (1.  ISH:  M .  1 ).  :  m.  1S15.  Carolina.  S.  Wilidnv,:,.  H^  prar 
in  Maum.H,  (). ,  and  was  Idulily  rrs]»-,M.-d;  d.  iii  F,-h.,  IS.i;.  l,  (■ir.M-.NrKy,  b.  Julv. 
1  ^'^  4 1 .  '  ■ 

1    .  n'-  ,^'^L''>■-V'^  ''"'^^  -•'■  ^^'^:  •'■  ^'^'^  ^.  l^'-O:  i>i.  S.-j.;.  S,  1M2,  Pl.mns.wl,,. 
(i.  tail  nt  1>.).j:  chil.  h.  m  (.'aindni.  and  livin--  in  sauu'  huus,-  and  doin.-  \v«-ll       1    S\k\:i 
>'oi.T.  3.  ]S4:1     ',\  'J'iii;m^v,  l)<-c.  28.  184.J.     :;,  (.'aiskii:  Iv ,  S,M,t    14    l;s4S     4    Ch'm-'nc-hv' 
Fcl).  2;-i,  1S4:>.     :>.  .M,u;y.  Mav  IS,  IS.-.}.     T,,  J5vi;<.x    A  n--   3 'ls.->:; 
VI.      An.T,  1).  May  -J.'),  ISl.-). 
Vli.      I.yinan,  April  ."").  1sl7. 

923.10.  Lucius  Tuttle,  b.  riif^sliire,  Conn.,  Aj)ril  29,  174't;  earlv  in  the  war 
■enlprpd  the  .service  of  his  c^nintry  as  Li.'iit.  ,.f  Ids  Co.;  was  at'Bosr..'n  and"  at  biUile  „f 
J.onif  Island.  In  1777  at  Fishkill  on  tlie  Hudson  <'ommand"d  Id^ Co  (C-l  J^d^i^vil^s 
regt.)  als,,  al  s!irr>'hd.-i-  ot  Ear-oyne.  Aiier  tIh-  v,ar  iv,,,  in  (h.-hive  nutil  wiihiu  a  few 
yeai-H  ot  liM  d.  lie  nad  t1ie  entire  contnlence  of  tlie  rnnimiiuilv  and  sliared  lar-vlv  in  its 
otR.-es  and  respon-dhilities.  He  was  -  cr.usi.steiit  mi.m.  <,f  the  'v-.m/.  ,dih.  in  ('"70' rears 
an.i  was  a  tirni  helirver  in  the  re]i:,i,,n  of  fhrist.  He  Imilt  the  Kiese.ipal  Acad  "in  c' 
He  (1.  at  theJ,on-e  nf  his  -Mil  Lucins  in  \V.dro;t,  Ce!!!:..  dnni'  27,  1  S4f ^  n.  >J7  yrs'  2  mos.'; 
m.  I>ec.-4,  177;;,  Hannah,  dan,  of  Hieu'.  Andrew  Huil  of  ('.,  "d.  Ay-'-  11  l^d')  a  d''" 
(,c!:rave-ston.:').  C/n.shur  To,rn  J^r.  savs  shed.  An--.  14,  1s>h\  a.  40  wh.i,di  is  i/rohahlv 
•tlie  correct  a>;-c  and  Aiii;-.  14  the  .lav  of  her  hnrial.  She  uas  sis  id'  (.en  \ndrev.-  Hull 
and  aunt  ,d'  luidocia,  wf.  of  Hon.  Samnel  A.  i^iote,  (d>v.  ,d'  C.nn.,  and  -land  aunt  to 
.\ndrew  Jlnli  Fni,;e,  P..  A.  L'.  S.  \.  He  m.  (2)  Sejd.  211,  ISO.-,  Mafv  Vi water  of 

I.      Andrew  Hull,  1..  Jan.  2s,  17';."»:   m.  hnizaheth  ,Mc('all. 
U.      Lucius,  h.  All-.  7,  177(;;  m.  js()2,   Kelu'Cea  Harrison. 

1)1.  l!-ls..y  Ann,  h.  April  s.  177^;  d.  ..  /.  April  d,  Isdl.  a.  8fi;  a  ].air  of  silk  filipners 
%vincl,  sh  •  wnre  in  Xew  Haven  at  a  ronunencement  hall  ,d'  V.  (.'.  when  she  was  15  or  ]{5 
yrs.  of  a-e,  were  exiiihited  at  the  ^\'olc.>tt  Centennial  Se],t.  Id  and  11,  ISTo;  m.  Samuel 
Beiiliain,  \\]io  d.  Jan.  28,   1821. 

IV.  Marcus,  1>.  Mairh  24,  1781).-  d.  Oct.  n.  1S07,  a.  27  vr^. ;  m.  March  2S  1^04 
Phcbe  Andrews.  1,  M.\KCrs  AUGfSTis,  b.  Feb.  U,  Isij.-,;  rem,  to  Barke  Co  N  c' 
where  he  m.  Xancy  C.  Prist. d  ot  same;  afterwards  rem.  to  Mit.diell  (;...,  X.  C. .  wlieiv  he 
Still  res. ;  mercliani  and  farmer.  1,  r/',ni  A . .  \<  l^dH;  d.  ISli.",.  2,  Kihiim  E  h  18'>2 
3,  Jiu^,fbt(/i.  ]>.  1S.")4.     4,    Xuni.  b.  1S5S.     5,   ll,;,rrt.  \>.  isSi);  .h  ls(H.' 

v.  An.son,  b.  \\~c.  22,  1781;  V.  .  P.;  m.  Xov.  )],  ISp;,  jamar  Dunnim,'.  We  lived 
at  Xew  Pi-b.m,  (dse--o  <.'o.,  X.  V..  and  d.  ImJi.  I'd,  lsi;;j,  a.  81  1  Jri,T  v  M  .^ti!  d  \  b 
Auir.  8.  1S17:  d.  I'eb.  21,  ls.-,7;  m.  S,.).i.  22,  is!2.  Krastus  K(ieert,..n.  1,  Cl'n-r„rc 
(■u.^hth<i,  b.  I80O:  n.)w  (1S7I))  a  stiuh'iit  in  Columbia  Col.,  X'.  Y.  (dtv.  2  Aiiwt,  Tnttb- 
h.  PSrvJ;  d.  Oct.  1,  l-:i;3.  2,  Anson  AlvKxsmi;  Hri  1,,  b.  .\!av  18,  ]sp,);  ni  in  California 
]S(;2,  Mar-arer  Sellaii.      He  d.  .v.  ;".  Sept.  7,   ISdlj,  a.  47. 

VI.      William  Pamrnian,  b,   K.d>.  1],  17.S4;   m.   Abigail  Stevens 
VII.      <;aiie.,  b.  July  5,  K's'i;   m.  Pell.-  (ravh.rd. 
■V'lir.      Hanmih.  b.  ^illrl■h  21.  1787;  d.  Jiin,"':»,   ls|d;   nnni. 

IX.      FsHier,  b.   Dec.  :',ii.  17!i2;  in.  I.evi  D.,olittl.\ 

923.10.1.     Audicw  Hull  Tuttle,  b.  Jan.  2s,  17:".;  r.Mn.   tn  Parke  C,,     x    C 
tibMul  1-M().  V,  le  re  i:-  m,  Kli/.a be; h  M.'!'a!l.  wle,  ,1.    June  1,   IH71    in  h.'r  >r,^\,  vr'     He  d' 
F.-b.  IS.  isj,-,;  chil.  b.  in  Purke  ('...,  X.   C.  .    •       ■       ■ 

I.      I.u.-iu.-.  M.'Ca'l,  Mav  s.   1^12;   m.  S.irah  F.  Sanders 
H.     Andr.-w  Hull,  !,.  ISPl;  d.  unm. 

502  i;i;axct[  or  sjmox. 

III.  .Mar^^uict  M.,  1..  jr-l.");  in.  .lanii'S  ("ointiicy. 

IV.  Ho'.jcrt  (juiiis,  l>.  ]S17;  m.  l.u<-i!i(];i  Pratt" 

V.  Rene.l'iL-t  .Marcu'^,  b.  IS.M;  m.  .Mary  A.  <'o';lira!i. 

VI.  Xancy  Caioliiic,  \>.  Nov.  0,  ]><2-i;  iii.  .'\iidic\v  \V.  Hood. 

Vn.  William  Anson,  d.  a.  7. 

923.10.11.  T.ueias  McGall  Tuttlo,  h.  May  S,  1S]2;  m.  Au^:.,  ]H(1,  Sural, 
Evflinc  Saiidcis,  1..  f'.-li.  IC,  iNir,;  d.  (let.  !),  1S7(I.  He  is  a.  uicrcliant ;  rt's.  l.cnoir  ('aid- 
well  Co.,  X.  C. 

1.  MoiiUilu-- >!..  Ik'c.  1,  18-JC;  (apt.  in  Conf.  army,  lie  l-d  his  comiiaiiy,  consist- 
in, i,-- of  10;(  men.  ill  a  cliaru:!-  at  (JfitysLarirli.  in  whicli  Imt  one  man  was  IcJi  standing', 
:ii!  llii' res'  bc'iuic  kiilt-d  or  wnindp.i.  h\  this  .diarize  Cajt.  Tiitth-  loit  the  use  of  lihs 
light  arm.      lie  is  now  (lS72j  a  Prcsb.   minister  iu  X.  C. 

If.     Columlius  A.,  March  21  IS-irt;  in.  Aug.   yi,   1H'>-i,    Eliz,ab!dli  Diila,  b.  Jan.  17, 
ISir..      1,    VViyxi,-.\r  Lrcivs,  .lulv  30,  ISdfi.     3,  Joir.s  Howaud,  Sept.  :3;J,  l.SdO 

III.  ],r.ura,  July  is,  ]S-17:  d.  July  2!(,  sm.  yr. 

IV.  Samoiia,  witli  Laura, 
V.     Lucius  A.,  Sept.  10,  ISly. 

VI.  KoOert  F.,  !),.•.  d,  18.>0. 

Vll.  Pr.'ston  1'.,  iKc.  13,  1853. 

Vlll.  William  M.  S.,  Fe!>.  21.  1856, 

IX.  Maiy  KUa,  July  G.  IS.-jS. 

X.  Victoria  S.,  Jan.,  18o3;  d.  Dec.  28,  ISGG. 

S23.10.13.     Margaret  M.  Tutlle,  b.  1815;  m.  Aug..  1830,  James  ('ourruey. 
I.      .-\ndie\y  Hull   Courtney,  b.   1837;  ni.    1859,   Marv  Bowman.     He   lost   a  "leg  at 
biltlc  of  (iettysburgh.  in  Conf.  "seryice.      1.  Juiix  A.     2,   Nt.\Ki.\  T.     3,    W>f.  <r. 
11.     Caroline  Courtney,  l>.  183'J;  d.  ISU). 

III.  Henry  Cl.iy  Courtney,  b.  18-43;  killed  iu  i/onf.  army,  1803.  battle  of  the  Wilder- 
ness, in  May,  a.  30;  shot  in  the  forehead  y  ith  a  miiiie-bjill.  " 

IV.  liobert  (t.  Courtney,  b.  Oct.,  18-11;  merchant  at  Lenoir,  N.  C. 

V.  Win.  Locke  Courti'ify.  b.  ISiy. 

VI.     Mary  E.  Courtiu'y.  twin  with  AVi;i. 
_VII.      Marshall  M.  Cou"rtney,  b.    1.853;  merchant  at   Marion,  X.  C. ;  m.  Dec.  10,  18SU,. 
Alice  (j.  Earnhei'dt  of  Lenoir. 

^923.10.14.  Hobert  Gains  Tuttle,  b.  1SI7;  in  18154,  'decied  Slierifi  of  Caldwell 
Co.,  X.  C.,  and  alter  holding  the  sum--  office  for  lf>  yrs.  \ya.s  re-elected  in  Xoy.,  1880. 
He  is  the  7nost  popular  man  in  the  county.  amlt(jok  thooili--.- to  gratify  his  ne/iny  friends, 
\ylio,  lo  use  their  o\s-n  expression,  "  neyer  tire-  of  Old  liobby."  Il'i' i.s  tlie  owner  of  a 
valunble  estate;  m.  l'^4'^>.   Lucmda  Prart. 

I.  William  .Anson,  b.  1843:  was  niurh  inte:.-t.'d  in  tlp;^  worlc,  and  collected  the 
recor<l  of  the  X.  C.  lirancli  (afterward  extended  by  his  cou.sin.  D.  H.  Tuttle,  Esq.,  of 
Hickory,  X.  C. ,  by  the  addition  of  biog.  detailsi.  lie  d.  Sept.,  187CI,  in  his  38th  yr.  An 
obit,  pub.^iii  the  J.:ifjii:  'J'oj,ii\  of  whi(di  tin-  following  is  an  outliae  and  brief  abstract, 
says:  "  Caldwell  county  now  mourns  the  loss  of  one  of  her  best  and  most  ji.ij.ular  citi- 
zens, Cajn.^  Wni.  \.  Tutth,',  who  die<l  at  his  lesidence  on  last  Saturday  ecning  at  8 
o'clock.  Funeral  seryjces  were  cmducted  at  tIh-. Marion  ground  o;i".Mouday,  at  10 
o'clock,  ami  the  .sermon  preached  by  Rev.  W.  M.  Hobey  to  ju-obabiy  the  larir-st"  funeral 
congregation  that  eyer  ai-sembled  in  this  county.  .V  large  concour.>-"e  of  friend.s  and  rela- 
tiye.s  followed  the  remains  to  the  graye-yard"  at  Littlejohn's  church.  His  deatli  was- 
caused  by  inflammation  of  the  bowels,  btought  on  by  exposure  to  inclement  weather. 
Than  the  deceased,  tlere  was  no  more  gallant  or  brayer  soldier  in  the  Southern  army. 
He  eidisted  und-r  Capi.  Wm.  Jones  in  the  first  company  that  went  from  Caldwell  Co.— 
Pettigrew's  Ib-gi,— md  sorved  nobly  and  faitlifrdly  thi"oii-houi  tlu'  entire  four  years  of 
the  war.  He  was  nored  for  conspiruous  acts  of  g;ill.inti-\  on  seyf>ral  occasions,  and 
esi-ecially  at  Manas-as,  e'iian'-.dloisville  and  (o'lfysburudi.  "Shortly  li(d'or,'  h-'  dii-d.  his 
cousin.  Mr.  D.  Herndon  Tuttle,  .said  to  him,  'Y.m  must  i;et  w.dl,  C<,  \\'illie,  and 
meet  your  old  (-(cnrades  at  th"  s-ddi-Ts'  r.-union  at  Salisbury.'  lb-  rei'lied,  '  V.'>.  1  will 
soon  meet  my  old,  but  it  will  !.,■  tho-o  who  fell  'li-htini;'  bv  m  c  s;d,>',  and  who 
haye  passe  1  oyer  an  1  ar,-  hapiiy  on  the  other  slioo'.'  ilo  wasa  dry.'ui:  iu'-ndu';-  of  tlie 
Mc-thodisi  chur<di.  !!,■  will  be  sid'y  mi-s. d  in  this  county,  and  tlo'  d''ej)ost  sympathy  i.< 
fVlt  for  his  i>'r'-ayed  i-tdativs.  Hi-  w:b-  and  two  b-au'iifu!  d::ii:rhters  sui'y  1  ve  him. " 
He  in.  18;;t;,  Lmdnd.a.,  dau.  of  Alf-ns  )  Ha:-shaw.      1.   .MauvIL     3,    Koi;!;in- A.     3,    Dai'. 

T  UTILE.  503 

IT.      .Ic'iii  A.,  li.   1>M4;  iTilli-il  in  Ciiifod-'iatc  service,  IS'!;!,  wiiib-  leading- in  a  cliar^-c- 
at  the  Imtile  (if  Hri^tow  Sta.,  Va. :   wa-  run  thmuul!  vviili  a  iMVonct, 

III.  Ma'.vii<  (i..   Ii.    ISl'l;    luillistM-  ill  X.   C.   ( '.>:i  fere-:ioe  Mr>l]i,    Kji;-^  clili.,   South. 

IV.  l.'ol.eri  M.,  \>.   ISIVI. 

X.     Marv  K.,  h.  is.-.:!;  m.  ISW),  Finley  (V.lTey. 
X\.     N:'iu'v  r.,  1..  IS,")!. 

VII.  Lueius  Haywood,  b.  ISoO:  m.  Maroh,  ISSl,  Lucinda  Tiatt.  only  dan.  of  IV  M. 
Pratt.      lie  is  now,  I'S'ii,  erecting'  a  hue  residence  near    (iainesville.  C'aldwcdl  To.,  N.  C. 

\'iil.      .Ma>rnuiev  11..  h.    IS.VJ. 
IX.      l>avi^  Iv,  b.   IsC.l. 

923.10.15.  Benedict  Marcus  Tuttle,  b.  1821;  m.  1853,  Mary  II.  CochraJi; 
res.  Tuttli-'s  Road,  Caldwell  Co.,  N.  C. 

I.  Daniel  Herndon,  b.  June  29,  lS."j7:  worl-cd  on  the  iarm;  in  winter  studied  in 
school  and  Lower  I'reek  .\cad.  At  ID  left  home  and  entered  soph,  class  Trinity  ("ol. , 
IJandolidi  ('<!.,  N.  C,  but  health  failing-  retired  to  the  farm.  Afterwards  tau^dit  sehool 
and  .stud,  law  in  scho  jI  (.-f  lion.  CrnUcn  \.  ('iUey  at  \a  rioir  (a  native  of  I'aniiin^r'on.  X. 
11. ).  hi  Jan..  ISsJ'r,  lieeii'^isl  to  |n-aetiee  in  all  theeourts  of  the  state,  lornied  a  .-o-partncr- 
yhip  with  .Indue  t'illey,  his  former  instructor,  and  rem.  to  Hickory,  X.  C,  (poj).  about 
1,o(JO)  n>)\c,  1-^s'j,  l,.^ca'l  adviser  of  seviTal  large  bu-iness  hoast-s;  local  attorney  for  the 
W.  X.  C.  H.  R.  Co.  and  attorney  for  towu  of  Hickory.  In  the  May  election  of  lSS-3 
eh  aed  one  of  the  Town  Conunissioners,  and  was  .Mayor  ;/;y;  ton.  during  the  absence  of 
that  offici  r.  1  am  indebted  to  him  for  additional  dales  and  biographical  sketclies  of  this 

II.  Lurinda  E.,  b>.  lN-i8. 

III.  WHiiani  A.,  b.  ISiJU;  d.  1861. 

IV.  M:,rv  .1.,  b.   ISH-j. 

V.  L;nir;i  11,  1>.   iS:3!;  ni.  April  21,  18S1,  Geo.  M.  (ioforth  of  Ruiherford  Co.,  X.  C. 

VI.  Jolui  Marcus,  b.  i,sd7. 

VII.  Caroline  F.,  b.  I^TO. 

VIII.  Ibdiert  .].,  b,  .\n;r.  V.  ls;y. 
IX.      (ieo.  .^iison,  b.  Feb.  M,  187o. 

X.      F-lia  Judson,   b.  May  V2,  1^78.  Naucy  Caroline  Tuttle,  b,  Xov.  C,  is-:?;  m.  March  12.  1811, 
Andrew  \Vu>Iiin;;ton  Ho..d.  b.  X.  C.  Sept.  17,  ISll;  rem.  1832  10  Ru^U  Co.,  Ind.;  res. 
Ualeie-h,  Tnd. 

1.  John  Ar.drew  Hood,  b.  June  22,  1842:  m.  July  28.  b'-Go,  Amanda  Sears;  rejn.  to 
Carroll  Co.,  L.wa;  farmer:  enlisted  in  Co.  D,  olsi  Ind"  Kegt.;  s,erv--d  four  yrs.  1,  Mary 
C.^Kor.tNF..     2,  CiiAiiLKs  Si:ahs.     ■].  Sti:ij.\  Winti:ks. 

U.     Juliu-;  (Jaston  Hood,  b.  June  2'^,  ISIM:  entered  S.  E.  Ind.  Conf.  as  an  itir.erant 
preacher  and  in  1878  was  given  charge  of  the  Verr:.Mi  Circuit,  ..leimings  Co.      \\  hen  on 
return  from   nnnisterial  work  and    near   his  home   li.»  was   accidentally  diowned  while 
Irving  to  ford   a  stream  Feb.  8,  1878.     Twenty-si:v   days  were  s]'ent  seart-liing   for  the 
'bodvi.efore  it  was  found.      He  ni.  May  22,  1878,  Sarali  C.  Sears. 
'ill.      Laura  An:i  Elizabeth  Hood,  b.  Xov.  18,  IW-bi. 
IV.     Lucius  Tutile  Hood.  b.  June  :;0,  1847:  d.  .March  28,  1^08. 
V.      Eu-/.or  Marcellus  Hood.  b.  Xov.  10,  1849;  d.  March  24,  18G8. 

VI.  Mai.^hall  I'incknev  Hood,  b.  Xov.  10,  1S,-,1. 

VII.  lobuubus  Orville'  Hood,  b.  Xov.  o,  18.-)8;  grad.  State  Medical  Col.  1879  and 
practiciriL'-  in  tireencastle,  hid. 

VIII.  'William  Lenoir  ILmkI,  b.  Xov.  24,  18") i;  iirepariuL-  for  the  ministry;  Meth. 
Epis.  chh.  in.  O-burv  Univ..  (ireenville.  Ind.;  now  (ls88i  in  Meth.  Fniv.  in  Boston. 

IX       C<erd(dia  Caroline  Hood,  b.  Mav  10.  1857:  d.  March  20,  1808. 
X.      Arihur  Washiuirion  Hood,  b.  March  18,  1809;  d.  Ajnil  80,  1868. 
XL      Au.'u-.tus  (iirdin.-  Hood.  b.  June  0.  ISOl;   d,  .Marrh  21.  18^.8. 
Xll.      Lewellvn  Iswliiie  Ho.ul.  twin  wi!h  Au:4as?us  Cirdine;  d.  March  8l',  F-iti8. 
Xlll.      (;ru:i  Mnmi.'  Vannette  Hood.  b.  Muv  I'l .   l-'ib      Cf   th.    ;>bove    1.7  cnlh  of  Mrs. 
Mood  it  will  be  observed,  that  -3  d.  within  a  ]ii'riod  of  10  day>,  'wo  of  them  d.  at  the  same 
inon.ent  on  the  24l'n  of    .Mar(h.  ]8!i8.      I'aiiSe  sc-arb-t  fever  and  diphtheria.      Six  (.0'  these 
chil.  d.  within  a/-  many  weeks.  Lucilt.s  Tutth^,  b.  Au--.  7,  177(!;s"C  in  \\()leott.  Conn.,  1*^(10.  find  d. 
there. lulv  7.  lsi;3.  a.  s!t;  nnrcininr  with  his  bro. -in-law.  Samuel  I'-enham.  "  He  was," 
says  the  iii-iorian  .d'  W  olcof,  '•  the  nio-,t  enteipri.-inu  and  eneruetic  busines,-  man  in  the 
liistorv  <if  tin-  t<.\\ii.      He  .■.iaiie<i  the  tirst  freight    vae-on    ever   seen   there  and    kej.t    that 

504  JJKAMcli    OF    SIMON. 

and  ntliors  ruimiiiii- iiiijlit  iiiid  (l:iy.  wliicli  a'  iniu'li  to  tlif  |ir<is]i(Tity  nf  tin- tuA'.Ti,'" 
111.  Dec.  19,  1  >0-2,  iichcccu  llnrrisoii,  1>.  Aui;.  ;">,  nsl;  d.  _\u--.  ID,  ls7i).  a.  Mi;  dau.  of 
>rarlv.  .s.  of  Aanin.  s.  of  Urnjniniii,  s.  of'i  lioinas.s.  nf  'I'lin'.UHs,  a  liist  si-uk'r  in  Iji'aiit'nixl, 

I.      M;;ilc,  1).  Oct.  -n,  1N0;J;   111.  Martlia  \^]>^nn. 
II.      I.ucius,  b.  S('ii1.   17.  ]'-().-):   m.  lanira  A.   lu-iiMMit. 

III.  Sniiiucl  P.fiiliu!)!,  1>.  l.'i-r.  -n.  1SI)7;  d.  ill  <iM-<li.ii.  Conn..  A}.ril  ]y,  ].s7').  About 
l'"^74,  roiitribuii'J  .•<'2r)  to  aid  in  Lrathci-iiii;-  iii.-it>M  i;d  IV.r  tlii,-.  \\i)il;,  a;id  \\t"  Indievr  Iim  s-Mit 
an  i'qiial  ann'iint  fl^i^wbi'Vi'  I'of  tbc  ^••i:ic  ]>u!iJo<f,  lb.'  ai-.o;;a\c  tin'  .-■ii1>jci'i  bis  ji.-ismiuiI 
iiltf'iitioii  and  ronmiunicatfd  nuicb  vahiablc  inforiuatioi..  .My  tbunb^s  wi.rt^  waived  on 
tlu-  g-round  iliat  Ikj  wa^  doing  )!■>  iimrc  tluui  bi.-^  sluiri.-  as  a  ni'-iiibci-  nt'  ibi.'  lanuly,  inv  tbc 
common  benefit.  Tbe  following  ol)ituary  is  fiTini  tbe  JJnrlVinJ  {'  :  '■  Wben  on.' 
has  passed  tlie  limit  of  ibree-seoie  vears  we  do  not  commonly  tbiidc  of  liim  as  dying  pre- 
uiaturely.  15;if  be  wlms''  name  stands  leeoided  liei>'  came  of  an  ancestry  remarkal.ile  foi' 
longevity,  conbin'-d  wirb  meiual  and  ]iliys!  \ig(.ir;  bis  own  eijuabb'  ti'mprranieiit  and 
habits  of  lifi-  jMving  iJioiuise  of  a  useful  and  viirotcms  old  age.  Horn  at  W'olcott.  in  ISO;, 
he  left  bis  iialiv^  towji  af  aii  eii!}"  ai;-e  and  eng'aged  in  active  bn.-.iiii'>^  ])ars-i.iits,  com- 
Dianding  wben-ver  bo  \vont,  tbo  resj.ect  ainl  affi-ctionate  regai'd  (d'  ail  wlio  knew  bim. 
Those  who  bu.-tained  tlie  imist  intimate  rehitions  \vitli  bim  km.>w  bim  as  a  christian  gen- 
tleman, undemonstrative  and  <|uiet,  but  ))ossessing  i-;iu'  strengib  of  affection  and  mani- 
festing a  lender  and  charitable  H))])reciation  of  tlie  trials  and  xnrov  -  "'f  everyone  about 
liim.  Ills  b>\t.  liir  little  clubiren  was  a  distinguisliiiig  tiait  of  bi^>  i.-baraci^T.  Tboso 
v>'lio  have  f.jt  tbe  gras].  of  hi.s  band,  and  beard  bis  words  of  welcnme  that  were  the 
exin-ession  of  a  sincere  heart,  know  tluiT  the  large  [ilace  he  tilled  is  left  vacan.t  for  all 
time.  To  his  brothers,  sisters  and  s!e]is..u!n'  was  a  \vise  and  teiab-!'  C'lvmseno]'  and 
l)elo\>-d  ii'ii.Mid.  To  Ins  uife  and  d;augbler  bis  ^\l,rib  v\as  bcycnid  expressior,.  It  was 
fitting  that  su(di  a  life  should  cbi-^e  in  jn'ifect  ])eaci  .  .After  a  few  days  of  i)ain  and 
weariness  •1.'i-  wasnoi,  fur  (bid  ti>^]k  bin>;'"  m.  Ajiri!  7.  l^^io.  J-lveliu"  Sophia  Ivi.-sof 
}5ristol.  Conn.,  b.  Aug.  lo,  ISJS:  d.  ,v.  /.  (),-t.  l'..i,  b'^ll.  He  m.  (2i<).-t.  -j,  ]sr,i,  J.ucretia 
C.  Carlisle.  /,,_,■  X(..rton,  b.  April  lit.  IS^H.      1,   CAKiii.rxr;  l,fci;i:Ti.\,  .lun-  oO,  i"-'3IJ. 

IV.  Kolliii  M.,  May  'is,  Isio;  m.  Km.dme  Hii;-gin.v. 
V.     lod.iL'cca  -Mil.'s,  Mav  :',] .  l<]2:  m.  orrin  Hvin>;t(.e!. 

VI.      Adedine,  ]),x.  I'-'.  b^:J:  m.  i;n-~^(dl  l']^>,.n. 

Vll.  }-:dwa!d  ilarrisoM.  .hily  e-<.  1S17:  m.  Jumj  (',  lsd'2,  Sai'ah  hoiii-a  Bement  of  N. 
Ilav..  Conn.,  b.  June  :2-2,  b>-;-22.  "  1,  EnwAf.n  Di:  Co-i  \.  Aug.  -1,  ]N-i;j;  >;.  C';),  ]<>2. 
2,  ^^'n.^.l.\M  .Vi..Mts.  S"i)t.  ]:,,  IsiS.  ;.'.,  Er)\vAr;u  llAnnisox.  Aua'.  22,  ]■>:>'.<.  4,  bofis 
KrGF.NK.  F.d..  20,  lNt;7. 

\T11.  Saraii,  b.  l'\'i;.  10.  1^20;  m.  April  M,  IsMS,  ]':iibu  ^bmltbro]..  b,  Afar-h  Kb 
ISIO.  1.  Am  niSKTTi:;  M..  Se])t,  4,  Ifi-'A):  m.  Xov.,  IS^S,  l!ob,rrt  T.  ."^ieveuson,  b.  .lulv, 
185^.  1,  0)n/  ,1.,  2,  d.  Sej.t.  2.  l.-;(i'.>.  2,  S,ir''/,  L\.  Sipt.  Id.  ]sf;2.  2,  Kvi:i.Vx 
E.,  July  12,  fsll;  d.  near  Atlanta,  Ca.,  Aug.  oO.  1S(J4,  from  svoumls  received  in  the 
l^nion  armv. 

IX.      Willbuti  W,  Ma-vli  bv,  ie;2l;  d,  .Ian.  Ifl,  lS2.'j. 
X.      William  P.,  Sei)t.  11.  1S2G;  d.  Aug.   10,  l^^."iS. 

923.10.21.  Mark  Tuttle,  b.  O.-t.  21,  1s03;  m.  Ajiril  I'J,  ls27,  Martha  Ups<m,  b. 
Aug.  2^?,  1>^U7. 

I.      Samu-d,  b.  Aug.  20,  1S2^:  d.  Julv  7,  1S;!0. 

11.      Samuel   M..   b^    March   21*,  l;i82:"  d.    May  <>.  1^71;    m.    May  1 .  18oG,   Susan   E. 
Walkor,  b.  Aug.  7,  1^;^.-).      ],   Cii  \i;i.e.s  S.  .  b.  Ajiril  28,  ISiJO. 

ill.  Martba  Ann.  b.  Feb.  17.  \X-<[>:  m.  .June  1 ,  is.V.t.  Doa,  Lyman  T..  Brons<e,i,  b. 
Oct.  7,  ISoi):  d.  May  17,  isijib  She  m.  (2)  -lune  1,  IS'i^,  Ira  H.  Hough  of  Wniott,  Conn, 
i.  bv  Is*  m. :  1.  Kdwai'.i)  Lyman,  b.  .Mav  is,  isi;n.  2.  Kstid.i;  Akdki.ia,  Awj.  2, 
1802;  d.  dun-  2-:.  ISiUb      /.  bv  2d  m.:     ;J,   .m!ai;v,  b.  Mav  l:;,  187ii. 

IV.  Ard,dia  M.,  b.  May"  7,  iNf:'.;  d.  ]>.t.  iX.,  lS7o:'m.  Xov.  2d,  l^i;2,  L-  Hoy  r]>snn, 
b.  ,Tan.  14,  l8-t').  1.  '\\'ai,T!:k.  b.  .luuf  Ub  d.  .hily  7,  18vid.  2,  AnniK  Mahia,"  b.  May 
12,  IstfS.     :;,    llKi;i;KiiT  .Ma.vtov.  b.  Ajiril  4,  1^7:1" 

923. 10.22.  Lucius  Tuttle,  b.  S.-pt.  17,  isi}.-);  d.  April  Kb  l^^oS;  m.  <Jct,  1,  1S2U. 
Laura  .\iin  l)i  ne-at  in  Xew  liascii,  Cimii. 

1.      Laiii'a  KuiT'-nia,  .lure-  o.  d.  .bino  17,  l^->2. 
11       iviLi-.-uia  Liuvt,  (»■■.  :.,  1^.;:;;  m.  .bue-  i  ">    ls.",tb  l.uv.-r;;.'  lb  Morris,  b.  April  Kb 
1827.      1,    IJuiiKKT  Ti  r!  i.K,  May  b!,  !'<o7.     2.    M ai; v  Si.vmitk,  1>,t.  1 ,  is')';;.     :],    IIi,i.K\ 
]Iai:I;ison,  .Mav  12.  l-^uT      I,    Lmii.v  lu ckm  \.  .'urn- 2d,  b'^ijl.'. 

TLTTLI-:.  505 

III.  Lucius  licni'Mit,  1).  Ana-.  1.  INiD;  m.  M;iy  4,  ISTC,  Euua.-i  L.  Ilotchkis.^. 

IV.  Eiiim:i  L()'ai>a,  Nov.  21),  l^W:  (].  Sop'..  S,  LSJ,-). 

923.10.24.  Kollin  M.  Tuttlc,  b.  May -JS,  isiO;  m.  ii,  ^Vat.■l•l.ul•y,  Coim.,  July 
is,  l.s;J2.  I-Jiiuliue  lli;^;.,'-iii>  of  Snntliiimtuu,  ('(Hiii.;  ics.  Kfiin.-,li:t,  W'i.-^.;  cliil.  1).  in 
.P)ri>!(il,  (,'i.nii..  txrcnt  tin'  two  tir>t  vli..  v.i-ri-  1).  in  Wolroti,  (nun. 

1.      \\':il!ar.'    M.,    h.    Eul-.    ]S,    Ls^:!;    m.    in    Seymour,    (/oun..    .Ian.    22,    \S')o,  Mi'-s. 
]Iaiii''t  ]•"..  StfvtMi.-;  ami  ha-  1  rli.     !--,iiu  ix  ii  .  1).  in  s"  (.).■!.  "27.  ]S.',7. 
II.     .Mart;uivt  A..  Vi']>.  22,  IS;;."),-  d.  in  iJrist'.i  Au>;-.  ."J,  JS:j,s. 

III.  William  F..  1>.  Ai^ril  N,  ly:)?;   m.  in  I\i-no^]ia,  Wir,. ,  Aii'j-.  20,  l.S'J>;    Mars  Bcnill 
j        \vlin  a.  Nov.  2-,',  1.S77.  '  "  '  - 

i  IV.      Mai^aiHt   Knirlinc.   h.   .\u!r.   2.].   ^^H'^:    m.  at    K.  O-T.  7,  lS.,:j,  (J,.,.,  M.  \N"i!rox 

I        >vli.)(|.  S.'pt.  7.  lN(i2:  (2)De.'.  2,   lN7n,   Franlc   Lrr.-li   of  Kvanstnu,  111.      {.  hv  Is;  in.;      ], 

I        U.vinr.  A.,  1).  March  l.T,  it^.lO;  d.  Dec  2.').  ISCJ.     2.   M.vuv  K.,  L.  April  2.';,"  ]S(;2.      ('.  hv 

2din.:     o,    F-\>;.\v 'J'rTTi.K,  h.  Sc]H.  ].-),  I.^ill.     ^1,    Fiikdkutc  k,  h.  Julv  Fi    d    Au<'-    IS 


V.      Au,;ni-<ta  E..  b.  .Jan.  ?,(),  FSol:  d.  ^lay  D,  ].S.3:1.       ' 

923.10.25.  Pvebecca  Miles  Tuttle,  b.  May  ;ll,  1S]2:  d.  S-])!.  20.  1S7G:  m. 
A]iril    n,    ls.j2,  Orrin    lU-ijin^tun,   b.   Aug.  i),  iSd?;    d.  Ma\  22,  is7;J:    rem    to  Wis    1S;;G- 

,        re.s.  Frankfort:  ]'.  O.  Ella. 

;  1.      {'liarlrs  Fiiward  lU-intrtoji,  1).  Nov.  ,">,  \s:i'.i.   cnli.^tcd  jn  ('o.  E,  2ntJi  Ec^t.  Conn. 

V<'is.,  left  camp  at  .\c\v  Haven.  Conn.,  Sf],r.  11,  ]Sti2.  and  .s.'rve.l  nuii!  In-  \va.-  kilted  at 
tlie  battle  of  E-tUonville,  N.  ('.,  March  I'J,  iNClo;  Iniiicd  in  the  Nntinna!  Cemeterv  at 
Ealeiirh,  X.  ('. 

II.  Eiicin-,  E.  liyiiiL'-ton,  Si-i^t.  N.  1S42;  Eo'^inia-ter  lA'  ]':i]a,  Fepin  Co.,  Wis.;  m. 
No\-.  ti,  lS7i).  Mary  E.  VriP.ard,  b.  Sept.  ]s,  ls.-,i  ;  d.  (.)ci.  4.  1.-^74.  1,  P,i-:itTH.\  Esti:lla, 
1).  N.iv.  12,  ]S7i;  d.  Met.  IS,  1S71.     2.   ( 'i.'.m.i.j.s  VA)\\\\:i\  b.  July  is,  i^;;:;. 

923. 10. 20.  Adeline  Tuttle,  b.  Dec.  li.),  isil;  m.  Mav  10,  is;]],  Eassell  F],sou 
<)!   .Xe'.v  liaven,  (.'onn..  h.  Jan.  :;i.   IS]]. 

I-      'I'lmiun  F]>son,  b.  Oct.  14.  ISiJ.',;  m.  Mav  2o,  IsiitJ,  Margaret   Upson.      1,   EttKl)- 

KltlCK   M.VNTtiN,   ]).    ;-ej)t.    1,   d.   (»(t.   .").    1  S(jS. 

IE  Emily  Fji-ou.  Ic  June  .";,  ]s:j7:  m.  Mav  21),  ISi;:;,  j^nvi.-,  E.  Huuce.  1.  EorL-^v 
:M..  b.  Sept.  21.  lsi;.0.     2,   li.Mtoi.D  Ef.wis,  JnU"  2:1.  IMIS. 

HI.      Eveline    Epson,    b.    Feb.   4,    ls:!<;i;    m'.   Oct.    20,    ]sr,:j,    \h-v.   Charles   Northrop 
lA-man;   Y.  C.  F<.^'.<       1,   Ci[.v:i,K-  Ers-i;i.i.,  I.c  Jan.  E),  1S(_E.     2,   'i'iiLi;o\  EI'.m)n    Si'pt 
7,  ISf.H.      :j,    WiNTtiitup  15.,  Jniy  I'.t,  ]^:2.     4.    (if:<).   11.,  March  <),  {Hlil 

IV.  Samn-.d  Eenhum  Fjjsun,  h.  April  S.  F^n  :   d    Vi-],.  20,  ISF!. 

\'.  Manton  y).\y  Epson,  'h.  March  ol,  IsEl.  He  was  ('apt.  in  the  1st  He-t.  Conn. 
Ca\alry  and  v,;is  ai  the  surrender  of  <;eii..  Fee.  He  d.  Jan.  IS,  ISi'A).  ■'  A  no!j7e  young 

VI.     Serona  Fp.on.  b.  Xov.  S,  Fs.t4;  d.  Maicl:  20    ISlf,!. 
^'11.     Cliarles   Edv.ard    Epson,  Nov.  liO,  1S4S;   Key.    in    1S7'J;   preaching   in  \\'olcott- 
ville,  Conn. 

VIII.      Harriet  Fp.-on,  May  ]],  Isol;  d.  July  10,  FsVJ. 
IX.      Eanrde  Celestia  Fjc^un.  ii.  May  20,  1S,T:F 

923.10.6.    'William  Paugman  Tuttle,  b.   Feb.   11,  IFSE  d.  Jan.   0.  1S22.  a. 

o,S;  m.  Nijv.  2o,  ISO.J,  Abigail  Steveiis;  [2)  I''iic4;e  Ai.drews  Tuttie,  wid.  of  his  bro. 
Maicus.      /.  l)y  1  st  m. : 

I.  Hannah  Aliiirail.  m.  Joseph  X.  Sperry  of  Cheshire;  n^m.  to  Wolcott.  He  was 
active  and  iiMfiil  in  tov.-ji  and  .s.icieiy  affairs  and  lield  various  oihc.s.  He  m.  (2)  Xa;-- 
cissa  Kinney;  (y,)  l^.ristol.      He  ,\.    May   [>,    1S71,   a.    70.      1,    I-Jktskv  Ann,  J uiie  1 !), 

1S27;  m.  Heman  Wi!l-.,y  Hall.  1,  Siro/,  r/v"/",  April  17,  ls}7;  m.  Oct  2o  iSfiC  Cha/ 
^'-  F"'ter.  E  Hebert  F.,  n,r.  ;'.,  1^71.  2,  l(.n,^<>,u  j!..  .hih  12.  ES.')2;  m.  Feb.  2.-).  1S7I 
Anna  lioot.  :',.  JJ.ifti''  J..,  .]i\n.  10,  isi;3.  2,  Sami  i-,r.  X.,  Dec.  lo.  l.S:j;E  in.  Eoxann.-i 
■Jdc'iji  of  Southington;  (2,.  FS72,  Saruli  E.  Xortoii.  l,,J,ii,,  L  Au"-  ;jl  Is.^,')-  d  [)i^^■ 
10.  l^i-.o.      2,    r/e./7,.v,l.,  Jan.  ;;.    FSt)().  '         "^^        ■  •      •  ■ 

II.      Marcn-. 

III.  \\'\\\.  Eangnmn.      i.  Ijy  2<i  m.: 

IV.  Eh:  he  Ar,;rii-,!:i,  Mar.Ji  IS.  isiC;  m  Dec  IC,  ls:!s,  A  Sperrv  o!  r'heshire, 
C.'.iii.  1,  XotvMAN.  Feb.  IE  1S42;  m.  Xov.  24.  ls/;<.>.  Funis,'!  H.  Hi;;u-s.  2,  Mujcfs,  b'  17.  IS-].",      ;j,   h^Mi- !u;i-i  1.  S.sKr.i.i.i:,  dct.  \),  IS."",:;. 

V.  Harriet  Maria,  Feb.  ,T,  ISJS;   d.  .luly  V.i.  ]S10;   n;.  Auu'.  11.  l.s:',S,  J, dm  Mix. 


iiUAxrii  OF  siynts. 

V(.      E)i-/.alH-tli    Carolinp,    Jnn.    12,    1801;     m.    Feb.    <(,    1845,    .JoHpph    A'ulre\i-s        1 
irATTii:  Arc.vsTA^  M;uoh  IS,  185H. 

923.10.7.  Gnius  Tuttlc.  h.  July.-,,  ITSC;  d.  iii  (lie^l.irc,  ('ouu  M'nr]i  If;  Iv-,-; 
Ji.  Oy;  111.  isin,  B  .lie  (  (,t'  \Vu!lini,-ioril.  Cnnn.,  h.  V'Ak  2\  ITS?.    '  '  '      ' 

I.     Phf^l.,.  Xiaa]ie."J:.n.  -1.  IMl;  m.  Auij:.  s,  ]vi),  ^^tcpiifn'Hc-rli.T  of  Snutliin-rion 
("onii.      ],    Fi'.AM  K^^  Kkukcca,  .J:i:i.  -.^y,  18Ui.     L',   Sakaii  Eli7,ai:i.tii    .Inh  L'n    ]s47"     •/ 

SaMUKI.   IIVM  v.    Fell,   r,,    ]N4!).       4,    IlAJiKlKT  HiniK,   .hil).   '.V,,   IS,-)]  ;    .]       .<,-,,['     21     IS'il'       V 

Emii.v  Kl'xh  c.  Jan.  2:.^,  18-").J.     (i.   ^^'ALT^:R  Stki'hkn,  Aj.r'i!  10,  is.-,,-).         ^   '  '       ' 

II       .SaiuiKl  Anson.  Auir.  IS,  JS14;  m.  May  ],  1.^44,  Juiuir-c' Fierp'-nt    dan    ofrjilvs 
of  No.  IJav.,   r..nn.;  who  d.    S.-pT.    17,    IS.',!,   a.    2!l   vrs.  and  0  mo.s. :  (2i  '.Mav    1]      I.S54 
E-nily  IteUecca,  (ia.ii    of  l><-a.  Sila.s    Kic-f  of   .Mi-ridiMi.  Cnn.     i.    l,v   I'-t   in.:    'l     Fm)  kit 
Lai'ha,  Aj)!-!!  17,  ]S4S.     2,   Edv,-ai!D  PiFiii'oNr.  Juni-!).  ]S.-jL     /  l>v  2d  m  ■     '-!    Fi'i  f\- 
Evsivi:,  Oct.  20,  1S5I'..     4,  Amci:  llnuiAin),  F' h.  s,  ls:,o.  "  "     "     '  ■  '- 

923.10.9.     Esther  Tuttle,  Ij.   Dw.    IJO,   17U2;d.    March  23    ]s:,,-,.  „,    ^[.p,.l,  m 
1812.  J..-\i  DunliKh',  b.  May  27,  17^2.      On   his  Slsr  binlidav,    1873,    his  rhil      >V  chjl' 
and  irt.  g.  chil..  tn  tin*  nunilter  of  43,  gatht^red  at  thf  old  hoiucstead  in  Ch.  .■^lli^'.•  ^'\,nii  ' 
to  coinnicinoraif  the  orcnsion. 

E     Maiihla    Doolittle,    JVr.    30,    1812;    ni.    llerri<.-k    I'.rook.s        ]      Si'Ki  Dox        •■> 

1  JtANCKS  M.       3,    I-OLTSA.       4.    Jri.IA.  '  ■        -• 

n.      Elixab>  Ann  D..olitt!r.  Oct.  7,  FS14;  ,,1.  F!;dn.,ta  Clark  of  Sor.tliiii-ton    Conn 
1,  ]m>\vai!P.     2,   Ha XX A II.     3,  Fli.a.     4.    Emza. 

III.  Levi  |t,M',linlf,  Nov.  1,  1^10;  d.  .Inly  1,  IS17. 

IV.  L-vi  l>,^olitilo,    A],ni    14,    F^IS;  1,1.  "i^unicia   Ilcniini^wuv      1     Emzuietf       •'> 
r  !;i:i)):i'.icK.     3,    Lina.  "       '  '    *'     ~* 

V.      France.^  iFiolittIf,  July  5,   ]S!!);  n\.    Ilarvfv   ( 'urtis  (,f  South!;, gton    Pud   h.-id    ] 

yi.  Abiijail  Ouolittlo.  >raiTdi  2fs  1S22;  m.  March  2(3,  ]S4-i,  Sauiucd  A.  Bradh-v  of 
Cheshire.  1,  \\  ii.i.iam  A.,  June  23,  ]S4(1.  v,  John  a.  Julv  3()  F^.-.O  3  W'itk)' 
IE,  March  2.J.  IS55.     4,  A..   Feb,  11,  isr,7. 

VII.     Adeliza  Doolittle.  IVc  3,  1823;  m.  WiHia.n  i^diev  of  Sprinuficld    Mass 
^  IIF      A.F.lphus  Ferry  IX.olittle,  March  12.  1^2:,;  m.  Jcannetie  Neal  of  Soiuhin.noa 
e..nn.     1,  Mahv.     2,  Chaui.ks.     3,  Nki.lik.     4,   Cxuhse.     r,,   Addifj      fj   Eixxv'     7' 
Gi:()i;ge:.  '  '       ' 

IX.      LoMnrtr.l    Donliitle,    Juno   14,    1827;    m.    .Marictie   llotcJdciss        l     Fm.m  \        '^ 

^^  ILLTC.       3,     I.iirisA. 

X.      Ira  Ann-ustus  Doolittle,  June  2,  ls29;  in    .Alar-aret  Frisbie  and  iird  1  child       1 

Jl'LIA.  •  . 

XI.      Ez'a  Elton,  Sept.  7.  1833;  111.  Ellen  ];uss,dl  and  liad  2  chil.;  rem.   West. 

923.13.     Edmund  Tuttle,  b.    Dec.    2l),    r.;i.      lie   entered   his   name     Nov     30 

IjNii,  t..  ].ay  muiisterial  tax  to    the   Epis.    chli.;d.  Julv    1,    184t;,  a.  S2;  m    ]Vc    (J    i'^87' 

Sarah  1^.  lioyce:   i-es.  C'liHsliire.  '  '  '  ■     •      ■> 

1.^  Sybilla  Stella,  Autr.  29,  1788;  m.  April.    182G,  John  Eall  nf  Chesliiro,  and  d.  s. 

J.   Dec,    .,   18i'4,  a.    ,*,. 

11.      Mvra,  .\..v.  .-),  1790;  in.  Jesse  Bro.JvS. 
ni.      Eihnnnd,  d.  v. 
IV.      I.,,ly,  d.  Nov".  ]S,  ]^]S,  a,  17. 

V.      HuTh,  b.  1799;  ni.  Au-,  1S22.  Jiihn  Feck  ni  Cheshire.      She  d    Sept    17    18-^9 
leaving:  a  dau.      1,   Axx  Ei.iza.  m.  Titus  IJ.  Ives  191  (d  C'lieshire 
Vi.      Nancy,  d,  Jan.  4.  1827,  a.  24. 

>r  ^'^,^\  J'y'^'-.  -^'"'••J^"'-    "'•    ■'-'■■''"'^    Stillman    of   Southin-t.m,    Conn      b 
March  12,  isn,.  s.  o(  Eben  and  Sarah  Hall  .v.  i. 
\'J11.      Eaiira  Ann,  d.  Sept.  2(1.  Is29,  a.  23. 

923.13.2,  Myra  Tuttle,  !>.  Nov.  ,-).  J790;  d.  Oct.  3.  IS7,-;,  ;,.  ss:  ni.  Mav  isifi 
Jes^..  Frnoks  of  C.  He  was  killed  in  raising  the  Cum-,  cidi.  in  Cheshire  .hine'o'  L^-'u" 
a.  3G.  '  .       -   . 

I.      Edmund  Tattle  Fr.,.,k-,  b.    Jan.    12,    ]S17;   m.   March  23.  1812.  Sarah  Fishop  of 
[-  ^^'""l-  ;'='"•  ■-''•  ^^•>'-      !!'■    """-   ^'wns    th.-    ,>M    (apt,    Fuciu-    Tuttle   pdac  in  C       1 
EMii.v  A,b.  IS-};;:  d,  March    11.    is,;:;,     o    Cun-u.   E.    Feb,    1     isl-;;  n^I   Jan.  n    is;i)' 
John   M.  Mia.ip  .)t  Meridcn,  Cnnn.      :'..    M  Ainii  \  1  i. .  .!nl\-  2  '    1S-|;j 

_    ^_    II.      J.>...    1;.  FrM,,k-..  Oct.   1.  l^-jO:   ni.  r^p;.   |s,  I-JF  Sa;ah  C.    Fbdceslee    win.  d    . 
1.  >ov.  2i.  ls.,2:  i2yOct.  9,  ls,-,(;,  Fouisa  A.  Smith.      ],  Jkssk  \\'i:xm.i,r    Sept'   2t;    lS,-,9 

tittlt:,  iirj.L 


III.  Ifcni-y  ]5v<.()k>.  Sl'iiI.  7,  IN'.'.';  111.  Mavy  E,  Ifcugli,  v.lio  d.  Mnr.-li  l."),  IH(\]  ■  ('J) 
^■()V.  'J,  ]Sr,,-),  eViiticliii  (_'.  NN'fh^tiM-. 

IV.  Cai-nliii.'  X.  l?io..ks,  Oci.  1:],  1S-J4;  in.  Scpi.  1.  1^-11.  linllin  \V.  ]>luiuli(.f  Ply- 
mouth, t'uiiH.  1,  lioi. I.I.N  ,1.,  t-^i']H.  i;j,  is:.;i.  •,',  IIi-.nkv  H.,  jiic,  -J,  ]s")7.  :-!,  c'.s.ko- 
i.txK  1,.,  Oct.  ];!,  i>;i;-2. 

V.  Mniy  l^n>oks,  Juiu-  57,  iSCl!;  111.  Apiil  IG,  ]s:,4,  Miles  X.  'i'ndd  of  Wiitn-lmry, 
Coim.,  uiid  haJ  ]  cliiid.      1,   i'haki.t.s  .M.,  .I.-iii.  1,  l^.j.'t. 

924.  Mary  Tuttlc.  h.  on.  :!,  171-..';  d.  A].ril  21,  177U,  m.  Dtv.  21.  172'.i,  Milt^s 
IIul),  b.  .Uilv  (i,  1704,  s.  of  .lol.n  ;uid  Il::r,n;ili  riindlc  ;i!itl  ^^  .^.  of  Dr.  ,!n]ni  Hull  of 
Derby  :n;d  Wall'd.  lied.  Jnn.  20.  177o;  iiiv.  cxli.  Aiull  14,  i':7o;  i.eisonal,  IT)4  10s  sd; 
land  ISU  acres,  -(."li'l;  Saianel  Hull  and  Tini'ithv  Hull,  apptaisefs;  on  iinai  set.  .Miles: 
Hull  ivr'd  i'U;  .Vbijali,  1:2  las;  Maftlia.  Kolu-rrs,  I'.jS  2s  lOd;  Estiipr  Smith,  1:20  lOs; 
Eunice  Hitcli'^cick,  il-i2  los;  Mary  Hntchkiss.  I'MS.  The  est.  tn  be  divided  amtain' tlie 
seven  children  or  tlieir  rejiresentntives;  a  double  sliaii  ,  eld.  s.  iuui  a  ?iiMrle  sbaie,  .€8o- 
ys  od  i(j  eaidi  otlier  cliild,  including'- \\  Ijat  xhv\  luive  liad. 

1.  Martha  Hull,  b.  Xov.  2'.»,  17;',0;  d.  si.on. 

II.  .^lartha  Hull,  b.  Xov.  2'A.  17H2:  ni. Roberts. 

in.  EsTle-r  Hull,   b.   Sept.  ir,,  17:!:!:  m.  Josiah  ^;nn!h  [p.  84].      1,  Mai:y,  h.  17M  :  d. 

1711(1;  ni.  her  cot!--.  Ambrose  Smith   I  p.  '.'j')]. 

IV.  Elizabeth  Hull,  b.  ]7;C);  or  Eliinh.  bap.  D. c,  17^5. 

V.  Elijah  Hull,  b.  March  lU:  d.  Mav  I'.t,    KMb. 

VI.  Eunice  Hull,  b.  Mav  29,  17:58;  m. Hitclwock. 

VII.  .Marv  Hull,  b.  Julv'lo,  1740:  m. Hotchkiss. 

VIE.  .Miles  Hull,  h.  March  14,  1T42-:;;;  m.  Eunice  Hull. 

IX.  Abi-ad  Hull.  b.  June  11,  174."j. 

X.  .Abipdi  Hull,  b.  June  lU,  1747;  in.  Ibtchel,  .\pril  20,  1774. 
1,  AziT.A,  b.  Ji.ilv  .J,  17sO:  m.  Oi-t.  o,  lSo2,  Abni  r  Ihinnel!  in  (.'lieshire.  2,  Ai'.i.lAU, 
Oct.  11,  17^8;  bap.  Xov.  28,  1788.     8,  Easti:!;,  b.  Auir.  Id,  lls'J. 

924S.     Miles  IIlil],  b.   Marcli  14,    1742-8;   apol.    ensi-n  7[]i  Co.   0th  kit  i  a  lion  by 
CVinn.   beL'.,l/ib,   al'terw.    Cuie.      Active  in  the   field  avel  on  cintiriitrees  at    lioine  duriiig 
the  war  of  !!evu!ution.       He  d.    Jan.    20,    iSd'-';    "he   (.wind  tie-   faini-  cd'  the  late  Jafi'd 
Bishopand  of  Caj.:.  Menson  l'o'.>k." — //(.v/.  ,/;'  ]\'(i/l'ti.     In  177o.  ajijii.  ;:u;ud .  to  ( 'liauneey 
Koyce,    minor   son   of  Timothy.       He  in.  Dec.  4,    17(j1,     Euni'o,  dan.    of  Ebeui-zer  and 
Hannah  (Uaies)  Hull,  sis.  to  Mary  Hull,  lirst  \vf.  ol  his  cousin  li^phiaim  'J'l.trle. 
I.      Anr/.i,  b.  17(32:   m.  Marv  A.    K;issoir. 
11.      Eiither,  a  .diild  of  ('apt.  Miles  Hull,  d.  Mav  0,  1774. 
HI.      Miles,  bale  .Iv.n.  2S,    1770. 

IV.      Dolly,  m.   Levi  Ihui.da-^,  one  of  the  foumlersof  the  Epis.  chle  in  Meriden,  ]7S'J. 
^^      Dau..m. Sizer  of  Meriden,  (.'onn. 

924G1.     An-iSi  Hull,  b.    17()2;  M.    D.,  wer.r   to   (.'anada,    d.   Oct,  2,  17D:,;  in.  Mary 
Aun  Kass!,ii.      Sl.c  m.  (2)  Cap;,  (iideon  Eea\ cnworth.       In  1 1'Joj  adinr.  of  est.  Dr.    Aro/.i 
Hull  gi\en  to  wid.  Mary  Ann,  then  of  Woodbridge,  Conn. 
I.      Aur.dlus,  ()ct.'8l,  17>>(i;  di.  Oct.  7,  EiiU." 
11.      Aretius  In-vil,   b.    \V.,    Oct.  12,  17sS;    i'.  C.,   1S07;  tutor,  l.*^10-16:  pastor  first 
Coii<^^  (dih.  ^^'orc<^■^ter,  Ma-.s. ,  from  May.  1S21  to  dec.  May  17,  l.-<2(j;  consuiui>t  ion.     "Mind 
of  a  hii^h   order,  ^""eneral   and   jirofessional    attainiiients   uncomm  >rdy   birire,  corn'eption.s 
clear,  just  iin<i  discriTuinativjg,  Ji  highly  cultivated  taste  and   a    relii.emeiu  of   thou.irnt   and 
feeling  pervadi'dall  his  \s  ri  tings  audi  con  versa  lion." — Fum  r^i!  s.  nuKh  In;  R'  r.  ,/c/,  n  ychnn. 
He  m.  March  .1.  1M7,  Abi^iail,  dau.  of  Josejili  Darling  of  Xew  Haven,  Conn.      1,  J(»si;ru 
Dakling,  b.  Eel).  21,  E'^b'^:   Y.  C.    1^87;     iirincipal  of  a  <dassir:il    school    for    boys,  corner 
84th  St.  and   Idoadway,  X.    Y. ;   ni.  Dec.    14,  1^18,   Chailotte    h.    Cov>]es  oi    i'armington, 
Conn.     2,  Afid.-i'irs  H.,  b.  Xov.  1,  lsl9;  m.  Oct.  2>!.  1S48,  S.   J.    Turker.       8,  A.'-!.vnda. 
b.  July  10,   1S21;  d.  at  Piitslmrg,  Da.,  Jan.  81.  1S4o;   in.  Sept.  28.  is;',',),  A.   A.  Hardy.    4, 
El-lZAUK'Mi.  b.  .Maicii  S,   ls28:  d.  Sandu^l;v,  0.,Sepi.  S,  l^OS.      0,  TitoNt.vs,   b.  Sept.  20, 
1NJ4;  d.  X.  llav.  E(4i.  I',,  b-48,     G,  Hf.vuv'.m  .s,  b.  Aug.  0,  1S2(;;  d.  Eeb. ,  1,S27. 
HI.      Soph;;i,  b.  ITHO:  d.  Jan.  7,  1704. 
1\'.      Amanda,  b.  17'.t8;  d.  Sept.  28,  17".to. 

925.  Gorshom  Tuttlc,  b.  Ar,g,  11,  1714;  r.-.n.  fr.un  Che-ddre  to  r>ri-.tol.  and  d. 
thei'v',  a.  ~,i.  iie  ;;pp,-,ir.-  :•:'.  tic  Earmi  lit.'-;  oi. ,  C-cin.,  '■ec.  as:'  buy.'r  oi'  l.ied,  tii.-tin 
ii8i)-lo.  and  fre(|ii,':iti  V  alieiw-ird  asimvfi-  <>!■  selbu".  He  \va--('a'p;.  of  the  t  rain  b.-aid. 
lie  in. . 

I.     <iersho;i;,  b.  Aug.  22,  178S;  ni. Mitchel. 

O08         •  r.KAXCH    OF    SJMOX. 

il.    Olive.  l)(-r.  '20,  i7;;:t. 

in.  Olivn,  Dfi-.  -JS,  IT:;:';   111.  ll:nin;ili  . 

IV.  ]...-,  l.;i)..  iu  Snuthiiicldr..  Nnv.  1,  1741. 

V.  I'auiicp,  Ajiril  :2:i.  1T4;;. 
VI.  Haniiali,  M.'uvli  -J."-,.  ITl.-) 

^'il.      S:iii!ii.-I,  Ff\t,  \:,.   1717:  icm.   frdiii  C'uim.  t<^  N.  Y.  Htutc  ;il)Ciut   17S8.       1,   Sa.m- 
I'KT..      2,   .Im;in.  r.'iM,  t.)  Ohiii  ;J)i>at  ISOl.      'A,   .Jo];!,.      4,    BlsHOl". 
Vlll.      ]lni.i<il,,  Jiii,e  -],  174!t, 

9201.  Gershom  Tlltllo,  h.  Any.  0;!.  17:;s;  d.  Jan.  .-,,  ]S1S.  in  his  SOll,  XI.; 
yciATd,  it  i',  said.  Hi  ('ii\>[.  in  lu-v.  ariuy  iliiviiiuh  tlio  wav.  Hp  wnu  first  t"  XtMv  llai!i]i- 
^liivL,  tlnT.'-i-,  a.l.oiit  17;i!l.  tu  I'liiitiiu.  Oic  ii'u'i  Co.,  N.  \..  al'iri  u:tr<l  jiiiiuil  tlie  si.ttlfiiicii; 
at  \N'atcrt<'\vii,  .IrfFtTsdU  Co. ,  X.  \.,  and  witli  \ViHi;mi  l^.-llows,  cleVti-d  tlic.  Dea.  of 
the  riri;t  (  \;iil:.  idili..  orcaui/.r-d  .luiii-  M,  ISf.l^J.  "In  l>Myo  aljout  10.)  nn-n  nssr-mli.k-d  at 
(Jcr^hoiu  TMith,''-,  in  till' <-<)irp  ot  Huthuid.  to  deidd.'  a.  ijct  about  Aihh'tc-  hi-twc.-cij  the 
111. Ml  of  Watei'iM'oii  aiid  tho^e  i.d'  Jhith'tud;  n.iuhl  luit  an  einl  lo  the  contest,  hut  ou  a  suh- 
^e.|nei!t  tri;i]  it  \vas  (h'cided  in  I'avor  of  r.uthmd.'' — Ilonjli's  Jlisl.  of  Jt-rf.  Co.  Jle  iii.  in 
Conn.. >litehel:   (liil.  h.  in  liiisloK  Conn. 

I.  Solomon,  Nov.  10,  17(10. 

II.     Soloii.oM,  .Maivli  :;],  ]7i)-J:  ni.  17S1,  Samli  Maltheu-.s;  (i) Ah'xaiide}". 

]11.  .lo.-ei,h,  ju.  in  Cojin.,  aliout  ITi'il.  Sarah  Hatedin,  In  IsiiO  rem.  I'n^ni  Oneiihi  lo 
\^'^aen.>\vil,  S".  \.,  and  Nvas  eiveu  one  ol  tli"  iiist  deeds  of  land,  .\uii;.  20.  1^02.  He 
afterwaid  i-eni.  to  Canada.  1,  .M.\!;lK,i'TA.  2,  S.vii.vii,  lu.  .lohn  i  logle  ;,iid  had  chiL.;  vcs. 
SidiMn-,  C.  W.     y,   At'.nk!:. 

]V.      (.;tr.-he'in,  .June  11,  170;i;  m.  17sS,  Baiueliu  S.  Clark. 

V.      J>ie-tha,  111.  Iiavi.l  .^lillsef  Kutland,  N.  Y.      1,  "A   i^OX,  V)i'can!P  a  snia.rt,  money 
makir. J' >!.!>.     2.   J)}:nms.     d.   Sai.i.ii;. 

\'l.      Zrdjnion,  res.  at  \Ve-nn"reland,  X.  Y.,  and  with  liis  son  l.)'iilt  a    Metli.  meetine; 
house  there;   rem.  v.ith  hi- ino.  Solomon  to  Jutland.  X.  "\'.:   m.  and  hail:     1,    J'^i"!i.\.      2, 
.Sopht;u-MA.    d.    y.      o.  Fm-ka.      4.   kft  inua.     o,  Tut  >i.\N.     G,  Zkul  i.ox.    and   three 
more.     'J;ie.,.t'  tlie  sons  lu.  (.'haiity  W  ood. 
y\\.      Sa!)!a,  IU.  Seih  Heath  of  I'onn. 

Vili.      Haviii.  lived  in  (•nei,]:,  Co.,  X.Y.,  and  was  at  Heniiis  'I'uttle's,  ISy:',  vitli  a  son 
•and  dau. 

IX.      Theedore.  Xov.  ■?.:,  17tid. 

92511.  Solomon  Tuttle,  1>.  Mr.ridi  dl,  1700.  in  Ihatthd.oro,  Vk  ;  d.  Sojit.  4. 
18,'S;  entered  iiev.  aniiy  at  1 0  ami  served  thronL:di  the  war;  r'-in.  to  nntland,  -letT.  Co., 
X.  Y..  ahoot  h'^r^OO,  aiel  there  took  2-'<'-'>  acres  of  tlu.'  first  alloiriieiit :  m.  in  Vt.,  huu;  10, 
nsi,  S.tiah.  da-i.  of  Thos.  iMattheus  of  Cum.,  who  d.  S<'i>;.  Oo,  ls;)S,  a.  ]'>:  [i)  — -■ 
Ah>xauder,  w)io  d.  at  tlie  r-s.  ..T  her  -.  Alhert.  in  e'linton  AVis, 
I.      SidrnnoD.  Se|;t.  17.  M^:]-   d.  y. 

II.  Chauucev,  Xov.  V].  17S4;  d".  v. 

HI.  ..lo.M-ph,  .Jan.  -2,  ITSG:  in.  llhoda  Hockw.  11;  (2)  Sasaniui  Mack. 

IV.  Thonri.s.  Auir.  l-:'..  1T80:  ni,  Hhoda  Woodruft'. 

V.  'Jdieodore.  I'ec.  -J.-i.  17'.C.:  tn.  Mary  Weaver;  (:3)  Panielia  'Ihittle. 

VI.  Cduiuncey,  K'K);  m.  Amy  Wc-ave'r;  C?)  Delia  E.  Benedict. 
VHl.  Hunie,'.  Se],t.  -y.).  MU-^:  d.  inf.  (twin). 

YIH.  Kuniee  l-;ii/.a.  Se].T.  Ci.h  17i-'S:  twin;   in.  AYni.  C.  Lawton. 

IX.  J-huily,  Oct.  I-Y  ISOl ;  d,  y. 

X.  (hushom,  F(di.  KJ.  lSii:;;'d.  in  winter  of  1S29;  unni. 

XI.  Alhe-rr,  March  4,  hSKi;  rem,,  ls;;7,  to  ( lintiui.    Thick   ('(;.,  Wi-.:.,  and    re.s.  their, 

l^iS'.';  ni.  1S41.  Lncretia  Barrett,  al  (diiuoii.      ],  k,  S..res.  Osldcosh,  Vv'iiinel)a!:;o  Co.,  Wis. 
2,  A.   k.,  n-.-.  O-^likosh,  \^'!nneha--o  Co..  Wis. 

XH.  Cilhert,  Man  li  s,  lS2o;  res.  Watertown,  D.iddinytoii  Co.,  Hukota  Ter. 

92511-'3.  Jo.seph  Tllttle,  h.  .Jan.  2,  178';.  in  X'ew  Ha;ni)-drne;  d.  at  the  res,  of 
liis  dau.,  Mrs.  i'liijipeii,  in  Watertown,  X.  Y..  l».r.  :].  ls7.">.  a.  '.)i».  He  was  a  :;ohlier  in 
the  war  of  ls.12;  m.  1-^41.  il,  ISjO,  I'hoda,  .hui.  of  Samuel  Uo(dovell  of  Hartfoni,  C(Uin.. 
b.  A]>nl  1:3.  17N."'):  d.  in  Oilean-.  .Jell.  Co  ,  X.  V.,  .!uh  7,  lS2k  a.  oO;  (2i  -Inly  H).  Is2."). 
Susanna  Ma-k,  0.  in  Salee.,  Mas-.,  Ort.  2,  !7^s:  d.'  at  re>  (d'Mis.  PliiuiMn,  MnyOl.. 
ISi';,  iu  Ik  1  ~-:s;li  yr.  In  i^I^i  .io.-eidi  'J'ulile,  'heu  ,s7  yrs.  o!  ae-e,  communicao'd  lo  ihi' 
<"oini<'!er  a  |);irt  of  this  ri"-(ird. 

1.      Sarah,  h.  March  0,   Isll;   d.   .Maivh  dl,  ;sl2. 
li.      Child,  1).  .la-i.  20.  (1.   F'd,.  .1.   jslV. 



HI.     Child,  b.  .lulv  03,  d.  A\iu-.  18,  ll^KJ. 

IV.  Klvi.H,  1).  AuLT.  13,  ISI.");  111.  Krl..  1."),  ls;!7,  llci^nio  j'li  ippni,  li.  in  \V<-st- 
iiiiustcr,  Vt.,  S,  171'T:  d.  Watcrt.iwn,  N ,  V  ,  .May  2(t,  ISlJl.  1,  llnMi-.i;  \\',,  \,.  Dc,-. 
22,  1^<;57;  m.  Feb.  11,  l^^(.•2,  Jiimic  K.  \\'iir.\  "J.  Wii.i,i\m  I'knx,  .liilv  15.  isi^l);  d.  Aur. 
1\',  ]S70.  ?..  GKOiiCK  '1'.,  b.  ;iiid  d.  .hmc  H),  1S43.  4,  iioi  k\vi:i,i,  (.".,  b.  .bin.  2-1,  IS'b"). 
5,  CjiWJvCi'.v  W.,  b.  Nov.  19,  ls;4!»;  in.  O.-t.  1,  Ixli,  Alzadu  A.  Clrvclaiid. 

V.  Kli/.u  A.,  l^  AiiL-.  1'k  1S17;  in.  Mandi  C,  IScI'),  Puiicr  Sliuniw  ns-  of  .Murtin.sburi^r^ 
X.  Y.,  wlio  d.  S.-j.t.  9,  iMil;  (2;  O^t.  T.(,  1m;;),  Dt-u.  AVm.  ('.  I.awrini,' v.ii..  d.  Julv  21. 
1S74;  ivs.  Cni.fiiliairfn,  .N.  Y,  1,]h]U;Ki;T  K.,  b.  M.-rch  2<».  1>-'10;  M'rve>l  iu  rniuu 
armv  tbrt'C  vcaib  us  fudc'ily  si'rf,rfaiit;  ni.Jan.  20,  1^(5),  <'f]ia  .A.  .M(('urty.  2,  ])ai!v.'in 
P.,  i).  Au^.  "ri,  lN4(i:  m.  Nov.  4.  b'^OS,  Matlic  A.  I'ltrbtT.  8.  Kcmi;e  A.,  b.  Scj«t.  lb, 
1851;  m.  ( let.  1.  Ib73,  Ellsworth  P.  15ab<-,.ck. 

Vr.     yiirbloij,  .\\vs.  ^'.  l^Ub  d.  Sf)>t.  10,  is^),-,. 
Vil.      ICunict',  N<iv.  :'<.  ls21;  m.  JKc.  27,    1S12,    Ab'NandiT  O.  l^iii^^hani,  wlm  d.  June 
9,  1873,  ii.  57;  res.    Maitinsbm J.^  N.  Y.       1.   Fki.icia  J..  ,Iaii,  2«;,  1N4S;  m.  (4ct.  9,  KStio. 
Orcn  S.  (ifnr._a\      2,  M.\i;y  K,,  .;i;!y  17,  l^l'-^.       ','.  [\uw.\ni<  c,  (.)ci.  ]<),  1S5(.).      4,  Ell.v 
L.,  Mairh  30,  ISOO.     5,  C'ji.vr.LM-:  \V.,  lA  b.  15,  l^i:i):     (j,  biiuui:  A.,  .lulv  tl,  lsi;2. 

VIII.     Rockwell,  b.  May  yo,  1^24;  m.  in  \\i-^.,  Ihlnnah  E.  W.dcomb;"  res.  Hiawatha, 
Browji  Co.,  Ku5^.      i.  by  2d  iik  : 

IX.  ^Vil]lHm,  b.  Maieli  21,  ]S2ii;  d.  a  soldier  in  Union  army,  Marcli  9,  lirG4;  in. 
Nnnfv  Price  of  \Vis. 

X.      lllenla.  b.  Ajiril  25.  1-2^":  d.  Mav  ]:',,  Is'Sl. 

XI.     Ik-tsey.  b.  .July  20,  d.  S.  pt.  11,  is2i(. 

945114.  Thomas  Tattle,  b.  in  Conn.,  An<_'.  13,  1789;  rem.  with  his  faihm'  io 
JeHer-^on  Co.,  N.  Y  ,  and,  \va<  oup  of  the]>:irty  wle.i  laid  off  Wut(Tto\vn.  Served  in  tin- 
war  uf  b^l2:  jcin.  to  Wisi-on>in.  1n:;9,  ivu'l  d.  in  Clinton,  .lime,  1^73,  a.  >'-i.  He.  ni  Juh" 
9,  bsOO.  Pluxla  W.M.druiT,  w!;o  d,.  ]-\  b.  22.  1871;  cliil.  b.  in  l^n;land,  X.  Y. 
1.  William,  S.  pi.  2n.  Isic;  a.  April  2.  1M4. 
II.  Cliarb'-  ()''i.  15,  IS]];  ni.  Sept.  Il,lb3>^,  Elniiia  (nH.M'rt,  The  following- 
obituary  is  from  the  J((ni.^nU<    (jnzitti  -. 

"At  liis  lu.nii'  in  Clinton  on  ibc  evenini,^  of  Jar,.  1(1,  iss2,  (4iarles  Tutth'.  r.i.Ted  70. 
As  on'-  l.'y  one  ile-  »-avly  pionf-ers  of  tin-  wotcrn  country  jiass  av.ay,  it  is  well  for  us  to 
pause  in  -our  i-a^-or.  o!;\\ard  strife  to  conti  inplate  for  a  moment  tin-  bt-nofiis  which  \\'e 
derlv  in  a.  juea'-int-  from  tin- courao'  and  sclf-sacritice  of  tlnse  nun.  Cliarles  Turtle 
\vas  one  of  live  men  wjhp  (irsr  locati-d  in  what  is  n<iw  the  Town  of  Clinton.  The 
di-ath  of  ]\[r.  TuitIc  leaves  Imt  one  ot  the  ori^'inal  !ice,  ])a!iifl  ^.JiH,-,  iii,\v  liviin;  ;ii  bodi, 
in  this  state.  These  five  nu  n  had  all  be-.-u  ri--idents  of  tlie  eoiuUN  of  .letb  r.-^on,  New 
York.  In  tlie  spiintr  of  1837,  this  liiile  coinpioiy  nunie  tln-ir  wa}'  inir.  tjie  new  territorv 
of  WTscon.sin,  .sec  kintr  to  locate  farms.  On  the  7th  of  April  ]S37,  tln-y  arrived  at  wliat 
is  now  Beloit,  wliicli  then  consisted  of  one  !oe-  slianty.  Eidlo\vinf4'  the  Indian  tr;iil — 
wliicli  ran  from  this  j'oint  to  Miiwauket^-— they  reaeln-d  a  sjiot  near  Tnotle  Cr^el;,  v.-jiere 
there  was  a  fine  growili  of  younii-  tree.-,  and  concluded  here  to  loCiile,  Tln-y  Imih  a  loo- 
cabin  12  \  Kb  v\-hn-h  they  n.'-eii  jointly  for  a  hou^-e,  ami  ;;ave  to  lh(^  place  tlie  name  of 
Jefi'ersou  Praii-ie  in  Imiuu'  of  their  old  home.  The  location  of  thi,-.  iirst  hou^e  is  i,(-ar  tin- 
now  Clinton  Corners.  In  the  fall  of  '\>^:]><  Mr.  4'uitle  went  back'  as  far  ;is  Cliio,  wliere 
lie  m.  Eliniia  C'ilbert,  ^v]ulse  family  had  formerly  res.  in  J*.-iTerson  Co.,  and  returiied 
^vith  her  to  the  little  colony.  He  then  built  a  loo-  house  abi.iut  one  mile  ikpj;  ji  of  the 
first  h)cation.  and  beiran  jMuiseket-pinrt-,  Tlie  fiist  town  mectiiie-  ^vas  held  in  this  rabin, 
and  the  to^vn  named  Clinton,  after  <.iov.  iJeW'itt  (Pinion  of  New  Yoik,  tlie  name  beine- 
sna-gested  by  a  brother  of  Mrs.  'J'uttle.  The  first  political  meeting  was  held  in  this 
dooryard.  a  lumber  wai;-on  servijig  as  a  stand  for  the  sjieaker.  On  the  site  of  this  calnii 
CInules  Tuttle  lived,  honored  and  n-siieeted,  for  forty  years. 

'"Mr.  Tuttle  was -.ingulary  mode-t  and  retiring  in  dispositi(»r.,  but  -was  of  S(nind,  ju.dL: 
ment  and  sterling  integrity.  He  was  one  of  th(.>se  rare  lives  ihat  teach  by  the  fo.rei-  of 
exam]>l(-.  H<'  lived  what  in-  believed;  ami  now,  after  a  residem-e  of  m-isrly  forty-fiv*.-  vrs. 
in  tlie  same  community,  there  is  no  (uie  to  say  Charles  Tutth-  wa.'-  ever  guilty  of  a 
dishonest  or  di.shonoi-alde  actioJi.  He  was  one  e.f  tie-  foundeis,  and  always  one  of  the 
most  earnest,  supjiorters  of  the  Cong.  chh.  at  Cliiiton.  His  interctuirso  with  tlie  church 
was  of  the  same  peaceful,  liarmonix.iii;.-  nature,  and  liis  leligious  feelings  and  aspira.tioiip, 
are  fitly  set  forth  it  ihe  line,  •  Nearer  .My  Cud  to  Thee.'  Throughout  liis  life  lie  i^ave 
liberally  his  time,  his  inl!ui-nce  and  his  mea.irs  in  tin-  supjx.irt  of  any  cause  ihat  ^vould 
;id'.at((-e  tin-  iuferest.s  oi'  ihe  ci.iiiunuiii':_\ .  Alwavs  Jcind  aiu!  allectiouale  in  his 
family,  sin.Liularly  aiV.ibb-  an<l  conrteom^  in  his  intercourse  with  his  m-igh.bors,  he  was 
idoli/.ed  by  his  fa.mily  and   loveil   by  ail    who  knew  him.       In   his  later  vears,  with  his. 

■^'>1<^  HRAXCli    OF    Sr.MO.V. 

wliU.-  linir  in.fl  U-.^u].  and  limi-volcnt  cninti  i)nn<-<v  ],,.  ?,  ciiu'd  lik,-  one  of  tlu'  Patrian-li.s       ' 
of  oM:   the   k.iKily    i.:vs-<i!iv   of   liis   IuumI    was  a   l)lrssii,.;,  his  miu!,-    uas  a    l..'iHHiirii„n 
\\  lirii  Ills  Iniiw-  aiul  useful  iifr  caiiH-  to  a  chjsi',  his  d.'aih  \vas  j,,  l,;,iiMnnv    uitli    liis   lif..' 
«s.  surrdiuuk'il  b\   his  h)vi!i<r  family,  he  calmly  and  )n  a.-rfii]!\   hM-athi  d'liis  last        Wrll 
did  tlu-  ministL-r  in  his  fiinf-ral  discmnsc  sav,  '' \Vv  havr  Inst  <'nc  of  .,ur  hrst  men    and  if 
1  «ay  til.-  hfst  man,  ikw,.'  will  nlijivi;'  and  y,t  a  lif...  is  ncv,.,'  Inst.      Its  infim-nre  fo.- 
good  will   comnnn-  to   In-   fnh    jnni,-  afii-r  tlic   man  is  tni'Lcnitmi.       Ilr.  leaves  bfsidos  tin'- 
^vife— wli.)  has  l,M..n   a    helnvrd  hflpm.'.-t  tn  Idm  ihmn-h  all  the  vears  of  tlieir  sojourn       ! 
togotUei— tliMM'  s.Mis  and  one  d,au-lui-r,  ^^]lo  am  vaiual)ie  members  of  society    and  who        ■' 
do  honor  In  s;;rl,  a  parent;,^,..       'i'h,,   ,.](l,..t    son,  Kul^.ih',  enlisted   during  the  late  war        ^ 
-and  >i-ave  Jus  lite'  to  his  tounti-y." 

Children  Imrn  at  Clinton.  Vi'is, :       1,  KroKX!;  11..  1).  .lulv  -^n,  C^:!i)-   ,]    \[.^y  ]]     ].<p,o.        ': 
-at  Fort  liiLcy    K'un-.a--,  in  ]:!ru  li.;i:-r.,Cn.   F.    Wis.  VmN.     '.\  KoiJKitT  \V        \pril  is'  ]Sil' 
d.  June -.20.  1S.V,C     :'.,  \  ni,xi:v  (i.,  ii.  I'-eb.  .l,  1^(0.     ■],  M  \i:iktt  ^,  b    April    Ki    HIS-  m' 
JuueSO,  1S70.  Dr.  y.    ^J.   Jenks.       I,  C/nn-l...  S..   b.    Aeir.    !-,    ]S74.    at    (irand'  Me.dnu'        ^ 
■Slower  Co..  Minn.       o.  <rKMi;oK    Fi;i:i)i:i;j(  ).,  b.  Sept.  -'i.  ]S.-)();  siudent  at  .Milmn  Cul  ' 

Koek  (.'o..  Wis.,  class  of  'VC.      (J.  'I.  Wn.iiAM,  b.  Ae.Lr.  0.    !S.');J.  "        • 

111.'     Henry,  b.  July  ](),  ISb'J:   in.  Jiuo'  It!,  lS47.'Sarali  S.  Shor.-s,  whn  li.  Mareh  V)         ! 
ISt;;*;  /.  at  C.      1.  Am-i:r;i)  IF,  b.  Mav,  1>^!S;  m.  No\'.,  Fs?:!    Nellie  Fairfield  '     •"'    F^kki^ 
KRICK  W..   ii.  .lorn-  i,'."),   IS'iO.  -.-,-. 

IV.  .hilia  Ann,  b.  May  -Jo.  ]^}r,:  ni.  S-pt.  ;?o,  F^:!7,  Milton  (i.  Weaver-  ivs  C  1 
CuAiii.oTTK  S..  b.  ')er.  ;!i>,  bs:iS:  ui.  .Mav  !'<!,  iS!)',),  W.  F.  (Huid  1  L„ffiy  ]F  M-ir.-h 
F7,  1S7U.  -2,  1F,».  .]/.,  b.  Sept.  (i.  1S71:  d.  Sept.  H.  1S72.  3,  CAev,V.v  7:,  b  \pril  l?;i 
1874.     2,  M.\t  itiu:  '1'.,  b.  Ma\  o.  bS-PF  d.  Au.l,^  2!).  ]>7-i.     I),  Ai.iCK,  b.  ^htv  11    ISiO 

V.  F'arh.-l.  b.  (Jet.  -21.  |S17;  m.  Sejit.  -Jo.  l>-::;7,  (iiisunld  Wravrr.  i,  :Mi,.!;timi  i; 
■<'i.,  b.  .Inly  !i,  ]r;-40;  m.  July  N.  l>0o.  Cli\  ia  Foire'i-s.  \ .  A  ,i/, >ir  A'. ,  Ve\)  5  l.'^tj^  2  < 
Irrinfj  7'..  \k  April  lO,  isiisj;  d.  Mair-h  F.k  ls7o.  '  S,  J-yi,,  )-\  .Fm,.  l;ris7()'  4  U.',,^  g' 
Dec.  10,  1^7o.  -J,  Ui..m;v  F.,  b.  Nov.  Fi,  IsFF  m.  S.-j-t..  1S'J7,  Fiz/ie'oim-v  andd'oei' 
3.  ISOS.  :),  Fi.i.iA-  J.,  Snp:.  27,  ls4o.  4,  FK.VNni-.i;-  C.,  Jan.  14.  d.  Feb.  "jC,  ism)  5 
JE^slEE.,  b.  Dec.  20,  lS.j7. 

925115.  Theodore  Tattle,  b.  D.-c.  r,,  notj;  bvin-.  iss^.  a.  siF  „,    March  15 

1810,  -Maiy  W.'t^ver,  wle,  d.  July    F2.    ls:)2:  (2)  Maich   2,    1 8.");F  Famelia  C,  rbui.  of  Cn' 
-CTcrshom  Tuitli.':  r^s.  Wadertown,  N.  Y. 

F     Henry,  Feb.  21),  ISIO;  m.  Jane  Xosbur.^^di  of  Fowville.  N.  Y.,  who  d.  .v    i 
11.     liarrkson,  Aug.    FF    ISIT;  m.  Sarali  llodires.      J ,   FLOYi>,  res.  Warien,  111.     2 
Coi;Ni.i.iA,  d.  in  sanimer  of  1n7o. 

11F_  Claii_ssu,  b.^.Vor.  12.  FSl'J.  m.  \\'r.)\\A^-^'K  John  IF  Jm-dan,  b.  in  Fondon, 
Eng.,  Nov.  17,  1817.  who  d.  F^'ti'.!;  res.  Fexinunnii,  Mo.  1.  \\'i],i.i.\\i  :d()i;TiMLi: 
b.  A]u'l  :F  F^;;7:  m.  Jan.  20,  isipp  in  Ft'xin-i,,n.  Mo.,  Sai-ah.  Williams  "2 
Amki.ja  In.iZA.  April  Fj,  FSliO;  m.  Oct.  2o,  psfJF  Fvron  (.'.  ^-.-oville  in  Doonviile  N  y' 
;;,  SAKAti  Ili.iZMMnii,  b.  June  2^',  1N42:  m.  in  ];.  Ih-vj!].',  C.  \\'.,  I'^F^u'd  '  \  Ji.AN  F.,  Feb.  22,  I8I0:  m.  (F-t.  21,  IS/Fl.  Jolm  Wm.  l^H-rcst.'r.  o,  C'i.U{\  A  ' 
Jan.  12,  l^^I".',  i;>,  Frdleville.  C. :  m.  Nov.  it.  1S71.  in  Feximrto,,,  .Mo.,  Samuel  White  (J' 
Ida  Ci.i>[i;.\\,  May  2,  iSol,  in  F. :  m.  \h-r..  1870.  Jam.  s  [l,  McAdam.s  in  Chica^-o    111 

IV.  Sarah,  b.  Jan.  24,  ISJvF  ni.  Nov.  11.  1847.  Fampson  Fildrelh.  1  Fwsivr.  b 
Sept.  1,  ISlS.      2.  CHAKl.Ks,  May  7.  INol.      M,  Fovki,,  Nov.  U.  1So:F 

V.  Nancy,  July  F^,  ]n24:  m.  Sept  8,  ISpj.  o.  s.  Farilcit.  C(d.  of  a  colored  re>n  in 
the  war  for  tlm  bninn;   r.'s.  Wyandot.  Kas.      1.  Et.t.a.  b.  Juue  11,  Isl'J. 

VI.      Th.'i.dore,  b.  .NFindi  ].  IS'JS;   ,,,.  Abbv  'I'vI't.  '  '. 

VII.      Emily,  b.   Feb.   2s.    IsiF:  m.   Jan.   ;;,    1840,  John  Junes,   b.  Jan.    12    1S23    in 
Wales,  (..  P..      1,  1kax<  Ks  Coiini-.i.iA,  b.  .Mav  12,  isol;  <1.  of  Mnskeo-on    Mich 
Feb.  8,  1S70.      2,  Cakiuk,  ^Flr<•h   12,  18.-,!).      :],  Wai.tki:  Fjiwakd,  Mav  sT^  16*34       i  '■ 

F];ki.i:i;ici.  Fv.max,  Au.i,'-.  12,  18n7.  "  '         i 

Vlil.      -Mary,  b.  Oct.  8.  !8;Ji;  m.  Nov.,  ISoH,  H.J-ert  O.  F.J>erts.     I.Cuaki.ks    Juneti  ■ 

FS5S.     2,  (ii:ni;,;K,  v)ct.  8.  18(!;3,     o,  FiiXKsT,  June  11,  isOi).     4,  Eva  May,  May'o,  1875. 

925116.  Ghauncey   Tuttle,  b.  17i/G;  si-rved   in  the  war  of  1812;   rem.  to  Beloit.     ■     ; 
Wis.,  18;>(i,  io\d  (1.  llifiv  1871.      He  m.  Amy  Weaver  of  Kuthuid,  N.  Y.,  who  d.  in  Beloit 
IS.'ilF  (2)  in  Kutland,  18o7,  Delia  E.    Benedict,  who  survives:    re.s.    B. ;    sixcliil     liviuc-  ! 

1.  Chester,  b.  Is-JF  m.  ISlO. 

11.  I';  J.,  b.  1-2  \;  m.  F-o.F 

HI.  <F.'ori;.-  M.,  b.  1S-J7:  m.  F--.".!).    11..  s.rv.d  in  Fnion  armv;  re.-~.  near  Belon  ^^'is 

IV.  Famelia,  1:.  ISvliJ;  m.  ls;,o,  ij.  p.  Haskin  of  B..  W"i.s. 

TUTTLE.  511 

\'.     .Iiiliu,  li.  is::;?;  111.  1^.1.-,,  ('h.Mrlcs  A.  ]',!i-s  of  Winti.-l.l,  K;\s.:   iiHTi-liaiit. 
\l.     .Ii'iHii'-  S.,  li.  l.-:41;   m.   ]s;j,  J?.'v.  Lind.  u  Hi^tcl'y  <'!'  ^Villfi(■ld,  K;uibas. 

925118.  Farnice  Eliza  Tuttle,  b.  Pini-,  Oi„.i,];i  Co.,  X.  Y.,  Sii>t,  4,  ISOO:  ni. 
311  IJuthir.d,  N.  v.,  Ifb.  o.  1S2;!,  William  ClarJi  Lu\mo;i  (jf  ('opi'iilia'i^en.  X.  V.,  wjirrft 
.slu>  (1.  Sc'pt.  I!,  Is*)?;  a  d<v<.t''ii  fliristiaii  and  a  most  iiirei-.-stir,^'-,  amiul)!i-"nnd  cxccllont 
■woman.  Mr.  j-awton  v.a.-  I),  at  Faiiiiold,  IJcrkinxT  Cd..  X.  Y.,  3Iarch  {>,  179T;  fducated 
jU  Fairtiold  Acadian. y,  i  ,.:!n.;  rein.,  islG,  to  ])enmark.  X.  V.:  tau^dit  sdiool  and  surveyed 
jand;  rem.  lo  t'oiiculiau.-n,  X.  Y..  and  continued  business  as  a  .survevor  and  cnnvrvan'cer 
and  laiid  agent  (,il'  a  larL'^e  ti-a(  t  in  Lewis  and  adioinin^-  eounti'.s"  ]M*iemost  "in  all 
reformatory  inovenimts;  witli  six  otln'rs  ori^^ani/e'i  the  lirst  tenijH-fn.nce  so-jielv  in  the 
to\vn.  Dea.  of  thi'  ('MUfr.  elili.  and  Su;)t,  of  Sabbafli  sidion!  manv  vj--  ■  d  at  ('oi)Vnhai>-en 
July  -.'1,  l'-74.  lie  ni.  C,^)  I'cc  1!_),  ISdi),  Mrs.  Kliza  Slnunway,"  dan.  of  Jos.pi;  Tnitle 
and  of  liis  Isi  \vifc. 

I.  Sarali  Betliiali  La\\tr>n.  h.  ,)an.  L'o.  lN'24;  d.  July  1-1,  IS-^vJ;  m.  Mareli  13.  1S19, 
ErKslus  P.  I)au-v,''tt  of  Dnimnrk.  X.  Y.,  wlio  d.  .Marrh'  '2',,  1S?0,  1  cliild.  1.  J^niNKV 
Bknton,  b.  June  -Ji;.  IS.", -J. 

IJ.  Harriet  Pradcnc-  Lawton.  b.  May  31,  ]^2l''r.  m.  Dec.  2(.!,  IS-ls,  .Josci'ii  \V. 
Lawton  of  \\"ati-ii(,\vn,  X.  Y.:  res.  Mi-xico,  X.  Y.  1,  Ak.vsiink  (.'.,  b.  Sci)t.  3,  ls.-)0:  d 
Mareli  15,  \x'>4.  -J.  Anni):  S.,  le  Au^.  lo,  I^.j:;;  ti.  .M:,v  31,  is.")4.  '3  F!.''u;i:N'r!.;  E  '  b 
■Get,  12,  ISY').     4,  Cii.stn.Ks  A.,  b.  Dim-.  14,  ISoT.     o.  H .u-i  1 K  J . ,  Julv  KJ,  1s(5.-). 

III.  l-riendly  Adelaide  l.awtni.,  1,.  July  C.  l^.'A;  d.  .if  enns.  Mureh  -24.  is.-,];   unni. 

IV.  Jane  Klizd lietii  Lawton,  b.  July  31,  lS;i3;  m.  Dee.  iO,  lb.")4,  lloiatio  Shninwav 
-of  Martinsbnri;-,  X.  "\'.:  lawyer.  He  d.  at  Copenlia^a-n,  Oct.  24.  1S';4;  res.  Mexieo,  X.  Y. 
1,  %Vii.T.rAM  L.,  b.  Jan.  24.  IsoO.     2,  Hon.vTi.o  Ecdik.  Jan.  Ki,  isr,^. 

V.  Franees  Angnsta  l.awton.  b.  July  0,  1830:  m.  Xov.  Vo.  l>iiu,  L'aniel  1>.  Smith 
-rif  Biiigdiamion,  X.  Y.  1,  i']f(;i-;M",  I.awiuN",  Jan.  7.  18(/7;  d,  Feh.  !i.  l--'7!.  C.  1U;ssik 
M-vrDrDec.  7,  -sib'.  3.  Jkn.mi;  May,  Jnlv  21,  1872.  4,  L^:^\-is  \\'Ksru->  March  7 
187G.  "  ■  ' 

YI.      William  Hr^nry  Lawton,  b.  Marcli  1,  1sl3;  teller  ir,  Ist  Xat'l  lr.n;k  in  ],..\\ville, 
2s.  Y'.,  from  its  orpmization  in  18(J4  until  now  (187G):  unm. ;  fiirni<!ied  this  record  of  his 
.  ]u<_)t]ier's  family, 

92514.  Gcrshom  Tuttle,  b.  June  11,  17r/);  rem.  from  Hristoi,  Conn.,  to  Paris 
Oneida  ('o..  N.  Y..  ;d.r.  17'.n)-  th.-nee  ab,t.  180!'  to  JefleK-on  C,,  X.  Y.,  and' oi.ened  a 
farm  of  275  acres  abl.  five  mile^  from  the  site  of  \VL\.i-Tio\M\.  in  the  tov,-n  of  Piitlaod, 
-whicli  Avas  formed  two  ye:ii.^  later  (1802;.  lie  was  oni'  ol  tlte  lir.-.t  eomiuis.sioners  (  f 
highways.  In  1s03.  in  eomp:iny  with  Setli  Bailey,  lie  built  the  first  e-iist  mill  in  tjie 
town.  Frcini  isn,-.-  to  ISlfi  he  was  commissioner  for  bx'.niiiir  nioney.^  of  the  state  [J/i-J.  „f 
J'j!'.  Ci\)  h\  iNbJ  Jii-  name  ai)pears  a>  sub-eriixr  to  the  .-tock  f)f  "the  Black  Biver  Xavi- 
jration  Co. 

He  en,i;au-ed  in  ti-\(iing,  manufacturing  pfitasli,  gXc.  Tl-.e  bie-hwav  b-adine"  past  his 
house  became  a  gieiu  thoroughfare  between  Xorthern  X'ew  York.  Xew  Kn^.'-lajid  and  the 
lake  country,  and  the  locaTi(.n  being  favorable  he  made  large  additions  to  his  liouse  and 
opened  a  tavern.  In  the  rear  of  Ids  house  a  magnificent  si'idng  bubbled  seeminrlv  out 
■of  the  solid  rock.  The  f.n-est  supplied  venison,  the  streams  sn]>)i!ied  speckled  trout. 
He  Avas  a  man  of  exceik'Ht  character,  genial  tem]ier.  very  fond  of  a  iok<',  a  cajiital  story 
teller  and  iitiitator  of  men  and  manm.'rs.  and  a  good  story  and  good  cJieer  were  always 
ready.  The  tavern  became  famous.  \Vlieu  tlie  war  of  1812  was  imminer,t  ilie  stream 
of  business  and  travel  along  the  road  towards  Sarlcett's  Harbor  became  enormous:  armv 
.suji{)lics,  artillery,  bage-age  waguns.  trodjts,  s.ddieis  and  sailors  every  evening,  "  an<l  a 
harem-scarem  set  of  fellows  tliey  N^'ere."  (4ne  day  a  party  of  mounted  cgHcers  drew  up  in 
front  of  the  tavein  and'irdered  their  ht)rsi-s  fed  and  dinner  for  themselves.  In  this  ])arty 
A\asa  young  Lieut.  mIio  \<nt  on  a  gn  at  many  airs — timlinu-  fault  with  tin.-  horse  feed,  ;ind 
with  this,  that  and  the  dt'ne!  thing  abiuit  tie-  hwuse,  ti.)  the  great  aniidyauce  uf  the  land- 
Jord,  who.  losing  his  patiete-e  at  iusr,  ii\foriiied  the  fastidious  y<jiu):r  u,  ntiemar.  that  if 
the  house  didn't  suit,  he  liad  better-try  somewhere  else.  "  All  ri^ht,"  was  the  replv, 
"but  liefore  I  leave  I  will  go  and  kkss  the  landlady,"  and  siiitiin:  the  aetinn  to  the  word, 
repaired  promptly  to  the  kitchen  (the  Col.  in  close  jjiirsuitj,  and  eiubracing  the  astonished 
"  lady  of  the  liouse,"  gave  her  a  ringing  salute;  but  l)ef(jre  the  eninged  host  could  reiudi 
lilm  to  elTect  sunimary  <diastiseinent.  he  heard  the  Lieut,  exclaim,  "Mv  denraunt,  ilon't 
■yon  knuw  me^;  1  am  brniher's  sou,  Xe•.^nla:l  Cl.itk.  your  nejdiew."  This  little 
surprise  aibirded  iir.ich  merrituent.  and  v.^a^  keiv  lo:,-,-,-  in  remcbi.incr'  than  manv  aiTairs 
■of  mucli  graver  imi.oit.      Lieut.  Claik  was  in  many  jiard  foui^lu  battles  of  the  w'ar:    was 

hV2  P.IIAXCH    OF    SJMoN", 

sl-vcrr-ly  Wdinuli'il  nt  XiiiLjara;  scrvcil  Avith  distinction  in  tin'  ["loriila  Indian  wars,  and  in 
tin.'  ^^al•^vitli  Mixicn;  wa-  iminu'tcd  ifi  Kriu".  (Jen.  in  tlic  i-cyuiai' army  for  irallan!  rv  in 
llic  licld.  ]t!>  d.  in  San  Franrisro  aJiont  IS.jS,  wliil.-  in  (•(.mnnahd  of  tin-  1  )f|iaMnirnt  nf 
the  I'acitli-. 

Diuin^^  the  war  of  ISlO  ('(d.  Tnttlc  was  in  conniiand  id'  a  militia  rc;_dnicnt,  and  was 
suddenly  ordered  in  tlic  did'cnst-  fd'  Sa<-krit's  liarlmr,  in  \vldch  nrtiori  \\c  tuuk  ])ait.  (Sit. 
G'lii.  Jh-oirn's  j;,,j:.i(}. 

Col.  'J'nttli'  wiis  to  his  dyina  day  oxcefdingly  sensitive  on  the  suhject  c.i  tliis  afiair. 
Beinj,'  an  earr.r^t  and  active  politi'-ian  of  the  Deinorratic  order,  th*.-  ]•^■d".•ra lists  inadi'  use 
of  it  to  annoy  him.  ( 'ircumstanees  growii\g  out  of  this  matter  also  cansi-d  an  esrran^e- 
nieiiV  betwt'en  (..-n.  j'lnwn  and  hiniself,  who  liad  been  warm  i)ersonal  friends.  In  18lt; 
lie  removed  with  Mllliis  family  but  his  son  Dentds,  to  Vii^o  Co.,  Ind.,  on  Otter  Creek, 
ahuut  six  luile.-v  from  Terre  Haute,  \slirre  he  d.  Sl-jh.  o,  ls-2'S,  a.  .")!.  and  was  bu.  with 
-Masonic  hoiiois.  Some  years  after\\ard  (ii.ii.  Brown,  ludni,^  in  Watertown  and  sull'cr 
in^^  from  i)artial  ]>aralysis,  called  Dennit,  'iuttle  to  li;s.<id,.,  took  his  hand,  autl  with  drv]> 
feeling  )>:ud  a  irlowiui,^  iril>utc  to  thu  character  of  Col.  (u  rshoni  Tuttlc.  Hem.  in  Faini- 
ington,  Conn. .'.inly  S,'  IT^s,  Pamelia  Stront:  Claik  of  I".,  1>.  Nov.  -1,  "JT70.  Ilei-  brother 
was  an  (dficer  of  the  U.  S.  A.,  and  d.  wdiile  in  charire  of  the  V .  S.  arSfMial  in  Trov,  X. 
Y.  Ci-n.  Newman  Strong  v'lark  of  the  l).']it.  of  the  Pacific,  was  hernejihew.  Shf'"d.  at 
Xa>hville,  hid.,  Aj.iil  lo,  ly.jl,  a.  SI. 

I.     Cvmhia,  Xov.  10.  17^9;  d.  Jan.  11,  17',).^. 

11.     Chauncfy,  Sept.  lo.  li!Ji:  d.  Dec.  14,  1703. 

III.  Heiinis.  i)ct.  7,  17y:;:  m.  Laura  Porter. 

IV.  Chester.  Sept.  l,l7ifG.     1,   Cii.\i;mi:v,  stationer  and,  bocdiseller;  res.  Lafavette. 
Ind.     2,   AiiA.     o.,  res.  near  Clinton.  Tnd. 

V.     Ara,  Au'S.  0,  17'J^;  d.  March  'JO,  ISi:! 
VI.      Edwin,  Xov.  •.?;\  1S(H):   m.  and  h;is  chil.  liv.  in  Jefferson  Co.,  X.  Y. 
VII.      Cynilna,  Feb.    14.    IM.):];   m.    Xi-wman    Portor;  (2)   Xaihani   1,    s.    of   Xathanie]  ' 
Huntington  of  Butternuts,  X.  Y.,  hi^  "Jd    wf. :  his   1st    -wf,    was   Aula   .Markle,    m.    ]S-J(I. 
Ht   stud,  law  with  lion.  Isaac  Bates  of  X(utham]jton,    ?*iiiss. ;   rem.    to    Ind.,    ISIG,  ami  ai 
the  time  of  his  (b'ath,  in  Xew  Orleans.  lS.''n,  was  a  le.em.  cd  tie'  ind.    Jj-^j:.     [He  was  bro. 
of  Elislip  Mills  Huntington,  Com.  Cen.  Land  ( dlice.    Wash,..,   D.    ('.,    and  in   1S42   U.    S. 
Di-sf.  .Judge  for   Ind.,    appt.    by    Prts.    Tyh'r].      Slie   m.    (M)  James    Humington.    bro.  of 
X'athnniel;  les.  Hun.dee,  Yates  Co.,  X.  Y.     i.  l>y  1st   m. :     1,   Xkwmax    C,    m.   and  ha.s 
chil.  and  gr.  chil.      /.  by  2d  m. :     2.    Et'oi'.XK,  b.  1S2:L  m.  lum  line,  dan.  of  C(d.  llallam 
Httntington,  hi.s  cousin;  res.  W'innel.vago  City,    Minn.     ?>,   X'.v'i'ii.xNrKT.,    b.  ISio;  res.  X. 
Y,  C.     4, 'Aula,  (dau.).dec.     i.  bv  :-^d   m.;     h.  IlKxr.v.     (.1,   Mai;v   P.      7.  Cv-NTHIa    A., 
m.  E.  A.  Hotchkiss  of  Ilotchkiss  X"  Abljott,  real  --state  othce,  Win.    (.'itv.  Minn. 
Vill.      Pamelia  Clark,  Feb.  15,  ISO.-i;  m.  Theodore  Tuttle. 
IX.     Mary,  March  4,  lSn7;  der. ;  m.  Ibuiry  Markle  of  Columbia,  Ind. 
X.      Amanda,  March  9,  ISU);   m,  Henry  Markb- jilee. );   res.  Ploomington.  Ind. 
XI.      Clark  Strong,  April  -J.s,  ISll ;   res.'Otter   Crck    towir-^hij),    Jackson    C<i. ,   Mich. 
Xil.      Ara,  Oct.  27,  ISlo;   ru.  and  had  fam. ;   res.  Danvill..-,  111. 

925143.  Dennis  Tuttle,  b.  in  Paris,  Oneida  Co.,  X.  Y..  <Vt.  7,  1703:  ivn).  from 
U'aiertown.  IsX.j,  l)y  wagon,  to  (.)hio.  haltingat  I'rba.nna  a  yea.r,  ihen(.<'  to  Spring-field, 
thenee  to  Pii|ua,  thence  to  Lebanon,  them-e  to  Cincinnati,  th('n<-(-  to  Indiana])oli^,  Ind., 
thence  to 'I'erie  Haute,  where  lu' d.  .-\pril  ."},  1NG7.  He  was  noted  in  rarly  life  toi- his 
commanding  persor.iil  jiresence,  good  humor  and  energetic  business  hahits;  later,  lu- 
sullered  mmdi  fronr  rheumatic  aiTection  of  his  lower  liiuos.  In  the  latter  part  of  his  life 
he  wrote  an  amiddographical  sketch  and  a  history  of  his  family  as  far  back  as  his  i;t. 
gt.  g.  f.  (iershom.  son  of  Dea.  Timothy  Tuttle.  This  papf'r  cannot  l.>e  found.  He  m. 
Sept.  15,  1815.  Laura,  dau.  of  Jonathan  atid  d'erza  (Carp'-nter)Port>'r  i>f  Coventry,  Conn., 
Avho  d.  at  the  res.  of  her  son-iudaw,  (i.  V.  l)(U-sey,  in  Pi-jua,  O. ,  .la.n.  24,  ISdS.  lied. 
ai  res.  of  Pt-rrv  Eric  Tuttle,  in  Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  .\pril  5,  lSri7;  chil.  b.  in  \Vatertown, 
X.  Y. 

I.  Peny  Erie,  Sept.  1,  ISlii;  has  been  general  agent  at  Terre  Haute,  Ltd..  for 
Wliiti-  Lin(-  Co.;  res.  Terie  IL;  m.  May  2(1,  PM  1 ,  in  Piipm,  (>. ,  .lulia  A.,  dau.  of 
Curtis  (..'r.uie  of  !">.  Windsor.  Conn  1,  Xi:i,i,ii;  Fi;A.\?Ks,  !>.  ui  P.,  O.,  Aiuil  1(1,  1S-I2-, 
d.  in  Pei-u,  Ind.,  Sept.  IS,  isl.-).  2,  H.^vUHIKT  I-^i.kcta,  li.  in  P..  <).-l.  2:5,  ISPi;  m.  June 
9,  ISO!,  Frank  S.  Mvers  of  Ten<-  Haute.  1,  .I'i'l"  K'i:'(,  Cri.  S,  lS(i5.  2,  Frank.  Se]>t. 
.9,  1S75.  ;;,  Li,i.c\  \.i»;\s.  b,  in  Cinr,nr,ati,  O. .  .Iidy  2(;,  1.'^I7:  d.  July  2.  1n4S.  4, 
Lai  !;a  (H'iiKi.iA,  ii.  in  t  ..  .Iun.-2d,  isli);  d.  in  'V .  l!.,'Au<^  Hi,  Is-lit.  5,' M;  Moi;. 
i;uw,  1..  in  C,  N.'v.  7,  1^51;  ir,.  i-i  T.  II.,  Sept.  1.5.  I^TO,  Wm.  l;  iiipj.htee;  re-..  T.  11. 
1,   J."uis,    \k    May    17.    1S7;-!.       2,   Iv'iinwi'd,    April    7,    !S75.     0,    Zr.itvi.Mi  KA'ri-;,  b.    in 

:  TUTTLE.  •  5lo 

!  I;i(li!iii;ij.<ili>,  la.]..  Jiilv  I'.t,  isr.f;.     7,   Maktiia  \N'asim:v(,T().\,  i,.  ill  'J',  11.,  J-'fl..  L'2,  IstiO. 

j  S,  Ci.A'.iK  ("KWi:,  1>.  'r.  11..  -May  y.  IV.C.:.. 

II.      (iavlordl'orir!-,  .Jan.  27.  ISl.'^;  d.    in    Iinliaiiainili-^,   Jan.    7,  iH72;  in.  in  Diiviun, 
()..  Sept.  1,  1817,  S;ir:iii  J;iiir  rlari;.      1,    A  so.n,  il.  inf. 

•   111.      Punidia,  :in,   is-Jl.   in.  in  Piqua.    (.). .  .\ia\-   ;i(),    ISi'.K,    .Ii.lm    MoiKiw,  wlio 

d.  inl'.,  Frh.  TJ.  is,)4,      Sli.' m.  (0)  IS.IT,  (1.  Volnoy    OnVs'iv,  M.]>..    ,,r    l';,|iia,    (». ;  .^•.    i'. 

IV.      (riiarlntTi.-,  ]>'•(■.  -01,  IsO-J;  in.  in  P.,    Jjmi.    i-ii.    ISl:;',    .\L-\ander  Whitf.    nvIh.   d. 

SIk- in.  ('.')  in  Cincinnafi,  Sf-pt.  Id,  I'^wd,  (Icn.    XN'ni     .1.    ]''l!i!itt:    vi-.    Indiaiiai-nliK.      /'.  liy 

1st  lii.:     1,   FjiKDEiuoc  'riTi'Li:  W'uiTK,  b.  in  P.,  I'fc.  2C>,  1S4-I.      i.  liy  :,'d  in.:     2,  Jlua 

!,  V.      Hi-njaniiii  I'ranl-.lin,  May   17,    INO.I;   res.    1.;  niendi.    broker:   in.    Srjit.    ],    bS.")G, 

Mary  Ali(.'',  ilau.  iif  lliuun  I'a^^-on  of  1.;  .<;.  /. 

Vl.     .Inlia  n.,  (.)rt.  10,  1807;  m.  Dec.  10,  1>^50.  in  Cinrinnati,  0.,  Frod<Tl(dc  Wrij,--)!!; 
rc.'^.  X.  Y.  i:ilv.     1,   Nci.iii:. 

VII.  Cailnu-inc  li..  Oct.  2-1,  IS'j;);  in.  in  I..  Mar-d,  :^1,  l,v.-,r.,  \h-y.  W .  ]).  Harb.v.- 
(l-',  v,I:',  d.  in  P.rnoklyn,  X.  v.,  1S72;  res.  Piqua.  <>.  1,  Wii.i.ia.m.  2,  Lm ha.  rj, 
J  i;  1,1  A. 

Vill.      MarySIml],  Marcli  2.-,,;ls3] :  ai.  in   P.,    F.-b.    22,    ISljO,   C.    S.  Dyer;  n.  /. ;  ro.s. 
;  San  F'raiiiji^iri),    C'al. 

I  9253.     Oliver  Tattle,  b.  Dec.  28,  1739:  rem.   to  Oti.-ro,   Cortland  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and 

Luilt  ihe  second    frunv  hon.-w  in  tlie  town  (F.l]iad  'J'liayei-  built    tie'   fii>i  in  1S05);  thenct- 

j         reni.  to  \^'ilterIo\v-n,  X.  Y.:  u\.  Ilaunali  . 

I  I.      L)is,  Jan.  n.   I7fi2. 

'  11.      llannab.,  Feb.  13,  1";G5. 

HI.     Julia,  Marcli  a,  1767. 

IV.     Oliver.  Feb.  10,  170t!:  m.  about  1801  Mary  (Dodd)  Carpenter,  wid.  of  Henry,,  b. 
1781:  d.  181"),  b-aviiif.;-  orie  son.      1,    Ezka,  who  re.s.  in  Cleveland,  O. 
V.     t^ou. 
Vr.     Kuth. 

926.  Timothy  Tuttle,  b.  Dec.  4.  1711.!:  rem.  fi-oin  Chesliire  lo  (josIumi,  Conn., 
where  he  vas  an  oriL'iual  proprietor  and  one  oi  its  first  settlers;  the  Goshen  lots  were 
.sold  in  Xew  Haven  tlie  iirsx  Tiic.sduy  in  I'ef-.,  1737,  and  the  lot  on  whicdi  he  settled  was 
bought  for  him  by  Ids  father;  tlie  settlement  was  be,fj;un  1739  and  incorpf)ratpd  1749. 
He  went  to  (joslieu  in  the  fall  of  17:''>aiid  sujierintended  tlie  !.a\  inu'  out  of  his  lauds, 
wliich  \^'erB  tduetly  in  the  west  ]iart  <d'  the  towij.  His  lioiiie  lot  \Nas  on  tlie  east  side  of 
tliLM-oad,  leading  from  the  \Vest  Side  Pond  towards  the  meeliHi;-  hoiise,  about  150  rods 
southeast  from  the  pond  outlet,  jearly  o])posite  the  liou-e  of  his  >;.  dau.,  Huldah  Tuttle. 
He  was  one  of  tin:-  lifters  of  the  town  meeting.  Dec.  (j,  1739;  m.  Hannah,  of  Noah 
Wadhains'*.  He  d.  Oct.  23.  17'iO;  his  will.  m.  (2)  Hon.  SUas  Pichmond;  will  prov.  in 
Litehtiebl  same  vr.  Samuel  R.  Turtle,  Henry  Norton  of  (ioshen. 
I.  Marv,  i>.  Dee,  1,  1743;  m.  P.eiijamin' Sedu'wick, 
11.     Amo!-,  b.  Feb.  4,  174J;  m.  MaVv  Parks:  (2)  Posabella  Denslow. 

III.  Fdisha,  b.  Nov.  24.  1740;  m.   .-Vinanda  Parks. 

IV.  Jchalxnl,  b.  June  23,  174S;  m.  F>b.  20.  1772,  Elizabeth  Matthews. 
V.      Noah,  b.  March  20,  1752;  m.  liuth  Uea(di. 

VI.     Dtdiverance  (son't,  b.  (tct.  14,  ]7:)3:  d.  Oct.  S,  iSoO. 

VII.     Timoiliy.  b.  June  10,  17.55:  m.  Abieail  :  he    was  a  Rev.  soldier.      /.  2  sons 

and  2  dans. 

*Noah  Wsdhains  went  Ireiii  Middletiiwn.  Conn.,  to  (roshen  in  1741.  and  d.  there  over  ?o  >•;>.  of  ace. 
Tliat  he  was  .m  honijr-T'.t'e  and  hiph-mindeJ  man  is  sii'i\Nn  in  tl'.c  ■iltiiir  of  tl;c  i'.i-);ro  josejih  \)c  Mink,  a 
nalive  of  Fiivivo,  one  01  the  Cape  Verd  [shinds,  who,  hein'.,'  in  l^uena  S'ista  March,  17S5,  and  de.'iirinfr  to 
rel\irn  home  emSaiked  wnh  Capt.  Ftuneps  Cook  of  W'all'd.  who  pronii.sed  to  t.ike  him  to  Hravo,  out 
in>tccid  broutjht  him  to  Wall'd  and  delivered  him  to  Daniel  Cook,  his  fatiier,  wh"  sold  him  as  a  slave  to 
Noah  Wadhams  of  Goshen  for  £52  and  los.  Wadhams  becoming  convinced  that  Joseph  \sa:--  a  freeman, 
compromised  with  Cook  and  reiurned  Jo.sepli.  hut  learinr  that  _  Cook  micht  a^ain  dispose  of  Joseph, 
proeured  the  inlerpositi-in  .>f  the  Crcncral  Assembly,  who  lined  Capt.  Cook,  appointed  Thos.  Seymour 
ptuird     to  Joseph  and  had  him  convevcd  h"m.e  free  of  cost.  — Davis'  Hist,  c/  W'ali'ti. 

The  tirst  \vl.  of  No.ih  Wadhams  d.  of  her  rirs:  child;  he  m.  {A  a  sisterot  Gideon  Ilurlburt.  Mis  third 
wf.  d.  a.  lyo;  a  dau.  Mar\m  John,-,  of  Jeremiah  and  Eli/atjelh  (("Taylordi  Howe,  b  Oct.  r,  r;;;!',  and 
had:  i,  ,^!;^r•.  ,  h.  Sept.'  il',  1757;  im  Col  Wait  llinman.  2.  K.\pcrience,  I'-.-c.;,,  175;,;  m.  Nathan 
Norton.  ^  .Anna.  .Xpril  e.,  i-t:-;  ni  Israel  fiverett  and  went  to  Vcrmoni.  4,  Deliverance  and  perhaps 

In  i;u4  Wadiiaivi.-.  jr.,  '.vas  adii-.atevl  to  the  bar  at  Wyemm.r,  I\i,,  havjuf.^  been  previou.sly  admit. 
to  the  Supreme  Court  of  Conn. 




VIII.     Davi.].  1).  Der.  ?f;,  ]7,-,(i.  ,|    (>(.(.  10.  170;). 
IX.     HiMKiah,  1..  All;:.    10,  ]T:),s;iii,  .\;iti,,-iii  Kortsitcr. 
X.     Tliiinkrui,  li.  M:i_v  :]i),  i:.-)0;  )n.  Pliilip  (',„,]< 
■    XI.     Lois,  I).  M,.y31.  ITHO:  m.  llcjiry  IJiisto].* 

9201  Mary  Tuttle,  l..  IVt.  1.  K4;:!:  m.  ])<-upmm,  {s.  of  I),-u  IVnianu,.  -nd 
Ann)  S<.,l^w,c-k  „.  144.  ol  (v.nnvoll  llnUou-,  I.u,-1,  <i,.i;i  Co.,  Jon,,.  He  .JC  .".^ 
<,en.  John  and  IJun.  J  L.-o.  S.dgun^k,  LL,  I ).  (,Sr  .SV.'y^r/,/.  /W,v.%  npp.)  Ho  was  a 
chant  mCJoshen,  Conn.,  and  the  hous.  whi.d>l„.  huih  centurv  a'.!  i.  stillstand  S^ 
m  frood  prcsri-v^tion  and  i..  („.n,pied  by  .v.n.e  of  his  des,-,.ndant.s.  '  In  1  ^ijl.  I^e  mnov  ■?! 
oXortl,  (anaan.Conn..  wi,uv  he  bought  a  fana  and  kept  a  store  at  theoS'nee  .. 
],onse  corner,  aiear  I- orbe-,  Iron  works;  hed.  JunelG.  1  TTS,  a  34  vr.s.  •"  The  svcainonM  roes  are  still  Ilourislnng:   his  wid.  lived   to  whhin   n.y  n.eniorV  and  1  1    .ow 

,     T      ^^f,^^*-,^;i"'  ^'^^'i'ly  ''!""'    "l=i"y  y^'^^rs    before  d.'-7?n;.   TA-O'/.-v  /:  .^edn>rirk       She 
d.  June  14,  isx),,  a.  81.  .    ' 

I.      Theodore  Sedgwick,  b.  Oct.  80,  KOs-  „,    ..\binail  Couch 

lo^^ik  vf'-'  p-'^r''''v'\-^'''V'!-  ^--^•"-  '^^"'  l-^'"''  Kli'^'H-Coodwin,  w],o  d.  )f^U)- 
(,)  lbI3.  Jabez  I>,gelow.,t  .New  Lebanon.  N.  Y.;  z'.  bvLstm.:  1,  \\Tir,[\M  who  d  -. 
young  man.  "  -  ■  .    >  n  j  n.  o 

HI.      Kliznb-th  Sedgwick,  b.  March  31,  1771;  n..  Daniel  Campbell     M  ]) 

niunh'Atw.;.':  "^l   x'^''')\  "'■  ^"!'-'  ^'^'"'7;  '■•   ^''l'"  ^"'  ^'''-  «■  «'   Jeremiah  and  Lois 
(Hunt)  Atuate    ot    .\ew  Ib^ven,  (  oun.,  and   bro.  of  Lev.   Jercuiah   Atwater,  Pre..    Mid- 
dlebary  and   Hiekmson   Co'.;    res.  Middhd.ury,  Vt.,  where  both  d.      1     BK^•,,\^^^■  Sf    o 
v.-ic-K.    Ix  ISO.,:  d.  unm.  in   Phila.    a!>t.  1S40.     2.  J.h.n   C,  b.  Jsip.   iived'in  "Vlid     Vt 
rem.  to  A.  i.  city.  '         "  -    1  <-, 

V.     TiKuikfii!  Gratia  S.-dgwick,  b.  1770;  m,  Jo^d  Pomerov 
\  1.      Lois  Sedgwick,  b.  :^h^y  5.  177.");  ni.  Jaiues  Fenn. 
92611       Theodore   Sed-vnck,  b.  Ocr.  3b,  17<::s:  Capt.  in  the  first  standinc.  army  ■ 

of  the  L.  S.:  alter  the  revolution  resigned   about  ISbG,  and  in  wiHi VS 

br^an  .n.smess  in  New  Marlboro,  Berkshire  Co.,  Mass. ;' retiring  from  bus  ).; 
rem.  to   the  old    homestead    m    Canaan  and    li.  ed    ther--    uniil   the   proper   was  s,>ld    10 

-Maicli  v,  lb)'\  Aiiigail  (  oucli. 

I.     Catharine'M..  b.  Dec.  ?9,  ISb*;;  m.  David  Finch  of  Canaan,  N.  Y.;  farmer 

III,  J  heodore  L.,  b.  July  1,  isi-  res.  Litchfield,  Conn.;  has  b-en  a  mem.  of'coim 
btate  Legislature;  m.  and  has  fani. 

IV.  lone,  b.  Juno '^It,  1814;  (1.  Crt.  ].-,    is].^, 

V.     Su^.an.  b.   April   in,  L^17;  m.    Daniel  W.  J^-ase  of  Canaan,  X.  Y. ;  farmer  1 

^MK..   S     b.    Au^r    11.  1S47;  d.  Oct.  -.  lNo3.     2,   CATiCMaxE   K.,   b.  Dec    18   "V^-  ,' 

Oct.    10,  ls;.,3      o.  .Maky   A..b.   March   1,  l^,V2.     4,  ^\uA^^yr  W.,  March  ll"  1^54  5 

CirAiii.i.s  S.,  b.  Sept.  -37,  is,-j(3.     (i,   Gi:oi;(,K.  \N"     b    Feb    "0    l.s'jl  ,     -      ■  o, 

in  potr..i;K'£;,^Xr:;;^m  ^- i:e^:;i;;a;;:i  ^;:r^.  '^'^^^^'"^  ^^^'^'^••-  ^''^^^^  "--^'■ 

\I11.  George  X'j.,  b.  Aug.  lo,  1823;  (/en.  Agt.  of  Kansas  Pacillc  K.  R. ;  res.  Kansas 
any  ^^  hen  y.mng  lived  with  his  cousin  Theoi.hilus  Fenn,  in  llarrislnu-  Pa  ■  after- 
^vards  was  clerk  and  business  manager  for  Diller  &-  Paker  at  the  I'a.l, on  " Works 
m  Blair  .  o. ;  when  that  hrm  dissolved  he  opened  a  store  in  Indiana  Co  Pa  u  iu-re  he 
m.;  h>'  afterwards  became   Agent  of  the  Pa.   L.  \{.  Ci... ;   has  several  cliil. 

92613.  Elizabeth  Sedgwick,  b.  Mard,  31.  1771;  d.  in  canton"  X  Y  Dec  l>i 
ISoo,  a.  .82;  m,  inMiddlebury  Vi..  l.vo3,  Daniel  Campbell,  M.D.  and  merch.  of  C  b  in 
Oxiord,  leb.  o,  l,b4:  d.  in  C,  April  16,  1821;  left  a  have  .-st.  Dr  Cami'd-.ells 
.S-ranularher  was  aminister  of  the  kirk  of  Scotland.  He  came  to  the  U.  S  in  1P>0  ami 
lived  and  d.  HI  (Ktord.  Mass..  where  his  monument  mav  still  be  s,.,.n  ~   ' 

I.      Eliza  (iratia  Cam])bell.  Xov.  lii,  ISO,-,;  ni.  Kb,.nez..r  (i    Mi/e-r 
11.      L'ob'lt  S.'do-wick  Cauipbeil,  Se].!..   Isil.S;   d    a     IS 

W--     !,!r'-  ^^''^^''"-'''''  ^''^'''I'''''il-  -M'l-ii  8,  l.s'lO;  m.  Harriet  Hover. 
I\  .      lheo<loi,-  Campbell,  d.  a.  2. 

\'.     L'o!iei-t  Cauipb,  II,  d.  a.   18  mos. 

n*  "rr^'%n!l''Hl'nr.''-'".wV.'^*''i  '/••'^v'^'^'     ^ois  and  fourchil.    living;   wid.  app.  puard.  to  .Marv.  Sr.rah, 
HulI;"ex^:i^'""•  "    ^' ^"  ^^  ''^ ''■v-  '^^^  est.     The  wll  of   Lo,s    Hr.stol  of  AN^I^dprov'i^s;;  Samuel 

TL'TTLE,    CAMPr.KL;.,    SLDGWJCK.  5]  5 

926131.  Elii.a  Gracia  Campboll,  1>.  Middlchurv,  Vt.,  Nov.  T,\  1805;  in.  in 
<'ant()n,  M;m-c1i -3.  ]seO,  I'^h.'Uc/.pr  ( f.  .Min.-r  of  ('.,  Tiin-rli.,  1..  Cornwidl,  Vt.,  Nov.  2'^,, 
17!I4:  (1.  in  ('.,  S.-j.i.  ]-!,  1^71.  11.^  was  tho  own-r  of  Mincr'.s  VAudi  in  Canton,  N.  Y., 
\vliicli  he  built  tlirrc  times,  twic"  Ininu'd.  ll  is  still  owui'd  in  tin-  family.  He  left,  u 
large  estiitc  and  cndotvcd  ;i  jiulijic  iiistitulion.  Mi-s.  Miner  res.  at  l.odi,  San  .loaidiini 
Co.,  Cal. ;  cliil.  i).  i)i  Canton.  X.  Y. 

I.  ]':ii'/,:\l.rih  Miner,  b.  Ma^M'na,  N,  Y,,  Nov.  O-j,  1839;  ui.  m  C.,  Au::.  9.  iSiH, 
Hon.  Hefov.'St  1>.  \V...d,  nnTcli.;  mem.  Vt.  Ley,,  u\'  Slieldon,  Vt.;  (diil.  b,  in  Shvld(jn. 
1,  .Iacov,,  Sept.  ■?'3,  IS,-)}.  3,  CiiAiiLKs  Mi.\i:i;,  Jan.  b"),  IS.jG.  I],  M.viiv  Ib'-.i-oKKST,  b. 
April   11.   lM)t).       -1.    I'.VNXV  El.lZ.MSF.TlI,  .lu!v  13.   lN(j>!. 

II.  Cliarl'S  (iri.-Nvold  Miner,  1).  M.,  July  00,  isilT;  m.  in  Vashingtori,  St.  Lasv- 
renet:  Cij.  ,  N.  l'.,  Sept.  H,  )'>■")(»,  Jane  Iv  Iteddinyton  of  W.  He  has  chaise  of  a  dept.  in 
the  Mntnal  Life  Ins.  Co.  of  N.  Y.  Citv. 

Jii.  Katharine  Miner,  b.  M.,  Sept.  2,  1S:J4:  m.  in  C,  Nov.  9,  lS.-i4,  Frank  Bank- 
su.ith  '->f  New  (.)rleans.  La.  (now,  18VG),  a  nierch.  in  Menij'lii.-.,  Tean. ;  tdiil.  b.  in  C.  i, 
Ei.i.isox  Mi.Ni:i;,  June  io,  IS'ifi.     3.   Bi;ssik,  Jun^'  "Jlj,  isiS. 

IV.     (ieoiL^^'  Camj)bell  Minej-.  b.  C.,  1839;  d.  a.  9  laos.  -  - 

V.      Infant,  b.  18-12;  d.  a.   Hi  davs. 
^'i,      Hoberi  Sedowirk  Miner,  b/jSl.",;  d.  a.  C  mos, 

VII.  Marv  Louisa  Min.T,  Nov.  o,  184ij;  m.  in  Sheldon,  Vt.,  Sept.  24.  18G8, 
i;iel,ard  B.  i:i'l.sworth  of  C. 

VI 11.     Adah  yWnt-v,  b.  1849;  d.  a.  16  days. 

026133.  George  Washington  Campbell,  b.  April  8,  1810;  mercli.  in  St. 
Lawfence  Co.  till  1^40,  then  rem.  to  Boint,  Washington  Co.,  rdinii.  ILus  been 
a  merch.  43  yrs.  and  ha.s  i>aid  some  attention  to  farminy.  Bought  of  L^^.  S.  Govt,  several 
luindied  acies  of  {)ine  forest  on  the  liank  of  the  Miss,  river  at  •'^11.2.')  ]ier  acre,  some  of 
■whicli  he  has  s"ld  at  .S'4o  pi-T  aei'e.  ]!<■  has  now  aliom  2,200  aci'es  of  tliesi;  piiic  lands, 
on  which  he  eni;>loys  .about  CO  nmn  ami  10  teams  in  cutting  and  caning  the  timber.  'J'he 
men  live  in  shanties  on  the  ground,  an<l  he  nudges  four  trips  to  the  land.s  during  tlie 
uii:t<-r  for  the  iiurjio-M'  of  oveisiglit  aiul  manageim-nl.  He  ha^.  bi^sidi-s,  a  large  acreage 
of  farnung  lands  \vhich  he  cultivates,  and  luwing  plenty  to  do,  "  expects  to  live  and  die 
in  the  harness."  He  tried  to  make  nu-rchants  of  bis  l>oys  but  they  preferred  to  beciime 
fanner;^  and  lie  ha.s  given  them  all  a  handsome  start.  Hi?  sistt  r,  Mrs.  Miner,  wants  him 
to  sell  riut  arid  live  ^vith  licr  in  Cal. ;  but  he  thinks  thei'e  is  no  (,oiintr_."  liki-  Minn.,  v/here 
Ids  deictor's  bills  for  26  yrs.  amounted  to  just  -t^lO.To  ami  not  one  child  hjst.  and  not  ()iu' 
<][  tinun  L-\'>'r  touched  a  di'op  of  stimulatin.g  drink.  He  was  a  itU'm.  of  the  first  State 
Leg.  of  Minn.,  is.')  7-S.     Hem.  in  Canada,  Man'h  7,   I8.jij,   Harriet    Hover  of  Canada  W. 

I.  (b'orge  Robertson,  b.  Canada,  May  O,  1837;  m.  June,  ls7.^i,  .Mta  Hanks.  He 
went  to  C'al.  and  staid  live  years  and  brought  back  iibout  the  same  he  took  there;  now  a 
l>r(\spprous  ffunier. 

n.  Elizabeih,  b.  Cae.ada.  June  2i),  1S33;  ni.  Nov.  19,  1S.")9,  .lames  E.  Se\niour. 

HI.  Hubert  Sedgwick,  1).  N.  Y.  Feb.  8,  18-12;  m.  Nov.  12,  1803,  Emily  P.  Cilbert. 
He  has  a  farm  of  ],3i(0  acres  and  over  120  head  of  cuttle  and  liorse$. 

IV.  Harriet,  Aju-il  9,  1844;  m.  June  BY  1871,  D.  Eugene  Jones. 

V.  Jeauuette  S.,  b.  N.  Y.,  .luiu-  13.  1847;  m.  Julv  28,  1873,  Louis  A.  Duna. 

VI.  Catharine  M,,  JeJv  B^,  1819;  m.  April  1,  ls;4',  William  ^V.  Dalrvmple. 

A'll.  Mary  Ann.  Feb.  20.  1S54. 

92615.  Thankful  Gratia  Sedgwick,  d.  1801,  a.  2G  yrs.;  m.  1790.  Joel  Tome- 
roy,  \v]i<:)  \\-as  engaged  in  the  busiiu'ss;  ciiil.  b.  in  Canaan,  (.'onn. 

1.  Theodore  J'oim'roy,  b.  Sept.  9.  1792;  was  associated  witli  his  f.  in  the  stag»^ 
bus,  sev.  yis, ;  aftei'Nvards  bought  and  cultivated  a  iii,ri';e  farm  ;  then  r<.-u'.,  to  tlie  village 
of  Na,',  N,  Y.;  res.  Medina,  Oilcans  Co.,  N.  Y.;  m  in  Chatham,  N.  Y'.,  Ivlitli  Suth- 
erland,     1,    J.XMKS.      2,    J.\KK. 

II.  Mary  I'omeroy,  b.  lYb.  1,  1794;  m.  Now  9,  1S22,  Charles  W.  Sweet;  r.-m.  same 
year  to  "Wellington,  O.,  whr.  he  d.  Aug.  23,  1  82C>,  and  thewid.  returned  the  next  yr.  to 
\Vest  Stockbridge,  Mass.,  and  kept  a  .select  school;  living  in  1870.  1,  11 1  i.daii  A.,  b. 
Sept.  23,  1823;  m.  Aug.  10,  1841,  John  Chntul  erlin  of  NV.  S..  vhod.  1>..;.  Id.  1S73.  1, 
fs:jd»rf,  b.  Sept.  lo.  1S.{3.  2.  Lnris,  b,  July  17,  18)9.  2,  (;i;.\ti.v  Jv ,  b,  .Iniu'  13,  !82r); 
in.  at  ('m-ida,  N,  Y..  Julv  10.  1843,  Ira  Morris  of  Oneida:  he  w;is  ;ui  oili'er  in  a  N.  Y. 
Vol,  BtTt.  and  r.dl  in  the  battl,-of  Antietaui;  wid.  and  chil.  v-;.  at  (>.  1.  h<:h,li.:,  b. 
May,  1845.     2,     ,S-y/C  A'.,  b.  Dec.  12.  l.S.Vi, 

III.  I'lliva  Foimu-oy,  b.  Dim-,  Bi,  1790;  m.  Alm'uie.  Gillette  of  Can.aan,  Conn.,  where 
Ihey  now  res.     1.   M.\i;\  ]\).\ii.iu)V,   b.  Sejit.   9,  1810.      2,   Ch.\UI,)>,  b.  \'>kx\  4,   IbbS.      1, 

51')  J!i;ax(;i[  (jr  sniox. 

Catharine.      2,    WlUlam.      3,   Charlrs.      -1,   Eiixii.      ;"j,  AliiKvin.     8,   Sakmi,    h.   Jan.   o, 

1S18;  m.  Edw;ii(i  STiiitli.      1,    Edtonu,     4,    Fi:ki>]:ki<  K,  b.  AimII  29,  IN !(). 

92616.  Lois  Sedgwick, b.  -May  r,.  l?:,-,;  a.  Mmvli  ;;,  IS'ffi;  m.  Kit).  Jamrs  Fmn, 
E.-ij.  (s.  of  C;i])t.  Tiicophilus  of  \\'allM,  (.'oiiii.),  of  raima.ii,  ('oiiii.,  li.  .Marrli  .S,  1771;  d. 
Oct.  '^,  ]^b'i:  (ho  wa."^  a  2<l  cou.'^.  of  Istiac,  'I'hoina.saiKl  Daviil  Fciin  of  W'atertown,  ('(iiui.); 
Kej).  to  Sun e  Leg.  of  Conn.  lhie<Miine.s;  Collcrinv  of  direct  lax  aftt-r  war  of  lN]-2{iii(l 
general  Tax  Collector,  Constable,  Sltt;rifr,  Ju.-ticeof  Tin-  Feacf*  for  IjO  yrs. ;  fii-st  Select- 
man of  tlie  tcAvn  for  2')  yr^^.,eto.;  in  1812  he  boii^^iit  the  old  Sedywick  homestead  and. 
oceupifd  it  wiiih-  he  lived. 

1.     Fi-ederiek  Jamei  Fenn,  b.  Sept.  'Si.  170C;  m.  Ihuelme  }Iasl;ins. 
11.     Mary  Fenn,  b.  May  LO,  ITHS:  d.  July  2(1,  isOO. 

III.  'i  lieoyihilus  Fenn,  b.  Dec.  i.S,  18UU;  m.  Margaretta  Verbeke. 

IV.  Ki.'njamin  Sedgwick  Fenn,  b.  Nov.  2o,  18(lu;  m.  Sarah  Scranton. 
"W     Julia  Eliza  Fenn,  b.  April  Si),  18U(>;  m.  John  ^'an  Bureji. 

VI.      France.<  I'ai'nielia  Fenn,  b.  Dec.  '6.  l^ON;  m.  Angu-tu.s  Bigelow. 
\'ll.     Betsey  Eva    Fenn,   b.    Nov.   5,    I81U;    d.    Seju.'  12,   is,-,i^    ni.   John   Beldeii    of 
Canaan,    Conn.;   farmer;   .sonie  time  pnbli.'>l;er  of  a  iie\\s]):-,per  in  \^'Lilerl>uvv,  Conn.      1 
Jc.itx,  b.  May  18,   1842. 

\'I1I.  Caroline  ]..oi.s  Fenn,  b.  April  IT),  1817;  m.  I8o0,  Wm.  K.  King  of  Egreinont, 
Mass.;  settled  iu  Tlioma.'^ton,  Conn.;  in  clock  busine.-s.     1,  Josli'iiink,  b.  A]>rii  4,  1855. 

926161.    Frederick  Jarnes  Fenn,  b.  Sept.  22,  179G,  d.  at  }tarrisi)urgh.  Pa., 

Marcli  24.  1855;  grad.  law  .school  at  Litchiieid,  Conn. ;  oi')en(Hl  an  office  in  Sliaron"  Conn., 
and  ]>rac.  about  IG  yrs. ;  Juilge  of  I'robate  sev.  yrs.  In  ISoi)  bought  one-half  of 
a  laige  iron  ore  bed,  furnace,  and  si-s"eral  thou.sand  acre.s  of  land  on  the  Juni.-da  river, 
near  Mt.  Union,  Huntingdfui  Co.,  Pa.,  and  with  hi.s  pariuer,  Mr.  Cottiell,  carried 
on  the  business  until  the  repeal  of  the  laritT  in  1812,,  causing  a  buspen-iou  of  tlie  Amer- 
ican iron  business.  He  then  rem.  to  ][.,  wheie  he  d.  His  fam.  then  rem.  to  Phila. 
Hem.  Dec.  ll,ls'2;',  Emelhie,  dau.  of  Ezekiel  and  Clarissa  Haskiiis  of  So.  Canaan 
Conn.,  b.  May  22,  1800;  d.  in  Phila.,  i)^v.  24,  1S74. 

I.     Helen  Clarissa,  Feb.  25.  1825;  unm. ;  res.   l''hila. 

11.  Seth  H.,  March  7,  18151;  unm.;  res.  I'liil;;.;  lias  a.lways  been  enqdoved  in 
hotels  as  bookkeeper  or  cashier;  for  many  yrL^  in  the  Cirard  House,  and  now  for  seveiul 
years  in  the  Continental  Hotel. 

III.  (.'harles.E/.ekiel,  June  26,  18uu;  a  ])rinter  by  trade,  but  for  many  yrs.  connected 
^vith  .K.  II.:  in.  Dec.  8,  1.^59,  Sally  Dulin  of  Smyrna,'  l)<d. ;   res.  Dover.;   .•".  V. 

IV.  Margaret  Higby,  Feb.  (J,  1835;  m.  March  15,  1853,  Hon.  John  M.  .Xiuweg,  law- 
yer and  Alderman  of  Eancaster,  Pa.;  res.  So.  Duke  st.,  ^o.  14.  1,  AmcK  Axxkttj;, 
March  24,  ]s51.  2,  Fhkderick  J.VMF.s,  May  9,  1856.  3,  Joiix  -Mki{.\ei,,  Jan.  1,  1858. 
4,  IIki.K-\  C].-\uiss.a.,  Dec.  7,  18(30;  d.  Sept.  17,  1861. 

.V.  S:.iali  Prentice,  July  31,  iS'oS;  m.  Sept.  13,  18G4,  Willian'.  Letford  of  Phila.  1, 
C.\KHi::  l,.\:a:,  Jan.  27,  18G6.  2,  W.m.  Ff;.nx,  Sept.  18,  1867.  3,  \^'ALTJiu  B\y.\hu, 
Sept.  10,  IMJs;:  d.  April  28,  1809. 

926163.  Theophilus  Fenn,  b.  in  ShelHehl,  M.-iss.,  Dec.  18,  T^OO;  rem.  1826,  to 
Lancaster,  Pa.,  and  estali.  'J7i,  J^auei/^ti  r  JL  nil'l,  n  successful  ])a])er,  wliich  he  .sold  out 
in  1831  and  rem.  to  Harrisburgh,  wliere  he  estab.  the  PoinKylrauin  Tdcgniph,  now  the 
Ilarrit'hiu-yli  Tdajraph,  and  conducted  it  uiitil  1854,  when  lie  sold,  but  continued  to 
write  and  edit  for  it  until  ls5U.  He  was  state  jninter  from  1835  to  1838,  and  fronx  ISyl 
to  1854,  doing  all  the  printing  and  binding  for  the  state  of  Pa.  In  1854  he  purchased 
the  Lancaster  ln<h'pi:n<lent  W/ii[/  and  Jnl/ind  Daily  and  afterwai'd  clianged  the  titles  of 
these  pajH-rs.  He  sold  out  in  1^58  and  leturned  to  Harrisiuirgh.  wherelie  res.  til!  1874 
In  18(iit  he  bought  a  tract  of  SOO  acres  on  the  west  Oank  of"  tlie  Sus<juehanini,  seven 
uiih-s  above  HarrislHirgh,  and  the  following  sjuing  the  tir.-t  lot  was  sold  and  the  first 
building  ei'ected  on  what  is  now  the  flourishing  tnwn  of  Marysvllb-  and  its  prosjieritv  is 
largely  attributed  to  the  energy  and  generosity  of  Mr.  I'etin,  in  ilunating  some  12  acres 
to  the  Northern  Central  IJ.  li.  Co.  upon  whicii  their  engin.'  house  anil  machine  shops 
are  built.  He  rem.  to  Marysville  in  1874,  and  d.  there  .April  2!i,  IbSo,  in  the  83d  yr.  of 
his  a.  He  never  .sought,  n(u-  would  he  acce]it  any  jiolitical  ollice;  m.  Match  2^,  1844, 
Margaretia,  dau.  of  Jan\es  C.  Verbeke,    -M,D. 

^1.      J.unes  Verbeke,  Aug.    10,    ISlC;   ni.    Nor.    9,    1871,    Bebec.-a    J.,   only   cjiild   of 
James  and  Eli/.a  .1 .    Cilelirlsi   of   Dauphin   Co.     Pa.;   res.    phila.;  druggist.      1,   Tiii).\!.\r- 
Cn.rHKisT,  li.  Oet.  21.  lf^72.     2.   'ritioi'iiiMs,  Nov.  25,  1874. 
11.      Aiuia  -Maria  liertnnle,  Oct.  31,  IMS);   unm. 
III.      Lois  Sedgwick,  Julv  14,  1S51;   unm. 

SElxnVICK'.    FExy.    TL'TTLI-:.  517 

IV.      TlK'opliilus,  Anril  '?7,  1  S,")  k 

V.  'riioinas  Khin,  i..  Muv  21,  \<>i),  priiiti-;-  iuul  ]iuMi.-~.licr;  Cliica^uo,  II!. 
VI       Wiii.   K'iinl.T,  Sr]>t.  :i.  IS.V.t. 

\'ll.     .]v\n'  K\]y.:i,  Nov.  21,  ]S(i2. 
YIIl.      ProsiRT  Dalien,  Nov.  17.  isi.l."'). 

926134.  Benjamin  Sedgwick  Fenu,  l'.  Nov.  2.),  1S0:J;  d.  ISTl;  m.  Sarah 
Scnuitiiii  of  Madison,  Conn. 

1.  Saiuurl  Martin,  h.  Atij^.  •"•.  IS-IO;  Liout.  (yf  a  r.jn.iymny  in  a  Conn,  l^'^t.  daring 
the  war;  afterwards  parcduisiHl  lii.-^  brotlnT's  journal  and  <-liaii!;;<-d  its  muno  to  2'hf 
Jjt/keJit<  ilt'ifistcr,  wlnrh  lie  oontinu.>s  to  edit  and  inildisli  to  tin;  ]iirs.'nt  tinu- (ISKi);  he 
in.  in  si>nr,i;  of  1872,  Addie  Miller  of  Slirewsbury,  Yori-:  Co.,  Pa.,  and  lias  one  rliild; 
ae.s.  Lvkens,  Daupliia  Co.,  Pa. 

li  Margaret  Maria,  b.  JnneO,  1S42;  tn.  Jnvie  HO,  ISCri,  A  aroii  Smith  of  C(dlins- 
Tille,  Conn.  1,  Wir.i.iK,  b.  April  22.  l^tjo;  d.  Jan.  22,  1871.  2,  Joskimi.  Feb.  10,  18GG. 
\],  (iV'.oiiOK,  Nov.  2:!,  bSC-l. 

III.  Ceorg.-  ^y.,  b.  Mandi  2."j,  ]S-|,""):  enliste^l  in  :■.  Zouave  Co.  on  tlirrc  nios.  call ; 
afterwards  ioined  a  coniiiany  rd"  cavalry  and  captured  !'t  C'lear  Sprin;!;,  Va.;  confined  at 
.several  place.-;,  tlie  last  at  Ly n'.diburg,  whence  he  escaped;  he  was  then  deia(died  as 
Jiidife  Advocate  at  (ieorgetowii,  I).  (.'. ;  then  raised  a  company  (jf  cavalry,  whicli  was 
mustered  in  Aug.,  18(54,  as  (.'o.  C,  2(tlst  Ticgt.,  Pa.  Vols.,  of  which  he  wa.s  Capt.,  till 
I?egt.  was  nui:;t.u-ed  out.  at  chxsi^  of  the  war;  after  the  v>ar  he,  in  company  with  Samuel 
B.  t'oles,  established  a  journal,  T/i>'  rppn-  /'■n.ji/ii/i  Rr.iisirr,  whi(di  they  ])ub.  until  he 
d.  in  A-Ug. ,  IS^jlJ,  of  congestion  of  the  brain,  a.  22  .  lie  was  a  young  man  of  talent  and 
'^.) remise, "much  esteemed  and  greatly  mourned.  He  m.  at  Ilarrisbmg.  ISGI,  Annie  E. 
koberts  and  l«d't  one  chihi.      1 ,  (Ikougt.vnn.^.. 

TV.      Wiliiam,  b.  March  ;),  1847. 
V.      Annie,    b.    .June    2o,    l":^!'.!;    m.    May    lU,    1870,    Lyman    Pris^>l.      1,   lIow.VKD 
AKTilfU,  b.  ,lan.    1,  187o. 

VI.  r^Jary,  b.  Nov.  20,  18ol:  \n.  Sterling  Bradley  of  Wiu.-ted,  Conn. 

926135.  Julia  Eliza  Fonn,  b.  April  20,  IsOO;  d.  Sept.  2,  1819;  m.  1S:V2.  John 
Van  .Buren;  Y.  C.  1826;  M.D.  of  Kmderhouk,  N.  Y.;  (a  first  (ous.  .)f  Martin  ^  an  Buren, 
€t.]i  Pres.  of  the  U.  S.);  rem.  to  AlOanv,  N.  Y..  where  he  d.  18oG. 

I.  Albertine  Van  Buren,  b.  March  S,  184:1;  m.  at  res,  of  lier  uncle,  Tlieophilus 
■    Karrisburg.    March   21.    1800,  James    Bieelow,   M.  D.,    .vho  d.    eaidy  in   lS7;j, 

leaving  otie  cliild;  i-es.  I'otlsville,  Penn.      1,   Jr],i.\.  Ei.l/.A. 
it.      Mat  til!  Van  Buren.  b.  June  0.  184r,. 

926130.     Frances.  Parmelia  Fenn,  b.    IVr.  ,'5,    1808:   named    for  the  2d  wife 

<Pai-;n.elia  1  .)\',  ioh  t)  of  Hun.  Theodore  Sedigwiok  :  res.  in  the  house  built  by  her  grand - 
lather,  li<;nj.  ^Cnigwick,  nn.:>.  than  loO  yejrs  ago;  m.  I80O,  August  us  Bigelow  of  New 
Lebani.n,  N.  Y. 

I.  Theoplulus  Fenn  Bigelow,  b.  March  9,  18:>8;  m.  March  17,  1870,  Abbie  Cran 
dall  of  Canaan,  Conn.      1,   Fit.^NCES  ELi7..\ui:rii,  b.  Aug.  0.  1872. 

II.  James   Augustus   Bigelow,    b.  Sept.   lo,  J84'i;  M.  D.  :grud.   Yale  Med.  Sdiool,' 
180! ;  Surgeoti   8t]i  Begt.  Cemn.  V<ds. ;  served  tlirough  the  war  at  lloaiioke  Island,  New- 
berni    AnTietam,  Fredericksburg,    Petersburg  and   other  places;   ni.  Jan,  20,  1S07,  Mary, 
dan.    of   Iv'tijatuin  and  Mary 'rurnock  of  Stoke-upon-'lrent.  Fng.     1,   JruA  Emz.\.   b. 
Nov.  2:1  1808.     2,   Fn.\xci:s"MAUV,  h.  June  2,  187.1. 

f)26'2.  Amos  Tuttle,  b.  Fell.  4,  1745,  in  i.To.-hen,  Conn.;  rem.  to  Sandgate,  Ben- 
nington Co.,  Vt.,  l)etwecn  170M:ind  1770,  d.  there  Nov.  20,  1800;  ni.  Mary  Parks;  (3) 
l\osa!)(dla  Densbiw,  uliod.  a.  O-^;  bn.  in  (iran\llk-,  N.  Y.  .  ■■ 

I.  Davi,!,  b.  Aug.  i;j,  llO'.t. 

II.  Anna,  m.  li:.niel  Cogswell. 

111.      Jos.  pit,  b.  May  8,  177o;   m.  Abigail  Hnrd. 

92621.  David  Tuttle,  b.  in  Co.-,hen.  Conn.,  Aug.  P!,  17tUI:  rem.  from  Sandgaf>\ 
A't.,  to  I'ambridge,  \Vashington  Co  ,  N.  Y..  tln'uce  to  1  .au'-ingbu'-gh,  Pi-n>-^ed.H'r  Co. ,  N. 
1.,  where  he  d.  Mav  17,  ISll,  ;i.  72,  farmer;  m.  Sept.  lo,  17^0,  liannali  N(nihtoj),  who 
<1.  Cci.  -'fl,  1S12;  (2)  "March  4,  ISb"),  Mrs.  Nancy  li.  (Peck)  FaitrliiKl  id  Ne«-  Haven,  Conn., 
widow  ..fKni-tus  H.  i'airciuld.     Shed.  Jan. '8,  1^12.  ;'.  by  1st  m.: 

I.      Ann  M.,  b.  July  4.  d.  July  8,  17'.'(). 

II.  Fia.-.tus  Darwin,  b,  l>(.'c.  10,  17:»1,  m.  Jlarriet  ]5os;wi(4<;. 

518  IJKAXCJI    OF    SIMOK, 


M.'^r''in,  ]>.  Miiic;' 

6  cliil. 


JuK'ia,  \\\]j\  \vi\] 


llrlirv  }51:ik, ■;;!>■< 

?2,  ITIlo;  111.  Martin  ('o,':s^v(■lL'U)<l  rem.  t'l  .\uluirii,  N.  Y.,  uith 

Mnvciu;  d.  July  '2.  1800.     {.  l.y  'Jd  iii.: 
li.  St-pt.  Ul,  1817;  in.  ]-'mo!iii"  i^cid. 

926212.  Erastiis  Darv/in  Tuttle,  1>.  Sand-:,!.-,  Vt .,  ]\-r.  l(i,  1791;  whi-u  quite 
youujj;  ran  away  frnni  iiniiK',  leaving;--  ids  j.Iudl;'!!  in  Un-  field.  Stud.  ini'<l.  in  'I'loy,  N.  Y. ; 
went  from  TiOy  to  Auburn  in  1811,  which  tlien  contained  jilmut  Mdil  inluihiianiv-.  He 
was  the  first  physician  enijtloycd  in  tlic  stnti'  prison,  uwl  i'oi-  (iftccn  _\eiiis  was  first 
pliy.sician  and  surircnn.  He  was  Iho  faniily  ]ihysician  of  the  Icadinir  jn-ojiU'  of  Auburn, 
nnuuig-  whom  wcrc<i'')V.  NN'in.  II.  Seward,  (iov.  Eno.s  T.  'J'liroop,  etc.:  in.  Dec.  oO.  1S12, 
Harriet,  dan.  of  \\'illiani  and  Hannah  J5ostwick,  b.  in  Auburn  Sept.  liO,  17fi.j;  d.  May  o, 
1870;  her  faliiei's  family  was  the  second  that  settled  in  Auburn.  He  d.  in  A.  June  2.3, 
1829,  in  tlio  ;^yth  yr.  of  his  aLrc,  and  by  his  deceasf-  the  country  lost  oriO  of  its  most  prom- 
ising; physiidans.  This  epitaj.di  iiiscriljcd  on  his  inonuin'-nt  in  Fort  Hill  cemetery.  A.,  "is 
no  idle*  tale:"  '-This  mbjet  was  erected  by  the  hands  of  iilial  afi'ection,  not  so  murh  to 
coinnu'iid  the  brilliant  talents  and,  high  attainments,  for  \\hich  he  \sas  iire-eminent  in 
his  profession,  as  ro  record  the  testimony  of  his  lasting  virtues  and  unremiTting  labors  in 
the  cause  of  ameliorating  the  suiTerings  of  his  fellow  juen."     /.  in   Auburii. 

I.  John  Augustine  Smith,  Sept.  17,  1818;  d.  Feb.  28,  1^02;  m.  Aug.  8,  lNa8, 
Ailelia  Frances  Jennings.  1,  Fkank  HowAJiD.  2,  ADA.  8,  JoH.N.  4,  ^^■n,^.TAM.  All 
res.  in  t'liii/ago. 

11.  Edniiind  15osi>vick,  h.  Ajnil  2,  181,");  went  to  X.  Y.  ('.  in  Ajiril,  1880,  and  was 
clerk  in  tin?  ])osto}lii'(>  for  one  year  after  tlie  great  fire.  In  1837-8  was  editoi-  of  the  A'. 
}".  Tunis  (Heimieratic),  and  corres]K'ndent  of  th.e  X.  Y.]h:\:^d  in  -'I'atriot"  ^var  on 
Cftnada  border  in  1888.  For  live  years  (1889— h'>i  engaged  on  A".  Y.  ]{eriOd.  In  1847 
wpnt  to  Burlington  College,  X.  J.,  as  teacher  and  stnd'Mjt  of  theolog'y.  In  184".'  estab- 
lished Collee.j  (Irammar  Scdiool,  ]5ro.>klyn,  L.  I.  At  Fort  Hamilton.  April  ]fj,  1852, 
ordained  deacon  of  P.  Yj.  clih.  At  Alexandria,  "S'a.,  18,^)],  ordained  Priest;  Pastor  of 
^^'asl!inglon  juirish.  Oak  (Srove,  \'a.,  ]8.')2;  city  missiomuy  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  5  years, 
wliere  lie  originated  St.  j-larnaba-.  Phi  ish  and  e'hurcdi  ijome.  The  latter  fmrn  a  small 
beg'inning  soon  grew  to  a  large  estJibilshment,  and  now  (1874)  is  second  only  t<j  St. 
]vnke's  Hospital  in  X.  Y.  Having  l.'ibored  five  years,  in  order  tu  recajier.ite  health, 
accepted  a  call  to  Btdvldere  parish.  111..  iN57.  In  185!)  tool-;  charge  of  the  ciiy  mission 
in  Chicago,  and  out  of  it  grew  St.  Luke's  Hospital  and  also  St.  Mark"?  church  in  South 
Chicago.  In  18G1  volnnteered  chaplain  in  the  western  army,  and  served  18  months  as 
volunteer  without  compensation.  After  the  battle  of  Fort  IXmelson,  served  as  volunteer 
among  the  ])risoncrs  of  Camp  Houglass,  Chicago,  where  between  7,000  and  10,000  co;i- 
federate  prisoners  were  field;  atijjointed  U.  S.  Hospital  Chajdain  by  I'res.  IJucoln,  July, 
1802:  musiered  out,  fstjo:  reappointed  in  regular  army  as  Po-t  Chaplain.  Sejit.,  I8fi8; 
served  at  Fort  Sedgwick,  Ci>l.,  from  Sept.,  1808,  eight  months;  at  lM)rt  i>.  A.  Htissell, 
W.  T.,  8  year,-;  next  at  Fort  Duncan,  Texas,  i  )enr;  absent  on  sick  leave  in  Europe  18 
inontlis.  Author  of  Bnys  Buok  ahont  IiiditiiiK,  Camp  Life  (tnd  Expcrn'rices  on-  the  Plains, 
Jjfe  in.  C'arnjj  Boiiffla.^s  (i/iio/if/  E>hd.  J-'risiou r,s  and  B.^rdcr  Talex.  He  d.  in  X.  Y.  C. 
April  8(1  1881. 

An  obit,  published  in  the  X.  Y.  :<un  contains  some  additional  details  :  "  The  Kev. 
E.  B.  Tattle,  chaplain  in  the  United  States  army,  died  on  Saturday  at  his  late  home,  in 
105th  street,  near  the  Western  Boulevard.  He  had  b<'en  failing  for  half  a  year,  and  a 
few  v,-eel.'s  ago  he  went  South,  ho-ping  there  to  icncw  his  heallli.  He  returned  to  Xi'W 
York  a  week  ago  in  such  a  condition  that  he  had  to  be  carried  into  his  house  froni  the 
carriage.  Mr.  Tuttle  was  GO  years  old  and  was  born  in  Auburn,  X.  Y.  For  many  years 
he  WHS  pastoi-  of  a  church  in  Chicago  and  during  tlie  years  1861  and  1862  lie  had  charge 
of  Cam])  PouL^lass,  near  Chicago,  where  between  7.000  and  10,000  Confederate  prisoners 
were  held.  In  1^62  he  was  made  cluqdain  of  an  Illinois  regiment  in  the  .\rniy  of  the 
Potomac  in  Virginia.  He  went  ^VesI  after  the  war  and  was  stationed  at  various  fron- 
tier ])0Sts  as  (diajdain.  He  afterward  wrote  for  young-  readers  an  interesting  narrative 
of  his  e>;])eriences  among  the  Indians.  He  ha.d  bei-n  absent  fn m  the  iiriny  under  leave 
of  ab--.enee  dining  tlie  j.ast  ten  yeais,  jMirlly  on  account  of  ill  health.  He  made  several 
trips  to  i'hiiope  duniig  that  peiioil.  Mr.  Tuttle  wrote  fre(iuently  for  the  leligious  paju'rs 
and  published  several  books.  He  also  d<'Voted  much  time  to  woiks  of  benevolence,  and 
in  this  direction  was  en:'.bled  to  accom]ilish  mmdi  through  the  means  of  si-\eral  geiitit  - 
men  (;f  wealth  who  coatrilmt'  d  money  for  his  jjhilan.throj.ic  projecf'.-.  The  lun.-iiil  .-,ei- 
vices  yesterday  afternoon  wei-e  conducted  by  the  Kev.  Dr.  Pcli  is,  and  tlu  ;e  were  jnesent 
Dr.  Piyhinci^  of  St.  .Mark's  clou'li,  (ien.  NVi'lson  and  Dr.  lia.yden.  .Mrs.  Tutvle  went  last 
jdght  to   Chicago    with    her   husl!and\s   remains,  whi(di    will    be    buried    there."      Hem. 

TIJTTI.E.  5] 'J 

Nov.  IT),  1,^30,  Eliza  Cnrl:  (i?)  1849,  Emilv,  ,l;iu.  cf  l;i-v.  Wm.  'J'lK.r.ij.sDn,  who  d.  Aug, 
^■2,  1^04;  (3;  Jaly  54,  ISUS.'iU  ("liirao;o,  lU.,  rain.vM.  Woo-l.  u  naiivt.- of  .lerscy,  Eng. 
1,  Wji.LiANf  C".,"  b.  Oct.  17.  1>^M7.  2,  Jn.iA  ('.,'l'oc.  15,  INio;  dec.  .'5,  J^DM  t".Ni)  }S., 
May  -il,  1840.     4,   Elkwu.yx,  May  c;,  1841. 

111.  diaries  Norttiro}.,  li.  .Niaich  lo,  lS]f];  u\.  June  8,  18o(i,  llKn-'ut  Fiancos  Ji-n- 
niucs;  rcs.  An!. urn.      1.  .Iri.iA,     '?,   Ar»;vsi\.     ;>,   <.'n.'>in,KS.     4,    Emii.y. 

I\'.     liui-riei,  lii.  .laiiic.'^  Mfij.,nK'lle  and  hud.   1,   Ej.oitKNCK.   2,  Juamta.   3,   Nkm.ik. 
V.     Kichard.  1>.  Juno  2.  ]8r.i;  d.  next  day. 

\'l.     Marcia,  1).  .Xov.  2B.  1820:  ni.  Dec.  i:i  iSoS,  Julian  lluhuiKki   Iruni  Poland;  she 
111.  (2i.laD.  14,  ISt'.s,  (icortre  B.  Jiilton  of  I'rovJdmcc,  K.  1. 
VII.      Julia. 
Vtll.     Erasius  Jiarwin.  h.  Aul'.  2.").  1S20;  d.  ();•!.  Ki,  lS,n4. 

IX.  Joseph,  h.  Ajn'il  6,  ]82i):  C'api.;  served  in  L  .  S.  army  durini,^  \var  \silh  Me>;ico. 
In  1848  einig.  to  California  via  C'a]>e  Horn,  and  in  18411  met  the  firs!  overland  emigrati'jn 
from  tl)(?  Atlantic  States.  He  ])artici]iated  in  ninny  engagements  with  the  Indians  on 
the  frontier,  among  others  tlie  Modocs,  who  foiigdit  the  I'.  S.  troops  so  persi'-ti-ntly  in 
1874.  Ho  .served  during  the  rehellion,  raised  a  coai]jany  of  infantry  audi  was  .i  i.tonii- 
nent  and  energetic  officer.  He  wjis  ajipoinTed  on  tlie  staff  of  Brig,  (ien,  John  S.  Ma^dn. 
com.  I>ist.  of  Aiiz:ina,  to  tlie  posilioit  of  Chief  Quartermaster  and  T'hief  Commissary  of 
the  Mil.  I-)ist.  <if  Arizona  and  was  an  eliicient  oflicer.  Capt.  T.  is  now  on  duty.  Tie  rji. 
Fell,  o,  18o-').  Jane,  only  dau.  of  ThoiiiU':  and  Jam-  Kirklnua  nf  Liverjiool,  I'-ng. :  clul.  b. 
at  Renicia  Cal.  1,  Hahk!i:i'  Makia,  Nov.  12,  18;")5.  2,  J<isi;r]j  Euas'i  ts,  Aug.  9, 18o7. 
3,   Chas.  KiijiviiAM-,  Dec.  21',  18.59.     4,   Ma7;v  LoriSA,   May  29,  lS>j3. 

926215.  Henry  Blakesloe  Tut.tle,  b.  at  Sandgare,  Vt.,  Se^.t.  IC,  1817;  rem. 
Avith  I'arenis  to  Camliridgf;  theme  ubl.  1830  to  Lausingburg.  In  1841  rem.  \\ith  luorher, 
M'ife  and  one  si>n  tu  Cnyahog-a  Falls,  0.;  in  s])ring  of  lS42"bfnight  and  rem.  to  a  farm  in 
Pittsfield,  Lorriiine  Co..O..  which  he  (icc;ipie(.'  two  years,  then  returned  to  C,  Falls; 
rem.  finally  to  (.'levelnud.  u. ,  Jun.  1,  ISol.  where  he  carried  uu  an  extensive,  business  a.s 
an  iron  uierch.,  and  d.  ihere  April  9,  187^;  about  1872  contributed  ten  dollars  towards 
paying  the  expenses  of  comi'iling  lliis  work.  The  following  i>  from  a  jiroiiiiiient  Clo\e- 
land,  O.,  pajier: 

"A  fe\N  minutes  before  1  o'cloek  yesterday.  Mi.  H.  11.  Tuttle,  a  weli-kno-wn  iron 
dealer  and  for  many  yi-ars  an  honored  resident  of  this  city,  died  very  suddenly  at  Whit- 
ney's diinng  rooms  on  Superior  street.  .Mr.  Tuttle  had  entered  the  place  a  few  moments 
before  a]iparerilly  in  the  best  of  ln^alth,  nodding  in  a  friendly  way  to  several  ac(iuaint- 
ancf.q  who  sa.t  at  om'  of  the  taldes,  at  the  same  time  di\  esting  himself  of  his  overcoat 
and  hut,  whicii  he  luiuded  to  one'  nf  the  waiters.  He  next  sat  down  in  a  chair  and  had 
scarctdy  time  to  jiick  up  a  bill  of  fare  when  those  about  him  saw  a  sudden  jerk  of  his 
frame;  his  hands  dri")])]H'd  to  his  side,  his  head  fell  back  and  nothing  Avas  lieard  but  a 
slight  gurgle  in  the  throat.  ScA-eral  gentlemen  rushed  to  his  side  and  lifted  his  l.iody 
to  a  sid'a  that  was  noai'  by.  Medical  aid  was  summoned,  bu;  up.on  an  examiufitii'in  he 
was  found  to  be  deadi,  having  ]irol;ably  eypiteJ  immediately  upon  sitting  dov.-n  on  his 
chair.  His  son  and  a  number  of  acijuaintances  soon  arrived  and  toed;  the  body  in  charge, 
conveying  it  to  his  late  residence.  No.  Kj()4  Euclid  avenue. 

"  The  news  of  the  sudden  death  of  a  man  who  had  occupied  so  high  and  lionorable 
a  place  in  the  res]>ect  of  the  ]i(>ople  spread  rajddly,  and  a  fetding  that  another  of  tlie 
men  who  could  least  be  sjisred  had  l)een  taken  was  universal.  A  great  many  called  at 
tlie  olliee  of  Messrs.  11.  15.  'j'uttle  A,' Co.  during  the  afternoon  to  verify  tho  o-port  they 
had  heard,  while  a  large  number  of  near  friends  visited  the  stricken  family  at  their 
home  to  offv'r  sucli  words  of  sympathy  as  were  ])o>siliie  in  a  time  like  that. 

"  Mr.  Tuttle  had  not  been  feeling  w(dl  during  tb.e  greater  j^art  of  the  winter  and 
had  talkeil  of  going  away  fe)r  the  bi  nefit  of  his  health,  l>ut  for  a  little  tim.-  ])ast  had 
been  more  like  himself.  He  left  home  yesterday  morning  at  the  usual  time  and  at  noon 
left  his  desk  feeling  as  usual  and  coniplaiiung  of  no  feeling  of  jiainor  distress.  He  pvob- 
aldy  felt  no  ]iain  when  the  fatal  moment  arrived.  Lmt  }>assfd  out  of  life  into  immortality 
as  ([uietly  a--  a  child  falls  as!ee]>. 

"  Subsfouent  txrmination  caused  the  physicians  to  pi-ononiice  heart  disease  as  the 
causf  of  his  d"afh.  Mr.  Tuttle  %\  as  a  man  who  ui.mld  be  missed  from  any  community, 
liaving  won  and  held  a  reie,itatio!i  tor  honesty,  industry  and  henevohnce  second  to  that 
po.ssesscd  by  n.>  nuin  in  tiie  community.  He  was  born  in  Sandgate,  \'t.,  on  Sejit.  16, 
!;d  con -eijuently  \^a-.  CO  y.-ars  of  ae>  la.--f  fa.ll.  He  engaged,  in  Imsiiifss  at  an 
early  dat<',  and  in  18.51  commenced  in  ('icvtdand,  bring  engageil,  in  company  with  Mr 
Isaac  !..  Hewitt,  in  the  commir-siun  busii)<-,ss  on  the  liver,  v.lurr  he  remained  for  several 
years.      He   hdt  that    luisiness  and    was  made   Secre1ar\-  cd    what   is  riow    the   CU'NtdaiuI 

530  j;i;ancii  or  s].mox. 

Iroii  Miniii-:  Co.  ,At  lliis  time  tli.-  lii,>ii,^-..- ot  \hr  !.;ik<-  Supcrini'  or,-  tni-lc  \vn,s  in 
its  iut'aiicy  and  Mr.  'I'uttlc,  a-^  iimcli  as  any  iua!i  in  thf  city  or  clsowliprf,  \\•a.^  tlic  jticaiis 
liy  which  tlia!  Imlniiipss  was  oitr/inl  ami  l.uiit  ii]>.  rii.h'r  ih-  <!iicciion  ,',t'  this  coiiipaiiv 
]ic  \V(  lit  to  Mal!ji,,-tti'  aii<!  Mi))cl  jiitciah  d  the  luiildil,;;  of  tlic  Jil>i  dock  ever  hiiill  th.-ii". 
He  tlieii  hccanii-  tlic  ao-^ut  ,,f  the  Lake  Sui'crior  lr,,n  Co.  a.nd  on  tlic  orLranization  oi' 
i]\v  Chaiupion  li-oii  Co.  hi-cauic  lis  a^cnt,  and  at  the  pn.-ciii  iiiiiC  the  lii-;u  of  wlii.-li  lie 
vas  the  hfad,  were  lioidin;;-  tlie  .^ame  husiness  velaTJi  us  with  the  coiiijnuiies  named.  In 
this  business  Mr.  'I'uttlc  accutiuilated  a.  han.isoTiic  ]iro)icrty,  which  he  knew  liow  to  use 
in  ii  most  littinj,'  way,  and  for  the  o-ood  of  otheis  as  wdi  as'  for  himself  or  hi.'s  own. 

"As  a  christiau  man  wIjonc  iicncvohn.-e  ^vas  unostentatious  hut  alv^avs  readv,  Mr. 
Ttdtlo  ->va.s  alway.s  known  and  will  h<'  so  rcniembered.  For  years  lu^  w  a.'?  a'consoi- "n'tioiis 
inenihur  of  the  S'oue  Church,  and  r,o  niun,  after  the  v7  years  of  d.dly  hu.siness  he  did  in 
Cles-eland,  can  say  but  tliat  he  lived  u})  to  this  pri>fessio'n,  nor  c,dl  hiin  a  hvi^ociite.  He 
was  a  modest  man  and  al;ovp  all  thing's  disliked  notovietv.  JJc  vvas  a.  di'-ec'tor  in  .^evera; 
lienevolent.  as  well  as  business  t;ssociat!o:is,  ami  all  will  fc'-l  tie-  loss  of  his  wise  and 
<'Xce!leiU  counsels. 

"  Mr.  'J'nttle  leave.-  a  wif,;  and  four  sons,  three-  of  whom,  Messrs,  d'eoroe  K.,  I'jed- 
erick  J.,  ami  Horace  .V.,  are  resi(huits  (d'  (levclund,  \\  Ivr.;  thev  arc  en>::a!<ed''in  bu'sim-ss, 
-vvldU:  the  fourth,  Albert  H.,  is  Prof,  of  Zoolo.ry  y.^d  Conipara'tive  A n atom v  of  the.  Ohio 
Agriculrui'til  and  Col.  at  Cojumijus.  'J'(j  all  these  mournini^'-  friends  the 
syiuiiatliy  not  only  of  a  hir^M-  circle  in  Ch-veuind  will  l,e  extended,  but  that  cd'  tlie 
general  public,  to  wlioni  Mr.  'J'utth-  was  only  known  as  a  man  furemo.^t  in  every  u-ood 
work  and  whose  word  was  held  as  sacred  as  his  written  bomi." 

He  m.  Oct.  10.  IB^T.  Kimdine  lieed  of  Lansingbunv,  N.  V. 
1.     Georjj:.' IJied.  Jan.   24,   iS'-id:  stud,  for  the    l^pis.    ndni.stry;  an  exhibitor  at  the 
Vienna  World's   Exposition;  ni.   at   Clevidaiui.    Aui;.    lo,    ISOi:,    Catharine   Thaver      1 
Louis  FiiEDiiiMCK.  Sept.  15,  ]Mi3.     .3,  Jessik  b.   at   Middlesex     Pa     'juiv  4 
iNfJo.  '  ■         .      . 

n.  Frederick  Feonurd,  Feb.  IT,  1S4-?:  m.  Jan.  C;-,  ISO:,  Julia  1'/.  Sturtevant  1 
Fii.'.X'-Ks  Fmki.inf.,  Jan.  If.i,  ISdS.     2,  Hi;:,-ky  ATiii;i.j;KJiT,  Mav  1'.!.  INTO. 

JIl.  Aliu-rt  Henry,  Nov.  1!),  bS44.  In  Feb..  l^M,  appt.  Prol.  of  /o,doi;v  and  Coni- 
imrative  Anatomy  in  <.)hi()  Slate  Fniversity  in  Columbus,  O.,  and  now,  LSvJ^'still  holds; 
in.  .Vujr.  7,  1«73,  Kate  A.  Sceley  of  Austinsiiurg,  Ashtabula  Co.,0.,  in  ^'a'ris,  France- 
res.  iiJ:,!  E.  Broad  St..  C,  O.  1,  W.M.  B  ,  Julv"";!  lsi74:  Austiusl)urij.  2,  Cj..\ka  ISI  b' 
Dec.  1),  1.S7.-);  Columbu-^.      ;.),   A.N.\-\S.,  Mav  V.),  Ls;7. 

]\.     Clarissa  Jlaria,  Pec.  II,  Ls4(;;  d.  "ui  Cleveland,  Mav  4,  1S5J. 
\'.      Ibuace  Augustus,  Jrdy  17,  IN."")!. 

VF      Howard  Clarence,  twin  with  11.  A.,  d.  May  2o,  bSG'J. 

92623.  Joseph  Tuttle,  b.  May  8,  i;7.J;  res.  Sandgate,  Vt.;  Selcciui.iu;  Justice 
of  the  Peace;  Collector  of  'I'aNes;  lU-]).  in  Srate  Feir.  five  S(-ssion>.  In  earl  v  lit'.-  kcj.t 
])ublic  house  a  nuiuber  of  year-,.  His  ])arenis  beloii;r,-d  to  tl.-e  Pn-sli.  chh.  and  he  was 
brought  uj.  strictly  in  that  faith.  He  wrote  a  g.,o-4  deal  on  bir.di  bark  bv  hreliu-l,t, 
^veuiiigs,  and  worked  his  farm  bareb.ot.  Temperate  in  ;dl  thin-s,  honest,  verv  kind  to 
the  po(jr,  always  ready  to  help  the  nee.iy,  i,])t  at  rhvming,  self-made,  and,  perhaps,  none 
tlie  worse  for  that,  an  excellent  man  and  iini v.-s.siljv  respected.  He  d.  V\-b.  1."j,'fS(U.  a 
8(1  .M-s.;  m.  Abigail  Hurd,  b.  17n2:  d.  .May  27,  1821  i^her  mother's  maiden  name  was 
Johannah  Bristid). 

F      Or.Hut,  b.  Oct.  2S,  1797;  d.  June  o,  1S24,  of  cons.:   num. 

n.  (iracie  or  (iralia,  May  2S,  1^0]  ;  d.  at  Sand-;-..  Auir.  27,  lS2-'i;  m.  Ort.  14.  FsHl, 
Jonathan  Dayton,  who  was  of  Flint,  Mich.,  1N74.  and  luui  m.  in  .Mich.,  L^u-S,  2d  wf.! 
Cynthia  Abbo't;  fes.  d' rand  Blanc,  .Mich.  ;  farmer.  1,  .IcsKi'ii  Ti'j -Ji.!-;  '  b  at's  Nov' 
10",  1S20. 

III.  Maria,  0<-t.  10,  lsn;j;  ,„.  Jan.  .'!,  1S21.  V,'il!iam  (.'rav  ,,f  Shushan,  N.  Y. ;  res. 
(.'aimlen,  X.  \".  1.  S.McAii.  Oct.  .-),  1.S22;  m,  Oct.,  IS.pj,  Smith  Peck.  1,  C.n-nrF  b 
July  G.  l^-"^(>.  2,  IFc!/-  r.,  .I,ily  24,  IM'J.  2,  .\nn,  F.-b.  17,  ISOC;  d.  Sept.  2U,  i'sdU.  '  :J, 
AFviiV.  M.-uidi  17,  is:;i;  u;.  Jan'  1,  Is.VJ,  (b-or;;,-  Di.-ioc!,  \\ho  d.  IM).  I,  JS.")2.  '  4,  J.\m;,' 
Sei-i.  11,  l,s:;:-t  r^,  Ci,.\i;k,  Juh-  l-j,  is;i(i;d.  .Juiv  12,  is:;s.  ii,  M  \i;i.\  .)ulv2;!  ls4-''- 
in.  March  IG,  K^-'3!t.  Jolin  Hnrd.      1.    A'/,--,/,/    )/     dI-c    l.",    It^il'j  '         '        ' 

IV,  Sophia,  Feb.  l.\  d,  .May  II,  Imis. 

\'.      l.aura,  \\\[\\  with  Sophia,  d,    .\p;;!  2:!,  isOs. 
^'^        lb>sv,c'F   Dec.  J,   pviiV   ,1.  .■,:;-.'(;,    psio.   m.    S.i.iianllia,  d;oi.  of   Zc-n.-is    t'rin.ile 
b.  Oct.  lit,    I,s(J.5:  d.    Aug.    ;;i.    l^G.-).      1.   K.    (.'u.vnt,  Sept.  :!.    !s:;s:  m.    s.-nt.    IC,    p;i;2, 
Carrie    lieniieman;     res,    Arnn--(on,    \'t.       1,    (!r'i<-e    A..    March    4,    iSiKi.     '2     ii,'\\\V]i 
Ar(;c.sT.«.,  Feb.   IP.  ]sj.-,;  m.  Sept,  14,  bsTo,  K    A.  Derrick  of  Prun-^u  ick,  .\    A 

TCTTLE.  521 

9263.  F.lisba  Tuttle,  Nov.  -ll  1:Uk  '\.  in  <;...<!:(•!,,  Conn.,  .luly  2^,  IS-.T),  a.  71); 
1)1.  AniaiiiLi  l';ii!<-'  (M'  iJiirliiii't"!!,  Conn.,  who  li.  in  (i.,  iJcc.   1].  ]S;".i,  a.  N:J. 

1.      li'iis,  m.  ami  icni.  in  Mariftta.  (>.,  an  1  ]ii.  {'2). 
II.      'i'ini<itliy.  111.  abiMit  1  7!)o,  J'llizahi'tii  i.air.      1,   N.\.N(V,  Auiv,  ITMi);  I'fs.  (i.;  uuiii 

2,   I'J.iiiC.  Jan.,  iso,);  in.   H^'lscy  Palv.-r,      1.    />ni.,ui. Tui-ntM- oC  LaK^rill.-,  ("onn.; 

s.  i.      '■].    At'.',  s'l'is,  .Ian.    14,    Ib'n  :  nosv,    KST.'i,    liv.  ;   nn-.n.      -1,    A  i.\m:  \,  .hilv,  1.^():1:    m. 

.loiia    \^'ill■n^•.      .-.    i:i.!ZA.    -Ian.,    ISO'J;   in.    Pfck ;   ivni.    W't-s;;    iia.l  .srv.  cliii.       G, 

Ni-.l.^^nN,  Fi'l)..  IsnS;   nnwUv.:    num.      7,   <>!i\'i;,    li.    ahnnt    isil);    d.  nnin.     S,    .\.NtANl>A 

M.\i;i.\.     1),    L.WKA,  Jiuu-,  isit;,:  m. Kniinr-ns;  .v.  ;'.      lu,  Tlnlnk;!;  (.'.,  (son)  Sept.  8, 

LS18;  m.  Nov.    ID,    ]y-oi,    Eliza    Kelly:  ro^.    (ioshen.      1,    'I\iiinn-   ('.,    Nov.    7,    1>.V),     2, 
y,7/f/ii.9(ii.-i,  Aug..  IS.YS. 

'ill.     Olive,  in.  Jo'iii  M.tliannali;  (Oi  Jarfd   Cnrtis.      She  <1.    Ort.,    ISGO,    a.S').      ,-.  bv 
1st  in.:      1,   C'VXTIIIA,  (I.  0.;t.  00,  L'^Mi,  a.  di.     2.   Ai.ANs.o;,  d.  May  :.'•>,  IMO,  a.  10. 
\V.      'J'rmnan,  i.l.  at  <t.,  May  'S.  ISIO.  a.  (if>;   iii.  Prmlrnee  Fi.sli. 
V.      llnldali,  ]■"■  I).  .').  17S-3;'  d.  Orr.  "JS,  1St;i»,  ;i.  S7;   num. 
VI.     .ICIi-^ha,  h.17--""):  d.  :iT(J,,0.t.  :Jd.    LS-27,   a.  4-^  m.    P.dl\    ].<->'   of   Middletov-.-n, 
Conn.     1,   lUNNAii  ^\^,  d.  Nov.  IG,    IS^O,    a.    l.s.     2,  Ja.m-;   C.  d.  ,\o%-.  2;,  ]S:JS,  a.  22. 

:!,     Mahv   Axx,    d.    Ar,;r.     ],    1>4S.    a.    y7;   m.    Wm.    CIn.'valier.      4,'.    m.   

AVarnei.     5,   IJKxm.     d,   <.'ha!![,i->.     7,   Imoce.nk.     8,   Ain  kmh:s).\. 

VJi.  Xonnau,  Nov,  ."i.  ^7^7;  d.  l-"el).  12.  1S.-,S;  i-(.,s.  Troy,  X.  Y.:  iirojiii-doi- (^f  tlie 
7'roy  i^t'idinrl  mid  ni'  tin  /'/■•'//  Dnilij  Mnjl;  willi  son  and  dan.  visitcil  Mary  I'l'nttle')  Sedii;- 
wick  tU(^  ilay  slir  d. :  ni.  in  j'.aTisin^-hni'yli,  X.  Y ..  \K^c.  ',i,  ISlO,  ^.'ally  Phi!lii)s,  b.  New 
Ivondou,  Conn.,  A]ni)  2~>.  l7sS:  d.  on  lier  birtli;iay,  A]>iil2o,  1>-''jO,  in  'i'roy.  1,  Cuaiuj:.-^ 
Fhei)i:ki<;k,  dau.  2o,  ISP'J:  d.  in  T. ,  Sfi)!.  iO,  18o2.  2,  Fan.w  Pi  j/.atskdi,  b.  AJbany, 
N.  '1'.,  Oct.  lu,  JS.?d:  t-arhiT  in  trov;   num.:  .1.  .March,  Ps7:.i, 

VIII.  lehabod,  Au,:r.  '-^G,  I7S;l;  d,  in  (.'.',  lSi;(;;  in,  Jan,,  iSj,""),  d'race  Ero^vn;  rdill  Piv, 
lit  (p  1,  S\'i.Y  A.\.N,M:;y,  ]s!7:  d,  .n\  ;'. ,  l^i;2:  in.  Jam-'s  Buim  of  Nor'odk,  Conn.  2, 
^VII.LIA.M,  1"<21:  until.  /!.  CiodkoE,  Juno.  p^2-J:  nnin.  4.  Pmua.  ISO.'i:  m.  Calob  Lake 
of  Slianni,  (■onn.;  i2i  Henry  Cartu'riixht,  ?'.  by  1st  ni.:  1,  S:ir-ili,  lu.  li'-e  Mitcdiell,  a 
(iovt.  Sniv.-yor;  h./ated,  1^74.  at  Denver,  Col.  5,  Et.isiiA,  h.  1^;27:  e:')li;ited  in  23d 
IVmn.  Pe,':jt.  and  was  wounded  in  L:/uisiuiia;  m.  Ilariiet,  Chaniberlain  of  Sharon  and  has 
4  cUiP 

92634.  Tx-uraan  Tuttle,  d.  at  0,,  M;.v  3,  18IG,  a,  6G,  m.  Prndenre  Fisli,  udio  d. 
Marrli  11',  IS  12.  a    G2. 

1.  Pois,  b.  1S07;  m.  Lnke  Kya.n;  res.  Purlingion,  Conn.  1,  Juirx.  2,  FiucD- 

IP  Calvin,  b.  in  Ali'uid,  Mass.,  Sept.  20,1809;  res.  on  the  old  Tntile  ]»laee  in 
Ciosl^n,  (,'onn,,  wliieli  be,.-!!  in  the  i'am.  over  100  yrs.;  m.  at  \\'aterio\',  n,  Conn.,  Peb. 
G,  PS44,  Mary  Ann,  dau.  ijf  .bmathan  Doolittle,  b.  Chesliire,  (.'nnji. 

IIP      Alvah   Bradley,   d.    in   Mich.isran    City,    Ind.,   Jan.    7,    ISGl*,   a,    57;    i\\.    ]'"sther 
]\lorse  of  .NP  C,  Iml.      1,   MixxiE.     2,   Ci[A];i.ii;s.     o,   'I'iu.max.     4,   E.m.m.\. 

W.  Cuy  Wadhams,  ii.  Pouliiiey.  Vt.,  1N14;  d,  M,  C.,  hid.,  Ort.,  PS.")3;  in.  Pucy 
llenshaw,      I,   (ifv  Wadiiams,  res.   Hi. 

V.  Esther,  b.  (P.  Conn.,  Jnne  :j,  1S20:  d.  in  M.  C,  1S."")1 ;  m.  March  li),  1S4:P 
^\,  s.  of  David  and  Phebe  (<'ollins)  Wadhams  of  ( P ,  I).  Oct.  27,  1^20.  1,  Clakissa, 
h.  May  30,  lbl4;  d.  y.  2,  Addik,  Nov,  P"),  PS47:  adopted  at  the  a.  of  G  yrs,  by  her 
uncle,  Calvin  Tuttle:  ni.  in  C,  I'eli,  G,  1NG7,  ]')aniel  Norton  Pucas.  1,  Pi;axi;j,IX  Cai,- 
viN,  Jan,  11),  ISGS,  2.  Da.xik!.  l-^nwix,  Jan.  :;,  1^71.  :J,  Maicv  Adjmk.  ]'"el.).  .5,  iy72. 
4,  Charles,  Oct.  4,  lS7o, 

9264.  Ichabod  Tuttle,  P.  June  23,  174S.  One  of  the  28  men  of  (iosln^n,  Conn., 
Avlio  enlisted  May  3P  1775,  in  the  Co.  of  Capf.  John  Sede;\vick  (i:.  f.  of  Maj.-llen.  J. dm 
Sedgwick)  of  Cornwall  Ilollou.  b)r  'J'iconderoo-a  (captured  May  Pt,:  m.  Eel).  20,  1772, 
]-]lizal>eth  Matthews:  rem.  to  Wyomiiii;-:  was  in  the  battle  July  ;!,  1  r7N,  and  killed  by 
the  Indians  while  rrainine-  towards  the  rivi^r  for  escajie.  His  name  is  inscrib^'d  with  P5'.) 
other  victims  (d'  Hiat  arroeiiy  on  tie-  moiinmeni  erected  to  tlnir  memory.  His  wife  \\i\\\ 
her  thri'e  .smtill  children  esrup.-d  in  a  bo;U  d(;\vn  the  rixci,  and  made  her  \v;-.y  baidv  to 
(\a\ii.     She  ni.  (2'  Oi-t.  24,  17;»2.  Cant.  Thomas  HuiiL^ei  I'oid.  She  d.   a.  SG. 

P      Calvin,  b.  Oct.  21,  1772;  m.  Pnth  Ann  Miner. 

IP  Pnthcr.  b.  April  s.  177P  r.t.  17fti;,  Mary  Pat  tholoniew  of  Ip-isto].  Conn.,  who 
d.  Ma.y  3.  I'^OS,  a.  2'.i,  Poih  h.i:>b;u;d  and  wL  di.  s.iine  Aav  id'  spoir-d  tever.  1 ,  ( 'iiAfx*  r.v, 
l-i.  I7i»7.  2,  liK'isEV.  1).  17'.i'.C  m.  lS2o,  Carter  Ne\v-eji.  :;,  Pi.Mir.i.  b.  l^ijp  .i.  a..  3  yis. 
4.  Mai'.y,  b.  lNi)3;  m.  Orrh:  .7.  Ci  J.ixda,  b  is'ip  n..  W'iHia.m  l!r>v,n.  Cv  1  iM  I'ti.i: 
Pii;.mi;e!.,    1).    isd7;    m,    J;ia.   2o,    ls;u),   \p.iiha  'i'ourney;    chil.  b,  in    Bri.--iol,  Ccmn,       1, 

^^^  BRAKCJT    OF    SniO.V, 

Asahel  L.,  h.  Oct.  2.-),  is;^,0;  d.  Frl..  ]    1S;^!)    a    s  v.-      '■>    7^^  ."7~Tr  ~i~T7oT^     T 

^.  I'd).  2  0.  Ib.l0;  11).  June  20,  lS(i2,  Fmnk  C.  Mors..  ]  i,;,'r/u,  ^4    isri      o' 

c:t.?;s:^: ;  l;:  i^^if IMS^^- ,  ^,;1 -'■--  --^-  ^  -^^-^:/a: ;'^:"l^^:  t\.^, 

Ti  I        1..!..  11    1      T    1     .^-'     ■  : 

IJI/    JrhalHu],  I..  J. 1/2:;;  ITTC;  n-!n.7nX.  Y.  Mate. 

II.      IJnrv.v    I,.  1),.,,  ].  1794:  i,j.  ISIO,  ]{l„„la  Sanfoni 

J.      h^M-y,    ,.  ^^'Pt.  28    n:K>;  m.  1812,  \Villi.v,n  Sanford.  ; 

V  Laura,  h.  }.,_.b.  i;s.  ],oi,  ,,,.  J82i;  Jos.,,],  Jhnvkins.  '  "                               I 

A    .  )h-TH-y,  1,    J..,..  l,i    1S02;   hk  ]m-!1.  Ahhca   D.mi,.^.  ^ 

Vl   I  S.r'r'V'^^"''^-'-'-  '^"^^  m.  ]s;i!,.Iaz..]Jic),ardson. 

lA.  LIv.ra,  b.  2fi.  INM.;  m.  ]N2d.  E,,l,rai,u  Dudlev;  .2)  ])aniH  St.xvart                            ' 

David  Saliionl  of'^lil.lJu^^^'^r^^'':,^:  ^f  ^"^ 

Tuttle,  bro.  of  llirl^yV/bJ  li; ';,,:;■  ''^''  ^""  ''"^'■'  •^"""  ^'-    I'-l-rdson.  m.  XVarre.. 
ever  after.      ],.  is'     v'J-x    V      ^^  '""'"  ^'""^  ='  '^'"'■^^^Kt':  i.'g  broken,  and  ia,u.^ 

of  tie  iirm       lb>  "rr,.rv«r,l  ,.o.,Ki;  1 V  1  \     •         --"^^  "^  ^"^'''^■'  ''f-f-aine  a  n.eiii. 

lieah],  to  give    :  u  T     vd   ■    ^^  rl   "      7  ^:?^  1  ^"  t'"^  ^"^^''^^''  ''"^  ''-"M-lb-i  Lv  ill 

town,  N.  .1    a  iKH il\t<.re    ,i       ;^n        '  '"  ''  ^'"'"^^  nn,.ruved  o]„-i,ed  in  Hacketus- 

death,  D.-e   "i;  7:^io       '    r^udem^l"rV7^  FoHtabl.    business  a.    tbe  ,i„ie  #f  his 

i^-tte (V dan.  of .a^u.e, M-^iiiuln" f ^:^;:n .;r'Tr'"."'^^;  ^: '%fi"^-^  ^-'^  ^-^'T 

of  F.  liav..  K;    litletn   V    D.    Sr?^    ,   ^^•"•'-    ■'VV'^'f-V'^r";  "^-'-l'"!'-  <-odwin 

187U.  2,  M.uv  MofLTcx:  b.  i^t  h.'n':/;]; '.n; '^i;!^;  ^'  -^^'"^  ^'"-''-- 1^-  ^-I't-  ^'- 

926418      Betsey  Tuttle,  b.   yept.  2s    hog-  n,    F.-b    n    imo  \x-„- 

Oliver  ,<aulord.  ii.  in  Pownal    V,      1>.-,.    is    V-^  /  1  H-'-    1-5.    bS]  2.    A\,liiani,    s.  o{ 

held  other  ofnn.s;,^oldenv;id;.^-V,i;i?:,;'r^''^^^^  ^-''^'■'"    ■^''-    ''"^•'    ^"-^ 

descendants  and  a  ar«^  u  Ah^J  o?  f' ■  ,  u  H  ,  v  ''  "^T"  ;''^^''"'"*  ''>'  "*"^^  "^  ^^■'''^• 
old  hnrucstead;  cliil    b    i./tC  ^''''^'  ''■^-  ^^^^'   ^'' '''■  "o^^"  '■^•^-  f'"  the 

1S07,  s  o;s;::'nc"rT^t?ry''-  '-^^^^;":?^^-  •^^-  ^^-^-  ''"i-  ^^-  ^^-^-'-k,  b.  xov.  3 
f..i  .-.onti.r ."vb^:  d ;,;<;>;  ;!;;r'sr' ■>;  '1  -"^'  '•^"'  ''"'^-  ^ ''^-  "'■i'^- ^^-  ^^•^~' 

postal  i>(.tersou  Iowa  vin-er  ,Tf  t  (':/ <  7-  ?  '  "''■-  '"  '-^'""''''r'd  of  the  militarv 
^VKlhadeoninuuwof  V.  r^o,r ''^r  '■•;"'  ^^"'"'-  •'''  ^-  ^-  '"'■■  ^f-''^'  ^-l^'^-. 
war  was  artivei;  e  ,p'X; V  i  1  "  !  '  ^  ""^"  ""'^'^■'^•"'  '"^'-  ^^  "  "'•  ^^'--  I-'^"-in.  th.^ 
severalnaiTovve;.^n(:^^i;^.,i:\   ';,;':;•''■  ""pg"'^^nts   with    tl,e   Indians,   and    had 

tl.atinanene<.unter\vithtvelv:!   ndi   r'    ,^,r,?-"S^^^-^"f'''    '?''  '•"^,'^"^''-      ^'    '^   '^'''^'^'^ 

?::;:.;'■:!;:';;:;;;■-,.  /^:;,  ;::;ri:^r^^'"^"i^-  ^^t-  ^^^'i-  '^  i^-:'m  ;^Fii:;i;..:i.  r; .;  •, '!:f 

TUTTI.E.  ^^ 

.  o,    m.(,,.  ,„    v.,v'.1    I.Sf.O    Kva  H.,  <1hu.  of   Hev.    ilcnry  .Icwcli  of  Koine,  N. 

ISG:^   James  McMullhr.  jr.,  of  Cast.,  L.  Mairl,   d,  IS.'..       .,  l...ia.n,   .\ .  i.i.. 

IRGT      4    T.H.ijK.  b.  .Tulv  G,  ISIil).  ,,     ,  ,,,i. ,,.;,., r  LMia- 

to  di^ -»0!Hr  In^j;-^-;!^.  ^''l^'^^,-  ,n.  Feb.  27,  ls45,  Jamos  C.  s.  of  H.  V.  Hogk- 

TAMA,  b.  Scjit.  :<).  1846; 
ncliani  in  Albany,  N.  \  . 
ifuvcttr  W..  s.  of  Wasb- 
fanVv  goods  in  Castletou, 
lunt  in  Tcjwn  alT;  irj>.     _  1: 

1,  1-    ,  .    1     N-    ,•    o    isJO-   ..rul    Cast    SiMU     1N>..  Willi   nouor:  a  musiriaii   oi   consid- 

b"  Ma.rU2^    is'il;  a.  An-.  K,  lsi:4.     0,  Fhankii.  .1.,  I^<-'';^1''.  1^^'- 
IX       Delia  Santonl,  b.  .Inne  2o.  1K):>]  d.  J  un.'  1'-,  l^-i>- 

c.-.sful    su.geonaud    ,,hy.i.-ian;   olr.-n  .allo-l    to  d-^=->-    '"  ^'^  "       "ipl  ,.     ]  .       •       n  ' 
.ar::.rv:  ju^uib-ivd  n.u.-b  exposnu-  and  banish,-,  ....-^.Hg    b  ■  y''   ;•    •;';^,      i '  ^u,:.),   .nd 
west  of  Mai..d,..M.T,  ofton  in  siiow  and   nun,  s  ,uiotinK-s  obhgf<l   to  baxc    nu-  M.i^^n   a 

5:24  BRANCJl    OF    SfMOX. 

foot  it  thyoiiuh  (I'M'p  sn.iw  lo  \  isit  llu-  sick;  he  %\;!s  mild  nii'l  e;i-<y  in  (li.-^p.isiiioii  mikIjis 
V(-<u\v  tu  ir.-^)'Mii<l  tu  lliu  CcilN  <il'  ilif  iii'i.i  uir!  liAvly  ;is  (if  llir  cnrmi-iit  or  rich;  lie  i!.  by 
stroke  of  ]>:ualvsis.  .IuIn  -J:;,  lS(_i(l;  lie  lu.  M;uy  liulklry.  ,i:iu.  ui  (Icii.  Murtili  IJoliiMts  dl" 
^lanclieslcr,  \'l.:  1).  Ai'ur.  "J.  1M)-J:  d.  .juurli,  istl  ;  )m-  hi.  CJ)  .)  iiih^  10.  ]S44,  .lerr.slia. 
Avid.  of  ]M-.'d.Tirk  'J'obrv  and  dau.  of  i.ysl.^r  'J'u\  Inr  cd'  l.vv,  Ma>s. ;  b.  Nov.  5S,  ].s(Xi. 
L  bv  1st  711,; 

I.  Ennii.n  ^it'ori;l^  b.  ])rc.  21,  ls:JU;  clerk  and  in  mercantile  bus.  in  X.  "i  .  city 
(1848-lSGO}:  mere.  i>us.^in  Dorset.  Vt.,  several  yeuis;  has  ben  Town  Auditor  smd 
Ju^:■ticeof  the  Peace;  collected  this  record  of  descon<lants  of  (  alvin  'J'uttle;  in.  Feb.  7, 
IS.jtj.  >farv  Ad<dia.  dan.  of  Kdnmnd  llatlield  of  IIiid<on,  N.  Y.;  b.  April  2-2,  \s:y4.  1, 
M.\RY  Ei,m;-N.  b.  Oct.  2i',.  IS.'jii;  d.  Julv  ](».  iMiJ.  -2.  (iKoiioK  Moiiton,  Aug.  i'i,  18r)S. 
3,  Emma  C'.\i;oi.ixk.  b.  Aug.  7,  IsiiJ.  -i.  .JKursuA.  b.  Nov.  2(i.  ISliv!.  5,  Emv.htt 
Edmund,  b.  Oct.  26,  18(34."  ti,  Alkkkd  Kk  iiai;d.  Sept.  18,  d.  Sept.  24,  1S71. 

II.  Ellen  Marv.  b.  Jan.  14,  18:!;i;  d.  Aug.  16,  1801;  m.  Aug.  14,  180:5,  Ilcery  H. 
Barstow,  M.  D.,  of  ('•finaan,  N.  Y.;  grad.  Union  Col.;  lie  d.  of  cjui^..  March,  18."34;she  ni. 
(2)  Juh-  4,  IN.M,  lleurv  Morton,  s.  of  Henry  Cushman  of  I)or.-<et.  Vt.,  b.  Aug.  38,  iS^o; 
Mr.  ('."\\.iir  v>  N.  Y.  city,  ls41.  as  clerk;  then  in  Paris,  Fiance,  b)r  three  or  four  yr.s.  a?  for  an  injponinir  iK'Use:  now  a  merchant  in  N.  Y.  city.  ;'.  by  Od  m, :  1,  A  son, 
b";  and  d.  .Julv  2:i,  ]^^:)'.).     2,   IIakiiv  Enfmktt,  b.  .lune  28,  1800. 

in.     Julia,  b.  Ee!).  10,  1.880;  d.  Aug.  18,  18:-;7. 

IV.  Charles  Clark,  b.  Dec,  b^45;  ni.  180'.).  Delia  Emma,  dau.  of  Jonathan  Howard 
of  Dorset,  b.  Ajiril  1.  b^.V.';  one  cliil-1.      1,  Jt'),!  \  J  i:i;i-siiA. 

92G415.     Laiira  Tuttlc,  b.  Feb.  M,  1.801;  m.   Feb.  1.5.  1821,  Joseph,  s.  of  Mose.s 
Hawkins. d'  Casilo-on,  Vt.;  b.  April  22.  1790,;  d.  Eel;.  22,  1S12. 

I.  All)eit  Hawkins,  April  12,  1824;  killed  by  a  fall,  Aug.  29,  18:)7. 
IE      Henrv  Hawkins,  Feb.,  d.  June  4,  1820. 

IE.  Cornelia  Eaura  Hawkins,  1).  .Tulv  0,  1.828:  ni.  March  21,  1.849,  Don  C.  s.  of 
Elisha  (Jates  of  Cast.,  b.  Aug.,  1825.  He  was  Dep.  Sherifl  of  Rutland  Co.,  Vt..  sevoral 
vrs. ;  rem.  to  15ig  Mock,  Iowa;  nienh.  1,  I^rkdekkk.  b.  May  11,  ISoO.  2,, 
Nov.  2,  is.-.l.  :j,'  Ai.KKUT,  Fell.  C.  1S.")4.  4,  Pktkk,  July  12,  18.").").  ."),  CuitNKi>iA,  July 
IE  Esr)7.  0,  Maky,  .Ian.  17,  18.5!!.  7,  CifAiu,Ks.  June  11,  1800.  S,  Haiuukt,  July  11, 
1802.     9,  Emma,  March  7,  180E     El.   Edoai:,  Feb.  19,  1800.     11,   ])^»N,  Aug.,  1.^08. 

IV.     Hrnrv  Hawkins,  b.  Ser>t.,  PnoO;  d.  June  3,  1832. 

V.  Jane'Sarah  Hawkins. 'b.  Jan.  28,  18::52;  m.  Jan.  2^,  IS-^iG,  John  J.,  s.  of  John 
Jones  of  \\'ales,  (it.  Britain,  b.  May,  18.52;  immigrated  to  U.  S. 'and  located  at  Cast., 
1853;  sev.  vrs.  Supt.  of  Slave  Manfg. "('■>. ;  some  time  a  merch.  in  Cranville,  N.  Y.,  now 
farmer  and  in  slatebus.  at  Cast.,  Vt'  1.  JosKrn  Hawkins,  b.  Jan. 23,  l>-'57.  2,  John,  b. 
June  0,  185,s.  ■',,  Eat'iia  'JrTTi.E.  b.  Feb.  15,  1.801.  4,  William,  Feb.  7.  1803.  o, 
Hkn-ky.  .\\uj:.  24.  ISGI.  0,  Hiciiakd,  Nov.  30,  ISOO.  7,  FitKDK.r.rcK,  Jan.  3,  18G9.  8, 
^VALTl•:l:,  Dec.  22,  1870.     !),,  Aug.  22.  1873.     10.   H.vttik,  Sept.  14,  1875. 

VE  Harriet  Ellen  Hawkiuis,  b.  Julv  3,  1S33;  m.  March  4,  18.50,  Snlomor.  K.,  s.  of 
Elisha  Gates  of  Cast.,  b.  Marcli  4,  1820;"sev.  vrs.  Dej).  Sheritt  of  Rutland  Co.  and  Con- 
stable of  CVstlfton,  Vt.;  enlisted  in  the  9  nms.' Vt.  \'ols.,  Aug.  15,  1802;  re-enlisted  Sept. 
2,  1K>3;  chosen  Orderl  v  Serirt .  Co.],  17th  Vt.  Vols.;  wounded  .-.nd  taki-n  ])risonpr  at 
Poplar  Crove  churLdi.  Sept.  30,  1804;  three  months  afterwanis  his  family  lieaid  that  lie 
d.  of  his  wounds,  Oct.  3,  1804;  he  was  in  several  battles,  including  that  of  Oettysburg. 
1,  Betsey  Ai.iDA,  b.  Jam  22,  1852.  2,  Dellv  Ellen,  Julv  27,  1.853.  3,  Cyki's,  April 
21,  1.8.5.'^. 

\U.  Emma  Frances  Hawkins,  b.  Mav  0.  b^lO;  m.  April  20.  1.^04,  John  Rule  of 
DeWitt,  Iowa;  merch.,  who  d.  Ma\  25,  ISOS,  leaving  Heki-.eut  C,  b.  April  12,  1807. 

92G11G.     Henry  Tuttle,  b.  Dec.    10.    1.802;  d.  April  7.   1807;  m.   Oct.   24,  1831; 
Althea,    dau.  of   John    D.-ming  of  Cast.,  b.  Mav  2S,  1SU7.   d.  June   10,  1S31:(2)  Dec.  19. 
1833.  Diadama.  dau.  of  Reub-^T.  ^Va^e  of  Palprnio,  N.  Y.,  b.  Aug.  2,  1813.     i.  by  1st  m.; 
L      Althea  Jane,  1).  Jan    4.  1.833:  d.  Sept.  7,  18.5.8.     i.  by  2d  m.: 

II.  Ruth  Ann,  b.  Jan.  2,  1S37:  m.  Mav  25.  1.S50,  \Ve.sley.  s.  of  'I'homas  Carpenter 
of  P.mlm.v.  \t.,  b.  Jan.  2.S,  181.S;  res.  P'.  1,  Ai.KE  Amelia,  i).  Nov.  15.1857:  d. 
Mav  20,  b'^'TO.  2,  llAUKiET  Eliza,  b.  Mav  10,  PsOl;  d.  May  10,  1870.  3.  Emily  Jane, 
b.  Julv  5.   1-^0:;;. 

III.  Marv,  b.  Ju::e  ;;0,   ls3il.   d.  March  5,  1S42. 

IV.  ![■  .i'l.-.  b.   M;tv   2'.-,  1S14. 

V.  Marv  1).,  b.  Frb.  s,  b^.",!);  m.  .Ian  2,  l^'n,  Ahei/.o  1\,  s.  of  Davia  Arw.iter,  b. 
Feb.  9,  1S44;  res.  Tinnujiuh,  Vi.      1,    Edwin  Hknly.  b.  .M:iv  0,  1S09. 

TUTTLK.  505 

9264.17.  Wavj-en  Tuttle,  l'.  Pvc  '?■},  isoi:  tnnk  „],  land  i,n,1  i^ot.  in  Mich.,  ISO'): 
Justice  of  tlif  Peace  scv.  yrs. ;  jiostiurister  11  yrs. ;  Couniy  SupeiinTi-jidciu  C.  vrs. ;' inein.' 
of  Mich.  T,e^-.  and  other  oirire.s;  a  zealous  Methodi-t  iuid  n  class  h-ader  ni  lime  of  his  d.  " 
Sept.  17,  1(^49;  m.  June  1,  XSo-l,  Jane  M.,  dau.  i-f  J-Iljjnh  ]{i(duu-dson  of  Clinten,  X.  Y.', 
b.  Nc.v.  2:j,  1814.  ^^'llCIl  G  yrs.  of  r.^e  !<he  was  takfii  in  a  waoon  \vith  lier  fuihe'r's  fain! 
from  Clinton,  N.  Y.,  througli  Canada  to  >[ich.  After  death  of  her  lui.s.  f^iic  tci.,k  cliur.M' 
of  and  carried  on  the  farm,  educating  lier  cliildren  and  displayinp  great  ener"-v  and 
business  tact;  her  only  jirotector  being  a  faitliful  dog;  she  d,  June  l^r^'  ISlli. 

I.     Henry  \\'arren,  b.  in  Nankin,  Midi.,  Marcli  2:-!.  l^Ho;  Comiuis.  of  Scliools  and 
Highway  Insjjectnr;  ni.  Aug.  IS,  1859,  Margaret,  dau.  of  WilHaiu  Biggar  of  Gait    C    \V 
b.  May   22,  1842.      1,   NN'akki.n,  b.    Marcli  2,   1802,  d.  Auir.    24,  18W.     2,   ili-xAv,  June 
17:  d.    July  10,    1801.     3,   ('ii.\HT.r>-   Joskph,    h.   June   M,"]Stjtl      4     M\i!V     \]  ws.'  Feb 
19,  1869.  '      '    ■ 

II.  Mfiry  Jane,  b.  June  23,  1839;  m.  Dec.  2o,  ISCO,  Ira  J.  Eiadner,  h.  I'lvmouth. 
Aug.  7,  1837;  Supervisor  of  the  town  of  Nankin.  1,  Nk[.i>ik  (\.  Nov.  28,  j8t'.2.  2 
Bl.^nch  M.,  Sept.  15,  l>r(;4.     3.   MKL^•I^■  H.,  May  17.  ).'<(j7;  d.  May  30,  18*1>^. 

926418.  finrah  Tuttle,  b.  Sept.  is,  isQij;  m.  1844,  Daniel,  s.  of  Daniel  S;e^YaIt 
of  Clarendon.  A't.,  b.  June,  lyiO.  (her  bro.-in-lau-;. 

1.      V.'arren  F.  Stewart,  b.  Oct.  9,  lS4o;   ra.  Dec.  0,  ISdG,  K]tanor  L.,  dau.  of  

Armstrong  of  Canada,    b.    Dec.  u,    1.8-19.     He   enlisted   in  \'t.    Vols.,  Nov.'    1,  ];-;(;l,  ami 
served  until  nrmv  disbanded;  was  in  several  engagements  and  a!  ti-kiuf  of  Kichni.,nd 
Ya.     1,  EiiNKsT  ]{..  b.  Jan.  18,  1870. 

]].  ]:ilen  C.  Stewart,  b.  Julv  9,  1847;  m,  .\farcli  15,  1870,  NVilliam  s  of  \Vm 
Hodgkins  of  >[t.  Holly,  Vt..  b.  April  3,  ls4S. 

026419.     Elvira  Tuttle,  b.    July  20,  1S09;   d.    D.c    1G,  1843;   m.    1828.  Ei-hraim. 
Dudley,    s.  of   her    siep-father.    K.   Durilcy  of    (.'ast.,    b.]s07;d.  l^.'^O;    she  m.  (2)  Jul v  3 
1834,    Daniel    Steuurt,  h.    June,  1810;   d.  Jan.  14,  1857;   hem.  ^2)  Suruli,   sis.  ci   Elvira; 
'/.  liy  1st  m. : 

]      Jason  Dudley,  b.  ]829:  went  lo  Syracu'^c,  N.  "Y..  alit.  ISoO.  since  wlien  notlOn'-^ 

has  been  lieuril  oi  liini;  i.  by  2d  m. :  ^ 

II.     (ieorgc  H.  Dudley,  Jan.  28,    1835;    v.-ent   to  Pa.   about    185(3;  enli.sti-d,  1801,  in 

83d  Kegt.  }'a.  \'ols. ;   wounrled  June  1,  1802,  at  batth'   of  Fair  Oaks;  l:ikfn  j'ri.soner  and 

sent  to  Hichmorul.  where  lie  d.  in  .luly,  1802. 

HI.      Aliiert  Harri-;  Dudley,  June"ll,  1830;  enlisted  \u\i.  Vols,  in  ISOL  but  was  not 
accepti-d:  nnw  doing  a  thriving  businessnear  Concord,  N.  H.,   niuiiufacturing'-doois,  sasli 
and  blinds;  m.  June  1,  1^00,  Maria  J.,  dau.  (A  Samuel  Crov.thei  of  \'s'ailin"4'<u-d    v't      b 
in  England,- Mar-di  4,  isiiy.  '~         '        ''     " 

IV.     Sarah  C.  Dudley.  Aug.  13,  1837;  d.  Auir.  15.   is;]8. 

V.     Harvey  Calvin  Dudley,  May  28,   1839;  enlisi<-d    Dec.    10.  1801,   Co.  H,  2d  Kegt. 
r.  P.  Sli.Hrp-^hn.iiers:  discliarged  f,.r  disability,   l''"!i.  11,  ]8i;:>;  engcJied  in   several  severe 
battles,  of  which  \\ere  Pap]iahaniiock  Sta.,  Sulj-hur  Springs,    Chantillv  and  the  2d  Bull 
Ihin.      He  m.  Sept.  20,  1803,  Jennie  M.,  dau.  of  Anson  Cliilson  of  Wair!ni;ford,  Vt     "b 
July  30,  1842.     1.   I'.tiiT  AKTiriJt,  May  22.  1807.     2,   Ralimi  Ai.L..\(  t;.  A  pril  28.' 1870 

Vl.  .Mary  Elvira  Dudley,  April  1,  1841;  ni.  Aug.  22.  18r.4,  Frank  S.,  s.  of  Ira  Clark 
of  Mt.  Holly,  Vt.,  1>.  Aug.  23.  1844.  He  enlisted  Aug.  10,  1S04,  in  Cu.  d',  4i]i  JJcl::.  Vt. 
Vols.,  and  was  in  active  service  during  ilie  last  of  the  war.  1.  CnHA  Ei.i.Kx,  June  13 
1800.     2,   WiLi.iA.M  F.,  Aug.  25,  Isii?'.     y,  A  S<i.\,  b.  and  d.  sm.  day,   1870. 

VII.  Frederick  'I'uttle  Dudley,  June  8.  1842.  Enlisted,  June,  'iSfil.  in  C'o.  B,  loth 
Kegt.  Mass.  Vols.  In  1803  was  woundetl  in  the  hiii  at  l)atifc  of  Antii-tam.  and  dis- 
charged. Enlisted  again  in  Co.  K,  2d  Kegt.  Ni-w  York  V.-ti  ran  Cavalrv  and  vas  in 
active  service  dui-ing  the  war,  and  engaged  in  over  20  battles,  (hi  one  occasion,  e>;caiied 
being  taken  prisoner  by  swiniming  a.  river;  m.  Jan.  5,  18<'.7,  Clara  A.,  dau.  of  David 
Moore  of  Ludlow,  \'t.,  b.  Man  li  0.  1819;  one  cliild:  1,  (iF.iiuoi-:  Fukdehmk  Sept  0 
1809.  '    ^    ■     ' 

VIH.  ^^'illiam  Emmelt  Dudley.  Dec.  S,  1843;  M.D.;  enlisted,  Jan.  18,  iSG'^,  in  Co. 
H,  2.1  He;;-T.  F.  S  ShariL-lmoters,  and  wasin  u'^tive  service  th.ree  years.  \\'as  in  seveial 
battles,  of  whicli  Cl'.ancelhu-sville  and  (iottysburgh  were  the  cl'iief;  ;,t  Hatcher's  liun 
was  wounded.  .\t  expiration  of  his  term  of  service  lie  returned  toVt.,  and  in  .Mardi, 
1805,  began  siud.  med.  with  Pr.d'.  Perkins  of  v.'asileion;  stud,  also  with  Dr.  (ieo,  Fo:<  of 
Kutland;  irrad.  .Med.  Sem, ,  June  2'),  1807;  )  i,ne  year  wit;,  i'l-of.  Peikins  inCa^t., 
on..'  \i.  in  W  ailiiigtnrd,  \  i.,  ;,nd  in  is.',::  loe;.|ed  ,a  E.  i^insi-t,  \vhen'  ]ii--.  prnc.  is  larce,' 
He  m.  Jrin.  1,  isT.ii,  l),.|ia  S.,  dan.  of  Sehih  Hinvkius  of  Cast.,  b.  April  V;*,  1S4S;  .u  ^-r'ad'. 
of  Cast.  Sem...  and  has  cnntriliuteil  several  poetic  compositinns  to  the  pa]>ers  whirh  \vere 
highly  commcnde<J;  one<dii!il:     1,    Lilian  J'li.viu.v,  Dec.  15,1808. 

526  BRAXCTf    OF    SIMON, 

■  9265.     Koah  Tuttle,    b.    Maivh  Sn,    175'^:  711.    liuth  (el-i.    dan.    of    l.imis    I'mu.], 
and  Diiuili    Hiivcc.  (]:\n.    of  XiUliruiiid    and    I'liebo    li ovfr    of    W'alliiu^fordj  Hfurli.      lit- 
lived  many   ycais   w.'st   of    the    Canada    15ridi;e;   kept' a    tavern;  aftcru-urd    reni(jved  to 
I31nn ford  and  lived  vitli   liis   son    Hird^eye,  and    d.  tlierelN'^1,    a.  iVJ  vrs       Slu;  d    Xov 
lb'22;  'diil.  I),  at.  (^J^hl•u,  L'oiin.  "  '  ' 

I.      'ryrann--,  b.  .July  l;i.  177-1:   in.  Fstlier  Ive.s. 
II.    ^Koia.iii.  Phil"  Howe,  1).  in  (io.slien,    Com;.,   3.    of  .h.s'ph  Howe  and  Prudence 
Norton,  da'*>  of   Ji.-;"]ih   N>r.-to:).    wlioiemoved   from    ]nirham,  Conn. ,  to    (;.      ].   Mika. 
2,   Ci-A7lIM>.V,  m.  Elijah    T.    Cuuiiiiini;s;    res.    (.fo-lirn.      ;^i,,  7n.  Au"-.  ^(1,    ls;j:; 
Samuel  Dudh'v.     4,   PurLO,  1).  Oct.  17,  IndS;  ni.    huev  \\'oos1er.      ".  '  BiiiDsrvK    i,    ^av 

2,  1812;  m.  Parthena  Alien.  '  '  • 

TIT.      Polly,  m.   Jeremiah  Norton;    b.  in  (h.shen ;  .s.  of    Daniel    Norton  wlio  was  h.  in 
Durham.  Con.n.,  -Mareh  'J,  I7;j'].      1,    Li;i;.\.  m.    W'ijliani    Markd   of    New    Canaan,  Conn 

2,  Noah,  m.  Sar-.h  Dean  of   New  Canaan,  (.'onn.      8.    J)A.\n:i,,    m.     Adeline    .Andrews  of 
New  Canaan.  Cor.n.      I,     IjICWis  PkasK,  ni.   Jane  Barnes,     o,   ]\)hi,Y.     G,   Pls'iinou,   ni 
Coleman  nf  Hudson,  N.  Y. 

IV.  l]>hvMid,  1..  July  ti.  17^.7;  m.  Urania  Orvis, 

V.      J-;o\ee,  rem.  to  Sinithtl'dd ,  Pa.:   m.   I'lliv-alirih  l.)unso!i  of  Shetlield,  Mass.;  ehil. 
b.  in  Smithtield  exee[)t   the    tiisi    b.  in    (ioslien.  Conn.      1,  John.     2,    llAUKrHT  l';>rrf.Y. 

3,  BiKDSKVK         4,     FUANKI.r.V. 

VI.      Hannah,  ni.  Luman,  s.  of  Helmont  Kelloj-ii'. 

"\'1I.  Bird-^eye,  m.  Laura  Black  of  Blanford,  Mass,,  \>-],o  d.  thiMc  May  14,  ls;^7;  (diil 
b.  in  B.  1,  \Vii,i.iA.M.  2,  Noah.  S.  Kuth.  4,  LAr);A.  ,5,  15ir.i)sKVK.  G,  IJak- 
KiET.     7,  Hknkv.     y,  S.\i;.\H.     y,  C.vKor.rxK.     10,  .M-\uy. 

92661.     Tyrauus   Tuttle,  July  l;J,  1774:   built  and   Hve'd   in  the  house  in   (..'.  now 
orcu])ied  by  his  s.    Morris,  and  d.   tlnrc    Jan.    2:3.  l'!^37,    a.    G;]    vrs.;  in.  Nov.  22     1  7'.m; 
Esther,  u:x'i.  of  l.-.v.arns  Ivrs,  b.  in  (i.  Ce!.  Id,  1774. 
1.      Achsah,  li.  March  20,  179S. 

II.     Clarissa,  b.    Sept.   9,   HiJiJ;  tii.    Nohemiah    (irittin    of    Plymouth,  Conn. ;  /. ;  1, 
EsTin:K.     2.   Emu. v.     '-i.  Jii.ia.     4,  Ci':*  i;r,iA.     o,   Edcai;.     ij,  (rFouuM.  ' 

111.  Laura,  !>.  Jan.  20,  jsni:  ui.  Daniel  4".  LH'unis:  res.  Middleburv,  Conn.;  ehil. 
h.  in  Plymouth,  C<inn.     1,      W'iri.iAM.     2,   INIauti.v  M.     3,  T)!K(ini)i;[.;  .\. 

I\'.  L-sther,  b.  >rarch  ]■"),  lNt>o;  m.  \\'arrrn  Brown  of  Coshen;  1  child  SvKVU 
E.STHKK,  b.  D,  c.  7,  bS40. 

\'.     ^birris,  b.  Oct.  Pi,  isii.-);  ni.  Feb.  :i,  is;il,  Aialhia,  dau.  of  Averv  Alhni 
VI.      E/.ra.  b.  June  'J,  1ni)7:  d.  Julv  2:i.  1S0!>. 
VII.     (I'eorge,  1).  March  2;i,  d.  July'ph  ISO!!. 

92G54.     Edward  Tuttle,  b.   July  0,    17s.-,;  d.    Jun.-   1,   1S44:    m.    Au-.   9,   ISQG 
X'rania  Orvis  of  Norfolk,  who  d.  Fell,  li),  ]SG(). 

I.      Moses,    b.  Vv.y  7.  ]S()7:   m.  Sept.   2!J,  IS.-.tL   Mrs.    I'ollv  Doolittle.     1,   Asa  M. 
h.  Oct.  7,   ls.-,7.     2,  CK07{.n-.  E.,  Oct.  11.  pS.V.t,  an.d  d.  Jan.  1:3,  iSieF     :j,  Alvkkd  B      h' 
Oct.    24,    1.SG2.     4,  Samiki.  0.,   Feb.   25,   1S6L     o,   F);ax!a   I).,  b.    Dec.   27     ISGo  '   G 
Hf.f.kna  a.,  b.  Mav  2S,  1SG8. 

11.     Sylvia,  b.'june  22.  ISO!). 
'"^    III.     Edwin,  b.  June  12,  IS!!;  ni.  May  o,  1.<W.  Abii';:ul  Case;  res.  La  Grano-e,  N.  Y. 
1,   William  E..  b.  April  4,  ls40;  ni.   Sept.  24,    ISGo.  Naiicv  J.  Richard.son;  res!"  Castile^ 
N.  Y.    1,    Wi'/.i^nn  II.,  b.  Nov.  4,  lSGf5.   2.  Sylvkstkh  D.,  b',  Au^■.  27,  1S42.   3,  Cu.\iii,Esi 
I).  Jan.  2U,  1S4G.     4,   Mauy  E.,  May  is,  1840.     :.,   Fiianklix  C^,  b.  April  23,'l8o;j. 
IV.      Aaron,  b.  April  :j.  ISl:};  ni.  Jemima  A,  Burt. 

V.  Lorenzi),  b,  April  2S,  181,1. 
VI.      Urania  C. ,  b.  June  10,  1S17. 

■^'11.      Edward,  b.  Nov.  JC,  1S19;  in.  Nov.  7,  1S47,  Lueretia  Lviich ;  res.  Alabama,  N. 
Y.     1,  Srsw  Vv.\s(yy.  b.  March  n,  1S19;  m.  Feb.  lo,  1S70,  Bobert  Bennels.  2,  Aibekt 
P.,  b.  May  .Y  Fn.7o.      :>,,    Wn.i.iAM.  J.,  b.  Mav  IG,  1S:,2. 
VI!I.     V'ianthe,  1).  June  ;M,  IS-JJ:  res.  (Jre'ie-sville,  N.  Y, 
IX.      Samuel  v.,  b.  Nov.  1.  1S2L  d.   April  1,  lS2o. 
X.      Ko.xftiia  C,  b.  June  1  1,  IS-jii;  m.  Ajirii  Bh  IS.^l.  Ceorcf^  Slack.      1,   Elizat;i;tii, 
Oct.  12.  ls,'.:r      -J.   EmvAHi).   S-pt.  2i).  ISoG.     :!,    n.ATTiJ:   U.,  Nov.  17,  ISoS.   4.   Cf,.)i;(;k 
T.,  b.  July  2.j,  is:;i.     r,,  JoH-N    \V.,  b.  I'eb.   22,  lsG.3.     G,   Kox.^x.v  ('.,  b.  Julv  2G,  ISGG. 
7,   M.^iRiKTiA  1)..  1).  Jan.  2i).  1S71. 

926544.     Aarou  Tuttle,  b.  :3,  1><;;3:  in.  Dec.  25,  1S37,  Jemima  A.  Buit,  who 
d.  Julv  KJ,  ISf'.'J;  re.s.  Oaktield,  Oeaesee  Co.,  N.  Y. 


I.     Julian:i,  1).  April  ;30.  ]S;jr);  m.  Jnnc  IS,  ]h:-,h    Washiiu-fon  Wl,it„  >v    r    ■   \v"  'i 
bridge,  Mich.     1,  Mktvx  T.,  b.  Jnn.  i:.,  is:,y.    2   (Jkokgk  1    ^      .  ■     r    Ar'"'  '1    i" 
.Sept.  2.-,,  isor,.     4,  Frank  L.,  Aug.   8,  Ks<;s  ^^'^>i'''t'  i^-.  b.  Ua.  1,..  ],soi.     a,  h.A, 

li.     3!an  J:tuo    b.  Jun.  5.  1S41;  „,.  Jan.  25,  K<^0,  Willian,   Alorse-  res     \labamn 

b.  Marcli  ],,  ]nh1.     4,   Ap.kie  .M.,  b.  .Inly  24,  lS(i7.  '  '^•^■^^'^^  ^^•' 

III.  John  Kdu-aid,  b.  Juno  2,3,  1S-V3;  d.  Dee.  23,  1S4.5, 

IV.  Abbie  M.,  b.  .^!a^il  3,  lS4o;  ni.  M;ircli  Ui,  l.Si;:i  \,r.h  F  'inttlr  u-b-  ,!  Ar.,..i 
13  istn;  she  UK  (2K^r.  2  1.00  John^  Oup-nt,.  of  Hu  Plai.;  ^^  I  ^'  L  '^it  Pbu,  ' 
i.b^-lstm.:     1,   MAiiniA   A.,    b.  Jan  lib    i,So4.     /.    bv  2.1   m  ■     •>    Joux    M     h    .\ „  ,    i 

i««7.    3,  anwMakv.  b.  Dec.  yi,  lyny.  "  '  ^^•'  '•  '^'^«-  ^- 

_  V.     Saiuuel    L..    b     M.y  lb.    ls4N;  in.    Aug.    19,  iSbb,  Martha  A.    D.'l,na-   res    D'l 
^lain.     1,   C..KM.r.u:s  D..  1,.  Oet.  22.  ]^G7.     2,   Si:xeuk.c>^  B.,  Sept.  IG    JsbO 
\  F     Sarah  C,  b.  Uct.  8.  ISoU. 


A'Jl.      Bfhb-n  B.,  b.  Se[it.  lb,  ISol. 

of^^dn^o.i?;'^:;^?    ^''^'^^'  ^-  '''°-  ^^•^''-^  ^-  -'"'^  ^^'  ^^^^'   "^-  ^^^''=^-   K--te,. 

1  Ko.-^^iter,  b.  Jan.  27,  1768;  m.  Lviuan  Hubbell 

IF  Meh.^sa  iJos.siter:  d.  abt.  Fs57.  a.  6U;   luun. 

in.  Tiiiiotliy  Turtle  liossiter,  d.  Julv  2!j    l^lo    a    "') 

IV.  J;athau  Boasiter,  d_.  Aug.  20,  ISIO,  ,(.  04  w],^^  ;,.^,,i,s  after  m  ) 

\  .  P.dward  Kos.siter.  d.  al)t.  1S20,  a.  abt.  'SO;  cler.rvmau 

A  I.  David  F'ossiter,  d.  abi.  ISfJS,  n.  b6. 

92691.     Louisa  Rossiter,  b.  Jan.  27,  t7.>5,s,  at  Bichmondid.  Julv  20    ls.-,7-  „.    ,, 
VNiilinni.stowii,  Ma.-.^.,  Jan.  .»,  IsiM,  Fvnmn,    s.    of    I.:i.-a/er   and     Ann-i    "Hn!,'],..''!    u    v 
Fairli.ld,  (-,.nn.,  Sept.  y,  HbS;  vein,  to  Tro;,  X.  Y.;  uu-i-  hant  '     '  ^''' 

I.      Fli/a  Iianuah  Hubbell,  b.  .Mav  2n,  F^Osi-  in    Nhiv  <J    1S'"'7    l)-,,,i,  1  \-,.i>i     '■,„ 
Y.  C.  1S20;  d.  1809.     1.  Makia  Furis.(.  b.\)et.i,  1S29  "  2'  Fm  'v  mx  n  '^^Z' 

^  1834.      4^  FVMAX  m-..K,,..  July  2o.  1.3G.       5.  FitA^er;.  I'/'^v  ./ d!-^''iso^'"^  ' 
Ldward,  Oet.  6,  3  842.  --,  1.  ji'.       t., 

IF      Henry  Ro.siter  Hubbe-ll,  April  4,  1y(,3;    in.  Jan.   8.  Ib;j5.  Carulin-  Chieh.-.ter 
I    yUnxiJ^^:olAyK,^ov..    ls:o.    2,  Fvmax.  Apr.llO,  ls4u.     3.  Fiiax^^ks  F     AprH'^J' 

^rt'o>i^^-^'"~Vi''''  ^^' ^^^•;,  ■'•  ^'-^^■■^^'^'N^ ii.. Oct. 21, 1849.  b,  iiKxuv i1k ;;. 

<Jct.  2.,  18-..^,      ,,  Cai'.oijm:  C,  Mareh  22,  is^o 

III.  Nathan  Hubbell  b^Jan.  4,  1811 ;  Ksq. :  m.  S-pt.  19,  1838,  Elizabeth  Adams 
^vhod.  \N  est  Mohawk  St.,  BaA.An,  ^.  ^  .;  (2)March  10.  is.ll,  Caroline  F.  Scott  ]  Tim^' 
MK,  .ov.  <,  iv:];..  2,  Anna,  June  0.1842.  3,  FiizAnKiii,,  Au.-  12  1844  '4  Fv  Vv 
Dec.  12,  l^i^l  0,  F..I.KN  Fk.kkv,  .Fui.  29,  18o2.  G.  J^xk  S;  on-  June  ^8^5  7' 
Eleazkk,  Jan.  8,  1809.     7,  HAKKfKT.     9,  Ukuhok.  a  1 1 ,  ^unc,  igoo.       ,, 

East  Hainpto,^  Mass. ;  (2)  .JeannKt.  Snuthworth   of  B.nnin^;ton.  \-t.       4  ■M;u!<"'lan    1 
8  0:  d    V.       o,  A.rnii.U.,>,  Feb.  20,  1842;    n,.  Charlotte    Wise;  a    ^rand    dau    ;>     I  on' 
Edward  Fvrreft.     b.  Amos  FA^^  iik.nck,  Aiu'il  10,  FS44;  ni.  Anna  Buck-  {•>)  Filen  Dunl-m 

t' i"T  ;; -•■""■  ]"'■  'v/'-''^  '"•  V'^''^"^ ^'^"i"''- >^"".-'-'<iA^-><Uu;; of  ^ t^ 

Waslnngton,  D.  (        b.  F..1/..V  I  ,:wkv.       9,  M  m.k.  Feb.  9,  ISM;  ni.  Fucv,  dau,  of  \\  rn 
I'ar.-on.-,  F>>j.,  of  Bf^ston.      10,  Scsax  Skuonvk-k.  June  8    18.V-. 

\'.     Catharine  Fouisa  Iluljbell,  A\n-l[  29.  ls21 

_VI.     Charles  Fynian  Hubbell,  Sept.  Hi.  1S27;  ,n.  Sept  20,  Fsr>2,  Julirfte  E    Bulklev 

I  e  IS  a  man  nf  n-te  in      roy,  .V  V.       1,  C.iaki.ks  B.,  July  20,  l8o3;  M.D.  in  St.  Fuk.:v 

Ilo.pwal.  .\.  \.  (  ..  is. 4.     2.  MAr:K  Hopkins.  Dec.  l,',.  lN.-,4.     -    Fkvnk  Bo..,T.-r      nl  ' 

13,j^-.f;.     4,  h;!)UAT;j).     ,1,  FonsA.     (j.  11  km; v.  ^ ,  ".a.nk  i.  >.    1 1  ..1,.  Jun 

VII.     E(hva.-<1  Hubbell,  m.  an  En^Mi^h  lady  and  lives  in  En-land.     1,  So.N. 

528  BRAXCTI    OF    Sl.NtOX, 

926.10.  Thankful  Tuttle,  !>.  nt  <;..-1h^!i.  Cmin.,  .Mi^y  :;().  17.")!»;  d.  at  S<-lio<la<'k, 
N.  Y.,  Mari'li  2n,  IvJ.');  m.  I'liilip,  v.  ,,i'  ]  )aliicl  am!  Jlii/aiH-ih  (I'on,!  i  Co,,!;-::,  !i  j.',.i,  o' 
17o~;  iificr  111,  vfU).  in  Hiilniiuiid,  ]^rrkslii:i' (Jo.,  Ma---.,  -Alim-,  during-  ^r^liav's  ii-li.>l!ii,|"i 
lie  was  l)i'jint  V  Slirriif  ami  al  timrs  rx]Ki-,!',l  to  mucli  ilaup-r;  nti  onv  (icr'asidn,  wliilc 
driving,  lie.  was  fircfi  at  ami  puisiu-J  \>y  iliy  iiisuru'Dis,  an-!  rsrapi-d  hv  imttiiii.'-  liis  liorst- 
to  full  six-cd  and  lying-  down  in  the  bottom  of  his  slcii:-h;  in  di-liancc  of  threats  o;'  instant 
death,  lie  forcibly  ojnan-il  and  adjourmnl  the  Court  at  J.ciiox.  He  icni.  INIS  to  Nassau, 
Kens,  (.'o.,  N.  v.,  and  in  1S15  n-ui.  a  few  idds  into  Sehotiack,  where  he  d.  .!an.  !),  ISIG; 
he  was  a  imai  of  Lcit-at  courage  and  resolui  ion.  exceedingly  active  teni]i(Taiiicnt,  line 
persona'  ajijieiUMm-f  and  an  ard.i.'nt  W'jii;;:  he  dealt  largely  "in  real  esiate,  kej):  a  store 
and  liotel,  fre(]iuntly  bivnght  droves  of  cattle  an  1  dr*u-e' them  to  New  V(jrk  for  sale, 
returning  on  l;eirsrba<'k  \viih  the  ]>iv'ee,-ds:  the  farm  wli.^re  ]u-  d.  v/as  a.ftei  ,vaids  ownni 
liy  l>r.  McClcllau  and  his  wif.',  ar'd  now  (187.J,)  I'y  .Mrs.  l-lingli-an,  their  dau. ;  chil.  b.  at 
Kichmond,  Ma^s. 

1.      Samuel  Conk.  b.  Maich  -1,  ITTC;  ni.  ]S();!,  Fanny  Fe.iler,  (2)  Harriet  ('(;ok. 
11.      Augustus  (',)ok,  b.  .Ian.  2"),  ITTN:  deaf  mute;  d.  1''^^'!. 

III.  lirastus  <_'eok,  b.  Pec,  IN,  ITTll;  m.  IKiO.  Jeruslia  ilewins. 

IV.  Silas  Cook,  b.  Xov.  •>•?,  17S1;  d.  Aug.  24.  Isil;  uimi. 

V.      (iiatia  Tliarddul  Cook,  I>.  Oct.  2',,  Ks4;  d.  Oct.  4.  1840;  uiun. 
VI.      Laura  Hannali  C<i.ik,  li.  .Ian.  4,  ITs?;  nj.  ISUi,  Samuel  McClellaii. 

92.G.10.1.     Saratiel  Cook,  b.  March  4,    ITTti;   Y.    <;.    ITik":   rem.  from    Nassau    U, 
Balstuir   S(ia.,  N.   V.,  where  he    d.  April    lo,  bSoN:    lie    was  a    hwvyer.  very  succes.'^ful    in 
jiractice  and  accumulared  a  large  fortune;  m.  Feb.  20,  ISOo.  Fannv  Fuller" of  Sandisfield 
Mass.,  b.  May  3,  1TN4,  d.  ^farch  2^,  ISlo;  (-.2). June  11,  1S-?1,  Tlarri'et  Cook  (his  cou^-ln;  of 
Goslicn,  Conn.,  b.  May  :.'5,  1794,  (.living  in  1^75);  dan,  of  Moses  I'ook;  i.  bv  1st  ni,: 

I.  .Tames  M,,  b,  Xov.  10,  ]«U7:  lawyer,  and  ].roininenl  as  a  \Vhit:  and  iU-jniblican 
,  ]!o]itician;  (.'oiiij.t'.ol'.er  >n  the  State  of  Nev/,  lSo5:  Sui.erint.-ndeiii  of  the  iJuiidoig 
J<e>)t.  IS.')!);  d.  at,  Ajiril  12,  l,s(i8:  ni.  Aug.  2il,  1N29.  Elizabeth  A.  Barnunu 
who  d.  .S-.  i.,  May  15,  lyo'ci;  ni  (2)  Anna,  dau.  of  (.ieorge  S.  and  Catharine  Cadv  (,f  Florida, 
N.  v.;  chil.  b,  at  Balston,  Spa.  1,  .Fi,.\iks  C.^dv,  Feb.  21,  1n;14;  Fnior,  Cof.  ISo'j;  stud. 
lav>-  and  jirac.  several  yrs.  at  Albany,  but  abandonc'l  law  ii.r  fimnice  and  is  now  (1875) 
Ca.shier  of  a  br.nk  in  Albany;  m.  April  2>';,  isol*,  >':uy  .\.,  dan.  of  R.  P.  Learned,  Esq.. 
of  A.  1,  Fanun  FidUr,  b.  Jan.  27,  ISiKj.  2,  J(ti/iLfi  'Cndy.  May  !l,  d.  .Line  28,  Ibtil.  '6, 
Mary  ] jar ned,  Xov.  22.  1^62.  4,  Edirard  II':li,  Ajtril  Sv.  1S7;1  2.  ^^'t^,I..I.^\l  P.,  Dec' 
10,  1835;  d.  July  6,  1^.3*.;.  ;j.  CAiiiAKiNi;  P..  b.  Jan.  1.  IS:;.'^;  ni.  Oct.  18.  18fil,  G'eortre 
S.  Batcheller.  a  juein.  of  the  statT  of  (iov.  Fenlon  of  X.  Y.  during  tlie  wnv  and  a  ]u-orni- 
nent  politiciaii  in  Saratoga  Co.  lie  was  laiely  appointed  one  of  the  judges  of  the  mixed 
courts  of  Egypt  by  the  Kliedive,  and  now  (id75)  resides  in  Cairo;  /.  one  onlv  surviving^ 
child.  1,  C.'it.'t'irinr.  4;  Anxa  C,  b.  July  22,  1842;  ni.  Oct.  8,  18ijl,  Iiarm"on  P.  Pull; 
i.  i. ;  i'.  by  2d  ni. 

!1.  Henry,  b.  J.ily  IS,  1823;  d.  at  Albany,  Pec.  22,  18G8:  a  nieivli.  of  hirh 
cliris:tiaii    character  ai^d   deservedly  esteemed:   ni.    Ju"ne   7,    1848,  Anna    P.  Codirane'of 
Amsterdam,  X.  1  .;  chil  b.  at  Palston  Sna.    1,  SAiiAii  L()t:is\    Feb.  10,1849      2    Lot  is\ 
Feb.  21,  1851.  "  ,  .  , 

"This  is  the  liistory  of  Samue],  s.  of  Philip  and  Thankful,  a  race  distinguished 
for  success  in  uiouey  gi-tting."'— y/y/(.   h'li'irrt  11.  Mrfjldlnn. 

91^6.10.3.  Erastus  Cook,  b.  Pec  18,  177»:'fanncr:  rem.  to  Ashtabula.  ().,  whr. 
lie  d.  Aug.  IS,  isoii;  m.  March  p-;,  IstX).  Jeruslia  ilewins  of  Pichmond, 

L  Althea  Laura,  b.  Mar<di  10.  ISOl;  ni.  Tinioihv  Stnuii,-.  a  farmer  of  Ashrabula. 
1,  EnAsTis  CuoK,  d.  v.  2,  Hann.ui  Pai.dxci;,  m.  17/,ra  I'at'terson,  is45.  13,  Ekastits 
Cook,    m.  Mary  Hubbard,  1850,      4,    4'i.motiiv  Cok.nkij,. 

11.  Maria 'i'hiuilcful,  b.  April  10,  1802:  d.  Jan,  IFi.  ]s5(;;  m.  Pr.  Puniel  C,  S].encer 
of  A.  1,  Adf.I.IA  <-'.,  m,  Z.  C.  (Paves,  2,  ib.u.i.l.x,  b.  Jan,  11,  1S25;  d.  .v.  /, ,  lS48,  o. 
LrtiNDA,  b,  March  17,  l82'i:  m,  IJev,  Jc-eph  P.  Cra\.s.  4,  C fii.Fin;!)'  Pudlkv! 
March  (i,  18:11 ;  m.  Miirv  F.  Larre. 

III.  Jeru-ha   lleu-iuv..  b,   Feb.  20,  1804;   d.  Feb.  27,  l^'O, 

IV.  J'bilip 'I'uttle,  b,  Jan.  2o,  d.  Aug,  17,  ISOs. 

V.  Silas.  July  7,  INIO;  set,  at  Saybroi.k,  O. ;  farmer;  m.  Marv.  dau.  of  Fenner  and 
Phebe   Palmer  of   Xassau,   X.    Y.      1,   Fi;.N\i:i<   pAt.MKU,  b.  Maich   8,  18o4;  m.  June  U, 

•  Sai.iutl  Ceok,  b.  EnR..  it^.:  cinie  evei  iCr,-;  n.-.i:-  Hcpi-  ."-'arkcr  of  V/?.llinc;ord,  Conn  ;  l.i>.  s.  (a 
grixndsoni  Joseph  bouglr.  land  in  Cioshen,  Cf>nn.;  deed  Feb.  j,  17:1?  and  wfiit  there  .iKt.  171^  .Tn;i  d.  ^bi. 
1777:  m.  Elfan.jr  Toc.nson  .tcJ  had  among  others  Daniel,  b.  Goshen;  ra.  Eli/abeth  Fond  and  hao  Philin; 
m.  'I'hankfiil  Tuule. 



S^-.      s' 




r  ^  ^^^  cf^-t^'/^^^cc 

TUTTLE,    COOK.  -^'-^ 

^Z''Vnrv  M     ^''.-kn-       '^    PiMtU"   >■ ,  All'-.  D,  l^^-'i.     I!.    CiiAKi.K^   II.,  April  ■:-^.  1^^:S. 

|:.40      i;    M^HV  F     i:   MnvOl.   1^41,     7.  okv„.,,k  II. .  July  0.,  IS.14    ,1.    .h,l.  ^U    1«4.k 

lo  1-47  11,  <iKo.  15..  Au-.  12,  1811).  12,  I  L.)KliN(  K  A.,  l-rb.  ^o,  1>-'1^  1-  J.W- KNK 
I-L;  M.y'21.  18^2.  M.  Fannv  L.,  S,-pr.  1.  isr^:;,  i:,,  iM'.  u.vr.,  b.  Oct.  ..  IS.f..  in- 
is  down  Til  .Miireb.  ~k  \^'u. 

VI       rannv,  24,  1S12:   a.  X>.v..  1S22.  •      .-i     ,,       i 

Vll       Ainruula,  b."lnT.  11,  IM'i;  m.    is:;^,    I'r.    W  ja.     .     NuiMlal.s  i.  at  .v-h.  O.      1 
j,-,V    .Vx\    I.    <Vt    4    is:;.-.;   m.    ,J  ui.-  1 .  1-0 1,     AH..,!  M.  1  Irtdu-r  ot    W  .r.rn.,   1  ■uinuull 

'"y;;^  7,'J:;-u^u,!{;;i;^ri:.^S^2rris^2: .,. Ma,d,  2..  i<.2. u.v  >,.  i..,.  .e. 

A.;  Unvy..r.      1.  Ch..ku-s   Kodkkick,   d.  Ja„.  24,  lso7.     2.   i  annv   Makia.     -:!,   Ai.KK 

hiM.pvoiif   for  T],en,selvP<,  for  tbdr  cluldr.a,  tor  x\u-v:    inwuls;  home  und..  th  ,;  mot 
^vi  a  fn.  all    wiih.  a   h-arlv  ^velco,no  tor  ..a.h,  a..!  ....  .a;;.  mI^- ha.  .•uj,.y.-d    . 
ever  fortrei  the  an.nntb.s  which  cl..s;.n.l  ih-.v.        1  i^.    ;;'<'';^^  >»a;   '^i^,  ;r!:; 
abstract -fro.M    -  Eu!o:iy  ..n  Sam.iel   McCb  ilau.  >!.>.,  pn;!'^^'-'  ''^Z'"''^',:'',  %'  ^:^",^ 
Soci.-tv  of  iii."  Star..  ,.1  V.   V.  ar.d  read  nt  tlu.-  annual  lu.-fw.-  .u  A.banx,  1  .y.  -i,  '^-  '•  '^ 

.!urli^t.d.p;.\vlllnotu,!:.t.  th.  entire  pap^r.  In  ...arlv  lif.  1).  McJ  1';!'-  _y'  ->  ^^ 
tliH  .-o^iimon  a-,.d  the  Acadciuy  at  Dc-rtield;  taii-hi  -.-h.^ol-md  uo.hcd  nnlnr. 
futht-r-s  fann;  tb.-n  siu.i.  mod.  wdth  an  cider  br..,tiicr.  ^>i-  •'"V^,-^"'^  !S' '"':'':.  I.''' '"-^V."!' 

N.  Y..  and  was  lic.-n?e.l  to  practice  by  the  ruhanbin  L<>.  -M<'d..  ■"';';;  ,;^;'y^^/ ••;;';\-/'/J/,:^'_ 

,   ■  fli.-sur.e:;s 
tldsdisea>.-    was  ;xttaonlinary,  and    established   his   re.ait.tion    asasK.Ut.U    idiNMCau, 

vaih^l"  .Extensively  in  that  pak  of  the  county  as   an  epi  b.n.c      III.^  n,  treatn. 

v.-hicli  h- cvo!- a  l■terv^-ards  maintained.  .       .,.       „.„.,.  .,,..11'  f.ili 

lie  was  nMnarkablvp,.paiar  as  a  medical  .,.strn.--..r  and  Ins  em-,  ^^a^  '^'^'''•■,  ^^ 
of  students  M-vM-al  of  liave  ri-en  to  eminence  an.l  not  has  tad-d  .o  "•'';.'-':^  ;^ 
sue.U:fn'  vra..titi,.ner.  He  ^vas  a  skillfnl  sm-'on,  bat  aiie.  ..a.^h.nrr  the  .^e  ot  ttv 
Vears' dcdined'all  sureica!  op..rati..ns.  He  was  uvice  elected  t'les.  ot  tnc  ^^^'^^^^^^^ 
\'a  M.d  So.e  Soon  utter  his  nn  hv  nnitod -w^th  the  i'r,-:^  cnn.  at  .a^sau  aud  s.  s  . 
lorn-  a^a,-;:be,-  eid^>r  nntil  Tle^  •' new  s'd.ooH'  division  c.,mn,.n..l  luni  t-  ^-:^:^-  ^^^"l\ 
1S4^  wh.n  hewbTuined  letters  and  nnit.'d  with  thei.n,.-!i  l.,fo;  nicl  eh.i.  ...  .l.e  same 
plae;  He  was  s„.,n  elected  a  rnim^  ebler  an.l  heM  tie-  oih.;e  uind  h.s  death.  He  was 
'  .  f  ,1      -r-,  ,  ...,..,■,-,>.,,■,.,.       lie  W--  a    n.'Ide  i.-ikm-   man,  mu'di  above 

a  WHim  aav.'.c;-.."  ot   t  li-  .cnip".  a  m  e  c,u..l.      "t-Z^y-   ••    ';  ■'  -       .,  ,r,  ,,,         pi,,   ,1 

the  ,>rdinarv   height,  and  when  in  lieaith  his  weight  var..-d  irom   2Jo  t.,  „.40  ibs.      iic   cl. 

of  -'j-'^7-;;,;%;:;:;^|.;'/,,(J^;t  m,  isn:  nn  He...  2    lsl,..An..uUs.  of  .lan.e. 

and  Sarah  iiowuiuirU-rmL^ham,  b.  at  Faniei-bury.  Lnuu..  !'e.-.  -•  '^1^-  ^-''^'''V^' '; '';','; 
s  of  Uriah,  s.  of  "leremiah.)  Anson  l^inirham  is  a  lawyer:  .-dncate.l  a,  -  '"1-'>  "- 
xS'i,.n  Cols:,  and  antnor  of  a  valuable^  of  law  b.,oks  U.^atm,,  on  the  -^  -  ^^""^ 
to  real  o<t;ae  Has  been  .list.  ativ.  of  Ite.^-^.  Co  ,  and  a  nnnnlun"  ol  tlu'ir  a..^en.bhis.  Ul 
i^^•e  chil    b  fj  Mr    and  .Mrs.  13.  all  are  dea  1.  an.l  they  will  b^av.-  m-  i..»teiitN 

7  M:,v'ElzabethMcClellan,  b.  (^•t.  b-  IMs.  .1.  X-v.  !,  1^4:1,  ,n  cluldbir^.;  m 
Mei-.  17  ls4n-  Pari-,  <.  of  .ledediah  a.,d  Matibla  Tattle  b.arbm  [12  ;  chil  b.  at  Ib.met, 
N  "V  :  Mauv  Kl.viXA,  b.  S,,„.  :k  iSll;  .1.  Ub  l-i;2,  in  chtbd.irth.  ">■  -l";;';"- 
ls;i,  Sa.nuel  W.  l,„vej.,y  of  Urbn-.l.  X.  H.;  pa.l.  Ha.l.  Od.;  lawver.  h.  ^^-  =;  ''^  "  - 
M-ir.'h  1-^7-'  1  -b;,,.../  y.ov-.v,  b.  .Mar.b  U»,  lSt'>2,  ;U  \N  an^rlo.-.l,  N .  \.,  .e'-pt.  I  _li} 
linn.  Ib'b.-rtll.  McCb:llan,  and  b.-ars  his  nam-.     2,   SAMfKL   Mebm.i.i.AX,  b,    tx-t.   oO. 

^""^'hI.      Hndi  Wilson  M;* -b^llan,  b.  D-c.  2,  1S20;  grad.  Hni.-n  O.d.  is:!!!;  stnd.  lasv  and 

Co>rlne     rr^r.klin    C...  >Uss.     The  iMrm   remained    ,n  possession    <^;^ .  ^'^.f  ^^^    .'.'■     ;''(V    ,    '^J" -^b^^^^ 

Mmu  e  Men  i.t  Ilev.  war  an.i  served  wuh  hi.  Co.  as  .n  scou'  and  ''^f^V  V^^lv,"  ed  u.m  tor  cut?  re  off 
Gea.  Gates,  but  w.s  nc;t  present  at  |n.uie  ot  ^ri^JV"!^'  '\u""^c!on::«l'  ufX'^Seol^h  cl,^  ul  ... 
Rur;:ovnes   cwiuu.  w-.ih  C  an.Kda,      Hcu.i>   a  i.teidert  l  rcso.   a,.i.    kl    .u^^u  [  aun    Hamudi 

Sarali  Wilson  and  had  ten  cb.P,  of    uho-.n  e.u'ht    rea.;.j.;d  i.t.t.un  v.      1  b:=  ^^.n  .sati.aU  "}-^^^_^^]'^    ,  _,..    ,  _ 
Cr...k.     Forsketchot   Hu^'h  MeClellan    see /.■'<=.■/.!«<.  i //.•.'^.  '-.'    (.<■•..-'".''■'■'•■■,'"■.      ■•     '     ■   ' 
/■ray:  J/-.^"..  Kcit.  .'f.  .'iJcC7f/i\i>i. 



r.RANTr]!    OF    SIM  OK. 

pmr.  iii  riiath.iui,  N.  Y, ;  drrted  surru-at.-  ..T  ColimilHa  C.  ■ 
I'udin.u-  l.\-;2,  A  (in.'  udvoratr;  rajiK:-,  l!i;rli  i„  ],!:■,  |,n,|V-<xi,,ii  nu 
for  judi.'ia!  ],r,.ini.tM,ii;   m.  J:u).    G.    IS-Jii.    JOii.ui;,    F      ,lau    ,,f'  , 

'111  -■..■i-vcd  o!,-  1,-nii 
l;a--  ii.-.-n  a  caudidia.- 

l.iscH.U,,  and  l.Vd,..a;  a;,,,:.!...  ..f  tlu.  ,,o.t,  of  N,-"  Yo^k'un  '  '  ^ 'r'"^^"  ll;;^ 
hruy-r,  tann.r  and  crad  K-ns.  )  V,!  vtcadnu.  In.l.  1,  .M  akv  I^kkk-t  s  /  KH  v' 
:^4o;  n  J)cc  lM.,t,,  J,.;wn,  'Jraoy  .d  (i!„,,t.  1,  n,>o>r(  Wi^luvn.  -  J/.'r,  S  Fr, 
Jhankj'd.  L>.  ^AKAU  Ij.jZAV.KTn.  1.,  .iaii.  ■>•:  isj:-,,.  ,,,.,  i .-./  {.■{•,;,•  Z^' 
native  of  Cuba.  1,  Sarah  Mrriellan.  h.  un.  -'d  is;.]  'i  '  iM':^;V,rv"]  'w  '"'"'";'• 
March  ;]0,  1853.     4,   Wm.  Lawkexck,  b.  Mairh  21,' JSri;        ^''   '  ^'■'^'^'■'^    Koi;..Kr,    b. 

V.     Koliort  Henry  McClellan,   b.    ])oc.   2S,    Is'oG'   T'nicn   ('-,1     iviv  cf,   i     i  , 

adudU,.d  to  practice  l>^4s;  in  Jau.,    lydU.    jnined  th.  jP." "  ,JV   „    tS  wlr,     ""('r^ 
fornia,  ,vtunu-dinl^d.)ands<.ttl..dat  Nassau     \     Y      h,   „'ir    .,     1,      J  ^  "   V 

indaw    Anson  Bb.ha.n.      I„  ,,.,  .d..<.,.d  snr;o,at. Iv  Id:  ^^^^Z^^^X^ ^)^''\''^':^\ 

1.     i>aniH,  An-.  10,  IM;;  I.uj,.  in  Cdicshirc  Oc.  IS,  ITdT 

II.    Joid.  :\iav  ir,  iTdf).  •  ■ 

111.  Clu-isthiii  (dau.),  .April  9  (.r  30    1751 

ly.  Th-.nkf.!,  1,  March  IT  ur  20,  l?:.-;  n^.  i).r.  10    ITT 

y.  .fnLn,  Feb,  12,  i::,{',. 

^'1.  Am.i-^.  ;\^,-|u.  'J.  i  r~.^. 

A'li.  Anna.  Co,  i:<;o 

VIJl.  l^rb.r.  D.'.-,  .-,.  ITf.l. 

IX.  Zib:i.  M.-nrh  O!!.  ITi;; 

V,'(Mj»,   .Ji-ffcr>oii    (  ',v 

cluiridi.  Juno  F.i,  1.--1! 

-\.      holy,  A}.!ii  IS,  17G1,'. 

Ichabnd  -Merrinnin. 

,-,  ''  -I.   -,...■>(.  iiL,    i  rt-.o,.  L..i_\    lui-  adhii.s:>iua  ot  a  nciw 

929.     Moses  Tattle,  b.  Der.  ],s,  ir-j.-j-  iiv..j  .i,,,i   ,i     ;„  /■,      i  •        ., 

IG.  1SU4,  a.  SO.      She  Mas  ba/,.  i,,  OyMaich  V,  1;!:  ^  ''""'  """•■'  ^'^'""'^^'  ^^-^^'^  '^^  '^"'^ 
I.      Sibyl.  AFvil  18.  1747;  n..  >h:y  .1,  17Gd.  An^o.-Hitcluaad.-  sK,  in  Canada  and  d. 


ill:  "-^:.^:^.rn;l^^d^,;;;^l^!S.^^---:.^:^^  ,  ^.  Y.      4.    FKKKMn-K.';..^'A^[.      ':,,„:;.    ^ 'r::"  I.':';  '"'^^  '^"-^  ^V^ 
^  .    sta:.      G,   Ma>o.,  „,.  Saliy  Saoken,.  ■,...  r  ;  ,  ..,,     "'   ;  'j^ -"-      ";::„::;  "I ;=;„'':. ^. 

ros.   X.   Y.  state 

1\'.       l;obfC,-a,  Fol,,  4 

i;K.-H.N.d.-IsGG:   ,n.  San^anrhu- jllS;  ^Jt.-,' •;,,:!";•    f'',./"''    "•"''"■"    ''^•■•^■"^'^--      ^ 
Arnil  and  I),  boi-.ih  (],.., mii.s)  l-iracf;  r.  ^        •      '    ■ 

nn..    ii.  Ji 

\A(. ,  ]>!.    I'hiirnv  J),i,ilin!r- 

'■n   Mi-iriman.      1, 
111.    17S1.   dau.   ol' 

ATialan.l  l),bo,-ab(] mis)  Hrare;  rnn.  i,,  Li:,-],  ,i,.M    ,'.,..,:,:,      ;.,i'      '-   ^'^^"-   <" 

1.   n.dn,.y,    ]S:!9.     •?,   Susan,    lsl4.     2,    //.  .^        l/    j  s^r  ,         .     ^  ^'"'■^•^■^'•"'■'"' ,'V^n 
l•am.  in  Wob'oti,  ( 'onn.  ■'      ■  ^'  ■■''-'-'■■^''i.    '-"•   -'i^l   l>i.d 

'In  i7.',o  I'oler  Hitchco^.V 

Joh\.   Jo:;,::rb>i;n  E;;::k^!^;;:;."\;:;^!',n/--  or  Wamnsford    na™.s  w/ .  K 

--;ii/-abeth,  and  chil.  Peter, 





— .  *.^  .^Tfl, 


TUTTLE.  531 

\.     >hist:s,  1>.  Oit.  24,  i;.";:'.;  ui.  Daiiiaris  Hitclu-nok. 
!  VI.      Aiini>  twin  witli  Mo^>i's.  lu.    Swift;  (2) ISostwick :  lias   di-sr.    in    Mon- 

treal in  f(ii-->varirnc!r  biisitn-ss,  liMiucJ  l'':i>rer. 

V'll,     ]'"i<ji'lovt;,  Ajuil  N.  ll'S:  in.  in  (.'.,  Ja'.i.  ','0,  ITi'O,  lOnos  P>uiuirl].     He  m.  (2)  Junp, 
1,  1T80,  Naomi  Atwat-T.     1.  E.Nos,  A])!il '35,  1777:  lia.-.  dt.-sc.  in  ]^urlin;.:t('n,  Com). 
Ylll.     'i'haihl.'us,  Anv;.  IS,  1757;  in.  Amelia  Atwaier. 
IX.     Sami!i-1,  A]inl'ji;,  l';5'.);  iii.  Martha  Hull,  Vvh.  IT,,  17S3. 
j  X.      Lvdia,  July  !>,  17'11:  m.  Aluier  Doolittic,  b.  Ju!y27,  17(J0;  re?;.  (')ic.--,!iin>,  Conn.; 

!    <:liil.  baji.  in   Clieshii-p.      1,   Loutm;,  baji.    Auir.  o,    178.].     2,  A],t.i:i>.t,  Feb.  7.  1780.     3, 
!    SiHYj,,  Feb.    12,    1788.     4,   Lydi.v,    April   2-,    17811.     5,   Ak.vkPv,    F<-b.    •J2,    17!)1;  ras.    in 
t    <'lcv.  laud,  0.     C,  iSiiKj'.MKK,  Sept.  8,  17ii5.     7,  Ai.v  in  v.  July  27,  17'.'7.     8,  Jt;iJA,  April 
i    2o,  ]6iKK 

I  9292.  Icliabocl  Tultle,  b.  leli.  4  1(48;  lived  in  Che,-:hiro,  Conn.,  and  ownr.d  tlu' 
'  farm  uliout  a  mile  and  a  (jUiirler  east  of  the  villa<;-e.  now  known  as  the  l)ikiT.!:in  farm; 
I  ni.  Sarah,  dan.  of  l>:ai.  ar,d  K.sther  (Miles')  Hitchcock  of  Che.shirc,  b.  Sei:'t.  tl,  1757;  d.  Oct. 
)    30,  l8o4,  a.  77. 

I.  Dan.,  ni.  Hannah  Holdrid/re. 

I  II.      Sally,  1).  Or\.  :-l,  1777:  m.'l798,  Ephraiin  Smith. 

III.     Clarissa,  b.  Dec.  ol,  177!.':  m.  Titus  Smith. 
I  IV.     Friend,  b.  Dec.  IK,  17N1;  r..  1804,  Eunice  fJn.'S. 

V.     Susanna,  b.  June  15,  17^:;;    d.  March,  1845:    m.  Se]>t.  7,  1808,  i.iroen  Smith  of 
Choshire,  Conn.,  b.  Feb.  20,  1787;  d.  6\  ;'.  April  8.  1845. 

Vi.  Ichabo'i,  b.  Dec.  2o,  17S4;  d.  ■>■.  i.  in  Veri;-fnnes.  Vt.:  his  ])..irtrait  jiaintml  more 
than  ludf  a  century  a.<-o  was  foujid  in  lUirlln^aou,  \x.,  by  lleuajuh  D.'alle,  Esq.,  of 
Che.shire,  Conii.,  a.i\d  ii-  now  in  his  ] 

VII.      Alfred,  b.  Ma-^-  15,  178'i:  d.  in  Chesliiri-,  Conn.,  unni. 

Yin.     :Minerva,  b.  >iay  12,  1788:  m.  Sept.  13,  1807,  Betliu-i  Bristol.      1,  J.\?.:f.s.      2. 
Joiix.     8,  J.\XK.     4,  .Ai.fiit:ii. 

IX.     ]-3cr.ajah,  b.  Mav  10,  1700:  d,  in  Vergennos,  ^'t.,  nun;. 

X.  Faviida.  b.  171'2;  d.  Oci.  11,  1878,  a'Si)  vrs,  and  7  i)\n--.-  m.  (inlus  Iliichcock 
■of  C10'.shi!e,  b.  1702;  .1.  .'day  7.  18112;  1  child,  "l,  Jri.i.v  Ann,  b.  Aui;-.  8.  1815;  m. 
Benajali  Beadle,  JCs.p,  of  'Cheshiie,  b.  May  5,  18]5.  1.  Wil/ifiix.  b.  .March  8,  1837; 
•enlisted  iu  Union  army  and  d..  of  disea.^e  contra, 'ted  in  the  service,  Sept.  11,  18115;  :i 
line  uiouxinieut  to  his  lueiuiu-s'  was  erected  in  the  Cheshire  e-eL/:et<ui..  2,  Jlt/^ru,  b.  Jhu. 
22,1844.  3,  7';'/y^.'/',  b.  Sept."2o,  l,s47. 
[  XI.      Zephaniali,  ni.  Betsev  llotchkhss  of  C,  and  d.  .^.  /".  m  South  ('andina. 

Xll.     Sarah  Julia,  b.  July  5,  l7UG;  m.  ISIS,  Samael    V,'illiam    Harwood  of  X.  ILnv., 

j     Conn.,  who  d.  Au.t,'-.  20,  1823".     She  m.  (2)  IL'i.rry  Davidson,     i.  by  1st  m. :     1,  C.vnoi.ixf-:, 

I     1>.  Jan.  10,  ]820.     2,  ^^  n.Li.>>M  A.,  h.  March  1,  1823;  imjiorfer  of  toy.-,  china  aud  fancy 

r^'oods  and   at;e:it  f'.ir  the  .^;erriam  Manufacturiivj^  Co. :  ot'.h'e,  Os' r'h'i.mb  u-s  st. ,  X'.  Y.  C. ; 

m.  March.  vX,  1845,  Svlvia  Mix.  b.  Dec.  27,  ISvl."     1.  Hn-rul  Klb'ih'fh,  b.Jan.  0,  184(1. 

2,  Julia.  ]:Uci>,  Feb.  23,  1848.     3,   1!7W^7///  /,'.,  April  2;i,  is51. 

XIII.     Maria,  b,  1708;  m.  Cyrus  Bradley;  (2)  Siieldou  Lewis  of  Bristol,  Cnin.;  c^.  i. 

92921.  Dan  Tuttle.  Ke])t  no  fam.  rec.  and  "  nobody  knows;"  m.  Hannah  IIol- 
dridi^e  of  Crc-at  Bend,  Sus<(.  Co.,  ra.,abt.  I80(^he  wa^kiil'dbya  fallinj^  tree,  Sept. 
or  Oct.,  1834:  his  wi.].  ju.  a  2d  air<l  3nl  time;  lived  witli  her  d;iu.,  Mrs.  Faniiy  Clatbu, 
till  d.,  abt.   18G1. 

1.  Amos  (I'reen,  lived  v,-itli  l;is  j:r.  f.,  Ichabod  Tuttle,  in  Cheshire,  from  a  .su\all 
boy  till  nearly  of  a,ee;  rem.  tc)  Ala.  and  enga.ired  ii\  mercantile  business;  lost  his  life  on 
a; 'had  sons  liviiur  in  Ala.  at  the  bei;-inninii-  of  Xliv  late  var;  m.  abt.  1828, 
-iulieua  11.  Case  of  Simsbujy,  Conn.,  b.  Ajiril  24'   IMO." 

II.  JiM-ry,  m.   Vo\\\  I>aurey;  I'es.  llerricj;  '..'enier.  Fa. 

HI.  John,  r.'s.  Fre-um,  Fa.;!'.  O.  Starru'ca,  \\'ayni>   Co.,  Fa. 

I\'.  S;irah,  n  s.  .\i*lelK)ro,  Mass.:  num. 

V.  Fannv  (i.,  m.  Xonnan  F.  Chdiin  of  Cibs-ui,  I'a. 

\'l.  Fl,/ab"th..  m.  Abe!  (ilea-^on  of  Attleboro,  Mass. 

i  Yll.  F'adley,  m.;  res.  Starruc-a..  Fa. 

Ylll.  M'>si-,  m.  S;irah  Friiu'e  of  Starruccn. 

i  92922.     Saliy  Tuttle,  b.  Oci.  3.  1777:  d.  June  2,  lP-08;  m.  early  nil70^\  l^i.hralm 

\      Siuiih,    bap.  Dec.  21,  1777,    :;nd    n  v.\.    in    1700. to   l.a-.^  sville  (Fi-ar.klin).    Su.-.j.    Co..    ]'u.; 
i       hem.  (21  Sarah  Bu.-k,  v.  ho  d.  Xov.  IS,  1840,  a.  Gl:  h.e  d.  Nov.  4,  185(;,  a.  70,  neaily. 

r.HAXCir    OF    SIMON. 

I.  \Villi;,iii  Sniiil,.  li.  Nov.  04,  IT'J-;  in.  Srj.r.  11,  Is-jj,  l.vdia,  -lau.  nf  Cv.i>^ 
JJiaii.i.l  ]5-.;-k;  f,,s.  I,,  a;-  I'ljtiklni.  1.  I-'.i.i.AMi,;  A..  1>.  Amr  1."),  Is-jW  (1.  Si'i.t.  -^r,,  ]S.(-j, 
2,  J>Ar.,  b.  .hill,  l."),  ]s:.'i;;  ,1.  7,  iMiii.  :',.  .In.iA  J.,  li.  Julv  •::>,  in:!));  jh,  Ju'iM-'Jl 
l^C.I,  E.  S.  Lockt-r.  1,  .l/iv  (;.,  \>.  April  H'..  1n-!2.  4.  FirvNKi.i'N-  S.,  h.  .]iih  14,  ]^:J1; 
m.  Aug.  2J,  iN.-i,  Fantii.-  A.  '>Vlic.-l.'r.  1,  C/i.t  rlir  B.,  \).  .\-m\.  '^^.^,  \Hu\].  'i,'  ilnttl,'  }]. , 
b.  Murcli  i?5,  ISfiO.  ."),  l-jnvAini  iV.b.  Ori.  17,  ]s;',ii:  of  tin-  linn  of  Siniih  A:  Keiincv, 
meirluiiits,  Biiighamtnn.  N.  Y.     (;,   Ci.ouiii:,  II.,  b.  Jan.  VA.  1S4:!. 

II.      Mi^rab  ?^ii:uh,  b.  .Iiiiie  18,  V^^fi:  in.  Xnv.  0,  ls2!j,  (.'ovcll  Park:  re-,  nr.  Fraukliu. 
1,  CkoKwK   \V.,  b.  .\.,v.    IS.  1^:.'4;   111.  Uct.    bs,-,(_i.  Knillv   Uct.     -J.    IIkmiy  W.,  b.  X.,\- 
14,  b\^-JG:   111.    X(.r.    11,    )s")0.   .lar:-    Tuttlr;    r.-s.   (.■!■.? rli'^ld,    Pa.      1,   ^.'A-'r'-//    C.,!).  Jan. 
iy.")4.     o,  Anx  Ki.r/A.  li.  Oft.  1^,  ;^;j-2;  u.  Sl'I'I.    17,  1'<:J7.     4.   l-:7)\VAia>  c",  b.  Ffb.   M 
184-:?;  111.  .May  N,  i^i;7,  ]•;:'];. t  A.  Sn.itli. 

.ill.  Sally  TiiTih,-  Siiiiili.  b.  Sci.i.  19.  1-04;  '!.  Frb.  -Ji],  IS!;";:  ,,1.  Jan.  10.  ls:37,  Lrvi 
Suinniers.  1.  \\'n.i.fA>r  H.,  b.  Nov.  17,  ISoS;  m.  Maf^-li  1,  iSijO,  jjiblnu  A.  Dcwcv:  «,ii(' 
(•lii]<i.  1.  l.cai,  b.  A]uil  8,  ISDS.  •^,  Ja.mks  K.,  b.  Autr,  O-"),  1S40.  3,  IFm;  vky'E.  .  b. 
Ju!:fG.  l^'j:;-.  in.  Fr-b.  05.  ISfiH,  Opliflia  lb  'i'uub-  one'  diild.  Roil,,,,  b.  ])rc.  M  l-ro 
4,  Fklam.  il..  b.  F.,4..  II,  isi;,;  ,1.  W'h.  1!*,  isjj;,. 

IV,  K>.1iraiin  Sinitji,  l".  A))iil  11,  IsiMi;  m.  .Ian.  3,  ISni,  Marv  Bamnni.  ],  FiJAxrics 
F:.,  b.  Mai'-b  o.  l^.-:;:'.:  m.  Mar<.4i  Oo,  IS'ls,  J.,sci.ii  F.  .Merri:iuiii.  '  0,  K.,  b.  Frb. 
7,  is:'i';.  :.i.  S.  Aroi>ir-,  b.  Nov.  U,  1,':;;7:  served  two  voars  as  a  soldier  in  tlie  Fidon 
ann>  ;  re.s.  F;:snoville.  Fa.  4,  WiiJ.rAM  J.,  b.  F.4..  OF  ISKi;  d.  Sepi.  04,  IS'i).  o, 
La\-"[>;ia  >F^i;iA.  li.  .luiy  7,1-1:3.  (i,  Fiijah  IF,  b.  .Ian.  Od.  F-^.");  m.  ]>.'c.  04.  1m14. 
l':u^reii;<>  F.  Fniter.  1,  [i,  rtr'i'lp  }r,uf,  \).  ^VA\>■  ]'i).  IsbO.  2,  //.' r, ///;.,  b.  Sepi.  4,  FSd^. 
7,   \ViLi.[AM  JF,  b.  Sein.  10,  F'^4«.     .^,   Ilii:A}.r  F.,  b.  July  O.'i,  l^Fs.' 

921^23.  Clarissa  Tllttle,  b.  Ftee.  ;31.  nTiF'm,  Titn.s  Smitb,  b.  Sej.;.  27,  1770,  and 
Loth  d.  on  tFe  same  .lay,  Feb.  1';.  l^iiO,  In  Sf|,t.,  1707.  Fm'n-  Fines  and  Titiis  Si;iiili 
left  Flieslii'.e.  ('<'iiu.,  and  arcived  a!  Faw^ville^-'  on  tin- 07ili  of  the  month,  the  l■^T]l 
birthday  of  Smiili.  The  obj»-er  was  To  exiJoio  ami  seh-ft  land,  all  leturnin--  to  Conn, 
for  thi- eiisuiii^"  « iiitei-.  In  Feb.,  170-:,  Titus  Smith  Avas  airain  on  tlie  cTfUJiul  arcin- 
jianied  by  liis  brother  Fi>hraini  (who  m.  Sally  Tuttb;,  sis  of  ('uiri-ssa).  They  bron£rht  a 
t^led,  provisions  and  a  few  utensils.  'Ilie  slej,  covered  with  bouo-lis.  t;erved'as  a  stielter 
for.  a  ioni;- t'lne.  The  bn  he  had  iiariia!l\  cleared  the  |irevions  fall  he  sold  to  ]'>avid 
IFu'ntim  and.  comiuenc.A]  a'iie\\'  <.'n  tiie  farm  lie  cultivated  and  lived  on  till  old  age.  He 
was  one  of  the  el.lers  of  the  Fre>b.  ehh.,  r1i..v,.ii  ;„  FSMG,  and  Fad  jires  iously'  lieei,  a 
deaeoii,  v.-hi'di  otllee  he  h-id  ali(..nt  f'+"!y  ye;iis.  He  was  one  of  ih.^  .-even  brothers!  v.-lio 
settled  in  Franklin,  all  of  v,-F(;ni  liv.  d,  b,,'yond  ih..^  age  of  SO  yrs.  excejiting  Anson,  ^vlio 
■was  UKjrtully  hurt  by  a  failing  limb  of  a  ti'.'e  he  was  e]io|i])ing.  'Fhis  was  in  ISorj.  He 
Avas  00  years  of  age  and  umn.  His  <F  made  it  neees.sary  to  selict  groniul  for  a  cemetery, 
and  his  burial  wa.s  the  llrst  one  in  ihe  town.-Fii'.  Th.e  grouiul  selected  was  a  part  of 
each  of  the  adjoining  farmsdf  F'ufus  Fiites  and  Fiiliraim  Smith.  In  tliat  sa.'rrd 
enclosure  ne:  ily  ail  iiie  hrst  st-nlci'.^  of  the  ida.ce  now  Rnfus  Fines  rem.  lircillv  ti.> 
L.  about  \>:Q\.-'J^lirLi:ia!i:>-  Hist.  .<>'.■<'/.  r.,.' 

1.  Lambert  Sniitli,  b.  in  Ftieshire,  Foiin..  Xov.  17,  1790;  m.  IsO.j,  Margaret 
Isrown;  res.  Faw.-ville  Ft-nti'r.  1,  Jcr.iAE! '1  a .  b.  Xo\-.  0."),  1805;  m.  F'^40,  .lofin  C. 
T'ruesdale,  and  remov.-d  r,,  \\"i.--.;n:is;,^.  i_  I^:unihri,  b.  Xov.  'i.  1S.")0.  0,  Jhirnj,  Fee.  F^, 
18.53.  o,  /.(".'o^.  b.  May  0,  F-'lO.  0,  Mi:i.i--A  A.xx,  unui.  :!,  Fd.-ai;  W'.. 'b.  Sejit .  S. 
ISOS;  ni.  Hilary  .Ann  Smith.      Fi  IS-jI  vein,  to  N\'is.  and  settled  in  (ireen   Fake  Co.,  where 

*Lav.-svine  rei;eivtcl  its  name  in  ^  ■■nor  of  S<--miiel  .A..  Law  of  Chciiire,  Conn.,  to  wliose  iiiilucnce  prclj- 
ably  was  due  the  settlement  tiiere  o;  so  m;iny  emi^'rants  from  his  native  tov.n.  The  route  Iroui  Chc;.- 
liire  was  across  trie  country  to  the  Hudson  River,  crossin,':  to  Catskilb  thence  to  the  head  ol  the  f^ela- 
ware  river  near  IFirpersvilie,  .N'  V.,  thence  to  the  Susquehanna  \';i!ley  at  Wattle's  Ferry,  at  the  north 
end  of  Criadi!ia\'i'.Uj,'e:  thence  down  the  Susquohannah  to  Great  liend.  the  whole  distance|about  r;.?  miles, 
much  of  it  west  of  the  Ihids.'in  a  wilderness.  From  Great  Head  to  Law^viUe  the  way  was  found  by 
marked  trees  and  th'-;  campini,' on  arrival  until  cabins  could  be  erected.  The  first  clearing  at 
L.  was  made  in  the  spring  of  17.^7  by  James  Clark.  — //•/.t'. 

1The  seven  brothers  above  relerred  to  were  sons  of  E[>hraiai,  and  supp  ■sr.l  trrandsons  of  Kphraini  and 
Thankful 'lyler  ^mitli  of   Chesiiire,   Conn.     Tl'.ankful   Tyler  .vas   dau.   of    .Xarlian  and    Rachel    ^T^!lIic' 
Tyler,  and  gr.  daj.  of  Ilea.  Timothy  Turtle  [g?];  hirths  and  baptisms  copied  from  Cheshire  ch!;.  rec. 
F     Roswell,  m.  Seet.  5,  .-i.o,  bucy  Ann  Norton;  (?i  .\pril  10.  iS.m,  Hannah   Hitchcock. 
II.     l"phraur.,  bap.  Dec.   -i,  1777;  d.  Nov.  4,  1S36,  a.  7;,:  ni.  Sally  TuUle. 

Ill      Titus,  b.   Sr;ir..  77,  i-7-,;  d.   Feb.  r',  i?oj;    in  o  ,d   vear  m.  Clarissa  Tuuie,  who   d.    same  day  as 

1\'.     I'.iyriion;!,  b.  i7->i;  >:'.  1S70,  a.  £y:  m.  sis.  of  his  bro.   Roswell's  wf. 
V.      .\nson,  b.  .March  9.  bap.  .Alay  30,  17C4;  killed  by  a  falljn.;  tree  i.-o,,  a.  22,  unni 
•\'t.     Silves'.cr.  b    .Nt.iy  ij.  i-S/-:  m.  I'a;!\'  tl.'ues. 
VU.     Lyman,  b.  Sept    7,  i7-':',  m.  Debor.ih  Buck. 











lif' (1.  iV'c.  7,  is!i2.    1,  ]),■  Ktt,i  Ahifi,  '.I.   Srp!.,  i^'i".    0.  //!-•,/■;// /v/,///,',  ii.  isj.-).    ;j, 

J/",'v/  -l"''',  li.  April.  1"^")!'.  4.  Af.DNZi.t  'i'l/'iTi  i;.  b.  i^;'.:':  m.  ilanuiili  iliiiL'.ii:;'ii;  r<-o. 
Mr.liiia,  N.  \,;  1  chiM.  i  lui  r!ry  }H  ivjnui  n.  ri,  Tm  iiov  Lam  i;',  li.  July  lU,  isri;  \\\, 
Eli7.ul'itli  1.  .Inlm-oii:   rc-i.  Law.-villp  Cciiter.. 

11.      15cis_v  Smitli,  111.  .luliti  CJi-feu  ("211  wt'.):  liistii'.-I  \vf.  v.-;!>  Plulfc  Sniitii. 
111.      I'hih'i   Smith.    iM.   J.'lm   Givl-ii.      J.  .I.vM'.    Ami.i.[.\,    it.s.    IVniyliiimion,    X.  Y.; 
uuni.     '2,   1Ji;tsI':v  Ann',  i^s.  ILiriiLM-rivillr,  N.^'.;  uii;r..     '■',.    run, a  .M!Si;i;va    hi.  Julius 
Siuitli;   n--.  iHiiiylianitiju;   i'.  t\N"o  (lau.<. 

]\'.  'riiu.-<  Siiiiili,  111.  Sarali  (in-i^n:  res.  I'.  1,  Fi;.vM  i--,  in.  S.irali  Am;  15ruU''hig-(.-; 
ifs.  l-'raiiklin,  ]'a.  2,  i'.\NMi;  (•,  in.  Cliarhs  UtTri!.'-; ,  unfliitusi ,  airl  lias  nup  iJau. ; 
re.-.  IJ.     o,  Hi;m;v   L.,  ni.     4,  I'oiiXLi.iA   num. 

A'.  Xaliliy  Ann  Smiih,  m,  Charli'S  W,  it,.'!-,  wli;)  d.  .Tun.  12.  I^''i2.  1,  Ai;v<Tixi-; 
AriM  sTA,  111.  \Vni.  Audrey  Siuiili  ami  lia.-;  1  dau.  res.  Fiaiikliu.  2,  (iKuiicK  H.vk:uNv;ton, 
111.  .Au;i  iCliza  Park,  ami  Las  one  sou.  * 

V[.      Isaiah  Suiith,  drowned  at  West  Haven,  Conn. 

\\\.     Sa.r:ih  Julia  S'uith.  ni.  \MlliaTii   (irecii.       Sin- d.  l"^'):!.       1,  .\m'.ki;t   \Vi;h;ht, 
)e\vrl,-r;  HI.  Ana    Pauau,  a'ld,  lias  2  oltil.;    res.  l']liuii-a,  X.  Y.       2,   \\'ir,i.iA.M,  in.  Sarali 
"l;r-i.;:er:   res.  ( ]>7]  lA\'ashin^Ti  n.  D.  (.'. 
YIII.      ramiv  Suiitli,  (1.  V. 
IX.      Susaii  Maria  Smith,  lu.  S-i-t.,  ls4':i,  Wr,,.  \\.  llatrli.      Shr  d.  Veh.  21.  lb''').!. 

92924.  rvJClid  TutUc,  b.  iK-;.  Ki,  ITSl;  rem.  from  Clie.^ldiv,  Coum.,  to  Laws- 
villi,  Su8(j.  C'l.,  Pa.,  ul'ere  lit.'  lu'i]>e'.l  to  i'orni  the  ehundi,  and  was  its  clerk  lor  many 
years  and  uittil  his  di'ath,  r>.'i-.  ly,  ],^20.  An  ohituary  in  the  loral  i>a].>er  .speaks  of  hiui 
in  till'  hitrhest  terms  a^  an  ai-tivi=  and  useful  eiii/en  and  a  deNoted  ehrislian.  Tlu'  whole 
<'OiinuuniTy  m.-)urncd  I'.is  "He  %\  as  emimuuly  a  jieaee  makfi-."  IJ.- m.  May  21, 
ISi'li,  Kuniee,  dau.  of  Piiifus  ami  Tamai-  Lines,  1>.  in  Cle'-hire,  Coiiu.,  Xov.  o,  1  7'^ ! :  this 
was  the  lirst  luarriai^'e  in  Lawsviile.  Sue  d.  in  Prardilm,  Auu.  Pk  l^iiO,  ie.  hie  '^Hii  yi.: 
ii'-arly  the  last  survivor  of  the  tlrst  S(;-til.-rs  of  l,a^vs\■ille.  She  was-  left  .-i  widow  with. 
e!i;-ht  cIiiMren  1o  |iro%-Idj'  and  eare  for,  and  a-;  an  in-tani'e  of  the  toiis  ;:iid  iirivatiem:;  of 
jiiteaeer  life  in  tlu'  v.dlderr.ess  ii  is  rolat'-d  that  ouch,  in  eompaiiy  wiiii  .\]i-s.  .^Ler^inIan, 
she  went  twenty  irdh-s  to  ])roeure  as  many  ji'ttatoes  as  she  eiuid  carry  on  tin.'  \:;\Ak  ol  her 
hor.-e.  Sill'  lived  to  s''c  her  ehildreii  all  settled  iu  life  and  th.e  In  ads  of  families.  She 
was  u  woman  ot  peculiar  eiier^-y,  a  devoted  christian,  and  tie'  iiii mijry  uf  her  lifcid' 
un\^■|•aril'd  and  victorion-^  eoniiic-t,  with  many  trials  and  ddthcultifs,  and  of  her  many 
virtues,  is  a  ]>reciiuis  !.-racv  tn  her  descendants. 

I.      Ransom,  h.  Au.:.  0.  I'^Oo:  d.  Xov.  24,  ISOl). 
n.      Pam.dia,  1..  March  2.  hSO::  m.  Daniel  C.  P-!owmv<, 

III.  171iza,  P.  (.)c'.  2:),  J^ns.-  ni.  .\]ir:l  P"),  1^27,'ia  M.  Bhmding  of  Harford. 
Susq.  Co.,  Pa.,  1).  Fell.  14,  17'.i'.»;  d.  P'o2  in  Harford:  wi>l.  muve.l  tV>  falls  of  St. 
Croix,  Wis.:  chil.  h.  iu  H.,'cxc!-yr  jlr.^t  two  1..  in  Oliio.  ],  W'm.i.iam.  1).  abt.  ISoO;  m. 
lS(j2-y,  Fdl.'.a  Tuttie  (hi.--  iirsi  ciej.^in;,  dan.  of  AiidrcNV  of  \\  is.  2.  JoiiN.  li,  Mahv.  4, 
Kc(,KNi:.     •").  Fi.AviA.     n,  r  i;a\k.      7,  May.     n,  FuKJii.r.icK. 

IV.  Andrew,  ij.  Amr.  2'..i,  PqU:  m.  Dec,  ]s;P,  Lucy  Pacou  of  ^^'yo;niIl_^•,  Pa.  He 
d.  alit.  Dec,  ]N'i:J,  n.-nr  Salt  Lak^  City.  L'tah;  family  re>ide  near  the  falls  oi'  St.  Croix. 
Wis.      p  Kj,i.     2,  Pavj.kv.     o,  Li.oyh.     4,  N\'ai;ki:n.     .">,  J-h.tZA,  m.  William  IMandin^-. 

<^i,   JlUIN. 

V.  Peubeii,  be  June  2U,  1SP2:  ])o^tmaster  of  (Pb.-,on,  Pa.,  st  vi-ral  vears;  )n.  Feb.  4, 
tS;-)a,  Mary  Ann  Judd.  b.  in.Milford.  Iki.,  .Pim'  21,  isl:i:  d.  Au.l-.  P'.  l^d'.t.  ].  Oimikma 
I).,  m.  Harvey  Y...  s.  (d'Levi  and  Sally  Summers;  res.  near  t>riel.  Pa.  '2,  A  SON,  m.  aiul 
res.  at  <Jrie]. 

Yi,  .Mary  Am.,  b.  ])cc  0,  1814  ihas  the  family  Pild.-k  m.  Aui;.,  JS^D,  Edwin  J. 
.Ster.rn-,  artist,  of  llom-^dal".  Pa.  1,  Ln.i.iK.\.,  m.  in  H.  P'-Go.  J.  '1'.  P.aui^doii  of  .Mmi- 
tto.^f.  Pa.     2.  Li)fi-^A.     ;k   Pk!,.vm), 

Yll.  'i'amar,  ''.>.  Uct.  :;,  1--1(;:  d.  ain  isl'.l;  in.  is}:].  Dr.  licnjamin  W .  Pratt  of  Jcdins- 
town,  ().      P  <ii:i!T]iri>i:.     2.  I'"iciknj>  \\'Ar-|-Ki;. 

YIlL  Jlufus.  le  Jan.  o,  !^]'.P  m.  (.'c.  IC.  ]s|:j,  Mar^'aret  Stcvr-us  (d'  Xi.di.dscn,  Vi\.\ 
i-es.  UpsonviUe.  Pa.  1.  .Maily  K.,  i).  F.4,.  12.  1S4.'.;  ns," Attlehcro  Falls.  .Mass.  2,  Mir.o 
:M..  1).  Feb.  27,  1^47:  ivs.  Lvud-n,  \^dlitcsidrs  e',,..  HI.  ;;,  Fi;an(  i>  E..  Julv  22,  IS4'.i. 
4.  Ei.i,\  A.,  b.  May  17.  Is.ri.       ."..  Et>wix  Ik,  h.  .Murdi  27.  \<>\.       tk  Ii-a  D.,  b.  .May  ;.iO, 

J^r.-id.        7,    \\ku,TKH   .\..    b.    V)cr.    12,    Pst'.O, 

IX.  Friend,  b.  NPuvli  s,  I'-j;  y-.X,.,-^  mnntlis  .ifter  tie-  dc.tb  of  his  favhoi^  ,n.  A]e-il 
;k  1^42,  I'huidine  Cole  of  Fr.iiikiin:  re-.  Wiliiamsburu'.  ]''a. ;  mill  wrii,'lit :  rem.  t(.i  Spar- 
lanburo-,  S.  C. 

i<34  BRAXCir    OF    SIMOX. 

0292-12.  Pamolia  Tuttlo,  h.  Mnrrl,  -J,  isor;  m.  F.-!..  t?;;,  ISiKi,  Daiuol  C  son  of 
John  Ulowrrs  of  ]..,  I.>.  Feb.  'J'J,  isi.i^.  An-,'.  IS.  ]sii;.  Cliarl.-s  Ji'owVrs.  a.  Si>,  hi.s  >()ii, 
John  Blowers,  it.  (;:-5.  hi.s  g.  t.,  Daniel  C,  a.  08,  imuI  gt.  g.  s.,  AHiert  LeKov  151ov,-.!,-;,  n, 
14,  iJiowed  a  liokl  togetlier  in  Franklin,  Pa.  The  gt.  g.  f. ,  Cliarle-t  Hlowets".  lived  t(.  see 
II  de.seendant  of  the  4tli  g^eneration,  and  d.  a.  91.  Mrs.  Panielia  Bli.'wi-rs  was  president 
of  the  Franklin  S.-ddirrs'  Aid  Sfsc.  (hiring  the  war. 

I.  Mary  (>idielia  Blowers,  b.  Feb.'  10,  d.  F.  b.  21,  18:il. 
]].  Albert  l.elJoy  Blowers,  b.  March  81,  ls;«;  enlisted;  commissioned  as  Bicut. 
in  Gist  Regt.  N.  Y.  \'ols. ,  in  i;;il  of  1861:  served  on  the  Peninsula  during  a  jiart  of  isn-J;, 
Taken  sitdv  and  relieved;  now  (ISTo)  living  in  N.  \'.  city;  rem.  abt,  INTn  "to  S]iarlanbur::, 
S.  C;  m.  in  X.  Y,  by  Kev.  A.  S.  Fiamls,  .June  lo,  IS.",;!,  Harriet  Cornelia  Bockvv-ell  who 
d.  Nov.  20.  18.')7,  a.  ^d.  He  m.  I'.^i  in  X.  Y.,  by  B,_-v.  A.  S.  Iv-.-ue-is.  Nov.  -JS.  bs.-j--.  Susan 
Jane  Ward.  /.  by  1st  m.:  1,  At/F.L.vtDi;  Uimiki.ia,  h.  Marrh  02,  1804.  2,  J,E!,.\m) 
LeKoy,  Xov.  Hi,  lyOO;  (1.  Xov.  10.  1^07.  /.  by  2d  m. ;  8,  Fi.i..\  ELTZ.\.tu;Tir.  b.  Mav  S, 
18C0;  d.  Dec.  20.  1^1)1.  4,  ALi'.i:irr,  b.  Xov.  17,  lsG2.  0,  iHcn.M.i)  D.vxiki',  )).' 
A])ril  17,  1800.     G.  i 'At;i;iB  F.i.iz-\i;KT}f.  b.  Feb.  01,  'isiy.i, 

III.  F:ii7.a  A7U1   Blowei-s.  b.  Ai)ril  10.  iMJ-i,   m.  in  Franklin.  180*:.  Jolm  Mose.-^.      Ik- 
enlisted  iu  b'^fiO  or  '■',.  in  lieavy  ariillery  aiui  served  till  'dose  uf  tlie  war. 

W.      .An. elia  Adelaide  Blower.s,  b.  dune    10,1837;    m.  i.nF.  .Inne    1807,  Obed   Bollfs 
of  Forest  Lake,  I'a. 

V.      Lodema  Coralinn  Blowirs,  b.  Jan.  S,  1S.'!!I;  d.  .\lav  14.  1843. 
VI.     Soplironia    A.    Blowers,    b.    Xnv.    7,    I8ll,    d.    J>er.    24,    J8'H;    m.   Aug;.,  1808, 
Eugene  Bolle.s  of  Forest  Bake. 

Vll.      Augusta  Cornelia  Binwcrs,  b.  May  7,  1^13;  d.  March  2"i,  1844. 
Vlir.     Tamar  Jo-^ey.hine  IViowers.  b.  .Ma.V  10,  isi,-,. 
IX.     .Friend  John  Blova-rs,  b.  May  21,"l847:  res.  X.  Y. 
X.     Sarahette  ^fyra  JMnwers.  b.  May  4.  184y;  d.  isc.a,  unm. 

9295.     Iv.ioses   Tutlle,   b.  Oct.  24,  170;i;  re-,  rrosjact,  CV.nn.,  wh.'re  he  d.  .Jan.  17, 
1830,  a.  82:  rn.  in  ^he^ll!re,  Daniaris  Hitchcotdc,  b.  170s;  d.  July  28,  1830,  a.  7i. 
I.      Wooster,  b,  Xrv.  (I,  1779:  m.  Mercy  Stiepard. 
II.     CJem'-ritinf.  b.  Mav  7.  1781;  m.  Joid  Merilman  of  Cln-^hire. 
Jll.     ]?,  b.  S.-pr.  2,  17S0;  m.  1809.  Sallv  Brooks 

IV.  Panedia,  b.    Sei't.  2,  1787;  m.  Benj,  D.  i5eeclier. 

V.     Sophia,  m.    C'ooj.m-   l^rooks  of  I'rosj.ect.      1,   F];.v>;cEs.     2,   Hikam.     3,   Siikk^ 
i!A>.'.     4,   MF:i:iaAM.     0,  John.     (>,   A.masa. 

VI.      Fr:>elovc.  b.  Xov.  22,  17^2;  b.ip.  Dec.  20,  1782;  per.  m.  John  Benliam. 
Vll.     Tiieophilus.  Feb.    1,  1701. 
VIJI.      BiJev. 
IX.     Mo^es,  b.  June  10,  170G. 

92951.     Wooster  Tuttlo,  b.    Xov.    G,   1"0;  d.    in  Pros.,  Feb.  2G,  1843,  a.  GO;  m. 
I^fercy  Slujuard;  clnl.  b.  in  Pj;i-^. 

I.     Zophar,  m.  Xani;y  Shei-man. 
11.      I'amaris,  m.  Oct.  20.  1824,  tiideon  Mayliew;  res.  ProS]«ec-t,  Conn.     1,  ]H"sskl].. 
2.    M'li.i.iAM;  sea  Cftjit. ;  les.  Xo.  Hav. 

HI.      Vinc-nt,  b.  Jan.  10,  1804:  m.  Mary  Hitchcock. 
1\'.      Julia,  m.  Jarvis  Sherman;  res.  Beadiing,  Conn.      1,   Lauka. 
V.      Isaac. 

929511.     Zopher  Tllttle,  res.  Oxford,  Cnnn.:m.  Xancy  Sherman. 

1.      (.'harles.  res.  Decatur,  J!l.;m.  Oct.  G,   1^07,  Henrietta' Flora.      1,    FiiAXKl.ix.    2, 
Boi'ir:.     '■).   Shkk!I>ax.     4.   P^hi;t)I)ik. 

II.  Kmily  A.,  m.  Sejit.  20,  ls03,  F.dward  Pitkin,  b.  Xnv.  2^,  1n:;(I:  Sere-r.  Co.  ]•], 
28th  Uegt.,  (/onn.  \'.ds.;rcs.  J.akeville,  Conn.  1,  Ei.i.a,  b.  Xov.  24  1n04.  2  Ed'.vvki) 
b.  J  illy  10.   1S07. 

Ul.      (^nrue;  IJ.  ut.  in  Feien  army:  killed  at  battle  of  Shiioh:   unnt. 
IV.      E.i/a,  m.    Oct.  20,  18G0,    .\lb(it   .bdinsou;   res.  Anse.nia,   C,,nn.      1,   Mii.Ks    dec. 
2,   Edwin.     :;,   Ai.r  k. 

y.  Burtmi,  m.  JiuieO,  J8d3,  Murv  Phitt ;  res.  Decatur.  III.  1.  2.  Ai,i>  1-. 
8,  Mum.v. 

\'l.      Elizabeth.  ;.).  Mirer  Baldwin:  :ev    .VaugatU'k.      1.    Di-.I,IA. 
^■|l.      Frank,  I. M.l>.):  m.  .March  10,   Is'fjO,  An..nisia  Mann;  res.   Xaueatu<k.     1    Lj'TIA. 
2,   S.>\.  ■  ^ 

VHt.      Adelia,  m.  Feb.  20.  l^GO,  Sanuud  Biliam;  res.  An.-onia,  Ci-nn. 


JX.      Xiles,  d. 

X.      Jjinc.  dec. 
XL     All,-,,  ,„.  ,,„,,  j,,j„s    „„„;„,„  .,.„|,,„^  ,,„     j„^„,,,^^ 

..'iS^':j;„.!?!;S,^!^^«i^;/i;:;,,',:;,  ,:::;•';.  ;■■  '■-.«•..- r..c. ..  >«.; 

■18.J0.  J-.ikli.,nistL'd,  Clin.,  h.  Jan.  -0,  ISO.j;  d.  Sc-pt    29 

d.  Jan.  4,  ]s,ir,,    V   c.r  vin  f<  S  r  ixr    "  '"^^^^^^^^  ].  Em^-^u  Ju.t.^vcktii 

iMogrl;,iu!;;'ol';,.i\:;::;;;;;!„';,^,;:::;;.;-;.;,^^  i'^.  ms.  in  reading  a  i,ook  of 

hiU>r  he  obtained  n.r.,.,;,n.  „,  l.-Iv   '    e  •       '    -  '"  T^  /^^'"^  """''^^''■-     %  ^^^^ere  nnuiual 

friend  who  failed.     Tl,.;  ]        ^  j',^,^.    \;  f^    "^^  ^'^'  ^'^'"'^  1'I''^">1   i"  the  hands-of  a 

)us  personal  oJr..,-ts  w.r.  d  Vr  C  '  v  ^  ."^^^  .^^''^l^^i^-n^-l  at  tlie  sa.n..  titn.-  Iuto 
':ould  spar.:  fn.u  WilhndVua-  o  (ILh',  "/I  =^^^^y»  l^'^'h^voted  si.t.T  hini  ail  she 
him  and  !H>enlistr<i  in  Co    C    m,  ..    v  V  "'''"'  ^'"^^   ''"'^  for  T.^piJU  nit-n  miclie<l 

For  some  time  h,-  .erved  a.  in-  v  r,  v;,  '  f' '  '' '■'"='.1;:"'>- '"■'"h'  up  oi  .-tudeuts  and  1.-acliers. 
nient.s  t'ah.n  prisoner  o  '.a  ,  7  .^  j,  ^"^  '""  '>'r''."-  ' '  '"  '"'■■-•  "^  ^'^-'^  earlv  .n^.^.^e- 
food,  ],.tray.<{  .-he  e  1  e  ^ou^t  h  ,  ".il-^  '  T'p'' V''^ '^'''*^  "''"''^  lor  days  wiU.otzt 
montl>sand    u-Lih- stricken     vi  1,    r  -         'l  '«  ^  ^^Innnnd   and  a,  Libby  prison  three 

Tuscaloosa:  th.noe  to  SabsW  %}  rl't.'T^^'  '''' ''  !"^  f.r  a  pillo.-;  thence  to 
.ground,  lie    battled    u'ith    d.-,rh"  '•,",,  i\.  '"',  ""T''^  ''   year, )  where,  13    feet    under 

weicchin^  instrn  P'-ul^t  ;  uc  ^  r  n  i''  ""V^''  ''•'  'V'"  "'''  Vhyslc.Uy  .  wreck, 
nbject  witi.  st,.ndv  pim'.;,  J  »  ,''\  .' 'I'''  ^•'''  .  ^^-^'^•='  ^''  ^b.^ldadc  hole  he  pursued  hi^ 
and  parsed  Milton's  Pradi.;  I  o^t\  i'"'''?'"""'  T'^'"'^  *'"""'«"  '^"^'  geunietrv 
Afteru-ards  exriw„v^..d  and  ;nv  ;  .  /'V'V'  "T'  V'f^'  "'  ^'^'""•^-  -^uff  lh;.n  thisV 
h'Ctnrin:,  nn  his  pri.  i/^"!  "  ^  "t^  ^i'T^^^'^".  '"  1'-^'^- h  h.Mraveled  over  ..veraUtates 
tl'en  at.nnor  srlu  v  a  h e  e  nnc""  ( /'' X '''^'  '^^'^'7';''-  ^'-  ^^-nbary  Commission; 
Latin  and  Gn-ek  as'he.ui  ,  1  rh^  ^  ■ '  'v  ""'^^  ^''""•''  •'^•^•'•^^■'^nls  teaching  there 
he  ntarri,.<rinu:  :Z  of  th  't^^t  nn^t  • 'T  l"^"'  ''"'V,  '  >'"^"^-  ^'"""^  ^J"'^''  ^^««*) 
Wood,  (dan    ofDaMi.d    /on.l    f  /',-'''■'   ''""   '''"'">  "''  ^vHiakerd(mi,   Etta   B 

O..  Ibincipal  of  Ibv    •  r    orv       ^  r  ,   \       '^'  T^'^""'    "'   ^^''^'sl^y'^"  <  oh ,    Delawan-, 

twice  more  to  E.  ipi  ^  "  s^  v 'a  ,d\;':  ■";'"'  V"'^"  'i''  -'""^"^  '-nguag.-s.  Ke  went 
preparations  for  a  iotm.ev  ro  rl  ^"V'^'J^'tV   I''"  ^""^'  "^'  '"«  ^'-^'^^  ^^"^^  "'^^hing 

inu  bonk  oftra^■,£  ^s  :  ,  v'ls  ':  •■'  Tp''^  h.  intended  to  publish  an  accouin 
in  Baltimore,  Md.,  ]!)8  \o  F,'  ta  v  sr  •"r"!"""^;"'  /^""^•'I"^!  ol  the  ■•  Frinubs  Academv," 
vital  powers  ran  Imt  ai^i  hi^S„ds\  ""/th  "', '''''  '"''^^  '"V'V':  '"'^  '"'^"-'^  f^-'""-  '^i^ 
for  awhile  and   r^v    tirrd    r  ,m,,  T        '^  '^'''''^'''  "'^^''''   ''^"'   '"^'^'1'  tlu-burd.m 

negh.ct  nivdu.^V'  T  '..";;",  '■',"'"  ^"  r.-cuperate.  Fis  an.w.r  was:  -  I  .annoi 
Jersev  shore    but  did      o      ,  Iv    ,  '•"'  '"""'  ^''  "•'"^  ^'"'  ''^'•■""   "'-'^'^  "'^   the  New 

days-afterwaul  Ji  H  '"^  s;/'"^^V  7'''  T'  'T^^'  ^''^  pn,.strared  and  died  thr.e 
of  the  Saviour  and  u  .:'•  l"  !  oi;':"i'T"'7i'/''''''^'  •'';'"'''  '^'^  '"  '''  ^^'"-''^  ^  '''- 
tears  what  his  voice  coifid  ,      '   ,     ,•  -If   1      """'"r"      '"'   "^'-^   ^l'"'^^  '"  ^'  '-'"'I  of 

I.resenr.  h.  pa.s.d  in  t  ,  s  ,  \  ■'  1  "  '  ''•'"^''bl'lt.d  in  resiinu-ny  ef  that  Divine 
tive   an-1    shrinki,,'    s!'lf        '';'''?  "      '   '^  ^^'^^  "'  ■'  <'"<^  ""^   ''"'i^^^^o  or^Anizaln.,,.  srnsi- 

//'   /A'/?/ rr    l/.;C/,\.  „,•     !;'•>•  ';"^,       ',;"'''-''\^'    and  sincere.- J/,r;-,/,;,,/  ;>„,„./.   //, , 

-*''-^    '•■''■'''•  ^^^'^v  ■Fi.r^.vK^n^hV  abo!a  ;;;■;!::"    ispr,...,,.;,,.. -.... ....,.,: 

'Ufiiii:  a  itiriiuiir  t( 

^^■pf^fis,;?T?^.?^^!«'^'''-^"l'^-^.l'^o/d    at  Canton,  S.    Law„.n,.,.ro     X    Y 
Ailriii'i;!:!;'-   '"•''""    ■''     '^^'••'     ''>•    i^-v.   IT.  Foote,    Sally    Brooks,  b     in   Ch.^hile: 

April  ;;(l,  i:;)ti, 

*-''-'y.   l-Vb.  i:',    l.U.'in  ClH'^hMv,  Conn.,  r.s.  Con.nna.    Shiawa^s.o  Co, .  Mi,d, 

1.      llarn,.T,  b.  May  tl,  ISlo;   ,„.    K.   H.  Fisk 


in;A-N(.H    OF    Jrl.MOX. 

IV.  Jn,.l    IV.     h.     X.     Ihiv.,     Marcll    11.    ISlC;    „i.    ITanict     \.    N,-ll]rt(,u  ..f     ]',;,;lnl,     ()• 

3v-^.   r-xp,.,'!.    Cm,),.      1.    >!ak',    M.,    U.-t.    I'J.    IslH:   III.    .Mav   :2s,  is;;;,  .\.   \V.  rr.-;i,'h  u;' 
Danimrv,  ( 'nni, 

\'.      Mill-.  1/.  ii,  Caiitnii.  N.  Y.,  May  i7,  ISl'.l;   i-s.  Coruiina.  MirJi. 
^'l.      Arvilla.  1).  April  111,  ]S'Jii;  d.  liii. 

"^'"-  I.urius.  1).  (■aiiteii.  May  Oo.  1^02;  iii.  -laii.  ],  ISJC.  .\!/ii,;i  X..nlirup,  1, 
N.'hr^!).  \".  v.,  1',  1,.  •:'!.  l^-^T:  !.-.  CaiiMti:  lai'i:..T.  1,  ]-"i.ui;.\  A.,  1..  Fi-I..  .'i,  ]S-Jv';  ,] 
<.''-t.  i:l.  l^."i:t.  '.?,  I-^j.(.!;i;m  K  A.,  Aiui!  IS,  is.Mi.  t-Mi-hn-.  :!.  Wm.  j'l.,  |,.  M;,v  -^1,  i.s:):;' 
<1.  Maivii  .J,  is:,;i.     .},   STr.i.i,.\.  h.    May  -Jl,  l^CO.  '  "        '  ' 

VIll.  McsL'-.,  b.  All-.  1'.),  ls-J-1:  m'  Jan.  ]'-K  isJ',).  Juiiu  Cn.ik  c!'  Cjinrui:.  !>.  l,v.'l; 
fariiuM-.  1,  A.\iAM).\.  i..  Nov.  i:..  is.-,li:  m.  Maich  ■,';).  Is7;j,  J).  .J.  j- r.-cmun ;  iv-,.  M(,;- 
ri;>lmrL'li,  Out.  i,  Mshkif.i.a,  twin  wiTh  A.:  m.  F.'h.  1,  ISTI ,  Samii.!  Jw-li;  i>-.'.  Cuninui 
•^.  J)f.\_Ni-.,  Sopr.  'M.  l-- .').•;  111.  .la:;.  1,  ]s7.;.  Ali..-,'  (.'oyle-:  nu-un-r.  •).  |;mi':i;i.i;xk,  S^'j.i.' 
30.  1-sVJ.  5,  JKNXi}-..  .<fpt.  10.  L't:."")').  (j,  Fk.wk,  Xmv.  24,  l^.-jS.  7  ]-^j.(,j;\  l),c  "s 
lNi;0.  '  .       .    .  -   . 

JX.  Foriii,  1..  D,-c.  20,  1^07;  res.  Ca].r..n,  llwunr  C\;. .  111.:  in.  Mav  -I  is.-)!)  at 
K.l-,!a;:,.  N.  V.,  (an.lii).-  ]'.  Vnv:.  U.  1.,.  !>(.>■.  J.j.  1  SJ.",.  ],  J.Ari.'.V  {■..  .lulv  -J:.  IS.Vj;  .1. 
Dee.  17,  IN.I^;.  -2.  1\ax<u.\[  ]•"..  Sfpt.  12,  ls"i7.  o,  llo'.iArK,  .Trjv  rl,  jsCii.  '.J,  Emma  E  , 
Man-li  27,  ]sr,2.     r,_   Mav.v  S. .  .Ian.  22.  is,'.;."",.     0.   .\x.\a,  Jinn' 2i"t,  lN7n. 

X.  Emma,  Wc  2^.  ],v2-<.  in  Canmn:  ni.  l"fl,.  1;>.  Isi;:t.  i:iv  P.  Empi.'v  of  Canad;', 
311.      /. :  1,  l;-\N<o.\[.  .July  ;!.  1S70.     2,   ( iAi;i;v  K. ,  .inly  17.  ls72.  ' 

XI.  Mai-y,  h.  .Iulv4,  E^o'i:  iji.  Feb.  10,  ls.-)S,  .J,.lui  Scoit  of  Antwerp,  X .  Y.  1  Lkox 
K.,  F.-)>.  lit,  l>ii]  :   n  .-■.  ("antun. 

XII.     iliia'.n,  b.  Junt^-27,  lS-12:   unni. ;  r^^-.  Canton. 

D2.9531,     Harriet  Tattle,  Ma.v  i).  ls]0.  m.   Si-pi.  7,  1^30,  Kal]>li  Tl.  Fisk  of  Can- 
ton, X.   v.;  r.s.  cl.csTfr. 

1.     Mary  >b-!inila   Fi<k,  b.  May  lb.   cl.  July   Is,  ls;;7. 

II.  Lauia  I.>..rii.^a  ]~i-k.  April  :ii).  l-^JS;  in.'  1  )o>-.  2.").  1S!]0.  Ilcniv  IV'vnoMs,  kilb-J 
in  FnidJi  Army  isi.;-..^;  ;2'  I>f.-.  21,  isbs.  Snrnn.l  J.  Peairt:.  <.f  V\';!niinkr.m,']b-I. ;  rr.s.  X. 
llav.  /.  by  1-t  ni.:  1.;v,  tl.  May  lil.  isi;:'.  a  ]>  nm-;  ■/.  bv  2'i  v.}.:  2.  'Ar.jiiCKT 
Il.u.i-,,  il.  a.  b  years  3  mos.     >l.    Ei.ixrii   l.nri^v.  b.  .Iniv.  1-72. 

III.  Ilauison  Fisk,  b.  A]>ril  2:!.  1^4(1;   nnm:  re-,. '( '];,--'~tfr.  Ma><. 

W.  AlmiraFi::];,  b.  June  12,  lsl2;  m.  May  14,  lS7it,  Xatban  Xrtrb't.m  (,f  Brtlianv. 
<'onn. ;  .v.  /, ;   r<''>.  X'.  Hav. 

V.  Wilbur  Fisk.  Frb.  7.  1^4  1:  m  Fob.  7,  ISIJO,  Ma--.j-i,-  ]3ael  nf  X.-sv;  r,-:s. 
S-prin^'tn-bl,  Wi>.      1.    Lkox.  ti.  .b'.n.  b.  ls7:i,  a.  2  Uii-.-.  9  Javs. 

Vi.  Elvira  A.  FM:,  Juiv  2,  ls4r.;  11..  X ov.  C,  ]>.;,:,.  li.'o.  Ih.vos  of  WHittlob]  Ma.s. 
1,   ]m-V  .May.  b.  !-bi,.,   ls72.  ' 

^'Il.      Ibilph  Mbk,  b.  .Mav  14,  isUt:  m.  June  10,  1S73.  Ma-v  A.  Fin--  of  ClR-b'rtib-lJ 
-Mav.s.  ■  ■  ^"^ 

A'lll.     Arlliur  Fisk.  b.  O.n.    10.  1S.-,1. 

92954.    Pamelia  Tuitlo,  b.   s,-pt.  2,  17s'7:  d.   l-Vb.   i.^.  iSfiH;  1,,,.   \i,,-_^i  Piuton 

iJeecli.-r  of  I'besbirc.  (unn.,  b.  Xov.  2,  1701;   bap.  .Ian.  1."^^.  17l)2;  J,  Jan.  17.  Is'bS. 

].  Lutber  l^.erluT.  b.  Feb.  22.  1^1.-,;  iv,.  ]),-tro;'.  .^lirli.;  m.  A).rir3(l,'  ls4.->, 
Louisa.  (Ian.  of  John  an. i  Xan.-y  Sinitli  AMlliaui^,,  b.  ^Manlin-,  X.  Y..  Mar.Ji  0,  1^22;  d. 
J>ec.  3U,  ]N,-,0;  i2i  .^lay  yi),  ls.=,2'.  Mary,  diau.  of  David  and  Ann  \\vli.-  A\'ili;!ns' of  Fins  Pa.  1,  Laiiia  .bwcj-iiiNK.  !)."(»-•;.  14,  \<y;-  ,[.  Ani:.  2:1,  l-"f7.  2.  '  i  km.  LiTiiKii. 
.May  lb.  1S4S;  m.  Jan.  12.  1^72,  Fannie  Isab,-1!-,  dan.  of  I>aa<'  D.  rerkinr.u  of  (.)bl  Lvnu.-' 
<."onn.;  res.  Detroit.  1.  L>.t/n:r  J/,/in/,  b.  Mav  1,  ls7;:;.  3,  CuAHi.Ks  Fii.WKi.ix,  b' 
Sept.  7,  d.  Sej.t.  22.  l.^^-V), 

II.  Sopliia  Beeelier,  b.  An--.  13,  IsKi;  m.  .June  1,  ls4").  James  Porter  of  U'ater- 
bury,  (.'onn.,  1>,  .Marrh  2t;,  bsis.  1,  F.Minv  Sofiii.x,  June  21,  lS4<i.  2.  Sacaii  Jam:. 
Sej.t.  22,  INJH,  3,  Jamk^  ^^■A):^.  June  12,  l.s."")'!.  4,  F.^nmh  Amkt.i.v,  Sept.  2b,  ls:,t;.. 
b,   ]-b.M!'j:.s-,  K.  twin  \vitli   F.  A.     b,   M  \i;y. 

m.      llirant  Peecli.-r,  Mareb  Hb   isifo   „-    yiairh  21,  ISil],  Mr-.  Marv  F.  Ibdjerts 

IV.  i;n   Be(.di-r.  July  17,  1^'21:   m.   IMC.  .Mr~.  Sarab  Fi>li  <.f  Pbiia. 

V.  Auielia  F,ceb,.v.  May -4.  1N2^;  m.  Juiu- 22,  IS")!,  4,,bn  F.  r.tnn  ..f  (>..wbod. 
l-b'b.  2."",,  1,S7().  1.  li;>,  liKKiui:!;.  S-pt.  :]<),  ls.-,2;  d.  .!:,n.  3.  ls^:f  2.  li;  v  l.)-iiiK.i;.  Jan. 
3,  is.",b  3,  FiiANK  PoKiFK,  t)et.  21;,  is.;i.  4.  A  in  iiiK  1 1  i:.N  K  Y,  b.'vii  d  Jiilv:;i 

VI.      Henry  Clinton  Beeib-r.  Dec.  2S.  I'-O"^:  d.  Jan    If),  i -^20. 
\'I1.      il-niv  :»b,--.  Pr-eher,  Marrl,  12,  ]s;;u:  m.  .\prii    Hb  ]-■:,:],   Sarah  M.  Pav>on  <d' 
South  Cnv-Mitry,  (.'unn.      1,    Ida  P.v.m  !.i.!  \,  l-'ef*.  s     IS'.!,  in    Wbii.Tt.'wn.  Conn. ;   res.    \Y. 
.MerJdi.-n,  ( 'onin 


9298.  Thadclens  Tuttle,  !■.  -\u;/.  is,  ]7:.:,  (Civi-r,  of  .Militini:  m  .Im;.-  •,'•.',  ITltl. 
^\li.,.li;i.  ,1,1.  ,h,,i.  <'l  .\luliMi>''  lUii'l  S:i',-;ili  I'irv.o;!  .\tv.:ll«r,  li.  .Iillv  ;V  ITf,?;  he 
Mu- >'l'  ^\  ali''l.  Cniin..  IT:-:;,  liut  i)rol<.  xoon  ii-m.  V)  \'ciiun[\t  ,\  Iht,-  li.-  l,.nii::iit,  in 
(■Mr,i;>:tnv  v^i'h  tJuv  CaTlin  [[k  !m;]  tlif  townsliips  i,f  Wcsr  Innl  ainl  J!-;:, ex  (tir,i^;-i'  hnid.s)  in 
Cliirieiiiieu  Cn.  }l('-:i!->o  imrrhavci  viirimis  i)aivi.'Is  nf  laiui  in  <lilfi/i>ii:-  pans  of  Jliirlinot,,!, 
and  nwiu-d  ;;lM)in  l(!;i  .-vrirs  in  tin'  licavt  of  ill.'  town.  ]!y  cuttini.-  ami  fnrwaniinu-  liinltiv 
to  (.Jiielur  and  !iv  i.i.-  land  spcrnli!  lion-.  In'  Ijt'ca.'ut-  quiie  wi  aiiliv.  ]lr  i.niil  :,  l:ir-''  and 
c-leirant  luicd;  linii-t- in  ]kiilin,i,^ti>n,  (ini^licd  in  tin-  (■oslli''St  jiianncr  and  furni>hrd  v.liii 
everv  convi.-nii-nrc,  ••  an  exam jilr."  says  his  dan^^MU'T,  Mis.  iK-'wiiii:,  '-or  liis  tliwrouydi 
mannt-r  >>\'  doinv  smnc  things."  It  staiids  in  a  ]iln;  of  ahonr  foiiy  arics.  the  tim-t  siti-  in 
til.'  tuwji.  a  i-(j;ninaii(linft-  .sinsatioh  ovt'rl<M.>kin-:  Lake  C'haniidain  and  tin'  maii-nitirrnt  and 
b.':,i;:iful  sccniTN-  for  \viii<di  ilir  ]ilac<-is  taiiird.  Al'tor  tLrce-tniiiili-:  of  a  ftnuiry.  s:!i--o 
ii  was  Iniiit,  iIk"  'j'utiIi.'  Imns.-  still  has  n(.  sn]i<'rior  in  J'luiinytnn.  It  sn  |,>o(jiirn!ly 
]Ki<s('d  su.'cc'.ssividv  into  the  hands  of  scvi'ral  cidcbrltios.  i.'ov.  \'an  Ncss  owind  and. 
occniiird  it  and  (.lAcriaiin-,!  hai-'ayctn^  thfrt-;  after >va.r, is  lli-nrui.  .\ Ih'n,  liro.  of  Eilian, 
own.'di  an.d  ocruj.ii.'d  ii.  Cni't.  Tli'adiU-us  I'utili'  was  a  fa.-,l  and  fr.-c  liver,  u..ii,.tous  to  a 
fault.  Tiiore  was  no  IMiii'  to  his  ]io>]>iiality,  lii^  house  ami  fal)le  fret-  to  all  and  always 
tilled.  ••  ]ti-  family  nllowc-d  to  do  pretty  nimdi  as  they  ehns'-."  lie  was  very  iiui)u]sive 
and  pa-sionate,  l.)ut  i;nie]tly  ovt-r  it  and  inra]ial>le  of  harh(jring-  uialif'e.  Having  qiiar- 
ieh-(.|  ^^■i:h  his  j'la.rtnrr,  (.'atliii,  aliout  the  divisir.n  of  some  laud,  tliey  litigated  the  nuilter 
tor  sixteen  v.',  \\heu  it  was  at  hist  iheided  in  (.'aj't.  Tutth-'s  fav(pr,  hut  in  the  meun- 
tinie  the  h..\vv"is  h,;.i',!  eati.'U  up  hi-',  sulistance,  s,jii;,it,is  and  otheis  had  stolen  the  IniuVier 
and  a  lonnn'o  Itad  hecu  spent.  His  couvivial  h.ahits  al.-o  hidpe.I  hi;.-,  on  hi^  road  to 
l)ov,-rtv.  ■  lie  w;..-^  not  educated  in  husiuess  habits;  was  eareh-ss:  look  no  r.  ceijiis,  and 
when  lie  d.i.  «1  and  his  estate  was  setth-d  there  \vas  nntlung  left  that  Ids  (diildreu  could 
legal Iv  elaiu). 

Ahinv  aie-rdote^  arc-  told  of  him.  T:>  some  British  ollie,-rs  stopping  a^  his  l:ou-e  lie 
^^as  fond  oi  eMolliui:  Yankee  liravery.  Thi-  at  last  gavf  otVeuce  a!id  h-d  to  a  chalienge 
from  one  of  tlu-ni.  S'-(.-ond>  W'-re  chi">seii,  ground  selected  and  everything  j'togressed  iu 
due  order  up  to  tim  moment  when  the  si^'iuil  was  given  to  tire,  upon  whirli  Caj^t.  Tuttle 
\vlieeled,  witlioitr  tiiiui!-,  and  uiarched  in  tiie  direction  asva\  from  his  <,]<pon.'i.l.  (.)n  h-dng 
<>xpostulat.  <1  with  he  treated  the  matter  as  a  joke  and  the  two  shook  liand.s^aiid  were 
ever  after  frieials.      A  tin./  .street  iu  Ihirliiigbm  was  called  oir  him  "  Tuttle  .st." 

Tiie  fi;.-.t  live  chil.  d.  v. 

VI.  -Marv.  Ic  iihout  ITDS;  in.  Ivumnn  Foote,  F.pis.  minister,  th.en  a  lawyer,  afterw. 
estab.  tlie  /.'.■■"/•'/„;;Av,-  Fjrr  J\r,y.s  ill  op]>osition  to  (.Jov.  Van  Ness;  six  chil..  of  whom  8 
survive  .o,>l  le^.  in  (  harlotic,  Mich.,  whef  lie  was  aii  l\p:-.  (dcriiyman.  1,  JiDV-'Ai:!),  a 
]a\vver  in  v'liarloti.-.  Mich. :   in.  and  lias   (dLih     2,    H!-:n'HV. 

Vll.  I'diza.  b.  about  17'..)'.);  d.  ist.;.");  m.  about  1^1^,  William,  s.  of  Col.  Harrington. 
Avho  MM-m  made  wav  w  irh  a  huge  forniue  hdt  him  by  his  fathei',  and  rem.  U)  Hiilfalo,  X. 
Y..  whert'  l;e  d.  of 'cholera,  h  av,  daii.,  \n1io  in.  Di'.  Arcomble  <.f  l-v'alamazoo.  Mich.,  and 
lia-  one   .-,ou. 

\';I1.  .liiiia,  b.  i^i'ii);  went  with  li'-r  sis.  F.liza  to  l^alTalo.  where  she  m.  a  i)i.  Ilar- 
ri>oii.  then  a  widinver  witli  four  (diil.  He  was  a  of  fhigland..  a  clu  mi-t  and  a  man 
of  talent,  hut  unsuccessful,  an-1  d.  al)ou;  ISi"*.  Mrs.  llari-i.^ou  res.  wirhher  niece,  the 
duu.  of  her  --is.  Eliza,  at  Kalama/.no.  Mi(di. 

IX.      -^\lexandei  Thadueu.s,  b.    isit-:. 
X.      (iecjrirell.,  b.  ISIi);   uiim.:   res.  with  Mis.  Hewing. 

Xi.  .lane''Am<dia.  b.  b^lo;  m.  ls4-\  ^Villiam  (h  Dewinc-.  a  native  cd'  Englaml,  but 
re.-iuent  f(U- iiianv  yrs.  in  the  F.  S.  They  have  visited  Europe  twice  and  travelled 
extensively  on  tlie  rontinent;  res.  Kalamazoo,  Mich.;  six  chil.,  of  wdu)m  V  d.  y. ;  1  dau. 
aud  3  soils  liviiiLC.  — ii''Ve?'(7  i;ir,'/,  b'/  Mi'v.  ])itrln;i. 

029S9.    Alexander  Thaddou.s   Tuttle,  i-.   ls'•^^:   grad.   Vi.   Fniv.,  is-JT;    m.. 

l^-''./,  l-hi/a..  d:iu    of   Fa-ie  ^\'aln■■|■,    who>e   wf.    ilauiuili  Was  a  sis,  ol  Prol.  Fharh's  (hay 
<d"  Ham.  t'id.      Th.v  lived  -ome  timi'  in   O.      Hi.-  health    failed;  iii.s   w  ife.  some  year.s  his 
s<-uior.  re;  II  rued  to '\'einiont  a.nd  he  d.  at  the  house  of  liis  sister,    Mrs.    Hewing,  a.  about 
,")(h      All  the  idiih  except  the  last  h.   in    Burlington,  \'t. 
1.      Charles,  (1.  v. 

II.  ib-orge  Averv,  irrad.  \Ve.-t  Point  Mil.  Aca.l. ;  enlisted  in  a  Zouave  regt.;  re.-,ig. 
and  enter, -d  the  ."^,1-:  lle-i.  .N .  Y.  ^"ols.  ;  became  ('apt.  :  wa-.  iu  seveial  great  battles;  on- 
trai  le.l  ih.uiuat,-m  iu  the  ^,-r\  ice  and  •!.  ahoiil  tlo-e  n.o.-..   licYore  en,l  of  war. 

111.      llohert  Alexander,  wenttoCah;  s<U.  in  >-'.!n  h'runci-co;   unheard  from  lor  many 

533  BRANCH    OF    SIMOX. 

IV.      Kli/idifili  Hiicklcv,  ni.  Ivhvin  Jvilborn  ot   IVarliiigtmi,   Xi.,   and   is   now   a  wid. 
1,  .lon.x.  n:-.  I'liila, 

A'.  Fiaiiie.-s  Wavii.T,  in.  July  4,  IS.-),!,  ("liailcs  l^ttis  Bickiiell.  a  rvn]  est,  hroker  in 
Pliila.,  s.  of  JIn'iii  1 1  T.  nirkiitll,  a  ]iii.iiiin(nt  haTilcn-  of  Pliilu.,  loriuorly  of  lk)>toii,  J\Iass. 
Mrs.  Hirkiiell  is  well  known  as  a  \viitcr  and  artist.  1,  JosKi'll  Dunn.  Maicli  14.  lS."i7i 
lawyer.     2,   Koi.KitT  Tii.vxTKli,  May  !»,  ]sr,;3.     ;',,    1:i>iti[,  d.  y.     4,   C'i.aka.  d.  y. 

VI.  Chatle.s 'J'baddi'Us,  d.  in  inf.  in  Manhattan,    (). 

9299.  SamUGJ  Tutlle,  k.  April  Ki.  17")H;  (i-,liste.l  at  livginning  and  served  tlirougrlt 
tlie  KfV.  war;  n-in.  m  \x.  and  set.  on  u  lari;c  trart  of  kind:  d.  of  bilious  fever,  bis  fii'st 
and  last  sickness,  in  .Monklon.  Addison  Co.,  V;.,  in  ksMl ;  ni.  I'^eb.  ]G,  17S3,  Martha, 
(lau.  of  Dr.  Anios  Hull  a.nd  niece  of  I>r.  Ze|ibaiiia-b  Hull  of  Cliesbire  and  Bethlebeiu, 

I.     Cliild.  b.  Au^;.  ].j,  17s(i,  d.  Seiit.  5,  neSi. 
II.      l>an.,  d.  unm. 

III.  ]  'ail. ,   d.  num. 

IV.  Sekna,  111.  IialVvk;  rem,  to  Clark^ricld.  Ohio,  in  1^1 7;  raised  larire  fani.  1, 
1Ii;m;v,  b.  Mnnkton  towir,hii),  Ad.lison  Co.,  Vt..  ISOs;;  d.  Clark^field,  (>. ,  S.'pt..  1SS(V 
in.  l.':-ci4,  .Abij^ail  K.  JIaskin.s.  lb'  be^-an  with  a  farni  of  50  a. 'res  and  added  to  it  from 
time  U)  time  nntil  it  became  fiOU  acres;.  14  cliik,  of  whom  lu  lived  to  maturity;  12  now 
(l!S8'3;  livin.i'  and  were  I'lesent  at  the  funeral  of  th-dr  father;  he  was  a  nieni.  of  lie-  kj'is. 
cddi.  1.  Ij'v-irn,  mort.  wounded  at  liaTib-  of  Shilob.  '-?,  J'liuJ.MUv,  res.  Wakt-nnm, 
llurv'u  Co..  <>.     W,'KI,. 

V.      liet.-ey.    b.  1790;  in   bS7(J  was  liv.  with  lierdau.,  Mrs.  Cole,  she  went  to  Cal.  in 
INi'in  and   on  tk"o  \wiy  was   (k-rani;-ed;  m.  Pliilo    Barnes;  C  rbil.      1,    l).\    Cb-mons  L. 
Cole:  re-.  <);•;■.  i-.iid,  ('ak      :j,    Il.uttiiso.N,  les.  Charles  City,  Iowa.      ?>,  .SiJX. 
VJ.      Saniiirk  b.  AuiT.  14,  17!»:. 

VII.  Tauy,  in.  Laban  llu'd'oiirt;  r.'s.  ie,  A'l.;  liv.  lo  laise  a  ku-.i^X'  fam.  and  celebiate 
gc.klen  \veddiu^-;  she  d.  a.  7;!.  ],  ikKurioK,  lives  mi  old  home.-tead.  "2,  Sanh'i:!.,  s]ient 
several  yrs.  iu  California;  m.  in  Vt.and  wL  d.  aiit.  l:;^^;  res.  Ver^rnnes.  3.  Amos. 
liv<i  west.      4     Hop.  >.(,i-:,  li\-o.-,  west. 

VIII.      Naaicy,  n>.  (ieor^e  Hurlburt;  slie  d.  soon  after  b.  of  only  child;  r.'s.  Vergennes, 
Vt.      1,    \^'\\.\.i.\\i. 

IX.  Ma;TUs  Hull,  b.  l";i).-,;  d.  Oct.  V),  VJV-V.  res.  .\lbi(,u,  Mich.;  m.  Cct.  20,  ^'^Z'l, 
Maria  H.  .Stow  of  Balston,  N.  Y.;  she  d.  Nov.  12.  1n;;:I;  i2)  at  B.-lvnir.  Mi.di.,  Cct.  is.:.,j, 
Mrs.  Charlotte  M.  Sprague,  dau .  of  liiisseil.  She'  v,-as  a  noted  medinin  and  lec- 
turer, knov.-n  all  over  the  V .  S.  in  s|erituaUstie  rirelHs:  slie  d.  in  \\'.  AN'insitd,  Conn., 
JiUi.  12.  LSOO,  a  ijik  1,  \\'n.!.iA.\i  Cuax.niMt,  b.  Delhi.  Ind.,  Aug.  MO,  l^oS;  druggist  iu 
Albion,' Micln;   m.  Oct.  lo,  1^7'J.  IhitCn'  Ik  Flinu.      1,    .\Lnbcl  CJairlotti: ,  b.  Nov.  14,^  1880. 

92996.  Samuel  Tutlle,!'.  Moukton.  Vt.,  Aug.  14,  1797;  grad.  Mid<llebury  Cob. 
Vi.,  181S;  Col.  I'hys.  and  Siirt:.,  X.  V.  C,  1820:  prn.-,  in  UTica,  X.  Y.,  lai;.''  and  suc- 
cessful; persuaded  to  rem.  t...  Boclnster.  X.  Y.,  and  was  there  conveited  under  the 
preaching  of  Chas.  (t.  Tenni-y.  InlMlrcm.  to  All/uni,  Mich.,  and  luel  an  extensive 
prac.  there.  In  ls.">2  went  overland  to  Cal. ,  and  returned  next  yar  by  water.  In  lSo4 
Avent  overland  with  stock,  iu  couqiany  with  2o  others,  and  ha<l  charge  of  tln'  company; 
returned  in  l8oG  l>ringing  his  tv.d  sotis  with  liim;  both  tri])s  wen-  very  successful.  In 
18o7  he  built  a  brick  store  on  Superior  --f.  in  Albion. 

In  18();3  went  to  Harp'u's  Ferry  in  \'a.  ami  rescued  his  ,-.(.>n,  Sanniel  Ik,  from  the  j;iw 
of  dentil  and  brought  him  home.  Iii-.  iiumeieMis  jourueyings  and  removals  would  seeni  to 
imply  11  lestless  spirit,  but  all  ■-eem.'d  necessary  t'^r  heallh  or  wealth.  lb-  d.  in  Albion. 
May "24,  lb70,  in  his  .'s2d  y.  His  funeral  sernnui  uas  jireaidicd  from  a  text,  he  selected 
.some  time  b'cfore  his  death:  "  Tliou.  wilt  keep  him  iu  i.ei  feet  peace  N\diosi'  mind  is 
stayeil  on  Thee.  Trust  in  the  koid  bu-evei.  for- in  the  j.ovd  .lehosah  is  everlasting 
Strength."- Daiah,  xxvi:  ;b4.  A  life  size  ponrait,  tiikeu  «ben  at,  the:i.  of  2.").  represents 
him,  and  truly  it  is  said,  a--  a  veiy  handsoni"  m;in:  and  he  was  a  reuuiikably  line  looking 
old  gentleman,  as  slmwn  liy  ]iho;ee;raphs  taiceii  when  at  the  a.  <if  7k  Mrs,  Tutlle  has 
liad  two  life  m:',.'' copies  m:\de;  m.  in  Home,  X.  Y..  Feb.  o.  1.^27,  Frauc-s  F. .  d:iu.  of 
l>r.  Siej.lien  White, ••  b.  ls(i:;;  d.  in  P.,  Oct.  20.  DsIS,  oi  cons.  He  m.  (2)  iu  Panama.  X. 
v.,  X.iv.  17,  1*^:19,  '^arah  M.,  dau.  of  \\'m.  White,  and  g.  dan.  of    Dr.  Stephen,    a    union 

*I>r.  Siephen  While  \vri.s  one  ..f  the  first  seniors  in  the  Valley.  Ferl  Staawix.  In  i?35  !:- 
became  iiuerrsted  ia  u-enern  land  spc^ul;  and  b'^ui'iit  a  i;iri;e  tract  ici  Sieiifien  (.  e  ,  Ind  ,  wlieic  in- 
laid out  the  n.wn  of  F.nierpri'ie:  removed  hiNlaimly,  vjcned  a  ceuii;ry  practiced  nitdicine,  erecied 
tlour  and  saw-iTnll*.;  elected  Asseciate  judce  ul  I'rolj./.c;  and  .-Visoci^ile  Judge  Cour.iy  Cuurt.  here  Ins 
family  sulYereJ  greatly  fr.'m  malarial  fever. 



that  Avas  mucli  (It-sircd  1>v  tlie  iii<it)ic"r  of  his  first  \vf.  She  \\as  h.  in  Kcinu',  N.  Y.,  A])ril 
13,  1819. 

1.      Mnrcus  Hull,  Vi.  Etica,  Fcl..  11,  IN'JS;  r^'S.  St.  l.uuis,  Md. ;  in  fonijiniiy  witliJiis 
bro.,  ^^"Ill.  II.  Tuttii',  went  to  f.';il.,  I'^l':^,  \vith  tlic  Albion  Co.;  returned  and   Avt-nt  iuraiii: 

in  185:3;   )ias  been  SlieritT;  m.  IS.')?, Chiil;,   who  d.    Uet.,  1SV)2:  Cl)  Sept.,  bSfJ-l,  liar- 

riet,  dan.  of  Saniue]  Porter,  J:'!sij  .  and  v,id.  ot  Dr.  Fayni-;  IJ  cliii.  by  1st  ni.  \v]e>  all  d. 
inf.  /.by  2d  ni.:  1,  \N')i,i.i.\.\i  ('.  2,  S.\.Mri:i,  r(_iUTj:i;.  a,  J).1l"l.,  ni.  Kduard  ]V\id 
Loud,      r,  Jiivnu  S'luford.  Fel).  4.  18^"). 

II.  (leorp^  Wlii'te,  July  \Z,  is:^');  d.  May  28,  18;-U.  "  A  very  lovely  ehild,  an.l  of 
^Teat   ]iriti;iise.'' 

III.  W'm.  Henry,  Oet.  i:J,  18-'!2:  ^^■(•nt  to  C'al.  in.  \S~^i),  atid  ai^aln  in  ]S."",:j;  dniirtrist 
in  St.  Jvciuis,  Mi'd).:  ni.Maiy  Porter,  sis.  of  his  Imo.'s  \\\'.  He  d.  of  )>aralysi-;,  Oct^  7, 
1882.  An  obit,  in  the  .S".  Lo'iis  Jlti-'ild,  say-,;  ••  He  was  ninrli  respeett  il,  and  hi.s 
funeral  lari;ely  attended,  the  Masonic  Society  ]-lartiei|)atin^^"      1,   I'ojrri;!-;.      2,    J-^.XToN. 

IV.  Frances  Ann,  Miireh  5,  lNo5;  d.  April  25,  l.'s;j»).  -'A  \vvy  beautiful  cliild."  A 
life-si'/e  ])0)'trait,  in  oil,  ^vas  painted. 

V.  Iwances  Jili/abvih,  I'eb.  2':^,  lso8:  ni.  1872,  TliMune  Oirru  in;  rem.  to  Memphis, 
Tenn.,  bSTl,  and  he  d.  there  of  yellow  fever.  Mis.  l'(>rr^^■in  res.  with  her  liro.  in  St. 
Fouis.      ],   'r;in_\i\s.      /.  b\' 2d  ni. : 

Vr.  Samuel  U  lute,  ti.  Albion,  Micdi.,  Nov.  18,  1841;  d.  Oct.  ]1,  1842;  intlammation 
of  tlie  luiiL.'-s. 

Vli.      Sarah  Frisbie,  .lulv  10,  ISI.^;    d.  Aul;.   ;10,  1S41. 
VHI.      Seih  Cole,  b.  and  d.  Ajud  <J,  ls44. 
IX.     Sarah   ],)ianthp,  b.   July  4,    b^'l'j;  i,'-rad.    Albion  Col.   1863;  tau<rht  musir  in   A. 
Several  yiars;  m.  June  14.  l.s(;;i.  Kb'nzi  Loud,  lawyer;   ns.  Albion.      1,  Finv.\i;i)    Hi',Ki>, 
.March    11,   ]S7],     2,  KiK-X/.i,   .Vu^-.  G.    1^72.     :j,   Saxiikoiui,    Feb.    4,   1S7').     4^ 
S  v.MCKi,  Tt 'r  rf,F.,  Feb.   ,").  1^77.     ."i,  CiiAi;i,i:s  Sf>tM;i;.  Get.  14,  l\-!7s. 

X.  Samutd  Horace,  b.  Hec.  27,  1^4ii;  stml.  in,  Albion  Coi.;  (.-nlisteil  in  18<J2  in  17ih 
Midi.  \'ols:  SM-vedas  musician;  was  in  several  battles  a:i.i  aido  I  in  earryine:  tire  womeh-d 
to  the  rear;  became  vei-y  siek  and  was  t;iven  up  to  die.  In  answer  to  teh'Lrraph  Ids 
father  \vee.t  on  and  found  him  near  Harper's  I'^eriy  very  low  \viiji  t  vjihoid  fe\  er,  and 
cai-ried  him  home  where  lie  finally  iceoveird;  imt  the  fever  juostraied  four  other  mem- 
bers of  t.h"  family,  and  was  noi  etadicateil  foi-  ai.iont  nine  months.  In  strue  in  ]?o<di- 
ester  aboiit  ^even  years;  went  to  California  1S7.").  'J  hde  inve-tt'd  and  all  in  siock>. 
Marided  then',  and  his  wife  dying  he  travele:!  iir  (Jrei-on.  \\'ashimrton  Teriiioi  v  and 
British  Columbia,  relurninir  to  Snii  Francisco  ami  \\as  aboiu  to  embi-.rk  for  .Australia, 
■wlien  a  h.'tter  front  home  recalled  liim  to  the  bidside  oi'  his  dvin:;  fatlior  He  iio\.- 
rcsidn.'s  in  Albion,  Mich.  His  mother  has  life-size  pm-tiait  taken  when  lie  was  27.  In 
summer  of  1,^82  called  to  take  charge  of  Avon  Sjjriuirs  in  X.  Y. 

XL  Julia  Maria,  b.  Hec.  5,  ls4S;d.  Dec.  ol,  "]SL;G;a  very  beautiful  and  acconi^ 
plislied  yoiiui:  lady,  soon  to  have  been  married. 

XII.      .Maiy  .Martha,  b.   July    14,    b^.MI;   m.    at    Ailiiou    Dec.    2:1,  18bJ,   ]-"enton   Smith; 
res.  81(1  .Milwaukee  street,  Jaclcson,  .Mich.;  only  /, :   1.  .M.\i;v  Loris.v,  b.   Mav  ,5,  1872, 

XIIl.  Jennie  Lind,  b.  June  liJ,  18.">2;  m.  .Ian.  2U,  ls7tt,  Sanford  T.  (s,  "of  Sanford) 
(Lilly  of  Detroit,  s.  i.;  res.  149  Monroe  street,  Chiea^id,  111. 

Xl'V.      (diaries  White,  b.  Juiv  2L  L'-^'L;  d.  .March  14.   IMliL   '•  aremakablv  linechild." 
XV.     'j'ietlie  White,  b.  Apiil  10,  18o9;  d.  April  10,  ISGO. 

92.11,  Mehitable  Tuttle,  b.  Xov.  1.-.,  17;;0:  m.  F<4>.  7,  174s,  Andrew  Clark,  b. 
<Jct.  24,  1727;  s.  of  Stephen.-  (.Vndrew  Clark,  jr..  had  tv,in  ehildren  b.  indieshire; 
one  f)f  th.em  not  named  d.  F(4).  lo,  177.");  .Mtdiitable  (dark  d.  Oct.  4,  177o;  a  rliild  of 
Andrew  Clark  buried    Kol.) 

1.     ^ilephen  (lark,  b.  Jan.  Id.   1749. 
II.      Lvdia  Clark.  1).  March  28,  1752. 
TIL     M(d»ltable  (dark,  b.  An--.  21,  175^. 

93.  Abigail  T-uttde,  m.  Jan.  o,  170(L  Curtis  of  \\'allini:ford;  sup.  the  same 
who  loceiv cil  dt-ed  of   land  in  W'aterbiuy,  (.'onn.,  Sept,   11,  17;i2.      Isaac  C,   jr.,  received 

♦Stephen  Clark  of  Cheshire  in.  Lydia  Hotchiss;  burie.i  N'ov.  q,  1737. 
I.     .Andrew,  b.  Oct.  ;4.  1727;  in.  .Mabel  Tuitle. 
II.     I.V(!i:»,  m.  Kbciiczcr  Kunnc-li.      i.  Er.i-:\r;iFK.     ?,  Xathaniii..      -,   I.\r.M.m.  .Or.  .Abnei  John!,on 
[^]        I,   l-K'.n  ,  b.  1-17        :,    Havvah.u-i    — -  )',      0,   i  )---ii,;;,  :.t     —  ,\K  rrimiin. 

in.  .'Vniasa.  b.  Nov.  5,  1753:  m  Dec  23.  17;':;,  dau.  uf  Dr.  Zei.hanUli  Hn:i;  ^hc  was  wid.  el  Jo-enh 
Ju:!-<.r,;  m.  to  bun  Nov.  21.  i:--,,  and  had  four  chil.  She\v.isb.  Jii:y  23,  1753;  d  Ii.!)- 24,  jSju,  .1,  S-  i 
7/'.cii./<;,w.(j-,  of  Southinsjtoii;  deacon.  "'       "  .  .  ,  > 

T)W  liKANCli    OF    MKIJCY 

.<l.'i-il  tlw.   -Ian.  17,  1 ::'.:!.  ainl   Ihniicl  Curtis  nf   Walfd  ivrrivcd  di-c-d  of   laud  tlir.  ]\-l).  T, 
]7;3;;.  Ivin;.-  iii  ill'-  iiii:;]i  part  ( TlyuK  mt  h /. —  \i'<'{-  r'l"  i-j/  !rr,/(!.. 
L     Daiiifl  riu-ti^,  !i.  An-.":.  K07;in.  I.rttice. 
Jl.      I.xnar  fuili.-.  !n.   )7-J:»,  M:n-v    Tiittlr. 
in.      i'iii-hr  ruiti^.  A].ril  4.   171S. 
i\'.      .To.^liua  (•u^;!^,  .\]>ril  2i;,   l^l!). 

A.  J;i.('nr/.-r  Curt-,  Juii.  17.  17-i!.  'i'lic  Wu^iiu^if'jnl  llrr.  say.s  tin-  bi-t  tlir.  ■_■  are 
-••  cllil.   of  Naar  and    .\hi:;ail(;iLllis." 

931.  Daiiioi  Curtis,  ''.  Aug.  7,  17(j;.  In  17-i:>  Ik-  was  on  the  No.ililiury 
4dili.  I)\iiidi!iy  cdruUii'ii'L'  with  <'ali.l)  11  uii:ist(;u.  .J'j-cpli  Clariv,  Jr.,  aiivl  (iiIm-.s: 
lui  is  '■,.,l!,.d  /,7c ./,'.;  his  win,  dat(Ml  Nov.  G,  1750,  i>inv.  ]')>••■.  17  I'olhiwiuy,-.  Ca]-!.  M,u-,M-k 
Ward  of  W'alhd.  v\-icv..  luuDosall  thi  ()iil.  cxre].!  Patiifi,  v,  f.  LcUiL-e. 
I.  AlMii-al!. 
Ih  Ebi-neziT.  m.  -htn.  "20,  \1')\.  Annis,  dan.  (d'  Ensii-ii  Jidiu  \Vaniei-.  1.  Z.H'ik.'. 
Ort.  17.  17,VJ.  '.•,  1>.\m1lI.,  Fen.  V? ,  K.')-).  ?,.  I.ettk  k,  So].:.  4,  1 7."3(.i.  4,  M.vitv,  Frh. 
-yi,  17o;t.  .■),  Makk.  S.';it.  0,  17iil.  li.  Piii.r,i-.,  Mar.d;  J7,  17f;!  7,  Ti!i_'M.\s,  Fel..  ^i,  17(11 
t^,  \a:\\,  ;■-.■',. r.  U>,  1  rO'-. 

III.  Jotliani,  i;..  Jan.  -24.  K-l!,  Mai>  ,  dau.  of  Fdihu  and  Ju'lith  ( Howii)  Vahj.  h. 
JNIarch  :2-l,  178(1.  '  llo  wa-,  a  coiiuiiitti'i- man  i>f  tin-  No-tlilord  Fpis  rh!i. :  ])inhaps  n\.  a  uM 
wife,  K.sllii'V  Hall,  in  C)n'.shirt-,  Conn.,  Nov.  lo,  1770:  ]io  wab  a  in  ihn-.  army.  1, 
(fiiJ.:,  h.  Oct.  :2s,  ]7.:)4. 

IV.  J.-.v-so,  i>.  ^t^iit.  V-J.  ]7;i::;:  ],.•  s.-rvod  as  Ca].t.  in  Col.  ];adihvi!i's  Krirl .  in  ^^■est- 
•chestfi- Co.,  in  Ib'v.:  F).'pntv  to  <_u-n.  Assciuhly  17^1;  ni.  Dec.  Iv,',  ]7.")4,  S;irah  Yah.',  .sis. 
of  his  l>ro.  .lotliatn'.s  wf..  li.  Aj.rii  ■>•!.  17:i'-.  F  Fi.iHf,  Feh.  11,  17.15.  :^,  Lv^!.>..^!,  May 
15,  175!).      ;;,   M.VKV,  .Ian.  ■i(\,  1701;  d.  i:(.l:i 

\'.  Ahio-uil,  Auk-  ■■^■.'.  17:J5:  m.  Aiuil  ■?.-t,  1751,  l.KiftlioIoiu<'\>  .lin.-,.,hs  of  Waicrhuvy. 
F  H.\N.v.\ii,  June  lo.' 175-2.  "J.  IvK/.i ah,  Jnn.'  14,  175F  ■'..  1).\.mi:i.,  (.>i.t.-2i),  1  ;5(.).  4, 
-Jo.N.vii,  .Marrh  Oii,  1751.'.  5.  s;\,..i;a,  .NFin  li  s,  1707.  t.n,  June,  1  7(.ii. 
W.  I,u<.-y,  0.  Auir.  On,  1747. 
VII.  Isaac,  i>.  Ju[v  ;;i.  ]74il;  rem.  to  Harwintoii.  C(.nn. ;  r.i.  Xw.  30.  llti;;,  Fviiia. 
nth  tdiild  of  Mo-OS  Foote.  b.  Nov.  ;-!,  174.4;  <h  j^,.-pt.  fi.  1 7ss.  i.  JoATti.vM.  li 'Jan. 
•■2S,  17(:5. 

VI n.      Sarah.  Au-.  :24,  1742. 
IX.      Futl),  Nov.  F5.  1744. 

N.      Fetiico.  N(n-,  0.  1740.  •         ■  - 

W.      Fanhd,  J;.tly  15,  174-. 

.11.  Mercy  Tutlle,  '.'.  April  27,  bap.  M;iy  V.K  1050;  ];i.  May  2,  1(J07,  Samm  1.  s. 
■of  Fraueiv-  am!  Mary  i  Fd>vardsi  linnvn,  baji.  Apid  !'.  ltM5;  .>b'icy's  l.ri/. ,  Jose|)lFrutth.-. 
111.  same  day  to  Hannali  .Munson.)  lie  \\a-,an  original  sabsi-riOor  to  llie  comitaeT  fo-- 
tlie  scTtlenieut  (;f  ^^'allinl:^o.•d  and  had  a  h.r  as^ii^ncil  To  him,  but  not  Imildin:.!-  on.  it 
^vithin  rho  jn.v-.-ribi.d  ti  i,e  h-.-t  hi.-  title.  4  l:e  lot  was  aftci  wardis  assi^-ned  to  Johti 
M Us.-,  ill  wlto.-/^  faintly  it  reuiained.  until  within  a  few  years.  In  1S5U  Moses  \  .  lieaidi 
of  thi- ^V.  }'.  S'.p  lioUirh:  the  property  and  elected  an  eie.i^'aiU  mansion  now  known  a- 
ih(-  Beach  Hon-e:  Jolm  Moss.  Joliu  llrockett  and  Samucd  Brown  were  frieud.s  ami  weii- 
-a.ssiu-ned  adjoining-  lots.  — 7.;./;;/V  JJi-i .  "f  Wnird.  He  d.  in  Walhd  Nov.  0,  lOUi,  a.  45; 
IMercy  \vas    living   as  late  a.-    lO'Jo,  in    New  Haven,    perhaps   with   Thontas  Trowbiidge. 

*  Francis  Brown  was  one  of  the  prospetling-  companv  who  came  wiOi  Gov.  Katon  to  y^'^rapiac  in 
advance  of  the  colony  and  was  left  with  sLv  others  to  sieiid  the  \\interof  ;  i;,;  J  m  a  hut  erected  near 
what  is  now  the  corner  of  Church  and  Geor.iie  sis.,  in  New  Haven,  Conn.  Tlie  names  of  tivc,  as  fiven 
by  Lambert,  were  Joshua  Atwaier.  braticis  l?ro\vn,  John  Beecher.  Robert  Pigg  and  Thomas  Hoeg.— 
Lantirrt ,  C\'/>.  /»:.  Tru7n!:ill.  Winthrot)  notices  the  ur;con;imon  .severity  of  tlwt  winicrand  says  the 
snow  lav  deep  frotp  the  4th  of  Nov.  to  the  23d  of  Maich.  One  of  the  men  (supposed  lohn  Hecchen  died 
before  Kjirini;  and  was  buried.  In  175^,  in  excavating  the  ccDar  for  tlie  stone  h'luse  sti!l  standinfr  at  t!;e 
jnrerseccion  o*-  Geoi.;c  and  .^Ie.ldow  sis  ,  the  bones  of  a  kiri,'e  man  were  found,  sut-posed  to  be  those  of 
t!ie  man  wtio  died  as  aboT'c.  bein^'  buried  in  the  Enrh-^h  instead  of  tlie  bidian  isittir.j;:!  position.  F'rancis 
Hrown  kept  the  ferry  ai  Red  Rc^ck  till  -iC-fi.  when  Georee  Fcrdee  tO'k  it  and  the  ferry  farm,  granted  to 
Fardce,  cuitinues  in  his  family.  He  m.  in  Knjf.,  Marv  ICdwards,  and  d.  in  F^  Hav.  int'S.  —  DcJd. 
\.     Lydi? 

lb  John.  bp.p.  .-\;>ri'.  7,  -..-^o;  m.  Ian.  I,  i6n:,  M-iry.  (iau.  of  John  Walker.  She  obtained  a  divorce, 
<^a   ,  167.:. 

HI.     hleazcr,  bap.  Oct.  7f,i'p;m.  Sarah,  di^u.  of  Thonias  lUilkiey  . 

1\'.     Sainuel,  bap.  April  9.  i".\-:  in.  Mercy  Tuttle 
\'.     Kbcne/er,  J  iiiie  Ji.  i6.;'j:  <j  .  y . 

VI.  HbcncL'cr.  bao  Jul-,-  ,.  j'.-;  n:.  Ma-.rad.  \'iri  eat  ar,d  iiafi  d:'U.  i,  M  M..,  b.  .\as.  7,  ■i'-'y.  n..  Sam  i, 
^  of  SamiKl  and  Han;;ah  ■TutOei  Clark  1 ;).  z,  liKi  Kcc.».,  m.  Saaiucl  Clark  sap.couMnof  the  abov-.- 
S.anue!  Clark.  His  w-:;  dcted  !-"eb.  :^,  :;.  ;;  e?t,  div.  i;.';;  'called  01  Ne>v  Hav.i  to  wid.  Rebecca,  chil. 
J'"-'-'eiie?.er,  Zadoc,  .John,  Rebecca,  Anna,  I.'cborah.— A'<:'-'  /7<i;c':  iw,^:stry . 

crn-ns,  -rrTTLK,  tikonvx,  lUiocKKiT.  041 


At  emit  in  Ki'.l!  it  a)iiM  arr d  that  .Tnli".  I.alli;-.].  ];ai!  S'.M  lainl-^  id  Sanuu'l  ll.own  ..I' 
^^■al^ll,  ami  (1.  li,-i":.r.-  i;i\i!i-  (l.i'ds;  I.a: iiiop-s  a. Inn.  wvir  auilicri/.rd  to  .l.'Iivei  lli«' 
(k'fiis  to  tlif  lieii-s  and  as-.;^--!'-  of  >ai(!  I'.niw  ii,  ;iiid  Brov.n's  li^irs  tu  coniinu  tin;  siuiic  to 
Jnliii  DcH.littl.'.— _V.   //.?/•.   J.'lii'l.   U,r. 

I.     Ahi^riii!  liri.wii,  h.  March  11.  \W.):  d.  A). ill  2^.  ICTO, 

II.      Sarali  i^M)\vn,  K.  Auir.  -,  IT.i:  in.  April  •?!,   Kiilu,  .1:.  .;-|,]i  ]  (iMilii  tic.    (Ajip.) 
..-- —  III.      liaciicl  .Hnr»vii,  h.  April  •,'■1,  KiTT;  m.  Apiii  i:».   \uW.  .Join,  J',r,,rk«'U. 

\\\      rraiu-i.s  lin.wn,  b. (><::.  7,  HJTl);  iii.  Ajuil  1],  1  VU"),  llaiiiiHli   A  lliiiL'-;  C-?)  Dec  2'^, 
17'.?S,    ]~.ii/-alK-th  U'l.^owc'il. 

V.      Gid.fon  Brr...v:i,  1..  July  lO.  ins.'i,  d.  lief,. re  ]t;'.ll. 
\l.      Saiiuu'I  Hr.>v.-n,  b.  Oct.  2U,  Ifj^i:!;  d.  Jriuf  20,  lO.H. 

..,.  .11.3.  Kachel  Brown,  b.  April  2-1,  ](;T7;  d.  Jan.  4,  niS;  m.  April  m.  I(i;)L»,  Joha 
Rrockott  of  W'alI'd.  ('onn.  He  Jii.  I'J'  A  nc.  :>.  17 1  >:,  Kiizah.-tli  Hmwc,  In  ^',:,i)  hih-^vil] 
exliil/ited  by  'I'itiis  nruckcu.  In  1741-2,  Titus,  Isaa.c  and  Sannic]  llrmd^i  tt,  C'aN-l)  and 
Kaclnd  Joliuson.  a:id_  Caleb  and  Abigail  Munsnn  oi  X'^'a.U'd,  cnnvv  to  Samuel.  Joim, 
Stephen  and  Timotliy  lUi.wn  and  .Mrhitalile  '1  lowbridL^'c,  \v|'.  of  Daniel,  all  of  New 
Haver,,  land  laid  out  to  '>ur  Inaiori;  d  ^rnin-liathrr  Sa>!:iiel''j5ro\\'n. 

I.  Tnn.-^  Brockett,  b.  June  2^',  17UJ;  d.  of  sm.ill  y,^,\  in  \\'.,  Jrjy  2!j,  177o,  'j'he  w.  of 
Capt.  Titus  l^-ockett  dated  April,  ]7'3S,  names  \vf.  .Mary  and  lierni(uher  Hii/.abeth  IMee, 
!jeplie\\' Zucr  B.,  and  niere  Bacli'd,  v.-f.  of  Constant  Kinland;  devises  to  L-t.  Paul's  i:p;s'. 
chh.  of  W.,  ;i  i>ie(-eof  land  "  1  bought  of  Chas.  .Sparry  ajlj.  laud  of  Stephen  Hall,"  vla\e 
ll-au  to  bi  free  ijii  Condition  that  the  heirs  beeoiee  res])onsilde  for  lib- good  b.-haviur. 
He  vas  one  of  the  JMOst  active  Kpi-ropalians  (d'  \\aird.  a  mem.  of  Ib-v.^.Mr.  Andrew^' 
chh.,  and  :■  strong-  loyalist.  He  \s-a^  one  of  the  fonr  h,i-ir,.^r  coiraibutor.-  to  th.'  erection 
of  the  second  eiih.  tdihce  in  17i'i'.-.  .Mr.  Andtews  was  comjielled  to  leave  for  .\o\.. 
Scotiii  on  acc-ount  of  a  Hast  l>ay  -I'r'iuni.  At  the  funeral  (d  3li-.  Ihockett  the  Whi-s 
vould  liot  alH.w  his  bod.y  to  be  luiried  witii  the  cth.;r  i\''v.  niembeis  of  his  familv.  but 
coiiijielled  'J'urhand  Kirtland  and  t^^o  othei-s  to  liave  the  j^ia ve  iIul'-  iti  a.  wet,  siiriu'-v 
grour.d,- where  it  immediately  tilled  with  Nsater,  ihimirh  in  midsumme!',  aiid  ra.ils  v.>^''»' 
u^^c<1  to  !cee|,  ih^-  cobiu  down.  'I  he  rails  protru(b'cl  from  tlie  cj-ound  and  wer-  ]iointcd  at 
)-.y  the  loyalbt  as  a  liioirainent  to  tlie  fanaticism  of  tlieir  [iei>ecutors. — JXni.-^'  Jlist.  o/' 
y\'air<J:  m.  I-\d,.  -^2.  172s,  Mary  Turhand,  who  d.  May  1,  1717,  a.  (.'(4:  oidv  child.  ]\ 
T-J.V(iiKL,  A\hod,  a.  5  vrs. 

]l.     Sarah  Hio,d<Kt.  b.  Auc'.  20.  1702. 
ID.      Isaac  l'.!o<d.:ett.  b.  Sept.  o,  17Uo:  m.  June  1(5,  ]7;!1,Marv  Sed.Lwick. 
IV.      l.'acliel  B'.>ciccii,  b.  MarcJi  20,  17(iS;   ni.  Jan.  'Jn,  17:11,  ("aCh',   s.  ot  .lacob  John- 
son, ]>.  riol;  d.  Aug.  i;-J.  1777  (bro.  r.(  Jbaiben.  Abuei'  and  Sarali  Johns.ui   [4j  i;  Ins  est. 
di\'.  to  next  id' kin,  t^vo  brotlu-i'-  and  t\\'o    sisters. 
>^^-^    V.      Abigail  P.rockett,  b.  Htb.  11,  i;il;  ni.  Aiu'il  :h  ll;]o.  Caleb  Munson. 
YI.      Samuel  Brockett,  b.  Ju!:e  21,  1714,  m.  J^ith  Bradley. 

.11.33.  IsartC  Erookctt,  b.  Sept.  ;;.  no.";;  m.  June  lb.  IBH,  Marv,  dau.  of  Capt. 
Samuel  Sedgv^ick,  b.  17o",:  d.  Jnn.  HI,  1784;  ^2)  bni/abeth  Culver.  He  ('h' (Jet.  2S,  174ii'; 
Avill  ])roved  year,  bro.  'i'itus  Brockett  e.xecr.,  Charles  Dutrou  and  Benj.  Brockett" 
Aviine.-ses;  t hree  ciiil. :  Uacdie! ,  Kstlier,  Bnth,  and  one  uidiorn,  lor  u  hoin  provision  is 
made;  dan.  Baelu  I  to  have  hiiid  that  cane-  in  richt  of  her  mother.  Mr.  B.  was  an 
ardent    ]7piscopalian.      Mi.  Cli/.abeth   Broc'cett  ju.  May-i,  174'?:,  Daniel  Hrisliie. 

1-      B.'e  hel.  b.  .Ma.y  28.  17:J2:  m.  April  10,    1, 'Constant    Kirtland.       /  bv  2d  m  • 

II.  Hufh,  b.  Feb.  8,  17:N. 
IH.  K-tlcr.  b.  Oct.  o,  1780. 
IV.      Hannah,  b.  Oct.  ij,  1741. 

•    V.      1,'utli.  Oct.  2^,  1744. 
\'l.      Child,  pM^rhumons,  b.  about   174i3,  ^ 

1J.331.  Rachel  Brockett,  b.  May  28,  1782:  d.  at  Xorthford.  Conn..  Feb.  17, 
1S12;   m.   ApiilHb  17o8,    Con.-tant.    s.    of  John    aiel    L,\ dia  Belden   .Kinland    b     Dec    24* 

1727;  .!.  Feb.  8.  17o2.  '  

I.      i-aac  Finland,  b.  Mar.h  0,  1  bVl;   m.  Sarah  Ive~'. 
ll.      Turha.ul  Kirtiatni,  b.  17.-,.-^,;  ni.  Maiv  BeaiJi;  (2.  I'oliv  Potter 
111.      Mary  K;rtlan.d,  ii.  De-.  28.  17.17;  m."  Samuel  Cook. 

1\'.      John   Fii-tia,!:d,  b.  ]h-r.  20.  17.70;  m.   .\pril  io,  l7,ss,  l.ucv  A.   P.urbank-  C^i.iun.- 
7,  1^2i»,  Mary  :Ty!cr ,  B.-nlia  le. 

v.      Billius  K'ii-iland,  b.  June  20,  i;i.;2;   m.  Sarah  I'oiter. 
VI.      Buclal  Kii-.lami,  b.  J'dv'.t,  licj;  m.  ('oh   Fdward  Barker. 


15R.\XC1I    OF    MERCY. 

■   \\\.     .Tiuvd  Kinlaiid,  b.  Au^c.  8.  ITlifJ;  M.  ^"jil(>;  (5) . 

\  111.     (.'.•oi--,-  luitlund,  !..  July  -4,  ITfll);  d.  in  Wall'd'April  2'''),  jTO:!. 
IX.     l.ydia  Kirtland,  1..  J'".-li.  07,  KTi!;  d.  Pnland,  ().,    Ano-.  'iG,    ISoO;  in.    .lo!iail,.'ui 
l'\)\\U;v  of  (tuill'drd,  Conn. 

X.      Sarali  Ivirtlaiid, 
<'a].t.  ^Villia!;;   D^.n^rla^s. 

Marrh    lU,    ITTS;  tj.    Xortlifnrd,    Conn.,  Sr-pt,  2s,  18-1 

J  1. sail.    Isaac  Kirtland,!'.  March  9,  U.yi;  d.  in  Wall'd,   Sopt.  yo,  isrr,  ■  ,11 

].     Doli-lit,  m.    S./i-t.    y,  ISciy,    Prter  Hall   of  V.'.,   b.  Mav  ;^,] ,  1  7n("i.     ],  Ciiumk^ 
1;.,  111.  Oct.   1,   is;;.").  Sally  ]!..  dan.  ,jf  limj.  ]''oo;,-  ,,f  \\'.,  1).  Jan".  10,  1S15. 

Jl.      Sarali.  ni.  Jrliij'l,  h.  of  .Mii.d  and  Catharine  H:ill,  !,!•().  of  Peter,  b    I'^ob    7    ns-^ 

1,   S.m;.\ii,  lii.  Nov.  in,  lS-](),  i;,.i,j.,  s.    of    Bcnj.    Fof.te  of  \V.,    and   bn/  of  Sailv   H     h 

Oct.  18,  IS  17.     2,   C'.\TiiAUt.\[:.  ni.  Aug.    17,    IS-J-J,   Jlmrv   (.'lav  Fooic,    bro    ofBeui'b 

June  19,  lf^-30;  res.  Phila.  "  "  •        " 

III.      e'onstan.t,  d.  in  .\.  Y.;   m.  Caroline  Carriir'-tnn  [01 

]V.      Clarissa.  -  1    " 

.11.3312.  Turhaild  Kirtland,!..  Maidi  li;,  175r,:  d.  in  Ohio.  iSth  In  1770 
Avas  in  tbe  j.roviiional  servici?  at  X.  Y  ;  va.  cn-aLTed  im  bnard  tlie  boats  v.liich  conveyed 
our  retroatiuL'  forces  over  to  the  mainland,  lb-,  with  ni(  of  Ids  coinpanv,  wa;^  attai-ked 
>vith  inali-nant  camp  di.-teuiper  and  was  discliai L-ed.  at  Sawpit.s;  returned' liome  an-d 
<'arried  on  fariuin--  and  c.vrria,^(e  iiiakiiii;  -.evera!  years.  lie  wasojn-of  tiieorb'inal  nieu;- 
liers  of  the  Ccnii.  Land  Co.  which  ]mrcha-ed' the  title  tn  the  New  Conin  (Western 
Ec-serve).  lu  179^  as  aneat  of  the  Co.  hr  c.ndue'ed  a  boat  laden  with  burvevors.  emi- 
^vants  and  ])rovi.sions  u])  the  M(/iuiwk  river,  thre.u-li  Wood  (.'reek.  Oneida  and  Oniario 
Lakes  into  Xia-ara  river,  thence  hauled  it  an.und  the  falls  on  the  Canada  .side  and  navi 
.gated  u))  the  river  and  through  Lake  Erie  into  (_irand  river,  a  little  al)ove  the  j.resf-nt 
<dty  of  Paiiiesville.  ][>■  ann.ialiy  visited  tlie  Kast  nntil  LSO:!.  wlion  he  removed  hi.s  fajii 
to  Ohio  and  locat^'d  at  I'nland,  where  he  res.  until  his  d.  .\ut:.  ID,  ISIJ.  A;s  a<^orir  or 
pn^prietcn-  he  di-posed  of  CM^'Usive  tracts  of  n.'w  land;  was  aclivi  and  intlaenliann  ]!ro. 
moting  new  settlements,  introducing  schools  and  vanous  improvements.  \\'as  Senator 
in  the  State  Leg. ;  Associate  Judge  of  C<uiri  of  Common  Pleas  of  O. ;  rlistincuishtn}  for 
-  integrity  and  active  business  hal.iits.  He  saw  the  Conn.  Reserve  a  ])rimeval  wilderness, 
and  lived  to  see  it  thickly  peopled  by  the  be^t  re-ulated  and  intelliirent  ].opulatioii 
in  the  t'nion,  out  of  Xew  England:  m.  Marv.  dau.  of  Mose.^  ji.nd  IMnah'iSperrv)  Bencli 
of  ^V.,  1).  Fel).  14,  175S:  d.  .s.  !.  Xov.  ei,  i;;-,j.  ,2)  l^)'.lv,  dau.  ot  ])r.  Jare.l  J'otter  b  in 
2\\mv  Ha  v..  Fe!;.  10,  17—;  d.  in  Poland,  O.,  Mar'di  il.  Is.jO 

1.  Jared  P(nter,  Nov.  10,  17!);.!:  Y.  C  ISj.-,;  Id..  i>.,  Williams  C.d.  18<;i;  studied 
in  Clieshire  and  Wallingford  Academies.  In  iSiO  l)egan  study  of  medicine  as  a  ].rivate 
-I>u])il  of  J>r.  Eli  Ives  and  Dr.  Nathaniel  Smitli  of  Ne\c  Haver,,  until  iSp.?,  then  entered 
the  cla^s  of  the  Medical  He})art!uent  of  Y.  C.  atid  was  the  iirst  \s  ho  signed  thematric- 
Illation  book  in  the  tduirge  of  l';-of.  Jonathae,  Kniglo.  At  tlie  close'of  the  medical 
term  lie,  witli  others,  formed  a  class  for  the  stttdy  of  botanv  and  mineralogv  (in  ccjunec- 
tion  witli  their  medical  studies)  under  l^rof.  Eli  I'ves  and  l?enjamin  Silliinan.  In  1S14 
■entered  tie'  Med.  Hept.  of  the  Fniv.  of  Pa.  ar.d  soon  after  passed  examination  for  a  med 
<legree  before  the  med.  lac.  r.f  Y.  C.  'rhesis.  "Our  Iii(lii:en(ms  Veovtable  Materia 
Medica."  Frotu  isj-l  to  iSi;  pi-,,',  nied.  in  \\'aird.  In  the  latter  vear.'at  a  t<nvji  meet- 
ing in  Durham  he  Was  invited  to  locate  in  that  tow  n  as  a  idiys.,  vshiVh  lie  accepted.  His 
prac.  soon  liecame  large  but  he  found  time  to  .■uhivaie  fruits  and  tlow,-rs.  in  whieh  ]ih 
was  exceedingly  interested.  In  ls-2;)  lie  ivmov.d  to  Poland.  ().,  ujiere  he  -fave  his  time 
and  attention  mainly  to  faim,  garden  and  orcliard  culture,  and  occ.isionallv  to  medicine 
when  called  ui>on.  In  1SJ7  he  rem.  to  Clevelaml,  O.,  but  soon  tlied  uf  I'lai'row  limits, 
bought  one  hundred  and  seventy  liv.-  acres  about  tivendle.-,  wot  oft!!-  cltv,  immtuliately 
on  tlie  lake  shore.  Here  he  exaiiiined  and  d<v>cril'ed  'ill  the  H.-lu-;  (.f  the  Ohio  lakes  am'l 
liveis,  collected  and  conij'ared  innumerable  fie.-h  w  afr  shells,  in  connection  with  which 
he  made  tlie  (Hscovery  of  the  sexual  or  n;ale  and  femah'  char.icter  <,{  the  which 
is  indicated  liy  the  f(,Ma  of  ti;e  ^hmh  IF-  examined  the  native  wild  plants,  boruiiicailv, 
also  examined  :ind  .studied  the  geological  formation  of  the  -t.-i;.-.  He  has  also  i.'-;uhen'(i 
Specimens  cd'  Ijirds  l;y  the  hundreds,  invesii;;-. 'ted  the  habits  of  the  honr-v-bee;  all  this 
while  suiierintending  a  large  farm  on  which  all  the  bi'st  grains  :ind  grapes,  l)cst  !)reed.s 
of  cattle,  sheep  and  hogs  have  been  raised,  tried  and  .-onipared,  and  the  comi)ar;ili ve 
value  of  manure.-  te-ted  and  their  compomnts  analy,/,ed.  His  dis.-ovries  in  comdiologv 
i:nd  ichth\oh)gy  aii:-acded  universal  attention.  In  ISIS  he  was  giv.-n  ihar--e  of  the  nat- 
ural liisrory  departnteii>  of  the  survey Vif  tin-  state  of  Ohio,  and  hib  works  ou  that  subject 
■jveie  ]iuhli>>hed  in  Bost.m  and  elsewhere. 



.,^v^^ „  .,j -, J liijnoriiry  (Ifiyrces   were  Ix-stuwcd   on    hhn   by 

various  eastern  and  wt-^n.-iD  colli'gfs,  and  luniDrs  l)y  sevtM-;il  .soc-i<-ii:'.s  Inr  vrJuahir  >citMi- 
tific  services.  lie  was  a  corresponding- mem.  of  tlu-  Xew  Eng-.  O'enoalogdral  Soc. ,  and 
sent  numv  veais  a^o  an  aecoiinl  of  the  Kirtlaud,  Forljes,  Potter  and  Brockett  families  of 

Henry  Turlianil,  ii.  Xo^'.  IG,  17'.M;  m.  Tlialiu  Fitcli. 

Marv  Beaeli,  b.  Sept.  12,  179>>;  d.  in  Poland,  O. ;  m.  Kicluu 
JV.     Xancy.  h.  Jan.  1.  ISOl;  m.  Elkanah  Mors-. 
V.     liilliu's,  b.  Au-.  29.  1S07;  m.  Ruth  A.  Frame;  res.  I'oland,  0. 
XL     (ieorge,  h.  ISuO;  m.  Helen,  dau.  Pandal  ('<;ok  of  W. 

.11.3313.     Mary  Kirtlaud,  h.  D.-e.  23,  IT.iT;  d.  Marcli  10,  18:;'J,  a.  S2;  m.   Sam'] 
Cook,  a  thrifty  farmer  of  W.     He  d.  Sept.  27.  l.'^24,  a.  GO. 

1.      Pussell  Cook,  b.  Sei)t.  8,  1878;' ui.  Hall  of  C'hesliire;  went  West. 

II.  Fiinii-e  Cook,  b.  Aug.  24,  178":  ni.  Elias  Ford,  Es(j.,  ]ar»'  of  X"au:.,^atnek.  Conn 
HI.  Billius  Cook,  b.  Srpt.  29.  1782;  d.  .Inlv  25,  IS':,-,;  m.  Hannah  Muii.vm  of  W.. 
who  d.  Mav  4.  185o,  a.  70.  1,  Ck.vuncky  M.,  b.'uci.  lU,  18U.").  2.  Mai:y  K.,  b.  Jan.  1, 
F8U7;  m.  Edwin  L.  Hall,  !>.  .Alay  13,  1804.  3,  Pi:ssKi,L,  h.  O'-t.  21,  1809.  4,  S.^itAir.  b. 
April  30,  1811;  m.  Horace  Tutrle  of  Ilamden,  Go,  |459].  o,  Tcrijand  KiKTf.Axri,  ]>. 
Julv  11,  1817.  G,  Jaxk  K.,  b.  March  G,  1819;  ni.  Aiubrose  Todd  of  Fair  llav.,  Conn.,  [61. 
■7,  Emh.y,  b.  1821;  d.  v. 

IV.      Harriet  Cook,  1).  May  17,  17Sj;  m.  Ira  Yale. 

V.  Turliarid  KirtlanJ  Cook,  b.  17s7;  a  nirrchant.  innlvecprr  aTid  Co.  clerk  of 
<.rreen  Co.,  X.  Y. ;  m.  Catharine  Van  Pergrii  of  Catskill,  X.  Y.,  v.heie  lie  d.  Dee.  3.  1851. 
He  m.  (3)  Jan.,  1848,  Catharine  A.  Allen.  1,  Ann  Eliza,  Xov.  2(i,  l.s27:  res,  Cincinnati, 
O.,  in  185G.  2,  Maiiy  Kiinj.ANn,  Aui;.  3,  1^29;  ni.  1847,  Cl;arles  J.  Huss.  ;;,  Wii,},ia:\i 
Van  BritKN.  March,  1831;  d.  Sejtt.  24,  1849.     4,  Joiix  ^V.\'^\^^u■l'.TOS.  ])ec.  7,  183!). 

W.  Sa)n',i»d  C.H)k.  b.  Feb.  28,  1788;  d.  in  Chcshin'.  Hec  IS,  ls.I3;  ])c,>tmatcr  and 
town  cleric  of  \Val!'d.  I'hree  yrs.  hii^'li  sheriff  of  Xew  Haven  (.'o. :  m.  Msiirha,  dati.  of 
Benjamin  Culver  of  W..  who  d.  at  the  house  of  her  snu,  S.'.riiuel  A.  Cook,  in  NVaterhurv. 
-July  G,  18G1,  a.  61.  1.  Delia  Foud.  2,  IIe.nkv  A.,  m.  Delia,  dau.  of  T.  Cook.' 
3,  llAKltiET,  m.  ^Vm.  Fris'iie  of  Branford,       4.  KiitTLAND,  b.  1S-J2:  d.    in   ('hV.^hire;  m. 

Tuttle.       5,  Samlkl   A.,  m.    Lucinda   Hitclieock.       G,  ^^'ILLlA.^r,   res.    Pond    Hill 


VII.  Tlue.ideus  Cook,  b.  April  3,  1791  ;'d.  in  \Vaird  Auc;-.  21,  ls;9,  in  liis  b9th  yr. ; 
the  oldest  mati  in  the  town.  ][,.  was  jirominent  in  imlitirs;  M^l.-rtnum:  ni'-nu  of  the  I.t'o-. , 
served  in  thr  war  of  lsi2;  Col.  of  mil. ;  m.  Julia' Cook:  (2)  Sylvia  Hall;  (3)  Thankful 
Hall;  (4)  Martha  Hall,  /.  b}-  1st  m. :  1,  Jfi.iA,  nu  (1)  Horacr  Tuuh';  (2)  Wm.  Francis. 
■  by  2(1  '.)<.:  2,  (.'ai  u  Ainxi;,  m.  David  Hail  of  Wali'd.  /.  by  4lh  m.:  3,.  I'AiiOLiM-:,  m. 
Ib'V.  Hruj.  Paddock  (.f  l)i-;roit,  Mich.  4.  (J.  Ivi"s  .Martin  of  W.  5,  1-:mm.\. 
m.  Ivlwin  F.,  s.  of  F.-aridcr  Cook.     G,  Fi;AX(t:Li.\,  b.  (Jet.  12.  ls25;  d.  F.'b.  25,  ls:;t;. 

VIII.  Ceor^reCook,  b.  April  17,  1794;  d.  at  W.  Frb,  IS,  ISU;  ,ii.  Laviuia  Culver  .,f 
NV.,  who  d.  Xov.,  1SG9.  1,  .Mary  Hikvi.wi),  b.  May  21,  ls21.  2.  1:i.i/,a,  Feb.  :jii, 
1823;  m.  Fred.uiek  Bartholouiew,  win' d.  July  21,  1^62,"  a.  41,  3,  Lavixia,  ui.  Samuel 
Parmalcf.     4,  Maiitiia.  d.  inf.     5,  Faxxv,  m.  Manli  l.  ]s.V).  rhnoiy  jMorse. 

IX.  l->ieud  Cook,  1).  Xov.  1.  179G;  M.D.;  grad.  Union  C<j1.:  -lud.  med.  with  Dr. 
Xathan  Smith  of  X.  Hav.;  br^-an  ]M-actire  in  \Vi:i(l>nr,  Conn.;  n-m.  Ui  .\t\v;i:rr,  O. ;  d. 
Feu.  1^,  isii;  ni.  Funiy,  d;iii,  of  D^-a.  Jo>liua  .\i\v.itri  oi  W  .,  b.  F.b.  7,  li'.r-;  d.  in  Atw., 
it.:  (2)  Sarah  FoK-er  Ib'ynrJ.ds.  1.  Hli.i:x  A.,  l.i.  .\ov.  12,  ls25;  d.  iu  W.  Iw'b.  1,  l,s27,' 
i\  Joshua  Atwatkh,  Sept.  29,  1829;  d.  Xov.  1,  1844.     3,  Fkan(1.s  A.,  Xov.  25,  ls33;  d. 

....  4 

o44                                                          r.UAXClI    01-^    MKKCV.  J 

July  '20,  18:-'.!.     -1,  Vmm.x  (i.,  Nov.  09.  is:!(j.       ,-;,  Kiia^-  ks  I.,  I..  Mav  ^s.  ]s4o.      c,    \V^^ 

SitK],-iON,  ]).c.  :-!l.  is:;'<:  d,  July  i:;,  IM.;?.     /.  |,_v  vM  ui.:     ;,  Ili;Ni;v  ?*!.,  I).  Man-l,,' jsis 

X.     Jolm  Coik,  li.  Dec.  -J,  liii'.):  d.  ,l;in.  l.'lS.").S;  m.  Jiiu.-  -J.j,  is-j:;.  \I;,rv  .Mi,ii'~.(,ii  (,|' 

Xortlifoid,  I'nmi.     1 ,  SA.Mrf.i,  M.,  lu. Marilmlonicv. .     2,  .Makv  Kiini,  \  nD,  m. 'lilton 

Edwin  Doolittli'i  Trinity  Cdl.  1S41;  Y.  L.  S.  Is-l.i;  hiwy.-r  in  N.  ilav.;  lias  lici-ii  iiVm. 
Conn.,'.  and  Sjieakcr  of  the  lloiisf',  and  no\v(1S7'J)  Ui^t.  Att'v  (if  Xrw  Hav<;n  Cn.  y, 
Eli.K-N.  ni.  (.'liaik-s  .Toni's  of  Wall'd.     4,  (ir.oj;*;!:.  <1.  .\ov.  17.  ].st;',t. 

.11.33134.  Harriet  Cook,  b.  May  ]  ?,17,S.',:  d.  Man-h  9,  1S;',():  m.  .luh- ,■>  isoc 
Ira  Vale,  Esq..  of  W.  He  m.  (2)  Oct.  17,  ]n;]'I,  \rary  llawley  of  Drtliauv,  Com,'.  He 
was  a  farnii  r;  v]k  ]\\>  town  in  tlie  Lei:,  several  yr,--.  and  .Jusiiee  of  rhe  I'.-aer. 

1.      Eliliu   Yali',  b.  July  T),  lMl7 :  Poslniaster  of   C'liesliire;   Jud-'e   >,(   l'n>')ui,-,  .-nni- 
])iler  of  the  ':\  /■■■rl'^,,/  ,,/  thr    ¥•>!>:    Finuili/,   and   of   tlie    i^mealo.irles    in    J),ni.s'   j'fr-f,  ,,f 
WaUihgfnrd,   M,  n'hi,  .'ud  diiahin  ;  ni.  May  2.").  ls:j(l,    .h'lUa   Ann,   dan.  of  Caj):.  'J'h'ad'- 
deus  and  Christiana  Jiirli,  1).  Mfrcli  30,  ]S14.      1.  Julia   Anx,  Anrr.   20,  \^'-'.'.] .     2     W'.m 
Eliki',  b.  Sept.   IS,  1S;J','.     3,  Hakiukt  CiiRisn.NA,   Ault.  2.'),  is^k 

n.     Edwin  Yale,    Nov.    2-'>,    ISIO;   lu.    Elizabeth  .Maltbv    of    Xorthford,   Conn       1 
SAR.MtE.,  b.  March  2S,  ISlO.     2,  J-'5;axcis  A.,  ^'ov.  15.  1S42      M    Cukmw-^'k     Feb    .-»' 

1840.  ' ■     . 

HI.  Ira  Yale.  b.  Jan.  2!J.  IS];!,  (,f  ^Val^d,  Cheshire,  ];,,stnn,  Mas<..  Urooklvn. 
N.  Y.;  th.jn  of  \\'aird,  C.^r.n.  In  >, .  Y.  nianiif.  of  hats;  ni.  JeJv  4.']s;J4.  Lucy  A.  ifali 
of  ^V.  1.  Edv.aui)  C,  o.-t.  «i.  is;:';.  •>.  Euc]u:TrA  II..  Hee.  m"  in^s  ;!  Ei;Fi>H'i(,r 
'1'.,  S.  1S4!.     4.    i  !<a  H.,  .Marcli  ]s,  1,S44;  d.  Jan  2'.t,  ls4."). 

IV.     Friend  Ce-;k  Yale,  b.  July  21,  ISlS;  d.  of  cnns..'  Marcli  ;j,  ls4s. 
V.      Harriet  Cook  Yale,    b.  Oct.  2'J,  1S22;    in.  Aaron  }\    Hotcl'ikiss;    res.  Boston.      1 

EUG.M!  ECGl.XK.       2,   ISAIlKt.. 

.11.3314.  John  Kirtlaud,  b.  Dee.  20,  17r.O;  d.  Whit^Mown.  o..  .Mav  Hi.  ]S4;^ 
ni.  April  10,  li'ss,  Eu.-y  A.  Huri>ank,  l>.  Jan.  ID.  1771;  d.  Au--.  17.  I'^OS;  (2,iJu"ue  7.  \>y.i\ 
Hilary,  dau.  of  .Mose.s  Taylor  and  wid.  of  Silas  Benliaui,  who  d.  April  4.  b'Si-Jij,  a.  Tu . 

_  1.      Henrietta,  Jan.  2;l  17s0:  ni.  Nov.  19,  1^11,  William  Sv.-ceihiud  of  iMattJ-Juirvli, 

K.  ^Vnl.  Henry,  Jan.  11.  17:»1;  d.  April  (!,  1S21. 

]J[.  Luey   Fitch,  April   ;J,  179:];  m.  Jan.    29,  Iblo,  Peter  J.  H.  ^[vers  of  ^V]dte1l■,il 
X.  Y. 

IV.  (b-or.cre  Wa-liincrton,  Aju'il  11,  179.'>;  lawyer:   ni.  O.t.  i),  lS2Sj  Franci-s  ])avis. 

\ .  Ann  Burbank,  April  T),  d.  May  11,  1797.  " 

"^'1,  Ann  Ihirb.ank.    A].ril    27.  17itS;   m.  Aiui!  l."".,  ls22,    \\".\    Haile      S)e  d    Xnr 
20.  IS^O. 

VII.  Eliza   CoriH-'lia,  Sept.    17,    ISOO;    d.  Julv  22,   1S42;  m.    Oct.    Hj    lS2ri    John    B 
Sliaw.  ■  ,     ^    .,     .  . 

VIII.  Lydiu  Maria,  March  2o,  1S02;  d.  Xov.  9.  1S(J4:   ni.  Oct.  2;J.  1.S27,  M     S    MvtTS 

IX.  llach.;  Broekett,  Fi-b.  11,  ISOI;  ni.  .May  10,  l.^:;;!,  ^'ie.s.  A.  T(,niiin:.on,'  '  '  — " 

X.  .lolin,   b.  C)ct.  i;j,  ISO.");  ni.  Sept.  1:3,  isjij,  Catharine  Canipt.ell. 

XI.  Isaac  Billious.  Oct.  14,  1S07;  in.  Hoc.  S,  is;{5,  Lucv  Sperrv 

XII.  Edward,  July  2:3,  ISlO;  in.  Jan.  24,  is:j7,  Mana  Foote. 

XIII.  Jared  Turhand.  Xov.  3,  ISlG;  d.  May  19,  ISfH :  ni.  Sept.  6,1849,  Ann  T. 

.11.3315.  Billius  Kirtlaud,  b.  June  29.  17112;  d.  Oct.  2't,  iso.");  an  eminent 
physiciatt;  m.  Saiah,  dan.  of  Dr.  . hired  Pott.^r;  after  his  d.  the  fdur  chil  were  taken  hy 
their  <;.  f.   Potter. 

1.  Fii/a.  m.  Li-v.M-ius  Carrinyton  (2d  wf.),  b.  Jan.  IS.  17?9:  .-tud.  with  Dr.  K'iri- 
land  of  \\'..  luit  n.U  likin^r  the  lius  formed  a  nu'ivantile  partnetship  with  o'eo.  J5  Kirt- 
laud; he  d.  F  10;  hem.  ^1)  Feb.  2i;.  IS'H).  Thankful  Hail:  hem.  i:;)  Sarah  Kiitland,  >i,s. 
(d'  Eliza;   i.  I)y2dm.:      I.  SuiAii  I\  mil. AND.      2.,  m.  .bnd  I'erk. 

II.  P"lly,  m.  C.d.  Bn-stll,  s.  of  Andr.'W  and  Hiana  (Coi.l;  i  Hall,  b.  Oct  IS,  1 7,si). 
1,  CAK.ii.iM.  Hi.WA,  b.  S.-pr.  ;.;.  isi.7:  ,),.  o.-r.  11.  ls;;s_  ,I,,hn,  s.  ef  ,b,>hua  and' Fli-,::.- 
beth  (I'ook)  Aiwatt-r.--  b.  .Ian.  19.  !SF"i:  he  in.  (2)  1S!9,  hJliza  Ann.  sis  nf  Car  Hi.ana  V 
1,<j  /.■//:,//.,,•//.  b.  F<  b.  22,  1S42  2.  .1.,!,,,  /.''/.-.v  ",  b.  .lulv;;,  Isi:.!;  ,h  .iune  F  ls;i' 
3,  Wni.  U'x'/.vT,. /•//,,  Juue  11,  ispl;  d.  Fch  !i,  ]^m.  4.  Cir'^Un,  J/.i'!.  Mnvr\,  24.'  is4s": 
d.  March  s,  1s,t2.  2.  Ei,i/.\  Axx.  b.  Sept.  Bh  1S17;  m.  .Ian.  1.  l^'l:),  ,b.,!ui  Atwater.  :;] 
(H-.o.  K'i!;i  !.AXi>.  .Iiilv  7,  1^19.  4,  Mai;v  Ari;r-TA,  .Mav  11,  1.^22  ,">  S\i{\it  Pott'-u' 
Julv  J.;,    ps-j...  ■  .  ,  -.    . 

HI.      <;e,,r-;e  B.,  d.  lSi;9. 

IV.      Saiah,  m.  Eiverious  Carriiitrton,  bro.  of  James  [9].       1,  Kii;tt,.\xi>.     2    El  !.KX. 

OOOK,    K1UT1-A^;i),    IlI.Or'KKTT,    ML'NSOX. 


.11.3316.  Rachel  Kirtland,  1».  .luly  0,  1704;  d.  in  \V.,  .inn.'  in,  ls->;:  111.  C'u!. 
J!iiwi.i(i  IJaikiT,  s.  of  .lolin  ;iii(l  Sarali  ( I'lninfunl  fan..)  His  tarin  v.a-  la!-'''  o:;i>  dl' 
llie  Ix'st  in  New  Haven  Co.  !!('  bnilt  the  laix'-r  brirk  Imus.'  now  owncil  bv  Sajnii.-]  (' 
Fun  I,  I'l.'^q.,  of  WallM.  ''  "  ' 

I.  John  r.aikiT,  m.  Kli'/.ab.'fl,  Atv.atcr,-'-  1).  Ati^.  4,  17',)4. 

II.  Sarah  H.  I'.aikiT,  .Inly  1],  b'/SS;  m.  \\''ni.  ](.  Join's;  nianv  nts.  j.'KTnia-t-r  of 
X.  Hav.,  1).  X(iv.  :;,  iTTs;.].  N.jv.  27,  l^'M,  a.  s:i.      She  (b   Nov.   !,  'b'^.V7,  a.  (!',).      \     U.\}>- 

UlKT,  tn. -('rawfonl.      'J,    l']i)\VAi;ii,    ib    South,      o,    Hi'.m;  v,  (b  in  X.  Ha\ .  ;   nnni.      4. 

Sakaii.  111.  Tlios.  Cfrosvciio!'  Tr.lcrjtt;  Y.  (.'.  LSiiS;  d.  1,S7().  r,,  i'tixni.v.-^  S.,  inintcr: 
('■.i\>t.  X.  Ilav.  (ii'a\s.      (5,   ^^■^lJ,IA.\r,  lu    llnni,  sis.  of  Dan;;'!  (i.   l'hij)|is'  w'f. 

.11.3S17.    Jared  Kirtland,  b.  Aup-.  r^'.  l?!',;);  rem.  to  }\iiaii.l,  ().,  ]^n2:  d.  ihcrc 

Ajiril  10.  b^riil;  a  b'.rijifr,  innk('oi>cr  and  tor  a  hunc  linii'  pnstnia-tcr;  nn  I.ois,  da  ii.  of 
(':\i)t.  lOiiliU  and  biicrctiii  Stnulcy  Yah'  (if  ^^■.,  li.  Feb.  ;;,  ]77():  d.  a;  ( 'uokstown,  ]'a., 
Oct.  3,  INll,  a.  vJS,  while  on  a  jonrncy  to  (.'onn.  to  visit  fri.'nils. 

b  lani'ftia,  Xo\.2,  17',i(;;  (b  July  l-l.  ISlit;  m.  Dr.  ]  ienry  .ManiiinL;-.  Jb'ni.  i2i 
Mary  BiM;;harj,  and  iiacl  J  AU'i  rtia  J\iri  land,  b  Ori.  Ti,  lv'"J7;  in.  ai  "bo.iutr.stou  n,  ().,  S<'ii:. 
0,  1S49,  'I'iniotliy  Dwi^ht  Baldwin.  1.  .M  viiv.  in.  \\'in.  .bihn-;on  Ed-.vaid,<,  .-.  s.  of  I'icr- 
]>ont  I'ldwai'ils  and  of  (icn.  Lewis  i;.  >bu'ris   [Sj, 

lb  Ifaoheb  l>t'r.  1).  IV!!^';  d.  July  :^2.  IS'iO;  !n.  ('.J.  ( 'aleb  H;il(h\iu  \\]rk,  s.  of 
llfiivy,  (d"  Yoniiu'>to\vn,  O.,  ami  w  f .  Ilaimali  l.aldw  In  W.  []\v  m.  {'h  Delia  (iriliitli,  and. 
had  Caleb  Hahh'.in:  b'aidicl,  ni.  \i.  \V .  'I'ayhir,  cashier  Mahonin;'-  ("o.  iianl:.  State  Audi- 
tor of  <_».,  Fir>i  (.'onijin'olhT  U.  S.  Treasury  at  ^^'ashin.^■ton,  ]).  C. ;  Hoinv  Kirtland,; 
Hannah,  m.  bha-..  Ames  , if  Y.:  baura,  Cliarh's,  Kli/,a].  1,  Hkxi;v  }\.i[M-i.A.\i\  in.  iind 
liad  fine  dan.      His  wid.  in.  (0)  Hen  i  v  Mor-e  of  Pdland.  O. 

Hi.      Hb.'.a,  An.L^  0,   IHK);  d.  Maicl!  bj,  \K]l:  m.   Philo  Cook  of  W. 
1\'.      Sarah.  Oci.  s.  Isilo;  d.  Sept.   10,   Is-J-^;  u\.  (ion.  C.  Hill-,. 

V.      Lois  Yale,  Sept.  '21,  ISK;!;  ni,  J'hi  .Myput,  M.D.,  (d  Polaml,  O. 

■-'-^'    .11.35.     Abigail    Brockett,    b.    Ftdi.    ll,   1711;  m.  April  J.   17:!:),  Caleb,  s.    of 

Calfb  and  Elii'.aheth  iln'riiian;  M  uuson.  b.  Aui:.  I'J,   17l)',i;  d.   Jiilv  '23,  1747;  (2)  x'ov.  22. 

17o(),  Isaac,  s.  of  Isaac  Hron.-on,  b.  Marcli  '29,    1707;  d.    I>cc.    7,    i71)ii.'     11  is' bst Wife   was 

i}\micc,  (hui.  fd' 'I'houias    I'ichards,    wlio   d.    Sc'iit.    0,    174!i;   Anu'i    Ih'onson,  wf.  of  Isaac 

-'  Tutth'  [.b2.]  was  his  sister. 

1.     Mabid  Munson,  b.  Jimf  2,  Ho."), 

II.  AliiKT -Miiiisou,  March  2,  17:j(!-T;  ni.  .\v.aba.  dan.  of  IJcut.  Josiali  Bn.nson, 
and  Ids  2d  wf.  Sarali,  wid.  of  David  Leavt-uwoi th  of  \\'oudl.urv.  h.  Ajail  2S,  ITdo;  his 
Step-sister,  and  sistvr  of  Josiali  Bron.son  who  in.  Tabatha  Tnltlc." 

/-.  ._.,-"^llI.  llernujn  Munson,  b.  Oct.  2N,  1738;  m.  Anne  Bronson. 

IV.  Cakd.  Mun-^on,  Marcli  ;j.  1741. 

V.  ('oi iitdiiis  .^Iun5-on.  b.  Ajiri!  lO,  1742. 

y\.  lienjaniin  Muns(jn,  li.  Ai;e-.  23,  1744. 

yi\.  Titus  Bronson.  b.  Oct.  15.  17ol;  m.  Hannah  Cook. 

A'llb  Abigail  Ih-.nisou,  b.  Aug-.  12,  1703;  m.  Andirose  Hickox,  ^Vat(.'rburv. 

.11.353.     Ilevmail  Munson,  b.  ()<-t.  2S,  17;:S;  m.  Anne,  dau.    of  Jose],],  (and  2d 
wife  Mary,  dau.  of  Lieut,  (iershoni  l'\ilford)    Ih'onson,  h.    May  22,    Hoi,  a   2d    cousin  of 
liis  lii'otlicr's  wife  A/.ulia. 
^^-^  I.      Mille.  b.  about  177<.b   wa.s  livine  in  (.)ldo    in    b'-;."i."),  a.    S~)    vrs.;  in.  Aoill  ',).  1  7Sb 

'         John  Clark  of  .Milford.  h.  about  K')");   rem.  to  ^^'a1^'I■buly  udiere  ji'is  cjiil.  were  b.,  thence 
t(j  Xev>  .Milb.rd,  tlieiiei- in  isjS  t.)  Medina,  v.). ,  w  here  Ik'    ib    1S20.      \,   Siikkmw      Vio-' 
■""■"•     29,  17Si).     2,   I'or.i.v,    Xov.    19,    1791.     3,   ILs.vsm.m,    April  n,  1794.     -i.   I^ki.a   Bumn^ox, 
Oct.    1,  179''i.     •"),   .biiiN    L[m:<,    Au,.;-.    S,    1799.     (i,   Amo>-,  Dec    3,   ISOl.      7.  J  i.kkmi  \i> 
J;m.   4,  ISIIl.       S,    .\N.-<,X.   Dec.    10,   ISOt);    eiad.    K'enyou  Cob,  (dlio;    rec.   of  the]:|,is.   chh! 
of  St.  And,ew's.  l'.lyr;a,0.:   St.  I'aiirs,  Xoru'aik;     Sv.   bhiiip's,   Circleville,  and  S'.  'i'iin- 
otliv'y,  Ma'-sillon,  and    in    IS^d   of   I'hnnianue)   chb.  in  Bockb'rd    )1!       9      \(;i-i     ,)ul\    1'' 
•     1(S12.  '  '  ■         ■         ' 

"■Jostiua  Atn-ater  of  V.'alld  in.  Oct.  i:i,  1793,  Kii;;ahetli  Cook.  i.  Kli/alu'lii.  b.  1794;  m.  John  Barker. 
2,  Caroline,  b.  1796;  m.  .Tared  P.  Kirtland.  3,  Kmiiy.  b.  179$;  m.  Friend  Cook.  4,  At), frail,  b.  Doc.  .>S^ 
1800;  d.  Sc'iit.  2;,  iS?3,  at  Durham.  Conn.  ?.  Mary,  Oct  18,  18.. j;  d.  July  24,  i,So4.  6,  Caleb,  July  n', 
1804;  m.  Julia  A.  Royce:  '.••1  rdizabctli  S.  Clark.  7,  Josliua,  Au{^.  36,  lioi',;  ui .  Mary  lb!  Dav.  '  S.  '^'i^^s.' 
Cook,  Aug.  70,  iSoi;  :n  Harriiaf.  Cook.  9.  Lucrctia,  luro  .••n.  iSi.,  d.  luno  r^^.  l'^.•^.  r-.'l'>'crir,  Oct'. 
12,  1012;  d.  iSr.o;  m.  Sarah  S.  Gale.  11,  .[ohn,  1S15;  ni.  Caroline  Hall:  (vCEli/a  Mall.  12,  \Villiarn  ,'.A  u^ 
IS,  1817:  ni.  tilizabctti  Helfonsltin.     13.  .Slary  .■\nr\.  May  ^9,  i'3ig;  m.  Lieut.  C^arreU  R.-irr'y. 

o40  r.HAXCII    OF    MEKCV. 

■  .11.557.     Titus  Bron.son,  h.  Oct.   15.   ir.-ii;  „,.  ]\-]>.  li.nT'.t,   Ihumal,,  (hm.  of 
Mo.-^e.s  Coo);>^' of  WiUcihiirv,  (.'oiiii.,  1j.  .lun.   11,   17")"). 

I.  .Ininis.  1..  ]■)- -.  <)■.  171)1);  m.  .I;ni.  II,  ISOl,  Ikmu-  Mallnry  of  WocU)!!  ry;  res. 
'I':i1iua<lgf,  O  1,  Cii.MU.F.s  (-'.  "i.  BriJ,);i:.  ',',,  Zm{i  \.  1,  IJiinnktt.  Ti,  .M.\i;i.\.  (1, 
<^()i!.NKi-iA.     7,   II.\ui;ir.T. 

II.  llojaro,  Feb.  1-"3,  17S>:  in.  Cli^irry  TliDiiipsou;  res,  Middlclmiy.  1,  Af.!'i!i-;i) 
If.     '.',   II()U.\rK  ('.     .'J,  .Iniix  T.      1,   Vaa/.x.     .j,   M.vuv.     (i,  ('.\i;iir,iM:.     7,   S.\)!.\ii.     y, 

III.  Aui,'-u^{i!.'^,  .June  ?4,  17.''-4;  ni.  Xiuk'Y  Bradl-y  r.nd  d.  in  ().,  ISlJ.S. 

IV.  I'^fli.T.  Oct.  r.>,  ns!!;   111.  .loliu  Miii'c;   res.  N.  Havm.      1,    ll.viiiiii'i'j'.      2,   iMAKY. 
^'.      Titus,  Xov.  21.   IT'S^;  a   iiioiX't-r   sutllii    ;it    Ann    Aibor  and   Kalnma/oo,  Midi., 

iind  l.>i',  vcni'iirt.  Inwa:   d.  .'an..  IS.V],    wliile  nii    a    \isit    to   Middlrhurv,    Conn.;  in.  h^ally 

YI.      Hannah,  h.  AyvU  18.  1  7!l1  ;  d.  IS.")!. 

VII.  Sally,  1).  Sept.  l:J.  17nl;  m.  A.  IkMiliain;   res.  Middlebuvy.      1,   ^VM .     2,   .lonx. 

S,    ICNOS.        ^!,     S.\I!A11.        ~,     ]"l{.VNKr,IN. 

Vlli.  l.ewiiard,  1).  .Tniii.-  'Jd.  17!i7:  dea.  of  tlu-  clih.  in  r^Iiddlrlmrv,  ("onn. ;  in.  Xancv 
llichardson,  widow  of  M.  Plait.  1,  .h:i.iA  Makia.  .Ian.  V2.  IS-^o';  d.  Sfpt.,  l.-^ll.  i, 
Oko.  v.,  .lan.:.'l,  IsOl.  3,  C  vi  iiaim.nk.  d.  y.  4,  Isaac  K.,  b.  ilay  22,  1H:J(;.  .j, 
EowAi'.n  ],. 

"X-  .11.36.     Samuel   BrOCkctt,   b.  .lune  21,    1714;  n-m.  from  Wall'd   to  Sont]uii-:ton 

/    ■       iiov.-  \Vol.-ott:  m.  liurli  Hiadb-v  [4J,   2d  cou.-<.    who  d.  .^pril  12,  17^0. 
].      Eunice,  Jan.  lo,  1744". 
II.      Zuer,  1).    March   20,    174(5;  <\>-.\.    of  tin-    Baptist  clih.    in   Woloott;  d,    Sept.    17, 

lcSo4,  a.  87;  m.  lainice v»i:ii  d.    Mtuch  11,  Is;;::,  u.  si;  res.  N.    K.   \nivl  of  iht?  town. 

1,  H.v.MKL.     2,  Trrrs,  d.  Feb.  21,  ls'>7,  a.  77;  m.  Sarah,  dan.  ];>ea.  Justu.s  1^'ck,  b.  .Kmc 
28,  177!);  d.  Aj^ril  2:].  lsr)0.  a.  71. 

III.  .To.'l,  b.  .!un<'  14,    17^!). 

IV.  .Tool,  b.  July  2s,  1701);  d.  July  C,  17!»)1;  krpt  a  tuvei-n  at  Plant  ville.  Conn., 
several  ycar.s.  lie  was  the  second  peise,n  in  Soutliino-tun  to  dicclare  for  tlu'  I'ljiiscDpa! 
chureli  "(178.")):  m.  Jan.  4,  117:1,  Hannah  Clail^,  b.  Kol;  d.  Dec.  lU,  ]  Tss,  a.  :i,:  (2^ 
Dec.  25.17S0,  Esther,  dan.  of  Hev.  John  AA'ii::htnian;  (8)Jan.  o,  lill2,  I-'sther  Sireei,  wlio 
survived  hin\  and  ni.  Daniel  l''risl)ie.  Slie  d.  A])ril  28,  lS2o,  a.  fll).  1,  Ar.i-iiKi's,  A[>ril 
18,  177:>;  d.  June  2,  177.").  2.  Sti!1-;f.-i\  Oct.  ID,  1792;  d.  M.-^.y  0,  1  T'JO.  :J,  Ar.i'ii  i;rs,  Ai'ril 
.44,  17;'4;  a.'ijuired  c(jn.sM,leiable  edncalioji  and  tauLi'lit  .scliool  in  S.  4,  .bii:i,.  Fell,  ."i,  d. 
F(d).  .8,  17Ui;. 

V.  Zenas,  b.  July  12.  1702.  "David  I.s;iac  Tenidl  and  Zcnas  Brockett  w<Te 
Ihe  tirsi  Ikiptists  in  ihe  luwn  of  \N'atci4)ary ;  by  them  and  others  meetin^i^-s  were  started 
and  Iield  at  least  once  a  inontli  in  Watei-ljury;  a  distance  of  12  uiili'S  from  their  h.nncs; 
the  journey  being"  pei'fonned  un  fool;  tliese  uieelie.ixs  wert.' thus  maintained  foi-  12  yrs. 
until  in  180;J  the  NVat.  Eapr.  ohh.  was  org-ani?:ed."  '  men  wer-'  ol  tiie.l  inte^r'ty 
and  purity  of  chrLstian  life  and  character,  and  tlieir  memory  slionhl  be  honored  asleadeis 
of  the  infant  churcli.  Poor  in  worldly  wealth,  but  ridi  in  christian  ^y-race. — 7/m/.  "J' 

VI.  Rachel,  ]).  17o4:  spelled  Brackett  on  t;rav,. -stone  in  "\\"olcott.  Conn.,  d.  Oct.  17, 
1770,  in  22d  yj-.  of  her  a. 

VII.      Amos,  b.  A])rll  10,  1707;  m.  March  27,  178o.  Eucv  Dutton. 

VIII.  Jesse,  b.  May  7.  170S. 
iX     IJenjamin,  (.»ct.  1.  ITCiO. 

.11.367.       Amos     Brocketl,  b.    April  10,  1707:  d.  Julv  10.   I82ri;    m.    March  17. 
178:1  Lucy  Dutton,  1).  Feb.    in,  17ii:!;    d.   X.iv.    :',„   18:-U;  rem.    from   Wolcott,    Conn.,    to 
Salisbury,  Herkimer  Co.,  X'.  Y..  abr.  1804.       Deacon  in  S.  22  yrs.,  and   was  succeeded  iii 
.  Lis  ot.'ice  Ijv  s.   iOli;  of  his  i;  son--  four  were  deacons. 

*Moscs  Paul,  an  Iniian.  b.  B;;riist^l)Ie,  Mass  ,  ahr.ut  17.)^,  enlisttd  in  Col.'s  le.rt  .  17''-.  •■^"'' 
bcc;>  vciy  rilssip.iied.  In  Dec.  7,  1771,  bcin.iL,'-  al  .Mr.  Clark's  liouse  in  I'.cth.Tay,  Coan..  vtry  druak  am! 
<^u.arre)soaie.  he  (luaTck-il  with  Mr.  Clnrk  and  Oirew  a  ilatiron  ai  tiini,  wliicli' missed  Clark  ae.d  struck 
Moses  Cook  who  was  prf^scnt.  .^Ir.  Cook's  skull  w.<s  fractured  and  hcd.  five  days  afterwards  l\iiil 
was  tried,  convicted,  and  li^njred  at  New  Hav.,  Sept.  2,177?.  Samp.son  Occum  preached  his  fuiierai 
sermon,  which  W.1.S  printed  and  circulated  amonfj  the  Indians.  It  was  rep'intcd  in  ICn^'L^nd  in  connec- 
tion wilti  Jonathan  F,di.s-anis  treatise  on  the  .Mohcfjan  trrauiuiar.  'The  skull  of  Mr.  (Jook  was  not  buried 
with  th',>  '■'ody,  proba-bly;:;  t-'-;-n  1  ;Tp:;red  ar.d  v.'.zi  on  the  trial -o!  P.-iul,  after  which  it  was  returned 
to  ttie  familj'.  It  was  many  years  in  po-;session  of  his  dau.,  Mrs.  '1  it\is  Hronson  — kept  in  a  liitle  <  hch 
bacf,  beinjr  in  pieces— and  at  her  re'iuest  was  hijricc!  v,:th  heron  her  dec.  in  is^i;  her  grandson, 
Kdvvard  L    Hronson,  saw  it  many  tiiucs  in  liis  boyhood. — Del  i/>-,s!'  s  Intii:tns  0/  Court. 



1.      Z.-phi,    1..  .liinc  VM,  ITSl;  (1.  Ai'i-il  111.  lS-)(»;      ,!i.  in  Soutliinutoii,  <'nim..  F.-l).  ',, 

180;!,  Sally  I'latit.  1..  Ai-ril   M.  fi^.},  ,1.    May  I':'..    ]S74.   a.    UO.       Amon^Mlu-    (irsi    ^ctll.-r.s 
.:it  J5fnckrtt's  15ri(U't'.      Tin-  .".  llrst  i-hil.  li.  ill  Salisbmy;  tluMicxt  v  at  Xorwiiv;  tlic  rest  at 

B.'s]5iidae,  P.  <>.  .Maiili.-im,  N.Y.    J,  Soi-iii  \,  b.  J:in'.  :J.  IHU.");  d.F..'s  li.,Jan',  18,  Uj;9;ni. 

Xov.  l-},'lS-i-J,  JaiiK.'s   Brown.       'J,  .Iamks  Plant,    h.    .\n...;.  :i    INIJT:  iii.  Auir.  27.    1«:M, 
•ClirisiiiM  Ju  hi;  c.'i  Mts.  .1  .V  .liiii'  Sa-ll.       :l  Itrrii  I5i;  \  r>:.Ki-,  \>.  V\'').  .').  IsiO;  <i.  at  15 

B.,  July  1.  1S!7;  m    An.Ml  4.  1^:  :i2,   Millini  J.    P  ■ '■!.      4,  W(i,i.rA>[  Casi:.   1,.    An'j;.   .1,  il. 

D.-c.  19,  181:3.     '),  Wm'.   Casr,  b.   .\,,v.  IT.  1S!;-J;  .1.  l-Vb.  .-).  ls,;;j.     C,  Ciiaki.k^  (iir.KS,  b. 

July  24,  isiti;  d.  A;.ril  '■'<.  ]sr4:  m.  (J  •[.  2(1,  ]s:59,  S:irali  A,  (Jraiii.       T,  Tiii:i;i:sa.  !».  Oct. 

2,  ii5VJ;  d.  at  Papclivillr.  N.  Y.,  Si'pt.  07.  l^(!o;  m.  P.r.  27,  1S40,  Jaun's  Dcinpytt-r.     8, 

Pachki,.  b.   Mav  14.  IsOJ;  d.  April   11,    1847;  iii.    Jan.    21.    184."),   'riioiuas   Lvman.       9. 

.^\Mos,  li.  Xdv.  24.  1821;  iii.  Oct.  21,  187)2,   Sallv  (•■■.■;iii.t.      10,  CrjNioN,  b.  N<)\-.  0,  18-2(i; 

m.  Ffb.  24,  IS.'-l.  Mi.-.  Kuib  A.  llavos.    11,  Sakaii  Loujsa,  b.  .hiin:  17,  182S;  d.  Nov.  8, 


II.      Eli,  Au!;.  11.  17^(>;  m.  C.-itliariiie    Por.l. 

III.  Amn,.  Aju-il  in,  1781);  d.  May  2n.  IsTl,  a.  8-^;  iintn. 

IV.  Alvali.  Jan.  2i).  17!>2:   in.  Punb:!-  Sndtli. 

\'.  Pury,  Drr.  8.  ITH:!;  d.  P.'c.  t;,  1S()I-,,  a.  7o;  in,  Oct.  31.  1813.  Ira  Tuttlr  [I]. 
\l.  .b'ld,  S<  pt.  9.  IP.I");  d.  Jan.  14.  ISPI;  a  pcr.-;Mnal  friend  of  smdi  iinMi  as  d'enit 
•Smitli  and  Pcii.ili  (;n>i-n;ni.  Jan.  10.  1n22.  Pm-v  C;iipt'iiti'r  in  Fuirfudd.  Mass. .  b.  Aug.2G, 
1799;  d.  Au^^  10.  I'^T-"!.  lie  wa-^  (b'a.  of  tlu-'Papt.  clili.  at  Vcnirvn  Crntn-,  N.  \.  1, 
l!\!:\::v  KiMr.Aii.,  i).-<-.  ;;,  i.s-,>;J:  d.  Sc|)t.  2-!,  \XU:  nnm.  2.  Cikoiiok  Pks-|  ki;,  b.  Sals., 
X.  v.,  Jan.  29.  P^27;  llain.  Col.  18")1;  Prof,  of  I'dm-utiun  and  Gorman  9  yr:,.  in  N.  Y. 
Central  Col.  a1  Cm-tland;  tlion  tnuiMit  iiiAlbany.  X.  \..  t\^•l)yrs.,  Instructor  in  the  l.^caf 
and  Duuili  Asylum  at  Pliiu.  Mndi.,  S  yrs. ;  resi-ucil  in  IST;!  hi  attt-nd  liis  invalid  I'athi-r 
at  Vernon  (Ji-ntcr,  N.  Y.,  who  d.  l87o.  He  then  r'-m.  to  P.>ol;i'ort.  N.  Y.,  where  he  d. 
.«.  i.  April  4.  IS^ii^  a.  5:;.  of  a  severe  cold  takfU  en  inwiUIil;'  nut  of  the  rhisi' aisd  overheated 
air  of  a  public  !.i.  «  tin;.'.  Jie\\';is  a.  man  et  unusual  literary  ability,  and  a  ihovoiii^h 
sclndar.  Me  ^v^)te  with  remarkable  facility  and  tnnk  pleasur*^  in  his  work,  both  as 
teaclior  and  as  writer.  He  was  a  re-o-nPir  contributor  i'i  the  Lo':l.:}i::rt  Ji'iinm!  and  wrote 
many  anonynujus  articles  on  tlie  Cliincse-  (mil  ('Iniii--<r  Cusfn/j/.-i,  lUrdfi  (tml  Thiir  lluhils. 
etc.  "He  was  a  true  Christian  and  a  nu)ilel  man."  He  in.  in  P.,  May  0,  1775.  Caroline 
A.  Camii'eeP  (Si.  whi>  had  been  r.ssnciated  v/itli  hint  in  teachinir  from  \<y.'y  to  18o9. 
Vll.  Ph.iuh',.  March  s.  17;iS;  d.  .Inlv  KJ.  \s[Q-  unin. 
VHP  Prbccca.  Oct:.  9.  1799;  d.  .lulv  2.1.  1822;  ]n.  Pec.  12.  1820,  Jarvi-^  Cole  in  S. .  s.  i. 
IX.  Pachel.  Sept.  22.  1801  in  \Volcott,  Conn.;  d.  in  Frankford.  N.  V..  Mandi  24, 
l87o;  m.  in  Salisbury.  X.  Y.,  Ijy  Rev.  W.  .hidd.  Jan.  10,  ]'^-J2,  Hiram,  s.  <if  Ca])t.  \\"in. 
.Smith  .,[' Conn.  iam.Vb.  S. ,  Oct.  5,  1800;  d.  \^'hitr.^b<.lo,  X.  Y.,  Sej.!.  04,  18t)o.  1, 
PrcrxA,  Dec.  1,  ls-J2;  <1.  Pndi,  Ilk,  Oct.  22,  1871;  m.  M;!rch  7,  l^^ll,  Pivd.-rick  4"uttle;fi 
<diil.  2,  M.xKTirA  A.,  >*-\n.  21,  1s2'.t;  m.  Sept.  \'J,  1^4^,  I>.  Ahhui  .Ja(4<son;  res.  Pake 
City,  Minn.;  Held!.  :P  Pui;i;j:  .M..  (.)r't.  o.  IS.'H;  d.  C:i->ellvil!-,  N.  Y..  S.-pt.  11,  1881; 
m.  ()<  T.  1.  I'-iu.  .Pmies  ])eni]i-ic'r;  1  dau.  4,  Cai.ista  P>..  N()\-.  o,  ts:;i»;  m.  ,!:.n.  5,  ISIJO, 
J.  liarvty  PainlHU-ou;  ns.  Fi-ardvford  ;  o  (diil.  —  (''>,,,.  ht;  Mrs.  I '.]',.  L<i  iiihi  rsnu.  5,  Dl'T- 
TUN,  June  IP  I'^Jl;   in.  .Ian.   IC,  ls()2.  Hannah  (Hiinths;   res    ]3r(».klyn,   X.  \ .;  2  cliik 

X.  Benjamin  I).,  0<-t.  11.  InO.'P  d.  Sej.t.  9.  l.Mi7;  m.  I'Y'b.  7.  l's27.  Sarah  C.  Tultle 
[4].  dau.  of  Paaisoni.  and  sis.  of  Kev.  Dr.  .P  II.  Turtle  ot'  Minneaii.dis.  Minn.  1,  Hau- 
!;iKT.     2.   \^"^[.LAlll).     :p   Prcics.     4.  Maktiia.     :->.   Haxs(i.m.     0,   }'',M.\iA. 

XP  Zenas,  May  4,  1800;  the  only  one  of  thi.s  fam.  liv.  in  188:3;  rem.  to  Brockett's 
Bridge.  X.  "i  .  He  was  dea.  of  the  Bajit.  chli.  in  S.,  but  left  that  eoiuinunion  many  yrs. 
ago  on  atcount  (d  his  antishiverv  views;  m.  in  Xorwav,  X.  Y'.,  March  P!,  18;j2,  Candace 
Salisbury,  h.  o.-t.  19.  I^OfP  d.  July  27,  PS7rj. 

"As  v,-e  go  to  jucss  this  luornin;;  (May  29.  1883,  at  Manheim,  Herkimer  Co.,  X.  Y .) 
-UunouncennMii  is  made  of  ihe  death,  last  evening,  (jf  oni-  v,  ho.-e  name  is  a  synonym  for 
all  (diaiityaiid  brotherly  love,  for  kindne>,-~  of  heart,  grntleufss  of  dispositicui,  ami 
nprightm-.-s  in  life.  \S"f  have  no  opi)ortuiuty  io  sp.-ak  of  him  lunv  as  his  virtues  would 
seem  to  (h'mand,  but  sliall  seek  material  fiii  a  more  fitting  obituary  hereafter.  Zciias 
Brockett,  r)t"  all  men  wluun  wcliave  everknoun.  came  tlu'  iimrc'st  to  a  life  in  strict  ace  )rd 
■with  the  gohbn  rule  oi  lu\"e  towards  his  mughbor.  Hi--  heart  w:is  warm  and  loving 
towards  all  men.  and  in  return  all  men  loved  him.  His  liff  was  made  up  of  kind  deeds 
iind  noble  examphs.  He  eV'U-  acted  up  to  his  cuuNictions.  and  his  ciuiviiitions  were  ever 
upon  the  side  of  ri^dit  aisd  justici'  and  humanity.  The-.r  ar.'-  srrwe^  words  il"-y  will 
be  lecogni/ed  ;;s  je.--  and  t:  t:e  ^'.■oI\ls  by  all  \- ho  cvei-  came  to  knc:w  him  intimately. 
His  biogiaphy  tle-e:-ves  to  be  readi  by  the  y(aing  men  wdio  fMl!n\\-  him.  as  au  e\amj>ie 
well  worthy  of  th'-ir  imitation.      His  death,  huig  evpecli.'d  though  it  has  been,  will  bring 

548  iJiiAX cH  OF  .Mi:i;cv 

Sormw  t.n  many  a   lif;tr1    outside   llie  family   <)!■  tlio   scifial    circle  in    wliidi  lie  moved." 

JAUlc  Fiilh  Ji'unial  (thJl  ('"nr'nr.  .A'.    )'. 

1,  Hat:i(I1'.t  W.,  Mmv  11,  1,':;;;:?;  d.  .Fuly  is,  ISSO;  m.  Sept.  '2i).  Isr);i,  Nelsmi  J.  retrlc. 
"t,  GcncTicn-.  2,  ,Iinn:x.  ;{,  Annie.  2,  Nath.wik),  S..  April  1,  l,S:jil;  m.  June  25 
18GS,  Annie  K.  Jiilmer.  ;:i,^  Anna  M.,  .Ian.  15.  IslJl;  ui.  Sept.  10,  ISGO,  Jolm  M.  Feetei" 
who  d.  Feb.  C,  IST-l.  1,'  Franl.-  li.  \,  Ldrisd'.  5,  LoKi  ita.  (i,  Kccjkma.  7, 
CiiAKi.i-s  v..      S.    A.N.MK. 

XII.  'J'imdtliy  l)iUt.)n  Biockett,  Dim-,  yi,  INOS;  rem,  to  \^'.■stm<)reland,  X.  Y.,  jihout 
18:!7,  iuid  d.  tliete,  .Ian.  '20,-  ISTI.  Xo!  as  NiuoriUis  in  consiit  iiiinn  as-  mnsi  df  his  bros. 
improved  every  (ij'i^'jrtuniiy  to  acijnire  Icnowleii^M';  .Itistice  of  the  I'lacc  '.?0  yrs.,  ajid 
deemed  it  his  duty  to  exert  liis  infhience  and  th('  jioweisol'  liis  oliice  to  ])re\eiit  litigation 
and  with  such  .success  that  durint,^  tlie  last  S  yrs.  but  one  cum-  was  bioui^'ht  to  tri;'.l  before 
him.  "  ];iess''(l  luetiie  peace-makers,  for  tln-y  shall  be  called  llie  ••liildren  of  (iod;"  m. 
Dec.  2'2,  18;!-3.  hucy,  dan.  (jf  \\\\\.  and  Pii.-be  i?enne1t  Sndtli.  b.  Jan.  10,  li'IJ5.  1,  Jamks 
Wirn.iAM,  Xov.  14.  ls;ll;  mercliant  in  Ivoiue,  X.  Y.,  Clark  i^  Hrockett;  m.  Jan.  7,  lS"i7, 
in  western  X.  Y.,  Manvt-  Kli/a,  d,m.  of  .\u,-,iin  and  IMiebc  (iriswold  Warner,  b.  liad- 
dani,  ("onn.  1,  A'//;/^*/  /V -/t.  J  nne  is.  ls5;);  ni.  Apiil  Is.  b'^S'J,  Albcil  Feeter  French; 
res.  l)es.  Moines,  Jovra.  2,  F,>'iik  Ec^ntt.  Oct.  2'2,  ls(;7.  'J,  Dau.,  ,lnlv  IS,  d.  Au<.i-. 
29,  ]s;j7.  o,  Ki-oi:n(:.  Pec.  24,  Is.'JU;  d.  Xov.  10,  iSil.  4.  ])t:i,(.s,  Sepi"  ly,  1S42:  d. 
Manh;;i,  1S5().  5,  Pkkmi.i.i a,  Xov.  21,  lsl4;d..  Feb.  17,  ls50.  G,  I'liior.i-; 
Amdi.ia,  Jan.  1,  1S50;  d.  Dec.  IS,  1S51.     7.   K.Mi:i;i-n-r,  May  2s,  d.  Sei)t.  27.  ls>';5. 

.11.3672.     Eli  Brockett,  b.  An--.  11,  nsC;  su.r,.cdrd  his   f.   as   Dea.  in  tlie  chh. 
at  Salislmry  and  was  Di-a.  in  chh.  in  NN'estinaieland.  X.  Y..  when-  he  d.  A\\[^.  If),  1871, 

a.  85;  m.  Mav  ;J.  ISll,  (JathariiH-,  d;r,i.  of  Abiiali  and  Lmv  Salisbnrv  Ford.  1).  Salishurv, 
N.  Y.,  Ano;.  ■;-!,  1701;  d.  Mav  b.  isTH. 

I.      Kebccca,  b.  Soj't.  25,  1S12;   m.  Se[)t.  12,    1S4S.  Wm.    I'^ake,  who   d.  Maich    19 

IT.  Lucy.  b.  July  s.  Isll;  d.  Jan.  :!,  1S77:  m.  Xov.  I!,  1R;J1,  Moses  h'jrf,  b.  Jan.  12, 
1806;  d.  April"  lb.  Is74!  1,  Sakaii  EM/AnKrif,  h.  July  27,  1S:!J:  m.  Oct.  11,  1S54,  Maurice 
Comstock,  who  (I.  1.  ])r.  Irii  Ui.-r  ('oin.\lork.  b.  ls5S.  2.  ("atjiaimnk  Bitot kktt.  h.  Mav 
20,  1831;  m.  Oct.  4.  ls5i;,  ("barb's  Ja<'kson.  1,  Arfhur.  b.  Dec.  9,  ls.59.  2,  M'ini/r.  <1  ,\>. 
Feb.  10,  187;].  M,  I^huhif.  Hki.kx,  b.  Feb.  14.  is;;*.);  ra.  Sept.  9.  180S.  Cejuias  Top).inff.  1, 
l-Jii(/enu(,  b.  Is7:l  4,  Mai;y  Joan,  b.  M;iy  21 .  is:?:);  m.  Oct.  20,  1859.  Marloin  Carr.  1, 
Ida  May,  b.  June  8,  1S63:  d.  July  28.  18(14.     2,   Ihriuan.   b,  Feb.  27.  lsr;5.     o,    Chorlfn, 

b.  Fel).  15,   18G9.     5.  CirAUJ>F.s  At.kkrt,  b.  March  4,  1842:  m.   Oct.    15,    ISt),-;,    Laurindn 

.      1,   ir//7'(/,  h.  Auir.  0,  1S!!4.     2,  i/</^Vr^  h.  Oct.  11,1S<J9.     o.  /.vrv/.  b.  Mav  a,  1874; 

d.  A]>ril  9,  1877.  4,  Charhx,  b.  March  o.  18S0.  5.  Ma  ad,  h.  Marcli  2,  ls82.  6,  "KfGRMA 
I'^LiZAHETtf,  b.  Oct.  27,  ISoO;  m.  Sejjt.  27,  187G,  Julius  'Puttie,  b.  1842.  1,  Franl\  b. 
Marc],  0,  1S78.     2.   ].>'r,i.  b.  27.  1S.S2. 

III.  Jolui  Albcrr.  !..  March  24,  1S17:  d.  June  30,1882;  m.  Jan.  17,  ls;js,  Xan.'y, 
dau.  of  Reuben  and  Xancv  Bears  Ixusc,  b.  l>c(;.  19,  1S17;  d.  Mav2o.  ISSl.  ],  I'll, i. en 
KosK,  b.  May  12,  1842.  2."(;ir,Ks  Ai.iu-;kt,  b.  1m1).  21.  1S44:  m."Sei,t.  19,  1S7S,  Elvira 
Louisa  Ilutciienson,  b.  Is49.     2.    ('_;,-'>r<i[ii},na ,  b.  Feb.  22.  d.  Fcii.  25,  iSso. 

IV.  Cliarles  Edward,  b.  March  20,  1S19;  m.  Feb,  24,  1S47,  Anna  La  Barnes,  b.  Mav 
0,  1830.  1,  llENUY  15i:xi:iJirT,  b.  Feb.  15,  1848.  2,  Ukoiu;):,  b.  Xov.  1 1,  1819.  ;i, 
CiiAi'.i.Ks  Fouii,  ii.  July  18,  1851.  4,  Wm.  Fi-AK];,  b.  Aui^  18,  1S5:J:  m.  May  b,  1S7(!, 
Marv  Sezislemver.  5,  Duija  1'J,i/,ai;etii,  \<.  June  2,  1S55;  m.  Dec.  22,  1S72,  Andrew 
McCarlhv,  b.  Dec.  2,  ISTO.  1,  Charl,^.  b.  Auc;.  18,  1875.  2.  Fn<i.nir  i'nrtU,  b.  March 
27,  1878;"  d.  Dec.  l;!.  1SS2.  G,  OATitAiiiNi:,  b.'  March.. "l,  1859;  m'.  Dec.  HI,  1S79,  V'.'m. 
Deal,  b.  .Inne  1,  1S5^'.      7,   .loiiN  Bai.imi,  li.   Dec.  ;^,  ISGl. 

V.  Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  ;;.  Is25;  d.  Jan.  HO,  18.58:  m.  Feb.  15.  1S4H.  Abial  Oraves.  ], 
Mait.u  I,  Ai;iAL,  b.  Jan.  2:'.,  ls4G;  m.  .fan.  19,  IST;',,  ('rissev  Keid,  I..  IS49.  2,  X.vntA.v. 
b.  July  12,  1S48.     H,   .Makv  \\\x/.\va:\'\\,  b.  Oct.  lu,  1850. 

.11.3074.  Alvah  Brockett,  b.  .Tan.  20.  J792;  d.  April  G.  1872,  a.  80;  m.  Sept.  2, 
1818,  l-hinici-  Smith  in  N'<jrwav,  X.  Y.  lie  was  Dc:ic:in  of  tlie  Biipti-t  chh.  in  Salisbnrv, 
X.  ^  . 

1.      .Icann-'tle,    b.    Oct.  IH,  1S19:  d.    ar  I'almvra,  X.  Y.,  Au-.  !*,  18S2;    m.  Xov.    2S, 
184:;,  .A.ldenG.  Orosbv,  b.   Danbui".,  Conn.,  Xov.   15,  1S22.      1.    .M  Ai:  v  ( '. ,  b.  Jan.  2S,  1S45: 
m.  in  Brooklvn  April'.  iSGs.   V,.  1'.  Falmer.      1,    Mnnh'  E.       2,   Ad, Ilk  ('.       3,    J^a/cnt  I'. 
11.      baac  A.,b.   Feb.  22,   lN2i:   .1.   Xov.  2  (.   Is2-h 
III.      lib.ida  A.,  b.  X...V.  12.  1S22:  d.  Oct.  2:i.  1^37. 
W .     Calista  L.,  b.  Dec.  2:;,  1824;  d.  \[<\\\  ^.  ls;jt;. 

HROCKETT,    BllOWX.  519 

!  V.      Lr.ihunl  A.,  b.  Dec  Ti,  1^:.>»1;  in.  .hiu.  Is,  IS!!),  Franr,.s  S.  15n.\vn:  (5)  I.vrlia  H. 

I  Morse.      /.  l.y  ].si   in.:   1.  Ukmiv  K.,  1..  Muy  :!,  1S.-,().      2,   /i.nas  ('.,  I,    hfh.   I'.l,  is.-.O;  im. 

I         June  2'i,  jyT't).  Jfiuii./  Cmroll.      1.   Z<A'/w  Z.      :!,    >[ai;v  1:.,  h.  .Aiuil  L'U,  IS')!;  iii.  .hm.  13, 
'  18TH,  Artliur  Ih-i-h.-iin.      1,    //-//,'(•(■.     2,   Fiit/'.     4.    Fannik  S.,  I..  Xnv.  9,  ISdl ;  m.  Sci-t. 

14,  1«S!,  Mnnin'A.  i:icli:.ids,     .-),    Ai.vah  W.,  1..  .lun.  1.  d.  .J'.\w  22,  lS/;4. 

VJ.      Davi.i   Z,,  b.  Frh.  11,  l.v.Mi:  iii.  De.v  il,  ISol,   in   Madisuii,  .\.   V.,  KD/.u'.ftli   II. 
C"ol.'.      1,    IIa-imk,  1,.  J),-.:.  !),  IS.Vi;  d.  Auir.  M,  IS.V.. 
Vn.     ZPI1M^-  ('..  b.  .\].rU  M.  ls;M;  d.  Sl.-.v  ;].  ]s;;:». 
I  Vin.      -Marv  C.  b.  Mav  2S.    is;):):  ,n.    M:;"v.  is.').-),   (i.-,).  W.    Ibiraljack ;   iv.s.    ("aslb'tun, 

i  X.  Y.      1,   Ai.VAii  B,    h.  'Aibany  S./jir.  Fi,  F-r.G.     2.  Ch Ai:i.r.-<  ]'.,  b.  Mar.-li  l;5.  ly.'.^. 

i  IX.     ('liarli\s  Z.,  1>,  .luh- 2s,  is-:;-");    in.  Iwdi.  3,    is^s.   Carrie   A.    Fiuvcu.     1,    Alij;n 

I  L.,    b.  Juno  2-F  F;'<;!;  d.  i)(-r.   3.  lS7i).     2,   M  \i:y    F.,  b.  An-r,  2.   d.   Sri'.i.    14,   IKCl.     3, 

[  Airi'iirK  F  ,  b.  Jan.  0.  tl.  Aui^.  25.  1S72.— 7,'.v.  r,f  Ah;,},.  }lrvrl.-,,irs  (hsr.  from  jlrs.  Mary 

f  <).  lioraharl:. 


,/  .11.4.     Francis  Brown,  b.  o.-t.  7,  ]!>70;  (.'apt.;  <1.  Sopt.  23.  1741,  a.  r.2;  m.  April 

i  11.  171'5,  llannali,  da.u.  of  John  and    Susanna  iCi"';  Alliui:-,  li.    Mav  23,  H)7.S;  d.  Dec.   1*. 

•  172:);  (2)    Dee.    22.   1 72G,  P'dizabetli    Fo.s.-well. 'b.   S-pt.    o,  WM);   d.    .v.  i.    Oct.  13,    1742, 

'  -ilau.  of  Firbard  and  F}"dia  iTr'nvbridut')  F.      IFm'  ]ver.sonal  ]iio]>iTty  cauie  into  ]io.-^ses.sioii 

.'  <d'   lier  ste]!  dau..  >F;diitabif,  who   ui.  her   fH•^t   cous.,  DaniiJ    d'mwlji  i,iu'<'.      lier  niothei-, 

I  Fydia,  inherited    con<idiM-able    jiroj'erty  from    hei'   nephew,  John    Ibx'.j-sun,  \'.lio  <\.  s.  i  , 

'•  1720.      Agreeinciit   by  Franeis  Fir'-^ivn  to  Josliuu  Tutile  in  ri',i:ard  to  land    "  tleit  eonies  to 

j  mo   from   Tuy  ,i!;'randfathei-,  Mr.    ^^'iliium   'I'littlc,    ihrou,i^h    my  uiotlier,   now  dee»'ased.'' 

I  The  will  of 'Fiv,.t.  j-.-aiu-is  Brown,  nai.-:l   17:iC,-7.  exliib.  >.   Stephen,  F,  H.     D..t.   6,1741, 

i  Stei)hen    was  alh)\\cd   a    i'oitnij;lit  tu  show  iiiven!tir,v  €'"'907   12s  Sd^,    ,)ld    tenor.      .\   con- 

j  .sideiuble  ipiantity  of  jewelry  and  silver  plate  a])pe:irs,  of  \'.durh  a  silver  tank;ird,  weight 

34^- oz.,  v:dui-,  -^52  4s;  a  silver  tankaid,  weitrht  22^  07. ,  \-alui-.  -f3.7  Ss  9d ;  a  silver  e up, 
v.-ei,irht  IS  oz.,  value,  f20  'Js  Gd :  a  sil  ver  en]),  w.-iy  hi  lOjo/.,  v.alnc,  L'ld  2s  "Ji;  eiglit 
silver  Sj>oons,  \se!,L;ht,  13ii)/,..  valu.\  t21  -js  3d;  tine  pair  p,old  liuttoiis,  V3  12s;  twtdve 
bills  of  credit,  t'o,  OS  lid;  ji-welf^,  *J6J-/  i's  4d.;  375  !iei-fs  of  hind  in  oth  division, 
bought  of  Tuttle.  4J7o  F'is.  In  Aug.,  1743.  Mr.  Wm.  (Jreenough  a!pl  Catharine  (Rose- 
well),  his  v.f..  sis.  nf  Fl'/abeil:  abovi',  appi^th'd  to  Cnurl  of  Frobale  eoncerniug  the 
eonci'aling  of  gllod^  anil  rri-di:s  of  thi'  late  ('apt.  Francis  Frown,  'i'hi^  will  r.a.mes  ''  s :)U 
John,  for  whom  1  have  expended  F'lOOforhis  education  at  ye  coll*  ge."  In  1742  John, 
Sainuel,  Stei'hen  and  4'imi.ithy  Frown  convey  to  ]).inicl  Tro^vbridge  and  si-'ler  Mabel. 
his  -w  if.-. 

i.      John.  b.  May  14,  1  7nti. 
II.      Saiiuiel,  b.  Cci.  (),  17uS;  living  in  1744  as  per  conv.  to   bro.  'I'imothy  Frown  of 
the  Find  known  as  Frowu's  Hilb  not  far  from  Abraham  Fi'adlev's  mill. 

III.  Melutalde,  b.  April  '.).  1711;  m.  1  F' 1 ,  Daniel  TnAvbridge. 

IV.  SupFeii,  b.  Aug.  10,  1713;  m.  Si'],r.  27,  173'J,  Mnl^^l  Frndlev. 

V.      Tiuiothv,  b.  Ain-il  10,  1716;  m.  Mav  21,  1744,  --Mrs."  llannali  AUing. 
YI.     Isaac,  d.  Xov.  21,  1738,  in  liis  22d  "y''- 

.11.41.  Johu  Brown,  b.  May  14.  1703;  Y.  C.  172s;  d.  175S:  s.  J<din  admr.,  1701; 
wid.  and  7  chil.  living;  resi.  Franford,  Conn.  He  apjieftr.s  with  the  4'uitle's,  (darks  and 
Daytons  in  the  seuh-ment  of  Clark's  est.  1737  '  ]).  20]. 

I.  I'heb.',  b.  Se])t.  2.'^,  173"J:  m.  HoS,  Fogcr  Dering  Fhipi's,  b.  1735;  d.  Sei)t.  11, 
1770,  s.  of  Danforth  ;.nd  bro.  of  Capt.  Solomon  [3j  and  of  {'aj.t.  David  [4J;  she  m.  (2)  Asa 
Todd  f3|.  1,  MiKiAM.  b..  Xov.  8,  1759.  2,  Kf.iZAiiKTU,  1).  Fei).  Is,  17U3.  3,  Fhki-.k, 
twin,  wdio  d.  April  13,  KGG. 

IF  John,' b.  O.'t.  (.;.  1737;  Ca])t.;  est.  adm.  1 7'i!»,  insol..  Micdiuel  Todd,  princijml 
■creditor  and  admr.;  m.  Mni(di  1.  17(i4.  Ai/igail  Iliti  hroid; .  Sin'  m.  (2)  May  o,  1774, 
<.'apt.  Ezrki.d  llayi-s.  f.  of  Iv/ckiel,  .jr.  [G].  ami  of  Futherford,  grandfather"  of  Hon. 
Kutheifiu-d  Fil'chaid  llavfs.   Fres.  of   tjie  F.   S.       1,    Ar.loAJL,  b.   Maridi  IS,    1705. 

111.  Strphen.  b.  Oc'r.  14,  173it;  m.  l>ec.  :i.  17GG,  Flizabcth  F!iiiu,s  [4J.  1,  SrKi'ii::N, 
b.  Srot.  5,  1707.      2,    FiiKi-.E,  b.  Julv  13.,    KG'J. 

l\-.      Hannah,  b.  Oa.   23.  1741.' 
Y.     Justus,  b.  F.4).  7.  1743. 

^*l.  Ihancis,  b.  1744;  Capt.;  d.  in  Xew  Hav.,  Dec.  1,  ls23,  a.  7'J;  Mrs.  Harriet,  wf. 
-of  (Vpt.  Fnnu'is  Ibcwii;  .1.  .Ma.y  It;.  17!»4,  a.  42.  ( in  a  v<--sior."i;  ]mt.  ho  m.  (2;  Flanna)!. 
ilau.  ot  Isaac  .VlwaO'i-,  b.  S-'pt.  s,  1 7-1;};  d.  Xov.  2'-',  is23,  a.  iJ.  '  1,  Asa.  2.  ^u.l.^. 
3,  I.-A-\.<',  d.  Nov.  21.  17ss,  in  22dyr.,  -  grave-stom'  a.  2 1,  i-— 7'"  •■'■//  J'ir.  4,  Fiiancis,  li. 
1772;  lost  at  ;Sfa,  a.  3it  and  7  mos.  •  m.  Hannah ,  who  il.  Oct.  11,  ISlO,  a  3t'..    1,  }f.!rui. 

OJO  Bl'.AXClI    ()]••    .MEi;f:Y. 

r>,  II AKKiTT,  (1.  Miiy  I(J.  ITii-l.  a.  12.  f],  IVvmki,,  d.  ISO:},  a.  21.  7,  'Sancy  d  Ort  1 
](S.>1,  a,  (')[>.  '  •     •         ■     ,. 

\'I!.     Susainiii,  1).  .Maivli  OI),  17!C.;]iv.  iiilTilt. 
Vlll.      Jalxz,  1..  Jan.   1-1.  IMS. 

.11.48.     Mehitablc  JBrov/n.  !>.  ApiilK,  r,]];  d,  Oct.   id,   n'„i;,   ;,    s7;  m.  ]7;!i 

Danifl,  s.  of 'ri;.)iii;is  and  .Marv  \\  iiistoii  Tiou  Ijiidj-c--- of  N  II  |i  Oct  :.',',  ]  7();;-  V  '  ( '' 
17'2o;   (/.   Aiij.'-.  -I,  17."".'.'.  V,  f.  Madcl  adiiix.;   7  chil.  '      '  •-''•■• 

J.      Hauiiaji  Tkiw  liiiilm-,  li.  .Juije.'!.  r,:\-2:  d.  Au--.  17'.  17:!f)  a    7  vi-^ 
11.      hiv.url  'i'i(,\vliri,l-,\  1,.  April  -J.  !7;M;  d.  Tel.;  •,>;),    I7tii,'a  (i  \  i-. 

III.  .Josci)h 'rru\vl.rid-(_'.  1).  .fuiir-  iri,  noO;  d.  .V.  (■.    Dec    17.  1  7!)(); 'ivs.  near  Savannah 
fJa.  :  luari/i.  r:\r,,l  nicicli,  ;   lii'in  (d'  UoIkt!  Tou  nscnd  \  ( 'o.     lie  m.  Oct.  -JO,  i:(;;;,  Klizalu'lh' 
dau.  ol'  SaiiUK'l  liishop.      Slic  d.  (d'  jxai-id  fever  Sept.  f),  171M;   l>e(iueatli'ed   .'J-J2  To  j^lislui 
Mun.son,  and  The    residui-    of    her   fstaie  to  hep  niece  i:sther  .M  unsoii.  dan.  of   Ids  sifter 

IV.  Xeunian  Tio  .vhriil-.\  1-.  Sej>t.  !).   17:iS;   ni,  l':ii/.alietli  Hills;  c' )  IJehecca  C'ahlos 
V.      ])aniel  'r]'o\vl)r)<l;:e,  I).  Au--.  '..'7,  17-10;  d.  Sept.  1.  17-1-J. 

A'l.      'I'houias  'l'rov,l.ridi.'e,    1,.  .^iav2.  1712:   ni.   Dec.  2S,  i:;;;),  ^fm's   Maconiher 
Vll.      l.'utherford,  h.  F,-]>.  :;,    17-11;   in.    .luh    4,    17(i7,    Doira-   llit<hcock- 
(2;  Thankful    Allin-.  '  '  '         ' 

Vlll.      Siej.h.en  'i'rowliridpe.  b.  ])ec.  21,  17  Ki. 
JX.     Jo!,,i  'I'l.e.vhrid-e.^i.  .Inne  1,  174S;  m.  Feli.  i;5.  1777,  Tliankful  Deolittle.     ■       ■ 
X.      ])aniel  TiowljridLTe,  I).  Oct.  2;J,  1700;   in.  Jan.  S,  I'l'.S,  Sihvl  Aiualc-r. 

.11.4".4.    Newman  Trov/bridg-e,  l>.  Sept.  !),  KoX;  d.  A])rii  2!).  isit;  a    oS-  ,es 

on  Muadou- street ,  N .  llav.;  in.  .Inne-f;  Idel.  Mlizah.-ih  Hilis,  v.dio  d  ,Inne;!'l777  ',  ;-;;';■ 
(2)  Sej.T.  2,  177S,  Hel.ecca  Cal.les,  ui,l,,w  of  Hlchaid,  and  .lau.  (d'  TJioina.-  D.'.dd  d  F.d/ 
5,  ISOS,  a.  o7;   i.  hy  l-i  m. ; 

I.      Hannah,   h.   Feb.    1,  17(;."i;  d.  .v.  /.  May  2:!,  1S21;  m.  June,   17si;,  Tiinothv  ('],ir- 

II.      Eli-abcth,  b.  Feb.  10.   171;;*:  d.  IN.-,;!,;,.  S-I :   in.  .Inne   I,  17'.M),  Samuel  Siiennan 
in.      N\il!iam,    b.    July    2-!.    1772;  <1.  at    Isle   of   Trinidad;   m.  Jan.    s,    170]     Funic." 
Merrinian.      /.  by  2d  in. : 

JV.  Sarah, "h.  Jnlv  13,  1770;  d.  Aul--.  24,  lS.-,7;  m,  Jainc-s  Munsou,  b.  Mav  :',  1772 
1,  a\r:w.Af.\.\ 'J'j;(>\\bi;iii(;k,  Sept.  11.  isti:;;  killerl  Ic/ pjiate-,  Oct.  :;•.,'.  is21.  2. "  l^)s^vF  1.1. 
Jamks,  b.  Dec.  4.  isll.  a,  J^Kni:rc.\  'lr,i>\\unif;r.i:.  1..  Aj/ril,  1^14;  in.  Sa.ninel  Oorhani' 
\.  b.  .Nov.  8,  Hs];  d.  Oct.  10,  JN;;n;r,i.  Lydia,  d-.n.  (d' .K:,n.i;el  Warner, 
Mdnjm  (2)  (ieor--e  Ihiiiiett.  1,  S[s.\.\  l'd.i/..\,  III.  Miet  15.  'Str<nr_:,  whod.  Mavll  [SJo 
a.  44.  1,  M„n/J!..  b.  ApiilO,  l.sll;  d.  Oct.  21.  IStJl.  2,  Jiin-r  h'"rn,((,  b.  .\u'-  21' 
JH4y;.d.    S.-pt.    11,    IS4.").     2,  X.v.Ncv  M.\i,M.\,   in,  Se],t.  2s,  ls4(t,    llenrv    l/cooiie'r      ]' 

7^'/(r//X,,  r.  S.  Navy.     2.  .Jns,j>/ui,r,n\. . 

VI.      Jbisuell,  !,.  Aj-ril  20,  ITs:,;   ni.  Jan.  0,  ]Si;;.  .Naiicv  Haves. 
^'I1.       IJcbecca,  b.    Se].!.  .-,,   I7S(;;   d.  An--.  ;^1,  I'/Ol. 
Vlll.      Lsaac.  b.  April  1,  17S0;  in.  .Mairli  21,   l^l:i,  Elizabeth  Fardeo-   (2)  An.^    2    1S:J5 
Mfdiifablo  Mall;  (^i  July  10,  isds,  .Marv  A.   Will.ard.  ^' 

IX.      lihdiard,  1).   N;,v.  is,  1701;   in".  ■ ;  d.  .v.  /.  March  1."",,  ],sT,7.  j,,   X.  u^v. 

X.      'I'ine.thy,  b.  Fell.  20,   1704;  drouned  near  Sandu-i(di  Islands,  An,--.  17,  iSlb'. 

.11.4346.  lioswell  Trov/bridgc,  b.  .\piil  20,  17S.l;  d.  Jan.  4.  1S44;  m,  Jan.  O, 
1813,  Nancy,  d.m.  olE/ekiel  Hayes  [  j;.  -iM  |,  win.  d.  Au^.  ;!•),  l,s,^,7,  res.  on  .Meadowst, ,  n' 
Hav.  Ho  was  a  mariner.  In  tl.e  war  (d'  ]skJ,  \\l:eu  tour  d.avs  out  fiom  New  llav'  to 
St.  Bartlioloioew's,  W.  I.,  then  a  neutral  poil ,  l.i.s  ve.-.sid  loaded  with  a  LaMieral  ast^.ort- 
mciit  of  American  piodu.  e  and  a  decl;  lead  of  oxen  an<!  i-heep  was  captu.ed  bv  a  l^riti.sli 
frie;at<',  on  board  of  whicii  was  the  Admii-al  of  the  fle.-t.  (,'apl.  Tn.wbridi^e  was  ordered 
on  b(,.ard  the  frijcate  with  his  p.apers.  On  learnim;-  his  name  the  Admiral  <dadneil  that 
h(^  was  a  Mritish  subject,  but  bein-  assured  by  C'apt.  T.  that  h<'  was  f)orn  in  Ameri.-a, 
wa.s  Jcleased.  The  name  <d  Tro\sb;  id- c  beiiii:  thai  <d'  a!>  Admiia!  undier  wlmm  his 
cai)tor  had  birmerly  serv- d,  piopiiialed  the  huter  to  that  cKlent  that  Capi.  T.  was  treated 
Vfiy  h-indly,  his  vessel  and  faiiro  re>tored,  some  id'  1  he  ]u-oduce  and  stock  wldndi 
been  transferred  to  the  .Vdmiral's  shij.  bd  erall v  j.aid  O.r  and  on  takln-  Onal  have  the 
Admiral  sent  a  boat  load  (d'  delicaries  and  valuabbs  as  a  lukmi  of  -(.o.i  will.  (.'apt.  T. 
ihen^rctnrned  to  X.   Ij.av..  haviiiLT   bicn  ab-enf  .i-bt  ihiys. 

lieNva-a  uni\er-al  tavorii,    with  Ins  acipiainiances  at   home  or .      Durin-his 
ion.--   sca-goin!,'-    experience    inanv  interesting    iii'ddenls   occuried.      At    one    time    on  the 

^I'roia  TroivbriJj;c  Geacalogy. 

P.KO V;  X,    TRO  W 1? R 1 1)0  E. 


iiiulii  of  liN  anival  \vii!i  a  v;iliialilr  ciM-uoat  ll\'-  Islnihl  nl'  ( i  iiadaloui'C,  a  vinlcnt  liiirfi- 
(•;aie  art;>f  \\liich  <!c'^!  i<i_\  id  a  huge  jiorlinii  of  tlu'  louii  aii:l  ilrovi  (■\,'i_v  vi'-s''l  to  ><:>  <ir 
onto  tlir  slion-,  caii.'.inu  a  jX'i'aT  los^;  of  li  fc  ainoii^'-  scaimn.  ( 'a]it .  T.  a  n1  ici  patcd  the 
l;al<\  ]ilLt  to  sea,  I'lit  m.oii  his  \('sscl  was  caiisi/rfl  and  so  rt'iiihiiu  d  a  Imij;-  1  inn-,  but 
iiiially  i-i^'-litf'd  with  Ioks  of  masts  and  most  of  her  riugiii,^  and  s[(ais.  A  ff-i- tlic  lialc 
aliatfd  ("ajit.  '1'.  di>r.)\-i:rf-d  ho  \\a--  inai-  thi^  island  of  Si.  I)oniiiii,''o.  v,  hich  he  sonn 
rcacli (.■(].  Hfic  lie  i-'-maiiU'd  foi  iiK'iitlis  iinaidc  to  cniMmnnicatc  with  his  fiieiids. 
Nearly  all  of  his  crew  who  had  rscaiii'd  dca.lh  hy  tlic --ale  difil  of  yfllcw  f(?viT,  bin 
C'apt.  '1'.,  by  ski!)  ami  ]iersov(i-aiict',  loade  new  masts  and  sf)  tilted  ii;i  his  vessel  as 
to  eiiabJL'  him  to  retiirn  to  New  Haven,  wiiefi,-  he  ari-ht^d  ai'ler  an  alisence  of  six  months 
greatly  to  llie  sar)'ri'~e  and  joy  of  Ids  frienrls  and  family,  who  hidieved  iiim  lost  in  the 

I.  Frederick-  Haves,  b.  Sejit.  1^,  18K1:  m.  June  20,  is;;7,  .lane  E,.  dan.  of  Horace 
Southmayd.  b.  Jan.  ]7,"  1>16:  d.  Oct.  12.  1S">1:  tO)  An- .24,  In.'k!.  .Mary  Denman  ((bin.  of 
Renben  find  I'lleamT)  I.'i<-P.  1.  Jri  i.\  Mai;i\.  1>.  .\ll^^  11,  ISilS.  2.  J  a.nk  SdU'i  iiM.^  M). 
b.  Oct.  '2G,  )y-o9:  d.  Se],t.  .^,  lSi2.  r!,  ( 'at;()  V."iii:r.i,i.j;,  b.  An^-.  Id,  b-^ll;  iti.  H.W. 
Whittlesev,  jr.:  she  d.  June;!,  b^ii'J;  i.  2  chil.  4,  ]?nsw  ki.i,.  b.  Slay  1'2,  ls45:  d.  Jan. 
n,  1S4<;,  5,  ri;Ki>i:ui(  K  IKWKS,  b.  May  14,  \^Ur.  d.  July  2.~),  iy.")n.  G,'Ja.\K  Kr.i-/.<iu-7ri(, 
b.  June  i),  ]s4N.     7.   M.\i;v  Ei.i  a,  b.  Ji'mo  24.  ls.",l. 

n.  Harriet  Hayes,  b.  May  2'?,  1S15:  m.  Sejit.  12,  is:'..'^.,  John  J'ennett  (';irrii.,irtoii, 
b.  Nov.  G,  ]sll,  s.  of  Allen  of  iM'than^,  ('i>nn.,  a  ]irintei-,  editor  and  prupricTor  of  the 
yi  ir  JI,ii\it  J,niri:<il  "inJ  Co'tror.  lie  \[.  Feb.  11,  isj^l,  btdnu'  then  the  oldest  new.s].;iii'.'r 
))ublisher  in  Conn.  1,  Fjiaxcks  E.Mii.v.  b.  July  27,  is^l)-.  d.  of  scarlet  fever,  .Marcli  '2i, 
FS4o.  2,  IbiswKi.i,  TmiwtJRiDOK,  b.  June  HI,  1^41;  d.  Mandi  2:^,  ^S4'^,  and  bu.  with  his 
sister  in  one  grave,  i-t.  Et)WAlUi  'i'n^»^v  i;i;n>oi:.  b.  April  2."),  1S48;  with  his  bro.  John 
1'.,  eoiUinue.-i  (he  newsiiaiier  business.  4,  Haiii.'IKT  FiiAXetis.  1).  .Ian.  S,  1X45;  d,  Sejit. 
22,  ]i<^)\.  ."),  Emii.v  A'rv;ueii'.  1...  Mar.-h  2:1,  1^47;  uiim.  G.  .Ihk.n  ]'..e.\Ni,rT,  .it;.,  b. 
April  24,  1*>4'J.  7,  IlAintil.T  TiioWtiMmr,]-',,  b.  Aui^-.  9,  bS31;  m.  Edwin  'J'rowbfidge. 
8,    Wfi.i.tAM,  b.  Feb.  G.  l^u.'iid.  March  23.  lsr,n. 

HI.  M.'iry  Ann,  li.  Sept.  V.  l^^l^;  m.  Oct.  2S,  bS-K),  Ib'v.  James  A.  Hawley.  1. 
FuEDi'i'.K  i;  Ti;(r,vi;!;i!;';E,  b.  Oct.  2o.  1841;  i mjisted  in  a  ^^'isc>lnsin  hb-gt.  and  serve(i 
three,  or  four  years;  was  engaged  in  the  battles  c)f  Pea  iiidge  and  at  other  places,  and  in 
Arkansas  slightly  wintmled;  lie  received  an  lionorable,  discharge  as  First  Lieut., 
but  h;ul  ;vervei!  some  months  as  Captain.  2,  .1ami;s  }?t  kts.  b.  Marcli  2i.',  1845;  d.  Jtily 
2,  \^'n).     X,   M.\i;v  .1am..  b.  .luh-  18,  ls47.     4,    It'isEWKi.i.  Francis. 

IV.  lb, swell,  b.  March  1>n'1^21;  d.  Feb.  2J,  l^in. 
V.  Edward,  h.  .Ian.  2>',  1824;  m.  Aug.  G.  ls51 ,  Sar.ah  Ann,'  Harvey  and 
Lois  Ik  Smith  (d'  Itidgeheld,  Conn.;  res.  Barbadnes,  W.  I.:  engaged  in  the  shipi)ing 
business  in  conni.>ction  \\  ith  the  li(Uise  of  11.  Trowbridge  Sons  of  New  Haven;  he  was  1  . 
S.  Consul,  utuler  Pre.-.  Lincoln's  ailm.  1.  F,I)V,-ai;i).  b.  .Line  rk  1>;52.  2,  Hauvkv 
S.MiTJi,  Jan.  ;;n.  is:,:,:  d.  May  24.  1S55.  ;],  I1i;  Kad.m  k,  b.  .luiie  12.  lS5'i.  4.  Huse- 
WKI.L  IL^vr.s,  li.  June  It,  IS.j',).  d..  at  Ikarbauo.-.-,  Aug.  ti.  I8i;2.  5,  Ai  (.a  sI'a  Ei,i/,At!KTJ) . 
b.  .March  17.  ISGl.  i),  WkM.  Li'.si.i e.  b.  June  12,'lSG:k  7.  Sahaii  Loii.s.\,  b.  Feb.  8. 
18G5.      8,  Wiieine'.,  b.  Nov.   14,  18Gi),  at  P.arb.idoes. 

\'\.  Augusta  Caroline,  b.  Aiiril21.  ".S2G:  m.  ..hine  25,  ls4:k  James  Stanton  Ikiiley. 
1,  FKA>;crs  'I'lniwiuimoE,  b.  Mandi  4,  1815.  2.  Jame.s  Shekmax,  Oct.  s.  184G.  o, 
Fi'.EDEiueK  j;i>w.\tiD,  .Ian.  8.  185:!;  d.  .luiie  20.  1S57.  4.  C.mioline  .\f(;rsTA,  b  Sept. 
],  1N5().  5,  Ei)w.A);i.)  FiiEDEiufK,  b.  (.!ci.  18,  J85,s.  C,  \Vai.ti:i;  Stantu.n,  A]>ril 
18,   18Gi). 

VIL     Francis  Ikiilev,  b.  Julv  22,  1S2S:  d.  .Auir.  ^.  1^^:!'J. 
Vlil.      Emily  Corneria,  b.  Se'pt.  17,  1^30;  d.  July  24,  1S51.  .      . 

.11.4348.  Isaac  Trowbridge,  h.  Ai-ril  1.  178J:  m.  Mar.h  21.  I^Lk  ElizabefL 
I'aider,  b.  Fee.  24.  17'J0;  d.  Fel>.  21,  18:kJ;  (2)  Aug.  2,  ls:15,  Midiitabh-  Hall,  who  d.  Dec. 
8,  IS45;  (-.i)  July  10.  IslS,  Maty  A.  Wilhird  of  P(,mpey,  Nk  Y  He  was  a  merch.iut; 
Mayor  of  the  (dty  of  Fianklin,  La.,  where  he  n^s.  many  yrs.  In  ls7(k  res.  in  \k  ilav. 
but  d.  in  I'k-anklin,  Nov.   1).  1>-7L  in  kis,'-".l!h   vr. 

L      Elizabeth,  Jan.    1.    1M4:  m.    Sent.  2;k  l^-;l4,  Ceo.  P.    Stillman  [.ll.j;   Cai>t.  X. 
Ilav.  (iiavs,  ls;kl-4!:  .v.  i.:  res.  .\k  Hav. 

II.  'rimothy.  J;in.  ::i.  1.S15;  m.  Jan.  20,  ISIN.  Fli/.-i  .\nn,  dan.  of  Z:  bul  Ik-adley  r.f 
;Nk  Hav.  1,  Sakaii  I1(>\!)I.e\.  .Mandi  2G.  is:',;);  d.  nnm.  2.  l-;i.i/.Ar:i".l  ii  Pokcas,  .iune 
•  10,   1"^42     d.   uiUii.      '.',.   .i\.\tEs  i..\Wi;i.Ni  \.  N.sun.K.  Jul_\   ti,  1S45;   d.  unni. 

III.  Isaac,  .Ian.   Pk  I^IT;    meridianf  in  lk-,in];lin,  kn.;   num. 

IV,  Lauia,  Aug.   1.   18IS;   d.  Sept.  1,   1819. 

\k      Paniel,  .lau.   I'.i.   1820;   m.  t>ci.  25,  IS-lo,  Cvnthia  'M.,  dan.  of   Levi  Ailing,  v,-lu> 

oiyZ  Bi{AN('H  or  iii:i;cY. 

<1.  .V.  /.  Nov.  7.  ISM:  (-3)  Mav  15,  ]Sl:i,  .h,,,.'  Kci'lc;-;  n-s.  N.  JIuv.  /.  by  L'd  ni.:  1, 
Jknmh  Js.,  .Miiv  ].  ls|-,;  ,n"  .M:iv  l.'i.  ISii:.  .Inlui  .J.  -Malliias. 

VI.      Mui-v.'Aui:.  V2.  IS'JI;   lii.  Kilw^nl  I'cmlnn-t.iu;  C]) Oat  lev  of  H.   I.      /.  l.y  1st 

in.:     1,   TiiiniA'-.      '.',    Ii).\.      ;{.    MauV.      /.  Iiy  :2i]  in. ;     -1.   Sami'I-;!.. 

\'JI.      >f;irt!iii.  twin  with  M;nv.  111.  (.)ct.    :";i,    JSTJ,  l)r.    ';-•.,.    Sca^-ravf,   lioili   (i.iilioiit 
IS,-)-);  oiu-chiM:      1.   (;i-(».,    !..  1S(;!.:  il.  K^.",;i. 

\i\\.  Sarali.  .Uiu.  -J').  !>'J1:  111.  Marcus  \\'al:<.T  of  \\'un.lliuiy,  ('oun.  1,  Svu.v.  L\ 
Lii.r.iK.     ;-!,    Kdw  vi;i>.      1.    I'Ii.I/L'.uuth.     ■">,    ])iui>v. 

J.\.  )>i>iiisa,  Ihw  '),  l.S'j.");  III.  J'irliard  K.  'i'ailiDt  of  (M'or;rt'ri)\vii,  'i'exa;:;.  1,  J-]Lr/A- 
]!i::rii.     "J,   Anxa.     :j.   ]'\\.xnv.     4.   Makiiia.     ."i,  'l'if(iM.\-.     (.1,   I-va<. 

X.  lli'iirli'ita,  Im'Ii.  SL;,  ]S-2>^:  in.  'I'lirixlnii:  (.'arliu  of  !'"iaiikliii,  l/i.  1,  2, 
Ci;i,e-;tja.      (■.  liv  2(1  in.: 

XL      Maria, "isHfj;  d.  Jan.,  1S47. 

XII.      XiMviiiah,  X(l^•.  'iU.  1S;JS;  uiun. ;  C'uiiM/ii|it  in  Confoil.  Afiiiv. 
Xil!.      ilrl.-u  Maria,  Maivli  !t,  1H40;  in.  Jan.  23,  ISIH,  CharK-s  \'a"u  P.-lt  of   ]]]o..;iiing- 
toii.   111.;  uiierliild;      1,    JsaacXkwman,  1  "><•(•,  Ml,    iNMl. 
Xl^■.      ih-.K  S'.illinati,  J>LT.  2(;.  ]S-J2;  <!.   I't'b.  9.  ISL",. 

X\'.     Cliarloti.-  ];i'!.r-,Ta,  Ai-ril  iri.  1S44.     /.  hv  ;jd  in.: 
X\'[.      Wiilaid  Drnnim-.  Mav  12.  IS.jU. 
XVil.      ]-;,,~,w,dl  ]5arthol,..ur\v"   .March  IS,  1,S.V2. 
X'tdll.     Chiron. •.-  \\  instnn.  S.'|>t    4,  1N.")4. 

.11.436,  Thomas  Trowbridge,  1>.  May  2,  1742;  m.  May  2S,  rrnn,  Mary,  dan.  of 
I'inmtliy  Macumbi'i-.  Vu-  d.  in  Xcw  Ydik  in-i.-on-shiji,  2o,  Vi6'.  His  wid.  m.  Juliii 

J.     Marv,  1770:  d.  Si-pt.  4.    1772. 

II.      Thoinas,  baj..  ..lir.i.'2n.  177:-;;  in.  .Iniie  U,  1791,  Ka!i;;niah  Hall;  x.  i. 
III.      Puliv,  Oct.  29,  KV.'i;   ni.  .Jnlm  Itavnm  of   Ili,ds;)n,  X.  Y. ;  fi.  i. 
]V.     xMaliVl,  .Inuo  s,  177:;  d.  -hmr  1,   i  7:':'0. 

V.  Sarali,  Marrh  4,  177'.):  d.  1S12;  ni.  .huie  1,  1707,  Charles  B().st\vi(4v  of  X.  llav., 
T)ca.  of  the  Xorth  chh..  Ibd  1  to  dec,  iy.")0.  1,  <ii-;<nn;K,  Mardi  :l(),  17t)i);  d.  .lulvlo, 
l.S;(l.  2,  .\M(i>  Cati:-.  A[>ri!  o.  fsOO;  d.  Sept.  in.  isi):j  ;!,  '[an^.  'rKowniMJ):;!-;,  Fel.. 
i:j,  ]80J-^;  d.  Sej.t.  IS,  IN.),-).  4,  CfiAKi.Ks,  .March  12.  l^iJo:  d.  ^hllvh,  1S71:  Capi.  of  tlie 
<iray,s:  Major  of  the  2d  Coim.  H'',i;-t.  .Mil.,is;;2.  o,  William  Ai>i)l1"]1i  s,  Ai)iil  Id,  l>fi7; 
d.  .Jnly  ];j,"  ISOs.  tj,  Sai:  \ii.  Mar'-li  :J.  l^OU.  7,  W'ililvm,  AjM'il  14,  d.  .'nlv  i;j,  ISH . 
H.  Lk'lnaim),  Oct.  2-!,  1^12:  d.  IslC.  9,  A.\io<,  Sept.  12.  ISj.'i.  10,  Fki:di-.i;"kk  Loiio, 
•Inly  i),  1S1>^'.      11,   Mai-.y,  July   ^  4,  d.  An-',  o,    1S2J. 

"VI.     J<ihn,  Sei<t.  l(j,  17Sl";  in.  andliad:     1,   .Ma7:y.     2,   Lv.MiiiA. 

.11.437.     Euthorford    Trowbridge,    b.  Feb.    ?,,  174-1;  le.^.  comer  Wniev  and 

Coknubus  sis.  N.  iJav.;  had  ihc-  first  boujit\  for  jiiakiiii;-  .sall[ioi  re  in  the  P.ev.  war;  d. 
A]»ril  0,  lS2.->,  a.  SI:  in.  July  4,  17fJ7,  ]>(.r'-:is," Jan.  of  Aino-  Hitchewck,  who  d.  of  .--mal! 
jiox,  Feb.  12,  n^-'o:  (2)Ja!i."l,  1  7i»4,  Thankfn!  .Mix,  wid.  of  Xathanid,  and  dan.  of  Jidin 
AllinLr;  d.  An.;;.  8,  ISJI.  a.  GG. 

'l.      liutiierfmd,  b.  Feb.  4,  170S;  d.  Sej.t.    7,  1700. 

11.  Josepli,  1,.  April2;5.  17tiO;  Ca],t.  .d'  a  vessr],  .mailed  from  X.  llav.  for  W.  Indie,^. 
Feb.  2(),  1804;  never  heard  from;  in.  Sept.  2."),  1701).  Lois.  dan.  id'  Xatliard(d  ?\lix.  v\  lio  d. 
Juno  20,  1S42,  a.  IJ.")  [2].  1,  Jkan.n  kttk.  b.  .lune  yo,  bS'iO;  d.  x.  l  ,  Xov.  19,  lSl.;f;  m. 
1840,  Lewis  Lawrence.  2.  lIi'TnEKKoiti).  I'eb.  (I,  1SIJ2;  d.  S^'pt.  !."»,  ISO-').  M,  Joski-h  , 
A])nl20,  1804;  d.  Any.  14,    lS7o. 

111.  NVelthia,  b."  Xov.  21,  1770;  m.  170] ,  Sa;iin.d  liames,  jr.;  (2)  ISOO.  Iv/.eki.d 

■  IV.      T{ntherbn-d,  April  20,  1772:  d.  of  small  jiox,  Jan.  4,  1788. 

V.  Melissa,  Jan.  17,  1774:  m.  Jan.  17,  1707,  Joseph  l>all.v  of  Jamaica,  \V.  Indies, 
and  d.  A.  I.,  I'ec.  22,   l^^ol. 

\'l.      Lncrciia.  ,Iiily2o,  ]77o;  d.  Aut,-.  o,  lS."i();  m.  Mav  Ki,  bsfl4,  Ashlxd  Stiliman.      1, 
Hannah  'i'ljowniuin;!:.  b.  j-'ch.  Ki,  l^or,;  tP  M^nJi  o,  i.^t.;:).      2,  (iioo.  Fio'aikn.  h.  Oct. 
18,  1811;  111.  fJi/ab.'th,  dau.  (d' L-aac  Trowhridyo  ,C////e].       2,    Ltc'i;r:TiA    l).,b.    Aug.    1, 
18b");  nn  Jii-v.  Lhimdias  Ulakeman;    V.  C.  is;',?,   d.   ls7o.       Sin- d.  .v.  /.,  O-t.  28,  istjl. 
VII.      <;rai'.\  b.  Xov.  do,  177d:   m.  1708,  Jali<-/;  Dwi-ht. 

^  111.  Klizabeth,  b.  July  2-'.,  177^;  d.  Julv  dl.  is.;.-;;  m.  Dec.  11.  iSOo,  Capt.  Levi 
Hi>:ullry.  Ib'd  at  Trinidad,  \\.  1.,  .March  ]().  l.sM?.  1 ,  S  \  i;  \!i  JiLTii  KUi- ui;i),  b.  Lso7; 
d.  June  2l').  I^'IO. 

I.\.      Ib^nry.  I,.  July  I'.D,  17S1;   m.  ISDd,  llarri.'i    Hayes. 
X.      Amos,  Nov.  23,  178d;  m.   IsO'-^.  Cuharine  Atwator. 

tkowt.ridgl;.  boo 

'XL  ])i.rr;!s.  !,.  Jan.  M.  VTN'i;  11).  on.  Ml,  1S!)4,  Z-,'1hi!  P,i-:i  llrv;  sli,.,!.  !),.<•.  ];;,  ]S;57. 
Jlcd.  .Iiuir',',  ]sr,U  ],  .I.\.\K.  Ii.  Am,--.  !),  l.M).");  (I.  .inly:,,  IsiM,  -j.  Im)\\-.\i:i-,  !>.  Mav  i:), 
ISUll;  (1.  y.  y,  <;r>T.\vrs  ('l.^kk,  1).  Au-.  IS,  ],sl!.  l,  Ku/.v  A:n.\.  1..  .Inly  ]S,  ]H\-i;  m. 
Tiuiiiiliy,  .<.  .if  l-.:t:ic  'I'lnwlu;c.  o,  ]'J)\\Ai;i)  Wa  i;!;i;.N ,  li.  Scjit.  1,  iSlS,  d.  y.  (J. 
.l[KM?v"('m;.\i;i,u  s.  b.  AuL^    I,  lN'-20. 

XII.      ll:;iniali,  li.  O.'t.    il,  l',^',  .   (I.    ol  sinal!  p..:.,  F,-!..  2),   17S,S, 
XIII.      h'utlK'ilonl,  1..  .lulyli,  ]:\)4:  <i.  Hi-j)i.  1:1,  )  rii."). 

J.I. 4378.  Welthia  Trowbridge,  1-.  21,  ITIO;  .1.  July  10,  isii:; 
111.  .July  7.  r.'!!] ,  Snnuii'l  l'arn<'.-,  jr. ,  s.  (.1  v  apt.  Saiuiii'l  aiul  l-Jizubrth  ('ri!t»li'\  P..  [ii.  a07|: 
(2)  .liiuu '^'1 ,  l^ii'l,  !•',/•  ki.'l  ]i:iye.-,  \vho>e  wile  \va<  .M  ary  J  !ciiiin^\va,\' [p.  "JtrJJ  a  vJd  cou. 
of  thfaliovi-  >^aiu'l  Barnes. 

].  ]']\y.-\,  ]>.  Apiil  111,  i:i!7;  .i.  Jan.  19,  INlO;  m.  Sc])t.  TJ.  ISlO.  JJ^v.  Italph 
Well.s  (,  I,,  (iianl.y,  Mas.s.,  Ai>ril  .-,.  17'J:;,  (s.  (,f  Rev.  I^lijnli  au.l  hutli  W.-lI.'s 
<.;ri.llcy);  V.  t '.  isi-};  )Ki>ic)r  ('nii:c.  ''lili.  \VilJia!')\vii,  .Mas-.,  lSllj-:jl;  ri'iu.  to  Ottawa. 
111.,  aftt-rw.  i.a-ior  at  JacksuiiviJl-',  111.,  until  <]i'r.  at  Olcawa.  r'cli.  L'.  ISJO.  I,  IJKXltV 
\V.,  Jiin.-  :.'.:),']>:]  7:  d.  Ai:^.  l-l,  ls:]-2.  :.',  H  visiiun.  Oct.  11),  \>n'.i:  d.  .b;!i.  a,  InII.  :!, 
SA.MrKi.  I'.AliNKs,  AuiT.  'J  I ,  IsOH;  ii>s.  Ottawa.  4,  ('ai;w1.i,\k  1)\\  n;il|-,  'day  PI,  !S'2;^;  d. 
Nov.  !i,  1- -.^ri.  .").  (.'Aiiiu.lNK  l)\vi,;ii-i',  Oct.  12,  iN'Jti;  ics.  Ollawa.  0,  liMZV  r..\KXi:s. 
Aug.  T2,  is-j;i.  7.  1;ai.i'u  Wkm.ks,  A])ril  12,  1S:;1;  d.  Dec.  Is,  ]S:J1.  .v,  SfSAX,  Fi-h. 
10,  ISiJii;  d.  March  s,  is4i).      /.  ],\  2d  m. : 

II.     Kv'.ekid  IJu-.',!'!!.  1..  Sc],r.  ll.lSOl:  d.   Feb.  1.  IS;).-,. 
III.      Sainne).  S.ijit.  M.lSUl:   in.  .Mari;-ait.'t,    dan.    <d'   Xatliaiiii-l   and   Sarah  (At^^ati-;-) 
Joculyn.       1,  S.v^Jt■J■:L  Ji)i  Ki,^  .V    !>.    July   27.    1S40,     2,   Su.sAX  Uakiuk'i    'r];')\v]iKii>(;K, 
Ij.   Au^r.    1",    ISi'.l.      ;j,    Natu'i.  Jor;;i.YN,    yi-)>l.    Ki,    l.'sr)2.      4,    I'ltAMKs  ]; ;  I'li  K!!l'(.ii!l). 
July  21,   Is,", 4. 

.11.4377.     Grace  Tro\rbricIc;c,  'y  Nov.  oO,  177tj;  d.  Juno  2(j,  i>i:]i);  m.  Sow  :j, 

F7'jy,  Jabc/  Dwjniu,   \v\u,  U.   .Majch  U.   ISOU. 

1.  Carolinl'  Dwi-lit,  b.  Sijit.  20,  17!J!):  m.  June  HI.  lS2S,  l?ev.  Dennis  Plati;  Y. 
C.  1824.  1,  Ei.iZA  (;.;  b.  An-.  14,  1S2!).  2,  'rj.NH.Tiiv  i-v.-i.^iT,  F  4..  M,  ls;J2;  d.  IVlv. 
1.'),  1S4'.).  uliile  a  nienilMM-  ..f  Y.  1'.  :j,  Ja.mics  ])..,  b.  July  2-1,  P-mC;  in.  S,-pt.  27,  lS!i3, 
^I.  An-usta  .M.)r;;an.  1,  l),n'j!if  ^[■n-'j<ii,,  Scj.t.  24,  iSO'l.  4,  K.  Jli;.M;v.  b.  Nov.  ;]0. 
1S:JS.      ,-),  (;'Ain>i.iM;,  b.  June  (1.  d.  Nov.  2s,  Isjv. 

n.  Tininihy  ]>v,i;:ht.  b.  Dec.  ;'.,  1>01,  d.  Dec.  18,  ls:»7:  m.  .Mardi  (J,  is:',].  Hannah 
Alida  I'resoit,  \y  (Jet.  W,  IsnV  ,|.  (lei.  fi,  l-;:]:!;  dan.  of  Henry  and  .Mid.a  (Filu.k)  alld^^ 
dnu.  ol'  P-enjaini;;  and  Hannah  P.  I'rcsci.e.t;  (2)]ie';.  17,  ISoO,  J7niily  N. ,  dan.  id<Hh-~ 
Mans1i,/ld  [4],  in  Oct.  s,  ls2l.  /.  by  1st  ni. ;  1,  'rLNunuv  'I'lmwn.nrDcv;,  b.  Ane-.  ;-3ij, 
lS3o.      i.  b.\-  2d  nn;     2,  (iiiAcK  !:.Mii,\,  b.  (let.  4.  is.")!.     ;;,  Sta.m.i;v.  b.  Dec.  2<l,  is.V!-. 

HI.  Amos  Trou-l>ridf;c  D\vi-ht,  b.  .hil.\-  ]S,  i,so7;  ,[.  in  N.  Y.  C  1m_4).,  ],ssi;  m. 
S.-pt.  4.  P-:JS,  (']ari>-a  Sn.ith,  w  bo  d.  Si^pt.  Dj,  ]S44;  (2)  Oct.  21,  is.'jl.  Sns^m  1).,  dau.  oi' 
Leonaid  A.  and  -leannette  (.Vtwateri  IXi^eeit  o'i  N.  Ilav.:  d.  Felj.  20,  ls,-)7.  /.  bv  1st  in.; 
1,  Ti.MoiHv,  b.  Nov.  22,  1>-:.'.'J;  d.  I  )ec.  I ,  P>4U.  2,  lM;Kni:itK'K  ALor.-ns.  b.'F(4).  ]S. 
1SP2;  nn  .\ov.  1,  IStiO,  Antoinette  1;.  M  <'.V!  ulien .  1,  i'l,iiU-<ii,  X'^vy.  21,  18(17.  2,  Isahdii 
llntpuoiid,  July  14,  JS(!0;  d.  ls7U.  :J.  7/,  ;'/;//  JinUn  rp.r'J ,  Sej.t.  2lj.  1S71.  /.  by  2d  m  : 
41,  Ji-:AN-V)';TTK  Atwatku,  b.  Oct.  20.  ]S.y2:in.  in  X.  Y.  V.  Feb.  11.  1S7!.),  (jeo.  'J'.",  .s. 
of  (ieorge  l^ii^s  nf  .Morton  >.\:  Pliss,  banlcers. 

IV."   Jabez  Dsvie-ht,  !).  June2o,   ISOi;);   d.  Oct.  !i,  ISp). 

.11.4379.  Henry  Trowbridge,  h.  July  :!ti,  1781;  d.  o.-i.  7,  1819.  a.  (is.  At  :ibt. 
the  iie-c  of  eighteen  he  took  the  usual  juvenile  sea  lever;  desired  to  see  foreign  countries, 
to  bf-conit;  :i  soanuin  and  c,)!!!!!^^!  a  ve.-^sel.  .lu^t  tleii  the  sliip  "  Petsey,"  (.'ajii.  Howell, 
WMs  httiug  out  for  a  sealing  voyage  in  the  I'acilic.  and  Henry,  with  his  father's  consent, 
obtained  a  situation  on  l)oai-<I.  Henrv  wa.s  entrusted  by  hi.s  father  witli  (jne  tliousand 
dollars  to  in  China,  where  the  \c-<e!  was  eventually  to  jirocccd.  This  fact  .show.s 
the  giv-at  confidence  the  father  had  in  the  son.  'Phi'  shi))  saile<l  in  Si'pt.,  1700,  and  the 
{'apt.  immediately  heiran  \vith  the  beys  a  course  of  i  n.-.t  rnctioi:  in  si^a  nni  nsliip,  Henry 
A\a^  acjuainlcd  with  aritlunetic,  and  by  the  time  Caj'e  Horn  \vas  ]-eached,  cnuld  work 
liis /'////'/■  e/r.\v /',■.///-//(  as  \',  I  11  as  the  ('ant.  The  (nistonu.ry  ,l' i'og  r.-ition  was  never  ust.'d 
by  Henry,  but  w ns  gi\-eu  by  liim  to  the  old  sailois  in  return  foi-  in-iruction  in  sailors' 
w<n-]c  tif  .--plicini;-,  knotting,  rei4ing,  etc.,  and  thus  lie  soon  bei-anie  ])T-clic;eiit  in  all  oper- 
ations on  board,  and  coiij.l  take  his  ree  ular  f  / />/■  at  the  wheel. 

At  the  l-lai,d  oj   .Masv.-.t'uer.T,  where   ilr-   .-- •.■iliuL;'   wa-s  doim,  tl,ere  ^vas  iio  anchorage,  • 
and  the  vfs-sel  lay  otT  and  on  wliile  the  boat    in;eie   I'ip-^   to  tbe  sliore.        On  i 'ue  of  the- ■■ 
tri])-  the  boat,  niannei!  by  4  b.,ys,  including  Henry,  was  ca},.-;/,'d,  ami  he  alone  was  .-aved 
b\-  swimming  m-arlv  two  miles  to  the  i-land.      A  Iter  s"veral  months  neariv  otu-  bundr  (  d 

^bk  UKAXCll    OV    MKliCy. 

•arul  till  t]ii)us:iiHl  I'lir  s(.-al  skins  liad  \\rri\  |)iit  on  bi.anl,  and  llic  sliii>  saili  c)  fnr  Caiitori 
wIht.'  llicy  WIT.'  to  lie  siiM;  stdpiiini;-  on  tlic  way  foi- sii|)|ilii-s  at  one  of  tlic  Sand  wicli 
Isliimls,  \v1mi\- al")'!t  tw  i-nty  yrius  ln-lotc  ('a]it.  Coolv  had  lifcn  niurdiT''d  livtlir  natives. 
Tlu-  ship  stood  olT  and  on  for  several  days,  learinir  l<i  an-dmr,  Imt  finally  llie  !;.inL'-  came 
on  board,  scjuatli'd  on  the  detdv,  took  his  sea  hisi-iiit  and  cnp  of  i)iolass''s,  i_riive  the  jieeih'd 
jirovisions  for  siudi  aiti'des  as  he  wariied.  and.  the  sldp  proeeeded  on  her  \o\aL;e.  I!. 'fore 
reachiiiir  ('ant<.)n.  Henry,  for  liis  ea.od  condnct,  sohriety  and  intelligenre,  wa.s  Cu])- 
tain's  rlcrk  to  assist  in  aci'<innting-  and  hool;  keiplni;;,  a  |M.>ition  '.'.liiidi  lie  fa"-ei-lv 
accepted  as  it  afforded  o-i-.-at  advanta;';es  for  investin_r  hi'  faiher's  iiioni-v.  >fasTer.s  of 
\-('SSC'ls  were  also  s'lperearpis,  and  to  facilitate  the  di^]>osal  of  ihi-  outward  and  ih^'  hav- 
ing of  the  home  rariro,  it  was  custoniary  to  hire  a  factory  in  Canton.  Ijeniv  w  iis. 
installed  as  clerk  (d'  the  fai-foiy.  This  was  tln'  hei^nnnin;;-  ui  the  extensive  lioiise' of  !i. 
Trowhridi^'e  ^V  Sons. 

During  the  stay  in  Canton  lie  gave  way  to  ciiriosity  tD  ect  inside  tlie  city  walls  where 
foreigners  were  not  tlien  allowed.  Filling  hi.s  jiockets  uith  tlje  small  ciirrenc'.  of  tlie 
country,  lie  placed  liimsejf  at  the  gate  in  company  with  a  young  jiian  beloi'iu-jnj;-  to 
anotlier  factory;  wh*-n  the  ^ate  was  opem-d  tliey  rushed  in  and  up  the.  iiriiiciple'''strcot. 
A  great  oiiterx  followed;  crowds  of  Cliinese  Mocked  the  way,  front  aiul  rear,  and  tiie 
case  seemed  desperate.  A  way,  however,  was  oj'eued  hy  th'rowinu-  jiundfuls  of  coin, 
and  taking  advantage  of  tlic  scranihje  that  ensued  to  gi-adually  elTi'ct  tlndr  exit.  Oa 
returnini;  to  the  ship  he  was  order<d  hy  the  mate  to  resume  his  plai'c  before  the  mast. 

lie  slowed  aw,'i_\  his  v<  ntnre  in  his  l.erlh  in  the  fmecusile,  and.  slept  on  ion  of  jiis 
chest  fur  the  of  the  voyage.  'J'hat  chest  is  no',,-  preserved  as  an  heii'looni  in 
the  family.  On  the  passage  home  the  shi|(  struck  a  rock  in  the  Malacca  straits  an<l  was. 
obliged  to  remain  for  repairs,  giving  ojiporlunity  f(U'  excursions  to  .Mal.-icca  for  water, 
which  was  obtained  after  nrany  hair-breadth  escapes  from  tl"' native^.  'J'he  "  j^,et-cv''' 
arrived  at  New  York,  having  made  an  excellent  voyage,  ami  HeniN's  venture  of  one 
tlious:in<l  dollars  was  doufded. 

lie  next  madeseveral  voya-es  as  first  otiicerof  a  We.-t  Iiidiaman,  and  in  liiree  vi's. 
accumulated  siiili<ient  to  pui'chase  a  sma'l  sloop  in  Conn,  river,  whndi,  with  the  as,sist- 
ance  of  Mr.  Morris,  he  fitted  uji  as  a  s;diounei  and  ioa,dedwiiii  nu'rchandise  !i,r  ]!;irba. 
doi-s,  with  fcuty  o\eu  on  de(d^.  .lu-t  b.d'ore  rh,-  vessel  w:^-'  ri-adv  fot-ea  lie  wa.-iiiken 
sick,  but  to  escajie  the  tineatene.l  ruin.  caris<-d  hine^elf  to  ],'■  c:;r;ied  on  iuuud  on  a.  mat- 
tress, and  the  vessel  saileil.  At  Ii,-ubad., .es  he  h.'ard  of  Miian.ia's  <  xpedition  httiiii;-  out 
at  Trinidad  for  the  Spanish  main,  aiui  judi:-ini;-  riirhtly  that  his  caUle  would  ii<-  wante.l. 
sailed  at  on<-e.  lie  arrived  al  Tiinidad  in  the  nick  <.'{'  time,  sold  his  c;ntle  a-.d.  carco  for 
a  round  sum,  and  loadc-d  a  return  ca.iiio  (d' sugar  and  mohi'^scs.  arrivint;- safelv  at  home 
with  more  S].ianisli  dollars  than  his  out wai'd  cargo  cost,  lie  tiiein-  stalilished  himsi'lf  in 
the  West  hi'lia.  'I'rade,  which  gradually  increased  and  bi  .-ame  in 'his  lifetime  the  hiri^cst 
lionse  in  that  in  the  ("nitej  State.-,  i'^or  lU'arly  ih  i-ee.(|ua!  ters  of  a  ceidurv  it 
has  imiintained  this  position,  under  the  name  oi'  11.  'I'rou  iu  i<ii;e,  ll.  'I  Ccahrid^-e  \  Sons, 
H.  Trowbridge  Sons  iV  Dwiglit,  .-.nd  11.  Trowbrid,ue  \  SfUiC,  and  afier  hi.s'~dcath  tlic 
business  was  and  is  still  c(uainueil  hy  his  sons  uiuler  the  name  of  11.  Trowbridge 

'I'lie  ^,iW  JLinii  ]*<iU"iUniii.  in  an  obiiuaiy,  speaks  of  him  as  a,  prudent  and  saga- 
cious ineichanl.  who  by  nii'ans  of  his  tiih-nts  and  his  wealth  e\-eii-ised  a  e-reat  intinence 
in  New  Haven.  He  was  rather  strong-  in  his jiidic<s,  and  nnmovable  wdiere  he 
believed  liimself  in  the  rieht,  a!id  therefore  was  strongly  o[iijosed  bv  a  portimt  of  his 
fellow  citizens,  15i)t  no  one  ever  doubted  the  hone^tv  of  his  intentioiis  or  the  intei^ndtv 
of  his  character. 

The  Xi  ir  Yi>rk  Imh pemln.l  .".ays:  "  He  was  widely  known  as  the  senhu-  partner  of 
the  first  conimeii-ial  house  in  1, is  native  city.  For  maiiv  vears  i)asr  his  tirm.  H.Trow- 
bndge  Ai  Sons,  have  been  frequently  spokeii  of  a'^  the  h/'ail  of  the  West  India  busim'ss  in 
tlie  Cniied  States.  Two  h  iindred  years  ago  \shen  the  seniors  of  New  li.aven  liciian  to 
establish  commercia.l  lelations  with  the  \\  (  st  Imlia  Island,,  his  iir-^t  .\meiican  ancestor 
w:is  eiiiraged  in  the  same  l.uisiiie-s.  From  liis.arK  vonth  Mr.  Trowbridge  was  cdoselv 
attached  to  the  church  in  whudi  Ids  anc-stors  woTshiix  d,  a.nd  in  whi -h  he  hini'-elf  had 
been  ]U-esented  to  (Jod  in  ba|itisni  i.y  j.areiital  piet\  .  Fortv  vea  :s  a-'o,  when  lie  had 
never  made  any  reli,!;i'ms  ]u-of.  ssion,  his  house  was  in  atllictii.n.  1 1  is  v/ife  was  on  the 
bed  of  aflliction  a.nd  his  lirst  born  and  onl_\  idiild  was  near  to  death.  1  le  sent  f<u- his 
pastor  (the  i.o\v  veMei;,ble  r.of.-s-or  ~<Ti[art>  aisl  r".;n,..!ed  that  ;]:•■  child  nii^dit  he 
baptize, 1,  'I'lie  rcipic-,!  wasdedln-d.  '  Von.'  s-iid  ;lie  jia'-toi  to  the  |.:,renls,  '  uu'ike  no 
lu-ofe-sion.  and  exhibit  ih>  e\  i.fnc.of  h:i\ing  given  yomselve:;  to  C,.d  ;  '.\  hat  will  it  be 
tlien  nioie  tluiu  a  solemn  and  empty  form  bu'  you  to  dlfer  yiuir  cliild   in  lia|Uism  '.'  Some 



i.tu-rntsin  siirli  r-iv.-uinshiiicer;  woulil  iiniiu'dintcl y  aa\  .•^■(iiw  tn  smiUMitlicr  cliurrli,  but  tlii' 
parents  ludk  ;;  dilTirnil  (■((ui-c,      O.'i  that  (lay   they    n-i-dl  s-c.l,  ami 

1.    „.l il...t    th..>-   ,>-,,nl,l    <,;A:    llic    l\in.,,l,,ni   oT    (i(!il  On   tlii.t 

I    iil,'Ji;-((l  thcnisi'lvcs  to 

parents  ludk  a  (hllirriil  (■("iii-c,  (J.-i  l  hat  day  tlicy  re;.(i|  s'c.l,  ami  pi,Mi;-((i  Tiicmseiv  cs  lo 
carli  other  lliat  they  \V(>iiM  stele  llic  lviny(l()m  ol"(ui(l.  On  tliat  day  the  lailiev  for  the 
ih-sl  time  liy  the  iii-'ither's  luil-ifh',  lilted  up  his  voice  in  piayei-,  and  1 1'^ni  that  day  to  the 
(lav  of  his  deatli,  ]irayer  was  hahitnally  oli"eied  in  their  liwellinir.  'I'hoii^'-h  for  innve 
than  tliirtv  years  atterwanK  lie  fel;  ihiit  liis  i-eli..di,ns  character  was  not  suflicicntly  ch'ar 
to  iuslily  liiin  in  inukini^- a  leliiiious  proie-'-ion  his  faniily  was  thenceforward  a  ridit,--- 
ioiis  faniilv,  and  few  families  have  been  haupifi-.  or  Lave  shared  nioie  lar-idy  in  the 
Ijlessinu'S  of  the  coxeuaiit.  'J'iie  saL'.a'-ity  and  eiieiyy  (d'.Mr.  'I',  as  a  uian  of  hnsine^s.  and 
tlie  suci;e-,s  of  all  hi-  n  nderta!;ine  s  \M-rt-  [ir- 'Verhial .  It  reuiai  ke  i  that  h.s  sliiji^ 
iihvavs  made  prosperous  voyagf-s,  and  ilrtt  sei-ndn;j,-  reverses  g-ener;:  lly  turned  in  his 
f;;vor.  In  his  faniilv.  too,  he  seemed  to  be  i'Xenii)i  from  those  calamities  which  cimic  to 
all.      But  during  tlu' last  season  lie  has  hct-n  made  accpiainted  witli  utiliction. 

"His  oiilv  hrother,  who  iiud  been  for  thirty  years  lii;;  next  door  neighbor,  died  at  a 
nionient's  notic..-.  Threi-  of  his  e-randckihlren  wlmv  taken  away,  two  (d'  them  in  circun-i- 
stances  ))C-culiarly  aihicting.  A*  last  sicd.-ness  came  m-arer  still:  hds  v.ife  and  liis 
voiingest  daughter  were  brought  siniullan.'ousiy  to  the  luink  <d'  death.  Tln-y  were 
.spared,  but  before  they  had  begun  to  recover,  the  fatal  disease  had  fastened  ujion  him.  these  successive  strokes  of  afliiction  were  necessary  to  iirejiare  him  for  tlie 
(■losii\ir  scene.  Having  arranged  all  his  seculai-  atlairs  at  the  coinniencemeiit  (d'  his  sick-,  he  dismis-ed  the  world  entirely  froin  his  thoughts  and  waited  for  the  will  of  lied. 
When  it  ai'pearefl  at  last  that  he  mu^t  die  he  gave  ins  jjarting  farew(dls  and  couns(ds  to 
his  cluldreu  and  grandcliildicn,  r.nd  then  calmly,  clieerfuily  and  with  an  humble  reliance 
on  the  Saviour,  yielded  liimsidf  to  death." 

utl,    \  l>_  n.e.  vi    imii.-'i  1  I     i.«  r  vi\  tn  n. 

For  numy  years  he  had  been  a  regular  enntributor  to  many  of  our  n  ligious  (  harities. 
In  las  last  wi'iriie  f>C(|Ueathed  to  tin-  American  F„-aii!  of  iMueiirn  .Mi.-sioi 
American  Hnine  Mi'.-iunary  Society,  ^-.i.citU; 
Friend  Soc 

an  .,.,„,,■  -.,  .  w..  :_..  ......o.was^-•,J,(X)l);  to  th. 

til  tlie  Hible  Society,  iv^'JOilO;   to  the  Seaman' 

American  li'ime  .Mi-^-mimry  ^^<.c|ety,  !-".-i,t'(tU;  ti.tlie  iiioie  >ocn'ty,  ^i■^.^o;lo;  to  ine  .-^ea-mau  ^ 
Friend  Society.  S'J.bHil:  to  the  First  .dinrch  in  New  H.aveu,  for  the  use  of  the  pcmr, 
^■3.000,  \vith  other  chariialde  be,|uests,  amounting  in  all  to  more  than  ^CO.'Jiib.  Hem. 
Jan.  1,'lSii);,  H'trriet,  i\:<i}.  of  l-//.ekiel  and  Mary  (Heminway)  Hayes  [fi].  She  was  nf  the 
'n\i  generation  in  de-<'ent  fionidoseph  Tuitle  and  Hannah  Munsr.ri,  wdei  were  m.  May 
:.?;  UUu.  on  the  same  day  that  .Mercy  Tuttle.  >isti'r  of  .l.s.seph.  was  m.  to  Sannitd  Hruwn, 
from  wln.m  Henrv  ■j'rowl.ridee  v>-as  of  the  4th  generati<u»  in  descent.  Shed.  Nov.  "Jl, 
LSol,  a.  {■)•}. 

I.  Kmilv,  Oct.  6,  ISOG:  d.  Od.  (J.  1N;s. 
H.  Harriet  Kmilv,  Aug.  7,  ISO.S;  m.  (_)ct.  10.  F^Md,  ^\'illi;Mn  H.  Hayes;  "i  .  F.  F^Oo: 
i;'ettled  in  Hratrleboi'o.  "\'t.,  where  he  lu-actice.l  law  for  numy  years:  aft.-rward  residi  d  at 
Barbados,  W .  F;  cnnected  with  the  hou>,e  of  Henry  Trowbridge  vV  Sons  of  New  Hav.; 
was  r.  S.  (,'op-su!  there  for  sevei'al  years.  He  d.  there,  duly  14,  F'^o'J.  .\  man  oU-.cteii- 
sive  infiuence  ami  hiehlv  respected:  bu.  in  N.  Hav.  She  m.  (X')  Ajiril  FJ,  IStid,  Hev. 
William  P.-ittoii,  t>  1).:  .y.  ('.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hayes  adopted  Anna  Bothwell  Farll,  h.  at 
Barbados,  \\  .  I.,  June  :?V>.  1S4.")  "  •      •    . 

HF      Thonias  Fuiherford.  Julv  17.  ISIO:   m.  Caroline  IFjadlev. 

■nauos,    \N  .   1.,  .)une;rv'.    i.->4o. 

HI.     Thomas  Rutherford,  Julv  17,  1S]0;  m.  Caroline  IFja 
IV.     John,  Julv  lb,  d.  Jnlv  2S,  Fsl2. 

i   .   .         ,..,.,.■,,    ......      .  ■  .,     ...    ......     ~'^.     101~'  . 

V.  Jane  Loui"sa,  July  ^.I'lSi;".:  m.  Sept.  r,,  ^SV^.  John  Wm.  Fitch  [p.  272].  She  d. 
Sept.  3'J,  FS")  t,  with  infant"  b.  ami  d.  sm.  dav.  1,  Er,LK.\',  June  bS,  IMf;  d.  A;g.  24, 
FS41t.      2,    M.MtV,  twin  v.ith  IFilen,  d.  Sept.   11,  ISlO. 

VF  Henrv,  April  22,  ISib:  m.  Marv  Webster  Sonthgate:  (2)  Sarah  Hull. 
VII.  E/.ekiel  Hayes,  Aj-ril  21,  1S4S:  "eniered  his  father's  counting  house  at  ::.  of  lo, 
and  rapidly  advanced  in  practical  knowledge  of  business.  Relore  tlie  age  ol  Vl,  was 
sent  to  the"\Vest  Indies  on  ailairs  of  the  firm,  and  soon  after,  the  entire  couce.n.  of  tlie 
liouse  at  one  of  the  islands  weie  put  into  his  (diaii,'-.';  res.  .\.  Hav.  He  is  a  Fir-ctorin 
N.  \.  cV-N.  Hav.  K.  IF,  and  in  other  railroad  comi.anies:  of  the  Second  Natituial  Bank  and 
of  other  coi|,oratii>r>-.  Hem.  June2;i,  isjt),  Sarah  Ann,  diau.  of  Z-lotes  and  F.i/abeih 
Atwater  Dav,  (the  latter  a  des.-.  of  Thomas  Tuttle  \;',\  ).  Thechil.  of  IF  H.  Tro.vbridge 
arc  desc.  fr'omWm.  Tuttle  tluoueh  four  id'  his  (dii!,  viz.:  Thomas  j:;].  Hannah  [2], 
in  the  maternal,  and  fro.t-:  Jo.^eph^  |  dl,  and  .Mercv  [1  1  ].  in  the  paternal  line.  1,  lv/i;i;ii:i, 
Hayks,  March  22,  1^41:  m.  in  N.  V.,  April  2(i.  iS(,o,  Am.lia  B.,  dau.  of  C:aspar  F. 
Fhlhoiii.  who  <1.  in  New  Hav.,  .Ian.  .'H  .  I>;il7;  (2)  Nov.  lb,  INdl).  in  N.  V..  Fatlonine  Alhn, 
dau.  of  John  \N  .  '.hiineev,  and  e-.  dau.  of  Hon.  Steidien  Allen.  1.  A<l,'('i  J/,i;/,  .^  .}u\\ 
:J0.  is;(r  2.  S\i:.\n  Ann.  Nov.  2.".  1S42:  d.  D^c  L  1N42.  -i.  S.\i;vii  D.w.  Sei't  IF 
FsJo;  d.  Ni>v.  l;i.  F-(i;;.     -i.  Ch  \i;i,ks  H  knkv.  .iuly  1).  isbt;  d.  Feb.  7,  1>S1.     5,  Ainitii; 

Ili.eiM.l.  r       -Vie-tl    •>:{       I^'i'l-     -1       M -i  v    '   ■>       ISI'lt 

Hi-:';ni;f.;r,  April  ■]■■',.  l^o!);  d.  .Mnv  -F  ivf'i;, 

VIII.      \\  instoi)  .bihn.  May  HI,'  1n20:   a  member  id'  the  firm 

,  AiriKi'i; 
I'rowbridge    Sons, 

•^'^'*  ];i!AJS(;n   of  >rEi;iy 

AJid  s|,..nt  inurl,  ii„„.  ,u  15arluul.,s;  Hi.    Mar.v    Dui:/!,!,   -lau.    of  JJev    Siinnu-1  Xrwtoi,    1, 

•':uurs  )■  r.  lV,n.  }|e,l  at  X.  Ilav..  X„v.,  ]S(M.  His  wiJ.  ,v..  in  X.  JIav.  i  l.y  1st 
11.:  1,  -Mai;v  J.Kwi.NwciaH.  -Mas  C,  J,S51.  •.\  ('AUof.iXK  At-,\  Ort  '^0  l.s.V^-  ,i 
at  Lurl.ados.  )sr,2.  ^  l,y  M  in.:  :i  Winston  .Iniix,  X„v  f' 1  isOr,  :,.'  \  H.^v  '  .j' 
>r.OKKNCB  ^[.vr:>.  ]),,■.  is,  IsO;.,  at  B.  .",,  Fu.vnk  l)i;AN,  Marl'h  Kl'lsiji  'at  j;'  (i ',  P.\i;kv,  Srpt.    U;,    1SG2.    at    N.    llav.      7.   CoNst.vnck    15i,AN<]iK,  May  :3^,  isGi; 

IX.  Kliza  Ai.u-lia,  .\ug.  3,  1^^02;  m.  Au-  G.  |s4t,  F,v,l,.ri.:k,  s.  of  J„s-|.li  Ifall  of 
lortlan.l,  (  „nn.;  VC.  IS4I.  8hr  d.  Au-r  7.  ls,V2.  II,-  d.  S<m,1.  1,  Ls.',/  1  Ej.izv 
Ji;mvK)til)>;i;,  July  ],  1S45.      •?,    .M.m;y  Fi;i:I)K]:k-.\,  Jul  v  :3l ,  .1S.I7.  .    " 

A  <  aniliiu- An^-usta,  Jan.  :?7.  If^OO;  ni .  An--.  ::2.  iS  I^-,  Cliarlrs,  s.  of  Sainurl  J)uran<l 
y.  A  •'''  I.'"'"-  ^'''''■'-  ^^'■'■-  ■'^'  ^^^'''^'  =""^  ^l''-  1^'irand  m.  Anna.  dan.  of  Anms  and 
<at!inrnu-  rnwl.ridKe.  Ilo  lias  been  a  nunii.  of  tla^  (.'..nn.  Lr-.  and  S]M..akci-  of  tlu- 
ilonse;  a  cluld,  h.  an<l  d.  Dec.  L'-l,  l.SVJ  " 

XI.  .Tulia  Ann,  Jan.  J-?.1S27!  in.  June  7,  18.-,i,  William  Ean.-roft  (,f  Chosierfield 
-Ma.s.s.  l>.  ()ot.  X.  l,s-24.  1,  E1.1.KN  JosEi-HUNK,  Marcli  11,  ISoii.  2.  FnicuEiacK  Hali, 
.June  11.  lsv,s.     ;,,    \\  ij.,.,am   liri  iikufoud  11av]>,  Jan.  lo,  ISijl ;  d.  June  ly.  1864      4 

(  A]<()LINi;  ICl.IZA,    ]m1..  -JS,    ISfJlJ.  ' 

XII.      Corni'lia  Adalinc,  Fcl).  T),  ISOQ;   d.  0«/t.  -^o,  ]S;jO. 

i^lV^^'\  ^;'''"  ^'"'i'^'-  ■^"?-  5'  1^'";  '"■  ^''I'f-  ^9.  l^^^O;;,  'Fmkrlric  Fall,  and  d.  Fob.  9, 
lb-)').     F   I.MANT,  b.  and  d.  F.-b.  <),  l,s.3-"3. 

.11.43793.  Thomas  Rutherford  Trowbridge,  b.  .Tulv  17,  ISU);  is  tbo  oldest 
iiieinber  .,|  t  .0  firm  of  Honry  Tnnvl.rid-p's  Sons,  v^ho  av^  mnu-  i.xtensivd v  oacra-ed  in 
lie  \N  f-,i  ln(ba  Sluppino-  business  rjian  anv  other  Imium'  in  ib.'  state.  'J'he'busuies.s  Iips 
been  prosveutrd  by  iiuMubers  (,f  tl,,.  family  b^r  s..v.t,,]  su<-c.ssive  -ren-Tations,  who  luive 
tiirirby  a.-.iUirrd  v.-raltb  and  .  xtcusive  intiu.  nee  am,m<:  their  f.dlow  citizriis.  Tlie 
\anous  <>1  ]ULl)]ir  welfare  and  cliiiMian  lienevohwire  liave  lar-clv  shared  in  his 
bonefaetions  and  j-eisoiial  inflmwiee.  As  an  ovidence  of  ib,.  esiccni  in  which  l\e  is  lield 
.)y  ]]!.-,_  b'll.iw  .■m/.fiis  nf  Xi-w  Haven  and  ih:  ,,ui;h..ut  ilie  state,,  the  State  Hejmblican 
.a.mnntTee  n:a<ie  of  him  as  Lieut.-(  b)venior  of  Conn.  .)n  tlie  ticku  with  Wm  A. 
^iickin.Lliam  bu'  (.'oven, or  in  isn.s  an  h.,n..r  whirh  lie  ]iositivolv  and  persi.stentlv 
decJined,  much  to  the  eha-riu  of  the  i^uty.  Had  lie  accented  the  lio'minaliou  he  would 
luive  been  triiim]>hantty  elected,  as  the  ticket  on  which  he  was  nfTered  a  nomination 
succeeded  by  an  overwhelminV;-  maj,.nty  and  liejd  the  -rc.undbn-  nine  .su<ressivc  years. 
At  the  breakiiiL:  out  of  the  war  .Mr.  Trowbrid-e  ihreu-  his  wjioh-  soul  into  the  cause  of 
iiberty,  and  th..u.Gh  too  far  advanced  in  life  to  actively  enter  the  held  he  aide.i  in  .sus- 
taniin^r  the  o-overnnient  in  every  ].ussible  v/av  bv  his  iiiUaence  aiul  weahh. 

\Mu-n  thellth  Conn.  l?e.i,rt.  ,.[  Vols,  broke  caini),  with  orders  K.  proceed  f,.  tlieir 
rendezvous,  a  beautiful  state  tla-  was  presented  to  them  bv  Mr.  'I'l  owbrblire,  ma.le 
expivs.~iy  t..r  the  lie^rr.  l,y  hi'^  wib'aud  danohter.  He  afterwards  ]e,esented^  tia-^'S  to 
several!., ,nn.  regiuuTits  and  swords  to  num-nms  otllcers,  and  was  tii,'  first  to  pruvrde  a 
Hag  whu'h  was  raised  and  kept  flying  <,n  the  steeple  ,,f  the  Center  church.  He  was  one 
ottlie  inost  active  citizens  in  X,'w  Haven  in  forming  the  sanitarv  commission  and  con- 
tributed greatly  to  its  smv^^ss  by  ].ecuniary  a.ssistance  as  well  a^  personal  service. 

\\  uen  the  time  arrived  in  that  great  struirirle  to  maintain  the  life  of  tlie  nation,  tliat 
rendered  a  draft  nec(\-<sary  t,.  furnish  soh.liers  for  the  armv,  on  the  verv  dav  of  the  draft, 
when  a  ,-nnvd  numbering  from  three  to  live  ih,ui^and  a.ssembled  at  the  north  jwruco  of 
the  Mat,-  Ibuise  111  Xew  Haven,  a  citizens'  meetiny;  was  organized  with  Mr.  Trowbridge 
tor  chairman.  Prominent  citizen.s  imniediatelv  came  forward  with  oilers  of  monev  for 
the  en<-,mia-<'m.-nt  ,.f  v,dunt,M'rs.  HilTerent  individuals  offered  :^1 .-,  each  f,)r  a  v.'dun- 
teer  s.une  ])!e,lgirig  that  amnuni  apice  bu- .-several  men.  Mr.  Trowbrid-e  stood  at  th.- 
Head  ot  tiuit  nobh'  list,  which  ,-,,nir)but,-d  sutlicient  to  raise  the  iv,p;i4t,-  number  of  m.-n 
without  a  draft,  he  otlerin-  .Slo  a].iece  for  :;0  men,  and  at  half-past  bu.r  i-.  M  it  was 
ann.junced  that  the  (juoia  for  Xew  Haven  was  fill,  ,1.  when  nine  tivnmiubnis  cheers  fn.m 
tlie  ass-'inblv  burst  forth  and  tin-  ,T,,wd  separated  b>r  their  homes.  Mr.  'J'rowbrid-.-e 
inamlesti'd  tne  same  unfaltering  zeal  in  the  cause  of  liberty  until  victory  <M-<.wned  the 
I  nion  arms.  He  has  always  mauib-st.-d  a  taste  for  hi>t,.rical  researches;  was  one  oi  the 
toumbTsof  tin-  X,-w  Haven  II  i.^!,Hi,-al  Socinv,  ami  cuniribut..d  an  important  arti(de  to 
the    first    vrdunie  nf    its   coll,',-t  i,.us,  beinr;    a    history    of    the  ,-(uist  rn,-t ion    ,.f    ih,-   l,ono- 

I'f'  'V,  •^';'' , '■■'^■'•"-  !!•■  '-■■•i>  als,Mh,'  )uoj,,'i,,r  ,u'  the  7 /■,.-/ /./-e/v^'  rufinlij  lUsLn-'i 
aiKl  tnrnislu'd  the  pecuniary  im-ans  to  d-d  ra  v  I  in-  exinuise  ,,f  its  prei.aral  io,,  a  nd  ],i;bli- 
•■alion  !!,■  !ia.  b-,-!,  U,v  many  yrs.  Pivs.  ,d'  th,-  X,-w  Haviui  Chamb,-r  of  C,,mm,'rce:  a 
value,!    im  iuIhu- of   tin-  First    (  ..ngr.'gational   ,-lih.  and    fnun   (arlv  lit,'   ,,n,-of    th,-   most 

TROWBRlIKil':.  551 

I'fliricnt  siiiijvirtt'is  n\'  t!ic  iMPst  Ecclosiasticu]  Sncicty;  „,.  Si-pi.  17,  is:;],   Cuniliiu-,  dau. 
of  Cujit,  SiiiUMii  I'clly  I  Harrison)  lioadlcy,  li.  .']m,  IMS. 

1.  lleitrv,  ]>.  AuiS.  \'A.  \><'M'>:  in.  Nnv.  2.  iH.jS,  Ijwrv  Elizaiic-lli.  dan.  of  Jo.<c]di  and 
(■aroline  (.MullMrd)  I'arkiM-,  !>.  .him.'  1^,  ].'^:'.l)  [GJ;  res.  .\.  Hav.  1,  }1hn]{v,  Aup:.  ]■>.  is.VJ 
2.,  Jdsi'.rii  l'.\i;ki-,H,  .June  s,  INIJl.  :j,  Tiios.  Ki'THKUKOitn.  Sciit.  Ml,  18(14.  4,  K.\tk. 

II.  Thomas  i;,  t>.  Mandi  'A,  IN:!'..);  anOu.r  .if  tJIJ  }ln,(si  a  in  Cnni,..  pnh.  in 
2  vols.;  ?sew  llav.  ("ol.  II.  Soc.  (cnllrciiuns)  and  (/tlujr  intficstinu"  and  vahi.'iMt'  ]i:ii)cr.s. 
Al)t.  1878  or  IST'.:'  -Mr.  'J'mwliridirc  (.-m.-fd  tlir  crypt  undiT  tlic  (  inirr  tdilr-"  in  .New  I!av. 
to  be  -jiut  in  ordii'.  paved,  liaditfd  ;nid  iiiadi'  airc,-s;i!!lr  tn  tin-  ])uldir;  lie  is  Pic^.  of  thi- 
>;cw  Ifav.  Col.  Hist.  Sor.  (l-'s-J;;  li<'  ni.  Nov.  L''.'.  IbCI,  Kate  l'>ac.:n,  li.  April  is,  ps-).-^_ 
(dau.  of  Hon.  I'r.u.cis  and  Eiizal-ctli  Sln-il'm  l)i-ini-lic:-  j-iai-nn  and  sr.  ilan.  nf  li'in.  Asa 
and  Lucictia  ('lianii)ioii  Puicon);  res.  New  lla\.  1,  I'"i!ANC'is  B.vfox,  j).  .Tune  7.  IsriC.  2. 
Enrrit  Cir.vMi-io.N,  June  29,  1S70. 

III.  William  Hutherford  Hayes,  1..  May  7.  1S4'?;  Y.  <'.  1S(!;J;  in  lS(r,;-4  traveled 
extensivtdv  in  fi^reign  lands,  (d"  Nxldeh  an  (-xeeedir,;dy  inteiestin;^-  ai;;-on:iT  is  ;^dvtii  in  a 
series  of  letter.-  to  his  fatlu-r,  puli.  in  'J' roii-lir)(Uj.  FutuUij:  n^s.  Fjarhadoe.s,  W.  ].,  of  thi- 
firm  of  11.  T.'o-.v'a-id-e  S^ns;  nt.  June  29.  iS'i-S,  I-ahelfa,  d.ui.  of  Alt  \ander  and  Hester 
Ann  (Wilson) "of  Pliila.;  cdiil.  h.  in  V,.  1.  \\'.\t.  li.  liwKs,  .ii;.,  May  p.).  \<\\\\,  2. 
ISAnrj.L.v 'J'liOMA^iNi:,  Jan.  2il,  ls70.     :>,   ri.iKi'iuit)  Xi:sj;[t,  Pel..  ;j,  Ibii. 

IV.  Caroline  lloadley,  July  24,  ISU). 

V.  Puthei-ford,  r>C'c.  1.  IS.ll;  en  stall  of 'iev.  P/i-(de\\ ,  ^vit!lrank  of('ol.;m.  ni  X. 
llav.,  Oet.  r,,  1SS2,  Alice  M..  dan.  id'  John  C.  Anderson  [p.  l.-j.-j]. 

VI.      Emilv  Eliza,  Sept.  1,  IS.-,:.  "  .  . 

VIP      Prankie.  b.  July  24.   d.  .Inly  2(i,  iSrtP 

.11.4.3796.  Henry  Trowbridge,  1>.  April  22,  ISirp  trav.led  niii<-h  in  Enroj.e. 
In  Eiiglaml  made  (.■xtensive  historical  I'esea  rches  reh.tinu- to  iIk-  'rro\'.d)rid!4i'  fain.  Aiuoiii;- 
otlier  acts  in  the  same  spirit  lie  has  i;iven  s4.tU'U  ti>  the  Yule  Theo.  Seni.  to  found  a 
library  of  reference,  as  a  luemoiial  of  a  lieloved  son.  who  d.  IS*;'.).  He  is  of  tp,.  ji,-,,,  ,)[' 
11.  TrowbridiTc  Sons;  many  years  V.-Pres.  of  X.  Il.n.  Hank,  m.  Jiilv  24.  is.'is,  .\larv 
W'ebster,  dau.  of  Horatio  SouHiij-.ate  of  Portland,  Me.;  a.  g.  dan.  of  Xoah  \\\b.-ter,  PP. 
D. ;  she  i.-'  of  ilie  7tli  generation  descent  from  (iov.  Willi.-iin  l>radf'>rfl.  In  com]. any  \vith 
Per  liu.--baiid  and  two  daugliters  visited  Europe  in  ]So7  f'lr  l<enetit  of  lier  health,  and  d. 
in  Paris,  Prance,  M.qy  :;,  ISfid;  buried  in  X.  llav.;  (2)  Ani:.  S.  ISGP  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Erhvard  Hull  of  Prookiyn,  X.  Y.;  Gth  in  descent  frntu  Tri.stam  iPilI  nf,  Mass., 
1645;  res.  on  tjie  Xoali  Webster  Lnmestead  in  X.  Hav.  He  d.  May  2S,  lsS:j;  be.pieailied 
l)v  will  ii."),O0()  to  the  Reference  Pibrarv  of  the  Y.  Piv.  School,  which  he  fennded. 

L  Mary  Wel)ster.  b.  May  lo.  ■l839:  m.  May  UP  1857.  Prederick  Hall,  who  d. 
Sept.  1,  1S57;  (2)  Peb.  21,  l^CO,  at  the  Am.  Pe^atinn"  iu  Paris.  Eraiice.  Silas  W.  Purrows. 
jr.;  res.  merc'liahl  at  Homj:  K^jni:'.  China,  tirm  id"  S.  IP  P.urrows  i.^-  Sens.  Mrs.  IPtrrows 
re.s.  six  years  at  lionri;  Konii',  visitim:  lier  native  laid,  IsiU;  ivturiu'd  to  Cluna,  1865; 
visited  X.  Hav.,  Isil,  after  a.  \\ii\ter  in  Italy,  en  routf'  from  (.'hinn.. 

IP  Harrier  Emily,  April  8.  isip  in  1S58-0,  in  company  \\'\\\\  her  parents,  her  sis, 
Mary  ^^^,  and  In.'r  cnusin,  IP  H.  'rro\vl)ridL:e,  jr.,  visited  vari(.uis  cduntries  in  Enrope, 
and  Smyrna  in  Asia  Minor,  the  tour  occupying  about  fourteen  months.  Shi'  left  X'ew 
Vork  on  her  2d  tour  in  Amr.,  18G5,  and  wcut  around  the  world  via.  Aspinwall.  Panaina 
and  San  Eranciseo,  spending;-  three  monllis  witli  Mr.  iV  .Mrs.  BLa■ro^^s  at  Hoiii;-  Konr^r  and 
witli  tliem  visited  ("Amton.  several  islands  of  the  Soutli  Pacltic,  passed  throULrh  the  i5ay 
of  Beneal.  visited  Ceylon  ami  many  imjiortant  pl.aces  in  Snnihern  Asia;  up  the  Red  Sea, 
across  fh'.'  isthmus  <if  Sue/,  in  C.'iiid,  the  Pyramids,  thmngh  .Mediii'rraiieaii  to  Cadiz, 
S}nun,  and  other  cilie,s  and  villai;fs  in  the  jieninsula ;  llience  to  Palis,  and  I'rom  IPivje 
to  Xew  York,  arriviiu^  in  Au.:.,  is'i.l.  in  1SG7-8,  iii  company  with  her  hiisliain!  and 
two  younuer  sisters,  slie  made  the  tour  (d'  Europe.  A  narraiiN  ..'/d'  th".-e  travel-  was 
condensed  from  her  maiKiscrii;>t  journal  by  Mrs.  Allen,  at  reijuest  id'  her  uncle.  Thomas 
P.  Trowdirid'^^e.  sr.,  and  liy  him  yirinted  in  an  appendix  tn  the  'J'riiirlir'nhj,  (it:i,ciih>ijii.  A 
finely  written  and.  exceedinirly  interestiui!'  nariaii\e;  m.  in  X.  IPiv.  Oct.  lij.  1SU5.  W'm. 
II.  Allen  of  Xew  I'ork.     1,  Hf.xnY  TitowimiDi;!;,  b.  April  17,  is7d. 

*  TIic  prc:;cnt  cctucr  church,  dedicated  Dec.  ■:--;.  1S14.  is  the  fourdi  t)oiisc  ol  public  w.rship,  bnilt  oii  verv 
nearly  liic  same  spot  by  t.hc  first  Kcclcsiastical  Soc  v.{  .\  Ihiv.  ll  st:in  ]•;  a  little  wcMerly  of  ti-.c  site  of 
it':  prcdocc-  ois"  and  covers  a  ,  .'-r;  of  tlie  .uicicnt  buryiiiiC  {^rouiul.  the  tirsc  and  nnly  one  in  New  Hav. 
for  upwards  of  one  hundred  and  titty  year.-;,  hiding  in  dartiness  and  obhvion  us  old  raonninents  and 
mcinorial  stones  fur  two-thirds  of  a  century,  until  opcaed  by  the  liberality  and  public  spirit  of  Mr. 


];]!.\xcii   01'   Mi'i;rY 

'llf.      ITeiiricttu    Kimr.    1>.    -Uilv    11),    ISIT):    m.    Juim'    IH,    ]Sri,    Sicplu'ii    ('inuinclin;; 
rov.cll,  M.I).;  Y.  (".  l^tU. 

IV.     Jane  Louisa  V]:<-\i.  h.  Nov.  Hi.  is:)f);.iii.  Henry   L.,  s.  i.|    llnu-y  and 
D!i"-'>-oU.(Prcsc.>tt)I[n;clikis.,  ami  bro.  ol'  wf.  of  ''apt.  Clias.   11.  'i'owi;,-.liv'!;.l,      Hi'  is  l-'irs 
-(jf  tlie  L.'c  Hui.b.T  To.  of  N.  llav.     1.  IIkmiv  Stiakt.     2,  Hki.k.n  Soi  riiOATK. 
V.      Ih'lcu  Wrhvtri.  !),  1>i.Vi:  *!.  .\i>!il  is.  l^'w. 
VI.     P^llfii  Ku-riiia,  1..  .\i>iil  10,  \><'>'!-      I-  I'y  -'!  ">■: 

YU.     lionry  Stuart,  b.  N'lv.  I"),  L'^lli:  <1.  ]>fc.  ;j,  ]^■|j'.^;  in  iTLoni.  tin'  'J'ln-o.  Lib. 
■of  Mvi..  Y.  ('.,'wa>  found. h1  bv  hi.s  latlior. 
'       VJli.      YiiiMula  Ihiil,  .Ian.  •Jl'l,   ISflL 
IX.     Coiivllaii'lt,  .\  2],  ISTO- 

. 11.437. ]0.     Anio.s  Trowbridge,  l>.  Nov.  O.j,  ITs:];  m.  Fob.  1,  isos.  Catliuiine, 

dan.  of  Stopben   and    Kobi^cea  ((foidiani)   ,\twatcr,    b.  .May  14.    1  TSl :  d.    ..luuo    ]U.    ISGS; 
<|psrondod  from  'l'lio;tin^  Tiittlr-  [;JJ.      Mr.  'i'rowhi'idu-c  d.  .Inly   11,  ISl!). 
1       Hdwin    b.  .hill.  2.'),  ISli),  d.  Feb.  20,  ISIO. 

II.  Ivlwiii'Lncin-,.  b.  .Mandi  b",.  1S12:  ni.  Sciii.  n.  is:;,-).  .Mida  Ibilford.  1,  C.VTii- 
\Kixi:,  1).  .'lino  24,  Is.Hi:  i\.  March  Id.  I!^i32.  2,  S'ir,rnKN  A'l'w  ati'.i:.  b.  .Inm-  S,  -[X;]H. 
S,  llANK.vii  l'iu:s;'mT.  b.  .\i;iy  :!(\  um  ;  <1.  Hoc.  oO,  bs(l:].  4,  Ai.iD.v  Hi  l.KdiMi.  b.  .\nv. 
4' 1S44;  d.  Aiuil  :.".'.  !.^'4T.  o,  jm.vika  K  i;i,i,(u,(;,  b.  An-'.  27,  b'^JN.  (i,  b^).i/.\i;KTU 
Bri.Koiin,  b.  .Julv  ,"),   ]s.")l. 

HI.  Anio.-  Hitchcw;k.  b.  Fob.  11,  b^bl;  "d.  suddenly  at  ivs.  of  Ibm.  ( 'has.  Durand 
ill  Aii.soiiia,  (.'uiii...  -I line  2'".,  ]>}S\  ;  from  1S2!)  to  {S:):-,  in  dry  i;-(>,,ds  f'us.  in  Pbila.  and  from 
ISoG  to  4!)  laeni.  of  the  linn  of  Dwindit.  and  'I'rowbridgc  of  New  OroMiis,  and  from  1H49  to 
(dose  (jf  tlie  war  of  the  tirin  fd'  Trowbrid^-p.  Dwiy-ht  &  <'o.,  of  X.  Y,,  and  since,  tli en  lihs 
been  President  oi'  the  2d  Xalioiuil  Bank,  N.  Y  0.  He  was  a  .sa,>;aci.)us  business  man 
.and  was  liidilv  respected  and  esteem."— ..Y.  }'.  S»!i.:  m.  Au^'  8,  iSoT.  .lulia,  dan.  of 
James  iind'Xai'cv  ,  Mliii-i  Atwater,  b.  Feb.  C,  1,SI4.  1,  Makv  Aianatki:,  b.  l-eb.  2;], 
1S40:  m.  .b.lm  A.  Davis."  2.  .1ami;s  Ai\;,  b.  .June  li,  ISF).  Yice-Pi-esidiuU  Sr-coml 
National  P.ank  of  X.  V.  (.'.  and  a  mem.  of  the  Ininkinir  lirm  ol  A'ermilyea  iV'  (."o.  H, 
Knwi.X  HwKWfi'.  b.  .Iune29.  is)'.';  Cashier  2ud  Nat.  l-iauk.  4,  A.Nfos  lliTli  i;i;!''(>Kr.,  ti. 
Nov.  2,  ls.".;i;  d.'.lulv.  1N)-1.  .■),  (iKuiiGK.  b.  .luly  H.  U'-Y.;  V.  C;  t^rad.  of  u  N.  V.  Med. 
rolle!,-e.  •         ■ 

lY  ]:ii/.ab,-th  Aiwater.  b.  Ai-ril  Hi.  isld:  in  May  12,  1S41.  l^'V.  Geor-e  l^Jmer 
'J'vler«d'  p.rattleiioro.  Yt.;  i^-rad.  Y.  ( '.  hS:;U:  stud.  'Ibeo.  at  Fnion  Sem. ;  pastor  of  Pros. 
chh.  at  Howville,  N.  Y..  ISil  to  bS.U;  then  pi-,t<u'..;' chh.  iii  Yt., 
(his  native  iilace)  thirtei-n  Years:  thence  c:illed  to  theOiiv-t  P^^-,.  (hh.  Lunsinu'lmrudi, 
Avlierehe  now  tlSdiM  rc.~..;'s.  T.  1).  Middh.'bury  Col.,  Vi..  Ist.H.  1,  Ti;o\\  inanoK.  b.  .fan. 
1    1S4(;-  d    March  b"),  ls.")I).     2.  Fka-Viks   1Si;aihiji;d.  .Inly  17,  1S47. 

v..  (ieor-e  Alvord.  b.  .June  2s.  ISIS;  ni.  Klvira  W.  Kello-tr:  (2)  Amy  P.  Hoppiii; 
(3)  Cornelia  lioT,.,-rtson.  i.  I>vlstiit.:  j,  Hi:.n  i;ii.-i  i  a  K' i;i,).0(;g.  b.  April  H,  1842.  2. 
FkedkhiMv  IvKi.i.iM.o,  b.  April  2ii,  184:].  /,  by  2d  m. ;  3,  Li:\vis  IbuuM.N,  d.  y.  4, 
<'HAr.i.F,s  HiU'i-i.N.  /.  bvMm..  •").  i;o;;i;i;-r  JioHKirisnN.  C,  l;i-iui:i'.ioui).  7,  :Makv. 
V[  Stephen  Atwa'ter.  b.  Jiilv  2.  ls2U;  d.  April  2.  1837. 
YII.  Catharine,  li.  Mav  3,  1S22;  d.  1.S82;  m.  Au^^.  G,  1844,  Pev.  ^Yil^ullU  F.  Morg-an, 
1>.I),  grad.  Union  Col.  Sidmeetadv,  bs37.  and  at  (ieiieral  Fjiis.  Tneo.  Sem.  in  Chelsea, 
N.  Y'.ri840;  assistant  Hector  with  Hr.  Crosw.dl  <d' Trinity  church.  New  Haven,  threi- 
years;' Hector  Christ  cdih.  Norwich,  Se])t..  ]S  1 1  to  .Man  h,  bS.".7;  Pector  of  St.  Thomas 
chh.  N.  Y.  citv,  2-")  vis.  (1S.;)7  to  lS.s3).  \'riy  succes..,ful  iu  both  parishes  eif  wliich^  In- 
has  been  rector. 'streiiu-theiiine-liis  church  and  people,  and  erecting  a  stately  church  edilice 
in  each.  1,  Axnik  lii  1  iikiikukd,  b.  Nov.  2,  ls:.U.  2,  FniTU  Dexmsox,  b.  July  8,  18.j3. 
ij    lv\TK  Hrx-ii.MiTux.   b.  Fel).  lU,  185.5. 

YIII.      Annie  B-aidi,  b.  Uct.   b"),  1S24;  m.  •)  une  4-1,   18.'34,  Hon.    Chailes  Hurand,  lus  2d 
Nvf.      He  111.  (1)  Caroline  A.  Trowbriilye. 

IX.      Pebecca  (.iorhain.  b.  Feb.  14,  ls27;  d.  Aug.  17,  184.j,  a.  ISyrs. 
X.      Putherbu-.i,  b.  Mandi27,  1830;  d.  Oct.  4,  18')0,  a.  20  yrs. 
.11.438.     Stephen  Trowbridge,  b.  ]>cc.  21.  174(;;  d.  April  7.  183.5,  a.  88  yrs.: 
m    June  17,  1770,  .^l.-t;-v  P,as..-ett.  wh..  d.  Au--.   20,    17;il,  a.  24;  (2)  Sept.  IG.  1778,  Marga- 
ret, <bau.  of  John  Hail",  who  d.  Dec.  24,  17!.»'J,  a.  40;  (3) Hall. 

1.      Pollv,  b.  17:2;  d.  Cet.  311,  1774. 
II.      Martha,  a.   .\iuil  2(1,  bsiio.   a.  21. 
11!.      Al/ii:a;l.  b.  Feii.  1.7),  \',-:.\\  m.  4^nvnslMKI. 
lY.      Child,  naim-  unknown,  b.  17S.5;  d.  Sept.  3,  1 780. 
Y.     Stejdien.  vl.  Nov.  1.5,  1801,  iinm. 

TiiuwjskHxiK.  559 

VI.  Hobt'iM,  (i.  in  Havana,  Cuba. 

VIT.  \;inc.\,  \k  ITli:;;  (1.    Si-jir.  :l(i,  iSM);  a.  '^^ij. 

VIII.  A  dan..  <1.  lumauicd  Maich  '2i),  ITOG. 

IX.  \V\llis,  1>.   1  ]'.>i\:  ,1.  Oct.  ]:,,  INO-J. 

X.  .Ma'i-aii't,  d.  y. 

.11.4383.  Abir,fiil  Trowbridge,  1).  l-'i'l).  I."),  17s;];  d.  .Mav  lit  ]s:>:]-  m  Jmi.- 
10,  l&Oi,  KM  'rouii>cii,,.  I).  ,laii.  10,  176'.';  d.  May  It),  1S,>~). 

I,  Mary  Ann,  1..  [)rc.  l".'.  INO.");  d.  Jaii.  1T",  IS-'J.');  711.  .April  -jr,,  1S:.M.  N"a;lian  P.-ck 
■of  Xfw  ]Iav.,  li.  I'di.  (I,  1S02;  Pres.  Merchants  Panl;  of  X.w  Haven.  ]1(>  was  run  ovt-r 
liy  and  uaijon  wliil.'  <'ro.-,sino- the  stnt-t  Jitar  liis  rv-:,idfnci-,  and  d.  al'out  .1  week 
afterwards,  Jan  -.'ii,  lSS:i.  Inventory  .$:^UI.O()0,  1,  .Ici.i.'.  ('.\i;<)1.inj:,  1\-1).  2G,  1825;  d.- 
Marcli  7,  1^47.  2,  IloiiKHT.  b.  June  21,  1S2(;;  Y.  ('.  1847.  ■].  M.\nKihTTi:, '  Aue-.'io', 
1828:  d.  at  Palatlca.  Fhi..  Maroli  Vi,  1854.  4.  .M.vm;  \7;kt  Townsknu,  March  -2?,.  "l8;j1; 
m.  June  1."),  lN.-(^,  liohert  Stone,  M.  D.,  of  X.  Y..  and  liad:  1.  J-^tfie',  h.  J'aris,  France^ 
Marcli  yi,  d.  .\pril  4,  18.')',).  2,  /.'.'///.v,/  Mnricttu,  1>.  in  .V.  "t".  (_•.,  Jnne  0,  ISGM.  '  ?,,  ^f<ll•'- 
jl<i.rit   WUlmr,  <)i;t.  5,  isci.     4,   /:>///.;,,  I,,  (jeneva,  X.  Y.;  Auu".  U,  180:1;' d.  Vv\).  i.  ISCI. 

O,    ll(Ai,ti    L'liitn  rin,,\s.y..    Ha  v.,   Oct.     10,     lN(i4;    d.     .Aiuil     14,'  ]8r>.~).       6,'  ]t.)l:,if  Cninroii, 

•  Feb.  21,   ISIJG.     7,   Jhn,.,  Feb.  2>\  1870,     ,-,,  W  ai.kond,   Feb.   IC,   l.s;j:!;  d     Feb' 
'23,  18::!.3. 

n.  Mar!^^;iri't  Hall,  Se],!.  12,  1SII7,  liv.  1871. 
HI.  (rra-'e.  b.  .May!.).  ISO,!:  in.  S.-pt.  7,  is:j."),  James  Wliinn^v  Carrinirtnn.  b.  Mav 
<j,  ISO'.t  [!»].  4  eliil.,  of  uluini:  1.  J.v.MF.s  ."\l(ii;i!i>(i.\.  1).  Julv  22,  ls:]li: m.  Xnv,.  1. 
1800,  Adelin  Ellen,  (bin.  id'  Pnfns  H.  and  lili/.abetb  (i.  Ca.e;  re-<."  Astoria,  L.  I.  1.  Gr<ic'c 
J-JUuiluth,  Auii;.  11,  iSiJl.  2.  Addc  'J'ro'rbri<l<j:\  .March  l/'lsdo  K  Fiiitli  Jh'f;  ■  tt  Oci 
l:!,  lSr.7.  '  •  .  ,  , 

.11.439.  John  Trowbridge,  b.  June  l,  17-I>':  Cn).t.  in  Pev.  war;  stationed  at 
\Ve:it  }>..inT;  d.  in  X.  Y,  Se[ii,  ;,  L:y),a4:j:  ni.  Feb.  p-;,  17:7,  Thankful  Honjitile,  wlio 
d.  Fel).  11,  1827,  a.  7:;  vrs. 

I.     John  Todd,  l).'(_)ct.  2:>,  17^0;  m.  Pdlv  Miles. 
11.     Julia,  1)1)1.   }.iav  .-),  1782;  <1.  Sepr.  2i)".  i7S;!. 
HI.     Cliarles  F,,  b.ip.  April  18,  17S4;  ni.  Marv  J3aib'v. 
\\.     Elihn.  ba)..  Dec.  17,  17,V(;.  '  '  • 

V.      Julia,  lir,]).  .Inne   11.  178'J. 
VI.     Elias,  baj).  O.-t.  12,  1701.  ■  • 

.11.4391.  John  Todd  Trov/bri.dge,  b.  Oct.  2:!,  1780;  d.  May  H,  ];s:.8,  in  Ids 
78th  yr.  An  obit,  in  the  Ni  >r  Uuci'ii  .Juurnii'.  says:  "  ('aj)t  T.  was  one  of  our  town  Ijorn 
.and  will  be  reniend)ered  by  our  (dder  citizens  as  master  of  the  ship  ■  Tjionias  '  of  this 
])ort.  cajjtui-ed  utT  tlie  Isle  of  I'lance  by  a  Pritish  .-i|uadrou.  %vhich  took  from  the  ship  all 
hands  e>:c(pt  ('a]>i.  T.,('has.  Peter-^on  ( his  brotlier-inda  w ),  first  ollici'r.  and  Pi-njamin 
Apidevrhite,  the  conic,  audi  then  put  a  ]>rize  crew  of  twenty  men  em  board  ami  ordered 
lier  to  the  Cape  of  (lotMl  Hoi>e.  (In  the  ])assai;-c  C'a]it.  T."  and  Air.  Peters<m  idaniied  a 
reea])ture.  and  witli  the  aid  of  some  ],ascais  on  board  succeeded,  and  jM-oceeded  to  Mad- 
iigascar,  wliere  they  lamh^d  tlie  En<idish  crew.  \\'hile  here  the  sliip  was  ca}>tured  ay-ain, 
by  a  French  friijate,  under  the  lierlin  azid  Alilan  decrees,  and  sent  to  the  Ish-  of  France. 
The  Freindi  (.Tovernni-  restored. the  t-hij)  and  i)art  of  the  care-o  to  t.'a]it.  '1'.,  but  the  islan.<i 
Nvas  again  taken  by  tlie  British,  and  to  avoid  confi.scatiiin  Cajit.  T.  sold  shi];  and  cargo 
and  escaiied  to  Patavia.  His  life  there  was  an  eventful  one  for  a  year  or  l\so.  during 
which  lie  e.Kecuted  a  most  daring  enterjirise  on  tlie  coast  (d' IIollaiid."\vliere  h<' recoveredT 
with  tlie  aid  of  divers,  upward  c.f  82.-)0,f)00  in  siMiie  fni-m  a  sunken  wreck,  but  \\  as  again 
taken  with  all  his  specie  by  a  I'ritish  frigate,  carried  to  .hiva,  thence  to  Calcutta,  where 
lie  was  confined  in  the  infamous  Black  Ibde:  linally  taken  to  England  and  ])ut  iiito 
J')artnioor  Prison,  and  was  tliere  at  the  time  of  the  iiiassacre,  Ajjril  H,  1815;  released  on 
news  of  peace,  Ajuil  10,  arrived  at  Xew  York,  June  5,  1S15,  having  been  absent  live  and 
onedialf  Nears.  Fond  of  enterprise,  he  went  West,  ami  settled  ai  liodiester,  .X.  Y.,  iu 
INIO,  where,  for  many  years,  at  the  head  of  the  well  kuewn  house  of  JoIiu't.  Trow- 
bridge cV  (A).,  he  accumubited  an  ample  fortune,  but  in  llie  vicissitudes  of  life  lost  it, 
and  in  18;]b  rem.  to  Pacine,  Wis.,  ami  liveil  there  umil  his  ,lec.  in  ls.\,.s.  \V.-  d,,nbt  if  a 
more  eventful  history  than  tliat  of  ('apt.  Trov,  bridge  could  be  written,  of  manv  ]iersons. 
He  was  a  brave,  gc^nerous  and  honest  man,  and  a  Christian  in  faith  and  practice.  When 
he  wepf  West  tb-re  we:e  n(j  (dmrches  there,  and  religious  .seiMces  were  held  at  his 
lioiise,  to  which  the  j'eople  for  miles  aroninl  resorted  until  the  countrv  became  settled; 
in.  Polly  Miles. 

oGO  liUANCii   OF  mi:kcy. 

I.  IlciuicTta  M-.irv,  .Inn.  11,  180-1;  iii.  .lulv  '22,  \^']'i.  Milu.ii  Moore;  s.  i 
II.  .l<-hi,  V.illiiiiP,"  .April  12.  ISO?;  in.  (ioddunl;  res.  Kacinr,  Wis.  1,  \Vi,,. 
i,r.\.\i  .M.u;i-i.K.  (!.  int.  '.?.  W!i,i.i.\.m  M.vkiu.!;.  .Imuc.  4,  lS4li;  <.!.  Api-il,  IS.V).  i^^  M.\ni'\ 
Tvrn.K,  Miiy  4,  ISI'J;  m.  .Ii^'ma  ('.  Ihiwcs  anil  liad;  I,  Jhirrid  Jiiur.  2,  <1  n't,-,  Mil,  .y, 
8,  Jfdri'f  A/ii,ii.  4,  -M  \l).v(;  .M(kh;k,  F(4>.  11,  Is.jG.  r,,  II  kxi:iktta  .Mri.Ks  April  •)i; 

HI.  Cimrr  .Ann.  .\n,L^  12,  INUO;  in.  Orl.  7,  ls2s.  Dr.  I>aniel  Marl.le,  ]..  March  l,s 
17i)S.  Juid  (1,  Oi't.  2I.-  ISfl^;  a.  70.  1,  \\'n,i,i.-\\[  IIknkv,  Jan.  17,  1n:;o.  2.  Euw  \][\') 
Tj<o\vi;kii)';k,  Nov.  12.  ls:;i;  d.  Jnlv  17,   ]M^. 

IV.  Klilui  Fred.-rirk,  Marc)!  1,  ISKi;  ni.  ])i-i-.  2"),  1S;!8,  Susan  W.  llave.^      J    (Jiiu  r' 
A.,  Oct,  10,  is;;!>.     2.    Wh.t.iam  J.,    Nov.    1,   isll.     ;;.   .M.\ky  Miles,  May  22,  1S14;  m. 
David  Bar/cr.     4,  (;kui{(;k   E.  ,   Mav  ."),    1847.     0,   J^i.iiir    I'itKDKiuCK,  Feb.   2,  IsrjO-  d 
May  12,  IS.")2.     r.,  lii;xr;iKTi  v  Iv,  l-Vh.  2,  i,s."ir!.     7,   .1  ri.iA  S.,  Feb.  1-1.  ls'.",(;. 

V.  Stewart  lliid-un,  Xov.  17,  1S17;  r,i.  Jan.  12,  1N12,  1  >iana  Lockwood.  1,  Mn,r:s 
M.AIISHAT.!,,  .May  22.  l^]:.!.  Enlistrd  in  i!ii>  late  uar,  ;uid  left  Milwaukee  as  one  of  tli" 
color  ;;iiard- of  the  I'irst  AAis.  Infantry,  Oct.  2S.  iMil.  'rhfu,i;t.  was  ein]iIoved  in  keep- 
ing;; open  CMHiiunnication  and  similar  woik  in  K\  ,,  until  Oct.,  ls(;2.  On  the  Sth  (.['  tliat 
Tuontli  the  ren;t.  ])artici]iaTed  in  the  battle  of  PcrryviUe,  where  it  ca|itnred  the  flai;-  oT 
tlie  1st  Tenn.,  saved  the  i;nns  and  caissons  of  an  liidiana  batlt-ry,  the  hor^i-s  (d  wlii<di 
liad  been  killed  or  flisabled.  and  nobly  conducted  it;-,'If  under  the  fire  of  ilieefU'ins.  The 
fia,i;  was  riddled  by  balls,  the  Hair-stalf  severed  in  two  places,  and  aU  but  three  of  the 
color  guard  wcr,-  Icillcd  or  wounded.  Mr.  TiowlHid;;'!' )i;ccived  a  wouml  which  probabiv 
would  ]ra\e  resulted  uionally  bui  b.u- Ids  father's  (are  in  the  hospital.  :.nd  beinir  br(V.i<;h"t 
away  as  soon  as  lie  could  be  removed.  The  regi.  received  the  thanks  of  the  batteiv 
saved,  iuid  a  full  s..t  ,,f  colors,  pres.'uted  by  the  ,-iaicof  Indiana,  Mi'.  'I',  was  disclia  |-i;<"l 
as  iieruumently  disa.lderl,  but  finally  iiTovered  sn  ilicient  ly  to  re-entei- t  lie  anuvin  lSii-7. 
purticijiale  in  the  defiuise  of  Alatooua,  and  in  the  march  of  Sherman's  arniv  to  tjie  S'm. 
At  the  (dose  oi  the  wa.i  he  was  musV;r(  d  oat  and  telunu'd  To  faimini;-;  in.  F'i'b.  22,  Isii',), 
Rachel  Trow  ford.  1.  Jo/ui  ."^h/r.irf.  ^lUi.  7,  bs7t).  2.  Luciii'.Ti.v  11.,  Mav  2':.  is'l,",.  :]\ 
Hkxhy  ('.,  Sept  22,181(3.  4,  M  ii/rox  Mooiti:.  M.jv,  11,1,S-47.  5  and  (i,  "Twr.\s  b  and 
d.  F(di.  11,  is'.it.     7,   -M.Ma  Ei,I':.v.N(-)1!.  Feb.  ll,  IS.v:. 

VI.  llenrv  W'anlell,  Oct.  1-1,  ISH);  m.  Henrietta  IVlt/.er.  1,  Cii.Mn.OTTiO  b  1H5!)- 
d.  l8r,S. 

.11.4393.     Cliaiies   E.    Trowbridge,   bap.    April    is,    17S4;    m.    Mary,   dau.    of 
Call*.  I/ouduii  liailey  of  Middletowu,  (.'onn. 

1.  Marv  Ann',  Au>:.  28.  1808;  ra.  March,  182;h  Dr.  John  liev.  1,  Cu.u;m-:s  K.,  b. 
Sept.  12,  is;;ij.     2,   r:i,r/.Ai;';iTr,  Feb.  1,  lb;]o. 

II.  Frances  C,  Sept.  21,  ISd'J;  d.  Mav,  ISD  ;  in.  Julv.1,  1S20,  James  Lansino-,  who 
d.'18(w.  1.  IIi:.NKU()  J..  Dec.  lA,  l.s;SO,  d".  inf.  2,  M.\i>virs  C,  Nov.  10,  18;i3;  d.  ;!. 
Ci1-\1!i.t;s.\\> A.  4,  Fvi;i.ina.  o.  Isai;ki.i,a.  (i,  Ji  t,ia.  7,  I.M'ant.  8,  Lnkant.  !). 
Infant.     10,  Julia,  2d. 

Dl.  Kliaabeth  M.,  b.  Sej.t.  10,  1811:  m.  Xuv.  27,  18:J4,  Joseph  B.  Parker.  I, 
Chabt.ks  a.,  June  22.  1S41. 

IV.  Julia  E.,  July  4,  1814;  m.  Ami  Dills  of  riainville,  Oum.  She  d.  March  3, 

V.  Charles  E.,  Sept.  22,  ISK);  d.  Oct.  11,  ISI'.S. 

Vl.  Harriet  A..  Jnlv  4,  1811);  m.  (1)  Luther  Sleddon,  Oct.  4,  1804;  he  d.  June  7, 
1807:  (2)  Ivlniund  ITielj..-,,,  March  2(i,  18f;i);  res.  l,o,dq.ort.  X.   Y. 

VII.      Anousta  S.,  Jan,  12.  1821;  m.  April  20,  ISM,  WilliHin  Hu-i^dns.      1,   Wiluvm 
T..  De.'.  24,  b^lii. 

Vlll.      Loud.on  r,.,  Oct.  0,  182:5;  d.  Xov.  130.  ISMS. 

IX.      Frederl.d<  Uiliiani,  A].ril  12.  1^:25;  d.  May  10,    181o. 

.11.4396.  EliaS  Trowbridge,^  bap.  0<;t.  12,  1701.  Followed  the  AVc.M  India 
trade  until  182'J;  rem.  to  Oswee'o,  .X.  V.,  and  eiieaifed  in  the  forwarding-  business  until 
his  health  failed,  and  after  a  long- and  jiainfnl  illness  he  d.  Sep^  17.  I."i02;  m.  in  Xt  \\ 
Hav..  .M;iyG,  ISIG.  Harriet  Huntnniton. 

I.       l-ewi^   Heele.     Sept.    (!,     Isd7:    111.    Cornelia    S.datl.   .  d'     l.athlo].   Cook  of 
Lewiston,  .\.  v..    Dec.    .">.    1S4'.(.      ]{.' i\.    .Inne    I),    ISils.      1.    1 1.^  i:i;n-,  r    Soi'ii  i  a,  S^  jit.  20. 
IS.")'),  at  Oswec;...      2,    Sai;\1(  El.lZAl'.inil,   Xov.  12,   IS.",:;,  at   liulTalo.      ;!,    i'^\lll  V,  Jan.    12, 
IS.'iS.      .|,    Ei;wi-~  l.A'nimu',  Mav  1."),  ISOl.      o,    Fi;i-.i)i:i;  u  u   I'.i.i  \s,  twin  with  L.   h. 
H.      Johu   I'lulps,   Sei.i.   7.'l>-2f),  at  X.   llav.,  (onn..   d.  a.  ;-. 

HI.  Charles  Fre<leri(dc,  March  :!,  lS2o;  lo^ron  i  in- schooner  ■'  Henry  Clay,"  on  hake 
i'hie,  a.  S. 

TllOWBIUDGF,    HI10A\  N'.  rifiJ 

IV.      Alfivd  (':nni.l/('ll,  .Iiinc  7,  IS-'O.  at  X.    Ilav. 

V.      Fri'diTi.-k  i:!i;i>,  Jan.   1,  is:',  1,  al  O.swegi';  m.  Fi'l>.  ".'8,  I'^li'?.  Elizalx-th  ('lark  d 
l>iil:i^ki,  X.  v.;   v.  i.  ' 

,11.43.10.  Daniel  Trowbridge,  l>.  O-t.  2:;.  iTfid;  n/s.  ..n  .Ar.'adow  sr.,  X,  Ilav.; 
d.  Aug.  7,  ism,  ;i.  07:  lu.  .Ian.  8,  177^,  >il)\l,  dan.  of  Isaac,  and  l^.Mothy  (Mix)  Alwatcr, 
1..  .laif.  e:.',  17.V)':  d.  .lulv  1,  1>-:;1,  a.  7C.. 

].      Sil.vl,  Au-.  -J-J,  d.  Sept.  02,  177S. 
II.      Sih'vl,  Xov.  :i,  177'.":  d.  <).-i,  7.  17^1. 

III.  SiliVl,  Mav  4.  17S2:  d.  AimuI  IG,  17'J4,  of  s'-arlfl  frvcr. 

IV.  Daiii'd.  27,  17.S1:  .1.  S.^pt.  2:i,  17S7. 

V.  Susan.  .Mav  5,   17."?7:  lived  in  her  I'atlicr's  house  until  d.  Au;-,.,  ISil':;.  a.  SI. 
VI,      I):inic!,  (,K-'t.  l^i,  1790:  luaiincr:  d,  in    .Mnrrluiqu*',  ISlS;    uuui. 

VII,  \Vinst<in,  Jan.  2:],  1794;  d.  unm.,  Julv   12,  1^20. 
VIll.      Ilarrifi,  Vvh.  27,  17U(i;  d.  F.-b.  14,  lS-t7;  unin. 

.11.4-1.     Stephen  Brown,  l>.   Au--.  lo,  171:^;  m.  Sept  27,   ]7:!ii,  :\lHlHd    Bradley: 
set.  in    W  inds,,r,  lunii.,  and   had,  it  is  said,  T.    (dul.      In  lifil,  adm.  of  his  esi.    ^\\vn  to 
Miihel,  insoh      Sli'-   Jii.  (2)'.'aleb   Ttiriier   of  Xew  Ilav,,  v.dK.i   v/as  ap]it.  guard,  to  Olive, 
Hehecea,  I'helie  and  Srcplu-n,  minor.-;  7  chil.  named. 
1.      Hannah,  I).  Feb.  2(;,  1711, 
II.      Mabel,  b.  Ma.v  2n,  l7-lo.  ■      • 

III,  Silnl,  D.-e.  2N,  l7;-'i. 

IV.  Siepheii,  1).  .Ian.  4,  17.jl;m.  Nov,  2G,  177.J,  Eunice  Looiuis, 

\',  (_)live.  An--.  2.V  1  :r,:i.  ■     .  ■ 

VI.  Olive,  I).  .Vlav  2^,  [:'>C,. 

VII.  Kebec-.i.  Mav  ;j(i,  17.=>7:  (.V,  JInc.  Rir.  savs  Mav  28.  17.70), 

VIII.  I'lieiie,   .fnlv"s.   17.7!.':  i.V.  lf<ic.  R/r.  sa.ys.luly  4,   17.-)',)). 

.11.444.     Stephen  Brown,  li.    Jan,   -1,  17.7ii:   d.  .May  .j,    lS:l:j,  a,  8:5;  in,  Xov.  20. 

177."),  Eunice  Louims.  who  <1,  June  2o,  1808;  he  m.  (2) ,  b,  in  \N'indsor,  Conn. 

1.      .laiiies,  b.  Dec.  2,  1770:  111,  l.avinia  NN'elton, 
l.l.       Stephen,    li,  Ai'iil   oO,  1:7.'^;    m.  Huth  \\'.  Loouiis,  who  d.  July  20,  ls27;   he  d. 
ill   Bloo.niliehl,    Conn.,  Jan.    27,    1842.      1,   STKriiiCN    H.vkvkv,    b.    l.^n:'.,  (rrafton,  0.     2, 

liUTU  Ei.iz.x,  in. Bartersou,  liloomfield,     8,  M.\i:iii.v  Ai,.min.\.     4,   Lvin.v  M.\}u;i.\, 

ni, CiUeite.     h,   W.M.TEii,  b.  1820;  rem.  South. 

HI.      ih-adley,  b.   Dec.  2;j,  1770;  d,  S&pt.  10,  184-5;  in  Chanijdon.  X.   Y. 
W.      Eunicf-,  b.  Jan,  VO,  17.'^1  ;  m.  John  Kobinson. 

V,      Sarah,    l.i.  Jan,    27.  1782;   d,  Feb,  10,  18.70;  m,  Xoah    Parscuis  of  Charleniont, 
Mass,      1,    EiMU:,  b.  1812;  res.  N.  Y. 

VI.  .Martha,  b.  Dec.  2:J,  1784;  d.  June  17,  180.7;  m.  Aug.  30,  1810,  Ichabod 
Eoonii.-,  [2J. 

\\\.      Keb'Nca.  b,  Dec.  0,  17^0;  d.  Xov,  10,  180?;  m,  Frederick  llul.'oard,  Bloomlield, 
Conn.      1,   .^Dl,I.Kl;,  b.  1S22.     2,   AN.<eC.N-,  182-1.     8,   II.\uvey.   1820, 
VIII       Sou,  1>.  Feb.  11,  1780;  d,  soon, 
IX.     Son,  April  ]790;  d,  soon, 
X.     Jesse,    b.  May  17,  1701;   d.  Dec.  27,  1870:   m.  Susan  Clark:  (2)  Lucy  F.   (-tates, 

Ilicksville,  ".      1,    William,  m. Fento!!,    Windsor,   Ashtabula  Co,,   (.),     2,  Jiissi;, 

Eimu,  Allen  Co.,  0.     ;J,    LL"rui:i;.     4.   D.w  id,     .7,   Lfcv,  m.  . Pice,  Youngstown.  0. 

0,  IIf.nmy  A.     7.   Su.sAN  Fii/i.ijA.  m.  (ieorfc  Castc>n,   Antwerp,  O.     s,   Ei.i7..\)u:fii. 

XI,  Melinda,  b.  Feb.  14,  170.7;  d.  Mairji  1.7,  1.840:  m.  Wm.  P.  Hriggs,  Pichmond, 
Vt.      1,   JosKriir.NF;.  b.  Is2.7:  d.  1^;78:  m.  17dward   .V.  Stransburg,  who  d.  187;);    X.  Y.  C. 

1,  Cord'lm  A'jin.-^.h.  1811:  m.  ^Vm.  S.  .Xewell,  Jm-sey  City,  2,  (.'(irolinc  Kirl.-hnr!.  \^. 
1848;  111.  Will.  II.  Parker,  Xew  Ilrirain,  Conn.  1,  Eiiiilv  Josephine,  b.  1871).  2,  Dau., 
b.  187:1 

XII,  Oliver,  b.  Dec.  2:i,  1708:  lived  in  PiKslield,  Masx.  ;  thencein  May,  i.'^;70,  rein.  To 
Wiitcrbiivy;  m.  (.)ct,  20,  1821,  Lucy  Hicks  of  Ciieshire,  .Mass.  1,  Hk.vky,  b.  Xov.  .7,  d. 
Dec,  2^,  rs2.7.  2.  Oi,i\i.;k  L,  b..\ug.  0,  l.''-!20;  m.  April.  t^;-70.  Emily  La.timer  (d  Sims- 
bury,  Conn. ,  (2K\pril  2.7,187^,  Jennie  ^Vyl:e;  .s.  ;.;  Waterluiiy,  :J,  Lv  ev  1,,  Jun-' 2, 
\i>?,h,  d.  Maich  10.   I^ri:  unm.      /.  bv  2d  m.'; 

Xlll.      Mabel  P.,  1).  Frb,   12,  18:2:' re>.  Cianby,  .Ma.-,s. 

.11.4441.  Ja)ncs  Brown,  Ic  \'<><-.  2,  I77f>;  learned  of  his  hither  the  trade  of  a 
Ilia  ■!;sin.'tl:,  au<l  ai  ;lu'  ai;.,'  iil  21  icm.  to  ('anion,  C'UMi. ,  wdiere  he  remained  mii-  year. 
In  1708  rem.  to  U'aterbury,  (/onn.,  and  \vork<d  thr.  at  his  trade  the  of  his  life.      He 

bG^  I! RANCH    OF    MKIICY. 

was  an  orii^hial  ]>ai'tiHr  in  the  thiid  r.'liini^-  mill  civet, -J  in  ^\'nt(•I■l>u^y  in  ls:i(l,  aft</r\v. 
kiif)\vu  as  The  15r()\'.  I!  ,v  l:Il:o:i  Co.  \h-  was  rcmaikalili'  ]'nr  liis  imhistrv.  solulftv  an.l 
I'ci  SV'Ot  I't-i^ai-d  for  trutli,  niul  \vas  a  most  exnniilarv  man.  faithful  ainl  jast  in  all  tin- 
ri'latioas  of  life.  Jamg'  after  his  fi'iijiuil  lialnts  and  .--ucrcss  in  husini-ss  had  seeiiied 
liim  a  (;onii>etencf,  hi'  continued  to  lahor  in  his  ealIin^^  helievini';  lie  ce-uhi  tiius  iiest, 
fulfill  the  ends  of  existeiu-e;  In-  was  a  Col.  of  M  ililiii  aiel  I),  a.  of  thi-  elih. ;  d.  .j  uly  ■,'(, 
lSi6:  m.  I.avinia  \N"elt')n. 

I.  Philo,  h.  Jan.  2fS,  \^-.V.  ni.  Ksthor.  dau.  of  (Jihs  Ives.  1.  W.m.  Hk.miv,  h. 
Aj)ril  (1,  ].s2r:  m.  Klh'n  A.  Ivesuf  !  iartf. ,  Conn.  ',',  ('oi;Ni'.i.T.v  A.,  h.  April  10,  l."^;-!4:'m 
Sept.  28,  \sr,i,  Th.  ndon-  S.  Buell,  who  il.  .Mareh  !l,  isrJ.  1,  J  h  in-t/  Morion ,  N,,v.  !l 
ISoO.     2,   Phih>  Ih-")ri,.  Feb.    2.  hSof.      '■).   ytl/ic  Irrx,  h.   July  JO,  ]M):!";  li.  Aui,^    0,  'isr,:>[ 

4,  c'«i;//'/r//i(' ,Sf///'/-eZ-.  b.  June -1,  lyi;:. 

II.  William,  h.  June  l(j,  1804:  M.l>.:  m.  Sarah.  S.  Kin<;sbury  .']).  ()i]|.  whod.  MaySO. 
1640;  (2)  ^hlrch  2o.  1S44,  Haehel  \'ienna,  dau.  (d'  Asa  l-'enn  uf  Aiiddlebury,  f'onn.  1, 
il.vuciA  HiioNso.N,  I..  Jnlvol,  l<s;J2:  d.  Dec.  14,  IS-ll.  2,  Kohkkt  Kin<.>-i;(  ]:v,  1>.  D^v. 
0.  ls:«:  m.  Jan.  2-.',  is-Vi,  Klizahetli  N.  .AHddhd.rook  of  l^ridgcport.  Conn.:  .v.  /.  ;j,  Kli/.a 
Jam:,  b.  April  1,  l^o(J:  m.  O^'t.  ]-!.  !■'<.")'>,  Cuiernsry  S.  Tarsohs,  a  banker  and  of 
Probati'  in  Wao^rbury.  1,  >^in'ijh  h"t)i<j.-:h>iry,  b.  Nov.  oO,  ISO-J.  4,  \  Sox,  b.  May  1. 
1S40;  d.  scoii.  I.  Ijv  2d  m.:  ."),  FuKHKiiioc  Ja.mi;s,  b.  Sept.  ;J0.  b'^o.l. 
IIJ.      .Mary  Ann'.  <].  inf. 

W.  Augustus,  b.  .\xig.  20,  ISll;  m.  Frances  Eiixabeth  (dan.  of  Josciih)  Burton, 
whod.  x\pri]  iO.  ]!>31 :  (2).Jan.  22,  bS.'ifJ.  Sophia  (,dau  of  Jacob)  L)e<iraft"  of  Poui;-likeepsio. 
N.  Y.  1,  CiJ.vs.  Am.rsrus,  b.  Jan.  H,  b^40:  m.  Fob.  22,  l.'^lo,  Sar.-di  A.  Wiyhtman  .d' 
Kochester.  X.  Y.  1,  Cluts.  A'.'f/u.y/i;.^.  b,  ls7(b  2.  Jm<ancks  Isf.r/.ABKTii,  b.  Manh  2;{, 
1.S48;  m.  2s. iv.  24,  bsiit),  James  Humi-lir-.y  (d'  liocheslfr:  In-  d.  An^;.  9,  1N71:  slu-  m.  (2)  in 
A])ril,  IS?:-!,  John  C.  Fonda,  now  an  odicer  of  thi/  Mutual  Life  In.-.  Co.  of  X.  Y,  ], 
AH''.'  ]i'ii(on,\>.  July  Ift,  ls74.  :j,  Soi'iiiA,  b.  May  J.I^.'^iT:  m.  Jan.  22,  bSTS,  Silas 
Stewart.     4,  Jami:-^. 'b.  Nov.,  ISt.iO. 

V.  James,  b.  July  2,  ISld;  M.l>.;  prac.  med.  sonre  ^T)  yrs.  in  Afierdocn,  Miss.; 
n-turned  to  NN'ateibur}',  Conn.,  and  ^vent  into  manufa'-turinj^  in  the.  widllniown  firm  of 
Brown  Urothers;  in.  Flizabeth  Charlotte,  (dau.  (d'  Oliv,  ;■)  i'-.  'd  []i.  2.")2].  1.  FiiAXCKS 
ArarsTA,  h.  Sept.  1,  is:-3(j,  d.  Jan.  1',*,  bS^T.  2,  Saiia;!  J;)- !;rii  ink,  b.  Sej>t.  30.  ISoO. 
8,  KOSA  ]-:i.iZA7!Kin,  b.  Nov.  25,  I'^i'.';  m.  J''eb.  !l,  ISG'.I,  Uichard  Sell  Crriswold  of  Lvme, 
Conu.;  res.  \\'.  1,  JUchnrd  &:'!.  -Nov.  1.".,  iSOi).  2,  J<'//),.s  Jlrmru.  b.  Dec.  10,  1«70.  3, 
Dm, id  Eddie,  b.  April  11.  lj<74.     4,   Oturyc,  .March  8.  1870. 

.11.4444.  Euuioc  Bro\yn,  b.  Jan.  20.  IbSl;  d.  Feb.  28,  ISdO,  in  Ko<die.stcr,  X. 
Y. ;  rn.  Sop:.  4,  b800,  John  lojbin^un,  who  d.  Sept.  K,  1839,  a.  02. 

1.  Sylvester,  I).  AuiT-  IT,  ISO! :  d.  July  3,  1838;  m.  Ann  Eaton.  1,  Ink.,  d.  soon. 
2.  Ei.i.KN,  b.  1S3--):  d.  1X7^;  m.  in   (,)hio. 

n.     Olivf,  b.  June  2il..1^o:',:  d    Mareh  bT.  IsOi;. 
Ill,      John.  b.  Deo.    10,    ]s'0o:  d.    Aug.    30.  lS.")i.   m.    Jan.    1,    1830.    Mary  Yoke.      1. 
John  W,  Jute-  30,  bs37:  d.  Mav  20,  ISM;  m.  Mareli  20,  ISCb.  l-^sther  E.  .lolmsonof  l^lain- 
M-ell,  Mirh.     2,  Jt-i.TA  A.,  .March  4,    1810;  m.    .\ov.   0,    ISCcJ,  ])avid    Win;;-;  (2)  Jan.  14, 
1879,  l?arm'v  D\ckn^an,  So.  Jlavcn.  Mi(di.     3.   (iKo.  B.,  b.  Jan.   2S,  184s.  ' 

l\.  Cliarles.  b.  July  h.  1808:  d.  Sept.  14.  1S78.  m.  F.-b.d,  1831.  Mary  Dannals.  1, 
HoMEii  (.'.,  b.  Jan.  28.  1832;  d.  Jan.  IS,  1877:  m.  Jan.  N.  ls.-,(;_  II,.l,_.n  \Voodward.  2, 
Emii.v,  b.  June  14,  183.'>;  m.  Feb.  23,  1854.  MortinuT  (.".  Mordolf. 

Y.  Eunice,  b.  .Nov.  11,  1810;  d.  Nov.  21,  lsfi5;  m.  Feb.  3,  1831,  Edwin  llend.M-- 
soD.  1,  Edwin  K.,  April  11,  1832:  d.  IVb.  17,  1S49.  2.  Ci:i.ia,  .M:iv  20,  1^34;  m.  Oct. 
24,  1801,  Martin  Joiner  of  liorhester.  X.  Y.  3,  Jima,  23,  \^-'A\:  d.  .Ian.  25.  183^. 
4,  Ji-i,iA  B.,  July  21,  1837:  d.  Jiih  31,  1S57.  5,  Vk  to):i  v  E.,  May  24,  is39;  d.  Ajnil 
7,  1S50.     0,   Ai,rn;irr  E.,   Au--.  7,  1^40;  d.Ucl.  10,  1810. 

Vi.      (Jeorirt'  W..  b.  Sept.  11,  1SI,3;   portrait  jcnnter:   d.  Oct.  1,  1S30,  riochester. 
YD.      I'di^ha.  b.  Xov.  Ki.  1815:  civil  cn-in.vr:  d.  l'\d,..  10,  1S12. 

A'lll.  Oliver.  .lune  2,  l^b<:  in.  .)un.'8,  184S,  Helen  .M .  C.dby.  1,  h'li.WK  C.,  March 
10,  1840;  m.  March  7,  ls70,  Kurline  Sedyv.ick,  Dansville,  x!  \.  2,  1Iki.i-,.v  A1)!;i,i;, 
Sept.  20,  JS50.  3,  -KathC..  Jan.  27,  l.s50-  m.  Xov.  10,  18711,  Ib'iiry  D.  1'.  Armstroiii,', 
Rochester,  X.  \ . 

IX.  Cvru>  U.,  Jan.  15,  1S21:  m.  .Mav  18,  1853,  IMartha  M.  Xurse  of  Xorth  Chili, 
X.  Y. 

.  .11.45.  TiniotllY  Prown,  b.  .\prd  10,  1710:  d.  Feb.  21,  1750,  a.  35;  m.  Mav  21, 
1741,  .Mis.  Hannah  Allin-;  ivs.  X.-wliav.  Hi.-;  will  dated  l\.ii.  IS,  1 750,  prov,-d  1751 ; 
names  \\\[<-  Hanua.h  and   ile.-.ires   son   Tiniothy    to    be   si;iiiethin;j-   under  the    of  his 

iniuwx,  'j-rTTJ^E. 


<iianiirat1u'i-  Ailing-,  aii'l  to  liavo  ii  lilicral  cdn'Mtion  if  inrrnicd.  Iswar  ^iops,  S:na]i 
"I'mli!.  w's,  .JosliLia  (/hr.ndh.T  iiaiurd  in  will  as  cxfcr.  ami  g-narrliaii  u(  c-nly  son 
Tiiiuitli% . 

1."    Tiiiiotl.y,  1i.    Mairh    7,    1 71 1- ."i;  .-st .    adiii.    ISO;^,.    of    \Vo<m11i!  idi;--.   (,    \vf. 
Anna,      1,   li.ANNAU,  ^v^.  (i[' Sti]))ifn   Hotclik i.-s.     2,   Anna,  \vf.    of  Zed<'kiali  IhjicLluNS. 
■o,   A\,v X,  wf.  t<i  W'ra.  ]\ii-~>r\\.      1,   'i'lMoTii v.     5,   }1k/.i:kia!I. 
!1.      llaiiuah,  li.   Au-'.  'lo,  1717. 

.12.  Nathtuncl  Tuttlc,  t.>Hii.  N^'w  ILiv.'-.i  Feb.  •.';),  i(;:,'j,  '•  ,,f  r.niufofd  clunxdi." 
At  the  od  division  ill  N.  il.  ( 10.^0)'"  Nai!in;ii.d  'J'litf!.-  a  ^^oldicr  "  diij  not  romr'  in  li'l 
.altor  thf  lots  lia.d  Ijc en  drawn  ai;ii  NS'as  allouo;!  to  i-oinc  in  alit  r  tin'  division  on.  tin'  cast 
■fiidc.  ]]f  iHobalily  .servrd  in  tlio  Indian  llf  al'tor\'/ards  sold  his  i-iirhts  to  j'cv. 
James  l'i(_-ri>onl  and  lii>,  heirs.  In  ii  di  fd  da.tod  Kil.i.J  In-  iy  railed  .d'  Now  tl;i\cn,  hnsi^and- 
man.  Ik'  iirobably  lived  .some  lime  in  \N  alii  lur  ford,  but  r;'nn)ved  to  VNoodhui'v  where 
lie  joined  the  chnrch  May  I'J.  1(»:)."),  and  was  on  the  of  a  divisioi!  of  tin-  nn-adow  in 
Sliepang  Kan  17r3;  ni.  .An;:.  10,  10.^2,  Sarali  (dan.  of  wid.  Ann)  Howe.'"  She  joiind  th; 
ohnrch  in.  N  .  llav.  Hi'j;;.  In  a  de.'d  <lated  Nov.  0,  10ft~>,  Ann  Howe  inrdu-S  }u-r  mark  and 
Nathaniel  Tuttle  signs  "  in  behalf  e,i  n.iy  wife."  lie  d.  in  NVondbnry  Aug-.  20,  1721,  and 
liis  wid.  d.  same  month,  accoiding  to  e.ue  a.  eon nf.  but  t'oiliren  in  Woudlmry  titdtistics 
.says:     "  Sarah  Tntile  the  aged  v.-idow  d.  Nov.,  17-1.0. " 

^:ignaturt;.  (1G73;  of 


cvK  ...  Qudi/l 

I.  Mary.  bap.  -Inly  1.  10^3:   not  nnmed  in  will  of  hei-  f. 

II.  K|di'r;;;m,  b.  .l;i!\   s.  l,a)..  .Inly  20,  lf;-^4:   n,.  b,  1..   bi.'i;iHi,  Dinah  Wheeler. 

ITI.  TemptTaiiee,  baj).   Nov.  4,  1H-<.t;  d.  Nov.  10.  17-I'.t. 

IV.  Ife/ekiah,  b.  abL  U.S!1:  m.  .\  11,  1711,  Manlni  lln)hv.-ilT. 

V.  l,-,;i,.i-,  ba]).  Feb.  ?,.  lOsV-S;  m.  Sarah  liall:  (2),I,M,n.  10,  172;),  r'nnienee  Wheeler- 

Vi)  April  l.".\  17:i].  Marv  \\'arner;  (  t)  Ann  B:on.son. 

■"   ■    VI.  .\nn.  d   .Inly  22.  17.>k 

\'  11.  Aaron,  and  another. 

.12.2.  Epliraim  Tuttle,  b.  .inly  S,  bap.  .Inly  20.  Ki^l:  m.  Feb.  i:!,  1700-7, 
Dinah.  Otii  cliild  of  .John  a)Kl  Saiah  ,Sherwo(id'  Wheel'.'!'  ^i'  Sfi-aif(U-d.  baje  l(i'<l.  John' 
^yhe'eb.l  wa.s  one  of  the  s'gn.'rs  at  Woodl'.nry.  Eplirann  T.  joined  the  V,'o(.Hihiuv  c!;!i. 
Dee.  7,  Ills,  and  with  his  son  Jose])!)  and  others  petitioned'  in  17:11  tor  a  ue\-.-  .soeiet\-. 
lie  jirobalily  lived  in  X^'allingford  before  settling  ir^  \V(,odJ)urv.  He  d.  175;!. 
I.  .M'o.srs,  b.  <>ef.  21,  i:u7. 
II.,  b.  ()c\.  22,  1707:  d.  Dee.  22,  Uoi:    im.    in   \\'allingtVjrd,    (.'onn.,    Saiali 

;  chil.  record. 'd  in  \Vat!'d      1,   Sahah,   b.   Oct.  0,  \',-\v,.     2,   Natha.n ii.i.,  b.  Fc!).  .'i. 

17o:>.     .lor^e])li    Tattle  m.,  in  Woodburv,  Marv  and  had   Sarah,   b.  June  5    ba'i)   .Julv  21 
17.V1  ■  '  •        ' 

Hi.      David,  m. Ileeoek. 

IV.     Sarah,  b.  Oct.  15,  1712;  m.  June,  1732,  Hezekiah  Wright. 
V.      Ezekiel,  1).  .Ian.  5,  I7iy;  m.  Tabctha  Ilickox. 
VI.      Caleb,  b.  May  ;i,  1721;  m,  Mary  Terrell. 
VII.     Abraham,  m. 

.12.23.     David  Tuttle,  ni. Heeock. 

•I.      p:ii-/.abetli,  m.  Jaums  Crofiit;  lived  and  d.  in  Treble,  X.  V. 

*Kdvvani  Howe  of  I.ynn,,  came  ir.  the  'JVuelovc  Ift:;^,  a.  dj  with  wf.  Klizabetli  a.  50.  He  was 
•frcemuu  or"  Mas:;.  t1>,6;  Kep.  .Maich.  May  and  Sept.  i^^S,  arid  d.  1635,  i,  Jei;kmv,  b.  Tr'a4;  rem.  to  N. 
ftav.  and  d.  iSoo;  supposed  fatlici-  of  Isat)i-;heba  who  was  -jd  wf.  of  Cob  Dixwell.  2.  S.^.s.-vh',  h.  in?3.  3. 
Ei'nKAi-.i.  b.  1625;  rn.  Ann  Hotiirh,  b  ir,  fUistob  Kng.,  viv,;  rem,  to  Xcv,-  l!av.  Colton  Mather  relatts 
that  he  fap:.  of  a  kefh  and  was  thipwre^jked  on  an  U'liiihahite  1  island  off  Cape  Sable  in  Sep!.,  k'i;v, 
iir.d  that  all  hi- ftihAV  voy^srers  (ai'iiiny;  tlie-n.i  Xie)ioias  .Aiiiferi  ditid.  ("apt.  Howe  rr-mained  all  wiiiicr 
on  the  ialanii.  endurintf  great  hardshipis,  and  was  taken  ftf  die  ff>llnwin<r  .siunna-r  by- a  vessel  and  carried 
to  Salem,  whence  he  returned  to  his  lamily  in  New  Haven  after  an  absence  of  nearlv  eleven  months. 
He  d.  i63o;  IT  chil  I,  K/-/irtih'i,  b.  1653;  ni.  and  had  dati.  i,  Kuth,  m.  Capt.  l^anie!  Tuttle  iif  \^'al:'d  b,]. 
■::,  .Mary.  b.  if''74;  rr.  ii'.,|  ut-1  Brtjwn  and  had  Dam:!-  iuter  V.  C:  reee:\-od  l''i-<is.  .i.'dinai  ■..•n '  in 
-EnLil.-ind  17.V3  f.iitn  f'.r.  Gree;,,  iJi^hop  of  X;jrv,  icli.  i,  ."><.■/,.■/;,  b.  Jan.  25.  n'sj;  '-.i.  Nathaniel  Tuttle  .'is 
abov'.v  3,  -lAirj',  b.  1O57.  .j.  Saimu-i,  iC-S.  5,  A-rra,- .  /\u>4.  :■",  i'>;f>— arid  perhaps  more.  All  the  Sons 
followed  the  sea  .-ind  not  one  survived  to  his  ^oth  yr.  Kphraini  ,i;ici  Samuel  d.  on  one  voyage.  Isaac  d. 
in  I5oslon  and  Daniel  d.  in  S\jranam  about  6  mos.  later. 

Odi  K1I.VN0I1    OF    XATllANlEl.. 

II.      Aiiron,  sevfi-ul  yt'ars  oldcrr  than  Mosc,^.  In  flic  l«cv.  sIpw  a  If"ssi;in  sold'uT  iti 

Jiund  t(i  liiiiiil  conflict — run  liiin  tlirongli  the  body.  1,  Anna,  I).   IVl'S;  d.  y.      One  ()[  the 

^■landdiildrcn  of  Aaron  Tutllem.  '1'.  U.  MoUiyoii;  tcs.  'do  F    "J^th  M.,  N.  Y.  ('. 

III.  Moso^  ]>.  Ffh.  -..'•,',  17(:;0. 

.     MOSGS  Tuttle,  1>.  Fob.  -i-?,  ITCO;  a  Uov.  -^'.Idioi-  and  ]ion.'^ioiior;    was  in 
liatllo  of  i■^r.olU'y  I'oint  jnid  other  cni^;  l"iiii,'  a  lihuksniith  was  cniphivod  lo  slioc 
sii-iuy  hor.s»',<.       After   the   war  sett h'd  on  u  faun  in  'J'ully,  N.  Y.;  d.  J'^eb.  24.  JS;J7.  ft.  77: 
);i.   Anna,  da't.  of  Abraliaiii  'I'nltlo  (eons.),  b.  .Inly  7,  l^l";:-;;  d.  .<e{>t.  •■").  1S2S. 
1.      Sai)ra.  b.  X.  llav.,  ("oiui.,  27,  I'.X-i;   in.  Fastoii  Talhnan. 
II.      Sallv,  b.  .Mav  li.  17Mb  d.  in  Kal.lns.  .\.  Y. ;  m.  ^lejdien  Winogar. 
HI.     Matil(hi,  b.  .fnlv  2^1,  17'.;2;  d.  Nov.  M,  1n72:  m.  .b'didiali  Barber  of  Homer,  N. 
Y.,  wlio   d.    April    lU.    1^76,    a.    Ml.       1,  \)\V..  in.  .J,  1'.  lb  nry  of  E.   HhIj  .';t.,  N.  Y.       2, 
I>.\u.,  111.  J.  (t.  Scheniierhorn  of  N.  Y.  (.'.     ;5,  r.\i:is,  d.  at  Honior  .\L-iy  ■; ,  ls7(i,  a.  (;2:  m. 
April  17,  b^K),  ]';iiy.;ibeth  Marv,  dan.  of  Di-.  Saiiiuel  and  Lanra  llaniuili  ((.V.olv)  MeC'i(dlan, 
nnd  sis.  of  Hon.  K.  H.  MeClellan  [DJ  of  Troy,  X.  Y. 

.12.2381.  Satara  Tuttle,  b.  in  X.  Hav..  Conn..  April  2;,  17S4;  d.  in  Tnllv,  X.  Y.. 
.Inlv  22.  iMb);  m.  in  liroadalbin,  X'.  Y.,  Sejit.  1'.!,  iSO-j,  i:aslon,s.  of  Williunr"  and  INilier 
(Halt)  Talhnan,  b.  Feb.  27.  1/M;  d.  in  Tally,  X.  Y..  Dee.  ].  Lsl't. 

\.      Hiram ']'.  'i'alhnan.  b.  in  H.  Se]tt.  7,   l>^w(;;    d.  in    Fine   township,  Ind.,  .Ian.  27. 
1878;  m.  Nancy  Howell.       l.Lr.wisE.       2,  \\ai.i,.\(J'.  W.       I!,  .loiiN.      4,  Fui'isa.       o, 

FliKDKiaiK.       ii,  I.SAliKl.. 

II.     Anna  Maria  Tallnian,  b.  Tnllv,  Match  "o,  ISO"-:;  d.  .Jan.  2."),  ISIO. 
HI.     Charles  Tallmaji,  b.  Sept.  I'J,"  islii:    m.  E!i/a   Ostrander;    (2)   Fli/.af-eth   ]>.  ck. 
1,  Sai!i;a    Ann.      2,  Kosirn'A  C.      ;],  Catii akink  E.       ;.  bv2dm.:      4,  Cjiai'.lks.      ,5 

IV.  Moses  Tnttle  Tallinan.  b.  >rafc]i  2d,  1812;  m.  .Terusha  Peters.  1,  Sauah.  2. 
CifAiu.Ks.     ;-!,  Hkni;v  C.     4.  .Mai;v. 

V.      ^Vil]iam   Eastou   Talliu-an,  b.  ^^ej-t.  b^i,  1814 ;    m.  .lane   C.    Hall;    .y.  ('. ;    adojited 
Cbira  H.  Tallman. 

VI.  -Slary  Ann  Tallman.  b.  Feb.  7,  1817;  in.  .Tcdm  1'..  Hall.  1,  Esthkk  M.  2, 
J'^imii;  C. 

VU.     Estlier  Matilda  Tallman.  b,  Nov.  .-),  1818;  d.  March  10,  1849. 

.12.25.  Ezckiel  Tuttle,  b.  .Jan.  1."),  1718-9;  d.  Feb.  n.  17'.nb-18r)();  m.  lVinitlia.;W 
child  of  Samuel  and  Ellen  Hie  liox,  1>.  Fi'b.  1!),  1719-20;  d.  Dec  2;!,  ISOl. 

I.     Samuel,  ba]).  Feb.  27,   17}o;  m.  and   had  fain. ,  some,  of  whom  res.    in   ^^'ind 
liam,  (ireeno  Co.,  X.  Y. 

II.      Dlive,  bap.  Fell.  17,  1 /4o;  m.  Sanun  1  b*enhain. 
HI.     Concurrence,  baj).  March  lo,  1747;  m.  Davi<!  Miles;  (2)  Daniel  Tnttle. 
W.     Truman,  bap.  Ajnll  2,   I74!l;  vl.  V. 

V.      Ichabod,  1).  Oct.  r,.  17.")0;  (i.  .v.  i.'.  Dec.  12,  17;iO  in  Middhdmry,  Conn. 
VI.      Aaron,  bap.  Oct.  b"),  17".2. 

VII.     Taldtlia,  bap.  Oct.  22,  I7.j4;  m.  .Jan.  20.  178(),  .Josiah  Bronson. 
VIH.     Truman,  ba]).  Feb.  23,  17.JU;  d.  Feb.  21,  177^  in  INIid. 
IX.     Anroii,  b.  .June  19,  17f!0;  m.  Kidjccca  ^^'oosteI•. 
X.      l-',  baj).  Xo\-.2:>,  170.5;   m.  Sarah 
XI.     Mabel,  bap.  April  4.  1709;  m.  Caleb  Munson. 

.12.252.     Olive  Tuttle,,  bap.  l'\d,.  27.  174.');  m.  17d7.  Samuel  Benham,  who  d.  May 
14,  1^2:5,  a.    8(1   yrs.        He  m.  (2)  Fhel)e  }-!ead  (wid.  of   Anthony    Stoddard,   who  d.   178,"i. 
They  lixed   in    Ea!iosbi>ro,  Mass.F 
I.      Smith  beiiham,  b.  1  7()7. 

H.  Jajdiet  Benham,  1..  1709;  (.lea.):  rem.  Feb.  1800  to  Derby,  Orleans  Co.,  Vt., 
near  the  Camida  lim-,  a.!iil  bto;;'^^]il  with  himayonuL;'  man  named  A  bram  Tiitl  u- (  wiio  mav 
be  the  A.  'i'.,  nientionrd  in  the  biof.r.  .sketch  of  Beiij.  F.  M:i<iin,  a  famous  portrait  painter 
of  N'ermonl.  Abra.m  4'utlle  had  l)een  a  pi;|)il  of  Beiij.  \\'est,;ind  inslructeit  Mason. — 
See  r. ••,;,.  y,'-Y/.  .July,  1s72.)  .laplnl  Benliaiu.  m.  Mandi,  17lifi,  S:dlv  Stoddard,  b.  1770. 
1.  Poi,i,\,  D.c  II,  ITOO;  m.  .)a,n..  !S2(I.  S;ie,i!ei  l!,  inn  keep. -r  of' Sa  leni ,  \'t.  i.:  t\co. 
(diiidren.  2.  LvDiA,  l>.  Xov..  1799;  d.  .luno,  ISIO.  :-5.  X\tjia\  Sidi.DAun.  b.  Dec.  12. 
bS02;  diacon  t'lr  dO  yrs.  of  the  Contr.  chh. ;  farmer:  m.  1820,  .Mary  Bates,  wlio  d.  I'l'OI. 
He  m.  (2)  18t;0,  So'phia  liates.      ('.  by  Islm.;   th-ee  child. 

•fWilli.-iin  'I'a'lni.i..-.,  1>    Jaii  ,  175J,  in  U.  1 . ;    d.   Jiily    ,1,  1820,  a.  77;    F.siher,  /'.is  v.-f.,  b.  .Sejn .  7,  175.' 
April  •-•4,  1S31,  H.  So.     Rcinovcd  to  \'crmont  and  lost  tliLir  (.■Jrnn'..^;;^  \r,  ci'ntineiUai 

TUTTLE,   injoxsox.  505 

Til.  'J'niniaii,  in.,  hi. Towiu'r;   rt-s.  ,\i'W  Haven. 

IW  Saiiiurl. 

V.  HrsKT. 

VI.  Siuah. 

vji.    l^)ll_v. 

.12.25?..     Concurrence  Tuttle,  bap.  Maivii  ]:>,  1747;  m.  David  Milt-s;  (-2)  Daniel 
Tuttle;   bill'  livrd  to  \.,-  u\n\:u\\<  ol'  \Ji. 

I.     Sarali  V.  Mi!i-.s,  d.  Jan.  8,  IS.oO,  a.  80. 
II.     Catharine  Miles,   d.  Marrh  30,  18!!).  a.  78. 

III.  P.utli  Miles,  III.  (-iuul'l  I'laTuii  and  luui  ^^ev.  cliil. 

IV.  C'oncinrenee   Miles,  d.  .-\i)iil  U),  ]8l"^,  a.  77:    m.  dipt.    Samuel   P'ean,    who  d. 
Mareli  1:3,  18-VJ.      i.  hy.^d  m. : 

A".      'J'rLinuin  Tattle.  - 

VI.      (.'anv   'J'uttle. 
VII.      Olive  Tuttle. 

.12.257,  Tabitha  Tuttle,  b.  Oct.  22,  17;)4:  d.  Onondaga.  N.  Y.,  Aug.  1,  1811, 
.ji.  91;  in.  Jan.  "20,  17MI,  Jusiali  Ijronsnn  of  Water! )ury.  Conn.,  b.  17-')'3;  d.  at Onoiidaija 
-June  2,  18,20,  a.  77,  (.s.  of  Lieut.  Josialt  and  uncle  of  tr^ila.s  Bronson  of  X.  Y.,  \v}io  guvc 
^200,000  fcr  a  juib.  library  in  W.i;  /.  in  W. 

1.      Truman  Bronsnn,  h.  .Ian.  o,  178!  ;  d.  in  f)liio. 
II.     Alviu  Bronsnii,  b.  M;iy  19.  17^^:i:  in. U' 

III.  Jo.siali  I^ronson.  b.  Sept.  10,  178(1;  re.s.  Onondaga,  N.  Y. 

IV.  F.dward,  b.  8ept.  1,  17S|i:  res.  Clevelaiul,  (J. 

\'.     XancN ,    Fell.    27,  17Hj;   ui.    He/.eliiali   .Strong;  re.s.    Onondaga;   al>Ai;.,iii.  Dr. 
X  at  ban  'J'elTl. 

.12.2572.  Alvin  Eronson,  !.'.  M:iy  10.  178o;  <i.  in  O.^^wego,  N.  Y.,  Ai)ril  2,  is^l, 
.a.  nearly  08;  at  age  oi  17  was  rb-rk  for  Heuben  J^ice  of  New  11, iv.,  abt.  18  n\eis.,  then,  in 
connection  witli  Jo^^epb  X.  Clarlc  an.d  Isaac  and  Kneelaiid  'i'o\'.  nsend,  anil  CiUiert  To\v!\- 
.send,  AN'.  I.  shippers,  wi'UX  ii;to  Iju.siness  on  Long  NN'br.rf  and  continr.ed  for  rliiceor  four 
yi's.  Tbei'i  ('laiK'  and  ]Jron^on  cduirtered  the  sidi(_>oner  "  .Vntelope."  loaded  her  \vdth 
Xee'hern  products  for  <_'harleston,  S.  C.  On  "the  voyaij:e  the  vessel  \vas  \\recl-:ed  on 
Poi'tsnionth  B'-acli  l)i.'t\veeu  Cape.s  Fearaml  Ilatt'-ras,  during  a  tiiree  days'  gale.  Ilaxdng 
]iaid  to  the  wreclcers  and  obs,.vved  all  forms  due  to  un<ler\vrit(.'r.'i,  Mr.  Bionsoti 
bought  at  the  sale  of  this  wreck  and  of  thf-e  other  vessel-,  rcsiiltiui,'  fr-nu  the  r,aiue 
gah-.  a  hiri,'-  ai.'iount  of  niaterial.  obtained  a  Uiastej'  builder  and  constructed  u  brig 
and  a  scho;,ni  r  siiiieil  to  the  \\'est  India  trade.  Ttds  i;on.suineil  two  years;  the  .-rhoee.ier 
iuad<.'  se\-eral  voyages;  the  Inig  was  completed  just  in  time  to  he  overiakee,  by  M  r. 
JelTerson's  emluirgo  and  made,  instead  of  ii  West  Imlian.'a  f-'oni\.  voyage.  After  the 
enibargi)  he  went  one  voyage  to  \\'.  I,  as  suiiercargo,  and  dm  rennn  br'oii>rlit  ni'ws  of  tlie 
capture  by  tlic  Freucli  of  Ids  schooner  "  IMii  laiuler,"  inider  Jj.majiarte's  Berlin  and 
Milan  demees,  for  liaving  been  bound  to  a  British  jiort;  she  wjis  condemned,  sold  and 
boaglit  in  by  the  Cajit.  of  the  ve.-sid:  she  was  afterwards  cajitured  under  the  Britisii 
orders  in  council  for  having  l»een  to  a  l-"reiicli  imrt  au'l  again  condenined. 

Mr.  B.  tiien  united  with  Jacub  'i'ownseiul  (C'ilheri  &  Tounseud)  nt'  Xmv  llav.,  in  the 
lake  coasting  trade,  and  \\ith  shipmasters  and  carpenters  went  to  the  I'alls  on  the 
Oswego  river,  and  on  the  ground  1U)W  occupied  by  the  thrifty  village  of  Fulton,  tlu'y 
cut  the  frame  for  a  schooner  of  lUO  and  odd  tons;  two  vessels  were  built  and  stores 
established  at  Oswego  and  Lewistou.  when  the  war  of  1812  broke  up  their  business  and 
tlieir  houses  were  invaded,  plundered  and  burned.  In  1814  he  was  appointed  military 
and  na\  a!  storekeei>er  at  Oswego;  after  flu-  war  the  btisiness  was  resumed  and  exlendi-d 
by  a  branch  at  Black  Kor-k.  In  1822  lie  was  elected  to  the  State  Senate,  and  during  the 
two  yis.  of  his  t'-rm  succeeded  in  ])rocuring  a  law  authorizing  tlie  Oswego  canal.  Iden- 
tified early  with  this  public  wnrk-  lie  iiecame  its  advocate  and  defejidi  r  througli  a  stormy 
contlict  of  twenty-live  yis.;  so  mucli  was  he  connected  with  it.  in  the  [)uldic  e.~limation, 
that  whi'U  he' repaired  in  Albany  with  a  remon.-t  ranee  a.gainst  a  le-iJuiioii  to  repeal  tie; 
Oswego  caiuil  lau,  tiieeting  Col.  Aarmi  Ihirrin  the  hall  of  the  ( 'apitol,  • "  he  s.-iliited  me  by 
;saying,  "Ah!  yon  are  here  to  defend  your  canal,'  and  aihii'd.  '  I  am  \^•ilh  you.'  J  said» 
I  b(dieved  all  sensilde  men  were  with  us,  to  which  he  replied,  chaiaeteristically,  "Ah! 
luy  young  friend,  if  that's  all.  you  have  a  v.ast  m.-ijority  ai^aiiist  you.'  " 

In  Is-.".i  Mv  B.  \sas  again  retu!;,e,!  to  ;li.'  S  ■i:.ile,  aiul  in  is'.'t  cluiirnian  of  tin' 
I'Tnance  committ"e.  the  close  of  last  se-^sion  an  As-,.ii)bl_s  I, ill  for  rejeeing  ti:(; 
legal  rate  of  interest  and  banl<  di.scouni>.  toget  lier  with  remonstrances  frmn  diifereiit 
jiarts   of  the   slate,    weii-   referreil   to   tlio    Financi>    committee,      Mr.    Bronson    made  an 



i;lal)i)iT,tc  rt'iKji-t;  Senate  dor,.,  106,  April  It?,  183:1.      Of  lliis  rcpoil  Mr.  O'alLitin  .-^aid,     '•  ll. 
■sviiri  an  able  and  well  reasoned  doeuineul."' 

Ill  18;)4  (ien.  Cass,  Sec,  of  War,  on  recoinniendaliiei  liy  Silas  AN'riL'lit,  appt.  Mr.  15. 
one,  (d'  the  \isi!(irs  at  the  West  i'oiul  Acad. ;  suhseiinent  ly  lie  was  conimi.-^siou'-d  \vi  th 
uth(Ms  l»y  ihe  siateof  New  Ye.ik  tosettle  f(n' Ot^e^:o  the  cKcitiiij'.;  c<ja!l  house  ((iie^tioii.  His 
lat'-r  yra.T'.-,  with  siiirht  int<.-'-niplions,  were  de\-oted  a.-^sidtlo^|sly  toconinierce;  he'.i 
at  tlie  first  vi]la;;e  m.-etiii^'  in  0.svv(\Lro,  May  Vi,  '[i<2S.-i;,;'/t.'<i-ii'sIliyt.>,f  ]\'iil,)'iiii-j/. 
His  health  was  cxcelleiit  and  liis  niiiid  nniiii [>niii  d  to  the  ]as;. 

An  t)s\ve,i,''o  corii'.-.j)Mndent  of  the  A',  }'S>ii/  writes:  ■'.Mvin  Bionson  died  at  his 
resideni'e  in  this  ciry  this  ininiiing.  Mr,  Hrcnison  was  boi'i;  in  Waterhuiy.  ('onn. ,  .\!ay 
li),  1  iSo,  ami  was  nt.arly  'J8  years  of  age.  He  came  to  Oswcgi.  in  IsiOand  eni.'-aerd  in 
the  lalte  trade  as  uin.  of  the  firm  of  ISron^on,  Towiisend  iV  Co..  and  in  IS]~>  In;  was  one  nf 
tin-  v.elhknnwn  tirni  of  Broiison  ^V  ("in(d;er,  \\lio  carrii'd  oii  a  lari'e  connneicial  linsini-^,s 
on  tiie  lake.-,  and  canal  until  ISoS.  lie  was  eleclt  d  to  the  Slate  Senate  in  1,^-,.^'j  and 
re-electej  in  IS-.".).  Diiiint:  his  ^e/'ond  term  as  Senator  he  s^Tun>d  the  passaije  (d'  the 
l>ill  anilii'ri/jnu;  the  c-usti  nction  of  the  Osweiro  c:uial.  At  iIh;  se^,sion  n[  the  Senate  of 
1S'J4,  in  order  to  prevent  tin.'  vote  of  New  "^'ork  In  iin>:  ca-t  for  \Viiri;im  11.  ('raw  ford,  a 
bill  V.  as  inirmliK-ed  e-ivinir  the  electinn  tn  tbe  penph  .  Sevenn  en  Sen;Uui-s — aniaioiity 
of  tlie  Semite — ojijiosed  and  defeated  tlie  bill.  'rhe>;e  seventeen  Senators  were  known  as 
the  "infann)us  seventeen,"  on  a<-coiint  of  tin,'  pwpnlar  ckmnu'  ai^ainst  tlieni.  Mr. 
}5jX)nson  wasoneof  these,  and  tlie  last  stirvi\-or.  In  the  \vai' of  18rJ  .Mr,  lironson  had 
chargo  of  the  military  stores  belonging  to  the  govt  rnrru-nt  r-.t  Os>vegu.  and.  lo  preverit 
tlioir  being  caiUurcd  by  the  British,  tbrew  them  into  ihe  river,  for  XNddndi  he  \\-a<  talcen 
prisoner  ami  M.iidined  at  KinL'-^'on."  He  m.  in  Middlehnry,  i  nnn,.  the  yonirg''st  da'.i,  of 
t-'a})^.  l''dward  '  )''.^'(nnn.r.  a  Kev.  soldier;   :>ev.  cbiL,  of  wdioni; 

I.     Cecelia,  b.  bs^'i;  d.  at  U.,  Dec.  4,  l87'.i;ni.  J<dui  Lawrence  MrWhorler. 

Bi'onson  Ik  Ik'iicI:.  1N;j  ,  of  <_).,  is  a  i;;v.  s.  of  .Mvin  f>ror.>on 

.12.259.     Aaron  Tuttlo,  b.  .hme  lis  lHiO:  d,  Sej-t.    10,    1S:1C>,   a.    '/."i;  m.    K'ebecra. 
"Wuosier,  b.  Mav  10,  177'3:  d.  Oct.  4,  ISn,"),  in  .>-4;h  vr. 

I.  Uli\e,".b.n.  14,  1701;  m.  Daniid  Higby. 

1!.  C'vrns 'I'ntile,  Jan.  14,  17i/;j;  d.  .Inly 'JH,  IS70;  rem,  to  Cxford,  N.  "\'.,  where  he 
was  a  .Ht;<iic<'  <d'  the  Peace  and  ati  (diicf-i  ol  the  l'pi-e(ipal  SoidetN  several  m'-.  ;  ii'. 
Kesiali  Hristol.  by  ^\hem  he  had  one  cliiid:  ('^,i  Cathariee  I'ennett,  .y.  /. 

"ill       Anmi  d'lUtle,  .Ian.  2(l.  r.fif);  d,  ISW;:  m.  Mareh  S,  IS].".,  l--a.;'c  I'-enliam,  b.  .\ng. 
2    17fn';  re;^  Hamdeii,  Conn,      I,    ^^'Il.^,l.\^!.  .March  ','4.  1^17,      'J,  IsAAf,  .!  ii  ly  (k  l^'M:   d. 
next  du'v.     ;;■;,  J-VnKn,  ^kay  IS,  is-j3.     4,    !b',Tsr-,v  An.\,  Sept.   eW,   1^:27;  d.  .I'uly  :li),  ISlik, 
nk"    Daniel,  Sept.  4,'r7!)7:  nn  Sally  Dlaft. 
V       Ketsev,  Jan.  ol,  I^UO;  nn  Samnrd  \^^  Treat. 
Vl'      Aaron,  b.  Maridi    4,    1803;  m.    Nn--.    -'(),    ps-,^:?,    Anna    Abbott,    d;oi.    of  kk.vid  of 
Middhduirs-,  b.  Ang.  U,  ISIlO;   res.    ^^■est ville,    Conn.      1,   J\Mi>-,     •3,   .1  mn iMv;.      ;!,    ('i:i.- 
K.s-ri  \.  ni.   Ikirton   Diekei-man. 

Yll.  William  L.  Tutile,  ,ln!y  2,  IMId;  nt.  Kmereita  Man\ill(>:  renn  to  Oxf.-i'd,  N. 
Y.,  and  d.  Dec.  N,  1804:  chik  b.  in  Oxford,  and  live  theie,  ],  Cvia;s  (_de<-.)  2.  Maisy. 
3,  Kmi-.iiktt.     4,  Ki.i.KX. 

Yllk      David  Nk.  July  20.  isOtk  m.  Ikij'hemia  Deckerty. 

IX.      llarrv,  Jan.  '^^K  ISOO:  d.  Nkn'.  liO,    bs:!2:  m,    Harriet  Mnnns  and   Innl   one  datu 
1,   H.'.itKniT,  Mar(.di  11,  isd-'l:  m,  Simon  Tenilk 
Nk      Silas.  Juiu'2tk  lsl2;  m.  Susan  Allen. 
XI.      Arad,  Se])t.  12,    ]S14;   res.    (^Ukmdai-d,    Kas, ,   where  he  d,  <d"hiart    di^ea-e,    Oct. 
27,  1870.      He  was  a  Justic-e  of  the    Peace:  m.    Kli/.a    Mnnsi.n;  (2)  Kli/.abi'th  Uichardson. 
i.  'by  1st  m.:     1,   Fii.\NK,     2,   Ht.i.KN.     kby2(lni.:     8,   Fi.()i;.\,  res.  'ropi4<a,  Kas. 

.12.2591.     Olive  Tuttlc,  b.  Jan.  11,  17!ll:  d.    Nov.   'J,^,   ],s2  1:  m.  Marcli  11.  1818, 

Daniel  i^igky.  b.  Nov.  4,    17!M,);  soon   afti  r   m.    rem.    to   i.)xford,    Chemuigo    Co,,  X.  Y.,. 

thence,  in' iSltk    to   Nanticoke    S])ring-s.    Ikouuie   ('o.,    N.  Y.      |  He   m.  (2i  May  2."),  1X25, 

Xiinena   Parker,  wdn.i  d.  Jan.  2<k  1S,'(2;  lo)  .\i:ii(h.   4,    ls.-,7,  Hannah  SbUer|.      Tied.  Seot. 

'  12,  1«:)7. 

1.      l':/,.4vicl  I'igby,  Ma.y  ;',,  ISl.");  res.  110  Ckitharine  si.,  kdi/abeih,  N.  J.:    engineer 
in  oil  i-efinerv. 

II.  David  IkieJiv,  Mav  17,  1^17:  m.  P.etsev  A.  Ibiv. 
III.       Al'ijah  Pi'f.v,   .March  2k    ISp):    m.   MarvCl:,rk. 

)V.      Pcllerca  Anil  Iku;hy,  April  0.  ]s21:   d.  .April  dO.   1S24, 

\k  Klka-n.ali  D.  ikigliy.  Sept.  2lk  kS22:  learned  printer's  tiade  at  Ikin.iiltnn,  X,  Y,; 
-worked  iti  Syracn-i   and  Ithaca,  X.   Y.,  sev.  yrs,,    and  in    N.    Y.  C  ;   in.   .Xpril  i .  lSti2.  in. 

liiKiNSOX,    KKM'.V,    'i'l'l'l  1,K. 


Ncu-  ],cli;iiinn,  X.  "^'.,  KiiHiiM  A.  Ilinrklrv,  b.  >[uskiiiL;-nin  Co..  ().,  Sfpt.  4,  1S:>7:  <1 .  Dec. 

2:-J,  ISTo:   ivs.  S.,,kl_vii,  X.    V.      1,    J•;i.^v.\l;l.    ]).,    1,.,    X.    ^'.  ('.,  is,    ISC:;.      ',>, 

Or,ivi:  L.  H..  Ainr.  S,  isi'.l.     :;.   Azdi--,  o.-t.  '^k.  istic,;  d.  s.'pr.  1.    Isr.T.     -1,  D.wid,  ,Ium- 

22,  1S(!S;  (1   Si'i't.  11,  i>';s.     :,,  .M\i;v.  Xov.  7,  is:().     c,  (iKAci;,  .iiiiif  •: »',  isri. 

\'I.  Williiun  'I'littlc  HiltI'v.  S,'|it.  M.  IS'J-l;  pfiu.  fnMu  Stciilicii  Co.,  X.'  V.,  to  Miiiiic- 
ujxjlis.  Miiiu.,  \!<,i\:  ilirnc*.-  to  I'lcai-  W'aiiT.  Minn.,  aiid  t'arnicil;  taiii^iil  scliool  wiiitns; 
ek-rt.-il  to  State  ],ct!- ,  !.'-:(;.",  an. 1  ISC,-!.  Has  luvii  ,]  ustire  of  the  Pi-acr  for  tlie  County  of 
St(-anis  from  the  ori^aiiizutiou  of  tli''  State  (imt.,  fxcc[it  one  yr.,  IStJ.'),  and  has  licsides 
been  annually  elt-itfd  to  one  or  another  of  the  seliool,  town  or  county  ollices:  ni.  Dec. 
11,  IS.")].  Marietta  Hosvley,  A\hod.  v.  ('. .  h'eh.  IS,  IS."):!;  (2)  Xov.  1,  IS.V""),  Snsan  Peatce. 
l,"Fr.()i;i;.\(r.  A..  Auii;.  li,d.  Pee.  2 !.  ls.-,(;.  :?,  Wii.i  is  A,,  Julv  es,  l's.-,s.  8,  M.-vT^r- 
ETiA,  March  0,  P.^iKt.'^    4,   Caiikii-;  M  .  .Uilv  ;jO.  18(J--?.     r,,  Cviu's  TrTTi.i;.  Sept.  '.>],  ISG;! 

0,  M.\KTii.\  J.,  Jiuii'  -i."),  isc.j;  d.  Sei>t.  10,  1S09. 

.12.25912.  David  Kigby,  t>.  May  17.  1817;  ldack.sraith  hy  trade,  hut  for  many 
y<'urs  a  farmer  in  iiKh'pendent.cireum.-itaufes;  lias  held  various  sclmol  and  town  oflices; 
res.  Dei-uyter,  .Madison  Co..  X.  Y.;  ]n.  Sept.  14.  1.S4-3.  IJetsey  A.  luiy,  b.  A  prills;  ]S','0. 
I.  Hay,  Aug.  Q-).  1.84;);  eii!i-ted  Sejjt..  ISGl  and  served  througli  ilje  w;!r:  now  a 
)iros[ierous  faiiner;  m.  Dec.  '-?4,  lS(i,S,  Klnuhi  benjamin,  and  liaiTl  s.  and  2  dans,  the 
latter  ij;rad.  Xorni.-il  scho(d.  iJortland,  X.  Y, ;  teachers  at  PelJuvter. 
II.     rrank  11.,  b.  .lulv  •2r,.  Isli;;  d.  Uct.  11,  1N50. 

III.  .Martlia  .1..  ii.  ,Iulv  i-j,  1.S4!). 

IV.  Mary  K,  b.  Autr."lO,  18.").j. 

.12.25913.  Abijah  Rigby,  !>.  March  21,  ISI'J;  bhick-mith,  but  became  a  farmer; 
rem.  to 'rrou])sburLcii,  Sieul>>.-n  Co, ;  servtMl  in  late  war:  is  supt.  of  Sunday  school ;  m. 
Ai)ril  27,  ISl'J,  Marv  Clarl;.  b.   Wavne,  X.  Y.,  April  2(i,  ISIS. 

I.  Olive  A.,  i..  Feb.  2.-..  ISIH;  m.  July  4.  isiH,  V.  11.  K(41ey,  b.  Sept.  :jO,  IS-jl); 
res.  Merchantvi'.le,  Steuben  Co.,  ^.  Y.  1,  Leoxoka  K.,  b.  Sept.  2fl.  1807.  2,  Xki.i.ii-: 
J.,  Sept.    ;:".,  187(1. 

II.  Daniel  1'.,  b.  March  Dl,  184.1;  eiili.sted  March  4,  ISGl,  Co.  D,  170rh  ivgt.  X.  Y. 
^'ols. ;  wounded  three  times  at  reter.sburg,  \'a.,  and  discharged  .lune  S,  18(4"");  m".  Xov.  4, 
1870,  Il-annah  Heriin,u-ton,  b.  Sept.  C.  17.")-2.      1.    Fkx.nki;  \.\  b.   Dec.  21,  1S74. 

III.  Samuel  (i..'\>.  Se],;.  '.t.'ls47;  enlisted  Au.i^'.  2!),  18(51.  Co.  b,  i?egt.  X".  Y. 
Vol. ;  Ihigineer;  discharue:!  4 une  S.  lsr.."j;ni.  Sent.  4,  bS74,  l.'osa  D.  Pahnentei,  b.  June 
17,  D.12,      1,   MiXMi:  ALvv,  b.  Mav  21,  1S7(;. 

lY.      ]?ali.h  R.,  b.  Aug.  1.  islfi":  m.  Marv  F,.  Bruwr,.  h.  April  18,  18.04. 

V.      .lame.,  W'.,  Oct.  U,  is,-,:;;  ni.  Dec.  20,  187G,  Sarah  Darlle. 
VI.      Cyrus  'P.,  b,  Feb.  12.,. 
VIJ.      Albert  .1.,  .bine  20,  ]  SCl . 
VIII.     Carrie,!.,  Sept.  2^;^  ISi;:!:   res.  Woodhull,  X.  Y. 

.12.2594.  Daniel  Tultlo,  b.  Sept.  4,  1797;  d.  187<i;  in.  ('ct.  7,  1S18.  Sallv,  dan.  of 
Xatlian  Piatt  of  Waterbui'v,  Conn.,  b.  S.'pt.  !t.  bSt'O;  r<-s.   \V. 

I.  i{ebccca  Ann,  b.'Xov.  2i!,  ISl'.i;  lu.  Feb.  28.  18;lS,  David  Hull.  1,  Ih-.wix  .1. , 
b.  Dec.  28,  ls;!S;  res  \V.  2,  SAi;Aii.!.,  b.  Xov.  21,  1840.  ;b  Ai-(;fsTA  .-\.,  Jan.  .0,  ls44. 
4,   li:vi.\.:  1).,  J<ui.  12,  1840.     .>,  Airnirii  S.,  b.  Jan.  4,  IS-OU. 

11.  Pubv  Smith,  b.  Sept.  1.  1S21;  ni.  Mav  1.  18:37.  Alanson  Craw;  one  child, 
KmviN  A.,  b.  .Maii-h  1,  is:is. 

III.  Aaron,  b.   F(4.    p],  d,  March.  oO,  1823. 

IV.  Fli/.abeth  Meli.-,sa,  b.  March  1.0,  1S24:  m.  March  1,  l."^42,  John  Smith.  1, 
Hr,N'itY  ('.,  b.  .\pril  4,  ISfO.  2,  Fkkdiohjci^,  Marcdi  4.  isfs.  ;i,  C\siy\rK.  Oct.  17. 
ison.     4,    F.I, I. K.N,  Dec.  4,  1S0;J.     0,   S.\j(Aii  P,i;tsi.v,  b.  Oct.  ;n,  IsOO. 

Y.  Sarah  Irena,  b.  Aug.  1,  IS'ji;;  d.  Sept.  K!.  Is02:  m.  March  4.  IsfO.  ijoia.c- 
Osborn.  1.  MAirriiA  E.,  Dec'.  2s,  ls4',).  2,  Annii  i:  P.,  April  24  180:',.  ?,,  I'Idwaui) 
W.,  Xov.  (i,  1800. 

\'f.      IJi/a  (bace,  Aug.  2o.  1S28;  d,  Ajitil  li),    ls07:  m.    Feb.  2,  1800,  Hiram  Smith. 

1,  V\'ii.i..m:i>  p..  b.  Xov.  27,  IsOn,      2,    lu  KKtiA  Eli/.a,  (.>ct.  0,  1S02. 

VII.  Ivlwaiil  Daniel,  b.  .\lay  pl.  lS;-;0;  for  s.^veral  years  has  had  charge  of  the  brass 
mill  of  the  Scovilh- Manufacini-imr  ('o.  iit  ^\■atel  luirv,"  Conn. ;  m.  A], til  II,  ls.",s,  Han- 
nah (P,  (bin  .  of  Simeon  Curtis  of  Soiithbury.  Conn.  1,  Ei.t.i-;.N"  Il.WNUi,  b.  MckJi  27. 
isoii;  d.  iOb.  2,  Isi.s.  2,  Pi;.\.\i;,  b.  feb.  1<!,  jsOj.  ;;.  Fnw\i;i.  Da.nh.i.,  I>. 
I'04>.  11  d.  I'OJ..  is,  iso:;.  1,  Fi;a.N(  rs  Cciri-s,  b,  .\pril  10,  Isijl;  ,1,  Aiuil  10,  ISOP  0, 
Mahv  boitsA,  b.  March  12,  18iiG.     0,  Hannah,  b.  Sejit.  0,   1808. 

Ties  BUAXril    OV    XATIIAXIKL. 

■     .12.2595.     Betsoy  Tuttle,  b.  .I;ui.  :1J,    ISOU;  m.    18-2-?,  Samuel  W.  Tm.t,  1,.  Oct. 

r..    ISOl;    irs.  :tli(!(llct)llfv,    Vt. 

1.  (u'or-c  Treat, '.Mav  o,  \X2:]:  m.  Xnv.  14,  IS,^^,  Ksthcr  I^ruwii,  h.  0-t.  13,  LS15; 
r.'s.  M  . 

)1.  yic.vv  Aim,  1..  Nov.  17,  1S;50;  m.   -Inw  H,  Is^mI,  Cliailcs  H.  Stri)licns. 

]I[.  OiivV,  b.  June  '20.  Jis:«;   in.  .Iiine  17,  ISC'l,  'J'li.una,  A.  .Iiuld. 

1\'.  Jane,  1).  Aut;-.  17,  iSoU;  iii.    Nov.    VA,  1S(;4,    Heiirv  A.  Knaiip,    wlio   (1.  Jua.' 2-1, 


.12.2598.   navidN.  Tuttle,  !».  July  20.  l^'Or;;  d,  in  r.ulT.ilo.  N.  Y.,.Tan,  IG,  isTij; 
in.  Jvii-heiiiia  r)e<'kertv;  (2)  .Marv  Ann  Maiiville;    d.  .lane  7,  IMiii.      /.  bv  2d  ui.: 
1.      Wa-^liiii^-tonJ.,    res.  lOS  Carrn!)  st.,  Brooklvn,  N.  Y. 

II.  (I'eoi-e  M.,  b.  >[:uv!i  4,  ls:M;  m.  1,  .M aky,  !>.  Uot.  IS,  lsi57:  d.  sn.  2,  M.viiv 
Ei:iMiKMi.\,  b.  ,Mav  2o,  1809. 

HI.  David  Wooster,  b.  April  21,  1840:  Capt.  ..I'C...  C.  llOlh  IJetrt.  N.  Y.  Vols.,  and 
■vvHS  killed  at  DouHldsville,  I^a.,  -.vhile  taking-  from  tbe  lielil  a  i)iery  ol'  Union  ai-tiliecy 
nbaiidonud  by  tliosc  liavinu  it  in  eliar^-e',  July  1:!,    lsi>;. 

.12.259.10.  Silas  Tuttle,  b.  June  2ii,  1812.  Ai^iiointed  b_%  <iov.  of  Conn.,  Lieut, 
of  8tK  Co.  12tli  Ilegt.  Conn.  Mik  and  i^erved  as  Ca]>t.  until  the  militia  system  w.-tsabaa- 
done<l.  Justice  of  the  peace  and  lias  held  various  otU<.-es  in  lii.s  native  town  of  Middle- 
buvy;  resides  on  the  old  liome-li-:id,  oci-ui)ie,l  by  hi-.  a;i'-e-;to:'s  for  ri;'ar!y  twn  centuries. 
It  is  situated,  on  the  eastern  border  of  Lake  Wer.-iamaui;-.  a  small  but,  l)i'autiful  sheet  of 
watei,  whicdi  desiM'ves  to  be  better  kimwn  to  the  hiverscjf  the  pic,tiu'es(]iie.  An  eni^'raved 
view  of  it  may  l>e  seen  ia  Cothrea's  ]\'<"iili>"i-i/,  2d  vol.,  p.  lO'i'J  Capt.  'J'uttie  has  taken 
much  intei'est  in  this  work,  and  \\'e  are  indel.iled  to  hirji  for  cojiies  of  rec(jrds  and  other 
tiicouragf.-moit  and  aid;  m.  Sept.  1,  18:;lo,  Susan  Allen,  b.  Api-ii   7.  b81o. 

L  lleriry  A.,  !.>.  Ai^ril  28.  18-J4:  beiaij  left  with  a  itei;;hl'ir  \vas  run  o\c:-byan  ox 
cart  and  killed,  Sept.  lo,  lS-i;\:  buried  same  day  aad  tiia:-  with  his  graadfathei,  Aaron 
Tuttle:   the  InrLi'est  funeral  ever  known  in  ]\Iiddlebur\-. 

If.  Julia'  S.,  b.  April  2,  18:'.:;  ni.  Feb.  'I'l  bS  ;i),  Al-craua  C.  ILmcIi;  res. 
liauidea,  Conn. 

HI.  Kuiily  Augusta,  b.  July  lo.lHlI;  for  many  yr,--  an  invalid  and  I'onfined  to  a 
1) -d -of  sulT<  rini::  a  case  similar  in  soaie  resp^-i.-ts  to  that  of  Clilo  •  Liakton  [1].  Mi.-s 
Tuttle  c -mpDsed  the  hym.i  sun:,^  at  the  'jhittle  F:imily  i';ath"i  iu^-  in  Sept.,  1^7:^,  and  has 
writ  tea  many  ]>ieces  which  have  a])peared  from  lime  to  tine'  in  various  ])ape;'s.  The 
f(db  v.iag  are  the  two  and  last  two  of  a  poem  of  eight  viu-ses,  published  ia  the  A'fr,,. 
r  il>  a,td  Cr  wnJii'// ,  ia  whiidi  sin-  give.-,  exiu'c-sioa,  no  doubt,  to  her  owa  trials  aad  iier 
coasohaioa.      It  is  headed,  "li-ad  .Me  to  tla.>  h'ock  that  is  Higher  tha.a  1." 

Life's  tempest  is  ragint,'-,  tlie  wind-;  loudly 
My  frail  barque  is  dufriiig  far.  f..r  from  the  shore; 
>ry  tieart  is  o'crwhelmcd,  Lord,  hc;ir  my  .sid  cry, 
"Lead  me  to  the  Rock  that  is  iiifflicr  than  L"' 

Distressed  and  perplexed,  niy  spirit  is  faint, 
To  whom  but  to  thee  cnn  I  briri;::  my  '-onujt.iiat' 
■     .     •  .  Lord!  thoa  art  near  me,  and  still  will  I   cry, 

"  me  to  tl.c  R'.>'k  lliat  is  liighcr  than  1." 

Ere  l'.inf;  th-ju  uik  lift  life's  black  cloud  fro.B  my  sight. 
And  lead  from  this  darkness  thy  child  into  lijrht. 
And  then  shall  I  trace  from  my  home  in  the  sky, 
This  path  to  the  "liock  that  is  higher  than  I" 

Not  one  pain  too  rnanv,  not  one  sorrow  nor, 
.  ■  Nor  one  panu;  at  with  hopes  chctished  here, 

All,  all  these  were  needful  my  iiatience  to  try. 
They  led  to  "the  Kock  that  w;is  higher  than  1  ,'' 

IV.     ^Liiy  FJlea,  b.  June  10,  IS")!. 

.12.25.10.  Ephraim  Tuttle,  bap.  Nov.  2:L  ITfio;  Capt.:  d  L---.  ID,  ls:;o.  ]|is 
will  n:iiues  \s-f.  Sarrdi  tiiid  till  the  S  chik;  m.  Nov.  L),  178!),  Sarah  Smnr',  who  d.  July 
28,  1817.  ;i.  74. 

1.      Ihuriet,  m.  Philu  Seott;   rem.  to  Oxford,  N.  Y..  wleu-^'  she  d,  Jan.  2."),  18(i7.      1, 

Ii;\,     2,   S\i;.\ii,  dee.     o,    Lrey,  dec.      4,  LvDi.v,  :ii.     o,   Fi.i/.v.     (i,  Ji'llv, 

111.  J'l  uman  Ihetre,      7 .    F.i.  \M.  nt. 

11.  Ahin,  .\iiu-.  1.  17'.LL  d  l•^■b.  Is.  lsi;7:  la.  olive,  b.  O-t.  2L  1^'Jii. 
1,  Lta  is-s,  Ji:lv  -J,  is-J'.i.  1,,.  Lester  L.  P.uelL  ,mh'  eiiikl:  1.  \\''"i  .  d.  Oct.  2,  1s.j7.  a.  o 
nins.  2,  Amani>.\.  L.Ji.  s,  ]s:;r,;  d.  March  !^^  Is:'.;.  :;.  Loi;i,n  \,  Ocf.  o.  ls:;7:  d.  at  Mt. 
llolvoke,  A.'.iil  12.,  is.)7.     4,   Tii.)M.\s  Jkkkj::;.si>.n,  .May  24,  ls4l. 



in.  Lyd'ui,  M:i.v  4.  IT'.Hi:  in.  Jolin  Saiifnrd  ITiiycs.  [If.'  m.  (2)  Aiiiii  Ch-.rk].  1, 
.\'ki.s(^n  .1.,"  Miifcii  -ii',,  isiil:  1,1.  .lunc  :;,  iNld.  Clilu.'  S.  .M.woo.l.  h.  Julv  IS,  Ih'Jd;  n-s. 
.Mid,llfbiu\-,  Conn.     2.  J'.i'iiKAiN!  •(.,  .liilvJl,  KJ'Jl:  ni..M;iv(i,  IS  l.S,  II;in-ift".M;ison,  li.  I'l-I). 

4.  lS-27;  (i."  April  is,  ISCi).  lie  ni.c2)  Klizii  O-ilfii  Muml"',  li.  Feb.  •,',  is;;!).  /.  hv  1st  n.: 
1.  y,/so,i  II.,  n,-r.  ■.>:,,  ls,-,:V  /.  hy-Jdm.:  2,  l.<i-lln  Kll\,i .  ■\n\\  10.  jsiiil.  :{.  'M-n-ij  J,., 
A^l^^  2i),  ISi;.-,.      ;;,    INkhtta.  .lulvS.  \<.:\{);  m.  -hui.  i\,  IS:")."),    NVilliam    .Mtiwvrll.  l,.'.M;iv 

1.  ]"^'--'!i.      1.  Kuiiii.'.  Sent.   •,\    Is.V).     4,    IlAKi.iKi.    ?>I;iirh   4.   ]s;;i:  d.  Sep!,  o.  is;j.j.     5, 

I,Vl:l  Vl'.lTK.   Auu.    -Jd,   is:;,.");    lu.   .Ian.   2\.    is."),"),   Oliver  <.'<dc.       1.     luiK  isnii.  dec. 

I\'.      Sarah,  Jan.   IS.  nil',);  ni.  Mai.h  \-2.  IS'^lj,  (iarry  Scott,  b.  X.,v.  s.    i:<j-.>;   d.  May 

5,  ]S:i7;  idul.  li.  in  XN'n'xIhn  ry.      1,    Sauau  ]■".]. i/a  i;i-:Tir,    l-'(4i.    1(1,    lS-.>7;   xr<.    'rcrrvvilli'. 

2.  Makv  Ki.i/.A,  .hill.  2(J,  is-ii);  d.  Jan.  ',\S,  is.")l.  :',.  Fi:a .M. ).i .\  H..  XyrW  2\,V^'.\{:  m. 
March  81.  1S.").S,  Emily;'.  Tin  k^r  ot'  Middlebury,  Conn.;  ^w  child;  1,  Mrr;;  K.sifi'd,  b. 
June.").  IS*;-.?;  ics.  'j't-rrvvilic  4,  F);i;i)ia;ic  )v  ti  i:oi;';i-.,  (.»ri.  i4,  is:;:;;  ni.  net.  -Ji;,  is.")!). 
.Maiiha  Ncutnn  ni  M.  '  1.  Ksth,  r  AihJI<',  .\  a.i,^  ^a.  lS;i2.  'J,  Fr,<1,  riyl  ll,i,r;i.  .\\,v\\  l."",, 
1S70.  •').  W'li.i.i.v.M  i!):.Ni;v,  Nov.  2'-],  ]s:J");  d.  .\  uy.  27,  b"-:!*!.  tj,  ( i.\  u);  v  4'ri'i],i.,  Xov. 
S,  ls::17;  was  in  tin-  I'nici)  army  in-arly  4  yrs.  a.s  2d  I,ii;nt..  1st  Jdent.  and  linally  (_'a]H.  of 
Co.  C,  !.l!ii  Ki'ct.  (.'onii.  V,,!s.,  :in<l  lionorably  disc  h;w--rd  at  end  of  tin'  wai-;  r-s.  jlartbn'd, 
Conn.;  tleaUr  iii  t'-a,  coffee  and  .siiicfs;  ni.  July  Kb  I'^'bl,  Sarah  11.  Mc.X.'il  of  Newllav., 
(\)iin.      \,  AUirit    M'-\,u',    Se]it.    11.  1  Silo.     2."  A''//'70-(/ 4/,/,'7/_v,  Sep;,  ;»,  ]s:n. 

V.  I.ucy,  Nov.,  ISO];  111.  March  27,  1S22.  Ca])!.  Jbmsoin  J)idsoii,  a  tlr<r.  of 
\\il!iain  Juilson.  He  lias  a  ]bl>h'  2-")0  y  )'s.  old,  a  family  heirloom.  1,  Frnfs  W..  ra. 
1,  J. "'■//.  2,  A''i. /■/  I-yj.simrdi.  2.  Ci[Aiv(,i;s  U.,  ni.  Fdi/abetli  Sj>encer;  (2)  Mi's.  Harriet 
.Sioi.e.  1.  <_'/u/ /■!>■•<.  '■'>.  Ibir-Kirr.  Julv,  ]S2();  in.  Ihiih  i'aaks;  (2i  Jane  S.  Finiie\  ;  (:;). 
1,  (•/'-//■',.v.  2,  Fo,f,)\  dec.  -A.  J/.7/'v  7i7A\,  dec.  4.  A  <lrii.,  dec.  4.  Ai.iu.-.iiT.  m. 
-Marin  r)d|ohn.      lie  d.    An.o-.   22,    b-^iib     "l,   J.nrhis.      2.   Hufh.      ?,.    l'ir,„Jn>.      r,,   J.riY 

Ja.nk,  1).  is:JS;  111. Miles;  (2) Frencli.     tj.   Ci.akissa.  Xov.  24.  is;;);,; m.  <u'ori;-o 

Bostwick.  1,  I, inn.  2,  San'h  KnnliiK.  7,  (i  i:i)1;';f,,  served  as  Seri;-t.  in  Fniou  army; 
was  wounded  at  the  battle,  (d'  C'  Cieek',  Va..  ami  d.  Ocl.   ill.  jSlH,  a.  21. 

VI.  'J'al>iilui.  Jnlv  ;Ji.  1^':)7;  d.  ir>;.  !0,  iSb);  m.  Xov.  27,  bs;;2,  Divid  M,  Fenu, 
b.  July  4,  \Vy.):  d.  Xo\.  ;3,  lsfi2.  1,  MAirniA,  Anu'.  lb,  ls;i2;  d.  Xov.  (i,  1^^70;  iinm.  2, 
MAjn  K..  May  .").  is:;.");  m.  Oct.  10,  bs")"),  James  17  Isaldwin,  b.  .Ian.  \',,  ls:>:J.  res.  Mid- 
dlebiiry.  Conn.  1,  \f,ir'Jni  I 'mii,  itn .  Jan.  !1.  ls.")7.  2.  Iiciiif/  h'/m  r--^  'i, .  y,uv.  [t,  Js.",;).  Ij, 
M/,  Ji'ily  2!).  1S72.  ;!.  David  M.  Ati--.  -A.  ls:J7;  res.  Mid'dlel)ii:-v,  Conn.  4  Sami-kl 
S.,  Feb.':,  isii;  1,1.  Oet.  7.  lsi-,s.  Sarah  C..m;'.  1,  ]''■!:,,■'  AflKx.  Jan.  1.1,  is70;  I'es.  Ab 
i),    11km;y  S..  Mav  2!;,  1S44;  \x\.  and  liad:      1.    M'r;i  l\iUUh,i. 

Vll.      edaj-issa'.  d.  .May'.).  ls;-;S;  m.  William  A.d'inker.      1,    IvMii.Vi:'..  April  Ki,   1838; 
\\\.  Mandi  ;;i.  1S.18,  !■'.   ii.  ^coti. 

Vin.  Fli/.a,  Manli  11,  ISlti:  d.  Feb..  ISlit);  ni.  Alexander  (i.  Davis,  an.l  rem,  to  Va. 
"  He  served  as  a  spy  in  tlie  Union  ariu.\-."  1.  IIknky,  m.  and  res.  in  \'a.  2,  J'J.I.KN, 
•Ian..  1s:!"<;  in.  F-hnuud  4'yKr;  res.  \'a.  1,  Krhwind.  2.  Tltijunix,  y,  Maiiia,  dec. 
4,    Jo.-i:i>ll!Xi:,  lu. ]d''htbiot;    les.   Vu. 

,12.25.11.  Mabel  Tattle,  I'.ip.  April  4.  17e;);  m.  April  20,  17!).),  Caleb  Mnn^on, 
.ir.,ot  'A'aterl)iiiy.  Middiebury  Soc. ;  tlienci-  to  \\'insted.  17S7.  About  ]S()0  lived  in  a 
honsi'.  ii'.iw  torn  down,  ••  on  Fake  st.  near  ilie  old  factorv  h(jn.>e;"  rem.  to  Marc.dlus,  X. 
v..  ab.,ui  l:>07  [.11.] 

i.      Caleb  .Miles  .Mtuison,  .Fan.  1-3,  17!l2.      ■•  4'he  l)ig,  strong-  boy  "of  Boyd's  Hist,  of 
AN  imdiesTer. 

11.      (Hover  Street  Munsoti.  .May  14,  1794. 
111.      F'vi  Beiihani  Mutts  ni.  (ilaii   )  Jan.  l;;,  17!i7. 
1\'.      A/ub.ali  .Mniisoii.  b.  May  21.  d.  (.)ct.   17,  1  7LtU. 
V.      Alvira  Mutf-.on.  .\o\ .  24.  ISUO. 
A'l.      .lerry  .Mnii~on,  .Match  2-"),   is  M. 
Vll.      Lucy  Mnnsuii,  :March  S,  1S0)>. 

.12.26.     Caleb  Tuttle,    b    Mav  ib  1721;   d.    Sept.    2r),    17y;);   m.    .Marv  '{'errill,  who 
d.  .May  iO,  1^11,  :,.   7.1.    Sin-  m.  i2)  Xailiait  ilitie.    hi-  2d  \vf, 
I.       Atnasa,  b.  ()..t.  ."").  ITii."!;   in.   Sibvl  W'oo-t-r. 

lb     .bisepli,  b.  .March  1.  17f;7;  d.   ..:  /.    in    N.    Hav.,    D,m-.    12,     is  IT,  iti  Sl.-.t  year.— 
C'/v.-  -.>,',.//,  r,'/   Ilmini  :,    PLnrs;  m.   .\ov.,   KS."),  Airs.   i.Mioda  Clinton. 

III.  Hen.jamiii,  1>.  Ma;.'  b").  17(iS;  went  ti  ( J  :-eem',  Ch:'nanLi>  ' 'o.,  X,  '^'.;  m.— — . 
1.  P!;i:sio\.  2.  \N'.\ii!!)'..\  :j.  M.vitv.  4,  Cviti'--.  ri  n.  to  (!r<-ei,e,  Co.,  .\. 
y. ;    perh-:p^  oilier,^. 

IV.  Abiuaii,  b,.   .\i>rii  2.  ITTo;  d.   nnni.,   iSib  '    '■ 
V.      .Marv.  b.   Nov.  2d,  KTl:  d.  num.,  ISibb 


yi.      (iMJTis.  h.  A]';-il  1,-),  177:5:  drowned  in  ^[i!ford.  Conn.,  Aii:r..  17!)1.  ; 

Vir.     ClcnicMr.    in.      1,    ('i.i;m):.\t.     '.',    I'kk.-'Iun    \\'i;.-!.i:v.     :i,   <.';,    ios.    X.   ,1  I 

4,    I..i'Tiri;i;.      ."j,    Smimm.v.  <1.   iMid-H'      (1.  Kia/.\,  ics.  Scvmonr,  Cunn.        '  '  ] 

\IU.      Sniilli  \\  ln',1,-,-.  1).  .Iiinc  .*),  177.");  m.   l^ai  lis!irl);i  Sniit  li ;  ('.?)    \  nil  'riioruiis.,]!  ;' 

IX.      M'.-'s,  1..  .Iiilv  l:j,  ITsJ;  ni.  n,',-.  -JO,  ISUI,  Lrnvn;,  Wl.cLl.r  '  -" 


.12.201.   Tattle,   1'.  On.  .-..  170:.;   v,m.  Iroui  \V.M,dl,urv   to  Dcrlr,-,  ('(,;in  1 

tlicncc  ti.  l!;.,ni;l<-n,  (.'cnu.,  uli.-n- lir  <1.   l),,-.  'J,-),  ls4i,  a.  77,  (i,-ra  vi'-stoni-.  Ilamdrti  I'iains  )  ', 

111.  Silnl  \\'(u>.-tcr  (.-^i>tt-r  of  Aaron  'j'uttie'>    wiiV    l^^dnH-ca),     wiio  d.    .Jul\     Is      \^\y,    a    t;'»  ■■ 

(ilH'f).  '  '  '     '     '  i 

I.     riil.M.,  1..  Ji;nc,  17!)i:  m.  Al.ram  Kawkins.  \ 

II.      Atisrl,  ],.  Jan.  V,.  17!)-];   m.  \\>\>y  Slu.-t.  '  l^ 

III.  Orrin,  1>.   17l<o:   ni.  I^uvlinc  ( MHulrick  ;   (•,')  Silivl  F>oiii)nn;  (.'!)  Svl via  Eaton-   rc^'  T 
Hamdyn.      1,   ,A[.\i!v.     ■?,   M.\i;i.\.      :j,   Ei.i.kx.     -1,  .1  wins,     o,  Sa'i;.\ii.  '  ■ 

IV.  C].ArA«K.h.  17!)7:  d.    .Innc    lo,    IS71,   a.    74;   m.    I'::uon    Andn-ws   ofllanid-n  ' 
wlio  "d.  .Inne -2.  INM),   a.  ;i(;.-  (//.   J\  nr.n-r^.yf,,,,,  \.      Slio   111.    (2)    ^f.-rritt   AlJin"-    who  d 

TV.,'.  ;]1,  is;;;),  a.  7  7,  hi^  Ud  wf.      (  iiis  l-.i  u-f.  S  .pl,ia  d.  n,-t.  :{.  iS:i7,  a.  -1  Ij.      /.   \>v  l<\_  m  : 
1.'ox,  m.   I.aiira  Stivtton  and  !ia^  -j;   i-cs.  II.      2     M  \];y   d    v       H     Axukfw-; '1' 
(I.  F..!>.   12,  is;.-,',  a.  24;   in.  Corn'Mia  iM.nd.  '       '  '  "  , 

y.     (iaiTivnr.,  1,.  I7;i!^t;  (liowui'd  in  ilanidcn    a    12  vr^  '     i 

V!.      JvNd>.v,-a.  d.  y.  "      '  f 

Vll.      Jani.'~  W", .,,>!".•,  1).  Mav,  1^02;   went  10  'J'.^va-  and  d     t]ici\-  \ 

\  III.      Aid-ail,  1..  .Mar.d.  28,  1x04;   ni.  ().  S.  C'liatfi(dd.  l 

IX.      Mary  Ann.  1.,  Ori.  S,  ISOfi;  m.    S.   (i.  P>:-nliain.  '  ' 

X.      Mai-ia  S..  1..  Im-1).  4,  ls(i;);   ;n.    i-dia^  \'\'ariier. 
_Xl.      JoM'jdi  (i.,h.   ISKI;  m.    Polly   Ann    Allin;,-;  (2)    Pidlv   Fivnrdi,   /.  bv    1st    rn.:  ;J 
rhil.;  /.  l)y  2d  111. :  2  cdnl.,  nanios  unknown.  -  .  .         .  . 

Xn.      I'll,  or,  li.  1M2:   ni.  Ciiarle.s  Norman;  (2i   David  L:.ckwood,   ifs.    Wv^t    Brid.'-f. 
\nm.  Conn.;   /.  !.y  Is:  m. :  2  (diil. 

.12.2011.      Cllloe    Tuttle,    b.    Juno,  171;];    d.    Ans.uiia,  Awj;.  01,  IROS;   m.  Jan.   6. 
ISIU,  Abialiani,  :,.  ol  ].>avid  and  ilann^.n  (lUuand)  JLuv]<ins. 

I.  Ahraliani  Hawkins,  b,  Nov.  1(1.  ]S10;  -raited  bnsincss,  ls:;r,,  ,)f  blarksniitliin-- in 
Birnnngdiani,  C,.nu..  whvrL- tin-  niace  .d  tiio  Ilirni.  Srr,d  and  In,n  Work.s  now  stand-;. 
Next  your  witli  lii.s  oiorlnT  William  boean  inai^ine-  ,-aniaL:f  axlos  and  M^iriiii^.s.  In  ISMf* 
built  :i  liiiie  lact.iry  on  .Main  -i.-.  in  1^4.-)  tbov  took  in  Ibmrv  Atwatrr  'of  X.  llav.,  ami 
built  tli-  Iiinnin;:bam  Ir.-n  and  Str<d  \\'.n-k-."and  ad.dc<l  th,.  ina];inu-  of  iron  and  .st,-(  1  -,. 
tliat  (d  a..\-los  and  spring.-^,  in  l^.-,(l  William  Hawkins  n-riivd  from  the  concern,  and  n.-xt 
yc'ar^ bought  the  t,tono  factory,  buiU  by  Plumb  lV  Pea<di,and  under  tlie  name  of  the 
Hawkins    .M;uuifa;-tiiri:ie-    Co.,    cari-ie  1    on    the    .same     bii,-<in-ss    till     IS.IU.  Bn.siness 

iiicrea.sinir  they  bonglit  the  <dd  copper  mill  propertv  and  added  an  iron  foundrv  fer 
inakine- axle  bo.xe.s  and  nihiM'  ca^tin^.s.  fp  u>  isd.'i'ihis  linn  had  ■inide  nnne  car'riaire 
axles  than,  any  utiier  in  the  r.  S.  ,Scc  //ov/.  »/' /;,/•/„/  and  portrait  in  same.)  Hem. 
Betsey  lb. ■nsnn  and  lia.sGcliil.;   res.  X.  llav., 

II.     Susan  Hawkins,  b,  Sept.  24,  1^12;  m.  James  Weeks;  res.  X.  Hav. 

III.  Havid  Hawkins,  b.  July  4,  ]H\  1;  ni.  Elizabeth  Stoddard:  o  ,diil.;   re>.  Ilamden. 

IV.  ^\llliam.    b.   July    .""i,   ISlG;   (see  above);    a.fter   the   above   coinpaliv   diss.dved    he 
bouelit  ot  Downs  \-  Basset   his   present    factory   and   b.-run    makinLr  tlie  patent  Hawkins  ; 
skab'.jiateiit  wrencli  .and  other  lu<rdwar(  ;   m.  'ni.'da  i'llton;  d  (diil.';  res  P.irmintdian,. 

V.     Mcjbcs  Hawkins,  D.-c.  :],  IMS;  ni.  Betsev  I'atchin;  4chil.;  res.  15.  '  I 

V].      Tliomas  \V.  Hawkins,  b.  Dec.  20,   lb20".    in.  .Minerva,  dau.  of  Wlieeler  Tuttle,  ] 

and  has  H  chih;  re.-.  X.  llav.  i 

.12.2612.     Ansel  Tattle,  b.  .fan.  d,  17!M:  d.  in  X.  Hav.,  Conn. ,  Oct.  1*',  1S20;  m.  '. 

Xov.  ;.•!(»,   l;-;i4,  Ab  .\    Short  of  D.-rl.v,  Conn.,  b.  .ian.  d,  17'.M,  who  ni.    t2)   .\iii:.   11.  l^dO,  '" 

Jabe/.  M\\  (;iib..rt  of  X.  Hav.      She'd,  ai  WdJliain-bur-,  1,.  I.,  .Mr.ivh  dO,  lS(i2.  : 

i.      ib'iiry  ivhvin,  b.  .March  21,  1^14;  in.  Sept.  21.   1^41,  .Marv    Idizabeth    llibbard;  " 

res.  X.   llav.      ].  K.vxxn;  Em.m.v,    b.    Dec.  21,    isi:;;    d,    Sept.    vs"    is.-)7.      2,  Wii.i,iv.m  \ 

lli;xi;\,  b.  .lime  s.  is.-io.  ; 

H.      William  An-rd,  b.  .Marcli  ]4    ISld;   lo-t  at  sea  i 

III.  Maria.  <i.   y.  '         '  .  1 

IV.  IMwanl  Onin,  b.  .ban.   7.  1^20;   d.  Maivl,    I,   I '^2  1 . 

V.  Edwardi  Onin.  b.  .Nov.  i:\.  1S2.;;  m.  Catharine  btda.rlc.  1,  (i  F.oi;oi;  Stk.\t:ns. 
b.  Dec.  ,-),  lSb"i.  2,  4  i!ri;(iN  C[..\i;k,  b.  .\pril  s,  ]N17.  d.  Joii.x"  Wowstk;;,  b.  Aui;-.  2, 
]84;»;  j.rofc-sajnal   and   music  teacher.       4,  Wii.i;i-it  SimiM,  b.  Julv  1.  lS,-.2:   m. 

ITTTl.E.  571 

<>(;i.  '?'2,  IST'J,  CaiYiliu,.  ]\.  K'cilirlwiMtlicr.     ^ ,  Jiihniid  ]\us,     h    Sept    .")    18?:^      ,"i    Cwwv 
\'\.     .lohn   Slioi-t,    l>.   Jan.   :,'."■),  18-34.       1,  John    Siiturr.      2,  I'hanc  ks  Loiisa.      o 

\VlI.I,!.\M    llKXItV. 

\\\       Sciiali  AM^ail.  1..  Jim,-  ](}.  ISOd:   d.  Jan.  '2-i,  1S-J'.i 
\'lll.     (,%.,. rtr"  JMv.l.Tirk,  1).  (),  r.  'j:!,  IS-JS;  .1.  Au^r. -jr,,  ],s:;(). 

.12.2618.     Abigail    Tuttle,  1'.   AfinTh  28,  180-1;   lu,   Fd..  2-?,  I82ti,  oiivr  St..'l- 

dard  Cluitliil'I ;    res.  >(>yiiioiir.  Conn. 

1.     Marv  .lane  Cluiifield,  h.  Jan.  i:!,  182S;  m .  Dec.  2,  ls.',(),  Friend  ('.  Fnnl:  jcs.  X. 
ilav.  ;   X.    I, 

11.     Geor^T,  Won.ster  Cliatticld.  1..  Oct.  ]4,  1^21);  m.  ^'..v.,  IS.-):;.  Mr.s,  Coin.dia  Ford 
Andn'\v.s;  res.  X.  Ilav.      I,   AM)Hi:\vsO.,  i^.  Oct.  8,  ]^^.>l      2     IovWk  H     I)   Sent     IS.'ilJ 
8,  MiNUTT  E.,  March  18.  18.-,!). 

III.  Martha    Ann    (Ihattiidd,  h.  July  ;11 ,    is;!];    m.    .Ian.    C,    18.-)],    Samiul    .Maisliall 
Ki^saiii;    (2)  Williiiin    I.yman    Tid'Dall.    Dec.    2."),    Is<i2:    r.'s.    .\.  ll.-iv'     /.  hv  1st   m  •     J 
Fanmc  Ja]:vis,  1>.  Jam' (j.  l^'.-)2.     2,   .Makv  Jaxk,  h.  Auir.  2-1.  1^,1-1. 

IV.  Ilowaid  (iay  riiaili.dd,  h.  July  11,  F'>:;:j;  m.  Aui:.  '-'A,  18.^7,    Kmilv  Carrinoton; 
res.  Seymour,  Coun.      1,   Aikk  J..  1).  S<>]it.  M,  ISCO. 

V.      Henry  W'lieeh-r  Cliat;ield,  l>.  Oct.  2.    1S:!.5:    m,    Oct.,    ISf;:,,    Adelia^kinan  ■ 
res.  I5et]ianv,  Conn.      1,    lioi.i.i.N.  b.  Feh.  :;i,   INTO. 

VI.      J(;hii  Chailicld,  h.  Jan.  m,  LSJT;  d.  a.  b  \xv>\^. 
Vll.     jJuth  A.  Chattield,  h.  March  12,  isjO;  ni.  Dec.    l;j,    1S71     J,.|T.t.-ou   J     Youu"- 
res.  N.   Ilav,  '"" 

Vlll.  CJKirle.s  Convert-c  Cliatlield.  b.  A]),-!!  21,  18-11;  V.  C.  lyCG;  d.  iNTli;  k'l'pt 
"  C<dlfiM>  bofik.^Hijr- "  a!id  ].ub!isliiiur  linns.'  op])n-;it(_-  ('(d.on  (.'Impel  st.,X.  Ha'v.  ;  ni. 
Dec.  2,  iscr.  Cnraliu  Watson.  1,  AuXiiL  ii,  b.  Dec.  IG,  18G8.  2,  Wai.tkk, 
1*.  Jiuie,  18iJl. 

.12.2619.     Mary  Ann  Tuttle,  b.   Oct.   8,    ISOH;   m.   June  27,    1830     Sacket   G 
henham,  v.hod.  in  .\.  Ilav.  Jan.  8.  1n71. 

1.      Knth  Ann  IJenliaiu,  b.  June  27.  18-1;  d.  Julv  18,  ls:->,2. 

If.     (.'ilbert    S.    Beuhani.    b.    S.-pr.    7,    ps;;^';    m.  'l),.c',    2,  18ti0,  l;l„,da    Allinr:    res. 
l-lamden,      1,  FiiKDKitirK  C,  b.  (u-x,  M,  iscp     2,    .Vmos  Ci.ayt(»n,  b.  .Mav  21     bS  1 
HI.     Amos  W.  lienhani,  b,  Jun,' M,  ls:_!l;  ,1.' Mav  1(1,  ls;j.-i. 

IV.      Mtirietia  H.^nham,  b.   Pre.  ;],  l.s:;r,;   i,,    Xnv,  2s,"  iSiHi    Screno  1>    ^^liller-    res    N 
Ilav,     1,   V\  ji.i.iAM  11,,  b,  July  211,  ISHii,     2,  Mai;iaxxi.;,  b.  Julv  15,  ISli!), 

_    y.     Antninetf   Hmham.  b.  .May -1,  l.s;jS;  m.  Jan.  2,  IS.I!),   j:du-in   C.    Ilubbe]]   wIiq. 
d.  m  Monroe,  Mich.,  Auir.  1!',  b^US;  res.  N.  Itav.      1,  o'kohok  II     b    Nov    ''1     iS.Vi      '^ 
F.vxxii;  Ktta,  Dec,  IG.  18';2:  d,  in  Monroe  Oct,  24.  18()4, 

yi.     Amn,s  ^^•ilbur  Benhani,  b,  Nov.  U,  1840;  m.  Oet.,  ISiVj.  Kati<'  T.  Munsnn-  res 
A .  Ilav. 

VII.     Sibyl  A.  M.-nham,  b,   Antr,  2.  184:J;  m.  Sept.  28,  lyrif),  William  II.  Co.\:   res.  X 
H.ay.      1,  FniKLixj.  1!.,  b,  July  l(i,  d.  Anc,r.  (j,  1S70.     2,  S.  Auakki.i.a,  b,  Xnv,     !)   1S71 

\m,  Ihitli  FUa  Heuluun,  b,  Xnv.  ?,{),  1847;  m.  Seiit.  24,  l,s()7,  Charles  II.  Jorev- 
res.  X.  Ilav.      1,  Ai.rcK  L.  i  .  .  .  . 

IX.      Jos<-])li  T.  Eenham,  b.  June  !),  1850. 

.12.261.10.  Maria  S.  Tuttle,  h.  Feb.  4,  ISOO;  m.  X,.v.  13.  is:-]]  Elias  Warner- 
res,  ilainden, 

I.  _Eli/.nr  Waiiin-,  b.  Sept,  12,  bs:J(;  d,  Jan.  4.  18:17. 
II.      Huldah    Maria  Warner,    b,  S,pt,  22,  Is:;!',;    ni.  O.'t.   1 7.  ISIIO     Albert    If     Snow- 
res.  Han,       1,   Ln.i.iK  Ai.icK.  b.  Xnv,  25,  IsCrj,      2,    Fvi-ia  Mauta,  b.  March  5    !s(;7 

111.      iinbert    i'Jias    W  arner,  b,  Sepr.  1  2,  b^:;!);  m.  J i. n<'   :!((,  1S(; j     L,,tti''     \     H -rs-  II.  1,  CuAKi.r:-  W  i>,,Kv,  b.  F,.i,,  .,_  pm;2.  2.  ll.vrni;  Eliza.  A.-ril  14  isiM?  ;-)' 
MixxiK  HouE,:-,  1,  Maud,  2!),  IsbC.  4,  Fijan  k  Amasa,  b,  A  pril  21,  ]S(;:).  5  lli-n>-i:r 
Er.iAs,  Oct.  It),  is;i.  I  ,  . 

x^M  ^^  \  Amasa  Tuttle  WanuM-,  b.  S,-pt.  10,  1841;  d.  April  21,  I87O;  m  Apri'  2!)  1S(;5 
Kilen  J.  Slinmway.  1,  Fm.nja  Auki.ixi:,  b.  Mav  8,  d.  O-t.  12.  ISOd,  2  11ki,kx  \u<i:\'s\  \' 
I'ec,  2.),  1807, 

_  .12.268.    Snfith  AVheeler  Tuttle,  b.  .innrn    17:5-  d    D,.    0   isiis  ;,   <,:;  vs 

(J  mos,  ,,  days;  res.   W  ,j,t    Huven,  Conn.      It  is  said  ihat  he  <uuld  tell  wlieie  ti.e  ti,st"rr(e 


•   of  til.'  iiativr- t'liv.'st  was  cut  in  tlirlnwiidf  Midrllrluny,  Cuini.  ;  m.  lSlV2.  I)ii«lisliflia  Siiiitli* 
(.f  Wr^t  Ihiv.  ii;  (-2)  Anna  ']'li..iii-ps.m ;  h.  Julv  -^A.  ISIlJ;  d.  Anir.   l(i.  iSlllt.  ; 

1.      lril\.(l.  V.  : 

11.      M-.iVv.    1).    ISOo;    (1.    <-'ct.    20,  18fi>^,    !>.  ^5;   !ii.  Henry  Carpi'iilcr  lunl   luui  unionir 
olheis  1,  lli.NKV.     2.  S.Mnii  TriTi.!:. 

III.  Maria,  ni.  ].-aiah   Jiunn.'ll;  (O)  Julius   Willi.-mis   n-s.    ^^■aUint:fo^l.      ],  f:;MlTll. 
5,  MiCumiT  S. 

IV.  Juliana. 
V.      X.-1-,.i). 

XL      Jane  J-:.,   1).  isf)9;  d.    Aui;-.  lO,   IS.")!,   n.  4'2;   m.  Ninus  WoDdin;.;-.    1  .\' i;sti;-;.v,  ni. 

Warm-!-.      •,\  Hkttv,  m.  Juson   lluhlxdl   uf   11  untin^^on.   t'mu).      ;!,  J.\Mi  J!.,  unni. 

res.    -wirn  litT  tathrr. 
A'll.      Julia. 
YIII.     JoM/ph  Nelson. 
IX.      Hfirriet. 
X.     Susan. 
XI.      Flnra. 
XII.     Smitli  WlicrUr. 

Xill.      MiiKM-va,  m.  Tlioinas  W.  Hawkins.      1,  A.NN.v.  ni.  David  Hunn.dl,    res.  Hndp-- 
]'<'\\.  Cor.i\. 

XIV.      Lvdia   A.,  1).  Julv  0-1.  1.S30;  in.    Klihu    F.  Baldv.iu:  ]:5]  res.  San  Francisco,  ('ai. 
Ho  d.  isTs."  .,)ilv  /.:     ],    .Vin.l.A    S.,  les  S.  F.  Cal.      /.  l-y  Od  )u. : 

XV.     Frances  F.,  b.   May  .j,  In:)!:  m.  March  FT,  is:)7,  Henry   L.  Honuan;  s.  ;'. ;  res. 
XeM'  Haven. 

X^•I.     Janie.^  W.,  I..  Au-.  mo,  F^oi.t. 

.12.259.     Moses  Tuttle,  h.  Julv   l;;,  i;s-->;d.  in   X.  Hav.  Jan.  28,  l^^N,  a.  7(3:  in. 
J\r.  -JU,  ]siij.  Lorena  Jeannetie,  who  d.  in  X.  H.  Oct  :;l.  F^-IU.  a.  07. 

F     Forcna  Wheeler,  h.   March  11.  F^nG;  m.  A])ril  27,  l^.■;0,  Ira  Kie-.i^s  of   Seymour. 
<'onii.,  who  (1.   ^Fuvh  FJ,  is:!-!.      ],  <'iiii.i).  baj'.  May  2i>.  F-81  :  d.  May  .21'.  IKU. 
n.      Saliv.  1..   Feb.  F   d.  Ai>ril  2-1.  FOS. 

in.  AVjrii;,iM  b.  A].:il  2-1  l>^0!i;  ni.  X')v.  F3.  IShJ,  Maria  Frances  Ward,  who  li. 
Xov.  12,  \^{.iK  F  <iK<^  B.,  li.  Matrh  17,  IMF  d.  Au'r.  o.  FS-Ul.  2,  Mai:v  J.,  Feb.  IS. 
I>i4(;:  d.  o,  1^-17.  :i,  ,M.\i;i.\  F.ka.ncks.  b.  Mandi  17,  1S4S;  in.  Xov.  o,  1S(J7. 
ChatF-s  NV.  Fockwood  of  So  Norwalk,  1,  IFW'/;/'  Milnllf,  b.  Oct.  I.  ISIJS.  2.  Frnu  rid.-. 
Any:,  n.  Fs7ti;-d.  .-,,on.  F  \\'t!,i,iam  Fka.nus,  twin  with  M.  F.  -"i,  ALt;ij;t'  l-^JtKMKUK  k. 
li.  Jan.  ••:!.  Is'.-jO. 

IV.  M;irie;[a,  b.  Mandi  'J.  1S15:  in.  A]uil  21.  iSlS,  Hwi-lit  IF-ockett,  v.hod.  June 
F"),  FSijtj.  F  .MAinitA  F.,  b.  Se],t.  2:i.  lh^4'J;  d.  Auu'.  FF  1N.V2.  2,  1F\]!i;ii:t  b. 
^Fu-ch  27.  ^sr,]■,  d.  Au--.  7,  iNoO.     o.  F(n;i..\A  J  F,AXM;r-rK.  b.  Fed).  2F  F^:.:!. 

V.  Hoiuei,  b.  Julv  4.  FS2:F  m  M;.rcli  IS.I^lo,  Harriet  Fucy  Thoina,  :  n  s.  Milford. 
i'onn.  F  Mai;v  Fokkna,  b.  March  2*/.  d,  June  F.i,  F^JH.  2,  CiiAi;i.i;s  Ho.mi-u,  April 
FF  1N4S.     ;j,  Mauv  F..)I!!;na,  Feb.  12,  ISoF 

.12.27.     Abraham  Tuttle,  thric.^  m.;  d) r.-uham;  (2)   Clannda  Fel)e.':     ;8) 

.      '-Abrahaiu  Tuttl.-'s  wF  d.  Dec.  4.  17S4."— IFev^///'//'//  Slali.tuv.      i.  by  1st  in.: 

1.      Anna.  b.  Julv  7.  1  7tFF   d.   Sej^t.  o,  IS-JS;    m.   Moses  'rutth'. 

II.  Phila,  b.  Aju'-il  2,  IF.':'-:  d.  Au-.  (i.  1S:>U;  rein,  fioin^'oun..  to  TuUy.  N.  "i  . . 
Avith  her  sis.  Anna:  m.  IMF  1-aiah  M.  Flaike  of  Brooklield,  1>.  May  27,  17S1>,  Madi-.n 
Fo.,  X.  v..  rem.  h>  Flainfi.  Id  OKe^o  Co.,  X.  Y..  and  d.  June  Hi.  1S7::.  1.  I1k!;ma\  F.. 
F.  De,-.  ,:,,  bSl;F  d.  in  Alexandria,  Fa.,  F^72;  m.  Fhebe  ( 'liapman.  2.  kh.isiiA  IF,  b.  ISlo; 
(].  in  15.,  ls:;2.  ;!.  Ma.n  vii.i.K  T.,  n-s.  \V.  Winlield,  Herkinu'r  Fo.,  X .  V  . ;  m.  Mar> 
Saxto;:.  4,  I'mi.A  A.,b.  1S21:  d.  in  \V.  W'.,  Xov.  17,  FSll-F  m.  IKinbd  W  o,-.,ds.  ... 
CiiAi!i,i;s,  b.  isFt;  lu  Paulina  Fisher.  (1.  Fmz  \r.i:'i  ii.  b.  is27:m.  .Mien  Ferry:  res. 
Xorth  Fa.Martin,  Fond  du  Fac  Co.,  Wis.  7.  .Matilda,  b.  ISot);  d.  in  Xorwici,.  X,  \  ., 
Julv  10.  l^r,:;;  m.  l!,.|,vv  lbitTo;i.  S,  Sakah  Cj.vKK.b.  b^^i'-F  m-  '''■•'•  !''■  I'aFn-r,  M.  D., 
<d'F.Hst  Hamilion.,  X.  Y.  '.i,  Mai:y  A.,  b.  FSio:  m.  .Mile.sD.  Fenlcui:  res.  l.Sl.i  Court  si,. 
rtica,  X.  Y. 

III.  Forcas.  m. Mendiant;  ,v.  /. :  res.  Fime,  Fit.diileld  Co. .  Conn. 

IV.  Catharine,  in.  Amos  Fe.ach,  les.  New   Milford.  Conn.;  several  d:uis. 

'■  I.i-v.benon  S:nilh.  in.  Jnn.  -.-j.  17;-,  li.illishcba  !5iirw.-Il  h;ul  S.unuc!  li.irwdl  Sin;:!i.  \v!io  on  ne<! 
tlie  tide  in.ll  in  Wcm  liavcP..  lied,  in  Nau-iitucK;  m  I'hr.rni  I  ■  uis  saul  u-  K-ca  the  lian<.sorrc-a 
couple  in  W.  Hav.  She  ip  .  12)  -—  MiKliell  :ind  h.u!  .'.  by  b..;U  n.i  :  S.uuu-:!  IJ.  Smu.T  had  ci-hl  chil.  ol 
whem  the  7tl!  was  H.iihsb.L-ba,  \v!io  in.  S.  W.  Tutlle. 




A'.      Alira1i:im.  )n.  Aiuki  Huncc;  {2)  M;u'i;i  liuiicc. 
Vf.      Jl.-nium.  (1.  in  (Hxx",  -<•  v.,  ls">l.  a.  ah:.  .-)(:   ui.  thrici-  uini  had  srv.  clii). 

.12.275.    Abraham  Ti^tlle,  1>.  Woodbuiy,  ('<>mi..  Frh.  i.-,.  kmi;  d.  in  Kh  jia,  O., 

l>cc.  17,  lSb':J:  M).  S(_']it.  10,  INK),  Anna  Hiincc;  (-J)  Maiia   liinice.  sis.  to  .Amia. 

I.  Alln'it  P<.Try,  b.  July  11,  ISU;  stud.  incd.  with  !_)i-.  UlaiKdia  ixi  aiid  at  d'Micva  Mt-d. 
(Vd,;   rn.  and  has  fain,  in  Xortli  Amhcisl,  LdiaiiU'  Co.,  O.       1.  Eu(;lm:  A    Ohnliu  Cu] 
is;?.     2,  t!KNj;v  J.  ' ■' 

II.  Hobarl  M.,  S'^pt.  9,  1813;  thrice  m.  and  had  faiu.  in  I'^lyiia.  O.  1,  l.ocis.v  m 
Aaron  'J'yn-fd  of  Mas.s.  2,  C'llAS.  H.,  served  as  voh  in  T  ninu  arm  v;  res.  Iowa  '  3 
AiJ'.KitT,  les.  Uidjj-evilh-,  0.     4,  Mai;(I.\.  in.  Dr.  Nis  of  Clavton.  Mi^h! 

III.  <;harh-s  H.,  i>.  Any.  24.  I^IO;  d.  in  'ihrrliii,   Sept.  M,  1^70.       1,   M.-\fiiicK  C 
111.  Clara  Town.send.     2,  Axx.v  M.,  m.  J.  W.  \\  ateinian  of  (_) 

IV.  David  Augustus,  b.  July  £9,  181!);  m.  May  10.  Ib43,  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Adoni- 
ram  and  Klizabeth  (Forbes)  Miner  of  Woodbury,  <'onn.,  b.  .Mav  21.  ls2o;  res.  New 
Haven,  Conu.  1,  CirA];i.(riT):,  m.  James  Bradfi>id  I.'yder:  many  y'rs.  tea<dier"in  ih^jikins 
(.irasii'.iiar  sehfiol,  New  Haven,  Co'in.  /. :  oiierhild,  /",•/.(,''.  2,  JV.n.nh;  .\.,  ni.  June '..'!) 
18;G,  by  r.ev.  \\"m.  'i'.  Ib'uiek,  f.  of  ilie  groom,  Pi-of.  Wm.  11.  lit  rriidv  of  (iiinnell  e'ol'.',. 

\'.  ]IiH-are  I?. ,  Oct,  2,  ls2o,  taken  young  and  bi-ought  up  by  his  Amu  Dorca.s-  ni. 
and  lias  fain,  in  I'lidgeport.  Conn. 

V\.      -Ma.ria.  Jan.    21,    1S22;  in.   J.   K.  Ihuter  and  d.  in  ^■erInont,  Mav  23,  1S(J4.       ] 
i'^iMA,  ni.  A.  J.  ^^'iliia!ns  of  Cleveland.  ().     2.  Lottie.  .        •  •         > 

\'li.     Harriet,  b.  Mareh  2'i,  182-1;  d.  Jan.  12.  IS27. 
Vm.      Walter  J.  1'...   b.  Mar(di21,  162U:  res.  Three  Rivers,  Sr.   Jo-f  idi  Co     Mi-di  •   m 

1,     DAT.  '  ■'         - 

IX.     Uarriei  ]■:.,  ni.  C.   M.  Cole. 

.12.4.     Hcjrcl'aah  TlUtle,   lu.  Apiil  11,  i:i!.  Martha  Huthwitt.-     Slie    joined  the 
Woodbury  ehh.,  .March  '.».  172ij;  he  j..ined  Aug    !>,   17;',ii;  d.  17o;;,   jived  on  Main  .-.treet  in 
Southburv,  Conn.,  near  the  jn-esent  resideiire  of  his  ijTeat  g.  s  ,    Ilea    S)ie.n,;;ii  Tuttle 
I.      Lois,  b.'  Mav  14,  !7i;!;  ni.  Jan.  2:-;,  1742.  Tlif.n,as"Kiniberlv 
11.      A^^nv^,  b.  Feb.  n,  171S:  ni.  Obadiah   Whe-le,. 

III.  .Nathaniel,  b,-.],).  0<-t.,  1721;  m.  in  his  osth  vr.,  Julv  22,  1779,  Currenee  Siiuier 

IV.  Cideou,  biip.  iM-b.  U),  1727.  ■  ■  -  1      -  • 
V.      bdiaboa.  baj).  Junt'  1,  172!»;  ni.  June  27,  1701,  Sarah  I'rinio. 

VI.     Iluthv.-itt,  bap.  Aug.  8,  17:>1:  d.  about  Kb."),  lunn. 
^'11.      (Ti,''e..!i,  bap.  Se])!,^],  17:12;  d.  same  vr. 
YJIl.     Gideon,  b.  Nov.  1,  1733;  in.  Mury  St'ile.'^. 
IX.     Noali,  baj).  A]uil  2V),  1734;  m.  Susanna  Smith. 

X.  Nathan,  bap.  Aug.  15,  173(3;  Y.  C.  Ir'io,  A.  M. ;  m.  Lydia  Skeol;  went  to  Kut- 
land,  Vt.;  di.s;ip]n'atvd  mysteriously,  .su])po.sed  to  jia\ebeen  innt'dered  (Cothren).  Anion"- 
tiie  oliiceis  from  Wood,  in  17oy  was  Lieut.  Nathan  'I'utile.  Of  tlie  above  fumilv  of  six. 
sons,  five  were  in  the  service  of  t]n:'ir  country.  (Hdeon  uiHrched  to  the  relief  Of  Fort 
Wm.  Henry  in  li."i7.     Nathaniel,  Ichabod  and  Noah  were  soldiers  in  the  Kev.  .\riny. 

.12.42.  Agnos  Tuttle.  b.  Feb.  11,  1718;  d.  a.  bl);  m.  Mav  12,  174i),  Obadiah.  s 
of  John  and  Kuth  iStiles)  W  lieeler,  1).  April  23,  ba]i.  April  27,  171>i;  d.  Jan.  !),  lyuG  a 
88.      He  m.  (2)  Sar.ih   — .  who  d.  Jan.  30,  181G,  a  ^!7. 

I.      Truman  P.   Wheeler,  b.  Nov.  2f;.  1741;  in.  Huldah . 

II.      Marth;i  Vs'he.  ler,  b;  ,!uly  12,  1742. 
HI.     Adin  Wh.-,  ier,  b.  Nov.  2i>.  1743  rOi  a.);  m.      1,  CntuE.vcT;.  bap.  Aui/.  o,  177,S.     2 
Luis,  bap.  Aug.  5,  177S.     3.   Ci,Ai;rssA,  baj..  Au^-.  ",,  1778;  m.  An--.  11,  17'.»li,  (fe'o. 
son.  She  d.  Ajiril  (i,  IS.ll,  a.  78.      1.    (,',o, ■,/,',    b.   F(b.  1.^   1  7'JS.     '4,    Ai;.\i;s,  b.ap.  Aug.  a," 
1778;  m.  Ftdi.  17,  1811.  Slnddou  Krislol.      o,    I'lsriiKi;.  baj..  Julv!),  ITSO;   ni    Benj     llurd' 
She  d.  ,lnn.  ."),  JSiW,  a.  S4.      (;.    Aliix,  Sei't.  IG.  K'.M. 
I\'.     (iideon  WlundiT,  Julv  27.   1745. 

*Jobn  Huiiiwiit,  of  Scotcli  e.\tr;icti 

.  .  came  m  ore  of  ilie  eailv  coinpanics  I'r,  in  Stratford  to  \\'or..1burv 

Ceiin.  Tlie  Iccead  is  tliat  he  and  hn  sister  Ann  iwhoiii.  Dr.  John  I'tArcci  wcrt.-  of  ;:eiulc  blood,  and 
were  left  ori.fnas  at  an  c-.irly  a.LTP  under  the  i^'uardianship  of  an  uncle,  avaricious  and  unprincipled  who 
under  pretence  r.f  securin.c  ihem  an  cducarion,  sent  tliem  to  New  I'lnpland,  and  afterwards  .Miuandered" 
their  property.     John  had  his  home  lot  in  .Soulhbury.  where  Mrs,  Whitlock  now  resides.     He  in.  .ludith 

.     t,  Eli/abeih,  bap.  July,  idco.     2,  Anna,  bap.   Nov.,   looo;  ra.   1714,   Ebenc/cr  Squier      ^    Mariha 

tap.  Xov.,  k''.'3,  m.  He/ckiah  T'liile,     4,  Mary,  bap.   .^Iay,   ir,/,,  rn.    1714,   .Tehiel  I'rcMon.     5.  i",!b.;.!)eth', 

April.  i6vS;  m.  1717,  Jr-.siah  Root. 

tOlivc  Wheeler  d .  in  Southbury,  Conn,,    Feb 
Coan.,  Sept.  .-50,  1768. 

■.,i,a.   90.     Mary  Ann  W.heelcr  d.    in    Woodtiury, 


■  V.  Bctt\   Wlicrln-,  M:iv  1.-),  1747:  d.  .lau.  '20,    M:,-}.  % 

\\.  Olivr  WhtTl.T.  S(;i.i.  21,  171!':  (1.  .i;iii.  M.  17."">'J.  "  I 

VII,  CunviM-r  W), (■.•id-.  i>.  ilium.   Jai,.  :L'lt,  ]7.~)-2.  i* 

Vlll.  Ol.aniali  W'li.-i  Icr,  1).  Mnv  1,  175:!.  |- 

IX.  Ki'tiy  \\'l,r,.I.i-.  1..  .Ian.  ]',  17.-..->:  lu.  .July  MO.  1777,  Jml,-  Moulthr-.i..  '^ 

X.  Olivr  \\'!ii-<'lcr,  hap.  J;u].  .-),  17.J7:  m.  Snnun'l  Diakclcv.  \ 

.12.421.     Truman  B.  Whoelcr,  1'.  Nnv.  ^Vi,  1711:  d.  .April  19.  isio;  m.  Ilnldali  .t 

,  wlm  d.  ]).T,  -J-J.  17iiy.  ;i.  4-2,  f 

I.     (\!n<Minviict-.  .\]iril  4.  177-2;  711.  Jaii.  1.  170.'),  .To;4  F.  IJ.-n.'dict.  2 

11.     'I'h.'udon..  .Nov,  2:y.  177:1  ', 

Jll,     rcytuii  l!aiidnli,],,  .Nfay  24.  J77:);  d.  (.Jet.  :],  1S;;2.  ? 

IV.      4'rniii.Mi,  .laii,  '2,  1777:   lu.  Nnv,   IS,  INdC,  Nancy  Bnrritt,  wlio  d,  March  '2.  1>^7();  ';' 

1k'  d.  Oct.  1:!,  ]Sl:).     1,   S.UJAii  AXN,  .May  :jO,  ISiiS:  m.  .Nov.  ■?."),  1.S29,  Albert  (.i.  Ariihlcr.  I 

],   4A^/7'.7//,  .luiK.' ;lo,  ]S;;7.     '2,   M.u;y   ,A.n.\,    May  '21,    isll:  m.    Nov.    ],s,  is;!4,  Khi'iiiv.or  ] 

liiird,      :-.,    I'.i  i;i:rri  '1\ ,  .liiiic  1:;,    ]Si:l.      4.   'I'lUM.W    11.,    Nov,  1,    ISIU:   tu.  Oct,  C.  l^C!),  > 

lathariiic  ]...  Wi'lih  of  Wdodbiirv,  Conii,     ."•).   11ai;uikt  M,,  Ai>ril  4,  ls-20.     (j,  I''i,i)U.\  N.,  \ 

:Xov.  24,  1S22.                      .         ■  : 

V.      Cid.'on,  April  14,  177S.  ,1 

VI.      I.oriiid.a.  .liiiM'  2'.,».  17S0.  5 

Vll,      Ul.adiah,  Mav  2^.   17.S2.  ■ 

VUf.      J.u.inda  Iv..  .lulv  7.  17S4,  I 

IX.  -,  A). ill  2S,  17S5.                           ■.             '                           '  \ 

X.      Obadiah  (r..  Sept,  li.  1787.                                                                                             ■,  i 

XI.     Ciaiidiu.^,  April  ll»,  17!"):  d,  June  2:].  lS'i;4,  a.  7o.  ; 

XII,      Marianiui,  Jan.  20.  17 '.12.  ' 

.12.42.10,     Olive  Wheeler,  hap,  Jan    .1,  17.")7:  m.  Oct.  2,  1777.  S;uiuu4  Drakid^v, 
\>.  May  IS,  174');   d.  .March  i:i,  is2o,  s,  of  Thomas  (and    Lydia   llickox),  s.  of  Thoma.-  of  :- 

London,  and  L'  dia  IJrool;.-;  of  New  lla-\ cji.  v 

I.      \Vi',li;iiii  DiakehA.  -Vii-,  '.).  177!);  in.  Anna  ilinnian,  v  : 

II,      Ann  J;-rake!ev,  Feh.  l.-,,  17S1:   m,  Sept.  12,  Is02.  Ilinnian  Kurd. 
[II.      .Mantia  Drakelev,  Sept.  V.\,  17s:!. 
IV.'     Olive  IJiaktdev"  .March  10,  17^o. 
V.      Ahirauj  Dralcclev,  .Alav  21.1,  17S!I:   ni.  S<dina  lleers. 
VI.      Mary     Dralceley"    VVh".     1*).     1 7Sit,    d.    Oct.    24,    1S42;  m.    .June    L").    ISlil,    Asu 
.Milcliell,  1).  I7Si;   chil,  liv.  in  Woodlmrv,  (.'(,nn, 

VII.      Thomas  I)ra,k.  lev,  Oct.  (',,  17!M:   nnnn:   res,  (). 

Yin,      Itoberl  Drakelev".  Sept.    l.j,    17!i:i;  ni,    Jan.    28,    ISII,    Louisa    Van    Iloczen.      1. 
.ArcrsT.v  M.\KiA,  A]u-il  22,  JS42,     2,   Uohkut  1i;\vin,  March  21,  is4ei,  : 

IX.      Sle  iinan,  Mar.d.  22,   170o:  d.  Marcli  12,  lMl."">.  i 

X.      Sauiin-!    .lune  2,  17II7:  d.  Sept,  2t;,  I'^^M. 
XI.      .\n,-n:ta,  Dec.  lU,  ISDO;  m.  Sept.,  18;>1,  Oi-!iiv  Lood  of  Vt. 

.     William   Drakeley,  h.  Aui;-.  n,  1779;  d.  .lune  VJ,  182.j:  m.  Mav  8, 
1800,  Anna  llinman,  h.  April  2:J,    17s(.). 

1.     Shcrnnm,  Ainil  11,  1S07:  d.  O.t.  6,  18;!:i. 

11.     Maria,   Jan.    7,    ISO!);    m.    Feh.    12,    1S;5."J,    Oreni    Newcnnli   of   Derby,  Vt,      1, 
llExny  \V>r.  IlKiir.i;i:T,     2.  Ai  i;Kr:T.     ?,.  LtrriiKU. 

III.  Henry  W.,  b,  .luly  21,  isll:  m,  Aug.  1,  184:!,  Mary  17.  Greonti.dd  of  Bait.,  Md, 
1,  CfEOKf.E,  Au^--.  8.  is)4,  "2,  Tiio-MAS,  .Iiine  10.  1810,  :j."  II  k.nkv,  Feb.  29,  ls4S.  -t, 
William,  April  KJ.  lv^.')0.  .-j,  I1ki;i;ki;t,  March  21,  I8.")2;  d.  Feb.  VA,  IS.l:).  (i,  Ai,i;ki;t, 
twin  witli  Herbert,  d.  Jan    2U,  IS.Vk  .  ' 

IV.  ,lane  Iv.  .lune  21,  ISDJ;   in.  Sept.  ."»,  ISiiiJ,  Lucius  King.sburv  of  l)erl.)V,  Vt, 
V.     Lobert.  June  20,  1810;  ;,t  New  llav,,  Julvit';  I8;j:i". 

Yl.    -Albert,  twin  \^ith  Kobert,  d.  Oct.  20,  ls:51. 

VII.  Geor.iiv,  I-'eb.  12,  1S19:  ni,  Nov.  11,  1811,  Laura  .M,  Ilollister,  b.  Jan.  22,  1822. 
1,   llAKiUKf  .AImma,  .lune  IS,  ISJO,     2,   Lrciis,  May  2:!,  iSli*. 

.12.42-10.5.     Abiram  Drakeley,  b.    May  2!),   1789;  rem.   t<,  Wis.;  m.   A]Til    1, 
18)7,   Salina  M.^ers, 

1,      Cliarles,    Feb.     0,    1811;  m,    ImJ..    22,    1^;!7,    Betsey    Ann    Fnlhu',        1,    IIioxuv 
iC'uM;i,i;s,  0(  f,  1:1,  is.;x.     2,   Ikvi  i.i.xi:  i:i.i/;i:i  ii,  Feb.  20  "iSll. 

II.      Taroline,  Sept.  10.  l.-^^bl;  m,   April.").  In:):),  h^iliraim  Shinier;  res.  Wis. 
HI.      Kdwin,  April  M,  ISlO;  d.  May  22,   1S17. 

■WlIEKLKIl,    DirAKELEY,    'JuTI'LE.  57r) 

]V.      ^\':lli;^ll.  July  10,  INIS;  m.  I'.-c.    0,    IS-IO,  Illiza  r.;,?-n.'s.  wlio  d.  S.-|,t.  2v',  iNllt. 
1,   Aj;ii;am  'l'iii)>rAs.  June  N,  jSU.     'i,   (.'kokck,  July  :.'.?,  1S4(;;  d.  Mmvli   •,>,-•;,  ]St7. 

V.  S.iniiii.l.  Miiy  :;.  Is-jU;  )u.  Nov.  -I,  1^11.;,  liKuda  Slui.c,  wlio  d.  S.-]it.  -J;,'.  l.S-jli;  [-2) 
Mandi  -21,  iSTi.  I,wiii.-u  Smith. 

VI.      Jiol.eri,  Maivh  :;0,  l^'oi;  in.  June  C,  IS.IO.  Lucivtia  C.  ]rickl.-y. 

,12.-13.  Nathaniel  Tuttlo,  \>in>.  <»'-t.  1,  17-,'1:  i\^i>t.;  was  an  (.llic.-r  in  tlir  IJrv. 
araiy,  \vhir-h  In-  joim-d  m  1775,  having  ])ro\ii)usly  made  his  will,  wljtidi  is  in  ]M)s<rs-,;(M; 
of  hi.s  g.  d;ui.,  ("uiri-nrf  Ann  (rridliy.  \u  July,  17?."),  the  sidcctnu-n  of  Wnodliury  fur- 
iiislu'd  t'lU  worth  of  aninmnition  for  the  (•'jnipanii'S  under  llu^  coniniand  of  Col.  llininan 
jind  <'ui)t.  'J'uttle  tliat  nuireh  i'or  'ricnndeiuga  for  crarrisun.  In  March,  K^^^i,  he  was  on 
foinniitti^e  ai);>ointed  by  the  town  U)  talce  rare  r)f  tlie  sojdiei-.^'  wives.  He  m.  Ju's'  '^'1, 
177ft.  in  ids  .jSiii  vr.,  Curren.ce,  duu.  of  Daniel  and  Sarah  ('J'ondin)  Squier,  ],,  >,lav  :j, 
r7oS;  d.  June  L'2,  INIil,  :i.  HI.      He  d.  J uly  7.  1 7'.it;,  a.  74. 

1.  Martlia  Tuttle,  l«i],.  Ano-.  •,>,  17S!);  d.  Dec.  ','S,  1SIJ4,  n.  84;  ni.  Nov.  (',.  isuil, 
]>a\id,  s.  of  Benjaiuiji  and  Anna  ((,  lark)  Dayton  of  ?th.>nvoo..  Conn.,  h.  .\ng.  17,  177.0;  d. 
Aug.  17,  is:;i),  a.  ru.  1.  Ai<n;sT.\,  h.  Oct.  :i^,  isol;  m.  islij,  Jk'i'ton.'s.  of  Sihis  and 
Amiii  (Curti.s)  Fi.  iioh,  h.  Mareh  I'.j,  17111);  re.s.  \V;'.kenian,  (").  2.  NATirAMi;!.,  .Mav  2, 
Jt-t)3;  d.  Jan.  0,  \>y,-i\  unni.  :j.  C'hahl};-.  Jan.  OS.  ISU.");  d.  Jar,.  '2.  ISKJ,  a.  II.  '  •]'. 
Bi-;  t'e;.  17.  iSi.'7;  ni.  iy:;!l,  Julia  A.  Lan>jng.  .j,  Tiittmo,  b.  Mareli  17,  ISUl);  d. 
Sept.  iS,  bSl;?;  111.  Felj.  1,  ].s;j2,  Caroline,  dau.  of  Jud.son  and  Cliarlotie  l.\>\6  (Leaven- 
worth) Ilurd  of  i'oxlniry,  Conn.,  li.  Sejjt.  2U  ISOS.  f5,  Cuukknce  Ann.  Jan  r),  ISJl;  d. 
Aug.  28,  ISOl;  lu.  lS:.tO."  Hall  b'ridh-y,  \vli..)  d.  abt.  1867;  8  cliil.,  all  liv.  in  1.S70.  7, 
J.vMH.-^  (.'j.MiK.  Mav  i:-i,  l^i:!;  .1.  Aug.  2^^.  1801,  a.  J]S.  8,  firAiti  ):,s,  Ju!v,3.  181G;  d. 
Alar'.-h  12,  i^'M.  a.  '.''.l.      !',  i>K^^!A^ilN,  b.  Jnjv  2,  lS-.'2. 

11.  HnlJ.iwitc  I'mth-,  bap.  May  2o.  ITs'");  d.  May  29,  1841;  m.  July  G,  1820,  Sally, 
drai.  of  Sainuei  and  Sarrdi  (L''wis,)  Sniiih,  who  il.  Oct.  22,  IS-],  a.  :J2;  (2)  Olive  Burr.  1, 
Samui^i.  Hk^viv.  b.  S^p;.  li,  1^2;j;  lu  Nov.  20,  1844.  JeannetieK.  Sniitli,  b.  Dec.  2,5,  182*!. 
s.  i.:  res.  X.  llav.,  (.'(inn.  /.  i>y  2d  m. :  2,  SAitAit,  res.  N.  Hav.  ;j,  Mai;v,  re.s.  East 

HI.  Natiiaui'-i  iuttJe,  ba)-).  July  ol.  1785:  d.  May  o.  18.10;  m.  >[ay  '.),  1808,  Betsev 
Fabriipie.  1.  J'MJx  HuTitv.-iTT.  b.  Feb.  ]tj,  1sO;,i;  d.  Aug.  :;n,  l."s;!I,  nnm.  2 
.N/.TiiAXiKi.  FAKiiKiUL.  b.  F.-b.  1,  b'^11;  many  yeais  a  .shoe  dealer  in  the  F.\cli;nige 
Building  on  Chaj).-!  st.,  X.  Hrv.;  d.  u!i:n.  :\,  Nai  ii  vx  Sukm.max.  b.  Fell.  IS];-;;  Dea.  of 
the  Cong.  chh.  in  Soutlibury.  Conn  ;  7ii.;.v.  i.  4,  BKX.iAMrx  Xr.\VT(iX.  b.  April  il..lblO; 
-Col.  of  the  2d  Kegt.  Conn.  Mil..  184H-8:  his  name  is  in>cribcd  on  the  menioiial  tablet  iii 
the  ivw  city  liali  of  N.  Hav.,  as  one  oi  its  building  cMiiiniissioners.  He  ni.  .bui.  10.  1848, 
i'rancfs  Augusta  Finch,  wFo  d.  March  ,1,  lsG7^  a.  48.  He  d.  •>■.  i.  Marcli  14,  1871. 
IV.      Anna,  ba]i.  Mareh  21,  17!lo;  d.  while  on  a  visit  to  \'crniont,  a.  11. 

.12.45.     Ichabod  Tattle,   baji.  .Fuuc   1,  17211;    ni.  Jiiee   17,  17.01.  Sarah,    dau.    <-.f 
Jost-]di   and   Siir;>h    Hoot    I'riiii.  .    i).    Juiu'  o,    17yi.     She  was   bis.  of   l!ev.  Feiij.  Priiu''. 
Ichabod  T.  rf-nioved   to  Vt.  ]uob.  wiili   Ids  liro.  Cideon.      If   he  is   the    lc)ialM:>d  oi   tlie 
Brandon   liible--    he   d.    Feb.   7,   171)1.),  in   Rutland,  Vt.      Caiit.  Solomon    Tuttlef    whose 
name  appears  on  the  ]-?a]>tist  clili.  rec.  of  Jirnud.on  was  very  likely  his  s(ui. 
1.     David,  in.  and  had  fiim.     He  d.  in  Hutiand,  A't. 
H.      Martha. 
IH.      He/.eki;ih,  a  Kev.  sol.;  d.  at   I'anesville.  X.  Y. 

IX.  Xathaiiiel.  1).  in  Mass.  Dec.  2,  17fj8;  )n.  Oct.  1,  17s';).  PoUv  Sprague,  who  d.  i)i 
Rutland,  Vt..  July  18.  1804;  r>)  Dollv  Gould  Piatt.  Dec.  lo.  ISOI.  "  She  d.  in  St.  Law- 
rence Co.,  X.  Y.,'Jui>e  22,  l.s;]:].  hV- d.  iu  K.ssex,  Essex  Co..  N.  Y.,  Aug.  18,  ]. 
Ch.\uncev  Davjji,  b.  June  27.  171)0;  d.  July  18,  l8til,  in  Es-ex,  X.  Y. ;  m.  Dec  2.  lsp3, 
Susan  Cliafiert(.)n:  (2)  Diana  Humiihrt'y.  2.  Xatii  \XIHI.,  b.  Jan.  11).  171)2.  ni.  Feb.  22, 
1810,  Lydia   Dexter.      3.    Whi.iam    H.,' Aug.   2:-!.  17l);J:  <1.  in    L.a\  is.  X.  Y. ;   m.  Aug.  10. 

*An  (iki  family  Bible,  was  found  in  Brandon,  Vt.,  by  .Mr.  A\ery  UrdV.-.n  of  that  place,  wtio  cynje.!  from 
it  the  family  records.  It  would  seem  to  have  beloii;;ed  lo  Ichabod  Tuttle  aad  this  is  thoiiLTht  to  be  his 
family  rcL.jrd:  An>.^i>.  b.  in  l^randon.  Natliiin.  b,  1703;  d.  i;g^.  Chauncey.  d.  17..'^.  Fhehe,  d.  lyui. 
Polly,  d,  I'riio;  IU.  Dani-i  Pars'nis,  b.  1767,  who  d.  Aug'.  ■.>6,  ib::^.     She  was  of  Kutlami.      Truman,  d.  iSy^ 

+Capi.  Solomon  Tuttle  of  Brandon,  \'l.;  farmer;  rem.  about  1790  to  Atheiis,  O.;  ra.  about  1777 
Deborah.,  dau.  of  Kiishaand  Desire  (Williaiu.^i  Strong-,  who  d.  lii^;  15)  Amy  Pugsley,  who- d.  ..-.  /.  .•  (-;') 
Klizabeth  Palnam  bs' whom  h.e  hid  ^  chil.  :.  by  ist  m.:  i.  Jesse,  b  Autf.  31,  1770.  ■^.  Elisha,  m.  Marv 
Pu^sicy  and  had  sOhil.  -..  Ch.i,i.-rifr,  m.  .'ane  Ne.d;  (i-"'  Phcbe  Strnni:;  •■  j)  Cutliariuc  niddwir:;  14  eh'.l. 
4,  .\iLuira,  la.  Josiah  t'riee  ami  had  7  chil.  5.  Solomon,  in.  .Nancy  Wati^ins  and  had  5  chil.  6,  .•\y'jrs,  in. 
Sarah  Puinain  and  liad  C  chil.  7,  I,ydia,  ni.  James  1.)cnv  and  had  5  chil.  ;'.  by  3J  m.:  i,  Irenr.  9, 
Laura.     10,  Benjamin. 



1819.  llaniiali  Auii.ld:  r2)  Lvdia  Ruiicr.  4,  S.mjaii  A..  Scjit.  1,  170.");  d.  wrst,  in.  Srpt. 
20,  ]S17,  Win.  Amokl.  ."i,  "I'liKi'.K  h,  1>.  Scpr.  Ci,  r.'.iS;  d.  in  S;lli^lMl^y.  Vt.;  in.  .)  un.- :;, 
ISl!),  Loval  \\'iU:lit.  C,  I'oi.i.v,  li.  .lunr  1-1,  ls<ia;  d.  in  S..  \'t..  Aug.  18,  l^ri^;  m  .Jrn. 
30,  18-2'.\"  Win.  Savfi-v.  7,  .l(Mi\  W',  S^i.t.  !  I.  Isn-j;  ni.  Nov.";!.  IS:]},  Charlott.- 
Diinifl.x,  1'.  ill  KssfX.'X.  \ ..  ]>«t.  S,  IS],S,  (if  .loliti  and  Philunifiia  (liandall)  Daniel.-^. 
1.  Aiiio.^.  2,  Fill, in-,  in.  8,  .Vmus,  b.  ,(nnc.">.  |V()1;  m.  Maria  Dciiiu.  /.  hv '2d  in.;  ll, 
Trcm.vx,  b.  Fcl).  V2.  d.  N..v.  N,  IMlti.  Kt,  11.\p,i;ikt,  Ai.iil  L'O,  1808;  d.  .Mav  ;jO,  18:12; 
m.  May  i.").  l.'^OS.  Ahijali  ManHii-ld. 
V.      I'riiiif,  d.  at  ( 'lan'iidon,  \'t. 

.12.47.     Gideon  Tuttle,  1>.    N'>v.    ],   lT;j;!;  inatvl.-d    with   C'api.  i;!...;,.    ])ov,-m-.-;' 
Co.  lor  till'  relifl' ot  Fort  Win.  llcni  y.  inai  l.ukf  (>'eorgc,  and  was  gnnc  alioiit  llm-c  \vc«dcs; 
in.  Au^.  1?.")7;  Mary.  daii.  of  Saimirl  and  Muiy  (Plieli<s)  Siilcs,  b.  17;j},  and  roin.  to  Ver- 
iiKiiil  some  tiinf  aliiT  ih»-  biith  o{  his  eldi-st   son   Amos,  at  Southburv,  C'niiii. 
I.      Amos.  b.  (Vt.  81,  ITGUl^fv.);   111.  liaclicl  Jonos. 

II.  (iide.Mi,  in.  (."lianibcriain,   an  nt  to  Nailumiid's  wife. 

in.      Natliani'd,  m.   Elt.vt.:i  ("liatnlaM-laiii.  , 

IV.      Marv. 
V.      l.ois". 

.12.471.  Amos  Tultle,  l).  Oct.  ol,  nfil;  wm.  w'wh  bis  parents  from  Soatlibnry. 
Cuiiii.,  In  liardwick,  Caicdonia  Co.,  \'t  He  was  a  Ikqitisl  jn-i  arhcr,  and  the  fii--t  settled 
minister  in  tbetov.-ii  by  vou-  at  town  meetiiii.'-  17117,  and  so  continned  till  1>-'UI),  then 
dismissed  at  his  own  r^'q nest ;  Town  Clerk  of  llaniwiek,  ]8f)il;  Wvy.  in  State  Fet;-.,  1812- 
14-  l.j-10:  d.  Feb.  -2,  l'-;j:l.  a.  7->  vrs. ;  m.  .lune  l(i.  1  r.-C.  Ibu-liel  Jone.-,  b.  in  Ken',,  Utels- 
(ield  Co.,  (',.,111  .  .Mav  2,  i7(i2;  d.  March  7.  bS24. 
I.      D.ivi,!,  b.   Fe!.    2(1,  17-:;. 

11.  ll.'viie-,  b.  .lulv  'J,  17n.-,.  in  Pauhliiuvst, iwn ,  l)i!rl,....s  Co.,  N.  Y.:  d.  ;Mairhl7. 
184:];  !n.  Nov.  '21,  i8!i>."  Ibirri-i  .\dams,  1..  kyvW  14,  17S,S;  d.  Mav  IS,  1S40.  1,  il.\N- 
K.vii  C.  b.  Dee.  -2:].  1S17.  '2,  lI.\Kiai-.T  A.,  b.  .Julv  IS,  lS'j-,>;  III.  '.luiie  11),  1S14.  Oraii 
Kellogir,  b.  Si.^pt,  -21,  isri.  1,  Cl'.cirs  L.,  b.  r><v.""2,  isl'.t.  'J,  H,:ttit:  A.,  b.  Marcli  i:j. 
18.j.^.  "'■6,  Aiuo.-<  T"ith.  April  7,  18.VJ.  H.  r..\(!iKi,  .1.,  I...'  May  :i,  is-j.",.  4,  M.MiY  E.,  b. 
June  (;,  1S-2S. 

III.  llaiinal-,  b.  Oct.  0,  I'lSl:  m.  S.  S.  Hall. 

IV.  Maiy.  b.  in  Washington,  1/itchtieId  Co..  Conn.,  April  17,  17'.)i);  m.  ITiram,  s.  of 
Jacob  Story  of  I-'airffix,  Vt.,  who  d.  about  b8'22-;5,  leaving  on,-  s.  1.  l[ii:A.\r  li.vMi'roN, 
b.  about  islG;  m.  and  had  several  chiMreii;   rc<.    Fai-fax. 

V.      Sainue!,  b.  O'll.  o,  1702;  d.  .luly  1(>,  17!):i. 

.12.4711.  David  Turtle,  b.  Feb.  "20,  178:'..  in  Derby,  Conn.;  rem,  to  llardwiek, 
Vt.  All  ob;ti!ar,\'  iii  the  ll.-i!ihvi(4<  p.aper  contains  tlie  following;  "  'An  oM  man  ^onv." 
Cajft.  inivi,!  Tut'ilc,  tlicoklc-l  man  in  llardwiek,  d.  h'riday,  Au^'.  2V,,  ls7i),  a,  S7  yis.  G 
months  and  (!  days.  With  his  father's  family  h,-  mo\ed  froiii  Conn,  in  177(1.  his  i'aih'i- 
settling  on  the  old  lla;'.eii  i',<ad,  near  wh;it  is  luioNvn  as  Hanlwiclc  street.  .\i  that  tiim^ 
thert-  was  not  a  framed  house  in  the  town,  the  first  one  li.-ing  built  tie-  year  f(dlowing, 
every  man  in  t,'iwii  having  bi'cn  invited  to  the  raising.  The  te^\n  was  organized  the 
saoio  year,  (_'a])t.  'buttle,  llien  a  boy  of  ]  (  yivirs,  distiiu-tly  i  ennMibers  b.'iiu';  ]iresi-nt  at 
the  first  eh^-tion  of  town  olliciTs.  He  also  itTollected  ihe  first  white  chilil  b.  in  tin- 
town,  lie  ret;;iiied  his  faculties  to  a  reirmi'kalile  degree,  and  could  uA\  \\li,>  settle  1  on 
almost  (.Aery  h.u  in  tlie  town,  lie  had  lived  to  sc  two  generations  grow  up  and  pass 
awa,v.  He  lis'cit  and  diCvl  without  ail  rnemv;  an  honest  man;  friendly  and  genial  \virh 
all.  <  >ne  (jf  ( iod's  noblemen;"  m  April  ■21,1807,  Anna  Fmerson  (io.;s,  b.  in  llollis,  Xew 
Hampshire;  d.  in  llardwiek.  \'t..  Ja.n.  "2.").  1841,  v..  ')'■'>  vears.  ;'.  in  II.' 
1.  Samuel  Amos,  b.  Feb.  20.  ISOS;  ,v.s.  M,urisville,  Vf. 
II.      I-Ioxana  Huntington,  !>.  Dec.   K.i.   isp;);  ,1,  ut  H.  May  4.  b^4t;. 

HI.  Mary  ('atharin,'.  b.  March  it,  ISI'2;  in.  Samuel  D.i'vis,  who  d.  Sept.,  18.'58:  res. 
with  (uie  of  her  d.-'.u-.  in  Frovidiuice,  1>.   1. 

IV.      Albert  (.u.■^s.  b.  .Mulch  20.  ISt-l;   res.  Cm  tlandvilie,  N.  Y. 
V.      l.ucy  Ann,  b.  April  4,  1S17;   m.    1).   W.  Aiken;   r.'s.  II. 
VI.      Fli/"a  (toss,  b.  N,iv.  20.  IS!;);  ni.  Holphin  (i.  Smith,   res.  Columbus.  (.). 
A'll.      Carolinu  Hall,  b.  Mav  '21,   1N2 1  .  at  Creei^.-boro,   Vt.;  m.    A.    M.  lUair;   res.  Fn:A 
(lu   Wis. 

\'lil.      Malvina  Maria,  b.  An;'-.   F?,  bS2s;   m.  .\l,:m\  F.  .Hidwine,  Town  Cie'Ic  '.f   liaid 

X.      Filward  Augu-tus  French,  b.  I'ec.  :41,  \>^.A;  r-'S.   .lelleistrnville,   liid. 

TLTTI.E.  577 

.12.4713.  HaunahTuttle,  '>.  in  i^mlinirvtoun.  O.-t.  O,  nsT;  ,l.  (\v.  1,  lS'V2:i,i. 
Jiilv  :;(),  isnit,  Slu'lnw.'tli  Stow  Hull.  M.i)..  1..  >(av  .-),  ITsr,.  (s.  of  .Toi.arlpin  Hall,  h.  .Iuul' 
r.t, 'ir.yj:  m.  Ori.  12,  i:t>U,  M:u-y,  (iau.  of  AuiMii  "and  Mary  l\i!uli:ill,  h.  Mardi  •..".),  ITIIO.) 
]!i'  stuil.  luftl.  anil  snr;i;ci-y  aiid  bc^'^au  piariii'i-  \vitli  liis  ]ircii.'[itnr  when  I'.t  yis.  of  aL;r. 
After  gnvluaiiiiir,  lu;  reui.  from  Xewfanf,  \'t.,  to  Fairfax  in  isOT,  auil  became  (jiiiti! 
ct'li'brated.  locally,  as  a  skillful  iijiysioian:  but  bi'iiii:-  ,i!<>o(l-n;it  arnl  ami  a  llttb;  lic-edle.-:;^ 
in  ijioncy  matters,  be  endorsed  notes  for  jn'ople  and  almost  as  u  matter  of  i-ourse.  bad 
them  to  jiay  and  in  corisecjuence  lost  all  Ins  proiierty  in  IS-jS-^ii.  li\  1S;^0  rem.  wltli  wf. 
and  two  elder  daus.  lo  l)eiroit,  Mi(di.,  and  raicuiced  suceessfnlly  in  jiractioe  cd'  med.  In 
1830  buu.ii-bt  laud  oi)  bard:  of  St.  I 'lair  river.  St.  Clair  e'n.,  .M'icb.,  a;:<l  nied  fariJiint;-. 
witliout  success  liuancially,  a.nd  in  ]s87  be  refruedto  Detroit,  aiid  ]irac.  med.  when 
health  Dermitted,  nhioli  had  bri'n  broken  bv  farm  labor,  until  bisd.  Feb.  ];J,  bSl'.),  a.  (.U. 
I."     Kachel  Tuttle  Hall.  June  IS,  ISlT:  d.  A].ril  24,  ISi;]. 

II.  Marv  Kimball  Hall,  Oct.  28,  ls'12:  d.  April  VA,  1:^1.1 
III.  AiUi'is  Tnltl-'  Hall.  b.  Oct.  7.  ISM;  designed  for  a  lil>eral  ednea.tion,  but  \>v>'- 
veiited  by  want  of  means;  decided  then  ou  mercantile  business',  and  at  the  a;'!'  of  fifteen 
left  home  in  Fairfax,  ^'^..  walked  12  nulcs  to  St.  Alban.s.  and  em^aii'ed  for  fo:ir  years 
with  .Morris,  Hoyt  iV  SatTord,  I0  receive  A^t)  and  l).iard  the  ilrst  year,  s;-,i)  tie'  se.^'nd  ami 
thinl,  and  s-dd  the  fourth.  His  health  re,|uir;!iir  a  chanee  of  climate,  he  resolved,  to 
visit  liis  i>areiiis  in  Detroit,  his  employers  parting  with  him  reltictamly  and  i,nvit:jr  him 
a  cej'tificate  of  g-ood  (diararter  and  a  general  letter  of  ertdit  to  be  used  if  taken  ill  on  the 
way.  He  left  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  on  the  I3th  of  Oct..  and  arrived  in  Detroit  on  the  30th  of 
Oct.,  in  the  aftevnonn;  tiuie,  IT  days.  Siiu^e  then  he  has  resided  ]iermanenily  at  the 
"West  and  has  been  engaged  as  mercantile  clerk  or  ju-oprietor  nine  yrs. ;  in  i.tiice  of 
Auditor  (ieiu?ral  and  State  Treasurer  four  yrs.;  in  banking  two  yr,-. ;  I'l.mptroli.-r  id'  t!ie 
city  fd'  Detroit  four  yrs,,  and  in  various  iidhoad  ]iositi(uis  luenty-one  yrs.  Has  been 
Secretaiy  and  Trea-,iirer  of  ( 'liicae-o.  Ibii  lin^ton  ^V  (tiiinc -y  i;,  !!.  siiu'e  ps.",."):  ri-s  r'!iica.i;-o, 
III.  He  ni.  Uci.  2;J,  iSuT.  Lucy,  dau.  of  "salium  and  .\iary  \\  inne  Duncan  ol  Perkius- 
ville.  A\"indsor  ("o. ,  Conn. 

The  above  facts  were  furnislied  by  ^Ir.  Hall  h.imself  in  cin-respondence  v.-ith  the 
Compiler  several  years  since,  and  with  idiaracteri.-tic  libei-ality  and  wisdom  he  .subscribed 
tVu- twenty  co'pies  of  this  work.  He  d.  in  I'hicago.  ,lune  2ii.  1SS2;  bu.  in  Detroit,  'i'he 
ReU'jio  PJiiloS'ipJiiciil  Jounu'tl  (Swedenborgiau)  id"  Chicago,  in  an  interesting  obituary, 
gives  some  furtlier  particulars  of  Ins  life  and  character;  "■  11"  came  to  Chicago  in  lS.")o 
and  at  once  b-cam.r'  interefJti'd  in  railroad  buildin.i;-;  In  Iped  to  build  the-  .Miili.  Central 
into  Chicago.  Assisted  in  making  the  survey  wf  the  Chicago,  Burlington  ^V  (.^hiincey  K. 
i;.  to  the  Miss,  river,  on  the  completion  of  wld'-h  b.e  was  ma<le  Superintendent,  and  soon 
after.  Secretary  and  Treasurer.  Later,  the  duties  of  'I'leasurer  rei|u;red  his  \\lio!e  atten- 
tion, as  Some  t\>'enty  millicms  of  dollars  passed  ainnuiUy  through  his  hands.  About  a 
ytar  before  his  death,  his  health  failing  he  resigned  the  onerous  position  of  Treasurer 
and  v.-as  aiipointed  Secretary.  At  the  time  of  liis  death,  besides  otiice  he  held 
others,  as  Vice-Pres.  of  the  Pullman  Palace  (.'ar  Co.,  Treas.  of  the  Fort  Dodge  Coal  Co., 
Treas.  Chicagi\  Wilmington  tV  Vermillion  Coal  Cc>.  Mr.  Hall  was  a  line  s|iecimen  of 
what  true  spii'iiual  culture  can  efTect.  He  was  familiar  \Nith  the  writings  id'  Sweden- 
boTg.  and  absorl.)ed  all  their  better  portioiis,  and  was  much  interested  in  the  investiga- 
tion of  S}iiritual  ]dieuomeua.  He  was  the  friend  of  the  ])iior  asid  se.tTering  everywhere, 
and  though  often  imjiosedtipon  by  a])peals  from  the  nnwortliy,  neither  these  nor  the 
graver  cares  and  troubles  of  life  dbsturln-d  llio  calm  and  serenity  of  s[iirit,  so 
beautiful  and,  that  ever  distinguished  him.  His  memory  will  be  cdierished  by 
thousands,  and  his  good  deeds  will  never  be  forgotten.  Mr.  Hall  was  a  nuMuber  of  the 
Apollo  C'ommandory,  and  Hie  funeral  services  were  conducted  according  to  the  Knights 
Templar's  ritual.  The  tioral  dis]'lay  was  magniticent;  among  the  re-t  two  jiii'ces.  each 
representing  '  The  Cati  s  Ajar.'  not  inai)propriately,  for  to  him  the  gates  had  long  been 
ajar  and  through  the  half  opivn  way  aiieelJe  message.^  had  lu'cn  wafted." 

The  (liiriKji,  'I'lnu'R  of  July  Id,  18s2,  contains  an  eloqueiu  sermon  to  the  memory  of 
the  late  Amos  T.  Hall  by  the  l.'ev.  L.  P.  Mercer,  in  which  he  says;  "  His  character  was 
one  of   mingled  strength  and  amiability.  *"         '^         *         Honest,    ui)righi,  just  and 

merciful,  men  everywhere   ftdt  the   ])nwer  of   his  life,  and  in  the   sanctuary  at    home  lie 
was  priest  and  t'-ac'lier  with  the  fidelity  and  more  than  the  gentleni'ss  of   a  patriarch  of 


L  DfNvwN  J.\(i<s()N,  Sept.  L"),  ISfJs!:  stud,  law  and  admitted  IStil.  I'lnlisfed  under 
call  lor  ;;ij(i,0u0  men,  el^ciede'apt.  of  his  Co.  A.  wvA  mn,-tered  into  .sflth  Uegi  111.  InL 
and  chosen  Major.  ( 'a;>tured  with  !*ii  of  liis  men,  and  hi>  (ieueial  ( ^^'iHicll).  ta];i-ii  to 
Ottawa  anil  held  a   prisoner   ten    weeks;  esclinnged;   pnunoted  to    Lieut.    Colomdry    and 

^"^8  URANT:}!    OF    XATH.ANiEl. 

■toolc  cniinnan:!  (.ftlic  re>;-t. ;  fini'cUt  in  scvoml  entragenu-uts.  On  ilie  50tli  of  Sei)!  ]H(;i 
near  tliei-losc  ,,r  tlu'  bjttl,.  of  ('hid;ainaui,^a  in  Ua.,  he  was  shot  tliroii<rli  tlie  bowels  am'' 
d.  til"  next  iKornihu-,  lanientoJ  liv  all  wlio  luiew  liiui.  2.  Lfcv  J»i.Nt\N  Viv ''>•>  isto' 
i!i.  O.-t.  -20,  ]s;.v»,  FrediTiek  l.ewis  I'^ike  of  IJacon  IJill,  X.  Y.  i,  A,uoi  T>h'(/',-  Thu"  •■' 
yrahrirk  L,,ris.  3,  Anxe  Elizmiktu,  Marcli  23,  18-J4;  in.  1  si;;';,  John  AD.eit  H'lh'lwin 
of  Bellenca  Falls.  Mo.  ),  Jalm  ILi/i.  4.  Amos  Sn.wi:,  .1  nlv  21  IS-JC-  ,1  )an  l"  ls-,() 
5,  M.vuY  B.VLi,,  S.-].l.  23,  ISls';  ,1.  Dec  8,  Isol.  C,  Ili.xnV  Airui  I'l!,  '  K,.b '  Ut'  Isiv^- 
frrad.  ln^ch  si'-hool  and  is  a  clerk  in  his  fatlirr's  oliicc.  7,  (.'j-oia.r  \r  1'fi-i-  Trrri  r  f 
Oct.  7.  lS5t;  d.  May  C,   ISof!.     8.   Wii.i.i.^m   FitEDi.KirK   \>,s  '  Jn\v^ -^^     1^'u  ^'  >i 

CuAJil.K:^  Bi.K-H!i;X,   July,"),    18GU.  '  •      "    •  ■       '• 

IV.  Kachel   Tuitle' Hall,    Xov.   22,    ]8lU:]n.    in    Detroit,    March  3     1S3-)     Chnrlrs 

^\^lcox,  dec.      ],   Cu.-vin.Ks  Stuwk.     2,   Anna,  m. Jones:  both  chi'l.  an<l 'th-ir'nu, 

I'es.  Ill  Monnioiith,  \\  anen  I'o..  111. 

V.  Mary  Kimball  Hall,  An-  27,  1818;  la.  June  2o,  b>:;-10,  Calvin  Colmnbus  Jark- 
>Mn,  piiynia.ster  I.  .  ^;.  N.;  now  (1871.1  .'^nuion.-d  at  .A  nnapolis  Naval  Aead.  i  5  chil  of 
wlioni  4  d.  qmto  younir.     ■">.   Iazvae  Wooimuuix^k.  b.  aboia  J,s:)4 

^  y\.  Sopbia  WillardHall,  Sep!.  !,  ly-O;  ni.  .\.,v.,  ]s3s.  Siias  A.  ike-.-  th.'n  ,nn- Ml- 
tne  j.ublishers  of  the  Z'fi'/viV  /V-  ibv.y.v.  ]b- d.  in  Driroit,  iscn.  She  d.^Mav  M  \^:y> 
from  all  ovenio'..'  of  morphine  adinini.slereil  bv  tli..>  fainiiv  j)hvsic-^an  'i'lieV  b'l.l  7  cVi]" 
of  whom  4  d,  y.  o.  (ii-onor.  Wasui-.\.;t()X,  "S^i.t.  i:,,  l8-i,S:"wlien  lb  vrs.  "(d' a  eidiste'ii 
in  801)1  ];e^-T.  III.  Inf.  and  was  \^ounded  Atlanta  on  "  the  nia'rch  to  the  -.-a  " 
Aftei  wards  h.Hi'.rably  di.sciKUved,  Now  (iSTl)  (derk  in  olib'e  of  the  puvniaster  F  S  V 
ra  V\  ashingioii,  D.  F.  (j.  Fi;ank  Stowk.  Mandi  3.  iSoO:  now  and  for"six  vears  -eneral 
bookkee]ier  in  tlie  oliice  of  the  titasurer  V.  F).  \-  Q.  ]',.  R.  .     •  ^ 

^.12.472.     Gideon  Tuttlc,  m. Chamberlnin   of   Conn.       This   fain     all    went 

V\  e.-r.      On.'  of  iiw  suns  writes  m,-  that  their  tr.  F  Tutile  rame  rr..m    Fndand  and  ^er-  ed 
in  Kt.-v.  vv'ar. 

].     Jirah. 

II.     Amos  (1Fl.-v.),  Cong-,  minister,  b.  .Monkton,  \'t.:  d.  Pawpaw,  Midi     abt    I87ii 
HI.      Stile-;.  ' 

IV.     Channcev,  a  St.  l^ouis  reporter. 

V.  I-:imer. 
VI.     Hannah. 

A'll.      Lueia.  '  . 

.12.473.  Nathaniel  Tutt]o,d.  in  town  of  Fawrence,  St.  Fa^^■rf•n^e  Co  X  ^" 
1830:  m.  Eiei  ta  Cliauiberlain,  her  father  being  brother  of  (Fd'eon  '''utile's  wife  '  She  d 
in  Clint. m.  NN'is.,  last  of  Dec,  lS(jb,  a.  82;  /.  in  Ferri-bur^h,  .\.ldi.-,.n  e'o     Vt 

I.      Hn^soU.  b.  1805;  d.  in  west  ])art  of  Franklin  Ci^,  X.  Y.,  Jan.,  Is.VJ;'  m    a  dan 
of  Ffu'.i'-n  Fig.'low. 

11.     Philemon,  b.  1807;  d.  in  i;ushford.  \\'ini!eb:io-o  Co     \Vi>     Xov    IJ    ls',i 
HI.     Joanna,  b.  1809.  "  '  ■-.,.•. 

IV.     Jirah  Chainl)erlaiii,  b.  ISll. 
V.     Milo,  ISFk 
VI.     0.s<;ar  Fitzland,   b.   July  23,  1815;  Constable  and   Dej.utv  Sherifi:   10  vears  in 
Essi'x  Co.,  ^  t.  ,  ■  ■ 

VH.      Stiles  Edwin,  b.  1817. 

.12.49.       lioah  Tuttle,  bap.  29.      He   was  a  Fev.  .soldier;  m.  Susanna 
Smith;  chil.  b.  in  SoutliLuiry  I'arish,  Woodburv,  Conn. 

F     .Ann,  bap.    April   29,    17o9;  in,   June  2s,    177(1;  i„.  A^-ur  \Vhe.k'r    b     HOP  '' 
Dec  12,  FSb2,  a.  4S.  ,      .      ..  i,   -. 

II.      Sasanna,  bap.  Xov.  13.  17G3;  m.  Nathan  Downs 
III.      ^farv  Ann.   d.  v. 
\\\      Xewtou.  b.  17i;^. 
.12.494.     Kewtou  Tuttle,  b.  June  21,  17bS;  res.  S.>nthlnirv,  Conn. :  farnn-r-  diirin.'- 
Ills  b-i.-me  hours  ard.'Htly  availe.l  himself  <,f   sueh  iin/:..ns  ..f    iMstrurn,.u  a>  wore'  within 
his  r.'aeh.      About  1  :S4,  eonveit.'d  t.-  Meth.,di.-,m ,  am!  ludp-d  t..fotiud  the  first  sorb  t\   .d 
tiiat  .I'liominalion    in   the  t.>wn.       S.  ..m  a  flerwards   iu'  w:is   lic,-n-.o  I  to   pr.a.di    aiide.m- 
tinned  to  oiiiei.-ite  until  hiMh-eeas.'.    having  ].:-;. .lal  cdiarge  of  the  Southbui\  m'  K   vo.- 
ff)r  many  yrs.  au.l  fr.  .I'l.'iitly  preaehiiig  in  other  phwrs,    \\s  hi^ --mu^  beeam.''  ^liom.'h 
to  g.,  iiirobusim -s  b)r  ti,ems:'l\  rs.  In-  p^o^-i^l,  .1  o.a.di  with  a  bum,  takin-  tie-  biir.l.niip'.iii 
himself  and  in  no  ease  allowing  them  to  i).'eome  indcbtid  to  othiis.        In  nmi-.'  ihaii   .m.' 
instan-.-e  he  gave  uii  his  own   Imnustead  t.)  a    son  an.l  at   great  in.'.)nv.'nifiiee  toViims.  If 



^^ouirlit  anntlu-r  iH.-s'ulfiire.  XurdiJ  liis  ]).it(:'i'nal  solicitudi-  ccasi^  ni'tiT  lie  lind  stiirti-d  his 
•cLiidrcn  in  life.  llo  coiuinufd  in  Nvalcli  omt  and  advisi-  tliiiu  a^  Imii;- as  la-  liv'cd,  and 
.so  elevated  Avas  lii>  cliaraeter  that  not  one  of  tlirin  \v<mld  liavc  dicin.'d  it  piudent  U) 
liave  disregarded  his  wishes.  He  l.>ecanu-  interested  in  soiiu-  ni-.inufacturing  enterprises 
■vvhiclv  he  carried  on  in  connection  with  Ids  farm.  lie  did  a  lari^^e  amount  of  jnihlie 
business,  and  v>-as  much  emidDved  as  administrator  and  cn.  I'utmof  estates  and  ^■■nardian 
for  minors.  It  "\\t.s  his  custom  to  take  his  waids  into  hi-;  own  family  and  treat  tliem  as 
his  chihlren.  A  man  <d'  lofty  cluiractfr  and  riirid.  pt-ihaps  sti-rn,  id<as  of  (.]uty  he 
expected  th<)se  under  his  chartre  to  confoi-in  to  tht^  same  standard  he  had  set  u])  for  him- 
self. His  \sid,  used  to  relate  tliai  at  oni'  time  Ikt  liu-^hand  lifin^'-  a ppoiiited  guardian 
for  a  refractoi;v.  b  .ly.  the  terror  of  the  \vholf:  neighl>(;rhood,  slie  begged  him  not  to  take 
thisbov  into  tie'  family,  li<i  his  example  might  i>rove  injurious  to  the  other  children. 
But  shr  \\as  o\>'rriilt.(l;  the  lioy  came  and  with  no  coercion  beyond  the  influence  and 
examjde  of  his  giuirdian,  turned  out  to  be  one  of  the  best  lioy.s  she  had  over  seen.  U 
mix  disagreement  arose  between  his  neighbors  and  friends,  he  cc>nsiituted  liim.?elf  a  p-^ace 
maker,  and  his  elTorts  wtu-e  always  successful.  Tlie  late  Chief  .lustice  Hinirian  used  to 
say,  that  he  had  nict  with  I'Ut  few  ]'ersons  whr)  j>o-,^ess.'d  sostiviuga  tnind  and  as  wcll- 
regulatc'J.  .-i.  jml^^iufiit  a.s  Newton  I'utth'.  He  rei)re-<.Tited  the  to\vi)  of  Southburv  in 
Conn.  I.e;;-.,  in  IN'J!  and  ls■2^;  d.  March  Vi.  ls:J3.  He  m.  Sept.  10,  Hsi;,  l^ith 
Pearce,  )>.'  Auu'.  17.  1  7ii7,  a  et.  ar.  ilau.  of  Dea.  .lohn  Ptarce;  she  d.  Julv,  isril).  a.  .^a  vrs. 
—-C'VA-rcz/'v  J/isr  nf  ]Vn:„]hiir:/'  Vol  '2.  ),^irj.  ].-,(;r,. 

I.     Mary  Ann.  1'.  .June  ]!:),  ITSI:  lit.  ^\■al];erI■yon.    1,  Smith.     2,  .II^.A^^■l:TJ■K.     ?,, 
lI.viiKiirr,  res.  Fredericksfown,  Knox  Co..  0. 

11.  C\rus.  I)a]..  Dec.  23,  ITS'.l;  m.  .\iiril  12.  IMD.  ]>-tsey,  dau.  of  Samuel  aiul 
S;ira]i  hev  i"s  Sii.itl:,  li.  June  M.  Ti--~).  1.  H.\i;iui;t  Iv ,  m.  Fre.lericl:  H.d'ray,  it.-..  Sooth- 
bury,  Coim.,  at  old  homestead,  called  'Mb-oi-ge  Hill.'  2,  Sa.mi'i;!,  S.mith.  merrh.  I'or  27 
vrs.  at  l''i'ediicl<lo\\  n,  <>..  treasurer  <U"  Knox  (_'o..  foni'  ye:irs,  and  P.  \\.  Si;'ri(m  .\geiU  and 
Ex])reps  Agent  for  l.'t  yrs. ;  m.  and  has  two  sons  and  o  (i:uis.  now(ls71)  living.  A  tuore 
cotuplete  reccu'il  was  written  for.  Imt  not  obtained. 

HI.  Xewtou,  I'aii.  June  Kl,  Kill:  m.  Feb.  17,  1^20,  Eli/.n  Wilcoxs.ui,  b.  Oct.  15, 
.I'lfs.  1.  CjiAiii.MiTK.  b.  A]TiI  2:j.  1821:  m.  Jan.  P),  b^50,  Charles  Muu.-on,  b.  Xbjv. 
ISli).  brothel  of  C.  J.  ^Pn,,-e.n.  jeweler  of  N.  ibiv.;  r.-s.  Woo.lburv.  1,  J.,],,,  ,V. ,  b. 
">lar.h  17.  1S,"):J.  2,  Maiiv  .I.VNi'',  b.  Pec.  2-1,  1S-J2;  m.  Nov.  2:1,  1>' J  7.  Wait  ( 'lark,  res. 
Munroe,  Conn,  \,J:ii.c  Eli-n,  b.  March  1,  bSlib  m.  June  1,  ls7ii,  U'illiam  Stevens, 
mcrch.,  b.  b'^iS.  r.-s.  Ansonia.  Conn.  2,  (J,or<jl'""i  lb.,  b.  May,  ISOl;  d.  (Jet.  I'.l,  \>i~i\. 
Z,  Fr.dertric  Si'n-ion,  b.  Oct.  Is,  is.-yi  -1,  ir(7//./?/(  S,'„/nrj'.  b.  Apiil  17,  IS.^fl.  5, 
Chorlottr  J/;,  b.  Oct.  2,  ls:,!t;  d.  Feb.,  is(i:i.  'l,  ^;,..,-yc  7;.."  I).  June  7,  1>^.:;.  7.  Charn'it. 
M.,  b.  Feb.  2,  1>'!;S.  y,  Na.xcyH..  h.  Sept.  20.  1S:U;  m.  Pec.  20.  IS.-.-),  Lauren  llaKdi,  b. 
•Oct.  t>,  bs;il.  res.  Pridgewater,  Conn.     1.  Charhs  Xt:ir(„it.  b.  Nov.  20,  b'^Oo. 

1\'.  i;>'iijamin.  baj).  April  10.  1702:  ni.  Harriet  Smith:  (2)  Charloite  Siidth,  si-^.  of 
his  bro.  Cvrns"  wife:  f.  by  2d  m. :  1,  Sai.t.v  Jam.,  b.  .Ijui.  10,  1^2P  m.  N.iv.  20,  1S1><. 
■Cienrge  A."  Curtis,  who  d."  Ma.v  26.  180G:res.  Southburv.  1.  I'Srniiniiin  Tuiilr.  b.  March 
.31,  ISoO.  2,  noj.  /.'..  1).  -March  PJ,  ls,r2.  o,  \Vw.  <r..  Sej.t.  lu.  l.s.-,-|.  -1,  C////;'/c.s  JL.  b. 
March  11,  ls,-)7.  0,  CI,<irl,,((r  F.,  b.  Feb.  D,  ISOO.  6,  }h:rrUt  S..  Feb.  is,  isij2:  all  ivs. 
in  -New  Haven.  Conn.,  except  Penj.  -T.  2,  Ndaii  H.,  h.  .\ug.  24,  1S20;  m.  Nov.  10,  1840, 
•Susan  C.  Bnidlev,  res.  \\'aterburv.  Conn.  1,  Fnu^r, s  J.,  b.  Jan.  20,  ISol:  m.  Oct.  4. 
1870,-Nfithan  K.' Carpenter.  3,  ("'Aiioi.iM-:  S.,  b.  Oct.  20,  182.S:  m.  Nov.  10.  bspj,  Kni,,i 
B.  Pradlev,  res.  Southburv.  1,  ('hariulfc,  b.  Pec.  20.  ISol;  d.  .May  13,  ]S,j3.  2,  Jhn-i/f 
Fnin/:Un,\U\\\  21,  l8o4.  "  3,  Carrie  F..  b.  July  17.  ISCo.  4,  Xvru  F..  b.  May  5,  ISilS; 
d.  June  4,  ISOd. 

V.     Smith,    bap.   Aug.   23,  1704;  m.   Maria  Shelrmi;  res.    Burlington,     Conn.        1. 
William,  d.  a.  21  yr^.       2,  LockwodI):  lives  in  Burlington.       3.  Makiett.-v,  d.  y.       4, 
■   SMirii,  u'riul.  Weslevaii  I'liiv.,  Miildletou.  Conn. :  lawyer  in  N.  Y.  city.  5.  Tii);kc»x.  grad. 
N.  York'^Mel.  Col.:*.M,P.:  res.  Burlin-ton,  Conn. 

VI.  .I(,)hns(ui,  ba]).  Feb.  P!,  17M7;  ( b-r,rge"s  Hill,  Southhury,  Ja.n.  3,  1878;  a. 
81  yis. ;  m.  JaiL  21,  1818.  Fstber  Hinman.  li.  1\  b.  0,  180(i;  ve.,.  Southhury,  Coon.; 
farmer.  1,  Jkan.xkttk  I'li'/.a,  b.  Pee.  1.  isps;  in.  Nov.  24,  1^;41,  Pl,ilo  Poucey  Piatt, 
Sept.  3,  1811:  i-es.  Newtown,  Conn,:  fanner.  1,  ,/.jA//V'//i  Tuttlr.  h.  Jan.  12.  lS-14; 
grad.  llarv.  Fniv. .  FF.  \\. .  \'>u'>:  hav.yiu-.  lecturer,  and  instructor  in  Pleading,  F,V)d<-nec  and 
E(piity  Juris])rudence  in  law>chool  of' Vale  Fniv.:  corporation  counsel  and  jiromineut  in 
city  alfairs;  m,  Sept.  3.  l^'OT.  Mcry  .b  P^'tiee  of  Mas:^, ;  0,  JuiU'  7,  ispl.  2,  '/'//<  m/j 
ja'hi.ih'.  b,  .Mav  10,  l-ls;  n  s.  Newtown,  Conn. 

\'lf:  Folly  .\nn.  b,  Feb.  12,  Iso-.';  ,F  May  IS.  ls71:  m.  Au.i:.  2n,  1^12,  AVilliam 
Culhrie,   b.   A]U'il  7.    ISUO;  res    South    Ibltaiu,   Conn.       He   was   lirst  selectjiuin,   town 

)80  L3:A>.c:ii;  of  xathaniel. 

treasurer  and  Micmlici'  of  ussrinlily.     lied.  Dec.  IS,  isT.."),  and  l)i^i  ^viIl  \vas  liii^r;,|,.j  •  ,•  T^ 
oiiC  child  -wild  d.  scHiii. 

VlJl.,  d.  v.  : 
IX.     }hiri-ict,  h.  .inly  Ml,  l«Or;  m.   May  24,   18o2,   William  Snnford;  res.    KcddiiiL;. 

Conn;  i.  one  child,.  3I.\kth.\  'I'itti-K,  I).  Jitly  10.  lb'!;?;  d.  April  31,  1852.  ; 

X.  Jciiniietti',  d.  a.  9  yrs.  , 

.12.5.     Isaac   Tuttlo,   hap.  Feb.  P.,  I'JST-S:  m.  in  W'allin.-ford,  C'nnn..  17-JH,  Surah,  ; 

dau.  of  Thcophilus and  Thankful   (li;dl)  Ocjoiiltle  (see  App. ),  ii.  .Iiiic'l,  ITO:;.      Cdihrfii 
t^avs   Isaac.   can;e    frtun    Danburv    t<>    ^^'^ll"!ln!^\';    ni.    in    \\',    June    10,    172i».    I'rndtMicc  ; 

^V'll€■eler,  1).  Sept.  lU,  1702.     TliVv  joiiu-d  tin-  chli.  in  W.  Ai)rii  12,  17;;0,  and  slie  d.  .v.  i.  > 

July  7,  1730;  i:i.  in  W.  (3)  April  l"','  17;il.  Mary,  dau.  (d'  Daniel  Warner,  b.  July  ]').  1712.  ? 

She  joined  the  chh.  in  W.  Ajiril  12,  17;J2;  d.  Oct.  26.  1740;  thouiidi  tliat  y'f-ar  v.ould 
seem  to  he  a  mistake,  for  the  will  of  Daniel  Howe  of  \N'ateil)ury  jirovf  d  June  11,  17-1."),  { 

names  dau.  Anna,  wf.  of   Isaac  Tutile,  uiile.s.s  there  was  another  Isaac,  and  ii  is  diliicnlt  : 

to  liarmoni/e  all  the  facts  and  dates  oti  any  other  sniipusiiinn.      Was  she  the  sa-ni'  person  ■ 

named  in  tlu'  will  of   I.^iiac  T^rons'in   dated   June    11,  17')",  pvov<-d  ,luly  IS,  1751,  as   dan.  , 

Ann,  wf.  of  Isaac  "rutth-V  ',davi. -in-law  p-'.';haps  either  uf  Daniid  Howe  or  <jf   Isaac   Bron-  f 

son).     She  was  b,  Auir.  2>j,  1100:  d.  Julv  -,2,  1753.      Isaac  Tnttlc  is  called  Seiyt.     He  d.  : 

1772,  a.  1^4.  ■  i 

I.     Son,  stilMiorn  June  30.  ll'SO.  l 

II.     David,  bap.  May  21,  1732;    d.    in   Woodbury,  Conn.,   D-c.   IG,   ls04;    m.    1770  [ 

Hannah,  dau.  of  Adino  and  Deborah  Prime  Stronji:,  b.  D'C,  1731;  d.  Si-j't.  14,  1S14,      1,  '| 

Amu;^,  b.  1771;  d.  Marcli   10,  1S20.     2,   KL)z.\BKTir,  b.  1772;  d.  Oct.  12,  ISM.     3,  Soio-  ; 

MON.  h.  1775;  d.  Ai^rll  4,  b^32.     4.   St.mkon.     5,   DK.x.j.s.MfX,   b.    1779;  d.   Jan.  30,  1S12;  ; 

111.  Harriet ,  v.];o  d.  Sept.  21,  iSll,  a.  23.  .  ■ 

ill.      rrudi.n.-.-,  liap.  Jan.  20,  1734;  m.  Jan.  IG.  1755,  Amos  Martin,  baj^'.  \n\V.  Oct.  J 

S,  172N;  (L  Aj'ri!  7,  l^Oo;  s.  of  Jose]>h  and   S.irah  iHarri-M  Martin.      J,    A.vkon,  0.   .Mav        '     ' 
23,  1750;  d.  Xuv.  17.  1770.     2,   Is.\Ar,    bap.    .Xov.    10.    i75S;  d.    Nov.,    177!>.     3,   .XoMi",  ' 

hap.  Nov.  y.  r.OO;  a  dau.  of  Ca]it.  Xnah  .Maatind  Mav  12,  ISi.K,),  a.  2  vis.  4,  Jf.ssi:,  bap. 
.Feb.  7,  1703.  5.  L:!.!,  ba]..  Feb.  3.  1705.  C,  Tm-M.v.x.'ba]..  March  12,"  I'iOi);  m.  1,  r/n!,!, 
d.  Nov.  12,  1703,  a.  1  yr.  2,  C/tarlci,.  3,  B'/fh.  4,  Aaron.  5,  Jtanndte:  all  bap. 
Aug-.  23,  1705. 

IV.      Marv.    b.ap.    June    19.  1737;  d.  Mav  9,  170S;  m.  1750   IJeut.  Juhn    Mchols  (3d 
wf.),  b.  Apli^2^.  1711;  d.  Apiil  4,  1701.      1^  1-:li,^I[.\,  ba]..  Amr.  7.  1757;  kilh-d  at   New  j 

York  Nov.  4.  1770.     2,   M.\KV,  bap.  :\lav  21,  1 15^:.     3,   Sisanx.v.  baj..  0)ct.  2(),  1701.     4,  . 

Anna,  June  29,  1766. 

V.      Andrew,  bap.  March  25,  1739;  m.  Lydia  Stur^is. 

VI.     Daniel,  bap.  June  5,  1743;  in.  July  5,  1774,  Concurrence  Tattle  [.12.].  i 

VIT.     Aaron,  biij).  Mav  15,  174S;  l?ev.  soldier;  m.  Marv  Smith. 
Vlll.     Ichabod,  hap.;  d.  Au^.  31,  1749. 

.12.55.  Andrew  Txiltle,  l>ap,  Alr.rch  25,  1730;  a  llcv.  .sol.;  d.  Jan.  IS,  l.v24.  a. 
b'4;  m.  J<ydia  Staryis  of  Stamford;  d.  I'ec.  17,  ISiO,  a.  7^;  Mr.  IMicluu.-l  Tnttle,  juy 
iiifonnant,  s.'iy.s  he  saw  Andrew  Tuttle  in  May.  1.S23,  who  said  'to  hiur,  "  I  am  S7  years 
old."  Tlic  father  of  Lydia  Siurgis  was  an  Englishman,  v,as  impressed  and  made  clerk 
on  board  an  English  ship;  deserted  in  the  idght  and  swam,  ]ii;r.-u<'d  by  a  shiji's  boat, 
throe  miles  to  the  American  shore,  wliicli  he  reached  with  great  ditflculty,  benumbed 
with  cold. 

I.      Avers,  b.  1702;  m.  Khoda  Bassett;  (2)  Hannah  Barnes;  (3)  Jerusha  Brown. 

11.     Keubeu,  1704. 

Hi.     Isaac,    Apnl  4,  1707;  m.  Sept.,  1791,  Olive  Hann. 

W.     Noah,  A])ril  10,  1770;  m.  Dec.  21,  1793,  Rebecca  Barnes. 
V.     Natlifui,  b.  Feb.  5,  1772;  na.  Lucretia  Hdall;  (2i  Polly  Taylor. 

VI.     Abigail,  m.    Arthur  Prindle;  (2)  Daniel   Chapman;  res.   Catharine,   N.  Y. ;  six 
cldh,  of  whom  were  Ivinicc  and  Betsey. 

Yli.      Irene,  m. Beers,  w  ho  d.  1825;  some  of    the  cliildren   \s-ere   in   bu'^ine^s  in 

North  Adams.  Mass.;  oih-rs  lived  in  \N'atertown,  Conn.,  where  the  v.'idow  wcni  to 
reside;   lem.  with  ihe  chihlreu  to  the  \S'est.      1,,    ui.  — —  Merriau';   hatl  several 

cliih,  of  whom  a    son    stndn-d    f,u-  the  miia.^try.     2.  Houack,   m.     3,  A  Dai'.,  m. 

HiL''i:bd)othani.     4,    U D.i.iAM,  m.     5,   Ciivui.i.s.     0,   Aui^MA,  m. 
V'ill.      Thaddeus,  ni.  Su-an  13ooth. 

IX.     Wiliian.,,  m.  Marv  Saiiford. 
X.      liv^se'i.  d.  m  U  o.;dO;irv  >ia.-  2tt,  1S07,  a.  2;:. 

XI.  Polly,  ;ii.  Joseph  Atwond,   b".  Sept.   2-',    1770;  ...    of  N.ailian    of   Woo<l- 
buvy.      l-\air  n\ore  .suppo^^d  TO  liavc  d.  y. ;  one  d.  .Sept.  2(,i,  1770;  (.'Uc  d.  March  10,    I7r7. 



.12.65].     Ayors   Tuttle,   h.    ITi;:;';   mn.    rn.m    r(.i,ii.    to   Tiu-:!  (',,.    I'ii  ■  d     S.-,,t 

is;i7,  a.  7");  r.i.  in  \\\,ud\>Mv\.    t'oi.n.,    l.'li:.,!:!    I'.as-w-tt.    whn.   d.  .]ulv   S  'iTtc/  :/ 2.S-  r?,] 

Ilaiuiah   lianirs;  i:i)  J.-rublia  i^r.uvu:   a  <lau.  nf  .\ver,-  'J'uiil.-d     ]  ),t  "  1  7  '  n<)')    -i    1'^  yrs  ■ 

ii  s.  .1.  .hii.v  ei.  ],s(i:5,  a.  i:j  yrs.;  a  rliil,!  ,1.   I>.  r.  ■)[},  KUl.      i.  \,y  1st   in.':  "     "  '    '  "' 

I.      SIm-Mmu,  li.  17S6;  111.  l,orajiia  Sffh'v. 

II.      .\!>ia>.liai\ 

III.  Cvni.-.,  l;ilj..,l.  a.  14  vrs. 

IV.  Li.raln. 

V.     J-uciii(la,  tMiii   \vi!l,  Ln.aiu.  d.  in  ]';]niira,  N.  Y.,  aljuut  1^10. 
"^  J.      N:;:i)f  uiil;ii.i\\-ii.      ('.  h  ■  '^il  m.  : 
yi].     Lf-diiura,  III.  I'rirl  .Mann. 
y\U.      Aiiiaiula.  I'l.  Ki.rii.v.iT  (luylnrd;  C2)  Khfurys^r  W.  Thrown;   rem.  to  O. 
IX.     ]{<'!„jCL-a,  d.  ]s7;j:  lived  near  Avers;  ni.  Jonatlum  Siinninn.^,;  1-2}  J    S    Sli  •!  luii 
X.     Orville,  d.  a.  10  yrs.  "  ■   j  ~  . 

.12.5611.     Sheldon  Tuttle,  h.  178'3:  an  itinerant  ]preai:hc'-:  d.  in  W.'stfii-ld,  Va.. 
June,  IH'>2,  a.  7'i  yr.s.;   ui.  ISM,  J.rjiania,  dau.  of  IJent.  Sei-l^v  .)t  Knowijle    a   IJev.  .'^ol' 
1.      Maria,  le   April,  Isll;   ni.  ( .'ile.s  Hull>.Tt ;   res.  Harrison  \'allev    Pa' 
II.     Lacinda,  1..  ]S]:i-  ni.  Heuj.  .Jrweit  of  Vt. 

III.  ("yrns  ().,  li.  1S15;  ni    and  liad  two  cliil. ;   res.    \\'estlield,  Tio<,-a  Co. ,  Ph. 

IV.  \\')n.  UrviU-.  I,.  S,  lsn;in.  April  '),  ISJO.  .lane  Ann  Hatlilione;  re.=; 
Tnde-pen.lence,  lo-v\a.  The  first  !ive  eliil.  b.  at  Wostfield,  I'u..  the  rest  at  l^alama^oo 
Mich.  1,  DkW  rrr  ("i.tntox.  Aui;-.  23,  1S21;  m.  .hilv  IC.  lsi;.|;  :u  h.denendenre,  Inwu' 
Addie  KrAvin;  .s.  (•.  2,  <.>sr.\i;,  Mav  l-J.  ]s4:',:ni.  in"  Kalatna/oo  Mieh".,  Feb.  l-l  IS/j^' 
Maria  T^iel<:4  cliil.  3.  II(>s.\ii:m,  J,;]v  Ki,  ISj:,;  rlerl,  on  I'a.ille  M  H.  4  J  \\n:s 
P.\Tin;o.NK,  b.  An-.  2it.  b^47.'de,-.  .^,  Kn(,i>A,  b.  O-htemo  Mieb  .iunp23  1S49  d  v 
G,  ^^  Ti,i,iA>t  (luvn.r.E,  b.  Am::  12.  ^^^:.2;  d.  An,--.  15,  IS)^,  7.  H!j.i.y,  Sept.  14.'ly73, 
6i,   Siir.i.jjox.  twin  wiib  K.     l),   A  s')\,  b.  and  d  '  \i)ril  '>i    b^i'.H 

\'.  Matilda,  d.  a.  2  yrs. 

VI.  Ayers,  b.  b^21;  "in.  Sns-ui  Tb.'xyer;  2 'dill. :  res.  (bbteu.o,  Mi..di. 

VII.  lilioda,  b.   \S-i:'.;  m.  I...)renzu  Prake;  ros.  ]  )eijolia,  McKean  (,'o     Pa 

VIIJ.  (ieo.  \V.,  h,  is20:  la.:  3(diil.:  res.  Adains  To.,  AVis. 

IX.  Pydia.  b.   1^27:  ni.  ,b,rhM,n  I'tienix:  on.' child;  i.-s.  Shippev,  Pa. 

X.  I--aac,  );.  ls2'J;  r-s.  Memphis.  Tenn. 

.12.552.  Reuben  Tllttlc,  b.  17f51:  m.  in  Woodsi..rk.  I'onn..  17.^0,  Pollv  Miner, 
vvlio  d.  Sept.  2,  ISJ!;  (21  at  Lyme.  N.  il.,  S^pr.  1,  ]s!i:,.  p;,,;U  Kimball,  v.'lui  d.' April  2.' 
]6;iy,  fi.  G3  yrs.  Peubeii  Tntile  tern,  to  l-^rmisuick,  \'t.,  thene.^  t,,  P.'a.diam,  Vt..  and  d^ 
there  Feb.  22,  1^2"),  and  his  farm  is  now  or.-ujiied  by  .Joab  Hunt  (s.-in-I.)  wlio  found  tlie 
family  r-'Cord  in  an  old  account  book,  chil.  bv  1st  ni!,  and  foi  warded  a  copvto  the  c-jnii. 
I.  Lyditi,  b.  May  ;jl,  1 70(1;  m.  .laeoh  Forrest. 
il.      i-;el..'cra.  i>.  .I'an.  2i),   i;it;i;-  d.  April  jo,  b■■^20;   unm. 

III.  Favid,  ],.  .\],n\  ];,  isul;  d.  alimit  ]S.-,1;  u;.  I,  Dai.-.,  ni.  Jerome  Kitfrid-c; 
res.  Wabien,  \'t.      2.   JiLlA.m    Jolin  Stin.son  of  Stoneliam,  Mass. 

IV.  Wiliiaiii  Furtis,  b.  Nov.  2S,  1N03;  d.  about  |s:.")1:'m.  F  Fi:ri;F,x,  in  business 
at  Xi).  52  Nojtb  St..  I'.osTwn.  2.  Maky  Amwi;,  m.  Luther  Plumer  of  Sanbornton,  N.  IF, 
and  lias  3  ihil.  3,  FeuNaim)  A.,  unm,;  res.  Franconia,  N.  11.  4.  Wm.  IF,  d.  al  F. 
Oct.  13),  1N7U,  ;i.  24  yrs.  (.!  nios.  ."i.  .Jujin  K.,  d.  in  Boston  Marcli  10,  F;7r).  a. '24  vrs.  C 
mos.;  m, ,  who  d.  Jan.   14.  1^74,  a.  21  vrs.,  had  1  cijil<l,  d.  inf.      ;'.  !;v  2d  ni.: 

V.      Maria,  b.  April  FF  isp(>:  m,  Jolm' .MrCuJbnn ;   went  to  Wis.  1S37;  dec. 
VF      Hiiam.  h.  h'eb.  17,  I'^IU:   d.  June,  ISU. 
Yll.      Tirza,  1).  Jan.  2,  1SP2:    <1.    Feb.,    iSoO;    m.    1S37,  Joab   Hunt,  who   res. 
Avitli  a  2d  wf.  on  tk-  oM  U.  T.  farm  in  Peacham,  Vt.;  3  (diil.  v'i  wlemi   two  d.  inf.   and 
the  3d  a  soil  is  ni.  and  re-,  in  Manclies'er.  .\.  11. 

VI]!.     Julia,  b.  Vv\>.  v.).  lSi4;  tn.  .b)scpli  Draiborn,  .x.  /.  ,■  res.  Mancliester,  X.  IF 
IX.      ]^■t.~.ey  Jan--,  b.  .May  11,  1.^17;  ni.   Ibival    Dana  of  Pea.duHin   and  d  o..  i.  in  )s:,0. 
X.     Abner,  d.  inf. 

.12.5521.     Lyclia  Tuttle,  b    May  31,  171»o:  m.  Jneol)  Forrest  of  Danville,  Yt. 

F      Samuel    Forre-t,  1..  .Nov.   14,  ]s23,;  .lustice  of  Pea.-e;   m.  IS.V)  Fliza  Wohl.'u  (V), 

who  d.  Aw:,  (i.  1S7.').      1.  M  \n\-.  b.  >hindi  (i,  1S.")7.      2,  .Xiyrni-  Mahia.m,  .\u!';.  1. 

I^Co.     ;;.    lb;\NK   lb:\K\A':i).   D,t.   2J,  l^r,:;.     4,    FiiKDrenr:   Aito.v,  .Vm,-.  3,  P'Uf"   5. 

FiiAKi.i.s  i-".i>\\  IN.  .Nj.rii  o,  1NT(.>. 

II.      ^^"i!iiam    Fone-t,  b.    March    3,    ls2,");    d.    Oct.    F"),    ISGo,    unm.;    res.    Lbif', 
:S!ass.  t<  ; 


III.  Curtis  Tiittl*'  Fonc^t,  1>.  Nnv.  -^n,  '[x2',:  mini.;  went  to  Cul.  IStO  niul  s;iid  t(»  ; 
be  woitli  ^'lOK.OOd;   ifh.  Sau  FranciM-o.  : 

IV.  Saiuh  .Iain'  Fonvst,  b.  Au-.  -21.  IS:??;  m.  Mdicli  bl.  is.12,  ]':il\vaiil  'I'ayldr;  res.  ': 
Daiivillf,  \'t.  1.  Ai.K  i:.  b.  .Nfarcli  'J,  b^r>:b  in.  b^i-l,  'A'ni.  F...l.som;  re.s.  i>.  1,  Blmtr/ic  \ 
A\t>ll",  h.  Nov.  OT,  IsTO.     -2.  Gkuhui:.  b.  Mairb  15,  b^O-J.  t 

V.      J'is.'i.b  F.n-ivsi,  h.  April  1,  ib  Mav  1,  b^^W. 
A'l.     .lohii   Kl'Tsnii    Foni-bt,   b.  Jan.  4,  ISIJO;  Sngt.  in  Union   army:  m.  IsiJl); 
re.s.  ANc'st  Ib.irke,  Vt. 

VII.  SiiniiMMis  Forrest,  1).  .May  0,  1^;',.^;  C'drpoval  in  Unimi  army;  lu.  Isfjlj; 
res.  St.  .b.liusbnrv,  \x.  t 

\]\{.  Jarob  Forrest,  b.  Sejit.  IG,  ISol ;  herved  three  yrs.  in  Union  army;  unin.;  res. 
No.  Chelmslnnl,  Mass. 

.]  2.553.  Isaac  Tuttle,  h.  April  4,  ITfiT;  ni.  in  Sontlibury,  CVmn.,  Sept.  S,  i;<ll, 
Oliv.-  llann,  1>.  Au;^.  IT,  1771;  d.  Nov.  lo,  l^bb  Ibnl  t  wo  ebil.  b.  in  Woodbury,  Conn.; 
rem.  17!ji.)  lo  Alforil.  BiM-k.sliire  Co.,  ,^[ass,  He  d.  An--.  11,  IS.jl;  v/as  a  ma.n  of  wealth 
and  iiiHuence;  Capt.  of  uiil.;  class  leader  and  e\liorlri-. 

I.  Maria  Pollv,  h.  yiavch  7,  17iio:  m.  A.  J.  SjK-rry. 

II.  Hertha  Harriet,  b.  Dee.  4,  U'Jo;  m.  I'er.,  IS-.'O,  Ibnibeu  C.  Fit(di.  F,s<,..  of 
Alford.  1,  liouKKlCK  B.,  d.  July  18,  1^-.:?;  ni.  and  had  two  eldl.  2,  liiZNUV  K.,_stud. 
and  jiractic.'d  law  till  beLdnniu^  (d'  the  war,  then  .-;erved  as  clerk  in  tie-  war  riiiii-e  at 
Wiishin^toii  until  ISfjo;   ri-in.  to  Iowa. 

III.  Mirhael  Horace,  b.  Dec.  WU,  1797;  ni.  in  Southbnry  F(d).  11,  IS-^-J,  Anna  (iutliri", 
\vho  d.  Feb.  '2:5,  1824;  (2)  Dec.  8,  182o,  Soi.hia  Hu-ted  ,,f  Albjrd,  I).  April  •'!,  jsol,  r.s. 
A.  1,  FR\.Nei;s  Ann,  Oct.  20.  1827;  d.  F\d).  2(.!,  Is21.i.  2,  HoKAir:  M.,Sei.i.  13.  b>^);  d. 
Feb.  I'.j,  18el.  o,  JoiiN  Hch^TED,  Jan.  1,  1838;  m.  Jiint-  b').  IV/Jl,  Lucv  .M.  Lake  of  Cas'.le- 
ton  villaLM',  Vt. ;   n'm.  to  Montf^-omerv,  N.  Y. ;  nn-rchant,  'riitnoi  \-  Tiittle. 

IV.  'Jeunuette,  b.  Oct.  4,  18U1;  "d.  s.  i.  1872;  ni.  March,  1840,  Harry  Ciandall  of 

V.  Joanna,  b.  Sept,  1,  1S07:  ni.  1832,  Samuel  P.  Chittenden,  v.dio  d.  in  Unnsn,;.., 
X.  Y.,  Oct.,  1873.  1,  IJ.MtHiKT  O. ,  b.  Feb.  S,  18;;3;  d.  Nov.  27,  184U.  2,  CnAur.Es,  h. 

.12.5531.  Mrtria  Polly  Tuttle,  !>.  March  G,  17;i3;  m.  Sept.  14,  1816,  Alva  Jef- 
fei'son,  s.  of  Caj^t.  Kiioch  Sperrv,  li.  Julv  3.  17'J7;  rem.  from  AHord,  Ma.-.s.,  to  town  of 
Brutus,  near  Auburn,  X.  Y.,  abt.  1^22;  thence  abl.  Is2(j  to  Lud.lowville,  4^-»mpkins  Co.. 
X.  Y.,  havitii;-  boufiht  tlie  farm  of  Jonaii  'i'ooker,  l-:s(i.,(in  whicli  tb.ey  lived  for  lifly  yrs. 
Mr3.  Si)erry  reed,  a  good  education,  and  through  life  kept  herself  informed  of  current 
events;  a  singularlviieat  writer  and  correspondent — even  u]i  to  her  8i)th  year  lier  letters 
are  moilels  of  neatiie.s.s  and  pr-rspicuity.  In  her  Nounger  days  a  rennrrkably  fine  singer, 
and  sacred  music,  in  which  every  menib.T  of  tlf  family  united,  was  a  daily  recreation. 
A  member  of  the  Methodist  church  for  over  seventy  years;  their  Itouse  was  always  open 
to  .Methodist  and  clergymen.  At  the  chur.di  prayer  and  social  meetings  for  me^re 
thaii  sixtv  vears  "  F\ather  "Syierry  "  ^vas  tin/  chorister  and  "Mother  Sperry ''  liis  able 
assistant,"  "Slie  had  a  w.)nderfui  memory  bir  names,  dates  atid  events,  inherited  froiu 
her  nmther.  She  had  always  an  almost  stiMcal  contempt  for  physical  pain  or  suffering, 
manifested  especiallv  during  her  last  illness.  As  a  mother  and  domestic  manager  she 
had  few  equals.  She  d.  of  cancer  in  the  breast,  May  20,  Iy7(),  a.  83.  He  is  still  living 
in  his  SGth  vear. 

I.  Ofive  Adeline  Sperrv,  !•.  Aug.  7,  1817;  m.  Jan.  3,  1834,  Caleb  lb  Swea/.ey  of 
Ludlowville,  Tompkins  Co.,  X.  Y.  \,  Hknkv  1  i.I!IiI-\anj>,  b.  March  It),  183G;  d.  Feb. 
24,  1842.  2,  Ar.YA  Jeffekson.  Mav  2G,  is;;.^:  d.  Ftdi.  lH,  ls42.  3,  Maksiiau,  Fi.wtn. 
Ajiril  27.  b-!3;  m.  Jan.  27.  18GU,  Fl'lzalieth  Cree.  1,  ILu'n  Frances,  Feb.  G,  INTI.  2, 
Charles  hiniu.  Au^.  I'J,  1x73. 

II.  Ibith  Adeliza  Sperrv,  b.  March  22,  d.  A]u-il  2.  isl'i. 

III.  Ferdinand  C.  Si.eriv,  b.  Jan.  2,  1824;  m.  Oct.  4,  islD,  I'.lizaheth  liover  of  Fan- 
sins?,  X.  Y.;  d.  .\bircb  2,  ISGI;  i2)  Julv  13,  lsG2.  Addia  ,M.  e'armaM  of  Ludlowville.  i. 
bv'lst  m.:      1.  b:\A  AI.KI.IA,  Au^r.  3.  1S34.      2,  Ai.VA  J.,  Nov.  2(;,  ISGO. 

tV.  Frances  Maria  Sperrv,  1«.  June  21,  ls2(i;  m.  at  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  1.  1843. 
Frederick  Humphrevs,  M.D. .  a  imied  iiomiej.athic  jdiysiciau  id'  New  York  city;  soim- 
lime  professor  in  tin'  Horn.  Med.  Col.  of  !\i.,  in  I'bila.,  and  :oul,or  .4'  several  me.bcal 
\vorks.  He  lias  a]-.o  made  a  con.-,ideralde  coi  ieetion  of  material  f.-r  a.  genealogy  of  ilie 
Huin[direvs  familv;  portrait  euirraved  bv  Rnttre;  res,  22  >\'.  '.i'.ttli  st.,  X.  Y.  C. ;  summer 
res.  .Monimuuh  P-eacli,  N.  J.  1,  Hki.f..\-  FuaN(  ks,  .May  13,  1S14.  2,  Fiiedkuick,  Sept. 
7,  1S17.     3,  Jay,  April  12,  1831.     4,  Fi:am:  Lanhox,  June  IG.  183s. 


TUTTl.E.  f*S3 

V     ThT^^^Il^   Sperry.b,  Nov.  S.  IS^S;  ,1    March  2:,  Isr.H,   u>.  Jnly:!,  lSo|), 

of  Alfonl,  Bci-k-liiiv  O...  Mass.     Slu'  d.  at.  Syraru.-..',  N.  \.,  .huu-  0,  1N..». 

12.554.  I^oah  Tuttle,  Iv  .\!-nl  Kl,  1770;  .a.  VU-r.  21,  17'j;;,  lU-bo,va.  -lau.  of 
Ja;'b;aS  iieUo-a  Bara-s  of  Nonh  Uavn;  n-m.  to  Ca-,  .to,,,  \  t..  alu...  1  -!*^.  a-.l  <K 
thoi,;  May  2^.  1M7.     Tlu-  %Vk1,  vm.  to  lUul^ud  and  ivs.  iIm-v  will,  hor  s.  (o.,n:r  AM.rrt 

'^''""V  ''jSv':  S'  13  17:i:^:  n.n.  to  Ala.  al.out  ISlUor  IS^O,  an.I  <1.  in  Pikr.vill., 
Mu-in.  Co'  Ala.  'March  S,  lN:^ii;  m.  abont  1827,  Ali..'  Tsrn.ll  of  Ala.  I,  Jamks 
]Jr— !  I  I     b    D.-c    2;J,  1S:5U.     2.    ]>.vx,  ^r\'i.  b^.  1^31;  sup.  d.  y.  _ 

Vi  '     1  v,i;.^    1,    Iulvl2    17U.^'-  ni.  March  11,  JS2G,  Julm  Martin  of  I'air  Hav.-n.    \t.: 
r,Mu.  to  w.^u.';:  N:  Y.  andd.  at  Silv.-r  Vr.rk.  Aug.  22.  1^40.     1,   Hkni^v.     2.  .Iam:.     o, 

^'^'li'b''  Roxa  Attn.  March  10,  1^01:  d.  .laiu  10,  ISOG,  inna.,  at  tl,.-  r.-s.  of  her  bro.  (ieo. 

'  '  lv\^"'Vais''l'],  b'.V)oc.'8,  ISO'J:  unm.;  res.  ai  PlkosviUc,  Ala.,  about  JJ  yrs.,  and  d. 
ThtT''  Sopt.  ;j.  I8:i"i. 

V.     (u-oriri-  Albert. 

.12.5545.    George  Albert  Tuttle,J>.Jn  Casth.ton,  Jt.,^IM.  29^  ISin.  ^_^  At  ..^.f 

i/ow:v\vliiclM..>itionholield  until  ISHO,  when  he  withdrew  from  that  conccni  auc 
.m  tod  .ir.Mter^d  j„b  printing  othre.  In  IsriO  he  bou^rht  the  R.^tnn.J  y/^^.v/W  the  oldest 
paper  in  "the  state).  In  im  be  siarfd  the  JJa!h/ nrr>,h'.  and  routmued  th..  pub  beation  „t 
\h,  same,  togetlter  with  his  sons,  AU-rt  11.  atul  llarley  C,  until  18.2,  ^s-hetl  ''■y';  -^ 
witlt  a  eompetencv  from  active  l,usiue>s.  He  has  always  b.-en  one  .,f  tie'  ino.t  'nfluen  -a 
Republicans  in  thV  countv  and  state.  ^Vas  a  delegate  to  th..  i'htladelphta  (  «-'^^e^  ion 
That  nominated  (-leneral  Grant  for  President.  In  ls72  the  business  was  divided:  Albert 
H  takin.'  the  n.,-'ld,  Harlev  V..  Fchert  0.  and  Fred.  (J.  the  general  .lob  printing,  book 
binding,  book  and  staiiouerv  business,  under  the  tiriu  name  ot  1  uttle  .*^  (.  o. :  thes  l.a\e. 
been  the  olhcial  state  lu-intVr.  f,;r  the  |,a,.t  throe  tennsof  iwo  years  each  and  received  th., 
a  ^ointment  for  tho  foivth  tern.,  wliich  expires  in  Aug..  188-1 ,  They  have  the  largest 
establishment  of  tin-  kind  in  tlie   state.     They   are  the  printers  and    pubUsheis  <d   tins 

.vork  ;-^;;;i;;;';;;;^^,.  ,  ^^^  ^,^^^^^,,,  ,_  ^_  ,-  _  ^ay  20,  18.s:  m.  Emma  ^hu•ia  >IcC]ure  of 
Rutland,  (.ct."G,.l^o<):  Was  bookkeeper  [or  Tuttle  ^  O.  u,,  to  .luue,lH,,  -^';:;;  ^^^.^ll^^ 
cei-ted  a  position  in  the  Naval  ()ll:ce.  New  A  ork  oty,  which  !'•■  vc.-l.i';''l ''^j  '';;  ■  l.^''-*:  f  "^ 
vent  back  to  Ruth.nd  a.  iunior  ,,artn..r  in  tin-  lirm  of  Tuttle  .V  ( V,  In  ls,2  tl,e  business 
of  Tuttle  .V  Co.  was  divided  and  ho  took  the  L'u{l,n.l  /A/^:V/  "-■"/  lU  </.•','///'  m"^.  '^.d  lia. 
continued  as  publisl.or  to  present  time.  The  ILrahl  is  tlie  oldesv  .  nd  h-nding  l-ai'e  n 
Jhest.te  in  lsr4  was  appointed  Postmaster  of  liutland  by  PieMd.nt  .mm.  and  has 
since  b.en  iv-app.oiuted  bv  Presidents  Hayes  and  Arthur,  and  is  now  (lbs..)  in  o  m  e. 
Has  been  member  of  tln-Villa-e  rovernment  and  President  of  the  Poardone  year.  Is 
a  Staunch  Repuldican;  has  been  member  of  County  "^  ,.^  "^^1  /;'■'■''  ;',;' 
Committees,  and  is  now  member  of  tlie  Republiean  Congressional  n.sTrict  C..nmm,e. 
]     CouA,  b.  Sept.  20.  ls!;U;  a    i:rad.  .d    Temple    (..ove_  SeMiunarv,    Saratoga, 

\    Y       2     CKPi;,:,;  D.vvin.  b.  « 'ct.  22.  l.^(;2;   1 kkc-per  and  caslner,  JLrald  "»  ■^'■<  ■ 

'■  11  'Harlev  Cutter,  b.  at  Hampton,  N.  Y.,  March  IS,  ]s.b):m.  Jan.  lo,  IM-l 
Marv  KuMdine  IJoot  of  Putland.  He  bas  been  engaged  in  the  print, ng  l>usine.s  n.-ai  > 
.,11  hi.  lir,..  e,..  h,  ,.,rtnm>ldi.  wirh  hi.  father  and  brother  All  e,t  m  the  publ.e,,tio„  ot 
1  .;/,■,./,/  etc  an.i  isl^j  .onior  ,.artner  in  the  tirm  <,f  Tuttle  .v  Co.,  t.vrether  with 
;:;;.  ;'leit  l'.-;u,d  Fred.  C..-.  ^..^J  theotbceol  Aldermau  two  tortus;  >.^  ^  !-;>-;- 
R'uthind  Co.  l-Jepublican  C.uumittee,  an.l  of  the  Tou  n  Republican  eommittee.      1.  .MAni-.i. 



A'ltcr,  1).  .Ian.  13.  l^^r,2:  o-raduat*-  :>f  Tt'mplr  (Jrove  Si>uiinury,  Saratoga,  N.  Y.  2,  Uuv 
AVii,i,i.\M,  1'.  -\n--.  '>.  \sr,:,, 

lU.      Hflci.  .laii.'.  1..    Die.  ;',,  is-il;   ,1.  May  ]M,  iS-tH 

I\'.  lleliMi  S;;-,aii.  1'.  in;.ii<j,  t).-t.  0!»,  l^l;-!;  in.  Jan.  io.  I'^HI,  f'havlcs.T.  Puwrrs 
oi'Kutlaiui.     ].   AK-nin;  (•i..A\Tt)N.   1'.   July  3,   istjl.     -2.   Sl>.\x   Tvtti.k,    1).  Juiu-  SH, 


V.  EL^l.tTt  riavtmi,  L.  Ill  liutlaial.  Jan.  11.  l>--i:':  ni.  l^arlid  I'llhi.lial  MunnorWcs' 
Kuiidnl]'li,  bi-t.  U.  l'!^7i!.  aT  Kuilaml.  lie  is  a  iin'ialjt_-r  ol'  tip.-  lirni  ol' 'J'uttJe  >-^-  Tn.  1, 
^VJl.l.lA^^'STK.\l;^s,  l>.  July  "iu.  JSTJ.  0,  ("iiaki.i:s  J-:Gi;i:ii'i .  b.  -May  -js,  iti^S.  ;j, 
Behexuk  P.AiiiKL.  b.  March  '.M.  l^^D. 

Vi.  Frt'dfriclc  (,iei>ri,n\  b.  in  l-Jutlaiid,  June  o,  IS.").";;  ni.  May  21,  1S',S,  .Minnie  Klla 
Beals  of  T^utla.nd.  Junior  j.artnerof  tli.-tlrni  nf  Tiittlu.'^  Co.  1  ,"Mii,dui;ii  E\.\.\,  h.  Del. 
5,  IsTH. 

.12.555.  Nathan  Tuttle,  b.  b"fb.  •'>.  1772;  m.  about  1791,  in  Woodbury,  i'mhh., 
Po'llv  Ta.Nbu-,  U.  Slii'ffield,  Mass.,  Sept.  29,  1774;  d.  in  D:uicn,  N.  Y.,  27,  l.s2.j.  lie 
111.  (2»  rd'out  lS2ij.  Lucrt-tia  I'dall.  b.  Sc].t.  17,  177^;  d.  in  Abb-n.  ^;.  Y.,1.S.")0.  S..on 
after  1st  lu.  l.H  rem.  to  Slieii-ii'ld,  Mass.;  tlu-iiCi',  ait.'r  a.  t>\v  yis.,  to  Idt<-lifie!d,  Conn.; 
tlu-ii,  ill  1.^09,  to  Cailiarint-.  'J'ioLra  Co.,  N.  Y.,  a  Wildt-riiL-s^;  tb.tii.  in  ISl'.,  to  tin.-  Hol- 
land'Purrliase;  then,  nt-xi  yr..  to  Darion,  (b-nvse.-  Co.,  X.  Y..  wb;  n-  l.o  d.  Sept.  2,  Ls'm, 
at  Avliicli  tiuiP  several  of  bis  eliib  were  living  in  Ko.die..^ter,  N.  V.  lie  was  a  furuier  and 
mem.  of  the  Metb.  E])is.  olili.,  as  are  nenily  all  of  his  de-e. 

].  Hiram,  1).  Oct.  4,  1790:  m.  Oet.  IH,  1^24,  iu  Bethany,  X.  Y.,  Claii:-sa  r>.)ymon, 
1).  Jan.  10,  1.^93;  lie  d.  in  Crantrer,  X.  Y..  I'ce.  .s,  i^fjs';  farmer:  mem.  M.  K.  (lib.;  (diil. 
)).  in  P.-thany.  1,  (^KOitoK  ",  b.  Julv  2,  lS2i;:  m.  April  :}.  I^.j4.  Olive  C.  Hurd. 
and  had  Oixr'iii.k  M..  b.  Sep.t.  7,  1S."JT:  res.  (;rany(M-:  farmer;  m.;  M.  E.  chh.  2,  Hauilii.t 
Makiah,  b.  Jan.  2s,  1S2S;  m.  Oct.  .t.  IS.Vi,  Jerome  Curtis,  and  bad  1  s. ;  s)ie  d.  June  9, 
180-5.  ;_C  \\\i.  X,;i.-o>-,  b.  Juiii'  11.  l^o2;  m,  in  <  iriuit^'r.  X.  Y.,  Ann'.  20,  1^,-,,-,,  M;.iy 
"NYilcux.  ami  bad  Ffiru-<->:K..  b.  Feb.  2;;,  1^04:  n  ^.  (hauj^er;  farmer.  4,  Eyima  Cui;- 
DEi.tA,  b.  Miiridi  27.  Is;j4;  m.  Jan.  1,  IS.")."),  Hiram  NVilllani-,  and  has  sev.  cdiiklren;  res. 
Great  'Valbv,  X.    Y. 

H.  Mil...  b.  Sept.  2r,,  179S. 
in.  Will.,-,,  b.  Au-.  39,  IbOl;  m.  in  Knidioster,  X.  Y.,  Feb.  2.1,  1S29,  Ann  Buidwin, 
1...  in  Hamn-er,  X.  11.,  Alarcli  29,  IsOJ;  d.  in  ]-b:.cbes;er,  ]»eo.  20,  ]S01.  He  i.s  a  reilred 
g-rocer;  lias  been  a  builder  of  leju.-e-.  bi.ats  and  fire  eim-ir,e>;  re.-,  sr,  Oak  St.,  Koehester 
J,  Cak(.>i.ixi:  E.,  b.  Jan.  .Y  ls3l.  2,  Er(  v  Ann,  b  Feb,  20,  ]^.!3:  d.  April  21,  IsCo.  ;!, 
E^)\vAl:r^,  1),  Aue.  .Y  l.s3.5:  d,  Au--.  27.  isjd.  4,  (Jkuiiof.  AV,,  b.  April  2.Y  IS-'iS;  n;.  AEiy 
20,  Iso:;,  M;.rv  E.  Ket;i;a,  b.  at  P(e,-t  l^enjamin,  X.  Y..  AJav  27,  1S'19;  he  is  a  Peal  Estate 
and  Ins.' Ayt.'in  Poeliester,  40  Oak  st .     ]',   Am-.c^,  b.  July  "13,  lsi;(i;  d   Alay  .j,  1S09. 

FV.  Pet.sey,  b.  May  .Y  bSO.Y  m.  in  HochesTej',  X.  Y.,  Chtirh^-^  Araeomber;  liad  sev. 
sons  ill  Fnion  arm\  ;  re.-ided  at  Smith  Pend,  Ind.,  and   now  ai  [Jiicoln,  X»d.'. 

A\  ])avi:i  P.",  b.  June  3,  ISlo.  m,  in  Alexan^b-r,  X,  Y, ,  .\pril  22,  ]s31,  Aiary  .\nn 
Eatham,  b,  in  Poch.ester,  Se[.t.  24,  InF'-;  she  di.  Feb.  1,1,  is  17;  I'^'i  May  FY  Fs.J.Y  Mary 
Snell;  re-,.  Xnnda;  retired  Photoirrai'lier;  /.  by  1st  m,;  1,  e'iiAi;LKS  E..  P.  .Ian.  S.  ls:;0; 
}ii.  and  ha- -^ev.  ehib:  re-,  (irant.  ^Heli. ;  fanner.  2,  Jll.iA  Fi;,v\e;.>^  ],.  ^Ply  12,  isJO; 
m.  Wm.  Parks:  res.  Grand  Papids,  Mich.  3,  Ei.l.KN  P.,  b.  Feb.  13,  IS  14;  d.  .March 
18,  PSJO, 

\'F  William,  Aui:.  29.  ISKl;  builder  and  manufaeturer  of  marhinery  and  agricaP 
tural  imiilements  in  Pocdiester,  w'heiv  be  ^.et.  inlS:;2and  m.  Sept.  10.  1  ^3.s,  Alariraret 
llenrv;  res.  at  Xo.  0.  Tappan  st.,  he  d.  Mareli  FY  is:4.  1.  Edwi.n  C. ,  b.  .Maivh  .Y  ls42; 
enlistVd  in  47th  lieg-t.  PI,  Vols..Se;)t.,  P^iil,  an.!  served  unril  dee.,  at  Jefrer.-oii  City,  .Mo., 
]S\n'.  29,  isitl,  2,  Ai.m-.KT  II.,  b.  Oct.  30,  FS4.3;  eub-tedin  99ih  -X.  Y.  PeKt.,  .X. 
Y'.  C,  Julv,  ISOI.  and  served  un'il  dec.  in  Po.;b,-ier,  Jan.  23,  IbOP  3,  Cuaim.ksE,, 
)).  Oct.  2.Y'  IS-Ki;  ni.  a.t  Avon.  X.  Y.,  Seijt.  1,  ls70,  Sophia  Wad-worih,  b.  at  Avon 
Springs,  X.  Y.,  .hui"  S,;ji,.  j,  y  ^a!esma.n  in  Koch,;  ha-- one  child.  1,  Mm-'jiiixt 
Wa<i:^,r,,rtli.  b.  .\ii:'.  2S.   ispl. 

.12.5552.  Milo  Tuttle,  b,  Sept.  2;;,  1 79:-:  d  iu  Parien,  X.  Y. .  Oct.  22,  ls:2,  a. 
74:  h.Hi^e  buiklerand  b.,-i.,er;  m,  in  1/  Ib.v,  .\.  V,,  :A-as  31.1^21.  AbigYil  Davis,  b.  E.dJ.. 
Fel).  17,  IS  12;  d.  in  X^'c-sri-id.  X.  V..  X""v.  9.  isp;;;-2i  Ainil  i;.',  IS47.  Cyrena  P.-ur.-rly. 
wliod.  .Mav  21.  lN."ui;(:!)ar  Kuowle-ville,  .\.  Y.,  .Inly  3.  1^1!).  .leru-lia  Mooii,  wia.  d.  ;it 
Darieii.  .\'.'Y..  .Iu!\   2s.  is;,",;  ,,;,  Xov.  2.Y   !  "^  iY  SainnntliM  Sani-brry,    (',  by  E'  ni,: 

1.  Wiiiiam  Sbeidon.  b,  in  l.ei;..  April  17,  1S22;  jo'iied  the  (i-n.-^ee  Conbrence  in 
ISll  aiiil  was  Pie-idim;-  Fbli-r  <d'  same;  mini-tei-  ni  ilie  (dib,  a^  ^^^Jwonh.  -^  . 
Y.:  m.    in    Parien.    Aug.    2Y  ispt;  Jan.'    Pratt,    b.  in    Greece,    .\.  Y..   Jan.  22,  l.s2tb      E 

TUTTLK.  08.") 

Emma  .Ia.nk,  1-,  i:\  Pavilion,  X.  Y.,  Nov.  H.  Isj;'!;  r.i.  ut  olcp.n,  X.  V.,  .luuc  1.  1^70, 
^\■illi:^Iu  II.  i)aii:i,  I'r.'t.  of  Music  snid  I'liiicipal  of  I  laiin'.-  M  usi(:i  1  InstiliUi'al  Warim, 
O.  1,  .hiiii'ix  Lc}\"y.  1..  Jtilv  ■-".),  \'^'i\.  '-*,  NN'h.i.iam  .M.  1\.  Ii.  at  Aki-ou,  <)..  Aug.  17, 

II.  Marv  Ann.  b.  at  ]5ariv,  X.  Y.,  D^-r.  1,  iser,;   ,1.  at  l>aii.Mi.  0<-t.  CU,  1S35. 

III.  lU-iu-v  Willis,  h.  al  rcnibrokr,  X.  v.,  .lunrl),  1N'>;;  (1.  at  liuJTalu,  X.  Y.,(>rt. 
-1\,  1840. 

IV.  Join:  NVe.slcy.  b.  ])aripii,  Aiuil  2S,  1S81:  culistL-d  in  I'luou  unny  as  i)i-ivntf; 
com  as  2(1  an. 1  ]ironinti-(l  to  1st  J.icut.;  .served  ".!  yrs.  ami  honorably  discltar^ed;  Justice 
of  the  I'eacc;  ijla.-kaniith :  res.  A]<  ron .  X.  Y. :  111.  Jan.  ',\  IS,-),'^.  Cathaiine  Sop.'r.  b  I)., 
]S34;  d.  at  Xew.^tead,  lSo3,  .v.  /. ;  (,2;  Xov.  30,  l!>o3.  Mary  Jane  Stagv,  b.  X.,  Jan.  2,  1.^3-,'. 
i.  bv  ^'l  in. : 

V.      Charles    \Vesley,  b.  Au^^.   2,  1^!48;   m.    at  Akron,  May  22.   L^70,   Emma  J.  Hill, 
.b.  at  Xew.stead.  .\prii  S,"lN.")l;  res.  Akron;  l)hH-ksmilli.      /.  i)y  od  m. 
VI.     .Mary  Trotter,  b,  Jan.    lU,  1S')7. 

.12.558.  Thaddeub  Tuttle,  b.  17SU;  m.  Susan  Booth  of  Stratford,  Conn.  H,. 
built  a  near  his  father's  in  WOodluirv,  and  d.  on  the  (.>ld.  homr-stoaJ  Aug.  22,  isig. 
<i.  34. 

I.  Hufus  M.,  A]iril  2,  180(j;  Yankee  peddler  for  lb  yrs.  In  1830  h<rate,l  in  Wayne 
Co.,  Pa.,  thence  in  18;-J7  to  western  X'.  \.  A  merchant  at  Ormond,  Alleghany  (;o.,"X. 
Y'.;  in  1842  rem.  to  noniellsville.  X.  Y.;  piesent  biisine.-s.  private  broker.  A  man  of 
wealtli  and  intluence;  m.  1831,  .Ann  \N".  l.e-u-rofMt.  i'lea-ant.  Pa.,  who  d.  Xov.,  ls;J'i; 
<2)  Jan.  20,  1837  .Melinda  Mnntford  of  .Mt.  IMeasant.  He  d.  (.)ct .  28,  1874.  /.  l)y  1st  m. :  1. 
HuKfs  Wii.nrii.  \>.  Aug.  28,  ls:'cJ:  d.  unm.  at.  Slionls,  Martin  Co.,  Ind.,  (>t.  -j:],  isfid. 
He  was  a  civil  eiig.  en  much  of  the  surs'ty  of  the  ().  iV  .M.  \\.  \\.  i.  by  2d  in.;  2,  iirssj.jj, 
^Mr.Mi'oiM-).  Jan.  12.  1840;  grad.  Ui^iv.,  Hoche.-ier.  is02;  a  fe>v  tlays  after  tnlisied  in  lil7tii 
Kegi..  X.  Y.  \'ol>. :  served  in  the  army  of  the  Potomac,  12th  corps,  a  yiar,  tiieu  in  the 
20ih  Cl'^■l'S,  Slicvmr.n's  army;  Isl  Lieut,"  of  his  C.i.  and  Hrevet  Capt.;  A.  A.  A.  (\ .  ,,n  stalT 
<^if  (ien.  T.  1!,  l^ikicrs.  and  subse([uenily  topogi  ajdiieal  engiiu'er  on  staff  of  (Jen.  \\ ,  'J'. 
Wai-d.  In  Jan.,"l8!w.  began  the  ipublication  of  the  Cial.^fni  \'al',j/  7'i/ins  ra  Ilornell.^- 
ville,  X.  Y.,  and  is  still  one  of  i'.s  e(lit(ns  and  prn|.rietors:  m.  Xov,  7,  1N07,  Ei-villa 
Goodrich  of  II.  3,  C.vKoi.i.Nr.  Sr.vN-r.t.Y,  Uct.  19,  1^45;  m^  Jo.seph  \Y.  Robinson,  M.D., 
of  Horiiellsville. 

II.  Russell,  a.  Xov..  1840,  at   Tlartf.M'd,  Pa.,   a.    abt.  32:  s.  /. ;  ni.  Caroline  Stanlev  ' 
of  Hartford,  who  d.  Xov..  Is  11. 

III.  .lusie.  rn.  ^^'h,,,.:er  Jinls.,n:  she  d.  abt.  1872.  s.  /. 

I\'.      Maiia,  m.  X'elson  NN'illiams,  win)  is  iiow  ^ls7>i)  living  at  Oxford,  Conn,      She  u. 
iibout  18ii<».      1,  Ei.siK  M.,  res.  Oxford,  Conn.     2,,  d.  a.  10  yrs. 
V.      Harriet,  d.  a.  IS  yrs. 

.12.559.  Williara  Tattle,  d.  about  I808;  m.  Miiry  Sandford  of  Oxford,  Conn.; 
rem.  to  the  pati'rnai  home    atid  helped  take  <-are  of  father  aial  mother  till   they  d. 

1.  XN'illiam  K.,  1>.  18MS;  m.  Aju-il.  ls3!l.  Sarah  E.,  dau.  .>f  Carry  Tuttle.  1, 
AVii.i.i.\.M  l.i.,  b.  June  12,  ls40;m.  Anu'.  18.  18IV2.  Pl.el)e  ]'"lo\vers  of  Roxbuiy-,  Conn. , 
1,  L'tl'f,  h.  June  17.  iSii').  2,  Brii>''\  Feb.  VK  1808.  2,  Ai/niK.\  M.,  b.  July  30,  1842; 
m.  April  14,  1802.  Roih-rick  Atwocj  1  of  Wooilburv,  Conn.,  who  contributed  much  of  the 
record  of  w'ni.  R.  Tutth's  desc  1.  TsV-'-;'//  /;. .  "b.  Aug.  18,  isc.ij.  3.  Li'  y  J.,  b.  Feb. 
.23,  1840;  in.  Amj.  17.  1801,  Harh-v  Warner;  one  child.  1,  .Flun  A.,  h.  Mj.rch  2,  1807. 
4,M.\KVix.         "  .  ' 

II.  John  Tuttle  of  \Yondburv;  rem.  to  Burton,  O.,  1838;  d.  Dec.  12,  1803:  in. 
Feb.  20.  ir<30,  Abie;ail  Therc'sa  Tolles,  b.  \\'.  June  T-',.  isi2.  1..Wm.  R.^nsom,  b.  Feb. 
21,  1837;  enlisteil  in  lOoth  Ohio  \',.ls.  July,  1802;  Capt.  Oct.  8,  1802:  at  l)attle  of  Perrys- 
ville  acttd  as  A.  A.  C.  to  (ieii,  'I'errill,  and  subse(iuently  lo  two  other  generals:  of  liiese 
general  ollii-ers  one  killed  at  Perrysville.  one  at  Chi(dva.mauga,  the  third  cl.  f,f  dis 
before  end  of  war.  2,  JolI.N  Al.i^KKTi  b.  liuiton,  <.)..  Sej)!,  1^\  184(i.  3.  A.NX  M.MtY,  b. 
Clarendon,  O..  Dec.  20.  18-].-,. 

III.  I'hiio.  !,.  .Inlv  8.  1S12:  m.  Caroliiu'  Stone:  (2i  Martha  Morris. 

IV.  Alarihda,  m. 'ihi rr  Ke-'h  r,  of  Pridgejieirt,  Conn  ;  .x.  /. 

V.  Albert,  m.  Sejit.  lo.  184.").  Ilaniei  Saxiou.  He  was  for  fourteen  years  in  the 
CUirtis  Mill,  \^'o■■dbl.r_^  .  as  a  lini-her  i,f  bro;u|cl,,'l;s:  rem.  to  \V.,lcntT  vilie,  C,,nn. .  l^.'s:. 
and  is  (,ve:--ee:-  in  the'iini-hin;:  d-o:.,  and  ].:'.iimr  in  tie'  \.o,,len  mill:  oi;e  lOOiii.  1, 
X.\Tfl.\X  AM>i;K\V.  ie  Oct.  2:;,  1^4'.l'.  ■•  .\  lover  of  old  r(bcs;"  has  ,.f  IMiinea-  XoitIi's 
.8  dav.   hiirh  case  clocks;   res,  Wolcottville. 


r.i;.\xcif  OF  XATjrAXJKL. 

\'l.     Cliaiity,  111.  Win.  Ciih-er  amlliad  •?  cliil. ,   one  of  tliviii   John    d    June  2    ls70 
Sill- m.  (2)11. •nr\  S.  Wheeler  (,r  :Mid(ll<'lniiy.  '     "      ' 

\'n.      X:nh;n:.  jii. ;  .v.  /. ;   res.  Wt'sti-rn   \'a. 

\'1II.      lluriitt,    111.    Caihari?!!'    Ijissell    (dec.),  and    had    one    diiid     ((h'r  )•  (2)    Vdelinc 
Lynn.n  (.lee.i  and  ]iad  one  child  (de,-.);  (;()  .lulia  (■•..itis,  and    liad   twins,  one'of  whom  d 
and  tlK-e.tlier,  W  .v(.i,.\(k  JUM:Hi-n'.  lias  been  llire*'  limes  in.;   res.  Soutliburv. 

IX.      Marvin,  III.  t'luolinclluhlud];  res.  Jluntinaton,  Conn       1     Jcin     " -^    ]Ma]'th\ 
o,  I'.ri.'KTTT.     4.  Joii.x.     5,   Ink. 

X.      KniMiy,  ni.  Martha  Iluhhell;  *■.  /.;   res.  r>irniini;hani.  Conn. 

.12.5593.  Philo  Tuttle,  1>.  Jnlv  8,  1.S12:  d.  .Mardi  2',),  iSoJ-  m  Caicline  St,,nc- 
(2)  Maiiha  -Moiris,  May  I,  l.s:-;,j;   h,   Man.di  24.   INK),      i.  hv  1st  in.: 

I.  C'aroli)ie,  h.  March  4.  1^34:  lia.-;  lived  with  Mr.  and  .Hrs.  Ko.lerick  Aiwood  .sjnco 
^he  \va.s  three  weeks  old.      /.  hy  2d  m. : 

II.     Kdso!i  Andre\v,  I>.  Jiine  IS,  ls:]G;  d.  a.  S  nios. 

Til.     Mary  Harriet,  b.  .hily  1.1,  L'-lS;  jn.  Wvllis  i^enlniin;  res.  Brid<>-c])ort   Conn       i 
Ensox.     2,  Emtta'.  o  i       >  •       ^ 

IV.  John  Edson.  h.  Jan.  22,  1841;  enlisted  in  Co.  }■:,  8th  Conn.  Vols..  Sej^t  2o 
1SG1.  At  the  b;;trle  of  Antietam.  Sept.  17,  18(32,  ho  was  shot  tliroue-h  the  I'treasi  luid 
killed.  The  circumstances  are  related  by  Ciiarles  S.  Biiell.  a  fell.iw  soldier  of  the  same 
Co.  who  sni>i'o-t,  d  liim  a.s  he  fell.  After  a  char-e  in  three  lines  of  battle  the  men  were 
forced  to  fall  i)aek,  and  Then  to  avoid  a  heavy  lire  wcov  ordered  to  lie  dov.-n;  but  it  was 
soon  found  that  the  bullets  of  our  o\sn  iiien  in  a  jilece  of  \\oods  were  strikino-  near  the 
liead  of  tlie  8th  regiment,  which  then  pot  up  and  sianed  tor.Mreat.  It  wa^  at  thi.'^ 
moiuiuit  tliat  Tuttle  fell,  so  there  is  no  doubt  thai  the  ])oor  fellow  ^vas  kilh-d  bv'the 
bullets  of  bi.s  own  comrades.  He  did  not  die  instantly  and  desired  Buell  tottay,  biu  the 
regt.  was  ordered  forward  and  he  had  to  be  left  with  many  others  to  die.  "The  field 
where  he  lay  was  lost  ami  wou  several  times  that  day.  The  next  inr)rning  when  details 
were  made  to  bury  tlie  dead  and  bring  in  tlie  wounded  John  was  found  bv""r)ue]]  stripoed 
of  his  clothing,  with  his  hands  under  Ids  head,  as  if  sleei)ing  in  reposi.'"and  lookini;'  as 
natural  as  when  alive.  He  was  no  doubt  stri])ped  before  he  "lied  bv  the  r(4>el.s.  Eorty 
of  the  Sth  Conn.,  among  whom  was  'i'uttle  were  buried  in  a  trench  on  tlie  field  of 
Antietam.  near  Sharp^burtr.  He  avus  afterwards  removed  witli  tim  rest  to  the  Antietam 
National  Cemetery.  '•  John  Tuttle."  contiiuies  Ids  friend  and  cotv.rade,  ('has.  P  Huell 
•■  was  killed  In-  my  side  at  the  battle  of  Antietam  noblv  doim:  his  dutv.  '  He  vs-as  alwavs 
a  true  and  faitliful  soldier,  never  comydaining.  Maiiv  a  sorrv  soldi'er  has  been  com- 
pelled to  cheer  np  faint  heai-i  by  John's  merry  way.  Not  one"  tliat  will  count  on  the 
rolls  of  old  Woodbury  can  show  a  fairer  record  than  In.'  in  vour  history.  We  v,  ere 
together  in  many  battles  and  I  always  foiwid  him  brave  to  the'  uttermost.'  Before  the 
battle  in  vsdiich  he  lost  his  life  he  was  imj.res^.ed  with  the  idea  of  death,  tliou.r-h  never 
before,  and  yet  he  Avasin  nowise  dLinmv(\:'—('\,(,'t>rn's  llisi.  of  W"o(ltnin/\\o\.-2  p  i;-^H9. 
For  letter  of  John  E.  Tuttle  to  Mr.  Cothren  see  ibid.  p.  114:1 

V.      Sophronia  Morris,  b.  Aug.  1,  IS  13;  d.  of  scarlet  fever,  a.  6  yrs. 

VI.     Emily  Jane.   b.    Feb.    15,    1845;    ni.    March   25,   l.S(j3, '  Ed\vard   H.    Muu.son    of 
\\  aterbury,  Conn.      She  was  delivered  of  twin  daus.  July  7,  1870,  and  d.  the  sanu'  dav , 
also  d,  one  of  the  infants  and  buri.d  v.ith  the  mother.      The  other  twin  d    12  davs  after' 
"\  II.     Marvin  Etmu-y,  b.  Feb.  17,  1847. 

.12.56.  Daniel  Tuttle,  ha]..  June  5.  1743:  d.  Oct.  7,  1813,  a.  70.  In  Maich,  17,S(). 
he  was  ai>i>t.  oiu^  of  the  Woodbuiy  com.  fov  takitiL-  care  of  the  s.ddiers"  families;  m." 
July  o,  1774,  Concurrence,  dan.  of  E/.ekiel  and  Tabitha  (llickok)  Tuttle,  and  wid  of  David 
Miles.     She  d.  April  5,  1^27.  a.  sO. 

I.      Darnel.  April  12,  1775;  d.  .Mav  30,  sm.;   .dioked  To  death  bv  a  piece  of  ixu-k 
II.      Kuih,  b.  JulyKi,  iTTd;  „,.  M;,v  17,  isno. 

III.  Olive,  b.  Nov.  22,  177S;  m,  Ailthonv  Miner. 

IV.  Daniel,  1).  April  S.  17S];  d.  .Mandi   i'ai.  17S1. 

y.      Truman,  twin  with  D.miid;   m.  I.avinia  Manville. 
VI.      (I'arry,  b.  Feb.   13,  17.S5;  m. 

.12.563.     Oliv^e  Tuttle,   b.    Nov.   22.    177S:    d.    Amr.  '10,    1,'^53;    m.    Oet    7    l-^Ol 
Anthony,  s.  of  Samuel  Miner,  b.  Aiil'-.  31.  17n;;. 

1-  'I'  .Mim.u-.  b.  c>et.  "J  I ,  l;-n2;  Dea.:  m.  Dee.  is.  ls-,>7,  Harriet  ("urtis.  1,  .\ 
sdX.d.  Jan.  25.  Is:;2.  a.  3  yrs.  2.  Ht:\i:v  S'ii!„'-;s.  Oct.  1,  ls;l(i;  m.  ,\,.,.  •23  ]K,S  Tei-'esa 
Atwater.  :'.,  Ti:iM  \x  Smith,  Sept.  s,  is:i-j.  4,  Jon.x  Hkxkv,  De.'  14  is'37  .5  llv!- 
KiF.T  Ei.iz.v,  b.  .\ov.  7,  1S4:;^ 


)Sr  -'i^ 

11.  Horace  (i.  Miner,  !..  Oct.  ~M,  1S04;  in.  Oct.  l:!.  isOI.  Eiih-Ihk-  Lruvrnwortli,  h. 
at  \^'.>odt)nry,  ;<f].t.  ]'>.  1^04;  <1.  Jiiih''24,  is:.],  a.  i;:  dan.  of  Daval  (.■ual  Sarah  N.-ttl.'- 
toiil,  y.  of  David,  s.  (if  .lolin,  .>-.  nf  'j'hiniuts,  s.  of  'i'linma-<  1  ,ca  vfnwcrtli ;  n's.  W'atfrvillc, 
Conn.;  rdiil.  I),  in  Woodhury.  1,  S.\i;An  J'.MZV.  h.  Jinn-  11,  ISjfi;  m.  Ore.  L'o,  IMT,  Ikt 
•.?d  coiii^.,  ^^'ait  l.i-avenwortli  [Li  <n:ni  irmih  ^'(//.),  1>  at  !J(>xl)nry,  Conn. ,  .May  il,  IS'JT: 
carpentfr;  row.  ,\nsni,ia,  C'lnn.  1,  M.ivfjitrit  .h'^i phini\  h.  June  2:i,  l.'^od;  ni.  Oct.  1'). 
ISfiti,  Jiiinc.-;  T.  Ladd  i.f  Watcrliary,  a  nnudiinisr,  who  d.  Oct.  -JH,  ISCl).  h'avinu-  1  (diihl. 
1,  Freilfricl<  T.,  h.  May  1,  L^:;!J;  the  last  hiitli  and  last  nann'  n  cuidcd  on  llio  hist  payer 
of  tlie  y.''/'7/((f(;/'(7/  < Icudilij^nj.  'J,  lir^irqc  HV.v.'cy,  h.  Sept.  'j;!,  1N,")'2.  ;i,  Sji,  ,(/■/  r  CoUit/, 
•Ti'lv  1,  ls.-^4.  -1.  ;/'v^/'^  M<!nr.  .\uii-.  •?:';,  ]s.-,:i.  "  .".,  ('';,/  F.unUi,  April '].".,  1N(',1.  >2. 
Oli'vi:,  Jan.  is,  ls;;ii:  d.  Ajiril  O'J.  1n;i;'..  ;!,  S.VMrEi..  .hiiic  17,  l^l'jo;  m.  Jan.  17,  ist;:}. 
Ls.ura.  ]\.,  dan.  of  Kddin^-ton  K.  Decker:  x.  i.\  vva.  Watervilli',  Conn.  1,  C()HNK.i.r.\. 
April  25,  \Sl'^y,  vx.  JulvG.  l.":^'>j.  Jfiines  M.  Colbv;  ;'.  ones.;  res.  Waierbnrv.  o,  Kmily, 
b.  Sept.  5,  1I^:W:  m.  Mav  14.  1859,  WiHiatj^  Bindx-;  res.  X.  Ilav. 

111.     .^larietta  .Miner,  b.  Aiiril,  IN-J'i:  m.  Uct.  2.  js44,  Henry  X.  Dudley. 

.12.565.     Truman  Tuttlc,  tuin  with  Daniel,  d.  Feb.  ]l,  ls]5;  ,n.  Xov.  2,  ISitT, 
Laviiiia  Manville,  1).  .Middlebury,  Conn.,  July  10,  1784:  d.  ImM).  1';;,  1S71,  a.  S7. 

1.  Harriet  K,.  b.  .lulv  is'isn',);  m.  Wherder.  1,  Ivm.m  v,  Dec.  2'J,  l.s;35; 
d.  >randi  15.  1^15.  2,  Tju  M.v.s  Iv ,  Oct.  22,  b'^lO,  m.  Ann  Eliza  Davis  of  Snuthbury. 
II.  Jeannetie  A.,  b.  Jan.  14.  1S12;  uniii.;  res.  Soutldmrv,  Conn. 
III.  Truman,  b.  .Nov.  4.  isib:  d.  Auir.  !!(,  IMjS;  m.  Jan.  2,  1S;!V),  Kb/a  ^Vlleele;•. 
1,  Ai.rifK.v  .M.,  b.  isijli,  2,  HricroN  D.,  b.\hui.  4.  ISD:  ,b  .March  11,  ls50.  ;l  J.vmks 
T.,  b,  1S44;  m.  Feb.,  bsG.s,  Sarah  I5enhani  of  Middlei)urv.  4,  Ai.UK  F.,  b.  Xov.  22, 
lS5:j:  111.  Xo\-,.  lS7b,  lleiuau  Alibott  of  Middlebury. 

W.     Julia  M.,    t).    June   2U,    1S19;    lu.  ISl-S,  Jaine.s  .Madison  Johnson  f>f   Fliinirton, 

Conn.     1,  H.VTTiK,  b.  1S44:  ni.  ■ \V]ie(der.    1.  J'llhi  M..  Sept.  2!t,  F'riGO.    2,  OcnnieF,., 

.May  21.  IM'.'.i.     2,  Xi-rrni:,  Fel).  10.  1840,  in.  Jan.  2o,  18G8,  James  M.  Csbora  of  \Vood- 
bur}-;  oin^  chilli.      1,  (jerry,  b.  iNtjS. 

.12.566.     Garry    Tirl.tle,  b.  F'-b.  l;\  1785;    d.  Jan.  20.  1S05:    m.  'Althca   ,   b. 

1767:  d.  Oci.  F!,  ls-,'.3.  a.  -G:  (2)  Auir.  15.  1S25, Bachelor  of  I.itchfieM,  c'onn. 

I.     (b-ort:e,  b.  March  5,  (h  Dee.  2S,  1S04.  "  , 

II.      .^iaria,  b.  Jan.  7,  IsOfi;  d.  F<'b.  20,  bs.^-l  ■ 

III.  Olive,  I).  Feb.  21,  ISIX:   d.  Ai)ri!  12,  lS.j;F 

IV.  Sallie  E.,  b.  Dec.  4,  1820:  m.  April  24,  1830,  WiHiain  H.  Tuttle. 



ill  a  li^-t  of  \.-\v  llavni,  botw.^cii  1^30  nii<l  Kjr,,  tl.o  name  of  Jolm  Tontllc 
•n,iK-ai-  It  scemy  .loulnful  as  U>  his  liavin-  I'cen  a  sKll.r.  Thu  nanir,  is  nni  on  .lie  h<i 
, jlalxrril.frs  or  proprietors.  He  received  no  all-.tme.-.t  and  paul  vn  rat.>.  He  is  ii-^t 
me^tio'v.d  in  th-  sratin-  oftlie  nit. -tin-  linus<..  It  is  crrtain,  however,  t1iar  then-  wn.  a 
Jolui  Tuttle  in  tlie  ^-e^v^Haveu  jurisdicti-ni  as  app=-nvs  from  his  app-nntment  hv  tlie  coun 
Xevv  Haven,  in  1W2,  to  order  th.  ailairs  <,f  the  phu,lation  a,  >o>nhold.  h  w.s 
dc'en  for  cr-ant<d  tlintdnhn  Tuthilh  n  pr.Mnin^.nt  meinh.r.-.t  Mr  lonn^- s  company  ^v-hu 
.eiH.d  at"SonTh,.ld,  was  t]n-  X.'W  Ih,  v,n  appoinu-;  hul  that  idea  is  pivennp.  A  Jonn 
T.ntl.  i^  said  t.,  have  been  ,-onvrie.d  in  thr  F.ast  liavm  ni..v,.n.,-nt  in  1 ,4!.  As  hue  as 
iCiO-^  a  .lohn  Tuiile,  sr.,  is  implied  in  the  rec(.rd  of  ^^  m.  'i  nttle  s  s.,n  John,  a^  jr. 

(■apt  Jeivndah  Tothili,  ennn  from  Kn-hind  b.  tore  lOs,);  Assist.  Alderman  East 
Ward  envoi  \  V.  KilH;,  and  Ahk'rmrui  of  same,  llD-M-o:  nu-ivhant: 
One  of  the  fii-tve-^trymen  of  Trinity  ehh.;  n..  ^hiy  31.  I'iSK,  Jannekin  HeKay  of  ^ew 

Silence  Tutile  ami  J.din  Smith  in.  Oei.  •^■},  174-1. 

Lydia  Turtle  uf  New  Haven,  and  Abel  Smith  ni.  June  21,    1707,   by  Mr.    Tiumbnil. 

H.zekiah  and  Mary  Tuttle  had:     1.  Jkssk.   1,.  March  S,  1771.     2,   Ei.i,  b.  March  1, 


'i'heuphilus  Tattle  d.  IS^G,  and  left  wid.  Esther. 

Mr.-.  Soplironia  Tattle  d.  at  Clinton,  Conn.,  Jan.  fl,  l^Sl,  a.  bO. 

■■  Ir  n-ei'io-v  of  Widow  Siirah  Tuitle;  a  ^  iituou.s  v.oman,  a  good  wife,  au  alTectionate 
and  exemph.ry'iuwent,  a  piou=  and  devoted  Chiistlan;  d.  March  12,  171)^,  a.  30  years.  - 
Grarr-donc  in  U'.rhij,  Crmn. 

J.  Tuttle  Smith.  D.D..  Hector  (diurch  of  the  Holy  Sepulchev,  N.  Y.  C,  E.  .54lh  St.,. 
ls7li,  and  Chaplain  7th  Hegt. 

Daniel  Tuttle  (per.  s.  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Manslleld  Tuttle  of  No.  Hav.),  m.  Chns- 
tian.  dau.  01  ElM-Mezer  and  Sarah  Savage  Norton  of  Southington.  Conn.,  b.  March  1-., 
l7:jS;  niece  of  -Mary  Norton,  who  ni.  .lohn  Pantry  [2. j 

Stephen  Tuttle.  late  of  E.  Hav.;  dec;  est.  adm.  June,  HS^i;  xvid.  Mabel;  David 
Toinlinson  iruard.  to  Amy,  a  minor  dau. 

Susanna,  dau.  of  Mr.  Simon  'I'uttle,  b.  Aug.  lo,   lT4iJ. 

Caroline  Tuttle  m.  John  Norton,  b.  Nov.  27,  1S02.     She  d.  July  20.  1S70. 

Na<, lid  Tuttle,  dau.  of  Haniel,  b.  April  12,  1709. 

Mary  Tuttle  ni.  April  4,  17i;S.  John  Culver,  by  Mr.  Woodbridge. 

Silence  'i'ut'le  m.  Oct.  2."'.,  1741,  .lohn  Smith. 

Jf-minia  'Ihittle  m.  June  b">.  17';7,  John  .\ustiu,  3d. 



Stei-hcn  Tuitk'  bap.  July  '^l,  iriii.--7-V/-.vf  Chi,.  Ji\,\,  X,  /[„>:. 

Miles  Tutllf  of  "\'trrj>n,  C'ojiii.,  in.  Judo  x),  1S2'J,  Sibvl  Tliorpo. 

Lorinda  Tattle  in.  2si)v.  5,  IS'^O,  BeinMiia  ('linton. 

I'ollv  1'iutlf  Mi.  C'harlfN  Augustus,  s.  of  Jonathan   am]    Sarah   Dave'   Batc^ 
^^ept.  21   1S07. 

SaiiuR'l  'I'utih'  (1.  in  No.  Ilav.,  Conn.,  July  S,  ITT.'J,  a.  77  vears. 
Sarah  'J'uttlt-  in.  170."),  Xoali  ^Vnl<■:ott. 

Elizahi'tli  Tu^ih--.  ])rol).  of  Norwnlk,   Conn.,   hraneh,    ni.  Jan.  lo,   170:^,  Josiah,  .^    of 
Josiah  and  Hannah  (Hoytl  Iloyt,    h.    March  14,    1741.      1.   IJiiojja.  b.  Anril  1 1    )  7(J4      •> 
Anx.v,  i>.  Julv  lo.  Ht^."     :j,  31EUCV,   b.   Dec.  0,   4770.     4,  Jomaii    1.  Junei-i'  177--;'     V 
Isaac,  b.  Au:<.  14,  17M  .,,..., 

('ieorgri' Tuttlf,  a  bliirksniith,  wtnit  to  ^^'indlestpr,  ("onn.,in  180S.  In  1Sl7  boiit;4ii 
2d  house  \ve>t  of  Toll  <4ate,  north  side  (ireenwoods  turnjdke;  rem.  to  Colebroolc  l^-.'.') 
whore  111' d.  about  is.-)!).      Had   several   eliil.  b.  in  \\'..  of   v.-Jioni   Jotd   in    js72   ownrd'a 

liou^e  in  Daubury,  (.'onn.,  ou  the  east  siih:- turnpike   above   the'  tcJ)   irate. 7>",/'7',s-    117;- 

cht-'.tir.  V 

l-'ruiu'iice 'J'uttle.  h.  about  1777;  m.  Tliomas  I!oel:\\-ell.  ].  I,Ar];.\,  h.  C'iucinnatn.-. 
X.  Y..  Sept.  :j.  Ls07:  in.  Dec.  -Jn,  ]S,:J-2,  in  Solon  (Tavlor).  X".  Y..  Thad.  Sevjuour  Whitin-v 
h.  "Walton,  N.  V.,  Fel).  14.  l'^i>^;  Idaeksniith  and  farmer.— ])7/./('//ey  7-e;/,. 

^^■illiau^  Tuttle,  ("apt.  privateer,  wai-oi  ISI-J:  fatle-r  of  Xorman  Siuiih  'i'uttle  an 
ituetione.r  of  Pittsbiir.i:,  Penn.,  v.'ho  .1.  .April  2].  Issi)^  a.  07,  leaving  s.  Ih-raee  lV,-oi> 
Tattle,  wlio  ni.  and  lia^l  >.  Hoi-ace,  b.  isCiO-. 

Elizabeth  Tuttle,  in.  April.  18-2'.),  llelnn-  Killjorn.  b.  Kitley.  C.  \\  .  Au<r.  L'S,  ]sv,\: 
res.  Munda,  Liviiurston  Co.,  X.  Y.  1,  A.MnreisK  Mj.nk.nti.  2,  AjU'..A£i,.  5,  Lkikx. 
4,  Cai;     5,   Rumkv.n".  _  .  " 

Thomas  Tuttle.  fain.  trad,  says,  lived  on  a  faim  near  New  Haven;  had  s.  Levi  \\Iio 
ad  7  dan-,  and   1  s.      U;;e   of  the  dans,  of    Levi  in.  Noyes    4'uttle,  res.  <'artha«'-e,  X    Y 
ill'  f.  of  Xoyes  Tattle  was  Abijah,  wlui  had  ss.  besides  Xoyes.  Amos,  .^Hlton\Dd  nvo 




From  Che-hire  clih.  Pecord:  Levi  Tuttle  lui'I  baji.  in  Che.-diir.',  Coini.,  Julv  17:7?. 
lehabo.]  and  Xath.auiel;  Annis  Tuttle  had  bap.  in  Cheshire,  Conn.,  H.'p..  174->.  .NLiVvand 
Xathauiel:  Thankful,  dan.  of  Benj.  'J'uttle,  bap.  in  Cheshire,  Xov.,  172i);  Samuej  ];-,d 
1)0]).  in  Cheshire.  i>ec.  28,  17o0,  Meliitable. 


Caleb   Brown   who  d.    in   Xewark,    N.  J.,  A]>ril   24,  1770,  a.  GO,  names  dau.  Phebt 

Daniel  Tiekenor's  will,  dated  1727,  nms.  Jane  Tuttk 

Lueina  Tuttle,  b.  aliout  17s:]:  111.  March  ISO.  Ls():]_  p,,l,|.v!  ]^,_  s.  of  Ib'uben  Cluip- 
man.  1).  Salisl.'urv,  Conn..  Aiisr.  lo,  177.j;  res.  <ireenville.  X.  Y.  1  M\kv  April  ]') 
isiH.  2.  Fan.vv,  Xov.  :i,  isoc.  ?,.  Jami:>  L.,  Jan.  ."3,  ]sO<i.  -i,  Poni'KT  X  .Mav  !»' 
18n.  7,  47it.MA-  T.,  July  12,  Isl:;.  r,,  SuiAii  A.,  Oct.  21t,  ].si7.  7,  J-uix  K.'  '.Ma'v  ']' 
ISbs.  ,s.  Lai  i;a  K.,.\uir.  oO,  1^20.  9,  LtriXA.  Jan.  20.  b^-j:!:  dec.  lO,  Fni'ni:!;"^  K 
L.,  Vvx.  6.  ls'2o.      11,    U'm.  p..  (K'i.  12,  ]i<2'.K-('/,.ti","t!,  (Jrm^ilo.jij. 

Jehiel  Tuttle,  b.  about  K77.  in  Conn.,  it  is  said.,  and  the  father  an.l  motiier 
lived  and  d.  in  Knirland.      Jehiel   was  a    liev.    sol.;   rem.    to   Oneida    (•o.,X.    77.    amid, 
there  al'Mut  l-sl'.).      I'.y  ]-t  m..  name  of  \\ife  imi':  ixuvn.   iind  7  chil.      He  m.   (C)  lu  J.dinv- 
towii,  X.   v.,   .\i)i_:air\\  o:'di-aTt-  and  had,  \[  elii!.      ;'.  be  !.-t  m  : 
r.     Stephen,  m.  Isabel  Averill;  re>.  Han.ilrou.  C'.  W . 

11.     John. 



•III.  Almiliaiu. 

IV.  Solum. ;n. 

V.  SeiU'..      i.  by  2d  ui. 

VI.  ]<n!ic. 

VII.  .^iiirv. 

Tin.  S;<l!v. 

*        IX.  .laool.. 

X.  liacliel. 

XI.  Hannah. 

XII.  Daniel. 

XIU.  Jeliiel.  •  •        " 

XIV.  Nancy,  and  2  more. 

9  Jacob  TuttlQ,  h.  Mandi  IS,  irijS,  in  Madi.-^ou  Co.,  X.  Y. ;  Iffl  II.. mo  at  U»; 
worked  on  tli.^  canal  at  J_,(K-kport.  X.  Y.,  2  ycav-s;  rem.  to  Hamilton,  ('.  ^^'.,  and  w.jrked 
r,  v.-arsKl  farming  and  brick  making;  i.-m.  to  Si.  Thomas,  I-:! gin  Co.,  C.  ^V. ;  cleared 
aiid 'cultivated  s..\-^'ral  Imndi-ed  acres  T.f  land  aiid  was  one  of  th.e  largest  farm.  r>  in  that 
region  from  l.\-24  t.>  lS;ri;  reiii.  to  ('aradoc,  Middh-ex  Co.,  C.  \\'.,  and  farmed  till  is'iC,; 
tlience  to  Kfi.Ts  Lamling,  .Minn.,  but  being  succ.-.-sl'nl  r.-tii,ii.d  to  Canada  ly.'js. 
While  tlier.-  he  a'lvocatfd  the  fr.  e  s.dn.ol  syst.-m,  and  was  mainly  instrumental  in  g.-i- 
tin"-  it  i-tabiishcd.  In  INii:;  rem.  W  Menominee,  Dunn  ("o.,  ^\■is.,  and  d.  in  Stanton  of 
<ta-nniiou  id"  tli- blood,  Dec.  16,  IS-O,  a.  t:'>  years.  .\n  ..l.itaary  in  the  Menomine.' 
paiTcr'  snei'ks  wurmlv  of  his  many  good  (jualiti.-s  and  the  high  esteem  in  which  he  \\  as 
li'old  '  He  in.  f.t  Hatniit.m,  C.  \V.,  hois  Averill,  .-is>er  to  his  br.nher  Stephen's  wf.,  b. 
Mt.  Pleasant,  Ontario,  C.  W.,  Nov.  Iti,  ls\'l;  /.  I'A  cliil. 
1       Abraham,  m.  Jan.,  ISoO,  Ma;y   Crnw.'ll. 

ll'      Marv,  .1.  1^'i.;:,'):   m.  David  Stockton  ami  had   11  ehil.      1,    Lt  cimja.      2,   S.sitAil. 
3    l;u:';u'r/   "4,   Maky.     .1,   L.u^Anx.     li,    l.KVi.     :,  Ja:.ii>.     8,  .JAr..r.. 

'  111  Sarah  I'ilizabeth,  m.  Ihomas  Faiilils;  res.  Munci",  Ontaiio.  1.  SAitAll  .J am.', 
2  \'(»rxv'  y.  Mr:!A-(»-\i;.  4.  Lois  A.^^.  ^o,  Isa];i::i.j.I;:.  (J,  '1'ii.i.mas.  7,  Ki.wa];i). 
8'  .TdiiN.     '.',  M-'.riLAXD. 

I\'.     Isaac  jlov.idl,  m.    18o7,  Ilariiet  Drew;  res.  Kna[.]-,  l>iinn  Co.,  ^^ls.,   has  huge 

'  V       Jacof),  m.  Js,")-).  Eliza  ^hlrsha]l,  who  d.  I'^TI.  h-aving  large  fam.      He  \<\.  twice 
ruoie;  res.  IJl'.noi-e,  3Ii<di. 

v'l.     ^bvi::;  i-'i,  m.  1s,j4.  .John  NN'isemiller;  res.  Stanton,   Dunn  Co..  \\is.,   sev.  rhil. 
VII.      Eli-/:'.  Jane,  d.  about  ISIO,  a.  2  yrs. 
^■1H.      M..-rcv  .Maria,  d.  lNo2;  a.  K). 

IX      Martha  Ann,  m.  ISoT,  Jacob  Milb-r;  r.  s.  Menomine.,',  A\  is. 

x"  John,!).  April  11,  1^18:  served  through  tlu'  war  in  (;.>.  F,  DTih  X.  Y.  \'ols. ; 
fift.MAvards  toll'o'wcd  farming  and  lumbering  in  Dunn  C.>.  till  bsM:  rem.  with  his  br... 
-\lbe;'  ti>  San  hrancisco,  Ca'l.,  and  engaged  in  bri,-!:  ni;d-:lng,  2:11  .Montt^omeiy  .-titei. 
The  linn  of  Tnttle  Brothers  is  now  on.'^  of  tin' large-^t  in  the  in  that  line.  He  m. 
Feb    ]fj    ISSl.F.mmaB.   llawe.s.      1,   Lois  Aisi'.v,  b.  Jan.  27,  1NS2. 

XI.'    Albert  Jehi.:d,  b.  Carad.jc,  April  10,  ISlS;  m.   Due.  4,  ISSl,  Xellie  D.  Avery. 
XII.      (Jeorge". 

Stephen  Tu.ttle,  b.  Sept.  .'>,  ]70-',;  ])er.  was  that  Stejihen  Tuttb,'  whose  wf.  Sarah  d. 
in  Farmingt.)a,  Conn.,  July  oO,  17oU. — J-'/n'tituif/ton  Toiru  RiC. 

Estate  .d'  Jo.eidi  Tuttle  id'  Iv.  Haven  distributed,  1794.  to  Jos.-ph,  Lois,  Mary  Man.s- 
field.Amos  Clark,  and  Susanna  Smith,  Kaclud  Sndtii  an.l  Sarah  Smith, 

May  (3,  iSol,  c>t.  of  Xi.dmlas  Vlanviile   of   \Vaterbary   or    W 
fldni.;   lims.  Mary,  wh.^.  m. Tuttle. 

lury,    C"onn..   dec, 

A.  D.  C.  Tnthill,  a  I'upil  of  Benjanua  West,  .1.  at  M.jntj.eli.'r,  \X..  Juuf  12.  isj;], 
ii.  07. 

Stophen  Tuttle  rem.  when  a  young  man  from  P.'<'l;skil!,  X.  V.,  to  Co.-yman's, 
Albany  Co.,  about  ]S((0.  Had  G  si:in"s  an.'l  2  daus.  A  s.  \\y\.,  liv.s  in  Coeynuui'.-,  and  i> 
fath.'i'of  L.  C.  Tuttb'  of  X.  Y.  C. 

Bostwbdi  Tuttle  m.  Nov.  C.  17ss,  Luania  Ju.Id;  res.   sonm  tine-  at  I'jyniouth, 


,Ml<!  A1'1'ENI»IX. 

1;  l{\NJJsr,!;v,   b.    Aul'-.   10,    1780.     ~\  ('HAxni.r.i;,   b.    Api-il   s,    IT'.U.     f!,   Pamki.ia, 
Maich  8,  17'j;.!.     4,   Ksi  ukk,  b.  July  -.'(I.  IT'Jii.     ."3,   Ai.r.i.KT,  1>.  Jun.'  10,  1,^01. 

P,(^st\vii-k  iiml  l"',.'kirl  Tuttlt'  wwc  brotlicis  and  liv-i]  in   \\'inilliaii'.,  >.'.  ^'.     Tniuiaii 
Tuttle  (if  \V.  was  .s.  uf  E'/ekit'l. 

Eli  Ti'ttle  (iT  \^'indlialu  was  (if  a  (lilTt-rcut  family;   jici'.  of  >«'(ji'wal]<;. 
Eunice  Tultic  in.  Feb.  r3,  1S2-1,  Xathaniul  Matthews,    Piyui'_'u;]i,  Couu. 

Maiy  'J'uttb;  of  the  First  Eccle<.  Soc,  X.  Hav.,  d.  Feb.  o,  ls'21,  u.  90.  | 

_  - 

TiuMitliv  'rnttle.  b.  ali'jiit  ]7~)'2;  m.  in  S;;lisbury,  (Vmn.,  Hannah,  dan.  of  Xailiaidel            ; 

and  Hanniih  (Fitch )  ^Vills]llw,  b.  Feb.    1-1,    17")7;  d.    May   "^S,    lot'O,    of   t'oventry,   (,'unu.  ": 

ilanuali  Fiteh  wa.-  dau.  of  Pev.  Mr.  Fitch  (jf  Coventry.  I 

Amy  Tuttle,  b.  March  14,  17G7;  living  in  Wolcott,  Ce.nn.,   1837.  \ 

Lvdia,  dnu.  of  Abraliam  'J'little,  b.  Nov.  '24,  1718.-7;.  JI.  /iVc.  \ 

Josejih  'J'uttle,  b.  about  177o;  father  of;  ],  EA'i'iii;i,  TrTTt.!-:,  whoso  sidi.  David  of 
Fih,  ^va.s  a  Union  -oh.liei-.  2.  David  '{'rT'i  ..i:,  '■  lived  uitli  Mi'.  Cii.wnheart  frdin  the  a.  of 
7  until  14:  then  uenr  to  my  ccni'^in,  Fred.  BaUhvin  'rutth,  at  Syracuse,  X.  Y.,  to  h-arn 
carpenter's  trade:  rem.  to  Cal."  1,  PJiUki  G.,  enlisted  in  Co.  E,  l>t  Ikittalieu  Cal. 
Mountainiery,  .Inue  0.  ]s'''j:  eji'_'-aged  in  the  Indian  ^var  ou  the  Cal.  coast:  ii;u;-te!'ed  out, 
at  Fert  llnmboldt.  Jan.-  14,  l.^f;.">,  ' 

Fred  Baldwin  Tutrlc',  cnusin  of  David  and  r!ephe\v  of  J(.isi']ih,  les.  lib:  father  of 
Le.cius  'I'ultltMjf  Eureica,  Cal. 

Thomas  Tuttle,  e.-t.:  !>.  about  1725:'  migrated,  it  i'-  said,  from  Cunn.,  au.d  wa>  at 
Brandon,  \'t.,  with 'lii.imas  Tattle,  jr.,  wdien  the  tirst  meetings  were  Indtl  in  a  mill. 
Tliomas,  sr.,  was  a  miiler;  cliih: 

L     Xathan,  <1.  in  war  of  1812:  m.      1,   </!IAM>i,t;u,  whu  was  liv.    in  St.    Lawreuco 

Co.,  X.  Y.,  isin.     2.   Ibi.-AXNA,  who  d.  rtbout  1,'-.71;  nn ^Vooster  of   (Vanwall,  Vt., 

andliad:     1,  J,>hi}   li7,v/r//,  res.  W.Cornwall,  Vt. 

li.      Jesse,  liv.  in  \'t.  in  11'.)^. 

Ifl.     Jiilin,  li\.  in  \'t.  in  17!I8. 

IV.     Tlnimas. 

4.  Thomas  Tllttlo.  TlTe  Ba])tist  chli.  in  l^randiin  Avas  organized  about  17Sr), 
and  the  Tuitles  ajijiea.r  among  its  iirsi  members.  "  From  all  that,  I  can  h-arn  tins  family 
was  |)rominent  in  the  town  and  churcl).  TliO!;ias,  jr.,  lieing  a  n:an  of  gifts  and  parts, 
\vas  invited  by  tlie  town  (the  Ba.jitists  li.inii-  the  rlom-nent  sec!)  to  act  as  their  mini.'-ter. 
The  name  is  missing  frouL  thechh.  re,'. n-d  after  1702. "' — lire.  C.  A.  Thymus,  Pii.--f"r  tif  tht 
Fir^f  Bnpt.  cJih.  in  Brititdrni,  UtUr  to  Cumi).  Capt.  Solomon  Tuttle  was  one  of  the  first 
laeinbers.     Bev.  Thomas  preaclied  40  yrs.  and  was  70  yrs.  (jf  a.  wh -n  he  d.      Hem.  about 

179H, Smith,  wlio  d. 

I.      Xatho.n. 

II.     Pheb.\  b.  July  7,  1777;  d.  Jan.  20,  iNOo,  a.  88:  m. JMndjis  of  Orwell.  \t.; 

he  left  a   tine  farnr   of  200  acres  to   his  chil.      1,   Fj.xatiian.     2,    1'ai  iixa.     3,   Max- 

UAXIA.       4,    CASSIXOAXtA.       o,   I'iltASTfS.       G,   OjlAXOK.       7,   A  l.liUlXs' i.       8,   ]^IVC>X1A.       9, 

ILvuKisox.      10,   L<u;KxZ(t.      11,   Ai.nxzo. 

III.      Folly,  m. Chamberlain    of   Monkton,    Addi.'^oii   Co.,   Vt.,   and  liad  a  large- 

fam.,  of  whom  a  dan.  in.  Bylainl  Doton. 

]\'.      Sarah,    in.    Turner,   and   l;ad   s.    Soi.omox.      She  m.  (2)  Biowkins  and  had 

Aj,.M()X  and  Liama.      >>he  m.  {:])  ■ Byan  and  rem.    West. 

V.      'i'lif:pmas,  m.  Sarah  (.'ase. 

45.  Thomas  Tuttle,  b.  Jan.  lo.  j7S7.  When  he  wa.-:  about  0  yi-s.  of  a.  his  mo. 
(in  a  tif)  fell  witji.  him  int^i  tlu'  tire  and  his  feet  wer"  so  Inirned  as  to  cripple  him  for  life. 
His  mo.  d.  soon  after  of  le^r  injiirie,-.  and  he  went  to  live  with  Ins  brother-in  l;iw. 
Chamberlain.  Wlu-n  only  ti  yrs.  of  a.  he  A\as  sent  into  the  wond-  alter  cows,  got  lost 
and  lay  on  a  ledice  or' loi'ks  all  !;i"hf.  In  tlie  moMiimr.  h ':iring  t]c.'  roo.-,1(  rs  cro\>-,  he 
f(dl(e'.ed  the  Souiid  an.l  f'Mind  the  m-arest  h..u-.e  six  mib  s  fr.'in  leune.  .V  moiido\\-  that 
lie  passed  througb  liarefiio-  was 'Mvrr'vl  with  ;i  vvhiie  frost.  His  only  cioihir.i;-  was  a 
shiit  and  trowsers — a  rough  ex]:erience  for  a  boy  cd'  six.     A  neighbor  took  liim  home  oiv 

Al'I'EN'liIX.  593 

lioisol'tick.  II.'  m.  ill  T.aiisiii::;-.  X.  Y.,()cr.  3,  lSl-2,  Sarah  Ca^r,  1>.  N.  J.,  May  2,  j;'.»0;fl. 
Marrli  2;t,  IS'Ul;  a  wnldi  ,1  lite  df  ."i!  \  I's.  lli^  \va^  Cd  vis.  a  iiicui.  (4'  llir  ]li\]>\ .  clili..  iiii.i 
was  living-  in  ISTti,  in  liis  Mtli  yr.  Jle  gatlu-rcd  inatriials  (niolialily  Inst)  fur  a  liistcuy 
of  l'.'<(n<l(>ii, 

I.  IMiclie,  Nov.  o.  iSi:',:  m.  Maicli  1,  1812,  .Tolni  P.  llopliius. 

II.  .\nn,  Au-i-.  12,    IM.".. 

III,  Na(liaii,"SL-i)t.  2i.i.  isl',);  ,Ua.  of  J^apt.  clili.;  n-s.  :\Ioravia,  ('avn<:a  C.i.,  N.  1.; 
in.  1-Vb.  27,  ]S:]U,  Bctsev  Iloi.kin.s;  cliii.:  1,  .Mkkcv,  Dec.  22,  IKY.);  d".  Mairli  2,  ISIO. 
2,  Edo.M!  a.,   Oct.  2n.  is.Vj.  ' 

IV.  ('as(>,  Oct.  2o,  1^21:  rem.  ahoiit  l>^(iG,  to  \\'is.  ami  d.  tliero  Oct.  l:!,  ISl'.S:  u 
i!i(_iu.  Moth,  clili.  ;  111.  A.iit;-,  2N.  IN-i"),  Saiali  J,  0^\tiis,  h.  April  10,  lN2').  in  Uonssila''!' 
(V>.  1,  ('ii.\ui»A.,  num.;  a  day  lahorrr;  mciu,  Mttli.  rhli.:  iivc<  witli  his  mo.  in 
Sparta;  b.  Jun.'  2fi.  I'-IT.  2,  F.  Ji.vxuoi.rii,  .Uilv  1,  IS.iD;  res.  hi  ai-,  ,Mmisnn  Cu.,  Wis. 
a,  Xatha.n  i;.,  >hiv  28,  ls,-,4;  (h  Julv  y,  ING.'j.  4,  A^.U),v  .h,  March  10,  1S,;7:  d.  Jun.- 
21,  lS(;.j. 

\'.     M(M'-y,  Sept.  8.  1817;  m.  Josliua  Mc-t/.-vr,  Oci.  31.  1810;  rfs.  (irulon,  X.  Y. 
A'l.      (/liai-'.-s,  1>.  .Iiii)('22,  ls24;   wmuu  h'd  at  (ifttysh^iridi  and  d.  in  ho-j^ila].  Ncwaih, 
X.  J..   March  14,  isijl;   On.    ui    Indian   Mound  Ccm. ;  "in.    I>rc     ;U,  184o,  I  )iana  C'ldlin.s  <.f 
Muravia,  X.  V. 

VII.  ^^■iUialu.  .Tuly  2^!,  h^O-'h  m.  .Tuly-28,  1S.')1,  Oiivia  (Jihsnir.  1,  L.vrirv  A.,  Jnly 
28,  1N.')2;  ifs.  (ii'nton.  'i'ompl/ois  ( 'o. ,  X.   V.;   I'ainicr. 

VIII.  John  Civ:,-,  Vv\,.  2li.  1-2-^;  m.  Ftd..  8,  1^!!!.  l.urinda  (iihhs;  ros,  Locke,  C'ayutra 
('o.,X.  Y.;  f.tiiicr;  incm,  ,Mcth.  i  hli.  1,!  I 'KLl'iilM-;,  Muv  14,  18o0.  2,  C'liAiti.KS 
(il,F..\,  Jan,  11,  lS.-)7;   d.  I'Vb.  4,    IS.'.O. 

\X.     Alndra,  May  21,  ]s:;n;  d.  (.>ct.  7,  1s70;  m.  Oi-t.  12,  hSlO,  IJcnj,  Waiisur. 
X.      ICciscv,  .Juiir  2o,  l'>:;2;  re.s.    Scijiio   Center,    X.    V.;  larnicr;  ni.   ttt  Aulniru,  X. 
Y.,  Sept,  27,  iHii),  Addle  Oakley. 

Abigail  Tnttle,  m.  Joy,  g.  of  Joy  liishup,  1>.  Oct.  22,  1745;  d.  in  Xo.  Ilav.,  Conn,, 
June,  18o7. 

I.      Mislia  Hi-hop,  ni.  S;dlv  Hlanchaid.      1,   S.\T,i,V.      2,   S.\ml"KI,. 
II.      Mabel  Bi.shi.p,  m.  KhIaVi  Wolcott.      1,   Lf(  Y. 

III.  Jny,  b.  Xov.  11,  1772;   in.  Abijiail  make.^Iee. 

IV,  Abig-ail  Bisliop.  m.  James  lleatt)n.  1,  Is.vac.  2,  Jami-'.s.  o,  Jf.'.il's,  ni.  Sally 
Todd.     4,   .iii.iA.  m.  Li'vereJt  Fro-t.     5,   A  lur;  Art,,  m.  Jnlius 'I'nTtle.     (»,   Ou[;i>-  (_>i;son. 

V.  Peiiiua,  ni.  John  Koss.  1,  RAruEL.  2,  Pkmxa.  8,  Joiix.  4, 
I'AC  iii:r,. 

VI.      Stei»hi'n  i;i-liop.  m.  Pidly  Wood. 
VIP     Piah    Pishop,  d.  Feb.  2;->.  18i;4;  m.  Content,  dau.  of   Seth  and  JeminuL   Tuttle 
Blakeslec,  b.  Sept.  24,  17!t:-i;  d.  Pec.  2r,,  1S4S;  8  chil,  [4], 

VIII.  P.-icli.d  Bishop,  d.  Oct.  21.  18(17;  m.  Silas  Barnes.  1,  Hr.NKY,  in.  iru-hnrd 
AVilson.  2,  Jri.iA,  m.  Daniel  Smith.  •>,  ]']i)\VfN.  4,  I.'.vcHKr,.  5,  Alvah.  (i, 
^VIr,LKT.     ■; .  Xanca'. 

IX.     Chaunccy   Bisliop. 

3.     Joy  Bishop,   b.  Xov.  11.  1772;  d.  18.-,.^);  m.  Abit;ail  lllakeslee. 
I.      Almira,  b.  1),'C.  20,  1707;  d.  June  Pi,  ]8()1. 

II.  P.dinda,  I).  Jan.  10,  17011;  m.  Feb.,  1S17,  Marvin  Ford.  1,  LorisA,  2,  Kax- 
POM.     o.    Isaac'.     4,    !!n.\A\A.     5,    F'li-wiN.     G.    Ihtos.     7.    AmoAU..     8.     1), 


III.  Channcey  Bishu]),  b.  Sept.  2G,  PSOI;  d.  July  10,  1847:  m.  Xov.  ):',,  182", 
Seiutintha  Stearns,  p  SKMANruA  A.,  .lune  10,  P^24:  m.  Sept.  11,  IsJo,  P.-rr\-  Pariicti. 
2,  Ap.ioaii,  M..  Xev  2S.  1S2.");  111.  July  4,  1S41.  .b.sepb  lO.^s.  :],  Saiia  A.',  May  10, 
1827;  m.  .Mandi  2s,  Isp^',  .\  .-ba  Pice.'  4,  CiiArvri'.v  M.,  F.b.  21,  1^20;  d.  Sept.  24, 
ISlil.  .'),  (K'.s.  M.,  Mar.di  17,  1n:j1  ;  d.  Xov.  0.  IS  10.  G.  S.vik.m  C  ,  Vvh.  :>,  l-<:i:\[  m. 
Mareh  22.  1^:,.^.  Marv  Bishop.      7,   Paxsom  I.,  FiJi.  .'!.  is:i.")      S,    Bi:iii:  A  .  .Ian.  21,  1S;'.7. 

0.  Skth    M,  Apill   s,  1>:;o.     10,    X  ath  \n  A.,  .\].ril  20,  p;)-.'.      H,    Oi,i  \  i:  A. ,  Jan.   81, 
1S4.P      12,    .V.Mi.-  P..  Julv  14.  1S17.     i:;.   Ciiatn.  r.v  M.,  Aj.iil  2.-).  ISoii. 

IW       Plana,  b.  Pec.  2,  Is'K!;   d.  Pec,  S,  1S41:    m.   P;  c.  2.  1^21,  Xeliemi.ah  ]-;ian<  hard. 

1,  P(>Y.\.I,  C.      2.    Ai.MiKA  p.      ;i.    Mii.i.AKli.      4,    .Vr.J'rAii,.      o,    n!;iM-.,  d.  .\piil.  iNo7. 

V.  Klson.  b.  An-.  2^,  isoii;  n,.  X,.v.  i'.t.  ls?o,  Xancv  B-iibci.  1,  Dai',,  b.  F.b. 
P\  d.  FeP  2-';,  I--;!.  2.  I>\r.,  b.  and  d.  .inm-  in,  ls:;2.  :',.  ih.Miv  Sei:Nc;;i:.  b.  July 
28,1888.     4,    Xan'cv    Ft.viiiA,  May  17,  ls;!.y     ."j,    Simi.o.n   M  m.inn.v.,   b.  July  2  7,  1>^;'.7. 

69i  Al'l'EXDJX. 

G',  Makv  Abk;  \[r,.  1).  .lulvlG,  is;!!);  .1.  April  -iii,  isll.     7,   Nv]  itan  Edwin,  Jim.-  19, 

VI.     AlMC-ail,  h.  D.-c.  ](',,  ISOT;  m.  Darius  Ballon. 
\l\.     .1ov,'l).  Fol..  -iS,  ISiiK:  (1.  June  8,  ISIO. 

VIII.     Atirilla,  h.  Jan.  o,  ISUl;  m.  June  lil,  1S;J4.  Xatlian  Balli.u. 
IX.      Joy  4t]i,  1>.  Fcl).  12,    ISl.K    in.    lilio'la   St.ains,    ]>.    .May  l.-j,    ISOO.      ],    Cykkn'A 
MOKRi.s,  b.  June   Hi,  ly:.M.      2.    Al"i;il,l,A   S.,  March  ."i,    l^:l>f.      A.    \.K>\]yx  }{.,  i^v]n.    16, 
1840.     4,    Louisa  E.,  Julv  17,  ISlv';    d.  May,  ls.'i7.     o,    -Mai:y  A.,   IS,   1S44.     0. 
AiUGAU.  K.,  Mmv  10,  1S47."     ',,  Ji'V  otii,  Nov.  1,  lylS.     S,    Lk  Hoy,  June  2,  ].^.')1. 

X.      Seth,  b.  Sept.   1!),  ISIS;    m.    June  S,    1S4-2,   Eunice    Blakeslpe.      1,    ClaHA.      2, 
Inf..  d.  ISor). 

XI.      Ahnira.  Autr.  '^o.  1^18:  d.  Ort.  8,  18-?2. 
XII.      Phebf,  b.  Uct.  :iO,  IS'Jd:    ui.  Xov.  S,  Is^O,   Alnnz,)  llleks.     1.    Xklson,  March 
25,  ISll.     2,    Jasi'KU,    Aul--.    ir).   1843;    d.   June   1,   ISH.     ;-!,    Diaxa,   Dec.   4,  1845.     4, 
JuT.irs,  Feb.  V.K  ]-is.     r),'^JlAHUii;T,  Dec.  2o,  1649.     (J,  Kuir.,  F.b.  1.-,,  l;35-?. 

XIII.  Bede.  b.  M;;v4.  ISCo:  HI.  March  31,  ISPJ,  l>ai,iel  Ilick.s.  1,  CouoKl.iA,  April 
2,  1843.     2,  Ekos,  Dec.  21,  1849.     3,   F};a.\cei,ia,  May  l.j,  ls,-,-j. 

6.  Steplien  Bishop,  d.  1873  at  Keadsboro,  Vt.,  a.  Oi ;  u  great  bee  hunter;  never 
sick  until  he  d.;  va.  Pollv  Wood. 

I.  Urial,  b.  June'  12,  180.");  d.  Xf.v.  10,  1844;  ni.  May,  182.'),  Eunice  Bice.  1, 
IXF.,  b.  Pec.  20,  d.  1837.  2,  STHi'iti-.x  Otu,-,  May  ID,  lv?ri:  d".  July  2'J,  183V.  3.  (ii:o. 
H.,  Oct.  IT),  isai;  d.  June  o,  1852.  4,  Sept.  25,  1833.  5,  ^\■M.  Kii.FV,  Aju'll 
22,  1835:  Tn.  June  15.  1850,  Caroline  Mansfield.  G,  Dam/>  (.). ,  Jan.  22.  1837.  7,  Damei. 
O.,  Nov.  12.  1S3S, 

II.      ilsih.-r,  Julv  27.  1808;  m.  ?vlarch  13.  1834,  Darius  Ballon. 
III.      Daniel,  March  io,  1S12;  ni.  Xov.  20,  1S34,  Piiilena  Siallord. 
IN'.     Amos,  Julv  4,  ISM;  m.  Ocu.  1S3S,  Sarah  Uillnj.. 
V.     Inf.,  Jui;e'l4,  1817;  d.  June  14,  1817. 
VI.     Marv,  June  24,  1819;  d.  Any.  22,  1S22. 
VI 1.      Kaciicl,  Mav22,  1822;  d.  Oct.,  1S23. 
Vill.      Laura  D.,  July  9.  ]s25;  d.  Xov.  2,  l8."-)4;  in.  Jan.  1,  1845,  Hosoa  Ballou. 

JoIjII  (?)  Tuttle,  h.  abiuit  1730;  said  to  have  been  ot'JIaddain,  Conn. 
1.      AViijah,  ni.  Sarah  Dean. 
II.      Sulouiou. 

III.  John. 

IV.  .\bnei'. 
V.     Mary. 

1.     Abiiah  Tuttle,  m.  Sarah  Dean.     He  emigrated  from  Conn,  to  Stillwater,  Sara- 
toga Co.,  X.  "^  ..  about  1775,  and  d.  in  "Wilson,  Niagara  Co.,  X.  Y..  1833. 
I.      JaTues,  Feb.  12.  17811;  m.  I>-tsey  (ileasiui.^ 

II.     Bet-cy.  d.  1853  in  Fenner,  Madison  Co.,  2n.  Y.  ;  m.  Philo  \Vhite  of  Whitestown; 
(2j  Levi  .Munger. 

III.  Abner,  ni. McCracken;  has  s.  Wit.T.iAAr. 

IV.  E-ther,  1).  Feb.  24,  18(i0;  m.  Oct.  20,  1S23,  Jo.-^eidi  ^Vingate,  b.  in  Xew  ]lani]i- 
shire,  Julv,  l7'.M:  d.  1S70.  1,  .Mahia,  b.  Dec.  9.  1824;  d.  .•\prir22,  1853,;  ni.  \Villiaiu 
I'billi]!.-.  "2,  Ai.KicED  S.,  1825;  d.  July  7,  1800,  in  Fall  Biver,  Mass.;  in.  Sarah  Ehey, 
and  had  one  child,  Mnvi-f,  v.ho  lives  with  Mrs,  AMngate.  3,  Ouanvij.i.k,  b.  Jan.  10, 
1832;  d.  a.  3  mos.     4,  Cojjnki.ia,  Ajjril  23,  1834:  d.  a.  3  nios. 

V.     Abby,  d.  in  Canida,  X.  Y". :   •' n.  very  interesting  woman;"  m.  George  I'avis,  and 
had  two  (  hil.  *   1,     2,  JAVfES. 

VI,     William,  res.  AVallaceburg,  Wavne  Cc,  Mich.  • 
VII.     Elias. 

Vlll.  M.'iria  S.,  Mn.rch  1^;,  1802;  m.  -Tan.  21,  1824,  in  We.-~tmorehuid,  Cbauncey  Bob- 
inson;  he  d.  Oct.  17.  183t;'.  l,EAi:i.K  A.,  Sept.  lb,  1^25;  m.  ],ucinihi  Ilcriwell;  res. 
Marsliall,  Mich.  2.  CAitor.TXK,  Au^-.  Is,  1S2:;  m.  .April  27,  1^4S,  S.  C.  (irecnland:  res. 
Cazenovia.  1,  A^n-dui  J/.,  March  21.  Isp.).  2,  Dhronl  /J.irl,  ,();:{.  IH.  Is51.  3.  BV"/--?/; 
B>;rl,  Nov.  10,  ISCO.  4.  /■-/•-//(/.:  Jiolu/n^o.,.  Feb.  11,  isr,:.  :i.  ll\u!;v  J..  Oct.  0,  1>27; 
lunn. ;  res.  Kansas.  4,  Xkttie  E.,  S(>pl.  29,  ].s31;  m.  Sep:.  23,  is,";:;,  J(;hn  11.  Swiet- 
land.  1,  Jciiiiii  (J.,  Jan.  2"'>,  ls57;  res,  Saginaw,  3iich.  ,"i,  .\mo<  S.,  .\pril  21,  1833:  m. 
iHc.  2i\  I'-O"'.,  J,.-.-pbo!c  CMttr--H:  ch;!.,  .ai"e  s.  and  ere  d;.u,:  r.  -,.  ^,:o-ii.e  City,  .Mich.  G, 
Jennie'  A.,  N(jv.  18,  183i):  d.  1^09;  m.  July  10,  is.'jS^  in  ]',abh\  i;  -  \  ill-,  X.'  Y.,  M.-i'cus 
D.  Nichols.      1,  Wi'J-onii  Jf..  b.  July  30.  1802;   re.-,,  lierniua,  St.  Lawrence  Co.,   X.  Y. 

IX.      Bradford,  res.  <.)>hHWa.  Ontario  Co.,  C.  W. 

Al'l'EXDIX.  59", 

Jl.  Jranes  Tllttle,  b.  ¥<■]>.  1?,  ITSU;  rem.  fiom  Stiliw.  to  \\'c.stniorc]:uiil,  (Mm  idn 
■Co.,  N.  \.,  in  1S12,  tlieu  to  (.'amilhis,  ()ni)U(l;i;r;i  To.,  X.  V.,  ;hm1  d.  -Ian.  '2(),  ]SM;:  iii. 
1709,  JJi-tsey  (i'h'a-<')ii;  slu;  d.  -M;u-cli.  ]N.V.l:  rhi].,  lsi  and  'M  b.  in  Saratoga,  u.-xi  4  1).  iu 
Whitestoun,  N.   V..  tlir  rest  in  Caniilhis,  X.  V. 

I.  Josifili,  1>.  June  2,  IMK);  n.s,  C'oldwat.j-.  Mi.-li, 
.  1).  llrnn,  b.  July  7,  IfciO'.^:  ni.  Ja.n,  ];!,  bS-J."i,  A'lndia  ]\>ck  ;  ivs.  11011-'  Isb',  Onou- 
ilagaCo.,  X.  \.  1,  B>:tskv  K.,  1).  Juno  ]].  1H-J7:  m.  b'^;i7,  Williaui  X.-well;  (V?)  Miles 
Fisk,  Aug..  ls.-)7;  res.  Adrinn,  Mich.  i.  by  1st  m.:  1,  AdiUmi  ./. .  Jan.  M.  Iv-lS;  m. 
July  4,  187U,  in  ('(.on  Co.,  111.,  Mary  l^i?.sel"l;  res.  Lanioiu,,  lil.  2,  Clarctwc  II. ,  May  24, 
IS.Vt).  2,  (/VNTIHA  J.v.NK,  Juin-  27,"ls;>ii:  111,  I>ec..  lSij;5,  Johu  D.  SaiTord;  .y.  /. ;  res.  hclle 
Isle,  N.  y.  3,  IlKi.FN  .M.\Li>,  Mav  Is,  IS-iS;  m.  June  S,  185S,  Sanruel  l^irsons;  re.s.  Belle 
Isle.  1,  Mii'irir,'  Tiittlp,  March  H,  IN.")!!.  2,  >■,<///»,■/  11.,  June  21,  ls(;y.  3,' J.//,;t'  J., 
March  l:j,  1S(l'^     4.  IIknrv,  May  2o.  Is44:  drowned  June  ]."),  is-^iO. 

III.  Mine!',  M.\).,  Aug.  to",  1804;  d.  l-'eb.,  Is.jfj;  resided  at  Hull's  Corner.s,  Oswego 
Co.,  X.  y. ;  had  \'.ife  and  G  cliildien,  all  deceas(.-d. 

ly.      C'ar.)lin.\  Dec.  22,  181);  ;  res.  NN'eedsjiort.  Cayuga  <'o.,  X.  y. 
\.     Elias   \\\,   May  5,   ]S10,  lawvt-r  and  banker;   res.  Cincinnati,   0.;   "a  man    of 
fine  abilities  imt  ^ad  hisrory,"  says  Miss  (rreealand. 

yi.  Cliarles,  June  1,  "l!sl2;  "res.  Tainted  post,  Cheinung  Co,,X.  y.;  ni.  Ajiril  11, 
1;>)!J,  at  Caiuilhis,  U'  b.  A]iril  11,  islD.  in  ii.,rlliern  ]iart  of  Mass.  Shed.' 
ly");J,  at  Hawley,  Ma->s.  He  ni.  (2)  Mai\  X.  Chiik.  Oct.  l"),  is.")!;,  b.  (.'reenlleld,  Mass., 
:»lay  24,  1829:  r.w.ved,  1871,  to  Lotlus.  /."  b\  2d  in.;  1,  C\'..\\\^.\<  Ki.wi:,-  Ci,.\i;k,  Sep:'. 
21,  1857.'  2,  Fi:t;i)Ei!KK  IIknj'.v,  Oct.  21,  i8o9.  ?,.  I)oi;a  Voi.vst.v.  Feb.  17.  18(jl.  4, 
Bykox  Duaxj:,  Fel).  2o,  18(;4.     '>.  Clai;\  Eij/.ABEur,  .\i)ril  9,  isijs. 

yil.      Sarah  Ann.  March  fi,  lsl4;  m. Buiifh;   ns.  .Monleiw,  hA. 

yill.      ]':sther  Ann,  Au._^   19,  ISKi;  111.  Charles  Weed;  res.  Weedsport,  X.  y 
IX.     4'run:an.  M.D.,  K.-b.  s.  IM'J;  res.   l-Jodiuau,  X.  Y. 
X.      Ja.iues,  .lulv  1,  1S22;  d.  S'-jit.,    Istid. 
XI.      Ira.  :\lav  o',  1820;  d.  Xov.,  18:J4. 

Jaine--  'i'uttle  rem.  fnun  near  >birriston,  X.  J.,  to  (Tcorgia,  thenc<-  to  Kentui;kv  abt. 
ISlO-l.j;  had  three  sous.  1,  Soi.oNioN,  ui.  and  had  family.  2,  Xai  han,  m.  and  jiad 
.several  daughters.  o,  Isaac  \\'AS]nx(/r(i.\,  living  in  18;0  and  kept  a  hotel  at  Wavnes- 
burg'-,  Lincoln  Co.,  Ky. ;  has  large  family;  one  of  liis  sons  is  a  jiolii-f  jud^'e  iu  Siielbv 
City,  Ky. ;  an  exeelleut  otiicer,  citizen  ami  man. 

Charles  F.  'J'utih-  of  X.  y.  C.  was  a  i/ieut.  in  C.  S.  Xavy,  182^  to  18:jS.  (his  farher 
Avas  a  Cai't.  in  F.  S.  A.);  m.  Sarali  A — — ,  who  re.s.  11-1  Camp  st.,  Xew  Ork-ans,  La., 
and  liad  Charles  F.  Turtle,  a  wood  engraver;  res.  X.  O. :  m.  and  has  son  ChailV-s  f' 
Tuttle,  :J2d,  now,  18s2,  ou  training  .->hip  "Tennessee,"  at  I'ori  Monroe.  Capt.  Tuttle 
had  son  Harry  It.  Tuttle;  res.  Ny.  Kurland,  yt. 

yinceiU  Tnltle  of  IloHaad  Latent,  Oneida  Co.,  X\  T.,  lias  celebrated  his  90lh  birth- 
day, lie  chi.pjjrd  Avood  in  1MJ9  ou  the  sile  of  ihe  city  of  Syracuse  and  visitttl 
BnlTalo  in  1S14  and  was  there  \\h,-n  the  l>ritisli  attacked  the  town,  lie  is  a  de.scendunl 
of  Johu  Tuttle,  one  of  the  Pilgrims. — ?,'( itwjinji'  r. 

pKViw  UK  1>aM]:l  TiTTiJ:;.— Just  beb. re  going  to  press  wo  learn  of  tlie  deatli  of 
Daniel  Tut;le,  klsq.,  one  (.4'  the  oklest  and  most  highly  esteented  citizens  of  Leading, 
Sclniyler  Co.,  X.  V.  He  had  I'm'  several  years  been  slowly  failing  in  health.  On  Sat- 
urday night  he  received  a  stroke  of  paralysis  from  the  elfects  of  which  on  Jiis  already 
enfeebb'd  constitution  lie  died  on  \Vedue.-day  morning.  9th  inst.  Leceased  was  born  iii 
Jioston,  179L  and  was  con>e(juently  iu  liis  .soth  year.  He  was  a  man  of  hiirh  attain- 
ments. Leci'iving  a  libera]  education  in  his  youth  and  keejiing  u])  his  favorite  st udies 
iind  readings  almost  until  tiie  l<.-,t,  he  was  perhaps  the  most  highly  educated  and  one  of 
the  best  informed,  men  in  the  county.  His  long  life  was  om- of  Va  re  usefulness  to  the 
community  iu  w4iicli  his  days  \vere  ;.assed,  and  one  which  vieweil  as  an  entiretv,  is 
unblemishi-d  l)y  inconsistency  of  kind.  He  was  oni'  ol'  the  jiicmeers  <jf  this'sec- 
tion  and  was  a  Cfiteuiporary  and  friend  of  Or.  \yafkinv,  the  fi.irinder  of  this  viiiau-e.  His 
elder  son,  Adrian  'i'uttle,  f.s.p,  is  the  present  Super^  ism'  of  Le:i,!ing.  His  vouni'-er  s'Ui, 
S.  Watkins  Tuttle,  L.-q.,  is  a  jiracticing  ationcy  iu  Xew  Voik.  4'he  s.uvicr.s 
will  lie  In  Id  ai  the  re.-.idence  of  his  .--on,  Adrian  Tuiiie,  iXip .  in  Leadin;;.  on  fMdav,  Nth 
inst.,  at  11  o'clo<4c  and  at  Si.  Jame.^'  clinrcli,  Watkin-.  X.  \.,  (of  wliich  the  dec'ea.sed 
was  a  member)  at  12  o'clock  m. — J-\b.,   isTG. 

59G  Al'PEN'DIX. 

JainiA--  'I'nUl.-,  jr.,m.  :3S,  17.10,  Mnrv  I'urrill  ..f  I'..i-tI;ii!(I ,  M.  . ,  ;u„l  },ju_l  ^on 
liiinili,  ]'.  (if  .laiiif.-.,  f.  (if  (iiii.  .!;uii.-s  .Madi^na  Tunic  (if  l>cs  Mdiiirs,  l()\sa,  \^lm  coin. 
tliP  2d  Iowa  at  capturf  (jf  Furt  J)oiialsi)ii.  Alter  tlie  win-  In-  was  l)riii.  Can.  fur  Ciov.  df 
Iowa  and  reod.  a!>t.  S3,0IJIJ  \i.itc.s.  Tin;  family  tradition  is  tlial  tlicv  (!r,-,ccn<l  fi-om  \\'illiaiii 
Tiittlc  of  Nrw  Haven. 

'I'lie  rt-ill  of  tli(>  late  .Tani.'d  ■J'uttle,  d.  abt.  ISSt),  of  l^-ston,  disposes  of  ^-381, ()0()  in 
specific  bequcsi>,  among-  tlieni  s,7."(,<j00  to  liis  niuce,  Mrs.  Walter  ]$roekett,  \vf.  of  the 
well-known  artist. 

Sylvester  Sniitli  'I'uttle,  h.  in  Lyon  Co..  l\y.,  Ajiril  .'),  ]S:SI;  s.  of  Kzra  and  Keliei-ea 
Allison  I'-air.-liiid  Turtle;  ni.  at  Tieiir.ju  Falls  l>ee.  o,  ISC.j,  Sarali  Sal>iiini,  dau.  of  Alxd 
Leavenworth;  (dui-ated  at  llini'sliLirj.;h  and  at  Mrs.  ^\'or(•ester's  school,  B^iiiington,  \t., 
and  lilenvvo  id"s  Ladie.-  Seni.  at  West  Bratilelioro.  Uefore  m.  she  tnut;hi  music  at 
Trenton,  llei.-a  horticulturist;  res.  lMea--<uif  Bridpfo,  nenr  Cailisle,  111.  >o  chi).  hut 
adopted  <;eo.  Win.  Townsend,  b.  Carli.sle,  Nov.  8,  18G!). 

About  the  year  IT^t)  ]iersons  of  the  Tattle  name  settled  in  Montague,  Mass.,  anionr; 
the  first  thei'e.  The  orii^iaal  n.ame  of  Monta^^ui.'  was  Hunting-  liiUs.  In  H^llu mj' ,<;  ]] 
of  Wt/^fofi,  M<'S-s.,  it  is  related  that  Kiiene/.'-r  'I'mrle  an<i  his  faihev  were  out  on  a  lumt- 
infj  ex))cditi(.)n  and  e'ot  separated.  After  awhile  ih.e  son  s^eiu;'-  a  motii:)n  anx.uii:-  the 
Inislies  and  iuppo^.i:lg■  it  to  be  a  bear,  shot  and  killed  ]n:<  father. 


Marv  Tattle,  m.  Xov.  ]S,  1831,  Amos,    s.    of    Daniel    and    llai'iaet    Cutter  Burhecl^,   !>. 
Jan.  ]i;,lblO. 

Benjajnin  TuttlO,  b.  about  1770-r):  rem.  fro;.]  a  ]il3ci'  in  Pa.  about  -!(l  miles 
from  Pittsburt;:,  to  (irayx.n  I'o.,  Ky,,  about  isno;  m,  llriimah  \\'ilson  of  a  familv  from 
A'a.;  res.  sometime  at  Pliilpot's  Station,  h'y.;  faiiuer  and  cabinet  nud<er;  d.  on  a  visit  to 
Ills  friends  in  Pa.,  about  lSi)7. 

I.  Williauj  Wilson,  b.  Sept.  .T,  iSd.j;  farnuu-  of  I'necltcn ridge  Co.,  Ky. ;  m.  IV-c. 
25,  1831,  Xancy  Burch,  a  oi  lion.  Xoble  Burch  of  Kv,.  rem.  from  Md.  'l ,  Si.xoij-:- 
TON,  b.  Feb.  26,  1832;  d.  Sept.  8,  1831.  2,  Bi:.n-j.\.\[in,'  b.  .Jalv  13,  1n3-1;  d.  Aul.^  2s, 
I83i).  3,  Maky  Ellbn,  b.  Sept.  8,  I83i).  4,  Jokn  Wiosu.n,  b."  .M;uch  o,  d.  April  3,' 
IbiSy.  5,  .l.-VMKS  F.,  b.  Dee.  -^3,  Ls-iO;  d.  Sept.  20.  jMi2.  (j,  ^Vll.l,I.■VM  A.,  b.  ,lan.  G,. 
1842;  d.  Sept.  4,  1.^70.  7,  IIi:m.i;y  Vj.,  b.  Jan.  ').  d.  Oct.  lb,  l.sp-,.  s;  ('L.^mssA  F..\ 
b.  Oct.  ',,  ]&W.  Sb  Fh\.\,  Ks  M.,  1).  Mar.-h  19,  184!J.  10,  (.To.  ^V.,  b.  Aug.  28,  d..' 
Sei)t.  F7,  1801.      11,   IJiriiAKl*  M.,  b.  Uci.  lU,  IS.",.!.      12,   J.\m.;E.,  b.  June  4,  1857. 

II.  Jolm,  b.  Jan.  20,  lfc07;  m.  1S35,  lihoda  Preston,  who  d.  Au!;.  2b,  l^^TO;  farmer. 
1,  \V.\i.  lbn;Ki<T,  of  Delancy,  Ky. ;  cari>enle.' on  K.  P.  P.  J;.;  m.  Susan  \\  1, 
J'.'n.  2.  /•;/;,'- ,e'.  3,  /•'/■'/•//"•,'.  "lie  lias  b.M.ji  tliree  times  in.  2,  Joii.\'  FUA.M-K.rx, 
inerchaiit;  ni,  181)3.  Fannie  UTiittinehiH.  1,  Li-i//,i.->,  b.  Xov.  28,  b'-'flf).  2,  Anna  Lcni, 
h.  1809;  d.  Aug.  5,  b87u.      3,  Joseph  Pkkstox,  d.  Ocl.  5,  bSG5. 

The  first  kno^vn  ancestor  of  tin--  family  below  is  said  to  liave  been  of  Maryland. 
One  of  his  sons  liveil  in  Ivy.,  and  afterwai'ds  i-emoved  to  \'a  ,  and  liad:  1,  Jdiix.  2, 
Bir,sox.  3.  Cii.rix.  4,  'Iho^fas;  the  two  last  rem.  to  Mo.  TJLonnis  (4)  m.  and  had 
\Vm.  and  Jolm;  b.)th  d.  unin.;  J.imes,  \\'arreu,  Marv  an<l  Martha,  who  allni.  and  ha.d 
large  }aiuilies.--J/.r,b.,   (Juk   T.  IhnrUij  122  Ihnjhton.  JSi .,  ]inst,,ii.  Musa. 

Enoch  Tuttlc,  drojipied  dead  in  the  road  Xov.  5,  1S27;  m.  lilKi,  Ila.nnali  Si'(dev 
cd' <)iange  Couni>  ,  X.  \.,  b.  Dec.  y,  1773;  d,  .\nu-.  15,  ls24.  His  sen,  Lucius  S.  Tutile 
nl  \\  dliaiii-on,  Wayne  (.■.i.,  .\ .  Y.,  thiidcs  Knoeh  must  ha^•e  left  houn-  in  .Maiyhuid  while 
ycmn.g.  He  had  a  i;o(id  eduealion  and  taught  schi;(4  in  Pa.;  ^vas  gone  several  }(.'ais,  and 
Avhen  hc>  let  uijn'd  ids  faihe;- had  renamed,  and  thus  weie  lost  to  each  otler.  He  stud, 
medicine  with  Dr.  (iray  of  bnadilla;  not  liking  th(>  lni>iiiess  he  became  a  hitul  suive_\or, 
"at  N\  lii'-h  lie  w<is  \  er\'  ;',i'od  ;"   iJu!.; 

1.  Ltteius  S.,  b.'jaty  11,  ILi;';  m.  Feb.  12.  lS2i;,  \'ashti  Hayden  (if  Sodas,  X.  V.. 
b.  Oct.  31,  i;si:i.  1,  Ci.ASDiL  s  .M.,  b.  .Maoii  ','.1,  Is-.'ii;  m.  X((V.  Ill,  1S51.  Ann  Andri'ws 
of  Sodus,  b.  .Xov..  1S37.  2,  V.\sirrr,  b.  2,  1S32;  m.  Dec.  27,  is.Tl,  Pcrrv  Almv  of 
William.-on,  and  !cei   a  ii:,ii    b.  (  te; . ,   1  s(;3. 

11.       -Mar.ii-:,    b.    ;;rpt.    2:1,    b-O);    d     Sel)t.20,    IsOl. 

111.      William  James,  Se[ii.   11,    P^OJ;   in.     Feb.   11,    1S2'J,  Fveline  ILivden   of   S(_Mius; 

APPENDIX.  59'i' 

cLiMivn:     1,  W.,  9,   ]s;3-2.     2,  Ki.knnoi;    D..   S^pi.   9,   ISW.     a,  Emma 

A.,  Sept.  '.".),' 1^;!^. 

l\.      Miirciis  S..  (iniwn.Ml  in  l.iik.'  Ontarii),  An--.  ',^1,  l^'-^i. 
V.      .lulia,  M.-iv  l:J,  Isld;  ni.  IMD,  Julius  llui'-,<:-iii-- nf  .ALnrinn. 
V].      Abl.v,  A^:L^  1,  IM"):  <1.  ''aii.  :-;i,  ISlT. 
A'll       Mvroii    1).  ,I;in.  (>,   ISH;  d.  of  .■(,ii-miip'ion.   ]"cli.  It,  ls:j<t. 

A'lll.  J.ilm  L..  .'ulv  1,  IM!):  m.  M;uy  E.  rerkiu<  of  Osw,-;,.,  X.  ^  .  1,  MviiuN  A., 
h  \priri9,  1S44;  111.  .Xnv.  IS,  ISds,  Fruiiccs  Sntli'Tlaiid.  2,  l[i:.\);v  A.,  1..  N.'pt.  19, 
ikily,  in.  ISH'.).  Aniaiid  Curjit-uter.  o,  llEi.KN  A.,  twin  with  4,  Mai;v  E.,  Aprils,  1840. 
5,  .Toiix  P.,  Got.  2!i,  IS.jG.     G,   Wm.  a.,  All--.  12.  Is.V.t. 

Danlfl  r>  Tutilo  1'.  17^4:  bv  traililidii  (l',.-:<crn(l.-il  .lulm  'I'litliill  (T,.  1.);  lived  in 
Wostininsi.T  aii.l  Saiifl-r-ivr,  Vt. ;  m.  Sarah,  da.u.  of  Luke  Stioii;;,  a  ))!ni,;in(iit  hiwycr 
in  Vrr-onncs,  Vt.  Mr.  T.  ]fiii.  to  Smith.  r;i  IIL  to  a  lilart^  now  known  a.s '1  ulhdl's 
I'rairi.'iii  .l;,rks,.ii  Co.  'Jdn- town  wa^  nanii-.l  V(>rirfnnc.s  liy  .Mrs.  T.  Mr.  4\  wa;  one  ot 
th<'  oldest  -.■ttU'V:-  in  111.  and  iierhajis  the  most  jmnninent  in  iliat  j^art  »i  \\v  state.  He 
prepared  liiniseli'  for  an  Ej-is.  clerayniaa.  but  on  account  of  poor  he;dth  enyauci.  in 
fanning  on  thai  beautiful  and  fruitful  lU'airie.  lie  was  P..>tina-ter  at  \  ergenne.s  for 
numv  vrs  ■  his  house  was  the  resort  of  nuuiv  di.-tinsruished  men,  .-^uch  as  Lmeoai,  .Judge 
Rreese  Im'sIu-p  Chase,  ]).  !.,.  Phiriijw,  .lohu  A.  Eogan  and  many  oth(.-rs.  Ih.s  son, 
RiC[f\Hi)  S  1.  \ov  ,  1S41:  e-rad.  Midillebury  Col..  Vt..  ISOM;  one  of  the  lirst  three  of 
his  class  and'  as  .-ueh  winning  the  Plu  Beta  j.iu;  enlisted  same  year  as  a  jirivate,  but  oil 
reconunendati.)n  of  Cen.  J.  A.  Logan  and  (fov.  Piair  <d'  .Mich.,  Avas  a  Eieut.  in 
DeGolver's  Patierv  and  was  three  times  promoted:  he  was  in  the  .Merrdian,  Atlanta  iind 
other  <-am].ai>-ns."and  his  ndliiarv  merit  i.s  attested  h>  his  membeivhip  in  the  order  of 
the  Loval  Ee-iou:  he  re.sii:-ned."lsir):  stud.  Law.  adn/nted  to  the  Par  at  Nashville, 
Temi  in  ISHiC  and  practiced  tlir.  until  I-m;;;  Attorney  (ienei.-.l  ot  the  XashvilleC  ircuit, 
1S(h-70;  in  )sT2  he  came  within  20  vote- of  an  eh.-ction  as  Pep.  Pres.  Elector:  he  was 
appt  1)V  (iov  ];rowiih,\v  state  diivcKir  of  .several  railroads;  he  rem.  to  Chicago,  IS, 8;  in 
lS74'oppt  As>isi  Citv  Attornev;  elected  Citv  Atty.  of  Cliicago,  isiri,  by  H.ddO  majortry 
and  re-elecle<l  tw,i  vears  later  bv  a  still  lar-er  majority;  lie  ^^  a>  a  .--lalwart  and  one  jd 
the  immortal  nO.)  in  the  National  Convention:  his  wf.  d.  about  lS,;:i:  ht  in.  (2)  IS,* 
llattie  dan.  of  Edward  McKev  of  Jam-ville.  \\\>.—Sprip!/j!^J<!(P'.)  .V"''  ./■>>'r,,nL 
3)iss  Laura  Tuthdl  of  iHigiioin,  111.,  is  a  cous.  of  Coh  Pichard;  also  Mrs.  Ann  Eliza 
Valbiidge  of  Cairo,  111. 

Tsiael  Tuttle    h.  in  X.  .T.;  rem.  to  Pa.,  thence  to  <dtio,  ahout  1S12;  had  six  or  more 

clul     of   Avhom  H  lived  in  Canada.     A   dan.,  Soimiia,  m. Brad.lp.iry,  and  luel  8  chil. 

some  of  whom  re-'.  P,  \\-a-hin-ton  Co,  Pa.:  also  a  son,  Winr.tAM,  who  res.  m  la.  aim 
a  hon  Isi:\Ki  wbo  m.  Marv  Maitiu  and  luid  lU  chil.  b.  in  Pa.,  viz.:  1,  jL'rlm.  ~, 
EiUi-'-i  ;!  /'/.•.,,■'„/■;,  .]  jn/.,,  .-,,  Jf:;!l!.  0.  J/eV'^e',  aUd.c.  7,  ;C//('.'//'/r.  living  111 
New-  Vernon.'  P~a.,  1S72. '  .s,  .lA'ry,  do.  9,  7;///e/.  re:s.  Koscville,  111.,  who  com.  this 
record.      lO,  June,  res.  Wasliiiigtoii  Co.,  Pa. 

Pandoljdi  Tuttle  of  P-rooklvu,  X.  Y.,  d.  Oct.  3.  1S7(3,  a.  Co.  1-aving  fami_ly  in  d.^sti- 
tution  and  unable  to  burv  him  deceiitlv;  he  was  a  volunteer  and  si'rved  m  a  X.  ^  -  Pfg^- 
Jn  the  M.'xican  war.  in  ail  the  principal  batih-s  and  proved  him.-ell  a  gallant  soldier.— 
X.   Y.  :<'Ui. 

\bbev  Tuiile,  m.    Ihv.  Samuel   lleaton,  b.  i.rob.  abt.  17:10;    was  a  minister  in  Cape 

Mav    Co    "X     .1      in    17o'J-    rem.    thence   iu  1700   with  .Jedm  Teiry  ini.)  Downe  lowiisinp. 

Cumberland  Co.'.  X.    J.,  whei- he  ministered  until  17tl!;   In- d.   Dec,    ]si:-!;   thev  had  10 

-    chil.     These  m.  the  families  of  (/olsou.  Peeve,  Lore,   (iarnson,  Clark    Coo.c.^  Jylin. 

son,    Terrv   and   Kelsev,  ami   were  progenitor.-   of  a  nnmeious  peojde.— ij'Te, /■  .s  y/i-v/. 

coii.  of  y.  J. 

V  Joseph  or  I'aniel   Tuttle,  set.   in    Danbv,   Vt.,    lu'ob.  b.   about  1740;   m.   Patience 

Bull     and   hadd.Mi.  Marv  and   s.  Paniel.      1,    Mai;v.    m. IPisinL'-  and  bad  s.    A'j-'<.'n 

lli.i'n,/    who  v,-a.-  f.  of  mVs.  Laura  Earle  of   Wallingford.  Vt.     2.   Damki,  'ITrri.K  went 
to  Louville,  X.  v.;   had  s.   Ihirlu.^-,  who   lived   m  Potsdam,  X.  \.,  m  \xm.—(-"ii>.  V   1:. 

a.  T'lttu'. 

.11.2.     Sarah  Brown,  b.    Aug.  8.  ^^2^' m.   April  24.  icon    J..eph  Doolittle,  b. 
Feb.,  11100-7.      The  published   genealogies    in    relation   to   ,luse],h  P(iobttie  s    taiiuly  au 


598  ArPEXiux.  \ 

obviously  iiic  >ri'('(M.      ]'''roiii  ;i  ruiofiil  study  of    all  tin-   I'tu'ts  Icnowii  lo  nic,   I  lirlicve  lliat  ; 

Sai'iih  l!n)\vn  \vas  iuoiIkt  nf    si'veral  cliildr'-n  of    \\lioni  wt-ri'  J(ir>i-|ili    and    L%dia,  whnst'  ] 

dosceiuliiats  arc   given    lidow.  and    that    lsa.Hc.  l-.riin    IT'.M,  \vas   son   of   .loscjili,  jr..  and  ■ 

grandson  of  Joseph   and  Sarali  r>r<i\'.  n    PiKdittlc;    Init    I   am    not    aUli-    nusv  to    [irove^   it.  ; 

Anyway  the  record  is  not  out    of   ]>lace  liei-e  as  a   larice  pioporiion   of   Jns"]di  Doolittle'.s  j 

de.sceiRianis  interniurried  with  ju-oved  Tutlle  desi-endants  in  otle-r  ItuucIu's.  ; 

I.  Josejil,,  1,.  nl.ouT  lOy,';  ni.   Klizal.elh  Holt.  ] 
II.      Isaac.                                                                                                                                              •  • 

III.  Lvdiu.  1...  nOl;  ni.  Kpliraiiu  Cook.  I 

IV.  Kaiiirl.  i 

V.  Knos,  1).  1707:  d.  17r)(i;  in.  Mary .     1,  Kk/iaii,  b.  June  ^^7,  17-iS!      2.  IvATrr-  \ 

Aitixr,,  b.  Au£,-.  17,  i;i!*.     o,    Joiix,  b.  "i)ec.   Si,  17.")l;   d.  Julv  b,  175G.     4,    PAnKXfK,  ■•• 

May  4,  IToB.  '  \ 

.11.21.     Joseph  Doolittle,  b.  about    lOD:.':    m.   Oct.    :>,    17-JO.   Klizabetli   llolt,  b.  x 

ll)!t5;    d.    June  ."J,    17(;S,  a.  13.      He   d.  May  15,  MS:',.      In    1737    Lieut.   Henjainin    Hill   of  i 

^^'aHii!gf<.)!■d  was  aiU'oint'.'d  guard,  of  Isaac  a  nnnor  s.  of  t/apt.  JosejJi  I-'iuilitrle.  5 

J  1.211.     Isaac  Doolittle,  b.  Aug.  18,  1721:  d.  I^.IO;    m.  Sarah,   dau.   of  Josiah  ; 

and  Abigail  Fredeiick-s  Todd.  = 

1.     Sarah,  b.  1747:  d..  July  21,  lSo2,  a.  (So;  in.  Jeremiah,  s.  of  Jeremiah  Parmalee.  i 

b.  1744;  d.  Mandi  24,  177>^,  a.  :J4;  ('apt.  in  CtA.  Ila/,i.'u's  vegf.;  v/onii  led  at   i'randvwino  ,; 

and  d.  of  smallpox.      He  m.  U)  Jan.  14.    1707,    Al)igail   Kuss'll,  b.  1742:    d.  Nov.  24.  r 

1707,  a.  2.-|.  1,  \Vi:Ay/rnKA,  ni.  ('apt.  Benj.  Beecher  []>.  b>i].  1,  \V!/ihn/i,  \>.  1771:  d. 
Nov.  2,  171)4,  a.  23. 

II.     .Abigail,  b.  1749;  d.  1704;  m.  KC^.  (.'api.  r..-nj.  jvjglish  [p.  lOo]. 

III.  Marv,  d.  Auii".  G,  1700;  b.  Marcli  12.  1752.  • 

IV.  Ttiaukfnl,  b'.  Jan.  21.  1754;  m.  Capt.  John  Trov.'bridg.-  [.11]. 
V.     John  4'odd,  b.  Mav  2(i,  175(i. 

VI.  Isaac,  b.  r,5<^^l;  d.'l821;  m.  178i»  Desire  Kellan.y.  1,  Haj'JUKT,  b.  17S2.  2, 
IsA.U',  1784.  o,  Jri-iA,  1780:  m.  18''i'^  Bethel  Tutile  [p.  72],  4,  Ei,T/.Am;TJ[,  1789.  u, 
Sahah,  17!)1.     0,  Joiis,  17i»5;  d.  1815.  ; 

VII.     AN'illiam  Fredericks,  b.  .\)>ril  14,  1761.  s 

Vlir.      Elizabeth.,  1,.  March  Ki,  l-;05:  m.  Collins.  "  \ 

IX.     Mary. 

.11.23.     Lyclia  Doolittle,  b.  1701:  d.  Dec.  25.  1785;  a.  84;  in.  Ephraim  (V.k,  b. 
10;i'.t;  d.  177-1,  a.  75;  tanner.  i 

I.  Marv.  b.  Feb.  lo,  1723;  d.  same  vr.  • 

II.  Man'iiv,  b.  Dec.  21.  1725;  m.  Daiiiel  Hotchkiss  of  Clie.shire. 

HI.     Lvdia,  b.  .Marcdi  2,  1720;  d.  Dec.  80.  1753;  m.  Sept.  20,  1741,  Jason  Hitchcock. 

1,  AViij.ia'm.  b.  Jan.'  2c,,  17  14,  2,  Thomas,  b.  Dec.  20,  1740.  3,  Li.Mt  ij.,  b.  Dec.  2u, 
1749.  4,  -Jaso.n,  b.  Julv  12,  1752.  5,  kiiAiiui),  b.  Dec.  IS,  1750.  0,  Tiiankkui.,  b. 
March  21.  1701.  "  \ 

IV.     Mary,  b.  Apnl  7,  1728;  m.  John  Smith  of  C.  [p.  31].  • 

V.  E]>hraim.  b.  .April  7.  173IJ:  m.  1752  FJi/.alu'tli  Hall.  He  was  a  farmer,  shoe- 
maker and  tanner  ami  d.  in  C.  Jan.  18.  1785),  a.  b'.i.  1,  Lois,  b.  Jan.,  d.  Nov.,  Ii53.  2, 
Ei'iiiiAi.M,  b.  1754;  d.  Dec,  1704.  3,  Lviha,  b.  Dec.  20,  1750.  4,  A\.\a,  Feb.  0,  1758. 
5,   Ui'.UA.MA,  b.  1705;  d.  Dec.  11,  1771.     0,   Ci.A!axi).\,  b.  17711;  d.  Dec.  5,  1772. 

VI.  Tirzalt,  b.  Oct.  3,  173,3;  m.  Samuel  Smith  of  C. 
VII.      Elam,  b.  Nov.  10,  1735;  to.  Abigail  Hall. 

VIII.     Elizabeth,  b.  b'eb.  ]0.  1738;  m.  Ebenezer  or  Eleazer  Brown  of  C. 

IX.     John.  b.  Dec.  27,  173!i;  d.  in  C.  Oct.  2,  17U4.  a.  25;  m.  Ubedicnce ■,  who  m. 

(2)  Dec.  7,  17(.;0,  Daniel  Ives.      1,    Eioikaim. 
X.      Merriman,  b.  1741;  d.  in  (.'.  usnu. 
XI.     Tliankful. 
XII.     I'hebe,  m.  May  4.  1748,  Titm.thy  Caylord.  .  • 

.11.237.     Elara  Cook,   b.  .\ov.  10,  173,5:    d.  in    C.   Feb.   3,  1808.  a.  73;    m.  Jan.  8, 
llOl,  AbiLOiil  Hall,  who  d.  in  O.  Se].!.  20,  IMO,  a.  Si. 

1.      .Ab-rrinian,  b.  Xov.   12.  1701;   m.  .Sally 

II.  Saiumd,  b.  1701;  d.  Oct.  10.  ISOO,  a. "37;  m.  Sue,  dau.  of  Aaron  and  ?darv  Cook, 
d.  D.'c.  21,  is;:-'.      1,  <;r.Ai;A,  b.  Mav  12,  17^1;  d.  Oct.  2s,  IMs;  ni.  iiMiina    Fluiii  of  C. 

2,  Sa-MIKO,  b.  17M3;  Drp.  SheiilY;  d'  i;i  ('.  I'eb.  1!).  I.s5'.i.  a.  0-:;  m.  ]''eb.  17,  1M7,  Esther 
Curli.s.  I,  S.'iu'hi.  d.  y.  2,  ;.'.//-/•!'  11.,  b.  Dec.  IS,  1823.  3,  SA.^[AXl)A,  b.  Nov.  G, 
I7S8;  m.  Dec,  1800,,  Silas  Curtis. 


III.  Kstln  r,  1).  Maicli,  17i'''.);  in.  Joliii  Fmc'  of  rr(is;i.rci.  1,  Si;.\];uiiV  Foin),  (Jov. 
of  (). ;   in.   lliirriet  I-'..  Cuolc. 

IV.  Kplimiin,  li.  1 '.•(-.  2\.  ITT-");  in.  Oct.  '20,  KIMI,  Sully,  dan.  of  Stfi)ln'ii  .'Uid  SiK-an 
Ives  of  Xoiih  Haven;  ruii.  To  J^urton  1814  and  d.  there  .Ian.  'J'.),  l.-^fj-l.  .Slie  d.  l>er.  -JO, 
ISl;}.  1,  Sthpiikx  I.  ('..  -A].ril  (_i,  ISOO;  m.  Jan.  1,  IS'JS.  Lnciii.ia  Dudley  of  No.  (iuil- 
ford.  Conn.,  and  had:  1.  J.'>?V""V,  Dee.  r.\.  ]N-:i);  <h  Mareli  J^<.  IS;;,-).  -J.  'S.,,„.  J)..  A],v\[ 
14,  1S3-3.  :l  J/'i>//i'.  Aiiij.  1.^.  ]sy,(5:  d.  Sepr.  TJ,  ISi,'.  4,  (\Usttii,,.  Murrh  7,  lS-10.  5, 
KpJirciin  F.,  Fei>.  '21.  islo.  2,  .Mai:if/i"I'a,  Mareli  4.  1802;  n..  .lohn  F.ldiid'co.  B, 
rlAKKiF/r,  Se]n.  '27.  IbUl:  m.  <_)livT  .Ma.sti(d<.  4.  Svi.i.v,  June  .},  1S07.  o.  .Ii:li.v  Ann. 
June2T,  d.  Se].!.  12,  INHU.  0.  Hoit.xci;,  Sept.  1] ,  ls|l :  ni.  Dee.  1."),  Isl2,  Lvdi.i  E. 
Hickox;  re~.  I'nirron,  n. :  and  h;id:  1,  J/'/'v^v  3'. ,  J  ulv  24,  IS  1.-,,  2,  ,sW;v//-.  Anc;.  8, 
ISJU.  ;-^,  /:,'//-//  X,  Jan.  S,  1nV2.  7  Emu;;!;  K.  ,  (Jet.  12.  ISD!;  ni.  A.-^a  Cail.^  8,,,  Dee.    ].   isi.",:  d.  2j,  ISKh     0,    L.vvjXA,  Auu-.  11,  IMl;;  d.  Juno  24,  1.<.U. 

V.  i:iain,  li.  17^'l;  d.  .Ma.vcli  17.  lT':)u,  a.  51:  m.  ()ei.  20,  1  TUH,  IJel.eera  ISiadley,  h. 
1778;  d.  Nov.  ',),  1S2IL  a.  51.  1,  MaiuT's.  July  lit,  Isim);  d.  Au-.'.  2.  1801.  '2,  Kthkl- 
i;!-:i;T,  Oc\.  :]!),  I'r^nl  ;  d.  >iai-eh  7,  185:];  ni.  }'.  San.for.l  of  Prosj.eei,  He  d,  Nov.  8,  1654. 
1.  L(iHi\n  /•;.,  17,  l-^oo;  m.  Carrie  Perkin.s  Nov.  1-3,  ]8(!(t.  8,  M.\mA,  May '28, 
1804;  lu.  Allen  L(ninsViary.  4,;Ail,,  Any;.  20,  1800;  m.  Pore/  Sanfnrd  of  l'roS])ect. 
5,  l^Kr.KfCA,  I\Iare!i  7,  ISi"!;  ni.  Orrin  Brooks  of  Meriihui.  0,  I-'mkiim:.  8i",ir.  17.  1811; 
ni.  C'ha.s.  P.  Miles  of  Che.sliire.  7,  Ei.  s.m,  .Auir  15.  1S15;  m.  Lois,  dan.  of  and 
Eliza  llnnd-^ton  of  <'he.-.hlre  and  had;     1,    Elh<i\\  .,  Eel..  C.  1S.12.      2,    Thr.^n  A. 

VI.  ■Jo-e).h  11.,  t,.  Feb.  1.  17S2:  in.  17!i!  I.ueiuda  Hitchcock;  rein,  to  Sharon, 
Tlien<-e  to  EitelitieUi.  Ohio.  1,  Matu.i.'A,  nn  lov.  (iad  Sinitli.  2,  Lucivs,  m.  Cornelia 

V^ll.     Abigail,  1..  July  10.  17>4;  in,  Hon.  Peier  Hit<dicoek. 

.11.2371.  Ivlorriman  Cook,  h.  Nov.  12,  nC!:  m.  Amr.  8,  1781.  Sally,  dan.  of 
Me:.vsand  Hradh-y,  ^•.■\w  d.  April  11,  1812;  i2)  May  2,  1815,  PetM^y  Huld.aid.  He 
d.  Mav  7,  1857;  rei;i.  to  Hr.rton.  O. ;  tanner  and  shoemaker. 

i.  Jolm,  h.  Dee.  27,  ]7s:2;  ni.  March.  1804,,  dan.  ol  Josiali  and  Tlianlzfiil 
Smith  [p.  o4]:  rem.  to  Burton.  <).,  and  d.  thoro  .March  21,  1848.  1,  NAntiv,  Auir.  itj, 
18it5;  d.  Oct.  2(j,  1800.  2.  Hahimi.t  Iv ,  An.i;.  20,  181)7:  m.  Seahm-y  Ford,  Oo\-.  (,f  (Jhio, 
b.  1801  [p.  ;34].  o,  Jo~ia.h  S.,  May  lo,  1810.  4,  Sam.y  H.,  I'eb.  25,  1815;  m.  (."eorge 

JI.     Hiram.  March  21.  1784;  m.  Taninda,  dan.  of  lchabo<l. Hitchcock  of  C. ;  rem.  to 
Burton,  0.,  1815.      1,   Sai.i.v  A..  July  K).  1SU7;  in.  Paynu.nd  (iaylord.     2,    Lvima,   .Aug. 
8.  18l'i;  m.  Sherman  (i'.odxvin.  >F  iV     :!,    Ei,r./.A  A.,  Se]it.  8,  1818;  ni.  Peter  Hitclicock, 
Esq.     4,   SAt;ii,].A.  Dec.  -JU,  1S27;  d.  183:1;  m.  Pichard  Davton. 
IE.      Eoalma.  b.  Feb.  24.  17!t2:  m.  Adojphus  Charlton". 

W .  ]:iea-/ev,  b.  Aui.^  :]'h  17!!!);  m.  Maria  Pcar.I  of  Iluutington,  Conn.;  rem.  to  O. 
%vitli  jiarents  18u7.      1,    Einz.w.KTU,  b.  Marcli  24,  18v!0. 

Oivox'  Tuttlc,  from  Claremont,  N.  ]l.,  to  N.  Y.  state  about  171M1;  rem.  from 
I'aiis.  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.,  to  e'oitlaud  Co.  In  17lis,  Oliver,  lii.->  son  Daniel  and  perhaps 
William,  ucnt  from  i 'iniduMatus,  N.  Y.,  and  made  tln^  !ir>t  iinnri'vement  near  the  lioad 
of  Otisco  Lake.  Whin-  thus  tlu'  fatlier  w;is  taken  .--ick  and  was  taken  care  of 
by  Datuei  until  able  ro  return  to  Cincinuatns.  It  was  four  years  l.efore  tlu'-y  Avent  back 
to  Otise-o,  and  then  they  found  .-ev(u-al  familiesof  settlers  then-.  Hebuilt  the  first  frame 
house,  and  was  the  |ir<t  Set'ler  in  Oiiscu.  He  d.  at  house  of  his  son  \ViHiani,  in  Free- 
town. Coiiland  (.'i.i.,  N.  \'.,  a.  95. 
I.  William. 
II.      Oliver. 

HI.  Daniel,  O,  t.  5,  17Mt;  d.  Jan.  4,  1^52;  m.  Mcicv ,  b.  F.  b.  7,  1774.  1,  Han- 
nah. .^Euvh  22.  1S12;  d.  Jni..'  20.  D.48;  m.  Mcy,  ls:;2.  *  '2,  CO  iv]  i;  M.,  >;;  y  27.  1N14,  d. 
Aui;-.  5,  Isl2;  inim.  o.  I.AtKA,  Sejit.  10,  UP!;  d.  June,  1N2:  m.  Is41.  1,  J/..//,-,  m. 
E!i>hu  Stev.iis;  je-.  Anoka,  Minn.  4,  JoitA  P.,  July  P!,  IslO;  m.  P.  c.  24,  l.'-42.  5, 
ivxAX  A..  Xov.  2i;,  1820;  d.  .lune  24,  l.s47.  0,  Wii.i.rAM  X  .,  Nov.  25.  1s2S;  m.  Dec.  27, 
1859,  Li-.i;:!;.  .l;;u.  of  i'eilev  of  Oti<co.  He  is  dea.  C.unr.  chh  at  O. ,  and  lias  held 
several  town  nliice-^      1,    li nni    Wi'lin,,..    Nov.   2,    1801  ;  entered    Wins.    Col.,    1881.      7, 

Emii.v  a.,  Feb.  2s,  \>.?.\;  ]...  Feb.  14,  1S48.      1,    D.irl'is.     2.    J/";;v.  m.  F.nJxs.      3, 

En), ml,  m. Parue-.      4.    Siif'ih,   nam.      8,    D '.nit's   1)..   -Uine    15.  1N:12;   d.  ■<.  !.  Nov., 

IN70;  m.  Julv  5.    1^57.      He    was   T'lwn    Clerk    of    Otisco;  .storekeeper    in    Aubu;u    state 
p'i.,.n;    C.  s;  f..,v  i,>  Nh.iVu.l  ..f  Vr.o  -r  Dis.ric;, 
IV.      Puth  M.,  m.  Capt.  .lame.,  p.dlield. 

y.      Prudence,    m.    Horace   K.^liogg  of  Solon,    Cortland   Co..    N.    Y.      1,    STi.i-iii'.N 
Kl.l.I,()(n;,   l7-\;. .  of  (/incinnatus. 



4.  Huth  M.  Tuttle,  l'.  ChMfjiu-nt,  N.  II.,  Ort.l.l,  ITTS':  was  liv.  in  \Vat(;rtouii, 
N.  Y.,  in  lt;i;i);  111.  Marcli  'Jj,  ITl'li,  'l'ln'o|ihih!s.  -.  ol' Caiit.  .lani.s  l.'cdli.'ld,  1>.  Sa yliro,.!;, 
Couu.,  Aug.  C),  ]li)'J:  (I.  in  \\'.,  IS.'iT,  a.  SS;  taiuiiM';  vcs,  sonic  tinii-  in  (_'lintnn,  Oneida 
Co.,  2s.  v.;  i-i/ni.  al>nut  isiOro  ^V.  In  jslo  \\as  doa.  uf  (-'riiii;.  olili.  lln-ic,  \vliiidi  \v;is 
cliaiiycd  to  Pn-sb.  in  ISJl.  ^vlll_•u  li'_'  \va,y  (dmsen  oiii'  ot'  it-  iMulit  iiilin:'-  cldci's.  (Sec 
J['ni;//('s  m.-il.  iif  Jijf.  ('<.'.  and  funeral  scrnion  l>y  licv.  Isaac  J>rayion,  ))iil).  in  IsfiS. 
For  .steel  porti'ait  anil  J/'.'- ^.•///(/('t'  (-)l'  autoyraph  C'ii;.';;avc(.l  liy  A.  11.  liitchie,  sec  Hi'lJiJil 

1.  Sophionia  HedHckl.  Fcl>.  27,  ];-0i):  m.  Nov..  l^iy,  Lciianl  Dyer  Manslk-ld,  h. 
1797:  rcx  W.  Ihe  tii>t  six  cliil.  h.  in  l.'odnian,  X.  Y. ;  the  ia-d  live  iu  I'n  la-,lvi,  X.  Y. 
1,  John  JjKu.v.M;]),  .\ov.  7,  In];);  road  contraeior;  res.  Nvaid;,  N.  Y. ;  in.  -la.n.  ^.^.  1X40, 
Fitimy  A.  Starj-;  C?)  Julia  F.  Aivlnr.  '-?,  LidJoV  DtJ.ds.  July  -,'7.  1^^>I;  l.'cv.;  g-rad. 
FniunCol.;  many  yrs.  Pi-es.  rd'  l'o(d-vhind  Female  Institute  at  Xya<d;:  iu>\v  (1s7(])  cou- 
iiectfd  with  Dearborn  Seui.,  at  e"liira-o,  ]]!.;  m.  JiilvoU.  IHAZ,  I'lrizalieih  M.  I'dint.  3, 
Axx  Soi'lllioxiA,  Ail!-;.  ~'3,  IS'.'o:  in.  Jau.  ;i.  1840.  Col.  Win.  H.  Petris,  U.  S.  Army,  d, 
15^:^M.\^!l^T  Wai.i>1:;\,  Jari.  •.>(;,  ]S'2l3:  m.  Mai-y  .!•].  'ilionias:  res.  Chieaeo.  o,  .Mim:iiva 
Mk/;(L\,  A|iiil  lii,  .iS'^y;  lu.  Sej.t.  2d.  LSlO,  Ctis  1^.  Wheelrxdc;  areliit(-ct :  rari-ies  on  a 
lari;e  iiiarlde  lei-in'-ss  \v:  Chiea<:-o.  I),  ('iiAH!J-;s  Fr.\'M,v,  April  17,  1^'dU:  j^-rad.  Fuiou 
Col.;  Prof,  and  Pres.  ju,cl;uind  Institute;  ni.  Lucy  Faii^nl"''-  7,  ^^'A];l)  XiM),  June  21, 
'iy'-'ol.  S,  Wdi.i.iAA]  ^\■Al;I).  Aug.  21,  is:;4;  res.  ('.;  rn.  Nellie  \Vainer.  9,  Clohgk 
JIkxkv,  Fell.  1,  1,s';;s.  io_  Mai:v  KtJ/,Ai;K'rii,  May  ti,  1^41;  nr.  (ieo.  Sinnvdeii  Po.'d.tield; 
re?.  Chica-o.  11,  (;).,i;ui-.r  ]>vki;  (or  SMiTii — Ucd.  iSuol):  !>.  April  ^O,  IS-ld;  res.  San 
Frauidsi-o,  Cal. 

II.      \Viliiam  Etiiiiiatis  rLcd'icld.  Oct.  ;>U,  ISfjl ;  d.  Oct.  20,  I82d. 

1\I.  Meroa  Pedtield,  Au-.  P.t,  l^Od;  m.  ISJ^;,  Pi-.  V.'.  (i.  Sykes.  s.  .d'  John  and 
Sarah  J^.aton  Sykes.  Sarah  Katou  was  sis.  id'  (ien.  AVm.  Eaton  of  F.  S.  .Army.  Vv. 
Sykcs  i.N'a.s  a  pl:}  .-iclau,  altcr\\'aiiis  a  meriJiant  in  W'aieriown.  ],  Ca-^1'A);  \\'|s).\i;,  h. 
March  2,  1n27:  'd.  S-'ot,  •,':],  ls2s.  :.>.  Casi-ah  \N'!stai;.  Scjit.  2d,  F.'2n;  d.  Jan.  2],  ISOl. 
o,  E.MiiiV  I.(ji"isA,  Twin  v.irh  (7a-)'cr  \\'.,  d.  Aug.  2n,  lS2i).  4,  K:\mi.y  Eocts.s,,  Sej-t.  2, 
18;J0.  o.  Casi'm;  W'i-TAI;,  Mar.di  1!l,  is:;:.!;  uierchaut ;' m.  ]':ii/.a  Caroline  J..y;  ha>  2 
cliil.  (i,  Ei.i-,(  r.v  ^\dI,I^l:>^ox,  J  111}- 2."^:,  is;i4.  7,  ^^■!l.I.IA^t  W'litT.  Nov.  2:5.  ls:jd;  editor 
of  City  <i!,d  C'^iintri/,  Piennoaf,  N.  V.,  edjidrially  (.-oniiected  with  the  I'tira  Dnlii;  Ih  r  dJ 
aud  3V"-  y->rk  S"/i  ;  cotitribuior  to  Jin  rpi  r's  Mvjniu'r.  The  h'.iirht  (!iu.-i.\  r,  ]i,,ijll,\<: 
M(t(jiizi)i<:.  etc.  Author  of  O-,,-  J'rur  litrl,  A  Nt'i-y  nf  ']li>>iiK,iinl-<.  i.iib.  IMiila.,  ISd'J;  m. 
Jeaunctie  Aunic  ^^'il(;o.\  and  li;id  otic  (diild.  lle'ta.'  (2)  Olive  I.ogan,  li.  in  N.  V.,  Is4), 
dau.  of  C.  A.  ]-ogaii.  and  si.ster  of  Eliza,  wf.  of  (ieo.  \\'ood  of  Wood's  'Plieatre,  ('in..  O,. 
rind  Celia  and  'Ilionias  .\.  Lo-.'.an:  giad.  with  distin<-tion  from  ;in  Ihigli-h  f<  luah-  cidh'ge. 
Contribiiicir  to  Ihiglish  and  I'n  nch  ipapers,  ;ind  in  L'-'dt)  jiub,  two  novels,  ijiiiinni  Fri-'snc 
find  PliiA"Qr<iph^  of  Puilx  L'f<:.  In'Aug.,  ldt)4,  she,  ivajq-eared  at  \\dilla(dC^/rheatre,  N. 
^'.,  in  lier  (ju'u  ]'lay.  "  ]''!\ -4'  en,"  and  afteiAvaids  at  Broadway  Theatre  in  "  Sain,"  whieh 
ran  iiea!4y  KHj  ni::4iis:  retired  fiom  the  stage  in  ^'^\'•^^,  atid  has  since  lectiiied  princiiially 
inlyehadr  of  the  \\'eiman's  IFilIiIs  movement.  Slic  ni.  (1)  l^dinund  A.  Pelilie,  Ajiril, 
1S.j7;  divorced,  P)ec.,  \><[\:,.—])ri<k,' .^  JSouj.  J)lrt.  S,  Makv  Ai.MiiiA,  June  \\,  IbdS;  d. 
Aug.  2o.  sin.  vr.  it,  Jmix  Eatmx,  Pei-.  y,  JSdd;  d.  Julv  M,  Isll.  10,  .Mj;ituA  Aj,m]1!a, 
Nov.  22,  1N42."     n,  Juiix  llvrox,  March  2:],  1S4."). 

1\'.  Darius  Barret!  Ihddehi,  July  I'd,  isdo;  <,f  Bodnian,  N,  Y.,  th<n  of  Ellisburgh, 
N.  Y.;  in.  Harriet  V,.  Mo  uiy;  (2)  Ervilla  Sav.ycr.  /.  liy  Isl  m. :  1.  Pamij.ia  i''.,b. 
1<n34;  ni.  — —  ('arpemer;  res.  Iowa.  2,  Ll-:ciN  akd  (i  f.oltoi:,  b.  ISdG;  ns.  ('.■ilifoiuia.  'd. 
TaEoiMiD.r.s  ]Ii;.N(;v.  b.  Is;;^'.     4     LiPuv.     i.  bv2din.:     5,   Fi:axcis. 

^'.  Sophia  Hcdlield,  Sept.  15,  1S07:  ni.  Sept.  24.  1S2S,  Pev.  VA\\\n  l»v,  ight  Peed. 
In  iNOt)  pastor  I^apt.  (dili.  at  CassviUe,  Oneida  Co*.,  N.  Y.  1,  I-'i;axci;s  AMr.m.v^,  July  lU, 
1839,  2.  CiiAKT.oTi'i:  Makia,  D<-c.  2s,  pspj.  3,  .M  \iiv  Va.\/.\v.v:yi\.  Nov.  4,  1S42"  4, 
FuAXis'MX  KKXDiticK,  A])riI2l),  l^>j(i;  d.  May  2d,  ISdl.*  .j,  IPvitiUKT  j2mii,y,  Seiu.  ]0, 
184!);  di.  Sei>t.  P").    Is.Mi. 

\\.  ticorge  Pedlitdd,  July  21,  ISOfi;  nieirhant  .it  Said^elfs  llarhor,  N.  V.;  then  at 
IMiil  Point,  Oirawa  Co.,  .Mi(h. :"  III.  Pec.  L'"),  1n:!7,  J'.li/.abcth  Sn'owden,  b.  1SI7,  diau.  of 
Bi'V.  Samuel  l-dnle_\  Snowden  and  Susiiii  Bavard  (Preesc)  Snowden.  Shed.  ls."iS;  (2) 
Morch  2,  IS."";!),  .'^ Irs.  Maria  ('.  (Hunting)  Head,  dau.  cd'  P^/ekiel  S.  ;uul  Ibd.ecca  Breed 
Hunting.  /.  In  1st  ni.:  1.  Ci;(H;i;i-.  Sxii\vi>kn".  Sejit.  2-"),  ]n:JS;  meicliaiit,  firm  id'  Macy, 
.Bnnki.'ii  .\:  Co.,  Cimdnnati,  o.  2.  1  li.iz  \i;i:  rii  Bkdicsk,  '».  1  s:!!).  :i,  John  IVvyai;).), 
1!:;42.     4,    i;ni',i;i:T  I!kxi;v,  l^bi.      o.   M  \\:\   V.w^w,   ls,-,l.     (■;,    |)Ai.,b,  ls:)7:  d.  sm. 

\\\.  Ibnry  Stoi.e  p.-illndd.  Oct.  12,  i -- 1  1 ,  in  W.  :  irrad.  Col.,  is:;:;;  grad. 
Auburn  Tiieo.  Sem.  Is;i7:  ordiincd  l^'".'.t;  le.s.  sue.  :i:  Pidiaiion,  Cidumbus,  (>iis{:.aiiy  and 
Bysunder,  N.   V.;   rem.   ls.")(i,  to  Ciie^terlown.  \\'arn'n  Co. ,  N.  Y. ,  and  there  pa-toi  Presb. 



chii.;  111.  Ort  IT),  1>:U),  M.irv  I'mcliii'-.  dun .  of  .ImIhi  an-l  CutlKiriiir  fBmcldU-)  Sli;i|'l'-y  of 
0>svii:o.  X.  "»".  1,  1)i;m;y  "Maktvx:  M:iy  :;.  isi:].  I',  .)am)>  I'.Aini.KTr,  ]'.■!).  11,  l>-4(); 
<1.  AuLT.  17.  isls.  :;,  ..liiiiN  'I'  Oct.  ".',  I.'^'IT.  I.  .Mai;v  Catii aktnh,  Nov.  s, 
184i»;  (I.  yf]it.  ~^^,  is.VJ,  .J,  \\M.  Jay,  Si  jii.  .s.  l^.Vj.  G.  Ai.i'i:i;i),  Ap:-il  ], 

VIII.  l':ni;iy  i;,','.rirl.!,  S.-j.t.  7,  I.^^IH:  in.  S.j.!.  11,  is:!?.  Aliran.  Vk.  s.  of  ])>:.  Vmnr]< 
GuiiL-au  of  rtiVa,  X.  v.,  ;;!id  ir.  ?-.  "f  Dr.  l-"rar;cis  <t.  i.t  l,am'sl).>ri>,  Mas-.,  of  ]  luiriK'not 
(lesr.;  rctiicil  iiurnhaiil:  n'.s.  in  .\iiii  Arbor,  Midi.,  tlirii  in  !'"rcci.oi t,  111.  1.  )'M>r\ 
Jri.TA,  Si-])!.  "J.  is;;s:  m.    Nov.  1'-^,    IS.")^:,    Wm.    'J'.    'J'iii-d.'V.  oni:  of  tl:.'  iirujirictnrs  of  tlif 

Frtn>  '/■(  Jo:irnit'.      -J,  riiA.NM^  \v.v.  \\\.  March  14,  d.  March  ?,\ .  V~\\. 

y.\.\.\  .MiiKo;: 

Sept.  I'-*,  ISIO.  1,  MiKiA.M  S.,  March  8.  }^\~i.  o,  Hakkilt  Soriiix,  July  4,  1^47.  <l, 
r"nA\(  IS  Ki:!K-iF.i.D,  Sc]'t.  'l-\.  |s!;(.  7,  l"i:i;i>!;i:i(  r.  lvi.;:.-uN,  \ov.  1,  \'^^y-\\  d.  S--i)t.'oO, 
1^.")4.     .8.  James  Mayn.vkd,  h.  .l;,ii.  •>(;,  d.  Fcl).  1(1.  is.',);. 

IX.  .lames  Wakciuaii  jlcdiield,  Ft4i.  4.  fs'l.t:  ednc.  a  pliys.:  res.  sue,  ('artliaii'e.  X. 
Y.,  New  Orleans.  I,a.,  Xe\\  York  City.  Mount  Airy,  ]'il;esville,  liledso^  Co..  Ten!;.: 
farirn-r  atid  |>liy>.  Autlior  of  O-/////,.  .w,/ /,-  _V,  .r  .s'c.v',  ,,>  ,.?'  7V/ //.•.■/'.■.';//"/,..','  and  Outjinef"/ 
Ci')i!jiiiridiv>.  J'I'ij>i'"jn"iirij,  \\\  wliieli  aie  ably  set  forih  a  system  cd"  idis  siocnoiuy  ic^tiiiLT 
ii]>on  the  fuii(hi:,i' ntal  lia--is  (jf  Conii.;;!-ative  An.aiomy ;  m.  Jan.''^?,  ]^'i'k  Saiah  IjouHhton 
Bow.'u,  dati.  c;f  Cliarles.  1,  C.vsfAU  I-AVA'rAj;,  Nov.  -.32,  ISO"..  "■3,  'riirin'iiii. Ts,  July 
'2'i.  ISO."-);  d.  Sej't.  4.  ls.")().  :.],  AirniLii,  .lane  •,>.  d.  Oct,  C.  IS."")?.  4,  Dai;. 
X.     Join;  Calvin  Ked.!iekl,  Mav  J5,  ISiS;  d.  April  IN,  1819. 



In  the  oriiriiial  record  i.ach  article  and  its  appraised  value  is  -dven  se]>0!at 
of  the  items  were  not  clearly  leui'ole.  In  tlie  c(,ipy,  in  some  instances,  the  sum 
items  is  toven  instead  of  each  .separately. 

1  Ox        

4.  Ste>  rs 

4  C<)\vs 

Steer  and  '1  yr.  old  colt 

4  Yearlirm-   calves   

2  ^'onii!;  calves 

3  \\'et!uns 

1  "ani.  ;)  lambs ... 


1  Sow  aiid  S  ]iit:s 

2  Hoes  nnire 

12^     Acres     f)f    land     by    Mr. 

Pn}'ne"s  and  most  14.  acres;  10 
acres  meadow  by  ( ireat  Xeck. 

5  Acres  more  of  meadov.- 

4  Acres      mcue     joining     mill 
dam;  \'2l  acres 

35J,-  In   ye  Xecl- 

4t»  Acres  in  ye  '2d  divi-^ion 

U  Arr>-s(abt.  )l.iy  ye  Stoiu'V  river. 
4  Maves  and  "Z  ycariing  (.-oils.  . 

A  fo-.siin^'-  piece 

2  Matchlock   tnins  and  a  Ihisk 

and  uKitch 


1  Sword,  1  -ailh',-^  aiai  —  .  .  .  . 
A  ].o\\der  h.orn  ami  }mv.  der.  .  . 
Shot  niouhl,  ladie  and   bullets; 

C  lbs.  lead 

2  I.I')  Itb 

00  o  00 

00  ;;  -■) 

nn  :;  sn) 

£•    s.    d. 

G  1.")  00       1  Sword  belt 

10    1.")   0;l        1  Eoaid    i;real   ]i"t    

IG  00  on       1  Chamber  pnt 

2   10  00       -2  Porrinu-ers 

G     .->  00       IG  ll.s.  p-nvd.^r;  1.12 

1  12  00       Old  ]>ewter 

2  ')     ;1  .1  pair  sheets;  1  sheet.  .  .  . 

2   10  00       :j  'i'idde  clotlis 

8  00  00       2riHow>. 

2  ("I  (til       7  Xapkins 

1  10  00  7  Counf.  (count.M-feitri  .  . 

Pillow   cases 

14  Hand   towels 

S3  00  (tO  p:  Yds.  Xevv   Holland... 

7   10  00       5  Sheets 

1(1  I'ands  and  a  ca]i 

22   10  00       7  liandkercliiefs 

;;5   10  00       2  I'air  -doves 

lu     G     S       1  Hat   .' 

;;;  oo  oo 

P2  00  00 

2  00  oil 

!i  Yar, 

8  join:;-    coats 

A  n.'d  waistcoat  and  home-pun 

jacket  and  1  homl 

\]  i'r.   breerlif^  an  !    1   jir.  dic.w- 



2  Pr.  of 
1  *.inen 

00  2  U>> 

00  7  O'.i 

00  0  I.' I 

00  4  00 

1  IG  (0 
(.0  lo  IM) 

G  1.")  Oil 

(III  P2  '.ii"i 

00  o  I" I 

00  !)  (XI 

Oo  p;  oo 

00  00  f.O 
00  P2  00 
00   IG  (.0 

2  5  (10 
CO  p;  01) 
00  7  00 
00  .">  (1) 
00  P)  00 
00  17     (. 

2  00  00 
;!  00  (M 
2  10  00 

1   00  «  0 

1  oO  (0 
00     7  O'l 

2  G  00 


I'Yiilljor  ]>L-<\,  42  11)S.,  iiiu!  3 
feather  Imlsters 

fi  Pillows,  weiirhr  '■)'■]  ii»^ 

1  Fcatlicr  l.(-,f,  wt.  IJO  ll.s.,  1 
Hock    Led    and    c;iss,,<'l; ,    wt. 


€    s.    d. 

3  Bed  TickiiiG" 

1  liiig-,  1  coverlet . 
1  Small  ro\  'Tlet  . , 
9  Yardti  new  clotli. 

1  Pair  hand.  ('.';.. . 

2  Old  l)lanket.s.  .  .  . 

3  Blankets 

1  Blanket 

4  Blanket s 00  V. 

3  Coverlets 

Curtain  and  va!an';e.  .  .    .'  .  . . 

4  17  (JO 
2     4  00 

2  5  00 
1  00  0  > 
M  00  Oi) 
00  10  00 
1    K)  00 

1  1:J  (H) 
00  \2  00 

2  on  (Id 
00     !l  00 

!  O'j 

00  00 

1   liO  UO 

7  felloi's,    4 
2   erdlars,    ] 


1  Quilt  and  a   man Oi)  ]2  OO 

1  Bedstead 

4  Old  l.edsr.vds 

2  (Uosets,  ]  contain'.;;-  cui'ljo'd. 

5  Candli'Stieks   ... 

6  Chairs 

2  Cross- eu I 
sirkles,  1 
share.  2  wed^".-s 

2  BaiToIs    cvdei'.  .  .  . 
1    Barrel  pork \ 

3  Pair  wnoli-n  cards.  .  .  . 
Hon.-e      an<l     luun     and 

housii,i(    honu'stt-ad  * 

0  Acres  of  land,  4  ..-.mkI  i-lou.']", 

land ; '';. 

i'll  .\cre:s   of  rye.   ■}ilo\^-in^-   and 

4  Acres  oi'  oats,  ]/lowin>'-  and 
seed ; 

r  .Acre  of  flax ' .  . 

iTO  1!js.  of  bacon  c  .5  4;'  (dis..  1 
hlass  skimmer,  1  smokinix 
pan,  1  vvoolcn  and  1  ]iii,-n 

1  Ad/e  a!id   2  hHt(diets 

1    10  00       Bolts,    rin-s,    1    Isorsefork    and 

t     .s.      d. 

2  lo  00 

2  S  dO 

3  10  00 

00   a  00 

110  00  00 

0  12  00 
3  00  00 

1  10  00 

Oo     4  00 

00  12  00 
1     2  On 

1  Little    tMi)]e (10 

1  LonfT  tal)le  and  firm 

1  Great  In-ass  kettle  U.O:;*;  11, s 
A    htth..   kettl,^     1    skillet,   'i 

waTiainif  jian 

2  Iron  slviihts  Hiid  an  imr  mor- 

1  Pair  of  jails  and  1  juur  of 
hand    irons 

1  Pit  and  ir(jn  ml..' 

2  Iron  ])ots  and  ham;-er 

1,001)  CO  doz.    wooden  jdatters" 

churns  and  utJicr  v,-oode;i 

6B>s.  of  tallow 

1  Do?,.    Alcliemy  spoons 

Barrels,  tojis,  firkins,    etc 

A  case  with  bottles  and   ju.t;-s.. 

A  pr.  of  scales  and  weij^hts..  . 

7  Cushions   ...... 

Potriuiirand  i;Tidii-f)ii  ami  wiiat 
belonfrs  to  the  chimnev 

Bibles  and  other  boolcs. 

Old  iron  and  hamls'uv 

3  cow  l)e]ls  and  a  collar 

o  chaines,  wt.  ITi 

00     G  00 
00  12  00 

ii'i'ii   liolt 00     8  00 

2  horse  yol;e>    

1  Ir.  .n  (Ti/w,  7  lbs.    nails.  .  . 
Sia.bbing   hoes 

1  'v'v'inibj,..  c.ras.    and    1 ,   1 

branding'    iron,    1     hook,   10 
Ib^..  ro})e  yarns,   etc 

2  Old  hoes,  1  spade,  1  mortisino; 

0  ();.) 
1  4  00 
8  10  00 

00  0  00 

00  15  00 

14  Bushels  of  rve  . . 

1      3   00         4  Bushels  of  oafs 

(10     S  00       2  llM-she;:,is,  7  barrels  and  tubs 
1     8  00            and    3    scvthes  and    ',]   pitch- 

2  Bakes,   11  bushels   salt 

00   12  00        1  Pair  cart  wheels  and  2  yokes. 

1  Sad 

00    :;  00 

00     0  00 

1    10  00 

00   14  00 

00     0  00 

00     7  (iO 

1  00  00 

2  00  00 
00  ')  00 
00  4  00 
00  12     (3 

1  I'loutrh,  1    horse  ploueji    and 
\\hitlietree [ 

A  carl,   and    wheels  of   iron  be- 
.    ^'MCriiig 

2  ^aves,    hoojis    and    harrows, 
tooth  and  bolt  of  pan  handle. 

1  Plouyh  share  ami  bolt 

"lOj   Ibisluds  of  Indyan  c^.Tn..  . 
lo  Batrs  and  winnowing  cloth. . 

1  Silver  spoon 

A  part  of  barrel  of  pork 

(5  lbs.  worsteil  varn 


s-  00 


11  00 


8  00 


0  00 


17  (Jit 


G  00 


10  0(.l 


5  Oo 


10  00 


10  00 


00  OO 


7  6 


B»  00 


4  (JO 


(J   00 


.-)  00 


G  0 

■  ) 

0  0 


18  00 


o  00 


00  00 


0  00 


1  00 


1  G 

mie-prt  and  stirrups 00  10  00       :!]  Yards    newVhjfh 

J  ;|'^f^''i''t 00     .",00       1  Sickle  iuouer.... 

1  Cart  rope OO  10  00       Ok •■>     >t     .5 

1  <^opper   3  00  00  

'i'ot.'il C  lOO     S     G 

And  now  Quare.  whether  n\  ye  above  written  [nventorv  we,  T  lioj.e,  I  am  in  t^ro- 
vidin--  tor  ye  neces.-ary  supply  of  the  lamilv.  as  j.ork.  bacon',  candles,  niault,  rve,  oats, 
iniban  c-)rn  an.d  salt,  amounting;- to  \c  sum  (d'  i'l  1    12s.   lod. 

Taken,  June  1(;73,  by  .luhn  liarriman  and  William  Hradlev 

*  Adjoining;  the   .Marki; 

:-c,  tb-st  sunt  oi    VaV  College,  corner   Cha;,  -I  and  CoHese  sts.,  an    acre  and 



Dec.  late  of  Xi'\.-  Euven,  taken  liy  us  this  ?A  day  of  Feb.,  IGS-t-O. 

7./../,.;.,  hev  rearing  apparei,  '    ^'    ""  ^u  ol^ln.^^        00  JO  00 

v.v.olr-n      and     silk     .-crai-.s,  A  sl;;l!.-t  :nuMram-.s 00   14  0) 

l„.od>.,  nuilTs  and  trloves ....  75  OO  A  fryin-  i^an 00     •„      > 

Feather  bed,    bolster   aad    pil-  'A  ]vni,    yn><.  .  . r,     ,,  ("> 

],j^^.^  7   10  00  Iron   pots,  pot  hooks,  a  ]iair  ot 

A    b.d'qJuuVn-i'i.ed'sim-ad.  shn.s,  0    bap. IS  ^o  Sfl 

enrd,  curtain  and    vallenee..  10     3  00  Pair  of  shoes 0     2 

^  ehesi    a  bu>.andeupboard..  1      TOO  Ib.-e,  Ixdts,  rings,  a  sword ...  .        00     o  00 

A  r-ather  bed,  bolster  and  eas-  Links,  saddle,  cart  rop.-,  3  prs. 

,^,.1.                       2  17     4           cards 00     2  00 

Vcoverli-t'b'l'inkVts!':.'  sliei'ts.  -i     S  00  Feathers,    rojies,    cow   b-dl  and 
:>  Sheets  and  p;llo^v  ca.-.'S,  nap-                                    cdiar.  etc.;  in  b<.nks.  ciadh'. 

)-i„^    etc                        3     3     G            a  chavne  and    axr;    a  plough 

2    \|eonN    2   napkins.   2  l.aud-  and  shale,  anaxe:   in.-atlh-.        24   10  OO 

k.,ehiJfs            i     (WiO    .   1  Horse 3  00  00 

Inlinen f>  <"•  <"'  4Sw,ne 1     J     ^J 

T,, (',  00  0(1  Sh'X'p •-'1'   '"' 

s;,,;";,!,],.; .■ .  on     7   Oi)  llousin-  and  honn  .trad 120  OO  00 

A  ch^^sl  alid  Uuid^s on  30  nO  The  3d  divi^a.n   laiul,  5A_acres 

32  no  00           of  land  at   \\  m.  l^^-vnr  s . . ..        lo  10  00 

■Mbs'Featiu-rs".!;.  .!!!'!!!!!!  00     4  UO  o  Acres  of  Meadou oO  On  iiO 

00     S  00  A  mareand.  <-oh 2  10  l^O 

3  00  00  B\-  righLt^>  in  carts  :ind  v.-hcds, 

•;  00  00  'ohfand  r.ew 2     G  00 

2  Mats 

G  V/oolen   shrt  ts 

A  table  chiffonier  and   form...  , 

Woodeuware 00  12  Oo       A  rug   nnt   entered   mat  si.^ier 

luuldbanel 1    10  OO  Hon!  (V)  had 1   ^^     0 

Cupboard,  scales,  weiidus  and  Annther  rug  bimon    had 00   K   00 

'iieasures  .^. "0  10  00       Tie   4  swine  i>riy.ed  at o     \)  W 

lu   earthenware'.!!." 3     GOO       Wldch  Nathaniel  saith  .leMdd 

In  pewter. -3     G  00  not  have  been  :n  

Suniothing  iron 00     5  OO  „ 

In  brass.: 5  00  OO  Total i2!J4      i     o 

Approvfd  by  Moses  Mansfndd  and  Jolm  Ailing,  jr. 


An  incident  relating  to  Sarah  Tuttle.  copied  fioni   the^  colonial  roc'ords   and  repub- 

lished untiringlv,  is  likelv  to  carrv  her  name  down  to  a  far  di.^tant  f"t"'^  ".<'t]";U;" 
else  does  It  aj-pears  in  the  Coiur  lliH.  S„r.  Colhctlous.  in  ILiffu-hrs  lUM.  oj  Lhz.thcth, 
\  J.  in  several  genealoiries  ami  other  works,  be>.id.s  .aoing  fmm  tn>ie  to  time  the 
rounds  of  the  newsi,'''l>«^rs,Nvith  variations    and    without.      It    is    i.roper,  thereioie,  tbat 

The  wholo  stoi-v  should  here  be  told.  ,-.,„,       i 

At  a  court'h.dd  in  New  Haven,  Mav  1,  b'^OO,  Jacob.-th  M.dyn  and  barah  1  nttle  were 
prosecuted  tor  -  sittimr  dowii  on  a  chest  togetiier,  his  arm  about  her  waist  and  her  ana 
upon  Ids  shouhler  (U  about  his  neck,  and  continuing  in  tliis  .sinful  i^osition  about 
half  an  hour,  in  which  time  he  kissed  her  and  -^he  kissed  him.  an>l  they  ki.-s.-d  one 
am)theras  thr  witnesses  testifv."  -  -  -  «  -phis  complaint  was  mad.'by  ^a^aU  s 
father  undfr  a  law  that  who.soev(.-r  .diouM  inveigle  or  draw  away  the  alTectmns  ot  an; 
maid  or  nuiid  s.'ivanr  for  himself  or  others,  witiinut  fir<t  ohtauung  the  consrnt  (d  be» 
paroutsor  guardians,  should  pav.  besides  all  the  damage^  the  i^arent  nnght  su  tani,  40 
shillim.^  b.r  XW  lirst  olTensc,  and  for  the  srrond  toward-  tlie  sanio  per.-on.  -':4,  and  tor 
the  third,    tin. Hi,    imprisoned    and    corporally    imnished,   as    tie-    Fhmtation   court    ma> 

'\ir  'i'uttle  ph'ad.'d.  that  .T;''-(d<  had  endravon  d  to  steal  away  his  dangliter's  alTrc^ 
lions.  ^' bat.  t/,r/,  Sarali  -h-nir.i.  and  it  did  not  soapi^rar  to  thr  court:  but,  as  tln-y  had 
carried  it  in  such  a  wanton,  uncivil  and  lacivious  lennncr.  they  an-  smtmced  to  i^av 
er'd!  of  thfm  2n -!  iUiiig-  to  rho  t;-.  asinor"  (on^'half  of  Sarah'-  lin-  wa-  sub.-.Mjueui  I\ 
remittod  at  the   rei.ucsrof   hrr  fath.uV      The  farts  are  sMg,c-e>livp. 

Thr  terms  u^.-d  bv  the  court  se,  m  to  u-  ou!    of  all  pr.. portion   to  tho  otTen>r,  ilioug b 
this  kind  of  .•Ka;;--,Tation  was  .ommon  in  New  England  at  that  ].enocb      Innocut  lamil- 



laritio?  weri'  soiiictiiucs  rcfci'icd  m  in  wonl.-i  move  brliltiii^'-  the  (Icscriptiiin  of  an  or;,'-ic  or 
sceiiP  (if  wild  (lissi]i:\tion.  We  can  linnlly  iniagiue  laui;iia-('  stioiiir  or  coar-^c  t'nou;;h 
for  sufli  a  court  to  diM'iihr  tin'  "  (■arryiii,ii;s  on  "  of  Honn'o  and  .)  iiln'i,  had  tin-  I'utcnial 
Capuli't  brouuht  Miit  iu'lorr  if  a<;  cIk'  youthful  .Monta;;in'.  CaiT  must  thnrfdri' 
he  usi'd  in  iudgiiii:-  of  pergonal  arts  ori'i_,nduct  not  siiroially  .srt  foilh,  N\iiiidi  o.-ciijiy  so 
inucli'  in  oui'  laily  rociirils.  'i'liis  it  ni:.y  be  was  also  a  cas'.'  of  tiiu'  love  frau^t rated 
b}' palfrnal  iiiterferanct'.  Willinm  'I'ultlo -naiurally  slnin-d  with  his  fellow  cidoni^ts, 
the  general  fe(dinir  of  dislihc  and  distrnsi  id'  the  Dutch;  in  his  case,' intcnsilicd  hy  thr 
rt'colloction  of  his  trcatnn-nt  and  losses  at  llip  haniN  of  tho  an  tlioriiit-s  at  New  Anisti-r- 
dani,  in  the  n.'l:i\vari-  liiatt^r;  and  tliouoih  the  .Mel\'n's  were  in  antatroinsni  to  (iov. 
Stnyvesant,  Mr.  Tattle  could  not  l>e  expected  to  view  with  favor  his  daughter's  alliance 
with  one  of  that  race. 

Wdio  was  Jac'oh  >[(dyn  ■':  "  His  name,"  says  Dr.  Hatfield  in  his  IJist.  of  Kf-'z<''^<th, 
jY.  J.  "is  familiar  t<"i  evt  ry  student  of  Dutch  American  hisiory.  Hi-  \\  as  son  of  C'oi-ne- 
lius  ,Midyn  tl^e  jiatrnon  of  Statcn  Island,  u[  which  he  wa.s  the  sole  ]ii(']uietor,  hy  a  grunt 
ficmi  the  honie  uovL'rmncnt. 

Cornelius  Mclya  sailed  from  the  New  Xetlierlaiids  in  loo!)  returned  in  I'MO  f<jr  his 
•wife  .lannelcin  au'l  cliiMrcn,  and  planted  a  colony  on  the  Island  in  1()41;  which  wa.- 
broken  up  by  Indian-;  in  1043.  He  removed  to  Nev,-  Amsterdam  (X.  \ .)  and  lived  on 
Eroad  St.,  east  side,  between  Stone  iind  I'eail.  He  was  fined  by  (Jov.  Stnyve^ant  and 
hanished  lor  seven  In  li;47  In;  returned  to  Ihjlland  for  redres,-  and  was  wi'ecked 
on  the  voyaire,  losing  one  of  hi:-,  sons  and  barely  escaping  with  his  own  life.  He  \\as 
sustained  liy  the  home  government,  but  Siuyvesant  still  o]ipos!ng,  he  nnide  aiiotiier 
voyage  to  HolkunI  an'l  renirnin.g  to  X.  again  e.-tablishe'l  Idm^clf  (ItioH)  en 
ytaten  kslanJ.  until  his  colony  agadn  dis]i(Msed  by  the  Indians  in  Ui^io.  Seon  after- 
wards he  removed  t.)  Xeu-  Haven  v.diei-n  he  and  his  son  Jacob  took  the  natli  of  tidelity 
A]iril  7,  ]().")7.  In  Id.'i'.i  he  leturnf-d  to  Holkuid,  settled  hi>  ditiiculiies  and  lelinipiislied 
Staten  I.sland  to  tlie  West  India  C'oin]>any.  lie  d.  in  Xew  Xetherlands  11374,  leaving  wf, 
liud  thi'ee  soTis,  .lacob,  C'orncdins  np.d  Isaiic,  iuid  three  d;uis.,  ^kii-i:',n,  \',lio  m.'and  resided 
at  New  Haven,  Susanna,  wlio  ni.  Jacob  Sidullinger,  and  .Magdalen,  v.ho  iii.  Jac(jb 
Sopcr,  leith  Ni-w  York  nn'rehants. 

Jacob  .Midyn  was  b.  in  Antwerp  abuut  10 10,  accompanied  hi--  fatln-r  on  sevei-al 
voyages,  and  as  we  ]i:!\e  seen  Asas  in  Xew  HaN'en  l<>o7,  and  there  tiimd  by  (lov. 
Ne\\-nian  for  kis.-ing  Sarah  Tutth- in  HidO.  He  m.  in  Ifi')-?.  Tbinnah,  dan.  of  (feoru-f 
Hul>bard  of  (lailford,  ('(Din.  In  ICpiJ.")  he  went  \vllh  a  comj'any  from  New  Haven 
to  Fdizalioth.  X.  J.  He  Mas  familiar  with  the  leraiity  and  ^\'Ith  tlic  Dntcli  and 
Ind.ian  lange.ages.  and  therefore  a  valuable  memljei-  of  the  colony.  He  was 
allowed  for  hituself,  wife  and  two  ser\'anis,  IbU  acres;  his  patrimony  w;is  4oU 
acres.  He  was  a  in  the  \\"lialing  Co.,  KJIJ'J;  during  tht^  Dutch  rule. 
lG73-(,  he  was  in  high  favor,  lieiiig  a]>pointed' one  td'  the  niagistiates  of  the  town  and 
captain  of  the  niilitia.  conijiaiiy.  He'  rem.  to  .New  York  in  Ui  Tl.  and  livecl  in.  .\!i!l  sti'eet 
Iam>  (South  \Mlli:im  St.')  Two  of  liis  children  wen-  liaji.  in  the  Dutch  chh..N.  Y., 
Oct.  :;,  lt')74,  and  tlu-.'e  others,  Dr.uiel,  Samuel  and  Abigail,  Autr.  f'>,  1(577.  About  H'.s.-j 
he  rem.  to  Boston,  ])rol)ab]y  to  educate  his  son  Samiu'd  ^\ho  giad.  at  llarv.  Col.  KV..''.'. 
and  was  subsciiuently  settled  as  minister  at  Kli/abeth,  X.  J.  At  Boston  ]\r  traded  :n 
leather;  served  several  years  as  ccnistable  and  ik  D»'e. ,  17()o.  His  dau.  Abigail  m.  (1) 
^Vil!iam  Tilley,  ('2)  Samuel  Sewell,  chicd'  justice  <d'  Mass.  His  dau.  Joanna  m.  H)'~7!, 
Eev.  Jonathan  I.'ickim-on  f^i  Eli;',abeth,  afterwar<!s  Pres.  Coi.  of  X.  J.  (I'rini-eton ).  See 
Jl'dfula.i  Hid.  of  Eliz.ibdh. 


Of  about  130  judges  appointed  by  the  commons  house  (4"  parliament  only  74  sat, 
and  (if  tlies*',  07  were  juesent  at  the  last  session,  and  were  unanimous  in  jiassing  the 
definiiive  sentence  upon  the  king,  ami  ."}!)  sigiu'd  the  warrant  for  his  execution  (li)4i) '. 
Of  the.-^e  ,71),  -^4  were  d,ec.  a?  res'e,ra;io!,  in  li'.Cb;  -27  ju.lges  were  then  taken,  trit>d  and 
condemned:  some  were  pai;ioned;  !)  judgi's  aiid  live  (jthei's  as  :vei-o!nplic<'S  were  ex<'cuted: 
16  judges  lied  and  (,sc;iped.  One  shot  himself  in  Holland,  another  tied  to  l.ausanda  and 
-was  there  assassinaie.I ,  three  lied  to  Xew  England;  tin-  fate  id'  the  test  is  iinlxuown 
to  me. 

Iiichard  \\dianey  m.  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  <''romu  ei!  and  aunt  <d' t  >liver.  by 
whom  he  htui  I7h\  a  :-d,  and  .cj,, -Is.  Ivlwiu'd  was  bi-omrhi  up  as  a  merc'-.ant.  He  joined 
the  i-ariiamentary  forces  and.  distiui'-ui^hed  himself  at  ilie  batrleof  X*a~b_\.  Kil'. 

He  m.  a  sister  e.f  Sir  (ienrge  .Middbton,  Et.,  and.  had  several  ehibhen.  One  of  his 
daughters  m.   William  (.ode.       'I'le-  last  k'lter  of  Wdiallv  to  thi-  dau.  wa-  dr.ted.  Iladiey. 

IGTd,  wTicif  lie  d.  iinil   was  bini(-il  in  tlic  cfllar,  it  is  said,  of  licv.  Mr.  liiu-scll,  tlic  iiiin- 
isKT  of  11. 

.loajie  t'roin>vt'll,  auat  nf  (>livr-r,  ni.  Francis  liariinotnn.  lU-r  sister,  Elizaln'tli,  in. 
John  Iliunixit'n,  fatlirr  of  Jolni  II.,  who  was  one  of  the  livo  jneiuijMs  of  ]'ai  liainont 
exce]>tL-d  aiiainst  \>\  Cliarli's  I. 

^^'illinm  (JolVi'  was  son  of  iit'v.  Steplieu  (iolTc,  a  Puiiian  divine.  (jofTr's  diary  by 
himself,  from  KifiO  to  iCIiT,  in  sfvcial  iiocket  vols.,  received  from  tlie  Kussell  family,  is 
])resei'ved  in  Cotton  .Matlier's  library  in  Ijosidn.  (Joffe  and  WhalJey  arrived  at  >«.  j-lav. 
March  27,  IGfJl — iri  linrtford  same  monih  — and  May  11  imiipvod  into  a  mill  near  New 
Haven,  and  thence  into  the  woods,  where  tln-y  met  Jones,  t^pcriy  and  Burrill,  wlio  con- 
duetoil  th(rn  to  Hatchet  Harbor.      In  hUM  (.r  KiGo  Dlxwcll  came  to  them. 

Mr.  (ii.xjdycnr  bad  liought  of  the  t(;\\'n  of  New  Haven  the  lich  ]ihuu  I;,  ing  west  of 
West  i^lck,  af'oiu  1,-Ji)i)  aci'cs,  and  on  this  had,  pbuited  Ids  I'armer.  Pdcjiard  S)ierry. 
which  f:.  rm  .-^pci'ry  afterwards  owned,  an.d  now  abow-  a  century  has  lieeii  known  a.s 
S)ifrry's  farm.  In  jrr'ords,  Ajtril  '23,  lO'Jit,  1  lind  nn  ntion  of  .>j  r:-.  (i'(;od_\car  and  her 
farmer  Spe)  ry.  .Mi>.  d'oodyear  liad  built  on  tliis  tract  a  h<'U-i-  for  S|><-rry.  and  about  om- 
mile  souHi\\e.-t  sio(,d  \]\,  lion-e  of  lb;!|>]]  bine-,  tlio  only  Imu-cs  in  lliin  \\e.--i  waid  from 
]S'e\v  Haven  between  West  Pioclc  andc  Hndsou's  river;  cm  eft  a  few  at  l.>erby  all  was 
wilderness.      Alnrnt  two  nnles  noith  west  oi'  S)ierr\"s  was  a  Jiiilb 

In  IT^o  I  visireJ  Mi.  Josejdi  Sjierry,  th.'ii  ae-cd  Tib  grandson  ol  the  first  l^ichare  and 
son  (d'  r)aniel,  who  d.  ITol.  a.  bb,  from  v>hom  .btseph  reci-ived  the  tradition.  I'aniel 
was  (Jtli  soli  cd'  ifichard,  and  built  a  hou.-e  at  .sotuh  end  of  Sjierry  farm,  in  \'.hich  Joseph 
now  lives,  not  half  a  mile  west  from  the  cave  \\diich  Joseph  showed  me.  Tliiuueh 
Josejdi  came  the  tradition  of  the  jmlgcs  Ijeing  frightened  from  the  cave  by  tlie  glaring 
eye.s  of  some  wild  animal. 

Bladen's  Rock,  H(dmes  l^ice  and  Holmes  Fort,  the  Hodge  (_,r  Moiocco.  as  wtdl  as 
l''r()videuce  Hill,  all  had  their  names  from  the  judges. 

A  Mr.  Valentine  'W'ihnot,  now  livbig  in  F.^'Hiany.  knew  all  the  ancient  i(eoi)k'  at 
S]ii']'iy's  faiin.      He  -was  a  great   huntei'. 

t^tcple-n  Ball.  Esq.,  now  (17!)i)  a.  07  [ji.  lit!],  said  C'ol.  I'ixw-ell  ])ut  up  with  two 
f::edaie  old  ]ieople,  .Mr.  Ling  and  his  wife,  wdio  had  no  children.  Mr.  Idng  at  his  deatlr 
requested  1'.  to  as.^ist  his  wife  and  his  wife  to  be  kind  to  ]>.  Mr.  Ling  left  all  his  pro])- 
erty  to  his  wife,  and  r)ixwe]l  assisted  in  sett  Una"  ihe  estate,  and.  afterwards,  n<it  Jniowing 
any  better  way  of  assisting,  married  Jier.  She  Voon  dnd,  and  he  m.-uried  another  wife 
and  harl  chiblren.     Thns  far  Hea.  J?all  .says. 

Mr.  T/iiig  d.  11)73:  in  v.  i'9U0.  His  h')use  was  at  the  corner  of  College  and  Grove  sts. 
liev.  Mr.  Pieipont's  stood  about  wliere  Judge  Bristol's  liouse  nov.-  is  u'or.  of  K)m 
and  Temiih^i  on  ^vhal  Nvas  called  .Mr.  Fieriiont's  trif.iare.  Sd  Mr.  P.  auil  I*,  could  nn:'et 
nnd  exchange  visiis  without  going  into  the  street.  Wall  street  did  not  ihen  exist.  Mr. 
-Davenport's  house  was  on  Elm,  near  intersection  of  Orange  st. ;  Gov.  Jones'  opposite  on 
north  side;  (iov.  Hi-hop's  on  noilheast  corner  State  and  Elm  stieets. 

Jame:>  I'avids  and  Joanna  Ijng,  ^^  id.  of  Penjaitiin.  were  m.  Nov.  3,  lb7?>.  Shed, 
between  Nov.  15  and  'J6,  same  vr.  "  He  ni.  Pathsheba  Howe,  Oct.  '2'.'>,  1077,  and  d.  March 
IS,  IGSS-U,  in  his  S-.2d  yenr.  She  d.  in  Middlctown,  C(;nn.,  Dec.  ",'7.  17'J9,  a.  88  or  bo 
(grave-stone  savs  '•(;;.  "  Childven:  1,  Mars".  b.  June  9,  IGiO:  m.  Dec.  4,  1707,  John  Col- 
lins <d'  ,Mid.,  and  had  several  chil.  2,  John,  b.  Match  G,  IGM):  m.  Sej):.  1,  1708,  Mary, 
dau.  fd"  John  Prciut  (d'  N.  Ila^■.,  and  settled  as  a  anldsmith  in  Boston.  iJ,  I-'dizalieth,  b. 
July  1.4,  1GS2:  d.  soon. 

Tlie  tradition  that  the  three  judi^-'^s,  (iotTe,  AVhalley  and  Dixwell,  were  all  buried  in 
New  Haven  has  been  veiy  generally  riccej)ted  there  as  true.       As  to  Dixwell  there  is  no 
doubt,  and  many  well  informed  jiersons  are  (|uite  as  sure  that  ^^'halley  ^vas  buried  near 
.  Dixwell.     (See  !.^'.  Nar.  Hid.  Coll..  vol.  1,  jiaper  by  'J  Imnias  \l.  Trowbridge,  Esii.) 

The  ji;d-es  weie  afrtiid  that  their  ernves  would  be  d(  sccrafed  and  their  u niains 
treated  with  indigidty  if  <!!scovert  d  by  their  numie.--_ — a  w  dl  feumh  d  a]q'rehi-i(  n  as 
ajq^ears  by  tb.e  fart  that  even  ;'.s  late  as  1  77.")  su(di  gravf  s  w  cie  gio.-sly  insulted  liy  Hi  iti.'-h 
olilcers.  Tho~ewhohad  harbottd  liie  Judgi  s  weie  ei|ually  bound  to  secr(  cy  liy  I'l  ar 
of  the  vengence  of  tlie  ciown.  ']  he  fate"  of  Lady  Lis!  ■,  the  wife  of  a  ri'gicitb'  who  luid 
died  abroa>l,  was  not  liktdy  to  be  unheedi-d.  .--b.e  was  tried  in  IG'r^'j  liy  J  udge  JetTries 
for  C(incealing  .^Ir.  Hicks,  a  dissenting  miia^ter  under  ban,  :iiid  was  li.du'adeU.  Hence 
the  need  of  secrecy  in  all  ULatieis  concerning  the  judges,  livim:  or  dead,  and  (d'  employ- 
ing oidy  the  ino-t  discreet  and  trusty  persons  in  such  alTairs. 

Dr.  Stile.--  firmly  believed  that  \\'halley  was  linally  buried  in  N.  Ilav.  He  ti.ices  the 
tradition  to  the  descendants  of  'l']iom;is  Tutile,  '•x'.ho,  with  .Major  Mate.';.  Id.  was 
Jijquai.ser  of  I'ixweil's  estate  in  IGS'J.     His  scui  t.'ab-b  Tuttle  u  a.s  intimately  (/(ini;ecle(.l  with 


llio  funiily  of  (iov.  Joiio^,  ;  wr-ll  rn'ijunintfl  wit]i  Mnjor  >],  \vas  Ixjrii  ahd  all 
las  (la\s  lived  a  lu-.w  iifii^dih  n-  to  them  l>i)tli.  and  tn  Sainiid  lii- ho]),  son  df  tlie  t  nni'i-iKu- 
siiid  to  Mr.  Pi'TiM.ut;  am!  was  rtTtaiidv  in  i1m-  wny  of  .s.-civt  iiilurinai  idii  siitlicirnt  for 
tli('  puri)oso  of  thj-  iiniiii';;n:ition — at  li-a.>t  tliat  Wlndlcv  as  \\\11  ;i-  i'iw,  tdl  wm'  Imricd 
liore,  and  for  tlif  di'si^iiaiion  of  tlu-ir  i;t;l\>'s.  'I'hf  coiicln-ion,  liow  <vtM-.  is  tliat  l)ix\V(di 
<.inly  of  the  tliire  iv^-icidt'S,  <i'olT,-,  ^\■haIll•y  and  Dixwill,  was  buried  in  New  llaveu. 


cnv.  '.T-(;r:KA'i-r.7;KA'i-(.i;.\Mji-AK];>;Ts. 

WiLT.iA.Nf  ]%uwAK'ns,   son  of   Hev.  IFudiard  and  Aisne   Ed\sards,  canip  from  Eutrlf.nd 

fliid  Avas  soni"  time  at  E.  liavt-ii,  Conn.:  a  coo])e!   and   merchant;  ni.   10-1."),  A-^nes" , 

one  of  wliose  l>rothers,  it  is  said,  was  .Mayor  of  ]':xrter,;jEnjrland,  and  anotlier  of  liurn- 
-staldc,  England. 

^\'I].I.^A.M  'I'rTTi.i:,    b.   1(50!);  d.    IGTo;  ni.    Elizalxlh   ,    b.    Ifil?:  d.    1GS4;  came 

from  L(jndon  or  Si.  AUums,  Frfig. ,  1035.  In  New  Haven,  lOuit.  "  A  man  of  coiist-quence 
jind  much  C'm[iIoyi.-d  in  jiublic  atl'airs. — S'lcagi:. 

A-\'iiiONV  ST(<mda};i)  of  Boston,  m.  Mary  J')o\vnim';,  dau.  of  Flmujanue]  and  Fney 
AVintlirop,  and  .-is.  of  Sir  (ieo.  Downing.  "  An  arrant  Downing."  Lncv  ^\■inthroJ)  was 
<lau.  of  <^iov.  John  W'jnthioj). 

Ukt.  John  Wakiiam  from  Exetei-.  l^ng.;  pastor  of  the  cliurch  at  Windsor,  C'rjnn. ; 
4.  Ajiril  ],  lOTi',  airiicted  with  melanclioly. 

jA>vr.s  Fn.iipoNT  ui  ]]).■:  wicli,  descended  from  an  ai',ei(nt  family  of  tliat  !i;)me  wliose 
founder  cam'' over  with  the  "  C'omineroi-,"  one  branch,  of  which  attained  to  tlie  I'tuke- 
d.mi  of  Kingston.  To  .-ome  of  the  earliest  honors  ot  the  house  it  i<  claimed,  as  ]iro\-en 
that  I-iev.  Hez(d<iali  Pierpont,  a  descemlant  of  the  above  dames.  and  of  the  Jlev.  Jumi-s. 
is  uo\v  tlie  rightful  lieir. 

dOJl-X  Stow  of  :\laidstone,  Kent  Co.,  Eng.,  (nearly  related  to  the  antiquary  "juaji 
of  infinite  remembj'ance."  Author  of  the  ('itrcirir'!i .\  of  Jvo'j^ii nrj.  ]li--ii>ni  vf'LuiifJiui . 
ttc.)  came  over  in  10:->1:  res.  Iloxbury,  Ma->s. ;  m.  F.'i7..jbi'!U  hhu;.:.  id'  an.  ancient  famils 
ill  Kent,  estaliiisheii  there  before  the  CompU'st  and  have  ludd  tlieii- own  f'/r  a  thousand 
years,  thin,  of  ihiLdu'l  Bigg.  v>dio.-,e  will  i:-  among  ih,-  iir-,t  reeoi'ded   u\  Sulodk  (.'o.,  IMa.-s. 

Rkv.  TiiP>rArs  HnoKEt;  of  .Uarff'.rd,  "  light  of  tlie  vv-esiern  churches  "  and  founder 
oi  tlo'  Conn.  Colony. 

Cat't.  TiiOMAS  WiLT.ETT  of  the  Leydeu  Pilgrims  ai  Kenucbec,  Avliore  he  was  sent 
fis  ag:ent  of  the  trading  hcmso  by  the  Plymoutli  Company.  The  Indians,  wantinii  fond, 
consented  to  hill  the  English,  but  Capt.  ^^'illett,  readiroV  tlie  VnW.^'  v.dth  a  vcrv  .^ih  uui 
face,  they  thougld  tliey  were  discovered,  a.nd  the  I^iglish  escaped  massacre.  "  In  1(;!7 
Le  succeeded  Miles  Standi.sli  as  commander  ol  the  ndlitary  companv  at  I'lvmouth.  lie 
■vvas  Assistaid  to  the  Governor  from  lOGl  to  lOG.j;  then  went  to  Xe'w  'li'ork  to  assist  ills 
Majesty'.s  Commissioners  in  lU'iranizing  the  new  government,  .-lud  was  appointed  ."Nlavor, 
))eing  the  first  who  held  the  oliice  umler  the  l>ni;-|ish  rule,  lie  was  twie,.  or  three  tiines 
Mayor.  He  was  fiu.  by  >idie  of  Jus  wf.,  and  tomb-stijiu'  says;  "1074;  here  Iveth 
ye  l)ody  of  ye  lion.  Thonia.s  ^^'illctt,  Es([..who  d.  Aug.  ye  A.  in  ve  04th  vr.  f)f'  his 
age.  Anno."  His  grandson,  Francis  Willett,  jiromineni  in  F*.  I.,  and  his  oi'  tr-.  v;.  c,,] 
Marinus  Willett  was  Mayor  of  X".  Y. ;  m.  July  6,  10:30,  ^Mary  Brown  cd'  P.  \7:  her  ir.nvf- 
stone  is  still  standing  in  the  town  o(  FLast  Providence.  1>.  f . ;  insciiption  icad  with  dilli- 
culty:  ''Here  lyeth  the  body  of  the  virtuous  Mrs.  Mary  ^Vi]lett,  wife  of  Thonu^s 
"Willett.  F]-(|.,  v,ho  died  .hinuaiy  _\  e  Nth,  about  yeOdth  year  I)f  her  age,  .\nnol60fl."  She 
was  dan.  of  "the  worthy  .b>h)i  Brown,  Estj.."  \\  ho  was  bu.  near  Cedar  Urove  Sta.,  on 
Prov.,  Warren  and  Bristol  H.  K.  in  H.  F;  ancestor  of  Capt.  John  Brown  whose  ''soul  is 
marching  f)n." 

<;1;KA'I --OKKAT-f:K.\M)]'AKV:\'J  S. 

PrcTf Aini  Ei)V,-Ai;i>s,  s.   of  ^^■il!iam,   ii.    J017;  d.  171^;  m.  Nov.  10    1007    Idi/.abeth 
dau.  of  \\illian,  Tnt'le. 

lit.v.  Soi.nMoN,  s.  of   Anthony    Stoddard,    ii.    Oct.,  1013;  d.  Feb.  11,  17-20;  ])a-tor  of 
the  cluireh  at  .\  o;  thun.ptou,  31a-.;   m.    Fsilier,  dau.  of  Ibn.  Jidin  Warham,  bao.  ])ec    S 
1014;  d.  IVb.    lO,    17:'0;  wid.    of    IJev.    Eh'a/.er  ^,    Mr.    Stoddard's  ])redece.ssor  at 

AriM:xi(]x.  GOV 

.l(Mix  rn:ni-oNr,  1>.  IGls,  (s.  of  Janus),  d.  Dt-c.  7,  l(;S-2;  lived  in  l^.Nlmry,  Mas-^. 
Ancostui- of  Jolii)  rii-;]H.iit  ilii'  poet,  Hon.  Ivlwanl.^  rii'i]M,ai,  and  <>(  all  x]iv  Conn.  Pler^ 
])ont.s;  m.  Ui4N,  'i'liankful  Stow,  dau.  of  John.  1>.    IG'JU;  d. 

Rev.  Sami'KI,  Udokick  (s.  of  \i>-v.  'J'lujiuas);  jja.stor  of  Iho  cliur.j)i  at  P'arjninijtoLi, 
Cojiii. ;  111.  Mary,  dau.  of  ("apt.  Thomas  ^^'illL'tt. 

<;K1:.VT-'.HAN  DI'AnENTS. 

Hkv.  Ttmothv  Eowakijs,  s.  of  Eicliard,  h.  May  1-1,  IfiOO;  d.  Jan.  L'T,  ]7."jS:  inistor 
of  11h- dih.  at  J^ast  Windsor  over  riO  vrs. ;  m.  ^Nov.  IG,  lGii4,  J'^sthcr,  dun  of  IN  v  Solo- 
mon Stoddard,  b.  Jan.  2,  IGTv';  d.  Jan.  ]U,  1770. 

Hev.  Jami:s  PiF.rj'oNT,  h.  Jan.  -1,  IGGO;  d,  Nov.  2-J,  1711(-,.  of  Jolui  of  ]^-.\!,urv|; 
2d  j.uistoi  of  tin- rhh.  at  New  liavcn;  ni.  Julv  :.'G,  [ij'JS,  ^Marv.  dau.  of  ]{ov  Samuel 
Hooker,  h.  1G7-.';  d.  Nov.  1,  1740. 


Jo\.-\TiiAN  Ed\va];d.-,  (s.  of  Rev.  Tiinoth}).  Anilior  of  Frrcchnn  of  tla  WUl ;  ni. 
Sarali  Pierjiout. 


Considerable  di.scr(;]iancy  exi.sts  in  published  accounts,  and  tlie  best  information  in 
print  is  but,  lueairre.  In  llhtory  of  Jh'iil'j'initcr,  Mus^.,  a  very  errom^ous  lineage  is 
given  as  follov.s;  Joiuithau  Burr,  minister  at  i>orcliester;  JoLn  of  Fairfield,  Conn.: 
Judge  Peter:  liev.  Isaac;  P.ev.  Aaron.  Other  accounts  are  evidently  more  or  less  a.■^trav. 
So  far  as  I  liav!'  been  able  to  gather  it: 

Jjour  r>i"!;)!  of  Roxluiry,  carjieiiter.  Came  with  ^Vi)dhrop,  IGod.  Ap]ioiiiti'd  to 
insjiect  brid;:es  bet  v.een  lio.xbury  and  Boston.  IGMu;  rem.  to  Faii-field,  Conn.,  and  va.s 
K<  j)!''>ei;taiive,  IGJl-o.     Had,  four  sons,  Jehu,  John,  Daniel  and  NathaniLd. 

Jehu  Buiti:,  2d,  d.  If}y2. 

Joiix  or  Jr.m  Bri;i;,  m.  Mary.  dau.  of  .Andrew  "Ward,  and  had:  ll'iitid  Jiorr.  est. 
adiu.  1727,  nauu>  wf.  Fdi/abeth,  whose  maiden  name  and  lineau'e  is  not  traced;  JO  chil., 
of  wlioui  II  reeei^'ed  from  fatlier's  e^iate  I'.')  t."  each,  and  doulile  to  ••Kh--t  son:  names. 
Jehu,  Stephen,  J^■:er,  David,  Moses,  Aaron.  Ilanmdi,  Mary  Whe.der,  Elizabeth  Hull," 
Jane  Sherwood. 

l^EV.  Aakon  liri;];,  I're.s.  of  Princeton  CoL 

AxnuEw  \V.\  r,M  of  Hartford,  IHoG:  one  of  the  five  maoi>,traTes:  came  from  \^'ater- 
towii,  Ma^s.  In  1G;!7  Collector  for  Weihersfield;  rem.  to  Stamford  with  the  N\'ethers- 
field  settlers;  chn.-en  assistant  to  the  New  Haven  Court,  1G4G:  will  recoided  at  Fairlield 
date,  June  N,  IGo'J,  ii;unes  wf.  Esther,  and  ^i.'\'.  chil.,  of  whoui: 

Andi!V:\v  Waud,  d.  17!»1;  m.  'J'ryal  Meigs  (_dau.  of  John  of  (oulford,  Conn.,  who 
was  s.  of  \'incent  Meigs);  luid  dau. : 

Maiiv  W.\i;n,  wlio  m.  John  or  Jelni  Burr  as  above,  and  was  motlier  of  Daiuel  and 
g.  mo.  of  Picv.  Aaron. 


George  Downing  was  a  preuclier  auKmu-  the  Independents  and  Cliaiilaiti  to  Col. 
Okey's  regt.  in  Cromwell's  army.  In  IGo^:^  he  was  Commissary  (i'e:ieral  to  tJie  ariiiv  iu 
Scotland;  M.  P.  for  a  Scottish  borougli  IGof  and  ICoG;  agent  in  Holhiiuh  lO.j^-Gd;  turn- 
ing l?oyalist,  was  kinghted  by  Cliarles  IF  May  21,  1GG0:\m.  P.  of  Morj)eth,  IGij'l.  and 
again  envoy  to  Holl.uid.  Here  he  cau.^ed  the  arre.^t  of  <!'ols.  (Jkey  and  Ijarksied,  atid 
Miles  Corbet,  thre,-  ef  the  judges  who  were  sell'  to  Eugland  and  executed.  J-'or  thi-  act 
he  was  reprobated  In  all  lionorable  men,  and  the  ex])ressiou,  '•lie  was  an  arrant 
Downiny."  became  the  superlative  of  meannes--  and  scoundrelism.  F(j"d  Macaulev,  ii\ 
liistorical  e-say,  says:  "Tools  cd'  oliice,  who  Idee  Downing,  had  been  j'.roud  of  lacime\- 
ing;  his  ((.'lomwtdrs)  coach,  miglu  insult  him  in  h^yal  sj>eec]ies  ami  addi-esses."  lb;  was 
made  a  baronet  in  IGG;^.  and  d.  in  July,  IGS4.  He  luul  been  one  of  the  four  'J'ellers  (if 
the  En^sdish  Exclu  ijuer,  and    Dowinng   St.,  Fondon,  was  so  mrued  I'or  him 

Dif.  Cii  MM  I-.'-  C);AiNei;v,  wii'ing  to  Pres,  SiiL  s.  says;  "I  have  read  all  id"  Mi . 
StoddanPs  -writings,  but  have  not  been  able  to  si'e  in  tht.-m  the  .^treiigtji  ni  t;-enius  some 
liave  sittributed  to  hiiu. 



liicliai'd  (irafioii.  I^sq.,  citi/cn  :ind  ^I'dciT  cjf  l^Diidon.  descL-udfil  frrmi  ^^'il]iaIll  dt' 
Gruftcin  who  took  liis  luiiue  t'rotu  ilic  towiisliip  of  (imfton  in  ('licsliin-  I'.VAo,  wIpi  had 
sons  Williaiii  uiid  l'):i\iiL  [Ornn  /•"./'.•<  C/tCx/urt'.]  "  I[i>  iuiccstois  ciijoNt-d  n  lar^it-  icvciuk^ 
in  hinds  in  tli<>  city  of  ^Yol■(;l'st(■^,  and  in  fJrafton,  Fliffird  and  I'cinhx  k  in  \\'o!c(_'>ti  r  (',,.; 
also  other  laiuls  in  the  L'o.  of  SiatTurd,  as  a])]n'aret]i  l)_v  a  ih-i-d  (\vlii<-]i  1  liavc  st-ni) 
dated  in  June  29,  Jlt.'U.  b  ( loliS),  Init  at  tliis  day  dispersed  into  sttani^-f  liuiids.  Xevt-r. 
thfless  1  wish  ^'il■tue  her  dne  reward;  tlien  sludl  ncjt  tlie  hearer  (a  trae  lover  of  aur.s) 
depart  empty  handed.  This  coat  of  arms  was  attested,  ratiiii'd  and  cemlii  imd  in  a  letter 
ter^tinionial  to  Sp;dn,  hy  William  Fhiwer.  Esq.  Xorrey,  Kjn<j-  at  Arms,  Awj;.  Hi,  ].")!•_'. 
to  Kirhard  (I'l-aftun,  son.  i>f  l.'alph,  who  was  mhi  of  lialpli  (Jnii'lon  (spelli-d  (larftontof 
the  County  I^aiatine  nf  riiesliirt.'  —  (ientleinan.  This  coat  \\'as  als(]  contlimed  to  iJichard 
Grafton  of  London,  <i'ent.,  od  son  of  Kichanl  (irafton  of  the  said  city  by  lioliei-t  t'ook 
lo":!!."  {(rir'Jli, tin's:  Jler/f^'lry.]  Arms:  "  2*n_rt^  }in'  x.iUin;  salde  and  eriiiine;  a  linn 
ramjiant  or  aimed  a.nd  langued  gules. " 

He  \\'as  lnc)ii;:iir  n|>  as  a  merchant,  as  was  lii-<  assoeiaf"  and  parrner  iu  translatiiii;- 
and  printini;-  Hiljh'S.  lulv.-ard  \\'!iite(duir(di.  'i'he  occasion  of  their  luTominu'  printers 
may  be  seen  in  I'n.i's  Miirt//r<A";jil.  In  Fl:-!?  Grafton  and  Wliitcrinnch  c;iu->ed  to  he 
jivinted  at  llamliur£- or  at  Paris,  more  ])M)haldy  at  Ham.,  a  folio  ediiioii  of  the  Bilde. 
The  few  deviations  from  I 'overdale's  translations  v\-ere  ^u]lplied  hy  John  li'iu'ers  [Jolin 
Ki_>gcrs  inirned  at  Smitlxlield  FOoo]  who  assumed  the  of  .Mattluws — liei'ce  called 
Matthews'  Bible.  This  brougdit  tu-afton  into  favor  with  Cj-annu'r,  Giomwell  and 
Boinier  until  the  latter  became  Bishop  of  London.  In  loljS  (Jijifinn  olitained  ]>ermission 
from  Francis  I,  King  of  France,  througli  the  intercession  (jf  lien,  s  to  print  an  English 
Bible  at  I'ails,  tin'  woikn^eu  there  being  laorv'  skilWul  ami  the  'pajiL-r  ijeiter.  But  when 
the  wotk  was  done  the  printers  were  srimmoncd  lieforc^  tlie  •'  hnjuisitio)!  of  the  Faith  " 
and  the  wliole  <';lition  I'j.ofid  copie^.)  sei/.^d  and  delivered  to  b"  bu.rnetl.  But  tin-  ollicer 
thrmigh  covetonsness  >ol,i  four  "dry  vats"  of  them  to  a  ha.bfrdasltcr  to  hip  cajis  in, 
and  tlc'Se,  were  bought  again,  but  the  proj)rietors,  i.ira.fton  iV  \N'hitecluind!,  suiTered 
great  loss.  After  the  primers  bad  ai)peared  before  the  "  l!;cpr;,.i;i(Jii  of  tlie  Faiih"  the 
proprietors  and  Coveruale  the  corrector  were  sent  for,  but  bmng  warned  in  time,  Hm!. 

Aftcr%\aids,  encouraged  by  Crom^vell,  who  favored  the  universal  rea<line-  of  ili^ 
Scriptures,  (irafton  e^  Whitechiirch,  went  to  Paris  and  g-ot  the  type,,  pre-si's  ami  work- 
men, brought  them  to  London  and  s(.)  i)ecanie  ])rinters  themselvi'.-,;  for  in  I'uVA  they 
]n-!nted  in  London  the  lVd)le  in  large  folio  un<lcr  the  direction  of  (.'overuale  and  patromiixe 
of  ('rannier  with  some  improvements  on  "  .Matthews'  tratislat ion."  'i'his  i.s  called  "  'i'he 
(.ireat  I-iilde  "  and  was  the  first  Eng^e^h  Bibh.'  printed  in  liin^hand. 

Soon  after  the  execution  of  Lord  ("romwell  (July  v)(i,  loID,)  (.rrafton  was  imprisoned 
six  Weeks  in  the  Fleet  Prison  forprinting  .Matthews'  Bible  ami  "  TheGrcat  Bible  "  -svith- 
<iut  notes,  and  bef(.)re  lie  came  out  was  bound  in  .-ITOO  not  to  sell  or  print  anv  more 
]5ibles  until  the  King  and  clergy  had  agreed,  on  a  translation.  He  was  called  beloiv  tlie 
couucil  on  a  charge  of  printing  a  "  l)allade  "  in  favor  of  Lord  Cromwell,  and  (irafton's 
(jtion(him  friend  Bonner  being  j'resent  angiavated  tlie  cause  by  reciting  a  little  chat 
between  them  in  Crafton  had  intimated  that  he  v,-as  sorry  h)r  Crouiwell's  appre- 
hension. B>ut  the  Lord  Chancellor  Audley  turned  the  discourse,  and  the  mutter  seems, 
to  liave  ended. 

In  a  few  years  (irafton  was  a]ipo;nted  printer  to  Prim-e  Edwaid  and  with,  \\'ljite- 
church  had  special  ])atents  (Jan,  y,  \.j-\o,)  for  printing  th(.>  cliurch  service  Ixjoks  and 
jnitners,  Latin  and  Engli--li. 

In  1  Eilw,  \'I,  April  2,'.  loK,  he  had  a  patent  for  ])rinling  the  statute  bc.ioks  or  ads 
of  Parliann.'nt.  (.i.  liiiUMdf  tells  us  that  he  wrote  the  gicater  part  of  Hall's  Chronicles. 
Hall  died  in  lolT  and  next  ye-.r  (irafton  printed  saidC'hronicles,  i-ntitled  Tit.'  I'liron- 
i,-l,  s  ,,f  th'  (to  i'hr.',fiu",i.'<f,:inu(,',  ■■<<■/  I'oi-r:  :i,n!  1,(1  in'ti.^t,  r.  In  ].")r,2  at!  ;ibi  idL'-eim'nt  of 
(rrafton's  Chronicler  was  printi-d  by  Uiehaid  Tone!  his  son-in-law.  .\nd  in  l.-y','.)  Chron- 
icles of  England  ill  fnl!  with  lisiN  of  shei'iffs,  etc.  One  Hicdiard  (ira.fton  was  mem.  of 
Parliament  for  city  of  London  1  ."i-l:;  and  '."iC.  and  '~>i)-')7.  and  Lugdide  thinks  he  -ivas  our 
irndiaid  but  his  eiiito;-  think.-,  not.  Some  time  /.  ,•;,/;.  Eli/abeth  he  fell  down  and 
brol^c  his  h'g  in  two  piac'S  aiul  wa^  lame  until  he  died  about  \'i?2.  He  had  a  son 
Pichard  who  was  bred  to  the  hiw,  and  of  eminence  as  In;  was  counsellor  of  the  Siationer's 

FHOM    Il.VXS.Vl'.n's    TYi'.)(',i;.\IMlI.\. 

fCleliard  (Jraftoit  was  classically  edacatod  and  ;i,-,  shown  by  hi<  wiitiin^^s  mii<r  have 
itnderstocnl   the  languages.      "  His  (U-iginal   lettm-s,"  .-,a.vs  Hansard  "to  Ai(dibislioi)  ('ran- 



iiicr'tind  I-onl  Cruinui-ll  sli()\v  tliut  lie  wns  ciicoii  raLT'''!  I'.v  ;mk1  iiilmittr:!  to  tlio  (•()iivers!i- 
tiiiii  (if  till'  iiiiliiJiiN'  und  ^Mi'in  nu'ii  ot  his  time.  llr  lu.iy  li.-nc  h.Tii  in  cni'ly  ]\\\-  ;i  ^ri-occr 
hut  was  i,ri>I)aMy  lircd  a  |iii,itcr.  IIl'  |iuljlislif.l  \\\:-  S,'w  'I'c  laiii'-iit  in  ]~)'>i.  Prcvinus 
to  ]'hil  lu'  li '.•.•(■!:  in  .\iit\virji,  \vhc;f  lie  pi-liiti'd  'i'sinlai's  New  Tc-taiiM-nt  ami  artcrwai  ds 
his  Bihir;  rrvix'd  and  run  rri.-d  liy  Myk-s  Covridalc  (iiat'tou  and  WliitcoliurcU  cun- 
linr.i'([in  iKU'liMTshiji  and  in  fri^'iidslup  for  many  }  cai's.  'J'hcif  iianio.-.  arc  snnirtiine-; 
found  si_']i;iratt  !y  in  the  same  ((lliioii  cA  \)i_<'>ks.  \\  hiii  so  many  hcarinj,'-  (irafton's  name 
had  ht'fu  juinted  llie  luum-  was  taktui  out  and  that  oi  \\  iiitccliundi  inserted  in  the  sanif 

In  London  lu'  lived  in  a  \n\.vt  of  a  dissolved  jiousoid'  (irey  I'^riars,  afterwni-ds  ei'mited 
by  Kdsvard  \'l  lor  a  U(-j)iUil,  called  Christ's  }lo:-i«ital  for  the  r^Iaiutenaiu-e  and  J-'dn.ea- 
tion  of  Orphan^.  He  is  believed  to  hi-  the  s:inie  IJiidutvd  ( iraftou  \'.  ho  was  nuun.  of 
I'arlianicnt  for  the  eity  id'  London  L")o:; -f  and  aucaiu  in  ir),")!L7,  and  foi-  the'  city  of 
Coventry,  W'arwiedcshire,  in  lot;:'  and  loUO. 

"  The  ek'.^atit  ih'vii-e  of  fli'diard  ffratli.ui,  Iv-ij  /'  says  Hansard,  whose  Tvj>oL;-r.;i)hia 
contains  an  .■n,>_Tavinu'  of  it  (and  alsi;)  the  device  id'  l.'ii  hard  Tottle,  Hand  and  StaiM,  "  was 
a  tun  or  baire!  with,  a  tree  e  r,)\\in:i;  out  of  the  buny  hole.  .Motto  fi'oni  the  1st  l''.|)istle  of 
Jame.s,  '21st  v..  ha,s  a  (|Uaint  idlusion  to  his  nam.e;  ••  Si/srij),_f,  insljnn,  ]','rbi//i, .'' 
(lfec(five  the  engrafted  word.)  This  jday  upon  lii^  name  was  not  coniined  to  jiini-elf, 
and  not  so  complinientaiy  in  the  instance  of  John  Stow,  a  rival  antiquary,  at  \vhosi' 
works  (Ttafton  >neereil  as  "  the  menicu-ies  of  sii)>ei>iiiious  foul^da.tiou^^.  labh-.,  and  lyes, 
foolishly  .t^t'/ri  (-7  to^^.-ther."  to  wduch  Sto\v  retorieti  of  the  woHcs  i.if  Urafton.  as  '•the 
rattling  of  enipty  /nifin-s  and  fruitle.-s.s  Gri'_rf\,'^  of  .Moiuas  oiy.-.pring." 

Fj)\VAKTj  ^\'ilITl•.(■l[^lJC^I  ((iiafton's  jiartnej)  ni,  thr-  wid.  rd'  Archbislmi)  CrannuT. 
Slie  was  (.'ranniii'--  Od  svite,  IJie  tirsl  being  "  Jilacii  .loanna."  When  L'rannier  'isas 
ambassador  in  (ierniany  lie  became  attaclicd  tw  the  niece  (.f  the  <  luiin-nt  (bn-nuui  scholar 
UBid  author,  "  O.-'-i and '.•!■."  iioti  dr  plmnr  fiu'  Anilrew  H.oMennui.  Her  name  wa.s  Margar;t, 
and  when  mariled  to  t'ranmer  ^v:'.s  17  years  of  aL:e.  and  he  \vas  \\\.  She  is  ilescribed 
as  liaving  luighi  (-yes,  a  ])retty  umurli  and  a  ^weet  tempej-.  Slnj  hail  an  Al/oey  inXotts, 
wh.ich  iuul  l>ee.i  graute.l  to  Cranmer  by  Henrs   \'\\\. 

Mn.Ks  Co\t:Ki>A).E,  b.  in  Yorl;shire,  14s7,  wns  alnumer  to  Queen  (.'atharine  Parr, 
-ai\d  delivere.l  a  d.isi'our.-u  at  her  funeral,  L")dS.  He  becaiue  bishop  of  Exeter,  Apiil  14, 
lool,  aiul  d.  lOtjy. 


In  the  Sth  century  Bede  tian<I,ited  the  whole  ]'i!.]e  into  S.ixon.  Portions  of  ih-,- 
Scrijitures  liad  beeti  jireviously  translated  at  vaiious  times.  '1  he  J'ojies  birbid  tlio  read- 
ing of  these  translations,  and  iit  the  14th  century  they  had  become  uninttdlieilde  to  the 
common  p.'oiile  by  reason  of  t  hani^e  in  the  langua^'e. 

\\  icidifl  translateii  the  wlu)le  Bible-  from  f.arin  CiC|)ies,  not  being  acouaiiued  with 
tlie  origin;!],  Heluew  and  fireek.  In  l-:il>ij  a  bill  was  brought  in  House  of  Lonls  to  stip- 
pres>  it.  In  14bs  A  Arundid  decreed  deatli  tor  any  translation,  and 
se\  .-.uflered  accordin.gly.  Oaxtou  bee-an  to  print  in  I'.nglain!  with  movaJde  Uietaliic 
types  in  1474.  Tinu' of  Henry  ^■  11 1.  William  'i  yndal  tr;in>hiied  the  New  Tesranienl 
from  the  original  Greek  iitto  En,edish,  wliich  was  ]u-inted  at  Hamburg  or  Antwerj)  about 
L")'2(l;  this  \\as  first  printed  edition  of  any  ])ait  of  the  H,4y  Seriptin'cs  in  tlie  Eni^lish 
language.  'i'he  impression  was  sejit  over  to  ICn-land.  and  eagei  ly  s,,uirl)f  and  read  bv 
the  people,  bnt  excited  alarms  in  the  Kouiish  (diureh.  and  Sir  Tinunas  Miu-e  and  'i'onsni.i. 
bi'^hop  of  Loudon,  cau-ed  all  copies  to  he  liurued  at  St.  P.auTs  ('|■o^s.  In  the  meantime 
Tyndal  with  .'diles  L'oveid;de  ti  an-lafed  and  prddisjied  in  p-jdU  a  ])ari  of  tju^  Ohl  Tota- 
mejii  witli  rellertious  (Ui  the  English  clergy  and  l>i>hops,  and  the  same  v(\ii'  a  more 
correct  transhition  of  the  Xew  Testumeut.  He  was  .soon,  and  imprisoned  liv  liie 
Emperor  th.rougli  the  intiiu'nce  of  Henry  ^'111  aiui  liis  udnisters,  and  in  lo'Jii  put  to  deatli 
at  \illepont  I'.ear  Brus._^el^,  l>y  decree  of  tin- Ass.endi;y  at  Auu'djurg.  In  p-jdij  (Lm,!  e-e  .Io\  e 
published  ])art.s  of  the  (lid  4'e.-,tament.  In  bj;!,";  Miles  Covci-dale  ]i'"ii)li~.hed  in  foli.i  t!ie  iii'st 
Engiish  transh,!ti(.n  of  ilu-  uhole  Ibilde,  probably  printed  at  Xuri.-li.  This. was  jolloued  in 
\7t-\'i  hy  the'  .Matthe\\'^  liiMe.  piie.ted  abroad.  a"nd  in  lo;;!!  ire  -'d'iie  (ireat  Bilde,"  i>rinte<l 
iiL  London  by  liiatimmV  WduteelmrLli.  (d'  wlTu-h  --everal  were  i>rinle<i,  particu- 
larly one  ill  l.'lii,  f(U-  vv-li!(-h  Cranmer  wrote  a.  i>reface.  heiu-e  (-ailed  Cr:ininer's  I'ilde.  In 
L")l(;  Heuiy  \'Ill  j./ohibite  I  the  reading  of  WdcklilVs.  'iyndars  and  C:iverdi;.h  's.  or  any 
otiier  not  by  Parbaiui-nt.  In  io")7-i;_'  :;  i;i;.!i.  \,.i-,  pu  iill^ii.-ii  in  t.o-m.-;  a  h'v 
refugees  from  Enghiiui,  called  the  (b-neva  lulile.  'idus  haa  ( 'al  vatii.-^iie  notes,  and  was 
tlierefore  the  favorite   witii  tlie  ibirltans.       In    LltiS   a  new   translation    was   made    bv   a 

3 'J 


coi!iinis5;ioii  (TiMsistini;-  of  lil'ti'cn  jn-rsoii-;,  of  wlimii  ci^'ht  wci>"  l)islu)])S,  liencc  callt'd  lliir 
Bislioj)^'  Uililr.  Til."  jii'^sfiit  ^I'lsiDU.  rcvisci  in  <<ui-  day  \>y  n  foinniissiou  cDinpu^ril  of 
the  must  cininriit  srli.ilnrs  ami  iliviin's  of  rlic  Knirlisli  s)»-alciiii;-  racf,  %vas  Ix'g-iiii  hy 
autho:-ity  of  Ivmn- Jaiuo,  l(iO"i ,  and  iiuiilishi'ij  Kill. 


Tlie  'J'otliill  Aims  has  rin  motto.  \\'itli  a  liillcsliidy,  lidwrvi'v,  one  mii^lit  heih-vis'-d  . 
The  motto  of  l']nu-lKli  families  are  to  a  Inr^i'  cxti-iit  a  i)lay  upon  tlicii'  luunos;  siicli  as 
tliat  of  lio].f.  M//  /i,ij>,  /.v  //,,(  lirih'.-fi).  llomaii,  7  inii  n.  nntu.  W  akr,  li',//,'/,  mal  jin'U. 
A  fow  consist  of  a  sin^lf  coinnion  wor.l,  jii'iliajis  on  thr  iirini-i]ilc  tlii't  a  to  tlic  wise 
is  enou:;li.  As  that  of  St.  \'inri'nt,  I'l/nx:  of  (ii'ttino-,  '/V// ;  of  Jlorno,  Tr'ie.  Oth'-is 
refer  to  some  exent  n;-  achievi-nniU  in  wliieh  an  ama-stor  tnok  part,  a-  that  of  J-'\miaitli, 
Al'jirr-s:  of  \V(KU>house,  Aguiciart.  Many  aini  of  a  ri-li!;ioiis  cliaiaeter.  as  tliat  of 
Chetwoile,  ClirlM  mij  Croir,,;  of  Dalhonsio"  P r<vi  nxd  hihur  :  of  Mill,  Jldp,  <)  (,'oif. 
The  luotio  of  Kay  seiMiis  to  he  merely  an  efl'ort  at  alliteration,  /I'vy*  //(■nr  oirn  Kin  h'ind. 
though  ])iissiMy  the  scut inieut  may  have  some  allinity  \\'it}i  t lie  i't\  mnNrvy  or  nss(jr-ia1ions  of 
the  name.  'I'lie  motto  of  (iraer  seems  \  anntin^-,  luit  is  not  on  that  aci-ount  a  very  rare 
exueptiou,  (Ju r  <]et  ds  (I'Ji'i-i:  :'-iJh_  vnr  lu'int'.  ^'onic  n!  the  iiuist  aneicnt  and  noMe  names 
aj^sociated  with  the  hiule-bt  diirnilies  aie  tin'  mo~-t  unassnnrm<r.  As  that  (d'  tin-  Ivirl  o{ 
AViirwiek  and  the  ].)uke  of  Argyle,  /  .^trdri-,'  nill  tin.-:.,-  tJiinijs  hiif  oirji,  y:\\\w\\\\g  to  tin' 
Loners  of  ancestry),  or  that  (d"  the  Dnke  (d'  Ihiiadeui;!!,  I  lore. 

A.  ihie  mottu  Lo-rne  hy  h'aie.',  I',arl  of  \'\"estmoreland — as  usual,  a  ]niu — im]dies  a 
lofty  ideal  of  the  dignity  of  life  an<l  a  ( orrespoiiding  ]>rei-fpl.  ilrin'j  ir'thlhrj  hii.-<i  to 
(fane)  tlw  Ti'iuple.  The  eonstant  itcratioi!  id'  hueh  a  mott(j  in  the  family  ealiing  it  iheir 
own,  oiiglit  to  have  an  enuohling  inilmnec. 

In  the  suhjoined  list  ilie  Latin  motto  i<  fidlov.ed  hy  the  Englisli  iraushition  and 
that  l)y  the  family  naitie,  and  title  of  ihehi-arer.  Ah!)i't'viations. — 15t.  foi-  15ai'onet ;  H. , 
Earon;  \ .,  ViFeonnt  ;  E..  Earl:  M.,  Mari|uis;  !>,,  I'ukr-. 

A  Home.   A  Honu':  A  Homo.  — Eumk.  E. 

A  Cuspiue  Cor«")rta.     My  (.'rown  hy  the  s'pear.-  MinDi.KTON,  V. 

Aecendit  Cantu.     lie  animates  h_\  Crosvrdng — Cockiu  kn,  V>\. 
.Concordant  nomine  favta.      <.)ar  deeds  ai;'ree  with  onr  name. — (ii;ACi:,  Y>i. 

Aquanimitu.     Justly. — SrKFii:r,l),    Iv 

Agineourt. — We>DF.n()isr.,   B. 

Aides  Oieu,— ihdp.  (t  i;,..d.      Mu.i,,  Bt. 

Algiers. — EXMuLTH.  V. 

AlhduJah  — 'J'uiTi:,  Bl, 

Amo.     1  love. — Bi'eeni.iTiii,  D. 

Ardua  petit  Avdea.     The  heron  ^eeks  high  ]dae'-s.— Ilijnix,  Bt. 

At  Spe.s  uiin  fraetn.     Ihit  my  Ijope  i.s  not  Isrokeu. — ll(.>i'ivrr>w\.  E.;  Hope,  Bt. 

Aviso  la  tin.      Consider  t]:e  end.  —,  M. 

]jis  vivj  tiiti  hene.      He  lives  twice  \\\\(i  lives  \\ell.      Br.i.  ii  r;i;,  I3t. 

Cassis  tutissinui  vinns.  \'irtue  is  the  safest  hidmet. — l'j[()r.Mu.\].)f:LKY,  M. ;  Db'.L.^- 
jMI.KK,  E. 

Cave  Adsum.      Beware,  ]  am  present. — J.^KntNK.  Bt, 

Cavend(.)  tutus.  Safe,  hy  lieing  eftiitious. — (/.\^  KXDisir,  [).;  Wat KRt'AKK,  B.  Ihir- 
lington,  hh 

Chi'  Sara.  Sara.     "What   will  he  will  he. — Bp:i,koj:ij,  ]>, :  Bi'sskm.,  Bt, 

Cifdis  Ex[doratis.     The  lieavens  having  heen  explored. — Jh;i;senKL,  iU. 

Comjuieseo.  ,  1  am  at  rest. — HjiADKinri'  M.;  Mi:tiali- i:,  B. 

Consilio  non  imjietu.      By  couiistd.  not  force.  —  A(;.niwv,  Bt. 

Corda  Senita  pando.      1  lay  open  locked  In^aris.  —  hoc  Kii  ai;'I'.  Bt. 

Corona  mea  Christus.      Christ  my  eroAMi.-— Ciiktmudi.-,    lU. 

Deo,  rcgi  patri;e.      To  (htd,  my  King  and  counti-y. — Ei'iVKUsii.vM,   B. 

J'ro  rege,  lege,  grege.  Eor  the  King,  the  law,  the  people. — BLsr^oitofGH,  E. ; 
Biioi'OuAX,  B. ;  ik).\-oM;v.  B. 

Eare  f;ie.     Speak,  do  (/.  /-. ,  di,  what  yon  sayi, — Eaikfax,  B.,  Bt. 

E(dis  demulcta  mitis.      The  stioke<l  cat  is  in eek, — .M<  I'll  ::i;s(.).n"  (i  it.v.x'i'.  Jit. 

Eight. — i?<.)ssi,v.\,  Iv  ;  Sixri, All;,  I't, 

Eirm.  -  Iliiii),  P<t.:SrAii;,  \\.\  I'.vt.hv.mi'ij:.  Bt. :,  i^.;  Hay  DAi.uv.Mri.K,  lU.: 
ITaami.ton.  lU. 

(I'odfried. — (Join  i;i;v.   Bt. 

llon;o  lioinini  hqius,      Man  is  a  wolf  tov  ard  his  fellt.w':i,KY,  }5t. 

Homo  sum.      I  um  a  man. —  Hdmax,  \'>i. 



Kyiid  l;_vn  kuuwt-  Ivcpyio.      Kri'i>  your  own  ]<in  Iriiitl.  —  Kay,  lit. 

]ji\  ^'(•ltU  est    lu  PCUU'  llobil>v^.>'.        \'iniU'  i^  tin-  v,il'-  lloliirit_V.--(iriM"'>Ul),  Iv 

>»"e  to  (juji'sivt'cis  exira.  Svlc  ;\  kiio\\icili:<'  uf  lliysi'lf  noi  1  ryond  iliysclf. — 
11k  WET,    15t. 

Ne  vile  f;\iic.     I>rii!i;  !\otliiii<r  liasc  to  (r;iiir)  the  'J'cin|)i,'. — \\i>.TMfnti;i,AM),  E. 

Nil  Mapnuui  tiisi  lintiuin.      Is'otliiiiL;-  i-;  grcut  unlr.-is  ii:ip(nl.-"-(.'(H)i'i:i;.  15i. 

Nobllitiitis,  \'iiius  lion  Sii'inina.  ( 'li;uacti'r,  \'ii'tuc  nut  liucni^t.'  i.>  ilie  mark  of 
nobility.  —  \\'KsT.Mi.\sr];i;,  M. 

Oru  vi  labora.     Pray  aii<l  labor.  —  D  vi  iimsii;,  Iv 

Ovfv,  fork  oviM'. — ''on VN<;ii A>r,  M.;  Ct  x.nincii am,  I?t.;I)iCK,  Va. 

Fau))i'r  noa  iit  spe.      .Not  poor  in  lio]ii-.  — i\K)i;i:,  Hi. 

Per  nrbi'in.      'riivonv-bont,  thr  i^'lr.ltc, — C!t,av,    i-5t. 

Proviib'. — Stkwakt.  lU. 

Qaoil  dixi,  ili.xi.  —  What  1  luivc  said  I  lia\('  said.  —  Dixii:,  Bt. 

Qnod  sursuui  voln  \idt-rf.      I  wish  to  src  wliat    is  above- -Dt/KKAVKN,  E. 

Sfciis  rivos  ".upiarmn.      ]>\   ri\  I'r.-^  of  w  at'T. — PiN'Kiis,  Bi.. 

Tlir()ui,'li . — .'iiiKia  (>i!.x,  .M. ;  J1a.mii,to:\,  1). ;  IJamij.tdx.  P,t. 

'i'lms. — St.  Vinckxt,  A'. 

■I'mix  —  Uo.ME.  Pt. 

Try.— tii/iifixc,  l'.i.:PAi;i;Ki;,  ]V„. 

Tuebor.      1  \\-ill  di't'-nd, — 'r«u:inx(;'io\,  A'.;  Srr.Ai  fokl).  ]^. 

l^bi  lilii'rtas,  il)i  iialria.     Wiicri'  tbi-rr  is  Pb-ny  then-  l)r  my  couiitiy, — Paii.i.ii:,  ]>i. 

Vng  toy,  unti'  roy.  luii,'  loy.  One  faith,  one  kiu^-,  onr  law. — C'la>'KK'a  UUK,  31.; 
Prc'.cK.  P.t. ;  lb;Ib  i;(.(),  lU. 

Pt  ]ii'isiiii.      'I'hai    I  may  bi.' of  nsf. — Foi.KV,  ]b. 

Ut  prosim  aliis.      That  I  may  be' of  use  to  others. — Ji';x\rx(;s,  Pl. 

'Ver  lion  smipt-r  viiit.      ^'('rllon  al\N'a\s  flourishes. — ^'Kl;^■o^^  ]5t. 

A'igila  ot  Old.      \\'atcli  and  ]i!ay. — W'aki.,  Lb. 

Mx  ca  nosti-a  vo.'o;  Orii.1  ^fct'('/',  xiii.  PJd.  1  scareecall  these  thiii^rs  niy  o\vii(alb;d- 
iug  to  the  honors  of  ancestry.- — Ai;(i^  i,K,  P.;  W.vjuvjck,  E. 

I.rXKAI.    .VM)    DTKECT. 

In  Enu'huid  tin' law  determines  the  sni-cessiou  of  titles  and  of  infe.^tnfe  real  in'operty 
^ccordiiil,'  to  a  plan  oria-inall^  ile.-iunel  to  maintain  and  ]iei[)eruale  the  feudal  sy,-.tem. 
'I'liis  ])la'.i  eivcs  ]'reee(h-nre  to  the  mab'  hue  and  to  the  eldest  I'ramdi  (>(  that  line,  llenee 
called  the  dire;;t  line.  In  this  e.)untry  the  law  rec  iL;-n!/,  -s  no  distinr'lion  amou:';  heirs  in 
iiitcsirtcy.  Male  an;l  fen>ale,  yonii-;;-  and  ohl,  sltare  aUke.  The  terms  ••lineal"  a.nd 
"  direct,"  so  oft(.'n  used  by  \\riTei-s  In  this  e-juntry  to  ei\e  (-mph.;.;ls  to  a  statejuent  of 
pedigree  or  descent,  have  no  aiiplieation.  and  are  (dijeetionalde  as  inv^dving  a  fallars . 
All  dcseent  irenealogieally  is  in  lim-s  or  lineal.  Anil  it  is  eipially  eh-ar  that  all  descent 
is  direct:  thouudi  the  term  n^  frequently  irsed  ini[)lies  tb.e  ahsiirdity  tliat  the  child  is  not 
Uirectiv  th  .-ceiided  from  the  mother. 

C'OI.l .  ATKi:  .\  1,    I  )l-:s(-  F.XT. 

'i'his  ^traiLge  combination  (>(  terms  i-;  s.vmetimes  used  to  ex]iress  tin-  iden.  of  collateral 
Telationship;  thus:  John  Smith  is  Cfdlaterally  descended  fi-om  Henry  Smith,  said  Ib'tiry 
being-  lirotberof  .J(din  Smitli's  aneesior.  Theesseniia!  con.liiiou  of  descent  is  ]iarentage, 
therefore  John  Smith  is  not  de-cended  C(dlati'rally  or  any  other  way  from  TIenry.  but  is 
collaterally  related  to  him  by  doceat  from  his  brother.  In  ot'iier  word.--,  roHafcj-ul. 
descent  is  a  coritradiciion  in  terms. 

AVKltAfil-:    lHJitATlOX    OK    llf.MAX    J.IKi:.       Sl'(  (KSSIOX    OF    UEXEIIATIOXS. 

The  two  ideas  ex}»ressed  in  the  above  beading  an- sone-pimes  confmimled  or  reg-arded 
{IS  one  an-l  the  same.  They  are  essentially  diltereiu.  Tie-  average  duration  of  human 
life  dep<-nds  on.  or  is  gr.'atly  alTec'ed  by  conditi(jns  and  surroundings — is  longer  o;- 
shorter  at  different  j.-iioii-,  and  iix-aiitie.-  in  proportion  as  these  aie  more  or  less  favor- 
able to  healih  and  Ion;;-;  vity.  San.ita.ry  iinpi  ovenients  in  cities,  the  draina;,^'  of  marshes 
aiid  wet  h-,;aP,  the  inerea-e  of  comforts  and  the  li;;hleniiur  of  labor  ami/n;,'-  the  poorm 
ihts^es  are  among  the  physical  cau.-^es  v.  hii-h  ha\e  ].i,,longi  il  the  aveiai.''(  teim  (,f  hunnin 
lib-  from  twenty  years  in  The  >ixtee)Uh  ceninry  to  bpity  y.ars  in  the  niueteenih.  'i'lu; 
W(n'k  o!'  amelioration  has  Imt  jtisr  liegnn.  With  the  )i-ogres,-.  of  ituprovenn  iif,  t!ie 
<b:nii'i;tien  of  u  U  I  lee,  ^^a  !  y ,  iiliei,:;;il  aui  lu  iscli  le;  oe.s  taxation,  the  eijuali/atiou  (d'  tiie 
jml/lie  Imnlens,  the  faii  or  just  distribution  of  the  jiroeieds  of  indu-.ii-y,  and  theint<-l- 
lectual   and    m(.>ral    ail vancement    that    is  imule   possllih'  by  and  wdl   k,-ep   )i:ice  with  the 



ii'iatt'riiil  i>rogrr-ss  of  society,    the   avetnge  (if  lifr,    it   is  easily   coii'-civjihlr-,  will    iiifn  ase 
to  lifiy,  sixty  or  si-vi'iity  years. 

'Hk'  siicrcbsiou  oi  i.'.eiHM-iiti()ns,  on  Ihe  other  hand,  (Icpeuds  on  a  nntu.ral  hnv  of 
dcvdoi'iiitT.t  and  the  duration  of  tlio  child  bearing-  ]>erio(l  in  woman,  which,  under 
similar  social  and  climatic  conditions  aii^  always  ahout  tlie  same.  'J'his  iieriod,  in  the 
Tcmjievale.  Zories,  i-  ])!  aclically  in(dnd(  d  helwi  en  the  a,i.'-es  of  is  and  4-J,  ihr  ave'rai'c  of 
wiiich  is  oO.  This  apjUdximaies  very  chi-i  ly  to  the  aveiai^e  interval  of  suceessi(,i\ 
between  ].>arent  and  (diihl.  of  several  actual  iM'dig-iees  coni|uIed  from  Kn<;lish  ^-rni  a lo  ■■- 
jcal  works  of  the  In  st  anth.iiiiy  and  fnni  juililic  u  cords  in  this  couiitiy  coverinu- a  ])eriod 
of  thirteen  centuries  and  including  ovi'r  loity  generations  in  un!)!-e];e"n  lini-. 

'i'lie  fact  is  not  a  meie  matter  of  curit.sity  or  personal  inti-iesi,  hut  i^  a  veiv  iiiiiuM-- 
tant  aid  and  of  great  use  in  chinnological  and  historical  reseau  lies.  \\"e  theiefore  oSTer 
no  ajiok'gy  for  tlie  following  lists.  If  we  are  accused  of  vanity  oj-  ])iide  in  thus  connect- 
ing our.^elves  with  the  gnat  of  former  times  we  must  hear  the  imi'Utation  (luider  ])rntest) 
as  best  we  may.  con.-<-ious  thiU  tei;.-.  of  th(U!>aiid-:  in  this  couiurv,  lo  sav  nothin^'-  of  the 
Old  World,  must  share  with  us  the  shame  and  iU.-:;jact'  sucli  as  it  is.  .At  the  same  tinu' 
we  oiVer  in  mitigation  that  we  have  only  lit  h.-ou's  choi'-e  in  the  nmifer.  \\"e  must  ti'ac.^ 
to  Charlemagne  or  to  nobody,  for  tlieie  aic  no  other  authentic  J-jin  peau  jn-digrees  v>ith- 
out  liiatus  or  break  reaching  back  -o  far  as  tll.)^(■  that  lead  back  to  liim. 

'1  he  genealogy  of  the  descendants- <if  Ciuiiicius  gui  s  back  m^-iilv  twentv-five  cen- 
turies, and  incUnh's  fi'oni  seveniy-five  to  eighty  gtur^rations.  but  we  liave  nri"|):i''!  '"■  h.t 
in  thai.  'I'he  n:an  who  of  all  otheis  is  ]ea.-.t  likely  to  jiride  him-ei  i  on  anv  aic-cstral 
lirie  is  the  .!;encal(gist,  for  he  ci-n-ldcrs  more  than  otliers  "how  )i;anv  jiroii-enitors 
everyone  of   us   has  ha.d — lich.  ihuu-,  kings,  slaves,    lircek  and  barbarian."' 

'l.      Tepin  the  (dd.  b.  ali.iu,  .■■(,0;   Mayor  of  Anstiasia:   d.  ii'A'.) . 

2.      D<;du,  d.  (ill);  ui.  Anchuses,  dau."  of  St.   Ariudd,  lii-^ho];  of  V.V/.. 

o.      Pepin  d'  I!ui-sfal,  J)uke  (d'  Austiasia.  d.  711;   m.  l-^Iji^idi'. 

-1.  Cluub-s  "\iaro-l,  ]>uk..'  of  i-'janl;s,  s:;ved  Ikirope  fn.-m  Aioha.nn-danism  ai  battle  of 
T(uu's:  d.  T-II;   in.    Hotrudc. 

5.  I'epiu  the  SiuM-t,  Jvint;-  of  Trance,  d.  TG^!,  a.  o;.];  m.  Bei-iha  "  with  tlie  lonir  foot, 
an  (-xceUent  woman,'   ilau.  of  Canbert.  ('ount  of  hanii;  d.  7^H. 

<k  Charlemagne,  b.  7bJ:  d.  Sid;  m.  (Ha  dau.  (d'  i)e;-iderius,  Iving  c.f  kombaidv. 
who  had  no  ehil.  and  U'as  divorced;  (2)  Midix-Mide  ;,f  Swabia.  li.-rtha,  a  sis.  of  ('iKU'Ie- 
magne,  m.  Milo,  Count  of  Angici's  and  liad  Roland,  wiio  ^^-a-;  slain  at    IbincesN  alles. 

7.  Lewis  Debonaire.  ]:mper,,i- of  tl,e  We-i,  d.  Sid;  m.  Juditli  '-the  fair,"  dau.  of 
\Vaiidu!s,  Count  of  Altorf  in  SwiT/.erland,  \\]\u  d.  x4'.i. 

!>.  Chrrles  th.e  Bald,  Kmp<Tor  of  tlie  \\'est.  b.  S2;];  d.-  STS;  m.  ]:rmentrude.  dau  of 
Count  of  i)iitans;  d,  bOU. 

t).  I'liucKss  Juditli,  m.  (h  Atlndwolf,  King  of  England,  who  d.  S.""/;;  Ids  C'd  wf. 
He  was  Unhi-r  of  Alfred  tlu'  (ireat  by  his  fu'st' wf.  (Jsinirij-,  desc.  from  a' neid.ew  of 
Ccrdic.      Stie  m.  {2)  Baldwin,,  Count  of  riati'lers,  who  d.  yT'.C 

Ice  Jxddwin  il,  Count  (if  Flanders;  m.  S.n:J,  Elfrida,  dau.  oi  Alfred  the  (ii.-at 
She  d.  fiifl. 

11.  Aruolf,  Count  of  Fhuiders,  d.  OGo,  a.  7.0;  ui.  Aiisa,  dau.  of  Herbert,  Count  of 
Vermandois.     wShe  d.  ydO. 

12.  Baldwin  IH,  Count  i<i  Flandeis  and  Artoris;  d.  9^^;  m.  UGo.  Bosalie,  dait.  of 
Beringanus  H,  ]\ing  of  Italy. 

lo.  Baldwin  I\',  "  Cairbeard;"  d.  lO.JG;  m.  (H  Ehanor,  dau.  of  Bichard,  JJuke  of 
Noimandy;  (2)  Olgina,  dau.  of  Ere(h/i-lc  I,  c'ount  oJ'  Luxendmra-.      Sic  d.  B':;s. 

l-[.  Baldwin  \',  <_'.  ,,r  V. ;  d.  1(J:J7;  m.  102G,,  dau.  of  Bobert  H,  King  of  France. 
g'.;:nd  dau.  (d'  Hugh  CaO'-t. 

lo.  ]vlaud.  m.  iKGii,  William  of  the  Con. post  the  same  vrar  he  waui  the  battle  of 
Hrstiuirs,  b.  a;  FalaI.e.  K--^:,;  d.  ipsP;  sou  of  i;,d,eit,  Fuke  cd'  X.u-nandv,  sometini -s 
callid  "  the  Magniiii cut."  and  -ometimes   ■■  lb, Ik  it  the  T),'vi!.'" 

IG.      (iundied,  d.   !(>.•):  m.   William  de  Warren,  b'.mrl  of  Surrev. 

17.^  \\'iliiam  de  Wanen,  i:arl  id' Sunvy.  i\.  May  1!.  ll.";-:  n'l.  E!i.'.ab.  th,  dau.  of 
Hugo  th.'  Cr.-at,  (.'ounr  id'  V-u  mamlois.  s'be  \^  as  wid.  of  ];,,!,;.:  t,  I 'ount.  oi'  .N[c!  b'nto, 
who  d.  11  b'-:.  Hugo  of  \  fin.andois  was  geiicrali-^imo  nf  tlie  li.^r  Ci  u>ade,  BjHii.  lb', 
v.a-;  bo-Ju-r  to  Bhii;j.  I,  K  ini;- of  Fram-e,'and  m  m  of  Heniy  I.  l\in--  of  Fiai'ice,  and  hi.s 
wi.  Ann.'  (d'llussia.  grai:  I  dau.  of  IJoma.nus  II.  E;ni)c.'(.;-  of  i '.uistautiuople. 

IS.      Begiuald  de  \\'arr(n  m.  .Mice. 

I'.l.  Adda  de  Wa'ricii,  m.  lln.yv,  V.-.v^l  .  d'  Huutiuuioi.,  w  ho  .L  IJ.VJ,  .-^ou  id"  J*.avid, 
King  of  Sc(,ilaud,  by  whom  she  had  .Maicobu  1  \'  and,  WiMiam  the  l.!o,i.  Kin-  of  Scot- 
land, David,  wdio  m.  Mauil,  chiu.  of  Hugh  Kevelioc,  Jiarl  of  Chester,  and  .Margaret. 



20.  ]M!irt,^:ircl,  nr  (1)  roinin  do  I'rtit.  wlio  d.  iui(i  slic  iii.  (01  nuiiqdircv  nulmii,  Kar! 
•of  Hereford. 

-n.     Tl.'iirv  I?  )linn.  d.  lOOO;  m.  ^riuul  Fit/  Pi.-rs. 

2-2.  Il;iuii>lirey  iM.liiin,  d.  1-375;  Lor,!  ]{\'j;]i  ('onstahlf  of  iMii^laud;  gud-fatlu>r  uf 
Edward  1;  in.  Maud  of  ]-]ii. 

2:].     Ali<-.'  \l>hun.  m.  Kntri-r  Toiii. 

2[.  Wu-f  df  Tniii,  111.(1)  J'ho'.n'As  Lcyl)urn;  CJ)  <iiiy  UiMucliaiiip,  Earl  of  Wai-\vick, 
1x1272;  d.  Aug-.  12.  lol.j.  Hi' si^rvod  in  Si-niland  and  i-iM>-ivod  a  vast  domain  that  had 
bcdon^n-d  to  t)i<-  lu'irs  of  ISaliol  in  the  hisliuprir!;  of  i)iuliani.  lit;  was  (diari^t'd  in- 
Edward  1  not  tn  Irt  r>-vi-  (iavotMi  ruturn  in  En;;-ian.l;  (Jave-rnu  wa  ;  killrd.  (She  m.  {'■]] 
Wnx.  (!>■]  Ziiii(di.)  (iuy  built  an  addition  to  the  famous  W'arwicl.  (.'astl".  His  son, 
'I'homas  Ik'au'/liamii,  was  gt.  g.  fatliir  lo  Aniu'  Hi'auchaiii]!,  \\]\n  \n.  Kicliai  d  Nevilh-, 
Earl  of  Wai  wiclv,  called  the  King  Miiker,  whos(;  dau.  Anne  m.  1]  iward,  Prince  r>f  Wales, 
.and  (2)  Hleliard  111;  another  dau.,  Isabel,  m.  d'eorge,  Ibilco  of  e'lareiice,  bro.  of  Edward 
IV  and  Kiehard  III. 

2o.  Matilda  Pe  uK-liami),  b.  about  1:100.  Ibu-  brother,  Thoina-  I'rMUchamp,  com- 
nnanded  the  van  iit  Cie.^sy;   m.  UeiTrey  de  Say. 

2'i.  Adonia  lie  Say,  !).  abou'  P^oJ,  in.  Sir  .Toliu  Clinton,  kniglit,  b.  I;j2ri;  d.  1:197; 
Gov.  (,r  Warwick  Cast'le. 

27.  Margaret  Clinton,  m.  Sir  Baldwin  do  Montfort,  of  the  0th  generation  in  dose, 
from  Hugo  de  .Montfort  and  his  wf.  Addizii,,  of  Pobi.rt,  E.irl  of  Melento,  and  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  lIu^•o,  t'onnt  of  A  erniaiulois,  \vlio-e  hist  husband  was  Win.  de  Warren 
.(No.  17). 

28.  Sir  Wiliam  Montfort.  d.  Dec.  :31,  1-1."'):J;  m.  l-Wl,  Maiu'aret  Pecl.e. 

29.  Sir  l^aldwiii  }.bMitfort,  b.  lllo;  d.  h;.");   m.  .loanna  \'ernMn. 

."!().     Piobi-rt  .Moiitrorl  of  Be-coie,  StalTordshlre  and  .Monksj.ath,  Warwick,  m. 

31.  b:atharine  .Mo'iif'.r:.  m.  Sir  (b-org.-  I'.ooih,  vliod.  lis:'!,  son  of  Si;-  \V)]!iaui 
Tiooth,  (Sheriff  of  fheshire  for  life)  and  his  w  f.  .Maud  Dation,  a  gt.  v-.  dau,  of  Thomas 
])utfon.  \vho  Avon  n'nr,\vn  at  battle  of  Poictoii  in  Piolj.  Seearliele  "  Chivalry,"  iu  Eiic>ic. 
Jirlt.  The  Dmtou  line  is  traced  to  NN'iliiam,  -!lh.  Earl  of  hhi  in  Xormandv,  who  was 
fourtli  in  ih-.-c.  from  T?ollo. 

32.  Sir  William  Booth,  d.  loHl;  in.  Ellen,  dau.  of  Sir.b)],n  Montgi.mery. 

33.-  .lane  Iviioth,  m.  lo21,  Hugh  Duttiur;  (_2)  Sir  Thomas  Ho]  ion!  of'HoPord  in 

31.  fiirothy  Uolford,  ^ha]f■^i^.t,  r  to  Chri.-;topher  Holford,  wliose  dau.  .Mary,  called 
by  King  Jami'S  •■  The  be.-t  ladie  of  Ch"sliire."  m.  Iluuh  Cle'im.ondeb'y  ar,<!  was  mother 
<jf  Uobert,  Ivul  uf  Li'-ifst'-i',  aiul  Hugh,  ancestor  of  .Marquis  Cholmondeh}",  m.  John 
Ernen  of  Bruen  Sta|ili-foril.  Esij.,  in  Ch-'-^hire,  Eim-hiud. 

3.1.  .bdin  Ibaieii,  b.  l.-.tiO;  d.  Pi2.1;  life  j.uMishcd  ItlH);  republished  by  authority  of 
city  (d' Lliesifr,  17!;ii);  rejiublish-'d  in  Anerica..  ls")7;  b_s  2d  wf.  .'vnnc-  Fox.,  had  Oi)ad-ah 
Bruen,    nanieil  in  (diarfer  i")f  ("onn.,  P'.i;!:   b_\  :M  \\\.  .M  r:  r;,>-:i  ret,  batl: 

3ii.  .M:ii\-  lliiieu.  b.  .lane  14,  lfj22;  cameover  witli  her  Ind  f-Lci'o.  01)adiah;  m.  John 
Baldwin  ol  MiU'ord,  <.'onn. 

37.     j;i(diard  B-.ldwin,  ba]..  Dec  30,    BUKJ:  d.    1743;  m.    .\nn ,  b.  lOOC;  d.  172S. 

3S.  Phineas  Baldwin,  bap.  Marcli  3,  1700;  d.  liGl;  nu  1727,  Pebecca,  dau.  of 
Samuel  Baldwin,  b.  171)2;  d.  1700. 

3M.      1-^-eelov  BaMwin,  b,   172.s';  m.  Ca'pt.  Sifphen  Stow. 

40.  William  Stow,  m,  Flizaluth  I'.aldwin,  dau.  of  Amos  and  his  wf.  Sibyl  Baldudii 
and  g.  dau.  id'  jvlward  r.aldv,i;>,  bro.  of  Phineas. 

4.1.     Charlotte  Srowe,  b.  1701;  d.  1S70;  lu.  Fri  Tuttle  [0]. 

42.  (ieo.  Fivd.  Tutile,  b.    1s-j3. 

43.  Frances  Baldwin  Tuttle  b.  isHd;  d.  ls;74. 

From  the  birth  ui  Tin-  first  [.IBL']  to  that  of  the  last  [li^Hi]  imdndes  a 
]ieriod  of  i:'.04  years,  in  all,  fo.-ty-three  >ienruations,  an  averaire  of  a  fraction  over  thirty 
year.s  ;is  tb<  inters-;','  t^'i  -:ucces~ion.  This  i.s  the  me:isure  of  a  lieiit  or  the  rhythn;  of  huma.n 
life  in  lie-  maich  of  the  centuries. 

In  triU-IiiLC  any  lineiore,  lio',ve\er  •ancient  or  illiistrious,  A\-e-re;ich  far  within  tiie 
pah-  of  mo  b-rn  tiisM;-y  tie-  limit  of  iiuihentic  record.  r)..-yond  th:\t  limit  tradition  and 
fabh;  niin^Ii'  with  f;ict  and  be:,ots  iincei-t;;inty ;  as  we  ]u-occrd  the  il;irkn"ss  incr(\ases 
aral  we  revolt  to  (-onjectnre,  until  Uiialiythe  t  hn-ad  is  eni  ire'y  lost  in  the  gi-nei-aliiies 
that  coiupiise  (i;ii-  knowledge  of  the  i-,;niole  ]i:ist. 

A  cuii  nis  ieuii,r<  e,  ;'nd  ;e.  lo  it>  ea  rlier  ]i;ut  ol  late  di-.-ovei-y  (-oiinc(-t..>  (lueen  "\  ic-toria 
wish  Ming  D;ivld  of  .lerus;il.'ni.  4'lii-  firsf  step,  so  to  spe;ik,  is  :in  mmrnioii>  le:ip  of 
iiboul    foitv  i:ener;it!ons   to    Iber    Scoit.      Then    s>-tiiini;-  down  to   detiiil  \-,e   li;i\-e  Fergus- 



mere.  l)()uin;;-ar<l<",  ('uhiwiri.  I'lirain.  Kric.  nh^.a  .-..'io  tij  r.()i)  A.  I>  ,  IJiiulf,  ]v.ic;;(-h,  Hricli, 
Donald,  Knclnlarli,  Kra'-li,  Ali)iM,  K<imctli  McAliiin,  Cnii^laiiliiH'  I[,l\  (•(  S.,  J)nii:ili; 
IV.,  .Malcolm  I,,  i\cniir!li  III.,  Malrolm  11.;  .MiK'iiarh,  Duuraii.  kill.'ii  l,y  .Marbriji,  .Mal- 
fi)l!ii  111.,  .Maiul.  \sl;i>  111.  H.-uiy  I.,  Kin;.',' (if  ^.ll^^  and  so  on.  'I'Ihtc  i.s  no  iitln-rriit  iiviin-ol)- 
abilitN  in  .'^ncli  a  lineage,.:  tliiMe  is  not  a  liunKiu  l/i/ii;,:;' ('ii  tIic  t;l.i!i.  iIku  In-,  mil  a  nim-h 
(jI'Ut  i>.  >liyri-'-;  tin-  wouiliM-  is  in  tlic  <ris.-u\  civ  (jf  iiilt'ijuati^  evidcnc;',  il'  an}'  .such 
c-xists,  to  cntitli'  it  to  ctcilibility  as  to  detail.--. 

All  intercstini;-  ])assa,!j,i-  in  tlie  learned  (iililMni's  ere-at  \vor]<,  ^-ivi's  ns  a  L-linipsc  of  a 
vei'v  lon,<;- line,  iudfcd,  tliouedi  still  sliort  l.y  s.-\t'i'al  ceiitnfie.-,  ol'  tliat  from  tlic 
'I'lie  lirst  part  of  it  begins  \\-ltli  the  Macedonian  Kinp-.s  and  is  slutdo\vy  down  to  Alex- 
andor  tin'  (li'eat  [o5o,  Ix  C.J,  or  to  a  fi'W  of  Ids  imrnediate  predec(\ssors;  and  a-ain  Injisr's 
into  (d^yciirity  and  is  but  a  tradition  down  to  (;<.n>iantine  the  !  fi'eaf,  i-hn|M'ror  of  Jeiine 
and  bnildf-r  (if  Constantinojile  ['■'>■'<(>.  A.IV]  'I'lience  for  abnut  fifteen  generations  it  rests 
on  the  claim  of  the  nu^tlier  of  );a-;il,  Knijieror  of  < 'oii.-^taiitir.ople  SnT,  A.D. 

" 'J'he  ^'enealogyof  I'asil,  the  .M acedoniaii  (if  it  he  not  tlie  siuirious  o!T.-.prin^df 
iiride  and  thith.-ry).  exliilnis  a  ireiiuine  picttiie  of  i lie  icvolmioii  of  tjie  nn)st  ilhi-trious 
familie.^.  'J'he  Arsachle.s,  the  rivals  of  lionu',  I'osse^sed  the  scejjtre  of  tlie  Ivist  near 
lour  humlied  vears;  a'youne-er  bramdi  of  the-  Parthian  Kin^-s  cjntinued  to  reiirn  in 
Armi-nia.and  their  royal  descendants  survived  the  partition  and  servitude  of  that  ancient 
nionandiy.  Two  of  these,  Artabanus  and  (.'hlienes,  escaped  or  retired  tothe  c(nirt  of  Leo 
the  First:  his  honnty  seated  thi-:ii  in  a  safe  and  fiospiiahh.'  exile  in  tlu'  province  uf  .Mac-e- 
donhi;  Adirianople  was  their  tin;il  settlement.  J.)iirinL!:  several  ffeiiei-ations  the}'  main- 
tained the  dii;-nity  of  their  birth,  ami  their  IJomaii  jiatriotisni  rejected  the  tempting-  oilers 
of  the  Persian  and  Arafdan  jiowers,  who  i-ecalled  them  to  their  native  country.  Ikit 
tlieir  K])lemJor  was  insensildy  clouded  liy  time  ami  piiverty,  and  the  fatlier  cd'  Basil  wiis 
reduced  to  a  small  farm,  wliich  he  cultivated  with  iiis  own  liand-;  yer  he  scirned  to  dis- 
i^race  Ih"  blood  of  the  Ar.sacides  fjy  a  [ilebian  alliance:  liis  wife,  a  vidiou-  ,.f  Adrlaaojde, 
was  j)h'ased  to  count  annm-j;  her  ancestors,  the  great  Coristantine;  u!id  their  royal  infant 
was  connected  by  some  dark  alHnity  of  lineage  or  country  svith  the  -Macedonian  Alex- 
ander."'—  tfiJihn/i'.i  Di-ciinc  ithil  F'fll  (if  tiir  R'Hunn  Knipiri-. 

From  Basil  the  line  is  unbioken;  he  d.  s.^fi;  his  s.  Leo  Vll.,  "the  philosopher,"  Em. 
of  Con.  bSli;  d.  S)\i:  m.  I.1OS,  Z^-e. 

Coiistantiuc  VII.,  Em.  of  Con,,  OoD:  d.  9:;:^  m.  Helena.  ' 

Komanns,  II  boy  Iv.n.of  Con.  ,ll.V.i;  d.    W-j\  m.  Theophaiio. 

Ann"  Porjihryou-ena.  ni,  St.  Kadimir  the  (rc-at,,  Dulce  of  hJussia. 

Lladislus,  I),  of  K..  d.  IP."),"),  a.  ?<';  m.  l^p.^uerherde,  dan.  of  iJlaf,  King  of  X'.'rway. 

Olgatha,  m.  Edward  the  exile,  of  tie-  (It.u  generation,  from  .\lfred  the  (.ireat. 

St!  Marg-aret,  •'  Ladv  of  England,"  d.  WX)\  m.  Malcolm  ill.,  Iving  of  Scotland. 

David,  K.  of  S..  m.  "Maud,  dau.  of  Walteof,  Ivarl  i.f   .Xortluimbeiiand, 

Henry,  Eail  of  Huntington,  m.  Ailela  de  \^"arr(■n  (No.  If*  of  fornuT  pedigree). 

I.IXKAGK   OF    oK.\t'T(»N. 

A  line  of  ancestry  of  l^ichard  Grafton  l)egins  \vith  Pepin  and  folh^ws  the  same  line 
as  tlu'  former  ])edigree  down  to  Maud  (.\o.  lo)  who  m.  \\'iHiam  the  '-"ouijuorer.      'j'hence: 

ir>.  lleuiv  1,'K.  of  iMtg.  b.  lOTtt;  d.  1147:  had  bv  Xesta  Tudor  i'rincess  of  North 

17.      Kobert  Earl  of  (iloucestcr;  ni.  Mabel  Fit/  llamon. 

IS.     Maud,  m.  liandal  de  C'ernion,  Earl  of  Chester,  v>  ho  d.  1158. 
-     19.     Hugh  Kevelioc,  Earl  of  Chester,  d.  1181,  had  by  a  dau.  of  Merede'li,  Lord  of 

20".     Pairan. 

21.  William. 

22.  Moriran". 

'Z'.\.      Kanulph,  m.  Cecilia  de  Fulford,  dau.  of  Ixobert. 

IM.      William,  m.  .Mice  de  Heath. 

2o.  W'  de  (ij'afton  who  tooiv  his  minie  from  the  township  of  (iraftoii  \i\ 
Cheshire  i:;:;;5. 

20.      Wm.  de  (u-afton. 

27,      Matilda  de  (I'lafton,  ]ieire.-;s,  m.  Kalph  Mylneton, 

2.S.      I.'alph  (Jraftnn. 

•c!t.      i;a,j)h  Ciafton. 

;;(>.  Kichaid  (I'lafton.  gent.,  had  arms  c.)uferred  Aug.  Uh  1512,  by  h  tters  testi- 
monial to  Sjiain  bv  W'm.  Fio\\er.  J'scp,  .Xcjiiov. 

;H.      Hiclnird  "Crafroi.,  author  of  tie-  "  Chronicles  of  England." 


30,     .Imuh   Ciartuii,  m.  i.'u-Iiard   Toihiil,  (s.  cf   \\'i!i.  Totliill,  M:iy<)r  i.f    K\i-f'T   ;,ikI 

High  SlifritT  nf  Di'VDir,   ;;if;it    Lrrcat  irruiiitfatlu-r   of    \\"iUi:iiu   'rutilc    who   eiuiyrutt'd  to 

Mass.  H'l'-i'i  aiid  \\iis  oix-  ■)('  t'u.'  tdiunlcrs  nf  N('\\'  liaviMi,  (■(nin.  \'.>-','.i.  ', 

TluTf  is  anotlicr  liiif  t  r^>ui  Cliarii's  tll^'  I'alil,  Xo.  8,  w  Ikk-.c  sciii;  j, 

!).      l.i'wis  Ic  Dt'lhiiiairc.  i 

10.  CliarK'S  tli,-  Sm!i[.1i'  v,-]ir.  d.  «)-.>7.  , 

11.  (Tisla,  111.   I'l.Mc,  S,'a  K;r,  j-,  !>aittizrd  Kn!)LTt  (.'uuiit  of  the  ^soriuaii.s,  d.  !i;Jl.  '     ■      ; 

12.  NN'illiani.  (.'miiit  of  Xorniaiidv.  \ 
V.'k  Jiichaid  !,  Dukf  of  \ 
11.  Iiu!i'-r[  ihf  n.vil,  IHiki.'  <A  X'U'.,  ffitlior  \N'iinain  the  CoiHuioin-,  and  of:  "; 
1-).  Mi'ud.  tri.  -lohii  lloht'.li.  j 
K).  Mnud  l^ohun,  r,.  Kaiidal,  Ka  d  of  Cli.'st.'r.  \ 
17.      i;a!iilal  Moschii'.ns,  Viscovnst  i-!ayoux   and    J'larl    of   ('hcsl'T;  m.    Maud,  ilnM.  of               •' 

Aiibr.'v  dr  Von-.  1v;t1  of  Oxford.  ■ 

]S.      Jlandall  <{(■  (uTnion,  ui.  M;mu1  of  <  iloiicester.  j 

The  l>uttons  df  Xt-w  F.n^-jand  aro  disceiid'Hl  frnm  tlic  Chcsliire,  Eng.,  family  wIkj 
tnu-o  niivn.ul.ta.i'lv  to  Hollo  [Xo.  !1J  tliroui,di: 

V2.     l^:.l"•l■t.■  "  ■ 

13.  liollo.  r 
11.  IJi.diard.  ' 
10.      \N'U',ia:!:,  "Jd  Marl  of  En  ir.  Xonnandy. 

IC).      i;ol»'i'i,  ;!d  Earl  of  Eu  in  Xorniandy.' 

17.      \\"iiruaa,  -i'li  E.  of  E. ;  m.  Jean,  sis.  (;f  Ilugli  Eupus  and  nearly  rtdated  to  Win. 
tlio  CoiKi.-.'.i-.  r. 
ly.      Ouard. 
lit.       Hut;].. 
2«.     llugli, 

21.      Ilu^h,  Kin.i;-  oi'  tliu  Min-strtds;  in.  Cid-ly  Mas-ic,  dan.  of  llanion. 
^■i.     h'ir  Th'^rnas  Dutro!i,  hilieriff  of  i'lioshire;  d.  EJr,\  m.  I'liillijia  do  Sandon. 

23.  Sir  lluii-h  Jiuttoii,  luiilt  a  bridti'e  12^V):  d.  10U4;  ni.  -loan  de  St.  Fien-e. 

24.  llii,t;-li  iuitton,  1).  l"27fi:  d.  i;'~(i  m.  .loan  Holland,  sis.  (jr  aunt  of  Sir  Thonuis 
Holland  l^arl  uf  Eent.  \vln.,-p  wf.  was  .loan  tin-  fair  maid  of  K<nt,  a  grand-dau.  <d' 
Edwarvl  1.  K.  of  J-:. ;  ,1,)au  m.  lO'  l.'iclianl  the  l;lack  Prince. 

2r,.  'I'l.mi.i.s  J.)utt..n.  li.  ];ri4:  il.El'r'd;  pi^rfcrined  mi;.!:liiy  d.-cds  at  tl.'^  Ix.ttle  of 
Poietoii;  sec  li.-_\c.  I'.rit.,  Art.  Clii\'alry;  m.  .Ei'i.'u  'J'hornton.  dan.  of  Sirl'"ter. 

2*'>.      Iviruund  DiUion.' ni.  Joan  Minslmll.      Slie  m.  [2)  \\"m.  (!,■  Ilooton. 

2].      Sil-e!l;i  Dr.tton,  m.  (J.'fTi'-y  S-arkey  of  Sti'atton. 

2'-i.  Anrio  Stai  l;oy.  in.  .Taine-<  l"!ruon.  jxi'andfatlicr  (d'  Jc.iliii,  whiise  dau.  Mary  in. 
Jo1iu  Haldwiu,  Sr.,  of  Milford.  Conn,  dames  Brueu  was  Jltli  in  deseent  from  Robert  Ic 
Hrucn  of  nruon  Stajilofiu-.l,  (/lir.-hii !■,  I'.ms..  \2n0.  The  av(n'ap:e  of  this  line  is  aiiont  27 
years  fijr  ]'■'  g'Tierations  l"'ginnin_u  with  K'olici-t.      It  is  a  line  of  eldest  yi.ins. 


AliMS. — Ar;:;,'nt.  an  eairh',  dis|dayi'u  said.'.  —  On  a  wvi'a;)!,  a  ti>]ierman,  part_\"  ]>er  pale.  ar<;ent  and  sable,  I'aidi  several 
artich' of  (Ire.-:  efuinteridianited;  in  the  rigiii  band  a  Ikslicrnuin's  stnlT.  and  in  the  left  a 
Ifuidini;-  no'.  tIduwo  ..vit  the  shouhh-r.  h'rom  ori^'iiia!  decd.s,  the  inouisitions.  tiie  visi- 
tations of  iriCiC-SU.  i(;|:i  ,;u.l  lt;ti-j,  and  the  registers  (d'  'i'arvin. 

1.      F>,obe)'l   le   JBrun   ap])rars  in  a  grant  of  land  bearinu'  ihue  I'JoO;   Ij.'td  i'.  : 

I.  'i'homas,  grantee   (if   llaul,-^    from   J(din,  \\h.o  was  son  (d'   Hugh,  son  of  Hanio  dc 

II.  I'v'i,  m.  ]''hilip  do  Strattou. 

HI.      Kobcct  (2),  le  ir  (d"  ih-uon  Siaphd'onl:   had  /. : 
!•      Emma  (,■-!).  sob-  duu.  and,  heiress;   m    i;o::er  le  Hrueii;   /. : 
I.  m.  li.df.ird. 

1!.      Kobert  ;  1).  son  and  heir;  d.  b-fon'  ■.'.]'  Ivlward  III  ,\:]:,A):  i  : 
I.      1;. .])!■!■!.  who   (MmnuiP.died    a    company   oH    Andiers   in    I'rance;    oi),    Edward   HI 
(lo57  ■. 

H.      llogcr  o'.\  s.  and  heir  by  deed;   11   i:dwar,l  H  (IdOO);  d.  X)  Kdward  IH  ti;5r.2); 
m.  (';:']{■. i\,:<'.  daa.  id'   .i.dni  d,'  1  ci-di;    ('.  ■ 

I.      O'li.iTrcy.  aiic^tcu' id'  the  Hrncn^  c^f  'i'a  rvi  n. 

11.     Niciiolas  (.'d,  m.  Eilena,daa.  of  I.'oger  de  J'raers;  sis.andsolo  heiress  of  ih  nry 
de  I'rieT-  of  Huddon;   i. : 


].  Ilop^Cl'  (~).  iniuriaofo  ('ontraft  in  l:3S:l  to  Ciitliariiic,  dan.  of  Sir  Jolm  Norrcvs. 
]>y  iiKjuisitiun,  4  llcniy  "\'l  (ll".'!!),  after  tlie  dcatli  of  IJoycr,  it  appears  he  lit'id  in 
donu-snc.  as  tif  \rv,  tlie  manijr  of  Bi'uen  Stapleford  from  tlie  l^i>liop  of  Coventry  and 
liiffditi'dd  \<y  niilitary  s'-rvice.  value  ]>er  anniiin  ei^dit  niarl^s,  witli  lands  in  Clotten, 
\VyniliaJds.,  (tscn^ft  Farm,  ("liildos,  C'hristletun,  Cuiildeii,  Sutton,  Barton,  Hux- 
ley, JIart:'r>'avo  and  Chester:   i.: 

I.      TllOIiias  (^).  m.  Alice,  dan.  of  Thomas  (ir.cnwav  of  Biddulph  Co.,  Stafford;  /.  • 

1.     .lolm. 

II.      lo.l.crt,  livinp-  -1  Henry  VIll  (14,^0). 
III.      James  (•*>.  eldest  si>;i;   m.  d;ui.  and  heiress  of  .Tnlm  Hnlwoih-  of  Chrshire;  f.  : 

1.  .lolm.  the  idde.^t,  in.  I)iit  d.  .y.  i.  b<d'ere  "JT  llfiiry  VI II  (_15;j:j),  a.nd  was  sue- 
ceeded  by  his  Invjtlu'r. 

li.      James  dU),  m.  Anne,  dan.  of  (ieoiTrey  Stiirkie  aiid  Syhilla,  his  ^^  f .       11  ehih. 
of  whom  tlie  eldi-s!  was 

1.      John  (11).  ni.  dan.  of  Olley  of  Oth^y.  Co.  Salop;   /.  : 

I.  John  (1"2),  eldot  son;  ni.  (1)  Anni-,  pi->ter  of  Sii'  .hdm  Doni*.  wlio  d.  .?.  /. ;  {2} 
Dorothv,  dau.  of  Thomas  llolloid  of  fiulford.      He  d.  1."".-?;   /.   ];]  ,diil.  of  \v],um 

I."  John  (Hi),  ha]>.  lodll;  d.  .Ian.  1.  Ki-i."):  li<e  piildi^le-d,  HHl;  n-pnldi^lu'd  in 
C'heshire,  I'jiiir.,  li'J.'.and  in  X.  Y.  LS.IT.  hy  his  descondani,  A  h'xandar  .Me\^'llorter  Brui'n. 
Es(|.,  \\-ith  Brnen  Arms,  ]iortrait  ami  genealogieal  clunt,  from  Or//u  rod's  J/ixtor;/  of 
Cheiliivt.  ]>ives  of  .John  Briien  and  his  sister  Catliarijn'  are  in  Christo]dier  Moro>n"s 
ATonnnniit)'- <■/ the  FitOu  rv  ami  L'l/nri.'ij'rv:  London.  1  7(JiJ.  Speakini;-  (d'  him  the  Artdi- 
hishoji  of  Ireland  said;  "  In  iiim  was  the  \"ery  beauty  of  holine.-s,  and  he  was  of  so 
amiable  a.nd  eheerful  a  countenance  that  \\  hen  1  b'dield  him  I  was  remiiided  id'  Mioses. 
whose  Very  face  shoin-  as  if  honoring  sonre  more  th.'n  nnlinary  e:niiieni-y  of  graer  in  hi.- 

He  ni.  tliree  tinn-s.       i.  bv  1st  v,i.;      1,  .ToUN',  Puiaci'deil  to  tin-  estate.       C,  AvNi:.  bap. 

Nov.    11,   l.".^.-!;    d.    H;!).-;.         Z,  ,l.\.Mi:s.  ijap.    l.^NS.         4,    liK.XnV.   Nov.,   l."i,SS;    ,s-.  )-.        .J,   Er.IZA- 

BKTII,  May  -.'S,  !■■)>.-;».  H.  C.\,  .Ian.  7,  \~>'M:  may<u'  nf  Cle-ster,  am.l  sheritf  of  Chcstn 
lGo.5;  s.  I.'  ',.  P.EZV,  Foil.  'Jl,  l.Vj:i.  S,  X.\liiAMi"i,.  -luly  S-i.  lo'.H.  /.  by  'Jd  m.:  '.•. 
K.VTK.MUNK,  Feb,  7.  IniH.  lU,  Ai'.MiAii,,  April  ;],  HiUo.  II.  .Iunatiian,  .Jan.  G,  l(;()."j. 
12,  OliADlAir,  b.  Hee.  Oo.  l(V')!l;  m.  Sarah;  t-udgrated  to  Xi'W  Fngland;  Ib-p.  in  Mass;  ]'> 
yrs.  town  'd<:'rk  of  Ne\v'  London;  nuf  of  the  granti-i'-  of  the  Lo}"a]  Chaiifi-  of  Conn;  ono 
of  file  eonipanv  that  purrhasi.-d  Xt w.-irk,  X.  .L.  and  settleii  there.  1,  lubiCC'i.  m.  Thonuis 
Post  of  N'-ruit(h.  '.3,  H.n,ini\,  b.  .Lm.  It.  IC)  14;  m.  -lohn  Baldwin,  s.  of  .bdm,  wh<,sr  '-id 
wf.  ^va^i  Mary  Brm-n.  half  si>tei-  to  (.)badiah.  8.  ./"A/i,  •' une '..L  KHij.  lo.  .]< isKini.  b. 
March  4,  Hil-l.  14.  MAiiGAltKT.  h.  Dec.  >^.  KUd,  aral  thn.-  other  children  bap.  witli  Mai-- 
garet.  i.  byydm.;  l."j,  Ma};v,  bap.  Jnni'  14.  X'y'yl'i.  em.  to  Xew  I-inglaml  with  lier 
brother,  Ubadiah,  and  m.  John  Baldwin,  sr.,  of  Milfurd.     H),  SO-V. 

API'KNlJlX.  r.l7 


Kinii<-f  Hill  iji.  CO  ami  i..  2o),  1..  1731;  m.  Dec.  V^S,  1751,  Daniol  Hull, 

Mjuv  Si-vmnui' (p.  N7i,  \vid,  of  Kussdl  (i.  Talcutl,  Ksii- ;  d.  in  Ilaitf.,  Apiil  IS, 
ISs^l,  a.    CO. 

CMiililrcn  of   Prof.  Xatlian  P.  Scvmour  (p.  87). 
I.      Chail.'s,  v..  D>r.  •:('.  [s4:i. 

II.  Sarnh  Pay.  F).  Nov.  aO,  1S4.-);  m.  Der.  31,  ISCS,  A\"iHiaiii  (''lii.-Mry  I'ar.-ous  of 
Akron,  <>.  1,  ]\.\Tii.\7;r>i.  Sk.ymoi  i:,  li  FcIj.  :27,  1S7().  2.  AVm,  J-jjw.MiD."  1>.  Juno  I'J. 
1872.  ;j,  }Iai;);iki-  l).\.y,  b.  -Inly  17.  ls7fi.  1.  ^.\n\\i  ^K\^U)in,  h.  Aui:.  27;  d.  S(])t. 
28,  ISb"'.     o.   CiiAUi.i.s  Skymmi  1',   1..  {■'fh.  4.  1>-8J. 

III.  'J'lioin-is  i)av  S<-vni<)iiv,  li.  A[)v\]  1,  ]slS;  Pi-of.  (iro-k  Lnn.  and  Pit.,  Y.  Co!.; 
111.  July  2,  1S74,  rvirah  .M".  Hitchcorlc,  daii.  of  IP-nry  ]>.  Hitchcock,  P.  P.;  Pn-s.  \\V-.,t 
Ik'sorve  ( "ol.  1,  P.i.iz.MiKiU  P.W,  h.  ,)aii.  21,1^71;.'  2,  Cl.vka  llljcjuoriv,  b.  .Marc]; 
28,  is.sO. 

I'liil.  of  Alo.  and  Abiu'ai]  ((foodnian)  Catliii,  ij  .  i./Ci;  lio  wa^;  1).  17oN;  (.'apt.  in  armv 
of  l!c\-.  and  ('oiniiiis.-,ar\-:  icin.  late  in  life  to  \t.  and.  d.  tlir. 

I.      Al.i-ail,  m.  Ozi:is  Pm-M.     P.-rPap^  ^^r.  i.a.  of  Dv.  \hu\  of  Litchfi.dd,  Conn. 
Hi.      Mo-.-<:  Jstirlinvton,  ^'t. :  m.   Pncijida  Allm. 

VI.      (.Tuy,  m.'  July  2"),  In.iS.  .^I^■!in  la    Walban:    sli'-  ifin.  from  Litcliflrdd,  Con  i.,  to 
Vt.,   abt.    ]S()(,>.      ],   a'i.hxa.miki;.      2.   Hi:n];y   Waduams;    rc^.  P^nidinyToii,  \t. .   and  d. 
Ilien- (_)ct.  1.  1S7S,  a.  67.     :!,    HKi.r.N  .M.     4,   Ai.Mtn.v   4'.  o,   \\  m.  (ii'Y. 
VII.      Pr.-n'a,  m.  Jonathan   Fcn-is. 

VJIl.  Aimii-a,  li.  1778;  d.  Mav  ;iii,  1S4S.  a  08;  m.  Stephen  'J'winin^s  b.  17G7;  d.  l)cc. 
IS,  lby2.  a.  Co.  1,  A  ]P\r.,in."  P.-v.  Mr.  .Ma-iH.  2,  A  dan.  Jilia;  r.-^.  NewHav.; 
uiim.  o.  An.MiKA,  b.  INUO;  d.  Dec.  U.  iSOi);  a.  U  vr.-^.  4,  -Maky  P..  b.  Julv2r,,  ISUU;  (P 
Vlarcli  10,  ]s7li. 

212.442.    Lvnde  Catlin,  1-.   170^;  d.  Oct.  pq,  i,Q2;p  m.   17D3.  IPlen  :^^.   Kip  of 

Aloanv,  N.  Y.,  vilio  d.  ISIH. 

P      yh:ry  Wats^on,  1).  nW;  d.   ]7t!0. 
11.      Joliii  ^Pjrtinicr,  b.  17;)^;  d.  ]sO(). 
IIP      John  Moninier,  b.  l.^()l:  m.  Calharinc  .\iin  Stuyve^-anI,  vhod.  1872.    1,  Py.n'DI:. 
b.  1827;   in.  Snsan  Pos.-^.     1,   J,irii,r/,^/,i,i   J!i,/Jr   CnfUii.     2,   ,\ irii(ii:As  W.  Si'fYVKsAXT. 
b.  l.^-2H.     ;P   ('HAS.  MoiniMKi;.  1>.  is;4l ;  d.  ]n7].     4,   H  Kf.KX  Mary,  b.  ls:J4;  d.  ]s4!<.      o. 
Katk  P.  P.,  b.  isi;:;.     o.  toi;\  v.  JP,  b,  ]s::',s. 

lY.      C'harh-s  4'aylor,  b.  isOo;   d.  ]8:0;   ni.   Pu-^v'Ann   DnJiy,      1,    Hki.EX   pKiniY,  b. 
I8o0.     2,   PiH  Y  Anx,   b,    Is;j2.     ?,.   Pyxdi:   Ai.K\.\xi)Kii.    b.    ix:V"..     -i,   ('has.   Tayj.oi:. 
b.  18:55.     5,  <P;o.  MoinrMKu,   b.  ls;l7.     o,  IP  \\   Hascai,  Dkmhy,  b.  ps:3<).     7_   Ahxoi.d 
^^'ELf.s,  b.  ISIP     ,s,  Gko.  M()i;Ti.Mi;H,  b.  l.S4;P     'J,   Pcciax  Dkki;y,  b.  PS40. 
V.      Alexander  Janii'.s,  1).  PS(i5:  d.  1830. 
^■p     (ieori:e.  d.  ISOS. 

\\\.  (b-orge.  b.  psjo;  Col.  Co!.  P'^;]!');  practicd  law  in  N.  YP  C. :  d.  is'OO.;  in,  Catliarine 
Liviii,j:ston  Kt-arney,  cou^.  to  (Pmi.  IMdlip  K.  1,  <iK(),  PYXDH.b.  1S40;  Y.  C.  1S0O;  sei'v.-d 
ed  in  Pnioii  avniy;  ^^■as  some  time  editor  A".  )',  ('"in.  Ailrcrtimr  ;  con.sul  to  Pa  Pochcll.\ 
P'rance,  and  at  StuPij-ait,  as  ]irc-sium-d  from  date  of  iiO'in.  .Pine  2;'>.  P'<s2,  pnli,  in  A'.  )". 
Trihnne.:  m.  Catharini'  Poiiise  Pradei  of  New  Orleans.  1,  (/ntlutrihr  ],i}vis,\  ii.  aijt. 
1800.  2,  Gil).  7,'/'/(".v,  b,  ls,;7.  2,  ('has.  Miho-imkk.  :1.  Axxa  Pi vix<;sti)X.  4, 
M.\t;Y.  5,  KriTY.  0.  Srs\x  \^'ATTs.  7,  Joski-iiixk.  8.  Klaiixey. 
VHP      Pyn.l.',  b.  and  d.  Isp]. 

Pantr\  Jo;\os  (p.  100),  b.  Sept.  D,  ]71(), 

Anna"<lan.  to  Nathaniel  Jor,cs.  b.  July  2.  1721  vP-   lOOV 

214.Tr5.  ST1'^nnna  KilbonrU)  (p.  lOO);  m.  John  Bnnce,  Jr.,  of  Ilartf.,  who  d.  Jan. 
17J4,  a.  44. 

I.     IPis^ell  P.iince,  b.  Oct.  ]0,  177(p  m.  Pucinda  Marvin. 
IP     Sallv,  d,  177!.). 



III.      Niitliniiir!,    1>.    ITSO;    in.  Cvntiiia ;   rciii.    to  X.  Y, .   lud.;    si'Vi-rnl  ot 

tilt;  cliil.  ics.  ill  X.  V.<'.;  a  ,<r.  s.  i<\'  Xatlianid  iMiiiri'.'-l  W]]).  (i.  liiiiK-.',  its. 
\Vt>stiii)i-t,  C'otMi.  1,  Cvntiiia.  •,',  (i  i,(ii;(;f..  ;;,  11i;m:y.  4,  ('.\K()i,i.\f:.  .->,  Maui.\. 
G,  X.\Tir.\:^iKi..     7,   J'^Idwaiu).     w,   I''.i,i/.Ai!KTn.     9,   Sakah. 

214331.  Russell  Bunce,  1'.  ",t.  l:).  KTii;  d.  \]>t\\  ii),  IN-IC.  tl,.  was  I>.a.  of 
llic  First  rlih.  in  JIaitl.  ntaii}-  yis. ;  in.  L\iciiula  .Marvin  from  Lvnie,  ('')nn.,  a  dcsr.  of 
Tlioiiias  l,fc  of  Savl;i-ook  1*14  l.  " 

1.      l.ufinda'B'ii'aa-,  b.  .Maivh   1:3,  isOd;  d.  Jiilv  ■::],  l'-;4:  m.  Ilavnrs   r,onl   Port^-r 
1).  ITDS;  .1.  is:;',,  a.  7.\ 

11.  .loliu  Lfc  Kniic.',  18U-->:  d.  .April  10,  1N7S;  twir,-  ui.:  i.  f<  rhW.  of  wLom  liv,^ 
res.  in  Hart t'.  1 ,  Cii.\i;m.s  II.  'J,  KmvAKii  .Mi:KKii,i..  ;!,  I'"i;i;I)i:i;kk  I.kk.  4,  IIkxkv 
Lek.      o,    Ai.Ki;,.      (i,    l.'n  ii.viMJ  (iooKiN.  ri's.   IJrookiyii,  X .  Y. 

III.  Susan  P.iMi^-r,  d.  July  27.  ls;j',(:  ni,  Danirl  Hi-iu-liinan  of  Boston;  l  5  rliil.  1, 
lirsSF.1,1,  Brxci:  is  tlu'  onlv  oni'  livinu',  iss;j;  lias  taken  Ids  father's  liiisincss  in  C'aui- 
brid-rc  .St.,  Boston. 

IV.  .James  Marvin  Bunre,  d,  .Inly  '.'"),  1^.",'.);  m.  I'Vances  Ann  l-'racc;  ('2)  I'lizabetli 
Unntington  riiester.  1,  .Io.vathax  ]>!;a(  k.  2,  I-'i;a.mts  M Aitvix,  in  the  navy.  /.  bv 
2d  in.:  ;>,  \Vii,i,iA\t  (iKDNKV,  an  artist.  4,  .Ia.mks  Brssf-.i  i,,  d.  ]),.r.  21.  1874,  a.  -i'i. 
0,  FitA\():s  Ann.  (i.  IU'sskij,,  d.  Jan.  21,  ls71.  7,  J'.llln.  8,  .\i.n;KD  Cuksteu, 
res.  P-rooklyn.  X.  Y. 

y.  Mary  .lane  Biiive,  d.  Xov.  21,  ISr.i),  a.  .r2;  m,  Samuel  S.  AN'ard  of  MontieaU 
they  rein,  to  Kartf.  I8it'i  and  l.)otli  <1.  tliere. 

\].      iMiiinu  Bvuiee  wdio  eompiled  this  record  of  of  .lohn  Bniice,  .Ir. 

Elihu  Mix  (|i.  156).  The  manner  of  liis  death  is  thus  related  by'his  gr.  dau.  Miss 
Faiinii^  Mi>:  of  X.;\v  Ibncn.  The  l^ieen  sent  liiiu  \vitli  len-  ei)m]i!iineiits  a  ver}  fine  fish 
nicely  eouked,  which  lie  unsuspectingly  ate  and  d.  in  half  an  liour. 

Eliza  (Tut'le)   Davidson   (p.   270),   d,    Dec.   5,   lS7i).      1,    Eli/.a    Tuttle.     2,    Samuel 

C'liarity  Statira  (Tuttle)  \\"heeler:  /. ;     1,   .Jennie  Frances,  b.   June  6,  1850.     2, 
Margaret  Benicia,  b.  May  22,  1855;  d.  ^iareh  2:J,  iN.'lo. 

Edwin    Clarke    (p.    o(J9),     ni.    l.efiline    l''rancesca    Besaiicoti.      5,    Octave 
r.esancou,  b,  Ji'.n.  15.  1878.      G,    N'icior  Hugo,  \>.  Feb.  7,  l8Sl. 

Kev.  Joseph  Brockett  (p.  3G9),  b.  March  31,  17!M;  Wnis.  (^)l.  1819;  d.  at  Knshville. 
N.  Y.,  Sci)!.  24,  1832,  s.  of  Samuel  and  IJebecca  Hayward  Brockett  of  Peterboro.  X.  H. 
He  m.  (2)'Miss  Mabel  Carrington  of  lianhury.  Conn.!  who  d.  .v.  ;'.  at  Xewark,  X.  J.,  Jui\ 
2,  1878,  a.  82.  Geo.  Bliss 'Brockett  d.  at"  AVann  Springs,  X.  Car.,  Aug.  3,1881;  a 
teachei':  educated  a  phys.  !nrt  ne\'er  practiced. 

Mary  Austin,  wf.  (d'  I,e\\is  A\'eld  (ji.  373),  d.  X'ov.  12,  1870.  Tlieir  son  Mason  Cogs- 
well WT'ld  was  educattd  in  (jenaaiiy;  served  in  the  Fnion  army.  Ib-v.  \^^  U.  Hodge, 
res.  ill  Phila. 

Angelina  E.  Grinike,  wf.  of  T.  D.  Weld,  b.  Charleston,  S.  C. :  d.  Oct.  2fi,  1879. 
Theirs.  Chas.  Stewart  gra<l.  Harv  (.'o!.;  m.  Anna  llarvelle  and  liad  I.'iuis  IlnrrtUc  1, 
Ethel,  dau.  <.if  Pev.  Wm.  Hamilton,  liad  name  changed  to  ^[wjcUna  (jrunkc.  2,  Jos'"- 
phinc.     5,    WUliiiin,  d.  y. 

92325.  John  Chirk  and  wf.  Cbloe  Atwater  rem.  to  (it.  Barrington, ,  i)rol.>ab]y 
.Soon  after  m;  late  in  ble  hi'  rem.  to  ^lanlius,  X.  Y.,  whi'.  hiss.  W  ni.  .\.  was  rector.  He 
was  fully  six  feet  in  height,  with  a  full  well  k'nil  frame,  .-mj  there  were  few  men  \\-hi> 
conld  .swing  a  scytli.^  or  cradle  ius  far  as  in-  could;  his  mental  matclied  his  physical  ipiali- 
tie.s  for  though  his  etiueatioii  was  limittd  to  about  .si:c  nioiitlis  at  the  district  sc-hool, 
neither  his  letters  or  Conversition  b^•tr;^yed  any  l.-ick  of  education;  he  wa.-,  a  rea<ler, 
esjiecially  of  ontroversial  wi  it  ings  in  defeiec  of  tlie  l-"oiv  chh;  he  d,  in  fall  of  1841; 
ijoth  bu.  in  tiie  old  b.i.  grouiul  in  tbeiev.i,  .n.  V.  Be.  ides  tin-  children  previously 
named  there  \\  oS  a  dau..  I'll  A  i;i,(>  ITK,  who  m.  in  Ma-s.,  Iie>:i-l<iah  <  i-er;  rem.  182(1  to 
Alton,   111.,  tlience   to  Calena,  and   enifaged    in  lead^  mining  with  eretit  sm-cess;   he  wp,.s  a 



{|  C'aj)t.  ill  tilt'  ISlnrk  IIn^^■k  vvar  from  lii'iMnniiit:;  to  eiul;  lir  d.  iilil.  ISTI,  m  m-arly  80  i., 
sevcr::l  cliil..  of  \\lin:ii  ( '  h  irlijtf'- .  lu.  Cujit.  <iirdoii.  str;t.ii)lMai  Cajit.  oii  tin-  Miss.  aiii"f 
af1cr\v:;rd  (iuvt.  1  lisp  ■■ti T  (,[  liDiits  on  thf  u]>].'i'r  Mis-.;  ;'.,|lvi'  dans. ,  Mary,  Augusta, 
ThcT'/s;!,  i'it/.a  and  AiUia. 

923251.  Wni.  A.  Clai'ke,  desired  an  edueati'Mi  and  was  eneoiu-au-od  hy  liis  luntlier. 
but  ins  fatiici  laekiUi;-  iiuaie.  waiiird  liiiil  to  li.-a  farne.-i.  He  studied  winters  and 
becfiiuc  a  sclir"il  t  I'jelier,  a  lid  liy  studying  niivhls  kept  ill  ad  vauee  of  his  seholor.s.  He^ 
aetiuired  i.atin  wiiliout  ;'n  iiisti-ue;<)r  ainl  tiiught  I  'rrin.  all  iu  the  infrvals  of  farm  work. 
]iy  working;-  for  the  iii-iglil)or.s  and  careful  f-oii  i:iiy  tjn^y  u-o-e  enahh'd  to  savi' enr.uf.di 
to  enter  and  siijipon  themselves  in  Cheshire  Academy.  I'eter  .A  uspach,  tie-  fatlier  of 
his  ^\ife,  was  (.'oiufiissary  under  (ien.  Ivnox  in  the  \ii\- .  war.  Mr.  (.'larke  \^ns  hu.  in  a 
Ijeputiful  ]dot  (d  ground  he'  gavi  to  the  village  of  ih'ightou,  Mich.,  fur  a  cenn-lery  and 
an  E]iis.  chh.,  lui  which  a  sin:dl  suhstuntinl  i)i-iek  edilice  luis  lifcn  erected  with  iiii 
iii.scriptioi!  on  its  stont-  nltav  and  font;  his  chil.  Nvere  l.>.  in  the  following  order: 

J.      ,Mary  Iktlieringtoii. 

11.  Chloe  Atwatrr:  tlu_se  two  si.,ters  opened  at  Ann  Ar!>or,  Mich. ,  tlie  first  school 
lor  y(.e.uig  ladies  in  the  State.  an<l  continued  successful  teaiduM's  f(ir  more  than  thirty 
years;  Chloe  A.  iie-trueted  a  class  in  history:  hi-th  lielighteil  iu  acipiiiing  ami  imparting 

III.  John  ^'^'illianl,  during  the  third  venr  of  his  then,  studies  Nvas  tutor  iit  the  faivi. 
of  James  K.  Marshall,  s.  of  Chief  J  ustice'.M.-irshall  oi  \'a.  lie  was  .>ril.  Dea.  hy  Bisli  .p 
Dekatu-y  in  'I'riiiity  chh.,  Cteneva,  h^ll,  and  i)rii'st  ai.iout  a  year  aftei  hy  same  Bithnp  in 
Zion  chh.  Palmyra,  and  v,-;!s  ri-ct(U'  thr-rt-of  s^'ven  yeai.^;  while  rector  of  the  chh.  of  St. 
Thomas,  X.  11.  m.  in  So.  Berwick.  Me..  Jan.  •"),  isMC,  M'arearet  'Tucker  lluhha'/d:  he  lias 
had  the  cure  of  ju-oniiuent  ])aiishes  in  Hrooklyn,  .\.  V.,  (.'incinuati,  O.,  ilochesti-r,  X.  V., 
Chicago,  111..  St.  Louis.  Mo.  aiul  K.  Saginaw,  Midi.  ],  John  AN'.m.  Ai;si'.\(.  tr.  2, 
ArsTiN  Ih  ju;  s  i;)>.     :i,   <'i:.\s.   (;i;.\xt. 

I\'.      Wiiliam  .\iwater,  stud,  law   with  llomei'  Ikimsd.ell  id"   Ann  .Vrhor;   was  a  mem. 
of  the  State  Senate  during  tlie  civil  war;   res.  Saginaw  City;   m.  iu    Huiralo,  X.Y.,  Mary 
Hojie.      1,  AN  M.  ArwATi;it.     .v.*.  Jnii.N  Ihuu:.     \],   M.\j;y  Ciikis'iiln.\. 
V.       I'Jiohie  Klizaheth. 

Yl.      Anna    Maria. 

\l\.  James  A\"ard,  lawyer;  Justice  of  tin-  Peace;  les.  Sagiua\\  City;  m.  Amedia 
Jtitier.      ],   Jni!N  \\ M. 

\'llf.  Jacintha  (.darissa  Idiariotte,  m.  Janies  K.  Feiuiell  of  \A'oodl)ridge,  San  Juachini 
C(x ,  Cal. 

1\.  Honjamin  T.  •>.,  hr.syer;  viiluiiieere(i  ne.u  (dose  of  the  war;  res.  Brighton. 
Mich;  has  been  Postmaster  ;iud  Pres.  of  the  village  several  years;  m.  about  l.stj,",,  Kate 
V.  Pratt  of  Brighton.  1,  Ci)i;yi)0.\  Pj;.\tt.  0,  J.vciMfi.v.  ;S,  Bi:.\jami.\  llt:NK\\ 
4,  Inf. 

923252.  Orrin  Clark,  stud,  in  I'"pif<.  Acad,  at  Cheshire  and  eniere^l  the  ministry: 
His  lu".,  \Vm.  A..,  said  of  liim  that  lie  had  the  must  exact  and  logical  mind  of  the 
brothers,  but  was  (.)f  too  n-tiring  disposition  to  rise;  he  was  a  /.ealiuis  and  untiring-  work- 
man in  \N"estern  X.  Y.,  where  controversy  with  other  religious  bodies  \vas  a  ne.-c-ity  of 
the  times  and  he  was  the  ablest  of  her  defenders  tlnu-e;  through  diliidence,  h  ■  never 
used  nami^  or  iioni  dc  p'lunt  in  his  ]jublished  wiitings.  and  others  won  ciimmt-ndation 
and  (devation  for  what  h(.'  luui  achii'ved ;  he  \vas  rector  (d'  'J'rinity  chh.,  Cenevii.  fourteen 
years  and  d.  in  ofiici-;  he  wiis  one  of  tint  niain  woi'kers  iu  establishing  ilo'.iart  Cuk, 
Geneva,  luit  others  with  more  self-assertion  than  he  posse-ss'-d  ^vuti  the  laurels;  he  d.  in 
less  than  a  year  after  his  8d  m.  aiul  was  bu.  iu  (buieva;  a  tiiemorial  tablet  was  erected 
in  'I'rinity  clturch  and  transferred  to  the  fine  stone  chh,  \\dii(di  replaced  the  first  (u-ection: 
he  m.  (1)  Eliza  (iaines:  C^)  Miss  Xieludas;  {'■',)  Miss  Maciunb  of  X.V.;  ('.  l>y  1st  m.: 

1.     Cornelhi,  m. 'ro^>l;er;  she  m.  (2)  ■ McClosky.      1,  Oicki'.n. 

11.  Kl'/a,  on  deatli  of  leu'  f.  she  went  to  Pliibi.  and  lived  with  her  nude,  Pev. 
John  A.  Clark:  m.  V..  H.  Buth.-r.  a  well  known  juibli  de-r  of  I'liila;  res.  Cermn.!  :owu;  t. 
o  chil. ;   ('.  by  -d  in. : 

Ilk  S:i.-an,  m.  Dr.  lleuiy  |)o\.'  of  (kueva;  /, ,  :wi  only  <diild,  a  P.vf. 
923254.  John  A.  Clark  enj(.}(  d  gumter  ndvautngi  s  than  his  brothers.  Wdiile  pre- 
paring lor  Col.  at  kairhidd  Acid,  his  f.  fearing  that  he  was  idliue.  onleredhim  home  and 
set  hiicitohard  laiioron  'he  farm  This  di- eipline  tlie  d'--i  red  ciTe-t  ami  um  uiof  com- 
phiini  was  heard  and  the  Ie,-s,,n  was  never  fm'e'ot'en:  in  addition  to  hi-  parish  lahois  at 
Palm\  ra  he  be_aii  as^sti'm  of  \- orking  for  ih(>  eh  ureh ,  writir.g  tlie;ir-t  ,,f  hjs  ste.iies  'I'lir 
McKiUn  FiUn'Oii,   illustrative  of  the  y>ee/- ('/Vtyy/;,/^.!//  Praijur.      It  v.  as  ti  ti  ue  sketidi  of  n. 

C,20  Al'I'KNIUX. 

fainily  in  lii^  ji'irish  umli'i-  .'I'lutluT  ikuiic;  liis  u('i))u'\v,  Ucv.  .Toliii  \\'.  Chirk,  afterwards 
rci-tor  nf  tli<- >.anii-  ]iaii>li,  mrt  tin-  liL'ruitic  ot'  tlic  sioi-y,  "  Amit  Alice,"  tlien  apjeil  hikI 
infirm,  and  li-anu'd  I'lom  licr  <>\\i)  lijis  wluit  tlie  rrayci'  Rmik  liail  litOii  tu  li'-r,  a:s  u  ciui- 
Ntant  tcarluT  an.-l  CDni j'aninn. 

Aficr  till-  li.  iif  hi.-  f]ri;t  child,  the  lUMthiT  was  attacked  h_v  a  malady  sometimes  inci- 
ileiit  t.i  mdtlieihof.d,  and  \\  as  olill^t  d  to  ;;■>  toNew  ^'mk  i'oi  t  n  atment,  and  lie  ■was 
invif"d  by  liev.  Dr.  Lyh\  rector  of  Christ  idih.  in  Ann  si.  to  hecdinc  his  assistant ;  he 
was  Avord  jiaiiifer,  rapid  and  im));is-dnncd  in  u1  tei  atice,  InU  diNtin<'t;  his  wife 
])artly  reeoveied;  slie  was  a  wonmn  of  imijestic  jircsence,  rare  iieauty  and  great  meutul 
trifls;  slie  had  three  eliildren.  who  all  die(l  and  the  chmd  ciinie  hack  to  the  motlier  hut 
went  attain,  and  he  thejt  iool<  (di.ari^e  of  (irai'i'  (dih.,  ]'iijvi(hMii-e,  It.  ].,  and  afterward  at 
f^t.  Andrews,  j'hihi.:  in  both  parishes  he  met  withi^r.'at  success,  hut  was  ohliyfd  to 
resic-u  the  latter  on  account  of  ]iulmonarv;  In'  tlit-n  I>ec;ime  <Mlitor  and  ])roiiriet(jr 
of  tlie  /■,'/</>(•'/;>/// 7,'ic,,/77- /•,  the  cliurch  jiaperof  tlie  diocese,  which  ]'ro^|iered  greatly  in 
liisharids  and  l>ei'a!iie  ;•>  jir.)iitai)le  iiivestnu^nt :  lie  also  edited  several  editions  of  a  roli- 
ciious  annua.l,   '/'/'.•  (7'rutli"ii  Ki\}i.-<al:':. 

].     .lohn  Alf^aiider,  lawyer;  ;n.  aljt.  1^01. 

II.      \N'illiam  Atwater,  d.  a  \~)  vrs. 



l^oger  Allin;.'-.  came  over    ]G;-;r);  treasurer  of  the   New   llav.  Col.    IGGl:   Dea.   of  tlie 
<^\i\\.  ]riii;i--7-k   in.  M;u'v  >.'a<h.  da.u.  of  Thoinae;,  a.  gnnsmifh. 
1.      .Mary.  hap.  Nov.  Oli,  \i]\:',. 
II.      Sam"uel.  hapi.  Nov.  4.  lohj;  m.   Idizahetli  Winston,  C^)  Sarah  Chid^oy. 

III.  John,  ]'a;^  Cct.  "2,  1(!-I7;   m.  Su>aiiua  t.'oe. 

IV.  Sarah.  h.'S-'pi.  I'J,  If.lO, 

V.     .Jatnes,  1).  .Iii',e2!,  iGoT;   Ilnrv.    Col.  inTU;   res.    \Vallinfrf<.rd:  m.  .M)ig-ail . 

1,  l-liiKMC/J-Hi,  m.  Sa.iah  Atwa.tur  [\\  '.'.()].      2.    M.u;Y,  m.  Jolm  Atuater  [p.  30]. 

2.  Srimiiel  AUingjXov.  4,  l(■,-;.^:  d.  \ny:.  08,  r/O", ;  m.  Oct.  21,  ir.r,?,  Klizaheth,  dau. 
of  John  Winslm  who  d.  l>ec.  .s:,   IG^O,  (-')  Oct.  Oli.  IhS:^,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Jolm  Chidsey. 

I.  Samu.d,  h.  Oct.  jO,  li;iis;  in.  1,  Joiix,  h.  Jan.  -Jd,  Hi'.c:':  in.  iK-r.  •2i3."]7-24. 
Patience  Mix.  1.  7'./C/.uV.  2,  L^ij.ih.  :!,  Ann,.:,i.  4.  Cli  i  l^t:^i,l>er.  5,  Strphni,  b. 
Feb.  !(.).  lo-jS;  d.  ITfJo;  of  Allinetown  ;his  i;r.  s.  Wm.  (iili-ert,  lives  on  the  ]<Iace  1,  Jesse; 

2,  Abner;  d.  uiiin..  very  old.  0,  Kh,n,2ir,  1>.  .Mandi  lU.  1740;  d.  IbOO:  m.;gr.  f,  of 
Truman,  l)a\id,  bri^thers;  (jlcorge  Henry  an<l  'I'honias,  luTiS.  7,i7"/(/;.  S,  Ancj^.  9, 
Sarali.      10,    Si.'s.iinui.     2,   Eiucxkzkk.  b.' Nov.  20.  17)2;  m.  Mar:  Tuttle  [p.  IlJOj. 

11.      John,  March  '27.  1671. 

III.  James,  .!nlv  20.  107o. 
n'.     L'oger.  Julv,  ir,77, 

W     Theojuiihis,  Feb.  17,   l(k;0;m.  Jnm^  17,  1  70.S,  Elizabeth  Smith;  (2)  wid.  Kliza- 
belk  r.radlev.      1.   Tiri-s.  in.  Deborah    Page.      I,    Tiins^m.    Jan.  1 7,  1 7-^9,  wid.    Luciiida 
Hooker.     2,"  LriiHn.     8,   AH'unl.     4,  X<itIun,iJ,  d.   v.     ."),  JJ.hom/i.     6,    'J'hcophiliis.     7, 
Joiuiili.iu.     S,  >/o/,-.     \).   y<ithnind.      \(),   Marij.     l\,  .Indus. 
VI.      Dai.iel;  /.  bv  2d  m.: 
VI  I.     Cahd). 
Vill.      Sarah.. 
IX.     Eli.'.abeth. 
>:.     Esther. 

3.  John  Ailing,  bap.   Oct.  2,  lt;i7;  first  'I'reas.   Y.  ('.,  1702-10:  Town  Clerk  m;uiy 
yr-;.;d.  March  2o,  1717;  i.i.  Jan    II,  li.i72,  Su-^.uina.  (hiu.  of  Pioberl  Cue  of  Stratford. 

!.      Ab;L>aih  b.  >:,,v.  2:!.   \Vu\\:  m.   Pavid  Austin. 

II.  SM>anMa.  b.  M;,;,  li  l-i,   l!;7d;  d.  v. 

in.       liann.di.  b.   MiiV  I!,   lOb'-,;  m.   Er.-'ucis  Prown.    j.ll.] 

IV.  Mary.  b.  Sei)!."]4.  ICs ';  m.  Stcph.-n   s\]iiteln  ad 

V.     J<;mJthan,   b.  Oct.  ]:!,  His:',;  ,1.  177."',;  ("apt.:  m.  Sarali  Sa  d<ett.     1,  John,  u.  bef. 

A1'I'E.M>1X.  G21 

his  f.   '.}.  JoN.vTHAX.   :^.  .!ami-s.   4.  JosKiMi,  (1.  l^ir.l.  a.  SO.    1.  ThiiJd,  'is,i\.  umn.  in  1883, 

and  i;-avr  ]iis  iinip.  tn  lnu.  (')iaanccy.   2,  (.'lui 'nic. y,  d.  is  12.   1,  Lrvi,  ni .    1,  (''vntliia, 

111.    Daiiifl   'I'lowl'iiili.'-f.    [.11-]     2,   Josi'|)li.   liad    2  daus. ;    in. •   Annstjoiij;,  .slii))ping- 

iHci-di.  of  Xcv.-  Uav.'  o,  Adalu  d.  A])!'!!  28,  Ibfi-^,  a.  UM;  m.  K!isl..a  1  lickiTinaii  []i.  IGS]. 
o,  Ji:<si;.  fi,  Oi.ivKK,  d.  unni.,  ITS.");  .i^iivc  liis  projicvtv  to  liis  bro.  .loseidi'.s  cliil.  7, 
SrsANX.v,  1).  n.J-l.d.  1829.     y.   KijoDA,  'b.  ITvU:  d.  ISnr.' 

Vf.      Sarab,  m.  .lonatbiaii  Munsliidd.    [p.  2t);i.  | 

Vir.  KbeiK'/.T,  b.  N.)v.  22.  1087.  in.  .bin.  r^,  1 71fJ,  iNJeicv  Mix.  1.  K>  os,  b  April 
19.  171U;  Y.  (■.;(!.  S.'i.t.  II,  1770;  in.  ]'!n'!)._,  U'lutiii-n2i  Jiily  215,  170^,  jjannali  Miles, 
wbo  in.  (2)  .Ttirtd  IngLTSol  in  1791,  dower  of  lOnos' Allino-'s  widow,  (list,  to  Mr.s.  Susanna 
l^njwnson,  Mr.-^.  i'rudeuct:  ikown,  Mrs.  ilanii:ih  ]5hd;esb'e,  Mr.s.  Abi^riul  Ucers  and  Mrs. 
Mary  lirownson;  Stejibeu  Ball  and  .lames  (JiU'-rt  dividers.  2.  I'r.rDE.vcK,  b.  Nov.  1722; 
d.  >iarub  oO,  1773;  m.  April  8.  17."yJ,  J(j,se]>}>  Urown;  r2d  wf.)  b.  Dec.  1,  1701;  d.  Jnne  (J, 
1790:  s.  of  Daiii-^d,  Fdeazer,    Francis. 

Vin.      SrcpliiMi,  b.  Mar.di -1,  KiyO;  m.  17bj,   Marv  Trowbtidiro. 

].\.      L\dia,  bap.  Xov.  20,  1091. 

A'.      Susanna,    h.    Oct.    '6,  U)9o;    ni.    Oct.    0,    1705,    John   \Miiie,  ancestor   of  Ik^nrv 
White,  Ks(i.,  of  New  Ilav. 

T.      Ca]it.    rhnvles  Ailing,    bu.    Hauidcn    Pia.ins   gr.    yrd.;   d.    .Jan.    2-1,  180>^.   a.  7S. 

■     Hannah,  liis    wf. .  d.  next  day  in  her  77th    yr. :  they  wei'c  n\.  more  tlian  .50  yrs.;  his  will, 

dated  1807,  names:     1,   Aincvn.,  wf.  of  Samuel   iJomian.     2,   liev.   Af;K.\"nA.\r,  b.  1 7.5-!; 

d.  July  24,  18;37,  a  8M;  jiastorof  the  1"..  I'lains  Ton.  chli..  0':\.  19,  1797.  2.3  yrs;  in.  Abigail 

. ,    who  d_;  Aug.  17,  1N28,  a.  74.    1,    Auua.  h.  177.J;   d.  Sept.  lo,  1817.  a.  44.    o,    Anna. 

■1,    P.E'l'^KV.    '   T).    kzKA. 

11.      Rhoda  Allin^r.     1,  Ein:xKZKK.     2.  Phixkas. 

III.     ('apt.  Caleb  Ailing.      1,  Calki;.   2,   Asa.     .3,  .Ikssk.     4,   IIaxxaii  Piiji-ps.    5,. 
Amkija,  wf.  of  Samuel  Ford.     6,   Lyiua,  wf.  of  Moses  Cooper. 


Hannah  Allmg,  wf.  of  Capt.  Caleb,  d.  Jan.  4,    179o,  a.  84. 

Kov.  Cah.-b.  Ailing,  d.  Xov.   2.5,  ls2;j,  in  78th  yr.  of  his  a.  and  20th  of  liis  niinistry. 
Loi.s,  his  wf. ,  d.  July  7,  18o5,  a.  90. 
Ezra  Ailing,  d.  June  0,   1851,  a.  Ct). 
Eliza  Ailing,  wf.  of  Ezra,  d.  June  ?0,  1840,  a.  42. 

Calel)  Ailing.  Nov.  17.  1826.  a.  .50;  Puth,  liis  wf.  d.  Dec.  11,  18;J1,  a.  5:5. 
Jesse  Alli;ig,  d.    .Marcli   oO,  1859,    a.  ■;2;   Saiah,   his   wf. ,  d.  May  7,    1S70  a.  82  vrs.. 
8  mos. 

Ichabod  Ailing,  d.  Sept.  19,  1S09,  a.  .52;  I?h<Kla,  his  wf.,  d.  Feb.  11,  1820,  a.  GO. 

Rhoda,  wf.  of  Samuel  Ailing,  d.  l)vi\  9.  1845,  a.  21. 

Chester  Alliny-,  d.  M,-,v  7,  D-'Sl,  a.  90;  I'hebe,  his  wf.  d.  Sept    13    18;;8    a    42 

>[abel  Ailing,  d.  April  15,  1852,  a.  9;j.       5  '  '  , 

Severd  Allini.-,  d.  June   12,   ls:o.  a.  73.  ,,      ,     .^         ^ 

Faunv,  his  wf.,  d.  Sepr.  2^,  ]S5S,  a.  58.     f^'^  '^  ^'^'^^  ^'^  ^'"^  stone. 

Jolm  S.  Alliug,  d.  Fell.  4.  ]S,i7,  a.  43         J 

Asa  Ailing,  d.  .Ian.  25,  1,^00.  .-..  s2;  I'.stlier,  his  wf.,   d.  March  22,  1874,  a.  SS. 

]*]stlier  Aiiu,  their  dan.,   d.  1852,  a.  25. 

Fois  Julia,  d.  June  14,  1852,  a.  28. 


David  and  Joshua  Atwatei",  brothers,  weie  among  the  hrst  planters  at  New 
]lav<-ii.  .lo.-huu  rem.  and  sold  his  bonii-stea<l  to  \\'illiam  4\ittle.  The  nuile  line  of 
Josluia  is  Slid  to  be  extinrt.and  all  b.-n'in-  the  name  of  Atwater  in  America  are 
descended  from  David,      lied.  (.)ct.  5,  1(;'.)2. 

I.      -Mercy,  b,  154).  <),  lf;47;   m.  .bd,u  Austin. 
1!.      Damaris,  b.  Ne.v.  12,   KilS;   ni.  .b)hn  l'uiulei--on,  Dea.  of  tlic   1st   chh    N    Hav 
(10^9--!  130).      1,   .b).[x,  Dea.  of  the  1st  ehh.  (i;27-1742j;  m.    1739  Mary  Tattle,  wid.  uf 
Ens.  .bdm  Fall. 

in.      David,  1).  .filly  13.  1050. 

IW     Joshu-.i.  b.  .Ian.  11,  1052-  ii:.  June  2. t.  lO^'O.  Fvdia  ]{ockw(41. 

V.      Jnhn,   1..   Nov.    1.    1054;    m.   Abigail  .Manslield.   ' 
VI.      Jor;ath;in,  b.  Julv  12,   1050;   \\\.  Futh  Feck. 
Vll.      Abigail,  b.  March  3,  lOGO;  m.  Natii.  .b.nes. 



\l]\.      M:\:y.  \>.  Mhit],  ;1I,  KKV?;  ('J)  i;.:l)his,iii.      In  i!(T,l  1  TOfj  Joiuitlian  Atwntcr  naiuers 
broa,   ])avid  aiul  John  ami  ^i^-tcrs  Ahiyail  .Idiics  uihI  .Mary  Hobiuaun. 
IX.      Saiiiiu-l,  I).  S.-pt.   17.  ICCi). 

X.    Kiu-uf/cr,  b.  Jan.  i;;,  ICfJi.i. 

3.     Di'vVicl  AUValcr,  b.  July  IT!.  \i\')();  m. 

1.  J().x|ii,a,  b.  .la;,.  V'J.  li;':^:;  m.  Xnv.  •^2,  Tril,  .Anna  llradlcv  an.!  d.  Jan.  29,  17??.. 
1,  David,  h.  <.,■],{.  l^,  170;.;:  m.  Nov.  2."",,  171."),  I'^lizabrtli  l',:is.sert. "  1,  Juizubit/i.  b.  Jan. 
:JU,  17-lS;  III.  Jnuah  HoTrhkiss.  '2,  J/,  dud.  'Slixv^'li  •J;J,  i  bll ;  ni.  (2)  Hli-Mbi  Dlrk.Tniau 
Si-jit.  !»,  17;s.  ;;,  /;■//,/./,  twin  wlib  M.  4,  .h>:diiia.  .'),  J//;(/y,  b.  Mav  o,  n.").;;  in.  177.") 
(icu.  John  Ilubljar.l.  fJ,  ]>,i.-uL  b.  De<-.  ,S,  17."i(_):  in.  Ihu-lwl  Hubbard.  7,  J.'r,d,h. 
Ir^i'iit.  ~4,  1  r")S:  m.  ]Cnnii-t_.  Dickeiiuaii.  ■''!.  lilhcnf,  b.  .\;iiil  27,  1700;  m.  Jainc-^  Pn-.s- 
<'ott.  i),  7-;"/.'/.'.  ,  Juni' 2,  17ti2;  111.  IJi  Uoicliki.^^s.  10.  /V/./.t,  .^b(V  ."i,  1 IG  1;  m.  Klnathan 
Tyler.  11,  /,'/,./(/.',  .Mav  i;-;,  K'i'l:  in.  l-aac  Tou-u.-^t-nd.  12.  A"- /v^  b.  Nov.  2:i,  1 7f)S;  d. 
3JarcU  ;j,  1771.  2.  K\".w,  in.  Julv  'J,  1741,  Hannah  Mo.s.s.  1,  Ibuuin.  2,  A>^dph.  :-J, 
J;,'////-//'/',  l>.  Jan.  2;!,  1747:  in.  March  4,  17:;b  Kli  Rionvo;,.  \,  Kuufc.  it,  ]]r,„ou. 
wcnl  tr.  Snuth;ni;'Cii;i :  (iwni'!'  of  At\-.att.T  .Miik^, 

5.     John  Atwator,  a  u-,.av,-i-;  1).  Nov.  1,  ln.")4;  d.  17-1."-;  m.  Sept.  13,  1082,  Abi^-nil 
Mansfifhh  d.  S'  pt.  -,'4,   1717:    iv:-..   WallinLclord. 

].     Jolm,  b.  Aui;-.   17,  ii!^4:   m.  Kli/.ubrtli  Mix. 
II.     Al>i-ai!,  b.  Oct.  i:,  Ki^.-,. 

III.  .M-iVv.  b.  I\4j.  (i,  l(;s7. 

IV.  Hannah,  b.  1>.t.  17,  K'.'JO. 

\.  J<isluia.  b.  .Sej'T.  b"-^,  IVlUo;  111.  Mary  Pfck  :  (2)  Sarah  Yale. 
A  I.  Mo.M-s,  July  17,  li'iJiJ:  m.  Sarah  5b-iihiian  IHt.  2'-!,  1722:  (2)  IVIaiy  llotdiki^s 
April  22.  17ob  J.  Aiuo.vii,.  2,  Sak.mi.  ;j.  Mosks.  4.  .Mhitcv.  ."i,  bb.Tiir.  (i, 
J).\\  in.  Ft  !>.  2v,  l7vCi:  ■•  a  uot^d  apothe^'aiy  in  Xc-.v  Ha.v.'  ;  \va-;  kilh'd  ii!  a.  -ldrnii-<li  wirli 
Ibiti-^h  troop.s  at  I'anii^o  Hill  A]iril  2''^,  1777;  la.  Nov.  b"),  17iO,  Kunlrr  Thonipsijn.  4, 
J).[rld.  b.  i:?7:  Y.  <•.  17:t7;  d.  l-^D."),      7,  M.\i;v.     S,    HANWir. 

VII.     I'hineas,  b.  Scj.T.  2:!,  K^W;  in.  Alarv  ^^'aI■d:  (2)  Ilannal;  Ivim. 

VUl.      Calrh.  b.  U.-i.  11.  i;u.",;  m.  .\,-v.  b)."l?2ib    Mohitabh.'   Mix.      4,    S.ui.Mi,  b.  Nov. 
■2S,  1727.     2,   Et'MCF.  h.  Sept.  10,  17;ji;.  m.  Phinrus  Cook:  (2)  Kla-nczer  To\vn>ond  and 
had  Siillil  '.vho  n\.  llezi  Idah  JIou>-. 

IX.  '  B.'iijaniin.  b.  1 '.•.•.  s,  170^,  Dt/a. :  r.i.  Nov.  2S,  17:>2,  I'Uizabetli  I'oricr  ^vho  d. 
Jan.  12.,  1774!  a.  tl''..  1,  Ki.i/.\i;i.iii,  b.  Aitril  2.7,  17;:!4:  tl.  April  bJ,  17."il.  2,;v,  b. 
Dec.  ::^'».  17:;-:):  in.  Xo\ .  KJ,  K-'j?,  Al).4  Vook  %v]io  d.  Aui;-.  U),  1770.  a.  4  1.  :!,  Cu.\iroi;T, 
b.  Sc]it.  11),  li4i.i:   d.  Jan.  22.  17.")7.      4.    Hkxi.vm  iX.  b.  Jan.  U.  d,  Jan.  lH.  17-")1. 

X.,  b.  Feb.  (i,  17ltli:  ni.  1>.^-.  :]\],  i7:;7.  Jane  Andrew^.  1,  C.vr.Ki;,  b. 
Sept.  8,  17;;-<:  in.  Pliel),-  Talinad-v.  2.  S.v.MiKi..  b.  .bin.  2,(1,  174<l;  ni.  Hannah  Ibisto]. 
3,  Ep.i':-NJ.zr.i;,  b.  Jan.  FJ.  1742.     4,   Ei'irit.viM,  b.  Nov.  2  7.  Klo:  m.  AViit.'-ail  Kowe. 

51.     ,)ohn  Atwater,   \>.  Auu-.  17.  lt^;j:    m.  Au--.  4,    i;i3,    Fli/.abeth   Mix.     lie  d. 
:SIairh  2l»,  17fi.-). 

].     Stephen,  b.  S.'pt.  s,  1714. 
II.      Kli.'.abeth,  in.  Iv.-.^. 

III.  Fno.s,  b,  H._.c.  :4.  Kli:  m.  July  9.  1741,  Hannah  M.^ss.  4,  Exos,  b.  Oct.  2.".. 
174S;  ^\^•\\l  ^outh.  1,  Til'i-".  livi'd  in  (>i  autre  (_"o.,  X.  Far.;  in.  2,  Isaac,  a  inissicniary 
to  tin'  lndi:ins  by  whom  he  was  priJ)ab]_\   killed. 

i\'.  John,  ii.  Jan.- 27.  171S-  in.  Fel..  -J-J,  i;4F  Haninh  'riionip:-ou.  1,  J  r.KK.MT.Mi. 
^'ov.  10,  174  1;  d.  Oct.  \\\ .  is:;.-,,  a.  1)1:  ni.  Lois  Hind.  1,  ,linns.  2,  .hr.nihih,  1).  Fee. 
27,1773;  Pres.  of  Middh'i.Miry  and  .-itt.r  of  Fickin.son  Col.,  Pa.;  d.  Ann-.  21,'.  is.'.S:  ni. 
Claris.sii  Siorrs,  and  liad  (,'larissa,  b.  May  2^',!:  in.  Pev.  <).  F.  FutierlhJd.  3,  Jolm. 
b.  Scjit.  F),  1777:  in.  <.divia  Sedg\vi(4v  "tlM.  4,  7.":'.y.  h,  ('I'urU-s,  Au^-.  IS,  nSH:  Y.  V. 
FS(J.7;  Fcv.;  .set.  ;it  North  Fj-aiU'ord;  in.  Ma  ry  Mi-i  win.  C.  /■'///,',//,  S.  pt.  17,  17sit;  in. 
Zolni!  Bradley  (3j.  7.  A'//'C//,  twin  wiHi  F.  2,  FirKi;r;,  1).  Aul;-.  11,  1747:  m.  — - — 
Duiton.  3,  IFvxx.u!.  h.  Fil',.  17.  1749;  in.  Samuel  Hull.  4,  Joiix,  Srpt  .">,  IT-"")!.  ."),!',  in.  Pollv  Tuttl.',  .V.  ;. 

V.  Steplien,  b.  l"cb.  2,  li2U;  ul  Feb.  23,  1744,  Hannali  Hotdikiss.  \,  bii.izs- 
BKTit.  l.(.  Sept.  12,  174(1;  1.1.  F.phraiin  'I'litiHMiM.  2.  Fois,  m.  .b.lm  Fp.-on.  3.  S.VK.vii, 
Xov.  2.""),  li.'il;  m.  i':!!..!^  .iohnson.  4,  H.^nn.vii,  Nov.  27,  17.74;  m,  .b,hu  Hall.  .">, 
N'AieMi,  Aiit:.  17.  i;.">tb  m.  Kn  >s  Jbin.neH.  (l,  Piiii,  twin  wiili  .\.:  m.  Jon.athan  Hall. 
7,   Si  r.i'i:i;x.  .Mav  l:;,  17.-)S;  m.  Anna  Mo^.s. 

W.  Titns.  b.  172F  d.  De.'.  2i;.  17.\S;  in.  Oct.  14,  174s,  Mar-aret  S.oit.  1.  <'ui.('r., 
Ml.  Samuel  Cuok.  2,  Amos.  m.  .Martha  Cowlcs.  3,  Mi-.i;uia.\!.  m.  Falvin  (.'owks.  4, 
PtiOD.v.  in.  Judd. 

Ari'ENDIX.  G-<13 

\  II.     ,\nios,  d.  a.  i. 

\'11I.     Ihiunali,  1).  Vh'i-.  2H.  IT'22;  111.  B.-l;i  Ilitrhodrk  of  Cli.'sl.irr. 
IX.     ElK-iu/.iT,  I..  IT-.':!;  d.  ()<t.  -Ji,  I7:,r,. 

55.     Joshua  Alv/ntcr,   Sept.  ]H,  KV.);;;    m.    .Inn.    17,    i;2:j,   Marv    I'eck;    {2j   Sarah 
<inli-,  Stilt.  4,  174u,  ;ui(.i  d.  ,\.iv.  •.".),  1707. 
].     .losliiia. 

II.  -Maiv. 

[11.      ('alci),  Sept.  ,"■),  1711;    ni.  Al)i-ai)   .Inncs;    (-2)  Ihitli  M'nd^wnnli,   .Tan.   OO.   17:15. 
lied.  1831.      1,    Sauaii,  .lulv  1!),  17';7;  in.  ("apt.  Mnii.-k.      'J,    .M.\i;v,  April  'j:;,  17<;'.);  lu. 

.Rev. Boehf.     ;;.    Li-cY."  D.T.  S.  1770:    m,    lia    I>;:v.     -1,    .In.^iirA,   Vch.  y,   177;J:    lu. 

■  Oct.  22,  17i):5.  I':ii/j1)''tli,  dau.  (jf  Aan.u  Cnwk.  \\v  d!  April  ]',i,  1^02.  1,  Kllznhith,  b. 
Aug.  4,  KlU;  III.  .Inlin  l^arlcer.  2,  r,/;7-///,,  ,  b.  .hmc  17.  lliiC;  m.  .Tared  P.  Kinlaud. 
■3,  "Einih/,],.  l\li.  7.  i;!»S;  111.  Fri.'iid  C'u<.k.  4,  A'jiy'tc',  Dec.  2s,  is(ji);  d.  is-j;k  .") 
J/^^rv,  Oct.  IS,  1S03,  d.  1S04,  0,  ('/r't/.,  .Tiily  11,  1S04:  lu.  (2)  Klizabrth  L.  Clark.  /. :  4, 
]\hir\'  L\"ma!i,  m.  Win.  <r.  Cliuate.  .">.  Carolirn-  Eli/abeth,  m.  Calvin  (Joddard.  7, 
Ji>:h';,f/A\ii;.  2(k  1S!)(i.  of  Catskill,  N.  Y.  s,  y/,,,,*.  (•.,  .\no-.  20.  ISO-s.  9,  Bf'/>'r.  lU, 
J'_>A/i.  11,  IT//-.  12,  J/-/.'7/ J/(/i,  b.  -May  2i),  IS]!);  lu.  Lieut.  Carrt't  J'.arry.  ,^,' .lutriitA, 
b.  .TuneoO.  IT:';;  d.  ^allu'  yrar.  ,6.  Ai'.K.Atl,,  Dim-,  l;!,  ]77S;  m.  Dr.  .lofm  Andrews  of 
Wall'd.  7,  CA'inr.i>J::.  .MaV  24,  17S1;  ni.  'riionias  Cook.  )<,  IUtji,  Ajiril  11,  17SS;  ni. 
A]. oil  OS  Conk. 

557.     Phincas  Atwater,  b.  Sept.  2:],  ICOi);  d.  Oet.,  17si;  m.  Nov.  9,  1727,  Mary 
"\\'ard;  (2)  \vido\s-  liannali  Ive.s  of  (insiien,  Conn.,  Junt.'  b"),  17tiS. 

I.  Hculu.n,  Oct.  lo,  172S;  d.  Au-.  19,  ISO];  Major;  m.  April  29,  Mr,'!.  Sarali  Mull; 
(2)  -Mary  Kiisscl!  ,ian.  2S.  17.1.7.  1.  Sauaii,  b.  .June  "ll,  IM.'k  2.  Mi.iiAV.,  b.  June  19.' 
17.~)7,  m.  Hon.  Stephen  Howe  iiradb'y  b.  in  I'hesliiic,  Com,.,  Oct.  :h.'.  1754;  Y.  C.  1775; 
Aid  to  Cen.  Ihnid  W'ooster  \vlien  slain;  5,:;t.  in  \i.;  U.  S.  Senalor  i  191-1X117;  d.  at 
AVali.ole.  .\.  11.,  Dec.  IC,  ls:]n.  ;;,  1'ui_\ka.<,  No\.  2.),  I7.M;  d.  1177.  !,  I' 
^Iaiiv,  b.  Sept.  ITOi';  m.  Cen.  Andrew  Hull  of  Clie.sliiri',  (.'nnn.  .1,  l{cssf,i,i,,  b.  .lune 
2U,  17*J2;  d.  is."")!;  in.  Oct.  24,  1799,  Cl:(ri-sa  Cliapuian,  4,  Jh'uri/  S. .  twin,  h  Sej,<.  21, 
1798;  Kev.;  I^|)is.  Hector  at  Fo.pietanuck,  Conn.  b.  Xaici;v,  b."  Ape/il  2,  i7t;!;  m.  I)i. 
Elnatlian  Beach.  7.  A.MAUVI.Ms,  twin  with  Xal>by;  n..  '1  itus  Sti-eci  of  A'ew  Haven, 
father  of  ^'1  "v"'^'^''-'  J'-  'S//vv/aiid  Muri/,  wlfcof  (b)v.  liof^pin  of  li.  I.  S,  ];i;ii;i:N  ), 
Mav  If^,  17(i7';  d.  Yvh.,  is:]];  m.  Eli/.a"  Willard ;  (2)  Sarcdi  l.aiub. 

■  II.  \V;ii;ani,  m.  .Tan.  :il,  17.-)4.  l^stlicr  Tuitle. 

III.  'I'bonias,  b.  Aug.  14,  lT/.;i;  lu.  Hove  Hull  Dec.  j!,  l'i,77. 

IV.  Dhineas.  .     . 
^'.  '>ainaris. 

VI.  -Merab. 

Vn.  Ambrose,  b.  Dec.  19.  174:5;  d.  Eel).  4,  ls:i-),  a.  91;  removed  lo  Slielburue.  Vt., 
fifterwards  to  Burlington;  ui.  Siu-ah  Trynn.  1,  Amkii.\.,  b.  .July  ij^  17(i(;  ni.  4'haddeus 
Tuttle.  2.  LiMs,  'm.  I'-stlier  llotdil-.i-s;  {■!)  Mary  Hotchki'.s.  ;>,  .JoxATtiA.-;.  4, 
Amkkosi:.  .1,  Tkdmas,  b.  Ajiril  19.  Ub");  d.  Jm-I.."  bl,  is-MS;  m.  J'etsev  ISovden.  l'. 
Amhru.-^C,  b.  ,lan.  1,  ISOO;  m.  Sallv  I;.  Drew  of  Burliu-ton,  \X.  1,  i;.ljr,'i  r"^^'.  "  2,  Ivucy 
Ann.  8,  Osluun  '1'.  4.  Charlotte  11.,  b.  Mar.h  I'.l,  IS-lil;  w.  \)v.  H.  .1?  Hill.  .•>, 'Eli/a- 
beth M.,  b.  .June  17,  bS:lS;  in.  Dr.  1'.  J.  Ivent.  C.  Henrv  11.  2,  Alimru,  b.  .\ul-.  17, 
1^92;  m.  .1.  1'.  Drew.  :5,  I.^inmi,  _/.'.,  b.  .lune  2:bisin:',,f  (.'rand  Ib'ipids,  Mi,-h.  4,' 
ir/V///(//'  jr.,  b.  Eel).  1,-),  1S14;  Ib'V.  (I'^-is.);  m.  l-'.b/.a  .1,  B;.rues,  (t,  Sai;'a!i,  b.  Fei).  11, 
1777;  in.  .Xsa  Evori.  S.  Mauv,  b.  Oct.  17,  177S;  m.  Peter  IC  SniiHi.  9,  Ibn.M.As,  b. 
July  12,  17sn.  ](),  Mkuak,  Ajuil  17,  17S2;  ni.  John  1'.  \\  eiiiiore.  11,  (.'i.AiiA  C,  Mav 
<;,  l"7S(;;  m.  .Joshua  Fuller.  12,  Vi'imjam,  b.  May  9,  KsJ;  d.  July  27,  bs.""!o;  Ibirliiig- 
ton;  m.  Delia  Wetniore.  1,  /■'raiirt t)  Jf.  2,  11'///.  }f.  '.],  (r<_iyr(jc  E.  4,  ("mrlasn.  ,1. 
Ilinun  11.,  b.  E(Jj.  17,  1S2S;  M.  D.  in  Burlimrtoa,  \x.  0,  I'rtiJnirk  A.  7,  JCdtrnnl  J) 
^,   J.>jn>'ri,    ir.     9,  ./'/////  ]'. 

6.      Jojiathan   Atwater,  b.  Julv  12,  1(;,"j{i;   d.   17ot);   m.  ,luue  1,  ir,Sl,  Ruth  Peck 
I.      Jo-liua,  b.  and  d.  l(iS2. 

II,  Havid,  b.  Aug.  .7.  1i;n:;:  m.  I'uth  Bradb-v;  (2|  Tabitha  Whitehead. 

III.  Jerenii;,b,  b.  Jan.  ;!I,  lbs,-,:  ,1.  (_),.t.  •,';,   I7;]2;  m.  A].ril  9,  ITbi.  Evdia  ii'osewel] 
1,  Lvt.iA,  b.  Oct.   IS,  i;i.7;   m.  John  bJliot,  llxp,  of  \\'indsor. 

IV.  M;u\,  b.   Dec.  :;b  KlSd;    m.    Diikernian,  Dea.  of   tin'   1st    <hh    in  X    Hav 

V.      Kutti,  l>ee.  ;.{[,  BfsS;   m.  Saiuuil  Iv.  .-.. 
VI.      Jon;i»haii.  b.  Nov.  4,   u;9();   m.  (2i  Marib.a  Tuttb-  [p,  M7J-  (1)  Abigail   Bradlev. 

VII.  Eydi;i,  b.  Ai-i'il  2S,  \i\\\:>,:  d,   .\uir.  2,  KV.H.  ■         ■-■  - 



Si  iJ'HKX,  1>.  172-1;  in.  ll'Vl, 

Yiu.  joyqa'.  ^-  !>-'■•  5'- 1'^''-^:  "^-  "i!';:" ;  V';";',"  ;■■  . 

IX.      D^Munii-^.  1..  Ucl.  0,   Hi'.'^;  111.  l.-M,  (.ik-hllull.      1, 
KnTli-Mi!<'s[i..  -U\-2]. 

62       David  Atwatcr,  Au^.  5    K^-:^;  <1.  M.y  1.  1727;  m.  June  25,  1712,  Ruth  lU.ul- 

1.,^;    (l')'n'>'ill'.a  \\'WUvhr:u\.    \\-r.   2,  171^. 

V  Wrph'<'i>"x.)v  'l.")'  i'71o-  livi-.l  in  Mcri-lm  and  Wall'd;  m.  Elizabeth  Val.-.  1. 
1',-TM  ■lum-  ;  17'lo-  ni  —  MiK-.  (2^  Th.nnn^  >fcrr-nnau.  2,  STi.riiKN.  S.-pt.  li;,  1742. 
;  n  ^  A  mr    i  •»-.      ;-.    KrxKK,  Srpi.  2^  1744:  WiUiau.  .1,-1, nson.     4,  l).vvn.>. 

t""31  'V  V   M    Kv:Van    2^.  175U;'  u,,'—   M^rnan,.       G.  K  ,,r.  vu.rnr,   ,JuIv   27. 

nJ^:^!.:  Innah  ul.rhkiW.     1.  7/---/^     7,  ('nu,.-i  orHKK.  .Ian.  G,  175o.     S,  Is.vAr,  J).c. 

^'  11''     .!::■:;;; ';n'>i;;nri.U722;  n.  Jan.  2..  1745,  Sarah  Beach     l-/^--"-.      2. 

I'  '^i  "'i  ^  .     V,    :J  ^  ;„",.;,       4    7-,o.n>s,  April  i:.,  17:s    „,.  J.n.  i:>,  lsoi5,  Sarah 

S::;;t:       rVnlannah-k:'...  Ai-ril  ll.'l.u:,  n,;  (^'„r,.  i.-w.       ^  >[a,,-  IV    1..  FoK  2S, 

r'     ;,:..;:    -I'l.'na;    B.'       7.  Saral.    B,.    S,,.-    T,    1;^4;    ,n.    Tapt.  WW.  Hark.       ., 
y:/,'A'.  1..  17.-1';   l,..t  at  -a  Jan.  lU,  l^lO.       G,  ^<'nr>/,  Jan.  lo,  1  ,nJ.    m.  Wihu    Mix.        <, 

.s',,,7//.     S,  }[■! rill' I'd 

V    '  'Da'vai    !.    lunr-4    17->.V  in    1744.  Uannah  'ralma.l;;v.     1,  \\  u.r.TAM,  1..  Oct.  lo 
1~4V   of  >(ilKn.:i-  'iVa.  2d  Cuiu:.  .-hh.;  m>.  IL'tty  ('lark:  (2)  Mrs.  Sarali  Brinlnall ;  (:j)  Mrs 

]-.       •■    L  ,         ^     ^VPl;.,,„        -^    7;,.c/,-/    m.  ClK.rlntK' Pond.       ;-!,  V.'- /^'.'/,  n,.  Bulk     4 

V^^;;  t  '  Viminn    (Cweir-  %.  r/...7,,  n,.   H...  Mr.  Pitkin  .d  Ohk..       0,  >S....  ,n 

/Z^»(/,  ui.  William 
David  Sndih.      k  AV,."//-^'/-.  d.  lu  Unna 
M.      I'lisha.  Der-.  4,  174'!. 
\\\.      Marv.  Maridi  o,  174'J. 
VII 1.      ll:nniah,  May  -.'4.  1  kJO 


66       Jonathan  Atwater,  h.  Nov.  4.  1700;  m.  p.c.  15,  1713.  Abigail    Bradley:  (2) 
arrha  (Tnule),  wid.  <d  B^-njainin  BraJlev;   ,    hv  Ni  m.: 
1       ]'h.4,e    1..  Oct.  20.  1714:  ni.  r:d(-l.  Ihit.-kkis.. 
Il'       A{Mak.-:in.  Nov.  10.  KIG.   n).  Mary  Ball  pk  n 
in'     Isaae,  Oct.  21,  171>:;:  d,  Oct.  7.  177U:  ni.  Dec.  !) 
Sry,t    y    Iklo:  ni-  C'apt.  Fianri-   Brr.wn.       2,  Svkak 
•->    SlJ'Tl     h    Jan    25,  1755;   in.  Daui.-l  'j'rowhnd--.',  j 
'"*'  '  IV    '    );'col.    Jan.  22.  1721;  d.  ]>'C.  11.  17!)'.);    in 

„.  ';•..,  .,;  ,;30-  d  Dm.-  23  iMkk  in.  kois  A'lin-.  1.  //'/.../".Oct.  IC.  1-.4;  ni. 
5^  V^i:'  fo  i  '  dt;  Mav  23,  177.;.  s.  ,A./A„.,  Oct.  15,  177-.;  d.  182S;  .n.  ka.ra 
Kei kvA'  '  ^^ilviaj;.  D;.c.'isu5;  m.  Dr.  Homer  Kaik  4,  A./.,  -Inn.  2:].  17S1;  n,.  S am  1 
T  T'  '^  Mivrbm  Jan  7.  17SS;  m.  David  Pond.  G,  JA'/v/.  N"v.  .J,  1  .i'2;  m.  lle/,,- 
J":^^"k„''.-o    Vo^;,    Jam    3.  1752;    Y.  (ki:74;    Pcv. ;    m.  Pa.dul    kynnn,:    ,2)    Anna 

'.  !),  1742,  Dorothy  Mix.     1.  If  \x.NAn,. 

Srj't.  2k  17!f'.;    m.  Isaar    (ku-hain. 

r     v-l^d     4,  Ft  NIC]-.     5,  l']sTiii:!;. 

.  Merriam    I-^e...    V,-h.    10.    17  IS.       K 

1,  U'l.xhi.  Oct.  Ilk  17  74;    m. 

k-iah  Hine. 

r  V  ,\r.,r  S  M\i;fi.  Jan  3,1  1752,;  m.  kevi  Ikr^sctt.  ■!.  kvDi  \,  1  I'l'.  Ik  i-o!-i;  I'l. 
ThS  =lu^Ba^;-n  5  JuTHAM.  N.,v.  17.  1757;  killed  by  Brdish  at  White  IMains,  Oct 
i^  ^7  fi  J  ^SON.  Mav  5.  i:5M;  V.  0.  HNl;  Kev.;  s.t.  in  Ikanto.d.  Cu">'-  -  ''•  ';■';^• 
l  ul-  1 70  8.  M  .VK  v".  Feb.  7,  17G3;  n,  Dav.nport  NMUiams  i.  Asa.  An,r^  S,  l.b4. 
'  Ak,n-h  'r  ISP  •  m  iVt-ev  Oolf.r.  1 .  ,/,/ v,.. ,  !..  U'(l2 :  V  ( '.  1  S-,,;  li.v.  ;  l>=,s  o,-  of 
Con  ■  c  h'  at  MiddkJn.rv,  X;.wro.  „  and  odn-r  pla.c.  10,  MKiM;,AM.  Sept.  ',  l'^^- 
"V       .Jonathan,  b.  0,"t  ,  12.  1723;   lived  in  P.ethuny,  (onn.,an(l  d.  tlu're  I  el,.  24.  1,9.. 

x\\  br'M'.-  k^''l7''s'mAu.iah  Ikldwin,  1,  Am  AH  .  On.  (k  17G4  :  m.  Abel  Wanl 
\tAvat,-r.'  -y'llKi'ivr^,  Maivh  21.  K^iii;  m.  Oapt.  Peck.  3.  Aim;ML.  4,  Juk...  -k 
Ai.i."-     li'k.-  IC,     1774-   "1.   kuiher  Bradli'V. 

'Vlil       Aki'^'il."'    M'=^   4.  173!;   m.  Su-plmn  Hall,  Dea.  l>i  chh.,  li;i-171ll). 
67.  '  Joseph  Atwater,  b.  IVc  0,  1-1^4:  d.  Jan.  Ik  il(;ik   n-s,   Walkd;    m.  Sei-t.  10, 
1722.  Hannah   Dooliltle. 
"  I.      Sarah. 

II.      liannali. 

1,  Sai; AH.  .\pril  20.  175<k  m. 

V  i.,,,i,,,,,ip  1,  \,.-;i  7,  172T:  m  Pk<J...  Am.-..  l.^AI;AH.  .\pru  ^n.  i  ,...,;  m. 
n  /n,  -  ^^^"b.xAm.x.  Sept.  2G,  1757;  m.  Mary  Harris.  \ ,  SUph.n  Jl'irn^.  2, 
Ph^nndlHudHs^    ^    1  .-NJA^^  I  ;^^      ^^^      PorP-r   15.u  h  r.         4,    -SV.  <>,    m.    Orrin, 

^'"■"''""5  'vv^i^-  (■     V -A.'      l^^Lara.  b.  1SU7;   m.  Ahnon  IJoyd;  (2)  Kev.  Chas.  Hins 

AT'i'KXDix.  C:25 

dalp.  S,  P,n,fl,',i.  ;;,  Trns,  1,  M(),,k>.  .M.-y  VI.  i;r,r>:  V.  (",  i:s7;  m.  I'antlic;!  'jMn. 
."),  JuHh.  (j,  .[!■  i;km  1  \ir.  7,  PiikhI';,  \\a-\\  'J,  177-1;  iii.  .lolm  Bn-^sdt.  S,  Anna."  U. 
Makv  Ann,  .liily  II,  XI'i'A;  m   Strphm  .lars'is. 

1^'-  J^>.  cpli.  1>.  .\ii,--  -J'.',  IrJ!*;  (I.  All-,  'J-,',  170'J;  ui.  Any.  IS,  n.jij,  JMicbo  Jlull.  1, 
J(,'si;i'ii,  ill.  Srjit.,  17s;;,  llannali 

V.      'I'lijiLkt'iil,   .M;iy  11,    17;j;5;    in.  Cai.t.    i:]i:;h:i  Hall. 

6.10.  Samuel  Atv;.-ater, ''.  ^^•i't.  17.  10')};  d.  Sr'p.  17,  17l'2;  ivs.  X.  lias-  ;  m 
July  7.  KlUl,  Sarali    \llin--. 

I.       Sainilfl,  li).   S:il;i)i.  ll'ill. 
II.      Daniel.  1).  Srp,.  -J!!,  ioitl;   m.  Al.iir:'!]  Turrit.    [I.] 

III.      I):iinari.^    !..  May  01,  Km'I;  (!.  1771;  in. Parker.       She  Jefi  lier  pnipeity  f,, 

1ki-  lieplieu-.  (':ii.;.  Sa'iiiu;'  .Vt  w  at'jf  and  hi.^.  rliil.,  wliciu  .<lie  mail''  CNeer.,  iiei-  (iiily  lifo. 
1j»-iu_u'  <iut  (if  tile  uMvcniinent. 

i\'.  (/alel^  Oef.  p;,  170-.?;  rem.  id  IVilclies.s  (.'(...N.Y.,  al-oiit  17.")0;  m.  Ai>ril  C, 
17'-27,  i.y.lia  Heiihaiu;  rJ)  ])>'<■.  IS,  17-r.l  .\l)i^^lil  t5raille\-.  1,  I,vi)!.\,  .\piil  :j,  17,".*;  m. 
•Jiide  Tiittle-.  -J.  l!\NX\i;,  Pec.  ol,  ]7.!U;  111.  Daniel  Siiiitli.  ;;,  Di<i!(\>,  All,;:.  -J'i,  17:)-:-!; 
111.  .lame-;  lluiiiiste'ii.  1.  .lAMiis,  Sejit.  1 .  1  7:!  I ;  in.  I'l'iuile)  Todd,  a,  Iv-rm:!!, 
Jane  ;;i,  i;:;!i.       <;,  rv\i;Air,  .lune  lil,  17::'.l.       7,  l.ois,  ni.  TitiLs  Tiiitle.       S,  ErMcic.      :i. 

Cu.Eii.      10,  Er.MCK,  la.  Pease;  CJ;  ('apt.  Ahraliaiu  ];r,-ul!ev.       jl,  Sri:i'iiKN.       Vi, 


"V'.  M.ala'l.  111.  .\;>ri!  (J,  17:is,  l>aae  Beeclier.  In  17-1:',  she  ,ioiiied  in  a;|-reeiiH'nt  with 
bros.,  Daniel,  Caleh  laid  Siepliei)  Atwater,  in  .sell  ■'land  ilu'u  was  uui-'l'atlier's,  Sam. 

.11.     Ebenczcr  Atv/ater,  I>.  Jan.  1:;,  PJOG;  m.  Dec.  13,  IG'JI. 
I.      Sarah,  .\pril  ti,  lOOiJ. 
II.      Mary,  Kili.-.. 
III.      Janms,  b.  Mareh  1.-).  IHi'S;  d.  Julv  ID,  17(iG;  v.\    .fiilv  VI.  M-Vi.  Dinah  Sherman; 
C-?)  M;M-eh  4,  171:).  Kli/ibeth  AlHng.       1 ,  J.\>'i;s.  Oct.  P-.>,  1 704;    taken    j.ri.^oiier    in    Rev. 
war  and  never  liearl  fmni       0,  Ai;i(.Al!,       !!,  ];A(nr,i.  Ajai!  •.'(',,  17:-i7;  m.  .l"!ui]i  IVadle.-. 
■J.  iCi.i/.  Muriii.       :>.  Pin:i!i:.       C,  'rr.\roTJiv,  Xnv.  3,  174!>;  m.  Feb.  3,  177:3,  C'hie,'  Aim-iir. 

1,  Ihtsi,;.  1717;  ni.  J(dm  Hunt.  :.',  S.ilhj.  1770;  ni.  Jes.-e  Hunt.  :3.  S'l.-^.O).  J;ilv  "Jx'.nSl; 
111.  >,\illiain  Culler.  4,  -/''/■<■  .v,  J uly  f,  17s;-!:  m.  Nanev  A'liniv.  Tk  ('f"irl,:s,  \\\f;.  'iS. 
17.S0;  ni.  .Ian.  b,  Isus,  Lm-y  Poot.  "l,  Eli/abeth,  b.  ISiS;  m.  Williaiii  S.  riiarnley.  ■2. 
Cluirlcd.  lias  been  (Tieeubac4T  candidate  for  (.'uv.  oC  Conn.  C,  JLirrUt.  Mavcli  '.i,  17''J'>;  in. 
l^ev.  James  W.  Tm.'ker.      7,  Uubni.     8.  ,1'di.i,  ni.  Ceo,  I!aMnniid.       !),  J.  muti  ('<■,  .March 

2,  17!;'.i;  ni.  Leonard  Da,uv;ett.  7,  LvniA,  April  10,  17.^r,>;  d.  P>47;  m.  Hezekinli  Aun;ar. 
^vl^•.  d..  Nov.  7,  ISl^?:,  a.  GS.      1,  Jhztl.oijL,  seulptor.— .dZ/r,,/,  ;•  ]],:;_,},■. 

l)e.n.  \^  illiaiu  At«vater  lived  in  MiU'ord;  was  deacon  in  the  ~d  Cong-,  ch.h.  His  eldest 
.■^on.  Davirl,  xii,  Ch:ir!otte  Pond.,  and  Inid;  1,  Caridine,  Ajivil  1,  17'.i^.  ;?.  V'h-!!4es  \\'., 
Dec,  1800;  d.  18,^9.  3.  John  (4.,  .lu!v,  isi):-;;  d.  lsG-.\  4,  Martlia,  iso;).  T,.  Davhi.  1811; 
d.  l.s:^(;.  [},.  Charlotte,  lsl;3;  m.  \.  A.  Underwood.  7,  Allen  Clark,  ISPj;  d.  ISllo.  8, 
Sarah  Pond,  18PJ;  in.  J.  M.  DeVine. 

Knos  Atwater,  son  of  Jacob  of  Ihuudeii,  in.  Lois  .-Villi.--,  and  luid  Merriaiii,  b.  Jnu. 
7,  1788;  in.  David  Pond. — Aticjdt.r  Fuwi'ij. 


John  Au.stin,  d.  Feb.  -.30,  lOOl);  he  was  one  of  the  Creeiiwicli  petitioners  in  fav-ir  of 
New  Haven.  Hi:)!);  n;,  KKn,  Mercv,  dan.  of  David  Atwater,  b.  Feb.  O'J,  1017;  d.  l(1s;4;  (;l) 
Jan  -iX.  10S4,  Fli/,.-ibeth  Ihockett.' 

I.     .lohn,  b.  Apiil  -J:;.  l(;'S;d,  F.di.  10,  107."). 
11.      David,  b,   Feb.  2:5.   PmH:  m.   .Vbiirail    Allim--. 

III.  .lu^hna,  1).  Sepi.  :;,  H;;:;;  m.  ^lehitable  Hitchcock. 

IV.  Marx.  <l.  .Ian.  ■.>.;,   h\::^. 

V.  .lohii,  b,  Oct.   1077;  111.  -Vi;;,-v  Sranlev. 

VI.  .Mary,  le   Ainil  17,  10^:);  ,l."Oet.  ',^7,' 108:5. 

\\\.  S:i!i,  1).   10"-;i.  d.  SIM.  d.-iv  with  mo. 

^'in.  Sarah,  b.  .Ian.  •j:3,  lO-.V. 

2.     DaA'id   AllSiia,    b.    Fi4>.  •.';;,  1(;7();    d.    .Vnril    ?■?.  17l:;;   m.   April  5,  lO)!)'.!,  .\bi;^ail, 
dati.  of  ,bi!ui  Aliin;;;   ndni.  of  his  est.  i,'iven  to  wid.  Abigail.   1710;  nms.  chil.    AiHij-aii;  a. 



li,   Duvi.l,  n.  10;   Sfplir,,.  ;,.  7;  -Tciiatlian,  a.  :>;   Mm-y,  a.  n;  si,,'   m.  (2)  Tlinmas  Ol.'ott 
avJkj  clainifil  adin.  of  Davul  A  ii-tin'.s  est.  in  ri.  of  liis  \vf.  Al)i--ail 
1.     -vl'i-ai!.  ]..  Ajiri!  .'i,  Kmn, 
II.      l>:-_vi(l,  1).  Uri.  ■:.-).  no:!;  in.  ]^■l)(•(•<•a  ']'lio!,;|..nn ;  (2)  Hannah  Puuih-rsr.n 

III.  Stc].!!.'!.,  h.  .Ian.   1.  17(l.'.;  ni.  Martha  Tlioin ].,-., -n. 

l\.     •)i.n.-:T!..i!i,  a  ."i,  li.  Ajnil'jr,   ITOSim.      I.   Ai:i(..\ii  ,  !>.   :T;;s-  ,1    (),-t    G    JM''> 
V.     .MtT,-y,  n    :j.  1).  171(1;  HI.  17;;:    Sumncl  Il..!t;  (;.')  Calcl)  IJir. 
M.      Lydia,  in   17'3-3  chos.' 'I'iu.^.  Olcoit,  irnard. ;   ni.   I';Ih-mcz.t  Darr.iw! 

22.     David  Austin,  h.  Oct  '?.!,  ITO:);  m.  Feb.  11,  17;!-:,  ihOjcrra  'ni..nii,>,,)n.  !>.  Feb 
20,  1 7;jlt,    and  had    o   cdi:l.:cJ)  Hannah    ]bin(h-!>^on ;   the  inv.  of  his  c-t.  taken  1  7r)!J;  Dax 
David    Austin     adin.;     iiaiiuv-^     chil.     Paviri,    Saiuiic],   ,],,hu.     llannali,    ]\;ndcrs(Hi     and 

J.  David,  1).  Mairh  0,  17;-I0;  d.  Fi-b,  :>,  isOl;  est.  div.  ISOO;  ^vf,  Esther,  4  fliil. 
livin,c-,  David,  I'unth-'tsoii,  Ih-iicrra  and  .Marv;  he  N\asdca.  cd'  tin-  North  chli  Now" 
liav.,  17.-)^;  tolsi)!,^:!  yi.s.;  m.  Doc.  14,  17.-)-J.  .Mii iv  Mix,  b.  17;j;;:  d.  Sept.  :•!  ]7Nf-c'>) 
F.-thi  I,  wid.  (d  Daniel  AJlenaial  mo.  .d'  Ann  Wiliai  ;i  Alh-n.  ulnun.  lion.  Fli/nr'(  ;,),,di'ii-h 
[]>.  in.-,J.  1.  IJr.r.K.r.A.  b.  Dec.  Id,  ]7:>:!.  2.  M.miv.  b.  O.-;.  -M,  17.V,;  d.  ,,r  smalli-ox 
bept.  1,,  17i:J.  b',  S.\K.\ii,  li.  I7."')7:d.  On.  3.  \'r>[).  4,  D.wid,  I>.  March  ID,  r7,-,<);  V  ('' 
177!l;  i;ct  in  I'^lizalx'tiitcwn,  X.  .).,  ]  7S.S  to  17!)7;  <"ha)>lain  Od  Conn.  ]le^l.'  nndcV  Col', 
llez.  llov,-.-.  in  warn!'  1S]2;  })i(  a-dn-d  in  N.>i  v.  icli.  Conn. ;  was  dcran^'.-d  ~i^n  the  .subject 
Ol'  tlic  iv.^tonitinii  of  til"  .lev,.-,;  he  Was  a  \ci y  t:ilented  and  rbH|U(>nt  pil'aehel'  bnt  ecceu- 
Inc,  eii-atic  and  CAtiava-ant  in  manin-i-  ot  ^j,,  akin^:,  tldnkint;-  and  actiuir;  ni.  Fvdia,  dau 
of  Dt.  .Jo^iah  I.afhro;.  ot  Xorwicdi.  .v.  /. ;   he  d.  Feb.  :,.   \s:][,'   .-,,  JOukm-^.c};,  b."  June  18 

]7()!:  (1.  A]iril  .",  177;;.     (',,   Sa!:aii,  b.  July -I,  nd-'i,  ni.  W'alte;-  Kiny-;  {2)  ^  Austin.     ]' 

W'tiUtr.  2.  t:i,,irl_s.  7.  Fi.(/,.\r.i;Tii,  b.'.uuic  1,  J7il.j:  d.  ^ept.  ;'i,'l774.  .S,  H.\.\x.\u,' 
l->.  Oct.  2\\.  1707:  d.  Scpi.  4.  Iii74.  \).  .Iimin  ]'imii;i;so.v,  Y.  C.,  17!)-)-  (t  '  is;j4  ip' 
KnisiiA,  b.  .AiaiclL  •.':;;  b.-ip.  \;a:ch  2:,.  177n:  d.  ]77!.  11.  FnK.M-/.i:K  J-hjsu  v  bap'  Feb' 
10,  1773:  d.  Ap'.il  .\  1770.      13.   M.\ky,  b.  I77!i:  nn  ,Mav  1-01,  i;,-v.  Andre\.-  ^fa-tes 

D.  Samuel,  b.  A]iiil  y,  17:;;:  m.  \),-r.  C,  KOH,  Fydia  1,  S.\:(ii-i;i.,  b.  Oct 
7,  17i;n;  )'r,.v.  I'niv.  \t.;  m.  .ieruslui  Hopkins  [p.  :i.")!  j.  3,  W.m.  b  S.'iu  S  l'7(;->  o 
Fyiua,  b.  \\-<:.  p,    1 7(14.  '  '  '    ■    -•         -■     ■  > 

I.II.     Joh/i,    b.  Sept.    33.  17:!(.):   in.  Anna  .Mix;  (3)  Juno  1.:;,  17(j7,  Jemima   'J'uttle       I 

AXX.\.    ni.    KeV.    Daniel    C;-.;(d;er. 

IV.  Saraii,  b.  An--.  F).  17d7;  m.  Nov.  <).  1 7:)'<.  David  Bishop 
^'.      KelxM'ca,  b.  i'eb.  3(1.  17:;';.'.    /.  bv  3d   m. ; 

\\.  Hannah,  b.  Auu".  31,  17D:m.   KCd,   Kev.  Nicholas  Street 

\\\.  Puhderson.  li.  .Jan.  is,  1743;  d.  Feb.  31,  sm. 

VJII.  Ibinde.'.son.  b.  Feb.  IP,  i744;  Y.  C..  17(.;3;  tutor.  1 7().Vti:  occuipied  the  i-ulpit  in 

Neuent  ]\ui-h.  Norwich.  l.'onn..  0  nMs.,  Init  (h'cliued  to  serth':  d.  177;! 

L\.  Jomithan,  b.  July  Ml,   F,  hj;  \i\.  S:'rah  He-elier  [p.   i.y;]. 

23.  Stephen  Austin,  b.  Jan.  1,  r/O.'i;  in  1733  (  De...  Jo.-.hua  -\usiin,  iruard.; 
m.  April  li),  r7;.;3,  .Martha  Thonip^sun;  his  \vill  pn-oved  17S7,  names  Ti\]ihem'i,'^Sarah." 
Mary,  1-iunic-e  and  .Martha. 

1.    'I'ryphena,    b.  May  10,  1733;   im    O.'t.    3-1.  17'j4,  Nail. an    Dnmmer;   .shed.  Indore 
1787,  iea\.  heirs,  of  whom:     1,   TuvfiiKNA.  b.  17(13;  d.  lS3s,  ;,.  (;.-,;  ,n.  Tinnahv  (Jilliert 
IF      SteiJaen,  b.  June  17.  17;;."),  d,  April   y.  1S13. 
HI.      Sarah,  ie   17;l7;m.  St'  phen  Ihmitt;  shed.   b,.f()r<'  1",S7,  l,.av.  In-irs 
IV.      Mary,    b.    Jan.  3.",,    17  M;    nn    Oct.   IS,    17(11,    David    F.eeclier-    she   d.  bef.    17S7, 
leaving;-  ejiil. 

v..    Steplieu,  b.  May  7.  174:!;  d.  Feb,  is,  174.1. 
\\.      h^unice,  !j.  i;4.');m.  ('apt  .Vbel  lUiiritf. 
\U.      Abraham,  b.  May  3.).   1741). 
Vilj.      .Martha,  b.    Feb.   Ft,  1  7.'H  ;  m.  Zina.  Denison,  whose  est.  adm.  170G,  nanu's  wid. 
Martha  and  ehil.  Ai  s-rix,  Ani:;,.  F.  Siiin\fAX,  N.vxcv  and  Pom, v.     'I'hero  were  besides. 
ChHrle<,  Ijeuryand  Fliz.ibeth.      1,   AfsTiX.  .M.artha.m.  dau.  of  Seivmo  F.  Dwi^ht  [p.413j." 

0.  Jo:^]ina  .<-iu.Slin,  b.  Sepr.  :<,,  KF:'.;  Dea.  in  1733  and  uinrd.  of  St-ple-n  s  (d"  his 
Fro.  Davi-t;  m.  M.  hiiable  1  litchc. le!:,  wlio  d.  Dee.  N,  17(11).  lie  (.1.  .Marel;  1!l,  17)1(1,  a.  Sli. 
Jo.Jiua,  David.  Daniel. ati<l  Aaioti  Austin,  fnmi  SuHiild.  Conn.,  to 'I  on iim'tmi ,  In-tween 
17.VV(i)).  A  Samuel  An-tin  m.  luith  Cill^rt  id'  Tor..  17(1.");  Co!  .Aaron  Austin  d  in 
New  Mdlerd,  '-.cMi  ,  H  ^1:  <;i;e  d-sc  ,,f  .b;:4.!ia. 
I.      Sll.'uc,.,  b.  Feb.  3s,  1714:  d.  July   14    sm. 

H.  J.e-hua,  n,.  .May  (.1,  I7.";(),  .Viji-ad  Hitchcnck,  who  d.  Au;;.  39,  17nF  u.  .'H:(2) 
Susanna  I'aije,  who  d.  June  37,  FiSlj,  a.  'A\.      1.    Fois,  b.  )■'(•!).   Hi,  170;);  (1.  Juim  10    1703. 



1?,  T>ANiKi„  1).  .lunc  5,  ]:i\2:  ;ii.  S.'pt.  :.,  17S7,  S:ii;ili  I'anlro.  ].  117///.V.  !..  1700;  d.  Jiilv 
'S.\.  17iil,  2,  Mnn/,  ],.  .luiK"  IS,  17(l2,  :!.  ./o/w,  J',n<l,>,  !>.  April  .'!,  17',)4.  4.  Rrphei), 
1).  :\l:uvii  ;{i,  17:)';.    :>,  s>,;//<,  \>.  F.-b.  0,  jsur,. 

5.     John   Austin,   b.  <)>-t.  ]'377;   ui.  Mury  Stniili'v,  li.   lf;77;    d.   ]7."")">;   auut  of  Sarali. 
AvF.  ol'  Stephen  Tilltle  I  p.   :',y:\.       She  wns  wiij.  of  Xulliauiel   IhckiT. 

1.  Mfiry,  111.  .h^h'ri  I^edvanl.  1).  1700:  d.  1  77  1  ;  lii<  -.M  v.  1'. :  hy  1st  in.  he  was  f.  of  Cd. 
AVni.  Ledy.-,rd,  \s1hi  lell  at  (i  iwhm.  and  ol'  .Inim.  who  was  f.  oT  liie  eeh'lirateil  tiavcder.  1, 
Ar,li.Aii,,  m.  S.aiimel  Tahott  of  IL-irtf.  0.  Aisti.n,  h.  17."i];  d.  17  ri);  in.  Sarali  Siuddor.. 
1,  M'lri/  .-1//.S///;,  111.  Mason  F.  ('(><■> well.  M.l>..  of  liartf..\vln,  ori.L^Iiiated  tlic  llartf. 
Asylniii  for  Deaf  Mntes.  1.  Alice,  drc.  :j!J,  ls;;(i,  ;i.  -J.-),  d(  af  and  diiiuN.  :2,  Mary  Austin, 
111.  Lewis  Weld.  [S.]  Sujit.  l>.'af  and  Dumb  Asylejn.  :!,  l,fCY,  d.  iinni.  4,  Fccuirn.A,  b. 
17.">();  d.  iMlil,  m.  lliehar'.]  Sand.s;  ^2)  17ljoii  Stevens,  h.  17.")[;  d.  IS'?:;.  Fient.-C.'ol.  \Uv. 
aniiv.  J,  Jii,'//i  Ai'stiii  S'li-i  lis.  1,  John  Austin  Stevens,  e-enealoi;-ist  and  Ijibrariaii  X. 
y.  ]"ii;_d.  Soc. 

I'^iancis  Ausfin,  a  first  sftller  of  Gnliron].  <'onii.,  ancestor  of  tlie  Durhaiu  Austins. 

Jesse  Austin,  le,.  .Ian.  2C,.  F/oS,  I'^ii/.ulieth  Wani;  hotli  adm.  to  ]>nrli,-ini  ehli.  Feb.  4. 
1759.  1,  AnroAi!.,  U.  Fee.  4.  17:;S:d.  Sept.  \-:!,  1700.  2.  X.\r.i;v,  b.  Mjurh  7,  17(11.  :',, 
dAMKS.  b.  Mar(di  o,  Kd:];  hap.  .March  Fl.  4.  S\t;aii,  bap.  July  7,  170.").  r>,  Ki.isii.Ji, 
hap.  Oet.  ITdT.  (',.  Fi.i/.  vr.jriH,  bap.  Oct.  s.  1 70;).  7,  Dav.  h;ip.  Mav  10,  1772.  8, 
TlIO.-;.,  bap.  March  12.  1771. 

Moses  .Vnstin.  11;.  Tlaniiab .      1,   DuitdTiiY,  baji.  Xov.   20,  1F17.     2.   AiiHAiiA^r, 

Imp.  Sept.  20,  17".'l.     d,   'j'Ji  M)i>i-:rs,  h,ip.  .Fine  UF  lF7i.     4,   Fanxah,  bap.  Oct.  1,  IF^;^. 

Fliililren  of  Flins  Austin:  1,  M\kti!a.  hap.  Auo-.  1(),  174(;.  2,  Stkimii;\-,  linp. 
Nov.  20,  1717.  8,  .\[\!:T!!a.  bap.  Dec  10.  IFIO.  4,  Ei.i.rAii,  haj..  Feb.  >',.  17-JF-2.  .1, 
Auiiiir.Ai.]),  bap.  l■^l^  :!,  17.74.  G,  ( li.oiHA  N  A.  Feh.  11.17.70;  adiii .  to  ehh.  1 781.  7, 
:<losi:.^,  bajx  (Jet.  11.  17(JF"   One  <d  xlv  dans.  m.  Dr.  Aaron  hdliot  of  Fillin-worth.  C<);ii!. 

-7.  *-M0S0S  Austin,  bap.  Oct.  11,  17!;i;  d.  .Fine  10,  1.-^21  ;estab.  in  Va.  the  first  slseoi 
lead  niannf.  in  the  F.  S. ;  rem.  to  Mo.  170'.),  and  estale  lead  mininii-  and  was  very  pros- 
])erous  until  FS17,  wae:i  the  MO.  bank  i'aih'd  and  drai:;;.V''d  liiui  down  v.itli  it.  'Idiea 
jirej^are.l  to  found  a   colony  in  Te.Kas,  in   A\4ii(4i  lie  ^\-as  .-dded   by  Ids  -.  Ste]>]ien.      lie  iii. 

(1) Bates  of  Durham;'(2;  a  dan  of  Hw.  lehaOo.d  t'amie 

1.  Son,  v.\.  and  hcd:  1,  .Mai;v  .\i'sli;\.  author  of  .4,'  of  'I'.wif  and  a  bio^j:. 
•of  lier  Inishand;  \vent  to  4'exas  with  her  umde,  <>'en.  Steidien  F.  Austin;  d.  in  New 
Orleans,  Sept.  1S4G:  m.  :^-Mi  1,  IS  i.7,  iIor.,re  Ihdh-y,  b.  Feb.  Id,  1 ; si ;  V.  C.  F-Oo;  Fastor 
liollis  St.  ehh.,  IjMStou,  10  yr.-.  ;  Pres.  4'ransy  1  vania  Fni  v. .  Ky.  ;  ".Vo-reat  pulpit  orator.'' 
Td,.D.  ;  d.  on  a.  voya^-i'  froiii  Xesv  Orleans.  .July  ol,   IS27,  a  44. 

II.      hauily.  in.  .-\e.stin. 

in.  Ste])heii  F.,b.  Fi'.id:  d.  Dec.  2."),  1S:7"),  poiuelimes  calleii  the  Father  of  Texas. 
lie  a."cepted  liis  father's  dyin--  tru-t  and  carried  <>nt  tlie  enterprise;  Austin,  tlic  capital, 
is  so  iiametl  for  Gen.  Stephen  V.  Austin,  "  the  founder  id'  Texas." 


("apt.  Benedict  Arnold,  a  eoO])er  by  trade;  became  a  mariner  and  Fai-t.  (d"  a  vessel; 
<1.  1701;  m.  Xov.  .S.  17:eF  llanuah  Waterman  of  -Xorwicii,  ('<mn.,  duu.  of  J<din  aiul 
]7lizal>etli  Fatlirop  Wateniiau  <d'  X".,  and  wid.  of  Absalom  Kini;-.  a  mariner  and  (.'apt.  of 
a  sloi)]).  with  wdiiidi  be  made  a  voyaL^e  to  Ireland  in  1742.  sold  the  vessel  there  and  d.  in 
mid-oeean  on  tlie  way  home,  Sept.  0,  1702,  of  small-pox.  She  d.  Autr.  1.7,  1  F7S.  a.  .72. 
'■  .V  pattern  of  I'iety,  icLtienee  and  virtue;  a  saint  on  earth  and  nmv  a  saint  in  lieaven." 
Among- otliens  they  had  Hannah  and  Benedict.  liannah  broke  olT  an  eimMgemeni  to 
please  1ierbr<ither  Benedict,  and  adhered  to  him  thronyh  all.  Shed,  in  Monta_LCue,  F])])ar 
<  'amida.  F^Oo;  nnm. 

Benediel.  b.  .Jan.  ?,.  1711;  d.  at  Ib-ampton,  F.neland,  -June  20.  ISOl;  druu-ivist  in  X. 
Hav.;  (.'apt.  2d  Fo.  (los-.'s  Foot(iuards.  t'ommanded  i'.x  peditioii  to  <,'nebec.  Wliilein 
eommand  of  ^^■esr  Point  con -pired  witli  the  enemy  to  chdiver  it  n]e  made  Brijr.  Oen.  in 
British  armv  and  d.  in  I'hieh'.nd  as  above;  m.  Mariz'aret,  dan,  of  S,imuel  .Mansfield,-  d. 
.Iune2,  1;;^;  !2).\pn!s,  1  770,  Mar-arei  Shipp.  n.'  dau.  .4  11,.;, .  17!  ward.  Chief  J  usiic.- 
<4'  Pa.,  b.  I7')(t;  d.  .\\\is..  ISol.  in  London.  F.n•,^  She  was  suliji-ci  to  paroxysms  of  phys- 
ical indcsMosithui,  attended  l.v  r.ervou.T  dt4.iilitv,  ditriu'-  which    she   WDiikl  give  mleranc<* 



to   uTiyfliiiio-   and   es  cvytliino-    in    hn   mir,.!.      ••i;,.v,,n<l   all    duul.t  "   savs    in  lii. 
Auicrica/i  f.oj/,;/i,(..,  Ci:u^j:vv.^s  \uu\i-i\  .\n)"]'{  uujn-<t\y       /.  livNfni.:     "  .         ' 

i.     J'.cii.Miict,  I..  iVh.  -jr,,  iTos;  iui  i^tiicT  of  Ill-till, TV  ill' i;i;i;<ii' an, ,v  d   v 

I!.      i;icli.ii>l,  1>,  Au^.  ].-.,  irc.;»;    I, lent,  of  rnv;,lry  in' Ain(ii<Mu  I,<--inu,  ny'' 
III.      ll'-'iiry,  I,iriu.  i.f  Cavalry  in   I,c^.-i')ii;  III.  r,.h;n,t    in  'Tnu-     X     Y       ]l,. 
yasinCan.da  in   [v-*,  wruHhy  ari<l  n-dpiriU  of   Inilfpny   and    lands    f  rnm"  j'sritish  (  ;„m 
I.    by  ;.'d  ;:i.  : 

1\'.      Kdu-ard  ShipiMMi.  l.i^'iit.  6tli  J5..-iigal    C'avalrv  and    I'avniastrr  of   ^rilitia•  d    at 
J)ina].;n-c,  Imlia,  Drr,  ];;,  lS|;j.  '  "  .      ■  • 

LarllL-lL  (joodiirli,   l-.scj.,  win)  d.  .July   II.   1S1;1. 

\'l.  (uMM-c.  Li,  iM  r,;l.  -Jd  i'riiir-1  Ca\-tilrv;  d.  in  India  \,,v  1  1  ;-:-\>5 
VII.  Wni.  F.-t.'li,  1,.  .Tnn.-0.-|,  1?!M:  ,,1  J.i!t"l.-  Miss,'nd,-n  Al..l..'v;  j-s,,"-  Tapt  of  l-tli 
Lancers:  m.  .May  l!i,  IsiD,!,  r,.,-iiia,  ,.nlv  ,!an.  of  AI,>\-ai.,'icr  Ivmlda-li  'Fs,,  "of 
lobago,  and  lia.,1:  1,  ilt.v;  Ei.waud  < ;  i.ADVix,  h.  A],iil-j:.  ls;'>:;.  i;,.,t,)i- ,.f  s-'inv-'n,,] 
Herts;  jn.  April  •.>?,  IS.V?.  (•liarl.^tf  ( ;p,,i-,::ana,  ,-l,l,st  .!au  ,,1  Lnnl')  f.^urv  ( ■l,,,ha', 'ml,"  l.-v  ■ 
res.  Little  Mis.<,Mi'len  .\h!„'y.  l-]u<d^s.  -2,  Wm.  Tuaii,,  i,.  (>  t  S-i  lS-^G'('a,,t  -ith  H  ../f  ' 
'j  M.\KriAKt;T  STi-AiiT.  ni.  il.-v.  K,d„.rt  II,  L.  Roots.  4.  KiA7.^^^KTU  SoiMuVm  Rrv' 
i-Jryant  ]5ur,!'fss.     :>,   (;ko!:.,iana  PriiiTs.  m.  i;,'v.  .I,.]in  .--ti-pluMiM,]! 

VIIL     Suiduu  Matilda,  ni.   Cd.    Pownall   riiipi..s;  East  ]n,iia   ( Yunpanv'^  service  -  A" 
y.  (im.  lUr.,  Jnlv,  ls7L  -  •     -  - 

In  1S52  E]i/,ab:-iit  Arnold,  a  cousin  of  i'-.-ncdict  Arnold,  was  corrif-d  to  ilie  i,oor 
Jiouse  in  Norwndi,  Conn.,  at  licr  own  t<  ,]iic..t,  and  d.  there  a.  ',)'J  yrs. 

01iv.n- Arnid.d,  i>ro.  of  Capt.  Benedict  ajid  unci,'  .,f  Ceii.  Henedict  Arn,d.l-  d  ITS]- 
hndo  <laus.  who  d.  nuia.,  and  :?  s,.:;s.  1.  Fu, :k,;ift.  -?.  Oi.ivkj:,  eccentric, 
and  nnsetil.-d;  addicted  to  long  iuid  va-ranr  lamldes;  a  rhvinster 


r<ir  1','ter  Ball,  recorder  of  Kxeter,  I)ev,inshire.  llw'^.,  1{V?/1. 

■\Villiani  Ball  wa.^e.uly  in  Xev,-  Haven;  i><rh;uis  hr,).  of  AUinc^  Ball-  disn)ii„-arcd 
soon;  tHMvlKive  removed  to  \-irL;inia.  and  p.Mha]...  f:uln-r,,f  Col.  .lohn  Hall  whos,-  dan 
Mary  was  niotlier  of  W  a^hnnct,.n.       This    would   v.'rifv  the  tra.lition,  ,ir  stat.-ne-nt    that 

*;","  ,  '    : ,''"-'  "'•  ^^'''■''  '^'"'•' '■' ■  '-''^  ^'''■"'"'  '-■'^''^'"  ^'''  ^^-^^^I'i'igton's  mother.       William 
Ball,  d.  Ibis. 

Eduard  Ball  of  Branff,rd.  lOrO;  Iliol.  Slu'ritT,  of  Esse-  C,,  X  J  ^m?^-  n-ran,! 
juror,  170'.»;  aclamwledued  anrecment  wirh  Azariah  ('ra>U'  IT'^l-  had-  1  .ios,.oi",  '"itr--'- 
d.  in    Newari:,  a.  cn.       -,  M,.s,.^,  BN,7:    m.:    d.  ..  /..  KdT,  a.  iVl.'      3.   Thomas,  'iTST;  'd' 

\l      '  *',;";    'V'x^^V,  V^-.     '^-  *'''"'''•  '"■  ^="'^^' •       ^-  J'^'^^'^-  III.  Joseph.  s.,n    of 

Henry  Peck  ot  X.  llav.  aiwl  Ins  wf.  Sarah  (dan.  of  LNm-.n-  AUimV).  b.  g^t    9    lOTo-   rem 
to  Xewark,  X.  J.,  and  d.  Jan.  'J,  174.").     b,  Abii,^ail    m^ Harrison 

Ailing  Ball,  on.' of  the  lir-t  settlers  in  Xew  Haven.       In    lb.-/)  he   was^   Mr    Daven- 

])ort'.s  lanm-r  in  East  Haven:  m.  Dorothv . 

1.     J,din,  1).  April  M.  KM!):  m.  Sarali  i.Ciover. 
XL      Kliphalet,  Feb.  1!.  l(j.-)l:  m.  Feb.  i;!.  l(;7-2-.1.  Hannah  Xash        lb-  d     Julv    IH 
1(L:J.        Ills    wid.  ni.    (-2)   Thomas    Tr,nvbiid-e.  and    had    one   child,    IIaxnaii    who"    was 
broue-bt  up  111  the  laiiiily  of  Ib-v.  .Tames  Pl,'r)>ont. 

ill.  AUin-.  b.  Jn.-ie  •:7.  Id.-)*;;  m.  Xov.  •,':,  1(;7^.  Sarah  Thoiups-m  1  S\k\h  \u-- 
2G,  V.;.'.)-  m.  1700.  J;,.,. pdi  Iv,-<.  -i,  Lviu  v.  Jan.  ■.)■).  iilM;  m.  1  7  1 -J  Ib-v  Jo^rpli  '  ilein- 
muwav.  :'.,  Ai,i,!.\,;.  d.  y.  -1.  M  v.i:,ev,  m.  Eb-.-izcr  .\i,,rris.  jr.  1.  l///-,/m  l7.-:Jehi,d 
F<,rbcs,  and  ha,l  J,.hiel,  wh,M.i.  1  7')  h  1  !  „  !<lai,  Ib-adh^v,  .'n-'d  ha, I  \Villiai:i  wh.-l.'  ,1,-iu 
basaii  m.  I'  !■..  Mll.n.a-,  jr  .-.,  M  \  r.!;i  ,  m.  1  7J-J,  \  br.dmm  Chi,B,'v  b  \iiiN,;m 
-— (ir;su,dd  1.  Ay/./,  Oct,  -.,  ]7-o:  m.  1747,  Ab.  1  Smdli.  'J.  y:./cv,'m.  Ei:i,r;,in; 
Hrusli.     o,  J ///;/;/.     -I,  r.lip!,.il,t.     .^    \V,'it.     (j.   Jj.miii.     '\.()li.-.v 

W.      Mi'ivy,  .1.   An-,   b!,  Ib.^F   in.  Feb.  10,   I»-,7,-,.  ,;..,,;-.e    i'anle,.    ,,f   l.;ast    Ha-en    b 

Jun,-    b-j.    I(;.\-,.        He  m.  cJ)  F--b.  11.  K;-,-,.  Mar^    .      ^1 ,  M  |.;,;rv    .)an    IC    l(;7r.      '  "' 

:j.!:M,a:j.,,  I).,-.   !...   ii;7^.;   d.  in    i:a.t    Iiasen,  S,|h.  W.  \\'::\-   m.   Hannah    E,lsvar,!s        ;;' 
Martha,  .Mfch  is.  \i\^\),      \_  .[,,;!.\.  Xov.    \,  l!,s;;.  ,)     ]  7,;]     ;,,  x,,,t]i  Haven. 

1.     John    Eal],  b.  Apiil  F.,  KMO;  ,I.  Jan.  I,  i7■'^)-Z\■  m.   Ibis,  Sarah.  ,iau,  of  Ileiirv 


lilov.'v,  l>.  IC.')."):  .1.  Nov.  -21,  17;!().       Tiie  will  of  S.'iw;t.  .lolni  Hall  dut.-l  M.irHi  2S,  )T-J!), 
■exliiliitrtl  Muy  ;!,  17;!1.  li_v  -<.  (.'.lU-b,  and  I'.aiin':-.  all  tlic  cliiltlreii  ludinv    cxr-pt    ]"Jii)lial.-t : 
John  aiul  i>aviil  Piiiiil.'r^dii,  iH)piTusi'rs-,    Iiiv.  flOS.       'I'lic  liasl)an(l-;  of   the  daus.    i,^avf' 
rtcoipis  t'(ir  th^-ir  ,'-li:;ic.s  «.('  ijiciv  fatli.'i's  cstatr  to  Calcli  l^all  in   IVIjI. 
1.      Kliplialit.  1).  M:;y  -j;*,  ICS:');   ma  nanic.l  in  will  of  Ids  fatlit-r. 
II.      .lolir,,   1/.  Sfpl.  ;;i).  lOS,""):  711    .Marv  'J'lililc. 

III.  Sarali,  h.  S<-pi.  2<\.  liiST:  7u.  17l'0,.I,,hii  .Miles. 

IV.  llannal;,  1..  Ja-i.   [2.  IC.NO;   ni.  ITHi),  Josepli  Mix. 
V.      M.Trv,  1).  Ai-Til,   1C,02. 

^"l.  .Mary,  h.  Or; .  ?;,  lij'.M;  in.  I'aniid  Tlionipbnn. 
VII.  Cal.'ii,  h.  .'nil'  i.;.  IftltT;  ni.  l?Ji),  Abi^'ail  Osborn.  His  will  wa-^  i)rov('d  in  X. 
TIav.,  ]7>.j;  Dra.  S*.  ,>iii'u  l.'iiill.  t-xecr;  names  s.  .los.-jili,  w  lu>  diil  ni)i  miidncl  properly, 
leaving-  }iis  fat'iei'  bt-foie  e.iiniM^r  of  agt';  s.  v'aleV):  Sarah,  \vife  (jf  .(.'aj.t.  Sanuie!  Atwatei" 
Glover;  Ahiirail;  .M/iuail.  tire.,  wlio  \vas  wife  of  Stephen  Tnttl";  Mar_\.  wife  of  IJenj. 
J^or-iian:  3!o-e.<,  d-/. .  ]j< /.ekiali  and  I.azaru.s,  niinoi- .son:  Isaac  autl  Sai'ah  Doolirtle  and 
Sarah  l^irniah-e,  u  i'nesse.-..  1,  .i<;si-:iMl,  1>.  Sepi.  !).  17'21;  "2,  Sahvii,  .Nov.  2"),  17'j;J;  m . 
C:q>t.  Sanuie!  Atwater  [n.  ;]lj.  A,  (ti.ovkk.  1,  A  rji;  ail,  b.  Oel.  12,  1727;  ni.  SteplKni 
Tnttie  []).  IsN].  (See  Kriaia.)  ."),  Calkh,  D.  e.  2,  17--",t.  ().  Mosks,  Au^-.  22,  17:<2;  ni. 
June  8,  J7o6,  jfannah,  dmi.  of  llzekiel  Sanford  (,f  W'aterhniy.  lie  was  dee.  before  17S."), 
and  left  an  (.>nl\  ehlld.     7,  1Ii-.zi;kiaii.     N.  l,\zAi;rs,  .a  minor. 

VIII.  Poroiiiy,  !■!.  Na'lu-.niel  W'adsw  oitli  (if  I'ai  innii^-ton.  ne)ilie\N  of  ('apt.  .Tosepli  of 
tlie  CJiarter  Oak.  1,  T.f.NluXiiv.  ni.  .Marv  (_'o\.-ie--,  and  had  T/i-odi/rc,  wlio  ni.  Elizabetli 


lUeiiai'd  ]''a!d"'.'in  of  Doiuie'Li'e,  in  ]iarish  of  Asion  Clinton,  Co.  Ivick-s,  made  will 
lf)5:;-  proved  ^anie  y.  a;;  wib'  Kl  h  n,  cldl. ,  1  b  nvy ,  .iohn,  Kiehard.  Aliee,  .\,:n"s,  ( 'i,  vis  , 
Jjeitie'e.  Henry  i'aithsin,  e\eer.  of  liis  I'ather's  \\ill,  l.~)5o,  and  wa--  (iweer  of  lUindiidLTe 
in  IaTN;  vill  p'-ov^d  a.:  Londe.n,  .hrly,  lii()2.  by  i;ieiKird,  s.  and  exeer. :  v,-f.  Aliee.  I'he 
iiv('i-,  i:i<,  lu  id,-,  id"  families  ii)  Miif..rd,  Hi4().  \\eic  It  i-^  ii 'iies  eil  ail  fiom  iiueks 
C(.>.,  }*'a.u'.,  and  I'.ear'y  n  lated.  Nathaniel  and  'I'iniotliy  it  is  e^■It;ntl  wme  brothers,  and 
-So  of  John  and  Syi\e:,ier.  Cliildre^n  of  Ki'diard  ]>ahb,vin  of  r)onrii:v:  1-  Sylvester.  2, 
Henry.  [),  .bdm.  o.  IJobr^i-t.  5,  .lane,  m.  Jannis  I'onns.  ij,  .Maiy,  m.  liieli.ard  Salter. 
7,  Agne.s,  bap.  July  ]-j,  1")79;  in.  Henry  Stoekwell. 

1.  Sylvester  BrJdwin,  m.  at  Colesbnry  Se|it.  2S,  lo'jO,  dnne  Wells.  1.  George. 
(1.  v.;  b.  at  Coie.^!>ii:y,  Nov.  21,  lo'.iij.  2,  .loan.  '.].  Henry.  .-;,  Sylve.-ter.  ."i,  Uiehard. 
U,  NN'iiliani.      7,  Jane,      s,  Aliee,  m.  IMay  4,  l(i2it,  .lolui  Edwards. 

12.      John   Ealdwili,  m.  Hannah .       1,   i;i,diard.       2,  Joint,    believed    bv    Col. 

Chester  to  be  the  Nor\virh  John. 

14.  Sylvester  Baldwin,  d.  on  shii.  "Mariie,,"  on  voyaoe  to  New  I'hit:..  Jnneor 
.luiv,  Jb.js,  111.  Saiah  ji:-van.  1,  Saiah,  bar).  April 'J2,  1(>21;  in.  Henjannn  l'\-nii  of  Mil- 
ford.  2,  ]?ie1iard,  b.  2o,  lt;22;  nn  l(ip,_',,  frii/abeth  Al-op.  ;i,  Marv,  b.  lod,.  Ss, 
lG2o:  d.  y.  -i,  .Mary,  b.  Feb.  I'J,  ]i;2.-).  m.  ViuWn  I'bim;  (2)  William  East!  .1.  Martha, 
b.  April  2;),  li.i2S.  b.  Sa.inn.-d,  1).  Jnly  1.  ](;e;2;  d.  y.  7,  Elizabelh,  b.  .Ian.  2S,  Ibol;  d. 
f-ouu.      S,  John,  1).  Get.  2^  hu',:,-.  of  Slonini;ion.      [)',    i;iitli,  jTob.  d.  y. 

142.     Richard  Baldwin,  I'ap.  Ang.  25,  l!!22;  lu.  Eli.'.abeth  Als(,],.     [.-. 

1.  liaruabas,  lb'i.">:  m.  Sarali,  dau.  of  Samnel  Buekin^.'-liam.  b.  .ian.  b,  M'/'i;  lier 
luotlier  was  Saiali  Baldwin,  dan.  of 'Jdmothv  oi  Miibnd.  1 .  15ahxai;as,  n\.  Mehitablf 
CJ'uitle)  lleeelier  [v.  ir.'}]. 

144.  Mary  Baldwin,  b.  102.^^;  m,  B,,!)ert  Idnmb,  and  had  Mary  Phnnh.  h. 
A]iril,  i;ib"):  m.  -Jun.e  l.'i,  Jii'is,  Matthew,  s.  of  Matthew  W'oodrnlT  of  l'arinin;j;ton,  :ind 
liad  Capt.  .John  \\'oMlrufi.  b.  I'eb.  1,  U!72;  d.  Julv2;;,  172,1;  wh(,.-.e  dan.  .\iune'.  b.  .Mandi 
2,   1711;   m.  Audrew  'Ihutie  [p.  72]. 

14.S.      JcihtX   Ealdwii},  id'  S,onir,,e-ton,  hap.  in  IhiLdand  Get.  'jy,  \C<Ar,:  t;i.  \l)r,C,, . 

whe.  d.  U.'."i7,  after  biith  ..>f  son.  John;  >2;.Inly2-h  1(;72,  Kehecea  I'almer,  d.'Ui.  of 
^^■aher,  and  %vi;i,  of  Eli.-ha  Ch.'sboro.  Shed.  .May"2,  1718.  lb- d.  An,;;-.  I'.t,  1('.:<:!.  E 
John,  b.  .Apiii  18,  ]d."7. 

1.  John  Baldwin,  of  Nin-wieli;  ,-a;ie-  probably  in  f:,mily  f.f  Sylvester,  who 
<!..  on  pass;M;e.  Mr.  Cii^'^ter.  \'.ho  :-oii;;!it  \i-ry  dilieently  for  .lohn  of  Xorwii.'ii, 
thonnhl  likr'lv  he  was  s.  of  Ib'nrv,  and  owi;  eoe,s.   t,,  r'.vhcster.  who  d.  on  oassa'.:e.      He 

(330  AITKXIUX. 

was  Oiirlv  in  (i  uilfoid,  Couii-,  and  in.  tlien'  April  \'i.  K)."):',,  IL'uuiali  Birrluird;  rem.  KIG!) 
1()  Nnrwicli. 

15.     Thomas,  5[]i  t-liiM  of  .Jolm,  1..  ](!<;-J;  m.  l(3S-(,  Sundi  (J.uilkiu^,  wlio  d.  IG^o;  (:?) 
l(jdi,  Abi-:ail  J.iiy  of  I.ynie. 

157.     Ebcnczcr,  7ih  child    of  Tliniiuis,  b.  April   ^.'0,  1710;    d.    Xorwidi   17:)4;    in. 
Oct..  10,  IToH,  Hrthiah  15arkei-  fioni  MansUdd,  Miws. 

1578.  Simeon,  li.  Di-r.  14.  I7tjl.  Y.  V.  1781,  and  was  the  survivor  uf  Ids  class. 
H«?  was  one  of  liu-  cnnipany  of  students  under  CVd.  l>urr,  wlio  reised  tlif  enemy  at 
>;cck  13rjdii,-e.  In  1890  Judu-eof  the  SLipn-ine  Cour;  of  i\r.,\.:  in  IS,^:}  Pies.  Fatiiiini.;ioii 
Cunal;  \n  lyOH  M.-ivor  of  ,\.'  Ila v.  lie  ni.  17n7,  !;,.!i:-(:-a.  dm.  of  lloirer  Sln^inuin.  wlio 
d.  1790;  (2)  Fdi/.al.Vih,  sis.  of  his  1st  wf..  and  v\  id.  of  Stiiri;is  l^nrr. 
I.  Kcl)ec;ca,  h.  May  ;j(),  17>^^-';  d.  1S-=11,  unni. 
11.      Ebone/er,  ITHH;  d..  1S:',7.  nnni  :   lawver  in  Allianv,  M .  Y. 

III.  Ke-er  Siieniian,  1'.  .Jan.,  17i<;i:  Y.(\  isll:  <;.,v.'  of  Conn,  isdd^n;  17.  S.  S -n. 
1847;  111.  Oct.  isji),  l-iiiiih-,  dan.  of  hiiendi  Terkins  of  Il.-irti'.  1,  Ki)'.v.\r;i>  Law,  d,  July 
.5,  1848.  2,  I'J.r/.M'.triir  V.'dosri:':,  h.  l.s?4;  in.  b-.TS,  PioC.  Wni.  D.  VVIutnej,-.  :],  ]:()(, i-.i; 
Si;ki;m.'\n,  b.  I'-'Jd;  Y.  (\  )X11:  lawyer;  d.  18"io,  nniu.  4,  l-',i!F..\"iv/,;-;i;  Si.MF:().v,  le  1808- 
d.  April  28,  18:'.d.  T.,  It;;.\-un;TT.\  Pkicxf.ns,  h.  Ai).il  2,  I8.'!;i;  in.  l^oO,  l>\vi;^ht  Foster. 
6,  CiKO.  Wm.,  I).  18;'',2:  Y.  C.  18."):;;  lawyer;  spent  niUi-li  ti'n^' in  genealoi;ic:il  res  ■iirche.s 
for  the  Englisli  l^aldv.ins.  7.  J^Mii.v  "k'j;.\X(  t;.^,  b.  Is:]};  d.  l.siiii.  8,  Ki'.k.n".  C\\\>;..  b. 
18;]7:  <1.  .soon.  !),  Sl.Mi;u.\  F..nO(I!,  \>.  184li;  Y.  <.'.  l:lj);  I'rof.  Y.  Law  Scliuol;  in.  18G"), 
Susau  Winclu'ster. 

]V.      Sinnon.  b.  1704;  d.  171(5.      /.  by  2d  m.; 
\'.      .Simeon,  b.  18nl  ;    shii>jiiny  inendiaiit    in   N .  Y. ;  d.  187:?;  in.  C'ct.  7.   IS"!),  Ann 
3Itdutable,  dan,  of   Lockwood   DeForest.       1 .  IIkxuv,  1.1.  I>^d2;    m.  Cornelia   JIutchkiss. 
2,  Si.M'ia>N,  1).  IbM;   N.  Y.  Uidv.  18ob;   baidver;   in.  Mary  J^'Iarviii. 

Jolm  Baldwin  of  Milfmd,  exactly  Iniw  related  to  the  other  MilffU'd  fainilie-i  of  that 
name  is  not  kn.)Wii;  but  L.  C.,  eene,ilo;j;ist  of  th.e  nanu',  has  little  doubt  that 
John   was   nearly   rtda.ted    to  Sylvest(.-r,  and  wa.s  from  Buck.s  I'o.       Thei-e  were  .so  many 

Johnsr  there  that  iilentihcatiun  is  ditii'-dU.       He  d.  1G8L  bn.  June  21;  m.  .'-Liry .  and 

liad  G  chiL,  of  whom  were;  1,  -b,!!!;,  b.  1040.  2,  Josiali,  b.  1042.  lie  lu.  (■;)  Mary, 
dan.  of  Jolin  Brneu,  Ks(i.,  of  Cheshire,  hhiLdaml,  an.d  7  clii!.,  of  whom  -were:  4, 
Abiji^ail,  b.  1658;  m.  Samn.el  Baldwin,      o,  Ueorye,  b.  lO'iv. 

1.  John  Baldv/in,  b.  10l();d.  1702;  rem.  to  Newark:  m.  Oct.  20,  Hid:',.  Hnnnah, 
dixu.  of  Obadiah  Biueii,  Indf  bro.  of  .^h'ry,  I'.  IGL^;  (2)  befccre  lO/O.lLith  Bot^'m-d,  dan. 
of  Henry.  i.  l)y  Ist  m.,  amony  others,  .lolm  and  Samuel.  i.  by  2d  m.,  Natininiel  aiid 

L  John.  b.  about  1070-  of  Newark:  .s.  of  .bdn;  an. I  H.anuali  (Hraen\  1.  ]>AVin, 
of  Hanover,  .\'..l.;  ha.d  4  sons-in  law,  vi/,.  :  Timothy  ^^'a:d  of  Newark,  Natlianiol  Dick- 
erson  and  Walter  Snuth  of  F,!i/,ab-th,  N.  ,) . ,  .Sila.s  Hathaway  of  ]^;qnonn,ick,  N.  .). 

II.  Samnel.  s.  of  .John  ami  Hann.ah  (Bruen)  Bald'.vin,  b.  1077:  d.  b;;;4.  1,  Ksthkr, 
in.  Manmel  Parkhnrsf,  and  had:      1,  /:s"r /■  P<i rk/i'/ r.^f,  m.  .bA-eph  Tuttle  [u]. 

Nathaniel,  s.  of  Jidm  and  2d  v.-f. ,  l-bith  (V<  );.si'ord)  H.ddwin,  b.  li.;.0;  Avas  f;:thei-  (d' 
Elijah  Baldwin,  b.  1 7 1 S,  f.  of  C(n-ne;ius  l^aldwin.  b.  1751;  L':rad.  rrimatoii  Col .;  Surg. 
JIuv.  Army;  set.  in  \ ii. :  m.  Marv.  da.u.  of  Col.  (Jeraiii  Briscoe  (in  1570  .\le:-:ander 
I'rii.coe;  m.  Maig.ary,  dan.  of  'i'homa.s  L'ald'  of  ibnd<.s,  Jing. ),  ;iiice-;tor  (.f  a  distin- 
guished family  in  \'a.,  of  whom  was  .Iud;:e  Ib.'iscoe  Ba.ldwin  aTi  1  .NLugaret  Baldv.i]),  -wjio 
in.  Hon.  \\]i\.  Daniol  of   Lvnchbu i  g.  and  had  Marv  ('.   B.  i.'aniel,  who  m.  ^iayo   (.'ai>elL 

Jo:iatlian.  s.  of  .bdiii  and  Bnih' (Bot.-ford)  l^ah'lwin,  b.  abt.  LJiB;  d.  Newark  An;:. 
9,  1720. 

L  Joanna.,  m.  ]s:iac  Nntman,  s.  vi'  Jame.;,  and  Inui:  1,  -Jd'as.  m.  Tryphena  BaUL 
win,a!idhad:     l,.I"rr.v.     2.  /•;/■< /i-.r.^/',     ».  Olirn:     A.l':,-h,-.     5,  .s'//',7,v. 

JL  ^Latthias,  1,.  ITH";  d.  .L.ily  L^,  175;.):  m.  S.i.rali,  of  Isaac  Ho'ld,  ^^  h  >  m.  (2). 
iving.        1.    \\  !!.!.!  VM.   id'  i-'.ii/.ab'th,    .\.J.:    m.    i'ie-be    1  kill .  i. dated    to    ..:ary,   moth'T 

of  Washingion.  1,  .Vr/./,'/^/.v  I'.',-,,.,  b.  I>.  c.  1(1.  17;»5:  a.pjuviiticcd  t(.  a  jewel..u\  In  ls;j2 
he  built  the  pioueei'  .American  loi-omoti ve.  and  belo:e  l.e  d.  h:ul  made  ov.e  1,500.  The 
Baldwin  Locomotive  Works  employ  over  2,5(10  num,  and  covei-  i)  acres,  lb-  d.  i;i  Bhila- 
(loli. Ilia  Sep;.  7.  l-OO;  m.  b^27,  Sarah  Vv<nv  P.abivviM.  dan.  ot  .b.slah,  s,  (<i  Nails, uiel,  s. 
of  hlijali.  s.  ol'  Nailiaiiie],  s.  of  .)oi:n,  s.  of  .bdin  of  .M  !  1  lord. 

2-     Jcsiuh  BalclvViu,  -s.  of  .bdm  and  lot  v.f.  Mary    Ikddwin,    b,    1042;    d.   Lis:};   m 
June  25,  lG(i7,  .^Lirv  Camp,  b.  1052.      She  m.  (2) I'iine. 


21,  Samiie]  Baldwan,  1>.  M:irrli  II,  l!;?."):  \shi  oiu  liiclit;  d.  J<ui.  f^,  178^;  m. 
]?ei>t'ccrt  \\  ilkiu^on,  1).  l'>7i'i. 

I.  Sai;!Ui-l,  1)  Krl).  17,  17111;  in.  Di'C.  2."),  17'-':;.  .M.'ivy  AMrii.  1.  Sa.\m:ki.,  h.  April 
10,  1731;   111.  '!'(  ni]M-r;nicf.  (!an.  of  15;iriK;l::i^  and  Mcliilal.k' ('I'nii  If)  ]?;.lii\viu  |3J. 

212.  Hebecca  Bfildwin,  Im]..  Nov,  Kl.  170J;  d.  .Mny  ."",,  1710;  in.  Aug.  2.-),  ]7'27 
Pliin.a.'^,  s.  of  l!i.  lia:.l  l'ala^vll!.  li.  17Ui);  d.  17fi-l,  iiro.  id'  Edwaid  and  uiudc  of  >iliyl 
Baldwin,  whoiu.  .\ni.'j.--   ]-;ald\\iii.      1,   Fiveluvc.      ■^,   ('atluiiiuf.      ','.    IMiim'as. 

2121.  Freoiove  Baldwin,  !■.  D'-''.  ■>.  17'-?^;  lu,  Cai^t.  Sfr],l,fv.  Stow. 

1.  Wiiliani  Stnw.  11, .  Idi/.ah!  th  Ixildwin,  dan.  of  Ani.  s  and  Sihyl.  1,  ('HAKr.(/TlK 
St(i\vf..  m.   Cri  'J'nttlf.   []'.  4^0], 

II.     K^rlior  Stow,  m.  J  >(-a.".lolin  Stoiif  and  had  Iv-tlier,  m.  Llenuett  Tyler,  I).I>. 

2122.  Catharine  BakUvin,  l-ap.  Nov.  T,  113!;  m.  Capt.  Isaac  M\]o^.  1, 
SL'S.\NNA.       "J,    iM.\l;Y,  aivl  M,    Ca'I  ilAIU.NK. 

21223.  Catharine  Miles,  m.  It.-v.  Samuel  Wales,  li.  .Mareli,  17  1^;  Y.  C.  17ij7; 
Prof,  of  Diviin.i^-;  i'<!  tie-  1-t dill,  at  Milto;d,  Coun;  Y.  C.  17n2  to  1703;  S.  T.  1.). 
Col.  oi'  N.  .1.,  17^1;  d.  Fell.  Si,  17!).|. 

I.     Samuel,  d.  Nov,  2i).  ITHO;  a  jr.  in  Y.  C. ;  a.  20. 

II.  .loliii.  Y.  C.  l>ili;  r.  S.  Son.  fion.  Del. 

III.  Leonarvl  Eu-vii-,  Y    ('.  1S|)7;  d.  1^23. 

IV,  Isaac  Miles,"^'.  C.  ]7!i3:  d.  Is-J."). 

V,  CathariM--,  iii.  Seth  Pt-rlcins  Sta])les;  Y.  V.  17'.)7:  finind<-i  Yale  Law  Sidiool: 
Stapleton  named  for  him;  lawyei';  d.  iNtll.  1,  Cta).  W  .  StaI'J.Ks,  la.wy.'r:  in.  Mar_\ ,  flan. 
of  Dr.  Jonathan  K'niu-hv,  1.  II  nru-tfn,  m.  is;i,),  Arthur  Martin  Wdie.-ler;  V.  C.  l.'-5;;  tutor, 
iyyi-4;  Prof,  of  I!:-;.  T.^io.  '2,  hKAM.KS.  lu,  \\'iu.  C'oiu.-toi  1-..  3,  CAriiAiUNK  Sr'SAX,  d. 
at  Xorwieh,  Conn..  Aug  A,  ].S7.-,;  m.  (:;e,,rge  C.  Coddard,,  h.  Jan.  1,  lsO-1.  4,  S\mlt,t, 
Walks,  1>.  Jan.  4,  1S03.  .j,  IIaukih  Pi-.uw.x,  li.  Jan.  11,  ISU"');  m,  Eeiijamin  Poswoith 
Smith,  Pisho[i  of  Ivy.  The  1st  u[  ^)ct.,  h^-^'?.  was  the  ."Jtith  annlv.  of  hi^^  I'.pis.  cdnsv-cia- 
tinn;  tie'  oiily  IjIsIjoj)  liviui.'  eon^ccratrd  hy  Hishop  White,  uhoin  he  oxcd-  in  tlie  years 
of  his  ei>ise,;ipart\  lie  is  the  oldest  IVi^hoji  of  the  I"aiuli>Ii  speaking  ehundies  and  hy 
virtue  of  ^-cniority  pri-sides  at  the  general  eonventioii-^  of  the  ehureli.  0,  JuhnK.,  I>. 
Jan.  23,  lSi)7. 

2123.     Capt.  Phiueas  Baldwin,  h.    Nov.   G.   1733;  m.   Sarah  ''. ■;  she  in.  (2) 

Edwanl  All.  n,  wla.  wa-.  Col.  .,f  2.1  I'.egt.  Conn.  Mil.,  Kufh. 

(ieorge  P.aldwin.!;.  of  and  2d  wf.  of  Mary  Pruen :  set.  iii  Branford,  Conn.;  Di-a. 
and;  d.  Pet.  2H,  i;2s:.  leavins:  large  e^t". ;  m,  Del.orali,  dau.  of  Dea.  Jonathan 

A  eo]isi<l.  rah.h'  prijiortion  of  tlif  P.ranford  j-eop!-'  are  d.x'ended  fr.mi  Dea.  <Teorge. 
Ho  had  ten  ehil.,  of  whom:  .loim,  b.  P'.'.fil,  was  f.  of  Hannah,  who  in.  Edward  Barker, 
and  of  Sa  all,  who  m.  Jonath.aii  Harri>o'.i.  The  Baldwins  of  this  hraneh  intermarried 
numerously  with  tln'  Hariisons  of  Branford,  from  whom  no  douht  ^vas  d.eseended  I-'liza 
heth  Bat.Iv\  in,  \.ho  was  mo.  of  Ainmi  llanison,  a  w  e'd  Icnown  lawyer  of  Xew  Haven, 
father  of  lion,   lifiirv  liahPvin  Ilai'idson  oi'  \.'\\-  llaveu. 

Pra.d,  1>.  De,-.  13.  1(,',.4.  s.  of  \)v.i.  ((.•org,.  BaJduiu  (d"  Bianford;  Dea.  and  Town 
Uerk  ill  15.:  m.  Dee.  in.  17IS,  Din.ih  Butler:  Id.-  will  prov.  1  7o'),  h:id:  Aaron  Baldwin, 
It.  Ihanford,  S.-i)t  3.  1724:  Da.;  m.  Xie.-.  30.  174^:  Saiah  Ei-ishic  1,  Mai'y,  1..  Jan,  T^. 
1760;  in,  Ih-iekiah  P>as^elt  of  llamdmi.  Conn.  2,  Joseph,  1..  ihanfr)rd.  Conn..  D.-c,  21), 
175S:  Capt.;  rem.  to  Ilarwiutou.,  l.'onn.:  m.  .liuv  11,  17\m.  i^>-all:el  ."ve'oy.    [o.  4!J,] 

.luhn,  I).  Oct.  13,  17:i:);  of  Bn-.-ea,  O,  |S27;  in  tlie  grindsro.ic  Di-.'.ne-s  and 
aeruiuulaied  wealth;  go:;.-i(uis  and  puldie  spirited;  plain  and  economieal  in  lii>  j>e:>oual 
liiibits:  lias  !ar^-e:y  to  ihe  Baldwin  hniv.u  ^ity  at  Ihuva .  nnnn  .1  tor  hinr,  he  wa- 
•ilso  interi-^t,.,l  ill  tiie  .-••n  le:u.';it  ol'  Kan>a.>  as  a  fr.e  State,  and  i'.al.'wlu  Ciiy.  !van>as,  is 
als...  nam.-d  for  hin,;  siill  living  in  lSv:i;  m,  and  had  .Miltou,  d.  a.  2;t;  Newton,  d.  a.  I'J, 
and  .h)hn,  n:yw  <d'  B:uea. 

Hannah  Baldwin,  h.  PV;i3,  dan.  .>f  John  and.  .Marv  Blu.  ;>:  m.  I(.s2,  I'tv.  J. dm 
Fi-Pe  an«l  had;  1,  El,.eiie;'.-r.  2,  John.  3,  rdiin-a-;  V.  C.  1701.  4,  I.'ev.  B.-njamiu, 
hap.  Pill  .. 

Pielr.ird.  s.  ..f   .hdin  an,l    Mai".   P.ruen    B.ihlwin.h.    Jun.',  P'.'io;    m.    Anni.'  ,  and 

Pad:     P    Phinoas,    m.    IJeeeeca    lUddwin   aiul   had:    1,    Pnadove;   m,    St;ph.-u   St..w.      2, 



ivhv.-inl.  HI  F.liziilirth  ]  lint.- mil  InulSil.yl;  lu.  Aiuds  r..'ilihviii  (d. ■,--.•.  fruiu  X:i;li;ini('!,  | 
jiml  Ii.hI  l-lli/,  'n'lli;  111.  ^\'iHiam  Stii\s,  «.  1)!'  Stc|,li('M,  iiii;!  luid  C'liuilotie;  m.  L' I'i  I'litilc, 
us  :il)i)ve. 

JSTatJianiel  Baldwin,  rem.  lo  F-iirfi'-lii,  Coim.,  :i;i  I  il.  I'M*^;!!!.  Alii;;ail  ('aiiii>. 
who  (1.  .Muich  -^^   liilS;  (J)  .ItKiinia,  wid.  of  Kicliard  WCstciat,  \-\u,  A.  ](iSO. 

Jolin  Jialdwiii,  h,.  (if  Xatlianirl  and  .vM^'-ail;  in.  Hauiiah  ( >.-bo:  ii ;  i-td  to  Nc\varl<,  X..1. 

Julin  Baldwin,  s.  of  -Jcdin  a)id  JJarmali  ')v|„,fu,  1>.  Ki?,");  d.  ]7:^>*:  ni.  Lvdia  IJai fi-ion, 
a  iiioco  of  Aiiios  Hall. 

Mos.'s  IlaKhvin,  s.  ..f  .'ohn  and  I.vdia.  ],.  IT'^,-.';  ni.  Krlncca  Lcc 

J(jlin  15al<hviiL,  y.  of  Most-s  and'  lIchiTf-a,  h.  177(1;  ni,  P. ■;;•:;•>-  ^^■illiaIns  and  had: 
Henry  P-aldwin,  h.  (.'ovrniiy,  «'o!in.,  ]nM:   (Jov.  of   },]irli.    r<';'J-7ii:   U.  S.  S.  1S7'J. 

I'anifl  J'.aldwin.  s.  of  Xatliani'd  and  Al)i<;ail,  liaji.  .hin<',  li;!l;  in.  June  :.'"J,  KUiri, 
Elizalii'tJi  J?ot.sfoi-d;  fatluM-of  Daniel  liaddwin  1);;]..  Mar<di  1:5,  ir,:iS;  uill  pro/  172o:  m. 
SiiraL  Canip,  -who  d.  171S;  had  ^ou  John,  lialdwiu,  baii.  1(;!»3;  will  dated  17;n  wf.  .Maw; 
hid  dan.  Sihvl  Hahhviu,  h.  .Inlv  lo,  17-in;  ni.  S-'pt.  00,  ]!')(•>,  Amo^'  P.ahl'.vin.  1>.  Sent.  7. 
ITiJO,  d.  June  24.  17.<);  had  I'diV.aheth,  h.  Aa^^  :-!0,  1707;  d.  Mandi  pt,  ISd'-;  ni.  \Vi'llia!n 
Stow  and  had:  1,  Sannud  Slow,  in.  AhJ.Lrail  Puklwin  ami  had  'J'in'odore  Stow;  m.  I71i/,a- 
Ix'tU  Ikildwin.  'J,  Mli/.vhtth  Slow  in.  (.'apt.  Neheniiali  ihi.-^tol,  a  y:y.  son  of  Xatlian  am! 
Mai'v  Ealduin  Pristid.      11.   Charlotte  Slow,  m.   Uri  Tint!"',  a^  ah  ive. 

Gamuel  Baldwin,  s.  of  Nathaniel  and  Joanna,  b  lt;in4;  ni.  Ahiuail  I'.aldwin,  dau. 
of  Joiin  and  .Mary  13in.ii;  ^he  in.  C?)  John  \\';',dhanis  of  Wethendield,  Conn. 

Timothv  Paldwin,  s.  cd'  Sanine!  -11111  Ahii;-ail.h.  Ifi!)!:  d.  in  ( i  nill'ord.  Con.n. ,  1  7.j7: 
:ii.  Dec.  4,  l'7l::!.  Hath-,h.ha  Stone  and  had]  Baldwin,  b.  April  •,',  KIO.  a.  in  Xe  w 
Haven.  Ajirii  'J4,  17^7;  m.  Dee.  7,  1 74'J.  l.nev  Dndiey,  b.  :',:audi  -Jii,  172];  d.  June  pj, 
]7.")S;  fj)  Xov.  17i''S.  'nieedo.-iH  \^■o|eoIt,  b.  Xov.  4.  174V,.  ],  |,'n;h,  b.  .Mareh  -1.  17oi:  d. 
.March  PI,  ]7r>.j.  2,  .\brahani,  li.  Xov.  22.  17.>P  d.  .v.  /. ,  Mardi  M,  ls;i;;  v,lih.b,hn 
MilledjiC,  fcninded  tlie  I'nivei-sitv  of  ( b-onria. :  h"  <b'.  P.  S.  S.  :-!,  Ib-ni'v.  Y.  C 
1707;  d.  is;;;);  .indue  Supreme  cjurt  P.  S. ;  PP.D.  Y.  C.,  1S:!I).  4,  Hnth,  b.  Se;.;.  P!,' 
17.Ki;  m.  Jan.  24.  ]o-:d,  Joel  IWlow,  b.  .Manli,  17.74:  d.  in  Poland.  Dec.  22,  Dd2,  where 
In;  liad  "oiie  .-'s  P.  S.  .74  ini'-ter  '  to  meet  Xap.oh'on,  llier'.  fetreatini;-  fioin  JPis--iu.  3, 
Clarissa,  m.  (.'oh  Poiufonl,  1.'.  S.  A. 

Josepir  Baldwin,  b.  in  Milford.  in:.;'t;  ,].  Xov.  21,  in'ij;  m.  Hannah  . 

1.       Ila!in;;n.   h.-ip.  ,P;ne  2:'..   prpi;  ni.  Jeremiah   IP.lli  of  Xev.    !iav. 

IP  lienjamin,  b.  l;il2:  d.  172'.);  m.  llaniiali  Sur!;-ent  ami  Inid  .b  iN  .\'r!l.\X.  d.  A  uu". 
1722:  }-7nsi^;n;  m.  Sasanna  l\iiehel  and  had  Hannah  i?aldwin.  b.  Xov.  17.  1701;  d.  Julv 
80,  1N77;  m.  Col.  Jaeob  P.e.d,  sen.,  of  Newark,  b.  April  1.4,  !7ll4,  lu.d;  1,  .Parh.d.  m". 
Samuel  Turtle.  [4.  |  2,  .lane.  m.  Moses  44ittle.  ;;.  John,  f,  of  (PibriiJ  i'''y:(\.  4,  ('ol. 
Chillnm  h4)id. 

HI.  David,  b.  Oet.  PJ,  :(;7«1;  d.  le>4);  m.  Nov.  11,  1.474,  r.iarv,  dan.  of  Ivis,  John 
Stream  and  had:  1,  Xallian,  b:ip.  P.i^''.»;  will  piov.  177. i;  Cap;.,  m.'.lidy  41,  1712.  J'71i/,a 
b(4]i  Iloyeis  and  Inid:  1,  .Mary.  m.  Xathan  ihistol.  i;r.  f.  (d'  PliineasS;ow  Bristol  of 
iMilford,'"  Conn.  2,  Xatlmii,  b.  1724;  m.  Ennire  Ma.liet  a.nd  had  Xathan.  b.  i;'4");  m. 
Ann  Duiand,  i;r.  f.  of  Xathan  who  m.  wi'i.  id  Stej)hen  \^dnlney  and  <4'  h'lizidieth,  who 
111.  'I'lu-odoi-e,  s.  id'  Samuel  ami  Abiirail  P.ald\\in  Stowe. 

\y .  Jo:iaihan.  f.  of  K;/,im,  f.  of  Abial,  f.  of  Da.  Jeuatha.n,  win)  m.  Palienee  Poi'ii 
and  li;id:  fdisha  Whittlesey  l^aldwin,  I'res.  Wa.bash  Coh;  m.  .lulia  (.'.  ]<ald  ,vin,  also 
ih  .-.(•.  from  .losejih  l!.'ild\'.  i'l  throni;h  lienjamin.  Peiijamin,  .\aron.  j'dia.s. 


Thom.'s  Ihirnes  siL;-:n'd  tli"  C  Jony  Con^titntio-i  in  PHI.  His  b;-o.  D.iuiel,  o!ie  .;f  tlie 
]>ra\'e  .soji'iiers  in  th.e  "eipi  4   battle. 

1.      i-dizaiieth,  b.  H.!v  2S.   pPiO,   m.  Mar<ii  21.  PifiS,  Peni:iniin    liroeketi. 
11.      4'hi-mas,  b.   .\;m:.'24.   p;44;    m.  Mnvv  IPibbard:   (2)  Ai4:'-ail  l-'ro,-t. 
HI.      .\bi.ra:l.  b.  .Ian.    I  I.   144  I:    m.   An-.  24,  1  1  U.  •!  4;n  f4o-.*.   jr. 

lY.  D.ihiel,  b.  p;.-,4;  d.  174');  in.  .i,;u.  14,  Pi-'d,  .Marv  '!';.  Ca.:.  ate!  had :  1,  Axw. 
b.  1(4P;.  2,  D.\xii;i..  b.  p;i!-2.  4.  Dvxrr.!,,  b.  p'.'.M:  n".  172  1-".  .\i)i-a!l  Ib-aton.  1, 
7^<c//''.  b.  1724:  m  1  742,  <:i  1  ah  S.e4;ett.  1 .  M  ild. ■.■!!;.  1  ;^4.  •',  Pvdia.  174!  :;  <oi  ■- 
mon,  17o7.  4.  Samuel,  feb.  ,4,  174^  4,  4!\i;v,  b.  p;;/s.  4,  .!.\M!;s,  b.  17iiO  P  4. 
]4i,!/.  vi;i.-:  Ml,  17ir',.      7.   S.Mi.Mt,  17n4. 

Y.      Mavb.'e.  o.  .Ian.  24,   Pi4:i;  m.   I'di/abeth  Slow. 




G31  Al'PEXDJX.  I 

iT,  IToS.     5,   Xathami;!,,   Ft-li.  ^vl,  1741).     (5,  Thomas,   V,-\>.   20,   1742.     7,  Makv,   Jan.  . 

V't',  1744.     s,   TiMiiTHV.  .lulv  I'i,  17.")2.  '■ 

VI.      J().-<-i!i,    l>.     Aut:.     1'),    170-2;  111.  O.'t     G,  174^,   Ihumali    Sfnw,  (l;iu.  of  Tiu.iuns,  ;. 

1).  ^^vc.  7,  I7v(;:  'i)''-''-  ~il  ^''l'-:  ■^^■'■"'  '"   t'"'  '■'^^'-   '^'   •^'-■^"''    l'"iH';"iii;'.t""-     1  •   I'll'",  Aiu-il  , 

S.i    17:;i.'  2.    l>\vi!).   .lulv  20,    1705.     :),   .Via.iAii,    Ai)iil    1,    IV:!!*.     4,  .JosKi'ii  N.,  . 

4   'n  !i:  Hi.^X.'v.  1  i.'lV.j;/,"  TliairUul    \V:i:-.l.     .:>,   Xi:ir.;MiAii,   Au--.    1!),   174!.     i.   liy  2.1  : 

la.:     0,   Mnsi-.s.  .\t,v.  lU,   KCO.      7.    A akdn,  t win  with  .M(i>cs.      v'-,   .MAUV,.)nly  ::ii.   1 70:;.  ; 

K,  Jr.MiMv,  ,]u!U'2-;.  17i'>~).      1  '.  C'oNn-nr.r,  o-r.  l.s.  !7t;7.     11.  ]Ar\\  Nov.  12,   ITo'*.  « 

VII.     Ueish.uH,  ij.  S.'jit.  l;^.  ITOo;  ni,      1 ,   AiiXi:i:,  baii.  Oct.  s,    17^3.  | 

i]r:rx'iiEiJ.  ■     i 

Mi-s.    llannal!    l^'t-chn-.  a    v,\v.    will   ilatt- d  .1  ane   1:!,    ir,.-,7;  p"OV.    Mai-ca  2,  If.f.oS:  r 

names  Ucr  son  \^"il!ianl  I'ottcr,  s.  of  li-.-r   fo;n;;T  iiu~.  in    En--.,   and  In;:-  s.  Isaac  l-.-./clu-i'.  -J 

It  is  hclicvcil  tlij;  she  wa -,  the  wife  of  .John  H  •;■  -lie:',  nani-vl  in   TrmiLhuT,^  //,"..'.  ,:f  Can.  \ 

as  one  of  the  7  nna  left  l)v  E  U  .a  to    si.-ni  the  winter  in  advance  of   i!n-  c  ib'uy  on   the  ; 

site  >cle<-i.-d  foi-  ta.-  ^■e:  ile" 'leM  t .  ami  tliat  hi'  d.    diiiin-  the  winter  and  u  as  buried    where  ■ 
thenld  s;one  lioiiso  now    stands,  onrner    <A,w    and    (^.n-j^'e    street.s,   ami  that   th,& 

bonesdiscover.'d   wh-n   tiui  cellar  wa  ;  excavated    for  that  house  were  his.  ^   The  widow  , 

BeecluT  loceived  a  tract  of  land  hy  v(;;e  of  tin-  colonists   fnr  servhx-s  as  midwife:  Imd  ?^.  .^ 

1,  Isaac.  .  -,    ,  ^,  ■ 

I.  Lsaac  BaechGr,  h.  in  En-land:   will  dated  Sept.  2d.  111^':  proved  Aov.  12,  it/JU;  ;^ 
nani'cs  wife  Mary.  e.Mest  s.  .lohn,  smc^  .Iom-'Ii,  1-aar,   Samuel  and  Elea/.er.                                         :• 

I.  John.  ii.    llilo:   m.  idl/.a.heth  .  .  .? 

II.      Joseph,  h.  ah-nt    |ii;7.  ■  \ 

111.      Isaac,  I).  Ana-.  S,  Kiod:    lu    Joa;ina  . 

W .      Santnel,  o.n"  17,  I'i.VJ:  m.  July   2.    Ifii'l,    Sa;-ah  Sherwood .      1.    Kr'lii.  h.    I'ch. 
1G'.)2.     2,   MAi;v,'.Xov.  i;;.  It'.j"..     -h   ia"-rn.  Nnv.  20.  Idj-j.     4,   SaiiaiI.  Sep:.  24,  1702. 
A'.   '  i:!ea/.er.  Ii.  April  ^,  lOo">;  m.  i'hebi-  Ihin-le. 

II.  Jolin  Beecher,  b.  KUo:  d.  IVr.  n,  17I2;  will  prov.  X.  Hav.,  Jan.  1.  ITU!; 
in  scttliT.ient  of  estate,  I'Vb.  0,  ITlo-!,  le  ir.-;  luimed  in  fullou  int;  .e.d  ■!  :  \\  id.;ov  Eliy.a- 
beth,  sons  Jo.-i'pli  de.;.  (whose  widow  Sarah  was  inianl.  to  only  s.  Eiiphalet),  Eben-zer 
and  John.,  dans,  J,, ami.-.  J.-nima,  Maiy  V\'ilnni!,  Eri/.al)eth  Pinibar  and  Sarah  Benhani. 
A  deed  fi-'oni  J<din  Bc-cher  to  bro.  Jo-ph,  nann's  f.  Isaac,  dan.  Ihi.-abcth,  wife  of  John 
Dnnbar  aaid  grand  duu.  Eli/ab.-th  l»i!nl.'ar.  In  .Mandi.  171:;,  wid.ow  Eli/,-;beth 
Beccher  was  annointed  --nard.  to  Jnlrn.  niiiun-  s.  of  Jnh.n  r.".'ch-r.  iV-v.  Slie  d.  1722; 
will  |.roV(d  .same  v.-ar;  irives  jc-operty  to  i  a-o  dans.,  Saiah  H.  nliam  and  I'.Ii/aOf'th  Dnn- 
bar, and  two  .■_n-.  dans,,  Elh/ibi'th  Dnn'oarand    'dercv    l;,nham:   Jan.  17,  KiSo,  John  and 

six 'other  chii.  of  John  Iv-.'cher,  sr.,  v.m-e  bap,  in   X,  Hav.  : 

I.     John,  b.   ()a.  i).  11.171:  d.  y.  f 

II.  Alarv,  b.  Eeb.  2:1.  1072.   m.  Feb.  1;.-,  l'/..^-!,    r<njan\in  AAilnnjt.  . 
Ill       i:ii:',!)i>eT]i.  m.  Jiilv  24,  17(Ji,   John    rnniar,   hi.-   2d    wife,   and   had,:  1,  El.i/A-             ; 

KKTit  i>'-rlm'')S  others,  bv  Ist  m.  Jnhn  !>n:d>a;-  IniI  S.irah.  b.  V\-':\-  •].  Ajnil  20,  1701;  m. 
Feb.  io,  172'.i,  A\'tn.  Deohin.  who  d.  17.")i:  tle-ir  dan.  l^^i -.abrth  De.idati  m.  Jnly20, 
1744  Ib'-v  St'ejihen  Johns  n  of  XewArk.  X.  J.,  a:id  Eyne-.  (.'  i.';i..  and  had  ann.n-  uih.-rs 
Sara'h  John.smi,  who  m.  John  (iriswnid  fd'  hynnv  had  dan.  Sarah,  (hisuold,  wlmm. 
John  I. v,m  (iardii-.Tof<ia.:d,nirr's  Island.  ( >  .  .V.  /:.  ^V/'.  il'J.  -i/'.'v/.  issi,  .EY.  /-y 
J^rof.  k.  /•:.  S.ris'iitr'i,  ].!..  ]>■)  'I'll'' mother  iif  l-b'V.  St'-ph.  a  Johnsoii  wasSarah  (»,^-il.-n, 
sisti'n-  to  .\biL':;il.  wf.'  nf  .i.,s.eih  Tnttle  [p.  ol.-Vj. 

W  .;  1).  Jnl- 21,  l'ir7:  d.    nnm,  Q.d.  21,    1  71'.!;  h  t  wdl  proved  same  yr. ;  • 

n;unes  lunen.  d  imithe;-.  Eii/a.brth  Bcccher.  ^ 

V.      .b.i.iinni.  b.  Fdi.  11,  lO'M-2.  \ 

\[.      Jiseph.  b.  Feb.  l;;,    los:;-4:  m.  Anp'.  ;1,  1710,  S^irah  Morns.  1 

VII.      Sar:d\,  m.  -Xa'h:i:i   I'hnham.  \ 

\'lll        I-:ii -.e-.^'r.  b     A.nril  12.  lOsd.    III.  Eannah    Mi:^. 

1\    b").   Aie-i'l  2;;.  li'.'.id.  Abd.iiiabie  d'li'tl.'  I;..   111]. 
116.      Joseph'  BeSClier,    b,     Ffb.     v.),    E;s:;-4;   m.    An-.    :i,     17  lU.    Sarah,   dan.    o( 
J,.-ci,ii   and  Winston,'  Morris,  b    p;-;).      In    17bl,    widow  Si'rah  app.unt.'d  -iiard. 
to  Eliidiale-.  M'llv  child  of  Joseph  iV  .'.-lu'r,  i\cc. 

1161.  Eiiphalet  BeDCher,  b.  May:]I,  !7:i.  !n  172,:'.  c  mv.  i.,,[ns,.p.i  M:ms!n'ld 
vt  in  .  ■!■  f  .0,  la  iv-cln-r  laieof  .\'.  Ibiv.,  ri.'v'.  ib-d.  ab.iu  !  1  77,  ■■cf  \\  n,  .Ibn,!-.-;' 
m  Dec.  27,  i:dj,  Sar.h  P.radl<-v  (per.  dan.  of  Da:ii.-1.  b.  .May  1,  17b)).  .Mrs.  Sarah 
DcHv'h":-.  wid.s.  ..f  Eliphai-'f.  i:i"hcr  will  dated  .Eiu.'  J,  17;);.:,  p.o\  id. '^  b-r  -rav. -stones 
to  h.'r  luisl)a:id  and  s.  Vdiphalet:  inv.  ,)iily  b"",.  l'i;)7. 

'  I.      Eliplialct.  li.  St'i't,  -V.K  17;]:';  liis  will    i.ri-sciitcd   at  New  ILiv.  July  :',,  1777,  but 

not   rc(;i-!-(lc,l   11  )!■  on    lllc;    [,.iIU'.'^  Ki-jlil'll  l]'J"clll'r,   fXi'.-. 

11.      H-iniiah,  1).  AuL^  -J.".,  17:;;,  ,1.    Aut^;.  II,  17;;:s. 
Hi.     Sin-al;.   !..  D.m-.'IO,  17;;7. 

IV.  Sar.ili,  l.aj).  .\.)ril  ."").  17  il;  d.  .MaiCa  :1,  17.>;3;  m.  Oct.  20.  Kii.'i,  Dr.  Scth  Cole- 
ijuiii  (if  AmlitTst,  :..a-s.:  Y.  i,'.  r,.)l.  1.  l^'i  \i,i;i'  l-!!:::.',n;i!  ( '(i.m:m  v.x.  1,  Jyijmiui 
Volcnuln,  1).  aboiit   17'.):;;    liv.   IS-'I.  a.  al..iitS7;    D     1 ). 

\.      Ki-alx-;!,  li.  Marcii  !).  ]7)-J;   ri'in.  to  Wo.Kl'.iury,    Chilli.;  c.-^t.    adiii.    Oct.  0,17^8; 
(liv.  to  \vi(l.  Sii.ali  and  li;s  onls  .-lUrviviiiL,'  li'ir  S.;rali,  \vi'.  ot'  Ki'liraini  I'ccdK.T. 
Vi.      Han.,  in. S'a:.Tiiia:i.      1.    E-'i'iir;ii  y.'iiiiiMA.v. 

117.  Sarah  BeecJier,  m.  Nathan,  s.  ofJolm  I',  b.  July  10,  1(17!);  bis  will, 
(luti  d  Aii^-.  1  77.7,  b.  in[,  "  ii;  ibc  SCrh  y;-.  f)f  my  a."  ]iri>/.  at,  X.  ll;i\-.,  nanu-s  \\\.  Mary, 
s.  Joel.  fXfCr.N.;  inv.  L'-iO  fsCd.;  uius.  cbil.  .Icndn.a,  .M(-!(\-  Hull:;  to  bavt- 7)s.  bi'sidcs 
what  sb,'  bas  bad  brtnn-;  Lydia,  beh-  of  s.  Jocidi;  'nianklnl.  \vf.  of  .bditi  brwi,-,; 
Sanintd;  bfir.,  id"  .'^ar.di,  nanii;ib.  Patb-nc*.;  ludrs  of  I-'Uhmi.-zit  and  J.xd. 

1.      Mi'f-y,  b.  An--.  ('.  17(t:7;  <l.  Aiyril  1!»,  17(>:);  lu.  .May  1,  IrJd,  (_'al.'b  Hulls,  b.  bVb. 
4,  KJ'J.");  d.  ]7t.i'7. 

lis.     Ebcnezei"  Beecher,  b.  Ajiril  1-2,  Kls't;;   calb-l  h^crt;-;.  in  17'-2o:  Kn,^i;:n,  n-JS: 
l.ic-iit.  17::;7  and   linadly  rajn  .      In  17-J.i  >oid   to  bro.  dobii  land  ...n  Chrstnut    Hill;  -on.s  (d" 
John  del-.:  he  iii.  naniia.h,  dan.  of  ('abdi;ind  Hannah  .Mix;  in  1  7:):)  In.'  buuiidilot'  iif[)hesv, 
Eliidtub  t  KorMuT  bind  laid  out  to  oiandiath-r  John  Hirchfr. 
1.     Ebonr/.of.  b.  .bin    m.  1714. 
11.     Hannah.  l),-c,  Vl,  17](i, 
III.     Josoph.  b.   .\ov,  'j'i.  Kb-';    I'.^r.    ni.  Jat..    10,  17:11)-  -1),  bdizalM-h    Allini.'-;  may  bp 
till'   CajJi.  .lo,c|di    who- (■ -will,  I77tl,    lun.s.    wf.  Elizalu-ih    and  cliil.  a<  below  ;      1,   M.\i;v, 

b.  J>rc.  '^U,  171i);  ni. lloi-toii.     •,\   b;.x;']:!;ii;N(F.,  b,   -Inly  :.;'•.  171::!;  m. Xowton.' 

y,   ]7>'i'iii:i:,  ni. "-'mitli.     -1,   ILvn.xaii,  ;ii.  Ji./iiuson.     3,   Pa  Tii.     fj,   .hi-ci'u.     7, 

H  i::'.i:ivi,\ii. 

\\.     Sarah,  b.  Mav  8,  17--?d. 

V.      Thomas,  Ai.;"il  ^0.  ]7;;2. 
VI.      Caleb,  Ai-rii    IS,    17:2.4. 

VII..     J^vdia.  Mandi  Ih.  K-Ti-G;  in.  (iidnon  Hotidikiss. 
VIII.      Haiiiid,  .Inn;-  2\ .   17-J>'. 
IX.      ElizalM'tb,  Xov.  -J!).  17;;0;   m.  John  AliiuL'-. 
X.      Hannah.,   .'s  nril  'il.t,  17:17;  m.  i7])!i:aim  'i'i';-rill. 

XI.      Euidcc,  m.' Uradb-v. 

Xll.      Abigail,  m.  and  d.  befoVo  Julv  31,  17'iil,  b-av.  rhildr.-n. 

Mary  Beecher,  b.  abt.  1708;  m.  Jeiemiah  Pai'inale..  and  had  Marv,  b.  Oct.  21),  1?::19: 
d.  Feb.,"  b-'Oi.i;  ni.  17.->S,  bMward,  M- loy,  b.  17;H.  and  had  Henry, "l.>.  177S;  ui.  Anna 

12-     Joseph   Boeoher,   b.    abt.    lOE;   saiii   to  r.i.    ■ romeroy;  ('2)  Lvnian; 

SUl'.  ha.d  .s.  .b....,'|ib. 

121.    Jo.>eph  Boocher,  b.  abt.  1;;7(.). 

1.      Alii'e.  or  l-dsie.  b.  Jan.  -J:-.  p;;'.-;. 

11.  .los^pli,  b.  Xov.  -^-J.  KbiS;  m.  .May  1.-;,  1 7-i!i,  Sarali  Ford;  he  d.  abt.  17d4;  he 
\'.;ispi-r.  tie.'  eloekmabt.T,  and  .^u]).  Lniih  tin-  liisi  town  eloeb'  in  Xew  Hav.,  w'.ueh  wa.s 
UM'tl  in  tin-  tower  id'  Vale  Col  le^re  for  more  than  oO  \y>.-— I  )ii  :rs,,i  <'',ai.  1.  Jo  :;rif,  b. 
Feb.  14,  n;;--';  m.  bv  Mr.  lVi;d.  Pel.,  is.  i:,-,!,  Esther  Pofte;-.  -3,  :\losi.:s,  1,.  F,.!>.  -J,  17:1:). 
1,  JA'.sv.v,  b.  17t;.';;  s'bipina-ter;  d.  I'^d,.  ]S.V2.  a.  Si.  1,  .Mosc:.  b.  .May."),  1701;  in.  Pydia 
Daw-oii  [ji.  .-)  tj.  ;;,  'iiMirriiv,  b.  I'.-l,,  ,'•',  17:i.l.  4.  .\r,Ki.,  b,  Xov.  17,  17:i7.  ."/.  Titl's, 
b.  ..!nlv  .%.   IM  7.      (i.    A-.;ii-.  b.  .Inm-  Pi,  1  71';, 

Hi.      bvdi.i,  b.  l''eb.  1.1,  I7oO-l;  d.  Feb.  2:1,  17-Jd--';,  nlim. 

n',  l..'/..-ki:,h,  b.  June  14,  17();;;  d.  Se;,;.'2i,  1 7."d  ;  m.  .Ma;(di  2:),  17:-.7.  Hanna.b. 
Pnnehard;  his  uP!  pros-.  H.-J,  i  ames  iPinn-d-,  ^-xe-.,  Ine.  .b.seph  lb-eel,,. i-,  i-ds'..-,  .Nlaiah 
[birniaii-e,  Xa.ihaniel  aim  Hannah,  a  miiier,  pr-d).  hi.-;  dau.  and  only  (  li  i  Id .  A',  ho  d. 
b,  twi-eii  the  m.  kin,u-au,i  the  ji:o'.  in-- of  hi-.-  tatlier's  will.  In  17.7t),  H--/.,-iv ii-b  tmd  Han 
nab  Heeehi-r  eoiiv,  lo  Daniel  B:ai;b-_\  ;t.  in  our  faihi-r,  W'm.  Punehard,  w!io  was  also  f. 
oi'  .\bi;;-,-iil,  \\\.  ot'  Dan.iel  IbaiP<-->-.  He,',,  P,  bad  It,  inV'ooC  :i  l.itdiawn  in  name  of 
Jo-eph"(brK  ami  .lobn  t.dark,  d'--e,.  nndividn-d  l.eiweoiim.-  and  .bn-ob  Holehkiss,  1, 
IP\-\-N.\II,  b,  NIa.M-h  '2(1,  !74'i-7:  d.  .\  n;;-.  2,  17,")!.  •'In  ease -.-he  d.i,-s  before  the  a.  of  bS 
th(.-ii  her  t-hare  to  uo  to  mv  bros.  Jo-eoh.  X.-ohaniel  and  sis.  Elsie. 


AI'l'KN  I>IX. 

\.     >;!it]i;iiii<-],  h.  M:m-c1i  7.  ITOO-T. 

V].  Man,  a.  .vli.v,  -J-J,  ITCr,:  111.  Dec.  2;],  17:]1,  Al.rl  Paniialfr;  In  17,1:;  Ahcl  and 
^fan-  i'aiiiialfi^  cnnv.  iaiid  I'A  lumml  IliJl  "  tluit  ^va.s  a  iiart  of  the  c-f.  .if  <iur  bn..  llc/.f- 
kiali  Ui'd-lur.-.  (li\iilcil  luiti)  us,"  to  lim.  .lose-,)!!  J'.,-ct]iit.  1,  S.\i;.\ii.  \>.  Nov.  2s,  17;!2 
2.  M.\i;v,  1>.  (.)ct.  21,  17;l4.  :',  .li.;H!;.MiAK,  .Ir.,  h.  S^pt.  .■>,  K::!'.;  lu.  Jan.  14,  170:.  Alii-ail 
i;u-sc!l,  who  li.  Xov.  2-1,  17G7;  (2)  June  1-1,  1  JOs,  ^^isauiia  Iliimislon  of  .\',.\v  lir.vcn,'"'  4 
AciisAii,  Sept.  2;!,  17;}7. 

Vli.      llannali,    jn.  April   i:>,   17:14.  I'liillp   IN'xfonl,  1..  17()S;   d.  17:)S;   )h_.  in.  (mfary, 
<lau.  oCJoliu  and  i^usaniia  JJlaki'.-lcf  a.nd  w'ul.  ul' John  i'ull. 

1215,     Nathaniel  Beeclicr,  1>.   Mardi  7,   HUG  7;  <1.    l-Vh.   <),  i7N(i;  t,h.oeinakcr. 
tan;'.rr  ami  run  icr  and   lda(d;snnth;  will  daicd   IV^.  ]C>,  ]',i;U;  prov.  ]■".■!.).  2ll,  17SU;  Ilczn- 
Iviali,  exrcr,  vl'.  Sarah,  in.  Sarali  Sponv,  to  he  2d  \vl'. 
I.      b^ivah.  wi  of  Sylvaniis  Bi.-J.iop' id'  N.  llav. 
11.      lAdia,  d.  Julv  ]o,  ]7:i7,  a  l-i,  vrs. — ;(irave.^toue.) 

III.  J.vdia.  \vf.  of  I'lrasais  l^rudh-v. 
]V.      Anna. 

V.      I'Javiil,  to  have  lila<d-:siiiit!i  tnoU. 
\l.      Ikv.tlfiali,  1).  Jan.  ],  1702;  in.  177S,  Doicas  Stroiiii'.  Ij,  Feh.  ],S.  17,"),S. 

12155.  33avid  Bcccher.  b.  Ajuil  2r),  17:-'.^;  bh-iclcsmith:  h:id  12^1,11.,  all  but  4 
<1.  inf.:  ni.  (])<.'.;t.  is,  i7;;4,  -Mary  Austin,  w  ho  d.  s.  i.-.  (2)  -Mav,  1771,  LA'di;",  dan.  .d' 
Amoi  ;Mui;i,ydi:i  iCanii)!  Morris,  b.  174(i;  [■]),  Marrh,  177."),  Ks'tlifr.  dim. 'of  Jolm  and 
}Ioiie  ina\vh-y)  lAinaa,  b,  Feb.  17,  1742;  d.  Oct.  14,  177.");  (4)  Klizabftli  lloadh-v  (.1) 
>larv  F.Avl^  KUiot.     /.  bv  2d  in.;  '        "•  ' 

I.      I'ullv. 
IL      Lydia. 

Til.  I'.-n  id,  AuLT.  ]4,  177:1  1,-D.\aii>  Lym.vx,  b.  Fidi.  G,  '1^00;  lir.vvrr  in  X.^v 
Orh-an.-:  .1.  s.  i.  2,  LrTJiKi;  Fnrii,  ]>.^;;  Y.  C.  1S41;  IJaptiVt  (dci'irvjnan;  S.  T.  ]>. 
Concoid  l^-.")l).      i.  i)V  ;jd  in.: 

IV.  hynu.n,  b;C)>-t  12,  177:.;  d.  Jan..  VMVi,  a.  SS;  ^-.  C.  17t!7:  .\.  M.  1S09;  several 
yrs,  ])a^lor  (dih.  at  LitcliH^drl,  ('o;,ii.;   I'ie.s.  l.ano  .'^om.;   S.T.l).  Col.  ISIS;   ni. 

lioxana,  dan.  (d'  I-7Ii  and  ioixaiia  (\V:;id:i  Fo^iti-  of  (hiilford,  Comh:  (2i  Isa.fudla  ."     1, 

(\vvu.\n\yv.  J-;sTilKi:,  Sept.  o,  I.-^d:);  ti-a-d^er  a,!;  I  antlion-:.;  d-,  ni:i:i.  2.  W.M.  1  Iicnkv,  Jan'. 
I.'),  ]>0L  ;i.  l-:i)V.  A!:i),  J>.  1).  4,  ?.1ai:v.  iSiC).  7)^  (ii-jniCK  (i.  ]1a!:i;ii;t.  autli'.i'  <.-( 
Ui.rJi:  J\  lu'.s  I'.iltii;  in.  ('al\iii  17.  Stowc.  7.  F);i;i>iOiii.  K,  d.  ]s2(l.  y,  lii,.\;;v  WakI'.  pa.sTor 
CtiuiLdi  of  tin-  Pii,<;-ii)n.-5,  I^o.^klyn.  :).  I'lHi.MAs  K.,  D.D.  10.  Cn  \u\.v<.,  1-.  Oct.  7.  isi."^,. 
/.  by  2d  ni.;  1(1,  1<a;u-,,'.k,  b.  1S1^;;  m.  John  liookcr  cd',  b.  April  9,'  IslC; 
lawyer-,      i.  iiy  .')i]i  m. : 

y.     17s;]icr,  !i.  17.-j0;  d.  in  Hartford,  Conn,,  Dec,  l.'i,  i;-;.7.j,  in  her  7."')tli  vr. 

lo.     Isaac  Eeechar,  b.  Auir.  S.  n;.-,!);  „,_  .lor.nna .       As  Avid.  of  Ts.snc  P,.'echfr 

.-h.-  ((jnv.  i.roj-ert.;  in  i.2o  to  daus..  Jo;;n;;a  ami  Abi.ah.  tier  \-.ill  .hucd  heb.  5.  17:;(i-l. 
iiame.--  dcui-^.,  Abipai!,  .ibiah,  Jendina  and  Joanna;  Ai)i<:ai],  Abiah  ;uid  .I.-iniina  in  172(1 
sold  ii,:;lit  in  bro.;ic".-.  est. 

1.      Isaac,  ;5d,  b.  Oct.  20,  KlsO;  d.  s.  i.  17i)S;  11).  Hannah ;    airreemenf  bet\v.'cn 

heirs  (d'  Kaac  inadic-  1  712. 

11.  Fb;  nczer,  b.  ]',!,.  24,  l(jS2. 
111.  San,!iid,  niado  will  May  2'.).  17(;0;  ]nov.  Oct..  same  vr. ;  iinis.  wf.  Hannah  cliij 
btdow  and  LM-.  dan.,  1;,  b.^cci  In-iahiiui,  ].n)h.  .lau.  of  K.  be.-c^.  !u  17:^:!  conv.  lo  Sanimd 
ThonipM,n,  jr.,  laial  laid  out  to  f . ,  I:  arc  llcedu  r,  dcr.  l.SwtiKi,,  An--  ;^0  1711 
2,  Ki.i:i;((A,  Fc,'.  1.-..  171.7.  ;FlsA.\e,  ni.  Jan,  1 1 ,  1 7:;7-S,  Thankful  l-dak.-lcc.  1 
Thnuhtnl  b.  Nov.  11,  I7:;.s.  4,  J(i\atiia.\,  .7,  Amk,  April  1.7,  1720;  m.  Jan.  Ft 
1 /;!:'-40.  Jonathan  AUin-,  jr.  (',.  A i;i. -A! i,  1  [iTcirotK.  7,  Hanxah  m.  Fee  24  1747 
Penjambi  l\,:d.-.      (A  llanm.h  Hccdi-n-  m,   Mav  7,  17.72,  F;ms  Pardee.) 

iV.  Je.lm,  bap.  Oc(.  (k  !t;s|).  In  172.1  e.alh"'d  of  W  allinoford.  Conn.;  .Mdd  li-ht  in  f.  ' 
IsaacV  est.  to  Samu-!  Po  .cher.  Fis  v>  ill  dated  Feb.  Fk  17.77;  i-r.^vcd  June,  sam-  vcar; 
names  wf.  Jni/abeth  and  (ddk  as  ]•.;,. xv.  and  appnint;-  Snmucl  !li;il,,  soh_  cxecr.  ;  \vii.. 
<'aleb  llislk  .\bis.'s  Atwater,  r;phrai:n  Tuttic;  m'.  i;ii-/.-;b:'th,  d;iii  of  ddiomas  and  .Vlii.-ail 
]5arms,  b.  Nov.  10,  lli'.M,  1,  Isaac.  1 ,  .'.v/er,  d,  Ja,i.  IS,  mJs,  2,  .M;i<.aii„  m  i)cc. 
21,  174:;,  Jo-.'p]i,  s,  (d'  Secplmn  Howe.  b.  Ori.  7.  I71.s.  F  •/'/.•;,;<.'/ ,  S.-pt,  27  1744.  2 
Kl>n,yi\  Sept.  2.  174s.  :k  /,'.'■,  ,v,/.  Jul. c  20,  17.70.  4.  J/.////.  Jan.  2s,  |  7.7:7  '.7.  /■,'.'/;//.'! 
Jen-  20,  17:-7  (k  .^-^ ,  ', . ,  ,  Jan.  :;  F  1 77^.  ■  \\.^v.M\MK.  '  4,  Fm'kim  h;vM-:.  in.  Josepli 
Peach.      .(.  Fi.i/.AoKi  11,  m.  Jacob  Paiker. 

V.      Abi-aii.  b,  ^el.L.  24,  IC.iCk   m.   I)a\id   ,;[■    Ji...dford.  N.  Y.,  as  dee,!   of 
Nov.,  1722.  *  .         •        1  ■ 

svv\^si>ix.  08: 

VI.      Abiali,  twill  ^^■itll  Al)i^-ail;  livin;j,-  ITO^. 
VIJ.      .leiuiuiii.   Dim-.   I'J,   Id'.lti. 
VIII.      Joaiui.-i.  livir,--    17'.'S. 

One..ft]u-al,uv..  ]>:,., ;s,n.  .Vpril  (!,  17:;S,  ^ral,H  Atu-ater.  ,lau.  ..f  SaniuH;  l,,-  wii] 
pruv.  1,il,^.  ol  I'.crliMiiy,  r,,i,n:  s.  l[.'/,.'l;ial.  Unvh,.,-,  ,.\-,vr.  ;  inv.  late  hus  Isaa-  I'.,.ec],<T- 
names  chil.,  J[._-y,i'kial,.  .Vine   I'lTlcins,    J'kmicr  Spcrrv   (ni.    i^culn-n    SiM-nV    (let    C.    r;nn' 

Isaac  ];e.Tli,T,  \vl,o  porhaps  m.  April  ').  1  7:^s.  >!;ii,,„i  l{,,t,.i,i.i^s,  a.xl  liad-  1  I)-ivi,l 
Aug.  ]«,  174:3,  2.  Abralunn,.  J^t'pi.  ]7,  174.-,.  ;:;,  .I,,],,,.  S.-p;.  2!;,  17-14  A  i'li.:,,'  twiii 
with  Jolin.      ."i,  Isaac,  Dec.  13,  17-lS.      ci,  J'^iImt,  March  7,  17.1'?.      7    Sarah   s'pt    '''('irr' 

15.    Eiea^.er  Boeclier,  !).  April  n,  ]():>:,■  m.  Xov.  .'),  jr,77   Plu-l.c  Prin.d,' 

I.      Ihinnah.   Ii.  .'nil-  2;;,   ](i7!».     '  .  ,,     . 

11.      Nathaniel,  h.  Jan.  2i.  l.rq;   v.ill  .lat.-.i  A;iw-.  i;,  i7r;o.  „t    X.  Uav  ■  pn,v    J,nu- 
l.GS:    names    wt.    Ah!^;ail,  hro.  I-aac.  cousin.  („rpl,,,v.s)  Klca/cr.  Isaac    Sf.cpl,.,,    ()i„.,ii 
•  ■iicc 'Irov.-hn.lge,  Susanna  Ijeecjie:-,  .\hiry  i!i'o,-k-tt ;    u   cmisin,  fllea/.-r   Beecher  of    \",  n\- 

lil.     Kheiie/.rr,   ]).•(■.  2.1,  l»ls2. 

\y.      Elea/.er,  A|iril  2],  KlMi:   peihap<  sftth-d  in  >,\-w  Milfnril    ('..nn 
V.      Thanl:fiil,  March  IS.  Kls;). 

VI.      Stephen,  May  IS,  1>,[C,:  est.  <liv,  17.>4;   wf.  Susanna    an.l    chiMren    named         1 
Su.s.\N.NA,  ,iK.     2,  S'i'j;i-iiKx.     ;:^.  (.)i;i;7)ii;xc>v     4    \<\\c   ,n; 

_  ^■"•,    ^^^;;;'^'  -^l":';  '■   V'''^'   "\  ^V'Tl'  ''•  l '■-''■' '•-''^^''''■*!^''^".orrhomas  ami  Abigail 
iS'f  Feb    u'nol     ""'        ^^  "■      ''  ^'"'■'''  ''■  ^""-  ^-  ^'"'^  l"'''»Psm.  I-snier 


Fuller,  in  his  W^>rl/n>s  of  Er,rjJnnd.  mentions  SO  persons  of  the  nanm  .,f  ISrown  who 
had  been  sJienns  betw.'en  Uol  and  ](;o2.  ()(  the.-^e  were  Francis  Hrown  ^'.h-Mj};  ',,f 
Lincolnshire,  ir,21.  Fraucis  Brown,  Slieritf  of  IJuihuid,  irrJ4.  and  FranVis  Ihown 
Sherill  of  C'ambndr.'esliire.  KiKi.  ^^'alter  Hrown  wa'^  Mavor  of  Lruidon  F^i!;!-!  f,  „,  ' 
King  Jolm.  Maurice  l^rown,  Sheriff  of  Ilamj-shire,  ]42o;  had  arms  ■•  SHbl'e  u'l'ree  lions' 
]wis.sant  guaidant,  between  two  bond.s,  gemeros  ar-rcnt."  Tlnmias  Brown  Sheriff  of 
Siirrey,  3 44:J  and  14.,U,  byre  •'  .able,  three  lions  pa.saut  iu  bend,  ,h,uble  cotised  ar-ent  ^ 
\N  alter  Brown.  M,erit>  ot  Surrey,  i-,o,,.  ]„„,,.  .,  ^,^,,,,.^  „„,„,^  ,^,,„^  ^^^^^^^^  guardanrintor 
two  bends,  gemeros  argent.  Similarity  of  arms  sugge.vang  relaii.mship 
1.     Fydia,  m.  Jan.  2y,  innU;  m.  Ilenrv  Bristol. 

11.     J(.!in,  bap.  April  7,  BUb;  m.  Marv  Walker 

III.  I'^h  azer,  bap.  Oct.  B.i,  U;42;  ni.  Saiah  Bulklev. 

IV.  Samu(d,  liai>.  April  7.  1045;  m.  Meicv  Tuttle'    [  11  ] 
A'.     Kbeno/er,  b.,p.  J,r,ie  21,  ](U<.);  d.  soon. 

VI.      Filer.;  v,cr,  b;;],..  July  4,  1(;47. 

2,  John  Ercwn,  lap.  April  7,  1040;  m.  Jan  1,  \V.\\\,  Marv,  dau  of  John  ^V•ll]•,■^ 
^vho  ]H.i.  andoina.ned  a  divoree  ( )et .,  l.;74;  John  Brow,,  ..f  (Juilfonl.  Conn.,  willdated 
16s;);  had.laii.  I'hebe,  who  m.  Daniel  iKuid  and  had  dan.  and  sons  John  and  Stei-lien 
Dodd.  ' 

I.     :\larv,  b.  ir.(;4. 
11.      Jo-hii,  b.  Bjtif?. 

ni.      Hannah,    b.   I'lCf);  ,,1.  Xov.  ,'^0,  1(!S7,  Benj.  Jonu-^. 

,,.J^'-  /;''';■';•  ^'-  "V'-- /"•  •'';'"!•  ^-  "'  ■'^^•"•■^  ""fl  Betlua  iB.yklm)  Benison,  b.  Feb  i\ 
10-,,  and  had  dau.  1,  Mak v  .kn,>,,x,  1,  March  2'),  i7Hi;  m.  Sept.  o,  1741.  J.d.n,  s'of 
Kev.  John  anu  Sarah  bu^,ewell  W  ,,odu  aid ,  b.  rri2,  and  ha.l  dau  ][.!  ru  W,>.„],n,nl  b 
Jan.  2:;.  174.1,  m.  --'"^''.  n'!ii.(  j union  Hradley,  b.  IBiS,  and  had  dau.  Huldah  Hradh^v' 
b.  June  lb.  1,,M;  m.  1B)1,  Jeh.nJ  F.ubes.  a  shippine- merch.  of  Xeu-  Jlav  •>  \,Me\i,' 
W,^""-  '";  ^J'-'^"'-  ^^=7'7i'';"^;f;-'-;  v.  r..  i:;lo,  ami  had;  1,  A,,i.i„i'.\n.  Baniei 
\Nhedon.        .    >arah,m.Je,ed,ah    narrow;, 2)  Imcretia,   m.    Saul    Boot.      ;;,    drace.    ,n. 

Henry  Hue;, es,  June  1.,  h.'i.      4,    I  »e,ns..i,,  ,;•,  Ma  re  Parish.      5     Abie.,M     „,    Ji,,,/ 

son  b,  .\^ena-u.^  2.  S.n;,h,  b.  li^iM;  ,„,  F!i  Fulii-r.  :!.  M.r;/,  b;'l7i;i;m.  Joseph 
1  little.  4,  h.'i,in.<'>ii.  d,  .s\i;\i(.  .Mav -jo.  1711'-';  Jii  .b.-iph  Tre\\  1,-id  e  lu-o  <f  D-  J 
whom.  M(4iita.bie  p.rown.  [.11.  j  4.  Joti.N.  twin'  with  Sarah.  .-,,  Ki.i-Aiii.- 1  u'  iu-'-'s 
1710;  nn  Sammd  '.''hompson.     0,   M ;:ir!i  \:;i,k..  Oct.  2,  Hl-'l  '        ^"  ~"' 

\,   ^'¥''f:^^/".^^  ■■'''''''    ''"''•    ''"'■  ^^-    ^"-'^•'^-  ^''■•'    -^-  I'l';   '"■  ^^arah,  dau.  of  John 
III-;  h'V,  b.   I(i4-). 


I.      Kleazer,  b.  Jan.  G,  lOtJ.'!;  d 



li.  r<t-v<h'>,ii.  ]).  (>-t.  0,  Kid.");  111.  1,  ]-;i.i;\zi:i;,  1).  iniK);  1.1.  J;iii.  •^o.  17o.-,_  Sarah 
Jiowr.  1,  Siinih,  I'd).  •.^,  17"-2(J:in.  'I'iin.otliy  ( inrhani.  2,  d .  rxIc'U, ,  Mari-li  2;).  17'v?.S;  in. 
—  aii'l  had  llaiinali.  Ij.  Aii<r.  27.  17.")1.  :;,  A!'i[i:nl.  .liin,'  12,  ir;J();  in.  V.un>  Potti-r.'  4. 
L'/i'it.rt  r,  \>.  17:;2.     ."i,   Jl^'mu///.  -Uiuv  V.).  IT-J.l     (j,    0///v,  m.  Naihaaic!  J-tio'.vn.      7,    s./iu/i' 

1)1.  Kockwrll.     s,   in.    riall.     D,   ]),niil,    h.  Nov.    ;;.   174:^:   m.   April   24" 

ITTU.  JIaiiiuili  Ki)--Ii^h.  []..  lH!),]  2.  Sah.vh,  1..  ]i;i)I):  in.  ]),■-■  2!',  172-!.  l^tijatuin  l^.uv' 
Ixittoui.  ;!,,  b.  .)an.  1,  171)2;  iii.  ])ec.  -.().  ]722,  Sauuirl  Ual."  4  Ol  ivf  h 
Ffb.  22,    17US.  ,  ^.     . 

III.      l)ai;i.4.  h.  Jan.  ](j,  IGGS;  m.  Marv  Uuwo. 

W.     Tiiouia.-.. 

\'.     Klizih.-th.  'u.  ?iliclia>-l  Todd. 

S3.      Daniel   Brown,   1>.    -Ian.    To,    ]i..;-^    d.    Oct.    4,    1722;  in.  iGlM,    Marv,    dau.  of 
Epliraiui  W'-sw.  li.  Dc-.  ](.;74;d.  S:ra.tford,  April  (i,  17<)!. 

I.  l>.i!i;rl,  b.  April  26,  l(;^^t';  Y.  ('.  171,;  tutdr.  i:iS-22;  an  intiniat.-  fricud  of  Dr. 
SaniU'd  .lohiison.  wln-ni  lii^  ar-i'nmpanird  t^j  l-^iiu' (  1  72".)  and  \vith  l'ri'<.  CiitliM-  and  I>i-. 
John.-.o;i,  lecoivf.l  Ejiis-ojial  ordination  lidiu  J)r.  ( ;i-i  en,  i'.i-hoj)  of  Noru-ich;  1ih  d.  in 
lOiiglaiMl.  a  few  day.-<  .afi^-rsvanl^  (;i  ;iiia!lpox;  hi-  wa-  a  young  man  of  rai-t.' pKjiuihij  and 
liis  rarly  ih  a  public  calaniitv. 

II."    .b^-oph,  b.  I>.-c.  1.  i7()l;  m.  l^anud  Bo.stwick;  (2)  Prudeoco  AUin- 
III.     Marv,  i.,.  17".\ 
\\ .      I-:'a.-.  b.  Mar.-li  20,  ]7(>1». 
V.      ,Marv,  b.  W-ii.  10.  1710. 

332.      Joseph   Brown,   l).  Dec.    1,  1701;  m.  Pamel  r,u.-l'.vlck;  (2)  Prudence   Ailing: 
several  cliildrcii.  of  whoni: 

1.      .\>in;).b.   .\p'-ll    1.1711;   ni. ('hannccy  and  liad :      Epac  T'liau  iicev,  Comnio 

dore  r.  S.  Xavv;  d.  -Ian.  27,  isli), 

II.      Mary.'  ni.  fJ-orire  fn,,k;  said  to  be  bio,  of  )-\v  lb  .br-r;  C.jok  of  London  and  Iiad; 
1,   MA!:y.      2,   (tKdi;-';!-:.  m.  Naia-y.  (b-un    [vnos   Xorihrop  of   W'oicbonry,  Conn.,   and  ha.l; 

1,  J/ '/■//,  ni. Pi^-ikins.     o.   Sai.i.y.     4,   ].bri'si.v,     0,     0.   1,-;aac.     7,'.d 


111.  .lor^fpb.  I<aac.  b.  1700;  d.  ISUb  ni.  .\nnic,  .dan.  of  Ibickiniii'^tei-  and 
Abigail  ^^^'all■l•llou.-el  i5rintnall.  1.  I^-aac';  d.  inf.  2.  .\l,!.r\.'r.  d.  a.  o  vrs.  .",  Ai.i.iNo, 
b.  April  li,  I7'.)l;  ni.  Maria  White  1.  [.<.nir,  .L  inf.  2,  I'nm.i.s  Aihuij,  killed  by  a  boy 
failini;-  on  Inin:  a.  abr.  0  yrs.  ;j,  J-yisJm.  d.  inf.  4,  Tiiu'nii.i^  d.  a.  abt.  .7  vi.s.  o,  Aimn 
Jf.-n-i''.  d.  V.  ■!,  I!ai;i:]j"t  !'rNr-Ki;>;)\,  b.  .Udv  IS,  17!i>;;'  m.  ISiy,  Mil'c-;  Pumb't-^on. 
who  d.  Sept.  1.  ISO],  1.  K!!^'r..ilh  Milrs,  b.  -bui.  20.  l^^l^;  n;erc]i.  of,  Md.; 
]n.  Mairdi  ;;,  JSI.".,  I.aura  A.  Powle.-,,  wh:.d.  .Inlv  21.  !s"i-<.  1.  1 1  enrv  Klhv.-onh.  b.  Dec. 
2.5.  1^4!',;  .1.  Marcli  :;o,  b'^is.  2,  Helen  KlbswoVth,  b.  Sept.  7.  is  li/;  m.  April  20.  1800, 
.To.--<-p]i  E.  liiou'j-b  of  Palrinmre;  i:ii-rch.;  :.Vie  d.  .la;;.  10,  l'r7ii.  :!,  b.niira  ^'iraii-.ia,  b. 
Apri'l  7.  ]s.j2;  m.  Xicliohi-- K.  Krea>s,  M.  D.  of  I).  4,  ]:ilsworlli  "A'ill.-ird,  b.  <)ct."4,  P-!')."); 
d.  Aptil  12.  ls.70.     2.  IL>rrit  Ahnu  JlrintwiU,  b.  Ang.  27,  1.^21. 

6.     EbcnezOi*  Brovvn,  b.  ,Iulv  4,  1047;  m.  March  2.'^,  1007,  Hannah  Vincent. 
1.      Hannah,  b.    1007. 
II.      Son,  b.    100'.). 
Ill,     Ebei:e/.,.r.    I..    1070;   m.   Feb.   11,   lO;)."),     Eleanor  Lane,     1.  Hanxak,  1600.     2. 
Hi.i.ij.XA.  l!;!)S;  in.  Sanund  jSl.M.chlev.     o,   Ej;km;zi;i;,  b.  17U0.     4,   IMjiu.cca,  b.  17t);l     -5. 
Mahy,  b.  17i!0  . 

1\  .      Pebecra,  b.   1072;  m.  Feb.  2:),  lOOl,  Samuel  Plark;   wid.  Pebecca  est.  div.  1725; 
will  dated  Fe!i.  10,  1024.  (hil.  bibcnezer,  :6id.oc,  .lohn,  Ib4.,-cca,  Anna,  Peborah. 
\'.      -Marx.  b.  ir,74;  nn  Xov.  :>,  lOifS,  Samuel  Clark.  []..  2. J 
\\.     ]':ii/,abo!h.  b.  1070. 
Vll.      I'bmice.  b,  lOsl;  jii.  Dec.   ID,  17(12,   Daniel  4di..mas. 
Vlll.     .lames,    b.    10^4;  ni.    Oct.    -A.    1704,    Llizabct'i    K<-rbe;   he  d.    May  1,    1700,  in 
^^'atl  rbnrv,      1,    Fi.j/.a r.i.-rii.    1-.    17(>-').     2,     FfMc!-;.     b,    17U7.     M.  -Iamks,  "b,    17i)l>.     4, 
S.\KAI1,  b,"  1711;  nn   D-c,  2^,  KO."),   P.anid  Tlncna.,  Jr.,  of  AVaferbnry,      o,    1)in\h,   1711. 
(>,   Jr)si:]'U,  1710.      7,   .L\Mi;s,    m.    Dec.   14.    1741.    Hannah,  dan.  of  Ivlwaid   Toiniikins  of 
^Vatt■rburv.      1.  b.  Dec.  10.  174.1:  d.   Dec.  20.  sm.     2,   .himrs.  h.   Die  .s,  1710,      ;!, 
.•l,v«7,    Feb."    1.S,  171S.     4.    l-:inn,zfr.    b.    Dec.     7).    17.M>:    d.    Oct.  17.M.      .1.    Ihi -,  i,,th .    An--. 

PL  17.V2,      0,  ■ .      7.    hlH,uZ,r.    b.    .Inly  20,  17r,7;  d.  abt.    1M2;  a  l.'ev.  pen-ion, -r;  a 

very    vi_^on'ns   o],l    ntau.     8.   Da.mki.,    b.    S\'alerbuiv,    7So\.    0,    172;!.     0,   Pi;j;j;ecA,   b. 
Sep'f    l;;.   1720. 

Ai'i'i:x.i.j.\.  (;;)<) 

Joseph  I'^rnwii  ■^■.wo  tliis  iM-ord  to  liisdau.  Saruli  Matlhcws.  who  un vi-  the  faiiiilv  I'.ihI.- 
fonTaininu  it  to  her  iiii'cr,  ilariir;  ('.  PumliTsoii  of  Nrw  llav.  ■'  Mv  iTiat  Lrr."  u'l.  1'., 
Francis  liiown,  Avas  1).  in  tlif  town  of  Katlif.  (llati-lilVcV)  Yoikshirr.  l';ii";r.',  aht.'ldfl);  ni! 
in  Eiiu'.  ]'■(•"•().  .Mary  J-Mwaid-;  call!:- lo  New  Jlnir. .  !i;;;s;  ],;h\  1  (hui.  and  4  sons.  Lvdin. 
John,  KK-azfi'.  Saiiuu-l  and  i-'/ocnc/.i'r.  John  d.  and  l.vl'i  no  s.  Eh-a/.cr  lind  ;!  sons,  Kica/.'r, 
•(.jfrshoni  and  Panii-1.  Klea/rr,  unni.  Ccr.-lioni  lir-d  1  son,  !•>!(  a/.tr.  i)aiiicl  lia'd  :'>  sons,' 
])aiiiel,  Joscjih  and  isa.-c.      I):in;(l  i!.  in  London,  April  ].'!,  17'j;;,  a.  2^),  aniii. 

N.  B.  Klir/.T,  S.  of  Fraiiri-;,  was  my  ur.  f. ,  h.  lil-i'?;  )ii.  Savali  r,nlld.-v  of  Fairli.dd 
dau.  (,i  John.  !..  ]r,-!:;:  d.  1  T'J:).      Hh  d.  On.  -J;;.  ITl-I.      ?,]  v  f..  Dani.d    Biuwn,  h.  Jan.    lo. 
IGOS;  d.  Ort.    -J.  i;-^2;   m.  lli'Jl.  Mary,  dan.  of  Kph)aini  jlcnve,  1).  Dec.  1GT4;  d.  in  Stiat 
ford,  A])ril  (j,  ITU],  a.  yo  yrs.  4  n'os. 

Fiiliraiui  JIowc,  my  irr,  f..  h.  in  London,  KV.?,");  m.  Anna  flou^h.,  !).  liristo],  I'hiL^-., 
lOoO;  /.:  11  cliii.;  -1  .sons.  Ejdiraini,  SanuicL  Daniel  and  Laac,  whri  ;ill  Inllowed  tlie  s;?a' 
and  not  one  livi-d.  h>  he  20  ycai.s  of  a.  'Un-  T\\(j<ducst  d.  on  a  voyatic;  Isaac  d.  in  Br^ston 
and  l)':d  d.  in  Sinanam  aht.    (i  mes.  after. 

Joseph  iiroun,  h.  D..C.  1,  1701:  d.  Jnnf  (J,  IT'.liJ;  ni.  Jiilv  2?.  IT:.':.  Darnel  D.ostwick, 
1).  May,  ITi'-J;  d.  in  Stra;r(,nL  May  O?,  IT'-W:  ni.  Ajnil  s,'  ]  ToC,  Ihudenee  Allinu-  of 
:N"e\v  liaven.  h.  Nov.,  i;-;-?:  Dri.itlier  Fno.s  .\lling,  d.  Se[M.  ID  177;.':  a.  (i'>  vrs.  4  inos. 
1,  Dannd,  h  .)(,1_\  ;S,  i70N;  d.  An.c.  :i,  17:i>.  2,"  Jo.-,eidi,  !i.  June  ;).  j7:.i);  d.  Di-e.  2o 
r.r.7.  o,  Ann.i,  h.  ApiiUI.  17:l-i;  d.  Aul;-.  ::0,  17:-!s.  4,  Flizaheth,  h.  Jan.  17,  1784:  d.' 
Doc.  4.  17(i4.  .-),  Lsaae.  1..  March  Cd,  L,;!'):  ,L  .'ui.!:-.  ;il,17:!S.  (.;,  Itannd,  h.  Ajiril  ^O. 
1739.  7,  Antei.  1>.  A|Mil  L  17-n.  s-.  Marv,  h.  .iuh'L  ]7-il:  d.  Oct.  21.  isn!-  .-,  hv  -.M  m  '• 
i),  Sarah,  July  IH,  17o4.  ]V.  l'ar:n].  ]k  Feb.  D).  Vr>r,:  d.  Feb.  22.  17;]""..  11."  JosepJi 
Is-iac,  March  7,  ]7(;0:  <1.  I-"eb  2o,  lolo:  liereui.  Xn  New  llav..  ^Liy  2S,  1772:  mv  v.-f.  I'lu- 
dcncp,  (L  in  Xev.-  llav.,  ^Ja:ch  :jn.  i77;L  nn,,.  /,■'"■.■./•:/  in  indahviiiim:  <d'  Joseph  Brown, 
b.   1701;  kept  l..y  himself:  a  few  ite  ns  add.ed   by  his  dan.,  Sarali  .Matrliews. 

Snninel  Perkins,  b.  Oct.  ID,  171'::;  d.  Jnly  2,  KT-s  m.  Oct.  17.  177:3,  SaiahBro\\n, 
b.  July  D!,  17ol:  d.  An--.  Di,  Iv-'J;  slie  jn.  '2 1  A.].]!!  27,  17s;i.  I'ehianiin  Mattlcw  s,  b. 
Jiine2;j,  17o4:.!.  Feb.  7,,  17>'^.      1,   Sa:ah  Pfrkin-,  b.  .Nov.  y.  ]  77o:  d'.  Jan.  2,  177s. 


Thomas  Blakeslef  of  ILirtf..  DMl:  in  New  Have;,  1044;  to -(uiiiforJ:  d.  in 
Boston  ](J74,  leaving  wife  ^^n-anna. 

Samuel  ]?iakes!e("  (i)rob.  bio.  to  Thos.),  ancestor  of  llie  Woedburv  and  ^^"aterburv 
name;  at  (ndlford  l(i.")tj:  m..  De,-,  ;i,  1(].-)U,  Ih.nnali,  daii.  of  Wui.  D(;tier  of  New  Jlaven; 
rem.  there  and  d.  1072.  lf\i\  in--  4  (diii. 

L      Juim,  !),   io.'.l:  d.  17D:.i.i  .\.  Hav.;  m.  Orae,- . 

'11.,  d.  1(J72. 
IlL     Dannali,  b.  K;.";  d.  lb!;;). 
IV.     Mary.  1).  Ki.-.'J. 

V.     Satnuc),  1,.  1(;(;2;  m.  1(5^4.  Sarali  ]vin>ber]v. 
\l.     FJienezer,  b.  Jnlv  17,  lOOi. 
VIL      llannali.  1).  lofj!)". 
Vni.      Jniiatlwin,  b.    IbG'.i:  d.  y. 

1.     John  Elake.slee,  d.   March    17,    17i;L    a.    5!t:    m.     Urace   .     lie     bou-lit 

Ift'.id  in  E.  Haven  of  Joseph  and  l-7[i/.ul>eth  Tattle  in    Kiitl. 
I.      John,  b,  ll.i7();   m.  Susann. 
11.      ILn.nah,  b.  Kisi;  ,,,.   ]  7'»5,  Mnses  Sonrrv. 

ILL       M..seb.  ' 

^11.  John  Blakcslee,  b.  1(;7(L  il.  1741:  adm.  .-riven  to  John  of  ^^'a.llin^ bird, 
172:L  i;-):i  ve-^tone  of  Sns;.ii!Kl.  wife  id'  John,  ill  (-'rove  sn-.-et  cc;r,i'Ierv.  \.  llav.',  "d. 
Jnly  2.">.  i7ol.  a.  G7."  'i'he  wiil  of  J(,;in  F.iakr-^le.'  \>as  .•;.,!, ibited  in  J  712  by  Joim  Ball, 
and  ihrei-  <d'  tiir  'diil.  w4i.)  were  not  n:inied  (n-  provided  loi-  in  tlie  will  the  rxivx  ordeivd 
a,  and  allo\\an--e  for:  v.-f.  Susanna,  Jolin  BaU,  sole  e:-;eiT.  in  I7')l.  Susanna 
<-onv.  hind  ill  the  Vor;::dLiri-  i^nirtrr  to  lovJii.^  son  OlMibah  Hotchki-s.  p,i  17.V.'  thn 
<diii.  sfll  lie- leCM.-  '>■•{.  1  i-aid  .^illn-l.•n,  L'aniel  irWown,  Samne]  Mire,  v.itnesses. 
1.  Daoi.d 
IL      LJi/.al.'fth  (Allini:). 


III.  I).'!i.)n>li  iA!c-nck,  Jolin).  1,  Cai'i  .  John  Ai.cott,  b.  D.-c.  ^S,  1T:',1,  In  \V,,]. 
cott;  III.  i;."..".,  Arai-y  Cliailicld.  1,  Jo.-<,'n}i.  CInitjl  Ul  (_)!,■, ,iL  ui.  Aniui  ]',iMns,.ii,  uliosurv. 
lier  liu.sliand  (U'cr  ;iO  \>-ai's,  ami  d  at  fj,ifat  aa-c.  1,  Aiii'w  lli-onson  Alcotl  of  (" 
•2.  \.\in.\  I..  IT.-Jd;  III."  Isaac  151ak..-,>lci'  [  p.  ].  :;,  David,  1>.  ITIU:  m.  AhiL-'ail  Johiru.n.  1, 
Ohiil,  b:  ITT'i;  m.  Anna  Amlrrws  ni'  N'.'atiTtowu  aiul  had  Dr.  \Viu.  A..  Cilcott.  4 
.>rAHV.  I..  17!  <:  til.  Oli.vl  HradU'V. 

IV.  Lvdialiull. 

V.     Tliankful  B.T.dirr  (Isaac):  m.  J^ni.  11,  ITOT. 
VI.     Marv  Ball  (Jolin);  ni.  Fcl>  S.  r,:M. 

13.     Moses  Blalceslee,  set.  in  ^Vatc^llU^y;  111.  no-?,  Sninb  licutou  of  Hartr.      He  \ 

was  di  a.  ii!  .\nriliii;i!\',  ('min.,  1710.  ^ 

I.      Mosc,  171)-;  d.  17:.!S.                                                      '  S 

11.      Aaniii,  1).  170];   d.  v.  | 

HI.,  17o;,;  d.   17i(i.  1 

IV.  Saiali,  h.  170:^;  iii.  .Ian.  17:^:?,  Eidiraini    liak.-r  ol   Woodl.nry  and  liad  Sanuitd,  \ 
Daniel  and  Sarah.  \ 

y .     Jc^sc.    1710;    Lifur.;   had  fain,  in  X.  I'lav. ;  adin.  of  his  est.  17]-  iriven  to  \s\a.  ' 

Deborah  (T-idd,    dan.  .d'    ..losiah);    .b.siah     Dlakeslec   active    in    h.T    b.-half:   (1    chil.      ],  ' 

SAitAi£.  b.  Sept.  '20.  171-J.  in.  ]';iios  To.ld.     2,  .I'M'.,  b.   May  '^s,  171!.     :-J,   <'hi,(.k.   b.  .May  \ 

19,  174.");   in.  — I'ull  and  had    son  Mamii.n  \slni   \s-t'iit  yinjiu:  tn  1 'dawate  and  d.  iIutc.  i 

'I'lu.'  \Vid,.nv  Ihill  was  Ci.'i-cd  foi-   liy    ('apt.    B."nj.    lircrjicr   (d'    New    Haven,  and    vceived  s 

rroni  her  :i  watch,  wldch   f(dl  to  his  e-i.   dau..    Mrs.    L.    J'..  Gaston   of   Boston,    .Mus.s.      4,  j 

Jo>iAU,  b.  dan  1,  17J(;-7:   rem.  to  ^bdiile,    Ala.;   laid  ont    the    tovni    of    Blakeslee,  Ala.,'  l 

an,!  d.  tluMc     o,  'Ji;i.ii,   !..    l>"c.   5.    17-lS.     6.    Dknaii,    b.    Au-.    14,    UoO;  m.    William  " 

Bassett;   rem.  to  \\"aterio\vn,  Conn.,   and  d.  there.  \ 

VI.  DiiKih.  1711.  ! 

VII.  .lob.  1713.  • 
VI 11.     .Job,  1714.  I 

IX.      Aaron,   171(5;  had  fain,    in   X.    llav;  son   .Jonah   Blakerdee   m.    Zophnr  Tuttle's  > 

wid.  [4].                                                                                                                                "                        ■  ; 

X.     Hannuh,  17ls.  j 

XI.     I'h.'be,  17-Jl.  in.  1744,  Ibmrv  (;,M,k.  > 

XII.     .lohn,  17i':i.  sr.t.  in  Waterbu'rv;  in.  1745,  Abi  Curtis.    [4.]  ) 

XII I.  Marah,  17-2G;  m.  Benj.  Upson".  174:J.  i 

XIV.  Moses,  172S;  set,  ill  Waterbury;  d.  in  Cheshire,  March  G,  1.S07,  a.  78.  ] 

5.      Samiiol  Blakeslee,  b.    l('.i;0;  m.  insi,    Sarah,  dai;.  of  Thomas  KimlKTly;   rem.  • 

to  Woodbury;  est.  adn:.   173.5;   wf.  Sarah  made  her  X  mark;  S.  Tilly  adni. ;  ums."iicsides  i 

.Jame.5,    (Jniinan   Picke:,  wf.  of   Thomas;   ^[;trv  r)orr,  Mehitable  Trov.diridi^e  and  Sarah  '. 

.judd.                                              ■  ; 

1.     S.'uiuiel,  b.  l(Vs;,");  m.  Ibdinali ;  lied.  D.'C.  ■.?4,   17.">M,  a.  (JO.      1,   TttAXKFiT.. 

b.  Oct.  •20.  1714;  in.  March  S.  17d:),  Elijah  Baker.      1,   Hath,  bap.  .Ian.  11.  1744;  m.   17ij:-i,  j 

Edward   Collins.     2.   Riurrca,    Aue-.  'J,",,  174.">;   m.  177(1.    Asaln-l   llnrd.     :',    Mirimn.  .hm.  : 

17.  1T4S:   m.    Asahel   Booth.     4,  Aiiwi,  d.    17.y!.     o,  hnid.   .Uily   14,    17o4.     6,   Amnt,  j 

Aut:.    1.5,  17.")(;.     7,  Jodt'ph,  Nov.    12,  17.orf.     8,   Jaiuc^,  Oct.  2G,  17'GO;   m.  Ruth  lioot.     9.  i 

E'u'nor,  Ma.r<-h  10,  17G."i.  • 

II.      Merriam,  ii.  1GS8.  i 

III.     Jonathan,  b.  IGoO.  —  . 

lY.     Sarah,  ni.  Win.  .Judd.  j 

V.  .\nna.  | 
VI.     Mary,  in.  Samuel    r>orr;  all  of  their  G  chil.  bap,  in  Wnodliury,  Au;.r  1G97.  1 

VII.     .lames,  b.  April    2S,  li;!)l);   m.  1724,  Thankful,  dau.  (d'   Siepheii  I'lison.  iviio  d.  ; 

17S.1;  set.  in  Wo,)dhiirv.   172:5.      I,    I;i;ii;k.\,  172:5:    d.  IS!:*,:  m.    Rhoda .      1,    lirnhr,,,  \ 

17G:5.     2,   Mihitahl,-,    1 7Go.     :].    l.„>,iA   Anna,    17Gs      I,    i;iu,;hi.   1771.     o,   S,(,i,'id.   17?;'..  '■ 

C,     J,i,ivx.   1771.      7,    (!rii-r„bl.    1777.      2,   Tii.i.v,    172^;   m.    Hannah •.      1,   A  rrhlh.ilil .  \ 

17.")2.'     2,    Th'inlf'i!,    i7,v->.      ;;,   Jf.,,,,.,,],,    bap.    <■•  pt.    24.   !7!;i.      4,   7e"v,    Ani;-.   2.-).  17GG.  ': 

:j     Mi.UiTAiw.i:,   17:;2.      4,   .Iamks,  17:;.");  m.  .lulv  11,  1  7.J.".,  Anna  Bradle'v  of  N .  Ijav.  ' 

'Vlll.     Mehifabh".  b.  1702;  m.  Wtn.  '['lowl.riihre.                                     "  | 

IX.      Tilly,  b.  Mar(di    IS,  17(1,"^,;   m.    I'eh.    7.    1  72s-;i.    Marv    Brown,  d.  Im  b.    2d,  17si!;  ; 

pet.  in  Wooilliury.      lied.    Amr.   M.    1701).      1.    M  \i;v.    b.  ,In!v  r,.    I72;t;  d.    .1  nh  2").  1 74s.  '. 
•,',  'ITi.i.v.  .luly  2.-..  172:i;  m.  .March    10.    17."-:,    -^Iar.^    ll.ik.  ;■.,"  v,-!i.,-  d.  April  2S."  l  7:'2.      1, 
JZ-u-v,  .Ian.  21,  17."')!*;  d.    ne>;t  March.      '2.    4A  A/^/.'-rV,  .March  10,  1  7i;.').      ;i.    A'/'c;,, -,  r.  Sept. 
;-50    i770.     4,   Z.i''r!uu.-<,   De.-.   20,    i;72.     ."..  M,'rc'/.    Mav    20,    177t;.       ;},  Jo.N.vriiAN,    0. 
Feb    ;5.  17:;2      4,  Ji.'STLs,    b.    .March  1»,  17:io.     .I, '  S.u;  \ii,  A iilc  .'^    173<).     (i,    Dax,  .lune 

Al'PHXDIX.  04 1 

14.  17  II :  111.  >i:ii-'Ii  :'..  IJi^,  ivmiri'  l^i.itii  >>!'  IJ.M'liiii;,  Cniii.  7,  K;.f,am)!;,  S.']ii.  IS. 
]U-',:  111.  ZarclKMi-  Wcllrr.  s,  MiiKM.x.Ki;,  O't.  •J-3,  ITF).  '••,  1 »  u-m.  .Inly  -J.").  IT-I'.);  <1. 
Jiih    Kl,  ]yil:  111.   1">'1). -2^,  177(.;,  IMirl,;.,  dim.    of  Thumiis  und  Plichc  Mall;    11  rhil. 

6.    Ebenezer  Blakeslee,!'.  Kiiil;  d.  S.'pt..  l?.'.."-;  l/icuit.;    onnv.  laud  I'iar.  to  sons 

Abraliaiu   and  l.--aaf. 

I.      JOlMiK'/.i-r,  1).  K'.S'j;  ir..  1  7  !l ,  .'i  miit.ali   'J'.ittlo.      In    1 /:;.')  ]\v  eoiiv.  huid-  to  Iti'o. 

II.      Tlannali. 

111.      Sii-^,  1).  KisVi. 

1  \'.      (iraia-,   lt;',);i:   iii. Ilmiiln'r.-tuii. 

^'.      .Mirali.iiii.  1..    K',!).-):   ni.    Maicl!.    i"),    1701-0.    1-:ii7.:ilwth   ('ndper.      1,   Zoi'U.vH,    1). 

April  '?0,  17:;ii;   ui.  l-jiuirc ;  hi.s  I'^t.  adm.    ]su'»;  all   tlu'   cliil.  naiiifd  f.xc.Mir  Znpha  r; 

.^.  Ablaiiaiii  ex.'cr.  1.  S.J„,„.hi.  h.  1  >cr.  0,  ITd'J.  0,  .1 //;■//■'',  '.).  D.t.  -I,  17G1;  m. 
Lemony  Ib-ooks.  :i.  IvMiir...  .Xpii!  O-V  17():;  in.  Isan-- Chirk  Stilc.'^.  4,  Z"j:h"r.  b.  Fd,. 
0,  I7C-i)".  .■).  >///'■/■  ^  !,.  Sep!  0^:  1770;  in.  Aiidf'W  llall.  f..  fh.  7,  J'//v///^/;,?.  2, 
donx.  1,  Joint,  uiu.  to  '  Xi'w  Hauip-liire.  O.  J^iuih ,  \\\.  Klizaln'ili  I'ieriiiint  (4j.  o, 
Knhir,,  num.  :i.  d.n.i..  1,  >',•/,. /",  m.  P.dly  Ixis'^ctt  ,r.\vin  wiih  Sally,  wi'.  ni'  (ill".-; 
I'i(.-i'in)im;.  4,  .-\r.i;  MI.VM,  111,  .M..diiral-ii'  Tii-rp  liiit,  .si-;,  of  ( ;i!r>;  (J)  Sibyl  15r<"  k^'tt.  1. 
Ptrlii/.  m.  .Mary,   dan.    of   Pliilcincn    Hlaki-^lt-i-.     0,  ./////(/.      ?>,   Zop/un:      4.   AhrnJunn. 

5,    St'tiiJnil.       (i.' JJ"o''!.       7,     So/,r//niiK 

Vl.  Isaac,  Iv.  i:r,-4:  d.  17ii7;  Lioiit.;  m.  17?.:'..  Mary  Vvr.^-t  [1]. 
MI.  .land.,  d.  Muivh.  17G7;  win.  t<>  \\'ai('rl)nry  aftrr  tlr^t  4.  rnil  w^rc  1).;  in.  .Inn<' 
10,  17;-J0,  l-71i7,.ti.i'tli  iiariu.s.  1.  Ax.N.v,  1).  17;i:i;  m.  <'apt.  Amos  I?r..nsrni.  1, 
'/]''< <H.s.' I/.  1).  1>,  2,  Ai'iiti.  1..  177o:  m.  .lo-<  Chaithld  (dcwit..  ],  Aiiin.s  Jlr.,n.--'.n 
Alcott.  .0,  Ap.M-K,  1).  May  l.^j,  17:J1;  m.  17."i."),  Tliuidcfnl,  dau.  of  Saiumd  IV'-k.  ;!, 
(i.M),  l>('r.  l:i,  17;!"!  4,  A.'^ii'i;.  Mav  2:'..  17""^;  m.  1  7( '.-.',  Mary,  dan,  of  .Jidm  Humi-toii 
of  Li"t(ddifdd.  ."").  ,\o.\n,  Dti-.  18,1740.  0.  S.\i;.\ii,  Ani^r.  I!l,"l743. 
VIII.     Thomas,  the  first  ()ipt.  in  ^Vate^l.)ury  (I'lymonih). 

About  17.>"),  Mattlle^v  Blakeslee  of  No.  Haven  Inul  a  son  Oliver  born,  win)  boeauie 
one  of  the  most  noted  men  in  the  place  and  h..dd  it  for  over  (V^  years.  Called  '-Ma-ster 
Biakeslee;"  exaet  d;ae  <d'  birtli  and  death  not  known,  but  he  lived  S4  years  betv%-eeu 
1740  and  ]SoO.  Sidn..,]  teaclier  ■?/  winter  and  :!  snmmer  seasoir-:  lau^'ht  iKiviu-aiion  and 
was  coiiniy  surveyor,  appointed  to  tlie  latter  olilce  unsoni^lii.  l.iv  ('(;iin.  Leu-.  An  indeii- 
tnrc,  '['it':)',  si^ined' by  7  men  a.nd  0  wilnes-e-;,  that  lie  was  to  teach  li  month-  at  Mf.  Caimd 
for  l"2  (is  a  montli  aiid  board  He  wa-  the  he^t  penman  of  his  da}-.  Hri  Bradley  lia .  in 
liis  a  bit  of  j.aper  cut  the  si/.e  of  an  obi-fashioned  silver  !iine]>ence,  i>n  which 
in  1780  be  wrote  with  a  vpiill  ].en.  in  beautiful  b'uilde  letters,  tin-  Lord's  Player.  His 
copies  ill  the  old  Avritin.e-  boojcs  reinniu  tod:iy  like  al)le  s])ecimens  of  tlie  enc-ra\-er:.  art. 
His  methods  of  discipline  were  ipiaint,  luif  masterful  of  ibe  wielded  youth  'under 
jiis  care.  <  »nee  lie  threatened  to  burn  a  boy".-  bead  olT  itide,-s  be  ndeiitecb  He  lirst  tied 
bim  to  ilie  lio<.r.  then  took  swiuLrle  to\c.  tlie  refuse  of  beaten  llax,  made  it  into  a  rope, 
tied  it  armind  tln^  boy's  neck  and  laying-  the  ends  at  some  distance  "a  the  tloor  set  lire  to 
tbeui.  Before  the  llanies  reached  the  boy's  head  be  yielded.  Hisfatber's  fi.mily  wa.s 
lai-e-e  and  laider  lean.  (Jften  the  motbei'took  the  water  in  wbi<di  meat  h.a.d  been  boHe,! 
or  vei>-e(ables,  and  (•.'■nmbt-d  into  it  coarse  rye  bread.  A  larice  woo:len  b.>wl  was  placed 
in  tlie  middle  of  the  tloce.-  and  each  child'  -iveu  a  w.iudeu  spoon  and  liberty  lo  eat. 
Master  Oliver  in  youth  was  apprenticed  to  Sipiire  Ward  of  I'oiid  Hill,  wdicue  be  learned 
to  make  the  reed"-  useil  in  b:ind  looms,  and  in  bis  latter  days  be  e'ave  his  whole  atten- 
tion to  this.  .\s  i-ounty  surveyor  be  i-tabli--bed  an  exact  record.  When  Tondin^oii 
b!id-(  \vas  tboutrbr  of  be  \vas  "called  for  mea.-nrement-.  In  dividing;-  an<l  disti  ibutiiuj: 
e-t:ites  be  bad  lU)  ]'"er,  but  carried  bis  soverei^iUiy  under  bis  bat,  and  came  nea.r  b.-im; 
bis  ]ilace  b>-  oppo^ine-  ri.ubt  to  arbitrary  biw;  m.  twice.  «livoiced  liist  wife,  no 
date;  (0)  wife  be  lived  with  tintil  .-lie  d.  in  an  old  led  b.utse  w  liicli  st,iod  (ui  the  cinaier 
of  Henry  P-ratbiey's  -ardeii.  In  latter  years  be  carri.'d  tln-tir.-t  silver  waicb<>wnedin 
.\<».  Haven,  once  beloni;(d  Oov.  Salt(m-tadl,  now  in  ])Osse--ioii  of  Mrs.  .bjsiali  'I'odil. 


John  Peuliam  of  Doirester.  >bi-.-. :  ju-ob.  came  in    Mary  and  .Tobn  PU^O.-  rem.    to  New 
Haven,  pilO.      ;Sce  I '>.!  o  ■/,' -t  }  Ii.-<l .   J  h^cT,  r<' s  for  letter    ol'    ])avenp(Mt   to   ib.v.   Wm- 
tb.ruj)).      Hem.  (2)  .Mai-e-arv,    widow  of  Thomas  Okott.      Hy  1-t  m.  bad  ..lobn  and  Josejdi. 

{ri_2  APPI'^NDIX. 

John   BcubaiU    2^,  m.    Ftb.    8,  Kjol,    w'ulnw   Saiidi    Wilcoxsi.n,    \v]io  d.    May    ;iO, 

1,  .Tolui,  b.  Nov.  4,  l('5r,;  d.  Nov.  T?,  pamc  yr.  2,  Siuali,  h.  Sei)t.  10,  KiOG.  3,  Maiv, 
1.,  Aiail  10,  10(;u.  4,  HaiUiali,  Jan.  8,  ](;C)1.  "  ,-),  .l(,liii,  Scpl .  15.  1(;(;4;  in.  and  liad  V.. 
John,  li.  Aug-,  l.'i.  K.'.O",?,  and  dan.  Sahah,  who  ni.  II'-'U,  Thomas  Read  of  Xoiwallc.  (I, 
Joseph,  .hnn- 0,  1()7().      T,   Sanuu  1,  N ov.  K!.  1  (171 .     S,   Mi-ic y,  h.  ()<  t.  0,  lG7o.     U.  Xailuui, 

b.  July  10, 1 «;:;». 

9.  Nathan  Benham,  b.  July  10,  ir.70;  m.  Sarali  B.^eidir:-:  will  ilal.-d  Any.,  1 7r,7. 
"  bc'in^-  in  tht'^Mltli  yr.  of  my  a';-'';"  s.  .loci  exc-r.  :  wl'.  .Maiy,  d.'Mi.  MiT>:y  Hulls  to  liavc 
TjS  in  audition  l(.>  whai  she  has  had.      All  the  (diildion  naiiu/d.      Inv.  £-10.  Hs  fid. 

1,  .Irmima.  b.  So],t. -21.  1700.  •.\  .M.uvs  ,  b.  Anjr.  (),  170:j:  m,  r;,]ol)  Hulis.  ?,,  Lydia, 
m.  Cahd)  Atuaicr.  -J,  S:.mufl,  l.i.  July  'S.K  1700;  d.  y.  5,  JoMph,  b.  Jan.  "JO,  171.-), 
wJif.  was  dfc.  17o7,  h-avin>:  lirirs.  0.  'J'liank  I'ul,  \>.  July  11,  1710.  7,  Samnol,  b.  .Jan. 
o,  1711).  8,  Saiali,  d.  In-fort-  17.'i7,  h-aving  i.-;su(\  li,  Hannah.  10,  Paticnco  11. 
F/ofuc/.tT,  d.  bet'oie  17.77,  icaviuj^;-  /.      1"?,  -iool. 


JoIdi  BrOOkeit,  of  New  llavrn,  KioU:  was  a  Survpyof  and  laid  out  Ih."  orijcinal  0 
^(juarc.s  of  tlv  town  [dot.  His  dcsrcndanT,  J'lof.  jdnus  P.  h^icKdoTi  of  ]5rooklyn,  X.  Y., 
Las  ttnc-fd  tlu>  Ihi-lisli  l^.rockrtts  for  many  ;;^•n.u■;ai..n^ .  lli-  us  that  John,  the 
X'ew  Hav.ui  &L-ltb-r,  was  the  tddost  son  and  heir  ai.}iaivn*  of  Sir  .lohn  livorkctt  of  P)i-ork- 
ett's  Hall  and  r^lanor.  Co.  Herts.  Raronct.  The  nniiior  aud  lutll  is  now  in  iH.-.-,sr^!ni)  of 
the  Tcmidi^  familx,  and  was  the  eountry  si'at  of  tlir  lato  Lord  I'a Imci-.-tun.  John 
Bi'ockett  uas  ]n'Oj\iint  lit  in  jiublic  alTa.irs,  esperially  in  his  capacity  of  Surveyor:  he  d. 
March  ]J.  lil'.i  I.  a.  I'rO:  in  scttHiiL'-  iinadndidstcrcd  est.  in  1724.  mention  is  nuuh'  of  hiirs 
of  John,  eldest  son.  l^mjaniin,  Samuel,  Sih-nce  IJiailley,  heirs  cd'  Aldgail  Pa\ne;  Jieirs 
of  MaiA-  Pennin';-ton  and  .lal'e/,.      He  in.  al>t.  JOd'J. 

I."  John.,  d.  bid".  1720,  in  ilnU  y ,-.  his  uhl.  hdizabetli  set  tied  Ins  est.  as  exec;.,  and 
sole  desi.-ee.  P  is  ^aid  t]u!the\sas  educated  at  Oxford,  Eng. ,  for  a  physician;  jivac- 
ticed  in  New  Hav.  and  h.d't  liis  medical  lihrary.  whi(di  was  lar^e  for  the  times,  f(U-  the 
use  of  the  ])livsician-  of  .\.  Hav.,  but  no  trace  of  ii  can  be  fi.mnd.  1,  Musics,  ],_  April 
.2:3,  1(17!>. 

H.      Ptdruijful,  b.  Feb.   20,  104o. 

III.      Iv.-niandii,  twin  \\ith  Pefruitful. 

]V.      J5eniamin,  \k  1018;  d.  Mnv  22,  1070;  sup.  f.  of  Benj. 
A'.      Abiu-ail,  b.  March  10,  10-10;  m. I'ayne. 

VI.  Sauiuel,  bap.  Jam  M;  10o2:  m.  Sarah  lii'adley;  (2)  Porothy  ]<ynian. 
Vll.      JNIarv,  m.   ICpliraim  Penniimton. 

VIH.      Jabe/,  b.  Oct.  Tn  107-!:  m.  Nov.  20,  1001,  Dorothy  Lynmn. 

4.    Benjamin  Brockctfc,  b.  lOlS;  d.  May  22,  107!t. 

1.  hJenjajuin,  m.  P 'c.  10.  1720,  Lvtlia  Olcoit.;  (ddl.  of  I'.enj.,  who  m.  1-ydia 
Oh-ott.  Pec.  io.  1720:  1.  Maiitiia,  1P21."  2,  Zii.i.A,  172:!:  d.  1707.  0,  Ai.kk,  172."). 
4,  HKZi.KiAti,  1727.  .7.  PvDiA.  1720;  d.  172;).  0,  Lvi.iA,17:;l.  (See  Add.)  7,  ]5kn.j.,  IPiO; 
will  jirov.    abt.    ISOO,  of    No.  Haven;    will    n:',mes    wf.  Alethia    and    chil.      1,    DurUl.     2, 

Btiij'niiiii,  b.  al)T.   17():;.     o,    S''///.  m. Blal<es!e.  .     4.   .^''/.v//////./,  m. Pierpont.    5, 

A^i'jiiil.    0,   /■'/•S-.     8,  Zr:i;\iAii'.  1737.     0,   Pviu.v,    1787.     10,   Saiiaii. 

6.  Saimiel  .Brockott,  bai>.  Jan.  18.  10.72;  d.  0(0.  27.  1742;  m.  May  21,  lr>82, 
Sarah  liradlev. 

I.      Saim:el,  b.  Feb.  l."),  p;s-.\ 
11.      Paidrl.  l(;s'4. 

III.  .lohn.  iOs,7,  !n.  HuMah  i711s;  d.  Ixd'i.irc  1711.    1.    PA.xtKr.  1712:  m.  Pachd . 

2,    l>Av:ii,    1711.     :h   Anna.    0.  Fd..  2."  1 71.7;   m.  (iileosi    Hoichkiss.     4.  OiiKisToi'iir;!;. 
17!S;  iiK'.v  1:  ive  m.  a  dau.  of  Paniel  4'ntlle  and   hud  ( 'hi'lstopiu'r.      .7,    M  Kil  riA.lil.K,  1710. 

<;,  i7i,,si;'\,  i72(;.    7.  Joiix,  i;2s. 

IV.  Jo:.ei.h,  lO^S 
V.     .losiah,  1001. 

Vl.      Alice.    1000. 

VII.  Josiidi,  PijS;  ni.  Peb.,rah  Abbotl. 

levmtoj-y  of  Sa.nnn  1  Brockett.  180.7:  Ao.   Benj.  Brocketi,  1805. 

ai'1'i:n  inx,  C-J3 

])isiiii)ution  of  dower  of  Eunicn  Rrnckctt  of  No.  Haven,  1803:  wid.  of  Saiiiiid  in  :; 
•ffiual  slian's:  licir.s  of  Su~;unii:i  Fowlor  Pt-ncriali,  wf.  of  Tliadilcus  Todd,  and  C'hloe,  wf. 
of  Jolin  Colt. 

])ea.  Jesse  Broclcott,  lu.  Anna  Tainior  of  Si>vin(':ficld,  Mass. 

In  170.")  an  aincoincnt  liy  Abid  Brorkett,  John  lirockftt,  Mary,  -wf.  of  John  Jarol)>, 
Elizalirth  Kol)inson  and  Ahicrail  Barnc-s. 

Jesse,  .s.  of   Samuel  and   Kiinice    Brockett,    b.  May  7,   IToS.      Sanuie],  s.  of   Samuel, 
jr.,  li.  f'el).  5.  n."ji). 

"7.  Mary  Brockett,  ru.  Kidiraim  P<'nnington,  b.  inio:  d.  1004.  (He  ^vas  only  s. 
of  Ephraiiu  f'eniuni;ion,  \vlio  took  oatli  of  aliegi.-nce  in  lOi:)  anil  d.  KKUi,  b-avin;^  wid. 
:Marv  an.!  onlv  son.)  A  <;T.  s.  or  trt.  gr.  s.,  Sainr.el.  <1.  An-',  (i,  l',!)!,  a.  filj;  ni.  Mary 
Santord,  and  Ini.i:  1,  J,i,f,i,',.  ':,  Wl'^nn,,  S. ,  b.  lb"");;  <b)V.  of  N.  .1.;  ni.  I'hebe  dau.  of 
Caleb  and  I'liebe  J(dinson  Wheeler,  Mud  Inul:  1.  A\  illiani,  !>.  May  -J,  1  riMj;  Uov.  of 
>..  J. 

BP.\Db1-:Y.      Fr"i,t  Jhjfjjf^  T:t'!j!s(,:r. 

Isaac  Braclloy,  the  j-rouenuor  of  the   E.    Ibiven  B!adle%s,  m.  E!i/,al>eth  of 

BrantoriL  HiT-i;  re:n.  to  East  Eaveii  l'is!:3. 
1.       I-;eie. 

11.      Willinni,  m.  Jan.  7,  17i:;.  Elizabeth  Cheds.'y. 
HI.      D.'in^il.b.  l\i.\  CO.  ](VM\:  m.    Mel!it;d)b"   lieniiuLLWiiy, 
1\'.     S;innirl,  v.i.  J;in.  7,  17b").  S;'.ni]i  Bobin-on, 

V.     Sarah,  b.  17o:i:  m.  Ceo.  Pardee  od. 
VI.     J-:!i7:i!"'Tli.  b.  mO:  ni.  John  Augur. 

2,  William  j3radlev,nn  Jan.  7.  Kbb  E.lizabeili  Chedscy. 

I.  Caleb,  (\-l.  17,  JiVb  ni.  Sai'ah  Russell.  1.  I'h.iZAiii:  Til,  May  8,  17:!7;  m.l7(J-). 
John  sin-iKird.  2.  Jamk^,  .\f>v.  9,  1  bJ'.i.  :i,  Wim.'am.  ni.  fb'.veea  Ive^  [i'.  101].  4, 
Tvras,  lost  at  soa.  :,.  liosWKm.,  lost  at  s.-ac:  ni.  1770.  Elizalieth  Ani;ur.  1,  Amr. 
G,  Amk,  ni,  177().  Jedeiliali  Andrews,  Jr.  7.  llriJ-Aii.  ni.  \',:i',  Joe!  NottIho)).  y, 
•SAKAit.  nn  1770.  Isaac  i'a:re.      9.    l,i\i;K!  i  A.  ni.  Jr.-e-ili  M<.aii!iroi>.      10,    l.vni.\. 

II.      r,bem/er,  31arrli  '.^."i.  1710;  ni.  Mab-l  Crannii  and  rein,  to  Xorthbury,  Conn. 

III.  Joseidn  Julv  B!,  171S. 

IV.  b.bzal-eth,  in.  John  'i'!ionii'^">ii  '>f  X.  H. 
V.       l)esile.  ni.   Eli|)hah-l  Tuttle. 

VI.      Ja;iie:.,  June  ir>,  l^OO. 

3.  Eiamuel    jJradloy,  m.  Jan.  7,  171n,  Sarah   Bobinsou:  court  177!)  ^\ilI  of  Sarah 
Bradh'V,  s,  Sinieon  ext'cr. :   n.anios  s.   Baac  and  his  dau.  Hannah, 

L  Z-bulon.  nt.  Julv  10.  1740,  b:iizaboth  Hennni^way.  I,  Aukaii  \M,  June  Bl 
1741;  in.  Jan.  -J;].  IbiO,  Ame  lleniiiu:\\  a  v  [0].  '.?,  JosrAii.  Sept.  17,  174:!:  ni.  Eeb.  :2, 
IBM  Conifu-t  lliiehcoek.  1,  , A  ;>//-/.','/ ,"  An-.  11.  1  7li<;.  2,  /."/■/,,',,///,,///,  April  7,  170'.); 
in,  17'J1,  Jojuuli::n  (b<o(belL  ;l.  Ahri,ii'.  Jan..  B)  177-.;.  I.  ^f^/'/zA///,  Sep;.  10.  1774; 
in  Mav  11,  17:)4,  Elizabeth  (b)od-ell.  '  1.  inf.,  d.  n.  0,  4'rvphena,  Doc.  I'l.  17!(0.  l^, 
Abi-ai't,  Bee.  -27,  17U:i.  4.  Jeremiah,  June  G,  1S00.  o,  Ahi<j.,i'..  Oct.  •,>•:,  1770;  i.i. 
17<,>G,  Samuel  Ib-H,  jr.  G,  j:ii\ith,il,,  Bee.  10.  1770:  in.  170S,  James  lleminway.  :!, 
As\,  Mavit.  1740;  n'l.  170S,  Ame  Mm-ris.  4.  JAi:f,i).  1.  .!//"••■<•,  m.  :~d;iy.'".,  17!):;,  Ediz.ibetli 
Bradlov  incl  had  bi'  d.  v.;  Jaied.  d.  w:  James,  Amos.  Aun>,  l!et.<y  Morris.  A^-a,  Jan<', 
Ade. in'e.  b.iijah,  1c;;|"cm-.  jOizaOeih.  2.  ,"A  ,■//..,/,■,,■,  in.  Ibuij.  llutclilns.  8,  Ahidd.  4,  (lur- 
(Jvi'.  o.  /■■'//'A-,  u,  JAHf.i).  M.av  :;(i.  17  10;  m.  .\i.iii  S.  17(i:i,  Sarah  Smith.  I,  S/o'h,  .Marcli 
10.  1701);  in.  Sani\n{  Bradlev.'  2,  Kn'jih,  th ,  Oet.  '..'S,  1771);  lu.  IB.);!,  Am. is  Ibndley.  :\, 
[j.riiuhi.  Oct.  ;;,  1,7-J;  nn  IB.'u,  Ibtn.'  Bob.  4,  J.v../e'///,,  Nov.  2.  1774;  ni.  17',tl, 
llezekia.h  \V. '..iv.  ar.!,  ."i,  ././/■,./,  Ap:-il  l\  17  7S.  G.,  .Inly  I'J,  17M.  ""i ,  .1;/"av, 
Sept.  i'-J,  17,'<:).  «,  y-.'//,/.v.  ]Mav  b;,  i;so.  O,  .AA/,'/  S/,o7A,  Au..;-.  -JS,  17b^.  G,  A}--i.iah, 
Oct.  :;i,  ITol;  m.  170'.i,  Sarali  Tl.omps..n.  \,.I,inns.  •>,  K-(h<r.  lu.  1701.  St.-pbeu 
Ilcmbiwav.  ;•.  A!'i}"li.  4,  /a  .v/,-,  ,  m.  i:b-:c/,.'r  lieudu\v:iv.  7.  /Kiar.iN,  (.'.-I.  b.'. 
1B7;$.  N.'Eri/,  Be.-,  b").  17.'0;  m.  177-J,  Aiulrew  Pavi.l-o'n.  !',  Eu.i.xii.  Oct.  ]'), 
17.-.0;  ni,  E.siher  I'hompson.      1,    liVV.-.c,,,.     0.   Vb, ,.•,/,  d.  v.     :;,   7'- A;/.     4..!;". 

n.      l.-aac    N..V.  :M).  1717;   ni.  Hannah  lleu'in-wav.      1,    El.i,  Oct.  G,  1747:  d.  y.      2. 
Ann 'v,  Bee.   2li.     1710.     :;,   j^aac,    Julv   !'.    i7bo.     4,   Ib.i.     o,  J-b.iiir,  m.   May  L!'.\  17t'0. 


SilivH'ianiiis.  1,  ILnni.ih.  '2,  S.ifiJi.  :;,  En"^.  A,  r-'-'l;,'.  •">.  J,'i>iyi  G,  l/l.  7. 
Ali'nori,  (1.  y.  S,  Liri  9,  ,-l///((/,  d.  y.  10,  AnuA,  d.  y.  H,  Hannah.  7,  l-'iNos.  s. 
Dksiiu:.     II,   As  viii'.i,. 

ill.  Dan,  111.  17r.l,  Saiali  .liidd;  CZ)  M.-liitablc-  Ifciuini^way,  Fcli.  VI.  ITli?.  1, 
15kxj\mix  Fell.  IS.  IT'i:-'.  0,  riUKt..  Sept.  !>.  IT.'.ri.  ;j,  l':i).\irNi>.  S<  ].t.  '24,  17.")T:  iti. 
17N1,  Lvdia  rii.'d.-^rv.  ],  J)<tn,  MairJi  -7.  17^1.  "i,  S,'.r^h.  V\-h.  11,  17Si;.  :j,  .1^/<'A. 
Jiilv,  17^8.  -1,  .Wf";.''/.  7),  .-l//.v^'/i,  twin  ^vit]l  Adah,  (j,  ll//'.vr<7.  "t^J^'nu.  >".  Ch<  .s/,  r, 
triidet  witji  Wilhud  and  I^uia.  9,  10,  11,  l^.  all  d.  y.  4,  Sa;;aii,  Xnv.  21.  il-V.);  m. 
John  Jhini::(^ifnrd.  .-).  XiaiKMiAii,  A]uH  i:-!,  17fl-2.  H.  1(  u.\i;(mi,  Nov.  lo.  17(M.  /.  Uy 
'2dui.:  7^  IIi:min\\  Av.  8,  Joiix.  9,  M.vjuk.  l«l,  ili';/,b.!;i  \u.  11,  Sami  i:r..  V2. 
Ki,iar.      i;-).   PoM.v.     14.   I.'kik].. 

IV.      l.rvi,  ni.  174S;  d.  b*  f.  1779;  ni.    Hannah   C'lted-scy,      ],    Sa.miij.,  Apiil  ."),  r,\M);. 
la.  Per.  IS,  1777,  Ahi^'.ail  'rii"iiq'^"ii.      1,    AV,>„/,,//,.     2,  >W«/(/r/.     2,  Bkiani.     ;3,,    Liovi. 
\'.      Sarah,   170^:   ni.   1 7."'r,\  I.<aae  C'hfd>cy. 

VI.  iSinn-on,  17;;;i:  m.  .Inly  2i\.  17^,!),  Ahi-ail  Di'uison.  1,  li;i:\i:,  .May  0,  17('.0;  ni. 
]79;j,  Nidnniiah  Smltli.  2,  Ai;i(;aii,.  Jan.  (i,  17!'):.':  m.  17'J0,  l'(dlin-s  lln-li.s.  :i. 
MAI5EL,  Drc.  Ki,  17t;:!:  ni.  17^(5,  .lohn  Tyhr.  4,  Jr^si:,  .Inly  :]1,  17*)i;:  m.  l.ydia  lin't. 
1,  Sti.-<n)i,  Nov.  11,  17ss.  2.  J. //Jin.  Jaii.  29,  17'.tl.  ;i,  JL  luimni}/  II, ,U.  Juncd.  1792. 
4,'  Jiissc,  Nov.  29,  179:1.  5.  OUnr.  Fi'h.  19.  179(1.  .">,  .l(.i;i,.  Nnv.  17,  KC.S;  ni.  Jan.  --V), 
1794,  LmisaBradlcv;  (2)  Marv  Barnfs.  1,  Ahi;iJ,,i,n .  .]\x\\>-  ho,  179."..  2.  .|/'/V/(//7,  Jnn.• 
29.  179S.  y,  Ij.f'ii't.  (\.  w  4,  J/'(/',/  y;//''- )-,May  2(;.  1S()2.  :>.  .4 ///t^.-.  July  1 1 .  isul.  C, 
./,'/(•^^.^  d.  V.'  7",  .}nii  :Sil.s„i,.  N.  ./'.v.v/!  9,  L''ii.'<,i.  It),  AinnuOn.  i.  hy  2d  in.;  11, 
J:,  I'vl  JUinn.'<.  ().  Sakaii,  July  S.  1771.  7,  Onivi;!;,  Feb.  \~).  1774.  8,  Li:vi,  S^'pt.  2?^ 
1777.     9,   Ai'.i;aiiam.  .\uii-.  2(i."l7s(). 

Vll.  A'/aiiah,  17:J4;  m.  Neiv.  7.  17o9.  Fliziibeth  'I'hoinpx-u :  (2i  Jan.  IS,  17t;4,  Ellza- 
lu'th  Wnodwavd.  1,  ]■',[. iZAT.KTTr,  Julv  12.  17(;:"».  2,  Sami  i:i.,  Jan.  H.  17('.7:  ni.  SaiaJi 
Bradlrv.  1,  l.^'iro.  2,  Win.  ;h  (v/.y.  4,  /■;.■■,'/,-/•.  :^.  J.",\  (.i,  . l:.//'/-///.  7,  J"'./V//r. 
8,  Lydln.  9,  S'lnuhf.  10,  J//.<(i,i.  ;j,  Es'I'iilk,  Auic.  17),  177(l;  ni.  1791.  Levi.Tet  Biad- 
levaudhad:  1,  Sir.^,/,!.  2,  Snrnh.  o.  ■]"hn  Fjiuii.t.  4,  KtoHik.  ."),  JA//-///,  d.  y. 
i\'  Elrathdli.  7,  M"ri<i.  4,  John,  April  9,  1774  ."),  LvniA,  July  S.  177(;.  <i,  Bos- 
\s  Ki.n,  An^c-  !•'>.  17S(), 

Vlll.      (ioidun,   I7:;s;   will  ynovrd  1S21,  wf.  Mary:  in.  Jan.oO,  17i'.(;.  Mary  Woodward. 

1,  Makv,  Mav  (i.  17r)7:  in.  17^9,  haban  Smith.  2,  iJM.i'Aii,  Jun<-  17.  1770;  ni.  1794, 
Jtdiiel  Fo'iIh's".  o,  John.  Ajiril  ?,0,  1777.  4.  Bn:.  Oer.  1,  17S0:  hUc  wile  oi'  Ita.vid 
Fuibis,  dee.  a,  b.  17S4;  had  M^iria  and  S>is(i/iii,i.  (i,  StsAX,  twin  witli 
V^'illi.'.'    7,  JrsTcs,  May  20,  17^(3. 

4,     Daniel  Bradley,    h.  I'ee.  20,  l(;9fi;in.  Melntable  Ilenmiinway. 
I.      Marv,  Ai)ril  2,')720.  in.  Henj.  PHi-(he. 

II.      Si"i>li.'n,  Nt)v.  y,  1723;  ni. 'I'lianktnl  Smith.   1.  Anna,  Dec.  9,  174S.   2,  Sauaic, 
Mairh  o.  177)'.     :].   4'!\ie.Tnv.     4,  John.      '>,   Mai;v,   d.  v.     (1,   Sii>i'ii  kx.  ir,,  re.  Midilt- 
abloLuddinotonand  had:     1,   J/an/.  April  2.  17n2;  d.  v.  '  2,  Ju-st'ni,  Mardi"20,  17S4:  d.v. 
;-3,  J[((n/,  April    12,  KSO.     4,  J'ist>L.-<.    Man-li  81,  17SS.     n,    I'lmnkfiil,  Dee.  lo,  1790.     (i. 
Lvcliala,  2S,  179;j.     7,   .<t>},],ni.    Aug.   G.    1797).     S,   J/(V//^/We,  J  une  2S,  179s.     7, 
3Iaky.      8,    I.KVKiiK'f,  ni.  K.stlier  Bradlev.      1,    N'/.sv/;(.  Se]it.  2,  1791.      2,    S./rti/i.      ',',,  ./"lui 
Smith.       4,    HiiU'Unc.       5,   Murix.    d.    y".       G,    FJi~.,i}ut},    Af.niif.       9,   Lois,    m.    Ste])h(.'n 
TliDuqjson.  Jan.  1779.     10,   MiomTAiH.i;,  ni.  hdiabud  Bishop,  177.5. 
HI.      Abi;  Jam-  2G,  172."). 
\V.     Daniid,  Mandi  G.  172s, 
y.      Timothv,  .May  G,  17;!1;  m.  17G2.  Saiah    (iood^ell.      1.    Ltc  INDA,  Maieli  G.  nOM. 

2,  B  VI  Huoi',  D< '■.  I!,"l7i'.l.  :].  Sakah.  Mareh  2,  17(il).  4,  hh.i/.viHyi'H,  Sept.  24,  17GS. 
.-)'  Timothy,      Sept.    14,     1770.      G,   Bk\i,    Jan.     14,     1772.      7.  .Iuhn.     S,   Poi.i.v.     9, 


VI.  Jaeub,  Julv  7,  1734;  m.  Elizabeth  (I'ondxdl.  1.  Daniki..  Jan.  IG,  17.")G;  in. 
Jan.  11,  177(i,  Funier  he.-..  1,  y<if/nn,i./  Jli(rl,r,>rl.-,  Aj-ril  2:',,  177S:  d.  y.  2.  Olir,;. 
.lulv  11.  17S0.  3,  I-:ii:,ih,th.  Oct.  27.  17s2.  4.  >V.V//,  Nov.  7.  1784.-  .-).  .}o^,p]i.  Nov.  4. 
17si').  G,  l.ijiH,!.  Ai'iil  22,  17S9.  7.  Kmlm-i'i.  .luly  20,  17'.tl ;  d.  y.  s,  ,s,/,-w/7.  May  3, 
1791;  d.  V.  "9,  Kn;,!,-,-,  Feb.  is,  1797.  2,  Mav  ."),  1 7.")S.  :!,  Bvdia.  Oei.  12,  17G0;. 
in.  Bi^vi'  I>ark<-r.  4,  .Io-i:i'H ,  May  IG,  17(i:!;  d.  y.  "5,  .Makv,  N-.v.  24.  1 7(!-);  m.  178!), 
];us?.en  tiianniss.  G,  Anna,  Nov.  21.  17G9;ni.  ,liini'2G.  17lil,  Bydia  < ;  laiinis-^.  1,  J.iuhs. 
April  2S,  17!f<-  d.  V.  2.  y.'uri/  Sy/rii^n.  Nov.  21,  1797,  ■',.  ,A ',//.. V,.  .May  (i.  isol;  d.  y. 
4,  Aiiinnt.  7,  I.ovisa,  .Maiidi'2S,' 1772;  m.  171)4.  .bid  Bradley.  S,  Uj'./.kkiau,  .Bily  21, 
1774.  9,  AsAiU.i.,  June  ."»,  1778;  in.  A.^rnath  (Maiini^.  1,  7.'. /sr//.  2,  Asiimlh,  e'.  v. 
o,   Fl't,}.     4,  Jo.s.^jh.     5,  Mon/.     U,  Jiir.ii,  <1.  y.     7,  J"rr<l     8,   A-^n/ul.     9,   7.//-/(V/. 


.  G45 


Samuel  Cook,  in  Xi-w  llitviu  lOfV-!;  m.  May  'i.  Kit;:.  1I()|H',  <lnu..ol'  Edward  )\irkcr 
of  N.  Ilav,;  rein,  to  Walliiij;  ford  KITO,  and  filled  several  olliccs  in  llie  chli.  and  viUai;.-. 
He  in.  {2}  July  11,  IGHi),  Mary  ]{i)l>erts.  He  d.  March,  llOl.  His  wid.  iii.  Ajiril  !),  1700, 
Jen'iuiali   Huwe. 

].      Samuel,  b.  .Mareh  :!,  IGfiT-^'. 
n.     dnlui.  1.,  Ihr.  :;,  ICCli. 
HI.      Ha:, nail,  h.  Mareli   ;j,  KiTl. 
IV.      Is.aac,  1).  March  JU,  d.  A].iil  7,  ir,7;5. 

V.      Marv,  \>.  Ajiril  ^.-J;  l(i7.7;  in.  A])ril  5,  HlSill,  Nathaniel  Ive.-^. 
Yl.     Hli/alietli,  \>.  Auv.  0-2,  1077:  .1.  v. 

A'H.     Judith,   i).    Feb.  \>!.l,    1(171):  d.    >iarch    'JO,    170S;    lu.   April    20,   1704,   Jereuiiali 
Ho\\c,  jr. 

VHl.'     Isaac.  1>.  Jan.  10,  Hi'^l. 
IX.     Jc.f-eiili,  h.  Feb.  •.]■),  lf;s:l 

X.      Ho],,..  b.  Feb. -,'7,  lO^i;.;    d.  Jan.  ;J0,  1731;    m.    Dec.    18,   170;;,  Jn.'^.oidi  P.enhan; 
I.  bv  •,',!  lu.: 

XI.      Isrard.  1).  Mav  S,  1002. 
XII.      M:,b,.l,  1,.  Ju'ne  30.  1004. 
XHl.     Tleniiiinin.  b.  Ajiril  S,  1007:  d.  1717. 
Xl\'.     E]>hraini,  b.  Aiiril  10.  lOltO. 
XV.      FlizabeTli.  b.  Sejit.  10,  1701;   m.  Aug.  2s,  1717,  Adam  Mott. 

1.  Samuel  Cook,  b.  Ma.rcli  ?,.  1(;07-S:  d.  Sept.  is,  172.->:  m.  March  M.  1092,  Han- 
nah, dau.  of  William  Ives,  wlio  d.  May  20,  1714;  (2)  1-di/abeth  Hcd(d  of  Stratford.  Slie 
m.  (2)  ]>aniei  Harris  of  Middletown. 

I.      Hannah,  b.  .Mav  2^.  lOO.i;   d.  Xov.  22,  HO.j;  m.  Jeremlali  Hull. 
H        Samuel,  b.  March  ."i,   lOO.j. 

III,  Aainn.  b.  Dec.  2^.  1000. 

IV.  Fydia,  1).  Jan,  1:-:,  ]r,\:'j-  ,].  (Vt.   12,  17:!S;  ni.  Daniel  Duttou. 

V.  Moses,  1).  Jan.  4,  170i»;  d.  Dec  23,  1711.  •  ■ 

VF  Meriam,  1).  Xov.    \.  1703:  m.  Dec.  12,  1727,  Ftenjamiu  Curtis. 

AMI.  Thankful,  b.  Dec.  24.  1705;  <l.  Auo-.  m,  1714. 

VIIF  E-Ther,  b.  March  s.  ]707;  m,  July  22,  1730,  Abel  A'aie. 

IX.  Eunice,  1).  Feb.  2.').  17ii'.t, 


Hisaana,  h. 

Se]>t.  .\  1711,  m.  Dec.  1,  1733,  Josepli  Cole.     i.  by  2d  m. 

XF  Mo.-es,  b.  Xov.  0,  1710. 

XII.  Th.aidcfu],  b.  Xov.  14.  171S;  m.  Dec.  31,  1712,  Ste],hen  Hotcldd.'^s. 

XUI.  Asa]di.  b.  June  23.  1720. 

XJV.  Hannah,  b.  Xov.  4,  1F21:  m.  /.■pliauiah  Hull. 

2.     John  Cook,  b.  Dec  3.  1000;  d.  .A])ril  3,0,  1730;  m.  Hannah  Hall;  res.  Cheshire. 
i.      Ezekitd,  1).  April  20,  17O0;   d.  Xov.  7.  1722. 
11.     Xaomi,  b.  Jan.  27,  1704:  d.  Xov.  2o.  1707. 
IIF     Jolin,  b.  Auu".  23,  1707;  d.  Nov.  1.  1722. 
IV.     Mary,  d.  in  Cheshire,  1773:  m.  Jnhn  M<d\ay. 

8.     Isaac    Cook,  b.  Jan.  10,  lOS];  d.  Fel).    1,  1712;    m.  Oct.  11,    1703,    Sarah    Cuili-; 
of  \\'alli)i,i,^i'Td.      She  m.  ,'2i  1711,  C.ileb  Lewis. 
I.      Sar:ih,  b.  .Uilv  20,  1707 
IF      .\nu.s,  d.  y. 

HI.     Miud\v(dl,'  b.  Ma\.  1700;  m.  Caleb  IXarts  of  (Tuilford. 
IV.      Isaac 

84.      I.saac   Cook,  b.  Jan.  27.  1710;  called  Cah  b  after  death  of   Ids  father.       He   d. 
in  \V.  Mairli  k;,   i:;mJ;   hi.  Oct.   13,  ]  7:!:!,  .lerushu  I'-uxton.  uhod.  1703. 

F      Amos.  b.  Der.  3,  173,4:  m,  l'"eb.  23,  1737,  Kb., da  llnsford.      1,    ]:i.inr,  1,.  .\pril 
23.  1737:   d.  Al-y  17,  17'.M>;   m.  i>olly  Finekeli.      1,  /.rra/>.  d.  al  s<>a.      2.  Ihlnm.   3,  7..,///. 

4,  Lii-ri-.t  ami  ihrer  more.  2,  Fiiiu-.v,  b.  April  10,  noi;  m.  1703,  John  Davis.  'l, 
H///".v,  b.  Mr.ich  10,  17;iO.  3,  Amos,  b.  .luiU' 23,  1703.  4.  Hi.sw  Ki.l..  i).  Dec.  (-;,  1704 ;  m. 
Oct.  30.  l?ss,  IJachel  Xe-.veil.       ],  A3om'//,  Am;'.  0,  17S'.!.       2,  ll'ili.,,!,  Sn^'-.  21,  17'.M.      3. 

7'//3,/,,.  \u-.  k;,  1;;::;     J,  /;,-<■/,,/ ./',„;,,•,.//. 'Mav  7.  i;i'3;  d.  s.pi;  27,  i;its.     3,  /,Vc/. 

/(/7/..luly  3,  iT'.rs.     (;,  /;,/,/,,/  /',v//, /■'.;/,  Xw-s.  2.  Inio.      7,  ./">.'//,-  /A/.v/:,/v/.  o,  t.  12.  I^H'J, 

5.  .loitin.tU.  .Mandi  2.  1SU3,  3.  Fi;i.  Jan.  I'.i,  VAV,  :  m.  Sophia  l'(,iid.  '  1,  Ini.  2,  J}:irid. 
3,  Cul      0.  Amu>,  Marrh  2;».  17'1S:   m.  Sabriua  .Vis.       1,  Hrrit^.       2.  PJimUi.       3,  .t///e.v. 

(i-iG  A^pl:^•nlx. 

7,  ]-L-CiNi)A,  (h-t.  f,l.  1771:  ]ii.  Auir.,  17!)!,  StcpliPii  Ihui.      1  and  •.\  7'irui  d.n/.-i.,  Mardi  7,  ' 

1092;  (i.  .S  aihi  17  sm.  iiim.     :;,  J.-v'/AJ,  (V.-t.  MO,  17!i:i.     -1,  Cfliiui,  Oct     1!»,  17;t.").     T),  /,'"'//,  ; 
Jan.  2G,  17!)'.),       G.  /^n.s,r,/i  ('',,  .Jalv  VJ,  jsu].      7,   l."r'i!i,,  Im'1..  2,  l^D-l.       S,  /,'//«r/r',  (),  t'.. 
180r>.      9,  >■'>;;''//'/   ^'.,  Si-pt.  1 1 ,  1^6'.).       10,  y.'/'7/'//(/.  An-.   27,    1^11.      8,  Sir.vL,  (Jvt.  10, 

177S;  111.  .Ian.  ;J,  l7Si7. 'I'li'^mas  ^V(■h()ll.      1.  f.;rn,<iii.  .hmc   Ki.  !7'.*s.   2.  Ju;liiu\  Jan.  2;'..  ', 

ISOO.      ;!.  .V/'"/(w,  .Mardi  10,  1M»2.       -J,  SnlJi/'j),  .i  r,',  Sept.    .1.  1^1)7:  il.   Mav  7,  1S(I^.      .-,,  \ 

/ytUi/  JJ,>ur..  hnir  !-!.  islo,       0,  J^7///rv,  April    12;  1SI2.       0.  J.y,m.\.\    S.-i,r.'21,  17S(i:  m.  ; 

suul'lia'l:     \,  SIdiii  ij  IlaU.     2,  Ijpihm  yartoi, .     10,  Di.mim;,  Mairli  ."),  1 7f~;i;  m.  Plihica.s  \ 

]loiU':li,  Xov.  22,  IM'4,  and  luul:^   1,  Connnj',  Xov.  1."),  I'M).";..     2,  J,</nul,r,  Nov.  ;-i,  1^07.  j 

4,  JJ<"/.,  ()rt.  2S,  1^1)'.):  (!.  .MMin.  '^ 

JI.      Ji-nislia,  1).  N.!v.  10,  17;;G;    .1.  .March   21,  ISIO;    in.  Frl..  22.,  17.")7,  (iid./oii    II. -s-  ^ 

ford.      1,    Ih-.i  i;r.N,  \>.  S^nt.  0.  17GI):  lu.  1770  Olivr  .Vndrcws.      1,    PUf.  1>.  .Ian.  I'.i,  17^0.  ■. 

2,     ]IV'//^-.  b.  Fcl).  2i.  1>'2.     ;i,    Chniinitr.     4,    Ibtrni.     2,    S);i;A.i.\ir.  1>.    licr.    IG,   17G-,>.  j 

:-!,  Joel,  1).  l^di.  0,  17G0.     4,    l>r.  v,  !,.  Jan.   ;.!],    ]77l';  d.   .Match   V.),    1774.     .o,   Lm  y,   I,.  I 

l'"(d..  ],  17  74.     G,   dcdur,},,  1,.  1.\4i.  G,  1770.  j 

III.      Ihaar,  h.  Julv-js.  1 7:!0 :    d.  al    Niai^ara   Jiiin-,  ISIO;    iii.  March   G,  17Gii,  .M;.itha. 

Cook.  "  "  \ 

]V.     Cal.'h,  >hind!  14,  1711;  in.  Jan.  12.  17G4.  AhiL-ail  Fiiudi.  \ 

V.     Mindwfdl,  1).  \)vr.  0,  1742;  d.  r(d>.  ;J,  1747.  \ 

A'l.      And.roM',  h.  ^klarch  17,  174.1:  m.  Scj^t.  2.1  17G.".,  Esther  Peek.  | 

VII.      Kliliu,  1).  AuLC.  IG:   d.  An.c.  ol,  174:.  I 

Vlll.     .Mindu.  1!.  b.  Ai.i'll  2ii,  17.".0;  m.  Nov.  0,  r,G!i,  .bn-.Mni;;].  ('aiiinpton.     1,  J.\me.-.  \ 

1>.  Nov.  0,  ]7;u;  ni.  Patty  :\icClcavr  [0,.     3.   Mii.i-.s,  b.  bVh.  11,  177o:  d.  Aii.l^  21,  170:1  | 

;3,    SlN.\,  b.  Nov.   11.  1771:  m.  Maich    lo,  170S.  "\'irru(-   Ib-onsnn.      1,     Viftn,'   i'arrin'jt'nu  \ 

b.  Apiil  G,  d.  .Iiih-  :'>,i:0'.i.     4.   Lrvi;i;iuis,  b.  J:;n.  2s,  i:;<.i;  m.  1m4).  10.  ISOO,  Thaiikfnl  ? 

Mall.      J.    .4,'<//  n'rafnoa,  b.  Jan.  VG,  INII;  d.  ^^e].t.  o,  1^02.     2,  Anna.  S.4)t.  l."),  P^O-j';  d.  \ 

Oct.  2G,  ISIU.     ;:,    1I7///7///,.  I).  Pec.  0,  ISOS.     5,   Mixdvki.i,,  b.  J).'c.  0,  1707;  d.   .\uv.   7,  • 

180;^.  [ 

Sd-").     Isaac   Cook,  b.  Juh-  is.  i:;W;  d.   al   Xhi--ai'a  Fulls  psp);  m.  Mafch  (i,  17(;0.  \ 

Ma  it  ha  Co.dv.  ■  .  \ 

1,     Joed,  b.  Oct.  12.  17G0:  d.  at   l'.al>yln!),  L.  I.,  Dec.  10,   ls.-,2,   n.    01.      llo   Avas   in  \ 

many  of  tlu'  iinj-ortant  battles  of  tlio  l^t>v.  and  after  the  uav  received  L'aptaiii's  coininis- 
sioii  frcnn  I'rest.  JcftVisnu.  It  i-^  --aid  that  lie  saved  tlic  life  of  (bneral  Harrison  at  the 
battle  of  Tipi'ecaiioe;  ni.  Jan.  1,  17^4,  Pelxcca  llart.  1,  J  [•:.\nnkttk,  b.  .Inly  s,  psibp 
2,  Lucy,  b.  A])ril  1.-),  17So;  m.  .lulv  22,  PS04:  Janie.s  Cdston.  1,  ,///'/,(.v  (V»//,',  b.  .Inne 
2(j,  1SG4.     2,   -A;//// i////^,  b.  Feb.  7.  i^'*»G.     M,   y.^v/,/-- y/r//'/,  b.  .hilv  12,  INDN.     :i  ^]l^;,l:^-A,  • 

b.  June  IS,  17S0.  4.  Li;  \.M)!:i;.  b.  March  2'.).  1702.  .'),  P.vtty,  b.  Nov.  27,  1701:  d. 
Sei)t.  20,  1S07      G,    Pr.nEc.'.v,   b,   April   ."i,  1708.     7,    Piii;i;k,  b.  Jan.  .">,  Isol.     s,    Juel  j 

\VTi.fOX,  b.  A[iri!  2s,  is(js.  ! 

11.     Peniuel,   b.   Mat.di   17.  17G2:  lu.    Dec.   29.  1 784,  Betsv  Bates.      P   I.oTiiiior,  b.  \ 

Nov.    20,    ]78o:    n,.    Mav   21,    1^07,    S,.phia    Pcllart.      I,    Ln'rls.    b.    Jitne   IG,  ISOS.     2,  , 

TnioTiiY  P.vTKs,   b.    Pec.  2;-5,  17N7.     Jl.    P.vui:.\,  b.  ]  >cc.  '..^l,  17sO:    d.  May  12,  1701 .     4.  \ 

L.Vfit.\,  b.  Mav  12,,  1702.     5,   Bei'sy,  !>.  June  2,0,   1704.     G,   ('uHXi;i.i-\,  b.  Sept.  5,  170G.  : 

7,    ls.\AC,  b.  l'"'(4i.  10.  1802.      8,    Amaxi>.\.  b.  Nov.  G,  18i)(;. 

in.  Jam.  s,  b.  Jan.  20,  17G4:  d.  at  sea;  m.  H^^G,  Poduvrs.  1,  Mil,i:s.  b.  June 
14,  17SG.  2,  Me)  rss.v.  b,  Nov.  1"..  17SS.  :^,  Angei.ix.\,  b.  May  21.  1701.  4,  Pf.  emxv. 
1).  April  8,  17'.iP  o,  (;iii.o!:,  b.  Ort.  :',,  170.">.  G,  Fi,iz\,  b.  April  2,  INDD. 
IV.  Lncv,  b.  Jan.  ."),  17GG:  m.  Sti'phen  Hall  [p.  4G2]. 
V.  l.-aaV,  b.  July  IG,  1GG8:  m.  Die.  21,  1702,  Mar^-aretta  S.'.,tt.  lie  cmiirrated  to 
C'liillicothe,  <).,  1  102.  an.l  becatn.'  an  A<~;oi-iate  Jtubj-e  (,f  tl;.- ( 'otirt  .d' r.nnnn,n  Pleas.  lie 
d.  Jan.  22,  1844".  a.  7G.  1.  Fi  iz.k,  1'.  Oct.  'Jl,  17'.)2,;  d.  Sept.  14.  IT'.JO.  2,  P-\tty,  1). 
Jitn.^  20,  170.7;  d  June  -Jl.  1 70G.  0.  P^aac,  b.  Mar.d.  G.  1707.  4.  PrcY,  b,  N..v.  10. 
1700;  d.  May  -JS.  1S(M).  ."".,  .Makia,  1).  Mar<  h  0,  psiil  ;  m.  Jaine-  Webb,  M.  P.;  d.  in  180:1 
of  chol.^ra  in  P.'xitiivt'iit,  Ky.,  wlu-rf  he  had  ^-one  to  ciiin[dct.-  arnm^-eni.'nt,-  sen  line; 
slaves  1(1  Liberia  \vh.:  luul  been  set  Pie  by  himself  aii.l  his  fatlu'i.  I  su!)i..e-,ed  him  t.i 
be  of  the  (.'onn.  lamily  until  inf.uiii.'d  by  Hon.  IPuherbu.i  i?.  Hayes  that  Dr.  W'.Jd,  was 
1).  in  Ky.  and  liis  ani;e.'!ors  f.u-'  or  l.iur  ^-eneratinns  w.'re  of  Pi.dim.'iid  P...,  \'a.,,  an. I 
early  s.'ttlers  .)f  thai  Staw.  P.e.ic  \\ebl,,  father  id'  Dr.  Jatnes,  was  an  othcer  in  fh.e  ^':^ 
line  of  the  (.'oiitiiii'iital  army.  /.  am. mil;- others:  I,  l.nfii  Wmr  117 W.,  in.  D.'c.  20,  IS.')-J, 
UiitheiJ'ord  IPirrhard  Hay,''s;  afterw  (inv.  (d"  (.).  iind  Piv>t.  P.  8.:  .7  .diil.  G, 
M.sT'i'iiiow  ScuTT,  b.   Ap'ib   isn:;.      7.    |j,i/A)ii:in,  b.  Mar.di   27,  I'-n."",;  ni.    N.Pon. 

5,  Wii.i  lAM.  b.  Ai)ril  Is.  1sm7.  0,  John  .l.isr:ni,  b.  .Mav  2s.  IsnO.  10.  Pr.'V  Hai.i.. 
b.  May  7).  ISll.  n,  Pi[i:i-.i;  b.  .\u-.  8,  1810;  m.  .\!ay"2G,  1s:;G,  \\"ni.  M.l^eli.  12.. 
JIakc.'mu-.TT.v  SM/rr,  b.  April  0,  1817:   ni.  A'.ie,.  o,  1841,  .Muses  PoiZ^s. 


VI.     ^fartliu,  h.  .hmv  :;•),   1T70. 

Vir.     Jlindurll,    1,.  .h.iy    17.  i::-J;   111.  .hm.    <;.  ITlt],    .\.<;iliel  licnliam.      1,   ]'i  iirKij,. 
1).  Oc-t.  7,  179','.     '2.   Samiki-Jiiilx,   1>.  .lum-  17,  Kli.-).     :',.   Ki.i/Ar.ioi  n,  !>.  M:iifh  -J.  i;!t7 
VIH.     riicUe,  1..  Vrlr  'J,  1777:  in.  VrU.  l,s(ir),  J)avi'I  Stocking-.      1,   Stki'jikn  IIaj.i,,  h. 
^'ov.  :2;3,  180;,.     2,  KiJ/A  A.N.\,  1).  Ajiril  IS,   isil. 

844.     Caleb  Cook,  l'.  >h.irh  1-J,  IMl:  m.  .);iu    ]•:.  i:i;i,  Al.i-ail  Imik-Ii. 

I.  Villcv,  1..  X,.v.  3(i.  ]:C,4;  111.  ]).■(•.  111.  ]7!)(l,  Ahcl  (nok.  1,  Lk  VKK  i:TT,  b.  Jail, 
l;!,  17;'n.  2,  Cokmj.iv.  l).  Vi-\>.  21,  171t7.  :i,  :\1.m;ii.tta.  h.  Scjit.  S,  isdtj.  4,  IOmii.y, 
1..  .luly  -r.].  ISD'J.     :,,    Piiii.AMn:!;.  h.  Oct,  lo,  ISUI.     (),   .)  ionmittk,  !>.  May  ,'>.  1S07. 

II.  Au,i;-iistus,  l».  Jan.  ",'•">,  liOI;  in.  .lime  ;'.0,  llii:),  Saiali  l>iilt<)ii.  1,  l.rTiiKi: 
1'>rT'H,)X,  li.  .Jaiu-21,  17114.  2,  Sir.vt.  I5i;\(  i!,  h.  J  uia-  -j:!,  1  ;'J7.  o.  TiaHiv,  ]).  Jan.  12, 
ISUO.     4,   Sai.i.y,  1).   MaivK  22,  isil. 

III.  Cal.'b,  1..  .Iulv2,  17(i^;(l.   Fcii,  1770. 

IV.  Ahiaail,  b.  Nov.  J^,  17(i!';  d.  .Maivii,  17114. 

y.  Al.i-ail.  b.  Apiil  10,  1777:  in.  Ih-r.  1.  W.'C,,  .I„!ui  Hall.  I,  Ki,r/,TK,  b,  .lmie2s, 
1708.  2,  <.'muih-.L!a,  b.  Xiiv.  20,  INUO.  o,  lb)\v.\i;ii  b.  >Vi.t.  ;!0,  ]Sii2.  4,  Ai;ii;.\il,  b. 
Juno  27,  ISU-S. 

VI.     IJ.-isL-v,  b.  Ffb.  IS,  17ri). 
A'l!.      .Mavv"Aiiii,  b.  Auir.  2;j,  17s:l;  in.  June,  lK)il,  Joshua  Tliwipi..      1,   liKUKCCA,  b. 
May  ;]1,  Isii.S.'     2,  .Iamf.s  HAi;vi:v,  b.  (j,  ISIU. 
"".'111.      Ann'Ua,  twin. 

IX.  ('al(4.i,  twin,  b.  June  4.  lbs!;;  in.  Oct.  10,  180S,  Amelia  Lewis.  1,  LoiiSA,  b. 
July  10,  isolt.     2.    l.i.wis,   Marcb  1.").  1^11. 

846.     AmbroSvO  Cook,  b.  Maieli  17.  1745:  m.  Seiu.  25,  17(i5,  Estber  Pe:-k. 

I.  Child,  I..  ]77ii;  d.  a.  ^  we,-ks. 

ir.  Ciiaunifv.  1).  I'ei..  1,  17t;7:  m.  .\.i[--.  1-5,  171tO,  Eiiniee  Duttmi.  1,  Lati;a,  b. 
Oc-t.  25,  lib'l.     2.   CiiA>.  Chaixi  kv,  b.  .Ian.   22,  171>!). 

III.  Samu.d,  b.  .lulv.v,  ]7(;'.);  m.  An^-.  1,  i;ii2,  .Martlia  Ceek;  cnus.  1,  JdUX  Mii,- 
Tox.  b    i'\4..  1,  17115.     2,   bt-(  V  Axx,,  <.).i.  25.  1S(!,-,. 

IV.  Jirusba,  b.  April  25,  1771;  m.  Nov.  14,  |  ::!:;,  ][inin  Manson.  1.  ?.Ir:UAD 
Chatxi  KV,  b.  S'j.t.  2,  1795.     2,   S.vr.i.v.  b.  .lime  21,  17!t!). 

\'.  Aiiiu-ail,  b.  .\nrii  HI,  17?:;:  il.  Jiily<i.  iso--^;  m.  S'^.t.  25,  ir;i2,  Samuel  Tutile. 
1,   LicY.  Se;.t.  20,  17!»;;.     2.    Anxa,  .N.iv.  .5',  17',)5,     ;;,   Onr.ix,  Jan.  IS,  lS(iO. 

VI.  Cbailes,  b.  .Vjiril  2  1,1775.  m.  Sei-l.  i'.,  1  Tii'i,  Svlvia  Yale,  dan.  ef  Klibu  and 
l.ueietia  Yale;  lie  d.  at  Cuy.alio.uu  Fall.-,  (4..  .lune,  ]S45.  "  1,  OTts,  b.  .Xivril  S,  171)7.  2. 
Skxa,  1).  Sept.  17,  ]71'S.  :i,  )'i;i'];i;,  b,  .lulyKi.  bS()i).  4_  'run\:As.  b.  ]•".•],.  1.  1S02; 
(1.  lbG2.  .5,  (.'IIAI'J.K-,  AuiT.  1:-!,  1S(14;  ics.  ibirtb'nl.  Conn.  (I,  Okkix,  1).  Mav  s,  ISOS. 
7,  Henky.  b.  Feb.  12,  INK);  d.  jsiTj.     s,  Isaac,  b.  Auir.  17,  ISi:;. 

Vll.  FJsthor,  b.  Oet.  !),  177?:  m.  J^n.  21.  17l)i;,  lieuajab  Yale.  1,  Voustki;,  b.  Jan. 
1,  1797.  2,  Xan<'V,  Feb.  2*;,  i;i)-!.  ■).  S\MC!,r,.  July  l';!,  1799.  4,  LieiiKTiA,  b.  Mareb 
18,  INOI.     5,   PuKin-.,  b,  Mandi  1,  isn:4. 

VIII.  Lydia,  b.  (K-1.  lU,  1779:  m.  S.'pt.  11,  ISOa,  Aiulivw  Hall,  M.D.  1.  Ai.ex'k. 
WiuTTi.KsKv,  b.  May  28,  i.Si)5.  2,  S.\i;.\ii  Jifssi'.i.r,,  b  ih:r.  M,  ISOlJ.  3,  Amhkose 
Cook,  June  17,  ISIO.  "  4,  I'iiaxklix  ]).\xa.  b.  Sept.  20,  isjl. 

IX.  Naney,  b.  Nov.  1;'..  17S2:  111.  Mar.di  9,  IXM),  Kiidiaid  Hall.  1,  I'lttiA XDEi;,  1>. 
June  25,  isoi;;  d.  Da-.  11,  1S()7.  2,  Sisax,  b,  Srpt.  10,  l^OS.  iJ,  .Ikkusiia,  b.  Nov.  14, 
im>.     4,  <>Ki;ix.  !5'1>.  14,  isn. 

X.     Oiiin,  1).  !■'(  b.  14,  17"^4:  m.  Miss  Stern  of  (.'uiir.nd. 

XI.  Diana,  b.  Nov.  2S,  ITSO;  m.  Dr>\  10.  1S07,  Androw  Bartbubnnew.  1,  A.Miii;osK 
Cdok,  b.  Frb,  10,  1SU9.     2.   Phii.amikk,  b.  May  10,  ]sil. 

The  abiive  rei-nrd  of  ih-srendants  of  Isaae  Coiik,  \sith  tli.'  exc'pti  u:  of  a  few  items 
p,atliered  from  other  soiirees,  is  from  n  L:(uealo--ical  tii-o  nnnh'  by  Car.inirton, 
ISb'i,    and    ]ia.inted   by    bis   dan.    Carolim'   Carrini:-toii   of    \\'all!nij:for(l. 

B.     Joseph  Cook,  b.    Frl>.    25.    P;s::!;   m.    Al>iu-ail  :  (2j  Oc-t.    14,    lib!,    F^leanor 

Johnson;  roni.  to  Ou-b'-n,  Conn.,  1743:  d.  N(jv.  7,  1704. 
I.      L.iis,  b.  Apiil  v5.  170(;;  d.  inf. 

II.  Samr.i-l.   Fob.  2s,   1702. 

III.  Abi--ail,  .Ian.  IS.  ]7o:j:  /.  l,v  2d  in.: 

I\".  Ph. 4k-,  o.-t.  7,  1715:  m.  l-'ob.  21.  1757.  Kii  l^-t^ibone. 

V.  r.c.  janiii;,  b.  .b,n.  5,   1  7  1  s. 

\"I.  D.miel,  An;'.    29.   1720. 

VII.  \\.-ilter,  b.  Dee.  21,  1722. 
Vllt.  Joseph,  172U. 



IX.     ].<.'.<.  17-:!l. 

.\1.      li'ai'uiuli,    Xiiv.  13,    n^l;    m.    Jan.    25,    IT.jO,    IJo-vr    Pcttil.nnc;    .^lu'  d,   AimH 

20,  noy. 


John  Da-.M-tt  cunif  to  WaTertoNvni,  Mass.,  lii:Xt,  anJ  .ui^  l..o.  Thoinas. 
Jolui  hf.,1  s.  Thomas,  Km,.,  of  K-luai  town,  >hn-tl:u-s  Vinryanh  M^i-s.,  ainl  John  ol  o'l.o- 
both  Thomas,  ]:.>,.,  m.  Ihiunah,  ,  hk-st  dan.  ot  (,ov.  ^hiyl,rw,  and  had  1  Va. 
John  Thomas.  Samtud.  Joshua,  Tsrarl  and  .Mnvy.  Dra.  John,  anr.-.tor  of  a  1  llto  Da,-- 
o-rtts  ill  Allh  hoi-o,  .Mass.,  an<l  Conn.,  ranu'  from  Manila's  \  in. ■yard  to  Atthd).n<,  rJ>oai 
TtO'J,  witli  wife  and  9  vhU.—Hi-^!.  of  At(l,:h',ri>.  JL'^s. 
I.  .Mavlii-w,  ni.  Jranna  Hivin. 
II.,  m.  Mary  l^h-^^ckinton. 

III.  Ttionnis,  ui.  Sarali  Stanley. 

IV,  Napthali. 

V        -\l)i"ail    ni.  Oct.  1-2,  i:i4,  l^hone/.tr  l.iouhh 
IV,      Jane,  m.  Nov.  <> .  1721,  C'ahd.  Hall. 
YII.      /ilprdi,  m.  Julv  hS,  1701,  Xatliani.d  Kohmson. 
Vll).      I'ation.c,  ui.  uVt.  -1,  172:j.  X.^ah  Hohinsoii. 

IX.     Mai-y.  in.  Jan.  l^<,  1727,  John  'i'itns, 
1.     Mayliew  Daggett,  m.  Oct.  11,  1700,  Joanna  151  vln  and  had: 
I.      Llihti. 

II  Ellhu  Dag-gett,  ^vho  <1.  Auir.  20,  ITdr,:  Kldor  and  first  jiroarher  for  the  South 
?jai>ti*st  So,-    ol  a',  )iu  \U-[a'vru  St;.nh'v,  who  d.  Sr;,t.  29,  1700,  in  lior  ^">th  yr. 

I.      Ilenrv,  1).  Ajiril  0,  1741;  m.  Kli/ah.-th  Prr.srott. 
II.      Jacol),  1),  174S;  m.  Klioda  IhinusKjn  []>.    (!1| 

III  Kenrv  Dasri^ctt,  h.  .\  si,  1711:  d.  in  N.  Hav.,  Sept.  2.  1S;10,  in  his  00th 
vr  1I('  wtis  a  lufrrhant.  M:u'istra(e  and  Alderinau;  ni.  Eli/.aljrth,  dan.  of  Ih'njainin 
■preso.'tt  an-l  sis  .,f  i;t!ir.-.-a,\\f.  of  Fo.;:or  Shrrman,  wli,,  d.  May  11,  isi:;,  in  her  Cdst 
vr  "  lle'in.  (2)"  rdizaheih  (Taylor)  Cook,  h.  l.Oo:  d.  July,  ISoJ.  The  will  .d'  Henry 
Da"-"-ett  i)roved  ]^:li),  nnis.  v\  f.  ]:ii/aheth,  iCmxia,  will.  ,d'my  bro.  Jaroh  i,nd  his  (Jul., 
Sailv  Johnson  and  Naiuv  DaL-eti,  Amos  C.  Taylor  and  Ids  >i..  Clarissa  Mer^Mn 
^vf  oflhv  Stimu(d  rl,' Idren  of  mv  wf.  I'di/.nl.ietli,  dau.  Eli/a  lloo]<,'r  wf.  ol  Idward. 
of  Farminolou,  Conn.,  Marv  Andrew  wf.  of  I?ev.  Samuel,  and  --r.  da.u.  Amelia  Bulkley 
(,f    \     Y     "^j.^t     distrihuted"  hv  Simeon  r.aldwin,   Pn^'cr  Sherman  and  James  hn.iilish. 

*  'l  'i:ii/.aheth.  m.  Ivlwanl  Honker  of  j-arminv-ton,  CoV.n.  1,  Ki.iz.v,  m..  S-pt.  HI, 
is:i4  Franeis  (Jil!-t:e,  h.  Wind--'-,  Conn..  Dee.  14.  l^n?;  res.  Hartford.  1,  J.s//- 
hrl  Fr,!i,<-1^  Mav  17,  1n:;i;.  2,  Eliza  ]Io„l.;  r,  Ih'C.  7,  ls:!S.  o,  EJ.r.n'd  ]Eo\-rr,  Oer .  1, 
1840.  4,  hf^>r]-t  ILuEer.  Au<:,  1,  lS-12.  o,  Mary  J]u.,hir,  June  24,  IShK  d,  Aug.  2,, 
1S47.     iV,    H'//^  7/er./;. /•,  Jiilv  2i.  1>;5:?.  ^    ,  ,- . 

II       Maiv,  m.  Pev.  Samurd  K.  Andrew  of  Woodbury,  Conn.,  wno  d.  May  2(.,  l^.)'^, 
a    71       1  'm  \'k'v  V...  d.  Jan.  12,  l>^o:h  a.  27;  m.  \Vm.  Atidiii'son. 

HI.      Amelia  .Marsh,  h.  1770;  d.  Sej.t.  24.  l^C,  a.  2S;  m.  Jolm  Pulkley.    wdio   d.:  (2) 
Stewart  C.  ^hirhle  of  x'.  V.      1.    .VMf.i.i.v  M.  liii.Ki.KV. 
IV.     I'Ti/.aheth,  d.  Xov.  Ill,  1772,  a.  ;;!j  days. 
V.      Kehecca,  d.  Her.  IC.  177d,  a.  47  days. 

VI.     Eliliu,  (1.  Mav  17,  l77o,  a.  dC  days.  ,. 

^TI.      Heniv,  d.  Jan.  21.  17i7.  a.  'Jd  days. 
VI 11.      FJi/al;eth.  <1.  June  1,  177S,  a.   72  day;;. 

IX.      Henry,  d.  Feb.  d.  17S4.  a.  22  days. 
2.     Ebcaczer  Daggett,  m.  Xuv.  0,  1721,  Mary  P.larkinton 

1  Na-.tindi  l)a,-ett.  b.  A.,  Mas.-..  Sent.  S,  1,2(;  <!.  N.  Hav..  Nnv.  I).  l.SU;  V 
C  17-)S-  pastoral  S'M!t!-iowr,,  !,.  I.,  17dl:  Prof,  ol  Div.,  V.  C.  1  ?■"",  till  d.;  Ai-tin;r 
Pi'es  Y  C  Sept.  in  I7(;d  To  .\p;il  1,  17:7:  S.  4'.  P.  Priiu-etwn.  i;;  1;  was  taken  i^rison.-r, 
wounded  and  barbarou-1  v  t  reaie-1  bv  t  he  lhi:i>h  inX.  Hav..  177;),  wlii.'h  hast.'Ued  hi-^ 
d  Xi.v  ■'.">  1 7"^(l  Hi-  e-taie  \N.:is  dixided  aineni;-  7  iddl.:  ihairy  Hai^-u-fit  and  Henry 
l,,,',,.^t  jr'  a.bnrs:  Sieph.a.  P.  ;!  |:;l  one  o!  the  .,pp; -. :  m ,  a'  Snut  btown.  1 ..  f..  Die. 
P)  l7od  Sarah  Smith.  1,  Hi-.Miv,  b.  O.-i.  11,  1 7o ! :  d.  May  >:,  l,oo:  inherit, ■.!  ne_rr.> 
w.mian.'Sue.  2.  S.MiA.l,  b.  Apnl  li,  li/ai:  m.  --.-  M.,.s:  l..el  n,-:o  ^nd,  Olue,  ami 
silverware,      d,      Hi:m;v,    b.   Feb.  24.    !7oS:  d.    at    N.    Hav.,    June   -i),  IM.,;   \.i  .  l/-->: 


(348  Ai'i'i:N  i>]x. 

IX.     J.i/is.  170!». 
X.      LumlMMt. 
X!.      Ilaiuiali,    Nov,  l:j,    n;J-""i;    m. 

29,  i;ti;i. 

Jan,    2."),    I'l'yi.    ]lo--rr    Pcttibonc:    slic  d,    A[>iil 

JoliH  Da--Kt  came  to  AVateTt^^wm,  Mass..  10:^0.  aiul,.Ml  liaJ  1.....  Thoinas. 
John  hn.i  s.  Tlionias.,,  ol'  i:.!-artnwn.  .Martlia's  \  incyani.  >.ass..  a„<l  ol  .rl.o- 
botU  Mass.  Thomas,  ]-:.s<|.,  m.  Haiuiali,  .  l.U'St  dan.  <.f  Unv.  Mayl,ru-,  an,  had  IVa. 
John  'I'  Saniu.d.  .loshua,  Tsra(d  and  .Mnvv.  D.a.,  ai.rK-lor  of  all  ihr  Da,-- 
o-otts  in  Alllt  hni-,,,  Mass.,  and  C'oiui..  I'anir  Marlha'.^  \  i.icyard  to  AtrK-lHui.  cAxaW 
hO'.K  \vith  wif.'  and  9  <diil.— //(V.  (;/' .-l)'/('c/"'/v^  J/".<-.v. 

I.      ,Mavhc\v,  ni.  Ji'auna  iVivin.  ■     ' 

II.     lObi'iiC'/er.  in.  Mary  Hhacl.-intnn. 

III.  'J'l\onias,  m.  Saiali  Stanley. 

IV.  Xaiithali. 

V      Ahiirail    ni.  Ort.  l-\  1714.  l^h.-n.'/.tv  (iould. 
IV.      Jan.',  in.  Xov.  9,  1  TvM  .  Calrl,  HaU. 
VII.      Zilpah.  m.  July  1«,  IT'^l,  Xathanifl  Kohinson. 
VHJ.      I'aticiirt.-.  in.  (At.  -J,  ITJ:.!,  Xoah  Hohiiisua. 

IX.     :\lai-y,  in.  Jan.  1^,  IT'37.  Jnhn  Titiis. 
1.     Ivlayliew  Daggett,  m.  Oct.  11,  1709,  Joanna  ]5ivlu  and  had: 

I.      Lllhti. 
11       Ellhu  33ag-getl,  who  d.  Auir.  29,  17(15;  KI,I<t  an.l  first  i)iv:udi.T  f^r  the  South 
Piaptist  So,-.  .)1  a',  ni'y'i^.iMT.M  Sianloy,  \\]u,  d.  Sr;,t.  '^O,  1799.  in  1m  r  sr)th  yv. 
I.     lionrv,  1)'.  April  9,  1741:  ni.  Fdi/ah.-th  Piv.^cotL 
II.      Jai'nl),  h.  17-lS;   m.  i:iioda  lluiniston  []>.    HI"]. 

Ill  HeiirV  Dae-t^ctt,  h.  .Vpril  9,  1741:  d.  in  X.  Hav.,  Sept.  'J.  1S:10,  in  his  9!)th 
vr  n'c  \v;(^  a  infidiaVlt.  Maidstiate  and  Aldeniiaii;  m.  IJi/abi'th.  dan.  of  Iv-njaniiii 
■prescMit  an<l  <is  .-f  Ibbcc-a,  wf.  of  P>o;;cr  Sh.-viuan.  vh,.  d.  May  It,  isi:;,  in  h.-r  <;ist 
vr  "  He  111.  (0)  Idi/abrih  (Taylor)  ('o<dv,  b.  170."'>;  .1  July,  l^ol.  4'1m'  will  nt'  Henry 
Da.'-.'-t-tt  ]iro\ed  1^:10.  nms.  \\i.  I-:iizaboth.  ITiioda.  wid.  .J' my  br.;.  Jacoh  and  his  (did.. 
SaU?  Johnson  and  Nanrv  Daa-vti,  Amos  C.  Taylor  and  his  .si.-.  Clarissa  Meruin, 
wf  "oflbv  Sauiiud  rliihlVeu  of  luv  wi'.  I'di/.abotli,  .iau.  ihiza  iloohor  wt.  ot  tdward. 
of  Farmin'aoii.  ('..lui.,  Marv  Andrew  wf.  of  l?ev.  Samuel,  and  --r.  dan.  Amelia  Bulkh>y 
of    X      V     "  l':-t     distribiUed"  bv  Simeon  lialdwin,   Pni^cr  Sherman  and  .lames  Knulish. 

"  ']  'idi/abeth  m.  iMiward  Hooker  of  1' armiiu'-lon,  CoV.n.  1,\.  m.  Sept.  10. 
is:}^  Hon  Fianri-;  (Jill-tre,  b.  Wind-or.  Conn..  Dee.  14.  IsuT:  res.  Ibu-tfonl.  1,  A--;'' 
hfi  Fr,:i,''l'<  Mavl7  In'oH.  -2.  EUza  llool:,  r,  \h-c.  7,  ls;^.  o,  Ld^r,,,-'!  jr,.„!<,'r,  Oct.  1. 
1S40.  4,  'llo^'i'rt  Un.,l:,r.  Au";.  1.  \>^V1.  •-.,  Miry  }hj<>l(i\  June  -Jl.  bs).""):  d.  Aug.  '21. 
1847^     (h   'll"//(.  7/'ve/-/-,  July"21.  b^.l:'..  , 

11.      Marv,  m.  liev.  Samind  1,'.  Audrey.'  of  Woodlmry,  Conn.,  wuo  d.  May  •.'(.,  ISo^. 
a    71       1  *M  \V;'y  K.,  d.  Jan.  12.  l>-^o:h  a.  27:  m.  \Vni.  Atrhh-son. 

HI.      Am.'lla  Marsh,  b.  1779;  d.  Sejit.  24,  IS.iT,  a.  28;  ui.  Jolm  Pulkley,    ^vho  d.:  (2) 
Stewart  C.  :\!arb]o  of  x'.  V.      1.    Ami;i.i.\  M.  l•;l•l.Kl.^A•. 
IV.     Elizabeth,  d.  Xov.  19,  177-2,  a.  oij  days. 
V.      Kebecca.  d.   He-.   10.  177d,  a.  47  days. 
VI.      Eliliu,  d.  .Mav  17,  I77r.,  a.  40  days.  ,. 

VII.      Heniv,  d.  Jan.  21.  1777.  a.  9:i  days. 
Vill.      Eli/al;eth.  d.  June  1.  177S,  a.  72  days. 

IX.      Henry,  d.  Feb.  M.  17S4,  a.  22  days. 
2.     Ebcaezer  Dag,2,ett,   111.  Xov.  9,  1721,  Mary  I'darkint.ut  ,^    ,-.,-,    V 

1  N.aothali  Da  -etr.  b.  A.,  Mas.-.,  Sent,  ,s,  1727;  <1.  X,  HaY..  Xov,  2.),  I,SU:  ^  . 
C  174S-  pastor  at  S-Mitl-.iown ,  1,.  I.,  1 7.M  :  Prof,  ol  !)iv..  V.  <'.  17.7.")  till  d.;  Aetni!r 
Pn-s  V  (■  Sept.  m  1700  to  .\piil  1,  1777;  S,  4'.  P,  Prineeton,  lill:  was  taken  ju-isoner. 
wounded  and  ba  rbar.msl  v  t  ivaJe-l  bv  t  he  inX.  Hav..  1  ;:;).  v,  hieh  hastene,]  his 
(1  Xov  -'.7  17S()  His  e-taie  wa-;  di\ided  anionu'  7  ehil.;  Heuiy  Hau'-tit  and  lleniy 
i;.,J_,.;t  ir"  aOmr:  ;  Slepheu  i;:dl  [O]  (;:ie  ..!  the  api^r.. ;  m .  a'  Smit  li^evn,  1  „  1, ,  Hie. 
19    17:.:;    Sarah  Smith.      1,    Hi-.:si;v,    b,    <).;,    II,    17.)i:d,    .May    s,  1 7o..:   inherit, '.i  ne-ro 

w.unan.'Sue.      2,    S.VKv.i.    b.    Apnl   (7.   !7:ai;   m. Mo..;   h  el    m-ro  prh,  Olu  e.    and 

silverware.     0,     Hi:m;v.   b.  Feb.  24.    !77;;  d.    at    X.    Hav,,    .iuiie  20.  1M4;   \.(  .  I----: 



1S22;   ni.    Clilof .      1,   A''if/'iil.    111. IvL's.      r?,    C/i/or.     ;■],    SnU//.      4,    ^f'n•^/  Ann. 

5.    A':/v(.     G,   Amos.  d.  IS.JU;  iii.  Naiiey .   7,   A'/nd,  \>.  1808.   '■),   Ki-:j;i;rcA,  iii.  Ailing 


\'n.     St.]>lirii,  Ami;-.  14.  IT'Jl:  d.  IID^;  in.  Srjit.  2';.  IToO,  Kuiiicc  Tiittlc  [p.  1C>.")|. 
Vlll.      Miiiv,  l>ic.  'Jii,  li-j:!;  111.  Drr.  07.  174-1,  .loliii  Wliit>',  jr. 
LX.      ]?ebl'(.'ca,  Jiilv  '2,  ITOd,  lu.  Jan.  O."!.  1  Mft.  ,j(.lin    lliihl'iird,  jr. 
X.     Ah'urnil.  All-".  4,    17:JS;    m.  Juni'  1!),    1740,  llc/.c:;i,    (U:v\i:\\n,—L'''is/niJ)l,:l;r- 
)jiiin,  (>f  ^'.  JJiir.    Con/t, 


Abralinm  Doolitlle  and  hi.s  lirntlicr  .John  \v<'rf  vr-rv  early  in  Mas--.  J. dm  d.  •«. 
/.  in  SaU'in,  Mab.-^.,  and  Abraliani  is  said  to  br  tlio  iimgcnito;  nf  all  \vli<i  bear  tlir-  name 
in  the  1'.  S.  Hf  tdolc  tlif  oath  in  New  Haven  (1644)  and  was  made  tlii^  clind'  t-xrcutive 
ollicer  ui  the  ronnty  (SlieriiT).  In  KUj;)  he  was  chosrn  l.iy  the  ijcoph'  to  snpi'riiUend  the 
atVaiis  of  t'ne  neu"  sf",rlem>/nt  at  Wallingford.  whirh  was  iiii-or]ioi:'.ted  May  1;*,  1071*,  by 
act  of  the  (Jiiieral  Court  at  Ilaitfoid,  In  titne  of  Kim:' I'hilliiis  wai-jie  was  n  nn-inbfr 
of  tin- viuihmcf  i;oinmitH-eand  his  dwelling  was  fortified  for  inoti'ct  ion  aLTuinst  tin-  Indians. 
il<'  was  several  times  d'']'iiry  fi'oni  Now  Haven  and  afterwards  from  Walliiigford,  aho 
Selectman  and  aiipeai  s  to  have  lici'n  a  \ery  valuable  and  highly  resiici;ted  citizen. — Jjiin.s' 
Hist,  of  \\'ii/''\'.  Ill  d,  Aug.  11.  ICi'.Ht,  a.  70  yrs.;  est.  I'^U'^:  John  Moss.  Naih.  Mcrrinian, 
wit.;  m.  C^d  wf. )  July  0,  Idlio.  Abigail,  dau'.  of  John  Moss,  \vho  d.  Nov.  .■>,  171t.»,  a.  (j!> 
vis.      /.  liv  1st  111. : 

1.  Varah,  d.  hefore  1711:  ni.  F(4).  17,  1(17:'.,  XN'illium  fJ.ernetha.  1,  I'h.iZAin.Tii, 
h.  Dec.  15,  Km:];  m.  Slnion  Tuttle  [l].  2.  Wim.rA.M,  b.  July  2;i,  Hi7.'>.  :>,  Sakah.  h. 
Oct.  10,  l('i77;  m.  'iJios.  \N  iltslnie.  4,  Mahv,  b.  .March  -.^7,  1<J7'J;  ni.  William  Tuttle 
[])   -22')].     5,   l)AXii:i..     0,   S.\.Mi'i-:i..     7,   Sisanxa. 

11.  Abraham,  b.  Feb.  V2.  KJ-lO:  d.  N..v.  in,  17:-;:3;  m.  Nov.  U.  IfiSO.  Mary.  dau.  of 
\\w..  IbJi;  (!.;  (■,')  r.  b.  \2,  1689,  IJuth  hathro]'  of  New  London  who  d.  .v.  i;  [■'<)  June  '), 
16!("),  Eli/.a  'J1i<n-}»e,  dau.  of  Sa.muel,  whc>  d.  1  7;'>6,  a.  67  yrs.  ]]f'T  will  made  .May  '20. 
])roved  Nov.  1,  17o6;  calls  herself  wid.,  a.  iu  yrs.:  names  Kli/.abeth  .Vrmsirong,  execx. ; 
4  gr.  chil.  Anna.  Jemima,  Esther  and  Thomas,  chil.  of  her  s.  Thomas,  dec;  "  my  father 
T'iuu-pe,  my  2  daus.  Klizabetli  Armstrong  ar.d  Lydia  who  was  ni.-  to  John  Hoyce."  1. 
Joil.X  I).  Auii-.  IH,  16SI;  ui.  Fel).  l.s.  ]7o5,  Marv.'dau.  cd'  Vv"m.  and  Mary  (Jhitt'e)  l''red- 
ricks '[),.  217i.  2,  >''/.^v/,.,,v'/A,  b.  Feb  24,17  7:  "m.  l\a.  Isaiah  d'uttle  [;..  2i;»]  2,  AiuiA- 
)1AM,    b.    Mar(di   27,    I6S4;    m.  .\u[:.  10,  1710,  Mary  Fewis.     :j,    Sakau,  h.  Feb.  .l,  1686. 

4,   Si-^ANNA,  1).  A]'rii  1.").  Id'"''-^;  ni. Anni^tnmg.     i.byodm.:     5,   Tiiuui'K,  Feb.  l.j. 

1Cii6.  6,  SAMtKi,,  .March  14,  lO'.ls.  7,  J>)  f.pii,  Marcfi  F',,  1700;  m.  Dec.  l.~).  1726. 
Kacliel  ('olc;  (2)  Feb.  ."i,  1735,  Martha  Hitclicock.  (".  .•  1,  7-'//ef//,  b.  A])ril  24,  1720.  2. 
Irhi'hod,  Autr.  81,  17;jl.  ;i  SamJi,  Dec.  27.  17:15.  4,  .h's>p],_,  June  25,  17:i8.  8,  Tuos., 
Mav  17,  1705);  m.  Sarah  Ahernathy.  lie  exhibited  will  (d'  his  f.  Abraliam  17::i2.  In 
17:30  Srirah  exhibited  will  of  'Idnis.  Honored  mother  Krr/ah-'th,  dau.  Esther  a  minor, 
son  Thomas  who  m.  and  had  <d>il.  named  in  will  of  17:.'(;.  1,  -Hi/a'.  2,  J<mUnii. 
3,    Esth,  r.     4.    77/".v.     0,   Lydia,  h.  June  26.  1710;  m.  J. Jm  lioyce. 

HI.      Elizabeth,  h.  April  12.  1652;   m.  Bro(d;i4t. 

IV.      Marv,  b.  Feb.  22,  165:-i-4. 

V.  J(din,  b.  Jum>  14,  l(i55;  m.  Feb.  ?j.  l(;s'2,  Mary  I'eck,  b.  March  4.  Kibd.  v<lau.  of 
John  and  Marv  Moss  oi  J(din).  He  m.  (2)  .'an.  20,  1717,  <  i  race  Hlak<sle'.  The 
heirs  of  Samuel  Brown  conv.  lands  to  John  Doolif.le  in  l';04.  1,  F.sriiKtt.  Jan.  24.  16S:]. 
2,  Samtki-,  Fel).  4,  W-.^T,.  3.  Sai!A»,  Feb.  15,  16,^6.  4,  Sr.-AX.VA,  April  5.  1;188.  5, 
Bhmja.min,  JuIv  10,  1605;  m.  Lydia.  dan.  of  Dea.  Samuel  Todd  [p.  o25].  6,  SesAXNA, 
]>.  Feb.  4,  170(i.'     7,    I'lrxicK,  May.:'0,  1707.     8,   Joiix,  Feb,  6,  1712. 

VI.      Sanuud.   I).    Julv7,    16115:  m.    Mary :  (2)  Ihiiiice  - —    ;  (:-!)  .Mary .      He 

d.  17:vi;  wid.  Marv  execx".  and  uuard.  to:  f,  Samii-.i..  2.  Ar.Ei..  :>,  Mkimta  i;t.r:.  4. 
Bkn.t.  He  had  h<"'sides  a  son  Joseph,  b.  .lime -JO.  17u4:  m.  .May  14,  172'.i,  .Ma;y  Hitch- 
cock; (2)  -Mav  24.  17:10.  .Marv  Stri(d<laiid  (d  .Midiib-town. 

VIL     JoM'jdi  b.  F.d..  12."l66i;-7;  d.  .Mav  15.  17:16:  m.  April  21,  1600.   Sarali,  dau.  of 

Sanim-i  and  .Meicv  (Tuttle')  Blown  [.11.],  and  i>:ob.   f.  of:    1.  (' wv .  Joski-ii,  whon.i. . 

],  /.v/e^r,  1).  about' 1721;  brass  founder  in  New  Haven.  In  17:^7  i^'uj. 
Isaac,  ii  minors,  of  (V,pt.  Jose]ih  Doolittle.      [See  uid(ic-ated  for  desc.  | 

VHl.  Abie-ail.  b.  I5'b,  26,  KiOs'-O:  m.  Wm.  Fiedericljs  (his  2<i  wf.).  1st  wf.  Mary 
Tnfrle  []).  2ld|.  1,  A  nioAii,.  m.  D.'c.  is,  1 ;  is,  .l,,.-,iah  To.M  (his  2d  wf.,  his  1st  was 
Elizabeth  (filbert):  s.  of  ,lohn  <and  S;;iah  Pd.ack-mant  Todd.  1.  .V",-/,',  ni.  Nath.aniel 
Tuttle.     2.   iAV/e/-.'//,  m.  Jes.see  Blakeslee.     :!.   SW/'-f//,  m.  Isaac  Doolittle.     \,  Al.i'juU. 

(562  ArpcKDix. 

IX.  Eb'Ticzrr.  1).  July  ().  Km-.';  d.  D.'C.  (I,  1711;  iii.  April  0,  IGl^T,  Tl.-innah,  oiiiv 
dau.  of  Saimu'l  and  llannali  Hall.  \>.  Maicli  II,  Ki?:!;  s.-t.  in  ( 'licshiir;  inv.  171".'.  Han 
uah,  Avid.  adnix.  1,  IJ.vxnah.  a.  ]'■}  in  1/1'2.  'J,  l"iii-,\i;/.i;K.  a.  12  in  17r2.  '.',.  Mo-i.s. 
a.  10  in  1712.  4,  S.WvAII,  a.  8  iu  1712.  o,  ('\',,  a.  G  in  1712.  f',.  Joslmi,  a.  !  in 
1712.     7,  Z.woc.  a.  1    in  1712. 

X.      Marv,  1,.  .M;nvh  4,  107:-!- i;  m.  .Ian.,    171:j,  S.>l<ip.,,,n   (ioss. 
XI.      Da.nicl,  \k  D.^c.  2'.).  I(i7.~);  d.  17.")r>:  ni.  llannali  ('<,:n\van  (,f  Middl.'town.  ('nun.. 
will)  d.  Jan.  Ifl:  17)!'i.      Hi.-,  will  ]ii(ivcd  175."),  wf.  Mary  cxt'cv.;  naines  chil. ;     1,  .l()-;|;i'ii. 

July  3,  170'.»;   in.    Mary  .      2.    D.\XIi:i..    in.    Kliy.alicth,    dan.    of   l.<aar   and    Kli/.alicf  h 

Toiiii  ])i!yt(>n  ( 1).  U.i;;].  o,  STi;riiK\.  4,  E/.i;a  (dec).  .').  Han.naii  (.'..  li.  .Ian.  27, 
1609;  wf.'of  N\'iUianis  ^dcc. ).  She  may  have  ni,  Sej*!.  10.  1722.  .I..~.'idi  1  )(j<dittlc. 
<;,  Ei.iZAUKTK.  v.r.  of  S-'.nuud  ]?h!l;»v-]i  I'.  7,  M.uniiA,  wl.  nf  .l<.]in  Mm.-s.  Sliem.  (1) 
Tli('oif]iilu.s  Fcnn.  8.  Ai;if;Aii,,  wl.  of  Avnun  I'ailu-r  I  p.  2r)0|.  !•,  Xatiian.  _\  dunue.-^t 
cliild.       For  I'lii'tlicr   <lc.-iOfridanls   of   l>auifl    Doolitilc,    .sec    jJog.    vol.  1."),  \>.  o'ti't. 

Xir.  Thcoplnlus,  1).  July  2S.  1()7S;  il.  2r,,  1740;  m.  Jan.  5,  lli!)8,  Thaidiful. 
dau.of  i~)avid  Hall,  who  d.  JuiU'  2;  \7]r,.  11,-  m.  (2)  J-'di/ahctlt  lIo^v^:■.  1,  'riii-.ui'iiii.i  .-. 
2,  Solomon.  8.  ]5!:N.iA.Ntix.  4,  'J'haMnKI  i.,  1).  May  2,  17O0;  m.  Timothy  Pa_;.;i.-.  ■">, 
SA]iAH,  b.  June  1,  170 J;  m.  I.^aac  4'iiitlf  \\>.  oS;!]. 


Samuel  Hoiehki-^s.  su]>.  from  Essex,  l-hii;.,  was  in  X'ew  Haven,  1041;  m.  1042, 
.Elizabetli  C'loverly,  who  d.  16'=!1.  In  10r)2  lie  l)ouL;hl  of  John  Thonijison  a  hoiisi-  !iud 
lot,  whieli  \sa^  ■•  passed  at  a  Court  tliesame  year."  lied.  1),t.  28,  lO,";;:!,  leaving-  wt.  and 
.six  ehil. 

I.     John,  !..  104:!;  m.  E1izal..4h  Ter-k. 
II.      Samurl.  h.   IMo;   m.  Sarah  'I'alniad^-e. 

III.  Janifs,  I).  1047;   i>roh.  d,    ,y,  /. 

IV.  Ji'shiia,  h.  Sopt.   li.;.  lOol;  ]u.  Mary  I'ardio;  (2)  Ilanrmh  Tuttlc  fp.  i:30]. 

V.  'rhoma-^,  h.  Auit:  ;jl,  10.")4;  set.  at  Sjirrrv's  Eai-ms;  d,  Dec.  27,'l711;  m.  Xov. 
28,  1(;77,  Siirali  \\'ilniot."  1,  SA-Nfur.i..  h.  April,  iii7!).  2,  Anna,  h.  1081.  '6,  Sakah. 
b.  1088;  ]>orhap->  others. 

VI.      I»afii(4,  b.  June  8,  li'i'u;  ni.  Esther  SjnTry;  (2)  Eunice  I5t.-ach. 

I.  John  Hotchkiss,  !>.  1072;  d.  'V,sU:  m.  Dec,  4.  1()72,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  llmrv 
Peck,  b,  March  10,  hj-l[>.  \Vill  of  J,.hn  Hotchkiss,  prov.-d  10Si»;  property  to  be  kopr 
toiTi-tlu-r  till  thechil.  ai<'  21  vr,-.  of  a,,  in  ean'  of  \vf.;  Timotliy  Ford  and  Joseph  I'eck. 

I.  John,  b.  Oct,  11,  1078;  m,  :\Iary  C'hatterton. 

II.  Joshua,  b,   1075;   ni.  Susanna  . 

III.  JoM'pli,  1).  June  8,  1(;7S;   ni,  ^!arrh  25.  1750;  (uiilford. 

I\'  J.,siah,  b.  .Inly  24.  lO'Ml;   set.  in    rheshire. 

\'.  falrl).  b.  Oct,  IS,  los'l;  with  bro.  Joslsua  sold,  in  1784,  land  laid  out  to  our 
mo.,  Mrs.  Ebzabetli  llotchki-s;  i,,,  Mcl,iT:;l,le  < 'rittei.d.  n. 

\'l.  Ihizabcth,  b,  .bin.  18,   Ids',-;;  d..  1728;  num. 

VII,  Dan.,  shared  in  di>t..  of  l-'dizaljeth's  est.  in    1728. 

II.  Capt.  John  Hotchkiss,  b.  Oct.  11,  1078,  of  Wailiimbn-.l,' 172S,  when  he 
Sold  ripht  iu  -  St.  of  father,  Johu  Hotchkiss;  m.  lOO-l.  Mary,  dau.  of  XN'illiam  (  hatt.ulou. 
jr.,  of  Xew  Haven,  as  appears  by  S(  ttlenu-nt  of  e.-t.  in  172!),  when  liis  four  ti:\\i<.  arc 
nanu'd.,  of  whom  was  Mary.  \x\'.  of  John  Hotchki.->s.  He  d,  in  iheshin,-,  .\pril  80.  17;!2; 
^vill  made  1724;   Asf.  Marv,  .-xrx. 

1.  John  Hotchkiss;  m.  Miriam  W'.mmI, 

II.  iioiibins  or  hidier;,  Mac  12,  170!).  •    ' 

III.  Marv.  b.  Feb.  20.   1712";  d.  An-.,  1718. 

IV.  Amos. 
V,  Ibniv. 

VI.      Lvdia. 
Ml.      .Mcuriam, 

III.  John  HofOiikisf;,  m.  Mai.-h  10,  1717,  Miriam  V,'oo<l.  who  d.  Jan.  10,  1705, 
a.  05.      lb'  d,  in  Cluv-liii,.,  Apii!  80,  1  ;:',2, 

h  JaM.;;.  1c  M;iv  12.  17ll>.  m.  .\  I  )ii;a  i  I .  of  3b  iso  and  Sarah  .Mcriiuian  A!\^alcr 
>.\'  WallM,  ii.  Sept,  18,  1725;  d.  Feb.  22.  177:;;  ]..•  d.  iu  (  heshire,  Mav  i!».  1770.  1, 
AoioAM.,  b.  .luly  12,  1710.  2,  HwiD,  b.  Maudi  s,  1752.  :'.  Jon A'iii.\.N.  b.  Mav  7, 
1751.     4,   Ar.MJAii.,  b.    ^ep;.  1!),  1750,    5,    S\i;aii.  b,    Mav  1,  175^;  ,,,,  Wm.  l.av,-,  ¥.-<[.  of 



Clicshiiv.      1,   s.(,,:'id  of    MiTfditli,   X.    Y.      o     n7//,v,,,,      •>     I,  ,,,>],„  ,      A     11     '    r 
Whitflu.ll,  X.  y.  '     '"■"""•     •'.'/"""'/"'"■     4.  J.,/n.-    ol 

II.      Siuaii.  li.  .lulv  i:!,  I7ei. 
IIJ.      Dnin'Jiy,  1,.  jiec.  1:8,  170:J. 
i\'.      Huiiiiali.  I).  .]ulv  oO,  IT'JG. 

A'.    Xaniui,  ]>.  i".-i. .'•:;!,  t;;ji. 

.4?*,    Joshua   Hotchkiss,    jr.,d.  De<^    1741;   m.  Susanna ;  his  u-il!    <lat.-dJan 

liO'j— i,  iiiiis.  .s.  .losiiiia. 

I.     Thankful     1,    Tnn.'    ir),  17():l-   ni.  .Im.,.    10,  1??,-,,    .lames   (iillK-rl,      Ki.-ht  vears 
aftcnvanis  sl,o  i.  call,-,]  Thankful  Bra.lhv  in  will  .,i  h.T  fath.-r 
JI.     <"alrh,  h.  .hilv -.Ji).  17(i:!;  ni.  i^nii  Muns,,i, 
111.     Jn.hua    k   IK...  -,  1707:  ni.  Ihr.  In.  17:5-,  Ul.,  nre  Coo.M-r. 
1\  .      l;utli.  b.  Mairh  IK,  171-j;  lu. (iilhcrt. 

122.     Caleb  Hotchkiss,  h.   .hily^l.  17-1:;:  ,„.  1......  lO,    170s,  ]>u.h  Mun.on       lie- 

^vas  then  calhiUah-b,  ir.:  will  iKMv.   17-:.").  ii:,!-,    ^^  ,■    j.^,], 

,~-   ';„  }^'"'')]f\-}',  "ifl''-  \V"''r.''^  '"•  ^*'"'"    ^--  ^'^'-  ^•"•■'^1'   J^"a.llr.v.  whod.  S-nt.  y 
1, .)•:.;  (-3). Tnup  IS),   l..)l,  Mary  Wnwdin.      1,    Hk/.kki  \!i    1,    D,,-    -K,     17V> 

siaiids:  killed   in  Xew  llav..  lMi»:ni.  Au-    2H.    IK,:,,  Su.saniia  Jcnies,  who  d    is];;    a    N'^ 
Miewas.huK  olT.m..thy       1,  Lnrrs.v.  b,  Sept.  Ifi.  1  ;o7:  ni.  Jan.  1:?.  1777,  ])::ni..l  Bishop' 

o,   ././/..,  1..  Oet.  .,.  1.,N,.^      1     >/.y,///^  b.  Xov.  1(1,  ]7lrJ;  ,„.  Ilannali  CulhT.     f,,    l.-^Ol 

III.  Sar^ih,  iwiii  wall  .Tohn.  '' 

IV.  .Tnsliua,  b.  Feb.  IC,  17:J:J;  ni.  Marv  Puiidei.soii. 
A'.      Sus.annu,  twin  witli  Jufhua. 

VI.      Sainu.-l. 

\l].      iuitli,  m. Pao-e 

VIII.      Esthei. 

1224.     Joshua  Hotchkiss,  b.  Feb.  !•>,  173:F-4;  d.  June  :3,  17!l5;  m.  Mary.  dau.  of 
J  heuiias  and  Mary  Miles  Piindei^oii,  b.  ]7;js':  d    M;irch  4    ]x-'>] 

I.     Si.'as,  b.  An-.  10.    n.Vj;  d.    Mav   i,'   ]s4s,    a.    fi;i;  in    Pec    17    1777    P-th.'i-<ii] 

"■!•    '-.^''i'l  ''•."^'^'-  ,1'-  ^^'}'  '!:  "1-  ''^''"-  "f  ''^'1-t.  .'u!.n  (Ulbert.  whJ  was  kilhd  l,v  tin- 
British  P,  1  ,,  i).  in  X .    Hav.      1.    Ki,r..„A,      ■.\    Lyima,    n..    Maithew   Read       :j     Sii  vC    m 

^K^^  V"''^^n"'n'  '"p''\rr'  ''•  ^-  '■  "  ^'-    ^^-^'■'•'■'>--,  Xov.  3,  isui,.     4.  Ma,:;"- 

V^i     H   ;  l^■•       1~;!"- J'^^^>'^'--'l  >!i'ldIetown,  conn.:   d.  Oct.  21,  Is-:,;  ,„.  (Tuis.a,  dau    of 
LiIMehkiss       b     P.TllKi;    b.    171.-;   d.    U-t.,    ls7S;  „,.    CoL    Philos  Plake,  a  ne],hew  of 

issl.     o.     -h   11/,,//,,//.     4,   P/nlos][,„r,nv.  HI. liud.-on.      She  ,n.   (rl)  Purton  Mrd- 

lory.     ,),  Uinvi.tia  M.  Jh,>r]d,i..-<, 

II.      Kleazer,   b.     17.")7;    ih.    Xnomi    (iilbfif.       1,    Petskv,    ni.    Malaehi    'J'vler        "> 

MUHAK,   (.in.nruT    l>ai..  K),X.  10,  ]  7S().     :1,  PAMn,rA,ni. Pickerman.'    4.  Ki.kazkk; 

'l,  J'^-,''-,'^l"''-  ^,^^1-  '-•  ^■'">'>" •     •"'•   SUKK.MAX,    baj..    Nov.   4.    17^1^:  d    Feb    "s 

l/5)i.      I'.    Pn-kam-,  b.  p,  ,•.,■},  d.   Dec.   11.  INOO,  -J,   I.  ICIJ.  ... 

Hi.     Lueinda,  bap.  Jan.  I"),  17Gi). 
IV.     Fli|,-.!i.  bap. "April  4,  17(j2;  d.  An--..  1848,  a.  ST.'  . 

N  .      Klisha.  twin  with  Kliiah. 
\'-,/p  ^'i'''  i;:|"a^rson,  bai-.  May  07,   17(;4;  d.  Maivh  14,  ls;;S;  „e  Phoda  AVoodin. 

^^h..d.  heb.  I,  INJ.,,  a.  .,v;  (O,  v;,rah  Tutile,  who  d.  Oet.  :;i,  1 84 1 ,  a.  (r.  ]  Ci  Miis^v 
ni.  Jan.  10,  1SUS;  At  water,  b.  Mar.di  :i.  ITs:!:  he  d.  Mareh  iSiJO-  re>  X  Ibu-" 
and  henninrton.  At.  ].  r/,,/.s.  //,/,/;//.  b,  Sept.  Ol»,  ISUS,  0  //'/„„, t  U  b  F.^b  •';;' 
Jil^M"  ^  ■,*'■  ir'-'-  ^'"^''"'  ';''^'-'  '■'''•'■"'■I'l.  ''"nn,,  ]s;;^--54;  PiW\  Me'.'aphv^ii'^  and  Mural 
Ihilosui.h.v  Innctou  (.ok;  ni.,  dau.  of  Flihu  Sanford.  :i,  (i m,-,  ilari^sa  b 
Ai.nip  lsl4;juKliasH.  Bishop.     4,    .^V,/,^  ,1  uly  14,  1817;  ni.  Piehard  P.,::- of  Sprin- 

"     '  i        ''^^  "V  ^U'  ^-  ''    "'■-'  ""^"'^   ^'-  ^'    ^^'-   ^'a-lnerTK.deMuan-.Pank.  X.  llH^^; 
111.  ParriKt  Santord.  dau.    ot    Flilm.      0.    I1km;v,    b.    ]7!)l;d.    s     psetl     a     ;!.".       1 
-A*;.//    A.    b    Mareh  7,  ISKi;   cabinet  maker.      -,   Mn ,■:;  .hn.,  .  ni.   \Villian/piek..tson'      :i' 
Anna,  d    keb.  On,  ls;-;(;,    a.  41;  ,n.  Medad  Atwarer,  who  d.  Pre.  ,s    Js.ll    a    Cii       1      /v.-,/' 

/"//^,  lu.       uaiu  ('.  Plak..>lee.      0,    Fn,n,:s  ,/, ,  „,.  K/ru  Bow '  Fair  lla'ven      '  ;!     ' I ,nn.„ 

;;,..:,"^'-   '■  -^t^'"^""-      -i.   /•■''•'/.•    /'.      0,    ^•,,.;•^,.      4,    WAi.n,.:    P..    o.    isi^:  ,i.   ^p,,.eh  \. 

1.,,}''-   S^"^''  '■■''"•  -^^''=''^'  ^'  ^' ''■'=  ^-  '^^''^'■^•^'  1^-'.  l^i'';  '"•  Hannah  — ,  wl,o  d    Oct   0 
180'J,  a .  ,48. 



VJII.     Miles,  baj).  June  -28.    1772;  d.    ].s37;  m.    Aiier  Hephuru,   h.    1771;  d.  ].S:!0.      1, 
EiMCK,  HI.  Kiikanl  Bnrkf  Mallcry.     1,   Burton,  1>.  ISKi;  m.  Mary  iifoch'T  [p.  i:!sj. 

15.     Onleb  Hotclikiss,  1>.  <),•..  is,  ICy-l;  v.i.  Vv.h    U,  170r,,  >rrliiiub]c  Crilteuiloii 
I.     Mt'hiralilt'.  b.  X<iv.  •,'li.  ]7U(>. 
II.      Ifa.'lifl.  1..  Oct.  -Jii.    170'.!. 

III.  Caleb,  b.  .hill.'  (i.   171-2. 

IV.  .Idt'l,  b,  171*J:  will  datfil  1777;  s.  Joel  pxocr.;  wf.  Saruli.  Tin- t-sl.  of  Daniel 
Slifniiaii,  v.-h(j  d.  A.  I.,  17fiO,  v.-n--  dist.  to  bros.  and  sist^Ts.  of  wbnni  was  .Marv,  wf.  of 
Jotd  Ilotcldcis.s;  ^hi'  was  dan.  of  ])ani<-l  and  .Ma  ly  ( i-ias'<f'tt)  Slifnn;;n  and  sis."  to  ('apt. 
Aiulrow  Tattle's  wf,  1,  ]:i,iiii-.  2,  .lof.i..  :>.  Ij.iimiai.IvT.  -J,  Ij.ias.  ni.  lOnnici- 
Atwutei,  dau.  of  do.jiatlian  of  l.eilnniy,  b.  Aiuj;,  •J4_  i7.-,:j.  ,-,_  I^ldad.  m,  Abigail 
Atwater,  si>.  of  I'ninicc.  Ij.  17VJ.     G,\.      7,   Kaciiicl.     S,   MKtuTvm.r 

V.      Kliidialet. 
VI.     Joel. 
VII.      XidH-niiah. 

153.    Caleb  Hotohkiss, 

17)2;  111.  .Ian.  C,  MM],  Pi,,  be  Atwatf-r.  who  d. 

Feb.  ly,  171JO.  in  hel'  S)-t  yt  ar.  In  17-11  In-  i.s  r;.lb-d  Caleb  ::;d  ;ind  Caleb  j  f. ,  j?'.;  ho  was 
k.  iu  New  Ilav.  .Inly.  177J.  by  a  Bi'iiish  soldi'-r.  Li  170;;  St<-phcn  Ilotrhkiss 'and  I-dijah 
and  .Mehitablf  lloirhki-.--.  all  e,f  P.-rljy,  I'ereijited  to  bro.  .Jonah  of  New  Haven,  who  \vas 
•executor  of  (M.if  nii'th'T,  Piu'be. 

I.      C'a]it.  f^l(■phen,  b.  Feb-.  4,  r7o7. 
II.      Pheb.-,  b.  O.T.   IJ,   17:ja. 

III.  .MehitaMe,  b,  Mareh  -JO,  1711;  ni.  PJii/ib,  ih  .    [p.   141.] 

IV.  .lonah,  1).  .fane  \2.  171');  in.    lOli/.abflh  .Atvvater. 

\'.      A-~:i.    had    o   aeio-    in    th .-    Yorkshire   (jnarter;    lie    bouyht  ul'   In-irN  of  Thomas 

VL     Amos,  b.  May  2-2,  170U. 

1534.  Jo]iah,  b.  June  12,  Kb"".;  d.  Nov.  1."i,  1811;  m.  .Mandi  IS,  1772. 
Elizabeth  Atwat.'i-,  b.  .!an,  :]M,  1  ,-4'<:  d,  April  lO.  ]s27;  ho  was  a  honse  joiner,  a  horfi.-ul- 
turist-  and  orij.;-inated  thi- Jonah  pe;tr.  In  i77'.i  ho  rapt nr.'d.  one  of  tJi,,-  llc-sian  invad- 
<nri  of  N.  Ilav.  by  siirronndiio';  him;  I-aae  Poulitrle  and  SN-jdien  Pall  appraised  his  est. 
I.  Kliz;il>eth.  b.  .F!ir,e  Pt.  177:;;  d.  .\pril  lo.  17:)i;;  m.  Ju,-,tns  llutchki.-s  and  d,  ^oon. 
II.  Susa.nmi,  b.  .Jnne  -21,  177.-(:  d.  .Mareh  1,  ls2o;  m.  .April  2'i .  ISbO  Jnstns 

III.  Ezra,  b,  Feb.  ;;.  i:7S;  d.  Feb.  11,  ISCG:  m.  Sept.  2!,  IsOD.  Nanev  Mix,  h.  June 
1-1,  17S1;  d.  l>e,-.  2r>.  1S21.  1,  Twin  Dats,  !,,  .Uilv  20.  ISM.  :;,  J A.Nn;s  I'j^n  aiii).  b. 
Mav  17,  ISOM;  d.  Jnlylo.  is.;.-,.  4,  Cii  \s  F.mmian'd,  b.  Nov.  -1,  isii.-i;  d.  in  Pranford. 
CoDU.,  March  :;i.  iss;i.  ,-).  Makta,  b.  :dar(di  1.  ISO!!;  d.  .Fune  21,  1.^17.  (>,  pAt:.,  b. 
Sept.  11,  \>^i\:  d.  a.  ly  (lays.  7.  Fi:i].r,i;i(  k  Atw  a'iioi;,  b.  .March  '31,  ISld;  d.  Feb.  21. 
lSi42.  s,  i->.!iA  AL-.u>Trs,  b.  Nov.  S,  Psid;  (1.  Jnne  7,  1S47.  !),  P::(c\a)Uj  Siaxj.kv,  b. 
Nov.  lib  1^1  ^^. 

iV.  iPi-^.dl.  b.  Sept.  1."..  lisp  d.  Jan.  1,  ispp  m.  Marv,dan.  of  Natha.nand  I'^ther 
Oak^.  1'.  Feb.  ;»,  17sr.;    d.  May  P.I,  is:!!;  (2)   Eli/;i    llnb'oar.l.  who  d.  .InlvS.  ISSP  a.  S:!. 

1.     El.l/.AlW.Tll,     M.llvll     li),     l^llS;      111.     D.inie!      lle>|elil;  ],    /■;  /  l_:,r.,  t />    'CnUis.      ni.      

Fleteher;  (2) P.uileli.      2,  C.V, -;.   i;n^..ll,     2,  .Mai;v,  m.  David,  s.  t>(  DMvbl    IbauUev, 

Avho  d,  at  Fn^diuood,  .V.  J.,  An;:.  20.   Isi;),  a.  1)7;   W   I-.  Am    h'x.dKn.--.'  P.aid;,  N.  V.  ("'.. 

vnd  for  IS  vrs.  Pi 


1 ,   ,1A//'V,  m.   ifes'.   Dr. 


m.  William.  ¥..  ]>odjj-e.  :',,  J,''t..yJ!.  ;;,  pi  s-;ki.[,,  Nov.,  ISOI);  d,  .Ian.  1!,  lS>il;  ('apt.  of 
Ciravs;  m.  Cathariiu',  (hui.  S.muiel  W'adswoilh,  who  d.  .Ian,  2'.>.  Is7.").  \ ,  Eil ir.i ri' 
]Vii'il'<ir.,rth,  Pre^.  N.  Ha\.  ie,,-ird  of  .Mdermen;  m.  Amelia,  A:in.  of  Daac  Ilotcdikiss.  2. 
Anne.  m.  Sherman  Km'\\aP  of  N.  Y.  ('.,  law  ]iaitner  wiih  Pi-es.  (.'.  A.  Arthur.  :!, 
Juf;n.-.(i}.  4,  W'liUtr.  -!.  Hk.\i;v  O.,  m.  Mary  Saw  ver  of  Cincinnati.  1 .  .V'^A"///"',  m. 
Louisa 'i'hoiiidyke  of  Po>t,,n.  2.  117''//-////,  .M.'D.  '.i  Murl. .  o,  St  sax,  d.  a.  P.)  ,\  rs.  C, 
Epwailii,  m.  1)0. •.  21.  iS.V.i.  Anna  Idi/.abeth,  dau.  of  Jacob   Campbell,  jr.       ],  Anr,  ,  m. 

. Post.     2,  <'i'th,iruu   Stu-.n-t.     ."J,  /)i>>n//ji.'i.-<.       4,St,inir'.       '>.  Mi'n'/i'rtf-        >\,Jn/u'. 

7,  F/,>nii:rr. 

V.  Flias.  b,  Ann;.  27,  KS'i;  d,  Nov.  2:>.  l^!^l^.:  m.  ^Mar.di,  ISIO,  Almira  \\  oodward. 
w-lnml,  Jan.  ■'<.  isjs,  a.  'y)\  yv<.:  (2)  },!  i-s,  Porfn-  I'lelden.  1,  C  \  i;oi.).\i:,  Sc],;.  :;o,  Islj; 
in.  '.  In-tavus  Pradky.  2,  Tlo)^l..:-  W'uoijw  .\i(t),  ii.  .Jainfi,  Isll:  d.  .Pilv20,  ISl.'j.  :>, 
FnANci;-  F.f.iZAHK'iii.  b.  Nov.  22.  ispi:  ,p  in  New  ( tiJeans.  Pa.,  Feb.-,>1,"  psTb:  im  lev. 
Allen  r..  Ilit.hcook.  4.  Na\<v,  ie  June  ]  7.  Isp);  m.  jleiirv  V,'h(  der.  :..  .Mauia 
^V..i)i>-,VAi;i-',  b.  Sept.  pi,  IS'JI;    ,„.  p,,diw,    V.  Paldwin.       D,  W'h.i.iam,    Ja.n.    :1U,    lS2i; 




lost  at  sea  April   ^(;,  1840.       7,  E Mas.  h.  FeL.  2s,  ls2S;    ,.,.   Einilv    llul.l.urd;    (2)   M  = 
lluhbani,  SIS.  ol  hiuily.     8,  O'Kun.n;,  Oct.  U\,  LSUl.     (),  Jamks  Fua.nk,   .May  2;3,  ls;j4 

2.     Samuel    Hotchkiss,  I..    l(;i.->:    Limit.;  s.-t.    i,,   K.    llav.:  m.    lOr.S    Sniak  T-,1 

1.      .>l.ary,  h.  Jan.   ],   ICs'O;  ni.  Calf-1,  'j'uitlc   rp    IT'M 
II.      .^arali,  1,,  A])!!!  7,   llis]  "'  ^' 

<4.\  mIu  ^j''";'::;.;''..:^'-'^'"'..^'^-  I"  1-"  adn,.  of  his  .st.  was  given  to, 
<ld.  sou.  In  ,4.,,  W  ,a  a  nunor  .s.  of  ^a.Mu.d.  made  clioire  of  his  uacle  Caleb  Bradley 
ior  guard,     lliomas  ii     Der.  :;.  17;i(t,  l.vdia.  Donnau  ^Ji^auMv 

iV.      James,  h.  J),r.  8,  IOS'4;   m.  Ta'mar 

y.      Abigail,  b.  Feb.  12,  UW7. 
W.      Kiii-uezer. 
A' 11.      Knos. 

P   H,   ^?o^Y^  ^^^f,^^^^;iss,  ^^■;:-Vti(^.  1751:  m.  Nov.   2i!.    1077,    Marv.  dau.   of  Geo. 

I.     .'\Lary,  b,  Ai-ril  :^^,  1(J7U. 

II.      Slep'ieii,  b.  Aug.  2.).  KJSl;  m.  ]:ii/,a!)etli  Sperrv 

II.      Manha,  b.  Dec.  14,  1(1^3,  m.  March  2o,  1702.  Thomas  Brooks  of  N.  llav.;  rem 
to  c  holiir.':  ancestor  ot  most  of  that  name  around  C. 

42.  Stephen  Ilotehkiss,  b.  Aug.  2.-,.  lOSl;  m.  Dee.  12,  1704.  Elizabeth,  dan  of 
John  Sperry  ol  V  llav.  In  1  ,U.i  he  bouda  land  in  Chesbdre  and  set.  there  the  next  vr 
He  wa.s  one  of  he  lu-r  uvo  deacon-  of  the  <dih.,  and  bebl  tin-  otbce  :]1  vr~  On  Ids  re'' 
Jg-nation  limothv  1  utile  was  ehosen,  and  he  in  turn  va-  sureee.led.  1„-  Steohen  Ih.teh" 
luss,  2nd,  s  „t  the  1st.  In  17:1G  Joshtta  and  Caleb  llot.dddss  sold  t;,  Be,  un  ^  ^  ]  I 
seque.^  lands  la,d  out  to  „ur  motln'r  Elizabeth  Hot,  hkiss  ,  ^ 

1.     Jodiua.  b.  Auf.  2f;,-K().'i 
II.      Elizabeth,  b.  170fi:  d.  17SS. 
HI.      Mary,  b.  July  1,  170^;  m.  Dr.  \aihan   Burns 
1\  .      ilarmali.  b.  Jan.  10,  1710. 

y.      Esther,  b.  Feb.  ,s.  1712;  m.  Ephraim  Turtle  [p.  Jfini. 
}  1.      Elizabeth,  b.  Aug.  1.-).  17J4.  ' 

VII       <;idenn.  b.  Dec.  o.  ]7ir,.      He  was  one  of  the  ,,rincipal   nn'n  who  founded  tlu- 
.  hh.  at  Wo.spec.    and  tl.elsi  oea.  of  ri,c  chh.  at  Nawgatttck;  d.  Sept.  ?,,  ]s07    a    91  v -s 
leaving  1(1.,  gr.  end..  !.>.>    gt.    .t.    chil.    and  4  of  the   /^(h    ae,HM'ation;   m    Jan      1^    i:^:' 

Conn    "Tls?;;"',:'';"'>s'^'-;  ^V  -^-'^-^  '^)^l-'-l.  ^i-u;  of  Isaac  Stiles  of  Southburv! 
b        n.o-    I'i''         ;        1    ',J.'-^^''J'-1'-  l-!:j.     ;;,   (;ii.K<,:s,  b.  Dec.  1744.     4, 

^]  ^^  :  ^'::.^'■^"•  \^-  '•■•■,  -.  ^Linux.  b.  June  2,  IJo:!;  n>.  David  J'aine.  s  Tirt".  b" 
-me  2.^  ,  ..>.,.  m  Bach,  rununs,  y.  9,  EnKNKZKn,  b.  Dee.  i:^,  17o;;  m.  Feb  ]0  I7s 
Mats.  dan.  o(  <.ide„n  SanbMd.  in,  AsAUt:L,  b.  Feb.  Id,  i;,;(i  1]  Bi.vox,'  lo 
MAn,.r.l.  May  ^  ,,14;  nn  May  o,  1  rU7,  Chauncey  Judd.  Id,  Pi,  :n,  1,  Au^s' 
1-b,,  n  ._^Keub.n  W  ilbatns,  who  d.  17S0.  14,  Stilks.  b.  Jan.  1,  17(;s;  m  Poliv  HoTtr^; 
and  InuU.  chil.     lo,  Olive,  b.  June  21,    17.i;i;  m.    Willian.  Jones.      1(1,   Mn,    ic kxt 

\Ul.      Stephen,  b.  Dec.  1,  1717. 

IX.      Silas,  b.  .\.,,v.  10,  ]71!i;  m.   \\u]    Olctt 

Mix    lnvate"'ifF,'b  ^^'"^'i/'V^'"-  ''^■''-  '■'•  ''^*'  ^^'•''^"■"-  ^-  ^'^•^•■1'"  -"1  J^'*-1'"^J' 
;       T   1  .    '       '-'•      1-    ^'fiZAP.KTii,    m.    Ephraim   Tuttlejp.4!)2|       2     Lots 

m.  John  lp.„n.     d    mk.-ukx,  b.  IMW;  .p   17o.l.     4,  Svkah,  1>.  17.-.i'  n    Em    s  .bd.^e.' 
.,   Haxxa.k  b.  l„,l;  m.  Jonn  Hall.     U.   Xaom,,   b.   Koib  n,.  Enos  Bunn,.n       7  t" 

twin  with  Naomi,  n,.  J,,  Hall.      S.    Stki'UKX    b    Mav  Id     1 7.-,s  -.J.ini, 

XI.      Stephen,  twin  with  llaniuih;  dea.  Cong.  ,dd,.  j,,  Cheshiiv 
All.      l>ash.ia,  I).  Sej):.  7,   ]  72(i. 

Xlil.      B-njamin.  b.   ieb.'l,  i:2s;  m.  Eli/.abeth  Bolu  rts 
xn  .     X'oah,  b.  X(n-.  24,  1B;1;  d.  Ja.n.  i.'j.  17r,ij. 

6       Daniel,    b.    June  S,    KJ.V;    d.    March    12,    1712;    m    June-O,,    i,js:J 

E.sther  ^pe^ry;  (2). lam,  ITld.  I'hinire  . ■     '  ^^-"'' 

I.      Edza.  ■ 

H.      Daniel,  m. 
III.     Obadiah,  b.  March  PI,  PJlj:).      He  sold  land  to  his  bro.  Daniel  in  17:,:;. 

Cot;  Ai'Pi;x))i\'. 

IV.      l^■!M•,•.■a.  I 

V.      Lewis,  1'.  Jan.  ir..  1717:   ]»n-.  (ITIilm-s.  ■  i 

62.    Daniel  Hotc:hkiss,  m.  |' 

621.     Obadiah  Ilotehkiss,  1>.  17;]1:  d.  Marrh  2:-;,   ISO.T,  a.  74;  m.  .Marv  }^•rkins      ' 
of  Ik-tliauv,   U.  lV;j!:   d.  .Jan.  14,  ]V:.'7.  a.  (Wi.      J  If  was  a,  hlacksi.ntli. 

I.      Oliadiali,  1..  17»;,:i;  il.  Jan.  'JS,  1::'.0,  a.  C;).   ni.   Hannah  Lewis  [p.  10:!|. 
1!.      Kli.  (1.  May  ]:;,  l^l;-".,  a.  or.;    m.    F.unir,-   v,  1,,,  ,1.  l-Vh.  l-'J,  1.S17.      1,     r.viM.\,   m.        ! 
James  l?ra(iley.  d.  r'cr.t.  1-?.  l.^Oi!,  a.  'A}.      0,   ('i.MMssa,  m.  Miner  Hotdikiss.  s.t.  in  Mi.l-        \ 
dleioNMi;  {•^)  Hrnlvn  S];inner.  set.  in  X.  Y.      8,    H.vitniKr,  ni.  Justus  Harrison.  j 

III.  Justus,  ,!.  Muy  (i.  1S12.  a.  :V.):   in.  I'^li/.ilietti,  dan.   of  .lunali    llntcliki^^  wlin  (L        ' 
A]>ril  I.",,  17'J(i,  a.  'io;  i.V)  Marcli  1,  ]s:J.'i,  Susanna,  sis.  of  hi^  Isi  wf.      1,    11i:m;v,  h.  .Npril 

■:y,  ISdl;  (1.  i),-i\  1.-,,  ISTl:   Prest.  N.  llav.  Hank  and  oi    tin-   I,.  (;andef   HuI.Imt  Co.;   ni.  ' 

EiiznlK'th   Jla,n:i:>-tt,  dau.  of   Jjf-njaniin  and    lUaki'sk  e  IVe^cntt,  who  d.  at    Safa-  ! 

to^-a  Siirin!i;s    Sr-jn.  S,   k^^C,  in   tlie  >!)t!i  \  r.  of   lier  a.      1,    E''iziiJ»t/i   .S'/.^'/',  Mav  4,  1^01.  i 
2.  Jl'tri/  A,,),  ForJi'.'i.  Sept.  11.  1N:J7;  d."().-i.  ;-;.  \K\'-j.     ;;,   M.irllin  I'resrntt.  Oct.'oii.  ls;j-j; 

in.  Dec!  VI,   iSSl.   John   J).    Kmiison,    M.    J).     4,   .s''/,s,///    Vlrtm:,  N,,v.  ;-3,  ls:«.     ,",.    J/,;/v/  '" 

.•!/!;/,  Pec.  ."),  is;:5!i;    in.  .\pril  -,'0,   1S7I.  Capt.  ClKirles  K.  'i'ownsend.      (3,     U.itiij  J.'irins.  \ 

I'er.  i;k  ls4'J;    mar.ufaetiu.T  in   X.    llav.;    I'rest.    L.    ('.  LuUier  I'd.  ;    m.  FeV)'.  'J.-i,  ]s7."i,  ; 

Jatn'L.  1".  'I'l-owhridge  [\,.  ")o-^.]     '-?,  l.vcirs,  1>.  Marcli  1.  isn;!;  ,|.  Xov.  ;2ik  ISX',).     Henry  and  < 

kticius  oruani;'.ed  the  Caiidee  Jhildier  (.'o.  ;  in.  Maria,  dan.  of  .Instin  Street;   yl)  Catharine.  ; 

.si.s.  of  liis  \s  f.      Slie  d.  the  sanu'  day  \sdth  her  luisliitnJ.      /.  liy  1st  m.:      1,    J)'st/is.  of  ■ 

the  I)efores!  iV  iiotchldss  .Mann  f.  <.'o.      2,    .)/.'/■///  7.-»//.s,/.  ni.  diaries  .Mulock .      1.    Lncins.  •  Mnlock,  d.  J),'c.  -27,  isr,4.     2,    Fannie    Wimdnuster   Ilutclikiss,   h.    .Inlv  -jr.,  d. 

Julv ;;],  js7i).  ■  i 

lIKMlXi^WAV.  I 


Samuel   Hemingway,  ^^ays    Kev.  Mr.  Haven,  Avas  ]irol>al)ly  the  and  ino.>t  ; 

influential  nian  in  the  viHa^^f-e  of  East  Haven:  ni.  lG(i'.2.  Sarah  (.'(.toper.  j 

].  Saiah.  Julv  20,   1  (If'i;:!:  ni.  1G>!4,  Thomas  (hiodsell.  } 

IL      Samuel,  Dec.  Kl  IfiGo.  J 

IIL     Mary,  July  5,  IGGS.                                                         "  | 

IV.  Hannah,  Sejit.  14.  U)70:  m.  John  Iluwe.  jr.  • 
V.     Abigail,  Feb.  Ill,  lti72:  m.  1700,  Jose]ih  Holt.  ; 

VI.     John,  MHy29,  KIT."):  m.  17(«,  Mary  Morris.      1,   Mi-.iht.msi.e,  May  30,    1702;  ni.        ] 
Daniel   Bradley.     2,   >L\i;v.  April  2s.  1701-;  m.    Samuel    Kussell ;  (2)  Samuel  Snuili.     o.        ! 
Desuje,    March  2,  1707;    in.  Moses   'I'lion.i.son.      4.    lL\.\.\.\ii,  Dec.    11,  17lt'.L   ni.  Samuel        I 
Thomp.son.      ').   S.\mi-j:i.,   March  12,  \l\-\:   m.  .Midiitable    Deni'-mi,    b.  Oci.  2.  171:1.      Hi-        ' 
Avill  jirov.  X.  Haw  1771),  iinis.   s.  FJi  and   iiro.  >L.ises  'riionii'sun.  dec.      1.  M'ln/.  b.  Mav 
Lk  17;;];  m.  .la.-ob  I'.irdee.      2,   ,/./-■...■.'/,    h.    April  l',(,  1737.      3,'  SmmicK  b.  .Ian.  17:;!i;  d.  v.         ; 
4,   Dcdi\,VA.    i;(;s,  Zebulon    Farren.      ."".,    M,!,it,ih!r.  \^.  y\:n-c\v    IS,  ITJ.".;   m.  1 707,  Daniel 
Bradley.      C,    Soinucl,    1).    May  ;»,    1748:    in.  Hannali    Morris;   (2)  Sarah    Bradley:    i.  by  2d 
m.:      1,   Jacob.      2.    Augustus.      7,    h''i,\'.  Sejit.  2.  17oo;  named  in  will  of  f.,    "ifhe.shall 
be    brought    to   liealth    :ind    cajiacity  in    the  opinicui    of   couijieteiU   judges,  s.    Knos  ami 
Sarah   to  have  charge  (if   him."     b,   .s'.'.Ti/A,  b.    May   IS,    IT.'jS;   m.  .-\pril  'S-l,  177  7.   Knos        ; 
Hemingwav.   [p.  239.].     C.   .lonN,  li.  Oct.  7.  171."):  m.  1 73S,  Marv  'I'uttle.    [p.  2^0.] 

VH."  Abraham,  b.  Dec.  3.  1077;  m.  (2)X'ov.  11,  1713,  Sarah  Talmage;  his  est.  div. 
KTjS;  nnis.  Abraham.  Sarah  Potter,  Kli/.abeth  ISradley,  wf.  of  Zclnilon,  Hanmih  Bradley, 
■\vf.  of  Lsanc,  and  gr.  dau.  Abigail  Deni-'.mi.  /.  by  1st  in.:  1,  S.^ii.Mi,  m.  J'kios  I'otter.  /.  I 
by  2d  111.:  2,  Abi{aii.\m,  .Ian.  171.J:  d.  y.  3,  k^i.i'/.Aiu-.i'ii,  Oct.  3,  1710;  M.  Zebuloii  i 
ifradley.  4,  A  I'.ic.vii.,  M.'irdi  17,  r.lit;  m."!74-|.  Jesse  Denis, u;.  f,,  Is.v.\c,  Vc\).  1721;  d  y.  { 
fk  A.N.NA,  Feb.  1723;  d.  y.  7,  Hannah,  Oct.  22,  1721;  m.  !-.aac  Bradlev.  s,  .\h!!aii\m.  : 
A].ril    1,  1727;  m.  1740. 'Mercv 'i'utth-.    [p.  203.]  '  1 

VIII.      l.-aac.  d.v.  ■  ■ 

IX.     .lacob,    Dec.   0.  lOS.-J;    Rev.;  m.  May  3,   1742,  Lydia  Balk     1,   Lywia,    171.^;  m.         ': 
1737,  He/ekiah  Pierpont.  ■  I 


rotor  Hopburn,   "f  Snalfoid,  Con.!.,  (k   1742.  leavinu-  4  (diik 
1.      .loseph,    b,    Oct.  11.    1720:    in.    Xov.  4,    n.~>l,    Iv.inice    I'.nitoiiof    Stratbud.      1: 
.lusKfii,  111.   Hannah    Lobdelk      2,   Sii.As.      3,   Sam.v,    b.  March  0.    l'-'3,V      4,    Ef.VK  K,  m. 
\\dod  .-ind  had  Sibyl.     .5,  Li'.svis,  m.  Hiihiah  Ilotehkiss.     0,    IkviinrK.     7,   (i  icomn-:. 


111.  llannili  Tl-.r.iiip  .!i.  []).  1i!'\]  S.  AXKic,  !>.  ITVl;  d.  Marcli  IT,  IS:!!!;  m.  Mil.-<  Hoirl,- 
kiss,  1).  177C';  d.  ].S:',T,  s.  of  .l.i.diua  ami  Marv.      /,:  Scliil.,  of   wlmm:     1,  Knni-,,  m    R 

B.  MalliMv  Ip.  l:3N.l     v?,   Mihx,    b.  ISOO;   .1.    Mav '.'?,  IS-IS;   „,.  EUza    H. ,  wlio  m.  cii 

]',ad,u-<-  sli('  d.  .Mandi  81.    IS'ii),  a.  01. 

]I.  I'ctiT,  111.  in  Milt'oid,  Conn.,  I>i  i-.  K).  IV.-):!,  Susanna,  dam  of  .TdH  p.aldwin,  b. 
-Mav   IS,    ITor.;   d.    bcf.    1771.     1,   rKTKH   ('i..\i;k,   b.    Oct.   -js,   1 7.-,.^.     2,  Joi;!.,   b.   ^(^v. 


III.  Sarah. 

IV.  Ueorge. 


{Fmn}  Jl'irt  G.:uca\'g!/ hy  D.n.  A'j'rrrJ  Audir/rs.) 

Stephen  Hart,  b.  at  Brainnve.  E^si'M  Co.,  Enu'.,  abt.  UlO."):  at  Caiul)iidg(>,  Mas.s  , 
lii'-j'i;  afti'i-vvurd  at  liartt'ord  witli  T)\n<.  Ifcinlcfi'  and  Dca.  at  binli  jilace.'^;  lirlpf-d  I'onu 
tlio  chuvili  at  l-'anniim-lon.  ('i);ni.  l';'">0,  of  wliiuli  Ik-  \va^-  onr  of  tin-  srvoii  ijillars  ;',nd  ihe 
i'wiii  Dfacon;  }]r]t.  Il.i-i7  and  luost  of  the  time  to  IdliO;  ]\h-  hoiur  lot,  four  or  five  times  as 
larf,rc  as  anv  oileT.  coiiUiini'd  iifteeii  acrc'S  as  au  indiiremcni  to  bnild  and  run  a  mil]  on 
the  )>rfmis(s:  the  Diiuinys  got  the  [dace  at  an  uarly  date  and  now  Indd  it;  lie  d.  Marcli. 
1(JS2-;-!,  a.  77.  1,  Sarah,  m.  Thomas  Porter.  ;?,  Marw  m.  John  '3,  Joliii.  4, 
Stojdieii,    ^  T),    'i']5(,mas.  b.  ICA-]. 

3.  John  Hart  of  New  Haven,  101<3:  frei',  in.")l,  m.  Saiah  ;  set.  in  Farmingtim. 

C(_inn.  in  IGbUhis  house  was;  tired  by  Indiiinsin  the  night  and  Iris  ■whole  family  jjorished 
except  his  son  .loha.  who  hajijiene'd  to  be  that  niglit  at  Ax'on  attending  to  some  stock  on 
a  fa.rni  \\hiiii  his  t'atlier  owned  there.  The  1o^^•n  records,  of  F.  were  also  destroyed  witli 
the  liouse.      ],  Sarab,  b.  Kj.-.o.      2,   .lohn,  b.  Itjo-).      3,    Ste]>br-n,b.   ItioV. 

32.  Capt.  John  Hart,  i-.  Vi^'>.  m.  -Mary,  dan.  of  Dea.  Isaac  Mooiv.  ],  John,  b. 
l(i^4;  m.  Esther  (Jridh-y.  v.'.  Is.iac.  b.  K.i^ili;  ni.  Elizabetli  \^'haples.  M.  Sarali,  1).  irs7; 
in.  Ebene/.-M-  Steel*',  i.  Mattl.ew.  b.  ICIKI;  in.  Sarah  Ilooki-r.  o,  Sammd,  b.  IGH-^;  m. 
Mary  Hooker,  (i,  Nathaniel,  b.  Ui'Jo;  m.  Abigail  Ilo.iker.  7,  .>hiry,  m.  John  Lefbiig- 
Avell    of  Norwicli,   Conn. 

C24.     Matthew  Hart,  b.  V,i)0:   m.  Sarali  Hooker. 

1.  Matthew,  n:.  Eli/aberh  ilo)>kins.  1,  Maiti'.i;w,  b.  17(;();  ni.  Uraida  Hooker.  2, 
SiCTU,  b.  Ihio;  Y.  C.  I7.s'4:  Eois.  minister;  m.  Oct.  7.  17SS,  Ruth,  dan.  of  Benjamin 
Hall  (>\'  Chc-bire.  Conn.  ;].  Ei,iz.m;ktii,  b.  17b'J  in  Ken.-ingion,  Conn;  m,  1790,  James, 
s.  .jf  Jam-:,  i'.n.l  Ilorothy  (<;a!es)  of  E.  liad.him.  Conn.,  b.  17ti:.  1,  Ji'iihs,  Odtrt: 
I\'i\-iciil,   I'Ot't. 

325.     Samuel  Hart,  b.    lO'J-^;    m.    Mary  Hooker.      1,   Samuel,    b.    17:1.^;    m.  17.-.7, 
I'ebecca;  dau.  of  e'hai-les  and  Kel.ecea  (^Huisoni  Norton,  b.  17;;;.*;  li.  17G;);    had  !)  chil.,  of 
whom   Beliecca  m.   Wni.  Cuok  of   I.>aniniry.      Ho  m,  rJ)  Eydia,  dan.  of  Capt.  Hins 
dale  aiul  hail    10   ehii.,   of  \vliom:    l-iinma,    b.    17S7;  in.  Dr.    John    ^\  illaid  of   Tioy,  and 
Almira  (>hs.  Phcdpsi.  both  \\A\  known  as  educator.-,  and  authors. 

4.  Stephen  Hart,  d.  llj^'j,  leaving  chil.  named  in  will;  Inv.  £0:33. 
1.      Srei>lien.  Ii.  lii'^O. 

11.  'J'homas,  li.  Kiili):  in.  E!i/.:d)eth  Jndd.  1,  'I'liieMAs,  b.  IG'.)."),  ])ea.  in  Sontli- 
ington,  174'.-';  m.  Anna  StanU'\-. 

ill.  John,  b.  Pili!);  m.  wid.  Hannah  Treat  of  WethiM-sthdd,  but  d.  -v  i.  and  left  liis 
l)r(ejicrty  to  liis  nephews,  Stcidii'ii  Tmtle  and  Jonathan  Hurlliiirt,  whiiin  he-  had 
brought  up. 

]^■.      S^:rali,  b.  Ib7.-);  111.  Samuel  Tuttl"  [p.  oi'7]. 

5.  Thomas   Hart,  b.  Ib-l:'-:  fillod  many  <illl.-es:  d.  17'.'<i,  a.  K\:  m.  IJntl:  Hawkins. 
1.      .bjin.  ordaim.-d  lirst  minister  at  Madisiui,  Conn.;  ;in  oininont  jii-i-ndier. 

11.  Capt  Josiali.  m.  Sarah  Bull.  I,  Mi:i;rv.  b.  171il;  m.  ]  7.10.  Ho-er  Ilo;.ker.  1. 
S,r,,,h.  b  1740;  m.  Jonathan  Li-aviit  of  Creenfield,  Mass.  2,  Thos.  Jiirl  ll,>,,h;f.  b. 
170-.  [p.  .^1']. 

Brett  Harte  is  of  this  race. 


W'-.dou-  Err/.al)etli    Heaton    m. W'ilmoi;  \?,)    WiHi.-mi    Judsrm    of    New  Hav  i-n, 

v.h(,.se  former  wf.,  Grace,  d.  Sept.  2!».  1«;->'.I.  Ho  d.  July  Oi).  Kill':.  In  li;')'.!  wid.  \\il- 
niot  coiivess  to  s.  James  Heaton.  and   in   1GG4   Hannah  W'ilmot  rrcd.   a  Iclmcv  from  her 



miitlicr.  left  111  hf'  1)V  licr  ^^tt'I^'l■atlu■l,    Wm.    Jiui-m;   chil.    liv    Ifeatun    liu-slaind; 
))i.'tli    will)  m.  .lohii  Mix,  ami  .luuif?,* 

*Janies  Ilratuu,  in.  Nov.  ^O.  lC.!!--\  Saiali  Snv,-t;  lie  <1.  Ort.  K],  171'.':  .'.-I.  div.  l.y 
fio-irrMiicnl  JTl'),  tu  XallianJi'l,  Sctli,  'I'lirnphilus,  Abigail,  v/l'.  (ifjnlm  (iilhiTt,  and  JmIui 
and  ,l(.sri,h  Al<'..1t. 

]  \.it!;,;i;ifl,  1).  X.'V.  lU,  irji'l:  lu.  Marv  'j'ndd,  b.  !'.■!).  11,  lOT.j,  dan.  of  ^ainind 
and  Marv(Hradl-v)''l'<.dd.  I,  Sakaii,  b.  O.-t".  :;.  Id'.*.-,,  d.  F.-b.  27,  ]7i)r  2,  Samiki., 
^larch -i),  IWJ:  (i.  •Iiini'  10,  1700.  H.  Makv,  b.  Srpt.  17,  17ol;d.  Krb. 'J.-..  1 707.  -1, 
JamI'.s.  ]'Vb.  IC,  I70;;:  Jii.  Oct.  'J!»,  17:]0,  Ibninali  l'(<-k  [;!].  ."i,  S.\Mri:i.,  Pit.  !),  ]  7011. 
6    Sak'm!.   Juiii-  1  1,  171'J.     7,   I'.-r.  uImi  tliat  Xa'i  ii A.\ii;r,  IIkaton,  wim  iii,  ]7C'("),  I'hi'bi- 

'oop.T,    aiul    v.•ll'«^(•    v,ili    piov.    17'^::-';   iiaiii^^s    o    rhil.    of    dnii.  Ma.ry   F.aN>.-tt,      1,    -'/"/■//, 

I    Sci)t'  •}    ir-."'7;  d.  bcl.  I7d7;   m.    17l'-i,    J'.nn^   l■.a.■^^■•tt:  ('-)    .Saniiifl  Hmiii-tnii.      Sbc  had 

dans,  p'ii.'be  and  Marv    'r,!lnia--o.      •.\    Srrali,   h.    Nov.    IS,    172'.j.      ;i.   y,t.'I,'n,o  I,  b. 

,Mav'.2l,  ll-]-}:  d.  -Inlv  JO.  "bsOo;  iii.    Sybil ,    who  d.    Nov.  00.  ISO."),    in  70ili  yr.      1, 

Si'bVrd'.  l"cb.'  !,  IsUj,  a.  70,     in.    Sai-Ui'U   (iilbiTt;  fi)   Tim nhy  Audiv\v,<.   whu  d.  S.'[.t. 
u";.'ls;V),     a.  0:.;.      0.    P.aicurf,  m.    Ji)-,i,'i/li    I'nrnian.      o,    r'-i^viAt,    in.    t-^anivl   (.'(illj;.Ti.      4, 

'J'llankful.'.n. 'l'alnln^■o.      4,   Jnsrph.  b.  .Iiinc  0.">,  17;iv5. 

11       Saniro'l,  b.  (»ci.  4,  lli!)7.    d.  Ik-c,  K.iHO. 
III.      ,lanu-s,    b.  F.-b.  VA.  IbllS);  d.   Mnrrh  ],  KuO, 
I\',     Janit'.-.,  Jan.  14,  11)71;  d.  saiur  ini;njli. 
\'.      Atiii;-ail.  .Jan.  li)7o:  ni.   P.-c.  1  »•'.);.  F.bL'nr/or  Aiwator, 

Vl'.  ■rin~>idiilii.-.,  Mai-(di  0."),  l''.ili;  (name  idian.uad  To  >y\\\]:  d.  A]oil  S.  1741:  in. 
Jun(>  ',',  1701,  Hannah  d'odd.  1,  Ai'.icail,  .Ian.  1,  1700:  ni,  Feb.  0").  170.x  ]>anir! 
Bavne.-^,' jr.     0,    D.wiKi,,  det.   1o,    J704.     :i   Tji AXKi-ri.,    b,    .Jan.    01,   KtHi:  m.    .Ian    !.-», 

17-)S-ll"  Nathaniel  VaU' of  No.  Ikiv..  b.    17O0;  d.    l74d:  she   m.    (0) Ibaion  of  No. 

HaV.  1,  M'-i.ri/.  in.  .Jonatlmn  Dayton  [4].  0,  J!.h,;;;f,  b.  (.)ef.  9,  173?;  ni,  Mos.-s  Vn\\>-v. 
4  F.sTUFi;  Ij  ".\)-ril  07.  1700;  ni.'..lan,  0^,  170-=:,  Ihilirai'n  San.lfo:.!.  .7,  J.iDi'.ii,  ',>.  .Jai,. 
1  1711  </.  Sr.TU.  b.  0,:t.  Of»,  1714:  in.  Dec  lib  [V.V.K  Saiah  .Mon;?.  1.  ./'r-'/,  b.  (.'..-t. 
]'^  i;4'i.'  V,"  LvL.iA,  b.  Fel>.  Ki,  1717.  S.  Uaxnau,  b.  .luly  ;;,  1710.  0,  -'amks.  !i.  ^^^v\\ 
o'  Ir-'O-   d.  (»;-t.  io,  I77ii;    will  orovod    sa)n>'  vrar.  (iiles  and   .Tolm   exeers. ;  of  New    jlav, 

l!  JwVv,  b.  Mareh'  0:1,  174:;:  to  have    L'OOlh'm. (iilb.'i-t.     0,  Aln.^Inii'i,    h.    D.-e.'  0."., 

17-1.'):  to'have  oO  r.i-res  at  Northbury.  (.'oiin.,  and  4d  ::on'<  ai  .Mount  Caiiiiel :  sn]).  f.  ef  tlie 
hu<'  Abraham  Hcatonof  New  Haven,  b.  Plymouth,  (.'euin.,  .hily.  ]  770;  il.  N>-\v  llav.. 
Dee  ?,\  l.-^71  a  "..'.j  v;-.  WV:-.  ^vi(|ow  Pli' !».-  ".\h  jlcaion  d.  Ma.reh  10,  JS74,  a.  W  yrs.  and 
lOmos.'  o,  Cll.f.  I).  Nov.  11,  Ihi:;  d.  Nov,  Of),  sameyr.  4,  (nf-s,  h.  Ai>:-i!  Oo,  174'.t:  lo 
have  40  acre-:  with  old  hou-.e  -.ind  barn  b^yu-ht  id'  Danitd  llcaton.  .").  I.i/''lii.  l>.  Doe.  Ob, 
17.31;   III,    bildad    A I  water,  V  win  \v  itii  Mi'da.l,      0,    ,V''/'/A,b.   D.'C.  Oo,  17."J1. 

\''ll.  Su.smna,  b.  D.c.  0:],  lt>70:  lu.  .John  Olcott.  ane'e-tor  of  A.  Ih'on.'^on  Aleoti.  May 
8,  173^;  Susaiuia  Oleott  conv.  to  Natlid  Jleatou  a  part  of  lie- (itli  div.  laid  out  to  my 
honored  f.-ither,  Mr.  .Jameo  lloaton. 

Vin.  Tlu^.llhilll^  h.  April  10,  P>''0:  m.  Dre.  01,  i:0';t.  Sar:di  Thtrlc;  lii.-  \/i1l  olT.'i-ed 
for  iirol.'aii'  1  7.7'.',  ^::■lud  Saekn.  .Pinn'^  Iirar.,in,  Mo- es  ^^aud!ord,  wit.;  >!o..e.-  Sand,  ford 
nam.  ex.-e.  but  nfu-ed,  and  Danifd  ll.-aton  apj.t.  adm. :  D.-mbd  to  support  my  sl^trr 
Mini'lwt  11;  nauu^s  ehil.  Sti'i>h.-n.  Tlieopliilns,  Ann  Iv.js,  and  wf.  of  .lohn  Pat.-ott.  1, 
STKi'ur.x'  Nov.  30,  1?10.  0.  Noah,  I-'eb.  01,  1711.  3,  Ann,  .Ian.  Oo,  1713;  m.  .May  01. 
1740  Thoma.s  Ives.  ir.  ■!,'ii  IIAS,  ])ec.  10,  Kl'.i;  m.  Oct.  10,  1.43.  Jlannali 
Cooper.  1.  Ji'itiith'ii' ,  b.  -July  7.  1741.  .'»,  Saiiaii,  twin  witli  4'.;  m.  Jan.  .'>,  1740,  John 
Bassett,  .jr.     C,   Kaui.k,  Oct.  31,  1700. 

nANiKi..  Feb.  s,  I70r, 


[fi:om  in:v.  k.   w.   i-..   liti.i.,  d.d.] 

.^O.'i  hexiniitiin  Ave.,  ) 

y.v.\\   VoKK,  S.'pt.  00,  1n77.  ) 

(ii;o.   F.   Te'iTi.K,  Fmj., 

Ve  l>-'ir  S,r:—\u  coiu'.ci'tion  v.ith  tin-  subjc-t  o!  our  lato  (■on\-cr;  at  ;ou  coni-m'nin.LC 
the  two  (listimu  fan;ili.s  of  7/'.'//  and  //■"'''-■,  1  will  .jot  down  tb."  foil.. '.v  in--  notes  to  shou' 
thai  tie-  fa.mily  of  Huils.  oJ'ui-^  llni-',  was  di-'/nea  and  me.  havni.L;-  a  coienn-n  .iri-7n  with 

^!il  ti„-''-o!;  ,.f  arm-.  /, ///,e  Edward  II,  I  find  lle,>  name  of  hold  Pirh.-ird  llr.Hrs. 
Scir-',  Piehas.l  (b-  Hullos  d  Cautorhnry.  A/.ur-.-.  :in  civr'i'  dispbiyed.  Aijvnt.a  b..ioU 
u-ulc-',  sbowie.  r.:(--;rima.'v.  I  furtlirr  liiid  that  llil--  ho;-di  lii.4i.ird  ilulit.-  Indd  Ian.!.;  ui 
oiiiitc  ui   tb.>  Kinu-at  Pap.'sworth.  (/a no  rirary-hire,  130S. 



'I'lii;  faiuilv  ,)f  TIul-;,  Hulls,  iliilK'S  or  Jlwlsc,  s['i-lt  uulifT.T-Mitly  in  Tlse  f.>;u-  \v;iys, 
anil'tiiiiri  Ilully.-,  lluuri^li.  il  in  the  c;)\intifs  of  Clioliin:,  I'.erks  aiunvicks,  aud 
<Tlirni!lv  !i;vl  i\\:-]v  ■■,Vin>  rli:i;-i;i-il  witli  the     '  liilc." 

The'  taiiiilv  of  Hull,  llullr  aii.l  -)ii..; iiu.-s  will.  ti«.c  ('//">•,  Hall,  H(inrislio<l  pi-inniKiliy 
in  l)fV(Mi.  Soiurrsi't.  J)(.rsci  ami  Cmnwall,  aipl  had  the ii-  anus  cjiargcd  \v'a]i  tluj  "  'J'alhol's 
jirad."  •■  wati-r  Imd-vt  "  ur  thr  "  j':  "r  (J-'  Hs." 

Vuu  will  liud  ihr  name  of  Arnold  Hulls  anion.:;- tlu'  in. ■.uporators  ol  tin'  Hoiidon 
charu-r,  l(5i)'.»:  tii"  .-•.•.:oiid  orlirinal  .hartrr.  Au.difu  HuUs  or  llidK's,  JJ,.l).,  (diancollor 
of  Sariini  and  ai(dil.i-.liMi,  of  Wells,  MoO.  :'i\\y-  11  nils  was  rlu-  kinsman  and  .■x.;.-uior 
of  tliv  v.-ill  of  H-'V.  J/.ias  rd:uid.  rc.nor  of  I'opi'sliall  to  Xats  in  ]!ii'.7.  'J'hc.>e  lasl  yivt'u 
nanu's  art-  sui;-uo.-tions  a>  ronnt'clfd  w  itli  \ou  !•  fainily. 

'I'lu-ri'  wriv  scvcial  l.v  Tlit'  luunr  nV  Hull.^  aiaoii^r- tl].' ori;j-inal  .-r.ur'-ianrs  to  Xtnv 
I'liiulaiid.  Andiew  HulK  and  his  wf.  Kailiaiinc  canif  Ironi  l.onddu  iu  HI:;'),  iir,d  sctilod 
in  "X.  ll'av.  Iliid.aid  Hull  sfttlcd  in  ?>i-'st.>n,  and  rcniovd  tu  W.  I  lavon.  Jolm  Hulls 
was  of  in  l';.;*.  and  J)i-.  .'"liu  Hnli-,  >oiir  a  uc.stor,  wa.-,  of  Sti-at  ford,  1  Gol , 
and  pMilialilv  a  s..n  of  cuo  of  l\^^'  ai.ove.  if  Udl  liiuwidf  an  (.;i:rinal  oniii'-rant. 

.Sir.  Law  .-avs  tliat  in  the  Planters'  List  tiie  fainUy  of  Andrew  Hnils  is  down  as  con- 
sislinir  of  fnur  I'lcuih.-rs.  When  was  that  i''  List  made-.'  If  after  ilie  dea>li  of 
(d"  Audr.-w  vlo'd:  tleT,  thm-  were  thre-  ehihiren,  viz.:  wife,  tw(j  dan,idit''rs,  Hannah  and 
Saiah.  and  a  t hird  riiild ,  perhaps  a  si.u  (posthuiniuis  V),  and  tlir  l)r.  John,  afn.  rwards 
(if  Si.ratiord.  Mr.  S,;vai_';e  rnujeetuies  tluit  Arulrew  and  i;i(diard  In'othiM's,  so  that 
he  must  liavi'  ni.-erved  th.'  sp  ■llui--  of  tle'd-  name  with  tlie  final  '■  ,s." 

Mr.  How  furHier  s.-r.s  that  John,  the  ^.  of  Kieluird,  was  the  exeimtor  of  liis  bro. -in- 
law,  D.u-man  o'f  J)erl)v,  in  IGSo.  Now,  if  the  Iei;a!  laq.ers  show  the  .■  ])i  lliiiu-  of 
the  nan^e  r<i  !>.■  Hulls,  thfU  1  w'oahl  c-jneiud- that  t liis  Jnhu  ^M■,s  i.leutii-.d  with  l>r.  John, 
who  was  h.-.p.  at  New  Haven,  Fe!>.  '20,  1G41,  and  a  son  of  Hichanl.  and  that  Andn-w  was 
a  hro.  of  IJlehaid.  and  hhs  Ijaj.ti-nial  name  ].erpetuated  in  lie'  fam.  of  hi-  n.])hew,  ]  h'. 

Of  John  Hulls  (d'  ]_)orrhes;er,  >hiss.,  1  note  the  fnlhuvm-:  He  was  free.  .mg-.  ,. 
j(;:]-3  and  of  th-'  Artilh-rv  Co.,  h;:JS.  ^Ir.  Sava.^e.  iii  iinliuL'-  hisd.  '•  At  lio.->toii,  .Jedy  '^.s, 
Ififil]!"  lias  evi.h  nilv  ei.n'founded  liini  with  Hohert  Jlnll  ,,f  I^oston  (f.  of  John,  the  Mint 
Master),  \vhn  d.  oil  tha;  date.  Cothren  tells  us  that  John  of  H:)rehester  rem.  t.;  U  indsor, 
};hui.  V)a-th.-  Doreh.-siei'  lecord-  ihi^  Jeilai  Hulls  had  .j-ranfs  of  land  in  lH-'i.  K"''.")  aiul 
](»:;tl.  and.  Hien  di-api-.-ar.-,  fr..rn  ^aid  re.-.vid-:.  Irom  whieh  I  eonjertuve  tliat  he  wa.-,  bio.  of 
Andrew  and  Hiidiard';  the  v.lede  fam.  llnaliy  i;e;  I  lin-- in  Conn.    abt.  ](i:;!i--4il. 

My  ((iiielu-dou  i>  that  tle^re  were  three  distlnef  families; 

1."  Andrew  Hulls  of  New  Haven;  i;i<di:ii.l  Hulls,  do.  and  J. dm  Hulls  of  \'.  mdsor 
weM'  three  'hros.  from  (du-shire  or  Dcrhy.^hirr. 

','.  I{<J)ert  Hull  of  Hoston  and  John  Hull  of  Neulniry,  two  bros.  from  Li<>cester- 

:].      (;eori.n_.  Hull  of  Fairfield  and  Jo'^i'jih  llulhd'  W.'ymouth,  two  bro^.  from  Smier- 


Kdiii:-,  in  his  Jli^'n,//  of  '_'h- ■■<Iiir.\   ^dv.'S  the  arms  of   Huls  of  Ili'.lse  as  three  -'piles, 
and  .-iiy.-'^the  Hul-es,  "a   great    name 'once   in   these    p:irt:-,"    were   boiited   at    Ihtdley    iu 

Tld-  faiuilv  cd'  Hrd-e  or  Hull-:-  of  ('h-shire,  says  Hyson,  can  be  traced  liacic  to  bir 
WiUuim,  who  iii-.u-/i.d  the  heiie.-.-  u\'  Xowlmiy.  of  Nowbary,  in  the  year  lyuU. 

.Sir  llu-i,-h  liud-,ni  :i  vonn-!-r  branch  of  this  f;imily.  was  apii<,intcd  Ju.-tice  ol  the 
Kiiur',-  Heucii,  iu  b.-J.  and  c.mtinm-d  in  tluit  position,  T.  Hon.  V.,  Mid.  J  find  ou 
examiiniiion  of  the  vi-a,   books  that  liis  name  is  always  spelt  lluls  or  Hulls. 

'ni(>  HiiKes  (d'  tdi>c,  in  rlu-shire,  (d'  the  same  stock,  t,,,/p  I'Mw.  IV,  1 -ldl-14,S;3. 
married  ihe  h.-iress,..  ,d'  (dive  and  of  IJaven.  ddiey  were  seated  at  1-dworth  and  be<-ame 
fxtinet  bv  the  death  of  Kev.  John  liaise,   f.., under  of  the  Hul-can  Vila-  in  Cainbrid-e. 

'jdioiiiiis  HaUe  or  Hulls,  hlsip.of  Nowbuiy  and  A>Hey  had  n;inu  rous  i-^.^is  by  t  wo 
Avive...  He  w.;,  biimed  at  Xowb'urv  in  l.l.<^i.  'Hi>  ehlet  son  Huirh  had  a  dauehter  bap. 
at  NoNsburv  in  l.":)l.  ^ays  !,y<nn,  iiftei-   which  d;o<'  iliere  is  no  trace  (d  the  family  on  the 

re>d.ster wh..t  became  of  this  iiumeMcis  proL;-en.y '.' 

"^  For  the  imrpo.Te>  ol  i,n.iiea!oL-ieal  inve.-ii.JiUion  I  would  ]u-e-unie  that  tiie  brothe.-s 
\ndrew,  liicliaid  ami  .lohiT  Hulls  of  ('o-;,,.  wtMe  <d  a  youne-er  luau.  h  of  ihi.-.  Huil-  ,/'oi^ 
ilulse  familv  of  i/jieshiiv,  ;in  1  tluu  vour  aiK-cior,  Dr.  John  H  ;ill-,  probably  e:ive  the 
r.-inu'  of  l>erb.- or  Chcshi.-e  to   one  .c[    boHi    of   th.'   Cuuii,    town.-  in  remembrance  ,,f  the 

iniiitv  seat  ol  hi.--  ance-.-'.oi  s. 

I  am,  .-ir,  veiv  sira-erelv  v(uns,   etc, 

1{.    W.   B.    HI  Id-. 



Ihihe,  fi  town  and  manor  in  Cxi.  JJu^hvoith,  C'lu^liiic,  jn-oliaMy  fmni'  tlie  Gernuin, 
Iliiltz,  a  \voo(l. 

Jln'L  tlic  old  Biiti>li  or  Sa\on  for  ii  liiU.  in  Wrl(  li,  Unll  InL-an^^  a.  lonpli,  uneven 
pla  ro. 

t^O()n  after  llie  Conqiiertt  many  locilities  in  the  west  of  Knir.  liud  tliis  name  of  //////, 
and  })n)l>al.)ly  ixaw  name  to  as  niaii}-  disiinct  famiIit■^;  ;is  tliei>'  were  liigli  and  prominent 
laiid-nuuks  lieai  iu>;-  the  name.  In  Che^liiie,  Eni;.,  Jf'iL^--  i\w\  Ifulii.  (n  the  Marches 
and  in  Wade-,  Hulls  wuuld  \'1'Ak  ho  the  eoiitraeted  fonn  of  Ilnll.-<in;  it  heinir  tlnre  the 
(.■ijstom  to  use  tlie  oontrartion  "s"  for  tiie  English  word  Son,  as  in  K'herts,  Kvair-. 
Jiihns,  ]{irhaids,  Willh-.m.s.  etf.  —  tlie  i'lnglish  style  heing  Rohertsun.  Evans.»n,  .lohnsiin, 
etc.  So  that  it  i.-i  higiily  jirohahle  that  thero  an;  in  Enirlaiul  distinct  fanulies  boar- 
int^  the  name  JI"!Ly  and  JI"!--<('.  derived  from  distinct  sonrces,  som»^  from  th.e  local  name 
and  8ome  from  the  ])atronymic  and  spellimj  their  name  indifferently — either  way. 
^Vitv  the  family  (jf  Hulls  in  Conn,  dropped  the  tinai  s  and  thus  (no  doubt  unwittiuirly) 
lotaily  changed"  their  )i.ii  lonytuic,  it  \\"alii  he  curious  to  d.isrover.  l>r.  .folmand  his.-ojis 
letaiiied  the  linal  s  till  the  middh'  of  the  last  century.  l*i;.ih  faiidlies  have  an  alias  in 
Old  ]-higland.  Hull  the  alias  Hill,  Hnlse  had  the  alias  Hulls:  but  n.;ver  do  1  find 
thiit  Hulls  had  the  alia.s,  Hull,  until  this  cise  of  the  ("onn.  family  turn.- up,  v^-iiich  I 
think  was  merely  the  result  of  indifference  on  tlie  part  (d'  the  family,  forced  upon  them 
and  then  acce}>ti'd  bv  them  as  the  end  of  repeated  errors  among  survivors,  parish  clerks 
and  town  oiKcials,— r^'/^.  b>/  Btt.  i?.   ]i'.  B.  JIuU.  1).  1). 

"Andrew  Hull  of  Xew  Havn  li;:!0,  came  in  Fb.iiev,-ell  of  Lond..n  Ki:^.-),  a.  20,. 
with  C'a.tliarine,  prolia'oly  hi'^  wf.,  a.  ',':.'.  Had  dans.  Hannah,  m.  ]()C.4,  Edward  l-'orman, 
and  Sarah,  ha]-.  Ort.  4.  1(14(1.      His  widi.e.v  ui.  irich.ard  P>ea-li  (Savage). 

Richard  Hull  of  X.  H.,  \vill  txh.  Aug.  2l),  l'.;d2;  makes  liis  mark;  inv.  €122; 
names  ciiil.  Jeremiah,  eldt.-^t  s. ;  .bdiu.  dan.  Hannah,  M'lry,  wf.  of  John  Jackson. 

John  Hull,  prob.  s.  (;f  Richard,  was  at  Her'ny  \^\(\^.  at  A\'allingford  1«:S7;  exc.  his 
house  and  land  at  Stiatford  with  Benj.  for  the  lattju-'sliouse  arai  land  in  \V. ,  V\s'. 
Tlie  town  of  \V.  .-et  out  to  Dr.  John  Hull  70!)  acres  h.'ying  betv.een  tlie  north  side  of 
15road  Swamp  and  the  Quinnppiac  IJiver,  the  east  and  west  bnundaries  not  being  so 
clearlv  deiim  d.  S:ii<i  by  Savaire.  ••Perhaps  <rranted  for  services  as  surgr-on  in  King- 
Phillip's  war.  'I'he  tract  was  known  as  Dr.  Hull's  lartre  farm.  lb'  ni.  Ist.Marv;  2d  wf. 
Oct..l'J,  11172.  :M:iry  .b-nev,  and  :M  lb  l.e-ra  Turner,  Sept,  21.  lOf;',).  He  d.  in  ^V.  D.-c.  G, 
1711,  a.  about  70:  inv.  ■L'-'ilO;  ooOaeies  in  invent(.)iy ;  .b.^eph  and  J-ienjamin.  adms.  An 
account  of  wdiat  the  s  chil.  had  during  the  life  of  their  f . :  1.  John.  €104  Ids  Od:  2. 
Joseph,  €0o  10s  ('.<!;  o.  Benianun,  i's.")  ;;s  Ovl;  4.  Eoene/.-r.  €7s  fis  lOd:  o.  Jeremiah,  €;> 
.2s;  (j,  Johti  Prindle,  hu.-band  otMary,  €>]0;  the  other  t\^■o  children  are  supposed  to  be: 
7,  Si'muel;  S.  .\nil,.-w.  ii^uenezer  Vvas  dead,  and  the  heirs  of  EiHuiezer  are  referred  to 
in  the  w  ill  (d'  his  father. 

1.  John  Hull,  b.  marcli  14,  1001-2;  set.  near  his  mill  back  of  .-Vn.sonia,  still  kntjwn 
bv  his  name.  He  was  seh'ctmau,  farmer  and  nuller;  d.  ^bay  2-").  ]7o:3,  ,a.  91.  says  one 
account,  but  Dec.  fi,  1714,  the  v.ill  of  John  Hull  id'  l)erliy  \va-  shown  at  New  Haven; 
John  Hull  esecr;  John  to  ha\  ••the  Derby  lands;  to  tin.'  other  sons,  huids  in  the  town  of 
\\'allingford:  Jidm  I'l-ingje,  Hannah  Pi  iiigle  and  Jos-ph  Hull,  wit.;  Josepih  liullgnaid. 
to  :diles  and  ]'  libl.      dnk-r  ol.diil.: 

1,  Deborali.  b.  Hi'.'l.  2,  John.  b.  lo'j:;.  :J,  Marv,  b.  IGOC.  A,  Martha,  b.  IG'JS.  o, 
Daniel,  b.  IG'.-D.  G,  Prescilla,  17.)2.  7,  .^ti;es.  b  l7o4;  cho.M;  lienj.  Huil  of  \V.  guar-b; 
m.  ?darv  Tutrle  [p.  ."^,07b  >?.  I'oenezer,  b.  17(H.i;  in  1720  adnn  <d'  his  est.  given  to  Daniel, 
2d  bro.of  dec. 

12.  John  Huil,  b.  Jan.  1.  IG'.ld:  in  n^."".  Edene/er  Hull  exhihited  v.ill  of  .Mr.  John 
liull..  late  of  .New  Haven,  wf.  Meiey:  .diii.  :  1.  Jcdiu;  2.  Ja.ines;  :;,  b'.beneyrr:  4,  Mary 
Sperrv:  o,  ?>Iercy  Potter;  G,  I'.sther  "binr.rhill,  a.nd  llannali  au'i  Sar.di  Jolmson. 

122.      James   Hull,   m.  Lydia ,  aiaihad: 

1,   James,  h.  June  (I,  1745;  iii.  .Marv    Pali,  dau     of  (.ilover.      She  m,  (2) Sanfonl. 

2,   Joseph.  I).  Aug.  S,  1747.      8,    Eydia.'l).  .\in-il  G,  1741t.      4,    David,  I..  17.">l.      o,    Samuel, 

b'.   Im-Ii.   '•',     ITol.    '  G.     Pel>ee,;a,    b.    Aug.   0,   IMG- 

1224.     David    Hull,    b.    Sept.    17,    17:-1;  d.   May    17,    IMo:   m.    ilannah,   dau.    of  and  .\buv  Mile.^  i  uuderson,   h.  Autr.  >^.   I71!b  d.  Julv  lU,  ]N2.S;   i.: 
1.     Eiisha,"b.  jr7S;  d.  ]^-42;   n..  Huhhih  IhtU  [p.  14:)].  " 


n.      T^avid.  h.  ITSS;  a.   !)>■(■.  r,,  1S.-,.'i. 

HI.  Elaui,  111.  Sent.  0:!,  isll,  Xaiicy  IJi'iiliani,  and  liad  ;  1,  Wh.liam.  2,  ])AU., 
in.  Natliau  .Jdlm.soii  (.>r  lii.ti-li'\v<>i,;|,  X,  .1.  ;!,  l).\r.,  m.  lli-niy  Ov'uitt  (d'  X.  Hav.  4,  T)Atr., 
111.  Daiiitd  1^,'iiliani  of  Middlctown,  ( 'onn.  ■").  Im.vm.  li.'l^.'JO:  d.  Sept.  lo,  lSSl;m. 
Vir^'-inia.  dan.  of  I'liilip  '<auiid(_-r.- of  X.  llav.;  i.  Malrolm  and  J'nvltiick.  G,  Hrnhv, 
of  )5nidford,  liad    Imo-rni'. 

2.     Joseph  Hull,    1).    ]';;(V2;  Capt.;    m.    Jan,   20,    lOlU,    Mary   X'nduds;  (^niannali 

:  Sam'l  <.'.  (.'hukt- ens  in    Ids    dc.--riMidrnt>    of    Itiidiard    Hull,  in  iiudiini;- t!ii-> -!<>.s."iili 

thi'  traiisfi'i'iT  (d' -1    arn_s   in    l).-rliv   at    <  >m;i.s  ]*]ain.  fimn  lii^-lno.  .iolin  in   \'i'h],    for    the 
rfa-on  tliat  J.w,-,!,  d.  i;i-!.  a  Nc.  And  Id.-  doliu  l:ad  \,yru  d.  ."")()  vrs.;  rliil.; 

1,  Saniu.d.  b.  H.;'.:-.'.  2,  .Jus./pli.  1>.  M'.'M.  n.  (.■al(d).  ],.  WXk'  -1,  Aiidn-v,-,  li.  lli!)7. 
o,    Mary,  h.   li.'-iU*.      <i,    .''aiali,  h.   llol.      7,    .\liijali,b.   llDd.      s,    Xatlian,  b.  17(i',). 

22.     Josepll  Hull,  b.  ld'.»4:  m.  172r),  Sarah -.     He  wa.-^  a  farmer  and  uiein.  of 

th  •  (ioiieral  A.^.-eml'lv  luauv  vi<. :  /. : 

I.     Sarah,  b.  Si-i.t.  7,'i:2';:  ni.  Hev.  Dr.  i;i.diard  Man-fieM. 
H.     do>eMh.  b.  ;-Vb.  IS,.  172S. 

2.  Joseph  Hull,  b.  ¥''\j.  IS,  n2S;  d.  177-":.;  farmer;  iii.  j  7-l'.t.  Kb/a  ( 'lark  of 
],\iiie  (..'elite;,  v'miiii.      Slie  was  afterwards  tliir.' i  irm-.-'  in.,  and   d.  Ffb.  12,  ]s25,  a.  91. 

I.  JosciiU,  '.1.  1700;  emered  army.  17?ti,  a-  l/ieut.  of  Artillery:  raptured  a.t  F<irt 
^^'a^hin;:t^n;  i-X(d!a!i-eci  Hi  7^.  hi  177!)  commaudid  a  Flotilla  on  L.  I.  Sound;  with  20 
men  in  a  .small  >loiip  ho  to  ik,  by  boardiriu-,  an  arme.l  schonner  oil  l>erl)y.  1.  h-A  vc,  )>. 
Mareli  0.  f77.1:  cabin  l):>y;  Ident.  {' .  S.  Xavyl7i'-':  I'^t  IJiMit.  fri.ivati'  "  ("(uistitution." 
1V()(!,  Mild  |i.-d  a,  party  wliiidi  "  rut  out"  a  Freneh  Iriicr  of  Manpie  fioin  under  the  i;-un.s 
of  a  battery  ill  Ton  I'latte,  St.  li^uuiniro.  hi  1n()2-.j  in  of  seliooner  •'  Xan- 
tilus"  audbri^i:  "  Aruus.''  in  :!ie  sipiadrons  of  Prebj'^  and  harron  at  attacks  on  Tripoli, 
aim  ill  the  "  A  lyus  "  as>i.<:i-d  (icii.  Katon  at  tiic  capture  of  Diuii.-:  made  Ca.j.l.  in  bSd'j. 
In  1S12,  beir.ii-in  command  of  the  frigate  '■  ( '.aistitiiti.iii,"  lie  escaped  fir^m  a  heavy 
British  squadron  after  a  eha.'^e  id'  three  days;  famous  in  naval  hisrnry  for  the  skill  and 
seamanship  di-iday(.'d.  Hi  .Vuirusr  of  tlie  same  year  lu>  mot  tin-  i  riuato  •■  li  nerriere," 
■C'a]>1.  r)ac'-eri.  )Ue  of  the  ship-  wiiich  had  (duised  Jiiin  in  July,  and  loi'k  her  after  a  sharp 
ceiute.-it  of  .thirty  minutes.  The  result  ni  the  sea  ligdit  <>i'  the  war  caused  great 
fxciiement  on  both  isides  of  the  ocean.  He  afterwards  commanded  varicnis  sijuadrons  in 
ditferent  sea.--  and  ihi-  Ch.arlc-town  and  ""liiladelphia  navy  yai'ds.  He  ;n.  IS]:],  Annie 
Hart   of   Saybiook.  Conn.       He  d.  .<.  /.  Feb. ,  bsd'}.       2,  Jo-Kfu.  b.  1771.       li,  Li:vr.      4. 

l)A.\ii;i..       0,    W'lf.T.TA^f.        th    C'HAllI.1::'^. 

II.  Samuel,  \).  ]7.j1;    hieut.  of   Inf.  in  liev.  aimy;  chih;       1,  Emii.Y,  m. Eas- 

,M'tt  of  i)erb\.     2,  ll.u:it!i:T.     a,  Eliza,  m. \Vallerof  (.Jeorgia.     4,  William. 

HI.  Isaac,  b.  17-VJ;  m.  Martha  Clarke;  rem.  to  Canada  ai)l.  ISOl;  in  war  id'  1813, 
r.d'uscdto  take  the-  oath  of  allegience  to  the  i5rit.  crown,  and  was  confined.  In  ISlo  rem.  to 
MaamceCiiv.  (_). ;  d.  in  Mm, roe.  Mich..  1S2'J.  His  wf.  d.  1.-47,  a.  lid.  1,  David,  b.  L77J  ; 
■Cajit.  U.  S.  "a.;  d.  at  Fort  Delumce,  U.,  ISod.  2.  Isaac,  d.  y.  o,  Wii.llv.m.  4,  S.vlly, 
m.  Dr.  I'arker  of  Mnnroe,  Mich.,  and  had  S"'ii)i(L  o,  Ll  ev,  h.  1792;  d.  num.  IS.'iS.  0, 
Anxi-:  FlLiZA,  b.  17U1;  m.  Horatio  Conant  of  Maumee,  and  d.  ls2N.  7,  Lt:vi,  b.  1798; 
Ideut.  F.  S.  A.;  aid  to  Gen.  Harrison;  killed  by  Indians  1S17.  8,  lsA,\r,  b.  ISO];  in. 
1837,  Chh/e  SpotTord.  9,  AL.MiltA,  ni.  h.  II.  Foisyth  of  Maumce,  ().  10,  JusiiPii,  h. 
18U7;  d.  unm.  1831. 

IV.  William,  le  June  24.  1  <•"■);;:  Y.  C.  1772;  taught  school ;  aft. -rwards  stud,  law  at 
LitLdilmdd,  (.'oiin.,  and  adndttcd  ro  the  bar  177-").  In  April,  .same  yca.r,  chosen  Capt.  of 
the  first  company  raised!  in  Dcrl-y,  and  mandied  with  Col.  Webb's  rcgt.  to  Camliridge, 
and  took  part  in  siege  of  Boston.  In  1777  was  .Major  of  the  8th  Mass..  and  in  1779  Lt.- 
Col.  and  assi-taiit  iiispector  ot  the  arn)y,  niahu-  IJarorr  Steuben.  He  was  in  the  Is-uiles  of 
Long  Island,  NVhite  Plains,  Trenton,  Princeton.  Ticondmog;;,  Stillwater,  Sa.ratoga,  Mon- 
mouth and  Slony  Point.  lb-  coininandcd  a  succcs.-ful  e.q).  against  jlorrisania,  for  which 
he  received  the  t'lianksof  Wa^-ldmrtou  and  of  congnss.  \\  hen  the  army  was  disbanded  at 
<.lo,c  of  war.  Col.  H.  r.--.d,ete'i  b\  Wa-himdou  as  the  Lieut.  Col.  of  the  one  vri:l. 
of  Inf..  r.-mimd  in  tl..-  scrvh'.-.  :uid  was  stationed  at  \Ve.~i  Point,  ITs;!-!.  In  178(iho 
retired  and  brg;;n  luactie.-  of  law  at  Xewton,  .Mass.  In  .lam,  17sL  volunteer  aid  to 
•Uen.  Lincoln  iii  suppressing  Sh.ay's  rebellion.  In  171»:)  commissioner  to  make  a  treaty 
Nvitli  the  Indians  in  the  nor:hv..-^t.  In  179S  vi^lied  Ihigland  and  France,  and  in  Pari.s 
witnessed  a 'p.irt  oi'  Hu-  lir.-t  ;  -.oliai'in.  On  hi  ret.un  \s-as  apn'.  by  (.'ov.  (d'.Ma.-,-;. 
.Uidge  of  the  Court  of  ('on.iiio:;  'iMeas  \'nv  Middlesex  Co.,  and  elected  .Major  (ien.  of  the. 
:.]:\  r)i\ision  of  the  .Ma>s.  Mil.  Wa-  seiiaioi-  in  the  state  legislature  from  179S  lo  180.'",, 
wdien  he  res!e;ned  on  bidng  apjiointed  by  JetTerson  Co\.  of  Mich.  'J'erritory.      in 


Feb.,  ISIO,  war  lioini,''  iiniuincnt  ami  Iiulians  lio'Stile,  t\vclvi_'  luimlrod  (Jliio  VoIiuiTcits. 
with  -500  int-a  of  tlir  4tli  V.  S.  Inf.,  \nh-iv  oidi_a-e<l  t(.i  the;  wi.'stcrn  fi-diilit^r  post  (Detroit).  • 
(Jow  Hull  beiiij;  ii\  Washington,  was  asked  to  take  cointnantl  oT  tliose  troops,  ^vhieh  lie  ; 
declJucd;  luit  the  oiiieer  aiipointed  heinu-  taken  siek,  (ios-.  ]i.  ronsentt-d  to  lead  the  ' 
trc-ops  to  Detroit  \viih  the  sole  ohject  of  ])rotei:tin_u-  ilie  inhahitaiits  of  tlie  terrltoiy  ;  the  Indians.  Ilr  upC'ii'-d  a  roail  thnui^li  the  wildei  ii>'.->..  t  U'n  Imndied  mi!«'S.  to  : 
JH'troil,  and  when  hearri\'ed  \\'a.s  ordered  to  iuvaih' ( 'aiiada  wiili  a  I'oi-ce  wholly  ii.aileqiialc  i 
and  without  tliC  .support  of  any  naval  p.iw(.'r  wliaii  ver,  thoi;u'li  he  had  in-^i.-ti-d  upon  | 
its  necessity,  and  le.'d  tlie  iih-dii-e  ot'  the  f:dvernnieni  iliat  h.i_  >hunld  be  so  supjinrt'd.  ' 
The  campaiirn  \va.-- a  failure:  Detroit  was  lust,  and  (iov.  IL  was  held  aecountable  for  - 
disasters  caused  bv  |>rr  il  >  h'.q>.-,sl  of  Triil  ,■/  (;,n:.  llnll  a!  A!h,n,!i,  ]S1  [.  ;.,.!..  ;. 
bv  ]-:astbnrn,  Ivirk  lV  '.'o,,  X.  Y.,  IMl;  r2)  ShiLoirs  'nf  t!„:  Cnii,p(ii;ii,  ,>f  isl'J  by  Win.  i 
Hull,  i)ub.  by  Pine  v^  <_irecn,  B.-ston,  ls24;  (8)  MiUto'iy  an'l  ('iril  Lif,-  nfiJn'.  ]J"U.  by  ; 
his  dau-^hter"  !*trs.  Campbell  and  his  trrandson.  .lames  F.  (.'hirke.  N.  Y..  D.  Appletun  \-  . 
Co.,  lb'4S.]  Tlie  ])ublie  opinion  of  tins  event  was  formed  from  tlie  staten)eiits  of  irovern-  [ 
luent  editors  iuid  military  men.  who,  like  la'uis  ('a<!i,  bad  risen  on  tin-  duwiifall  uf  (ieii.  j 
Ifiill.  Cojiies  (jf  n(^ce.-sary  to  Iiis  vindiealien  he  \va.s  unable  to  jirocure  from  ': 
the  V\'nr  Deptartment  until  ]S".24,  and"  even  now  th.e  sehoel  histories  iiave  it,  and  the  ]iop^  * 
Tilar  belief  is  that  In.-  was  a  coward  and  a  traitor.  > 

Oliver  Urowu.  a  beid'  contractor  with  Hull's  army  at  Detroit  was  accompanied  liy  hi^     ' 
sou  John,  wlio  circulated  freely  tnuono-  tlu^  oiRcers  and   soldiers  and   overheard  (then  a     \ 
])oy  i.if  1'-?  yrs.)  many  of  the  conversations  concerning;-   (ien.    Hull   and    his    ]>osition.      Uf     i 
Gen.  Cass,  then  a  Ca]it.  under  Hull,  he  saw   much,   and   heard  such  iraitinous  talk  from     | 
him,  M'-Arthur  and  other  otliccrs,  as  would  have  Inanded  tln-m  as  niutitieers  had  it  been 
known  in  \VashiDi.'-ton,  and  he  had  an  ill  opiniiui  of  Cass  ever  aft'.-rwards.      Me   bdiv-vi  d 
that  (j'en.  Hull  w-u"s  foi(-ed  into  the  false  jxi-itinn    which    b-d  Ti,  his  surrejider  by  the  bad 
conduct  of  liis  subordinate  oliicers.      He  d.  Xov.  :,'."),  b^"2."),    in    Di.-iby,    Conn.,   while  on  a 
visit,     He  m.  in  ITSl,  Sarah,  only  dau    of  Hon.    Abraham    Fnllei- <if   Newtown.      Shed. 
An e-.  31,  1  soil,    a.    (iTtChih:     1.   Sauait.    b     .Jan.    •,'(»,    ITS'.i:   in.    An^;.  x?'!,  iNr.'.  Jt.iut  Mc 
Kesson,  lawyer  of  N.  Y.      2,   Ei.i/.A,  b.   17s4;  ni.    March    l:].    ITSo,    Isaac  McChdlaii  of 
Portland.    .Me.;  merch.;  sev.    cliil.      .'),    AnuAtiAM    h't'LLKi;,    b.    March   8,17^0:   H.    Col. 
180.J;  stml.  law:   in  IS]  1  apjiointed  Capt,  in  i'th  V .  S.  Inf..  and  kill.-d  at  battle  of  Lauviy's     \ 
]-ane.  Jul V  :?.",,  b^M.       4.   Ann    IU.nnky,    b.    June   Hb    IbST;  m.  Isos.    H.    IJ.    Hici<man,     ■ 
i'aj.t.  V.  S.  A.      o.   Mak'.a,  b.  ITSS;   m.    lsl."i,    p:dward    Fenv.ich  C;i:nj.beH   of    Atic-usta. 
(Ja.;  Harv.  C'd.  1S14.      (">,    Pl'lir.CuA  Pa1!KF.i;,  b.  Feb.  7,  171)0;  m.    .May  IS.  1S05.  Samu.-I 
Clarke  of  Newton,  Mass:  chil.:     1,    X////'/*/ r. ,  b.  18U<J.      2,    .S/.-^r''/  .4 //'//.  ISliS.      ;j,   Jnous 
Freeinan,   D.   1).,   ISlfi.     4.    Wn..   IhiU,   bsbi.     o,    Ahvui<i,n    F"'!n\    !S14.     <;,    rhn,),.is 
Curtis,  1S27.     7,  Caiuilixf.,   b.   Ajn-il    :]0,    17'..i:-]:  m.  Mr.rch  iJo,    ispi,   iiufus  X.  Pa-e  of 
Hflllowell,  Me.      S,    Jl-I.I.\  Knox,     IT'Jo;    ni.     Sept.   12,    lS2o,  Jn,c|,h   Wheeler  of  At.j.'Usta, 
(hi. :  mercli.      She  d.  June  2(i,  b^42.      lb-   ,1.    March   2i,    isr.i',,  .-,      T'l.      1,    /,'.■,'■// .A-.s; /-/"/"- 
1).  Jan.  ."),  ls;]();  :u.  Sterline-  Smith  of  liro.ikhn.  X.    V.     2.^i/i   ]j>'nsii,  b.  is;;-,'.     :|, 
]Viu.  II'iH,  b.  lNy4;  d.  isfii.     4,   ,l,s, j,h,  b.  Sept.  10.  iSKi;   W  est  Puint  Mil.  Acad.,  1^-V,i. 
In  lS(il  jolm-d  Confederates  and    wa.s   ma<ie    Cnl.    of    P,)th    Ala.    Vols.;   Ibig.  (bm. .  ]SiI2, 
■with  (.'avalrv  Comitiaml.      Afterwards  Major  ( b-n. ,  and  in  isd"),  Lieut.  <u-n.      Hem.  l-'eli. 
S,  1800,  Flhi  Jones  Sherwood  and  had:     1,   Lucy  Louis:i,  b.  Xov.  24,  Isoth 

V.     Levi.  b.  17ol:   d.  y. 

VI.      J".li/.;i.  b.  ISoti:  m.  Smith  of  Di-rbv. 

VII.      David,  i).  17(;i:    V.  C.  17^2;    M.  I  >. ;  m".  dan.  of  Andr.-w  Elliott,  D.   D.,  of  Dos 
toir.  Xov,  10,  178'J,  and  set.  at  Fairlii-ld,  Conn.,  wheie  he  d.   18;J4. 

VIII.      Sarah,  b.  nCC;  m. -(iilbert  <d'  Dei4.y.  ' 

23.  Caleb  Hull,  b.  Feb.  4.  P;'.I.k  d.  liOi;  m.  Mav  1,  1724.  Meicy,  dau.  of  Xatlian 
Kenhani.  1>.  Aug.  (i.  lVi):5:  d.  April  I'.J,  17tifb   i-s.  Cheshire.  Conn.:   /. : 

1,  S;ivah.  2,  Andiew.  3,  Caleb.  •!,  Samuel.  .").  .Joseph.  0,  Submit.  7,  Patience. 
S,   Abijah. 

232.  Andrev/  Hull,  d.  Sept.  22.  1772,  a.  40  (ui-ave. stone):  Lieut.:  i!,v.  <J22.-)ti: 
est.  Dec-.,  1^74:  wiuit  Hannah  :ind  Lowly  has  bad.  to  cnme  out.  Tin-  lands  h-ft  li\-  bis 
f.  at  Stony  U!V<'r  to  i)e  given  to  the  dans. ;  ab-o  the  l.-ind  he  liMULrhf  of  .lolm  M  rt  et  :i  riii 
the  hou-c^  en  ir.  onlv  s'   .\ndrev\':   m.   Lcjv.  .iau.  of  Sam"l  C.m.1;  uf   Ciie-hii-.-:   /.  : 

I.  Damatis.  b.  Sept.  2'.i.  174!l:d.  y.  2,  l.-wly,  b.  J  u'y  Lb  17.",:^  :!.  1  iamoah.  b.  He,-. 
Kb  17.V.:  !i:.  Ca])'.  Lm-ius  'I'nt'Ie  [p.".^)!].  4.  Dimiaii.--,  b.  Sep!,  b^,  !7."".."i.  :>.  .\n.liew. 
G,  Crsnla.  b.  Xov.  10.  17dii.  7,  S.iial;.  8,  .>'er.-y.  il,  l':sther.  10,  Lovice,  m.  Dr.  Hull 
nnd  real.  I'.  ^'eI■l:l.lnt. 



2325.  Andrew  Hull,  1'.  O.t.  n,  i::,S;  <i.  A|.;il  :M.  18'J7:  Maishul  of  tin-  Dist.; 
(fell.  or. Mil.;  111.  J--li-/.:ilifih  .Maiy  .\iiii,  d:iii.  of  Rnilirii  ami  Marv  Hussrll  Atsvntcr.  h. 
Si'i>t.   iroO;  cl.   1>(T.  V-."").  l^:;s:  ;j  diii.  (i..  y. 

1.  !"iido:-i:i.  11!.  Saiiuicl  .\ .  Knntc,  T.  S.  S.  aiu!  <  m)V.  urCoiiii.  1.  .\M)i;k\v  Hri.r,, 
b.  Sent,  l";),  IS(i(;;(l.  June  -20,  ISfio:  lu.  Caroliuf  AuLT.-^ta,  dau.  of  Au'^T.sius  JI.  Stni.'i  of 
N.  Illiv.  []..  '.^041. 

3.  Benjamin  Hull,  M.  I'.:  <1.  Manh  ;J0,  1741;  m.  \hv.  M,  inii.-),  l^lizalirth 
Aiulrcw.^,  (l.  April  'JT,  }V.'>-^. 

1.     Aiulii'w.  1^  .\ii-.  IT.  K;!!-!. 

II.      .^[aI■^■,  li.  Ani:.  Ml,  ]''i'.io:  111.  EliL'ac/.cr  Hioii'^::!!. 
111.      l-'li/.iiln-ili,  1.'.^  .\i.i-il  S.  1(;<;S:  m.  Nov    •.-2,  172."),  X.-itliaiiicl  M.-rrlnian, 
\\.      Daiiia,:-!.-;,  b.  Fcb.-l,  17(JI);   iii.  17-22,  ICliiatlian  Stivct,  uncle  of  'JMtusof  X.  Ifav. 

V.  .lolill. 

VI.      Al-iuail,  li.  I'Vh.  M,  1701;  in.  Kiisin-i,  F,lc-:i/,ri- Mrrriiuaii. 
VII.      Saiuii.-l.  V>.  S.-.r.  1.  ITo-i;   m.  Frh.  '] ,  i;;i:l.  Sarali  liali. 
VIII.      lk'!ija!!:iii,  \>.  .Fuiy  6,  1712;   in.  iH-c.  17,  17:;."),  Hanhali  Pariual.v. 

35.     John  Hull,  !>.  "..t.  O,  Hoj,  M.D.;  ,„.  1727,  Sarah  Ive.s. 

I.  Zoplullliali,   I..   172N. 

II.  .loliii.  in.  17i;4,  Ilaiinali  lliiclicork:  (2). Norton. 

III.  Ai-iM.<,  M.L).,  111.  1,  Maimha.  :ii.  Sainuol  Tuttl-.  V.A:  [9].  ;2,  A>fo~  (J.,  M. 
!>.,  in.  Lydiu  ('ouk  of  W'allin^'foril,  ami  ]ia.s  a  »v.'/(  in  X.  Y.  C  aiul  a  (htd.,  m.  I'r.  (iia.y, 

351.  Zephaniah  Hull,  !>  172.^:  M.D.;  m,  :\Iarch  2*^,  17-11).  Ilannali  Cook:  rom. 
to  iMtlilcin  with  Dr.  .hisi-jih  Hollaniy,  his  fripud.  Dr.  Hull  and  liis  wife  d.  tin-  same 
dav,  Nov.  !0,  17i.)U,  of  the  '•!.;-reai  sick'He-s. "'  and  two  of  hi;-,  chil.  and  a  y.  iinn,'- tiiau  liviiui: 
ill  lii.s  liou-e  (1.  so<ju  aiier.  [See  .'^tory  of  11  quails;  flvii:u'  over  lii.s  lioi:bC;  N  dro}>))ed  dead 
ill  his  o-anlen.] 

I.  Titus,  M.D.,  1).  Martdr  2."),  17'")1:  more  celehratr'd  in  bowel  disease?  than  any 
othe:'  M.lh  in  tlie  state:  in.  and  had:  1,  i;r:xs,  b.  June  (i,  177!t;  stud.  ined.  with 
l>r.  I>avid  Hull  of  Hartford,  (.'oiin.:  rem.  to  N.  \.  suite;  hi^'-lily  liy  tin-  nied. 
facultv;  twice  elerti-d  I'res.  N.  Y.  State  Med.  Secietv;  State  SinaT(u- -1  ^ears.  2,  (ieii. 
Ki.iAs".  b.  Apri!  ;i.  17.^'j.     o.  Hon.  A.M)];i.;w  C.  of  Alle-hanv  fo.,  N.  Y."     4,  liev.    Lkn"- 

I.KKT,   v..    Der.   ?,,    \~\i^}, 

II.  Lvdia,  b.  l>ec.  22,  1710;  d.  F'b.  -21.  UoO. 

III.  hVdia.  h.  dan.  2.-;.  17.j3;  m.  Nov.  21,  ITGil,  Joseph  Jud-on;  (2)  Aniasa  Clark  of 

IV.  Audiew.  b.  Dec.  S.  17."Jl:   res.  in  Cliesliire. 
V.      Hannah.  Jan.  2S    17.')7;   d.  Nov.  Hi.  17(i(t. 

VI.  Sarali,  b.  .Aiay  17,  K.V.J:  d.  Nov.  IT.,  1700. 

Eboneaer  Hull,  b.  'ibout  ir;7:'.;  d.  Nov.  !l.  1701);  i.  s.  ^Valliu,lrbu•d;  in.  Ma;eh  4, 
17Ut),  Fydia,  .Mi:v,  h.  July  :U,  lii"~2.  of  Daniel  (and  h'uth  iloi-kwell,  d;ui.  id' John  and. 
Sarah  (EnsiL;:n).  s.  cd'  Dea.  William  Ixockwell  of  \\'iudsor)  Mix,  s  of  Thomas  and 
Ivehecca.  dau.  of  Caot.  Nathauii'i  (Turner)  Mi:v.  I'b-ie.'/.er  Hull's  est.  inventoried  £15:3: 
Lvdia  Hull,  adiiiX :    Tlioma^    '!i"ale  amMVni.  Tyler   a]iii|-aisers;    overcharge  gi\-eii    by  Dr. 

Hull  to  chil.   of  deceased. 

I.      Hannali,  b.  March  2:3,  17()^:  <  ho -e  Fiide  Daniel  jli.\  for  .uiiarditm. 

II.  Ihbrcra,  chi/se  DelliaUiin  Hull   for  iTuai diau. 

111.  Fbene/.,'!-.  cho^eFnrl,.  Haiii-l  Mix  bu-  -uardian,  1721:  lu'  iii.  Si  j.t,  1,17:;0,, 
llaiuKih  Haic.~:  lied,  in  V.Vdi'd  1774.  1.  J(isi;i>ii,  1).  Sr])t.  I7:il;  d.  Marcdi  i:',  17:!2.  2. 
D\NiF.i..  b.  F.d).  2'..!,  17;!2.  ;:.  Hviua,  b.  A]ull  il,  17.M;  m.  S.-j.:.  2.  17."iM.  Niidiolas 
Andrev.s,  s.  of  Sale  U(d ;  r.-s.  West  .Mcridon,  Conn.  ;ind  had:  1,  I)iini,\\\  M;..:ch:;il, 
17';i:  d.  yiuim-  fell  from  a,  cart  and  k.  2.  .l///.:.v,  b.  July21,  17d2,  killed  in  his  1 1 -h 
vv.  bv  h  .use  biirniiu:.  :h  M'lriyl.  b.  <>rt.  20.  17C)."i:  n,,  mmird  because  his  um.  leid  l.ifii 
.^ird:  for:}  vr:us  brf.  liis  b.  4,  A7:'/e/.ev.  b.  Aiuil  OO.  ]7(;7:  m.  ( 1 1  .b.rushn :  (2M  >e~i:o 
Ho]. son,  sisier-.  5.  M\ini.  b.  Julv  2,  17ii'.»;  in.  <»/,ia-  •i,il|MU.  C,  Ainui.  b.  Miiv  lU.  1771: 
m.  Fldad  Feck  of  Dlue  Hills.  7.  "7A//;  ,  b.  ,b,  n.  11,  177d;  :n.  Hctsv  ]  biu;rh.  s"  Kl:,.,-ur 
JI.'ll.  b.  N..V.  s.  1771.  !l,  l.nili,,  b.  Juiv:;o.  177(1;  m.  D.-c.  20.  is02,  Fr;isti:.-,  Feck.  4, 
Fr.NUi';,  b.  n:'.**,;  m.  Cai.t.  Mif-:  Hull  I',!],  .""),  Kstiiki;,  b.  17;;7.  C.,  b.  Oct.  2:1. 
17:;^;  r-..   ;-:i;e.b  (;avl.-id.      :,   .bi-e'Ui.  b.   174ie  d.  -o-u,.      s.   .I(..~i.i'ii,  b.  M.ircb,   1712.     !). 

M Ai;v,  b.    aii'iut  1  741 ;  111.  .\c,ir 

,(i  1.  l-.idiraim     I  uttU    | 

tth    I;..    !-;2l.      Ill,    Iv!  x\. 

17);i.     II,    Sakvh.  b.  alu.ct  174'-.s    m.  limj.  S,,.'iry  of   Wall'd.      12,   Fi;k.m-/ki.    b.   i;,")0; 
111.  I'aticnce .      HI,   ]■'.•  iiii.u,  li.  March  27,  17o0. 

GCi  ArPKXDix. 

5.     Jeremiah  IIul],  M.  D.;  <1.  in  WallM.  May  1!.  ]::5i!:  m.  May -24,  1711,   llan.uili 

Cool;  oC  \\'. ;  ^lic  d.   I'-T.   11,  ITU;  sun  .Icii'iiiy  clmM'  .•^aiiiiH'l  Aaioii  C'oolv  j;-iiardiiiii,  17  Hi. 

1.  .h,hn.  Ii.  Xov.  l:;,  171'J:  ui.  .Marv  Ai'.divws,   Oi;t.  M.  17;J.-). 

H.  -M(....s,  1).  I.).'.-,  -jii,  171 1:  (I.  .hiue  :j,  17:;*;. 

III.  'l'a!>illia,  1).  .March  :;,  1717. 

h'.  Hainiali,  1).   .Mavcli  1 '\  1700,  in.  Jfliu-l  'I'utt!.-  [p.  404];  (.'apt.  Stciilicn  Audvcw.s. 

\'.  Jen  iniah,  h.  Jan.  0,  17:.'lt. 

VI.  .lusci))!,  Maich  -,'4.  17;l:;:  m.  1  7.'34,  Hannah  Coiix'tt. 

Vli.  Taiiriuv. 

Vil!.  Kaiiirali. 

L\'.  Auif,  lu.  Euo.s  l^L-nhain. 


John  HopkiliS,  '-tlift  milhT,"  .u\  i(.-i--iiial  s-itlcr  at  Hartford,  Conn. ;  d.  M)')\; 
liis  wu\.  .lai'r  !n.  Nailiani.  ]  Waid.  of   liadh'y,  .Mass. 

1.  In'thia,  ni.  ^iay  27.  HSoO,  Samuel,  s  of  ( K-i..  St(".cl;in;r"  of  ITaitf. ,  1).  in  Knp-. ; 
])i'p\ny  To  Livn.  Court,  l^JiiV".).  '74;  Pva.  of  the  Fir.^t  r'lh.  in  3!iddl('towii  froiu  .^huxh  h'l. 
I'.ilO  lo  d,.;  QUO  of  ill;'  thuo  s:u-!:i  I's  i]i  tlic  Indian  d(  .-d,,  li)i;-J:  jn-r.  stuvcd  in  riiilip-"  war. 
Uir  Ik;  was  unulc  Scr^'i-ant  in  11177;  d.  I>t'c.  ol,  Kis:;:  his  \^id.  m.  Lii'ut.  Janu's  Si<m','c  of 
llartf..  auci-stiu- (d' ihi'  Stci-I.-- of  ilartf.,  Coiiu.  ajul  \\  indluiur  ( 'o. ,  X.  \.  1,  Han.nwii, 
1).  Oct.  ;l(),  k;.-;!:  d.  liff.  liLT  f.  2,  S.VMri;i,,  h.  Oct.  ■;!»,  I'ioi;.  '■].  15i:tiii.v,  h.  Uct.  Id, 
IfJOS;  d.  Nov.  (>,  17;;2;  in.  lice.  If',,  ]u7."),  ddionui.-.  Sin-/,-  of  Middlctowu  ;uid  luid  ).)fa. 
!^(Ui,ijd.  who  Ui.  E-thcr  .Mould  and  had  <'apf.  St..;.h,.n  Stt/.v  of  Mid.  and  .'nHI  ford.  4, 
John,  ii.  Sipt.  24,  l(;f)0.     7),   Lydia,  1..  JMu.  20,  \M:).     ti,  (4i-:()U«;;k,   h.  Vi-.h.  2i),  Kit;.-),-  d. 

Fvl).  14.  1714:  U!.  Fdi/,ah:'t]L .     1,   S(,pJie,i,  h.  \i'><'.).     2,   KUziihrth.  W.yi.     :;,   >>/?//",/, 

1  7()f).  4.  .L\/A/,r,  171):;.  o,  '7/ -y/'y, ,  17U").  7,  t7r,KNK/-i;i;,  h.  Fol).  28.  Id(i7.  S,  S-i-himikn, 
?dandi  28,  1!;73.  1),  D.wirr,,  I.'.'  April  14,  1U77;  in.  An.-r.  27,  17(.Hh  Jane  Mould.  1. 
J)(ih'nl.  2,  rfo/^rpii,  u,  Kl'ihiztv:  4.  Ji'/ur  5,  .jvaatlinn.  0,  Elhho..  T,  Jane;  all  d. 
bcf.  );i2. 

II.      Sttpliuu. 

"     2.     Stephen  Plopkins,  1j.  lfJ:U;  d.  1(;><9;  ui.  Dorcas  Hrouson,  v.ho  d.  .Mav  1:3,  1G97. 
I.     John. 
II.      St<-].ho!i,  d.  Oct.  17()2;  lu.  Nov.  17,  1(;S('.,  Sar.ali  Judd;  a.   IS:  (2)  llf.imali  Strono;. 
b.  xVu-:-.  11,  llj(;0;d.  Xov.  174.1.      1,   Sakaii,  b.  Ausy.   21,  l(;s7.     2,    HACHF.r.,  h.  KiS'j. 

III.  J^bfMuziu-,  ni.  Jan.  21,  KJftl,  .Mary  But  lor.  1,  l-iisKXK/.lcii,  b.  1(1712.  2.  J<.>XA- 
'iir.vx,  KlfKl.  ;5,  EiiKMV.Kf:,  1700.  4,  .M.\kv,  170.").  5,  S-i-i-:riii-:.\,  b.  17n7.  'J,  Isaa(;, 
170S.     7,,  1710. 

IV.  Jos.-pli,  d.  1711;  lu.  Ai.ril27,  lO'j:],  llannali,  dau.  of  l^ca.  Paul  i\-ck  of  llartf.: 
slio  in.  '2)  John  PorKM-.  1.  M  vi;v,  b.  1  7O0.  2,  IIa.x.nau,  b.  1  7ii2.  3,  iXuiCAs,  1).  1704; 
Hi.  'i'iinothy  Proiison.     4,   iiiTi!,  b.  1707.     5,  JosKiui,  b.  1711. 

^'.      I'orras,  lu.  Jonatluui  W'l  l>sti.-r. 
\\.     Ahiry,  d.  Sept.  4,  174o;  in.  lOisO,  C'a]it.  Sanruol  Sedgwick. 

21.     Jolm  Hopkin.S,  d.  Xov.  17M2:  in.  Kaiuiali . 

I.  John,  1).  :uarch  29,  10'-!(1;  d.  Dct.  ."),  1700. 
11.  Con.sidi'r,  b.  U)S7. 
III.  Sl.'plKui,  b.  Xov.  0,  lOSO;  d.  Jan.  10,  17<;i);  in.  1717,  Susanna,  dau.  of  John 
Peck  id'  \Vat(u4)ury,  Conn.,  who  d.  Dec.  2,  17.V);(2)  Abi-ail  Webster,  wid.  of  John  (d' 
I'arininjitrjii.  1.  .b)ii.N,  b.  1718.  2,  S'lu-.i'iii  x,  b.  1710.  :;,  Anna,  h  172;;.  4,  .Scs/xna, 
b.  1T2.').  .""),  Mai;v.  ii.  172S;  <1.  y.  O,  JosKfu,  b  1  7;!0:  d.  Mandi  27,  INOl ;  4'owii  4>.  as- 
urei- of  \\'aterliuiy.  Ib")."^-!'!;  ■lu-^ticc  of  tjie  Peaci;,  17()J--70;  Depresenr;!,!  i  ve  in  txeu. 
Assembly,  170(;  n-  (4ect,-d  -1  |  times,  tol70!i:  Pea  :  S-'u,  Asst,  Jud.'.v  -N'ew  ilav.  Co.  Court 
an<i  held"  (jlher  ottices;  in.  .\ov.  IS,  1  7,-,4,  liej)/iba]i  rlarh",  wlio  d.  July  2!)  18',)0,  a.  70  , 
dau.  of  Dea.  'ricmas  Ciar!.;.  1,,  b.  lb")");  m.  lO'V.  Fienoni  Fp.;o[i.  2.  .4.^/,  l.>. 
ViTu:    iM.    — -   Daiue.      :>,,   .h.s,  p]i,    b.    1701);   m.    Hutli   Cilbeit.       4,    D.'uirl.    1>.    I7(;2;    ni. 

I'j!iyabe;Ii  Paine;  (J) PemiiiL;-.    .">,    ll.'<*ii-r.  b.    17ii.^  lu.  .^hu  Ic  Ib'euisou,   F..-(|.  of  Water 

Iniry.  0.  -A'.vaV,  b.  17(;i;;  J  ml-e  ! ',,.  Ciuirt,  JetViu  s,n  C(i. ,  X.  V.;in.  Dmx  1704,  K!i-/.:il)et  h. 
dau  of  Xathaniel  (i,,Md\vinof  !Iarife.rd,  w  ho  d.  Feb.  1,  17f);»:i2)a  lt.  dau.  of  Hev.  Dr. 
SaiumI    l(o|4;ins   of    Xe\v[)Mrt.    \\.    I.      1,    liei.sey.      •_',    Saily    Coodwin.      7.    J!,i>~ihnl,,   h. 

*Gejr;,'e  Sfickunf;  of  Cambridtre,  Mass. :  i'n:iile  freea'-ui  M.iy  ^,  1S55;  rcai .  t.'j  H.irrioril,>.  witli 
Hooker's  cuuipaay,  and  on  list  of  fie-jinen  tliLTe  1030.  In  1060  e.\;vistd,  prob.  by  re.isen  of  ai,'e,  froai 
watching,  'I  .ilniri^',  etc.;   d.  at  Kf^^.Tt  a.  I'-'j^. 

Al'l'KNDIX,  GG5 

17GS;  111.  I'-.tlu'l  ]5ni:ioii.     s,    ll.'nimh.b.llH):   in.  Srilrs 'I'liuinpsun.     9,   S.(Ui/.  h.   ITi'i: 
iumi.     7,  .li;ssi:.     N,   .Mauv.     !•.   ]a>i<.     ](i,    D.wi.n,  )>.  1741;  d.   I74>'. 
IV.     'J'liiiotliv,  h.  N-v.  1(1,  It;!)!. 

V.  Tli.tiiKi.s  li.  IC.'.i-J;  ,1  1-,MI:  m.  >Lnvli  1,  ITIT,  Miuv  V.-cklrv,  wlio  <].  l^,:^'.).  n.  iV-]. 
-[,   AiiKAlL,  1).  .Mnrrli  11.  171^:  <1.  y.   x!,    Sv!;.\i!,  h,   1 ;  1',).     ■;!.    Stki'MKN  ,  I..  17-2-J;  d.  1^04. 

4,   'J'lioMA-,  1).  17"3.);  (1.  ITiiT;  ('apt",  m  .  Anim  ,    \\])n  d.  .M:iv  -J?,    i7."'.:):  Ch  .Mice  llow- 

.ard.   who  d.   ]  77S,   a.  oS.     ],   Tlnmh.rr,  1..  1  Mi»;   d.    IMi;;.     •2,"  /.''"/■  v'/'/,  1).  1T:.:!:iii.  

Austin  of  Pliil.-i.  H.  ■''/,,,, ,-;..y,  1,.  17.>].  4,  J/z/c,  1).  17.-)i;;iii.  WnWvi  Wntts  nf  ( la. ;  r  hy 
2d  JU.:  .-),  Miini.h.  ITC:::  d.  v.  0,  J/^//-//.  S.  ITC.l:  i;i.  Aslil.,d  \\v\h-^,  y:..  of  li-jlturd 
[OJ.  7,  .[■iiiniL.  1).  .M:iv  11.  i  ;;;!]:  m.  l\.-t<T  \\'.  <iallaudct  <n  i'hila.  a!ni ' liai-Lr.  ;  uicivhi. 
1,  l!rv.  'riionm,,  U(iiiki"iis  (.iullauilrt,  1-.  D-c.  10,  17n7;  d.  Sf])!.  1,  l>^."il.  ."">,  Mu^KS,  b. 
];0:.  n.  A\i!i'.\,  l..  l?:;).  7,  J-:i.i.-:ia,  l>.  17;;i.  s,  Uk.v.i.vmin,,  \k  17.J4.  y,  Auhj.u:  , 
b.  ]7;37. 

VI.     J^uuiiud,  1).  D.T.  27,  1(1'.J;3;  lu.  J^sthev  Eihvaid.s  [i..  ^iil]  . 
VII.      Marv.  I,.   Ki'.iT;  <1.  ICy..*. 
A'ill.      llann.ili  aiid  ;M\i.tlKM-.  t\vin>,  b.  10!J<J. 
X.     Dou-as,  1).  i;nfj. 

214.     Timothy  Hopkins,  b.  Nnv.   ](>,  KliJl:  d.   Feb.   ,",,   1749,  m.  .June  b"-,.  I7in, 
31an,  dau.  ol  4  h.una-.  .hi.ld.  '.'.  !.i>  d.   Do-.  0,  17!l;   /.  .• 

I.  Sainu.'l.  1>.  Si'i>t.  17.  IT'-ii:  d.  ])<■■-.  '.in,  bsi):!:  Y.  C.  1741.  .\n  Alxditinuist  hi 
17TI).  -''I'ln'  ivfi'.t  t!it()lci;iau  r.'i  Sf\\\y>\-i\"  111.  .)aTi.  i:;,  174;,  .biaiina,  dau.  of  >bi<fs 
luyvrs  .1  of  (i;.  ]lariiij;,'-toii,\Ma^-..,  wlio  ib  Au^;-.  :4],  17'.!;i;  [•l)<v^)i.  14,  i7Ui-,  l-.lizaln-tli 
AN't^sT,  ]iriiicij)al  uf  a  biiaixliiii';  sclioo!;  .slio  d.  Aiuil  'J,  b^l4,  at  'J'auutoii,  ^la.'^^.,  a  7o.  ])r. 
Hopkins  woid;;^  ar,'  :  Sh,  T:,,:.:^},  D>r[uf  J:t  ;v-.-.vV;,.v.  ,'//  Ad.-.n:f,,fii  i.>  th-  Cnior^.^ 
4759;  rt'priiiTod  in  Ho.-ti'M,  177:!.  and  in  l-'diiiburo-.  Snithmd.  An  Li'iiilnj  t'oicwnituj 
ihe  Pr".:'i"r'^  nf  tin  {;.^q,,/,  ]7''i."i:  a  r,»itroviusi.-tl  wuk  in  reply  t,,  ])]■.'  >.b'iy1ieu  of 
B(jstou,  to  \\!ii(4i  Ml'.  Mill.-^  of  Jiipton.  (.'oiin.,  re)di<'d  I7(i7,  and  calli'd  foiiii  from  ]\ri\>- 
kins  lii^  celebraled  boolv,  '/'//r  J'/'fic  Sr,i[t'  .in'l  Ciur  iiirtcr  <'f  iln  l' uvui-  m^  fiti.  .  juinled  at 
-N,  b!sv.  1  Ttiil.  ,4  Si/sti  ni  of  D-'rwil/;,  tn -wliieli  was  a  Idrd  a.  tn-atisc  on  the  Mil'eniuni, 
•one  of  tlio  aljb  .st  in  the  laii-aiaut'.  .[  .Sfonoi r  vj' Joniitlm n  h'/!/i;i r'I.s,  and  other  \Miiks: 
i'.;  1,  (iKX.  l*.\V!r>,  a  lar^^o  pro])rieti_)r  and  inipoiter  in  .Maryland;  a  man  of -wealtli  and 
ililluence';  had  .^i  vej.ul  rlul,  "J,  J.!:vj,  .-tud.  at  Piineetoii  Col.  "J  yeais;  lu  alth  ]ieioi  ;  lived. 
andd.  iuVa.;  liad  G  idiib  ;],  .Musks,  remarkable  fdp  -treniith  of  mind  and  iiUi-i,'rity ; 
County  liegi.-,ttr  and  >hi,_;-istrat.- in  (it.  r)arriiii'-r(ai,  .Ma>.^. ;  d.  a.  S4:  '.)  eldl.  4,  SA.'-irKi,. 
ii  tlu'ifty  farmer  in  (It.  b. ;  o  rhil.  G,  Daviji,  d.  iuMd..  a.  'J4.  (i.  lii  rsKY,  an  a'i_-om- 
plished'lady;  m.   Dv.  John  SiMi-y,  .-ur;;-.  1".  S.  A.;  she-  d.  in  Fa_\  etteviUe.  >i .  (.'.,]eav,  'J  ss. 

7,  JoAXXA.  d.  178'j:  m. Fisher,  had    1    dam      S,    liL'OJ>A,  d.    179:-',    a.    iO;  m.  f'a]a. 

John  Ai'ttiiony  of  Ne\v])ort;  ]  ehikl. 
1(.  4'ii!":othv,  1'.  Sept.  S,  17-2::'.. 
1Tb  Kuldah"  b.  17-2:.:  m.  Abijah  Pi. -lends.  1.  >b\i:K.  1).  July  lo,  17f;0;  rev.  sob; 
rem.  to  Ij'i.^ton,  and  in  </o.  \vith  Uiles,  run  a  cotton  iMrding  mill;  rem.  te>  \N  indham,  Vt.; 
re}).  Vt.  be--,  mauyyrs.;  hii:li  sleu-iti  of  llie  Co.  ISlKJ  to"  ISU!);  I'res.  elector,  JHb:'-24; 
Stale  ee)un(ulloi'  1  ^bJ-b");  meiii.  (one-.  ISlC-.lSlS;  Gov.  of  \\..  ISvO;  ni.  Ann  Dorr,  wid. 
<if  Josejdi,  of  Ivjston,  and  dan.  of  .losepb  Ibip^-jes  of  Foxbiiry;  several  chib,  of  wliom : 
1,  JJti"..  m.  \\'in.  Czar  Bradley,;  M.  C. ;  s.  (jf  Stejdien  Uowe  Bradley.  3,  J)(t//.,  m.  Hon. 
-Samuel  NA'.  i'orter  of  Springtield,  \'t.  2,  (In.i.s.  .Manufacturer  in  l?0bton;  m.  Sarah 
Adams,  dau.  B(>v.  Thomas  of  Ko.Kl.Hiry.  1,  ^.///(.v.  3,  .  i'^^/z/ev,  rem.  to  O.  ;^,  (/fe/'.'/e,  of 
Paris,  France.  4,  Sura/i,  m.  Amos  J^awrence  of  Boston,  1st  ^vt.  0,  Mary,  m.  JrJin 
K.  Adams  of  Bo-<tou. 

IV.  Ihuinah,  1>.  172.^;  d.  .bine  G.  17o7;  m.  >biy  '^s,  1749,  Thomas,  s.  of  Thoma 
U])son  of  Fannine-ton.  Conn.,  wlio  d.  Sejii.  ~).  17tib  1.  15i:niim,  b.  k'eb.  14.  17.V);  V. 
C.  177(1;  set.  at  Ki-n.^inceni,  Conn.;  bV-Ihe.s-  ..f  V.  C.  b^U'.);  D.  D.  1SI7;  d.  .Nov.  bb  l^'JC; 
Jii.  Leva  Ho). kins.  ',>,  \'H.\t;i,Ks,  b.  .March  S,  17.VJ;  d,  .\im11  -.l:) .  ISO-);  m.  M.-.y  I'li.  177:-. 
Wealthv  Ib-pkins,  who  d.  Dec.  2S,  17s;b  1.  \V.:.<!iui;,lon,  b.  J>ec.  3,  177.");  li.  Ajuil  lo. 
]Sl:;.  -c'.  L'l .  b.  Mav  7,  177n.  ;\  Gof.s,  h.  Julv  IS,  'lT8(i.  M,  Svlvia,  b.  June  7,  17.',tJ; 
<b  17(;b 

\.     Sar.ib,  b.   17;;0;  m.  Dec.  4,    17."3tb   Timoihv  (lark  of   Waterbury.  s.  of 'idioma-;. 
.She  (b  Oct.  -Jl,  1737;  onlv  eliild;      1,    S.\i;aii,  b.  Oct.  'J,    17.")7;  d.  >biv  G,  r.7(>. 
\\.     .lames,  b.  17:;3;"  Y.  C.  1  7.Vb  d.  in  N.  blav..  17.34, 
Vlb      Dani.'b  1).    u-t.    p;.    17X1:    \.    C.    1  7:.^';  lii-hest    lionor>;   Abun.  I'rovincial  Ciui- 
gress,  17  7.);    ■■   I  lie  l.-ui  hiul  minisi.-i' "    at    J-^ah'iii.    :>las~,.;d.    U'-v.    14,    b^bb,    D.    D.  j^ait 
znoutli  C"b   iMilb   m.    lT7b    Susanna,    dau.  of  Jidiu  S;iumlets. 

VI! b     .Marv,  b.  ir;!7. 


,.,    •  ^ 

'^'^''  Ari'ENDIX,  I 

IX.     y]:nk,  h.  S,.,,t.  ]v,  nyu;  Y.  C.    I7r><;  lawwi;  Col.,  Rev.  arniv        ~  ~  \ 

A.      Soil.  (1.   D.c.  <».   17-11,  a.  -.'j  w.'cks.  ■  •  ■  I 

1  ^}fv:-    ^^'-^    Hopkins,  1..   Sept.  IS,  ]::;<»:   y.  c.  17:,S:  lawvr, :  C,,]    Kpv    ainiv  ^• 
J     a         in  ..  P.,M,s.  .1-  l,.v.r.  Oct.  OO.   ITTfi,  „v,„  .h,vs  tl,,-   ba,,],..     Uo^dui;         ^  ^ 

"ri^e  a;!;;-'si:";:4;;:  '""'" "  '"'•  "■  ^•'''  ^■'"'^=^^'  ''^'"-  '"■•'"^"^  ^--'•'"-  >••  ^'•-=^- : 

.,.!•     -^7''j';^^l'l..'>'  ^!;''';l;  ^•>.  l;'i<!:  'I.   is;!!»:  Hi.  Ort.  ■?0,  isoo,  :m a, vC.n is,  1,   o,.; 

Col.tKU   ^s•and,.;■tnr^T,.atnK■n,  tlMMi-   cy,..    uMH    tun,    l,vin;dv    to   ],i,M    as    tl.rir  tv,„.  „r  ' 
U.nslian!:o,,d.        li,- ,u.   A-,^-.  -^r,,  IS-H.  ].ouisa.  dan.  of  K^.v    ]),.    Kdv-nrd  Pav;',,  nl' 
Punlaud,  Me..vhod.  Jan.--,,lM:O;,0)I..v.   ;;n.    is;s.    Kii,,,-..!.   Kill..     /   bvVs     . 
1.   i:,?,r,,,,/  /v^,,;,,  1,  .1,1,  oo^;iy4..  ^^,,„,^  ^v,„s.  Col.;  1st  I.i,-ut.  in  ]s;  lj,.,.t    A^ss   ^av"-  ' 
mustpvd  ,K  .Ian,  li,   l-.(;i:   klH-d  i,,  .,  Cavaln  skinnisl,,  under  Sl.efidrn,  whiU-  Iradiu.-  a    ' 
Cavah-y  cliar.;v  at  As!,l;,iiil.  ^a.,  .Mav   H,   iSCl  ^'..un,^^       _ 

I!.      Homy.  !).  1),.-.  ^x^   |;,;;.  j"  i~v.'s.    m,,„  i 

III.      S.'Wfll.  1..    ITClj.  ; 

l^■.     Jolui  Sar-.-ii!,  1771.  '  | 

"\'.      r.oiiisa.  177-1;  in.  Jo.>(<5,li  Woodluid'^e  .  \ 

VJ.     P:ilintjliani.  1>.  177ii;  d.  y.  ^  v  { 



Robert  Johnson,  oarh- in  X.nv  llawn  Cro;!!  Ilnll    E  )•■■  ■  d   ■\\y    l'U7                          ' 

I.      .'ohn.  '         ^ '  i 

II.      Holait.  j 
III.      'I'hoiiia.,  1,.   KJoO. 

ly.    wiiiiaii..  j 

3.     Thomas  Johnson,  b.  1(>;0;  d.  ICOI.  a.  G-l;  i„.  Ell^na,  who  <I    inoi   a  fil             i 

.  I.      ■)n<ci,h,  I,    ].;.,1;   m.  IJ.dxicca,  d:,ii.  of  K.^v.  Abraliam   i'ierson    and    si^.  ot    Kev     i 

Abrahain  Ph  rson,  1st   ['i'\-..  \     C  '                          j 

II.      .lohn.  1..  ]f,.Vl.  I 

111.      ]':iiv.l,alpt,  1..  1(_;.-)S.  ! 

I\'.      Sa.vino;.  j 

\'.      Tliojuyis,  1,.  KWil.  ; 

33.     Eljphalet    Johnson,    b.    lOoS;    rem.    to    Xrwark;    IV.     Peboiali    Ward-    c'l    ' 

Abif.'-ail  .  '      '     : 

I.  Col.  KHpkal.-t. 
_.  11  Xalhaiuel,  Kso.;  m.  San.b  O-d^n.  1,  1?kv.  S'ixi'UKX  Y.  C  1743-  a  dis- 
tin^uisl>,.,l  rrdignm.  and  ].olitiral  ^v.itrv  of  the  He  v.  period,  of  hvn.r,  C'onn.;  m.  1714. 
Elizabetli.  dan.  <d  \\  illuun  l)iod.,ti  of  X,  Hav.,  who  was  a  ur.  s,  of  .lohn  Diod.ti  Vvn-:  ' 
ot  1  nlosophy  at  (icncva.  Swit/rrlainl,  and  (•(.niinnitato;'  on'  the  Hible  1  />/,„/,///  •' 
^"f""'^'.  oWl^ii,,;.  4.  Sfrp/n..  :..  KInahi/,.  (l,  .sW,w/-,  n. .  John  C  lisw,  dd.  7; 
(.illun-nu  m.  Kov.  h>nd,ard  J-.lli,)it,  y,  Alnjail,  ni.  i^ianuiel  heverett.  i.  bv  'hi  m. :  U, 
M'lrii,  in.   !:o\-.  Matthcu"  Xoves  _  .  •    , 

III.  John.  ■  "  ■  \ 

IV.  Saniufl.  I 
V.      'I'iniothv.                                                      ■  ! 

VI.      D-bniaii.  ■  I 

\'\[.      IM.rbe,  I 

Vm.      Hr/ddah:  n,.  Cortdia .     1,  JKMiMA,,n.  Daidrl  Tattle  [p.  ;]0;)1.     ^   JovxW.    '\ 

ni.  Abed  C.unpholo;  (V,  John  -j'utih.  [  p.  ;;(ii. |.      ■;,  p,,  kkk,  in.  D.a.    Caloh  Wh.vhT  "      1 
0'-  ',"•;    ^'  ^"/''-  -/"-"^  1'  Hev.  ^oldior.      1,   Ph,.l„..  n,.  Cov.  \Vn,.  S.  Pennin-ton  wf  X.  j'     : 
...__-l  (/'r-/.     1,..  l.ol„.!t  X.-il.        4.  Ki.i/.\i;i:rii.  ni.  ■I4ir,,phll;is  Ward.       1     Tim,  Ih,;  (■,,...    r    ■ 
n,n:/in  \M,ippnny.  X.  J.       1,  Mary,  ni.  (apt.  d'iniMrh  v  'i'nttio  fp.  :p,itl,       2    Phobo 'n; 
Ja<'oh(.ray  :d  _\\hii,oaey,  :,:.d  la..: :     Mi,  l)an.,n,.   Dr.  John  S.   lun-v.    ^  :',    ciiarh--    ua^ 
postiilastrr  ;i.t  .vewark.  —  ('"ii;/ir. 

4-  WilllLjm  Johnson,  a  .Ml!.,'. ■lihri-  in  \\allin-io;-<l  li;7(»:  did  r.ot  liv  th.Te  ainl 
hi.^  h,t  %vas,sold  to  Isaac  Cnitis  in  l(ii)l.  Mr  v..-;;s  d,...ron  in  (.'nilford  Tin-  .n.nrral  co.p  r 
t;ave  luin  a  lann  in  l^nihani.  Conn. 

I.     Jacob.  1,.  l(iii;i:  ni.  Doc    1!.  Vm,  Abipdl    Hi;ch<-..rk.       lied.  Jul\  :JS,  174fi,  u. 



80;  she  d.  .lau.  H.  ITO';,  1,  Kkvi;kn,  in.  Mury  Ihiynai  [p.  :,>14].  '3.  Isaac.  M,  Enos.  4. 
AiUGAiT,.  5.  TsHAi:i,.  0,  Ai'.NKii,  ii\.  Cliiiiity  n'ayton  [p.  -,'14].  T,  Cai.kt,,  in.  Kai-lit-l 
Block. 'It  [.11. 1  s,  l>AX[i:i..  !),  S.m;a!1.  M,  l!r,\'.  .)  A'oi;,  of  ( lioiou.  < '.mn.  11,  T.ydia. 
11.  Saiiuu-l  ni'  tMiilf<.ril:  P. 'a.  1,  SAMTKi.,  1).  (iiiillord  (),-t.  11,  l(;r,li;  wi-nt  to 
sclionl  io  .l:.iril  KlHot:  Y.  (.'.  1714:  tutrir  ITlil^j!).  In  ITIT  liis  intimai.-  frii'iul.  l)aiiif; 
riidwn,  was  appnMiii-d  iiitortu  his  Vii'at  i,''i-aTil]r;!Tiiin.,  In  171S  .Mi-,  .lojiii^dii  \v:,s  tlir  Ist 
])ers(>n  to  iuliai)it  the  uvw  voUfiTf  liuihlin^ii-.  In  1  T'.'U  lu-  \v;is  )>asTf>r  of  the  (.'oni;-.  clih.  a' 
West  Ilavcu  ill  onit  I- to  lit'  iifai-  till' colicL^-i  liliiary.  In  1  7-2,  Avitli  Daniel  Brown  aaJ 
Prest.  Cutler  N^enr  to  I'n^-.  for  onlinatioii  to  the  l-ljiis.  prii-sthood  anti  was  ordained 
March,  17:?;5.  At  this  time  ^Ir.  Johnson  rcnivcd  A.  M.  from  Oxford  and  Camhridge. 
At  Ills  su^'sn  stioii  I)r.  Pi-rkley  sent  to  V.  (".  tin-  I^'ikelian  Lilmiry  and  rhe  deed  of  his 
farm  of  jttd  acn-s  in  1!.  l.-iaiid;  the  annual  iiiirn-st  to  hf  divided  betwrrn'the  ihi'fc  I.k-sl 
classical  scdiolars  oi  tin-  graduatiiu:  ^hl^s  In  17."i-l  elected  first  Prest.  of  Kings  ((.'ol- 
iinibia)  (.'ol.:  resigHed  1763,  and  returned  to  Stratford,  ('onn.,  -where  ln'  luirl  l.i..'en  I'revi- 
oiisly  eiig:ii_e'd  in  ii;i>-i"iuiry  work  wh'eh  he  ii/snnn  d.  lied.  1772;  H.  1>.  Oxford  rniv., 
Kng.,  174;;:  m.  Sept.  -jn,  1725.  Cluiiity,  dan.  of  C<A.  h'ichard  Floyd  and  wid.  of  Benja- 
min Nieoll  of  T,.  1.,  wh(.>  d.  .Juiiel.  17os;,  and  washurifd  in  Chancel  of  Ti'initv  chh. , 
^^  Y.;  12)  Jane  1^,  17r,l,  Mr.s.  Beach  who  d.  of  s!na!l-].ox  Feh.  !),  17(1:-!.  1,  iVl/'wm 
S'Wi'iil,  h.  1727;  d.  in  Stratford  ISlit,  a.  92;  V.  C.  1711,  In  17iil]  he  was  airi  lit  of  Conn. 
in  England  and  formed  the  ac(pi;dntance  id'  many  illustrious  men,  the  famoub  ]>;■. 
Samitel  Johnson  for  one,  with  \\  horn  he  Ci.uresponded  for  many  yeais:  Juilgt.^  of  the 
Sui>rcme  Court  of  Coim.  1772-74;  r)elegate  to  Ccmgi^ss  17.'^o:  .Mem.  Cons,  convm- 
tion  v>hich  framed  coie-tiiution  of  the  i.'.  S.  17>-!7:  I'lcst.  Coliindiia  Col.  17!)2-lN'j'> 
[p.  4l(i.]  V,  ir////- ///;•,  Y.  C.  17-lS:  went  to  !-hig.  for  oidina lion  and  d.  <here  of  small-pox 
June  20,  17.">(3. 

Ill,     Eli/.al.eth,  m,  William  Hall,  father  of  IV-a.  Paiiiel  Hall  of  Duiduim,  Coim.,  v.dio 
lived  on  the  •■  (.)ld  1  uitle  place," 


Robert  Kitchel,  the  first  name  savs  (.'oiiirt-r  (in  the  Covenant  of  June  4,  l(i8M. 
at  New  Haven;  Hep.  from  (inilford  lUoO-(J-(.U-2-o;  m.  Marga.iet,  dau,  of  ]>r.  Edwa.rd 
Sheafe  of  Craidu  eo];,  Kent  Co.,  P"ng. 

1,     Samuel,  m.  Elizal.K'th  W'akeman. 
Jl,     Joanna,  le.  liev,  Jeremiah  Peck. 

1.      Samuel  Ivltchci,  d.  20,  ICiiO;   m.  at  X,  Hav,  1(;;.")7,  Eli/.aheth  Wakeman; 
(2)  Grace,  (.lau.  of    !-;e\ .  Aihram  Pieison  and  si.s.  of   Kebecca,  wi'.  of  Jobej)li  John^.jn   and  Pi.'i-son  of  Y.  C. 
I,      Sarah,.  1>.  p;r)7, 

11,     Elizalieth,  b.  ln.-)9:  m.  Seth.  s,  of  Micah  Tomiddiis  oT  Milford,  Conn,     (Micah 
Thompkins  secreted    CoiTe  aia!  Wjia.lley  for  a  time,  giving  them  aid  and  comfort,  ■'  hi-- 
girl- not  aware  that  ai]:;-els  wre  in  the  ba-'-ment,")     /, .•     1,   M.vnv  (15ruen),  and   others. 
HI,     Aiiigail,  m.  John  Ward,  his  2.1  wf. 
IV,      S;:m'nel, 

\',      .^Iary,  m.  Jo-iah  War.l. 
yi.      Susanmi,    m.    En-iL.n    Jonathan    Baldwin,      1,    h'.KTiilA.  m.  Thomas  ^\'ood.      2, 
HAXXAtt,  h.  Nov.  17,  1701; '<1.    Julv    :]1,  177;;    m.  Col,  Ja.-ob  Vuvd.   Sr.     1,    ]i<irh,I.  m. 
Samuel  Tuttl,-  [p.  ::!i:t].     2,  .}:•„,  .  m,  M.^v,,-,  'futile  [p.  ;V21].      i.  bv  Cd  m. : 

VI 1.      Abn-dinm,  b.  li;7f):  .1.   1741.  a.  t;2:    Dea.  au-l  l.iMit. ;  m.  .-^arah who  .1.  1743: 

both  liuried    -.n  WhipiMUv.  X,  Y,     1,   David,  m,  Kuth  Tutth-  [p,  :J1^J. 
\'lll,      (iivce. 


Biehard  and  Cillinn  el.-in^lield  came  from  Ex'-'t  r,  D.-voii'-hir.',  Eng.,  and  settl.-d  in 
New  H.iven,  KJe'.i;  auce.-te'is  of  a  II  thi'  Xe-.v  !  haven  name,  lie  Nva.>  .-tew  aiil  for  Mr.  Ma.r- 
sliall,      Slie   m,    (2)  Ahxamier  Ci.ud,  a  b;'.!:er.  and  came   into   ]His,^ess;oti    of   tlu-    l']vaiice 

lot    winch   a.d.ioille:!  Jesh:ia  'futtl.''s  on   Colie^.'  St.         She  di'\i-ed  it   to  the  .dnhi|-e;l   .'f  lu  r 

S(ui,  .bi-i'ph  .M;uistit,-!d,  wit... -old  it  to  ,b)iiii  .\ ' iinu ,  \\hoMiiiiit  to  Samuel  .Mi\.  wie.  sold 
a  -m.'U  pa.rl  of  it  to  B.-njamin  Bianklin  be- a.  i.rinriiig  oilic".  'I'he  Carieoa  ;uei  leirf'-e 
(lormat.u-ie.s  ami  tIu'  Baltell  ch.apel  of  Yah-  (  'oll-uc  -tan.d  c.w  the  i;-round;  several  .duh,  of 
wdiom  \Muv:     1,  Jose.di.      2,  Mo-.-s,      :k  ihe-h-f^etrhd  in  North    Haven, 



1.  Joseph  Mansfield,  m.  Muiy  .       His  \\\]\  (l:it('il  .hill.  ■2:',.  1701.  nnuii'.s  ;J,  ss. 

and  si'veral  daus.:  .Jolni  Xewiuau,  witncs.s.      Her -will  ihitnl  .);in.  '2').  ]~ii)'>:   luv.  i'70. 

1.      Man-,  1).  ir,,ls. 

11.  Miu-ilui,  April  IS,  ICOO:  iii.  ]>(t.  10,  ID-^O,  ];iclianl  SpciTx",  h.  .)an.  -30,  ICyJ, 
and  liad  10  chil.,  oi  wlioni:  1.  Musk-,  .Ian.  •; ,  liisi.  •?,  .Joirx,  m.  I'l-i.^eiUu  ilnrcUki-- 
[p.  ]"-!!iJ.     :',  Sii.Kxri:,  ni.  'I'hnmas 'I'uttl'' [ji.  177]. 

III.  Jajilit-r.  K^Taii- div.  1  74.")  ('(pially  t  )  7  il:i!is.  :  wf.  llaiinali,  adiurx.  Slic  d.  ['i'j'<: 
airrL'CUient  ti)  di  V.  1  Ti'i'.t  hy  all  tlir  idiii.  1 .  (^>^rM  )i;t.  ni,  Saniiul  Niclinls  ot  New  Mil. 
ford.  Cniui.  '2.  S\!;a!I.  ii.  April  S.  ]7il();  ni.  Ani' s  Tiitlli'.  \ni<-  ai^l  Sarali  TiitMc  -..{d 
rt.  in  Saniiud  .Maii-li.dd  175'(.  :_!,  Umiu-A,,  Ij.  April  Ii,  17M;  ni.  Stt^plien  I'litiK'  [I],  ani'i 
]iad:  ].  J-:-t/.<r.  -i.  1!^  z.lj^ili .  :].  SO  jj,,  n.  4.  11  an.n  a  H,  ni.  <  i<-isli(.iji  Todd.  ."i.  M/,  i;th  v. 
m.  'I'lionnis   S[iiTry.       Ij.  Maiiv,  ni.  I'\-!).  ;],  ]71."^i,   l^jihn    Spi-n-y.       Hi-  will  pnivi'd    U'iH 

naiiu's:     'i ,  j-j'il/ ■/.     •2,M'/r//.     '■).  JLi n luih .     -i.  Jhnihit.     7.  1  :>Tir!:i;,  ni. i;i-a(di.     s. 

JAruKT,  (1.  .s.  ;■.  17-11;  ni.  limli  'J'uUle  [I  |,  1>.  r,u4;  d.  i71'.J:  lu-r  duwi-r  distriiiutuil  l7r.-2  i.> 
sisti'i's  of  daplii-i  Man.^li.  Id. 

IV.  .I(.sv>].]i..  ],  .r,,:!N,  .Junv  2.  1701;  d.  Junr,  17.""jl;  in.  Lvdiia  'I'littb';  si.^.  to  liurli 
al.,.vr-.  1,  >;'//(o.v.  17-10.  -1,  jjnniil,  IH-I.  ::!,  7.'- /."V,/.  1  7-!.').  2,  M.\l!  Y,  .\i.ii!,  170] ;  i,i. 
112'i,  Jhuiiid,  .s.  iif  S.nniir!  aiid  Sarah  (X^SNnuai.  Tunl''.  :i.  .l(>-i;i'ii.  1,  TitnA,  ni. 
Malitd  Tndd,  andliad:  1.  \-aw<.  "J.  lianr.ali.  :;.  Hi.  hard,  1>.  \lr,.\;  m.  .Mary  SliL-.  4, 
Eur.NKZi;!;;  \vf.  Hannah,  liap.  17(H):  jicrhaps  si.-,  of  ]>aniol  'J'littlc.  and  nio.  of  (ioislnjin 
Todd:  d.  ITOO.      Ih-  .1.  ]M!l:   Haniid  Tiitth-,  ••  hio.-in-lau-,"  admr. 

2.  Moses  Mansflold.  h.  iOlO;  d.  Oct..  17U;;.  I'raditiou  say.-;  was  to  liavt-  hoon 
named  Hirhar.l,  fnit  in  iro--inj^- ihe  Ir'.ast  rivr^r  in  a  canoo,  on  th-'  way  »■!  nici-ti  I'u  t<i  ho 
haji..  >vcro  np-;ct.  a.nd  tho  iiifanr,  widl  \vi-a]>pc.l  in  iilanl.-i't.-,  tliM't.-d  ;|ouji  I ia- st roam 
and  l(Hli;('d  anio'.ii;-  tho  rLi.->li<-s,  from  whitdi  h.o  \>,-as  talcon  uninjurod:  liorn-t'  called  -Mo-.i'.-.. 
Il'rl'.f's  Jlisf.  O-'f.  '.f'  ('.',,/>.  Ho  wa,  MaJ.  Mf  mil.:  tlo-  hiirlo'-t  military  oiii.'rr  in  iho 
coiiniy;  .]iidj;e  of  tin-  (..'o.  ('<iun.  and  Assistant  Jiidu'f  id"  Prohale.  Ho'  iMiited  a  paiTy  of 
Indians  near  Man-^lield.  for\\ldrh  ho  roooivod  a  largo  tr,,<;t  of  land  -vviihiu  tlio  limits  of 
that  to\s"n.  ^^■hildL  was  iianied  U)V  him.  \U'  in.  I'iJl,  MtTcy  (Mo'.-m;  c^M  Ahii,;iii, 
daii.  of  deputy  (ii'v.  James  ITisliop.      llor  will  proved  17011  names  hro.  Sanimd  r.i-;hup. 

L  Ahie-ail,  h.  l-"oh,  7,  Kiijt;  m.  Sejit.  i:!,  lOS-2;.)ohn  Atwator.  and,  wero  ancestor- 
of  Eli/a.l>oth,^',M  wf.  of  ICplii-aini  Tiiitie,  WiUia'n  Atwater  who  m.  H.-thor  'J'ultle,  sis.  uf 
Ei)hfaim,  and  Inul  L'hlno,  who  was  inotlior  ol'  Ihn.  I>rs.  \Villi;im  A.,  Orrin  ami  Jnhn 
Ahm/.o  Clark  of  ilio  Kpi^.  clih.  :  Morah,  wf.  of  Jh.n.  Steplioii  Ih.wo  Ihadloy;  Hiizuhi'th 
.Njary  Ann.  wf.  of  (Jen.  An.dr(  \v  Hunt,  mothi  r  id'  Ihidocia  and  u-randmoihor  ot  Admiral 
Andrew  Hull  Fuote;  ,\a!.h\,  v\  f.  of  Dr.  Hlnathan  Boaih,  and  Aniarvllis,  wf.  .d'J'iins 

11.     >reiry,  h.  A])ril  2,  1GG7:  in.  .lolm  Thonij'son,  s.  of  .hihn  and  Pri-cilla    ^Powoll) 
T.,  who  d.  Ajnjl  :2."j,  1721,  a.  54:  Iiad  dau.  MtoucY,  in.  .losoph  Tnttlo  [}>.  2yu]. 
HI.      Hannah,  h.  May  11.  lOfi.^:  m.       —  Brown. 

1\'.      Samuo!,  Hoc.  ','A,  1071;   Harv.  Col.  IfUtO;  schoolmaster  and  Tnorch.ant;  d.  17(11. 
V.     Moses. 
YI.      h^arali,  -Tune  14,  1077:   in.  .Jan.  1.  ir,!);-,  William  IHiodos. 
Y[I.      P.i'dmnl,  .Ian.  20,  lOsO;   d.  Aul;-.  7,  If^.sl. 
Yin.      ]3athsh(  ha.  Jan.  1,  10<2:   ni.  Jan.  22,  170.5,  Joseph  ('ha]>inun  of  Xewpnrl,  11.  I. 
IX.     Jonathan,  !..  Sept.  1."},  10^<.^. 

25.  Moses  Mansfield,  Ane-.  ^r■,,  1(;74:  mariner:  owned  lands  in  Waterlniry. 
Conn.;  will  jnoved  1740;  in.  X(jv.  :j,  17(12.  Margaret  Proiit,  0.  .June  7.  10s2. 

1.      Marv,  ni. Ailing  and  hud  onlv  <di. :      1,   ]'7l.i/.  \r,i;'j'if  Ai.i.l.Nc;. 

II.      Daniih- 
IH.      Samuel,  his  est.  adin.  174'.)  hy  Moses  Manslhdd  wh'.  was  ajipt.  guard,  same  yr. 
to  .Vmhn.ise  niinm-  s.  of  Cap't.  Amhrose  W'aid;   m.  (.>ct.4,  1712.  I'.-ther  Hall.      1,  KsrriKK, 
h.  Jan.  0.  17  14:   d.  Jan.  11.  sm.      2,  M  ai;(; Aiii.r.  h.  Ajiril   21,  17  lo;  d.  Juno    W.  177."i.  in. 
Benedi.'t  .\rnolvl.     :!,  Ks'i  in:K,  Xov.  2,  1710.     -1.  Maijv,  .lulv  ;!,  1  71^'.     ."i.  Md^Ks  SA:.t[;r,r.. 
Jie,-.   0,   17o].     0.   (iit.Ks   Haxikf.,    Xov.    14.    17.-);j;  est.   set.  17:^2    hy    Jacid)    Tli(7mp.s<;,i. 
admr.  ami  hrwther-iii-ia w,  his  motlnu-  conseiuinw-. 
IV.     Martraret. 
V.      Susanna,  in.  .Xnv.  2,  173.'^,  Samin  1,  s,  of  Samuel   and   A^nn   (Trowhridev)  Cook, 
h.  July  22,  1711:  Y.  (.'.   170:):  m.ereh.  in  X.   Hav.;   mem.    I.  ■!:.   17".l-.".;  d.   17nS,  a.  77.      I. 
Sc-A.NNA,  b'lp.  ,lan.  If,.  17;;7.     2.SA\it  1  I,.  H-e.  :;|,  17^:].   Y.  C.  ]7"''S;  d.  !7s:!,     ;j,  An.n. 
Xov.  20,  1740.     4,  i;rrtiKi;F(>i;i).     ."),   Mai:oai;i;t,  17h'.     0,   ?^I()si>  M  .\:,.->>-i;i,i).  17-34. 
VI       Mercy. 
VH.,  m.  J^achel,  dau.  of  Joseph  n.)rman. 

API'E.NDTX.  ceo 

29.  Jonathaji  Mansfield,  li.  Sepi.  1."),  icyr,;  lived  (■.,nu-r  i:iia  uad  ciimvli 
streets,  N.  Hax-.,  site  of  till'  jJclure-t  li'iiis;-,  ;iu'l  his  ]^'l;-  pfn,  it  is  s;>iil,  sKmmI  mi  tin- 
nortlieaft  coviH'r  of  til-  i^-r.-n  (i]il)nsitf.  IT-  d. ■aeon' of  iIk-  liist  chli'.  froni  1751  to 
1775,  and  \\  a^  the  of  ijir  coiuumidoii  |i1:kc  and  ^viiic.  (Hi-,  )ic^io  M'lvaiit.  it  is 
said,  got  ili'Link  several  times  on  this  coii.--erratcd  wine  l)c!oi  i-  he  was  dis.'ovetvd.)  He 
(1.  Stfit.  '2.  1775,  and  names  in  will  be-ides  .hi).,  v.i'au.l  eldh  .louatlnui,  Moxs  and.  i^i^iers,- 
ted  Mansfiidd,  and  .ioiiathan  Mansfield  |l'eid;:  to  the  latter  he  irives'lN  acre-.  Hem 
June  1,  17<'S,  Sarah,  dan.  td'-Iolm  AlIitiLT,  who  d.  ]7ti5. 

1.      Stephen,  h.  Nov.  14.  171(;  (('a|,a.):  m.  Ore.  ;;]  ,  174''i.  Hannah  Bfa^di.      i    .(,,»%- 
April  11,  175ti.      -2,   Jaimii,    May -Jo.  I75!t:   C'oh  V.  >^.A.;  m.    Elizabeth    I'liipi-s  h.    Ji)7|' 

:-].   JlK.NKV,    Feb.  ],  17»J-.':    m.    Mary .      ^,   ll^  „  n/  St,  ,,?i,  ,> ,    Max  '^l]     17.^0      :,^    Jofu 

/'</;/e;,  .!an.  !),  17\-'^.      o,    .lA'-y/   ^. ■'//■e///M    r/;-,/,v  ,  .[e.i:,- 4,  1 7!):). 
II.     Nathan,  h.  i71S:  Lieut,  m.  |!,d;orah  D.ivion,  [\).  2()2]. 

III.  Kiehard,  b.  1 7-'4 ;  y>)ang-e-t  ehild:  d."  April  12,  "is^O,  a.  90;  Y.  (\  1741; 
ordained  in  London,  Kiii:.,  !i\-  .\r(di  r>i-.liop  of  <  "anterburv,  174S;  rertn!-  }"pi-  cjih 
]),-rby,  72yeaiv;  D.  D.,  V.  C.'W.^:  tn.  O-'t.  |0,  1751,  Mrs.  .\"n'na,  -d' ,Io.M-ph  Hull  Jf 
D.nby,  a.  15  y<'ar>  and  4  mos.,  and  had  i:j  ihil.,  of  whom:  1.  L.iciiAiUe  2,  Ann,  nj. 
i:iij;,h  llninphii  y^.  3,  S.\KAJI,  lu.  Rev .  Iv.lw  ard  IJIaki-dre.  4,  W  W. ,  in.  Eiiniec  Il'ull' 
5,   STi;rni;.v.     li,   LfriiKTiA.      7,   1->i.tsi:v.     s,   Maiiv.     !),    Ldt.f^^A. 

IV.  Sarah,  ni.  Capt.  Th<iinas  ^^■ilmot:  in  it.  of  hi.-,  wf.  Sarah,  dau.  of  J.>(_-a.  Jona- 
than .Mansllild,  moved  an  appeal  from  will  of  her  father,  1775. 

^'.      Si. sauna,  m. Stone. 

VI.  Lois,  h.  1717:  d,  March  \(\,  ISM;";,  in  MMh  year;  buried  by  side  of  .ALarv  \Vihnot. 
Beeelier  in  (.fovr  jstreet  <-i_-metfry ;   ni.  John  Watts. 


'  Thomas  Mix  (Meekesiof  NewIIav.,  1(;46';  d.  early  in  1091,  leaviui;-  i:o<,d  est.: 
nms  1(1  chih,  all  liviny:  John  an<l  S;.'],lif-n  execrs.;  ni.'l04':),  Keljucca,  diiu.'^of  C'aiJt' 
Nathaniel  Turnfr.  v>4!o  d.  June  14,  17;;i. 

L     John,  b.   104!);  m.   Klizab-tli  lieaton. 
II.      Nathanitd,  b.  Sept.  14.  1051:ni.  Mai\  Tantrv.    [p.  S.3.] 

III.  Da.e.hl,  b.  Sejit.  S,  105o;  ni.  May  L'.  I<i7'v"  Jfuih.  dim.  of  Jolm  and  Sarah 
Ensign  Ro.-kw.dl  and  ^r.  dau.  of  Dea.  Win.  ];ochwi_-ll  y\i  Windsor,  b.  March  5  1;;55  l 
Thomas,  b.  \vr,^-  m.  1705,  D.borali  Ib.M-e.  ;.',  Damki,,  b.  Ins5;  ni.  1712.  Lvdia  Irwin' 
3.  Lydia.,  b.  July  ;J1.  1(1S2;  ni.  March  4,  \',W,  E;.on.-/.-r,  s,  of  !>,.  .lohn  j'luil  and  had" 
among  otliers.  Kbu.^z.r,  ni.  lianiuih  JhUes  and  had  :Mar\-,  m.  l-;idi;aim  4'uttle,  atid  had 
Uri  []>.  482]. 

IV.  Thonuis,  b.  Any.  -on,  1G.")5;  rem.  to  Norwich;  \\\.  June  MO.  1(;77.  Hannah,  dan. 
of  jiev.  James  Fit(di  and  set.  on  a  farm  behniging  to  .Mr.  Fit<h,  cast  of  Shetauk-.-t.  A 
tract  of  20  acres  ••  where  liis  lio-ise  stands  wjisVontiuie-d  to  liin;  as  a  free  i-iir  ficiUiMr 
F.  to  his  dau.,  July  10,  KM).-  He  <1.  July  :;ii,  I7O0;  Uchik,  of  whom:  \,  Damkl  b' 
April  23,  1078:  Selectiniin  of  Norwich    1725-(j 

V.     Caleb,  d.   y. 
AM.     licbecca,  b.  Jati.  4,  105s':  d.  June  10,  1731. 
VII.      Abie-ail,  b.  Iti5!);  ni.  J<dm  I'anirv     [p    S3  ] 
VIll.      Cairt,,   b.   ICOl;  m,   .Maiv   Hradiev. 

IX.      Sainiiel,  b.  Jan.  11,  10f;3:  m.  liebecca  Pardee. 

X.      liaiinah.  le  Jniic  3:),  IO'.K;;  m.  Jui\e  25,  It;;)].    Tluimas   Olmsted    ofliart/o'd     1 
TifOM.vs,  b.  An-.  10.  ICOi:  .1.  in  W.  liartf.,  .\u_-.   IS,  1751).  m.  Feb.  21.  1710,  .\nn  w'eb- 
ster.      2,    Sri:i-iii;.\.  b.    Jam'  1,  li;;)4.    m.    ,lune    2'.J,  1723,  Saiah    .Nlerrills.      3,'  S\i;\ir    b 
Jan.  1.  1(;'.)0;  m.  Jan.  ;;,  Kls,  .Inhn  Ivr-llc.     4 ,   in;i;  a,  b.  Oct.   10    l(il!7      5    I)v\i\iiis" 
b.    May  2s,  ICiil);    ni.  Jan.   II.  172;),  d'heophilus    \\\k  of    WnHin-bM-d,' will  nann-.s 
wl.   Hauuiris  ;ind   ordy  ciiild.  Si.Miili  .Mix.      1,    J/,;.o  v.  b.  Jan.  3,   \V.V);    d.   Feli.  Ik  s;n.     2 
Mni'ii,  d.    July  3.  1735.      3,    Sun},,      d,    D.v.mmi,.    b.    Sept.    2s,    lioi;   ui.    Jati.    27    1 73u' 
Mary  Caldwell.      7,    Ikw.xwii.  b.  Jan.  20,  1704-5. 
XI.      Esther,  b.  Nov.  30,  KidS;  d.   iti7(i. 
Xll.      Stei>hen,  b.  Nov.   1,  ]i;d2,  m.  .Mary  Stod.iard. 

1.  John  Mix,  b.  10.4'.),  ha:l  lot  No.  12,  in  Wallin-fordi,  107O;  d.  Jan.  21  1711--1- 
m.  bcf,  1079,  Elizabeth  Heaton,  b.  1(;.50;  d.  Auir.  11,  IMl.  a.  HI;  .km.  of  James  and' 
Eli/.aketk  lle.i'on,  w!;e  ni.  bir  2,1  hu-..  Wm.  J  ud-,o,).  \Vi!i  of.I,,kn  .M  ix,  s.-n.,  of  N.  li., 
l>!-oV.  1712;  _s,  Jolm  to  htive  4i  acres  in  "^'orkshir,.  (juaner;  s.  Jo-eph.  bam  at  (4m,-inut 
Hill:  dau.  j-:st]ier,  l-:ii/,abc-ih  and  .Mert-y.  land  that  was  m  \  motherdn  lawu,  \Irs.  k^lizabctli 
Jii.lson.    which   slio    eave    to  my  wife;   names  Tattle's   Meadow   in    ve  ue'ck.  his  y 

070                                                  APi"];x])ix.  I 

mark;  2  sons,  4  dtuis,  .F.srlun- Mun-on,  Ahic^iiil  .Miles.     Jolm  iuid    Sirpln-i)    Mix  ■■•aincd  •  '^- 

suit  in  Hartford  agaiu'^t  Ihiunali,  \vf.  <.l'   Wm.  Jom-;:   icvcr.-'al  i,f  a.  .\r\v  Ifavcu'llfcisidu  5 

alM.iut  .snnic  l:in(l  Ijimi^lit  by  'I'lmiuiis  Mix"  of  (mi\-.  Jvitoii.  i 

I.     .U>\n\,  1).  .\ii-.  •}(;".  ItJTC:   in.  Sarali  'I'liomjisnn;  (-.3)  Estlu-r ?• 

11.      .los.pli,  in.   IM.erra  .                                                                         ■  I 

III.  lOstliiT,  III.  'J'lu-Dpliilii.s  MunsoD.                                    •■   .  f 

IV.  Kli/.al.eth.                                                                                                                   ■  ) 
V.      Mfivy.  * 

\L      Aln-ail,    in.    Sept.  7,  nnC,  .Major  'riimnas  Mil,-,,,  (s.  ,..f    IJicliard,  wlu.   d    ]iUj:',  ] 

and    Ivatliariuf.  x'-li^d.    Jab.  07,  Iti-^-l.  a.  '.■<'>,  \i\    Walliiii;  foril).      ][-■   d.    (),-t     r,    17j|        \'  ' 

.J(,)JIN,  I).    Jan.  14,  1711:   i-i.  Sarah  .     2,  .I.nmks,  h.    l)rr.   ]S_  ]';]:>,■,  m.  J;,ii'.  10    17;i;;'  'i 

Phidic 'riioi!ii>s()ij.     :>,,   S.\N!i;i:i,,  1).  I),"',  is,  1  71  1 ;  m.  \.i\-.  •.':),  i;-;^,  j';,,'.i„. -p, ,',(]',.  r.'  .iiVi'i'"  f 

4.   I-]i,i/,\I!i;tii,  1>.  St-pt.  is.  171S:  d.  Ajuil  17,  175.-):  m.  Diiiii.d  ("laik       .";    M  uiv    U    k'ov-  '■' 

ii.  171'.i;  HI.  -Marrh  II,  17;;:i.  Jo^iali  Stanloy.     0,  .Ma!;tii.\.  h.    X,,v.  ,^.  170;;    "  ~    V.rxirF  1 

1).  l)rc.  (.1.  1  rO');  ni.  l'\l).  I'J.  1745,  Sii']d;i'ii  Culver,      s,  Aiwcsir,,  1».  April"?    l'7-''7    "        ''  i 

12.     John  Mix,   1-.   An-.   2u.    1(;7G:   .1.    ]\-r.    -^.^    ^rn-.     ],ad    41    a.-n-   in   VMrKshiro  ' 

tJuan.T  hy  will  I. r  f.:   111.  .\'ov.  -.iC.,    17i"-,',  Sarah  T]ioiin>-on,  h.  Jan    If)    ](;71(1    X,,v    •>!  f 

171].'    He  ni.  r2)  E-iln-r ,  who  ni.   (2) Smith.      His  rst.  ;idni'.  i7-:'-,\  wV  "  K^h^r'  I 

jidnix.  and  ciiard.  lo  E^tlu-r  and  J(din,  niin' .r  rhil , ;   Mehitahle  chose  'I'ht'ooljilus  Muns.nV  '^ 

In  170'>  the  doucr  of  j':-.t!u'r  Sinitii,  idias  yii.K,  wasdiv.  to  Jolm,  on,,  of  i],',.  ]i,mi-s  ,',r  J, ,1m  j 

:\lix,  ia,('ii,v,.'r.  fid.  -on,  .Mihiia!)!,.-  l\A-:.  hdi/ahcth  Sanf,>rd  and  Kstlier  I'ainu-r       '  t 

I.     Ehfiie/e-r,  b.  ahout  1715:  d.  in    W.    llartf.,    Au^-.    4,  17r,'.i,    in   liis  51st"  vr       In  i 

3  730  <di(ve  r-aidid  Munson  01   N.  Ilav.  trnar  !.  on  h.jnd  of  Idiooplii.'ns  Mnnson  ■  n"    .M;.rv  J 

Sedi^-wifdc,  b.  1713.  wi'J.  of  Calr-h  M,^i-nll.   \vIio;m   sin-  m.    17:j;i;  1,..  .x-^s  b    170:-  \]    \~:':\  '^ 

1,   KLi7..\i>.r.r{T  ,Mt.\.  b.  Jan.  3,  I7;;s:  ,1.  Scj-r.  ^.i,  is:i,j;  ,1,.  ]),.,._  ;i    i;,;,-  \y\^^  '  i,Vl,l'  J-^V-','  '  - 

of  Farnun-Ton.  b.  1741;  d.  .\,.v.  i:;,  ]soi.     -.j,  Mai;v,  1,.  .Mav  s,  17J-'   '  :j    ,],\:iy    ,,'    /  ,'|":j  i 

18,  1 755.     4,   Ei.i-H.v.  i.,.  Julv  1,  J7o-t.                                         "                        ,          -,     .-i  , 

II.     M,4,iiabh.(}',.rk..  b.  An-.  1:),  KHii;  m.    (1  1  Cah-b   Atxvan.n-  an.l  I,;:,!  Enni,-.-    b  I 

Sci)t.   10.  17:jf);  n:.  di  Phincas  Cook:  cJ)    }:i,  ■ni'/.cr   Townsi-nd,    an,.i   had,    ainon--  ,,!]!cr.^  ^ 

Sallv,  v.lio  in,  lb-;'.i.-kiah  How,-  and  ia'd  ib-nvv,  who  m.  Eranc'S  A    Tnttlf  fn    -1^-,]  '  "     '  '  \ 

ill.      Elizab.'th   iSanioi-d;.                                "          .                                  '                  Lt  •      -'  J-  = 

]\".     Esilu'riPainr,-rj.  j 

V.  J'.dni,  h.  IVJi!:  i;ho>,-.),,n:ithan  .Arnold  :.;iiard.,  i;:;0;   ('ai>t.  J,din  Mix  ,1    Jan    •">•}  ' 
171)(k  in  his  7iith  yr. ;   Samli,  his  wf.,  b.  ir;k>:  d.   !),■,:.  IS,  ISOi;,  i,,   ]|,.i-  ]r,',],  vr  '     '     '  ~   '  i 

12.     Joseph  Mix,   t,,    In.v,.   barn    at    (Jn-stiint    Hill;   will'  |,rov,.-,l    ]  75  7; '  Li-ut.  ■  ni  ?' 

Ih'l.i>'L-,-a .  adiinx.                                                                                                                      '               •-        •  .• 

1.      'I'iinothy,  Dr.  of  N.    Ilav.;  inv.  17i(5:  prr.    f.   of:     1.   J^ikit.   I'lM.rmvMix    b  i 

Jan.  •-?0,  1741),  s:-rv,-il  throiipli   the  Jim-,;  d.   June  11,    lS-24;   \\(.   :\lam-aret.  b.  1745'-  { 

d.  July  'Jo,  1S15,  a.  ^O;   ha.l  s. :     1,    7V>.'/  ''//.'/,  d.  in  Uriiisii  ]>risoii  in  X    V   ^1777      '           '  ' 

li.     J,,   b     1715;  d.  July,  47s<l,  a.    74;  ni.  JuiU'   -),  17:^:.   D.unarls   Pnn,l,.rson  '■ 

bap.  July  5,  Ki!);  d.  S-pi.  1),  I74'i.                                                                                                           '  .; 

III.     Jonathan,   twi.'e  m.    and  had;     1,    Hi:v.   .Ioskimi ,  and  two  dans.     /    bv  "4  in  •  ^ 

4,   JoN.\Tii.\X,  b.  .\pril  1!),  175;k-  d.  Jan.   is,  ]si7;  m    An-.  (1,    177(5,  Anna.  dau.  "ol'"cain"  '■ 

Joshua  Sears  of  Xorwalk,  Conn.,  b.  Sept.  '.^is,  175.S;  d.  June  2;i.  17!!9:  {'2)  Eiizabeth  Marv  • 

Phipi)S,  [p.  IhO],      1,    (Y,,,7-..v,,,  m.  4:beuezer  Townsend.     :2,  Afh !inv  yrr,>rt/   b    ISO.V 'i,,"  i 

]'.lihn  r.lake  [)..    V.4].                                                                                                                J'     ■            ,  ni.  ^ 

l\.      J,.hn,  b.   171.:];  d.  A})ril,  17;!!.  i 

8.      Caleb   Mix,  !>.   In'ih  ,1.  al.i.  170S:   with  his  br,).  Sanund  bou-ht  ont  th-- li-^irs  of  i 

their  .sis.  Abi^'ail  I'antjy  in  father's   ,'st.;  rn.    llaunali,    who    d.    1>,\'.  11,  Kil':!;  (2)  .Mnrv  i 

(htu.  of  X'alhan  Hradii'y  or^Jailford,  who   had   m.   J,;-^eph  4'attlf's  v.idow  fill  '     M-rv  iI,"  ' 

(•J;  F.  b.  -J,  1710,  .1,-1, ua  Tnttl.-  []i.  is'.tj.                                                                  ^  -^'      *   "  •  f 

I.      Tlhinnis,  b.  1),,-.   i>,  1(is:,:     ,1.  abt.  17-JO,  li-avin-- eliil.  J 

II.      llannaii,  in.  El>,niV,'"  15.'ec'H.>r.                                  "                                           '  ? 

III.  Cah-b,  b.  S.'pi.  07,  li;s7;  ni.   IJebecea  /.  bv  Od  m. ;  | 

IV.  4dianl;inl,  b.  0,1.  :l.  ic,;).-,;   ni.  Fob.  S,  1701,  Caleb  Aliin---  'M  wf  I 
V.      Fnehel.  h.   E:r.  15.   I(;;i7:   in. Collins.                            ^  .  -          .  | 

VI.      Fa;i,'inv,  1).   Mairl;  04.  lt;;ll);  m.  IX-e.O;;,  1704,  J,.lin    Mbn.'-  '' 

y\[.      Es!h,-r.  b.  ]'<■,-.  ;j!.  IVoO;  ni. Unbh,-!!.                              '~  i 

S3.     Caleb   Mix,  b.  S.-j-t.  07.  F;-^7:  d.  J.ui.  40.  1745;  ni.  i;,d>,-r,'a b    ]i;s'-)-  ,[  ? 

D'-e.  4,   ;4:'i    a,    71;   .-t.  ,iiv.   llC^u,  Nia,d    and    Sandi    Hmd  l-w,  , 'hi  I    of   S -trah^  h-irs    ,;f  ' 
4)orothy  Atwati-r,  \'.if:'of  i.'aa,-,  an,!  Hannalt  Mix. 

1.'    i:,-b,.e,a.  b.  ]),-,•.  4.  1717;  d.  J..;:,-4,   i;-,;7;   1  >an;  4  4'u  1 1 1-.  \,  it    ;,,   wi4 

■      II.      Ihu-.nhea,  Oet.  07.  KIS;   m.  Dee.  U.  1  MO,   l.-^aae    Atuater,   "  b.  0,'t.  01,   171S;  ,1.  i 




was  div.      1,   IfA.N-.N.Mi.  ,>nt  in  Atu.,,,-  1..,.   ■   „,    Cv,;  '  i        .'  "l^'V'  '"'  •■^^- 

c.a..  ^ -;m..^^^^s..u  ..  „„a .....  •  ■:,  „:.:;;■;.:  i::;:;  ;;..:.;--•  ,^- -;,:-; 

HI.     Saral.  b    X.,v.  H.  ,70-  ,u.  I.aa-  l^.M!.,-,  a.d  l,n,,  Iskak,,  an-I  K^thkk 
IV      Ihon.ns    .Tu:..  ,,;    no,.  ,    ,         „,  ,;,,^  ,,    .,.,,^  ^^_  , .  ^^,^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^- 

'■MM  Ihu,n:,l,..u;,nl.  ITIm,      Will  o(  ii.nral,  Mix  ,.  nn-.-l     ;  ;V -'i  •    •  s        ''''^''"-  '""''-"■ 
sKl.;  of  l.,un^  Lan,,  Clu.^hin.  mad,  to    the  Fir.t   So<'  to    .,'„';   /^  ,  ':   ,  "'i  -n'"  ^''^^'T' 

ucl  Mix  shaivd  in  dis.riluM  i,,u  of  t1„.  r.t     /n^.n    ■  h  i,  ':''^'-  ^'''!"'"".   ^1'"'"^^  ■■'-.•(  .s,,,,. 

Mehitabi. ...iK.. [,,. ,3.1.  ., suK-K^:  ,' (■;;:■;''">; Tn;,vV:"M;:;: , V-'""'-^- "'• 

^.      Ilaniuili,  1..  -Dec.  o,  ,::;');  d.  ^iTiJ  ,4,  ITCH.  '        "    ''     ""' 

9,    Samuel  Mix,  1).  Jan.  ,,,  KKiij- ,1    'luiiiio   i-m       h  ,    ,      ., 

on u. .,:„,. .,...,,,.,„.,„„, ,„:...v„',L;.' •-„„,!:: ,-;;::  ;  i,^^--^,>;;' 

1.     ^'^-''i-yr,  b.  ,.()■?;,;,.  KatlKU-in.- Tditic  [p.  ;lOii|.  "      "•■'^''■-■ 

II.      y:^inucl.  .-clionlnuK.i.T:  inJKTitcd  lii..  CutbT  ]„T   17';,-).  ,1    i---  i 

lot  on  whirh  lb.  fim  edifice  was  Iniilr  in  ( 'hrvdi  -      s        l'       '  ^^'''^    "  ,.^  "'^>'y  .hh.  tl.e 
X^.an..I    an.I    ...  b   ,S,niti.    J  ^'.^U^..^' )1T^  ^■:,.^^^^^^^^^  J:    -' 

Susanra,  dan.  of  Sanm,.]  Cook.  ubod.j'„lv:;ii   1  >>!",'.  n  ,.,':""' '    ^-'V^^'--    "•    1'^"- 

i^^rA.o./.      0.  .\l,;,,„i/  ]]-,.,.!/,.//_  1,    i:,;:i.  .1    V  7    v.:.'.,rV     '  ," -•)-l'"^^n-v,v,-d.     1, 

Bi-ain.-id,  b.  .Nov    .-.    17,07-    V    ('    17s;-.   ^,„;,.;,vvu         ,7'     •'"•■""'•  ^'-    "f  I'lnnras 

;r3=.Ki;7S:  ,n.S.p.^l,  17ol.  Sarah   .altuns,l,."'is;j./-l/;;:'^;^ 

^,.v.a;a.  3ius  y,i.  i7oii.    M,  /;/;,,./.M,  d.  v.    4.  7^...;/"f/     r  i--     ,     '  ''-  ^;'■  ^• 

1-04:  d.  y.      0,  J...,f/,,ni,  llr.r,:  d.  v.     S    S^n.^r'   V       y-^    a    v'      ^  ^•       "■  -'^"''•'^' 

y.     !),  AV/,,,/w^,d.  17!fo,  inlKi-OUth  vr  '    -'^<M  ■''-•■  <1.  ^     b,  .y^/.'//.m/MWU;  d 

2,  .'^y;,-,,^,  MuN  Ml,  17o!l.     M,  Klh,,}„th.  d    V 
'    ■'4;  d.  V.      0,  .]ni:i'th,n 

!),  Khz,ih<t],,  (1.  17!i:; 

III.      Stt-idn-n,  d.  V. 

12.     Stephen   Mix,  b.  Nov.  ]    l(i7-'-  ir-u-v  ('oi   icoa-  ,,.1         i^-    , 

dan.  bvaOdiu.  '  ^    ^^  <.u -a,  1  •i,l    1"  i  ha;. ,   ia-r  m.-thr.,-  .va.s  J3,:]-bMrs 

II.      h^iral,.  m.  .losiali  (Joodrirh  of  WrtlnTsti-ld 
HI.       Kclic-,' 

b.  Ort.  OS,  17:;;;  d.   ,),.,,  (i,  In'o.  '  ^'"•■'"'^'  '^-  ^""^   »'•  ^^l.-i.hei,   Ciioster. 

I^'.      I'lirlstiana,  d.  v 
V.      K-tlicr,  in.  1  I>o\\cn 

VI.    i-:ii.- 

^•I'il.  1-,..  in  W.  lianf.-17!;:j      f- A7.  ,•/  K    ;  \'yV\  'f'    ^^'TT'''-       '^"    "-' 

Klisba  Mix  d.  Mar,  1  ;s:        |    Y     ,;.  „     s"V-    -^     '"■  ,^  ^"'--  =^-  ^^'^  ^"'  i"^^"''  ^■i'i:'l  "f 

^.  llrnrv,  M.v  17;  171.;;-   n.    M 'v  -m'  "iSM      in'    n    '"p      n    "'  '^'-'- -^"^X  ^"-i"  -f  Hartf. 

h-v.    ;;,  /..,.,/  .s',;.,    ,„■  m'  :      ;  Vln:  "J--  ,-  :'  ''','^'''  -l^-  '>'■'•■ -^i.  i>^ii:  Abi,-,Mi  f;nd. 

f;''l^l''^  'l)'-^-^<''';  '"•  ^[=''S''  ^'-   ''""■  ^''fi'="'i-l  Carroll  of    llV^tf 

■I.    /V(v,  lu.  Jan. 

li^s    Mar\    K.   -J'alrott: 
'!,   b-njaii';n.  Mcr. 

lU,  r;iU.    Au.   01,  ,771.-     J),rnfant,-d:'Ma;:h  W:  KT^a.  on^Via;""'-  '  ^'^''^-  '^''^^^^■ 

,   l'':i.        ^.   Sarah.   Nov.    ,.; 

(J72  Al'I'ENDlX. 

Mrxsux.  3 


Capt.  Thomas  Miinson,  anc'-ti;r  rl  tliis  tamily.     (iM.rhiny.  s<'f  p.  -^^Ts).  J 

I.      Sunnu-l,  liap.  Aug.   i,  lti4o:  :u.  .Martha  lirailicv.  ~  | 

11.      llaiin::!!,  h^q..  -huw  11,  IH+S;  m.  .Inscpii  'J'uttli-  [p.  ."ils].  | 

111.     Eii-.'.;i!),'ih,  m.  Hie-hard  Higi;iiil)utham.  '  | 

1.      Samiiel    Muii.SOn,  hap.  Ano-.  T.  lO-lo;  ensi^rn;  d.  Dec.  H;;)!;  ni.  Ov:.  'Jd.  IC.i;"").  * 

Martha.  (Ian.  nf  \\ii!ia:!i  a:i(I  .\iifc  ( I'ritclia  rd)  Ih'adli  y.      Aht.  17!:i  'riidiuas  and  .^l•lI■tll  i  ; 

pjlcock  coiiv.  rt.  in  f.  Samiicl  .Mun^Dntj    Sainiiol,  .jusi'pli,  Cah^i»,  'ihoiuas,  .lohii, 'i'hfnp-  k 

hiliis  and  Stcpli'Mi  .\iiMi  .'in.  '  i 

I.      Martlia,  h.  May  tj.  ](i';7;   u,.  Thdiuas  K1c.k:1<.  |' 

11.      SaiiiiKd.  1).  Ffi(.  -js,  ]VA\'.I:  ni.  .^hll■t!la ,  ^vho  d.  .hm.  7,  1707;  Ci)  .>h-ivh  10,  I 

170S,  Mary    M'Tiiuian.      1,  Sdi.oMKX,  Kt-h.    is,  imir  in.  .Iiiiif  :;'S,  1714,   Marv    .\|n,~s.      -j!  ■ 

S.VMfKf.,  Au--.  -J"),  li;;*l.     :'.,  Maimiia,  Felj.  1.').  lill).;.;  m.  Nov.  'Jl.  I7n,.h)hii  llinhrock'  i 

■\.  W'li.i-i.v.M.  (ici.  K).  l<li).l.       n.  \^^\Il's^lM..  Wh-.  l-J,  l(j;.f7.       (I,  l']l\\it  K.  Sept.   ];;,  17iio.  -■ 

7,  (.'.\'ii[Ai;iM:,  Juiif  ;-;,  17nh     s,  'J';,  Dim-.  :_>,  1707.      /.  hv  'J'l  ni.:     !).  ]>i.;.\(t  i-.i..  F.-h  '■ 
0,  1709.      10,  Mkiu'.i.m.vx,  Nov.  ::;u,  1710.     11,  MA>ri;K,  !)>■(■.  IIJ,  1710.      l',\  Lknt,  Nov   (i 
1714;  m.  Oct.  S'J,  1740,  Marv  Tooh'v. 

III.     Tlionias.  h.  March    1'2.  1671.       lied,    in   Cliesliirt",    Sci't,  '2S.  174t;,    a.  7d.       1. 

Makv.  lu.  Aaron  Tattle.  |  p.  ?2oJ.  "  | 

I'v".     ,loiin,  h.  Jan.  2^>.  lH7o.  i 

V.     Tlieophilus,  h.  Sept.  1,  1675;  7U.  Ks!]i«r  :\Iix.  I 

\i.     .iosi-pl;.  Nov.  1,  l!i77.  rajii.:   !.;-uafdian  to  Jonas   'rattle:    m.    Marcli   10,    In'.iO,  ''i 

Marf:vrv   Uitche;)ek,    auvl    had   .\i;f.i.,  hi.  H'^S,  Sai.di  I'eek,  aiul  ]i:\d  Jfuri/    h    17:j-'-   in'  -i 

M<mdi,"l750,  Josepli  Do.diitlc  "  '       '  ^ 

V]].      Stei)hen,  l>''c.   5,  l'i;o.  ,; 

Vlll.      Caleh,  Nov.   lil.  U\x2;    m.  March    -i!),  i;(i:i.    Kli/abeth    Herjnai).       Will  prov-d  'I 

1705,  names  chil.  of  s.  ('ah'k>.  as  per  ]).  ;-iOl,  except  Mahel;  chU.  ot'  ss.  Mos;.^,  Jo-diua  a.p(l  ,' 

(.■lover,  an<l  i^Un-rt.  oidy  child   of  d;va.  I\e/,iah.       1,  Cmv.v,,  h.  Am:.  0,  lUlO;  ni.  Ahi^ail  •; 

Brockett.     0,  ?ilnsKs       \,.Mni.     ':i,  Tlioimis.     :',.(\i/,h.     A.  Ma rg,ir,t.      h,  ILnoinh.    '  :!,  ,| 

JoSifLW.      4,  Kf.ziah,  ni. Street.      1,  (!lfr,rStrf(t,  only  eliiid.  ";; 

IX.      Jo-hiui,  Fep.  7,  10S4:  rn.  Dec.  20,  17in,  (.'atharine'Street,  dau.  of  Hev.  Saniifd  ^■ 

and  d.  IVc^  0.  1711.      1,  J.i-in-A,  171(t.     2.  M.\nv,  ^larch  ',',  1712,  '  ! 

X.      Irad,  March  0,  Ki^r,.  .  jj 

XI.      Solo;,!  >;',  Feb.  IS,  l^sfl;  la.  Marv  C'oolev.  \ 

XII.      Saniuel.  ■  ■  § 

15,  Theophilus  Munsoii,  b.  Sept.  1,  1077);  wy.  4  ^es-ion.s.  171S-':0;  d.  No^-.  2M. 
1727;  ui.  F.stlitT,  d-ui.  of  .hdm  .Mix.  He  was  I'-uai-d.  to  Stephen  4'uttle,  sent  iia'k  from 
New  Jer-ev,  [p.  ;,22]. 

I.      Klizal.eth,  b.  Sept.  20,  1007;  m.  May    10,  172S,  Richard,  minor;    V.  l'. 
1726;  Kpis.  mins.  at  Stratford. 

II.  Israel,  0.  Dec  il,  ]70l;  m.  Feb.  1,  172,\  Fli/abeth  Uishop,  dau.  of  Snmnel. 
Est.  .ndm.  abt.  1700.  nn>-.  Jo~.-ph,  Israel.  \ViHiain,  l''.li7.;ibeth  and  Margaret.  4'lie  wid. 
d.  soon,  and  in  diNt.  of  hei'  dower  ]-7s!her,  alias  I'eck,  or  perhajis  it  \va^  tlie  wi-L  (;f 
Tlieo])hilus.  1.  Josi'.eit,  Oct.  S,  1727;  m.  Feb.  2,  lb',:.  Sarah  Hishop.  1,  Nov. 
2:-;,  1757.  2,  A'/,":,//.,/,'/,  Au.-r.  7,  1750,  :),  i:ii-<h.i .  \y\-\\.  1701;  Y.  ('.  1 7s-! :  .>;n\ev,,r, 
town  clerk,  etc.;  d.  num.  An-.  riO.  isll.  4,  ,/•«  ;<//,  Feb'.  20,  170:!.  5,  Kyflt,r,  Jan.' 2i). 
170.5.  0,  J[:nni,i!i.  Sei>i,  0,  17titl.  7,  J '»■•., ph,  .Mav  21i.  170s.  y,  .Ji.ffih,  Sejit.  -j;;,  1 77i). 
0,  .Jiinns,    .Mav    ;h  1772:     m.,    dau.    of    Newinai,    TroudMid^'c    [.11.]       1,  Newman  '\ 

Trowleide-f.  b,   Sept.   11.   jn;):!;    billed  le-  piiatesOct.  22.    IS2!.        2.  Ito^well  .laiii.^^,   Dc".  i 

\.    ISU.       ;;,  K'becca   'rieworiiu-,..  A]iiii,  lsl4;    m.  Sanuiid    (b)rham.       2,  I-^i;  \i:i..       0.  ': 

^^'ll.l,l  \\r.     4,  Fi.i:'.  >.ro:i  ;i      5.  .M  Ai;o.u;i;r. 

An  [^-rael  .Nhuwon.  b.  in  N.  U.av.  abt.  1705;  ^  .(".  17s7;  M.l>  :  rem.  to  i3o^toii:  nn  r- 
(dian;  tbere  Feb.  :j,  isi-i.  a.  7s.  Ilis  e-ifts  (o  'l'.  ( '.  e:sceed  those  of  any  oihe'  )ier-:)n. 
lie  a.lso  ;;-ave  to  lie.iiane  aed  beiie\(.leet  in-  titutions. 

III.  '  l)ani"i.  b.  Jan.   II,  ITo;;,-   Y.  ( '.  1  FjO. 

IV.  Heiij;-.!.!!.,,  1).  >iaich  2",  1711;  scjioo! master;  m.  June  0.  17:^2,  Abi-ail.  dan.  (,f 
Dc!.  John  I'uiHlerson.  I .  J:ni;as,  b.  1 70 ! ;  V.C,  175;.;  M.D.;  Ihof.  .Mar  .Mel.  and 
F-.^;-!!\,   \.  <\   ls:;b    Fr,-.;.  Mcj.  S,:,-.  nf  Conn.;   S,i.-eon   lb  \.   .\iniv;   d.  ls:j;i,  a.  'b:.        1, 

\\'>U!'i"  Ann,  v.\.  lion.  Pavid  Da^ii'-eit,  FL.D.;  h:id  .-everal  children.  5.  A  i:i'..\!;,,  in. 
Ad.onijab  .-..  ol'  -lane,--:.  Siierniai;.  i,  ('nr/nliu.  2,  \\'i'ii.ii:i.  0,  .[hlg'til.  4,  :<ti,('i,!.  b. 
1-5  b.  ;h  !7*ii",:  in.  l-'li/abei  It  Ti  ov.bridee.  5.  .!/■/'/•(•'''.  0,  An"/i  iii'h.  7,  JjCi^jnuin.  b, 
.S.'.'.v.v/i.  m.  \{^_\.  ticiirv  >'r;):,\vell,  i)A\\  udor  of  d'rinitv  -dih.  N."  Slav. 


V.  Ann,  b.  1717:  d.  Oct.  IS.  17",!);  ni.  Aiuil  27,  ]7;!S,  ,I,.lia.  s.  of  ]).'a  Jnlm  ruii- 
d.Tsoii,  1,.  July  -jr,,  noil;  (1.  n;,,,v.  --.'Ci,  171-J. 

Mi:.NX.)\"    KA>ril,V    I'.XLUI  A']  KD. 

C'apt.  .Jonathan  Miui->on,  snp.  b.  in  N.  Y.  state:  Rev.  .sdldicr  and  innsionci':  Hvcd  in 
Fair  Jlavcii,  Conn.,  and  d.  a.  !)0.  Nui  tli  luid ,  t.'onn,  .Maiy  Taintnr:  .^iie  liad  iwi> 
l)ri)s. ,  Mi(diu(d  a.nd  .Mt  .lad,  wlio  lived  ami  d.  in  X.,  and  tlieir  tau!i!i(  s  rem.  to  Ohiu.  1. 
Jamks,  m.  wid.  Ahiiz'ail  (S;rcl<eil)  Dixon.  1.  <i,,irt/,'.  2,  O//,-, .  ;J,  l-lnnin.  ^,  ll'/Z/.v,  ,.'3 
Loulsii.  2,  Saiiah,  m.  Aliraham  l!i-;h(!p,  and  liad  (Mhe.  ;!,  ()i,i\-f,,  d.  a.  l!l.  -I,  .Joii.n', 
m.  Lewcy  Harnes,  1,  Jf.  nrii,  of  whom  notliiui,'-  i.s  known,  ."),  ]-;i-.\i(  j;,  m,  (■'ile'  Pier- 
pont.  1,  K<lir,iids  Pli  rii'iut.nnw.  to  J'InL:.  and  ex.  2,  Sm-oJi  Purpijni.  C,  Wii.i.i,-,  m. 
Anna  Sfrantou  of  .Madi^oii,  Conn.      1,  Miti'ij  Auii,  m.  Julin.-  X.  Dowd.     ^•.',  Em^inx.  '   1, 

Emily,  n  liomeojiatliic  phys.  in  So.  XorwaiU:  in, l^aidcr,  IM.D.,  allojiathie:   l.oth  ii'i 

practice.     2,  Hutli,  an  em[)ioye  iu  Trea.sury  ].)fpart.  at  \\'ii.sliingtun;  m. Havens. 

Miss  t~!/tr'ih  Purpont. 


Spelled  variously,  Alcox,  .Mi^ocke,  <Mcott,  etc.     Tliomas  Olcott,    pro£,'-fnitor  of  all  the 
name  iu  Conu. ;  came  over  with    \Vintliro]>   in   KloU.     His;   brother,  GeVH-g-e  Alcuit,  came 
with  Thomas.     'J'homas   ([.   in   Boston,  Jan.    ]Go7.     His   widow,  -Marirery,   ni.   (2)'  John 
Benham;   rem,  to  Xew  Haven  about  KltilJ. 
I.     Mary,  b.  li;:-;.-):  d.  H\U. 
II.      l",li'/,ibetli,  b.  ]i;:!7;  d.  same  year, 
Ii[.     Kli;^abetli.  1>.   \iV]<:  111.  lli:)(.;,  Josejdi  Soper  of  Boston. 
JV.      Sarali,  b.  lljM'J. 
V.      'I'homas,  b.  abt.    ICIO. 
VI.      lianuah,  b.  I(;t2. 
VII.     Mary,  b.  June  8.  lG-14;  in.   Sept,  27.   lOlil,  James   Kobin>oii  of  Dorclie.-fi-,  cr, 
parent.s  (d"  Faitli  Kobinson,  wf.  of  Joiuithan  Trumbull.  '  ^ 

VJII.      b'ebecca,  b,   lf>-i(i. 
IX.     rhillip,  1).  i(>;s. 

X.     John.    bai).    ]i'>4!:  d.    1711:    set.    iu    T.oston;  in.    Constance    ^ilelanev;    /2'i   KI'J."; 
Mary;lea(di.  wid  of  Tliomas  Wells  [2],      She  ni.  (d)  Capt.  Jo>e]>h   Wadsworth       1 
Sami-kt.,  1).  Ki'.M;;  2,   Mary,  b.  Kilts.     ;j,  K.v.cui-i,,  b.  170!.     A.   Abiirail,  b.  U<.)\-  ;,,    Tim'- 
othy  ]5ig-«dow  [S].     o,    Thomas  Oi.cott,    b.    alit.    IGtO;  m.   Marv,"  who  d.  in    Wind-or 
Cfimi.,  May  3.  1 721.  '  '     ' 

1.     'I'li'iinas,  1).  I(j77. 
][.     Sanuud. 

51.     Thomas   Olcott,     b.  lUW;  d,    April  2,    1707,  a.    SO:  in.  Sarali    dau    of  Xath- 
aniel  Koote. 

I.      -Mary.  b.  1(;!)d:  m. Stoui^hion, 

Tl.      Xatiianiel.  b,  170];  ni.  Hannaii   Pitkin,    sister   of  Gov.  Wm.      ],    XATii\Mir 
b.  ]~32. 

111.     Timothy,  1).  170;J;  m.   1732,  Eunice  White.     lied.  1740:  (2;  Daniel  Mor--aii  of 
Colchester,  Conn.  ^ 

\\.  Elizabeth,  b.  170'J:  m.  Col.  J.dui  I'itkin  of  E.  Hart  f.,  brother  of  (.'ov.  Wm 
m.  Hannah,  only  dau.  (d' Oi/ias  (biodrieii.  ances.  of  the  genealo<,nst  She  d,  l^ol.  l' 
AXNE,  ui.  Col.  PTeazer  I'ortei- of  lladU-y.  Mass.     2,  Joii.N\'ni.  and  set.  in  llartf. 

A'.     Thomas,!).  171:-'.;' .-^et.  in  Stratford.    Conn.:  m,    1  ToC.    Sarah   Ea-tonofll..   who 
d.  17o(l.  a44;  (2)  17-")7,  S.irah,  dau.    .d'   Heze;cia!i    Thompson,  who  d.  ISll,   inNDtli  vear 
liad  :jchil.  by  1-u  m.  5  by  2d.      1.   SAiiAti,   1..  1742;  m.  I'lio,.  Haw  lev  of  Stratb.rd  •  "rem' 
to  .Muiiroe,  e'onn.      \,s,ll;,.    -2,  l.s,(,>r.    W.    /bv2dm.:    2,  llAXXAtf.  b,  17d2' m 
about  \',m.  Pea(di.lud-oa  of  Stratford;  rem.  to  X,  Car.     1,  I'lujn  .     2,  ]]•"<•!■.    3.  .M.\i;v,  b. 
17r.3;  <1.   lS3i.  a.    74:  m.  Capt.  Xtdiemiah  of  the  Ibv.  Armv.  who  d,  l's:;(;.  a   S^" 
had  S  (diil.      See  Oicoit  fain.,  ]).    ^■>.—(r,'.nl,rl„.      4.    Anm;,    b.    \:\\'^:   m.   17mi.   It;-'   l^a^j- 
Bronson  id'  Brid.^ei.nrt  and,  of  Cieenlield  Hill,    Cnnn,,tlie    linamier  v.Jio    d,    l>-3s    '..,     '7;/ 
1,  Oliar,  d.  y.     2,  .lA//-/".     3.   Mun-i.  m.  Col.  .bunes   1;,  .Murrav  of  X.  V.  C.,  and  Yiad' 7 
chil.^    4,    Ihirrlfl.      ,>,    C.n;,liiir,    m.    Dr.   .Mai'lnus    \\'iilct.   s,    of  Col.  .Mai-ii,;i.>    'W.,    and 
liad  o  (diil.      (i,    ()!ir,r.   m.    Joanna    Donaldson    and    h:id    3    chil,      7,    Art/nir,   b,   isiil-  \\ 
l-^N:    m,  Ann  JOli/.a,  dan.  of  Cen,   I'ailiy,  a':  ]  luid    3,   (liih      ^,    I'l^'.h  ri'-!:,    n'l,    Charlotte 
Brinckerh..>ll  audiiad  2  chil.      Ij,    Mir>i.'    lU,    -4/(/(c,  d.   b'riiO. 


'"■*  Al'l'Kxmx. 

^'   T®'™,'"!.'  °'''°"'  '"■  ''»"'''■  •'»"■  "'■<■"■"•  f-''"'ki"y;  r-s.  Il,„-ir.  | 

IJL     -l':iiz:il.etli.  B.  Kiri):  „,.___  (;|..,v        '      '      ' 
I\  .      Pliilip,  h.  ICSI:  ,1.  i„.f    i7|.. 
y.     Agii,.>,  h.  W<]-  )n.  ilaiYis:.n. 

el^i- :  :f  °^l^.e?Vi?^^;;•  ;;i^- .^^  !|;;r;rr'^  ^^'^!  ''  ^^^^^  "='--  ^^-^"^^^^^-d  ana 
in  1T:!.1,  of  Susanna  (1  ,.„u  o  a  mr  oV  ,1  ,  ^T'  ^"'^'f:  ,"'  '"■'''^■'■''  ''>'  ^^  '^'">vevanre 
Janu.s,o„.  to  XathanicV  I^.  o  )  L  ;      '  ' k"?':''  ^-'' ;""/■-":'-  ^""^^'-l  fatl.e., 

In  JT:^5  Susanna  o-ave  up  lior  ri.-lu  of  1  ',  ,■  t  l  ''!"  V""-^'  "^  the  g-nralo^y  below. 
Olrotl  soM  lau.l  near  \\-Jst,  1?o.  k    J..  Tnll,,  Il!,l  1    ^'i"."^'  .Vl'''^'"-^-      ^'''e  children  of  Joliu 

Deborah,  dau,  of  John  a„d  Su^^u  um  Iji-  K  J  " ';  r'\''\  ^^'''i'^'-'^^-'T-  ^'onn.;  m.  VQO. 
b.  1780:  d.  17;»(rm   ir>r    Is-,',,     s      r  I  ;,^"' )  '  ■'^"'-    '•  l''^'''  ^'-  '-•      ^   -^vj.iv 

173l;d.  Sept.  ls,H-  n      •;   V  M^rV     I     '''7?''^^t'^^''''^'^''^^'^''^^  ^.  -^-nx    b' 

]-0    Uronson,    b.    17;;;        ■'     1,.    ';':,'■  '^  "l'^''  '!""■  ^''    Oapb   An.os  and  Anna  (Klak-s- 

M-asa  writer  of  wide  and  excdh.nt  v,.nnf,  '.,,  11  '"'^T't'''  V^"-^"  *''^*'-'"'^ '"''Jtin'-nu^nts; 
labors  uinon^  ,h.  poor  of  I  !  ,  'Hh^  ".  '^^ 'l'';-t.'d,dnarK.dy  ;o  philanthropie 
artist.     3,  James,    1,    i;,-...   .j      .'   ;,.    h,.l'-,'T'''u'    ^M'-pular    authoress.     2,  Mav,   an 

m.  Esther  Casth^.  r>,  JL/uf,/,  '  /  V  ,  '!^"  n,  ".v'VlT'' "  '  "V  ^^^^''^  I'""'-  -1.,/,,..,.. 
I)i<fdc,.nf,   m.    Jo.bua   miner      8     ///  '  ,       r      "    "^^^x^  '^'   ^-'"•^•-    "^-  •'"'">, ^^'"i'li-      7, 

Patienee  niakesb..  and  sei  n  \ Vm;  "  '  „,  i"  ism"'  V^ ''%''■  *'^-^-  '""''-'■  '^^  '"■ 
JXvxrKr.,  b.  ir:!S:  ,1.  31av    Js  n]  l  T    V  i^   ^   '  ^'^  '''•(-' ^^^''^''-riali  llitrluo.-k.     5, 

IMl:   d.    North    Ilaven/Abmh   C    l'^'      ,„     O      I    P  ^'//^  "'.  il;'t,.]d.iss.     s,   A],,v.  b. 

iN-3,;  nn  Jo,:,  No.';;:;";.ri  i^^; ;"-  ^'^--"  •  ;:-'>  l^^  i'-x.u. i.,.  ::::u:iiLJ: 

r^.  STi:r,iKx,  d.  V.  ^'   -^^^•''  ''•  ^'•-'-  ^'^--   '"•  -^l'"!  ^'uiii->  uf  \V,.leott. 

in.  17::7:Ale'e:dlHun;':';e.     V'''^n,TV"^  \Vo^.dhrid,o.  ( 'on,,  ;   „,,,„, 

):ert  of  X,.sv  ihn-.  '      '        ■'•'■■' "-^  -\ u-.    •.-,  r , :J^.     'i,   S.m;  vii,  ni.;„on  ( ; il- 

VI.      3Iary,  b.  Au.    W.  1717;  n,.  Xov.  H,  HoG,  l^aniel  Idn-s  of  Xeu-  Haven. 



John  Ogden,  1>.  IGIO:  d.  ICSl:  m.  Jane  I^.ud;  \vas  of  SUuiiford,  Conn.,  1041,  and 
agreed  next  year  with  (iov.  I\iet't  of  New  Anisterdam  to  Imild  a  stnne  (-liun-li.  ]u  U'<~)i 
was  at  He  iii]i.-tcd,  ]-o!ig  l^I.-iihi:  in  l('i.")(j  at  Southanipton ,  L.  I. ;  in  M'A'i'i  named  in  tlic 
<'onn.  (.'liarler;  in  lOf'd  one  of  the  purchasers  of  l-]lizal)ctlito\vn,  and  tep.  in  Assenilds' 
KJflS.  11i>  hro.  Pticliard  i^et.  in  Fairliehi. 
I.  David. 
II.      dolm. 

III.  .lonatlum.  h.  10  Ki. 

IV.  Joseph. 

I.  David  Ogden,  s.  of  John  (au<l  bro.,  as  C'ongar  sup.,  of  John,  jr.,  Jonathan  and 
■Josoj)!!),  \\ent  from  hJizaliPthtinvn.  N.  J.,  to  Newark  abi.  1070;  will  liee.,  1091,  nms.'  4 

.sons;  m.  Kli/.iVieth  Swavne.  wid.  of  Josiah  Ward. 
1.      ]>avid,  b.  107N. 
II.     John.  d.  \r.',-2. 
•  III.      Josiah,  b.    10?.). 
IV.      Svvayne.  b.  10S7;  d.  .\])ril    i?0,  17.")-").       Con^'ur  sii]-.    his   ehil.  were;       1,  Tapt. 
ABUA)iA.%f,  b.'l7-2:-;;  d.  May  11.  17^0.       1,  AJiriiluui,.       2,  FJmirr.      :1  Lydht ,  ni.  Jo>-iah 
Baldwin,  b.  1  700;  (1.  1>'-J0.     ].Al)raham.     2,  Samuel.     M,  Karhel.     4,  Jcsiah  (J.     2,  Dsviij 
b.  1713;  d.  (.)et.  lU,    17."il.     :j,  .bmx.  b.  ]7:';7;  d.  ]7i'7. 

II.  Copt.  David  Ogden,  I).  107n;  d.  July  1,  1734,  a.  .^G. 
1.      Abigail,  m.  C:ol.  tioseph  Tiittle  []>.  ;j],SJ. 

II.     Joiui.  1).  170^;. 

III.  l)a\!d,  ]:>.|..  b.  mO;  d.  Jan.  2S.  17.';0.  a.  40;  m.  his  eous.,  fatharino  Oi^-den. 
dau.  of  Co!.  .lo>iali.  Siie  ul  (2)  Isaac  Loni'-worth.  1.  I)A^■Tr).  1,  ./',"'"''.  m.  and  had 
liev.  David  L. -Ogden,  b.  lianf.  Oct.  0,  1792;  m.  Jan.  14.  1X24,  Sarah  A.  Jndson  [p.  117j. 
2,  <'ai,i.i;.     ;b  AivicAH..     4,  Catilviiixj:.     h.  Jamiis.     G,  Jaiot,. 

\\.  U/.al,].,  high  Shorift  of  Essex  Co..  17('io;  ■■  a  gentleman  of  undis-enibjed 
goodness  and  universally  esteemed;"  d.  July  2-~),  17xM.  1,  J-?ev.  L'zai.,  D.D.,  !>.  1744; 
lirst  rector  of  Trinity  chh.,  Newark:  elected  PJshop  of  New  Jersey,  17l)S;  eonsec.-ration 
refused  by  the  gt-neral  convention.  17^1'.),  on  teclmical  grounds;  in  ]SO."Jhi'  joiiu'd  the 
Prei.1).  com.       2.  Mo.-^i'is.     :],  Ciiai!I.Ks.     4,  Vaa7.\v,v:\\\,  m.  Hob^rt  Johnston. 

^'.  '.Martha,  m.  Caleb  Sa.yres.  (2)  Thomas  Eajjle.-..  i.  by  Islm.;  1,  David.  2,     y,  JiiXATirvx.     4.  Czai,.      ~i.  b  iiai'.uI). 

\'\.  Saiah,  ni.  Natiianiei  Jolmson.  1.  S-i')^i-iM:x  ( liev.'),  ■^'.  C.  1743;  a  dist.  |iol;iical 
and  religious  writer,  \\4io  did  mindi  lor  tlie  cau,-<e  of  tlie  Kevolution;  set.  at  Lvme;  m. 
1744.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Diodati  of  New  IlavtMi,  who  was  gr.  s.  of  .lolju  Dioduti, 
Diof.  of  Philosopiiy  al  Oemva..  anil   I3il->1(;  (•ommentator.       2,  IJavfii.       3,>.       4. 

Mai!Ti;.\.  m.  ■ Waid.      •"").  Catit at.tntl.  m. IJanlcs, 

\'ll.  Elizabetli,  m.  Cai>!.  John  Johnson,  b.  17b");  d.  17-")2.  1,  17i,i  I'liALirr.  2,  Vzai,. 
S,  ■b>iix.  4.  Daviii.  .-),  AiMG  \il.  0,  Diicp.e.  7,  Keziaii.  b,  Co.mi'oht.  9,  Mahtua. 
3ll,  SviiAti.     11,  lii.iZAinri  II,  m.  ■ ('i-ane. 

112,  John  Ogden,  Esu..  b.  Kn-;;  liouse  robbed  by  the  IJritish;  (his  next  neighijor 
Avas  Henj.  Coe,  who-A-  dau.  Sa.iah  m.  David  4'uttle,  s.  (4  < '(4.  Josepli  above;  .Mr.  ('oi^'.s 
h(,uA:e  was  burned  and  his  familv  driven  awav.)  He  d.  Feb.  14,  17'Jo,  a.  t^7;  m.  Hannah 

1.      Ca'pt.  John. 
II.      Aaron. 

HI.  llanmdi,  m.  Mar(di  14,  1703.  IJev.  Jauies  Caldwfdl  (one  id'  liis  bros.  had  a  d.ui. ' 
Avho  m.  ajid  ^sas  moll>."i'  of  .bilin  Caldwell  Calhoim  of  S.  C),  Pastor  of  tlii'  1st  I'reslj. 
■<dih.  at  I-;ri/abethtown,  X.  J.:  a  devoTed  pjitriot  and  rliaphiin  in  IbA'Mbitionars'  ariuv;  of 
unbounded  ]Hj|)uhiriiy  and  iittiuence  with  the  soldiers  and  ])eople  of  N.  .).;  nf  great 
practical  \>  i>'!(im;  no  man  in  the  stale  did  more  to  sustain  tlie  jiopular  cause.  His  chh. 
was  -et  on  liiv  by  a  refugee  .Ian.  2-~).  ITSO,  On  the  2.7th  of  June  following,  Mrs. 
A\-eiI  wa-  shot  at  Couu.  ]'';Mnis,  through  the  \\ind(jw  of  a  room  to  \\hicli  she  had  retired 
with  her  children  for  safety,  two  lialls  passing  througii  her  body;  the  Imilding-  was  s(  t 
on  fire  and  the  villa.t;*'  laid  in  ashes.  On  th<'  'ilth  (4'  .Nov.,  17^1,  Mr.  Caldw(4l  was  shot  the  Inait,  at  Eliy.abethto\\'n  P.'im,  \\hirh''r  he  had  giiiie  foi-  a  youn;_^  hidy,  who 
h.i.d  I  one.'  und'-i-  a  tia;r  cf  truce  from  .New  \ork. 

Tiie  fo]  liiwing  4'iie-;i!.iy  a  \-asl  c(.ncc,ur.-e  a~--embled  athi>  funci'al.  .\l'rer  the  ,s(-r- 
'vices,  and  before  (do-.iii;';  the  i''ijnn.  Dr.  i'ilias  pMudiuut  came  I'orward,  leadini:  a  grouji  of 



nine  orplinii  cliiMi'i-u,  and,  pku-ing  tlioin  armiinl  tlx'  liifi',  mailc  a  loucliin^-  addic^-,  in 
tlicir  liclialt'.  'I'lie  ]iiiKa'  luovcd  to  tlic  u'ravi'.  '.vci-piuu-  as  they  w,-iit,  and  hi-rc(di- 
ing  till'  lilcssiii^s  of  (iod  upon  the  orphans  and  \ip/on  their  cansc  :iL'"ainst  tlicii'  n])pifss(ji-s. 
'I'lii'  lo^vn  of  Cahiwrll,  Essex  (Jo.,  N.  J.,  \sas  named  fm-  him.  'jdioir  children  were: 
1,  M.u;(!AU?",T,  who  lit.  Isaac  Canfieltl  <d'  ^Jorristown.  and  was  lontj  l\iiowjn  as  a  inoilier 
ill  Isi-iud.  2,  Hannah,  m.  James  K.  Smith,  a  distinguislied  merchant  of  X.  Y. :  (2)  Dr. 
Ko.Ljers.  3,  JoUN  E. ,  taken  by  Lafayette  to  Franr(\  wlieie  lie  was  educated;  for  nn.nv 
vears  a  di-itiiigiiishe(.[  philanthroiilst;  Eilitor  of  tlie  ('lir' n  //.  .'Y'/r/,  and  did  as  inucji 
as  any  other  in  lajiiiff  the  foundation  of  tie-  Amerie-an  Biltle  Society.  -1.  .JA^;[:s  15.,  tor 
many  years  J udg-e  of  courts  in  Gloucester  Co.,  X.  J.  ■),  ]->s'j'in;i;,  m.  Hev.  Dr.  Finlev, 
Pres.  of  Athens  L'ol.,  (ia.  G,  Jusiaii  P.,  ait  (.)tHrer  of  general  jiostoHiee,  W'ashinu'iiin 
City.  7,  Elias  li..  .several  years  Clerk  of  Suiireme  Court  of  L'.  S.,  and  because  of  his 
elTorts  in  cause  of  colonizatimi,  a  town  in  IJberia,  Africa,  is  called  Caldwell  in  honor  of 
him.  8,  Sa]!AU,  m.  Rev.  John  S.  VredenbuiL.'-h  of  Somerville,  X'.  J.  9,  Maxua.  who 
lay  on  her  mother's  l)o.s(_mi  when  she  \\as  shi>!,  m.  Jlobert  S.  Uobiiison  of  X.  Y. 

12,  John  Ogdon,  <1.  1T32. 
I.      Thomas. 

TL     Isaac.  .  '  " 

III.  Hannah. 

IV.  Phebe;  one  of  -whom  ni. AViUiams. 

V.     Jemima,  m.  Daniel  Pierscni,    F.sij.,  b.  170'^:   d.  Oct.  1777.      1,  X'atii.\niel.     '2, 

JoNA?.     3.  Danii:i,.     4,   A  vi;on.     5.  Jamei^^.     G,  Je>!ima.     7,  Abigail,  m. Edo. 

8,  MAin-,  m. Ward. 

^'l.  Elizabeth,  m.  (..'apt.  James  Xutman,  L('>valist,  (bro.  of  Pev.  John  an<l  of  Abjo-ail, 
2d  wf.  of  C(.l.  Joseph  Tuiile)!..  171G;  d.  April  .■i,'l7s.j;  lie  m.  (Cj  Pydia  Powers.  ],  Jamks. 
'3.   Sai;aii. 

VII.      Sarah,  m.  Isaac   Pieison,   h.  1718;  d.  April    14,1803.      1,  Jo.'ix.     2,   Uzal.     3, 
Isaac     4,   Hannah. 

13,  Col.  Josiah  Ogden,  b.  1G79;  d.  May  17,  17H3;  Pepre.sent.  in  Assem.  171G  and 
"17'-il:  said  to  have  been  the  founder  of  Trinity  chh.  Xewark;  m.    "  Cattern."' 

1.  h>avid,  b.  17(»7;  Y.C.  17:.^8;  Judge  Sup.  Court  and  a  distinguhshed  loyalist;  d.  1800, 
a.  93  1.  Isaac,  a  lawyer;  ra.  Mary,  dau.  of  Pev.  I-aac  ]?rosvn,  whod.  1772,  a.  2G:  svmpa- 
thi/.ing  %\ith  his  father  in  politics  he  left  the  States,  in  Canada  he  \\-as  a  Judge  of  the 
Court  of  lving"s  Bench;  d.  in  Montreal.  1,  /■•.•'('/■  S/rrice.  a  chief  factor  in  tlie  Hudson's 
]5ay  Co.  :?,  ^Imiic  Goctriujur,  Sheriff  of  the  Disi.  of  Three  Pivers.  3,  CkarU^  Rlrhnrd, 
Att'y.  lien,  of  Lov.-er  Canada,  uflerw.  a  Ingh  otHcial  in  the  Isle  of  Man.  A  dau.  tn. 
Jud.r-e  Hollinan,  sup.  ancestor  of  fiov.  Ogden  Hoffman  of  X'cw  York.  Miss  Gertrude  S. 
O.^rilcn,  a  g.  gr.  dan.  of  Col.  Josiah  Ogden;  d.  in  X-wark,  1880,  a.  8."3.  She  had  lived  as 
a  recluse,  but  bright  and  active  to  the  last.  She  retained  the  loyalist  sentiments  of  her 
Iier  family  and  always  insisted  that  she  ivas  a  British  subject.  Lafayette,  whom  she 
met  in  Xew  York  in  18C4,  \\as  pleased  with  her  cicavage  and  independence.  2,  Ai'.HA- 
HAM.  r.  S.  Dist.  S\X\ .  under  Washing-ton's  adin. ;  "unrivaled  as  a  .iury  lawyer;"  d.  1798. 
3,  Col.  Sami'ei,,  m.  a  sister  of  <ioverneur  and  Lewis  Morris.  1,  O'.frid  B.,  an  eminent 

II.     Dw^t.  Jacob,  a  celebrated  ]ihvsieian  (if  Jamaica,  L.  I.,  1).  X'ewark,  17'M;  d.  1779. 

III.  Josiah,  had:     1,   JoiiN.      2,  "ilF.NliV. 

IV.  Mary,  b.  1711;  d.  Aug.  ]8,  17o]  ;  m.  James  Banks.  1,  Sauah.  2,  Catharink. 
3,  Josiah.     4,  JAfoi!.     5,   David.     G,  Josin-ii. 

^■.      Catharine,  m.  her  cuus.  I^avid  Ogden;  (2)  Isaac  Longworth. 

0.     Joriathun    Ogdon,  s.  of  the  fir.-.t  John,  1).   1G4G;  d.    ]732;m.  Pebecca -. 

I.      Koiiert.  b.  JG8G.  m.  Hannah  Crane.    1,    M(»si:s,  m.  Mary  Coz/ens.      1.    /-'/v.'/.'ce.s, 
m.  I'ier'eeni  [9j.      2,    Jlnrid,    les.  in    Xew    Haven,  whose-    singular    will    is  on 

record    tliere.     3,    P"'fii.    m. Co/zens.      2,    lidt;!-.!,!"  of    Elizr.beihtown,    X.    J.;    in. 

Elizabeiii .      1.   MiiThii^,  wounded  at  (Quebec;   P-ri::'.  (ien.  V.  S.  A.;  d.  at  E..  March 

30,  1791.  2.  .\:if)i,  b.  K!i./.abethtown,  X.  J.,  Dec.  3,  i75G;  Princeton  Col.  1773;  taiiirht 
school:  ('apt.  Lew  ariiiy;  >a\v  much  service;  I".  S.  Sen.  lsi)l-3:  Gov.  of  X.  .1.1812; 
ofrere.;  bv  Lves.  .Ma'':-i.a  .M.-ij.  (..'en.  Com.  in  L.  S.  A.,  whieh  he  declined;  (i.  An--.  19, 
1N39,  in  his  83d  yr.     3,  IUukIi'i ,  b.  1742;  d.  1^^22;  m.  Timoihv  Eduanls  [9]. 



The  Kockwell  family  in  Enii-hnnl  tiaci'--  back  t<i  Sii  Kaiph  (Ic  Koi-i;\vt']l,  who 
acfomi/anicd  tlic  Emiiress  Maud  into  laijrlaiul,  \vlu'iv  slio  laid  claiin  to  its  tluoiK'.  He 
iihiniaTtdy  joiiii'd  llriny  11.  and  had  ii-rajit  of  iaiul  in  tin/  county  of  Yoi'k,  \ipon  wlTudi 
the  l-;<vk\vfir.s  luive  coiitiiiufd  to  rcsido  niilii  the  lucscnt  day.  '  Jan\c>  J^ockwcll,  Ks([., 
of  Kocku-tdl  Hall,  nt-ar  Borough  Bridge,  County  of  Vork,  is"thr.  jirrMMit  rriinsf-ntative 
of  1h(^  house  in  FaiL'^Iaiid, 

l)i'a.  Williaiu  llorkwcll,  one  of  the  oriiri-aal  Dorchester  ('(iiii|,nuv,  who  came  ovei- in 
](i:!il,  \\;is  fi-frniaii  th-'  saun-  vcar.  He  signed  the  lii>.t  grants  of  hiial  in  Dor.  I'lantatioii, 
And  with  \SilUani  (iayh.ird  the  firsi  deacons  of  the  ]).  chli.  lieni.  to  Windsor, 
Conn.,  after  the  first  emigration  idace.  He  wa>  [ironunent,  and  hiLrhly  r-'-ipei-ted. 
He  m.  in  Enu-land  (probably  his  :2d  wife")  Susanna  (;ha]>in,  I).  April  ."i,  HJOO,  "  He  d.  Mriv 
15.  IfJ-lO.  She  m.  CM)  May  29.  I'o-lo,  :\latthe\v  (.'rant  of  N'.'indsor-,  and  d.  Nov.  14,  KiO'J. 
Ancestress  bv  both  hnsl)auds  of  U.  S.  (->'rant,  Pees.  V.  S. 

1.     .foa'n,  b.  April-Jo,  KV?.-);  ni.  Nov.  1.""),  !f).!-2,  .JelYrev  Baker. 
H.     .lohn,  \).  .Julv  2>;,  1027;  m,  Sarah  En.sign. 

HI.     Mary.  pmb.  d.  y.  '  ^   '  ■ 

IV.     Samui'l.  1).  march  2S,  1631;  nt.  Mary  Norton. 
V.     ]{aih,  h.  Aug.  11)33;  m.  Chiistopher  Huntington. 

VT.     J.,.M]di,  d.   ^^.  '  ■  ■  " 

VII.      Sarah,  b.  July  2<.;,  KioS;  m.  ^Valter  Caylord. 

1.  John  RockAVeH,  b.  ..Inly  2-'.  10J7;  d.  Sej.t.  3.  1(1:3,,  "and  was  buried  at  Sun- 
setting.  4.^  old.;"  m.  May  0.  1051,  Sarah,  dan.  of  .Iniiies  Ensign  of  Caiiihrid-e :  d. 
and  buried  in  Ha.rtf..  Cmiui.,  .June  23,  IGoii;  (2)  at  I)oi-ch(>ster,  Aug.  18,  10132,  De'liver- 
anee  }{;iwes:   /.  l)y   Ist  m. 

1.  Sarah,  ii.  May  12.  ii'.o3;  m.  Ihivid  Tlull.  1,  'i')rANKF(  i.,  b.  r>ec.  2i),  1079;  d. 
,Hine  2.  ITlo;  m.  .Jan.'.";,  lt;'.)s;,  Tlieojdielns  Doidittle.  1.  r//e///7'//,  b.  Mav  2,  170U;  in. 
Timothy  I'age.     2.   S'ni/i.  1>.  .luue  ].  17(i3;  m.  Isaac  Tattle  [.12.] 

II.  B'.rth,  b.  Marcli  .J,  Idol;  m.  Daniel  Mix,  and  had  I.ydia,  m.  Ebene/er  Hull, 
and  h.-ul  ]7!iene/-,er,  f.  of  Mary,  '.vho  ni.  1-lphraim  Tuttle  [p.  482.'] 

III.  Lydia,  h.  Nov.  27,  IG-JG;  m.  .Tune  24,  IGSO,  Joshua  Atwater;  l>oth  d.  .v.  i.  next 
vear;  1,'v  2d  m  : 

n\"  Joh)i.  b.  Sept.  C.  1G63;  d.  before  1G73. 

V.  Hannah,  May  30.  1GGr>. 

A'l.  Joseph,  Julv  s.  KiciS:  m.  Elizabeth  Foster. 

VII.  Elizabeth,  Feb.  .-i,  1G70:  jn.  Feb.  1,  1G94.  James  Ward. 

4.     Samuel  Rockwell,  b.    March   2s',   1G31;    m.    April    7,    IGGO,   Marv  Nortc.m    of 
Saybrook.  dau.  of  and  f.'iac-e  <  Wells)  Norton  of  liuilford. 
1.     Marv.  b.  Jan.  is.  1GG2;  m.  Oct.  23,  1GS3,  Josiah  Eoomis. 
II.     Abiiraii.  b.  1i;(i4:  d.   iGGo. 

HI.  Samuel,  b.  Oct.  FJ,  lGG7(dea.):  d."Mavl3,  172.-):  m.  June  10,  1004.  P^Jiv.abetlL 
(iaylord,  h.  Feb.  ID,  ]G7n:  d.  Dec  12,  1727'  'l,  E:,i/..\T.KTi!,  m.  Thomas  (Hant.  2, 
Matthew,  b.  Jan.  3ih  1707;  d.  at  F.  Windsor,  March  2y,  17S2:  author  of  Bockwell 
Genealogy;   i)h.ysician.  cleriryman  anil  deaeon. 

IV,  Joseph,  1).  May  22."  li;7i>. 

y.     Jidm.  ii.  May  31,  1073:  in,    AniU'  Skir.ner.  '  '  ' 

^'l.     Abigail,  b.  April  11,  IGiO;  m.  John  Smith. 
VII.      Josiah,  b.  ;March  l.-),  1G7S;  m.  Bebecca  Loomis. 

44.  Jo.seph  Eockweli,  b.  :\Iay22,  lOiO;  d.  June  2G,  1733;  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Job  and  Eli/,ai.eth  (Alvordi  lirak-e.  b.  Nov.  4,  B;7o;  d.  Oct.  IG,   174fi. 

I.      Jose]ih,  1>.  Nov.  23.  IGU.");   m.  Hannah  H unf iuL'-fon.  -     • 

II.      El:/.al.,.ih.  b.  r)er.  12.  Kills. 

HI.     Benjamin,  b.  Oct.  2n,  17!hI;  m.  Fel;.  3,  1723,  .Margaret  I'arke. 
1\".      James,  b.  .Mine  3.  1701.   m.  Nov.  7,    1  72S,  .\lii-ail    Boomis.      1.    Ejikxiczki;.      2, 
%Vi[.iiA>r,  b.  Sept.  I'.i.  173',:   m.  .\nna  Stow  of  .Middletown. 

V.     ,1(4).  1,.  Aie-il  13.  i:o!);  ,„.  J;,,!.  20,  1730,  Merriam  Haydem 
VI.     Fli/.abeth,  b.  July  24,  1713;  m.  Jontitlian  Huntington". 

441.  Joseph  Rockwoll,  b.  Nov.  23,  IGOo;  m.  Haun.ah  Huidington,  1..  Norwiidi, 
<'onn..  Aiaieli  -j.',.  \i?x;  ,j.^n  of  .bd:n  and  Abigail  iBathi'ojM  HiuiTingt.jn,  and  gr.  dau.  of 
•Cliristophf  r  an.d  B'uih  iBoeJcwelli  H. 


].  Josi'iili,  1>.  Murcli  IT),  171");  d.  1775;  iii.  Auiiii  J)od(!.  1,  Anna,  tii.  Xatliim 
]5iiss.  2,  .loii.v.  ;>,  Ki.i.iAii,  1).  Nov.  14,  1714:  <1.  Aiitr.  'J.  ISH;  ni.  Jun.  li),  1  r/"), 
].acy  \\'ri.i:1it.  lit;  was  .Iiislicf  uf  tin-  Pfaci'  iind  town  rl^'ik  nf  Cdltdtnuik  duiino-  lite. 
1,  LiK'i/.  2,  E'ij'ilt,  1).  Ni'V.  l»,  1777:  m.  S.>plua.  fian.  df  Jnlm  iMi-icn.  8,  J^wi/.  k  Jan' 
8,  1779;  m.  Aaron  Case  of  Norfolk.  4,  'JliLmn,  .June  .">.  1 7s->.  .").  Annr.  l'..  On.'.), 
17S:!;  \n.  Jo.srpli  I'.lliiH.  (J,  IlLt-ni,  I).  Feb.  K^,  i;s;);  lu.  Dr.  laimau  \Val^rliL.l(k 
4,    l-^illi'i.   rt'S.    Wiiulu'stiT,  Conn. 

4.7.     Josiah  Rockwell,  b.  March  1."},  107S,  m.  De;;.   14,  171o,  lieljcrra  l.onMis  of 

11.     Kannali,  b.  Drc,  -io.  1717. 

III.  Jonatliau.  b.  -May 'i,  17'J:3.. 

IV.  Saiauek 

474.     SamueJ   Eockwcll,  l).  Jan.  19,  172S;   d.  at  Cob^brook,  Conn.,  Sept.  7,  1794; 
m.  ll<'/ckiali  I'ratt,  ^^]u)  d.  1S14. 

I.  S'auiuel,  b.  Feb.  18,  1759;  phys.  in  Salisbury.  C'mm.  and  in  Sharon;  d.  Jiin<_'  'Jj. 
ISuii;  m.  Hi'^'ti,  1-hiiUfP  Canfield;  (2)  17',)N.  Hannah  ib-ad;  i.  by  1st,  ni.:  1,  II  i;pz!;i;.\  ti.  m. 
Nathanii-]  Y,.  Cavlord.  -J,  Joiix  ('.wiii.i.i;;  l.  by -^M  ni. :  ;j,  .Makv  A>,.\,  J  inu- ::£,  ISOO; 
m.  Aaron  Jla'wloY.  4,  \\\iAA\\\;  ^rad.  \.  C.  law  scliool;  Jiidije  Sup>-r.  Courted'  King-.s 
Co.,  X.  Y. :  ni.  Su.saii  Prince  ol'  p.rooldyn. 

II.  Solomon,  b.  Jan.  ',^0,  1704;  m".  July  0,  INOU,  Sarah,  fhai.  of  Kobcrt  an«iJetu.-ha 
(Doolittle)  McEuen;  she  d.  March  15,  ISl.:  he  d.  Au--.  1.  l.^.-js,  1,  ,lKi;fsiiA.  b.  March 
28,  iSOo;  M.  Theodore  Ilinsilalc;  (2)  Jolm  Pioyd,  Sec.  State  of  Coimi.  and  author  l[!.>t:>r>/ 
of  Winr/u'-stcr,   Conn. 

III.  Reuben,  b.  (AU.  1,  17(15;  m.  lb  In  cca.  dan.  of  Col.  ]',e/,ah-.d  Pccbe  of  Litclificld, 
Conn.  1,  Jd'i.rfs:  \.  C. ;  lawyer  in  PitT-field,  ]\Iass.;  rep.  aiu!  S<ui.  in  Con.;  Judiie 
Siiiiienie  Court.  Ma.-s.  2,  Luii^A,  tn.  <4i!e.s  1!.  Ifass  of  Colebruok.  a,  liK/.Ai.EKi. 
Bef.ue,  b.  Oct.  2-;,  1^09;  in.  Ajiril  2:>,  1834,  Caroline,  dau.  of  Col.  llosea  Jlin-dale  o£ 
^Vincllester.  4,  F.i.i/.AiiKTir,.  5,  JIkiuex,  IJep.  aud  Sen.  Conn.  LeL,^  and  Co]lecTf>r 
Int.  Kev.;  in.  Cornelia  L.  Phio. 

IV.  Alplia,  S.'jit.  21,  17(>7;  1st  child  li.  in  the  town  of  Colebrook;  m .  May  20,  18*)d. 
Eho.da  Ensign.  J,  Eunvahi).  2.  SA>rfKj..  ;■],  Caholink,  b.  Pec.  27,1804";  lu.  ^\'ul. 
Lawrence  of  Norfolk;  •«.  i.  4,  Co](Nkj.ia,  Marcli  23.  1^08;  ni.  <_)ct."  I8;i8,  Oswyn  P>aker 
of  Amlierst,  Mass.,  ar.d  d.  Fell.  2,  18i(.';  ;'.  one  (dnld.  1,  ]\'//i.  Ijitirrenc-.  b.  (Jet.  5. 
Ib89;  Dart,  (.'ol,;  'Jd  Lieut.  Art.  Pieir.  ariny,  Aug.,  Isdl;  in  si'verrd  battles  and  k.  at 
Aptietatii,  iif-\^i.  17,  lSf;2.  5,  IJklia  Ei.t.kx,  Jan.  lb,  Is'il;  u,.  Mareh  2>',  J^HS.  Dea. 
Elliott  pjcardsley,  director  and  Pres.  ^^  lusted  Pan!:;  Jb'p.  and  Sen.  in  Conn.  Leg.  0, 
HiKiDA,  I-'eb.  22,  1S17;  in.  May  2,  1838,  Lev.  Clement  Long,  son  of  Prof.  Samuel. 

V.  Martin,  b.  1772;  ni.  .Mary  (Burrall)  Kockwtll,  wid.  ed'  his  bro.  4'iiuothv.  1, 
Im.tza,  m.  lies-.  P.alidi  Plmerson,  IJ.D.  2,  Tt.motiiv.  3,  ?\L\KY.  4,  Sfs.\x,  m."  Lev. 
<;e...  i:.  IVcirce,  D.l).;  Pres.  Leserve  Col.  O.  5,  Wiiu.lA.M.  b,  CiiAlu.Es;  Y.  C. ; 
Chaidaiu  I'.  S.  >.'.      7,   Chaiu.uT'J'K. 

5.     Ruth  Rockv/ell,  b.  .\ug.,  1033.;  ni.  Oct.  7,  1G52,  Christoplier  Iluutiiiiiton. 

L  Christopher  Huntington  (J)ea.),  b.  lObO.  1,  .MA'tTtiKW,  b.  Apiil  1(1,  4b94.  1, 
Jifatthcir.  b.  ^Lindi  10,  1720.  1,  Abel,  ]>.  1745;  m.  Sarah  Tuttle.  2,  Col.  Jake/.,  m. 
Elizabeth  l'7d wards  [^]. 

11.  John,  ni.  Abigail  Latlirop.  ].  M  \i;tii  v,  h.  Lee.  9.  LiOG;  d.  Jun.'  12,  17K;  in. 
Noah  Grant;  had  sister  llannali  Craut,  b.  March  28,  l(J8i);  ni.  April,  1712,  .lohn  C'avlord, 
b.  IVc.  IG,  U192;  d.  Oct  1G,  17-<;7;  s.  <if  Samuel  and  iirace  (Miner)  ( i  lant,  s.  of  Samuel' 
and  Mary  Porter;  s.  of  Maiihew  aud  Priscilla  (4rant;  sbe  lu.  (2)  Jan.  7,  1728,  Pet'M-  Ihiell 
and  of  her  descendants  by  2d  ni.  were  e'en.  Peter  Buell  Porter,  See.  (d'  War  uinler  J. 
Q.  Adams,  and  (uui.  Don  Carlos  Puell;  /.  by  1st  U'.:  1,  XkhJi..  b.  July  PJ.  17iS:  ui. 
Susanna  Delano,  and  had:  1.  Noah.  b.  .luue  20,  1  74'S  Ca]U.  in  Lev.  ai'uiv;  m.,  Lachef 
Kflles  and  had;  1,  Jesse  Loot;  m,  Hannah  Simii,s'Ui  and  had;  Plvsses  Sim|i-(jn 
Pres.   U.  S. 

Samuel  Rockwell,  b.  Mar(di  2b,  174(1:  m.  Julv  IG,  UiS,  Sarah  Laleott. 

I.  Sarah,  1).  Nov.  9,  1775;  il.  .Match  4.  1819. 

H.  Aaion,  b.  Oct,  2,  1777,  d.  Oet,  21,  IsOl, 

TIL  J.'riisbn,  b.  .luu^'  X,  \:<(),  ,1.  o.-t.   7,   psi;);    ,,,.  L-aac  Clevelaiul, 

IV.  SaUHud,   b.   Sept.  9,   17s2;  d.  Feb,  VS,   \H\U. 

V.  ];bod,a,  b.  Ai'mI  i:;,  17s5,d.  July  i,  iS'Jd. 

VI.  Elijah,  b.  Oct.  IG,  i7«8. 



VII.     Kuss-ll.  I..  .Ian.  10,  17!)-\ 
VIII.      Jn:Mi,li,  1..  An;;-.  S,  1  ;;M. 

Josei)Ii  IJoekwi'll  si'tili'il    in  (''ilflnrink .  (.'dim.:    I>.  about  I'.'iT:   l,a<I  Jrnislia,  1)    almuT 
I'lor.  m.  Jai-ol)  Ogdeii  and  hud  l.'fv.  David  L.  O-diu,  I).  I'drj;  m.  ^^arah  A.  Judton  [2\. 


Mattliew  Rowe  wa^  nm'  of  lae  w.-altliit--!  (if  ilic  New  ]la\cn  ( 'iMiipa ny.  In  tli»- 
li.ct,  iif  ](■.!:;.  lie  is  .-allrd  ••  .Mi .  f  raivd  at  fl.diK):  fain  ilv  of  .-is,  fcTsoi'.-.  !!'■  il.  Mav27, 
urn.  liis.s.  .Inlin  Kouc.  1).  Ai>ril  :](!,  Ui.VI:  ii:.  July  11,  Hi'^;).  Al.ig-ail  Alsnp,  In  1712 
Jaims  Perl;  cxli  ihilcd  ;m  a-;ifiMiiint  bi-twiNii  tlio  licirs  (if  -ImIhi  i;,,\\r.  viz.  :  .Inlu!,  .M;it- 
tlifw,  Haiinali,  \\(.  of  Jaitu'S  Perl-:,  Sarali,  avT.  o\:  \-]\>cu<-/a-v  Ilrowii.  Aidi^ail,  ^\  f .  of  John 

1.     John,  1).  Oct.  •,':_!,  P'.sl. 
II.     Mattlu-w,  li.  F'-ii.  1  1.  l'^'^:];  m.  i;flv(<ca  Mix  [p.  101]. 

111.  Si.-oIm'ii,  1>.  Julyl,  lti-7:  ni,  .Maiy  Vvrk.  She  ui.  cJlPca.  Tiiuolliy  Tv.ttle  of 
Clu'.-hiio  [p.  4(i.')j.  1,  Si'Krin;N.  "J.  J(.i-kiiii.  in.  Abigail  i5iM(  1 ,  .7".-.(////,  li.  S'-jit. 
27.  1741.  i.  Kh,',n->r,  Sept.  "i,  17-ls.  ;!.  i;,h,rr.i,  Jmif  •.",»,  17.'ii.i.  4.  JA////.  Jan.  'JS. 
17.-,;',.     h.  K>in!.;,  ^\u\r -IW.  \',')-).     (I,  >V(7v'/' //,  Jan.  :;i,  1 7'iS.     :;,  l)-\  m  i;i,.     4.  .Mai;v.     5, 

EuKNKZKi;.   b.  Fell.  IS,  17-2o;    ni.  Mintlwcll .       ili:>  i\<T.  invontorifd,  174'S,  liy    I'l-a. 

TiiiiotLv  'I'uitlt-. 

IV,"  Abi,;;a:l,  b,  Auu-.  l:'.,  ICvO;  ni.  F^b.  0!.  171-^.  Jam.-  M-.n-i-.  vlio  d.  170o.a.  abf. 
SO.  1,  Jf.mima,  b.  Ih'c..  17b'.:  d.  v.  O,  lb\.\n;i.,  b.  June  (I.  17lS;  m.  F'Ji/abeili  Snnili. 
S,'aiu(;aii.,  b.  Jan.  Id.  17-20.  4.  J'amls,  b.  17-J:l.  •'),  Am^s,  b.  17-:('.:  m.  Juiu-  '20,  1745. 
Lvdia  Camp.      1,  ^'////'^  b.  174C.:  m.  1771,  I'avid  P^-eidn-i-,  f.  -d'  Lyuian. 

V.  Hannah,  i'k  1m-!>.  11,  lOUl;  ni.  17-JO,  J(din  ],v:i.\^  {Dodil).  J^he  i.s  called  Avf.  of 
Jaini's  ]-'c(d;  in  1 74-2. 


Prof.  Adani  J^cdiz-u-iclc,  of  e'anibridL'-t' I'nivcrsity ,  I-'.np-Jand.  the  renovvufd  geologist , 
%vrit('rf  to  (.b/n.  Cliarh'.s  F.  Sedgv.-ick  of  Sharon,  Conn.  The  r'an  settled  \n  early 
limes  among  tlie  mmmtains  wldrh  form  the  bi>iders  (d'  "^dik-liire,  Lara-asliirt^ 
and  N'W-.-tuioreland.  And  all  the  ,<edgwirks  in  Knghnid  ean  lure  iheli-  aj;re>tiy  i.. 
thc.'ie  mionntains.  The  nanu;  i.<  (.-iennan,  and  means  village  of  vietoiy.  ]ivnbabiy, 
n  ])laee  where  our  rude  ance:>tval  Saxons  or  Dane.-;  drove  out  the  Celtie  trilies 
into  tlie  reino!!'  rere<ses  of  the  CiU.ilirian  mountains,  \\here  we  meet  with  many 
Celtie  nanii.-s  t"  this  day.  'Idle  n.ame  of  Sedgwh-k  v,-ns,  !  b^  Ih  ve,  a  eorruption 
given  to  explain  the  meaning  (d'  a  name  the  real  import  el  whieh  was  (|uite  for- 
gotten. Tlie  word  sedge  is  not  ];nown  in  the  noithern  distriets  of  our  Island,  ar.d  the 
])lant  itself  does  not  exist  in  our  valleys,  but  a  braneh  (d'  our  ehui  settled  in  low  marshy 
reo-ions  in  Lancashire,  and  hrst  adopted  the  modern  sp(dling,  and  at  the  same  time  two 
bnmlles  of  Sedge  (with  the  leaver  droojiing  like  the  ears  (d'  a  corn  slu^af)  as  the  family 
crest.  This  liranch  \\  as  nevei-  numerous,  and  is,  1  belieNe  now  almost  extiuci.  Indeed, 
the  Sedgv.-ieks  never  seenuat  least  in  Iho'-land)  to  away  from  their  native 
mountains.  If  you  remove  them  to  a  low  country  they  droop  and  die  away  in  a  feu- 
generations.  A"still  older  crest,  and  one  whieh  suits  the  history  of  the  lace,  is  an  eagle 
with  sjiread,  wings,  ddie  arms  mo>t  commonly  borm^  by  tiie  Sedgw  irks  are  comjiosed 
of  a  red  Creek  <-i-(.ss  with  live  bells  attarhed  to  the  bars.'  1  am  too  ii;-noi-;;iit  of  heraldic 
terms  to  dex-libe  the  shield  eorrec-lly.  I  believe,  however,  that  this  is  the  shield  of  the 
hisi.uie  iu-aneli.  The;-,- is  aiioth.'r  lu.-iia-h  to  the  .-,onth  of  the  naniiitains.  All  the  lioider 
elans  sulfeveii  i,n-e:iily  in  the  v,;ivsi>f  ^'orkand  Lancast.r.  .\  f  ler  the  rtd'ormai  h.n  I  hey 
leaned  generally  to  the  puritanic  >ide,  and  many  of  tlu'in  served  in  I'l-cmwell's  aimy. 
I-hom  th'-  lefiu-inatioh  to  the  latter  i>:M-i  of  the  la-.t  ciMitiiry  our  border  coumiis  enjoy(  d 
great  i.ror-p.-ilty.  Sm.-iil  e.-iates.  thc^  pi-oprletors  living  thenn.n,  hapj.y,  imlepend|-ut 
veoiiianrv.  '1  h"-  manufactuie  of  w,,<il  fiom  the  tlocks  of  sheep  on  the  neii^hlioi  lug 
inountaii'is  produ.-ed  a  humble  afibier.ce.  Ail  this  lias  dest  loyed  by  change  (,f 
mauners  and 'mai-hineiy,  and  a  di-iiial  i-liaiiL;-'  h;is  t;d;eu  phu  e.  It  is  now  a  ^  eiy  pour 
COlintrv,   most   of  the  faiuib.    .  -tale.-  so;d  lo  .-I  rale.' ef  .  —  IhJilsti  r' x  1 1  i-'<t  m-ji  ,>J    (  <n,,i  . 

Ibibert  S-du-uj.  1;   ,,f  (■|Kirlesto\Mi,    ;ii si.u-    of    all    ih^'    Ne->v    F.mrhind    Se.JLi-wichs; 

Capt.   for  tlie  ;ie,vu,   Kidi'i;   ne\i  ii,onth  repi  e.->eu!ati  ve,  and    10    terms    mm'e.      ( »n<-   ol    the 
founders  of  the  Aniliery  Cotnpany,  ami  its  Cap.t.  HUP.      Coinmamler  of  th"  (-asth-,  1041  ; 

CSO  Arpi::xi)]x. 

hfiul  <.f  tlir  Mjdillcscx    IN'irhiKMit    ini:',:  Maym- (Ji-neral   of  tin-  Mass.    r-olMiiy  so.ui  aficr 
calk-d   hy   Oliver  Croniwell  to  millitavy  seivicf   in  Jamaica,  ;'iiii    d.  Mav  2\.    lO^c,-  ni 

Jtiaiiiia ;  /.  : 

T.      Saiimcl,  ba)i.  Marcli  ol ,  KI-'SII;   in.  I'lizabfili  ;   rc^i(ir.l  clni  Hv  in  London 

JI.      Hannah.  Mairli  M.  1041. 

III.      William. 

I\'.  ]ioh,-it.  d.  cm  ri'turn  I'mm  Jamaira,  liavino-  small  c>tatf,  adm.  of  wliidi  was 
given  t' I  \\-f.  Sarah  April  '-'ij,  IGS:].  1,  \\'jj.),iam.  I..  June,  ny.'o  ^  Svr  \ii  1.  !),■(•  I'l 
1G77.  '         ■      ' 

V.      Saraln 

3.     William   Sedgwick,   m.  Kliznl.cth,  dan.  of  i;.'v.  Samuel  Stone,  teacher  of  the 
cliln  in  llartf.      lie  served  in  the  army;  /,  oin.'  rhild  Samuel. 

31.     .Samuel  Sedgwick,  h.  IGii?;  cai.t.:  d.  Mandi  24.  ITa.j;  nn  IGKK  Marv  Iloitkins 
wlio  d.  Sejit.  -1,  \:i:-2:  i. 

I.      Sanaiel,  h.  An,c.  ^'J,  IGOf):  nn  I'.alh  I'eck. 
II.      Jonathan,  h.  WX^. 
111.      Ehem/.er,  h.  KilJ.j. 
lY.     Jo,-.e)di,  b.  IGO:. 
V.      Ahi--ail,  h.  17U;j. 
\I.     Mary,  h.   Jan.  7.  17()4-."');  m.  172o.   .[.aeoh  Kelloiro;  of   Hartf.      She  d    \\\"-    !•' 
17.")!i.      1.  H.VNXAH  KKf.t.ex.i;,  li.  \hiy  18.  IT;;!):  nr  Feb.  -.'G.   17G7.   (,'alel)  CroswJlJ. "  Sii"e 
d.  a.  OU;   /.  G  sons  odans.      1 ,   //.'/-/'^  <lVv/.s.v^r, //,  D.  1).,  reetoi- Triniiv  ehh     X    Hav 
VII.      William,  b.  1707.  '  •      •  • 

VI 11.     Eli/abeih.  170s. 

IX.      'lliankfnl,  b.  1710;  d.   v. 
X.     Meivy,  b.  ]7l>j. 
XII.      Benjamin,  l.i.  171G. 

311.  Samuel  Sedgwick,  b.  Aui^.  22,  IGOO;  m.  Iluth.  dan.  of  I'anl  Peek  of  IT-ui- 

I.  Kuih,  b.  Jan.  21.  1711;  m.  17:}8,  Dea..  Caleb  Meri'iiinui  of  Wallinuford,  Conn. 
1,  S.MiAJt.  1).  ]7:J:J.  2,  (;]:()i;r;K.  b.  17;JG;  d.  17.")7.  o,  lM,iz.\)iKTJi.  b  17:jcr  .J  lirrH' 
b.  1741.  '■       ' 

II.     :*b'.ry,  b.  1714;  d.  17:U;  ni.  17;)1,  Isaae  l^roekett.    [p.  .-)41.] 

III.  Jerusha,  m.    Samuel,  .s.  of   \\'m.   'IMer  and   eons,  of   Xathan    \vlio  m    b'a-Jiel 
Tnnle  [p.  4GoJ. 

IV.  Franeis,  ni.  Marv  Tvler.  sis  of  Sumu'-l. 

V.     'J'hnnkful,    b.  Ai.iir21.    1721:   m.   Oct.    21,    1741,    Jehiel   Preston- (2)  Enhraim 
'J'nttle  [p.  4fi7J.  V  ;     1 

31.12.  Benjamin  Sedgv.'ick,  b.  17IG;  IVa.:d.  Feb.  ]  r.  1747;  m.  Anna,  <lan.  of 
John  'J'hompMoi;  she  nn  i2)  'limoihy  Judd  (his  ;id  wt.),  b.  1714;  he  m.  (4)  Marv,'  wid.  of 
Sainm:d  Foote;  {o)  and  d.  Jan.  2:0,  ITSiG,  a.  S2. 

I.      Sarah,  b.  17:3!_l:  d.  in  her  2Sth  yr;  nn  liev.  Ile/.e-kiah  Conld. 

II.     John,  b.  1742;  Crn.  Conn.  Mil";  d.  An.;-.  2S,  1S20;  res.  Cornwall  Ibdlow,  Cmn. ; 
m.  17G.T,  Abia-ail,  dan  of  Cnpt.  Steplien  Andiews  of  Walliinrford.  who  d.  ISl],  a'  GG      1 
JoifN    An1)i:kv,-s,    b.  Mar.di,    8,  17G}.     2,   S.\i:.M[,    d.  unnn'    3,    IIkniiy.     4,   Podkkuk.' 
tl.    "■    1-j-      •■>■   PA]!Ni:t.      G.   A^.\.    d.    nnm.      7,  J^r,i;':AnKTi[,   d.    v.      S.   p'\^iki,i  \      0 
STKfltKX,    b.  Mareh    1.  ]7s:J:    Y.  C. :    lawyer;    res.    Ithaca,    X.   V. ;    d.  Cincinnati,  O.  ;    m.' 
July   17,    ]S21,  Anna.   dan.  of   Isaac   Bahiwin,    h.    Litehheld.    Conn.,  Dec.   10,  1 /sG.  '  1()| 
Ei.izAtJF.Tir,   twin  with    Stephen.      11,   I!oi>ki.'Kk.  lawyer,    X.  V.  C.'    12,    Bi;'x.i.\mix,  b.' 
17si:  nn  olive,  dau.  of  Philo  CoHin.scjf  Ceshen,  Conn,  "l,  I'liilo  r ',////;,,<(.   2,  Ji'lm.  h    S.'pt 
l.'h  LSI":  i'-rad.  W.  Point;  Maj.  Cen.  V.  S.  A.;  kill-'d  at  >;pottsylvanin,  Va.,Mav  ',).  "lSG4, 
while    in  c<imn!and  of   Grh  .\rjny  Corps:    who  elected  his  statn'e  in  bron/e  on  tlie    parade 
ground    at  West  Point    Mil.  Acad.;    he  wa.s  nnnn      Z   'h'ir,    I'nilins.      4,    Kinihj.      ."i  FJAza. 
in.      Benjamin,  b.  1714;  m.  M.arv.  dan.  of   4'imotln-  J'utih^  j  p.  ,114  |. 
I\'.      'idn'odore.  I..  Mav,  174G,  ai'\\'est   Hartford.      'When  lliree   vearsold  Ids  parents 
rrmoved  to  Ccv.-nwall  Hfdlow;  Y.  C.   ITGo:  s,.t.  as  a  lawyer  in  Slu'tliefd.  M:'.ss:  thcmeerem. 
to  Stocl-.briilge,  IT^O;  mem.  Cont.  Con.  17N."i-7,  and  aft.  adoptimi  id"  the  ImmI".  C,)n^t.  was 
choS"n  Pep.  to  Ce.n.  from  Ma-s. :  C.    S.  Seiuitor  from  .Mar.di    li'.iil-h:).  and  Pres.    j,r>' 
fir:   i::,.-.      After  e\p.    ,  d'    t -I  m  i  11  Se  ua  ;<  ■    ua,-  a.,'aiu  •  leci.-d    Ib-ji.  and  (dio^eii  Spe;dver  .if 
the  llmi--e;    from  ]M)2  until    d,  wa,--   a.!ud!;,-e    Supreme    Court  e.f    .^!as•;.;    he  d.  in  Hoston 
.Ian.    24,    ]s\:\;  id...l)  from  lioth   i'rineeton  and  CamI  nidge  C(,l. ;   he  in.    h^li/.a  Mason ;  (2'i 
I'anielia    D^vight;    /.    by  2<1    m.;      ],    1Ii;m;v    )  Uvioh  t,  b.   17s.x      2,    P(ir,Ki;T.      ;j,    'J'iiko- 



Doiac,  b.    ITsO,    f.    (,r  'riicnilore,    b.    ISM.     -},   ('iiaki.k>,   an  cmincni  Ijwvyer,   and    four 
d;iu,i;-litt'i-s.  <■!  whimi  .l.   (/.v'l  ii.\  i;r.\p,  Mai;ia,  w:i.s  an  aiitlinn-ss  nf  liiuh  rH|iutc;  1>.  \~,x'.). 

V.  ■  Mary  Ann,  ni.  IN-v.  .Id!)  Smith,  D.  ]). :  h.  San.hvicli,  Mass',  ITi^!;  Y.  C.  ITU.");  d. 
in  Bi'nuin.nton,  \'t.,  Oct.  "^U,  INUl.  1,  Bi^x.iamix,  {' .  S.  Srnator  fruin  A't.  :?,  Samikj., 
i^ec.  of  Staff  uf  ^■t. 

VI.      I.Diain,  n\.  .Ja>-oIj.  Paf.sous  of  liklunond,  Mass. 


E'dunmd  Slifrninn  of  l>.'dhani,  KnL'-. ,  in.  .\])ril  :!(l.  l.-.fiO.    Ann  P-Hrt. 
I.      Ivlimiiid,  m.  Si-i>r.    11.    1")S4,    Ann    Clark,    and    liad:      1,    Kiwrd.Mi,  ni.  Mav  20, 

1611,  -Judith  A ni;-if^r.      "i,    KicilAiU),  m.  Elizabt-th  andliad:     1,   AiiiJ,h    Nov      i-'U.j 

2,    PjtiSClI.I.A.  b.   IblN. 

Edmund  Sherman,  m.  M-.iv  S'i,  lull,  .imlitli  AnL;i>-r. 

J.      -'-'Iin,  Lap.   .)au.    I,    l'Jl-1:    U.-v.:  ni.    Marv ,    who  d.  1014;  (V)Marv  l.aunc... 

?■.  bylstni.:  1,  Mailv.  b.  l(.i:;!J;  m.  Hi").-;,  Danh-rAlliMi.  '2.  15i-;zAi,b;i,i..  bap.  in  Miilnnj, 
Conn.,  Nov.  ]:',,  Kiti):  Ihav.  Col.  HWil;  ui.  and  went  to  Madras;  Lad  faiailv.  3.  Da.v- 
IKL,  b.  Mavdi  -J-^,  IHi-,':  d.  i.n  Now  H,-iVfi\.  171(i.  -1.  Sv.mcim..  li.  April  1-1,  lOil:  <1.  Sept., 
sill.  yr.  i.  liy  2d  ni.:  ri.  A.nicATl..  ni.  Ani;-.,  lliljl,  llcv.  Sainutd  W'ilhird.  (j,  Mauv.  m. 
]Mav  VT.  KWij,  ]-',ilis  Barioii.  jr.  (his  2d\vf.)  7,  Mi;i;rv,  m.  -1,  ITliO,  Saiuiud 

11.      Edmond,  l)up.  .lunf  IS,  KllG:   rs  tuincd  witli  his  i.  to  Dfdliam,  En^•. 

111.      S:tniU''l,  b.ii>.  .'ul_\   ]■-?.  IdlS;  s.-i.  in  Wfthcrslirld;   win.  t(j  Stuuiford  and  d.  tlir.; 
m.  Sarah,  daii.  of  2vlaitlicv-  Mitchcl. 

3.      Sarnucl   Ehennan,    -ft.    iu    \\'t  th(  rstu-ld;   rem.    to    Stamford    and   d.    tlir. ;  ]u. 
^^arah,  dan.  of  Mattln-o.    ^liI^dn.d. 

1.  Sainnel,  b.  .Jan.  1!),  KWl:  mason;  d  171'.):  m.  Ki'l."),  Mary  Titt.-iTon :  (2)  Abigail 
Tlioiupsou,  >vho  111.  (1)  .lonatlian  Cuiii>;  r.M  Xirli(das  Ilnr.t-.  /.  liv  1st  in.:  i,  Ma!:v,  b. 
May  U,  liXlli:  d.  y.  2,  Dami.i,.  b.  Maidi  2:;,  KJD.S;  m.  Dec.,  10!)  l]  lldM-rca  ^Vh(■olrr.  '  1, 
J'th/cr,  h.  Martdi.  li\'.*'>:  in.  1  Ms,  Ib^nrv  How  land.  2,  J/w'y.///,  li.  On.,  ](;!)7.  ;^,  A''//,ir,. 
1).  .Jan.,  Ki'.tii.  4.  h\//,'r.  b.  April,  "l  ibJ.  :..  Jf.  ,r>/.  b.  1701.  (i,  /'/•//,/, /„_•,,'  !>.  On.. 
]70r.:  m.  17:!:l.  P(d,.Tt  l>.id<oii.  7,  /•.■'■/////,^'?/,  b.  Mav,  1709.  y,  J/.^/V-v/A,  1).  1711.  '.). 
JJorothii.  All-.,  1714.  Ill,  .Jn'i-.l.",  m.  174  1,  .Joseph'  Seck-v.  ;!,  Stsanxa,  b.  ,Ia]v22, 
1(.;70:  lii.  Daniol  Mitrh.L  4.  Sviiah,  b.  May,  KWo;  d.  y."  ,-,,  (ii;Aci;,  b.  Jiiiy.s,  i(i7(i: 
111.  Jianiid  Si.  .John  of  Norwallv.  /.  bv2d  in.-:  b,  l-h,iZAi;i',Tii,  b.  .Ian.  1,  iri7S:'iii.  Nov., 
1702,  Isaac  (.dark.  7,  Sai:aii,  b.  Dpc.  lO.  lOS]  :  ,i,.  .Ian.,  170G,  Saiiimd  l^.-ris  of  N.'w- 
town,  L'onn,  s.  Ai;i(;.vn..  Ij.  Awj;.  4.  IdSS;  m.  Dfc,  170,--^,  .James  13ebcc  of  Danburv. 
11.     Tlnoi.hiliis,  b.  Ort.  2s,  1(;4:J:  res.  Suatfoid. 

111.      .Maiihew,  m.   Hannah . 

]V.     Ivltnnn.l,  li.  Dec.  4,    IbK;  d.   K.IS:',:  m.   Susanna .     1,  ]'>i:7,  \t,i;k[,,  b. 

11,  I'm.");  d.  Strat.,  1717.      1,  Khn,,z<r.     2,  J-jhitHinl.     ;'>,  ^^asiiurni.     2,   S.\i;a!1.  1).  Am;., 
1(J7S.     :i.   SamiI:;!.,  h.  .Jan.,  IfW'J.     4,    I',    b.    .March   20,    IGsO;  in.   .Marcli  0,  170f;.' 
b,  Mattiii:\v,  1>.  Jan.  N,  lOs:;.      ].   LeuimL     2,   Di'dd. 
V.     John,  b.  Eeb.  S.  Hi.',!). 
VI.      Sarah,  b.  I'eb.  N.  IC,.-};!. 
VII.      Nai'iaiiiel.  b.  Maivii  21.  HiV;:  d.  1712.  b-avin-  wf.  Abi-ail;  n-s.  Stratfonl. 
VIII.      Hfiijam'n,  b.  Maivh21i,  1(;(;2;   m.  .lune,  lbN:!.'!;,4je('ra,  ilau.  of  IJenjaniin  I'hip- 
pany  olBoston.      1,    Ar.ioAtt.,    b.    April    10,    10.S4:   d.  unm.   17  b!.      2,    ^^'lI,.^!o^.     *.',,   Jon, 
J).    April   2,    lOi'O:  m.    Sarah    Seeley.      1,   .Inlm.      2.   ,h>.l.      ;).   y,itl,an.      4,    Ephmiin.     4, 
NatiiaXU,).,  b.  Her.  1,  WWVi:  in.  IJuih   Cnriis:  (2)J':unice   !';-,tt<'i-.-,on.      T,.    Maimmi.v,  1).t. 
20,  lOtl.-).     *),   Makv.  b.   Frb.  24.  l(J!)i;.     7.   En<.-,  b.  April    1.-),    Kili'.):  m.  Abi,;.-ail  Walker. 

8,  Bkv.iami.n,  b    April,   17n;;:   ni.  Nov.  2!).    1740.   ( tifdienc.    wid.    id'    Nathan  Pairrhild, 

9.  S.\-Mi;i:r,  b.  170.-).  1,  L  ),}'/. ).  2,  :i,  ](),  4'i.\in-ni v.  11,  J\mks,  !i. 
Marcll,  170i;;  d.  .Ian.  10,  1  ;.s!;;  m.  Jan.  17,  Kdl.  S,uah,  dan.  ui  Ib-v.  S,in:u>d  Cook  of 
33riduepori,  uhod.  ]",d,.',  :;.  SO.  1,  .1^.//, /;,//,,  b.  .June:.;,  r;:;o:  m.  .June;!,  170;!, 
Abiw-ail,  d.-iu.  of  Biiijamin  .Mnnson.  1.  Cornelia,  b.  1  7(M.  2,  William.  :'>,  .\biaail. 
4,  Samuel,  in.  Eli/.abiih.  <!au.  of  X-'wrnan 'I'ruwbri  l-re  [  p.  ri.")!)].  .l.  Abi;-ail.  0,Adohij:di, 
7,    l^uijamin.       S.    Son         '.i,    Su-an.    nr    \\r\  .    Ilarrv   < 'ro-,\\  oil.       2,     Wol'tnn.    m.  J-Xibcr 

.      !.   J<un   s.       2,    Sally,  m.  Asahrl  'liuil,-.       :;,'   i;M!ier.       -1,    (JeorL-e.       .■),    Mar-aret. 

0,  William.  7.  Anna,,  s"  Harriet,  m.  Hr  Zrrah  I  law  ley  0,  i:rl)err:i.  :;.  S:i,„n,l,  h. 
17;.!s.  4,  J'Jiilii,  <A.  \.  .'),  Sii-'///.  bap.  May  2ti,  17i.'):  in.  .leremiah  'I'ow  nsend,  jr.  0, 
.1////,    ]>.    Feb.    12,    filO:    lu.    Ca.ieb    'f'rou  briik;e.       7,    h'r!>rcra,.)nuv   2.J,  17.31:   m.  (.'apt. 




Bciij.    Brooks.     8,    PMO',   h.    Sept.,    17-j:];  m.    I.ciniu-l   Slu-niiau.     9,   J}/i/ti;iid,   Nov.   4.        ■ 
K5.");  in.  llauiiali  NN'isf^.  \ 

35.  John  Sherman,  '>.  Ffl>.  S,  U\r>0;  s>-t.  in  \V.)odliuiy,  Cnnn.;  .1.  !).•(■.  l:',.  1 ;:;():.  i 
ni.  Eli'/.ibetli,  who  (1.  (.)rt.  1,  1744.  lb'  Nxas  a  dca.  and  li-adinic  iiian  in  W  . ;  S  cliil.,  ol  1 
wliom:  ■  j 

535.  John  Sherman,  'lap.  -hnw.  1(5S7;  iii..luly  2",',  1714,  Kiiuii.-i.  dan.  of  llacka-  ': 
liali  I'rostou,  and  had  .")  ciiii.,  <.>l'  whidn:  \ 

5353.     Daniel  Sherman,  b.  Aug.  14,  1721;  m.  Min.Uv.dl  Tavlor,  who  d.  Mav  l'>, 
i;'.IS,  and  had  (i  (di'l.,  o!'  v,  ho-n :  •! 

53536.     Taylor  Sherman,  m.  i:s7,  Eli/.uli.-th,  dau.  of  Israel  and  iniz^ihc-rli  ;' 

[1]  Stoddard.      Ilr  d.  .May  4,  isi:,;   wld.  rt-ni.  to  Oliio,  and  d.  in  .Nhin.sticdd,  Ani;".   1.  1n4S.  | 

I.      Chark-^  Rnli-it"  1).  Srj.t.  -Jii,  1  rss.  ~  i 

If.      Danl-d.  h.  .Maiv'n  -Jti,   1  Tii'j.  -  \ 

III.    ii.'1-.fy,  h.  Der.  7,  niu.  ; 

535361.  Charles  Robert  Sherman,  h.Sci-t.  26,  Ks'^;  m.  May  8.  1810,  Mary  ] 
llovt,  in  Nor^vallc,  Conn.,  and  soon  aficr  rem.  to  0. ;  la wvcr  and  J nd>4e  Supreme  Court  [ 
of  ().;  d.  .Iune2[,   l>^2'.i:   v.ich  d.  at  Mansfadd,  Sept.  2d.  l'S."J2.  ^  '       \ 

1.     <;harhs  Taylor.  ],.  Feb.  :-],  ISH;  m.  Feb.  2,  1n41.  Eliza  Williams  of  Dayton;  5        j 
cdiildr'-n.  i 

II.  Mary  Elizabeth,  h.  April  21,  l."^12:  m.  Cl.-i.  211,  1s2lt,  (bn.  Wni,  .J.  IL-.-se.  and  \ 
liad:  1,  r-Ai;.",  m.  andi  )iad  4  (hil.,  of  whom;  4,  JlJin  C. ,  .Umc  10,  iSdii.  2,  Makv  L..  i 
S.pi.  2.  is;.;;;:  d.  A;.-.  1(1.  ls;',i:.  :;.  lb.>K,  Frb.  2i,  IS--");  m.  O.-t.  uU.  l,s',s.  .\ltrrd  .M. 
Hovl,  n-nid.  of  Camrder  C(d.;  lawver;  res.  X.  Y.  C.  1,  Flnrrnr,  ('.,  Pel).  •,-'S,  ]st;(j.  2. 
]Lirr;i  H'^x..  M:'y  2.  F^iil.  :!.  A[fr'<l  M.,  VrU.  l,  ^-^r,:].  4,  M.\i:(:.\i;r.T  M..  .lune  is, 
]S'.J7;  m.  .lulv  2;),  lSij2,  Hon.  SaiHU<d  H(dicr,  .Indge  of  Sujirenn.'  Comt,  St.  Louis.  Mo. 
1.  JffC'd.  .July  24,  ISC,;].  2,  S'lhiml,  (.)ct.  10,  lN<ii'  5.  M.vkv  Uuvt.  An-.  2:;,  is;.!!);  m. 
Dec.  20,  ISos"  Moses  M.  Orann-er,  Capt.  Fnion  Armv,  iSol;  Ll.-Col.  22d  Ohio  Vol-.  1. 
llarni  lleis^,  Nov.  1.  ls.-)!l;  d.'Aufr.  2,  l.^Cd.  (>,  .Jri.iA  Li:ah,  Oct.  1.""),  JS42.  7.  Ai.iri: 
Ann'.sTA,  March  27,  1S4.1;  d.  Mav  M,  isr)l. 

III.  .Janu-.s.  1).  Dec.  lu,  1S14;"  d.  .lulv  10,  ls(i4;  m.  Oct.  1:1.  IsH.  Sophia  Connell.  b. 
Julv  2a.  1821;  res.  Dr-s  1,  CiiAiii.r.s  H.,  .lulv  H;.  ispj.  2.  Fija.nces  C.,  Nov. 
lo.'lSlS.     ;j,  Iluvr,  April  Id.  1S.-,1.     4,  Mauv  E.,  l\d,;  4,  d.  -July  2i;,  is.V,. 

IV.  Amelia,  b.  Feb.  IS,  ISKi;  d.  .Jan.  ',>,  1S!;2;  in.  An-  2,'ls;i2.  i;,d)ert  .McO>uib. 
mendiant,  Mansrudd,  O.  1,  l-7f.r/.,\i;r.Tii.  .\u-.  F!,  !s;Fj;  d.  X(rv.  7.  iSiil;  m.  T.  Ewin- 
Aliller.  2.  .Jtr.rv.  Isov,  Is",  1S;J(;;  nn  Oct.  2s,'l,><(i;J,  .b.shua  Davis.  1.  M,!rc'<i  r,(.h.  Nov. 
8,  ls:jS.  2.  Iln}i,rt.  Mav  2n.  ISD.  S,  M'ilioun.  April  8,  184:J.  4,  rhurl-^,  Feb.  2('),  ls4.^: 
d.  April  G,  ISf;.').     o,  li'^it,  .May  14,  IS.").^. 

V.  .Julia  Ann,  b.  \\n\\  2i.  1^1^':  7,,,  Jm,,-  T\  JSrlS,  -Tohn  (\.  ^Villuck,  merclumt  of 
Mnn.sfield.     She  d.  April  :.!,'  1>;42.     1.  Kati:,  b.  Se])!,.  1^:50. 

VI.  William  Tecumsidi,  le  Fc'o.  S.  1820;  grad.  W.  Pt.;  served  in  ^^lexican  war; 
served  throu,trh  tie.'  war  of  the  Fnion;  succeeded  (ien.  (_i!-ant  as  Conn-in-chief.  F.  .S.  A.; 
in.  May  1,  18.")0,  Ellen  Doyle,  dau.  of  Hon.  Thomas  l^win-of  (.).  1.  .MAnnv  Ewixi;,  b. 
Jan.  2S,  18.-)l.  2,  .Maiiy  Er.iZAr.i-yru,  b,  .Nov.  17,  lSo2.  :-'),  Wiu.t.v.m  d'l  ■  I'M-Kir.  .Tune 
8,  1858;  d.  Oct.  :3,  18;j:!.  4,  Ti[i~iM,\s  1-:win(;,  b.  Oct.  12.  isr.d.  .").  Mav.v.  Sept. 
.5,  18o9,  (!.  Dacsiki.  Ewrx';.  b.  .July  .1,  ls,;t.  ;,  Citm;i,ks  Ci:lk-ti.\k.  b.  .June  H,  d. 
Dec.  4,  ls!)4.     8,  Dih;.k\[;)X  Ti:ri--Ms!:ii,  b.  .Jan.  i),  ISd:. 

VI],  Samps,;n  Parker,  1',  Oct.  F'..  1^2]  ;  baid;er:  D' .^  .M.)lnes,  Fuva;  m.  A].ril  10. 
184:;,  .Marv  A.  (iitch.  11,  b.  Nov.  2:>,  1821;  d,  Mav  1,  ISJS;  ,2)  {^,t^.  ;)1.  IS,-)).  Susan  \\. 
Lawson,  l"e  .Mav  12,  18:J0.  1,  ( 'ii  \i;i.ks  D.,  b.  .Jam  :!0.  isp;;  vol.  F.  S,  A.  2,  .Tie-Ki-it 
E.,  1).  Feb.  i;,'d.  An-.  2,  IMS.  i.  i.v  2.1  m. ;  ;J,  STKiMtK.v  L.  H.,Ori.  ;!1 ,  l.^.-,2;  d.  Sept. 
2.'.,  is,')!.  4.  MAl;^  E,.  Au-.  ;!1,  is.',!;  d.  An-  lb.  is,-,.-,.  ,-,,  J.\mks  E.,  .lune  4,  ]s.-,r,:  ^p 
March  22,  isi',;.!.  (;,  .lon.v.'b.  N.,v.  4,  ls.")8.  7,  Ef.i.KX  E.,  Au-.  2U,  isdj;  d.  March  21, 
isi;;;.     8,  MiNMK  E.,  ,lan.  22,  isdl, 

Vill.  .Jcdin.  b.  .Mav  10,  is-j;',;  ha.-,  been  F.  S,  Sen.  and  Sec.  of  the  4'i-easurv;  in.  An-, 
yi,  ]S4S,  S,  c.  Steuai't. 

E\,  Susan  Demnan,  1),  Oct.  10,  ISJ.-,;  m,  Nov.  7.  1S14.  Hon.  T.  W.  r..ii!lev.  e\-Ciov. 
and  Supreme  Jud-e  of  o.  1,  ll!.;i;!',i:i;T,  Oiu,  22,  ISo'i.  2,  Ai.ui;,  .Ian.  1.').' ls.")4.  '■). 
Doc.!;];,  Sep:.  M,  Fs,-,s.     4,  M,\i;v,  Man-h  ;l.  ISdn. 

X.  llovt,  i>.  N;)v.  1.  1S27:  banker.  Ia\v\er:  pavnia^rer  I'.  S.  .A.;  .Major;  res,  Des 
Moi!H-s,  \y^:y\::  m.  D -e.  •?^.  !s-^-,  Sar.di  Monlnci.  b,  .hue  I!  1^-7.  ]_  A,u.i,iM-;.  Maadi 
2',),  18.->S.     2,  CK'Ki.fA.  D.-c.  2!.  IsdO.     :).  John  S..  Dn-,  0,  is(i4. 

XI.  Fanuy  H.'reh.',-,  b.  .M.iy  :.!,  i'^2it;  nn  May  0.  1>  :>',,(  liaih-.s  ^^'.  .M.cilieu  of  .Maiis- 
ti(dd,  O.;  Col.  iu.d  cliief  ( n.iarn-rmaster  F.  S.  A.  "   1,  .M.\i;v  S.,  Nov.  :i,  ls,-,i;. 


William  Shenaun.  m.  H'-I)rcc;i  CufkT  of  Cliarl.'sr'i\vii,  Mass- (2)  1715   MchitaMc 
WclliiiivtMii  o!  Wati.Ttowu,  Ma-s:  f  hv  Ist  m. : 
L      \\'illi;nn.  d.  y. :  /.  l,y  2(1  ni.: 
51.      William,  li.  JTIC:  iL  ,v.  /. ,  X,-u  Mliror^I,  Conn 

III.  Mcliitalilc,  III.  .!,,hi!  Haitcll  nf  Drdliam. 

IV.  ]{,.y,.r,  I..  N(\vt<m.  .Mass.,  April  l!',  1721:  Irarncil  tra^l-' of  slio.siiakrT-  rrin  to 
Xew  Milford,  roiui.  17-':-!:  adm.  to  the  har  i7.-)l:  ivni.  to  New  thivfu  ITdl;  .Uid-c  of  the 
Su])f'no!- Court  2:!  yis. ;  m-'jii.  olThfllrsl  Cnn-ivss  H  i  I  and  continiUMl  a  mem!  im- of  r,„, 
10  yv.s. :  si-iHToT  tlm  ]),.,;|uratioii  of  Ind.'iMm.drM-..  17;i'.:  I'.  S  Scuatoi-  HiM  ■  Ma-(j'-  of 
New  ilaveii  17sf  tod..  .Inly  2:1,  17ii:;:  ni.  i7IU.  licSrcca  rr.-^ott,  his  •2d  \vf  ■'  honi"(li 
a.lau.ot  Dca.  ll.irl  w,  11  aii.i  Iiad  4  cliil.  hi  Pinhatc  record  of  hi-,  wij]  ],,.  is 
rrJlrd  ];,,..-,.i-  Siicnu.-n,,  K.q.  Siei,!,,.,;  liali,  [p.  14(;|,  Stephm  liail,  jr.  and  .lon-niiaU 
Atwater  [p.  1.>()J.  \vitm-sst-.;  names  eldldien  l.elnw  and  er.  dau  lietsv  Slieinnin  onjv 
cliild  of  son  AViUian.  1,  John.  2,  ;!.  Ki);:Kit.  a  mendt.  in  Xeu-  11a  v.,  d.  .March 
-1,  ls.)(;,  a.  S7.  -),  <.)irvF,i;;  never  ni.  ."i,  Cm. ok.  tl,  Hkki-i'ca  7  Ei  [/.  \i;i- in  s 
-MKiinwiu.K,  1>.  Feb.  ■.',).  177J;  m.  March.  i:;»:i,  D.uiiel  lianas,  t2)  Sept  10  is.n  Jere-' 
miah  KvaiTs,  h.  Feh.  ;;,  l7si.  1,  7>,//,;r.' y/z/r/zcv,  h.  .Maivli  11  17;i7  -^  )/.',-/'  \>  Dec 
2,  1S(.)G.        ;i.    Murllvi    S'n'r:i,,in^   .lills   31,  iMi:!.      -1.     Wn,.  .U.ij'ir  //,   I,.   ISlS;  Se.>''(jf  Sta",-' 

■{),  M.VKTiiA.      10,   Sau.mi,   m.  lion.  Sanunl  Hoar  of  Concord,  Mas.s. 
A'.     I'lizafieth,  m.  .Iam;s  Buck  of  ^"e\v  Milford    Conn  ■  y  chil 
VI.      Ucv.  Xathaniel.  •-  ■ 

VH.      Hev.  Jo.-iah.   minister  at   Woodlirid-e.  Conn.      1,    i;o(u:ii   Minot    h    Wohuri 
Mass..   May  22.    177H;  Y.  C.    1702;  tutor   17l»o;  lawyer;   .lu.Iuvof  ilie  Supreme  Couriof 
Lri-ors;  kdt  liy  will  t4.(.iU0  t<.)  \ .  C;  d.  Dec.  30.   l^l-i,  a.  71. 


AK.^r.s  OK  S.VKi.L.— (.Quarterly,  Cules  and  Azure,  a  flpius-  O.  In  Sth  of  Eliza- 
betli  (lor.O)  Sneil  war*  slieritf  of  AViltshire.  In  2f;th  of  E,li/,al.eth  .lohn  Snell 
was  slieritT  of  Wilts.      In  42  of  Elizabetli,  'I'lioimis  Sn(dl  .sheritf  of  \\'ilts. 

Thomas  S.ncn,  from  Ene-.,  (nepln-w  of  hiea.  Sa.miiel  Edson)-  set  in  \V  Ilrid.-e- 
water,  Mas.s.,  KKl.j;  pn.h.  tlie  lari,^est  land  holder  in  the  town,  and  some  i.orlions  of'~"it 
ytill  bear  his  name  as  Snell's  Plain;  Snell's  Meadows,  ^^u-.-.  m.  Ma-rha  dau  o^  ArMiu- 
llarri5;;  L:  1,  Thomas,  h.  1G71.  2.  .To^iah.  b.  1674;  m.  l(i!i'.).  .\nna,  dau.  .,f  Zachariah 
Aider,  oi  Duxhury.  :i,  Somuel.  b.  1(;;(i.  ■!,  .\m<  s.  h.  1G7S.  ."i,  .'John,  b.  KiNO  6  .Joseph 
b.  l<;s;{.  ,,  Ann,  b.  KJs,-,;  in.  170.S,  Nirludas  Hvram.  S,  .Marv,  b.  ItJS'J;  ni  Nathaniel 
Jieynolds:  (2)  David  Ames.      1>,  A.'artha,  b.  1(;'J2;  m.  1714,  i-iph.  Fobes. 

1.  T]ioma.S  Suell,  b.  1071;  (".:  1, 'i']ioma.s,  !>.  l(;:i(i;  m.  Hannah  Lewis  2  Joseph 
ehlestsiirv,  sou  in  1721.  :],  Abigail,  b.  1700.  4,  Hetrv,  b.  17O0;  m.  1723,  Jonathan 
(.  opeland. 

li.     Thomas   Snell,   b.  Ib'.^U;  m.    Hann.ah   Eewis  and  settled  in    East  Hrid-ewater 
Mass.       lied.  1772,  a.  70;  shed.  17!)3.  a.  .^!t.       1,  Deliverance,  b,  1727-  ni    1707     Nadri 
ChamberiHin.  hi^2d  «f.       2.  Thomas,  h.  1730;   in.    I^ethia,    dau.    of  dames     \lhn-\Nem 

to  Woolwich,  Me.,  and  liad  fam.      3.  l-]h  a/.er,  ]>.  1732;  m. ;  rem.  to  ,\.  Y     a-.d    had 

fam.  4,  Joseph,  b.  1734.  o,  Hannah,  b.  17:'.o;  m.  K.^b.  Henj.  (^immberlain,  (>,  Pollv- 
carpus,  b.  1-73,  :  lu.  Si,,<aiinri.  dau.  of  Ebene./iu- Sh.av.-.  7,  \^■i^^iam.  b.  1740.  S  l^aruaba"s 
b.  1741.      !),  Lewi.s,  0.   174.Y      10,  Seth,  b.  1747;   rem.  to  Warren,  K.   I.;   hud  lari;e  fam. 

\\Q>.  Polycarpu.S  Snell,  h.  1737;  d.  l^Ofi,  a  0!);  m.  no,'),  Susanna  Shaw  who  d 
1^''-  '^-  '•':  ^■-  !■  b'-"i>.  b.  1707;  rem.  to  Ware.  2,  Stephen,  b.  170!).  ?,  T;  omas  h 
li,2;  m.  171(2.  Susanna,  of  J,,s,.p]|  Allen;  rem.  Io^^are  4  Cvrus  b']77-f-  ^i'd  • 
rem.  to  .Me.  ,Y  Ebene/er.  b.  1770;  d.  INOh  (J,  Hannah,  b.  17  7i);  d".  1M)S  7  Sauaud" 
b.  17.SI.     .s,  Su>anna,  b.  17x.">;  d.  ls;i:i. 

1.163.  Thomas  Snell,  b.  1772;  m.  17i)2,  Susanna,  dau.  of  Josej.h  Alien;  ivm  To 
Ware,  Mas,.,  and  lual  aiiiouir  others.  ]),,a.  Thomas;  in.  ISai  hshel.'a  Andreu.^and  had 
amoii--  others,  (4iri-tiiui   [j).  4^J. 

2,  Josiali    Snell,    b.    1074;    d.   17.13;    m.    Hiwlt,  Ann.a   Alden,  who  d      17n.V   /  •       1    - 
Jo.iah,  b.   i;oi.      ,-,  Abi,;ai|    !,.  1702;   m.   ]7:H,|  >v!vesier  of   Du\bu:v        3    /-eh"-' 
liali,  b.  1701.  '  .....      I   . 

28.      Zachariah   Snell,    b.    17OI;   d.    17(1S;   deacon;   m.    1731,    AbiLrail,  dau.  of  Dea 
Joseph  Haywood,  and  .set.  early  in  North  I'.rid-water.      She  d.  a.  betw.,  u  ;»0  and  loO-   /. .- 

C84  AI'l'EXDIX. 

1,  Isae-liar,  1).   lVi2.       2.  Aliigail.  !>.  17:54:   m.  n.")7.  Ivoliert  ilowanl,  jr.        3,  Zebuilcc,  h. 
17;5f>.     4,  I%l>"urzt'f,  1).  17:iS."    5,  Z:H-liariiili,  li.  174:],     (},  Ihuuuili,  \>.  1745. 

234.  Ebenozer  Snell,  I..  17;!.S;  Es4.;  m.  HtU,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Ca].r.  AMul 
Packard;  iX'in.  C'l  (-',  Muss. ;  i..-  1,,  of  .Nnrtli  Hi-nokru-ld;  J>.  ]>.  -2. 
Sara]  I. 

2342.  ,Sara}i  Snell,  d.  in  Prnmclon,  111.,  :\[..y  0,  1S47;  ui.  Dr.  Prt.T  Bryant;  /.  .• 
1,  William  L'iilI"U  Piyant,  b.  N(;v.  1704;  d.  Juut/,  1^70;   i>oet;  autln-r  of  y.7uiiu(''jpdii. 


Kichard  Sporry  lived  near  W.-.-t  Pork;  lir  liaiborcd  tlio  n^L'icidfs.  Mr.  (iix.d- 
year,  a  wealthy  jilaiiter,  had  houj-ht  of  the  t.uvi;  the  rieh  ])laiu  lying  of  We^st,  Koek. 
about  1,0()0  acres,  and  on  tltis  linil  idanted  his  fannei-,  i;i<-hard  Sperry.  This  farm  Sjhti'v 
afterward-^  ()\M. I'd  and  now,  above  a  e.'ni  my,  says  V..  Stili<,  (y//.^■^./. //';/' /A^  ././'///,  .v)  ha.-. 
lieen  known  a>  Sjierry's  f;iim.  Goodyear  had  built  Sperry  a  house  on  the  tract,  and  about 
one  mile  southwest  siood  llie  Inuise  of  b'alph  Pines.  In  Idlil  The.■^e  were  llu-  only 
liouses  weNtward  from  New  Ilav.  i)etwecn  NN'est  Poek  and  Hudson';,  liver,  e\c.  pting  a 
few  at  I.)oi4)\-;    :?  mih^s  Northwest  there  AV;iS  a  null. 

1.  Jolin,  b.  Jan  U,  PJ4'.';  m.  Sejit.  1,  lOKi.  I-^lizalieth  Post.  1.  Mahv.  .Phi.  l(i. 
P17U.  ■-?,  Pn  1!  \i;n,  Pee.  l!t,  Pisl;  m.  May  lit,  ITb'h  Elizabeth  U'ihnot.  o,  E).iz.\i;i-:tii, 
Jan.  17,  l(is:i;  n..  Dec  li,  17iik  Stei)h"en  Hotchki>s.  4.  ll.\N\\ii,  Jan.  4,  itiSo.  .">, 
Juu.N,  Pec.  :p  ]t;;,'];  m.  Jan.  4,  17:30,  Sarah  Perkins.  1,  77^.^/'/.//'/,  b.  J uly  7,  170'..  ri. 
Jjrsin.  I'.  Am:.  3,  17:iJ. 

II.     MarV,  1).    March  14,  IGoO;   m.    3Puvh  09.    1070.   P>enjamin   I'eck.     1,  A'bnn-fr, 
h.  Jan.  .J,  P.iSl:  m.  Mav  ]i),  170'J,  Hannah  Ilotchlziss  [:lj. 

Jii.  Pichard.  Jan!  20,  KJ-Cp  m.  Dec.  10,  KWO,  Mariha  .Mansfield.  1,  Mo-i:s,  Jan. 
7,  Pi^l;  m.  Jan.  1,  170-j,  Anna  ]51acklev;  slie  d.  June-?,  1741.  1,  .V'-s-w,  N:>v.  PJ,  17tiS. 
2,  Anraih,  June  pi,  1711.  ?>.  J.hi'/"fl.  April  1,  17H.  4.  ])u,i.:?,,  Jiine  04,  1717;  m. 
Sept.  <),  1745,  Elislu-i  Perkins.  5,  JAA/Z./W* .  June  ;p>,  17Uf:  d.  Aug.  15.  17:39.  0,  ]j.n-<Ah!n. 
Fei).  14,  1701.  7,  Aoi-'.-ii,  Oct.  1:3,  1705:  d.  April  14,  1700.  s,  A<iru„,  of  Mo-es,  Sr., 
Jan.  <;,  1707.  9,  'I'lunur,  Dec.  01,  1 70;p  d.  Cct,  PO.  1714.  0,  Joitx,  M-arch  :p  lO^-p  lii 
Priscilla  llotchkiss  [;3].  3,  Mai'.th.v,  Jan.  5,  1(1^5;  m.  Mandi  1  I,  17(17.  \\'il!iani  Puss.dl. 
4,  Josci'ii,  Oct.  09,  Pis7.  5,  Jo-\-V'ni.\x,  of  liicdiard,  .Jr.,. July  7,  H'l'-'O.  0,  Stkimikx. 
Feb.  17,  109S:.  7,  SiD'-Ntk,  June  15,  1701;  ni.  Jai',  1,  1709.  4'h^nias  d'ni'.le.  N,  ^iF.ut  \, 
Jail.  9.  17O0:  m.  June  S,  1707,  Seth  Dowu'^.  9,  J  AriiK'i-.  Pel..  0:i,  1705;  d.  March  P. 
1705.  JU,  JPriiAi:!).  Au^-.  10.  1710.  11,  PfuiN,  Nov.  10,  1711.  10,  Dorcas,  July  00, 
1713;  m.  Aug.  10,  17;>-;.  ^Samuel  Pines.  PI,,  Jan.  :P,  1711.  14,  Ei,iz.u;kth 
N'ov.  IP  171(;:  m.  Jan.  00,  17;'.I,  Samuel  Peck.  .Ir.  15,  (;  [i.i-,.\M,  l-'eb.  20,  1719. 
IV.      Pe-ier.  b.  Sejit,  p;54:  m.  June  01.  I0"-1,  Panied  llolclikiss. 

V.  Nathaniel,  Au;:.  P:'..  105;i;  m.  Oct.  0.  PlS:p  Sarah  Piidvcrman.  1,  Sahau,  Jan. 
17,  IGSj.  0,  Pachkl,  "Oct.  0,  10.-^J>.  ;k  Pki:k(C.^,  Mar(di  OS,  1090;  m.  July  :J0,  1 7  bi, 
Ebenezer  Pines.  4.  Natkamki,,  .Marcli  S,  1(;95:  d.  Sept.  S',  1751;  m.  and  had:  1,  S,n->ih.- 
b.  April  0:'.  1701,  5,!,  Maicli  0(),  KbO.  0,  Josin.v,  twin  with  I'aleb:  will  prov. 
1777,  of  Neu  Ihiv.:  wf.  Ame,  ^on.-.  Pent  and  Caleb,  execrs.  1,  (  til,h.  0,  /.■:///.  '•'>. 
TliiinJ.fiil  4.  T!,herr,i  OJ>nrn.  5,  7V/,  fV  7;e;r//,v,  wf.  of  Joseph;  ni.  Jan.  09,  1  750  C. 
,Sn-</Ii  J)oiriix.  7,  Jhtf!..  wf.  of  .\nios  Sperry.  7,  1Iann-aii,  Dec.  19.  1700;  m.  Jo^ejdi 
Hulls;  conv.  175:!.  it.  in  Nathd.  Sperry  to  wi"d.  Sarah  Sperry.  S,  E.vos,  Feb.  19,  1705; 
m.  ]\achel,  wid.  of  Penj.  \\  arner;  conv.  land  to  her  s.  Ebenezer  NN'aruer,  1755.  9, 
TlIAMvlTI,,  Aui;-.  0,  170s. 

\{.  Phomas,  Julv  PP  105S:  m.  Nov.  IS,  lOsiP  Eli/.abeth  Pearu.';  d.  April  00,  17is. 
1,  Mai:(;ai;i;t,  An--.  15,  lus5.  0.  Joskimi.  Soi>t.  17,  10S7,  :J,  Tiio.NtAS,  Nov.  10.  10^9. 
4,  l>.u.,  Aui;-.  p;,'  ICOl.  5,  Dai.,  twin.  (I,  S.\Mri;i,.  Peb.  9,  1090.  7.  Ei.iZAi;!;ri!. 
Nov.  0.5.  lO:*.-);  m.  Dec.  07.  1701,  Win.  J.dinson,  jr.  8,  Di'-siur;,  July  10,  PIOS:  m.  Ai)ril 
2:P  I70P  Daniel  Dormau.  9,  ( )i;kiiif  .\(  K.  Jan.  0:!,  t7U<i;  m.  Aug.  is,  1700,  John  P.or- 
ton.  10;  l!i:.N.iA.MiN,  An--.  05.  170;.i.  11,  Patih.wk,  .Inly  ol ,  1700. 
\\\.  Another,  b  1001. 
VIJI.  EOen.-/(u-,  b,  -lulv,  100:];  m.  Jan.  01,  10S9.  Abigail  Diikernum.  1,  AtUfiAii., 
]4ec.  9.  PiOf).  0.  I':nKNi;ZKU.  Feb.  IS,  IC'.tO.  ;>,  IP'Tii.  May  :)(>,  P)95;  in.  Jan.  04.  KHb 
EiihiMini  M.e.ris.  4.  Dk.nxi.-,  .lulv  0,  10:i7.  5,  AnuAUAM.  Oci.  5,  17t)i.  C,  Daac. 
Nov,  -,'7,  1 70:;;  .losepU  I'erkinssold  land  to  Hannah  Sperry,  wid.  <d'  Isaa^',  1755.  7,  Ja(  on. 
Nov.  19,  17'i5:  m.  1741,  Lxdia  Tutt!.':  in  1750  Ja.-..b  cnv.  to  bio.  Aino.-,  and  bro.  Abra- 
ham rt.  in  fatlier's  hon-e;'  a^^ree  to  divide  17:19.  s,  A.\i<i>,  Sep!.  11,170^;  m.  D.'O.  OO. 
173:p  Hannah  Peck  [p.  l:_]7j.  '  U,  Sakafi,  .Mav  00,  1710;  p.-rhap^i  m.  Nathaniel  Beecher. 

APi'l-NDIX.  CS5  f 

IX.     DaiiU'l,    b.  llli.K  m.    Aitril  :^,    lO'.il,  Dchorali  I'fck:   six- d.  Dec.  10,  1711;   lied.  • 

1751,  II.  8(J;  hf  built  u  bousf  ut  ihc  smitli  end  of  SicTrv's  I'anii,  on  wli'ndi  lii^  s-m  .Josepli  1 

lived  ill  178."),  when  Dr.  Sti]i\s  iiuei-vieu.-d  liiiii  in  relation  to  t!ie  tradili.jns  in  the  Siieviv  ;• 

family  eonc.'rning  tlie  judges:  tJii-ougli  Jo^-eph  came  tiie  tradition  about  the  gbiriui;-  evc^s  j 

of   a  wild   animal   at   the   entranre  tu  llie   cave,  trii^hteniiip-   them  awav       1^  DiiioK  lir  ' 

Jan.  10.  ltl!)4;  ni.  Mairli  L^iJ,  17-,^1.  Samuel  Wdodin.'    'i,   An.m:,  Sept.  :^,"l(>l)!j- in    JUr    18  ' 

1722,  Jolm  WolrofT.      1,  J'Jni.  li.  172o;  m.  17!  I,  Sibvl  .Mix  [282].     8,  ']).\xrEr,  '  \u.r'  lo'  \ 

10U8;  m.      1.  J),n,ul,  Xov.  1,  172!),  and   per.  .\  bl-ail.' \vho  m.  Jolm  s'lidtli  of  VVaJIM-   d'  • 

and  sohl  hind  of   dee.  isro.  Daniel   Sjierrv  to    f.  Dani.d  Sjieri'v,  17(;-).      .J     Ai;i:i,    Xov    1,-)'  '. 

17UU,  of  Waird,  and  who  d.  ITTO;  v,  f.  lihoda  and  s.  Abe],  exerrs.  1,  ,7„,v,y)/,.  e.  \Vuil,(n'i 
?,.^Ah,I.  4,  £Yi^"^///,  wf.  of  David  I^.-ad!ey  of  Xo.  llav. ;  d.  l,ef.  di.-t.  and  left  eliil.  .j', 
Mi.rrlinn,  \vf.  of  Timotliv  Perkins,  and  (I,  A'y;:.v,  rem.  to  No.  Car.  au'-ainst  desii-e  of  f  '■ 
lo  have  5  shillings  eaeli.  if  ihey  i-.-turn.  7,  .1/'.//-.y.  8,  Thn.kfnl:  the  2d  b.  twin  wf  of 
Solomon   Sanford   of   Lilcditield.     Ij,   Clihn:.     .',,    \\"ir,i,! wf ,    Sept.    28    1702      (i    -Jusr-pu  •' 

Dec.  2;3,  17U;J;   sold  l.vnd   at  \^^  Kock    to  Julm    ilubburd,  ]':,j4;  10;j  ar'res;    he  li'ved,  17.-),-)',    • 
al>out  half  a  mile  w.-st  from  tlie  cave. 

X.     Josepli.  July  21,  1(3138.      1,  Josi-.pit.  b.  alit.    1G!M.      1 ,  .^.vfyiA  A]iri]  (',.  1718.     2 
hrarl,    p\d).  lo,  17H):    will  prov.  1779;   ^^  f.  Eli/,abetb  of  Xew  Hav.,  s.  f^benpzer  execrs"'- 
diiu,    E!i7,al)eth    Pains'    heirs.       1,   Dau.      2,   Rachel    Man.sfudd.     '6,   AiiKa    Sporrv.       \ 


Antb.ony  Stoddard,  Esq.,  of  J5osb)n,  was  o  titnesm.;  bis  1st  wf.  was  Hilary  Dov.-nin^r 
sister  to  Sir  (Jeorge  Downing,  Bart.,  also  to  wf.  of  (jeo,  l^rad-^treet.  Hi's  s^m  IJev' 
Solomon  Stoddard  of  Nortlia:ni)t'>ii.  Ma^>. ,  m,  ICsilu  r,  dau.  of  i?ev.  John  Warham',  who 
before  emg.  had  been  minister  at  Plxc-ter,  Devon.  Eug.  ivsrlier  wa-^  wid.  of  Picv  Mi- 
Mather.  _3Ir.  Stoddard's  predece.s.sor  at  X'.;  12  chil.,  of  whom  3  d.  in  inranc\.  In'tho 
TJieologica!  Library  of  'i'ale.  Col.  there  is  a  inagnitiront  volume  of  147  ^ermolls  by  }{ev. 
Solomon  Stoddard,  written  in  so  fine  a  hand  that  a  magniying  gla^s  is  often  ne<-e>.sarv  to 
read  them.  •      -  ^  _     . 

J.  Mary,  b.  Jan.  0.  1G71;  m.  Dec.  1,  IfilXi,  Kev.  Stiudien  Mix,  b.  Xov.  1,  1(}:2  s 
of  Thos.  and  Kobecca  (Turner)  Mix;  Tl.irv.  Col.  IG'.tO;  oKiained,  Weiliersfield, 'lOOtT  d. 
Aug.  28,^17;j.s.  Mr.  Mix  made  a  jouriiey  to  Xorthampion  in  search  of  v.  wife.  Arriv'ino- 
at  .Mr.  Stoddard's,  he  made  known  his  object,  ar.d  not  liaving- time  for  coar'ship.  .Mr! 
S.  took  him  into  the  room  ^vhere  liis  daughtcu's  Nvere  assembled  and  introdu' cd  hiin 
to  Mary,  Christine.  Sarali,  Kebecca  and  Hannah,  and  retired.  Mr.  Mix  ]o:-t  no  time 
but  addressing  the  (dd(-st,  Mary,  stated  tliat  he  had  settled  in  ^Vethel>^leld,  that  he  v.anted 
a  v/ife,  and  con-iiided  by  oft'eriiig  her  his  liand  and  heart.  She  blushingly  wanted  time 
to  coa-ider.  He  would,  lie  said,  retire  into  the  next  room  and  smoke  a  pipe  with  her 
fatlier  while  she  made  uiiher  mind.  Time  up,  she  came  in  and  wanted  more  time.  Jt 
was  arranged  that  slie  .should  communicate  hei  decision  by  letter.  A  fev,-  weeks  after- 
wards lie  received  the  following  epistle: 

XoitTifAMrTox,  M.\ss.,  IG'JG. 
Rev.  StcpJicn  Mix : 



II.     Esther,  b.  June   2,    1G72;  d.    Jan.    19,   1771;  m.    Xov.    G,    1G04,    Eev     Timotliv 
Edwards  [  [..  Z\x]. 

III.  Samuel,  b.  Feb.  T).  1G74:  d.  Mareh   22,  sm.  yr. 

IV.  Anthony,  b.  Juni-G.  I'lTo;  il.   next  dav. 
\.      Aare.n,  b.  Aug.  2o,  1G7();  d.  .--m,  day." 

\].      Christine,  twin  with  Aaron,    d.    April    3,    17C.l:m.    Rev.    William  \Villiams  of 
llatfieid,  Ma^s. 

Vll.  Amhony,  b.  ,\ng.  9,  ICJS;  m.  Prudenre  W'ell.-s;  (2iMarv  Sherman. 
Till.  Sarah,  b.  .\]uil  1,  IGsi);  m.  Maieh  19,  17n;,  Ib.v.  Samu.l  Wddiman  <d'  Earm- 
inglan.  CJonn.;  llarv.  Col.  \[\\u,.  1,  S.m;.\  it,  m.  Jolm  Tnimlmll  of  W'estbuiv.  1,  //,„,. 
.lihii,  y.ui'i.  2,  Ei.iZAi;):T!t.  m.  Rev.  Thomas  Strong  of  Xew  Marlb.iro"  Ma^'^  :>, 
Er.XATiiAN,  Y.  C.  172t;:  A.  Mairh  -!,  i::7;  miidsr.u-  of  the  2d  oari..h  in  llariford:  m' 
Abignil  Sta)il.-y  (dan.  (d' Col.  Xathaniel,  Treasurer  of  the  Corim  Col.  arul  si>  <d"S:M;ih' 
wf.  (,f  Siephen  '!'utiit-[p.  :;22j.  1,  J-JuzaUi/t.  4,  Joii.v,  m.  Abiii:all  Pantiv  [u.  ,^i|.  5" 
Solomon.     G,  Sa.mui;|;,  Y.  V.  17o.").  "  '  ' 

()8G  ArPENDix. 

"IX.  John,  1).  Feb.  IT,  1082;  d  June  19,  174S:  Tn.PiudoucL-  of  NN'ctlHTsricld;  0  rhil.; 
often  re]).  Jiidijc  of  the  Court  of  Connnon  l^]»'as,  uiul  oiu'  of  IJis  Majesty's  Couucil  for 
the  Province  of  Mass.  Bay.  An  abh'  polificiuii,  wise  cnnnscllor,  uju'lLdit  indirf.  A 
eveat  friend  and  adinirer  of  Junathun  Edwards,  wiin^i-  liauds  ]iv  LM-iatlv  .^trenuthened  in 
'ihi-  worlv  of  ibi'  I'linistry  at  X.  Ou  ihe  (i.-caNitdi  of  hi^  d.  .M,-.  K.  piJacbiMra  siTinim 
v.hieh  is  ]iub.  in  Ids  work-^.  1,  Mamv.  m.  Hmi.  .J. dm  W'urtUiiii^-ton;  d.  s.  i.  2,  i'JU'- 
IMCNCK,  ni.  E/ekicl  W'illiauis,  Ksc).,  of  NW'tln-rstield.  3,  Soi.umun.  -J,  K<thi';ii.  5, 
IsHAET,.     (),  Hannah. 

X.      Israel,  d.  in  ]>rison  in  France;   b.  Feb.  1(1,  ](>s;j. 

XI.  Iv'.d,(-rr;i.  b.  KiSfi.  d.  Jan.,  UCi!);  ui.  Nov.  1(1,  ire-J,  J(>->e])h  Ilawlcv  (,f  X. 
1,  Ju.-ri'ii.  Ia\\M?r  and  slatcsnian.     2,   Iu.isiia.  killed  at  battle  fd'  Lake  d'eoi'u-i^    17,5,-, 

XII.  Ilann;"];,  b.  April  -Jl.  KISS;  d.  1),.,-.  :.>!!,  ITj:,:  „;.  Ib-v.  Wni.  Williaiirs  of  West- 
field;  Harv.  Vc.].  17i>."",.  1,  William.  ',\  Klizai-.k'i  ii,  m.  Uev.  Joseph  Ciocker  of 
l]).s\vich.  3,  A.N.VK.  -J.  L( fv,  m.  Hev.  .bisi^jdi  BiickininisttT  of  Eni,^land.  5,  - — .  6, 
Mi:i{cv.     7,  EsTiiKK.     y.  Solo.mon.     U,    Han-nau. 

7.     Anthony   Stoddard,  b.  .Vnir.  0,  JOTS;   d.  Sept.  o,  ITCO;    II.  c.  lO;!?;    minister 
at  Woodlniry  fii)  yv.^. ;   m.  by  Hev.  Srcphcn  Mix  (his  liro. -in-law)  Prndi-nce.  dau.  nf  Pob- 
ert  and  Elizabeth   i'ioodrich)  \Vcllc^   of   \N'ethersfiT-ld,  (Vmn.,  Oct.  l?n,  KCij;   b.  lil^^.    d. 
]Mav,  1714;  (2)  Jan.  31,  ITl-"),  Marv,  dau.  of  Ednumd  arid  Susanna  Sheiinan,  who  d     ,jan 
12,  1720,  a.  29. 

I.  :Mary,  Jun-  1ft,  17(i2;  d.  ^fay  27,  1727:  ni.  Josejdi,  s.  of  Stejdu'n  Curtis,  b. 
Oct.  20.  1700;  d.  June  5,  1727.  1,  Pj:ri)K\rr;.  b.  June,  1724;  m.  \\'im.  .Martin;  set!  in 
Eethlem,  Conn;  had  several  ehil.      1,  .'^'ucz-f  M-irt'iN.  in.  Olive  Minor,  and  lived  in  the 

Iioniestead  (Sloildard)  many  yrs.     2,,  bap.  Aie-il  21.  1720;  ni. Sfodda)'d, 

arid  jiMu.  to  Putland,  ^'t .,  aht.  1701.  1,  MUrij,  bap.  .Vpril  s,17.~)().  2.  Siir<i}i.  bap.  Sept! 
24,  17.V2.  3.  TlunhiL"^.  Sept.  2i»,  17">f.  4.  S[ar>i.  Julv  11,  l7."if>.  Tj,  EiaalKlh,  Feb  19' 
17.'.s,     (;.  Vcnh ,..:,,  Mav  2o.  17i;o. 

11.     Solomon,  Oct. "12,  17n;!:  d.  Mav  2;-J,  1727. 

III.  Eliakini. 

73.     Eliakim   Stoddard,  !>.  April  :;,  170."i:  d.  17.J0:  m.  Joanna,  dau.  of  Ens.  Jolm 
and  Joanna  Curtis,  1120. 

I.  John,  b.  Jan.  20,  17:;(i;  d.  June  22.  170o;  nn  April  1.-.,.  i;.-)l,  Marv  Atwood.  1, 
yA>[sox,  1>.  Oct.  2"),  l7o2;  d.  Nov.  1,  IsiiO;  pj.  Su-.-mini  Nf-ttb-ton,  \vlc)  (L  Ai>iil  21.  1771)'; 
(2)  Amy  Coo(h\in.  v.lio  d.    Sept.   KJ,  l';<27.       2.  Ai;n;\.\i.  Oci.  2.1,  IMU;  d.  Oct.  2.V,  ]77().' 

3,  ^^'Kl"l.^-.  July  1.  IMO;  d.  Nov.  11,  l^:r-V  in.  Saiah  liirl-iox.  \.lio(l.  Junco.  174),'  a.  SO. 

4,  Pjiei-.K.  b.  Feb.  10.  1701;  d.  Sept.  2.1,  Ls2r:  nn  Dec.  2.  KTO,  Jen-ih  Hicko.x.  b'.  1700; 
d.  1780.  0,  Joiix,  July  1,  KO:',:  d.  Feb.  21,  1721:  m.  Sanih  Woodward,  '».  1 7i;0.  0.' 
Sr^..^nT.  b.  1700;  d.  1775.  7.  Joa.v.x  v,  1707:  d.  ]s47;  m.  Eii  Parker.  8.  Mai;v,  177]; 
d.  1^40;  m.  Ibuidaii  Judd,,and  had  /."-/s  of  Woodiiuiy  :  (2)  Xathani(d  Cuitis.  0,  Sailui, 
ll'i:!;  d.  ]s;;i;  m.  James  ^^■illiam^.  10,  IsKAr.r,  1  ?  TO-  d.  I'-'IO;  m.  P(.'.!\  WiL^.u;  \2) 
y\-M-\  Wil-on,  b:.tii  of  ll;;rwt)itom  11,  l-j.rAKiM,  l^i!):  d.  jSOO;  nL  J.ois  .Matbew.-!  b 
17N1:  d..  1S12;  (2)  iSlo,  Xaucy  Adsit,  b.  1704:  d.  1^00. 

11.  Isra-d.  b.  Jan.  2s.  i:;;2;  d.  Any.  S.  1704:  m.  July  4,  17.10.  i:!izabefh  Ib^ad, 
prob.  g.  dau.  <d" -lohn  and  JOlizabeih  (Tuttle)  Pcad  [1).  PiTKe,];,  I).  Nov.  2.1,  1700:  d. 
177.).  2,  Asa,  Se])t.  4,  1702:  d.  Dayton,  O. ,  April  11.  Is42:  m.  Aruienial  PrindU-,  who 
d.  in  Woodlniry,  Nov.  s,  ls2.">,  a.  Oo.  2.,  May  24.  llOl:  a  )Jiy.--iciaii :  il.  in  Wash- 
ington, Conm,l.'-0.1;  m.  Mary  .Iud-,on;  5  (diil.  4.  I^lizauktu.  -lune  17,  1  rtiO.  d.  Aul''.  2,  l.s4S, 
at  Mansfield,  <J. ;  \\\.  Taylor  Sherman,  hawyer;  d.  at  N'oi'walk,  Coun.,  .Mav  4.   bSi.l. 

HI.  Anthony,  Oct. "21.  17;:!4;  d.  17s.l:"m.  Phobe  Pea.i.  Slie  nn  (2)  Samuel  Pe'nham, 
Avho^e  tir.--t  wife  Avas  Olive  Tuttle.      1,  M.v.nn;  A.Mcis.     2,  Simkun.     3,  A.ntiiu.xy. 

IV.  Joanna,  July  l(i,  17;iS;  nn  l.'euOen  Siiuircs. 
V.     Prudence,  Sejit.  24,  1740;  ni.  John  Marchant. 

VI.     Eliakim,  July  2.-).  1742:  d.  v. 

VII.      Seth,  !)■•(  .  2,'  1744:  ne  llaimah  Novo  of  Sharon,  Conm 

Vlil.     Abi-ail.  Au-   2.  1747:  d.  Dee.  7,  iso:!;  m.  Oct.  17,  FiO.l.  Israel    Wo.'-jdward,  b. 
Manh  17.  1740:  d.  Nov.  22,  1S14. 

I.V.     Eliakim,  Dec.  11,  1740;  d.  in  Canada. 


Stowe  is  a  Saxon  T.vord  ineaning  ]d;ice.  l,ocn]iti,-s  (^i  this  name  ww  nemtTous 
in  EnglanJ:,  ineluding  nuiny  \\ilh  iin'fi::es  and  aiiixe.-..  among  w  hie'i  \\\v  Stowe  near 
Cainsboro,  which  ha.:3  a  vi-ry  ancient  churdi  iu  the  X'orman  sivle,  a)id  Stow  P:irk. 



Stow,  u  i)leasant  villaire  in  l^ar.cansliirc. 

Slow  i^uid()ll^h.  aud    Stow    IJall.    bc^tw  t'cii    VAy  and  Lvnn.      Stow  Ihill   is    a    >r;itflv 

nuuisioii  bi'loiigiiiir  to  Sir  Tllon^a^?  Jlan-.  '  "  '       ■ 

Stow  Hill,    near    Liiclifield,    where   Johnson    wrote  a   lar^i- ]i;irt  of  his  y./'-(  .v*-/' ^/,( 

(l'ud^lo\v.  til"  nunnery  wliere  fair  K(j.-;anionil  f'liiTonl  wa-  woot/d  l,v  lle'nrv  II. 

Maristow,  aniona-iery  lontuled  by  La<ly  dodiva. 

t"liri.-t-Stow,'PIay.s;ow.  Chejistow,  Klst'ow,  Vi  here  .lului  Ibinvan  \\-fis  bum  Instow 
uu  the  Soutli  l)e\-on  i;.  li.,  lIibald^tow.  Din-v.-tow.  Slow  Eaiket.  n-ar  Ip-wirh'  famous 
for  Its  malt  and  the  Milton  tivr.  plant, /d  by  .bdm  Milion  at  tin-  Pai>,.n:iov  wl.j].'  .-^tielv. 
'n\g  with  ])r.  Yonno-,  the  ]uiritan.  Stow  Xinecdutiidies.  between  Londun  and  ]5irnnn"'- 
liain.  in  who^e  ehnrrh  i-^  a  line  luonnue-nt  to  tlie  dau-ditrr  of  I.ord  hatiiuer.  Stowel 
Park,  ill  (iloncester  (.'o.  Stowe  in  Lineolnshiie.  whei'e  li.-bcrt  (.ireatli.-d  was  l)oni 
.Stowelangloft  Hall,  betw.'en  l^ently  and  lladlry.  Stow  bjid  (Statfurd  i. 

Stowe.  iu  Bueks:  the  once  ]>riiicely  scat  of"  tie-  Dulc  of  l'u,kin--hani.  the  .-rard^■ll■^ 
•of  M-hich  were  begun  wh.-n  reynlarity  was  in  fashion,  aiet  tli-'  mi.^-in^il  l.i.nndMiv  i>  still 
preserved  on  account  of  its  iua--niricenre;  I'or  around  the  Ashole  eircult  of  between  thrr,' 
■and  four  tnih'S,  rjurt-  \sa.-.  a  very  bruad  gravelled  \\alk.  and  ]d;;uted  witli  row-  i,f  tn-i^ 
iin<l  open  either  te)  the  Park  or  to  the  C(/untry.  Within  the  walk,  the  inoilern  Eiedish 
.style  iri  \\hiedi  formality  is  avoided,  is  followed.  " 

A  description  in  the  l-hicy.  Brit.,  of  this  celebr;ited  Park,  clo-i-s  as  f^dlows:  •■  Mar.- 
iiificenee  and  sph-ndor  ai'e  the  eliaracteristics  of  Stowe.  It  is  lik-e  luie  of  those  places 
celebrated  in  antif|uily,  which  are  devoted  to  the  purjioses  of  leliuion,  and  filled  with 
•sacred  groves,  hallowed  fountains,  and  temples  d.-dieated  t'.  several  deities;  tie-  re-iirl 
of  di-t:oit  nation.-,  and  the  olijeet  oi  venerathm  t:)  half  the  heathen  ueild.  ''bids  pomo 
is  at  Stowe,  blended  with  beauty,  and  the  [ilace  is  Ofjually  distiiiii-ui.-hed  bv  its  a;nenitv 
■iind  i;-raiidenr. "  •  -  . 

The  name  is  also  common  in  Scf>tland.  Instaieje,  Stow  on  the  banks  of  the  (iibi 
^^  ater. 

The  name  w;^s  early  in  use  ns  a  family  name  or  surname,  in  l:j-?0  Sir  John  Abel 
.let  nnto  Ileuiy  Stow,  dfapeM:)f  Loudon,  th'egreat  house  called  Cold  Harbour  ami  aimur- 
teuances  within  the  gate,  with  the  key. — .s/e/r',s  S,/j'rf//  ,,f  ],i,i,ihii,. 

In  myi  Edv>ard  II.  presented  de  Stow  v>ith  'the  chur(.h  livire'-  at  liothersfield 

John  Slow,  a  BeiKdictive  Monh  of  Norwich,  1440,  wiote  vuliou:^  collections  much 
eited  by  e'ains  inlli^t.  (d'  Candu'idge.  —  Fiilltr. 

J(din  Stow,  in  list  of  gentry  oi'  Oxfordshire,  lOof.      ibid. 

John  Stow,  in  list  of  gentry  of  Berkshin.',  14.""i>!. 

Stow  was  a  young  s^diolar  at  (.)xford  in  Queen  Mary's  tim.e  ib'ioM-S). 
There  was  a.  family  in  London,  the  first  of  whom  was  'I'lmmas   S!<.w,  tallow  chatidler  of 
.St.  MirhaelV  Parish,  r,.iidiill,  who  ,i.    ].V.'!;,      His   will    is    rernnhd    in    the  lejihs  ,,f  t],e 
London  Register.     He  was  father  of  'rhonuis  Stow,  who  il.  bloO,  h-aving  sons  .lo!.);  md 

John  Stow.  h.  about  Vy^'i:  the  famous  anti(pKirv.  Author  of  the  (7,r'>pi,'/,'s  ,,f 
Enghini};  S,,  roi/  •'/  Lf.,nh,n ,  etc.  ;d.  .-\piil  7.  KK).-).  a.  ab.uit  sO.  Being  in  indio-ent 
circumstan<-es  some  time  btd'ore  bed..  King  Ja.mes  granted  letters  ]niteiit.%hited  Mairh 
8,  KJ'il,  which  D'Israeli  thought  worlhy  of  a  jjlace   among   his  ' ''iri.,..itii .i  of  lAierdturc 

"Janu's  by  the  --raee  of  (-Jod.  Kinir  (,f  Knuland.  Scotland.  France 'and  Ireland' 
Defender  of  the  Paith,  etc.  To  our  well  iadoved  subjects,  greeting:  \\'hereas  ,iur  hcvin-' 
subject.  .lohn  Stowe  la  very  aged  and  worthy  citi/.iui  of  ourCity  of  Lomlon),  this  five  and 
fi.nty  years  ha-  to  his  great  charge,  and  with  negh-ct  of  his  (u'diuarv  nu-aus  of  imdnten- 
ance  (btr  the  general  good  as  well  as  i)osterity  as  of  the  ]>r.'seut  a-e).  comj.iled  and  jmb- 
lish^.  d  divers  m-ci'ssary  bo(jks,  and  cliroincle.s,  aiul  thfrofore  we,  in  reeomp,-n-e  of  tlu'.-:e 
bis  j.aiiifnl  labors,  aiul  for  enronragement  to  tlie  like,  have,  in  our  loval  incliitation 
been  jdoased  to  grant  our  bdters  ]Kit(.'nt  under  our  great  s.-al  of  l-hiiiland,  dated  the  S\\i 
of  March.  Kid.'J-d,  tlierc-by  autlaui'/ing  him.  the  s.aid  J(d;n  Sm-u-  and  his  deputies,  to 
collect  among  our  loving  subjeefs  their  voluntary  conti  ibutiM;.  asnl  kimi  gratuities,  as 
by  tie-  .-^tul  h'tt>  rs  jiateiit,  more  at  large  may  appeal-;  now  seeing  that  our  s;i\d  )>ati-iits 
(lieing  i)ut  otie  <d'  them-elves)  canu(.it  lu-  shown  tbrth  in  divers  ]i!.e-e-  lu'  i.a.rislies  at  once 
(as  the  (H-easiou  of  his  s.,eedy  ]>utting  theui  int.;  (  xi-cution  ma,\  reipiirv-i,  we  liave  there- 
tore  thought  expedient  in  this  tinusual  mannei-  to  rei-nmnn-nd  his  i  ajis,-  niito  vou:  havini:- 
a1r.uid\  in  our  own  person  and  of  our  special  gr.-ua-.  begun  the  lar^'e-se  for  t'lu'  examole 
ofo1hei-s.      <iiven  at  our  ]vala(-e  at  Westiinnsfer."  "  ' 

\\  luit  succ-ess  Stow  had  in  begging  under  this  permit  of  his  nuijestv  we  know  not. 
He  d.  rn  a.l>out  a  year,  and  his    widow   .Margaret   erected,   over  hi.s  remains  a  teria  cotta 




figure  of  liihi  slttini,'  in  ;i  chnir  and  ivadiiiir.      'i'his  inonmiiciit    was  one  of  tlic  few  relics 
of  tlie    ]>ast  spared  l.y  the  ^nvat  tire  of  London  in  lOlli;. 

Prof.  Calvin  Iv  Stovvc,  wiio  lias  Ih-cii  to  London  tln-.M.  times,  alwavs  visits  tlf  iiu,ii 
ui-ient  of  tlie  Anlninaiy  in  tlie  climvli  vavd  of  St.  .Matyaret's,  and  .Mr-  ILwriet  iSc-.dirr 
Stowe  says  tin'  fi-ure  lu  ars  a  .strikin-  rikone,s  to  lier  lnisl)nnd.  Tin-  oM  hnlv  w!,,,  v&v  ■ 
care. , f  tlieeliuivh  tails  lie-  li-inv  -'tin.  ..-ivat  <dd  -ent  leinan,-  aiid  puts  a  hoinnnVof 
tloNvorsnilits  hand  evory  Christ, na.s.  lie  left  four  dan-htefs  and  perhai^.s  other  c],il- 
dreii.  li  IS  tliou^ht,  with  slif.w  u[  Dfohal.ilJtv,  that  J(din  Slow  of  IJoxhurv'was  a  -rand 
soil  of  the  Anti(juary's  lirt. titer  'i'lioinas.  "  '^ 

Col.  Chester,  in  his  reeord,  of  Westminster  Ahh,-v,  names  .loaima  dan  of  Mr  Stow 
of  ("anlerl.ury,  who  m.  Mr.  Afi'iir;  (■,')  .\,,v.  0  L  lIKir,,  If, .v.  Jam.'s  Mei-s  |)  j,  ,^,{- 
Oxfofd,  wlio  (I  Jan.  '?■>,  \{u2;  {■i)  in  Westnuiisr,.,-  AM.ev,  .),,],„  fpton  of  j.oild<;r, 
merch.,  Auir.  7,  1{;;;j.  a  sister  of  Joanna  Stow  m.  Itev.  Cliarh-s  (iil.hs  ])  D  Prrhoii' 
dary  of  \\estininster  Ahliey.  who  tauo-],t  .school  at  Canicrl.urv.  Shed  ITKl'an.l  was 
buried  in  tlie  .Middh- aisU- of  the  Alihev.  "  ' 

Joli-i   StoM  ff-,m  Ilawkhuist,  Kent'  Co..  Km:l;nid,  emhaiked  April  W    10:!.^    on  s].-,, 
'•Lltzaheth,  '  hound  for  :sew  Enuhind;  a.  Jil.       (H..  niav   Itav."  come  witii  \Vini),iop  i,, 
1(i;;0  and  returned.)       In  -am.-  sldj,  came   liaeh,d  J5i--,^^  •'  a.  (],"    fiirure    wantin-  on  one 
side,  (mothorol  Joint  Slew's  wf.);    l'atienc<-  Foster,  a.' 40.  llopestil'l  Foster    a    1-1        The 
wll  of   Kacliel    Bin-o-.  .latcd  Nov.  17,  IGKi,  one  of  the  earlh-st   on   r.-eot^d   in'  Snltulk   Co 
-Mass..  s.-m-law  Jolin  Str)w.  execr.  .-ives  dai;.,  Klizaheth  Stow,  her  silver  i)ot 
,^,  J''."  '''''^  "^  •^*'''"   '^'-y-   Ahh-iiuan  of  Maidst.m.-,  K.-nt,  Euir.,    made   ](i40    i. roved 
IWi,  gives  legacies  to  the  poor  of  Cranl.rook  Am]  Bidd.-ndon;  names   Peter  Masters 
bro.   Sinaliliope    l]iir;r,   r,ioth<T  in   X.'w    Knu-laud,    '•  mv  hro.    Stow  and  his  childicii— 
Ihomas,  John,  Xailf.-micl  ar,<l  Same.el  and  tw.,  dans.  '    ".All  his  kind  in  New  Kn'-land   to 
be  di\-m.<l  between  IIoi,..-.still  Fo.ter  and  lie'  six   childreii   of  Jolm   Stow   names  cousin 
James  Bates,  (ioodnuu,    J!eale,  Clenient    Bat:'...   \\'i!r;;;:n    Ikedudor,  John    Moore    Thomas 
J^ngden,  and  cousin  Betts,  all  in  New  f^ngland,  and  went  from  Kciit  e'o. 
^      Sept.  10,  IG.",:j,  Ilopotill   Foster,  on  one  side,  and   Thomas,   Nathaniel  and  Samuel 
Stow  agread  to  .settle  all  dispute.s  about  the  wills  of  Smallliope  and  John  Bio-o- 

_      Jolm  Stow  settled  in  Hoxiuiry.      The  order  of  cliil.  ].ioliahlv  a.s  follows  'but  dates  of 
birth  conj.Tiural,  excej.t  of  Ibv.  Samuel,  deduced  from  hi's  a.  tit  death: 
I.      Thomas,  b.  in  Eng.  abt.  Ifii;:   m.  .Mai-v  Crauir. 

IL     Elizabeth,   b.  in  Eng.   abt.    KJIH:    d.    Au-.   -jr,   Iti.^O;    m.   Dee    4    1080    Ifenrv 
Archer,  in  Ipswich  UUI;   d.  KiX).       1,  ICvriii;;,.      -J,  Jdtix.      ;j,  Is.wr.      4,  TiiK(  .i'H  ii  is 
^     III.     John,  b.  in  Eng.  abt.    hi'.M  ;  was  living  in  Ibixburv   KHO;  supposed  d    bef/.re 
j').j.'!,  unm. 

IV.      Natlianie],  b.  l(V2;j;  ni.  Elizabeth  . 

V.     .Sammd.   b.  1G24:  in.  Hope  Fletcher. 
VI.     Thaiduul.  b.  KI^G;  ni.  John  Pierpont. 

I.  O.'ho7l-ias  Stow,  b.  abt.  I(il7:  m.  Dec.  4,  jii:;'J,  Mtirv  (Jie:;g  or  Craf--  who  d 
Aug.  ','1,  U)«U.  lie  rem.  to  Concord,  Mass.,  IGIS;  fireman  tl'iere-  thence  to  MJddle'own 
Conn.,  where  with  wf.  Mary  admitted  to  the  dih.,  Nov.  1  1,  ICC,!),  by  1,'tter  from  chh    at 

"^    Concord,  and  his  s.  John  admitted  same  dav  and  had  bap.    an  infa'nt  s    Jolm        He  d 
^  ;      March,  1CC4:  will  munes  .ss.  John.  Nathani'd  and  Tlnunas,  and  his  dec.  dan    Elizabeth' 
■•      '    ■'    >     I-      .b.lin,  b.  Feb.  ?,.  lt;i:I:  m.  Marv  Wemiore. 
H.      Samuel,  o.  l(;4i;   m.  Elizabeth"- — -. 
Hi.     Tlumias,  b.  l(i.-)();  m.  Bertha  Stocking.      - 

II.  John    Stow,   b.    Feb.    :j,    Kifl;    d.    Oct.    b^,    His^^;    m.    N.,v    V^     Iccs     Mary 

W  etmoie.  '  '' 

I.,  b.  Oct.  10.  KMf):   diov.ned  in  a  well,  a    '.2  vrs  > 

/  Jl-  •l"l"i,  b.  March  ;;.  Ibi  l-'J:  m.  B.i'hsheba  ilow   ■ 

III-  'i'lnmias,  b.  April  b'),  1C:4;   ni.  b'elp.cca  Bow. 

1\'.  Nathaniel,  b.  F,  b.  'J-i,  ICTo;  ni.  Sarah  Sununu-. 

1]2.     Jo'iU  SLOW,  b.  .March   :).  Kiri:    m.  Aui:.,  lbf)s.  Bathdieba   How  of   \N'aird 
Conn.      Slu'  m.  i-J,  l>a:,iel  HubiKu-.l  of  Haddam.  and  d    Oct    ■'(!    no!) 
I.      dobn.  b.  Feb.  <),  Kj!)!);   ni.  An.--.   1,  I7-J-2.  Hannah  Hubbard" 

*  Tile  f^;'..:i'S  were  .settled   in    Ko.n   before  the 

lae  ic,.^--s  wercscttlea  in  Ko.n  bctore  the  on.iuest,  aid  !>.-Lvt  i.cld  a  i.romineni  p.,^iti^n  ir  the 
county  I  ,r  nme  or  ten  centuries.  The  tn.inor  of  .Stowiin^^  Kent  Co..  Fn-.,  uas  .dv.n  in  r.  m  Crr  st 
churh.^C.-interburv.  bv  .M-enc  Ri-irc  and  ia  the  Doiresci.-.j-  l!,-„V:  rf.  ,.  \i^  ^tv-^A-  \'^w'^r\ 
Un..i.  la  tiic  rei.^n  of  K.i-.vard  ihe  Contessor  (io.;i-tor':Mi  .Ah'erir  Di""-  irave  a  Dirt  or'  Hort'esl',  .'m  -i  r'l.p 
Abbey  ol  VI.  Au,,u.tnie,  on  condition  that  Wade,  his  kc.ight,  sliould  pS^se^s  i^'u^rmlMlis  Mfc? 

ArpKxnix.  GSO 

II.!i,  b.  .hm.  10,  1700;  m.  1722.  .loliu  1  lul,l,ru(l. 

111.  Jrr.'iniiili,  ]>.  Mav  1,  ITO-l:  m.  Oct.,  17-JS,  Sanili  m^<:. 

]V.  Solouinn.  b.  .lau."  4,  ITO!".:  m.  Dt-c.  '.»,  1  ?:!{),  Margaret  Ileldiiitr. 

V,  Martha,  b.  Xuv.  V2.  1711;  d.  April  U,  HO.l 

VI.  Kbciif/,i-r,  b.  March  ',^^,  1714. 

1126.     Ebeuezcr  Stow,  b.  March  2S,  1714;  111.  Dec.  ]."i,  1780,  Eli/.aljctli  I'.auks. 

11261.  Martha  Stow,  b.  Dec.  7,  1743,  d.  Oct.  1'?,  1825,  a.  82;  ui.  JuJv  2S,  17G3, 
Jabez  li.arrciws. 

1.      IMioila  llirrow.--,  1).  March  12,  1764;  r.i.  \\'illiani  Cunr.ninnrs. 
II.      William    r.armws,  b.  April   17,  J7'J3;    in.  P^li/'.abetli  Jacob^5.       1,  Ei'.vi'iiK.vs,  a 
plivs,  iii  A  la.  iunl  Texas. 
'ill.      As!il)e!  Barrows. 
l\.     Aaron  Barrows.  1>.  Dec.  L"),  17()0:  ni.  Nov.  C,  1702.  Mary,  dan.  of  Capt.  Samuel 
Jacobs.      1,  ('ii.\i;j  i:s,  b.  Sei't.  11.  179o;  pbvs,  and  surg.:  liouorary  de;_fi(v:'  of  31.D.  froiu 
Geneva  <,'ol. ;   les.  rlinton.  X.  Y.;    m.  Abi,,  daa.    of   Nat'nan    Palmer.       1,  J-'r,  ih  i-i,-/i. 
M.D.     2.  Ad-fin.  M.D.      2,  (."oimhin,  Feb"  20.  17'J0:   Lieut. -Col.  of  7t]i  I^-g.  X.  Y.  S.  X. 
G.;  rem.  to  Ots^eu-o,  X.  Y. :  thence  to  111.;   was   ji.istinaster  in  Whiiesides  Co. ;  iiiercliaut. 
1,  S^linn.  h.  182;^';    m.  Alien    \N'oodbiirii    of    Cherry    \'all.'y.       2,  C/i'irus,  Feb.  IS,  1820; 
p'hys. :  in.  Ada.  dau.  of  Carolus  Tuttle  []).  liOJ.       o'.  J/'trt/i'n.       4,  JuUn  Aim,  b.  Xov.  15, 
1830;  in.  1854,  Fraivis  ()t;.-',mri;.  I'rincipal  of  Lyons  City  A<'adeuiy. 

113.  Thoma.s  Stow,  l).  April  10,  1074;  Lieut.;  d.  1705,  a.  90;  m.  Feb,  29.  1700, 
Kebecca  Bow,  who  d.  1715. 

1.      Aiiue,  170S;  )n.  1729,  .laeiilj  \^'etmore. 

II.  Samuel,  b.  Xov.  28,  1711 ;  i>ieat. ;  m.  Oct.  11,  1731,  Mary  ^Va!•d.  1,  S.^ml'KL, 
b.  173;):  111.  1:55,  Lucretia  Rockwell.     2,   An.n.v,  b.  3735;  in.  \Viii,' Dockw.dl. 

114.  Nathaniel  Stow,  b.  Feb.  22,  1075;  Sergt.;  m.  Feb.  11,  1702,  Sarah  Sum- 
iior;  lie  d.  172C  she  m.  (2)  Wm.  ^Va^d  and  d.  1759. 

I.      Xathaniel.  li.  April  24,  17(.i5;  ni.  1729,  Abigail  Clark.      1,  Pia'Ei;,  b.  1733;  iii. 
Polly  Elton.      1,   Dorot/ii/,  m.  Dec.  1785,  Isaac  Bacon. 

■  1142.     Eliakim  Stow,  b.    March   2,  1707;   m.  Dee.    13,  1732,  Lydia,  dau.  of   Gen. 
Benj.  .Miller;  liad:  1,   Kuiti:. 

11421.  EliliU  Stow,  b.  May  27,  1730;  in.  March  11,  1700,  Jeinima  Paine  [of 
Southold,  T>.  1. 

I.     Klilui.  b.   17(i0:  m.  1782,  Mary  Par.sons. 

n.  Joshua,  1).  1702;  m.  1780,  Ruth  Coe;  he  was  one  of  the  Pilgrim  Fathers  of  the 
Western  lieserve;  the  township  of  Stow,  in  Sumiiiit  Co.,  O.,  named  for  him;  he  v.-as 
Conunissary  of  the  lirftt  surveying  party  in  the  Co.  For  a  true  sntilvc  .story,  see  Jlmri'.K 
Oluu.  pp.  38,  and  47  7. 

III.  Jemima,  b.  Dec.  24,  1703,  m.  1784,  Daniel  IMly;  res.  L.niville,  X.  Y.,  thence. 
to  Ohio.  1,  Datus,  b.  1788;  in.  Sally  Dean.  2,  Ai.Fi;i:i>,  b.  Xov.  7,  1789;  lawyer; 
Can&l  Commissioner  of  0.  "  K.  K.  King;"  d.  at  </olui:ibus,  0..  Dec.  2,  1759;  ni.  Aug.  25, 
1817,  Mary  Seymour  Welles,  b.  Albany,  X.  Y.,  Xov.  10,  17'J9;  gr.  dau.  of  ]{ev.  l)r. 
ISToali  ^Vel!es  of  Stainf(n-d.  Conn.;  11  chil. 

IV.  Lvdia,  b.  Julv  19,  1705;  d.  a.  nearly  100  yrs. ;  m.  1791,  Ilezekiah  IJice. 

V.  oi)ed,  b.  March  29,  1707;  in.  1792,  Aiina'Miller.  1,  Don.  Wahkiix  P..  Judge 
of  Probate. 

VI.      Naomi,  \k  .March  3,  170',);  m.  1790,  ]>ela  Hubbard  of  Adams,  Mass. 
VII.      Funice.  b.  April  19,  1771;  d.  uniu. 

VIII.  Siiiis,  1).  D.-c  •,'!,  1773;  M.  I',  fniui  (Y,1S1();  m.  Mary  Dix  ii,,:  Buggies  of 
I'jiiston.  1,  Ai.i;\'i;  Woi.i  (ji'T.  2,  Maiuei.i. us.  3,  IIou.vtio,  all  lawyers,  and  one  was. 
Chi(  f  Justice  Supri'ine  Ci/Uri  of  ^^'is. 

12.  Samuel  Stow,  1).  104  t;  settled  in  :Marlboio,  Mas>. ;  d.  Feb.  9,  1720;  m.  J'^liz- 
abeth  ,  wii,i  (_!.  1730;  luid   Samui'l. 

121.  Samuel  Stow,  b  .May  2,  Itisf);  ,1,  Feb.  3,  171)9,  a.  89;  in.  I)ec.  19,  1704, 
Sarah  Snow,  wlio  d.  1\  b.  'JO,  1702';  liad  Abm-r  and  Solomon. 

1211.     Abner  GtOW,  b.  1705;  d-^.  in  (.ra'tMU,  Mas.-,. :  m.  r-lnry  . 

1.     Jonathan,  b.  Feb.  4,  1740;  dea.  in  Grafiou. 


090  APJ'KXDIX, 

1212.     Solomon    Stow,   1).  O.l.    :]n,  1711;  d.  Nov.  4.    ir*;:!;  111.  KJizalxtli  • ■  (2) 

'J'liuiiktul  -^  . 

I.      Sol.)mon,  ]>.  17-10,  in.  17f)0,  AI'k-o^)tt. 

II.     Slu'lowrtli,     1..    Nov.    I'J,    1711);    Cai-t.:  d.    Dm-.    4,    179S;    in.    Elizabeth- 

[p.  ."377].      1,  Krj/.u'.Eiii,  !>.  .Ian.  (i,  1777. 

III.  .Ic.inuli,  b.  .March  '^7,  1717;  ni.  l.ydia,  dau.  of  Lr-nuu'i  Powers  (>f  (.'rafton, 
i\Iass.  1,  I'KTF.n,  b.  1771;  m.  IHdu.i'ali  Netlh^ton.  1,  JJuroit,  ]>.  isol;  WD.-,  an  eini- 
lU'Ut  liaptisl  edei-^'ynuin  of  IJoston. 

13.  Thomas  Stow,  b.  1G."J0;  re?.  Middb'iown,  Conn.;  d.  at  r'niuiwel],  March  10, 
17',".,l;  m.  Oct.  m.  1^7."),  iM-ihia,  dan.  of  Di'a.  Sainind  and  liriiiia  ]Io]il;iii^  StockuiLC  of 
i*I.;  b.  Oct.  It),  1!V-,S;  d,  .Nov,  tl,  1  7;l-2.  iSetliia  Hoi.ldiis  \v;5s  only  dau.  of  .lolm  ]l..|.Ts.lns 
"the  miller,"  one  of  iho  founders  of  llaiif.,  and  an-'estor  of  a  family  fanmus  in  clerical 
annals.  He  was  guard,  of  Nath'l  and  Elien.,  .sons  of  Ciilbert,  1704. 
I.  Ikthia,  b.  .\pril  l'>,  1078;  d.  a.  4  nn>,s. 
II.     Saniuol,  b.  (_)ct.,  U;s0;  m.  Estlior  Muald, 

III.  John,  pa)..  .Uilv  .",.  10^:]. 

IV.  Bctliiali,  b.  Feb.  0-2,  1(384. 
V.     Mary,  b.  Au-.,  lilsS. 

VI.  Thoinas,  b.  .May  7,  1G91;  d.  1778,  a.  83;  ni.  .Jan.  '24,  171(1-7,  Martha,  dan.  of 
Joseidi  and  Mary  3[ou!d  White.  .Ancestor  of  Henry  ^^'hite  (jf  Xew  Ilav.  ."\iary  Mould 
was  a  young-er  sisti-r  of  Samuel  StowV  v,-f .  1,  I\;y,  b.  Nov.  .'JO,  1717;  m.  17^0,  .)ere- 
miah  Wilcox.  2.  Jeiush.v,  b.  Jiug.  0,  1710;  m.  Oct.  14,  17;-!G,  Josejdi,  s.  of  Kev.  Timo- 
thv  Stephens  of  Glastenlnirv,  Conn,  llis  Isr  v.f.  wa.s  Marv,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Dorothy 
Billkley  Treat  of  Ci.,  b.  .Tan".  9,  171(1;  m.  .Jan.   1.  17::J3.     :]";tii.\,  b.  Mav  (.!,  1721;  m'. 

Dec.  yi,  1742,  .lerenriah  Hauney.     4,   FKKi:r.f)VK,  b.    June   14,    172;j;  per.    m.  • Hall; 

(Elizabeth  Hall,  dan  of  Freelove  Stow,  I'ap.  Marcli  17,  174.")V  Shf  m.  Nov.  1o,  17(30,' 
Cii(hon  ^^■arner.  •"),  HaN.v.m;,  b.  Dec.  7,  1721;;  m.  Oct.  (i.  1 748.  .Joseph  Barnes;  went 
to  chli,  at  New  Frnniingharii.,  Mass,  G,  13et]iia,  b.  Sept.  20,  17;)::;;  m.  Aug,  8,  1757, 
Jonathan  Steel.      1.   J-/,/,-,//,./,;,  s.  \\'idoM   Steel;   l)ap.  April  ."">,  17G1 . 

VII.     Hannah,  b.  I'^t-i).  11,  IGUG-."};  m, Stoclcini:. 

VIII.  Joseph,  b.  Aui-  -"i,  170:J;  d.  Nov.  C,  177ii;  ni.  March  14,  173;J--4.  Sarah  Bulklev, 
b.  170G;  d.  A]>ril  G,  17^."'),  a.  79.  1,  Ki:i;e(<  a,  b.  Jan.  ;]1,  17:35;  ni,  Oct.  IG,  17.55.  Dan- 
iel Kussell,  b.  Jane  2!.  17:32;  s.  of  Itev.  Daniel  andl.ydia  Siillnian  I!nss,.dl  of  Kocky 
Hill,  and  bro.  of  Col.  fJiles  llussell  who  \\-as  mortally  wounded  at  Danbury,  and  d.  Oct. 
28.  1779.  2.  SAitAH,  1).  Aug.,  17:37:  r.i.  Jnlv  1:3,  175":^,  Jo:;iah  Savage.  3,  Jcski'H  b 
Feb.  G,  174!!;  d.  Oct.  2!.  1741.  4,  DoKcTuv,  b.  July  9,  1742;  m.  in  Middletown,  Mav 
2G,  17G5,  Jonaihau  J'raiy.  5,  .Tosi.pji,  l.iap.  _March  ;31,  1745;  d.  at  his  s.  Calvin's;  ni. 
A])ril  2,  1772,  Lydia  lliibfiard  of  Berlin,  wlio  lived  to  be  very  old  and  nearly  blind;  her 
clothi'.s  cauudit  lire  and  she  (h  of  Ijurn.s.  1,  Si?iis,\>.  177:3;  d.  .same  %'ea)'.  2,  Rthircn  d 
1775,  a.  12.'  ;3,  >7,'(f.y  2d,  d.  1779,  n.  14.  4,  Josci:,h.  bap.  Nov.  1:3,  1774;  d.  of  yellow 
fever,  a.  19  v'.')  yr.3.  5,  v  a;luiiiiM',  b.  .\piil  o,  1777;  ni.  John  Ibiirv  of  I^lanfonh  Mass. 
<3,  Lvdia.  Ai.iril  18.  1779;  m.  John  Bell.  7,  Charlotte,  Oct.  8,  178G;  m.  Levi  Williams 
y,  Calvin,  March  29.  17':^9.  9,  Luthrr.  Sept.  2,  1792;  d.  at  Ftica,  N.  Y. ;  left  ;3  son.s. 
G,  Zf.dui.o.n,  ba]).  June  28,  1747;  d.  A]:):il  (i,  18(i9;  sea  capt.  and  merchant;  traded  in 
ve.--si4s,  etc. ;  did  a  large  busint'ss;  ri'S.  in  Critnuvell,  wliere  the  ]ia])tist  clinrch  now 
stands;  m,  Ai)rll  22,  177:5,  Rosetta,  dau.  of  Natli.  Biley,  whod.  Jan.  7,  1792,  a.  42;  m.  (3) 
Oct.  24,  1792,  Hannah  Warner  of  Stepney,  wlio  d.  June  10,  18:31,  a  84.  1,  Z-hnlrn.  ba]>. 
Oct.  ;30.  1774;  Dra.  in  Stockbridge.  Mass;  in.  Hannah  P]iencer;  had  2  sous  and  13  dans, 
2,  TtVi'/i""/?;,  b.  Jnne2N,  177G;  in.  ."Margaret  (iaylord  cd"  .Mid. ;  rem.  to  Stow,  O.,  and  he 
d.  there  abint  1854.  :3,  TIloiikis,^.  May  12,  1778;  d.  Aug.  1845;  sea  Cajit.  and  merch., 
Dewey  and  Stow;  Dewey  m.  Stowe's  wife's  sister.  He  was  .shipwreidicd  several  tinu'S, 
and  once  nearly  st:uved  in  a  calm  at  sea.  Sev.ral  years  Capt.  steamlniat  Oliver  Ells- 
wortli  on  Conn,  Biccr,  and  was  capt.  of  a  vessel  employed  by  the  gov.  to  rem.  the 
Seniiiiol"  Indi.-ms  fro:r.  l-da.  His  last  sea  voyaire  was  to  .Malaga"  1S;39:  in.  Sept.  8,  1800, 
I'liebe,  dau.  (d'  (I'ad  Siaidey  of  New  Ihitaiu,  Conn.,  whn  d.  s"e]it.  27,  1857.  4,  Jitlirard, 
h.  Aug.  ^^1.  1779;  m.  Lyviia  (".irnwH.  1.  Car  iline  Bosctta,  li.  .huif  G,  Isjil;  d.  Sept.  9, 
18:;5:  m.  Jonathan  BoKr^ts.  2,  Thom;ts,  b,  A  pril  4.  iSiiG;  d.  ,>f  sraldim,',  Man-ji  10, 
1809.  ;5,  Jan.- Staniry.  b.  D^c.  1:3,  ISll;  m.  Ptev.  1.  P.  Warn-n,  D.  D.  4.  Anna  .North, 
b.  April  18,  t81G:  m,. Inly  5.  18:iG.  Jaiues,  s.  (d'  .\a;-on  Stanley  of  New  Brit,,  and  had 
Carolim-  Eliza,  .Mortimer  Henry,  .Mb-,-  Fouisa.  Holm  .VmiJia.'  Cilia  .Vnne.  .lane  Srow. 
(irace  Creenwood.  .\g!:.,-s  Warren,  J.;m-s  North.  5,  Jiosetia,  b;i]i.  Feb.  IG.  17s;3;  m. 
^^'int!lI•op  Smith.     G,  B'fSSiil,  bap.  Oct.  Id,  1784. 

APPENDIX.  691  •• 

132.     Samuel   Stow,  1>.  Oct.    ICSO;    D.^a.  of  tlu>  chli.   in   Midilletown:   d.  Sept.  28. 
1740;  Hi.  Ffl).  8,  lTO-1,  Kstlier,  dim.  of  Iliigdi  and  Martha  (Cuh)  .Mould,  who  d.  July  24, 
.1750.     "  A  mother,  indeed." — Book  of  EpU(ii>}ii.     ]iui,di  Mould  was  a  .sliip'.uilder. 
I.     Estlier,  h.  1705:  in.  I)aniel  iiaiiuev;  rem.  to  BarUadoes.  W.  1. 
II.     Saniiiel,  h.  17ii7;  in.  17oo,  l'ru(hnee  Sai,n';  rem.  to  J'>ar.  AN'.  I. 

III.  Martha,  1>.  171-J;  iii.  174;),  Nathl.  Kdl?.  " 

IV.  .ledediali.  h.  Marcli  1,  1714;  in.  Mav  ];J,  174-",  Klizabeth  Dav  of  Sprinfr- 
fiekl,  Mas,-.. 

V.  Ibaac,  1.).  1717,  O'uilford,  Conn.;  d.  Jan.  ?,,  1778:  m.  Man-li  28,  1744,  llrpzihah 
(.'ollins.  1,  S.^xrfKi..  1>.  J:iJi.  14.  174.">;  d.  Aui;-.  14,  17.">i.  2,  ((i.iVK.  b.  Sept.  21,  n4fi. 
8,  tisTHi-n,  1).  Nov.  21.  1747;  d.  Sept.  21,  1751.  4.  K.u  iti;i,,  h.  Maivli  i),  17.")U;  d.  April  'M 
17.')7.  5,  Ka-tki;,  Mar.-h  20,  17;32;  d.  KrI,.  21,  ]7lil.  0,  Is.\.u.;,  killed  bv  Indiau.s,  Sei)t.' 
1780;  m.  Julv  is,  1774,  Pliebe  (iriswold;  (2)  Mary  rearsmi.  1,  J'titnatii,  b.  Feb.  3, 
177r);  d.  Aui:-.'],  180;.);  m.  Frb.  14.  isni),  F,.i.s  Au-tin  of  A\'aterburv,  Conn.,  and  had  teii 
chil.  1,  Eliza,  b.  Jan.  1,  ISOl  lu.  (Jiarles  Wri-lit.  2,  llariiet,"b.  Jan.  l!t;  ls();i:  m. 
Byron  Adams.  ?>,  l.ois  Anne,  Jan,  2'J,  ISO,");  ni.  W'ihox.  4.  ("aroliiie,  b.  June 
IG,  1807;  in.  A.  Humpluey.  -"),  Almira,  b.  .May  2r,.  ]S09,  0,  (.'larimla,  b,  Julv  20,  1812; 
111.  D.  Bradley,  7,  Julia"Ann,  Aut;-,  ■"iO,  1S14;  in.  F,  Ibooks,  s,  Marv  (iri-swold,  b.  Ocr.' 
12,  1818;  in.  \\'in,  Franlcliii,  0,  Sarah  Maria,  l.i,  Mareli  1,  ls21.  10,  Isaac  Austin,  b. 
Aug.  R,  1S2:-!;  ni.  Fizzir  Sage.  2,  /wv/.s/'/.v,  b,  1777;  d.  ISlO,  3,  ^VllUinn,  m.  Francis 
Lord  of  Norwich;  (2)  .Vpril.  Ts40,  Mary  (i.  Stow.  4,  durunht,  b,  Jan.  2:4,  KsO;  d.  Ailt. 
yO,  lSf5S;  Til,  Charles  Faulkner.  1.  ('luirl- ■.-,-:  lie  d.  lS-12.  2,  Mary  Ann,  in.  (.'ai)t,  Joel 
.Stone,  7,  PrTNAM,  niiO.  8,  ['l!i.\li,  d,  Aug.  31,  17G0.  0,  Fuev",  m.  Wm.  Stone,  10, 
S.vt.rA',  in.  (I'idcou  Hoadh-y. 

\\.  Jonathan,  b.  17iO;  d.  Sept.  0.  1707,  a,  78;  m.  :Marc]j  2.">,  1742,  .\biali  Saee. 
b.  1718;  d.  July  21.  ison,  a.  82,  .Middletown;  phe  m.  (2)  \Vin.  AVhite.  1,  M.\J;']  H.\."  b, 
Nov.  8.  1742:  in.  17(10.  Samu.J  (:'oop(M-.  1,  (liirr,  b,  1707.  2,  S.kMfEi,,  b.  Ai;-.  13, 
1744;  killed  bv  the  Cnenisev  ]ir)vate..-r,  Apiil  12,  ]7sO;  in,  .April  2s,  1708,  Naomi  ' 'Im- 
sted,  b.  1747:  \\.  Sept.  2.  1700,  a.  4s.  1,  I^nnj,  baj),  July  30.  1700.  2,  ][,ini,oh,  bap. 
June  30,  1771.  3.  .S^h;  ■•'•.'.  \K\y.  July  31,  1773.'  4,  .V'cw.v/,  "baji.  July  2.7,  177.j,  o,  Poitv, 
bap.  Nov.  28,  1770,  3.  Jon.xtji.vx.  b.  Marcii  27,  1747;  d.  1777;"  in.  Aug.  20,  1772. 
Abigail  EIF.  4,  D.XMr.i,,  b,  .March  30.  1740;  d.  Uct,  10,  1773,  5.  .Makv;  bap'.  A;.ril 
.5,  17o2;in.  Oct,  2.J.  1772,  -\:itiri.  Savau-e. 

YII,     Abigail,    b,    Nov,    1721;   ni,    1741,    Ib-uben    Shaler   of    Midaletown,   Conn.     1, 

Ei-:ur,E>r,  l.i.  1741.     2,   N.\.th.\m.\.l  Su.kj.kk,  1),  J747;in.  Lucy  Ann .      1.  J^aru  Ahi>, 

b.  1700;  d.  Aug.  9;  182.J,  a.  3-7:  m.  Th.oiuas  .M<-L')nongli,  b.  ic4av,-are,  1784:  (.'ominodore 
r.  S.  N.;  ■'liero  of  Lake  (.  hamplain.;"  the   State. of   N.  Y,  gave  liim  l.OOO   acres  of   hind 
adjoining   tlie  lake    on  whi'.di  tlie  battle  was  fouglit;  he  (.1,  1820,  a,  30;    liad  several  chil. 
2,' Loniyii,  b.  1804,  d,  Dc-.  1.5,  1828,  a.  24;  in.  Horace  Sawver,  Lieut.  F.  S.  N. 
VIII.     Lucia,  b.  Aug.  31,  1723;  ui.  174.7,  Daniel  Warner. 
LX.     St."phen. 

1329.  Stephen  Stowe,  b.  ?>Iay  20,  1720;  rem.  from  Middletown  to  Milford,  Conn., 
1702;  nariner:  (_'ap:.  of  vessels  in  W.  I,  trade,  (See  i).\x\c\vOhllloi.i-'<ct>ofCoiin.,\y/ 
Thos  IF  I'rowbridge,  jr, ,  in  \'ol,  3.  New  Haven  Col.  Hist.  Soc.  Coll.)  Capt.  Stow  made 
his  will  Jan.  27,  1777,  and  'd,  cm  the  sth  of  the  following  February  of  disease  taken  in 
caring  for  released  Kev,  soldiers  from  New  A'oiL  prisons,  a,  51  yrs, :  m.  FreeJove.  dan. 
of  Phineas  and  Pebecca  (Baldwin)  Baldwin,  b.  Hoc.  5,  1728:  she  \\a->  a  .^-t,  gr.  dan.  i.)y 
both  ].'areuts  of  John  Baldwin  of  Milford,  by  lier  mother,  wiuj  \\as  gr.  dau.  of  John 
Baldwin's  first,  wf.  and  l\v  her  father,  ^vho  was  gr.  son  of  his  2d.  wf.  Mary,  dau.  of  Jolin 
Bruea  of  Brueu  Staj^leford.  F.stj,,  Cheshire,  Eiig. 

I,     Stephen,   b,    1753;    d,    1810:    m,    .Mary  Ben rdslt-y,      1,   Pot,i.y,    m.    1794,    Treat 

HavidsLUi,      1,    .S'r;/('u/,  m.  Catlierine  Cam]).      2,    Jfor/'a,   m.  Hepluirn.      3.    C/iiirlfn, 

m.  Fois,  dau.  of  Amos  )>ahiwin.  4,  ../"//<'/;  7V."/,  5,  .S/,'.y/;„,  m.  Klislui  Hopkins  Stow. 
hereout;.,  s.  of  Samael.  0,  JJiiia.  m.  AVillis  P>risti.l;  Pre.-,  i^uik  of  New  Hav,.  nnd  for 
20  yrs,  Treas  of  tlie  Fir.-t  Fccles.  Soc.  7,  V/- /.s.//,  m.  J(4inson  Biibtol,  bio,  of  A\  illks. 
8,  J.vhc,  m.  .Mary  Stow,  <]au.  of  his  cous,  Isaac  Stow.  2.  .V.n'ikon v.  li.  F(4>,  s.  1775;  d. 
Nov,  2i.i,  1800,  a,"  Oi  ;  lu,  Oct,  22,  ISOli,  ^arah  Ibvan,  who  d.  .Mai.h  20.  1847:  sis  ..f  Oliver 
Bryan  of  .New  IFiv.  1,  Mmij,  b,  Si'i»i,  0,  ISO];  m,  .May  0,  l.'-27,  (.'yru.--  4'in  n.  y ;  /.  7 
cliil.  2,  K.-tlur  J}.,  b.  1m4,.  27,  lSii3:  d.  in  N<>\v  Hav,  Sept.  17,  ls75;"in,  N;ithaji  Babi- 
^vin:  /.  4  chil.  3,  /,',  Dnrni.  b.  .\pril  I.  isin;-.  m,  ..liim-  lu,  is;il,  Susau  Fi:.!er\\"«.d.  wlm 
li.  isi)7:  4  chil,  4,  ,15ey7/',  b.  Sept.  8,  1^07,  m,  Nov,  10.  ls:;4,  .loshua  pomiiman,  who 
<1.  1850;  (2)  .lames  Stow '.lone-,  lier  coi;^  ;  /..4rh;i,  5,  .!/,■,'/,..'////,  b.  Hi'C.  ll.lsil;  r.s. 
N,  Y.  L', ;  im-rch, ;  lii.  Aug,  0.  1838,  Adelia  T.  Fey;  /.,  3  chil.    0,'  -S,;-..(//,  b.  A]uil  7,  1815,, 



a.  A!i<r.    17,   18^8;  111.  June  ].'),   1840,    \V,ii.   Fi,n1,  v/lio  d.   Au;--.    10    ISCQ-  i 
Catharine,  b.  Juii.  31.  ISIO;  in.  Julv  127.  ISII,  Juin.-s    D.'.Martiu-  j     4  chil  '    s' 
h.  Murch  4,  ]S02;d.  Oct.  ;jn,  IS^O.      9,    Th.nnas,    li.   Juin-   11,  l,S;.H;;'d    Sept    !'>'   is'jVr 
Akigaii.,   1).  Oct.  8,  1781;  in.   Nov.  I80;j,  Jiuncs  Joiif.s,  wlio  d.  Jiiih''37    ISOf/'   1    'a;;/,c« 

ii  dnu.    i, 


An^r.  oo^  jgo^;  j^j_  March  17,   1842,  Su.van  A.  Faircliild:   /.,  5  diil  "(J   "l\hr'!r,l    h    l\J' 

o.  Ibol,   Duvid  M.  Ives;   j.,  2  flnl.     o,  Fuehlovk,    b.    1791;   d    s    i    Spiit     4     18")t-    m 
Isaac   H.    Hio-by,  ^vl,o   d.    June  10,  18U5.     0.  Cathakimj,  ni.  Lovi  NeitlcUui' i     7   chil 
II.     Samuel,  d.  Apiil,  l,s;iO:   in.  Oct.  1790,   Sallv  (irccn;  (2)  JOli/ab.-th  Hoi.]-irs      1 
EmsiiaHoi'kjn-s   b.  Jan.  4,  1798:  m.Oct.  5,  18;>s.   Susaiiua  Davidson      2    A' vi'Tu\    b' 
June  15,  1801;  in.  Ijaniucll't-ach  of  Mill'nid.      \,Sanvi,lStnri       •>    J,<niis,i'     ■-<    ch  ,'ri  ii 
JIurtha.     4,  JiJ,n-)/.     h.Ch.fHc^.     (^,  J.niu^    W.     7,  JIarru/.    ' S~r;eo    Coinn  '    s' \vT 
i.iA.u,  b.  Aao-.  25,  180;^;  d.  May  29,  1819.     4,  LuririA,  b.  June  0,  ISOU-  ni  Oct    ^'4    ls3-> 
Eha.s  Smith,   i.  7  cliil.     .5,  Sally  Ghickx,   b.   Jan.  24.  iso!);  m.  Nov'    U    1S27^  JoseDh 
Smith;   r    7  chil.     0,  r^usBX^,    b.  March   20,  1812;  nu.ny  yr,.  Kapti.t  Bethel  in 
EosloD.  Ma.s.;  d.  ^ov.  14,  l^iiS;  he  ^vas  greatly  in  earned  as  a  preacher  and  a  cliristian 
and   very  otlen  overcome  by  liis  emotions  in  tlie  pulpit,  and  his  ministrv  Mas  verv  suc- 
cessful amonfr  the  class  for  which  it  was  maintained.    The  "Minnie  Siowe"'  i«  a  beautiful 
new  yacht  wliicli  is   devoted  to  mi.ssion   luuposes  in  Boston   harbor.     It  is  named  after 
tlie  daughler  ol  the  chaphuu  of  the  Sailors'  J5etliel.     The  mis.siouarv  who  commands  it 
Avasawiid  yuung  sailor  who  was  converted  at  the  Bethel  and  whodeterminedto  o-iv,.  him 
self  to  efforts  in  behalf  of  tlte  unconverted  sailors  who  from  time  to  time  ent>=T  the  liarbor 
ID  vessels.      \N  ith  hi.s  httle yaclit  this  missionary  vi.sits  the  ves-seLsl ving  at  anchor  and  di.s- 
tnbntcs  l)ooks  and  tracts,  and  holds  prayer  and  e:diortali,)n  meethigs.     The  expense  of 
Iveepmg  this  mission  afloat  is  not  great  and  the  good  accomplished  bv  it  is  said  to  exceed 

the  expectations  of  its    originators;  m.  Emilv ;  (2)  Sei.t    23    ]S.V2     Au.-u-.ta  (dnu    of 

nias.  Ilo!.VPond  of  Mil..  Sheriff  of  New  Hav.  (V.^and  l.eut.:Go;:'orfenm      shem 
(2)  J<ev.  IJ.  A.  (o.ik.  Ins  successor. 

HI.  i:sther,  b.  March  I'J,  1781;  m.  Kev.  B.'iinet  Tyler,  b.  Julv  (J  17H;1-  Y  C  1804- 
?/fTo.>.*ol^''''^''''"-;-  ,S':''''^;  1808-22;  1).]).  Middlebury  Col.,  1^2>i;  Prek  Dartmouth 
Col.  l,s23-28;  succeetled  Dr.  Payson  at  Portland,  Me..  182,^-34-  Pres  Theo  Jn-t  of  Conn 
I80I-08;  d.  1858;  S^T.D. ;  l-chil.  1.  E.stin  r.  m.  Prof.  Calvin  E.  Sto.;,  who  n"  ^Hlai;^;"' 
dau.  of  Kev.  Dr.  Lvman  Beecher,  all  desc.  from  John  Stow  of  Koxburv  •■>  rdtr.trd 
:iiany  yrs  ciu^hier  Sulfolk  Bank,  Boston.  3,  R.c.  Jo.iah  E.  Taylor,  missionan-  to  South 
Africa.  4,  J),n,.,  m  Don.  Philip  Creelcy.  jr.,  of  Boston.  5,  ]jau.,  m.  Prof.  -  Gale 
b,  l)au.,m.   Pev.  John  (ioddard.     3.   Stkpiikx,   b.  Aug.  5.  1787      3     M  U'cu-    b    An.-" 

6,  l\\\iM.\.  b.  ^ov.  20,  1.94.  7,  Clai:i:^sa,  b.  Julv  18,  1797  8  Siivwiv  b  Tan 
28,1801.     9,  Joirx  E.,  b.  March  1,  1m;i7.  "  0,   mla  .\ma,   b.  Jan. 

1  ^T•^^'^'''^.'f'",^'^'/■  ^'^^'';  ''•  ^*''''-  ^^'  '^^-^^'  •'■  ■^^-  soldier  of  the  Pev. ;  m.  Sallv  Clark 
^vliod.  Dec.  11,  1.S43.  I.  Isaac,  1>.  An-.  10,  1781:  d.  Nov.  IS  1,S(]5  a  84-  m  "Sent  t' 
1801.  Mehitable  ^^lnith;  (2)  Dec.  13,  IS:;:.,  Harriet  Bassett.  \:'l-:,ihrr,  b.  Julv  29  1804- 
'"'■{^r-.^'  T^-''  '>''\\t<^"  Baldwin:  8  chil.  2,  J,nn,s.  April  10,  Isod;  m.  Thirza  Baldwin,' 
bcliil.  3  AsY/r/c,  b.  Marcli  10,  IMjS;  ni.  Eli/.abeth  Parmalee;  5  chil  4  JnW,  July  30 
1813;  m.  Horace  Mallett;  4  chil.  5,  Mnrii,  Jan.  2,  1810;  m.  Luke  Davidson-  2' chil"  g' 
Ctiavlfs,  i\\n-\\\'l,\y2<\:  m.  Juliana  Bishop;  3  chil.  2,  Dvvi]>  b  Pel,  "1  I7s'4-  ,,1  Eel' 
U,  1807,  Susau.  sis,  uf  Oliver  Bryan.  1.  S,i.s.,n^  1,.  Maich  24  IsdO-  m  '  \o\-  '  1  •■•  '  lS-!(t' 
SamueHiunn,  vj-liod.  Jan.  11,  ls(i3:  5  chil.  2,  jj,li,j,  March  5,  ISI2;  m.  June  \1  183'^' 
(  uriis  Judson;  4  chil.  3,  (harluttv,  \k  April  14,  lsl4;m.  Oct  2^  ],s:;-)  Nathan'FeUs' 
2  chil  4  L.^'dxr  Maria,  b.  Oct.  2,  ISIO;  m.  Edmund  llobarr;  3  chil.  5  '  WUHam  .luiu' 
,  1S21;  d.  Dec.  23,1N52;  unm.  0,  J),ni,l,  h.  Aug.  27,  1S23;  m.  Marietta  ls:u.c:  G  chil 
<,  y/r/wv,  Sept.   ,,    l,s-j.j;  num.     8,    Olirr,-  j;nin„,   Dec.    10,    lS-'7    m     1  o:s  .— _-  -j  chil 

9.  JJeajamin    V.,A]uil4,    1830;  n,,    K\    Villa 'isl,,.!;    l    ch.     3,   Maktif.v',  m    ^  Camt/ 

4  Sally  b  June  2..  1785:  m.  Elnathan  P.aldwiu.  5,  .Xaxcv,  b.  March  1790-  m  Wiu 
Phvtt;  .  chi  .  0,  ^^:e■.lAM,  Sept,2l.l79t;  ,„.i)ct.  2i,ls37,  Hei^evBahhvin  '7  SrnvL' 
h.  April  3,  1.9;»;   m.  .N:,v.  1?.  Is25,  Clark  i'latt:  4  chii  "  ' 

V.     J,,i,n.  b.   17!;');  Pev.  s.d.:  d.  June  29,    1839,    a.    79;  m.    1782,    Sallv   (ullette-  9 
fhil.      1,  Ei,isn,\,  I).  April  17.  17-83:  d.  at  sea,    on   a,   Julv  20,  l851-"m    Nov    10 

AT>PEXI)1X,  G93 

ISOl,  Haiuuih  Xovthn.p.  1,  0<'>r'j<\  h.  Muv  'M),  1802.  t2.  Jlrnrii,  h.  Dec.  IT),  l^iU;  deiu 
]'.apt.  chli.;  Pr.'s.  Stow  Associatinir,  res.  X.  llav.;  ui.  Lvdia  Wilistcr;  (2)  Susan  Follctt; 
14  chil.  3,  J-jhrunK  l><v.  M,  lSlt7;  d.  Oct.  '2!»,  IS-IT;  umn.  •! ,  N'/.v///,,  b.  .1nlv24,  ISOiJ; 
m.  Oct.  2.J,  1822,  Ik'iiry  ncanlslcy;  -!  cliil.  o,  ICw.  .1//,//,  St-nr.  2:i,  ]S11;  in.  and  luid 
10  cliil.  0,  Ji'n(\  1>.  -April  22,  18i:i:  ni.  Oct.  2,  18o6,  .Iwlm  ('ariiiii;-lon,  who  (1.  St-pt., 
1«GS;  4  chil.  7,  -S./r"//,  Nov.  12,  1814;  m.  Nov.  7,  ],s:l2,  Jarcd  Mrnvin.  8,  Frcdrrirh, 
April  20,  1817;  in.  .Uiw  (1.  1811,  Catharine  IW-vs,  .v.  /.  9,  Gcoruf,  h.  May  3,  1811);  d. 
>Si)uth  in  late  war.  10,  .8;(7/if //.  Jiuic  30,  1824;  in.  Alvira  Ivawrcnce;  3  chil".  2,  John, 
b.  Jan.  27,  1787;  d.  Jan.  2(1,  1800,  a.  82;  in.  Nov.,  ISOS,  Dorcas  Morlaud.  1,  Jlihirrn. 
m.  Marii5u  Cha])in;  kepi  Inr  many  yrs.  the  justly  famous  Massa.soit  House  in  Si)riu<jfi<-ld, 
Ma.=;s. ,  a  hlessins;  to  travellers;  2  f;ons  ainl  2  ilans.      2.  John,  in.  Mary  Case.      3,    Willlnin. 

4,  lliirrijl,  num.     h.   Mary,   in.  Phelps.     G,   Hmriji'.  m.    Sarah  Tiyiler.     7,   Snutlt, 

m. Shaw.     3,   }If,.\i;y,  Oct.   28,   1781);  d.  Julv  17,    1804.     4,   Fi;ki)'i;i;ick,   Nov.  20, 

1701;  d.  .May  17,  1702.  o,  Frctlcrirk.  \\xg.  20,  1703;  in.  Jan.  31,  1827.  Lois  yuinnier.s; 
10  chil.  0.  "Xf.i.sox  L.,  Sept.  21,  l?.i.-);  d'.  in  Cohnnhi;!,  S.  C.,  Nov.  13,  1831;  m.  Sci)t. 
12.  1831,  Martha  (iunn.  1,  y.'^son,  h.  1n32.  ■; ,  C(>]:nkli.\,  h.  Jan.  17,  1^08;  d. 
May  8,  ls37;  unni.  8.\n,  b.  July  2,  1802;  res.  Middletown,  Conn.,  lS7r):  nnin. 
"VI.  AVilliani,  ii.  abt.  1703;  d.  of  fever  at  Santa  Crnz,  \^'.  I.,  Jan.  11,  1702;  in.  July, 
17S4,  Klizubeth,  dan.  of  Amos  and  Sih.yl  (Raldwin)  IJaldwin.  b.  Xw^s.  30,  1707;  d.  Marcli 
10,  1838.  1,  Samtel.  b.  Oct.  3,  17.'-o:"  d.  Jnlv  o,  b'-^iO,  a.  8'T;  Ca])t'. ;  uniriner;  ni.  Se])t. 
20,  18O0,  Abicrail,  dan.  of  Kliliu  Ilaldwin.  d.  Mav  20,  1SI4;  (2)  Julia  ].e\sis,  who  d.  Oct. 
8,  180.').  1,  'f!rar(  Ann.  June  0,  1.S13:  in.  Nov. "14,  1832.  Jason  Clark;  7  chil.  2,  Vni- 
liam,  Sept.  10,  IS],-};  d.  April  20,  1S47.  unin,  3,  h'li:<ih,i/i.  Oct.  o,  18)7;  d.  Oct.  11,1847, 
umn.  4,  Or.h'".  b.  ])ec.  S,  181<);  d.  Mav  20.  1S47;  m.  Ana-.  2."3.  1^30.  Sanmel  A.  .Miles; 
3  chil.  ."),  Phflx,  Oct.  23,  ]s21;  in.  Se'pt.  10,  1S40,  William  Ihill;  (2)  June  11.  1803, 
liichaid  II.  House;  7  cliil.  0,  .4'/,y"^c'"  JAnv/,  Mar.di  27,  182.');  d.  March  18.  185;  m. 
X.  1>.  i'orter,  civil  eni;-ineer.  0,  J'/wnlarc,  h.  Sej.:.  11,  is27;  m.  Awj;.  lis,  18.~)3.  Elizu- 
Ijetli,  dau.  of  Marcii.s  Baldwin;  ^.  i.  2.  Ei.r/.MiETii.  April  8,  1788;  d'  July  23,  1844.  of 
injuries  five  days  after  bein.o:  thrown  fioni  a  waeon;  in.  March  2,  1807,  Nehemiah,  s.  of 
Eicliard  Bristol.  He  was  Capt.  of  X'.  Y.  and  Liverpool  packet  before  the  days  of  titeam 
on  the  ocean.  He  was  a  lirst  rate  saihir,  and  commanded  some  of  tlie  best  ships 
in  the  trade.  1,  Wi'li^m  A,itl,nn,/.  b.  ISUT:  <1.  v.  2,  M'iUinhi-  Anihotnj .  An^--.  27,  1809; 
111.  Mary  Dodd.  3,  EUznh.iJt  Att'n,  24,  I8"l2;  m.  Charles  Tibl)als.  4,  ./"////  Kahn. 
Oct.  2G,"l81o;  m.  ],ucy  A.  'I'ildials.  .">,  Arifift'Jcs.  Awy.  11,  ISli^;  m.  YXv/.-a  (Oappincr) 
Street.  0,  Amos  Snn(/i.  Sept.  15,  1820;  Dea.  2d  ('(Miii:.  chh.,  Milford;  -m.  ]']rr/,abeth,  dau. 
of  Galpiii  Hiirby.  7,  riiimas  S.'oir,  June  15.  1823;  Treas.  .Milford  Savin;,^s  Bank.  Has 
been  mem.  Conn.  Lenr. ;  jj,    Elizabeth  Tibbals,  ,sis.  of  Charles;    (2i   Ann  Maria,   dau.  of 

Isaac  ]5aldwin  and  wid.  of  \\'estover:  (3) I'ratt.       i.  by  1st  m. :      1,  Cornelius, 

now  (1883)  freshman  in  Y,  C.  8,  JaiLc  Stmr,  VA).  27,  1825;  m.  Jane  Lauixrid^'-e.  1, 
Frederick.     2,  Frauk.       9,  Ban  Allen.  May  21.  bs2S:  d.  y.      10,  7v/.vr/;?/.^  jr.dnas.  March 

0,  1880;  m.  Mary  Jane  Hijrbv,  sis.  of  Elizabeth.  3,  Cii.\Ki.ofiK,  March  5,  1791;  dec; 
m.  I'ri  Tuttle  [p.  4>;2]. 

VH.     Phineas,  m.  .\uo-.  14.  1797.  Mary  I'latt.     He  d.  1811.     1,  ^r.vncts,  m.  Feb.  18, 

1834,  Mary.  dau.  of  ]5eard  Baldwin.     2,  LfKE,  d.  umn.'    3,  H.s.nnau  M.\kia,  m.  Oct.  18, 

1835,  Louis  Ferris. 

4.  Nalhauiel   Stow,  of  Concord,  ^Lass. ;    will    dated    June   8.1001;    m.  Elizabeth 

,  wlio  d.  June  s,  lOill;  (2)  Autr.  20.  Ifi02, .      1,  J'Mi.v,  b.  June  29,  1057;  d.  inf. 

2,  Haxnaji,  d.  May  14.  1058.  3,  Tiianki  i  i,,  Jan.  4,  lOOO.  4.  Samlef.,  named  iu  will 
of  Ids  unch',  Ib'V.  Samuel    Stow,  1702.       /.  bv  2d  m. :       5.  Euenkzf.K,  I).  Jnn<' 28,  ICif.S. 

1,  .l;«'/.v,  .\pril  15.  1718.  1.  Amos.  b.  Xf>v.  20,  1750.  (1),  Joseph  Appleton,  Oct.  7,  17;15; 
of  \\'isconsin.-    IJev.  \Yni.  1\  Stone  of  Milwaukee. 

5.  Samuel  Stow,  b.  E!!i,dand  1024;  Harv.  Col.  1045;  tan.-ht  scliool  at  l^oxbury; 
ju'eached  at  Ciielnisford,  Mass.;  next  at  Ciu)  rlestow  n;  next  at  t.'oncwrd:  rem.  to  Middle- 
iiAvn,  (."onn.,  li',52;  first  preacher  tln_M-e  105;)-(;:];  ufw-cwards  pn^ichi'd  at  Windsor,  Farni- 
iiiLMin  and  \N'ether^;tie]d:  ^-ave  land  in  Mid.  for  edueatinnal  piirp  S's;  founded  tin-  <'oni,'-. 
chh.  at  Simslniry,  Conn.  May  s<'ss..  1095,  thaidvs  of  the  (ieiieral  Court  reiurned  to  Mr. 
Stow  for  his  i/(V/.  uft/ie  AiiU'il.i  iif  y./r  J-J,!'/..  whieh  he  had  ]irepared  v.ilh  -Teat  jKiins 
and  labor.  Will  dated  Au<r.  1-.  1702;  d.\MHV  8,  1704;  m.  .Mav  8,  lOl't,  Hope,  dau.  of 
William  Fleteher  of  Chelmsford,  .Mass. 

1.      J<din.  b.  .!uee  10,  105(!.  in.  E.-ther  Wilco:^. 
II.      bdiubod.  b,   Feb.  20,   1053;  m.  Marv  Atwater. 

111.      lloue,  !>.  Feb,  4,  105t');   m.  Feb.  i;;,'l077.    Abr.iham    Smith.       She   d.    X(»v.    17, 
1078.  five  davs  rfter  deuth  of  inf.      1,  Samiki,.  d.  Nov.   12    1078. 

094  Al'PKNDJX. 

r/"--      IV.     Dorothy,  b.  Aug.  1,  IHoD;    d.  July   1-},   HVS;    in.  Jonatlmn    (Jilbert,  b.  1(31S;    t-" 

'i^     ,  children. 

'  V.     Kli/abc^th    b.  Anu;.  1,  UV:>2:  d.  Fd).  23,  17:57;  ni.  Nov.  19,  IG'Jl,  Mavbt^-c  Barnes, 

-  /      s.  of  Thomas  d.  Marcli  C,  174-^;  7  chil. 

VF.  'I'haidvfiil,  b.  .May.",.  li.;it:  m.  Caj.t.  William  Trowbrid-..,  b.  Nov.  ]■,>,  KWS;  s. 
of  William.  (See  Jfi'lh-  i-'s  IV'tf/ic'i/in  for  aeconnt  of  famim-  on  ]>assa,u,'o  of  17  \ve.,-K-.s  fi'om 
Fayal  in  sloop  of  .50  ti,n-^,  and  miracalou.s  lishinii-.  Arrived  at  Xew  Haven  Oct.  1(1, 
lGy7.)  1,  'riiANkFiJ.,  .^ept.  :.'.■).  J(;s7.  •-',  K\rK!!ii;\rK,  ;May  :2o,  KJ'.A).  :;,  Auk.aii,,  b. 
Nov.  4,  WXi;  d.  si.on.     4.  Wii.iia.m,  d.  Xnv..  Ki'Ji). 

VII.  Maro-aiet,  b.  .March  lo,  imr,-.  d,  1-Vb.  (>,  173'.);  m.  Sc])!.  2.  ICS)-?,  Bcriah  Wct- 
niore  of  Middletown,  and  had  amonir  others:  4,  H  AN.NAt!.  b .  .May  2,  1 70:!;  m.  her  eons, 
yeth  \\'etmoi-t-;  hi-.  2d  wf.  She  d.  .\[ay  1,  1748.  He  ni.  (M)  Hannah,  dau.  of  Kev.  Tim- 
otliv  Edwards. 

Vlil.  IJachel,  b.  March  13.  li;;6a-7;  d.  Jan.  8,  1722;  m.  May  13,  l(;;l3,  Izrahiali  Wet- 
more.  1.  };kv.  IznAiiiAH,  b.  Jane  2>;.  Id'.i3.  2.  Stow,  li.  Jan.  4,  KJ!)!.  :'.,  -Iami's,  Dee. 
lil,  l&J'r,  Pastor  * 'on,!;',  elih.  at  >;o.  Haven;  afterwards  rector  Epis.  clili.  ;it  live,  \vlierc 
sec  memorial  ta.idet;  m.  Ann  Hwight.  1,  'J'unnth;/,  Attorney  (Jeneral,  Province-  (d'  New 
Brunswick.  2,  Jo.iuca,  of  Hye,  X.  Y.  3,  Alf/cyr,  m.  liev.  Joseph  T>an\son.  4.  A/nn,  m. 
Gilbert  Brundace.  ."i,  Clnnitii.  m.  Josiah  Piudy.  from  ivhom  the  Purdys  of  iJye.  0, 
Edher.  m.  David  Brown;  (2)  Je^se  Hunt,  Hii^h  S'herilT,  Westchester  Co.."  1  :.s().  "4,  Uii- 
A]'-OU,'l).  April  18.  IC'JS.  1,  lr],<i\,..d.  1,  .Miiiy,  m.  .hily  7,  ISK.i,  .Vr.drew  M:ither.  il), 
Hon.  J.  P.  C.  Mather,  Sec.  of  State,  Conn.  '  h.  Smtii,"  b.  Nov.  bS,  1700;  m.  Martraret 
S<mthniavd,  wid.  of  Samuel  Gavloid;  (2)  llannali  XN'etmore.  I.  bv  2d  m.:  1,  .S./A,  Oct. 
9,  1743;  "m.  (2)  .March  27.  17!)i,  1/.icret:;i,  dau.  of  Stephen  W;inier.  and  wid.  of  Jnh-i 
>Scott,  and  had  12  chil,,  of  whom  Julia,  b.  Jan.  21,  17i)2;  m.  John  C.  Bush  of  X.  Ilav., 
and  had  among  others,  Harriet  Wetiuore,  b.  Ajui!  2,5,  l.Sbj;  m.  E.  .M.  N.  Starr,  .\dj.- 
(•'en.  Conn.  Mil.  6,  Jb;iii:.MiAH,  Nov.  8,  1703;  m.  Feb.  •,^'>,  172.7;  Abigail  Butler.  7, 
Cai,kjj,  Jnly,  170G.      fS,  Jusiaii,  1).  170S. 

5.1.     John  Stow,  1'.  June   in,  lt;,.-,0;  d,  June  30,  1732,  a.  S2;  "•])er,   that  John  Stow- 
■^v'lio  was  wounded  in  iving  Philip's  war." — S^d'ufjc;  m.  l()7.s,  E.-:.ther,  da.u.  (,>1'  Sergt.  ^^'m. 
Cornwall  and  wid.  of  John  Wilcox,  b.  IG.oO;  d.  May  2,  1733,  a.  .'^3. 
'I.      Hoi>e,  b.  Se|>t.  10,  1079;  m.  Capt.  George  Phillips.  ' 
II.      Samuel,  b.  1G84;  d.  Nov,  17UG. 
HI.     Thankful,  b.  1G«— :  d.  1703. 

511.     Hope  Stow,   b.  Sept.   10,    1G7H;   d.  March  18,  174G;  m.  Sept.  29,  1707,  Capt. 
CJeorge  Phillips,  who  d.  Oct,  8,  1747. 
1.     Hope  J'hillips, 

II.     Mare-aret  Phillip.s,  b.  Anir.  13,  1713;  u.  Sept.  G,  174S;  m.  Jabez  Hamlin. 
HI.     Samuel  Phillips,  b.  Xov,\^0.  171.7. 

IV.  (ieorge  Phillips,  b.  Aug.  22,  1717;  m.  Ins  cous.  Haniudi  Phillips,  who  d,  17G9: 
bed.  of  small-pox  by  inoc,  1778.  1,  (7iX)K<;k,  bap,  April  8,  17.70;  m.  March  17,  177G, 
Esther  Arnold.  2,  Thompsox,  b,  17.72;  m.  Xov.  4,  177(;),  Abigail  Cornwell.  3,  IlANXAit, 
b.  Aug.  4,  17.71;  m.  Oct.  11.  1774,  Hon.  \\'m.  Cushing,  .histice  Suiu-eme  <_'onrt  V.  S. ; 
ai)p.  by;  .V.  /,  4,  Hoi'i:,  b.  17.7G;  m.  Aug,  24.  1777,  \\\\\.  \^'arner.  .7,  Mai;- 
GAiucr,  b,  17.7'.,';  m.  Oct.  8,  1777,  Lloyd  Bowers.     G,   PiKi;i'o.\r. 

5111.  Hope  Phillips,  b,  March  17,  1711;  d.  Dec.  1,  1  r3G;  m.  March  17,  1731. 
Ejiajdiras  L(.rd  of  Weiherstield,  b.  1700;  d.  Xov.  2-7,  1799,  a.  90;  he  m,  (2)  Eunice,  dau, 
of  Bev.  John  Bulklev  of  Colchester,  Conn. 

I.      Ei>aphras  L(.rd.  b.  Oct.   1,  1732;  d.  y, 

II.     Samu(  1  Pliillii>s  hord,  b.  Oct.  28,  1734;  res.  E.  Haddam,  Conn. 
lU.       Hope, 

51113,     Hope  Lord,  1-.    Dec,    1,  173G;  d.  Dec,  11,  1798;  m.  Aug.  27,  17.74,  Amasa 
Jones  of  Colchesier,  ^\■!lo  d,  at  Harlf,,  Feb,  24,  178.J,  a.  .77, 
I.      I>aniel  Jones,  b.  Aug,  2.s,  l~,:C,. 
li.      Amasa  Jones,  b.  Julv  27,  17.77. 
HI.      Samuel  Phillips  J. mes,  b,  Sr-pt,  23.  17.79. 

I\'.      Hope  .bmes,  b.  X'ov.  1,  17G1;  m.  Hora<-e  Se\  nnnir,  LL.D.  (;f  Lansini;-biug,  X'.Y. 
V.      I'i)a;>lir;is  .bm.-s,   b.  Fel«.   Pl,   170!, 
VI.      Kichard  f,,  .lones,  1).  June  17,   1  7G7. 
VII,      Abigail  Warren  Jones,  b.  April  23,  17G9;  m,  Charles  Selden  of  Troy,  X,  Y.      1, 
Hon.  Di;i>i.T';v  Sei.dex. 


VIII.  (>'porii<^  .Toni's,  m.  Bngardiis  of  ('at-slcill,  X.  Y. 

IX.  Williain  Jones,  m.  Eunice  Bueklund. 

X.  Mary  .Joiu's. 

XI.  Haiiuah  Jones,  jii.  Josialk  Sherman. 

511131.  Daniel  Jones,  b.  Auy.  2S,  IT.j-");  mercli.  at  Ilartf. ;  Major  Gov.  Foot 
C-ruards:  ti\.  March  !I,  17"^1,  ('live,  duu.  of  Silva.ims  'rUiker.  Es(i.,  ^^■ho  d.  Felj.  T.  1  TSS, 
a.  -yt;  [-2)  Oct.  7.  IT'JS,  Khoda,  dan.  of  Dr.  ("liarh/.s  Matlier,  who  d.  Nov.  'JG,  lS-17,  a.  SI; 
I).  E.  Windsor,  Conn.,   I'd),  i;,  ITt',? . 

1.      .Naucv,  III.  S''iit.  80,  l'>rt4,  Ih-nrv  Isiiur  of  llartf. 
II       i:iizai)cth,  m.   Ai-ril  isi,,"),  Nolde  Day/Esci.,  of  New  I'n'stcai. 

III.  Olivia,  III.  S'-pt.  -21,  ]S11,  i;.'v.  Jer."iiii;ih  I.)a\  ;  Y.  C.  Il'.to;  succerded  Tiiiioiliy 
I)\vi:;d)t  as  Pres.,  l.'-ilT  to  IS-iO;  in.  (I)  Jan.  T^^O"),  Martlia,  <lau.  of  ]i')--er  Sherman,  who  d, 
April  4,  \iiOC),  leavino- s.  Sherman  Dav,  h.  Feb.  14,  IsOu*.  1.  Maktua,  b.  Feb.  !.">,  ISl:'.; 
d.  Dec.  '3,  1n;«.,  2,  Jehkmtaii,  b.  July  1,  IMo;  d.  J).-c.  4,  ISKj.  ;j,  IIkxkv,  b.  Nov.  4, 
1S17;  d.  Fell.  17,  1^:^41).  4,  Ih.iZAiiKTn.  Ij.  Dec  L'4,  U-'JO;  in.  Sept.  Hi,  ISKi,  'rh(.mas  A. 
Tliacher;  Y.  <;'.  IS- o:  tutor.  ls:><-42:  Prof.  Lauii  since  isl",' to  present  time.  1888.  1, 
Janir^  Kliij-<hi/,  h.  Oct.  l;>.  1S47;  Y.  (.'.  IsCS;  tutor;  M.  D.  5,  M auv,  b.  Nov.  o,  1^2:3;  d. 
March  28,  ]s2;).     U,   Oi.iviA,  !.■.  Sept.  24,  182G.      i.  hy  2(1  in.: 

IV.  Kev  Henry,  h.  1801 ;  V.  C.  1820;  pastor 'Coiiir.  clih.  at  Xew  Britain,  Conn. : 
Pres.  Female  Si/m.  at  Greenlield,  Mass.,  wlu're  h"  m.,  1828,  dau.  of  i>r.  Noah  ^^'el)ster; 
since  Ibo'J  conducted  a  colle^-iate  school  on  (iohh'n  Hill,  Bride:r])ort,  Omin.,  where  he  d. 
Nov.  9,  1^7S.  1,  W'kkstek  JO-\e.s,  M.  D.,  Chicago,  111.  2,  DaT.,  m.  Pev.  Thomas  K. 
Beecher,    D.  1). 

V.     Daniel,  b.  1802. 

52.  Ichabod  Stow,  h.  Feb.  20,  K;.-.:^:  d.  March  25,  1G04;  m.  Oct.  22,  1G8S.  Mary, 
dau.  of  David  Atwaxer  of  New  Hav.,  b.  March  31,  l(j(!2. 

I.     AbiKail,  1).  Jan.  2o.  ba]i.  Jan.  29,  1602;  d.  Oct.  19.  1099. 

II.  lloj^e,  h.  Oct.  31,  bap.  Nov.  4,  1094;  d.  Jan.  23,  1703;  m.  Dec.  13,  17ns,  J-Jiiel 
Hav.ley;  his  name  appears  in  Durham  as  ownine-  real  e.state  there  in  17il8,  which  he  sold 
1712  and  afterwards  rem.;  ho  was  drowned  in  C'lum.  river,  Jiuv  1'.).  1721.  1,  ^Iakv,  b. 
Au^^  22,  1711,  bap.  Sept.  12,  1714.  2,  Hoi-K,  b.  June  30,  hap'.  July  17.  1719:  m.  Se]n. 
13,  1739,  Jolm  Lvnnin  of  Middletown,  ("\uin.,  b.  April  9,  1717.     1,    C'ltluninc,  h.  Nov.  8, 

1741;  in.  Lot.  Benton.     2,  ll'nuah,  b.  June  19,  1743;  m.  Pev.  Willi.ston.   3,  K^thu\ 

b.  Feb.  17,  1742:  in.  David  r>eecher,  3d  \d'. ,  motlier  id'  Dr.  Lyman  Beecher,  and  d.  of 
cons,  two  davs  after  b.  of  Lyman;  lie  m.  (4)  Eli/.aljeili  Iloadley;  (.")!  Mary  Lewis  Elliot. 
Jolin,  b.  Jan".  13,  1744.  5,  'Ducid,  b.  A[n-il  21,  1740;  bap.  in'ovNn  house  by  reason  of 
sickness  of  mo.  and  child,  by  Pev.  Nathaniel  Chauncey.  Mrs.  H.  W.  15.  Starr  of  Mid- 
dletown lias  a  full  record  of  the  Stow  family,  to  whom  we  are  indel'ti^d  for  a  part  of  the 
above  ^-en.ealogy. — s', ,•  '\Y,j)at,rt  fhnc'lo'jij. 

6.  Thankful  Slow,  ni.  Dec.  4,  1G49,  John  Piei'pont  of  Poxbury,  s.  of  James  and 
Marg-aret  Pierpont.  James  came  over  to  see  his  ss.  John  and  Pobert,  and  d.  in  America. 
Joliu  P.  a.  Dec.  7,  1862,  a.  04.   ■ 


The  Pierpont  liu.'  is  traced  back  to  liobert  de  Pieri)ont,  wlio  came  with  the  Con- 
qunrer  to  England.  The  seventh  in  descent  from  Pobi-rt  was  Sir  Henry  of  Holme  Pier- 
l)OHt.  in  riiiht  of  his  wf. .  Annora.  dau.  of  Michael  Manvers,  Lord  of  Holme.  From  this 
Henry  it  is  ten  u-enerations  to  Pobert,  who  was  created  Earl  of  Ivingston,  in2s,  wlio-e 
last  n"iale  descendar.r  v/as  Evelyn  Pierpont,  2d  duke  ol  Kingston,  who  d.  s.  i.  1173.  The 
al)ove  Pobeit  of  1028  had  a  youneer  brother  William,  the  father,  it  is  said,  <if  James, 
who  came  to  .-\mcrica  witli  two  ss. ,  John  and  Pioberl.  John  settled  in  Hoxbury,  Mass., 
and  m.  Thankful  Stow;  i.: 

I.      'IJiaiikful,  b.   Nov,  20,  bap.  Dee-.  2,  1019;  d.  soon. 
11.      Jolm,  b.  Jiilv  22,  1(;.-,1;  d.  .soeui,  iinbap. 
111.      John,  b.  Ort"  28,  ba}.,  3,1,  10:)2:  d.  Dec,  30,  1090,  unm. 
]y.      pyperience,  1).  Jan.    1,  bap.   Fele  18.  lOoo. 
V.      Ir.f.'int,  b.  .\u'j:.  4,  li>."i7;  <1.  soon,  unba]). 
\[.     Ja-.ies.  b.  Jan.  4.  bap.  S,  li.^jO. 

VII.  Kbene'.er.  b.  Dec,  21,  bap.  '^■2,  1001:  m.  Oct.  20,  10'J2,  Marv,  dau.  of  Samuel 

\i[].     Thankful,  b.  Nov.  18,  1003. 



IX.     Joseph,  b.  April  8,  JGGO;  bii.  in  Cainliridgo;    d.  Feb.  2.1,  1087;    ])rob.  a  stiubut 
in  collcg-e. 

X.      Bonjaiiiin,  b.  July  •:?(■),  lOGS;    Ihirv.    Col.    IG^IJ;    minister  at   Cliarlcstoii,  S.  (,' 
\v]ier(.'  he  (I.  IGl)^.  "  .    -•     ■, 

.  Jaincs  Pierpont,  b.  Jan.  4,  IfiGO  or  ir,.")!):  Ilarv.  <.'ol.  IGsl;  onlabicd- Pastor 
■of  the  lyt  chh.  in  X.  llav.,  July  '2,  IGS.j;  sii'Tt'ssor  of  John  l^avcniiort.  llr  d,  Xor.  'j', 
171J,  and  if  bu.  inuU'r  ;1il'  invsent  ("ontvr  clih.  A  n'.cii.orial  tahh^t  in  this  ehh.  has,  iil 
addition  to  the  abovr  facts,  tin-  (■njrrav.-d  arms  o|'  the  Pirrpunt  family,  and  that  he  ni'ii: 
istt'rod  faithfully  r<ir  oO  yrs.,arul  thi.i  in^i-rip!  ion :  ■' Ilhs  i;-rai-ious  rifts  and  fi-rvcnt 
l)iety,  jiorsuasivt.',  elegant  and  winnini;;  manmu-.s  -were  devonlly  sjien't  in  the  service  of 
his  Lord  and  .Alaster;''  and  •"  lie  \vas  oiu'  of  t),,'  founders  of  ""i'ale  C\ille;;e."  •• 'I'li,. 
paper^s  of  thi'  college."  sa.ys  Prof.  J)e^;ter,  "  bear  liis  impress  dnrin.^;  his  life  in  X.  llav. 
(IGSl-l  ril)  more  than  any  other,  and  the  settlenuuit  of  the  college  liere  was  hut  a  ful- 
lilhnent  of  one  of  his  |,!;uis."  lie  m.  Oet.  27,  IGdI,  Al)igail,  dau.  of  l.'ev.  Joiin  Paven- 
port,  who  d.  about  four  m-mths  after  m.,  Feb.  ;j,  Pl'.)l-2.  n.  2l);  (2)'.Mav  IJO.  IG'Ji,  at 
Hartf.,  Sarah,  dau.  of  b'ev.  Josejih  Haynes.  wlio  d.  Oct.  7,  IG'JG,  a.  2;!;  (■'•)  IGKs,  Ma'rv. 
dau.  of  Kev.  Samuel  Hooker  of  i'"armino-ton.  and  rr.  dau.  of  Kev.  Thonnis  Hooker  of 
Hartf,,  b.  July  S,  1G7;}:  d.  N.-v.  1.  1740.^   /.  by  2d  m  : 

I.     Abigail,  b.  Se]>t.  ID,  1G9G;  m.  Nov.  tj,  1714,  Ilev.  Joseph  Xoyes,  od  minister  at 
X.  Hav.      /.  by  ;!d  m. : 

]I.      James,  b.  Mav  21,  101)9:  m.  Sarah ■:  (2)  Anne  Sherman. 

HI.     Samutd,  b.  l).":'e.  :!(i.  ITdO;  Y.  C.  ]71S;  d.  Mandi  IT,,  172:;. 

IV.     Mary,  b.  X(.v.  2;J,  1702;  m.  Aug.  19,  17PJ,  P.ev.  William,  eld.  /.  of  Pev.  Xoa- 
diah  and  Mary  (Hamlin)  iius.-ell.  b.  Xov.'20,  Pi'.iO;   V.  <.'.  Tutor;  succeeded  his  father  as 
pastor  of  tlie  (dili.  at  Mhldletown.  ami  d.  June  1,  17G(). 
V.     Joseidi,  b.  Ort.  1,  170-1:  m.  Hannah  Ihrss-ll. 
^'l.      Penjaniln,  1..  .luh'  IS,  d,  Dec.   17,  170G. 
Vlf.     Benjamin,  O.-t.  K,,  17u7;  Y.  C.  172G;  d.  ]7,SG. 
Vlll.      Sara'h,  b.  Jan.  '.).  170'J;  m.  Jonathan  Kdwards  [p.  ;176]. 
IX.      lie/ekiah,  b.  May  G,  1712;  m.  Lydia  Hemingway. 

6G1.     Abigail    Piorpoiut,    b.   Sept.   10,  1G9G:    m.    Xov.    G,    I71G,    Rev.    Jo.<-p]i 
oS'oyes,  b.  IGSS;   Y.  ('.,  liO'j;  J'utor  4  years;  ord.  j.astor  First  <dili.,  Julv,   NIG;  had  sev. 
chil.,  of  wlioiu  only  l.s.  and  3   daus.  lived  to  b.>  m.      He    wa-'  s.  of  P.ev.  James  2So}e.s  of 
Stoniugton,  Conn.  "  Ho  d.  June  IG,  17G1,  a.  7;J. 
i:     John. 

II.      Abigail,  m.  Tliomas  Darling.    1,   Aim; .vii. ,  m.  Hon.  Charles  Chanuev  fp    lOJ  1 
HI.     Sarah,  m.  Col.  Chester  of  \\'ether.>.tield,  Conn. 

G611.  Johii  Noyes,  Y.  C.  17r>6;  licensed  to  ]>reach,  17o9;  d.  Xov.  .■").  17G7,  a.  e2: 
m.  Mary,  dau.  oi' Pev.  .bise|,h  and  Kebocca  Peaboily  Fish.  She  m.  (2)  17  7.1,  Lbdd  Sel- 
leck  Sullivan,  and  was  mothi>T  of  Prof.  Benjamin  Sullivan. 

1.     John,  b.  Aug.  27,  17G0;  Y.    C.    1779;    ordained    at    Xorthfield  Parish,  Faiilield 
Co.,  Conn.,  17SG;  m. .March  S,  17SG.  Kunice  Sherwood,  ^vho  d.  March  2.'j.  1S21,  a.  (il;'(2) 
Oct,  IG,  1.S27,  FannySwann  of  Stonnimrton,  b.  Julv,  9,  177G.     1,  S.'vMfKi,  Siii;i;u  (ioi>    \> 
May  20,  17S7;  M.  D. :  set  at  Xew   ('anaan.    Conn,    i.SH;  m.    X'ov.  ;l,  ispj,    K-tlier   Ch.'ip- 
man,  b.  June  .1,  1790.      1,    Snn/hK    h.    March    12.    INM.      2      Jirnj^nnin    Xov     10     l^IG 
U7///V'//,.,  Hoc.  10,  I.SIS.     4,   ,//,''///   C//. ';»/«.///,  Julv   2.").    1.^2').     .->,  Vv,, /,•/,'..     An--    7     1>22- 
<1.  March  12,  ls,-)7.     G,  J.isluh  Chain,, an.   Jan.    22,   is24;d.    Mav   22     bS-l'o      f   .fohn    h 
A].ril  11,  is2i;;    d.  Oct.  22.  ls,l;j.       ^i,   Khz.ilwth.  h.    .Mav   14,    1S28.     '  '.).  J.n,,,^' ])„ ,/  h. 
Se]if,  17,  1.8-'J0;  d,  Dec.  4.  IS.M.     2.    M.vitv.  b.  Xov.  2,  i7Ss.     ;!.  John,  b.   Mav  11     17iiO 
4,  \Vii,ii.\.\r,  1),  May  2;;,  1792.     h.   Fiik.nk/.ku,    I).    .March   27,1791.     g!,  Feb. 
-1,  179G;  d.  April  21,  ISbl.     7,  Ci[.\i:!,i-;s,  h.  .June  2:!,  1 79:>;  d,  -hilv  9    iN21       ,s    Fu'nkt 
b.  Aug,  21,  ISOO;  d.  F,4.,    12,,     9.   Bi;i:i:,    Au>x.  91,  b^itij;  Y.   C.    1.^24;  set.  at  Sav- 
brook.  Conn.;  d.  July  2,  1S:;0. 

6G2.     Jaines  Pierpont,  b.  May  2l,  1099;  Y.  C,  KIS;  tutor,  1721:  d.  June  P^    177G: 

m,  Sarali .  whod.  Si-pt.  2S,   ]  7.VJ.  a.  4:!;  (2)  ManJi  2s.  n.'il,   .\nne  Sherman. 

\.      Fvelyn,  b.   .March  IG.   1  7.-)."i.     Fordesc.,  sn-  J[i/d,'s  I,',,,.,  p,  :H(),     1,  A  <.'i;.  Dvi". 

of  Fvelyn;    m,  (buHPeli  and  had;      1,     117^/:7.v  ./.   r ,-.;./,/,v, // of    Wal  lino-ford,  Conn,      2. 

Kocli/n.  y.  i.\    has  lieen  mis4ni:-  birleijf  .■'  r'cntury:  prob.  dio\viiod  ai  -m-k      ;;.  '/.',  c.   //,.-,- 
Ai'./A  of  \\'e-r.  X.  Y.;    il  ii'.iug  is  ilie  le-al  Inir  to  tie-  earlier  Pieri)  uit  honors,  aecordinu' 
to  the  Ihiglish  law  of  SMcces-.i,  .n :  I),  abt.  ls(i();  pvinu'  iu  1S7.'). 
11.     Pol)ert,  1).  .)k\\w  i;!,  17.17. 



lir.  .Tanv.s,  h.  .h-Ay  'J7.  1701;  in.  ]  7S'3,  Kli/.al.ctli,  dan.  nf  CliaH.-s  and  Ann.;  Hun- 
tington Collins  of  Litchlicld,  (.'onn.  1,  .T(_)iix,  h.  .Vjiril  G,  ITSo;  Y.  ('.  Isnl-;  stud,  law  in 
Litchliold;  adin.  toluir  in  Co.,  Mass.;  al't.Tw.  ni.Tcli.  in  P,altini(ii-i' and  T.oston ; 
sttid.  ThfO.  at  Ifafv.  and  ord.  niin.  nf  lldllvst.  I'nit.  cldi..  I'-.-.-iton.  Mass;  author  >,['  ^[ir.s- 
vf  J'alixlua  ii\id  oxlu-r  ]>ni'\\i^.  An  allillcnitive  iuoi-ri |it idu  (u\  his  li-.u' nmiiunirnt  in 
Aiibui-n  c-Mnt-tcry  reads:  "  l>oet,  Patrinr,  I'n'ariu'V,  I'hiln.Miphrr,;"  m. 
dau.  of  Hon.  Lyndi_'  L«-rd;  (:?)  Mary  Slirhhui,  h.  17N7;  d.  Au^-.  2o,  lyO-l,  a.  (iS.  2,,  n).  Sidnia  l]uni!-.ruii   [p.  (j'7]. 

IV.  David,  h.  Julv  -Ji.;,  17(il;  ni.  Sarah.  Phelps.  ],  Kow.viiTj,  h.  Julv  1 .  1  TltH;  d. 
Ano-.  ij,  lS71;ni.  Oliv  JMalie^h'e,  1,.  May  1,  1  TSU.  1,  {;,;,n/c  o!  ThuiiKistnwn;  ('--n;!.; 
2  dans.  •.\  Aiidrcr  i>(  l.iKddi.d,!;  -j  (huis.  :j,  /v/.r,//-,/,  lives  at  old  linniestead  in 
field.  1,  Albert.  'J.  Kr.'ih.rick.  >],  Nellie.  4,  Chai-lcx.  e,  \Vaki:i.x.  !..  Au-.  7,  17'J'): 
m.  Feb.  iij,  iy.':3,  Polly  JJlakeslee;  res.  W.  Hlonnili.dd,  N.  Y.,inlSSi).  l',  Julia  K. 
(Clcnions),  b.  Ang.  is',  Is-Jl;  .v.  /.  '2,  S.irah  A.  (I'.arnard).  b.  F<-b.  17,  1S-J7;  twice  m.  1, 
Sarah,  o.  Aimer  A.,  I>.  March  14,  lN-^!»;  d.  Ma\  -.27,  ]<Vy.  4,  ,s'.  X,ls>,ii.  b.  Xov.  9, 
1'830;  res.  (Jwassee,  Mhh,;  ;j  chil.  5,  Hnh, ,(,  b.  Maich  'j:),  ]s:;7;'  res.  ISIie'  I'laiiids,  Kan- 
sas; .")  chil.  G.  JA'/y/ .1.  (.t^niith),  b.  Feb,  4,  ISIO;  res.  Mearlville,  Pa. ;  4  chil.  ;?,  Ibm. 
lior.KKT  of  Rutland.  \i.  4,  Hon.  John,  b. .  hitchiield.  Conn,  ISOG;  d.  Nov.  IS,  IssJ]; 
<:"hief  Justice  of  Vt. ;  m.  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  (jen,  Ville  Fawrcnce  of  Veruenm-s.  1,  J)(ih., 
m.  Albert  ^^'.  CJobb  of  Chicago,  111.  2,  ILurij,  ni.  an  adojned  dau.  of  I'avid  Favis,  F. 
S.  Sen.  from.  HI.,  and  \.  Pies,  proifin. 

665.  Joseph  Pierpont,  b.  Oct.  21,  1704;  d.  Au>r.  G,  17.V2;  m.  Hannah,  fuh  child 
of  \U:\  .  Xinuliali  Fussell,  b.  Feb.  2-'>,  1707;  d.  .Juut-  G,  HOI,  She  m.  (-2}  Samuel  Sackett, 

F  Sanyicl,  b.  April  10,  1729;  d.  Dec.  22,  1S20;  m.  Sept.  2F  ]7oG,  Elizabeth 
Frost  [p.  29]. 

n.  Joseph,  b.  Sept.  FF  17?.0;  d.  Feb.  S,  ls24;  Y.  C.  1751;  m.  Feb.  175G,  Fvdia 
J^assett;  (2)  Anna  Flakeslee  of  Plyiuouth.  Conn.,  Oct.  2G,  1791.  He  was  town  clerk  of 
Kortli  Haven.  He  lived  in  a  hons<'  near  the  bridge  built  bv  St<  i.hen  Jacobs  [p.  29.]  1, 
F:zk.\,  July  11,  1757;  d.  Waterburv,  Jan.  5,  1S42.  2,  J()s"):)mi,  April  2S,  17GII;  d.  June 
50,  lS3u.  3,  KrssKf.L,  >Fiy.  17,  i7G:!;  rh  ]),.,;.  12,  1844,  Haniden.  4.  Fvdia,  Nov.  It-, 
17GG;  d.  Sei)t.  9,  178><,  Xo.  Hav.  5.  Frxv.  Oct.  21,  1771;  d.  Xov.  4,  1792.  G,  DAXiKr,, 
May  Ui,  1775;  m.  Sep;.  2G,  1799,  F-tlnr  Humision  of  lh'ni<len;  b.  1774;  d.'  Ang.  17, 
1SG4,  ii.^}Oi;  hed.  Xov.  IG.  ]f?5!;  sue.  his  f.  as  i,  <ierk.  J,  J^uhr,  I>ec.  lU,  IsoO;  m. 
Merritt  S.  Jun<'  15,  1S2;1,  s.  of  Philemon.  Siu'  d.  of  cancer,  Vr[).  2l,'ls51.  1, 
Daniel  Forenzo,  b.  0.\iord.  X.  Y.,  Aug.  14,  1S24.  2,  Bede  Eb/.a,  b.  O:a'ord,  X.  Y., 
i^cpt.  10.  1N2G.  ;;.  Harriet  Ann.  b.  Oxford,  X.  Y.,  Sejjt.  IS,  1828.  2,  IJii'-'^,  Amil  21, 
48(13;  d.  Aug.  ]S,  lt!83;  a  cou.stituent  member  (1845)  of  St.  Paul'-  (Fpis.1  chh.,  X.  Hav.. 
und  \Yarden  for  nn\ny  yrs. ;  m.  Sept.  28,  1821,  Sophronia  F. .  dau.  of  J. dm  and  Fucv 
<Till  of  Xo.  Hav.;  '2i  An-.  2l,lv;!2,  Crace,  dau.  of  H-riali  Rradlev;  /. .  a  dau. ,  m.  Austin 
B.  Fuller.  H.  hJsthrr,  Sept.  1,  1805;  m.  April  30,  1S29,  Ezra  Stiles";  rem.  1829,  into  the  J)r. 
'J'ruinbnll  house  in  Xwrth  Hav.  4.  //:•/?■/•/,'(',  Feb.  IM,  18J8.  5,  X/'///,  ih'c.  10,  isil.  G, 
Jand,  June  24,  1N]4.  7,  7.'"/'/.v.  .March  5,  1^:18;  m.  and  had  iloliart, .  Jos.'ph  and 
George.  7,  EzKA,  s.  of  Jose[dt  and  2d  \vf.  Anna  Blakeslee.  S,  CiiLoE.  9,  FrTiiKi-;. 
10,  Seabuhy. 

HI.  James,  b.  Oct.  2,  1732;  d.  Dec.  2,  1815;  jn.  Fvdia  Mansfield.  1,  Jamkp,  m. 
Lncinila  Todd,  [p.  259]. 

lY.      15enjamin,  b.  Jan.  7,  1734;  d.  Sept.  2i),  1812;  m.  D.m-.  17,  17G5,  Sarah  131akeslee. 
Y.     Hannah,  b.  Xov.  12,  173G;  d.    Ajiril    IG,  F81G;  m.  An--.    5.  1752,    Cai.t.  Samuel 
Sackett;  m.  (2)  Aljtd  Fiockett. 

YI.  Mary,  b.  Oct.  20,  173.'^,  d.  June  21,  1773;  m.  Fichard  Brockett.  1,  Joseph. 
13,  3F\i;v.     3,  (iiLi-:s.     4,   Fydi.v.     5,    HiciiAUji. 

Vil.     (Jile.-;.,  b.  June  4.  1741;  d.   Jan.  IG,  1S:;2;  m.   Jan.   2G,    17GG,    Elizabeth   Coo]'er. 

1,   l^fCiXDA,  Dec.  21,  17GG;  m. 4'od.1.     2.  J(.i;i.,  Oct.  9,  17G.\     ;;,   EsTifKU,  Oct.  27. 

1771;  m.  .(cs.-e  'J'utile  [p.  2.2G1.  4,  Ei  Nnr.,  Feb,  24,  1775.  5,  Z::!;  vit',  .lulv  20,  1779.  (1. 
(Jll.Ks,  M:,y  ;;],  17So;  d  a.  59;  m.  Sarah  liassett,  dau.  u\  .b—'  and  .\bbv"  Hlakesh-e  B. 
}4]  who  d.  at  res.  of  li,.r  s.  Ouy  Pierpont  at  Ib.ckbird,  1 11. ,  a.  .7!).  i2 1  Eunice  .Mun-  ],  S,tr<iL.  2,  K'',r,irdH,h.  1817;  \.C.  ls;',7;  tutor;  jud-e  suiirenu'  court ;  .Minis- 
ter to  Eng.;  FF.  1).  3,  Fl.mox.  4.  (Hv,  5,  Dai.,  m.  "Samuel  A.  Turtle  of  Ch.e- 

\  ill.  Abigail,  b.  June  G,  1743;  <1.  Feb.  13,  1M5;  m,  T^ee.  23,  17G2,  Caj.t.  Xoah  Ive.s 
(2)  Xov.  'M\,  17i;3.  o'eo.  Kilburn. 

F\.      Hezekiah,  b.  Sept.  27,  1745;  M.  Dec.  2G,  1771,  M.diitable  Co.>p>er. 
X.     Sarah,  I).  July  31,  1747.   d.  Jan.  -21,   17U1;  m.   I'eter  Eastman. 

698  ■  APPHXDIX. 

669.     Hczekiah    Pierpont,  h.  May  G,  1712;    d.  S^pt.  29,  ITil;    m.  Feb.  0,  ]:ati,  .; 

Lvdi;i.  Ili'iiiiiiLrvvuv.      lie  cl.  ^l■[)t.  2!.),  17-11.  '  -a 

I.     Jarril,,  b.  Fell.  11,  1737.  < 

11.,  b.  May  21.  ITlD:  in.  Oct.  20,  17(17,  Sanili.  (hiu.  of  X:itli;ini.-1  ami  Ifiuinah  1 

(Nirlial'~'>i,)   B. ■(■!.-,  1).  (I  -t,   1^',  1741:    '1.  Ai>i-il    l.'i,  is;;,-.,  a.  '.it);  yi->.       11.'   ,1.  Oct.  S,   ISO."),  '' 

1,  ilKZKKl.Vir,  1>,  Xmv.  ;;,  17t;S;  J.  Au^-.  11.  ISMS;  in.  AliUf  Maria  Constable.  1,  Kmihr 
Condahk,  m.  .Inscph  A.  }'cri-y.  2,  IhUri/  lj\!i;n,  b.Aui;-,  s,  ISOS,-  m.  Dor.  1,  ISll,  .\iiim 
Maria  Jay,  b.  k<<.'{,>1.  12.  isiO;  Pre.-;.  \\m.  iHiicvolfht  L-^ocic'ly  of  (i:ari- (■luijcli, .  Brooklvu 
ITei.ylits.  Mr.  P.,  in  connt-ctiou  with  liis  f. -in-law,  owns  dl)  a'-ri'^  on  Bro'il-ilyn  Iieiu-lii>, 
111  connection  with  others  founded  (ji'eeuwood  (/enietery  in  is;;."),  and  has  lieen  Vice-Pre.s. 
and  Pres.  since  1S:JS:  has  b^en  Vice-Pres.  of  tlie  Brooklyn  l'(  ri'ies.  One  of  thf  founder^ 
of  the  Geog-.  ;;'.oc.  and  Union  JiHagiie  (^"lub  of  .\.  Y. ;  (J  chil.       Of  this  fani.  is  Maw  Mou- 

tague  Pierpont:  Hanlet  Constable  Pierpont,  ni.  Edi^-ar   A.  Ivirtoii;  .Inlia  .lo-i-pliiu'e  Pie.r-  y 

pont,  \i\.  John  C'on.stabli,' in  ('onsttibh-vilh-:    Kllen  .\.  Pierjiont ,  ni.  l>r.  James  A.  ?\rui(.ir;  '■' 

Williaiii  Constable  Pier['oni,  win,  ti.  at  Pier;-epont  .Manor,  .lelfei-sou  Cm,.  X.  Y,;  Anna 
Con.stable  Pier[)ont,  who   m.    \'au\\'a,L'eiL)an,  ami  had  s,  0.  Iluix-it    \'an\\'a^'eniaii. 

2,  S.V7;.vii,  d.  Xov.  11,  1772,  a.  o  u)os.  ?,.  <.\\\.\n,i\.  .Mai-ch  :;,  177:;.  a.  .")  davs,  1,  Poi.i.v. 
d.  ^^ept.  20,  177ii,  a.  7  mos.  r,.  S.\kah.  b.  Ajnil  :].  177!:  d.  Feb.  12  17ss,'a.  \\  vrs.  il,' 
ITenky,  b.  Jim.  IS,  17s,".;  d.  Aw^.  8.  17'J(i.  7.  ILvnxati:,  1).  Fef..  B'.,  17T(J;  in.  lie'v.  (.hin- 
dius  Ilerrick,  who  d.  Mav  2<).  is:-]!,  a,  .">'>.  lb-  was  of  a  Feni.  Seni.  in  X'.  IF 
1,  Hnirif,  Mareli  o.  isn;j."  2.  ,y.7(/'  l'tcriu:„t,  F.-b.  10.  ]S(i."..  ;J,  Snrah  Mirln,  Marcli  .-). 
iSUii.  -i,  Edirard  Cb'iidi'if<.  IVb.  4.  ISll:  I'lvas.  Y.  C. ;  d,  Jane  11,  lSi;2.  ;>,  M.vhy.  b. 
April  'd,  177S;  ni.  Xov.  11,  17l)t;,  Edward  T.  <J"Biien,  \\\w  d.  M:iv  VA.  17!")9;  (2)  .Jan.  12, 
18'Jij,  Kleazer  Foster.  Y.  <_".  1S()2:  lawver.  1,  llair'i  J^d'-.ird.  Ort.  lo,  1707.  2,  FJ.r-u 
JLti/,  Xuv.  2.",,  1790.  i.  bv  2d  ni.:  :i,  Jfnri/  Ann,  (.)ct.  21,  ISDC.  4,  Kd,r,ird  I'n/,  -lau. 
12,  1N08:  d.  y.  5,  I'itjjMit  JJ.u'S,  Sept.  8,"lsii0.  (>,  J,',u<,-  X,  ,n!'\  Au,;.:.  Ki,  -[si\.  7. 
iC^fVUY'/'  iv7;/.'7.v.''(//-?/,  b.  May  20,  18B1;  Y.  C.  is;;4;  .lud^e  of  Probate;  Urate's  .\ttoniey; 
Rep.  Cand.  for  (lov.  of  Conn.;  m.  Jan.  2,  ls;!2.  .Mary  (.'odrin.uton  <d'  Fn.i;li-h  nativity.  1, 
William  J-Mward,  Y.  C.  IS'iO;  Editor  B'l.jy.i'o  C'lnn'  rrind  Adr,  rtisrr.  2,  J'leazer  Ivin-s- 
burv,  Y.  C;  lav.vrr.  3.  John  Pier]>on"t.  \  .  C. ;  M.F.;  X.  llav.  4,  Marv.  d.  Dec.  42, 
186-1,  a.  21.  8,  if,trrvf  S„,,f/,,  ,Marcli  4,  181.-,.  0,  Cnro/inc  Uwlrr,  Aiirir8,  lsl7.  10, 
Edirardfi.  Win..  March  28,  Isp);  d.  Aim'.  9,  1828.  >»,  Jotin,  b.  Au^^  8,  17S0;  d.  Ainal  12, 
18oG.     10,  Xatii.\x,  Oct.  ly,  1782. 

Maiy  Pierpord,  wf.  of  Thomus,  to  chh.  at  MiddU'town,  C(;!in.,  Fell.  14,  17G2. 

Elizabeth,  admitted  to  full  e,ini.  at  Middletown,  Conn.,  March  20,  1708;  ni. 
Richardson,  and  d..  Ins  wid.,  Oct.,  182G.  ;- 

Elizabetli,  dau  of  Thomas  Pierj.ont,  bap,  Midd.  Sept,  11,  1748.  ''' 

Sarah,  dau  of  Thoma.s  Pierpont,  bajx  Midd.  Oec.  8,  1751.  .       ■         .     .  f 

'  I 

TODD.  ^ 

Todd,  an  old  Scottish  tHini  for  b.x;  In^ncethe  use  of  that  animal  in  th-j  family  arms.  -: 

Adam  Todd   landed  in    X.  Y.    aluuit    17ltii,  from    Scotland;    his  desc.    are   uumerous;  { 

intf'rniarried  with  A.-tors,  Brevoi,irt>,  Sedgw  icks,  etc. 

An  Irish  Toild  set.  in  Pa.;  ancestor  of  Robei't  Todd,  iZ't.  gr.  f.  of  ^frs.  Pres.  Lincoln. 

Three  Yorl;>hire  fanulifs  of  'J'odds  set.  in  t!ds  country.  1,  Ya.  Tedd  of  wlioni 
Thomas  Todd  of  K\.,  Asst,  J  nd.i^e  F.  S.  Suin-emc'  CouH.  2,  Ma.^s.  4'od.l,  from 
John  Todd  of  (■luuleston,  lfi;;7;  furuislujd  alien,  to  Rev.  army  and  many  nun  of  dis- 
tinction.    3,   'J'lu-  (.'onn.  Todds. 

William  Todd,- ancestor  of  the  Conn.  fam..  lived  in  Pomfret,  York  Co.,  Fug.,  and 
was  f.  of  Mercy  and  Christopher. 

Chri.stopher  Todd,  b.  Pontrefracr,  Fn-,,  bap.  Jan.  11,  1(;i7;  v.-as  in  Xew  liav.m 
IC'-jO:  miller  and  farmer,  and  a  bid-.,  r.  In  lt;.")(j  bouglit  of  .b)>eph  t'lanc,  lot  iin  l-:im  st., 
belweeu  Orange  and  Church;  a.itcrvards  callei!  tlit-  Blm-  nurtiug  house  lot;  St.  Tlio:uiis' 
fhh.  standri  on  a  ]>art  of  it.  He  accjuired  considerable  |)r(,|)erty;  he  first  liire.l  tluui 
boug-ht  a  grist  mill,  erected   by  the  tov/n,  where  Whitney's  guu  factory  now  stands. 

;  loii,':^  knovu  .is   T(.il(rs  mill.  —  lu  r.  J'r.  J.  E.   Todil.      lie  madr  his  X  mark  fnr  ^iLciuiture; 
d.    April  2;S,  1086;  m.  Giiiri' Miil.llri.rtink,  (hiu,   of  .Mii-luid,    u  lio   had    I'nur   rliih  Ij^^sidcs 
liracp,  viz.:  Mutrhesv,  .Miolim-l.  Maiy  aiul  lif:-tt  r,  v/hM  ni,  ivlwunl  \\'iLi.;-l<_.-> worth. 
1  I.     John,  h.  \V)Vl;  111.  S:u-:.h  (ii'l  oc!' ;  (VJ)  Sarah  Jilark  man. 

i  II.      Saiiuu'l,  1..  Ki-l.-.;  111.  Mavy  liradley. 

III.      Mary,  1),  lG-17:  la.  Au<:-.    Ill,  ]lJii'\  i>aac  'i'uriicr,  s.  of  Capt.   Xatliaiiicl. 
1\'.     (irace,    b.    Dec'.    15,    KioO;   la.    Marcli    2,    Kitjy-'.),  IN'iilu-n    Matl.jck.  — /^u'A.nY^ 
{^u  Add.) 

V.,  Ix  Jiin"  IS,  K;.-,:;;:  in.  E!i/ahoth  hirown. 

VI.  Mt-roy,  i>.  Fth.  IS,  IDOV;:  m.  John  hla^rtt.  1,  Mkikv,  b,  1>h,..  1.-^,  IGTO.  ::.', 
Hannah,  Oct.  y,  I'JTS).  8,  S.vkaii,  .June:!.  Uis-J.  1,  Lydi.v,  Aiiu-.  ]i).  KJ^o.  .">,  Akicail' 
March  lo,  ](JS7-b.  G,  .Iuhn.  Jiilv  H,  l(J'.)l.  7,  .Ji>si:p;i,  April '19,  IC'.M.  y,  ];i:i;i:cc  v' 
March  1-1,  IGUl-o.     H,  .lo.-Ki-it,  JV-c.    U,  IGuT. 

1.     John  Todd,  bap.  D-c  :J.  l(k!-2;  m.  Xor.  -2?;,  IDGS.  Sarah  r;ill,ert,  (.lau.  of  M.atthmv, 
mil-  of  the  ••bfvcn  pillar-"  and  J>.-p.  'biv..!  wlio  d.  -April,   ld7"J;  CJ;  .\ui;-.  "20.  1C>77,  Sa.;-ah. 
dan.  of    luv.  Adam  Bl'unMn.aa.      Slu'    d.  Dec.  IG,  IG^S;   .-ho    was  .^1-:.  to    .Abigail,  who  nr. 
IGTI),  llc/.okiaii  I'iclcih.-^on  and  had.  JJev.  -Joiuitiiaii  Pirlcinson,  Trt's.  Col.  ofX.  .1. 
I.      Sarah,  b.  Aug.  '27.  lG7ii,  d.  Sopr.,  sin.      i.  bv  2d  in.: 
II.      Sarah,  b.  Mav  o,  d.  t»-i.  l'.>,  l(i7S. 

III.  John,  b.  May  II,  lii7!):  m.  Hannah  rnitlor. 

■  ]V'.  Jonathan,  b.  j-\d).  20.  IG'^O;   ni.  Sa:ah  -Mt:nriM.>n. 

V.  S.nruli,  b.  March  17,  d.  Jimc  2G   !il'^2,  >;n. 

VI.  :Mary.  b.  S^-).:.  2i;,  IG'':!;  d.  An...  9,d70;;,  nnia. 

VIJ.  Jo^:cph,  d.  num..  .Maivh  7.  17UJ. 

VIII.  Jo.viah,  ni.  Feb.  L's.  171. 1,  Elizabeth.,  dan.  of  MatihcAv  (.iilbert;  (2)  Abigail,  dau. 

of  Wni.  and  Marv  Fredericks.  whi>  d.  Anir.  G,  17uU.  "  ' 

IX.  Han.  b.'aud  d.  I'cc.    IG,  IG-;.^.      "  .  ■  . 

13.  John  Todd,  b.  May  n,  1G7!I:  d.  Sept.  21,  17-23;  m.  Feb.  9,  1708-9,  Haniudi 
Ballnr;  she  ni.  [;^}  Caleb  Tuttie  [p.   1 7GJ. 

I.      John,    b.  Xov.    ]o,  ]7UJ;    n\.    Hnniiah  ,      1,   John,    b.    Jan.    8,  17:'l-2.      '2, 

Hannah,  b.  A]'ril  lo,  173-1.  o,  Mini>\vi:i,i,,  b.  Sept.  6,  17:!G.  -1,  Klnathan,  b  Jan.' 
7,   17:J-'. 

11.     Joseph,  b.  Nov.  1,  1711;  ni.  Sarah  Punchard.     1,   ^^'ILLIA^r,  I).   Dec.  37.  1740. 

2,  JosKPH,  b.  Ang.  20.  17-13. 

HI.     Hannah,  b.  Au-.  11,  1714. 

IV.  'J'hankful,  b.  .Inlv  ]s_  KIT;  m.  Dec.  20,  1739,  David  Fundersou.  1,  CiiAUi.KS, 
b;  Jnlyl4,  1742.  2,  Susannah,  Ang.  IG,  1744.  3.  S\i;A]t,  Mav  ::iU,  174G.  4,  John! 
Jan.  1,  1747-S.  5,  ])avi]j,  Sept.  9,  1741b  G,  IXvNU.i,,  Dec.  lo,  1752.  7,  Danikl,  Decl 
l.">,  177)3.  s,  \V>r.  jMsiH'if,  X<;v.  13,  1734.  9,  Ahimaaz,  Ang.  2G,  1757.  10,  Anna, 
Feb.  17,  17G0.      11,    -Vnna,  Oct.  o,  ]  7G3.      12,    Tjian  ki-rn,  twin 'with  Anna. 

14.  Jonathan  Todd,  b.  Feli.  20,  1G80;  d.  Sept.  14,  1723;  m.  A])ril  19,  1711;  Sarah 
JIurrison,  b.  Jnly  7,  IGSlj;  a.  April  29, .1753;  she  m.  (2)  1735,  Dea.  IV-njamin  Sloue  oi  E. 
tiiiilford,  Conn. 

I.     Jon.athan,  b.  Feli.  7,  d.  A]iril  II,  1712,  snn 

11.     Jonathan,    b.    March  20,    1713;    \.V.    1732;   d.  Feb.    24,    1791;   ])a.^tor    at  Fast 
Guilford,  Conn.,  1733  till  d.;  m.  Jan.  9.  1735,  F^li/.abeth,  dan.  of  Capt.  Samuel  Couch  of 
.  Faii-lield,  Cnnn.,  b.  1710;  d.  .y.  /.,  Dec.  14,  1783. 

i  U\.      AiuuA,  b.  May  15,  1715;  d;.,wned  at  Fair  Haven,  Coim.,  Ang.  14,  1733. 

J\',      Fphraim,  b.  .Maich  7,   1719;  d.  June  9,  1724. 
v.      Sarah,  b>.  June  Ki.  171S:  d.  June  111,  1719. 
W.      Timothy,  b.  .Ma.rcli  3,  1722;  in.  Abigail  Crane. 

146.  Timothy  Todd,  b.  .March  3,  1722;  Y.  C.  1747:  .Merdi.  and  Magistrate  in  K. 
CiuiUord;  d.  of  small  jiox  Jan.  :;,  1779;  m.  May  IG,  1751,  .\bigail,  dau.  of  ^.'ai)t.  Joseph 
ami  .Mary  Couch  Crane.  1).  .\)nal  :\,   173";  d.  Sept.  I'O,  1"^0!;. 

I.  Sarah,  b.  .Matcdi  30,  1752;  d.  .>!arcli  30,  1^10;  m.  James  Kvarts  rd'  Suuderlaiuh 
Vt.  ],  Ji;ki-..miah  Fv.xk'Is,  b.  Fel>.  3,  1781;  d.  .May  ]0,  ls:il  ;  V.  c.  HO-j.  hnwer; 
their  Cong,  nunister,  and  See.  A.  H.  C.  F.  M.;  res.  .\  "ihiv.  ■■ind  I  harlest.'wn,  .Mass.i  m.' 
Mehituble  Barnes,  (/(t<;  Shernianl  ilan.  INtu'cr.  1.  .!/• '/■</,  m,  \U-\.  David  '  i  reen.  Sec.  .\. 
v..  C.  ]'.  >4.;    l-/c!iil.     2,    M,i)-th<t   Sh.  !■:'.'■;, ,m.    Uev.   I;'..,  n    Carter   'I'la-s  <d'    Ihinf     Vt 

3,  , Ay///-  , /,///,  V.  C.  I83:j;  d.  is:;;).  4,  ]]',„.,  m.  Helen  W.irdiier  .d'  W  in.i.vor, 
Vt.;  12  chil.  5,  Si!ni/\.  d.  a.  IG.  2,  SAiiAff,  b.  AprH  2G,  l7s(j,-  d.  March  15,  ls41;  m. 
Hercules,  s.  of  Josiah  and  Phei.>e  (Cushman)    \\'ashbi:rn    of    Kaudolph,    \'t. ;  b.    Nov.  3, 

700  appt:k])1X. 

1788;  (1.  Nov.  23,  181!^.  '■'>.  Maiiy,  d.  a.  10.  4.  Jonathan-  '\\nn\  h.  S.-jit.  Ifi,  ITiH  ;  .1. 
Aug.  24,  18To;  iii.  Electa  U'ilcox,  b.  July  22.  17',t4;  <1,  June  21,  1S70.  ■"),  ¥A.iv.\v.\:\n^ 
in.  "Lewis  Couant  of  Wcstfurd,  Vi.,  ami  left  our-  chil.  1,  F.nohj  Arn'/la,  in.  Ctias. 
Coombs  of  Kipuu,  Mich. 

II.  Elizaljcth,  b.  Fcl).    U),   1754;  d.   Sci-t.   20,  ]S:";:j;  m.  Jouailian  Wilcox  ..f  Madi- 
.-<oii,  Coiiu. ;   li  chil. 

III.  Jdiiatha.u,  b.  >hiv  17.  ],;  d.  F.4..  10,  1819:  jdivsician  in  Madison;  m.  Mav 
17,  1781,  l^itli  l;ri>]iu|),  'l..  17'::.:  d.  S,  ITSo:  (2)  Atiir.  L").  17H0.  Chh.e  Le.',  wl,"o 
d.  Nov.  20,  17'JG;  (:^)  Jan.  11,  ]7!»8.  Sallv  Fo\vl.-r,  b.  Aj-ril  7'  17(J8;  d.  Scj.t.  19,  1S.-,S;  7 

IV.  Abirrail,  b.  Jiilv2t;,  IKid:  d.  Feb.  I'J,  1810;  ni.  Lunian  (-raves  of  (ieoriiia,  \'t.: 
8  chil. 

V.  Mary,  b.  Oct.  9,  17C;3;  d.  Oct.  20,  1847;  m.  Bcnjainiu  Bradb-y    Wilcox  of  Mad- 

isou,    C;onii.:'0  <dii!.     1,    H(ii;aci-;,   in.    ^Mnitb.      1,   KUzuhilh.     2,  Maii/    'I'l'iJ'l.     ;'.. 

Alinini.  2,  Makv,  111.  Silv.-,tcr  NValklv.  1.  P„'}ij,n.n,i .  2,  Elhuuiih.  ?>.  M.'ri/. 
y,  Ai.MiUA.m.  lluraco  Hills.  1,  EnnJ>i  Ahuir.: ,  <Wi.  2."),  1^1:3;  d.  April  Fl,  1n7:J;  m. 
June  20,  1!;:02,  Klicn.  Hale  cf  Canandailcua,  X.  Y.:  ».  i.  2,  Clmls'i,  Xov.  10,  l^H.  :',, 
Mary  1t'/7^'';.r,  Feb.  17,  1810.  4,  //o/v^cc,  Jan.  8,  1S18:  m.  June  17.  1810,  I'diza  l'ooi>ei- 
Eoberts  of  Middletown,  Conn.,  who  d.  .Mandi  31,  1808;  Epis.  Clerg.  Detroit,  Mich.  .1, 
EHza  A, in  ll7/-v,,r.  Aprii  21),  1^21:  d.  April  2-".,  1822.  0.  G'o.  Morgan,  Oct.  10.  1825;  m. 
Oct.  7,  18.j2,  Saiah  Downs  of  X.  Y.  C. ;  l^iii.-ccii'al  cleriu-viiiaii.  ]b!fliii,<rion.  X.  J. 
4,  Df,N.!AM1N-  P..  \\"ri/o.\,  1)1.  Thankful  K.ds.-y.  1.  KUzn  Ar,)i' .  2.  lIo\-i"^c.  8.  V^'i'linu^. 
4,  (injrijt.  5.  ]J>Uii.  3,  Wk.\t/i'11v.  in.  Jojui  (leu.  Mcir^'-an.  1,  Go).  JIr)>rj,'.  d.  n.  k>. 
2.  irc''///(,v  Ann.  m.  and  re.s.  South.  8,  (/,;.■.  h'<Jiiy,r'l,'~  r^^.  X.  Y.  C.  4,  JA'/'//,  ni. 
Alirernoii  Shvop.-diire.     o.   Inf.     ('.,  Jl'inice  JJi('s,    \\'illiams  Cnl.,  teacher  at  St.  Fonis. 

VI.  John,  b.  Aucc-  20,  1700;  d.  Sept.,  same  vi'ar. 

VII.     John.  1).  Feb.    18.  170S:  d.    IK--',    28.  IMI:  m.   Esther  Bishop    of    Madi.son;  b. 
l7O0;  d.  Feb.  20.  Is.jVj:  res,  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  and  Fianklin,  X.  Y;  3  chil. 
VIII.     Matihla.  b.  May  21,   1773;  m.  John  Hamilton. 
IX.     1'imothy.  a   pliysician    of    Rutland.   \t.:  fatally  hurt  by    beincc   thrown    from 
his  hiHse  while  "  ridiui:    on    ]'rofessioual     dutv:    m.    Xov.   27,    17'~;3,    Phebe,    dan.     of 
liiel  Fniell  of  Kiiliugwi'.rth,  Conn.;  several  chil.',  of  whom.  John,  b.  Oct.  9,  1800  [p.  89]. 
-  Dr.  'I'imolliy  Todd,  for  two  ytars  after  the  accidmt.  did  not  rise  from  his  bid,  and  never 
lecoverod.   "  •'  J  before  he  died  he  gathered  his  liitlo  cliildren  anuind  hi.s  bedside,  anvl 
gave  to  eaedi  liis  counpols,  his  admonitions  and  his  blessing.      Fpon  the  youngest,  n  boy 
of  al)t.  0  (John),  a  kind  of  Benjamin,  he  laid  his  thin  hand,  ajid  vvith  jieculiar  em])ha.sis. 
and  from  a  full  heait,  bless.-il  him  again  and  again." — Sunpl<:  ISIcitrluH. 

18.  O'osiah  Todd,m.  Elizabeth  Oilbert;  (2)  Abigail  Fredericks.  His  will  dated 
April  20,  1  riii;  nam-'S  wf.  Abigail,  dan.  Mary.  wf.  of  Xathaniel  Tattle;  daughter  Debo- 
rah, wife  of  Jesse  Blakeslee,-''aiid  Sarah,  wf.  of  Isaac  Doolittle.  Aaron  Tuiilr  and 
Josiah  Tutlle  \cit.  and  apjn-aisers  of  Est.  £1742.  Est.  of  Abigail  Todd  div.  1701  to  rejis. 
of  Marv,  1st  wf.  of  X'ath.  Tattle,  Deborah  Bhdvcslee  and  Sarah  Doolittl.^ 

\.     Elizabeth,  b,  March  30.  1710:  m..   J..nntlian  (i-jovFcll.      1.    F,tj/.abf/i  n.  b.  July 
11,  173'J;  m.  Ja<-ob  BracUey.     2,  Jonathan.  Yeh.  21,  Kll.     3,,  March  27,  1742.  , 
4,  JosiAH,  Dec.  1143.     -^'SAitAii.  <_)ct.   24,  1740;  m.   Timothy   Bradley.     0,  John,  1747. 
7,  JosiAH,  Jan.  22,  17o0.     8,   SAMfi:i,.  .March  10,  17riO.     /.  bv  2d  m. 

][.     Marv.  b.  X<;v.  27.  1720:  m.  23,  1741.  XatlianiL-1  'I'ctile  [4.] 

III.  I).4x>rah,  b.  March  1 7.  1 721-2;  m.  Lieut.  Jesbe  Blakeidee,  b.  March  30,  1710; 
.s.  of 

IV.  Sarah,  b.  Jan.  30.  172o-fi;  ni.  Xov.  10,  1743.  Isaac  Doolittle. 
V.     John,  b.  Aug,  17,  172S;  d.  .v.  i. 

2.  Samuel  Todd,  baii,  .Viu-il  20.  1015;  d.  April,  1714:  m.  Xov.  20,  1008,  Mary, 
dau.  of  William  and  Abigail  l'ritchai<l  Biadley.  who  d.  Sein.  20,  1721.  In  17!s.  I)ani(d. 
Jame.- and  Abigail  Todd'conv.  to  XathaniiJ  Ihaton.  In  1720,  same  panics  divide  the 
est.  of  Sammd  Todd. 

1.      S.immd,  b.  I,  1072:  m,  Siis;inna  Tunle  'p.  32o]. '  " 
II.     Jo.-rph,  b.  j-',4,".  4,  d.  Mar.di.  1()74. 

III.  Marv,  !■,  !\b.  11,  107:.:  m.  Xathani.d  Ib-aton  (s,  of  Jaims  and  SarahV  b.  X(.v. 
19,  1004:  d.a'bt.  172:.,  hav.  wf.  M.-irv,  1,  S\f;\ii,  b.  Oct,  ::.  Kiiio;  d,  I'.-b,  27,  1707. 
2.  SAMfKi,,  b.  Manh  29,  lOilH;  d.  Jiu...  in  'Tnc.  ;;.  M.\i:,.  b.  >.'pi.  17.  i.d',;  d.  Feb. 
2:.,  17. )7.  4,  Xathanii.i,,  b.  March  V.K  17n-!;  ;:..  Oci.  i;l.  17-^';.  Id,.,!.,-  '•.,..;..-r.  n, 
Ja.mi;s,  b.  Dee.  10,   1700-7.     0,   S.wiii.:..   b.    (Jet.    9,  I7<>y.     7,   Sauai:,  I;.  June  14,  1712. 

IV.  Sarah,  I'Vb.  3.  1077;  d.  Xov.  1,  iGS3. 

AI'l'KNniX.  7ul 

V.     Joscpli,  Jiiu,  20,  1G:;1:  (1.  ?,Iaicli  0'2,  IfiTS-O. 

VI.  lliiuiiuh,  Frl).  ir,  ICSi):  ui.  .Umo  2,  17()I,  S'cth  llfajnn,  hro.  of  Xiitlianid,  h 
,Marrli  2."),  liiTLi;  d.  .\].ril  8,  1741.  ],  ,\mc.\M..  !>.  .Inn.  -1,  llU'i.  2,  !).\M);r.  Oct  ']:!' 
i:OL  o,  Tii.\.NKFi  ].,  .):ui.  21,  iroG-7.  J,  KsTiiK!;.  April  27  1709  '  r,  L\i>\\  .Ian  l" 
1711.  0,  Seth,  O.t.  2'„i,  1714.  7.  Lydia.  Feb.  1(1,  1717.  s,  livN.N.ui,  .1  ulv's  111-.)' 
i),  J.VMT.s.  April  :^,  1722.  <        .     .  • 

Ml.     Joiinli,  1).  "!)(■<;.  H5,  10^:4:  v.i.  llannnli  Clark  []..  21]. 
Vlll.     Daiil*!.  1).  .M.-irch  M,  KJsij;  m.  D.^siip  'I'mtle  jp.  2:;J. 

IX.     Al.iirail,  b.  Jan.  27,  1G80;  d.  Nov.    lU.  !';;31;  in.  -Mav  28,  1712,  St-r.-'t    Jolm  Gil- 
bert, who  d.  Jtih-  (:■:,  17i;.!.     1,  Junx,  b.  S.-pt.  1,  171:: 
X.     Mercy." 

XI.  .iaiiir"s,  b.  Juno  10,  ItiDC,;  m.  IVc.  H,  1721,  Lvdia  Slicrinan,  b.  Dec  2U  IG'J'J  d 
Sept.  l;j,  17;i:3;  i2)  Oct.  15,  17;!4,  Marv,  dan.  of  J..scpli  I'oiier,  b.  .Mav  \U  1710  '  1 
Er.l-.NKZKit,    b.    Aug.    24,    1722;  in.    Feb,    174:),    I'lizabetb,  dau.  <>(   Tlios.  Ive.s  h    J:in    l' 

1722.      1,   ,1/wi,  .-\u--.  :jl,  17.VJ.     2,    A'/„v)«,:,7'.  June  13,  17o7;  111.  I'alieuce  '     ;;    ,/„//// 

J)er.  2!),  1702.     4,    7'A'-x.,  Jan.  2s,  Kdd.     2,  Jamks,   b.    April   7,  172:3:  m.  June  oO.  174-! 
Martli.-i,  d.m.  of  David  :!ud  .Martha  Yale,  b.  April  H,  1728.      1,    L>/<liii.  ^\i\\  20,  1  741;l.      2* 

j:-/ //.,.■■,  An-.  14,  1751;  m.   Abigail .     2.,    Y.i'e,   .A  mc.   25,    17.54;  ii'i.    l'h,4)e' '.     l\ 

E">ilr,:,  Junr  ti,  1757.  a,  Lydi.v,  b.  July  0,  1727;  m.  ..March  2(;,  1747,  Jaiiie-.  Smith.  I. 
Min-ii,  b.  Dec.  22.  1747.  2,  .J.nnes,  Auj;-.  :!0,  17.50.  d,  Banamin,  Au'^  11,  175:1  4" 
.]"Int,  June  14.  175«).  5,  Tlunnui,,  Oct.  10,  17(11.  (J,  EU.  7,  Muhel,  Jan.  20,  l7(!;i;  m.  Meriani 
3Iunsoi,.  4.  Lots;,  b.  Nov.  lU,  1720;  m.  Aug.  2,  1748,  James  Turn. -r.  5,  EuxUE  h 
June  10,  1782. 

5.     Michael  Todd,  b.  June  IS,    1()5C;  m.    Flizabeth,    dau.    u{   i:h'a7,.'r  iuid   Sarali 
(Bu(.Jvley)   Jirown.       In   17:-38-9,   agreement    by  Ijoirs   of   Micliael   and   Flizubetli   Todd, 
signed  In  tlie  nine  cliil.  l)e]o\v,  and  the  liu^bands  of  tli"  thr.:e  dans.      The  wid.  m.  1715,' 
Fieut.  Samuel  Street,  .^.  of  Kev.  Samuel.     Site  in.  (3)  C'apt.  .b,hu  .Merrimau. 
\.     Elizabeth,  b.  Feb.  .12.  KIDO;  m.  I>aac  Davr.ui  [p.  l!);lj. 

IF     F.enjumin,  Nov.  19,  111'.*:;;  m.  Jar..  7,  17ls-n),  j,vdia  Allinir;  (2)  Fois 

111.     GershoiM,  b.  Oct.  12,  1095;  d.  Nov.,  374S;  m.  Hannah -,  wlio  d.  177:!. 

]\'.  Sarah,  Nov.  2,  10!tS;  m.  Dec.  21,  1719,  ])auiel  (Tilbert.  ],  D,\Mi:i,,  Nov.  12, 
-1720;  m.  2,  3I,\TTHKW,  Feb.  21,  1721-2;  m.  Julv,  1747,  Ijethia  ^Jodd,  !>. 'I'.^JO  a" 
Sdi.oMDX,  Feb.  10,  172;).     4,   S.u;.\ii,  Julv  29,  1727." 

A'.  Michael,  Jan.  0,  1700;  d.  Sept.  10,  1744:  in.  Dec.  30,  1724,  Marv  iJickermaii 
b.  170;>  (dau.  of  Abraham).  "  * 

VF      Hannah.  Feb.  20,  1702;  m.  Jan.  :l,  1722,  Niuhan  Ailing. 
VII.     Gidecni,  May  0,  17o5;  m.  Dec.  17,  1728.  Thankful  ive.-T;   Wulliinrford 
Vlll.     Elea/er,  Oct.   12,   1T07:  d.   Nov.   ;30,  ImI:  m.    'J'hunkful  -—    iT  1700-  d    Dec 
21,  1747;  (2)>re]iitable.  b.  170F  d.  Oct.  2:1,  175:1.     1.   Sii-.VT,,  Jan.  2;j,  17:U.     2,   MF.iti.VM. 
Nov.  2?.  ]7;!0;- m.    .Mairh    10,    1750.   John  Cooper.     ?,,   Si-:tf[.   Fell.    10,  17:18;  d.  Dec.  :i 
180::.     4,   Ar^N.  Aug.  10,  1742;  d.  Jan.  Oo,  iNiu,  num.,  in  No.  llav.     5,   lUxir,  Sept.  14^ 

1744:   in. Cooper. 

IX.     Ithamar,  b.  Oct.  25,  1712;  111.  Hannah  . 

52.  Benjamin  Todd,  b.  Nov.  19,  109:1;  m.  Jan.  17,  1718-10,  Fvdm  Ailing.  Lois 
Todd  and  'i'itu.s  Tuttle  exhib.  his  v,-i!l  in  1740;  Simon  Tuttle  and  Fizra  Tattle.  ai)praisers; 
in  1747  Benj.  Todd,  guaixl.  to  Jehiel  and  Ebenezer  'J'uttle,  minor  soils  of  Jo.shih  Tutlle,' 

I._  Eenjamin,  b.  April  10,  1728;  m.  Sept.  :i  17.55,  Loi.s  [4],  dau.  of  Ezekiel  'i'uttle. 
lied.  Nov.,  1^55,  on  exped.  to  Crown  Foinr. 

11.  Titus.  1).  July  IG,  17;J0;  d.  Jane  28,  ISOO;  m.  Eliz.ibeth  Tultle  fO];  (2)  June  7, 
175s.  Esther  Barnes. 

III.  Jesse,  1).  Jan.  1,  17:35;  F)ea.  in  North  Haven;  rem.  to  Si)rini;-tield,  Mass. ;  m. 
Lydia . 

IV.  Eunice,  b.  Dec.  •ii:^,  172:1;  m.  March  27,  1745,  Samuel  Brockett  [4]. 

V.  Lydia.  b.  Ajiril  1,  17:J2;  m.  Jan.  ,1,  175:1,  S.imurl  Mix,  b.  Dec.  15.  17:30.  1, 
LvDT.\.  April  2:1,  175:;. 

VI.      Fatitiice,  b.  June  24,  17:i4;  m. Bi-hoii. 

VII.      F:h-auor.  b.  8>-[,t.  10,  17:38;  m.  Oct.   1,  1750,  Davi<l  Bii^ 
VIII.     Cliloe,  b.  July  27.  1741. 

63.  Gcr.sii07U  Todd,  h.  Oct.,  1095;  est.  div.  1748;  inv.  €174^:  wf.  Hininah.  nine 
chil.;  i'llizab.-th,  Ma!.'.!  ;;nd  Pliebr.  minors;  i:7,r.i  Tutt  !,•  gnanl.  to  .Maiy;  .lam.-s  Bi:sliop 
guard,   to  F3nus.   I»avid  and  Hannah;  adni.  of  est.  of  Hannah  Tudd,  wid.  of  Oerslioiu, 


giviMi  to  Titus  Mansfield  in  rt.  of  his  wf.  Mnlif],  in  1773;  licirs  of  Gerslioin,  heirs  of  Ihm- 
iijiji.  heirs  nf  David,  lieirs  of  Phel«(\  liite  \vf.  of  Scth  IMakoilec,  Maljcl  ^.lauslield,  Eliza- 
hetli  riinton  and  Asa  Tndd  nanu'd  in  div.  of  est. 
I.     liann.'di,  m.  J-'izia  'J'uttle  [\k  270). 

II.     I\aid,  h.  March  2\),  ITiO;    ni.    ;Susanna  .       1,  M.MiV,  d.  May  5,  17.-,7.       2 

M.OvY,  m.  Fel..  ]0,  177;'.,  Jabez  Tattle  [p.  2(;-J]. 

IJI.     (_iersliont.  m.  J:ui.  24,  17~)(),  Katliarine  Mix  [p.  307J. 

IV.  Asa,  h.  }.[uvc\i  2J,  1723;  ni.  April  11),  1748,  Alary  (Tiittle)  Ailing-  [p.  lOOj. 
V.     Mary,  b.  May  b,  1732;  d.  1702;  est.  div.  to  bros.  anfl  sisters. 

VJ.  Kno.s,  b.  172!');  est.  div.  ]S(!3  to  four  cliil.  or  lieirs;  d.  Jijne  17.  I.s0:-i;  in.  JaTi. 
24,  1758,  Sarah  Blalvcslee.  1.  Iliaus  of  T.ucretia  'J'alniad^-e  of  Isorthford,  Conn,  2, 
]N\\xcv  h'-ANKOiti)  (l-^liadaV     3,  i\\.T-rA  Ci.rxTox  (,.lesse).     4,  Cvnthi.x  Tittle. 

Xll.     Phebe,  ni.  i^>'[A.   7,    1701.   Jt^eth   Blakeslee  [4].       1,  Calkb,  Ajiril  2o,  17fi2;    m. 
Lvdia  Tuttle. 

■yjll.  Malnd.  m.  'J'itus  Mansfield.  1,  Kxos,  Dec.  12.  1758.  2,  IIanxaii,  Frb.  12, 
17(11.  3,  UK.UAKIJ,  May  24,  17fi3;  lu.  Mary  Siiles.  4,  E]U^kJ::ze]!,  July  lU,  17o7;  .m 
Lani'a  J-jtiles. 

IX.  Elizalielh,  rn.  Nov.  15,  17oC).  L.iwiene.'  r]int(;)i.  1,  Je.sse,  Aug.  9,'1  7112.  2, 
J)AViiJ.  Aug.  27,  17G.").     3,  Erxitj:,  Dec.  13,  17tiS. 

56.  Michael  Todd,  b.  June  G,  KOO;  m.  Dec.  30,  1724.  Mary,  dan.  of  Lieut.  Abra- 
liani  Diclcerman  of  X.  ilav.  His  will  ]iro\ed  Dec.  8,  1744,  nanie^  \\ife  .Mary  and  "  mv 
friend,"  John  Hubbard,  execrs. ;  .sons  Miclmel  and  Ely  both  to  go  tlirougli  college.  Sli'o 
m.  (2)  Sept.  15,  174."),  Jolin  Hubbard. 

I.     Michael,  b,  Aug.  10,  1729;    Y.  L\  11-U<;    m.    Aug.   30,   174<),    Eunice   I'erk;    (2) 
Marv  Kowe.      1,  Mi(I1ae[,,  .lune  11,  17o0;  d.  Nov.  5,  1770.     2,  Mk-iiak]-,  Sept.  24,  1752 
a,  FJJ,  1709;  d.  Nov.  17.  1833.     4,  Poi.i.v.      5,  Er.MfK. 
11.     }:ii,  Oct.  '^0,  1731;  Y.  C.  17ol;  d.  1702. 

III.  Charle;,  April  13,  1734;  d.  March  3.  1735-0. 

IV.  Mary,  h.  Dec.  18,  1737;  d.  (Jet.  14,  1742. 

67.  Gideon  Todd,  b.  May  6.  1705;  m.  Dec.  17,  1728.  Thankful  Ives.  His  uill 
■»vas  wit.  by  Jonathan  Dayttjn,  Mary  Iniyton  and  l-'hineas  Clark;  Enos  'I'odd.  execr.  In 
1780  (jideon  Todd  apprs.  in  light  of  his  \vL  Thankful,  datt.  of  Samuel  and  Ann  Thor])e, 
late  of  IS.  Hav.,  dec,  wlio  hd't  heirs,  Elizabeth,  \\i.  of  Jaini'S  Jones;  Ann,  -wf.  of  John 
("ruitou,  and  Thankful,  wf.  of  (iideon  Todd. 

I.     Khoda,  b.  Jan.  1,  1729-30;  in.  Feb.  22,  1753,  Ebenezer  "Wolcott  of  Wall'd. 
II.     Sarah.  ¥vh.  22,  1731;  of  Xo.  IJav. 

III.  Isaac,  Mav  18,  1734. 

IV.  (iideon,  Nov.  3,  1737;  d.  March  22,  1817:  m.  Prud. 'uce  Tntfle. 

V.  Chailes,  b.  .Vpiil  10,  1740;  d.  June  15,  1772;  drowned  in  Long  Island  Sound 
\v1kmi  F>nii.  was  inf.;  in.  Aug.  10,  1701,  Peninah  or  Lydia  Peck.  She  uk  (2)  David,  s.  of 
Gideon  llotchlciss,  July  5.  1775,  and  had  3  chil.  1,  PiimoA,  b.  Jutie  20,  1705;  in.  ■ — - 
Beebe;  rem.  to  Homer,  N.  Y.,  1791.  The  next  winter  Mrs.  l^eebe  stayed  in  the  wildcr- 
ness  alone  for  G  weeks,  no  one  within  30  miles  of  her.  ^Irs.  15.  and  her  l>ro.  Amos  were 
tlie  settlers  of  Cortland  Co.  2,  Cuakt.ks,  Oct.  12,  1707;  d.  ]>ec.,  1773.  3,  Amos, 
Xov.  15,  17G9;  d.  Sept.,  D!^30;  ni.  .\]>ril,  1794.  Susanna  Strong.  4,  Dax,  Sejit.  23,  1771; 
■d.  Jan.  21,  1841.     Homer  had  Hew  M.  C.  Todd,  Columbus,  N.  Y. 

VI.     Caleb,  b.  July  3.  1742. 

59.     Ithamar  Todd,  b.  (let.  25,  1712;  m.  Hannah .       His   will    dated  Dec.  1, 

1800,  names  "  my  grandfather,  l-]]eazer  Brown;"  eld.  s.  Abm^r,  Joel,  Joli,  Ithamar,  dau. 
j?iakeslee,  dec,  0  ehil.  living,  rt.  in  land  laid  out  to  Sanund  Tattle,  jr. ;  Benjamin  Todd, 
Martha  Todd  and  Pattv  TrumlniU,  ^\■it. 
I.      Saraii,  b.  Dec.  12,1730. 

II.     Abner,  b.  N(..v.  4,  1738;  m.  .Marv  Tnttlo  [4].     IT.'  d.  Jan.  11,  1805. 
HI.     Hannah,  b.  Aul^.  11,  1740;  m.  Jan.  IS,  175M,  Jotham  Blakeslee. 

IV.     Joel,  b.  .Mav  21",  1742;    d.    Jan.   24,  1814;    m.    bJli/abeih ,  who  d.  Dec  20, 

1833,  a.  91.      1,  Si>;:;o.\.  N>jv.  28,  1^33,  a.  07.       2,  Ohkd,  d.  Feb.  1.  isp.;  m.  Mary  Par- 
j:er,  \vlni  d,  Nov.  10,  1S(;7,  a.  85.      '.).  i 'a  i;Mi,i_\r,.     .|,  .Maiiv  .Vxv.     5,  I.hdkma  Di.i.iOHT. 
V.     Ji.b.  Ar,g.  5,  1744;  m.  Ajuil  17,  1700,  MiUtha  4'atile  [4J. 
^'I.      'J'homas. 




Jf)hn  ami  Anthci'.y  Tlumij.soii,  l.nis.,  sin-iicd  tln^  Col.  ('diis.  Juno,  111:50;  tlicir  lii<. 
\Vm.  niciitiouc-fl.  Aiitlmny'.-.  v,  ill  dativl  ](i'j7,  ii^.mrs  .Idlin  and  \\'illiaiu.  In  IC,:,] 
Authony,  jr. ,  o-ives  all  his  lands  to  his  hro.  J,din— out' John  d.  KiTJ.  in  Ifiyi  Wia  's 
will  names  sisr<M-  Hllcn,  his  hro.  Anthony's  soji  John,  and  cons,  .lohu  and  Wjn.,''sons  of 
liis  nc]>hf\v,  John,  and  other  relatives.  Eijen.,  who  set.  ind'nilford,  was  of  tlieN.  ilav 
fam.  and  had  John,  wle:' d.  IGTG.  'J'lie  John  of  Stony  ]^iv.  was  also  (,f  thi.s  fum'.,  aiul 
was  called  Farni>'r  Jnh!i.  in  dist.  from  John  at  N.  llav.,  who  was  a  seaman. 

John  Thompson,  m.  Eieanoi- . 

I.  John,  jr..  ni.  Maivh  '^'J.  lOiJ!),  Priscilla  I'owell. 

II.  Mary,  m.  Jolui  Coojiei-.  jr. 

III.  Hannah,  m.  .Matthew  Moiiltliroi),  jr.,  li'>('yi 

IV.  Ecl.ecra. 

V.     Sarali,  m.  Ailing  Ball,  jr.,  lOrS. 

I.  John  Thompson,  jr.,  m.  .Man  h  29,  IGG'3,  Priscilla  Powell. 
1.     Jond,  ;jd,  b.  .\ntr.  G,  IGGT;  in.  .Mercy  .MansliehL 

II.      Priscilla,  Aui.-.  7.  KWi;  in.  EUenc/.er  C'hedsev,  IGSS). 

III.  Samuel,  Jan.  IGT.j:  d.   y. 

IV.  Sammd,  ."May  1,  IGTT:  m.  Abigail  Potter.  1,,  Oct.,  1704.  2,  Pvnvti 
^'ov.  2.'=!,  17i)G;  111.  John  'I'aintor.  o,  .M.\Kv,  Api-il  'SO.  KDD;  m.  Sammd  Fi>rl)es'"  4 
S.\Mi  KL,  Jun- :J,  1711;  m.  Se[it.  IS,  17o8,  Elizabeth  Denui-vm.  1,  j::iii,ihvth  Eel>'  •■^1 
1740;  ni.  175'J,  Azariah  hlradh-y.  2,  ,<i!)i(Ud,  May  8,  1748;  d.  unm.  :],  .AV//;,  Mav  h' 
^\¥l'  *?■  ""'"•  "^'  ■^'"■"'''  ^'-^y  '^''  ^^-i^^*;  "1-  l''^''^'.  ■f't'^'i  Potter.  5,  Abi</iiil,  'l7o:{;  m! 
1T7T,  Samuel  Pradley;  ^2)  Joseph  Hemingway,  o,  MKiirr.\m,i:,  Mav  o,  I'lio;  ui.  'I'hos' 

V.      Abigail    E.'b.  24.  IGT:';  m.  Daniel  Collins. 
VI.     Amia,  .March  20,   lGs:j. 

II.  John  Thompson,  b.  Aug.  G,  IGGT;  d.    liefore  172S;  m.  Mr-rcv    dan    of  :M-n"nr 
Moses  ManslieUl.  ^  "   ''  '        ^ 

I.     John,  b.  Oct.  11,  lGr)2;  m.  Sarali  Pardee. 
•  II.     Abigail,  Oi-t.,  1004:  ni.  I5artholonu'\r  (.'(vidilch. 
HI.     Alercy,  Eel).  21,  IGOti;  m.  Jose}.!)  'ruttle  [p.  2s0].  ' 

W .  Mo'res,  Xov.  1.  IGOO;  ni.  Desire  Hemingway.  1,  MoSF.s,  d.  v.  2,  Dksi];e  b 
•July  .").  1745;  ni.  llev.  Nicliolas  Street,  17oS.  "       "  •       ^       -,         ■-    ^  -,     . 

\ .     Eleanor,  Ajiril  2S.  1702;  ni.  Samuel  Smith. 
W.      Samuel,  b.  Sejit.  ^0,  1704;  m.  Ilanmih  Hemingway. 
Vll.     Bathsheba,  Jan.  24,  1707;  m.  J(..£e])h  Crannis.'jr. ;"  (2)  Abraljam  Chedsev.     She 
<1.  .V.  i.  soon  after  settlement  of  fathers  e^t.,  div.  to  liros.     She  is  called,  172s,  Ba'ihslieba 

^'H1.     Joseph,  March,  1700;  d.  before  21  yrs.  of  a. 

III.  John  Tliompson,   b.  Oct.  11.  1G02;  m.  Sarah  Pardee. 

James.  Koo;  d.  \^cc.  1,  1777;  est.  div.  to  bro.  and  sis.  below  named;  m.  Elizabetli 
Avho  \\'as  li v.,  1  7NG.  ' 

H.      Sarah,  Jan.  17,  V,\'^:  m.  Pattersmi  Smith. 

III.  John,  Oct.  21,  1721;  m.  Marv  Hoadlev.  1,  Joii.v.  2,  Levi  3  "Wil  us  4 
AXN.  '  ■  ''■■-■. 

W.  Stephen,  Dec.  2."),  172:j;  m.l74G,  Hannah  Howe;  (20Iarv  Baldwin.  1.  Amos 
<1.  y.  2,  Amos,  Aug.  2,  1751;  m.  Mary  'rhomi>son.  1,  JI,zild<'ih,  d.  y.  2,  iVn,.  3' 
FAiinhdh.  4,  Uii,ic  5,  Miirii.  G,  SiL-fiin.  7,  P/iUi  uion.  S,  Asnmth.  '  9,  llnUhilL  d' 
y.  10,  JlezcLi'ili.  11,  K'-tIn  i-,  d.  y.  ;•],  Moses,  Dee.  2s,  1754;  m.  i)csire  .Monlthron  '  l' 
JLiniuih,  m.  Joln\  Hemingway.  2,  J)i'.sh\.  8,  J/n.<,i.  4,  rii,i rh.-i.  5,  Cuirix^ii.  {{ 
Si/',i:r.'.la\  d.  y,  7,  Jjd-'i/,  d.  y.  S,  Jli-^^ij.  0,  ^nnih,  d.  v.  lu,  S.i'r.ih  d  v'  4' 
H.\>-x.ui,  d.  y.  .-..  Stk!'JIK.\.  Jan.  11,  17i">():  :n.  177',).  Lois  Bradlev,  1,  .l''/■//'.v,^^  2" 
^V'^/^.  d.  y,  :!,  Jliimuth,  d.  y.  4,  Olunnh,.  d.  y,  ,">,  Hiinx'in,  d.'v.  G,  ,S//v//,  d.  v.' 
7,  Ilitithi'li.  N,  \Vi,'uti/i,.  i.  by  2dm.;  G.  J.v.M  i,--.  ni.  L\(iia  ^|l,■d^,•\-.  ]'  Sh,,Ii,'ii  '  ''' 
J/.'r.v.  :j,  Lo'iuinl  '4,  yn<lnn<lrl,  ',,  If.  nri/.  (i,  Klrmr-  7,  ,//'/,/, .y  '  .v:  \hiii],inn 
(V/.(7.vr/,'.  d,   y.       \),    Ahr<t-. ,!,:■.       1(1,    l-lthranl  ll  ifsir.ntl. .       II,    1  hi 'I  >i    r  ][,,,,!  ur;inuf . 

\.  Timothy,  D.'e.  20,  1727;  m.  I'.Nther  Peil<in<,  1,  S.\i;.ui.  .\!ii^''  ],'  17.-,f);  ]>•, 
Al)ij:ih  Bradley;  (2)S:iiiuie!  1  !ei:;ii;gw:!y.      ■.',   .Imiiv.    .Vje  il  : ,  1  ;.i:i;   m.  ]  7s:^_  w'id.  I)oreas 

Andrews.      1,  'jol.n,  d.  v.      2,    (!<:>.'    :),' J) 

4,    A 

d.  V.     (i,    J.",-. 

Jif/iuf.     8,  J'.'h/i.     0,   i)iini' I  Atiri/tiv.     o,   Dksiue,  May  2u,  17oG.     4,  E^riD.Jt,  Aim--.  12 

70-1  APPENDIX. 

17.V.I;  m.   J'^lijali   lirridley.     fi,   Iln.DAii,   .Tuuf  :?r,,    17(l-3;  m.    17!)S,   Jos,.],],   Sli.-i.anl      n 
'I'l.MOTJiY,  Dv'c.  ],    ITijn;  lu.  Euiu'cia  Fanifo.     1,  ,A/,v/'/.     i,   Sni-uli.     ;\,  Jofm,      -i    Fw/    •' 
(I.  y.     ,3,    ir/z/fY.     (!,  Infant,  d.  y.     7,   E-dlicr.     7,  Ai;i;A)[A>r,  Ft-I,.  ]()  J7;o."  „,    Xov  'ir" 
3707,  :Mary   Smith.      1,  J/z/jV/   Amandu.      2,    ll'//(.      a,  /^-m/-,-  s„u(//'.      4,' Sa.'/iuul       o' 
Miiri/  Ann.     G,  AhrnJuDii.     7.  Asnhel.     8,  Jos  jih.     9,   (S'/v/7t,  d.  v. 

A'l.     Joseiili,  Jan.  31.  178(1;  in.  (iilhcrt.     1,  WiT.i,rA\r.     0,  Piiei;i-:      yjvrin 

4,  Lydia.     5,   Jo^Ei'ii.     G,  Su;Air.     7,  Tkvi'iiexa.     S,  JiKiJKi'CA'.     1>   "bktskv    '    ''    " 
VII.     Jame.s.  L>.  17oo;  in.  Klizabcth  l]iylu;():  s.  i. 

116.     Samuel  Tliompson,  I>.  Sept.  80,  ISOl;  m.  Ifamiah  Kimhcrlv 
I.      Mrny,  17-2^;  d.  y. 
II.      Sanuiel,  178-2;  d"  v.  ■        . 

III.  Mary,  K:).",;  d.  y.  ' 

IV.  Samuel,  b.  Aii<r.,  1737;    ni.  Sept.  12,  17."'>0.  Desire  Moulthrnp.       1,  Jvnr-'n    m 
Oct.  I',',  1780,  Lydia  Blake.slee;  (2)  (Ti-aee  Hunt.     1,  /v?'//:',  d.  v.     'i,  J^nruid,!      8    Li'/din' 
A,  ls,nic.       /.by  2d  111.:      f),  Xanry.       Q,  Jlarrirf.       l,Kii,!hj'      H,'l),.-<i,r       ''JuFr     in 
1782,  hois  C'hedsey.     1,  >W;w,7.    '2,  Hnkhih.    8.  J/.ov/.    4.  .-r^sv)/?.  ' .-,,  y7,„v/.v.~'(;    V^'^r,/' 
l,li>id.       S,  Liie.       \).  J.oriiida.       10,   Tr/ZZ/^o//.       3^  Sa.mi'ki.,  b.  March    17(is-  m"  i;.s(j 
Sarah  Holt.      1.  SW/zc'-/.     2,  JJ.sirc.      3,  Jnics.      4,  Srni/t.      o,   li7//(V//«.       0,' y><0(        7' 
Asnuifh.     ^,  Xdiij-y.      9,  J///a"/({.      10,  JZ^cr^.      4,  Dk^ip.e,  b.  Nov.  19,  1771;  1,1    1791' 
Tiiomas  Smith.  ... 

V.  Moses. 

VI.  Mercy,  m.  Aivio.s  Luddingtou. 

VII.  Marv,  111.  Jared  Ihibinsoi). 

VIII.  Abigail.  111.  1774,  Amos  Ford. 

IX.  Esther,  m.  1771,  Zacheu>  Howe. 

AxTU-o.w  Tno,Mi'<M.\  of  Ne\c  Hav.  1080;  4  in  familv;  est.  JJi.-.O;  d.  March  28  1G47- 
his  wid.  m.  Nicholas  Camp  of  Milford.  Said  to  have  liall  br.,s.  John  of  K.  I]a\-"\vlio  d' 
1G74,  and  William,  who  d.  unm.  1(182.  Dod,l  says  Jolm,  Anthonv  and  Wiiliam  were 
brothers;  Anthony's  will  dated  1G17,  names  bros.  John  and  William :  in  1082  William 
made  will;  names  sis.  Ellen.  1,  BiirnoET.  2,  Dat.  8,  Dat.  4.  Dau..  o  "axtiioxv 
JH.,  made  will  on  a  visit  to  Milford,  and  d.  Drc.  29,  1G.')4,  leaving  most'of  his  lu'oiiertv 
to  Bro.  John.      1,  .Ivlm,  living  in  1082.     0,  Joux.  "  " 

6.     John  Thompson,  sea  ('apt.;  d.  1707;  went  to  Stratford;  in.  Mehitable 

I.     Aml>ro.-e,    111,    Sarah,    dan.    of  John   ^^'elles  of  S.        1,   Eiskxezj.ji;     d     HriO- 
m.  1742,  Mary  Judd,  who  d.  1752.     \,  ],n'i.    2,  Ai/io.i.    8,  AV/ur!    4,  Slan/.    o    D<(n'i-i 
1,  Daniel.  "         ,      .         . 

11.     Sarah,  bap.  1080. 

III.  Marv,  b.  1007. 

IV.  Sarah.  1071. 

V.  Samnel,  1).  ]0(;9;  Capt.  Mil. ;  d.  in  G(,.shen,  Conn. ;  m.  lOOo,  l?ebecca  Bisl.oi)  dau 
of  Lieut. -Cov.;  res.  \\  estville.  Son\e  of  the  chil.  lived  in  (Toshen,  Conn.,  and  some  in 
Amenia,  N.  Y.  1,  SAMfEi.,  1090.  2,  James.  Jniie  5,  1099;  m.  Mav  30,  1728  Hannah 
Wilmot;  liv.  in  Westville  1737.     1,  .Lintcs,  172.");  ni.  Mehital)le  Bal<hvin'[8].""   2     I/-^W 

lu- Bradley.       3,  A,nt/.       4,  Itarhd.       5,  ^far!J.       G,  Uczfkinh,  h.  1785;   nnc'le   Enos 

guard.  1749;  m.  17G1,  Rebecca  J  udson.     1,  Hannah,  b.  1772;  m.  Kev.  Tillotsou   Bron.son  of 
Cheshire.     2,  Keliecca,  b.  1775;  m.  June  22,  1798.  Dani--!  Bacoa,  1).  Dec.  3,  1772-  d  Jalv 
20,  1828.       (1),  Maria,  b.  1794;  m.  1811,  Cluuincey  Crafts.       (2),  liebecca.  '    (3)' John    ll 
1807;  m.  1880.  Augusta  \ValI;er.     (4),  \\'illiani  Thompson,  b.  Auir.  24,  1814;  res.  \Vo'od- 

bury;  m.  dau.  of  Dr.  Jonathan  Knigiit.      7,  Il'Uiw'h.  m.  Baldwin.'     3,  A.^ros  March 

3.  1702.     4.  (iti)!-:ux.  n.-t.   25,1701.      5.  Bkiie(ca,  170S.       (J,  J  cdaii,  1711.    '  7,  .Vui'iaii, 
1718.      8,  Exos,   1717,  gr.  f.  of  Eno.s  'rhomi>.^on   Throop,    Gov.  of  X.  Y. — J-;/st  Ibiun 


John  Tiiimbull  of  Ho.-cbury,  10:!9.    d.    175,-;  in.  Ann,  dan.  of  Rich.  Swan  of  Tunvlev 
and  si-ter  of  .Mfrcy  Swan,  wf.  of  Samuel  Warner  of  BrooJvtield;  (had  son)  d.  1057 
1.     Judah. 
II.     Jos^.ph. 

1.     Jlldah  Trumbull,  "f  [\\ixbury,  d.  in  Enlichl,  April  1,  1092;  m.  Marv  

I.     John,   1).    .Alaivli   5,   li".',  1.      1,    Hj:v.    Jtui.N   of   I'armington,    e'oiui.,   1)    1715-  d 
Dec.  18,  1067.     He  wa.s  a  wre.stler,  wit,  etc.;  m,  1744,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Samuel  \\"hitinan 


of  Farmiii,c.-toii,  Cotui.  1,  S./r^'/t.  h.  174.").  2,  S./o/'hi,  1),  17 IC;  d.  y.  •^,  jyizrthcth,  h. 
174.S:  (1.  y.  4,  .John,  b.  Apiil  10,  IT.jO;  Y.  ('.  17UT;  titter,  1771,  niurin-caiiic  ar(|aaiiit<'cl 
with  Dwi^lit  (uul  Ilinii]ilifi'\-;  slud.  law  wifli  I'",\T'rc-.  .Inlm  Adams;  Jadjxc  of  Siiprt'iuc 
Court  of  i-w-nifs,  ISIIS;  ,1.  M:;y,  ls:;i;  po.'t ;  Jd..l).  V.  ( '.  isiS;  m.  n:;;,  dau.  of  Co!,  i^.^v 
ert'tt  Ilulil>aid  of  X,  llav.,  and  had  an  niilv  dau..  who  ni.  il(jii.  W'lu.  \\'oodl)iidi,'-c  of 
D.-ti-oit,  Mi.-h.:  Irid  s,  r,,.verctt  Hubbard, 'h.  Hartf.,  July  Id.  17s^;  V.  <'.;  d.  Mav  7. 
1807.  .■).  L'lrt/.  '2,  iM'.i-.M-y.i-K,  b.  Au^'.  1.  in7o.  ;'..  .Im^ki-h.  1).  lt;77.  4,  Hri.n.ui",  b. 
1(379;  kill.'J  by  Indian-^,  u.-ar  Bro  ikfield,  Mass.,  July,  1  7U'i.— 7uv/iV, /■,   Oct.,  issi. 

2.     Joseph  Trumbull  of  Suifi(dd.  (.'onn.,  1(i7."). 

1.  .)os  'iih.  s;-t.  in  L"l*ai!on,  ("oun.;  imi.  thr.  from  \\'tslii(;ld.  Alass.,  in  1700.  1, 
J()\ATll.\X.  b.  ITIO;  Y.  ('.  17-J?;  (Jov.  <,(  (\,!iii.  b"*  yr,^.,  ]lt\U  k,  ITS'!.  "  l^rot her  Joiui- 
thau"d.  i;s:);  m.  Faith  Hobiu.-.on,  Ij.  ])a\bni-y.  >!as>.,  171S;  d.  May  oh.  1 7su,  In  ]7."i,') 
h'-  \va<  rouuccti'd  with  his  s.  .b)sfi)li  and  with  Cid.  hdca/cr  l""ilcdi  id'  LclKuion,  in  lUL-rcan- 
tilf  biisiurss  (\d.  l'it<di  was  a  Loyalist  and  lied.  1,  Mkii/.  in.  1770,  \\'ni.  NN'illianis,  a. 
signer  of  Pi'c.  of  Ind.  'J,  FiufJi,  \\\.  Jedi<liah  Huutiu^rtoii,  '■),  ,]n\, pli,  b.  .Marrli  11,  17^7; 
invt-stigated  the  name  in  Jhiy.  and  cdiangcd  it  from  Trumblo  to  'J'randjall.  He  was  tin- 
first  Commissary  (ioneial  of  tin-  r.  S.;  d.  July  2-5,  177S.  1,  Joseph.  4,  Joiidtluin.  h. 
1740;  d.  1J>I)U;  Gov.  of  ('onn.,  17'.)"-^;  m.  170(3,  Eunice  l^ackus  of  >sorwich,  (,'oun.,  b.  174!); 
d.  Fe!j.  8.  1S'3I3;  (hiu.  (.f  FhoU'Acr;  est.  sot.  in  IS'27;  Benj.  Sillinum,  bondsman,  Daniel 
Wadsworth  of  Hartford,  .suretv.  1,  Harriet,  m.  li'OD,  r>cnjandn  Silliman,  Prof,  Chem- 
istry. Y'.  <;,,  and  had  »  r]ii!.  (h,.-  m.  (2)  Mrs.  Sarah  Wrl..)).  dau.  of  John  MrClcllan),  of 
wlioui,  BiMijamin,  I'rof.  \.  C. ,  ni.  Sarah,  dau.  of  ^^'m.  Foibes,  and  liad  Benjamin,  od, 
an  Arehitpi't  in  N.  Y.  C.  2,  Maria,  m.  Crt.  s,  JSOl.  Hon.  Hcnrv  Hiutson.  and  d.  l^^(l,■). 
He  m.  (2)  Maria  'J'heod(,sia  Holly  [(ij.  ,Y  Johi,,  \^._^\^uoC^.  17o();"d.  Nov.  iO,  IS4:j;  Col. 
in  \i<\.  army;  Aid  to  W  ashin^rtoii;   hislurical  ]iaintej'. 

Benoni 'rrumbull,  iier.  s.  of  first  Jo^r-ph.  liad  <rr.  s.  Benoni,  gr.  f.  of  I'onjamin,  b. 
Hel.iron.  Conn.,  172.7;  d.  1820;  Y.  C. ;  ]M>. ,  pas.  Cong.  ehh.  at  North  Haven.  (\uin.;  m. 
Dee.  4.  17tjO.  Martha,  dau.  of  Ichaliod  Fhelj>s  of  Hebriui;  2  sons  atul  .7  daus. ;  wid.  n.  in 
No.  Ilav.,  Juno  21,  1S2-7,  a.  i.':;.  In  1^22,  May,  k:-x.  of  licv.  Benj.  'i'rumluill  div.  to 
Martha  T..,  liei'  x  mark,  .Aar.ui,  Martlia  \\'oodward,  F'-ti/r  and  Mary  Eastman,  Justus  and 
llamxaii  Bishop  a.nd  Benjamin  'i'lumbuU.  1.  Son,  d.  inf.  2.  I'enjamin.  ?>,  Mary,  i\\. 
P^ter  F.astman  [ji.  2(34].  4,  Sally,  ni.  Ehim  Tuttlo  of  Xo.  Hav..  1;.']777.  .'>,  h71izaheth. 
b.  Dee.  1!),  1774.  (i.  Mavtlia,  d. 'a.  90;  hi.  l!ev.  Aaron  Woo.lward.  7,  Dau.,  d.  inf.  8. 
Hannali,  ni.  .luslu--.  Bish'.>p. 

■      TFBNKK. 

(/av>'.  Nathaniel  Turiu'r  liad  bi-en  a  so]<lier  in  llu^  low  Ci^untries;  eame  in  thi'  fleet 
with  \Yinthroi).  lil>;!);  w:i~,  eoii>tab!e  in  Boston.  1(>:;2;  rep.  at  the  lir-.t  conrt.  1(3:^4-6;  went 
against  the  Pe<iU.)ts,' 1(;;37.  On  the  formation  of  tlie  Civil  (iovt.  in  X".  Hav.  was  elect(.Ml 
one  of  the  first  four  magistrates  (Oct.  2.7,  l(3:3'.b.  in  bib)  chost  it  (.'hief  MW.  dficer  of 
the  Colony,  to  have  tlie  ••charge  and  ordering-  rd'  all  militaiy  alfairs  in  the  ]>lantation."' 
In  IGil)  one  of  the  juirchtsers  fr.r  the  colony  of  Si:tmford.  In  ^.ame  yr. ,  as  ag<.-nt  for  N. 
Hav.,  boLiglit  lands  on  Viotli  si<les  of  tlie  Delewari'  nver,  and  a]>|it.  Supt.  of  I'olonial 
Interests  there.  Chosen  s\-ith  Mr.  Laniberton  deputy  to  ttie  ••('ourt  (d'  Combination" 
(Oct.  2t3,  Uil'i).  o:-  congiess  id'  tlu^  New  Eugl.and  colonii-s  of  C!onnecticut  —  Xew  Haven, 
Plymouth  aid  .Ma-;s.' Hay.  In  Jan.,  lOlti,  s:uled  for  Eomhiu  in  tlie  "  Phantom  Sliiii," 
and  \\  as  lu'ver  heard  ol'.  His  sword  is  in  ))i)-,session  of  tlie  (_'unn.  Hist.  Soc.  at  Hartford. 
His  w  id.  111.  SaniiK  1  \'an(ioodeiihau-en,  of  .X.  Haw 
1.      Mary,  m.  ('apt.  'I'liomas  Yale. 

II.      Xaihaui(4.  d.   unm..  and  his  share  of  liis  father's  est.  was  (list.  Jan.,  10(32. 
in.      l-;ebe,-ca.  d.  June  14,  17dl;  m.  1(54!),  Thomas  Mix  (.Nb^eks)  of  N.  Plav.  KM:!,  wlio 
d.  {'arly  in  ItiOl,  leaving  goed  ';•.-^I.,  and  names  ten  chih,  all  living:    John   aiut    Ste])hen, 
exec  IS. 

I\'.  Abigail,  111.  Hi71,  John  Hudson  (Hi.dL'->onV,  iiii  early  settler  in  X.  Hav..  ami  a 
shipowner.  1,  Ai;i(;\ii.,  b.  l('.-"i.7;  d  v.  2,  Sa.h\ii,  UI.77;  m.  lllsl.  Ri-v  Israel  Chaiin- 
cey.  s.  of  Pies.  Chaih-s  of  Haiv.  C.d.,  of  Stratford,  Con.n.  1,  b.  1700:  Harv.  Col. 
1721:  prea-her;  i)ecame  diuanged  and  fired  an  oiitleuilding  in  \s  liicfi  he  w  as  cmifined, 
and  \'.  a~.  luinied  to  death,  Xev.,  \',^y<.  'A.  .M.Miv,  iL  y.  I.  J(UIN',  d  y.  .7,  S.v.Mt't:f,,  b. 
1004:  d.  1()7:').      0,  John,  D.  1007;  m.  Eli/i-dieth,  dau.'.d'  'J'ln.mas  and  Sarah  (KiithiU'lord) 





Trowbruli^p.  1,  JnJin,  b.  ICO:?;  d.  S(jon.  2,  Ji'Jnl,  h.  IG'Jo;  d.  uiim.  1721,  Iciiving  hi.s 
ranit,  [.■ydia  Ivosewell,*  hoir  to  (.-onsidoniMe  csi. 

V.     Hannah,  m.  1G(j7,  Saniiifl  Hoplciiis  of  Milfcjid,  Conn. 
VI.      Isaac,  KilU;  m.  Kii;^,  .Mary  Todd. 

1.     Mary    Turner,   d.    Oct.    15,    1704;    m.  Ui  to,  Capt.    Tiiomas   Yalo,  who   hoinrht 
lands  in  No.  llav.  and  set.  tliiTC  abl.  lUDO;  d,  Mandi  -21,  lOS-'^. 

I.     John,  b.  abt.  l(J4f);    m.  Reberca   ,  \vliod.  Oct.  17.  17;'K  a.  7S.       1,  Ih.iiir, 

b.  IflUG;  ni.  1720,  Mehitabls^  Todd;  s.  i.  2,  David,  IdiMt;  d.  17;jU;  went  by  invitatidii  ol 
his  cous..  Gov.  Elilm  Yah-,  to!;.  1712,  l)nt  rctui'nod  and  was  chosen  dca.  of  tlic  chli. 

in  No.  llav,  1718;  rcil.  an  lionorary  de^,^  I'loui  Y.  C.  1824;  m.  .Martha .      1,  Muriliii, 

b.  172>^:  in.  .hnnos  'I'odd. 

II.  Th.inias,  b.  abt.  lt!47:  a  first  .sotlk-r  in  ^^■allinl,M'ord,  IGTO;  ,]uxt.  of  the  Peace; 
Capt.  Train  Band;  snrveyor;  nnaU-rator,  etc. ;  d.  Jan.,  17:30;  ni.  KlCiT,  JJeliecea  (libl)ards; 
(2)  Sarah  Xasli,  who  d.  iVlO;  (ij)  Mary  Beach,  July,  1710.  4,  'i'tiKoriui.vs,  4t]i  child;  b.' 
167.");  d.  nOO:  "a  servant  of  the  ]>eoi)le;"  ni.  Surah,  dau.  of  Kev.  Samuel  Siieet,  wliu  d. 
1784,  a.  !)}.  1,  FJihu.  b.  Kfi:',;  d.  at  Cape  Breton  in  exji.  agaiiist  tlie  French;  m.  172(i. 
Mary  Ives,  who  d.  17:31;  (2)  17:32,  Judith  Howe,  who  snrv,  and  ni.  I)anu;d  Dufton  and 
rem.  to  Waterb.  i.  by2dni.:  1,  Stephen,  1).  17:12;  ('apt.;  d.  1799;  nu  1757,  Sarah 
Beadles,  who  d.  177.^;  (2)  1780,  I'hebe  llari,  dau.  of  Hbene/er  and  wid.  I-3lisaph  (Preston). 
i.  bylstni.:  (1),  Sarali  (twin),  b.  17U:J;  ra.  Isaiali  Tuitle|4].  2,  .Maiy,  b.  i;;3(;;  ni. 
Joth:un  Cm  lis  [fi], 

ill.      .Marv,  b.  Oct.  2i;,  ]f;50;   m.  Capt.  Joseph  Ives  ui  No.  llav. 
iV.      Nathani<d,  b.  1052. 
V.       Abir^Mll,  KiOO. 

VI.      llaiVnaii.  ltii;2;   ni.   ItiSO,  Ea.)s  Taliiiidt;e. 
Vli.      Kiizab  ■th,  1>.  1007;  ni.  Jan.  20,  lOsl).  .in-eph  Pardee  of  East  Hav. 

6,     Isaac  Turner,  I'aj).  1040;  Mr.  Isaac  Turner  d.  March  27,  10:)S);  rn.  Mav  or  An;:. 
10,  KiOs,  .\la,N- T.idd,  wbo  d.  .Mav  ;3,  107(). 

1.      Isaac,  b    .luiy  :1,  KiHO;  ni.  Abi..;ail  .  who  d.  Eel).  10,  17I9-50.      1,  Isaac,  b. 

April  4,  1701;  ni.  An-".  12,  17:3:3,  Mary  Potter.  1,  .\hru]nu,i ,^y:M:  :;,  17:31.  1.  Jabe/,',  b. 
Jan.  ;:!1,  1756.  2,  Ib4)ecca,  \^vv.  27,  170:'..  :!,  Kacli,.l,  Mav  4,  1705.  2.  llnnrh.  Nov.  2, 
17:;0.  :3,  i3'"e//'//.  Jan.  31,  1740.  4,  ^7';/-'/'/«,  Sept.  7,  174o!  1-.  Eiias,  Mav  5,  1 7  ;2.  2, 
Aiii-ail.  .\i)ril  5,  1774.  2.  Jacci-..  Jan.  20.  17(r2;  ni.  Jan.  20,  17;;:!,  Abigail  Manstield, 
who  d.  Sept.,  1740.  1,  Tnu'^tlij,  April  5,  17:!7.  2.  Ahiii,iv .  d.  Sepr.  14,  i;42,  o.  JvUiN, 
Au--.  4,  1704;  ni.  Jan.  2,  1728-'J,  Silence  Tattle.  He  m.  i2)  Oct.  7,  1750,  .Mary  ('ornwall. 
He  d.  abt.  1770.  leaviniz-  niincn'  dau.  Marv;  Ephvaini  Turiier,  yuaid.  1,  Eplininii  June 
10,  17:30;   w\.  Oct.  2,  1754,  Rachel  \Vheerer  of  \\'all'd. 

II.  Nathardel,  twin  with  Isaac;  d.  Fed).  27.  1750,  or  Etl).  :3,  1751  ;  Seri:!.  in  82d  vr. : 
in.  April  25,  1705,  Pulh  Bu<  Icin.i^rhani  of  Milford,  .Conn.  1,  Mauy.  b.  Feb.  :3.  1705.  "  2. 
X.\TU.\Nir,T,,  An,t:  -K  170S;  d.  Ja^n.  20,  175!l;  ni.  .Marcli  10.  17:31,  Sarah  l!oi(  lilciss.  1. 
Esther,  Jan.  21, ~  17:32;  ni.  Feb.  2,  1748^.0,  Jdlm  .Munson.  2,  Jim,  .An'--  7,17:30;  d. 
Marcii  12,  17:3S).  :!,  M«x.-s.  Mav  27,  17:39;  d.  Marcli  20,  1740.  3,  SAttAU,  March  25,  1711. 
111.  JiisepJi.  b.  Nov.  1:3,  1(372;  (d.  Oct.  11,  1750,  or  it  was  his  son  Joseph);  ni.  Feb. 
3,  1708-9,  Sarah  Hotchkiss.  Will  prov.  1750;  nnnle  ]75:j;  names  ss.  Jose|ih,  Thomas, 
Caleb,  Jame.s,  Sarah,  wf.  of  Joseph  Speiry,  llaiiiiah  wf.  (0'  David  Jacobs,  Dorcas,  wf. 
of  Samuel  Barnes.  1,  SAl{.\ir,  Anji'.  7,  1710;  ni.  Dec.  12,  175:j.  Jose]ih  Sperry.  jr.  2. 
JosEl'ii,  A]>ril  14,  1712.  3,  Ai.hxandei:,  Mav  I,  1714.  4,  I'linxiAs,  Fi4i.  15,'  1710;  m. 
Nov.  19,  1740,  Sarah  Humiston  [p.  01].  1,  I'dns.  Mav  :;o,  1741.  2,  Ali.i,ni<hr,  Nov.  V5. 
1743.  3,  .fe>:sr.  Oct,  7,  1740.  4.  S,ini!i.  Julv  21.  1749.  5.  Jami.s,  Feb.  20,  1717;  d.  EtJi. 
13,  1725.  0,  Hannah,  .May  11.  1720;  m.  AJuil  11,  1745,  David  Jacobs  []).  30].  7.  Dok- 
CAs,  June  17,  1722;  m.  Sanuud  Barnes  [0].  S,  Cai.t.I'.,  June  18,  1724;  ]>er.  ni.  Abiuail  Ficsl 
[l..  25].  9,  Ja.MKs,  3Iav  13.  1727;  m.  Aui;-.  2.  1748.  Lois  (4'nttle)  Todd.  1,  V.e/.v,  Oct. 
12,  1748.     2,  Dalnid,  D"ec.  27,  1751.     3,  Muni,  Aju-il  7,  1754.     4,  ])orni.^,  Sept.  20,  1750. 

*  I. ydia  Trowbridee  m.  Ricliard  Roscwcll,  and  h;id:  i.  Sarah,  u'oj;  m.  Rev.  John  VV(jodriiff.  2. 
Dorcus,  1CS4;  111.  Kev.  Joseph  Moss.  3.  Lydia,  lo-i;;  in.  Jtremi.iti  Aivvatcr  [3].  4,  Elizabeth,  169,..;  m. 
17^6,  l'"rancis  Hrown.     5,  Caihariiic,  1005,  m.  Wm.  Goodcnoutrh. 


3457.  Esther  Tuttle,  1..  .Tuly  28,  1742  [p.  ir,4|:  d.  M-av  11,  is-};^;  m.  Sai.mcl,  s. 
of  Samuel  uud  I'.rtliiiih  (lio^c)  I'cntield  of  1^.  ran  lord.  C'oiui.;  d.  A]iiil  17,  17-10.  He  v,us  a 
builder  and  vas  kill. -d  l7ii:j  h_v  falliii<r  f nun  a  house  lir  wa-;  erecting- in  l^-anford.  A71 
oiilv  cdiid,  Abigail,  \va--  t).  af;«'r  d.  of  f. ,  and  iu  170'.)  Esther  reuli<dd  of  New  llaveu  was 
a])i">inted  her  yuard.      ^^■ido\v  Esther  Peutield  ni .   (2)   aht.    177."J,  Janu-s,  .s.  of  raleh  and 

Maiy  (lJussell)"Bradley,  h.  Nov.  f),  17:39  (his  2d  \vf.)     He  in.  (!)  Xaomi ,  who  d.  .hu>. 

2."),  177-1,  a.  y.j,  bv  -wlLini  he  luul  Naomi,  who  in.  Josiah  Clnindi,  Nehemiah,  per.  otlieis. 
He  d.  Mareh  17,  "1S17,  ami  next  year  Hezrkiah  Hitidiki-s,  A-~:di-l  'I'uttle  and  Elea/er 
Foster  were  :Li)])oiiited  hy  ]'rul>:ite  court  tn  s.dl  out  the  widc'w's  dower  and  divide  {■',  th.o 
seven  chil.  or  tlndr  te]'.-;.,  of  James  Ibadley  who  aie  named  in  this  and  in  sa!ise(iiienl 
records,  in  the  fi'llowiivjf  order;  Xaouii  (_']iurch,  Mary  S.  Jhadley.  }'",sTher  Bradley, 
Caleb.  Eli/abefii  Wol-ntr,  .b-ir'e/s  Brad.Iey,  atid,  lu-irs  of  Xehemiali.  Nao;;ii  was  by  l,-^^ 
wf.,  and  so  \--"as  Neli.-miaii  as  acCijrdiiig-  to  his  <^^rave-sto!i»-,  he  was  h.  the  year  that 
James  Bradley's  first  wf.  d.  The  materiuty  of  tlie  othi-rs  i-.  unceitain  evicejil  ^lary  S., 
wliose  <ri'ave-stone  says  d.  June."),  1,^4.").  a.  do,  ther(doir  h.  ITbU.  and  daii.  of  Esther. 
Elizab.'th  d,  bnf.  l.S2i:  named  in  settlement  of  est.  as  wf.  (4"  Benajah  ^^■|>k■otl  of 
baiy,  HurMU  Co.,  Ohio  J-Nrlirr  is  <-alled  wf.  of  Sidney  Hulliriru'i  of  Huli  &-  'l'o\vn- 
send).  A  part  of  the  home  Int,  4i)  fert  front,  was  oci:ui>ie4  by  Jaim  s  Brewster  as  a  car- 
riairc  shop  in  b^2;J.  ,\  note  atrainst  S.  P.  Stajdes  l;)r  e2i>o  is  imuuioucd.  ;'.  Iiy  1st  ni.: 
■  '"  1.  Aiii-ail  Pr'idb.dd,  b.  Nov.  7,  17r.:;;  m.  Ebene/.^r  Mulh-s,  ./.  by  2d  in.: 
11.      Mary  S.  Bradley,  d.  June."),  bV4"),a.  lio;   unm. ;  others. 

34571.     Abigail  Penfield,  b.  N.  11  ,  Nov.  7,  1 :(:;!:  d.  Litchti.-ld.  (Vmn.,  ]-)ec.  20. 
18-14,  a.  Nl;  m.  l)i-c.  2i).  T.s:).   I''l.)ciu;.zer.  s.  of  .b)shua  and  Joanna  Williams  Bolles  of  New 
London,  (".Mil!.,  h.  .liilv  jX,  i:i;i:  d.  at  LiKditield,  ('..un.,  An--.  2S,  1826;  b  ohil. 
1.      Samuel  Pent'bl.l  Bodies,  b.  Fel>.  25,  1721:  d.  Sejn.  4S,  17!i2. 

II.  Ebenr/er  \V.  B:.lle.~,  b.  E.d).  2,  17'.i:;:  rem.  to  Delidii,  lnd.,andd.  there  0.:t. 
S,  l.^-i.')4;  11).  Sept.  21,  1S2:;,  Lucietia  .M.  Lewis  .d'  N.  11  ,  wlm  d.  Jan.  ,s,  iSrH  ;  (.2)  Oct.  Ki, 
1S32,  l.vdia,  wid.  of  S!iub;:fl  .'•;uT>i,u-.      1,   M.\i:v   .\i;i.-Air,    b.    Sej.t.    b,    1S24;  m.  Albert 

L.  Ibdir.os,  j'Nq.,  of  Delidu.  attorney,  ^vho  d.  lS47;2chil.,  r/w//7,.v  and  .   2,   Cjiajm.ks 

E!;kxi:/,i:i;,  b.  Oec.  1?,  1N25;  m.  lS4il,  Satah  Ibadmi  of  Deliila;  1  child,  Lt->ri.i:  parents 
niid  cliild  d.  IS.IO.  Z,  FitAXiKs  Oi:.\(  K.  b.  (let.  vl,  1S-J7;  d.  March  17,  1^2'.).  4,  lA'Ciu-, 
li.\  Ei;.\N(.i:s  E.,  b.  Oct.  1,  l,s-J!(;  ,h  An-.  14.  INoO.  ?.  bv  2<1  m. :  .""),  kVDi.v  VV.,  h.  Feb. 
7.  b^:-!""):  m.  S-'pt.  1,  IS.",:],  W.  E.  F.  Black.  Emj.,  attMm'ev  of  Frlphi.  lied.  .\!ay  2(5, 
l.S'^i4.      l),,  P.,  b.  Jan.  27,  bSi^:  d.  Sej)!.   b'),  1S42.  " 

111.  Samuel  P.-nfi.-M  P^nih-s,  h.  June  2.  17'.i.");  d.  Ajiril  11,  1S7.");  live.l  many  years 
iu  Litchfield,  Conn. ;  it-m.  U)  New  Haven;  m.  .May  27,  1N24,  Posana  Phelps,  dan.  of 
Stcplien*  and  Poxaua   (Phelps)   (dark,   b.    Lilidilield,    Conn.,    Au.i;.    2s,    lbl);j;   res.  New 

*Stepht-n  Clsrk,  h.  al  \V.iod,-.t-uk,  Conn.;  d.  at  Lit',  htiolii,  Seot.  i3,  iS.i3,  a.  ^y.  \va^  s  of  Williiun,  who 
m.  STf.'.h  Goodalf;  of  Xoiwich.  Conn.  Ro\anu  Phelps,  his  wife,  whs  b.  at  Windsor,  Coim.  She  in.  (t) 
Doctor  1  linoihy  Mather  of  Windsor,  who  d.  about  ijcS.  She  J.  at  L.  Jan.  z^,  ub  7.  '^-  7-- 
1,  Ro.xana  Phelps,  m.  Samuel  P.  Bolles. 
lb  Willi.i.m  Mather,  b.  March  26,  iSo_=:  <\.  N'ov.  11.  .1S7S;  rem.  to  X.  V.  city  when  a  youth,  and 
€n£;a^'ed  all  his  life  in  mercantile,  bankin.Era'nd  brokerinij  business,  a[\d  w.ts  widely  known  in  financial  cir- 
cles;-iu.  June,  ii'!4,  Isabella  Staples  ;  /.:'  i,  Eij/Ai^tiH  ST.Ari.t-.s,  b  March  7,  1.^3''.;  m.  in  Trinily  chapel, 
X.  y.  C,  by  Rev.  Dr.  Hobar-..  Feb.  i...  iK?  :  Lieut.  Col.,  I'.ow  Major-Cicn.  Ttiomas  Packenhain  of  H. 
1*1.  3jth  rcK  ;  a  relative  of  Cren  I'ackenhara,  vvh'j  killed  a.l  .Xew  Orleans;  /.  •  i,  A'-t>'iitr  /,c->-.;i/cs, 
Feb.  17,  iS'''3.  2,  f/arrv,  b.  Xov.  6,  isrV,  •.-,  Ismki  l,-\,  b  Julv  4,  1042  ;  m.  at  4"riniiy  chapel,  S.  V  ,  hy 
Rev.  Jahn  ?ilurray  Forbes,  D.  D.,  Frank.B.  Forbes  of  Shani^hrii,  Chma,  lirrn  of  kussell,  Forb-.s  &  Co. 
3,  Ai.RF.,  twin  with  Isrsbella  ;  m.  at  Trinitv  rhapel  .Xoril  10,  i-'..o.  by  Rev.  lidwnrd  Hi-by.  D.  D  ,  Rev. 
Ueni     \V.  i'razier  of  Phiia  ;  Prof.  OS  .\!  ineralOfiV  ii.i  Packer  Col.  at  Pethieiieni,  Pa. 

IH.  Sarah  C.b.  April  16,  iSoS  ;  d.  at  Liic'htield,  Conn.;  ra .  June  5,  ii;3,  Ja'ton  U'liuiny;  /.:  i, 
Ei.i/Ai  t  ru,  b.  March  -,  i?:ic!.  r,  Sr:--.!  aK\  C.  b.  J.i-.;.  24,  ii;i;  d.  Hwu~'.on,  Tca  ,  Ojl.,  i;y-:.  3.  W.m.  T., 
b.  May  31,  183-t:  m.  .April  23,  iS-'j,  Kate  B.,  dau.  of  Wm.  }?  Reynolds  of  Greenwich,  Conn.  1,  Ktlitk 
Reynolds,  b.  Jan.  13,  lo'i;.     a.  Ji'tiu  Elizabeth^  b,  June  27,  iSij?. 



Haven,  100  Orcom- St.  1 .  Koxana  C'lahiv,  li.  May  6,  IK^G;  d.  Nov.  ,"i,  1840.  '2,  Pkx- 
KrKi.i),  1).  May  24.  is:jl;  d.  .\)>iil  12,  is:;").  '^.  Sarah  Maijcaiikt,  \>.  Julv  S,  ]s;i(i;  m. 
July  1."),  ISUT,  Flank  IJowr.  s.  of  Ahijah  an.'i  JOliza  ('rowiiscnd)  Hradlcv."  li.  S<|it.  20, 
isyy-  Y.  C,  1S(;:;  SiuTi;illy  interested  in  o(  oloi^y,  aiid  made  some  im'])ortant  discov- 
eries announced  ;ir  tlie  iiuTtiny  of  the  Am.  Sci.  Assoc,  in  Montreal  in  1S(»0;  imldislicil 
in  Ihi-  y\i/irririi/i  Jo'ir/iri/  nf  Sr[ciic<'  and  Arts  of  that  year,  in  IsiiT,  Assist,  (ii-ol.  in 
Sur\'.  of  111.,  and  in  1N(;;|  in  that  of  Iiid.,  coiiti-ibutini;  a  valualdc  cliapter  to  the  reixjrt. 
Durin^r  years  LSiJU  to  l'^^"),  I'rof.  of  d'eohj'.i.-y  and  Mineralogy  in  L'nlv.  of  'i'cnn.,  inean- 
Avliile  continiiinp- hi-;  rese;;rches,  some  of  the  results  of  wh.icli  wi-re  juihUshf-d  in  ijic 
AiiK'ririm  Jnu rim^  ia  ISTIj.  lie  also  piTpaieil  and  iiniili,-<lit-d  t'lc  same  vear  a  "'•eoloiriea! 
map  of  tho  I'nitcil  States.  In  order  to  adil  to  his  resources  he  left  his  pij-ition  at  Ivnox- 
ville  to  take  clKUye  of  a  ^'old  mine  iic;ii'  Nacoociiee,  (ia.,  whcie  he  Nvas  killed  hv  an 
earth  slide.  May  2'.t.  IsT'.t;  L:  1,  Ainui  P>  njhld,  h.  \i\.^.  20,  1^0-^.  2.  Jutius  Dnii'i,  h. 
Kno.wille,  Tenn.,  Dec  7,  L"^?!;  d.  Dec.  ]7,  saine  \v.  o,  <tci>.  I'ociiscnd.  X\vn\  with,!. 
1).;  d.  Dec.  io,  1^7  1.  4.  Lnci/  'Jo/rus.mi,  1..  NacooJhee,  (ia..  Se'j.t.  ],  1s7N;  d.  May  27^ 
lb7!»,  same  day  h.-r  f.  d.  4,  M.\i;v  Pi:;m'1i:!,1).  h.  .M.i\-  4,  1^'12;  d.  Xov.  Di,  l:r^J:j".  ;>' 
^Iaky  no.\:AXA,  1>.  March  Ki,  1S4(;. 

IV.  Josiuia  Bolles,  1>.  Aii<r.  20,  17ii7;  d.  .hui.  1."),  17',*!). 
V.  (.leori^e  Bolles,  h.  Nov.  27.  17'.>I);  si't,  in  Delphi,  iml. ;  m  Nov.  21).  Is21.  Clara 
M.  Kilhourn  of  L.,  L'onn.  lli>  <!.  .June  I).  iMl-!.  l,.In,iA  M.,  h.  C)ct.  14,  ls22-m  Mav 
2!»,  1S21.  James  11.  Stewart,  .M.  D..  n['  I'dpht.  1,  J.n,n.<  }[.  2,  ./////.'.'  \\.  A', -//,,,/'-/. 
2,  Cakoi.ixi;  A.,  h.  May  17.  ls2.-);  d.  July  7,  lv:jO.  :;,  MakthaJ..  b.  Oct.  27.  1n27;  m^ 
Oct.  N,  1S4N.  Lewis  15."  Sims.  Ks(j..(d'  l)el]ihi;  attorn. -v.  1,  Cirn  Innc.  2.  Julu,  L. 
:-i,  Clrornc  IJ""..\  <\.  >ei,t.  :jo.  isf;2,  a.  4  vrs,  4.  M.irtim  .h.s. jdirur.  4,  ('AiiOi.iXK  A., 
b.  Dec.  14,  ls:;o.  ."),  ^:M^1A  \'.,  ii.  Sc^jit.  7.  ls:<;i;  d.  Oct.';].  Is4s.  ij.  .'<usa.\  11..  1>.  April 
9,  is:]!'.:  111.  Ai)ril  U.  l^.-."^i!.  Cileli  D.  (Jwinn  of  Huilinirton,  Ind.;  fariiun--  i  ■  1  Cirri'' 
Kite/!-'.     2,   Ci/ro/ua  n.     :\.  .John  IL 

W.      Henry  lioHes.  I).  .Match  4,    lsn2;    d.    in    }!urlini:to,i,    Ind..   March   5,    ls4'.);ni. 

1827,  Nancy  llitideoid^  of  New  llavcn,  who  d.  ]N2il;   Ci) .      /.  l.v  Isi  m. :      1.    11i-:ni!V 

('.,  h."M'>rch  ;ji,  ls2:»;  d.  at  i'ecatoiiica,  11!.,  Aipu'.  :!,  lS(iS:  m.  Marv  T'\  Limherk.  who  d. 
July  20,  lS(i:i,  a.  ?m.  yrs.,  I'itrsburndi.  Ind.  1,  A'//,/  .P.  h.  Sept.  1.''),  is^.^4.  2,  IL  rni  L.. 
h.  ]•>!).  1.^.  lS.-)7;  d,  Jan.,  IsOl.  'd^  fha  r!,.s  A.,  d.  Jan.  H,  iNlil.a.  1  vr.  8  mo's.  ('.  bv  2d 
m.:  2,  Mai;<.akkt  rK.xi-iKi.i),  b.  Nov.  !»,  is:!:!.  ;J,  ADci.Afni:  Ai>Kr.iA.  b.  Marcll  2:.'.. 
1S:-i(5.  4,  Makv  Ki.iza.  '_>.  .Uilv  .l.  18:!s.  ."j.  C Aiturixr;  SriKi:wt.\,  b.  Oct  12  ispP  d  J;in 
25),  ISno.  G,  Emii.y,  1>.  Dec.  10,  ISil;  d.  Sejit.  m,  1^42.  7,  DAXif.r.  \Ve7;'st]:k 'b  -\pri! 
11,  184G. 

VII.  Marg-aret  (."owan  liolh-s,  1).  Jan.  2,  180'!;  m.  Nov.  24.  ].S28.  Joshua  (iarrett 
of  IJtchfield,  Conn.;  les.  Delphi.  1,  Axx.v.  MAitiA,  b.  Aui;-.  20,  IS:]!);  m.  June  4, 
IS.IO,  Geo.  Oaylord.  wlio  d.  Dec.  ].  1S(;2.  1.  <ri,,.  /.c/r/.v.  h,  Juni'  1.  ],s."il;  d.  Oct  2. 
1-802.     2.   Gi(>r;i!i>n<{  Mi'  -^iin.  15,    is.l:;.     ;;,    Churl, '^    )17/r/v //.  i).   Jan.'   22.  is:)ii. 

4,  Jb'rrij.  5,  WiUlhii}.  2,  Josiir.K  Hot.i.i.s,  b.  Jan.  2:k  ls:',->;  Prof,  of  Latin  in 
Hanover  Col.,  Ind.:  tn.  Dec.  20,  180ii:  Sarah  A.  Ciowe.  ],  CCi.i,  b.  Nov.  O,  18-")S. 
-2,  MaryrLrct  Ks.'hi  r.h.  M'Ay  l\.  l^'W.  ?,.  J... shim  l'rnirc.\).  Nov.  l.lNIJt;.  ;j.  \N'i'i.i  i.\M 
PknfikiJ),  b.  Dec.  IH,  l,s;)iL  m.  Dec.  10,  1N(;:5,  Amelia  A.  S<'ott  of  4'oled,).  (').  1,  (;,•■. 
.SVc/W.b.  Sept.  lU,  I'rGl.  2,  Charlies,  b.  (.)ct. ,  lNfi8;  d.  Feb. ,  ISW).  :J,  M'if'h'mn  n'n-r^tl. 
li.  14,  1870.  4.  0//rc  77,''/v.v^/,  b.  .March  :;,  ls70.  0,  C'lthiiriuc.  f.,  Ahiru  l.l>ud. 
It.  Apiil,  IS77;  d.  S').t.  ID,  IS^l.      4,  Cu  \i;i,Ks,  b.  J  une  20,  is  11. 

Vlll.  William  liolles.  b.  April  12.  ISOS,  rem.  to  Delphi,  ls;;0;  thenc<'  to  Toledo,  (>,: 
merchant;  ni,  (^ct.  10,  ls:;7,  ICmily  L.  hivans,  wjio  d.  .s-.  /.  Ft  b.  2,  1S;;S;  p.))  Lvdia  A. 
Watson  of  Spencer,  Mass.,  wlio  d'.  May  P!,  is4(J;  (:!)  Nov.  20,  184(1,  Poxa.mi  \\'at-e,n. 
sis.  (if  Ids  2d  wf.  ],  F.Dwrx  .\.,  b.  June  1.  d.  .lune  T,  ISM!).  2,  WtrrivM  W  b  Feb. 
20.  1811;  m.  Oct.  27,  isiis,  Kllen  Collam.>re.  ?,.  IlAKurKT  J.,  b.'  Jan.  21,  184:;!  d.  peir 
2;),  s-ameyr.  4,  A.NX  V.. .  b.  May  is,  IS.jS;  d.  Sejit.  14,  same  vr.  0,  Sa.M  l-i;i,  P. .  b. 
Au<r.  11,  184!i:  m  at  TurilTviUe.  Ci>nii. ,  Jan..  1872,  Ida  S.  Loomis.  He'd.  July  0,  ISis. 
(5,  Sylvia  .M.,  I).  May  2:1,  1802;  d.  at  llartf.,  Coun.,  .\u^^  10.  ls72.    7,  Maiiv  !■:".,  li.  Fef. 

5,  I80f);  d.  May  :!).  ls71.  8,  O'ko.  A.,  b.  Nov.  l:;.  Is.-,.",.  'J,  MAitr;  \I!i:t  L  b  April 
22,  1807.     10,  Joiix  F.,  !>.  June  DJ,  ].s,-,ij,  -/;„//( .v  (Un. 

4542.12.     Daniel  Tuttle,  [p.  210).      Crrrrdlon^i  and  Additonn^. 
I.      (.Juartus    .Moriran,   il.    .March  1!),  lS77. 

11.  Frances  Ad.aiine,  i:i.  Nov.  2,,  ls:!i,  Holland  Wheeler  of  Saxon's  L'ive;-  \'\-. 
whod.  PV42:  (2)  May  ls4o,  Edward  Hall,  of  West  uiinsier.  X't.;  /.  bv  1st  m. :  1.  KiKKi. 
\V.  WitKiCl.KK.  i>.  S.  J{.  Auo;.  10.  ]s;;.-j;  Alliany  Law  Scho<,l,  ps.-,!);  prac.  Law  at  DeWi't, 
lowii,  1800  to  18S2;  eow  I88:j'  at   Huron,  Dakota;  ni.    180;j,    Kate  'V.  Ijrounell  of  Dewitt. 



1,  Fnoice.'i  Adiliiu-.  1<.  .Ian.  15,  ISii).  !?.  ]IoU,iud,  b.  Sf  pt.  ?,,  IfSO.").  2,  Holi-akp 
\N'iiKi;i.KU,  b.  S.  K.,  A|)ril  I'.l,  ]s:^)7;  Norwicli  Cniv.  IS^S;  for  niaiiy  years  city  rnf^incor 
and  roiiiity  surveyor  ut  Lawreiico,  Ivansas,  aii<l  lias  done  ir'iod  sersice  in  advanc- 
ing tlie  interests  of  fliat  rity.  -wliere  lie  now  resides;  ni.  Nov.  1?,  ]S7i).  .Martlia  V..  d'lasliy, 
of  Concordia,  ]\ah.-a'-.  1,  Fr'-nris  EliznUtlh,  1).  Nov. 'J,  ISSI.  x.  liv  L'd  in.:  8,  Al,KHl".]) 
Stkvens  11  vi.l,,  b.  W .,  XyxW  14.  INOO;  Dart.  Col.  lS7;i;  Hoston  I'ni'v.  J. aw  School,  1«7."); 
in  prac.  oflawat  l-o.-toii.  Mas<.,  sinceJan.  1,  b'riTd;!!!.  Oct.  l,s,  l.STi;,  AnnetteM.  Hitchcock 
of  Putney,  \\.\L.:  1.  Fi'tnr-a  Chaiiihcrliiin,  h.  Sept.  "i:},  ISlS.  2,  Jhhn  Annette,  b.  .Ian. 
ITt,  lNS;j.  4,  S()i,(>N  UooDiimcK,  II.VM.,  1).  \\.,  Sept.  11,  IboO;  druir.irist  at  Alta,  Buenu 
Vi.sTa  Co. ,  Iowa. 

111.      Adaline,  b.  b^l:J;  d.  Oct.  ;!,    ISIS. 

I\'.  Daniel  Atwater,  as  on  \\  240,  but  for  l.ynian  A.,  read  T.yman  11. 
V.  Caroline  Matilda,  \n.  Sept.  21,  1S41.  So'lon  ]■".  Coodrid,u-e,  firm  of  Ooiidrid.L^e  ^^ 
WaJlier.  lie  is  ni.»\v  r'liri.d  at  Bellows  Falls.  \"t.,  1,  Ci:<>i<ge  Solox,  b.  June  15, 
lf>42;  was  in  tea  trade  in  X.  \.,  I)at  d.  Jan.  IS,  l.s7."),  nnni.  2,  Makv  CaI',  b. 
April  11.  1S47:  ni.  June  5,  l,so7,  Herbert  I'erriu  Baneroft  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  in  trade  in 
N.  Y.  1,  Jfcrhiit  di.'jdrid'j'',  b.  Nov.  0,  1SS2.  l-]rase  '■  lias  an  uncle  wlio  i.s  in  the 
firm,"  etc. 

Henry  Tuttle,  b.  Ba^king-ridge,  N.  J.,  J^ov.  24.  17:]':!;  rem.  to  \Vyoining,  Pa.,  178r;, 
and  settled  m.-ar  Forty  Fort,  in  Luzenie  Co.  He  lioughl  of  Col.  Xatlian  Donisoa  a  niiil 
]?ropert,v  and  farni  on  Abraliam  Creek,  one  mile  above  it.s  coullni.;iice  ^vitll  the  Su.sque- 
hanna  river  at  Forty  Fort.  A  grist  mill  was  maintained  by  liim  and  his  sou  Jose}>li  iiDlil 
1S4'),  when  Joseph  sold  it.     It  is  still    in   use,  tliough    not   as    iiourishing  as  fonneriy. 

Henry  repre.-^ented  his  father  as  bein,g  of  FJuglish,  and  liis  mother  of  Scotch  naiiv- 
ity  or  i>arentago.  There  \^■as  ]on,ic  a  tradition  in  the  New  Jersey  branch  of  Jcjseph's  [GJ 
ciescendants  that  th.eir  ancestor  came  from  "North  of  the  'I'weed,"  rwid  Mr.  Barber 
pubiislied  it  in  his///.-'/',  (.'"t.  of  y.  J.  Hetiry  had  a  bro.  Dasid  wlio  visited  liim  in  ISlS, 
and  jirob.  a   bro.    Jolin.    He   \va.s  a    S(dilier  of  the  ri.'volution,  farnuM-  and    bla(d< smith;  d. 

Jan.  8.   1S20, -it.  87.      He  m.  in  N>.    J..  Phebe  Beach;  (,2)  Mary. .      All  the  chil.  b.  in 

New  Jersey. 

I.  Henry,  wa>  twice  m.:  2d  Avf. ■  Stro]ie.  1,  Ili:.\itY,  a  boatman;  d.  at  Colum- 
bia, Lancaster  Co.,  Pa.  2.  JOKX.  ?>,  PiiKiiK,  m.- — —  McVickcrs;  (2)  A. sa  Jackson.  1, 
S'iroh  .v.- r (>/;,' r.^  m.  Piatt  Hitchcock:  res.  hock  Haven,  Pa.  /.  by  2dni.:  2,  Mr.- 
JJoircU  Jdrkson,  soldier  in  Florida  Indian  war.   8,  Jane  Jni-kxon.  m.  Renl)en  Holgate;  rem. 

to  O.     4,  Ahiandii.  tu.    Mathew  Turner;  res.  Shelby,  0.;  i.   Lilly.      '>,  Eiizahctlt,  m. 

Pennington;   res.  Dehuvare,  Del.     (>,   Jii.inex,   res.  Ohio, 

11.      Almi'r,  d.   Sejit.    lU,    1820;  m.    Hannah,   dan.   of  Stephen   Harding    of    F-xeter, 
Sus(j.  Co,  I'a.;   lam.  rem.  to  Kalamazoo,  Mi(di.      1,   Ab.\i;j{.     2,  JOSEPH,     'i,    WiT.LlAM. 
in.     .Jolm,  b.  A}irii  3,  1707:  m.  Marv  Bennett. 
IV.     Josi'ph,  b.  Jaji.  1!),  1772.  '  , 

3.     John  Tuttle,  k>.  April  8,  1707;  m.  .Jan.  11,  1789,  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bennett 
of  Forty  I'Vjrt,  Pa.     [See  note  p.  :J22J,   b.  Aug.  lo,  1772. 

I.'  Martha,  b.  F^d).  8,  1790;  m.  Holden  Tripp;  farmer;  (2)  Aaron  Gregory,  res. 
Providtnice,  Susip  Co.,  Pa.;  ;'. :  1,  MAitY  Ann  Triit.  2,  Lvcim.a  S.  Tiuri";  m. 
Charles  Silkman;  lawyer;  settled  Milwaukee,  \Vis.  1,  George,  d.  Milwaukee;  unni. 
2,   Charles  P.     8,   M<irthii,m.  Lemuel  Curtis  of  Chicago;  i.     1,  Charles.     2,   Mary. 

II.  Mary,  b.  Ajjril  18,  1791;  m.  .Joseph  Orr;  carpenter;  res.  Wyoming;  i. :  1, 
Mu.i',- <'()Vi;i.L.  2,  Ann.  3,  Ciiaiu>Ks.  4,  Ai.t.eut  SK):Kii,  now  ])oslmaster  at  Wilks- 
bain'.  Pa. 

111.  llenrv,  b.  A;)ril.  1798;  blacksmith;  m.  Annie  Shoemaker;  res.  Walled  Lake, 
.Mi<h. ;  chil.  r."'m.  to  West  Miidi.  1,  Isaac.  2,  John.  8,  CiiiisTEit.  4,  Ciiaki.ks 
5,  Mauy  Jam;,     'i,  Cakpi-.ntkh      7,  HI':ni!Y. 

1\'.  Sarah,  b,  7,  1794;  d.  Feb.  2(1,  1872;  in.  Benjamin  Jenkins;  car-penter;  h. 
Dec.  2r.,  1792;  d.  May  2S,  lS;;i ;  West  Pittston,  Pa.  1,  "Thom.xs,  2,  1':i,i:an<>k.  3, 
P,A(Hi:r..  4,  CATtiAi'iiN!::.  -5,  John  S.  G,  Mai:ti£A  Ann.  7,  Mauy.  8,  Sakah.  D, 
Ada  S. 

V.      Kli/.abet!!.  b,  .-\u-.  29,  179(}. 

\'l.  John,  b,  Aug.  28.  ]S()0;  d.  Ja'i.  1,  18i)0;  m.  I-3va  Wohlgemuth,  Cooperstowii, 
N.  v.;  /. ;     1.    I'^LizAiioiii.     2,   .M.\uv   Ann.     8.   (.'iiKsXKit;  per.  others. 

VII.      Pheb-.  b    Feb.  15,  ISOC;  d.  April  11,  1872. 
■\'I1I.      Wiir:am,  b.  July  80,  l>:Uj;  m.  Mary   Ingham;  i.:     1,  Chakles.     2,  Mahtiia. 


.710  AD]>KXI)A.  1^; 

IX.  Cliest'T,  b.  I),;:.  -2^.  1S0!5;  d.  July  IT,  iss;!;  m.  Muiy  Ann,  duii.  of  Jac,!,  ].  ;] 
ShociiiulitT,  widnw  cif  I):)viil  H;ilil\viii.  Ilr  was  (Icpiity  slu'rilT,  Clcj-k  Cn.  ciiiii-t:  filitnr  •' 
Jjiizcrne  Diuun-riit ;  thf  fi^^t-  cajitaiii  of  tin-    U'yoiuiiii:;   troii]!;   Xh  yrs.    clfrk    Navv  Dcpt  '■ 

\N'asliin^rt(),i,   |).  (_'.      ],    Makv  !i.,  I).  Nov.  :),  I's.Od;  m.    Ni.v.    'I'd,  'iSTfi,    ])r.    Lewis    Shc'r'       ' 
man,  Milwa.ul;.*-.      1,    (!,r(-'iil,       'J,    I..I,:.  i 

4.     Joseph  Tutlle,  1).    I'ockaway,    Morris    Co..    X.    .J.,.Ia!i.    IP,    1770.  ^     p,.],    ]|  s 

18-!'.),  a.  "(7;   ii.'in.  to  W'vornin;^-  witli  liis  f.      lie  was  of   active  hasincss  lialiits,  as  faniiiT         i 
inillci-,  ilrovi'i ,  !iuri-lw>;  ainl  niiTi-liant.      Tlie  l.-is*  naiucil    husim-s    In-    carrii''!   on  >i■\^■y,^         ' 
years  in  connection  \s  );!i  liis   son,  .Ios.'[ili    \^.     I'little.   at    'I'uiikliannock,  J'a.      ']"!lnn^^)l  of        1 
limilod  fducation  li>'  loolc  sm  .■i(tt\i'  \y.\v\    in  jmlikic  alTairs,  lirld  vaj-iim-  tM-,vn  ollici's,  was        / 
ComniissinntT  of  Lir/.i'i'ue  ( 'o.  for  a  torui  of   t  lin'c  y<ars  and    was   higlilv    csteeuii'd    a^  a        i 
(.•itizf-n.      llcni.  Sr]!!.  •,>•;,  ]7'.»-.  .Mary,  dan,  of  and  :>aiali  ( .MeI>owcIl)"  Lfe,  1..  Stnmds-        < 
blu■^^  Ta.,  Foil.  •?."),  ITTo;  d.  \uix.  ■,''>,    \>^'-V).      Her  parents  rem.   to  \\'yoniinir  In^iVn-e  tin-       I 
iiia.ssai'r(' of  July  :j,  1  77s.  and  Sftth'd  on   the  farm    on   ^vlli(•l;    ilic    \\\\  oniin^-  .Monnnicnt,        ,'' 
ereel<'(l    ovei- tie-  rommon  ;!;'-rave  .,1  tie-  slain    settlers,  now    stands,      .'icsse    i  .'^e  \\  as  from        | 
("'onn.      lijs  wife,  Sally  Me]  )o\vid !,  was  dan.  of  JiJin,    a    Scotch-lri;-lnnan    wlm   i-uue   in         .'; 
1707);   m.  Miss  Dcpuy  uf  ],nw  |)iitc!)  (Holland)  fxtra.nion.      They  ]uid  '2  ss.  and  iD  dans., 
all  Weil  to  do,  widolv  known  and   respi-eio.l.      Josrpli    Tnttle    ni.  (*•?)  Mav    lf»,  ls;iit    Ara- 
lu'lla.  )-:vans:  (:.!)  Klizali.-th  Edwards;  all  tlie  diii.  by  1st   m. 
1.      Sarali,  b.  Apiil  4,  17'.':.?:  m.  Pa.vne  P.-ttibo'ne. 
U.      Hannal!,  b.  .lulv  :!1,  17l»4;   d.  July  L'S,  X^u^y.  i 

11!.  Kli/.abetli.  b.  Auir.  ID.  ITill'.;  ni.'  Ane,'.  :^.  bS'^G,  by  K"v.  (borge  Lane,  Paul  "* 
Isislioi)  Jer.nim;-.-,  of  Holt  I'aiisb,  J-bi--.,  b.  July  'Js',  17;.'."):  d.  Dec.  Kb  bstH:"a  mercl.ant  .-.f 
Melioopany,  Pa.  1.  .bisiorii  T.,  b.  .Nfay  20,  ]S','7;  merchant,  millor,  bimbcrnian,  and 
concrned  in  othi-r  e:itrrpii>cs;  m.  Ann.dau.  of  .Ala jm- Job n  basset f ;  m'v.  rbil.  2,  \\'ii.- 
].i.\.M  N.,  b.  .March  ;j,  lb2'J;  m.  Sarah,  dan.  of  Danlid  Jlieks.  She  d.  He  is  iarir<'lv 
eno-Oi^o.rl  in  varion-;  Imsincss,  as  luniberiny,  and  in  the  oil  reiritws:  s-v.  ehil.  '■'>. 
^V<)l:T)lEY.  b.  F,d>.  .11).  ls:ji;  d.  May  22,  1^84.  4,  (Vmioi.ixk  17.  Jj.  Jui;el4,  l.'-:;;4:  111. 
May  (i,  1S.j4,  1-7.  \^'.  Sturdi'var,t,  b.  Skinner's  Eddy,  ^S'yomit),<;-  Co..  Pa.,  ]>er.  IG,  \y.\:\: 
an  tictive  bu.siness  man  and  Sunday  S.  Suj't..  \N  llkesbarre.  1,  .hmn ng^  T).,  b.  Hvjr 
Park,  Jan.!),  ls.77;  in.  bi  \Va-<li.,  !)."('.,  Feb.  LI,  1":^77.  'i, -Fl'vaic,  A.,  b.  June  !b  JS'V.i; 
ni.  Dec.  27,  1S7'.),  .Maurice  F.  ibl.i!;rion.  ;j,  Ad<i  E.,  b.  .lenninu-svillo,  Sept.  11.  \>J\\. 
4,  Pdi/nc  r.,  b.  Oct.  14.  lyiil).     .5,    i:>  J:'.,  b.  e'harb  .-  Co..  MaVviand.  March  il,  ls:4. 

0.  M.\KIA  L.,  b.  Aug.  11,  Itiutl;  d.  Sept.  12,  1S42.  6,  M.\i;v  A.,'  \).  Dci.-.  17.  isils;  m. 
Aug.  29,  18(.i7.  by  Lev.  J.  Lewis,  Jaee/u  L'.  Kintnor,  b.  July  11,  ]^;-',S;  nu-reha.nt  at 
Melioopany;  Cnllecfor  Internal  IJev. ;  Aid-de-eamp  to  Cov.  of  Pa. ;  Snudav  School  Supt. 
and  both  mem.  M.  E.  clih.  1,  CharlcxB.,  b.  Aug.  IS,  ISILS.  2,  M'n-y,  b.' Sej)!.  4.  P>7ti. 
?},  Jo.-iCjJi,  twin,  with  .MaiT.  4,  linih  C,  b.  ,)an.  22,  iN^o.  7,  Cii.\  L.,  b.  March 
o(>,  IS!!  ;   d.  Jiii'.e  21;,   WJi't. 

IV.     Josepli  IS.ach.  b.  June  4,  1708:  d.  Oct.   14,   1877:  tn.   Frances,  dan.  of  ThoiP.r.- 
Jenkins  of    I'lxi.'tcr,     Pa.,    b.    1803;    rem.    to    \^'alled    L.-ike.     Midi.;    res.     Shiawa-^c.   ■ 

1,  Edw.^UO,  d.  A])ril  14,  1871,  a.  4f;  yrs.  10  days,  leaving  wid.  and  1  dau.  2.  J.\mi> 
15.,  merciiant  and  farmer;  Walled  r,;tke,  .Mich.;  m.  Eliza  iiandoliili,  who  d.  Pcc. 
14,  1SG7.  a.  ;jl.  1,  Mary  L.  2,  llnUic,  3,  llohcrl,  twins.  4,  .J,(tn,,,  Ji.  r>,  Kimir' 
J.     G,    \Vi(l.i,nii  S. 

V.     Jesse,  b.  Sept.  10,  1800;  d.  184.-):  merchant;  m.  1830,  Martha  P^oss,  wlio  d.  I'd'. 
21,  187S.      ],    Axx,  d.  Feb.  10,  ISMI.     2,   M.\itv,  twin  with   Ann:  d.   y.     o,   Ei,iz Ai;i;i  o. 
(1.  y.     4,   Gkoi'ck  K.  of  Lansing,  3'ich. ;  m.  and'has:     1,   J^arr  ])'iin;'!,i_s.     2,     IVd/./,     •"'. 
Ja.\]-:  S.     G,  JcSKi'ii  J.,  m.  and'has:     1,   }f,(l>v' .     2.    (Uunjf.     ?y,  Uhindi,   res.   Mich. 
A'!.     Mary  Ann,  b.  Oct.  17,  180.^;  d.  Feb.  .-).  ISOG. 
^'^.      Svrian,  b.  March  24,   1S07:  d.    Sept.    .■),    ISoT,  at  l\ed  L'iver  Landing,  La.;   luur.. 
\'lil.     George,  b.  Feb.  2,  1S12:  d.  ISGO.  unm.,  in  .Mich. 
IX.     Lee,  b.  Jan.  G,  181G:  d.  July  28,  ISGl,  at  Washington.   D,  C. ;  m.  Nov.  2.  I^^IT- 
^Vejiiihy  Ann,  dau.    of   Pierce   Smith.      1.    Pik\;ck    S.,    m.    and    d.    leaving    1    child.      2, 
Syki.a.n,  m.  ar'd  d.  having  1   child.     '.\,   l'".\N Nii;,  <1.    .v.    i.     4,   M.\iiv,    d.    v.     .-|,    Lmii-a. 

in. ;  res.  Mason,  higliani  Co.,  Mich.     G,   SriiWAitT,  d.  y.      7,  jA\ri.si5.     8,   Il.\:;r.v, 

d.  y. 

41.     Sarah  Tilttlo,  b.  Ajiril  4,  170;J:  d.    April   27,    ISDO;  m.    Pavne   Pettibone."  h- 
Jan.  24.  17^7;  d.  Ae.e-.  i,^,  1,^14.      She  m.  (2)  David  Perkins. 

*Ji)tin  Pctlibiiie.  of  French  e.'itr.t'.urin,  ciiue  over  from  I'^ny'.  and  v/as  .a  jiroprietor  in  Windsor,  Ceno-. 
1655;  rem  to  Sin^tiary.  Conn..  at)iiut  i'".'.;,  locaiiai,''  on  l.mds  now  iiS^ii  in  possession  of  s:inK:  o'  '-'' 
descendaiHr..  ni.  1  c-"!.  10.  ifJ.'^,  Sar;ei  ICLjijloti-'n,  and  had  .jciHl..3b.  in  Windsor  ('.  .u  Sir.i'jhury.  "" 
descindant,  No-i;;  f^i.-tuD  r.ii;,  pet.  Cj;in,  .\ssi;m..  175?,  lor  permit   to   buy  lands   of  the  Indians   at  W  >  '■ 



■I         ^ 


y9  ..,^_ 

'^-^^-7^?^^/:  yyy£- 






1.  Stoiighton  Pettil.onc,  b.  April  !»,  18) 2;  I'lcs.  Pcttilj.iiii;  l';i]>.;r  Co.,  Nia^rara 
Falls,  X.  Y. ;  iii.  ISo^"),  Autioiiette  Diiniiini^,  wIki  d.  Marrli  I),  is'l.");  (2)  IS  10,  C"i)rnvliii 
IJelluinv.      J.  by  ]si  in.:     1,   Emma  ('.     i.  \)\  'id  n\.:     'i,   ],A[-i<i-.\  W. 

II."  Piiyu"c  Pfttibouf,  b.  Dec-.  2:!,  ISi;',";  res.  Wynuxmi::  \a.  Oct.  H,  b^^^T,  Caroruic 
M.,  dau.  of  \Y!!1.  S'.vct.buiil,  b.  Orf.  IT,  bSOn.  'I'o  Mi.  j'.-ttiboiic  wt-  :ir»-  iu(lfl)tcil  I'ur  this 
record  of  tho  cli.'srciuliiat.s  of  Henry  Tuttlc.  In  a  letter  to  tlie  compUcr  he  says;  "My 
grandfatlier,  .lo-»'ii1i  Tattle,  ta]iiii:j  lue  to  his  hoiiif  in  my  Infaiiey,  on  the  death  of  my 
fatlier,  s'.ud  giving'  me  an  even  clrance  in  the  fsunily  home  i'or  sm-h  traiiiim,'-  as  the 
circumstances  allowed,  especially  the  benefit  of  a  (.'hristian  home  \\Ith  its  re.sulling 
influences,  has  had  niucli  to  do  v.  ith  deepening  nry  interest  in  the  family  record."  The 
following  sketch  is  mostly  from  jlansclL's  Hid.  of  Luzmie  and  Wyoming  Counik.'i,  pub. 

lie  lived  ^^■ith  liis  grand fathei-  Tnttle  until  he  was  fourteen.  Afterwards  as  tavern 
boy  aitd  clerl;  at  Tunkhannoclc  lie  was  subjeeted  to  very  bad  associations,  Imt  A\-as  so 
firmly  grounded  in  inoi-al  pririciple  he  Icept  hdmself  iinstaiited.  ]3efore  he  was 
eighteen  lie  was  olfercd  a  business  copartnership  with  Col.  Montanye.  but  declined,  and 
returned  for  a  .short  time  to  farm  labor  at  his  grandfather  Tuttle's.  Soe,n  afterwards  he 
acct'iited  a  i^osition  with  Swetiaod  iV.  l?aldwiii  of  \\'yoming,  and  in  l8o4  became  a  })art- 
uer  with  Mr.  Sweiland,  ami  so  continued  until  the  ileatli  of  the  latter  in  18<)4  .\s  exec-- 
iitor  of  the  will  of  Mr.  S.  he  managed  his  csuue  for  tifteeu  years  so  as  togreatly  increase 
its  value. 

The  integrity  of  his  character,  his  great  business  success,  and  lii-'  liearty  sympa- 
tliies  with  his  fellow  men,  and  solicitude  for  their  ir.aterial  and  moral  advaneemt-nt  ]ia\'c 
led  ilr.  Petiibone  into  a  large  number  of  business,  edacatioual  and  religious  entt-Tjirises, 
in  all  of  which  he  has  talcen  a  j>i'onunent,  part.  Among  these  may  be  named  the  old 
Pittstnn  Banl;:  the  ^\'yl);l>ing  Terra  Cotta  Works:  di^'ector  of  First  National  Bank 
of  PJttston,  and  Wyoming  National  Baidv,  and  the  Miner's  Savin;;s  Bank  (jf 
Wilkcsl)arre;  Pies,  of  the  \\'iike.-ban-e  Cravings  B:;nk.  Of  the  Wyoming  Shovel 
Works,  himseir  ami  son  are  tie-  sole  proprietors;  diirctor  of  tiie  Washington  Jdfe 
Insuvance  Co.  r.f  X.  Y. ;  Pre-.  Board  of  Trustee  s  of  liie  Wyoming  Seminary;  of 
the  \\'.  Bible  S.-c.;  uf  tile  W.  Camp  :\Ie'--tii!g  Asso?.;  of  tlir-  Fort;.  Fort  Cmieti-ry  Assoc; 
Trustee  of  the  Drew  Theo.  Sem..  and  of  the  Wesleyan  Univ.  at  .Mid;iletown,  Conn., 
resigning  the  latter  oilice  from  inability  to  attend  the  meetings. 

In  1814,  on  com.  with  (urn.  Wm.  S.  Boss  and  J'.r.athan  J.  Slocum,  ai)pointed  by 
tlie  State  of  Penn.  to  sell  the  Delaware  div.  of  the  Peuii.  C:-i,al,  whlcb  was  satisfac- 
torily accomplished.  From  18.14  to  lMi:i.  he  was  Tr(>asurer  of  the  Lack:i\sanna  ^V  Blooms- 
buig  B.  1!.,  during  the  most  trying  period  of  its  tlnancial  hisiory,  from  vvdiich  .severe 
stiain  and  'presure  lie  retin-d  as  soon,  (but  no  s:).iner)  as  he  couhl  do  so  with  safety  to 
the  .stock hold ei's.  lie  wa^  afterwards  elected  a  (.lii-ector  of  the  company,  and  held  that 
position  until  the  road  was  consul idateu  v.itli  the  Delaw.ire,  Lack,  t^'  N\'est.  B.  K.  He 
has  refused  all  othces  except  of  a  local  nature. 

Ill  bSGi  he  was  on  committee  to  finish  the  Wyoming  monument  and  im])rove  the 
grounds  which  had  Vieen  very  much  neglected.  Tiiis  work  he  accomi/lishcd  with  his 
accustomed  success.  In  Isr^!  lie  was  chairntan  of  the  com.  on  finances  of  the  Centennial 
Memoiial  .\ssoV..  and  to  him  was  largely  due  the  success  of  that  occasion.  At  this  time 
he  entertained  at  his  r. 'silence,  Pres."  Ilaye--.  his  family  and  cabinet,  Cov.  Ilartranft  of 
Penn.,  wife  aiul  suite,  and  many  other   prominent    men   of   the    State  and  nation.      The 




ming;;  m .  17.(5,  Hu'dah  Williams;  S  chi!.,  b.  in  Conn.;  was  in  \Vyonain;.:r,  i?*^'),  with  ss.  Noah,  Stephen  and 
Oliver.     In  177^,  on  nieadovv  lot  No.  22,  where  his  dcsc.  have  continued  to  tiie  present  time,  making  con  •_ 
.liderable  adduionsto  the  homestead.     He  d.  at  \V  ,  March  2:,  i/yi;  chil.  all  b.  binisbury,  Conn. 
I.     Estlier,  b.  June,  1747;  lu.  VVm.  .\!worrh. 

lluUh'.h,  b^  .A.U5;.,  17,0;  la .  Bcnj.  .\t\vater. 

No.ih,  b.  Nov.,  1751;  m.  .^Iav,  17,-r,.  Lacy  Scott,  and  killed  in  battle  of  W'.,  July  3,  f-S 

Hannah,  b.  Oct.,  1753:  ni.  Jo.scph  Shaw. 

Stephen,  b.    Sept.,  1755;  served  in  Sullivan's  .\rmy  and   hoa.  disc. ;  was  killed  by  Indians  after 
retur-n  to  W.,  Feb.  10,  1779,  on  Kin^^stim  i'lals. 

VI.     Dolly,  b.  June,  1757;  m.  1-77,   Tiniothy  Stevens. 
VII.    Lydia,  b.  Dec.,  1759;  ■''' •  John  Vaughn. 
VHI.     nh\er,  b.  May  13,  1762;  m.  Dec.  -ji,  1783,  Martha  Paine.     Me  was  in   Forty  Fort  at  time  of  the 
massacre.     He  counted  the  men  as  they  went  out  and  made  the  number  ~,S--     He  returned  to  Conn    after 
the  battle,  but  rem.  to  .\nienia,  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  21,   17S3,  where  he  m.    Martha,  dau    of   !)r 
Harnabas  Paine.     He  set    on  I.ivin.'-i'on  >r:'ror..  v.-hcre  ih.-ce  c!m1    were    b.     rie  ret.  to  W.,  April,  i-SS 
and  boucht  iot  a.'j(iinuiL'  his  f.  and  10  more  chil.  were  b.,  and  all,  except  ;:,  whod.y.,  raised  larn-e  faiiiihes 
Hed.  .March  17,  133-.     His  wf.  d.  Dec.  25,  ts.-;       i,  0\  ivKK.b.  Sept.  .,,  17.^4.     2,  Ksi  uki--,  Sept.  15.  17S5. 
3,;,  J;iu.  24,  1757;  m.  Sarah  Tultle.     4,  Joshua,  .\ug'.  31,  17SS.     =,  M.\kci.\,  Nov.  3,  179^.     o.  Li  cv 
Sept.  12,  17.}.!.     7.  M^kv.  Oct.  21.  ■.794.     8,   N.^ncv,  Nov    13,1705.     9, 'No..\n    July  27,  17^3.  '   ic,  II 1  uj.\e.,' 
Feb.  T4,   i3j!.     II,  tiE.NKv,Oct.    5,  1:02.      12,  M.\R'iii,A,  Dec  33,  iS:.4       13,  STF..'Hh.-<,  I-'eb.  2,  1S07. 



715  ADDENDA.  | 

following  sprint':  Mi>.  Hayes  sent  to  Mrs.  PtTtibono  a  cast-  of  rare   iiowers  as  an  cxjjres-  i 

sion  of  her  pleasant  reeolleetions  of  the  visit.  ._  | 

Among-  other  affairs  of  a  business  nature,  Mr.   Pettibonc  and  wife  arc  owners  of  a  i 

lai'ge  Sugar  phintation,  \vheiv   the  experiment  is   being  tried    of  keeping  negro  laborers  ' 

eontenteii  by  prom])t  payment  and  fair  trt'atnu'iit.  « 

As  early  as  twelve  or  fourteen  years  of  age  he  received  hinting  religious  iiniirtssiDns,  }_ 

though  he  did  not  join  the  church  until  18-18,  since  v>iien  he  has  bei'U  coniinually  in  the  -j 

oihcial  board,  serving  as  leader,  steward,  trustei',  S.  S.  suj>t.  and  delegate  to  the  lieneral  | 

Conference.  'i 

The  \\"yoming  ril.  E.  church,  which   was  dedicated   July   18,    1883,   was  the  gift  of  f 

the  P.-ttiboiie  family  t<.  ihat  society.     It  is  a  lieautiful   edifice,  casting  s-2.5,OOU.     Of  this  ]. 

sum  Mr.  J^ettibone  and  wife  contributed  4-5,  and  liis  mother-iu-law,  Mrs.  Swctland,  l-o.  | 

C'hil.  of  Pavne  and  Caroline  Pettibone:     1,   M.\Ky  S.,  b.  Oct.  o,  1838;  d.  Dec.  (1,  IS-LJ.     o_  | 

FilANCLs,  b.  Sept.  5.  184-2;  d.  Nov.  17,  184n.     3,   Wim.iam  S.,  b.  Julv  2,  1844;  d.  June  ' 
L'-2,  1S,-)U.     4.   Enw.vTiD.  b.  Dec.   •>>,   1848;  d.   March  23,  18."i'2.     o,   K.\tk  S.,  b.  Sept    27. 
bSol;  111.  Xov.  12,  1S74,  by  l]ev.  Hugh  Dickson  of   Phihi..  Allan  H.  Dickson,  lawver,  of 
Wilktsbarre.      1,   C'lio,    h.   Oct,    lo.    ISTo;    d.  Jan.   10,    1883.      G,   lioi;Li;T    P];k.\t,    b. 
Dec.  12,  18.J8;  Snpt.  of  the  Wyoming  Shovel  Works. 

.                 ■                                 f- 

Allen  T.  Nye,  m.  l^^abelle  Forev,  [p.  183].  AcMitiony.                                                                 | 

I.     Mal;ei.                                          ■  '          ■          n 

II.     Allen  T.  I 

III.  Walter  William.  f 

IV.  Florence  Isabelle.  •                                                                          3 

ERRATA\Ti<:).\s.  —  p  ,   page;  !.,  line;    f.,  from   and   for;    t.,  top; 

bottom;    r.,  read;  e  ,  erase;  su. 

p.  XL,  ].  24  r.  1..,  f.  TuttU-  r.  Tuthill. 

)).  XIl.,   1.  ;j4  f.  t.,  f.  aie  r.  were.  •  .       -     •.  ' 

]).  XXll.,  1.  ]-2  f.  b.,  r.  B-iscaweu,  .    .      .      .      '    .        ,  .      [ 

p.  18,  1.  l.j  f.  t.,  r.  Xeale.  .    .  '..- 

\K  -2],  1.  1.')  t.  1),,  V.  (,>'iieinvicli.  . 

]).  20,  1.  2J  au(i  25  r.  t.,  r.  An-ur.  ..  '       .     •    . 

p.  27,  1.  2.")  f.  t.,  r.  Alcon. 

p.  28,  1.  81  f.  t.,  r.  W.-ltui,. 

p.  84,  1.  28  f.  t.,  r.  M.,'M(. 

p.  84,  1.  12  f.  b.,  r.  1 ;;.-,]  t'.  184. 

p.   !1,  1.  21  I'.  1..  r.  K.'wish. 

]..  42,  1.  1  f.  t.,  r.  Kvi.  '        ■ 

]>.  40,  1.  3  f.  1).,  lout  note,  r.    171)!). 

p.  ni,  1.  17  f.  b.,  r.  Mcad.'s. 

p.  r.2,  1.  2.')  f.  t.,  r.  ]Ma;Hu>s. 

p.  G2,  1.  27  f.  t.,  r.  Hila  NortMU  f.  Hilos  llortoa. 

]).  ()2,  1.  20  f.  t.,  r.  Hila  f.  liiU-s.  .      .      - 

p.  02.  1.  24  f.  b.,  V.  JI'jir,/rd  /lime?/  f.  Biniev  L.  ■.■,.' 

]).  G2,  1.  7  f.  1..,  r.  'J'nllrs  I.  Tolls.  ^ 

p.  G4,  1.  IS  1'.  b..  r.  Huadies. 

p.  OU,  1.  1  f.  t.,  r.  lviii,u>bury. 

]).  75,  ].  IG  1'.  b.,  r.  Sfiitirm. 

p.  88,  1.  4  1.  b.,  font  note,  bt-t\veeu  Samuel  and  Kutli  in.-ert  lu. 

p.  87,  fo)-  de:;c    of  X.  P.  St-ymuur  see  Addenda  iu  A]ipendix, 

]>.  0(!,    "      "      of  Abij^'-ail  Goodniau  Catlin,  see  Addenda  iu  Appendix. 

p.  OS,  1.  81  f.  b.',  r.  Zifrviali. 

p.  lUO,  St.'.  Ajipendix  lor  add.  to  Pantrv  Jones. 

p.  101,  1.  20  1.  t.,  r.  Yale  for  G'ale. 

)).  108,  1.  7  f.  t.,  for  17G2  r.  1782. 

p.  108,  1.  82  f.  l. ,  for  Dunham  r.  Durham. 

]).  108,  1.  21  and  24  f.  b..  r.  l^onit  for  Booth. 

p.  100,  1.  0  f.  f.,  e.  d  in  >b)ndell. 

p.  110,  1.  2  f.  t.,  r.  Sewall. 

)).  113,  1.  25  f.  t.,  r.  Chard  for  Cliartd, 

p.  IIG,  1.  2G  f.  I.,  V.  I'.'llamv. 

p.  117,  1.  0  f.  b.,  r.  David  L.  Oi:den  for  Loo-den. 

p.  118,  1.  28  1'.  t.,  r.  iss;;  f,,r  is:!;{. 

p.  188,  1.  20  f.  u.,  I'ut  u.  for  w  in  (Jallawdet.     . 

p.  188,  1.  IC.  f.  b.,  put  d  f.)r  t  in  (.'ritlev. 

p.  140.  1.  G.  20  and  80  f.  t.,  ]uit  4  in  plaee  of  5  in  Xos.  815,  8150  and  815G1. 

142,  1.  10  f.  f..  r.  l!!:i8. 

145,  1.  2(1  f.  1..  r.  IJrinckerlioff  Sur^r. 

154,  ).  II  f.  t.,  ])ut  a  for  i  iu  L;dnn'! 
put  a  for  e  in  I'frsons. 
.-^i-;-  Ji.  712  of  A<ld,.nda  f.-.,-  d,-^ 
,  i)Ut   V  fur  (i  iu  (lalf. 
J'lit  V  fur  t  in  llart. 
,  p'Ut  ;i  fv)!-  u^  in  Augusius. 
;•.   ei.Utll's  fr)r  (latlfs;. 

157,  1. 

185,  1. 

p.  108.  1. 

p.  200,  1. 

p.  204,  1.  IG  f.  b. 

p.  20G,  1.  5  f.  t.. 

5  f.  b., 
10  f.  t. 
24  f.  b 
2:!  f.  T. 

Allen  T.  Xve. 





5  IS, 
63  0, 













,  1.  13  f.  1).,  i)ut  Y.  for  (.'  in  (!al(>. 

',  1.  IG  f.  t.,  ]Mit  M  f.,1  W  ill  Wiittatack. 

,  1.  33  f.  t..  pur  Y  fi,r  (i  in  r.ulc. 

,  1.  2i  f.  t.,      " 

,  1.  ]G  f.  t.,  for  SHliman,   r.  SiUiinan. 

31  f.  t.,  r.  Nnilh  for  N<-\s. 
,  1.  Kj  f.  b.,  ]>ut  f  fur  o  ill  Itoxford. 

1.  20  f.  t.,  put  Y.  for  a  in  (iale.  ■ 

.sc(;  Add.,  p.  70^,  ior  Hall  finu-iidnicut. 

1.  12  f.  t.,  for  T-lor  r.  'I'avlor. 

1.  20  f.  I).,  ]iuL  ]■.  for  S  in  iSolv.  '  . 

1.  27  f.  t.,  for  P]iilan<lrr  r.  Pliilenda. 

1.  10  f.  li.,  put  i  for  uv  in  l^'clcworlh. 

1.  21   f.  t.,  fo;-  Hoiiry  r.  H(-rvey. 

1.  9  f,  b.,  for  Prlrr's  r.  Pine'.s. 

1.  33  f.  t.,  for  1SS2  r.   1n22. 

1.  3  of  fool  not.',  tor  Dculumi  v.  nurhani.  '  ' 

1.  8  of  foot  noti-,  ])ut  1  for  t  in  Bottwood. 

1.  13  f.  t.,  for  1807  r.   1870.  •  . 

1.  2i'  f.  t.,  fur  Farniiiig  r.  Panning-. 

fuo:  noil',  r.  Vab'  fnr  (lale. 

1.  22  f.  ]>.,  put  o  for  a  in  l>ear.s. 

1.  29  f.  t.,  ])nt  o  for  s  in  Mi-r.^^a. 

1.  9  f.  b.,  pur  M  for  x  in  Pruuirban,  and  P.  for  B  in  ]3onsonbv, 

1.  2  f.  t.,  fur  P-n.-riah  r.  Ponina. 

1    17  f.  I.,  fur  V.  1\.,  r.  r.  li.    Townshemb 

1.  17  f.  t.,  for  Xo.  2  [.nt  222. 

1.  20  f.  b.,  f.  su.  li  in  Thom]i]<ins. 

1.  '.''>  f.  t.,  b>r  liunt  r,  Hull. 

1.  IG  f,  i.,  for  No.  12  i)ut  11. 

1.  15  f.  b.,  o.  sa.  r  in  Orzias. 

1.  G  f,  t.,  for  u  ]'Ut  a  in  Hurt.  '  -  ■ 

1.  G  f.  b  ,  for  4.S  in  brai^kot'^.  ].ut  44. 

].  S  and.  9,  pnt  e  for  a  in  Playst(jn,   lower-case  w  for  ^^■hevc',  y  U)i'  v  in  Biuivaii 
for  Fj  in  ]']arket. 

1.  25  f.  b.,  for  T.-tylur  r.  Tylt-v. 

1.  20  L  b.,  fur  V  i>ut  1  in  Pratt. 

1.  22  f.  b,,  for  Sullivan  r.  Sillimun. 

1.  4  f.  b.,  foi  .loseph  r.  Jasjter. 

Index  of  Christian  Names  of  Tuttles, 

Aaron,  20,  2?,  10.?,  i?19,  ivJS, 

2;5.j,  52(5,  508,  5(.i4,  otiT,  oSO, 

G72,  7f)0. 
Aaron  Towasend,  2'^1. 
Abnfr,    I'J'J,     2-J;<,    oUS,    -}y9, 

.51)4,  7(iy. 
Abiud,  231.  232,  233. 
Abierail,  24,  30,   3'.t,    T-"),    81, 

121,  r.JO,  13(1,  177,  Isj.Ool, 

202,  2."i3,  25."},  260,  2():i,  27!, 

2So,  2U7,  3 IS,  422.4:)3.  4(;.-3. 

401,  .^-Ji).  50'.),  570,  571.  5^0. 

593,    507,    025,   xxv,    wvi, 

xxviii,  xxxiii,  xxxiy,  xxvi, 

\xxiv,  xliv. 
Abliie,  221. 
Ahhic  A.,  208. 
Ai.ljs,  504.  597. 
AbliaOl  Miles,  284. 
Abbie  M.,  52?, 
Abbif  Kiizabeth,  321. 
Abbie  France.-^,  xxx,  xwi. 
Abbie  A.,  xl. 
Abi.  495. 
Abi  (}..  405. 
Abuih,  453. 
Abljab,    185 

500,  504.  70y. 
Abialhar,  2 17,  257,   25b, 
Abiatliar  A.  B.,  258. 
Abraliain,  81,    I'.H   177,   181, 

188,  253,  254,  :J81,  300,503. 

571,  573.  501,  5,12. 
Abel,  45,  210.  -25,  xli. 
Abraliiini  liowe,  281. 
Acksah,  258,  52'j. 
Ada.  518.  089. 
Adah,  39. 
Addison  B.,  202. 
Adrian,  505. 
A(hi,  256. 
Aua'ii\i.-,  700. 
Adeline  A.,  xxxi. 
,\d(>l[ihus  Darwin,  xxxix. 
Adelai.le,  470,  xiviii. 
Adeliiid.i-  Pheb:,',  2iM. 
Adeline,    175,  210,  458,   501, 

23(',    271,    272, 

Adelia,  231.  534. 

Adriana,  317. 

A^nes,  573.  58  k 

Agnes  Farner,  320. 

Agnes  I'^veliJU',  225. 

Ais,  xxi. 

.•\lansoi),  103. 

Alice,  ISI,  225,228,  205,  531, 

535,  401.  X,   xix. 
Alice  A. 

Alice  B  ,  30,  73. 
Alice  C. 
Alice  1). 
Alice  E.,  587. 
Alice  F. 

Alici!-  Gertrude,  2!2. 
Abu-e  11.,  248. 
Alice  Hub!;ard,   500. 
Alice  .ToseiiUine,  72,  244. 
Alice  L.,  02. 
Alice  Laura,  297. 
.\lice  Maud,  xxx. 
Alice  M.,  xxxix. 
Alicia,  41. 
Allie,  200. 
Allen  A.,  223. 
Allen,  184,  185,  241,  275. 
Allen  Dewitf,  271. 
AlK.-n  S..  223. 
Alline  Altnian,  xxx. 
Alfred,  228,  230,  2li2 
Alfred  B.,  20:'.,  520. 
Alfred  (J.,  1.^0. 
Alfred  11.,  5 Id. 
Alfred  P.ichard,  524. 
-Alfred  ^VasluIlgt(lI•, , 
Albert,  42,  230,  457, 

,  531. 



505,  53 
.\ddi.-,  Kbii. 
A.idie  E.,  223. 
Ad.-lb,|-t,  470. 
Ad.-Imci-  .M.,  -^Ol. 
AdclOcrt  ('.,  ;:i:j. 

I     0/3,  .)^.). 
i Albert  Chapman.  03 
I  Albert  (".,  400,  400. 
jAlheri  G(jss,  570. 
lAlbert  George,  227. 
jAlbert  Munme,  li;s, 
'All>ert  ^'uiitVird.  5-J2. 
'  \liiert  Perr'.-,  513. 
'Albert  P.,  520. 
lAllHTt,  H,,  5S4. 
I  Albert  Henr\.  52(1 
jAibert  Frederi<-k,  57 
I  Albert  Jehiul,   501. 
lAlbf-n  E'igrue.  207. 
lAlniir.i,    189,    232,    'J 
i     521,  575,  503,  xlix 



M),   255. 

.\lniira  Minerva,  237. 

Ahnira  S.,  317, 

Ahii-ron.  230. 

Almeda,  4s4. 

Ahneda  \\\nnore,  xiviii. 

AUneron  Aiwater,  239,  210. 

Alma.  195,  290,  2';i',  207,  208, 

271.  272. 
Abiia  </<)ra.  401. 
.Alexander  II.,  :)17. 
A.lexaPider  Tb.afiileus,  537. 
Ahiuvi,  200,  21^0. 
AJmon  Lee,  249. 
Alner,  5S1. 
Aloic/.M,  -J .-,5. 
Aionzo  Allen,  493. 
Alonzo  Chrjiilierhn,  493. 
Alsira  E..  :?22. 
Alvln,  -Un.  5(iS. 
Alvin  N.Ode.  242. 
Altlion.",  :^10. 

Altbea  -lane,  524. 
Alta,  495. 
Al/.ina,  181. 
Alvab  Bradlev.  5-Jl. 
Alvali  BnH'keti,  ^(;i. 
Alexiaa  ^Jaria,  31i). 
Alviia,  L^'.O. 
Amanda,  178,  454,  455,    512, 

521,  53G,  508,  581.; 
Amanda  M.,  81. 
Amand.a  llaniet.  297. 
-Amanda  G.,  492. 
-Am.anda  Enifliiu',  493. 
Amaiida,  R.,  xl. 
Annisa,    138,    2O0.    208,    270, 

281,  294,  509,  570. 
Ambrose,  223,  275,  453,  402. 
-Andirose  Johnson,  3  1 1). 
Amelia,  57,  229,  490. 
Amelia  A.,  41, 
Amelia  G.,  314. 
Am.4i:;   boiiisH,  493. 
Annjs.  212,272,275,  307,  308, 

498,   19i»,  513,  517,  5;',n,  570, 

578,  5H»,  590.  00^. 
Amos,  Elliot,  4!i9. 
A!m..-5  Vmycv.   499. 
-Ahk.s  Hardin,  xli'. 
.\  ixitru.  :>:)L 
Amos  lO-h'.],,  :J-is.  240. 
Ammi  Miles,  29  1. 



471.  j 



G-"..   321. 

<>;.  icm.  its, 

•Si],  -J^:}. '2SI, 

:i09,  ol'J,  459, 
■->:i(;.  4.^1.  "jtiii. 
i,   xxvii,  xlii. 

Amy,  03,  ISO,  iSO,  281,  295, 

5S9,  592,  xix. 
.^\iny  Miiria,  493. 
Auimon.  239. 
Ann,  72,  NO,  S) ,  233,  317 

499,    oi>3,    57ti,    71(>. 

xxvi,  xxxiii. 
Aun  AdcUii,   22P>. 
Ann  Aue^iista,  'Ml. 
Ann  D.'iia,  229. 
Ann  Eli/,al)et!i,  221 
Ann  M.,  xxxi. 
Ann  Mhi'v,  TiS.x 
Ann  Elizii,  G3,  262. 
Aun  Vannc'ite.  4ij. 
Ann  M.,  :,[7. 
Anna,  40.    81 ,   ."^3. 

1S4,  LSS,  212 

299,  307,  HOA 

499,  017,  43(' 

572,  070,   XX 

Anna  A.,  270. 
Anna  Clark.  204. 
Anna  {'•.,  499. 
Annabi'lla  Ann.-iia,  2(.)0. 
A)iua  Francos,  olU. 
Anna  French,  4G0. 
Anna  Diane,  493. 
Anna  Jar.R,  207. 
Anna  Lncv.  239. 
Anna  Joniinia,  31 G. 
Anna  Ma;ia,  oOG, 
Anna  MatiMa.  314. 
Anna  Mnrv,  499.     ' 
Anna  M.,  073. 
Anna  Leni.  096. 
Anna  S.,  520'. 
Anna  Ijouisa,  xxxis . 
At\nc,  xxix,  xxxii. 
Aiiulc.  y9,  42,  ru'.l. 
Ajinie  ]\Mi)iiivnn,  499. 
Annie  Elizabeth,  290. 
Annie  Matilda,  320. 
Annie  L. ,  201. 
Annie  liol^iiison,  499. 
Annie  Parker,  497. 
Angeline,  Gl,  229. 
Angeline  Alvira,  229. 
Au'trelina,  497,  499. 
Angelina  M.,  232. 
Annis,  xli. 
Anni.-^  .1.,  Gl. 

Andrew,  71,72,  142,  1G3,  1G9 
170,  22S,  ;!!(>,  ;;;17,  492,  033 

080,  (;0-'.  xxxi,  xli,  xlii. 
Andrev.-  Hull.  OiU. 

Aiidre\v  .Iai-ksni> 
Andrew  Oivis.  4 
An.sel,  2G(>,  070. 
Ansel  Aikeii:,ide 
An-nn.  00 i. 
AiKson  Yale,  221, 
Angelo,  277. 


liuli,  OUl. 

Antoinette,  2G2. 
Ara,  39,  40,  012. 
Arad,  OGG. 
Ardelia  M..  004. 
Ariad))e,  XIO. 
Aral  1(4,  314. 
Arvilla,  530. 
Areie,  82. 
Arniina,  xlix. 
AnneiHa,  ^'.,  xlix. 
Arthur,  43,  4  70. 
.Aithur  Henry,  xlix. 

Arth.ur  <  'lieiiev,  320. 
Artliur  l>.4o;-~,'249. 
.Arthur  .lames,  2'.»0. 
Arthur  NN'aid,  314. 
Arrliur  Wellingtrm,  -..'04. 
Artonif'pia.  021. 
Asaph.  l.'^9. 
jAseuath.   2G2. 

iA^aliel.  40.  132,  100.  228,  274 
j     300,  022,  G81. 
[Asa,  2G2,  2o4,  273. 
|A,^a  .M.,  020. 
Asa  T.,  270.    ■ 
[Ashhel,  810. 
Ashe],  xlii. 

Atsvaier,  237.- 

Augustus,  22f;.  491,  021. 

Augustu.s  'j'itus,  239. 

Augustus  S..  SI. 

Augu.sta,  280,  019. 

Augusta  E.,  OOO. 

Augusta  Maria,  290. 

Aui,'usta  M.,  499. 

Aurolia,  2G0,  322,  492. 

Aurelia  Ann,  493. 

Aurelia  I)ian:lie,  499. 

Austina.  409. 

Au'^lin,  17!>. 

.'\uslin  Hn)r>ks,  xlviii. 

.-\uHtin  Sumner,  459. 

Avers,  575,  580,  581. 

Azor,  81. 

Azel,  xxix. 

.-\7.uba,  23,  277. 

Bathshcha,  xxix. 
Barnet  \Vo('dl)urv,  xlvii. 
Benjamin,  41,  242,  277,  281, 

29G,  347,  402,  003,  009,  570, 

579.    580,    090,    59G,    xxxi, 

xxxiii,  xl. 
B(.'nja3ain  Avers.  321. 
I  Benjaniiu  A.,  277. 
i Benjamin  1\ ,  201. 
j  Benjamin  Fi-aiil;.lin.  20!,  013, 

I  Benjamin  (i.,  212. 
I  Iv'njannn  l-fovce,  499. 
JBi'njamii'  >.ewti)n,  O70, 
lP..'i>'ia!!;in  Stokes,  xxx. 
!  Beth. 4,  72. 
iuet.-v,  24,  02,  81,  82,  100,  170 

?30,    xxix,    xlii, 

223,   229, 

Betsv  B.,  17.  P.,  40. 
Betsi-v,    204,    200,    207,    270, 

271",  277,  290,470,  0(,9,  .021, 

522.  538,  OGG,  068,  Os},  094, 

xxx\iii,   xl. 
Betsey  .Ann,  296,  001. 
Betsev  .lane,  OSl. 
Betsey  Iv,  090. 
Bet.sey  Dickey,  xxxi. 
Bessi(>  Loraine.  321. 
Beiioni,  207,  200,  262. 
Bcdotha,  231. 
Bede,  38,  219. 
Bertha,  204.  .008. 
Bertha  Harrier,  082. 
Bertha  l.oiiisa.  321. 
Eerrlia  .Miles.  2!tl. 
Bel  lie.  204,  499,  080. 
Bertie  Maria,  321. 
B<'r!,  207,  260,  264,  273. 
Beri  Street,  224. 
Beulali.  241. 
Bethel,  170. 
Benajah,    20G,  270,  277,  318, 

Cenajah  Johnson,  200. 
15cnediet  Marcus,  003,  503. 
Belle.  080. 
Belden  B. .  027. 
Berenice  liachel.  084. 
Bethiah,  294,  098. 
Birney,  270. 
Bi;;hoi),  508. 
Birdseve.  226. 
Bilson"  500. 
Birnev  L.,  62. 
Blanch,  710. 
Bliss  Chri-^topher,  280. 
Bradford,  41,  094. 
Bron.son  Beecher,  241. 
Bradburv  Cillev,   xxx. 
Biad!ev,"]84,  180. 
Bradley  Allen,  185. 
Burr,  81. 

Burr  Douglass,  710. 
Burr  ^^'ils()n,  xliv. 
Burton,  230,  272,  534. 
Burton  E..  223. 
Burritt,  200.  OsG. 
Burton  D..  0.S7. 
Byron,  G2,  005. 

Calvin,    206,    270,    021,    022, 

( 'alista,  207,  006. 
Caleb,  20,  24,   130,    130,    142. 

17G.  177.  17S,  IS,-!,  l-;i.  030. 

236,  237.  321,  063,  569, GoO, 

0.00,  lillO. 
Cal.4.  A-'r,  227. 
Carl-,  ie  I'l.uikiiu,  237. 

I.\|)i:X    OK    CHIMS'IIAN     NAM!-: 


("mi-oIus,  ;-!!),  GSO. 

Cuiol,  248. 

Cuiolhu-.  ',^-2:;.  2.-)4,   2-37,   'j;'.'2 

275,     'r2l'\    oy(j,    5n9,    51).") 

Carolina  F.,  OOO. 
Cai-nliiii;  Ani.-lia,  -ISO. 
Caroline  .-Miuira.    xli x. 
Caroline  A'.itoijielte,  ■J('i."3. 
Caroliue  ]•:..  -!!i."i.  .-)S4. 
Caroline  liall,  r^li',. 
( 'aroline  ]■" ranees.   2;j7. 
Cai'oliu"  Louisa,  2'.)~>. 
Caroline  .Matilda,  240,  70!). 
Caioline  .Melissa,  42. 
Caroline  Lnorotia,  o04. 
(.'aroline  fc^tanli-y,  -ON-"). 
Caroline  :>.,  571*. 
Caroline  Sopliia..  xh'iii. 
Caidliue  Uickhani,  ;^15. 
Caroline  Si-ral,,  22.>. 
Carpenter,  IW. 
Carrii,  2>''i.   l'.)."t,   xlvii. 
Cariie  A.,  40:;. 
Can  if  l^ell,  4'J7. 
Carrie  .\ii^u.-ra,  ij20. 
(  V;rrie  K!i/,alietli,  4t;i. 
( 'arrie  ],.,  2iio. 
Carrie  .).,  22s. 
Carv  A.,  4iiU. 
Cassius,  212. 
I'ase,  ISO;  :,\K!,. 
(.'atliarine  A.,  xxxix. 
I'atltariiie,    :^\    s],    S;2.    2i:i 

572,  xxxiii,'xlii. 
('atliarine  C.,  ol(). 
C^atharine  Kli/.a.  20(). 
Catharine  Kli/.ali''t]i,  oU. 
Cathaiin.-  II,,  .510. 
Caili.-iiine  Ceeelia,  ;;i(;. 
Catharii'.e  <  >  lay,  xlii. 
Ca.thariiie  Maria,  '^&.l. 
Catliarine  .M.,  oi>. 
Catliarine  Velina,  42. 
Celia,  24!». 
Cecelia,  80!),  815. 
Ceylon.  402. 
Celia  la.nrlie,  40:1 
( 'elina  W. ,  xlvii. 
Cele-tia,  5(it;. 

Charle.s,    7;!,    2.0,    4ii.     12,    ^1 
S2,  242.  I'-'O,   ISO.   IS4.    :■■ 

ti-  271,  ;;u'>,  :'.14,  yjc,  4o 

450,  4iil,  4^4,  405.  lOO.  5o; 

5r.».  521,  52(;,  5:44,  5:'.r,  501 

•'>0"),  TiJl',  XaX,  xxxv:,.   xh 

(4iarles  Anu-ustiu,.  2;!0,  205. 
Clrtrles  AToioa.  42. 
Ciia:  les  .MliiiL;,  17U,  5:j5. 
'■i!:,!;,  ^,  A..  v2:;,2:::>.,  400,50: 

C'.i.-Mles   llell.   XXxix. 

Charles  Coe,  lit). 
Charles  Clark,  524. 

iCharlf'.s  Crane.  5i:l 
Cliarles  l)ayt<,n,  42. 
'Charles  Downie,  ;C20. 
Charles  Iv,  v;!2.  2:'.:!. 
C'liarle.s  I'.ihiin,  457. 
Charles  Ktrhert,  5s4. 
jChailes  Edwin  (4ark,  50 
jCharles  F..  22:),  5.s<,  505 
'Charles  Francis,  :J20. 
iCharh'S  Frederick,  52F 
iCharles  Cie.,,  r,<.y.], 
(Iiarles  Henry,  242, 
!  xxxiii,  xiix, 
Charles    II.,    24S,    82!.), 

[Cluster  Morrison,  4S-1. 
iChester  Cri,  4^7. 

Charle,.  Horace,  572. 
(diaries  Johnson.  :]-,j5. 
<  diaries  Kirkliani.  511>. 
(dnirles  Looniis,  227, 
(d,arh-s  I,.,  5S4. 
|(diavh's  C,  270. 
jidiarles  .Mari'n,  xlii, 
Ciiarles  -M<<reTte,  27(1. 
.Charles  Ahuiinny,  2:52. 
jCduades  Sevniour,  270. 
Charles  S.."  504. 
Charles  Northroii,  510. 
'(di:uie,<  do-e|ill,   525. 
■Ciiarles  'Idiaddens,  5:^^;^ 
kdiarles  Fzal,  814. 
iCdiarlcs  Wdlhnr,  817. 
(diaries  W  .,  404,   xl. 
ddiarles  \\dHiani,  297. 
.ddiarh's  hhd.lin,   810. 
|(diarles  11 ;,  275. 
ICharles  W'eslev,  525,  xx 
Charles  White",  5:30. 
ICdiarh^s  \Vhitconih,  xxx 
Udiiuidler,  575,  502, 
'(dtarlev.  40-\ 
;( diaries  \Viv:or,   42, 
'Charlotte,  !>■!■,  2l0,  81G, 
I     518.  578,  570,  xxx. 
jCdinilotte  C. ,  80, 
(diarlolte  (C,  41. 

■      5Mfi," 

<  h-.;-v  - 
<d.    .  ■   . 

M,,  22>;. 
-May,  2:i0. 

\\dlliains.  2;i;) 
>0.  42,   \\)-l  255 

,•■':.      ;     ■.   -vV 

;    -);;f; 

>.          -1.  '    .        .' 

.)1.2'.  xlv' 

!,  ( 'liaTin.'  e_\     Jcvi 

!,  5  70, 

i,  Chaiincey  I'.rail 

lev.     xlix 

(dai-Iolne'r,   ■',') 

,  4  7,  no. 

2s8,  2S4, 

(  iristian.  5:10. 

'  di!  istina  Si, (41 


>.  CheMer,    2.-0,    ." 

10,    ioo, 

xlvii.  x!\iii. 

■(diester  J  ,  277 

.Cdiestei-  A  iiinir, 


ICddoe,  4*;,  ](>:;,   104,  105,  is.s, 
I     210,  255,  4',)2,  400,  57U. 
IChloe  li,,  24.S, 
:ChIue  C,  270. 
5.      ,(.4ara. 

j(.lara  Louisa,  227. 
Clara  S.,  :-!!), 
(daia  A,,  501. 

(d.-ira  M.,  5-J(). 
2fi5,  Cl:iia  .Maiia,  52(.). 

Claia  Lli/.:d>eth,  2:10,  595. 
470,  |(dara  Melinda,  227. 
K.dara  .Mine:  va,  227. 
jClarissa,    281,   204,   45S,  510, 
i     520,  5>:i,  5:!2,  500,  5G0. 

(larissa  F.,  500. 
!Cdarissa  1-d'encli,  280. 
kdarissa.  Lonisa,  240. 
kdlarissa  J^ioley,  820. 
jClarinda,  277. 
.Claudius  :d.,  590. 

Clarence,  xlviii. 

Clarence  Clinton,   400. 

(.darence  Herbert.  447. 

Clark  Strong-.  5L,', 
jClilhird  Ilcjrace,  820. 

(4ement,  :;0,  40,  570. 
[(.denieiiiin.e.  5:)4. 
■  Clayton  17..  222, 
;Cornelia,  :;0,  27e.  205. 
.Cornelia  Sally.  240. 
jCornelins  D.,'  527. 

Cornelius  Braitiard,  221. 

Colunihas,  81G. 

Columhus  A.,  502. 
IX.       (-'ora,  400. 

Ccn'a  K. .  404. 

Coia  .Mlierfina,   5S8, 

(^"cmstunf,  202. 
459,  Constant  Loyal,  470,  4^1. 

Content,  40S,  500. 

Concurrence,  504,  505,  ijSU. 

Comfort,  2.S1,  81  y, 

Curtis,  ISO.  181. 

Cviithia,  210,    220,   2:.-;0.    2'^(i. 
78,  Cynthia  l^lakeslee,  229. 

Cynthia  Aureliti,  220. 

Cynthia  E.,  227. 

[(.'ynihiu  .lane,  505. 
I02,j(-'yrus.  500.  509,  570,  5^1.  xl, 
lii.       C\  rus  (),,  5^1, 

|C".  Dudley,  205. 

2SI,  jl'ainaris,  581. 

jDariinL;-,  2:!1. 

I  Larw'in.  20'J. 

iLaiii.d,  ].  20,  25.  87,  8S,  50. 
o:),  (;2,  71,  72,  7:i,  >d ,  lOt! 
!'!5,  •>:;!),  v.'.-',  is(;,  2  !;>,  257, 
200,  2.S1,  -.ii'O,  800,  8H;,'441,' 
452,  458,  454,  497,580,  492^ 

INDEX    OF    CIIinSTIAX    .NA^fF.S. 

4i)r),  508  to  .107.  5S0,  rise.i 
58'.J,  mu,  -)',>?,  'AiU,  (>42.  GGS,| 
G70,  708,  xyvi,  xxvii,  xxixj 
xxsiii,  xliv. 

Daniel  ,-\t water,  2-10,  709. 

Daniel  B.,  597. 

Daniel  Bliss,   loO,   400. 

Daiiiil  (".,  xxxi. 

j):iuif!  (I.,  ;;>;. 

DuiiielM..  o:31. 

Daniel  Svlvester,  -I'^O. 

D.  llerndon,  .jfJ-J.  Oii:.i. 

Dan,  -i-ii).  i3.")7,  :^(i(t.   o:'.],  588. 

David,  1,  ---'u.  4-J.  4.'!,  80,  81, 
lUli,  01^.  'J19,  2-24,  184,  187. 
lss|  l,-^i),  2n;j,  ■27(1,  29'i,  2i)7, 
?,{)9',  :il(J,  :US  to  :;2l,  :;17, 
453,  4!!0  50^,  514.  517,  51;:), 
575!  570,  .5S0,  581,  592,  5'.i7, 
(;75,  70;',  xxK. 

iKivid  .Vv._'VL-tuf;,  57o. 

]>UVLU  A.,  oil). 

Dovid  B..  o21. 

]>:ivid   IV-.-rlu-r,  2(i8. 

David  1).,  584. 

David  .!r^t„s.  219.  223. 

David  P.,  2r,.-,    :i21. 

Diivid  N.,  5!;(i.  5(18. 

David  'l\.dd.  202. 

David  \'.,  221. 

r>avid  \V..o>ter,  508. 

D:n-is  n..  5(Ja. 

Darius,  597. 

Darius  !>.,  5-^9. 

Darlino-  ]).,  2:J1. 

Itavtou.  2;U. 

DeboraL,   22,   17  7,   219,   521 


De.sirf,  23,   74,  181,  297,  325 

Dcli-ht,  20'). 
Delos,  207. 
Dennis,  275,  512. 
Dennis  Oliver,  227. 
Delia.  249,  314. 
Delia  Joluisnn.  3)5. 
Delia  Maria,  310. 
Deliverance,  513,  xxvi. 
Dexter,  243,  277. 
Devine,  570. 
Devlin,  xlvii. 
]')ev.itt  (.'linton,  5"^!!. 
Diantlie.  21^,  24i).  526. 
D.jnald  D:Ld<ey,  xswix. 
D'dlv.  45. 
D.notl.y,  171,  172,  233,  xxvi 

XKvii.  xxv'ii,  xxix,  xli. 
Dorcas,  572. 
Dora,  xlvii. 
r„.va  \'<d'.isia,  5'i5. 
Duniali,  401. 
Dudley,  5:'.l. 
Duaue,  5"0. 
D\vi;:h<.-  495. 

Dwiglit  F.,  275. 
Dv\i,irht  M.,  222. 
Dwii.,'lit  ^^'illianl,  275. 

Earl,  xl\ii. 
El)en,  41. 
Kbeii  Clark,  243. 
Ebenezer,   45,    81,    172, 
318,  31 H,  405,  407,  409, 


590.701,  xxviii,  xxx,  xxxiii. 
Ebenezer  Burton,  470. 
Ebenezer  Holt,  xl. 
Eddi.-,  xivii. 
Eddv  L.,  :!'.). 
Edsviii.  ','42.  ;;17,  495.  512,  520, 

Edwin  Aiunsn,  271. 
l-7d\vin  C.  5S4. 
Edwin  E. ,  533. 
Edwin  F..  243.  321. 
Edwin  II.,  202.  ...05. 
Edwin  ]..  205. 
Ivlwia  Eatliru].,  xlviii. 
Ei\'^]n  H..  2-! 2. 
Edwin  i;u.-li,  499. 
}'7d\vin  .Mil.-<,  2:)5. 
Edith  (Toodwiij,  522. 
Edith  Martiii.  227. 
Elith  Mav,  2!t7,  320. 
Ediih  Sh.'rwn.ul.  499. 
Ed-ar,  :;iO,  457,  47'),  xliv. 
Edgar  .v.,  205.  5;i:;. 
[Edgar  l-711swurth,  535. 
|Edgar  :\!ortin:.T.  314, 
jEdsou  .\udiew,  28o. 
Edmund,  4ii7.  490.  500. 
Edniuml  Bostwiesv,  518,  519, 
Edward,  43.  01.  82,  229,  526 
584,  710,  xxxii.  xxxiii,  xlii 
Ethvaril     AuL"istr,<    Fre?ich 
i     570. 

lEdward   Austin.  320,  321. 
i Edward  Deen  Allen,  42. 
;Edna  Lois,  490. 
jEdna  I'auliie-.  xliv. 
iEdward  E.,  39. 
'Edward  S.,  01. 

Edward  L.,  295. 
:Edward  Theodore,  297. 
lEdward  Francis.  320. 
iEdward  Montg-oniery,  311. 

l'id\\ard  Harrison,  504. 

Edwaid  I)..'{"<wta,  504. 
iEdward  t)riiu.  570. 
4\dward  l*ens(\  571 . 

Edwaid  Salmon,  258. 

Edwaid  1'..  25S. 

Edwanl  W.,  258. 

Edward  Hubbard,  400. 

Ivlward  i:}dirain!,  4S9. 

Edward  .Marion,  4.S:). 

Edward    I)aniei.  507. 
lEdward  IMerpofd,  5ii(>. 

Edward  \\'intLro]>,  01. 

Edward  T.,  227, 
Edward  Alvin,  179. 
lOdward  TifTany,  189. 
Edward  \Vooster,  239. 
Edward  Wocidbiid^v,  01. 
Egbert  \y..  510. 
Eybi'rt  C'lavion,  5S4. 
Elbert  r,,l(',  4'.;'.t, 
Eli,  45.4ii,  81,   273,  274,  533, 

589,  592.       ■ 
Eiia.s,  591. 
Elias  ^^'.,  595. 
Elislni,  xwiii,  xxxii,   xxxiii, 

Eliza,   45,    81,    170,  221,  223, 
203.  270,  273,  270,  310,521, 
533,  5.34,  5:17.  4M,472,  50!.i, 
570.  018,  xxxiii. 
Eliza  A.,  01.  275,  50i>. 
Eliza  Ann,  30H. 
Eliza  Dellart,  311. 
Elizit  (irace,  507. 
Eliza  Goss,  570. 
Eliza  Jane.  227,  591. 
p]liza  Logan.  512. 
Eliza  M.,  299. 
Eliza  Uebi'ca,  40;;. 
Elizabeth,    1,    -'-'K    O;!.   75,80, 
81,   >^:'..   S7.    1(;5,   ]7ii.  -177, 
17N.  ^10,  2iii.2J4.227,  272, 
27f'.,  270,  2-9.  2.~-il,  295,299. 
:i07,  310,  314.  317,  0I8,  347. 
4S2,  488,  491.402,491,501, 
531,  534,  553,  503,  580,  590. 
597.  003, GOO,  039,  080,  701, 
7o9,  710,  xix,  XX.  xxi,  xxvi, 
xxx,  xxxiii,  X xxvi.  xxx viii, 
xli,  xlix,  1. 
If^lizabctli  A^  res.  42. 
:]':ii/il"-th  Ai-n,  2:^7.  274,  4.s9. 
IE.  (t.,  597. 
[Elizabeth  A.,  228. 
lElizabetli  Caroline,  500. 
I  Elizabeth  Sarah,  219. 
jj'^iizabeth  Charry,  242. 
lEiizabeth  I'amp'  312. 
Elizabeth  Ibirriet,  271. 
Elizabeth  Amelia,  490. 
Elizabetli  Abbi»:'.  xxx. 
Elizabeth  (Jorham,  xli. 
Elizabeth  Mason,  497. 
Elizabeth  Hacklev.  538. 
Elizabeth  Mary,  4S4. 
I'dizabeth  Melina,  507. 
Elh'ii,  295,  499,  500,  57(1.  5Sl. 
Ellen  Eugenia,  42. 
Ellen  Anieiia.  223,  239.  ' 
Ellen  .M..  00. 
Elh'U  .i.,  221,  522. 
I'.lien  11.,  :i02. 
Ellen  14. ,  5,'<4. 
l'".!!cii  Luciini.  457. 
l'41en  liouisa,  401 . 
]':ileit  Jerusha,  524. 



Elli-n  Ifaniiah,  oG? 

Ellen  'Slaw,  5-?4 

Ella.  204,  '275. 

Ellit  A.,  533. 

Ellu  L.,  xxxix. 

Ella  M.,  -249. 

Ella  P.'terson.  ?>•?(). 

Eliplialct,  ITfj.  ];:, 

Elipluilot  A.,  ISO. 

Elijah,  XX xi. 

Elijah  Cop,  'j'.iD. 

Elijah  (Ti-aiiuvr.  470. 

Eleaijor,  170,  '2o5. 

Eleanor  D.,  01)7. 

Eii'azcr,  07'!. 

Eleazur  II.,  -^iB 

Elias,  ,23-3,  233. 

Eliada,  '2.53,  2o4. 

Eliaila  S..  254, 

Elilui,  2.")4,  ry2l 

]:i'>i.t.  Elvira,  310. 

Eh)i(_']-,  ."iTS'. 

El  on,  2(J]. 

Elf  eta,  2(31,  2G2 
Electa  If.,  201. 
E.  ])ftr\vi)i,  209. 
ElizLi]'  Cowlc.s,  224. 
J\li/.ur  AVrii:hi    224 
Elsif,  -lOi),  .-.s.^ 
Elsie  A..  222. 
Elvira,  20:),  oiy.l.  ,'",22,  o 
Elvira  W.,  223. 
Elam,  227,  200,  270.  31 
Eninui,   ISl,    2.~^4     314 
4S4,  499,  521,5:^4,  53i 
EniHia  A,,  ."il);'. 
EniiJia  Adrlia,  240. 
Euuna  C,  321. 
Enuha  Carolina.  524. 
Eimna  IV"!!.  254. 
EniiiKi  I-;..  501.  5;jO. 
Etiiiria  11,,  2  IS. 
Emma  JaiU'.  5S5. 
Emma  Julicfte,  22S. 
Emma  L.,  221. 
Emma  Lane,  314. 
Ennna  Eawixairo,  320. 
Emma  LL'v.-is,  ISO. 
Emma  Louisa,  505. 
Emma  Lucinda. 
Emma  M. ,  xl. 
Etnma  i;.,  22.s. 
Emma  Susan,  170. 
Emma  'i'ow  iisi-ud.  295. 
Ei!!ir;a!lssa,  4">7. 










■n  JviwanI,  5; 
•It  (if.).,  524. 
.  3'.(,  221,  227, 

50s',  51(), 

A..  5:;4.  599. 


Ann,  Si. 
.Vi^^-usta,  503 


C,  222,  310. 

lEmily  Jane,  223,  5b0 
Emilr  L.,  522. 
[Emily  i^ucinda,  227. 
lEmily  Malout-,  320. 
Emily  .Maria,  xxxiv. 
jEmilY  P.,  xlvjii. 
I  Emily  S.,  232. 
L'-'l,  043.  lEmily  Soiih.'-onia,  229. 
jEmily  Dickinson,' 230,  2 
lEmrduie,    81,   170,   24's 
I     274.  xxix,  xxxix.       ' 
lEmilie  Elorenco,  320. 
JCm(dine  E.,  27u. 
Emeliiie  O.,  24S. 
Emoo-('u<',  530. 
lEmog-ene  A,,  244,  xlviii 
:Emoiv,  41,  200,  oSt) 
lEnada,  201.. 
Enos,  20,  Nl.    170,   177 

205,  275,  271!,  453,  554 
Eno.s  Todd,  220. 
Euocli,  t;2,  500. 
En^igrl,  02. 
.'Ejdia,  50.S. 

!E])liraim,  23,   325,   450, 
j     404    to    -Mi?,    -,is2,  4>!)', 
'     504,  50S,  022,  i;:]?,',  ir,~,' 
!     OON,  000,  077.  (i-^o 
jEraFlciviuv,  xxx, 
lEra.sUi.s  \\',,  s,i.  ■ 
^5.       JErm-.-.i  (,'. ,  J0(;.  ],(•,..  ],vo. 
7.         jErwiu  Leonard,  207. 

470,jEra.smii.-,  Darwin,  xxxix, 
,  7)0.;Era.-tus     Darv.-i;;      517 
i     510.  •      -    '' 

jE.sther.  41,  Gl,  135,  130 
'^2,  147,  103,  104.  172 
I'Sl,  lyy,  104.  255  2(15 
271,273,  274,  270,205,  3J  7 
407,501,  500.  521.520,,  530 
o02,    504,    02;!,    008.    709 
I     xxix,  XXX,  xxxi. 
Esther  Anil,  595. 
Es^ther  L..  02. 
E.sthcr  Slavhx,  295 
Esther  Tolles,  20S 
Ethel,  248,  200,  502. 
Eunice,2S,C0,72,  103,104, 105 
-102,  170,  4:i.40S,  50ij,  50S, 
oOO,    4S1,     502,     507,    05l' 
xxxi,  xlii. 
Eunice  Arddia,  407. 
Eunice  lOli/a.  50,s,  511. 
.Eunice  L, ,  4.~,[i, 
'l']uni(.<'  Lucv,  22 
2(i2,207,|Kune,ia,  2;)4. 

|l-'n,i;c'ne,   H,  500. 
|Eu.i;-ene  Augustus-,  240. 
jEiie-cne  .A.,  573. 
Eiiir.'ne  li.,  5i(j. 
|E'i.i;-cnif,  223. 
jEn^^iu:!  Sr'icaiior,  25(1, 

Eui^cnia  Laura,  504 
]'A-a  Calista,  40o. 
Evtdine,  3J4,  xlvii. 
Eveline  A.,  270. 
Even.'tt,  \V.,  4i)0    xi 
Evi,  42. 
Evaline.  221. 
Evelina  II.,  221. 

Evelyi)   Pei-iv,   221. 

Ezra.  151,  1(;5,  217 
205,  275,  210,  2r7, 
^•)00,  701,  702. 

Ezra  Anustromj,  45 

E/.i^kiel,    nil,    225, 
•■>'^3,  5G4,  5!i2,  7()1 

Ezra  Williams    2;iH 









olS. il 


iF;nuiip.  Is],  7i(j 
■  jpHnuie  It.,  139. 
'Fannie  M..  y^s^ 
jpannie  Thcrina, 
i Fanny  d'.,  .3^1 
|Fanny  E!izab"th 
I  Fanny.  57(; 
j''e;iton,    5ol!, 
iFiilelia  ^'\l  via    2  •'5 
jEletcher,"  xlvii'.  " 
iFloia,  4;i0.  5i.):s,  5;^(;,  .-(jj 
ca  A. ,  5:10 

la  1:.,  r,-:: 

'■■•'  E.,  201. 
rilla.  43. 
■■■  S. .  24.S. 

■eiice,  450.  4S1,  5:!(j 
■'■lice  .\. ,  2v2,  5:jlj, 
JFloi-ence  Ahhea,'254. 
|F.  Laudolph.  5!*3. 
!  Foi'ester,  228. 
|Forester  Starr,  228. 
Fia;;k,  38,  301',  4!n) 

Frank  Bushnell,  401. 
Frank  C.  170, 
I'laidv  Dav,  151. 
Frank  Ilenry,  274. 
Fraidc  Earrv,  317. 
Frank  Howard,  518 
Frank  L.,  310,  492. 
Frank  Jo.siah,  507 
.  [Frank  M.,  201. 
.[Frank  Lorini,'-,  225. 
,1  Frank  NML^on.  320. 
\Vr.\nk  ^^'l■iLrht,  xlix 
d'"rank  l,.-h>,,v    -l-' 
I  Frank  W.  ,  2;i2. 
!  Franklin,    '.'■■',  [,  200    2," 
I      5-'i !,  x'vii; , 
I  F/anklin  ( '  ,  520. 
Franldin  J^lliMt.  2:;0. 
dMa'i|.;|in  J. .-J  lo    -,!•,  ,;: 

hwaiddia  Oliver.  227.' 
ii'"'rances,  227,  iioi).  .,'S5 
ii''rai;ces  .\i!n,  530.  os2. 

■H,  630, 


FrsmciK  20S,  k,  wx. 
FniiuTS  E.,  i2,:u-2. 
Frances  Klizalicth,   Oo9. 
FraiK't'S  Kuicrmc,  o-JO. 
Frances  Aurelia,  4">7. 
Frances  Adeline.  040. 
Fiances  Mar'on,  '^  l'.». 
Frances  S.,  "-.'T'k 
Frances  ]-.. ,  fr'l. 
Frances  A.,  070. 
I'rauces  Warner.  "jHS. 
Francella  l.ucy,  il-Vj. 
Francfs  K.,  ny:'.. 
Frances  l')uldwin.  4^7.  61  ^ 
Frances  Adaline,  7o,s. 
Frances  Curtis,  n(i7. 
F'rance.s  Louisa,  r)71. 
Frances  J..  57!'. 
Frances  M.,  r)\'.C>. 
Friei.O,  r^:\[,r,:\?.. 
Friend  C'«>k.   •^75. 
Fre.leriek,  iSl, :?:,:;.  20:?, 
077.    ;sii.     4--"),     40:;, 
xlviii,   xi'iK. 

Freddie.  •2rA.  n-U.  xliv. 
Frederick  l:5aid\^■in.  ■/.):?. 
F'redericlc  B.,  xlviii. 

Freiler",(  k  l>!-;<.dl:  y.   xlix. 

I'^-ederick  lioyninn.  -J?-'). 

Frederick  C,  ~"--J. 

Frederick  (.'eorge,  r).S4. 

Frederick  Grigi^s,  OOU. 

Frederii-k  Henry.  503. 

Frederick  h.,  22^. 

Frederick  )-eun:ud.  50'). 

Fredei'ick  I'iersun.   40. 

Frederick  Seiirin--,  HlO, 

Fredeiick  U'illian;,  004, 

Frederick  Walter.  oOO. 

Fivderick  NV..  .")10. 

F'l-eenian.  xxx. 

Freeman  F.,  049. 

l^reelove,  431,  5:J4. 

Friet  l^aldwia,  OO'.i. 

G;un<   27,  570,  501,  50G. 

(iarry  l^..200,  O'vj.  ^ 

(iarrv,  5:>5,  5fi.~),  .'i-^O,  oSi 

(iayl'ord  I'orter,  ."31:3. 

(Jarvison,  57t). 

(Jeorge,  30,  4:k  70,  ISl. 
oof,  077,  450,  470.  501, 
503,' 500,  5;:'.C>,  5s7,  -'lOO. 
.•ex.  xxx,  \k 

(uM.lTrev,  xviii.  xix. 

(;e..r>re"Alb'rt.  0;;;<.  OOO, 

(i,.„r-e  A.,013.  0:.4. 

(4eor.>,^e  Adelbc-f,  00b. 

(u-Mriri'  An-^en,  ■""!'):!. 

MeiHX'-  Avery,  ','•'.. 

(MMU-oe  Ik,  571.^ 

(it'ort-'t!  l>avid,  5>3. 

tiev.rireK.,  3>^,  ISO,  50(i. 

IXDEX    OF    Cinn.^TIAX    XAMKS. 

(ieorce    Fred 

571,  013,  0. 

(lefirge  Fram 

fieor<r«  Fordy 


:k,  4S0,  510.1 







liondliiie,    vvxiv. 
Heurv,   73. 

11.,  3S,  537. 

Ilod^re.,   OiS. 

r,„>k.  4.VI. 

Kitl'ediic,    xxxix. 

M.-irvii'i,  4(n. 
Merriniaii,  450. 
(ieorge  Merrill,  40. 
(ie<irg-e  .MonTg' c.nerv,  001 
Ueorge  M.,  301.  511),  50i<, 
l(Jenrge  Miles,  Gl. 

-e  Merton,  504. 

■ue  Oliver,  050. 
IreorgePliillips,  40. 
George  Uandall.  430. 
(ieorge  Held,  4-0. 
Ge'irge  Hollin.  054, 
George  Kiley,  00^.  0-^!. 
George  Ik,  0'?:'.,  -•)5,  050, 

171,  170,  17S.  kSl.  1S,S,  ISO,. 

010,  00k  OOO,  025,  000,  030, 

Oil!  040,'  04  k  O.d'.  05O.O53! 

070,  OrO.  O'.i'i,  321.  ;'>05.  415. 

455,  407,  4s0,  !^-:,5')'i.  5i}k 

5(IS,  51;;,  514.  .Viii,  507,  510. 

570,     57.-^,     5,11,     5'tO,     'ilO. 

xxix.  xxxiii. 
Han:. ail  Au-!;-ia,  500. 
Hannali  AOi-ail,  505. 
Hannah  C  .  573.  003. 
ilannali  Gushing,  xxx. 
Hannah  Evelina.  001 . 
Hannah  Sant'ord,  054. 
Han;iah  17.,  4)!. 
Hannah    M.,    212.    -.'5.^,    00O„ 

250.  07'). 
Hannaii  W..  50k 
Hannah  Marv.  ;l!4, 
Harriet,  40,  43,  SJ.    IS').    ISij. 

000,  03i),  030,  OH';.  0;(),070, 

31.k  303^  4S4,  104.  510,  50  k 





G.MUve  S..  400. 

Thorni.-.n^  075. 

v..  41. 

Willii'.in,  70,  300. 

W(in-<r,.i-,  00k 

Wk,  24,  SI,  459,  . 


White,  5:i0. 

^Vi^is.  .5^M. 

Wesley,  5'.)k 
tieorgianna,  0'.)5,  310. 
(Jeoruiana  Hawley,  xxxiv 
Gershoin,  310,  07ii,  405, 

51  )S.  511. 

Gertruih'  Chatileld,  205. 
Gertrude  Al)igail,  490.  M..  04. 
I  Gilpin,  570. 
(4ideon,  573,  570,  578. 
iGilhert.  50S. 
i(Trant,  4!I0,  50O. 
(irai.'e.  01)5.  301,  xix,  xx. 
!(;racia,  500. 
l()5,i(iratia,  xl. 
500.  Grace  Amelia.  005. 
710,  Grace  A.,  50O. 
(Jrace  [,(n'd.  5:1, 
Uirover  (k.  055. 
5S3.'G  rattan.  005. 
jtJrove  .k,  075. 

;Guv   Ha-^coni.  400. 
.Suy  W  adhams.  501. 
jfiu'y  William.  5v;i. 

Uiannali,  1,  0,  00,   -l7,    71 
i      ^3,  SI,  ^0,  S3,  «:,  135, 

5:-i5.  o3ii.  :yy\,  ...s,  .),0.  •.,;! 
rin.       51 0.       5Si,)       5.S5.      xxxiii, 
Harrie;  K.,  5^7 
Harriet  Maria.  5')5.  510,  5s4. 
Harriet  M.,  ■•<!.  xk-ii. 
lk.!ii.!,  N.,  4k  051. 
Ilaniet  k;.ui-a.  70.  OOk 
i  ilari-iet  .\n^:e!ini',  000. 
iokllarriet  Eliza,  000. 

llattie,     Ots.    0))!,    07k    0~i5 
)     314,370. 
iMattie  A.,  62. 
'Hatti.^  B.,  230. 
JHattie  E.,  OO'-^. 
iHatiie  France.s,  COS. 
507,1  llattie  Mav,  0;:3. 
llattie  M.;003. 
illattie  Winslow.  40O. 
jHarriet  Atwater,  237. 
Harriet  ,\.,  0:;:].  570. 
ilkirriet  Ann,  230. 

Harriet  Cordelia,  xxxiii. 
(Harriet  Francis,  xlviii. 
illarriet  Judson.  ISi). 
I  Harriet  E.,  570. 
'Harriet  Emilv,  520. 
illarriet  Phillii-s,  41,  42. 
diarriet  P.,   OOO. 
■Harriet  Newell,  3il0. 
1  Harriet  Steide.  450. 
jHarriet  hdecta,  510. 
'Harriet  V..    is'.). 
Iliurrv,  Ik  003.  50i;.  710.  xliv 
dlanv  AlOiMsi.  40. 

Harrv  ( 'rnsweli.  73. 

Ilarr-.    !>..  5;i5.. 

ihirry  'k.uUk  :',0(). 

ii,ii;\    Sloni.\   IS',1. 

Har.3d  Au^tM,.  30O. 
70,  ;Hari\veIl,  xxxix. 
130,dkuri.--,;n,  51U. 

l^ii)i:x  OF  ciiRLsirAX  xa:\ii;.s. 


llunis,  xix. 
lluvl.'v,  2(J'),  r,ss. 
lliiih'v  ClUUM-,  r,S3. 
J^a^aon  P.,  41. 
lTr..rino)i  L..  SI. 
lla.vev,  yO,-J?.':!40.  -^ 

Harvev  M.,  440. 

Ifartson,  •i-,'-^. 
IJaviif,  IS]. 
Ilarrisou  \Vi]l)iir.  :"ilT. 
Tlarmon  I^a.'^rDin.  4S'.t. 
Ileurr,  62,  7'2,   S!.    I'-lt, 
2?8,  229,  2;U;,  2:]7.  2:^S, 
2,-)"},  275,  2^.3,4:)?.  mn 
4i»l,  521    lo  52tj.  r/.i.-^^. 
x X  V i ,  N  X  \-  i  i ,  y 'a  x  i  v  .  :.:  1 

llssiry  Augustus,  22S,   o 
I'farv  Atwatc)-.  2411. 

Hvnr'y  ('.,  Si.  IS],  223. 

TU'iiry  Eiilju.  2:'. 9. 

Jffiirv  Eugene,  72. 

HenrV  11.;  4.-). 
}Iei!vv  Miii'tvn,  225. 

Ticury  Slelby,  170. 

Ifeiirv  SlK-inian,  220. 

Uvi'VY  Williaui.  17ii,  50! 

He]!!-;-  S.,  242,  404, 

lieiiiy  A.,  5G."-,  507. 

-Hr-nrv  Atlipliert,  52i). 

Henry  Blakeslee,  51S,  ; 

Henry  Clay,  2'i5. 

Henry  Edwin,  57U. 

Heni-y  )\,  275.  57o. 

Henry  Iv. ,  \1  vin. 

Henry  Eauren,  457. 

Henrv  Lucius,   1S2. 

Hr-nry  H.^pkin.^  4s4. 

Heufv  ^Vl;■kllanl,  1)15. 

Henry  Wr.wn,.  :,-l'.. 

Henry  U'il'is,  5S). 

Henley  E.,  5'.lt). 

Heniietta,  275. 

Henrietta  Stowe.  4S7. 

Henrietta  >[..  2r.2. 

Hector,  24. 

Helen  Amelia,  493. 

n(4eu  Mar,  4S4. 

Helen  Louisa.  oi4. 

Helen  .-V.,  2';::;,  51)7. 

Hele!!  ]7li-/,a]ietl.,  274. 

H.-lei;,  4?,  (^2,  274,  5!:i;. 

Helena  A.,  525. 

Heihert,  47(>. 

HerluTt  v.,  2-JS. 

I!<-rbert  J^tiihua:;.  250. 

Herbert  Edward.  4fiL 

Heriu-rt  ljp\vis    40.;. 

H.|M..;-)   l^arher    5:ii). 

Helen  r.,  450. 

iit  /^ekiah,  (i;;,  102,  ino 

HiO,  170,  !:--:<,  ls;i,  -.Hu 

27':.  290,  5i;:;,  57:3,5;.-. 


Helen  Su.san,  581. 
Helen  Jane.  584. 
Helen  Maud,  r^r^. 
Herman,  4(11 ,  5  7:1 
Hiram,  12,  Si,  2r.(i,  2!;o. 
470,  405,  5:^0,  584,  581, 
Hiram  Adolpliu.s,  482. 
Hiram  B.,  4'.*-!. 
Hiram  II..  40.-.. 
Hiram  Hall,  xliv. 
j Hiia.m  5's  e^',  xU  :ii., 
Hiram  Sniltli.  40:1. 



r,  220,  275. 

21], 'Horace  Boardnn.n.  03. 
2-12.'nnraee  B.,5:-'. 
4S0.|il<jrace  Augu.->tns,  520. 

7iJ0,  4  lev-tee   Be, -IS.   50d. 

;\'.      iHonuM',  275,  572. 
:o.       llomer  Caleb,  2;J7. 

Illoraee,  271,  5;!tJ,  500. 

illoraee  L.,  ISO. 

llbu-acH  3f..  5S2. 

IH-.n-aec  I'arnel!,  xxx 

liinbart  1;.,  r>]i. 

jllobart  P.,  270. 

iHosmt-r,  581. 

iHortense  Adelaide,  240 
».        Illoward.  22L,  4i)1 

IHuuard  B.,  21'J. 

|!lo\--;ird  Clarence,  520. 

fH())-a(.'e  B:d<.er,  ;J2il. 
10.       Hru-atin.  201,    .KX>;ix  >:];i. 

Heratio  Nelson,  2G1. 

Huistio  J.,  riit.i. 

Moratin  ( I'.-'.ti^s.  \lii. 

lloiie.  xxviii. 

Halda,  xxxiii. 

liukiali,    1S5,   201,   217 

Hakkdi  lif/iali,  187. 

Huidah  Maria,  20G. 

Hugh,  X,  xi. 

HuV„.rt,  4;:;,  225,  710. 

Hubbard,  2:jO. 

Hubbard  I-]ello\\s,  2o9. 

Hubbard  E.,  oO. 

H  uihwitt,  57:1  575. 

ilymau,  224,  225. 

Icliabod.  257,   405,    513, 
522,  530.  531,  54(;,  573. 
-5S(),  ,jl)t),  ,-,01,  xlviii. 
jida.  72.  204,500,  xlvii. 
Ida  B.,  LSI. 
Ida  A.,  405. 
Ibbi  Busline! I,  403. 

jlda  i).,5;;3. 
Ida  Conk.  2:70. 
bla  (iene\  ieve,  72. 

Ida  LMu'-a.  227. 
I  Ida  Mav.  SM.  457. 
104,jl(ia  Viruinia,  407. 
275,|lni!)Lre:i(:,  52 i. 

Ha,  ;30,  41,200,  201,547,  595, 
XXX,  xxxi. 

Ira  1;,,  222. 

Ira  .\lon/o,  205. 

lien;-,  575,  580. 

Irene  M.,  xl.  ■    ■'"  . 

Irving,   xl. 

Ira  Nve,  xlix. 

Isaac,"  22,  104.   105,  100,  170 

179,  105,  228,253,  27C.  53(i, 

503,  580,  581,  582,591,  077, 

700,  xxix. 
Isaac  Abner,  170. 
Isaac  Cumming,  xxxviii.  Her.rv.  73. 
Isaac  Hewell,  591. 
IsnacL.  274. 
Isaac  ^Va-'lli.■lgtl■n,  505. 
Isaiah,  32,   37^   3!'.    103    217 

218,  210,  221,225,240'  (15]' 
I>-aiaL  H...  222. 
Isaiah  H'a in,  221 
Israel,  507. 
Isabel,  xx^4. 
Isbell,  ISO.  .    " 

I.-abella.,  310.  407. 
Isabella  IJosa,  320. 
!  sad  ere  Ivhva.rds.  320. 
jLluel  Jy.alle,  xiix. 


lar,   lO. 

Vj.  507. 

Janu's.  J.  23.  24,  41.  10,  59, 
170,  17  7,  ISO.  170.  IM.  24s. 
200,  203.  205,  310,  3 IS,  4<Wi. 

5(10.570,  501,  5'.n;.  5!j5,  xxi 

xxvii.    xxviii,    xnJx,    xxx 

xxxi,  xxxiii,  xl. 


-Tames  B.,  227,  710. 

James  A.,  227. 

•huucs  T.,  5b7. 

■lames  lleaton,  73. 

James  H.,  38.  39. 

Jauifs  G.,  221. 

Janu's  Sherman,  105. 

James  \V.,  232. 

James  C,  204. 

Jann-s   Hawley,  2(i3. 

Jann-s  Seyuiour,  270. 

James  William,  ;;10. 

521 , 

■lames  I'iidiards.  314. 


■■bunes  I'bilo.   2!i(;. 

Jann-s  McDowell,  317. 

Jaaues  ^N'esley,  31 7. 

■lames  Br</w  t),  321. 

■  Iam."s  ])..  -1i:;(. 

.'am-'S  Woostei    .-j^o 

James  M.,  572. 

James  I'.,  71  (_i. 

James  I.'aibboae,  5''>'. 

'■un.'s  Bus.,.;]  :,^:]_ 

Jame^  Maoi-o.s,  500. 

■<  F.,  5!.i!,. 

Jaie.i,  4?.  220.  2C)7.  271.  272 


JXDEX    or    CTriilSTlAX    XA.NtK.S. 

Jiired  Welles,  133,  '.'OS. 
Ja!io,  4l>.,  1S"">,  i-,'l,  y-J7,  277 
295,  800,  310.  ::ill,  :31G,  o-H, 
48o,  rf?.-2,  0B5,  597,  xxi. 
Jane  C,  •2-irt,  .j-,n. 
Jiine  C'atlierine,  4S4. 
June  Amelia,  ;>37. 
June  E.,  2-;^,  5-2S,  o7-2,  oOO. 
Jane  Moore,  200. 
June  M.,  xlviii. 
Jaur^  S.,  710. 
Jaivis,  17N. 
Jabez,  17S,  180,  2")7.  202,  310. 

317,  321,  702,  xxxiii. 
Jabez  Ileiirv,  321 . 
Jacob,  811,  312,  oil,  317,591 

xxx'iii,  xxxviii. 
Jaco!)  Fanr.nd,  314, 
Jacob  0.,  321. 
Jairus  StI•ollL^  4.";7. 
Jereiiiiah.  ISl.  2iSG.  2GS.  271, 

272,  4.")4,  4.VJ,  oS9,  xlviii. 
Jerry,  220,  5:^. 
JeroDie,  •^(iO. 

Jerome,  202. 
Jerome  II.,  2(;.2. 
JeniuKtie,  2o],  2o2,  20?,  2GS, 

Jeaniiette  Eliza,  579. 
Jedediah,  x!vi. 
Jeannetle  A.,  5S7. 
Je.^;?e,  2liG.  01,   o2,   IT'^.   179, 
223,  275,  575,  5^9,  592.  097, 
710,  xxxviii,  xl. 
Jesse  Barr,  xxxviii. 
Jesse  Pease,  227. 
Jennie  A..  573. 
Jennie,  285,  321.  530, 
Jennie  E.,  39,  258. 
Jennie  ]jind,  539. 
Jennie  AK,  248. 
Jennie  S.,  511,  xxxi. 
Jennie  Sanford,  539. 
Jennie  Downintr.  227. 
Jeliial,  24,  30,  37,45,  50.  193. 
453,  454,  450,  590,  591, 004. 
Jemima,  24,  29,  00,  225,  2^5, 
250,  309,  311,  314,  589,  020, 
Jeremiah  Jovcl-,  xlvii,  xlviii. 
Jeru.-<lia.  71. 
Jedediah,  0:'.,  xli. 
Jos.-ie  M.,  4:)5. 
Jessie  Eii'.eliue,  520. 
Jirali,  5?8. 

Jirah  Chaiiiljerhiin,  578. 
Job,  xxix. 
Jolm.  1,22.23,21.40,  45,  40.' 

317,  454,  457.  401,  503.  508,]J(,ann:i.   279, 
518,  520.  530,  ,531,  533,  589      5  7S,      582, 
to  597,  00(),  58!i,  709,  X,  xi,l     xxxvi. 
xix  toxxi,  XXV,  xxvi.xxvii,  Joami-t  I^,  310. 
xxxviii,  xxix,  xxxii,  xxxiii.'Jonnthan,    1,   1 

;09,    310     325. 
XXX,      xxxiii^ 

xxxiv,  xxxvi,   xxxviii,   xl, 

xli,  xlii,  xlvii. 
John  Aii;:i-ii-tine,  Gl. 
I  John  AvtMs,  224. 
|john  B!,  XXX. 
jjidui  I'Ifiiitcs,  40. 
I  Jolm  E.,  Vl,  249. 
'Jiihn  Ebene/.er.  03. 
iJolm  Edvm,  580. 
jJohn  Ed--ai-,  24. 
'John  (t.,   189. 
IJn]>n  Hubbard,- 3S. 
ijohn  11.,  01,  73,  81. 
Jolm  Iv.  581. 
Ijohn  Eewls,  223. 
iJohn  L.,  39.  507,  xxxi. 
[Jolm  Milton,  42. 
John  Mills,  xJix. 
■lohu  C'lian.l'er,  xxix. 
.John  Lei^cbten,  xli,  xlii. 
■  Jolin  C'r;iul"ord,  xlvii. 
:JoJui  l^airoiii,  xhii. 
I.John  P'ersr,!,,  I'.'ii.  170. 
John  P..  597. 
John  Rilev.  228. 
John  i;..  599. 
IJohn  Nun:',  178. 
John,  314. 
John  Scoville,  178.  , 

John  S.,  242. 
J(,hn  Tndu,  ;2,  73. 
John  William,  179. 
John  NV.,  81,  222. 
Jolm    ^^"!i^u^lil    Tro\ 



210.    218,     219. 

2G5,  200,  270,347.452,4.- 

xxx;i,  xxxvi,   xxxvu; 

xlii,  xlvii,  xlviii. 

Jonathan  lb,  274. 

Johnson,  319,  274. 

Joel,  101.  25:-;.  ISI),   251 
281.  454,  401,  508,530 

Joel  Abraham.  254. 

Joel,  281. 

Joel  ]>.,  530. 

JoiKithan,  F.  S. ,  xwix. 

Joel  Stouirliton.  xxx. 

Joseph,  E  22,  23.  24.  4: 
173,  19-'.  213.  219 
285,  290,  297.  310, 
319,  299,  300. 309, 311 
347,470.  508,  490,  517 
520.555.  503,509.  5:)1 
597.  030.  0G8,  070,072 
07('>,  7<i3  709.  710, 
xxxiii.  xxxix. 

Josepli  1  lD\\ley.  24. 

Joseph  J.,  45/71n. 

Jo.-e'j)!,  >.':.thar.ifl, 



2  7s  f) 

,    31'^, 

,  075, 
X  X  V  i . 


^s^.{di  F 





82,    135, 

13!',.   151.  171,! 


17S,  i-s. 



257,  25S, 

200,  2711,  275,1 


2S5, 295, 

2;is,  2'./'.),  .3()(). 


MIO,  3!1. 

317,  ;;i-.  31:", 

Jolm  Wilbur,  489. 
John  V/ilson,  590. 
John  Vi'oo.-^ter,  570. 
John  Wesley,  570,  595. 
Jolm  Albert",  5S5. 
John  AlIgu^tine  Smith,    51S. 
Jolm  Burt.  457,  492. 
John  C,  500. 
John  Case.  593. 
John  Edward.  527. 
John  Ho\\ard,  502. 
Jolm  H.,  321. 
John  Kiirvrv,  310. 
John  !l;irt.  •■;!(;. 
John  J(ihii-,iin.  321. 
h'h.n  Ilu; M \\ if',  572. 
John  IIus*.-d.  582 
John  Franklin.  590. 
Jolm  Uirden,  321. 
John  V:  E.,  317. 
•iohn  -Miirriis,  503. 
Jolm  Sfe'd'',  45s. 
J.Jin  Shnrt.  571. 
J•)al^  20'\  xix.  xii,  xxv. 

Jo.'  epli  i-.i  w.r,  20  I. 
h,:,Vi>]i  ?viu..hi.;ur.-.  297 

Jo>r!.],  >:,  i>,.:i,  ;:;oii.  57 

•In^,'))!;  Socrates.  499. 
Jo.seph  lb,  321. 
Joseidi  Be;irh.  710. 
iJosejih  Hntehiii.-.i-i,  vy 
l.los-ph  V\>>i.  xv-iii. 
jJoseph  Kii\a.  470. 
Joseph  Erastus,  519. 
jjo^-^'ph  (f.,  570. 
i Joseph  Preston,  590. 
!j.-.sephine,    221,  314,    : 
■Josie,  300. 

Ijosliua.    21,     135,     130 
'      189,  190,  210,229,00 

Jotham.  22,  189,  273,  xl,  xli 
Jotham  Manninij,  273. 
Josiah,  23,  25,  30.  03.  -'5.  SO 

81.  299,  595,   (xio,  700.  791 
Jonah,   253. 
Jiiuas,  3('7.  072. 
Jud.-on,  2Cd. 
Juli.nna  Eavinia,  270. 
Julia  r.;i/a.  205. 
Julia  .>[atilda.  501. 
Julbi  A.,  509. 
.,  519. 
.,  5!;b 

:  X 1 V. 


Juiia  ( 
I.Mdia  1 
■Julia  .1 







Jtilia  Frances,  584. 

Juliii  M.,  osT. 

Julia,  72,  73,   178,   184, 

23U,  S:-52,  2:^.7,  242,  248, 

2G7,  27.3,  2S1.4.-3::i,  511, 

519,  o24,r);34,  olil,  572, 

5SG,  597. 
Julia  Ana,  320. 
Julia  Amanda. 
Julia  Ann,  2U8,  255,  oil, 

o20,  51U. 
Julia  B.,  248. 
Julia  Eue,  39. 
Julia  Kiiclifl,  31G. 
Julia  S.,  5i;S. 
Juliette  Au[;-nsta,  2-18. 
Julius,    223,    401,    548,    503, 

Julius  C,  229,  2f>3. 
Julius  Jehiul,  455. 
Julius  Kiu'v,  535. 

Julian  W.,  229. 
Jude  Gl,  229,  025. 
Jude  S.,  229,  230. 
Juliana,    274,    527,  573,  xix, 

J.  11..  517. 
Juuitli,  x^i,  x.wiii,  xxx,xxx;. 

Kate,  48,81,  295. 
liLate  Au^aista,  xl. 
Kate  Amelia,  493. 
Katharine,  80,  260,  306,  4GL 

xix.  xxii,  xlvii. 
Katie,  2«5. 
Katie  L.,  229. 
Kiltie  Hall,  497. 
Katurah,  309. 
Ke::iau,  273,  xkx,  xl. 
Kel.-<ey,  593. 
Kirtla'nd,  02. 

Lansing.  495. 
Lanrnv,  xl. 
l.afiiyette,  24. 
Laniphier  B.,  o9. 
Lauren,  243,  274. 
Lauren  Augustus,  456. 
Lauren  Ed_iz;ar,  457. 
Laura,  4G,"ls4,  228,  232,  273, 
296,  520,  521, 522, 524,520 
492,  575,  59',),  264, 

fiura  Amelia,  2()8. 

aura  A..  231,  5!)3. 

^aura  Ali.-p.  29  7. 

vaura  Ann,  50'i. 

jaura  Baker,  320. 

.aura  Evarts,  321. 

aur:'  '1'.,  316. 

.aura  <.'.,  !ri3G. 

jaura  Eugenie,   504. 
Laura  E.,  503. 
Laura  0]ihelia,  512. 


Laura  C,  270. 

Lauretta,  255. 

Law  rence,  314. 

Lavinia,  531. 

Levi,  25,  2G.  39,   G3.  81,  177, 

1^4,  1S9,  229,  230,  260,  4';0, 

Loe,  710. 
I..evi  1'7 ,  xlvii. 
I.ever-tt,  39,  182,  23G,  275. 
Leumcl  llemlerson,  490. 
Lewis,  40.  80,  178,  275. 
Lent,.  495. 
Leonard,  41.  GO,  62,  221,  222. 

243,  261,  294,  581. 
Leonard  Koyce,  497. 
Leonard  Viual.  497. 
Lewis  Craudall,  248. 
Lewis  Burton,  275. 
Lewis  (iillette,  227. 
Lewis  S.,2G3, 
Lewis  Lyman,  493. 
Ijeander  P(  et,  229. 
Leon  is,  596. 
Leonora,  581. 
Lena  Ai)iM'ail,  255. 
Lena  Mav,  248. 
Leon  D.,'249. 
Leiuou  B.,  240. 
Leiia,  228. 
Lemuel,  228. 
Lemuel  Stiiupson,  460. 
Lester  Orson,  22>'?. 
Leu  is  Cass,  316. 
Lewie,  254. 
Leila  Judsou,  503. 
Lillie,  151,  285. 
Lillie  C,  243. 
Lillian,  275,  181,  314, 
Linn  B.,  24S. 
LoisAlibv,  591. 
Lois,  45,*233,  235,   237, 

252,  453,  463,  506,  508, 

514,522,  573,576,591, 
Louisa,  81,  184,236,  254, 

262,  274. 276, 295, 310, 

573,  710. 
Louisa. A.,  265.    . 
Louisa  B.,  232. 
Louisa  J.,  72,  262. 
Louise,  xxxi. 
iLevina  Trombley,  xxxi. 
iLe(jnard  Russell,    xxx. 
Leonard  Mas(ui.  x.vxix. 
Leonora  Clili;e,   4'^2. 


Leantini'  .Maria.  489. 
Lei\()v,  2G7,  271. 
Leltoy  \\'.,  270. 
Letia,  534. 
L-tsonu-,  269. 
Lillie  Eli/.abetli,  499. 
i/ililiio  A.,  xlviii. 
Libbie  (iill,eil,  295. 
jLillie  Maria,  240. 

Lizzie,  321,  493,  264. 

Lina  Lonlitrle,  2G5. 

Lloyd,  510,  533. 

Llewellyn,  519. 

liOis  .\.,  455,  535. 

Louisa  E.,  262. 

Louisa  M.,  189, 

Loui,  277,  534. 

Louisa  Bassi'tt,  229. 

Louisa,  xlvjii. 

Louise,  xxxviii. 

Lo'.iis  I'^rederick,  520. 

Louis  Pbillipiie,  179. 

Louis  Eusreue,  50 L 

Lorania,  235,  23i;,  238. 

Lorine  Kussell,  295. 

Lorinda,  229,   590. 

l^orinda  F. ,  xlvii. 

I-oi-enzo  Bradv,  297. 

Lolv,  253.  251,  276,  451,  45G, 
506,  530. 

Lottie  A.,  ISO. 

Lottie  J.,  317. 

Lovice,  229,  277.,  3.S. 

Lowiner,  500, 

LovalB.,Nl,      ■ 

Loyal  Delos,  274. 

Lorena  \Vheeler,  572. 

Lorkwood,  578. 

iLoraine,  581. 

Loira  (i.,  xlvii. 

Loriu,  536. 

Lorenzu,  52  G. 

Loreuii,  568. 

Lolv  x\udres^"S,  457. 

L.  C..  591. 

Loviua,  230. 

Loverna,  270. 

Lo\  c'v  yu  lutgoiiiorv,  xxx  i . 

Lucv,  48,  165,  169",  180,  223, 
227,  229,  235,  239,  260,  263, 
274,  275,  497,  482,  569,  570, 
xxix,  xxxviii,  xlix. 

Lucy  Ann,  480,  57t.i.  584. 

Lucy  Fj-eucli,  239. 

Lucy  II.,  xl. 

jjuuy  A.,  xlviii. 

Lucv  Sheldon,  63. 

Lucia,  180,  518,  578. 

Lucia  A.,  258. 

Lucia  Alnura,  63. 

Lucretia.  224,  249. 

Lucius,  3'.i,  227,  175,  180. 
274,  457,467,481,  501,  v03, 
504,  536,  592,  GG2,  xlviii. 

Lucius  C,  296. 

Lucins  !>.,  40. 

[jucius  (iiiswold,  xlviii. 

Lucius  .\lc('all,  501,  502. 

[Lucetta,  x'vxviii,  x.\xi\. 

Li, an,  232,  233. 

Lucv  ('(;e,  314. 

LucV  K..   490. 


INDKX    OF    CniilSriAN    NxVMES. 

I,u.'y  Weeks,  209. 

]iiii'ius  A.,  502. 

].,iiciiis  ll.nvwood,  OOu. 

Lucius  Bcufdict,  •")()•">. 

J.uii,  G-3. 

Lufina,  A'A,  L")."),  ."jOO. 

Lucina  Y(rany  L^-e,  lill. 

I;ucina  (.''aii^sa,  o-Vj. 

Lucina  N. ,  61. 

Lucinda,  81,  2o3,  2-2'J,  2ij0 
276,  iiOS,  ,j«l. 

Luciiula  F..,  50;5. 

Lucinda  Jane,  220,  2G3. 

],urliida  R.,  ^oL 

Lukf,  02. 

Luther  ^[.,  xl. 

Lullier,  :J4,  r)21. 

Luzerne.  01,  221. 

Luman,  2:>2. 

Luiuaii  Kllifit,  221,  xli.\. 

Lucics  N'iiu'cut.  i)']'). 

Lucius  S.,  ')[)'.;, 

Lucina  P..  -l")S,  401. 

Jiucien,  201,  204. 

Lutlier  Leuiuel,  .j21 . 

j.uuetic  E.,  20:j. 

Luraua  L.,  xlvii. 

J.ynuiu  A.,  240,  270,  2? 7. 

]>yiiuin  Tiai)L:on(I,  24(>. 

Lydia  Cordelia.  "),'!^4. 

Lyuian  ('.,  2oU. 

Lvr.uin  lUudap,  402. 

L'vman  K.,  230. 

Lvdia,  00.  ii2.  03,  SO,  81,  137, 
"iSS,  22."i,23(),  230,  2"^^0,  2')3 
17i;  172,  17N,  270.207,  2;is 
308,  310,  y,-i-i.  4r,;;,  ,-,Mi,400 
47.-),  r)81,  •■JN3,  .'3^".),  .■)!/2,  00'^ 
GS4,  702,  xxix,  xxxviii,  xli, 

Lydia  Ijorauia.,  24U.   230. 

Lvdiu  Caroline,  2.tO. 

Lvdia  A.,  572. 

Lvniau,  01,211,  220,  231,  255 
'200,  202,  275,  270,  402, 

Marv,  1,  23,  24,  2.-.,  27,  30 
40',  43,  40,  00,  01.  80.  M 
135,  130, 190, 141,  142,  157 
164,  176,  177.  17^,  ISl,  l.s5 
ISS,  193.  210,  210.  221,  2-0, 
202,  260,  272,  241.  254,  225, 
327,  273,274,  2:5,277,  2^0, 
281,  280,  203.  200,  :'i,i0,  30n, 
300i3"'4,'310,  317'::lvl!  327^ 
329,  453,  458,  405,  470,  5(,>7, 
510,  512,  513,  514,  521,  524, 
520,  530,  537.  4^2,  487.  401, 
494,  405,  503,  5'iO,  5r;s.  50',). 
570,  5rJ,  '>'i~<.  5;i'..  5-ii.  5s;!. 
590,  5'.)1,  5',)2.  504,  5'.i..;.  50  7, 
621,  628,  62;).  051.  050.  000, 
080.  •  702.  7*1!).  71<i,  xxi, 
xxviii,  xxxi,  xxxii,  xxxiii, 

I     xxxiv,  xxxv.  xxxvi,  xxxix, 

xli.  xlii,  xlvi. 

iMarv  A.,  02,  IsO,  227. 

JMarv  Abhie,  581. 

■Marv  Ann,  01,  253,  254,  250, 
284,  205.  290,  32u,  521,  522, 
533.  570,  271,  578,  570,  585, 

j      700,  710,  xxx.  xJix. 

i-Mary  Annetrc,  321. 

,  .Mary  Au.nusta,  232. 

I.Mary  Aluui,  525. 

:Mary  Ann  IVjdge,  .v]\i. 

I.Mars   niecluu',  73. 

jMarV  B.,  223. 

iMary  Catlsaiine,  510. 

I^lary  Car'ilinc,  312. 

iMarv  ("as-.audra.  224. 

iMarV  r, 

,     ■.  315, 
I.Mary  Courtney,  18u. 
jMariette,  205,"  50S,   510,   572 

;Mary  D..  248,  285.  524. 
Mai-v  Kuplii'miu,  508. 
LMarV  Etta,    189.' 
IMary  Kli/a.  205. 
i.MaryJ',  170,1;)5,297 

317,  321,  535,  xxxiii,  xxxiv 
'Mary  L,i;,i;4est._)ii,  237. 
j.Marv  Ellen,    2:j7,    250 

50S,  500. 
IMarv  E..  01,   223,    227 
{     248.  502,  503,  520.  53> 


50  7,  202,  xxxviii. 



O'Ji  ,    ■.'f)'J,  XXX VUI, 

'.Marv  Ella,  502,  40n. 

.Mary  F,,  22^. 
,  -Mary  Fanny,  179. 

;Mary  Franklin,  xxx. 
,!Marv  Harriet,  580. 

LMary  Julia,  270. 

iMarv  Jane,  525.  527,  538,  579, 

i     202,  400,  70<»,  xl. 

j.Marv  Iv<xs.  224. 
,  MarV  J.-,  274.  503,  405,  572, 

Mary  Lewis.  170,  180. 

jMary  Lo!y,  457. 

Marv  Lorena,  572. 
,  Mar'v  Louisa,  220,    254,    311, 
,:     519,  507. 
,;Marv  Liz/ie,  227. 

'Marv  L.,  317,  321,710. 

.Mary  Lucy,  240. 

.Mar\'  Mi)i-r(nv,  xxx 

Mary  Viri;-inia,  1^3,  228. 

Marietta  'Eli/.ai)e(h,  311. 

jAIarv  '\\'ells,  22.S. 

Mary  ^Vard,  310. 

Mary  "\\'uiidi)ury,  xlvii. 

-Mary  Youny,  xx\-i. 

.Maria,  40,  01,  81.  100,  21!>, 
255.  257,  277,  2>^1.  47i),  52o', 
570,  572,  513,  5^1,  585,  58i. 

Mariah  Ann,  xlvii. 

Maria  17nilly,  239. 

Maria  .lane,  01. 
LAIaria  S.,  570,  571,  594. 
piaria  L.,  63. 

iMaria  LiuuNa,  239,  xl,  xlviii. 
|M;iria  lieOccca,  72. 
IMaria  Polly,  582. 
piaryaret  Eineline,  595. 
iMar'^rj-iret  \Vads\v()rth,  584. 
l.Mar--aret,  105,  221,   200,  310, 

484,  501,  xxxviii. 
|]\lari;-aret  Auielia,  xxxiii. 
iMargaref  Esther,  314. 
JMarn-aret  Lusalle,  457. 
JMarV^art.'t  A.,  505. 
1  Margaret  .M.,  502. 

Marirt^rv,  l.<4. 

Marfha",  17,  24,  34,  40,61,80, 
lul,  135,  130,  14-.i,  14;,  li;o, 
172,  178,224,  22i>,  254,  275, 
270,  453,  403,  575,  590,  02:;, 
'     024,  702,  709   xxix,  xxxvi, 
I     xxxviii,  xli ,  xlvi. 
iMartliaette,  202. 
I.Murtlia  Ann,    170.   310,    5nl, 

Martha  A.,  45,  01,  02,  203. 

JMahlon  .M.,  4!iO. 

iMartlia  \\'ashinutnn,  513. 

Marcia  M.,  xi. 
JMarshall  .Miles,  xlviii. 
'Marcia,  51^,  519,  573. 

Mavnard,  201. 

Martha  Philonia,  493. 

Martini  E.,  231,  522. 

.Maltha  11.,  K). 

.Martlia  8hei)ard,  407. 

Martha  Jeannelte.  228. 

Martha  J.,  270. 

Martha  S.,  4S4,  xlvii. 

Mary  Mar:ha,'5;!9. 

Marv  Mr.iilrciu,  .)V,;. 
^'     ■    ■'     -30.  xi. 
4;  15. 

MarV  M 

.Mary  N^mcy, 

Marv  L>Ii\4ii,  .  _,,  ._ 

MarV  ];.,  249.  710. 

Marv  Sliull.  513. 
A!;.iv  Si.iliiV.  42. 

.Mary  S  .  530. 

Mary  4'niucr,  585. 
,>Lirv  'I'unidl,  xxxiii 


ii'c  us 


1.  538, 






5(1 1. 


I  re  us 

s. ,' 



lit  1 


,    505, 






-  ]_)a- 

-ctt,  4 







cr  I 

.,  503. 


ari>:,  •' 

















45 1 

,  455, 



Mabel,  :>19,  82,  271. -.^72,  5(Jl,| 

rjClt,  :><],  .-,8! I,  710. 
,"\Ianiii  Purler,  'J14. 
Malicl  Charlotte,  ."):JS. 
.Mariuu  C.  270. 
Marius,  277. 
Malnl  \V.,  2r,8. 
Martin,  o'il. 
Maiiiii  Adsit.  200. 
Man.-lieUl,  200. 
Malviua  Maria,  570. 
:>rartin  W.,  22."). 
M:.!nre,  23."",,  4^)1!,  400. 
^fanin  Van  liareu,  4y4. 
^larir.a,  2o5. 
Mariniia,  .'iS."). 
Manning,  229,  2:52,  203. 
Marciuis  J.,222. 
Matildii,  200,  49LI,  o04,  561. 
Maurice  C,  370. 
Marihi  J.esvis,  227. 
Maiviii,  :iT^o. 
Marvin  Iluiory,   ."J'^O. 
3!at>he\v,  >,i. 

Mei-cv,   1,  81,    S2,    17'',    2^1, 
284,  2So,  200,  .")4ii,  o.'i-j,  590, 
GO7!  051,  G50. 
Mercv  Kiiielin'.',  2o5,  25(3. 

MeliitaOle,  00,  142.  152,  ISl, 
255,  274.  017,  01  ^  -105,  50'J, 
590,  034,  xxvi,  xlviii. 

Merritt,  204.  205. 

:M.'rcv  -Maria,  ."'Ol. 

ML-limia,  207,  27!.  270. 

Medail  Evcret,  221. 

Medad  Hunt,  454. 

Merwin,  220. 

Merwiu  Whinner,  229. 

Meliovi.  245,  24S. 

]Meriib,  49:s. 

Melissa,  495. 

Merintlia,  494. 

Milrs,  40,  200,  22.S,  285,  500. 

Minerva,  2-1,  457,  502,  572. 

:SIiie.s  I'ardee,  2S5. 

Miles  Ainnii,  295. 

Miltf.n,  272,  590. 

Minnie,  1^0,  251,201,  521. 

Minnie  [.(juisa,  02O. 

Mil.).  201. 

Milo  I).,  202. 

Minerva  Strong,  457. 

;\linnie  (i.,  499. 

>'iliie  Morr'in-,  512. 

Miriam,  201. 

Milo.^I.,  500. 

Mills.  500. 

Mil...  57^.  ->^!. 

.^h;  iiaei.  2;'.0. 

3Ii.luu4  Horaie,  .5s2. 

M.  Ida,  248. 

:4ildred  KUa,  5b4. 

Miner,  595.  INoali  !<.,  579, 

.Moses,  2()5,  189,  200,  225,  li  r,|Xnrton,   01. 
172,  OlS,  ;;i9,  021.  0)9,  ;j05,:X(.rni:n!.  -101, 

520,  500,  501,504,500,  500, 
30 1,  570,  572,  002,  007,  xxx. 

Mont  Albert,  239. 

Moses  M.,  2G1. 

Morris.  52(i, 

Morris  11.,  .\xxi>:. 

.M(;lly,  50-1. 

Murtoii  Cliase,  xxxix. 

Myron.  597,  258. 

.Mvroii  A.,  5!) 7. 

MVron  v.,  Si,  221. 

Myron  II.  ^^•..  81. 

.Mvrtie  ]':!lcn,  205. 

^'Vra,  500. 

jNorris,  22V. 
.Noia  1:.,   222, 
Noyes,  200,  5 
Nuinan,  01. 



Xatlun:,  20,  80,  82,  250, 
570.  5^0,  5S4,  5N0.  51*2 


Naomi,  5^9. 
.Nathan  Hale,  170. 
Nathan  Andre\\',  575. 
Nathan  K.,  5fi0. 
Nathan  S..  81. 
Nathaiiia!  Six-rman,  5:^5. 
Nathaniel,  1,  2,  20,  192.  190 

210.  2.;5,  271,00.S,  452,500 

573.  575,  5713,  578,  590,  OOO.iOrnn,  IM,  224. 

700,  Xa  vi  xNxviii.  O.sear,  225,  27i>, 

Natliani*  i  H.,  xlviii.  jUswirt  liini  lc!.,',\ 

Nancv,    228,    200,    204,    ■!5>;,  O.srar  I'it/.land, 
j     401",  498;  500,  500,  500.  510,:(>tis,  xxxix. 
!     508.  5!l1 .  XXX viii. 

Ulied,  241,  242,  2-'-.   245. 
(_)l)adi.d!.  178,   18'^ 
Ogden,  457.    , 
Oi^deii  Enu-rsDii,  : 
(Hivi-r,  255,  50,-<,  ; 
niiv.r'  .[..  ISO. 
\v\\<.'-\-  M..  5!>9. 
joUver  .Mill'  r,  207 
v)Iivp,  250,  5iiS,  5 
580,  5b7,  521,  0 
|oiin,  21)0. 
jOIiviu  Moore.  4'^> 
I  Ophelia.  5;'.0. 
jOr.sou  Eev.-is,  22.^ 
Id'anion,  492, 
lOrris,  402,  Oi^O 
lOn-is  And), -v.-. 
lOraniie  1). ,  xii 
•O- viUe.  5S1. 
,  ,Orviiie  Par.-ni 






Nauev  C,  495. 

Nancv  B.,  579. 

Nancy  ^ I  aria,  70. 

Na.ncv  Caroline,  502,  500. 

Nt  llv,  242. 

Neilie  A.,  297. 

Nellie  M.,  42. 

Nellie  Edith.  490. 

Nellie  Jeannette,  229. 

Nellie  Frances,  512. 

Nellie  L.,  261. 

Nettie,  000. 

Nettie  Hull,  487.    - 

Newton,  227,  578,  579. 

Newton  S.,  201. 

Newman.  512. 

Newton  Zcra,  227. 

N(d,^on,  20S,  521,   572,   xlviii 

N(4son  J'iHton,  258. 

Nelson  M. 

.Xehemiah.   200. 

N.-Ison,  02. 

Ncdicniiah  liovce,  402. 

Niles.  505. 

Xi.drihe-;,    x\,   xxviii      vvy. 

Noah,     2SU,     297,     4T7,    510 

520,  491,  495,  5  7;>.  5 
I     xlvii. 
iNoah  Pangman,  492. 

Parley,  503. 

Pamelia,    81,    IS!,    510,    510, 

oOM.  504,  500.  592. 
Pamelia  '.!'.,  ls5. 
Phuk  lia  Clark,  o]'^. 
Parnel,  80. 

Patty.  70,  81.  229,  53s. 
Paulina,  ls5,    . 
P'aul,  xxiv,  xxxi. 
Patience,  250,  xxxi. 
Persis,  4 1 . 
Petiial,  42. 
Peter,  xxxix. 
Perry  Erie,  512. 
Perry,  499. 
Percy  Steele,  450. 
Peter  Creene,  490. 
Phebe,  21,  81,  .221,  24S,  177, 
i     270,  :!(>9,0i0,  :ill,  :J17,  018, 
!     ;i21,  450,  401,  470,570,  590, 
:;,  070,  709,  xxxi. 



l.iicina,  VVl 
la,  0-i,   204. 


.It,  170. 

;!rr     Whitrli. 

5o5,  5.'-0. 
Philemon.  241,  221, 
j'liebe  Anna,  294. 


:4i,  578. 



Pli«-l)e  C-dmp.  312. 

I'licbc  Aiin-u.sta,  505. 
Plifl)(!  Xalalu.-,  oUU. 
Pli.'hc  ],..  o7(J. 

Piiilo  )■;.,  .vir.. 

}'liilo  I'crkins,  2iH).  (.;<■>,!-■.•,  iu:. 

Philo  (i,.  51(2. 

Pliilfiu.s  W'dodlniry,  xlvi. 

Plunij;..s  Fan-iMul.   :Ui>. 

Pliiloiua  ,\iiii;i,  -IS-J. 

Pliliicas,  -1!)4. 

Phil(iiif,a  II.,  24-2. 

Piiileiaoii  >[(iiit>;-oiiu'rv.  xlvi. 

Philoiua.  -in. 

Plii'ieliu.  25.-). 

Pliiliii  Warner.  r,9. 

I'liiiit-as  C,  494. 

Piercf  S.,  710. 

Pluma.  xkkL 

Pollv,    45,  G2,   8^>,  21!),   228, 

22f),  2;i2,  260,  2G3,  2i;0,  207, 

2:^1.  52(;,  5r*i,5>!'i,  5!)0,  5y2, 

022,  xxix,   .\1. 
Pollv  -Maria.  255. 
Polly  Ann,  GV'.J. 
Porter,  5:!'.). 
Pre.sioii  P.,  5<'2. 
Preston,  560. 
Prentice  Ivirrruli;-!',  xl. 
Pre^tui.  Weslry.'  570. 
Prudenee,  257,  25U,  otJO,  51)0, 

599,  702    xxix. 
Prime,  57t>. 

Quart  lis  Morgan,  240,  70S. 

Pacliel,  20,  24,  oO,   171.    21'.). 

242.  2G2,  297,  209,  4''.5  51(» 

Pti.-lirl  Amelia,   227. 
P.acliel  1?.,  2(il. 
lial(>li,  41,   xx,\"ix. 
l-ialpli  Aiiyu.stns.  24. 
Pan.som,  2G2.   203,  204,  5;J3, 

534,  535,  xli. 
Kanfioin  1\.  530. 
Kandsley,  592. 
Itandolph,  507. 
Kel>ecca  Ann,  507. 
Kcliecea  .Miles,  504,  505. 
P!4i,-era,  28,  45,  .S2,  104.  192, 

193,  210,  2iy.  219,  2;i5.241. 

loS.  2.S1,2.S3,530,  492,  570, 

5S1,  XX \i,  xxxii. 
Ktlvcea  liou-ii.  2-3. 
Penhen,  lb9.   235,   241,   242, 

533,  5S1,  xxix,  xl. 
Pe;il)i-ii  Mi.rriman.  241,  242. 
lN--iiiin,:rtoi,,  x\xi\. 
iJeul.eii  Biishiirli,  401. 
Ii<'u0,-n  S.,   ,5o0. 
liiio.ia,  ;iO,    ;o,    SI.    \S-\^  iy,-)_ 

ISU,  220,  509,  5^1.       '   ■ 

inuxla  P..,  2(n.  Plnl.M^ia,  39. 

HluKla  ]..,  24S. 

KluKla  S.,   214. 

Kiehard,  82,  1.>^.S.  499,  519, 
60S,  009,  015,  X,  xi,  xv. 
xviii,  xix,  xxi,  xxvi.  xxxii. 

Hieliaril  William,  401, 

Piieliard  M.,   590. 
ipichard  S,  507. 
iHiley,  22S,  534. 
iHol,):'i-l,  81,  501.  xi,  xviii,  xix. 
i  Hnl)  -it  Aihims,  205. 
iHoli.Tt  A.,  5112. 
jHoiiiania,  221 . 
iHowena,  229,  203, 
jPov  S.,  243.,  499. 

Rosa  J^aviiiia,  221. 

Rose,   xxxi. 
'Rollin  Jl.,  251. 
iiUjllin  y.,  504,   505. 
'Roxv  a.,  142. 
aiov.-land  S.,  229. 
iPoderlek  X.,  40. 
|Ro£rer  W'alkfr,  73. 
jKesie  M.,  201. 
iKo-etta,  xl. 
JRosa  Dolly,  40. 
! Robert  Alexander,  537. 

P.oberi  Mertcii.  207. 

Robert  i'^i-eileriel;,  29  7. 

Robert  Morris,  310. 

Robert  (iaiiis,  502. 
I  Robert  v..  5(12. 
IRf.bert  M.,  5ii3. 
I  Robert  J.,  503. 
!R(.l)ert  Sneli.  xxix. 
iR.'-a.  520. 

[uixa  Ann.  o><:]. 

Ri-xana,  ('.,  520. 

l^(jxana  lluiitingt(ni,  570. 

liosalind,  4(il. 

Ronuiliis  M.,   502. 

Rockwell.  509. 

Roswell,   520. 

R.  Ciraut,  520. 

J^oye,-,  52(>. 

Ro.-;anua,  592. 


h'libin  (7.,  1S9. 

Riitli,  40,  SI,  171.  172,  318, 
407,  500,  513,  520,580,  597, 
007.  OOS,  xxxvi. 

Riitli  4:ii/„i,  228. 

R'ltii  (.).,  39. 

Riitli  .\nn,  524 . 
iRutb  .M.,  509,  000. 
lResM41,     M,    57>;,    5S0,    5^3, 

h*ui;srll.  202. 
Ru.-s<4l  Hiiiiies,  321. 
Ru-.s-.4l  .Miinifn;!!.  5s5. 
Riud  (!roniiiIon,  295, 

Rmd  ]h)trlikiss.  295. 

Ruel  I'ardr,-,  295. 

Riif'u---  y[.,  5s5. 

Rut'ns,  5:!3,  -105,  xxxix. 

Rnfiis  AViiluir,  585. 
IRub\-  Smith,  507. 
Ii;.  T..  297. 

■^ara,  xxv. 

^ni-ali,  I,  24,  29,  37,  39.  41, 
01,  03.  09,  si,  82.  171,  173, 
177,  178,  180, 185, iss,  ISO. 
223,  22;.  253.  25!,  274,  2si, 
295,  2i)S,  307,  3.0s,  :.;10.  322, 
337,  454,  401,  504,  508, 510, 
517,  522,  525,  520.  530. 531, 
492,  503,  509.  570,  575,  5s:), 
590,  5!i2,  003,  05;!.  OOS,  07S, 
700,  710,  xxviii,  xxix, 
xxxi,  xxxii,  xxxiv,  xxxv, 
X  X  X  \  i ,  X  X  X  V  i  i  i ,  xxxix,  x  1 , 
xli,  x!li,  xb.i,  xlvii. 

:'aiali  Ann,  45.  ti3,   '^~i''j,   595, 


:8aiali  Abigai,, 
Sara);  A..  SI,  1? 
Sarah  Ikirt,  457. 
Sarah  Jam-,  -i2,  239,  2S4,  : 
Sarah  I:-'.-na.  507. 

'     ia  Abi-ail.  72. 
Si,   i;5,  18'^,   4' 


Savah  Men 
Sarah  M., 

,  Sal  ah  ]  >:amhe.  539. 
, Sarah  l)id}ihine,  593. 
Sat  ah  Angid'ie.e,  493. 
;Saiah  Alniiiia.  221. 



Sarah  15ellan)v. 
:  Sarah  R..  219." 
iSarah  nil-,  400 



..... ...,v,  205. 

Savah  Eleanor,  179. 

Sarah  Elizalx'th.  591, 

iNaraii  1  >;!--,  400. 
Sarah  (.'lara,  228. 
Saiah  C,  203,  52 
Sarah  Cook    •''f''^ 


.<arali  Elvira,  ~Ci^. 
Sarah  E.,  321,  -192,  493 


j Sarah  Frisljie,  530 


I  Sarah  llortense,  2 
I  Sarah  J.,  ISO. 
■Sarah  .rulia,  531. 
iSarali  JiUeretia,  249. 

Sarah  ]>.,  22S. 

Sarah  Mih-s,  2\yl. 
; Sarah  Maria,  242,  4.' 
I  Sarah  R(4>ee."a.  25S. 

Sarah  llaii.--,on,  xxxi, 

Sarah  Rerry,  xxxi. 

Saiah  4'itVa!iy,  xxx',' 

Sarah  S-phia.  --t-l:'. 

Saredi  Smith,   2S5. 

Sarah  W.  27<'. 



(.,  221. 
17.,  587. 


IXDEX    OF    CniilSTIAX    N.nfES. 


Siillv,  Gl,  G-2.  ^\,  ^:?.  '2-2?,.  •>24,  Snvno,  O-);}. 
2-}^  to  231,   -nr,.   -U:,   -J^r,,  S.'lina,  ^;!S. 
IS,-),  29.-3,  ;:]1T.  ■fi-n.  •!.-.!.■,  .-,(!(),  Sriali,  -JO^. 
20(>,  5;.!1.  405,  .jt;t,  ■■)T-J,  ■■"'',»!.  S.  ;,a,  ."jUI. 
xxxiii,  \i.  Sciiorious,  527. 

S'^yla  Adaliu,  V;^-i. 

S<'\  inour,  '2Gtj,  ~70. 

t^liVniiiUi  (.:..  221. 

'w'1,„ -1..; 

xxxiii,  \i. 
S.'illv  Coiirtnt'v.  170 
Sully  II.,  2oH." 
Snllv  Jane,  570. 
SallVM.,  81,  2oS. 
"  '^'      -105. 

o-miufl  Aiiii'?.,  .t,ij. 
SaiJiMi-1  Aiiniii,  204 
SaHuti'l  .An.soii,  50(). 
S:nin.i,..l  Alien,  iiy. 
Sanuici  ]?('nl.;i!u,  504. 
Sanincl  F.,  52(). 
Fanm.'l  H..  2.22. 
Sauiu;  1  l.^aac,  205. 
Saimul  .].,  277. 
S;.7nni4  Ili/icliki.-^s.  205. 
SaniiKl  ]I(M-aro,  5:]0. 
San;u.4  <).,  52i;.. 
^^alllut4  1\,  Si. 
SaiuuC'I  r'ici'.sou,  o?l. 
Samuel  Poi'ter,  5:j9. 
Sainiu'j  Hont.  4"U. 
Siumul  \\.,  222. 
Saiunel  t^hcrmaii,  170. 
Sanniel  Sniitli.  570. 
Sanui*  I  T!!l<jttsi.ii,  224. 
Sanuu4  ;Mi!e>.  2'.(5. 
Sainiu4  M.,  oOl. 
Sanuu'l  J.aNVKiice,  yi3. 
Samuel  L.,  527. 
Saiinu'l  Lewis,  575. 
Sanir.el  \\'hite,  5;;9. 
Samuel  'i.,  XXX. 
S;'.in]>s()n,  xxwiii,  xxxix. 
Sal>ra,  5US.   5C)4. 
Sabrina,  2;-;7,  255,257,  258. 
Salome,  255. 
Samoua,  502. 
Saniiiria,  4u7. 
Saniantlia,  2*.U. 
Sanf',  4!;i. 
Salmon.  257.  2':().  2o2. 
Salmon  iloj-kii^s  2i;2. 
S.   \\'at!;ins,  5i.t5. 
Seth,  Xl.  xlvi. 
Setli  Cole,  5;;0. 
Setli  ^V.,  SI. 

Sol,!-:!  A..  -;;;, 

Sfl.i.-i.  2';5. 
Se!iM4^.  .vi. 
Serenn  H.,  41. 

,,   .51.  45:1,  45S,  459. 

Sin.icletf.iii.  •'ifii). 

Silence,  1 7S.  :jii.3,  270,  5n0. 

Sidney  S.,  243. 
jSilvanu.s,  318. 
jSinai,  277. 

Silas.  310,  320,  321,  5i:0,  5 
!     xxix.  xl. 
jSilas  llak'-,  3-:0. 
jSinieon,  .5Sii. 
jSmith,  Si,  ISO,  284,  570. 

Smith  ]'5,rd,  403. 

Smith  Cnlielie,  284. 

usan  Caroline,  31 H. 

usan  Kli/.aLeth,  45,  480. 
.  usan  Frances,  .52i'i. 
Susan  Loriu'hi.  22n. 
Susanna,  1,  !',0,  177^  ?i;)^  ^'^'j, 

235,  250.  325,  2U2',  27'J,'  30s| 

531,  578,   5Sii,   7oo_   x>vYi, 

xxxviii,  xiii. 
Susa.nna  Alexina.  3!  ]. 
Suomit,  184,  187,484,  xxxviii. 
Sullivan,  237. 
Sullivan  Ma.ster.s,  237. 
Syl)il,  275,  27ij,  53'.). 
Sybil  Celestia.  231,  2;'i2. 
Sybil !i!  Ste'la,  50(j.' 

Sylvia,  221,233,  201,257,  258. 
270,  275,  r,-2u. 

ylvester,  151,  452. 
Sylvia  Elvira,  271. 
Syn>!ia,  20(.i.  '    ' 

Sylvester  v..  520. 
Sylvester  Snntli,  500. 
Syijiou.  xx>.-,  xxxiv. 

'  lian,  710. 

Tabitha,  50-1,   505,   5<;0.    545. 

xxix,  xxxiii. 
4'aniar,  178,  533. 
Ten^Terau'^-c,  5C3. 

Thnm;)S(m  Clark,  242. 
Thaddeu.s,   00,  531,  53  7    5«!0 


Smith  A^'heeler,  570,  5  71,  572.1     5S"). 

Solomon.80,  81.210,  210,  224, iTLankful,  03,  233,  270,   2S0 

2oO,  2i;i,  2r0,  508,  5;5,  5S0,      453,  405,  407,  4u.5  51.1   ?,oy 

501,  505.  ,530,  ,500. 

Sophrnnia,  232,  255,  202,  203,  Thankful  0..  402 

11,    -V'].    52(.i,    5 
507,  xlix. 

501,  505, 

Sojdiia.    ... 

404,  405,  570 
Sophia  A.,  405. 
Sophia  Elizabeth,  207 
iSoerates.  xlii. 
Stiles,  22,  578. 
jStiles  Edwin,  578. 
[Starling,  2:^1. 
Stiihuan , 

Thankful  0..  402. 

'I'honnxs.  1,  21,   O:.',    135     1:!0 

111,  142,  T;3,i7i,i;i,  i7i;' 

177,  irs.  isi),  213,  30o,;i(jy; 
317,  ;:47,452,  .508,  500,  .555' 
55S,  500,  5112.  506,  005,  084^ 
X,  xi,  xxvi,  xxviii. 
'i'honnis  A.,  24 

Thomas  .JelVerson,  508. 
ThoiiULS  Kobinson,  4:t0 
Tl.r.),,.!^  \\';n.; 

Step,,.   ..,...,..., 

Stephen  R.,  2(;H. 
Stolla.  221.  53(). 
Srelhi  Bell.  220. 
Ste-v.-ait,  710. 

Stol;i;hTou.   XXX. 

Susan,  b'^0.  572,  x\i, 
Susan  Am'usta.  314. 
Sn-a.ii  C./242. 

Tinn)thy,  :j3,  71.  ]{)]  17,1 
IS!,  -y.'.i,  2S0,  :?<,i7  ;.',  ;>.)|V 
■■-".>  to   :,ii.  ;!!7.  45:;.    act' 


:i  to   :,ll.   .3! 
405,   107,   3)7,  10;),  ,,;rr.  ojo, 
(iO(i,  513,  52],  GIO,  OsO,  xi. 
Tirzu,  581. 

453,    4i:i. 
-0".  G5o, 


IXDLK    OT.'   CtnUSTlAK"   NAMES. 

Titii-;,  -J:;."),  G'.'.-),  701. 
Titus 'J'ndil,  Gl. 
Tit!isAV,Ils,  •,>:},-). 
Tinnoi-  ( '. .  ~)-?.l. 

Th  tli.'  w  !)ir,.,  ::.>,:). 

Tobias,  N  SLviii. 

Truman,  ISii.   22?.   VJd.   AfiS! 

5"2i,;wM,  r.ij.i,  TiTG,  .")Sij,  :)S7 

Trmiiiui  (i.,  -l'.)!"). 
TrvMlii'iin,  -.^rr,. 
T.'wniiiiin,  r,\0. 
Tiirs'll,  xxxiii,  xxxiv, 
Tvraiuiurf,  .r2G. 

nvs.s\s  M.,  270. 

T'r.uiia,  '.M,  -:}7G,  277. 

I'rniiiii  ('.,  ."i2G. 

Uniniii.  J).,  .rJG. 

TTrsuhi.  -111;,). 

Urfinia  ]It-lin-;iiur.  2:)n. 

Uri,  18SJ,  ^G."),  2t;G,   203.  'Is2 

Gol,  G:;2.  G!i'.).  g:k1. 
Uiicl,  :]7  1..  V>.  i>^!;. 
Tzal,  :]!);;,  sui. 
Tznl  J(,\i!M..ii.  :iil,  :ri4. 

Vallonia,  490. 
Vr<!iM,  :V)ii,  nOG. 
ViiK'V,  -JfU. 
Viclia,  "7t'G, 
^'illa  liall,  xlvi. 
A'ictoria  t-^.,  .■;<02. 
VinceiiT.  .>j4,  o-]~),  .10.1 
V.j]nc-y(,'.,  oil), 

W.  IL,  xxvi. 
Wallace  M,,  50.-.. 
AVallacc.  I'uvritt,  5SG 
Vi'alker,  27  7. 
W.nlun-,  1S.3. 
Wal((-r  ('.,  ISl. 
^Valtr•^  (.'.,  41. 
\^'altf'r  J.,  228. 
Walter  Scott,  218. 
Waltfi-  LcVpi-t,  228. 
WaltfT  We.'d,  IS;-,. 
Waltri-  A.,  ry.y.]. 

^Valt^■v.i.  H.,  :)7;]. 

^\'a.sliiiii,'t')u  .T.,  ."jGS. 
^Vaylail■(l  Au--ii..>Tiis,  240. 
\Vair<'u.  22."),^  .")22.  .>2."),    r,:];] 

•"'G',),  r,w,  N-i. 
Warren  Hu!],  2.-)4. 
Wt-altliv,  241). 

\V..aJthv  Ann,  228. 
AN'ehbiu,  2GU. 
Weill II i;-toM.  2r,l. 
\^'llitin^■•,  221),  2G0, 
William.    1,    20,    2 

72.    7.\    SO,   S2. 

172,  1  li),  )'J-i.  I'j:; 

'■K    i>-'.,\ 

William  .James.  4!)0,  ."i;,'!'). 
William  Luciu.s,  .")02. 
Wiliium  Lon-aii,  4(S!). 
!\^'illiaTn  ranirman,  501,  50o. 









1-G.     17), 
.  21 G.  22:!, 
2 ■>:■!,  2:) !.  2o"),  2():5, 

;-!'-).  ;'U,;;i;i,  ;;i5, 
;;:.;,  4^)2, 4:^:;,  4734, 
4ro,  r)Oi),.Tis,  .?2i, 

>79.  584, 

•M*;;,  ;3!.)4, 





i  William 
!  William 
!^^■ll!iam  Wa" 
lU'iHiaiii  Ann 
K'v"iHiaui  Au.-: 


>(  14. 

on,  4.-.0,  584. 

■..   5:t2. 

,   45H. 

>1,  ,!2(). 

s,   4N4. 

!,   570. 

■  )00. 

51H1,  , 

\Viniain  ('lu■.nnil:^^ 
[William  (''uitis,  5S!. 




X  X  \  1 , 
X  X  X  i  X 

X  X  X ; .     X  ••.  X  V 1 

xhi,  xlvii,  1. 
William  A.,  5o;?,  501,  5',i7 
William  Reach,  457. 
William  I?.,  184,  22::!,  520. 
\'\'illi:im    C,    314,    2.21,    51'.', 

William  r'lark,  490. 
^Villiam  Ell.-.^v<)rth.  42. 
William  17,  22~,  52G,  xl. 
William  ijyllis,  IG. 
Wiiliaiu  ¥..  505. 
\Villiam  4001,1;-.    V20 
jWiUiam  .1,,  52G. 
I  William  IIeniv,2^?,  228,  2G4, 
I     480,  52,9,  570,  5-;  1 ,  xlvlii. 
I  William      i4cur\-      Harrison, 
I     xxix. 

j"^^  illiam  K.,  5s5. 
■William  laicldlni'toii,  180.       j 
William  L.,  2Go,~:3lG,  5CG, 
William  Mix,  170. 
^Villiam  .Aliiton,  170. 
William  Parl-lmrst,  212,  ;]13,' 
^^'ilIiam  Piersnn,  170.  j 

NVilliam  .Satrc,  2S2,.  | 

Willium  S..N1,  71G,  xlvi 
William  Wickham,  315. 
^^'i!liam  Ansnn,  502. 
\\'illiam  Anstin,  457. 
\MUiani  .\m.,-a,   457. 
William  (.'ulL-n,  xl. 
\\'illiam  J';rasfas.  297. 
NMlliam  JAluar,  457. 
\A'illiaia  Fredecick.  215. 
U'illiuin  (I'isuor,  205. 
William    H,,    220,    5:10, 
•580,  581. 



\\'illiam  ]^^i^(■n^• 

William  (;.,'  r,xr). 

\N'iiliam  T. ,  4'i4. 

\'i'illiam  I'rahcis, 

William  X.,  500. 

NN'illiam  IL,  5;':5. 

NN'illiai'i  l;aii>om 

William  liobert, 

\^■illiam  ()rvi:l(\ 

^^  iilium  Sti-a!ns, 

Wiliiam  Slaldim 

William  \Vi!M,n 

William  A\*.,  5'.) 7. 

Willis.  220.  5S4. 

WiKi>.  M.dvin,  -i?). 

\y\Uh:  F...  :',-2l. 
■Wilbur  Snort,  5  70. 
■  Wilh'.rd.  405. 
jWiilard  8:.'warl,  321. 
i^'i'lllie,  xlvii, 
i'v\'iili<'  J]vr.)n,  G2. 
IVs'iMie.k".  24:!,  251. 
|\\"ii  tord,  227. 

^^■ilfred  H.,  2::74. 

AVintliroii  .M.,  151. 

\'\'oodi;rid»i-,  220. 
^^'oos;^r    2.'G.  -;0.  5:M. 

Woxwter  lleiirv,  22,0. 

|Zacliariali,   yxxiii. 
i/obul)n,  508. 
Zcrah  Pierpont,  174,  227. 
IZcruiah,  38,  220. 
jZ'M.jiah  Katf.  512. 
'Zrplianiah,  5:jl. 
Zil.a,  ;321.  4G1,  520. 
IZoi-Oiar.    317,    257,   2G0,   .5:14, 
!     GIO. 

IZopliar  M.,  220. 
,  .Ziipliar  Morris,  2G2. 
iZ,,f,  Polic,  4S0. 
jZurviali,  178,  204. 


Abbp,  US. 
Abbott,  9,  15, 

18,   84.  91. 


140,  IT)*:;. 
•:;-i:.  -210. 

99,  138,  158,  24-2,  '.'97,  317, 

A2S,  437,  495,  497,  520,  5GG, 

042',  U90.  xxiv. 
Abbfv,  >J2G,  251,  o50. 
Abrrnf'thv,  1G5,  19:5,  218,  225, 

27G,  G51. 
AbRll,  119,  GS7. 
AckU'.v,  110. 
Ackerituai.  49. 
Addison,  228. 
A-lkin.s,  11,  14,  237 

ArV^.  114. 

Adsit,  209,  G96. 

Adfrir,  397. 

Adunis,  Gl,  82,  100 
1()8.  181.  185,207 
277,  338,  371,393,394.410, 
43 r,  444,  446,447,44:^1,527, 
570,  eG5,  G91. 
"  Agile \r,  S97,  GIO. 

A<zur.  G8S. 

Aikrn,  IGl,  209,  570. 

Alain,  257, 

Allcn.4,  5,7,,  03, 
71.  82,  89,97,104,105,  128, 
■JfiO  to  102,  101,  175.  184. 
1^-;),  223,  231,  234,  253.254. 
274!  275,  277.  285,  334,  353, 
4i'9'  441!  444,  488,  492,  4vi4. 
490!  497,  520,  537,  513,  555, 
557,  500,  50^,  G]7,  02G,  029, 
G31,  6^1,  083.  xxviii,  xxxi. 

Allino;,  80,4  7.49.55,  04,  102, 
139^,  148,  152,  b57,  100,  102, 
107,  168,  177,  190, 191,195, 
2(13    219,  233,  240,  275,  308, 

465,   535,   541,  549  to  552 

558,  502, 

621,   624 

639,  050, 

701,  7U2. 
Allvn.   19, 

439,  440. 
Alcorn,  202.,  10,  17.  20,  27.  8S 

93,  143.  200,  27(1,   320, 

010,  641,  642,  G55,  (i58, 

Aid.n,  7,  iij,  239,  451, 

Alk'v,  331. 
AldrJdgc,  51 


570.571,  603,  020, 
62.=i,  02s,  035  to 
607  tu  070,  074, 

:;3,   86,    302,   438, 


Aldricli.  08,  121. 

Albio,  77. 

Alcox,  175. 

Alcock,  171. 

Alibon..-,  166. 

Alsop,  101,  110,204,407,413, 
434.  435,  405,  679. 

.Mdfrman,  107. 

Ales,  213. 

Alfred  the  Great,  612. 

Ahiiv,  333,  333,  334,  500. 

AlfoVd,  180. 

Alvord,   127,    165,    224,    204, 
336,  677. 

Allis,  227. 

Allix,  xxiv. 

Alstvne,  24t). 

Allston.  291,  394,  400. 

Alner,  309,  316. 

Alexander  the  Great,  014. 

Alexander,  0,   323,  337,  357, 

Al'.vorth,  711. 

Ambler,  7  7,  308,  309,  574. 

Atnorv,  xxxvii. 

Ames",  69,  131,  249.  202,  263, 
353,  415,  489,  545,  083. 

Aniidon,  331. 

Ani'.\'eg-.  51G. 

Andrews.  5,  9.  10,  11,  U.  25, 
29,  39,  00,  62,  69,  8S,  89, 
123  120  to  129,  131,  135, 
147.  173.  174,  178,193,210, 
219,  221 ,  231,  2;'.9,  205,  274, 
275^  2S2,'  295!  29li,  340,  ;i54, 
410!  441.412,452,451,  450, 
40,5.  406.  487  to  490,  501, 
505,  500,  526.  541, 570, 596, 
022,  623,  040,  013,  G4(;,  058, 
603,  004,  048,  680,  6S3. 
.Andrus,    99.    128,    311,    451, 

Anderson.    7,    155,   225,   310, 

330,  557,  x\ix. 
.Vnthonv,  101,  410,  411,  OGO. 
Anspa^-ii,  HW,  (il9. 

An-lre,  5,  161,  413; 
;  Angler,  OSl. 
l55,|Al);;ia,    KIO. 

I  .-\iii)lewaite.  559. 
[Aiipleton,  t'.'.i:',. 
'Ai.thori.c,  ;15S,  359 

Arnee,  59. 

Arkwrighi,  431. 


Armsironff,  59,204,  221,  249, 
312,  50f,  525.  502,  621,  641. 

.Aunitaire,  xxvii. 

Arthlnirt,  73. 

Arne,   S5. 

Arnot,  323. 

Amies,  94. 

Arvis,  63. 

Arehor,  600,  688. 

Areondile,  537. 

Arthur,  583,  654. 

Argvle,  611. 

Ardee,  414. 

Arnold,  S5,  91,  141,  155,  203, 
215,  233.  330,  339,  352,  386, 
391,  442,  470,  57t5,  627,  GG8, 
67i.>,  0.4. 

Ashbin,  130. 

Asltburnluini,  xxiv. 

Aslipole,  492. 

iAshley.  92,  438,  439,  497. 

A.stor,  422,  xlv. 

A^pinwall,  110,  415,  435. 

Atlierton,  77,  413. 

Atwater,  10.  17.  24.  30  to  34. 
46,  01,  03,  04.  71.  73.  102, 
139,  141  to  153.  15(;,  100. 
lOi.  lt)5,  107,  liO,  '95,  220, 
232,  2:J5,  240,  '241,  255,  2:?(i, 
2«7,  288,  293,  298,  306,  307, 
420,  453,  465,  467,  470,  482, 
490,  501,  514,  522,  524,  530, 
537,  540,  543,  544,  515,  549, 
550,  552,  553,  555,  55S, 501, 
57i),  5S0,  620  TO  G25,  029, 
630.  637.  612,  649,  650,  to 
-05^^,  063,  608,  070,  671,  677, 
6S3,  693,  095,  706,   711,  x. 

At  wood,    OS,    201,    492,    494, 
509,  580,  5s^5,  580,  58771586, 
Aikius,  27,  41.  121,  459. 
Atehieson.  8'.);  04n. 
At-^o;:l,  14:'.. 

Austin,  27,  33,  37,39,  43,  57, 
100,  j05,  113,  153  to  155, 
ir,i,  IGO,  172,  bss,  I(i0,2n0, 
2;;4,  2^;i,  270.  33g,  351,  412, 

441.  -145.  4-54.  459,  ■,'^5.  :»■'.), 
Ob-\  1I2I.  025.  62.;,  G27,  03G. 
674,  091. 


.KDEK    OF   SUItXAitES. 

Augur,  20,  ^r,i},  i;o,isf),  -^^so, 

308,  328,  .'.r.:],  005,  Gl:J. 
Aurluiileck,  d'2. 

Auciicy,  em. 

AucIrt,  xxiv. 

Auliin,  xlvi. 

Avfi-ill.  T)!!!),  .->91. 

Averv,  23,  220,  2ri4,  2T.(,  :;57, 

431,  44G,  44:,  472,  001. 
Awvi^,  2ti2,  2ii;-].  ^21,  xxwi. 

3-!U,  431 



Babbitt,  74,  107,  r,nO. 

Babcock,  10(J,   117,   130.  330 
49"),  .-jOO. 

Backus,  .■)4,  GO,  341 

Bacon,  3il,  2it4,  2(10,  207 
422,  435,  513,  533,  551 

Biichrlor,  21 'X  5s7.  G8n. 

l?ankcr,  85,  483, 


Basil,  G14. 


Barvv.  43:'>,  515.  G'J3. 

Ban-owy,  311,  40,  3G3,  341 ,  472 

l>aum,  315.  333. 

Baxter,  310. 

Bank sjni ill.  515. 

Bar.stow,  120,  524. 


BacptM-lv,  4*^4. 

Baldwin.  0,  17,  20 
101,  IIG,  i:^.',  i; 
148,   1-19,   150  TO   ]i 
lb'7,  190.  191.200,  207,  232, 
252,  255,  250.  259,  2(;0.  298. 
311,  319^  3'Jl!  32Vi,  -Kr,>.  472, 
4GS,  483,  5(n,  514.  534.  540, 
509,  572,  575,  578,  5^4,  013, 
615,  024,  029,  048,  054,  057, 
607,   071.   075,  080,  091    tn 
093,  703,   7!J4,   7!0,   xxxiv, 
xxxix . 
Batter.snii,  74,  501. 
Ininiftt,  102.  107.  593. 
Baird.  120,  107,  500. 
Bailov,  4.  93.   158.  170,  227. 
200',  274,  2s7,  320,  3;0.  410. 
500.  511,551,  559, 

'.».  1 

'9,  71, 
.  1  ili 
,   17(1 

512,  532,  504,  590,  024. 
640,  003,  009,  088. 

Bartlioloiiiew,  10,  14,  17 
62,  182,  214,  320.  40:i, 
521,  543,  544.  033,  iM?. 

Barnes,  4,  5,  9,  15,  19,  2 
29,  34  to  30,  42,  50,  57 
04,  08,  71,  119,  124, 
148,  153, 172, 173,  170, 
192,  210,219,223,220, 
259,  200,  270. 2^0, 282, 

285,  292,  2'.i3,  290,  227, 
332!  435',  307^  442',  452, 
492,  495,  470,  520,  538, 
552,  553,  575,  5n0,  581, 
593,  599,  623, 024,  032, 
630,  611,643,044,  058, 
()74,  G^^3,  090,  094,  099, 

BargtT,  0. 

Bariiuni,  5,  12,  157,  254, 

y2><,  532. 
Balrli,  31,84,  S.5,  95,  101. 
Ball,  2,  7.  21,  22.  29,  30, 

1(11,    13t;.   13.-.^.   141   \o 

105,  107.  172,173,  177. 

189.  190,  209, 235, 242, 

286,  287,  405, 005,  021, 
625,  028  to  049,  054. 
600,  083,  703,  xxi\,   xl 

Bagg.  578. 

Bass-tt.  2.  21.22,  20,  27 
30,,  70, 
115.  103,  107,171,  177, 
224    229, 230. 241,250, 


Banl,  25S. 

Bari'ington.  025. 

Bartley,  1>57. 
490,JHartlc*  507. 

Barksted,  007. 
I  to  Battrll,  083. 
59,|B.-itt](\  xlvi,  xlviii. 
127.  Ba.-s.  ls4,  428,  G78. 




Bartvlis,  201. 
Banoii,  200,  698. 
Ballard.  649. 
Balsbv,  330. 
Bartou-,  3<5,  391,  472. 
I3astrop.  307. 




253,  2(i5,  271,  275,  270. 

402 ',  55S.5S0,  5S1.  021. 

625.  031.  0,40.  041.  0>49. 

654.  058,  001,  0;r2,  00 :, 
Barbour,  80. 

BaTclielor,  UN,  417,  528. 
Batchf4drr,  42,  7S. 
Banett,20,  54,  435,  442, 

499.  50s.  xxiv,  XXV. 


0  7i 

0:3,  0- 



7.  154. 
2((.  ;;5i». 

514,  041!,  0: 

432.  4S(i 

500,  Oil 
Ba;:b.'v.  > 
Bakfr,   21 

185,  24! 

39s,  4  !i 

678,  XXXV. 
Ballon,  39.  504. 
Barkor.  5,  33.  43.  50.91 

130.  1*':7,  2 is,  287,  541 

613,  6:;0.  031. 
Batr<,  13,.   -'i;,   47.  5:;,  7 

320,  -ll.!,  -l>''2.  4x7,  4(9) 



5  15 

".  80 

Bartb'lt.    0 

510,  054. 
Bancroft,  118.  202, 

381,  55G,  709. 
Barn.'v.    150,    100, 

Banks.  17,220,  075,  07^ 
Bavavd,   305,    413,    415^ 


4^arron,  170,  OSl. 

•  Barber,  3,8,  49,  94.   182. 

I     451,  470,  529,  504. 

! Barnard,  133,  200,  440. 

i     451,  450,  (>74.  081,  09: 

,Bairour,  199. 

iBainln•id^^^  221. 

I  Barlow,  240,  5(i0,  032,  x 

JBanu-s,  237.  30(!. 

iBardrn.  251. 

54s,  Baupr,  441, 
5S3,  Barclay,  437. 
633,  liarue,  xxiii. 
073,  Beresford,  xxiv. 
701,  Beii avoir,  xxiv. 
Bciitinck,  xxiv. 
Beaumont,   x. 
321,  Bell,  1,  70,   SO,   90,   112, 
337.  339.342,  343,  344, 
105.      414,  690. 
,  31.  Et4ilngl!ani,  xxvii. 
150,  Bentori,   218,    293,    335, 
188,      447,  040,  695. 
272,  BeckU^v,  3,   4,  10  7,   108, 
624,      005. 
OK),  Becker,  GO. 
Best.  5. 
Beclicr,  010. 
Beaucliamji,  013. 
102, 1  Beck  with,  5,  119,  273,  274. 
183.JBeard,  44(t,  471,  472,  r,\)\). 
25],  Bennett,  ().  77,  S2,    114.   1"^, 
330,1     101,  107.  205,  213,  322,  3:;3. 
024. j     400,  507,  548,  560,709. 
050,lBenie!;t.  81,  504. 
G99.|Bedortlia.  440. 
iBeare,  xxi. 
iBerkelev,  067. 
Beakl,  xix. 
452,  Betts,  18,  81,  498,  088. 

IBessev,  S2, 
438,|Bearclslev,  35,   371.  037,078. 

j     691,003. 
292, 1  Beach,  4,   1^,   27,   32,  41,  07, 
103,  180,181,  187,210,  211. 
214,  219,  221,225,  251,  252, 
257!  259,271,  274,  310,  315. 
,  089.      321.  322.  42(;.  439.  453,  403. 
417,      405.  4v,>.  4S7.  513.  .52';.  5  in. 
5  11.  542.  5(.).s.  5r(>.  02:1,  021. 
052,    GOO,   007  to  GOO,   f'>V2, 
430.       7((0,  xxxiv 

450,iB.'i!iis.  39. 

I  B'dcber,  53,  438. 
Bergt-ri.  51. 

Benedic;,  (53.  00.  7i;.  7^,  81, 
ItiO,  1(19,244,  337,  353,  -tisO, 
508,  510,  571. 


.NI)E\*    OF   SURXAME3. 

-.^-   214, 

Augur,  20,  1.-,5,  llOJSn,  280. 

308,  828,  .".r.;;,  (12^,  G4:;. 
Aucliinlock,  '.i2. 
Auclley,  008. 
AucliL'!',  xxis'. 
Auliin,  xlvi. 
Avt-rill,  51)0,  .Mjj. 
Aveiv,  23,  220.  204,  274,  XjT. 

4;}i,  44G,  441.  472,  oOl. 
Ayurt^,  202,  20o.  ^21,  xxwi. 

]5ul)l.itt,  71,  107,  r,00. 

Bul.cock,   100,    117.    l;;0.  S30, 
405,  .-,00. 

Backus,  .")4,  05,  347,  340,  431, 

Bncon,  30,  204,  'JC),  •,' 
422,435,  513,  533,  r,:,; 

BiK-lielor,  211),  5S7.  GSs 

Baukcr,  85,  483. 


Basil,  014. 


Burrv.  433,  545,  023. 

Barvmvy,  oO,  40,  303,  341 ,472, 

}'>anui,  315.  333. 

Baxter,  310. 

Banksmitli,  515. 

Bar.stow,  120,  524. 


BaLCgerlv,  4^4. 

Baldwiii,  0,  17,  20,  32,  !0,  71, 
101,  110,  i:''2.  i:.!»,  1  i2.  1  10, 
MS,  14'.),  l.'.O  to  1113,  170, 
l^■7,  100.  101.  2'jn.  2(i7,  2:12, 
252!  255,  25('),  250.  2i>)).  208. 
','>n,  310!  3-il,  ;!2ii,  4i-i2,  472. 
40S,  483,  501.  514,  534.  5-iO, 
500,  572,  575,  578,  5^4,  013, 
015,  024,  02i),  018.  054,  05 

512,  532,  504,  500,  024.  027, 

610.  003,  000,  088. 
Bartliolouiow,   10,  14,  17,  51, 

02,   1S2.  214,  320,  4t;3,  400, 

521,  513,  514,  033,  t)47. 
Barr.L's,   4,   5,  0,  15,  10,  24  to 

20,  34  to  30,  42,  50,  57,  50, 

04,    0,S,    71,   110,   124,    127.  I',  184,  428,  078. 

148,  153,  172,  173,  170,  IbO,  Bartells,  201. 

Banl,  25S. 
Bari-inyton,  025. 
Hartley,  187. 
Hartlc,  507. 
Harkstrd,  007. 
Hatt.'ll,  083. 
Battle,  xlvi,  xlviil. 

102.  210,  210,223.  2-'0,  220, 
231,  232,244,251,  253,  255, 
250,  200,  270,  2so.  282,  283, 
285  202  203  20i»  227  220 
332!  435',  307^  442',  452!  401! 
402,  405,  470,  520,  538,  54^, 

i5arion,  200,  008. 
Ballard,  040. 
Halsbv,  330. 
BartoNv,  3'^5,  301,  472. 
Bastrop,  307. 
Bauer,  441. 

552,  553,  575,  asO,  581,  5^3,  Barclay,  43 

503,  500,  023,  624,  032,  633 
030,  611,043,  044.  0.58,  673, 
()74,  0^^3,  000,  004,  600,  701, 

Bar^:er,  6. 

Bariiuui,  5,  12,  157,  254,  321, 
r,-2H,  5H2. 

Balcli,3l,S4,S.5,  05,  101,  105. 

Ball,  2.  7,  21,  22,  20,  30.   31. 

Barne,  x\iii. 

Beresford,  xxiv. 

Beaiivoir,  xxiv. 

Beiitiuck,   xxiv. 

BeauuKMit,   x. 

Bell,  1,  70,   .^0,   00,   112,  102, 

337,  330.342,  313,  344,  413, 

414,  000. 
Bidlluckaiu,  xxvii. 

101,    130. 

1  11   10    150,|l>eiiton,   218,    -^'Jo, 

105.  107.  172,173,  177.  18S, 
180.  100,  200, 235, 242,  272, 
280,287,  405,  005,  021,  624, 
625,  628  to  640,  054.  05<i, 
000,  083.  703,  xxl\.  x!ix. 

Bagg.  578. 

Ba'As^'tt,  2.  21,22,  20,  27.  20, 

447,  040,  005. 
Becklev,  3,   4,  10  i 

Becker,   00. 
Hest,  5. 
Becker,  010. 
Beaijckam]>,  013. 

335,    435, 
108,  400, 

30,32,  00,  (;2,  04.  00,  70,  102,!Beckwitl!,  5,  110,  273,  274 

Beard,  440,  471,  472,  .50:). 
Bennett.  0.  77,  s2,    1  14,  1"^, 

101,167.  205,  213,  322,  3;;3. 

100.  507,  548,  566,700. 

115,  103,  107,171,  177,  183, 

224,  220,  2;30,  241,  2.50,  251, 

2.53,  205,271,275,  270,  3:^0. 

402,  558,  580. 581,  021.  024. 

62.5,  031,  040.  041.  Ol'.i,  r..50,lHoiueiit.  81,  504 

051.  058.  061,  0;)2,  00?,  000.  iHedortha,  440. 
Bai'.Kuir.  80.  iBeare,  xxi. 

Batclielor,  KN,  417,  528.  | Berkeley,  067. 

00.7    074     075,  (isO,   (iOl    toiBatchelder,  42,  7S.  JBeakl,  xix. 

G03',  703,   704,   710,   xxxiv.lBanett,  20.  5),  435,  442,  452,jBetts,  18,  81,  408,  088. 


Battersnn,  74,  5fU. 

Barnett,  102,  107.  503. 

Baird.  120,  107.  500. 

Bailev,  4,  03,  15^,  170.  227. 
200,  274,  2n7,  ;;20,  3;0,  410, 
432,  4sti,  500.  511 .  551,  550, 
500,  Oil,  0:3,  0^2. 

Ba;:-lev,  M. 

Baker,   21,   55,   77.   154.   10,0, 

400,  50s,  xxiv,  XXV.  iBessev,  82, 

Bartlett.    07,    103,    270,  438,lBeHrdslev,  35,   371,  037 

510,  054.  j     001,  003. 

Bancroft,  IL^,  202,  240.  202,:Beacli,  4.   IS    27.   32,  4! 


3^n,  556,  700. 
Barnev,    15'i,    100,    101,   352, 

Banks,  17,  220,  075,  070,  080. 
Bavi'.nl,   3;.'5,    413,    415,    417, 


1N5    2-10   :;iO   :'.2o  :;50,  :-;71.'Barron,  170,681. 

308^  4  10,  472,  514,  040,  677, .Bail, er,  3,8,  40,  04,   182,  430. 

678,  XXXV. 
Ballon,  30.  504. 
Barker.  5,  3:}.  43.  50.  0  i 

k3o.  Hw,  2is,  287,  541. 

613,  0:10.  (;31. 
Bate^,  1:'..   -'O,   47.  5;;.  7 

103,  ISO,  1^1,  187,210,  211. 
214,  210,  221,  225.  251,  252, 
257,  250,271,  274,  310,  315, 
321,  322,  420.4:10.  453,  40:1. 
405.  4S2.  487,  513,  52(;.510. 
511,  542.  .50S.  5rn,  iy2:'..  02!, 
(;.52,  000,  007  tu  GOO,  602, 
700,  xxxiv 

451.  470,  520,  504 

JBarnard,  13:i,  200,  440,  450,|B.i!iis,  :_iO. 
I22.i     451,  45(',,  ()74,  68!,  607.         |B-lclier,  .53.  438 
515,,BaUoLir,  100. 

iBainiirld.L;-;',  221. 
,  80.1  Barlow,  210.  5i)0,  6:)2,  xxiv. 

r\-^l)     415. 

!2,  4S7 

460,  507,  Banii-s,  2:i7.  30 
IBardrii,  251. 

li'^ciier,  .).5 
iBergerl,  5i. 
Ben'edi,.-;.  fi:;,    00.   70,   7^,  ■"■ 

100,  100,244,  3:17,  35:!,  -i! 

508,  510,  574. 

IXDE>;    OF    SUK.NAMFS;. 


B.-f(lier,  2.  IT.  V-K  47.  -19,  54, 

r,r,, :.].  101,  IK!,  r-]^,  v^'K 

14-J    14;-*.,   14,"i,   lo-i   to  1~)9. 

10;}^  in  I.  108,  i7u,-3ir),5()7, 

2'^3,  2;^^,  243,  20"").  2!)(i,  20S, 
27l'  201,21)0,  2yS,  o22',  ol;5, 
330!  382,  3S0.3N!;,  4iiS,  40U. 
4o4,  40.'),  50(3,  5:i4,  :>!»>,  54U, 
ri9S,  624,G2.'),  r,2f;.H21).  ('.:'.3, 
G84,  087,  6411,  012,054,  070, 
071,  079,  0>^1,  O^S,  005. 
Bevans,  02. 
Bemuii,  85. 
Benson,  240,  2.5^._ 
Bellow.s,  5^'^,  475. 
Bcimorc,  144. 
Bedell,  409,  645. 
Beverly,  402. 
Bcsaneon,  369,  018. 
]?eiuep,  706. 
Beadle,  331. 
Berceu,  319. 

Bet^aniir,  SO,    140,   210,  449 
Benthaui,  ti'.i'::. 
..  j'jenuisoji,  131.  I 

Bellainv.   21.    110,    193,    225,1 

404,  593,  0ti3,  .11. 
Beers,  165,  172.  2U3,  204,  32s. 
854,  359,  485.511,  574,  580. 
590,  C21,  081,  093. 
Beaudclot,  202. 
■    Bedford,  010. 

Beadle,  221,  264,  331,  531. 
Be.^borough,  610. 
Behham,  241.   244,  274,  454, 
489,  501,  .503,  5:U,  541,  544, 
540.  501,  506.  rr.u,  571,  572, 
.586,  587,  025,  034,  641,  615, 
647,  661,602,  004,073,  086. 
Bevk-w,  254. 
Bcde,  609. 
Bedient,  345. 
Beudt,  505. 
Bebe.s,  401,572,587,623,678, 

681.  702. 
Berry,  4,  357.  490,  xxxi. 
Bent'huvsen,  529. 
Beale,  548,  584,  088. 
Belden,  13,  84.   92,    134,  3S4 

463,  510,  511,  051,  671. 
Bcldiiig,  089. 

Bishop,  0.  14,  20,  23,  24.  27 
59.  02,  70,  80,  l";i  to  ics 
174,  192  to  195.  203,  209 
2i0'  220,  245.  218,  250,251 
2r>0,  270,  278,  291,  307,  309 
337'  338,  339,  342  to  345 
359',  443,  450,  500,  507,  531 
450,  593,005,000,  626.  t;30 
644,  049,  050,  C<s:\,  (')08,  072 
073,  082,  7nii,  (i/l,  704 
705,  xxxv,  xliii,  xlvii. 
p.iilaui,  534. 
Billings,  303^422. 

iBi>rplo\v,  0,  90,  128,  131,  200.' 
i     338,  440.  444,  449,  514,  510. 
I     517,  557.  578,  (!01,  073,  074. 
iBin-liaiu,  10,   119,  245,   329. 
i     509,  528.  529.  530,  545. 
Bi.ssell,    52,    128,    2S7,    342, 
I     432,  439,  580. 
■Bill.  121,  149,150,  300,  xxvi, 
I      xxxii, 
Biv<l,  12;,  181,  197,  233,   308, 

432,  035. 
Birge.  131,  232,  432. 
Bircli,   117,  341. 
BidNvell,    83,    119,    121.    122, 

123,  130,  189,  228,  419. 
Bills,  254,  292,  550. 
Bicker,  200. 
Bickucli,  89,  538. 
Brittau.  170, 
Bishie.  255. 

Bircliaid,  292,  433,  030. 
l^ibbius,  434. 
BigiT,  483,  088,  089. 
Bivin,  048.  j 

l]5irdspve,  237,  363. 
'Bicele,  285. 

Bierce,  454,  461.  | 

Bi^'irar,  525.  1 

B!ukeslee,  20,  22,  25,  26,  27,  | 
I  29,  30,  59.  60,  02,  63.  (•-4,! 
07  to  70,  74.  101,  130,  142, 
I  143.  173,  174,  188,192,193, 
1  194,  210,  217,218,219,225, 
'  220,  229.  235,250.  251.  257, 
i  205I  274,  275,  270.,  2S0,  281. 
',  282.  281,  285,  294.  320,  452, 
400,  506,  593,  .594,  621,  030 
':  to  042.  0.50  to  653.  050,  009, 
■  074,  097,  700,  '/03,  704. 
i     xlvii. 

jBlakeman,  2  7,  552. 
•  Blake,  47,  138,  150,  17iMSG.j 
I     190,  191,  192,350,425,420, 
:     452,  489,  564,  653.  070. 
'iBliss,  70,120,   184,   200,  241, 
1     353.  359,  303,  309, 433, 459. 
j     454,  482,  553,  xlix. 
Blaunerhassett,  397. 
.  Blatehiord.  529. 
Blackford,  204. 
Bladen,  707. 
,  Blasier,  247. 
,  Blackleacli,  83,  118,  673. 
.  Blarkuiaii,    53,  05,   571,  651, 
,'     099,  103,  258. 
,  Rlaiiu-.  42.  414. 
,'Blauvelt,  472. 
,, Blair,  208,  254,  576,  597. 
,,  Blinu,  95,  279. 
,  1^.1  iinr.  292,  xlvi. 
,  i;!a;,rkHnl,3l;t,  3:;2,33!,573 
i     593. 

!Blvdenbu^t,^  279. 
iBlachlev,  0;!8,  084,   xliii. 

Blat.lilev,  315. 
Hiackintoii,  648. 
Pdand,  659. 
Bland  ing,  533. 
Bhjwers.  533.  534. 
Black,  259,  520,  707. 
Blodgotl,  184,  436,  447. 
Blo.ssoni,  8. 
Biood,  xl. 
Boi.'-evt,  :')9],  403. 
B<.n-d,  37,  178.  078. 
Bouton,  31.  76,  79,347. 
Bonestreet,  21. 
Bo-art,  43,  303. 
lv)!i\vood.  83,  84,  i.j25. 
Bonner,  91,  008. 
dioott,  100,  108. 
Booth,  f>8,    i3,    118,  2s;',  330, 
I     450,  580,  5S5.  013,  040,  041. 
jBrw.i.'n,  184,  410. 
Bovnton,  225,  5'^'4. 
BoVington,  13>0. 
Bo'wri's,  244,  273,  xlvi. 
Bond,  50.  239,  410,  075. 
T'.oul;,  134. 
Bo- ram,  241. 

iBoweu,   237,    203,    40:i,    001, 
1     071,094. 
!now;l)y,  200. 
iBoardiimn,  0:"i.    95,   241,   281, 

Bostu-ick,  200,  312,  517,  518. 

531,  552,  509.  03S,  039. 
B'lornian.  502. 
B  '.'ardiis,  459.  095. 
Bo'A-les,  440,  490. 
'iB-.'wnuiu,  350. 
iBoiiirluon.  472.  599.  001. 
iBolies,  449,  531,   707,  708. 
JBoi'.dl,  xlv. 
jBoiiruc.  83. 
Bovcr.  582. 
\Y>.:i-m,  77. 

Bosnonh,  248,  631. 
Bowser.  304. 
Boyse,  342. 
J5oi)l.;staver,  357. 
Botts,  398.,  433. 
Bonlian.i,  457. 
l^oyden,  023. 
liovkini.  037. 
lioniLs.  029. 
Boisford,  030,  632. 
Bonifor.l,  032. 
Boirt'.s,  040.  053. 
Boyle,  472,  Os2,  xi>:,  xlv. 
Boudiuot    0)75. 
Bow,  OSS,  nS',). 
!B„ys,  xxiv. 
JBrad.diau.  xxi.  xxxiii. 
IBiT.dford,  4i,  Jur,  41  i,  557, 
iBrinvning,  92,  480. 


iXDpjx  OF  suunamf:s. 

t-J9.  4.10, 

,  .V.)4, 
5  so, 


]?rongli;uii,  010. 
]?r;irc,  88,  S!),91.  0 

580,  0]S. 
Brink,  50. 
Bruiidai^^e,  538,  09  k 
Brown, 'l,  2,  4,  11,  10,  21" 

33,  42.  05,  00,  7S.  sc, 
102,  110,138,  151.  158, 
173,  175, 178, 185,  189, 
193,  194,  195,199,205, 
222,  281.  245,  252,  274, 
292  to  295,  380,  337, 
347,  300,  414,  4lS,  48S, 

453,  4.50,  405,  471,  4S7. 
495,  490,  498.512,  521, 
532,  540,541,547,  549. 
502,  508,  507.  508, 575, 

581,  590,598,000,020, 

024,  087  lo  040.  051, 
007,  GOS,  071,  070, 079, 
094,  099,  701,  702, 
xxxix,  xliii,  xlviii. 

Bronsuii,  2,  15  to  18,  32 
04  to  07,  71.  110,  127, 
16S,  175,  180,  ls3 
188,  197,  223,400 
540,  503  to  500. 
640,  on,  040,050 
605,  074. 

Br.adlcv,  7.  18. 
32,  34,  35,  80 
68  to  71,  74 
140  to  149,  )53,  158. 
105,  107,  178, 174,177. 
184,  185,190,  194,208, 
218,  220,  229.  231. 235, 
250,  351 ,  258,  255.  205, 
270,  271,272.  273,278, 
282,  283, 284, 280, 2si, 
29l!292,'294!295,  2Li8! 
325,  320,  329,380,440, 

454,  405,  470,471.481, 
500,  517, 531,541,  540. 
551,  558,  501,  579,  598, 
C02.  020  to  024,  025, 
033  to  (>44.  050  to  058, 
to  072,  074,  0S5,  091, 
099,  700,  708,  704, 

Brackett,  285,  287,  238, 
xxvii,  xxviii. 

Brorkett.  22,  25  to  80.  40, 
09,  130,  171,  192.  214, 
280,  282, 259, 200.  202, 
275.  270.  281. 2^2, 2s8, 
337,  328.  800.809.452, 
540  to  540,  572,  595, 

025,  082,  087.  0,41  to 
051,  0"5.  !'07,  072,  0^1). 

Braiivinl.  5,  10,  122. 
Bristol,   7,    1  1,   2:;,   144. 
101,  201,  282,  2t;5,  :: 

,  21, 
27  s\ 
02 1 , 

02  I 



4*;,  47,  00 
101,  102. 
187,  139. 

,  08, 



164,  j 




407,  501,  514,517,520, 

573,  005,  022,  082,  037, 

091,  098. 
Brooks,  10,  28,  9)-,   110. 

119,  180.  187,  1  14,  15!, 

210.  282,  237,250.297, 

320,  391,500,530,  531, 

535,  574,  599,  Gy8,<i41, 

082.  691,  xxii. 
Brig.fcs,  24,  40,  227,  4)0, 
Briyden,  088. 
Bristow,  81,  140. 
Brewer,  45. 
Brainerd,  201,  205,  377, 

3N5,  451  ,  071. 
BridL'"in;iii,  127. 
P>rL-ed,  128,  409,  411,  000 
Brewtou,  394. 
Brookcr,  173,  202,  533. 
Bradilook,  4ii2. 
Brocksi;ii)er,  210. 
Brevoort,  422. 
Brett.  48.  xii. 
i;ro<.ikii).-3,  592. 
Brewbler,  01,    6i,    273, 

357,  308,-370,  434,  435, 

Brvaiit.   114,    2mS,    315, 

429,  477,  4l!5,  084. 
Brksbin,  144. 
Briiu-krilioiT,  145,  078. 
Brintiiall.  149,  150,  157, 

024,  088. 






200,    029,    09 L 

Brownsou,  (i21. 

Bioiii;-li,  088. 

Brisf^o..,  080. 

Bra<l.-;trei-t,   085. 

DuU.'ii,  0. 

Burr,  0,  38,  .89,  01,  81,  ,8!), 
94,  115,  191,  192,  202.  222', 
291,  298,  342,  ;!52,  379,  888i 
38,5,  380,  412,  480,  485,451)', 
451,  .505;  575.  000,  ti07,  080, 

Butler,  6,  8,  14,  31.  09,  84, 
80.89,92,118,  119,131,131, 
109,  171,  170,  183,  212,29:.', 
444,  452,450,  457,407,  -IC!), 
522,  576,  019,  631,004,074, 
094,  099,  xxiii. 

Biislmell,  9,  94,  90,  252,  8.5^, 
359,307,  308,  459,  400,  401, 
493,  495. 

Bull,  10,  27,  110,  120,  128. 
135,  152,  181,182,  215,291, 
483,  597,  624,  010,  057, 028. 

Buttre,  24. 

Button,  20,  50,  211,  270.,  340, 

2 -so.  1 
30^.  i 
490,  i 
097, 1 


.  00, 



B.-eck,   150. 
Brviui,     157 

Brott,  210. 
Brao-iT.  ooQ 

Browneli,  288,  331,  708. 
Bridg-eluun,  435. 
Bi-odwell,  451. 
Bnuult,  472. 
Bnien,    221.    311,    358, 

483,  484,  013,  615,  630, 

682.  091. 
Bri-duna,  221,  549. 
Brush,  214,  400,  028. 
Brooktield,   207. 
Brokaw,  311. 
Brundir^h.  314. 
Breesp,  00,  410,  597. 
Bri.-ited,  422. 
Brantingliaiii,  312. 
Bradner,  525. 
I^rus.^ie,  249. 
Broolcnuin.  2ii0. 
Breckenrido-e.  329. 
Brand,  885. 
l^ritiioi,  800. 
Bruce,  811,  xii. 
l-iriiuin,  480. 
B!-i;vvulo\v,  597. 
Bradl/urx',  597. 


Burt,  89,  144,   289,   457, 


Butts,  77. 

l^urxon,  05,  90.  115,   859, 


502,  050. 

Buckuer,  OO. 

Burritt,     115,    117,    122, 


127,  141.  280,287.  574, 


Burklev,  84  to    87,   89, 


175,210.  522,  521,527, 


037,  689,  048,  G90.  094, 


Burofovne,  105,  245,  529 

Burnbani,     12,    94,    97, 


133,    220,    274,    299, 


XXXV,  xxxvi. 

Buckinc^'liani,    74,    153, 


315,  251,  318,  026,  700 

Budding-ton,  101. 

Bann,  182,  521. 

Burdett,  201,  388,  400. 

Buckalow,  212,  290. 

Burrell,  230.  204,  882. 

Buel,  15,    120,   238,  284, 


456,  409,470,  580,  502, 


580,  017,  678,  700. 

Busli,  224.  237,  694. 

Burrows,  140,  241,   557, 


Burtonsham,  241. 

Biirrill,  151,  590.  005. 

Burwell,  271,   5  72. 

Burnet! ,   810,  317,   321, 


Bu  re  hard. 

Burd,  8S3,  {19. 

Buxton.  888.  :M8.  045. 

Buckuiiii.stfr,  421,    088, 



Buri:--ss,  492,  495,  028. 

Bun<e,  93,  100,  108,419, 


499,  505,  578,  017,  018 


IXDP^X   OF  sunNAMP:s. 

]>r<nigli;mi,  010. 

]^ni(je,  88,  S!)/.)!,  07,  ■t-J9.  4.")0^ 

5:-!(),  ('18. 
Brink,  5!). 
Bruiidai^^e,  533,  09  i. 
Brown,' 1,  3,  4,  11,  li),  20,  ?!, 

33,  42.  f.r,,  GO,  78,  y.i],  i)8, 
103,  110,138,  151.  153,  157, 
173,  175,  178,  185,  18U,  190, 
103,  11)4,  105.109,305,  213, 
333,  331.  345,  353,  374,  378, 
293  to  295,  330,  337,  343, 
347,  300,  414,  41S,  438,  450, 

453,  450,  405,  471,  487.  4.s>-', 
495,  490,  498.513,  531,  530, 
533,  540,  541,  547,  549.  555, 
503,  503,  507.  508.575,  580. 
581,  590.598,  000,030,  031, 

034,  037  to  040.  051,  003, 
007,  008, 071,  070,  079.  003. 
094,  099.  701,  703,  700, 
xxxix,  xliii,  xlviii. 

Bronsun,  3,  15  tn  1,^,  33,  03, 
04  to  07,  71,  no.  137,  107. 
1G8,  175,  180,  1^3,  18-1.  180, 
188,  197,  333,  400,  5()4,  545, 
540,  503  to  500.  580,  033, 
640,  011,040,050,  003,  004, 
605,  074. 

Bradlcv,  7.  13,  'jO,  33,  'S.i,  37, 
33,34,  35,  30, -lO,  47.  00,  03, 
68  to  71,  74,  10!,  103,  100, 
107,108,111.  137,  139.  143. 
146  to  149,  153.  158.  104, 
105, 107, 173, 174,171.  181, 
184,  185,  190.  194.303.  3o0. 
218,  330,  339.  331.  335,  340, 
250,  251,253,355.305.  308, 
270,  371,  273.  373,378,  379, 
283,  383,  384,  380,  3s,,  3S'.(. 
291,  293,  394.  395,  •2\j:<,  30s, 
335,  330,339,330,440,  441, 

454,  405,  470,471.481,  490, 
506,  517,  531,  541,  540.  549, 
551,  553,  501,  579,  598,  599, 
003.  630  to  034,  035,  038, 
633  to  044.  050  to  058.  GO' 
to  073,  074,  0^5,  091,  097, 
699,  700,  70;'.,  704,  708, 

Brackett,  335,  337,  238,  339, 
xxvil,  xxviii. 

Brockett,  33,  35  to  30.  40.  00, 
09.  130.  171.  193.  314.  334, 
230.  333,  259,  300.  303,  303, 
375,  370.  381.  383.  3.S3,  330, 
827,  338,  300.  30!),  453,  485, 
540  to  540,  573,  595.  018, 
635,  033,  037,  041  to  (;15, 
051,  O".-'.  (''07,  073,  O^O.  097, 

Biain.'ir.l.  5,  10,  133. 

Bristol,  7,  1  t,  3:;,  144,  150, 
101,  301,  333,  3t;5,  3;5,  433. 


53  1, 

407,  501,  514,517,530,  500, 
573,  005,  033,  033,  037,  05O, 
091,  093. 
Brook.-^,  in,  33,  94-,   110. 
119,  130,  137,  1  14.  151 
210.  333, 337, 250, 397 
330,  391,500.530,  531, 
535,  574,599,633,041, 
683,  691,  xxii. 
Krlgo-s,  34,  40,  237,  410,  50! 
Brii,'-(len,  088. 
Bristol,  81,  140. 
Brewer,  45. 
Brainerd,   301,  305,  377,  ^S4 

3s5,  451,  (571. 
Bridiniiaii,  137. 
BrL-rd,  12:},  409,  411,  000. 
Brewtou,  394. 
Brookcr,  173,  303,  533. 
Bradilock,  4ii3. 
Brofkriunier,  310. 
Bicvoon,  433. 
Brett,  48,  xii. 
!Brookui.-3.  593. 

Brewfcler,  01,    01.    373, 
357,  308,o70,  431,  435 
Brvant.   114.    3(;'s,    315, 

439,  477,  495,  084. 
iBrisbin,  144. 
'Brinckrrlioff,  145,  073. 
■Brintiiall,  149,  150.  157. 
1     034,  ():^8. 
JBrerk,    150. 
Brvnn,     157,    200,    039, 
I     693.       . 
jBrott,  210. 
JBrao-cr.  330. 

iHrdwnell,  338,  331,  708. 
IBridg-L'luun,  435. 
|Bi-odwt:ll,  451. 
j Brandt,  473. 

iBruen.    331.    311,    358,    380, 
483,  484,  013,615,630,  631, 
632,  091. 
Bri-diani,  331,  549. 
Briisk,  314.  400.  038. 
BrooktiLJii.  307. 
Brokaw,  311. 
Brandish.  344. 
BrcH'sp,  00,  410,  597. 
Ik-Lstc'd,  433. 
Rrantingliain,  313. 
Bradni'r,  535. 
l^rus.^ie,  349. 
Brooknian.  300. 
Brfckenrido-c,  339. 
Brand.  335. 
BritTim,  31)11. 
Briire,  31  1.  xii. 
Brluiin,  480. 
Bi'owulow,  597. 
Bradl/ury,  597. 




]?ro\vnson.  031. 

]5roiii;-li,  038. 

Brisfo.%  030. 

Brad^;trci-t,   085. 

BuUcn.  0. 

Burr,  0,  33,  39,  01.  81, 
94,  115, 191,  193.  302. 
391,  39'^.  343,  :\sl  379, 
385,  380,  413,  430,  435, 
451,  505;  575.  000,  ti07, 

Butler,  0,  8,  14,  31.  09, 
80,89,93,118,  119,131, 
109,  171,  170,  183,  313, 
441,  453,450,457,407. 
533,  570,  619,  631,004, 
094,  099,  xxiii. 

Binslmell,  9,  94.  O^^-,  353, 
359,  307,  308,  459,  400, 
493,  495. 

Bull,  10,  37,  110,  120, 
135,  153,  181,183,  315, 
483,  597,  634,010,  057. 

Buttre,  34. 

Biitton.  36,  50,  311,  37(!, 








5  10, 


Burr,  39,  144,   339,   457, 

Butts,  77. 

Bunon,  05,  O)").  115,   359, 

503,  056. 
Buckner,  tiO. 
Biuritt,     115,    117,    133, 

137.  141.  380,387.  574. 
Bufklev,  84  to    87,   89, 

175,310.  ry}2,  531,537, 

037,  639,  648,  690.  094, 
BuriToyne,  105,  345,  539. 
'Buriibani,     13,    94,    97, 

133,    236,    374,    399, 

XXXV,  xxxvi. 
Bnckinsjliam,    74,     153, 

315,  351,  318,  030,  700. 
Budding-ton.  101. 
Bann,  183,  531. 
Burdett,  301,  388,  400. 
Buckalew,  313,  390. 
Burrell,  330.  304,  333. 
Bnel,  15,    130,    333,  334, 

456,  409,470,  530,  503, 

580,  017,  678,  7(J0. 
Busli,  334.  337,  694. 
Burrows,  140,  341,   557, 
Burtonsham,  241. 
Burrill,  151,  59i;.  605. 
Burwell,  37  1.   573. 
Burneti,   310,  317,   331,   550. 
Burd.  3S3,  419. 
Buxton.  3:;s,  343.  045. 
Bli'•kn^lll^tt•r,  431,    038,    080, 

Buruvss,  493,  495,  638. 
Bun-e,  93,  100,  103.  419,  45(), 

499,  505,  573,  017,  018. 



i^;ijjv\;  OF  siiJiXA^jES. 



Biiil.aiik,  5-11,  ;-il4. 

I5u]ford,  .>-),S. 

Burroim-hs,   1,   23,   177,    290 

-132.  ^ 
Euncli,  249,  :-!;l2,  50(3. 
Bnrdick,  240,  2.")0. 
Bunnell,  2G(;,  4G4.  4S2,    530 

539,  572,  022,  005. 
Burrall,  078. 
Bnv^h,  595. 
Buttolpli,  448. 
Burg-.vyn,  425. 
Buri)t'ck,   5:i0. 
Biif'liai'an,  51. 
Burlinearaf,  98. 
Burns,  IDu.  477,  055.,  122. 
Bui-kc,     123,    201,    2U2,    392, 

Buck,  15,   122,  332,  43S,  400, 

499,  527,  531,  532,  5«1,  0S3. 
Buckliuid,  135,  095. 
Buttcrti<_'id,  300,  022. 
Buonaparte,  895. 
Bur;,  412. 
Burling,  472. 
Burliaus,  40S. 
JUiuyau,  Ocs7. 
Buruljui'v,  iis,  xxi. 
-Burleigh,  xxx. 
]!urikt_-r,  xxxi. 
Burii!i)>,  xl. 
Bullan.l,  xlii. 
Byiugtou,  17,  504,  5ti5. 
Byraiii,  151,  tis3. 
Bvron,  GO. 
Byard,  1S7. 

Cassvell,  xlvii. 

Calfuder,  xlvii. 

Cauiiey,  xxviii,  xxxi. 

C'nbles.  l^S,  55U. 

Cady,  172,  492,  52S,  xliv. 

('adalvs,  539. 

Cad  well,  by,  121. 

CaMwell,  252,  444,  449,  009, 

Calvin,  255. 

Calhoun,  231,  075. 

Cahot.  392. 

Cfihell,  030. 

Campion,  xxiv. 

Calverly,'  472. 

Cailnwuv,   48. 

Caiup,  33,  04,  G7.  131,  148, 
Itl,  197,  231.  280,  299,311, 
312,  31:,!,  44*i,44.s,  4.50,  457, 
481,  484,  5f;'.i,i;27,  (;30,  032, 
(.'30,  079,  091,  1)92,  :itl. 

Canii)Oeld,  318,  319,  (iOO. 

(  iiinpb(dl,  290.  334,  309,  387, 
514,  515,  544;  547, 054, 002, 

CiUUtTcn,  051. 

Canibndiug,  559. 

Caiides,  55,  14S,  202,  285,  290, 
4S2,  493,  050. 

Canli^ld.  113,  133,  134,  241, 
27t,;,  321,  070,  07N. 

Canler,  144. 

Cannon,  197,  207,  208,  231, 
282,  420, 481. 

Cartafet,  xix. 

Canby,  233,  234. 

Carualian,  404,  430. 

Canada,   292. 

Carter,  4,  8,  10,  14.  17,  20, 
GS,  212,  247,  312,  351,  350, 
441,  471 ,  xxvi.  xxxii,  xxxv. 

Carrington,  23,  71,  73,  74, 
138,  139,  148,  149,  ]^.6,  195. 
200,  402,542,  541,  551,559, 
571,  018,  024,  040,  Ol7,  093. 

Carpenter,  40,  70,  259,  492, 
490,  497,  512,  513,  524,527, 
517,  5?2,  579,  59  7,  OOO. 

Cary,  55,  489. 

Car  us,  141. 

Carlton.  145.  337. 

Cariiinlt,  107,  410. 

Carroll,  187,  233,  549,  071. 

Cradi.sle,  243,  370,  504. 

Card,  254. 


Carl,  519,  509. 

Carl  in,  552. 

Carman.  4,  7,  37,  39,  40,  42,  58, 
92,  95,  97,  252,  450,  520, 
531,  559,  592,  593,  078,  093. 

Castle,  70.  32,  250,  200,  050, 

Cass,  113,  500,,  002. 

Callin,  48,  95,  90,  105.  182, 
322,  364,  537,  617. 

Caul,  221. 

Capulet,  004. 

Cartwright,  521. 

Carrier,' 257,  258,  309,  403. 

Carver,  288,  582. 

Carville,  330. 

Carr.  332,  333,  457,  548,  071. 

Caulkins,  030. 

Caul,  294. 

Carow,  410. 

Cas.sety,  498. 

Casilear,  471. 

Caxton,  009. 

Cataline,  395. 

Cater,  418. 

Cavendish,  010. 

Ceiarini.   357. 

Ccntrr,  417. 

CliipneMi,  '.'S,  in2,  291,  320. 

Cli;ii)man.  0,  39,  51,  ';3,  110, 
134,  135,  20 ;,  234,  24'.>.  252, 
259.  200,  -^72,  285,  341,300, 
301,  427,  451,  450,  400,  403, 

■  -482,  493,  572,  580,  590,  (')23, 

GOS,  090, 
Chase,  32,  39,    -):>,    Mo,  144, 

184,  338,250,202.137,597, 

xxix,  xxxvi,  x.xxix. 
Chandler,  220,  202,  503. 
Ch;>pp,Il,  119,  123. 
Chard,  113. 
Ciiatterton,  140,  150,  152,  193, 

207.  209,  270,  2;-2,  575,  050, 

Charjiley,  025. 
Ciiaiupernuwn,  xxii. 
Charlemagne,  012. 
Chatterdnn,   1 14. 
Cholmondc  ley,  010,  iV28. 
Chamj)ion,  liij,  205,  3>u5   428 

433,  557. 
Chauneev,    202    to    113,    153, 

157,  353,  409,415,  435,445, 

0()7,'038,  095,  090.  705,   xii. 
Chatlif'ld,     49,    75,    145,    158, 

159,  102,  103,  205,  570,  571, 

i;40,  074. 
Chapin,    227,   427,    429,    441, 

I5H,  4'^'2.  'm7.  093. 
Ciiampliu.  245,  240. 
Chainlu'i  lid,  129,  4;i3,  575. 
e'ha;.]in,  17!-.  283. 
Chad(.'a\'iie,  483.    - 
iCharlto'n,  599. 
<'hidM>v,  35.  30,  40,    1S1,  ]V2, 

281 ,  2-^0,  298,  020,  028,  033, 
■     043,  041,  049,  703,  704. 
iChe.sror,    83,     109,    iil8,    029, 
I     071,  08S.  090. 
jChesboro,  202,  350,  029. 
K'hedwell,    98. 
Icherrv,   xxiii. 
Child.'.  1.S7. 
Chen-v.    95,    320,    359,    42S, 

445,'48!»,  017. 
Chislet,  419. 
Church,  202,    245,    308,  392, 

449,  500. 
Churchill,   00,  200,   272,  414, 

440,  450,  000. 
('hittt-nden,    290,    550,     582, 

xxii.  , 

Chamberlain,    351,    304,   521, 

570,  578,  592,   083. 
Chalmers,   2^3. 
Cham)din,  418. 
Cha[)!:iiii.  431. 
Clmate,  023. 
Clu'valier,  521. 
Choever,  451,  xxxix. 
Clntffee.  487. 
Chibson,  70,  525.,r,-r.  14.  !51,  3!7,  527, 
(  'liesinut  wdihI.  51. 
i  'hi-eseniin,  3^7. 
Chem-y,  xxxix. 
Chetwood,  43(),  010. 


INDEX    OF    ril'JiXAMES. 

503,  GT8. 

4'J9,    407 

,  29, 



Cillev,  50:',. 

Cillani,  73. 

Clurkson,  3'34,  131. 

ClaKton,  200. 

C'k'iiutns,  097. 

Clements,  xKviii. 

(.'luiuiiiau,  xxvlji. 

C'levcs,  xxxix. 

ClovclaiKl,  2r,,   1^3 

f'loverly,  13*3,  052. 

CiannruKie,  Gil. 

Clav,  Gil. 

ClilTord,  GS7,  xix. 

Clalilin,  inc,  2i()..' 

Clapp,     £29,     310, 
417.  440,  451. 

Clinton.    18,   19,   20.   3U 
145,  230,  2:)2,209,  275,28? 
320,  3G7.  395, 5U9, 5G9,  702 

Clarke,  xxxix. 

Clark,  1  to  15,    IS  to  24 
34,  G2,  03,   04,   07,   73 
77,  90,  91,  93,  99,  102, 
117,  119.  132, 134,  139, 
153,  15S,  159,  1G7.  170.  172, 
173,  170,  190,  192,  193,194, 
19S,  199,  210,  215,  21S,  22G, 
241,  242,  244,  254,  209,274, 
270,  289, 325,  32G, 32H, 333, 
354,   359  to  304,   3G9,  370, 
420,  433,  439,  441,449,451, 
45S,  459.  4G1,  404,  405,407. 
4S7.  506  to  513,    525.   539, 
540,  545,  540,  549,  561,  5f)5 
to  579,  591,   595,   597,    01 b 
to  020.  G23.  024,  63S,  001  lo 
G70,  GSl,  0S9,  092.  093. 701, 
702,  707,  xxvii,  xxxv,  xliv. 

Cook,  2,  6,  9,  20,  34,  71,  77, 
83,  lOi),  107,  10s,  133,  143, 
184,  185,  187,  188.193,  194, 
214,  219, 223, 227. 239.  204. 
205,  275,  278,306,328,  331, 
337,  388.  445,454,459,  402, 
493,  498,  507,  513,  414,528, 
to  530, 544  to  540,  554,  500, 
o'U.  53G,  541,  543,  507  to 
599,  G08,  022,  023,  057,  002 
to  004,  608,  GTO,  071,  038, 
640,  045  to  048,  O'?!,  092, 
xliii,  xlviii. 

Cole,  9,  70,  83,  97,   100,   123, 

2G2,  200,  317,  318,477,  499, 

533,  538,  547,  549,  509,  593. 

645,  051,  xlx. 

Cole.s,  24.  347,  373.  517. 

Cowles.  9.  10,  13,  15,  99 

129,  143,  108,  2^'l,  5it7 

G29,  050. 

{•<,nvei.--.r,  10, 

Colehill,  xxii. 

Coueh,  11,  514.  099. 

Cooper,  21,  22,  2i;,  2  7,  2 

0),  04,   103,   IGii,   10'.*, 

193,  210.218,  219,232.  274. 
276'  279.  2Si).  294.  309,  310, 
315^  341.  550. 011,021.  019, 
053,  050,  (ioS,  Oil,  091,  097, 
700,  701,  703. 

Colhuiiofe,  708. 

Collins  30,  73,  84,  s^,  89,  103, 

104,  107,  135,  144,  105,  180, 
201  209,  219,  223,,  254,  279, 
307^  414,428,432,  440,  454, 
495,  593,  598,  005,  033,  040, 
070.  080,  091.  697,  703. 

Coe.  0,  38.  39,  lOG,  183,   180, 

202,  281,  299,  321,549,  020, 

075,  0,'-9, 
Coiiirshall,  312.  355. 
Cos-swell,  78,  140,  340,   341, 

355,  357,  358,373,  517,  518, 

GlS,  G24,  027,  xxxvii,  xxxv, 

xxxvi,  xxxviii. 
Cobuvn,  53,  422. 
Cope,  41. 
Colt.   39,   181,  182 

500,  040. 
Coleman,    41,    51, 
I     450,  520,  0:;5. 
jCodvington,  098. 
[Cornish,  440,  448,  523. 
iCowell.  50,  102,  470. 
CorOct,  007,  001. 
Cornwall,  01,   120,   193 

208,  052,  Olil,  700. 
Corjuvell,  59,  452,  591,  090. 
ICorniu;:',  89.  xlvi. 
IConfiicius,  012. 
C(jnstantine  the  Cireat,  014. 
Cone,  80,  110,  451. 
Conj'thope,  xxiv. 
Colbreth,  72. 
Cortelvoii,  72. 
Cubb,"lll,  310,  097. 
Cowan,  118,  179. 
Colev;  20G. 
(^..Itou,  7.  84,  88,  91,  92,  96 

105,  133, 154,  105,208,  438 
CoiYcv.  179,  297,  503 

351,  424, 
121,    444, 


jCochran,  153,  502,  503,   528 
I     xxxviii. 
jCowlev,  201. 
Coplev,  201. 
I  CI  lis",  203,  521. 
IConkliii,  129.  2 15,  209,  487. 
'Conant,  04,  237,  001,  700. 
jCorbin,  12,  22.U,  214. 
;Coo!ev,  71.  224,  351.  G72. 


Col  well,  255. 


Cijvle,  257,   536. 


Cousin,  254. 

Couhill.  2S3,  287, 


C.ry,  2'.*4. 

( 'ompton,  2  73,. 

Connlly,  ;!0IJ. 

.  50, 

Condit,  314. 


Cox,  240,  3,10,  571 

Covel,  322. 

Colg-ate,  356. 

Cornel],  350,  ;;4l. 

Convors,  10,  101,  410. 

Cornelius,  420. 

Cony,  03,  404. 

CoMiier,  xlvi,  xlvii. 

Connor,  407. 

Corwiii,  5;>9, 

Com-^talk.  202,  310,  492,  548, 

Conifer,  247.  075. 
Colver,  93,  414,  471. 
iCoii,  87,  484.091. 
ICossitt,  97.  357. 
j(\)ttim-,  101. 
jCothren,  109. 
iCottinj^,  xxxiii. 
iCowdin,  xlviii. 
|Constuble,  130.  078. 
iCV-nstance,  223. 
Cosgrove,  03. 
Co!eridt:e,   xi. 
Copeland,  083. 
Cowper,  279. 
Coates,  297. 
Combs.  330.  3i0. 
Coombs,  700. 
(^oghlan,  388. 
Colby,  502,  587. 
Cotton,  xxii. 
,Cimnel],  Gs2. 
Condict,  320. 
'Conway,  388. 
Coolidu'-e.  410. 
Coldeti.  402. 
Covil.  495. 
(^oleridge,  477. 
Courtney,  502. 
Cottrell,'  510,  594. 
Coverdale,  008,  009. 
Cockburn.  010. 
Colter.  024. 
Colston,  040. 
C'ozzens.  G70. 
Crissv.  5.  9.  40,  221,222. 
Crosbv.  11,  94,    98,    170,  171, 

232;  203,  288,  54s. 
Crafts,  17,  25,  34,  35,  704. 
Cieamer,  113. 
Crook,  138. 
Crowell,    26,    153,    150,   320, 

Croswell,  154,  287,   558,  070, 

672,  081. 
Crofton,  158. 
Crofut,  170,  321,  503. 
Crearv,  229. 
Crane",     192,    312,    449,     512, 

02S,  675,  (;;;>.,  09;), 
Craudall,  240.   248,    219,  332, 

Cramplon,  120.  403. 
Cro:^s,  188,  370,  450. 





JGO,    G-2G,  GStl 

G03,  009. 

Cioiinvfll,  94,  004  to  GOO 
070,  OSO,  G04,  i;xviii. 

Cratrg,  08S. 

Cr.jwnhrart,  59-.'. 

Crof,  5S2. 

Crow  ford,  500. 

Cranston,  xix. 

Crawforrl,  403,  o(;5,  566 

Cramp,  2G0. 

CritU'iiden,     2G(; 
05-?,  004. 

('roiupton,  205. 

Crotcau,  334. 

Cnielu'i'on,  330. 

Crci^liton,  35S. 

Criigor,  306. 

Crail,  430. 

Crocker,  450, 

Cropst-y,  472. 

Crowtlier,  525 

Crauiucr,  547, 

Craw,  507. 

Crowe,  70S. 

Culv.T,  2.  4,  19,  20,  23,  68, 
143,  177,  206,  ;;U8.  432,  440, 
453,  541,  543,  ^^;6,5n0.  670. 

Curti.s,  2,  4,  6  10,  11,  14,  10, 
27.  30,  33,  03,   G'i,   (iO.    I'JS, 

114  1-  lis,  121,  r:,.  140. 
147,  151.  155,  ](U.  178,  E.H), 
185.  187.  177,  22'.i,  yl6,  218, 
220,  250,  263, 273,  329,  335. 
347,  421.453.473,478.  492, 
496,  50«,  52 J.  530.  .539,  540, 
007,  575,  5H9.  584.  r)S(},  598, 
640,  645,  mi,  686,  674,  681 
700,  709. 

Cusliiimn,  31,  3S4,  524,  099 

Cutler,  66,  l-)2,  150,  153,  157 
195,  249.331,  G:^r>,  653,  067, 
671,  083.' 

Cutter,  583,  596,  G38. 

Currier,  223. 

Curtice,  211. 

Cutt,  xxxv. 

Cutts.  242. 

Culpepper,  215. 

Cuslung,  93,  121,  094,  xxix. 

CurranT  288. 

Cunuiugliuui,  287,  Gil,  xlvii 

Cuylrr,  334. 

Curll,  555. 

Ciiiniriings,  526,  089,  x.xxviii 

Currice,  vxxi. 

Dailev,  174. 

Dalrvinplc,  515,  010. 

Daggett,  01  t.,  CT,  MG,  150 
151,207,  2(i'.i,  2^1.  290.  409 
470,471,  4,<0,  4>1,  511,553 
558,  025,  048,  056,  ti72. 

Daun,  53,  bO,  81. 

■Darcv,  81.  312,  6G0. 

Darrmv,    09,    481,    490,    G2G, 

iDarlinir,   104,   109,   159.   507. 
i     090,  308,  409,  411,  415. 
iDanie,  xxxi,  xliv". 
i Damon,  307. 

Daniels,    28,    123.    158,    260, 
I     576,  xsil,  xlvi. 
'Daniel.  630. 

Da.niuils,  562. 

Daughertv,  3S2. 

Davids,   (bixwell),  130,  279. 

Davis,    57,   5S,   90,   145,  190, 

201,  220,  233  to  235,  257. 

282,  310,  316,333,334,337. 

342,  436, 483,  4s9,  3S7,  390. 

'     544,  55S.  509.  570,  584,  587, 

i     594.    628,    045,    097,     082, 

I     xxviii,  XXX,  xxxii,  xl,  xli, 

I     xlii,  xliii. 

jDavton,  13,  20,29,  30.  37,77, 
117.  163, 106,  193,  194,  199 
I  to  202,  210  i()214,  210,  2i4, 
:  229.  231,  200.  276.  397.  520, 
'  549.  552.  575,  599.  052, 658, 
:     007,  069,  701.  702. 

Dawkins,  3S. 

; Dawson,  46  to  5:-,  14').  172, 
:  174.  266,270.  281,  283,295. 
i  440,  635,  xxiii. 
;Daven])ori.  1,  52,  77,  138, 
j  147,  269,  339,  340,  318,  354, 
I     356,  442.  357,  590,  005,  028, 

I     041,  696, 

iDavies,  19 <.  200.- 

Davidson.  59,  70,  270,  531, 
018,  643,  691.  G92. 

Dav.  85.  87.  103,  120,  151. 
247.  38,  235,  545,  555,  G23, 
091,  095. 

Dana,  107,  281,305,453,581. 

Darrel],  228. 

Dalliber.  431. 

Dacres,  GOl. 

Dalhousie,  010,  Oil. 

Dan  forth.  449. 

^Darley,  474. 

iDallyson,  x,  xxiv. 

I  Dane,  4S5,  xxxvi. 
.iDanford,   481, 

d)albv.  .552. 

iDart,"  255.  307. 
. Dater,  xlvii. 

.Dean,  78,  3,12,   520,  550,  594, 

!     689. 

iDeeatur,  170. 

iDeeker.  174,  587. 

'Deforest,   81,    118,    217,    272, 
,'     411,  515.  G:iO,  G^;. 
,  Drniing,   83.    si),   |i!,   !12,    <m, 
,      121,  VSO.  131,  IS),  209,  3  18, 


524.  xliii. 

iDenhi'.m,  xxi.  xxii. 

Derbvsliirc,  28. 
DennLson,  1S4,  185,  285, 

Denisnn,  35,  55,  50,  123. 

150.  299,  416,  447.  412. 

620,  0:-.3,  037,  G44,  056, 


Denny,  109,  358. 
Demond,  113,  114. 
Devoe.  122. 
DeWolte,  33,232,  465. 
Devo,  52.  113. 
Deiand.  144. 
Deliber,  183. 
Dennis,  215.  520,  xl. 
Denniston,  244. 
Dewey,  14,  264,  410,  527, 

Delle,  227. 
Deiuorest,  274. 
DeCamp,  311,  321.  322. 
Devotion.  371. 
DeWitt,  407,  413. 
Dpvereau,  422,  425,  430. 
Dewell,  400. 
Drnslow,  513,  517. 
I)<dille.  600. 
i  MM  rick.  520. 
Deli  raff,  502. 
Denton,  xxiii. 
Dering,  xxiv. 
Dedwoode,  610. 
Dempster,  547. 
Dewing.  537. 
DeMink,  r,];]. 
Deckerty,  566,  56'=:. 
Dexter,  575,  GOf'i,  xxxvii 
Denio,  576. 
I^.-w,  575. 
r'earl.'orn,  581. 
DePevster.  263. 
Desconib,  292. 
Deyer,  331. 
Denman,  31C,  551. 
Delanv,  371,  xix. 
Dcnoii,  398. 
DePage,  406. 
Desbrow,  423. 
Dellart,  43G,  046. 
Dtdlaes,  471. 
Ocdevan,  483. 
Debnar,  527. 
DcKav,  589. 
DeVine,  025. 
Di'lumct-y,  619, 
Pclanii,  (mS,  xwix. 
r-e.Mj.rliii.  6:)2. 
iD.-Montfoit.  613, 
iD.damerr,  JilO. 
jl)r(;olvr,  597. 
jDi'iby;  01  7. 
j')enning.  xxxv. 
IDepny.  ;J0. 






Dickennan,  5,  20,  21,  81,  ?v2, 
31,  oG,  37,  GS,  71.  187,  i;^:», 
140,  141,  14-3,  14:].  1(14  to 
17J,  2:J3,  234,  2r)9,  2GG,  26S, 
271,  272,  27."),  2S3,  329,  830, 
4fi0,  5GG,  021  to  fi23.  G20, 
050,  G.>>.  GR4.  701,  7i)2. 

Pixwell,  TiGo,  GO.""),  600. 

Dickinson,  G4,  17.1,  2-18,  2-)l, 
317,385,441,470,  004,021. 

Ding  well,  174.  I 

Dlmock,  210.  221. 

Dixon,  27,  211,  350,  073.         | 

Dinto.i.  102. 

4>iken\an,  215. 

Divine,  2('-0. 

Divoll,  xli. 

Dibljcll,  xlviii. 

Dibble,  203.  32S,  33S. 

Disbrow,  450,  400,  4G8. 

Dix,  6S0, 

DiokersoTi.  G30. 

Dilh>n,  xix. 

l)4sraoli,  0.^7. 

I)icks(,'n,  335. 

Dictrick,  300,  370. 

Diuunick,  443. 

Dlllt-r,  514. 

Dick.  Oil.  ■  "      ■ 

Dixie,  Oil. 

Dirks(,n,  7l2. 

Dioduti,  {)o4,  GOO,  675. 

Dowjing-,  xxxix. 

DonaMson,  320.  073,  xxix. 

Dolplv,  471. 

Down.  2. 

Downs,  70,  110,  148,152,  178 

235, 250,  575, 578,  G84,  700. 
Downer,  55,  !'?■'.■. 
DoXhtr.acr,  202.  430. 
Dorman,   37,    110,    120,    137. 

222,  300,  308,447,  5iO,  572, 

621,  020,    055,    058  to  000, 

608,  621,  5  s;  4. 
Dou-lass,  8,  20,  47,  204,  308. 

5(17,  542. 
Dowd,  5,  105,  221,  073. 
Dongan,  135. 
Doud,  58. 
Douuiiertv,  SO. 
Dod^re,  f)(i.  102,  245,   10,  321, 

330.    437,    488,    037,     054, 

Dow,  01,  443. 
Dorr,  04,  040.  005. 
Dodd,  172,  173,  84,    147,  140, 

280,  451.  513,  550.  (WO,  03,7, 

078,  (;i)3. 
Don-i.'-t'-r,  O'.i,  .>)(). 
Dovcnins,  170. 
Doroilix,  211. 
D.dauil",  212. 
Done,  010. 

'Doubledav,  423. 
Dorsay,  5"L2,  513. 
I)o^^■ning•,  529,  085 
Doane,  294,  409. 
Doton,  592. 
Doxe,  019. 

Dnolittle,  10,  31,   50,   57 
I     01,   71.   72,    135,    142, 
i     IGO,   173,  193   to   195, 
I     210,   210  to  219.  220, 
j     230,  231,240,253.257, 
205,  274,  270,  325,  320, 
337,  301,  303,453,454, 
465,  400.  470,  488,501, 
521,  520,  580,  531,541, 
550,  551,  580,  597,  598, 
029   052.052,054,  072, 
678.  700. 
Dryden,  315. 
Drake,  34,  184,  198,  289. 
303,  102,  445,  581,  077, 
to  xxviii. 
Draiier,  520. 
Dreiser,  51,  424,  xli. 
Drinker,  257. 
Drew,  591,  208,  x\xi. 
Drinkliouse.  xxxiv. 
Drflkelev,  574. 
Diinlian'i,  4,  6,  9,   10,  11, 
123,  204.  809, 359,  308, 
Dunn,  7,  140,  515. 
Dnft-.  333. 
Duuraven,  Oil. 
JDutrou,  15,  37,  39.   120, 
301.  303,  40-^,  541.  540, 
.022,  015,  047,  071. 
Ounlap,  81,492,498,500, 
Dunnivan.  81. 
Durkwortli.  61. 
Dul^ovcc,  01. 
Duckels,  230. 
Durand,    68,    103,    147, 

280,  550,  558,  570,  032. 
Dunning-,  112,    153,   185, 

Dundi,  99. 
Dutcker,   214. 
Du]uiv,  114. 
Dunbar,  100,  172,  034. 
Duncan,    151,   213,  492, 

577,  014. 
Durvea,  221,  549.  .\xvii. 
Dud'lev,  14.  231,  l!)S,  ■:73, 
459 ,"522,  525.. 520,  5.S7, 
032,  xli,   xlvi. 
Dm  bam,  255. 
Puninier.  :;08,  G20. 
Duval,  315. 
Hula,  502. 
Dui-ont,  2i)5. 
Dulin,  510. 
Dan>on,  520. 
Dunci.inb*',   xxiii. 

000,  007. 

.  •»8, 
20  i, 


Dwiglif,  104.  109, 
130, 183, 153, 190 
237,  239,  194,  20-.' 
348,353,851,  309 
408,  417,418,419 
552.  551,  556,  600 
094,  095,  680. 
Dvkeniau,  S3,  502 
Dyer,  61,  353,  498 


,  210, 

,  3,'^3 

',  421,' 

,  020, 







2  74, 

Eaton,  20,  22,  2G,  100,  173 
247,  293,  354,  472,  494,  540. 
502,  565,  .570,  000,  034,  001 

Kn,ston,  20,  131,  100    315.073. 

Eastm;ui,  04,  200,  219,  283, 
253,  288,  835,  280,421,  097' 
705,  xlii. 

Eades.  121. 

Earlo,  187,  322,  470,  097  024 

Eadwind.  407. 

Eagles,  075. 

Earulicrdt,  ,502. 

Eager,  53 J. 

East,  029. 

Ebernetlia,   051. 

Edwards,  1.  cl.  ,8,T,  8?,  97, 
105,  151,  in,'-',  172,  1!,'7,  207, 
212,  320,  321,  317  to  350, 
374,  385,  4()2  to  416,  4.5S, 
463,  484,  540,  .515,  5i0.  00!!. 
007,  628,  029,  039,  0(;5,  070. 
0(8,  085,  080.  ()',^K  tiOii,  ]U). 

Edo-erton.  70,  94,  3,50,  419, 

Edg-cfortk.  7s. 

P]dgerly,  xx\-iii. 

Edtlv,  89. 

Edson,  119,  120.  373,  083. 

Eden,  s06. 

Edniondston,  417,  418,  426. 

Edward  Con fe.s.sor,  688. 
erton,  xxiv. 

Egl)ert,  500. 

Eggleston,  184,  185,  074,710, 

Elton,  175,  502,  570,  089. 

Elliot,  25,  42.  47,  48.  100, 
111,  150,  157,203,  206.  238, 
292,  332,  359,513,  623,027, 
636,  602,  666,  607,  095. 

Eells,    50,  79,   2.55,   042,    091, 

Elv,  50,  87.  95,  104.  100.  111. 
207.  220,  22S,  351,  432,433, 

Eld  ridge.  78,  599. 
Ellis.  232,  202,  203.  .301.   xli. 
Ellswortb,  105,  107    109,  131, 
101.  319.  358,  378,374,430. 
48i),  515.  690. 
Eldr.d,  ]13,  230. 
Ekl,  200. 

kin,  359,  301,  300. 

1 N 1 ) i: N  OF  s r I : n a m k.s . 

Kilersoii,  4r)8. 
F I  kins,  xxx. 
FhiuT.  227. 
Flu-el  1,  2;37. 
J';iiuiiii;-tT.  472. 

i:iiv.i-d,  r);)G. 

FLsio,  o94. 

i:inoiv,  120. 

Fiiiinoiis,    4-1,    90,    212.    455, 

52  F 
Fiiipi'V,  5o6. 
Fdimcit,  429. 
F.i:i('r.'<on,  477,  078,  xlvili. 
Fiii-4i>\  (;. 
JMi-li-h,  72,  74,10;;,  F5((.  170, 

177,  liiO,   Vxi    to    i:t'.),   2i!--. 

4^1,  5;}."^,  (>:]^\  xlvi. 
Fii<iir!i,    74.    n:J.   !i2,    VL    05, 

204,  451,  4SJ,  077,  0;n,00o. 
Fiiu,  1S4,  0(0,  07S. 
Fnu.,.    t;i2. 
Fniii<'L:'ulito\vli,  73. 
J-]r.^I;iiie,  50. 
Fiwiii.  74,  5SF 
Fric  014. 
F-:teIle.  2on. 
Fstry,  l(i5,  201. 
Fii^-Tis,  0,  134,  157,  xlv., 
I'A-aii.s.  N.    24,    52,    251),    ;125, 

:-!;JF  3o0,  70^,  710,  xxx,  xlv. 
Fv.'irst.  15-;.  170. 
Fvevi-U.    oio,   :!11,  ySl.   5lo, 

Fvcnt.  m.  125.200, 
Fvarts,  201,  015,  G^o.  OO'J. 
J'"vtr;ii-ri.  xxiii. 
l-;\viiiy,  315,  Oii2. 

Fa-^r-'-tt,   710. 

F^f.iiii,  240, 

l-'ar\vcll,  l."5  7. 

Fan-is,  Si:i. 

Failcv,  Jr^f).  xs;xv,  xvxvi. 

Farra'iHl,  72,  310,  313. 

FaiirUilO,  82.   100,   300.    :',!  ? 

31S,  517,  5|iG,  081.  0'.i2. 
Fa\-oii,  N4,  83,01,  03.  00,  h)<). 

Fanihani,  101,  221,  374.  033, 
I'aruaiii,  4^0.   431. 
Farmuii.  425. 
I'^iiitoii.  3:12. 
]''airlKink.-',  220. 
Fairlirld.  235,  ,jl0. 
Faiiroll.  25S. 
Farnr.  0:5,  .}20,  -150, 
Farn-n.  1!)7,  2-5,  050. 
Farr.'ll,  241. 
Fui-n.swuvtli,  47. 
I-'auiiiii2',  212. 
I'arr,  IS;). 
I'-aici^,  578. 
i'aijr'uiui'.  575. 
Far-o,  133. 


Falfs,  44S. 

Fajiinan,  472. 

Farriiii;;ton.  3:>) ,  443. 

FalcoinT,  4  71 ,  472, 

FaulOs,  501.  j 

Fauo,  010,  Oil. 

Fairfax,  610. 

Faulkner,  091. 

;  I"ay.  xliii.  I 

1 1-5'ru-usoii,  7,  414. 

Feiin,  20,  33.  (j4,  G8,  72,  175, 
101.  2Ol,2()5.407,514,  510. 
5G2,  5Go,  509,  029,  052, 

IVin.eli,  39,  G19. 

l"'Tr>-.  i:;!. 

Ferris,  244,  203.  337.  339, 
315.  340.  350.  413,  017,  003. 

Felton,  20s,    \1. 

Fearing',  287. 
|Ferrv,  100,  350, 

Fellows,  357,  508. 

Fe.s.-,en(len,  350,  xli. 
iFeiiron.    222.   528,    530,    561, 

l^canie.  G84.  '  '■ 

jFi_-irar.s.  xii. 
|]-"ei-i'an(l,  331. 
:F,-etrr,  5 is.  j 

l-'evorsliani    'HO.  i 

l-"etherbv,  xxli. 
'Ve^^\c.  X. 
jl5;l<;li.  xxxix. 
'Feki-;1)V,   xi. 

']Miii-li,' 0,  20.  07,  15;l.  178. 
:  313,  450,514,  575,  ii40,  017. 
iFitch,  13.  40.  55.  70.  81,  84, 
i  117,  105.203.  205.  214.21S, 
I  2:M.  272,273,  3:!2.  3:^4,  340. 
i  341,  351,355,  357,  35s,  :jli5. 
I  3(;8.  432,  430,  4  13.  543.  555. 
;     582,  592,  000,  G71. 

Fitz-vraM,  -18. 

Field,  Gr,7. 

I'^ieldv.  34,  l-!0,  155,  157,  174, 
324,  337,  -Mn. 

Fi>li,  2:!0,  335,  425,  521,  530, 

Fisher,    1:50.    151,    108,    353. 
;     :357,  407,  572. 
'Fisk.  127.  ;3!i7,  413.  482.  400. 
!     450,  535.  530,  505,  031. 
'Fiuiiev.  5('.0. 

Findlev,  314. 

Fill.-v,"  25:i. 

Finley,  02,  50O,  OOQ,  070. 


Flai-ir,  01,  1:12,  143,  2o4,  201, 
'     444.451. 
iFlatt,  30!). 

FFm-hf.  IGS. 

iFlotclier.  103.  273.  520,  (;54, 
I     tis8,  01)3,  xxxviii,  xxxix. 

Flinl,  48,  201,  ;!50, 



422,  GOO. 

Fiovd,  212,  007. 

Flynu,  417. 

[•diiin,  5:58. 

Flora,  534. 

Plower,  (i08. 

[■'"'lowers.  5>^5. 

Foole.  5.  2S,   40,    01 

,    GO, 


110,  17S.  2il'.l,  201, 



2:)1    232,  253   272 




•>■-  1 , 

329i  :;3o!41o!412! 



4r,u,  485,  4S8,  491, 



535,  537,  540,  542, 



010,  003,  OOs,  fi73 


Furd.  31,  40.  75.  s;; 



104,  170,  777.  18! 


1  7:1 

187,   213,  205,   31 

S     1(1 

:!2 1 

329.  330,  40S,  54:1, 



olS,  570,  571.  50:! 



032,  035,   052,    05 

J    to 


0G7,  O02,  704.  XX, 


Forbes,  3G.  147,  15(i, 



223.  202,2sG,  291, 



290.51-1,  523.54:1, 

•  >  ('-l. 


G28.  037,  0.94.70:) 



Foster,  04,  104,  2o3. 



259.  200,  2G3.  293, 



420.  432,'  495.  03o' 



09':^.  xlvi. 

For.sytli.  03,  2.54.  OGI. 

i-'ondav.  43  i."  Gs;j. 

Forrester,  510. 

!*5)n-est,  30>5,  5sl. 

l'5inda,  5t)2. 

l'5dsoiri,  5S2. 

Fox,  23,  42,  50,    74, 



Fowler.  47.  71.  111. 



1:3;!.  1S4.  1S5.  ISC,, 



218,  2:30.  2-1.  2'.iO\ 

:  > ',-  s . 


535.  542.  024.  r,!;; 


Forteseiie.  xix.  xxii 

Forre,  20s, 

l-5.rstall.  371. 

l'^)ss,  XX xi. 

Folev,   Gil. 

Follett,  0!)3. 

Frank,  xxiii. 

Frary,  GOO. 

1"  rem  out,  245. 

Frisliie,  7,  0,  10.    ir 

,   17 


25,    27,    50,    GS, 


1  S3 

1S4,  1S5, 215,  255, 



273,  3:!2.  441.  442 



543,  510,  031.  G74.  xlv 
rederielcs,  11,  I!):!.  210, 
21S,  225.  253,  205,  50s, 

000.  700. 

^rost,  22,  24  to  2!i,  :10,  4' 
121,  147,  17:1  2:10,  251. 
254.  v:i;n.  -j'.H.  •-",'.■,,  :i25, 
4si,  5111,  5!i:;.  (_;;;2.  G:13, 
074,   007,  700.  . 

.  00. 


73  S 

IXDEX    OK    SL'liXAilES. 

Ki-iinks,  5<).  j(Tfrraid,  44. 

FraiK'is,  SS,  Mi,  Hit,  r-V).  i:!l,  (iav,  mi 

KtJ,  1:M,  -^I'J,  -j:.-,,  ^>\r,,  !■".:].  Ci.-or-e,  lOT,  111,  rm. 
-rfi.  4();-!.  ."):;|,  ;")!:!.  ;<;rssin'i\  2;;(i. 

Fr-'Hcli,  »;:',,  '.17,   IJC,   14-->.  •?:!(),  !  Jci-ni'in,  ."jfl. 

t."14,  ."i.'lo,  .")is,  .'i;;!.  .-)rn. ;");,-).  liciirv, -I'.i  I. 
l''iink.   IS!).  •,'().!.  •'■)•;,  :;:!•,'..").■,:!.  ( ;ri]riii--,  I'.IO.  (ill. 
Fianklin,  1  :.'■>,   l'Ji»,  -.^^S,   4i.)o,  ( k'bhail .  Til. 

Vy2.  Oiir.   ()'.)!,  .wvili.  i(\-.  711,  1  H;,  (174 

Fnizer,  IDi ,  ■.';j7,  4  U).  :(iftty,"4.'). 

Frye,  S"),  xw.  !(j;'i-i",  IS:;,  217,  ■^\)2.  ."j:j 

Freeljijni,  :!."i(j.  'CJeniioiul,    1S4, 

Fi-et'iiKui.  1)1,    1(17,    lis,   2;)(j,  (iflsroii.  llili    -!12 

810,  471.  .■',.■11;.  ,(u-l>,',  4114. 

Fra/.ipv,  49-1,  707. 
Frotliiiu'liain,  472. 

Frieze,  2!:i3. 

Frelinglmyscn,  ;J11.  |      .jl."),  51;!  _  (!  [^    (;i)2 

FulleiC  ol,    .">N,    ()S,    ij;i,    121,'(;iin,.^    14' 
1:^4.  17:^,  21G,  2:5:^,  2:;:!,  M?(t.  (iidd 


Cuxxlvicii.  (i.  lO;;  tM  111  117 
121,  122.  12G,  l;]l,  14(;  l»:s' 
].S4,  240,  2:).-,,  ■;:;(_;,  ;j,-,F4!7 
4."31,  4n;),  4<)i,.5:().  .-,s,-,  o-^.(i 
G2S.  H71,  (i?:;,  GNf;,  70;; 

n<.n,lr!,i^-i-.  7011. 

<;<".,li'iin:iMli,  700 


(ioo.lyca;-.  20,   22,    2.-),  :n  ,  !)7 

GlS.         ]1,S.   i4().    17;i    ]v.;     ];„;    .j[,, 

22;;,  ;>;"),  ;-;:;(),  4^.-,,  on.",  i;.",ii 
074.  0N4. 
(Toihaiii.    :-?2,    l.~,0,    I.'::;     1.14 
'iillrttr.    2.     :^2,   30,   94,   1^1,1     l.j7,  2J0,  2^7    ^Os  o:>0  :i>" 
]N2,  is!(,  21s,  220,  222.  224,1     024,  o:is,  (;.-,i,  ^,72',  07;;, 

20,  242,  2:;i,  2S4,  4SS,  4NU,:(r„n;!ii^,-,  xvii. 

'0)0(1  win,    12,   HI,    52.   S  J,  s! 
NO.   O.J.   iJS,    100,    122,   'i:jl. 

T..4.  !-■.,  210,  2;;:^,  2:i;!,M,0,'(iid(iiiiy.s,    41,    42.    12:!,    221,       i;-;2.  21:1,  23N.  37!),  43.--)   4;-]7 
41G.  44s,  4'J],  400,  •■)2^:,  074,,     329,  xxvi    x\xiv,  x!v.  {     444,  44."»,' 4.""v2    .-'U' ."')■■'•:'' 09o' 

<;2:j,  63:,  0:J2,  00  7.  |(.'iir()i(i,   r,i,  r,i.   472,  402,1    004,073,0^0".      '  "' 

FnUin.y-tiiji,  4.  |      4!»i),  x 

Fullag-er,  .jO.  |(iillsiin,   .")!/. 

Fultf>!i,  l."i4.  '(iihOoii.-^,  ;s,  230. 

l^iilvcr,  407.  ■     ;<Ti01)oa,  014.  xxiv, 

Fiilfdi-O.  545.  Kiihbards    7i»0 

Fu-ill,  142.  i(iill<,l.,  5!;4. 

i'yirr,  38,  1^1-.  |Ciiik.',(i:i,  420. 

!(ii'cli.4,  002. 

tiaylord,    17,    20,   27,  02,   OS/(iinM.rt,  50,   so.  S2,   101,  15:!, '( Oji-Oon     114     145     109     31 
130,  22;-l,  227,  370,  455,  4^s,|      100.  100.  1 74,  isi,  is2,  lo;;  I     4iO    uUi 
491,  4'i3,  4:j-l,  43>i,4:J9,  444,1     220,  222,  2-i  1,  205,  2^:0  20si(;,,.->   i:^    —,■    jj-.i 
501,  500.  581.  598,  509,  003.       270,  275,  29-1.  295,  3i:n.  :i2o' 'lOu'tnu    2;s 
077,  078,  090.   094,  70S.  :t2s,     3;!0.     3:;2.    303,     305  :iu>si,fT   200 

O'ood.srll,  3fj.  40,  5:1,  154.250. 

251,  28  4,  043,014.  050,090 

<ioi;r!fy,  195.  207.  174. 
(iOuld/s5,  310,  311.  337,  350. 

854,  575.  048.   Osi). 
(iuodiiiu!!.  •<},   80.   s>,  89.   9^ 

to  99,  ISO.  228   017. 

(iartield,  0. 

Gardner,  41,  42,  77,  245,  310, 

(.'aiiU'r,  82,  l:i5. 
n;,!l;i*i:\.  7''    1-   ',  50'~-. 
<ia!e,  101,  111,  12!,  150,   420, 

(iardin^'r,  199,  034. 
(iarth,  200. 
Uallaudet,  13:!,  373,  005. 

*;a-^!o!i,  152,  300,  501,  040.      i(_;il-.()n.  2.!.!,  :!lu.  593. 

4  12,  4  1--,   150,  400,  402,  405,:Goo(lale,  19S,  :];^,i .  :i)~^ 

471,   181.  509,  515,  522,  505,;Ci(.odiio\v,  119. 

570,  0.20,021.  (i20,  049,  051,  Godfrey.  202.  4  71.  010. 

053.  058,  (•<;2.  004,  074,  09-l,;(J()tfe.  440,  (;()4,  005    Oi-(i   (i07 

090,099,  70),  7(.u,  7iM,  xxii,,Godd-u-d.    s:;,    5.;o.    023, '031. 

xxiii,  092,  xxxvi. 

(Jilyard,  103.  Go(xlell,  450. 

(jibl)s,    107,     102,     109,    201,  (Jore,  443. 

•■)!'3,  OSS.  Kioethe,  477. 

(iiluiaii,  ISO.  1S7,  4\(]^  _j5(-)       ;<;,, forth,  503. 

(fall. ill.  220.  003. 
(iau'r,  229. 
<;arrrir,   287.  708. 
'jialOraitli,  14  7,  48^ 
(Jallii|.,  ;';o2,  3n5. 
(iaribaldi,  413. 
(.;ir!'.!l,  299. 
( ial•-^^lll,  418. 
( iarri.-^oii,  597. 
( i,iiiies,  010.  xi  viii. 
(iai)])iiii!-,  0!):;, 
(iayiiorT  ll'9. 
( iaiuatTi-,  -•'''• 
<iaulf,^2S3,   291. 

Gridley,  3,  4,  5,    7.  s,  M,   1:; 

00,  00,   SO.   S7,  1)2,  iKl.  lis. 

138,  140,  1  i:;.  isi.  i-^i,  55:;, 

575,  057,  071. 
Granniss,  19.    2s,    31,    :i5,  :!0. 

01),  01,    ID!,    172.    isj,  2iO, 

2S1,  298,  4-^0,033,  0{:i,044, 


(ii'ei:--:oi:.    140. 

l<Ti!lt--|iii-,  :-;i5. 
Gilrluist.  510. 
{.riliiiore,  272. 
'iill.s,  277,  320. 
Gill,  2S2.  097. 
GiUi.s,  3.8-k 
iGilroy,  523. 
jGiniine,  5u:!. 

JGiover,  0.   21.    141,    :;41 ,  3  Is.  ( Ji-uidiii,  94. 
I     42;',  i.;2S.  029,  019,  (,(i8,  (Jre£.'-or\.  ;.i/.  s-j,  joi; 

|<iIea.^on,    39.    119,    5:il,    594,  lii-oi-.slMcl,-.  -id, 

•">95.  Oiraftoii,  r,:»,^.   O''!:).  wiii    \xl 

JG]a.<sell.  322.  (JnM-id.^id.  59  1.  51'-5. 

!(;iortrr.  501.  CiMN-iMMirli,  5:1). 

(iate.^,  209,  278,  298,299,  524,;(ila,-s,  49l).  (ir-.'orv    709 

529,  501,  057,    xli.  'cilrsNlmniiiu-.  285.  '(irosvel.i.r,  :.50. 

G'armoii,  494.  JGladdiiii;-.  87.  (I'rinike,  ;173,  lilS.,  xxiii.  |(i!asi.y,  709.  (Jruss,  451. 

IX  J)  EX    Oi'    SlKN  a:,![:;s 


(ircuville,  xix,  xxii.  [     440.  497. -l!!!),  ,',00.  (Uli.  (m7,' Ihilvcr.Koji    ].-j7 

(Ivniif^ov,    ('.:;,    !)s.    •2e4,  !3'.)7.l     Ciil ,  (i7s.  Tni;.  ;!  I:itrli,  <)7,  KiO   :]:]\    :,:y.]    rj7ii 

:2;»U,  470,  li:;;,   (N-.'.  |liauiiU(iii,  i;, .-)'■!.  11  1,  i2-2-?, '27:i,    11-,'    ios    xl 

(iray,  411,    :,:;,    ls<),    J'lo^  oo;  |     ;■  (o_   o;-;^   :.,,|    ,,,    ;;,,,;^  40';.  I  Imvihs,' 57    11)3  ^^O '  GOfi 

•j:.-^,  Oiii;,  ;;i!i.4;-;:-,  I  IS,  n:i0.j    nio.  (ui,  cis,  im).  'liaiu.s,  o;,  ;ii>,  :U9 ';5;jO 

o:,;7,  571),  ."jDO,  (ii;:!,  (ii;(,,  G7J.  Ila!.',    li.    ss,    II'.),   O+n,  :',ni),  !I;,vii,..  :.',si.     '   ' 
>;'!,  xlii.  oO:j,    :!:-];!,    ;::!*:,    f;-;s,   loo.  ii;iV--iui\v.  .^.o-j. 

Gri^--s,  (i(3.  -j."^:?,  -2^0.  {     xxwi.  Ifullidav.  01 4    04!' 

(Jrillin.  sj,  1",4.  :J1I,  40;).:)0!;.4hnil;;!,.l,  U.  ilariuM,;,   :j-,?!. 

xxxviii,  xlii.  |!i;ili,  1.').  00,  OS,  :!:!,  4^"!.  71 ,  70,- !lai-icv.  ":!o 

li;v.'ii.   7.J.    ;:>.   1)0.    nj.  ;!is,j     SU.  ll.;.  lOl.  107.  n;:;     !•<:;,  lla!i!:.'-:J;l.  ,^m)   :,s-^ 
;>s;).  441.  4-"">l.  4''>4,  470,  4^s,:     lit!,  OlO,  017.  O.'O.  0.41.  0:!7,  lla'>^-,„„i,  -.':;(;    210 
4sO,  :;44.  047.  0i;4,  CMS,  (JiJOj     0-Jo.  0/34,  O-lli.  0^0.0^0,  ;;07.  I!anut4]i    01.044'  44S    :,",i 
''•'•'.  ^Ivii.  I     40:),  >;41,  o;o.  :>-4.  411,  410.'      Os;j.  xK\i\. 

Unviisli;.  --0.  i     4i."..4l4.i:)4.4.1 !,  40  'to4.':.-,.  Ilal].Hlc.  -Ji.;,  ■>r,2.  4-2r,,  4ir 

<-;riinps.  ].s:j.  XXX  viti.  j     407,  4  71 ,  4S4.  r)0'),  7)0!;.  r,i;4., '  11a  v(4  v,  •J(i4,' 

(in-eiiliiii,  (;74.  I     ."jIO  to  .")}."",.  .-,,-,0  tu  57)0,  r,.V).4!;vfI;iicV.  L'.sr,. 

(TrOiUlud,  nS7.  j     7).")7.  577,  .■)^n.  ,-,:)-,.  CDs,  c.oo    !i.,v,.n, 'osi;    -ytio    ;;o.,.    (-^j; 

(iriswold.  lo.  !)0,  <!l,  104,  int.!      001,   O05,    04s.    (ill,    (;4."">  to  llavi;<'r    O.s:'    'JiM; 

loo,  lUi,  140.  1^0.  li'o,  lo;,.!     t;5;,  (i04,  0(;7.  OOs,  O77,(;0i),,HaiH^nrk.  010,  ;;,s7,  4;;7. 
04!;,  07O,  ys-j.  440,  444.  44'.],'      70S.  xxxvi,  xlii  to  xllv.        'llaist-v,    |-Jo    old    4;;.;    xxvii 
4."-)l.  ."iis.  .-,00.  OOs,  f;(;o.  044.  II;i(l!(_-,-.  97.  iiial-t^4.  :nO 

''41.   xlvii.  xiviii.  :nail.'.".-.44.  Illavo'-,-,"  ;-;4.-,,' 41 1,  G7;] 

(ij-unt,  SS.  is;;,  005,  004,  400.ii!ani<.  41.   74.    SS,    100.    14!),  ihutO'v,  M'jo' 
44(5,  417.  4n0.  547.  5s4,Olo.|      1  vo.  o....   o;o   ::,;..^  44-^  4ss,  ■  !lau-,;a'i  rv,  441 
'577.  07>^.  '     5S0.  004.  (;s4.  x!v.  xhi  ilaijvr,  -io;. 

(ijav.<,   0:;7,    of;o,    5<i0,    oOs,  H-ml-y,  ;-;j .  OH.  mo.  1 10,  1 J  7.  irai--i'(av<-s.   i:!l. 

•''-^'-'-  "i"^4"».  j      IJs.'lOO.  10 4.  OO!.  141,  -J-^O,   iiaw.^s     470     500     5ot      G77 

Gr,vii-,w-„>a,  OSS,  :;oi,  :,71.  054,  OOO.  4  il .  410.  457.  5i4.:lla:t-r.  574  ' 

(iivrnlcaF.  051!,  O.ll.  j     551 ,  500,  O:)!;,  074.  !;;s.  OSI , ;  !Iai'vt41.>.  Ols. 

<;iar,(lhiiiar(i.  107.  j     Os,'.;,  (ii)5.  xxi.  '  'li.-irc.  <>j7. 

<M-a!iain,  007,  40S.  400.  lilaMiiuilJ.  77.  |Hav\sai4.  451,018. 

(in.Oitli,    70,    4S!;,    545.     547,iHa/..-u,  40.  (;;.  Sj^),  50s.  Illay\v(i,.(l',  OOl'  i}S-S. 

<  ''rfcntirlii.  574. 
(ii'rt'iiu  ay.  0  lo. 
<iit't4fy,  000. 
(iracio.  XXX ir. 
(wu'iO.  xxxiii. 
(iiicnssry,  101.  000,  005. 
(j'umievaij.  410. 
fUtiTlMll,  001. 
iMillev,  54l». 
<iu!is,  o:;i. 

(Mirliri.-.  00,1,  570.  5>0. 
fiirliti-.  44s. 
(iuv,  471. 
(iuild.  510. 
(.iuillcnl.  Oil. 
lituiii.  O',)0.  004. 
(iwiilTl.  7<.)S. 

100,  54ij.  50:i,  5s4,  014 

llartlf-y.    100. 

li.ii.i.M.ii.  5,  75.  TOO,  147.  I(;0.ll[aia|ulru    0,05. 

I'lO,   l!il.  0;.;0.  417,407.  40S,lHarrimaii.  (;O0. 

411.  410.440.  4!;0.  5(11,  5o4.!l!al|,ii.,  470. 

547,  557,  OO.s,  (;;;{,  (j;^.',  i;  15.illaii(ls-.  004. 

OlO.  054.  (iOl.  074.  xxvil.       jlanl,".-.  444. 
iiarr.  5   tn   ]{),    ]:\    I'i.    !  0  .  :i7, '  i  la  v,  ks.  :!7  0    (;54. 

40.  41.  40.  O.s,    ss.    Hit  t(,4[a\-s,  4I)>! 

i07,  140.  140,  17,0,  Olo,  001, jlluit.,  110. 

000.  200,  070.  0^;!.  :;u;..4oo,|iiai-ht,  i5o,  lOo  077 

440,  400,  404,  4;ss,  404,  441,|lJnr|->T,  ■^;4s,  4'j4    x 

Uatiiawav.  5s.  :]:]•].  (;:;().  Illanks.  515. 

Hamlin,  i;0,  104,  104.440,,  5oy, 41al0-!r,  400, 

(iOl.  (;ii4.  JHaiuilk   4.47. 

Hardin  170.  maslot,  470. 

IJardiu.o-,  45,  00.    700.  iHaskiiis.    470,    510,   51G,  5.4s. 

Ha,i;-aH;a,n,  50,  llfa wilit >nic.  401 . 

Hacar,  55,  5;)  Ihiivcv,  ,^0,  OOo,  xhi. 

Ha.-tiiii;,-^,  5',,  0:50.  4ii4  |Haviiia]<(  )•.  '.)i<. 

Haiiinrd,  70, SI,  loO,  1S5,  4 10, '  Ha  vruicycf,    75. 
Hai'd.  1 14,     •  hi'airiri'lun,  .4:]0    547 

Ha'.id,  11-J.  ]S1.,  407. 

Havd.-ii.    00.    110,    51S,    50(J,'H;;r!rv,   :00. 

'-■'''.  jH'i.dv.  4S5,  507. 

Hay,  141,  1  15,  40S.     '  Hauk>-^.  7.  04.  100. 

Hai-pin.   70,  llaiiow.  514. 

llawkiii-^,  115.  145.   450.  500,  Ha'iiin-'ud.  070,  40s,  440,  5.50. 

504.  :j04.  5  70.  570.  057,         I     xxiv. 
H.-iv.'s  1  14,  150.  104.  nil,  14  1,;]lati444l    521 

000.  004.  004,  Osl.  OS,;,  OOO.Iilaiu-MMi.  077.  541.  xlii. 

4iO,  411,400,    547  T(,    555,  JHariiid,  xxvii. 

iiai',<.,ii,  xwiii,  xxi\,  XXXI. 
ilack.'tr,  xxx, 
i  la  \..  Icy,    XX  ^  iii, 
Hak(,\v;4l,    xxxiii. 
Ila-/.,4li;„-.  xl, 
Ha.ld,„-k.  xiviii. 
iliMf!,,  77,  !0I,  5.;s.  xiviii. 
|Hra,l.   xxiv. 
lN-a4:irv.  5s. 
411.        I  Hr;i\  ;.,■-.    170. 
Hlr.llrv,  050. 



TTT'l^r    ni    71    7-'|    G5i,fi:.4^c<;;?,G<;n,.;T2,G:4,:    (s:.?,  n.s,  cu.  074,  nS4.7()^. 

Ueutnii.  2.',    •>!,    ''-i-    ''•     .:-l     -,,o    -no  7t)r.,  xls'ii. 

593,0u;,«-0,'-:.<-^.'^<^-'.li^i^«;'V      '   ^     '  lil    l^S  17s,  107.-lo.287, 

C74;70i',  701,  x\i.  ,,.,■'         ....o  ■■>'7i)   :-;-r,    ;;:r.,  :54:i  o41,  87S, 

IlensluiAV,  4-20,  :>■: 
Hendricks,  i:!.  .0;i4,  4tHi. 
Henneiuati,  '>'2'). 
nriirv,    ir.S,    4(j:l    o'^^iJ,    o>«4, 

687,  690. 
Il.niclinuiu.  (iU>. 
Headers* )n,  eiH.^DO.  n')-2._  ^ 
Hemhigwii.v,    '2-'<.     Vj\ 

IHckox,  44,  4o,  SS,    nS,   201,      44.,  4..  ,  4i>>,  -0.. 

ow    -,'Hi   ,TJ,")    ."iC,;;   ,")(',4    .1,4,  Hue,  4il. 

E^g'S!    6'n.xWii;.  Il.,lKU-i,-:,6,91,4-4,40s4.iS. 

Higby,  40,' 4  15,  408,500,602.  ^^6^2.     ^^    _^^^ 

HinlSo,   72.   M:^   145,   15S,  ii:inrs2: '  l^^,'  ^^:^.  280.  ;!8T 
ic->    1*0   1"1    '^n    412   484.       t(j.))2. 
]:iid&,m.m,k.  H.41ev,    115,    116,    627,705, 

los;i72,-17>i    176.  1->.  ,.,;.,  |H,K.r.n.otlunu,  bO,   .-b.  -t'^- ,  ^j,^^,^,    .,,,    ,„^^  -.., 

•'n.22;i,2til  to  ^•'^:;':'.l;'l     ■'^\V*;'';..^    ^„o    ^o;.    lon/HoTHsl.,-,   6...  228,  244,    2S7. 
2c2,  2Si;,86t^5Mri..,,,:^o;:.,;ninsuale,^1.8._k--,  ^^'^    -■-     .,,^4.,,;^   -^4. 
^      628,  63o,6l8.<ni,65.;,6Vi!..j     l^i.o:x    0...    _  M         -.  ^^       J       ^       .,      ^.,_    .,.^^ 

«^'>^.  '*•-     ..  ,  j"^:;;:"^.'^W  :  :;>k  5;h,  574:       200,  4M,  1^:5,  65-,.,  i^:.r,.  6-i. 

Helfoiistein,  o-)\.  \     -'i-  'j:',y        '  Ho^kii-.s,  :'.0,  40,  ,s8,   01),  02. 

Hepburn,  16-.,  101,  'mI.  (•.'..  ,     ..-.^  -  ■  ■     .  ,,      ^^^^       ^..^  1.,;,,  1  75,  ISl ,  212, -^ '-- 


588,  578.  6:. 
llenium.  5i)5,  ''>72. 
Herbert,  2^'2. 
Her^i'V,  77. 
Helmsin-,  280. 
Heruiunce.  4l7. 
H(■^YitT.  242.824.  867. 
Herri ii!;io;i.  5(;7. 
Hctlhia-ton,  1 40. 
Hertell,   05. 
llerrintr.  02. 
Heerun,  410. 
Hever,  488. 
Hew.'t,  611. 
Hi'ion,  610.. 
!h\vb,--,  52S. 
llnLdlovt,  610.      - 
Hev.schel,  610. 
Hill,  2,  0  to  12.  10,22,25.  28 

lliUver,  414. 
liill-or.  Axxiii. 
Ilirkllng.  wxvii. 
Hintun,  xlvii. 
l!:t:--i]i!in    45'.k 
Hilmer.  54S. 
iHiiiginair,  588. 
Houe,  1.  12.  2- 

•)60  2(n.  8  10  to  ;;58,   8S0. 

8S|;;  456,  4n4,  527,  5!t8,  026. 

657,  i').i4.  (i(!5,  6S0.  600,  602. 
llnd'-e   878.  CIS,  -iOC. 
-IloiU'Ts.  01.  ^y,   Ml,    IN,  22>^, 

247,  510. 
House,  5S,  608. 
HoUis.  45. 

:i[ovt,  70  to  ^2,  112,168,  102. 
140,147,;     22S,   'jr^i',   880  to  81(;.  -127, 

\^'  lO-^-ioVlOS   208.  204,:     42-.  4:^0,  577,  50O,  682. 
o-r'  iog'  04V  31'    -'"^^  4-'0.  Howbnul.  107,  284.   2S^.  48... 

^?H;;:Si:'tl  '5.;8  5SO.:Ho!ton.270,   111. 

500    6-">   (H)5,  62'i,  r,8s,  080,  Hoiurston,  •4>, . 

a\h'  G5'^'  050,  670,  7*M,  688.iHouglilon,  4^b. 

-06    xh-  JHoUlen.  4..0. 

u  r       '-.7    1'^^    1^-    405.!Hnirord.  618.  616. 

Losmei._^.|-,     .-.;-■     ,,,,  10;.,  645,  646. 

"'qi^17i^P     io   2bl      270,il-44.n.  118. 

827   m:^U^^7.  680.  610  :no,br,..,k,  286^810 

32,  84,  85.  58,  60,  00.    -^ '     '^"f  J^'^f ,   00   s4  >^8  80   01.  Il■'^^-elI.    157.   172,    176,   2S  ,, 
141    22li,  241,  244.  265,  oS,J,!Hooker    14  — ,|^4^    -m   '.^j:  :     0^.7    -^^c;    000,  445,  456,  .>.8, 

508: 617; 628: xix,  x4iv      ^i-^^^'^n  xA, io}  56l:    ' 

Hills.  127,  181.  184.  22.,  o4o,       ^;    ,  40  ,  ^^-  Jj^;  ^,,^   ,,,^  „„,„,,  ^2.  881. 

^^^''^^-     in.       ic,n      188        o' ~'  "  ^      657,     686,     606,lHowitt.  126. 
Hillliouso,     100,      100.     138,      0-/;    01.,      J',  llloUibird,  181. 

xxxiv.  |,T^^"-'^o  I  Holt,  26.   27,  2R,   84.  46.   4. 

Hilliurd,   155.  lu"":        '^O   41(1  i     ^0.   >^*K    05.    140.   170,    10.. 

Hibburd.  15S.  227.  5.0.  |     ouston    .0   416  |     .14    ,,, -,  o-,;.  o;n , -.8,  2;|  , 

Hi:,lev,  18!,1S8.  .  .  j"':^;^^'^^'^;,^  V    7-1  ^>2    108  1      -b6.  2^S.  820.  845.  51.s,  0"  2. 

Hi,:kman,  02,  602.                      |  -I'n^lOl     liioiOT.  17l'     704,  xl, 

mtche..c4..  7,   li,   l^;-.^-  •:'!  ■"•i"^;^  '-*„!;     ,,:,,   210,"  liovvd,  47,  40,  I04, 

to  80,  51,74.  1^..  M^     48.  J;.-.   '.!,:J^;a/:V4    ..7:,   ..;;;    i|,,„,d,„ou,     105,     10.>,     4lb, 

144,  147,  140,  168.  10>.  1*2,  ~o      ,0.,  ^.-..  -      ■  -     •          ;      ,^, 

17S,  218,  228,281..  2,2,2s..  >^-  ~^J;,-    :,:'  V,,  ^.j  4,;:;Ho6>uan.  2o2,  676.         ^ 

osi;   -I'lt    -^02  80S.  810.  41J,1  .>Ju  t.>  .v,o,^-.  . '.^  ^    _^^^   ,^^^    ll.,i,r,.-v    '-'7    150.    lOS.   210. 

450;  408!  406,  467.  4^2,  4sb,i  ls2,  4s>,  :^;;;;-  ^  '^^  ;^1  -  ;,.-.     ^...^_  o;,,,  o.,;,  -,;,,  :,:,2.  555, 

480.   507,_580_to  :^V;    .vR  ^  K  -'^  ■;;-..      ■,,,,;  ,,- _       -3;,  ,;:„,  051.  O-H ,  000,  .0.,. 

540,o50,...>2.:.0^..;0..   ;    ..  -.■      :       ..j..     ,.j-,_   ,.-„  to  llowaril-..  281. 

628,  625,  626,  68:!, ''l;j,  Ob'. [  .•",   0.-.                                   ^ 


Hood,  •2:\A.  -Ifl],  :)[)■},  503. 

Hopper,  i.;?. 

Hodboii.  Qi-2. 

Hodiison.  ,ji;i. 

H.jldiid-i.,  ,-);Jl. 

Ho<ru-.  ")4(J. 

Ho\v^;ird,    8S,    '.)1.     1:;:;.    :):',:,. 

;j.jj,  .V2},  (;()."),  OS  J,  xxh . 

XX  xi. 

Hobcv,  r,o^. 

]r(Vi,i.'ini,-,  3iy. 

Hoa^laml,  321. 

HoJT,  :!-Jl. 

Holli'liluirk,  :J03. 


Holcoinb,  -il-i.  4.")'.i,  4i';i. 

Hoi')pin,   '2{>4:,   '-i'-j'-].    OiJj,   4oO, 

Hotl-^tador.  So^?.  4II4. 

Ifolland,  244.  :]Gn. 

Horsiiietoii,  ^bj. 

}iol^-at'(',  TOit. 

Holyolcf,   xxxii. 

Hop.son,  r;!i,  2ii(). 

Hornr.!-.  472. 

Hoiiemau.  i'njO. 

Homati,  niO. 

Hornf,  l')]\). 

H..),.,-,  OlO,  iJU. 


HopL',  ii!(i.  iri'.;. 

H(w.,~iiii,  Go 7,  G(>j'. 

HokcK-_v,  xiv. 

Huiiiist"i)ii,   1,  24.   2(1.  ;]1,  :-;2, 

o7.  li'i.  !;•-{  tM  7.!.    1  f4.   It;")! 

171.  r;(i,  177,  4 Ss,  1S.<),  iD-j. 

2.V2.  2.Vi.  231),  MJ.-),  4.>],  4(r). 

•")4(i.  .j!iii,  (i-i.'j,  »;:;!;,  c.n.  (;i^. 

G4i).  G-Vs,  (;74,  (;:)7.  70:;. 
HuilriKii.  3.   ;j-i,    17,   (i-i,    i.'r- 

ISO.  202,  20'i,  24;;,  :i4!),  30:ii 

4iG.  -li.'),  (',o;j,  Tu.y 
Uutsdii,  40. 
]lLil)bai(l,  4,  G.  14,  ;,1,  :54,  30 

92,  100.  1G4.  1^0,   197.  149,' 

IGO,  190,  2G0.  2(;i .  2U4-.  ;]:;G 
.    330,  331,  424.   12-^.  433' -!-:;>! 

4G2.  4>^3,  490,  471,  32':^,  3ol. 

.■JGi,  399,  Gio.  ciu.  G22.  (;;:2. 
533,  G30,  (131.  (;3  !.  (i33,  G74, , 
G^:3,  Gs^,(;vOj;:,ii    7,)..   y^iml 

Uii-'MM,  41. 

limit,  N,  S3,  03.  133,  133,! 
Mi;.  1G3.  233,  330,  3S4.  414. 
4i'J,  433,  43  1,  -!33  471.  4-^1,: 
33(1,  313,  3M,  G'.;3.  Hn!.  704.1 
X  \  \  i  i  i .  , 

HumplnfV.  13,  77.  143,  1G2  ' 
ISO,  2sf,  44f;.  4i,s,  ,-,(;o,  -,;:// 
3s:f,  Cs!)    »;:.!.  vjvii. 

SlnU.  is,  23.  -Ji).  32.  33.  ;U. 
G+.  71,  7s.  l:;3.  143,  13;;" 
IG:*.  204,  220.  •.'23.  ■J71,  272, 
2,4,  2S0,  307,  329,  332^  333!: 

IXDEX    01'    srUNAT'lKS. 

o3(;,  347,  831.  417,  422.433. 

434,  43S,  4G4  tn  -UV .   -IS2. 

4s;!,  .301,  .307,  314.  3-Js,  ,-,;;(), 

3:N,  33'.»,  333.  337.  3G7,  GOV 

GI7,  G23,  {;:]■',  r.;i3,  G:;G,  C>'fl. 

0(3,  G3S,  (iG>,  ni;'.).  G7  7,  GS4. 
iliiill.urt.  27,  Si,  ss,  Ofi,  ]:]], 

iss.  313,  33s,  3S1.  f!37. 
Huirhcy.  30.  33,  1  3G.  IGS,  J'.iO, 

2(13,  297  to  299,   42s,   523, 

G24.  G37,  G44. 
[lusted.  21,  SI.  340,  3S2. 
llmiacrfoi'd,     G4,     113,     492, 

321,  (-,44. 
[li.iiiilditeyvillo,  r)2.   231. 
Htu-d.    43^   Gs,   S9.    I'VJ.   433, 

314.   317,   320,    373  to  373, 

3^t,  022,   G40. 
Hunti-r,  lis,  311    391. 
!lii!iiiiiii-tou,  20,  80,   92,   107. 

110.  r33.  200.  2i>7,  349,334, 

33l>.  431.  432,  439.  4  11.  444, 

471,  472.  47s,  31-.\  3G0.  (;[>'. 

G77.  G7S,  0',)7.  703,  vjvii. 
llud.dlfstou,  133. 
lluljO.'U,  134,   is;;,   4^9,   327, 

311,  372,  3SG,  GOG,  G70. 
lluliimrt,  xxxiii. 
tliunriu-,  ](i3,    lOG,    '^iKS,  242, 

2>-^i.  300,  ,VJ7,  G3:j. 
Iludfr,  IGG. 
Uiitv'liii'.s.  "JOT.  20s,  330,  331, 

hlTrliiiirrs,   1l)7.    ISO. 

IIiiFiT'v,  313. 
Iliiinus,  820. 
Hiintiua-,  Gi)0.,  319. 
iliithwitt,  3G3,  573. 
IIiil.^i'.  xix,  xxi. 
lluiidu-r^rm,  Gil. 
Iliiutlev.  2(iO,  294. 
if  ago,  378. 
niU'jliin.sou,  548. 
nusc,  G31. 
Hussoy,  xxiii,  xxxi. 
llviison,  314. 

llyd.'.  33,  237,   3G8.  439,  444, 

llsO.y.  314. 
[iHlu'lll,  4sS. 

lii;i-n--.'i!,  07.   ].;g    137    19f; 

2.'4.  27-.  -y.:].  :;s4.  4G0.  430, 

f>21,  (;G3. 
Iii-'liain,  138,   232,   233,    2G3. 

h-i-h.  199. 
!•■>:!'  •;!'•.  287. 
M,am,  14;;.  422,  480. 
IsLell,  2II-J,  242.  (i92. 

iv.'s,  0.  I).  11,  23.  :jii,  ;!!(.  ;m. 

31.  33,    ::;7,   41,   01,   G3,   07, 

74  J 

G9.  71,  9s,  101,  1(1  i,  170, 
1  :•".',  194,  'Jis,  021,  :Ji1.  -SW. 
244.  232,  23;l.  203,  203.203. 
208.  27  7.  ;;0  7,  ;;o,s.  :;-j3,  :r20, 
327.  32S,  43J,433.43o!40-J,' 
4(i:;,  4^:2,  -iss,  1^!),  311  [, 
300,  320,  311.  342,31)2.  31»s, 
399,  022  t(,  021.  (i28.  or;  p. 

j     G43.  G3;t.  031,  1)3^,  003.  092, 

I     f>i)7.  701,  702,  700.  xxiii 

il^\illL^  103. 

jTivland.  'J3,  312. 

|lli.i;ra1ia!li,   199,  0:JG. 

|h\\  ill,  00!!. 
l-.aac,  092. 

Jarvis,  23S,  ;t27,  329,  023. 
-]a,c()Os,  24,  20,  29,  30,  30,  04 
183.  193.  211,  220,  2.'s,2si, 

2S3.  2^3,  ;;;;o.4i4.  340,  043, 
I     0-:;.  O.*;.  roO,  vxix. 
'4a"n!  49. 

i.;;.cl;-..!.    y-.     103      j07.     133, 
{      19;l,  272.  ;j20,  33s,  3(!^,  309, 
I     370.  4(i0,  418,423,  431i,  34?, 
I     3  18^,  c.O  I,  N v\i. 
j.Iai'.K'.-,  s;,-,.  140,  227. 
paniiaii,  130. 
Ma.NM-kr^.  101. 
.laiR-well.  .Ju. 
Ja-<r(.T,  237,  340. 
.'a.' ■11:1a,  isx. 

Jay,*  144.  3sS.  431,  6i)S,  xlv. 
iam.-x.-i.  -170,  493. 
JaidLi..  .  010. 

Jewell.  34,  133,  190,  217,323. 
Jenkins,    43,   44,    4G.   nO,    03, 

199.    411,    049,    .700,    7lo. 

.leroiur,  GJ.  133,  183. 
J;.'lTiov,  70,  ;;42,  343,  Go3, 
JeiT.'i-yoii.  103.  193,    197,  393, 

398,  413,  GGl. 
JeMuini;-s,  88,    120.    518,   519. 

Oil.  G33,  710,  xxii,  sliv. 
Jenni-ss.  93. 
Jetd;-,  0,  -37,  310. 
Jerrald,  437. 

Jewrtt,  430,  4S0,  3S1,  xivi. 
Jones,  4,    7.    S,    21,     20,     27. 

3s.  78.  s-?,  S4,  S7.   9S,   loo, 

112,   !2I,   132.  131,  13^.   lOi, 

los,  i:g,  iir,  is 4.  ^•3.  219, 

221.  222,  2-3.  2.)''.  2.':).  204. 
207,  2;  1.  27;;.  274,  27;.  279, 
2^3!  20!,  ;;js.  ;::57.  3:-S.  ;!3o' 
:;41,  3  17,  42 i,  420,427,  43J. 

4;;;;,  4;;s,  43-?.  Mi;;,  '/.v.  4:2. 

49S.  30.;.  310,313.  3-.M,  ,-,!4, 
313,  370,  37s.  003,  01,;;.  Oi  7. 
021   :o  G2:v   o;;7,  o.'.o.  03;;. 

033,  (JO>U,  (i7i'.  091 .  (iOJ,  094, 
093,  702!  sxvl  xlii. 
.ienlai),  GO,  199..  3iO. 


Jorclvii.  22:].  r,.-)H. 
Jolinstoii,  1)7,  1'.)').  I'T.") 
Jolui  "f  (tiuiiu,   :•;. 
Joim-r,  n(')2. 
Joy,  GOD. 
Joycv,  xlvli. 
Josr,   xxKv.,    10,   S-''.  :M-. 
4s,  "lO,    51 

INDEX    OF    SUi;-VAMi:.S. 

I  Kent,  :ni,  4'39,  6'2;5. 
jKry,  cut. 

iKwic;;,  t;7-l. 

Kiiapp.  50,  7!),  U",',  '-i'll,  -iTl, 
:!:!7,;?;i9,  810,  ;!-!!,  :;!•"),  -Ill), 

Knt'oUiud,  ■2S'^. 

K.iu'vals,  05-i. 

Kowlilliiiist,  xxi. 

Kouplio,  15('.. 
jKr:niRT,    l:j(3. 

jKcrluN  n:-]S. 
KrniiL'v.  --241,   ."jo^. 

'KrtclKini,  ;<:M,  :'!^4.  41G. 
^O.'Kfi'hchvrathiT,  OTl. 

., ,,    ....    ..-).    71.    :■"">.   ^7,  K.-ani<-y,  (317.  ^ 

01,0.'.   HO.    II;;.   11.").   117.  l\>yfs,  •?.■:;!,  407,  417,  4-2-!,  4o2.^lvuli,  4. 

1'^')   lo7    I'lS    l.'.;i   141,  MO.  Kcn>'tt,  471  to  •l~-'l.  '  ^. 

144   1()-^'  ICl'  lii7'  171'.   17?,'K.4!v.  IHii.  4si;,  407,  .V31,  OiiO.  jLa^scU,  S.j,  Mj. 

17<)'  I8s' lO;]' -'11  •■'IJ  -.^.5    Krllrv,    :Uu.    47r,,    (378,    (;-;0,!l-iii(!h(14.  .iM. 

oiq  003    o:„t'o:;i':J57':i,;i'       xix;  j^^'"'.  l'^-  H'-^-  !»-•   ^'"i. 

o,;-,'    -''ii;    -^7'^    vil     -i^M  in  K-l!.'\v,  i:]4.  40:;,   ICi;.  ..o'J,  >;1. 

^>5r  "7"3    -'7  7   •'^:3    ;;n)  :;os    K. .mi),  '240.  Larluii.  MO. 

•JU""  yi--"' 81.-;';ir.i    -yy^    -iJvK  iKnOv,  OOO.  L-n-kms,  (li.  -2.)  >. 

Vw'  •(^■■n    M;5:!'  ;157'  :i;t2'4n  iKlnt^,  -30,  lis,  UiS.   054.   OOS,^  Lanktnn,  :i,  10,  KIO,  .jOS 

410;  4h"  405."  40:3.  40^.400,1     290.  ;JOO,  :]1 1 .  ^M.  :;:r).  8)0.|La,r    ..OL 

45P    452   4!m;.  5••^4^iH.5:M.!     301.     y;W.    :3'»2.     3;il..    407,; gander    i:)3. 

5M0;  541.  5<;:.  5-7,  507.  ii22,j     44n,  45!),  451.454.  455,  45;i,;Lanis.  h21 

024,  0;;4,  5M5.  t;:!s,  (Uii.  040.'     510,(;20,  027.  OOO.  (;05.  xxvu  ,l.aii--wonliy,  ^ol. 

<)47,  OlS.  (;55,  Olio.  !)ijl ,  ('ii")*i.'iviiiii.s'iinvy.    05,    0< 

;)5  'Latsfh.  :VM. 

(i07:  07yM>7  4,' 0^4:  0>7:  704!!      l'»l,  215,  210.  0i5.  574.  502.  jLamO.l.,..  OOO  ^ 

xxvi,  xxxi,  iKhtlan.l.  15S,  210.    22.].  412.lLam.    1    ..,  U     212    2U     .4s, 

T    .,,^     -,']  4!)-'    02:;    511  to  515.  i      -310.  .!i.l .  4!'i>.  li->^,  <>i  4. 

'toW^"''45  Kir]dan«l'll5  2!;4.   071,  405.  il^aNviv,,,:.,  11.    M5.    :^;'0,  210, 

Tui,l    15    57    07   70    U]     1 19    iviMilK-Hv,  01.    MO.   l.,0.  1.2.i     2 ....  2'. ...  4-,  ),  M 1.  44i  ,-.M. 

120,  lO:.  i20.l:!2.  iO^.  2<v;.      10^  1S5.  270,  2,..,  2  ,0,  ;;<0,      ■>21.   ^;^ '•'';"•_'" -:.:v'^' ''•'' ■ 

201.  202.  222.  22:;.  :107,  827,'     <iOO.  040,  704. 
y32,440.404.  4^^.  5:;0.  547,  iKiO-ton,  154.   lOiS. 
5f;^',  501,022.  f.i  I.  lUi.  fr>5.  |Ki!iL'iua!i.  <>0. 
057!  004,  0115,  070,  0^0,  OsO.!ivin.-n,  41  1.   ^ 
70.1,  ■Kinfiicr,  41.  710. 

xw".  x\'\'iv,  xxx\ni.'v.  10. 
Lacy."  12,1.  :;]7. 
[.ant't-ar,  50.  ISO. 

J,i!u.on    12    S8,  102.  lo:l.  112  'Kit<'h.^ll,   215.  000.   010.  OlO.O-aOO.  102,  440,  5S7. 
li8,il4.  IM.U^.liiO  !04.       014.0;5.0js.;i!l».5y2,007.;  .alnrg..l04 
007    %0    •"'75    :3<i;   5011.  5ii0    lupi..  Oil.  017.  xxxiv.  :Laui:>,  t.l,  ,0..  ,  M.^  .40,  ,..J> 

5s5'  024'  057.'  05S  (.;:;.  r;.;;..  Kirk;>atnrk,  240.  00..  020.  xi    xlvm. 

■    •■         ■  .-.     .  ....  Lagiaiii,-.'.  2. .4. 

_     .    .._...  Laiuloir  O:'..  222. 

'ivirkliani.  I'so,  510.  |Lafayi'lti',  4O0.  070. 

■Kiii.trslcv.  242,  004,  xix.  xxiii.iLas  Croix,  40:i. 
i      ^^xiv."  iLarai-.',  472. 

Ilvissaiii,  000.  571.  |Lam;iii.    l^s. 

;Kirk\v>.t]uT.  000.  |Laiiivy,  ..01. 

4-7iltun.  057,  510.  iLaiinr,.,  OSl. 

!y\'illM,rn.-.  N!).    100,    434,^on,  0^2. 
'     500    017,  5;;s.  lLiinoTidii:e,  090. 

(wo,  075.070,  0^0,  h\x2,  7('4-  O'lir.OK.'u.  o:>. 

Kay,  G.  10.011. 
Kaiipf,  150. 
Kar^it,  OliO. 
Kas,s(in,  507. 
Kauil,  481. 
Kane,  xlv 

dloK^,   00.   75.    77.   7^,    Kl.  KiuiOall,    227,    0.,-^,  429.  o,  ., ;  La  um.u,  (  ,M. 

07  "io    120.  ];;;;.  10..  107.     5^1.  xxxix.  J.a  h  .-i.,  0.     .....   ,>\b 

171    -MO    M;»  440   4-)  4^1  Ki.  It.  075.  i     4^-  f>'    4o..,^l...>,  ■.  11. 

,5-0;'  vVt"  (I'M  '.5.5s  f,-n  '        ■  Kiiinov,  .52,  042,  007,  .505.        \     027.  051,  0,  .,  0,^. 

iL:y"~'-->:l  J^    71   -MO  254  KilOuurii,  70s.  ,  Laiul.iTtt.n,  OoO. 

00! ». 


505^  0511,  700. 
K.-wi.^l!,  41. 
KerOr.  51.   75. 

552,  5s5. 

51-    K'ilO<Hi!-!i,  70- 
Ki-s  07  7. 
K'ittP'O.ui',  xxxix. 
120.  KiitriOi:-f,  440.  5- 
Ki!i!iiii-i-!v.  :;0.s. 

so.  40 

Keiincdv.    54,    01,  145.    Ill .  Kiri>;<-0.  402. 

418,  x!ii;.  KiiOuvu.  O'.L. 

KciuM-i.  02.'  1^1. <.x,  205   0:;0,  :' 

K-atipton.  77.  xx'.x.                   ^ 

K„I|.:,.  i;j:y  :Ku:-lit.  S.  4s;,,  .,2 . .  U.l,  .n::. 

Kriidali.  14.5.  :;-3i,  xxxix.         ,      .04. 
Krcp,  lOs,  41  s. 

LaiuOiTton,  000. 
iLaiulfiiOd.  07. 
|LaiiiOf..-iii,  010.  OilO.  517. 
iLaiulrrall,  0.-4,  2'.J5. 
il>au-dnu,  4,  5.  0,    10,  04.100, 
I     102.  411.  400,  (;o:),  xlv. 
'Laiiii;-.  417. 
;    L.'.v.inu.  5'.-<,  .711).   511. 

'  La\.  4  72.  4'.tO.  4;.l. 
^    l..;^.■rallp.  45-. 
,:;l;f.  521,  5s2. 

IX]) EX    OF    8U  ItKAMKS. 


1-  . 
•j  i  ■  I  . 

4  11, 



•.'I  "7 

l^iinsiiiii;,  ooi',  5(10,  575. 
I,:ai!iicr,  5(il ,  i>'<',. 
J.:ah..iii,  5N4. 
l.anohliM,  249. 
J.Rvake,  25;J. 
]jaii,i;'li'y,  xl. 
Ijiiw.s,  xl. 
]-.-wi,^,  ;■!,    4,   (),    10   to  1  !, 

7-j.  s5,  !(»■:.  io:;,  11;;, 
117,  lis,  1:21, 1-;),  i-i:\, 
15:j,  ](n;,  1  ?().  17S,  i.s'.f, 
Ses,  24fi,-J?-7,  -Jlifi,  :](is, 
4-il.  4^1,  5;-;i,  5!;s,  572, 
f>21,  f;;;5,  045,  (;47,  IJ.M, 
fjtii.i,  ('„^';j,  (iy:5,  ti'.i5.  7(17. 

], eon  a  id,     5,    IK],    "J'-'J. 
:iUU,  81'3,  /HU,  ^;:!a,  42^:, 
4  J  2. 

].fe,  8,  f',  12,  14,  42,  51, 
121,  127,  I'j.^,  :l()2,  ^'>\l, 
521,  CIS,  o;52,  (157,  70u, 


Lvavitt,  12,  :]5,  40,    1U5, 

:>J(;,  <:57. 
Lravcn worth.  20.  2ii,  (15, 

215,  210,  2',i!i,  :iO(),  50  7, 

575,  o.^'I,  5Ui;. 
).ev--i-klj;r.  1!'2. 
l.cvov,  xx^^ 
LL'liiuguell,  47,  204,  505, 

Lf-nion,  is;.  25:]. 
Le-'-att.  204. 

Lec'tc,  7(1,  107.  I'^O,  2'^'5,  {j:',S. 
Lester.  4i:;\  42:],  .-,s  [, 
Levereil.  ;150.  417,  (IGC 
]<et-Tfls,  171. 
Learned,  528. 
Lcatheis,  xxix. 
Leal,  450. 
Ledyavdi,  027. 
Lerch,  505. 
Leacdi,20G,  5T2-. 
Letford,  516. 
Ijfjfevre,  480. 
Legate,  224. 
Lent,  278. 
Learning,  iTiG, 
Lolivniann,  411. 
Le(4erc,  472. 
I-eiglitrm,  xxviii,  xli. 
Leo,  xiii. 
L^'ssig.  r,]i 
].,iiitvvortli.  ;!:]0. 
Li)'iiinri)tt.  :172. 
Lin-,  270,  005. 
Lin'd,  :J21. 
Liverniore,  dM. 
Lish,  005. 
]>ius<<)t,  070. 
Li-lulooT,  500. 
Lindsav,  100,207. 
Linslev,  28,  47,   40.  205, 

Lineoln,  127,  225,  284,  450,'  383,206,208,290,000,044, 
551,  507,  061,  0',»8.  704. 

Living.ston,    088,     005,    417,  Lull,  207,  410. 
017,  xxvii.  Luscani,  021. 

Liu\v(Mier,    14.  J.ucas,  ISO,  521. 

Littleton,  100.  iLyon,   11.    00,    147,    150.  200, 

Little,  l.js,  420.  i    "205,  200,  2SS,  O'lO,  J27,  57ii, 

Lindlev,  ISl.  2!iS.  020,  xlix. 

l.!n--,"2.  20,  101,  102,  145,  ],vn!an,  4.  0,  7.  OO,  s.-),  SO, 
150,  154.  155,  1.'.7,  liiO,  17  1,  'H2,  128,  LiO,  172,  222,2:lL 
\'.n).  105.  2o:l,  207,  2(./S,  2i):i,  201.  022,  0S4,  407.410.  411. 
20;i,  45],  4(i(i.  .-.01  to  5:iO,  41-^.402,440,448,400,547, 
0o5,  010.  074,  084.  5S0,  024,  0:i5,  000,012,  0115, 

Linic,  25!).  xliv. 

Lindsl.M-.    IS,    174,   270,    082,  Lviicli.  28,  020,  007,  520. 
201,  200,  :'15.  i.Vle.  ];ii),  020. 

Liuilierk,  70S.  Lytle,  200. 

Lini:ee,  xxwii.  Lyeil.i20. 

Lowrv.  8.  Lvall,  400. 

Loom'is.  28,   40,   01,    OS,   100, 

104,  105,  ls2,  224,  22i,  22S.  },;au>fielO,  22  m  28,  01.40,50, 
200,  200,  25S,  2(52.  200,  002,  00.  (i2,  04,  10!),  100,  107, 
4:j0,  500,  50(_),  5';i,  024,  (>77,  1.50,  171,  172,  1!):!,  1!)5.  Ii)7, 
678,  70S.  IKS,  20:;  u,   211.    2!!t    25(>. 

Longl'cllov,-,  120,  100.  \     25L  280,  2S4,  292,  2!)8,  008, 

Lovelett,  52.  '     820,050.  550,  570,  5S0,  5;il. 

Luutr,  50,  200,  014.  0:-;2,  001.  504.  (ioO.  000,  005,  OOi!,  021 , 
078.  022.  (;--J7.  5:14,  001.  0(;7,  (iOs. 

Lo(4^  WMO'l.  50.  57.  5S.  7!».  82,  0-4,  Os5,  i;;)7,  702,  700,  700. 
112,  2s:,  ;'50.,  411,  158,  5(io,  .Mattliews,  i'.K  121,  2:-'.l,  2s7, 
570.  572,  024.  ;     4(,)0,  407,  4''- 1,  407,  470,  4,sl, 

Lovinii;,  05.  225.  '  j     500.50^^,510,521,572,008, 

Loeke,  77.  240.  :     500,  oso. 

Lonn-Oevv,  SO,  1:!S,  IJI,  251,  Mntlww.  5,  xviii 

2(;0,  0:;o,  Oi:;,   !^2.  5!)0.  Mnrsh,  7.  50,  74.  100.  105,244, 

L(.!d,  :i2.  01.  04.  NO,  451,  OlS,       272.  OOO,  4!.!!,   14L  4  lit. 

I     (;02,  0!»1.  001,  007. 
|Lo;ii.s.  120,  170. 
'Lov<  ,  I'lli. 
'Louil-ard.  240. 
iLoekcnuan,  400.  411. 
LoDii-street,  406. 
I.or.d,  5:;]!). 
Lonsjlev.  001. 
Loi-fllai-d,  420. 
I  Loup,  472. 
|Lowin,<:\  500. 
I  Lore,  51)7. 
iLockhart.  010. 
iLIovd,  024. 
jLoiulell.  00(;. 
iLoniTwoith,  0>75,  071). 
'L..veiov.  520,   5:;0. 
'Lnoke:-.  5:;2. 
il.oe-an,  4s:!.  5!i;,  OOO. 
;Lo',ve,  07. 
iL  >w,  xxw  lii,  xxxix. 

Marv  C,i.  of  Sc<.)i.-^,  x 

Man'lev,  40. 

Mar.<li'aM,   78,    ISl.    18:],    Isi. 

27!).  04;;.  :;i;i.:::!S,  4sO,  545. 

Ole,  O'ii ,  5',il,  xii,  xx'-iJi. 
Mai'kenzie,  00. 
.Marvine,  5,  82,   xlvi, 
Matlier,    SO,    101,    171,     102. 
j     015,  04fi,  074,  420,400.  500, 

005.  OOii,  585.  004,  605,  707. 
iMartvn,  121. 
i.Maltoon,  02.  CO,  200.  201. 
i Mallow.    34.    05,     10s,     155, 
I     255,298,  050,057,  000,  540. 
'     050.  05 L  057. 
JMason.  ;)!),  40.  S:;,    100,  lo7. 
i      140,  ](;o,  202,0(;7,  05-:,  ;;ii!>, 
i     420,  400,  4S1.  510.  501,  5;10, 
j     oso, 

;.May,    4!!,    S5,   410,  410.   2s8, 
1     0'74,  xlix. 
|Mani''e,   7:1. 

il.o/ier.    r,".i. 
JLotliron,   105.   208,   275.  277, '.Man  v,  1,s2. 
j     288.'  ;Maniii!ig-    5S,    S5,   210,    W-l 

jLuni,  IS,  1!i7.  545, 

'Lnddinirion.  1,  :;4.:;5,  :;o.  50,  ManviHe.   (is.    15!).   5iiO,    50S. 
.i      00,  17:;,  174,  is;.',   -Jll),  2sl,,      5S0.  5^7,  501. 


iNDFX  OF  suknamp:s. 

Miitson,  1-38. 
Miittison,  J-^l,  •,^■17.   xliii. 
Mall.'tt,  Sr).  (:<:'.-2.  i;U3. 
Miixwvll,  KIT,  4r)i;,  oOfi. 

Mauii.-i-l,  X. 

Marvin,   2ij2,    .V'.O.    017,    CIS. 


Marliii,  .-,1),  70,  >S,  007,  0:-]] . 
2.")0,  ;;y7,  oOS',  402,  .-.i:;,  :,s'0 
583,  .VJ7,  (!S<>,  xxxii,  xxxiv. 

^rall)(,ii,  280. 

:\rav.),  20G,  b'lT. 

.Maim,  oi;;;,  4'ji),  -}.-)S,  ,3:11.  r,si. 

Mackintosh,  ^<]. 

Mak-ohii,  ;;s;i,  014. 

Madibiiii,  ;jli;j. 

Mukai,  410. 

-Maitlaiid.    10."3,  400. 

Ma-r.'.  8:;^5. 

Marstnii,  41--). 

Markliam.  417. 

yiiiixiU,  017. 

Marklc,  TjlO. 

Maxliaiii.  .";8m, 

Maynard.  OOi,  4."il.  4'.nt. 

Maroiuhrr,  010,  .'iMl,  ."i.j'.',  Ti-a, 

004. . 
Mag-innis,  007. 
Magraugli,  xU.k. 
Masters,  O;;."),  -JM'k  O^-;-^. 
Marks,    00^,    OC!),    271,    m:5.-), 

511,  500. 
Malr.n.-.  :iOO. 
MaliUv  05,  07,  0()5,  O'.M.  2i\l 

2S)-!f  yyii.  MJO,  ri25,  541 
Mathia.';,  550. 
Mabi,-.  44  1. 
Maiuui,  45'J. 
Max  field.  4.51). 
Marriot,  xxxiii. 
Marc.  503. 

r^iavlicw,  531.  0!8,  005. 
Ma;  k.  !4,  i)0,  5lis. 
MaJianiias.  501. 
:\Iastifk,  5'.tl». 
Marlde,  50',),  01^. 
.Maroinh,  Olit. 
^[a^c•]lallr,  O'^O. 
ilauvfis,  0y5. 
Matlork,   OD'J. 
McAlli.'-.tev,  xxxix. 
McAlnin,  O'jO.  417,  014. 
Mc..\<lanis,  51(1. 
2\lcArrliiir,  000. 
3IcCartliv.  50.  10,0.  54s. 
.MoCoiitK-!!,  14.  •-^■.0. 
MrCoiii,  KM,  -170. 
McCalvcv,  437. 
Met  l,avc,  401,  4t;0.  040. 
MeCa!!,  501. 
.Mct'aI.e,  174. 

Met 'alia,  xxxiv. 
.MrCaitv,  5M). 
.McChdhin,  43,  040, 

504,  000,  705. 
MeCl.dland,   lOO. 
Met'oniiick,  110,  3- 
.McCiilluiu,  140. 
.McCosh,  380. 
Mr(4..skv,  010. 
.MrrUire'i  5^3. 
.Mctlaiv,   1 ,11. 
McC'..iu"b,  400.  OSO. 
Mefiaekeii,  110,  51 
.MeCuIloii!  h.  01,  x: 
.M.4)(.!u.l,i,  133. 
MeDnwtll,  03:!,  3o; 
Mcl)<)n>;al,  3S0,  .30 
.McDononyii,  0)01. 
.Mc]:i!eu,  out. 
MrKiitf'e.  471. 
.MrlOwen,  0;>^. 
.\l(;i:ivaiii(\  'ii). 
.MeKwit,-,  100. 
MrFie,  103. 
Metiill.  010. 
M<;<4ratli,  420. 
MeIIai-i;-e,  2S7. 
.Mcintosh.  001. 
.Mel 111  vie,  200. 
-M(dvaV,  045. 
MeKee,   335,    332, 

McKr.d,  040. 
MeKi'eii,  13. 
M(4\enzie,   121,  051 

Melverfaeliai!,  300, 
.M(4\een-v,  ;M1. 
.MeKecluiie.  100. 
.Me Knight,  50. 
McKinlev.  129. 
Mchane,"03,  108. 
.Meljau!;-hlin,  057. 
.Me Laud.  258. 
.Mrhord,  409. 
.MeMami.s.  450. 
-MeMullen,  .523.  55: 
-MeMurnuiuh.  xii. 
McMiekeni"  440. 
MeMaitin,  144. 
MeXeil,  200,  509. 
MeXiilTv,  457. 
i.Mel'hersen,    3'57, 
I     010. 
LMeHae,  30S. 
iM.'South,  33  t. 
McA'ieker,  xxxiv. 
MeViekeis.  700. 

Meiv.T  n,  ::,  1:0 

Merriuni,  18,000, 

Merrill,    .s,   4  7,   5! 

Olio,  oro,  xlii. 

iMeail.  21,   51,    S2,    100,   277. 
48S,  320,  050. 
508,  500,LM('iTi]naii,  10,  20.  25.   31,  3s, 
72,  130.  153,  211.  205.  035. 

053,  0:^1.  001,  00-i,  2:0,  30;, 

450,  4ii(;,  ."lOfi,  .^):;o,   530  tw 

534,  530,  550.  020,  004,  ti51. 

050,  072,  0^0,  701. 
Messena-ei'.  31, 
Mevers^  70,  510,  512. 
Meloy.  4;,  30,  5o,  031,035. 
Mescivaii,   51. 
.Mea<4iam.01,  350. 
Mri-s,  112,  0:!0.  (;07,  088. 
MHivIiaiit,  5:2. 
Meeker,  31i>. 
Merwii,,  107,    140,  144.    10 1. 

105,  17t;,300,  32S,  4  24,  4(;5. 

022,  04s,  (-,03. 
.M.rrow,  il.""-,  450. 
.Merriek,  100,  0-,>;j. 
Mersiek,   105.   107,   443,  471, 

Me^crve,    xxvili,    x\!x,    XXX. 
-\i'-ai,arv,  00,0. 
.Mew.  0^.1,  Oso. 
Merritt.   450. 
-Merry,  0(»7,  318. 
Meir,  410. 
Mens.  4J3. 
.Melnne,  443. 
Mrakin.  441. 
M.m>.!h41.'.  510. 
,;MeT/i';rr.    503. 
;.M<4yn,  003,  O04. 
Mclanev,  (»73. 

Mcteall,   135,   170,   340,    432, 
1     010,  05!l. 
iMelleii,  240.  413. 
:.M each,  418. 
iMeinho,  431. 

l-.Miller.  T,  in,    11.   12.   3n,    50. 
I     01,  02,  00.  70,  so,   121,  124, 

140,  151,  1S7.  ISO.  102.220, 
!  237,  240.  210,  250,330,  332. 
,  334,  331;,  3  10,400,  400,43<S 
I  451,  457,  4r,s.  4s7,  517,571, 
I  501,  Oso,  xxxix. 
iMills.  11,  38  to  41.  88.  80,  00, 
1  108,  lOs,  120,  103,  23";.  Oils 
I  301,  411.  405,  508,."iil0.  005. 
304,     470.'.Mill,  130,  01(». 

Milton,  170,  0S7. 
'MiiniiiM.   315. 
(Mihvard,  437. 
'Middh4,ni..k,  502,  000. 
!Middlet,.n.  t>ol,   010, 
r.lO.  '.Mi!l.d-e,  0:;0. 

t,  577.  iMiles,    10.    IS,   3.1.    107.    157, 

02!  I      102, 010,  214,  227, 270.  2s0. 

121,  481, i  2SI,  -04,  2;is,  :]ij7,  414.  113, 
j  401,  531,  550,  504,  505, 500 

301.    450. 


INDEX    01"    SUKXAMES. 


oSO.  -^OO,  G2].  (;?i.n-,:ii,r.:Jl,Moi(lecai,  42C<.  jMiingcr,  SG,  .01)4. 

Mix,  k  If^,' ;;0,  ;i-l,  :'.■">,  *;<•,   (_;4,  MoultMH,    C.O,    1':-2,   lO^,    '^--.M.'.Miuins",  oun. 
G!)    70     S;',.   SI,    1();m.)   lo:;.      H •.'■.',  OS:.'.  i.Mull,  SS. 

]:j(;    ]:i:,  14^,  14;t,  inn,  1.^:1.  M,,r.'li.niM',  T'J,  11'.',  l.")!,  '^4  k  .Miilh(>ll:ni<l,  8S.     ' 
].j4,  IT).-)]  ].")C;.' l-")!.'  li'.l.  l(i:i.  .MoiriM.ii.  110,    llil,  4S-J,  4>-':^,,Miillfr.  47-J. 
KU'  K'lo'  Ki'.i,  1^1,  !'•!'•.  I'.M,       ti!tU.  'Mr.ljck.   f..')*;. 

IM?'.  •.'•.':,'  ^■■')4.  -JM),  •jsl.-.iDI.  MoslKT,  144.  |Myc'rs,-.M:).-i4r.,:;il,ol4,  ;-!2-,'. 

yn:>,  ;!ii7,  4:!s,  4.""!2.  4^-.',  4^-;.  .Mu.,liicr,  1  i..").  i     ;;;',».  tO'J.  .■)44,  oS:]. 

4!ti>' .")(!.").' ri:-!l, ';')■■) 'i,  4 (Jl.  .'iTo.  .Mor^'-;in.   1."):;,   2:45.  2;!(),   '.^oS.Mvii-att,  .")45. 
fiisj   CjO  T...  'i;04,    (;■?:;.   H-JH,      :?4?.  O?!',  ■:;)!,  :;i):J,4!1,  40(;, 
{i:U   04."")   o;l()  (M.-).  (i."')4,  C.."")";.      4:41,  44*i,  4 7 l',  404.  r,:):],  5')«,  Xap.jl.-ou,  -.VPA,  C,:]-}. 
0.-)S',  (;r,;;'r,(;7.i:';!<.  liTl,  OT-J.      074,  Tv)!>.  jXash,  -21,    7S.   (;-,'0.   G:2S,   700. 

077' 07U    i'l^')    C'^'i    701    7"-,  -Miiiitai;uc,  x\iii.  iNi'ale,  :!.  0,    IS,    •J7,    4"\    11!», 

7(r,'.         '         '  Mornce,  xxiv.  I     r.M,  2;4-', 'J7 !,  074.  .".(!(;   .-)7:). 

Miti'ii'-ll,  7S,    110,    l!)s,    oOO,  .Mi)ftinier,  xii.  iNcv-ll,  7,  s.  1 1 ,    KJ.    14.  ds, 

;U1    :;(';:;   44^,  ;.ii7,  :>('S.  rj-M  .  More.  Onl).  !      115,  10(t.  ^!^l;),  :^.'.7,  ;y;o.  4  H  . 

570,'  ;,74,'  071,  i;<4,  0~:^l.         kMn.sifr,  07't.  ;     440.  447,  501,  501,  5'.i5,  045, 

Minor    Os,';i:',,    00.    75,  «:'.5,  Mur^'.-s,  lOii.  00! .  047,  501,  5:j4.1     xxxii. 

175,'osO,  ;'.'iO,  :'.07,;j"'';.  57:;.  .M"'.(!v,    0:;5,    OilO,   440,   440,  Xc^vLuar.,   1.  04,   '■)().  34,    40, 

5-^r  5S0,'  5^'7!  O'<0^  r,',)^.  Otii.  !     5l4,  k!5,  170,  ISl,   ;3oti,  340. 

MiP'jt    l!t5,  400.  'Moit.,n,    100,    0:'.!),    449,   4!IO,j     0U4.  USS. 

Minor     i;i7,    175,     IsO.     Oil,'     553.  IXewTon.  Ot*,  Os,  •,) J,   I'V/,  137, 

445, '514,  515,501,  500,074,  Moiuuf,  OOi),  31)3.  j     141,  14-).  15i,  15s,  i;;\K  Kii, 

07s!  xlix.        '  iMoseli'V.  107,    35i),  30s.    373,'     014,  005,  3-il).  350, 550,  55!>, 

Mizii.^r,  114.  430,050.  !     (;35. 

Miijeon,  000.  Montgoiuciy,  3s7,    38S,    4!0,;  Xfwr,, luO,  54,  3i',S,  571 

:\li'nchara,  xxiv,  ^     405k  ()13,  xlvi, 

Moi.-^e,   3,   5,   14,   30,   4S,    50,  Mow,  404. 

OS,   71.    75,- 105,    114,    I'J'i,  Ivk.'rr.iw,  513,  x.'-x,  xxxiii. 
040,  047,  053,  005,  -JOS,  0.'>5.  -Moon,  50(.k  5S4. 
407,  454,  455,  50ik  505.  521.  Mouiiteucv,  301. 
500,  507,  530,  543,  5  15.  540,:MonLn-ifii:e,  3S7,  388,  40i4, 
500',  xlvii.  ..'Mould,  484,  Giki,.  O'.lU,  001. 

MorlcV,  8,  08,  iMoriioll',  500. 

Mondel'i.  lOO.  kMuUisun.  504. 

Moove,  7,   10,  10.  53,    84,  OS.lMoiita^nu'.  004. 

IK.k  ISO,  008,  037,  058,  300, i.Morlainl,  00,;.  .    .    

3'10,  437,  438,  440,  441.  4iiSjMuns.tii,  1,  'J,   8,   10,   00,   03,,  557. 
450'  o;-^  -ISO  500,  057,  OSS.'     00,  07,  :;0,  ;;!,.")0,  15^-;,  ]01,:Xirliol,  411. 
Mopk    xix'.  xxi'v.  I     103.  104,  10,7,  lS(k  181.  103,jXidu.!s,  05,  07.   71,  110,  115. 

Morri.s   0    OO    OS,    40,   4S,  91,1     000,007.004,210,014,000,1     171,   174,    178.   OoO  to  005, 
147  '17b   173   183   041,  084.1     001,  005,  000,  328,  230,  231,1     235,  200,  204,  2<l8.  311,  338, 
2So',  200',  300!  327,  300.  303,1     234,  235,  200,  271,  373,  274,  |     344,  580,  594,  GOl,  G08,  008, 
400!  407^  4l(k  410,  400.  431  ,j     275,  27S,  307,  308,  300,  300,1      xliv. 
407    504,  515,  545,  550,  554,'     308.  300,  335,  330,  440,  453,|Xicliolson,  140,  331. 
577.'  5S5,  5S0,  00^,  r.34,  030,,]     400,  4i.7,  40'.k  540.  511,  543lXichoUis,  400,  019. 
G43.  05(k  05s,  070i,  070,  ii84,i     to  545,   550,   555,  5;i4,  5G0,jXirk(M-soii,  18G. 
Morrill    17.  }     500,  571,  570,  587,  030,  047, jXix,  573. 

MorrtOl',  0S5.  040,050,  053,057,  070,  070,iXort!i,  5,  8,  45,  51.  110,   121), 

Moss.  9,    l(k   13,   17,   21,  28,1     073,  081.  007,  701,xlviii 
71,143,  217,   274,  2ys,  405,iMunn,  11. 
407,  470,  45:1,  404,  5  10,  50:!,'Munr(H-.  77. 
GOO    004.  04S,  051,  (''52,  OrO,lMiiii.l.,',  lOik  509. 
TOO.  |Murd(4kxlv. 

Molt,  3:45,  430.  045.  jMunsell,  Is). 

Motir\  LiOk  jMumlonl,  7  7,  5S5. 

Moultiirop,  05.  07,  28    :>4.  :55,LMulford,  0.1,    157,    28 
8G,    40,    47,    50,    101,,   147. j     5.)7. 

170   to    175,   i.'70,    •j>-0.i.Mu:(lo(4v,    07,    OS,    150,    l50,iXo;ari,  4'J. 
:535    504,  574.  0.;:k  OOk  703,       30:k  |Xoiiisc,  50. 

Munav,     151,    25,    070,    370,^Xoiihr...i.,  01 ,    153,    10k  k;:'., 
07:4.'  210,  24;;,  30(k  400,4-0,  505. 

Mutior,  4;45.  I     517,  530,  (kls,  04:k  00:i. 

Xel-ou,    117,    00-,    054,    040, 

Xfwjudk  148,  3:kk 
XVirlctoii,  0.i4,  005,  53il,  5s7, 

Osik  'i'iO.  <i;iO. 
Xcil,  055,  UOi.k 
Xt'vins,  4"'5. 
Xflain,  507. 
Xe\v!>i-rr\\  180. 
Xowkirk.  338. 

1:10,  1S3,  43; 

Xodino,  10,  13. 

Xovcs,  S.   000,  (iOO,  0--3,  000. 

Xorton,  17,  OS.  (;o,  0  1,  71,83, 

j     81,    10(k    100,    171.    050    to 

055,  057,  Os7.  ;:o;i,  :!50, 

:!01,  :;s4,  4.'.0,  l-!l,  I'W;.  I'.is, 

288,1     505,  5i:k  501,  "-Oii.  o:;0,  5'<0, 

'     057,  00:;,  074,  (;77,  xlviii. 

Morev.  430, 
Mollatr,  270.  300,  3.14 


iXDKX  or  sri\XAM!::s. 

XcrtliLMul,  ]-JG.  lOveriiKiii, '2r)G. 

Noble,  85,  lis.  21S,  2-11,  iUG.'Uwtns,  .V.i;; 

2(i7,  20«,  ;J0f3,  027. 
Nott,  IS4,  <J0.  22(1  -V^T. 
iSr(jtl;eck,  xh . 

Nortlileigli.  xix. 
Xoniian,  f)?'*. 

Nvf,  r.v.;.  is:.,  712. 

Xutuian.  ;!ls,  G-i(\.  GTG 
Nurse,  5(J2. 

lOxeiidcn,  XXIV. 

Pavnc,  42.  171,  177.  is;;,  212" 
23;^  242,  24:5,  2.>1,  yt;7.  4:Jb 
539,  042. 

Piivson,  2:57,  5:iG,  GGG,  G02. 

Fu<:k',-r,  217,  257. 

iParkfiilinni,  70; 

ipaiurv,  1,  1;'2  to  s.-,,  s;7.  fi,l.  <j5,|Puton,  352. 

1     PiO"  1(11,  i;i:i.  lo4,  l!(i),  5S'0.iPurtri<lL!v.  is  I.  2:'.s,  407. 

I     GGU,  07(1,  GS5.  |P:irish,"4]0,  G:-'.7. 

'Pi'jincsttr,   xxxix.  '.Packard,  GMO,  GSl,  xxxvi. 

I  Parker,  2,4.    in,    i;;.    ['.).   nn.:]\-\dilock,  HO,  543. 

'     53,    Gii.   71).    ]2r.    151),    IGl.'Par.l.  54G. 
Xuto,  xxviii,  xxix,  XXX,  xxxi.l     ISs.  2.;)().  225,  •:5().  2^->'.  307.;Patrhin,  57U. 

j     315,3;J7.  373,  45U.  451,  45S,:PMlniciiter.  5G7. 

!     4G  ).    4G1.     4sn,    52S.     5:l'.i, 'Faliueter,  IGD,  212. 

I     557,  5i;n,  5!)!.  5i)(>.  (>25,  (ri3. 'Payler,  yxiv. 

i     G3f;,  G-15,  G52,  GGl,  G^G.  702,iParkill,  334. 
xlii.  xlv.  'Parke,  5s4,  077. 

iPiilmer,  !S.  11,  2-!,  41.   1)7,  Os.lParr.  GiVj. 

i     loH,  isi;,  21S,2G3,  2S1,  2i>5.^P*-r]c,  4.  7,  9,  17,  2i>,   41,   4!). 

1     :'.24.  3-5!  :'.:;G,41ii.  414,  52S,j     74.  si.    lui,   i/i2,   110,   137, 

;     514,  51^.55^'.  572.  (129,  Gsy. I     13S.     13'.i,     144.    lis.     l-}'.), 

iPuice.  6,  H4,  35,  17U,  220,  2oO,!      15n,  i;,ll.  l,i:^  jG5.  IGs.  IV/J, 

j     236,  2G(),  2M 1 ,  284,  4G3,  472.  i     1  72,  1  s  1 .  1  s .',  1  s-\  i  mi,  1  ux, 

I     530,  G^il.  G2G,  G13,  G53,  GG2,:     200.  2i)G,  215,  2:J3,  235,  2G5, 

Oa-dfii.    117,    300,    31S,    8U),;     G77.  200,  2G7,  270,  271,  272,  273, 

'320.  321.  :!23.  3s3.  3-^4.  4lG.  Pat:;or,  s,  11,  2S^  27G,  202.  322.  325,  32!),  34*1. 

418,' 42(V,  42v;  631   HMG.  G75,.Pangl.orn.    25.   31>,   279.    325,       :M-1.  350. -!2it,  443.  4(;5,  4G7, 

670,079.  j     330,  405,  4';7.  40!),  4s2,  4ss,  Ifii,  G^2,  500, 

Og]«0v,  284,  32t).  iPardee.  25  t!' 20.  10,130,147,       517.520,521,53-.  511,540, 

O^sljuVu-,  089.  j      150.  157.  ii;5.  P'7.  10;),  173,1     559,  504,  5'..5.    021    t,)    024, 

(ihiisted,  23,    83.84,  95,  132. |      197,  2S0,  29:;,  2')4.  3tt0.  307.!     02s.    (^il,   Oj(;  m  052.   (mS. 

134,  255,  -ioij,  410,411,  45U.'     32i;.  32s.  :;s4.  r,4V,,  550    551. j     5i'r;,  (Uil.  0:;7,  0';;).  07U,  079. 

009,  09L  I     033.  !i3G,  043.  tM4,  !;'!5,('50,j     Gm),  u'-l,  (85,  702. 

01il>liaiu,  115,  414,  471.  \     009.027.  G2S,  G5o,  652,  G71.'Pe!ii;,  10,    ibi.  047,  048. 

Oaks,  103.  238.  754. 
Oaklev,  258.  593. 
Oatley,  552. 
Ohonlciaii.  150. 
O'Brien,  203,  301,  3i)8. 
O'Bvrne.  xii. 
O'Tool.',  xii. 
0'C'.>iiiv)f,  51,  5G5,  500. 
Occuiu,  510. 
OJell,  28. 
Oflield,  104. 

O'Ke.v,  007.  1     073,  703.  704,  7U0. 

Olivi'r.  -V',r).  Pix'^'-x,  59,  14:1. 

Olnev,  24s,  240,  250,  510.  Parley.  l(i(),  K.'S. 

Olds;  101,^77.  Parn.'ll.  331. 

Olcett,70.    110,  lis,  444,  445,  Panel.  40. 
4  19,  450,  452,  590.  50] .  620,  Pai-na! 

71'),  711. 
Peieis.  41,  IfN,  518,  504.' 
Penr.vtr.  80.  si.  4v2. 
Perki:is.  19.  52.(55.  70.  s4.  sQ. 

S7   92.  90,  9i).  1:;:.  i:;s,  i:;:». 

!41    14s,  149,  1:^-,  171,  1S2. 

Ouioi!,    18]. 
Ortez.  129. 
Ortoii,  18,  18s,  493. 
Oi'vis.  520. 
Orciit.  xl. 
Onidoir.  18. 
Orr.  709. 

i     237 

024,  029,  6:15,  030 

;i41    2:11.  2i'5,  20:;,  20s.  2i;ii, 
!     683,(^92.  1     27i!27:;,274.2i.O,  2!)s.  32S, 

Ipaiiip,  41.  19:;.  279,  :127,  452,1     3:;o,  :;i;!.  3f;2.4l2.  431.  44:5 
655',    004,    GS5,    089,    711,1     525,  597,  509.  0:;o.  (i31.  ti:',: 
I     xxvii.  I     tn  G3!t.  (149.  050.   (.50,   (i74. 

;Par^ons.  52.  70,  104.  123,  100,1     OS4.  (;s5.  70:1.  xxx,  xlv. 
'      lOS,  ISO,  201.277.  27S,  ;i83.;l^'ndleten,  101. 
:     ;-;si'  424,  472.  527,  501.  5G2,:!\'tu!.  70.  159.  514. 

Osboni,  32,  39.  116,  139,143.'     575.  595,  01  7,  OS] ,  089,  xix  iPea-e,  55.  112,  l:!5.  249,  2;)0 
1G7,  177  t<.)  180.   207,   209,  Patter.snii,   ss.   11.-,,  110,   131,1     315.  :nO,  417,  543,  025. 
214!  29(!,  2!i7.  ;;:M,  450,  507,.     13:].,  200,  3:13,  52s.  GSl.  P.'ct.  IP^. 
587,020.  0:;2.  x.  l^irr.v.  110.  ■Peiidarves,  xix. 

Osl.orne.  MO.  140.  151.  Pau!di:i-.  101.  ;Pea>lee.  xiv. - 

Osrtaiid.-r.  2oO,  303.  300,  439.  Parks.  204.513,517,521,  509.  Pi  nlaP.iw.  xlv.  xlv" 

<.)sirou!,  95. 
0.-:q>hr.,  404. 
Os-'ood,  4  77.  478. 
0.-;siunder,  009. 
Otis,  5,  .xxviii. 
Otway,  xxiv. 
<.)ntlin;it,   445. 
Overton.  13:;. 
Oviait,  157,  105,  328,  GO: 

Parklun>t.  259,  30;).  :U1,  (iOO,  Penlirld.    110,    12i),    130,  147. 
.Paroin,  :;i5.  355,  555.  ;     30',).  4:!0.  707. 

:Paiv.n.  315.  jPell,  144. 

Parrotr.  lis.  iP.Mdilenii.   15! ,  5:50). 

I'antnn.  191.  iPeuMViil.    lOi;.    100,    ISO,  057, 

, Parle,  414.  421,  406,  5:^2,  533,'     xxii. 
i     xliii.  iPenney,  220. 

'Pad-,-t;.  4S8.  'l>.  ui^.t.  2  17. 

Ipixinter,  400,  670.  jPe-tiiudy.      210,      4^5,      690. 

I  xxxviii,  xliv,  xlv. 

INDLX    OF    .SL'i;.NAMi:---. 

(   i   1 

Pelton,  4!.-|,  45:?,  4.'3a,  4.")<l.        Pitcairn,  111. 

IV'iikr,  o-iS.  Piok.-tt.  441,  4!)1,   (MO 

PfnuinErtoii,     Of-i,     Gn'j,   O-!-:).  Piti  Iut,  i»S,  r)!);!. 

7U1).  ^ 
!-•(■))•  II,   fi1'2. 
PltIcv,  4^:,. 
Pt-rhiun,  -Un. 

I'.'lhum,  ;!i;i;. 

rf<ii-on,  >!1T,  n!!l. 

Pcrri>^uii,  ;;-^u,  5r.!). 

I'epjii-'r,  ■I'-i'-j. 
Peifie,  r)4,S. 
lV'H!i!in:ui,  691,  xxiii. 

Pn-isticv,  no. 

Proui,  -ji).  •.?;^,,  1  !■?,  mr,  r,0o, 

Piv>-t()ii,  (il,  71,  11(1,  144,2ri<i, 
4G.1,  4(17.  \>->,  4SS,  V.)-2.  A'.r.]. 
r>:2o.  57:!.  r,!)(3,  (ISO,  C.-^'J. 

Pratt,  II.  SI,  1)4.  ICO.  i;};], 
2-J(),  ■?i7,  ;!,447,  4.V).  40S, 
-U}\.  47!,  r.iri  :,iK],  f.:;r;,  5^4, 
CUi,  (i74,  (i7S.  xlviii. 

Piiniiii',  -Jo.  7;;,  I'.ii).  r)07.  r)-:!). 

Pitlslcv,  4.j7. 
Pii^i^,  ')40. 
PiliTiion,  710. 
Pillule,  ;J20. 

PirloTt,   230. 

Pirkc:iiiix,  ;!0-2.  3-?:]. 

Piiickncy,  iiiK],  :A)-l.  ;)!).-). 

Piiililiaiii,  xi\4ii.  xwi. 

PiuiJili,  j;.i  Kis,  'J.'):-!,  .")il7,  .j7t),|      r;M).  (Kii).  (IM' 

•3-29.  ,      IPiiii-lf.  c:^,  (;:;7. 

Plant,  117,  IP.t,  Km.  lOD,  r)47,!Pivv,-,,tt,  47.   T)!.  7:],    74.  19.". 
Plank,  117.  I     -JiM),  :!lil,  :>:);;,  ."joN.  (i-.'-2,(;4s, 

Plait.   (VJ,    7."),    P!!',,    11)7,    l.i-ijj      tjrvo,  (jv:;,  xxxvi,  xxxvii. 

17r,,  -i.-)"),   2o*i   t.i   •,'(;!).  .■.:M,!  Proud  fit,  iKi. 

541;,  ."j.-ji!,  r)f)ii,  ."it;;,  ,37.-),  .")7y.' Frontier,  l-,'(i.  l;!4,  ir,o,  22.""). 

692.  69:i  iPrr-iuis.s,  44ti. 

PhiinnuM',  ICi),  409,  ."i^l.  iProfTor,  24.-,. 

Plu!!!,  7S.  PU,  :j!J9,  G'jS.  IPrior,  195,  449. 

Pluviiit'Ht,  19k 
Powrl!.    1,  y:],   87,   IH.-),   tfIT, 
■7S,  CiiS, 

JVlk-t,  (iSl, 
Pcke.  xxiv. 
P«-Mv,  6,  s4,M;,:J41.;34^.o:i; 

;3S4,4l.-..  4:J7,  4.'3U,  472,  5/2 

69"?.  xlli,  xlvi. 
Pfttis,  424,  6U0. 
i\'iirusf,  477. 

Pfrriiic,  yyn,  4.79. 

PL-mbcrtmi,  .■)V2. 

.Pplf/.er,  Til/.u. 

JVarce,    2!I2,    4!!5.    o-i'j,    5*37,       171,407,471.5:; 

570,  57ii.  67s.  7ii:_;. 

Pette'-.  5;;i.  P.itii'i-.  1,  2,  5.  22. 

Ptri-jt,  54.  .59,   (i5,   (Wj,    122,    177,    isl  ,j  Pnul^T.  (il  7. 

P]ill!j|.<e,  402.  2:3!,  247,  27'.i.  2'.i5,  :;ii(3,  :-^tt7.!Pn  v.-;.  :;:;^.  ::;:39,  :jS5,  ;391. 

Phiiliii.-^,    li.   ;35.  42,  82.   150,.     ;J7(),  5:30,  5-.i2,    511    ;.,    544,j  I'uuuini.  :3-12. 

212,  251,  :jH,  ;-r,i,  Ai".  5-.'l,       (i:]-!,  (;:j5,  tV.'.s,  i;::*!.  i;5(;,  65"^,  Priivn,  x'vi 

579,  694,  xli\-.  6ij!),  7i)l,  7o;j,  7U<;. 

Phelji.^,  4:3,  i)4.  lis.  ]2;3,  10^,  Poif.  xxii. 

2o;;.  205.  V2^>.  2:, 7.  :3:J5.  4i:i,  [\,rx,'v.  10.  l:^,  2'>.  6s,  S8,  91,  F'undi-rscn,  40,  1:37.  141.  14:; 

418,  ^2^,4-..':;,  4:i5.  5ni.  5611.,     1^9.  100.  P>2.  11  4.    122.  IIS,       li:n,  l.';i.  172,  17';.  1 7-    ''"s 

576,  5112,  594,  657,  674.  ii9.3,'      PJii,  14S.  \U<.  216.  275.  285. 

(■';-)7.  7('5    7n7.  '     ^2'--:.  292,  :;2 7,  :34i;,  :;50.  :J59. 

Piiii.i>>^,    12s     154.    157.    1^0,       :3s4.  407,  411.419,  424,  427. 

Ish,  192,  194,  P!5,  PJ7.  545.       42!),  456.  46:3,  512,  5:36,  n:JU. 

549.  628.  629.  6,0.  '     »i!S.  (;2.\  057,  664,  665.  67:4. 

PlinMiix,  79,  5^1.  •     678,  6';.':7.  xii. 

Piiil-pr;!,  50s,  5w;.>.  ;i'onk-v,  51. 

Plujipany,  6sl.  Powers,     41,    :3:35.    ;372,    446. 

PitM-poiii.,   2U.  22,  2:4.   25.  26.       5S4,  60H,  xxxvi. 

:'.U.  ;30   60,  u4.  67.  139,    p.".),  PoiiO,  ;i,  k!,  07,  16S.  18:j,  218, 

lv;8.  I  :i.  -Ji^S.  2ni.  2n;,  ;/:]:.,      y;i7,  ;;46,  528.  624,  li25,  645, 

226,  V-7,  210,  21'.»,  :j52,  25:3.       4;is,  (3:)2. 

259,  260,  2S0,  2s2,  2s:3,  2iJ4,  Post,   2:4:;;  2:34,  282.  2s:3,  42:3, 

295,  :j:j5,  o49;  ;356,  :J70,  427,      4sl,  iiS4,  fiiio,  xxxiv. 

4:J2. 4:34,  484,  506,  56:3,  6U5  Pom. -ha-,    2:37,  265,  408,  411, 

to  007.  628,    04i,   642,   65'i,      415.  419.  4:15,  4:)6,  514,  515, 

678,  OtiS.  6i»5.  I     (;:j.-,. 

Picrcf.  41.  45.  4ii.  4<.  55.    74 OPolk.  50.  4-^5.  426,  427. 

95,  97,   ll'i,   2:;7.  247,   :31i,!p., twin,  4:36. 

o:;7.    :365,   51:;.   :,i;^.  xxxiii,' Pollock,  106,  :;s4,  425, 

xxxviii,  xlviii.  IPowavhav.   192. 

Pikf.  12,  :;o',!,  ;j-;.i7.  |Por.-e''>.-,  2:14. 

Pitts,  11:;,  :\-;V.  |Po!hir<l.  xix. 

i'ixl.'v,  1  i5.  Powlt's.  6:38. 

I'iiielic,  xxiv.  Pn|n'.  472. 

Pitkin.    S7,    !»2,   9.';,    97,    l■:4.;^^..)r,  :;')!.  01 1. 

i:;5,  i^ii.  2S7,  :;i7.  65-<.  4-^  l.Ii'orkiis.  ;;ili. 

427.4:;0,  4  15,  5:;;,  62k  6  7:;.|Poyn'^.s-,  :i:;i. 
J'i.T-on,    142,    160,    U)2,    2l)i;.:Poii.-<.n!n-.  (iio. 

297,  666,  6i3;,  076.  il'r(-:-srr, '24s. 

Prevcre,  2:37. 

Pritcliard,  257,  416,672.  700. 
Price,  204.  50!1,  575,  xxiv. 
Prince,  5:31,  (;78. 
Prime,  ISO.  .57:3,  575,  580. 

Piinlv,  :y.].  094. 
Pullina-.  82, 

452.  (i20.  629.  6:1s,  0:;o.  i;21, 

65:3,  654.  Ci.^i.  070,  07:3.  000. 
Putnam.   75.    122,    1-M,    215. 

;b7.  419.  401,  546,  575,  499, 

X  >.    i  i . 
Pi'.lv.T.  5-Jl. 
I'uiish'V,  575. 
Pull/.  250. 
PnnrharO,  6:15,  699. 
Pynclion,  xxxil. 

t-Juiney,   155. 
(I'uiliinan,  xxv. 
Uuiek,  57. 
Quinil>y.  00. 
Qnintard,  :329. 

liaekenutn.   422. 

Rankin.  lo7. 

Uadlord.  '.)2. 

Havmond,    4,    9,    SO.    Si,  121. 

V.V.I  ;;i5,  41:;.  025. 

Handall,     6,     212,    46,7.    470. 

Pav,    25,    57,    00.   0,:!.    04     6s. 

2:]!,  277.  2s;;,  566,  5i;7.  6:;:!. 
Ikui.l,  lOo. 
ifanliold,  :;i. 

Ilannev,     .s:;.    277,    (iOli,    691. 
Rain.  151. 


H;ini:>ay,  l!i;j,  •JUo. 
KaiT^oin,  IK),  4-J(;. 
rtaneckc,  H»7. 
Hayiinlds.  ^-i'J. 
HandoljOi,  !?:!»,  :!(i!j,  yi),s, -lie 

710.  xxiv. 
liad.-liffc,  y.jC. 
Haoaii,  oS'S. 
JJathl).)!!.-,  417.  oSl. 
HamsuPll,  'il!l. 
]ialeii;li,  xxii. 
liead."!,  1),  -2;;.    ^,0,    7.-)  to  si 

2iG,  ^^7,  ::o5.:;i7.  5(J4,  Gi^ 

C5;5,  (J7S.  fis-2,  riso". 
Rt-amf-r,  ]7i). 
K-d;iH!d,   (i;j,    -eiu,  O!)-^,   4^7 

o!)'j,  aoo. 

l;extV)id,    O.s,    Mo    -^Jl    •>:].■) 

,'45,  (JHfJ. 
Kfdsl)n\v.  ]  \r,. 
Hcynnkis,  (is,   ]:;.-,,    ]sn    -jdi! 

:i40,   18,  •,>].    >7-2.  •.;4,  ]i4; 

4oo,  4:;^.  45;),  4ij(!   rt;jt;  o-io 

OSJ,  7!) 7. 
Reeve,  U-"5,  Ho.  IDS,  -21:^,  :^ -<."). 

ysi?.  .5117. 
J'eiijstn.  '2 4"' 
!»t-'ddini:rriii.  ."il,~),  xl. 

KeodfjiC  1-2;;.  ir,u. 

Kfi<i.  ."lis.  .V,';i,  .J4S,  GIO. 
l^'vualv.  27(1. 

Iiehi-r,  tjsC". 

Ileed,  17-2,  jS."),  i^O,  227,   2o2 

to  2m.  .2ijs.  ;i:54.  :r7t).';571. 

'Sin,  441t,  .147,  r,(_;0,  G24,  xlii. 
Keiuiels,  .j2U. 
Hey,  5GU. 
Hegua,  ,>S4.,  •2^-0. 
Rlioadc.-,  r,fi  ,-)S!,  .-jO.  cCS. 
Rliiiieliart,  ')<). 
Ricluu-ds,  o,  7fi,  St.  K)2,    H»Q 

2o0,  ;U9,  ^20.  '33i.  >!:^o.  ;];;<;. 

414,  4;is  472.  4'.).s.  4!t!)  .jl.j 

■^)4y.  6!5.-). 
Rid.r,  '24,  112. 
Ri-ir-^,    14.1,     1411.    252.   y;]0 

oU.").  .572. 
Rice,  0-2,  .59,  72.  SQ.  10;j,  ]4:>, 

15S,  l.sO.  22U,  •22'2,  '22:!,  25!),' 

2G;^i.  ■2H2  8:^1.  :5'j(),'  ,5(if;!  .541! 

;54-J.  55],  5r;i,  5tj5,  .50:1.  5!)4, 

6s!).   xxxiii. 
RicluuoLid,    42,  41).    51     244 

Risi.'v.  i:;i,  4 is. 
Ricliarlson.     152,     229     ;3:'.-' 

o48.  442,  44:?,  5'22,  525,  5.^] 

54fi,  5)i(;. 
Rikcr,  2i»;_). 
Hitud-,  21)S. 

Ri'ld.di,   .T)].  ' 

liigin-,  !).s,  oil,  5G0.  \ 


IRippeltop,  512. 
iRi.-Ji,  '252,  44s,  ,-)44. 
iRi.dvey,  ^19,  575. 
'Ritchie,  IGU,  4  72,  GOO. 

iJisiui;-.  9,S,  .•)i)7 
I  Ridge.  197. 
!Ri])lev,  H-U.  :!v9,  440. 
iRidloy,  4G:i 

U:ivcrs,  Gil. 

!i;ii'ketsoii.  iiy.j. 

Itiloy,  090. 

l.'oluMt  the  Devil,  012 

l^'^-l•t.  2GS. 

RM!]ia!iii>;  H.  Gl'2. 

Ko<'.  ^rro.  21:!,  4-24. 

liohiTteua,  21s.  4:,'G 

Hoht.evdx,   I7:j,  17n. 

i;o!.]).  1.S4. 

Rohofts-,  '20.   47,   5-2,   .55,  110 

172.  175.  Is2,  221.  ;_i2s.  ;J4:;. 

o7U,  451.  !!)M,  ,")07,  ,-,1(1,  ,-,i7_ 
'      52:^.  524,  54;;    015,  055.  09!), 

TCI),  x.xix.  xxx  xxxi,  xlv. 
Rooi.  !)s,  lOi)^  ;/  lij^  ^  i_  |o 
,  14,  17,  ^]s.  1;,:;,  0|-,-  '2:;ii' 
I  441,  490.  505.57:^.,  57-5.  5s;;i 
:  005,  0:-J7,  G40. 
Roh;..   xl. 

Howlriiid,   11,   14S,  421,  4;];j 
i     024,  Gsl. 
:]?oys.   14. 
Roycf,     1:55.    '217.     244.   402. 

-}(;;,  4.S2,  4SS.  491,  4!)S.  .Mio, 

520.  5'i7,  5-!5,  G51,  0(19. 
l-;ol)l)iiis,  11,  20.  SO    120  1-22 

119,  121,  12.S,  175.  241, '497! 

414,  429,440,44s,  451,472 

649,  xli. 
R"grvs.  12.  20,  27,  2o,  47,59. 

51,    72.    7;!.    90,    110,    145, 

104.  175,  24!),  279,  327,  3:15 

;i:39,  849.  4I5,42n,  4:30,  490, 

510,  571,  0.)S,  02s,  082',  G70,' 

xxxvi,  xxxviii. 
F^ui.-:e,  84.  85,  211,  xliii. 
R'nve.  84,   71,    191.    107.  lOS 

149.  108.  172,  178.  174   1S9 

199.  2," 

I,  2si),  2S1,  2.S4, 

!  29S,-  299,  807,  817.  :]tU\,  458 
40,5,  022.  (528,  t;8f),  08S,'  0.58, 
005,  OOs,  07!),  7()-.;.  7(1. ;_ 

i;ol.!ii-on,  48.  4fj,  51,  09,  98 
142,  147,  10:',,  172,  170,  212 
2]-'.,  :289.  279.  2^-7.  291,  ,80!)' 
808.  870.  499,  502.  594,  022, 
048.  04y,  078,  (i70.  704,  705! 


Rov.  '21,  111,  118,    8,42     841 

457.  r.:n. 
IiolKTt-oii,  OS,  202,    55s,  ,-,()i.' 
Hodgfi-.s,  9!,  010. 
Ro.seiirraiU/,  257,  25S.  | 

i?ossiter,  29s,  514,  527. 

Ro.ssetter.  ]04. 

l^>\vfll,  114. 

liood,  no.  574. 

Iiop(>r.  174,  420 

Roath,    117. 

Robbard.<,  21.,  l,s9.  195,  274,  822    881 

598.  017.  710. 
jRo.vku-cll,    28.    91,    2>5.    418, 
4S2,  5t)8,  584.  590.  021,  (i8s', 
I     008,  009,  077,  07s,  079,  (}>•'.)[ 
\     xxxviii. 

iRo-puvll,  511,    549,  028    687 
;     70(j. 

:Rou4.'v.  5';7. 
iKodriirk,  297. 

I\oral)arl;,  .-,4<). 

Rossi vii.  010. 

Rollo'  015, 

i;o\vliotii.:ii.  <i8S.    - 

Howlat'il,  xlvii. 

l>ii-s,4I,   2.   1'.!   2>i.  35   -o;   ,-,1 
.     tl".  ^7,  180.    187.    180,   '159! 
172  to   170,    is.s.   i;i8.   279, 
292.  21I.''.  :!;;5,  490.  j;is,' 
■      504,  58^.  5,;  !,  5:15.  50s,  028. 
0i'<5.  OiO.  t;:;8.  08ii.  018,  050, 
008,     OS  I,     090,    091),    ii9  7, 
i^-lgt:.  13, 
iRusJi.  79,  822,  410. 

Rutgers,  409, 

Rn^^'j-l'-s.  492    490     (>05     0s9 
(     0!i.-,.  '  ■  '  , 

\\in\c.  52!, 
4^uss,  548, 
'Ruskiu,  lOi). 
■Ruimicv.  469 
'Riiniinidi,  1,S7. 
Huiiy(.n,  ."ill), 
'Ruge.s.  5S5, 
iRuilduek,  02s, 
'Ryder,  51.  211,  578.  093. 
Rivan.  487,  521,  .592. 
KylaiiPf.  51s. 

S.-inford.    10,  20.   25.   70.   71, 

72.  108.- 11 5,  lis,  185.  130. 
I  13S.  HI.  1.18.  Hi!,  174,  17S, 
•  199.  220,  22s.  288.  218,.  258. 
j     254.  270.  2:9.  2sO,  2^'l.  :.!-.'9, 

88fi.  801),  522,  5SI),  ;,::;),  02!. 

01.8.  058,  055,  070.  O-'O.  OOO. 

05S.!;71,  0S.\  702.  xlv. 
^aekiTl,  20,  27,   09,  825.  82(1, 

:]■■]:•,_  8;:0,  58(i,  020,  (>82,  05S, 

078.  097. 
Sa.vtoi).  572.  5.S5. 
Sali;ioi;,  8;.!, 

S:uilsl>i;i  \',  •">S4. 

Salisiiui-v.    8:;.     45,    71,    110, 

81 S,  8.")0,  110.  517,  (i.U. 
Sanders,  79,  217,  50  i ,  51)2, 


Seward,  1-24,  KO,  LM'2,  402, 

SfVfMii,  58. 

S.-lU-ck,  80,  81,  lyo,  2S.7,  ;3;5t|, 

SLuluiry,   :!0r>. 

Soxt'.u."  10!,  Mil. 
(Selover,  ]1",. 
ISep-iir,  188. 

Spiiion,  201). 

Sfai-;,  2211,  2.j,-),  298,  -!lG,oO:J, 

Sewall,  110. 

S.-aiK',  4-1(1. 

So  well,  1)04. 

Si'llan,  .-)0]. 

Scauravi',  .'352. 

Sl^cl•^v(K)(l,  o,  V],   78,  80,  244 

5G:},  (io;.  G>!4.  (iG2,  tJUO. 
|Shattiicic,  xxxsiii. 
iSlifJil,  wxN'iii. 

Sliepard,  ;>(.!,  '37,  4o,  46,  47, 
r)'j,  75,  90.  97.214,  2i.O,  2!i2, 
272,  420.444,451,  4.Mi.  495, 
5:^4,  U;3y   GJ;;!,  (j74,  704. 

iSiu>rl)uri!t',    XXXV,    xliv,  x^lv, 


)'i.  Slid  iiiaii 

Saundcr.s,  (301,  ()I55. 

Saviige,  4,  88,  109,  121,  488, 

589,  G90,  091. 
Santrer,  lol. 
Saltonslall.     1H4,     150,     GGl, 

Gil,   x.Kxiv. 
Sabin,  85,  87,   100,  ;j;;7,  334. 

427,  485. 
Sanborn,  oo,  ;jo5,  xxx. 
Sadler.  20G. 
Salter.  2:;7.  G29. 
Savaii.  25:J. 
Sailev.  249. 
Sfig-e;  88,  281,   28:3,  374.  448. 

450,  (191.  ()92. 
Saui))sun,  98,  359. 
Sanderson.  41G. 
Savward.  371. 
Sayk's.  430. 
Satterlee,  471. 
Saflord,  57 1,  595. 
Sands,  027. 
Sargent,  GGO,  G32,  xlii. 
Sa\crs.  G75. 
Sa'wver,   12G,    441.    GOd,    G54, 

GO] . 
Savery,  570,  |     xlvi. 

Seannniiii,  xxviii  iShew,  38. 

Scoville,  4.  5,  G.  1  7^:,  19-\  510.  Slmb.nli,  71 
Scofield,    50,    179.    2!;o. 

270.  338,  339.343,  344,  315, 
Scribner,  481. 
Scoti,  25,  33,  59,  iRi,  07.  119 

130,  144,  IGO,  161,  10':^,  19S 

213,  243,  277,  282,  320,472 

527,  530,  50N,  509,  013, 022, 

040,  G04,  708,  xxi,  xlviii. 
Schoverling,  241. 
Schroeder,  241,  423. 
Scudd.  ]•,   19S. 

SrUuyler,  111.  342.  392.  39G.iSli 
Sear.s'dale,  529. 
Srliriber,  331. 
Scarborough,  415. 
Scdiermerliorn,  504. 
Schillinger,  001. 
Scranton,  284,   510,  517,  073. 
Scaring,  310. 
S(/vinoar,  5,  53,  8(i,  84  to  99. 

123,  129.  132,  134.187,200, 

202.210,  205,333,342,  3^4, 

423,  424.414.440.417,  44s, 

451.  513,  515.  5'.)iJ,  iiH.  089. 

SelkrigL'-s,   1!).   ISO. 

S^ddeii.  38.  8^,  415,  0,1,  091. 

Sedo-wirk,    3^,    !'I,    80,    i;i2, 

]:{3,  134,421,   ! 22,  42s,  454, 

405,  407,  513,511,517,521, 

541,  502,  022.  001,070.  r.7r 

Cu'J,  0^•a.  Sh-H.'.^,  22:!. 

Seelev,  13,  21,01,7s.  S2,  1  K!,  Slinn,>,  2-^2,  510. 

20l",  314,  330,  33S,  :;44,  52n.  S!iaii!e\ .  001. 

581,  590,  03G,  GS!,  xhi.        i 

74,    70.     78,    102 

"-iieiinan.  cj,  lO.  iS,  jir^, 
;  122.  142,1  10.  150,  104,  105, 
i  172,220,  241,  249,  258,  271, 
'  4-,'3.  445,  447.  534.  550,  025. 
;  G30.  G3-1,  048,  054,  072,  Gsi 
!     to   (580,   095.  090,  099,  701, 

710.  xxii.  x!i. 
Shelton,    02,    ill..     110,    118, 

428,  597. 
Shipnian,    88.   91,    12G,    127, 
132,  2^7,  :;o:^.  :io7. 
uuiwav,  170.224,  509,511, 
Shaler,  20],  091. 
Slunv.  s9,  ING,  223,  252,  307, 

499,  5-14,  GS3.  i;9:i,  711. 
Sheldon,    1S5.    21S,  247,    255. 
410.  4;;3,  557,  5G0,  581,  027. 
'Shelden,  115. 
JShephard,  90. 
Shucklord,  xlvl. 
■Shepherd.  18G. 
Sln.iMiiakrr.  412,  7o9.  710. 
{Shell!. .!d,  204,  200,    431,  4SG. 
iShiveri(4i,  42.'. 
Shiiith'worili,  4:!2. 
ShacKhuid.  450. 
Short,  481,  570. 
Shibl.'v.  5;!0, 
Sluiroe.  451,  5O0. 

jSinnnou.s,    4,    10],    239     450 

Silks,  28,  54,  320. 

jsinicox,  39. 

!Sii;-oiin)e\',  51 ,  52,  117. 

iSigler,  5s. 

ISinijikiii^^,  G2. 

jSho]'.-^hire,   7t.lO. 

jSheafe,  G:!7. 

I  Shay,  528. 

Ship[)i'n,  231 .  02r. 

Shreve,  358. 

Sliedden,  341. 

Shult/,  307. 

Shute.  :j07. 

Shepley.  414. 

Slieddon.  3.S0. 
.  SJierrard.  423. 

i  Sherlock.  405. 

jSlierwin,  xl. 

|Silkinaii,  709. 

'sill,  4:;4. 

iSidney.  402. 

:  Sinclair,  010. 

j  Sibley,  G05. 

ISiniiJ-^iiii,  G78. 

jSilllnian,  SI,  88.  322,  335, 
480,  490,  512.  028,  090,  705. 

[Silvi'rniail.  25-1.    * 

jSiztr.  317,  507. 

jSinionsoii,  5-k 

Sinioutoji,  092. 

jSin'renfalter.    127. 

|Sini":s  129.  ;o>!. 
Sinnns,  G!,i2. 
8iza,  192. 

Skinner,  55,  84,  89.  90,  121. 
12S,  -209.  212,  2G9,330.35S, 
411,  423,  433,449,494,490, 

050,  o:;. 

Skillon,   190. 
iSkinkle.  202. 
Skeel,  159,  573. 
SkitV,  1S5. 
Shiie<on,  1,  80,  192,  252,   33  7 

Sloprr,  9    10,  121. 
Siade,    28,    41,    42,    74,    120, 
1     320. 

{Slater,  213.  506. 
I  Slocnni,  247. 
Slnnian.   122. 
iSlenl.  120. 
■Sloan,  ;3:!!l,   451. 
{Sli-ej)t  r,  3(;o. 
jSlaid;,  520. 
IShi'iier.  57-!. 

Snritli,  5,  13,  17,  23-,  2  I,  2G  to 
29.  33  to  4:!,  -10  to  49,  51,  54 
to  50,  59,  02,  05.  07,  70,  72, 
77,  SI,  s5,  ss,  «ii,  i!2,  90, 
9S,  101,  !0:;f;  10.).  1  12,  110, 
lis,  1-J7,  12S,  l:;o,  131,  131, 
138,    139,    14;),    153  lo  150. 


INDKX    OF    SUllN'AMi: 

;3.".o,  ;j?G,  -iss.  r>i]i.  r.To,  Cdo 
(>o:,  OW),  on,  t;:'2.  osoi  (;■:•(;. 

StiinboM),  'JoD. 

St.  Jolm,  7.").  7i;,  IGl.  'iSI. 

Stoiiixlitnii,  (is,  ;;4s.  ;jr:;,  ;iT-j 
■l:;:),  .].!(;.  -i:]s,  g78. 

Sn-alcv,  4.V 

Srill«)n,  !()■].   II-!.  211, 

lG-2   to    IGj,    ir,r.    ICS,   171  Sju-lnKin.  41.  isij. 

to  n.-),  17;)  In  IM.  IS.-,,  l.sS.'Siit-ar,  59,  07:!. 

ISU,   197,   2U0.   -.'nl.    -jns  to'Spi-ino,    Kjo,    :]:,],   3.V2,    COG, 

2i'3,   21S  to   'J-,M,  -J-Ji.;,   e-J7.!     ;JS7,  40,0,  x\iii. 

■22^^  t.j  2:^2.  2;;.l,   -j:;:.  2:;'J,  S^ui.r,  -!,  lo,  573,  575. 

.240,  242,  250,  ^5:;.  ^r):).  257.  .-^tark,  ls2. 

201,  2GH,  2GG,  2GS,  27",  272,  St:M-v.  221. 

273,  2ti4,  2s-;i,  21)1 ,  2!.2.  2!i:].  Spfke,   xix". 

2UU,  3!Jii,  3u7,  ;j(j:),  ;;I2,  :;!5.  Si^:!llldinu^•-'4s,  24'J,  332,  3GG.  iStrickiiu;,  11-3,  Un,    17.-,,  ];,-, 

32G,  331,   33!)  to  3+4.    350,  Si>„iTonl,"352,  GGl ,   xviii.  i     445,  iVo, -IS!.  G4!';   n(;!'(;7-|' 

35'.i,  359,  301,  3si,  3;)1,  4;  1,  S|,aii^-l(;r,  443.  j     (i--s, 

413,414,435,411,441,441'.,  Spiiiio-,.!-.  xxiv.  iStarkey,  113,  GIG. 

451,  4G5,  4G0.  4s2, -jSl,  1^7,  Sqiiiers,  3GS,  GSi].  jStowe,"    IIG,     1 1'.t     \r:'.i     37(; 

4U1,  4'.>2,  403,  4i77.50(-.  50';.  Stanlcv,  !),  (il,  75.   S^-'.  fif).  95.!     ■13!,'4s2,  1^3,  liJ.")   ;,:]<   .^77' 

507,511,  :-Ai).   517,  522,  531      UG.  I'l!).  110.  1-2.    120,  l:;().!     Gmu^    im;,  (io.'),   ciV;    031    tu 

to  53G.   530,    512.    543,  547,'     132,  134.  135.  200,2;):;',  3o9.|     G30,  GO  1.  G77.'Gb'G. 

54y,    551,    o'>-l,   5t)7    u)  5'^u,'     322,  440.  450,  5 15.  5^5,  G25,  :Sr.  L./u-er.  xix. 

ot^O  to  592.  50S  In  Goo,  (>20      G27,  GJs,  G40,  G5:,  G70,  Gs.j  !sn-vit\  277. 

to  625,  62:!,  tioO,  G31.  G35,  (^00. 
043,  G41,  G4S,  G5G.  GG2.  G7(),  StamiaiO,,  4,  ><] ,  211. 
071,  G74,  G7G,  677,  G70,  Gsi,  St.  A'iiicent.  GIO,  Gil. 
685,  690,  Gl»2.  (I-.'G,  0!)^,  :()!),  Stani(4,<,  xxx. 

701,703,705,    7  10,   x,    xix,  Steiliiii:-,  107,   IGO,    1G5,   200.  |r''tov,4k  331. 

Steele,  27s. 
SOTjy,  303. 

Stuni-cvaiit,    320.    412,     520 

XXIX,  xlvi.  xlvii. 

bmart,  o3i.  xxx. 
Siiiytlie.  406. 
Smallfv,  64. 
iSmedlfv,  b5. 
Snioc4v,  1S5. 
Siivder,  45,  114,  xxi. 
Surdr-cor,  ll.".,  200. 
Siw-lliim-,  41i). 

,St(.'ven.-,  2.  21,  ;;i,  4:;,  57,  NO.  ISiandisli.  4:k5,  GOG. 

SI,  143.  14s.    i!)2,  225,  242,'Mow,.i's,  423. 

254,  2G7,  3,1,  317,  30] ,  4:;5,jS:i  irkland,  122,  120,  25\  65]. 

440,  460,  is, I.  400,  407,  ..Ol.iStiiliim-,  s.  Us,  :]Ui). 
I     505,  533,  570,  50i),  (i27,  71 1,  ■,  23S,  GO]. 
I      -^^-x.  |Stair.  12,  204,  4n;i,   447,    432. 

iStcplicus,    42,    57,    110,    IGO,       GOn,  O!)!,  G05. 

Sto<;J;u.4k  245,  247,  G29. 
Stuv--i.-^.-<,    3.    15S,    220.    252,. 
350,  45!.  457.  450.  5sii.  :)(]u' 
lo:i,     237,    407,    4ln_ 

568,  600. 
'St''oni:4)o\v,  xii. 
Suidi.  425,  487,  547,  584.  683,  StLi.wcsant.  OG.  604.  617. 

xxix.  iSiil'rs,  20.  22.  25,    30,   H4,  37,'Sti 

.SiKiwden,  GOO.  !     ]02.  I04,  107,  114.  1 15,  1 1G3     i)-y\ 

Snow,  241,  360,  571,  ^jsil         j     136,  174',  177'.  203'.  27k  273jSti]hiia!i.  102,    IG!.    188.  2s2, 
Soiundle,  89.  I     309,317,320,341,376.408,1     414,551.552,600. 

S<>utli%vic4v.  41,  3?!1.  i     443.  4S2,  400,  573,  576,  641.'Storf  r,  169,  298. 

Soutliiiiayd, 435,436,  437,462,1     655,  668,  6S4,  685,  ()07,  702.  iStilhvrll,  203,   301,   463.  4S5.. 

551,  604.  iStewait,  -13,  4^  5(i,  247,  2^7,  Siiik  '--12. 

Soail!,i!;a;t',  555,  557. 
Soper,  585,  601,  673. 
Soiillieni,  xxxiii, 
Southwovth,  4(ii'!,  52" 
Sonthf-rland.  45s. 
Soiithcott-,  xxi. 

j      321,  323,  3S3,  .t22,  ..2..,  5GV,iStillIii-s,  xxx. 

611,  618,  682,  70S.  ISteObins,  6ik  237,  491. 

Steele,  92,  99,    102.  228.  44G.!Stednian,  442. 

447,  451 ,  454,  450,  45s,  450,  iStabbiard,  270. 
j     460,  491,  657,  664,  671,  600,|St;inp,'inn,  285.  450,  460. 
i     xxxix.  jStinison,  85.  311. 

Spencer.    19.   20.    27,    65,    95,,Stinim-.  4.  5,  :;s,   6-^.97,    llG.!Sto(d^.  232. 

98,  lUO,  110,   110,  12U.  180.:     13.5',  15<),  1S2,  ISO,  213,  21s, jSt uait.  232.  437,  55l. 

1^3,  194,  121.  246,250.  257,;     237,  270,  2s3,  2s;,  357,  401).:sr,';sou,  2!7. 

316,  347,  370,  4-Jl,  444,448.1     440.  443,  425,  455.  487,  4i)3,'Sianu-o(',d.  315. 

449'  481,  495.  500,  52s,  iji\\)-'     .ji2,  .-,28.  550,  5G5,  575,  .507,  Srcv.nynu.  315,  31G,  504,  628. 

690,  xiii.  I     636,664.685,702.707.  Stnrke,  351. 

Spern-,    2k    '-8.   ;;o,   ]  16,  101,;Sti-fci,    40,    Gs,  70,    IN,    117,  Siamp,  437. 

120,    13?  to   130.    146.  lis,!     200,  2o  1,  23; ,  :;:;2,  (i;2.  54G.  Sti-ai  us.     Gk    307,    3G.",    533, 

159,  171,  178.  1"^  1!H).  ','11,1      023,  021;,  (;  IS,  li.Vi,  g:,s.  i;n2.       5!:3.  504.  xxxix.' 

223,  283,  32i;,  327,  330.  307.1     GG3,  Gi'.S,  703.  70l,  706.  Street.^,  47(;. 

50o,  541,  542,  544,  5s.',  GO  ">,  Si  one,    42,    48,    .13.    ,si,    116,  Stisitton,  4.-,G. 

636  to  630.    619,    652.  G5-,  '      142,  152,  22 7,  2:!S,  244,  251,  Stor.t.  !!.  443,  450. 

660,  (i(>3,  6G8.  6S4,  6^5,  7oi'..i      2ss,  33i;,  .'572,  45  1,  457,  472,  Stmp!,..  407.  500. 

S]Kirlia\\  k.  239. 
Sparks,  184,  357. 
S[)ini)er,  133,  267. 
Sprague.  331,   372,  409,  538, 

407,  550,  nO  k  5(;s,  :,-;o  r,-.^  S:"::r,  5^,-3. 
5s5,  .5S(;,  631,  632,  f;i;o,  680.  StOc-ou,  581. 
GOl,  603,  GOO.  Staiitoii,  55k 

Stoddard,  67.  75,  76,  84,  llO.  Stansbiirv,  561. 
1-29,   130,    131,  228,  347   to  Stretton,"  570. 

IN  l)i:X    OF    .Sl-|;N'AMKr- 


Story,  .■>:■(;,  5 so. 

Stiilfnrd,  ."i'.M,  xxii. 
St.-iir.  (JIO. 
Si.-Mii'S,  xxiii. 
Stockton,  o!)! .  xxxii. 
Stern,  ()i7. 
Siapli''^,  (i:;i,  7()7. 
St:  rum,  O'.yi. 
Stil  io_'!oy,    \ix. 

Siylc,  xxiv. 

StoU.  s.  xxxi. 

Sto;.!',  71".). 

SitiiifT,  10,    ()0,    ()."),    6S,    1-21, 

Sunntt,   ICo. 
Sullivan,  -1'.'. 

SuIliV;'.l!l,    110. 

Sutton,  '■.■)7. 
StuiuK/r,  -iV.^  ()Ss,  08:1. 
Siillicrlaiid,  .-)!."),  r)U:, 
S:iiriii;crs,  -i:;,  r):_i'2,   .j;j;j.   0!):;. 

SlUuIl.Tliu,   -Ifl  1. 

SuHiclil,  010. 

Suti-IiiTo,  xi.v. 

Siullcr,  ;t-2U. 

Swan,  7  7.  ;.1IU,  704,  G!iO, 

Swart,  14i. 

Swiii,     141),     141,     24S,    •,!07. 

h:)4,  ;3o;^,  5:J1. 
Swoct,  4:S1,  ')['). 
S\vvc't!aiid,  544,  51)4,  711, 
Swcuzey,  58'i. 
S'.vaiiii.  XXV. 
Swain,  3::30. 
S\Nayne,  075. 
S\v,'<'tii!ir,  ;!34. 
Syl<cs,  000. 
Syivt'sttT,  ONo. 
Syuics.  ;i;i,  ;i75. 

Synniits,   xx\ii. 

TanraliainaJi.'t.  lo(). 
Tnhuaduu,      170,     2W,    2!)H 

y--r,,  ;f,H),  4ii,  o-j2,  g-j4,  05-,' 

055,  70:3. 
Tuliua-e,     15,    74,    14-J,    -,'10 

41(i,  "444,4115,  0:l:J,  050,  (i5S 

'I  a\'lor,  5,  4"i,  55,    7'2,  7o,  70 

f-Jo,  147.  ;2oi),  -^05.  -J:;.!,  '244 

ois,  yai*,  40ii,  4-2i;,  4n--J,  400 

5-J4,  544,  545,  5>o,5sj,  5^4 

5!)0,  i;::j,  {;  in,  o^v. 

4';)icot;,    so,    n;,    '-N,    01  ,     100 

14  1,  k;:!,  ;;-;7,  44^^  5i5,  017 

0-27,  li/ J,  07-~'. 
Tanu.'r,  'Jiiii,  '..'0^, 
'I'aintoi-,    NO,    ~n:;,    114:;,    fi74. 


'i'arl,,(4c,  K,-,,   ,s7. 
4aii'();,  j50,  4  7^,  55-2. 
4'astir,  oy. 
4'aiwiaiise,  l'J2. 
4'ai.piji-,  11)8. 

Talmaii,  '200,  504. 
■I'allrti,  -245,  '34!). 
Tail,  4 7 -J. 
ra.<;k«M-,  'M')C>,  xxxi. 
Taplin.  "C;. 
■J'alleviaiid,  404. 
'I'apium.  410,  4-2(),  421,. 
I'alt,  487. 

reivt.  IS,  .-,0--). 

IVa.klc,  10:). 

reri-ill.  ■::■>.  15'?,  157,540.50;) 

500,  5i;:»,  5s5,  !;o5. 

rvn-v.  ','14,  00,   94,    1-20,   l?i'2 
!     42S,  ;j;{0,  44S,  4-5,  4S0,  547 
j4'cM)ni]r,  154,  ;io.';,  x . 
|l"eo(l,  '255,  250,  25  7. 
jTew,  2-21. 
rr.dlkanipf,  422. 

'iVai^iic,  Nxix. 

l44:'hli;iIlT,   oS'-.i. 

Ton  Broc<-k,  414. 
4'cni.ys(jn,  477. 
4'onuoy.  54s. 
Tcii'.iy,  xxxix. 

4  iintl'l.    XLV. 

44irooi..  51  s.  702. 
|44iOrn4vko,  054. 
i44n>nihill,  xi. 

i'J'lion.c,   10,    11.    24,    27,   2s 

I     41, '5"^,  (U,  fi:i,  7s,  121.  102 

!      17  7,  211,  222,  2-24,  220,  22s 

250,  251,  270,  2!):),  442,505 

50)),  047,  051,   -.{fi. 

Thompson,  20,  S4,  80,  91,  04 

101,  110,  145,  140,  14  7,  14S 

141),  152,  154,  155,  jil].  Hi;; 

104,  Kh,  174.  175,  177,  ISI 

187,  .205,  210,-218,  224,  224 

225.  244,  255,  250,  272,  270 

2i)().  2S5,  5si;,  2i)l,  '0)5,  41:! 

I     451,  45:;,  407,  :;7;!,  :!74,  :;;-0 

!     4oU,  404,  471,  472,  4.S7,  5o7 

i     514,  540,  5()S,  570,  572,  574 

j     022,  620,  02S.  02!),  044,  liOO 

I      047,  04;!,  044,  );52,  050,  008 

i    057,  t;o5,  070, 07;;,  oso,  osi 

I      704,  xlviii, 

:44ioni;i.-;,  28.  :i'.l,  44,  50,  5] 
I  02.  00,  02.  102,  120,  l;!s 
i     i;jo,  145,  15  ',  151,  102,  Ki;; 

!      174,  220, 245,  257,  25s. 2-1 

■     410,  ;ilO,  ;;27,  :i70,  072,  4:!4 

450,  40",  -isi),  404,  5:;i),  572 

000.  (i:js,  (;r4,  x!ii,  xliv. 

4  OayiT,   4s,     510,     520,    5S1 

X  '.v  i  .N  ,   \  i  i  i . 
'14i.-ali,  Si. 
Tlivull,  2>s, 
44ior]ic.  275. 
■44inrlH-i-,  4::!),  400, 

|44iarlHT,  4i5 1,  (i05, 
i44u)iuson.  472. 
|4"noinpkhi.-,  452. 

4'liwin<j-,  451 . 
'i4nkcr.  8,  4:i7,  005. 
'i4iniow,  20. 
4'illf'y,  ;;2,  004. 
4'illnttson,  S7,  ;jOs,  xKxvi. 
44.-4aic.  U. 

'\"Hn>.  200,  201,  2!  I,  0  !S. 
44!di'n,  124,  2i)N.  42;!. 
4'i!ra;,y.    2.)H,    ;J5},   4!;7,   441, 
448,  xxxviii, 

|44hn;ii;,  ;!:;0,  ;441 
!TiO!4oK.  xlviii. 
!4'irknor,  74.  584,  5!j0, 
14' illy,  2SS. 
'J4n[i--on,   484. 
4  in.slev.  ()0|. 
44<IO;ill,  57  1,  xlv. 
44nn(")i-,  5'S2. 
4'ittoi-toii,  OSl. 
Tibi-aN,  O'.C!. 
I'iget.-;,  xxviii. 
44b0i-ts,  xxviii. 
44id4,  2,  8,  is  Jo  28,    ;j4,    4i; 
47,  51,  50  to  (U,  04,  00,  7;! 
74,    75,    so,    112,    i;!<i.    l.-,7 
171,  174,  174,  170,  K7,  lOO 
l';)2,  lo;:,  li-.-i,  200.  210,  211 
210,   2is^   210,   222,   225  to 
j     240,  2;i::.  245,  240,  241,  250 
!      to  25;:,  257,   250.    20';),   ■^i/!, 
j     2ii4  to  207,  272  to  -js::,  ;:ijo! 
3;)7,  ;j25    to    4;;0,  4ll,   450, 
'     544,  5!;t,  5(;2,  5fi;;,  5;)7,  50;;, 
I    5ij's,  ( -,.'5.  (;;;4,  o:iy,  o4o,04i, 
illy,:  (.50  TO  052,  ''•'■■,,  ()5s, 

I     (108,  007  to  702,  700,  xxv. 
4'oyt\  xxi. 

;4'oilrs,  27,   00,   02,    i:!7,   148, 
I      l':^^.  25"i,  200,  20>^,  ^25,  ;!4o' 
;     4!!2,  5;.;5,  5s,:,. 
4'(-iliili,  .wiii. 
4'oi-ton,  00, 

/I'oiulin.^on,  72,  74,    1():i,    114, 
I     is:^  2o;!,  200,  544,  5so. 
j4'()p[)in,;'.-,  54S. 
!4'onii-kin:^,  178,  1^2,  255.  :;42, 

(■i;!s.  007.  '   ■ 

.4'owii-oiid,  7s.  70.  1  10,  140. 
;  150,  151.  155.  150,  ISO,  lOO, 
'      200,    20;;,  221 ,    2s 7   to  201 ' 

204,  200,  042,  472,  -.02,  4s5,' 

550,  55s,  55!),  505,  50(1,  5l.nj, 

022,  050,  070,  OSl. 
I'oncy,  4i;i. 
|4"ou<-o\ ,  5  !4, 
'I'ontoniac,   152. 
id'oiu'iiay,  521. 
i'i'ownO-y.   I  70. 
'4'oiii-..u',   i:-0. 
'4o\vn,  •.';ii.:,   ■O'-;;. 
i4'owno!\  ;!2  -■,  :-!ll,  505. 
14'onslal,  fii4i. 

rouilin,  402,  575. 

TNDKX    OF    ^^rUN'AMKS. 

Topliit,  'J:^>i). 

Tookor,    8S.i.   'il(i,   429, 

Towslcv,  401. 
'I'obov,  >:3,  r.-J-J,  r.04,  .JoU, 
'Irucsdell,  &2,  'J-'jI. 
'rroiiiljlv,  \xviii. 
TruinhuU.    -VJ,    b'.j.    04, 
2U;),  224,  220,  2:-!i),  270. 
2^-d,  :-i4o,:-io:).  4ns.  4iJf). 
GTo,  OS.-),  Oi.T,  r(i2,  704, 

Treat,  94,  !"»•>,  IIU,   14:), 
108,  i:.y,  274,27:t,2s-<, 
4-12,  448,  oOO.oiis,, 
Troa.Iu-.iv,  Ti.-j,  412. 

'J'ri--,   17!i. 

'J'rcadwell,  4M0,  4oT.  , 

Trimhle.  235. 

Tnie.b!l.'l,  207,  ■"):32. 

Troiij),  240. 

Tnuiiau.  240,  140. 

Trvon,     14,    2:M,     120,. 
427,  42S,  440,  4-0,  n:;7, 

Tracv.  51,  147,  300,  43o, 
441"),  5310  000. 

'i'ruhi,  215. 

Tri).].,  7i-0, 

Trill.  ><:-]. 

Tiowlind-o.  20,  72,  J 02, 
1]0,  14U,  15!).  151,  15o, 
102,  101.  100,  1S5,  105, 
100,  2yi,  2o4.  2:2. 2s2, 
290,  202,  20:J,  4:;0,  4S1, 
540,  541,  540, '550.  50S, 
021,  024,  02s,  (;;j7,  Oil), 
668,  072,  OSl,  0,)1,  004 

'i'raviior,  85. 

Ti!ni.-r,  25,  yo,  GO,  04,  0. 
70,  s;j,  100,  1:42,  181, 
]88,  212,  220,233,  250, 
205,  307,  30s,  351,  420, 
452.  477,  4^2,  407,  521, 
502.  033,  040,  00,0,  603, 
055 !  000,  701,  705,  700, 
xix,  xlvii. 

Tiirpiii,  SO. 

Tudnr,  183,  432. 

Turnl)ull,  228. 

Turrell,  244. 

Tackrr,  213.  145,  270, 
4s2,  r,\r,\  50J,  OiO, 
xxix,  xlvi. 

Tufts,  205. 

Turhill,  H!'!.  4!>0,  507,  x 

'I'linii'v.  Oi)l . 

Tarnr:-k.  -17. 

Turluuul,  541. 

Tuilf.  010. 

Tuatli:u.  X''- 
Tuulfi'Liry,  x. 
T'.irroU,  xxxiii. 
Tuekfiiii^n,  xxxro. 
Tvvetil,    75. 

'i'winiiur,  00,  480,  017. 

582,  TwitcliL'U.  281,  205,20;',,  441 


Tvler,  2,  18,  20.  20,    00,   1S2 

■107,  235,  241,  2S0.  202, 304 

j     307,  300,  3S0,  3!i7,  410,  420 

I     423,    438,  453.    401    t-  401; 

170,1     '"'l"'  •''•^~'  ^>''>'^-  -'^ ' '  •"''■''•  •'*''" 
2811,1     022.  025,  0,:',] ,  04 1.  0",3,  0'i3 
5':^0.;     OSO,  002. 
705,^'rvn:i1.    xix. 
152.,  I'Vrnl,  573,  583. 
2ii:;,;TVudal,  OOt). 
0!M,:4'Vn--,  lis, . 100. 

H'dfll,  40. 

|rdal],  581,   r>fii. 

jrffofd.  73,  2(11. 

|Uh:ii'j:'u,  555. 

;  l"rnl«eiiirld,  327. 

l("iid.TsvM,,d,  23;),  025,  001 

'['v'j'iliii,  500. 
34  1,  rpV.jn,  14,   28,   44,    ]00,  ■ 
023/      145,  15-^   175,  170,  102 
434,1     21  1,  2!N,  251,  :-;vO,  5()J 

i      022.  0, !().  055,  O'M,  0'',5 

'  Ujnou,  33.  21.  225,  OSS. 

:rtley,  01,  227. 

ln3. A';,il,  33,  105,  480. 
155,  Wni  V,nvm,  54.  2'.j3,  510,51' 
107.  \';.;i  ?>ufri'ii,  415. 
2-.-;.  Van  Iht^i'Ii,  543. 
4-3,|'\'au  Hi'iirhuy.-^rn,  44,  417. 
i;05,!ViUi  CurVu,  335. 
,  0''0,|  Villi  \  oniaud.  420. 
,  70ii.i\  an  l.)..n-n.  204. 

iVan  Duv,r-n.  300,  361. 
^O'^.K'an  nvk^\  7))- 
^'0,;^^.,;  !:n.Ou--li,  417. 
V5l,iVau  woidfiiliaii.sei,,  705, 
443,i\'aii  lioiiMMi,  574. 
o01,!Vaii  Iniroii,  183. 
Oi;o,jV;ni  KU-ck,  414. 
7(10,;  Van  Xfst,  444. 
IVau  Xanic,  180. 
I  Van  Xcss,  74,  109,  303  537. 
I  Van  P.dt,  552. 
j\4in  l'(.'nssf41aer,  111.    * 
Van  Stefnl)uri!:,  121. 
311. 'Van  Srluick,  33(,. 
025,  \'an  4'iivl,  4-3,. 
Van  I'a.^s'll.  37'5. 
:\'an  Vrchim,  417. 
^i.       Viiu  V..lkiMil>rii;.'-h,  42s. 
\i\'A  \V;iu,'m:.n,'  i;08. 
Vr.ii  Vriukli',  14  1. 
Van  Zuiidf,  121). 
Vund>'nvu,;d,    158. 
,Vand,  :lyn,  404, 
I  Varidcwiiicr,  4^';;. 
iVa!:d.-,  .MUrr,  444. 
^Vand-iOill,  215.  xvii. 
iVandie,  405. 

|Viin<--o,  L22.' 
'\'aiii4ian,  85.  711. 
jVaik.  320. 
JVcissal,  lOii. 
j\'ar-;.  7S . 

lV;iriu'y,  xxviii,  xxix,  xxxi. 
iVcr  I'ian.;!;,   145. 
Verl.rkr,   510. 
'Vernnn,  3, 1 1 ,  :;:i3.   Oil. 
j Vcrinil vca,  434,  55S. 

:v:,:mi;",,  i;i:;. 

i\4[\r.  Ill,  2.  5  0),  038. 
lViUi(,i,  107. 
IVillii.i.s,   \xii. 
iVor.rhr, ...  31'.  310,  -in. 
i'Vo^Our:; .  3:;4,  5iO. 
iV^k.',  502. 
j\'r(u\  iiiai',,  50. 
!\'rt  di.'ni)ai'.i,li.  070. 

^\'.^■1^^VM:■T];.  7.  >■:,  22.  21!,    83. 

■  04,  i).^.  100.  J 1^'.  157,  20i. 
.;  344,  :;0,-,  444,440,  471,  5S4, 
,      02  ;,  020.  054.  07o. 

,  ,\Vi4(.s,  170.  031. 
Winn. -v.  0,  10.  27.  :;2.  30.  37, 
,     05,  {■}',,  ]•:[,    1-3.    !ii4.    178 
I     170,  241,  242,252.  2!'l,  270, 

■  2S2,  :•(•'<   3:;'k  3<W,  432,  -t^l. 
i     52 1-.  53,3,5]!),  548.  55;>,  5il3, 

.;  5:0  U,  572.  5S0,  5-5,  0:^0. 
1  081.  000,  (iOl.  004,  704. 
'  xxxvi.  xliv,  .\is".  xlvi, 
I     xlviii. 

■W;.lk!cv,1;;,^'5,23;,24'!,  KKi. 
\^'u;i^^•l■.  18,  42,  5S,    ill ),  2'iO, 
411.  418,  4S2,504.  540,552. 
037,  681,  704.  xix. 
Widlitiufwid,  xxviii. 
W;.hvcrtn,  241. 
\^'pv.  17,    01,    83,    12s,    172. 

Wateinu-.n,  50,  259,  410,  57H. 

Waro,  00,  500.  524. 
Waiin--,  75  to  81,  339. 
^ViUtl(^s,   14. 
\\  urrcn.  8,   55.    50,    02,    13>^. 

170,  412,  0!i:i.  xxxviii. 
Wakenian,  257,  34  7,411.007. 

\V;tk<4i-'-,   25>!. 

Wau-iuT,  2.>0. 

Wak.  IirM,   (;78. 

Waid-n,  2SS,  4  17. 

\Vai|,n!.-.  337. 

Vriu'i,n!!.r,n.  x. 

Ward,  is,  3'/,  32,  37,  41,  i: . 
'74,  i)--,  lii  ;,  122.  1'--3.  101, 
J05.  23S,  2:*;.  207.  3i;0  t.i 
31::,  32'),  435.  430,  10;;,   105. 

4ii;.  HI,  5:;i,  5-!0.  5; 2.  5sr). 

(122,  Oii7,  0!  -,  02;;.  ::2:,  '>3!K 
1;  10.  (Ill,  00  1,  O^'O  t"  Oi'.'J, 
075,  070,  07V  OSO,  xxxvi. 

IXDEX    or    KUI?XAMEy. 


V/utkins,  90,  575,  595. 

Walter,  19,  :20,  23,29,  -.iG.  37, 
89,  41  ;j. 

vVniaiin-'ton,  142.  l-!5.  101, 
114,  192,  20o,  209,  ;319,  ;>^7, 
390,  S95,  402,  427,  02n,  G:jo, 


Wruldin^^-ton,  92. 

Wakclev,  2M. 

Watts,  ;j^,  431,  niio,  600. 

\\'adft,  53,  09,  CSS. 

Wtirduvll,  112, 

W  ut.sou,  100,    110,   12;j,   170, 

;i21.  57],  5S;?,  708. 
^^'llt■dncr,  099. 
W'arhiini,  440,  6S5. 
Wi.trous,  451,  4GG. 
^\'ai^sul■,  59;'. 
\\aT.uidue.  597. 
^^'att•^paVk,  610. 
V.'alsii,  010. 
AN'atcrliou.^e,  C38. 
^Vastnov,   xsiv. 
Vvasliburn.    113,     2S'0.    207, 

29S,  353,  099,  xxxix. 
"Waldo,  xxvii. 
^N'iillas,  xlv. 
Widler,  157,  001. 
^A'asson,  103. 
^^'aters,  90,  123,  175,  194,  207, 

23'^,  248^  '350,  350,  xliii. 
Wadhanis,  179,  180,  ISC,  405, 

513,  521,  017,  032. 
Wake.  274,  OlO.  Oil,  xxiv. 
VVaugh.  124. 
\\u\ne,  107,  236. 
Warrick.  186. 
W.ildron,  109. 
^^■.■!ilnvri<^r],1,  'j-v?_  340. 

Wiiterlmiv.  3.S7,  338,  344, 
3 10. 

Warrinrr,  309. 

Walton,  109,  371,  415,  43S. 

NVallv,  490. 

Waite.  151,  308,  490. 

Waslier,  03. 

Wtlliiigton,  683. 

WoUes,  1,  82,  83,  8-1,  «0,  88, 
80,  9S,  100,  102,  103,  107, 
118,  119,  121,  196.  238,  30!.». 
415,  418,  444,  553,  005,  029,1 
0--5,  OS';,   089,   704,   xxxiv.l 

W.dls,  100.  179,  189.  220.1 
22S,  247,  295.  :!n).  Oils,  373, i 
421,  4:i9,  442,  OlO,  077, j 
xxvii.  j 

\\\M..ks,  5,  63,  334,  308,  570, 

V,'«4).st»n',  14,  105,  107,  111, 
1I;>,  132.  ISi,  228,  25:!,  29s,  j 
328,  307,  3Sl,  409,  410.  4 10,  i 
447,  181,  .555.  557,004,009,1 
on,  507,  093.  695.  I 

\\\\>\),  01,  112,  221,  339,  310.; 
300,  403,  571.  OKi,  001.  i 


Wrlton,  15.  28,  02,   178,  179 
180,  180,  320,  561,  502,  040 
^^'(■cd,  18,   10,  70,  77,  78,  so 
112,  339,344,  340.  34  7,  417 
505,  650,  515. 
Wetlu-rill,  131,   108. 
\^'t'stcoit,  lOii,  032. 
Wttiiiore,  110,  202,  349,  354 
359,  373,  434  to  438,   023 
088,  089.  694,  xlvii. 
^^'e!d,   359,    305,    373,    018, 

Weicll,  130,  '.!S.  184. 
Wtrrzid,  17. 

W-^t,  ^247,     335,     4:!3.     564, 
5l.'l,  595.  005,  xxxiii,  xlvii. 
\\'c]roinb.  509. 
Weaver,  861,   372,   50S.   51(>. 
West  brook,  310. 
W'cstovor,  328,  093. 
^'\'e:.-,  364.  459. 
Wentworth,  452,    xi.\-,    xxiv, 

xxvii,  XXX,  xiv,  xi\  i. 
Wein-/,.  400. 
Wfir,  472. 
W'eller,  641 . 

Wheeler,  4,  5,  19,  57,  74,  75, 
78,  sr,  113,   lie,   130,   115! 
10^,  202.  213,  222.  225,  240, 
25! ,  203,  205,  270.  277',  278, 
331,  353,  350,  357,  450.  532, 
5t;3,  570,  572,  573,  578,  580, 
586,  587,  607,  618,631.011, 
054,  002,000,  081,  70fi,  70^, 
xl,  xlvi,  xh'ii. 
Whittlesev,    8,    13.    54,    100. 
107,  110,157,  104,169,  175. 
191,  288,  43},  435,  551.632. 
White,  55,  7:;,    75,   114.'  135 
146,  147.100,  171,  174,  185, 
195,  199,  212,  235,  330,3-13, 
354,  450,  457.  510,  513,  538, 
594,621.  631,  638,  051,073, 
090,  091,  xlviii. 
Wliiteomb,  7,  xxxix. 
Whitting-toii.  xxiii, 
Whitino-,    7(j,    79,    111,    12S, 
134.  101,  2H,2so,  287,  20 1| 
296,    419,    423.    (121,    707, 
xlix.       . 
Whitmini,  14,  84  to  100,  132, 
134.  334.431,  449,050,085, 
\\'ii01ey,  59. 
WhiuuV,,  KJO. 
Whiiou.'ad,     107.     020,    02:;. 

Wliiddun,  231. 
Whall<-v,     l:;6.     17  7,    004   to 

OOO,  607. 
\^■heatoll,   SI, 
Whaph-.s,  150,  057. 
^^'haie,l,  i;;6. 

^Vhe!IO.■y,  358. 

W'hipj.h-,  494,  4!'0,  xlv,  xlvi. 
WiHth)ck,   s-3,   !)■>     rr;:',     5'"'-i 

\Vhitle;rh,  xix. 
Wliitiny,    t<2.    89,    113.     114, 
117,  150,  277.  :307,  308,  429. 
431,  402.  402,590,  0:;(),  0;;2, 
05:;i,  527,  xxxiv. 
Whittier,  422. 
Whitlindiill,  596. 
Whitiiiore,  243   44!) 
Whitfield,  203,  :jLSO. 
Whit  ford,  330. 
Whiteeluireli,  0O8,  009. 
\Miedoii,  637. 
Wheeiock,  600. 
WiUard.  8,  50.  104,  105,  123, 
1S8,  440.  550,  551,  023,  657, 
020;  505,  081. 
Wilbur,  7,  145,  310. 
Williannoii,  H2     92    95    347 

\N'ij;tei-.   32. 

Wilriiot,  21,  47,  48,  137,  145, 
14S,  hin,  15-j,  153,](i|,  108, 
0t)5,  009,  034,  04O,  652,057, 
OSj,  704. 
WilOi-Ms.  35.  48,  50,   00,  74. 
100,  121, 123. 134,  204, 241, 
275.  303,  3!;G,  307,  328.  349, 
350,   353,  301.   409,   419  to 
428,  434,  445,  404,  400,  485, 
530,  572,  573.  575,  5S4,  :,i--,:,^ 
024,  632,  052.  055,  510,  670, 
I     0S2,  085,  080,  09O,  705,  711. 
Wileox,  10,  24,  92,'  119,  2o0, 
221.  425,447,  4si,49:.  578. 
581,  000,  505,  497,  521,090. 
Wilson.  37,  3S,  120',  157,100, 
171,  181.  187.284,  285,333. 
340,  341,  ;!56,  300,  367,  ;;68, 
449,  487,  490.  557,  593,  590, 
5 IN.  (;,-:G. 
Wiue]R-,-^rer,   ;}9. 
Wilder.  43,  04,  240.  ■     ' 

Witr-in.-<.  79,  472.  425. 
Wir.thi'up,  83,  000,  007,    041. 
Wilkins,  5:^0. 
Winehell,  90.  119,  1-kS. 
Wiiiburn,  112. 
Willett,    8;5.    200,    342,    OoO, 

607,  673. 
Wileoxsou,  i^:-].  27:'.,  579,  612. 
Wilkinson,  92,  li:;,  210,  631, 

501,   xx:si!i. 
WiHi^s.  134,  205,  355. 
\\'iuston,    47,    54,    l:i7.    140, 

550,  020.  6:>4. 
Wi^,-,  50,  4<;:i,  527,  0s2. 
Win;T;ite.  105,  59!. 
^^'ickll:un,  255,  309,  315,  424, 

4:52,  xxiii. 
\\'ii)der,  258 


INDEX    01'    SUFLNAin^S. 

Wiglitinan.  V^ ,  .■.-10,  5G2. 
Wins-,  90,  iGy,  .J(J2. 
Wilde,  2<7. 
Wilu-^ie,  'OUI. 
Wiswell,  -?()•). 
AVilli-toii,  v'oT,  G05. 
\Yilki-r)ii,  :',1S. 
Witbc'tk,  8-Jl. 
Windl^-,  Wi. 
Wiiiii,  1(;0,  4:J.S. 
Willev,  y:J. 
Wiles,  tU.  471. 

Wigo-icswortii,  171,  n;(L,  one 

WisiitT,  -2(17. 
Wilkes,  ylv. 
William  the  I. ion,  G12. 
Williidii  I,  61-1 
Wilnutvth.  -17'-2. 
Vv'ick,  4b  6,  54-"J. 
Wirt,  8!.)S. 
AVjnneo-ar,  oOJ. 
^A'ii)>^l,r\v.  :m.,  .577. 
^^■i<:'klifTe,  CO!). 

Will.- line,  (;:u. 

Willoek,  0S2. 
^^'illS()n,  xxxiii, 
\^'islll?(;e,  xxxiii. 
Wiil.aiii,  :c\.\iii. 
^^'iiHlP,  577.  ^ 
^Vo(jd,  xii. 
Wodeliou?e,  010. 
Woldon,  o81. 
Word.swunl:,  477,  4S.-). 
Worth,  41;i. 
Woodlmrn,  Osi). 
Woodhuli.     ;.M-,>,     ',';^7,     OnCi 

Wa.,.;Ii>ridov,  Ar,,  ur),  100,  V-i-',, 

14'),  104,-i'iS,  lt<'.),  312,  3y:3, 

410,  418,  444,  445,  404,  0S9, 

000,  70.1. 
^VoodrulV,  2,   ."),  0,   7,  9.   14, 

1.1,  10,   20,   52,  57,  71,   72, 

78.  107,  119,  121,  122,  124, 

140,  ]0;t,  108,175,590,029. 

50S.  509,  700. 
Woodwortli,  41. 
\Volilp:Luniitli,  709.  ' 

U  ooduaid,  07,  147,  153,  154, 

175,  ISO,  248,2.80,281,280, 

292.  294,53:^1,857,424,4.52, 

502,  037,  043,  044,  054,  52-3, 

'180,  705. 
\\'oodur,iii,  04. 
\V(KKlford,  ;',8,  39,  121,  211. 
Woodbury,  xxiv,  xlvi. 
Woodiu,  'l77,  181,   2i)9,  210, 

220,  228,  307,  308,  489,  053. 

Wood',  3,   80,  92,    136,   200. 

23-.  273,310,  334.373,421. 

4i(4,  535,  .593,  594,  000,  05;J, 

050,  057,  508.   ^  • 
Wooding',  223,  535,  572. 
Woodliouse,  195 
Woods,    82,     116,    144,    188. 

222,  414.  420,  572. 
^^'orden,  48,  50. 
\V<jodside,  3;iO. 

Woodcock,  3o;;. 

\Voloott,  104.   100.  107,   108, 

122,  129,  100,- 177,  V.VA.  225. 

3()0,  3''7,  351,  352,  3'i5,  d-^\ . 

433!  405,  071,  5'.;0,  .593,  020, 

032,  085,  G'.U,  093,  094,  700. 

702,  x]\ii. 
WonlseV,  109,    130,  211,   214, 

340,  -in;,  409,  41  i,  415,  429. 

X,  xix. 

Wortliiiigtoii,  100,  107,  349, 
3.53,  354,  482,  080. 

Wolseley,  610. 

Woostcr,  147,  204.  205,  200, 
255,  290,297,339.351,504, 
500,  509,  570,  0-J3,  520. 

Won-'^ster.  590. 

Wri-ht,  41,  49.  59,  OO  252 
I.5I,  99.  275,  332,  407',  412] 
417,  488,  494,  503,  500,  570, 
513,  9,  15,  16,  678,  091, 

WrigTitman,  121,  201. 

Wrigl^v,  109. 

^Vylie.■300,  301,  536,  .501. 

Wviuau,  184,  249,  xJv. 

Wyse,  104,  105,  238.  341. 

Wvncoop,  144. 

U'yllis,  3,  5,  95,  99,  303. 

Wycliin,  x. 

Wyclie,  xix. 

Yates,  020. 

Yale,  2.  4,  5,  li,  22,  154, 
193,  210,  218  to  221,  23), 
205,  325,  384,  347,  540  to 
545,  (;22  to  024,  045,  047, 
649,  0.58,  053,  701,  705,  700. 

Y'ardley,  410. 

^'eoinaus,  3o0,  435. 

Young,  0,  79,  SO,  144,  211 
212,  2il,  94.  310,  322.  384! 
oil,  O^i. 

Y'dunirs.  325. 

Y"eai;er.  495. 

Y'ork.  499. 

Z.-ll.a,  523. 
Zulii'r,  2o7. 
Zinnuernian,  310, 


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