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tfirciir, .aid Reinforcement 
The Psychology of Insufficient Reward 


Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive 
dissonance has been widely recognized 
as an important and influential concept 
in certain areas of motivation and social 
psychology, The theory of dissonance is 
here applied to the problem of why par- 
tial reward, delay of reward, and effort 
expenditure during training result in in- 
creased resistance to extinction. 

The authors contend that a state of 
impasse exists within learning theory 
largely because some of its major as- 
sumptions stand in apparent opposition 
to certain well-established experimental 
results. They put forward in this book 
a new theory that seems to reconcile 
these data and assumptions. This new 
theory, the authors maintain, can account 
for data with which other theories have 
difficulty, it integrates empirical phe- 
nomena that have been regarded as un- 
related, and it is supported by the results 
of experiments designed specifically to 
test its implications. These experiments 
are fully described in the text. 

The authors present a critical review 
as well as new data on alternative ex- 
planations, and In the final chapter take 
a look at the broader implications of the 
new theory. 

The authors are Professors of Psy- 
chology at Stanford University. 

15*- lAM 62-11898 


Deterrents and reinforcement 




Stanford Studies in Psychology, II 


Robert R. Sears 

Leon Festinger 

Douglas H. Lawrence 




The Psychology of Insufficient Reward 

Douglas H. Lawrence 


Leon Festinger 



Stanford University Press 
Stanford, California 

1962 by the Board of Trustees of the 
Leland Stanford Junior University 

AH rights reserved 

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number; 62-8664 
Printed in the United States of America 


About four years ago it occurred to us that the theory of dis- 
sonance, which seems to explain some unusual human behavior 
quite well, might be relevant to some bothersome data concern- 
ing extinction in animals. Our enthusiasm for the idea was not, 
at the time, completely unrestrained. On the one hand, the idea 
seemed to have good possibilities of explaining some of the 
theoretical problems connected with the consequences of partial 
reward. On the other hand, it seemed somewhat unusual to 
apply a theory developed on the basis of human behavior to 
explain rat behavior. And, in addition, could we seriously as- 
sume that rats reacted to dissonance in the way that human 
beings do? 

Nevertheless, we proceeded to investigate the idea. We 
searched the existing literature and were encouraged. We 
started to do some preliminary, exploratory experiments of our 
own and were further encouraged. The present book reports 
the results of our four years of research. In the course of these 
four years our ideas became considerably clarified, suggesting 
new extensions of the theory, and new experiments. We per- 
formed a total of sixteen experiments which are reported in 
this book. 

It would be unfortunate to give the impression that this book 
is solely the product of the two authors. A number of people 
were active collaborators in the experimentation. A majority of 
the experiments we report were done in collaboration with 
John M. Theios and Edward Uyeno. Theios was also responsible 


for the idea of the "partially placed" condition in Experiment 15. 

There were many others who also helped in various aspects 
of the experimental work. We should like to express our thanks 
to Elaine Hatfield, William Lawton, Peter Poison, James Schoon- 
ard, Bernard Sjoberg, Herbert Smith, Laurence Stettner, and 
Neil Sullivan. We also wish to thank Gordon H. Bower, William 
K. Estes, Frank J. Restle, and Robert R. Sears for reading the 
manuscript of this book and offering many constructive and 
helpful suggestions. 

We should also like to express our appreciation to the Na- 
tional Institutes of Health (Grant M-1689 to Douglas H. Law- 
rence) and to the Ford Foundation ( a grant to Leon Festinger ) 
for liberally supporting our work. 

July 4, 1961 


1. An Impasse for Learning Theory 1 

2. Dissonance Reduction Effects in Learning Situations 30 

3. Evidence for the Development of Attractions 60 

4. Cumulative Effects of Dissonance Reduction 84 

5. The Effects of a Zero Reward Schedule 103 

6. The Effect of Weak Drive States 116 

7. Effort, Expectation, and Amount of Reward 139 

8. A Speculative Summary 156 
References 171 
Index 177 





An Impasse for Learning Theory 

A ma|oi:.function of theory in jmy science Js the integration and 
explanation^oF^erse empirical relationships. La its early stages 
aTcientific tiEeory may deal with a few variables in an attempt 
to account for data in a delimited area. When a theory becomes 
highly developed it usually encompasses a large number of var- 
iables and, from the hypothesized interrelationships among these 
variables, is able to integrate and explain a large number of ob- 
served phenomena. Needless to say, the growth of a theory from 
its beginning stages to a point where it may be termed highly 
developed is beset with many difficulties. The course of devel- 
opment is never smooth. 

No sooner does a theory establish itself as being able to ex- 
plain a given body of data than there begins to appear evidence 
that is apparently inconsistent with it. Sometimes this new evi- 
dence points to a new variable that must be incorporated into 
the theory; sometimes the new evidence leads to a minor modi- 
fication of the assumptions underlying the theory; and some- 
times there is no clear way to change or enlarge the theory so 
as to take into account the new and contradictory evidence. 
When the latter is the case, the theory usually continues to be 
developed along its own lines, contradictory evidence simply 
being ignored. But this new evidence also continues to accumu- 
late until it is no longer merely "hew" but is an established and 
considerable body of knowledge. Then an impasse is reached. 
Progress becomes very difficult until some major modification 
or extension of the theory is invented. In the^field of psychology 
there are few theories that have beien developed ,ta a point 


where such an impasse is even possible. In the field of learn- 
ing, however, theory has been developed this far. And, unfor- 
tunately, just such an impasse has been reached. 

It is the purpose of this chapter to point out the nature and 
locus of this impasse. We shall review first some of the major 
assumptions underlying learning theory. We shall then show 
that these assumptions stand in apparent opposition to some 
well-established experimental results. 

It will be the purpose of the remainder of this volume to 
suggest a major theoretical extension that reconciles these data 
and assumptions. In addition, we shall present a considerable 
amount of new data that provides added support for the theo- 
retical extension we are offering. 

The Focus of Learning Theory 

It is difficult to summarize "learning theory" in general since 
there is still no single uniformly accepted theoretical statement. 
There is, however, a core of theory that stems from the work of 
Hull (1943). Although there are exceptions among learning 
theorists, these core assumptions are widely accepted, and it is 
this core to which we shall address ourselves. 

Darning theory is, of course, concerned basically with the 
explanation of how the behavipr of an organism is progressively 
modified as the result of experiential factors. Such modification 
of behavior obviously involves increasing frequency of some 
actions and decreasing frequency of other actions in any given 
situation. In giving a theoretical account of .such changes, it 
proveiiisefuljvery early in the development of learning theory 
to think in terms of a concept that may be called "response 
strength," representing the magnitude of the tendency for a 
given response to be evoked in a given situation, It, of course, 
became necessary to specify how response strength can be meas- 
ured. Three measures of response strength have been commonly 
used. All of them are plausible and have been proved valid 
by data. 

1. Relative frequency of^esponse.It has been plausibly ar- 
gued that the stronger a response tendency is, the more likely 
is the response to be elicited by the stimulus with which it is 


associated. In the early stages of establishing an association be- 
tween a stimulus and a response this does indeed seem to be a 
good measure. For example, in discrimination-learning prob- 
lems, maze-learning situations, or situations where the organism 
has to learn to make one of a number of possible instrumental 
responses, the relative frequency with which the response oc- 
curs upon presentation of the stimulus is an excellent indicator of 
the course of learning. The data show that as the number of 
stimulus-response sequences that have been rewarded increases, 
there is an increase in the likelihood that the "correct" response 
will be elicited upon a subsequent presentation of the stimulus. 
This measure of response strength, however, seems to be a sen- 
sitive measure only rather early in the learning process. 

2. Latency of response. It has been plausibly argued that 
the stronger the response strength the less time will elapse be- 
tween presentation of the stimulus and the elicitation of the 
response. This measure has proved to be rather generally useful 
and also quite sensitive. As the number of rewarded stimulus- 
response sequences increases, the latency of the response be- 
comes shorter and shorter until it reaches some stable value. 
At the beginning stages of learning there are usually very 
marked changes in latency, and, in addition, this measure con- 
tinues to show progressive changes toward shorter and shorter 
times, even after relative frequency of response has reached 100 
per cent. 

3. Resistance to extinction. A third generally accepted 
measure of response strength is resistance to extinction. Let us 
imagine that a given stimulus-response sequence has been re- 
warded a large number of times and, consequently, the response 
strength is relatively strong. If we continued to elicit the re- 
sponse by presenting the stimulus, but never again provided any 
reward in the situation, we would expect the animal to persist 
in its behavior until the response strength had weakened suffi- 
ciently. Starting with a response of considerable strength, it 
might take many trials before the animal stopped responding. 
On the other hand, if the response strength had been quite weak 
at the beginning of the series of unrewarded elicitations of the 
response, we would expect extinction to occur much more rap- 
idly. Thus, the resistance that the animal shows to extinction 


can be taken as a measure of the response strength, at the be- 
ginning of the series of unrewarded experiences. 

Thus, we have three measures of response strength.* Al- 
though all of these measures are operationally independent, 
theoretically they are all measures of the same thing and should, 
of course, be interrelated in predictable ways. As response 
strength increases because of the occurrence of stimulus-re- 
sponse sequences followed by reward, the relative frequency 
of response should increase, latency of response should simul- 
taneously decrease, and subsequent tests should show that the 
response is more resistant to extinction. It is, of course, possible 
to uncorrelate these three measures, as shown by the work of 
Logan (1960) and others, and clearly each of these is more 
appropriate to some experimental arrangements than to others. 
Nonetheless, these relationships do tend to be characteristic of 
most learning situations. 

With the use of this concept of response strength, the basic 
task for the field of learning became the specification of those 
variables that strengthen and those that weaken it. The prob- 
lem for learning theory was to integrate these variables into a 
useful explanatory system. Over the years a number of fairly 
extensive theories have been developed that effectively deal 
with many of these variables. These theories differ in a variety 
of aspects, but they do have many assumptions in common. 
This is not surprising since they all try to account for the same 
set of experimental results. These assumptions, held in common 
by most theorists., are, however, precisely the ones that seem to 
be clearly contradicted by a variety of empirical findings. In 
reviewing these assumptions, we shall be very brief, ignoring 
many of the more subtle points of controversy and interpreta- 
tion that have centered around them. 

1. The function ofjeward.It has been known for a long 
time thaf if an organism is motivated, perhaps by hunger, and 
some response that it makes is followed by an appropriate re- 

* A f ourth measure of "response strength," namely, amplitude of response, 
has also been employed frequently. Since this particular measure is not relevant 
to the lands of experimental situations with which we shall deal, we shall not 
discuss it further. 


ward, such as food, the likelihood that the organism will per- 
form this action again is increased. Thus, most theories of learn- 
ing propose that if ? in a given situation, a response is followed 
by reward, the response strength increases. It is also well known 
that if a response in a situation is not followed by a reward ap- 
propriate to the motivation of the organism, the likelihood that 
the organism will again perform that action is diminished. 
Learning theory has therefore adopted a proposition to deal 
appropriately with this phenomenon. In short, in order to ac- 
count for known data concerning rewards in a learning situa- 
tion, learning theory proposes that if a response is followed by 
a reward, response strength is increased; if not followed by a 
reward, response strength is decreased. This basic proposition 
has been very useful in helping to explain a good deal of data. 

2. Delay of reward. It has been observed many times that 
if a reward follows a given response almost immediately, learn- 
ing is very rapid* On the other hand, if there is a temporal de- 
lay between the response and the reward, learning proceeds 
more slowly. In experiments on discrimination learning in rats, 
for example, a delay of even a few seconds between the response 
and the reward produces a considerable decrement in the rate 
at which the response is learned. In order to account for these 
data, learning theories generally agree on what may be called a 
"gradient of reward effect." The theoretical proposition is that 
a given reward produces the greatest increment of response 
strength if the reward immediately follows the response. The 
longer the time that elapses -between the performance of the 
response and the occurrence of the reward^ the smaQefTs^the 
ensuing increment in response strength. This theoretical state- 
ment has been tested extensively, and we may feel confident 
that it is valid. 

3. Effort expenditure. lihere is one more variable that we 
should like to mention at this point. Although it is not nearly 
so central to learning theory as the two variables we have 
already discussed, nevertheless it is important and well docu- 
mented. Experimental studies have shown rather consistently 
that the more effort a response dei^ajCtds, the less willing is the 
animal to make the response. Learning tends to proceed more 


slowly the greater the effort involved in the response. Some 
theories of learning have proposed that effort increases response 
inhibition. Other theories have been inclined to regard effort 
as a negative incentive. But, in one form or another, most learn- 
ing theories include the proposition that increased effort weak- 
ens the response strength. 

These three variables reward, delay of reward, and effort- 
fulness of response are, of course, only a small part of what is 
dealt with by learning theory. We have mentioned these three 
because they are the ones that are so integrally involved in the 
theoretical difficulties with which we are concerned. 

A Major Difficulty for Learning Theory 

Recently, there has accumulated a considerable body of ex- 
perimental evidence suggesting that these common assumptions 
underlying learning theory fail to give an adequate description 
of changes in response strength. In fact, there is the suggestion 
that under some circumstances the variables of reward, tempo- 
ral delay, and effort may have just the opposite effects from 
those predicted by the assumptions we have outlined. The prob- 
lem, and its seriousness, can best be illustrated by describing 
three lines of experimental work. 

1. The effects of partial regard!. Partial reward refers to a 
training procedure in which only a proportion of the stimulus- 
response sequences are rewarded: the occurrences of rewarded 
and unrewarded trials are randomly determined so that an ani- 
mal cannot anticipate the outcome on any given trial. For in- 
stance, a hungry rat may be trained to run a maze in order to 
find food in the goal box. If this training is done by means of 
a 50 per cent reward schedule, there will be food in the goal 
box on only half the trials. On the other half of the trials, the 
box will be empty. The important theoretical issue centers about 
the question of the response strength at the end of training when 
a partial reward schedule has been used in contrast to a 100 per 
cent reward schedule, that is, one on which the animal is re- 
warded on every trial. 

The theoretical issue was forced on the attention of learning 
theorists by the early studies of Humphreys (1939) and others 


(c. Jenkins and Stanley, 1950, and Lewis, 1960). It became 
apparent that there was a direct conflict between theory and 
data. Learning theory predicted that performance should be of 
maximum strength with a 100 per cent reward schedule, in 
which every trial was rewarded, and of less strength after a 
partial reward schedule in which rewarded and unrewarded 
trials are intermixed. The experimental data, on the other hand, 
indicated that just the converse was true. A partial reward 
schedule established a stronger performance than did continu- 
ous reward when response strength was measured by resistance 
to extinction. These data indicated that there was something 
wrong with those theoretical assumptions that say response 
strength increases as the number of reward experiences in- 
creases, and decreases with the accumulation of non-reward ex- 

To make the issue somewhat more concrete, let us review a 
recent study done by Weinstock ( 1954 ) . He trained four groups 
of hungry rats to run an alleyway for food. The percentage of 
trials on which each group was rewarded was, respectively, 100 
per cent, 80 per cent, 50 per cent, and 30 per cent. Only one 
trial a day was given until each animal had had 75 trials. All 
groups were then run for an additional 20 trials without reward. 
On each trial of training and extinction a speed score was re- 

Under these training conditions, it is clear what the assump- 
tions underlying learning theory should predict about the 
strength of performance at the end of 75 trials. The 100 per 
cent reward group has had 75 rewarded trials, and if perform- 
ance strength is a cumulative function of reward, this group 
should show the strongest tendency to run and to persist in this 
response. On the other hand, the 30 per cent reward group has 
had only about 23 rewarded trials, far fewer than the 100 per 
cent reward group, in which to build up performance strength. 
Furthermore, it has had 52 unrewarded trials, each of which 
should have subtracted from the response strength. Conse- 
quently, at the end of training it should show relatively poor 
performance as measured both by the latency of the response 
and by resistance to extinction. 


The main results of this study only partially support this 
theoretical expectation. At the end of training the speed scores 
indicated that the 100 per cent reward group was, indeed, fast- 
est. Then came the 80 per cent, 50 per cent, and 30 per cent 
reward groups, in order. Thus, in terms of this latency or speed 
measure there is good support for the theoretical prediction that 
the more frequently rewarded group should have the stronger 
tendency to run. However, if we look at a measure of resistance 
to extinction we get just the opposite ordering of the groups. 
Using an arbitrary criterion of extinction ( a speed score of . 2 ) , 
this criterion is reached on the fourth trial by the 100 per cent 
group, on the twelfth trial by the 80 per cent group, on the 
eighteenth trial by the 50 per cent group, and not at all during 
the twenty trials by the 30 per cent reward group. Thus, there 
are clear and marked differences among the groups in their 
tendency to persist in this behavior. The group rewarded most 
infrequently was the most resistant to extinction. In theoretical 
terms, it means thajtihe partially rewarded groups had greater 
response strength than did the 100 per cent reward group. These 
results^are very difficult to reconcile with the theories of learn- 

There is nothing artifactual about the Weinstock experi- 
ment. The same results occur over and over again in the litera- 
ture. In most of these studies, we find that at the end of ^training 
the 100 per cent reward group runs faster than the partially re- 
warded group, fust as in Weinstock's experiment. And in prac- 
tically all studies, the partially rewarded group is more resistant 
to extinction than is the 100 per cent reward group. 

2. The efectpf delay of reward. A. similar and equally dif- 
ficult problem confronts us in a number of recent studies on de- 
lay of reward. This latter term refers to a training, procedure in 
which an interval of time is interposed between the performance 
of the response and the presentation of the reward. For ex- 
ample, a hungry animal may be trained to run to a goal box 
where it is restrained for twenty to thirty seconds before being 
given food. As we have indicated previously, learning theory 
assumes that the longer this delay of reward, the smaller is the 
increment of response strength. Rewards are most effective 


when they are immediate. It has been known for a long time 
that delay of reward during training slows the rate of learning 
and produces relatively long latencies in the performance of the 
response. It is precisely these findings that give strong support 
to some of the assumptions of learning theory. 

Recently, however, there have been investigations of the 
effect of these delays on resistance to extinction. When this 
measure of response strength is used, the experimental results 
are again in direct opposition to our theoretical expectations. 
A group of animals trained with delay intervals between the re- 
sponse and the reward shows more persistence during extinction 
than does a comparable group that has had immediate reward 
on each training trial. This finding has been replicated suffi- 
ciently often by now that we can have complete faith in it. But 
if this is true, it contradicts learning theory. It indicates that a 
delay in reward has increased, not decreased, the strength of 
the tendency to perform the response. 

The problem involved can best be underlined by describing 
an experiment on delay of reward. Wike and McNamara ( 1957 ) 
did a study to determine the effect on resistance to extinction 
of differing percentages of trials on which delay of reward was 
present. They trained three groups of hungry animals on a run- 
way. One group was delayed for thirty seconds on 25 per cent 
of the trials before entering the goal box and finding food. On 
the remaining trials, no delay at all was involved. These delay 
and no-delay trials occurred in an unpredictable order. The 
second group was delayed for thirty seconds on 50 per cent of 
its trials, and the third group on 75 per cent of its trials. 

According to learning theory, we should expect the third 
group, which experienced the greatest number of delays, to 
have the weakest response strength and the first group, which 
experienced the fewest delay trials, to have the strongest. Again 
we find that measures of latency of response during training 
support the learning theory prediction. At the end of 28 train- 
ing trials, the running times were fastest for the group with the 
least percentage of delay and slowest for the group with the 
greatest percentage of delay. However, once more we find a 
contradiction between theory and performance during extinc- 


tion. Resistance to extinction is least for those with the fewest 
delay trials (25 per cent delay group) and greatest for those 
with the most delay trials ( 75 per cent delay group ) . Thus, this 
study clearly indicates that the more frequently an animal has 
experieucecLdelay of reward the greater is its persistence during 
extinction. This outcome is very difficult to reconcile with the 
assumptions that learning theory makes about the effects of the 
gradient of reward on response strength. 

It should be emphasized that this type of result has been 
obtained so frequently that it can be accepted as a generaliza- 
tion. The partial delay aspect of the above experiment is not a 
crucial feature. The same result obtains even when one group 
is delayed on each training trial and the other group is never 
delayed (Fehrer, 1956). Thus, granting that resistance to ex- 
tinction is a valid index of response strength, we are confronted 
by the dflemma that delay of reward strengthens performance 
when on theoretical grounds we have every right to expect that 
it would weaken it. 

3. The effect ofefort.K third area of conflict between the- 
ory and empirical findings concerns the effect of effort on re- 
sponse strength. Here it must be granted that the experimental 
evidence is scanty. Nonetheless, there are sufficient data to sug- 
gest that future findings will be a source of embarrassment to 
learning theory. 

We have indicated that effort is conceptualized in learning 
theory as a negative incentive or else as a variable that builds 
up an inhibitory state opposing the response being learned. In 
either instance we should expect that the more effort required 
of the animal in order to obtain a given reward, the weaker 
would be its response strength. And data show that effortful 
responses are usually learned more slowly and show longer la- 
tencies than non-effortful ones. The source of conflict between 
learning theory and data here again only becomes apparent 
when we look at the effect of effort on persistence during ex- 

One of the most clear-cut studies on the effect of effort is 
reported by Aiken (1957). He used an apparatus where the 
animal had to press against a panel in order to obtain a pellet 
of food. The pressure, and thus the effort, required to activate 


the panel could be varied. For one group of animals, 32 grams 
of pressure were required during training whereas for the other 
group only 5 grams were required. After training, the animals 
were extinguished to a criterion of two consecutive failures to 
respond within thirty seconds. During the extinction trials half 
of each training group was required to exert 5 grains of pressure 
and the other half, 32 grams of pressure. 

The 5-gram and the 32-gram training groups differ, as one 
would expect, in how quickly they learn. The group exerting 
greater effort learns more slowly. During extinction, however, 
there are clear differences in persistence that are contrary to 
theoretical expectation. The data from this experiment are 
shown in Table 1 . 1. 

TABLE 1.1 

(From Aiken, 1957) 


During Effort During Acquisition 

Extinction 5 grams 32 grams 

5 grams 45.5 56.5 

32 grams 35.6 46.8 

Let us look first at the figures in the upper left and lower 
right quadrants. It is clear from the data that when animals are 
extinguished under the same effort condition on which they 
were trained, there is no difference in resistance to extinction. 
This is true even though for one group 32 grams of effort is in- 
volved and for the other only 5 grams. This is in itself some- 
what surprising. If effort is a negative incentive, then a group 
trained and extinguished on 32 grams should certainly have 
less response strength than one trained and extinguished on 5 
grams. This same type of result has been found by Weiss ( 1961 ) , 
Maatsch, Adelman, and Denny (1954), and others. 

Of even more importance, however, is the comparison be- 
tween columns in the table. Within either row, we can compare 
two groups that were extinguished under exactly the same effort 
condition; they differ only with respect to the effort they had 
expended during training. In each of the two comparisons, the 
group that expended the most effort during training takes more 
trials to reach the criterion of extinction. If this result proves 


to be valid, it is disconcerting from the viewpoint of the assump- 
tions of learning theory. The more effort the animal is required 
to expend during training, the less should be the strength of its 
response. Why, then, does it persist longer during extinction? 

This brief survey is sufficient to indicate that there is a con- 
siderable body of data that represents a persistent irritant to 
the learning theorist. It is clear that partial reward, delay of 
reward, and effort are variables that increase resistance to ex- 
tinction when theoretically they should decrease it. 

We should like to emphasize the fundamental quality of this 
conflict between fact and theory. First of all, it is not as though 
these findings were concerned with complex phenomena rela- 
tively remote from the main areas of learning theory. If they 
were, we could always console ourselves with the thought that 
they would eventually fall into place once our theories were de- 
veloped sufficiently to deal with them. Unfortunately, however, 
these results concern phenomena that are directly within the 
province of our present theories. And these theories, as they 
are presently formulated, make clear-cut predictions as to what 
should occur. The conflict between fact and prediction cannot 
be ignored. 

Second, and probably more important, the strategy for 
handling this contradiction is not clear. It is simple enough to 
say that when a well-established fact contradicts a theoretical 
prediction, the assumptions of the theory should be changed. 
But in the present instance this procedure might well result in 
a very great loss for relatively little gain. The present assump- 
tions of learning theory do account in an adequate manner for 
a wide range of behavior. Even more significantly, they do ac- 
count adequately for some aspects of the data from partial re- 
ward, delay of reward, and effort studies. For instance, they dp 
predict the_slqwer learning and the longer latencies that nor- 
mally are observed whenthese variables are introduced into the 
training procedure. What they fail primarily to predict is one 
aspect of these studies, namely, the effect of these variables on 
resistance to extinction. Consequently, it is not at all clear that 
we can make a simple change in assumptions to account for the 
latter effects without giving up the present predictive power for 
the other aspects of the behavior. 


At first glance it would appear that we might circumvent the 
apparent contradiction by contending that resistance to extinc- 
tion is a poor measure of response strength. This approach is 
totally unacceptable, however, because it cuts the theory loose 
from just those aspects of behavior that we wish to predict. No 
one desires this sort of solution. Furthermore, such an approach 
indirectly would admit that there are unknown variables, other 
than rewards, that can build up resistance to extinction. These 
other variables would have to be seen as even more potent than 
rewards because no accumulation of rewarded experiences ever 
makes a 100 per cent reward group as resistant to extinction as 
a partially rewarded one. 

Attempted Explanations 

The contradiction between learning theory and data has 
stimulated many people to try to find some explanation. These 
explanations have centered, almost exclusively, on the data con- 
cerning partial reward. The reason for this exclusive focus is 
historically simple. The partial reward effect was the first one 
to be noted, whereas the data concerning the effect of delay of 
reward are relatively recent. The role that effort has in increas- 
ing resistance to extinction has been largely overlooked in spite 
of the data in the literature. 

The task for those who have attempted to explain these ap- 
parent contradictions has not been an easy one. The explana- 
tions that have been offered represented great theoretical inge- 
nuity and were, on the whole, adequate to explain what was 
known at the time. Like all good explanations, they stimulated 
further research. Unfortunately, this further research tended 
to make them less tenable. Nonetheless, it is because of these 
explanations that there is now sufficient data to permit new ex- 
planations. We shall review the past critically for the purpose 
of providing a background for the explanation we wish to offer. 

Attempts to explain the partial reward effect have been so 
numerous that it is not feasible to review all of them. We shall 
review, and attempt to evaluate, those that have seemed most 
plausible and have gained at least temporary acceptance. We 
shall concentrate on those that have led to current formulations 
and, of course, on those that are still current. 


The Humphreys Hypothesis. -One of the earliest explana- 
tions of the partial reward effect was suggested by Humphreys 
( 1939 ) . In an experiment using human eye-blink conditioning, 
Humphreys demonstrated clearly that resistance to extinction 
was greater after a sequence in which, on some occasions, the 
conditioned stimulus was not followed by a puff of air to the 
eye than after a sequence in which the puff always followed the 
conditioned stimulus. To account for this he offered an explana- 
tion that has provided the basis for much of the subsequent 
theorizing about the effects of partial reward. 

According to Humphreys, the subject continues to respond 
until he has had sufficient experience with the conditions during 
extinction to convince himself that the reinforcing event no 
longer occurs in this situation. This explanation can account 
for the difference in resistance to extinction between a 100 per 
cent rewarded group and a partially rewarded one. A given 
reward is present on every training trial for the 100 per cent 
group, and then it is suddenly removed when extinction trials 
begin. This sharp and sudden change of stimulus conditions 
permits these subjects to realize quickly that there has been a 
change. For the partially rewarded subjects, however, there is 
less change in the stimulus conditions between the training trials 
and the extinction trials. During the training trials the subjects 
frequently experience omission of reward, and therefore extinc- 
tion trials do not represent a totally new situation for these indi- 
viduals. This overlap in stimulus conditions makes it difficult 
for them to discriminate between the end of training and the 
beginning of extinction. This greater difficulty of discrimination 
reveals itself as a slower rate of extinction. 

There are really two aspects to this explanation of extinction 
effects that Humphreys has offered. Although they are similar 
in nature, it is advantageous to discuss them separately. One 
of these aspects we should like to call an "amount of information 
explanation." The other has been called a "discrimination ex- 
planation." The former says that extinction occurs only when 
the subject has had sufficient experience to expect consistent 
absence of reward. Subjects trained on a partial reward sched- 
ule have come to expect a certain number of unrewarded trials 


mixed in with rewarded ones; consequently, when extinction 
starts, it takes them longer to realize that reward is totally absent 
than it takes subjects that have been always rewarded. If sub- 
jects are trained with a very low ratio of rewarded to unre- 
warded trials, extinction may take very long indeed. 

This explanation, although somewhat vague, and certainly 
not well integrated with conventional learning theory, does ex- 
plain the major data on the partial reward effect. It does not, 
of course, explain the increased resistance to extinction follow- 
ing delay of reward, nor does it explain the fact that increased 
effort increases resistance to extinction. But these latter facts 
were not known at the time when Humphreys offered his ex- 
planation. So far as data relating to the effects of partial reward 
are concerned, this "information" hypothesis has never been in- 
validated. Its lack of general acceptance among learning theo- 
rists may be due to a number of things. First of all, it is difficult 
to integrate this idea into learning theory in any precise manner. 
Second, there is undoubtedly some suspicion that the magnitude 
of the effects obtained in experiments is not fully consistent with 
this explanation. We shall leave it at this for now, although 
later in this book we shall present new data on the basis of which 
we may discard this "information explanation." 

The second aspect of the explanation offered by Humphreys 
has been much more widely accepted. This "discrimination ex- 
planation" focuses on the fact that there are more elements in 
the situation that are common to both extinction and acquisition 
for partially rewarded than for continuously rewarded subjects. 
This is true whether one is dealing with eye-blink conditioning 
or with a hungry animal running an alley. The common element 
for the partially rewarded animal is the presence of non-re- 
warded trials both during training and during extinction, an 
overlap that is not experienced by the continuously rewarded 
one. It has long been known that an animal finds it more difficult 
to establish a discrimination between two stimulus situations 
that differ in only a few aspects than between two that differ 
in many. Consequently, if the partially rewarded animal learns 
to respond on unrewarded trials during training, it is not at all 
surprising that it transfers this responding to the extinction situ- 


ation to a far greater extent than does the continuously rewarded 
one that has never learned to respond on such trials. This "dis- 
crimination hypothesis" has been taken over in one form or 
another by many other theorists (Bitterman et al, 1953; Mow- 
rer, 1960). 

If one examines this explanation closely, however, it turns 
out that it does not really relate the partial reward effect to an 
organized set of theoretical concepts. Actually, it is mainly an 
extension of an empirical generalization. We have observed in 
a variety of conventional discrimination experiments that the 
greater the similarity of the stimuli in two situations the harder 
it is for an animal to establish differential responses to those 
situations. We then observe that there is at least one sense in 
which the training and extinction conditions for the partially 
rewarded animal are more similar than they are for the con- 
tinuously rewarded animal. From this we infer that the partially 
rewarded animal wfll have more difficulty in establishing differ- 
ential behaviors, those of responding and not responding, in 
the two conditions. 

There is nothing wrong in the use of such empirical generali- 
zations. Often they are the only basis for prediction that we 
have. The great difficulty is that there are always gross excep- 
tions to the rule which we tend to gloss over. An example with 
respect to the present generalization arises in the case of delay 
of reward. Wike and McNamara (1957) did a study which 
differed in design from the conventional one involving delay of 
reward. Their apparatus consisted of a runway leading into a 
delay compartment, which in turn exited into a goal box. The 
control animals ran directly through the delay compartment and 
immediately found food in the goal box. The experimental ani- 
mals were trapped for a few seconds in the delay compartment, 
and then released to find food immediately in the goal box. 
During extinction both groups were permitted to run directly 
through the delay compartment into the goal box, but of course 
there was no longer any food. 

If we ask what the similarities are between training and ex- 
tinction conditions, it is clear that the two conditions are more 
similar for the control than for the delay group. The control 


group always ran directly through the delay compartment in 
both training and extinction conditions. The delay group, on 
the other hand, had been retained there during training, but 
not in extinction. Clearly, this switch from delay to no delay is 
an abrupt change in conditions for the latter. So, in terms of 
our empirical generalization, we have every right to expect that 
the delay animals will extinguish more rapidly than the control 
ones. But this is not what happens; instead, just the converse 
is true. 

Strong believers in the "discrimination hypothesis'* may not 
appreciate this exception to their generalization, even though 
in terms of "obvious" similarities the argument is impeccable. 
They will point to other possible similarities, such as the fact 
that the delay animals have experienced delay without food at 
least some place in the apparatus during training, whereas the 
control animals have not. This experience of not obtaining food, 
it may be argued, is the characteristic common to the training 
and extinction situations for the delay animals that is important 
in increasing resistance to extinction. 

This counterargument, however, reveals the weakness of an 
empirical generalization as compared with a true theoretical 
explanation. There are always a multitude of similarities and 
differences between training and extinction conditions for both 
experimental and control animals. Consequently, depending 
upon which ones are picked and how they are weighted, a va- 
riety of predictions about extinction can be made. It is only 
when an empirical generalization of this sort can be related to 
an organized set of theoretical concepts that one has a criterion 
by means of which such a selection can be made. There have 
been many serious attempts to provide the needed theoretical 
basis for the discrimination hypothesis. We shall proceed to 
examine some of them. 

The Sheffield Hypothesis. One of the most ingenious and 
coherent theoretical bases for the discrimination hypothesis was 
proposed by Sheffield ( 1949 ) . Her line of reasoning was cogent 
and plausible. It seems reasonable to postulate that reward and 
non-reward produce distinctive reactions in the animal, which 
in turn produce distinctive internal stimuli. The act of eating 


undoubtedly produces characteristic kinesthetic stimuli. The 
reaction to non-reward undoubtedly produces a very different 
but equally characteristic set of stimuli. It is also quite reason- 
able to assume that these characteristic internal stimuli, the 
aftereffects of rewarded or unrewarded trials, persist for a period 
of time. 

With these assumptions in mind, Sheffield gave the follow- 
ing theoretical analysis of the training experiences of animals 
rewarded 100 per cent of the time and of partially rewarded 
animals. If animals are rewarded on every trial, they always 
have those stimulus aftereffects that are characteristic of eating. 
If these aftereffects persist until the following trial, they form 
part of the stimulus complex that is present when the animal 
again runs in the apparatus and is again rewarded. Conse- 
quently, the stimulus aftereffects of eating become associated 
with the running response. Partially rewarded animals, on the 
other hand, sometimes have stimulus aftereffects characteristic 
of reward and sometimes have those that are characteristic of 
non-reward. In so far as these persist from one trial to the fol- 
lowing trial, each is sometimes present when the animal again 
runs and is rewarded. Consequently, both types of stimulus 
aftereffects become associated with the running response. Thus, 
in contrast to the continuously rewarded animal, the partially 
rewarded one has established two associations namely, running 
in the presence of reward aftereffects and running in the pres- 
ence of non-reward aftereffects. 

During extinction all animals experience only the stimulus 
aftereffects characteristic of non-reward. These have never been 
associated with running for the continuously rewarded animals. 
Thus, in terms of the concept of stimulus generalization, there 
should be a decrement in the strength of the running response for 
these animals, and they should extinguish rapidly. On the other 
hand, the aftereffects of non-reward have been associated with 
running during the training of the partially rewarded animals. 
There is, then, little stimulus generalization decrement when 
extinction trials begin, and they should extinguish more slowly. 
Thus, a coherent theoretical account of partial reward effects 
was given by postulating that rewards and non-rewards produce 
stimulus events that persist until the start of the next trial. 


The crucial assumption here concerns the persistence of 
these aftereffects. For both theoretical and empirical reasons, 
theorists have agreed that these stimulus traces are short lived, 
that is, they disappear within minutes or even seconds. Incor- 
porating this knowledge concerning the durability of stimulus 
traces into the theoretical explanation leads to the conclusion 
that partial reward effects should be observed only under 
massed training and massed extinction conditions and should 
not be found when the trials are widely spaced. If spaced trials 
are used during training, animals that are always rewarded and 
animals that are partially rewarded would not have any differ- 
ential stimulus traces to be associated with the running response 
because the stimulus aftereffects of the preceding trial would 
have disappeared. Thus, with widely spaced trials the partial 
reward effect should disappear or perhaps even be reversed. 

Realizing that this derivation concerning the effects of 
spaced and massed trials was crucial for the explanation, Shef- 
field conducted an experiment to test its validity. She found that 
when animals were trained under conditions of massed trials ( an 
intertrial interval of about fifteen seconds ) the usual difference 
between partially rewarded and 100 per cent rewarded animals 
appeared. If, however, the animals were trained using spaced 
trials ( an intertrial interval of fifteen to twenty minutes ) there 
was no significant difference between the two groups in resist- 
ance to extinction. 

These data, of course, gave strong support to the Sheffield 
explanation. If these results could be replicated, and if the Shef- 
field explanation could be accepted as correct, there would no 
longer be any contradiction at all between learning theory and 
the data concerning extinction after partial reward. There were, 
consequently, a number of attempts to repeat the Sheffield ex- 
periment. Unfortunately, the results she obtained did not stand 
up. We shall review some of these studies in order to give a 
fair picture of the evidence that has accumulated. 

Two experiments directly attempted to replicate the Shef- 
field finding. Lewis (1956) did one of these studies using an 
apparatus and procedure almost identical to that used by Shef- 
field. The major difference between the Sheffield and the Lewis 
experiments was the time intervals between trials. Both experi- 


ments used a fifteen-second intertrial interval for massed train- 
ing, but whereas Sheffield used a fifteen-minute interval for the 
spaced trials, Lewis used only a two-minute interval. Lewis 
found that the intertrial interval made no difference. The par- 
tially rewarded animals extinguished more slowly than those 
that were rewarded on every trial, regardless of the intertrial 

Wilson, Weiss, and Amsel (1955) replicated the Sheffield 
experiment using no procedural variations whatsoever. They 
used the same kind of apparatus, the same procedure, and the 
same time intervals that Sheffield had used. They also found 
that the intertrial interval, that is, whether the training trials 
were massed or spaced, made no difference at all. Regardless of 
the intertrial interval, the partially rewarded animals showed 
themselves to be more resistant to extinction than those that had 
been rewarded 100 per cent of the time during training. These 
failures to replicate the Sheffield result suggest that her finding 
may have been due to sampling error. 

The final blow to the Sheffield hypothesis as an adequate 
explanation of partial reward effects was given by the Weinstock 
experiment to which we have previously referred. When he 
demonstrated that clear-cut effects of partial reward on extinc- 
tion were obtained even though training trials were spaced 
twenty-four hours apart, it no longer was possible to believe in 
a hypothesis that made the intertrial interval the crucial vari- 

We have reviewed only a few of the many studies that have 
been done in the last ten years. An examination of all the re- 
search leads Lewis to say: "The conclusion seems to be rather 
firm that the PRE [partial reward effect] obtains whatever the 
spacing of the acquisition trials." (Lewis, 1960, p. 10.) One 
must conclude that the Sheffield interpretation must be dis- 
carded as an explanation for the effects of partial reward. 

"Competing Response 9 Hypotheses. Several theorists have 
offered explanations of the partial reward effect that circumvent 
the need for having stimulus traces persist between trials. Some 
of these theories are based on the idea that unrewarded trials 
produce competing responses which are either adapted out or 


conditioned to miming on subsequent rewarded trials. Wein- 
stock (1954) has emphasized the adaptation to non-reward. 
Estes (1959) has emphasized the other possibility. We shall 
base our discussion here mainly on the statement by Estes, 
which represents a more complete theoretical account. Estes 

According to the present theory, the mechanism for extinction of an in- 
strumental response is conceived as follows. The function of non-reinforce- 
ment is to establish a stimulating situation in which competing responses 
have high probabilities. When the competing responses are evoked in the 
presence of stimulus elements which are connected to the formerly rein- 
forced response, conditioning occurs in accordance with the contiguity 
principle, and the competing responses gain connections at the expense of 
the formerly reinforced one. During a series of reinforced trials, some one 
response, e.g., approaching a food tray, becomes well conditioned to the 
reinforcing situation, e.g., the goal box of a maze. Then when reinforce- 
ment is first omitted, cues from the changed situation and cues arising from 
the disrupted response sequence evoke competing responses with high 
probability. Consequently, extinction tends to be rapid following a series 
of continuously reinforced trials. Under a partial reinforcement schedule, 
the situation is somewhat different. Competing responses which become 
conditioned following a non-reinforcement early in the series will tend to 
occur on later reinforced trials; therefore, response-produced stimuli asso- 
ciated with them will become conditioned cues for the reinforced response 
and will tend to maintain the latter during a subsequent extinction series. 
(P. 437.) 

In brief, the idea is that an unrewarded trial tends to evoke 
responses in the animal that compete with the response of run- 
ning to the goal box. As a result of the mixture of rewarded and 
unrewarded trials, the partially rewarded animal will make 
these competing responses occasionally on a rewarded trial. 
Thus, because these competing responses are followed by run- 
ning to the goal box and being rewarded, the stimuli produced 
by these competing responses become additional cues for run- 
ning to the goal box. Presumably, this does not happen to an 
animal that was rewarded 100 per cent of the time, because it 
rarely, if ever, makes any competing responses during the train- 
ing trials. For a partially rewarded animal, therefore, many 
stimuli that normally would lead to competing behavior, and 
hence would hasten extinction, have become cues for eliciting 
the running response. This has not happened for the animal 


that was always rewarded. For this reason, the partially re- 
warded animal persists longer during extinction trials than does 
the animal that was trained on a schedule of 100 per cent 

This hypothesis seems plausible, but it is rather difficult to 
evaluate. The source of the difficulty is the lack of specification 
of a number of rather important points in the hypothesis, with- 
out which the hypothesis cannot be tested empirically. Estes 
(1959) himself admits that application of this theoretical ex- 
planation to experimental data on extinction "suffers ambiguity 
because there are no general rules for prescribing just what re- 
sponses will 'compete' with a given response" (p. 437, note). 
There are also other vaguenesses and unclarities. There is no 
specification of any variables that would raise or lower the 
probability of evoking competing responses during training, and 
there is no specification of where in the apparatus these compet- 
ing responses must be evoked in order to produce the increased 
resistance to extinction. 

Let us examine an experiment by Katz (1957) that seems 
relevant to this explanation. Katz trained rats on two runways 
simultaneously. These runways were of equal length but other- 
wise quite distinguishable. Training continued for 10 days, with 
runs on Alley I and Alley II alternating on each day. The time 
interval between an animal's run on Alley I and its succeeding 
run on Alley II was 20 seconds. There was, on the other hand, 
a 15-minute interval between an animal's run on Alley II and 
its next run on Alley I. All animals were given 74 acquisition 
trials on each of the two alleys, and then all were extinguished 
only on Alley II. Three different conditions of training were 
employed: (1) One group of animals was rewarded on every 
trial in both alleys. We shall refer to this as the "100 per cent 
reward condition." (2) A second group received partial reward 
(50 per cent) on Alley I, but on the alley used for extinction 
(Alley II) this group also received 100 per cent reward. We 
shall refer to this group as the "partial-100 per cent reward con- 
dition." (3) The third group received 100 per cent reward on 
Alley I, but on the alley used for extinction (Alley II ) this group 
received 50 per cent reward. To emphasize the experience on 


the alley used during extinction, we shall refer to this group as 
the "partial reward condition." 

Katz's purpose was to assess the general importance of inter- 
trial versus intratrial effects on resistance to extinction. If inter- 
trial effects are important, then the "partial-100 per cent" group 
should show the greatest resistance to extinction. For these 
animals, any unrewarded trial on Alley I was immediately fol- 
lowed by a rewarded trial on Alley II. This arrangement should 
maximize the possibility that the "partial-100 per cent" group 
was running to rewards when dominated by the aftereffects of 
non-reward. On the other hand, what would be expected if 
increased resistance to extinction in partial reward situations 
results from intratrial effects, that is, effects occurring specifi- 
cally on the unrewarded trials? The "partial reward" group was 
the only one that experienced partial reward on the alley on 
which extinction trials were run. Hence, if increased resistance 
to extinction results from something that happens during the 
unrewarded trial, and independently of the carryover of the 
aftereffect of an unrewarded to a succeeding rewarded trial, the 
"partial reward" group should be more resistant to extinction. 
The results of this experiment are clear. They show that the 
"partial reward" group is significantly more resistant to extinc- 
tion than either of the other two. Thus, Katz concludes that 
intratrial, rather than intertrial, processes are primarily involved 
in partial reward effects. What implications exist here for the 
competing response hypothesis? 

Let us make some reasonable specifications of the Estes hy- 
pothesis with respect to this experiment. Consider the "partial- 
100 per cent" group that was partially rewarded on Alley I and 
always rewarded on Alley II. It seems reasonable to assume 
that these animals would be very likely to make competing re- 
sponses when run in Alley II. After all, every unrewarded trial 
in Alley I is immediately followed by a trial in Alley II. Thus, 
if the occurrence of an unrewarded trial increases the likelihood 
of competing responses on the very next trial, the training se- 
quence for the "partial-100 per cent" group has maximized com- 
peting responses in Alley II. Also, one can be certain that every 
time a competing response does occur in Alley II it is followed 


by reward since these animals are always rewarded in Alley II. 
Undoubtedly the animals make a discrimination between the 
two alleys, but it seems reasonable to suppose that there is suffi- 
cient generalization between them to keep the probability of 
competing responses in Alley II fairly high. 

What would one expect from the "partial reward" group that 
was always rewarded in Alley I and partially rewarded in Alley 
II? Here again, of course, one would expect competing re- 
sponses to occur in Alley II. It must be remembered, however, 
that immediately preceding any trial in Alley II these animals 
experienced a rewarded trial in Alley I. Consequently, it is rea- 
sonable to assume that the probability of such competing re- 
sponses would not be too high. In addition, even when compet- 
ing responses did occur in Alley II, they did not always occur 
on rewarded trials, since only half of the trials in Alley II were 
rewarded for this group. 

If the above analysis is reasonable, what would one expect 
concerning differences in the resistance to extinction between 
these two groups? If one emphasizes the effect of the imme- 
diately preceding trial, one would come to the conclusion that 
the "partial-100 per cent" group should be somewhat more re- 
sistant to extinction. If one emphasizes the discrimination that 
the animal probably develops between the two alleys, one 
would conclude that those that were partially rewarded in Alley 
II should be somewhat more resistant to extinction. With these 
two factors working in opposite directions, any reasonable ap- 
plication of the Estes explanation does not lead one to expect 
any great difference between these two groups. 

The data, however, show a very large difference between 
these two conditions. Those animals that were partially re- 
warded on Alley II are very much more resistant to extinction 
than those partially rewarded on Alley I. Indeed, the latter 
group is only slightly more resistant to extinction than were the 
animals that had received 100 per cent reward on both alleys. 
Thus, if our specifications are reasonable, the data do not sup- 
port the competing response interpretation. Some readers might 
argue against the reasonableness of the specifications we have 
made in trying to apply this interpretation to experimental data. 
All we can say is that these specifications seem reasonable to us. 


Clearly, we have not refuted the existing explanations based 
upon the concept of competing responses. All we have done is 
to point to some difficulties in evaluating these explanations. 
Later in this book we shall return to this problem in connection 
with some new data that seem directly pertinent. 

The Logan Hypothesis. It is quite possible that an unre- 
warded trial has psychological effects other than the kind em- 
phasized by Sheffield and by Weinstock. For instance, such a 
trial might change the motivational state of the animal, and this 
in turn might well produce differences in performance between 
continuously and partially rewarded animals. 

Logan (1960) has attempted to account for the effect of 
partial rewards along such motivational lines. His account also 
has the advantage of explicitly dealing with the effects of both 
partial reward and delay of reward on resistance to extinction. 
Logan tends to think of the two as being on the same continuum. 
An unrewarded trial on a partial schedule is, to him, an infinite 
delay of reward. Consequently, the same explanation should 
hold for both. 

Logan assumes that, when an animal runs and finds food in 
the goal box, it makes a characteristic set of goal reactions- 
chewing movements and the like. These goal reactions become 
anticipatory on later trials. The animal begins to make them as 
soon as it is placed in the start box. For Logan, it is the arousal 
of these that provides "incentive motivation." To account for 
the rapid extinction of continuously rewarded animals, he as- 
sumes that when these animals first find an empty goal box, the 
stimuli present still tend to evoke these goal reactions. During 
extinction, however, these reactions weaken because they are 
never followed by reward. It is the extinction of these anticipa- 
tory goal reactions, and thus the decrease in the accompany- 
ing "incentive motivation/* that causes the animal to run more 
slowly on successive extinction trials. 

Logan then accounts for the effect of partial reward and 
delay of reward on resistance to extinction in the following way. 
He argues that under these training procedures, the animal has 
frequent experiences of running into the goal box when food 
is absent. Gradually, the animal builds up a discrimination 
that inhibits the tendency to make goal responses when the food 


is absent. On extinction trials, such an animal has very little 
tendency to make these goal reactions to the empty goal box. 
Consequently, these anticipatory goal reactions and the accom- 
panying incentive motivation extinguish very slowly. 

In many ways this explanation is very similar to the sug- 
gestion made by Mowrer ( 1960) concerning adaptation to frus- 
tration effects. However, Logan's greater specification of his 
explanation makes it possible to attempt an evaluation of his 
hypothesis. His account of the effects of delay of reward im- 
plicitly assumes that the delay takes place in the goal box. It is 
the empty goal cup that must become the cue for inhibiting the 
anticipatory goal responses, and the full one the cue for evoking 
them. Only if the animal has repeatedly experienced both of 
these situations can it establish a discrimination of the type 
postulated. But as was pointed out previously ( cf. Wike and 
McNamara, 1957), there have been studies on delay of reward 
in which the delay occurred in a special compartment prior to 
the animal's entrance into the goal box. Once these animals en- 
tered the goal box, food was immediately present. Clearly this 
is a situation in which all the cues in the goal box should become 
conditioned to eliciting the goal reactions in both the delayed 
and non-delayed groups. There is no occasion for the delayed 
animals to learn to inhibit these reactions to the stimulus of an 
empty food dish because they never experience this condition 
during training. Nonetheless, when extinction is run directly 
to the goal box with no further delay for either group, the delay 
of reward effect on resistance to extinction is still present. This 
result is clearly at variance with what Logan's hypothesis would 

Obviously, one such contradiction is not sufficient to justify 
ignoring this explanation, especially when it is so far the only 
one that seemingly integrates the data from both partial reward 
and delay of reward studies. We believe,, however, that much 
of the data we shall present in the following chapters would be 
difficult to account for using Logan's concepts. 

The Amsel Hypothesis. A different motivational approach 
to the problem of partial reward effects is based on the work of 
Amsel ( 1958 ) . Many of the concepts involved were anticipated 


by Spence ( I960, pp. 97 ff . ) . Amsel, however, was the first to 
develop the ideas sufficiently so that they could apply to the 
effects of partial reward on resistance to extinction. 

His explanation rests on the notion of a frustration drive. The 
presence of this drive may be inferred from the behavior of ani- 
mals in an apparatus consisting of an initial runway leading to 
a mid-box and a second runway leading from the mid-box to 
an end box. Animals were run in this apparatus with a food 
reward in the mid-box on only a fraction of the trials, but with 
a reward in the end box on every trial. On unrewarded trials in 
the mid-box, the animals were delayed for a period of time be- 
fore being released to run the second alley. The main finding 
was that the running speed in the second alley was greater after 
unrewarded mid-box experiences than after rewarded ones. 
Amsel's interpretation assumes that the experience of non-re- 
ward produces a specific but implicit response, the frustration 
response, which in turn gives rise to a specific pattern of stimu- 
lation as well as to the motivational state of frustration. This 
frustration drive is capable of energizing any habit the animal 
has learned, such as that of running the second alley. Thus, on 
unrewarded mid-box trials, according to this hypothesis, the 
animals have a stronger drive state when they run the second 
alley than they have on rewarded trials. 

Amsel uses these concepts in interpreting the partial reward 
effect as follows. He considers the frustration response to be 
aroused on each unrewarded trial the animal experiences. In- 
itially, it is aroused only in the goal box where the animal has 
learned to expect food. But, like other responses, it can become 
anticipatory, that is, it can be evoked by stimuli that occur prior 
to the goal box, such as those in the runway and start box of the 
apparatus. When this frustration response is aroused, it pro- 
duces its own specific stimulus pattern. Since this stimulus pat- 
tern is present when the animal runs, it becomes associated with 
this overt behavior and, thus, eventually becomes one of the 
cues for running. It should be noted that this partially rewarded 
animal also has a higher drive level than a continuously re- 
warded animal because of the motivational consequences of this 
frustration response. 


As we understand the Amsel hypothesis concerning extinc- 
tion, animals trained under 100 per cent reward, and then placed 
on extinction, have this frustration response aroused for the first 
time. As it becomes anticipatory, two things occur: (1) because 
the stimulus pattern characteristic of the frustration response 
has never been associated with the act of running forward, its 
presence during extinction tends to arouse competing behaviors 
that hasten extinction; (2) at the same time, the increase in 
drive level tends to be channeled into these dominant, compet- 
ing behaviors and thus also hastens the extinction process. On 
the other hand, partially rewarded animals did continue to run 
during training trials in spite of occasional unrewarded trials. 
This permitted the stimulus pattern characteristic of the frus- 
tration response to become associated with running. Conse- 
quently, when these same stimuli occur during extinction trials, 
they tend to elicit the running response rather than competing 
behaviors. This in itself tends to increase resistance to extinc- 
tion. At the same time, the frustration drive should help main- 
tain the running behavior. 

To the extent that one considers the stimulus functions of 
this frustration response, the resulting explanation of partial re- 
ward effects is not much different from that based on competing 
responses. Both emphasize that the greater resistance to extinc- 
tion shown by partially rewarded animals stems from the fact 
that they have been trained to run to stimuli that are also char- 
acteristic of the extinction situation. However, Amsel also in- 
vokes a motivational principle to augment the effects attribut- 
able to the association between the frustration stimuli and the 
running behavior. In this respect there is a similarity to the 
Logan hypothesis. An evaluation of the adequacy of the Amsel 
hypothesis in accounting for partial and delayed reward effects 
is difficult at present because of the paucity of relevant experi- 
ments. We shall attempt such an evaluation in later chapters 
in terms of our own research findings. 

In this brief review, we have been unable to do justice to all 
the ingenuity that has been displayed in attempts to account for 
partial reward and delay of reward effects. It should be clear, 
however, that there is a great family resemblance among many 


of the explanations that can be traced back to the discrimination 
hypothesis. Most of them postulate a greater stimulus similarity 
between the training and extinction situations for the partially 
rewarded animal than for the continuously rewarded one. As 
a consequence, the partially rewarded animal during training 
forms an association between those stimuli characteristic of the 
extinction situation and the response of running. This associa- 
tion does not occur for the continuously rewarded ahiinal, and 
since, it does not, the former continues to run during extinction 
whereas the latter faces a somewhat new and novel stimulus 
situation that disrupts its performance. The major shift in these 
accounts over the years has been from an emphasis on intertrial 
sources of stimulation, as in the Sheffield account, to a reliance 
on intratrial factors such as frustration responses and competing 

The one new and stimulating approach to the explanation 
of partial reward effects has been the introduction of motiva- 
tional in addition to associational concepts. Our own solution 
to this theoretical problem, which we shall outline in Chapter 2, 
also emphasizes the role of motivation. The nature of the moti- 
vational concepts we suggest, as well as the manner of their 
operation in increasing resistance to extinction, is, however, 
quite different from that suggested by either Logan or Amsel. 

Dissonance Reduction Effects 
in Learning Situations 

In Chapter 1 we considered the difficulties that learning theory 
is having at present with a large body of empirical data. Let us 
briefly review the problem posed by the data: 

1. Although rewards are supposed to strengthen a habit, one 
finds that habits that have been partially rewarded are more 
resistant to extinction than those that have been continuously 

2. Although temporal delay between performing a response 
and obtaining a reward is supposed to weaken a habit, one finds 
that habits that have been acquired with delayed reward are 
more resistant to extinction than those acquired without delay. 

3. Although expenditure of effort in the performance of a 
response is supposed to build up inhibition and thus weaken the 
habit, one finds that habits acquired under conditions requiring 
considerable effort are more resistant to extinction than those 
acquired with little expenditure of effort. 

We have discussed the inadequacies ofihe attempts to rec- 
oncile this conflict between learning theory and data. In this 
chapter we shall propose an explanation that we feel is more 
adequate. We shall begin our presentation by regarding the 
data from a purely empirical point of view. The reason for doing 
this is to find some unifying theme running through this diversity 
of data. If we can do this, we will be closer to finding a theoreti- 
cal explanation. 


An Empirical Generalization 

If one searches for factors common to the three variables of 
partial reward, delay of reward, and effort, one is impressed by 
one obvious similarity. This similarity is readily apparent when 
we consider the animal's reactions in a free choice situation. If 
an animal is given a choice between an alternative that provides 
100 per cent reward and one that provides partial reward, it 
chooses the 100 per cent rewarded alternative; if given a choice 
between an alternative where reward is immediate and one 
where it is delayed, it chooses the immediately rewarded alter- 
native; and if given a choice between two alternative paths to 
the same goal which differ only in the amount of work required, 
it chooses the least effortful path. Clearly each of these three 

*- " ln "**^,,' ,_ ..-Ml. ' ./--- r,~,-^ 1 f-l-t f 

variablespartial reward^delay of jreward, and efiort-r-is some- 
thing the animal will avoid if given an opportunity tojdto. so,. 
This contention is easy to support with experimental evidence. 

1. Partial reward. Branswik (1939) reports an experiment 
in which rats were given a series of learning trials in a T-maze. 
One arm led to a goal box in which food was always available. 
The other arm led to a similar goal box in which food was avail- 
able on only 50 per cent of the trials. The animals quickly learned 
to go to the side offering 100 per cent rewards significantly more 
often than chance would allow. When the reward percentages 
in the two goal boxes were reversed, the animals quickly re- 
versed their behavior. Clearly, animals would rather go to a 
place where they are always rewarded than to one where they 
are rewarded only occasionally. 

2. Delay of reward. Logan (1952) reports an experiment 
in which rats were given a choice between two alternatives, both 
of which led to an equal reward on each trial. For one alterna- 
tive, the reward appeared one second after the choice was made. 
If the other alternative was chosen, however, the animal had to 
wait five seconds before the reward was presented. The data 
show that the animals quickly learned to choose the alternative 
that yielded the more immediate rewardthey went almost 100 
per cent of the time to the alternative where food was presented 


after only one second. Furthermore, if after they had learned 
this, the delay intervals were reversed between the two alterna- 
tives, the animals quickly changed their choice. In short, they 
clearly preferred an immediate to a delayed reward. 

3. Work or effort Numerous studies have shown that rats 
will choose the shorter of two paths to a goal box. It is not easy, 
however, to find studies in which the variable of effort is not 
confounded with other variables, such as the time elapsing be- 
tween the choice point and the reward. Fortunately, Thompson 
(1944) reports one experiment in which the alternatives avail- 
able to the animal did differ only in the amount of effort re- 
quired. This was achieved by providing a lever that the animal 
had to press in order to gain access to the reward. One lever re- 
quired a pressure of forty grams, the other of sixty grams. When 
given free choice trials, the animals soon learned to choose the 
low effort alternative on practically every trial, thus showing a 
marked preference for the less effortful alternative. 

Considering these facts about free choice behavior in con- 
junction with what we already know about resistance to extinc- 
tion, we can state an empirical generalization of broad scope: 
The set of conditions that an animal chooses least often in a free 
choice situation will result in increased resistance to extinction, 
in a non-choice situation, if the animal has experienced them 
during acquisition. In other words, consider two values of any 
variable for example, a long and a short delay of reward. 
Assume that, in a free choice situation, the animal consistently 
chooses one in preference to the other when all other things in 
the situation are equal. This variable, then, should make a dif- 
ference in resistance to extinction for animals trained in a non- 
choice situation such as a simple runway. A group that experi- 
ences the less preferred value of the variable during training 
will be more resistant to extinction. 

Later we shall have to qualify this generalization, but for 
the moment let us accept its correctness as stated. The accept- 
ance of this generalization permits us to restate the problem 
which requires theoretical explanation. We need no longer be 
concerned with the specificities of partial reward, delay of re- 
ward, or effort. Rather, the problem to be explained may be 


stated as follows: Why does an animal that has been induced to 
experience repeatedly a less preferred situation show increased 
resistance to extinction? 

Overview of Dissonance Theory 

Stating the problem in this manner suggests that we might 
find a solution to it by turning to a theory that was developed 
to account for similar phenomena in humans. This is the the- 
ory of cognitive dissonance, initially formulated by Festinger 
(1957). The theory, in part, deals with situations in which an 
individual's actions are not entirely consistent with what he 
knows about the environment. An animal that suffers, say, de- 
lay of reward but still continues to run is in a situation where it 
knows things that are inconsistent with its actions. Since there 
is some similarity here, perhaps the theory of dissonance can 
offer an adequate explanation of our empirical generalization. 
We shall first present a brief, intuitive sketch of the theory as 
it applies to humans. We shall then develop its implications 
more rigorously as it applies to resistance to extinction in non- 
verbal animals. 

The theory of cognitive dissonance deals, in part, with the 
psychological states that arise in humans as a result of taking 
some action and then finding that the consequences of this act 
are not sufficient to justify the action takei|. Such conditions set, 
up a motivational state called dissonance. Illustrations of situ- 
ations that might establish dissonance are easy to come by. For 
instance, there is the new and eager Ph.D. who decides to accept 
a position at Jones College. After arriving with bag and bag- 
gage for the fall term, he finds that the college is very inferior 
intellectually, socially, and financially. Or again there is the 
conscientious saver who, after extensive house hunting, buys 
one and then finds it is riddled by termites, has a leaky roof, 
and needs new plumbing. In both of these situations dissonance 
exists. The basis for this dissonance is the opposition between 
two cognitions., or two sets, of inf ormation, the individual has. 
Lf the latter example, the information that he has purchased the 
house is dissonant with the information he has about undesir- 
able aspects of the house. Considering only things like its ter- 


mites and its plumbing, he would not ordinarily have under- 
taken this action. More generally, dissonance exists between 
two pieces of information if the obverse of one would normally 
follow from the other for that given individual 

These states^ of dissonance^are^ said to have -motivational 
properties .because they areiensional systems, that the individual 
tends to reduce. Such reduction, however, can take place in only 
one of two ways. The most common form of dissonance reduc- 
tion is a change in behavior. If the homeowner were immedi- 
ately to sell his house to someone else, his new behavior would 
be consonant or compatible with his information about the un- 
desirable aspects of its condition. However, it is frequently 
impossible to reduce dissonance by such a change of behavior 
because of social, financial, or other similar pressures. The home- 
owner may well be stuck with his lemon. Under these condi- 
tions, there is an alternative way in which the individual can 
reduce the unpleasant state of dissonance, at least to some de- 
gree. He can change his cognition or information about the 
consequences of being the owner of the house. This can be done 
in a variety of ways. By and large, however, they all involve 
seeking additional information that is consonant with the act 
of owning the house. He may convince himself that the splen- 
did view, the excellent neighbors, and the nearness to schools 
and shops more than compensate for the sad state of disrepair. 
Or the consonant information he seeks may take even more 
subtle forms-the "do-it-yourself" skills he must now acquire 
are morally good as well as a benefit to one's health. The exact 
form that this type of dissonance reduction will take is difficult 
to specify, for it depends to such a large extent on the peculi- 
arities of the individual and on the possibilities for finding such 
dissonance-reducing information in a given situation. 

An alternative way of stating this form of dissonance reduc- 
tion is to say that the individual sets about discovering values 
or rewards in the situation that satisfy some motivation he may 
have other than the motivation that led him to take the action 
in the first place. In buying a house, the individual was pri- 
marily interested in providing an economical and comfortable 
shelter for his family. With the arousal of dissonance, however, 


the emphasis shifted to other motivations, such as those involved 
in valuing neighborliness and the like. In the absence of dis- 
sonance, these new values and rewards might not have been 
sought or discovered. But once they have been discovered, they 
partially reduce the dissonance by giving additional justification 
for the action taken. At the same time they are now available 
to influence future actions. 

An example of this type of dissonance reduction in humans 
is illustrated in an experiment by Aronson and Mills (1959). 
The subjects in their study were college girls who volunteered 
to join discussion groups. In one experimental condition the 
girls were allowed to obtain membership in the group very 
easily. In another condition they were subjected to a rather 
painful and embarrassing selection procedure before they were 
admitted. All subjects in both conditions had identical experi- 
ences once they became members of the group. The results of 
the experiment showed clearly that those subjects who had en- 
dured unpleasantness in order to be admitted liked the group 
better and thought the discussions more interesting than did 
those who gained admission easily. In keeping with the theory, 
those individuals who engaged in an action involving consider- 
able unpleasantness found additional values in the situation that 
were not apparent to others. 

As applied to humans, this theory of cognitive dissonance 
is not only plausible but is well documented by experimental 
evidence. The question remains, however, whether it can be 
formulated so as to apply to the behavior of a non-verbal animal 
when it is confronted with partial reward, delayed reward, or 
effort-evoking situations. We are assuming that these are un- 
pleasant affairs and that when an animal voluntarily engages in 
an action which involves them, a state of dissonance is aroused. 
If this is true, the animal can reduce the dissonance by chang- 
ing its behavior and refusing to repeat this action. If, however, 
it is induced to continue in this activity (perhaps by being given 
food when it is hungry), does the animal reduce its dissonance 
by finding extra attractions in the situation? If it does, this 
might well account for the increased resistance to extinction 
that is shown under these training conditions. In light of what 


we know about human behavior, this type of explanation has 
considerable face validity. But a satisfactory test of the ade- 
quacy of dissonance theory as an explanation for the empirical 
generalization we stated previously is only possible if the impli- 
cations of the theory are spelled out somewhat more rigorously. 
This we shall do in the following section. 

Definition of Dissonance 

Let us specify three types of relationship that can exist be- 
tween items of information. These are the following: 

1. If A psychologically implies B, or B psychologically implies 
A, then A and B are in a consonant relationship. 

2. If A psychologically implies not-B, or B psychologically im- 
plies not-A, then A and B are in a dissonant relationship. 

3. If there is no psychological implication at all from A to B, 
or from B to A, then A and B are in an irrelevant relationship. 

We are, of course, making a number of assumptions about 
the nature of these psychological implications. For instance, 
we are assuming that, if A psychologically implies not-B, it 
is impossible that B psychologically implies A. 

Our main concern is with the second item above, the disso- 
nant relationship. It also can be stated somewhat differently: 
twojitems of information are in a dissonant relationship if, con- 
sidering only these two items, the obverse of one follows psy- 
chologically from tEe other. As an illustration, assume that a 
rat has two items of information resulting from its actual ex- 
perience. Item A is that it has just run the alley, and item B is 
that no reward is present. Further, assume that if, at the begin- 
ning of the trial, the rat had tlie information that no reward was 
present (item B), this would psychologically imply for the rat 
that it would not run the alley on that trial (not-A) . Thus item 
B psychologically implies not-A, and the rat's information that it 
has run the alley (item A) is therefore in a dissonant relation- 
ship with the information that no reward is obtained (item B). 

For the above definition of a dissonant relationship to have 
precise meaning, it is necessary for us to specify exactly what is 


meant by psychological implication. This is to be interpreted 
as follows: if the acceptance of one item of information as true 
sets up an expectation that some other item of information is 
also true, then the first item psychologically implies the second. 
Such psychological implication is, of course, different from logi- 
cal implication. There are many bases other than logical reason- 
ing for setting up expectations. 

Similarly, we need to say something about our usage of the 
term "item of information/' especially as it applies to non-verbal 
organisms. Nothing very elaborate is intended. We assume that 
the animal has information about an event, such as the presence 
or absence of food, whenever that event can be shown to influ- 
ence its behavior. With this usage, it is clear that it has informa- 
tion both about the consequences of an act it has performed and 
about the act itself. It is easy to show that its present behavior 
is determined in part by the action it has just completed. 

Such conceptual definitions concerning relationships be- 
tween items of information, even if stated precisely, are not 
useful unless one can relate them to the empirical world. We 
must therefore face the problem of how to determine which 
items of information have psychological implications for which 
other items, and we must be able to do this for any given organ- 
ism. In a like sense, we must be able to determine which items 
of information an organism possesses at any given time. A com- 
plete determination of this sort would, of course, demand an 
operational method of measurement that would map out all the 
items of information an organism possesses, and all of the inter- 
relationships among these items. This we cannot give. We can 
propose, however, operations that will do this for the kinds of 
information with which we are here concerned. We are pri- 
marily interested in only two types of information, that about 
an action undertaken and that about its consequences. 

To illustrate the problem concretely we shall choose, as an 
example, the question of whether there is any psychological im- 
plication, in one direction or the other, between the information 
that a given course of action inevitably involves some unpleas- 
antness and the information that an organism engages in this 


behavior. We wish to emphasize, so as not to exaggerate the 
importance of effort or unpleasantness in the reader's mind, that 
absence of reward when the person has been oriented toward 
it or delay of reward would be equally serviceable illustrations. 

With a human subject, we could simply ask the following 
question: "If the only thing you know about a given action is 
that it involves pain and embarrassment, would you or would 
you not engage in that action?" We can be reasonably certain 
that our subject would tell us that he would not. Some subjects, 
of course, would say that it would depend on other things such 
as the rewards to be obtained and the possible alternatives. 
But if we insisted upon knowing the expectation engendered 
solely by the given piece of information, we would undoubtedly 
obtain the answer we have suggested. From this we could con- 
clude that for the specific person involved there was a psycho- 
logical implication between the two items of information, and 
we would know the direction of the implication. We would be 
able to say that for this person the information that a given be- 
havior involves pain is consonant with not engaging in the ac- 
tion and is dissonant with engaging in it. 

But how do we get an answer to this question, from a non- 
verbal animal such as the white rat? Clearly, we must observe 
its behavior and make some plausible inferences from this ob- 
servation, For instance, we could give an animal a choice be- 
tween two arms of a T-maze. If the animal turned right, it 
would find food with no difficulty. If it turned left, it would 
also find food but only after considerable difficulty and harass- 
ment. Let us assume that, before being given this free choice, 
the animal had considerable experience with both of the alter- 
natives. Under these circumstances the animal undoubtedly 
would choose the right turn, that is, the easy alternative. We 
could then infer that for this animal, considering only the in- 
formation that a given course of action leads to difficulty and 
harassment, this psychologically implies that it does not engage 
in that action. 

Such an inference is almost justified, but not quite. It seems 
justified when we are dealing with conditions that produce pain 
or difficulty because our intuitive appraisal of the situation fits 


with such an inference. Consider, however, a comparison that 
might be made in the same apparatus between a small and a 
large quantity of food. All other things being equal, a hungry 
rat undoubtedly would choose the alternative that led to the 
larger amount of food. In this case we would be unwilling to 
infer that the information that a given action leads to a small 
amount of food psychologically implies that the rat does not 
engage in that action. Thus, the observation of such choices is 
not sufficient for making this inference. Additional observations 
are needed. In order to justify our inference we also need evi- 
dence that the variable in question (harassment, food, etc.) is 
a deterrent to action and not an incentive for it. 

Suppose that a hungry animal is taught to run a simple 
straight alley for food reward. After its running behavior has 
become stabilized, we can introduce an increment of one of the 
factors under consideration and observe its effects. If we intro- 
duce an increment of delay, we have every right to expect that 
this will slow up, if not prevent, the running behavior. In this 
sense, delay is a deterrent to action. Indeed, any variable which, 
when increased in magnitude, makes for decreased willingness 
to perform an action, may be viewed as a deterrent. This type 
of observation, in conjunction with the observation of choice 
behavior, justifies the inference that the animal's information 
that an action leads to some consequence such as delay psycho- 
logically implies that it does not engage in that action. On the 
other hand, if we add a small increment to the amount of food 
in our runway situation there is no reason to expect that the 
animal's willingness to run would decrease. Instead it would 
probably increase. Thus, we can assert that even small incre- 
ments of food are an incentive for action, certainly not a deter- 
rent to it. Consequently, in spite of observations of choice be- 
havior between large and small amounts of food, we cannot 
infer that information that an action leads to a small quantity 
of food psychologically implies for the animal that it does not 
engage in that activity. 

Thus, from these two types of observation we have usable 
operational specification of when psychological implication 
holds between information about an action and information 


about its consequences. We also can determine in this way 
whether the relationship between the two items of information 
is a consonant or a dissonant one. Expecting non-reward is con- 
sonant with not running and dissonant with running. The con- 
verse is true for an incentive factor such as food. There are, of 
course, many variables that would have no influence on behavior 
in either the choice or runway situations. In our terminology, 
none of these would have psychological implication for the 
action involved. Such variables bear an irrelevant relationship 
to the behavior under consideration. 

We now proceed to examine what we can say, according to 
these conceptual and operational definitions, about experiences 
of partial reward, delay of reward, and effort expenditure. Does 
information that an action leads to any of the above conse- 
quences psychologically imply that the animal does not engage 
in that action? Earlier in this chapter we presented some evi- 
dence that animals will choose 100 per cent reward rather than 
partial reward, immediate reward rather than delayed reward, 
and the less effortful rather than the more effortful action. The 
remaining problem is to determine whether or not these are 
also deterrents to action. 

There is little or no problem in connection with delay of re- 
ward. Experiments reported in the literature indicate that, as 
the temporal interval between action and reward increases, the 
animal performs more slowly (Logan, 1960), Consequently, we 
can infer that information about enforced delay before obtain- 
ing a reward is dissonant with engaging in the action. 

In the case of effort or work, the evidence is also reasonably 
clear cut. As effort is increased, performance becomes poorer 
(Applezweig, 1951). Here, however, there is some slight am- 
biguity. Changing the work requirements of a task frequently 
changes the characteristics of the act that the animal must per- 
form. As a result, a measure such as time may confound the 
animal's willingness to perform and the time actually needed 
to perform the act. Nonetheless, we can feel quite certain that 
information about this work requirement is dissonant with en- 
gaging in the action. 

In the case of partial reward, the determination of whether 
or not a dissonant relationship exists is somewhat more difficult, 


at least at the conceptual level. Training procedures involving 
partial reward always consist of a mixture of rewarded and un- 
rewarded trials. As we have indicated previously, finding food 
on rewarded trials is certainly consonant with performing the 
given action, and therefore any dissonant relationships must 
stem primarily from the unrewarded trials. But it is by no means 
clear that simply the absence of some specified reward can be 
considered to be a general deterrent to action. In a sense, the 
absence of a given type of reward is not something that influ- 
ences behavior. The absence of reward would have a deterrent 
effect only if the animal were strongly motivated for a par- 
ticular reward and were actively seeking it; in other words, 
fasLBon-reward to introduce dissonance the animal must expect 

There is a clear relationship between what we are saying 
here and the concepts of expectation and disconfirmation of ex- 
pectation. For our purposes, nothing more is implied than that 
the present actions of the animal, such as going to and looking 
into the food cup, permit us to infer that they are largely deter- 
mined by its past experiences with food in this situation. Grant- 
ing this, we can say that not finding a reward,, is dissonant with 
performing the act only when a motivated ^aniraaLexpects^ier 

"""" In summary, our operational definitions permit us to say that 

eredTas consequences of an act, are in a dissonant relationship 
with the performance of the act. Consequently, an animal that 
experiences any of these during training should accumulate con- 
siderable dissonance motivation as long as it can be induced to 
continue in such activity. 

The Magnitude of Dissonance 

Thus far we have discussed how to determine whether or 
not a relationship of dissonance or consonance exists between 
two items of information. Since the existence of a dissonant re- 
lationship gives rise to a motivational state, it is essential that 
we specify, both conceptually and operationally, the variables 
that affect the magnitude of this dissonance motivation. * Two 
questions are pertinent here: (1) considering only a single dis- 


sonant relationship between two items of information, what de- 
termines the magnitude of the dissonance engendered, and (2) 
considering that any given item of information may have a vari- 
ety of different relationships with a number of other items of 
information, what determines the total magnitude of the disso- 
nance associated with this single item? We shall consider each 
of these questions in turn. 

In general, ^the magnitude of the dissonance that exists be- 
tween any two Hems of information in a dissonant relationship 
is a direct function of the importance to the individual of .each 
of the items.' In the present restricted context, we deal primarily 
with only two types of information, information about an action 
that has been undertaken and information about the conse- 
quences resulting from the action. For the sake of simplicity of 
presentation, we shall develop the theory as if the importance 
of the item of information about the action were a constant, re- 
gardless of the context in which that action occurs. For this 
simplified case, the magnitude of dissonance that exists between 
items of information about an action and the consequence of 
that action, when these two are in a dissonant relationship, is 
a direct function of the importance to the animal of the item 
concerning the consequence. 

This principle, of course, says very little until one specifies 
what is meant by the importance of an item of information. 
Undoubtedly, any number of factors control this variable of 
importance, but two of them are of primary concern in the pres- 
ent context. The first involves the actual content of the item of 
information: information that the consequences of an action in- 
volve considerable pain or effort expenditure has more impor- 
tance than the information that only a little pain or effort is 
involved. The second of these factors involves the motivational 
state of the animal, or at least that part of its motivational state 
which is relevant to the content of the given item of informa- 
tion. I^seem^reasonable-to assume.,that^if an animal is hungry, 
information concerning the presence or absence of expected 
food is of more importance than if the animal is not hungry; 
or if an animal is very fatigued, information concerning how 
much effort it must expend is of more importance than if it is 


not fatigued. In the situations we deal with, the importance of 
an item can be roughly specified either by the content of the 
item or by the motivational state of the animal the hungrier an 
animal js^the greater- is the magnitude of dissonances-created 
whe&jt runs an alley expecting food and fails to find it Simi- 
larly, the longer an animal is delayed in an apparatus before 
reaching a goal box, the more dissonance is created. 

A similar statement may be made concerning the role of im- 
portance in consonant relationships. For example, running and 
obtaining food form a consonant relationship. The item of in- 
formation about the consequence of the action has a certain de- 
gree of importance depending upon the content of that item 
and the motivational state of the animal, A large amount of food 
is of greater importance than a small amount, and any given 
amount of food is of greater importance for a very hungry ani- 
mal than for one only slightly hungry. Thus, consonant relations 
also vary in magnitude. This magnitude is a measure of the ani- 
mal's justification for performing an act and shows up as its 
willingness to do so. 

What we have said so far applies when only two items of 
information are considered. We must now consider the case in 
which a given item of information is related to several other 
items. As an illustration, consider the hungry rat that runs on 
a given trial in a delay-of-reward situation. The single item of 
information of immediate concern is that the action has been 
performed. But several consequences stem from this. First, the 
animal does obtain a reward. This information is in a consonant 
relationship with the action performed. At the same time, it ex- 
periences an unpleasant delay. This last item of information is 
in a dissonant relationship with the action. What we seek is 
some form of a "combination rule" that will permit us to specify 
the magnitude of the resulting dissonance. 

The combination rule we propose is as follows. We sum, not 
necessarily arithmetically, all the dissonant relations that may 
exist, each weighted in terms of its importance, and we sum the 
consonant relationships, each weighted in terms of its impor- 
tance. The magnitude of the resulting dissonance is then a joint 
function of these two. We are unwilling to state the exact math- 


ematical function involved, because at the present stage of de- 
velopment this would be pure guesswork. Nonetheless, this 
function has two properties: (1) When the weighted sum of 
the dissonant relationships is held constant, the total magnitude 
of the resulting dissonance decreases as the weighted sum of the 
consonant relationships increases; and (2) when the difference 
of the weighted sums of the dissonant and consonant relation- 
ships is constant, the total magnitude of the resulting dissonance 
increases as the weighted sum of the dissonant relationships in- 
creases. In other words, the magnitude of the dissonance is a 
function both of the absolute value of the sum of the weighted 
dissonant relationships, and of the difference between this and 
the weighted sum of the consonant relationships. 

In any actual empirical situation many items of information 
may exist that are dissonant with, or consonant with, engaging 
in an action. Thus, for example, a situation might exist where 
an animal expends effort, suffers delay, and also, on occasion, 
does not find food when it expects to. Given our current possi- 
bilities for technical measurement, we could not specify which 
of these dissonant relationships would be greatest or how much 
each would contribute to the total magnitude of dissonance 
when "added" together. All we can say is that each of them 
would contribute. 

The Reduction of Dissonance 

The core of our formulation is that dissonance is a motiva- 
tional state. When it exists the animal acts in ways that are 
oriented toward reducing the magnitude of this dissonance. In 
the present context, we are concerned only with dissonance be- 
tween information about an action and about its consequences. 
In general, there are only two major ways in which this par- 
ticular dissonance cart be reduced. The animal can change its 
information about its action, pr, alternatively, it caiL change its 
information about the consequences of the action. We shall 
discuss each of these in turn, 

Consider an animal in a delay-of -reward experiment. It has 
information that it has run in this situation. This is consonant 
with the information that it obtains a reward for doing so, but 


it is dissonant with the information that it must suffer a delay. 
Consequently, some magnitude of dissonance exists, and this 
creates tendencies to reduce it. One means of reducing it is for 
the animal to change its behavior. Assume that there is an al- 
ternative route to the goal that does not involve a delay. Choos- 
ing this new alternative is consonant with its information that 
the original path involved a delay. At the same time this new 
action remains consonant with obtaining the reward. Thus, by 
changing its behavior, it has reduced all the dissonance. Its new 
action, which also implies that it refuses to engage in the original 
one, is now in a consonant relationship with all the information 
it has about the consequences in the situation. 

This tendency to change behavior is usually the most con- 
venient and the most effective way to reduce dissonance. By 
changing its behavior, the organism can completely reduce dis- 
sonance if the new action is ( 1 ) consonant with those items of 
information that were also consonant with the previous action, 
and (2) converts those items of information that were dissonant 
with respect to the old action into ones consonant with the new 
one. Even if a new action does not completely reduce disso- 
nance, change of behavior will occur as long as the dissonance 
aroused by the new action is less than that stemming from the 
original one. The greater the variety of possible actions avail- 
able to an animal in any situation, the greater is the likelihood 
that it will adopt this method of dissonance reduction. 

There are situations, however, in which a change of behavior 
is not an effective means of reducing dissonance. Again con- 
sider the animal in a delay-of -reward situation, but with only 
one available route to the goal. We shall assume that the 
weighted sum of the consonant relationships, resulting from the 
fact that it obtains food, is greater than the weighted sum of 
the dissonant relationships, resulting from its experiences with 
the delay. Even under these conditions, considerable dissonance 
can exist. If the animal now attempts to reduce the dissonance 
by changing its behavior, the only possibility is to refuse to run. 
In so refusing, of course, it converts its information about the 
delay into a consonant relationship with the new behavior. At 
the same time, however, its information that a reward is avail- 


able is converted into a dissonant relationship with this refusal 
to run. If the reward consequence has greater importance for 
the animal than the delay, this means that the new action re- 
sults in more dissonance than did the original one. Clearly, 
under such circumstances, dissonance can not be reduced by a 
change in behavior. Therefore, an animal may continue to en- 
gage in a given action even though it actually experiences con- 
siderable dissonance, because a refusal to act would result in 
an even greater amount of dissonance. 

The reader will realize that the situations with which we 
are primarily concerned in this book are precisely of this type, 
namely, situations in which dissonance cannot be effectively 
reduced by changing behavior. Experiments on partial reward, 
delay of reward, and effort are always carefully designed so as 
to ensure that the animal continues to perform the required 
action. In terms of our formulation, this means that the pro- 
cedure has been so rigged that refusing to respond is not an 
effective way of reducing dissonance. 

Consequently, we are particularly concerned with how an 
organism reduces dissonance when it does not change its be- 
havior. The only remaining way available to it is to change the 
items of information concerning the consequences of its act. 
But how does it do this? Conceptually, of course, the possibili- 
ties here are clear and delimitable. They are three in number: 
(1) The animal can reduce the importance of those items of 
information that are dissonant with the action and increase the 
importance of those that are consonant with it; (2) it can rein- 
terpret items of information that are dissonant with the action, 
making them either irrelevant or consonant; and ( 3 ) it can make 
either previously irrelevant or new items of information con- 
sonant with its action. Any of these procedures will reduce the 
magnitude of the dissonance. 

The human being has a great capacity for self-delusion and 
can employ all of these methods. With the help of social support 
from others, with his freedom .to,. change jthe.iealities of Tils en- 
vironment, and with Iris ability to rationalize, the hunian is*an 
excellent dissonance reducer. We are dealing here, howeVer, 
primarily with the white rat, presumably a much more reality- 


bound organism. We simply do not know which, if any, of these 
various possibilities are available to the rat in reducing disso- 
nance. One thing is perfectly clear, however: a theory involving 
the concept of dissonance reduction must specify in fairly con- 
crete fashion the mechanism, or mechanisms, by means of which 
such reduction is achieved. Depending upon which mechanism 
is specified, there may be different implications for behavior 
even though the process by means of which dissonance is 
aroused has been correctly described by us so far. 

Partly on our intuitions as to what we believe is possible for 
the rat, and partly because of the exciting implications for be- 
havior theory, we have chosen to develop a mechanism that 
provides a basis for making new items of information consonant 
with behavior. But before discussing this mechanism further, 
we should like to emphasize that alternative mechanisms are 

An animal such as the white rat is not a simple organism. 
Even when one motivation such as hunger is dominant, it simul- 
taneously has a variety of other drives and motivations. We 
have no intention of trying to specify these; perhaps normally 
they are weak and unimportant both to the animal and to the 
learning theorist. We wish to assume, however, that these sub- 
ordinate motivations do exist an assumption that seems quite 
plausible in terms of what is known, for example, about explora- 
tory, manipulatory, and sensory stimulation needs in animals. 
Granted this, such subordinate motivations may provide a 
means by which the animal can reduce dissonance. If it begins 
to note and pay attention to aspects of the situation that satisfy 
these other motivations, it is discovering new items of informa- 
tion about the consequences of its action that are consonant with 
it. Loosely speaking, we can say that the animal has discovered 
"extra attractions" in the situation. These can be aspects of the 
action itself, of the apparatus, or of the consequences of its 
behavior. We cannot specify them any more exactly without 
knowing which motivations the animal has and what will satisfy 
them, but we can assert that new attractions of this sort prob- 
ably are discovered by the animal whenever dissonance occurs 
and the behavior does not change. 


The assumptions made in the above statement should be 
emphasized. We are asserting that even though an animal has 
a variety of subordinate motivations, these do not always enter 
into the determination of its behavior. This is true when most 
of the items of information concerning the consequences of its 
act are consonant with it. If the animal is dominated by a strong 
drive such as hunger, the mere fact of temporal contiguity be- 
tween the subordinate motivations and their potential satisfiers 
is not sufficient to relate them. The animal seeks satisfaction of 
these subordinate motivations, however, if a state of dissonance 
exists. In this sense, dissonance as a motivational state has a 
unique property: it acts as a catalyst in relating subordinate 
motives to satisfiers in a situation where this serves to reduce 
the dissonance. The implication of this is that an animal that 
is continuously and immediately rewarded after performing an 
effortless act will not discover these "extra attractions." An 
animal that experiences either partial reward, delay of reward, 
or considerable effort expenditure will discover them. 

We can summarize this discussion by saying that, when dis- 
sonance is created Jor aa aaimal under conditions in which its 
behavior does not change, "extra attractions" will develop for it 
in connection with the activity, the apparatus, or the conse- 
quence of the act. This occurs primarily because the pressures 
to reduce dissonance result in the animal's discovering new as- 
pects of the situation that serve as satisfiers for the variety of 
other motivations it has at the time. 

The Cumulative Aspects of Dissonance Reduction 

Thus far we have discussed the theory of dissonance without 
regard to any cumulative aspects. While we have defined the 
conditions that create dissonance and have suggested various 
means for reducing it, we have largely acted as though all of 
this occurs on a single occasion. Our primary concern here, 
however, is with situations of partial reward, delay of reward, 
and effort, all of which typically involve a large number of re- 
petitive experiences. It is therefore necessary to specify how 
the state of the animal is affected by repeated experiences with 
dissonant relationships. 


Let us consider a hungry animal that has discovered through 
experience that it is rewarded with food whenever it engages 
in a given action. This information about the food reward is 
consonant with the information that it engages in the action. 
In the following discussion we shall assume that the weighted 
sum of the consonant relationships is sufficiently great so that 
the animal never refuses to act. 

What happens to the animal when it first acquires informa- 
tion that there are aspects of the situation that are dissonant 
with its action? Suppose it finds that it must expend much ef- 
fort, or that it experiences an enforced delay, or that it fails to 
obtain food on some occasions. All of these items of information 
result in some magnitude of dissonance, which the animal at- 
tempts to reduce primarily by finding "extra attractions" in the 
situation. What is the state of the animal after its first expe- 
rience with this dissonance? 

First, consider one extreme of a possible continuum. Con- 
ceivably we might have an animal that is extremely adept and 
effective at reducing dissonance. On the very first occasion it 
finds so many "extra attractions'* that little or no dissonance 
remains. The human is sometimes capable of this. For ex- 
ample, a human might persuade himself that much exercise be- 
fore dinner makes the food taste better; that waiting for dinner 
provides him with the one enjoyable, quiet period of each day; 
and that occasionally not having dinner at all gives him a better 
appreciation of the spiritual aspects of life. But even the human 
cannot usually be so effective at dissonance reduction, and the 
white rat certainly cannot. However, if an animal were this 
effective, there would be no cumulative problem to discuss. The 
next time it experienced the same situation there would be little 
or no dissonance introduced and therefore, obviously, little to 

At the other end of the continuum there well may be organ- 
isms, perhaps quite low in the phylogenetic order, that cannot 
reduce dissonance in any of the ways we have suggested. For 
these, also, there is no cumulative problem. They do not find 
extra attractions in the situation, and thus there is no decrease 
in the magnitude of the dissonance. Additional experiences do 


not modify this state of affairs in any way. For such organisms, 
if our theory is correct, partial reward, delay of reward, and 
effort expenditure should not enhance resistance to extinction; 
if anything, they should weaken it. Very little work has been 
done on the effects of dissonance-producing variables on resist- 
ance to extinction in animals that are very low in the phylo- 
genetic order, although there is a suggestion that fish do not 
show the partial reward effect ( Wodinsky and Bittennan, 1959, 
1960; Longo and Bittennan, 1960). After initial training, a 100 
per cent rewarded group of fish proves more resistant to extinc- 
tion than a partially rewarded group. 

The white rat probably does not fall at either extreme of this 
continuum. The first time dissonance occurs, it probably is able 
to reduce only a minute part of the dissonance by finding "extra 
attractions/' Consequently, the next time it encounters the same 
situation, considerable dissonance is again aroused. Perhaps this 
time it finds some additional aspects that help reduce disso- 
nance. This continues to occur on successive trials. Thus, for 
such an animal, we do have to account for a cumulative aspect 
in dissonance reduction. 

It is, of course, quite impossible to state the precise quanti- 
tative function that describes the way in which "extra attrac- 
tions" accumulate with the repeated introduction of dissonance, 
but we can make a number of plausible specifications for this 
function. First of all, it is likely that for an animal such as the 
white rat these attractions build up slowly and continuously 
as the number of dissonance-producing experiences increases. 
Furthermore, it seems reasonable to assume that there may be 
an initial acceleration in the rate of this accumulation. This is 
based on the hunch that once some "extra attractions" have been 
discovered, the process becomes easier. It also seems plausible 
that in any given situation there is a maximum value for the 
accumulation of these "extra attractions." In the usual experi- 
mental situation we are discussing, this maximum is probably a 
relatively low value. 

One factor influencing this maximum is the nature of the 
situation in which training takes place. If the development of 
these "extra attractions" depends, as we assume it does, on find- 


ing aspects of the activity or situation that act as satisfiers for 
subordinate motivations, then obviously a limit is placed on 
this process by what is or is not available to the animal in a given 
situation. If the environment is rich, in the sense that there are 
many aspects of it that can satisfy various drives, then the 
amount of "extra attraction" which could develop is potentially 
large. This would be most likely if an experimental apparatus 
were very similar to the natural habitat of the animal involved. 
If, on the other hand, the experimental situation were rather 
barren of those aspects that can satisfy subordinate motivations., 
as is probably true for most of the apparatuses we use, then there 
would undoubtedly be a relatively low limit placed on the accu- 
mulation of these "extra attractions." In this latter case disso- 
nance reduction should have only weak effects on the observed 

A second factor that might be expected to determine the 
maximum development of "extra attractions" is the strength of 
the animal's dominant drive. If the animal is extremely hungry, 
for example, it seems plausible to assume that the subordinate 
motivations are difficult to activate and that the animal is less 
capable, psychologically, of discovering things that will satisfy 
them; on the other hand, the activation and discovery processes 
might both occur more readily when the animal is only slightly 
hungry. Thus, we may reasonably assert that the stronger the 
^ lower JsJtlxe .maximum 

level for the development of "extra attractions." 

In summary, our formulation implies 
periences with a dissonance-arousing situation, the statejrf jthe 
animal is different. In order to reduce the dissonance it ha 
discovered "extra attractions" in the situation- that jserve to sat- 
isfy its subordinate motivations. The accumulative magnitude 
of these "extra attractions" depends upon the number (rf^disso- 
nance-introducing experiences the animal has had, the richness 
of its environment, and the strength of the dominant drive. All 
else being constant, the amount of dissonance intro3uced/bn 
successive occasions decreases as this accumulation process con- 
tinues. ~~ 

TEe^discovery of these "extra attractions" clearly adds new 


consonant relationships. How much they increase the sum of 
the weighted consonant relationships depends, of course, upon 
their importance, and their importance is, in turn, a function of 
the strength of the subordinate motivations. Although we know 
little about these motivations, it is plausible that they are 
relatively numerous and fairly stable. If this is true, then these 
new consonant relationships should also be relatively stable as 
long as the newly discovered attractions continue to be available 
in the situation. The resulting picture of these new consonant 
relationships is that of an almost intrinsic set of justifications for 
continuing in the action. Even though their over-all effect on 
behavior may be weak in any given experiment, they should be 
relatively enduring. 

There are, however, conditions that will decrease the 
strength of these new attractions, either momentarily or last- 
ingly. The first of these is any change in the situation. It is 
certainly obvious that any change in the characteristics of the 
situation may involve the elimination or modification of those 
aspects that are acting as satisfiers for the subordinate motiva- 
tions, and thus the elimination of the new consonant relation- 
ships as well. 

These "extra attractions" can also be weakened or eliminated 
by changes in the animal's behavior. This is a slightly more 
complicated process and needs some discussion, It will be re- 
called that these attractions develop when dissonance is intro- 
duced under circumstances where the animal cannot change 
its behavior. They are a means of reducing this dissonance by 
providing justification for continuing in that action. What 
should occur, once these attractions have been developed, if the 
animal is now induced to change its behavior? Such a change 
in behavior can be brought about in two ways : ( 1 ) The experi- 
menter can remove the original rewards in the situation, for 
example, the food, as in extinction trials. This does not affect 
the "extra attractions" the animal has developed, but it does 
reduce the weighted sum of the consonant relationships suffi- 
ciently so that the animal may now further reduce its dissonance 
by changing its behavior. (2) The experimenter can provide a 
very attractive alternative to the original action and the original 


goal, thus allowing the animal to reduce the dissonance by 
choosing this new alternative instead of continuing its original 

In either case, the information the animal has, that its origi- 
nal action would lead to the "extra attractions/' will now be in 
a dissonant relationship with its new behavior. One way in 
which this new dissonance can be reduced is for the animal to 
weaken the newly developed "extra attractions. " Thus, any 
factor in the situation which induces the animal not to engage 
in the action in which it has been trained can be expected to 
start a process that is the reverse of the development of "extra 

In summary, we can expect the "extra attractions" that de- 
velop in a situation, as the result of dissonance reduction, to be 
stable and long enduring under normal circumstances. They 
can be weakened or eliminated, however, if either the situation 
is changed or the animal is induced not to engage in the original 

Implications for Behavior During Acquisition 

The previous sections have defined the conditions under 
which dissonance occurs and the means by which it can be re- 
duced. We shall now relate these processes to the observable 
performance of the animal during training or acquisition trials. 

We have already stated that, in the absence of any disso- 
nance, the animal's willingness to perform ( as shown by laten- 
cies, running times, and similar measures) is a direct function 
of the weighted sum of all the consonant relationships in the 
situation. This implies that the hungrier it is or the larger the 
reward the faster the animal will run. Of course, the greater the 
dissonance introduced the greater is the decrease in this willing- 
ness to perform. The very nature of our operational test situa- 
tions for determining whether or not given variables introduced 
dissonance implies this effect on willingness to perform. We 
must now relate these functions to the progressive changes in 
willingness to perform that occur as dissonance is created and 
as it is reduced through the accumulation of "extra attractions" 
in the situation. 


To be as specific as possible, imagine an animal that is 
trained to run an alley for continuous and immediate reward 
with relatively little effort demanded. Assuming that the animal 
is well tamed and adapted before this training begins, it should 
soon reach a stable level of running. Once this has occurred, 
imagine that we enforce a delay on each succeeding trial, or 
else require a greater expenditure of effort. Either of these 
should introduce dissonance for the first time, and this should 
result in some unwillingness to run as shown by a decrease in 
running speed. The animal's performance should change fairly 
rapidly, but, with the same conditions on every trial, it should 
then tend to become stabilized at a new value. 

The situation is more complicated whenever there is varia- 
bility in the conditions of training from trial to trial for example, 
in partial reward situations. On some trials, the action results 
in a reward, on others in a non-reward. And these consequences 
occur in an unpredictable order. The same variability may be 
present in experiments on delayed reward or effort expenditure 
when these conditions are introduced on only a proportion of 
the trials. The result is that the animal can never have complete 
and certain information at the beginning of a trial of the conse- 
quences that will stem from acting on that occasion. With this 
uncertainty in the information, there is a question as to the 
amount of variability to expect in the animal's performance on 
successive trials. Largely on intuitive grounds, we should ex- 
pect, in a partial reward situation, that each rewarded trial 
would increase the willingness of the animal to run on the suc- 
ceeding one. All the consequences of the action on that occa- 
sion were consonant with that action. Similarly, we should ex- 
pect each unrewarded trial to decrease this willingness because 
of the dissonant consequences encountered. The result should 
be more fluctuations in performance than under conditions 
where each trial has the same consequences. But in any event, 
it is clear that, as long as some dissonance is present, animals 
being trained under either partial reward, delay of reward, or 
high effort should run more slowly, on the average, than those 
that receive continuous and immediate reward after little ex- 
penditure of effort. 


The above statement that under stable training conditions 
even animals with dissonance will reach a stable perform- 
ance level needs some qualification. Each trial provides them 
with an opportunity to discover "extra attractions" in the 
situation. As these accumulate, the weighted sum of the con- 
sonant relationships increases, with a corresponding decrease 
in total magnitude of dissonance. Consequently, their perform- 
ance should gradually improve. The differences in performance 
between these animals and those run without dissonance would 
diminish or even disappear with continued training if the con- 
ditions of acquisition permit a large accumulation of "extra at- 
tractions." In fact, it is theoretically possible, under the present 
formulation, that the order of performance in these two groups 
could be reversed in circumstances where "extra attractions" 
can be developed very readily. This, however, would undoubt- 
edly be a rare finding. 

Implications for Resistance to Extinction 

We now come to the point of considering the implica- 
tions of this formulation for measures of resistance to extinction. 
Imagine two groups of animals, an experimental group trained 
to engage in an action under conditions where dissonance was 
created and a control group trained comparably except that 
dissonance was never introduced. At the end of acquisition, 
these two groups differ in at least one important aspect: the ex- 
perimental group has gradually developed "extra attractions" 
that are consonant with the action involved, while the control 
group has not. Extinction trials are now begun. This means 
that the experimenter removes from the situation all the rewards 
that initially induced the animals to perform the act. In essence, 
he removes all the consequences that are consonant with run- 
ning which are held in common by the two groups. He does not, 
however, remove any of those features that are the source of 
"extra attractions" for the experimental group. 

Let us now consider what happens to the control group that 
never experienced dissonance. As extinction trials continue, 
these animals learn that food is no longer available, and as their 
certainty of this increases, they should become less and less will- 


ing to run even though their motivation remains high. Of 
course, their first discovery that rewards are no longer present 
not only begins a process of change in their knowledge about 
the consonant relationships in the situation, but it also gives 
them their first inkling that it contains dissonant relationships. 
When this dissonance exists, the animal will attempt to reduce 
it. Whether the dissonance occurs on trials that the experi- 
menter calls "acquisition" or "extinction" is irrelevant; the dis- 
sonance can still be reduced in either of two ways. ( 1 ) The 
animal can convert the consequence of the act into something 
that justifies the action. This is the procedure of finding "extra 
attractions" in the situation. (2) The animal can change its 
behavior so that it becomes consonant with the consequence 
that was experienced meaning, in the present case, that it 
would refuse to ran. Here, however, there is a crucial differ- 
ence between "acquisition" and "extinction" trials. 

As we have pointed out previously, the animal cannot em- 
ploy behavior change as a mode of dissonance reduction as 
long as its expectations of finding food are strong and it is highly 
motivated for such reward. To refuse to run under these circum- 
stances would produce more dissonance than to continue to 
run. These are the circumstances characteristic of "acquisition" 
trials. "Extinction" trials, however, are different in principle in 
that the animal will be able to reduce dissonance effectively by 
not running. It is true that, during the first trials of extinction, 
while its certainty of finding a reward is still relatively great, it 
should continue in the learned behavior, and the resulting dis- 
sonance would tend to reduce itself, in so far as this is possible, 
by the discovery of "extra attractions." Such a process is, how- 
ever, relatively slow and gradual. Meanwhile, the animal's re- 
peated experiences with this extinction situation have altered 
its certainties about what to expect as a consequence of running. 
In essence, there has been a decrease in the weighted sum of 
the consonant relationships and a corresponding increase in 
the weighted sum of dissonant ones. At some point in this 
process, it is clear that by refusing to run the animal will expe- 
rience less dissonance as a consequence of its new behavior than 


if it persisted in the old running response. It is at this point that 
the procedure of behavioral change becomes the dominant mode 
of reducing dissonance. 

This account of extinction in a control animal is relatively 
imprecise and must remain so until we are willing to express the 
relationships involved in a much more quantitative way. But 
even at this descriptive level it is clear that extinction should be 
relatively rapid for an animal that has never experienced disso- 
nance during acquisition. The process hinges largely on two 
factors: first, there is a change in the animal's knowledge or 
certainty about the consonant and dissonant relationships that 
are experienced in the situation; and second, there is an arousal 
of dissonance under circumstances where it can be effectively 
reduced by a change in behavior. 

With this picture of the control animal in mind, we now turn 
to the performance of the experimental animal during extinction 
trials. As a result of its training, this animal starts the extinction 
trials with an extensive background of dissonance experiences. 
This training has been of such a nature that the only mode of 
dissonance reduction available has been the discovery of "extra 
attractions'*; behavior change was not possible. These "extra 
attractions" are not removed during extinction trials. Thus, 
while the control animal receives no reward at all when extinc- 
tion trials start, the experimental animal continues to enjoy its 
"extra attractions.'* 

The initial trials of extinction should also produce gradual 
changes in its certainties about the consequences that follow 
the act of running just as in the case of the control animal There 
should be a decrease in the weighted sum of consonant relation- 
ships and a corresponding increase in the weighted sum of dis- 
sonant ones as these relate to knowledge about the extrinsic 
reward. Thus, one would expect a decrease in willingness to 
run, but this decrease should not be of the same magnitude 
as for the control animals in that the experimental animals 
still have consonant relations stemming from the "extra attrac- 

The experimental animals do, however, experience disso- 


nance on each of the extinction trials. The magnitude of this 
dissonance would not be as great as that experienced by the 
control animals, but the experimental ones should still attempt 
to reduce it. The central question is, at what point during ex- 
tinction will the gradual changes that are taking place in the 
weighted sums of the consonant and dissonant relationships 
have reached the stage where the animal can reduce the disso- 
nance more by changing its behavior than by persisting in the 
old activity? Many factors would have to be taken into account 
to give an answer to this question. The rate of continued de- 
velopment of "extra attractions/' the rate at which information 
about the absence of food is acquired, the initial strength of the 
"extra attractions," and the motivations of the animal all are 
relevant. Different assumptions would lead to different precise 
answers to the question. Whatever the precise answer might be, 
however, it is clear that, because of the "extra attractions," the 
experimental animals will take longer than the controls to reach 
a point where refusing to run becomes dominant. Indeed, a 
refusal to run at any stage of extinction should tend to produce 
more dissonance in the experimental animal than in the control 

Theoretically, as we have indicated earlier, the point at 
which the animal refuses to run might never be reached if the 
"extra attractions" developed during training were of such a 
magnitude that the experimental animal experienced little dis- 
sonance when it performed the act. This outcome would be a 
rare occurrence indeed considering the limitations placed on 
the development of "extra attractions" by the characteristics of 
the situation, the presence of a dominant motive, and similar 
factors. But even in our usual experimental situations, the 
arousal of dissonance during training should make for a meas- 
urable increase in persistence during extinction. 

Granting once more that our formulation is still largely non- 
quantitative, nonetheless we believe we have stated it precisely 
enough for the reader to understand the processes we envisage 
and their interrelationships. The real test of the formulation, 
however, is whether it can give a coherent account of the data 
available on partial reward, delay of reward, effort expenditure, 


and other dissonance-producing procedures. Even more impor- 
tant is the question of whether its implications lead us to new 
phenomena and relationships that have not been suggested by 
other formulations. In succeeding chapters, we shall attempt 
to show that both of these criteria are met by presenting a con- 
siderable amount of new experimental data and by relating 
these findings to the existing literature. 

Evidence for the Development 
of Attractions 

At a gross level the empirical data that have been mentioned 
in the previous chapters are consistent with the theory of dis- 
sonance. This is not surprising since, if it were not so, it would 
never have occurred to us to apply the theory of dissonance to 
them. What we need now is a more extensive look at both ex- 
isting data and new data that bear specifically on derivations 
from this theory. It seems sensible first to examine the data 
relevant to the basic derivation we have made, namely, that 
in the process of reducing dissonance the jmimal develops a 
'liking" for the activity, the place, or some ^consequence of the 
action it undertakes; This derivation is basic in the sense that 
it follows most immediately from the theory, and also in the 
sense that the other implications concerning resistance to ex- 
tinction follow from it. The question before us, then, is whether 
the experimental data support this derivation. Do animals, after 
repeated experience with partial reward, delAy of reward, or 
effort expenditure, develop extra attractions* in the situation 
which are independent of the extrinsic rewards? 

On the surface, this would seem to be an easy question to 
answer. Indeed, it is, if one is dealing with the verbal human 
being. One can ask the subject various questions concerning 
'liking" and "attractiveness" both before and after a series of 
partial reward experiences and then observe whether or not 
'liking" increases. Despite the negative feelings many psycholo- 
gists have toward these "verbal" responses, this is undoubtedly 


the most direct way of measuring changes in the attractiveness 
of a situation or activity. Aronson (1961), for example, has 
shown by the use of such questions that humans increase their 
liking for a color that has been associated with the unrewarded 
trials in a partial reward sequence. 

Despite how one feels about this procedure, however, it re- 
mains a fact that it is inapplicable to the non-verbal animal. 
For a non-verbal animal we are forced to infer the existence of 
attractions from observation of actions. This problem has been 
faced repeatedly in connnection with the study of secondary 
rewards, that is, in attempts to demonstrate that attractions de- 
velop through the association of stimuli with primary rewards. 
The techniques used to demonstrate these secondary reward 
effects have been mainly of the following types : ( 1 ) tests to see 
if the animal would learn a new behavior rewarded only by the 
opportunity to get back to the "attractive" situation, (2) prefer- 
ence tests to see if the animal would choose the "attractive" situ- 
ation over a neutral one, and (3) extinction tests to see if the 
animal would persist longer in a learned action when the source 
of "attraction" was present than when it was absent. All of 
these tests have shortcomings, but since they are the only ones 
available we shall use them to determine whether similar attrac- 
tions result from dissonance reduction. 

Learning a New Behavior 

The most convincing evidence for the existence of an attrac- 
tion would come from the demonstration that an animal will 
learn a new action when the only reward is the availability of 
these attractions. In order to demonstrate that, as a result of a 
given set of experiences,, some previously jxeutral set of stimuli 
haifbecome attractive, two things must be shown: (1) prior to 
the given experiences the set of stimuli in question did not 
support learning, and (2) after the experiences, the stimuli do 
support learning. It is then a plausible inference that these ex- 
periences have resulted in the development of some attractive- 
ness. Specifically, in the case of secondary reward studies, the 
animal usually has been trained to run an alley in order to find 
food in a goal box. The alley has then been removed and the 


animal is required to perform some new action, such as bar 
pressing, in order to gain access to the goal box, which is now 
empty. It is usually known or assumed that the animal would 
not learn to press the bar in order to gain entrance to the empty 
box if the box had never been associated with food. If, then, 
the animal does learn and maintain this bar-pressing behavior, 
we conclude that the association of the box with reward during 
the initial training has resulted in the box itself becoming at- 

The main difficulty of such a procedure is that it is- very 
insensitive to small degrees of attractiveness. In order to pro- 
vide a test situation, a totally different type of action is required 
of the animal in the test than was required during training. But 
this means that many aspects of the training apparatus have 
been changed or eliminated along with their possible contribu- 
tion to the attractiveness one is trying to measure. It is probably 
for this reason that this procedure has provided very little evi- 
dence for secondary reward (Myers, 1958). In the case of at- 
tractiveness resulting from dissonance reduction, we also should 
expect, in the usual laboratory apparatus, a relatively weak ef- 
fect in the rat. Since part of this weak attractiveness may be 
associated with the action involved as well as with aspects of 
the goal box, changes in the activity would further weaken the 
observable effects. We should thus expect that tests based on 
new learning would be a very insensitive measure. 

There is one outstanding example in the literature where, 
by combining the effects of secondary reward with the effects 
of dissonance reduction, good results were obtained. Zimmer- 
man (1957) provides a demonstration of relatively strong and 
lasting attractiveness by this new learning technique. His gen- 
eral procedure is well illustrated by one of his studies (1959). 
Animals were trained to run an alley to a goal box under partial 
reward conditions. The percentage of rewarded trials was grad- 
ually reduced as training proceeded until eventually rewards 
were given but rarely. In terms of our formulation, this means 
that the number of unrewarded, and thus the number of disso- 
nance-producing trials is very great. To test for attractions that 
have developed, a lever was inserted into the door of the start 
box, and the animal had to learn to press it in order to gain access 


to the whole apparatus. There was, of course, no extrinsic re- 
ward present during these test trials. Furthermore, as the test 
trials proceeded, the animal had to press the lever an increasing 
number of times in order to open the door. From the point of 
view of a dissonance reduction formulation, this procedure has 
two outstanding features: (1) the entire training situation is 
maintained so that any attractiveness associated with aspects of 
the running behavior, the alley, or the goal box can influence 
the animal's desire to gain access to the apparatus; and (2) it 
confounds possible secondary reward effects with the disso- 
nance reduction features. Under these training and testing con- 
ditions, Zimmerman obtains very clear evidence of strong and 
enduring extra attractions in the situation in which partial re- 
ward training has occurred. 

The results of these studies are perfectly consistent with 
what we would expect from dissonance theory, and to that ex- 
tent they are interesting and encouraging. At the same time, it 
must be admitted that they are not very helpful from a theoreti- 
cal point of view. So many variables are confounded in this 
procedure that it is impossible to determine how much of this 
attractiveness stemmed from the processes we have emphasized 
in our formulation. On the other hand, it seems clear that a less 
confounded, simple test procedure makes it difficult to reveal 
the existence of extra attractions which may be weak. It ap- 
peared possible, however, to add to the evidence concerning 
such attractions by augmenting them with a small extrinsic 
reward in a simple new learning situation. If, for example, one 
could find an extrinsic reward which in itself was insufficient 
to produce or maintain new learning, it could be added to the 
attractions developed through dissonance reduction. If this 
combination produced clear-cut learning, we would then be 
justified in concluding that the initial experiences of the animal 
had resulted in the development of extra attractions. The fol- 
lowing study was designed with this purpose in mind. 

Experiment l.The Summation of Extra Attractions and 
Extrinsic Reward 

The idea behind this experiment was to train one group of 
rats on a 100 per cent reward schedule and another on a partial 


schedule, and then to require each group to learn a new task 
in order to reach the familiar goal box. To facilitate learning 
of the new task, however, the animals would occasionally find 
food in the goal box. The frequency of reward during the learn- 
ing of this new task was intended to be so low that, by itself, it 
would not produce learning. Thus, if the partially rewarded 
animals developed stronger attractions in the goal box, as the 
result of dissonance reduction and secondary reward, than did 
the 100 per cent animals, as the result of secondary reward alone, 
the partially rewarded animals would learn the new task more 

Fifty-two female rats were trained to run a straight, un- 
painted, 4-foot runway in order to reach a black goal box. The 
animals were, of course, first tamed and adapted to a 22-hour 
food deprivation schedule. After 14 preliminary training trials, 
all of which were rewarded, the animals were divided into two 
groups matched in terms of their running times. One of these 
groups, the 100 per cent group, received a reward of a wet mash 
pellet on each subsequent trial. The other one, the partial re- 
ward group, was rewarded on only part of the subsequent trials. 
All animals were given 6 trials a day for 22 days, or a total of 
132 training trials. The partial reward group started these trials 
on a 50 per cent schedule. As training continued, this per cent 
of reward was reduced until, on the last 9 days of training, only 
one of the 6 trials each day was rewarded. Altogether, a par- 
tially rewarded animal received only 31 rewards during the 132 
trials. The purpose of reducing the reward schedule to a very 
low figure was to increase the development of extra attractions 
in the goal box. 

Upon completion of this training, all animals were given a 
new task to learn: they were required to climb over four hurdles, 
each 4 inches high, in a gray runway 68 inches long. The run- 
way made four right-angled turns left, right, right, left. The 
animals received 6 trials a day for 8 days on this new runway. 
They were permitted 5 minutes on the first 2 trials, 3 minutes 
on each of the next 4, and only one minute on the remainder to 
complete a run. If they failed to enter the goal box within these 
times, they were removed from the apparatus. All animals re- 
ceived the same schedule of reward on this new task. To encour- 


age the animals in the beginning, the first 2 trials were rewarded. 
Thereafter, the rewards were very sparse, only 5 in the next 46 

Before the start of training on the new task, the 100 per cent 
reward group and the partial reward group were each divided 
into two subgroups. Eighteen of the 26 animals in each of these 
groups had the same goal box for the new task that they were 
familiar with from the initial task. Thus, any attractions devel- 
oped in it during initial training should still be effective during 
the new learning. On the new task, however, the remaining eight 
animals from each of the groups found a very different goal box, 
one differing in color, shape, size, and floor texture from the 
one they had first experienced. These subgroups were essen- 
tially controls. If they had developed any attractions for the 
initial goal box, these should be absent or at least greatly dimin- 
ished during the new learning. 

One animal died during training. The results of a second 
animal that was run to a new goal box were discarded because 
it failed to show any learning on the new task. The composition 
of the four groups is shown in Table 3 . 1. 

TABLE 3.1 


Test Condition Condition of Original Learning 

100 Per Cent Partial 

Reward Reward 

Original goal box with new task N = 18 N = 17 

New goal box with new task N = 7 N = 8 

Figure 3. 1 shows the average running times for each of the 
four groups during the 48 trials on the new task. Since, with 
such a low reward schedule, there is considerable fluctuation 
in these times from trial to trial, the averages are presented for 
blocks of 12 trials, that is, two consecutive days. On the first 
2 trials there were no significant differences among the various 
groups. It is clear that all groups showed some learning. The 
fact that the two control groups, those running to a new goal box, 
also showed learning is evidence that the extrinsic reward we 
provided was undoubtedly somewhat larger than we had hoped 






5 10 





100% reward 
o Partial reward 

New goal box 

Old goal box 







for. We must, therefore, examine the rate of learning shown by 
the experimental groups in comparison to the control groups. 

The group trained with a 100 per cent reward schedule, run- 
ning the new task to the old goal box, does not differ materially 
in its rate of learning from either of the two control groups. No 
significant differences exist among them. This would tend to 
indicate that the effect of secondary reward alone is very slight 
even when augmented by some extrinsic reward. The slight 
superiority of the partial reward group over the 100 per cent 
reward group, when running to a new goal box, is probably due 
to some generalization of the partial reward effect. 

The animals that were partially rewarded during training 
and encountered the original goal box on the new task show 
a very different picture. Although starting at the same level as 
the other groups on the first two trials, the animals in this group 
improved more rapidly, and on the last two days they averaged 
4.2 seconds per trial quite fast for this task. This value differs 


from the average of the other three at the . 05 level of signifi- 
cance. It would appear from this evidence that some extra at- 
traction did develop in the original goal box as the result of 
partial reward experiences, and that it was stronger and more 
enduring than any attraction resulting from being rewarded 
there on each trial In other words, the attractions resulting 
from dissonance reduction and secondary reward are clearly 
greater than from the latter alone. 

Considering the results of this study and those obtained by 
Zimmerman, we can infer that stronger attractions develop in 
the goal box during partial reward than during 100 per cent re- 
ward training. This is, of course, to be expected in terms of a 
dissonance reduction theory. Nonetheless, we must admit that, 
at best, these extra attractions are rather weak as measured by 
this new learning technique. Our conclusions would carry 
greater weight if the same effect could be demonstrated by other 
procedures. With this in mind, let us look at the results that have 
been obtained using preference tests. 

Choosing Between Alternatives 

Offhand, a choice or preference procedure for determining 
relative attractiveness appears to be very simple and straight- 
forward. One offers the animal a choice between two alterna- 
tives, such as two places or two activities, and then observes the 
relative frequency with which it chooses each. Considering the 
data on learning a new behavior, one is immediately inclined 
to test, by a choice procedure, for the relative attractiveness 
of a goal box that was rewarded 100 per cent of the time and a 
goal box that was partially rewarded. Fortunately, such studies 
are available in the literature. And, unfortunately, the results 
of these studies seem, at first glance, to be at variance with our 
theoretical expectations. 

D'Amato, Lachman, and Kivy (1958) report a study in 
which they tested the relative attractiveness of one goal box 
that had been associated with continuous reward and another 
that had been associated with partial reward. A single group 
of animals was taught to run an alley. On some trials this led 
to a goal box that always contained food; on the remainder of 


the trials, it led to a distinctively different goal box that con- 
tained food on only 50 per cent of the trials, Following this 
training, all animals were given 30 free choice trials on a single 
unit T-maze with the two goal boxes, both empty, at opposite 
arms of the maze. The results show that during the first 15 trials 
the animals made significantly more choices of the 100 per cent 
rewarded box than of the 50 per cent rewarded one. This prefer- 
ence was quite consistent. Afterward, from the sixteenth trial 
on, there was no clear preference for either of the two boxes. 
In fact, the animals became reluctant to choose. This same 
finding of an initial preference for a goal box that had been con- 
tinuously rewarded over one that had been partially rewarded 
is also reported by Mason (1957), using a more complex train- 
ing procedure. How can one explain the apparent contradiction 
between these data and our interpretation of the results of the 
'learning a new task" experiment? There we came to the con- 
clusion that partial reward, combining the effects of dissonance 
reduction and secondary reward, resulted in stronger attractions 
than secondary reward alone. Here we find data that tend to 
indicate the opposite. 

Let us, however, look more closely at the procedure of these 
experiments in relation to the details of the dissonance formu- 
lation. It must be remembered that in the choice experiments 
mentioned above, the animal is choosing between alternatives 
on which it has had different experiences concerning food. 
Thus, one must clearly distinguish the early stages of the choice 
trials from later stages. At first, when faced with the choice, the 
animal's behavior is guided largely by its expectations concern- 
ing the availability of food, Certainly it is not inconsistent with 
dissonance theory (or any other theory) for the animal to prefer 
a place where it expects food on every trial to one where it ex- 
pects only occasional reward. The extra attractions developed 
through dissonance reduction can hardly be expected to over- 
come this difference. It is only in later choice trials, when the 
animal no longer expects differential reward between the two 
goal boxes, that the choices would be sensitive to the extra at- 
tractions that may have developed. 

There remains one disturbing aspect about these data. It 


will be recalled that in the D'Amato, Lachman, and Kivy ex- 
periment, there was no preference for either goal box in the last 
15 trials. By this time, however, food expectations should have 
been much reduced and the choice behavior should have re- 
flected whatever extra attractions existed. Why, then, did not 
the animals prefer the partially rewarded to the continuously 
rewarded box during these later choice trials? Our explanation 
hinges around the conditions necessary for the development and 
maintenance of extra attractions. As we have emphasized, these 
accumulate only in circumstances where the animal does not 
change its behavior. If, after this accumulation of attractive- 
ness through dissonance reduction has started, the animal is 
induced to change its behavior, these extra attractions weaken. 
In the free choice situation of the present experiment the con- 
ditions are so arranged that, during the initial trials, the animal 
is induced to go consistently to the 100 per cent goal box and 
to avoid the partially rewarded one. This should lead to at least 
a partial breakdown of the attractions that had been established 
in the latter during training, and by the time expectation of 
food has vanished as a factor, there should be little basis for a 
choice of either box. 

In summary, it is clear that this type of experiment does not 
give any direct support to our interpretation. But at least the 
results are not contradictory with our formulation. We would 
expect the initial preference for the continuously rewarded goal 
box. Our explanation of why the animals do not eventually show 
a preference for the partially rewarded one, though plausible, 
may seem weak and post hoc, but it has implications that can 
be tested. If it is correct, we should be able to set up choice 
situations where the animal is not induced consistently to avoid 
the partially rewarded goal box during the initial test trials. 
Under these circumstances we should expect the extra attrac- 
tions to show themselves clearly once the effects of food expec- 
tation had worn off. Fortunately, there are such experimental 
arrangements reported in the literature. 

D'Amato, Lachman, and Kivy (1958), in the same article 
referred to previously, report a second experiment in which two 
groups of animals were trained on a runway. One group re- 


ceived reward 100 per cent of the time, the other only 50 per 
cent of the time. Both groups were then tested for 30 trials in 
a free choice situation. Now, however, the goal box of the run- 
way was at the end of one arm of the T~maze and the start box 
of the runway was at the end of the other arm. The assumption 
was that the start box was a familiar but relatively neutral 

During the first 15 free choice trials both the 100 per cent 
and the 50 per cent groups showed a decided preference for the 
previously rewarded goal box over the start box. As one might 
expect, if dissonance reduction was not complete by the end of 
training, there was a tendency for the 100 per cent group to 
choose the goal box somewhat more frequently during the ini- 
tial trials than did the 50 per cent group. The important thing, 
however, is that the partially rewarded animals did go to the 
goal box; they were not induced to avoid it. Our expectation, 
therefore, is that the extra attractions for these animals that 
were established through dissonance reduction should not have 
weakened and their effects should be apparent on later trials. 
This is borne out in the last 15 test trials. Here we find that the 
animals in the 100 per cent rewarded group showed a decline in 
the frequency with which they chose the goal box, whereas the 
50 per cent rewarded animals continued to choose it very con- 
sistently. Thus, as long as the animal is not led to change its 
behavior during the initial testing trials, there is evidence that 
partial reward establishes stronger attractions than does con- 
tinuous reward. Exactly the same kind of results have been re- 
ported by Klein (1959) and by Saltzman (1949). Thu^Jther^e 
is evicierLcairom botfuaew^ that 

disscoiaiLce-producing experiences do lead to the development 
of pxtra attractions that are at least as ^ strong; arid possibly 
strongejj&an those "produced By secondary reward. 

Persistence During Extinction 

A measure of resistance to extinction would seem to be one 
of the most obvious ways of testing for any extra attractions that 
have developed in a situation, and if we can assume that even 
a weak attraction tends to prolong extinction, such a test should 
prove highly sensitive. Unlike a new learning procedure, it 


would not involve changes in activity and environment be- 
tween training and testing, nor would it involve the problems 
connected with choices between alternatives which we dis- 
cussed earlier. In extinction, even weak attractions would have 
a good chance of showing their effects by increasing persistence 
in the task This is precisely the logic that has led to the use of 
extinction tests in demonstrating secondary reward effects. 

However, inferences from an extinction test for the present 
purposes present some difficulties that are not encountered 
using tests based on new learning or preference behavior. One 
is quite willing to admit that, if an animal learns a new task in 
order to get to an empty goal box, there are sources of attraction 
in that box. Similarly one is willing to accept that, if an animal 
chooses alternative A over alternative B, the former has attrac- 
tions not found in the latter. If, however, we point to the data 
which show that partial reward, delay of reward, and effort 
greatly prolong extinction, many would be less willing to regard 
them as supporting the idea that special attractions have de- 
veloped. Throughout its history learning theory has appealed 
to very different factors in attempting to explain increased re- 
sistance to extinction. Because it is concerned with explaining 
the strengthening and weakening of associations between stim- 
uli and responses, learning theory has emphasized factors such 
as stimulus similarities between training and extinction trials, 
adaptation effects, and changes in the drive level of the animal. 
With theoretical thinking channeled in these directions, the 
possibility, that differences in extinction rates may actually be a 
measurement of relative degrees of attractiveness in a situation 
has been largely ignored. Therefore, if we wish to argue in favor 
of this notion, it is necessary that we show at least two things: 
( 1 ) that known attractions, even if weak, can prolong extinction 
in a manner similar to that observed when a partial reward 
group is contrasted with a continuously rewarded one; and (2) 
that when an animal has dissonance-producing experiences in 
an end-box, the box will act like a known attraction when it is 
present during extinction trials. If these two things can be 
shown, we may then convincingly interpret many of the differ- 
ences observed in extinction rates as a measurement of relative 


In order to test the first proposition, that known, weak at- 
tractions will prolong extinction, we made use of the fact that 
the white rat seemingly prefers dark places to bright ones. In 
the following experiment this was tested using a brightness dif- 
ferential chosen to produce only a weak difference in attractive- 

Experiment 2. Influence of Natural Attractions on Extinction 

The basic idea of this experiment was to train two groups 
of animals in a comparable fashion, both with 100 per cent re- 
ward, but with a slightly more attractive goal box for one group 
than for the other. To obtain this differential attractiveness, we 
used a brightness difference, since, as we have mentioned ear- 
lier, there is considerable evidence that rats have a preference 
for the darker of two otherwise identical places. 

To be sure that this preference existed in our animals, and 
to be sure that we were dealing with only a small difference in 
attractiveness, we first set up the following test situation. Two 
identical goal boxes were constructed, the rear walls consisting 
of milk-glass plates. A 100-watt lamp could be placed behind 
either of them and, when lighted, would diffuse the goal box 
with a medium degree of brightness. One of these boxes was 
placed at each end of the arm in a T-maze. 

Eight hungry rats, after being tamed and adapted to the ap- 
paratus, were given preference runs in this situation. They were 
released in the stem of the T and then permitted to make a 
choice between the two boxes. On half of the trials the right 
goal box was lighted and the left was dark; on the other half the 
left box was lighted and the right was dark. Both boxes con- 
tained food on each trial 

In this situation the animals failed to show any preference 
between the two boxes. Instead they immediately settled into 
position habits, always running either to the right or left side, 
regardless of whether that box was lighted or not. Clearly, any 
difference in attractiveness between the lighted and unlighted 
boxes was too weak to reveal itself on this test. 

The apparatus was then rearranged so that the entrances to 
both goal boxes were side by side and faced directly toward the 


starting box. This latter box had a clear glass gate which en- 
abled the animal, during a 10-second restraining period, to see 
the interior of each goal box. Again, each o these boxes con- 
tained food on every trial, with the left box being lighted on half 
of the trials and the right one on the remainder. A second group 
of eight hungry animals was given preference tests in this new 
situation. After the 10-second restraining period, the glass door 
of the start box was raised and the animal was permitted to make 
a choice. Each animal was given 16 spaced trials. 

Under these conditions, the animals did show a definite pref- 
erence for the dark compartment. Eighty-three per cent of all 
choices were for the dark side even though this varied from 
right to left in a random manner. It should be noted that seven 
of the eight animals made one or more runs to the lighted side, 
but all of the animals chose the darker side in a majority of the 
trials. One can conclude that there was a preference for the 
darker compartment. This preference seemed rather weak, how- 
ever, showing up only under special test conditions. 

Having established that a relatively weak differential attrac- 
tion existed, we then measured its influence on extinction be- 
havior. Two new groups of animals were tamed and placed on 
a 22-hour hunger cycle. One group of nine animals was trained 
to run a 6-foot alley with a lighted goal box at the end of it on 
each trial. They were given 36 spaced runs over a 9-day period. 
Each run was rewarded with a pellet of food. A second group 
of eight animals was trained in exactly the same way, but with 
a dark goal box. All animals were then given 36 spaced extinc- 
tion trials. If during extinction an animal had not entered the 
goal box within 60 seconds from the time the start box door was 
raised, it was removed from the apparatus. 

The running times for the two groups during training were 
indistinguishable. There was no evidence that the group run- 
ning to the lighted box had any hesitancy about entering. Dur- 
ing extinction, however, the two groups tended to diverge, as 
shown in Figure 3.2. The animals running to the dark box 
tended to run faster than those going to the lighted box. By 
the third day of extinction the average running times for the 
two groups differed, the difference being significant between 













o Lighter goal box 
* Darker goal box 

I 23456 



the . 05 and . 02 levels of significance. Using a post hoc extinc- 
tion criterion of four 30-second trials, not necessarily consecu- 
tive, the median number of trials to reach this criterion is 23 
for the light group and 30 for the dark group. This difference 
is significant between the . 05 and . 10 levels. Thus, although 
the differences are not huge and dramatic, they are nonetheless 
in the direction expected, considering that the animals have a 
slight preference for the dark box. It should be recalled that the 
preference for the darker of the two boxes was very weak. Thus, 
we may conclude that slight attractions of this sort have an 
effect on extinction data even when the attraction is unrelated 
to the dominant motivation. 

We have shown that^ w^^natjiral^attractions do prolong 
step is tOLshpw 

have a comparable effect when associations be- 
tween the running response and the training-task stimuli are 
not crucial, that is, when past experience with the go&^aJTis 
th&o&ly relevant variable. We could do this by comparing^vo 
groups which, during extinction, both run an alley associated 


with 100 per cent reward. One group, however, runs to a goal 
box in which it has experienced partial reward while the other 
group runs to a goal box in which it has always been rewarded. 
Since we could find no experiments in the literature that 
satisfied this requirement, we conducted our own. Our experi- 
ment was designed to answer the question of whether or not 
goal box attractions were independent of the schedules of re- 
ward associated with the task used during extinction. 

Experiment 3. Runway vs. Goal Box Effects 

Two very distinctive runways and two very distinctive goal 
boxes were used in this study. The goal boxes were interchange- 
able with each of the runways so as to form four different task 
and goal box combinations. Each animal was given trials on each 
of these combinations in a random order. On three of the com- 
binations the animal was rewarded on each run. On the remain- 
ing combination the plan was never to reward the animal. This 
design would mean that one goal box and one runway would be 
associated with 100 per cent reward, and the other goal box and 
the other runway would be associated with 50 per cent reward. 

In this design all animals have exactly the same history of 
training. Consequently, if some of the animals are extinguished 
on the 100 per cent runway, half with the 100 per cent goal box 
present and half with the 50 per cent goal box, any differences 
in persistence must be attributed to the past experiences with 
the specific goal boxes. Similarly, if the rest of the animals are 
extinguished on the 50 per cent runway, half with each goal box, 
any difference in persistence between these two must also be 
attributed to the goal boxes. Thus, we have two tests of our 
hypothesis that experiences of dissonance and dissonance reduc- 
tion associated with a goal box can prolong extinction inde- 
pendently of the animal's prior experiences on the task. Table 
3 . 2 summarizes the design of the experiment. 

The 24 rats used in this study were tamed, placed on a 22- 
hour food-deprivation schedule for several days, and then adapt- 
ed to eating food pellets in the two goal boxes. They were then 
given 3 rewarded trials on each of the runway-goal box combi- 
nations. Thereafter, they were given 8 trials a day, at 15-minute 


TABLE 3.2 


History of Reward on 

Extinction Extinction 

Runway Goal Box 

Group 1 100% 50% 

Group 2 100% 100% 

Group 3 50% 50% 

Group 4 50% 100% 

Note: All animals had identical training experience with all four possible combinations 
o runway and goal box. 

intervals, for the next 20 days. All animals ran each of the four 
combinations of runway and goal box equally often but in an 
unpredictable order. 

It was found partway through this training that a few of the 
animals were beginning to make a discrimination. They became 
hesitant to enter the 50 per cent goal box when it was paired 
with the 50 per cent runway (the combination that was never 
rewarded), but they would enter it readily when it was paired 
with the 100 per cent runway. To counteract this tendency, 
during the last 14 training trials on the 50 per cent runway~50 
per cent goal box combination, 6 of the runs were rewarded in 
an unpredictable manner. As a result of these 6 rewarded trials 
the 50 per cent runway and the 50 per cent goal box were actu- 
ally rewarded 57 . 5 per cent of the time. 

At the completion of training, the animals were divided into 
four groups of six each. One of these groups was extinguished 
on each of the four combinations of runway and goal box. 
Running times, from the raising of the start box door until 
entrance into the goal box, were taken on each trial both during 
training and extinction. Extinction trials were given at the rate 
of 8 a day, with at least 15 minutes between trials. The criterion 
of extinction was 6 trials, not necessarily consecutive, on which 
an animal failed to enter the goal box within 120 seconds. On 
such trials it was removed directly from the apparatus. On all 
other trials it was retained in the goal box for 20 seconds before 
being removed. 

By the third day of extinction, the differences among the 
groups were clear and definite. Table 3 . 3 presents the average 


TABLE 3.3 


Runway Goal Box 

100% Partial 

100% 67.9 28.1 

Partial 48.0 23.2 

running times for each group of animals on the third day of ex- 
tinction. This day was chosen rather than a later one since, on 
subsequent days, many animals were discontinued because they 
had reached the criterion of extinction. 

It is clear from the table that partial reward has an effect on 
prolonging runnmgiduf ing extraction both when the partial re- 
ward is associated^ with the runway and when it is associated 
with the goal box. The difference in ruiming times between the 
100 per cent and the partially rewarded goal box groups is sig- 
nificant at better than the .05 level. The difference between 
the runway conditions, although favoring the partially rewarded 
runway, is not significant. Precisely the same pattern of results 
is shown by the number of trials to the criterion of extinction as 
indicated in Table 3.4. Again, the partially rewarded goal box 
makes for a big increase in resistance to extinction, significant 
beyond the . 05 level. The partially rewarded runway makes for 
a smaller difference which is not statistically significant. Obvi- 
ously, even if runway stimuli are associated with 100 per cent 
reward, partial reward experiences in the goal box have a 
marked effect on resistance to extinction. Indeed, it would ap- 
pear that dissonance-reducing experiences in a goal box have 
resulted in the development of extra attractions. From the point 
of view of dissonance theory, since attractions can also be ex- 
pected to develop in connection with the activity, it is not sur- 
prising to find that the runway experiences also have some effect. 

TABLE 3.4 


Runway GoalBoz 

100% Partial 

100% 38.9 55.0 

Partial 47.9 75.9 


There are, of course, a number of difficulties with these data. 
First of all, there were relatively few animals; second, there was 
the difficulty during training that has been mentioned; and 
finally, we did not counterbalance for initial preferences of spe- 
cific runway or goal box. For these reasons a second and more 
elaborate study was designed to avoid these difficulties. 

Experiment 4. A Replication of Runway vs. Goal Box Effects 

In this study, 60 rats, half of them males and half females, 
were used. After taming, establishment of a 22-hour hunger 
cycle, and adaptation to the goal boxes, they were divided into 
five groups of 12 animals, with an equal number of males and 
females in each. Four of these were experimental groups and 
the fifth was a control. The same two runways and goal boxes 
were used as in the previous experiment. One runway, painted 
gray, had four right-angle turns in the sequence left, right, right, 
left. Each of the four sections was 17 inches long. Four hurdles, 
each 4 inches high, were spaced at equal distances throughout 
the runway. The second runway was a straight alley, 48 inches 
long, which contained four wooden doors under which the ani- 
mal had to push. This runway also was painted gray. The same 
starting box was used for both runways. One of the goal boxes 
was 13 inches long, 9 inches wide, and 7 inches high. The floor 
was of wood and the interior was painted black. The entrance 
to it was at one end so that, after the animal entered, it ran 
straight forward to the food dish. The second goal box was 18 
inches long, 7 inches wide, and 7 inches high. The walls were 
of unpainted plywood and the floor was hardware cloth. The 
entrance was on one side so that, after the animal entered, it 
had to turn to the right in order to reach the food cup. Both 
boxes had guillotine entrance doors. 

The design of the study, similar to the previous one, can be 
illustrated by considering one experimental group. This group 
was given 8 trials a day with at least half an hour between trials. 
In a day's run, each of the four combinations of runway and 
goal box occurred twice, but not in any set order. On three of 
these combinations, the animal was rewarded with a wet mash 
pellet on each run. On the fourth combination, it was rewarded 
only 25 per cent of the time, in an unpredictable sequence. It 


is apparent from this description that one nmway and one goal 
box were associated with 100 per cent reward while the others 
were associated with 62.5 per cent reward. Any pre-experi- 
mental preferences for a specific goal box or runway were coun- 
terbalanced by having the partial reward associated with a dif- 
ferent combination for each of the four experimental groups. 
The fifth, or control group, was run in exactly the same way as 
an experimental group except that all combinations were re- 
warded 100 per cent of the time. All animals were run for 24 
days, which resulted in 36 unrewarded runs for the experimental 
animals. On unrewarded trials, the animal was left in the goal 
box for 20 seconds. 

At the completion of training, each group was divided into 
four subgroups of three animals each. One of these was extin- 
guished on each of the four combinations of runway and goal 
box. Thus, for the experimental groups, one subgroup was ex- 
tinguished on a combination involving a partially rewarded run- 
way and a partially rewarded goal box, a second on a partially 
rewarded runway and a 100 per cent rewarded goal box, a third 
on a runway rewarded 100 per cent of the time with a partially 
rewarded goal box, and the fourth on a runway and goal box 
each of which had been rewarded 100 per cent of the time. Ex- 
tinction trials were given at the rate of six a day, with at least 30 
minutes between trials. The criterion of extinction was five 
trials, not necessarily consecutive, on which the animal refused 
to enter the goal box within 120 seconds. On these trials the 
animal was removed from the apparatus. On trials when the 
animal did enter the goal box, it was kept there 20 seconds be- 
fore being removed. 

The 12 animals in the control group showed no significant 
differences in speed of running on each of the four combinations 
of runway and goal box on the last four days of training (aver- 
age of 5 . 5 seconds ) . There are no apparent differences among 
the four combinations in terms of difficulty or preference. A 
similar analysis for the four experimental groups also shows no 
significant differences among the four training combinations or 
among the four training groups. However, when the data were 
grouped according to whether or not a runway-goal box combi- 
nation was associated with partial reward, there were differ- 


TABLE 3.5 


Runway Goal Box 

100% Partial 

100% 4.7 4.6 

Partial 5.3 6.3 

ences significant between the .01 and .05 levels. Table 3.5 
shows these data. There is some tendency for the animals to 
run more slowly on a runway associated with partial reward 
than on one associated with 100 per cent reward. On the other 
hand, whether or not the goal box has been associated with par- 
tial reward has no measurable effect on running speed during 
training. This lack of difference is undoubtedly due to the fact 
that the animal did not know which box was present until it 
arrived there. 

The results for the average running time on the third day 
of extinction, and for the average number of trials to the ex- 
tinction criterion, are presented in Tables 3 . 6 and 3 . 7, respec- 
tively. It can be seen that the same pattern of results is ob- 
tained here as in the previous study. Animals running to a 
partially rewarded goal box extinguish at a considerably slower 
rate than animals running to a continuously rewarded one. This 
difference is significant only at the . 15 level for running times 
on the third day, but it is significant at the . 01 level for trials 
to extinction. Partial reward on the runway has a similar effect 
on both measures, but neither of these differences is statistically 

It will be recalled that in this experiment there was a con- 
trol group that never experienced partial reward during train- 

TABLE 3.6 


Runway Goal Box 

100% Partial 

100% 34.8 24.3 

Partial 32.9 21.8 


TABLE 3.7 


Runway Goal Box 

100% Partial 

100% 29.4 37.2 

Partial 30.7 44.3 

ing. The results for this control group are interesting. The 
average running time for these animals on the third day of ex- 
tinction was 87.8 seconds, significantly slower ( .01 level) than 
any of the other groups. They also reached the criterion of ex- 
tinction in an average of 19 . 4 trials, which is also significantly 
less ( .01 level) than any of the other groups. A comparison of 
these figures with the comparable ones for the experimental 
group, which was extinguished on a combination of runway 
and goal box that had always been 100 per cent rewarded, raises 
some problems. For all four experimental groups, the general- 
ized effect of partial rewards must be rather great: this is the 
only conceivable explanation of the difference between two 
groups that, during extinction, are both running in a situation 
that was always associated with 100 per cent reward. Such a 
degree of generalization in this particular experimental situa- 
tion should occasion no surprise in the reader, in view of the 
similarities between goal boxes and runways and the ever chang- 
ing situations in which each animal was trained. 

Such generalization effects also may have considerably re- 
duced the magnitudes of the differences we observed among our 
experimental groups. Any generalization from runway to run- 
way and from goal box to goal box would have weakened the 
obtained differences. But, for the point we set out to make, this 
is unimportant. We have demonstrated that, as the result of 
partial reward, there is an effect specific to the goal box which 
results in increased resistance to extinction. This finding makes 
it plausible to infer the existence of some extra attraction which 
has developed through dissonance reduction. 

Let us, then, summarize where we stand. We have shown 
that, if we add a weak food incentive to a nev^earning situa- 
tion, animals that have been partially rewarded in the goal box 


will learn the new task more quickly in order to reach that goal 
box than will animals that have been continuously rewarded 
there. In addition, existing literature reveals that preference 
for a partially rewarded place over a continuously rewarded 
one can be demonstrated as long as the conditions of the test 
do not induce the animal to go away from the partially rewarded 
place initially in its search for food. 

Wejbtave alsp^shown thatif a known weak preference exists 
for one goaTbox over another, .animals trained to the preferred 
box extinguish more slowly than do animals trained to the less 
preferred one. The existing literature shows that partial reward 
tends to prolong extinction in a comparable fashion. From these 
two findings, it is clear that the partial reward results could be 
due to the development of extra attractions. Finally, we have 
reported an experiment demonstrating that partial reward ex- 
perience with a specific goal box prolongs resistance to extinc- 
tion regardless of whether or not the runway has been associ- 
ated with partial reward. All of these findings are directly 
implied by a dissonance reduction interpretation which postu- 
lates tie development of extra attractions. 

Let us look at the relevance of these data to the alternative 
explanations that we discussed in Chapter 1. Many of those ex- 
planations, particularly those of Weinstock and Amsel, empha- 
size that partial reward experiences ultimately produce associ- 
ations between stimuli specific to the runway and the running 
response. Amsel, for example, assumes that runway stimuli 
eventually arouse anticipatory frustration responses which 
finally become conditioned to running to the goal box. Such 
an explanation seems to imply that if , after partial reward train- 
ing, changes are made in the runway or in the activity required, 
the partial reward effect might largely disappear. 

If, however, one accepts the data we have presented about 
the learning of a new task, preference tests in a T-maze, and 
the results of our experiments on runway versus goal box effects, 
doubt is cast on the validity of such alternative explanations. 
Clearly, even though the task the animal must do to get to the 
goal box is drastically changed, partial reward eflFects can still 
be observed. Our own experiments have shown that runways 


associated with 100 per cent reward scarcely reduce the effect 
on extinction of the presence of a goal box associated with par- 
tial reward. 

To what degree do the data we have presented in this chap- 
ter force us to accept the interpretation that partial reward leads 
to the development of extra attractions? The data we have dis- 
cussed on new learning, choice behavior, and specificity of goal 
box effects make a reasonably strong case for such extra attrac- 
tions. Other theorists, however, might question whether or not 
an explanation in terms of "adaptation" for unpleasantness or 
frustration is not equally forceful. To the extent that this alter- 
native is merely a verbal preference, it need not concern us. We 
readily grant that unrewarded trials are unpleasant for an ani- 
mal expecting food. Our interpretation also grants that, eventu- 
ally, the animal finds such situations less unpleasant because of 
the extra attractions it has discovered. In the situations with 
which we deal, the rat never completely reduces dissonance, 
and unrewarded trials undoubtedly continue to be unpleasant 
to some degree. 

What else may be meant by "adaptation" to unpleasantness 
or frustration? The real issue is the specific mechanism that 
is proposed theoretically to underly "adaptation" effects. Later 
in the book, particularly in connection with minimal motivation 
experiments reported in Chapter 6 and with experiments on 
effort reported in Chapter 7, we shall support the interpretation 
that dissonance reduction leading to extra attractions is, indeed, 
the mechanism which operates. 

All of the data we have discussed in this chapter have been 
concerned with the effects of partial reward. It would be de- 
sirable to have comparable data showing that delay of reward 
and effort expenditure lead to the same effects. Unfortunately, 
data from which attraction may be inferred do not exist in the 
literature. Indeed, it would not be easy to collect such data in 
an unambiguous way for situations involving choice and for the 
learning of new tasks when the effort variable is involved. It is 
much easier to study the effects of effort and delay of reward 
using the extinction procedure. In the next several chapters, we 
shall present evidence of this sort. 

Cumulative Effects of Dissonance 

In the previous chapter, we presented evidence that extra attrac- 
tions do result from dissonance reduction. The development of 
these attractions, according to the theory, occurs in the follow- 
ing way. The animal performs an action and then finds that the 
consequences of this act do not justify it, that is, little or no ex- 
trinsic reward is present. This results in a motivational state, 
dissonance, which tends to reduce or resolve itself. As long as 
the animal does not change its course of action, the major way 
in which this dissonance reduction can occur is through the dis- 
covery of aspects of the situation that satisfy some of its sub- 
ordinate motives, thus providing at least partial justification for 
the action undertaken. Nevertheless, as long as these extra 
attractions provide only partial rather than complete justifica- 
tion, dissonance is again aroused on the next similar occasion. 
This, in turn, leads to further attempts at dissonance reduction 
and thus to the gradual accumulation of extra attractions. 

Phrased in this way, it is clear that two things are implied 
about the effects of dissonance reduction: first, the discovery of 
these extra attractions tends to occur primarily on the disso- 
nance-producing trial; and second, the strength of these extra 
attractions is an increasing function of the number of such dis- 
sonance-producing experiences. In this chapter, we shall be 
concerned with experimental evidence pertaining to these im- 
plications in partial reward training. 

Our^theory, then, asserts that the. strength of extra attrac- 


tions Is a cumulative function of the number of dissonance-pro- 
ducing experiences. However, the usual empirical statement is 
that resistance to extinction varies inversely with the percentage 
of rewarded trials. Animals rewarded 75 per cent of the time 
extinguish more rapidly than those rewarded 50 per cent of the 
time, and the latter extinguish more rapidly than those reward- 
ed 25 per cent of the time. This implies that it is the ratio of 
rewarded to unrewarded trials that is the important variable. 
This statement of the relationship is consistent with Humphreys' 
hypothesis ( 1939), but is clearly at variance with ours. 

Is this, however, a correct statement of the empirical rela- 
tion that exists? We must keep in mind that the statement is 
based on experimental studies that, uniformally, have contrast- 
ed various reward schedules in which either the total number 
of trials or the number of rewarded trials have been equated for 
the various groups. Such procedures make it impossible to assert 
whether the percentage of rewarded trials or the number of un- 
rewarded trials is the important variable since the two are con- 
founded in the design. For instance, suppose we compare three 
groups of animals, one with 75 per cent, a second with 50 per 
cent, and a third with 25 per cent reward, each group having 
received a total of 60 training trials. The first group, as a con- 
sequence, has only 15 unrewarded trials, the second 30, and the 
third 45. With this perfect negative correlation between per- 
centage of reward and the number of unrewarded trials, we are 
of course unable to decide which of the variables is the crucial 
one in determining resistance to extinction. 

A decision based on experimental data is important for our 
theory and also for any form of discrimination theory that de- 
pends for its explanation on contrast between training and ex- 
tinction conditions. 

Experimental Data on Cumulative Effects 

Two studies in the literature are pertinent to this issue and, 
at the same time, suggest the correct experimental design for 
making a critical test. One of these (Lewis and Cotton, 1959) 
compares 50 per cent reward groups that received either 16 or 
60 training trials. They observe that the rats that received more 


training trials take longer to extinguish; but since they failed to 
include any 100 per cent reward groups in their experiment they 
did not seem to appreciate the importance of their result. The 
same result is reported in a study by M. G. Weinstock (1957). 
She was primarily interested in studying the effect of the time 
spent in the goal box on unrewarded trials on resistance to ex- 
tinction after partial reward. This did not prove to be a signifi- 
cant variable. As part of her design, however, she varied the 
number of training trials for some partial reward groups while 
keeping the percentage of reward constant. Consequently, from 
her data we can determine whether or not resistance to extinc- 
tion increases as a function of the number of unrewarded trials. 

Specifically, she ran a continuously rewarded and a 50 per 
cent rewarded group on a runway. Half of each group received 
30 training trials and the other half received 60. Trials were 
spaced 15 minutes apart. All animals were given 30 extinction 
trials with the same spacing. Half of the animals were confined 
in the goal box for 10 seconds during extinction; the other half 
for 30 seconds. The average running speeds for the last 15 ex- 
tinction trials are shown in Table 4.1. 

It is apparent that the additional training trials had little 
effect on resistance to extinction for the 100 per cent groups, 
but a very considerable one for the partially rewarded animals. 
The interaction between the number of training trials and the 
schedule of reward was significant beyond the . 01 level regard- 
less of time spent in the goal box. Clearly, resistance to extinc- 
tion appears to increase directly with the number of unrewarded 

TABLE 4.1 


Time in Percentage 

Goal Box of Reward Number of Training Trials 

30 60 

10 seconds 100% 20 17 

10 seconds 50% 22 34 

30 seconds 100% 12 15 

30 seconds 50% 15 34 

*Data from Weinstock (1957). 


Although these results support our dissonance formulation, 
which emphasizes the unrewarded trial as the important factor, 
they are open to criticism from adherents of other hypotheses. 
It can be argued that thirty trials are not sufficient to acquaint 
an animal with the relative frequency of reward involved. Fur- 
thermore, since only one percentage of partial reward was used, 
it is impossible to determine whether or not the variable of per- 
centage of reward has an effect over and above that which can 
be attributed to the number of unrewarded trials. WeinstocFs 
study does, however, suggest the proper design for contrasting 
the effects of the number of unrewarded trials with the effects 
of the percentage of rewards. What is required are several 
groups of animals, some on different partial reward schedules 
but equated for the number of unrewarded trials involved, 
others on the same partial reward schedule but varying in the 
number of unrewarded trials. Under these conditions, the two 
variables can be separately evaluated. Such a study not being 
available in the literature, we designed and carried out our own. 

Experiment 5. The Cumulative Effect of Unrewarded Trials 

A total of 146 white rats were used in the experiment. They 
were approximately ninety days old at the start of training. Six 
of these were discarded before extinction began either because 
of illness or death. All animals were tamed and then placed on 
a deprivation schedule during which they had free access to 
food for two hours each day. This schedule was maintained 
throughout the experiment so that the animals had been with- 
out food for about twenty hours at the beginning of each day's 


The apparatus was an S-shaped runway. The first 9-inch 
section was the start box and the last 17-inch section was the 
goal box. The latter contained a food cup with a tube leading 
into it. Food could be dropped through this tube on rewarded 
trials once the animal had entered the goal box. Spaced at 
approximately equal intervals throughout the runway were 
three plywood swinging doors. These were set at a 60-degree 
angle with respect to the floor so that the animals could push 
under them. At each of the two turns of the runway there was 
a 3-inch-high hurdle for the animal to climb over. The start box 


and runway were unpainted, but the goal compartment was 
black. The whole apparatus was 6 inches deep and was covered 
with hardware cloth. 

The apparatus and procedure differed from the usual partial 
reward study in minor ways. The activity required of the ani- 
mal involved a far greater expenditure of effort than is common. 
We made this requirement because, on theoretical grounds, the 
magnitude of the dissonance produced on an unrewarded trial 
should be a function of at least two things : ( 1 ) the failure of the 
animal to find food when it expected and was oriented toward 
food; and (2) the amount of effort the animal expended to get 
to the place where it expected to find food. Thus, if the theory 
is correct, a very effortful task should enhance the effect of dis- 
sonance reduction. However, the use of this very effortful activ- 
ity required that all animals have a long period of preliminary 
training before the partial reward schedules could be intro- 
duced; otherwise, many of them would have refused to perform. 

Preliminary training consisted of first adapting the animal 
to eating wet mash pellets in the goal box. It was then given 2 
rewarded runs through the apparatus with all the doors open 
and the hurdles removed. During the next 17 days, the animal 
was given a total of 84 rewarded trials, during which the doors 
were gradually lowered and the hurdles increased to full height. 
For 4 following days, it was given 6 rewarded trials each day 
with full effort expenditure required. Thus, there was a total of 
112 preliminary trials, with constant apparatus conditions dur- 
ing the last 24 All of these trials, as well as the subsequent train- 
ing and extinction ones, were spaced at least 15 minutes apart. 

Eleven different groups of animals, roughly matched on the 
basis of running times during the last 4 days of preliminary 
training, were used in this experiment. There were 11 to 16 ani- 
mals in each group, approximately half males and half females. 
Because of the large number of animals involved, and the large 
number of trials required in some conditions, not all groups of 
rats were started at the same time. Altogether, the data collec- 
tion lasted almost one calendar year. 

Partial reward schedules were introduced on the day follow- 
ing the completion of preliminary training. Thereafter, animals 
were given 6 training trials a day. On rewarded trials the ani- 


mal was given a large wet mash pellet which took an average 
of 40 seconds to eat; on unrewarded trials the animal was kept 
in the goal compartment for the same length of time. 

The over-all design of the experiment, that is, the exact num- 
ber of unrewarded trials and the total number of trials given to 
animals in each of the eleven experimental conditions, is shown 
in Table 4.2. It can be seen that three different groups of ani- 
mals were run with a 33 per cent reward schedule. The total 
number of trials they received was varied so that one group ex- 
perienced 16 unrewarded trials, a second group experienced 27 
unrewarded trials, and a third group experienced 72 unrewarded 
trials. Similarly, three different groups were run on a 50 per 
cent reward schedule, each group experiencing either 16, 27, or 
72 unrewarded trials. To save experimental time, only two 
groups were run on a 67 per cent reward schedule. The group 
that would have experienced 27 unrewarded trials was omitted. 

It is clear from an examination of the table that the total 
number of training trials varies considerably. The smallest num- 
ber of trials after preliminary training is 24 for the 33 per cent 
reward group that experienced 16 unrewarded trials. The larg- 
est number of total trials following preliminary training is 216 
for the group that experienced 72 unrewarded trials on a 67 per 
cent reward schedule. In order to have a comparison for the 

TABLE 4.2 


_ , Number of Unrewarded Trials 


Schedule 16 27 72 

33% 24 42 108 

(14)* (11) (16) 

50% 31 f 54 144 

(12) (13) (13) 

67% 48 216 

(11) - (11) 
f (11) 

100% \ 54 (14) 
[216 (14) 

* Numbers in parentheses refer to the number of animals in each group, 
f One extra unrewarded trial was given to the animals in this group to bring the num- 
ber of unrewarded trials to 16 in 5 days of partial reward training. 


effect of sheer total number of trials, three different groups were 
run with 100 per cent reward. One of these groups began ex- 
tinction immediately after the preliminary training was finished. 
No additional trials were given. A second group was given 54 
trials, and a third group was given 216 additional trials before 
extinction was started. Thus, the range of total number of trials 
for the three groups on a 100 per cent reward schedule brackets 
closely the range of total number of trials of the partially re- 
warded animals. 

During training, the order of rewarded and unrewarded 
trials was prearranged so as to be unsystematic within each day. 
However, of the 6 trials each day there were 4 unrewarded trials 
in the 33 per cent group, 3 in the 50 per cent group, and 2 in the 
67 per cent group. The last trial on the last day before extinc- 
tion was rewarded for all animals in all conditions. Extinction 
trials were run in the same manner as the acquisition trials that 
is, each animal was given 6 trials a day, spaced at intervals of 
at least 15 minutes. Of course, no food was obtained in the food 
compartment on extinction trials. When the animal entered the 
food compartment it was kept there for 40 seconds and then 
returned to its home cage. If the animal did not enter the food 
compartment within 180 seconds after the start box door was 
raised, it was taken out of the apparatus. Six such trials, not 
necessarily consecutive, were used as a criterion of extinction. 

The main over-all results of this experiment are presented 
in Table 4 . 3 and in Figure 4 . 1. These present the average num- 

TABLE 4.3 


Reward Schedule Number of Unrewarded Trials 



100% (zero trials) 15.2 

100% (54 trials) 19.8 

100% (216 trials) 22.5 














ber of trials required by each of the eleven groups to reach the 
criterion of extinction. The data are presented, and were ana- 
lyzed, in terms of geometric means for two reasons. First of all, 
the distributions of number of trials to reach the criterion are 
highly skewed. Using logarithms tends to normalize them and 
to facilitate statistical analysis. The other reason is apparent in 
Figure 4.1. Presenting the data in these terms makes the rela- 
tionships pleasingly linear. 

The results for the groups rewarded 100 per cent of the time 
show the influence on extinction of the number of training trials 
involved. It is clear from Table 4 . 3 that all three of these groups 
extinguish very quickly. The geometric means are 15.2, 19.8, 
and 22.5 trials, respectively, for the groups having 0, 54, and 
216 trials in addition to preliminary training. To realize fully 
how rapid this extinction is, one must remember that these 
means include the 6 criterion trials on which the animals refused 

.9 50 

3 40 










o 33 % reward ( smallest # of trials) 

50% re ward 

67% reward (largest # of trials) 





OF UNREWARDED TRIALS (EXPERIMENTS). N.B. For those groups receiv- 
ing zero unrewarded trials (100 per cent reward) the filled circle repre- 
sents the largest number of trials and the open circle, the smallest number. 


to enter the goal compartment within 180 seconds. Increasing 
the number of trials for continuously rewarded groups obviously 
has some effect on resistance to extinction. This effect, however, 
is slight. An analysis of variance indicates that the difference 
among these three groups is significant at the . 05 level, but most 
of this difference is due to the very rapid extinction of the group 
that had zero additional trials after preliminary training. The 
difference between the 54 and 216 trial groups is small and not 
significant. Undoubtedly, the zero trial group had not adjusted 
adequately to the effortful task by the end of preliminary train- 
ing. This is reflected in the running times of the three groups 
on the last day of training: 3.6 and 2.8 seconds for the 54 
and 216 trial groups, but 6.9 seconds for the zero trial group. 
Clearly, the zero trial group was still running slowly when ex- 
tinction began. Nonetheless, we must allow for some slight 
effect of additional rewarded trials in evaluating the remainder 
of the data. As may be seen, however, this effect is negligible 
when compared with the influence of unrewarded trials. 

Perhaps the most outstanding result in Table 4.3 is the fact 
that each of the partially rewarded groups takes more trials, on 
the average, to reach the criterion of extinction than does any of 
the continuously rewarded groups. This is true regardless of the 
number of training trials given. In other words, the effect of 
unrewarded trials is completely different from that of rewarded 
trials. The impression given is of a different and unique process 
adding its effect to that associated with traditional reward fac- 

The manner in which this different process operates can be 
seen a little more clearly by contrasting the various groups when 
the number of unrewarded trials is held constant. For the same 
number of unrewarded trials, variation in the per cent of reward 
has little or no effect on resistance to extinction. For groups 
having 16 non-rewards, the average trials to criterion range from 
26 . 3 to 30 . 2. An analysis of variance indicates that these differ- 
ences do not approach significance. Similar results are obtained 
for those groups that had 27 and 72 unrewarded trials. The 
ranges are small and the differences that exist are not signifi- 
cant. These results make it obvious that the usual negative cor- 


relation between percentage of reward and resistance to extinc- 
tion is artifactual. It comes about because the usual procedure 
in such studies results in a complete confounding of the number 
of unrewarded trials with percentage of reward. In f act, in the 
present data there is a small but interesting reversal of the usual 
relationship. When the number of unrewarded trials is held 
constant, there is a tendency for those groups that received the 
highest percentage of reward to take slightly longer to extin- 
guishundoubtedly because the groups with the higher per- 
centage receive more rewarded trials than do groups with a 
lower percentage. The magnitude of this effect on resistance 
to extinction is comparable to the differences observed among 
our continuously rewarded groups. 

The data in Table 4 . 3 make it equally clear that as the num- 
ber of unrewarded trials is increased, regardless of the percent- 
age of reward involved, resistance to extinction increases mark- 
edly. Within each ratio of reward, the differences between the 
16 and 72 non-reward trial groups are significant well beyond 
the . 01 level. To judge the magnitude of this effect, one must 
recall that it takes continuously rewarded animals about 20 
trials, on the average, to reach the criterion of extinction. With 
only 16 non-rewards, this increases to slightly under 30, or about 
half again as much. With 72 non-rewards, the average increases 
to approximately 50 trials, or two and one-half times that shown 
by continuously rewarded animals. In light of these results, one 
must conclude that the process by means of which partial re- 
ward increases resistance to extinction is a process that occurs 
on unrewarded trials. Furthermore, this effect accumulates as 
the number of such trials increases. For all practical purposes, 
in our data this effect is independent of any interaction between 
rewarded and unrewarded trials. 

The results discussed so far have been plotted in Figure 4.1. 
The black circles represent 67 per cent reward, the crossed 
circles 50 per cent reward, and the open ones 33 per cent re- 
ward. For the 100 per cent reward groups, that is, the ones with 
zero unrewarded trials, the black, crossed, and open circles rep- 
resent the groups having 216, 54, and trials in addition to 
preliminary training. A glance at this figure makes it apparent 


that the ratio of reward during acquisition has only a negligible 

It is interesting, and rather surprising, that we obtain no 
effect whatever that might be attributed to the contrast between 
acquisition and extinction, the notion underlying any discrimi- 
nation hypothesis that rests heavily on the f amiliarity the animal 
acquires with the relative frequencies of rewarded and unre- 
warded trials. From such a hypothesis, it could be argued that 
groups on different ratios of reward might not differ in resistance 
to extinction when each has received only a few unrewarded 
trials, since, with so few training trials, the various ratios of re- 
ward would not have been distinguished. Thus, all groups might 
act alike when tested on extinction. However, with large num- 
bers of trials each group should be rather certain about the char- 
acteristics of the ratio it was on. This line of argument implies 
that the differences in Figure 4.1 among the various ratio of 
reward groups should begin to increase as the number of unre- 
warded trials increases. It is perfectly clear, however, that this 
does not occur. The magnitudes of these differences are practi- 
cally indistinguishable throughout the range studied. And cer- 
tainly 72 unrewarded trials (which means that even the 33 per 
cent reward group has been on this schedule for 108 trials ) is 
long enough for an animal to be fairly certain about the ratios 

TABLE 4.4 


Reward Schedule 

33% 50% 67% 

Next to last day (6 trials) 7. 18 3.35 2.66 

Last day (6 trials) 5.40 3.05 2.75 


Trials 1-3 6.29 3.77 2.61 

Trials 4-6 8.11 6.45 5.38 

Trials 7-9 13.70 9.15 9.52 

Trials 10-12 18.92 11.23 13.03 

Trials 13-15 24.91 20.93 17.69 

Trials 16-18 26.09 22.93 21.46 


It Is possible, however, that we do not see the effect of ratio 
of reward because we are looking at the data in a rather gross 
manner. The effects of contrast with acquisition may show 
themselves only early in a series of extinction trials. To check 
on this, we may look at the average running times for the vari- 
ous groups during the initial stages of extinction. 

Table 4.4 presents the data on the average running times 
for each percentage of reward condition. All groups having the 
same percentage of reward have been pooled for this purpose 
without regard to the number of unrewarded trials. In this way 
we can see the effect of percentage of reward when the average 
number of unrewarded trials is the same (except for the 67 per 
cent reward schedule where the condition of 27 unrewarded 
trials is missing ) . The first two rows of Table 4 . 4 are the average 
running times for the final two days of acquisition, each number 
being based on 6 trials. The last six rows are the averages for 
successive sets of 3 trials during the first 18 trials of extinction. 
The same data are presented graphically in Figure 4 . 2. Clearly, 
there is no difference in the rate of extinction during early ex- 
tinction trials for the three different ratio of reward groups. 
The extinction curves for all three conditions tend to be parallel. 
Thus, even in the initial stages of extinction, the ratio of reward 









P 20 


33 % reward 
50% reward 
67% reward 

Next to 
last six 

Ust 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-6 16-18 


MENT 5) 


is quite unimportant in determining the rate of extinction. These 
data fail to support any notion about contrast effects. Certainly, 
if such contrast played a role in detennining this behavior, we 
would anticipate some difference in the rate of extinction be- 
tween the 33 per cent and 67 per cent reward groups for at least 
the first 9 to 12 trials. During training the 67 per cent reward 
groups experienced only two unrewarded trials each day where- 
as the 33 per cent reward groups experienced four such trials a 
day. From any contrast hypothesis, one should anticipate that 
the fourth, fifth, and sixth extinction trials would have a much 
greater impact on the 67 per cent than on the 33 per cent ani- 
mals. Similarly, the next three to six trials should augment this 
difference. With the restricted "random" schedules of rewards 
used in training these groups, these trials should clearly inform 
the 67 per cent animals that conditions have changed. The per- 
formance data on these trials, however, provide no evidence that 
such an effect occurs. 

It is also interesting to note that, when the number of unre- 
warded trials are equated as in these data, there is a direct rela- 
tionship between the running speeds during acquisition and 
extinction. The animals trained with 33 per cent reward are 
definitely slower at the end of training than are the other ani- 
mals. This difference is maintained throughout the first 18 trials 
of extinction. It will be recalled that a similar slight difference 

TABLE 4.5 


Number of Non-Rewards 

16 27 72 

Next to last day ( 6 trials) 3 . 29 5 . 35 5.74 

Last day (6 trials) 3.26 3.99 4.54 


Trials 1-3 3.94 4.75 4.97 

Trials 4-6 7.82 4.26 7.61 

Trials 7-9 16.04 9.71 7.31 

Trials 10-12 22.48 13.60 8.27 

Trials 13-15 34.07 16.41 13.79 

Trials 16-18 43 . 25 18 . 61 9 . 16 



was found in the number of trials required to reach the criterion 
of extinction. 

Finally, we need to look briefly at the data on running times 
during the initial trials of extinction when the groups are com- 
bined according to the number of unrewarded trials. These data 
are presented in Table 4.5 and Figure 4.3, It is apparent that 
the number of unrewarded trials makes an all-important differ- 
ence in the rate of extinction. The groups with the fewest un- 
rewarded trials extinguish the most rapidly, and those with the 
most unrewarded trials extinguish the least rapidly. This differ- 
entiation begins on the first days of extinction and is very marked 
by the ninth trial. Thus, the differences we noted in terms of 
average trials to a criterion of extinction are characteristic, and 
not something that only show up late in the extinction process. 

In summary, the results of this study lend support to two 
implications from dissonance theory. They support the idea, 
first, that the processes producing^, increased resistance to ex- 
tinction after partial reward occur primarily on the unrewarded 
trial itself and, second, that these dissonance reduction effects 






I 20 



$ 10 

* 16 Unrewarded trials 
o 27 Unrewarded trials 
x 72 Unrewarded trials 

Next to 
last six 

Lost 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 




ajc0 cumulative. In addition, this study makes untenable a vari- 
ety of other explanations of the partial reward effect. Any ex- 
planation that relies, in whole or in part, on the contrast between 
acquisition and extinction trials is no longer tenable. 

Our confidence in dismissing such explanations is increased 
because of an additional study reported by Theios ( 1961 ) . He 
tested the effects on resistance to extinction of interpolating a 
series of 100 per cent rewarded trials between the partial re- 
ward training and the extinction test. Specifically, Theios tested 
the resistance to extinction of three identically trained partial 
reward groups. One group was extinguished immediately after 
partial reward training; another had 25 additional trials with 
100 per cent reward before extinction; and a third had 70 such 
100 per cent rewarded trials between partial reward training 
and extinction. In addition, two control groups which received 
only 100 per cent reward were run. 

Table 4.6 presents the results of this experiment. It is clear 
that the interpolation of continuously rewarded trials between 
partial reward training and extinction has little or no effect. 
Animals trained with 100 per cent reward take slightly over 30 
trials, on the average, to extinguish, whereas the partial reward 
animals take from 50 to 66 trials. If contrast between acquisi- 
tion and extinction conditions were important, one would expect 
interpolated 100 per cent reward trials seriously to weaken the 
partial reward effect. After all, such interpolated trials make for 
a sharp contrast when extinction begins. 

TABLE 4.6 


Number o Average Number 

Interpolated of Trials to 

Original Training 100% Reward Trials Extinction 

Partial 61 

Partial 25 66 

Partial 70 50 

100% 33 

100% 70 31 

* From Theios (1961). 


The Relation of Dissonance to Non-Reward 

Theoretically, not all instances of absence of reward should 
produce dissonance. Our formulation implies that if an animal 
performs an act, even though it is very effortful, and finds an 
adequate reward, little or no dissonance is introduced. On the 
other hand, if the animal performs the act and does not find a 
reward, dissonance is aroused and dissonance reduction occurs. 
The crux of this formulation is this; the experiencing of non- 
reward per se is not sufficient to arouse dissonance. It is only 
when an animal performs an act in the expectation of being re- 
warded that not obtaining the reward generates any dissonance. 
To add weight to our theoretical interpretation it would be use- 
ful to show that experience with non-reward, if such experience 
fails to produce dissonance, does not increase resistance to ex- 

To demonstrate this, we need a situation in which an animal 
experiences occasional non-rewards in a goal box, the non-re- 
wards coming only on occasions when it has not performed any 
definite act oriented toward getting food and thus does not ex- 
pect food. Under these circumstances, no dissonance should be 
aroused since the absence of food is not dissonant with the ani- 
mal's behavior. Consequently, no extra attractions should de- 
velop. In an attempt to show this, we designed and ran the 
following study. 

Experiment 6. -Placing vs. Partial Reward Efects 

The apparatus for this experiment was an 8-foot-long en- 
closed runway leading to a black goal box. A delivery tube was 
centered above the food dish so that, on rewarded trials, a pellet 
of wet mash could be dropped after the animal had entered the 
goal box. Three hurdles, each 3 inches high, were spaced evenly 
throughout the alley. 

Three groups of rats, approximately ninety days old at the 
beginning of the experiment, were trained on this apparatus. 
There were 12 animals in each group, half males and half fe- 
males. A 100 per cent reward group was rewarded on each trial; 
a 50 per cent reward group was rewarded on half the trials and 


retained In the goal box for 20 seconds without food on the other 
half. The third group, a placed group, was trained in an unusual 
fashion. These animals ran the alley and found food on half 
their trials just as did the 50 per cent reward group. On the other 
half of the trials, however, these animals did not run the alley. 
Instead they were placed directly in the goal box, immediately 
in front of the entrance door, and then retained there for 20 sec- 
onds without food. Thus, their experiences in the goal box were 
directly comparable to those of the partially rewarded animals. 
However, whenever these animals ran the alley this act of run- 
ning was rewarded. They were unlike the partially rewarded 
animals in that, for the placed group, non-reward was not dis- 
sonance producing because very quickly these animals learned 
not to expect food when placed in the goal box. 

All animals were tamed and placed on a 22-hour deprivation 
schedule. They were given 4 preliminary trials of eating in the 
goal box, followed by 6 rewarded trials during which the hurdles 
were gradually increased to their full height. Thereafter, all 
animals were given 6 trials a day, spaced at least 15 minutes 
apart, for a total of 72 training trials. For the 50 per cent reward 
animals, 3 of these trials each day were unrewarded, occurring 
in an unpredictable order. These same 3 trials were unrewarded 
for the placed group. 

This training was followed by 48 extinction trials for all ani- 
mals, again at the rate of 6 a day, with at least 15 minutes be- 
tween trials. Running times from the opening of the start box 
door until entrance into the goal box were taken on each trial 
both during training and extinction. If an animal had not en- 
tered the goal box within 90 seconds, it was removed from the 
apparatus. During the course of the experiment one animal in 
the placed group died, leaving only 11. By the end of training 
all three groups were running about equally fast. On unreward- 
ed trials, the placed group showed evidence that it did not look 
for food. 

Table 4 . 7 presents the data for the three groups on the aver- 
age number of trials required to reach a criterion of extinction 
of two 60-second trials, not necessarily consecutive. This arbi- 
trary criterion was chosen since all animals did reach it within 


TABLE 4.7 


Number of Trials 
Training Condition to Extinction 

50% Reward (N = 12) 27 . 8 

Placed (N = 11) 18.2 

100% Reward (N = 12) 20 . 9 

the 48 extinction trials. It may be seen in the table that the 
usual effect of partial reward is obtained. The 50 per cent reward 
group requires 27.8 trials whereas the 100 per cent reward 
group requires only 20 . 9 trials to extinguish. This difference 
is significant at the . 05 level. Looking at the data for the placed 
group, we find that the mere experience of being in the food 
compartment without food does not increase resistance to ex- 
tinction. The placed group extinguishes in 18.2 trials, in con- 
trast to the 27.8 trials of the 50 per cent group, again a differ- 
ence significant at the . 05 level. Thus, there is no evidence that 
extra attractions for a situation develop merely because non- 
reward experiences are associated with it. Resistance to extinc- 
tion is increased only if non-reward signifies that the perform- 
ance of a given action is not justified, that is, if dissonance is 

We willingly grant that the results of this study can be in- 
terpreted in a number of different ways. The important ques- 
tion, however, is whether the mere experience of non-reward in 
the goal box is sufficient to build up resistance to extinction, or 
whether this experience has to disconfirm an expectancy. The 
results tend to confirm the assumption we are making that dis- 
sonance and dissonance reduction do not occur in the former 


The evidence in this chapter supports three basic assump- 
tions underlying our dissonance explanation^? partial reward 
effects on resistance to extinction. (1) we have shown that the 
crucial factor is the unrewarded tridUThe percentage t of ^reward 
is of little or no consequence. ( 2 ) We have shown that the effect 


of these non-rewards is cumulative. When groups are equated 
on number of unrewarded trials, regardless of percentage of 
reward, they show comparable magnitudes of resistance to ex- 
tinction. ( 3 ) We have demonstrated that it is not the experience 
of non-reward per se that is crucial. Rather, it is only when this 
experience is related to the expectation of reward that it has 
any influence on resistance to extinction. This implies that dis- 
sonance and dissonance reduction occur only when the animal 
has taken an action and then finds that this action is not justified 
by its consequences. 

What has been shown for partial reward procedures should 
also apply to delay of reward and effort expenditure. In these 
instances the delay, or the effort expended, introduces disso- 
nance rather than expecting and not obtaining reward. Resist- 
ance to extinction should be an increasing function of the num- 
ber of such dissonance-producing trials. At present there are 
no data in the literature strictly relevant to this issue, although 
some inferences can be made in the case of delay of reward from 
the study done by Wike and McNamara ( 1957 ) . They gave all 
of their groups an equal number of training trials, but they varied 
the percentage of trials on which the reward was delayed. Re- 
sistance to extinction increased directly as the percentage of 
these delay trials increased. In their study, of course, the num- 
ber of delay trials and the percentage of delay were directly 
correlated. Thus, while they interpret the results as though the 
percentage were the crucial variable, it is more probable in 
terms of what we have shown in this chapter that the number of 
such delay experiences is the primary variable. 

The Effects of a 
Zero Reward Schedule 

In the previous chapter, the outstanding conclusion was that 
partial reward effects depend primarily on the absolute number 
rather than the percentage of unrewarded trials. There is, un- 
fortunately, one ambiguity in the interpretation of these find- 
ings: all of the experimental tests have involved situations in 
which the animal has experienced both reward and non-reward 
in exactly the same place. Consequently, it is possible to frame 
any number of explanations that hinge on this fact. For instance, 
AmseFs frustration hypothesis ( 1958) assumes that the reward- 
ed trials are necessary to enable the animal to establish an an- 
ticipatory goal response. On unrewarded trials, the conjunction 
of these anticipatory goal responses and the absence of reward 
result in the arousal of frustration. Thus, a specific kind of 
interaction between rewarded and unrewarded trials is central 
in this hypothesis. 

From our point of view, dissonance will be aroused, and dis- 
sonance reduction will take place, as long as the animal^ c 
induced to continue performing a motivated act even 
reward is never obtained. T^Qrjetically^extr.i. attractions would 

*- -WH-.^^ !*"'* 4-w^.,^! !**. - - '<***,*,**, m.B- .""- " " 

develop even if an animal were trained on a zero reward sehed- 
ule, that is, one on which it repeatedly performs an act but is 
never rewarded for it. If such a performance could be shown, 
it would be very strong evidence for the dissonance explanation 
and at the same time would rule out alternative interpretations 
such as the one suggested by Amsel. 


an animal to perform an act consistently if there are no incentives 
at all. We can, however, approximate this situation, as we shall 
see later, by inducing an animal to go consistently to a place that 
is never directly associated with reward. We shall refer to such 
an approximation as a "zero reward" situation. 

Any experiment that would permit us to say, unequivocally, 
that a zero reward schedule had resulted in extra attractions 
must face, and solve, certain problems. Let us assume that we 
have trained an animal to perform an act repeatedly and that 
this act has never been directly rewarded. As a consequence, 
dissonance has been introduced in each trial, and the resulting 
dissonance reduction has led to the discovery of extra attractions 
in the situation. The initial problem is how we demonstrate that 
these extra attractions are present, that is, against what base 
line do we compare the performance of this animal? Ideally, we 
should like a control animal for whom both the activity and the 
situation are familiar but neutral in attractiveness. Unfamili- 
arity might well result in emotional factors that would inhibit the 
animal's performance. Clearly, however, this combination of 
neutral attractiveness with familiarity can never be produced 
with any assurance. If experience with the activity and situ- 
ation is given in conjunction with reward, there is every reason 
to expect that some attractiveness, as the result of secondary 
reward, will develop. If this experience is given in the absence 
of reward, but under conditions that preclude the operation of 
dissonance reduction, there is every reason to expect that some 
negative incentive value will result. Thus, a base line of neutral 
attractiveness is probably unattainable. 

The inevitable conclusion is that we must contrast our zero 
reward animal with one that has experienced a 100 per cent re- 
ward schedule. This ensures equal familiarity for both animals 
but limits us to contrasting two forms of attractiveness, that 
based on dissonance reduction versus that based on secondary 
reward. Granted this necessity, it is clear that only one type of 
empirical outcome has an unambiguous interpretation from the 
point of view of dissonance theory. If the zero reward animal 
persists longer during extinction than the 100 per cent reward 
animal, some attractiveness obviously has developed as a result 
of dissonance reduction. 


Another condition must also be fulfilled before the results of 
a zero reward schedule are interpretable from the point of view 
of dissonance reduction. First of all, as we have emphasized 
previously, the training situation must be so arranged that the 
animal does not change its behavior. Any indication that the 
animal is refusing to run counterindicates the building up of 
extra attractions. Thus, something must be provided in the ex- 
perimental situation which will guarantee that the animal con- 
tinues to run. 

The main type of evidence available on this question of zero 
reward effects is illustrated by a recent study by Marx (1960). 
He ran a single group of animals on a runway. Three different 
end boxes were used, each on a third of the trials, but only one 
of these ever contained food. The animals were thus trained on 
a 33 per cent reward schedule, the reward being associated with 
only one end box. Of the various subgroups on which he con- 
ducted extinction tests, two are of particular interest to us. One 
of these groups had the formerly rewarded end box present dur- 
ing extinction while the other had one of the unrewarded ones. 
The former group required 45.7 trials to reach a criterion of 
extinction whereas the latter required 50 . 7 trials. Although this 
difference does not reach statistical significance, it does indicate 
that non-reward produced effects as strong as those attributable 
to secondary reward. It must be admitted, however, that the 
results are ambiguous for our purposes, for the training situation 
permitted the animal to anticipate which end box was present 
on any trial. In fact, the training data indicate that the animals 
were able to establish a discrimination between the rewarded 
and unrewarded trials. Such discrimination that is, not expect- 
ing reward on unrewarded trials would retard the development 
of any extra attractions. 

This development of discrimination was partially controlled 
in a study done by Bitterman, Feddersen, and Tyler (1953). 
Their apparatus consisted of a runway ending in a gap that the 
animal had to jump before it could enter the goal box. At the 
entrance to the goal box there was a cardboard door which pre- 
vented the animal from seeing the interior of the box while 
jumping. All animals in the study were given 10 massed training 
trials a day for 10 days. Half of these trials were rewarded and 


half were not rewarded. The interior of the goal box was one 
color (e.g., black) on rewarded trials and a different color (e.g., 
white) on unrewarded trials. Thus, the first color should have 
acquired secondary reward value because it was always asso- 
ciated with primary reward; the second color, of course, should 
not have acquired secondary reward value. But, if dissonance 
reduction occurred, this second color should have become an 
incentive in its own right because the animal consistently ex- 
pended considerable effort to go there without any reward to 
justify this behavior. The reason the animal continued in this 
nonsensical behavior is obvious: at the time it jumped the gap 
it was unaware, because of the cardboard door, that the unre- 
warded box was present. But, having performed the act and 
then not having been rewarded for it, it should have experienced 

At the completion of training the animals were divided into 
two groups for extinction. The control group ran to the goal box 
associated with reward whereas the experimental group ran 
to the one associated with non-reward. Extinction was signifi- 
cantly slower for the experimental group running to the unre- 
warded box than for the control group running to the rewarded 
one. Elam, Tyler, and Bitterman (1954) confirmed these re- 
sults in a second study using spaced trials during both training 
and extinction. Thus, on the basis of these studies there is evi- 
dence that attractions do develop in the goal box during a zero 
reward schedule. 

The results of these studies by Bitterman and his colleagues 
seemed to offer such dramatic support for dissonance theory 
that it appeared worth while to confirm and extend them. As a 
first step, we replicated the second of the above studies, using 
more widely spaced trials, a slightly shorter runway, and a larger 
number of training trials. Ten animals were run in each extinc- 
tion condition. Our results showed that both groups took equally 
long to extinguish. There was no indication of a significant dif- 
ference between them. We repeated our study with 20 more 
rats and again got the same outcome. Thus, our own results are 
more in line with those reported by Marx (1960). Although 
our studies indicated that zero reward produces effects on ex- 


tinction that are as strong as those ascribable to secondary re- 
ward, we were unable to reproduce the dramatic difference 
reported by Bitterman and his coworkers. We have no clear 
explanation of this difference in outcome. 

This failure to replicate a difference favoring the zero re- 
ward group is bothersome. Clearly, it would be valuable to con- 
struct an experimental situation in which the Bitterman result 
could be produced with greater stability. In an attempt to do 
so we decided to compare two independent groups both volun- 
tarily going to a given place. One of these groups would always 
be rewarded, while the other would never be rewarded. There 
is, of course, an obvious technical problem that must be solved 
in order to do such an experiment: How can one design a pro- 
cedure that will induce an animal to continue engaging in an 
action for which it has never been rewarded and for which it 
never is rewarded? One could, of course, force the animal by 
physically pushing it or by compelling it to engage in the ac- 
tivity in order to avoid some noxious stimulation. But neither 
of these procedures satisfies our requirements. In the former 
case the animal is not voluntarily engaging in the activity, and, 
in the latter case, escaping the noxious stimulation is every bit 
as good as being rewarded. The technical problem does not, in 
this form, really seem capable of solution. To require an animal 
to perform an act for no reason whatsoever is, perhaps, impos- 
sible in principle. 

In order to design an experiment to meet the requirements 
we have stated it is obviously necessary to make some compro- 
mises. The compromise we decided on, which would allow us 
to solve the technical problems and still obtain data that were 
meaningful with respect to the question of zero reward, was to 
use a variation of a delay of reward experiment. Animals could 
be run under conditions of delay that is, on every trial they 
would be delayed for a period of time in a mid-box before being 
allowed to continue to an end box where food would be ob- 
tained. One could then test, during "extinction/ 3 ' their willing- 
ness to continue running just to the mid-box, a place where they 
had been delayed en route to food and never rewarded. 

From the existing literature, of course, we already know that 


such delay will increase resistance to extinction when extinction 
trials are run from the start box to the end box. Such data, al- 
though they support the dissonance formulation, are not conclu- 
sive for the question of zero reward. According to our formula- 
tion, the dissonance produced by the delay experience is re- 
duced in at least two ways in conjunction with the situation in 
which the delay occurs, and in connection with things experi- 
enced immediately after the delay. Thus, the end box has ac- 
quired some extra attraction even though delay has occurred 
prior to it and resistance to extinction is increased. Such results, 
however, are not completely decisive for our present purposes 
because, after all, the animal is demonstrating increased willing- 
ness to go to a place where it has been rewarded (the end box), 
and this might be the result of some interaction between the 
dissonance-producing experience of delay and the reward it ob- 
tains. If, however, one could demonstrate the same increased 
resistance to extinction when it is running only to a mid-box, that 
is, to a place never associated with reward, this would tend to 
eliminate this ambiguity and to focus attention on the experi- 
ence of non-reward itself. 

Experiment 7. The Effect of a Zero Reward Schedule 

The specific design of the experiment we conducted was as 
follows. The apparatus consisted of an L-shaped runway. The 
first stem, painted gray, was 4 feet 10 inches long, the first 10 
inches being the start box. Spaced evenly throughout the run- 
way were four 3-inch-high hurdles. This runway opened into 
an unpainted mid-box, at the right rear corner of which was an 
exit passage at right angles to the first runway. The second run- 
way, painted black, extended for 3 feet beyond the exit passage. 
No hurdles were present. It opened into a black end box, 8 
inches wide, 12 inches long, and 5 inches deep dimensions very 
different from those of the mid-box. 

Fifty-four albino rats, half males and half females, were 
tamed and then placed on a 22-hour food-deprivation schedule 
which was maintained throughout the experiment. After be- 
coming adapted to eating pellets of wet mash in the end box, 
all animals were given 20 runs, spaced over six days, from the 


start box to the end box. During this period the hurdles were 
introduced and gradually raised to full height. On these runs 
36 of the animals found a pellet of food in both the mid-box and 
the end box. The other 18 animals were never rewarded in the 
mid-box. Instead, they were delayed there for an interval which 
was gradually increased until, on the last two trials, the delay 
was 20 seconds. These animals were rewarded, however, on 
reaching the end box. 

At this stage the 36 animals that had been fed in the mid-box 
were further divided into two groups of 18 each. For the re- 
mainder of their training, one of these groups, the 100 per cent 
group, continued to find food in the mid-box on every trial. As 
soon as they turned away from the food dish, the exit door was 
opened. The other group, a 50 per cent group, found food in 
the mid-box on only half the trials. On the other half, these ani- 
mals were delayed there without food for 20 seconds before the 
exit door was opened. The third group, a zero per cent group, 
continued to be delayed in the mid-box for 20 seconds without 
food on every trial. The 100 per cent and 50 per cent groups 
required about 20 seconds to eat the food in the mid-box. On 
these rewarded trials, the exit door was opened as soon as they 
turned away from the food dish. All animals, of course, found 
food in the end box on every trial. Thus, the three groups dif- 
fered only in the percentage of times each found food in the 

These training trials were given at the rate of 5 a day for 16 
days. There were at least 30 minutes between each trial. Run- 
ning times were taken from the opening of the start box door 
until the animal entered the mid-box. At the end of training, 
all groups were given extinction trials. These trials were run 
from the start box to the mid-box only. In the latter, the animal 
was retained for 20 seconds without food and then returned to 
its home cage. If an animal failed to enter the mid-box within 
120 seconds, it was taken out of the apparatus. The criterion of 
extinction was 5 such trials, not necessarily consecutive. A maxi- 
mum of 90 extinction trials were run at the rate of 5 a day, with 
at least 30 minutes between trials. One animal in the 50 per cent 
group died during training. 


From our theoretical point of view, we can summarize the 
procedure as follows: The second runway, and the end box in 
which all animals were rewarded every trial, can be regarded as 
having nothing to do with the experiment except for providing 
the conditions under which all animals would continue to per- 
form the activity during training. In other words, reward in the 
end box was the thing that "tricked" the zero per cent group into 
continuing to respond. The experiment proper is concerned 
only with the first part of the apparatus, namely, start box, run- 
way, and mid-box. Confining our attention to this part of the 
apparatus, our experimental procedures have produced three 
groups a 100 per cent reward group, a 50 per cent reward 
group, and a zero per cent reward group. 

Let us look at the results. If our theory is correct, the zero per 
cent group, having had the largest number of unrewarded experi- 
ences, should be the slowest to extinguish. The comparison be- 
tween the 100 per cent and 50 per cent groups should, of course, 
show the usual effect of partial reward. 

The first data that we shall examine are the average number 
of trials to a criterion of extinction. It will be recalled that the 
animals were removed from the apparatus if they failed to enter 
the mid-box in 120 seconds. After 5 such trials, we stopped run- 
ning the animal. Unfortunately, this proved to be much too 
strict a criterion of extinction. After 90 extinction trials, at 
which point we discontinued the experiment, there were still 
several animals running. Therefore, we arbitrarily chose some 
reasonable value with respect to which all animals had "extin- 
guished" within the 90 trials that we ran. To be sure that the 
choice of criterion did not make any essential difference, we ana- 
lyzed the data with respect to a number of them and found the 
results to be always approximately the same. The data shown 
in Table 5.1 are based on a criterion of 5 trials in which the 
animal did not enter the mid-box within 30 seconds. 

A glance at the table shows that, as expected, the zero per 
cent reward condition had the greatest resistance to extinction. 
It takes this group an average of 43 . 6 trials to reach the criterion 
of extinction as compared with 37.1 trials for the 50 per cent 
reward group and only 28.4 trials for the 100 per cent reward 


TABLE 5.1 


Experimental Average Number 

Group N of Trials to Extinction 

100% Reward 18 28.4 

50% Reward 17 37.1 

0% Reward 18 43.6 

group. The averages of the 100 per cent reward group and the 
50 per cent reward group are significantly different at the . 02 
level of significance. In other words, we do get the usual partial 
reward effect on resistance to extinction. The difference be- 
tween the 50 per cent reward and zero per cent reward groups 
is significant at the .05 level. This seems to be sufficient demon- 
stration that additional unrewarded experiences in a place in- 
crease the magnitude of extra attractions, and hence resistance 
to extinction, even if the place is one where the animal has never 
experienced any extrinsic reward. 

The data on running time during extinction show the same 
effects. Figure 5 . 1 presents the average running times on the 
last day of acquisition and the first ten days of extinction. It will 
be noticed that the 100 per cent reward group extinguishes most 
quicHy and the zero per cent reward group is most resistant to 

There is, however, some point in examining these data on 
running times during extinction somewhat more closely. First of 
all, it is clear that the three groups of animals are not running 
equally fast at the end of the acquisition period. The 100 per 
cent reward animals have an average ranning time of 1.9 sec- 
onds, the 50 per cent reward animals have a time of 2 . 3 seconds, 
and the zero per cent reward animals have a rather long running 
time an average of 4.2 seconds. These times are, of course, 
quite reasonable and consistent with the previous data we have 
presented for partial reward situations. 

For the first two days of extinction there is not very much 
difference among our three experimental conditions, but after 
the second day the differences become very clear. The 100 per 



100% reward 
o 50 % reward 

x Zero% reward 



I 20 



o 10 


Last day j 23456789 10 

of Acq. 



cent reward group slows considerably in a rather short period of 
time. By the fifth day this group has reached, and thereafter 
maintains, a relatively slow running speed. The 50 per cent re- 
ward group does not slow down so quickly; particularly on the 
third and fourth day of extinction it runs very much faster than 
the 100 per cent reward group. By the sixth day of extinction, 
however, the difference between these two groups has vanished. 
The zero per cent reward group, on the other hand, shows a 
more lasting effect. Consistent with its performance at the end 
of acquisition, this group starts off running more slowly than 
the others. By the third extinction day, however, its curve has 
crossed that for the 100 per cent reward animals, and by the 
fifth day has crossed that for the 50 per cent reward animals. 
These zero per cent reward animals show a very slow increase 
in running time. Certainly, there is no question about the 
greater resistance to extinction of those animals that are running 
to a place where they have never been rewarded. 


These results, comparing a zero reward schedule with other 
reward schedules and using independent groups, are clear and 
unambiguous. They fit well with our contention that the crucial 
variable in prolonging extinction after partial reward is the 
number of unrewarded trials. The effect does not seem to be 
dependent upon any interaction between reward and non-re- 
ward experiences in the same place. At the same time, these 
results indicate that the same explanation we have used for par- 
tial effects also accounts for delay of reward effects. The design 
we used in this experiment is a natural extension of a delay of 
reward experiment. We have merely separated the place asso- 
ciated with delay from the place associated with reward, and 
then shown that the former has acquired a positive incentive 
value. All of this fits in neatly with a dissonance interpretation. 

It may have occurred to the reader that the results of this 
zero reward experiment, considered in isolation, can be inter- 
preted in terms of similarity between acquisition and extinction 
conditions. After all, this similarity is greatest for the zero per 
cent reward group and least for the 100 per cent reward group. 
However, these results must not be considered alone and apart 
from other findings. It must be remembered that the results of 
Experiment 5, on the cumulative aspects of dissonance reduc- 
tion, demonstrated unequivocally that similarity between ac- 
quisition and extinction conditions is not an important variable 
in increasing resistance to extinction. Once having disposed of 
this variable, we certainly do not want to revive it. We should, 
of course, like to have a unitary explanation for all the relevant 

There is, however, a possible alternative explanation that we 
should consider seriously at this point. This comes from the 
theory proposed by Amsel (1958), who hypothesizes that frus- 
tration results in increased drive. He, and others, have pre- 
sented data demonstrating that after the frustration of not hav- 
ing been fed when expecting food, the organism reacts with 
intensified vigor. The usual type of situation in which this find- 
ing has been reported closely resembles the experiment we have 
described in this chapter. There are usually a start box, alley, 
mid-box, second alley, and end box. The animals are trained 


to run to the mid-box, eat, then run to the end box and eat again. 
There are usually two groups, which are treated differently. 
One group continues to find food in both boxes whereas the 
other finds food in the mid-box only on some of the trials. The 
finding is that, after an unrewarded mid-box experience, the 
animal runs faster in the second alley. 

If one accepts this finding, which has been reported suffi- 
ciently often so that it is undoubtedly correct, and if one accepts 
frustration as the explanation, the question arises of whether 
the phenomenon of increased resistance to extinction could be 
the result of the same increased vigor following frustration. For- 
tunately, the theory of frustration drive as stated by Amsel is 
specific enough to allow us to answer this question. According 
to his formulation, frustration is aroused if the animal expects 
food and does not obtain it. Thus, according to his theory, an 
animal that is partially rewarded in the mid-box experiences 
frustration, but an animal that is never rewarded in the mid-box, 
and consequently has never learned to expect food there, does 
not experience frustration and should show no increased vigor. 

There is a very nice experiment by Wagner (1959) which 
tests this implication of the Amsel formulation of frustration 
drive. In this experiment Wagner used the usual type of appa- 
ratus described above. He ran three groups of animals, a group 
that was always rewarded in the mid-box, a group that was par- 
tially rewarded in the mid-box, and a group that was never 
rewarded in the mid-box. In other words, the three groups that 
he ran exactly parallel our three groups in the experiment we 
described in this chapter. 

The most important measure that Wagner obtained in his 
experiment was the one customarily used in relation to Amsel's 
theory, namely, speed of running the second alley. His findings, 
comparing the 100 per cent mid-box reward group and the par- 
tial mid-box reward group, wholly confirm earlier work on this 
effect. On rewarded mid-box trials the partial reward group ran 
the second alley at about the same speed as the 100 per cent 
reward animals, but on unrewarded mid-box trials it ran faster 
in the second alley. The results that Wagner obtained for his 
zero reward group are also consistent in every way with AmseFs 


theory: the zero reward group, never having experienced the 
frustration of expecting food and not obtaining it in the mid- 
box, does not run faster in the second alley. 

At the same time that this study confirms the theory of Amsel 
in relation to what does and does not arouse frustration, it also 
makes it impossible to use that same theory to explain the in- 
creased resistance to extinction in the experiment we reported 
in this chapter. It will be recalled that in our experiment the 
zero per cent reward group showed the greatest resistance to 
extinction, and the 50 per cent reward group showed results 
midway between the zero and 100 per cent reward groups. In 
other words, if frustration and frustration drive were causing 
the increased resistance to extinction, one would have to main- 
tain that the zero per cent reward group experienced the great- 
est amount of frustration and had the strongest frustration drive. 
The Wagner experiment shows clearly, however, that a zero per 
cent reward group experiences no frustration and shows no frus- 
tration drive in the Amsel sense. Thus it is clear that these two 
phenomena, namely, greater speed of running in the second 
alley after non-reward and greater resistance to extinction after 
unrewarded experiences, cannot possibly be explained by the 
same theory. 

In summary, we have shown that a mixture of rewards and 
non-rewards is not necessary for the partial reward effect on 
resistance to extinction. The number of unzewarded experi- 
ences is crucial, and a zero per cent reward schedule is > of course, 
maximally effective in prolonging extinction. 

In designing our_zero reward .experiment jp.order A ,to moti- 
vate the animals to run, a delay, of reward situation was em- 
ployed. It is clear that delay of reward has the same cumulative 
effects as partial reward, which dissonance theory would imply. 

Our experimental findings, in conjunction with those re- 
ported by Wagner (1959), have enabled us to rule out AmseFs 
frustration theory as a possible explanation for increased resist- 
ance to extinction. Of course, we have not ruled out all possible 
theoretical formulations using the concept "frustration/* The 
only thing one can do is to examine any specific formulation of 
"frustration" as it is offered. 


The Effect of Weak Drive States 

The present dissonance reduction explanation of prolonged ex- 
tinction effects implies certain suggestions about the role of 
motivation. Let us review, briefly, what was said about moti- 
vation in Chapter 2. The dominant drive of the animal during 
acquisition was said to determine, in part, the amount of disso- 
nance experienced and also, in part, the extent to which this 
dissonance can be reduced by finding extra attractions in the 

The strength of motivation during acquisition determines 
the importance to the animal of the consequences of its action. 
We have said that if a hungry animal performs an act and is 
rewarded with food, the action and its consequence are conso- 
nant with each other. The weight, or importance, this consonant 
relationship has in determining the animal's behavior depends, 
however, upon the strength of its motivation: if the animal 
is very hungry, this consonant relationship has considerable 
weight, but if the animal is less motivated, it has correspond- 
ingly less weight. This assumption is, of course, much the same 
as that underlying most theories of learning, It implies that the 
animal is more willing to run when highly motivated. In the 
present context, however, motivation also has an effect in de- 
termining the amount of dissonance that is aroused when the 
consequences of an action fail to justify it. For instance, if an 
animal performs an act in order to obtain food and fails to find 
food, it will have experienced more dissonance if it is highly 
motivated than if it is only slightly so. Thus, in a partial reward 


situation, for example, the amount of dissonance aroused on an 
unrewarded trial is a direct function of the degree of hunger 
motivation. This in turn determines the pressure on the animal 
to reduce the dissonance through the discovery of extra attrac- 
tions in the situation. Consequently, the stronger the dominant 
motivation the greater is the pressure to discover extra attrac- 
tions in the situation whenever dissonance is aroused by absence 
or delay of reward. 

We also attributed a second function to the dominant moti- 
vation. Largely on intuitive grounds, we assumed that the 
stronger the dominant motivation, the harder it would be for 
the animal actually to discover extra attractions in the situation 
that would justify its behavior. It will be remembered that these 
extra attractions satisfy subordinate motivations the animal may 
have at the time dissonance is aroused. The ease with which the 
animal can discover such attractions will therefore depend, in 
part, on the number and strength of these subordinate motiva- 
tions. In light of what is known about drive interactions, it 
seems reasonable to assume that subordinate motivations would 
be weaker and less salient if the dominant motivation were very 
strong than if it were weak. T$e thus^come JoJ^gjcond^ion Jlaat , 
whereas the pressure to find exSa"attractions increases with in- 
creasing motivation, the possibility of finding them decreases. 
In the remainder of this chapter we shall present experimental 
evidence relevant to the effect of different levels of motivation. 

The Effect of Weak Motivation During Acquisition 

Itjs clear from the above review of how motivations interact 
with dissonance and dissonance reduction that two opposing 
processes occur during acquisition for partially rewarded qid- 
mals. If the dominant motivation is strong, there is considerable 
dissonance but poor dissonance reduction; if the dominant mo- 
tivation is weak, there is less dissonance but good dissonance 

Despite this ambiguity resulting from the presence of two 
counteracting processes, we can statj^on^dear unpHcation from 
dissonance theory: raising >x, lowering the level ^motivation 
during acquisition should have no appreciable effect on the 


difference in resistance to extinction between a 100 per cent re- 
ward group and a partial reward group. In other words, we are 
inclined to expect that partial reward should lead to increased 
resistance to extinction even under conditions of minimal moti- 
vation. Because there were no data available on this point, we 
carried out a small experiment to test whether or not the partial 
reward effect would be obtained when animals were weaHy 
motivated during acquisition, 

Experiment 8.- Partial Reward Effects Under Weak Motivation 

Twenty-four rats, half of them males and half females, were 
used in this study. After being tamed, they were placed on a 
22-hour food-deprivation schedule. During the next 5 days they 
were given preliminary training in an apparatus consisting of a 
4-foot alley containing three hurdles, each 3 inches high, spaced 
at equal distances in the alley. In preliminary training they were 
accustomed to miming the alley and finding, in the goal box, a 
sugar-coated pellet of breakfast food. During these trials the 
hurdles in the alley were gradually raised to their full height. 

After preliminary training, all animals were taken off their 
deprivation schedule and given continuous access to regular 
laboratory food pellets in their home cages. This continued 
throughout the rest of the experiment. Thus, the only motiva- 
tion the animals had during training and extinction was based 
on their liking for the sugar-coated pellet over and above any 
need for food. This was considered to be a minimal level of 
motivation, for the animals were certainly never hungry. 

After an intervening 2-day period, the animals were divided 
into two groups, equated on the basis of their preliminary run- 
ning times. All animals were then given 6 trials a day, spaced 
at least 15 minutes apart, for the next 20 days. One group was 
run on a 100 per cent reward schedule and the other on a 50 
per cent reward schedule. On unrewarded trials, the 50 per cent 
reward animals were left in the goal box for 20 seconds. Two 
animals in each group were eliminated during training because 
of continued refusals to run or to eat, leaving only 10 animals 
in each group. All animals were then given extinction trials 
spaced at least 15 minutes apart. The criterion of extinction 


employed was three trials, not necessarily consecutive, on which 
the animal failed to enter the goal box within 180 seconds. On 
all other trials they were left in the goal box for 20 seconds. 

On the last day of training, the 100 per cent reward group 
averaged 4 . 7 seconds per trial and the 50 per cent reward group, 
8 . 1 seconds. These are relatively slow times for this apparatus 
and were to be expected under such low motivation conditions. 
Nonetheless, each of these animals ate the pellet each time it 
was available during acquisition. It should also be noted that 
the difference in times is in the same direction and of the same 
relative magnitude as that usually found in contrasts between 
continuously and partially rewarded animals. 

The partially rewarded group proved more resistant to ex- 
tinction. The number of trials to the criterion of extinction was 
24.9 trials for the 100 per cent reward group and 32.5 for the 
50 per cent reward group, a difference that is significant between 
the .05 and . 10 levels. It is clear that the partial reward effect 
is found even though a minimal level of motivation is present 
during acquisition and extinction. Thus, we have some evidence 
for the notion that, even though very little dissonance was ex- 
perienced on unrewarded trials, it was relatively easy for the 
animal to reduce it under conditions of low motivation. 

It is convenient, at this point, to examine the implications of 
these data for theories which depend heavily on the unpleasant 
or frustrating aspects of unrewarded trials, to which, during the 
course of acquisition, the animal "adapts" in one way or another. 
Such theories should anticipate that, under very weak motiva- 
tion, the partial reward effect would disappear or, at least, be 
greatly reduced, since an unrewarded trial cannot be very un- 
pleasant when the animal is not hungry. If there is little unpleas- 
antness, it is difficult to see how "adaptation" to such unpleas- 
antness can help increase resistance to extinction. 

The experiments to be reported next, using strong motivation 
during acquisition and weak motivation during extinction, also 
pose problems for these other theories. If the "adaptation" to 
frustration during acquisition is a major process, then it is not 
immediately clear why it should affect extinction behavior when 
the animal is not hungry and, hence, is no longer suffering the 


same frustrations. Thus, although our data seem to fit in well 
with the theory concerning the development o extra attractions, 
they seem to provide difficulty for some alternative interpreta- 

The Efect of Weak Motivation During Extinction 

Although, as we have seen, there is ambiguity concerning the 
effects of motivation variation during acquisition, there are clear 
implications concerning the effects of differences in motivation 
during extinction. We can expect that the influence of extra 
attractions will tend' toBe more pronounced when extinction is 
run under conditions of low motivation than when it is run under 
conditions of high motivation. The basis for this expectation 
can be described briefly. 

Suppose two groups of animals are trained under high moti- 
vation, one with a 100 per cent reward schedule and the other 
with a partial reward schedule. Suppose, further, that the moti- 
vational level is reduced to a minimum in both groups before 
extinction is run. The 100 per cent reward group should still 
extinguish fairly rapidly. The reduction in motivation should 
decrease its willingness to run in search of a food reward, and 
the absence of any extra attractions for this group means that 
it has little other incentive for running. 

According to our formulation, however, the picture for par- 
tially rewarded animals should be considerably different. The 
reduction in motivation should, of course, decrease their initial 
willingness to run, just as for 100 per cent reward animals, but 
it must be remembered that part of the incentive for these ani- 
mals is the extra attractions they discovered during acquisition 
satisfiers, as it were, for subordinate motivations. Consequently, 
as long as the situation is not changed and as long as these sub- 
ordinate motivations continue to operate during the extinction 
trials, these animals have some justification for running. In other 
words, the extra attractions which have been built up through 
dissonance reduction tend to form an intrinsic and stable group 
of incentives for the animal. 

Remembering that (1) because of low motivation, the par- 
tially rewarded animals would experience minimal dissonance 


during the extinction trials, and remembering also that (2) they 
have some justification for running because of the extra attrac- 
tions they have developed in the situation, one is led to an 
interesting implication. It is conceivable that these animals 
would show little if any evidence of extinction except for the 
initial decrease in willingness to run. This possibility was so 
intriguing that it was well worth checking. 

Experiment 9. Comparison of Zero and Continuous Reward 
Groups Extinguished Under Low Motivation 

We designed an experiment to see (1) whether a partially 
rewarded group persists longer than one that has been continu- 
ously rewarded, both trained when hungry but extinguished 
under minimal motivation, and (2) whether, under these con- 
ditions, a partially rewarded group shows any evidence of an 
extinction process. Two groups of animals were trained under 
the usual motivational conditions, one with continuous reward 
and the other with zero reward the latter, of course, represents 
the extreme of a partial reward schedule. We then tested both 
of them on extinction trials while they were not hungry. 

The procedure that we employed was an exact repetition, 
using the same apparatus, of the acquisition conditions of Ex- 
periment 7, described in Chapter 5, for two of the three groups 
of that study, namely, the 100 per cent and the zero per cent 
reward groups; the 50 per cent reward group of the previous 
experiment was not duplicated in the present one since it was 
felt to be unnecessary. To remind the reader, the procedure was 
briefly as follows. All animals ran from the start box to a mid- 
box on every trial, and then to an end box, where they were 
rewarded on every trial. The 100 per cent reward group was 
also rewarded on every trial in the mid-box. The zero per cent 
reward group was never rewarded in the mid-box but was sim- 
ply delayed there for a time equal to the time spent eating by 
the other group. 

After the acquisition period was finished, the procedure of 
the present experiment diverged somewhat from that of the 
previous study. The difference stemmed from our attempt to 
make the animals relatively uninterested in food during the ex- 


tinction trials. After the last acquisition trial a plentiful supply 
of dry pellets was put into the cage of each animal, and there- 
after in the experiment, food was always present in the home 
cage. In addition, the animals were not run on the next two days 
to make sure that, before extinction began, they would get off 
the hunger rhythm to which they had become accustomed and 
would recover much of the weight they had lost. 

Also, during the two days on which the animals were not 
run in the apparatus, an attempt was made to communicate to 
them that food was no longer available in the end box. Specifi- 
cally, on each of these days each animal was put into the end 
box four different times and allowed to remain there without 
food for one minute. One may assume that this kind of proce- 
dure is at least somewhat effective in communicating to rats 
that food is no longer available: experiments on so-called 'latent 
extinction" (Eamble, 1961, pp. 320-23) have shown that this 
kind of treatment does result in more rapid extinction. To the 
extent, then, that this procedure was effective, it indicated to 
the animals in the zero reward group that food was no longer 
available in the apparatus, and, to the 100 per cent reward group, 
that food was no longer available at least in the end box. To 
summarize: by the time the extinction trials were begun each 
animal had had two days during which food was always avail- 
able in its home cage and had also had eight one-minute place- 
ments in the end box with no food there. We thus hoped that 
during the extinction trials the animals would have relatively 
little motivation for food in the experimental apparatus. 

Just as in the preceding experiment, extinction trials were 
run from the start box to the mid-box. After a period of 20 sec- 
onds in the mid-box the animal was removed to its home cage. 
Three trials were run on each day. If an animal did not enter 
the mid-box in 120 seconds, it was removed from the runway. 
All animals were run on every trial regardless of how many times 
they refused to enter the mid-box. After 60 trials of extinction 
the experiment was discontinued. Fourteen animals were run 
in each of the two conditions in the experiment. 

As one would expect, there was a difference in running times 
between the two groups of animals at the end of the acquisition 



period. The zero reward group ran much more slowly than the 
100 per cent reward group. The mean running times at this 
point in the experiment are almost identical with the compar- 
able figures for the experiment reported in Chapter 5. The 100 
per cent reward group had an average running time of 1 . 8 sec- 
onds whereas in the previous experiment it was 1.9 seconds. 
The comparable figures for the zero reward groups are 4.6 sec- 
onds in this experiment and 4.2 seconds in the preceding one. 
This similarity of the figures between the two experiments is, 
of course, expected since the procedure during acquisition was 
identical. Nevertheless, it is comforting to have data showing 
that the identical procedure did indeed produce comparable 

Let us now turn our attention to the data obtained during 
extinction, which are presented in Figure 6.1. The average 
miming times during extinction, even on the first few trials, are 
not at all comparable to the times at the end of acquisition. This 
is, of course, to be expected, since the animals were hungry 
during acquisition and were not at all hungry during extinction. 
Consequently, both groups run much more slowly at the be- 
ginning of extinction. Consistent with the direction of the dif- 


^ 30 








o Zero % reward 
100 % reward 

1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 11,12 13,14 15,16 17,18 19,20 



f erence in running speeds at the end of acquisition, the 100 per 
cent reward group runs much faster than the zero reward group 
on these initial test trials. The figures are 7 . 6 seconds and 17 . 8 
seconds, respectively, for the average on the first two days of 
extinction. This difference is significant at the .01 level of sig- 

Thereafter, however, the course of events is interesting. As 
the figure shows, the 100 per cent reward group has the usual 
curve of extinction for the first 10 or 12 days. Its average run- 
ning speed becomes slower and slower. The zero reward group, 
however, shows a most unusual effect. On the third and fourth 
days it actually runs somewhat faster than it did on the first 
two days, although not significantly so. The important point is 
that there is no evidence of any slowing down for the first eight 
days. On the ninth and tenth days these animals are still run- 
ning almost as fast as they were on the first two days. By the 
tenth day the zero reward group is running faster than the 100 
per cent reward group, a difference significant at the .06 level. 
In other words, for the first 30 extinction trials, the difference in 
performance between the two groups is noticeably marked. 
Removing the drive for food does not seem to have had any 
great effect during these trials on the usual shape of the extinc- 
tion curve obtained from a continuously rewarded group. For 
the zero reward group, however, the removal of the hunger drive 
has virtually eliminated any evidence of extinction for this pe- 

It should be emphasized that the curves for the two groups 
cross. The zero per cent reward group starts extinction with 
slower and ends with faster running times than the 100 per cent 
reward group. After the crossover, the former runs significantly 
faster than the latter group. Clearly, the zero per cent reward 
group are not performing at some unmotivated "operant" level. 
There must be some directed motivation which leads them to 
be consistently and significantly faster than the 100 per cent 
reward group. 

It is clear from these data that our expectations are con- 
firmed. Animals trained under a zero reward schedule persist 
longer than continuously rewarded ones even though both are 


extinguished under conditions of minimal motivation. We 
seem to be justified in concluding that extra attractions continue 
to operate in the absence o the motivation that was dominant 
during training. 

The evidence for the possibility that the zero reward group 
would show little if any indication of extinction is more compli- 
cated. During the first 24 trials these animals show a relatively 
weak but consistent willingness to run. There is no evidence of 
an extinction process for them during this period. All of this 
looks quite favorable to our supposition. But then, unfortu- 
nately, the next 12 trials provide clear evidence of decreased 
willingness to run. This should be decisive, except for the queer 
behavior shown in Figure 6.1 from the thirteenth day on. The 
zero reward group begins to run faster each day, until by the 
twentieth day its average running time is shorter than on the 
first day of extinction. This phenomenon is clearly much more 
than we bargained for, but obviously it invites speculation con- 
cerning dissonance reduction processes during extinction. Be- 
fore indulging in speculation of this nature, however, the better 
part of valor indicates that we should try to replicate this out- 
come. This is especially necessary when it is observed that the 
continuously rewarded animals show the same increase in will- 
ingness to run, a result that we had no reason to expect. 

Experiment 10. Comparison of Zero and Continuous Reward 
Groups: A Replication of Experiment 9 

The training conditions in this study were in every way iden- 
tical to those described in the previous experiment. There were 
12 animals in each group. The same apparatus, the same drive 
level, the same trial spacing, and the same number of trials were 
used. Again, both the 100 per cent and the zero reward groups 
found food in the end box on each trial, but whereas the 100 per 
cent reward group also found food on each trial in the mid- 
box the zero per cent reward group was simply detained there. 
Again, in the two days between acquisition and extinction, the 
animals had food always available and were given eight "latent 
extinction" trials in the end box. 

On the last day of acquisition, the average running time for 


the 100 per cent reward animals was 1 . 7 seconds and for the 
zero per cent reward animals, 4.4 seconds. These times are 
strictly comparable to those obtained in Experiments 7 and 9. 
The results of the extinction trials for this replication are shown 
in Figure 6 . 2. Here the average running times are again plotted 
for blocks of six trials or two days. 

The most obvious result is that, again, zero per cent reward 
animals tend to persist longer during extinction than the 100 
per cent reward animals. They start out more slowly than the 
100 per cent reward group, but on the last few days of extinction 
run faster than the other group. These differences, although not 
statistically so significant as those in Experiment 9, clearly sup- 
port the findings of the previous study. Also, as in the previous 
experiment, the 100 per cent reward group shows an extinction 
curve. There is a progressive slowing up throughout the 60 
trials. The curve of the zero per cent reward group, however, 
is rather distinctive: despite wide and unexplained daily varia- 
bility, there is, for the zero reward group, no apparent progres- 
sive trend in the running times. Instead these animals, with the 
exception of days 5 and 6, maintain a fairly uniform running time 
throughout the 20 days of extinction. 

50 r 



o Zero % reward 

4O , , 

100 % reward 


^ 30 



^ 10 

1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 11,12 13,14 15,16 17,18 19,20 



This behavior was also characteristic of the zero reward ani- 
mals in the previous experiment, at least during the initial stages 
of extinction. In that experiment, these animals slowed down 
somewhat, but this was followed by subsequent improvement 
in running speed so that, at the end of extinction, they were run- 
ning just as fast as before. In retrospect, one is tempted to in- 
terpret the peak at days 11 and 12 in Figure 6 . 1 as the same type 
of variability in daily performance that is obvious in the present 

Since our procedure was identical for the two experiments, 
perhaps the best picture of the results may be obtained by com- 
bining the data, as shown in Figure 6.3. It seems clear that the 
100 per cent reward group does, and the zero reward group does 
not, show evidence of extinction. 

There is, then, evidence to support the following suggestions. 
Animals that have low motivation during extinction experience 
little dissonance during such trials. The failure to find food 
no longer has any real importance for them. At the same time, 
for animals that have previously experienced and reduced dis- 
sonance, subordinate motivations are still active so that the 







o Zero % reward 
100 % reward 

1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 11,12 13,14 15,16 17,18 19,20 




extra attractions in the situation provide some justification for 
running. As long as these attractions remain stable, the ani- 
mals show a weak but continued willingness to perform. 

Further Evidence for the Development of Extra Attractions 

The procedures and results of the series of experiments pre- 
sented earlier in this chapter suggested to us a way of designing 
a study that could more effectively support our theory concern- 
ing the development of extra attractions. These previous studies, 
which contrasted 100 per cent reward groups with zero per cent 
reward ones, provide some evidence that the extra attractions 
developed through dissonance reduction are associated, at least 
in part, with the place where dissonance was experienced. Of 
course, we assume that such attractions have also developed with 
respect to the activity involved and other aspects of the appara- 
tus as well. But the results obtained when extinction trials were 
run from the start box to the mid-box imply that a considerable 
part of these attractions is concentrated in the area of the 

There is always the possibility, however, that the superiority 
of the zero per cent rewarded mid-box stemmed from some other 
aspect of the procedure. After all, the 100 per cent reward ani- 
mals have been treated very differently from the zero per cent 
reward ones. To us this represents a difference in magnitude of 
dissonance, but other theorists might wish to interpret it differ- 
ently. If, however, we could compare two groups with identical 
experience, that is, two zero per cent reward groups that differed 
only in the place where they experienced dissonance, we could 
make alternative interpretations less plausible. If each group 
preferred the place where it had experienced delay, this would 
strongly support our interpretation. 

Such data could be collected with a preference test based 
upon the experimental procedures used in the mid-box studies 
reported earlier. The experimental design needed is as follows. 
Two groups of zero reward animals are trained in the same 
apparatus. One is delayed on each trial at a definite point on its 
route to the goal box. The other is similarly delayed on each 
trial, but at a distinctively different point in the apparatus. Each 


group should experience the same magnitude of dissonance and 
dissonance reduction as the result of the delay, but the extra 
attractions that develop should be largely associated with the 
stimuli characteristic of the delay place. Consequently, if the 
two groups are then given an opportunity to choose between 
these two delay places, each should show a preference for the 
one at which it had been delayed. Remembering our findings 
with conditions of low motivation during extinction, we thought 
these preferences would be somewhat more striking if the test 
trials were run with minimal motivation. Consequently, we de- 
signed and ran a new study. 

Experiment 11. A Comparison of Two Zero Reward Groups 

The apparatus employed consisted of three runways, an end 
box, and two distinctive delay chambers. The first runway, 
painted gray, was 30 inches long. It led to the first delay cham- 
ber, which was 12 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 5 inches 
deep; it, too, was painted gray. There were guillotine doors at 
both the entrance and exit. This exit opened into a second run- 
way, 48 inches long, painted white; it contained three evenly 
spaced hurdles, 3 inches high. This runway, in turn, opened 
into a second delay chamber. This was an unpainted box, 12 
inches wide, 14 niches long, and 21 inches high, with an exit at 
the right rear corner. There were guillotine doors at both the 
entrance and exit. The exit opened into the third runway, at 
right angles to the second runway, which was 46 inches long and 
painted black. The last 10 inches formed the end box. 

After taming and several days on a hunger schedule during 
which they had food available for two hours a day, the animals 
were given experience eating wet mash pellets in the goal box. 
They were then given 12 rewarded runs through the apparatus 
with all doors open. During the last 6 of these the hurdles were 
introduced and gradually increased in height to 3 inches. This 
preliminary training was spread over 6 days. 

The animals were divided into two groups of 15 each. For 
the next 18 days both groups were run 4 trials a day with at least 
30 minutes between trials. The only difference in procedure for 
the two groups was as follows. Delay Group 1 was delayed in 


the first delay chamber. At the time these animals entered it 
from the first runway, the exit gate was closed. The entrance 
door was closed after them. After a prescribed delay period the 
exit door was opened. These animals were never delayed in the 
second delay chamber. The animals in Delay Group 2, on the 
other hand, were never delayed in the first delay chamber, but 
they were held in the second delay chamber for an equal length 
of time before being released. During the first 10 training trials, 
this delay interval was gradually increased from 2 to 20 seconds 
and was kept at 20 seconds thereafter. All animals were re- 
warded on each trial with a wet mash pellet in the end box. One 
animal in Delay Group 1 died during training. 

At the end of training, an ample supply of dry pellets was 
given each animal and thereafter food was continuously avail- 
able. During the next 2 days, the animals were not run. Instead, 
each day they were placed in the end box without reward for 
four one-minute periods. Thus, at the beginning of extinction, 
all animals were under low food motivation and had had "latent 
extinction" experiences in the apparatus. 

Extinction trials were then started and were given at the 
rate of 3 a day, with at least 30 minutes between trials. On these 
trials, the animal was placed directly in the first delay chamber, 
the exit door was then opened, and it was permitted to run the 
second alley and enter the second delay chamber. If it did so, 
the animal was retained there for 20 seconds and then returned 
to its home cage. If, instead, the animal retraced, and re-entered 
the first delay chamber, it was retained there for 20 seconds and 
then removed from the apparatus. If an animal did not enter 
the second delay chamber, or had not retraced to the first one, 
within 120 seconds, it was removed from the apparatus. Each 
animal was run on every trial. Clearly, the procedure we em- 
ployed here was an attempt to combine a preference test be- 
tween the two delay boxes and an extinction test in which we 
could record running speeds. This naturally introduces some 
problems with which we shall have to cope as they come up in 
presenting the results. This procedure of permitting the animals 
to return to the first delay box was maintained for 10 days, that 
is, 30 trials. The procedure was then changed to resemble usual 


extinction trials more closely. For another 10 days extinction 
trials were run from the first to the second delay box without 
permitting retracing. After the animals left the first delay box 
(which was the start box during extinction ) the door was closed 
and they were not permitted to return to it. 

Let us first look at the data relating to preferences between 
the two delay boxes. Group 1, it will be recalled, was delayed 
in the first delay box, and Group 2 was delayed in the second. 
If each of these groups has now developed some attractions in 
the place where it was delayed, we should expect a higher inci- 
dence of return to the first delay box by the animals of Group 1. 
The first two days of extinction show almost no returns to the 
first delay box by either group of animals. Undoubtedly, it took 
these 6 trials for the animals to comprehend the new situation, 
to understand that they were allowed to go to the second delay 
box and no farther. Starting on the third day of extinction the 
two groups show differential numbers of returns to the first 
delay box. On the fourth and fifth days of testing, the difference 
between the two groups is large and significant. On these two 
days, 10 of the 14 animals in Group 1 retrace at least once. Only 
4 of the 15 animals in Group 2 do so. This difference yields a Chi- 
Square of 5,65, which is significant at the .02 level. The same 
difference can be seen in the average number of retracings. The 
animals in Group 2 show an average of only 0.4 returns to the 
first delay box on these two days, while the animals in Group 1 
show an average of 1.2 returns to the place where this group 
had been delayed during training. Clearly, the animals that 
were delayed in Delay Box 1 did indeed prefer Delay Box 1 more 
than the animals that were delayed in Delay Box 2. 

After the fifth day, the difference between the two groups 
had diminished, and by the tenth day it had disappeared alto- 
gether. During these latter days the number of returns for the 
animals that were delayed in Delay Box 2 increased, as if they 
were learning that a trial could be terminated by such behavior. 
Consequently, on the eleventh day we changed the procedure 
so as to prevent returns and ran the remainder of the trials as 
a simple extinction test. 

The data comparing the two groups on miming times are 



presented in Figure 6 . 4. These data are presented only for days 

I and 2, on which there were very few returns to the starting 
delay box ( three for Group 1 and four for Group 2 ) , and for days 

II through 20, on which returns were not permitted. 

On the first two days of extinction, both groups of animals 
run rather slowly, undoubtedly because of the removal of the 
hunger drive and also because of the unfamiliarity of the new 
procedure. Never before had either of the groups of animals 
been placed directly in Delay Box 1 to start a trial. On the first 
two days of extinction there is a large difference between the 
two groups, which is significant at the . 05 level. Group 1, which 
was delayed in Delay Box 1, has an average of 28 . seconds per 
trial, but Group 2, which was delayed in Delay Box 2, runs more 
slowly, with an average of 38.6 seconds per trial. This initial 
difference can be attributed to two factors. First of all, it reflects 
differences in speed of running the alley between the two delay 
boxes during acquisition. The group delayed in Delay Box 1 















* Group I, delayed in delay-box I 
o Group 2, delayed in delay -box 2 


11,12 13,14 15,16 17,18 19,20 




ran this alley quickly and unhesitatingly, whereas the animals 
in the other group showed noticeable hesitations in the alley 
before entering Delay Box 2, where they were to experience 
delay. The other factor that probably contributes to this initial 
difference between the groups lies in their previous experience. 
Group 1, although it had never been placed directly in Delay 
Box 1 to start a trial, had had the experience of waiting there 
until the door opened and then running on. Group 2, on the 
other hand, had never had such experience. These animals had 
always run directly through Delay Box 1. At any rate, these 
initial differences exist. On days 11 and 12 it is clear that the 
difference in running times between the two conditions has re- 
versed itself. On days 11 through 14, Group 1 runs significantly 
faster than Group 2 ( .10 level). After the fourteenth day of 
extinction the difference between the two groups disappears. 
It is unfortunate in some ways that we did not run all 60 trials 
as a normal extinction procedure, since it is impossible to know 
how the last 30 trials were affected by the experiences of having 
been able to return to the starting delay box. However, it is also 
valuable to have the preference data that we obtained at the 
beginning of the testing. 

All in all, taking the choice data and the data on time of 
running, it seems justified to conclude that our expectations have 
been supported. Although the effects axe weak, there does seem 
to be a tendency for Group 1 to prefer Delay Box 1 and for 
Group 2 to prefer Delay Box 2. Group 1 is, at least, more willing 
to return to Delay Box 1 and Group 2 runs more quickly to 
Delay Box 2. We may say, then, that we have presented evi- 
dence that at least some of the dissonance which the animals 
experience during delay is reduced by developing attraction for 
the specific place where they were delayed. 

New Learning Based on Extra Attractions 

Despite the weak effects observed in the above experiment, 
we were optimistic enough to hope that these extra attractions 
would be demonstrable in a test involving new learning. It was 
hoped that once these extra attractions had become associated 
with a given aspect of the situation, the lure of these would be 


sufficiently strong to induce the animal to learn entirely new 
behaviors. We therefore designed and carried out two such 
studies, which are reported below. To anticipate, we had no 
difficulty in obtaining clear-cut evidence of learning when the 
only incentive was the opportunity to return to the place where 
dissonance reduction had occurred. The great ambiguity in 
each of the studies is that this learning is equally strong in both 
of our comparison groups. 

Experiment 12. Extra Attractions as an Incentive for Lever 

Two groups of 15 animals each were trained on the single 
mid-box apparatus that was described in Experiment 9. One 
group was trained on a zero reward schedule it was only de- 
layed and never rewarded in the mid-box. The other was on a 
100 per cent reward schedule with food available in the mid-box 
on each trial. The training procedure was exactly as described 
in Experiment 9, that is, the same apparatus, the same number 
of trials, the same spacing, and so on. These animals also were 
given two days of ad lib feeding before the test trials began; they 
each had eight one-minute "latent extinction" experiences in 
the end box during this period; and all continued on ad lib feed- 
ing during the test trials. 

For the test trials, the mid-box was removed from the train- 
ing apparatus. A totally new start box was placed immediately 
before the entrance to the mid-box. At the front end of this 
start box was a metal pedal, one inch square, and one inch from 
the floor. When this was pressed, the door to the mid-box 
opened so that the animal could enter. 

The procedure used in this new learning situation was as 
follows. The animal was placed in the start box and remained 
there until it had either pressed the pedal and entered the mid- 
box or until 3 minutes had passed. If it entered the mid-box, 
the door was closed and the animal was detained there for 20 
seconds. If it had not pressed, or had pressed but not entered, 
it was removed from the apparatus after 3 minutes. Two trials 
a day were given, spaced approximately 30 minutes apart. Test- 
ing was continued for 20 days. 

Our expectation, of course, was that both groups would show 


some initial learning of the pedal-pushing response, the 100 per 
cent reward group because of secondary reward and the zero 
per cent reward group because of the extra attractions that had 
developed in the mid-box. We anticipated that the 100 per cent 
reward group would, however, show the rapid extinction that 
is usually the result when learning is based solely on secondary 
reward. We expected the zero per cent reward group, on the 
other hand, to learn and maintain its performance, assuming 
that the extra attractions would be enduring and intrinsic to the 
situation. This should be especially true when the animal has 
no strong interfering drive such as hunger. What actually oc- 
curred, however, was somewhat different. 

On the first day, both groups took an average of about 50 
seconds to press the pedal and enter the mid-box. During the 
next 7 days, both groups showed continual improvement to the 
point where their averages were between 12 and 15 seconds. 
For the remaining 12 days of testing, they each maintained this 
level, with only minor daily fluctuations and no indication of ex- 
tinction. There was never any real difference in the perform- 
ance of the two groups during the entire testing period. 

We can assert with considerable assurance that the improve- 
ment in performance observed in this test was "real" learning. 
Taken alone, the behavior of the zero per cent reward group 
makes a good case for the presence of extra attractions in the 
situation. But the 100 per cent reward animals learn equally 
well. Perhaps secondary reward was effective for this latter 
group; perhaps, also, the particular task of pressing a lever to 
open a door has some intrinsic interest for the white rat. Myers 
and Miller ( 1954) and Seward and Procter (1960) present data 
compatible with this possibility. At any rate, the only legiti- 
mate conclusion that we can reach is that rats display very un- 
usual behavior in this situation when they are satiated after a 
period of alley running. 

Experiment 13. Extra Attractions as an Incentive for Maze 

In the hope of obtaining a demonstration of new learning 
based on the extra attractions due to dissonance reduction which 
would not be complicated by either of the above problems, we 


designed and carried out a second study. Two groups of 15 ani- 
mals each were trained on the same apparatus and with the 
same procedure as that used in Experiment 11, the double delay 
box experiment. Just as before, one group experienced an un- 
rewarded delay in the first delay box and the other in the second 
delay box. Thus, neither of these delay boxes should have ac- 
quired any secondary reward value. On the other hand, as the 
results of Experiment 11 showed, each of them had acquired 
some weak extra attractions for the group delayed in it. 

For a new learning task, we constructed a four-unit U-niaze. 
After two days of ad lib feeding and "latent extinction" experi- 
ences, both groups were run on the maze, using Delay Box 1 
as the start box and Delay Box 2 as the end box. Our reasoning 
was that the group that had been delayed in Delay Box 2, which 
was now the end box, would have an incentive for running and 
learning the maze. The other group, however, which had been 
delayed in Delay Box 1 (which was now the start box), would 
not. If anything, this latter group would have some incentive 
for staying in the vicinity of the start box. All animals were 
given 2 trials a day, spaced approximately 30 minutes apart, for 
a period of 20 days. Retracing was permitted. Time and error 
scores were recorded. Each animal was allowed a 3-minute in- 
terval to traverse the maze and enter the end box. If it had not 
done so in this period, it was removed from the apparatus. 

The results of this experiment are very similar to the results 
of the previous one in spite of the fact that secondary reward 
considerations are absent and a quite different task was used. 
Both groups, although not hungry and never obtaining food, 
show clear evidence of learning. Indeed, the learning is fairly 
rapid, but there is no evidence of any difference between the 
two groups. The evidence for the rapidity with which learning 
occurred can be seen in Figure 6 . 5, which presents, for the first 
10 days of learning the maze (2 trials a day), the per cent of 
runs that were errorless or showed only one error. Naturally, 
this percentage is almost zero on the first day. The "chance 
level" indicated in Figure 6 . 5 is computed as though the animal 
ran the maze without any retracing. Clearly, with retracing per- 
mitted, the animals start below this "chance level." The curve 
then rises, until by the sixth day it has reached about 75 per cent 



e 70 


o 60 


I 4 


2 .30 



Group I, running away from its delay-box 
o Group 2, running to its delay-box 



MENT 13) 

for each of the groups. Certainly, learning has occurred and the 
animals perform significantly better than "chance/* There is, 
however, no consistent or significant difference between the two 
groups. The same pattern of clear learning with no difference 
between the two groups exists with respect to running times. 

We again have good evidence of learning in non-hungry ani- 
mals, even when no intrinsic reward is present. It is clear that 
the outcome of this study in no way supports our assumption of 
differentially located extra attractions for the two groups. Al- 
though we did find evidence that such attractions exist in this 
situation using extinction data, we find no such evidence in 
a new learning situation. It is possible that these extra attrac- 
tions have been totally confounded with other types of incen- 
tive, possibly of the sort that Anderson ( 1941 ) describes under 
the concept of externalized motivation. 


We began this chapter with the suggestion that, according 
to the implications of dissonance theory, once extra attractions 


have been established, reduction of motivation should, if any- 
thing, enhance the effect of these attractions on resistance to 

We have presented a number of experiments attempting to 
elucidate this point. We have shown that: 

1. The partial jeward effect is still obtained even though both 
training and extinction occur under very low motivation. 

2. When acquisition trials are run with high hunger motivation 
but extinction trials are run with minimal motivation, zero 
per cent reward groups show little evidence of any extinction. 

3. Comparing two delay groups treated identically except for 
the place where the delay occurred, we were able to demon- 
strate with low motivation testing that preferences develop 
for the particular place in which delay was experienced. 

4. We were unable to produce evidence that extra attractions, 
developed through dissonance reduction, would support the 
learning of a new task when the animal is otherwise not moti- 


Effort, Expectation, and Amount 
of Reward 

Thus far our discussion, and the experimental evidence, have 
been concerned almost exclusively with the effects of partial re- 
ward and delay of reward. It will be recalled from Chapter 2 
that, according to our theoretical explanation, increased effort 
expenditure would be expected to have the same kinds of effects. 
That is, the more effort an animal is required to exert during 
training, the more resistant to extinction should the animal be. 
The information that the animal has concerning the expenditure 
of energy and effort is dissonant with continuing to engage in 
the action in the same way that information concerning absence 
of reward, or information concerning delay, is dissonant with 
continuing. The greater the effort required, the greater would 
be the magnitude of dissonance, and, hence, the greater the de- 
velopment of extra attraction for something in the situation in 
order to reduce dissonance. Thus, greater effort requirement 
would result in greater resistance to extinction. 

The Direct Effect of Effort 

It will be recalled from Chapter 1 that the existing evidence 
supports this implication of the theory. In general, the existing 
data can be summarized by saying that, if conditions during ex- 
tinction are held constant, then the more effort that is required 
of the animal during acquisition, the greater is its resistance to 
extinction. This is reassuring data, in a sense, but a procedure 
that involves differential changes for various groups between 


acquisition and extinction inevitably results in some ambiguity 
of interpretation. It is always possible to explain the results 
from such experiments on the basis of decrements or increments 
of behavior resulting from changed stimulus conditions, rather 
than on the basis of extra attractions that have developed in re- 
ducing dissonance introduced by effort Consequently, it would 
be valuable to demonstrate that increased effort during training 
results in increased resistance to extinction in 100 per cent re- 
warded animals even if conditions are not changed at all be- 
tween training and extinction trials. Clearly, in order to produce 
such results one would need a situation where, for the high effort 
condition, the extra attractions that had developed would be 
more powerful than the discouragement of running during ex- 
tinction owing to the larger expenditure of energy needed. 

We proceeded to attempt such a demonstration. In order to 
do this we arbitrarily selected an activity in which the expendi- 
ture of effort by the animal could be varied experimentally and 
which, intuitively, seemed not to represent too strong a deter- 
rent to action. Hie apparatus selected was a runway that could 
be inclined at varying angles. Clearly, the steeper the slope, the 
more effort would be required and the more dissonance intro- 
duced on each trial. The first experiment was a preliminary one 
to explore the adequacy of the situation for our purposes. One 
group of animals ran a level runway during acquisition; another 
group ran the runway at an angle of 45 degrees; and a third 
group had variable experience that is, on some trials the run- 
way was level and on other trials it was tilted 45 degrees. This 
last group was run because of the possibility that such variable 
experience might increase the magnitude of the effects we were 
looking for: it seemed possible that high effort might introduce 
more dissonance for an animal if it had a comparison with ex- 
periences in which it obtained the same reward with consider- 
ably less effort. The animals were extinguished under conditions 
paralleling the acquisition conditions. The "level group" was 
extinguished on a level runway; the "45 degree group" and the 
"variable 45 degree group" were both extinguished on a 45 de- 
gree runway. 

The data were encouraging: The "level group" extinguished 


most quickly, the "45 degree group" next, and the "variable 45 
degree group" least quickly. The differences, however, tended 
to be slight, and because of the few animals employed and 
changes in procedure which we felt were justified in a prelimi- 
nary experiment, no great faith can be placed in the results. 
Consequently, we do not report the experimental procedure or 
the results in any detail. We were sufficiently encouraged, how- 
ever, to conduct another, more adequate experiment. 

Experiment 14. The Effect of Effort on Extinction with 100 Per 
Cent Reward 

The apparatus for the experiment was a 7-foot enclosed run- 
way which could be adjusted to inclines of 0, 25, or 50 degrees. 
A start box and a goal box were hinged to the runway in such 
a way that they would remain level whatever the inclination of 
the runway. Sixty-four naive albino rats, 32 males and 32 fe- 
males, were used, all of them between 89 and 104 days old at 
the start of the experiment. Two animals died during the course 
of the experiment. After being tamed, the animals were put on 
a 22-hour food-deprivation schedule and were adapted to eating 
food pellets in the goal box. They were then divided into two 
equal groups, the 25 degree incline group and the 50 degree 
incline group. During the next 5 days, each group was given 8 
rewarded trials of running the alley set at the appropriate in- 

The animals of each incline group were then divided into 
two equal subgroups. One subgroup (invariable effort) contin- 
ued to receive all its trials (5 a day) at the appropriate incline. 
The other subgroup (variable effort) received 3 of the 5 daily 
trials at its appropriate incline and the other 2 trials with the 
runway level. This training continued for 12 days, a total of 60 
training trials. Trials were spaced at least 8 minutes apart. 

Extinction trials were run for the next 11 days, 5 spaced trials 
a day as during training. All the 50 degree animals, that is, both 
the invariable and variable subgroups, were extinguished on the 
50 degree slope. All the 25 degree animals were extinguished 
on the 25 degree slope. No level runway trials were given dur- 
ing extinction. If an animal failed to enter the goal box within 


90 seconds after the start door had been raised, it was removed 
from the apparatus. After an animal accumulated four 90-sec- 
ond trials, not necessarily consecutive, it was considered extin- 
guished and was not run any more. 

The differences in resistance to extinction between the vari- 
able and invariable effort subgroups, although in the same direc- 
tion as for the preliminary experiment, were very slight and not 
significant. For analysis and presentation of the data, therefore, 
we have combined the variable and invariable subgroups, so as 
to compare the low effort group (25 degree incline) with the 
high effort group ( 50 degree incline ) . Since the differences that 
were found between the high and low effort groups occurred 
under both variable and invariable training conditions, throwing 
the data together for ease of presentation seems justified. 

Table 7 . 1 presents the data for the average number of trials 
to reach the criterion of four 90-second trials during extinction. 
The low effort group reaches this criterion in an average of 20 . 6 
trials, whereas the high effort group takes 28 . 3 trials, a differ- 
ence significant at the . 01 level. It should be remembered that 
this difference exists even though the conditions during extinc- 
tion favor the low effort group, that is, for each group conditions 
during extinction are the same as conditions during acquisition. 

The same differences are reflected in running times during 
extinction. Table 7.2 presents these data. There is no appreci- 
able difference in running times between the two groups on the 
last day of acquisition. The difference that does exist, as one 
might expect, slightly favors the low effort group, which has less 
work to do and consequently runs slightly faster. During ex- 
tinction, however, the two effort conditions quickly diverge. 
During the first 5 trials on the first day of extinction the low 
effort group already begins to slow up relative to the high effort 

TABLE 7.1 


Number of Trials 
Incline Group N to Extinction 

25 degree 31 20.6 

50 degree 31 28.3 


TABLE 7.2 


Effort Condition 

25 Incline 50 Incline 

(tf = 31) (N = 31) 

Last day of acquisition 1.8 2.0 

First day of extinction 7.1 3.8 

Second day of extinction 26 . 1 16.4 

Third day of extinction 37 . 2 31.0 

group. This difference between the two groups persists. In 
short, this is a situation where the extra attraction built up dur- 
ing acquisition is sufficient to more than compensate for the 
differential effort during extinction. We thus have more evi- 
dence to support the theoretical implications about the rela- 
tionship between effort expenditure and magnitude of disso- 

Efort and Partial Reward 

Granted, then, that effort does introduce dissonance and in- 
creases resistance to extinction, it seems plausible to suppose 
that, when added to a partial reward situation, increased effort 
would augment the partial reward effect It was, of course, these 
considerations which influenced the design of Experiment 5, re- 
ported in Chapter 4. It will be recalled that the activity required 
of the animals in that experiment was very effortful. The rats 
were required to jump over two rather high hurdles and to push 
under three rather heavily weighted doors in order to go from 
the start box to the food compartment It will also be recalled 
that, from Experiment 5, we obtained data showing that resist- 
ance to extinction was a simple function of the absolute number 
of times the animal experienced unrewarded trials and was not 
a function of the ratio of reward during training. 

After that experiment had been completed, it occurred to us 
that it would be valuable to have a precise comparison between 
high and low effort conditions for these data. We therefore re- 
peated the experiment as exactly as we could, but with little 
effort required of the animal. 


Experiment 15. Cumulative Effects of Partial Reward with 
Low Effort 

In this low effort version of Experiment 5 the hurdles were 
entirely removed from the apparatus and the doors were coun- 
terbalanced to open with the slightest pressure from the animal 
and to remain open after the animal pushed through. In this 
way, the activity was kept much the same as that required in 
Experiment 5, but the degree of physical effort the animal had 
to expend was considerably reduced. Otherwise, the procedure 
was identical to that in the high effort experiment. In order to 
make the two experiments as comparable as possible in all de- 
tails other than effort, exactly the same number of preliminary 
training trials was given and exactly the same pattern of reward 
and non-reward was used throughout. 

Only four of the eleven experimental conditions from the 
high effort experiment were repeated using low effort. One 50 
per cent reward group was run for 16 unrewarded trials, and an- 
other 50 per cent reward group was run for 72 unrewarded trials. 
Because the high effort experiment had shown the ratio of re- 
ward to be quite unimportant, we thought that these two partial 
reward groups would suffice for a comparison with the high 
effort experiment. The other two conditions that we repeated 
using low effort were both conditions of 100 per cent reward. 
One of these groups was run for zero additional trials after pre- 
liminary training and the other for 54 additional trials. 

The attempt to compare high and low effort conditions in 
this experiment faces some methodological problems. If the two 
groups that were trained with different effort requirements were 
both to be extinguished with constant effort, there would obvi- 
ously be a gross change in the behavior required for at least one 
of the groups. We wanted to avoid the ambiguities of interpre- 
tation resulting from such procedures and consequently chose 
to extinguish both groups with the same effort conditions that 
each had experienced during training. 

This procedure, however, involved us in other, equally diffi- 
cult problems. Certainly, in the low effort conditions, running 
times would be faster during both acquisition and extinction. 
The number of trials to a criterion of extinction would also be 


greater for the low effort condition if the same criterion of ex- 
tinction were to be used for both groups. Because of the obvi- 
ously strong deterrent effect of a heavily weighted door, such a 
difference between the high and low effort groups would exist 
solely because of the effort required during extinction, regardless 
of training conditions. Thus, if the same criterion of extinction 
were used, conclusions concerning the effects of differential 
effort during acquisition might be almost impossible. In view 
of these problems, we decided to find two different criteria of 
extinction which would produce roughly comparable measures 
of resistance to extinction for the two effort groups. The two 
conditions of 100 per cent reward in the low effort experiment 
were intended to provide the basis on which we could Judge the 
comparability of our measures of resistance to extinction. If we 
chose criteria of extinction that made the 100 per cent reward 
groups almost equal in resistance to extinction in the high and 
low effort experiments, then we might be safe in assuming that 
we had roughly comparable measures and could directly com- 
pare the partial reward groups in the two experiments. 

It will be recalled that, in the high effort experiment, the 
criterion of extinction was six trials, not necessarily consecutive, 
on which the animal did not reach the food compartment in 180 
seconds. On the basis of some preliminary exploration, and on 
the basis of hunch, intuition, and hope, we arbitrarily chose as 
the criterion of extinction in the low effort experiment, six trials, 
not necessarily consecutive, on which the animal did not reach 
the food compartment in 30 seconds. We proved to be reason- 
ably fortunate in this choice of criterion since we did obtain 
rough comparability of measures for the 100 per cent reward 

The effects of effort on resistance to extinction after partial 
reward are shown in Table 7.3. This table presents the geo- 
metric mean number of trials to extinction for the four low effort 
groups and the comparable figures for the high effort experi- 
ment. It may be seen from examining the first two rows of fig- 
ures that we did, fortunately, achieve rough comparability of 
measures of resistance to extinction. The two 100 per cent re- 
ward conditions in the low effort experiment have averages of 


TABLE 7.3 



High. Low 

100 Per Cent Reward 15.2 14.0 

(zero trials) (N = ll) (N = 13) 
100 Per Cent Reward 19.8 17.7 

(54 trials) (N = 14) (N = 23) 
Partial Reward 27 . 6 30.6 

(16 unrewarded trials) (N = 37) (N = 23) 
Partial Reward 52 . 4 38.2 

(72 unrewarded trials) (N = 40) (N = ll) 

14. and 17.7 trials to the criterion of extinction. The compar- 
able figures for the corresponding high effort conditions are 15 . 2 
and 19.8. The differences between the two experiments for the 
100 per cent reward conditions are very slight. 

The last two rows of figures in the table give the data for 
the partial reward groups. It is clear that the difference between 
the high and low effort groups that experienced 16 unrewarded 
trials is negligible. The low effort group extinguishes in 30.6 
trials and the high effort group in 27 . 6 trials. There is, however, 
a large difference between the two effort experiments for the 
animals that experienced 72 unrewarded trials. For both experi- 
ments, as the number of unrewarded trials increases, there is a 
marked increase in resistance to extinction. This increase is 
large for the high effort condition and considerably smaller for 
the low effort condition a difference significant at the . 02 level. 
We thus have some tentative support for the statement that 
additional physical effort, by increasing the magnitude of dis- 
sonance that is introduced on unrewarded trials, augments the 
effect of partial reward on resistance to extinction. 

Although it is encouraging to have obtained such a differ- 
ence between the high and low effort groups, one cannot ignore 
the difficulty of interpreting all the data. If the greater exertion 
of physical effort increases the magnitude of dissonance intro- 
duced on each unrewarded trial, then one would expect the 
effect to be discernible even after 16 unrewarded trials. 


The difficulty lies in the essential non-comparability of our 
measures. In order to get some degree of comparability between 
the two experiments, we tried to, and were successful in, obtain- 
ing roughly equal resistance to extinction for the 100 per cent 
reward conditions. And it is only with respect to this base line 
that the two experiments show equal resistance to extinction 
after 16 unrewarded trials. But if one had measures of resist- 
ance to extinction that were really comparable, would we the- 
oretically expect the 100 per cent reward conditions in the high 
and low effort experiments to be equal? 

As we pointed out early in the chapter, it is impossible to 
answer this question generally. It depends on whether the extra 
attractions which have developed in the high effort condition 
are or are not sufficient to outweigh the greater deterrent effect 
of high effort during extinction. Because of this unclarity we 
really cannot directly compare the resistance to extinction of 
separate groups between the high and low effort condition. One 
is safe only in comparing the increment in resistance to extinc- 
tion as the number of unrewarded trials increases. On this com- 
parison, which is quite unambiguous, we have clear evidence 
supporting our theory. 

Nevertheless, even though the results are favorable, the me- 
thodological problems left us somewhat unhappy, and we there- 
fore performed an additional experiment in an attempt to obtain 
a comparison that would be methodologically more adequate. 

Experiment 16. Partial Reward with and without 
Physical Efort 

We attempted to solve the problem of comparability by an 
extension of the placing experiment (Experiment 6) that we re- 
ported in Chapter 4. It will be recalled that three groups were 
run in that experiment: (1) a 100 per cent reward group; (2) 
a 50 per cent reward group; and (3) a "placed" group, which 
had the same reward schedule as the 50 per cent reward group 
but was placed directly in the goal box on unrewarded trials. 
We found that the "placed" group did not show any greater re- 
sistance to extinction than did the 100 per cent group. Since this 
"placed" group had exactly the same pattern of rewards and 


non-rewards as the 50 per cent reward group, it is possible to 
view it as a condition demanding no effort on unrewarded trials. 
This "placed" group also discriminated between trials when it 
was placed in the goal box and not rewarded and trials when it 
had to run the alley; on placed trials, therefore, these animals 
had no expectation of any reward. Thus, the "placed" group 
differed from the partially rewarded group both in lack of effort 
and in lack of food expectation on unrewarded trials. 

By adding a fourth group to such an experiment we could 
have a more definitive test of both the effect of expectation and 
the effect of physical effort. This fourth group would be a "par- 
tial placed" one. It would be treated similarly to the "placed" 
group: that is, every time the animals in the "partial placed" 
condition ran the runway, they would be rewarded. On trials 
that were unrewarded they would be placed directly in the goal 
box. But these animals would also be given some trials on which 
they were placed directly in the goal box and were rewarded. 
They would in this way maintain an expectation of reward and 
would look for food on those trials when they were placed di- 
rectly in the goal box. There still would be a clear differential, 
however, between this group and the normal 50 per cent reward 
group in the amount of effort expended on unrewarded trials. 
Thus, this "partial placed" group, when compared with a usual 
partial reward group, would enable us to assess the effect of 
increased effort on resistance to extinction following partial 
reward. The comparison between the "partial placed" and 
"placed" groups would show the effect of expectation on unre- 
warded trials. 

There is some evidence in the literature that such a partially 
placed group is definitely superior to a placed group and even 
somewhat superior to a group that is rewarded 100 per cent of 
the time. Lewis and Cotton (1958) report a study in which, 
after training on a black-white discrimination, all animals were 
given a series of massed placements in the "correct goal box." 
One group was rewarded on each placed trial, another group 
was never rewarded on any of the placed trials, and a third 
group was rewarded on 50 per cent of these trials. Following 
this placement procedure, extinction trials were run. The ani- 


mals that had only unrewarded placements extinguished most 
quickly. The animals that had a 50 per cent reward schedule 
on the placements went back to the "correct goal box" signifi- 
cantly more often during extinction than those that had only 
rewarded placement trials. In other words, there is evidence 
that a "partial placed" group will be more resistant to extinction 
than either a "placed" group or a 100 per cent group. From these 
data, however, we do not know how a "partial placed" group 
would compare with a normal 50 per cent reward group. On 
the basis of dissonance theory we should expect the normal 50 
per cent group that expends more effort to be more resistant to 

The experiment that we ran was a replication of Experiment 
6, with the addition of the "partial placed" group. This "partial 
placed" group was run exactly as the "placed" group, with one 
exception: on each day they were given an additional trial, ran- 
domly inserted among the other trials. On this additional trial 
they were placed directly in the food compartment, where they 
found food. In other words, the 100 per cent reward group ran 
the runway and found food six times a day; the 50 per cent re- 
ward group ran the runway six times a day, finding food three 
times in six trials; the "placed" group ran the runway three times 
a day, finding food each time, and were placed in the food com- 
partment three times each day with no food available; the "par- 
tial placed" animals ran three trials each day, finding food on 
each trial, and were placed directly in the food compartment 
four times each day, finding food on one of these four placed 
trials. The acquisition trials lasted for 12 days. Following this, 
extinction trials were run (also six a day), all groups of animals 
being treated identically. If, during extinction, an animal did 
not reach the food compartment in 60 seconds, it was removed 
from the apparatus. 

Table 7.4 presents, for these four groups, the average num- 
ber of trials to reach a criterion of extinction (two trials, not 
necessarily consecutive, on which the animal failed to reach the 
food compartment in 60 seconds). The three groups that con- 
stituted a replication of Experiment 6 show confirming results. 
The 100 per cent reward condition has an average of 18 . 3 trials 


TABLE 7.4 


Mean Number of 
Training Condition N Trials to Extinction 

100 Per Cent Reward 12 18 . 3 

50 Per Cent Reward 12 38.3 

"Partial Placed" 12 30.5 

"Placed" 10 15.4 

to extinction, the "placed" group again shows slightly faster ex- 
tinction, with an average of 15.4 trials, and the 50 per cent re- 
ward group is significantly ( .01 level) more resistant to extinc- 
tion than either of them, taking an average of 38.3 trials to 
reach the criterion. 

The results for the "partial placed** group are of particular 
interest. They take 30.5 trials, on the average, to reach the 
extinction criterion. These "partial placed" animals are signifi- 
cantly ( .01 level) more resistant to extinction than the 100 per 
cent reward animals or the "placed'" animals. In other words, 
if one creates a situation in which the animal expects to find 
food, looks for it, and does not find it, one has introduced dis- 
sonance and thus increased the resistance to extinction, even 
though the amount of physical effort is very slight on these un- 
rewarded trials. The "partial placed" animals, however, are sig- 
nificantly less resistant to extinction ( . 05 level) than the 50 per 
cent reward animals. This comparison, of course, gives a clear, 
unambiguous picture of the effect of effort itself. If, holding 
expectation constant, the amount of effort on the unrewarded 
trials is increased, the magnitude of dissonance introduced on 
these trials is greater, and the resistance to extinction is cor- 
respondingly greater. 

It is also of interest to look at the running times during ex- 
tinction for these four groups of animals. All animals were run 
for at least 30 trials, that is, for five days of extinction trials. 
Figure 7.1 presents the average nrrming times by days of ex- 
tinction for the first five days. It is clear that the differences we 
observed on number of trials to an extinction criterion are also 
present when we look at the running times. The running times 














o "Placed" 
100 % reward 
x "Partial placed" 
o 50% reward 



for the last days of acquisition are not presented because all 
four groups were almost identical, averaging either 1.7 or 1.8 

The 100 per cent reward group and the * placed'* group are 
very similar in their running times during extinction. The only 
difference is a slight one on the second and third days, during 
which the "placed" group was somewhat slower. The 50 per 
cent reward group and the "partial placed" group are both con- 
siderably faster during extinction than the other two groups. On 
the third day of extinction the curves of running times for the 
50 per cent reward animals and the "partially placed" animals 
begin to diverge. The 50 per cent reward animals, which ex- 
pended more effort on unrewarded trials, continue to run rather 
fast, while the "partial placed" animals, which expended less 
effort on unrewarded trials, begin slowing down very markedly 
on the fourth and fifth days. We can accept the assertion that 
increased effort during partial reward intensifies the effect of 
unrewarded experiences on resistance to extinction. Since this 


relationship with effort is implied by the theory of dissonance, 
these results should be taken in support of our interpretation. 

Effort and Expectation 

There are some interesting aspects to the results we have 
just described which warrant further discussion. The data are 
certainly clear in showing that increased physical effort intro- 
duces more dissonance and results in increased resistance to ex- 
tinction. The data are equally clear in showing that a very large 
effect is obtained by simply creating, and disconfirniing, an ex- 
pectation for food. After all, the average number of trials to a 
criterion of extinction was only 18.3 trials for the 100 per cent 
group as compared with 30.5 trials for the "partial placed" 
group. In other words, even with a minimum of physical effort 
required on the unrewarded trials, a situation where the animal 
looks for food and does not find it results in a marked increase 
in resistance to extinction. The fact that an additional effort 
requirement on unrewarded trials makes resistance to extinction 
even greater is, of course, of crucial theoretical interest to us, 
but it does not detract from the importance of the effect of 
simply not finding reward when the animal looks for it. 

These data have important bearing on the explanations of 
partial reward effects which have been proposed by theorists 
such as Weinstock (1954) and Estes (1959). The fact that re- 
sistance to extinction is so markedly enhanced by the mere dis- 
confirmation of an expectation, even when the animal does not 
perform the complete act of running the alley, presents a strong 
argument against any theoretical account of partial reward 
effects that relies on the concept of competing responses. These 
explanations demand that the failure to find food when it is ex- 
pected should give rise to competing responses. Even more im- 
portantly, these competing responses should become anticipa- 
tory so that they occur while the animal is running the alley. 
In our "partial placed" group, however, this latter is very un- 
likely to have taken place. The disconfirmation of the expec- 
tancy never occurred on trials when the animal ran, only on 
placed trials. Thus there is every reason for the animal to make 
a distinction between the consequences to be expected on run- 


ning and on placed trials, and little reason for competing re- 
sponses to occur on the former. That this is true in our experi- 
ment is suggested by the fact that the running times of the 
"partial placed" and 100 per cent reward animals were strictly 
comparable throughout training. Granted, then, that such com- 
peting responses did not become anticipatory for the "partial 
placed'* animals, there is no way in which "competing response" 
explanations could account for the increased resistance to ex- 
tinction found for this group. 

These data also lead us to some interesting implications con- 
cerning the effect of magnitude of reward on resistance to ex- 
tinction. By now, it is undoubtedly clear to the reader what the 
theory of dissonance would have to say about variations in mag- 
nitude of reward. One obviously must consider the amount of 
reward in relation to the amount of effort required of the animal 
in order to assess the magnitude of dissonance that would be 
introduced on any given trial, even when the animal finds food 
on every trial. Certainly, it would be possible to find a situation 
where the effort required was high enough, and the amount of 
reward was low enough, so that each trial introduced appreci- 
able dissonance. Holding the effort requirement constant, the 
smaller the amount of reward, the more dissonance would be 
introduced and the greater would be the resistance to extinction. 
One would therefore expect that with 100 per cent reward dur- 
ing training, less reward should be associated with greater re- 
sistance to extinction. 

What, however, would we say about the effects of magnitude 
of reward on animals trained on a partial reward schedule? 
Under such circumstances, of course, the magnitude of disso- 
nance introduced on unrewarded trials far outweighs the effects 
of effort on rewarded trials. We have seen that expecting and 
being oriented toward food is crucial on the unrewarded trials. 
It seems plausible, consequently, to expect that the larger the 
amount of food that the animal is accustomed to receiving as 
a reward, the greater will be the dissonance introduced on an 
unrewarded trial. Since a greater magnitude of dissonance will 
result in greater dissonance reduction through developing some 
extra attraction in the situation, we come to an interesting con- 


elusion: with partial reward training, greater magnitude of re- 
ward should result in greater resistance to extinction. 

An excellent experiment is reported in the literature which 
is directly pertinent to the above discussion. Hulse (1958) re- 
ports a study in which he varied percentage of reward and 
amount of reward. Four conditions that he reports are of in- 
terest to us: 100 per cent reward with 1.0 gram of food, 100 
per cent reward with . 08 gram, 46 per cent reward with 1 . 
gram, and 46 per cent reward with 0.08 gram. There are, in 
other words, two conditions of 100 per cent reward, one receiv- 
ing a relatively large amount of food and the other a very small 
amount, and two comparable conditions of partial reward. 

The animals were run in a straight runway to food. Each 
animal was given only one trial a day. After preliminary train- 
ing they were given 24 training trials. The partial reward groups 
thus had 13 unrewarded experiences. They were then given 19 
extinction trials, again only one a day. Table 7.5 presents the 
mean running speeds for the four conditions mentioned above. 
There were 18 animals in each group. 

TABLE 7.5 


Amount of Reward Reward Schedule 

100% 46%* 

1.0 gram 12.5 44.0 

0.08 gram 21.3 25.0 

The results are rather striking. When trained on a 100 per 
cent reward schedule, the animals that received a very small 
reward were significantly more resistant to extinction than those 
that received a large reward. For animals trained on a partial 
reward schedule the reverse is true: the large reward group is 
significantly more resistant to extinction than the small reward 
group. We have confirmation, then, of two points : ( 1 ) too small 
a reward for 100 per cent animals may result in dissonance, and 
(2) greater dissonance is introduced on an unrewarded trial if 
the animal is accustomed to a large reward than if it is accus- 
tomed to a small reward. 



We have presented and discussed experimental evidence re- 
lated to three variables effort, expectation of reward, and mag- 
nitude of reward. The following implications of our theory have 
been supported: 

1. Increased effort results in greater resistance to extinction re- 
gardless of the reward schedule. 

2. Even with minimal effort involved, the absence of reward 
when the animal is oriented toward obtaining reward in- 
creases its resistance to extinction. 

3. The greater the magnitude of reward expected, the greater 
the dissonance introduced on an unrewarded trial and the 
greater the consonance on a rewarded trial. Thus, with 100 
per cent reward, the larger reward decreases resistance to 
extinction, whereas with partial reward it increases resist- 

In addition, we have presented experimental evidence that 
casts doubt on "competing response" explanations of the partial 
reward effect. 


A Speculative Summary 

We have presented a new explanation for a considerable body 
of empirical data. Specifically, we have applied the theory of 
dissonance to explain why partial reward, delay of reward, and 
effort expenditure during training result in increased resistance 
to extinction. We have tried to demonstrate that this theoretical 
explanation has validity. It can account for data with which 
other theories have difficulty 3 it integrates empirical phenomena 
that have been regarded as unrelated, and it is supported by the 
results of experiments designed specifically to test its implica- 

When a new theoretical explanation is offered, however, one 
must look at it critically. Are there vaguenesses and ambiguities 
in the theoretical statement; do data exist that are not compat- 
ible with the theory; are there other more plausible and more 
parsimonious explanations of the same data? By way of sum- 
mary, we shall take a critical look at the theory and the data, 
and, at the same time, indulge in -some speculations concerning 
broader implications of the theory. 

The bare skeleton of the theory, as applied here, can be sum- 
marized briefly: If an organism continues to engage in an activ- 
ity while possessing information that, considered alone, would 
lead it to discontinue the activity, it will develop some extra 
attraction for the activity or its consequences in order to give 
itself additional justification for continuing to engage in the 
behavior. In rather loose terms, this is the entire statement of 
tfie theory. Clearly, in order to make any predictions from the 


theory and to have them be relevant to data, some flesh has to 
be put on this skeleton. Let us examine precisely how this is 
done, the problems that arise, and the problems that remain 

How do we know when an organism possesses information that, 
considered alone, would lead it to discontinue an activity? 

One must, of course, specify on independent, a priori grounds 
when an organism can be said to possess information that is dis- 
sonant with continuing an activity. By definition, if an organism 
possessed only information dissonant with engaging in some 
activity, we would observe a cessation of the activity. But we 
are interested primarily in situations where the organism also 
has consonant information so that it continues to engage in the 
behavior in spite of the dissonance. In such a situation, how- 
ever, one ought to be able to see some hesitation, some evidence 
of unwillingness to perform the action. Such hesitation might 
then be an indication of the existence of dissonance. Indeed, 
in situations which intuitively fit our theoretical requirements, 
such as partial reward and delay of reward situations, hesita- 
tion and longer running times are observed during acquisition 

There are difficulties, however, in relying on such a measure 
as an indication of the existence of dissonance, the major one 
being that this particular measure is obtained during the process 
(according to the theory) of the development of extra attrac- 
tions. Would not the development of these extra attractions, if 
the theory is correct, interfere with the validity of such a meas- 
ure as an indication of the existence of dissonance? The answer, 
of course, is yes. There are many indications in data in the lit- 
erature that as training progresses, the difference in running 
speeds between, say, a partially rewarded group and a 100 per 
cent rewarded group tends to become less and less and ulti- 
mately to disappear; sometimes it even reverses its direction 
(Goodrich, 1959). 

The solution that we offer to this problem is to propose that 
one test whether a variable produces such hesitation effects gen- 
erally in a standardized test apparatus. One would have animals 


run a simple runway for food. Any factor which, when intro- 
duced, slowed their running, would be said to represent infor- 
mation dissonant with running. We would of course find that 
soon after the introduction of unrewarded trials, delay of re- 
ward, or increased effort the running would be slower. We thus 
accept this test procedure as an operational measure of whether 
or not a given factor provides the animal with information dis- 
sonant with continuing to engage in an activity. According to 
the theory, any variable that produces hesitation in our test 
apparatus will result in the development of extra attraction after 
a reasonably prolonged series of trials, provided the animal does 
not stop performing the action. It is necessary to point out that 
this operational definition, although it sounds very precise and 
specific, is not foolproof. There are things that could produce 
hesitation in an animal that are not, we would all agree, deter- 
rents to action. For example, the sudden introduction of some 
new stimulus, like the sound of a buzzer, would undoubtedly 
slow the animal down temporarily. How to distinguish such 
factors from true deterrents without resorting to our intuition 
is an unsolved problem. Perhaps the temporary nature of the 
effects of the introduction of novel stimuli would provide a key 
to making this distinction operationally. 

Nonetheless, our operational specification enables the theory 
to have some predictive power. It brings together, as psycho- 
logically identical, various operations that appear to be differ- 
ent. We have shown that partial reward, delay of reward, and 
effort expenditure, all three of which are similar from the point 
of view of dissonance theory, do indeed have similar effects in 
prolonging resistance to extinction. 

There is in the literature, however, a group of studies which, 
at first sight, seems to contradict our theoretical interpretation. 
At least one kind of situation has been studied in which partial 
reward during training does not increase resistance to extinc- 
tion, the crucial aspect of this situation being that the sequence 
of rewards and non-rewards is patterned in certain special ways. 
Thus it has been shown that if rewards and non-rewards alter- 
nate, partial reward results in no greater resistance to extinction 
than does 100 per cent reward (Tyler et at, 1953; Capaldi, 


1958). It has also been shown (Grosslight and Radlow, 1956, 
1957) that if all the unrewarded trials occur only at the end of 
a day's runs, partial reward does not increase resistance to ex- 

This apparent contradiction with our theory can be dealt 
with rather easily. If the patterning of rewards and non-rewards 
is such that the animal can discriminate between trials that are 
to be rewarded and those that are not to be rewarded, then par- 
tial reward will not increase resistance to extinction. What hap- 
pens, of course, is that the animal does not expect food on an 
unrewarded trial and so such a patterning fails to produce any 
dissonance. That is, when the animal does not expect food, not 
finding food does not introduce dissonance. As one might ex- 
pect, when rewarded and unrewarded trials are alternated, run- 
ning times on unrewarded trials are much longer than on re- 
warded trials. In short, if the animal does not expect food, it 
shows little eagerness to run and no dissonance is introduced. 

The same kind of discrimination between rewarded and un- 
rewarded trials undoubtedly occurs in the experiments in which 
unrewarded trials conclude the day's runs. As the animal gets 
close to the last trials of the day, it may stop expecting rewards 
and the unrewarded trial then may have a different significance. 
We hesitate to emphasize this explanation, however, because 
the studies that have been reported suffer from other difficulties 
also. They deal with discrimination and reversal learning under 
conditions where the initial discrimination is very inadequately 
learned. Inadequate learning may also have interfering effects. 

There does exist one study that we are unable to explain to 
our own satisfaction. Wike et al (1959) report a study using 
patterning of delay of reward and immediate reward. From our 
theory, we would not expect patterning to affect delay of reward 
in the same way that it affects partial reward. Even if the ani- 
mal expects the delay, it should still introduce dissonance-in- 
deed, if it did not, how would one account for the increased 
resistance to extinction resulting from delay on every acquisi- 
tion trial? 

This experiment by Wike et al contains two parts. In one 
part a random mixture of delayed and immediate rewards is 


compared with an alternating sequence. As we should expect 
with delay of reward, the animals that experienced the alternat- 
ing sequence are as resistant to extinction as the other group. 
In the other part of the study, the authors compare a group re- 
ceiving no delays, a group receiving delay in the middle of a 
day's runs, and a group receiving delay at the end of a day's 
runs. We should, of course, expect both of the delay groups to 
be equally superior to the group that was always rewarded 
immediately. But this is not the case. On the contrary, the 
group that received delay only at the end of the day's runs was 
less resistant to extinction than the other delay group and about 
equal to the immediate reward group. This result is surprising 
to us and we have no ready explanation for it. Should it prove 
to be a replicable finding, it would mean that factors other than 
the ones with which we have dealt must also be taken into con- 

All in all, the data on partial reward, delay of reward, and 
effort fit our theory well But have we examined in detail other 
factors that also fit our operational definition? The answer is 
clearly no. There is at least one major gap in the data we have 
presented, namely, data? on punishment. But these data should 
certainly not be ignored. If we inserted punishment of some 
kind into our test apparatus, it would certainly produce hesi- 
tation. We should expect, then, that punishment would also 
produce greater resistance to extinction in an appropriate situ- 
ation. What do the data on punishment show? 

At first glance, the series of studies done by Maier and his 
students (Maier, 1949) on fixation of response following punish- 
ment in an insoluble discrimination problem seem to confirm 
our theory. Most of these studies have used a jumping stand 
with two windows to choose between. The "correct window" 
is varied randomly so that learning cannot occur. The "incor- 
rect window'* is always locked so that, if the animal jumps to it, 
it bumps its nose and falls down. The result of this procedure 
is that an appreciable number of animals become "fixated'* on 
one window and do not learn even when the problem becomes 
solvable. Superficially, and loosely, these results would seem 
to be compatible with dissonance theory. Perhaps the fixation 


occurs because of some very strong extra attraction that has de- 
veloped. On closer investigation, however, any such interpre- 
tation proves to be most implausible, bordering on nonsense. 
One finds that the reaction of the animals to the punishment is 
really to discontinue the activity. They refuse to jump. In order 
to make them jump one must give them considerable punish- 
ment on the jumping stand itself, thereby forcing them to jump 
in order to escape punishment. Certainly, it is unclear what dis- 
sonance theory would or could predict when such a procedure 
is used. 

One study, by Klee ( 1944), attempted to dispense with pun- 
ishment on the jumping stand. Klee fed his rats only when they 
jumped to the correct window. They were not fed at all in their 
cages. If a rat refused to jump, Klee left it on the jumping stand 
for several hours before returning it to its cage. Such an animal 
then had nothing to eat until the next day, when it again had 
an opportunity to jump. Presumably, such an experiment should 
have been decisive. Unfortunately, the number of rats that 
starved to death rather than jump is extremely large. In other 
words, this whole series of experiments does not fit our theoreti- 
cal conditions. The animals do not continue to engage in an 
activity while having information that would lead them to dis- 
continue it. On the contrary, they refuse to engage in the ac- 
tivity. Most of the experiments on punishment suffer from the 
same kind of difficulties from our point of view. The animals 
almost always have to be forced to engage in the activity which 
is punished. 

Logan (1960, p. 220), however, reports an experiment that 
seems to avoid this difficulty and finds results that are intriguing. 
He ran three groups of rats in a straight runway to food. One 
group experienced shock in the runway on each trial, another 
experienced the shock on 50 per cent of its trials, and the third 
group never experienced any shock. During acquisition, the 
"No Shock Group" ran fastest, as might be expected; the "Par- 
tial Shock Group" ran next fastest; and the "100 Per Cent Shock 
Group," by the end of acquisition, showed serious deterioration 
of performance. This last group, in essence, showed signs of dis- 
continuing the activity. 


Extinction trials were ran with neither food nor shock. The 
data on how resistant these animals were to extinction are of 
interest to us here, particularly for the "No Shock Group" and 
the "Partial Shock Group/* both of which continued to engage 
in the activity. The "No Shock Group" extinguishes quite rap- 
idly. The "Partial Shock Group/' however, continues to run 
relatively fast. The average speeds for the two groups cross very 
early in extinction, and the "Partial Shock Group" continues 
thereafter to run faster than the "No Shock Group/' Logan offers 
no explanation of these results. They are, however, clearly con- 
sistent with what one would expect from dissonance theory. 
Such results are encouraging, but in view of the possible com- 
plex effects of shock, it would be desirable to have additional 
confirmatory evidence. 

Another interesting question that arises from our operational 
definition of dissonance-producing variables concerns the dis- 
tinction between incentives and deterrents. If we increased the 
amount of effort involved in our test apparatus, we would ob- 
serve slower running, and we would conclude that effort is a 
deterrent to action and that information concerning effort is 
dissonant with continuing the activity. If, however, we de- 
creased the amount of food an animal obtains, we would also 
observe slower running. We would not want to conclude that 
a small amount of food is a deterrent or that the knowledge that 
food is obtained is dissonant with continuing to engage in the 
activity, for we know that food is an incentive. Consequently 
there seems to be a problem with our operational measure. 
Clearly, however, this is not a difficult operational problem, 
since one distinction may easily be applied in the situation. If 
one increases the magnitude of some variable and observes hesi- 
tation of behavior, one may conclude that the variable is a de- 
terrent. If one decreases the magnitude of the variable and 
then observes slower behavior, one may conclude that it is an 

According to the analysis one would make from dissonance 
theory, this distinction between deterrents and incentives is 
rather crucial. We should not want to say that any magnitude 
of incentive, however small, introduces dissonance with con- 


tinuing to engage in the activity. There are data in the litera- 
ture (Armus, 1959), however, showing that after training with 
100 per cent reward, rats that obtained a large amount of food 
extinguished more quickly than rats that obtained a small 
amount. In other words, decreasing the amount of reward has 
exactly the same effects in our test apparatus and in extinctipn 
as increasing the delay of reward, effort, or any deterrent. Thus, 
from these data it might appear that the distinction between 
deterrent and incentive is not an essential one. 

However, if we look at the theory and the data closely, the 
distinction between incentive and deterrent remains a crucial 
distinction. Let us recall the kinds of results that were obtained 
with variables that were clearly deterrents. The effort variable 
is a good example of this. As effort during acquisition was 
increased, resistance to extinction increased. This was true 
whether one was dealing with 100 per cent reward situations or 
with partial reward situations. This uniformity of effect, how- 
ever, was not found in connection with an incentive such as 
magnitude of reward. It will be remembered from our discus- 
sion in Chapter 7 that Hulse ( 1958 ) reports that smaller magni- 
tude of reward leads to greater resistance to extinction after 100 
per cent reward, but leads to less resistance to extinction after 
partial reward. Clearly, incentives and deterrents do not pro- 
duce the same results and must be distinguished operationally 
and conceptually. The conceptual distinction between incen- 
tives and deterrents which is made in our theory enabled us to 
explain this pattern of results. 

What variables affect the magnitude of dissonance and what 
variables affect how much extra attraction will develop? 

The skeletal theoretical statement presented at the begin- 
ning of this chapter made no mention of the variables that de- 
termine the magnitude of the effects involved. Clearly, for the 
theory to be useful, there must be some specification of condi- 
tions affecting the magnitude of dissonance and conditions af- 
fecting the degree of extra attraction that develops. How have 
these variables been specified in the theory, and to what extent 
have the data supported the theory in these respects? 


It was stated in Chapter 2 that as the magnitude of disso- 
nance increases, the greater will be the attempts to reduce the 
dissonance and, hence, the greater will be the development of 
extra attractions in the situation. This statement, however, does 
not solve any operational problems. We still must identify the 
variables which affect the magnitude of dissonance. The theo- 
retical exposition in Chapter 2 also states that as the magnitude 
of a deterrent increases, the magnitude of the dissonance cre- 
ated by continuing to engage in the action also increases. This 
statement, of course, enables us to look at the data to see what 
corroboration is offered. 

In connection with partial reward, it is by no means imme- 
diately obvious what one means by the magnitude of the deter- 
rent. One's first thought might be that the magnitude of the 
deterrent is to be interpreted as meaning the relative frequency 
of unrewarded trials. But we have clearly demonstrated that 
this is not the case. The resistance to extinction seems to be a 
function only of the number of instances of unrewarded trials, 
not of their relative frequency (Experiment 5, Chapter 4) . In- 
deed, we were led to do Experiment 5 because it seemed likely 
that the magnitude of dissonance experienced on any trial would 
be determined by the things that happened on that specific trial. 
Further, if this suggestion is correct, it seems plausible to specify 
that the magnitude of the deterrent depends on how much re- 
ward is expected on unrewarded trials. The point in mentioning 
this again is to show some of the relative vagueness that exists 
in parts of our theoretical statement. It is not always clear what 
operations correspond to the theoretical requirements. 

On the other hand, the specific operational manipulations 
that increase the magnitude of dissonance are reasonably clear 
in connection with other variables. For delay of reward, the 
theory would imply that the longer the delay, the greater the 
magnitude of the deterrent, and the stronger should be the ef- 
fect. Whatever data exist in the literature tend to give some 
support to this, but the data are scanty. We ourselves have not 
investigated it at alL We have, however, devoted considerable 
attention to the variable of effort. Here again, we should expect 
that the greater the effort expended, the greater would be the 


dissonance created. In general, our findings have supported 
this. When greater effort is required during acquisition, regard- 
less of whether the reward is partial or 100 per cent, the organ- 
ism is more resistant to extinction. 

We have said relatively little about the process by means o 
which the animal develops some extra attractions in a situation 
in order to reduce dissonance. Nor have we said much about 
variables which would affect the rapidity and effectiveness with 
which such dissonance reduction is accomplished. In the human 
being there are a whole variety of dissonance reduction mecha- 
nisms which seem to be effective, but this is probably not true 
in a non-verbal organism like the rat. We have therefore tried 
to specify a dissonance reduction mechanism that would seem 
reasonable in a non-verbal organism. We assumed that, when 
dissonance exists, the animal is able to discover things in the 
situation, or in the activity, that satisfy its other subordinate 
motives. If this suggestion is correct, then a number of inter- 
esting questions may be raised. 

Presumably, if the animal is able to find things that satisfy 
subordinate motives, these motives must exist within the animal 
rather constantly. If the animal is dominated by some strong 
need such as hunger, these subordinate motives may remain 
latent and not affect the animal's behavior. When dissonance 
exists, however, these other motives may become more salient. 
Still, it would seem plausible to argue that as long as an organism 
is dominated by some strong drive, it is unlikely that these other 
motives would affect behavior strongly. Such reasoning leads 
one to the speculation that, if an animal experienced strong dis- 
sonance under conditions of general weak motivation, disso- 
nance reduction might be more effective and more pronounced 
behavioral consequences would be observed. These considera- 
tions led us to do the experiments reported in Chapter 6 using 
minimal motivation during extinction. These experiments did 
show that the effects of dissonance reduction were observable 
under minimal motivation conditions, but we produced little 
evidence to support the notion that these effects are stronger 
under low than under high motivation. 

It is perplexing that so little work has been done on rats 


under conditions of weak motivation. When psychological re- 
search is done on humans, it Is almost always under conditions 
of weak motivation, but on animals almost always the opposite. 
It is interesting to speculate that this may be one of the reasons 
for the great difficulty of integrating research on animals with 
research on humans. Behavior may be very different when a 
single strong drive does not dominate. Harlow, Harlow, and 
Meyer ( 1950 ) report some interesting data related to this. Mon- 
keys show an intrinsic interest in certain kinds of puzzles and 
will work on them for long periods of time. If, however, they 
are given the experience of getting food by solving these puzzles, 
their performance deteriorates. Certainly, more study of be- 
havior under weak motivation is needed. 

One other interesting point may be raised on the basis of 
our hunch about the process of dissonance reduction in the rat: 
if the rat reduces dissonance by finding elements in the situation 
that satisfy other existing motives, then the characteristics of 
the situation in which it finds itself will be an important deter- 
minant of how effectively it can reduce dissonance. Psycholo- 
gists who work with rats are in the habit of using extremely 
barren situations for their experiments. There are, of course, 
reasons for this the more barren the experimental apparatus, 
the easier it is to control relevant variables. But if our specula- 
tions are correct, a very barren experimental situation limits the 
possibility of the organism to reduce dissonance. Perhaps if the 
experimental environments were richer, more like the environ- 
ments to be found in the natural habitat of the organism, the 
effects one would observe would be stronger. Surely, the natural 
habitat of an animal must possess many aspects capable of satis- 
fying a wide variety of subordinate motives. We should like to 
stress, however, that this particular mechanism for reducing 
dissonance is not the only one available, nor is it probably avail- 
able to all organisms. Higher organisms undoubtedly have ad- 
ditional techniques for dissonance reduction. Humans certainly 
have, and we would speculate that the higher the phylogenetic 
development of the animal, the greater the variety and effective- 
ness of its dissonance-reducing mechanisms. Certainly, disso- 
nance reduction effects that can be shown only with difficulty in 


the rat can be shown easily in the human. We would anticipate 
that in a monkey, for example, intermediate magnitudes of ef- 
fects would be found. And, as we pointed out in Chapter 2, 
lower organisms such as fish are probably very ineffective at 
dissonance reduction. Indeed, in fish, partial reward does not 
increase resistance to extinction. 

How can we measure the amount of extra attraction that an or- 
ganism has developed as a result of dissonance reduction? 

In order to test our theoretical statement, we must have some 
way of measuring, behaviorally, whether or not, and the extent 
to which, any extra attraction has developed in a situation. We 
have, of course, dealt with this problem extensively, particularly 
in Chapter 3. But a fresh look at how we have dealt with this 
problem indicates that the solutions we have reached are not 
very adequate. We reached the conclusion that resistance to 
extinction was the best available indication of the existence of 
extra attraction. It may be that it is the best available measure 
in the sense that it is the only one that gives consistent results 
in the theoretically expected directions, but it must be admitted 
that it remains very indirect. Presumably, if extra attraction 
has been developed in a situation, this should act as an incentive 
for the animal. It seems odd, and certainly a bit indirect, to 
measure the value of an incentive by observing how rapidly an 
animal stops going to the place toward which it is supposed to 
be attracted. 

If one could demonstrate that, in the absence of any extrinsic 
reward, an animal will learn a new action in order to get some- 
where, this would be more direct and more convincing evidence 
of some intrinsic incentive in the situation. Let us remember at 
this point, however, that we have data showing our inability to 
demonstrate a differential in new learning between a group that 
theoretically had developed extra attractions and a group that 
had not. In two experiments, both reported in Chapter 6, we 
compared such groups of animals in a new learning situation. 
In one experiment (Experiment 12) they had to learn to press 
a bar in order to get into the box where extra attractions had 
presumably developed. In the other experiment (Experiment 


13) they had to ran a four-unit T-maze. In neither experiment 
were any differences found between the two groups of animals. 
Peculiarly, it was not that neither group learned the new task. 
Both of them learned it rather rapidly a peculiarity we do not 
understand. The important thing is that we obtained no differ- 
ence between those that had presumably developed extra at- 
tractions and those that had not. 

What are the implications of our failure to demonstrate a 
differential in learning a new task, and how can we explain this 
failure? It is easy to say something like "the more one changes 
the total situation from the original one, the less does one ob- 
serve the effects of the extra attraction." But such a statement 
does not explain anything. It is also easy to say that the extra 
attraction is probably rather weak and hence does not show it- 
self when the task is too difficult. But this is more an excuse than 
an explanation. Even if the extra attraction is weak, why should 
it not show itself, at least weakly? On the other hand, we do see 
the effects of these extra attractions in extinction. Here they 
seem reasonably stable. Indeed, when extinction trials were run 
under very low motivation conditions, thus reducing competing 
motives, there was little evidence of any true extinction process 
(Experiments 9, 10, and 11). One is almost forced to conclude 
that a new test situation produces stimuli and behavior (perhaps 
exploratory) that result in a diminution of the strength of the 
extra attractions. We have, however, devoted little attention to 
discussing and analyzing the conditions under which extra at- 
traction will decrease. The only thing we have said is that, 
if there are competing incentives that cause the animal to decide 
not to go to the place in which it has developed extra attractions, 
this decision will cause a reversal of the process and the extra 
attraction will begin to break down. This may be pertinent to 
the new learning task if a wholly new situation evokes such com- 
peting motives. Unless there are such refusals, explicit or im- 
plicit, to go to the place that possesses extra attractions, we 
would not expect them to have weakened, since there is no plaus- 
ible reason to assume that simple disuse would cause the extra 
attractions to disappear. All of this reasoning is rather ad hoc, 
but unfortunately we have no better solutions to offer. 


It would be unfair to end this chapter, and the book, with 
only a summary of the difficulties and ambiguities that exist in 
the theory and the data we have presented. Many things are 
clear, a number of previously unexplained facts are adequately 
covered by our theory, and, what is more, we have uncovered 
several new phenomena. Perhaps the best summary we can 
make of the positive contribution that this volume represents 
is to list these new findings: 

1. Resistance to extinction after partial reward is not a function 
of the ratio of rewarded to unrewarded trials during acquisi- 
tion. It is a function of the total number of unrewarded 

2. If an animal is never rewarded in a given place but only de- 
layed there, it will continue to run to that place during ex- 
tinction longer than will animals that have either always 
been rewarded in that place or have been partially rewarded 

3. If, before extinction trials are run, the animals are taken off 
their deprivation schedule so that they are no longer hungry, 
the same or even greater differences in resistance to extinc- 
tion are obtained than would be the case if the animals were 
hungry during extinction. 

4. Partial reward effects are obtained even though the absence 
of reward which disconfirms an expectation is never asso- 
ciated with the response measured during extinction. 

5. Increasing the effort that an animal must expend in order to 
reach a reward increases the resistance to extinction. 

It seems to us that these findings, together with the other 
results that we have discussed in the book, are very difficult to 
explain by any of the other existing theories. We saw in Chap- 
ter 2 that the attempts at explaining partial reward effects by 
Sheffield (1949) and Weinstock (1954) could not adequately 
account for the experimental evidence. We saw, in addition, in 
Chapter 4, that the expectancy idea, as proposed by Humphreys 
(1939), or any form of discrimination hypothesis is also inade- 
quate. We saw in Chapter 5 that the frustration hypothesis, as 
proposed by Amsel (1958), cannot be applied to explain our 


data concerning the effects of zero reward. Furthermore, as we 
have pointed out, none of the previously proposed theories has 
integrated partial reward, delay of reward, and effort expendi- 

Our own explanation, of course, is neither perfect nor fully 
developed. Nonetheless, it provides a basis for explaining many 
puzzling experimental results and for integrating a variety of 
variables. Its strength stems largely from the fact that it inverts 
the traditional way of looking at such factors as non-reward, 
delay of reward, and effort, all of which have historically been 
viewed as inhibitors of behavior. Though not denying this as- 
pect of their influence, we have regarded them as having, in 
addition, a f acilitative effect. They indirectly create attractions 
or incentives in the situation. They do this by creating disso- 
nance in the animal and thus leading it to discover additional 
satisfactions. It perhaps needs to be emphasized that these ad- 
ditional satisfactions, or extra attractions, are developed through 
a process quite different from secondary reward. Indeed, it is 
almost opposite to secondary reward in that lack of rewards 
leads to their development. On the other hand, both the disso- 
nance reduction process and secondary reward may be seen as 
means of developing "secondary reinforcers." This term is, of 
course, purely descriptive, indicating simply that past experi- 
ence of an unspecified nature has made a previously neutral set 
of stimuli into potential "reinforcers" of behavior. The use of 
this term, however, helps us to fit our own contribution into the 
general context of learning and learning theory. What we have 
proposed is a new mechanism by means of which "secondary 
reinforcers" sometimes develop. 

The specific process of dissonance reduction does, however, 
invert many of the customary ways of looking at and explaining 
learning and extinction. We are aware that this inversion of 
the usual modes of explanation may not find easy acceptance, 
but the fact that it leads to the clarification of a considerable 
number of problems gives us hope for its future. 


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Accumulation of extra attractions, 50- 


Adaptation to frustration, 83, 119-20 
Adelman, H. M., 11 
Aiken, E. G., 10, 11 
Alternation of reward and non-reward, 


Amsel hypothesis, 26-28, 103, 113-15 
Anderson, E. E., 137 
Anticipatory frustration response, 27 


Anticipatory goal reactions, 25-26 
Applezweig, M. H., 40 
Armus, H. L., 163 
Aronson, E., 35, 61 
Attraction and resistance to extinction, 


Attractions, natural, 104 
Attractiveness of goal box, 71ff 

Bitterman, M. E., 16, 50, 105ff 
Brightness preference, 72-73 
Brunswik, E., 31 

Capaldi, E. J., 158 
Chance level of performance, 137 
Choice behavior, 61, 67ff 
Comparability of effort conditions, 
144-45, 147 

Competing response hypothesis, 20ff 
Competing responses, 152-53, 155 
Consonance, 43-44 
Contrast between acquisition and ex- 

tinction, 14-16, 29, 56, 94, 96, 98, 

Contrast between zero and 100 per 

cent reward, 104-5 
Cotton, J. W., 85, 148 
Cumulative effects of dissonance re- 
, duction, 48-50, 85ff, 87ff, 144flE 

D'Amato, M. R., 67, 69 
Delay of reward, 5, 8-10, 16, 25-26, 
30-32, 40ff 

patterning effects in, 159-60 

percentage of, 9, 102 

zero reward and, 107, 113 
Denny, M. R., 11 
Deterrents to action, 39-41, 164 

distinguished from incentives, 162- 

operational definition of, 158 
Discrimination hypothesis, 5, 14-17, 

85, 94, 169 
Dissonance, 33ff 

behavior changes, 34 

definition of, 36 

hesitation and, 53, 157-58 

importance and, 42 

magnitude of, 40-41, 44-45, 163-65 

motivational aspects, 34 

non-verbal organisms, in, 35, 165 

operational definition of, 157 ~/ 
Dissonance-producing trials, 84-85 
Dissonance reduction, 34, 44fE 

acquisition and, 53-55 

behavior change and, 45 



cumulative aspects of, 48ff 

effectiveness of, 165ff 

environment and, 166 

limits of, 50ff 

mechanisms for, 46, 47-48 

motivation and, 116J0E 

rate of, 49-51 

resistance to extinction and, 55-58 

Elam, C. B., 106 

Effort, 5-6, 10-12, 30-32, 40, 139ff 

absence of, 148-49 

behavior change and, 40 

comparability of measures, 144-45, 

extinction and, 140ff, 147-50 

interaction with expectation, 152ff 

manipulation of, 88 

methodological problems, 144-45 

partial reward and, 143ff, 147ff 

variability in, 140-42 
Estes, W. K., 21ff, 152 
Expectancy, 41, 88, 99, 148, 150, 152ff, 

164, 169 
Expectation of non-reward, 99ff, 147, 

Expectation of reward, 68-69, 101-2, 


Externalized motivation, 137 
Extinction, resistance to, 3-4, 55ff, 70ff 

after non-response acquisition, 99ff 

beginning of, 95-97 

failure of, 121, 125-27 

indirect measure of attraction, 71 

intrinsic attraction and, 71ff 

magnitude of reward and, 153-54, 

number of acquisition trials and, 86- ' 
87, 90ff 

overlearning and, 92 

miming speed during, 111-12, 124, 
126-27, 132-33 

sensitivity of measurement, 71 

strength of motivation and, 121ff 

time in goal box and, 86 

zero reward and, 108-9 
Extra attractions, 34, 47ff 

associated with activity, 62-63, 77, 

associated with place, 67, 70-71, 77, 

81, 128-29, 133 
cumulation of, 69 
decrement in, 52, 69, 168 
development of, 128 
dissonance arousal and, 84 
dominant motivation and, 117ff 
durability of, 52, 57 
exploratory behavior and, 168 
extinction test for, 70ff 
locus of, 47-48 
measurement of, 167-68 
new learning test for, 61ff, 133ff 
preference test for, 67ff, 128-29, 131 
secondary reward and, 104 
summation with extrinsic reward, 


Feddersen, W. E., 105 
^Fehrer, E., 10 
Festinger, L., 33 
Fixation of response, 160-61 
Free choice tests, 31ff, 68-70 
Frustration drive, 27-29, 113-15 
Frustration hypothesis, 103, 169 
Frustration reactions, 27-29, 103, 119 

adaptation of, 83, 119 

anticipatory responses, 82 

Generalization of partial reward effects, 


Goodrich, K. P., 157 
Gradient of reward, 5 
Grosslight, J. H., 159 

Harlow, H. F., 166 
Harlow, M. K., 166 
- HuU, C. L., 2 
Hulse, S. H., Jr., 154, 163 
Humphreys, L. G., 6, 169 
Humphreys hypothesis, 14-16, 85, 88 

Incentive motivation, 25 

Incentives, 116 

Information items, 33-40, 42-43, 52, 

Intertrial vs. intratrial effects, 22-24, 

Intrinsic interest, 166 



Jenkins, W. O., 7 
Justification of behavior, 33 

Kate, S., 22, 23 
Kimble, G. A., 122 
Kivy, P., 67, 69 
Klee, J. B., 161 
Klein, R. M., 70 

Lachman, R., 67, 69 

Latency of response, 3 

Latent extinction, 122, 125, 130, 134, 


Lewis, D. J, 7, 19-20, 85, 148 
Logan, F. A., 4, 25, 29, 31, 40, 161 
Logan hypothesis, 25-26, 28 
Longo, N., 50 

Maatsch, J. L., 11 

McNamara, H. J., 9, 16, 26, 102 

Maier, N. R. F., 160 

Marx, M. H., 105, 106 

Mason, D. J., 68, 173 

Meyer, D. R., 166 

Miller, N. E., 135 

Mills, J., 35 

Motivation, 44ff 

dissonance and, 44 

dominant, 47, 51, 116-17 

extra attraction and, 117ff 

partial reward and, 116-19 

salience of, 164 

speed of running and, 119, 120-21, 
123 132 

subordinate, 47ff, 117, 127-28, 165 

weak, 117, 120-21, 165-66 
Mowrer, O. H., 16, 26 
Myers, A. K., 135 
Myers, J. L., 62 

Non-response acquisition, 146-47 

partial reward and, 148ff 
Novel stimuli, 158 

Operant level of running, 124 

Partial punishment, 161-62 
Partial reward, 6-7, 30 
adaptation to, 70 

explanations of, 13ff 

generalized effects of, 81 

in fish, 50 

magnitude of reward and, 153-54 

patterning of, 159 

percentage of, 7-8, 85, 89ff, 94-95 
Performance stabilization, 54 
Performance variability, 127 
Phylogenetic differences, 49-50, 166- 

Preferences, 72 

choice test for, 128-31 

natural, 72-74 

resistance to extinction and, 32 

running speed and, 73-74 

weak, 82 

Procter, D. M., 135 
Psychological implication, 37 

operational measurement of, 38ff 
Punishment, 160-62 

Radlow, R., 159 
Refusal to run, 56-58 
Reinforcement, 4-5 
Response amplitude, 4 
Response frequency, 2-3 
Response strength, 2-9 
Reward, 5, 105 

magnitude of, 43 

variation in per cent of, 8992 
Running speed during acquisition, 79- 

80, 96-97, 111, 122-26, 157-58 
Runway vs. goal box effects, 75ff, 78ff 

Saltzman, I. J., 70 

Secondary rewards, 61-62, 64, 66, 70- 
71, 135 

Seward, J. P., 135 

Sheffield, V. F., 17, 25, 29, 169 

Sheffield hypothesis, 17-20 

Spaced vs. massed trials, 19-20 

Spence, K. W., 27 

Stanley, J. C., 7 

Stimulus aftereffects, 17-19 
" Stimulus generalization, 24 
' Stimulus generalization decrement, 18 

Stimulus traces, 19 

Theios, J., 98 

180 INDEX 

Thompson, M. E., 32 Weak motivation, 64-66 

Tyler, D. W., 105, 106, 158 Weinstock, M. G., 86 

Weinstock, S., 7, 8, 21, 25, 82, 152, 169 

Uncertainty of information, 54 Weiss, E. J., 20 

Urnnotivated learning, 135-37 Weiss, R. F., 11 

Unrewarded trials, 40-41, 54 Wike, E. L., 9, 16, 26, 102, 159 

cumulative effect of, 86ff Willingness to perform, 53 

number of, 85ff, 143ff, 164 Wilson, W., 20 

patterning of, 158-59 Wodinsky, J., 50 

Wagner, A. R., 114-15 Zero reward, 103ff, 107ff 121ff 

Weak differential attraction, 73-74, 82 x 'Zimmerman, D. W., 62, 63, 67 

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