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Full text of "Diary of trip to California March 8-31, 1947"

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4  Waihington  Place,  New  York  3,  N,  Y 

Diary  of  Trip  to  r.'sllforrla  >  Farch  8  -  31,  1947 

Harold  Grad 

Aerojet  Corporation,  Aguaa 

The  nroblorns  of  Irref^ular  burning  and  genoral  hydro- 
dynawlc  flow  inside  iiiultlplTf  connected  hollow  tube  rockets 
were  r^lscussed  with  T*.  ^.  D,  Geckler  and  A,  L.  Antonio, 

Secondary  peak  end  Irregular  burning  phenoirena  similar 
to  those  observed  at  California  Institute  of  Technology 
durlnf?  the  war  have  been  observed  In  both  the  hollow  grain 
and  the  rod  end  tube  dealpns  used  by  Aerojet. 

T'  '  "• 

The  Interrupted  burning  techniques  used  are  still  beln/a? 
developed,  but  from  a  discussion  of  results  already  available 
it  appears  probable  that  the  resonance  burning  hypothesis 
set  forth  by  the  New  York  TTniverslty  group  Is  correct.  The 
physical  basis  of  the  phenonenon  together  with  the  qualitative 
effects  of  various  rocket  design  features  were  discussed. 


Ir  ordei*  to  verify  certain  aspects  of  the  theory  which  h«a 
been  develot)ed.  It  waa  decided  to  Derforro  exioerlTnenta  on 
rockets  of  varying  georretry  and  type  of  powder.  Experiments 
involving  direct  observation  of  powder  reaction  rates  and 
flow  patterns  Inalde  the  rocket  are  not  feasible  at  present. 
According  to  "Dr.  Geekler,  it  would  be  v/orthwhlle  to  reduce 
the  irathematlcal  solution  to  a  forrri  whereby  the  incidence  of 
pressure  peaks  and  irregular  burning  could  be  predicted  in 
tenns  of  one  or  more  parameters  Involving  the  rocket  eeometry 
and  powder  grain  constants. 

In  addition  to  the  resonance  burning  oroblem,  work  done 
at  New  York  TTnlverslty  on  flow  In  multiple  channel  rockets 
and  on  the  validity  of  one  dinenslonal  treatments  wts  dis- 

T>r.  Oeekler  was  also  interested  In  heat  +-ran8fer  with 
variable  coefficients,  and  requested  inforrration  on  the  work 
done  by  and  under  t^.  ivacnonald  on  this  subject. 

Some  problerrs  in  nozzle  flow  were  discussed  with 
R.  Gordon,  in  particular  the  calculation  of  thrust  for  an 
inexact  exnanslon  nozzle.   A  Tremorenduin  on  this  subject  will 
be  sent  to  hire  by  Hew  York  TTniveraity. 

■pjxperlTnents  are  being  perforrred  on  rockets  which  have 
purely  diverging  noszlea  (i.e.  no  converging  entry  section), 
ra^oek  reflection  natterns  in  the  exhavist  can  be  observed 
directly  by  eye,  since  the  various  regions  in  the  exhaust  are 
distinctively  colored. 

Several  probleins  involving  straipjit  pipe  ^et   wotors  were 
discussed  with  T5r.  F,  ?^Brlcl<T,  who  was  interested  in  a  Tnemo- 
randuK  being  written  on  this  subject,  and  who  suggested  so^e 
possible  lines  of  further  development.  He  also  expressed 
interest  in  a  renort  on  the  Pulse  Jet  by  Wae Donald  and  sehaaf 
and  requested  a  cony. 


Dp.  Tlwlcky,  as  well  sa  nun^erous  other  poraona  encountered 
In  California,  la  e8«j;erly  airaltlng  the  oppearanoe  of  the  revised 
Shook  ?'eve  I'nnual. 

JPL-APL  Sym-posluw 

JPL  -  Jet  Propulsion  Laboratory  -  California  Institute  of 


APL  -  Applied  Physics  Laboratory  -  Johns  Hopkins  University 

The  sympositur  consisted  mainly  of  a  discussion  of  free 
fli^t  techniques  and  comparison  with  wind  tunnel  results. 
It  appears  that  there  ere  no  results  at  present  which  allow 
of  direct  coTTparlaon  between  the  two  rrethods. 

Certain  anor.alouc  droft  effects  are  observed  at  transsonlc 
speeds,  but  different  experiments  vary  widely  in  results. 

k  novel  method  of  measuring  drag  of  a  projectile  in  free 
fll^t  using  a  so-called  belllstlc  pendulum  was  described. 

California  Institute  of  Technology 

Dr.  Hans  LleTrann  was  consulted  on  his  work  on  interactions 
between  shock  and  viscous  boundary  layers.   It  appears  that 
the  very  large  velocity  -radients  in  the  neighborhood  of  a 
viscous  boundary  layer  at  a  well  produce  shock  reflection 
patterns  which  are  entirely  different  froni  what  la  predicted 
by  simple  ehock  reflection  theory,  but  it  is  expected  that 
at  sufficiently  large  distances  from  the  wall  the  pattern  may 
apTwoxlciate  that  of  the  slinple  theory.   Slmiler  curved  shock 
effects  are  found  in  I^ach  reflectiona  because  of  the  large 
velocity  gradients  In  the  sllpstresn.  These  effects,  together 
with  Kiore  complicated  shock  and  boundary  layer  phenomena  are 
found  to  be  essential  in  describing  transsonlc  flow  around  an 
airfoil  (which  may  be  somewhat  connected  v'lth  recent  investigations 
In  New  York  University). 


Some  proT?«rtle8  of  llrit  lines  were  discussed  by 
Drs.  Liepmerm  and  Cleuser  at  s  lecture  by  the  latter* 

Several  Interesting  probler.s  eoncernlnf^  characteristics 
of  hydrodynarnlc  equations  (with  and  without  either  heat 
conduction  or  viscosity);  characteristics  of  lower  order 
terms  in  parabolic  equations;  a  comDarlaon  of  the  equations 
of  transient  nozzle  flow  and  waves  on  sloping  beaches; 
some  features  of  the  Karwan-Moore  perturbation  method,  end 
«n  equation  of  rlxed  elllr^tlc-hyperbolic  character  were 
dlacussed  with  Dr»  D© Prima, 

Two  water  tunnels  (one  for  rreasurenent  of  drag,  lift, 
moment  and  one  with  a  free  surface  at  arbitrary  air  pressure), 
a  centrifugal  tornedo  impact  tank,  and  the  tranasonic  wind 
tunnel  were  visited. 

Other  presons  contacted  on  various  matters  are  Professors 

Epstein  and  Bohnenblust, 

Autoratlc  Computing?  I'achines 

At  California  Institute  of  Technology  Professor  MeCann 
of  the  Electrical  Engineering  Department  was  consulted  about 
the  status  of  various  computation  developments  on  the  coast, 
TTe  is  at  present  constructing  an  analogue  differential  analyzer, 
aimed  principally  at  elastic  beam  and  electrical  system 
stability  nroblerrs,  which  treats  on  the  order  of  100  linear 
ordinary  differential  eouations  and  some  10-20  nonlinear 
equations.  There  is  a  nosslbillty  of  a  digital  computer  being 
constructed  at  California  Institute  of  Tech-nology  some  time 
in  the  future.  Various  electromechanical  simulators  such  as 
for  torpedoes,  guided  missiles,  etc.  exist,  and  UCLA  has  a 
GE  differential  analyzer. 

Howard  Hughes  Aircraft  is  eonstrwetlni?  various  small 
specialized  machines,  and  one  larp;e  digital  machine  (details 
secret)  which  Is  nresvroably  to  solve  !"'axwell'8  Equations. 
They  have  obtained  some  computing  machine  men  from  Bell  Labs. 

Prom  a  consensus  It  appears  thst  the  Bureau  of  Standards 
Institute  of  Numerical  Analysis  i-vlll  probably  be  located  at 
Stanford  or  Berkeley.  According  to  the  outspoken  S,  ^aymo. 
Director  of  Research  at  Howard  Hucjies,  the  Bureau  of  standards* 
methods  do  not  offer  much  chance  for  any  development  in 
larf^  scale  computlnp;  nachlnea  other  then  a  rehash  of  already 
exist Ini^  machines. 

Professors  Spencer  and  Polya  who  were  cortacted  at 
Stanford  are  anxious  to  have  the  Bureau  of  Standards'  Computing 
Center  either  there  or  at  Berkeley. 

!5r.  spencer  has  some  problems  on  schllcht  functions 
which  involve  large  scale  computations  and  for  which  he  la 
thinking  of  usin^  the  ?^iac. 

The  nroblem  of  Ir.pact  of  a  cone  in  water  v;hlch  is  being 
put  Into  final  form  by  Drs.  Spencer  and  Shlffman  was  discussed, 
end  some  necessary  liaison  between  the  two  was  arranged. 




4  W»Ai.g;an  Place,'i^^  York  3,  N,  Y 

