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Full text of "The Dictes and sayings of the philosophers. A facsimile reproduction of the first book printed in England by William Caxton in 1477"

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1944. € 


Bequest of 

Rev. bh. C. Scadding, D. D. 

to the Library 
of the 

‘University of Toronto 

* * 



The Dictes and Savings of the pbhtlofophers. 


ae | 


The Dictes and Sapings of 
the Philolophers. 




IN 1477. 




site] OUR hundred years ago, in the year 1477, a great 

4} marvel appeared in England, and many of her 
proudeft nobles and wealthieft citizens wended their 
way to the Almonry at Weftminfter, to fee the 
— ſmall wooden printing preſs which William Caxton 
had brought from Bruges and there ſet up in a tenement called the 
Red Pale,“ and to gaze in wonder at its almoſt ſupernatural pro- 
ductions. a 

The DPictes and Wife Sayings of the Philoſophers was iſſued 
as a firſt-fruit of Caxton's preſs, and the cauſes which led to its 
ſelection form a ſtory not without much hiſtorical intereſt. 

In the year 1470 upon the reſtoration of King Henry VI. to the 
throne of England, Edward IV. and his partiſans ſought refuge at the 
Court of his brother-in-law, Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. 
William Caxton was then “ Governor of the Engliſh Nation abroad,” 
or Merchant Adventurers, whofe head-quarters were at Bruges, 
and he was therefore the moft influential among the many foreigners 
who refided in that city. There can be no doubt that during the 
few months which elapfed before Edward IV. regained the Englith 
Crown Caxton had it in his power to render many important fervices 
to his expatriated countrymen, and thus laid the foundations of that 

vi Preface. 

friendſhip and patronage which in after years proved of fo much 
advantage to him, and which was in all probability a ftrong induce- 
ment to his adoption of a new vocation and ſettlement at Weſt- 

However this may have been, it is certain that Earl Rivers, the 
brother of Edward's Queen, Elizabeth, was among the earlieſt to wel- 
come and encourage Caxton. Good-will towards one who had always 
been a ftaunch adherent of the White Roſe, and perhaps alſo a little 
pardonable vanity in wifhing to fee in print his own tranflation, may 
have led the Earl to patronife the infant prefs. So it came to 
pafs that on the eighteenth day of November, 1477, was completed 
the “ Dictes and Sayings of the Philofophers,” the book which is in- 
diſputably the firft iſſued in this country bearing a diſtinct indication 
of its date of printing, and the only fure ftarting-point in the hiftory 
of Englifh Typography. 

What grave incredulity would have feized the fagacious Earl and 
his fober printer had they been told that after the lapſe of four cen- 
turies their countrymen would be honouring their memories in con- 
nection with that very work, and that a copy of it, however torn and 
time-worn, would be thought the brighteft gem of which an Englith 
library could boaft! How would the printer have laughed to fcorn 
the idea that an art which would employ funbeams inſtead of types 
one almoft as ufeful and precious as his own—would one day be ufed 
to réproduce with minuteft accuracy this early work of the Englifh 
prefs, and that this volume would be deemed a fitting tribute to his 

The “ Dictes and Sayings” were a kind of fober Joe Miller to 
our forefathers, who lived in times when the changes and chances of 
life made men much more grave and thoughtful than at the prefent 
day. Theſe worthies gleaned from its pages pleafant {tories and ſmart 
repartees, wherewith to feafon their converfation, as well as words of 
wifdom upon the more ferious aſpects and events of life. 

Pre 2 face. Vil 

True, the philofophers all talk wonderfully alike, and the pithy 
fayings put into the mouth of the firft, a very apocryphal perfonage 
named Sedechias, would have been equally well placed in that of 
Socrates ; while Solon himſelf appears but little, if any, wiſer than the 
unknown philofopher, Tac. Many ſpecimens of the philofophic 
replies of thefe wife men might be given—we. will quote but two. 
Hermes, when afked why he married not, replied, “ he that cannot 
ſwim in the fea alone, how fhould he bear another on his back? 
And Diogenes, when queftioned as to why he talked ſo little, returned 
for anfwer, “ there was great virtue in a man’s ears.” 
~ Much alfo might be written on the philology and orthography of 
the work, abounding as it does with French derivations and termina- 
tions, but we muſt pafs on to a ſhort account of the outward aſpect of 
the volume. 

The firft thing which ftrikes the eye is the abſence of any tort of 
title-page, the book beginning at once with the Prologue of Earl 
Rivers. We muſt remember here that the manufcripts of the middle 
ages had no title- pages, and that it was not until after Caxton’s death 
that Wynken de Worde, his chief aſſiſtant and ſucceſſor, recognized 
the advantage of difplaying the title of a work alone on the firft page. 

The next point which attracts attention is the peculiar ſhape of 
the characters. They are very picturefque, and as clofe an imitation 
of the handwriting of the time as could be made in letters ſeparately 
caſt; fo that people accuftomed to read manuſcripts might not be re- 
pelled by any great diſparity. Roman type was not introduced into 
England until ſeveral years after the death of Caxton, and even then 
many long years elapſed before it was received into general favour. 

Another peculiarity is the uneven length of the lines, which gives 
a very ragged appearance to the page. This is a fure fign of early 
work, and in the cafe of Caxton’s prefs is pofitive evidence that any 
book in which it occurs was printed before the year 1480. 

The fpace left blank at the commencement of each chapter for 


Vili Preface. 

the infertion by hand of an ornamental initial letter, coloured blue or 
red, is another fign of early work. 

Caxton printed three editions of the “ Diétes.” The firft, which 
is the one now reproduced, bears date the “ xviij day of the moneth 
of Nouembre and the feuententh yere of the regne of kyng Edward 
the fourth.” The type uſed for it, and there is but one throughout 
the book, is that known as No. 2, the firſt employed by Caxton on 
Englith foil, type No. 1 having been ufed only in conjunction with 
Colard Manfion at Bruges. Thirteen copies of this edition are known 
to exift, two of which are in the Britifh Mufeum and two at Cam- 
bridge: thefe are all of which our public libraries can boaft. Earl 
Spencer alfo has two copies in his magnificent library at Althorp, one 
of which poſſeſſes an unique diſtinction of much intereft in the addition 
of the following paragraph printed on the laft page, at the end of 
Caxton’s Epilogue :— 

Thus endeth this book of the dyétes and notable wyfe ſayenges of the phylofophers 
late tranflated and drawen out of frenfhe into our englifshe tonge by my forfaide lord 
Therle of Ryuers and lord Skales: and by hys comandement fette in forme and em- 
prynted in this manere as ye maye here in this booke fee Whiche was fynifshed the. xviij. 
day of the moneth of Nouembre. and the feuententh yere of the regne of kyng Edward 
the. fourth.” 

But the fineft copy which has furvived the ravages of time is 
that in the choice collection of Samuel Chriftie-Miller, Eſq., of 
Britwell. . 
The fecond edition, printed about three years later, is an exact 
copy of the firft, only diftinguifhable by experts, who find that the 
face of the letter is thinner, fhowing plain marks of a graver. All 
the copies known of this edition have the Colophon, which occurs 
only in the Althorp copy of the firft edition. The orthography 
varies throughout the volume from that of the previous edition. 
The third edition, which was not required until about 1490, 

Preface. ix 

was alfo an exact reprint, even to the original date of 1477, the type 
ufed being that known as No. 6. 
The value attached to thefe editions by the lovers of our old 
literature may be eftimated by the fact that upwards of fifty years 
ago as much as 250 guineas was given for a copy of the firft edition, 
and that a very fine copy would now fetch £1000. 

The authorfhip of thefe celebrated Diétes of ancient wife men 
is veiled in obſcurity. They were originally compiled in Latin 
about the year 1350, and foon after attracted the notice of the cele- 
brated Provoft of Paris, Guillaume de Tignonville, who in the year 
1410 tranflated them into French; from which verfion Earl Rivers 
made his Engliſh tranflation. The caufes which led him to under- 
take this tafk are narrated in the Earl’s prologue, and are remarkably 
characteriſtic of the habits and cuftoms of the fifteenth century. 

In the extreme north-weft of Spain, girt around by rugged and 
barren mountains, ftands the Holy City of Santiago, renowned 
throughout the middle ages by the pilgrimages to its ſhrine of Saint 

James of Compoftella. As Cordova was a Spanifh Mecca to the 
followers of Mahommed, fo did Santiago become the Pilgrim-city 
of the Chriftians who were forbidden by the Pope to engage in the 
Crufades for the recovery of Jerufalem, fo long as the Infidel 
remained unexpelled from Spain. There, from the twelfth century 
to the prefent day, has ftood one of the grandeft cathedrals in all 
Chriftendom, in the foundations of which is faid to lie the 10 of 
Spain's patron Saint. 

The pilgrims to this now forſaken ſhrine were once very 
numerous, for almoſt as many pardons and privileges were accorded 
to wearers of the Cockle- ſhell, the emblem of a pilgrimage to 
Compoſtella, as were granted to thoſe who accompliſhed the much 
longer and more dangerous journey to the Holy Land. Pilgrims 
from many countries frequented the Shrine of St. James, and during 

the ſummer months there was direct communication between England 

x Preface. 

and Spain for their convenience, ſhips of the largeſt burthen failing 
from Southampton to Corunna. 

In the year 1473 Earl Rivers, moved thereto by a grateful 
remembrance of many perils fafely paſſed during the late civil wars, 
determined to undertake a voyage to the Jubilee of St. James of 
Compoftella. On board the fhip in which he failed was an old 
acquaintance, Louis de Bretaylles, a Gaſcon knight well known at 
the Englifh Court for his bravery and prowefs. De Bretaylles, 
whofe character had a literary no leſs than a fighting fide, took with 
him, to beguile the tedium of the voyage, Guillaume de Tignonville’s 
verfion of “ Les Dicts moraulx des philoſophes, which had recently 
been printed at Colard Manfion’s prefs at Bruges. This book fo 
pleafed the Earl that he borrowed it for home perufal, and upon his 
return to England, being appointed Governor to the young Prince of 
Wales, he refolved to tranflate it into Engliſh, “thinking alfo full 
neceſſary to my faid lord the underftanding thereof.” The ſtyle of 
the tranflation muft not be criticifed too clofely, for in the then 
tranfition ſtate of the Englifh tongue there was no acknowledged 
ftandard. The Earl is certainly very literal, and as though diffident 
of his own judgment in the choice of words, and well aware of 
Caxton’s ſucceſs in tranflating “ The Hiftories of Troye” and “ Jafon,” 
brought his manufcript to the printer and requefted him to “overfee” 
it before it went to prefs. This revifion refulted in the addition of 
a whole chapter containing the Dictes” of Socrates “towching ~ 
women,” which, having been omitted by the Earl, was tranflated _ 
and printed by Caxton, who excufes himſelf for fo doing with a quiet 
humour which reveals to us more of the real character of the man 
than any other of his literary works, and affords, at the fame time, 
evidence of the intimate relations which exifted between Earl Rivers 
and himfelf. “But I fuppofe” fays Caxton, “that fome fair lady 
hath defired him to leave it out of his book, or elfe he was amorous 
on fome noble lady, for whofe love he would not fet it in his book, 

Preface. | xi 

or elfe for the very affection, love, and good-will that he hath unto 
all ladies and gentlewomen, he thought that Socrates {pared the footh, 
and wrote of women more than truth, which I cannot think that fo 
true a man and fo noble a philofopher as Socrates was ſhould write 
otherwife than truth. For if he had made fault in writing of women, 
he ought not, nor fhould not, be believed in his other dictes and 
fayings. But I perceive that my ſaid lord knoweth verily that ſuch 
defaults be not had nor found in the women born and dwelling in 
thefe parts nor regions of the world. Socrates was a Greek, born 
in a far country from hence, which country is all of other conditions 
than this is, and men and women of other nature than they be here 
in this country. For I wot well, of whatfoever condition women be 
in Greece, the women of this country be right good, wife, pleafant, 
humble, difcreet, fober, chafte, obedient to their huſbands, true, 
fecret, fteadfaft, ever bufy, and never idle, temperate in ſpeaking, 
and virtuous in all their works, or at leaſt ſhould be fo.” The Earl 
certainly fhowed his taſte in the omiffion of the fatire, which has 
little wit but much coarfenefs. The three following Dictes will 
ferve as a fample :—“ Socrates faid that women be the apparails to 
catch men, but they take none but them that will be poor, or elfe 
them that know them not: — And he ſaw a woman that bare fire, 
of whom he faid that the hotter bare the colder: ”— And they faid 
to him and demanded wherefore he blamed fo women, and that he 
himfelf had not come into this world nor none other men alfo 
without them. He anfwered, woman is like unto a tree called 
Chaſſoygnet (Cheftnut?) on which tree there be many things ſharp 
and pricking, which hurt and prick them that approach unto it, and 
yet, nevertheleſs, that fame tree bringeth forth good dates and ſweet.“ 

There is in the Library of Lambeth Palace, a manufcript copy 
of Caxton’s third edition, which is well known from the frequency 
with which its fingle illumination has been copied and referred to. 
This illuftration has been fuppofed to reprefent Earl Rivers prefenting 

xii Pre Face. 

Caxton to King Edward IV. The Earl is kneeling and offering 
a copy of the “ Dictes, but it is not Caxton who is by his fide, for 
the tonfure upon his head fhows the perfon to have been a prieft and 
probably the ſcribe who wrote the volume. 



May, 1877. 

Fer it is fo hat euery me Creature by che 
fuffraſice of our loꝛd) god) is Boxy g oꝛeigned) to 
be fubgette and thral vnto the ſtoꝛmes of fortune 
And fo in diuerſe ¢ many ſondry Vyſes may is perplev⸗ 
1d) With Woꝛkdly Duerſitees Of the Vhiche J Nnto ine 
Wenke Erle Seesen Saales gt haue largely 6 
in many di ffirent maners haue had my parte Wid of 1 
releued) by khynfynyte grace g goodnes of our ſaid loꝛd⸗ 
thurgh the meane of the Me diat rice of Merey Whg § doe 
euidently eo me RnoBen g vnderſtonde hat h cone me 
& ſette a parte alle ingratitude / Nnd droof me by reſoy g 
cmnfcince as fer as my Preche dnes Nol de fuffyſe eo gyue 
oe ſynguler lou eile entBayhios/Qwv'd evoꝛte d me to 
difpofe my recouerd lyf to his ferupee ty folasBie his lades 
and eom̃andemẽte / And in fatifFaccdy g vecõpene of myß 
IJuyquytees ¢ fades before dog /to (eRe g evorcibe Verlies 
that myght le moſt N A e eg as fer as myn 
See Wold ſuffre me) veſted) in that ue e purpsſe 
q) khat ſeaſon J vnderſtode the Juby e 55 60 
4 4. A “tel Mypofthe Seynt James in Spapne Whiche 
Was che yere of race a chouſand. CC CC. lxviij. Thene 
4 Weeemprredy me to take that Lopace g hee (see ſou⸗ 
khamptoß in the moneth of J uylk the ſaid⸗ pere / And fo 
ſapled) from tlens til J come m to the Spuynyſſh fee chere 
Packyns ſyght of alle londes the W ned beynq) good and 
the Weder füyr / The nne for a reereabo e a paſſyng of Epme 
J bad wl pte g ared o rede ſom̃e good hiſtoꝛ Je Base nd * 
offer thes Vas chat ſeaſoy in my cõpa nye a 
tylmaß call id) lo ys de retapylles / Phiche grell — 2 

alle vertuouſe and) oneſt thynges / hat ſayd) (o 
ug 22 hach the re a boot i be AN 4 Bufo phe it 
right Welk ande brought it to me » Whpdje Book ] had 
neuer (eer before. andꝰ is called the ſaynges or dickis of 
che ch les bers. And) as J vnderſtande it Bas kranſ⸗ 
lated) out of latyn in bo frenſ he by a Noꝛſhipful may oxf, 
lidz meſſire Jehay de Teonuille prouoft f parys Mlay 
J Sudp heedeb? and loltedꝰ Spor it as J had) tyme and 
ſpace J gaaf kßerto a evap affection , 278 m eſpecial 
By aꝛuſe of the holſom̃ and (et ſaynges of the paynems/ 
Vhyche is a glorious faye myrrour bo alle goodꝰ eriſten 
prople to beholde and) ea ai Ouer that a grete com 
forte to euery Wel diſpoſed) ſaule / It ſpeßteth alſo vniuer 
ſally 6o chepample, Week and) dockryne of alle kiynges 
7 andy & people of euery eſtate It laſddes Lertu 

andy ference It Blames Stores and) ignorance , Nd alk 
1 5 J wude not at that ſeaſoy ner at that pilgrema⸗ 

e baue leyzet ko ouerſee it Web a at my pleaſure · Phat 

Goes that belongeth fo a taker of a Jubylee 

N pardon « An alfo for ch vee acqutpnearmer (ft 
44 2 chere of Woꝛſhipful fol kes / With Who it Nas ſit⸗ 
tpnay J (Sold Rope goody and) hooneſt dom panxe “pet mez 
tzertheles ik veſted) ſtyl in the wfprous fauour of mp myn 
de / entendyng) vtterly to cake cher dith 7 aequeyn 
taumce at ſom offer — g And) fo vemay⸗ 
nyng m thut opynxon after ſuche feafoy ass it bee Be 
Renate em me (o gyue myy altendaunce 

hriner. and) that J Wass in his ſeruyſe/ Whan 
1555 tof leyſer J lolied⸗ Gen the fapdp boote, ind af 

Ee laſt concluded wy my ſelf to krãſbate it in to Benal yh 
tonge/ Biche in my Jugemeꝛt Bas not before. ote 
alſo ful neceſſarp eo my faidy loꝛd the Inder ſtã dyng thers 
of And leeſt J coure not al al tymes be fo Nele ccupiedy 
oꝛ ſh olde falle m ydlenes / hay ] myghe no and thenne 
J elke n bande Wich alk Nnd dre We Botte che ſentẽte and 
che Wordes as nygh as J wude / euertheles 4 haue ſeyy ¢ 
herde of offer of che ſame boolies Phiche difference and be 
of oller inpoꝛta unde / Nndꝰ ther ſore ] drede that ſuche as 
(Hobdy liſte to vere che kranſ lad g haue Leray inbelligene 
of onp of thoos booßtes / eyther in atyne oꝛ in french e hold 
fende ereours in my Werke Fhiche J Wolo. not afferme 
caufe of the conkrary/ But all egge the deffaulte to mpi 
vntomnynch Beth che dyuerſptees of the hokes / humbly 
af pep Ae wfor ma chrof bith mp walt and f 
rather ſyn after my rudenes not expert /] in my maner fol 
Wed my coppe and the gwund) J had to ſpeſte Spon / as 
here after enſieſßis. 

Sapronce Bas vnderſtande and lalbeo reſcey⸗ 
ucdy · Vhiche Sedechias faire that euery cveas 
ture of good) beleue ought to haue in hym ſixtene vertues 
Cle firſt vertue is to drede and) lenodde god) andy his 
angellys The ſedonde Lertue is to haue diſcrecioy to diſ⸗ 
erene te goode from the badde andy to vſe Vertu and) fle 
Fviees ¶ Che ehride dertue is to obexe the kynges oꝛ prince 
that god) hat h oꝛdeygnedy to veygne Spor bym and that 
haue loꝛ dſb ip and) poder Spon th people af Th fourth, 
Lertue is & Woꝛſh ip hys fa dre g hys modre ¶ Thy fyfthe 
vertue is to do Juſtely andy truely to euery creature aftir 
his poſſibilite ¶ Che ſipthe Greene is to diſtribute his af 
mes 6 the puer prople I The ſeuenthe Lertue is & Reps 
andy defende ſtraungers and) pilgrymes Ooh epabee 
Lertue is to Cyne and deter nine him ſelf to ſerue our loꝛde 
god) ¶ C he nynthe vertue is to eſchecde fornionion ¶ The 
tenth: Fer tue is o haue paciencr. ¶ The oileuenth ver cue 
is to be ſtedefaſt and) true A The tWelfthe free is & 
be peaſible and attemperate and ſhamfaſt of (ye CTR 
cherte ncle Keine is to loue Juſtioe ¶ The fourtenth: Kez 
tue is to be liberal andy not couctouy ¶ Efe fyftentle Kez 
tue is to offre facrificrs to our ford god) al myghty fox he 
benefites ande gracis that le Belbeth hym dayly 4 The 
ſixtenthe Lertue is to Voꝛſh ip god) al myghty and) to put 
hym hooly in his protection and) defence for veſiſtenee of ch 
in fortunitees that dayly falles in thys Woꝛl de AE faire 
Sedechias fair that right as it apparteineth to the prople 

Edechice Was the firſt Philoſophir by Vlpom 
— thwugh che Wil and pleaſer of oure ten od? 

6 be fubqeck and) obbeiſſant (o the Lopal mageſte of chair 
. pyrnde right fo it behoueth the ir being) oꝛ prynte 6 
entende diligentely o the Boke andy gouernaunee of hys 
prople/andꝛ rache to Wil che Pele of them Ebay his 
"propre Frew, For by ſimilitude ryght fo is the lynch) ox the 
prince With hys people / as he ſaulk With the body Windy 
ſayde Sedechias / if a Gena ora prynte enforce hym (elf 
eo gadre money oꝛ treſoꝛ by fubtyl evoꝛtacioy oꝛ otheꝛ vnde⸗ 
We meanes he ought eo lenolden he doch ampſſe / for 
treſoꝛ may nat by gadred) Yyt houte the fequcle be co hys 
daunger oꝛ depropulacioy c Koyaume oꝛ oo untrey 
End ſaidꝰ Sedechias / if a kynq oz a prynde be ne 
gligent and) ſKoughful and) taſte no hede bo ſeꝛehe andy 
eiquere che defpoficioy and) Borkie of hys 

of the kxti 
thynges chat hym ought / and) is ordexgnedꝰ he le 
cdecute lighely after he beuech greteꝛ vn doy and) (oo confer 
quently he map leſe alle, ryght as a litil ſelieneſſe oꝛ hurt 
yt houte it be fone ende Mel remedied / may caufe ele Dif 
Eaucion ofall r gb p. . Gu, fapty Seuche 
if a lynch or a pyncꝶ bpleue che fuxve Woꝛdes and) flate 
rengis of Spe omempes hauynch) noo Lefpect to theyr Wer 
keis it is mezuaplle but the ſayd Rona or prynct ehe rby 

ſodeynky tafe arme ¶ Indy ſapdꝰ Sedechias. It appar 
beygnech bo a Kong) o a prynte (o enfourme Gps fone in 
Lertue and) ſcienee and) hoſde he (Sal gouuerne Spe lande 
af tis hym hodde he ſhulde be right Bie to hys prople + hoe 
he (Boulos loue andꝰ haunte hys linyghtes not ſufferyng) 
them to dſe eo myſiel huntyngis nox oller Ide neſſes / but 
inſtrucke hem to haue goode eloquence ande bo eſcheue alle 
Farieees nd) ſaydꝰ Sedechias It apparteygneth to 
a Ryne) or to a prynde, if qe Bol haue oy nygh ſeruaunt 
* 60 9 il 77 a don dicious andy ho We 
gouuer y ſilf in € andy amougis 
ſelkades . andꝰ if he vnderſtande hym of 5 
and) gounernaunde hauyng pacience n hys Duerſite vetey 
ne and) tale hym Ban hardely. Wd ellis to be Ware 
of ¶ And ſaydꝰ Sedechias if thou haue a err 
true frende chat buech che Wele thou oughe to take hym mo 
re in thy loue andy ſauour . khan arp of thy benneſmey de 
ſiryng) Gp deth for bo haue the 5 2 — of thy goodis 
Andꝰ ſaxd) Sedechias eommonelp euery reſemblante 
aelpteth offre ( And) fapdy Serves hx eh Mt not 
be chaſtyſed) Bp ſupte andy f Pete Wordes oughe é be covree 
Gedy by ſbarp andy darde covceetion e Andy ſaxde Sedecßi⸗ 
as the gretteſt richeſſe is ſatiſf acid of che herte ¶Nnd ſaid 
he is not riche / to Whom richeſſe laſtet h not / ne Thay they 
map be lighelp taken a Na oe Efe beſt richeſſe is that 
ching / chat dureh per petuelly {udp ſaydꝰ Semdiac eh 
oleiſſaunde doy by loue is more ferme than that / hat is doon 
by myght oꝛ dredẽ ¶ And fapdp kat exprryen de is a goode 
chaſtiſement ¶ nd ſapdꝰ the loliyng) Spon lle end of 

Ee Borke / pf ie Be good peuech hope 60 EL: Berpnipresy 
And ſaide / ſut goode venõmer andy füme is right prof? 
fitable in this Worlde/ che des kherof auailetth zn ele offer 
Woꝛlde a Nndꝰ (aide ik is better a may bo hold hie peaw 
ay bo ſpelie myche eo en ignorant mai. and bo be a lone 
ony bo be acõpapnedꝰ With eri peopſec Ind (aire Whay 
) or a prince is euill tached? andy Siciouy bettir is 
60 Earn that due 100 lenoſdlege Bi, bar to ae that 
be sect ſt maiſters in his houſe ¶ And faite Rettre is a⸗ 
Vomaß bo be bareyß chay eo bere ay euile difpofidy oꝛ a 
Wige, childe 4 d) ſaide / the dom̃ panie of a pure Bief 
may is bettir khay of a riche ignorant kat Veneth to be 
Vyſe by ſeballcee Mardy fais that offendeth god) his 
creator by gretter deaſoy Bs faile€ Go oeßer I (Andꝰ ſaiee 
bileue noc in him chat ſeith he leueth and lnolleth eoibeh 
andy doch ehe contrary And ſaide/tle ignorante me 
ot not abſtyne them from Bere ſenſualite es but loue kheir 
Cif for chair blase, he deſende fo euer be made 6h 
theym. right as chil dreß arforce tlem ſelf to ete (Bete chin ⸗ 
ges. and le rather that they be chargedꝰ che dont rarie · but 
it is other Wieſe weh wee, fox dep hie thir liues but 
onely to do goode deddis / and to leue J retell che delecka 
Conte b f this 5 Wel OR nd faire, be may ee cõpared the 
Babes of the im that ente nde che pfectton of the goode thin 
ges 9 ae thaim tlat Vol but thir delices trãſytory 
A And aide (hat ehe Wieſe mer bere their queues ¢ feroBew 
as they Bere (Bete vnto them · bod ing the r trouble practly 
255 ende theꝛof Balke to their 19 5 Nnd ſaide that 
it is ꝓufitable ¢ goode to do Pele to them tlet Baue vei if 



And that it is euill dooy bo do Wele ko thaim that haue 
nat deſezuedꝰ it / for all is loſt that is yeuen vnto them / 
iche as lle veyne falleth vpon the Guelc| nd ſaid he is 
happy chat oft} his 4 * in doyng oouenable thinges / and 
taltith iy this Woꝛl de but khat / lat is neceſſaꝛie vnto him 
and may not foꝛbere Ql pines him (elf to do good dedis 
g $ leue che bade N nd) ſaidꝰ amay onght nat eo le de 
med) by his Woꝛdes / but by his Borkie / for comenly Woꝛdes 
bey dupne/ but by the dedes is lnodden the haꝛme oꝛ the pwuf⸗ 
fié of euery thing nd ſaidꝰ Whay that al mes is diſtri 
Bute to pouer jndigẽt peple / it pro ffiteth as a good medicine 
douenably peuen to them that be (eRe / but the al mes peuey 
to the not indigẽt is a medicine peut Bit hout auſe N nd 
58805 is haſpy that Vith dradeth his ere g his A. Fe 
e Bple thinger ¶ Nndꝰ fapdy fe moſt couenable difpar 
ee that eny may may malte in ie hit that is ſecte 
in the ſeruiee of god /g in good Poꝛltis · And tſe ſetond is 
that is ſpẽded in neoeſſarie chiqes chat may nat be ſoꝛboꝛne 
as mete dꝛinlie clothing / g for remedies ayenſt ſilteneſſe « 
he Borfte of alk is that is diſpended in (py g anl Weekes, 
Ermes Vas borne in egypte sand) is as myſiyl 
o fap ther as merduti /g in Boru as Enolt/Phiche 
7 Was fone (o Jareth tie fone of Matuſale/ che fone 
of Malaleel / ehe fone of Caynay/ he fone of Enoes fone 
of Seth fone to N dam / Nnd bo fore he grebe flode/called 
Moes fore Qf ter khat Das chere another litil flode / Phiche 
dtownedꝛ/but the contre of Cape pay ig che Vhiche 
che faire Her mes depar teth chens and) Went Grouch alle 
landes yr he Was four (cove pere olde ande · j · And Bich 

im hadde lxxij. perſonnes of diners ConqeoBhrGe al deye 
— and ee. people 6 obeye our loꝛd. g edified 
C vm · to dnes Whiche he ful filer Dith ſciences · And Was 
the firſt that ſonde the ſciende of e eee, hd to the 
people of euer cfpmat laſdes couenable and apparteig; 
nyng to thair opimons. bo che Vhiche hermes the kyngis m 
thoo dayes yaf grete aurdienee and obeiſſaunde in a Enix 
landes and fo did) theuhitantis of che Iſbes of the ſee he 
tonſtreyned them to Reeth lade of god in ſaing crouthe 6 
diſpiſe the Woꝛlde to Rene Juſtier, (o Wyre che faluacoy in 
the other Woꝛlde. he com aunded) oriſons ¢ pꝛaiers to be (atte 
and & „ ooß day · bo deſtwye the ennempes 
of che Pathe co peue al mes to the pouer god dis people · chat is 
to ſay · to che ſeble and Impotent. he com̃aunded) chat porte 
fleſſhe and amel ys ſholde & eteß. and fuche ſemblable me 
tes · and comaunrdy them evpreſſely. that chey Hulse ſiept 
che foo pariurx. ge ſtabliſſpodꝰ manp feſtis at eertum feas 
ſons. and oꝛdeigned alſo diuers perſones bo offre ſacrifides 
at che riſing of the ſonne · and) font other at th firſt neWe 
moone · and at the doniuncti oy ofthe planettes. Z alſo Vhan 
the planetes entre in eo heir houſes. and hay they aſcẽded 
andy hay Arp vifconred, The ſaerifices Were of many 
thinges . Eat is bo (ap of vofes · of flours of greynes of 
Mete, of karley + of frutes . of grapes of licdurs + of 
Vynes . And) che fame hermes farre , that it Nas noo 
Tecompenſe fufficiot + bo tanie god) onely for the Fee 
he Bath ſent ve ¶ Andy ſaide. O thou may pf thou dee, 
deſt god? Nele. Hou ſhuldeſt neuer fülle in eo ehe paethes 
hat deingeth may ed harme . A UAndꝰ (aie + make not 

clantours & god) a6 Jgnorauntes ful of corrupt Wil 
Fete ande be not inobe dient Into oure 5 god) fo 

kreſpaſſours 6 hys Latbe+Qlnd Nyl noon of pou do to pour 
ſelocde . otßer dyſe than pe Polde be don (o. but he ontordullt 
andy date 6 fers: Bf fſtgrgze an eins n pur 
andy elene Willes. conſtreyne pou bo do goode dedes humbly 
andꝰ Wit houte pepe in ſuche manere as of pour Wer lies 
may geo de good) fruytes · andy Repe pou oute of the coms 
panyes of theues of fornicatours. andꝰ of thos that dſe 
euil Werſtie 4 N ndꝰ ſaydꝰ bepe you that ye be not pariu 
red) and) let krouth be al dey in pour mouthy / and) ſ Were 
not but pe andy nap . en force you not Go cauſe them 
[Weve chat pe Broke Dil Cpe 'leſt pe & parteners o kheyr 
paruity. put — kruſt in godꝰ that linodeth alle ſeeretes 
cindy he (Bab Juge pou ij edſuibe · at ehe grebe dap of Susser 
ment They he [Bal peue vemunerucioy to the goode fox cleyr 
dneſſe and) punpſſh the euil for cheyr Wylel pdeneſſe / 
Bendy fapdy+pe be oettain that che vedemptour our ford),i16 
che greteſt ſapiente. andꝰ ehe greteſt dileckactoy hat one 
ough Ga Ge f öh ae ote comet By öh 
alle che patio of Bitte ¢ vnderſtã dyng ben opened Wndp 
god) Gat hach loued) his ſeruã tis hath yeuen them diſcreci⸗ 
on 6 Bath eſtabliſſted) prophetes g propheciers. g niniſtres 
ffi With ehr holy gooſt hy che Whedje le ath many, 
ſeſtely (Bee vnto them the ſecretis of the lade g he twuth 
of the ſapioce bo entente (hat they ſhuld eſcheue al errours 
€ 225 chem eo all good) de dis ¶ Nndꝰ faidy dſe faprence 
¢ che la Wes / be smmevcifiel, andy garmſſtr pou with 

goode dockrines EGink g oe ele Spoy pour Werleis Bit hout 

haſting you eo mph g sy eſpecial han pe ſh al puniſſh 
mmf 25 and yf 15 80 ey manere of Binge Gey to fpite 
be not ſhamefaſte to Tithoralbe pou therfro/and & take 
penaunce for Re ſame / for to yeue ot her exemple. fox pf il be 
not pumiſſhed) in this Woꝛl de i Halle at the greete day of 
Jugement and ſuche ſhalbe tourmented With grete peines 
Whitoute ony pybe talien vpoy them M Nndd ſaide/dorrecbe 
pou by your 12 folo de the Wieſe mei leꝛnyng of Bay 
good Lertues / z lette alk pour deſire be/ to ynne goode venou 
mee and fame, employe not your tyme and your mynde ny 
falſſede noꝛ in malier ( Nndd ſeide lolte pe ſette noo Bap 
tes & the noyſaunee of eny body . noꝛ that ye ſelie thaire 
hurtes by cautelles oꝛ ſotiltꝛes . For fuck Woꝛ lies Bol 
not be hi dde. but at Be Daft Bry TWoP appere ¶ Nndy ſaide 
donſtteyne you ko amrepe the loue of god and of pour Feith 
vnto ſapiende . and yf pe do fo all pour lyf . it chalbe to 
pou agrete pꝛouffitable Vynnyng) · and of kat nobel Natue 
(Bal come vnto pou greter benefices · lhay pf pe ſhol de aſſẽ⸗ 
ble grete golde and filucr oꝛ offer treſours not durable. for 
it ſtalbe to you a grete richeſſe m the other Voꝛl d that neue 
(Sr haue ode Aud fait, be al one Within and Wich, 
oute in that ye (Bal ſpelle. g beware that pour Woꝛdes be noc 
dont rary to the thoughtis of pour heꝛt ¶ Nnd ſaide hũble 
and obeye pour ſelf to pour kyng) and pour pꝛmoes. and 
Worl hip the grete miniſtres vnder them. loue god a trouth 
1725 true counſaile to that oitent ye may the more folly 
ich pour good penaſter be jn the Bape of faluacts ¶ And 
ſaide/yelde louĩg vnto pour loꝛde aſ Bele iy pour tribulacioy 
as in pſperite in pouꝛe pouertꝛ aſ Wele as in your richeſſe 

And faite pe (Bal bere he ns now oller khingis but pour 
Derſtis / and) ther ſore / be Bare that ye Juge not Sninfely 
and) refive rather (o laue pouvete in doing) good dedes/ than 
richeſſe ty ſyß ‘he richeſſe may ſooy be loſt/ and good dedit 
(Gal euer d (aid be Ware of to myliy laughig) 
feu e emp perforce sale be it pe peꝛcexue ty him e 
foule ex ewil tache pc vebuſie chem not viffoneftty Sut 
khinſie chat cody bah made pou a of one matere g img 
a made pou as eutl ase Hig ye oughe bo €hanke hys 
gpounele 8st hach vou fuche grace / and ha tl bee 
pou feaꝶ myſchef m el pel: Sf andꝰ preſent. Wind 
pray him of hie mera ite Wol fo kept pou fort he ¶ And ſaid 
if it fortune p he enemies of pour feith Bil diſpute With 
e diuerſe ¢ ſharp ee chem ty ſceteneſſe 
5 Gumplite prayng god bo be of pour wounſeile. g chat he 
il daf ſſe alk hi nt bo che goode feith te their 
gir’ faluacoy ¶ Nnd ſaid le fene; in wunſeil and 
Wel Ware · Phak pe ſpelie afoꝛ pour enemies leſte ye vefem 
ble him that prin bite seeks xy Vith all ¶ Nnd ſaide 
de map not Thee ichout the es of our lord 35d, y 
Whidhe pe attepne hel pe of the holy goſt chat (Gal open you cz 
gates of paradiſe/ Wherhy pour ſaulte (Uae entre. Wich Hoos 
p haue deſerued euerlaſtẽg 5 And ſaid eſche de the cõpa⸗ 
np of thoos tine Toth yo us of euil prope? of deũlten men 
E of ignoraũtis N nd lan pe hike enx good chought eves 
50 te xe may incõtinẽt ae be dee 0· Wichse ther 
niſtre or cuil tẽptactoy Nnd ſard haue no ute 
agg fe enp proſperite com to ay euil may / for his 
= (Gal not be goode ¶ Nndp faite . malie pour Gil oven 

lerne oor in heir pouthe oꝛ key falle eo malice, and fo xe 
(Hal not ſyme in ery 9 08nd i et Gin and prap 
to our loꝛde Bich a clene Pil g a dreſſe al your deſirs to him 
and he [Gal ſekpe g enhance pot Beat pare ſo euer pe go. 
fubdelde your oinemyes vnder you ¶ And faite . Aan pe 
Wil faſte / male fi ſt clene pour ſaules of al filt he. that pour 
faſtẽg may coin of pure heꝛt it hout enp eur 

Vhiche god veputet h vile. and as ye ought to abſtene 

ſelf from metis. ſo ought pe to abſtene hea fr ig! 
ſatiſfieth not to ſpare metes · and do ek dedis ¶ Nndꝰ 
ſaide in pour xonge age viſite our ler dis houſes and lette 
al pour orißſons be in ſ Petteneſſe g humilite without poms 
pes oꝛ pride. And Bhan pe be nll meꝛy in your houſes 
With pour folKes ſaue in vemembrande our loꝛ dis oure in 
dick people. and departe vntd them pour al mes [ Nnd 
ſaide / peue conforte bo pꝛiſoneꝛs. 6 65 that be in ſowibe 
and trouble. Bele the (eRe clothe the naked, yeue ate to th 
hungery. driſte to the Ehurftp, harbero de pilgrimes malte 
ſatiſfactoy to pour cveditouss.· and paciently fuffre the In 
iuries that bey doy vnto pou ¶ Nnd ſaide / diſconfoꝛt nat 
them that fey in affliction Bust hel pe 95 Vieh ro and 
phafarné Toꝛdes nd if it ke ſuche as affore haue hurbe 

vou benignelp for yeue it tem. Metron pou With the 
peyne that they 80 te Ind faire enforce pour ſelf ha 
ne frendis . g tay firſt pꝛeue them ar pe put to moch truſt 

in them / leſt it be to poure hurt / and at after pti 1 tate 
pente you nd fiefs that god exalted) m this Voꝛlde 

ought ko take no pride noꝛ viyneglorxye m hit / noꝛ reper 

him ſelf gretter thay oof of his feladdes for god bach mat 

riche and pure of ooß ereacoß through Whihe afl be egale 
Ind (aire de dare chat in pour Ive oꝛ Indignacioy ther 
eſcape out of pour mouth noo foule Boss, for it is dif fon 
neſte and) engen dreth hate . it is not donuenyent for hym 
chat Wil haue ſexende (d ſeſte it by mere oꝛ fox money · But 
onelx by deleckaco n and) bycunſe it is more precious than 
other Hinges ¶ Andy ſaide that kyng) is good) andy nos 
Ble / chat cuſith ae moves goode vee to be llepte 
mainbeynedꝛ · and the ba dde bo be layde wine ¶ Nndp ſaid 
karge andy liberalite is knoſdey. Vhay a may is in iat i 
fie g pourete, g paciente. Vhay ooy hath poder to Juge and 
Be awengedy And) fax. k Ene Won Sage Ge Bele mey 
loueth Juftee · and) wth goode dedis. and) enfoꝛcet h hyn 
(o Vynne ſciencis and goode con dicions and) ther fore 
hal finde that that liketh hym in this Worl de ox in the other 
ndꝰ ſeit hh. he is vnla ppy botle here andy there chat hach 
icte and) Vol lerne noo (crate ne dottrine ¶ Nndy ſaide 
he Ent Wol not coche chat chat he vnderſtodeth in ſtiende g 
god) eon dicions. ſe [Balle partenar to the Ignoraunſe of 
froſdard) folhe Wid he that denyeth to teche ſciener to him 
that it is ouenable Into Be ought bo be depriued of his be⸗ 
nefice n this Woꝛld). but cher is noone that wth fo ſaue 
Inoraunt᷑ folRis · Vhiche dom̃onely been oruious frodard 
and il Will edo ¶ N ndd fate . liberalite and largeſſe is 
Bettis in ſcienee Char m richeſſe for the renomme of a Vyſe⸗ 
man abi deth · and the richeſſes abideth nat. Windy a man 
oughi not bo offen de noꝛ hate him / that Gath treſpaſſed⸗ 
Into hym. but ought bo do goode ayeiſt harme for the Ber, 
kes of He Pieſemen is preued) in. ih chinges that is o 

ſeye to make hys ennemye his Frente Nnd) to make the 
Tue donnync) / undp bo reforme the eupt Up Into 
govt Ge fr Ee map Baile gen They 
other fare the bettir fox his goodene el Nndꝛ ſaydꝰ he tho 
loueth) che Bole of his neygdour as his one Al And) ſay⸗ 
de That grebe ference prouffyteth litik eo a ites may 
ut litil sehe N waffe moche to him that Tic hdꝛa⸗ 
Heth his courac, 48515 vat ſe ¶ Andy rw That the 
kyff map & vee em 4 e 8 nd) 
che det h is ate che l Prin sor: Andꝰ fares Ht ps 
more uerytoꝛy and, de & haue pytie Spon the fool thay 
Son ex Kals Cpfemay Gt fapey Be Bre 6k 
wtH hym not fo . sey t/ that god) had ſent bn 
Deſczueth not to End) ſaxoꝰ / N veprter » 
R of tal genen, ge ye 6 h ze) 
gah aoa be i N fals co 4 that he eds ſeyde 
it o nd) ſayd) deryſioh a putteth 
and) Vaſtith 455 eh fier 2 Weh dane d peta: 5 
de The omuxous may is Ait 0 655 that is preſent /g 
in his abſence is his . ſte wech bim his fren 
de by Borde, An ndo ſaid / Ny eiuious 
may (exces of noghe e fo to d of alle ole l And 
ſaxde he is right ſure kat felet h him ſelf Pit houten gilt /g 
is in r be that Bol not e gilt as beg 
apr, Beware not vnto couctife y pe No 
Kees oye Soe voull wd ſaxd / He tint peuet ß 
good cõſeille co otſc fol lis / begy nnch to do preu és 660 
him ſelf /g Bas aped of the ſaid hermes Nut it Was 
mooſt leet letted g troubleth mane anſueꝛd/ Ire g otf 

— 1 

they axed hyin Wher fore / Ehe Biefe may ſtode more atte pa / 
tes of ehe riche may / hay ehe riche man atte pates of ke 
Biefe may. And) he anſ Wered). ehe Wieſe may linowweth 
Che pwuffit of ehe riche. g He riche linoeth not the pwuffit 
of ehe ſcienclal Wiefe man nd ſaide/e that hach Witte 
and) diſerecioy and) lenoldeth it not indꝛde veſembleth the 
tree /that bereth noo fru nde faire, he is Wieſe that 
ſino eth Jgnoraunce and) he that ſno with it not is igno 
raunt / and) he (hat linoddech not him ſelf. Boe ſlolde he 
Role oꝛ deme anothers] Andy ſaide ther be. h. ma nere of 
mer tie oon ſelieth and ary not finde / the ot her findeth and 
ay not pꝛofitel Rudy faire fapionee is (ie at hinge fal⸗ 
ey in a Watre. Vhiche cay not be founde. but hy them that 
Wol ſerche and) fette it from the bottom ¶ Andy ſaide With 
oute chaſtite / ama cay not be Levep par fightly Wieſe / and 
Wit houte itte he may not be par fight in ſcienee ¶ nd 
ſaide diſcipline is the ornamené of Witte, Wich che Phiche 
excep may ought bo erviche himſel fe And faite it is not 
pia to chaſtiſe amay afore af folhic / rater a part 
And) faidy Phan a may of ei evcuſeth himſelf his 
om gilt. it aufith his errour the move o be remẽhꝛed 
And ſaid · che Ignoraunt perſone is but litik · al be it 
Be be old) + and) the Wieſe is moche + al be it he be yonge 
Nnd ehe Woꝛlde diſpraiſeth no de amps epos that a for 
it Was Bonk (o Woꝛſhip/ and) he erthe Waſteth and etethz 
chem that afor ic Bas Bont é noryſſhe and fede Wud 
ſaide · che fole is lno den by his Voꝛdis · and the Wieſe may 
by his Wer Biol) nd (aio chere ſe we foie muioꝰ of a wee 
may But Grebe many that Bol Cpe vpoy them And) (aid 

le mery andy gladde and It fuffpſeth Go angre cle nuydus 
may / Nndꝰ ths Das apxed of ele fapdy hermes / Why he ma 
vied) him nat / he anfuerd Ae that cay not ſwymme in he 
00 f. holde ſhulde he Seve another in his necke ſ wynmig 
do 125 the oute of the company of a Jangeler 
Vhich bh eg to a cl Aach c 5 009 a ferre / and 
nygh It is right noght A Andy ſe Seht Bath w 
apt at thin Inſtaunde ayenſt 5 cis fo Wil he 
at his Inſtaunde do ayenſt che Mud ſapdꝰ / e that Bilk 
prepſe the of Fetues khat len nok ty the and thou reiopte 
hit /he may Welt allegge the vides chat le ſet h iy the And 
ſayde/ Ire troubleth reaſon/ and) letbeth alle goode Werſtis 
and) ſurtheveth alk euyl Ad ſaydꝰ he that labeuret h iy 
chat / that may not auh. lech 2 chat / chat 4 
pꝛouffyte nd ſayd the hurte g the san that is doy 
cauſed) by ani? peple lach the u andy Vele of the g is : 
And ſayd han thy frende eexeth oꝛ myſtalteth Fat 
the. pet as moche as thou may depazte nor f s amy⸗ 
tice But affape the meanes (o ane him & nd) 255 
Vyſe lynde andy 1 f oabety foryete 
errour of his frende Edd Lapp. 9615 is Lt gate. 
thy ſelf than 2 oes do a fapd / Ne 
that cometh of an Jorn Prodi „ 5 like thrbpe cha 
gyoſde oy adonc hilt “(nop fapdp feladde is a 
atte kyndeled Wherof che one lane ſeuet the other afiere 
Binoy fapre / E h woBleft Gina that god) Sue mare 
in this Woꝛlde to amay/g the richeſt ching 6 him ie reafor 
bp le Whiche be Bop waft g eſchedeh ſynne Nend ſaid 
the fole Bol Gnothe 1 " hien fel f no Bile thing g the ignotaũt 

Wenecß lighelx a Chines be offre Bay it is. and) tie fu ie 
Hous, may maſteth many doubtes of that a  Enobe 

ee Pin eons 
is a kme tung Nnd ſaid. a being oꝛ a prince ought 

4 We lee g G0 — dey (buts bee to goode g metei⸗ 
a 8. & nd Pouce them crs the ſadre 
i doeh his childreßif Ando fo 221 it ſbolde 155 We 
oughl Go holde him ſelf 8 is Duerſe partie 
required of him par don nd it Bas axed him Nhat Bas 
a liberal thinge. he ſaide to yeue filuer to vnlino den me 
ſoꝛ che loue of che yd Puagricks ue them that 
haue noied him for ie loue of chem ut Gut ger iy 6p 
and * the lyf in this Vonder is fo (Gorte that ther 

none concepue hate noꝛ Wil har me to other And 

ſald eſtabliſſ he 0 eaſe thyn Fue, Vith thy paciener / chin Ig⸗ 

norance ſapierer. chy e den 
vemẽ dcaſt nd ſaid it is a goode fi e chi de 

ts Hanefiſte, fs it Gebe (Fate bane gins did 

it is Vel den that thou d good While thou a erite 
“Poe parauẽtute in ee nd ſald 
i put bim n danger. that abroeeh n a peomnioe, Wes 5 

is no loꝛde, that Volk venge the Iniuries wi eher to . Phe r 
ther i if noo Juſte Jue. Thee ther is no Vyſe leche. Where 
there is non halondamit marſiet. and Where chere is no ren⸗ 

Butera Nu ſaid) it aparteicneth bo euery may. 
wre all ae i to ſelie . e Gi cher Wich co fortif 
fie ꝙ a ood) eye 8 cnempes + andp 
foe eo aR & —5 fed; co highe m pride by let dſ hip o olßer 

richeſſe + Gio Wel hi Woꝛdes and) his woie al Way s le. 

egale/and) fo (Pal god) loue him g his ſucreſſioy Andy 
fapdy thes may none eſta pe bo be atte grete day of Jugemẽt 
and) his hel pe ſhalbe there by⸗ij · thinges / Diſcrecton⸗ chaſ⸗ 
tete / and) goode Verlies / Alle thinges may be lefte/ S aue 
goode de dis / Ne thinges may be chaungedꝰ / Saue ae 
Alle thynges map be wereeffird) and vefoꝛmed / Saue euik 
wis, Alle thinges may be ef cheuedꝰ/Saue det h/ and) eh 
ſentende of oure Lorre ¶ Nn) ſapdꝰ / It is no meꝛuaille 
khough he be goode chat is not couctous Sul It Ber ave 
te meꝛuaylle/ f a couctous may Bere goode Oud ſayde 
The errour of « Vyſe men map be reſembledp € a Craſede 
ſhyp/ Chie m do bnyng her ſelf/ Dꝛoldnetlh many othes 
nd) ſaydp / truſte is i mane: Asi 0 ele End 
N is a — 1 ndꝰ the ſaxde Heꝛmes eorreckyng 
lng Simon pause him Cie precepte g charge / lobe thut firſt 
affore alk th inis pe loue / drede / and obexe/our leꝛdꝰ gedꝰ 
&ndꝰ ſayde ‘aft mey chat haue wominacion g loꝛdſhip Ypoy 
the peple ought alBape of neceſſite /o falie · ij. thinges iy 
mynde / Firſt eo vemebre the re be fit vnto him 
Secundelx al be it chat they be in his ſezuitude / yet oughe 
2 €o his pode bo Rope khem im few and) liberte and 
pr chral dom / Thirdelp Hoſde his loꝛdſhip g poder in 
this doꝛlde may not long en dure Rudy ſayde /o ling Gar 
moy it Befoueeh che to liepe thy faule Pighe Byfelp m iy be 
andy Voꝛde/andd thou ghet not & be ſeegehfak to the 
diſtruction of th myſcreaũtes / Bue to conftrepne them to 
obeye our lord god) @ deſire not Co ſaue enp richeſſe Vithoul 
tt be right fully ahs For hinke Sify he people Wol af 
Bape 5 & them kh do right full and) Dele / z chat Bol 

mapntexyne eſem and) Efere may 100 Vele be iy a Lopaiiie 
Sic hoube ic be ha bũldaunt of people for the decay of a Royãm 
is ſa Ste of people. Nndꝰ if they Dith dradde Ey prince 
is left loꝛde alone and) ther fore vemern dre Mele thy dedis 
and) eftſones thinlee oy thy ſaule and put in tlat gariſon 
ale chat thou ſhalt haue nede of in the other Voꝛl dy Nnd⸗ 
xf it happen that thou muſt gos in the Verre in thyn olbite 

rſone beware Wele that chin oinemyes fuppriſe the not 
b PoBEGfiuk ſoiournyng) . nd Why thou gooſt (o 
batnile lolte ehuk firſt khou ſollette and evorte thy people as 
cornacoufely as thou ay. andy Poke chat alle thyn habil⸗ 
mentis of Herve be redy. andy euery may ſet in hys Barre 
and) apo inbedy hodde they ſ hal fight and) ſette oute 

¶ Nndꝛ be Ware Vele chat thou be not ſuppriſed by thin 
ennempes for laliſie of Bache and) good) efpial + cher 
fore mul tiplie thy (coe Bache andy thpy aſpies fo that 
thou mayſt al ape knoſde the guydinch of chyy omempes 
and loſte that thou be fare hep deceyue the not. nd 
Thay thou ſſalt commaunde thy ſol tes to do orp (hing 
Poke ſecretely Whether they haue obſerued) ik after they 
charge ox nat + Vhiche Pal make tlem over che more 
o ofſende the. ¶ Nndꝰ War thou (Fale commaunde orp 
lettres bo thy leler bie to be made / ſicgne nox ſeale them not 
til thou haue ‘ae, chaim + for many haue bey diſcey⸗ 
ued) therby. are chou be not to familyaꝛ Vith them 
tat thou Enodes not. Ittre not the ſecretes of thy hert 
but to chem chat chou huſte preuedꝰ. ande Gnolbeft ture 
vInto the + CT Gounerne he fo Vpſely . that thy linygh⸗ 
tes. andꝰ Gp people map ſaue pleaſir of tho. and) glade 

to be in chy tompany. nd delite them & fe che right ut 
and) 477550 eee Slepe no more Hay ſhal fuf⸗ 
fyſe onely for the fuftentacton of hp body. andy the veſt of 
thy Poste and eitvemete not nor let thy Berſtis be · but in 
right Byfeneffe andy twuth Rithoute diſſimulacioy · and 
(Vouthe noꝛ delay not that thou muſt newly evcarte, Suſ⸗ 
teyne and loue alſo tho that be cle grete e 
is co ſaye · the cõmones that labour th erth/by tykth and⸗ 
ſo wynch fers vpon the fame . by the Vhiche the wyaumes 
and the people be ſuſteynedꝰ. khe ſnyghte hode mul tiplied⸗ 
and the houſes full of richeſſe · Before ſuche thinges Vol 
be gretelp kept / and Herald) · Ando Je Geforce openly 
to Woꝛſhip choos chat be goode. euery may after his diſere⸗ 
Coy con diclon and ſciende to that entent. that the people 
may fo lino de them. and) be bonteuous €o alle thoos that 
ſelte (cranes. to coraqe them the more bo lerne andy entende 
To ſtudye .fo that che wyaume ox prouynee may be the bel 
ter for chair oonnynges. Geſpe chy ſelf eo punyſſhe may 
lefuckours. and thoos chat puttet h cle in daunger o7 ( wub⸗ 
le Bich; hp doyaume oz loꝛ dſhip «make ſtrybe of the ir he 
des publyſtely that other map tale ample 5 them . 60 4 
theeffe hee his hande & ſtrylen of To a robber of the hygh 
Bape let him be Banged . (hat che axe map be che fares 
Grey the Sodomptes and) punyſſte the men taßen in foss 
niqneioy after ther eſtate. &ndꝰ the Women in like Byfe 
Ware ele of th Toꝛdes of lyers. and ſuche punyſſbe. fe tor 
pryſoners ones in a moneth · And Del pure thos that 
ought to be delyueredy + andy peu tie m of py al mes pu 
wf] z inontinent hom bhat haue dꝛſeꝛued) It · Pet not fo 

kaſtyly Sut thre * map haue leyſir of vepentauner. andy 
chat other let hem be Rept til * linode che truth Bes 
ther they be tied 07 oi Geſdare alſo. ſe not thyn of, 
ne counfeple . be aupſedy by men of Bae andy 
difcrecion . nd fuche as bey experte ty many thynges 
End) Vhay thou (Hale finde ony fuche Juſt and vighefulk 
be counfepledp by hym N ndꝰ fee reporte the ko the mooſt 
hol ſome o ale thy oounſeyll ours. and) god) (af 
hel pe che nd) ſaxdꝰ . He Jo noble hae Hath sabe 
neſſe · Nndꝰ It is a grete goodeneſſe & vſe Inſt 
chaſtyte + andy eye enone it ete Bn sa 
fapd + Whay N lynch) oꝛ a pen an nor Wp ll reſtray⸗ 
ne hys eupl® Dies g couctife, holde ſhulde o vepreue his (cx 
uauntes. andꝰ Thay le cay not dorrecke hys pꝛopꝛe ſezuaum 
fealty ſhulde he ce and gyde alle hys people · andy 
5 that bey ſerre fw 2 T5. Theꝛfore Fé Ky 
Lech e ure Fe rde duer hym ſelf 
en ft Fiz Spon oehre Op ordee ¶ And) ſapdꝰ R good 
wee, a prynde ſhul de not be co full of Sufpecton for 
7 ys nge men oe From hem 42 * he oughẽ 
8 ue en t d cio houſe . Ind 
Ger, abt 3 o Teportezs of Hr 
oF Wh eve Jo opupfion de Foul sp QU Epc or 
wa pryners Goufer yghẽly no goodꝰ Counſeyllours or 
ſezuaumtis Wolde abyde there 

¢ of 6 Tre bath 0 
Gn eee 

prince oughe noc to malie dontpuriſons nor diſpute in diſ⸗ 
credo 5805 a greber and aon thay he is ¶ And ie 
Thay a lynch or a prince Guth dongueredꝰ and) ouer come 
his oem pxes ſe ought Go maynteyne them in Juſtie. in 
goode auſtumes and) liberulite andy paeimer. And fo map 
he malie of omempes his Frerced] Nnd ſaid xf a bing or a 
prinet aſſembled) ay outrageous kreſour andꝰ diſpende it 
not ale ik apparteyneth he Bal leſe boch it g his Lopaume 
¶ And op people ar 60 the Sona as 565 Tyne 6 

a 8 for the more Efe Vynde is. the ſtrenger is the 
ns e ught & RnoWe 
7 Wele andy triel p haue ſerued him and) eſtabliſ 

fe choos a boute ni gef after trouth Bitte and) coft 
ught bo yeue andy be hounte Sous Sito hyn 
65 ane, nd! if he he geue by Wik 6 en Che 
kot haue not deſeruedꝰ it / it puteth a eye the courage of 
his goode lea b face ſerue hym Bele eny ony 
fo fae Be Safe A Gf rua wo a 
Wolde he geh not be delyuerede of theym e Wud ſaide it is 
e kynq oz a „„ Roe bur 
not a is many thinges that a OF a priuee 
ought not to lenodde een e. 
equinus ſayde + that men deteyue gre 
3 . 
be ſynners They they be boũde . to Hanke hym 75 
aye CHAS 4 and) bo af lie hym par don for apr e 
Andꝛ ſaidꝰ many cage mi ais 8 be 
full badde, and) after Sete lamedꝰ . nd many 
erg a offen eb ed, Ge fenen 

ben founde godde and) wefivedy ¶ Nndꝰ ſayde ¶Mettir it is 
do the to haue grete neceſſyte / than to bowode of him in Bory 
thou haſt no truſte ¶ Andy ſayde If thou laboure to beche 
a foole/the more (Bal fol ye encceffeq] nd ſayde J meꝛueil 
of thods that abſteyne them from metis noyng bo the body 
and malieth none abſtynende of ſynne ¶ Wnty ſayd mul 
teplye ſilenee . for that auoydet h peꝛelles andy vſe trouth 
Vhiche diſeipline Hal maynteyne the andy thy Perbis /g 
he chat Vole Wele liepe the fepth / dught eo leue o his frende 
of his goode/ and) to be gracious bo them that he Gnotketh 
good) and) no denyeꝛ of Juſtice co his ennempe / and) to 

eſchedde alle chingis · chat coucheth vif Boꝛſhip 

* Das ay anucient Leꝛeiſier in Grete andy of 

che grete ſt aſtate there. he Bas afteꝛ moyſes / v. c 
d. pere le made many good thingis · and alle 
the erci fiers 7 grebe folo Wed his diſcipline. The Whiche 
omeꝛ by foꝛtune Was taſtiey and) empriſoned) + and) put 
to be ſolde as a pryſonneꝛ oꝛ a bondeman . Nndꝰ thay one 
apedꝰ hem bens he Was · He fapdy of his füdre and of 
his modre, Wile fou chat J Halk Beye Cray Andꝰ hy anſ⸗ 
werd Thy axeſt thou me counfeple What chou Wolt do With 
thy ſilueꝛ nd they axed him · Vherto fe Bas good 
De (apd), To be dellueredꝰ . N nd) fo abode long) i pryſon 
Gn a€ ee laſt che be hun 0 * He Bas & may fpr 
ſoꝛmedy. and) of lazqe ſtature . and) lyuedꝰ . vii. pore 
Cd) h after folalBe Gis fepinges f io diff cht cam 
refeyne his bonge ¶ nd) ſayd he that Ver bith by gſeyl 
eue hin oF uſt and laber e che (I Glu fe 
aftendelp lyuing j to dele Withoute fraude g Barat ¶ And 

faire aeom panye the Rith good people and) thou ſbakt be 
on of hem. ets he With bade /e ores (Bale be 

thos ¶ Nd ſaide he is good and t chat appflieth hi 
to good Werltis and ebene · and that putteth te m in edi 
coy} or euer ther come enp ccanfion of em peſchement A And 
‘far he hert ſhyneth in rate and is fare Vhay it is ſet 

in fapiẽce Ind fraude g Barat is m the fruit of cut though 
tis TM nd faidy the south Gee ofte / What the hert 
thinſteth Gu; ſaid) the Rooke ſheddeth ſomtyme the diſ 
pficcon of che ert afore the Voꝛdes bey ſpolten Tandy 

faire it is agrete ſurete for amay bo puruepe by tyme in 
oF Nndꝰ faire it is merueile of amay/that may be 
in ve ſemblaunee to god · and) oifoꝛ eth 25 (PF to be liße 
60 Ay keeſtys ¶ And ſaid beſdare thou do ne Gabbe no thing 
that chou fereſt to be acuſed) of. for if thou do thou Galt be 
che acuſer of Bp ſilſe a Nndꝰ faire payne ehy ſelf (o Win, 
ne good con diadus and Lrrtues · for therbx dicte g hazmes 
Halt eſchewed ¶ Andy faire cher Was ſomtyme a Wife 
may ſſtaped) out of a 25 andy loſt ſhip in & ay ſle 
of the 4 5 fo beyng thee alone drelde afigure of geome⸗ 
krie/vpoy the ſan dis. Barve With he Vas fonde Sp certa ine 
1 that brought hym eo the lynch of that gwund 
tell ng) hym that eus and) auenture nd cher fore fe 
ak ſent cthwugh alle hys proupners ,andy charged 
them hex ſhulde enforce chem fF bo lerne and) haue f 
bonnyngis as ſhulde dyde Vith them after kleyr ſhip We 

loſt. that is & ſey . ſetende andy goode Werleys by 
man berith Vith hym y. Leſeles the oy 1 foe ¢ and 
the other be Wr In chat Wee be the errours andꝰ vicee 

of other aged y Eat behynde be his one ¶ And) (atdy 
his fw are that chou be not douetous / for if thou 
be oouetous € be pure ¶ Nndy ſayde If thou be pa 
cient ist {Gale be 1 0 If thou be wide /chou ſhalt & 
nd ſapde / Aman is better thun a other beſ⸗ 
tes 5 fk de ſapde/ Sapiende is as (o Werke by 
ſciene noo fay de 2noliheae is better hay iqnoraunce 
nd) ſayde 5 Worker is an Soule of marchãn dyſe ſom 
Wynne therm by chere goode dedis / and) ſomme lieſe by thei 
re cup? gõuerna unde udp f by grebe diligende ſom 
mey atteyne to their purpoſe nd) ſayde / he that hath 
grete myght andy ue. geh neh e ha 
ue no grete reioyſſyng / and) he that Bath noon is diſpreiſed 
And) pin he is no BikReores ching) than lxeng/ 
her is no goodeneſſe in alxeꝛ 

Alon Nas of N chenes andy made many books 
of pre diencione / Ando eſtabl yſſted che laddes eh 
pcb deen beben many Safe ach fic ef 
emey he ha dde many Ker es te ꝙ fol kis 
Helbe their pꝛopꝛe Biles Cnty ſaxde / Vhay thou Wile 
ones dan, not thyy ade Bil But fee counfey 
) Ber Bp ſhalt thou BnoWethe trouth of the Verlies 
t Bas afRedy him / What Was eh mooſte di fficul te 
5 amay 2 anf Werd) + To ſinodde hem (eff. To Ge, 
fwunchyſe oꝛ liberte . To fpeke in places Whore he 
€ not / To be angr » Bt Kat Be not amende 
te che gut fe GSP not haue Cen ſaid the thin 
Sec che Hosta at fea by la Wes /g iia laſdes fe 

freflepredy Bp + ij Binaries Bae is fo fone {Werre and by 
banere ¶ Nndp (aidy bo his diſtiples one that pe be no 
mokers. for that engen dvec h hatteredꝰ € nd. cha che Ker 
tuous Qeure of a may be not thoos. chat he yeueth him ſelf 
But thoos that bey peuen hym for his coor 3 
: Bas af Ged) him Wh Was Ciera he ſaide. he € 8145 
liberalite , not eouetyng offer mennes goodes N nd fard 
ay ail tonge Bas ſ harper ay a glapue. Ariche may af 
ed him Phat Were his goodis. he anſ Wered my treſoꝛ is 
ſuche that no me map haue yt Wit hoube my By and max 
nok be myniſſſed) for noo g Eb J pt of it but 
2 sna departe Wich no of hy) Tithoute opmynuar 
ſaid if thou wee +e loue of 12 bens hal 
2 fee 96 Sane 60 — an 
. And faire. thou odds eee 
a may greter preiſyng iy his pſente ty be ie Worth for Oe 
Pe che l And Bas a bim ee 8 
frendes. he a d in Voꝛſh ipp ing e ſeyng good 
6975 4 che ir abſende Caines ſaid) aqoode fa faul h ney⸗ 
cher bo grete Jope nor éo guete ſow de fos He veiopſetß nat 
gut che ſeeth goode thynges and) 11005 cupf and) 
Bath no ſorode but Bley (Be fet che cup Bing and 
nooß goode · End pu (Fe loltethh oy akte Woꝛl d. (Be 4 
che goode g the cup fo diterme dled > aie ſte ſhold n 
ply ih 0 her en no Erouble her ſelf angvelx Gand 
ſarde a right e Suffice [Pak reigne andy 
gouer ne people / ae “ine doch Iniuſtioe and vio⸗ 
be ſelieth ab 60 att: for him ¶ Nnd ſaid it behoueth 
a iter o7 a prince /firſt (o ordve @ dreſſe him ſekf g after & 

deeſſe offer / or ellis he ſhulde be Ge him chat Golde dreſſt 
Gis (Parle afer hi (elf And) pet Was afkioy of h 
Dhan Contrees and) Ones Vex Wele gouerned) / 
N and fapd Whay ehe ir prince rule them /after cher 


Nbyoy Vas agrete deffen dur of his neyghlours 

ha dde eertayy fven des / Phiche a ling Wolde (lee 

nd Whay the fapre ſabyon vndeꝛſtode it he Wet 
1 hy i fiftnce of ee fad» Ging Phi Cine af 
ſembled) fo grete nombre of Rnpahtes ayenſt hem / chat he 
Bas vifcomfié g aber andy Tas commãnded (o be put y 
engyne andy boꝛmẽtedꝛ / Bichoute he Wel de acuſe them tlat 
Wee cõſenting eo malte Reece apenſt tho King / Lhiche S 1 
byon anſuerd) that for no payne / he Bold) not telle (hat 
ching / chat ſhulde nope his frendes / And) in wre leyng in 
che oiqyne cut his Gong, Bith his oldne teth / to thentent 
chat he mpa Ge not acuſe Gis felo des and) frends ·¶ And 

erben fay f. iy peat af it 
e. ſebngẽs bo his diſtiples I nd) ſaxd if ye leſe oy 
thing fap not pe haue loſt it but ſaxe pe haue veſtored that 
Bas not pouꝛes ¶ Nndꝰ ſayde bo one of his diſciples mul 
tiplie hy fvendes andy that (Bx ralfiBace Ep care ¶ nd 
ſaxde a Vyſemay oughe bo be Ware, holde he Bedoet h afayre 
Bomar for euery may Wil deſire bo haue her loue / Nnd ſo 
they Wol (eRe Chir pleaſirs + bo the hurt and) diſpleaſir of 
BerdoufBandy / Cam; fapdy .Delictacion h viele i a 
dangecous vice / Nndy there cum one of his ſetuauntis vn 
to him oy a tyme and) bolde him that his fone Bas dede · g 
he ãſuezd chat he Bnelbe Wel p he Das mortal g not r moꝛtuſ 

and a MAH o ught not (o ‘ounce Che dec of che body But (he 
wth of che a. Ooh aſ led) hy he ſaid⸗ Seer 
that he hel de thoppynioy that a veſonn able ſaule myght not 
dxe. he aunſ Berd) hay a teſon able ſaule 18 poner sed fo 
che nature of a beſte TreSoute Bfe of reaſoy al be ie that 
it be fuſtaunce indortuptible. vet is (fe veputed) for dede/ſo 
che leſeth the Intellectif lyffe. he ſounde a pong puer may 
ſitt ing) vpn the fee ſyde Nan tha duerſitees of this 
Werk. 6 Phom he faie-vpfpaire che not, for tf thou Were 
With grebe “ele i in Be myddel of yen dre (ee n grete dan⸗ 
ger of thy body · and of hy Pn Pol de Wiſſte right 
hertilx & be Bree Bich oonely (hy lyue ſauedꝰ · Alo. and⸗ 
if chou Were priſoner · and) che kepers okay ſelle che. and 
take from che all chat euer thou gone thou Woldeſt be gla dde 
bo Fare comely Be del ira unde of Bp body. kh pon) man 
aunſ Der d thal he tolde him twuth · Pele tax faite Sabioß 
Vnto hym. node Bonke (00 that thou fate bey in all this 
dangers andy haſt aſcaped them. and art node at chy free 
liberte , kher ſore holde 5 tontent Wich the ſtate that chou 
noſde ſtandeſt j. Andꝰ fo che xong may departed gretel 
„bett fore, 

se EO Was viftiph & Eſculapius fe fecond 

Vhiche deſcerded⸗ 5 feed Topal Nod he Was 

che firſt . of 5 ark of phiſibte. Vhiche he che 
Ted and taught bo his chil dreß and oom̃aunded it chulde 
not be ler ned to orp Straungers But oonely from le ſadre 
bo the fone nd fo che faite ſcicee co weft in them Mardy 
oom̃aſided that Hey ſhulde Belle in che mat habitacioy of 
grece m. iij · es. And proceas wef i in Behe of Chau 

tin Hy Bp erke fe Me fu. Sas Ef in us toes 
Ele open of ek Felt .Cfeulapine . Tae at pl fade 
PHuldy be vſedo onelp by eopevionce for it Bas neuer ſounde 
but onely herby. and) fo Vas it Bhd , n. CC CC. yer 
after til that another phiſicien came call id MRethio) Bhoos 
oppnion Was that evperiotte Without Feaſon. Nas adun 
gewous thing) Andꝰ fo they fed) theſe. j opynious · Bij, 
honderdd peer, till another phifiaey cam gal ede Mramar⸗ 
dos. Phiche diſpraiſed) thexperietor , ſayng) that eo many 
errours gredde cherby and) that m ocupying) phiſilte amar 
ought to Bfe veaſon onely Mol Wiehſtan ding he hade ij 
diſeiples Vhiche hel de after him. ijj. diners opinions The 
on Bfedp evprriener onely. The other veaſoy onely Cle + ij 
fabtil craftes and) enchante mentis. and) foo theſe + ij · 
Reyes Were vſid). vij · C pere till that plato aun / Phiche 
aughe diligorety eh ſeyngis of his prereefoues iy hes 
ſctence/andꝰ ſheſdedy that evperienee onely Das dangtwus 
and reaſoy onely coe not & fufficient g tooke che boolies 
aſ Wele of ſußtil erafte / and enchaũtemẽt as thoos of onely 
weafor andy bent them all But thoos chat Were of veafon 
and) evperi ene to gider fe veteynedꝰ and liept hem and 
tom̃aunded that chey ſhuldy be vſed) / andg af ter his deth fe 
lefte ehe erafte to. v · of his diſciples The firſt to oꝛdeigne 
phiſißke co the body the. i · o boxe andy bo lete blode The 
ij. to hele Wolldes Che · ii. 60 hele ſeſte pen The. % +& 
Enptte and) hele broſten bones Qindy after hes came Eſcu 
lapuus che · j. Phiche taught dillgentely the diuerſe opimõs 
And in eſpecial thoos of plato Vhiche h Heo and) Hobe 
for moſt true andꝰ veſonable Wud) he left after hym . ehre 

diſciples thut is bo ſex / Ppderas andy. pies Phiche Dpedp 
andy ſo vefttdy Gat fcinor andp erafte onelp ty 28 
reſted 3 alone parfight in Lertues 4 iy ie tapes Vfing 
reaſoy The Phiche ypoaas 1 khe 2 55 of phyſibte iy 
Wepe of perdicion becauſe alle his felacdes ere der and 
that he Was left onely in che fle of aus, Chou Ge that ho 
Wold for the mooſt Poffee that che craft cheꝛof Vere (ire 
Wed) ., andy te ught not onel y co his childrey and) Bonz 
neſ men Sul g generally 6 ale that Bere ee to lerne it 
Andꝰ dampnedꝰ sy that ference dyuers chinqes and) der d 
to GN compplictons in hreue Boros . Inde commer 
wd) 99 stole that Bere mayſtres of ſciendes (hat they 
ſhulde (bebe Fé generalſy. for 5 ſayd) JE Bas more coues 
nable/ It ſhulde be taught to Games able and) apt to 

the lore/thay to his one lynneſmey nol diſpoſed) eo bre 

ne · And) as he deignedꝰ Bas don andy Js Bfidy & hic 
dye / ande in his lyff he (Bed, hit Go dyuezs ſtraungere 
and) made hem expert chern ta leing) pꝛomiſſe of elt m to te 
che it further / It happedy that a kynch of perſe ealedy de 
four ſent vnto the ling) of thyſle of Thau ba awe! pplae 
pꝛayng him to ſende him. ypocras /and Be peue him/C 
Eyntabdes of golde/ and than Was te de ind deulded 
ee che Biche ſomme guf kruage to che 
rh of deb He fo dyd) that of Thau / Che — 25 Sas 
d ppreras go Sb opin lynch of perſe for ko ei 
peſtilendes that Were eBay in his Lopareme-Bepinay If le 
Woik not / It mpahe be 0 nih a danger 60 ehr Iſle ſceing 
che ſapdꝰ pylate Was not of poder bo deſiſte the ſaid ling 
of perſe / The Vhiche procvas porta chat e Wolde nail 

go bo hele the enempes oF creer, Nlſo chen habitammtis 
the townes here le duelledy in · ſaid⸗ 35 ha dde Luce — 
than ppocears ſhul de dxparte from them. Cy faidy ppocvas 
Bas Cxl vj · pere after Nabugodonoſoꝛ he made diuers 
hooßztis of phiſik of che Vhiche xxx. be hadde andy of thoos 
xh. the moſt be ſtudyed hy ordre Other looltis le alſo hade 
of Gal ens ma liyng). Che laity ypocras Vas of betel 
feature grete hededꝰ . crolie backed. mode ſtudyeng andy of 
licteſk langage . and) moche Lolpna whi to the erthe/hol⸗ 
ding) in his honde a flabotompe of munpcioy for latync 
Bloody ox a grene braunche prou ſſitable to the eyen / he leuyd 
four ſcore · vj peres Bherof he employed · x dij. in ſtudye / and 
the vemenaunk in epcerciſing) of his connyngis. Wd here 
folotbeth dyuerſe of his ſeyngis ouertie in ſurett is bet 
ter hay richeſſe in ſerenſ N ndp ſaid) that the kyf is 
thought Bore / the peyne is thought longe -eoperiance Bars 
de bo come bye and) Jugement dallgetous e End) (aid 
the helth is not to be ſloſdthſulk m goode evcercifes and 
nat & fil hys body Phiche Vynes and) metes And 
ſaide it is better e ampunſſhe chat hurteth ar ko enereſ⸗ 
fe chat euch N fasdy / the herte is fourmented 
9 h. ſaſſions / thut is (o faye Dith foroBe andy thought 
ſotoſde cometh the dremes and) the fantafpes / and of 
thought cometh che Paliyngis and vnreſtis / and) ſoroſße 
is a paſſioy of thynges paſt / and) khoughe is fere of 
chyngts bo dome Af nd) faidy . that ſaule is loſt/ hat 
fetteth hys entẽt Spor Boꝛdely chinges + that is bo ſey iy 
courtife Bnd ſaid he that Wol che lif of his ſaule lete Spy 
moꝛtiſie hit peur it payne n this Woꝛl d Nnd fayd thee 

may Bele le loue bit ene · j · Dyſemey. but nok bitwene,n, 
foles. al be if that their fool yes bee equa , for yt goth 

Bp oꝛdte and) may donooꝛde in one ſentener · but in fol pe is 
moo due oꝛdonnaunce and) therfore map they neues concorde 
iy loue qT Bind ſapde· Nmay ougße not to (Bere, but yl 
is ſo/oꝛ it is not fo fapre hol de you content With 

that + that ought ms pou tamdy fo pe (Bal not haue no 

guuggynch . el leſſe grugge ye haue. ehe more pe fle fw ma 
lie and) Nil liedeneſſe wit hdꝛadde pou alſo frem ſeme . e 
ſelie the nde of vertues and) goddeneſſes ſaydꝰ · He 

lied) him Wer fore he ſpabe not. He ſayde that ſilenee Was 
th: anſ dere of ſuche queſtions nd) ſapde. This Woꝛl⸗ 
de is & noo creature prꝛpetuel · chez fore they let nooy differ 
re or delay o doo goode thinges as longe as he may. Nndꝰ 
namely that. that he ſholde Byrne goode venommee thes 

nd) ſaxde He that knoldeth not twuth is rather fps 
Re kot to do it /thay he that is enfourmedy andy taught thee 
to gen ſayde/ Bore is libe a wote of a Tree/and 
operacidy is lilie the bræunches · andy ſcionce is liſte a ching 
eiqordryng . &ndꝰ optracioꝝ is lie a chin engen dred⸗ 

ud) ſayde. Take a Gl of (craree at ones . ſo chat 
thoiũ maiſt lie pe it and) lerne more + For if thou Vylt tas 
be more at ones tay thy Vytte grap ſuffiſe thou maxeſt 
lig htelp foꝛgete alt 

Itagoras ſaide chat it is a Eight BU ffedy andy « 
noble thing to ſerue god. g & fapntife h hie babe, 
So tes to ſe che World · De Juſtiot/and of 
alle Vertues + he mooſt principal is (o abſteynt hym from 
eme. And it is good) to Ble fuſtynges ¢ ſtudyes / and 
to make hym bo be biloued) + andy it is goode o haue (créer 
o vnder ſtande the trouth of Binge. and to lerne it to the 
men and chedde it eo the Boren he oꝛdeigne pre dtea⸗ 
cions and) bo poliſſhe andy . the ſpeche ¶ Nndꝰ ſaid 
the ſaule is ee and wuenable ko veceyue merites and 
peynes / he moderated) fo his mete and) his drinlie that he 
Bae at noo tyme fatter noꝛ leener efor offer, he Tas a fub 
til may and) loued) af Bel co do good & his frendes as to 
him ſelf. (apna the goodis of frendes ought co be compy 
He made. CC + four ſcore Wligmes of booltes. and) Vas 
borne in the ountre of Samxe N ndꝰ ſaid an harme not 
durable is bettir than a Delthe not beer arco 
Breen both in his fale and in his gir dil nd ſaid as 
lhe begynnyng of our creacioy cometh of god. right fo iA 
leßduefuk. kat al our ende our ſaule rebourne to him 
ſaide if thou Toile pee god enforce not thy ſelf 0 be 
te dach people A nd faire aTipfi a coal not Ae 
Worfhip of god) in Woꝛdes but w nd ſaid ſapienee 
is to loue god) / and he that fouesS god) doch chat god 
loueth And he khat doch the Ther kis 22 3 ie “ha 

e god. and he that is toward god. is 

And ſaid god is nol Voꝛſh ipped ‘ssh a o7 by 
othet obla b Gee Gym. burt onely by the Tp ft and 
dacdeptable ententis ¶ Wid ſayd) he at se moche 

it is ſigne that hy hach litil Grolblecre Mindy fapre at ale 
tymes What ſomeue: chou do/ haue in thy vememibra une klaut 
god) is by the /and) 2 5 ee erat —. 
RNS + (Mund t Wafoy EMU oug ay 
pers on amyſſe pe fapdo Gordy onely lno with 
the Vyſemay that dredeth him. and) meꝛueylle not though 
che people Enotbet not the And) ſaxde/ God) hat noc 
in this Woꝛlde amore couenaBle place /thay m a elene and 
a pure ſaule ¶ And) ſayde / Amar ought (o (pele of Gos 
neſt and) good 6 / and ell is haꝛlyn to them that 
Nil tal lie che aof End e rugge g a BeBe all vyle 
thinges aſWele of Ae / as of offer / but m eſpecialẽ of thy 
ee 0 117 purchaſſe the protec this Woꝛlde in 
right rable g BorfBip fill manere Lr 
Che Vyſe . — ſayde / bepe chy paciete Thay chou heveſt 
leſinges / and) do oo de dis that nomay may ſpelie harme 
randy entbende & fe ſuretie of thy body / be attemperate at 
oy mete m Gp dꝛynlie /m thy lying Beh Bomey andꝰ sy 
thyn other labours And) (apex enforce € 17 — 6 
do foo Tel that offer mey haue enute at 
Diſpende not bo ou pene hot nos be not f 22 bc 
chou be not hounde to thy kreſore/ haue theꝛin atem peraunet 
i meſuve/ Nhiche iy alk Hinges is prouffytuble lad 
de. He Waleing and) hezbenxng $ Bp counfeple -for 
oe nedis/ for if 2 hom it/oꝛ ent it/ hit myght ou 
fe che o le paꝛteneꝛ o f py sin * nd 8 me⸗ 
dytz Be not to do ony ching), hat ought not (o 
And ſaid/ he that is not eid cay not alteyne o Sog 

Endꝛ faite Ae chat gat h no ſeienet / oughe to be dip w iſid | 

CT Mundy ſayd) be Sucre chat demeth not Fight full y/deſer⸗ 
ueth grete blame. Dare that hy e ee no vilanye noꝛ 
chat thou peue khyy erres to here it ¶ nd ſaydꝛ ama 
ought not ten ſoree hym ſelf in this World /e malie pours 
chaſſes noꝛ byl dyngis to ſerue other after his deth. but 
ought to peyne hym to Pynne and) Gave ſuche thyngis 
as may prouffit him after Gps wth And) ſayd) · It is 
bettir eo amar to lye vpoy the harde gw nde leleuyng) fer, 
mely in god · than to lye m ale dde of gold/puttyng doubtes 
in hym A Andy ſaydꝰ . let chp marchaun diſe by ſpiritu⸗ 
elk and) not corpore. and) klencreſſe and) Pynnynch (Boe 
be goode and) durable ¶ N ndy fapdo · he that hath pite 
vpoy hys oBne ſaule fereth our loꝛde ¶ N ndy ſayd han 
thou Wylt ſette Spon orp may. thynſie thou Vol deſte deffen⸗ 
de che pf thou Were fet Sporn ¶ Nnd) ſayd diſpoſe thy faule 
b veceyue alle goode andy coucnable thynges Gnd) ſaid 
ſette a (pre the Janytes of this Woꝛl dy. for they lette and 
empeſche thy veafoy € N nd ſaydꝰ . chou ouqhteſt not 
to (Lope np nyght. it thou haſt remembredꝰ ands conſide⸗ 
redy / khy woes of tle day paſt . Wid) pf thou haue Wel don 
be gladde g Joyo tler fore ande tlanlie god therof. And 
vf thou haft erredꝰ and) won a myſſe · vepente Ae therof 
and) aſlie foꝛgeueneſſe and) par doy of god) . and) 
thy ſell ſo doyng ) > thou mayeſt opteyne vnto hys grace 
. nd ſayde. Whay thou ſh alt begynne op Werle pray 
90d) of kel e o bringe yk to a goody ooncluſtony Nd 
fap . pf chou haue haunted) orp felotbe . andy thou fe hys 
tompanye is not oouenable vnto the. ſpare it. andꝰ pet whe 
fo that he be not after thin oinemp⸗g proue aacep may by his 

dedis / and) not by his Thordie, fox alt Fonte many 
of cup? Werks ae goode Borres ¶ Nndp fapae+Qerrasy 
map nat refrayne him Foon doyng) amyſſe. Bul Boar he 
Bath trefpaffedy.Gee him Rave eo fall eny more in that er 
wur A Andꝰ ſaxde · Nyne is ennempe €o the beat in allein 
of it out vegeouſely · andy is libie ſetting Fyre, to Fyre, Nnd 
ſapde. aſeruaumt ougght to be obeyſſant Suto bis lorde / but 
not ft e chat he leſe th ay ale his liberte g fraun⸗ 
chiſe nd) ſayde · It is move couenable for aman & ſuf 
fre wth, khan to put his ſaule in perpttuel der bnes. Andy 
fapw, Eette not to de dis · thoucgh they be not play 
ſaunt Go the Norlde u. End) ſayde. dele alda fo & thy 
polber, chat thy ſault map ſtand ty goode and) noble (tate 
What ſomeuer falle of thy body e And — 1 ory and 
r ſaule bach no delyte ny Woꝛdely —— And) ſays 

© Bind ber, Bou ough pre fande for 
maynbeynynq) of chyn affate . and do aie thoo thinges 

that thou doueteſt. but chat thou oughteſt bo do. and abe 
el thou Balt ſpelie · and Boa thou ſhulde holde thy 
peacehs Nud) ſapde, he 9 him et 2 oe che 
letteth not co ſpende his coor for his 

ſopd · Mut atm Ae fe he pee 165 fate ou aps 

petceytie Erouth 

Andy fay 
de Oytagoras + og as a ae is not reputed nos taſten 

for goode nor onnyng that heleth other sity any not Bele 
him ſel fe · right ss is B no goode gouernour that ymandet 

ſcheſde Sices + and) wether any oy St 

him mann Gam nd) ſayde. che G Beate Karieth no 
and) noſde pene ef it ble Nith Faß to do “re 

if it Be ayenſt . I pacientły An Andy (6 er 
armes a to beeſtes. by cuſe mme · andy 

a Hough the ir rsh 25 ndꝰ fapre nt Sn it is 
Sreue him kak can aßſteyne him froin ih. khingis that 
: 2 Witte haſtyneſſe Wie froſdar deneſſe. pride. andy, 
ſkodbche. fox fafépneff muſithß vepentaunce. Bil full foobar 
deneſſedeueſſe onefeeh foffes . pryde ciufeth ſattered . andy 
ſloſdeh cauſeth diſpreyſing + He fabe amay right nobly 
and) richely arrayedy / Vhiche ha dde vyle andy foule Woꝛdes 
To Whom 5 ſayde / Other ſpebie after chyn arraxe , oꝛ lete 
thin arraxe be oft thy Voꝛdes · The lynq thay of Cecil 
le deſirdꝰ him to didelle Vith him · To he ſayd). chy 
Verlies and) thy be neee be countrary to thy proffit 
Ando chiy office is not Fele execute dd «for thou diſtvoyeſt 
th ie emi of thy ſeyth Fiese 1 a not olbee 
With che / for the ſtaen. Je not fure · ſoꝛ amongis his 
vaclettis. he map tale ſelteneſſe nd) fapd · If thou 
bite chat 450 deren oz thy (cruauntis do no ſaſdtes thou 
deſtveſt a thing) innatura le ¶ And) ſaxdꝰ . Che foul chat 
is y he company of good) people is ny dilertacioy g Jope 
End hey it is amonche euyl. It is in ſodo de a g heuineſſe 
3 + Th Vyſemay cube on cs Bek of 
5 xe ta e frenſhip of hem that thou fee 
Pa tree i thinſie oꝛ thou Werke Che ſaid right ag 
ce ony not Bole his picient Wit hol he belt him che 

cwulhe of hys diſcaſe . right fo map nol aman be Ref 
eee of hys frende Wit houte fe telle Gp the play⸗ 
neſſe of hys caufe dT Nndꝰ ſeydꝰ manx einemptees gw⸗ 
Bey for fault of truſt bet ix par ties / and) truſt aruſeth 
often many harmes ¶¶ Nndꝰ Vhay pytagoras fat in his 
cheyre he vſed) in (he his dockrines bo ſape , meſure 
pour patſes andy go th tight Beye. fo Bal xe go ſuvelx 
& ctempre pou from couctife andy pour goode aſtate Hatt 
dure A Ju Jasta and xe Balle Gplouedy andy dredde · 
Reve nat pour body in grebe delectacions / foꝛ and ye fo do pe 
Bal not coy fuſteyne the duerſites chat myght 25 vnto 
yon N ndꝰ he ſalde ay olde may Ext Was ſhamefaſt eo 
wie OO fre Same is bettir ty age thay ty 
Boughe- N 
khat thou hateſt. Glen not that chou art hye emem 
Ando (apd; .« good Bynay or prince oughe to chynlle di⸗ 
ligentely to che (tate andy guy dyng) of hys lande and? 
oughe to vate, 5 often as a oe 8 dog 
his garden ¶ And ſapde hyt . exã⸗ 
ple him ſelf eo sas gie e ſe de 95 next liynneſ 
mem andy 3 do fo after hym andy it apparteneth not 
bo a liyng bo be pwidde noz (o do aftit hys obne Wik onely 
nor o ride coucréelp tox in no wre nyght but gladdely 
ſtedde him ſelf open faced amongis his prople / and conuene 
ently be oonuer ant amongis them Bithou€ ouermoche fa⸗ 
mylyarite ndꝰ Thay a liyn g) or a prince ſlal go 6 
55 rfl that he fe bre goode Wache. and) if hep faille 
thery that he poms Coy Bony Wele / and) 6o bebbare fo ett 
che sah oes a J Bomay veut hym oꝛ ny offer 

fafpectyurfone Andy fax. ehe Bete difpofedy man vey 
membrech Aut his ſynnes / andy tle aupl diſpoſed) hach 
mynde / but on his vertues / Je fortuncd hie Vyf Was wef 
fed ina fret ante and fory sped) hin f ere Were 
eny difference o dye in ehe ir pꝛopꝛe lande orellis ferre From 
tens He anfucrdy Therſomeueꝛ one dye / the Bepe bo (he 
offer Voꝛl de is all litten nd) ſayde to a yong may that 
Wolde not Kane n his ponte / f thou Bok not abe peyne 
bo Rene thou Balt haue che peyne bo be leſdde and) vncon 
nyng iN nd) ſayde god) Loucth thoos that bee dif obi fail 
to euyl bemptacioy ¶ nd) ſayde / good pꝛaeyeꝛ is one of 
fhe beſte thinges aman may pꝛeſent & godꝰ /g if thou aye 
him eny Boor lete thy Wher Ris be agreable Suto him 

Nogenes other dyſe call edo degly bymuſe he hadde 
6 ſom condicions of a dogge / and) he Was th Tpfefé 
may that Bas in his rapes . He diſpraiſed) avete 
ly che Boꝛlde/ and Lap in a tonne / Whiche he bourned) for 
his auantage From the ſomꝛe / N nd) the Pynde/ as it plea, 
ſedꝰ hym / ande therin Be veſted Uhanſomeuer the nyghe fil 
Fvpoy him / He ete Mensa he Bas hunqered) Were it 
5 day or by nyght iy che ſtrete oꝛ ellis Vhete Bye hoube arp 
ame — 5 — se on tpt j. gone of 
e cloth in the pore + Nndꝰ php and) gonuez⸗ 
nedꝰ him ſelf til his det. Somme axedd him Why fe 
Was called) dogly / he ſapde he cauſe J Sarke vpoy the foo 
les andy faldne Spor the Wyſemen . lexſandꝛe the grete 
aum Into him of Phom he tobe litle vegarde . he apedy him 
Bhp he ſette fo litil by him ſeeyng khat he Das fo mighty a 
Bing, andy hadde noo neceſſibe/he anſueꝛdꝰ J haue noo ht fo 

do nor (ette by him that is bondemay & my Grafh, Bip de 
Whefawrore am j fo chan xe faidy Diogenes fe am 
and) maiſtre 6 all couctiferand holde her vnder mp fett as 
my thraſk and) coucti(e is thy maiſtreſſe / 1 thou art 
lounde vnto her. and fo art thou bounde to my Chra® Chan 
ſayd Wee of 55 By axe me (tee 5 ag) hs we 
Wolde J Wol peue it He Opogencs anf Were 

J ape he np thinq) BHik J am Ticher thay ora! cae 
that littil that) 75 dontenteth me bettir Bay alk ehr ove 

& quantite chat thou haſt ſatiſſieth the · J pray the (ean 
out of my light. andy abe not from me kat. at chou 
maieſt not peue me. Nele qd alexandir . Bho ſhal Grp the 
Bhan thou art wd He anſ werd. he that Vol not fae the 
(tence of my qreyn aloue the erche [ Andꝰ ehe ſaid) dio ⸗ 
genes ſaide he is not parfitelx gore hat Eh Sut onelz 
abſteyne him from euil dedis. he fale a Jong weer 
andꝰ Lertuouſe diſpoſicioy. Vhiche Bas euil viſagedꝰ . be 
Vom he ſaide/ che goodeneſſe and Lertues that be in ehe peue 
beaute in thy fade Nnd ſom apedy him Whay it as kyme 
amay & ete He ib Vhay he Grow apetite and mete. and 
if he hadde n he nya he gebe it ¶ Andd ſaid it is 
goode amay liepe hym fw te gyle of hys ennemx. Nndꝰ 
the enuie of Spo fren 5552 aid) right as amay ape 
rech gretter ny a myſt Bar in aclere Peder right fo appereth 
more his vice in his Ire thay in his paciener qr And) ſa 

to alexan dre Ehinke not eo art in more Borthp fox t 
Eee kuh and ride araye / but onely fe thy foie 
and) goodeneſſe. ¶ nd) fy dy Why thu diſpreyſeſt 
a Sree sy — lobte dine chou Ble hyt not thy ſelf 

ta tBu is ma it 
che. . hem a Bahr fe . aht fo Wil he leue che bo go 
nother . Be (abe amay that prapedy god to xeue hym 

rien, Co Pom he ſapde / thy prticion auaplethh not / Bit h 
out firſt Chou pine thy rer Go lerne it. Ando ſapde · of alle 
Lertues of eee quantite oro is che better 
ſaue of Woꝛdes SQind ſaid it is not honeſt to pour prayſing 
to a may of a thing Eat he hath not wferuedy+ He (abe a 
peyntour that Bas Bape a phyſicien. o Vhom he ſapde thou 
kino west chat mer might ſe at the exe / the faddtes that thou 
dideſt m chy cafe But node they may not be perceyued for 
as Giote Snir ee ete, Si be fae nae of 

e / Nhiche Bas a fools, andy than he ſayde · ler is a fay 

re 77 right ay ue hoſte herbowo ed) thriy , He 
fae alſß aok fate fy a WymtolBe , Ant) he fapdy / Ehe 
ſittith &ſtone vpoy a fone / One aredy ham What Bas 
loue + He ſapde · It Nas N ſelieneſſe that greſde of Jor’, 
neſſe and) for lalelie of ver tuouſe evecrafe, One aped him 
What Wag richeſſe / Be ſayr (N bſteynyng) from couetis — 
fe W fade Dyogenes Nas Hy Wfeafon ſebe. andy 
his frendis cum 60 vyſite him . Sey W. ve nat. for 
poure ſedieneſſes come but of goddit anfuerd 
Eterfore am J che more aferdꝰ Be ſadde ay 2 may 
that dyedy hys leeres To Whom he ſaydꝰ + Thou maiſt 
Wel ae chy Bhyte herves . Bué nat thyy age I Ind) 
wd ee f. hou de ehe; Thay 

nd) fa nee t € 

crt oy may f A ade ran Gut as 4 

gyey doch to the ſeße/ that is o 7 Fg and pactent 

ly ee, andy thou Vilt convedte hp oſe ehe as the 
hurt pers bo th leche· . A wip 5 ei ama 
myghe Rene hym from tre fe vedꝰ/ ama oughl alle 

Wape bo haue m Tender ve he anny not at alk tymes 
Re ſerued) but ſomtyme (Balke ſeyñ (o do ſeruice / and) alſo 
he (Gal not fe atiBepe ofepte Gut at ſumtyme he muſt obeye. 
— aer at alle tym „ in hys Thy? ué 
ae me he muſt t mynde/ i 
Toute aeg 8 / Nen ee aera 
Klexan dre fittyna at his dyner Lie praiſed) hym ou⸗ 
krægeoſely · and) dyuerſe herllened) greetely hort / ehe (ard 
eee ogenes began bo ebe falter than be fore + ie axedꝰ hym 
rm Be Bs nok the fepre ſeyngis of ele geſter/ he an⸗ 
ſweredy. J do Ke den arte Chay bo herliey bf} 3 
What is Worth, Way he is neuer ehe better 

ther fore of thou fate th a ſt 
ſpelie not — 5 May haue firſt nie oni 
ome lle — his ſtiene and) thyy / and) 
nde thyy ger € . hys / (pele th boldelier tat ae 
thy peace andy lerne at vuers dylicious 
ſones blamed⸗ 925 of hys manebe of leuynq) and) he 
e Get Tele ny my ibe vf m me ele to lyue af ver 
poure giuſe / but it is nat in pour poder eo kyue after my 
maner ¶ Bnd it Bas tolde hym that oer tayy sefones 
fe faye ene f y ij hrs abſence / Br anfTheredy it 
E not hurte me though amay (trike at me andy wes 

me not. ndy ſayd) it is achurliſſh eon dici 
anſ Were di neſtely⸗ 5 a noble stages anf ese 

prepenttyp en nd fapdy “Cher is no greber kreſour than 
Diſerecion andy Uptte / Moꝛ greter poucrée hy Jano 
ra unte (Mos of ie hip than goode condicone nos 
better guyder thay Jo goode fortune ¶ Indy fapdy / See 
beneſſe Jo che 25 of kle body · Ando ſow ide Je ehe pry, 
fox of chy ſaule + Che Bas Nmah of grete byrthe chat ve 
bulted) hym / To Whom he ſaydꝛ/ My Blow and) lynacge is 
enhaunſed) by me / and) 60 3 Js hurt and) loued) by che 
den em. 15 Toate Was of . ſpeche / Rndy oe 
ed) ake no more / He anſueꝛd) & 
05 grete dertue in Rmamꝛps cores 3 Tas ama 
Bom grete uylanpe bo e ſapd) Mo Woꝛde One 
o Beny “DOGp fe anfutwedy noc Be fapty J u 
1 hym no gretter dyſ Woꝛſhyp ay he dolh hym ſelfe 
For he wehe oontrybued) blame Suto Sey that bath not 
deſerued) it Con af Gedy hym / Tow be ſhulde trouble 
hys oinemyes . He anfuercdy Enforce thy ſelf to be der⸗ 
te Into ſtra / Tepute (o them thy 0 (lf 
nd) 955 + cure p pou poder Go thy Vyff one 
taba vpoy 220 pies ac morse (he Totty trede By 
2 eh hede aT And) ſaydꝰ · Com ‘np 2 Je by 
me that cay not be eſcheued⸗ nd) ſapdꝰ. He 
doch goodꝰ for the goodenoſſe of hit onel — 
drede biſovre Phom he dol h nox for the pꝛaiſing ne blame ehe 
0 CT One af Ber him Whar he ſhulde linodde his jaan 
a neceſſite oſpeperite euery may is frendel 
G fe 1 Bas ma amet a vilanye 9860 him Whe at 
de Coe noy anqre It Vas aſlied him Toby he Bas fo mcc 

fe cn ty erg i ir ef ef. 
twuth /] ought not bo be angry · and pet leſſe if he aur 
lied. he fale aman clabes fo muche that cher oo de no body 
malie hym holde his peus / to Phom he ſaide / fvende thou haſt 
55 eres and hut oy tung / Whee for thou oughteſt to herben 
double aſ moche/as thou ſpelieſt · he (ale a faire yong) may 
that wre grete diligenee eo lerne / bo Phom he ſalde ye do paſ⸗ 
ſing) Nele to make your dedis aſſemble pour beadte. 
crates in grebes bonge is bo ſay / leper of Juſ⸗ 
tice he Das maried ayenſt the aiſtume of that coils 
tre Phiche Was that good) and) Lertuous people 
ulde le Ve dded co gedres / bo thentent chat opr lynage 
yght be ehe Better but he De dded) the Woꝛſt Bomar that 
Was in alk the lande and hadde. ih. childrey by ler /he loued 
and Woꝛch ipped ſapiende ſomuche/ that it Was a grete hin⸗ 
demaunce bo afk his ſuceſſours / for he Bold, not fuffre his 
ference € be Vritte ¶ Ind faire that ſcienee Vas pure and 
clene / Pherfore it Nas couenable Ge hoot be onely ſette 
m mynde and) doꝛrage andy not m (Rennes of wre beſtes 
noꝛ in no ſuche corenpte thingis / and) kher fore he made no 
Rookie noꝛ yaue no dockrine & his diſciples But onely by 
Voꝛdes of diſcipline / and) khat opinioy he holde of Tunio 
hiche Was his maiſtr for as the ſaide Socrates beyng) 
of tẽdre age axed his maiſter / hy dil pe not fuffre me to 
Write the dockrines that 757 teche me Tu ino aunſ Wered him 
eoueteſt thou more tle Wild beeſtes / ſbynnes to be Tor Bip 
gdp With ſapiende hay chengyne of may ] ſette the axfe 
that on mete the in the Mild ſeld / and) axe the conſeile Spor 
a queſtioy. Bere it good) that thou ſh uldeſt ſaxe / let me go 

home and ouer foe my boſies firſt. It Bere moꝛt honeſt (o ha 
ue a vetours Co thx vemembrande andy kleruſon briefty to de 
termyne/ It Were fo cer tamely ſaydꝰ Socrates / Nel ter, 
rvebeyne it Wel in ehy mynde . hat chou Balt lerne · Andy 
put it nok in thy Boke ny Nhiche opynyy (he ſaid Serates 
reſted/he defended thal no may ſhuld Bor ip falſe ydolles 
but Wolde chat all homnour and) Voꝛchip ch ul d be refereed 
60 che creatdur of all chyngys . and; for that opynyon he 
Was con dẽpned) bo deth by! xi · Juges of Ntlenes Which 
oꝛdeignedy chat e chuldꝛ drinſte certem popſons / Me rof the 
Lyng of that contre Vas ſorx. but he oo de not veuolie kde 
fentence Be gaf hin as long ufßit of his auger as f 
myght. Ve ſaid liyng ha dde a Bip charged With thinges 
chat im eertam tymes ſhuldꝛ be off red) ity the temple bo the 
proles , Be hade a cuſtume kat he Tobe yeue nod Jugemẽt 
and eſpecially vpoy mannes det h. till che faidy ſhip Were 
tetourned) to at henes / Vhiche Nas not pet com home And 
her eom̃yng) home one of Soerates felaſdes called 
Ineltes cold hem iy Be peiß h/ dat ch ſaid) lo pferd 
conre & the porte oy the mo de oꝛ the next day. Pherfore he 
faire , It Wer good) hat Be ſhulde yeue. CC CC. peces of 
gol de eo thy bepers · that thoy Vol d hett che ſecretely efcaye 
and) than myghbeſt thou go to tome andꝰ nedeſt lietilk & 
drede them of at henes · he anfBered alk that J haue is not 
Worth four honderd) . pecis of gold. no faidy Inelites «J 
and) Eby frendis haue fo muche Whiche We Wolk Kere 
peur thy lieprrs bo ſaue khy lyf if it pleafe the. 0 the Phick 
focrates anſ Wered) Gis cpée Pher iy J muſt fuffre wth, is 
che naturaelt place of mp birth Phe rin] muſt dpe Vithout 

eeſeruyng oneby by cauſe that J vepreue hem fwiy doyng in 
tuft dedes / and for Voꝛſ hippyng the falſe and Tipe ydolles 
andy that J Wold haue them honour the true god. Vherſo⸗ 
re J ſape/ If this mey of my nacion peꝛſecute me for fuſtey 
nyng ge ſeyng twuth / right fo Wil ſtrangers do Wlezfomenes 
4 Become, for J Gol neue: ſpare 6 fap trout not vſe no 
leſinges / and) ertaynly ooo Wolde haue leſſe meꝛey of me 
than cloos of this to dne / Phe re in J am born / It barnes 
nedy that the tleꝛde daye his diſciples eum vnto him g fonde 
him m pryſoy Bp tle ooma undement of the/xij / )uges they 
axedꝰ him many doddtable queſtions / couchyng the ſaule / he 
anſueꝛd) them / as laꝛgely and) as gladely as ener he wre 
he rof they mezueyſſed) 6 Bic fo grete oftaunce in aman 
fo nygh his det h/ One of his diſciples calledꝰ Semay far 
de maiſtre ) node Bele „It is ay harde thing to the. for 
to ſhedde andy tee vs in the cane / tat thou node ſtandeſt 
m g laliſeing of thy fore is & vs adamegeous thing /for 
in this Noꝛlde haſt thou no fela De of good) doctryne / So, 
cranes anſueꝛdꝰ. S pave not to enquere of me Whot it plea, 
ſeth pou for it is to me a crete pleaſeꝛ /chey axed him queſ 
tions of the ſaule BGiGe fe anſuerd /g after they aped him 
of the ſtate of che Woꝛl de/ and) dompoſicioy of the Elemen⸗ 
tis Vhiche al ſo he anſueꝛd) right per fundely/ Nnd) le fare 
Into ehem J Foe ehe hour of my deth approcheth nygh J 
Wil bayne me g make me clene in this Borla ſey my ori 
fone to thentẽt that ] ſpal haue no payne after my wh her 
fore J pꝛay pou ſpave me for a While Ae entvedp to aßdus and 
Brigncd hin ¢ ſad his of Seg ey ales his by iloee 
rey a gaue them manx feir dockrines g badde them payne them 

for & do goode adveffe kheir ſaules o hym klat afk created 
and) chan cary one from ehe Juges to hym With poyſon bo 
danke Ae ſaid O ſoerates thinſie not that 4 am he 
that maketh the bo dye /ſor J knodde thou art the beſt may 
that euer aum in this lande / but ] am ſent from the Juges 
for bo (Pe the /g here is che cõfection p thou muſt drinke eae 
it peiẽtly ſithen thou maiſt not ſcape it / Socrates faidy ) 
take it Brlh goode hert /g node Bek thou art not gylty 
therof /g fo drinlie it And Phan his frẽdes falbe that / chey 
made grebe Weping) g lamortacion Vherof he blamed) khem 
ſeenis 4 Gaue fent a wage eh Gomer dy onufe ep (Butt 
not do as pe do/he Went alitil from them /g ſaide O god ha⸗ 
Ur merep vpoy mere anone his ſynedes ſhranlte his fete 
Vexed colde / and hay he leide him wby / one of his diſciples 
(oolie a boddeſtyn e prililied him in his fete /and axed him 
him in his thyghes / and) apedy him if he felt it/he fa 
naye. Nnone che colde ſtralie vp Sno his (pres cha 
tes ſaide Va y the coax cometh to my hert J muſt ne dis dye 
Chay (aie Inclites O dere maiſtre Welle of ſapiende andy 
of ference covcect andy teche vs yet / Phyle thy ſpeche laſteeh 
to Whom he ſaide ) cay non other Miele ſhedde pour node dyyng 
than ] haue won afore in my lyf The ſaidꝰ Inclites ſarde. 
r oomaunde me What Chyna pe Pylk. he anf Werede no 
thynq). and) lift vp his eyen to the (Ape ſeyng) ] preſent 
mp (ole to ehe maker of alle che oslo andy fo dpedp 
The fapdy focrates ha dde. xi. N. diſtiples and) diſ⸗ 
ciples of pee df pls. indy Hy hes Kf Be dpf A 
mey ſhulde be guyded) aftve. i , oꝛdres (hal is bo fate m 

Cleꝛqie /in knyght hode g m cõmones / und) orrerantdy be 
arge ea eh Emptor th Rupahefore aboue — pple 
n de de ¢ peple/ 
aa 60 bur for che clerqie and) the knight Ces 
fe de ſocrates Bas of rede colour /g of competent ſtature ho 
re hrdedy / and) Bele facedy /demure a grete ſtudyer 
and) lolter Spon the eꝛthe / and) Bhey he ae he . — 
his litik fynger /e lyuedy four ſcote · h pores /g Was Kꝛptten 
in his ſeale / pacioice @ good) byleue ty god) ma beth amay 
vicborious / Nnd) Bas Wrytten 1 ij his girdel/ hauing reſpeck 
and; confireractoy € chende of euery thinge enuſeeh the ſal⸗ 
3 e ſaule and) of the Boop, he eſtabliſſtedy laddes 
ſent into the E Ae South e Aorth/ g 
att of Tae gyuernedꝰ bx chem ¶ And fbn be firſt ding | 
that thou — five wi Til » y is to Beye dyuyne Juftics 

til may / and) acts bey the eee a 18 che Babe 
that meiſtech them / Wleꝛfore if the ſedes be not elene · noꝛ 
th: Bates ſufficentk. What fomenes le ſo den peofiteeh Gal 
td? e ought eo meꝛueile ws Sp that e 
che pez petua e goodeneſſe of the otſeꝛ Worle Soodes 
of this wy 5 bade 8 the Bele di 
poſed ſaule loueth to do Vele · g che euil diſpoſeth ſaule 
co do harm And ſaid che oa ſaule graffeth goo dneſſe z 

che fruyt therof is ſaluacioy. Nnd the euil difpofedy, 
feth vices / and) tle fruyt rie is dãpnacioy 1 2 
the goode ſaldle is Rnotber by p che vecepue’d gladly twuth 
and che euile ſaule by tha (Be reerxuetß glad xx ſynges 
nd) ſaid) that Bley aperſonne do Wteth y whee full 
khingis and is ſtedfaſt ny thoos kat Geen open and ein dẽt 
bo the eye /it is ſigne that he is of goode vnderſtan ding 
Gau fac edge (autes of chan ene By gro / Bie 
foro ful of the Rerkio of them that bey cut? Rnd ſaid 
tle nan ehre folaBetG cette fee Gin fe exec a 
te laſt is ale dif ſonoured Nnd Whoo that hates it geteth 
ynougß /g at the ode is right Bele Woꝛſh ipped ¶ And ſaid 
Cue Ae gor (ale (aueeG hin fee oke Gy fared Bp 
him ¶ End ſaid) the fatble Rnoeth alk thinges / Chay 
be that knoddech his (abe Lnolbpeh euery thing. g he that 
ſino eth not his ſa dle /Enoddeth not hing n faire he 
that is Reptif to him ſelf / he is more Reptif to anotſer g he 
that is liberal co him ſelf / is dom̃onely liberal & anotlet 
¶ Mindy (aire litil teching ſuffiſeth to the goode ſa dle /g eo 
the euilk ſoule mode teching may not a vile ¶ Andy ſaide 
chat. vj. maner of mer be/ that neuer be out of angre/that 
is co Witte / che firſt is he that may not foꝛgete his trouble 
che. j ay minous mar that d dell eth With fol leis neWlp at, 
she + he ih · he chat dddelleth m a place · here another 
chriuen g he ary finde no pwouffit theve. ehe · iin. a riche 
may fallen iy poucrtic, che. B. he chat arforceth him ſelf & 
dom (s che ſtate hut is not bylonging to him to haue Nnd 
the. Vj. he chat hath dwdell do With a Myeſeman / andy heh 
oo ching lernedo of him ¶ And faire hd ſo fapnetg him 

ſelf to (Be doc ryne bo amay of euyl courage /reſembleth 
to him / that Vol Aaiſtas a4 len hoꝛs / Vhrche if he peue 
him not a Aang bitte With a corke he (Gal nene coy gouer 
ne Gin And ſapde to mode haunting feliſſhip enge dꝛerß 
not grete loue bit Tene them /s abſteynyng From chem au⸗ 
feth ennemptees /e thay it is beſt to ub Be in moderabeby 
And ſaide he chat uch good) is beer than “ys goode — 
that x66 eupl ie Bore thun the Andd fatdy (erence is 
Bad by dilgẽee of men / but difcrecton cometh of god. nd 
ſaide Wyf dom is the leche of the lade / moneye is ehe feRe, 
neſſe c Wher the leche may not hele him (elf / hoe ſhulde he 
ele a noche nd) ſaide thou maiſt not be ꝑfeckely good if 
EB hateſt thyn eme ney / What (Batt thou E thay if thou ha 
beſt thy fre md faire this Woꝛlde may be Genedy eo 
a day fu of chiſtdes in a manere hidde/ ßer amay is pub 
: Reo nt entrech in it /g if he aſpie chem he Vol ella of it 
Q nd ſaide he c we the. Voꝛlde / hall but labour /e be 
that hate it/hath e an fa 5 is 21 ſiple the 
is creepy to depaꝛte from this eth him to malie 
in hit his bil digis Wud) ſaid ie bat is Be a light 
bee ning fyre / hezof Gar is good & liyndylk his light & 
ene Gay ee bey d tee ligg 
te le Brey him ſelf Wie h al by (aid he that ſectel fh af 
his mice in this World Lf a fer gc he that thenlieth 
oy his ſaule hateth this d And ſaide le chat louetßß 

this Worle map not faile to falk m one of klſe/ / ncue⸗ 
mẽ tis oꝛ both/chat is o ſay/ olle (o diſpleaſe our loꝛd god 
cell is bo be enuied at of „ge mey they he is / nd faire 
may that (eR cB to peed einempes bc his diſtructioy /g 

De Clint hach many enupers g omempes is ry Efe dallget of 
— fortun ndꝰ faire this Worlde is but a paſſage in 
to the offer Doꝛl de / and one Cat purukicth him of 
A e well neceſſarie/ſor chat pu ſſage/is the, ſurer for aff pills 

Rud faire er ouble not bp hy ſelf gretly / Rie Worrely ac 
quiſicde but veſemble ehe bir ddes of che Five, Bhiche iy che 
marnpne, (ee Gut cher niyo at ef 
ic owen that —— of are tp 
their for sand at n re home a nd) fa 
Che erroü is ſenoſden iy a 60 — dy that ere 

— 951 mote ck ſeey after eee Bp cat fhe vpoy 

a Wyage andy wfiredy to Rnole of Sotrabes 
(but euere Gr et cher e Be aie wie 
the 21 s/that thou Bnotbeft /g beware of of fous chat thou 
— — go not by nyghl/ete nooy herbes chat chou 
— ola Toe that thou Reve the 1 it 
Be ehe leger / wilẽde not bo chaſtiſe ae is oute of alls 

oo pe — 

17 4700 be . is fo prs 
(pee 4 . — nee abe epeth right dyſneſſe sandy 
ſapiente good) eon dicions. * atompained⸗ 
Bry (elf 57 a ic may. and) bey motte hues iy ay 
hygh Bape ehe Lie may a It Were daſtgewus to me 
if they ſinoſde me & Planes (addy € Pere che better 
for me / If y Bere knodden by ees nd) ſayd) a Ryſe⸗ 
may oughe to Ble Hye dapes ny one of tleſe Bo maneres 

eae is 0 fepe’, wy EGaé khat map arufe hym (o aue 
Jope in Gps Torker and) w ehe offer on n that / hae 

mei quſe him to haue goode name in khis World ¶ And 
faire (his Worlde is deleckacioy of ay houre / e foroibe of ma⸗ 
ny daies /g the otßeꝛ Poꝛlde is grebe vefte ¢ long iope / nde 
ſaid Whoſomeueꝛ teche Eh one Noꝛde of fo it the mos 
re e if he cafe the of his ante in — (Bet 
our loꝛd/ſoꝛ no manere of ſuere al be it uſe be 
‘ake ſom Gol thinlie thou forſ dereſt thy ſelf in fat 
de tale hede loſde thou peueſt thy peftes for fom file fol ies 
eue to the vnne dy / andd veſuſe hit o thoos that haue nede 
Nude 4 — I thou Wile Wine afrende / ſpelie good of him 
eo che engẽdꝛet h loue /g euil ſpeche ae! hate 
nd ſaid a ling ought bo put from him alk euyll 
ße ed pfones for kle hazme chat they of his compa — 
is veputed his we ¶ Andy fair hy el erreth g knodeth 
hit. and) after vepentech him theꝛof Sach asu par den 
End ſaide he chat medleth to dorrect eue zy may cnuſech ehe 
mooſt pat (o hate him ¶ And (are to a may that Gade ve 
ported his linage/ f J be the Woꝛſe for mp linage as thou 
ſapeſt Op linage is ehe Worle for ehe And ſaide he chat fe 
REG the where of this Woꝛlde is liſte vnto him that ſekkethh 
do mom ʒarab Wenyng it Bere Bates g rẽneth to wine it 
ak he be Werp/g Wlan he cometh} (d hit. ſe findeth no ching 
& Bay he is e Beit than he Was eter, arab is ad 
kr n a medeſd/ Phiche at ſõtyme by veflockioy of the fone 
ſemeth a date g is none in dede ¶ Nndp fardp a may — 
neue: pfyte veſte e Jope iy 2 Told), 8 . any not af 
e pſeuere in wheacton g poſſeſſe his Winminaio ¢ oft 
lch oul ang pf fe va ticle fe ff of Sic fdbie a6 
och Bpfe/ And ſaid the loue of this Wort" ſtoppecrh mãnes 

Aron he /g BE 
pa ha aah emmy ok 1 55 

from doyng goode de ſaid he that bach e 6 once 
twuth hach moo ¢ gretet ſeruauntis Gay a Bi 0 
ſaxdꝰ he is not Free that byndeth him to anot nd fap 
de afferme noo thing /til thou linodde the twuth not do nod 
thing. but it be aaa noꝛ begẽne nothing But if chou 
fe holde to bringe it co good) ooncluſioy/ The Das a riche 
may ſaidꝰ & him /O ſocrates Vhy art thou fo oure / To 
Bony he * I thou knewdeſt What is ee A, 
dſt kaue more ſoto de of thy puezte chan of mx 
ſaid Je is a grebe merueile to fe a Nyſemay „ 
ſaidꝰ the eth is a thing that may not be of helBed /e cher 
dught none to drede hit / but ſuche as haue cõmitted⸗ Fete 
iniqmte e dyn litik inftice Mxafore they ſhuld drede dãpna 
c ion for their demerites after che ir det h And ſaid a 
deth is not bo be difpiſed/ but to be macgnéfiedy ( pꝛ 6 Sin) 
fos it maſtic h . from che nrc . ri 
e andy Game & the Horf Ftp + from ehe orld 
3 6 che Voꝛld⸗ — 7 the Woꝛl de of for 
Ge and Yarrites €o the Voꝛld of ſapiẽce veafoy and trouth 
Mwdy fo ee ost of nel a pepe ke ch Bork 
eonſolaci nd) fapdo / It is merueile f 
him chat do tet ) bo dye e eee to his ſa 
nbd faid 948 i fp (o him ag boeh bo 
aue ioye after i ¶ And) (aid he chat duech Wel Gal die 
Vek / Nnd ſaid better it is Boꝛſhipfult vee chan ſhamefut 
liſe. And ſaid deth is the veſt of eu ous ple for eae 
ep lyue the more multyplie the ir douetiſes eb ech s is 

ble Bary Ppt for the det e 2 
20h K ane soe Se Soe we 

0 ¢ t tot the l. 
Jug . cong 8 f 25 

ought not to Pepe fo 12295 0 ſlayne Vit houte cauſe. 
dus for hy ht Sth (Uapme Gf B eee 
Py xumpnell 2 Ai Habu (aid he chat dredet ß vy 
ching ſought eo his Ree to Khan et Qt fo be chat 
doddteth to haue ptines for his finnes af tir his wth, ounhe 
(5G ul che fr map eſcheue that pave ndp faire Way 
chu Wolt do ox chung lobe for Nhat cecafion hit is Andy 
if thou ſeeſt che ende kheꝛof goode/haſte the oncluſion sandy 
ellis veſiſte thy Nil nd ſaide bettir is ko ama to Cue 
harde. thay to & Te of him that veputeth his litil . 4 
veftes fo le grete Beau cxufe Wol ner ee 60 
in 22 5 —+ aide taBe jn no rey ens Sonne * 
d € hach diſwdoꝛ dt our 
8 ame ref is moꝛe tha A oni — He loued al ep 

lerne / ToBerof ſom vebuſte d him · lo Vhom be faite tbe greckeſt 
ſbame / chat ory wp o ay olde may is bo be ign e 
a yong may chat ha dde ſoliſſhly ſpent «Rafter his fubſtãct 
a nd) Was broght (o ſuche ff ee eli 
ote vues /e hom he faire if the olyues hadde be as goode 60 
ee 0 at che legynnyng / as (hey be nowe . chou ſ huldeſt haue 
hade pot largely of of ep goows GT Rndp ſayde ther is noo 
difference bit ip agrete teller of kydyngis . and) a kper 
¶ And faire the nobleſt chnic) that Hitorey may lerne is 
en therby chep efchelbe d do euill Bertie Rin 
aide che Sreeſt Vynnyng that aman map haue / is eo gete 

atrue Fede le hetde amah fap a one Was farer in liep inc 
his tunge / chan in mode ſpelting for in mode langagt one 
map lighely ere. To he ſaid one oug ht not to vndet 
ſtãde chat in chem chat ſpebe ele. N nd ſaide the prof fit of 
ſilẽce/is leſſe cha the pwouffit/of ſpeche. g che harme of ſpe⸗ 
che is more / hay the harme of filence · And ſayd one map 
ſinolde a Vyſeman by haꝛlẽyng g hol ding his läge. e amay 
may ſinoſde a fole by his moche claterẽg. Ind ſaid he that 
Vol not holde his peas til he be qſtreyned is not to be blamed 
@ le chat Wik holde his pras til he & boden ſpelie is to be prey 
fedp Ind faite It is ay ignoꝛãt thing to diſpube m chin⸗ 
ges ß may nat be vnderſtãde / And faire the meane is beſt 

in alt chẽges. Nndy ſaide moche rẽning maketh mode Be 
rineſſe. Nnd (aire if the Vette of a may oümaiſtrie not his 
frailte/he (Bal fone be ouerdome ¢ bꝛought to nous nd 
ſaid he is alreſt chat cay not diſcerne the good from the euil 
And ſaid he is a good frẽde that doth the good /g a mpahép 
frende /t hat defẽ del h the fw m haꝛme he Wrote vnto a Ring 
recõfoꝛting him Nhay his fone Bas wre in this maneꝛ / god 
made this Voꝛlde an Sous of delectacioy g ward g tle trou 
bles ny this Voꝛlde cauſen vemuneracion in the other Nnd 

ſaid no may ought to repute him ſelf Fyſe / End (aid this 
Voꝛlde peuelh evemple o Hoos chut abyde by thaim ß reprré 
And ſaid che loſſe of ſõme is leꝛnĩg bo other / Nnd ſaid h 

that cruſtethj in this Voꝛl de is weriuled/ he that is fufpectt 
ous is in grete ſowide / One of his diſtiples gafe him a gif 
be /g he Bas troubled Nich al/ t Baw axed him WHp he ve 
ioyfed it nat / he (aid the veorpeioy of this gifte hat h paired 
hie Noꝛſhip g put me in his dãger / And ſaid be bo thy fader 

82 & chy mover ae thou Nikt hy chil den bey Go ehe 
n 2 7 0 & not ta angry nor fo Wachfetk fo chat is the 
Nets f nd faire one gucht to haue ſhame to ſpe 
Re that vf 195 — 0 d ¶ Ind) ſatde vefrayne the fo 
vices in chy a g it ſ hal be the feireſt garmẽt / that thou 
maieſt Bere ¶ Nndp ſaid) gouerne the fo to thy poder / hat 
nomay fay harme of the / alte it / it Bere 1 ynges / for alle 
men Byrolbe not che twuth /e pet they baue coves / plato deſi 
ved) him to anſ Were in. ij · thingis g he Wolde be his diſciple 
the firſt Was What mance ti mey se ought to haue mooſt 
pice of ehe ij. Bike fore ſom mennis Wirſeis preue not / ehe 
hodde amay Bulre do co haue retribucloy of our Corby 
Ch feſt fe an 25 that amay ought to haue pite m. ij 
Wieſes p is eo ſeye of agoode 2 the handis of aſhreſde 
for he g there leet alk ſoroſde/g of a Wieſeman in te du 
natice of a Fook Vhiche is 6 him grete heupneſſe/ g a liberaf 
maß in che Be fubsection of a eye fe he hath herby grete ri 
Bacon The. ij · (heir Berltis preue nat that haue goode con 
ſeile/z Werke oi ther after/g * richeſſe Wil ae diſpen 
nih their nede The · ij · is the goode vetribueioy / that one 
cepuct of our Lorre cody oom̃eth to be onterly 6 obeiſſant 
Sue eee him frõ (piesa Phan platon Nas thus 
anf Wend, becum his diſtiple aff his Mer the ſaide fos 
erxtes ſeide diſpreiſe 9 ben wh tt eke e lyf of thy 
ſaule/foloſde Juſtice (Bale be ſaued no u 
ſemã he white 3355 3655 f af Fire twuth 
fai absent dught to ſpelte Bitch ay ignorãt / as the phiſi 
cien dolh Vith bis paeiẽt And ſaide he 1 taſteth his 
pleaſ det inthis Bortre muſt nedis een in one of theſe. j. 

cuuſcs chat is o fay offer to —— as pet : & 5 
fe that he Rath Tone Vith gvete payne Ind fa * 
ee ee Fife eB e ay Git eae al 
e that Til ſtanche thy thur one 
Vele 55 gab & folodde goode Berkio, lerne ſapiẽe of 
mooſt Vyſemen “ae be n 560 eee the genes fa 
Women ſet bo tale mey With al. for they be hidꝛers of ſapi 
ccd ſaid he that Couch this Role is Be to him tat 
“ag? ny Go the (ee for if he eſarpe the parels of the tai men 
Bol ſe 5 he is ftunag⸗ if Be be periſſped they Bol ſey he is 
Dil fully diſceyue d ¶ R ndy ſa id may hath poder ouer his 
Ani, el dsp be ſpobg g lay he hath ones vttered them 
A hath noo pte oe — And — he an at Seo tie 
refreyne his toͤge Ha tf no m afte al his other 
9 ſilẽce ¢ 120 is goode in diuers Tp, 
5 t plates Rudy (aid if a may be moche erde (pele, one 
eee if P diſerete ox not g if he hol d has peas ox 
a litil. one et the —— 88 be Dyſel l Mado ſaidy 
y amay ſpebieth he ought bo gſidere af ve Nhat he Bil ſeie 
for better it is he gſidere. chan anotles (bo n 2 60 
one of his d feipke Phan thou Bilt fpebe, ſpele * ¢ —— 
thy Na nd favo he chat ir 125 as or ſpelieth 
Cel lerneth ated ſpeche of offs ¢ if he fpeke yong lerne at 
hie Voꝛdes / One axed him Nhat Nas a goode purchaſſe. he 
anſaerd that Ane ceo Nell in (he fp ding cheꝛof And ſaide 
dꝛoͤſienſ hip vndolh amã. g ſaid one ought not bo axe gſeilk 
of him that hat h his Porte al ſette eo the World for his aduis 
ſbalbe But after his pleaſdcæ. a ſaid good gſeil ſhedderh often 
che ende of the Berke thea Bas adoman chat called him old⸗ 

and (aid his (ace Bas right foul Co Phom he nee 
thou art fo derſie g fo troublous a mprour that my le 
cy not be perceyued kherin And ſaid he is diere a 
ſiepeth ele his ſecretes /g he is not Wyle that diſcouers khem 
¶ And ſaid amar ght bo ſiepe ſecrete that he is deſired 
bo Gepe/g be i is more to preiſe that liepeth that thing ſeerete 
Whiche 61 is not wfivedy to Reve mdo ſaid) if thou cay 
not ſtepe thyn ody —ͤ— leſſe Woll re Ripe hit bo 
Whom 650 fal bold hit to · one axed him W ate may 
Wil deſire co haue edunſaile. he ſeyde leſte his —— 
Vyſe medlede Dith his Wicte see ſaid that i ie a 
good oon dicioy is of good and ſure lyf / and is BeLoued of 
goode people / and h chat is of euil eon dicions is euyy the 
cõtrary And ſaid to one of his diſerples/truſte not this 
Voꝛl de. fox hit paieth neuer that it promittet Md ſaid 
aatſtume fo be content With dee * for pe (Ba fynde 

hit for the beſt. and that ſ hall com vnto be it not 
for litil for it map enevefferg mat ipte u ſelie to Bpnne 

frendis n loue them noo ſiqne of hate. and 
one asl bey Bi Lee Bas and) le/ 
fingis / he hip aſmoche as is bit dene the cove and) the eye 

¶ Ind ſaidꝰ be chat deſireth bo haue more ay fuffifaitee 
fach Cat profftteth him noo ching nd (ais to one of 
his diſciples /truſt not in the t me. for it faileth jncõtinet 
to hun that tru cle he th pe nd fard Ware thou be not 
diſceyued by a ry sth thy abe Bp the helt 
of 55 body for khende of thy 5 ſelteneſſe/and the 
ende of thy ſelieneſſe (Bal B deth / thou maiſt not cfeBaure tie 
diſeaſes of this Gorld/Aher Bas neuer rope Vit houte ſoro lde 

nor neue lighe Without deꝛlieneſſe/noꝛ neues veſt Littzeute 
labour / wor aſſemible Vit houte depazting ¶ And ſapde. lite 
as the fortune of this Voꝛlde. ‘dat make reiopfingy Spor 
thin ennempe / right fo may it make thyn ennempe haue we, 
ioyſinc) of the <1 Nndꝰ fapdy he chat eee e. ſet⸗ 
tech him ſelf in . plate is the more ſure for the pes 
tyls of this Wolde ¶ And) ſayd he chat is ful filed Bit 
loue of this Voꝛlde diese him to ij. thinges /t hat 
is to ſaxe/firſt co poueꝛtee / for he (Bal neuer atteyy to the 
richeſſe a he de wnt Sco ſaffre payne chirdely 
to beſyneſſe / Without evpe dicoy © &ndꝰ ſaido/te l neuer 
ch ofcp eo him hut is angry Whay one praielhz him bo be 
it ſecrete / One axed him am he had Bone by h tie 
e J ary as amay ſitting oy che (ec (pre N 
Gi fen p fotos Weapedy iy ee Kade of ee fee , Nd 
(aid, grete fredom growith by fezuree for the more one fer 
uech the more fre he Boomett nd ſayd. he khat Wil Pin 
ne frẽdes lebe him bebe frſtif kz ay tea pre them from 005 
uetiſe/g if he aun /veſt chan With them a ell is ſone 60 departt 
ie if tou le not couetous /éfou may veſt in eneep 
ndꝰ ehe ſaid) focrates fad many e ayenſt 
Women Whe is nol krãſlated / Nnd it Was axed of him 
60 Tu fier i Was beſt co ſette his childe coſcole be anfuer 
de / bo lerne that / chat is othe pꝛoffitable in this Poꝛlde « the 
——5 * oe Tek begãne 1 1 . — ou 
anſueꝛd/ tft ined) my fe 
han amay we nas 60 ee fo Pele 2 oe 
he tabteh nooy hede of pꝛeyſinc) noꝛ diſpreiſyng) for th fore 
Eesof Bay i is le Wyſe/ It Vas told him re cheꝛ ha dde no 

credener be yeuen o alle his Boꝛdes / he anfTBered,fo thut my 
Wordes haue be goode and) reaſoynable ] geue no grete force 
Who hat h feed) them oꝛ no TM nd fatdy he is goode ny 
the hyeſt 8 goodeneſſe Ciné enforerlh hym o good 
him ſelf ny Be is sy the «i ,droyee Ene enforerth him (o 
axufe other (o be goode / and be that velilteth of none of thieſe 
5. is (o be diſpꝛeiſed) ¶ Andy (aire (o his diſciplbe be not 
deſtous to haue ehe goode not curable ,Su€ couctte ko ſaue 
Gat is perprtuellp good. ¶ Quid ſaide · le noc inquifitif 
Spon offer follkis left hex he jnquiſitif von ehe ¶ Andy 
fatd put Wit and) diſerecioy afore the m alk thy Wer lies · 
and thou ſhalt be che better granyſſhed Bay thou [Bal é com 
Go khexecicdon of the fame ¶ And) ſaid) for bere not o de 
goode de dis all be it chey be Bol . There Bas one diſ⸗ 
ref his face. (o Whom he ſaide it Rae not my poiber o 
ake my face/and) ther ſore J ought not be Amed if it be 
fut eB that ] Brut pouer duer ] haue ret fair 0 hat 
that thou haddeſt ple ouer thou haſt fopkoy de ſaid 
be true vnto hym that oompanyet h With the /andꝰ Had 
trout vnto 1 2 55 Bou f (Balé be fe more fure to eſchedde 
daſigiers ¶ And (aid do 6 dere as thou ddol deſt they ſhuld 
pa he, Nnd do fo noon offer But as khou Bobee(t be wor 
ndy faidy amay ough € bo be covcectedy hy evperienee 
— enughe bp the Aenea of this Woꝛlde ¶ nd ſaid 
Re is Been Shon xleckaclon bo laue goode wenoume 
than money ¶ Andy (aire pacienee ie Ty to cafte® and 
haſtyneſſe . repentaunde honour is 
he frupte of twuth / and fox che 55 Rie 1 55 (Saft 
Worf! 57 He End the goodeneſſe ſhalbe kino de not ſparig 

to do klat / that (Galle proufftta ble ¶ Ind) (atdy / it oug 
faffife a may eo Enodde andy vn deꝛſtande that / that 1 700 
dapli fal m 9 World) for the by he may lerne nelbe fern 
woe ought bo be Woꝛſhepped⸗ ne Wilech wad aer 
may / and he that Hol oh memes haꝛmes putt Bo 
ih gebe perille/ dul che Juſte man reſteth in eus d 
ſaid he that Repth him ſelf Wele is a grete „ 
he chat ſettith fo litil 05 him ſelf that he thenlieth not oy 
his ſauile/leſeth him ſilf/he chat is pacient wth Pele / and) 
(Gal not repente en he that fate his peas ſaueth his 
daungieꝛ ¶ Nnd fard let thy ſedes be goode Woꝛſies / z thou 
Finke gadre flours of Tope andy of gladdenſſe G Au 
ſaidꝰ/ thou (Bale haue weft m ie cont panxe of a yſen oe 
labour iy ehe oom panve of afoole cad Kd ſaid) to be ef 
fied With littel is Woꝛſhip/and) nok to be tet Fiety Wit 
woch is ſ hne ef QEnd faity rer Ty Fou daft day 
exp deffaul te / and if thou haue eꝛvedꝰ ooꝛreck thy (elf and 
repent the and) af tir that vepenta unte Dave thou falle no 
more 8 loſie (chou Fins the not of any of t 

goode dedis e And) fair he (hat meifets Soy 0 1 

le is parteneꝛ of his good) Wie acom pan 

8 With him chat Goch not hi rete cz ſaid⸗ 
heen aste ß ß vefwxyneth Ging feo age ¶ Rnd fair 

. is Woke diſpoſed) chat cay be mpre his Oras and) ie 

Freche ¶ And ſaid/ abe noo (Brome Go lere kroutg of Thom 
ſo euere thou hereſt it for twuth is fo noble that it Woꝛſhip 
pech thos Ane ponollee it ¶ md ſaidꝰ chat thing) tlat 
ktepeth eat (Barne is bektiꝛ cſay the richeſſe purefuſ 
fed) esp ¶ End faid many mey may apeꝛcexue falbtis 

iy (hem ſelf · chat fynde falBeis vy af ok z ¶ Nndꝰ (ayby 
to a may that fled) venquiſſ bed. from abataille/ chou doſt 
euyl to flee From the hondurable wef & the ſhameffulk lpff 
¶ Andy fapdy he that erret h/ oꝛ he Leno de che twutß/ought 
the former to haue ſoꝛgeueneſſe ¶ And ſaid mode Bpne a 
fapionce may not acoꝛde / for they be in maner gtrarious 
And) ſaid) /ſuffiſaunde is a caftee that kepeth vyſemen 
From euyl Weꝛbeis ¶ Indy (aid if he un not eſchedde ire pet 
Rope it ſelꝛet ¶ Ind ſaid that thing that afoole leſet h ary 
neue be vedeuedꝰ/ but a Ny ſemay ary leſe no thing / There 
Das a fook that. Blamed hin / Wir fore one of his feladdes 
aped him leue eo auẽge him /to he faite /a Pyſemay ye 
ueth 7 ate to do amyſſe ¶ Nnd) ie a * be 
ſtrengthedꝰ g fuſteyned by Juſtyte /g afl thinges be amu 
ted 6 FON y Jr dcin (eid ef Cs 
woft map not be Rept gſeile /al be it / it be nat node vndez 
ſtanden it ſ halbe lnoldey at ſomtyme ¶ Ind) ſayd good 
renomme is bett ir chay richeſſe/foꝛ richeſſe Volle loſte andy 
renome Wol laſte / Sapioꝛde is a richeſſe chat Wil neuer 
faile noꝛ min nd (aire Bare the of dꝛõſienſhip ſoꝛ 
the Lit that is oncome Nit h Nyne / is Ge che Gore that af 

ama Lit houte (citer is lyſte a wyaume Bihout a lg / And 
ſaidꝰ alt ing) ought bo take none to his ſezuter but ſuche as 

ae randy afore goed any ue T Kindy ſaidꝰ be eae 
taketh a ae Ge oon dicioy/ map not make hem afk his 
fvendes And ſaidꝛ ecõmitte alk thy auſes to god Vith 
out out ene evtepcion 1 ſard/ vepute not thy ſynnes litil 
Pes Bere oe ſeꝛ thou Bale be nede o 
yy ‘f ¢ ba ſaid to his diſciples &Ba 
ve of 21 World st is f khoꝛny Buf] be that thou 
oe ad a nd ſaid Be 757 hin be Poꝛdely 
& Rew t 9 7 0 in the pꝛeſence of their l 
— 3 ye fry . they * be Sa 6 they 825 
€ is deſtanden in euerp place for god is 
itt vei “Gan ge id he thut t is * 07 Re pid teh Sax 
der ko ape ty Chat is ghElp Broth right as che gre 
ne Bore is Rotter thay the offer Din it is Bel liyndeledy⸗ 
her Te Ba n . e oy ie 0 op 
ueiſe JImiuzes co hym ehe anf Berd ee otleꝛ ma 
tere fo Pynne of me they this /do it orellis bew oure peas 
The Was qvetez veueꝛẽc made 6 an ot her may ch to him 
Wherfore ooh axede him if le er eny enuie cal h anſlbde 
we if he hadde move ſeikte Hay JJ Wolde haue hade ẽ tuie at 
sim on ellis not ¶ Nnd ſaid. ſapiẽce g goode vendme is not 

founde but in coor pſones — * be Ritts x the gre 

sp eilt ane & eine et 8 mae 
End ſaid chat chou l Beye ſeſeret in t conrad oe dif 

touts it not coeueap MAG N nd aio oon vnto him p (abe 
him ty a poure clothing be is not Bocrates thus pouerly 
areuied chat yaue the la Wes to ÿ peple of athẽs /o Blom fe 
anſcdered/ / Frise CoB is not made by good arraxemẽt but by 

or deaſon andy fepence ¶ And) ſayde bo his di 
beck oeh ann femal eee Ge CTR) 1 
7 : 2 9 to ſino de What is his ſaule 
Zatoy (ithe inteꝛp Tore as te fi phi * 
ded oꝛ ce / 8 
he Vas of nahe € u babes ſiĩnerede ¢ by 92 
Roder fo of fe inert of grep een uers 
PaSeo ras it is alouẽſaide/ſe With focrates ehe ſpa 
& of /d / xeres. g 4 0 che delh of dhe ſaid ſoerates fe vnde 
ſtode that iy Egipte Bere dertayy af ace? diſciples co 
peas Bont peoffetety modge lerning With klem. 
retournedꝰ then apey Gehe, there he oꝛdeignedꝰ . j. 
ſcoles ( Oſed) laudaßle kyff in dyng good Werkis helping 
g nouriſſhing he nedy pepl / Andꝰ they of Athe nes Bolo 
haue made him their lorde. he vefuſed hit vtteꝛly for as mo 
che as he lnedde chem of badde e Billie opens, kene. 
We Bele that le dude not 0 chaũge their Aue 
orrecke hm Be as it apper / 
teyned they Bole ſeꝛue 1 as they did e fap 
d plato lyuedꝛ · lxi. pews a may of good Ddiſereclon. difpo 

men a to ſtrangeꝛs/and he Baty many 1 ia 

Be made ehem act vest iy fo moche/ hat be ama neuer fo 
his poſde: cuy no more /thay if he Were apoueꝛ ea 
ture/veſiſte apenft P e: he bad andy thanlied god 
for the Bitte 0 f bath peuey maf op faire yma 
gyne no be in Gin Bu eae, is nedſult goode 
8 Ties fatd; Re not couctone Sporn Woꝛde 
goodes for e ee haue fuf 
Emme bet ty fe fifo i ely 
Sapionce,The Whiche ve ought to haue Wich che dꝛede of 
is is ehe Repe of goodeneſſe. Ve ꝛby ye map entre 
mdo atteyne to the goode and cruz richeſſe cis Wot Ae 
225 do all Bingy that may cuſe hattered) andy euill 
for and) ye if SoBe fre chinges that 5 four g 
pꝛepſe/as euił andy Bphe pe Wolde haue the m in move hatered 
And) ſayde. directe andy amende pous ſelf. and 
4 labour to cosvecte othes and if pe do not pe ſh alle dap 
wed), nd J celle you. che thing that hath made me mooſt 
5 that J 55 not 176 2 by got ne filet, for if J 
Ned) grete treſor J Buldy haue hade many Sup 
touches Wer ve cane 6 gla ddeneſſe. Vhiche en 
geeſſes daily in me in lernyng Byf dom. Wad. for to lete 
pou Wete. kat gol dd and) files aven not good). o be outs 
mode (et bx · Ther is ſumme oountre thut alittitk puosp 
o Inpedrne bone. Is bought for a grete ſoume of gold 
End in ot her places. mey tale fale Brac and thes 
Fake eG, fr af mosh goldy- dy derber if ie Sew 
peꝛfptelp goodꝰ of him ſelf . he ſhulde be egally ene 
louedy ouer alle liſie as fapience is choſen and fate in 
euery Cuntee ¶ Und) ſaydꝛ · Enquere andy (ele bo 

lauue Vertues /g pe chal be ſaued praife no foul thingis and 
blame no hug ve is laudable/g krautaile pou not for (d 
Winne Bice thie (Bal lighely be loſt / Glee after pour 
good pꝛedeceſſours avcape pou With iuſtite and clothe pou 
ate chaſtite „g fo pe [Salle happy /e pour Verlies Cautedy 
Andy ſaid Cuſtoue is a grete chinge ¶ nd ſaid he Wit 
bed) Wer lies dampne and eo the good ¢ “oat zittreneſ 
fe of the aloe tre diſtroyelh the ſWitteneſſe ' he honx/ And 
ſaidꝰ . & Vyſemay we not to think ia is loſſis Aut 
ought bo liepe Bele the vemanaunt of his good ¶ And 
fait he that dot h not For his e While he map + 15 
Tot ltue him ha y he fOal "te mooſt nede to them 
ſaid) that ſapiende is goodꝰ for ſhe cary not be Loft as ache 
ontalles and Woꝛdel p goodes may / Nndy it Vas axed him 
Wher by alBpfe ma 0 wma be kenodden/ and he anfuerd Thay 
he Vol not be Wach of the iniures that bey den vnto him 
ony veioyſeth him not Ney men Apis him / Andy Je 
Bas ee ee fe me mig Be Sgt of i 
ennompes lr anfaerd for & be Srmous sandy o d good 
andd noble dedes ¶ Nndd faydy eo Gis diſeiples Enfor⸗ 
ee pou to gete Scicices · by the Phiche pe ſbal dyreche pour 
ſaules / Nndꝛ do pour park for to Rope che laſde m ſuche Tp 
fe . tſut pour maker map be content Witz you Md) he 
sin 0 ee may hig ists Nabe mf dom 
955 y fucke nde he dyfpended) it amyſſe m gre 
8 1 miſreſdle. To Thom he fatdy ehe erte 
ebetl offer men , Gut thy ſelf eteſt the N e it Pas 
apeo) of 2 3 ik is that dy Soienet may 
mot ache, 6 gine . Bundy he — ande ſaxdꝰ? 

Bat one thing / pol a cöpflſſſe d map not be dyuided Nnd 
ſaid) that he khat cruſtes in his fortune / Nnd) is not ſom 
What beſye and diligent to laboure in goode Nerliis che goo 
de weforted from hym / as doth the ande from the ſtone de 
it hach light Spy ¶ And (aity k lat eth g 00 to o 
ther /and doch it not him fel. Je Bike to hym che lighteth 
acandeſk to another arid goth him ſelf darbeling ¶ Aid 
ſaide a being oughe not (o 3 gretely pꝛaiſed/that vepanet§ 
onelp but Spor his ſubgiectes / dut h aught to baue fa lade 
That reigneth and) hath lor dſh ip Spy hie annemyes 
nd fayby that gedꝛeth and vaffen S65 moche ſikutr 
baghe not 4 & allet riche / but he hat diſpen deth it Box 
44, dart and e + Andy 2 af Ged, him hoſde one 
mig coe him from nede/and le anfered if men be ride 
te hem kyue tem ptratel / and) ſobꝛely. and if ey | Be porter 
lebe hem diligentely / Thay [Ime aped him of hodde 
moche goode amay ought o be content / Andy he anf Wered 
bo haue fo moche as he neded) nat o flatre noꝛ boroſde of o 
ther ¶ And) fapdy to his difcepless, Phan pe (Trl: Lery 
of ſtudync⸗ u in redyng goode ſtories CT Rndy 
ſay do / that emay oughe not to ooueite th richeſ 
ef he ee 1 Buh on if fie 
fore ¶ Nn pho K goode is a guete hig if thou 
Be content 9 ieh ¶ Ind ſayd / it is bettir and amore oo 
— 6 aking, 6 vemembe andy ſe bo the soow 
qouernarnee of his yroph He fpace of arap kluy for fo 
daunc ¢ fporte Spry a hole pore ¶ And fay Lerliis won by 
Wof rosy cafe kinoldlege of chingis g chem diſcveteli 60 diſ 
cetne / and Berke won by ignoꝛãee is ay vnlinoldey chung 

til twwul h ſtalle g ſette them in their right b. Ney „g Borkie 
won by leſingis is for bo Diſoꝛdze good thiges / put them 
oute of their propre placie¶ andy faire thou ſhalt neue: be 
quent Vhylk thou aꝛt eduetdus / Nndꝰ it Bas aſbed him 
holde he might haue ler nedꝰ fo moche Nyſ dom / x anfuerdy 15 
cauſe J haue putte more oille i mp Compe bo ſtudie by thay 
yy in my arppe · Nndꝛ it Das aged of him Nhat man is 
mooſt couenaBle to goueꝛne a tone / Andy he anſuerdꝰ he 
that cay Bele gouerne him ſelf / Nnd) it Bas alſo axed of 
him hat man Nas mooſt Borthp to be culledꝰ Bpfe / ande 
he e he that a ee Bae to goode conſeile andy 
caſteth mooſt doſdtes ¶¶ nde fapdy Ache the veſſels of 
golde be pwuedy and Rnolbey by aie ſo dne if they be bw 
a or hole foo at mey pwued andy Rnolber by their foe, - 
ef gen ebe kate nbn Je Ts apd Sy d. 
che be che mooſt Ignorant mey in kheir dedis · Windy he fai 
ſuche as Werlie most after their oſdne confep@ and? tt : 
obe bo (hem ſelf +andy for default of goode adutfement 
575 oſe hem haꝛdely * do Nyliſtid) dedes And) tley af hed) 
Gy Bo wach moofe Bang 6 Bir ff Hd Be ay k 
that melterh him bo Efoo khat Be ought nob a Nndo fatdy 
the ignorãt peple Jugeth lighely the 1 595 oz the fife 

bh they fe lde the W om by khat. that 
they ſe of mamꝛes srt & ug 7 65 6 findet h fa 
pience that (eReeh her by che Weye, and) many erre 

Bp anufe tl ſelie her Syibuely 100 blame bes Without cauſe 
And faire h that is eee of good ſapidee. Rnolbeth 

not hum ſelf. g he chat Eno wech not him ſelf is of alk ig⸗ 
norauntis che mooſt ignoraunt. nd he is Byfe that lino⸗ 

Weth Fegrrorscemree and) hy Bat Gnolbelh ik nol is ignorãt 
¶ And ſaydꝰ Vrat h ledeth ſhame in a leſe ¶ Andy fair 
Ele lim) reſembleth to a grete Lpupre gro bynq) of litik 
and) (male rennyng Vat ves andy —.— if he & (eee ths 
litil 12 hulde be Ab Fete. And) if he be ſalt the litik chulde le 
ſalt Indy inp be Wele Ware chat m Bataille thou truſce 

not all onet 5 ep ſtrength diwi thyy natural 
Witte cau vickorie Vit houte might /but vnuethe ae 

mey haue vickorie by ſtrength Wehe Se of natural 
Gade fapd) Woꝛdes Wit hoube goode effet , is lilie a grete 
Batre that dꝛowõneth che Sag andy web it ſelf no pwuf⸗ 
fyt And (aire a fufpectious may is of euyl condicions 
anch push iy foroBe ¶ Kndd faidy k noe Kyll bo Se 
eny Woꝛdely — info che tyme that pe fe Phether Wit 
te and) reaſoy graunte thre / Gude if thieſe t Wo a coꝛde 
thou maiſte Wel and) ligbelp BnoWe the faireneſſe / and 
che filth cherof. Wud) in Nhat Nyſe they varie · andꝰ Sohne 
differende is bet ene hem ¶ And ſayd) · The Feames 
any ace Bf e neatpgene Gel fenen fr fing 
te motke Jer neſſe andy alſo by bo grebe kruſtyng in forte 
ne + Qe Whay men entende not bo encreſe the people to in⸗ 
habpte che e 5 And alſo Bey Werde laſteeh long) ther 
iy AMndo ſaid) The oide of Indignacioy is to le aſh a⸗ 
nach of in ff. Qnty Je Bes ape Spy Ble Ey 
ſemay coud be twubledꝰ · &ndꝰ he anfuerdy+"Dofay he is 
tompell ed) fo te ſe che cwuch of ay vnlinoſdey thync (o 
Soy ay etn «sy eo Gale fe may of 
good Sifpoficion sandy fu pie on* thou ought & 
do after hym + Fo: couct(e is 0 a0 Re and eRe in ‘Sop 

G5 saat er Sey for couctife is hohe Toke and) fee in him 
oe ſaid/diſprxiſe nok alert ching 2 it Fo neve 

fe Budo ſaido/blame not noꝛ vebuſie ane ay he 18 

Broth, for thay ee oa m watt be ſt not divecte him A nd ſaid⸗ 

be not gladde of tune of e Eno 

Veſt not de A Aa _ bourne aponfe che Andy 

ſayd ſtable thy Witte boche af thy ri age h ande and thy 2 

End thou alt be fie Andy fais reis thre thinges 
that Ker me Baame bo ſe/ that is to ſaye / N ude may 2 

in pouextee/a Voꝛſhipſule may diſpruiſed) / and) a 

may We not Fa 1 by ignoraunte prop 

bad) not in Wich ehe Wiliſted mey for /noo 5 
de kat hep 15 pin Et And faidy Thay a ropaueme 
is in profpente /Couctifers bounde to th &; y it is 

m ib / che en is bounde eo oouetiſe l N nd ſaid/Co 
ute not that thy thing Ber haſtiby don / but vie onely that 
chep be Well don Onn ſaid 5 ought bo be 1 sh 
e is move bounde bo his prince / ſor coy erg dem of den 
thun if offer ha dde geuey 11 te giftis ; Nnd ſaid/ ehe 
gyf tes (lat le Ku to ¢ te oon wopte af Bit ret ibucion 
0 giftes chat be Kae 1 he noghey people muſeth dey 
t to afBe more Ind faid the Wililtideneſſe folobeeh 
: ter the Tikeo men, elfe h alk goodeneſſe Abe as 
ve chat oe fee Spy ooectt vf eBiagts-0 leueth the ſ e 
1 fade sie h Fe Bou ek & pt e ey thing vn 
She me⸗ is ab tif ibe Bae oor & be pꝛap 
ſed chs nd faidy that l Wenders hot ele 
him ſelf * Buetnng but meRe him g Basie god 

fast it ſath pliaſed him bo cate him in fe put peine to 

brange Spiy out of his Janovance in the Bape of right y 
ſeneſſes ¢ oteſie for if le ſhulde rebuke him ſhame fully it 
ſtzuld be cuel te g oo iſtructe him eaſely is courteifie Nnd 
ſaid khat. j. diſputeꝛs diſputing g arguing) ,for to haue 
Lolo of ÿ trout h of a chig / haue no cuuſe to be Prot y 
o gidre for the ir queſtioy fallethj eo oo cõcluſioy/but g if 
le one t hinlieth fes to gquere the othr thy may haue ligh⸗ 
bely habered) & gine . ſoꝛ as mode as ich of them Wolle 
berge his feladde co his oBne oibente g fo to fubdue his opp 
nyoylſ nd ſaid han fou Wilé loro de oꝛ axe eny Ginay 
of anx may / if it le vefuſed the chou ought eo le more af bx, 
med of thin aſling tlay he of his refus . Ind ſaid he that 
ay not noꝛ Wil gouerne him ſelf is not able co gouer ne 
manp ocheꝛ ¶ Nnd faid a Bpfemany ough bo aſ ſie aur teyſe 
ly g meſielp/g With Be Noꝛdis liſie as the leche that dꝛa⸗ 
wech more bloode of a may meliely g Without noyſe fay 
doch che ſincerolle that micketh faſteꝛ ¢ maketh more noyſe 
And faire amay of feble oourage annoyeth him lighely of 
that he louet h ¶ N nd ſaid enforce 17 eo Rnotbe god/e 
dꝛede him /g peyne the for & node thy ſelf k Lo cache offs 
an) eather b d fo ehen bo Sfp ch ip €Bin oer ify ox 
PAMSEM nd ſaid) Defive no thing of god / but that s 
pꝛouffptable but deſire of him Ele good) chat is durable fo, 
ue 3 the goode lyff ere / but principally the good) 
ende Mndp fatdy he is vn happy that gtinueth ny his mali⸗ 
c ¢ khinlieth not oy his oꝛde ¶ Ind) ſaide velien not chy 
gett ing in thinges that bey from the / ne tarp not bo do for 
chem that haue dody for che · til they af Be thy / the retom penſe 
CT And) faidy , He is not Kvep yſe that gla doeh oꝛ 

reioyſed him in Noꝛdely pꝛoſperitees / and is kroubled in d 
psig ndy beides filth of Worrely Witte is Eso 

. ee not onl for i eure atuftine it · it Bol 
fourne ones & € D ndy (ai, If thou be Bil 
ling bo yeue ary ching eo ey ne dy body. tary not tile 6 mo 
rule, fo tou RnoWefé not What may befalk bo the. ch 
Sin a ma 9 tone gete his liuing 
aid be nok Vyſe 8 “but dy in dedes · for the Cece 
Waſteth in ehe ay 1 apiende of dedis / is pꝛouffita 
ble ny che euer la we hat Le nd ſaid · our Losre acvep 
ath him for part: 10 ode Bertie though he be pe 
aſible of litle Voꝛdes + and reputeth for euik che pꝛateres ¢ 
aße Got hy roy tail e ee . 
laboure co doo good. (ho lo, kherfore ſuffre no pepy* for 
if thou et delay 4 thy dilectacioy (Ral 
“Bink be none / a 15 co ene (Ba [Bal abide euer Nith the 
nd favo laue ty ve ehe daye that chou (Bab Be called 
ugemẽt⸗ fu 2 ue enen & than thy elatte 
eee ney kick · che ab 125 the /t 
2 om ch Bice 00 e halbe pone to t 
erche and thy Witte fo orrupt. (hat thou ſhalt haue no po 
Wer to fele che (tence of ehy body, nor holde che Bormes 
{Sx fue hy wen Bavepy » QUE haue Hy mpm ee plac 
Whee Chou (Gale god · che loꝛ die oe the ſeruauntis ſ halbe 
alle Like in che th Pace + and Chae ther map nother 
frende ne foo hurt noꝛ "tye the ] nd) cher fore ler; 
ne good) ſcieieæs and) diſciplyne + for thou ſ halt not 

Rote Thay thy wprrtine out of his Woꝛl de ſpalle and 
ptt be certayn that amongis aff the peftes of god/ ſapiene 
is che mooſt evell ont. [Be peuet hh goodeneſſe bo che good peple 
ee bo the Wiſilied their BiGReoneffes, ehinke g 
ue ty Ep mix gtinually that thou haſte 24 truſt not 
in aap inci of this moeuaeble Bort, be Bele Ware (hat 
thou do no foule dedis · ſoꝛ no deleckacion noꝛ Wrningis. g be 
Pave that for the vrria ble plaiſallots of this Biker Voꝛld 
cha fe noe ck iapfuck g eslafting kerſſecſ Nd) (aire 
loue ſapieno Inder ſtande g Berkey the Apſemen / z be obeyſ⸗ 
fant to chy loꝛde Berke not but in due comer pe take he⸗ 
de Potbe fou ſhalt do s¢LoRe that thou fap no Woꝛde vnton 
werent /g be not pꝛoſdde for no richeſſes · ne deſpeire the not 
for non euiſk fortunes be Wele diſpoſed) to alk peple /g diſ⸗ 
pꝛayſe no may fox his meſteneſſe ¶ Andꝰ fatdy hat khou 
reputeſt no vier in thy ſelf blame not another though he 
doch it. z thou ought not bo deſire bo be pꝛeyſed) of Textures 
that be not in che /ne do no ſuche thing ch thou Vol deſt bla 
me or diſpriiſe another if he dyd it / Thou muſt do fuche 
thingis as Bey good g couenaBle hough they be forboden the 
nd ſaide N Wyſeman ought to repute his errour grete 
e his good dedis HL Nndꝰ fardp afolxe is bo tut the vy 
nes /g take a Wey the euil bꝛanches 6 & leue Within 
our ſelf the couctifes,¢ offer BiGRioneffes ¶Nlnd fair l 
Re as We ſiept our ſelf fwm the mul titude of metes for Hs 
BPG of our body / Be oughe by a grete veafon to abſtein vs 
From Biers / for Be fauccion of dire ſaules e Nndꝰ (aire he 
that dddet h ko his gentil neſſe nobleſſe Vith good manets 
and) condicions is Voꝛthy co be maple) . Nndꝰ he thé 

taßteth and ſuffiſe th him only / Bith ehe gortik neſſe that co 

2 vedp/ Wichoute pur cha 
sha krassen kee ff 

noble apy / if t ſelf more krue €o ee 
. . 4 age Bagis ben ke to chei 
res o Leffe pet thou dught not to “the therof fox de 
a laſting rand ſõ ar not theires ] Andꝰ ſapdo/ f orp ha 
ue enuie at the ‘andy by otuie ſaith evik of He. Bette not 
clezby/andy thou ſhalt haue peas Nit h hym / for he ſeltelh 
noc but fos bo Base nopſe dich er AT Sendo ſoc) mey oughe 
60 bepe Welk their halidapes / that is eo Bitte pꝛinci pally from 
euil doping) ¶ Nndy 28 more that thou at exal ted 
in hich aſtate the more thou oug he to be meſie andy 1 
0 2 the people eo che eech & their loue may abyde With) 
if onp i Hul de befak ede. offer Bpfe tay Bele 
5 1 OD onnech may amar Reve the loue of his fre 
des / if he Tol correct him ru dely of his faul tes ¶ Nndꝰ 
fib afomay cane fx Sate oor men bo be his ſet 
. cheſe che poor gwounde for fo la 

Eiſtotle by inte p tncion in grelies koͤge / is ful fil 
dp oꝛ complete of goodeneſſe / Mardy he Was fone 
60 Qtigomaars, he Vhiche as right tonnyng 
Wy fifihe and a good fiſicie / g Nas Boren in thy Coline of 
Seagper randy & Bas of ty 8 i oth Bp Gus dics fp 
Be and) hy his modirs (pre of 5 of the Vhiche he 
re hyſoꝛ halh bemade mencion for he Was in his kyme the 
22 evoellent Ind) Be beſt of alk che grelies / and) Thay 
che ſayde ariſtotle Pas. Din, peres of age his fadir putted⸗ 

him im ehe eite of che nes that Chay Das called) the Cy⸗ 
te of Wpfrony . andy there he lernedꝰ Gram are Petoriſie 
andy otter boobzes of petrie. Andꝰ therm he ſtudxedꝰ/ lle 
ſpace of Lip deres prouffpting gretelx theriy / Ando x 
thoos apes mey ſette moche ſtore by the fore ſayde ſciences 
and Was their opynioy that it Nas che la ddre eo go vp in 
s alle offer ſtiendes / Nndp cextapy offs Pyſe men at the 
fame kyme as ¶pytagoras and pytoras and) dyuezs other 
reputedꝰ andꝰ ſeldꝰ the ſapdꝰ ſtieters for no ſtienoes ¢ did 
But moke and) ſcoꝛne the im thut lerned them / Saying that 
ſuche (me as Gramare Letonk and) poetrye Bere not 
ouenable & come to oy Yyſ dom / Wid) that Gramare 
is not but for to teche th chil deren / Poetrye but for to telt 
fables and) & make leſynges / Fetorilie for co ſpelie faire 
and) in termes . nd) Bhan Nriſtotle haꝛde this Woꝛdes 
be had) grete merueyle thezof sand) Was gretely acgreued⸗ 
Weh fiche as bier ey fame oppnpoy*Qtndy ferns hi 
affe his powder to ſuſteyne alle manere of Gramaryens 
che poebes and) alſo the Betoricions ( And) ſayd) pleinty 
au Sapim din not gaſſe Be of e fapdy Salenws for 
Leafoy is ay Inſtrument of Bytte as t appereth open, 
ly that Bnolbpna of erp thynch is bo vſe of Peaſoy/and 
chis memaatine Uhyche god hadꝰ yeuen to mey is righ 
noble and) Vhorthy. bo thentente that amongis the mey 
Be (Buoy be wirr for Efe mooft QoS and) mofé Bp 
that ae vſeth of 9 6 2 175 better ee mo⸗ 
re couenably receyueth in hys herte thynges + nd 
telletlz b y place and) tyme couenabdle , Nndp for as 
mode as Sap iende is mooſt noble of alle other Hinges 

fi € to be declared) by tbe beſt rapfory andy oouenable 
3 che inch ai 5 (Sore Borns that 
cay Be doy Without errors ox lett ing) ehe ſentence for is he 
ceafoy be fpolten inpasfeitelp che name of Taf on if loſt 
cherby / and fo is the frees i fa dte / And) fo the hereꝛs ve 
ſtey in doe of the fentence Wid af tir thut ariſtobeles 
told khe ſcinices aBouen ſaid) he Kenedy of plato in aplace 
Called Epidenie Echiltes andy the. iii ferences theologi 
Bes / and at that Epme he Das. p dy peres of age / and Bhay 
plate Werk eh ſecod eyme into Cecile de left Rriſtotiles in 
his place iy the faite Cone of Epidenie / In ehe Vhiche he 
taught che ſcienor ard leꝛned it and after the wth of plato 
ch ben här of naawpns ſent fön auſtotllis Thick 
Went Go him in maden doyne and) ther dwelledꝰ With him du 
ins Cf aching enema iy ins en of 
tir ehe deth of king) phelipe Letanedy his fone Nlexan dre 
the grete (Kindy May Nlex andre depuzkedꝰ fwm mate day 
ne for 60 go into the Countre and) vegioy of daiſe tho ve 
tournedꝰ Rriſtotitk eo athenes and) there he dddelled) · x. 
peres ſtu dying til chat he Brann aſouueru iy clea -¢ apreeft 
aæuſed) him by enuie to the Cite zins tell ing hem that he 

ped not ehe ir poles liſie as ot her people dite af 
that tyme Nherof auftotik Was Due tiſed) and) haſtily 
depurted fw thenes and Bart into ß eo ne of ſetugire 
Where fe Was borne ſering thut Hep of Atze nes Bold) ha 
lie don to him as they dide bo ſperates if he had dſdelled⸗ 
lenger With theym Randy he oꝛdeignedy aplate i ſetagire 
Where he helde and kept the (cokes yeuing many good in 
ſtructions to the people Nnd owupiedy che tyme sty goode 

dedes. Andy pare grete al nteſqedis (o pure people , and 
maried many pure chil dꝛey that Bee ſa dir and modit les 
and) he taught henignely atl cho that Nolde ſtudye Nhat 
aſtat oꝛ nacioy that euer they Ver of / and voiffie bil ded 
nee ayen che ſaidꝰ Cite of flagire and) therm oꝛdeigned⸗ 
laſdes · and) aue inſtructions & Bingis andy pꝛincis Bor 
che ep ele and; bept right veuerentely · and) af tir he 
dexde in th age of Poti · xeris · — Sag tre Goch his bo 
nys and right Wonſ hip fully put hem ma fhryne fer dep 
held) their ag te for his grebe Bitte / and alſo for the ove 
te andy feruent loue that ha hadde o him · and) as often 
es thut they Grove aro orp gebe matere for bo haue the de 
racioy chef. the men Phiche Were of counfcile Nolde go 
en na i fe pt up 
as Hep colbee for to ſaue Lnobleae of p trouth of hie ma 
tere. and) thus they did for 0 ale him the more. and 
their opinions and) truſt Wer for onely beyng nygh 
che fatdy ſhryne “thie Meer ſhulde be Be fete ant) their 
vnderſtandyng) more pure and ſub tik. N nd the ſaid⸗ 
A riſtotick ha doe in Bie tyme manp Ringes ſones that Ber 
his 447 und) he mare in his tapes Wet ay C. booltis 
of the Be haue nabe. vp Bij My logilke. viij. n natu 
re the Gol of Echt cso of pia ce ote f et 
fifiie- hab is named) kleologiſte ande Hp Bookie of tie Wie 
tes — cometrie/and) platon . him biqnuſe that he 
is ſcientes ty boots / (o Nom he faidy in evaiſinq) 
ma is athing Rnolbey andy notified ynoſße chat 
ale cho chat loueth crores oughe 6 do not hing at ſhulde 
cule ck Coffe af kr. Andy eeefone Je is good G comp 

andy malie booltis by the Thiche ſciẽte (Bal Be lerned /e Phan 
our memorie ſhal fayle it ſholbe veodueved by meane of Boor 
bis for Qe that habe ch ſcietoe (BaP not peoffite m hit though 
it be fo that he fe che Bookie „ ſette not 

fe Spe ob dena oes 4 

Vyſe mer ſtal aiſely vnderſtande hem but the ig 
cit each Sei auaaple Bp kan ten Ind che 
ſaide Nriſt Taft mr gladly in his hande ay Inſtrument 
9 f che (citer of eg f aid bo Bing Nlixandte 
he that hach m de pie good g Ede name @ che See 
of god ought & afGene ies — otheꝛ ching ¶ And ſaid 
thus to 610 ieee chy ſelf firſt for if thou be not iuſte ho 
We maiſt thou Bele direct thy peole . ¢ if thou be m errour 
Bou canſt neuer gouerne hem Beles e a puer may ain not 
malie another vider Be that is di pped) ay not Wo: 
(Sip auother/ſe 0 is right ſeble map noc hel pe anotfer /e 
fo map not goodely ne ele orp may directe another. but 
. (Gly che f chu Nel tale 
of ee fiche Fon ou lene ch ff (tot elit 
(Bale be as che leche that is (elke g ory nol hele him ſelf and 
traueiletth bo Bole offs kat haue the fame ſekeneſſe . Nnde 
(aid It is a gvete chaſtiſement bo Ce ppl oo ſuue a right 
Vys Lordy , N vnd theym ( 
ua See 
the fro mane 701 La ae andy — — 
Tele cßat Je is not laudable chyna) és haue rpcheſſee 
ches orld, and (Fame in che offer e * this Box 
is no more e abaptpna place for 60 go by fe 

offer Nolde Andy ſaid/ f chou Vol be riche ſufſiſe ehe 
With ſuche as chou haſt / for he that hath not fu ffiſaunde ey 
neuer be riche What goodes kat euer le Gath Ando ſayd⸗ 
If it Were fo that by euilt doyng It (Gules fortune the to ha⸗ 
ue ſom good /g by Tele doyng to haue ſom harme / yet eſche Be 
the aulk orell is thou (Balt be deceyue d atte laſt g euir do Be, 
le g arte laſt thou (Bate be vemunered ther ſore ¶ And ſay⸗ 
de / ſuche ching) as thou pꝛayſes Spor thyſelf blame it noc 
vpoy another. and do nothing bo other / but as thou Vol deſt 
it der wy to the/vef wayn thyn olbne Nille /z hate not offer 
men / le not enutouss andy haue hym not in Indignacioy 
that hach offenſed) the / for no may ary ſomtyme eſehe de ex; 
tour Re not oouetous for couctife lettith che mãnes reaſon /g 
taketh abepe che linoddlege of trouthʒ / do not vnoouenablt 
Berkis ake com papnie dit h Byfe mey and ſtudie in their 
Bookie fe lefinges / for Be lxeꝛs lyethj not but for vnl'no⸗ 
Ling of veaſon · and of her ſaules / he leſt arme chat cay fall 
( alyer / is chat no may bileueth him of nothing tlat he 
eee may miei. be Bare of a che ffe thay 
ef ales Acendꝰ ſapd the hertis of good) people acordeth 
togiders Like as vennita Bate Wich che Bate of the ſee. g 
che hertis of euil people cary not lighely acoꝛde / all be it that 
chey be (ogidꝛes / as Ae vnreaſ onahle beſtes kla plaxe g lope 
e ¢ ft fille fin Ent (si eign 
chat your offices andy auckoritees bey yeuen to cheym that 
bund & folowdeth er outh g right Fyſnes andy auſe them o 
haue rigomus peynes ß bey harme doeꝛs g loueth falſbode g 
deſepeloy TRnd ſaid / If pe haue whee in on thing counferte 
pou to Byſemen g if they diſpraiſe pou therof be xe nets Weoth 

therfore candy if ama halh ſom vice g Sefice hat hath ma⸗ 
. rah 8 a“ 9185 60 1 bo afte him coͤſeile 
Hd ſaide many may (hh oar lette « trouble that 
may not hel pe * Te ( faidy Juftice i fer eſure the TGs 
cere godꝰ Fath ee e 55 erthe wee ir f 
is 5475 do from the m und m 
Gute Ind faite dp 2 Cnotberh Phat ignorã⸗ 
be is HY jee as fom me 5 510 15 norant Bue che 

dak bu 8 @ peeyue that grete domage 
cherby 25 o the m Epme comyng/ if it lech not fonnes 
nd (ato liberalite is € peue to nedi peple ox (o him F ae 
11 it / ſo that the gift be aftir the poſſibilite of the xe 
uer for he that ouer reaſon ought to be called Balter 
g noc 3 nd ſaidy b ie oe defenſe of the ſaule 
12 of reaſoy Ther ſore be is righe bleſſid that kraueil 
€B co haue her for (Ge is ce foͤdemẽt g p hae i eid 
dedes wa cuts Te ma ee 
de andy hp vir’ 90 — peyne 4 d) ſaid Oele 

andꝛe i thy pouoir and loꝛdſhip ot her Pyſe tha 
oe 5 0 wit (Gate be ited 255 “ 

Phak come Juſtice · of Juftice loue/of loue gree peftis · g fa · 
retie by the Vhiche · the lalde the people and opty 15 
Be maynteyned) ge entrece ane ſaidꝰ he that maketh his 
Toyaume ſeruaunt (o the la We (Gal reigne /g he that talteth 
put out a Kathe from the vopame ſ hall not veigne N ndy 
aid). & bing ought to be of goode ¢ ſtrong no 15 te 
on. Bek 2 ende Wee the Werkia, g bo be courtops 
vn his Wrath Whee it apps ignech an tae hit 
She it * Reve him From couctife to e true to go⸗ 
uerne him as nygh as he may aftir his goode predetrſſoure 
do pout Fo his men as they haue refered), bo deffende g le pt 
& lade My fi 6 op enix to do Bele af tir his might / g if 
the ſtength faile him the nne bo kept the nahe 
of his cage, a Boe Bf halbe the more affuredy iy all 
his ne dis ¶ Andy ſaid) the ling that gouerneth him g his 
waume Bele by his Ashe: Je Worthp to be greetly praiſed 
ndꝰ (aidy to Nlexandꝛe fede & Wynne ehe viz 
ori that Be — 84 ficories. thr l that is not moeuable 
he kyngdẽ thut a in be taten aBepe from the. E the eue: 
laſting Jope. ¢ le pite ful Sut not ſomoche that ee ſtãde in 
duungier 3 pucnicioy g Juſtict to chaim chat haue de⸗ 
ſeruꝛd) it € delay krauaille che to fortiffic the la We 
{foe m thut is the loue g mere of god. g Nun Chore ſ halt be cõ⸗ 
bh to take Segoe of thyy enemy put it not ouer til 
anot he — 2 bee che ee cone this Bole mo⸗ 
tymes fo Mnd ſaid thou ouahé 
edt tacts hate him ve c che ehe nor to chide him that Bey 
eth che feithe 1 he hut [Bal do cõtrarie co He feithe he chou 
bis ennemy Vith 5 the poder of chy wyaume Nn fais 

It is bettir that thou covvecte hx (elf and amende tly aftir 
the iy of thy prerveeffours / hay thy fucceffours ſhuld 
amende hem aftir the exemple of ehe ¶ And ſaid Pla 
the goode men & kheꝛby ech ſbalt haue the loue of che peop 
and) ſette not al thy Til 1 this World) in the Mhigech ope 
maiſt not long abyde ¶ Nnd faite Worf hippe ſapiẽcr g For, 
bi it 0 good) maiſtris diſtiples ¢ ſcolere /Woꝛſhip hem 
for their erpencis g Repe lem of thy houſehvldꝰ / after 
5 55 ſtalt fe 18 45 fi lbe pwuffytedꝰ g ſped i 1 che ſcien 
ce Rnd thou nde (hat grete pene ſhip ſh k 
oom fo 3 len nd) ſaid pe is of 8 2 : ſtrong⸗ 
oorage of good) diſcrecion g laudable feith / hat berech prot, 
nel alk his Mucefitees fos a may oxy not be Enoben ny 
bis proſperyte ¶ Nndꝰ ſaid thou ought to ehmbe that * 
Webeft of aK thyy ennemyes is ſiwonger than thy ſelf 
A Bn Fp bee eo alt e CigGtis geg 
xomanry/and to laue hem in as grete loue m tyme of peas 
as in tyme of Terre /foꝛ 4 ou ſette litil by them ny tyme 
of peas / they (Bal foꝛſalte che Thay thou ſfakt haue more ne 
de of hem And ſaide the gretteſt prouffpt that thou cunſt 
do ij thy wyame is to talie albepe the Vylilid ſeple/ g to re 
Wa: de the goode ¶ Nndꝰ ſaide a may 16 of auf g dicion that 
tabieth no Bore but to the vice if fawbtes of offer iy diſprey⸗ 

ſing of them — ſaid Voꝛſ hipful ‘mi 18 bett ir thay (tn 
b — uff ¶ And ſaid the fapicce of a may of lolde ware 

andy Eure pple more than Gis kreſour or olſer Borrely goo⸗ 
des / and bo delite him in hat / (hut he hach righeUyſty / ¢ 
not Bwug fully ¶ Nndy ſaid no may ough to be aſſtamed 
60 do Juſtice/for if che being be not iuſtiaial hx is not ſinig 
but he is violent and * faidy the Bika mey 
45 for te pie yp for cheire goodeneſſe ¶ Andy 
ay men out e w el 6 le god n pee gf fi 
thy Vilellido sonnel lant laity Wrath not ( 
be to fi eon ne * f Pete / and) he ck ay ier to lex 
andre chat ehr Kingee phy ſoꝛ · ij. chinges that 
is bo Witte for duftende oF — en conqueſtes of 
landes g werions and A & diſtroye deſertes g 
Wilderneſſis / ande tte alſo — sted ny Be ſhulde 
not be Bi 9 — all mẽnes ſa Wees to rige wouſely 
fox it lich not e. in mannes poder (o Repe him from 
dying E therfore it is good ſotyme to foꝛpeue errours 
g if ic be fo chat of ner pugnicion muſt be don / men ought 
b (Bolbe that chey do it by copulſioy eo amẽ de g pugniſſhe che 
errours e not in manere noꝛ by Bepe of vẽgeaunce /g he ſa⸗ 
Be a may that ha dde his hand ſmytten of fox thef te eine 
had) e be 1 for aſ moche as that may ha d Mabey 
n other ſuche as Bas not Hes one mey haue talen from 
95 P/Bak Was his ¶ Ind ſald thou maiſt not fo Welt cu 
peple to loue the as to cheriſſhe hem g ſheſde hem righe 
Bef if thou dooſt che dont raꝛy though thou mre che 
loꝛdſhip of Brix bodies thou haſt not 00 loꝛdſhip of the re hes 
tis ne of their our ages / E chat ſpult chou finde Thay chou 
aulleſt Spor their ſeruiſe ach nede Wherfos it is a grete da 
Gite for al ing to do iniurie and do malie his peple hate him 

End ſaid he is righ Boppy ß ary defi him fel f ta icy op 
emple by other / Ynd ſaid fortifi ie pli aules Wit h good de 
des ie departe chee ose hich diſtw is 12 
Ther is nothing) khat maketh amay leſſe to 
fe ty fo ee ae goote ois 
Bnd it Bas aped of him What is ehe caufe chat Biſemen 
Bol not be Teoh: g np may Vol beche em. And he anf 
uerd for aſmoche us Byf oak y Bnolen that (cide is a right 
pꝛoffitable Aes aide b. that Bol not nor enn not do 
Wele atte leſt oughe to Repe him fw euil nett ise ſaid 
to his A tee! — that haue /üij⸗ inet to KcxRee 
e lerne ſciencis g pff. ¢ 1 is / g the otſe 2 eee, 

3 dows . Ger beta thing) to 
the Woꝛld) is the det lr. nd ſaid a may 
may not be fo Bele & —.— isi l ſald 

iy 5 6575 the leſt q dee pes dagger 6 Reve ſauf onely 
in ſciẽces / for he chat dach mooſt therof che lighteꝛ may Sve 
it / And it Nas aped of him That Nas the mooſt couenable 
thig for a diſcrete may to Sue nd he anſuer d chat / chat 
(Subd abide Nich him 1 he Wer aſarpped) out of a deo ned 
pare a che ſee / Nnd (aid men oucrGé to loue to lerne the beſt 
the ſciẽcis as the bees louie 2 (Beet of the floures / g he 
AA a noble g Dorf Sipful heritage of khr Which h fete offer fix 
ue the go ande & Wold not go theder him ſelf / And it Bas 
axed fy che carsfe/Qnd he anfuerd that Bs (hat ofteneſt 
goth to fe his heritagis hath more diſpleaſirs / And fair 
the loge of a fook is th Rep of his fece And {aid to one 
that Was ſloldoehfue and Holby not lerne/ſithey khou Pol 

not taſie the peyne for to lerne. thou (Bale haue co peyne 

to Be le We gBucdnprrr, Ind (aid Reve che fwin he FeBi(Gip 
of him that lino et h not him ſelf Ch that bey 
dayly eck ined @ Deter’ diſpoſed eo vids may not enereſ 
fe m good ne proffyte in ſcienoe. Nnd faire if fou Vol ha⸗ 
ban done to thy body al his Wil thou ſhalt be the Woꝛſe both 
in lelth g in all oth thinges *¢ atte laſt thy ſaule halbe 
dampnedo ther fore that is entierly enclpndp bo do 
ſornicacioy map not be pꝛayſed ne come to good ode / Nnd 
ſaid a meꝛx may Bol not lighelp be we h/ N li 
beral may may not Bele & eruious / ne a couctous may cd 
tent With his richeſſe. And ſaid the may is preued g Exp 
edo b his Werkis as the gold by the fyer. One of his di 
ciple made (o him ay ent? report of one of his felaſdes. (o 
Bey he ſaid J Wol not beleue thyn anil Woꝛdis ayenſt 4 
face nor J Wil not beleue his anl Borres ayẽſt the nd 
ſaid like as the rayn may not proffite co che dome ß is far 
Ven Bpoy he Depe ſtones/nomore ain ſtu dioig auaile (o a 
& mannes eonge (Meh his Bitte on his fits 
¶ Experiende ought  covcedte a may and 6 lelpe him to 
liue Pele / And ſaide fapréce maketh viel bo be ey 6 . 
delh pu tee / It Bas apedy of him What Vas faper Get 
ene he anſuerd és fpeRe litil g 2 6 00 une veaſona 
ble anſ Weres · 4 he Trot thus 6 dean, ye be a noble 
mighty ling g more . Bay pe Bere eet oxcee of 
pe directe g gouezue Bele g iu „„ 
4 peple (hx? obeye pou but if scioner g tae at 
their good) from tlem Hay waft lord of tze puer peplt 
and) thay (Bab pe be hike Gy chat hath leuer gone ech dom 
leeſtis than che men/ ne ther is nochẽg fo couenable o alking) 

as to coupe vnduely the goodes of his peple End» fay 
de he hat hach alii of crouch defireth to haue more / And 
faite reafoy malieth ama to be more ſouuera n Char heeſ tis 
g he that hath no reaſon is but abeeſte ny many hinges te 
ne weſt is the beſt / but loue is contuxspe,for the eldex it is 
che more it 16 Woꝛth/ z one Rbꝛaliyn lord of ferences axed⸗ 
him Phat thing ama ought bo lerne firſt chat ſelteth ſapi 
ence/to Phom be anfBerd) the gouernemẽt of che ſaule / J y 
aſmoche as (Pere euerlaſting and) more noble Without arp 
comparifoy khan eny thing that De haue / Thay they axede him 
ho de may the ſaule acquere fapiorces andy he anſ Weredꝛ as 
a ſeſte may ſebꝛeth his fifiaen and as ablynde may oꝛque⸗ 
wth of the oolours to theym that ſe hem / and) it Bas apedp 
of him/hode a ſaule might ſe her ſelf/ and he anf Bored the 
ſaule that lablieth fapronce ary fe not hing as the eyen With 
out light that moths ſe hem ſelf noꝛ othex ¶ Indd ſaid all 
manere of thinges haue pwopertes / and) the pro perte 
diſcrecioy is co cheſe Bele the good from the an ¶ And 
ſaidꝰ the loꝛdſhippes Nonne by ſtudy dangiers and) peynes 
andꝰ fo kept /ought Bek to oontyme and) peofperes N nd 
thoos p Be lightly Woͤne ¢ liept m Joye and pleſaunce / om 
me to alittiſt prouffipt atte laſt /a We fe cõmonely che tod nes 
Whey the inßabitauntes tulie grete labour be ele mayntey⸗ 
ned and enereſſe Lith grete richeſſes/ and the bo wnes full 
of pleaſaunce g delioes falk Go mpne ¢ diftruction ¶N nd fat 
d haſtineſſe of ſpeche maßzeth mey to erre Td ſald j mex 
ueille holde  p mey lade Without cauſe acrept it a is ple 
aſed Wich all / he of hom men fap euil Pet hout cuſe is an 

grey With all ¶M nd ſaid lolie that thou be not as the bul bez 

Wgiche caſtieh che Floure g Lepelhh che bꝛenne ¶ Ind) (aire 
men ought not to take the qoucendee of the prple to a child 
to him alſo that ory not lnoſde the nedis of the poure pple 
to him that is oouetous /to him that Pil e Vithoute 
deliberacion /ne to him that is degeable ¶ Nndp ſard ther is 
no differẽce bit dix a child of age 4 a Hild of maneres as 
of. eon dicioy Nhat acge that eure he be of for the con dial ds of 
mey aren knolden g (Red) by dedis g not by age M nd 
ſaide It is nedeful co amay if he Vol be good that he be able 
of him ſelf to knodde twuth g do it in dede oꝛellis that he ler 
ne hit of other for he that of him (elf un not vndeꝛſtande 
hit nor Wil lerne hit cry not be geod ¶ Andy ſaid) goode⸗ 
neſſe is deuidedꝰ m /ii/maneres / thy firſt is in the body/the 
(condo iy ck (aul, and) Be ekrx iy eh ofemdlons Thizof 
the mooſt noble is the goodeneſſe of the ſaule for n vſig the 
vertue therof / is fone and linodey the forme in good de dis 
Ind (Fie amay findet h ſapioꝛee and) good con dieids in 
long lernyng of veray ſciẽce · nd ſaid ther be many perfor 
nes that neden the good Verliis g doo hem not Phiche re 
ſebleth che ſelie ſolltis p axe help g ſeilk of the leche g do no 
thg cher af tir /g the rfor che hopes beey Pit hout pech the 
ſaules Without bleſſidnes · Nnd ſaid one may linoſbe 6 in 
Ward Bfpofiads of aman by his outBazd operacids. And 
ſaid Tek doing is a laudable chi / neut heleſſe it is ſom hat 
Gaze bo do but lighely one map do euil as ay archier to faile 
of che Butte is no Boers But to hytte the pike is agdeet maiſ 
trie · Ind ſaid in diueꝛs manere Be may be euil Gul Be may 
not be good but in one ey / &nd ſai d default of Witte cau, 
ſetß many harmes ¢ make many mey eo fall Sp ignoꝛdoe 

(toe line Wing) Ngak Eins) to Be don or lift ¶ And) ſaide 
gedy ſolllis 7 5 tocider / andꝰ fo doo ot childeren for 
olde fol lite 905 their deleckacions (ike 90 ones Folie in di⸗ 

uere Veyes And faidy agree acõpliſſing) of menes fer 
licite is to be Belk fr 5 y amen Phitout feliſſhip can 
not haue hole feliaite ¶ Rnd) fatdy euerx man hach nove 
fende ie be fauch goode GAs or in ba dde / if he ſtã 
wth in euill cavicey thy 2 bo hel pe him / and if he ſtande 
in good) mas Ae bo make mery hym andy cheryſſle them 
en 1. Hen hel pe him eo uff te incdõuenientes that might 
And) faidy nooy hath delectacion in iuſtice / but ele 
fate may /none Bath fauour to ſapiẽoe but the Pyſt mã and 
noon loueth frendeſ hip but the crue frende ¶ Nndꝛ ſaid the 
Wil liidꝛ mey ſuſteyne their perilles Bp rir bodely "even 
and) the good men fuffre erie perilles paciortily by the vez; 
tue of Bate ſaules Whiche prctence cometh not by nught ef 
arme nor of hand) nor nonotheꝛ mẽhꝛe / but onely of grace 
of the ſaule / and? ther by to reſiſte aeynſt couctife and offer 
grieues of this dale) truſting) thezfere aftir ko ome bo 
BE fee he Wrote to ling alixãdte in this forme thou ough⸗ 
beſt to “oh Wele he ee of god for he pa 
the thy deſives and af chat chou haſt axedꝰ of him ¶ And 
faid ſapiẽee is lyf e ignoꝛã c is deth and therfor he ß is fas 
pide i is a lyue/for he vndeꝛſtãdeth What he doth g he p is igno 
oꝛãt is dede for he Indeꝛſtãdet h not Phat he ehe nd ſayd 
the ãtiquite of the tyme maketh Bez Rie olde /g bydeth no 
thig but anämt hic reſteth in the heꝛtis of the 10 
it is nedefol elan eo conquere good renommee e Eee bp 
ordure nobleſſe And ſaid leſtg is the ſelieneſſe of 5 723 

Vhiche cry not be he led) but by the meane of ven f 
che lieth neuer ¶ Nd) ſaide & moche Wyſemay i eo 
ꝓnounſeth not the thinges into the tyme that he is pꝛeſent 
2 Wol vnderſtande y. Nndp the beſt freer is he chat 
fp chet not til he is Wele puruepedy What hy (Gal faye .¢ 
p beſt Werbemay is he eae fegineeb not his Werbe into tie 
eyme (hat he hach Vele diſputedd g auiſedd it in his herte 
(et Bes is none chat ought o haue mes thought as che 
Vyſemay. for it is neceſſarie o him to be purueped andy 
er tayy of his Werlis ¶ Ind faire mey are more enclined 
to cel thin to veaſoy. fox oouetiſe hath acompaignedꝛ 
tlem From ei eb e cometh not to them til 
that Hop be of paafpte age And) faite, ehe chil dꝛey hate 
their maiſtres 5 rp teche hem for hp knoſde not Phat 
good) may befa le chem theꝛby + Bu Gin onely he labour 
of the peynt of theire lernyng And che 0 Geſteee 
callid) ( Klexãdꝛe ax ing him queſtions vpoy the gouernãce 
of the lor dis « of the peple. (o Vhom alexandꝛe paue good 
anf Teves + Sut neuer che leſſe Nriſtotiles beet him Vith 
4 Tod. nde J. Was aged) of him Why he had) beet him 
Without cauſe. N nd be ts nee this childe is liſte g able 
to Be a grete ord ga mighey ling. And J baue bete him 
alk onely for (o holde him Loiblp , and) in meReneffe for 
flat oon pads nt fapty FF eb cafe de 
cnothes . directe him as thy ſelf. And) a pong) may ay 
ed) him Why he Was 0 puer /o Vhom he anfueꝛd). My 
aise mch nothing ſedo me / ne doth me no harme 
Gut thy hat h won 6 and) (Gall do Bios pnodbGe 
¶ And) ſaydz · The Vopaumes ben mapneepnedy by 

(he lades oꝛdeignedꝰ Bp the inch andy printers] End ſaid 
ngs i bees fete Spi fe 
lode / And) the knyghtis been manitexned bp monepe , 
money cometh of che people / and) the people is gouer ned 6 
4 uftie wee Vhiche no Loyaume wrap profpere 
Lepander he grete Was fone to phelip Birr of ma 
cont, hide ip gt ppt (ln r 
ſaid; ¶lepander hegay Go regne in the x di. per 
of his eage / Nndꝰ he 11 o his peplt ny this Bele, Fayr 
loꝛdes ] Wilk in no Vyſe be dontrarpe to your Kyles ne ko 
pour dedes on IJ [PeWe bo pou that J hate fra Bove g mali⸗ 
wt as J haue louid) pou dg my faders lyf fo Bil J 
ee 2h nd J poche cormeeplle g pray pou 
ce dꝛede god) obexe him as fouerapy of af / And 
tb keing /g be moſt obeyſſant to him that (Bal fe porcr- 
. for the good 7 of his Lynd that Bal be moſt who, 
nape @ merepful to 9 705 ſolbzes / chat beſte pal liepe Juſti⸗ 
ce / @ che right of che ſeble We che myghtx/ bim alſo thut 
(Bat beſt diſpoſe fox the publ phe Wele/ g fox no deleckacion of 
Worloly pleaſãces (hal not be (Po ful to ſiepe g de fende pou 
and) by Whowy pe k ke defendedꝰ/g alt euilk g harmes Ay 
the meane of 050 dedes ſhal Ka trope ian him chat 
moſt har dyly (Bat put ache Pals for to ar ats pour nnientty 
es / Hor fuche ought bo be Hofer kyng) andy none other /g 
Whan his people had) ſerd Ae veaſons aboneſapd and kno⸗ 
Bey his gebe difcrecion Nytte and) vnderſtadin g) they Be 
re gretly ameruaylled) and / anſ Wered to him thuseſ We 
haue herde and) vnder ſtandꝰ thy grebe ee 5 
and) reſſeyue thy good saan "at Ber fore Pe 

Bok son se byſeche 8 cdu T Wen the haue kl loꝛd⸗ 
[dip Spy fo is none 
e e al ou ng ney 
they Hees hin 60 eher ling) andꝰ, to their Lordy and corone’d 
ene We him their bꝛſſinges / and pꝛaidꝰ € god) that he 
effe E mayntene him ¶ To whom le fapdy J Gaue 
ati prayer that ye haue made for me/beſech ing) € god 
eae Bok ſtedeſaſte the loue of me in pour hertes g corages 
ga that by no maneꝛ of the delectacioy he ſuffre mie to do 
thing be your pet ffites ne to mp diſ Wonſhip. « fone af⸗ 
ter he ſente lettres to all the miners and) good) bod nes of 
his e ¶ Andy Whar he Gado ſent his lettres One 
daire ling of pere and) of mere ſente eo Nlexandre fox tri 
Bute Cie as he Gadp of his fader Andꝰ he ſentz him Word 
that ehe henne Bae leyd) kat egge is dede Andy after 
this Nlexander made grett eonqueſtis «andy Phan he Sad) 
gqueredp Inde he Vente Eo acontre i gi bragmay he Vhy 
che Phan ep Wifte his oming / lex ſente many Uyſe men 
to bey Hise ſaledded him ¢ Fate fie alexãder thou haſt no 
mule Go Werre vpoy vs / ne bo be cuil Willig For Ve ben both 
poure g melte /e We ‘co nothing but only api, ch Whi, 
2 f cba € haue / pꝛay eo god that he 1 her eo the 
for i 4 fa rave not haue her nd Whay alexan 
Knef e m ſape fore mare al his Ooſte to tarye g With 
his lin hse Bente 40 the ſaid) contre for ten 
cst of ee twulſe ( Ende Ghar he er€redy Vith 
ech ſame geoundꝰ / Be fond? many pour follies Bomen a 
Spey al naked) ga drinch fees m h feldes Nndo he 
axidy of them many queſtiðs · bo Vhiche hp anfucsd righe 

Wyſely/ and) than he Sady hem ape of him ſomme hig oe 
mparBé wo hem good g fo alle ther peple / z he Wolde yeuen it 
171 gladdy nd the nne they faire Sir De axe t 55 
other ching but p chou Wilt gone ve euerlaſting fpf 
ne Alexã der anſueꝛd g ſaid/ou might ama make other 15 
nes Fines ene e he maxe not length his odden kyf 
an oure yl, axe OF me is in no mannes poder 
that lyueth ¶ T hay Get ſaido eo hym · Spth thou haſt goo 
de dnadläche cherof. "Weck 0 thy ſelf to f 
trope alk the Woꝛl d/and to gadꝛs alle the Noꝛl dly treſours 
and © of not Whan thou muſt leue hem Tn Nlexan 
der ſaid) to hem. ] do not alle theſe thinges that pe faye of 
my ſelf · but god) Sat ſente me thurgh ratte the Voꝛl de for 
texalte andy macgnifpe Gye lade and) bo deſtroye them 
that bileue not ty Spry, a nd) ſomtyme e f 
Wente dyſe 0 Dif ptina his loꝛdes and) enqueryng of 
her dedes (Andy vpoy at yme he cum in to a to bene of his 
OMe, And) fate (Wo mey of the fame coune byfore a Ju 
ae pletingꝰ. of the Phiche one kin bo Be Juge / Sir Juge 
4 7 fue ſought an fous of this man/-Qird longe after J 
haue founde 1 ig 11255 a treſour Vithiy therthe/ Phi 
che is not myy oferty C diluece i c hy 
4 he hat ach ef 75 hee Sir ] biſeche the that 
pled to tafe it for as moche as he fino eth it is 
ap poi 15 J haue no right there ( The une th Juge 
oomãded his a dueꝛſe matic tanfuere to the ſame · and khen 
ne le ſaid) / Sir Juge that fame treſour Bas neuer myn 
but le hach e dyfye dne lade that Was byfore compy to 
alle tho chat Bote haue cop otbp erin / And) herfore J 

haue no right bo talie it / And chene the p bothe requive’d the 
Juge that he Vol de take it co him ſelf / to Bho» he anſ Se, 
red) andy faire, ſit hey it is fo (lat ye ſaye / (hat pe haue no 
right eo Vhom che heretage Bath longed) andy pet longeth 
Where the treſour Vas founde / fou ſ hol de ) haue ony right 
ther to chat am but a ſtraſiger in that caas / and) neuer a 
fore le: de ſpelte theꝛof. ye Rol de excuſe you therof andy gine 
me the chaꝛge of the treßour / that is eu l doo ¶ Th une he 
apid) of him that had) ſounde the kreſeur Wheels he had ony 
childerey / Phiche anſueꝛd) he Badp a ſone andy he axide that 
offer in Cie Wiſe/g he ſaid) he had) a doughter / Thenne the 
Juge ſaidꝰ @ Juged that a maria ſ holde be made bit dene 
them andy that they ſ hold) laue the treſour by that mean 
Ende Bhay Alexandre herde this Jugement / le Grd) grebe 
mezuap® hoof randy ſaidꝰ thus to the Juge· J crodde chat 
thes is not n al che Bold fo vightthio ne fo tredde a Juge 
as chou art / nd) the Juqe that kneſde him not ſatde andy 
aid) of him Whether ony Juge Moldy haue roy other Vyſe 
Pe cestapnly ſaidꝰ Nlexande: j manp londes / Theme the 
Juge hauyng grete meruapll theof avery of him Whether 
it wiyned) and the forme dide ſhyne m cho landes / as tſdugh 
Br Woldy haue fapdy that is Was meruayſ that cody ſhuld 
ſende ony light oꝛ rapne oꝛ oller good) chinges bo them that 
doo not ryght ¢ kreſde Juſtice / And) cherof Rlexandeꝛ had 
gretter mezuaylle Ean byfore and) (aid that. ther Pere Sué 
felBe ſuche peple Spon eꝛthe / as they Wore in that lande 
And as Rlepãder Wente out of chat lande le paſſed Hurah 
d cite iy Nhiche alk che houſes of that cyte Bere of one lrigh 
R/ f byfore the dore of eue zx fous Was a grete pytte or graue 

jn Vhiche eyte ther Vas no Jurce/Lherof he had) crete mice, 
N avedy of the infabptauntio Cerny rfore ſu 
che chingis (Gold, ſerue · The Vhiche anfuerdy ham e ſaydꝰ 
Frſt fer che outrageous height of houſes . loue g Juſtice 

car not be longe in a Colby among the peple · Nndꝰ they fay 
de that the pices o: graues Vere their one houſes co Which 
tley (Gold) fone go eo g there hele Intil the day of Juge 
ment, And) as touching that they had) no Juge. they ſaide 
But che mar goody Juſtia of tiny ſelf Mom dy nes 
wey no Just, en Qe peo fy eo eg 
Wel pleſedz Gard afore his deth he Beote a lettre 

his mows deſiring her ko make no fore for him ¶ nd) 
fone after Rlexãdꝛe died) ¢ Bas put m a Coffre Gas 
andꝰ buried m Rliſaũdꝛe · g he Was Rory theres Bit h grete 
reuerẽce by Binges princes g other grete lor des / chat Rept ¢ 
ful filled) his teſtamẽt as he had) oꝛdeignedo AE henue (tere 

Bp one of che gretteſt loꝛdes of them that kept him g ſaid⸗ 
thus / They that neuer rothe b inges no oughe 
to Beye for this fame Mund tho p neuer had meruaitk of 
Duͤſite/ſholdynod haue meruaiſk of che deth of this king) 
Andꝰ he deſired ehe offer Cortes chat key ſhuldꝰ fape o me 
Food) thing for 6 forte ehe piple khat Was grellx diſmai 
edde twubledꝰ for thy deth of king alexa dre / or for ert of 
the Worthyeft ſiing that euer Bas one of i 
bing ale xadꝛe Vas We to liept gold a ſeluer / z nol gold g 
ſeluer liepe him / Nnd he ſaide it by caufe of the cheſt that his 
body Lape in Uhieh Bas of gold nd another ſaid alexã 
der is pted fw ſ ines g fil thes g no® his ſaule is Bieh the 
good ſaules Thich bey purified M nd another ſai d alexãder 

Das Wonte bo chaſtiſe alle mey / and? noW he is chaſtyſed⸗ 
Rn) anot hex faidy be lijnges Were Wonte to dꝛede him 
re a the poureſt may o Eat the Voꝛlde dꝛedeth him not 
Andd another ſaidy/ —— day al ehe erthe fuffiſed) not 
Go nemo nate Bi Wp ff Ga 
Mundy another . 8 might here peſteꝛday g no lo 
dy durſt ſpelie aeynſt his Wille / and) no W euer mag may 
ſpelie g le heerith not ¶ N nd) another ſaid ei more ß ef 
tate of Ring Nlexãder Bas syste a more ene a Rene ele move 
+3 tho ccaſioy of his deth gre And ae 
cher ie thoo that fabe — 5 W ſerede 
* v randy nol Ero that fee bey ee him not eo 
ther fapd Nlexander Was he hoe enempes durſt not dome 

nere ndy no his frendes di andy Wil not fee 
ie Bi fet ‘aun 60 — he Bass 
2 vi · peres of age / And he vegnedꝰ · x Sy, pere of che Ohi 
He he emploped, ix. pers m hataplle and) in conquerpnd) 
Fond pee bs 2 hem vifiting the gwundes and 
— And hy had Dictorpe vpe 
manez * Mundy in t do ne he Puh 
= e khorient and) ocident -QUirdy the nombre of his linigh 
tes Ant Were comonly of his webened = Sn 
Cc. vi · M. Niehout xomãrxe ¢ othes mey neceſſarie bo 
his Warres And) he deyde jn the cage of. xxpð · yeres 
he Bas of fanatheyy colour Hie ſace ful of pocllis / One 5 
his epen am Bat offre Back ſmale g ſbarp tetß vi 
Fin Bas, eh ete of gee ent 
| 7 85 his chyl deſdde vnto his lyues ende nd 
— at the people (Goldy BorfSep godꝰ g Beye hex 

y ſyme Mndp (aire the Borloy is nol faftepnedy but 
8 8 che ee be not Directed but 
by the ſame/g all chinges bey aa reaſoy Mnd 
faire ſapiẽce is meſſagier of veaſoy ¶ And it byfete that 
Gledander faſſid) churghy a Coury heren By Ainges hade 
vegnedo Before Nndp he af Ridy pF onp of chyir le inrede Bas 
alyue nd they of the Coun faire pe / a fone of one of the 
ſaid) limges / Nndy alexãder deſived) to (ee him / Nndꝰ ehe 
peple ſaid) to alexander that he Das euer m ehe chircheyeꝛd 
And) alexander Wette o fee him. g axidꝰ of him Vher fore 
he abood fo in the chircheyeꝛdꝰ /e hy he Wol d not tale vp⸗ 
oy him ſuche aſtate as his fi der had) g his Nunceſtris/as 
other men doo/ Seeing) that it Tas the Wil of alk the pꝛple 

Gnd che pony child) anfuerdy ¢ ſaide, O right bone 
uous ſinich) J haue here a thing to do/ che Dhiche Phan J ha 
ue wy it /] ſhal do thy eoma undement / To Phom chene as 
lexander apidy That thynq) it Nas that he had) to do che re 
Endd he anfuerd J am ſechyng ehe bones of my fader g of 
myy aundeſt ris ſiinges for to pul hem a part from the other 
but J finde hem alk fo ſemblable that 4 ein not ſtuoſde one 
From th other ¶ The nne alexander (aire to him / thou ough⸗ 
teſt tacquere Woꝛſhip y this Bordo / Wud If thou Gare 
deſt good; and) ſtronch torage /thou might ft haue abe chy 
fadeꝛs goodes and of thy predeceſſours ¢ alk eher honours 
To home che pores Hild anſuerd g ſaide. J haue good her 
te · Nndꝰ alexã der axed him Vherin Nndy he ſaide by enufe 
that ] haue foũde lyff Wit hout deth/yougthe Bit hout eage / ri 
cheſſe Wit hout pute Jove Vit hout troble/ z hel the Nit 
ſelienes Certaynly (ard alexãder of afk theſe tiges haue J 

none / Clenne ſaydꝰ the childe / yf ye Nil haue · hem / axe hem 
of him that sah he hem / and) he may peue hem g none othet 
Tlennt Ilexander ſaid) that he hade neues fey 2 of fo 
grete difcvecton(] leoranrer ved) eueꝛy day to be in a ces, 
layy place for bo here the oonplayntes of euerx body / Andꝰ 
it Was fo that Spor a day onely that ther aum none to coms 
playne vnto hem Andy estore he Nolde not that day 
ſloldy be put in che — of ele daes of his vegne 
Nnd Bhar le Vas vedy to fyghte With beinge mire / it Was 
ng aay chat che fame dai ve Bao With — more thay. cc · 
M. good fyxhting men · Vherto he anſuerdꝰ g ſayde a good 
cooke ought neuer bo be abaſſſhed to fee in his liechyy many 
ſteep among offer beeſtis ¶ ard) che paeryaꝛſies g prela⸗ 
tes that Were for that kyme cum andy ſaxdꝰ eo hym. God 
hach yeue to che leꝛdſbhip vpoy many vopames reaions and 
cont rees to thentente t hat thou ſholdeſt haue many childꝛen 
y OF thy Boop / for bo aue the fuceſſton of the fame 
ee dp —— ther fore it Were good) that chou ſholdeſt 
haue many pues, To Vhom Pane that it (Bold 
toꝛne to rim bo grete affame ß had oueꝛ come alle the mig 
tyeſt men of the Poꝛl dy for to be dyſconfited) by Bomen 
Thee em (o hym a youre may Bel and) Vyſely ſpeliyng) 
Vhiche Was ppurly arayedꝰ / To hom &lexandes fapdy 
3 haue maꝛua te that chy elothyng) is not after thy ſpe⸗ 
che / For ther is byt dene them grete difference · The yne lle 
pure may ſayd. O myghey leinge J may of my ſelf lerne 
o fpeke g & haue 2 With me / g ye maye reſonably elo 
FRe sme rf 0 made him to be clothedꝰ With one of 

ye Bele goes life ele: poſſed a tfef Opfowe alexãdre 

that Bae to be hangedꝛ / Bhihe ſaide/O Voꝛthy bing 
ſaue my lyf for ] vepente me fore of my myſdedes Chane 
Alexander oomandydꝰ elut he fholde be hanged) Uhyle he ha o 
goode weperita unter kſo Spon a tyme one apidy of him 
d· pieces of golde / To Thy & lexander ſaide /e hou art not 

Txt 6 bun fo woche Aud) k eg 6 hey any fe 

if Jam not Worthy to haue fo moche pee ar pe a 

it me ¶ Andy e axid) of Gaſteen What change a 
good) ga manly king ought oontinuelly eo doo / Nndꝰ he 
anfuerd⸗ chat he cugbe to thinbie euerx night to the good go 
uernatice of his peple/g th dax folodinq) eo put it in effeck 
Ke it Bas arid) 455 What thing) Was mooſt ws 
donquerinq of landes and Fa town fees And 

t 6 i to 
Fee — ate 85 ee e 15 
beer . e. ve o 7 —.— 5 (Bat pleſe you 

n as axid) o of hippid move 
his 3 his e 5 pea for as mode as 

haue of mp maiſter euerlaſtnig lyf / And) J fue of m 
der lyf but for a oertayn tyme ¶ Andꝰ Thay dures dug 
ters 555 taken it Was toler him that they Were right fay⸗ 
de. e fee khem feeryng bo haue don ony 
eff chinges. ſayng thut grebe di 8 Bere Into 
pry khut had) oütome ſo man notalle g manly men in ehe 
wee le fe hey By Bomey en Si 
pipfons € Bnd) eh cabal: ee 
eb de wr ee r fore he ſay⸗ 
5 pre dicacioy is not to le laſddꝛd⸗ er — Outs 4 
Ber of che herbene rs. but nt is good thut erdurelh after 
fe poſſibilite of them that he reth it · ae it Was apid) of 
him HB mey myght eee anſ 
ueꝛd) in Wp good. oꝛ els atte leſte iy no⸗ 
ne harme 12 ten mer [ome tyme ete * tea by their 
eee ee 
myghty · onfideryngt Pong 
of age. Andy Be fad for as noche us Ge cu 
tacguere fven dxe / and peupy o myn mempes · and by cher 
panes J aue — Brow hem alle ¶ Nndp ſayd) it 8 — 
e 0² ur nd ap d des 5 
o oe sent: better fas tho that bey aeguerid 

a kyme as alexandeꝛ Wente 60 
8 ec 5 en beyng al a ——— 1 a 

seep ew fo we aferd Eee oa en 

many Bynes ſones Dith Rlexander Le aypcdy ones of one 
of . — Pate gyue me Nhay thou ſhalt be a ting 
Che Thiche faire J (Gal make the my grete goueznour / g in 
lile Pyſe he axidꝰ of 5 faire J {Bil peue (o the 
Ralf mp wyame · Nndꝰ thane he axide of alexãder / hiche 
anfacrdy him thus /Maiſtre enquere of me not this day vp 
on thut / eat) haue & do ko mowſde/ for Bhan 7 (Bal fee flue 
7 neuer fae, 4 (Bal chinſie that J neuer thoughte Buc if 
J regne as thou ae, Iſtal/ chene 4 [Bal doo as thou ſhalt 
ſee g thinlie to be couenable/ Nndꝰ theme Rriſtotle faire bo 
bing, Certapnly J Bote Tel eat thou (Ba be a ove 
nig hti bing. for thy fade g thy nature ſhe eth it 1 te 
an dre ſayde to one that long had) bey hie 3 
neuer rebulted) him of no A/ am no thing pleaſid e 
thy i Bf five ſayde his Ceutenatit / y dauſe ſayd⸗ 
der chal J am a may as another ¢ erre ¢ Saue erred 
many a a tome fib thou eum in my ſeꝛuice and thou ſalde 
neuer no Faber m me/ ther ſore thou art not ſuche / as 
Eo haue bo be m eee thou art not e 
Saft ſeey g lend faldete and not correckede me therof 
Thou art not kacke me. Windy he iby eal letteth 
ndt to acquere (crence but (Routh difprayſith it 
ſomme apedꝰ of a Nyſemay ailled) Aychomalie/ Phat Was 
le uf Bat men aio ae ene 
5 e f 4 
uftiee and) he had ae couerſacioy and) o 
eee ent goueꝛnement ven eee e mey Bhace 
aped) euety of them o oe 55 4 eh wash of a ri 
che may / of Whiche co. one Vas riche and) the offer poue ve 

Andꝰ He fader paf the wuahéer to te pure may / Uher fore 
Gern eech of hin Tip Be Si F. Gry fap fp 
muſe the riche is ignorant g lilꝛe to betome a pure may. a 
the pure is Wyle g able (o Boome a ridge may ¶NRllpander 
axidꝰ of a Bole philoſophre by What mene the wya mes We 
re Vel Divectidy ¢ . in g as aſtate. tnd he anſuerde 
bx obeyſſaũce of ehe pꝛple g the tuſtier of the ling Nd as 
Whar ſoughte ones in batailk many Women aum in the 
fame batai ll ayenſt him ine he Wit hdꝛe de him haſtely g fas 
de to his mer if he fholde aue victory of this tear Die 
Gife Bomern bey At Tere no Noꝛſ hip to ie if they had the 
vickorie / chene % Were to vs a p petuel ſhame / Pheꝛ fore Ne 
(Bal not fighte axenſt ehem dere the Rome bey there / Nnd 
faire it is a perillous thinge aman tabide fo long in the (ce 
that the ſtoꝛme g tẽpeſt come By him / chat map Welle depte 
during th faire Peder / Jy lille tiple it is of chp that Welk. 
in princes g l inges houſes ¶ And) faire it is a foule Hing, 
Gamay t haue grete ores Pit hout effetke. e it is a fap 
re hig 6 him Git p put his Werlis bifore his dee, And 
faire the gretteſt ¢ moſt laudable liberte chat is to amay · is 
to Rope fe . douetiſe And) hay his fader cõmaun⸗ 
Ww) him that he (Fold gladly lere the cee e. of his 
maiſtre/he ſaide/he Bol d not oel here them /but he Wold 
fal fille ehem With glad) erte ko Bs p Der ¶ Nnd ſaid It 
is Bore ama to haue defaute of diſrechy hene of richeſſes 
ofome Bas a right Tpfemar ¢ Wele vndeꝛſtãden / 
iy eſpecial in /iiy / ſciẽcis that is to Pitte / Geometrie 
muſiſie/ariſ metrili g aſtwlogie /g le made many good folie 
amonq; che Which one is cullid Almageſte the Which is of 

(Bee dꝛineltis thogh it auapheeh hem bul CAR and Abas 
fore is Efex the more feeneffew /andꝰ lenge: Inſeltß 
nd ſayde / ſomtyme tho chat Were mooſt fobre in their 
metis and) leſt dꝛanlie Vyne Were beſt bylouedy and) moſt 
prapfidy sand noſde the moſt glottons / and) tho Chat of ez 
neſt bey dꝛonlioy as che moſt ſet by/ and the rat he⸗ ſecte atte 
grete loꝛdes lourdes / Bhiche pencth cup evempe lr to of fee: 
Andy fapdy thou mayſt Bele We all mey/ſauf one⸗ 
ly tloes chat be Pithoute fame N ndy fapdo-amay that 
apes Bele him (elf hach power prroBe to correcte him ſelf 
Gene bye nan may Cue Gn erf b noeh 
is dedeyued) theꝛby for Be fe many that Wene andp ſeme & 
be goode/and) az contrarpe nd) ſaydyſhe is iuſte (hat 
may both do right oz Sronge and) pet Rene Juſtice Nndp 
he is Nyſe andy dyſcrete that lnoddeth chat / chat ſuffiſiehh eo 
be bnodden/and) that doeh vertuouſelp bo euerx cceature 
And) ſapde lite as a (ee mah deſiret h/ not eo date from 
Gs pbifciey k Be huth recoueridy his lch hiche ke ww 
de not do by him ſelf/ J like Wyle ama ought bo deſire he 
com panye of a conſeſſour for th helth of his ſaule Rnd he 
fale amay that Das gretly made of and cheriſſlydy With 
linges for che ſtrenght of his body of hem he ſaxde/pauen⸗ 
muſe him és repente hit at laſt 
C Vas afBeby of one called) pꝛotecge / Phys fore it 
Bas that one of his neyghlours made dye his he⸗ 
in blali/he anſueꝛd. by eaufe noo may ſhulde af 
ze to lerne fapionce of him /andꝰ plutes ſayde/ the more goo⸗ 
de that a foolt hath Ae more ſe is fodtle / Rudy it Bas axid 
of one ariſtay/ Nhay it Nas good to lye Bish a Nomay⸗/ e 

anfucrdy / at altymes Vhah amay By hurt enpayre an 
ſeble his body / Nndy it Pas aſlied) f opmiccases Ute 
he line de andy perecpucdy leſt his Miete / He anfuerdy Jy 
chat Eklat J chinlte /] vnderſtande and) knoſde but Keep 
nd faire the wyſemay that vepliet h is bettir than the 
le that acoꝛdethj bo euerp porpoſe / Wndy ther Baw alipfc 
may called) azee Gat Was a priſonne: bo Whom his mayſ 
tet pedo of What liyn rede he Bas / He anſueꝛd enquere not 
of my lynage / but axe of my prudende and) comprare / and 
Bas axedꝰ of anotlyz call edꝰ Sygonte. alſo priſonne⸗ of 
one that Wolde haue bought him / Wherto he Was good/ Nnd 
he anſueꝛd) to be deliueredy / and) another may axid of him 
I it Were goode that he ſhulde be hym / To hom he anf, 
ueꝛd) J a no thing Worth but pe oꝛ ſom offer bye me / g 
anothes ſayde he diſpraiſith him ſelf. that diſpraiſeth alle 
other /andꝰ yeueth him (elf laddde / Nndꝰ her Was one that 
praied) god) bo Rere him wm the daunge: of his frendie 
End) it Was aſſied) him / Vhy he prayed) not rather / (hat 
god (Gol de liepe him from his ernempes (hay Fro hys frẽdes 
Windy he anſueꝛd) / for aſmoche. as J may Wele ſiepe me 
from myy einempes in Vhom J haue no kruſte / but J may 
not liepe me from my frende hom that) truſte / It Was 
axed) of a Wyſemay Which be che mooſt noble Woꝛl dly thin 
ges / To Vhom he anfucady to loue ſapience/and bo hate 
fool p/nat to be aſchamed to lerne / Nndd it Bas axedꝰ of 
Nꝛchaſam / Whiche be che ferences that childꝛey ſhul de Kane 
He anfuerd choos that arufe them bo hate ignoꝛãce in then 
aage And it Bas apxed) of another · Vhy he Bol dy habe 
noo ſilueꝛ/and) he anſuerd for aſmoche as it come to men 

nd) faidy ſe khat Repith the good opinion g keueth ehe 
eu yeueth grete veſte to his here nd) ſaydy Selie⸗ 
neſſe 18 the pꝛiſoy of the body and) faluacton of ely ſaule 
Sſaroy ſayd) that a leni g) in his liyngdome may 
Be dõmaged) and) hurte / andꝰ ſpecially by fyue 
thinges / the firſt is by to grete drieneſſe as to be 
in. pere Vithout Payn. the ſeoo nd is by eppen ding more 
Ebon his lyuelode cometh tothe therde is / bo vſe eo moche 16 
men Wyn and) hunt yng / ehe fourth: is bo be of cup mane 
ves g of Ticked condiciones ¢ alſo to be & crucl e vengea 
Bic che fyfte is /o aue many oinemyes ¶ And) ſayd che 
mooſt notable maneris g conditions « the mooſt pwuff yen 
bie is to be liberal and true of his Borre ¶ And) (aire he 
lat is liberal may not kyue amps / the true ſpeliex may noc 
be ſhamedꝰ of his ſpeling Ahe melie g Folly may cay not 
be hatede / the ſobre may ary not be ſedte / e that Tele a dy⸗ 
ligently vndeꝛſton dich eo his byſeneſſe may neueꝛ vepente 
th rof @ bringeth him to good pfection Had ſaid a ling 
or a prince oughe not bo truſtt chem An€ diſpruyſe hym im 
him that is oouetdus /in him that is om from grete pouer⸗ 
tit co grete richeſſes/ i him ſdom lle Vhiche he bath kalten 
the goodes and) loꝛdſ hippes / in him that hath ſuffved manx 
domages and) hurtes fos the wpa mageſte g o:dinaunee 
Me in him that hath made orp alla unte oꝛ ꝓmeſſe With his 
einempes /g he ought to be Bele Bare that he peue no poder 
to noon ſuche as thoo aloneſaide ¶ Andy ſayde It is ay 
impoſſible Chine, that te man map liept him from fall ing ny 
for faldte tlat is eval tidy Vith a bing in grete mani ficen 
ex Without deſſeꝛte « nd ſaid Vhan a Wyſe pice kenoldeth 

Chat ey of his men Gad offenſet h aptiſt him. he ought fof 
tely to enquere te kwoulh of the wee, andꝰ the quantite of 
the treſ pas. andꝰ if it be won Nil fully oꝛ 12 
a If & Bas Wount 60 wh + and if he be lite bo fall 
Geely e And ae euery of the fame pintis 5 0 
haſtely And e kynges ſeruaun tis 
. Og to ſheſbe in ſeruyng) Spry their good) Lertues lee ir 
fetch the nobleſſe of their kynrede, to tlentente that the 
kyng) may bettir Rnolbe lem ando do o euery of th m as he 
inl daue deſeruedꝛ ndp ſaydo/ If . enge fourth 
andy cheriſſle th te vntre de andy Vilileidꝛ men as them 
that bey good 8 true . he ought not to be called) Rpnay 
forbs is not i 6 . long) ¶ nd fay . Jf 
eyllours his phyſicien and) hys confeffour 
9 — other chinges . thay langit h to their offices 
The lynch) [Gal oontynuelly be endommaged) , (Re ef bo⸗ 
dy ' amd of the ſoule / Andy kylte to dome to a foule ende 
vies — 798 fapdo, He that fa 5 not trouth to his lecke 
not the Erouthe of hys counceplle . he dyſtwyet 
i Gane Gf omy den (Body not 3, 
the beſynes chat ys neceffarpe to hym 
cf hy @ wat nde Aſſawy fapdy + The moſt ſecre 
te oounſeylle of the Ryne Js his confetonce andy his good 
derte is hys heft kreſour / Andꝰ of alle mey , the ke 
Weſt is ie Beit . Mindy the Kft Eycheſſes bey hep that 
le txuely auty duely goben nd) he ſayth /a liyng 
ſold⸗ Suite his feel fe to him that he hath proue'’s m 
fart ny Wicke g in good) gouernance /g if he may finde no 

ay cuil lalde and ehe loue of a ſhredde lafteth no lenger chan 
he ſtodoſde of aeloud ¶ nd) aſſawy ſaych thaẽ a Bp, 
ſemay enforoeth hym to fle and? Nythdra eh from har me 
Nndd Ale fool weF grebe payne to fynde hyt nde aſ⸗ 
faroy ſayth hay a Vyſe mah hut is councepfour or of 

Ga Gong ſceth that Ee konge Belle doo or faxe onp ching 
dvmageable and hatmefutk 4 him on bo his Lopaume & & 

52 ; 

his peple andy fubqgettis be ſhol dy Ddreſſe andy vemembre 
~~ of good) examples of ewnpeles andy hiſtories of bps 
oble and Bpfc predeceſſour concernpnes vnto that purpoos 

inf modher that ehe kynch vonorpue and) Grue kino dleche 

a ſapth it for his Bele andy 9 ee 

Egmon Bas bory ny Echeope 
ſcience in the londe ne Otten 19 ey me meet = 
dauyd) the prophete / Nndy Was Rough Bp d 
for ay eſclaue oꝛ bondmay for peer Indy 0 she 
re plepedy gladly atte diſe · and ther ray 9 fore his maif 
tres gate a Lpuer 3 ev 0 re as his maifte g ay 
othe may playde ate Spf ſette ay obGe to ple 
ge / that Pho cg, — 6000 do (he Bik of che 
Winrar + or he ſokd? Bepntie alle the Bates chat ran ande 
puffed afore his — it haprond) that his maiſtre loſt 
Andꝰ chat other domaumded) him that he (Bold) doo hoolly 
his comauntement + ¶ nd che loſer anſuerd) that he Bas 
redy bo be at his Jugement · Chenne le fapdo 6 him. chou 
(Bake gyue me alk ehe good that cheu haft f ony Vileſde. oꝛ 
ke drynlie ab ee che Batre of che Male. And he 
loſt demandedꝰ only veſppte of one Sape for tauiſe 
6 e that other graunted⸗ 3 to him / nd thus he afore 
in his Sous “ios 480 andꝰ ful Fos bo fe me 
a foo chis peritke . And) as he Bas ty this kldughe 
legmon his end i Seer am dne & bwuhl Spon 
bis neelte a burt hen of e ae ale bed) his maiſtre. The 

Whihe caf him no a ught he Pas iy 
Hole E. it 17 of. for tarayſone hym for the 

good Tories that be fonde ty him. g theme legmon fapd to 
hym Maiſtre Pho hach angrid) ox greiudy the And) Be an 
(Werdy nothing) agapy Andꝛ legmoy ſaidꝰ maiſtre telle 
me the caufe of chis foro and Boo / oz J (Bal lygthly 
reme dye it if J may ! and thenne his maiſtre reherced) to 
hym all the fayte as is afore velereed / N nd thenne legmoy 
fers Gay cht Be ſceld sp mo phe abaſſz hy / Fer B 
Woldy gyue hym good) oounteyſt Thou ſhalt demande him 
fapdo he · if thou ſhalt drinlie that che riuyer cõteyneth no 
this preſent tyme oꝛ elis all that. that Bak renne andy 
come oontinuelly/and J Wote Wel he (Fal fape chat thou ſ hal 
dꝛinlie alk that it oonteyneth nod /and Vhay he hath fo ſaid 
thou ſ halt ſaye to him /that he ſtoppe and) malie the riuper 
o ſtande Wit hout vennyng onp more / and) chat fou art 
redy bo de inlie hit that it hol deth nod /and thus thou ſhalt 
Pynne thy caufe ¶ Whay ehe maiſter herde the counfept of 
his bondmay he Bas moche veeomfez be dy · Nndꝰ in Fike Bp 
ſe og the moꝛñ Be faid eo him that had) Bowne the oſwche /g 
in this Wyſe he efcapedy from the paryfk/ and fro khẽne ſoꝛ⸗ 
thoy Be af runchiſed) legmoy andy made him fre that afore 
Baw bonde g khra ll / Ind he dide and) gaf him moe good 
and Vas veputed for right a Vyſemay end one of his 
felaſbs of eyme paſt mette him oy a tyme / nd) demanded 
of him art thou not he that Were Pont & lepe Beep Vith 
me / And he anſueꝛd) pes / B® ſaydy that ot heꝛ Who hat h 
ſette the in this eſtate/) (Bal telle che ſaid) lemon ſaynch 
of frouthe fo be éreBe / andy not tentende Spoy draft, 
table thinges ¶ And) it Was fapdy that a Lops apperyd⸗ 
o him / Vhiche ſaxd to him /Wolt thou be a crete ford Spy 

theꝛtle and) he anfuerd pf god) Nik /) Pil — him but 
pf he Pik gyne me the choyſe g mp playfir/] Wi 5 
One af eo he ae Ny d. Be anſ⸗ 
uerdꝰ / vf J ig rightfully /I may rit Set i of 
many men And pf J diſſimile/ J ſbal ichdꝛaſde me 
Pe Wap of paroedyſe / ] had Ques 4 — this World ſuffi⸗ 
ſaunee Wich pouer te the f of that offer Hay 
8 05 60 * 6⁰ * reyſed in pis Bo:fdo) ei Nd da⸗ 
Was in a place Whore moche peple fpack among hom 
esi Bas ſtylle/andꝰ he bases him Vheꝛ fore fpebeſt 
not f 1 doo. e anſueꝛd by muſe 8 is no — 
goodꝰ but a 3 — gos ft ko thinſie oy 1 
nde this Jede chat Was mayſtre on ga im 
0 goodꝰ / the Vhiche he diſtributedꝰ in atineffe g ton . 
it to youre nedy people Dit houte G ters — 
mul bepliedꝰ al his goodes gretly Ci Rud. it is 5555 he fod 
te alle his richeſſes and) made hym ſelf a yecluſe m 
folisnivety vnto his deth / and theye prechid many mr a 
gis 6 Weſevms 60 his fone <7 indy (apdy Son 
ſtinenoe g reſtrayne thp Till, For yf Chou mepfe fats 
andy the diueꝛſe Guentures * duyly comen tact ot Cet 
fr efore  of be Ce ag ont tobe =e 
force the te 925 cood⸗ 
| - Hen mnontifieeh ande ufs rech e expe Aus fa eee 

Phan k. 7 ot 
. e "Tl pe 

atompt ¶ Sone emplope not thy covert in Ele loue of chis 
Woꝛldꝰ · Phiche is a thing) khat paſſet h andy decepueth alle 
them that affie m hit / And holdꝰ the content Nith litik /g 
coucpée not the goodes of other fette attemperalice 

of langage pen 

mode ſpeleing) than of keyng) ftp Sone eware chat 
the cor be not eꝛlyer a dalied) in the morenyng) khan chou 
End deew god andy Beye dh fn Tapy aot 
Belbare that Chou be refralbaedy for to byleue. hat fou haſt 

the ching. Vhiche thou haſt not. though that mey bere 
ch it ey Gide Gp flatenie A Sone d Gueth ody kt 
dꝛedelh him moft A Sone lerne goodnes g after teche it 
fortB to other. For dockours andy techeꝛs Nych their techin 
ges bey lylenedꝰ vnto ſpꝛynging) Velles wennyng · of hi 
che the peple ben continuellp ſeruid). g pet they abide 11 
fu dy noe efous Fe hat a e he ſhal⸗ 
Be mocquet for his Gaur tats ffeche/ f x de füt ¢ pete 
not Be [Bak thibte euik if he do onp khing / it is euil g loſeth 
his ae he ſette him o e his diſpenee 
e [Ral not pwuffyte / if of auẽture he be riche he ſpalbe pꝛoude 
eee Be be pure te (Bal fate iy deſpayr. If he 

5 ony a rie e py ud therof/ If he de⸗ 
maũde ony thing⸗ ape it vncurta iſly /g if onp may 
axe of him eo borodde Ae Bal denpe it. If he geue oughe 

a eG xf a may qxue bo hyim he (Bal cone 
him no than ene he is mezp oꝛ Jopous/it is out of mez 
fare, N nd) Whay he is angry ti is in lilie Pyſe/yf mey belle 
him ony t hace m ſecrete/ſe BaP difcoues it. yf he haue puiſ⸗ 
farce oz myqht / he Bal ſeeretly ſeche ocaſion o doo on® ¢ 
Bal krete his ſubgettis by Wenne + pF mey 1 hipe 

Vieh hym. he 15 male hym angrye / pf men ſoloſde hym 
he fach 4 che peple/ Tho fo Wil ooreecke hym. he Wil — doo for 
him but Bal hate his dorreckoꝛ / And) hie ſela De ch al fas 

e hym / yf Be Free he Nil be herd eee 

Re he Wel not here them pf mey pꝛaye hym bo paꝛdone ano, 
the / he Bal not do a ucth Better weep thay twuthe /a 
bu Ba be tent 9 wm his oppinioy / Foꝛ euer he Wil 
— — ee elf rt Bho fe de a he Sed ih ik fox 
ſpelie Dith Vyſe mey Le Bil not me 
| bh hym om ef f ner 3 5 Bore eo hem / Nn d yf he be With a mo⸗ 
re fole that he is hym (elf / he Hal el and moeque hym 
he (Bab comande them to doo Dell · nd) he Wil do che Verſt 
Andꝰ he (Gal omande chem bo fape croutſe g he (Fal 
tee we k be mode diſcoꝛdaunt 5 his das fe f 
90 toge fi one · his heꝛte bint another pf ß be riche/he 
ſaich thou art ay vfurer/yf thou be pouve he (Bul ſecte . 
boch f hu wo et paß cu dt pee rie gf Ce 
do oil /e Wil deffame the/yf thou gyue to 5705 i salle ee 
Waſtez. pf thou ne 6 Bry le ere 
tyf e nigaꝛd pf thou be debonayr /e (Bal faye thou art a beſte 
& Bho fo draderg hem fio his 2 We ich i 
ut &Bpfemay is alk of otheꝛ cõtraty g dicions fos 
Piette dete beſines . e meſtenes he a 

Wel ſpelte / and) be ſtylle in place é tyme fe Rnobah wth 
Wel. be hath his ſeruaũtis ny his puyſſalle g power /h is li 
berall to demaũders / he is Nyſe ny ſpebyng and Wel Inder 
ſtãding the Voꝛdes of other / If he lerne he ſhal meue good 
queftions 7 Ff mey do him good) he ſhal thanſte em / Who 
telleth him his gſeylk/he (et Gove it ſecrete / z he (Bal tvuſte 
Wel in other Af he yeue/he gyuet h gla dly Richous reproche 
le Pil do to none ot her may/but as he Volde be don to/ f he 
Bech k (Bal moe Be oudy kauf / If Be k pute x vie f 
ſtal noe fegete gady xk at ay pouff pte fy einer Be 
gyuet h crevence bo him that techeth him / he (Bal not grut⸗ 
che to a gretter Bay he is / ner diſpreyſe a Laffe Be ſhal axe no 
thing but if he haue right cherto/he is agrea ble in his anf; 
Wers / g fare no thing but if he lino lde it Wel / e hydeth not 
his ſciẽce/tſe more he acom panyeth the mey / the more le lo⸗ 
uct the m/ he cõſtreineth his Tite (o rout / Vhether it Beile 
o noe Re core eckelh him (ECF geuing evample to other / le is 
lighely torned) to do We Af he lere Vitnes / it ſbal le Serica 
Ble AF he be a Juge he ſhal iuge g do all thing truely/if men 
do hym harme/ he (Bab do good) therfore / he dueyteth not the 
goows of offer men. he repute him ſelf as a ſtrunger n 
this Voꝛlde/g t hinlieth not / but on his depur ting. he dot h 
Welk and) comandet h offer to do the ſame / he defendet hh anit 
andy lexach hin elf Feo dyyg ie, Qendy ele dpa in Gio 
ler te/the ee his dedes bey accor dyng to 
his Kors 4 Sone vnderſtande Vyſ dom and) excerſiſe the 
fame Vit houte chili oy other thinges for Whay thou Gaff 
gotty it Chow ſ halt be euer in Joye / And) linoſde that it is 
not goten hut Bp deſonairte · g b good) lieping of thy tunge 

Hor the kunge is EBe rove of the al merpe of fapience Betz 
in euery may may Wel entre pF it be not ſhett / Nndy cheꝛſo⸗ 

pre chi „ ule (Bat Seve 
propre chinges bey chy che ae fa — — 

hereth — iy not /g yet he is more vnſappy Chat he⸗ 
reth g vnder ſtãdeth g not hing to him /ſone ac⸗ 
cõpanye the Viech them that god louet e pelde fay; 
liinqis bo our loꝛd god of lle goodes that he halh made che 

to veſſeyue in humilibe / a departe them to thoos that be nedy 

Sone pF chou haue wy ony good ÿ the ſemeth good/gyue no 
laude ne pꝛeiſing to thy ſelf theꝛof / for thou Bote fe not if god 
he pleaſid Wich al ox not / Jy enery Berke is comonly ſom 
ching euer contrarpe, g tha dueꝛſa ye of the Gerke is proure 
though fone ooueyte not the delites of this Vorl de but ouly 
chem ÿ may make the nyghe to god / Sone truſte thou Bez 
ply in god g loue them obexe him g haue thẽ in hate ß diſo 
exe him / ſone ther is nothig more acceptable to god tha coo 
de vndeꝛſtan ding ez chat is m bey oondicions that is to Deter 

in not pꝛeyſing him ſelf/m Bel doing) ry beyng contené 
thing 3 5 to the Poff / to gyue of his g . a 
dis fae o Wak Poꝛſhip to him e eg him 7 12 
doing ſlumeſul mote m geting (erence g oonnyng a 
‘eee of his ee Reve him ſelf from anger. In gini 
his loue to aft them that deſire it / Nndꝰ to vepute him ſe 
Verſt / and the offer better. for che men bey of to manese 
Somme bey good. andꝰ ſom bey baddeWherfore a may 
[Solo humble andy mele him $0 Botte fo che goode i 9 
ing godꝰ bo malie him ſemblable g Like to hem / o the euplẽ 
for as moche as it is not ins Wer y. Whether his goodnos le 
Within him hydp · And he Wil not ſlye de it by Vryn glorie 
And in doyng thiſe thinges is a may reputed) for ſage g 
Wyſe Sone Voꝛſhipe god) andy woe him that he Wal 6 
pe tle From hauing ay euyl Wyf/ and) Wil Cede g arforme 
her for ther is none other reme die Sone (hBe fo other 
ſuche as theu haſt lerned) / ne felauſhipe the not Bich ſhre 
Nys. chat chou be nok one of them. g haue — none affiatl 
ce in the hous Where the peple lyue t his bp to moto de 
one enhabyte ‘Sp f (Ef Tih “s Bolom 23 
ly/foꝛ god) enlumind) the ir hertes by Voꝛdes of fapionee Hy 
ſuche 45 as the goodes vnder erthe bey mopſted⸗ 3 
and) With ates nd) ſomme mey ſape that 
buried in a Coun axed, Laraualle bit wene the m — 6 
the marche. Nndo ther bey buried. Pex, prophtes that deyde 
after legmoy the Thicke de chil dꝛey of yſrael liept fo tong 
in ones that thy deyde for hunger end Why Zeg⸗ 
moy Was nygh his det h he Wepte ſore. g his fone axid him 
Why he Vepte for fere of deth oꝛ for fool that he had bo leue the 

World gfe anfuerdy J Beye for none of tho Bo things 
But J Vepe Bienusfe J Guuc adap for to go. from Bhiche J 
fate neue may come agayy/and) J bre but hak vyta ilk 
Vilh me. gam chaꝛgedꝰ With many grebe chaꝛges · Nndꝛ 
4 Voce neue: Wheeler J Bal be aleged g diſchazgedꝰ ar no⸗ 
ne Whay J (Gal come bo chende of my Bape Cindy & fap 
de to his ſone / Sone thou oughbeſt eo dꝛede god/ g not onely 
o be oof ape? of mey A Sone Bhar thou comeft ny apla 
er Where Hal be a of god / abyde there / for if chou be « 
fool /thou mayſt be amẽ ded). g become Pyſe/xf khou be Pyſe 
Chou ale orerece thy Vyſdom /g pf god ſende them onp good 
hu Bate haue thy parte / but 670 thou haunte places Where 
god is not (pokey of /all che a happey to the / ſo⸗ 
ne be aſerd of ehe vengeande of our ford as moche as chou 
mapſt /g drede hay g coſidꝛe his right grete puiſſanee ande 
might And (aire in liſie Pyſe as in geuing largely a 
may maleth of his oiemy his frende / right fo by piyde a 
may malieth of his frende his nemy Md ſaide ehe Tor 
de (HBiEh ele Vyſe dom of ehe may e Hrefore ought amay 
to be Vel auiſed Nhat he fateh ¶ Nndp (aid) atvelbe may 
reſteth in his twouthe/g the reward of a lyan is /lhat he be 
not bileuid) of that he velxꝛſeth Rnd ſaid veheꝛde ne be ll 
nothing to hym that Nil not bileue ehe / ne demaunde not 
chat chen) that chou Woſt Wel (Gal not by graunte d eo eln 
ne pwmyſe no thin) but thou mayſt andy Wil t holde and 
Repe ¶ Nndꝰ ſaide thou olighteſt a loue all chm fle thy 
oompanpe of a Pare if chou mape not eſche Be his compa 
nye / atte leſte beware chat thou bileue nothing thut he ſaith 
And ſald fone ſette the not in the hieſt place for it is better 

ow thou be taken vp Fro the loddeſt place for bo ſitte in the 
pet / tha & * talien from the hyeſt and be ſette 48 bene⸗ 
nd) ſaydꝰ Sone pet ones ] oomande the hat chou 
— god) aboue alle chinges. for that is ching rightful g 
pwuffpgl 60 ——.— ſo that alle thy thoughtee é 
al way m him andy thy Woꝛdes feublably-for che ſpeliyng 
andy thinllinq) in god) furmoũtet h alle other Voꝛdes andp 
thoughtes as he him ſelf ſurmoũteth alle offer cveatures 
Ge fone map ough ber Gi ne ekeden 
ony other thing) that they ben donſtreynedꝰ 661 Sone ma 
Re thy eriſons g eee duely to him · ſor pꝛayer is as a 
(Dip that is in the ſee. ſor 0 (be be good) (Be fpakbe ſauf and 
a 8 ge 8 va 
ayn Be teil] Cy (pty & ey map Bahl 
10 nde 15 lauyng andy his neerſſitees in this World / Bhp 
Ge is of GG? during as bo Se inert a may ſholde 
pourueye him of thinces neee wee to lere Bech hym 
Whey Bites departe hen bp ſaxdꝰ Hod may a may 
make anotles (o chaũge his Pcb not ref reine his 
one Bil] Windy 75 Goody Bik is one of che goodes 
i af good is feruidy. End? glad b Bere ehinges böte 
dle. is co him agreabſe. udp a curtoyſe anſuer ought mo 
6 fo fe 1155 » IESG ee Befouctt 6 ſend omp mef faye a 
legacioy. ſende a Tpfemay andy if chou maiſt none finde 
see thy ſelf ¶ End oo byleue not him that kyeth Eo 
che of another may · for he (Bab Cpe m Ge Tpf to another 
may of th And ſaydꝰ it is more light o challge mone 
taignes fro one place to another /thay for lo make 055 vn⸗ 
derſtande that hach none eit ndement Nndp ſaydꝛ do not 

that of Vhiche chou ſholdeſt haue ſpane bo fee anolfer do it 
Co paciortis bey m this Woꝛlde/of Nhiche one is he 
fue ſeel h g — 5 that he hatethj· g that other 
is co wefrapne hie Wesch bey the atte: of men thot 
len henolden » Buf in thee maners · thut is eo Witte the paclent 
is not knsbey but in his Gucrfite g in his Ire GER Suz 
Epant may po not knoten but i Jarre &ndꝰ the frende 
is not eld y but in neeeſſite G Sf alle other maners 
condiciones the Noꝛſt is a — bo be ſuſpecionous of hie 
de. and? 6 diſcouer thinges ſeerete / o haue kuiſte ande af 
fiatice in euerp may · bo ſpelie oùmoche of hinges vnproffi 
_ o be Hy daũger of euyſk peple for rouctife of goodes 
nd ſayde he ‘Bons sage it is the myrrour of the may 
wen he may Acre his — ¢ his fil the And he 2 
Bare g liepe le for to le ſuſpecdus / for ſufpecion takes a 
Wa » el tout F fro the x itte Pit hout doctrine is a tre 
With fruyte Gant ſaid for o be ioyous g to vate eueri 
man gla dli/bo be liberal in gyuyng ¢ cen 
glad his euil Pil maken amay to le a ode faoy 
e the ob ptefopGee faieB, Oi mey Beve of ce she 
—— eee ch len dyſpyſed⸗ 185 riche vr 
more than poure mey nd & fa 
che noble deth is better fay a vyle zompnacion ¶ Indy fai 
J the moſte and) gretteſt e re oꝛ hape of amay is 6 haue 
a good) ſeladde · node thenne acommnye the With good) W 
b and chou ſtalt be oe of them e of the gretteſt Sp 
s g inyquitees Woꝛld) is for to do vilonie ñnto 
an imfobent pfone 0 ſaxd “feu Gf mp onp treſ pas 
o firme vepente the anon Wit hout abi ding vnto ehe moren 

nd he ſaid thou oughbeſt to gyue hym Bank / lhat dolh the 
in of What coset che & of that he do it liberally 
e in good ente nte Rnd ſayde he may not noe ne appaz⸗ 
cepue many khingis / that an not aſpeterxue ne lenolde hym 
ſelf / Knd (ard pf thou Wile gaue er during loue Vith ano 
ther put thy ſelf in payne tẽſoꝛme him m goode maneris and 
ſaid xf a Sins be iuſte g right ful he (Bal ſeygnoꝛye g be lord 
oů tle covages of his peple if he be other yſe though he be na 
d for ling pet Wil they haue their oorages vnto another 
ae forth Chat che Werlies of che Borer bey dd 
d by tho thingis one is by ference of Phiche the 
ſo dle is afl vd e gehn of Ts is byſenes of Bhicke the four 
le g the body — Dreſſid) ¶ N nd ſaid men leue for to do 
moche hazme ¢ cpl Bhan hep rouble g fere our loꝛd / And 
ye nobleſſe of lignage is mode oouenable eo weeepue fcr 
hentencioy of the may ſhold be fox to ref rayne his 007 
os fw fylth e foule Binge fo che good tif — 
che good renomee g enuſeth a good ende/ he is right eve 
Vhiche is hon oura lc in alt Gis diſpoꝛtes / g of Bh 5 
Wycte ſürmonteth the 4s 2 Chea late it fee fet the o 
be fo Pyſe/ that chou canft doo Belk g liepe the fro doyng euil 
The is nothing fo euyl Gnd a may / as bo be eur? ere 
trinedꝛ / and) in eſpecyal Vb he is pffued of noble and) 
good lignage ¶ Nnd ſeyd for bo donne ſciẽce/it is a mode 
honourrable andy snout thing / For by hit goodes of 
this Woꝛldy and) of that oller bey gobey / N Vyſe may Wil 
nothing haue of his pꝛynee but ot Vhiche le ae 
bp 1 trouthe andy by his good) Verlies 
ſaxd e is a goodꝰ fos chat tabeth Spor him payne — bey 

his ſucettis fuche Vyſe / as he ſiepeth his odey body. and 
that he be not fo rigorous andy oppre ſſing) . that them Bebo, 
ueth to leue his loꝛdſhip N nd that alſo he be not to them 
fo deblonayr. at they diſpyſe his maũdemoꝛtis ¶ Indꝰ ke 
ſayde the moſt dir teys gyuer is le. that gyueth Vithout ax 
ing) ¶ Fndy ſayd) Jy Whe ſomeuer place chou be With 
thyn ennemp. be it m diſpoꝛte oꝛ ot her vyſe. make al Bay 
good Wacche oy thy ſelf though fo be chou be ſtrenger fay 
e andy mightier pet labouve al Way to mate pas (Rnd 
ſaydd ty Uke Vyſe as it is grete payne & che body of man 
to faſteyne thing) that is mpoſſible to him · right fois its 
greuous thing) to a Byfemay for & teche a fook Gn 
ſayde. N fufpecous may map neuer haue goody kyf 2 
ſaydꝛ he is right Ignorailt and) vnlipnde that ary not av 
ue than ſiyng) fer the geodnes that ys roy eo him kuk yet 
he is more vnbynde tat denyeth it eo other ¶ Wnodp fap 
de. He that demaldet h but veaſoy is able bo vaynqupſſte ¢ 
oue rome his ennempe 
1 HBeſille ſayde. Thou oughbeſt to loue bettir the Pu 
é b y de Noꝛdes that Seen prouffptable andy true, khan 
che (Bete Voꝛdis Che Ker of deceyte g flateringe 
Som mey put denym in ſ debe drinſtis and) the me dioines 
that ot helethj people · arey bittre sandy of cup ſauour 
nd ſayde It is a foul ching bo be fo curious for the 
feding of the Boop. kal it hurteth both it g he ſaule · And 
ſapde/as afSipmay tulieth not the fee Wihout he ſeth that 
he hach a coucnable Wynde. no more ſhuld) a may diſpoſe 
him bo orp mance Berkio Vit hout that it er guenable for 
the ſaule ¶Nnd (aid thou oughteſt to do that · chat is moſt 

oufytable for the Boop . ande rather chat / tint is mooſt 
ak * baut. g not eo do the cõtratye ¶ And 
ſaide he that can Bele onſeille other / ought eo eonſeille Tele 
hym (elf andy haue vemembraunde to kh ſal uacion of his 
ſaule / for it is a gvete Bice / ko amay to Woꝛſ hyp g hel pe ano 
Ars andy dif Voꝛſ hip andy hurt hym ſelf ¶ And fai as 
it byeometh eui l aman / that hath afoul g vnclene body co 
be clothed With eloth of golde oꝛ Thich cloth of ſyllie. right 
fo it is afoule thing) bo haue grebe beo vote of body andy of 
Fyſage candy be Full of cup Mt z axe Nndyſaid Be ought 
by veafon bo Reve chen!» our lodyes + De az moꝛ ſpecyally 
bounde to Reve honeſtly and Nele that. that peueth ve linoſß 
lege of our loꝛd) god that is ti Pyſe dom of the ſaule and 
not to hurte or ouercom it Nith meetes oꝛ deynſies. Nnd⸗ 
il Baw axidꝰ of him holde amay myght Gop him fwom ve 
And he anſuerd / in vemembrynq that it is inpoſſible he 
ſhulde al Tepe be obeyed) / but that he muſt ſomtyme obeye 
Mardy chat Be (Pa not al Bape cõmaunde but he (Falk con 
maundedꝰ · Ward alſo that god ſeech all Gina, g if he hath 
this in confireracton · he ſhulde not longe le roth / and) he 
ſacbe agrete fatte may (o Whom fe ſayd) chou prpnes 
the fore to brelte the Bais of thy pryſoy ¶ And) ſaydy 
Bhay ou ſhalt coveccte anoc her Bee hit not · liſie him khat 
old) Lenge him of his ennemp but do as th phiſician that 
oourtoiſelp ſpelieth to his pacient · Andy hay thou (Pale 
borrecke chiſelf ſhedde che as the hurt may wth to his leche 
int Gregorie ſeide Peoomaunde (o god) the be⸗ 
gynnyng e the ende of al thy Verlies Ind ſaid feu 
dye / and) twuaylle to Kole alle thynges. and 

pg ee holde Byth ehe thoes chat Rey moſt proffyta⸗ 
ble Ae pop pouerte is euiſl. but euy le riche ſſe moch 
Dorfe apy Be chou pacient andy Gaur wafor in 
thy Brath, andy light thy ſelf Bye Sapiende n ſtede of 
cãdelk · and preſume not bo be better than thou art · but thm 
Re thou art dedely, ¶ epube ce — r and) thou 
(Gale ee 5 ſtraülgers N nd ‘ten hay Chey ſhip 
ſtalle any lie eg fa y thou oughteſt fe, 
re bo & —— And ſaide men ought to veceyue mes 
rily all that wn ſendeth hem ¶ nd) ſapde the 
of goode mey is better thay the loue of euyl prple And 
ſayde fretſuente and haun te the com panyes of Pyſemen and 
not of the riche ¶ Nnd) ſayde Aiferaſe noe a lite of 
thinges · ſor they may greetely encreſſe and amende And 
ſaide En dure paciently Nit holut taliyn g) engeaunce 
Alpen Was one of ehe vin. leches LpaGe epeellẽt 
Nin merdpane + Whiche Were alk vi ee ff 
aboue aff other lechis. of the Nhiche the firſt Das 
Eſculappus / The ſeconde Gorius. The therde Myrius / The 
— — — vj. Eſculapius 
the ſedonde The. vi. Ypocras Th Bij, Galery Vhiche had 
none libe & him / He Was borne after the Jnentnacioyꝝ of 
oure loꝛd. ij. C. yeres nd he com e and) made Bele a 
ai · C wlumes of of booltis among Whiche the rbey · vin. (hot 
bey ſtudyed) in fuche khinges as mey deſire to lerne of tle 
art of medicine · his fader Bas right diliqent eo pul him 
& th fook g ſperdidꝰ moche good Bpoy him / g ſent him m 
eo che Laver of &ſie in the eite of Paꝛgame. Welenes Fo 
me g &lexandꝛie/ for 4 finde the beſt maiſtres / nd there 

he lerned) phyſilt geometrie /gramayre/ and) offs ſciendes 
Andy he at phyſilt of a Bomary called cleopatre Bhp, 
che taught hym many goode herbis / Nndꝰ prouffptabh to 
all manere of feReneffes · And he dodelled long in Egip 
te :for Go linoſde ale chyſe herbis / Nndp long after he dey⸗ 
edo nygh the Cyte of E ſcam / faſt by the grene ſee. in che 
marches ef Egypte And in hys pouthe he deſired) greet; 
ly to ſinoſde the ſcienee dem onſtratiue · Mad he Vas fo en⸗ 
elynedꝰ (o lerne Bye , that Whay he depnztbed) From the ſcole 
Nyth other chil deren his mynde Was euer vpoy that + that 
hys mayſter hadde taught hym . Vherof his felowdes moks 
pd hym / Nndꝰ apedy hym Why he Nolde not play / and 
ſpoꝛte hym With hem. To hor he ſayd) . J ake as grete 
pleaſaunce to vecorde my leſſoy. as ye do m 2 
of Spe ſayd) felaldes hadde grete meruaylle ¶ End fap, 
de that hys fader Bas happy to haue ſuche a childe and) to 
put hym bo the ſcole · chat fo Vele loued le his fadez 
Was a grete le bourer + Gre gramit fader Was a ſouerayy 
mayſtre ar pentex · and Gps gramitſirs fader Nas ay har⸗ 
pes and meter of landes Vhiche is che ſciend of geometrie 
Galyen Was at Lome iy che reigne of Gina Octa uien 

V hiche veygnedꝛ after &dꝛiey g their he made a boolte of as 
naſcomie g many oller traitpes · Som ſey that grete part 
of his booltis Bere brent g amonch hem ſom of ariſtotilles 
booltis Written With his Gandy ¢ of danagoras g of Nndꝛo 
mache. and a Boke that he ha dde made of tryaeles fox ve⸗ 
nyms g taught the kyng) of grece to brelie the hilles · and) 
felle cle Tues and) bo make pleyne Bepes in ther ooun tres 
and) edifiedꝛ Citees g eloſedꝛ ſem Vith bigge Pall is. and 

alſo to make ryueres vemie through the (ones / And) in 
other p haas. Uwe 1 nede Tas , Wd) by do alle other Hint, 
ges ‘at Were (o the ommone proffpé . Wndp in thoos 
duyes they ha dde more whetacton and) ple ſaũcr bo che goode 
rule and) gouernaunde of heir lezdeſhip thay bo the — 6 
pleaſaunte of the ir owne bodyes + nd thir hertis Bere 
mode ſette eo haue goode Snecſiges and (cokes of grete 
clerſies. A ndꝰ ſpec ally in phyſylte + And alſo khey oꝛde⸗ 
ignedy m euery Cuntre and) region oertayy folltið eo ga⸗ 
der herbes andy bo Brena) them o the maiſtres of phyſybe 
for 6 preue tlem by epperionce . Ind the fame herbes thus 
appreued) Were fent to kl lerges efofidy and) ſealled⸗ ol 
their ſealles. to thentent Bat i they ſhul de not be cha 
e Bay ehe een oꝛdeigned) hem for ſelie st — 
2 Faye Gal yen fapdy Byler arr not proufpé 
ota Bey e HEED ie noe 0 fog r 
Hel come of he ene «an auf 
| ebinges to cme , And) Galen Vas — ſcore pere g 
Bij. han he ſayd) that many grete loꝛdes be Jqnoraunte 
Whan they be more enclyned) o haue füyre horſſes andy ri 
4 goſdnes + andy other Jello . hay o e goode fiz 
me by good) oon dietona l Ward) ſaide The phiſicions Bere 
Wont bo ſaue lordſhip g to gouerne felke fol kis g 6 ont 
— to do ſuche thinges as Weer moſt eppe diẽt ¢ po 
table for their teh, and no ſelte may durſt Dif obeye his 
pHificie / but ſhuldy be gpelledp (o obeye him Ihe zfote fey 
Were the foner veoouered) and) hole. nd) noſde the leches 
Key fubqettis (o the 2 ſollys. Gu) be oom pell ed & 
Ende hem eaſely . andy ſofttx; And) eo peut hry 

(Bebo dꝛineltis thogh it auapleth hem bulk CK and eas 
fore is the: che more (eReneffes / and) lenges Inſel th 
Andy ſayde / ſomtk yme thoo chat Were mooſt fobse ty Arie 
metis and) Kft dꝛanlie Vyne Were beſt bylouedy and) moſt 
pꝛayſidꝰ/and) node the moſt glottons / and) tho (hat of te 
neſt bey dꝛonlioy a (he — ſet by/ and) the rat her ſette atte 
grete loꝛdes bourdes / Phiche pencth cup evempe ll 6 othez 
Andy fapdy thou mayſt Bele Were all mey/ſauf one, 
ly thoes that be Bithoute fame N nd ſaxydꝛ/ama that 
apes Wele him ſelf / hath poder proBe bo covcerte him fel f 
&ndꝰ ſaxde Ama may loue fon ſelf fo mochertlat be 
is deceyuedy theꝛby for Be fe map that Gene and) ſeme & 
be goode/and) ar ontcarpe N ndy ſaydꝰ / he is iuſte fae 
may boch do right oꝛ Fronge and) pet Reve Juſtiee Ind 
he is Nyſe and) dyſerete that bnoddech that /echat ſuffiſieth eo 
be RnoWey andy khat doch veꝛtuouſelp eo euerp creature 
Andd ſayde Fike as a fee mah deſiret h/ not eo deſuzte fror 
his phiſicien / tilk he hath vecoucridy his helth Vhiche he co, 
de not do by him ſekf / In like Vyſe amay ought (o deſire the 
tompanpe of a conſeſſour for the helth of his ſaule / Andy he 
(abe amay kat Das gretly made of and) cheriſſhedy With 
linges for the ſtrenght of his body of Vßem ly ſapde/ pauen⸗ 
mauſe him (o repente hit at laſt | 
TE Vas afBety of one arledy pꝛotege Dsfore it 
Was that one of his neyghlours made ope his he⸗ 
fy BRE Re anſueꝛdꝰ. by cauſe noo may ſhulde af 
Ee bo kerne fapience of him / and) plutes ſaxde/ le more coos 
de that a fook hath e more he is ſo dle / Rudy it Nas axid 
of one ariſtay / Nun it Nas good to lye Vith a Womay⸗ he 

anſuerdꝛ / at altymes Bhry ama Byl hurt enpayve an 
ſeble his body / Andy it Was af! 0 f Nomine Ae 
he lineſde andy peꝛeeyuedy leſt his Witte / He anſueꝛd) Jy 
chat lat J chinlte /] vndeꝛſtande and) knodde but littylk 
Ben faire the vyſe may that repliet h is bettir than the 
le that acoꝛdethj Go euerp porpoſe / Wud tler Bas aſdyſe 
may aalledꝰ azee chat Nas a priſonneꝛ to Why his mayſ 
ter axedd / of Phat liyn rede he Bas / He anſueꝛd enquere not 
of my lynage / but axe of my prudener and) comprare / and 
Was axed) of anothers calledꝰ Sygonte. alſo priſonne: of 
one that Vol de haue bought him / Wherto he Was good Rnd 
he anſueꝛd) to be deliueredy/and) another may axid of hin 
I it Weve goode that he ſhulde bye hm / To Nom he anf, 
weedy J am no thing Worth but ye oꝛ ſom offer bye me / g 
anothes ſayde he diſpraiſich him ſelf. that diſpraiſeth alle 
other and yeueth him ſelf lade / And cher Was one that 
praied) god) bo liepe him fwm che daungeꝛ of his frendis 
End) it Was af ed. him Wp he prayedy not rather / (hat 
god (Gol de liepe him from his ernempes Gay fro hys frẽdes 
And he anſueꝛd) / for aſmoche. as J may Mele ſtepe me 
from myn ennempes in Vhom ] haue no truſte / but ) may 
not liepe me from my frende Vhom that ) truſte / It Was 
apedy of adyſemay Which be the mooſt noble Woꝛl dly thin 
ges / To hom he anfucsd /to loue faproree / and) (o hate 
ſooly/nat to be aſchamed bo kine / Nnd) it Bas apedy of 
Nrchaſam / Phiche be che ſciendes chat childꝛey ſhul de leꝛne 
He anfuerd thoos that arufe them bo hate ignoꝛã ce in their 
aage / Andy it Bas apedy of another Gp he Wol dy haue 
noo filucs / and) he anſuerd for aſmoche as it come to nen 

by fortune · g is Rope by nygar dſhip g couctife g is often fo 
et ent g bo euyl vſe GWNwd) another ſaide the loue of 
be more noyſant to (he t hay his ſatered. Nndꝰ 
eet Bae amay that ſayd) bo another] (Sal put my pepy 
and N to diſtwye the. He anfuerdp andy fapdo 
4 at me to dyſtroxe thy malpeerand apeaſe thyn 
Jee AMnd) cher eam byſore a liyng). tj. Pyſemen + The 
one Was a agel g other a Jede. N ndꝰ the che de a fare 
Cre Whory the (apd: liyng deſirid. that pch of chem 2 
eter ſom good) and) notuble ſentener . Thay th G 
ſaydd J map Bele covcecte and) amende my thoug once 75 
not mp Wondes. Thuy che Jede ſapdꝰ +7 we merua 
them . that ſoye Binge pan Where 9 
more pwuffitable. ndꝰ the ſaraſ yy fapdy* ng am soma 
ouer mp Woꝛdes . or it be p nunced) / But Whay it is ſpo⸗ 
= Jam ſcruafie ther to. Andy It Das axedꝛ one of them 
might be called) a leyng / R * that 
ie hae fabeget to his one Wir Gnd. ( ſſaroy ſayd) bo 
ay enp® payer that deſired to loro de money of him. that he 
Bold lene him none. foꝛ ) &noWe Wel dat Be code not Sif 
pleaſe him ſomoch m refuſing the lone. as ty axyng him his 
papement ayey noo ſapdꝰ . The Bpfemes ebe With 
goodꝰ deliberaeioy · g lie foooks fpeke Bit hout uiſement = 
nd Ceofrates faire he is of good codicioy that veporbelh 
g ſapeth good of offer folie /g Repel ſecret ve eit defaul tes 
Ind it Was axed of ahem What — Were moſt ne⸗ 
deſſarie for ama bo Bene him ws fofRis 5 5 
nd) he anfuerdy If he be riche co ON = 
Be be - bo laboure Netenetr d nd ATpoomake ſald 

theꝛ is not fo goode adockour / as diſerecion nt fo goode 

cher as the kxme /g he tha oorreckith hym by drt 5 
diligent g Bele ocupyedꝰ / Nndꝰ it is bettir cy tae epemple 
by other thay other to take yt by hym A Nd Thyme, 
tus fapdy /me dle noꝛ vndeꝛtalte nok Nyth ehe couernaunee 
of a fool . fox Be q not peyſe noꝛ concepuc / What good 
thou dooſt eo hym / no move Cay a hoꝛſe oꝛ other beeſtis ta⸗ 
Re hede Bhvove khey chaꝛge hym Nyth gold) oꝛ qraucll and 

ndꝰ ſayde twuth 16 goodꝰ to 
be ſaxde g ſpectally Nhan 1€ poouffitech euer body / And 
ſaxde + If khou cay not attepy Go the wyſe dom of aunciont 
mey al Ce Left ſtudye and) fee cher booltis g ſomme profyek 
thou maeyſt haue ther by ¶ndy quidarius ſaid J ſaue mex 
uaile of thoes that Blame fo moche the foule thingis von o⸗ 
ther and) Ging hem fayr Spor he (elf Dimperates ſaide 
paciende 16 a cafte imprenable g Woꝛſhip is che frupte of. 
troulh g repẽtaumce is the frupte of ſnaſt / And it Bas arr 
id of dithomages / Bhp the riche men be move pꝛoſdde chan By 
emen / and) Be (aid for ele Jyſemen Enokber g detede our 
fod) and) vndeꝛſtande That offence pride is vnto him. bul 

che riche may ealieth none hede cherto · Endo ſom axedꝰ of 
1 Whiche Nas better eo daue ſapience or richeſſe + And 
(ee ther is no goode richeſſe / But it be af ek pepe 
Be offex Wald as in this · but ſapiẽce is goode for either 
Lakes Je Vas tolde Gaſtocke that a may had ſaid good 
of him · Nndp he ſayde 4 ſhol vecompenſe it / They axed him 
y Phat maner. —— 2 ſayde J Vill ſeie of Gp 50 Fike 

Sof Gn» O & mannes Witte ory not at 
teyne & do e — foe he Seren vnde he 

map evediibe liſte as pe may put nomow Boy in a pppe that 
it 636 xneth but leſſe pe map Fe Oricus ſayde amay 
of goode — map Bele eſche de grete quã ite of 
che infortunes of this + Fike as ehe goode ſhipma 
RnoWeth by evprrience the Went lilily to be m the fee ¶ Sa 
maroy 922 Jeu 8 loſt all that) 60 Gro 4 fere no 
thing Ku I Fy alk thy ent fee Bue more kruſt 
m chy ſcience ay i ae thy l genus faire . The 
peyntoure nes We 

. by Takes myloſtius ſaide/ j laue grete mers 
y che fo Wordel p goods put hem tpl in pt 
al par ——— Sieh iy fee of wer gal 
as offer Tyſe / not knolding Tif (Bal ſucede oy de park their 
good) after chrir det 058 ich leſſe daüger ¢ pepne 
lerne Bapiorce . Sp the Phiche ther goode name andy fame 

ſhulde he move LaWeedp and) pꝛayſed) / as it is ſapde jn a mo 
ucrke Pe is not wre Whos Amat anid) Pedy fais 5 
yctagoras ſayde/ Science hat h now anempes but ygno⸗ 
rant mend] And) ſaide/ clateringe of ſolies is difplepfie eo 
Vyſemen / 2 ihe as the ſteiche of a Rarepy is to chem that 
{melt it / for the fook leno Wethj no more the falbee of his fre 
che chan the Rarepy roth of his ſteuche / Andꝰ it Bas aped 
of another Foe mey might kee him from moche deyn⸗ 
keing / And he anſuerdꝰ in bebor ding Wele the grete Inton 
uementis But be fa che dꝛonſien mey ¶ And) Eugene 
ſaide / Many perſones hauyng reaſoy andy vndeꝛſtandynq) 
apey eundelk / and) light for to ete their mete But felbe per⸗ 
ſones ther be that lyndelk g ſbarpe there Witter in getin g 
(cinere for dk pwuffpe of ther ſoulteo Ed) Eſcey fa 
de / deth is diſpleſaunt to all perſones ſauff bo the Vyſemen 
for ſapience is the thing that mooſt lettit h che ſere of del h 
And) adꝛien faire / J ſhulde nat loue ſapiẽct / but be oxu 
ſe ſhe diſpraiſeth deth/yet ſhulde J loue fer / And) her mes 
faite / the rete prouffyt that ) haue ſounde in fapionce Jo 
chat 4 Rare compoftd and) binyt all my tloughtes iy one 
And quiranns ſaid/ Aman may not le Biehouse though 
bes / x ought to vemẽbre the Hinges ppttuebel Bnd ſayd⸗ 
ſom thintte it goode/ that euer body Were of lilte con dielon 
But thnſieth che ont raꝛye / for they euery man Rolde coms 
mande and) noy obeye Bnd deme pabes (aire Man khoul oo 
meſt into a ſtræungt doun tre / eꝛſien diligently , after tle 
lungage g veafor of thy pepe / And If thou fynd thy felf 
as Ble oz Vyſer they they / Enretepne them / And ellys 
peyy thy (elf eo lerne of chepre lore and dockrine vathes 

Bat) bo beſy the in oller ydell and) Kapne ocupacions 
phychbrä' Woche bas derb ef Goptagore ben . 
not to be call id man? pe 2 FeiBe Buy that 
cay not deffende him tf ndy Sylde oe Jy at i 
gys the meane is beſt nd) to lyue Warely 5 
fare. And) & W Daſt fully La — 
is inpoſſible to pleaſe alle mey ther Bich nd „ew i 
not Noth Vith him chat fapth tout h. haue prciorce and 
00 stel cant C ee ckrſe Tn fate ee Big 
lor dis reſemble to che dꝛonſten men that in their monGer 
[Bip Gate alk fayre e goode Kréucs / and) louen alle Siers g 
filchis but Ney his dꝛonbenſ hip is puffed he is affamed 
of his woie ¶ Nndꝰ faire & kyng of goode Bitte g diſere 
cioy ought to be — oonbent and . Vhey mey of⸗ 
fre him their ferinee And) ought m his pras te proſpe⸗ 
rice 6 Bo: 7 his knyghtis ¢ mey of Merce g & 
ye them all be it ſe Wene 6o hane none 
eine mpes · ſor ‘0 ay not re ſure ode ſone & (Ua € haue neve 
ef Gis feeuatmtio ¶ Nut) Melious faydo He is not ri⸗ 
Be, to hom the richeſſe laſtey but til. N. they 
ma & lighely talen co. a ee lauduble pele 

Che Prime may. 7 a sf + aiid he nen 

may pred be Pyche 

our anempes 

+ Th tungt 
map Bek make (lere e aos 

t of the herte 

Mindy che zfore it is comieniont chat che Gorge g Efe Bert & 
Re of one opinion] And fapre/Make no deſir to god for 
that / hat thou mayeſt Tele haue / Thiche is ſuffiſaunc but 

pray and) require him that / that tho Saft may ſufffiſe che 

itaqgoras ſaide/ſe that beleueth not th vefurcection of may 
is lite a dome beeſte that fallith for febil nes ¶ Nndp faire 
may ought & do his Ter bis Bp delileracion / g by grete 
prouifionanty voc fap T Gd) fief fu bft c, 
cere thyy omemp / dille him no foole nox taletell ar nos olexe 
none of his vices / for thy blamyng) Mex to him a grete 

laude e And) (aide he that Rol de be laudid) ef his Vorbis 

ought to haue a tree frende bo rapoꝛte thoy ¶ Indy ſaide 
Rope thy frende aboue ak thingis / Rnd) Hinke Pfat loſt 
thou ſ halt haue / if thou lalie a trete ſrende/if thy houſẽ fal 
lech do dy / thou (Balt not leſe theꝛby/but the depur ting of cle 
ſtones ¢ the tymbre/ but if thou leſe thy frende/tlou mayſt 
gete tl ꝛby many ennemyes Gnd ſaide Phan amay is in 
grebe Ire g Wrath /e may be lilened to ay houſe tabey with 
fire in Teche for the quã tite of che (moke g of the noyſe of 
he fiere / her may no may fe ne Bere therin / g map alſo be 

like nedꝰ to a (Bip in ay out rage ous tẽpeſt n the fe /Whp, 
che Bil not be Belk oon dyte d noꝛ ſtered for the fermmntneffe 
of the fame tẽpeſt / fo Toby a mannes hlode g eornge is fe 
ved With Prache andy Ire / ler map nopesfuafions noꝛ hol 
ſom counfeil auaile nox ſtere him 6 his pwufit sandy is fo 
aurſid) chat alit il fpaske of hit maki lghtlx a gerte fie 
te/ yet Vrath is many atynie pabefied by ſilẽee / as the fieve 
quenchit h Phey the bron dis & talen alhep Ulf a moncBen 
may cay nat peꝛeryue his dꝛonſrenſ hip til he be ſobee /g af tes 

hay he ſech anocher monckey e EnoBeeh kherby sy Bhre 
oO 1 — — the angred * detdur net h by his 
ci eellz another angry / may Bele peretyue his one 
fades ¶ And ſayde 5 We — Weh ſonner 
angry tlay men / ehe ſelie mey rather Cay the hole . che olde 
may lighelyer than the yonge + Mherfore ik is eo be thought 
that Wrath comes of baton of courage. nd) a maif 
tre vebulied his clerch ſeyng / hol de thy peas kondemant ſone 
End he anfuerde ) am not the leſſe Boreh for my bynne 
ut thou art che Bore for thy oon dicione ! nd) ſaide N 
ag oughẽ & faye that tat is cduenient ¢ ſomtyme 
here that / that is not 25 be faite] Andy ſaide Aer is no⸗ 
is that greueth ſomo 7 frẽde/as bo ſhedde him that 
efor haſt him ff ndy faire Companpe a dele fo ich 
the peple/ chat they after hp prefe feufec Way thou art 
abfent /g khat he nad be aile Bp del h/ may Bepte 
Thay his fo ne s borey / R 0 And it Das aped of him Uhy 
Be Wepte gz rather 00 ee e fe anfuerd ) 
72 for my fone that goth noſbe eo aꝛde his deth / Nnd⸗ 
as axed of him Vhat maner peple be leeſt beha ted / Nnd 
he e es chat may notheꝛ help nor hurt g chat doth 
not her good) nor hene che eil peple hate op ode/and 
the coor ae the onl] And faire Cuſtume is A. 0 bre 
bie chan naue Ind faite cher bey // maner of abſtnẽce 
One is With goode il · g che other Sp force. Whiche is not 
goode And another ſaide · ſpeſte but prouffita ble thinges 
nor ete no more Bry for thy ſuſtynaller /g ſelte (o haue no⸗ 
thing / kut chat is st to be Suty . ne comphipne thr not 
of (Bp fie, oer not vnhope of that · kat 5 maiſt not 

amende Rf Re moe Ginter of the douetdus may /beche chat thou 
ony. pene chat thou haſt · haue pacienee in thyy Wuerſitees 
So b be Britten in thy ſeale or iy By luck Boe goode pt 
ple and) bad (Bal ende / g beholde that ſente nde often, Ando 
ſaydꝰ . Short vemem braune andy ha ſteneſſe of ſpeche mas 
RetH many a kyme may ſaple and) erre in his Juge mait 
Indy one Tebulied) a Wiſemay / To the Vhiche che Wyle, 
may (ain, Thou rebultes me nat of alle my ices, Wndy 
It Das axid of him · Bhp he Wolde haue no fone / he anſueꝛd 
had) leuer be Wit hoube , for Nhay ] beholde the gvette fos 
ue chat aman hach to his chyl de and the grette peynes and 
twubles he hath to bryng) him vp. and) atte laſt muſt fe 
him · that ſoroſde Bere more eo me/thay the Joye ¶ It bas 
Duiſed one that Nas goyng in a Ferre vpage / (hat he ſhuld 
nat holde his Jurnep/leſt he oped) therin · And he anſuerd 
That deth is a li one to me / be it m other Countrees oꝛ at 
nd) It Vas aped of another What ching is not 
b be den / though it be iuſte a tree. And he anfuerd/ ama 
Genet & prayſe him ſelf · of enp of hys goode dedis 
Rady faire It is ſomtyme good) (o ſpare the ſothe for (o 
pore hope & his ennempes /g (o ſaue his frendis from det 
for twuch nedelh nat al Bapes to & (aid, And it Das a 
id) of him Vfat ching Pas moſt deleckable / Ando he 10 
uerd that one is not fure to liepe long in one degre g is moſt 
difficile to & fol indy ſaide Nmaß khat deſiret h to co 
me bo enp grette Bele / dught not (o leue it hough he atteyn 
not therto at che firſt. but ought eo continue his entrepzis 
for it cometh al oo Epme · that cometh nat at/ C/ Md 
ſeld the Vyſemay is not detepue d by flateringis deer yuable 

(Bete Woꝛdes / lie as he (rake Nhiche is take g eten 
— 4 m . the far fechres of his tuile Ae 
itty prt — hel pt him eee eee. 
ople as Tpt§ good) in 2 Mares & fat 
Uf cou Gt nay, eo ough not Cire 
8 Tri; ſaxde. Though amar haue Loughe 
Je ompillethʒ hy not to ſtu dye andy vere ches 
S fapd). Mey to ſexue god) in · x. maneris. chat 
fo Vytte e pelde him grace +for the buftas dhe Be 
boch yeue hym + Go Bere puctently his Duerſſtees co foeke 
kach. pape alk chat fe rem us right Wpfelp 
60 be temperate . 60 do dedis af ter his powder oz he be 
pr lis frendis 8 foe che faddtes 
ennem ire noꝛ do OP ma 
7? be Nen 6 And oe eee Ba 
dde ifuer & a pezſone in ne⸗ 
coffee And 15 fe & wise pie tony ikuer 
for his Bronte, e wih fe Was in neteſſibe [Xuv> fat 
de 1 of diuers labours is bebe and deleckacioy of the 
Boop ¶ Andꝰ Bas axedꝰ him. ſitzey Van ip Bae Bayedp 
We. indy fr anfuerdy, eben Ae kene Hat J Began 6 
Difpeafe andy wyltrplt mp fF Be Gwe a may eee lr 
= and) Intre de Borwes . To fem he ſayd) + If eBou 
| 7 anoles fey, that thou ſaxeſt 4 Worx ft not Sp, 
Bing Wherſore chou maeyſt Wel EGinke noman Sileueth 
pit ae Nriſtophanus deep co of Noꝛd is not 
in dede. but the Leray — is in 2 We — 
naga ity ayde ema not the de 
ana 25 mah l he fie Fe g his dx 

Eeoulh gyderß his herbe and) hie Wilk pytie g mer 2 
his fren dis. fea of 25 ben his fee io for 
is Juftpe his 8 is meſure. his f Berde is grace / 
Repery 16 peas/his awodde is ſaluacion /his linyght hode 46 
counfeplle of ipfemen . Gis omamentis kyftnngth. be 
teefoure ie ifcipline . ge foe is ch comsunpe of oot . 
ple/his loue ¢ al his Defi is to fle firme g to ſezue g loue god 
e ee 
noble affection / Phe rſore it is oonuenient to cheriſſhe 
zem Beles ¢ to Winne one by another as efte as —— mas 
Bey manp int her companpa And a bing si of a Byfe 
may Bhory he veputedꝰ do be a goode Juge / And he anfucrd 
He that is not deceyued) by flateries / that is not covcupé 
fe eter’ is not decexued for falbte of diſcrecioy he 
offer, fare Belandzere Ky Gore ay theues / for theues 
fie but lx goodes g ſclan dteꝛs tae and) dyſtwye loue 
And another (aid Voꝛſhyp peuen Wehe muſe atte laſt 
22 to ſhame ¶ Andp another faire It Pere better to 
& in ompanxe g donue: ſaunt Dith a i yg pent » 1 With 
pi ie St on ut 275 Ake, 
8 nem! cs a U 
— be flee . And — bal oon liberal iy this 
er ae ted) for a grebe thing the goode dedis 
wy bo him /g ehh e Bath den 
‘ > i that bd him content Wich that he hach 15 b 
puer o7 riche / And ſaid the moſt nigard of al men is he that 
apid tunatly af ter he is ones denied g vefuſedꝰ his aſ⸗ 
as es — 5 ſai d enuie difteoreth he Voꝛl d th 
e Bevel it as the fil th of a gouge doth the iroy⸗ nd 

another ſapde / Ake as no khing may be Beiter in a peyre of 
tables aff mop Vꝛyten in Nithout the firſt Friting be put 
out / RE in lilie Pyſe che veꝛtues g nobleſſes map not be 
hadde i no body Vit houten the vices „ bey 
firſtput aBep ¶ And anotheꝛ ſayde like as aman may not 
af at — holde Nit h one eye the ſkxe / g With other the 
erth / Jy lite Nyſe amay map not arte dye g diſpoſe hie 
Wytte to vertues /g to vices (o gyder ¶ And) anotlez ſaide 
the righe ſtedeſaſte loue is Vhay ehe fven dis bey of lile con 
dicions / and) if they be dyueꝛſe oꝛ dont rarious vnnet h lat 
loue 72 a — Ls ndy ſaide peple ae to whe 
cher Bing hin ofepe Hie fee iy fouerQEnid> om aed 
bim Thay ehe Witte of may Nas purfepte And) he fapd) 
Whay chat de ſpeltech croullhee Andy another (aire the Mui 
ous habet the liberal / g the nygaꝛde is Broth With chat 
another ſpendet h/ And another ſaid alk getting may not 
be iuſtifie d ne hel th may not be glotonie / ne frẽdeſbip With 
decepctoꝝ : ne nobleſſe Wich hadde diſcipline ne loue Mich pri 
de ne iuſtier Beth neteſſite ne veſt of het Nich enuie ne Bit 
be g diſcrecion Wich vengeaunce nos pore Wit houte gſeil 
nd another (aid truſte not afool not her for loue ne fos 
neyghlourſhhip fos it Bere as good to haue bo thy nepghlour 
aboufe take Vith fiere · Nnd another ſaid he is thy grebe enne 
my WBhoos Wezltis bey Garde bietre g noyng & the g his Bore 
des [Ree g atrtoys / Nnd another ſaid the Bpfemen en dure 
here alk heir lyues laſting /g after their det h their goode Moz 
Rew (Gal laſten m mẽnes myndes / Nnd anothet ſaid ofrrere 
cion of the ence of ehe Wonllis hel peel moche to cle goode geluſt 
oy / Nnd another ſaid thou ought bo loue though thou be not 

louedꝰ ¶ And) anotker ſayde afoot Benet h euer that god 
hallh no ching Bele roy nor employedꝰ / dut that he bth y 
uen him e ſemeth that Be colee Gave made g oxdeignety chi 
World) bettir than god futg don, how ke it Fe aun noe güne 
his obne pſone onely ¶ And another ſarde be Willyng eo 
pout che nedy peple / g iy fo dyng thou ſtalt do ſeruice g ple 
afer to our loꝛde god ¶ nd) anotfer fair bettir is amay 
to holde his ras thay to gtrarye g argue Wich a ſoole /g is 
as goode Go haue the eine myte of bad) peple as ther frerde⸗ 
ſhip /g the Saree g the (Garp lyf n Nele doyng · is bettir than 
the ſ Wetteſt m doyr og ery k de dis / z it is bettir to & Pithoutt 
fame ar eo haue hit Badge pouer te is bettir thay the riches 
of ſeytexues /g the pure may Without viees is bettir ay 
the riche may that is Voꝛſ hipped for his ſinnes ¶ Nndꝛ ano 
ther faire It Bere bettir not to RnoWe ay miuft ling khay 
bo & his gſeyll our. oꝛ next 19 his dee ¶ And) anolſer ſaid 
If eßou pene for bo haue fame onely ther by/ that is not libe 
ralite for thou doſt it hut for Gyn one auaile And ano 
ther ſaid) He is of no laudable lyf that is not chis mp as 
good on Beetir as he Tas He dap puffer ¶ Nnd another ſaid 
chou ſ halt not mothe haue khat / that chou deſireſt Vit holte 
that thou bere paeiẽtly the greues that thou Woldeſt not haue 
Nnd another ſaid a meey (Falk iy thy handes as long as 
Be (Ba truſte che / Nud it Das aid of a Nyſemay / hy he 
deſired not (o haue a ſone/ he anfucare icauſe ent J haue 
Bad yndugh ar for to chaſtyſe my body g o adreſſe mp fax 
fe Without hauing orp other pſone to mule or teche And) it 
Was apid) of him / Pho Was that moſt vepentethh Spry in 
this Workdꝰ And) he anſuerd? / Che Vpfemay al ps 

deth/by onufe that he hath not ht after de a 
Lapa — ao nny == 

BB is 5 sans by Zhe mi paciende/ f if seni 5 
Dred) of god). a t cauſes dre y 
ſpeſie eee. ¢ Goode a Frait 
nes (And) another (ais fugerlipte maketh che body ſelie 
Byy CeoublieB che Gptte, Wrath is gtrarye eo By ſ do / but 
teperand oonfortech the het / and? put albepe aft leuineſſt 
a 2 REG ¶ Nndp (aire ake be it chat alipifemay 
b ed Naty noble /g tlough he be aſtranget 
1 e touch he ke pues pel the peeple 
laue nede of him Rnd another (aire he that erdureth/ E? 
taliet ih no 2 8 2 pouth reſtich him not m his aagt 
nauk daha Ginny eth fie fe oe of iene 

cõtinuelly € wiquere — mey fs of os There 1 . chp 
wie he 0 “gi in +19 Se Blame Bic: 
chase 2 al gelegte 

rar sine ft Cnt 
Pop /and) is attemprrate iy grete auchorite. ee 

Defived ef a Bpferray bo belle him the Difference Boe Wyy 
this Noꝛl dy and) the other Boꝛrdꝰ , Wud fe ain fers his 
Worb dy is N dꝛeme · ard the oller Borldy is a khing adde 
Rody Gnd) another ſayd). Mettir is (o 1 belt thay 
te bee ſilende. andy betlir to Rey ſilente tha to ſpelie auf 
nd anotlſer ſaide 4 haue atom pa edn + Tih the ri 
che — e Sauce feey here riche arraye clohtinge g offer chin 
ois better thy myy Were. Where Spy J had) fache cute g 
melantol ye fixe 4 5 mighe haue no vefte m mp ſelf/ Thay J 
arompapned) me With pouer mey like as J Was. g ay 
Was ſatiſfpede and) in peace nd) another fait like 
as a may that is hy a derbe laue may not ſe his propre fi 
82 000 lilie Vyſe the ſaule that is not clone nor pure may 

contin ceyue Te Rnowe the tobe g pfytte goode⸗ 
me of a mah 50 ¶ Und amother faire like as che 
boꝛue 91 ne entred into this World 
aſeeſf by . ‘Bh hy be vt ſele the whites and 
eeuſes . — Wofe . ſule ae ce (Bal 
Dye. pet if Hep haue Cpuedp they go after 

Be Bade Be hy ay (a fifty fefa, 

the goodneſſe of Vyſemen 
= l the ¢ dee oats 

ihe “ote fb 1 Kn fers 

nour man is prctonce g the gouernour 10 a 
ab i mr nooasother fap> aman 221 is ſloſdt ul 

in his Rerhis is cõmonekx enuious of the Tele of offer mey 
And anothrs ſapde It is coor bo enquore E Wies of thin 
ges Bnknolbey for the fir ſt queſtioy is of Wille, andy he 
ſedonde is of diſcreciog Mnd another ſaide krout h ie god⸗ 
des meſſagen Vherfore ſhe muſt be Vo: ſhipped) for ehe loue 
of Be matter Q nd another ſaid/he that mul tipliet h his 
temporal goodes dyminueth his eſpũalles And another 
faire Choos that byleue andy mere god ſtedfaſtl ye haue not 
deleckacioy but . g in his Bers ¶ And anos 
ther (aire the mooſt laudable Rerkie Hat one may doo is bo 
obeye the maun demẽtes ¢ pleaſer of our Lorde god sand ehe 
Westie of the body Joigned) bo the Gerke of the here is mo⸗ 
ve laudable khan €Be Berke of the rate onel nd) ano⸗ 
ther faite tl eur creatures bey Tore ay ſerpentes lyon 
ox mraynes / Nndp in libe Pyſe as vpoy the erthe/ ther is 
nothing bettir tha Ce goode creatures / Fight fo ther is no 
thing Woꝛs. hay thoos (hut be Pyltbedꝰ ¶ Nnd) another 
faire he that talieth vpoy him higher aftate thar co him Sis 
longich/ putketh grete feyn bo ke ayyll fpofter of (andy a 
nother ſaide he khat Wyk haue veſte in his kyffe / ought bo 
Reve him from · iii · dcaſions / the firſt is (hat he oughẽ not 
to be Broch khdugh ſom creature kyue / Whiche he Wolde haue 
dede/ſeconde ts 0 ſom dye Phiche he Vol de haue alpue / ehe 
cher de is. if he hach not that / chat he defivet h. and the ſous⸗ 
che is yf he fee that ſoꝛtune waiſe and) bring vp ſomotheꝛ of 
lobe degre cy ſe is Md) anocler (aire (o ente medle 
and) whe Gel Vith Woꝛdely Werſtis is a ching that may 
beſte kepe amay 1 alle znedueinentiz ¶ Nndꝰ another 
ſaide ehr more a Wyſemay is alone the gretes is his Joye 

be it dax or nyghe Ind another ſard ehe eull diſpoſed Bs 
is lite a crrapgne p malteth the ert h ſtenlie * 
goode ſiyng is lilie che füye rẽnyng ryuire thut ie pwuſfy 
table to che ereatureſ Nnd) another ſaid The Byfemey aꝛ 
nat content & prouſfyte onely them ſelf/but ſemblably do 
auã cage 6 other ¢ che fools hürte not onely th m (elf Cus 
rather take gebe labour to hurte andy kwublẽ offer ſol les 
And) anottes ſaidy/afoole for a litik thing) eogofce him 
lighely to fortune ¶ And) ſaid thbu maieſt noc be fo Bel 
arraxed noꝛ be ſeen / as With tout N And) another (ape 
abſteynyng fw Urac ß g oouetlſe is CaurnBle ching af welt 
in this Voꝛlde/as in the ot nd another ſaide/he that 
peuet h gſeile g prayſith it him ſelf Bold ſeyy be callid dif 
eA Nnd anotly z ſaid lete not & do Tele though thy good 
dedis bey not Enolden/ſoꝛ Wel doyng is fo goode of hit (elf 
that it ſ halbe Vill able yndugh bo che atte ee Md) ano⸗ 
cher fare amay of good) diſcrecion / ought not o epeescife 
him in ehinges inpoſſible/ne fap thinges not Nail able/ ne 
ſyende more Can his MNnyng is /ne promette more / hay he 
map fill fille & nd anotlyt faid-amay may haue but peynt 
g laboure in this Noꝛl nd ſaid he chat eteth not finl 
for hungre rg if ke ceeh more cay proves h (Bathe lebt 
afore it is a difficile ching to aman bo be long m helth 
nd anotfeꝛ ſard tuiſt him not ß forſ Berith his Feith fos 
ly thingee irr another ſald Idel neſſe ange dꝛech ig 
noꝛãnoe/ꝗ ignoꝛãnee engẽ dꝛeth err our & nd anotſeꝛ (ard) 
fou ſpalt᷑ finde eueri gere cLoe hing mete g place for (o dſbet 
le m if thou be ought / but g chat fuffiſeth the not p ꝛs 6 chr 
neceſſarie / thou ſhakt be ige oouetiſe /g pet thou (Gal é 

Gabe k r. Rnd another ſaide Fn long ſleping is no 
— ‘eat is & Sfei Me amay at bo beware 
that he diſpẽde not half his lyf ty v d aes another 
ſaid the goode ſaule Bol haue no veſt in this Poꝛl d ehay fe 
that Bol Peau a goode faule ought bo &Bave of reſt / Andy 
another ſaid Gente of the cõpunxe of a lyer in all ehy Bee 
Ric Ke they in grebe auctorite oꝛ jn ſmal nd anot her ſaid 
he that bach the With feynt loue g for Roꝛdely thus ſdal 
8 905 m lil Bpfe But be "eat loueth che for the ppetuel e 

esto le eu more vee Gp loue / Nnd another ſaid gouerne 
a te am al wig fe 
With the goode dedis that thou (Galt do beſ pre And another 
ſaide he ei oe Witt Wet hir is ſaule & noble 6 e 

ſaule i t eth Phich 
ae 5 teh 92 8 
And another farr 5 is ha ‘a be soot he a 6 05 

B. ve endetl) Be Book namedo ehe dickes ot ſaygigis 
f the philoſophhres enprynted) / by me William 
Captor at Weſtmeſtre ey pere of our Lordy · M 
CCCC· Ly Bye Wich Book is late tranſlated) out of 
Frenſhe into net pll§ . by the Noble andy Balle Cord) 
Rowdy e Erle of Lpupers lord) of Salis g of the 
Ile of — — and) — of che ſiege apoſ⸗ 
bolique /ſox our holy Hader the hope in this Lopame of 
Englond) and) Gcuernour of mp Lordy Hepner of Valle 
And) Je is fo chat at ſuche tyme as ly had acomplyſſhid 
this 8755 Lebte yt lilied) him to ſende it to me iy ortayy 
quayeꝛs € cues fee Whiche 22 4 fate g fonde them 
many grebe. notable. and Bpfe ſayengis of the e e 
Noz dyn) Into the Hoke made in frenſte Whee ] lady 
ofte afore so ceztapnly J had ſtey none in engliſſhz 
tif poor tyme / Rndp fo after dard) J cam vnto my ſayd 
bey fe dy Gry GB J Bp red) g ſeen his Book / And 
Bat he had) row a meritoꝛy dede in the labour of the kranſla⸗ 
con therof in to our ae tunge / Vher m he had) deſeruid 
a finguler laldde g thank ge / Thenne my ſapd) lord deſired⸗ 
me ko oueꝛſee it he Tore as ] ſholde fynde ſaute to cor, 
recke it / here J anfBerd» Into his lordſhip/that J coure 
not amende it But if) ſholde fo preſume ) might apꝛire 
its For it Das right Bel g eonnyguly made g kranſſabed⸗ 
into vighE good) andy faye oigliſſ Flt onorg . 
Willedy me (o oueꝛſce ic g ſbeſdidꝰ me dyuerce thinges TG 
che as him femed myght be left out as — lettres uf 
ſiues ſent from ¶Nliſandes to dari) and, ariſtotle g eche to 
othez. Whiche lettres Pere ltyl apper tinent vnto bo dickes 

and; ſapoiges aforfapdy for as mode as thy ſpecifye of 
othet materze/-Qtndy alſo deſired me khat doy bo put ehe ſaxyd 
Rooke m enprinte N nd thus obeying Spe vequeſt and) oo 
maun dement J haue put me iy deuoyr to ouerſee this hys 
(apd Bok and) belol den as nyghe as J coure hodde It accor 
delh pth therigynal leynch) ny Frenſh. nd) J fynde 
nothyng) dyſcoꝛdaunt therm. Sauf onely in che Spates 
and) ſaxengys of Socrates. Whery ) fynde that mp faire 
loꝛd hath left out oertayn and dyueꝛce conclifions co 
chyn g) Homey, Whref J meruaplle that my ſaydꝰ lord 
bath not Wretoy tlem + ne That Gath meupd hym fo € do 
Me What aiſe he ha dde al that tyme + ut ] ſuppoſe thae 
ſom fayr lady hath deſired) hym to leue it out of his Rooke 
Or ellys he Nas amenus oy ſomme noble lady. for Phos 
loue he Bolo) not ſette pé m hys bolt. or lps for the Ky 
ry affecpoy, leue andy good) Nylle that he hach Into alle 
ladyes andy Gentyl omen. he tloughe that Socgates 
ſpared the ſothe. And) Vote of Nomen more tlay twuthe. 
Whyche J oy not chinſie that fo ere de amay g fo neble a 
hploſophre as Socrates Was ſhol dꝰ Vrybe other Vyſe 
Hay troutſe + For If he lad) made fate in Beptina of 
Women. He ought not ne (Polo not be beleuyd) in hys o⸗ 
ther Spates and) ſayjnges. Mut ] apperceyue that my 
fad) Load) hinoweth Keplp that fue defuutes bey not 
bad ne founden in the Vomey Bory and) dodellyng) in the⸗ 
fe partyes ne kegyons of the Voꝛldy + Socrates Was a 
Grelte loren in a ferre Contre from hens . Whyche eon 
bre is alle of othre dondycions Hay thys io , &ndꝰ mey 
Homey of offer nature thay they bey here in this contre 

Ses Wote Nel. of What ſomeucz oon dicioy Nomen ben in 
cr. che Nomen f this contre bey righ gon 
ſant / humble / diſtvete/ſobwe/eßaſt obe dient to tleir huſbon⸗ 
* 1 Bfpre neue: pole Nttempt 
in ſpeliing / and) vertuous i uP alle their Beis, or atte 
wie 1 be foo, For Ihiche quſes ſo euydent mp ſayd loꝛd 
ae J fuppoſe thoughbe it Bas not of neceffice 35 tte m his 
Book the ſaienqis of his Nuctoꝛ ſoerabes (ouchyng Bomey 
Gut for as mode as ] had omãdemẽt of my we forty 
& covcedte and) amende Bheee as J ſholde ſynde faßte sand 
other fynde J none ſauf that he hach left out ehr ſe dickes @ 
ſaynges of the Nomen of Grete / Chesfore iy acompliſſhicg 
his comanrement for as moche as J am not in ettaxn Whe 
der it Vas in mp loꝛ dis coppe oꝛ not · oꝛ ell is perauenture 
‘at che Nynde hadꝰ hloſde ouer ehe leef/ at the kyme of af 
Pacion of his Boke, J purpoſe Go Vryte tho fame ſaynges 
of 600 Greke — „Vhiche Vrote of tho Womey of 
gece andꝰ nok hyng) of ehem of Chis Loxame /Bhory J fup 
¢ iat neuer 1 if he had J dar plainly ſaye that 
3 ey eu de his iy ve dickes 
Oita net eſum put g ſette them m mp fa 

75 we El mca m tt vehkrfaptt of the W 
vnc al chem that (Gal vere ‘Bin Pptpl reher 
ſayll fes oer vf they . sie ony faul te tarette it o Socrates 

and) not fo me Whiche oh as lere after ſoloſdeth 
ms Octates fapre That Homer bey thaſparaylles 6 

cache men Lut they talie — "but ty that Ti? 
be pure / d els them that kenolde hem nok nd 
he ſaxde hat Hes is none fo grete empeſtʒ ment vntd ama 

as Ignorammee/ande Bomeh nd) he falbe el Womeuy 
that lare fyre of Thorny he ſaide that the hotter bare the colder 
i iri he fale a dsp ſe ke. of Vhom he ſaydꝰ that the 
reſtyth andy Sele Bich che euylẽ nd) he ſa⸗ 
be a donay bn ght bo the Juſtyce ee many other Bo 
W Bepingyof ne fa: ep 
fez ant angry bimuſe che af (Bal periſſbe ¶Nndꝰ be 
a Jong mapde that Kenedy & Bytes of hom be fay; 
8 that me multiplied euyl Sp euye ¶ Nndy he ſapdꝰ 
chat ehe IFnoraunce of a may is Enoſden m the chinges 
That is & Wete / hay he hach no Bouse 60 Sf ar 
hay he vig not aioe hys couctifes / N nd) Thay he 
is gouernedꝰ by the concep o re im that he bnoſdeth 
chat Bop Hak not Mud) he fayd) Into hys dyſepples 
Wyle pe chat J eiſeygne andy teche pou / ſolde pe ſbal mo 
We eſcape from alle cup / And hp anfuerdd /ye/ Andy 
theme he ſayde eo them / For What oan thinch that it 
be. Gepe pou and be Vel Baar chat pe oleye not bo Women 
Wo chen to hym agayy Gand What ſa 5 thou fe 
our good moders g Of our 12 ters / Be ſayde bo buh 
ſe xou / Wich that J haue fapdy to pou, For alle bey 
ble ny malice ¶ Andꝰ le (apres Who ſomeuer r 3 
and gete ſexoier / late Bory neuer put hym in the gouer na 
ce of a Bomar nd) he ſaſde a Bomar that made her 
freſſhe andy gape, Bion he fapdy / Thou veſembleſt ehe 
fyre/ Hor the more Bore is leyd) eo the Fyre the more 806 
it ee — 5 gretter is — 5 2 9 5 oy a ra 
one appdo hym / That hym ſemed of Bomens He an 
That Ge Womey ve bene Into a Tre aed. E del fla 

Whyche ys khe fayreſt tre to beholde and) ſee kh may be 
Gut Bythim it vs ful of deny we ndp hey fapdy o 
ey and) deman ded) Vher fore he blamed) fo Bomey, andy 
chat he Spry ſelf hade not omey into ys Woꝛldy ne none 
other men alſo Fythoute hem . He anſuerdꝰ + The Woman 
es Ake Into a Tre named) Chafforanet , oy Uhyche tre 
cher bey many khynges ſharpe and) pꝛycltyng) . Whiche Gur 
te andy prpche them chat approche vnto hyt. Rudy yet ne 
uertſeleſſe that ſame tre bringeth forth good) dates andy 
PWeee Ende they demanded) hym / hy he fledo fw the 
women + And he anfuerd, For aſmoche as J (ce them 
Flee andy eſchedde the good · and) eomenly do ap N nd 
a Domay ſayde bo hym · Vylt thou laue ony other Bomay 
tay me End he anfuerde to hs N rte not thou afBamedy 
offre ch ſelf to hym . that demandeth neꝛ deſireth the not 

O che ey Ce dies ¢ (apenas of the phyl oy 
IL Vhiche he Wrote in his Book / Wnty 
ertuynly he Vote no Borfe thay afore is reherſed 
Mindy for aſ m oche as it is acordallt. that his dyckes and 
ſaxengis (Boho) be had) as Wel as offers ther fere J haue ſet 
te it in chende of this boole And) alſo ſomme ponies per 
auenture that haue red> chis Boke m frenſſhe Bolo haut 
avecte a grette defaul te in me that ] Gad not do my deuoir 
in viſiting g oueꝛſeeyng of my loꝛdes lool aboꝛ ding bo his 
defir / nd side offer alſo hapely might haue furpofeoy 
khat Socrates had Breton moche more ylle of Bomen thay 
here afore is ſpeciſied / Vher fore in ſatiſf yoig of af parties 
& alſo for eycuſe of che ſaide ſoccates ] ſaue ſette Bele ſaide 

s & ſaxotqis a parte i chende of this Book, ko chenkẽt 
che osm bp loꝛdꝰ or onp offer perſone Nhat ſomeuer he 
oz ſhe Be eae fit rede oꝛ here ik / (hat If they be not Wel 
pleſyd) Both alk chat they Vyth a penne rue it out or el⸗ 
lys rente the lef out of che boote / Bumbly requyryng and 
keſechyng my fapdy lord) o take no diſplayſir on me fo pre 
ſumynq) but bo paz done Nlere as he (Bal fynde faulte / and) 
al it pleſe hym o taſte che labour of thenpryntyng in are 
e thanbie / Vhiche gladly haue wy my dyligence iy thaom⸗ 
plyſſhyng) of his deſire andp oommandement / In BGp 
che J am bounden fo to do for ele good) ve Waꝛd) that 7 bas 
ue veffepuydy of his ſayd) loroſßep / Whom J keſeche Al; 
myghty god) tenereer and bo dont ynue in his vetuous dif 
pſicion in this Worfor udp after chys lyf to lyue euer⸗ 
laſtynglx in heuen & men 

qt fic oft ſinis. 

j - A a 93 12 
Mr : 
2 ue 5 ier, n 
| hg. States 8 } 

~~ ere Fe TE CO lt o 

2 The Dictes and sayings of 
241 thé philosophers 





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