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Full text of "A dictionary of English homonyms : pronouncing and explanatory"

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oe air tie a » 
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Lee eee ῥα εξ , EP ae Eee LCF ts OTe Ee et a gay = see ey μ 


Puts unassuming little work contains a collection of English words, 

very similar in sound but differently spelled, and conveying different 
meanings, which are generally known under the name of Homonyms, 

Collections of Homonyms are certainly found in almost all elementary 

~ Ὁ English school books, but they are generally too concise. It has therefore 
ΤῊΣ been thought necessary to give to the subject a fuller development, with- 
ag out omitting the introduction of a certain number of words considered 
antiquated or obsolete, but which are nevertheless freely used in common 
: speech, in order to better enable students of the English language to 

grapple with the difficulty presented by Homonymous words, especially 
in writing under dictation. 

3 It is, moreover, obvious that the translation -into French and Italian 

is of every English Homonym, as contained in the text, will prove of 

considerable help, especially to foreigners studying the English language. 


' Questo modesto lavoro contiené una raccolta di vocaboli Inglesi 
| ς consimili nella pronuncia ma differenti tanto nell’ Ortografia che nel 
significato, e che sono comunemente conosciuti sotto il titolo di 

In quasi tutti i libri scolastici Inglesi s’ incontrano delle liste di 

Omonimi, le quali perd hanno I’ inconveniente di essere troppo concise. 

In questo libro percid, si ὁ creduto utile di dare un maggior sviluppo 
a questo argomento senza escludere 1’ introduzione di varie voci 
considerate antiquate (arcaismi) o fuor di uso, ma che nonostante 
‘vengono frequentemente adoperate, e cid per vieppit porre in grado gli 
studenti della lingua Inglese a superare le difficolta che presentano le 
parole Omonime, in particolar modo, quando trattasi di scrivere sotto 

E indubitato inoltre che la traduzione Francese ed Italiana di tutti 
gli Omonimi Inglesi contenuti nel presente libro, servird di grande ajuto 
massimamente agli stranieri che studiano la lingua Inglese. 



Si a a Τρ ΤΡ ΤΥ ΓΈ NO ak nak ae a a 
ι ae ee 37 Gs > “ ᾽ ; ra Ἐν oer Py aa 

PO fe TE ee pee κεν Te ee Te ee ee eee En Wy ew 


Ce modeste ouvrage contient un recueil de mots anglais connus sous 

le nom d’Homonymes, dont la prononciation est presque identique 

mais qui différent entre eux par l’Orthographe. 

On trouve des recueils d’Homonymes dans presque tous les livres 

_ pédagogiques anglais, mais ces recueils sont trés concis. 

Nous avons pensé en conséquence, qu’il était utile de traiter le sujet 

avec plus de développement, sans omettre certains mots qui sont 

considérés comme surannés ou tombés en désuétude, mais dont on fait 

-néanmoins un fréquent usage, dans le but de mettre les personnes qui 

étudient l’Anglais ἃ méme de lutter contre les difficultés que présentent 

᾿ les Homonymes anglais, surtout lorsqu’il s’agit d’écrire sous dictée. 

Nous sommes d’avis que la traduction francaise et italienne de tous 

les Homonymes anglais, contenus dans cet ouvrage, ne manquera pas 

d@étre d’une grande utilité, particuliérement aux étrangers qui appren- 

nent la langue anglaise. 


eS. ere 


ἢ ἀν t figs - ee hd Pk 19% ν ΣΕ 

aT oe Oe Ὑ 


it 4 4 See 
Rye j 

TIPE TS YN cae ye ee 

aT OP a eS i ee ne eee yy 


τι έτος - ᾿ 
a Like A soundsas . 
ἐπ Like I short sounds as 
. : : ; : ν 
Ww When vowel has exactly the same sound as 
U would have in the same situations, as 
When vowel has exactly the same sound as 

I would have in the same situations, as 


CH Soft sounds as 

: ‘Hard sounds as 
G Soft . ; 
-- Hard 

Before N is silent . 

GH Final and when pronounced sounds as F 

τος Final is often silent . 

T Before U, when the accent ‘precedes, sounds tch 

TI Before a vowel sounds as sh 

1 except in the words as 

2 except when preceded by 8. 

8 except in all derivations from 
words ending in T'y 

W Sounds nearly like OO,as_ sx 

_ In some words it is not sounded, as in 

-- Before F it is silent, as in ; 
Wd Is pronounced asif the W were after the H, as 

Y : Soft sounds as HH in 



Fate ; fir; fat; fall; fare. 
Mé; hér; met. 

Clerk ; Serjeant. 

England ; ; pretty. 

Pine; pin. 

. .Ndte; méve; not; son. 

Tiibe ; ; biill; tub. 

Draw; grew; now; lawyer; 
vowel; outlaw. 

Rhyme; _ system ; 3 justify ; 
pyramid; party; fancy. 

Chain; chestnut. 

Christian ; chasm. 

Gem; general; giant. 

Gold; guild; gilt; goat; go; 

Gnash ; sign ; foreign. 
Cough ; laugh; tough. 
Plough ; though. 
Virtue; nature, and pro- 
nounced virtchew ; natchure. 
Position; Venetian; partial. 
Tiers; tiara, &c. 
Bastion; question. 

Mighty : mightier ; lofty:: 

Water resembles Oater. 
Answer; sword; wholesome. 

Wrap ; ‘wreck ;- wrist ; wry; 


Why (hwy); when (hwen) ; 
what (hwat); whoep (hwoop). 

Youth; York, pronounced 
Eeouth; Eeork. - 



ai and ay 


Οἱ or oy. 




Sounds a short as Balaam; Canaan; Isaac. 

»  €& long me 
a slender ,, 

ΕΟ poe Ὃ τοὺς 4s 
9 2 OIL Ὁ 
35 & .bEoad | 5) 
” 8 long ” 
a WO eROrk A, 
” 0 long ” 
» ἃ slender ,, 
» 8 long ” 
gy & ROPE, 
” é long ” 
τ B ΒΟΥ KT 55 
on. RR ROPE). “yy 
» wu long 9 
” a long ” 
» © long 3) 
” a long ᾽ 
” é long ” 
” ya 
Pee es = eee 
» €long 4 
” i long ” 
,  1short ἐδ 
τ long 
When the accent is on the first 
vowel forms two distinct 

syllables, as 
The terminations Tion and Sion 
are sounded like shun, except 
when t is preceded by 8 or 2, as 
Sometimes it is pronounced dis- 
tinctly in two syllables, as 
But these two vowels often coalesce 
into one syllable, as . 
Sounds 6 long, as. 
Sounds ἃ broad, as 
Sounds ὃ long, as. 
or e short, as 
or ὃ long, as 
or ἃ long, as 
Sounds 4 broad and é long united 
Almost preserves its pad 
sound, as in : 
It has a shorter sound, as in 



Pail; tail; day; may; eee Quay, 
pronounced key. 


Taught; caught. 

Bawl; crawl. 

Appear; creature. 

Breath; treasure. 

Beau ; portmanteau ; and ti long, as 
in Beauty, 

Deign; vein; neighbour. 

Seize; receive. 

Foreign ; forfeit ; sovereign. 


Leopard; jeopardy. 

Dungeon; puncheon. 

Feud; deuce. 

Few; new ; dew. 

Sew; sewer. 

Grey ; 3 convey. 

Key; ley; alley; valley; barley, 

Christian ; filial. 

Carriage ; marriage. 

Grieve ; thieve. 

Die; pie. 

Sieve. : 

Lieu; adieu; purlieu. 

Priory; violet. 

Question; digestion; combustion. 
Bili-ous; vari-ous. 

Factious; noxious. 

Boat; oat; coal. 

Broad; abroad. 

Foetus ; antoeci. 
CEconomics ; cecumenical. 
Doe; foe; sloe ; toe. 


Boil; toil; joint; boy; toy: 

Moon ; soon; food. 
Wool; good; foot. 


se ae coe Ae . WS ae eX 

sige 8 4% Oa tee sien δε ν᾿ : τὸ 
ty ee RES» cA ‘tes =e 

| ξ a eh Ἵ pet - τον Δ 
29 ΨΕ ΟΣ ἦ Ν Νὴ 

e υ : i - . ry a 

aa f ε as aye . 

| δ ρα short asin . 

Has six different ager 

ee ee a 

 prorronary OF ENGLISH eC 

Blood ; flood. 
Door (pronounced dore); floor (pro- 

Sounds 6 long, as in 
nounced flore). 

1 as ow, in | Found ; bound. 

2Qasu short, in’ Enough; trouble; journey. 
. 8 as 00, in , Ἢ Soup ; youth, 

* 4 as ὃ long, in Though; mourn; poultice. 
5 as o short, in 

reves γῇ trough. 
Ought; bought. 

6 awe or ἃ broad, in 
Brown ; dowry; shower. 

Sounds like ou in thou, as . 
Sounds 6 long, when forms last 

syllable, as : F ; . 
Sounds wa, as 

Snow; grow; bestow. 
Assuage; persuade. 

. It ἮΝ also the sound οἱ middle i i 

Guard; guardian; guarantee. 
Quest; quench; conquest. 
Cue; hue. 

Guest; guess. 

Antique ; prorogue ; Belen 
Languid ; anguish. 

Sanda like we, with the e short, as 
Sounds ἃ long, as. 

Sounds e short, as β 
Sometimes it is sunk, as in . 
Frequently sounds wi, as 

Sounds i long, as . 
‘Sounds ἃ long, as. 
After R sounds 00, as . 

Sounds WO, as 

Sounds é long, as. 

Guide ; guile ; disguise. 

J uice; suit. 

Bruise ; fruit; recruit. 

Quote; quorum; quondam. 

Obloquy ; soliloquy; except Buy and 
its derivatives. 



Adjective. pl. . Plural. 

Noun. pa. . Participial adjective. 

Pronoun pn. . Participial noun. 

Verb. ppr . Participle of the present tense. 
_ Verb intransitive. pp . . Participle passive and perfect. 

Verb transitive. pret . Preterite. 

Adverb. bot . Botany. 

Preposition. mar Marine. 

Conjunction. geom . Geometry. 

Interjection. med Medicine. 

Singular. 5 ϑᾶς τ: Obsolete. 




——— > —— 

For a full explanation of the pronunciation, see introduction and pages 
2 and 8 at foot of same. 

“A, ind. art, ἃ. The indefinite article; 

the first letter of the alphabet. 

Τρ articolo indefinito ; prima lettera 




Abandon, vt, a-ban’don. 

Abate, vf, abat. 

dell’ alfabeto. 
Article indéfini; premitre lettre de 
_ Valphabet. 
1, Ayes. An affirmative 
oe indeed; always; ever; 

_ Affermativa; si; in veritd; sempre; 


_ Affirmative; oui; vraiment; réellement. 
Abaddon, x, a-bad’don. The abyss of 

L’ abisso o gli abissi dell’ inferno. 
L’abime de |’enfer. 
To forsake 
entirely; to renounce; to yield 
_ Abbandonare; lasciare; rinunziare; 
Abandonner; délaisser; renoncer. 
To beat down; to 
lessen; to mitigate. . 
Abbattere; diminuire ; attenuare. 
-S’abattre; diminuer ; s’apaiser. 

_ Abed, adv, a-bed'. On or in bed. 




7 ¥ εἶ ἘΝῚ 

A letto o in letto. 

Au lit; couché. 
Abet, vt, a-bet’. 

Istigare ; eccitare; spalleggiare. 

_Pousser quelqu’un a faire une chose ; 

To urge on; to en- 


Abater, Abator, , a-bat/ér, a-bat’or. 
One who or that abates, destroys, 
or diminishes. 

Chi o che diminuisce, scema, dif- 
Celui qui diminue. 
Abettor, n, a-bet’ér. One who abets. 
Fautore ; istigatore. 
Fauteur ; instigateur. 

Abbess, 7, ab’bess. A female superior 

of a nunnery 


Abbesse; supérieure d’un couvent de 

Abyss, n, a’biss. A bottomless gulf; 
a deep pit; hell. 

Golfo; abisso; baratro. 
Abime; L’enfer. 

Abbreviator, », ab-bré’-vi-a-tor. 

who abbreviates or abridges. 
Abbréviateur ; celui qui abrége. 

Abbreviature, n, ab-bré’-vi-a-tir. 

Un’ abbreviatura. 

Abel, , a-’bel. Adam’s second son. 
Il secondogenito di Adamo. 
Fils cadet d’Adam. 

Able, a, abl. Capable; skilful. 
Capace ; abile. 
Capable ; habile; expert. 

Abhorred, pa, ab-hord’. 
tremely ; detested. 



Hated ex- 



Abborrito; odiato; detestato. 
Abhorré ; détesté. 
Aboard, adv, a-bord’. In a ship or vessel ; 
on board. 
Imbarcarsi ; esser 8, bordo. 
Sur un navire; ἃ bord; sur le bord. 
Abord, vt, a- -pord'. To approach ; to 
come near; to board an enemy’s 
Abbordare una persona, un basti- 
mento nemico, &c. 
Abort, vt, a-bort’. To miscarry; to. 
have a premature birth; to fail. 
Abortire ; partorire prematuramente; 
mancare un’ impresa, &c. 
Avorter ; faire une fausse couche. 
Ablegate, vt, ab’-lé-gate. To send away 
or abroad. 
Mandar via; spedire all’ estero o al- 

Dépécher; députer. 
Abligate, vt, ab’-li-gate. 
hinder from. 
Legare in modo da impedire I’ azione. 

- Attacher ; lier. 

To tie up as to 

About, prep,a-bout’. Around; near to; 
relating to; engaged in. 
Intorno; attorno; presso ; 

appo ; 
circa; verso; quae la. 
Autour de; prés de; environ; vers. 

Abut, vi, a-but’. To approach to; to 

border; to meet. 
Diramarsi; far capo. 
Aboutir; confiner. 

Abroach, adv, a-brich’. 

flow out; set afloat. 
Spillato ; in via; dar libero corso. 
Mettre en perce; propager 
Approach, vi, ap-proch’. To come or 
draw near; to approximate. 
Avvicinarsi; appressarsi; accostarsi. 
Approcher ; s’approcher de; s’avancer 

Abscess, », ab’-ses. A gathering of 
purulent matter in some part of the 

‘Aoaaans tumore. 

Apsis, n, ap’sis. The two points in a 
planet’s orbit which are at the 
greatest or least distance from the 
sun or the earth. 


In a posture to 




Accede, v7, ak-séd’. 
comply with. 

Accedere ; aderire; acconsentire. 

Accéder ; "consentir ἃ. 

Exceed, vt, ek-séd’. To go beyond ; to’ 
proceed beyond, as any measure, 
limit or quantity ; to’ surpass ; 

Eccedere ; superare; oltrepassare. 

Excéder ; ‘outrepasser; surpasser. 

Accend, vt, ak-send’, To set on fire ; 
to ‘inflame. 

Accendere; infiammare. 

Allumer; enflammer. 

Accent, n, ak’sent. Stress of the voice 
on a syllable or word; the mark 
which indicates this stress, &e. 

Accento ; posa della voce e segno che 
indica dove collocare la posa. 

Accent; ton; modulation de la voix; 
signe ortographique. 

——, vt, ak-sent’. To express or note 
the accent of. 

Accentare; mettere gli accenti; pro- 
nunciare le parole con i debiti 

Accentuer ; articuler ; énoncer. 

Ascend, vi, as-send’. To go up or higher ; 
to climb; to go or move upward. 

Ascendere; ‘salire ; montare. 

Monter; gravir. 

Ascent, n, as-sent’, A mounting up- 
ward; the means of ascending; the 
rise of a hill; an eminence. 

Salita; pendio. 

Montée; éminence; élévation. 

Assent, n, as-sent’. To consent or the 
act of agreeing to anything; consent. 

Assenso ; consenso. 

Consentement; acquiescement. 

Accept, vt, ak-sept’. Totake; to receive 
with pleasure. 


Accepter ; recevoir; agréer. 

Except, vt, ek-sept’. To take out of any 
number specified; to take out, as 
any particular, from a general de- 


Excepter ; exclure. 

Expect, vt, ek-spekt’. To look or wait 
for ; to hope or long for. 

Aspettare; attendere; essere in aspet- 
tativa o attesa. 

Attendre ; s’attendre ; espérer. 

To assent to; to 

Fate, fir, fat, [81], fare. 

Mé, hér, met. 

Pine, pin. Note, move, not, son. 

ee ἢ 
. Acc 

Ἶ Access, ”,ak'ses. A going to; approach; 
means of Bee ‘liberty to 

-- approach. : 
ον Accesso; abbordo; mezzo di accesso; 
i facile accesso o abbordo. 
Acces; abord; entrée. _ Prt 
Assess, vt,as-ses’. To determine ata sitting 
a charge to be paid upon; to rate. 
Tassare; fermare, fissare o stabilire 
Ἑ ms andrea Sh seem 
io? Taxer; Fr ir des impdts. 
Assets npl, "ν βὰς Goods sufficient for 
the discharge of legal claims; goods 
x answerable for payment. 
Beni lasciati da un testatore per pagare 
: debiti ο legati; 1’ attivo. 
Facultés (biens; ressources) ; actif; 
provision. : ἢ 
Azis, n, aks'is. The straight line, real 
‘ or imaginary, that passes through 
; anything and on which it may be 
7 supposed to revolve. 
᾿ Asse ; verricello; I’ asse della terra ; 
Vasse su cui gira una ruota od altro. 
Axe; ligne qu’on suppose traverser la 
- terre 

Excess, n, ek’-ses. That which exceeds; 
that which is beyond the common 

Eccedenza; soprabbondanza; smode- 

τὴς ratezza. 

_-«-Excts ; superfluité ; désordre. 

 Accidence, , ak’-si-dens. The changes 
τς which the declinable parts of speech 

severally undergo. ; 

Le variazioni a cui vanno soggetti le 

yf arti del discorso ; rudimenti. 

_  -Rudiment. 

Accidents, mpl, ak’-si-dents. Events 
‘ proceeding from an unforeseen 
cause; unfortunate events. 
Accidenti ; casi imprevisti; eventu- 


Accidents; cas fortuit. 
Accident, », ak’-si-dent. 
Singolare di Accidents. 
τς Singulier d’Accidents. 
 Assident, a, as’si-dent. Usually, signs 
attending a disease. 
Comunemente con questa Ἐν 
s’ intende, sintomi forieri di una 
ο΄ malattia. 
_ Ordinairement des signes qui indiquent 
une maladie. 

Singular of 




Accidental, », ak-si-dent/al. Happen- 
ing by chance; contingent. 
Accidentale ; casuale; fortuito. 
Accidentel ; casuel; fortuit. 
Occidental, a, ok-si-dent’/al, Pertaining 
to the western quarter of the 
Occidentale; d’ occidente. 

Occidental; de l’occident. 
Accomplice, , ak-kom’plis. An associ- 
ate in a crime; an accessory. 

Accomplish, vt,ak-kom'plish. To fulfil; 
to execute fully. © 
Compiere; compire; condurre a ter- 
Accomplir; exécuter ; finir. 
Accompt, ”,ak-compt’. Synonymous of 
Sinonimo di Account. 
Synonyme d’Account. 
Account, n, ak-kount’. A reckoning up 
of debts, expenses, &c. 
Conto; calcolo; rapporto; ragione. 
Compte; calcul; récit. 
Acetic, a, a-set’-ik. Relating to vine- 
gar; acid. 
Acetico; acido. 
Acétique ; de vinaigre. 
Ascetic, a, as-sét‘ik. Unduly rigid in 
devotional exercises; rigid. 
Ascétique; concernant la vie spiri- 
Aching, , ak’ing. Being in continued 
Dolore, male continuo. 
Peine; malaise. 
Akin, a, a-kin’. Of kin; related to. 
Parente ; consanguineo ; congiunto ; 
Parent; allié; qui ressemble. 
Acred, pa, a’kérd. Possessing acres or 
landed property. 
Avente jugeri o proprieta di terreni, 
Ayant des acres, des arpents. 
Acrid, a, ak’rid. Sharp; hot or biting 
to the taste. 
Acre; aspro}; acerbo. 
Acre; mordant; amer. 
Actian, a, ak’shian. Pertaining to Ac- 
tium, a town in Greece (Epirus). 
Da _ Actium, citt& e promontorio di 
Epiro (Grecia). 

_ ‘Tiibe, bull, tub. CH, chain. J, job. G,go. TH, then. th, thin.. + obsolete. 




Appartenant 4 Actium, ville et pro- 

montoire d’Epire (Gréce). : 

' Action,n,ak’shon. A deed; an operation. 

Azione; fatto; operazione. 
Action; fait; geste. 

Acts, npl, akts. Deeds; power or the 
effect of power, put forth; a part 
or parts of a play. a, 

Atti; azioni; fatti; gesta; atti di una 
commedia, ὅσο. 

Des actes; actions; exploits; actes de 
comédie. : 

Age, n, aks. An instrument for hewing 
timber, chopping wood, &c. 

Ascia; accetta; scure. 
Hache; cognée. \ 

Acute, a, a-kiite. Sharp; ending in a 
sharp point; penetrating. ᾿ 

Acuto; aguzzo; puntito; penetrativo. 
Aigu; pointu; subtil; ingénieux. 
_ Agued, pa, a-gid. Shivering with cold 
or fear, with fever: 
Febbre con freddo, brividi, inter- 
Attaqué de la fiévre; tremblant. 

Add, vt, ad. To join to; to augment; 
to annex, 

Unire; aggiungere; aumentare. 
Ajouter ; additionner. 

At, prep, at. A word which denotes 
presence, nearness, or direction 
towards. : 

Una parola che indica tempo e luogo 
(a, ad, al, &c.). 

A; dans; en; un mot indiquant temps 
et lieu ou endroit. 

Addict, vt, ad-dikt’. To give up or 
attach to; to dedicate. 

Addarsi a; darsi in preda a; abbando- 
S’adonner ; s’abandonner; se livrer. 

Edict, n, é'dikt. An order issued by a 
high authority; a decree. 

Editto; proclama; decreto. 
Edit; ordonnance; déclaration. 

Addition, »,ad-di'-shon. Act ofadding; 

Addizione ; accrescimento; aggiunta. 
Addition ; augmentation; chose ajou- 

Edition, n, @-di'shon.. The publication 
of a work, book, writing, &c. 
Edition ; impression; publication d’un 
Adds, vt, adz. He that joins to, aug- 
ments, increases, &c. 


Aggiunge, aumenta, unisce ad altra 
cosa, We. 
Ajoute, augmente. 
Adze,n,adz. A kind of axe. 
Una specie di scure o ascia. 
Doloire; herminette. 
Adherence, ἢ, ad-hér’-ens. 
ment; fidelity. 
Aderenza ; attaccamento; fedelti. 
Adhérence; attachement; fidélité. 
Adherents, npl, ad-hér’-ents. Followers; 
partisans ; sticking to. 
Aderenti ; attaccati; partigiani; se- 
Adhérents; partisans. 
Adit, ,ad’it. Agoingto; an approach; 
opening into a mine, &c. 
Andito; adito. 
Un passage souterrain; issue. 
Edit, vt, edit. To give out; to put 
forth; to publish. 
Pubblicare ; far stampare; redigere. 
Editer; rédiger. 


Edith, n, ο΄ αἰ, An English Christian | 

name for a female. 
Nome inglese di femmina. 
Nom de femme (anglais). 
Adjacent, a, ad-ja’sent. Lying near to; 
Vicino; adiacente; attiguo. 
Adjacent ; contigu; voisin. 
Adnascent, a,ad-nas'ent. On something 
else, growing on it. 
Sovrapposto o crescente su altra cosa. 

Adventuress, ”,ad-ven’tiir-es. A female © 

Adventurous, a, ad-ven'-tiir-us, 
te incur hazard; daring. 
Ardito ; animoso; arrischiato. 
Aventureux ; entreprenant; hasardeux. 
Advert, vi, ad-vért’. To turn to; to 
regard ; to attend; to refer. 
Avvertire; volger I’ attenzione a; ac- 
cennare ; alludere. 
Faire attention; remarquer. 
Avert, vt, a-vért. To turnaside or away 
from; to keep off or prevent. 
Scansare; tenersi lungi da; impedire. 
Détourner; éloigner. 
Evert, vt, év'ért. To destroy; to turn 
upside down; to demolish. 
Distruggere; metter sottosopra; de- 
Détruire; renverser; démolir. 



| Δὰν 

Advice, m, ad-vis. Opinion offered; 
giving one’s views to; counsel. 

_ Avviso; consiglio; parere. 

_ Avis; conseil. 

Advise, vt, ad-viz'. To counsel, warn, or 

| τ inform: 

Avvisare ; consigliare. 

‘Prévenir ; conseiller ; informer. 

_ Aerie or , Ἢ, éré or iri. The nest 

_. containing the eggs of a bird of 

; rey. 

BP Nido di uccelli di rapina. 

Nid des grands oiseaux de proie. 

Airy, a, ἃ τὶ. Open to the free air; high 

Ὁ air. 

δι, . . 
= Arioso; alto per aria. 
+ Aérien; d’air 

Afar, adv, a’fiir. At, to, or from a great 
= distance. 

ΐ oin. 
 Afer,n, ai'fer. South-westerly wind. 
__-Vento sud-ovest. 
~ Vent au sud-ouest. 
Affair, n, af-far'. Transaction in general ; 
2 business; rencounter; that which 
is to do or is done. 
Affare; negozio; faccenda. 
Ἧ Affaire; occupation. 
τς Affear, vtt, af-fer'. To confirm ; to esta- 
___ blish; to give a sanction to. 
᾿ς Confermare; stabilire; accordare od 
τς approvare. 
Co er; établir. 
_ Affeer, vtt, af-fér’. The same as To 
ta affear 

-. Lo stesso che To affear. 
_. La méme chose comme To affear. 
Affect, vt, af-fekt’, To act upon; to 
: move the feelings of ; to be fond of. 
-Affettare ; toccare al vivo; nutrire 
_  Affecter; émouvoir; aimer. 
_ Bffect, n, ef-fekt’. That which is done 
τὸ τ or produced by an agent or cause ; 
result; event. 
: Effetto; successo; risultato. 
Effet; résultat. 
ο ο---- vt, ef-fekt’, To make out; to pro- 
πε duce; to cause to be; to fulfil. 
Effettuare; eseguire ; operare; adem- 
ΑΝ piere. 

=" < 
St “Ἢ 

ty gad ® 

cae Ὴὴ Ὁ 

᾿ς _ Effectuer; exécuter ; accomplir. 
 Affright, vi, af-frit’. To terrify; to 
ay @larm. 

Spaventare ; impaurire. 

Epouvanter ; faire peur. 


Afraid, a, a-fraid’. Struck with fear ; 
fearful a 

Che ha paura; che teme; impaurito. 
Epouvanté; craintif. 

Afrite, n, a-frit’. An evil genius in the 

Mohamedan mythology; a devil 
Un genio malefico nella mitologia 
maomettana ; un diavolo. 

Un génie méchant en la mythologie 
mahométane ; un diable. 
Affront, v, af-frunt’. To meet face to 

face; to insult to the face; to 
offend by disrespect. 

Affrontare; oltraggiare; assalire di 
fronte; insultare. 

Affronter ; insulter. - 

Effront, n, ef-frunt’. Boldness of front ; 
transgressing the bounds of mo- 
desty and decorum. 

Sfacciatezza; sfrontatezza. + 
Effronterie ; impudence. 

Aft, a or adv, aft (mar.). 

abaft ; astern. 
(mar.) Del dietro; 

Hind; back ; 
della poppa; a 

(mar.) En arriére vers la poupe. 
Haft, n, haft. That by which a thing is 
seized ; a handle. 
Manico di coltello; impugnatura ; 
manico qualunque o maniglia. 
Manche; poignée. J 
Ages, npl, aj'is. The whole duration of 
a being; a generation of men; a 
hundred years. 
Secoli; parecchie eta. 
Ai gis, γι, 815. A shield. 

Egide; protection. 

Ail, vt, al. To pain; to affect with 
uneasiness; to be in pain or 

Appenare ; 
Inquiéter ; causer de la peine, de la 


Ale, n, al. English beer. 

Una qualita di birra inglese. 
Espéce de bitre anglaise. 

Air, n, Xr. The fluid which we breathe ; 
a tune; mien; gesture; affected 

Aria; arietta; cantata; cera; con- 

Air; air d’une chanson; air d’une 
personne; contenance ou maintien. 

Ayr, n, ar. A town in Scotland. 

inquietare; esser indis- 


Una cittad in Scozia. 
Une ville en Ecosse. 
E’er, abbrev, ér. Ever. 

Contrazione di Ever. 
Abrégé de Ever. 

Ere, adv, ar. Before; sooner than. 
Prima; prima che; anzi. 
Auparavant; avant que; plutdt que. 

Err, vi, er. To wander from the right 

way; to depart from rectitude; to 

Errare ; traviare; sbagliare. 

Errer; aller φἃ et 14; s’égarer; se 

Heir, n, ἄν. One who inherits. 

Aisle, , il. A wing; aside ora passage 
in a church. 
Navata di chiesa. 

τ Aile d’une église. 

Til, abbrev, I will—il. I will. 
Contrazione di “TI will.” 
Abrégé de “1 will.” 

Isle, γι, 11. An island. 


Ait, n, at. 

- Isolotto. 

Ate, pret, Xt. From the verb To eat. 

A small island. 

Dal verbo To eat (mangiare): Mangid. 
Du verbe To eat (manger) : Il mangea. 

Eight, a, at. Twice four; expressing 
the number, twice four. 
Hate, n, hat. 
Odio ; astio. 
Haine; aversion. 
Albeit, adv, albé'it. Beit so; admit all 
that ; notwithstanding. 
Abbenché ; sebbene; tuttoche. 
Quoique ; bien que. 
Albite, n, al-bit. A mineral. 
Un minerale. 
Un minéral. 
Alcade or Alcaid, , al'-kad. A Spanish 
Giudice Spagnuolo; alcade. 
Juge en Espagne. 
Alder, », 4l’-dér (Bot.). A tree gene- 
rally grown in moist land. 

Great dislike or aversion ; 

Aune; espéce d’arbre, 
Older, a, old’ér. More advanced in age. 



| Algose, a, Al’goz. 


Ῥιὰ vecchio; pid avvanzato in eta. 
Plus vieux ; plus agé. Bs ΕΣ 
Alee, adv, a-lé’. (Mar.) On the side 
opposite to the wind. 
Sotto vento. 
Sous le vent. ny: 
Allay, vt, al-la’. To assuage; to pacify; 
to soothe ; to repress. 
Calmare; alleggiare; mitigare. 
Modérer; aloyer; tempérer; dimi- 


Alley, n, al’-lé. A walk in a garden; a 
passage or way narrower than a 

Viale di giardino; vicolo; viottolo. 
Allée; passage; impasse. 

Ally, vt, al-li'. To unite by affinity, 

friendship, or treaty. -: 
Collegare; unire; alleare. 
Allier ; joindre. 

Alehoof, 7, al’-hof. 

Edera terrestre, 
Lierre de terre. 

Aloof, adv, a-lof’. 

rate; apart. 
Di lungi; da lontano; alla larga. 
A quelque distance; de loin; aularge. 

(Body) Excessively 
cold; shivering. 

Excessivement froid. 

Algous, a, al-’gus. Abounding with sea- 

Algoso; pieno d’ alga. 
Algueux ; plein d’algue. 

All, a, al. Every part; the 
every one. 

Tutto; tutti; ogni cosa. 
Tout; tous; toute chose. 

Awl, n, al. A pointed iron instrument 

for piercing small holes in leather. 
Aléne ; instrument pour percer le cuir. 

Alligator, n, al’-li-ga-tor. The American 

Alligatore; coccodrillo americano. 
Alligator; espéce de crocodile améri- 

Ground ivy. 

At a distance; sepa- 



Alligature, n, al-lig’-a-tir, <A tie; a 
binding together with an iron ring, 
chain, &e, 

Una legatura; legare insieme con un 
anello di ferro, catena od altro. 
L’anneau qui sert de lien. 

Alluvion, », al-li’vi-on. 
washing of earth and other sub 
stances to a shore. 

The gradual 


_ Alluvione; terra di alluvione. 
_  Alluvion; atterrissement. 
Alluvium, n, al-li'vi-um. That which 
eh ee added by the wash or flow of 
water, brought from a higher to a 
_ lower level. 
Terra, ciottoli ed altra materia spinta 
at "al fondo del mare verso il lido. 

Accroissement des terres sur les cétes 

᾿. de la mer. 

Allowed, PP al-loud’. Admitted ; 
‘abated ; bestowed as compensa- 
al tion ; permitted. 

_ Ammesso ; dato; accordato; concesso : 
. εὐ. permesso. 

oe Admis; donné; accordé; alloué; 

ge" a 
_ Aloud, adv, a-loud’. Loudly; with a 
loud voice. 

Ig Altamente ; ad alta voce. 
on A haute voix. 
Allude, vi, al’-lid. To refer; to make 
some reference. 
Alludere ; accennare ; far allusione. 
Faire allusion. 
Elude, vt, &'lid. To avoid by artifice 
Fe or dexterity; to baffle; to foil; to 
τ evade ; to escape. 
a Eludere ; schivare ; scansare ; sfuggire. 
 Eluder; éviter; esquiver. 
τος Ilude, vt, il-lid. To deceive by false 
τῆς ; show. 
+ Tiludere ; ingannare. 
-_. Tromper; décevoir ; se jouer. 
Allusion, ἡ, al-li’zhon. A hint; a re- 
zi ference to something previously 
ἔ known. 
te Allusione. 
ἀ: Allusion. 
Illusion, n, il-li'zhon. Deceptive ap- 
ἫΝ pearance; false show; fallacy ; 
i hallucination. 

Illusione ; inganno; errore. 
___. Illusion; erreur; prestige. 
Aloe, ἢ, al’d. A succulent plant with 
_. broad prickly leaves, which yields 
τ΄ ἃ very bitter medicinal gum. 
π᾿  ᾿ΑἸοδε. 
ο΄ Halo, n, ᾿δΠ0. A bright circle round 
_ the sun or moon or, in painting, the 
ring that surrounds the heads of 
Cerchio luminoso; aureola; alone. 
Auréole; cercle lumineux autour des 
- + astres. 
' Halloo! vi and exclm, hal’-l6. To cry 



out; to exclaim with a loud 

Ola! ehi! oh®! incoraggire con simili 

Encourager par des cris; 
quelqu’un en criant. 
Hallow, vt, hal’-lo. To set apart for 

religious use ; to honour as sacred ; 
to keep holy. 

Santificare ; consacrare ; riverire come 

Sanctifier ; consacrer; bénir. 

Alm, x, dm (generally used in the plural 
number Alms). A charitable gift. 

Aumdéne; charité. 

Am, v, am. Ist pers. sing. ind. mood, 
pres. tense of the verb To be. 

14 pers. sing. ind. pres. del verbo To 
be, Essere. 

1° pers. sing. ind. prés.du verbe To 
be, Etre. 

Ham,n, ham. The bend of the knee- 
joint behind; the thigh of a 
beast, particularly of a hog, salted 
and dried in smoke; a leg. 

Jambons; cuisse de cochon salée et 

Solitary; by himself; 


Alone, a, a-lin’. 
by itself. 
Solitario; solo; unico; soletto. 
Tout seul; seulement; solitaire. 
Along, adv, a-long’. In a line with the 
length; throughout. 
Lungo; lunghesso; rasente. 
Le long de; tout le long de; tout de 

son long. 
Altar, », al’-tér. An elevated place on 
which sacrifices were offered; the 

Communion Table. 
Altare; ara. 

Alter, vt, al’-tér. To make some change 
in; to vary. 

Alterare; cambiare; mutare. 
Altérer ; changer. 

Halter, γι, hal'tér. A rope or strap and 
headstall for leading or confining a 
horse; a rope for hanging. 

Cavezza; capestro ; corda per impiccare. 
Licou pour un cheval; corde. 

Altitude, x, al’-ti-tiid. Highest point; 

eminence ; high degree. 
Altitudine ; altezza; di alto grado. 
Hauteur; excellence; supériorité ; 



Attitude, n, at-ti’-tid. Posture adapted 
to some purpose ; gesture. 
Positura; attitudine ; atteggiamento. 
Attitude ; posture. 
Amain, adv, a-man’. With strength; 
vigorously ; violently. 
Tutta possa; vigorosamente. 
Vigoureusement; avec force. 
Amen, adv, a-men. Stability; truth; a 
title of Christ; be it established. 
Amen; cosi sia. 
Amen; ainsi soit-il. 
Amble, vi, am’bl. To go between a walk 
and a trot; to walk daintily. 
Andare al’ ambio; cavallo che va a 
l’ambio, tra camminare 6 trottare. 
Ambler; aller l’amble. 
Ample, a, am’pl. Spacious; copious ; 
rich; diffuse. 
Ampio; largo; esteso. 
__ Ample; étendu; grand; vaste. 
Ambrosian, a, am-bro'-zhi-an. Fragrant ; 
delicious ; resembling ambrosia. 
Fragrante ; delizioso; da ambrosia. 
D’ambrosie ; exquis; délicieux. 
Ambrosin, n, am'-bro-zin. An early coin 
struck by the Dukes of Milan. 
Moneta antica dei Duchi di Milano. 
Monnaie ancienne du temps des ducs 
de Milan. 
Amid, prep, a-mid’. In the midst or 
In mezzo a; nel mezzo di; fra. 

Au milieu de; parmi; entre. 
Amit, vt, a-mit’. To lose. 

An, indef art, an. One; the form of 

the indefinite article before a 
Uno; una. 
Un; une. 
Ann, n, an. Name of a woman. 

Anna, nome di donna. 
Annette, nom de femme. 
Anal, a, ἃ πιὰ]. Pertaining to or lying 
near the anus or vent. 
Appartenente alle regioni dell’ ano. 
Se rapportant aux régions de l’anus. 
Annal, γι, an'nal (used in the plur. num- 
ber Annals). A relation of events 
in chronological order, recorded in 
the year in which they happened. 
(Adoperato generalmente in. plurale 
‘Annals,’) Annali; fasti. 
(Employé au pluriel ‘Annals.’) An- 



Annul, vt, an-nul’. To make void or of 

no effect. 
Annullare; rendere nullo. 
Annuler; casser; revoquer; anéantir. 

Analyst, ”, an’a-list. One who analyses. 


Annalist, n, an'nal-ist. 

Annalista; scrittore di annali. 
Annaliste. : 
Anadem, 7, an’adém. A garland or fillet ; 
a chaplet or wreath. : 
Ghirlanda; corona. 
Guirlande ; bande ; chapelet; couronne 
de fleurs. aes 

Anathem, n, a-nath'-6m. A banor curse; - 

Anatema ; maledizione; scomunica. 
Anathéme; excommunication. 

Anthem, n, an'-thém. A sacred song or 

Antifona; cantico: inno nazionale. 
Antienne; chant sacré; hymne na- 

Anchor, », angk’ér. An iron instrument 
for holding a ship at rest in water. 


Anger, n, ang’gér. A violent passion of 
the mind, excited by a real or sup- 
posed injury. 

Collera ; ira: stizza; sdegno. 
Colére ; corroux; emportement. 

Angor, n, an’gor. Great anxiety accom- 
panied by painful constriction at 
the belly. 

Gran smania con dolori di pancia. 
Des fortes coliques. 
Anker, n, ang'kér. <A liquid measure of 
eight and a half imperial gallons. 
Una misura inglese per liquidi, pari a 
otto galloni e mezzo. 
Quartant; petit baril contenant huit 
gallons et demi, anglais. yee. 

Hanger, n, hang’ér. One who hangs or 
causes to be hanged. 

Colui che appende, attacca o impicéa. 
Celui qui pend; suspendeur ; bourreau. 

Hanker, vi, hang'kér. To desire eagerly ; 
to long for something with uneasi- 
ness; to cluster. 

Smaniare ; aver voglia ; bramare ; 
anelare; agognare. 
Désirer avec ardeur; soupirer apres. 

And, conj, and. A particle which con- 
nects words and sentences together. 

A writer of 



ἘΣ, ed; particella o congiunzione che 
serve per unire parole insieme. 

Et; conjonction. 
Ant, n, ant. A a insect ; an emmet ; 

Aunt, n, int. The sister of one’s father 
or mother. 

Hand, γι, hand. The extremity of the 
arm, consisting of the palm and 


Haunt, vt, hant. Tofrequent; to resort 
to much and often; to follow im- 

Frequentare ; inseguire; incantare. 
Hanter ; fréquenter ; visiter ; obséder. 

Angle, γι, ang’gl. The inclination of two 
ines which meet in a point but 
have different directions ; a fishing- 

rod with its line and hook. 
Angolo; canto; cantone; canna da 
Angle; encoignure; coin. 
Ankle, n, ang’kl. The joint which con- 
~ nects the foot with the leg. 
Caviglia; collo del piede. 
La cheville du pied. 

Uncle, n, ung’kl. The brother of one’s 
father or mother. 
Anserine, 7, an’-ser-in. Relating to the 
goose or goose tribe. 
Che ha relazione alle oche o loro specie; 
_ Ayant rapport aux oies ou ἃ leur 

Answering,. pa, an'sér-ing. Replying ; 

corresponding to. 
Replicando ; rispondendo. 
Anterior, a, an-té’ri-ér. Before; prior ; 
: previous ; in front. 
Antérieur ; *antécédent. 
Interior, a, in-té'ri-ér. Inner; remote 
from the limits, frontier, or shore. 
Interno; rimoto o remoto. 
Intérieur ; ; interne. 
Antithesis, » sing, an-tith’e-sis. An 
opposition of thoughts or words; 


Op sition de pensées ou de mots. 
Antitheses, n pl, an-tith’e-sez. Plural 
of Antithesis. 
Plurale di Antitesi. 
Pluriel de Antithesis. 

Antic, , an’tik. Grotesque; fantastic ; 

a grotesque figure ; a buffoon. 
Buffone; giullare. 
Antique ; grotesque; bouffon. 

Antique, a, an-ték’. Of genuine anti- 

quity; old fashioned. 
Antico; vetusto. 
Antique; ancien. 
Apertor, 7, a‘pert-or. A muscle that 
raises the upper eyelid. 
Tl muscolo che soleva la palpebra 

Le muscle qui hausse la paupitre 
Aperture, γι, ap’er-tir. 
Apertura; fessura. 

Ouverture ; lieu découvert. 
Apiece, adv, a-pés’. In ἃ separate 
share; to each. 
Tanto per uno o per testa. 
Chacun; par téte; par piece. 
Apish, a, ap’-ish. Resembling an ape. 
Che ha della scimia. 
Imitateur de singe; singerie ; bouffon. 
Appease, vt, ap-péz’. To pacify; to 
Placare ; quietare; mitigare. 
Apaiser; adoucir; calmer. 

Appal, vt, ap-pal’. To cause to grow 
ale; to depress with fear; to 

Stupefare; atterrire; sbigottire. 
Epouvanter; effrayer; décourager. 
Appeal, vi, ap-pél. To refer to a supe- 

rior judge or court; to refer to 
another as judge. 

Appellare; chiedere nuovo giudizio a 
giudice superiore. 

Appeler ; recourir 4 un juge supérieur. 

AnpNe, » 70, ap'l The fruit of the apple tree. 

omo; mela. 
Pomme; le fruit du pommier. 

Apposite, a, ap’-po-zit. Very applicable ; 

well adapted. 
όδωυ: convenevole ; adatto. 
Propre ; convenable. 
Opposite, a, op’-po-zit. 
front; placed against. 
Dirimpetto; di contro; opposto; con- 
Opposé ; vis-d-vis; contraire. 

An opening. 

Standing in 

- Apprise, vt, ap-priz’. To give notice; 
to inform. 

Avvisare ; dar notizia ; informare. 
Informer de ; instruire de; prévenir. 
Appraise, vt, ap-praz’. To value; to 

Apprezzare; stimare. 
Apprécier; évaluer; priser. 

Aptitude, 7, ap’-ti-tid. Fitness; dispo- 
sition ; suitableness; readiness. 

Attezza; disposizione; attitudine. 
Aptitude; disposition; talent naturel. 

Attitude, n, at'-ti-tid. Posture adapted 

to some purpose ; posture ; gesture. 
Attitudine; positura; atteggiamento. 
Attitude; posture. 

Arbor, 7, iir’bort. (Poet.) A bower; a 
place of retirement or shelter in a 
garden, &c., formed of trees, &c. 

(Poesia) Fusello; stile; pergola. 
Berceau ; treille; bosquet. 

~~ Arbour, n, ir'bér. The same as Arbor. 
Lo stesso che Arbor. 
Berceau ; treille; bosquet. 

Harbour, n, hiar’-bér. A haven for 
ships; a shelter; a place of safety 
from storms or danger. 

Porto di mare; ricovero o rifugio per 
Port; havre; asile; refuge. 

Arc, », irk. Any part of the circumfer- 

ence of a circle or other curved line. 
Arco ; curva; segmento. 
Arc (d’un cercle). 

Arch, n, arch. A bow; a vault; a con- 
cave structure supported by its own 

Volta; arcata. 
Arc; arcade. 

Ark, n, ark. A chest; a vessel; the 
large floating vessel in which Noah 
was preserved during the deluge or 

Cassa; arca (l’ arca di No). 
Arche; l’arche de Noé. 
Hark, vi, hirk. To listen; to lend the 
ear (contracted from Hearken). 
Sentire; ascoltare (si usa in senzo 
imperativo) da Hearken. 
Ecouter ; préter l’oreille. 

Ardour, γι, ir’dér. A flame; warmth; 

fervency; vehemence; affection. 
Ardore; affetto ; desiderio intenso. 
Ardeur ; chaleur; passion. 

Harder, a, hird'ér. More firm; more 
difficult of penetration or of separa- 
ting into parts. 




Pit duro; difficile a rompere o forare ; 
difficile in tutti i sensi. 
Plus dur ; difficile ἃ rompre ou percer. 

Are, v, ir. The plur. pres. ind. mood of 
the verb To be. 

Il plur. pres. dell’ ind. del verbo To be: 

Le plur. du prés. de l’ind. du verbe To 
be: Etre. 

fi, ar. One of the letters of the alphabet. 

Una delle lettere dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 
Aries, 7, a'ri-éz. The Ram; the first of 
the twelve signs in the Zodiac. 
Ariete ; primo dei dodici segni del 
Le Bélier ; un des signes du Zodiaque. 

Arise, vi, aviz. To rise up; to get up; 
to come into view; to spring up- 

Levarsi ; alzarsi; sorgere. 
Se lever; s’élever; venir de; ressus- 
citer. Σ 

Arm, γυ, ἄστη. The limb of the human 

body from the shoulder to the hand. 

Harm, n, hirm. That which causes 
pain ; injury ; hurt ; mishap ; moral 

Malora; danno; pregiudizio; torto. 
Tort; dommage; préjudice; mal; 

Arrant, a, a‘rant. Primarily, Vagabond ; 
downright; thorough; mere. 

Cattivo in supremo grado; un vero 
furbo; furbaccio. 
Insigne ; fieffé ; infame. 

Errand, n, e'rand. A message; a man- 
date; any special business to be 
transacted by a messenger. 

Messaggio; ambasciata; commissione. 
Message ; commission. 

Errant, a,e'rant. Wandering; wander- 
ing about in search of adventures; 
wild; vile; wicked. 

Errante ; ramingo ; vagante ; girovago. - 
Errant; vagabond. 

Arras, 7, a’ras. Tapestry; hangings 
woven with figures. 

Arazzo; panno tessuto a figure per 
Tapisserie; tapisserie ἃ personnages. ἡ 

Harass, vt, ha'ras. To vex; to distress; 
to fatigue to excess. 

Tribolare ; strapazzare; affaticare. 
Harasser ; fatiguer; tourmenter. 

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ξ Arrow, n, avd. <A straight-pointed 

weapon to be discharged from a 


Harrow, 7; ha’rd. A frame of timber 

set with teeth, used tolevel ploughed 
land and break clods, and to cover 

Erpice per livellare terreno dopo che 
sara stato arato. 

Herse; instrument de labourage pour 
briser les mottes de terre d’un 

τ ehamp. 
_ Art, ἡ, irt. Practical knowledge or 
skill; contrivance; adroitness; 

profession ; trade. 

Arte; mestiere; artifizio; industria. 
Science; métier; artifice; habileté. 
Hard, a, hird. Firm; not easily pene- 

trated or separated into parts. ' 
Duro; non penetrabile o rompibile 
- facilmente. 
Dur; ferme; solid, 
Hart, n, hirt. A stag or male deer. 
Un cerf. 

Heart, n, hiirt. The seat or source of 
life; the primary organ of the 
blood’s motion in an animal body. 


| Hearth, n, hirth. A pavement or floor 

of brick or stone in a chimney on 
which a fire is made; the house 
itself as the abode of comfort. 

Focolare ; cammino; tappeto o il 
pavimenéo del cammino; focolare 

Foyer; Atre. 

Artesian, a, iir-té’zi-an. Designating a 
well made by boring into the earth 
till water is reached. 

Artesiano ; pozzo artesiano. 
Artésien; puits artésien. 
Artisan, n, irt/-i-zan. One trained to 
manual dexterity; a mechanic. 
Artigiano ; artefice ; meccanico. 
Artisan; artiste; ouvrier dans un art 
As, adv, az. 
' larly. 
Come; mentre; quale; siccome. 
Comme ; aussi; que; tandis que. 
Ass, m, as. A donkey; well-known 
animal, dull, slow, but patient, 
hardy, and surefooted. 

Also; like; even; simi- 


Asino ; somaro. 
Ane; baudet. 

Has, v, has. 38rd pers. sing. ind. mood, 
pres. tense of the verb To have. 

8za pers. sing. ind. pres. del verbo To 
have: Avere. 

8° pers. sing. de l’ind. prés. du verbe 
To have: Avoir. 

Ash, m,ash. A large hardy tree; that 
which is produced by some burnt 

Frassino (albero) ; cenere. 
Fréne; le bois du fréne; cendre, 

Hash, vt, hash. To chop into small 
pieces—meat, &c. 

Sminuzzare; trittare carne od altro. 
Hacher; couper en petits morceaux. 
Asp, 7, asp. A small poisonous serpent 

of Egypt and Libya. 
Un piccolo serpente o vipera velenosa. 
Aspic ; serpent venimeux. 

Hasp, n, hasp. That which fastens; a 
clasp that passes over a staple to 
be fastened by a padlock. 

Fermaglio; maniglia ; lucchetto. 
Fermoir; crochet; loquet. ; 

Assistance, 7, as-sist‘ans. Help; aid; 

Soccorso; aiuto; assistenza, 
Assistance; aide; secours. 

Assistants, n, as-sist‘ants, Those who 

assist or aid. 
Assistenti; aiutatori. 
Aidants; adjoints. 

Assay, 71, as-sa. Proof; trial; en- 
deavour; determination of gold or 
silver in coin or bullion. 

Prova; saggio; sperimento ; farsaggio 
di oro o argento. 
Examen ; essai des métaux. 

Essay, n, es’sa. A trial or experiment; 
an endeavour; an effort made for 
the performance of anything; a 
composition (illustrative). 

Prova; saggio; sperimento ; composi- 
zione letteraria. 

Epreuve ; tentative ; composition litté- 
Assure, vt, ash-shiir’. To give confidence 

by promise ; to confirm ; to insure. 
Assicurare; affermare. 
Assurer ; affirmer; garantir. 

Azure, a, a'zhir. Of a light clear blue; 

Azzurro; turchino; color del cielo. 
Azur; bleu clair. 
Aster, γι, as'tér. A genus of plants with 




compound flowers, resembling little 

Piante che producono un misto di fiori 
che rassomigliano piccole stelle. 
Une plante qui produit des fleurs 

variées ressemblant des petites 

Astir,a,a-stér’. On stir; stirring; active. 
moto; atiivo. 

En mouvement; en activité. 

At, prep, at. A word which denotes 
presence, nearness, or direction 

A; ad; al; preposizione che indica 
presenza, prossimita o direzione. 
A; dans; en. 

Add, vt,ad. To set to; to join to; to 
augment; to annex. 

Aggiungere; unire; aumentare; som- 

~_ Ajouter; additionner. 

Attain, vt, at-tan’. To reach; to come 
to; to gain; to obtain. 
Conseguire; ottenere; acquistare. 
Attendre; obtenir; acquérir. 
Attaint, vt, at-tant’. To taint; to find 
guilty of high treason or felony. 
Intaccare ; accusare; accusare di lesa 
Flétrir; déclarer coupable; souiller. 
Attained, vi, at-tan’d. Past participle of 
the verb To attain. 
Participio passato del verbo To 

Part. pass. du verbe To attain. 
Attend, vt, at-tend’. To wait on; to 
accompany; to be present at. 

Servire; accompagnare; essere pre- 
sente; attendere. 
Servir en qualité de domestique; faire 
attention; étre 4 la suite. 
abe οἷ a, at-tent’. Attentive; heed- 

Attentif; soigneux. 
Attendance, x, at-tend’ans. Act of 

attending ; service; retinue; close 
application of mind. 
L’ atto di attendere; 
seguito; assiduita, 
Service d’un domestique; suite; at- 

Attendants, a, at-tend’antz. 
panying as subordinates; 
who accompany, wait on, &c. 

Coloro che accompagnano; inservienti ; 

servizio; far 





Personne ἃ la suite d’un personnage ; 
compagnon ; serviteur; domestique. _ 
Auger, 7, a’gér. Aninstrument used by 
carpenters for boring large holes; 
the nave-borer. 
Succhiello (strumento da marangone, 
per forare). 
Tariére ; vilebrequin ; amorcoir. 
Augur, n, a'gér. Soothsaying. 
Augure ; indovino. 
Augure; présage. 
saa ἢ n, at. Anything; any part; a 

Qualche cosa ; checchesia; qualunque 
Quelque chose. 

Ought, pp, at: Pret. and p.p. of Owe, and 
used also in the pres. tense as a 
verb formed upon them. 

Pret. e imperf. del verbo To owe: 

Prét. du verbe 

Aural, a, a’ral. 
to the ear. 

Che ha relazione coll’ orecchio o coll’ 
Ayant rapport ἃ Voreille ou a lair. 

Oral, a, d’ral. Uttered by the mouth; 

Orale ; di voce; di tradizione. 
Oral; verbal; vocal. 
Oriel, n, O’ri-el. A gallery of minstrels ; 
a large bay window. : 
Una loggia o palco di ministrelli; 
finestra che sporge in fuori. 
Une loge ou galerie pour des ménes- . 
trels; une fenétre cintrée. 

Auricle, », 4’ri-kl. The external ear; 
one of two appendages to the 

Auricule ; pavillon de l’oreille; oreil- 

Oracle, n, o’ra-kl. Among pagans, the 
answer spoken by a god or some 
one personating a god; any person 
reputed uncommonly wise. 

Oracle ; personne d’une grande sagesse 
dont les paroles font autorité. 

Avail, m, a-val’. Advantage; 

Giovare ; profittare ; valere; servire. 
Avantage ; utilité. 

Avale, vt, a-val’. 


To owe: Devoir; 

Pertaining to the air or 

use 3 

To let down; to 

_ Far scendere; abbassare. 
_ Faire descendre ; baisser. 
Ε. ᾿ Awe, n, ἃ, Fear mingled with reverence 
a ΠΟΥ submission. 
. Timore misto di ἰπἰσροίθο. 
Σ᾽ , Crainte ; thet 
, Haw, n, ha he berry and seed of the 
Moro di parions alba. 
a Fruit de l’aubépine. 
. Awn, , ἂμ. Ascale or husk; the beard 
. of corn or grass. 
Ee: Lop barba delle spighe. 
᾿- “κυ aah filets de l’épi. 
᾿-- Hone *, 88 A stone of a fine grit, 
used for sharpening edged instru- 
Sis ments. 
Cote; pietra per affilare coltelli ed 
altre lame. 

Une pierre a affiler les rasoirs; queux. 
On, prep,on. Being in contact with the 
upper surface of a thing. 
Di sopra; all’ insd ; avanti; di seguito. 
Sur; en avant. 
Own, a, On. Possessed; belonging to; 
: uliar; usually expressing pro- 

Ξ ; perty with emphasis. 




Babble, vi, bab’bl. Τὸ talk confusedly ; 
3 to talk much; to murmur; to talk 
a idly ; to tell secrets. 

eB. Ciarlare ; cicalare ; chiacchierare. 

___ Babiller; jaser; bavarder. 

=: Bauble or Bawble, n, ba'bl. A baby’s 
plaything ; a trifling piece of finery ; 
ie: : ὃ gewgaw. 

ο΄ Bagatella; baia; cosa da nulla. 

_ __ Bagatelle; babiole ; joujou. 

.- Bacon, n, ba'kn. Swine’s flesh salted or 
Pa pickled, and baked by heat. 

Lardo ; presciutto ; lardone. 

- Lard ; jambon. 

Baking, p n, bak’ing. The hardening of 
anything by heat in an oven. 

Tl cuocere al forno. 

L’action de cuire au four. 

_ Beacon, n, bé'kn. (Marit.) A light to 

᾿ direct seamen or that which gives 

them notice of danger. 

Stent Faro; fanale; segnale. 

τ΄ (Marit.) Fanal; phare; signal. 

a phon. vi, bek’n. To make a sign by 





Proprio; esser proprietario di; aver 
possesso; esser padrone di. 
Sien; propre. 

Axe, ἡ, aks. An instrument for hewing 

timber, chopping wood, &c. 
Accetta; scure. 
Hache ; cognée. 

Hacks, npl, haks. Horses kept for hire ; 
horses much used in draught or in 
hard labour. 

Cavalli da nolo o da strapazzo. 
Cheval de louage. 

Hags, npl, hags. Witches; furies; 


Streghe; furie; larve; vecchiacce. 

Sorcitres; laides et méchantes fem- 


Axis, ”, aks'is. The straight line, ἍΜ. 
or imaginary, that passes thro 
anything, and on which it vey τὰ ᾿ 
supposed to revolve. 

Ligne «ποι bas suppose traverser la 
terre ; 
Azxes, npl, aks’ a Plural of Axis, 
Pl e "di Axis. 
Plur. de Axis. 


Far cenno ; accennare. 
Faire signe ἃ. 
Began, ppr, bé-gan’. Participle of the 
past tense of the verb To be 
Participio passato del verbo To vant 

Participe prét. du verbe To begin: 
Begone, interj, bé-gon’. Be thou or ye 
| gone! Goaway! Depart! 
Vadiqua! Vavia! Vattene! 

Via-t-en ; allez-vous-en. 
Begun, pp, bé-gun’. Of the verb To 

Dal verbo To begin: Cominciare. 
Du verbe To begin: Commencer. 
one, a, bi’-gon. Past; gone by. 
reterito; passato. 
Passé; écoulé. 
Back, », bak. The hinder part of any- 
Dorso; tergo; schiena. 
Le dos; le derriére. 
——, vt, bak. To mount; to cause to 
recede; to endorse, 





Montare ; saltare in sella; far la gira. 
Monter, dresser un cheval. 
——, adv, bak. To the place left; 
behind ; in return to a former state. 
Indietro; di ritorno. 
En arriére; en retour; revenir. 
Bag,n, bag. A sack; a purse. 
Sacco; borsa. 
' Sac; bourse. 

Pack, vt, pack. To place, press, and 

bind together. 
Impacchettare ; imballare. 
Empaquetter; emballer. 
Backed, pp, bak’d. Particip. pass. verb 

To back. 

Part. passato verb To back: Montare 
in sella, &c. 

Part. passé verbe To back: Monter ἃ 
cheval, &c. 

Bagged, pp, bag’d. Past part. verb To 
| Ag 

Part. passato verbo To bag: Insaccare. 
- Part. passé verbe To bag: Mettre dans 

un sac. 
Packed, pa, pak’d. Particip. adj. from 

To pack. . 

Agg. part. da To pack: Avvolgere ; 

Adj. part. du verbe To pack: Empa- 
quetter, ὅσο. 

Packet, n, pa'kt. A small pack or 
package; a mail boat. 
Piccolo involto o pacco ; un bastimento 
che trasporta la posta. 
Paquet; petit paquet; bateau postal. 
Pact, n, pakt. An agreement or cove- 
nant; something fixed. 
Patto ; accordo. 
Pacte; convention ; contrat. 

Backer, ἡ, bak’-ér. One who backs or 

supports another in a contest. 
Uno che seconda o appoggia. 
Appuyeur; secondeur. 

Baker, n, bak’ér. One who bakes. 

Packer, n, pak’ér. 

Backing, pp, bak’ing. From verb To 


One who packs. 

Dal verbo To back: Montare a cavallo; 

Du verbe To back: Monter 4 cheval; 
se retirer. 
Baking, pn, baking. Part. noun from 
To bake . 




Nome part. da To bake: Cuocere al 
forno. ΩΝ 
Nom part. ἀὰ verbe To bake: Cuire au 
Packing, pn, pak’ing. Part. noun from 
To pack. 
Nome part. da To pack : Impacchettare ; 
Nom part. du verbe To pack: Em- 


Bad, a, bad. Hurtful; destructive; 
injurious; not good. 

Cattivo; male; malvagio. 
Mauvais; méchant; malheureux. 

Bat, n, bat. A stick used to strike the 
ball in the game Cricket ; an animal 

_with wings having the body of a - 

Maglio pel giuoco di cricket; pipis- 
trello; nottola. 

Chauve-souris; baton. 

Pad, n, pad. A soft saddle, cushion, or 
bolster stuffed with straw, &c.; an 
easy-paced horse; street robber. 

Sella imbottita; cuscinetto; cavallo 
portante ; ladro di strada. 

Coussin; espéce de selle molle; cheval 
qui va a l’amble; voleur. 

Pat, n, pat. A light quick stroke with 
the finger or hand. 

Piccolo colpo; scappezzone; colpet- 
tino leggero; toccatina. 

Frapper légerement; une petite tape; 
un petit coup de main. 

Baggage, τ, bag’aj. Luggage; travel- 
ling necessaries. 

Bagage; équipage de guerre ou de 

Package, n, pak’aj. A bundle or bale. 
Pacchetto ; pacco; collo. 
Paquet; petit colis. 
Bald, a, bald. Hairless. 
Bawled, pp, bal’d. Past part. of th 
verb To bawl. 
Part. pass. del verbo To baw] : Gridare ; 

Part. pass. du verbe To bawl : Criailler ; 
Balled, pp, bal'd. Past part. of the - 
verb To ball 

Part. pass. del verbo To ball: Passare 
per le palle sia fucilato o ballottato. 

Part. pass. du verbe To ball: Etre 
fusillé, ballotté, 


εὐ ς- Gri 

4 + 
% " 

Ἶ Bold, a, bold. Daring; courageous. 

 Ardito; animoso; coraggioso. 
Hardi; audacieux ; courageux. 
Bolt, n, bolt. An arrow; a dart; that 
which shuts or fastens a door. 

_ Dardo; spranga o stanga di serratura. 
᾿ Fiche; dard ; verrouiller; barre. 
-Bowled, pps pal'd. Past part. of To 


Part. pass. di To bowl: Giuocare alle 

Part. pass. du verbe To bowl: Jouera 

: la boule. 

Bale, », bal. A ball; a bundle or pack- 
age of goods. 
Balla di mercanzia, &c. 
᾿ς Balle de marchandise, &c. 
Bail, vt, bal. To give security for another 
person to reappear, &c. 
Sicurta; malleveria. 
Rendre ‘caution ; cautionner. 

Ball, », bal. A round body; a globe; 
a bullet; an entertainment of 

Palla; ballo. 
Balle: bal. 

᾿βδωϊ vi, bal. To shout; to clamour. 

dare ; schiamazzare. 

Criailler ; brailler. 

Bole, nN, bol. The body or stem of ἃ 


Tronco ‘a albero. 

_ _ Le trone d’un arbre. 

Boll, n, bal. 

A round pod or pericarp. 
Gambo; ste tielo 

é Bowl, n, bol. A round mass or ball used 

for play by rolling it on a level plat 
of ground; a round concave vessel 
to hold liquors. 

Scodella; tazzone; boccia da giuoco. 

— Boule; un bol; grande tasse. 

Ballad, », bal'lad. A song. 

Ballata: canzone. 

Ballade; vaudeville. 

alla, n, balk. A kind of dramatic 

ce or poem. 

Ballo; baletto figurato. 
ew et; danse figurée. 
bm Ballot, n, bal'lot., Act of voting. 
ΕΣ Votazione. 
_ _ Ballot; scrutin. 
= nm, bim. Balsam 
a Balsamo. 
a Baume. 
.: m, pim. The inner part of the 
4 open omen a tree having branches 




or leaves expanding like the open 

Palmizio; palma della mano. 

Palmier ; la paume de la main. 
Pam,n, pam. The knave of clubs, 

Fante di fiori. 

Le valet de tréfle. 

Ban, », ban. A public proclamation 
issued by one in authority; inter- 
diction ; curse. 

Bando; proclama; scomunica, 
Ban; proclame ; malédiction. 

Bang, vt, bang. To thump; to handle 
roughly ; to treat with violence. 

(x) Colpo rimbombante; (Ὁ) battere ; 
(n) Coup; tape; (v) rosser; maltraiter. 

Pan, ἢ, pan. <A vessel broad and 
shallow in which provisions are 


Pang, ἢ, pang. A sharp and sudden 
pain; anguish; throe; suffering. 
Estremo dolore; angoscia. 
Angoisse; vive douleur ; transe. 
Band, n, band. That which binds; a 
body of musicians. 

Banda; legame; truppa musicale. 
Bande; lien; troupe de musiciens. 
Pant, vi, ‘pant. To palpitate; to long; 

to desire ardently. 
Anelare; ansare; palpitare. 
Palpiter ; battre (en parlant du 


Baneful, a, ban’fiil. Pernicious; poiso- 
nous; destructive. 

Pestifero; funesto; velenoso. 
Pernicieux ; venimeux. 

Painful, a, pan'fiil. Full of pain; giving 

pain to the mind or body. 
Doloroso: penoso; gravoso. 
Pénible; affligeant; laborieux. 

Banter, vt, ban'tér. To joke or jest with; 
to play upon; to rally. 

Beffare ; burlare ; dar la baja. 
Raillerie; se moquer de; plaisanter. 
Pander, n, pan'dér. A pimp; a procurer 

for the lust of others. 
Ruffiano; mezzano. 

Panther, n, pan'thér. A spotted fero- 
cious animal otherwise called the 


Barbary, x, bir’be-ri. An extensive 


region comprising all the north 
portion of Africa. 

La Barbaria. 

La Barbarie. 

Barberry, n, bir'ber-ri. A thorny shrub 
bearing red berries. 

Epine; vinette. 

Bart, n, bird. One who composed and 
sung warlike songs and heroic 
achievements among the ancient 
Celts; a poet. 

Bardo; vale; poeta. 
Barde; poete. 

Barred, pp, bar'd. From the verb To 
bar; to secure with a bar or bars ; 
to hinder or prevent. 

Dal verbo To bar: Chiudere o assicu- 
rare con sbarra o stanga. 
Du verbe To bar: Barrer; mettre des 

. barres. 

- Bare, a, bir. Open; uncovered; plain. 
Nu; découvert; simple. 

Bear, vt and n, bar. To suffer; to be 
patient; to be fruitful; (2) a wild, 
rough quadruped, &c. 

Soffrire; sopportare; produrre; (7) 
orso, &c. 
Souffrir; supporter; produire; (m) un 

Bark, 7, birk. A small ship; (vt) to 

make the noise of dogs when they 
threaten or pursue; to clamour at. 
Nave; corteccia; (vt) abbajare; la- 
trare; scorzare. 
Un petit voilier; écorce; (vt) aboyer ; 
japper; glapir; écorcer. 

Barque, n, birk. A ship which carries 
three masts without a mizzen- 

Nave a tre alberi. 
Un voilier ἃ trois mats. 

Park, n, pirk. A piece of ground en- 
closed for the chase or other pur- 
poses. . 

Parc; enclos d’une certaine étendue 
pour la chasse, &c. 

Barley, x, bir'lé. A species of grain now 

used especially for making malt. 

Parley, vi, par'lé. To confer, as with 

an enemy ; to discuss orally. 
Conferire; parlamentare. 
Conférer ; parlementer. 


Baron, , ba'ron. A title or rank of 

nobility next in degree to a 

Baron, titre de noblesse. 

Barren, a, ba‘ren. Not fruitful; not 
inventive ; not bearing. 

Sterile; arido; magro. 
Stérile; aride. 

Base, a, bas. Low in place, value, or 
station; despicable: (n) founda- 
tion ; support, 

Base; sostegno; piedistallo. 
Base; piédestal; fondement. 

Baize, n, baz. A course, woollen stuff, 

with a long nap. 
Baietta; drappo di lana. 
Serge croisée; sorte de flanelle. 

Bays, npl, bays. Bay horses (reddish 
brown coloured). 

Baii; cavalli baii. 
Bais; chevaux bais ou alezans. 

Basen, pp, ba’zn. Of the verb To base; 
to place on a basis or foundation. 

Dal verbo To base: Collocare sopra 
base, piedistallo, fondamento, &c. 
Du verbe To base: Placer sur une 
ne ou un piédestal, un fondement, 

Basin, n, ba’sn. A hollow dish; ἃ re- 
servoir; tract of country drained 
by a river. 
Bacino; bacile; catino. 
Bassin; vase rond ou ovale; piece 

Basing, ppv, ba’'zng. From the verb To 

Dal verbo To base. 
Du verbe To base, 

Baizen, pp, baiz'en. From the verb To 
baize: to cover with baize. 

Dal verbo To baizen: Coprire o 
foderare di baietta. 

Du verbe To baizen: Couvrir de serge 

Basis, 7 sing, bas‘is. That with which 
one steps; that on which anything 
rests ; foundation. 

Fondamento ; sostegno. 
Fondement; soutien. 

Bases, n plr, bas’es. Plural of Basis. 
Plurale di Basis. 

Pluriel de Basis. 
Bask, vi, bisk. To lie in warmth or in 
the sun. 

Scaldarsi al sole o al fuoco. 
Chauffer au soleil, &c.; se chauffer. 

Εἰ νῶν a, bask, Relating to Biscay or { 

its le or language. 
Relativo . Σ Biscaja ὁ agli abitanti o 

linguaggio di quel paese. 

ὑ ἃ la Biscaie. 
Bast, n, biis. je hassock or mat made of 
‘the inner bark of the linden tree, 
τς &c.; the base in music. ~ 
Basso; ’ contrabasso; stoia di giunchi. 
; Une natte d’église; grave; bas. 
Pass, vi, pis. To proceed from one 
place to another; to undergo, &c. 
g Passare. 

“Bast, π, bis bist. A rope or mat made of 

Pune o stoi fatte ai ti lio. 

Corde; cable ou natte fait de tilleul. 
Bust, n, ‘bust. The chest and thorax ; 
' the figure of a person in relief from 

the waist upwards. 

Busto; vita. 

Buste; représentation d’une personne 
jusque a l’extrémité de l’estomac. 

_ Passed, θα; past. From the verb To 

D peck To pass. 
| Du verbe To pass. 
Eo ἡ φᾷ, ὁ, From the verb To pass. 
; erbo T To pass, 
De ase a To pass 
Baste, vt, baste. To drip fat or butter 
as on meat while roasting; to sew 

Spruzzare come carne, &c. con burro 
od altro; imbastire 
τς Aroser le roti ; faufiler. 
_ Paste, n, past. Dough to be made into 
. bread or food. 

‘Pasta per far pane od altro cibo. 
' Pate pour faire du pain, &c. 
‘Batch, τ, batch. The quantity of bread 
a baked at one time. 
Infornata di pane ; infornata. 
_ _ Fournée de pain, &c. 
_ Patch,n,pach. A piece of cloth sewed 
on a garment to repair it. 
᾿ς Rattoppatura. 
᾿ς Rapiécetage; raccommodage. 
᾿ Bate. vt, bat. To beat down ; to abate. 
Sbattere ; difalcare ; diminuire. 
; Rabattre; retrancher ; diminuer. 
Βαϊ, N, bat. A bit of food, ὃ worm, &e. 
put on a hook to allure fish. 
Esca all’ amo; adescare ; allettare. 

_ Amorce. 
Bathe, vt, bath. To wash ina bath; to 


wash or moisten with water or other 
liquid ; to lave one’s body in a: 
Bagnare ; farsi il bagno ; 
Baigner; étuver. 
Bath, », bith. Place to bathe in. 
Luogo che serve per bagnarsi; bagno. 

Path, n, pith. A way beaten or trodden 
by the feet of man or beast. 
Sentiero; stradicciuola. 
Sentier ; "chemin ; route. 
Baton, x, bii-tong’. A truncheon; a 
marshall’s staff; a badge of honour 

or office. 
bacchetta; bastone da 

Bastone ; 

Baton; tricot; baton de maréchal. 

Batten, n, bat'n. A piece of wood from 
1 to 7 inches broad and from 1 to 
24 thick. 

Tavoletta sottile ; assicella, 

Petite planche. 

Patten, n, pat‘ten. A wooden shoe with 
an iron ring, worn to keep the shoes 
from the dirt or mud. 


Sabot; sandale. 

Batter, vt, bat'tér. A mixture of several 
ingredients beaten together with 
some liquid. 

Intridere con uova, farina, &c.; battere; 

Mélanger différents ingrédients en- 
semble comme des ceufs, &c. ; 

Butter, n, but’tér. An oily substance 

e from cream or milk by churn- 


Patter, vi, pat’tér. To strike as falling 
drops of water or hail with a quick 
succession of small sounds. 

Strepitare come fa la pioggia o gran- 
dine, &c. 
Piétiner; trépigner. 

Bawd, 7, bad. A procurer or procuress ; 

@ pimp. 

Ruffiana; mezzana, 

Procureuse en obscénité. 

Bowed, pa, bid. Bent like a bow. 

Piegato come un arco. 

Arqué ; courbé. 

—, vt, boud. Verb To bow; to pe 
to bend, as one’s body in token of 



Verbo To bow: Arcare; inchinarsi; 

- Verbe To bow: Salut; révérence. 

Bawdy, a, ba’di. Obscene; filthy. 

Osceno; sporco; impudico. 
Obscene; déshonnéte. 

Body, τ, bo'di. The trunk or the 
material substance of an animal; 
any solid figure. 

Corps. ᾿ 

Bay, ὦ and 7, ba. Reddish-brown; an 
arm of the sea; the laurel tree 
which bears red berries; the bark 
of a dog at his game. 

Bajo; baja; latro; lauro. : 
Bai; baie; golfe; laurier; abois. 
Bey, n, ba. A Turkish rank or title. 
Un grado Ottomano; un titolo. 
Un titre ottoman. 
B, letter, bé. A letter of the alphabet. 

- Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 

Lettre de l’alphabet. 
Be, v, bé. Verb To be. 
Verbo Essere: To be. 
Verbe Etre: To be. 
Bee, n, bé. The insect that makes 


Beach, 7, béch. The shore of the sea; 
the strand. 

Lido; spiaggia del mare. 

Beech, n, béch. A tree which produces 

mast or nuts. 
L’ albero di faggio. 

Peach, n, péch. A well-known tree and 

its fruit. 
Pesca o persica. 
Péche (fruit du pécher). 

Beadle, », bé’dl. A messenger or crier 
of a court; a petty officer in a 
parish church. 

Bidello; specie di usciere. 
Bedeau ; huissier. 

Bethel, n, béth’él. 
for seamen. 

Una cappella o chiesuola per marinai. 
Une chapelle pour marins. 

Betel, n, be'tel. A species of pepper. 
Specie di pepe. 
Espéce de poivre. 

Beetle, n, bé'tl. A heavy wooden mal- 
let; an insect having a hard or 
shelly wing-case. 

A house of worship 




‘ Bean, , bén. A name 

kinds of pulse. 


_ Feve. 

Been, pp, bén. Verb To be. 

Dal verbo Essere : To be. 
Du verbe Etre: To be. 

_ Being, pn, bé'ing. Verb To be. 
Dal verbo To be: Essere. 
Du verbe To be: Etre. 

Beat, vt, bét. To strike with repeated 

blows ; to throb; (7) a pulsation. 
Percuotere; bastonare; (n) battere 
del polso o pulsazione. 
Battre; frapper; (7) pulsation. 
- Beet, n, bet. A sweet succulent root, 
much used as vegetable and for 
making sugar. 
Plante potagére (bette). 
| Peat,n, pet. A substance of vegetable 
origin, always found more or less 
saturated with water. 
Torba. : 
Tourbe; terré combustible. 

Beau, », bd. One who is fond of fine 

dress; a gallant; a lover. 
Zerbinotto; bellimbusto; damerino. 
Un petit-maitre; un élégant. 

Bow, n, bo. curved instrument to 

shoot arrows; a curve. 
Arco; arco per lanciare frecce. 
Arc; archet. 
——, vt, biiu. To bend one’s body in token 
of respect; to make a reverence. 
Inchinarsi in segno di rispetto ; 
Salut ; révérence ; se courber pour faire 
une révérence. 

Beck, ”, bek. A nod; a sign with the 
hand or head. 

Segno; gesto; segno che si fa colla 
mano o colla testa. 
Signe; signe de téte. 

Beg, vt, beg. To ask in charity; to as 

Mendicare; chiedere; pregare. 
Mendier ; vivre d’auménes; demander ; 

Peck, vt, pek. To strike with the beak ; 
to thrust the beak into; to pick up 
food, &c., with the beak. 

Beccare; picchiare; percuotere col 

given to several 

Becqueter; donner des coups de bec. 


χων ROL al tec Ν ἐν ee 

Peg, m, peg. 
sgh SP 

Bere, n, bér. 

om pensat, n, bé-hit'. 

ο΄ Βοῆιουο, 

τ᾿ ως 

A small pointed piece of 
used in fastening boards, 

Cheville ; fichoir. 
Beer, , bér.. A liquor made generally 
a of malted barley and hops. 
Bibre (boisson). 
The name of a species of 
barley in Scotland. 
᾿ς Nome di una qualita di orzo che cresce 
in Scozia. 
᾿ς _Espice d’orge en Ecosse, 
Bier, n, bér. A frame of wood for con- 
_ veying dead human bodies to the 
Cassa da morto; cataletto; barra; 
᾿ς Biere; cercueil. 
Begging, pn, beg’ing. The act of soli- 
citing or practice of asking alms. 
Mendicita; 11 mendicare. 
_ Mendicité; mendier. 
Begin, vi, bé-ghin’. To do the first act; 
to commence any action or state. 
Incominciare; principiare. 
Commencer ; débuter. 
iggin, n, big'-ghin. An infant’s cap. 
Scuffietta o cuffietta. 
Coiffe, une petite coiffe pour enfants. 
Need; necessity ; 
vantage ; profit; benefit. 
Necessita ; bisogno; profitto ; comodo ; 
favore; prod. 
Nécessité; besoin; profit; avantage; 

Behoove, vt, bé-hiv’. To be fit for; to 
needful or necessary for. 
Convenire; essere utile. 
ΤΙ convient; il faut. 
, bé-hov’. Verb To behoove. 
Verbo To behoove. 
Verbe To behoove. 
Belie, vt, bé-li’. To lie to; to represent 
falsely ; to convict of falsehood. 
Smentire ; dar una mentita. 
Démentir; donner un démenti. 

Panse; ventre. 
_m, bé’-léf’, Assent; creed ; 
Credenza; fede; fiducia. 
Croyance ; foi; opinion. 

ae Believe, vt, bé-lév’. To trust in; to 


ed of. 
Credere ; prestar fede. 

Bell, 7, bel. That which peals; a hollow 
body of cast iron used by giving 
sounds by being struck. 



Belle, n, bel. A fine young lady; alady 
of superior beauty. 

Una bella giovane signora; una gran 
bella signora, 
Une belle; une élégante. 

Pell, n, pel. A skin or hide; a roll of 

Una pelle o cuoio; una pergamena. 
Une peau; un parchemin, 

Bellow, vi, bel’lo. To make a hollow 

loud noise as a bull; to roar. 
Mugghiare o muggire. 

Mugir; beugler. 
Below, prep, bé-ld’. 

Sotto; al di sotto; gid. 
Au-dessous; en bas. 

Billow, n, bil’ld. A great wave of the 

sea swelling and raging. 
Onda; flutto; cavallone. 
Vague; flot. 

Pillow, n, pills. A cushion to support 
the head of a person when reposing 
on ἃ bed. 

Guanciale ; origliere. 
Coussin; oreiller. 

Belt, m, belt. A leathern girdle; a 

Cinturino di pelle ; pendaglio. 
Ceinturon; ceinture; bandoliére. 
Pelt, vt, pelt. To strike with pellets or 
with something thrown or driven. 
Tirare ; lanciare come con sassi od altro. 
Jeter; lancer; jeter des pierres, &c. ἃ 
la téte de quelqu’un. 

Bend, vt, bend. To crook by straining 

as a bow; to curve; to subdue. 
Piegare ; curvare. 
Plier ; courber. 
Bent, pa, bent. Prone to or having a 
xed propensity towards; deter- 
Intento; deciso; risoluto; inclinato. 
Détermination ; disposition ; tendance. 

Pend,t vi, pend. To hang; to be un- 

Pendere ; essere indeciso. 
Pendre; étre indécis. 

credit ; to deem true or be firmly 

Under in place; 



Pent, pa, pent. Shut up; closely con- 

Rinchiuso; chiuso; riservato. 
Renfermé; serré. 

Berry, 7, be’ri. The fruit borne by 
certain plants, pulpy, and contain- 
ing naked seeds. 

Bacca; coccola. 
Baie; grain. ; 

Bewray, vt, bé-ra. To discover; 
reveal; to accuse. 

Tradire; palesare. 
Trahir; divulger ; découvrir. 

Bury, vt, be'ri. To put into a grave; to 
inter ;to entomb ; to conceal ; to hide. 

Enterrer ; mettre en terre; cacher. 

Berth, ἡ, bérth. A station in which a 
ship rides at anchor; a place in a 
ship or cabin to sleep in. 

_ Approdo; ormeggio; cabina abordo di 

(ἡ un vapore. 
Abord; affourche; cabine dans un 

Bird, n, bérd. A general name for the 
feathered race. 

Birt, n, bért. A fish, called also turbot. 
Il pesce rombo. 
Espéce de turbot. 

Birth, n, bérth. A bearing or a being 

born ; act of coming into life. 


Beryl, , be'ril. A brilliant mineral of 
great hardness. 

Berillo; gemma preziosa. 
Beril; aigue-marine ; pierre précieuse. 

Peril, n, peril. Trial; risk; hazard ; 

Periglio; pericolo; rischio. 
Péril; danger; risque. 
Beseech, vt, bé-sééch’. To seek from; 
_to ask or pray with urgency; to 
entreat; to solicit. 

Supplier; prier; demander. 
Besiege, vt, bé-séj. To lay siege to; to 
beset ; to invest; to hem in. 

Better, a, bet’tér. Useful in a higher 
degree than another; further ad- 
vanced ; superior; improved. 

Migliore ; meglio. : 
Mieux; le meilleur. 





Bettor, n, bet'ér. One who bets or lays 
ὃ. wager. 


Bib, , bib. Asmall piece of cloth worn 
by infants over the breast to drink 
in the liquid flowing from the mouth. 

Bavaglio; bavaglino per bambini. 

Pip, n, pip. A chirping, as of a chicken; 
a disease of fowls; a spot on 
ecards; the seed of an orange, 
apple, &c. 

Pipita dei polli; seme di certe frutta. 
Maladie de poules; point sur les 
cartes ; pépie. 

Bicker, wi, bik’ér. To fight off and on; 
to quarrel; to scold. 

Contrastare ; rissare. 
Escarmoucher; s’escarmoucher. 

Bigger, adj, big'ér. Larger; more bulky. 

Pid grande o pid grosso e voluminoso. 
Plus grand ou plus gros et volumineux. 

Picker, n, pik’ér. He that punctures, 
pulls off with the teeth or plucks 
with the fingers, separates a the 
hand, &c. 

Chi punge, raccoglie, becca. 
_ Un pic; une pioche; celui qui choisit 
ou qui cueille. 

Bide, vi, bid. To dwell; to remain; to 
endure; to abide; to tarry; to 

wait for. 
Sopportare; tollerare; reggere; di- 
morare; fermarsi. 

Endurer; souffrir; abiter; séjourner. 
Bight, n,bit. The bend orsmall bay; the 
double part of a rope when folded. 
Seno di mare; caletta; doppia piega- 
tura d’ una fune o gomena. 
Crique; balant d’un cordage. 
Bite, vt, bit. To crush or sever with the 
Stritolare o rompere coi denti; morsi- 
Mordre ; couper avec les dents. 
Big, a, big. Large; bulky 
Grosso; grande; autorevole. 
Gros; grand. 
Bigg, n, big. A variety of winter barley 
having six rows of grains. 
Una qualita di orzo d’ inverno la di cui 
spiga ha sei file di grano. 
Une qualité d’orge d’hiver, 
Pick, vt, pik. To puncture; to pull 
with the teeth or pluck with the 
fingers ; to separate by the hand, &c. 

5 ee 

Tf τιν τ Sees 

Py eee eS 

a! ors Oe 

ΠΤ τα RE Co Nee wre ier ΜΠ Ἐ 

ee ως, ere 

a i Let > Be a alee 

_ Biteh, », bich. The female of the dog 

_ Bittor, n, bit'tor. The bittern, a bird of 

S li ere ; 

— lare; rosicchiare. 
Piquer; percer; choisir; éplucher ; 
ο΄ vamasser; ronger petit ἃ petit. 
: τ “Sand pig. A young sow or boar. 

_ Porchetto. ᾿ A 

Un jeune cochon. 
Billow, γι, bills. A great wave of the 
sea swelling and raging. 
Onda; flutto; cavallone. 
V 3 flot. 
_ Pillow, n, pil'lé. A cushion stuffed with 
feathers, &c., to support the head 
of a person when reposing on a bed. 
᾿ Cuscino; guanciale; origliere. 
Oreiller ; coussin. 
Binnacle, », bin’a-kl. A case in which 
Σ a ship’s compass is kept. 
Seatola ove si conserva la bussola d’un 
Habitacle; armoire ο l’on renferme 
la boussole. 
Pinnacle, n, are A high-spiring 
point ; a slender turret or a part of 
a building elevated above the main 
Pinnacolo; colmo; minaretto. 
Pinacle ; sommet. 

scernere ; spigo- 



Chienne; femelle du chien. 
Pitch, n, pich. The resinous juice of 
_ the pine-tree and of other fir-trees. 
A thick, black substance obtained 
from tar. 
Poix ; goudron. 

Bitter, a, bit'tér. Biting to the tongue 
are χὰ sharp; cruel; severe; 


the heron kind. 
L’ uccello torabuso. 
 L’oiseau butor. 
Blackguard, τη, blak’-giird. A mean, 
vile, scurrilous fellow. 
Briccone; vile; canaglia. 
- Polisson; goujat. 
Placard, n, pla-kiird’. A flat piece of 
metal or wood, or a written or 
printed paper stuck up against a 
_ wall, intended to censure, &c. 
_ Cartello; cartellone; affisso. 
Placard; affiche; pancarte. 




Blazon, vt, blaz’on. To display or 
set forth conspicuously; to adorn; 
to explain,as the figures on ensigns 

Blasonare ; pingere le arme gentilizie. 
Blason ; science des armoiries. 
Blazing, pa, blaz'ing. Flaming; emit- 
ting flame or light. 

Fiammeggiante ; splendente. 

Bleat, vi, blét. To cry as a sheep, 
Béler comme les brebis. 

Bleed, vi, bléd. To lose blood. 
Versare sangue; salassare. 
κα ac So yt son sang. 

Plead, vi, pléd. To argue or reason in 
support of a claim. 

Litigare ; patrocinare ; far valere le 
sue ragioni in tribunale, 
Plaider; discuter. 
Blew, pp, blii. From the verb To blow. 
Dal verbo To blow: Soffiare. 
Du verbe To blow: «Souffler. 

Blue, n, bli. The colour which the sky 

Turchino; azzurro. 
Bleu; azuré, 

Blite, , blit. A genus of the plants 
called Blitum, the strawberry 


Blithe, a, blith. Gay; mirthful. 
Allegro ; brioso. 
Gai; joyeux. 
Blyth, n, blith. A parish in England. 
n distretto parrochiale in Inghilterra 
Un district paroissial en Angleterre. 
Blockade, n, blok-ad’. The blocking ἃ 
ofa place by surrounding it with 
hostile troops or ships. 
Blockhead, n, blok’hed. A stupid fel- 
low; a dolt. 
Stupido; baggiano. 
Lourdaud; un hébété. 
Blunder, vi, blun'dér. To be confused; 
to err stupidly; to stumble. 
Sbagliare ; fallare; spropositare. 
Se tromper; méler sottement; con- 
Plunder, vt, plun'dér. 
hostile manner. 
Depredare; rubare; saccheggiare. 
Piller; spolier; voler; ravager. 

To rob in a 


Blush, v2, blush. To redden with shame 
or confusion. 

Arrossire di vergogna o confusione. 
Rougir; étre confus ou honteux. 

Plush, n, plush. A species of shaggy 
cloth with a velvet nap on one side 
resembling small hairs. 

Filpa; peluzzo (drappo peloso come 
il velluto). 

Boar, , bor. The male of swine, whether 

wild or tame. 
Sanglier ; cochon. 

Bore, n, bor. (v) To pierce through; to 
make a hole in or through; (n) a 
person or thing that wearies or 

(n) Importuno ; seccatore; buco ; 
calibro ; (Ὁ) forare; bucare ; seccare. 
(n) Chose ou personne ennuyeuse; 
trou fait en percant; percoir ; 
vrille; (v) trouer; percer; ennuyer. 

Boor, n, bir. A farmer; a tiller of the 
ground; a rustic; a clown. 

Rustico; villano; uomo di 
Paysan ; villageois; rustre. 

Board, ”, bord. A piece of timber broad 
and thin. 

Asse; tavola; disco; mensa. 
Planche; la table ou la nourriture. 
Bored, pp, bor’'d. From verb To bore. 
Dal verbo To bore: Buccare; forare; 
Du verbe To bore: Trouer; percer; 

Boarder, ”, bord’ér. One who receives 
board; one who boards a ship in 

Pensionario; dozzinante; colui che 
in guerra abbordi un bastimento. 
Pensionnaire; personne qui est en 

pension; abordeur ; abordage. 

Border, n, bor'dér. The outer edge of 
anything; boundary; margin; 
verge; rim. 

Orlo; lembo; confine; frontiera. 
Bord; bordure; frontiére. 

Boat, », bot. A small open vessel 
usually impelled by oars; a small 
ship; a steamer. 

Barca; un piccolo vapore 0 vaporino. 
Chaloupe; bateau; barque. 

Bode, vt, bod. To utter; ; to portend ; 
to be the omen of; to foreshow; to 

grossa | 



- Pronunziare 3; presagire ἃ 
buono o cattivo augurio. 
Présager ; pronostiquer. 
sae Pe bot. Compensation ; gata ἢ 
Compensazione ; ammenda ; gratifica- 
Compensation; amende; dédommage- 

essere di 

Both, a, both. The two taken by them-- 
selves; the one and the other. 
Entrambi; ambedue. 
Tous deux; tous les deux; l’un et 
cake pp, bat. From the verb To 

Dal verbo To buy: Comperare. 
Du verbe To buy: Acheter. 

Bodice, », bod'is. Something worn 
round the body or waist; a kind of 

Corsetto ; corsaletto; busto. 

Corset ; vétement de femme. 
Bodies, n, bo'diz. Plural of Body. 

Plurale di Body: Corpo. 

Pluriel de Body: Corps. 

Bolder, a, bold’ér. More bold, tating 

Pid ardito. 
Plus hardi. 

Bolter, n, bolt’ér. A machine for sepa- 

rating bran from flour. 
Baratello; staccio. 
Bluteau ou blutoir; tamis. 

Boulder or Bowlder, n, bol’dér. A 
smooth, round stone, such as is 
found on the sea-shore; a rounded 
piece of rock. 

Una pietra o rocca rotondetta e 
levigata che vedesi in riva al mare. 

Une grande pierre ou roche ronde qui 
se trouve au rivage de la mer. 

Bond, », bond. That which binds; a 
band; a connection; union; obli- 

Legame; nodo; obbligo; unione. 
Lien ; chaine; attache; liaison ; obli- 
gation. : 

Pond, n, pond. <A body of stagnant 
water shut in, smaller than a lake. 

Serbatoio d’ acqua; stagno. 
Etang; réservoir; bassin dont l’eau 
, ne s’échappe pas. 

Bonny, a, bon’ni. Good; beautiful ; 

Buono; leggiadro; grazioso; gaio. 
Bon; charmant; agréable; gai. 

a. re Poel = 
ν ἀν eh ἐμ LA 

ει δ΄ τ 

: Bows, ses bon’i. 

Se Pony, m, pon'i. 

: Booth, 

Pother, n, poth’ ér. 


Full of bones; stout; 

+ epi pieno d’ ossa. 
Osseux qui a de gros os. 
A small horse, 
Un piccolo cavallo. 
τωρ petit cheval. 
Boot, vt and ἡ, bit. (vt) To profit; to 
benefit ; (7) profit; gain; advantage; 
a leather covering for the leg united 
with a shoe. 
(v) Giovare; servire; (7) soprappid ; 
0; stivale. 
(Ὁ) Profiter; étre avantageux ἃ ; (n) 
rofit; gain; botte ; chaussure. 

n, both. A shed erected with 
boughs, branches, &c., for a tempo- 
rary residence. 

Baracca; baraccone. 
Tente; pavillon; baraque. 

Born, ἢ δ, δόσει (Verb To bear.) Come 

(Dal: a To bear) Nato. 
(Du verbe To bear) Né. 
Borne, pp, born. Verb To bear. 
Dal verbo To bear, nel significato 
Portare ; sopportare; sostenere. 
Du verbe To bear, signifiant Porter ; 
_ apporter; supporter; soutenir. 
Bourn or Bourne, n, born. A bound; a 
Limite ; termine; confine. 
Limite; borne. 

_ Burn, vt, "pérn. To consume by fire; to 

scorch ; to inflame. 
Abbruciare ; scottare ; ardere. 
Brier ; incendier ; échauder. 
Borough, m, bu’'ro. A town with a 
corporation; a town that sends 
members to parliament. 
Borrow, vt, bo’rd. 
Pigliare in prestito. 
_ Emprunter. 
Burrow, n, bu'rd. A hollow place in 
the ground made by rabbits, &c. 
Tana di coniglio; intanarsi. 
Un ve de -lapin; se terrer; 

Bother rh both’ér. An importunate 
person ; something tiresome. 
Seccatore; importuno. 
Importun ; ennuyeux ; facheux. 
Dust ; ; confusion; 


tumult; flutter. 

To receive as ἃ. 





Scalpore ; confusione ; pcm ἀυτῆς, 
Bruit; fracas; tin 
Potter, n, pot’ér. One pe occupation 
is to make pots or earthen vessels. 
Pentolaio ; vasellaio; fabbricatore di 
vasi di terra. 
parent pre qui fait des vases en 


Bottle, » nN, » bot. A hollow round vessel 
of glass, leather, &c., with a narrow 
mouth for holding liquors, &c. 

Bottiglia; fiasco. 
Bouteille ; flagon. 

Pottle, n, pot'l, A liquid measure of 
four pints; a vessel or small basket 
for holding fruits. 

Misura di liquidi; chiamata ‘ quattro 
fogliette’; cestellino. 
Mesure anglaise (deux quartes); petit 


Bongh, n, bou. A large branch of a tree 
that bends outward from the trunk. 

Ramo; ramoscello. 
Rameau; branche d’arbre. 

Bow, vt, bou. To bend; to make a 

reverence ; to yield. 
Inchinare; salutare. 
S’incliner; plier; faire la révérence. 

Bounce, vi, bouns. To fly or rush out 
suddenly; to spring or leap against 
anything so as to rebound. 

Saltare su con istrepito; balzare; 
saltare addosso. 

Se précipiter violemment sur; bondir ; 
sauter sur. 

Pounce, n, pouns. Pumice; a powder 
to prevent ink from spreading on 
paper after erasures. 

Polvere di pomice. 
Poudre de pierre de ponce; sandaraque 

Bound, », bound. A boundary; a limit. 

Limite ; termine; confine. 
Limite; borne; rebondissement. 

Pound, n, pound. A standard English 

weight ; a coin consisting of twenty 
Libbra ; lira sterlina. 
Livre sterling ou vin 
livre (espéce de poids). 
Bowel, 7, bou’el. An intestine. 
Intestin; entraille. 

Bowl, n, bol. A round mass or ball, 
used for play by rolling it on a level 
plat of ground; a round, concave 
vessel, to hold soup, liquors, &c. 

schellings ; 


Boccia (giuoco di bocce) ; scodella; | 

Boule; bol; grande tasse; godet. 
Boy, %, boi. A male child. 
Garcon ; enfant. 
Buoy, n, boi. A floating mark to point 
out shoals, rocks, &c.; an anchor, 

Gavitello; segnale; boa dove si getta 

l’ ancora. 
Bouée: chose flottante pour indiquer 
les écueils. 
Bracer, a, bras’ér. Girdle; string. 
Cintura ; benda ; fascia. 
Ceinture ; bandage. 
Brasier, n, bra’zhér. One who works in 
brass ; a pan for holding coals. 
Calderaio; caldano. 
᾿ Chaudronnier. 
_ Braid, vt, brad. To weave; to knit or 
wreathe ; to intertwine. 
Tessere insieme; intrecciare capelli, ὅσο. 
Tresser ; tisser; entrelacer. 

Brayed, pp, brad. Verb To bray; to | 

break into small pieces; to pound; 
to grind small. 
Dal verbo To bray: Pestare, polveriz- 

zare. | 
Du verbe To bray: Piler; broyer; | 


Prayed, pp, pra'd. From verb To pray. 
Dal verbo To pray: Pregare; supplicare. 
Du verbe To pray: Prier; supplier. 

Brake, », brak. A place overgrown with 

briars, &c.; an instrument to break 
flax, clods, &c.; a contrivance for 
retarding the motion of carriage 

Maschia; felceto; madia; macchina 
per rallentare il corso delle ruote. 

Broussailles; buisson; brisoir; ma- 
chine qui sert 4 ralentir le cours 
de roues. 

Break, vt, brak. To sever by fracture; 

to rend; to burst open; to crush. 
Rompere; spezzare; infrangere. 
Rompre; Briser. 
Brawn, ἡ, bran. The flesh of a boar; 
muscular strength. 
Carne di cinghiale; carne soda. 
Chair de pore. 
Brown, a, broun. Of a dusky colour 
inclining to red and black. 

Bray, vi, bra. To break into small 



pieces; to pound, beat, or grind 

small; to roar like an ass. 
Pestare ; polverizzare; rompere ἴῃ 

frantumi; ragliare. 
Piler; broyer; pulvériser. 

Pray, vi, pra. To beg; to beseech; to 
implore; to address the Supreme 
Being with solemnity and rever- 

Pregare ; supplicare. 
Prier ; supplier. 

Prey, n, pra. Property taken by force; 
spoil; plunder ; that which is seized 
by violence to be devoured. 

Preda; rapina. 
Proie; rapine; ravage. 

Brays, vi, braz. Verb To bray, 8rd pers. 
sing. ind. pres. tense. 

Dal verbo To bray, 85 pers. sing. 

pres. dell’ ind. 
Du verbe To bray, 89 pers. sing. prés. 
de l’ind. 

Braze, vt, braz. To cover or solder 
with ‘brass, or an alloy of zinc and 

Saldare ; coprire di rame. 
Souder avec du cuivre. 

Prays, vi, praz. Verb To pray, 3rd pers. 
sing. ind. pres. tense. 

Verbo To pray, 8* pers. sing. pres. 
dell’ ind.: Egli prega. 

Verbe To pray, 8° pers. sing. prés. de 
Vind.: Π prie. 

Praise, n, praz. Value acknowledged ; 
admiration expressed. 

Lode ; elogio; laude. 
Louange ; éloge. 

Preys, npl, praz. 

Plurale di Prey. 
Pluriel de Prey. 

Breach, ”, bréch. A break; infringe- 
ment ; ; quarrel; injury. 

Breccia; rottura; infrangimento. 
Bréche; rupture ; infraction. 

Breech, n, bréch. The lower part of the 
body behind where it divides into 
two legs ; 

Plural of Prey. 

the hinder part of a gun 
or anything else. ’ 
Il deretano; culatta di cannone. 
Le postérieur ; la culasse d’uri canon. 
Bridge, n, brij. Any structure across a 
river, &c.; to furnish a passage. 
Preach, vi, préch. To pronounce a public 
discourse from a text of scripture, 
on the gospel, &c. 

a τις 
meal baked 
Bred, pp, bred. Educated. 
Breath, n, breth. The air drawn into 
! and expelled from the lungs in 
Fiato; alito. 
Haleine; respiration. 
- Breadth, n, Ὁ 
sion of anything. 

a0, a 

Breathe, vi, bréth. To draw into and 
eject air from the lungs; to live; 
to take breath. 


_ _ Respirer. 

Breve, ”, brév. (Mus.) A short note; a 
note in music equal to two semi- 

Me} Breve (nota musicale). 
es Mus.) Double ronde. 
Brief, a, bréf. Short; concise. 

Breve; corto; conciso. 

_ Abrégé; résumé; bref; court. 

NPR eee Pry ee eee eae Os 


x prepare ale or beer from an infusion 
of malt. 

Dal verbo To brew: Fare la birra. 

Du verbe To brew: Fabriquer la bitre. 

regard, or think and ponder with 
long anxiety ; a hatch; offspring. 
Stare sulle uova; covare; maturare 
un progetto; pensarci sopra. 
ee Couver ; faire miirir; soigner; entre- 
tenir; réfiéchir soigneusement. 
Bruit, n, brét. A noise spread abroad ; 
report; rumour ; fame. 
Far correre voce ; vociferare. 
Bruit; nouvelle ; rapport. 
Brute, a, brét. Irrational; 
rough; uncivilised. 
Insensato ;" bestiale; rozzo. 
Brute; béte; un brutal. 
Prude, n, préd. A woman affectedly 
prudent; of great reserve and 
scrupulous nicety. 
= Schizzinosa ; schifiltosa; spigolistra. 
ἘΞ Prude; femme qui affecte d’étre cir- 
conspecte, réservée et vertueuse. 

Bea ἢ ὦ Ὁ Sa 

bestial ; 

Pee Re Δ a 7 



ead, n, bred. Food made of flour or 

redth. The broad dimen- 

Brewd, pp, bréd. From verb To brew; to | 

Brood, vi, bréd. To sit, as on eggs; to | 


Brewing, bro’ing. The quantity 
brewed at once. 

La quantita di birra che se ne fa in 
una volta. 

La quantité de bitre faite en une seule 

Bruin, n, bro’in. The brown animal; 
a familiar name given to a bear. 

La bestia bruna; nome famigliare che 
designa |’ orso. 

L’animal ou béte brun; l’ours. 

Brews, vt, briz. From verb To brew: 
To prepare as ale or beer; 8rd pers. 
sing. ind. mood, pres. tense. 

Dal verbo To brew: Fare birra: 85 
pers. sing. pres. dell’ ind. 

Du verbe To brew: Faire la biére: 89 
pers. sing. prés. de ]’ind. 

Bruise, vt, bréz. To dash together, so 
as to break or reduce to small frag- 
ments; to make a contusion on the 

Ammaccare ; contusionare ; 

Bosser; contusionner; écraser; piler. 

Brick, », brik. A square mass of burned 
clay, used in building, &c. 



Brig, n, brig. A vessel with two masts. 



| Prick, vt, prik. To pierce with a sharp- 
pointed instrument or substance. 

Pungere con qualche cosa puntita. 

Piquer; percer. 

Prig, n, prig. A wiseacre; fop; con- 

Saputello; sguaiatello; presuntuoso. 

Un impertinent; un petit maitre; un 


Bridal, m, brid’al. A bride or wedding 
feast ; a wedding. 


|  Nuptial. 

Bridle, n, bri'dl. The strap or instru- 
ment by which a horse is governed 
by the rider. 


Bride; frein. 

Bride, , brid. A woman espoused or 
contracted to be married. 

Sposa novella. 

La fiancée; l’épouse. 

Pride, n, prid. An unreasonably high 
opinion of one’s superiority; a noble 




Brighten, vt, brit’n, To make bright; 
to increase the lustre of. 
Lustrare ; fare pid lucido. 
Eclaircir; faire briller. 
Brighton, n, brit‘on. A borough and 

watering-place in England, county | 

of Sussex. 

Un borgo e luogo di bagnatura in | 

Un bourg et lieu de bains de mer 

Brim, m, brim. The rim or brink of | 
anything ; the upper edge of the © 

mouth of a vessel. 
Orlo; lembo ; margine. 
Bord; extrémité. 
Prim, a, prim. Formal; precise. 
Attecchito; diritto; eretto. 
__ Affecté ; tiré a quatre épingles. 
‘Bring, vt, bring. To lead or cause to 
come; to conduct; to lead by 
Recare ; portare. 
Apporter ; amener: conduire. 
Brink, n, brink. The border of a steep 
ee, as of a river, cliff, precipice, 

Orlo; Ὕ orlo d’ un margine, d’ un preci- 
Bord ; extrémité. 

Bristle, n, bris’l. 

Setola (pelo del porco). 
Soie de cochon ou de sanglier. 

Bristol, n, brist’ol. A city of England, 
chiefly i in Gloucestershire. 

Una citta d’ Inghilterra, che in gran 
parte si estende in Gloucestershire. 

Une ville en Angleterre extensible en 
grande partie dans le comté de 

Britain, », bri‘tén. Pertaining to Great 
Britain (England). 

Britannia (Gran Britannia) Inghil- 

Bretagne (Grande Bretagne) Angle- 

Briton, n, brit‘on. A native of Britain. 

. Britanno. 


Broach, », broch. A brooch; an orna- 
mentai pin or buckle used to fasten 
dress; a jewel. 

. Spillo a medaglione; spillone ; gioiello. 

The stiff hair of a 



Brooch, n, brich. The same as Broaeh. 
Lo stesso come Broach. 
Méme chose que Broach. 

Broad, a, briid. Wide; extensive. 
Largo; esteso. 
Large; ample. 

Broth, n, broth. Liquor in which flesh 
is boiled and macerated. 


Broom, ”,brém. A shrub having leafless 
branches and yellow flowers; a 
household article used for sweeping 

Ginestra; scopia di ginestra; granata. 
Genét; arbuste ἃ fleurs jaunes; balai. 

Brougham, n, brém. A kind of four- 

wheeled carriage for general use. 
Un carrozzone a quattro ruote. 
Une grande voiture 4 quatre roues. 

Brows, mpl, brouz. The prominent 
ridges over the eyes; the erck of 
hair on them. 

Browse, vt, brouz. To eat or nibble of, 
as the ends of shrubs, &c. 
Mangiare foglie; pascolare. 

Buck, », buk. The male of certain 

animals, as deer, goats, &c. 
Daino; capriolo. 
Daim; chevreuil. 

Bug, n, bug. A disgusting insect that 

infects houses, beds, &c. 
Punaise; insecte puant. 

Bud, », bud. The first shoot or opening 
of a plant or flower; a germ. 

Germoglio; bottone di fiore. 
Germe; jet; bouton ou bourgeon de 

But, conj, but. Without; except; un- 
less; only; however; nevertheless. 

Ma; solamente; eccetto; fuorche. 
Mais; or; si; seulement, &c. 

Butt, n, but. The striking end of a 
'thing ; ; a push given by the head of 
an animal; a vessel or cask of 
large capacity. 

Cozzo; bersaglio; botte grande. 
Une butte ; la fin; un but; un muid 
contenant 126 gallons. 

Build, vt, bild. To construct and raise, 
as an edifice. 

Costruire ; fabbricare. 
Construire; bAtir. 


Ἢ Built, pp, bilt. whey the verb To build. ᾿ 
Dal verbo To buil 
Du verbe To baila 


edict issued by the Pope. 
Toro; una bolla del Papa. 
‘Taureau ; une bulle du Pape. 
Pool, n, pil. A marsh; a fen; a small 
collection of water in a hollow 

Se aa lagunetta; pozza; pozzan- 
Etang; amas d’eau. 
Pull, vt,pul. Todraw violently towards 
one; opposed to; push. 

Tirer ἃ soi. 

Bully, , bul'li. A noisy, blustering, 
quarrelsome fellow. 

Bravaccio; sgherro. 

Querelleur ; tapageur. 

Pulley, n, pul’ 1é. A small wheel, turn- 
ing on a eg in a block, with a 
furrow or groove on its outside in 
which runs a rope for raising 

Carrucola ; girella. 

Poulie; petite roue sur laquelle passe 
une corde pour élever ef descendre 
des fardeaux. 

Bun or Bunn, 7, bun. A small cake. 

Piccola torta ; ciambella. 

Un petit gateau ; ; fouace. 

Bung,n, bung. The stopple of the orifice 
in the bilge of a cas 

Cocchiume; zaffo ; turacciolo. 

Bondon; tampon. 

Pun,n,pun. A kind of quibble or equivo- 
cation ; a play on words that agree 
or resemble in sound but of dif- 
ferent meaning. 

Giuoco di parole; arguzia. 

_ Faire des calembours. 

Bunch, γι, bunsh. A knob or lump; 
cluster ; a collection; a knot. 

Gobba ; mazzo; grappolo. 

Bosse; tumeur; grappe. 

Punch, τ, punsh. A blow or thrust; a 
drink composed of water, sugar, 
ge κά αι and spirit. The buffoon 
or harlequin of a puppet show. 

Dare un pu ne colpo; punch (bibita) ; 

Poingon; punch (boisson) ; polichinel ; 

Bur, », bér. Constituting the crime of 


EE EF PRE ES eee eee ae δὲν PEE AES 



Bull, », bul. The male of the cow; an 



Butt, n, but. 


Che allude al rubare una casa per 
rottura ; bardana; lappola. 

Bardane (plante); le crime de vol avec 

Burr, n, bér. The down of several 
oe, seed-vessels, fruits, and 

owers; the lobe or lap of the ear. 

La pubescenza di diverse piante, frutta 
e fiori; la punta dell’ orecchio. 

Le bout de loreille; la pubescence ~ 
de différentes plantes, fruits ou 

Pur or Purr, vi, pér. To utter a low 
murmuring continued sound as a 

Tornire; aliter con ronzo come fa il 

Filer; faire le rouet; haleter avec 
bourdonnement comme le chat. 

Burden, n, bér’dn. Load; freight; that 
which is oppressive. 

Soma ; carico ; portata d’un bastimento. 

Fardeau; charge; quantité du charge- 
ment que peut prendre un navire. 

Burthen, n; bér'thn. Same as Burden. 

Lo stesso che Burden. 

La méme chose comme Burden. 

Bus, ”, bus. Abbreviation of Omnibus. 

Diminutivo di Omnibus. 

Diminutif de Omnibus. 

Buzz, vi, buz. To hum, as bees, &c.; 
to whisper. 

Rombare; ruzzare; come le api, &c.; 

Bourdonner; chuchoter; bourdonner 
comme les abeilles. 

Bush, ἢ, bush. A cluster of trees or 

Cespuglio; frasca. 

Buisson ; arbuste épineux. 

Push, vt, push. To urge forward; to 
drive by pressure. 

Spingere; cacciarsi avanti. 

Puss, n, pus. 

Micio; Micino. 

Minon; minet; petit chat. 

But, conj, but. Without; except; un- 
less; only; however. 

Ma; solamente, nonché; purché, &c. 

Mais; or; si ce n’est; seulement; ne 

ue, &e. 
The striking end of a 
thing; a mark to be shot at; a 
blow by the head. 
Bersaglio; mira; scopo; una testata. 

The fondling name of a 


Une butte; la fin; le dessin; frapper 
de la téte. | 
Butt, n, but. A vessel or cask of large 
capacity, holding 126 gallons. 
Una grossa botte della capacita di 126 
Un muid contenant 126 gallons. ; 
Buy, vi, bi. To purchase; to acquire 
by payment. 
Comperare; far acquisto. 

Cab, », kab. A closed carriage with 
two or four wheels drawn usually 
by one horse. 

Cabriolet ; biroccio. 


~ Cap, ἢ, Κὰρ. A covering for the head. 

Berretta; berrettino; cuffia, &c. 

Bonnet ; casquette ; coiffe. 

Gap, n; gap. An opening; a cleft or 
break ; a breach; a flaw. 

Apertura; fessura o rottura; 
breccia; screpolo. 

Ouverture ; bréche; interstice. 

Cabal, γι, ka-bal’. A number of persons 
united in some secret intrigue; 
secret; artifice. 

Cabala ; congiura. 

Cabale; complot; intrigue. 

Cable, n, ka’bl. The strong rope or 
chain by which the ship is tied to 
the anchor; a large rope or chain. 



Gabble, vi, gab’l. Toprate; to talk fast 
or talk without meaning. 

Cinguettare; parlare o ciaramellare 
presto e confusamente. 

Babiller ; bavarder ; jaser ; baragouiner. 
Gabel, n, gab'l. Excise; tax; duty; 

Gabella; tassa; dazio; tributo. 

Gabelle ; impdét sur les denrées. 

Gable, n, gabl. The triangular or 
pointed end of a house from the 
cornice or eaves to the top. 

Pignone; muro di casa che termina in 

Pignon; partie du mur d’une maison 
qui forme un triangle et porte le 
haut du faitage. 

Cad, a, kad. A man of vulgar manners. 






By, prep, bi. Used to denote the instru- 
ment, agent, cause, means, &c.;_ 
at, near, close to, with, in, for. 

Da, per, a, di, presso, vicino, &c. 
Par, du, dés, &e. 

Bye, n, bi. A village; a dwelling; a 
way; by and bye. 

Un villaggio; dimora; una via; (by 
and bye) appresso. 

Un village; demeure; domicile; (by 
and bye) ἃ plus tard. ! 


Mascalzone ; uomo volgare. 
Vaurien ; voyou. 
Cat, n, kat. A domestic animal of the 
feline tribe, that catches mice. 
Gad, n, gad. A sting; a goad; a wedge 
or ingot of steel or iron. 
Pezzo d’ acciajo; bulino; conio; pun- 
Acier en lingots ou en barres; aiguil- 
lon; piquant des animaux. 
Cadiz, », ka'dis. A province of Spain. 
Una provincia nella Spagna. 
Une province d’Espagne. 
Caddis, n, kad'dis. A kind of worsted 
lace or ribbon. 
Nastrodi filo o lana; verme della paglia. 
Grosse serge; sorte de droguet croisé; 
-  espéce de ver. 
Cadge, vi, kadj. To carry a back-burden, 
a load, a weight. 
Portare una soma, un peso. 
Porter une charge sur le dos. 
Cage, n, kaj. An inclosure formed of 
wire, twigs, &c., with or without a 
wooden frame, for confining birds, 

beasts, &c. 
Gage, n, gaj. A pledge; something laid 

down as a security or thrown down 
as a challenge. 

Impegnare ; dare in pegno; scom- 
mettere; pegno. 

Gage; nantissement. 

Gauge, vt, gaj. To measure or ascertain 

the contents as of a cask, &e. 

Stazare; scandagliare o misurare il 

* contenuto di una botte. 
Jauger; mesurer avec la jauge. 

be Boe, n, kaj. A chantry chapel inclosed 
swith lattice or screen work. 
— Una ee di chiesa chiusa da 

Chapelle ee une église, renfermée 
par des treillis. 
Cesar, n, sé'zér. A name. 
_Un nome (Cesare). ; 
Un nom (César). 
_ Seissors, n, sizors. A cutting instru- 
ment, resembling shears, but 

ΒΒ το. Cleft; rent; 

τ΄ Seissura; fessura, 

> _ Fente; crévasse. 

-- , n, sez'ir. Act of being seized, 

π᾿ taken possession of; a catching ; 

#8 state of being seized by warrant, 

~ with disease, &c. 

: Sequestro; staggina. 

ἘΝ Saisie. 

τς Sizar, n, si’ziir. A student of the lowest 
in a university, who eats at 
the public table, after the fellows, 
free of expense 

‘Uno studente dozzinante, in qualche 

᾿ς universita. 

Ecolier servant dans une université. 
pee | kag. Ste small cask or barrel 
πύρα τᾷ γα ο botte piccola (vedi Keg). 

__ Espece de baril ; caque (voir Keg). 

Gag, vt, gag. “To thrust something into 
the throat, into or over the mouth, 
80 as to hinder speaking. 

Sbarrare la bocca per impedire la 

la; imbavagliare. 

Bai er; mettre un baillon. 

Cairn, x, kim. A rounded heap of 
stones, erected as a sepulchral 

Mucchio di pietre ; tumolo. 

en de pierres; tumulus; tom- 

| u. 
Kern, n,kérnt. An Irish foot soldier of 
: the lowest rank. 

_ Un soldato irlandese d’ infanteria, del 
_ pid basso rango. 

E Soldat; fantassin irlandais. 

_. @Caldron, ἡ, kaAl’dron. A large kettle 
or boiler for heating or boiling 

Caldaja a}; pajuolo grande. 

Chaudron ; chauditre. 


Chaldron, n, chil'dron. An English 
measure for coals. 
Misura inglese di 86 moggi di carbon 

Mesure de charbon de terre (anglaise) 
ui contient 36 boisseaux. 

Calendar, », ka’len-dér. A register of 
the months, weeks, and days of the 
year, &c.; an almanac. 

Calendario ; almanacco. 
Calendrier ; almanach. 

Calender, n, ka/len-dér. A machine or 
hot press, to press clothes and make 
them smooth or glossy ; a mangle. 

Calendre; machine pour lustrer le drap. 

Calenture, n, kalent/ire. Malignant 

Febbre maligna. 
Calenture ; espéce de fiévre avec délire. 

Cullender, n, kul’en-dér. A strainer. 

Colatojo ; cola. 
Passoire; chausse. 

Calf, n, kif. The young of the cow; the 
fleshy protuberant part of the leg 

Vitello; polpaccio. 
Veau; ἰδ mollet. 

Calve, vi, κἂν. To bring or cast forth a 

calf, as a cow. 
Fare un vitello; figliare. 
Véler; mettre bas (en parlant des 

Called, pp, k4l'ld. From the verb To 

Dal verbo To call : Chiamare; chiamato. 
Du verbe To call: Appeler; appelé. 
Coaled, dy pbs kol’d. From the verb To 

Dal + verbo To coal: Fare o prendere 
carbone fossile come provvista. 
Du verbe To coal: Se provisionner ou 
faire provision de charbon. 
Cold, a, kold. Not hot; chill; shivering. 
Colt, n, kilt. A young male of the horse 

Puledro (giumento). 
Cooled, pp, koéld. From the verb To cool. 
Dal verbo To cool (rinfrescare): 
Du verbe To cool: Rafraichir; rafratchi: 
Galled, pp, gild. From the verb To gall. 
Dal verbo To gall : Scorticare ; piagare ; 
scottare; crucciare. 


Du verbe To gall: Ecorcher; facher ; 
piquer; harasser ; chagriner. 

Gold, n, gold. A very precious (yellow), 
‘the most ductile and malleable of 
all the metals. 



Calk, vt, kak. To press or drive oakum 
into the seams of, as of a ship, to 
make them water-tight. 

Calafatare; ristoppare una nave. 

Cauk, n, kak. Marcasite, a pant fossil. 

Coke, n, kok. Fossil coal, charred. 
Carbone fossile, cui ὃ tolto lo zolfo; 

carbone estinto. 
Charbon de terre 4 moitié brfilé. 

Call, vt, kal. To name; to style; to 

~~Chiamare; nominare o dare un nome. 
Appeler ; nommer; faire venir. 

Caul, n, kAl. A membrane in the abdo- 
men covering the greatest part of 
the lower intestines. 

Integumento; rete piccola; cuffia a 
mod di rete. 
Tégument; coiffe. 

Gall, n, gil. The oak-apple; the bile. 
Fiele ο il sacco del fiele; noce di galla. 
Fiel ; bile; noix de galle. 

Gaul, n, gil. Aname of ancient France ; 

also an inhabitant of Gaul. 
La Gallia, antico nome della Francia 
o un abitante della Gallia. 
La Gaule (La France). 
Caller, a, c4l'ér. One who calls. 
Colui che chiama ; chiamatore. 
Celui qui appelle. 
Choler, n, ko'lér. Anger; wrath; irrita- 
tion of the passions. 
Collera; ira; bile; stizza. 
Bile; colére. 

Collar, γι, kol’lér. 
neck; part of the dress that sur- 
rounds the neck; a dog-collar. 

Collare; bavero. 
Collet ; collier; carcan. 

Colour, n, Κα! έν. Hue; tint; the ap- 
pearance which bodies present to 
the eye. 

Couleur; le teint. 

Culler, n, kul’ér. One who culls, or 
picks out and separates one or 
more things from others. 



Something round the 


Chi sceglie ; chi coglie. 
Celui qui cueille ; qui choisit. 

Callet, v2, kal'let. To rail or scold. 
Ingiuriare; svilaneggiare; oltraggiare. 
Injurier ; outrager. 

Callid, a, kal'id. Crafty ; cunning. 
Astuto; sagace; scaltro. 

Fin; rusé; adroit; subtil. 

Calling, pn, kal'ing. Act of one who 
calls; that which a person is called 
upon or required to. direct his 
attention to; business; profession. 

L’ atto di chi chiama ; vocazione ; 
mestiere; impiego. 
Ree espe: vocation ; métier; 


Galling, eh gal'ing. Adapted to fret 
or chagrin ; vexing. 

Che scortica; crucciante; scottante ; 
acerbo ; amaro; dolorosissimo. 
Ecorchant; contrariant; vexant. 

Callous, a, kal’‘lus. Hardened; unfeel- 
ing; obdurate. 

_ Indurito; calloso; insensibile. 

Endurci; calleux ; insensible. 
Callow, a, kal’/ld. Bald; destitute of 
feathers ; naked; unfledged. 
Nudo; spiumato; senza piume. 
Sans plumes; nu; jeune. 
Gallows, n, gal'ldz. A cross; a gibbet. 
Forca; patibolo. © 
Potence ; gibet. 

Calm, a, kim. Still; free from wind; 

peaceable; serene ; composed. 
Calmo; calma. 
Calme; tranquille. 

Cam, n, cam. Crooked; bent; a 

Storto; piegato; una curva. 
Tortu; courbé; courbure. 

Qualm, n, kwiim. A fainting; a sudden 
fit of nausea; a scruple or uneasi- 
ness of conscience. 

Nausea; schifo; voglia di vamitare. 
Nausée; langueur soudaine ; défail- 

Calvary, 7, kal’va-ri. A place of skulls; 
Mount Calvary, where Christ was 

1 ἐκ φὸν ove fu crocifisso Gesi 
Calvaire "δὰ Jésus-Christ fut crucifié. 

Cavalry, n, ka’val-ri. A body of horse- 
soldiers, or of military troops 

Cavalerie; soldats 4 cheval, 

3 ‘came, hea kim. Verb To come, ind. imp. 

Verbo To come, ind. imperf.; venire, 

Verbe iy come, ind, imparf.; venir, 

4 venu 

_ Game, My αὶ am. 

a Npiercise or pl 

-- τ 

rt of any kind; an 
y for amusement or 

τ Diporto; aus partita; caccia; 

τὰ cacciagione. 

4 singe agama 3 jeu; partie; gibier. 

ame kan. A cup or vessel for 
uors ; 

- Piccola secchia di latte o di rame. 
Ξ “gga βαρ es ἀὼ 
he vtt, ken Ὁ know; 
distance ; to desery. 

Vista; mira; pros 

scorgere; veder 

Vue; étendue ou portée de la vue. 

Cancel, vt, kan'sel. To cross the lines 
“of, as of a writing; to obliterate; 

3 to revoke. 

_ Seancellare; annullare; estinguere. 

 Canceller ; biffer; effacer. 

Chancel, n, chan’sel. That part of a 
church where the altar or com- 

- munion-table is placed, inclosed 
with lattices. 
- Santuario; coro (di chiesa). 
- Sanctuaire ; cancel (d’église). 

Candid, a, kan’did. Fair; open; sin- 
--- eere; ingenuous. 
a Candido; schietto; ingenuo; aperto. 

a Candide; ingénu; ‘franc. 

_ Candied, a, kan’did. Preserved with 

sugar or incrusted in it. 
Candito ; confetto. 
Candi; cristallisé. 

‘Candle, m, kan’dl. A torch; a light; 
tallow, wax &c., of a cylindrical 
form surrounding a wick, used to 
give a light. 

τς Chandelle ; bougies. 

—Cantle, n, kan’tl. A piece ; a morsel. 

; Pezzo; tozzo. 

Morceau ; fragment. 

tet m, kan‘dér. Fairness; frank- 

Ἢ ness; sincerity; ingenuousness. 

~ Candore; sincerita ; ingenuita. 
Candeur ; ; ingénuité ; franchise. 
σαι n, kan'tér. A moderate gallop. 
_ Piccolo galoppo. 

Le petit galop. 

to see at a 

tto; scoprire; 
a lontano; rav- 

~ eae Tse Ἢ é 

gables tee aoe 



Gander, n, gan'dér. 

Tl maschio dell’ oca. 
Jars; le male de l’oie. 
Cane, n, kin. A reed; a walking-stick. 
Canna ; bastone; bastoncino. 
Roseau ; canne ; "baton. 
Cain, n, kan. Adam’s first son. 
Caino, primogenito figlio d’Adamo. 
Cain, fils ainé d’Adam. 

Cannon, ”,kan’nun. A great gun. 
Canon; piece d’artillerie. 

Canon, n, kan’on. A dignitary of the 
Church ; a rule of doctrine or disci- 

Canonico ; canone ; statuto della chiesa. 
Canon, dignitaire de l’église; livres 
sacrés; le droit canon; chanoine. 

Cantlett, », kant‘let. A little corner; a 
piece ; a fragment. 

Cantoncino ; un pezzo o frammento. 
Coin; petit morceau; fragment. 

Gauntlet, n, gant'let. A large iron glove 
with fingers covered with small 
plates, formerly worn by cavaliers 
armed at all points. 

Guanto ferrato (guerresco), 
Gantelet; gant revétu de fer. 

Canvas, , kan’vas. A coarse cloth 
made of hemp or flax; sail-cloth; 
sails of ships. 

Canavaccio; tela da vele. 
Canvas; grosse toile pour voile. 

Canvass, vt, kan'vas. To sift something 
as if through canvas; to scrutinise ; 
to solicit the votes of. 

Crivellare dal canavaccio; sollecitare 
suffragi, voti, &c. 
Solliciter ; demander le vote. 

Cape, , kap. The head or termination 
of a neck of land extending into the 
sea; a headland. 

Capo; promontorio. 
Cap; ‘promontoire. 

Gape, vi, gap. To open the mouth 
wide; to yawn. 

Sbadigliare ; spalancare la bocca, 
Bailler; ouvrir des grands yeux. 

Capital, a, kap’it-al. Affecting the head 
or life; first in importance ; chief; 
the stock of a bank, tradesman, ὃ 
large letter, &c. 

Capitale ; principale ; majuscolo, 

The male of the 

Capital; principal; important; ma 
Capitol or Capitole, n, kap’it-ol. The 




temple of Jupiter in Rome, built 
on Mount Saturnius. 

Il Campidoglio di Roma; (America) 
la camera dei deputati. 

Capitole; temple de l’ancienne Rome ; 
(Amérique) la chambre des dé- 


Captor, ἡ, kap’tér. One who takes, as 
ὃ prisoner or a prize. 

Chi prende prigione ; chi fa una preda. 
Celui qui fait un prisonnier; celui qui 

Capture, n, kap’tir. Actof taking ; the 
thing taken ; a prize; arrest. 

Cattura; preda; pressura. 
Capture; prise. 

Carat, τη, ka'rat. A weight of four grains 
for weighing diamonds and precious 
stones; a twenty-fourth part of a 
metallic mass—gold, &c. 


Caret, n, Κα τοῦ. In writing, this mark A, 
which shows that something awant- 
ing in the line is mentioned above. 

Una chiamata di una parola mancante 
e sopralineata (segno A per esem- 
plo) in fondo alla pagina. 

Ligne (A) qui indique la place d’un 
mot placé hors de la ligne. 

Carrot, n, ka'rot. . A yellowish or reddish 
esculent root of a tapering form. 

Carota, radice rossa. 

Carotte; plante potagére. 

Garret, n, ga'ret. That part of a house 

which is on the upper floor imme- 
diately under the roof. 

Solajo: soffitta ; stanza al tetto. 

Grenier ; galetas. 

Garrote or Garrotte, n, ga-rot’. A mode 
of capital punishment in Spain ; to 
strangle with the garrote. 

Strumento per infliggere la pena capi- 
tale in Ispagna; strangolare. 

Instrument pour infliger la peine 
capitale en Espagne; étrangler. 

Card, », kird. A paper or piece of 
pasteboard with figures used in 
games; a piece of pasteboard con- 
taining a person’s name, 

Carta da giuoco; biglietto da visita. 

Carte ἃ jouer; carte de visite. 

Cart, n, kart. A carriage of burden 
with two wheels. 



Chart, n, chart. A card; amarine map. 

Carta geografica o da navigazione ὁ 
Une carte marine. 
Career, n, ka-rér. A course; a race; a 
rapid running; general course of 
action; procedure. 
_ Carriera; corso. 
Carriere; course; genre de vie. 
Carrier, n, ka'ri-ér. One who bears, 
conveys or carries, &. 
Portatore ; spedizioniere; messagero. 
Porteur; messager ; roulier. 
Carlin, ἡ, kar'lin. A stout old woman. 
Donna vecchia e grossa. 
Une vieille et grosse femme. 
Carling, n, kar'ling. A piece of timber 
in a ship; a ship’s kelson. 
Paramezzale; scassa dell’ albero di un 

Carnal, a, kar’nal. Fileshy; sensual; 
pertaining to flesh. 

Carnale ; sensuale ; lussurioso. 
Charnel; sensuel; voluptueux. 

Carnel, a, karn'el. Chaotic; shapeless. 
Confuso; in confusione; senza forma. 
Confus; sans ordre; informé. 

Carol, », ka’rol. A song of joy and 
exultation ; a song of devotion; a 

Canto d’ allegrezza; carola; cantico 
religioso, del Natale, &c. 
Chanson joyeuse—d’église. 

Carrol, n, kar'rol. A small closet. . 

Gabinetto piccolo; cameretta piccola; . 
Petit cabinet; petite chambre. 

Carrel, , kar'rel. A square stone. 
Un sasso o pietra quadra. 

Une grosse pierre carrée. 
Carter, », kirt’ér. One who owns or 
drives a cart or team. 
Carrettiere; carrettajo. 
Charretier ; voiturier. 

Charter, n, char’tér. A writing given 
as evidence of a grant, contract, 
ἄο. | 

Patente; privilegio; costituzione. 
Charte; constitution. 

Garter, n, gir'tér. A string or band | 

used to tie a stocking to the leg. 
Legaccio; giarrettiera. 
Jarretiere. : 

Cashmere, 7, kash’mér. A rich and ~ 
costly kind of shawl, so called from — 
Cashmere in India, the country 



hl ain Sh te 

where first made. 

ΠΝ a hel a: eae a a 
a Gay ASR De ie Steer tes 
iS ike aie ἐν εν 

Gas ἢ 
᾿ Beiallo di gran valore indiano. 
Schill ou chale indien de valeur. 

Oassimere, nm, kas’si-mér. A twilled 
-_- woollen cloth. - 
- Pannino di lana fina; casimir. ~ 
- Casimir; étoffe de laine fine et croisée. 
a n, kask. A vessel for containing 
e - Bot ; barile. 
¥ ᾿ ‘Tonneau ; baril. 
ue, n, kask. A head-piece ; a 

5 EGisachetto; elmo. 
a Casque ; armure pour la téte. 
Cast, υ vt, kast. To throw; to drive from 
a - by ‘force ; to impel by violence; to 
throw oft ; to defeat; to condemn } 
ς΄ to model. 

Gettare; buttare; lanciare; fondere. 

 L’action de jeter; jeter ; ; lancer; 
Caste, n, kast. Atribe; a distinct order 
. in society. 

Casta; ceto. 

Caste; tribu; race. 
Chaste, a, chast. Unpolluted ; free from 
Ζ _ impure desires or from illicit inter- 
Ε: course. 
- 4 Casto ; onesto ; re 
3 pudique, — 
ter, Ἢ, kas’tér. A small phial for 
the table out of which something 
is shaken; a small wheel on a 
‘swivel on which a table Wc. is 
rolled on the floor. 
~ Caraffa; girella; girolletta; una ruo- 
tina sopra un perno. 
Carafe; roulette. 
, n, kas’tér. 

Th castoro 
We castor: quadrupéde amphibie. 

, vt, kach. Ὁ lay hold on; to 
take and hold fast; to seize. 
“ Acchiappare afferrare ; impugnare. 

_ Attraper ; se saisir de. 

Ketch, mk Ny kech. A vessel with two masts, 
ο΄ ἃ main and mizen mast. 
_ Tartana ; ; goletta. 

- Caique ; galiote ἃ bombes. 
Jaterer, n, ka'tér-ér. A provider or 
___ purveyor of provisions. 
Provveditore di viveri, &c.; maggior- 
᾿ domo. . 


haven, nN, gath’ ér-ér, One who gathers 
or collects. 
ee radunatore; collettore. 

The beaver. 

pre ge 
val a phate τι 




Celui qui cueille ; collecteur; celui qui 
Cauf, m, kaf. A box with holes in it for 
"keeping fish alive in the water. 
Cassa bucata da tener pesci vivi nel 


Banneton ; coffre troué pour garder le 
poisson en vie 

Coff, n, kof. The offal of pilchards. 

li avvanzi, il rifiuto o i ritagli del 

pesce saracca. 

Les restes ou les rébuts d’un poisson 
ressemblant au hareng. 

Cough, n, kof. A violent convulsive 
effort of the lungs to throw off 
offending matter. 



Cause, ”, kiz. That which produces an ~ 
effect ; an efficient agent; reason. 

Causa; cagione; ragione. 

Cause; motif; raison. 

Caws, vi, kiz. Fromthe verb To caw: 
it cries like a crow, rook, or raven. 

Dal verbo To caw: Crocitare come i 
corvi, &c.; 3° pers. sing. indicativo 

Du verbe To caw: Croasser; crier 
comme le corbeau; 3° pers. sing. 
ind. prés. 

Caw, vi, ka. To cry like a crow, rook, 
or raven. 

Crocitare come i corvi, &c. 

Croasser; cri du corbeau. 

Cow, n, kou. The female of the bull. 


C, letter, sé. A letter of the alphabet. 
Lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Lettre de l’alphabet. 
Sea, n, sé. A large body of water; the 
ocean; the main. 
See, vt, sé. To perceive by the eye; 

(n) the seat of episcopal power; 
the seat of the Pope, or his court 
of Rome. 
Vedere; sede episcopale ; 
papale o la corte del Papa. 
Voir (”); le saint siége; la cour de 

Ceiling, », sél’ing. The upper horizontal 
or curved surface of a room opposite 
the floor. 

Soffito ; palco; volta. 

la sede 

Cea | 

Sealing, pn, sél’ing. Act of affixing a 
Il sigillare. 
Action de sceller; action d’apposer un 

Cease, vi, sez. To leave off; to give 

over; to desist; to fail; to stop. 
Cessare; tralasciare. 

Seas, mpl, séz. Plural of Sea. 

plurale di mare; mari. 
(Plur. de mer) Mers. 

Sees, v, sez. From verb To see; 3rd 

pers. sing. ind. mood pres. tense. 
Dal verbo To see: Vedere; egli vede. 
Du verbe To see: Voir; il voit. 
Seize, vt, séz. To take possession of, by 
force ; to grip suddenly ; to clutch. 
Afferrare ; impadronirsi con forza ; 
S’emparer ; saisir. 

Cedar, n, sé ‘der. A large evergreen tree 
remarkable for its timber of great 
durability and odour. 

L’ albero del cedro. 
Cédre; pin du Liban. 

Ceder, a, sé'dér. One who cedes. 
Colui che cede. 

Cede, vt, séd. Togiveup; to a 

“to resign. 
Cedere; concedere; abbandonare ; 

darsi per vinto. 

Seed, n, 5884. That which is sown or 
planted; the substance, animal or 
vegetable, which nature prepares 
for the reproduction of the species. 

Seme; semenza. 
Semence; graine. 

Celery, 7, se’ler-ri. An evergreen plant 

of the parsley family. 
Sedano ; appio. 
Céleri: plante potagére. 

Salary, n, sa/la-ri. Pay; recompense 
for services. 

Salario ; paga. 
Salaire; appointements. 

Cell, x, sel. A secluded place; a small 
room ; a cave; a hut. 

Cella ; cameretta ; stanza di frate o 
Cellule; alvéole; cabanon. 

Sell, vt, sel. To give or deliver in ex- 

change for money. 


teh nike 

Cellar, »,sel’lér. An apartment under 
ground, where provisions, oes ss 
&e. are deposited. 

Cellier ; cave. 
Seller, n, sel’ér. 

Censer, ”,sens’ér. A vase or pan where 

incense is burned. 
Incensiere; turibolo. 

_ Encensoir. 

Censor, γι, sen’sér. 
a censurer. 

Censore; critico. 
Censeur } critique. 

Censure, n, sen’shir. Severe judgment; 
act of blaming; reproof. 

Censura; riprensione ; correzione. 
Censure ; critique ; opinion. 

Census, 70, sen’sus. "An enumeration of 
the inhabitants of a country, taken 
by order of the legislature. ~ 

Censo; censimento. 

Senses, n, sens'és. The faculty of feel- 

One who sells. 

One who scrutinises 

ing; perception of the senses, as / 

sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, — 
feeling, &c. 
I sensi, come I’ odoraito, il palato ο 
gustare, la vista, &c. ; icinque sensi. 
Les sens, faculté de sentir, &c.; 
les cing sens. 
Sensuous, a, sens'i-us. 
sense ; 
objects ; full of feeling or passion. 
Sensuale; pieno di 
Tendre; passionné. 
Cent, γι, sent. 
the hundredth part of a dollar. 
Soldo Americano; la centesima parte 
di un dollaro. 
Le sou américain; centime du dollar. 
Scent, n, sent. That which causes the 
sensation of smell; odour; that 
which affects the olfactory organs. 
Odore ; sentore; fiuto. 
Odorat ; odeur; faculté de sentir. 
Send, vt, send. To cause to go; to 
despatch, as on a message ; 
Mandare; inviare; spedire. 
Envoyer; dépécher; faire partir. 
Sent, pp, sent. From the verb To send. 

Dal verbo To send: Mandare; man-— 

dato; inviato; spedito. 

Pertaining to 
connected with sensible 

sentimento ὁ 

An American copper coin, | 






Pp ERP eN σι 

Du path ‘To send: Envoyer; en- 
¢ aaa m, sen'tar. The Centaur, a 
Si fabulous being, half man and Walt 

~ Centauro 

~ Centaur; monstre italeus: 

tre, n, sen’-tér. The middle point of 
anything; the middle of a sphere, 

globe, or circle. 


_ Centre. 
ender, n, send’ér. 
᾿ς Colui che manda. 
_ Envoyeur; celui qui envoie. 
Century, ”, sen’tii-ri, The period of a 
hundred years. 
ce Secolo. 
en mn, sen'tri. A sentinel; a soldier 

placed on guard. 
_ Sentinella ; soldato di guardia. 
ἔς: ᾿ς Sentinelle; soldat en sentinelle. 
re, v, ser. To cover with wax; (9) 
the naked wax-like skin ‘that 
covers the base of the bill in some 
ts ᾿ς (v) Cerare; coprire di cera; (m) una 
fs pellicola. - ‘sottile esterna color di 
τς cera al becco di certi uccelli. 

_ (v) Cirer ; (n) une pellicule comme la 
cire au bec de certains oiseaux. 
Sear or Sere, a ser. To make callous 
Ea “s insensible; dry; withered; no 
« _ longer green or fresh. 

_Inaridire; incallire; disseccare ; render 
ξὶ adusto. 
᾿ _, Bécher ; faner. 

,n, ser. One who sees into futurity ; 

a prophet. 

zente ; indovino ; profeta. 
ui qui voit; celui qui prédit les 
événements futurs. 

‘eal, a, sé’ré-al. Pertaining to corn or 

poe grain, as wheat, rye, &c. 

One who sends. 



’ an sé'ri-al. Pertaining to a series ; 
τ΄ consisting of a series. 

_ Appartenente ad una serie; consistente 
τ diunaserie. *, 

_Appartenant ἃ une série. 

m, ἢ, se’shon. A quitting, sur- 
_ render, resignation. 

se’shon. A sitting; the 




actual sitting or time of sitting, of 
a court, legislature, &c. 

Sessione ; tornata di parlamento, corte, 
legislatura, &e. 

Session ; assemblée de magistrats ou 
de sénate teurs, &c. 

Chafe, vt,chaf. To make warm; to fret 
by rubbing ; to fume or rage; to 

Scaldare; riscaldare; scaldare fre- 
gando ; mettere in collera. 

Echauffer en  frottant ; 

Chaff, n, chaf. The husk of corn and 
grasses; refuse; worthless matter. 

Pula; loppa; pagliuola. 

La balle ou la paille menue qui en- 
veloppe le grain, 

hagrin, ”,sha’grén. 11] humour; vexa- 
tion; fretfulness. 

Malumore; stizza ; affanno. 

Chagrin; mauvaise humeur. 

Shagreen,n,sha'grén. A kind of leather 
Reopened ¢ from the skins of horses, 

es, & 

irriter ; 

Zigrino (pelle). 
Chagrin ; peau de chagrin, préparée ἃ 

Chair, n, chiir. A movable seat. 


Char, n, chiir. A delicious fish of the 
salmon kind; a turn by the day; a 
single job or ‘task. 

Pesce delizioso e saporito della specie 
del salamone ; lavorare a giornata. 

Poisson de la famille du saumon ; 
travail fait dans un jour; travail ἃ 
la journée. 

Share, n, shir. A part of a thing owned 
by a party in common. 

Parte; porzione; azione di strada 
ferrata, ἄο. 
Part ; portion ; action. 

Chaise, m,shaz. A two-wheeled carriage 
drawn by one horse. 

Calesse ; carrozzino a un cavallo. 
Chaise Ν cabriolet. 

Chase, vt, chaz. To pursueas an enemy 
or as game; tohunt; to follow with 

Inseguire, come il nemico; cacciare; 
Poursuivre ; chasser; faire fuir. 

Chalk, », chak. A well-known calca- 
τον (white) earth or carbonate of 




Creta; gesso. 
Craie ; terre blanche; platre. 

Chock, n, chok. A bay, road for ships; 
a ducking. 

Cala; calanca. 
Coin; taquet; cale; calanque. 

Choke, vt, chik. To strangle by com- 
pressing the throat of; to stop or 
block up; to stifle. 

Suffocare; strangolare ; 

Suffoquer; étouffer; étrangler; em- 
pécher; boucher. 

“που, nN, shok. A violent concussion of 
bodies ; offence ; a violent dashing 

Scossa ; cozzo; urto. 
Choc; coup; rencontre. 

Champagne, m, sham’-pan. <A kind of 
brisk sparkling wine from Cham- 
pagne in France. 

Vino di Sciampagna. 
Vin de Champagne. 

Champaign, a,sham!-pin. Open; level ; 

Pianura estesa; campagna apertae rasa. 
Plaine; campagne; pays découvert. 
Chance, », chans. Accident; fortune; 

an event, good or evil; risk; pos- 
sibility of an occurrence. 
Azzardo; caso; sorte; ventura. 
Hasard; chance; accident; sort; cas 

Chants, mpl, chantz. Songs; melodies; 
a peculiar kind of sacred music. 

Canti; melodie; canti da chiesa. 
Chants; mélodies. 

Chandelier, », shan-dé-lér’, A frame 
with branches to hold a certain 
number of candles or lights. 

Candelabro ; lustro; lumiera. 
Chandelier ἃ plusieurs branches ; 
lustre; candélabre. 

Chandler, n, chand'lér. 
seller of candles. 

Candelajo; cerajuolo. 
Chandelier; celui qui fait des chan- 

Chanticleer, n, chan'ti-clér. (Poet.) The 
bird that sings or crows clearly; a 

(Poet.) Un gallo. 
(Poés.) Le coq. 

Chapiter, », chap’i-tér. 

capital of a column. 
Capitello, cima di una colonna. 
Chapiteau d’une colonne. 

ingorgare ; 

A maker and 

The head or 


Che — 

Chapter, n, chap'tér. Head of a subject; 
division of a book; a society of 
clergymen belonging to a cathedral — 
or collegiate church. 

Capitolo di libro; di canonici, &e. * 
Chapitre, division d’unlivre; assemblée — 
de chanoines, &c. ES 

Cheat, vt, chét. To defraud; to obtain : 
by trick, artifice, or low cunning ; 
to beguile. 

Ingannare ; truffare; giuntare. : 
Tromper ; ‘filouter ; voler; attraper ; ; 

Chit,n,chit. Asprout;alively, pert child. — 

Germe ; ; stipite; germogliato ; bimbo 
vispo. “ἢ 
Le germe des graines; un bambin. 3 
Check, n, chek. A stop; control; he 
or that which stops; a token. 
Frenare ; reprimere ; riprendere. 
Obstacle ; ᾿ empéchement ; 3 restreinte ; 
frein; réprimande; censure. 

Cheque, n, " chek. An order for money. 

Mandato; assegno; ordine a vista. 
Ordre de payement ἃ vue. 

Cheer, », chér. That which affects thell 
guint with gladness; a shout: 
of joy 

Rallegrare ; confortare ; plaudire. 
Joie; rejouissance; applaudissement. — 

Shear, ‘vt, shér. To cut or clip from the | 
surface of, with an instrument of| 
two blades. 

Tondere ; tosare 
Tondre ; couper avec les ciseaux. 
Sheer, a, shér. Pure or unmingled: 
mere ; perpendicular; clean; at once; | 
Pretto; puro; chiaro; netto; vero. τὺ 
Pur; simple; qui est sans mélange. 
Cherub, nN, che'rub. A celestial spirit } 
an angel of the second order. 

Chirrup, vi, chi'rup. To chirp; ti 
make the lively, cheerful noise 4 
certain small birds or of certai 

Garrire ; pigolare ; piare. 
Gazouiller; crier; piauler; tirelirer; 
chanter des oiseaux. 

Chews, vt, chéz. Verb To chew; 3r. 
pers. sing. ind. mood pres. tense 
to grind with teeth, &c. 

Verbo To chew: Masticare ; egli mas. 

Du verbe To chew: Chiquer; il chigl 
Choose, vt, choz. To pick out; tot 


Δ κῶν, ὑπο λον Lia 


se, ut, hoes. To cheat ; to impose 
os bh 2 to trick or defraud. 
nare ; ἐν mee 

ali τὰ! vehild. That which is born of 
‘woman; an infant. 
mbino; fanciullo. 

hilde, n, child. Formerly a noble 

_ youth ; a cognomen prefixed to the 

sid 4 Ἐρητμὸ name by the eldest son. 
mfante; cavaliere ; nobil’ uomo. 

Infante ; chevalier. 

e, 22, “chim, The sound of bells in 

harmony ; to coincide; to agree. 

ampanio ; scampanata ; suono armo- 

nioso di campane. 


16 μας ‘kim. The pulp formed by the 

food after it has undergone the 

action of the stomach. 


Se rebin. The part of the face 
μοῦ the under lip; the point of 
the under jaw. 



Thine, n, chin. The ridge of the back; 
a piece of the backbone of an 

na; il filo delle reni; la spina di 
: una bestia. 
E hine; épine du dos; |’échinée d’un 

mn, kwir. A body of singers ina 
urch; that part of a church 
e appropriated for the singers. 
‘Coro di chiesa o di teatro; coro di 

shy ; troupe de musiciens; partie 
‘ τῇ Véglise ot les chantres sont 

wire, γι, kwir, Twenty-four sheets of 

mo di 24 fogli di carta. 
main de papier (24 feuilles). 

Choler, », ko’lér. Anger; wrath; irri- 

tation of the passions. 
. Collera; bile; ira; stizza. 
Bile; coltre. 

Collar, n, kél'lér. Something round the 

neck of a dog, or part of dress. 
Collare ; bavero. 
Collet; collier; carcan. 

Colour, n, kul'ér. Hue; tint. 

Colore; tinta. 
Couleur ; teint. 

Colwre, n, ko'lir. (Astron.) The colures, 
two great circles supposed to inter- 
sect each other at right angles in 
the poles of the world. 

rane | Colure (i coluri). 
(Astron.) Colure (les colures). 

Ouller, n, Καὶ’ νυ. One who culls, sepa- 
rates, or picks out, as one thing 
from another. 

Chi sceglie ; chi coglie. 
Celui qui cueille, qui choisit. 

Choral, a, kd’ral. Belonging to a choir 
or concert. 

Di coro; cantabile a coro. 
De cheeur. 

Coral, n, ko'ral. A hard caleareous sub- 
stance, red, white, or black, found 
in the ocean. 

Corail, substance marine. 

Chord, », kord. A string of gut used 
for musical instruments. 

Corda di strumento. 
Une corde d’instrument. 

Cord, n, kord. A rope; a band; a sinew. 
Corda; tendine ; legame ; vincolo. 
Corde ; cordon; “ficelle. 

Curd, n, kerd. The thickened part of 

milk which is formed into cheese. 
Latte rappreso; latte quagliato; for- 
Du lait caillé. 

Chough, », chuf. A kind of daw, so 

called from the sound it utters. 
Gracchia (uccello). 
Choucas; espéce de corbeau. 

ΟΣ, Ἢ chuf. A rustic; awkward; 

Torabuso ; rusticone; zotico. 
Un paysan ; un rustre. 
Churl, », chérl. A rude, ill-bred man; 

a robust fellow; a rustic labourer ; 
a miser. 

Uno zotico; un villano; uomo senza 
creanza ; spilorcio. 

Un homme bourru; paysan. 


Curl, vt, kérl. To form into ringlets ; 
to raise in waves; to ripple. 

Arricciare ; inanellare ; increspare; ar- 
ricciare i capelli; increspare le onde. 

Friser; boucler; s’entortiller. 

Chute, ἡ, shdt. A rapid descent in a 
river; a framework thro’ which 
articles glide from a higher to a 
lower level. 

Cascata d’ acqua in un fiume; un 
ordegno di legno sul quale si fa 
scivolare degli oggetti dall’ alto in 

Chite d’eau, des feuilles; chfiite pour 
décharger marchandise. 

Shoot, vt, shot. 
arrow; to let fly and drive with 
force; to kill by a ball, arrow, or 
other thing shot. 

Sparare; tirare; scoccare come frecce ; 
uccidere con ‘pala, freccia, ὅζο. 

Tirer; décharger une arme ἃ feu ; : 
décocher ; ΤΟΝ 

Chyle, », kil. A milky fluid in animals, 
prepared from the chyme, and 
passing into the blood, as the means 
of nutrition. 


Chyle; suc des aliments digérés. 

Keel, n, ΚΒ]. The principal timber in a 
ship, extending from stem to stern 
at the bottom ; alow, flat-bottomed 
coal-vessel ; 21 tons. 

Chiglia ; carena ; misura inglese per car- 
bone fossile eguale a 21 tonnellate. 

_ La quille d’un vaisseau; mesure 
anglaise (21 tonnes). 

Kill, vt, kil. To deprive of life. 

Uccidere ; ammazzare. 

Tuer; faire mourir. 

Kiln, n, kin. <A large stove or oven; a 

_ fabric, of brick, stone, or lime. 

Fornace; fornace da cuocere mattoni, 
pietra, da far calcina. 

Fournaise; fourneau; fournaise pour 
fabriquer des briques, de la chaux, 


Cider, », si’dér. The juice of apples 

expressed; a liquor used for drink. 

Sider, a, sid’ér. One who sides with; 
one who attaches himself to a side 
or party. 

Parteggiatore ; colui che appoggia un 


To cause to dart, as an: 


Cingle, m, sin’gl. A girth; the band or 
strap that binds the saddle to the 
belly of a horse. 

Une sangle de cheval. 

. Shingle, γι, shing’gl. A thin piece of wood 
used as tile or slate for covering — 
buildings; a collection of roundish — 

stones on coasts; an eruptive 
disease of the skin (shingles). 

‘Embrico di legno; tegola piana di © 

legno ; fuoco salvatico (medicina). 
Ais ou planche mince qui sert ἃ couvrir 

les toits; bardeau; dartre, maladie — 

de la peau. 

Single, a, sing’gl. 

Solo; unico; singolare; individuo. 

taire; simple. 

Cit, , sit. A citizen; a young citizen. 
Citadinello pretenzioso ; borghese. 
Un petit bourgeois, 

Sit, v2, sit. 

the body. 
Sedere; sedersi. 

Cite, wt, sit. To summon to appear in a 

court ; to quote. 
Citer; assigner 4 comparaitre. 
Scythe, m, sith. An instrument for! 
mowing grass or cutting grain. 


ce. ; j 

Faux; faucille. 
Side, n, ‘sid. The broad and long part 

of a thing; the part of the body οὔ ἡ 

which one usually lies ; a margin. 
Lato; canto; fianco. 
Coté; flanc; ’pord. 
Sighed, PP, sid. From the verb To sigil 

Separate ; only ; indi- Ὶ 


Seul; particulier; solitaire; céliba- — 

To rest on the lower part on 


imperf. tense, ind. mood; to inhal 
and expire a long breath ‘audibly By 
from grief; to lament. 

Dal verbo To sigh: Sospirare; imp 
mod. ind.; sospirava ; SOSpiro 5 
sospiravamo } sospiravano, ὅζο. 

Du verbe To sigh: Soupirer; soupiré} 
soupirait; soupirons, We. 4 

Sight, n, sit. The act of seeing; faculty 
of vision; a being within the limit 
of vision. : 

Vista; veduta; prospettiva. 

Vue ; ’spectacle ; étendue de pays q 
s’ofire ἃ la vue. ἵ 

Site, n, sit. Situation; place; spo 
a seat or ground-plot. 

uogo; posto; situazione. 
iebation emplacement. 
# ‘citron; m,sit'ron. The fruit of the citron 
tree; a large species of lemon. 

- Sito; ἢ 

Citrine, a, si'trén. The colour of the 
᾿ ᾿ 

_ Color del cedro. 
 Citrin; de couleur de citron. 
7 ΟἹ i, a, klad. (Clothed); 
> covered. 
_ Vestito; coperto. 
 Véetu; habi é; couvert. 
Glad, a, glad. Rejoicing ; ; affected with 
i ae wearing the appearance 
Ps > * Of jo 
ΕΟ δ λον, allegro; lieto; felice. 
"᾿ Aise ; content ; joyeux ; gai. 
Pen m, glad. Any green space or 
x opening in a wood. 
-Luogo aperto e senza alberi, in una 
4g foresta. 
 Clairiére ; avenue au travers d’un bois. 
Clan, x, klan. The children of acommon 
“3 ancestor; a race; a family; a tribe 
- Famiglia; trib; consorteria; razza 
a ne scozzese). 
— Olan; famille; race; tribu; secte; 
Ξ Sg ne tne emp 
vi, kl To make a sharp, 
ey ST ce as by striking metallic 
ς΄ Squillo; suono di tromba; strepito di 
ia scudi o armi percossi insieme. 
ἧς ath son aigu et pergant. 
_ Clank, n, Klangh. The loud, shrill, 
3 ΓΝ sound made by the collision 
ΠΝ of metallic substances. 
i. Cigolid; suono di sciabola o di catena 
% quando si strascica. 
ia  Cliquetis; bruit aigu. 
‘Clarke, nN, klirk. A surname. 
ee. Un cognome inglese. 
_ _ Surnom; nom de famille anglais. 
_ Clerk, n, kirk, One who is employed 
| a as & writer. | 
Ε. Scrivano. 
Clerc; commis. 
Clave, pret, klav. From the verb To 
; cleave; to stick; to adhere with 
τ΄ strong attachment. 
i fe. Dal verbo τὰ cleave : Attaccarsi; ag- 

Du ΠΝ ‘To To cleave: S’attacher. 
4 Giave or Glaive, n, glav. 

dressed ; 


A broadsword. 

Spada larga. 
Epée tranchante; espadon; sabre. 

Class, ων, klas. A rank of persons or 
things; a division; a number of 
pupils of the same standing at the 
same school, 

Classe; rang; ordre; espece. 

Glass, n, glas. A hard, brittle, trans- 
parent substance from which mir- 
rors, drinking vessels &c. are made. 

Verre ; miroir. 

Glaze, vt, glaze. To furnish with glass; 
to polish; to make smooth and 
glossy, as the surface. 

Invetriare; verniciare; smaltare. 
Vitrer ; mettre des vitres 4; vernisser; 

Clause, », klaz. A member of a sen- 
tence; a distinct part of a contract, 
will, &c. 


Claws, n, klaz. The sharp hooked nails 

of a beast, bird, or other animal. 
Griffe ; serres. 

Close, a, kloz. Shut; tight; made fast, 
so as to have no opening; firm ; 

Serrato; ben chiuso; compatto; fitto; 

Pause ; fin; conclusion ; de prés ; d’une 
maniére serrée. 

Clothes, npl, klithz. Whatever covering 
is worn for decency or comfort. 

Vestiti; abiti. 
Habits; habillement; vétement. 

Gloze, vi, gloz. To flatter; to wheedle; 
to fawn; to talk smoothly. 

Piallare; glosare; lusingare ; infinoc- 
Flatter; cajoler; caresser. 

Clamour, 2, klam’ér. A shout or 
cry; loud and continued noise; 

Clamore ; chiasso; schiamazzo. 
Crier; faire du bruit ; vociférer. 

Claymore, n, kla'mor. A Scotch sword 

worn by military men (Scotch). 

La spada che portano i militari 

Grande épée portée par les militaires 

Clean, a, klén. Polished; pure; puri- 
fied; chaste ; innocent ; guiltless. 


Pulito ; lustro. 
Propre; net; pur; élégant. ᾿ 

Glean, vi, glén. To clean, as a field; to 
gather, as the stalks and ears of 
grain which reapers leave behind 

Spigolare; raspollare ; raccogliere. 

Glaner ; ramasser les épis laissés dans 
un champ moissonné; recueillir 
φὰ et 1a. 

Click, vi, klik. To make a short, sharp 
noise, or rather a succession of such 

Cigolare ; tintinnare (come il pendolo 
ἃ’ un orologio). 
Fair tac-tac; cliqueter. 

Clique, n, klék. A party; a coterie; a 
faction; a cabal. 

Frotta; consorteria; ciurma; gema. 
Clique ; camaraderie ; BABOCIsLION 3 

Climb, v2, klim. To creep up step by 
step ; to ascend with labour; or by 
means of tendrils, &c. 

Inerpicarsi; arrampicarsi. 
Monter; gravir. 

Clime, n, klim: A climate; a tract or 
region of the earth. 

Sinonimo di clima; paese; regione. 
Climat ; région; pays. 

Clinch, vt, klinsh. To rivet; to gripe 
with the hand; to hold fast; to 
make firm. 

Ribadire; stringere; serrare. 
Empoigner; river un clou ; tenir ferme, 

Cling, vi, kling. To hang by twining 
round; to adhere closely ; to stick; 
to embrace. 

Avviticchiarsi ; aggrapparsi; abbran- 
carsi; avvinghiarsi. 

Se tenir ἃ, ou contre; s’attacher a; se 
coller a. 

Clink, vt, klingk. To cause to ring; to 
strike so as to make a small, sharp 

Tintinnire ; risuonare. 
Résonner; tinter. 

Clip, vt, klip. To nip, shear, or divide ; 
to cut off with shears or scissors; 
to cut short. 

Spuntare ; rintuzzare ; tondere ; tosare. 
Tondre; rogner; faire des accolades. 
Glebe, n, gléb. A clod; turf; soil. 
Gleba; zolla; suolo. 
Glebe; sol; terrain. 

Glib, a, glib. Slippery; voluble; 
pant, as a tongue. 



Sdrucciolevole; volubile; linguacciuto, — 

Coulant; glissant; délié; babillard. 

Cloak, », klok.. A mantle; that which — 

conceals ; a pretext. 
Mantello; cappa. 
- Manteau. 
Clock, n, klok. A machine which mea- 
sures time and its divisions. 
Pendolo; orologio da muro. 
Pendule ; horloge. 
Clog, vt, klog. To load with something 
that hinders motion; to restrain. 
Aggravare ; ingombrare; caricare ; in- 
Embarrasser; obstruer; charger. 
Clod, τη, klod. A concreted mass; a 
lump or mass of earth cohering. 
Grumo; zolla; 
5,84. motte de terre; grumeau de 

Clot, klot. A clod; a mass of soft or 
fluid matter concreted. 
L’ istessa cosa che Clod. 
La méme chose que Clod. 
Cloth, n, kloth. A texture formed by 

weaving threads of silk, wool, linen, — 

cotton, &c., used for garments ; the 
covering of a table. 

Panno di lana &c.; tovaglia. 

Drap ; toile; nappe. 

Clothe, vt, kloth. To put clothes on; to 
cover with dress. 

Vestire; coprire di panni; abbigliare. 
Habiller; vétir; couvrir. 

Cloud, », kloud. A collection of watery 
particles in the state of visible 
vapour suspended in the air at 
some height. 

Nue; nuée; nuage. 

Clout, n, klout. A patch of cloth, 
leather, &c.; a rag or piece of cloth 
for mean purposes. 

Straccio; cencio; strofinaccio. 
Torchon ; piece; piece pour raccom- 

Clove, », kliv. The dried spicy bud of 
an East Indian tree, resembling a 
nail; a clove of garlic, 

Garofano (chiodo di) ; spicchio (d’ aglio, 

Un clou de _ girofle; 
Glove, n, gluv. A cover for the hand 
with a separate sheath for each 

une gousse 


una massa di terra — 

or Clew, »,kli. A ball of thread; 
the corner of a sail. 

- Gomitolo; matassa; il bandolo della 
_@uatassa punta di vela, 
Peloton ; fil; guide. 
ue, N, gla. A tenacious, viscid matter, 
_ which serves as cement to unite 
_ other substances. 
» Colla forte 
᾿ς Colle forte. 
bak, vt, kik. To unite, as timber, by 
letting a projection of one into the 

3 εἰ Unire, come tavole o scurette aventi 
τς scannellature. 

_ Joindre, comme planches ou plan- 
 chettes ayant des rainures. 

Coke, n, kik. Fossil coal, charred. 

_ -  4golfo; carbone estinto. 

_ Charbon de terre 4 moitié brailé. 

Coal, , ΚΟ]. A solid black inflammable 
substance dug out of the earth and 
used as fuel 

gn de terre; houille. 
kdl. A kind of cabbage. 
3 cavolo riccio. 
poarse, a, kors. Crass; rude; not fine; 
᾿ς not refined; inelegant, 
ie $ ruvido; greggio, 
Ἢ -Grossier ; brut; incivil; impoli; vil; 
086 or corse, n, korps, kors. The 
dead body of a human being; a 
carcase; remains. 
_ Cadavere ; corpo morto. 
_ Cadavre; corps mort. 
Co γ86, n, kors. A τομῆς. ἀὔβιν, πα ht 5 
ὃ passage; journey; metho 
ΟΕ apart through any science, ar 
ranch of learning, &c. 
| Corso; corsa. 
; carriére ; cours. 
er, a, kors’ér. More coarse. 
i grosso, ruvido o greggio. 
us τρφφώφι Ἂ plus raboteux; plus 
brut ou rud 
Jorsair, γι, ἀὸ παῖ A cruiser; a rover; 
a pirate; a piratical vessel. 
ΓΟ Incrociatore; corsaro; bastimento da 
38 irate. 

8; P 
er, m, kors’ér. A runner; a 

a een eae πιο ae ee  ππάρ, Ππ 
ΡΣ po ee en Sale ar See See Gok fo ἢ 


Carbon fossile dal quale ὃ tolto lo | 

swift horse ; 

Corriere ; corsiere ; corsiero ; destriero. 
Coursier ; cheval de course ; chasseur. 

Coast, n, kést. The border of acoun 
sea-shore ; the country near 6 

Costa; spiaggia; lido. 
Cote; rivage. 

Cost, vt, kost. To be had at the price 
of; to be bought for; to require to 
be laid out. 

Prix; valeur; frais; dépense. 

Coat, n, kot. An upper or outside gar- 
ment; hair or fur covering of 

Abito; vestito. 
Habit; vétement. 

Cod, a, kod. A species of a sea fish 
allied to the haddock; any husk or 
case containing the seeds of a plant. 

Merluzzo; baccala. 
Morue, poisson de mer. 

Code, n, kod. A collection of laws and 

constitutions ; a digest of laws. 
Code; recueil de lois. 

| Cotet, vt, kot. To go side by side with; 

to pass by. 
Raggiungere ; citare. 

Cot or Cott,n, kot. A small bed; a kind 

of suspended hammock on board of 

a war horse; a 

Piccolo letto sospeso o branda abordo 
di un bastimento. 
Cabane; chaumiére; sorte de hamac. 
Goad, n, god. A prick; a pointed 
instrument used to stimulate 
beasts to go faster. 
Aculeo; pungolo; stimolo pungendo 
collo stesso le bestie per farle andar 

pil presto. — 
Aiguillon ; aiguillade. 
Goat, n, got. A well-known «αὐλῶν 
‘with long hair and, horns. 
Coatee, n, kot’é. A coat with short 

Un abito con falde corte. 
Habit au large pan. 
Coati, n, ko’a-ti. An animal of South 
America resembling the raccoon. 
Animale del sud d’ America che ras- 

somiglia il tasso. 



Animal du sud de l’Amérique qui 
ressemble au taisson ou blaireau. 
Cobble, vt, kob’l. To mend, as shoes; 
to do clumsily. : ᾿ 
Rappezzare (scarpe); rattoppare. 
Saveter ; raccommoder les souliers. 
Coble, n, kib'l. A fishing-boat. 
Una barca da pesca. 
Petit bateau pécheur. 
Cobbler, 2, kob’lér. A mender of shoes ; 
a clumsy workman. 
Ciabattino; rappezzatore. 
Savetier; carreleur; raccommodeur 
de souliers. 
Gobler, n, gob’l-ér. One who swallows 
in haste; a gormandizer. 
Inghiottitore ; mangione. 

Gourmand; glouton. 
~ Cock, n, kok. The male of the domestic 
fowl. . 
Tl gallo. 

Coq, le male de la poule. 

Cog, n, Κορ. The tooth of a wheel; a 
yaw! or fishing-boat. 

Dente di ruota; una barchetta da pesca. 
Dent de roue; alluchon. 

Cook,n,kuk. One who prepares victuals 

for the table. 

Coffin, », kof’fin. The chest in which a 
dead human body is buried or en- 

Cassa da morto; bara. 
Cercueil; biére. 

Coughing, pn, kof‘ing. A violent effort 
with noise to expel the air from the 

Tossendo; il tossire; tossimento. 
Toussant; l’acte de tousser. 

Coheir, , ko’ar. A joint heir. 
Coerede ; compagno nell’ eredita. 

Cohere, vi, ko-hér’. To stick together ; 
to adhere; to remain in contact. 

Appiccicarsi; attaccarsi; unirsi. 
Etre attaché; convenir; s’accorder. 

Coif or Quoif, , koif. A kind of caul or 

cap worn on the head. 
Coiffe ; calotte. 

Coignt, », koin. A corner or external 
angle; a jutting point, as of a 

Tl cantone; |’ angolo; una parte spor- 

gente di un muro che fa cantonata. 

Coin ; coin de mur. 


Coin, n, koin. <A piece of metal, as gold, 
silver, or copper," legally. stamped 
and made current as money. 

Una moneta qualunque. 
Une piéce d’argent ; monnaie (une). 

Colon, », ΚΟ. A member; a member 
of a sentence; a pause less than 
that of a period. 

Due punti (:). 
Deux points (:). 
Column, n, ko'lum. A round pillar. 

Colonel, ἡ, kér’nel. The chief com- 

mander of a regiment of troops. 

Kernel, n, kér'nel. A little corn; the 
edible substance contained in the 
shell of a nut; the seed of pulpy 

Osso delle frutta; nocciolo. 
Pepin; amande; grain. 

Comb, », kom. An instrument with 
teeth for separating, cleaning, and 
adjusting hair, wool, or flax. 

Un peigne. 

Come, vi, kum. To move toward; to 
advance nearer from any distance, 
as opposed to Go. 

Venir; arriver. 

Comber, », kim’ér. One who combs. 

Colui che pettina. 
Cumber, vt, kum’bér. To trouble; 

to embarrass; to entangle; to 

obstruct; to distract, as with 

Ingombrare ; imbarazzare ; aggravare; 

Embarrasser ; empécher; incommoder. — 

Combination, », kom-bin-a’shon. Act 
of combining, state of being com- 
bined, to accomplish some ob- 

Combinazione; combaciamento; con- 
giungimento; accordo. 
Combinaison; assemblage; arrange- 

ment dans un certain ordre de — 

choses semblables ou divers. 
Commination, n, 
threatening ἢ recital of 
threatenings on stated days. 
Comminazione; minaccia. 
Menace. . 


Com | 

kom-mi-na’shon. A | 


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Comet, », 

 Comity, n, ko’mit-ti. 

_ Compeer, n, kom’pér. 

adjusting hair, wool, flax, &. 
nh ttinare. 
L’action de peigner. 
Coming, pa, kum’ing. Future; yet to 

Futuro; ancora da venire. 
Futur; a venir. 

Cumin or Cummin, n, kum’in. An 

annual plant whose seeds are used 
for seasoning. 

Comino (semenza aromatica). 

Cumin ( γοῦν aromatique). 

om’et. A heavenly body be- 

longing to the solar system, having 

a long tail resembling a long beard. 

Commit, vt, kom-mit’. To put into the 
hands of; to intrust; to deposit ; 
to send to prison; to perpetrate; 
to endanger. 

Commettere ; fare; perpetrare; affi- 
dare ; consegnare. 
Confier ἃ; emprisonner ; commettre. 

Commend, vt, kom-mend’. To commit 
to the care of; to recommend; to 

Commendare ; lodare; raccomandare. 
Prdner ; louer; recommander. 
Comment, vi, com-ment’. To write 
notes on an author; to make 
remarks or criticisms. 
Comentare; spiegare; glosare. 
Commenter; faire de commentaires. 

- Committee, », kom-mit’té. A body of 
persons appointed to manage any 


Courtesy; mild- 
ness; civility. 

Cortesia; civilta; affabilita. 
Politesse; savoir-vivre. 

Compare, vt, kom’pir. To set or bring 
together, as things, and _ to 
examine the relation they bear to 
each other. 

Paragonare ; collazionare ; comparare ; 
Comparer; confronter. 

One who is like 
another; an equal; an associate. 
Compagno ; camerata ; compare; col- 

lega; pari; socio. 

Aller de pair avec; égaler ; compire ; 


7 Combing pa, kom’ing. Cleansing and 


Complain, vi, kom’plin’. To express 
grief, sorrow, or distress ; to express 
a sense of injury or wrong; to 
lament; to murmur. 
Lagnarsi ; compiangere; deplorare ; 
Plaindre; se lamenter. 

Complane, vt, kom-plin’. To make 
Livellare ; rendere piano. 
Niveler ; aligner. : ; 
Compline,n, komp'lin. The last prayer 

at night. 
Ultima preghiera di notte o di sera. 
Pritre du soir; complies. 
Complement, τ, kom’plé-ment. That 
which. fills up; completion; full 
quantity or number. 

Compimento; finimento; colmo; per- 
Complément ; 

Compliment, n, kom'pli-ment. A cour- 
teous compliance with the wishes 
of another ; act of civility. 
Complimento ; cerimonia. 
Compliment ; ‘félicitation ; cérémonie. 
Completion, τ, komplé’ -shon. Act of 
completing; state of being com- 
plete; fulfilment ; accomplishment. 
Compimento; adempimento; termine; 
Accomplissement ; le comble. ; 
Complexion, n,kom-plek’shon. The hue 
of the skin, particularly of the face ; 
the temperament of the body. 
Carnagione ; colore; colorito del volto; 
disposizione del corpo. 
Teint; complexion; tempérament. 
Concede, vt, kon-séd’. To yield; to grant, 
allow, or admit. 
Concedere; acconsentire; permettere. 
Concéder ; "admettre ; accorder. 
Conceit, n, kon-sét’, Conception ; fancy ; 
fantastical notion ; ; self- flattering 
opinion; vanity. 
Concetto; idea fantastica; fantasia; 
opinione vanitosa di se stessi. 
Conception; pensée; idée; imagina-' 
tion ; vanité. 
Concert, vt, kon-sért’. To plan together; 
to contrive or adjust; to consult. 
Concertare insieme; consultare ; divi- 
sare; deliberare, 
Concerter; prendre des mesures en- 
Consort, n, kon’sort. One who shares 

accomplissement ; 

the lot of another; a partner; a 
wife or husband. 
Compagno; compagna; consorte. 
Compagnon; consort; époux; épouse. 

Concur, vi, kon-kér’. To run together; 
to unite as in one action or opinion ; 
to assent. 

Concorrere ; aderire; andar d’ accordo. 
Concourir; convenir; contribuer; se 

Conquer, vt, kong’kér. To gain, ac- 
quire, or take by force; to van- 
quish ; to subjugate; to surmount. 

Vincere ; conquistare ; soggiogare. 
Conquérer; vaincre ; dompter. 

Condemn, vt, kon-dem’. To pronounce 
to be wrong; to declare to be 
utterly guilty; to doom to posh 

π΄ ment; to sentence. 

Condannare ; sentenziare. 
Condamner ; déclarer 
blamer; censurer. 

Contemn, vt, kon-tem’. To consider and 
treat as despicable; to despise; to 
scorn; to spurn. 

Sprezzare ; spregiare; sdegnare. 
Mépriser ; "dédaigner 
Condensed, pa, kon- denst’. Compressed 
into a narrower compass. 
Condensato; reso pit denso o pill 
᾿ς gpesso. 

Condescend, vi, kon-dé-send’. To de- 
scend from the privileges of supe- 
rior rank; to stoop; to yield; to 
submit; to deign. 

Condiscendere; degnarsi. 
Condescendre; consentir; daigner. 

Confidant, ”, kon’fi-dant. Onein whom 
another confides; confidential or 
bosom friend. 

Confidenteé; amico intrinseco. 
Confident ; ‘dépositaire. 

Confident, a, kon’fi-dent. Having confi- 
dence; trusting; positive; dogma- 
tical ; having an excess of assurance. 

Sicuro; certo; fiducioso. 
Sfir; confiant; hardi. 

Conjurer, N, kun’j jer-ér. One who prac- 
tises conjuration ; an enchanter ; 
a man of sagacity. 

Scongiuratore; stregone; mago. 
Enchanteur ; magicien; sorcier. 

Conjuror, n, kon-jir’ér, One bound by 

oath with others. 
Congiurato; settario. 
Conspirateur; conjuré. 

coupable ; 


Contest, », kon’test. 

Consoles, vt, kon’sdls. Verb Toconsole; 
8rd pers. sing. ind. mood, pres. 
tense: to comfort; to soothe; to 

Verbo Console (to), consolare: Egli 
Verbe To console : Consoler ; il console. 

Consols, mpl, kon'solz. The English 
nee per cent. consolidated annui- 

Consolidati inglesi, titoli inglesi che 
rendono 3% all’ anno. 
Fonds consolidés anglais. 

Consuls, mpl, kon’suls. (Plur. of Consul) 
A person commissioned by a king 
or state to reside in a foreign 
country to protect the interests of 

his country. 
(Plurale di Console) Consoli. 
Contend, vi, kon-tend’. To strive in 

opposition ; to vie; to contend; to 
oppose; to dispute. 

Contendere; disputare; contrastare. 
Contester; disputer; lutter contre. 
Content, a, kon-tent’. Having a mind 

at peace; easy; satisfied. 
Contento ; pago. 
Content; satisfait. 

Contund, vt, kon-tund’. 

Illividire ; contusionare dal bastonare 
© percuotere. 
Contusionner; piler; meurtrir. 

Struggle for vic- 
tory; encounter; debate; contro- | 
versy ; competition. 

Contesa; disputa; rissa; quistione. 
Contestation ; dispute; débat. 

Context, n, kon'tekst. Connection; the 
parts of a discourse which precede 
or follow the sentence quoted. 

Contesto; il testo riscontrato col 
complesso del discorso. 
Liaison ; suite d’un discours. 

Continence, , kon’ti-nens. A keeping 
or holding within due bounds; 
self-command; chastity; forbear- 

Continenza ; 
Continence; chasteté. 

Continents, a, kon'ti-nents (plural of 
Continent). Great extent of lands 
not disjoined by sea. 

Continenti: plur. di Continente. 
Continents; terres fermes. 

To bruise by 

ritenutezza; ritegno; 



4 Coolie or Cooly, », ké’li. An East India 
porter or carrier. 

- Facchino ὁ portatore indiano. 

~ Portefaix indien. 

coolly, a, kil'li. In a cool or indifferent 

™ ss manner; without heat or ardour. 
_Freddamente ; con sangue freddo. 

_ Fraichement; froidement; de sang- 

ka froi ἃ, 

Fo - Coom, n, kom. Dirty refuse matter; 

Ξ βοοὺ, Ὁ, 

__ Grasso; untume delle ruote; polvere 

di carbone ; scarto di tutto. 

- Suie qui s’amasse ἃ la bouche d’un 
four, aux roues, &c. ; cambouis. 

Γ΄ Cooms, m, kém. A valley in the decli- 
vity of a hill shaped like an amphi- 

- Una valle forma di anfiteatro, nella 
scesa di una collina. 

Une vallée en forme d’amphithéatre. 

_ Copies, m, ko'pés. Plural of Copy; a 

likeness ; a transcript of an original ; 

imitation or likeness of any figure, 

“plurale di Copy : copie. 
Pluriel de Copy : copies. 
Coppice, Ny kop’pis. A grove; small 

Bosco ceduo; macchia; macchietta. 

24 Ἕ ao ἢ iS 


iad ihe 
ey Bia ? 

ΣῊ ‘3 

my: epee 


ie bs 

Coquette, m, ko-ket’. A gay airy girl; 
᾿ & woman who endeavours to win a 
man’s heart, and having won it, 
rejects it; a jill. 

Civettina ; civetta (donna vana e leg- 


eee as 

CON, peta 
᾿ Ἷ 

Coquette ; "femme qui aime ἃ se parer 
vainement, et artificieuse en amour. 
— Coquet, vi, ks- ket’. To trifle in love; to 
Ἂ endeavour to attract admiration 
out of vanity. 
Civettare ; allettare ; adescare; trattare 
con finta amorosa tenerezza. 
Cajoler ; coqueter. 

=P ‘anh τ΄ 

Core, ἢ, kor. The heart or inner part of 
3 a thing. 
ο΄ Interno el rage imo ; torso ; ; inte- 

L’intérieur @ine chose; le teopnon 
d’un fruit; intérieur du cceur. 
Corps, n, kor. A body of troops; any 
division of an army. 
Corpo @’ armata; corpo costituito. 
Corps d’armée ; corps; régiment. 
Corfu, », kor-fi’. One of the Ionian 
ΤΩ͂Ν _ Islands in Greece. 

ἰδ τι ἢ 




Una delle Isole Ionie in Grecia. 
Corfou; 116 grecque 

Curfew, n, κου". Formerly the ringing 
of a bell or bells at night, as a 
signal to the inhabitants to put out 
their fires and retire to rest, 

ae che alla sera dava il segno 

d@’ estinguere il fuoco ed i lumi; 
campana del coprifuoco. 

Couvre-feu ou: son de cloche pour 
avertir d’éteindre le feu. 

Cornice, , kor’nis. The projection at 
the top of the wall of a building. 

Cornice di fabbricato. 

Cornish, n, korn’ish. Pertaining to 
Cornwall ; the language of Corn- 

Dalla contea oi 1 linguaggio di Cornwall 

Appartenant au comté ou le langage de 
Cornwall (Cornouailles). 

Corporal, m, kor’po-ral. The lowest 
officer of a company of infantry. 
Belonging or relating to the body. 

Caporale ; corporeo. 
Caporal, officier subalterne ; corporel. 

Corporeal, a, kor-pd'ré-al. "Consisting 
of a material body; material 
opposed to spiritual. 

Corporale ; di corpo; materiale. 
Corporel ; ‘matériel ; du corps. 

Correspondence, m, ko-ré-spond’ens. 
Relation; mutual adaptation of 
one thing to another; the letters 

Corrispondenza; rapporto; carteg- 
Correspondance; rapport; relation. 

Correspondents, a, ko-ré-spond’ents. 
Those with whom an intercourse is 
carried on by letters or messages; 
suitable; congruous; answerable; 

Corrispondenti; coloro che corrispon- 
dono, carteggiano. 

Correspondants; ceux avec qui l’on 
est en commerce de lettres. 

Cotter, », kot’ér. One who lives in a 
small house or cottage; a peasant. 

Abitatore di una capannetta o tugurio; 
Celui qui vit dans une cabane. 

Cutter, n, Κατ. He or that which 
cuts ; a vessel with one mast and a 
straight running bowsprit. 

Colui o quello con cui si taglia; basti- 


mentino con un albero e bompresso 

Un instrument tranchant; celui qui 
tranche; petit bateau qui fend l’eau. 
Cough, , kof. A violent convulsive 

effort of the lungs to throw off 
offensive matter or expel air from 
the lungs. 



Cuff,n, kuf. A buffet; a stroke; a box; 
the part of a sleeve turned or folded 
back from the hand. 

Manichino; manichetto; colpo di 
pugno, di zampa, di artiglio, ὅζο. 

.Coup de poing; parement; revers 

d’une manche. 

Council, , koun’sil. Men called together 
for deliberation or advice. 

Consiglio; riunione di persone in 

Conseil ; réunion de personnes assem- 
blées pour délibérer. 

Conceal, vt, kon-sél. To hide com- 
pletely; to secrete; to cover; to 

Celare; nascondere ; occultare. 

Celer; cacher; taire; dissimuler. 
Consul, n, kon’sul. A representative of 
a nation in a foreign country. 



Counsel, n, koun'sel. Advice; direction ; 
an advocate or barrister. 

Consiglio; avvertimento; avvocato; 

Conseil; avis; avocat; avoué. 

Councillor, », koun-sil-ér. A member 
of a council. 

Consigliere ; membro di un consiglio. 

Conseiller ; membre de conseil. 
Counsellor, n, koun'sel-ér. Any person 

who gives or is authorised to give 

Consigliere, persona awutorizzata a 
consigliare come consigliere di 
stato, &c. 

Conseiller d’état ; avocat, &c. 

Counter, n, kount/ér. He that counts; 
contrary ; in an opposite direction ; 
a bench or table in a shop on which 
money is received. 

Colui che conti; contro; all’ opposto; 
banco di bottega o fondaco. 

Celui qui compte; comptoir de bou- 
tique; jeton; contre; en oppo- 




Countor, n, kount/or. An advocate or 
professional pleader. 
Avvocato 6 legale o avvocato patro- 
cinante; causidico. 
Avocat ou plaideur légal; avoué. 
Courtesy or Dartey: γι, kort'-e-si, kért’si. 
Urbanity ; condescending affability ; 
act of kindness. 
Cortesia; pulitezza; gentilezza. 
Politesse ; belles maniéres. 
Courier, », ké’ré-ér. A running mes- 
senger; a travelling attendant. 
Corriere ; messagiere ; messo. 
Courrier; messager; expres. 

Currier, n, ku'ri-ér. A man who dresses 
and colours leather after it is 

Conciatore di pelli. 

Courtly, a, kort/li. Relating to a court; 
elegant; polite; with dignity; 

Cortigiano; signorile; gentile; dis- 
tinto; nobile. 
De cour; élégant; servile; noble. 
Curtly, adv, kért'li. Shortly; briefly. 
Brevemente; in succinto. 
Abrégé; bri¢vement. 
Cousin, 7, kuz’n. The son or daughter 
of an uncle or aunt. 
Cugino o cugina. 
Cousin ou cousine. 

Chosen, pa, chéz'n. Select; distinguished — 

by preference; eminent. 
Scelto; preferito. 

Cozen, vt, kuz'n. To flatter; to fawn 
upon; to cheat; to defraud; to 
beguile. i 

Giuntare ; uccellare; truffare. 
Tromper; duper; filouter ; 
attraper ; tricher. 

Coward, », kou'érd. A person who 
wants courage to meet danger; a 
craven; a dastard. 

Lache ; poltron. 

Cowherd, n, kow’hérd. One who tends 

Vaccaro ; bifolco. 

Crack, m, krak. A disruption; a chink 
or fissure; a crevice; any sudden 
or sharp sound. 

Crepatura ;  spaccatura ; 
scoppio; schioppettata. 
Crevasse; fente; bruit; craquement. 

voler ; 

fessura ; 

SRT ee ae ae 

PRA Slade. Ss dln 

Nee nore ae ἃ 


᾿ ’ pg A rough broken rock, or 
at t of a rock. 

Paid rape; rocca. 

Rocher escarpé et raboteux. 

Orake, n, krik. The corn-crake or land- 
rail, so called from its singular 

BP iretcolino francese; re di quaglie 

Stivare ; ficcare ; rimpinzare ; zeppare. 
Remplir; fourrer; presser; farcir ; 
manger jusqu’a l’exces. 

ramp, γι, kramp. A spasmodic con- 
traction of a limb or muscle. 
Crampo ; granchio. 

_ _ Crampe}; contraction spasmodique. 

_ Crape, ἡ, krap. A thin transparent 
stuff of a crisp texture, usually 
black, generally used for mourning. 

' Crass, a, kras. Gross; thick; coarse. 

Grosso; denso; greggio. ; 

_ _Epais; grossier; crasse; stupide. — 

_ Grass, n, gras. Herbage; plants which 

ο΄ constitute the food for cattle, &. 

Erba; erba per pascolo di bestiame, 

π΄ “δε. 

ο΄ Herbe; gazon; verdure. 

Crate, ἢ, krat. A kind of basket or 

____wicker-work used for the transpor- 

tation of crockery, &c. 

Cesta o cestone di vinchi. 


Grade, n, grad. A step; a degree or 

rank in order or dignity. 

_ Grado; graduatura. 

Grade; rang. 

_ Grate, n, grat. A work or frame com- 

___ posed of cross bars with interstices’; 
τ @ kind of lattice-work used for 


Cri The circular cavity 
~~ or mouth of a volcano; a cup- 
_____ shaped cavity. 


Cratére; bouche d’un volcan. 
Greater, a, grat'ér. More great. 

Pid grande; pid voluminoso. 
Plus grand, &c. 

Crave, vt, krav. To ask; to ask with 
earnestness; to ask submissively ; 
to beseech. 

Domandare; chiedere istantemente e 
Supplier; implorer; demander. 

Grave, n, grav. Momentous; heavy; 
serious; to carve on some substance 
with a chisel ; the pit in which a 
human body is buried. 

Grave ; pesante ; serio; 
tomba; avello; sepolcro. 

Grave; sérieux; posé; fosse; tombe 

Craw, n, kra. 
of fowls. 

Gozzo delle galline, uccelli, &c. 
Jabot; premier estomac des oiseaux, 
poule, &c. 

Crow, n, kro. A large black carnivorous 
bird ; a bar of iron with a beak for 
raising weights. 

Corvo; cornacchia; stanga di ferro 
per uso leva. 
Corneille ; levier. 

Grow, vi, gro. To be augmented by 
natural process, as plants, animals, 
&c.; to increase; to wax; to 
accrue; to swell. 

Créscere; aumentare di 
vegetare ; progredire. 
Croitre ; pousser; grandir; cultiver. 

Craze, vt, kraz. To crush; to break or 
impair the natural force of; to 
impair the intellect of. 

Fracassare ; sfracellare ; ammattire. 
Briser; rompre; fracasser; affaiblir 

incidere ; 

The crop or first stomach 



Grace, n, gras. Favour; kindness; 
beauty; natural or acquired excel- 

Grazia; bonta; favore; avvenenza; 
graziosita; garbo. 
Grace; maniére agréable; faveur du 
Grays or Greys, a, graz. Horses called 
so, from their colour of black and 


Grigi; nome che si da ai cavalli 

Pommelés; gris; chevaux pommelés 
ou gris. 


Graze, vt, graz. To feed with grass, as 

Pascolare; mangiare |’ erba. 
Paitre ou brouter l’herbe. 

Creak, vi, krék. To make a sharp 
grating sound of some continuance, 
as by the friction of hard sub- 

Scricchiolare ; cigolare; stridere. 
Craquer; crier. 

Creek, n, krék. A corner; a small inlet 
or cove; a recess in the shore of 
the sea or of a river. 

Cala; seno; caletta; fiumicella; cricca. 
Crique; petite baie. 

Greek, n, Grék. A native or the lan- 
guage of Greece. 

Un suddito Greco o la lingua Greca. 
Grec; Helléne; la langue grecque. 

Crick, n, krik. A local spasm or cramp ; 
a stiffness of the neck. 

Granchio al collo; dolore spasmodico ; 
Roideur dans le cou; torticolis. 

Crease, », krés. A mark or line made 
by folding or doubling anything; a 
hollow streak like a groove. 

Piega; crespa; ruga; grinza; riga 
che s’ imprime nella cosa piegata. 
Pli; un faux pli; ancrure. 
Creese, n, krés. A weapon. 
Un’ arme. 
Une arme offensive. 

Grease, n, grés. Animal fat in a soft 
state; oily matter of any kind, as 

Grasso animale. 
Graisse; substance huileuse. 

Greece, n, grés. A country. 

La Grecia. 
La Gréce. 

Creature, , kré’tir. A created being; 
a living being; a beast; man; a 

Creatura; un essere. 
Créature ; étre. 

Creator, n, kré-at/or. The being that 
creates; a producer; the Supreme 


Cretan, a, kré’-tan. Pertaining to Crete 

or Candia. 
Cretese o Candiotto. 
Crétois ou Candiotte. 

Cretin, n, kret’n. An idiot; a cripple; 

a stunted man. 




Cretin ; idiot; estropi 

Crews, npl, kroz. Arne company of 

sailors belonging to any vessel; a 

company in contempt. 
Equipaggi di bastimenti. 
Equipages de navires; chiourmes. 

Cruise, vi, kréz. To ‘sail hither and 
‘thither; to rove on the sea in search 
of an enemy’s ships; to rove for 

Corseggiare ; 
Croiser ; aller en course sur mer. 

Cruse, n, krés. A small cup; a bottle 
or cruet. 

Un’ anfora; piccola bottiglia o fias- 
chettina ; ampollina, &c. 
Petite carafe ; ; petit flacon ; petite fiole. 

Crier, a, kri‘ér. 
who makes proclamation. 

Uno che gridi; un banditore. 
Un crieur ; crieur public. 

Cryer, n, kri’ér. A trained falcon. 
Falcone ammaestrato. 
Un faucon trainé. 

Crisis, nsing,kri’sis. A deciding; turn- 
ing-point of disease; 


Crises, npl, kri'ses. 
Plurale di Crisis. 
Pluriel de Crisis. 

inerociare; battere la 

Plural of Crisis. 

Critic, », kri‘tik. One who judges; one 4 

skilled in judging the merit of 
literary works; a close examiner. 
Critique ; satirique. 

Critique ,n, kri-tek. Remarks or ani- 3 

madversions on beauties and faults; 
a review. 

Esame; critico; osservazioni critiche; — 

una rivista. 
Critique ; censeur. 
Crock, », krok. An earthen vessel for 
milk or butter. 

Vaso di terra ad uso del latte o del | 

Un pot de terre pour lait, beurre, &c. 

Croak, vi, krok. To make a low, hoarse ~ 
voice in the throat, as a frog, &e.; © 
to cry as a raven or crow; to fore- ὁ 

bode evil ; to murmur. 
Gracidare ; crocitare ; predire mali. 

Coasser; crier comme les grenouilles, — 

corbeau, ἄο. 

One who cries; one 

a critical 

ΠΝ A curving instrument ; 

herd’s staff ; οι Ba at) staff ; 
ce; ἃ trick. 

‘Uneino ; gancio; raffio ; rocco ; bacolo 
᾿ di un vescovo, &c. 

Croc; crochet; houlette. 

q, 71 . A mixture of spirit and 
ard water, not sweetened. 

evanda composta di spirito (cognac, 
&c.) e acqua senza zucchero. 

élange de toute liqueur spiritueuse 
__avec de l’eau. 

ip, n, krép. The rump of a fowl; 
᾿ +3 buttocks of a horse. 

Gro di cavallo o coscia della 

La croupe d’un cheval; le croupion 
d’une ee a: 

up, , grop. cluster; an assem- 
-blage; a number collected without 
ay regular form. 

‘ Gro ee; réunion des plusieurs objets. 
_ Grou 
ruel, a, kré'el. Unmerciful; barba- 
ς΄ rous; ferocious; brutal; eager for 
ἘΝ - Crudele. 

; inhumain. 
al, n, nm, gravel. A kind of light food, 
4 ae ‘sd boiling groats or meal in 

οὐαὶ maritato; farina d’ avena 

- bollita nell’ acqua. 

argh bouillie τὸ τς 
γι, krum. agmens usually 

ΝΣ sey small picee of bread or other 

ἢἢ food 

UC! 0 lo. 
La mie du pain; miette. 
krump. Crooked; bent. 

ossu; votité. 
r ple, vt, angle To press into 
wrinkles ; ; to rumple or crook; to 
ert to 

gas ; raggrinzare (una veste, 
6): sciupare ; conciar male. 

‘fon coal faire des plis a. 

grum'bl. To murmur 
: sith, Riacontent to snarl; to 

e; brontolare ; mormorare. 
se plaindre; 


Ή, ki/bit. The bone of the arm 
from the elbow to the wrist; a 
measure of length. 




Cubito; braccio; gomito. 
Coudée lore mesure). 
γῶν, si n, kii'pid. The god of love. 

Cupidon; l'amour. 

Cue, n, ki. Rod used in playing bil- 
liards. A hint; humour; a catch- 
word; a long roll of hair. 

Stecca da bigliardo; coda; fine o 
esito; imbeccata ; suggerimento. ; 

Queue ‘de billard; queue; humeur; 
mot du gue 

Q, letter, ki. A letter of the alphabet. 

Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Currant, ἡ, ku’rant. The fruit of se- 
veral well-known shrubs; a small 
kind of dried grapes from the 

Groseille ; espece de raisins. 

Current, a, ‘ku’rent. Running; passing 
from hand to hand; circulating ; 
motion of the water in the sea, 
river, lake, &c. 

Corrente; che corre comunemente ; 

ordinario; corrente dell’ acqua, 
mare, &c. 
Courant; le fil de l’eau; cours des 

affaires, ὅσο. 

Curtly, adv, kért'li. Shortly ; πεῖν. 
Brevemente ; in succinto. 
Briévement; en peu de mots. 

Courtly, a, kort’li. Relating to a court; 
elegant; polite ; with dignity ; flat. 

Cortigianesco ; 
De cour; élégant; servile. 

Cut, vt, kut. To divide or sever into 

pieces by an edged instrument. 
Couper; trancher. 

Gut, n, gut. That through which any- 
thing flows; the intestinal canal of 
an animal. 

Budello ; intestino. 
Intestin ; boyau. 

Cutter, », kut/ér. He or that which 
cuts; a vessel with one mast and a 
straight running bowsprit. 

Colui o cid che taglia; naviglio veloce 
da una sola vela. 

Un instrument tranchant; celui qui 
tranche; petit bateau qui fend l’eau. 

Gutter, n, ταῦ ὑόν. A channel for catch- 
ing and conveying off the water 


signorile; gentile 


from the roof of a building and 
from which the water drops. 
Gronda; grondaia; rigagnolo. 
Gouttitre ; canal pour l'eau. 
Cygnet, 71, sig’net. A young swan. 
Piccolo cigno; cignetto. 
Un jeune cigne. 

Signet, n, signet. A seal; the seal of a 

Suggello; il sigillo privato del re. 
Le cachet du roi. 

Cymbal, x», sim’bal. A _ basin-shaped 
musical instrument of brass; in 
playing, two of them are struck 


Dab, 7, dab. A gentle blow with the 
hand; a small mass of anything 
soft or moist. 

Un colpettino dato colla mano o con 
cosa molle; pezzetto di cosa molle. 
Un petit souftlet ; un lambeau. 

Tap, n, tap. A pipe for drawing liquids 

from a cask, &c. 
Cannella ; robinetto. 

Tape, n, tap. A narrow piece of woven 
work, used for strings and the 

Passamano ; fettuccia. 
Un ruban de fil; ; passement. 

Dabble, vt,dab’bl. Towet; to moisten; 
to sprinkle. 

Immergere; sciacquare; diguazzare. 
Mouiller ; salir ; agiter Teau. 

Dapple, a, ‘dap ‘pl. Spotted; variegated 

with. spots of different colours. 
Pommellato ; di colore svariato. 
Pommeleé ; marqueté ; bigarré. 

Dace, », das. A small river fish of a 
bright silver colour. 

Pesce di fiume, specie di lasca. 
Vandoise; poisson d’eau douce. 

Dais, n, da’i is. (Antig.) A raised floor 
at the upper end of the dining-hall, 
where the high table stood. 

Pavimento elevato all’ estremita supe- 
riore di un salotto da pranzo. 

Estrade qu’on disposait autrefois dans 
la salle ἃ manger pour y placer la 
grande table. 

Days, npl, daz. (Plur.) The time from 
midnight to midnight. 



: D ὌΝ 

~ Cembalo; catube; cemmamelle. ~ 
Cymbale ; instrument de musique. οὶ 
Symbol, n, sim'bol. A sign by which — 
- one knows or infers a thing; an 
emblem; a type; a figure. : 

Simbolo. 3 
Cyprian, a, si’pri-an. Belonging to the — 
island of Cyprus. δ 
‘Cipriotto o dell’ isola di Cipro. Ἢ 
Appartenant ἃ l’tle de Chypre. 4 
Cyprine, n, si‘prin. Akindofcarp. — 
Un pesce della specie del carpo 0 — 
carpione. q 
Poisson comme le carp ou carpillon. 3 
Giorni. δ 
Jours. “ἃ 
Daze, vt, diz. To stupefy; to stun; to — 
benumb. ag 
Abbagliare la vista. 

Eblouir; troubler la vue par une trop a 
grande lumiére, &c. 4 
Dally, vi, dal’li. To amuse one’s self 
with idle play; to wanton; to — 
linger; to loiter. 
Schezzare in modo lascivetto ; baloas 7 
care ; ciondolare. 4 
Badiner; folatrer ; faire des caresses. — 
Tally, n, tal’li. One thing made to suit 
another ; when one thing corre- — 
sponds with another. 4 
Taglia; tacca; adattare; riscontrare. — 
Taille ; bois au ‘quel on fait des entailles 
pour tenir un compte. 
Dam, 7,dam. A bank of earth to stop! 
a stream of water. a 
Chiudere con diga; tura. 3 
« Méle; écluse ; digue ; bonde. Ξ 
Damn, ‘ut, dam. To doom to punish- 
ment in hell; to decide to be wrong 
to censure. 
᾿ς Dannare; condannare ; fischiare. 
Damner; condamner ; siffler ; rendre 
Dame, 7, dam. A mistress; a matron 

a lady; title of honour to 
Signora; dama; padrona; madre 

Une dame; une maitresse de maison 


Tame, a, tam. Subdued; depressed 

ae ’ 

᾿ς sommesso ; docile. 

pprivoisé ; doux; dompté; qui n’est 

pas farouche. 

nce, vi, dans. To move with mea- 
sured steps, regulated by a tune. 



mee, n, duns, One slow at learning; a 

person of weak intellect; a dullard ; 

a dolt. 

Balordo; stupido; ignorantaccio. 

_ Stupide; béte; imbécile; ignorant. 

Dane, ἡ, dan. A native of Denmark. 

 Nativo di Danimarca. 

~ Un Danois. 

Deign, vi, dan. To deem worthy; to 

-___vouchsafe; to condescend. 

-Accordare; concedere ; degnarsi ; aver 

τ Ja bonta di. 

Agréer; daigner; avoir la. bonté de; 

juger digne. 

she. vi, dang’gl. To hang and 

swing; to hang on anyone; to follow 

- __ officiously. 

_ Penzolare; dondolare; ciondolare; 

ς΄ corteggiare vilmente. 

- Pendiller; faire le valet ou le cour- 


le, vt, tang’gl. To knit together 
 confusedly, as hair; to interweave 
80 as to make it difficult to unravel 
_ the knot, &c. 

_ Intralciare ; imbarazzare ; avviluppare ; 
τς arruffare. 

lare, vi, dire. To have boldness; to 
venture ; to be ready to face 

_ Osare; ardire; peritarsi ; arrischiarsi. 
_Oser; avoir la hardiesse; risquer. 
Their, pron, thir. Belonging to them. 
-Loro; il loro, la loro, &c. 

ur, leurs. 

e, adv, thir. In that place. 

; 1a; cola. : 

A; y; dans cet endroit-la. 

Daring, pa, dir’ing. Bold; intrepid; 

dito; intrepido; audace; ardimen- 




dardi; entreprenant; audacieux ; 
fearing, pn, tix'ing. Pulling or reducing 
to pieces; to shatter. 



Lo stracciare ; il lacerare; stracciando ; 
lacerando. % 
Déchirement ; l’action de déchirer. 
Tearing, pn, tér'ing. Shedding tears. 
Lacrimando; spargere lacrime. 

Therein, adv, thir’in. In that place; 
into that thing. 

In cid; dentro; entro. 
Dans cela; en cela. 

Dart, », dirt. That which pierces and 

Dardo; strale. 
Dard; trait; javelot. 

Tart, n,tiirt. A species of pie or pastry; 
cutting or sharp to the taste; acid; 
keen; severe. / 

' Torta; acerbo; brusco; aspro. 

Tarte; tourte; aigre; fpre; acide; 
piquant; mordant. 

Daw, », da. A bird of the crow kind. 

Gracchia; cornacchia. 
Choucas; geai. 

Taw, vt, ta. To turn or change, as skins 

into white leather for gloves, &c. 
Conciare pelli con allume. 
Déparer les peaux en blanc; passer en 

Thaw, vi, tha. To become so warm as 
to melt ice or snow; to dissolve ice 
or snow. 
Dighiacciare ; liquefarsi; sciogliersi, 
come neve, ghiaccio, &c. 
Dégeler; faire fondre. 
Dawn, vi, din. To become day; to 
begin to grow light in the morn- 

L’ alba; I’ aurora. 
Le point ou la pointe du jour; aube; 

Down, n, down. The fine soft feathers 
of fowls, particularly of the duck 
kind; tending from a higher to a 
lower place. 

Lanugine ; penna matta di anitre, &c. ; 
abbasso ; gill. 

Le duvet; plume menue; vers le bas; 
en bas; par terre. 

David, γι, da’vid. A name. 

Un nome (Davidde). 
Un nom (Davide). 

Davit, n, dav’it. A spar used on board 
ships, to hoist boats, &c. 

Un antenna che si adopera abordo di 
bastimenti per issare barche, &c. 
Davier; moulinet. 

Davyt, n, dav'it. A fibrous mineral 



consisting principally of the hy- 
drous sulphate of alumina. 
Un minerale consistente in maggior 
parte di idrosolfato di alumina. 
Un minéral formé en grand part avec 
hydrosulphate d’alumine. 
Day, ”, da. The time between sunrise 
and sunset. 
Giorno; giornata; di. 
oe our. : 
; » ἢ, Ga. 
"Ὁ (Algiers). 
Titolo del governatore di Algieri. 
Titre du gouverneur de 1|’Algérie. 
They, pron, tha. Thenominative plural 
of He, She, or It. 
Ts; elles. ; 
Deal, τ, dél. An indefinite quantity ; 
degree or extent; the division of a 
piece of timber made by sawing. 
Quantita; abbondanza; legno abete ; 
Une quantité; abondance; bois de 

A Moorish governor 

Dele, vt, 4818. To blot out; to erase. 
Cancellare; raschiare via. 
Effacer ; biffer ; rayer. 

Dean, , den. An ecclesiastical digni- 
tary; an officer in a university or 

Decano (ecclesiastico). 
Doyen; dignitaire d’un diocése. 

Din, n, din. A rattling or rumbling 
sound, long continued. 

Frastuono; schiamazzo continuato da 

Bruit; son violent et continu; tinta- 
marre. . 

Ding, vt, ding. To beat; 
thrust with violence. 

Percuotere; scagliare con impeto. 
Jeter avec violence; donner une 

to dash or 


Dear, a, dér. Regarded; beloved; 
scarce ; rare; bearing a high price; 

Caro; di molto valore; costoso. 
Cher; bien aimé; couteux, de prix. 
Deer, n, dér. A quadruped of several 

species, as the stag, the roebuck, 
Cervo; daino. 
Dearth, », dérth. Scarcity; want; need. 
Scarsezza; carestia; penuria. 
Cherté; disette ; famine. 




Dirt, n, dért. Whatever, adhering to 

anything, renders it foul or unclean. 
Sporcizia; sudiciume. 
Saleté; boue; crotte. 

Death, , deth. Extinction of life; en- 

tire loss of vitality. 
La mort. 

Depth,n, depth. Deepness; the distance 
of a thing from the surface to the 

Profondeur; abime. 

Debate, n, débat’. Contention in words 

or arguments; discussion ; dispute ; 

Dibattimento; discussione; disputa. 
Débat ; γε Seco contestation ; 

Debit, n, deb’it, Debt; money due for 
what is sold on credit. 
Debito ; portare al debito. 
Débit; ce que l’on doit, 
Debtor, , det’ér. One who owes or is 
Debitore ; colui che deve. 
Débiteur ; celui qui doit de l’argent. | 
Deter, vt, dé-ter’. To prevent by pro- 
hibition or danger. 
Spaventare 6 distornare; frastornare; 
Détourner de; empécher de. 
Decade, n, de "kad. Aggregate consist- 
ing of ten. 
Decade; decina. 
Décade; dizaine; nombre de dix. 
Decayed, pa, dé'kaid. Impaired ; wasted ; 
Decaduto; declinato; appassito. 
Affaibli; fiétri; cassé de vieillesse, 
Decease, 7, dé’sés. 
life; death. 
Decesso; morte; trapasso. 
Décés; mort; jtrépas. 
Disease, n, diz’-éz. Illness; mental | 
disorder; corrupt state of morals. 
Malattia ; infermita ; morbo. 

Disseize, vt, dis’-séz. 

Dispossessare illegalmente. 
Déposséder illégalement. 

Decent, a, dé’sent. Not gaudy or 
ostentatious; proper; not immo-— 
dest; graceful. 

Decente; convenevole. 
Décent; ’pienséant ; convenable. 

Departure from this — 

Maladie; mal; infirmité. j | 

To dispossess — 

ΤΡ ΘῊΞ 2. Fob ρος, δε 

ΡΣ VAP Aah Sve ty ne ΨΌΓΟΝ 



rd, vi, dé-send’. To come down 
om an elevated station. 
endere; scendere; venir gill o 

ce ndre } faire une irruption; se 
mouvoir de haut en bas. 
m, dé-sent’. Inclination down- 
ward; slope; fall from a higher to 
lower station. 
endio ; arama suogasione ; discen- 

θ Ε Bi ante origine. 

ent, Ἢ ἀρ ρπρθ To disagree in 

- opinion ; to differ in sentiment. 

ssentire; non essere dell’ istesso 


f Brecioe d’opinion. 

86, m, dé-kré’, An edict; an order 

; statut; édit. 
6, γι, dé-gré’. Step in relationship, 
order, class, quality, , dignity. 
ado; stato; rango; ordine; con- 
~ ualité; ran 
' ém. Po jt ‘iris; to think; to 
tine: to suppose; to esti- 
Be caged pensare; stimare. 
_ Juger; estimer; penser ; croire. 
Dis 16; n, dém, The number ten. 
it numero dieci; decina. 
ΕἾ 5 numéro dix; dizaine. 
Defer, vi, dé’fér. To put off to a future 
____ time; to postpone ; to adjourn. 
ferire; prorogare ; prolungare. 
' Différer; remettre a plus tard; s’en 
___ rapporter. 
, vi, difffér. To disagree; to be 
at variance. 
min ®; esser diverso; aver un’ 
idror bh diversa ; disputare. 
étre dissemblable ; tre d’une 
i _ opinion contraire. 
efe rence, 7, de’fér-ens. 
opinion ; 
Deferenza ; riguardo; rispetto. 
éférence ; respect ; complaisance ; 

pe, N, \diftér-ens. Dissimilarity ; 
ess; dispute; contest. 

a; disparita ; dissidenza 3 
: contesa. 

A yielding in 
regard; respect; sub- 


ΝΥ alas IES a ee ed ΤΠ ντν 
Hie tap Ἶ 

Deforce, vt, dé-fors’. To keep out of 
possession, as the right owner, by 


Dieores, μὴ di-vors’. A legal dissolution 
of the bonds of matrimony ; a sepa- 

Divorce; rupture légale d’un mariage. 

Defy, vt, dé-fi’. To provoke to combat ; 
to challenge. 

Sfidare ; bravare. 
Défier ; braver. 

Deify, vt, dé’-i-fi. To make into a god ; to 

exalt to the rank of a heathen deity. 
Deificare ; divinizzare ; adorare. 
Déifier ; mettre au rang des dieux. 

Delegate, vt, de'lé-gat. To appoint a 

representative with power. 
Delegare; deputare. 
Déléguer ; députer; envoyer. 

Delicate, a, de’'li-kat. Pleasing to the 
taste or senses; choice; fine; not 

Delicato; squisito; gustoso; gracile; 
bello; vezzoso. 

Délicat; friand; exquis; doux; 
Dell, , del. A hollow place; a small, 

narrow valley between two hills. 
Vallicella; burrone. 
Petite vallée; ravine. 
Tell, vt, tel. To relate; to teach; to 
make known. 
Dire ; informare; riferire. 
Dire; conter; informer. 
Delude, vt, dé-liid’. To impose on; to 
deceive; to lead astray. 
Deludere; ingannare ; uccellare. 
Tromper; duper; en imposer ἃ. 
Dilute, vt, di-lut. To render liquid or 
more ‘liquid ; to make thin or more 

Stemperare; diluire; mescolare con 
Délayer; détremper; affaiblir. 
Delusion, , dé-li’zhon. A false belief; 
illusion; fallacy; error. 
Delusione ; illusione ; inganno. 
Délusion ; tromperie ; apparence trom- 
peuse ; fraude; chimére; erreur. 
Dilution, n, di-li’ shon. Act of making 
thin, weak, or more liquid. 
Stemperamento ; liquefazione. 

Demean, vt, dé-mén. To conduct; to 


behave; to behave meanly; to 
debase ; to lessen. 
Avvilire; abbassare ; umiliare. 
S’humilier; s’abaisser; se comporter ; 
se conduire. 

Deeming, ppr, démin. Being of opinion 
of; estimating ; considering. 

Giudicando; pensando; stimando. 
Jugeant; estimant; croyant. 

Demur, wv, dé-mér’. To doubt; to 
pause; to hesitate; suspense of 

Ksitare ἢ titubare ; 
Doute ; incertitude; hésitation. 

Demure, a, dé-miir’. Of good manners ; 
staid; sober; grave; affectedly 

Grave; serio; riservato; modesto. 
Sobre; modeste; prude; d’une mo- 
destie affectée. 

Den, 7, den. A cave in the earth; a pit, 
or subterraneous recess used for 

Caverna; tana; spelonca; antro. 
Caverne ; antre ; repaire. 
Ten, a, ten. Twice five. 

Then, adv, then. At that time; after- 

ward; in that case; therefore. 
Allora; poi; in quel caso. 
Alors; aprés; puis; dans ce temps-la. 

Dent, », dent. A notch made by the 
pressure of a harder body on a 

Dentello; dente; tacca. 
Dent d’une roue; une bosse. 
Tend, vt, tend. To direct or turn to- 
wards; to be directed to any end. 
Tendere ; esser diretto; aver tendenza ; 
curare; guardare; attendere. 
Garder; surveiller; tendre 4; avoir 

Tent, n, tent. A portable lodge con- 
sisting of canvas stretched and 
sustained by poles. 

Tenda; padiglione. 
Tente ; pavillon en toile. 
Tenth, a, tenth. The ordinal of ten ; the 
first after the ninth ; the tenth part. 
Decimo; la decima parte; quello che 
segue dopo il nono. 
Dixiéme; la dixiéme partie. 
Dense, a, dens. Thick; close; compact. 
Denso ; spesso; condensato ; ’ compatto. 
Dense ; épais ;. compacte. 


esser dubbio ; 


Tense, a, tens. Stretched; strained to 
stiffness; not lax; an inflection of 
verbs to distinguish time. 

Tempo; teso stiracchiato; rigido; un’ 
inflessione del verbo. 
Temps (d’un verbe) ; tendu; roide. 

Thence, adv, thens. From that place ; 
from that time ; for that reason. 

Di 1a; quivi; quindi; da quivi. 
De 14; de cet endroit- 1a; ὧδ ce liew-la. 

Dependence, nN, dé-pend’ens. Anything 

hanging down from a supporter; 

state of deriving support from. 
Di cosa che pende o dipende; dipen- - 

Rapport ; enchatnement; dépendance. 
Dependants, γι, dé-pend’ants. 
depend on others. 
Coloro che dipendono su δ] 11. 

Dépendants; créatures. 

Dependents, a, dé-pend’ents. (Plur.) 
Subject to the power of; one who 
depends on another. 

Dipendenti; soggetti al potere di altri. 
Dépendants; subordonnés. 

Depositary, 7, dé-poz‘it-a-ri. One to 
whom a thing is committed for safe 
keeping; a trustee; a guardian. 

Depositario; colui presso il quale si 

Dépositaire; celui a qui l’on confie 
une chose. . 

Depository, n, dé-poz'it-d-ri. A place 
where anything is deposited or 
lodged for safe keeping. 

Deposito; luogo dove si fa il deposito. 
Dépot; magasin. 

Descendant, m, dé-send’ant. Any per- 
son descending from an ancestor in 
any degree. 

Discendente ; successore. 
Descendant; rejeton. 

Descendent, a, "dé- send’ent. Descending; ; 
proceeding from an original or 

Che vien git; 
che discende ; procedente. 

che cade; 

issu de. 

Descendant; tombant; qui descend; Ἵ 

Jlidvendexstad | 7 

Desert, vt, de’-zért. To quit with a 
view not to return to; toforsake or — 
leave, as service. a 

Desertare ; fuggire ; scappare ; lasciare}_ 
abbandonare. 3 
Déserter; quitter; abandonner; fuir; 

Dessert, n, dé-zért'.. That which ἴθ 

They who | 


pivot after ὩΣ ΟΡ ΚΕΡῚ meals are 
; fruit. 
frutta; desserta. 

srt; fruits servis ἃ la fin d’un 

erve, vt, dé-zérv’. To merit; to 
_ have a just claim to; sceroece we: of. 
p itare ; esser degno. 

; atire digne de. 

6, ‘vt, dis-sérv’.. To do a bad 
“office to; to injure; to hurt; to 

μή nuocere ; ‘pumgiadionre 
; nuire; faire tort a. 
An evil spirit; a demon; 

68, ask diz. (Plus) ered owing ; 
ought to be paid or done to an- 
_ other; suitable ; becoming; exact. 
Dovuto; dovendo; simposte; ilgiusto &c. 
Ce qui est da; ‘droit ; tribut ; ; juste 
; _, Prétention. 

vice, n, dé-vis’. Contrivance; scheme; 

Inyenzione; trovato; spediente; arti- 
-fizio; stratagemma. 

; vention ; stratagéme; expédient ; 
$5 _ projet. 
ise, ut, dé-viz’. To contrive ; to in- 

vent; to discover. 

Divisare; architettare ; progettare. 

ὯΙ Considérer ; songer 4; imaginer. 

ar, 70, de-viz'ér. One who contrives 

_ _- or invents; a contriver. 
Inventore ; autore. 

venteur ; aubeur. 

4807, 1, de-viz’ ér. One who bequeaths 

“lands or tenements. 



isor, m, de-viz'or. The number by 

which the dividend is divided. 

ivisore ; che divide. 

nombre par lequel on 

ote, vt, dé-vot. To consecrate; to 

doom ; to apply closely to. 

edicare; consacrare; assegnare. 

évouer; consacrer ; dédier. 



Devout, a, dé-vout. Devoted to religion ; 
expressing devotion; holy; taps, 

Divoto; pio; religioso ; fervente. 
Dévot; pieux ; religieux. 

Dew, », di. A moisture from the 
atmosphere condensed into drops 
on the surface of cold bodies. 

Rosée ; humidité qui tombe sur la 
terre pendant la nuit. 

Due, n, di. That ought to be paid or 
done to another; suitable; be- 

co ; exact. 

Debito ; dovuto; scadibile; legittimo; 

Ce ball est di; droit; requis; néces- 

Dhow, ἡ μὰ “as. An Arab coasting vessel. 
Una barca o naviglio costeggiatore 

Barque ou navire caboteur arabe; 
navire cétier arabe. 

Doe, n, 46. A she-deer; the female of 
the fallow deer. 

Daina; cerva; una damma. 
Daine ; femelle de daim. 

Dough, n, d6. A mass composed of flour 

or meal moistened and kneaded. 
Pasta; farina impastata. 
Farine détrempée et pétrie; pate. 

Diaconal, a, di-ak’on-al. Pertaining to 
a deacon. 

Diaconato; di diaconato. 
De diacre. 

Diagonal, a, di-ag’on-al. Extending 
from one angle to another of a 

ee ligne tracée d’un angle a 
l'autre. ; 

Dieresis, 7, di-ii-ré’sis. The dissolution 
of a diphthong ; the mark (*" ) placed 
over two vowels. 

Diérése; division. 

Diereses,. n, di-ii-ré-sés. 

Plurale di Diswresis: Dieresi. 
Le pluriel de Diwresis: Diéréses. 

Dice, npl, dis. Plural of Die; also a 
game with dice; small cubes marked 
on their faces with numbers. 


Dies, npl, diz. Stamps used in coining 

money, in foundries. 

Plural of 


Coins, pour frapper la monnaie. 

Dyes, npl, diz. A colouring liquid or 

-Tinte; colori. 

Teints ; couleurs. 

Dick, n, dik. Abbreviation of Richard. 
Abbreviatura di Richard (Riccardo). 
Diminutif de Richard. 

Dig, vt, dig. To open and break up, as 
the earth with a spade or other 

Vangare; scavare; sterrare. 
Creuser; fouer; bécher. 
Tick, n, tik. The cover of a bed, which 
contains the feathers, wool, &c. 
Tela da materassa; acaro; zecca; il 
suono dell’ oscillare di un orologio. 
Toile qui enveloppe la plume d’un Lit; 
toile 4 matelas. 

Thick, a, thick. Characterized by den- 

sity or closeness. 
Spesso; grosso; denso.' 
Epais; touffu; bourbeux; gros. 

Die, vi, di. To be deprived of life; to 
expire; a small cube marked with 

Morire ; dade. 
Mourir ; dé. 

Dye, vt, di. To stain; to give a new 

and permanent colour to. 
Teindre; colorer. 

Dint, », dint. The mark made by a 
blow; force ; power exerted. 

Colpo; effetto o marchio del colpo; 
segno} vestigio; a forza. 

Coup; marque; bossure ; 

Tint, n, tint. A tinge; adye; a slight 
colouring distinct from the ground 
or principal colour. 

Tinta; colore; colorito. 
Teint; teinture; couleur. 

Tinned, pa, tind. Covered with tin. 
Coperto di latta o stagno; stagnato. 
Etamé; couvert d’étain. 

Dip, vt, dip. To plunge for a short time 

in water or other liquid substance. 
Immergere; intingere ; tuffare. 
Plonger; tremper; mouiller. 

Tip, n, tip. The end; the extremity of 
anything small; a gentle stroke; a 

Estremita ; punta; cima; 
leggermente; colpettino. 
Bout; extrémité; pointe. 

force ; 



Dire, a, dir. Dismal; terrible; gloomy. 
Dire; orrendo; tremendo; crudele. 
Terrible; cruel; affreux; hideux. 

Dyer, n, dir. One whose occupation is 
_ to dye cloth and the like. 


Disband, vt, dis-band’. To dismiss from 
military service; to scatter; to 

Sbandare ; licenziare; congedare. 
Retirer du service; se disperser; se 

Disbend, vt, dis-bend’. To unbend; 
to relax or render incapable of 

Allentare; rallentare. 
Débander ; détendre ; relacher. 

Disclaim, vt, dis-klim’. To deny all 
claim to; to reject as not belonging 
to one’s self. 

Negare; sconfessare ; rinunziare. 
Désavouer; renier; abroger. 
Disclamet, vt, dis-klam’. To expel, as 
‘Money did love disclame.’ 
Espellere;  scacciare; subentrare; 
valere pil di... 
Expulser; chasser; remplacer. 

Discous, τ, dis’kus. 
wide, and flat; said of the middle, 
plain, and flat part of some com- 
posite flowers. 

Forma di diseo di piante. 
Large; plat. 

Discus, n, dis‘kus. A round, flat piece 

of iron, copper, or stone, to be — 

thrown to play; a quoit. 
Disco; piastrella; morella. 
Disque ; plaquette; morelle. 

Discuss, vt, dis-kus’. To disperse; to 
debate ; to agitate by argument; to 
examine by disputation. 

Discuter; agiter; examiner. 

Discreet, a, dis-krét. 
in avoiding errors or evil, and the 

best means to accomplish a pur- ἢ 

Discreto ; savio; giudizioso. 
Discret ; prudent; circonspect. 
Discrete, a, dis-krét. 

Discreto ; discretivo ; separato ; incon- 4 

Séparé ; disjoint. 
Disdain, vt, dis-dan’. 
less; to scorn; to contemn. 



Disk-like; circular, — 

Not concrete; ~ 

To deem worth- 3 

ee ee ee 

Prudent; wise ~ 

[ : aisdegnare ; aver ἃ 
Shes ea tS 4 riser, — 
in, vt, ‘ais-tin’. - - ΤῸ take out the 

¢ our οἷ; to sully; to tarnish; to 
blot; to discolour. 

Seolorire ; ;  appannare ; 
᾿ sporcare ; sbiadire. 

_ Teindre ; tacher ; souiller ; ternir. 
Disinter, 2 vi, dis-in-tér’. To exhume;} to 

offuscare ; 

_unbury; to take a corpse out of 
the ground; to dig up. 

Esumare ; dissotterrare. 

‘Exhumer; déterrer. 

Dissenter, n, dis-sent’ér. One who 
τς geparates from the service and 
worship of an established Church. 

Dissentire ; discordanza d’ opinione. 

Dissident ; non-conformiste. 

Disroot, vt, dis-rét. To tear up the 
roots of or by the roots. 

Sradicare ; svellere. 

otergen arracher. 

Disrout, vi, dis-rét. To put to flight in 

erent directions; to scatter in 

Strattare mettendo in fuga; disper- 
dere ; sbandare. 

Renvoyer; chasser; mettre en fuite; 


Distal, a, dis'tal. (Anat.) Remote from 

the place of attachment of inser- 

tion, as the distal extremity of a 

Ritsiass dalla parte aderente, come 
aa dall’ osso, &c. 
: a - Eloigné; : extrémité éloignée ; 
ς΄ adhérent 
“Distit, vi, jie til’ 
_ flow gently, or in a small stream ; : 
to practise distillation. 
_ Distillare ; lambiccare. 
pv ittiller; ‘tomber goutte ἃ goutte. 


several; more than one, ‘but not a 
great number. 
 Diversi; ecchi; pit di uno. 
3 a “sath plusieurs; différents. 
- ἢ se, a, di-vérs. Turned different 
a age different ; various. 
_ Che differisce ; vario; svariato; mul- 
En ον" maniéres ; 
bovine a, di-vin. Appropriated to 
God; apparently above what is 


fac: ΚΡ er oot 


fivers, a, di’yérz. Different; diverse; | 

To fall in drops; to © 


eer ree eS 
. FS c= 

ΘΕ ΤΑ a 

Divino; celeste. 
Divin ; céleste; sublime. 
Diving, pa, div’i To descend below 
the surface of the water. 
L’ atto del tuffarsi; tuffo; tuffamento. 
L’action de se plonger; plongement; 
Dock, », dok. A plant with broad 
leaves ; a place where ships are 
built or repaired. 
Romice; darsena ; bacino per costruire 
Bassin; darse; endroit pour construire 
ou mettre les vaisseaux a l’abri. 
Dog, n, dog. A well-known domestic 
animal of many varieties ; the male 
of a bitch. 

Dole, n, ddl. That which is dealt out, 
given in charity; gratuity. 
Cosa distribuita; pietanza; porzione ; 
Distribution; partage ; largesse. 
Doll, wy ane "A puppet or baby for a 

Bambola; fantoccio. 

Dollar, m, dol'lér. Α silver coin of 
Spain and of the United States of 
America, worth about 4s. 4d. 

Dollar, monnaie d’Amérique. 

Dolour, n, do'lér. Pain; grief; sorrow; 

Dolore ; angoscia; angustia. 
Douleur; peine. 

Dolven, pp, dolv’nt. Dug; opened with 

a spade, as ground, το. 
Scavato; sterrato. 
Béché; creusé. 

_ Dolphin, n, dol'fin. A small species of 



Delfino (pesce di mare). 

Dauphin (poisson de mer). 

n, 7”,don. A Spanish title equivalent 
to Mr.; to put on, as dress. 

Titolo spagnuolo che equivale ‘Sig- 
nore’; indossare vestiti. 

Titre espagnol et portugais; mettre ; 


Done, vt, ‘dun. Verb To do: Finished ; 


Verbo To do: Fare; fatto; finito; 

Verbe To do: Faire; fait; fini; ace 


Dun, a,dun. Of a dull brown colour; 

swarthy ; gloomy. 
Sauro; bruno; scuro; fosco. 
D’un brun obscur; obscur; sombre. 

Dung, n, dung. The excrement of 
animals; manure. 

Letame; ingrasso. 
Fumier; excrément. 

Dor or Dorr, », dor. 

Fuco; pecchione ; scarafaggio da siepe. 
Escarbot ; bourdon; guépe. 

Door, n, dir. An opening into a house 

or into a room. 
Porte; entrée. 

Doree, 7, do’-ré. A fish with the stater, 
caught by St. Peter ; a golden yellow 
fish called ‘John Doree.’ 

Un pesce rosso giallognolo. 
Un poisson jaune-doré; 

Dory, n, do'-ré. A canoe or small boat. 
Canotto ; barchetta. 

Canot; petite barque. 

Dose, 7, ‘dos. A quantity to be taken at 
a "time, as of medicine, &c.; a 

Dose; portion. 

Doze, n, doz. A-slight sleep; a slumber. 
Sonnicello; sonno leggiero ; sopore. 
Assoupir; assoupiment; petit ou leger 


Dost, vi, dust. Verb To do: 2nd pers. 
sing. ind. mood, pres. tense. 

Verbo To do: Fare: 28 pers. sing. ind. 

A blackbeetle or 

poisson de 

temp. pres.: Tu fai. 
Verbe To do: Faire: 29 pers. sing. ind. 
prés.: Tu fais. 

Dust, n, dust. Dry and pulverised 
‘earthy matters. 
Dot, γι, dot. Α point, as the mark over 
the letter I. 
Punto, come il punto che si mette 
sulla lettera I. 
Point; petite marque ronde, comme le 
point sur la lettre I. 
Dote, vi, dét. To love fondly; to show 
"the childishness of old age. 
Essere innamorato perdutamente ; 
Radoter; déraisonner; aimer éperdti- 
ment; tomber en enfance (de la 
vieillesse). « 


The fortune brought — 

Dower, 7, dou’ér. 
by a wife. 

Dote; assegnamento; pensione; usu- 

Dot; bien apporté par la femme en 
mariage; dotaire. 

Tawer, n, ta’er. 

Conciatore di pelle bianca. 
Mégissier; celui qui appréte les peaux 
en blanc. 

Tower, n, tou’ér. 
defence ; a citadel; a fortress. 

Torre; castello. 
Tour; forteresse. 

Down, 7 and adv, doun. Any fine hairy 
substance, as feathers, &c.—Tend- 
ing towards the ground. 

Lanugine; penna matta—Gil; ab- 

Le duvet; plume menu.—En bas; pee 

terre; vers le bas. 
Town, n, toun. Any collection of housed 
larger than a village or a suburb; 
a city. 
Ville; cité. 
Downs, 7, douns. 
sheep pastures contiguous to the 

Towns, mpl, touns. Plural of Town. 
Plurale di Town: Citta. 
Pluriel de Town: Villes. 
Dozen, a, du’zn. Twelve in number. 
Dozing, pn, doz'ing. A slumbering. 
Assoupissant; étre 4 demi endormi. 
Drachm, », dram 
a weight equivalent to the eighth 
part of an ounce. 
Moneta Greca d’ argento (dracma). 
Monnaie grecque (drachme ou 
dragme) ; huitiéme partie de l’once. 
Dram, n, dram. A weight of the 
γῷ ἀϑαν part of an ounce, or sixty 


Una dramma; Τ᾽ ottava parte dell’ on- on 

Une drachme 
Draft, κε ων. A cheque for money; 
a bill of exchange; a plan drawn in 


A dresser of white 

A high building for — 

Large, open, hilly © 

A Greek silver coin; _ 

Hast Rath ρα Kb hay ” 

huitiéme partie de ἢ q 

- Ansegno . ees schizo; abbozzo ; 
πὶ ᾿ς speaameg on segno). 

Trait; un eg une lettre de change; 

tableau ; dessin. 

Draught, n, draft. A stream of air; a 

ai portion of liquor drunk at one 

ἘΦ potation. 

Ε΄, ἢ Ἄγ ενν ἃ᾽ aria; sorso di una bibita. 
- Quantité bue a la fois; potion; cou- 

re ᾿ς rant d’air. 

Ξ Dragon, n, ica ‘A fabulous mon- 

ome dis 
a Un dragon, monstre ἀρ ον, 
Dragoon, n, dra-gin’. A soldier who 
serves-on horseback or on foot as 

a. occasion may require. 
| a Z Dragone (soldato). 
ὭΣ θόρε 5 a qui combat ἃ pied et a 
2 ev. 

Drain, », dran. A sink or sewer to draw 
ΔΑ One liquids ; (v) to empty; to leave 



_ Scolo; ‘colatore ; (v) far scolare; pro- 
4 g sciugare ; seccare. 
a Canal; égout; conduit; rigole; (v) 
ae mettre ἃ sec ; égoutter ; épuiser. 
Train, vt, tran. To draw by artifice; a 
‘os ἴω retinue ; ; to educate or discipline. 
_ £YTirare; strascicare ; ammaestrare ; 
4 ἢ Trainer; entrafner; tirer aprés soi; 
 élever; instruire ; sser. 
‘Dray, ny dra. A brewer's cart; a low 
e drawn by a horse. 
_Carro da birrajo; carrettone. 
Charrette de brasseur ; haquet ; trat- 
ο΄ neau 
Tray Ny tra. A metal or papier maché 
board for handing glasses, tea, 
q coffee, &c. 
Segoe ; guantiera; cabaré;  truo- 
pistons ; auge ; baquet. 
Trey, tra. The three of cards or dice. 
Tre (alle carte 
Carte marquée de trois; un trois. 
_ Dress, vf 4 dres. To put on clothes; to 

EVestire : abbigliare ; acconciare ; 
Ἢ addobbare. 

_ _ Habiller; vétir; parer; panser. 

τ E Dyess, n, tres. A braid of hair; a 
3 : ringlet. 

_ Treccia di capelli; ricciolo. 
᾿ς Tresse, boucle (de cheveux). 

4 : “Deyn dri‘ad. A wood-nymph. 



seins ninfa dei boschi. 
ade; nymphe des bois. 

Drie , pa, drid. Freed from moisture. 
Asciugato ; seccato ; inaridito. 

Séché; desséché. 

Tried, vt, trid. Verb To try (pp). 
Verbo To try pp): Provare; provato. 
Verbe To try {»): Essayer ; sew 

Drill, vt, dril. bore or perforate b 

a vibratory motion; to pierce with 


Forare col succhiello. 

Vriller; percer avec une vrille. 

Thrill, vt, thril. To penetrate; to cause 
a tingling sensation in, that runs 
through the system with a slight 

Forare; pertugiare; penetrare; tra- 
figgere ; rabbrividire. 

Percer ; faire un trou; perforer ; péné- 
trer; éprouver une douloureuse 

Trill, n, tril. An ornamental turn or 
‘vibration of the voice in singing. 

Trillo; gorgheggio. 

Ro e; cadence. 

Drip, vi, drip. To fall in drops. 
Gocciolare; cadere a gocciole; stillare. 
Laisser tomber goutte ἃ goutte; 


Trip, vi, trip. To dance from gladness; 
to take short, quick, light steps; to 
lose footing; to stumble. 

Danzare;_ salterellare; inciampare; 
porre il piede in fallo. 

Danser de joie; sautiller; tomber en 
perdant pied ; trébucher. 

Drive, vt, driv. To force along; to 
guide horses; to impel, as a team 
of horses ; to urge on. 

Spingere ; cacciare dentro; far andar 
avanti; condurre; guidare. 

Enfoncer ; pousser ; conduire une 

Thrive, vi, thriv. To prosper by in- 
dustry, economy, and good manage- 
ment of property; to have success. 

Prosperare; avvanzarsi ; arricchirsi. 

Prospérer; croftre ; s’enrichir. 

Droll, a, ἄγ]. Comic ; waggish; queer; 
facetious; laughable; ludicrous. 

Comico ; puffonesco ; lepido ; piace- 

Dréle; comique; plaisant. 

Trawl, vi, trail. To fish with a drag-net. 
Pescare col tramaglio. 

Pécher au tramail. 


Troll, vt, trol. To move volubly; to 
sing the parts of, in succession ; to 
fish with a baited trolling-line. 
Andar qua e la; voltolare ; rotolare. 
Mouvoir circulairement; tourner en 

Trowel, n, trou’el. A tool used by brick- 

layers for spreading mortar. 
Cazzuola da muratore. 
Truelle ; outil de magon pour platrer. 

Drone, », drén. The male or non- 
working bee. 

Pecchione (ape maschio). 
Une guépe; un bourdon. 
Throne, n, thron. A royal seat; sover- 
eign power and dignity. 
Tréne; siége royal. 
Thrown, pp, thrin. Verb To throw. 
Verbo To throw (gettare; buttare) ; 
gettato; buttato. 
Verbe To throw: Jeter; jeté; lancé. 

Throng, vi,throng. Tocrowd together ; 

to come in multitudes. 
Accaleare; affollare. 
Presser; venir en foule; se presser; 

Droop, vt, drép. To lean downward as 
a body that is weak; to flag; to 
languish from grief, ὅσο. 

Appassirsi; languire ; chinare ὁ abbas- 
sare languidamente. 

Languir; tomber en langueur; dé- 

Troop, n, trop. A collection of people ; 
a body of soldiers. 

Truppa; banda; soldatesca. 
Troupe; bande; compagnie de soldats. 

Drug, , drug. The general name of 
substances used in medicine; an 
article of slow sale. 

Droga; ingrediente medicinale; ro- 

Une drogue; un médicament; une 
chose sans valeur. 

Truck, n, truk. A railway waggon for 
the conveyance of goods. 

Baratto; carrettello; vagone di fer- 
rovia per merci. 

Troc; échange; voiture ἃ bras; 
wagon, voiture sur le chemin de 

Drum, 7, drum. <A musical instrument ; 
the tympanum of the ear; a re- 
volving cylinder or barrel. 

Tamburo; timpano dell’ orecchio. 
Tambour; le tympan de I’oreille. 



Duel, n, di'él. 

Thrum, n,thrum. A weaver’s cutting ; 
the odds and ends cut off by a 
weaver in weaving. 

Frangia dello stame ; orlo dell’ ordito ; 
intagli del tessere. 

Extrémités des fils du tissu; bordure; 
lisiére d’une étoffe. 

Drunk, a, drungk. Intoxicated; stupe- 
fied οὐ inflamed by the action of 

Ubbriaco; inebriato dal bere. 

Soil; ivre; enivré. 

Trunk, n, trungk. The bole of a tree; 
a travelling box; a proboscis. 

Tronco d’ albero; baule; tromba, pro- 

Tronc; le gros d’un arbre; la trompe 
d’un éléphant. 

Dry, a, dri. Without moisture; thirsty; 
arid; not wet or moist. 

Secco; arido; asciutto. 

Sec; aride; desséché. 

Try, vt, tri. 
experiment on; to prove; to exa- 

Provare; assaggiare ; 
mettere alla prova. 

Essayer; éprouver; examiner; juger. 

Dual, a, dial. Consisting of only two, 
as the dual number in Greek. 

Duale, di due (gram. Greca). 

(Terme de grammaire grecque) le 
duel; qui désigne deux personnes 
ou deux choses. 

A premeditated combat 
between two persons. 


Duel; combat singulier. 

Dwell, vi, dwel. To tarry; to live in a 
place; to reside; to continue talk- 
ing on a subject. 

Abitare; dimorare; dilatarsi; occu- 
parsi estesamente. 

Habiter; résider; s’étendre sur un 
sujet; s’appuyer sur. 

Dub, vt, dub. To confer knighthood or 
a title upon, by a tap with a sword. 

Creare, nominare, come cavaliere ; 
conferire titoli, &c. 

Faire, créer chevalier; conférer une 


Tub, n, tub. A wooden vessel for 
domestic uses. . 

Tino; tinozza. 

Baquet; cuve. 

Duck, x, duk. The female of Drake; a 
water bird. 

sperimentare ; 


To attempt; to make an. 

IL hyde cache, abe aay table pad in ΤῸ 


Dug ἃ on The The aac, f th 
, udder of a cow; the 

ἐῶ of the verb To dig. 

ποῖα; capezzolo Sagi bestie); tempo 

τὸ passato del verbo To dig: Scavare: 

a ee (des animaux) ; passé 

= verbe To dig: Bécher; creuser : 

Ricks vt, tuc. To draw together or 
gather into a narrower compass; to 
old under. 

᾿ ‘Sessitura; piega di veste ; ripiegare ; 

3 _ suceingere. 
ε- ‘Trousser ; retrousser; relever ; 
courcir; rétrécir. 
= eta, st, tug. To pull with great effort; 
: by means of steam power ; 
Ἢ haul along; to pull. 
Tirare ; rimorchiare. 
: Ἢ er ; remorquer. 

ς tose nm, du'jon. A small dagger or 
” oe handle of a dagger; inward 
7 anger or resentment. 
= P 0; mala parte; collera re- 
s pressa. 

Uns petite dague; un petit poignard ; 
--- mauvaise hameur. 
eS: Dongen m, dun'jon. A dark dismal 
Ἢ prison under ground. 
Segreta; prigione sotterranea. 
ey prison souterraine. 

a, di’el-ing. Act or prac- 

tice « 0 fighting i in single combat. 

Ti duellare. 
L’action de se battre en duel. 


= cile ; residence. 
_ Abitazione; dimora. 
3 οἰ γαρνορμς habitation. 
ΠΕΡῚ a, dum. .Destitute of the power 

' Ἢ of speech; mute. 

τς Mutolo; muto. 

-- _ 

@eD n, dump. A dull state of the 

Εν Gates melancholy; absence of 
ἧ ᾿ mind ; gloom. 

/ Melanconia; noja; esser di cattivo 

chet 4g Se 
Oy δ n, thum. The short, strong, 


ἢ pn, dwel'ing. Habitation; | 
3 place of ‘residence; abode ; domi. | 

el ago finger of the human 


Pouce; le plus gros doigt de la main. 

hump, n, thump. A heavy blow given 
with anything that is thick, as with 
a club or fist. 

Bussa; pugno; botta; colpo rimbom- 

Donner des coups de poing; un coup 

de poing. 

Dun, a, dun. Of a dark, dull colour, 
partaking of a dull brown colour ; 
one who importunes for payment. 

Sauro; bruno; fosco; scuro; creditore 

D’un brun obscur; sombre; obscur ; 
créancier importun. 

Don, n,don. A Spanish title equivalent 
to Mr.; to put on, as dress. 

Titolo spagnuolo, che equivale ‘ Sig- 
nore’; indossare vestiti. 

Titre espagnol et portugais ‘ Monsieur’ ; 
mettre; vétir. 

Done, pp, dun. Verb To do: finished; 
Verbo To do: Fare; fatto; finito; 
Verbe To do: Faire; fait; fini; ac- 
Dung, n, dung. The excrement of 
animals ; manure. 

Letame ; ingrasso. 
Fumier; excrément; engraissage. 
Dusk, a, dusk. Tending to darkness or 
moderately dark. 
Crepuscolo; |’ imbrunire del giorno. 
neg la brune ; ; commencement d’ob- 


Tusk, » γι, hale: The long pointed tooth of 
certain animals, as the elephant, 
boar, &c. 

Broche du sanglier ou de 1|’éléphant ; 

Dyeing, pn, di’‘ing. Art of giving new 
and eee) colours. 

L’ art de teindre les étoffes, 
Dying, Pa, aii ing. Mortal; destined to 
; departing from life. 
ον; morente. 
Mourant ; moribond ; expirant. 



Eager, a, é'gér. Ardent to pursue, per- 
form or obtain. 

- Avido; cupido; ingordo; premuroso. 

Désireux ; empressé ; avide. 

Eagre or Eger, n, δ΄ σόν. Surge; breaker ; 

wave; an impetuous flood. 
Cavallone di marea. 
Flot qui en surmonte un autre; ras de 

: marée. ae 

᾿ς Ear, ἢ, ér. One of the two organs of 

Orecchio; spiga di grano, &c. 
Oreille; un épi de blé; anse. 
Hear, vt, hér. To enjoy the faculty of 
perceiving sound by the ear. 
-Sentire; udire; ascoltare ; intendere. 
Entendre ; écouter; apprendre. . 
Here, path hér. In this place. 
eas ; qua. 

Year, n, γ8 1. The period of time during 
which the earth makes one com- 
plete revolution round its orbit. 

An; année. 

Earn, vi, τ. To gain by labour, ser- 
vice, or performance. 

Guadagnare (col lavoro); lucrare. 

Gagner; acquérir; obtenir; mériter. 
Erne, n, érn. Sea eagle. 

Aquila di mare o marittima. 

Aigle marine. 

Urn, n, érn. A kind of vase of a roundish 
form, sometimes employed for hot 
water at the tea table. 


Earnest, a, érn’est. Ardent and con- 
stant in the pursuit of an object; 
eager; zealous; fervent. 

Ardente ; premuroso; fervido. 
Ardent; brilant; empressé; chose 

Ernest, n, &'nest. A name; a Christian 

Un nome: Ernesto. 
Un nom: Ernest. 

Ear-ring, 7, ér-ring’. A jewel or orna- 
ment worn in the ear. 

Orecchino; pendente d’ orecchio ; 
Une boucle d’oreille. 


Erring, pa, er'ing. Wandering from the 
truth or the right way. 

Errante ; traviato; ingannato. 
Egarement; égaré. 

Hearing, pn, hér-ing’. Sensation or 
perception of sound; audience. 
Udienza; audizione; |’ atto di udire. 
Ouie ; un des cing sens. 
Herein, adv, hér'in. In this. 

In questo; in cid. 
En ceci; en ce point. 

Herring, n, he'ring. One of those sea 
fishes which go in great multitudes 
or shoals. 

Aringa (pesce). 
Hareng (poisson). 

East, 7, ést. 

‘points, from where the sun rises. 
ΤΙ levante ; 1’ oriente; 1’ est. 
Orient ; est. 

Yeast, n,yést. A preparation for raising 

dough for bread; barm ; ferment. 
Lievito; fermento. 
Levure; levain. 

Eat, vt, δύ. To take food; to bite, or 

chew and swallow, as food. 

Heat, n, hét. That which produces 
the sensation of warmth in any 

Calore ; caldo. 

Eater, mn, ét/ér. One who eats; - that 

which eats or corrodes. 
Mangiatore ; mangione. 
Mangeur ; corrosif. 

Either, pron, τ μόν. 

rately considered. 
O Il’ uno ο I’ altro; ovvero; gli uni 6 

gli altri. 
L’ un ou |’ autre; l’ un et I’ autre; 
Ether, n, @'thér. Pure, refined air; a 

very light volatile and inflammable 
Etere; I’ etere. - 
Ether ; fluide plus subtil que l’air. 
Heather, nm, heth’ér. A small s 

with beautiful flowers which grows a 

in wild places. 


One of the four cardinal 

One or the other}; 
one of two; each; every one, sepa- 

eee ee 

i ae 


eke oe 

et Teen We 

A Oe a Alas re tind 

eater, n, hét’ér. 

Colui o quello che riscalda. 
Chauffeur; chauffoir. 
ten, pp, ét'en. Verb To eat. 
Verbo Ὁ eat : Mangiare ; mangiato. 
_Verbe To eat: Manger; mangé. 
Eating, pn, δύω. Verb To eat; the 
act of chewing and swallowing 
Verbo To eat: Mangiando. 
Verbe To eat: L’ action de manger. 
den, ἢ, @den. The country and 
garden in which God placed Adam 
- and Eve. 
+r il paradiso terrestre. 
_ _ Eden, paradis terrestre. 

_ Eaves, n, évz. The lower border of the 
roof of a building which overhangs 
ἘΣ the walls. 

᾿ Grondaia. 
_ L’armier; l’égout d’un toit; auvent. 

- Heaves, vt, hévz. Verb To heave: He 
a heaves ; he lifts; he raises. 

Verbo To’ heave: "Alzare; inalzare ; 
| __ sollevare ; egli inalza o solleva. 

_  Verbe To heave: Soulever; lever; 
il souléve. 

‘Eddy, n, ed’di. A current of water or 
a air in a circular direction; a whirl- 

He or that which 

Tat ine di vento o di aria. 
Vague tournoyante d’eau; tourbillon. 
_ Heady, a, hed'i.. Apt to affect the 
+" ead; intoxicating; strong ; hasty ; 
Ἐν ᾿ precipitate; violent. 
_  Testardo; impetuoso; avventato. 
a ets ; violent; emporté; capi- 

Bice =. n, ‘ej. 

Margin; brim; the thin 
Li Datktng side of an "instrument. 
_ Margine; orlo} parte tagliente di 

᾿ς arme pianche. 

_ Bord; le tranchant ou le fil d’un 

Ἂ instrument qui coupe. 

" Bteh, vt, ech. To eatinto by aquafortis ; 
| ‘to produce figures or designs, as on 
ο΄ copper, &e. 

᾿ς Scolpire ο intagliare con acqua forte. 
Ἂς χιβμε ἃ l’eau forte. 
@, 7, hej. A fence or inclosure con- 
Sdating of eesti prickly bushes or 

- Siope. 

Ἄν n, @'dikt. Decree; manifesto ; 
ance; an order issued by a 
high authority. 
Decreto; editto; proclama. 
Edit ; ordonnance ; déclaration. 

Addict, vt, ad‘dikt. To give up or attach 
to; to dedicate. 

Addarsi a; darsi in preda a; abban- 
S’adonner ; s’abandonner ; se livrer. 

Edile, », é é/dil. A Roman magistrate 
who had the charge of public 

Edile (stor. rom.). 
Edile; magistrat romain. 

Idle, a, τ]. Unemployed; doing no- 
thing ; sluggish. 

Ozioso; sfaccendato ; infingardo. 
Paresseux ; fainéant ; oisif. 

Idol, n, i dol. A pagan deity; a man, 
animal, &c., consecrated as an 
object of worship. 


τάν, ἣν i‘dil. A short pastoral poem. 
dillio (poemetto pastorale). 
Idylle ; petit poéme. 
Edit, vt, edit. To give out; 
forth ; to publish. 
Pubblicare ; far stampare ; redigere. 
Editer ; rédiger. 
Edith, n, edith. An English Christian 
name for a female. 
Nome di femmina (inglese). 
Nom de femme (anglais). 
Adit, n,ad’it. A going to; an approach; 
opening into a mine, "&e. 
Andito (di miniera); adito; galleria di 

Un passage souterrain ; issue. 
Edition, , é-di’shon. The publication 
of a work, book, writing, &c. 

Edition ; impression; publication d’un 

Addition, n, ad-di’shon. Act of adding; 

to put 

’ increase. 
Addizione ; aumento ; aggiunta ; accre- 
Addition ; augmentation ; chose 
Eel, », él. A serpent-like fish, living 

much in mud, 
Anguille; poisson en forme de serpent. 
Heal, vt, hel. To cure; to cause to 
‘close up, as a wound, 



Cicatrizzare; rimarginare; guarire} 

Se cicatriser; se guérir. 

Heel, n, hél. The part of the foot that 
swells out behind; the hind part 
of a shoe or stocking. 


He'll, abbrev. of he will. 

Abbreviazione di ‘ He will.’ 
Abbréviation de ‘ He will.’ 

Effect, », ef-fekt’. That which is done 
or produced by an agent or cause ; 
result; event. 

Effetto; risultato. 
Effet; résultat. 

Affect, vt, af-fekt'’. To act upon; to 

move the feelings of; to be fond of. 

Affettare ; toccare al vivo; commuo-. 

Affecter; émouvoir; aimer. 

Effront, vt, ef'frunt. Boldness of front; 
transgressing the bonds of modesty 
and decorum. 

Sfacciatezza; sfrontatezza; affronto. 
Effronterie ; impudence. 

Affront, vt, af-frunt’. To meet face to 
face ; to insult to the face; to offend 
by disrespect. 

Affrontare; assalire di fronte ; insul- 
Affronter; insulter. 
Eight, a, at. Expressing the number 
Il numero otto. 
Ait, at. A small island. 
Piccola isola. 
Tlot. : 

Ate, pret, &t. From the verb To eat. 
Verbo To eat: Mangiare; mangid. 
Verbe To eat: Manger; il mangea. 

Hate, n, hat. Great dislike or aversion ; 

Odio; astio. 
Haine; aversion. 

Elapse, vi, é-laps. 
as time. 

(del tempo) Scorrere; passare. 
S’écouler ; se passer s’échapper. 

Illapse, vi, il-laps’. Entrance of one 
thing into another; a sudden en- 

Illapso ; accesso; introduzione. 
Communication ; émanation. 

Elicit, vt, é-lis‘it. To bring to light; to 

deduce by reason or argument. 

To pass away silently 


Trarre alla luce ; far emergere ; cavare; 
Faire jaillir de; tirer de. 
Illicit, a, il-lis'it. Not permitted; un- 
lawful; lawless. 
Illecito ; proibito; vietato. 
Illicite; défendu; prohibé. 
Elide, ot, slid’. To strike or dash out; 
to cut off, as a syllable. 
(Gram.) Elidere. 
Elider ; faire une élision. 
Elite, n, &lét. A choice or select body ; 

Scelta; fiore; eletta (come societa). 


Ell, », el. A measure of length. 
Auna; verga (misura di lunghezza). 
Aune (mesure de longueur). 

Hell, n, hel. The infernal place of pun- 
ishment for the wicked after 

L’ inferno. 

L, letter, el. A letter of the alphabet. 
Lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de I’ alphabet. 

Ellipsis, 7, el-lips’is. 

Elisse ; elissi. 
Ellipses, npl, el-lips’és. 
Plurale di Ellipsis: Elissi. 
Pluriel d’Ellipsis: Ellipses. 
Elm, τ, elm. ἃ well-known tree, 
valuable for its timber. 
Olmo (albero). 
Orme (grand arbre). 
Helm, n, helm. The instrument by 

which a ship is steered, including _ 

the rudder, tiller, wheel, &c. 
Gouvernail; timon. 

Elude, vi, 8.18’. To avoid by artifice or 4 

dexterity ; ; to baffle; to foil. 
Eludere; schivare; scansare. 
Eluder; éviter ; esquiver. 
Allude, vi, al-lid’. 
some reference. 
Alludere ; far allusione; accennare. 
Faire allusion. 

Illude, vt, il-lid. To deceive by false ἢ | 

Tromper ; décevoir; se jouer. 

the chosen part, as of an army, 

A figure of syntax — 
by which one or more words are — 

Plural of El- 4 




cept iTS νἀ τον. νων δον Sl Neh 

To refer; to make a | 

; re , οἱ, améri. To rise into view; to 

_ proceed from; to come forth or up. 
Emergere; sorgere ; provenire. 

‘Sortir de; “πλιὰ hors de; 6. 
96, vt, im'mérj. To plunge into a 
fluid ; to immerse. 

Immerger ; ‘plonger dans. 
igrant, », em’i- t. One who 
quits his country to settle in 
᾿ oe ἐᾷ 
Emigrante; emigra 
Emigrant; celui qui abandonne son 

mmagrant, N, - φνσὸν ρος The same 

inence, 7, em‘in-ens. Elevation; : 
height; a hill; distinction ; fame ; 
title of honour’ given to Cardinals, 

pd Eminenza; : 

titolo di Cardinale, &c. 

Eminence; hauteur; élévation; titre 
_ des Cardinaux 

Imminence, γι, im’mi-nens. Quality of 
᾿ς being imminent ; impending evil. 
f ; evento vicinissimo. 
_ Imminence ; danger imminent, me- 
τ" nacant. 
Eminent, a, em’in-ent. Rising up or 
3 above others; elevated ; exalted in 
 _ rank; high in office. 

τ Eminente; alto; elevato. 
Eminent ; ᾿ξϊονό, 
δι κυναποέ, a, im'ma-nent. 


altezza; luogo elevato; 

Inherent ; 
ΕΓ. inna 
 Inerente; innato; inseparabile. 
eaerensedue; inhérent. 
ent, a im’mi-nent. Impending; 
ΒΡ as if about to fall on, as 
some evil or calamity. 
ΠΟ Imminente che sovrasta; vicino. 
_ Imminent ; “menagant. 
ion, ”,é-mi’shon. An issuing out; 
that which is sent out or issued. 
mandare o gettare fuori; emissione. 
semicsion ; action de pousser dehors. 
mission, m, im-mi'-shon. Act of send- 
ing or thrusting into; injection. 
‘action de lancer dans; injection. 
i vt, or me send forth or = H 
et fly; to discharge; to sen 
Emettere; mandare o gettare fuori; 
_ esalare ; svaporare. 



ime Zone ; 




Jeter; pousser dehors; lancer; faire 

Emmet, n,em'met. An ant, so named 
from its industrious habits. 
Formica nera. 

Emmew?, vt, em-mii’. To confine as in 
ὃν cage. 

Chiudere in gabbia grande o uccelliera. 

Mettre dans une mue ; mettre en cage; 

Emu, n, ὁ ταῦ. A bird of a very large 
size (related to the ostrich) found 
in Australia. 

Un uccello grandissimo, della famiglia 
dello struzzo, oriundo dell’ Aus- 

Un grand oiseau de la race de |’au- 
truche, originaire de |’ Australie. 

Emphasis, nsing, em’fa-sis. A stress or 
force of voice laid on a word or 
clause of a sentence in order to 
enforce a meaning. 

Enfasi ; energia ; posa della voce 
sopra una parola, 

Emphase ; force d’expression. 

Emphases, mpl, em'fa-sés. Plural of 

Plurale di Emphasis. 

Pluriel de Emphasis. 

Empire, Ἢ, em’pir. Imperial power; 
the territory under the dominion of 
an emperor. 



Umpire, n, um'pir. A third person 
called in to decide a controversy 
when two disputants do not agree. 

Giudice eletto da due periti quando 
questi non vanno d’ accordo. 

Juge arbitre choisi par les deux 

Empress, », em’-pres. The consort of 
an emperor. 



Impress, n, im'pres. 
on the mind. 

(Imprimere sulla mente altrui) ; im- 

Empreinte ; impression ; devise. 

Empyreal, a, em-pi-ré ‘al. Refined be- 
yond aerial substance ; pertaining 
to the highest and purest region of 

Empireo (del firmamento). 

Empirée; céleste. 

Influence wrought 

Imperial, a, im-pé-'ri-al. Pertaining to 

an empire or an emperor. 

Enable, vt, en-a’bl. To empower; to 
strengthen; to make able. 

Abilitare ; autorizzare; capacitare; 
porre in grado di. 

Rendre capable de; mettre 4 méme; 
mettre en état de. 

Unable, a, un-a'bl. Not able; weak in 

Incapace; inabile; inetto. 
Incapable ; 3 qui n’est pas en état de; 
faible ; impotent. 

Encage, ‘ot, en-kaj’. To confine or shut 
up in a cage; to coop. 

Ingabbiare ; rinchiudere. 
Encager ; mettre en cage; enfermer. 

Engage, vt, en-gaj’. To bind by pledge 
or contract ; to attach ; to under- 
take to do. 

Impegnare; attaccare (il IRS 
Engager ; combattre. 

Engrain or Ingrain, vt, en-gran’ or 
in-gran. To dye in grain or in the 
raw material; to work into the 
grain or natural texture of. 

Tingere in grana. 
Teindre en grand teint. 

Ensure, vi, en-shir’. To make sure or 

secure ; to secure against loss. 
Assicurare ; assicurare contro perdita. 
Assurer ; faire assurer. 

Insure, vt, in-shir’. 

L’ istesso come Ensure. 
Assurer; garantir des pertes éven- 

The same as 

Unsure, a, un-shir’. Not sure; not 
Mal sicuro; incerto. 

Qui n’est pas stir. 

Enter, vi, en’-ter. To go into; to ad- 
vance into; to set downin writing; 
to register. 

Entrare; andar dentro; registrare; 
Entrer dans; initier; enregistrer. 

Inter, vt, in'tér. To bury; to deposit 
and cover in the earth. 

Sotterrare (un morto) ; seppellire. 
Interrer; inhumer. 

Envelop, vt, en-vel’op. To roll or fold 

in; to cover by folding; to inwrap. 
Invilluppare; avvolgere. 
Envelopper ; couvrir. 




Envelope, n, en’-velip. That which en- 

folds; a wrapper; 

a cover for ἃ 

Involto; invoglio; plico; busta da — 

Enveloppe; couverture. 
Envious, a, en’-vius. 

Feeling uneasi- — 

ness at a view of the iano : 

prosperity, or happiness of another. 
Invidioso; astioso. 
Envieux; jaloux ; malveillant. 

Invious, a, in '-vius. Impassable; un- 

Che non ammette passaggio; che non 
si pud varcare ; impraticabile. 
Ov l’on n’a point passé; impraticable. — 

Err, vi, er. To wander from the wight | 
way; to depart from rectitude; to 

Errare ; traviare; fuorviare. 
Errer; aller ga et 14; s’égarer ; se 

Air, n, xr. The fluid which we breathe; ‘ 
a tone; mien; gesture; affected | 

Aria Ὁ I’ aria; aere (poet.); aria (as- 
petto); aria (arietta; cantata). 
Air; air d’une chanson; air d’une- 

personne ; contenance ou maintien. Ϊ 

Ayr, n, ar. A town in Scotland. 
Una, citta della Scozia. 

Une ville d’Ecosse. 

Ever, adv, ar. Ever. 

(Abbrev. di Ever) Sempre. 
(Abrégé de Ever) Toujours. 

Ere, adv, ar. Before; sooner than. 
Prima; prima che; anzi. 
Auparavant ; avant que; plutdt que. 

Heir, n, av. One who inherits. 


Errand, n, e/rand. A message; a man-__ 
date ; business to be transacted by | 

a messenger. 

Messaggio; ambasciata ; commissione. 

Message ; commission. 

Errant, a, e'rant. Wandering ; wander- 
ing about in search of adventures; — 

wild; vile; wicked. 
Errante ; errabondo ; ramingo. 
Errant ; ‘vagabond, 
Arrant, a, a’rant. 
right ; thorough; mere. 

Cattivo in supremo grado; un vero 

furbo; un furbaccio. 
Insigne ; fiefié ; infime. 
Erse, 7, érs. 

Vagabond ; down- 

ἔρον a ee ee rae Oe She paws ae ΕΝ ἌΣ re 

anions hihi sich 


The language of the 

ο΄ descendants of the Gaels or Celts 
in the Highlands of Scotland. 
~ Tleeltico ; il celtico scozzese. 

La langue erse; le langage des monta- 
Brac; + ager gpa ἐπῶν 
Hearse, n,hérs. A carriage for convey- 
Boies ing the dead to the grave. 
Carro funebre. 
Corbillard ; char funébre. 


Eruption ; sortie impétueuse. 

ruption, n, ir-rup'shon. A breaking or 
~ gudden violent rushing into a place. 
Trruzione; incursione ; scorreria. 
Trruption ; invasion. 

teric, a, es-d-te’rik. Mysterious; 
- taught toa select few,as certain doc- 
 trines of the ancient philosophers. 
Esoterico; discepolo privato di Pitta- 

Esoteric ; mystérieux. 
poteric, a,exs-o-terik. External; pub- 
lic; opposed to esoteric or secret. 
Essoterico; esterno. 
Exotéric; externe. 
ay, 2, es'sa. A trial or experiment ; 
an endeavour; an effort made for 
_ the performance of anything; a 
᾿ composition (illustrative). 
io; prova; esperimento. 
Essai; tentative; épreuve. 
issay, m, as’sa. Proof; trial; endea- 
your; determination of gold or 
_ gilver in coin or bullion. 
Saggio ; prova; esperimento; assaggio 
i oro, argento, &c. 
Essai; examen; essai de métaux, 
- eomme de I’or, de l’argent, &c. 
ching, pn, ech’ing. A mode of en- 
graving ; the impression taken from 
an etched plate. 
Intagliare su pietra ὁ placca (con 
᾿ς acquaforte); incidere. 
Gravure ἃ l’eau forte. 
ing, pa, ich'ing. A constant desire ; 
_ the state of the skin when we desire 
to scratch it. 
igine ; prurito. 


‘ic, a, eth’ik. Delivering precepts of 



Morale; della morale. 

Hectic, a, hek'tik. A remittent fever 
with stages of chilliness, heat, and 
sweat; hectic fevers. 

Etico; tisico; febbre etica. 
Fievre étique; attaque d’étisie. 

Eunuch, », ii’nuk. A maleof the human 
species, castrated, to whom the care 
of Oriental females is entrusted. 

Eunuque. . 

Unique, a, ti-nék. One and no more; 

only; sole; single. 
Unico; solo. 
Unique; qui n’a pas son égal. 

Eve, , ὃν. The consort of Adam, and 
mother of the human race; the 
latter part or close of the day. 

Eva la moglie di Adamo; la vigilia. 
Eve la premiére femme; la femme 
d@’Adam ; vigile; veille. 

Heave, vt, hév. To lift; to raise; to 
move upward. 

Alzare; levare con isforzo; sollevare. 
Soulever ; lever. 
Evert, vt, é’vért. To destroy; to turn 
upside down ; to demolish. 
Distruggere; demolire ; mettere sotto- 
Détruire; renverser; démolir. 

Advert, vi, ad-vért’. To turn to; to 
regard; to attend; to refer. 

Avvertire; volger I’ attenzionea ; 
accennare ; alludere. 
Faire attention ; remarquer. 
Avert, vt, a-vert’. To turn aside or 
away from; to keep off or prevent. 
Scansare ; tenersi lungi da; impedire. 
Détourner ; éloigner. 
Ewe, , ii. A female sheep. 
La femelle du bélier. 
Hugh, ἡ, ἃ. A Christian name. 
Nome Ugo. 
Un nom Hughes. 
U, letter, ἃ. A letter of the alphabet. 
Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Yew, n, i. evergreen tree of the 

fir tribe. 
Tasso (albero). 
Arbre toujours vert. 
You, pron, i. The nominative and ob- 
jective plural of Thou. 


Ewer, γι, a'ér. A kind of pitcher for 
holding water which accompanies 
a wash-hand basin. 

Mesciroba; brocca; bocale. 
Vase a l’eau pour se laver les mains. 

Hewer, n, hi'ér. One who hews wood 
or stone. 

Tagliatore di legna; 

Celui qui équarrie le bois; un tailleur 
de pierres. 

Yore, adv, yor. In time past. 
Anticamente ; altre volte; abantico. 
Jadis; autrefois; anciennement. 

Your, pro, yor. Belonging to You: 
equally applicable to both numbers. 

Le votre; la vétre; les vétres. 

Ewes, npl, iz. Plural of Ewe: Female 

Plurale di Ewe: Pecore. 
Pluriel de Ewe: Les femelles des 

Ooze, n, 6z. A soft flow or issue, as of 
water; earth so wet as to flow 

Acqua o liquido che trapela; stilla- 
mento; melma. 

Vase; limon ; ; bourbe; 
filtration ; coulement. 

Use, vt, tiz. To act with or by means of ; 
to habituate; to inure; to exercise. 

Usare; adoperare; impiegare. 
Faire usage de; se servir de; em- 

Exceed, vt,ek-séd’. Togo beyond; to pro- 
ceed beyond, as any measure, limit, 
or quantity; to surpass; to outdo. 

Eccedere; superare; oltrepassare. 
Excéder ; outrepasser ; surpasser. 

Accede, vt, ak’-séd. To assent ; to comply 

Accedere; aderire; acconsentire. 
Accéder; consentir ἃ. 

Except, vt, ek-sept’. To take out of any 
number specified; to take out, as 
any particular from ἃ general 

Excepter; exclure. 

Expect, vt, ek-spekt’. To look or wait 
for ; to hope or long for. 

Aspettare ; attendere ; essere in aspet- 
tativa o attesa. 
Attendre; s’attendre; espérer. 

Accept, vt,ak-sept’. Totake; to receive 
with pleasure. 

spaccalegna ; 

suintement ; 


Ly "ἢ 
τὰ ὥς, ᾿ 

ἷ he A δος a ate υΝδι ἡ ΙΝ 
τ τ κα ΜΡ See eS Sere ge Os See ΤΟΣ ΗΝ 

Accepter ; recevoir; agréer. 
Excess, », ek-ses’. That which exceeds; 
that which is beyond the common 
measure. an 
Eccedenza; soprabbondanza ; smode- 

* Excés; superfiuité ; désordre. 
Access, n,ak'ses. A going to; approach; 
means of approach; liberty to ap- — 
proach. 2 
Accesso; abbordo; mezzo di accesso; — 
di facile accesso ο abbordo. : 
Accés ; abord; entrée. τῷ 
Assess, vt, as’ses. To determine at a 
sitting, a charge to be paid upon; — 
to rate. k 
Tassare; fermare; fissare o stabilire — 
una tassa. % 
Taxer ; repartir des impdts. 4 
Assets, npl, as’sets. Goods sufficient for _ 
the discharge of legal claims; goods _ 
answerable for payment. 
Beni lasciati da un testatore per — 
pagare debiti o legati; 1’ attivo. 
Facultés (biens ; ressources) ; ; actif, 
Axis, n, aks’is. The straight line, real 
or imaginary, that passes through | 
anything and on which it may be 
supposed to revolve. 
Asse; verricello; 1’ asse della terra; 
Τ᾽ asse su cui gira una ruota od 
altro. j 
Axe; ligne qu’on suppose traverser la ) 
Expand, vt, ek-spand’. To spread out; 
to open; to dilate; to enlarge in 
bulk; to distend. 
Dilatare ; ; stendere; spandere; spie- 

répandre ; 

Déployer ; 
tendre. E 
Expend, vt, ek-spend’.. To lay out 88 
money in payment; to lay out or 
Dépenser; débourser. ὶ τ 
Expanse, , ek-spans’. That which is 
spread out; a wide extent of space 
or body. * 
Estensione ; spazio. 
Expansion; étendue. | 
Expense, n,ek-spens’. The employment 
of time or labour; money ex 
pended ; cost; charge. 
Spesa; dispendio. 

développer ; 


Dépense ; frais. 

vi, eks-plod’, To burst out 
ode, violence and noise. 

esplosione ; scoppiare. 

» une explosion; rejeter ; fronder. 
loit n, eks-ploit’. That which is de- 
We | oped; a deed or act ; a heroic act. 
2; impresa; fatto d’ armi. 

D) ois ; haut-fait. 

ixistant ; aes situs : 8 ‘élevant. 

ztend, vt, eks-tend’. To. stretch out ; 
to continue in length; to dilate in 

; élargir 
, %, "eks-tent’. A stretching out; 
2 compass ; bulk; size; length. 
on og ampiezza; volume. 

* That which sees; the organ 
ae ois men or vision. 

later, τι A-letter of the alphabet ; 
pronoun of the first person, in the 

Ἵ nominative case. 
lettera dell’ alfabeto; pron. per- 

 gon., Io. 
με lettre de l’alphabet; pron. pers., 


m, Vlet. A small eye or hole, to 
receive a lace or small rope or cord. 
hiello; foro; cruna. 

; ceillet. 

lid, n,ilid. The cover of the eye; 
that portion of skin epoxabb) 
ὗ = covers the eyeball. 

= * 

ey Met. A small island. 

de, », fa-sad’. The front of a 
ΠΡ . 

eciata ; fronte d’ edifizio. 

‘ ; le devant d’un grand bati- 


et sh fas’et. One of the little flat 
sof a cut diamond ; a little 






Un flot; une petite fle. 
Eyeliad, 7, i’/li-ad. A glance of the eye. 
Sguardo ; colpo d’ occhio. 
Coup d’oxil. 
Iliad, n, ili-ad. An epic poem, by 
Homer, on the destruction of Llium - 
_ or Troy. 
6, poema epico di Omero sulla 
distruzione di Troja. 
Tliade, poéme épique d’Homére sur la 
prise de Troie. 
Eyes, mpl, iz. Plural of Eye; organs of 
sig t or vision. 
Plurale di Eye: Occhi. 
Pluriel de Eye: Yeux. 
Ice, n, is. Water or other fluid, con- 

Eyre, Ny ir. A circuit, as justices in 
eyre, itinerant judges. 
Corte dei giudici ambulanti. 
Cour des juges ambulants. 
Ire, n, ir. Anger; wrath; rage; keen 
Ira; collera; sdegno. 
Coltre ; courroux. 

Higher, a, hi’ér. Loftier; further above 

the earth or its surface. 
Pid alto; pid elevato. 
Plus haut; plus élevé. 

Hire, vt, hir. To procure from another 
person for temporary use at a 
certain price ; to let; to lease. 

Affittare ; pigliare a fitto. 
Louer; prendre ἃ louage. 
Eyry or Aerie, », iri or éré. The nest 
containing the eggs of a bird of prey. 
Nido degli uccelli di rapina. 
Nid des grands oiseaux de proie. 
Airy, a, iri. Open to the free air; high 
in the air. 
Poon: d’ aria; arioso. 
Aérien ; d’air. 

Facetta; facetta di un diamante 

Facette (de pierres précieuses). 

Fad, , fad. Obliquity of judgment; 
hobby ; bias; caprice ; fancy ; 

Capriccio; ghiribizzo; passione domi- 
nante; sgembo; propensione, 


Caprice; bizarrerie; boutade; de 
biais ; fantaisie; inclination. 

Fat, a,fat. Fullfed; plump; unctuous; 
coarse ; the unctuous, concrete part 
of animal flesh. 

Grasso; pingue; grasso animale. 
Gras; lourd; le gras; la graisse. 

Fain, a, fan. Glad; joyful; pleased; 

rejoiced; apt; content to accept. 
Contento; incantato; astretto. 
Content; obligé; forcé; avec plaisir. 

Fane, n, fin. A place consecrated to 

some deity; a temple; a church. 
Tempio; edificio sacro; chiesa. | 

Feign, vt,fan. To invent orimagine ; to 
form an idea of, as of something 
not real. 

Fingere ; immaginare ; inventare. 
Feindre ; dissimuler ; inventer. 

Faint, vi, fant. To become senseless 
and motionless. 

Languidire ; fiacchire ; rifinire ; svenire ; ; 
cader in deliquio. 
S’évanouir; tomber en défaillance. 

Feigned, pa, find. Invented ; imagined. 

Finto; dissimulato; inventato. 
Feint; dissimulé ; imaginé ; inventé. 

Feint, n, fant. An appearance of aim- 
ing at one part, when another is 
intended to be struck. 

Finta ; fingimento ; finta (scherm.). 
Feinte ; 3 fausse attaque (escrime, &c.) 

Fair, γι, fir. A stated market in a par- 
ticular town or city; free from a 
dark hue; white; beautiful. 

Fiera; bello; vago; venusto (della 
carnagione) ; bianco; chiaro. 

Foire; honnétement ; beau; agréable ; 
ayant la peau blanche; clair. 

Fare, n, far. To be in a state, good or 
bad; the price of passage; food; 
provisions of the table. 

Stare; vivere; trattarsi; cera; man- 
giare; cibo ; corsa (di vettura). 
Etre bien ou mal; manger; vivre; se 
nourrir ; aller; passer; voyager. 

Falchion, x, f4l’ shon. A short, broad, 
crooked sword; a scymitayr. 

Falcione ; scimitarra. 
Coutelas recourbé; cimeterre. 

Falcon, n, κα. A hawk, so called from 
its hooked talons and beak, and 
trained to sport. 

. Falco; falcone. 
Faucon ; oiseau de proie. 
Fallen, pa, fal’en. Degraded; ruined. 



Caduto; decaduto; rovinato. 

Falling, pa, fal'ing. Declining; sink-— 

‘Decadimento; decadenza. 
Fallow, a, fal’ld. Reddish yellow; 

Rossiccio ; incolto; negletto. 

piaeg sok fauve; non ensemencé; en ~ 

Feller, ἐᾷ ΕΝ 
knocks down. 
Persona che abbatte (alberi, &c.). 
Bicheron ; abatteur de bois. 
Felloe, fel’ld. 
rim of a wheel. 
Quarto d’ una ruota. 

Jante; chaque piéce de bois cosh 

d’une roue. 
Fellow, n, fel'ld. A companion; one of 
the same kind; one of a pair; one 

equal to another; an appellation 

of contempt. 

Compagno ; compagnone ; uomo basso; 

quel tale. 

Compagnon; camarade; un individu; 

un gueux. 

Fang, 7, fang. A pointed tooth; a claw 
or talon; the tusk of a boar or 
other animal. 

Dente angolare e acuto; artiglio ; : 4 


Griffes; défense; broche du sanglier. 4 
Fan, n,fan. Aninstrument for winnow- — 
ing grain by agitating the air; an — 

instrument used by ladies to air 
and cool their face. 

Ventaglio; vaglio. 


Faro, ἢ, fird. A seaport, city of Pott 

gal; the extremity of the island of 


Citt& con porto di mare in Portogallo; | 
Τ᾽ estremita dell’ isola della Sicilia. ὦ 
Une ville en Portugal; fin de 1716 de | 

la Sicile. 
Farrow, n, fa'ro. 
Un porcellino. 
Cochonnée; portée d’une truie. 
Pharo, n, fard. 
Fanale (guida pei naviganti). 
Phare; fanal. - 

A little pig. 

Fate, 7, fat. Destiny; inevitable neces ᾿ 

sity 5 ; event predetermined. 
Destino; fato; sorte. 
Le destin ; la destinée; le sort. 

One who hews or. 

One of the parts of thie’ . 

A lighthouse; a game. 4 

mtn Nahas sats ha ig aS τις 

ake Ὁ 

Ly 1% fath. Belief; trust; ‘reliance ; 
fidelity ; truthfulness. 

ae fir'’thér. a 

% to a greater distance. 

Pid lontano; pid in 14; pid oltre. 

Ἢ Burton « fér'thér. Forth to te 

a, r. Fo a greater 

distance; more or most distant; 

Ε΄ farther ; additional. 

___Ulteriore ; ‘pid remoto; novello. 

ΓΝ __ De plus; en outre ; ultérieur. 

Faun, 7, fan. A sylvan or woodland deity. 
 Fauno; dio delle sel selve. 

_ _ Faune; dieu champétre. ᾿ 

Fawn, n, "fan. A young deer; a buck or 

doe of the first year. 

_Cervetto; daino giovine. 

Petit dune biche; ; faon; petit d’une 

- chevrette. 

t, n, fét. A deed; anything done; 

More remote; 

ed, vt, fed. To give food to; to glut; 

Nutrire ; ata. 

-Nourrir; donner ἃ manger. 

Feet, mpl, fet. The lower extremity of 
_ the legs; the parf of the body by 

_which we tread and on which we 

a _ Stand. 


thers, npl, feth’érs. That which 

_ enables a bird to fly; a general 

_ name of the covering of birds. 

‘oem des oiseaux. 

Petters, mpl, fet'érs. A chain for the 
feet; anything that confines or 
᾿ restrains from motion. 

Ceppi; ferri (ai piedi). 

'Fers; ὁ 

: con verghe; dar percosse ; 
ᾧ crucciare ; tormentare. 
3 Βαβι r avec des verges; 


Feeze, n, féz. To turn, as a screw. 

irriter ; 



Girare, come un vite. 

. Détordre; défiler. 

Fees, mpl, féz. Hire; reward; recom- 
pense for professional services ; 

Sportula; ricompensa; corsa; tassa ; 
Fiefs ; récompense ; honoraire. 

Feud, 7, fiid. An inveterate or deadly 
quarrel between clans or families 
or parties in a state; an affray. 

eke = ak rissa implacabile ri feu- 
Querelle ; animosité ; guerre. 

Food, n, td. Aliment; nutriment; 

nourishment; victuals. 
Aliment ; nourriture. 

Foot, n, fut. The part of the body by 
"which we tread and on which we 


Fibres, ἡ, fi’bers. The solid part of 
animal flesh ; a filament of slender 
thread in plants or minerals. 

Fibres; filaments organiques. 

Fibrous, a, fi'brus. Composed or con- 
sisting of fibres. 

Fibreux ; qui a des fibres. 

Fiend, », fénd. An implacable foe; the 
devil; an infernal being. 

Nemico del genere umano; il diavolo; 
spirito maligno. 

Démon; ennemi mortel; Satan; 1’es- 
prit malin. 

Find, vt, find. To come upon; to dis- 
cover by the eye; to obtain by 
searching or by accident. 

Trovare; rinvenire. 
Trouver; rencontrer. 

Fined, pa, find. To impose a pecuniary 

penalty for an offence; to punish 

by fine. 
Mis ἃ l’amende; condamné ἃ l’a- 
Fife, », fif. A small pipe used as a 

wind instrument chiefly in martial 
music with drums. 


Fifre ; espéce de flite. 

Five, a, fiv. Four and one added; the 
half of ten. 



Filled, yp, fil’d. Verb To fill: Poured 
into a thing to such extent that it 
holds no more. 

Verbo To fill: Empire; empito. 
Verbe To fill: Remplir; rempli. 

Filth, n, filth. Foulness; dirt; any 
foul matter. 

Sporcizia; porchezia; sudiciume. 
Saleté; ordure. 

Fillip, vt, fil'lip. To strike with the nail 
of the finger, forced from the thumb, 
with a sudden spring. 

Buffetto (colpo col dito); dare un 
buffetto. ; 
Philip, n,fil'lip. A man’s Christian name. 
Un nome Filippo. 
Un nom Philippe. 

Fin, », fin. The wing-like organ of a 
fish; a native of Finland. 

Aletta di pesce; pinna; nativo di 
Nageoire ; Finlandais. 

Fine, n and a, fin. A forfeit; delicate ; 
beautiful; flashy; elegant. 

Multa; amenda; fino; sottile; bello; 
elegante, &c. 

Amende ; punition; bel; fin; bon; 
délicat; élégant, ὅζο. 

Find, vt, find. To come upon; to discover 
with the eye; to obtain by searching. 

Trovare; rinvenire. 
Trouver ; rencontrer. 

Fiend, n, fend. An implacable foe; the 
devil; an infernal being. 

Nemico del genere umano; il diavolo ; 
spirito maligno. 

Démon; ennemi mortel; Satan; 1’es- 
prit malin. 

Fined, pp, fin'd. To impose a pecuniary 
penalty for an offence. - 

Condamné a l’amende. 

Finish, vt, finish. To terminate; to 
put an end to; to close. 

Finire; terminare. 
Finir; achever; terminer. 

Finnish, a, fin'ish. Pertaining to Fin- 
land or its language. 

Finlandais. : 

Fir, n, fér. A resinous tree, the woo 
of which readily takes fire and is 
used as fuel. 

Abete (albero). 
Sapin (arbre). 


Fur, n, f&. The woolly skins of wild 
beasts, used for lining garments. 


Firs, mpl, férs. Plural of Fir. 
Plurale di Fir: Abeti. 
Pluriel de Fir: Sapino. 

Furs, npl, férs. Plural of Fur. 
Plurale di Fur: Pellicce. 
Pluriel de Fur: Fourrures. 

Furze, n, férz. A prickly evergreen 

shrub ; whin; gorse. 
Ginestrone ; erica. 
Genét épineux. 

Fisher, 7, fish’ér. One who is employed 
in catching fish. 

Fissure, n, fi'shiire. <A crack or cleft; a 

slit; a deep narrow groove. 
Fessura; crepaccio; spaccatura. 

Fente ; fissure. γῇ 

Fixture, n, fiks'tir. That whichis χοᾶ 

or made fast. 
L’ atto del fissare ; stato fisso; stabilita. 

Fermeté; meuble considéré comme 

faisant partie de la maison. 

Flagrant, a, fia’grant. Ardent; flaming; | 

glaring ; notorious. 
Ardente; patente; manifesto; flagrante. 
Brélant; ardent; flagrant; manifest. 
Fragrant, a, fra'grant. 
balmy ; aromatic. 
Odoroso; odorifero. 
Odoriférant; odorant. 
Flags, npil, flags. 

Bandiere ; lastre di pietra. 
Drapeaux ; pavillons; dalles. 
Flax, n, fiaks. 
which are formed into threads, and 
made fit for weaving. 
Lin; plante filamenteuse. 
Flamen, τ, fla’men. 


Flamine, antico prete Romano. 

Flamine, préte chez les anciens 
Romains. 4 

Flaming, a, fla’ming. Bright; red; 

violent. h 

Fiammeggiante; ardente; appari- 
scente. . 

Flambant ; jetant de la flamme; 5 


Flash, , flash. A sudden burst of 4 

flame; a short transient state. 

Sweet-smelling; _ 

paltenitinemnne ee ee 

Ensigns or colours i 
which float in the air; paving stones. ; 

A plant, the fibres of 

Ancient Roman | 

 subita; vampa. 
4 Un éclat de lumiére. 
abate m, flesh. The muscular part of an 
al; food. 

_ Chair; viande. 

_ Flush, vi, flush. To become suddenly 

sive red; to glow; the sudden rushing 

t of the blood into the face. 

_ Arrossirsi le guancia per subita afflu- 
enza di sangue, per vergogna, timi- 

dezza, &c. 
Colorer; rougir; exalter; enorgueillir. 
nm, flask. A kind of bottle; a 

i powder-horn. 

_ Fiasco; borraccia; fiaschetta da pol- 

 . vere. ἡ 

; e Une fiasque; flacon; une poire a 
Ss poudre; espéce de bouteille. 

, 3, flax. A plant, the fibres of 
which are formed into threads and 
woven. - 


Lin; plante filamenteuse. 
‘Flaw, n, fla. Acrack; afault; a speck; 
' a defect made py breaking or 
sp ey 
_ Serepolo ; fallo; difetto; magagna. 
- Fente; crevasse; faute; paille. 
SS rion vi, fd. To issue, as water; to 
oe abound; to run, as water from a 


ὦ spring or source. 
OG _ Scorrere; scaturire; scolare; affluire. 
Veggie découler ; inonder ; sub- 

‘a er. 

9 “Flea, n, ἴδ. A well-known insect, that 
‘a oy wy leaping with great 
ἢ. whose bite is very 
i oa esome. 

eg a 

a og vi, δ. To take to flight; to run 
ΕἾΝ away; to run with rapidity, as 
from danger. 
; ga γφνῇ a 
 _ S’enfuir; se réfugi 
Fleas, mpl, fléz. Pinral of Flea. 
Ε. Plurale di Flea: Pulci. 
-Pluriel de Flea: Puces. 
n, flés. The entire coat of wool 
= orn from a sheep at one time. 
Ν Velo 

ο΄ Toison; la laine d’une brebis. 
Εἰς Flew, vi, pp. Verb To fly. 
Ε- Pp. verbo To fly: Volare. 
a Pp. verbe To fly: S’envoler. 

[υν ὟΝ 
o>. ᾿ 73 
| eee 


ae τ άουο vivo; bagliore ; flamma | o luce” 

Flue, n, fli. A passage for the escape 
‘of smoke in a chimney or for con- 
ducting heat from one place to the 

Gola di cammino, &c. 
Tuyau ou conducteur d’eau chaude, &c. 

Flexor, m, fleks’or. A muscle whose 
office is to produce flexion; a 
muscle that bends. 

Flessore (anat.). 
Fléchisseur (anat.) ou muscle fléchis- 


Flexure, n, flek’shur. A turn; a bend; 

a fold; the bending of the body. 
Flessura; curvatura ; flessione. 
Inflexion ; courbure. 

Float, 7, fidt. That which swims, as a 
raft, a buoy, &c. on the surface, as 
of water, Wc. 

Galleggiare o stare a galla ; zattera, &c. 
L’action de flotter ; radeau. 
Flood, n, flud. A great flow of water; a 
body of moving water; a deluge. 
Piena; inondazione; diluvio ; flusso. 
Inondation ; déluge; flux; montant de 
la marée. 

Flowed, pp, σ΄. Verb To flow. 

Verbo To flow: Scorrere, &c.; scorse; 
seaturi, &e. 

Verbe To flow: Couler, découler, &c.; 
coulait, découlait, &e. 

Flock, n, flok. A company, as of sheep, 
goats, birds, &c. 

Un troupeau. 

Flog, vt, flog. To whip; to chastise 

with repeated blows. 
Frustare; sferzare. 
Fouetter; chatir; fustiger. 

Floor, », flor. A pavement ; that part of 

a building or room on which we walk. 
Pavimento; palco; tavolato. 
Plancher ; parquet; étage. 

Flour, n, flour. The flower or finest 

part of ground wheat; corn; meal. 

Flower, ἢ, flou’ér. A blossom or 
flower is the flower-bud of a plant 
when the petals are expanded. 

Fluor, n, fli’or. A beautiful mineral, 
often crystallised, called ‘ fluorspar.’ 
Fluore; flusso. 
Fluate de chaux; spath. 
Floret, 7, στοῦ. A floweret; the partial 


or separate little flower of an ag- 
gregate flower. 
Fioretto; fiorellino. 
Fleurette ; petite fleur imparfaite. 
Florid, a, flo'rid. Flowery; bright in 
colour; flushed with red ; of a lively 
red colour ; highly decorated. 
_ Fiorito; florido. 
Fleuri; vermeil. 
Fob, , fob. A little pocket for a watch; 
a tap or slight blow. 
Tasca piccola; taschetta dell’ oriuolo. 
Gousset; petite poche. 

τῆς “Fon, n, fop. A coxcomb; a dandy; a 

gay, trifling man. 
Vanarello; vagheggino; bellimbusto. 
Fat; petit maitre; sot; mirliflore. 
- Focal, a, fo'kal. Belonging to a focus, 
or the point in which light or heat 
; rays meet. 
Del foco centrale ; centrico. 
Du foyer. 
Vocal, a, vo'kal. Pertaining to the voice ; 
modulated by the voice; by word. 
Vocale ; di voce; colla voce. 

Vocal; étant exprimé par la voix. 
Fond, a, fond. Foolishly tender and 
loving ; doting; much pleased. 

Insensato; passionato; incapriccito ; 
Frivole; imprudent; 
est amateur de. 
Font, n, font. A complete set of type; 
a baptismal basin. 
Fonte; sorgente; getto completo di 
tipi di stamperia; fonte battesimale. 
La fonte; le tout d’une sorte de types 
dimprimerie; les fonts (baptis- 
Food, », fod. Aliment; neiriieek: 
Aliment; nourriture. 
Foot, n, fut. The part of the body by 
which we tread and on which we 

qui aime; qui 

Fool, , fl. A simpleton; a jester; a 
"silly person; a buffoon. 
Sciocco ; stolto ;. scimunito. 
Niais; sot; idiot; fou. 

Full, a, ‘ful. Filled completely or to the 
"utmost extent of ri seit 

For, prep, for. Because of; on behalf 
of; inasmuch as, &e. 



Perché; dappoiché; dacché. 
Pour; parce que; car. 
Fore, a, for. In front of ; 3; prior or anterior 
in place, time, order, or importance. 
Anteriore ; precedente ; innanzi. 
Antérieur; qui est devant. 
Four, a, for. A number; twice two. 

Ford, , ford. A shallow pass through a 

river, where it may be passed on foot. 

Fort, n, fort. A fortified place, as a 

castle, &c. 
Forte; fortezza. 
Fort; ‘torteresse. 

Forte, n, fort’. The strong point; that. 
in which one excels; singing or 
playing with force. 

Il punto forte; ad alta voce. 
A haute voix. 
Forth, adv, forth. Forward in place or 
order; abroad; onward in time. 
Innanzi; avanti; fuori. 
En avant; dehors; au dehors. 
Fourth, a, forth. The ordinal of four. 
0 quarto. 
Le quatriéme. 

Foreside, 7, for'sid. The front side; 
also a spacious outside. 

La parte di fronte; un apertura o 
planura spaziosa. 

La partie de face; une plaine décou- 

Foresight, n, for'sit. Foreknowledge ; 
prevision ; forethought. 

Antiveggenza; prevedimento. 
Prévoyance ; prescience. 

Fortin, », fort’in. A little fort. 
Fortino; piccola fortezza. 
Fortin; petit fort. 

Fourteen, a, for'tén. Four and ten; 
twice seven. 


Forward, adv, for'wérd. Advanced; in 
the front; onward; progressively. 

Avanti; innanzi. 
En avant; tout droit. 
Froward, a, ‘tro'wérd. Averse ; unyield- 

ing; ungovernable ; disobedient ; ee 

Caparbio ; ritroso; ‘perverso. 
Chagrin; de mauvaise humeur; per- 

Foul, a,foul. Filthy; impure; stinking. 

| $0220 ; sudicio ; sporco. © 
Sale; souillé; impur. | 
Fowl, n, foul. A domestic or barn-door 

π΄ _ Volaille. 

᾿ς Fraise, », fraz. Wrinkle; fold; plait; 

oa ΟΠ pucker. 

- Crespa. 

-" Fraise; rang de pieux. 
 Frays, np, fraz. Affrays; 
contests; contestations. 
Risse ; contese; zuffe; baruffe. 

- Combats; querelles. 

Phrase, n, fraz. A mode of speech pe- 

a culiar to a language; an idiom; style. 

_ ~. Frase. 

combats ; 

| z - Phrase. 
_ France, n, frangk. A silver coin of 
Ξ France 

Franco (moneta francese). 

_ Franc (monnaie francaise). 

Frank, a, frangk. A Christian name; 
not reserved ; free in uttering real 

“Un nome, Francesco; abbrev. di 

Un nom, abbréviation de Francis; 
Fraud, n, frid. Craft; dishonesty; a 
“τὶ cheating ; deceit. 
Frode; truffa; inganno. 
- Fraude; tromperie. 
Fraught, a, frat. Freighted; laden; 
filled; stored. 
- Caricato; empiuto. 
- Chargé; accablé. 
_ Froth, n, froth. Foam; spume. 
Schiuma ; spuma. 
Ecume; mousse. 
Freedman, n, fréd’man. A man who 
- has been a slave and is manumitted. 
Schiavo fatto libero. 

ew ΒΜ ee ee ΡΝ 

‘4 oe “ae ᾿ f ARETE es Oh suite 
wp ΠΕ Sa ee ee ΤΡ q ape oA les 5 thik bt 
i το nad ~ x ae ἠ ig oe ὩΣ at tat . 

© et” 



___ Affranchi; homme émancipé. 

Pg Freedom, n, fré’dum. State of being 
Ὡς: free ; liberty ; exemption from any 
a constraint. - 

ο΄ Liiberta; franchigia; privilegio. 
Liberté; indépendance. 

ο΄ Freeman, n, fré'‘man. One who enjoys 
Κῶ civic or political franchise. 

__* Uomo libero e che gode tutti i privilegi 
>, @’ una citta. 

__. Un homme libre; un citoyen. 

_ Freeze, vi, fréz. To be congealed by 
a cold; to be hardened into ice or a 
"like solid body. 



 Gelare ; agghiacciare. 
Geler; glacer. 

Frees, vt, fréz. One who delivers or sets. 
at liberty. 

Colui che mette in liberta o libera. 
Celui qui met en liberté; qui rend libre. 

Frieze, n, fréz. A coarse woollen cloth ; 

the nap on one side of woollen cloth. 
Tela di frisa. 
Frise ; étoffe a poil frisé. 

Freight, , frat. A cargo of a ship; 
the money paid to a ship for con- 
veying goods, cargo, &c. 

Nolo d’ un bastimento o del suo carico, 
Nolis; cargaison; frét. 

Fret, vt, fret. To eat away; to gnaw; 
to tease; to vex; to agitate vio- 
lently by external impulse or action. 

Rodere fregare; logorare fregando. 
Se corroder; frotter; facher. 

Fright, n, frit. Sudden terror or fear. 
Spavento; sgomento; paura. 
Frayeur ; épouvante ; peur. 

Frenzy or Phrensy, 7, fren’zi. Distrac- 
tion allied to madness; violent 
agitation of the mind. 

Frenesia ; delirio; rabbia. 
Frénésie ; démence; fureur. 

Friar, γι, fri’ér. A brother or member 

of any religious order; a monk. 
Frate; monaco; religioso. 
Un moine; un religieux. 

Frier, a, fri'ér. One who fries. 

Quello che frigge. 

Celui qui frit. 

Frit, , frit. Mixture of flint and salt 

to make glass. 

Fritta; mescuglio di sabbia e sale per 
fare vetro. 

Fritte; mélange de sable et de sel 
dont on fait le verre. 

Frith, n, frith. A narrow channel or 
passage of the sea; a strait; the 
opening of a river into the sea. 

Braccio di mare; foce. 
Détroit ; bras de mer. 
Frock, », frok. A dress; an upper coat 
or outer garment made of wool. 
Marsina; sopr’abito; veste; vestina. 
Une robe; une robe d’enfant (a frock 
coat); redingote. 

Frog, n, frog. An amphibious animal, 
remarkable for its activity in 
swimming and leaping. 

Funeral, 7, fii‘ne-ral. The ceremony of 


burying-a dead body; obsequies ; 
burial; interment. 
Funerale; esequie. 
Funéraille; obséques; enterrement. 
Funereal, a, fii-ne’-ré-al. Suiting a 
funeral; dark; dismal; mournful. 
Funereo; funebre. 
Funébre; funéraire. 
Fungus, , fung’gus. A mushroom; a 
toadstool, and similar plants. 
Fongus; champignon. 

Fungous, a, fung’gus. Like a mush- 
are room; growing suddenly but not 
substantial or durable. 

Fongueux; spongieux. 

Furlong, n, fér'long. The length of a 
furrow; the eighth part of a 

Stadio; ottava parte d’ un miglio. 
La huitiéme partie d’un mille anglais. 

Furlough, n, fér'ld. Leave of absence 
from military duty. 

Congedo militare. 
Congé d’absence (militaire). 
Furnace, 7, fér’naés. An enclosed fire- 

Gabble, vz, gab’l. To prate; to talk fast 
or to talk without meaning. 

Cinguettare; ciaramellare confusa- 
mente; barbugliare. 

Babiller ; bavarder ; 

Gabel, n, ga'bl. 

Gabella; tassa. 

Gabelle ; impdéts sur les denrées. 

Gable, vi, gab'l. The triangular end of 
a house from the cornice or eaves 
to the top. 

Pignone; muro (di casa) che termina 
in punta. 

Pignon; partie du mur d’une maison 
qui forme un triangle et porte le 
haut du faitage. 

Cabal, n, ka-bal’. A number of persons 
united in some secret intrigue ; 
secret; artifice. 

Cabala; congiura. 

Cabal; complot; intrigue. 

Cable, n, ka'bl. The strong rope or 
chain by which the ship is tied to 
the anchor; a large rope or chain. 



jaser ; bara- 

Tax; impost or duty. 



place where great heat is required 
for melting metals, &e. 


Fournaise; fourneau. 

Furnish, ot, fér'nish. To supply with 
anything necessary. 

Fornire; ammobigliare ; arredare. 
Fournir ; garnir ; meubler. 

Furry, a, fér'i. Covered with, or dressed 
in fur. 

Coperto di pelliccia. 
Couvert de fourrures. 

Fury, n, fi'vi. A raging; a violent 
rushing; madness; a goddess of 

Furia; ira; furore. 
Furie; frénésie; fureur. 

Fuss, 1, fus. Hurry ; undue importance ; 

ado about trifles. 
Scalpore; strepito. 
Fracas; embarras. 
Fuzz, vt, fuz. To fly off in minute 
particles, with a whizzing sound. 
Volare in particelle minuziosissime e 
Dissiper en petites particules; vola- 


Gad, n, gad. A sting; a goad; a wedge 
or ingot of steel or iron. 

Pezzo d’ acciajo; bulino; conio; pun- 

Acier en lingots ou en barres; aiguil- 
lon; piquant des animaux. 

Cad, n, kad. A man of vulgar man- 

Mascalzone ; uomo volgare. 
Vaurien; voyou. 

Cat, n, kat. A domestic animal of the 

feline tribe, that catches mice. 

Gaelic, a, gal’ik. Pertaining to the 
Gaels, tribes of Celtic origin in- 
habiting the highlands of Scotland. 


Gallic, a, gil'ik. Pertaining to Gaul or 

Gallicano; gallico(antica Francia); le 

Gag, vt, gag. To stop the mouth of, by 
thrusting something into the throat, 


prea Paes 

Gaulois; Gallique (ancienne France, 

ein τς 

ae Ree eres 



Ἢ Ca , Ns : 
Cag , Ke). 

a Gauge, ‘vt, 

| — Cadge, vi, kaj. 

Gall, n, ¢g 

mt ei 

dae aa or gs the mouth as to hinder 

Siatrace Ia bocca per imnpedire la 
; imbavagliare. 
B onner; mettre un baillon. 
A small cask or barrel 
Carratello” o botte piccola (vedi Keg). 

᾿ Espéce de baril; caque (voir Keg). 
ia aa n, 88]. A pledge; something 
5 3 laid down as a security. 

- Impegnare; dare in pegno; pegno; 
Gage ; nantissement. 
aj. To ascertain the con- 
tents of, as of a cask; to estimate ; 
to measure. 
Stazare; scandugliare o misurare il 
contenuto di una botte. 
Jauger ; mesurer avec le jauge. 
To carry a back burden, 
a load, a weight. 
Portare una soma, un 
Porter une charge sur le dos. 
«Cage, nm, kaj. An Sea Δ ρήστη formed of 
wire, twigs, &c., for confining birds, 


beasts, &c. 
- Gait, m, gat. A going; manner of walk- 
ing or stepping. 
Andatura; andamento; passo. 

Chemin ; Sianeli: démarche ; allure. 
Gate, n, gat. A way; passage; a large 
‘door which gives entrance into a 
walled city or a large edifice. 
Portone; porta di citta. 
Grande pee: portail; barriére. 
The oak-apple ; the bile. 
Fiele ; ὅδ; noce di galla. 
Fiel ; ’pile ; noix de galle. 
Gaul, n, gil. A name of ancient France, 
‘also an inhabitant of Gaul. 
Le saga A aoe dell’ antica Francia ; 

un ga 
La Gaule (la France); ; Gaulois. 
_ Call, vt, kil. To name; to style; to 
eee: nominare o dare un nome. 
Appeler; nommer; faire venir. 
Oa +N, kal. A membrane in the abdo- 
men, covering the greatest part of 
the lower intestines. 

Integumento; rete piccola nell’ ad- | 

dome ; cuffia amd di rete. 
Tégument ; coiffe. 

᾿ ane, pa, ‘gald. From the verb To 




gall: To scratch ; to fret and wear 
away by friction; to vex. 

Verbo To pre _Seorticato piagato ; 
scottato ; 

Verbe To gall: γε. στο τὰν faché; piqué; 
harassé ; chagriné. 

Gold, n, gild. A very precious (yellow), 
‘the most ductile and malleable of 
all the metals. 


Called, d, pp Κα! ἃ. From the verb To 

ae To call: Chiamare, nominare : 
Chiamato ; nominato. 
‘ To call: Appeler, nommer : 
Appelé ; nommé. 
Coaled, ὦ, 0}, kol'd. From the verb To 

Verbo To coal: Provvedersi di carbon 
fossile: Provvedutosi di carbone 

Verbe To coal: Se provisionner ou faire 
provision de charbon: Il se provi- 
sionna de charbon. 

Cold, a, kdld. Not hot; chill; shiver- 


Cooled, pa, kél'd. From the verb To cool. 
Verbo To cool: Rinfrescare; rinfre- 
Verbe To cool: Rafratchir; rafratchi. 
Colt, ms τὰν A young male of the horse 

Galleon, », gal’léun. A name given to 
a class of Spanish merchant ships. 
Nome che si d& ad una classe di 
bastimenti mercantili spagnuoli. 
Galion; vaisseau espagnol (mer- 
Gallon, n, gal'lun. A liquid measure of 
four ‘quarts or eight pints. 
Un gallone, misura inglese per liquidi. 
Gallon, mesure anglaise contenant 
environ quatre litres et demi. 
Galloon, n, gallon. A kind of lace. 
Gallone ; nastro; guernizione. 
Galon ; tissu d’or, d’argent, de soie, 
&c., en forme de ruban; tresse. 
Galling, pa, gil'ing. Adapted to fret or 
chagrin ; vexing. 
Crucciante; acerbo; dolorosissimo, 
Ecorchant ; contrariant ; vexant, 
Calling, pn, kal'ling. Act of one who 


calls; that which a person is called 
upon or required to direct his 
attention to; business; profession. 
L’ atto di chiamare; vocazione; mes- 
tiere; impiego. 
L’action d’appeler; vocation; métier ; 


Gallows, 7, gal’léz. A cross; a gibbet. 
Forca; patibolo. 
Potence; gibet. 

‘Callous, a, kal'lus. 
ing; obdurate. 

Indurito ; calloso; insensibile. 

τ΄ Endurci; calleux; insensible. 

Callow, a, kal'lo. Bald; destitute of 
feathers ; naked; unfledged. 

Nudo; spiumato; senza piume. 

Sans plumes; nu; jeune. 

‘Gamble, vi, gam’bl. To play or game 
for money. 

Giuocare per moneta. 
Jouer pour argent. 

Gambol, vi, gam'bol. To dance and 
skip about in sport; to frisk; to 
leap; to play in frolic. 

Saltarellare ; capriolare; spiccar salti. 
Gambader; faire des gambades. 

Game, n, gam. Sport of any kind; an 
exercise or play for amusement 
or winning a stake; animals pur- 
sued or taken in the sports of the 

Diporto; giuoco; 
Divertissement; jeu; partie; gibier. 

Came, pp, kam. Verb To come. 

Verbo To come: Venire; venne. 
Verbe To come: Venir ; il est venu, (ou 
mieux) il vint. 

Gander, », gan’dér. The male of the 

Hardened; unfeel- 

partita; caccia; 

goose. : 
Tl maschio dell’ oca. 
Jars; le male de l’oie. 
Candour, n, kan'dér. Fairness; frank- 
ness}; sincerity ; ingenuousness. 
Candore ; sincerita ; ingenuita. 
Candeur ; ingénuité; franchise. 
Canter, n, kan'tér. A moderate gallop. 
Piccolo galoppo. 
Le petit galop. 

Gaol or Jail, », jal. A prison for the 
confinement of debtors and crimi- 

Prigione ; carcere. 
Prison; donjon. 

Gap, n, gap. An opening; a cleft or 

break; a breach; a flaw. 



Apertura; fissura o rottura; 
breccia; screpolo. 

Ouverture; bréche; interstice. 

Cab, n, kab. A closed carriage with two 

or four wheels drawn usually by 
one horse. 

Cabriolet; calessino; biroccio. 


Cap, , cap. A covering for the head. 
Berretta; berrettino; cuffia, &c. 
Bonnet; casquette ; coiffe. 

Gape, vi, gip. Toopen the mouth wide; 

to yawn. 

Sbadigliare; spalancare la bocca. 

Bailler; ouvrir des grands yeux. 

‘Cape, n, cip. The head or termination 

of a neck of land extending into the 
sea; a headland, 

Capo; promontorio. 

Cap; promontoire. 


Garden, », gir’dn. A piece of ground 
inclosed and appropriated to the 

cultivation of herbs, 
and flowers. 



Gardon, n, giir'dén. <A fish of the roach 


Un pesce della specie della lasca 
(pesce d’ acqua dolce). 

plants, fruits, 

Poisson (d’eau douce) comme le dard _ 

ou gardon. 
Gargle, vt, gir'gl. 


Gargol, n, gir'gél. A distemper in swine. 
Una malattia dei majali o porci. 
Maladie des cochons. 

Gurgle, vi, gér'gl. 
with a purling noise; torun or flow 
in a broken noisy current. 

Gorgoliare ; rumoreggiare. 
Gazouiller; faire glou-glou, 

Garret, , ga'ret. That part of a house 
which is on the upper floor, imme- 
diately under the roof. 

Solajo; soffitta; stanza al tetto. 
Grenier; galetas. 

Garrote or Garrotte, n, ga-rot’. 
of capital punishment in Spain ; to 
strangle with the garrote. 

Strumento col quale s’ infligge la pena 
capitale in Spagna; strangolare. 

Instrument pour infliger la peine 

capitale en Espagne; étrangler. 


To wash, as the 
mouth or throat with some liquid — 

To run, as liquor, 

ee ee ere! 



Carat, n, ahs A weight of four ~ 
grains for weighing precious stones ; 
a twenty-fourth part of a metallic 
mass, gold, &c. 
~ Caret, γι, ka’ret. In writing, this mark 4, 
i which shows that something awant- 
ing in the line is 9g above. 
Una chiamata (segnata (4) per indi- 
care che in quel posto della linea 
ee ὃ stato omesso cid che ὃ sopra- 
= ioe cay 
qui indique la place d’un 
| placé hors de la ligne. 
. Belorros N, τατος. A yellowish or red- 
Bes: dish esculent. root of a tapering 
: form. 
_ Carrota; radice rossa o giallastra. 
Carotte ; plante potagére. 
Gas, , gas. y permanent elastic 
aeriform fluid, especially that ob- 
i tained from coal. 
Gas; idrogeno. 

Gauze, m, giz. A very thin, slight, 
transparent stuff of silk or linen, 
used for veils, dresses, &c. 

Velo; gazza; crespo; pizzo. 
Gaze; tissu clair et transparent. 
| Gaze, vi, giz. To look with eagerness 
Ε or curiosity; to stare; to gape. 

_ Affissare; guardare fisso; mirare. 

: Un coup a ceil; un regard fixe. 

| Gash, vt, gash. To make a gash or long 

deep i incision in; to cut. 

-. Tagliare; far tagli; far ferite larghe e 


q Balafrer; faire une cicatrice. 

Cash, n, kash, Money in a case; ready 
money; coin; gold and silver. 
Fondo di cassa ; geo contante. 

_ Argent comptant ; espéces ; caisse. 
᾿ Gatherer, τὰ gath'ér-ér. One who gathers 

or collects. 

ΒΞ: Persona che coglie, raccoglie o ra- 





Celai qui cueille; collecteur; celui 
qui recueille. 
, ἢ, ka'tér-ér. A provider or 
purveyor of provisions. 

. Gauntlet, m, gant/let. A large iron 
glove with fingers covered with 
small plates formerly worn by 


Guanto ferrato che portavano i guer- 
rieri antichi. 
Gantelet ; gant revétu de fer. 

Cantlet, n, kant’let. A little corner; a 
place; a piece ; a fragment. 

Un cantuccio; un pezzo o frammento. 
Coin ; te morceau ; fragment. 

G, letter A letter of the alphabet. 
"Una de le lettere dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Gee, vi, gé. To agree; to harmonise. 
Combinare ; armonizzare. 
S’accorder; étre d’accord; vivre en 


Gean, ”, gén. The wild cherry. 

Ciliege selvatica. 
Cerise des bois. 

Gin, n, jin. A distilled spirit flavoured 
with juniper berries; a machine 
for driving piles, raising great 

weights, &c. 
Liquore fatto con spirito distillato e 
ginepro; argano; leva. 
Geniévre, espécede liqueur spiritueuse; 
machine pour lever des fardeaux. 
Jinn, γι, jin. An evil genius or demon. 
Un genio malefico o demone. 
Etre maléfique; démon. 
mee 4} a, je'lid. Icy cold; very cold; 

Gelido: ‘freddo : algente. 
Gelé; glacé. 
Jellied, pa, jel'lid. Brought to the 
consistence of jelly. 
Ridotto in gelatina. 
Glutineux ; visqueux } élatineux. 
Genitor, τ, jen'it-ér. One who pro- 
creates; a sire; a father. 
Genitore ; padre. 
Janitor, n, ja'ni-tor. 
Portinajo; guardaportone. 
Portier ; concierge. 

Genius, n, jé’ni-us. Uncommon powers 
of intellect, particularly of inven- 

Genio; ingegno; talento. 

Génie; faculté créatrice. 

Genus, n, jé’nus. A race; kind; that 
which has several species under it, 


Genre; espéce. 

Genteel, a, jen-tél. Having the manners 

that indicate good birth; polite; 


A door-keeper; a 

cavaliers armed at all points. 

ae Te ee ee STE 
ἀντ δ. naples hare 
ΕΝ i , 


Gentile; manieroso ; garbato; distinto. 


Poli; honnéte; élégant; gracieux. 

Gentle, a, jen'til. Well born; affable. 

Ben nato; gentile; nobile. 
Doux; bénin; paisible; apprivoisé. 

Gentile, a, jen’til. Pertaining to pagans 
or heathens; a heathen, neither 
Jew nor Christian. 

Pagano ; idolatra (da Gentili). 
Paien; gentil. 

German, γι, jer’man. A native of lin 
many; a near relation, as brother 
and sister &c. 

Tedesco; allemanno ; cugino germano, 
Allemand; un cousin-germain. _ 

Germane, a, jér-man. Closely allied ; 

Germano; parente molto prossimo. 
Germain ; frere ou cousin-germain. 

Gest}, , jest. A roll of the several 
days, &c., in a royal progress; a 

Gesto, cenno di mano. 
Action; exploit; représentation. 

Jest, n, jest. The object of laughter ; 
joke ; raillery. 

Burla; scherzo; facezia. 
Raillerie ; plaisanterie; badinage. 

Gesture, 7, jes’-tir. General action or 
motion of the body, &c. 

Gesto; attto; movimento del corpo o 
delle membra. 
Geste; pose; exploit; gestion. 

Jester, n, jest’ér. One given to sarcasm 
or to jesting ; a buffoon. 

Burlone; buffone; beffardo. 
Railleur ; plaisant; bouffon. 

Gild, vt, gild. To overlay with gold in 

leaf or powder. 

Gilt, pa, gilt. Gold laid on the surface 

of a thing ; illuminated ; adorned. 
Doratura ; indoramento. 
Chose dorée. 

Guild, n, gild. A payment; a tax; a 
company associated for some pur- 
pose, particularly for carrying on 

Un pagamento; una tassa; societa; 

consorteria ; corporazione. 

Un payement; une taxe; 
_ compagnie. 

Guilt, n, gilt. A violence of law; cri- 
minality, in a political or civil view. 

Delitto ; reita; crimine. 
Crime; offence; faute. 

société ; 




Gill, », gil. The organ of respiration in 
fishes; the flap that hangs below 
the beak of a fowl. 

Gillo; bronche dei pesci. 
Organes de la respiration chez les. 
ἀνόνητος guenipe. 

Gill, n, jil. A measure of capacity and 
’ the fourth part of a pint. 

Una misura ingiese per liquidi equiva- 
lente al quarto della pinta 
Espéce de mesure anglaise. 
Gird, vt, gérd. To make fast by binding 

and surrounding with any flexible ὦ 

Cingere ; fasciare. 
Ceindre; attacher autour. 
Girt, vt, gért. To gird; to surround. 
L’ istesso di Gird: Cingere. 
Voir Gird: Ceindre. 
Girth, n, gérth. A strap to make fast a 
saddle to a horse’s back; a circular 

Cinghia per assicurare la sella al ἭΝ 

cavallo; circonferenza, 
Sangle; bande plate pour fixer la selle 
sur un cheval. Ε΄ 
Give, vi, giv. To bestow; to grant; to — 
deliver ; to impart. ἣ 
Donner. le 
Gye m, jiv. A fetter or shackle for the 

Ceppi; ferri; catena al piede. 
Mettre les fers aux pieds; enchainer. 
Given, pa, giv’n. Granted ; admitted 
or supposed. 
Dato; concesso; conferito. 
Giving, pn, giv'ing. Act of conferring. 
L’ atto di dare o conferire. 
L’action de donner ou conférer. τ 
Glacier, m, gla'shi-ér. A field orimmense — 
mass of ice formed in deep but — 
elevated valleys or on the sides of © 
Ghiacciaio ; ammasso di ghiaccio. 
Glacier ; amas de glace. ὴ 
Glazier, n, gla’'zhér. One whose busi- — 
ness is to set window-glass. 
Vetraio; persona che mette o vende — 
Vitrier ; celui qui pose les vitres. 
Glad, a, glad. Rejoicing; affected with 
‘pleasure; pleased ; exhilarated. 
Contento; lieto; allegro ; felice. 
Content; joyeux; gai; agréable. 
Glade, n, glad. Any opening in a 

_ wood, through which light may 
ey al 

Luogo aperto e senza alberi in un 
_ bosco o foresta. 
Clairitre ; avenue au travers d’un bois. 
d, pp, klad. Clothed; dressed ; 

estito; coperto. 
Vétu; habillé ; couvert. 
laive or Glave, m, glav. 
Una spada larga; spadone. 
Gilaive; épée tranchante. 
ave, pret, klav. From the verb To 
- cleave: To stick; to adhere with 
strong attachment; to open or 
- sever; to part asunder. 
~ Verbo To cleave: Attaccarsi; aggrap- 
a i; fendere ; spaccare. 

a op To cleave: S’attacher; se 
τς eoller; s’entr’ouvrir; se fendre. 

Α broad- 

a fierce piercing look. 
_ Bagliore; abbacinamento; splendore 
che abbaglia. 

Eclat de lumitre; éblouissement. 
Glair or Glaire, n, glir. Any viscous 
transparent substance, as the white 
of an egg, used as a varnish. 
chiaro d’ uovo; labarda. 

- Glaire; blanc d’ceuf. 

8, ἢ, glas. A hard, brittle trans- 
parent substance that glistens; a 
-_ mirror; a telescope ; a lens. 

_ Vetro; specchio ; telescopio, &c. 

_ Verre ; une lunette d’approche ; 

‘Glaze, vt, glaz. To furnish with glass; to 
_ _ polish; to make smooth and glossy. 
 Invetriare; verniciare ; smaltare. 

_ Vitrer ; mettre des vitres; vernisser ; 
μ᾿. ve gla c ar 

Class, n, klas. rank of persons or 
z= ings; a division; a number of 
pupils. . 

τ Classe; rango. 

_ Classe; rang; ordre; espéce. 

dean, vi, glén. To clean, as a field; to 
τ΄ gather, as the stalks and ears of 
— — which reapers leave behind 

_ Spigolare ; raspollare ; raccogliere. 

_ Glaner; ramasser les épis laissés dans 
un champ moissonné; recueillir οὰ 
δι - et la. . 

lean, a, klén. Polished; pure; puri- 
fied; chaste; innocent; guiltless. 


e, n,glar. A bright dazzling light; 

Clothes, mpl, clothz. 



Pulito; netto; mondo; lindo. 
Propre; net; pur; élégant. 
Glebe, n, gléb. A clod; turf; soil. 
Gleba ; zolla; suolo. 
Glébe ; sol; terrain. 
Glib, a, glib. Slippery; voluble; flip- 
pant, as a tongue. 
Sdruccevole ἢ; scorrevole ; 
Glissant ; coulant; délié; babillard. 
Clip, vt, klip. To nip, shear, or divide ; 
to cut off with shears or scissors; 
to cut short. 
Spuntare ; rintuzzare ; tosare (moneta) ; 


Tondre ; rogner } faire des accolades. 
Glove, m, gluv. A cover for the hand 

Clove, n, klév. The dried spicy bud of — 
an East Indian tree resembling a 

- small nail; a clove of garlic. 
fay τα di garofano; spicchio d’ aglio, 

Un clou de girofle; une gousse 

Gloze, vi, gléz. To flatter; to wheedle; 

to fawn ; to talk smoothly. 
Glosare ; piallare; lusingare. 
Flatter ; cajoler; caresser. 

Clause, n, klaz. A member of a sen- 
tence ; a distinct part of a contract, 
will, &e. 

Claws, n, kliz. The sharp hooked nails 
of a beast, bird, or other animal. 
Artigli; branche; unghia di bestie, 
uccelli od altri animali; granfie, 

Close, vt, klis. Shut; tight; made 
fast, so as to have no opening; 
firm ; tenacious. 

Chiuso; serrato; terminato. 
Pause; fin; conclusion ; de prés ; d’une 
maniére serrée. 

Whatever cover- 
ing is worn for decency or com- 

Vestimenti; vestiti; panni. 
Habits; habillement; vétement. 

Glue, », gli. A tenacious viscid matter, 
which serves as cement to unite 
other substances, 

Colla; colla forte, 



Colle ; colle forte; glu. 

Clew or ’ Clue, n, kla. A ball of thread; 

the corner of a sail. 

Gomitolo; lembo di una vela. 

Peloton; fil; guide (marin). 

΄ Gluten, », gli’ten. Glue; a tough, 

elastic substance found in the flour 
of wheat and other grain. 

Colla; una sostanza tigliosa che trovasi 
nella farina dei cereali. 

Gluten ; glue. 

Glutton, n, glut’n. One who swallows 
food to excess; a voracious or 
carnivorous animal. 

Ghiottone; goloso; mangione. 
Glouton; gourmand. 
Glutinous, x, glit’tin-us. 
cous; viscid; tenacious; 

bling glue. 

Glutinoso ; viscoso; appicante. 
Glutineux; visqueux. 
Gluttonous, a, glut’n-us. 
cessive eating. 
Goloso; ghiotto; ingordo. 

Glouton; gourmand. 

Gneiss, τ, nis. <A species of granite 
composed of quartz, feldspar, and 
mica of a slaty structure. 

Gneiss (minerale, specie di granito 

Minéral comme le granit mais de la 
nature de l’ardoise. 

Nice, a,nis. Soft; tender; dainty ; fine; 
elegant; refined; a seaport and 
episcopal city of France. 

Delicato ; aggradevole ; fino; elegante; 

Délicat; exact; soigneux; recherché ; 
Nice ’ (France). 

Gnu, 7, ni. An antelope resembling 8 

Una gazzella o antelope che rassomiglia 
il cavallo. 
Un antilope ressemblant.un cheval. 

Knew, pp, nti. Verb To know; he did 

Verbo To know: Sapere; egli seppe. 
Verbe To know: Savoir; il savait. 

New, a,ni. Fresh; recent; opposed to 

Neuf; nouveau; moderne. 

Goad, 7, god. A prick, a pointed instru- 
ment used to stimulate beasts to 
go faster; to prick. 

Pungolo; stimolo; aculeo. 
Aiguillon; aiguillade. 

Gluey; νἱβ- 


Given to ex-" 

| Gon < 

Goat, n, got. A well-known animal (aus 3 
‘ruped) with long hair and horns. 

Chévre. ἫΝ 
Gote, n, got. A water passage; achan- — 
nel for water. 
Ruisseau. τ 
Code, n, kod. A collection of laws and — 
constitutions; a digest of laws. Ἵ 
Code ; recueil de lois. J 
Cote, vt, kot. To go side by side with; — 
to pass by. οὐ 
Rejoindre ; flanquer. Ὁ 
Coat, n, kot. An upper or outside a 
‘garment; hair or fur covering οὗ 
animals. =f 
Abito; vestito; il mantello o pelle ~ 
‘d@’ un cavallo 6 di altre bestie. 3 
Habit; vétement; poilet peauourobe — 
du cheval, &e. τ 
Goar vide Gore, n, gor. Aslanting piece — 
inserted to widen a garment. 4 
Una forsetta che s’ inserisce per 
slargare un abito o vestito; ghe- ἢ 
rone. ; 
Un morceau d’étoffe intercalé dans _ 
un. vétement pour = lélargir; — 
gousset. Ἢ 
ΟΥ̓́Θ, γ., gor. Generally, thick or clotted | 
blood. q 
Sangue congelato, 
Sang caillé. ‘a 
Gobbler, n, gob'l-ér. One who swallows — 
in haste; a gourmandizer, 
Inghiottitore ; mangione. 
Gourmand ; glouton. 
Cobbler, n, kob'lér. A mender of shoes; Ἷ 
a clumsy workman. 
Savetier; carreleur. a 
Golf, », golf, A game with a small ΒΝ 
and a bat or club. 
Un giuoco che si fa con una piccola 
palla ed una paletta. 
Un jeu qui se fait avec une boule ob 
un mail ou un battoir, 
Gulf, n, gulf. A bay; an arm or part 
of the sea sire into = 
Golfo; baja. 
Golfe : baie. 
Gone, pp, gon. 
Verbo To go: 
Verbe To go: 

Verb To go. 
Andare; andato. 
Aller; allé. 

a coe 
___-Verbo To gore: Trafiggere ; trafitto, 
Verb To gore: Percer; percé. 
Gourd, n, gird. The plant which pro- 
) = duces a bottle- shaped fruit, a 
᾿ vegetable-marrow. 
᾿ς Zucca lunga o in forma di fiasco. 
. Gourde ; calebasse. 
ble, vi, grab’l. 
with the hands. 
Frugacciare; palpare; palpeggiare. 
ἢ eagle vf tate wa m 
vt, gr Ὁ seize; to gripe 
ss lay fast hold on, either with the 
hands or with hooks; to contend 
or struggle. 
_ Aggrapparsi; attaccarsi; lottare con; 
Grappiner ; accrocher ; lutter. 
es n,. gras. Favour; kindness; 
beauty; natural or acquired excel- 
_ Grazia; bontad; favore avvenenza. 
Grace ; manidre agréable; faveur du 

᾿ Grays or Greys, n, graz. White colour 
- with a mixture of black; horses 
called greys from their colour of 
_ white and black. 
᾿ τ Θτίείο; bigio; leardo pomato; cavalli 
ἢ pomellati ο grigi. 
i ᾿ Pommelés; gris; chevaux pommelés 

To grope; feel 

Ὁ gris. 
᾿ ὁ... vt, graze. To feed with grass, as 

Ε΄ - cattle. 

Ι Ῥαβοοίασον pascere ; mangiar |’ erba 


_ Paitre ou A toute Vherbe. 

Craze, vt, kraz. To crush; to break or 
2 impair the natural force of, or the 
ΣῊΝ intellect. 

-Fracassare ; sfacellare; ammattire. 

See rompre ; fracasser ; ; affaiblir 

Vesprit 5 
n, grad, A step; a degree or 
; rank in order or dignity, 
_ Grado; rango. 
Grade; ran 

~ rang. 
| Grate, vt, grat. A work or frame com- 
posed of cross bars with interstices; 

a kind of lattice-work used for doors 
or windows. 
Grata; gratella; graticola; inferriata ; 
e; grillage ; treillis, 
Great, , a, grat. Large in bulk or num- 

Gunde: gran. 
Grand ; vaste; gros. 

Crate, n, krat. A kind of basket or 
wicker-work, used for the trans- 
portation of crockery, ἄο, 

Cestone; cesta di vinchi. 

Grand, a, grand. Big; great; high in 
power or dignity. 

Grand ; waguilise : ; superbo; di alto 

Grand; illustre; splendide; magni- 
fique ; sublime. 

Grant, vt, grant. To gratify with; to 
bestow, as a gift; to confer; to 
admit as true what is not proved. 

Concedere ; cedere ; dare; permettere ; 
ammettere ; accordare. 

Accorder ; octroyer ; 3; avouer; recon- 
naitre; convenir. 

Granter, 7, ’ grantiér. 

Donatario ; 
Concessionnaire ; donneur. 
Grantor, n, grant'or. One who conveys 
lands, &c.; the person who grants. 
Chi da un privilegio o fa una con- 
Celui qui accorde un octroi, ou un 

Grape, », grap. The fruit from which 

wine is made. 

Graip, n, grap. A dung fork. 

Un forcone da letame o ingrasso. 
Une fourche pour fumier. 

Crape, n, krap. A thin transparent stuff 
of a crisp texture, usually black and 
generally used for mourning. 

Crespo; trina; velo; crespo nero per 
Grass, m, gras. Herbage; plants which 
constitute the food for cattle, &e, 
Herbe; gazon; verdure. 
Crass, a, kras. Gross; thick; coarse. 
Crasso; grosso; greggio. 
Epais; grossier; crasse; stupide 

G 2 

One who grants. 
cessionario; concession- 

- Grave, x, grave. 


Grater, ἢν, grat’ér. An instrument with 
a rough indented surface for grating 
or rubbing off small particles of a 

Grattuccia; raspa. 

Racloir ; rape. 
Greater, a, grat'ér. 

Pid grande. 

Plus grand. 

Crater, n, kra'tér. The circular cavity 
or mouth of a volcano; a cup- 
shaped cavity. 

Crateére; bouche d’un volcan. 

Atomb: (vt) To carve 
on stone or other hard substance. 

Tomba; avello; sepolcro: (vt) Scol- 
pire ; incidere. 
Tombe ; tombeau : (vt) Graver; ciseler. 

Crave, vt,crav. Toask with earnestness 
or submissively ; to beseech. 

Domandare; chiedere _rispettosa- 
mente ; implorare. 

Supplier; implorer; demander ardem- 

Grease, , grés. Animal fat in a soft 
state; oily matter of any kind, as 

Grasso; sugna; untume. 

Graisse ; substance huileuse. 

Greece, n, grés. A country. 

Un paese ; la Grecia. 
La Gréce. 

Crease, n, krés. A mark or line made 
by folding or doubling anything; a 
hollow streak like a groove. 

Piega; crespa; grinza; ruga. 
Pli; un faux pli; ancrure. 

Greaves, n, grévs. Armour for the legs; 
a sort of boots. 

Gamberuoli; gambiera; armatura per 
proteggere le gambe. 
Jambiéres; armure pour les jambes. 

Griefs,n, gréfs. Grievance; the pain of 
mind produced by loss, misfortune, 
injury of any kind; sorrow; trouble, 

Cordogli; affanni; dolori. 
Chagrins; douleurs. 

Grieves, vt, grévs. Verb To grieve; he 
or that which afflicts, wounds the 
feelings of, excites regret, offends, 

More great. 

Verbo To grieve: Affliggere; colui che 
affligge o rattrista. 
Verbe To grieve: Affliger; chagriner ; 
celui qui afflige ou s’afflige. 
Grief, n,gréf. That which weighs down; 



the pain of mind produced by loss, © 

misfortune, &c. 
Cordoglio ; affanno; dolore. 
Chagrin; regret; douleur. 
Grieve, vt, grév. To weigh down; 
burden ; to afflict, &e. 
Affliggere ; rattristare. 
Chagriner ; affliger. 

Grim, a, grim. Enraged; ferocious ; 

frightful; hideous; ugly; stern ; 
Arcigno; torvo; orrido; spaventoso. 
Horrible; hideux ; 

Grimn, vt, grim'n. 
to look stern ; to be rough, peevish 
or cynical. 

Guardar truce; guardar torvo. 

Faire visage repoussant ; 
affreusement. »" 
Grin, vi, grin. To set the teeth to- ς᾽ 

gether and open the lips as in 
Ghigno goffo o maligno; smorfia ; 
risolino di scherno. . 
Grimace; grincement de dents. 

Gristle, », gris’l. <A cartilage; asmooth q 

elastic substance in animal bodies. 

Cartilage, substance moins dur que _ 

Grizzle, n, griz'l. Agrey colour, a mix- — 

ture of white and black (hair). 
Colore grigio o brizzolato ; canutezza. 
Gris; couleur grise; grison. 

Grisly, a, griz’li. Dreadful; fearful; 4 

ghastly ; frightful. 

Spaventoso; ispido; irsuto; deforme. Ἢ 

Terrible; craintif; lugubre; effrayant. 

Gristly, a, gris'li. Consisting of gristle; 

Grizzly, a, griz’li. 
with age. 

Alquanto grigio; bigiuccio dall’ eta — 

_ senile. 

Quelque peu gris; gris ἃ cours d’age. 
To utter a mournful — 
voice, as in pain or sorrow; to 

Groan, vi, gron. 


Gemere; lamentare (con affannata — 

lena); grugnire di malcontento, 
Gémir; soupirer; se lamenter. 
Grown, pda, gron. 


To look fiercely; — 


Somewhat gray ; gray 4 

Increased in growth; 1 
having arrived at full size οὔ 

to # 

effrayant; trés — a 


ἌΝΕΙΣΙ fatto. 

_ Devenu p jus 

Groat, n, ‘aitek gy coin of copper or 

___ brass equal to fourpence. 
Moneta (di # rete) di 4 soldi i 

Pitce de monnaie (anglaise) de la 
valeur de quatre pence. 
Grot, m, grot. grotto; a natural cave 

or rent in the e 
—Grotta; spelonca; caverna. 
Grotte ; ‘caverne, 
éth. Act of growing; pro- 
' duct: ; Increase in extent. 
_ Il erescere ; il vegetare. 
᾿ς Crue; croissance. 
Grocer, nm, gro’sér. A merchant who 
- sells, tea, sugar, and all other edible 
_ Droghiere; pizzicagnolo; baccale, 
_ Kpicier. 
_ Grosser, a, gros'sér. 
=~. Gross. 
~ Grado comparativo αἱ Gross; pid 
-- grosso; pill denso; pill spesso. 
~ Comparatif de Gross; plus gros; plus 
7, grog. A mixture of spirit and 
s cold water, not sweetened. 
 Bevanda composta di acqua ed acqua- 
τς vita od altro liquore. 
Mélange de toute liqueur spiritueuse 
Ἶ avec de l’eau. 
_ Croak, vi, krok. To make a low hoarse 
voice in the throat, as a frog, &c.; 
_ to cry as a raven or crow; to fore- 
;. bode evil; to murmur. 
-Gracidare (come le rane), crocitare ; 
gracchiare (come i corvi). 
© eos, crier comme les grenouilles, 
= le corbeau, ἄο. 
| Crock, γι, krok. An earthen vessel for 
milk or butter. 
y “Vaso di terray ad uso del latte'o del 
>On pot de terre pour lait, beurre, &ec. 
Sonne nm, krék. A curving instrument ; 
_ a shepherd’s staff; a pastoral staff ; 
& Ε΄. an artifice ; a trick. 
- Uneino; gancio; rocco da pastore. 
*. ee Croc; crochet; houlette. 
‘Group, ἡ, grép. A cluster; an assem- 
ae lage ; a number collected without 
a : any regular form. 
᾿ ροῦν; ; folla; ressa. 
_ Groupe ; réunion ; de plusieurs objets. 
"orn , krép. The rump of a fowl; 
the f buttocks of a horse. 

ER cet ΜΡ hs 9 


Comparative of 


Groppa (degli animali), 
La croupe d’un cheval; le croupion 
d’une volaille. 

Grow, vi, gro. To be augmented by 
natural process, as plants, animals, 
&c.; to increase; to wax; to ac- 
crue; to swell. 

Crescere ; ingrandire; diventare ; farsi. 
Croitre; pousser; grandir; cultiver. 
Craw, n, kra. The crop or first stomach 

of fowls. 
Gozzo degli uccelli, pollame, &c. 
Jabot; premier estomac des oiseaux, 
poules, ἄο. 

Crow, n,kré. <A large black carnivorous 
bird; a bar of iron with a beak for 
raising weights. 

Corvo; cornacchia; leva di ferro. 
Corneille; levier. 

Gruel, m, griiel. A kind of light food, 
made by boiling groats or meal in 

Pantritomaritato; farina d’ 
bollita nell’ acqua. 
Gruau; bouillie de gruau. 

Cruel, a, kro’el. Unmerciful; _ bar- 
barous; ferocious; brutal; eager 
for blood. 

Crudele ; barbaro; truce. 
Cruel; inhumain. 

Grumble, v2, grum’bl. Tomurmur with 
discontent; to snarl; to roar. 
Borbottare ; brontolare ; mormorare. 
Grogner; murmurer; se  plaindre; 


Crumple, vt, krum'pl. To press into 
wrinkles; to rumple or crook; to 
contract ; to shrink. 

Raggrinzare (una veste) ; spiegazzare ; 
Chiffonner ; faire des plis ἃ. 

Guessed, pp, ges’sd. Conjectured ; 
divined ; judged at random, 


Guest, n, gest. A stranger or friend, 
received into the house of another 
and treated with hospitality. 

Convitato; invitato; ospite. 
Hote; convive ; convié. 

Gut, m, gut. That through which any- 
thing flows; the intestinal canal of 
an animal. 

Budello; intestino. 
Boyau; intestin. 

Cut, vt, kut. To divide or sever into 

pieces by an edged instrument. 




Tagliare ;-mozzare. 
Couper; tailler; trancher. 

Gutter, », gut/tér. A channel for catch- 
ing and conveying off the water 
from the roof of a building. 

'Gronda; grondaia; fogna. 
Gouttiére; canal pour l’eau 

Hacks, npl, haks. Horses kept for hire 
Ξ or much used in draught or in hard 
Cavalli da nolo o da_ strapazzo; 
Chevaux de louage. 
Hags, npl, hags. Furies; witches ; 
fiends; ugly, hateful old women. 
Streghe ; “‘vecchiacce. 

Furie; sorciére; laide et méchante 
᾿ς Awe, n, aks. An iron instrument for 

hewing timber and chopping wood. 
Accetta; scure. 
Hache ; " cognée. 

Had, v, had. Verb To have: ind. mood, 
perf. tense. 

Verbo To have: ind. tempo imp. o 
ret.: Avere; aveva; ebbi. 

Verbe To have: ind. imp. ou prét.: 
Avoir; avait; eu. 

Hat, n, hat. 
the head. 


Haft, τη, haft. A handle of an instru- 
ment, as of a sword, &c., and of 
anything taken in the hand. 

Manico di coltello; impugnatura; 
manico qualunque o maniglia. 
Manche; poignée. 

Aft, a or adv, aft. Hind; back; 

Del dietro; della poppa; a poppa. 
En arriére (marin). 

Hair, n, har. The mass of filaments 
growing from the skin or bulbous 
root of animals. 


Hare, n, har. A well-known timid 
animal like a rabbit. 

Her, pro, hér. 

abaft ; 

Objective case of She, 


A well-known covering for - 

| Halo, x, "halo. 

Cutter, n,kut'ér. He or that which cuts; 
a vessel with one mast and a 
straight running bowsprit. 

Tagliatore; naviglio veloce da una ~ 
sola vela. τοι 

Celui ou ce qui coupe; petit bateau 
qui fend l’eau. 

Lei; colei. 
Son; sa; elle ; lui; la, = 
Hail, x, hal. Frozen drops of rain or | 

geet masses of ice or frozen | 

Gréle; pluie congelée. ; 
Hale, a, hal. Whole; sound; entire; 

‘healthy ; robust ; not impaired. 
Sano ; vigoroso ; gagliardo ; vegeto. 
En bonne santé; sain ; vigoureux. 3 
One part of anything Ἢ 

Half, n, haf. : 
"divided in two equal parts; a — 
moiety. 4 

Meta. 7 
Moitié. 4 

Halve, vt, hiv. To divide into equal — 

parts. ae 

Dividere in due parti equali. 
Diviser en deux parties ; partager par 3 
moitié. agt 
Have, vt, hav. To own; to hold in — 
possession or power. a 
Avere ; possedere. 

Avoir. 4 
Hall, », hal. A large room at the en- © 
trance of a house; a palace; ἃ 
royal court, &c. “a 
Vestibolo; anticamera; sala; palazzo; — 
magione; castello. a 
Vestibule ; antichambre; salon; palais; — 
maison; chateau. “ 
Haul, vt, hal. 
Strascinare; rimorchiare ; tirare. 3 
Tirer ; tirailler ; entrainer } remorquer. q 
Hole, n, hol. A hollow place in ant 
solid body ; an interstice. 
Buco; buca ; foro. 
Trou; creux; flache. oa 
Howl, vi, houl. To utter cries in dis.” 
tress; to cry as a dog or wolf. 
Urlare; guaire; ululare. 
Hurler; aboyer. : 
A bright circle round 

To drag or pull with q 

the sun or moon, or, in ainting, 
the ring that surrounds the he 
of saints. 
Cerchio luminoso; aureola. 
ΓΤ _ Auréole. 
pric, interj, hal’-16. To ery out; to 

Be exclaim with a loud voice. 
fh Ehi! Ohe! 

: urage ! 

3 me vt, hallo. To set apart for 
} religious use; to honour as sacred ; 
to keep holy. 

_ Santificare; consacrare ; riverire come 

Ἢ Consacrer ; sanctifier ; bénir. 
Aloe, n, alo. A succulent plant with 
broad prickly leaves, which yields a 
rey bitter medicinal gum. 

 Alos ap diy des Indes). 

Ρ. ‘Halt, vi, h To limp or stop with 
a eg to hesitate; to ry art 
to have an irregular rhythm ; 
stop or cease marching. 

of Boiter: : faire halte; hésiter; balancer. 
f Hold, vt, hold. To have in the grasp; 
-- to keep fast. 

Tenere; fermare; arrestare ; ritenere. 
__ Tenir; contenir; serrer ; empoigner. 
τ ‘Bolt, γι, holt. he shelter; a place of 
ΕἸ ‘security. 

@ ~Un Soeree: un luogo sicuro. 

ὃ Ἐ petit bois; abri. 

b> “Halter n, hal'tér. 

a horse; a rope for hanging. 

᾿ς Cavezza; capestro ; corda per impic- 
ἢ care. : 
' Corde; licou pour un cheval. 

3 - Altar, n, al'tér. An elevated place on 
a which sacrifices were offered; the 
- Communion Table. 

: poe ara. 

Alter, ot, al'tér. 
m3 to vary. 
~ Alterare ; cambiare ; mutare. 
E Altérer ; ‘changer. 

, ἢ, . The bend of the knee- 
- joint behind ; the thigh of a beast, 
ἼΩΝ ΒΕ οἱ 8 hog salted and 
3 ied in smoke; a leg. 
β Γ΄ Bronalatio. 
_ Jambon; cuisse de cochon salée et 


To make some change 

Φ ge icare ; titubare; star in dubbio; . 


A rope or strap and | - 
. aheadstall for leading or confining | 



Alm, n, tim. (Generally used in the 
plural number Alms) A charitable 

Aumdne; charité. 
Am, v, am. ist pers. ind. mood, pres. 
tense of the verb To be. 
1* perso. ind. pres. verbo To be: 
Essere: Io sono. 

rs. ee rés. verbe Etre: Je suis. 
Sule The extremity of the 
arm prea Μῦς of the palm and 


Haunt, vt, hant. To frequent; to resort 
to much and often ; to follow im- 

Frequentare ; inseguire; incantare. 
Hanter ; fréquenter; visiter; obséder. 

And, conj, and. <A particle, which con- 

nects words and sentences together. 


Ant,n,ant. A small insect; an emmet; 
a pismire 
Aunt, n, iunt. The sister of one’s father 
or mother. 

Hang, vt, hang. To suspend from some 
elevated place or point; to append. 

Impiccare; appendere. 

Pendre; suspendre. 

Hank,n, hangh. Two or more skeins of 

silk or thread tied together. 
Hanker, vi, hang’kér. To desire 

eagerly; tolong for something —_ 
uneasiness ; to cluster. 

Aver voglia; smaniare ; bramare. 
Désirer avec ardeur ; soupirer apres. 
Hanger, n, hang’ér. One who hangs or 

causes to be hanged. 
Colui che impicca o ‘appende. 
Celui qui pend (bourreau) ou suspend, 
Anchor, n, angk'’ér. An _ iron instru- 
ment for holding a ship at rest, in 

Anger, n, ang’gér. A violent passion of 
the mind, excited by a real or 

supposed injury. 


Collera; ira. 
Coltére ; courroux. 

Harass, vt, ha’ras. To vex; to distress; 
to fatigue to excess. 

Tribolare ; strapazzare; affaticare. 
Harasser ; fatiguer; tourmenter. 

Arras, n, a’ras. Tapestry; hangings 
woven with figures. 

Arazzi; panno tessuto a figure per 
Tapisserie ; tapisserie 4 personnages. 

Harbour or Harbor, m, har’bér. A 
haven for ships; a shelter; a place 
of safety for ships, from storms or 

Port; havre; asile; refuge. 

Arbor, n, ar'bor. (Poet.) A bower; a 
place of retirement or shelter in a 
garden, &c., formed of trees, &c. 

(Poet.) Pergola; fusello; stile. 
(Poet.) Berceau ; treille; bosquet. 
Arbour, n, ir'’bér. The same as Arbor. 

Lo stesso che Arbor. 
Voir Arbor. 
Hard, a, hiird. Firm; not easily sepa- 
rated or penetrated. 
Dur; ferme; solid. 
Hart, n, hart. A stag or male deer. 
Cervo di cinque anni. 
Un cerf. 

Heart, n, hart. The seat or source of 
life; the primary organ of the 
blood’s motion in an animal body. 

Il cuore. 


Hearth, n, hirth. A pavement or floor 
of brick or stone in a chimney on 
which a fire is made; the house 
itself as the abode of comfort. 

Focolare; cammino. 
Foyer; atre. 

Art, n, art. Practical knowledge or 
skill; contrivance; adroitness ; 
profession ; trade. 

Arte; mestiere; artifizio; industria. 
Science; métier; artifice; habileté. 
Harden, vi, hird’n. To make hard or 
more hard. 

Durcir ; endurcir. 

Hearten, vt, hirth’n. To give heart or 
courage to; to encourage; to ani- 

Dar coraggio; incoraggire. 
Encourager ; fortifier. 


Harder, a, hiird’ér. More firm; mo: 
ifficult of penetration or of sepa- 
rating into parts. 

Pitt duro 
‘Plus dur. oa 
Ardour, n, ir’dér. A flame; warmth; 
fervency ; vehemence ; affection 

Ardore; calore; affetto; desiderio. 
Ardeur; chaleur ; ; passion. 
Hardiness, n, hiird’i-ness. Tntrepiditye 
effrontery ; firmness of body deriv ed 
from laborious exercises. 
Intrepidezza ; sfrontatezza ; gagliardia. 
Bravoure ; effronterie ; peine; fatigue ; 
Hardmess, n, hiird’nes. Quality of being — 
hard; close union of component — 
parts. - 
Durezza; difficolta. . 
Dureté ; fermeté; difficuité. 
Hardly, adv, hiird’li. With difficulty 34 
Appena ; a stento. : ‘ 4 
Péniblement; a peine. a 
Hardily, adv, hird'i-li. With great — 
boldness; stoutly; not tenderly. 
Arditamente; gagliardamente. a 
Hardiment; courageusement. 
Hark, vi, hiirk. To listen ; to lend the 
ear. i 
Sentire ; ascoltare. q 
Ecouter; préter l’oreille. 
Are, n, irk. Any part of the circumfer- 
ence of a circle or other curved — 
line. -ῇ 
Arco; curva; segmento. ἮΝ 
Are (d’un cercle). a 
Arch, n, arch. A bow; a vault; @ CcOD- — 
cave structure supported by its 
own curve. Se 
Volta; arcata. <a 
Are; arcade. ὙΣ 
Ark, n, fo Μς A chest; a vessel; Noah 

Cassa; arca (l’ arca di Noé). 

Arche ; l’arche de Noé. : 

Harm, τ, hirm. That which causes — 
pain; injury; hurt; mishap; moral 

Malora; danno; pregiudizio; torto. τ 
sg dommage ; préjudice ; ; mal 5 

dint nm, irm. The limb of the human 
body from the shoulder to the; 

¥ ‘OW, 2, ha’rd. A frame of timber 
set with teeth used to level 
__ ploughed land and break clods. 
᾿ς Erpice per livellare terreno dopo che 
τὰ sari stato arato. 
ο΄ _Herse; instrument de labourage pour 
Ἷ briser les mottes de terre d’un 

fe Ὁ . 

_ Arrow,n, aes. A straight pointed weapon 

to be discharged from a bow. 

| os Freccia.. 

ο΄ Fléche. 

’ Has, v, haz, Verb To have: 8rd pers. 

~~ ging. ind. mood, pres. tense. 

__ Verbo To have: Avere; egli ha. 

__Verbe To have: Avoir; il a. 

_ As, adv, az. Also; like ; even; similarly. 

_ . Come; mentre; quale; siccome. 
Comme; aussi que; tandis que. 

_ Ass, ἢ, ass. A donkey; well-known 
ΓΞ animal, dull, slow, but patient, 
4 hardy, and useful. 
ἜΣ somaro. 
e; baudet. 

3 Hash, vt, hash. To chop into small 

| = pieces, as meat, &c. 

§minuzzare; trittare carne od altro. 

- _Hacher; couper en petits morceaux. 

_ Ash, τ, ash. A large hardy tree; that 

& which is produced by some burnt 


Frassino (albero); cenere. 

_ __Fréne; le bois du fréne ; cendre. 

_ Hasp, n, hasp. That which fastens; a 

. clasp that passes over a staple to 

be fastened by a padlock. 

Fermaglio ; maniglia; lucchetto. 

| Fermoir; crochet; loquet. 

 Asp,n, asp. A small poisonous serpent 

a of Egypt and Libya. 

Un piccolo serpente o vipera velenosa. 

_ _ Aspic; serpent venimeux. 

_ Hatched, pp, hach’d. Verb To hatch; 

[Ἢ to breed, td produce as from eggs. 

Verbo To hatch: Covare; covato. 
Verbe To hatch: Couver; couvé. 

_ Hatchet, n, hach’et. A small axe with a 

"ΑΝ short handle. 

Secure; accetta; pennato. 

Odio; sdegno. 
Haine; aversion. 

_ Ait, n, at. A-small island, 
_. Piccola isola. 

p- Ποῖ. 


| Having, 



Ate, pret, it. From the verb To eat. 
Tl mangait. 

Hight, a, at. Twice four; expressing 

the number twice four. 

Hater, m, hat’ér. One who hates, de- 

tests or dislikes. 
Uno che odia; odiatore. 

Celui qui hait. 
Hatter, n, hat’ ér. 

Cappellajo. : 


ulm, τ, haium. The stem or stalk 
of grain of all kinds, and of peas, 
beans, hops, &c. 

Paglia; stoppia; stelo. 

Paille ; chaume. 

Holm, n,hilm. A river isle; a low, flat 
tract of land on the banks of a 
river ; the evergreen oak. 

Isoletta; luogo paludoso; 
Yeuse; chéne vert; flot. 

Haunted, pa, hant’éd. Frequently 
visited especially by apparitions. 

Incantato; frequentato da appari- 

A maker or seller of 

l’ elce 


Hanté; fréquenté; lieu od il ya des 

Hunted, n, hunt'éd. Chased; in search 
of, for the purpose of shooting wild 
animals, &c. 

Inseguito; cacciato (da cacciatori). 

oe ;  poursuivi par  chasseur, 


Haven, 7, ha’vn. A harbour; a shelter 
for ships. 

Ricovero; rada; porto. 

Havre; port; asile. 

pn, hav'ing. Possession ; 
goods; gaining; receiving; taking. 

Avendo; avere. 
Avoir; biens; possession. 

Heaven, n, hev'n. The sky; the region 
of the atmosphere; the abode of 

Tl cielo o paradiso. 
Ciel; firmament; paradis. 

Heaven, pp, hév'n. That which is heaved 
up or raised. 

Alzato; sollevato; tirato su. 
Soulevé ; levé. 

Heaving, pa, hév'ing. Swelling; pant- 

ing; raising ; lifting, 


Agitazione; palpitazione ; sollevando; 
Battement ; palpitation ; soulévement. 
Haw, 7, ha. The berry and seed of the 
Moro di spina alba. 
Fruit de l’aubépine. 
Awe, n, ἃ. Fear mingled with reverence 
or submission. 
Rispetto con temenza. 
Crainte ; respect. 

Hay, n, hai. Grass cut and dried for 
Hey, exclm, ha. An exclamation of joy 

or mutual exhortation. 
Esclamazione di sorpresa, di piacere. 
Ha! Bon! Hai! 

Heady, a, hed'i. Apt to affect the head ; 
intoxicating; strong; hasty; pre- 
‘cipitate ; violent. 

Testardo ; incapato ; 
avventato. - 
Fougueux; violent; emporté. 

Eddy, n, 6 ed’di. A current of water or 
air in a circular direction; a whirl- 

Turbine di vento o di acqua; vortice. 
Vague 5 ; tournoyante; un tournant 
d’eau; tourbillon. 

Heal, vt, hal. To cure; to cause to 
‘close up, as a wound, 

Se guérir; cicatriser. 

Heel, n, hél. The part of the foot that 
"swells out behind; the hind part of 
a shoe or stocking. 

Tallone; calcagno. 

Eel, n, @l. A serpent-like fish, living 

much in mud. 

He'll, abbrev, Hé will. 
‘He will. 

Abbrev. di He will: Egli vorra. 
Pour He will: Il voudra. 

impetuoso 3; 

Abbreviation of 

Hear, vt, hér. To enjoy the faculty of 
perceiving sound by the ear. 
Here, adv, hér. In this place. 
Qua; qui. 
Ear,n, δύ. One of the two organs of 


‘Hearse, », hérs. 

Oreille. : 

Year, n, yer. The period of time 

during which the earth makes 
one complete revolution round its 


An ; année. 

Heard, PP; hérd. Verb To hear. Ἔ : ΕἸ 
bbe * To hear: Sentire; udire; senti; 

Verbe Tohear: Entendre; ilentendit, 
Herd, n, hérd. A number of beasts 
assembled together. 
Armento; mandria. 
Troupeau ; troupe; bande. 

Hurt, vt, hért. ‘To injure; to give 
pain to; to wound the feelings 
of. at 

Ledere ; far male ; danneggiare } . 

Faire du mal; nuire 4; faire tort a. ᾿ 

Hearing, pn, ‘her’ ing. Sensation of | 
perception of sound; audience. 

Udito; udendo ; sentendo. 

Ouie ; ‘entendant ; écoutant. 
Herein, adv, hér'in. In this. 

In questo ; in cid. 

En ceci; en ce point. a 
he’ring. One of those sea — 

Herring, 1, | 
fishes which go in great multitadae Ὶ 
or shoals. a 

Ear-ring,n, ér'ing. A jewel or ornament Εν 
worn in the ear. δ. 
Une boucle d’oreille. 4 
Erring, pa, ering. Wandering from Ee . 
the truth or the right way. oo 
Errabondo; traviato. 
Egarement; égaré. 
Hearsay, 7, hér’sa. 
Fama; voce; romore; si dice. 
Oui- dire; on dit; bruit. 
Heresy, n, ‘he're-si.. An offence against — 
Christianity; a fundamental error 
in religion. 
Hérésie; erreur contre la foi. ; 
A carriage for con- — 
veying the dead to the grave. : 
Carro funebre. 
Corbillard ; char funébre. Ὶ 
Hers, p, hérs. Possessive case of She ἢ 
Belonging to her. 


_ Report ; rumour; — 


1 a Di ei; appartenente a lei. 
a sien ; la sienne. 
Ε 90, m, érs. The language of the Gaels 
ae da in the hig ands of Scot- 

z ΤΙ linguaggio celtico; linguaggio degli 
τ ΟΠ montanari Scozzesi. 

To take. food; to bite or 
chew and swallow-as food. 

- Mangiare. 
ᾧ “Manger. 
_ Heath, n, héth. A small shrub with 
beautiful flowers which grows on 
rs waste land. 

_ Brica; scopa; landa. 
. Bruyére ; broussaille. : 

_ Heed, wt, héd. To mind or take notice 
% of; to regard with care. 

᾿ς Star attento ; badare ; starsi in guardia, 
 .. Soin; attention ; ; précaution. 
Heater, n, hét’ér. He or that which heats. 
1 Cid che riscalda. 
-  Chauffoir. 
ΒΕ Ἑαίον, nm, @t'ér. One who eats; that 
: which eats or corrodes. 
Mangiatore ; mangione; corrosivo. 
__ Mangeur; un corrosif. 

EB steather, N, "heth’ér, Vide Heath. 
‘ Erica; scopa. — 
__Broussailles; bruyére. 

_ Bither, pron, i i'thér. One or the other ; 
one of two; each; every one sepa- 

Ol uno o I altro; 1᾿ uno 6 I’ altro; 
ο΄ ambidue. 
| Soit, ou, soit que; ou l’un ou l’autre; 
ee Yun et I’ autre ; tous deux. 
_ Ether, n, δ΄ ἐμόν. Pure refined air; a 
ey light volatile and inflammable 

τ  KEtere. 
_ _ Ether; fluid plus subtil que l’air. 
: τ βόας vt, héy. To lift; to raise; to 
move upward. 

; sollevare; inalzare. 
Ε Soulever; lever. 
Ε ie nm, ὃν, The consort of Adam and 
: mother of the human race. 
᾿ς Eva, la consorte di Adamo. 
_ Eve, consorte d’Adam. 




Heaves, v, hévz. Verb To heave; he 

heaves; he lifts; he raises. 
Egli alza o solleva. 
Il souléve ou léve. 

Eaves, n, évz. The lower border of 
the roof of a building which over- 
hangs the walls. 

Grondaja; gronde; docce. 
Larmier ; oy égout d’un toit ; auvent. 

Hectic, a, hek’-tik. A remittent fever 
with stages of chilliness, heat, and 
sweat; hectic fever. 

Febbre etica ; tisico ; etico. 
Fiévre étique ; phthisie. 

Ethic, a, eth'ik. Delivering precepts of 

Etica ; morale. 

Hedge, », hej. A fence or enclosure, 
consisting of thorns, prickly bushes, 
or shrubs. 


Edge, n, ej. Margin; brim; the thin 

cutting side of an instrument. 
Orlo; margine. 
Bord ; le fil d’un instrument qui coupe. 

Etch, vt, ech. To eat into by aqua- 
fortis; to produce figures: or de- 
signs on copper, &c. 

Incidere coll’ acqua forte. 
Graver ἃ l’eau forte. 
Heir, m, Sr. One who inherits. 



Air, n, ir. The fluid which we breathe; 
a tune; mien; gesture; affected 

Aria (atmosfera); aria (canzone) ; 

Air; air d’une chanson; air d’une 
personne; contenance ou main- 

Ayr, n, ir. A town in Scotland. 

Una citta della Scozia. 
Une ville d’Ecosse. 
E’er, abbrev, ér. Ever. 
Contrazione di Ever: Sempre. 
Abrégé de Ever: Toujours ; en quelque 


Ere, adv, ir. Before; sooner than. 
Prima; prima che; anzi. 
Auparavant; avant que; plutdt que. 

Err, vi, er. To wander from the right 

way; to depart from rectitude; to 
Errare ; traviare ; sbagliare, 



Errer; aller ca et 14; s’égarer; se 

Hell, », hel. ‘The infernal place of 
punishment for the wicked, after 

L’ inferno. 
᾿ς L’enfer. 
Ell, n,el. A measure of length. 

Auna; verga (misura di lunghezza). 
Aune ; mesure de longueur. 
1, letter, el. A letter of the alphabet. 
"Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 
Helm, 71, helm. ‘The instrument by 
ic which a ship is steered, including 
the rudder, tiller, wheel, &c 
Timon; gouvernail. 
Elm, n, elm. A well-known tree valu. 
able for its timber. 
Olmo (albero). 
Orme (grand arbre). 

Hem, vi, hem. To fold and sew down 
as the edge of cloth; to border ; to 

Olare mel cucire. 
Ourler; faire un ourlet 4; border. 
M, , letter, em. A letter of the alpha- 

Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Hen, ”, hen. The female of any kind of 
ἱ fowl. 
Gallina; femmina di pollame qua- 
N, letter, en. A letter of the alphabet. 

Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Hereat, adv, hér-at. At this. 
A questo; su di cid. 

A ceci; a cela. 
Herat, n, hér-at. A fortified city of 
Western Afghanistan. 

Una citta fortificata nell’ Afghanistan. 
Une ville fortifiée dans Afghanistan. 

Hereon, adv, hér-on. On this. 

Su questo; in questo punto. 

Heron, n, hér-on. A rapacious, scream- 
ing aquatic bird with long wings, 
legs, and neck. 

Aghirone; airone (uccello). 
Héron, oiseau qui se nourrit de poisson. 

Hew, vi, hi. To cut in pieces with an 
axe, or to make smooth as stone, 
&c.; to hack. 


Tagliare ; spaccare pietra ὁ legno 
abbattere alberi, &c. 
Tailler; couper; abattre. 
Hue, n, hia. That which shows the for 
or fashion of a body; colour; tint 

Colore; tinta; grida; schiamazzo 

Couleur ; teinte ; nuance. 
Hewer, 7, hii’ér. One who hews wood — 
or stone. Ἢ 
Colui che taglia, spacca ὁ abbatte ; 
pietra o legno. 
Celui qui équarrie le bois ; un taillew 
de pierre. a 
Ewer, n, αν. -A kind of pitcher f 
olding water which accompanies 
a fits hand basin. . 
Brocca; bocale. 
Aiguiare ; vase 4 l’eau pour se lay 
les mains. ᾿ 
Yore, adv, yor. In time past. 
Gia; anticamente; altre volte ; : 
Jadis ; autrefois ; anciennement. 
Your, pro, yor. Belonging to You, 
equally applicable to both numbe 
Vostro; vostra; vostri; vostre. 
- Votre; vos. 
You’ re, abbrev, i’r (you are). 
viation of You are. 

Abrey. di You are: Voi siete. 
Abrégé de You are: Vous étes. 3 
Hie, vi, hi. To hasten; to go in haste; ἈΠ} 
to speed. : 

Affrettarsi; sbrigarsi. 
Hater ; se presser. 
High, a, hi. Lofty; raised above any 
Alto; elevato. 
— eth 
er, a, hi-ér. 
Pid alto. 
Plus haut. 
Hire, vt, hir. To procure from an 
other person for a temporary w 
at a certain price; to let; to lea 
Affittare; pigliar in affitto, 
Louer ; prendre ἃ louage. 
Eyre, n, ir. A circuit, as justices : 
eyre; itinerant judges. 
Corte di giudici ambulanti. 
Cour de juges ambulants. 
Ire, n, ir. Anger; ab 
Rabbia ; collera; ira. 
Colére; courroux, 


More high. 

rage; keen 

shlands, mpl, hi'lands. “Elevated 
ΟΠ Jands; mountainous regions. 
- Terre elevate ὁ montagnose. 

_ Pays montagneux. 

slands, npl, ‘lands. Tracts of land 
surrounded with water. 

5G tate 

ν ui n, hil. A height; a natural eleva- 
-: tion of land; an eminence. 
Salita; altura; "colle. 
Colline; éminence ; monticule. 
Til, a,il. Bad or evil, i in a general sense ; 
-_ disordered ; impaired ; sick. 
τ Male; cattivo; malato. 
a εὐλίθαναο; méchant; malade. 
pam Zron, him. The objective case of 


Lui; le. 

Hymn, m, him. A sue of praise; a song 
~ ΟΥ̓ ode in honour of God. 

_ Inno; cantico. 

τ ποῖ; cantique. 

» pro, hiz. Possessive pronoun singu- 
lar of He. 

Suo; di lui. 

Son; sa; se. 

Hiss, vi, his. To make a sound by 
driving the breath between the 
tongue and the upper teeth. 
Semen ; citire; sibilare (dei ser- 

᾿ Fee Fe 


Si ement sifflets. 
» Vt, iz. Verb To be; 3rd pers. sing. 
ind, mood pres. tense. 
_ Verbo To be: Essere; 85 pers. sing. 
ind. pres.; ὃ ; egli ὁ. 
" Verbe To be: Etre ; 3° pers. sing. ind. 
prés.; il est. 
‘Hit, vt, hit. To give a blow to; to 
reach, as the object aimed at; "not 
ἔ to miss. 

a ang 

Colpire ; colpire a segno. 
Frapper ; donner un coup 4; toucher; 
Ἢ pro, it. A pronoun of the neuter 
E Esco; essa (pro. neutro). 
Bits elle ; le; la; ce; ceci; cela. 
h, vi, hich. To be hooked; to be- 
— eome entangled. 
- Attaccare ; inciampare; far un moyvi- 
mento sussultorio, 
_ Démener ; se trémousser. 
ltch, n, ich. A disgusting cutaneous 


, αν & 


riage —s the person to scratch 

Rona: pore ; prurito. 


Ho! inter, hd. A call to excite atten- 
tion, or to give notice of approach ; 

stop ! 

Ohe! O1a! (marit.). 


Hoe,n, hd. An instrument for hewing 
or cutting up weeds, and loosening 
the earth. 

Houe; instrument aratoire. 
O, letter, 5. A letter of the alphabet. 
"Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Oh ! interj, 5. Denoting surprise, pain, 

sorrow or anxiety. 

Oh! O! 
Oh! Hélas! 

Owe, vt, 6. To be indebted to; to be 
obliged for. 

Dovere; essere debitore di; 
tenuto a. 

Devoir ; étre débiteur de. 
Hoax, n, hoks. A slight; something 
done for deception or mockery. 
Cuculiatura ; burla; corbellatura. 

Mystification ; tromperie. 

Hawks, npl, haks. Rapacious birds 
which seize and hold their prey 
with their fangs. 

Falconi; falchi. 

Oaks, npl, dks. Plural of Oak; a tree 
which produces wood for ship- 
building, &c. 

Querce ; roveri. 
Arbres de chéne. 

Ox, τ, oks. The male of the bovine 
genus of quadrupeds, castrated and 
grown to his full size. 


Bue; bove. 
Hoar, a, hor. White or whitish; white 
or grey with age. 

Bianco; canuto. 

Blanc; qui a les cheveux blancs. 
Whore, n, hor. Anadulteress; a prosti- 


Meretrice; prostituta. 

Prostituée ; femme de mauvaise vie; 


m, hord. A treasure; a large 

quantity of anything laid up; a 


disease ; an uneasiness in the skin 

ae | 93 

hidden stock. 


Mucchio; tesoro; accumulare denaro, 
6. : 
Amas fait en secret; trésor. 

Horde, n, hord. A herd; a company of 
wandering people dwelling i in tents 
or waggons, and migrating from 
place to place. 

Orda; truppa vagante; accozzaglia. 
Horde ; bande ; troupe. 

Hoarse, a, hors. Having a grating 

voice, as when affected with a cold. 
Rauco; affiocato. 
Rauque ; enroué. 

Horse, n, hors. The animal that neighs, 

used for carriage in draught, war &c. 

‘Hob, x, hob. A clown; the flat part of 

a grate, where things are placed to 
be kept warm. 

Un rustico; piastra da focolare. 

Un paysan; un campagnard ; atre. 

Hop, vi, hop. To leap or spring on one 
leg; to limp. 

Saltare su d’ un piede; ballonzare. 
Houblonner ; sautiller a cloche-pied. 
Hope, n, hip. An expectation or desire 

of some good. 
Hock, », hok. A general name applied 
in England to Rhenish wines. 
Nome che in inglese si da ai vini di 
Vin du Rhin. 

Hog, ἢ, hog. A swine; the digging 

Porco; majale. 
Cochon ; ; pore. 

Hough, n, hok. The heel; the ham 
behind the knee-joint; the lower 
part of the thigh. 

Garetto; garetti. 
Le jarret d’un animal; houe. 

Hod, », hod. A kind of ‘tray for carrying 
mortar and brick on the shoulder. 

Truogolo per portare la calce sulle 

Instrument pour porter le mortier ; 

Hot, a, hot. Having sensible heat ; 

opposed to cold. 
Caldo; bollente ; rovente, 
Chaud ; briilant ; ardent. 
Hoes, npl, hoz. Instruments for hewing 
or cutting up weeds, 


Houes; instrument aratoire, 
Hose, n, hoz. A covering for the thighs, 
legs, or feet; stockings. 

Calza; calze; calzette, 

Chaussure ; bas. 

Owes, vt, dz. Verb To owe; 8rd pers. 

sing. ind. mood pres. tense. 

Verbo To owe; 88 pers. sing. ind. pres. : 
Dovere; egli deve. 

Verbe To owe; 3° pers. sing. ind. pré 
Devoir; il ‘doit. 

Hold, vt, hold. To have in the grasp; 

to keep fast; to restrain. 

Tenere ; ritenere ; contenere, 

Tenir ; serrer ; contenir. 

Old, a, δᾶ. Advanced in age. 

Vecchio; antico. 

Vieux; ἂρό ; ancien. 

Holden, vi, hold’én. Pp. Verb To hold 
Pp. Verbo To hold: Tenere; tenuto. 
Pp. Verbe To hold: Tenir; tenu. 4 

Holding, pn, hold'ing. Act of keeping ο 

hold of, or retaining. - x 

Tenere; tenendo; tenuta; essere in — 
possesso di. 

Tenure; ténement; possession; tenir 

Hole, m, hol. A hollow place in any 

solid body; an interstice. a 

Buco; pertugio; apertura; forame, — 

Trou; creux; flache, 

Whole, a, hol. Total; undivided; all 
Totale ; intero; tutto. 
Entier ; complet; tout. 

Hollo, vi, hol'lo. To call out or exclaim 


Chiamare; modo di chiamare o at- 
tirare |’ attenzione altrui ad alta — 
voce, τ 

Maniére d’appeler pour attirer Vatten- a 
tion des autres. 4 

Holloa, n, hol'ld. A shout ; a loud 6811. ᾿ 
Ola! Ohe! ἘΠῚ! a 
Un cri percant. Ε1} 

Hollow, a, hol’lé. Holed; contain : 

an empty space; not solid; con- — 
cave. 2 

Concavo; vuoto; vacuo. a 
Creux ; faux; fossé; troué. 4 
Holy, a, ho'li. 

Whole or perfect in a ’ 
. moral sense; free from sin. τ 
Santo; sacro; pio. ἢ 
Saint; pieux ; religieux, a 
Holly, n, hol’ li. An evergreen tree or 
shrub with scarlet berries, 
Agrifoglio; albero spinoso. 
Houx ; arbrisseau toujours vert. 

meine πὰ τ τ ΚΔ ΩΣ ὁ πον RTT SY eg Ὧὼ ἢ ST Peat ell Aa ΜΉΝ εἶδ a Ω 

4 ae de A ae asa stat A iatteathanciauiell 

‘whey, iv, hol'li. Totally. 
iq Interamente ; completamente. 
peeersnens tout a fait; parfaite- 
, ὦ, hom'li, Belonging to home; 
plain features; rude; coarse ; 
not fine or elegant. 

_ Casalingo; volgare; comune; senza 

ie couse f 

Casanier; simple; grossier; sans 
εὐ ornement. 
Homily, n, ho'mi-li, A sermon addressed 
to the public. 
Omelia; sermone; predica. 

-Homélie ; instruction chrétienne. 
Pitone, nm, hoine. A stone of a fine grit, 
used for sharpening edged instru- 

Cote o pietra per affilare coltelli, &c. 

Une pierre 4 affiler les rasoirs, cou- 
teaux, &c.; queux. 

“Awn, τ, fn. A scale or husk; the beard 

_ of corn or grass. 

Loppa ; resta ; barba delle spighe. 

Barbe ; filets de I’ épi 

_ On, prep, on. Being’ in contact with 
the upper surface of a thing. 

Di sopra; all’ insi; avanti; di seguito. 

_ Sur; sur quelque chose. : 

Own, a, On. Possessed; belonging to; 

Proprio; cosa propria. 

Sien; propre. 

ood, m, hud. A covering for the head 

.. used by females or monks. 

Cappuccio da donna, da frate, &c. 

Une coiffe de femme ; capuchon. 

_ Hoot, vi, hiit. To shout in contempt ; 
‘to cry as an owl. 

Gridare come il gufo; dar la baja; 
gridare dietro. 

Huer; faire des huées; crier comme 
le hibou. 

_ Hoop, n, hip. A ‘band of wood or metal 
used to confine the staves of casks, 
tubs, ἄο. 

Cerchio da botte, &. 

Cercle; cerceau. 

Whoop, n, hwip. A shout of defiance ; 
a shout of war; a particular cry of 
troops when ‘they rush to the 

Urlo; grido; grido di guerra, special- 

ἰῇ mente dei selvaggi. 

__Huée; cri de poursuite. 

Hop, vi, "hop. To leap or spring on one 

leg ; ; to limp. 


“tye su di una gamba; raccogliere 

Hontieaser’ sauter a la cloche-pied, 
Hob, n, hob. ‘A clown; the flat part of 
a grate, where things are placed to 
be kept warm. 
Un rustico; piastra da focolare. 
Un paysan ; un campagnard; Atre. 

Hope, n, hop. An expectation or desire 
of some good. 



Hoper, 7, hap’ér. 
Colui che spera. 
Celui qui est plein d’espérance. 

Hopper, n, hop’ér. One who hops; a 
wooden trough or funnel, through 
which grain passes into a mill. 

Persona che salta su d’ un piede ; 
Celui qui va ἃ cloche-pied ; trémie de 
_ moulin. 

Hoping, pn, hop'ing. 

desiring some good. 
Speranza; lo sperare. 
Avec espoir; en espérant, 

Hopping, pn, hop'ing. A leaping; a 
springing or dancing ;‘a gathering 
of hops. 

Saltando su d’ un piede o ballando; 
raccogliendo lupoli. 
‘Clochement; action de 

ramasser des houblons. 

Horary, a, hor’a-ri. Hourly; continuing 
an hour. 

Orario; di ora. 
Horaire; des heures. 

Orrery, n, o’re-ri. An astronomical 

Planetario, istrumento astronomico. 
Planétaire ; instrument d’astronomie. 

Horizon, 7, ho-ri’zon. The circular line 
which bounds the view of the sky 
and the earth. 

Horizon ; bornes de la vue. 

Orison, n, o'ri-zon. A prayer or suppli- 

Orazione ; preghiera. 
Oraison ; 'pridre. 

Hosier, », ho’zhi-ér. One who deals in 
stockings and socks, &c. 

Calzettajo; trafficante di calze di lana 
od altro. 
Marchand de bas. 

Osier, n, o'zhi-ér. 


One who hopes, 

Expecting or 

sautiller ; 

A kind of water 

ἐς oe 

Eye, n,i. One of the two organs of 
Ice, τ, is. Water or other fluid con- 


Vinco; vimine. 
Osier; espéce de saule. 

Hotter, a, hot/ér. More hot. 

Pid caldo. 
Plus chaud. 
Other, a, uth'ér. Not the same; differ- 
ent; not this. 
Altro ; altra.; qualunque altro. 
Ottar, n, ot'tir. Oil or essence of roses. 
Olio o essenza di rose. 
Huile de roses. 

Otter, n, ot'tér. An aquatic animal 

resembling the weasel. 
-Lontre ; animal amphibie. 

Hour, ἡ, our. A space of time equal 
to one twenty-fourth part of a 

Ora (ἀεὶ giorno). 

Our, pron, our. Pertaining or belonging 
to us. 

Nostro; nostra; nostri. 
Notre; nos. 

Hover, vt, ho'vér. To wander about 
from ‘place to place in the neigh- 
bourhood ; to flutter. 

Ronzare ; svolazzare, 
Planer; voltiger; voler; 

Over, prep, o'vér. Across; from side to 
side; above; past. | 

. Dall’ altra parte; su sopra; al di 

Du reste; par dessus; au dela. 
Howl, vi, houl. To cry as a dog or a 

rester en 



Urlare; guaire; gagnolare. © 

Hurler; aboyer; faire des _hurle- 


pron, i. Personal pronoun of the 
first person; a letter of the alpha- 

Io; lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Je; lettre de l’alphabet. 

gealed, or in a solid state. 


Owl, n, owl. 
at night. 
Civetta (uccello). 
Chat-huant; hibou; chouetite. 
Hugh, x, i. A name; a Christian name, 
Un nome di battesimo : Ugo. 
Un nom de personne: Hughes. 
Ewe,n, i. A female sheep. 
Brebis ; la femelle du bélier. 
U, letter,i. A letter of the alphabet. | 
‘Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. ὺ 

A bird that howls or hoots 

Une lettre de l’alphabet. 
Yew, n, Ἐξ An evergreen tree of the fir 
tribe. a 

Tasso (albero). 
If, arbre toujours vert. a 
You, pron,t. The nominative and otal o 
jective plural of Thou. a 
Voi. ; 
Vous. . 4 
Humor, n, hi'mér. A moisture or fluid ~ 
᾿ of the animal body, or a disease οὗ 
the skin. 3 
Umore ; umori del corpo. 
Humeur du corps. 
Humour, n, hii'mér. Originally, mois- — 
ture; turn of mind or _ peculiarity — τ 
of temper; mood; caprice. Ἃ 
Umore ; indole ; temperamento; dis 
posizione ; carattere. ΕἾ 
Humeur ; bizarrement ; disposition — 
Hypothesis, », hi-poth’é-sis. Founda- — 
tion of an argument; supposition. 
Tpotesi (supposto di cosa). 
Hypothése; systéme. 
Hypotheses, npl, hi-poth'-é-sez. 
of Hypothesis. 
Wiaieds di Hypothesis : ipotesi. 
Pluriel d’Hypothesis: hypothéses. — 


Eyes, npl, iz. 
Idle, a, i/dl. Unemployed ; doing noth- — 
ing; sluggish. ὁ ἶ 
Ozioso; sfaccendato ; infingardo. ia 
Paresseux ; fainéant ; désceuvré; oisif. — 
Idol, n, i i’dol. An image of ἃ man, ~ 

The two organs ὁ 



Sas or ἐπδλκιὸν else’ conse- 
erated as an object of worship, 
i “Idole. ; 

ΤΙ yl, γι, τα], A pastoral m, 

Idilio (poemetto pastorale). 

Idylle; petit poéme. 

Iliad, νυ, il’i-ad. An epic poem by Homer, 
» on the destruction of Troy. 

_ Tliade; poéme épique d’Homére. 
jyeliad, n, i'li-ad. A glance of the eye. 
ξ 0; colpo d’ occhio. 

_ Coup ἄ οἱ. 

, a, il. Bad or evil, in a general 
sense ; disordered ; impaired; sick. 

” Male ; cabtivo 3 malato ; isgraziato. 
ξ. Ἰξκανοίο, méchant ; malade. 

Hill, m, hil. 
ἢ tion of land ; an eminence. ' 
ΟΠ Colle; monte; altezza o altura ; emi- 
Colline ; éminence; monticule. 
Hepes, γι, il'laps. Entrance of one thing 
into another ; a sudden entrance. 
& Tilapso; accesso ; introduzione. 
Communication ; introduction. 
Blayee, vi, 6-laps. To pass away silently, 
ἔ as time. 
(Del τ ποτ Scorrere ; passare. 
_ §’écouler; se passer; s’échapper. 
Illicit, a, il-lis'it. Not permitted ; un- 
lawful ; lawless. 
᾿ς Iecito; proibito ; vietato. . 
ς Ilicit ; défendu ; ‘ prohibé. 
Elicit, vt, é-lis’it. To bring to light; to 
| deduce by reason or argument. 
_Estrarre ; cavare; tirar fuori. 

A height; a natural eleva- 



Sigal 3 ow 

| ᾿ς Faire jaillir de; tirer de. 
Illude, ari iid. To deceive by false 
2 show. 
-Iiludere; ingannare. 
__ Tromper ; décevoir; se jouer. 
Allude, vi, al-lid’?, To refer; to make 
Η some reference. 
_ Alludere; accennare; far allusione. 
_ Faire allusion. 
de, vt, é-lud'. To avoid by artifice 
; or dexterity ; ; to baffle; to fail. 
ἕ Eludere; scansare; schivare. 
Eluder ; éviter ; esquiver. 
πὶ n, %, il-li'zhon. Deceptive ap- 

e eked false show; fallacy ; 
Tilusione ; ; inganno. 


usion ; erreur; prestige. 

Uusion, γι, al-lii’ zhon, A hint; a re- 



ference to something. .previously 


yee aime nN, im'ma-nent. Inherent ; 

Inherente; intrinseco. 
Intrinséque; inhérent. 

Imminent, a, im'mi-nent. Impending ; 
appearing as if about to fall on, as 
some evil or calamity. 

Imminente; che sovrasta; vicino, 
Imminent; menacant. 

Eminent, a, em'in-ent. Rising up or 
above others; elevated; exalted in 
rank ; high in office. 

Eminente ; alto; elevato. 
Eminent; élevé. 

Immerge, vt, im’mérj. 

a fluid ; "to i immerse. 
Immergere; tuffare. 
Immerger ; plonger dans. 

Emerge, vi, &'mérj. To rise into view ; 
to proceed from; to come forth or 

Emergere ; sorgere ; provenire, 
Sortir de; s’élever hors de; ; paraitre. 
Immigrant or Emigrant, », im'mi- 

grant, em’i-grant. One who quits 

his country to settle in another. 
Emigrante; emigrato. 
Emigrant; celui qui abandonne son 

Imminence, », im’mi-nens. Quality of 

being imminent; impending evil. 
Imminence; danger imminent, mena- 

Eminence, n, em'in-ens. Elevation ; 
height; a hill; distinction; fame; 
title of honour given to cardinals. 

Eminenza; altezza; grandezza; dis- 
tinzione; titolo d’ onore dei cardi- 

Eminence; hauteur; élévation; titre 
de cardinaux. 

Immission, »,im-mi'shon. Act of send- 
ing or thrusting into; injection. 

Iniezione; infondimento. 

L’action de lancer dans; injection, 

Emission, n,é-mi'shon. An issuing out; 
that which is sent out or issued. 

Emissione; il mandare o gettar fuori. 

Emission; action de pousser déhors. 

Imperial, a, im-pé'rial. Pertaining to. 
an empire or an emperor. 

Imperiale ; d’ impero o d’ imperatore, 


To plunge into 

Imp — 


Empyreal, a, em-pi-ré’al. Pertaining 
to the highest and purest region of 

Empireo; del firmamento. 
Empirée; céleste. 

Impetuous, a, im-pe’tii-us. 
upon with great force ; 
rapidly ; forcible. 


Impetus, a, im'pe-tus. The force by 
which one body in motion strikes 

Impeto; impulso; urto. 
Impulsion; force agissante. 

Impostor, ”, im-pos’tér. A person who 
assumes a character, for the pur- 
pose of deception. 

Impostore ; ingannatore. 
Imposteur ; fourbe; trompeur. 

Imposture, n, im-pos'tir. Deception 
practised under a false or assumed 
character; cheat; fraud. 

Impostura; inganno. 
Imposture ; tromperie ; fourberie. 

Impress, ”, im’pres. That which is 
impressed; influence wrought on 
the mind; to imprint; to stamp; 
to mark. 

Impronta; stampa; impressione. 
Empreinte ; impression ; devise. 

Empress, n, em'pres. The consort of 

an emperor. 

Impressed, pa, im-prest’. 

mind; convinced. 
Impresso ; ; impressionato ; convinto. 
Imprimé ; impressionné ; convaincu. 

Imprest, n, im'prest. A kind of earnest 


In, prep, in. Noting the place where 
anything is present; within; en- 
trance into. 

In; entro; dentro. 
En; dans; a. 
Inn, n, in. A _ house within which 
nde geist obtain shelter, &c., for | 
Duteria: albergo; locanda. 
Auberge ; hdtellerie ; cabaret; hétel. 

Incase, vt, in-kas’, To enclose in a 

case, or surround with something 


Fixed in the 





Incassare; mettere in cassa}; rinchiu- 
dere. ΕΞ 
Enfermer ; mettre en caisse; couvrir. 
In case, adv, in kas. Should it se: 
to be the case. 
Se per caso; in caso; caso mai. 
Au cas; dans le cas. 
Uncase, vt, un-kas. To disengage fro: 
a case ; to spread to view, as a fla 
Cavare fuori dalla cassa o dall’ astu 
cio; scoprire. | 
Oter d’un étui, d’une gaine ; dépouiller. ae 
Incite, vé, in-sit’. a 

Incitare ; citare; stimolare. - 
Inciter ; exciter animer. 
Insight, n, in'-sit. Sight into; penet 
tion; deep inspection or view. 
Occhiata chiara; conoscenza intima 
vista ; colpo d’ occhio. : 
Inspection ; éclaircissement. 
Inside, n, in'sid. The interior side or 
part of a thing ; opposed to outside. 
Interiore; entro; dentro; interno, _ 
Le dedans ; Vintérieur. 
Inclasp, vt, ‘in-klasp’. To fasten wi 
clasps; embracing closely. 
Fermare o chiudere con fermagli, __ 
Fermer ou attacher avec des forme 5.1} 

ou des agrafes. 
Unclasp, vt, un-klasp’. To open 
clasps of ; to open, as what 

fastened with a clasp. 
Sfibbiare; slacciare. 
Dégrafer; dter les agrafes. 
Indict, vt, in-dit’. To charge with crim 
or misdemeanour, in writing, by 
jury under oath. : 
Accusare ; denunziare in giustizia. 
Accuser ; ‘dénoncer. 
Indite, vt, in-dit’. To set forth in.writings 
to commit to words in writing, 
Redigere ; dettare. 
Ecrire ; dicter ; composer. 
Indigence, nm, in'di-jens. State of p 
bi ; without means of subsis 

Tide t stato di poverta. 
Indigence ; pauvrete. 
Indigents, a, in'di-jents. Those who: 
in want or need ; destitute of means 
of subsistence. 
Indigenti; necessitosi; poveri. 
Indigents; pauvres. ΕΣ, 4 
Ingenious, a, in-jé'ni-us. Gifted wi 
genius; remarkable for native or 
inborn qualities. 2 


oso; d’ ingegno; di genio; di 

f ento. 
Ingénieux; inventif; bien imaginé, 
enuous, a, in-jen’i-us. Frank; 

candid; noble; generous. 
Ingenuo; schietto ; franco. 
‘Ingénu ; franc ; ; généreux ; naif, 

ΕΝ n,in'gl. Flame; blaze. 

ἫΝ > vampa. ? 

ο΄ .FPlamme; ardeur 

:, - Inklet, N, ing’kl, A kind of broad linen 
ἜΣ tape 

δ Ἐ Nastro ai filo. 
a Sorte ὑπ hm ae ig 
, vt, ingran, engran. 
To εἶπ into the grain or natural 
texture of ; to dye in the raw 
᾿ς Tingere in grana; intaccare. 
Teindre en grand teint. 
Instance, m, in’stance. 



Urgency; im- 
portunity ; μος a moment, 

τ Instanza; domanda,; richiesta. 

Ψ Instance ; solicitation ; exemple ; cir- 
- constance, 

ο΄ Instants, n, in'stants. An immediate 
point of time; a particular time. 
E Istanti; che insta. 

& Instants; moments. 

Intend, vt, in-tend’, 

_ purpose; to mean. 

Intendersi; proporsi; disegnare. 

-Avoir I’ intention de; se proposer. 

Intent, a, in-tent’. Having the mind 
bent on an object ; eager in pursuit 
of an object. 

Intento ; fisso ; proponimento; disegno, 

Intention ; but; vue. 

Intense, a, in-tens’. Stretched out; 

stretched; ardent; extreme in 

To design; to 


Intenso; ardente; focoso. 

Excessive; véhément; intense. 
Intents, ap, in'tents’. Eager i in pursuit 
of an object; purpose; meaning. 
Intenti; fini; proponimenti; disegni. 
Fins; propos; intentions ; détermina- 


_ Inter, vt, in-tér’. To deposit and cover 

in the earth ; to bury. 

δ ἔρον; seppellire. 

Enterrer ; inhumer. 

_ Enter, vt, en'-tér. To go into; to 
advance into; to set down in 
writing ; to register. 

Andar dentro; iniziare; registrare. 

Entrer dans; initier 4; enregistrer. 

+ Ea ssi Fe Satire eT URGE RETIN: 



Interior, a, in-té'ri-6r. Inner; remote 

from the limits, frontier, or shore. 
Interiore ; interno. 
Intérieur ; interne. 

Anterior, a, an-té-ri’ér. 

previous; in front. 
Antérieur; priorité. 

Invious, a, in’vi-us. 


Che non ammette passaggio; che non 
si pud vareare ; impraticabile, 

Ov l’on n’a point passé ; ; impraticable. 

Envious, a,en'vi-us. Feeling uneasiness 
at the view of the excellence, hap- 
piness, or prosperity of another. 

Invidioso ; astioso. 
Envieux ; "jaloux ; malveillant. 

Ire, ἢ, ir. Anger; wrath; rage; keen 

Ira; collera; sdegno. 
Coltre ; courroux. | 

Eyre, n, ir. A circuit; a justice in 

eyre ; itinerant judges. 
Corte di giudici ambulanti. 
Cour de juges ambulants. 

Higher, a,hi'ér. Loftier; further above 

the earth or its surface. 
Pid alto; pid elevato. 
Plus haut; plus élevé. 

Hire, vt, hir. To procure from another 
person for temporary use at a 
certain price; to let; to lease. 

Afflittare; pigliare a fitto. 
Louer ; prendre ἃ louage. 

Irony, a, i'é’rn-i, Made or consistent of 

Fatto o composto di ferro. 
De fer; ferrugineux. 

Irony, n, iron-i, Dissimulation; sar- 

Tronia ; derisione. 
Ironie ; raillerie ; moquerie. 

Irruption, γι, ir-rup’shon. A breaking or 
sudden violent rushing into a place. 

Irruzione ; incursione; scorreria. 
Irruption; invasion. 

Eruption, n, é-rup'shon. Sudden rush- 

ing or sallying forth; explosion. 
Eruption; sortie impétueuse. 

Is, vi, iz. Verb To be: 8rd pers. sing. 
ind. mood pres. tense. 

'Verbo To be: 8* pers. sing. ind. pres. 
Essere: E. 

Verbe To be: 89 pers. sing. ind. prés. 
Etre: Est. 

Before ; prior ; 

Impassable ; un- 



His, pro, hiz.  Possessive pronoun 

‘singular of He. 
Suo; di lui. 
Son; sa; le sien. 

Hiss, vi, his. To make a sound by 
driving the breath between the 
tongue and the upper teeth. 

Sibilare ; fischiare; citire. 
Sifflements ; sifflets. 

Islands, npl, Ylands. Tracts of land 
surrounded by sea. 


Highlands, τ, hi'lands. Elevated 

lands; mountainous regions. 
Altipiani; paesi montagnosi. | 
Pays montagneux. 

Isle, m, il. An island. 
Aisle, n, il. A wing, a side or a passage 

in a church. 
Nawvata (di chiesa). 
Aile d’une église. 
Tul, abbr, 11 (1 will). 
Contrazione di I will. 
Abrégé de Iwill. 
Islet, », i/let. A small island. 
Un isoletta. 
Une petite fle; un “lot. 
Eyelet, n, i'let. ᾽Α small eye or hole, to 
receive a lace or small rope of cord. 
Occhiello ; foro; cruna. 
Soupirail ;: ceillet ; chas. 

I will. 

J, letter, ja. A letter of the alpha- 
Lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Lettre de l’alphabet. 
Jay, n, ja. A chattering bird of the 
crow kind; a loose woman. 
Ghiandaja; gazza; donnaccia. 
Geai; femme légare. 
Jail or Gaol, 7, jal. A prison. 
Prigione ; carcere. 
Jam, vt, jam. To press; to crowd}; to 
squeeze tight. 
Pressare ; premere; serrare insieme. 
Serrer; presser; accorer. 
Jamb,n, jam. A ‘leg; a supporter; the 
gide-post or vertical side-piece of a 
door or window. 


Joa Ε 

Eyelid, n,ilid. The cover of the eye; 
' that movable portion of skin vie 
covers the eye-ball. 
᾿ς Palpebra. 
It, pro, it. 
Esso; essa. 
ΤΠ; elle. Sag 
Hit,. vt, hit. To give a blow to; to 
reach, as the object aimed at; not 
to miss. 
Picchiare; colpire; dar nel segno. 
Toucher ; frapper; atteindre. . 
Itch, x, ich. A disgusting cutaneous 
disease ; an uneasiness in the skin 
which inclines the person to serate 
the part. 
Rogna ; F obaihlics prurito. 
Gale ; démangeaison. 
_ Hitch, vi, hich. To hook; to entangle. 
Attaccare ; inciampare; far un movi 
mento sussultorio. 
Démener; trémousser; accrocher. ¢ 
| Itehing, pa, ich’ing. A ‘constant desire — = 
| to scratch the skin. 
| Prurigine; prurito. 

A pronoun of the neuter 


Etching, pn, ech'ing. A mode of en 

| ‘  graving ; the impression taken from 
an etched plate. oe 
Intagliare su pietra o placca (con μῶν. ¥ 
forte); incidire. — 
Gravure ἃ l’eau forte. 


Stipite (di porta). 
Jambage de cheminée, de porte. 

Janitor, , ja'ni-tor. A door-keeper} 
porter. ON 

Portinajo ; portiére. 
Concierge; portier. 

Genitor, n, jén'it-ér. 
Padre; genitore. 

Jealous, a, je'lus. Uneasy through fear ; 
that another has withdrawn from — 
one the affections of a person he 
loves, or enjoys some good which 
he has not. 

Geloso; sospettoso. 
J aloux; envieux. 

Zealous, a, ze'lus. ἘΠῚ] οὗ zeal; warmly 

engaged in the pursuit of an object. 

A father. 

x gt ὟΝ 
es ἘΝ a rede ieee 


eee Seen 

Jury, n, ju'ri. 

Jews, npl, jiiz. 

Tuice, n, jis. 


consistence of ἜΚ 


Glutineux; gélatineux. 

3 peka, a, 168. Icy cold; very cold. 

" Gelido; freddo ; algente. 
Gelé; glacé. 

4 g 
4 - Test, m, jest. The object of laughter; 

joke; raillery. 
- Burla; beffa ; scherzo. 
~ Raillerie: plaisanterie ; badinage. 

| : ged mn, jest. A rollof the several days 

&e. in a royal progress; a beckon- 

Gesto; cenno di mano. 
Action; exploit ; représentation. 
_ Jester, », jest/ér. One given to sarcasm 
or to jesting ; a buffoon. 
_ Burlone ; beffardo; buffone. 
Railleur ; plaisant ; bouffon, 
Gesture, m, jes'tir, General action or 
; motion of the body, &c. 
cig atto; movimento delle mem- 
᾿ ra, 
Geste ; pose ; exploit ; gestion. 
_ Towess, n, ji’es. A Hebrew woman. 

_Juive; femme juive. 
᾿ Jowish, a,jiish. Pertaining to the Jews 
or Hebrews. 

Giudaico; ebraico. 

Judaique ; hébraiq ue. 

Jewry, ἡ n, jw'ri. J aaa: also a district 

inhabited by Jews. 

᾿ Ghetto, quartiere riservato agli Ebrei. 

Juiverie ; quartier des Juifs. 

The collective body of 

jurors; a panel of twelve men. 


Jury; commission composée de jurés. 

Hebrews or Israelites. 

Ebrei o Israeliti. 

Juifs; Hébreux. 

The fluid part of animal 
substances or the sap of vegetables. 

Succo (di ‘lea ; sugo (di carne, di 


. Jus; sue, 

| | 




Jinn, ἢ, jin. An evil genius or demon. 
Un genio malefico o demone. 
Etre maléfique ; démon. 
Gean, n, gén. The wild cherry. 
Ciliege selvatica. 
Cérise des bois. 

Gin, n, gin. A distilled spirit flavoured 
with juniper berries; a machine 
for driving piles, raising great 
weights, &c. 

Liquore fatto con spirito distillato e 
ginepro; argano; leva. 

Geniévre, espece de liqueur spiritueuse ; 
machine pour lever des fardeaux. 

Joined, p » join’'d. Bound or tied 

Ps παρα “unito ; collegato. 
Joint; lié; uni. 

Joint, n, joint. A joining; the joining 

of two or more things; a fissure. 
Giuntura; congiuntura. 
J ointure ; joint. 

Joust, », jést. A fight on horseback, 

man to man, with lances. 
Giostra; torneo. 
Joute; tournoi. 

Just, a, just. Keeping the rule or law 
of right; founded on justice; equi- 

Giusto; equo; esatto; probo. 
Juste ; équitable ; vertueux ; exact. 

Juggler, γι, jug’l- ér. One who exhibits 

tricks by sleight of hand. 
Giocolare; prestigiatore. 
Jougleur ; ‘char’ latan ; prestidigitateur. 

Jugular, a, ju'-gi- -lér. Pertaining to 
the neck or throat; the collar- 

Giugulare ; clavicola. 
Jugulaire, qui appartient ἃ la gorge. 

Jut, vi, jut. To project beyond the main 

ody ; to shoot forward. 
Sporgere; sporto di muraglia od altro ; 
far pancia. 
Bombement; courbure; saillie, 

Jute, n, jit. A plant producing a sub- 
stance resembling hemp, or the 
substance itself. 

Canapa dell’ Indostano. 
Chanvre de |’Indostan. 



Keel, », kél. The principal timber in a 
ship extending from stem to stern, 
at the bottom ; a low flat-bottom 
coal vessel ; 21 tons. 

Chiglia; carena; misura inglese per 
carbone (21 tonnellate). 

La quille d’un vaisseau; mesure an- 
glaise pour charbon (21 tonnes), 

Kill, vt, kil. To deprive of life. 

Uccidere ; ammazzare. 
Tuer; faire mourir. 
Kiln, n, kin. <A large stove or oven} a 
_ fabric of brick, stone or lime. 
Fornace ; fornace da mattonio calcina. 
Fournaise ; fourneau; fournaise pour 
fabriquer des briques, &c. 

Chyle, n, kil. A milky fluid in animals, 
prepared from the chyme, and 
passing into the blood as the means 
of nutrition. 


. Chyle; suc des aliments digérés. 

Keen, a, kén. Quick; acute of mind; 
bold; eager; penetrating; sharp. 

Piccante; frizzante; fino; piccante; 
aguzzo; acuto. 

Pénétrant; aigu; affilé; mordant; 
Kin, n, kin: Relation; property by 

blood; persons of the same race; 
' kindred; a relative. 
Parentado; consanguinita; affine. 
Parent; allié; un proche parent. 
King, n, king.. The sovereign of a 
~ nation. 


Kink, n, kink. A twist of rope or thread. 
Attorcigliamento di corda o filo. 
Tortillement dans une corde ou dans 

du fil. 

Kent}, vt, ken. To know; to see at a 

distance ; to descry. 

Scoprire; scorgere; vedere dalontano. 

Vue; étendue ou portée de la vue. 

Can, ἢ, kan. A cup or vessel for 


Piccola secchia di 

Canette; tasse; bidon. 

Kern, n, kérn. An Trish foot soldier of 

the lowest rank. 

latta; tazzone 



Fantaccino irlandese. 
Soldat; fantassin irlandais. 
Cairn, n, karn. A rounded heap of 
stones, erected as a sepulchral 
Mucchio di pietre; tumolo. 
αἰὐάινευα de pierres; tumulus; tom 

Kernel. n, kér'nel. A little corn; the 
edible substance contained in the 
shell of a nut; the seed of pulpy 

Nocciolo; osso delle frutta;. callo. 
The chief com- 

Amand ; ‘pépin } grain; cor. 

Colonel, n, kér' nel, 
mander of a regiment of troops. 


Ketch, τ, kech. A vessel with two 
masts, a main and mizzen mast; a 

Tartana; goletta. 
Caique; galiote 4 bombes. . 

Catch, vt, kach. To lay hold on; to 
take and hold fast; to seize, i. 

Acchiappare ; pigliare; afferrare. 
Attraper ; se saisir de. 
Kid, », kid. A young goat. 

Cabri; chevreau. 

Kit, n, kit. A large bottle; a kind o 
fish tub; a milk pail; a soldie 
knapsack; a kitten. 

cage ΓΞ ne. ; bisaccia da solda 

Lonnie! pouteille ; pochette; havresac. 
Kith, a, kith. Acquaintance}; friend, 
Conoscente; amico, 
Connaissant ; ami. 
Knack, x, nak. A nice trick; habitual 
facility of performance ; a toy. ta 
Arte; destrezza; talento; ‘gingiilo. a 
Talent particulier ; habileté ; bagatelle 
colifichet. : 
Knag, n, nag. Anything that ee 
a knot in wood; a wart. 
Nocchio; nodo d’ albero. 

Nooud d’arbre. 14 
Nag,n,nag. Asmall noes a sprightly Ἵ 
horse. ; 

Cavallino; ronzino. 
Bidet ; petit cheval. 

: Knapt, ᾿ξ nap. To bite; to strike with 

‘ean Ἢ loud noise. 
Sgranocchiare; fracassare; — scop- 
ἢ. Μοχᾶτο; faire craquer ; craquer. 
_ Nab, vt, "nab (vulg.). To grasp; to 
cl utch ; to wrest from. 
Afferrare ; carpire 
Happer ; saisir. 

_ Nap,n,nap. A short sleep or slumber ; 
the woolly substance on the surface 
of cloth. 

-Sonnicello; sonnellino; pelo o cima 
di panno. 

Un somme; sieste; chardonner du 

_ Nape,n, nape. The prominent joint of 
the neck behind. 
Nuca (parte di dietro del collo). 
Nuque, partie postérieure du cou. 
Knave, ἡ, nav. A servant; a petty 
rascal; a villain. 
Servo; mariuolo; furbo. 
Fourbe ; _coquin ; valet. 
Nave, n, nav. The centre of a wheel. 
Mozzo (di ruota). 
Le moyen d’une roue. 
_ Naive, a, na’év. Ingenuous ; having 
native or unaffected simplicity. 
Ingenuo; semplice. 
Naive; ingénu. 
Knead, vt, néd. To work up dough into 
food; to work into paste. 
Impastare ; ; intridire. 
Pétrir ; το eaales la pate pour faire le 

Bs a ee Oe 


Kneed, ‘pa, néd. Having knees. 
Avente ginocchi; ginocchioso. 
Genouilleux. , 
Need, n, néd. To have necessity for; to 
‘want; to require, as supply or relief, 
Bisogno; uopo ; necessita. 

ΤΥ ΑΙ ee NE See eee eres 

_ _ Besoin; ‘nécessité, 
Knew, pp, ni. He did know. 
Egli ere Oseppe. ἡ 
Tl savai 
Gnu, n, ΣᾺ, An antelope resembling a 
a horse. 
e Un antelope o gazzella rassomigliante 

al cavallo. 
Un antilope ressemblant un cheval. 
New, a, ni. Young; fresh; recent; 
lately produced or come into being. 
Nuovo ; recente. 
Neuf; nouveau; moderne. 
Knight, m, nit. A title of honour next 
to that of nobility. 



Night, n, nit. The time of darkness 
from sunset to sunrise. 
Knit, vt, nit. To connect in a kind of 
network ; to unite closely; to draw 


Lavorare a maglia; intrecciare; anno- 


Nit, n, nit. The egg of a louse or other 

small insect. 



Knob, , nob. A bud; a boss; a hard 
swelling or rising; a round ball at 
the end of anything. 

Bernoccolo; nocchio; nodo; promi- 
Noeud; excroissance. 
Nob, n, nob. The head; a person in 
high position or highly situated. 
Testa ; zucca. 
La téte ; une personne élevée ou de 
haut rang. 

Knot, », not. 
by interweaving ; 

Nodo ; gruppo. 
Noeud ; groupe. 
Naught or Nought, n, nat. 

A tie; a union of cords 
a bond of 


worthless; bad; of no value or 
Niente; nulla; zero. 
Rien; zéro. 
Nod, vi, nod. To incline the head 

with a quick motion; to make a 
slight bow. 

Cenno ; gesto che si fa colla testa. 

Un signe de téte. 

Node, n, nod. A knot; a swelling; a 


Nodo ; nocchio; gruppo; legame ; 
nucleo; gonfiatura ; tumore. 

Neeud; point d’intersection; enflure ; 
Not, adv, not. A word that expresses 

negation, denial or refusal. 
Non; no. 
Non; ne pas; ne point. 

Note, n, not. A mark in a book or else- 
where ; something by which a thing 
may be known. 

Nota; osservazione. 
Note ; marque; observation. 


' Knotty, a, ποῦ. 


Full of knots; diffi- 
cult; intricate. 
Noueux; plein de nceuds. 
Naughty, a, na'ti. Worthless; mischie- 
vous; perverse; froward. 
Cattivo (dei ragazzi) ; biricchino. 
Mauvais; méchant; corrompu. 
Know, vt, nd. To have a clear and 
perfect perception as of truth, fact, 
or anything that actually exists; 
to be instructed. 
Sapere; conoscere. 
Connaitre ; savoir. 

L, letter, el. A letter of the alphabet. 
Lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Ell, n, el. A measure of length. 

Auna; verga (misura di lunghezza). 
Aune (mesure de longueur). 

Hell, n, hel. The infernal place of 
punishment for the wicked after 

L’ inferno. 

Label, 7, 1a’bel. A narrow slip of silk, 
paper or parchment containing a 
name, title, &c., and affixed to any- 
thing, denoting its contents. 

Etichetta; marca; fascia; codicillo. 

Etiquette; inscription ou titre mis 
sur un objet pour en indiquer la 
nature ou la qualité. 

Labial, a, la'bi-al. Pertaining to the 
lips; formed by the lips. 

Labiale, delle labbra. 
Labial, qui se prononce des lévres. 

Lapel, n, la-pel’. That part of the coat 
which laps over the facing. 

Rovescio (di abito, di marsina, &c.). 

-Lac, n, lak. A sticky and resinous 

Laque; sorte de gomme. 
Lack, vt, lak. To want; to be destitute 
of ; not to have or possess. 
Mancanza; difetto; falta; bisogno. 
Manque ; besoin; avoir besoin de; 
manquer de. 
Lag, n, lag. That which is weak; the 
lowest class ; the rump; the fag-end. 




No, adv,no. A word of denial or refusal; 
contrary to Yes. 

Knows, vi, noz. Verb To know; 3rd 
pers. sing. ind. mood a tens 
He knows. 
Verbo To know; 88 pers. sing. ind. 
pres. : Sapere : egli sa. 
Verbe To know; 3° pers. sing. ind 
prés. : Savoir: il sait. 
Nose, n, ndz. The organ of smell. 

Ultimo; ultima classe; feccia; fondo 
La basse classe; le bout; le dernier 
le rebut. 
Lace, 7, lis. A plaited string; a fabric 
of threads interwoven into a net. 
Merletto; trina. 
Dentelle ; filet; lacet. 
Lays, vt, laz. Verb To lay; 38rd pers. — 
sing. ind. mood pres. tense. a 
Verbo To lay; 3* pers. sing. ind. pres.: _ 
ea collocare, &c.; egli posa, 

Verbe To lay; 89 pers. sing. ind. prés.: 
Poser, placer; il pose. ΩΝ 

Lacks, v7, laks, Verb To lack; 8rd pers, 

sing. ind. mood pres. tense. "ἢ 

Verbo To lack; 85. pers. sing. ind. — 
pres. ; Mancare, difettare, &c.5_ 
"πὰς difetta, &c. af 
Verbe To lack; 89 pers. sing. ind. | 
prés. :. Manquer, avoir besoin de; | 

il manque, &c. if 

Laz, a, laks. Loose; flabby; not tight | 
or tense; of loose texture. 3 

’ Molle; fiacco; rilassato ; lubrico. 
Laché ; relaché ; vague ; ’ détaché. ἊΝ 

Lad, , δ, ἃ boy; ἃ stripling; ἃ ἢ 

young man. of 
Giovinetto; ragazzo; giovincello. 
Un jeune garcon. 

Lath, n, lith. Along but small piece 
of wood nailed to the rafters of a 
building to support the tiles or 

Assicella; corrente ; panconcello. 
Latte ; piéce de bois longue étroite et 

Lade, vt, lad. To load as burden or 


freight; to throw in or out as 8 

flui with a 6. 
_ Caricarsi; stare caricando. 

: Charger. 
Laid, vt, laa. Verb To lay: pp. 
3 Verbo Ὁ o lay: pp: Posto; collocato, 

4 Verb Τὸ lay: Posé; placé. 

_  Late,a, lat. Delayed; coming after the 
usual time ; tardy. 


= Lathe, nm, lath. A machine by which 
instruments of wood &c. are turned 
and cut into a smooth round form. 
Tornio (di tornitore). 
Un tour de tourneur. 

_ Laden, pa, lad’n. Oppressed; bur- 
= dened. 
Caricato; aggravato; sopraffatto ; 

stitutes a load; freight; burden. 
Tl caricare ; na 
_. Charge ; cargaiso 
_ Leaden, a, led'n. Made of lead; heavy. 
Di piombo; pesante. 
De plomb; lourd; pésant. 

people, in distinction from the 

Laico ; secolare. 

ze Laique ; séculier. 

_ Lake, n, lak. A large and extensive 
collection of water contained in a 
cavity or hollow of the earth 


Lac. 4 
Lain, vi, lan. ‘Verb To lie. 
Verbo To lie: Giacere ; 
Verbe To lie: Reposer; tre couché ; 
reposé, ἄο 

Lane, n, lan. A narrow street. 
Ruelle ; rue étroite. 
ΕΓ Ee haying, pn, la'ing. Act of one who lays; 
e act of laying eggs. 
L’ atto di porre, mettere, &c.; covare. 
L’action de poser, mettre, &c.; couver. 
Lair, , lair. The place where an animal 
_lies; the bed or couch of a boar or 


᾿" - 

giaciuto ; 

ἜΤ Oe A Se eee 

wild st. 
Ricettacolo; covile 
Re taniére.. 

paire ; 
Layer, n, la‘ér. One body laid over 


3 Lading, pn, \ad'ing. That which con-. 

Laic, a, 1a’ ik. Belonging to the laity or | 


another; a bed; a course as of 
bricks, &c. 
Strato di terra, ghiaia, &c.; “mano; ᾿ 
crosta, ἄο. 
Couche ; lit; rejeton ; marcotte. 
sesso 294" lam. e young of the sheep 


Lamp, n,lamp. A vessel used for the 
combustion of liquid inflammable 
bodies ; a light. 


Laps, pl, laps. That which flaps or 
hangs loose; the loose parts of a 

Falde di una veste. 
Giron ; les plis d’un vétement. 

Lapse, n, laps. A sliding; a falling; a 
smooth course. 

Cascata (d’ acqua, &c.); lasso (di 
tempo) ; scorrimento. 

Le courant d’un ruisseau ; écoulement ; 
espace de temps. 

Larch, ἡ, lirch. A cone-bearing tree. 

Larice (albero). 
Larix (arbre). 

Large, a, lirg. Big; bulky; 

Grande; voluminoso. 
Gros ; grand ; large; ample. 

Later, a, lat’ér. Posterior ; subsequent. 


Posteriormente ; susseguente ; pid 
tardi; dopo 
Postérieurement ; plus tard; aprés. 
Lather, vt, lath'ér. To anoint or spread 

over with the foam of soap. 
Saponata; schiuma (di sapone). 
Ecume ou mousse de savon. 

Latter, a, lat/ér. Opposed to former; 
mentioned the last of two. 

Ultimo; recente ; I’ ultimo; questi. 
Dernier; postérieur ; le dernier ou 

Letter, n, let’ér. A written character ; 
the literal meaning; type, a cha- 
racter formed of me 


Lattice, n, lat'is. Any work of wood or 
iron made by crossing laths or 

Ingraticciata ; graticcio. 
Treillis; treillage. 

Lettuce, n, let'us. A plant or herb used 

as salad. 




Launch, vé, linsh. ‘To throw from the | 

hand ; ; to cause to slide from the 
land into the water, as a ship. 
Lanciare ; scagliare; varare. 
Lancer ; 
Lounge, vi, lounj. To linger; to spend 
time lazily ; to move idly about. 
~~ Baloccare ; oziare; andare attorno. 
Fainéanter; flaner; lambiner. 
Lunch, n, lunsh. A slight repast be- 
tween breakfast and dinner. 
Merenda; seconda colazione. 
Léger repas avant le diner; collation. 
Law, 7, la. A rule prescribed by the 
supreme power of a state; a sta- 
tute; that which governs. 
Lawe, vt, 14. To cut off the claws of a 
dog’s forefeet. 
Tagliar via le unghia o granfie del 
avanpiede d’ un cane. 
Couper les ongles des avant-pieds 

aux chiens. 
Lo, interj,16. Look! See! Behold! 
Ecco! Ve! Vedi! 
Regardez! Voyez! Voila que! 
Low, a,16. Not high or elevated. 

Basso, non.alto. 
Bas; bassement; non élevé. 

Lawn, 7, lan. A space of smooth level 
ground covered with grass, generally 
in front of or around a house or 

Prato; pratellino; tappeto verde. 
Grande plaine ; pelouse. 

Loan, n, ion. That which is lent. 
Prét; emprunt. 

Lone, a, lon. . Apart from others; 
single; solitary; unfrequented. 

Solitario; solo; isolato. 
Solitaire ; seul; isolé. 
Long, a, long. Drawn in the direction 
of length; extended in time. 
Loon, n, lon. A rogue; a rascal. 
Un vaurien; un chenapan. 

Lea or Ley, 7, 18. Pasture-land. 

Prato chiuso intorno; prateria. 
Plaine; prairie. 


lancer ἃ l’eau; jeter avec 

Lee, n, 18. A sheltered place; that part. 
of the hemisphere toward which 
the wind blows; defended from the. 
wind. ’ 

Sottovento. Se 
Le οὐὐό opposé au vent. 

Lead, wt, 188. To guide by showing the 

way; to guide by the hand. 
Menare; guidare ; condurre. 
Conduire ; mener; guider. 
Lead, n, led. A well-known heavy 
Led, vt, led. Verb To lead. 

Verbo To lead: Menato; condotto, &e. 

Verbe To lead: Mené; conduit. 
Leaf, », léf. The thin expanded de- 
ciduous part of a tree or flower; 
a part of a book containing two 

Foglia; foglio (di libro). 
Feuille ; feuillet d’un livre. 

Leave, vt, lév. To withdraw or depart 
from; to cease to do. 

Lasciare ; abbandonare; cessare di 

Quitter; abandonner; laisser. 
Lief, adv, lef. Lovingly ; ; willingly. — 
Volontiers; de bon gré. 
Leafing, pn, léf'ing. 
unfolding leaves. 
Fogliando ; 
Pousser, produire des feuilles. 
Leaven, vt, lév'n. To raise and make 

The process of 

spiegare le foglie; far 4} 

light; a mass of sour dough Ὁ 

which fermentation is obtained. 
Lievitare ; fermentare. 
Levain ; forthenter. 

Leaving, pn, lév'ing. Ppr. of the verb 1 

To leave. 
Ppr. del verbo To leave: Lasciando. — 
Ppr. du verbe To leave: Laissant. 
League, n, leg. A bond; a contract; a 
confederacy. : 
Lega; unione. 
Ligue; lieue; confédération. 
Leak, n,lék. The passing of water or 
other fluid through an aperture. 
Apertura o sdruscio per cui trapela 
acqua, &c.; colo; scolo. 
Voie; fente par laquelle l’eau s’intro- 
duit dans un navire, &c. 
Leek, n, lék. A green kitchen plant; a 
plant allied to the onion. 


Pi ee nr Se eee OOTY Ea Bt ne eT OT ἡμδν vita nie 2 τῇ 
Ἐκ ¥ , 4 y ; = =) 9 εἶ rr ee kee as <P ue’ 

ta ee 

To ee 

Leant, vi, lent. 

; meen; nm, lép'e’r. 

Poireau ou porreau. 
Pp. of the verb To 
Pp. del verbo To lean: Appoggiossi ; 
Pp. du verbe To lean: S’appuyé; se 

f penché. 
Lend, vt, lend. To grant to another for 

temporary use. 
Imprestare ; mutuare. 


Length, γι, length. State of eine long ; 

extension from end to end. 

Lent, n, lent. The fast of forty days 
“observed by the Roman Catholics 
before Easter. 

One who springs 
from the ground with both feet; to 
Leap-year, n, lép'yer. A year in which 
ebruary has 29 days. 
Anno bisestile. 
L’année bissextile. 

Leper, n, le'pér. A person affected with 
. leprosy. 
_ Lebbroso. 
Un lépreux. 
Learned, a, lérn’ed. Versed in learning ; 

clever; well instructed; book-wise. 
Istruito ; dotto; scienziato. 
Savant; érudit; docte. 
Learned, vi, \ér'nd. Acquired by study. 
Impard ; si istrui; acquistd cogni- 
Apprit ; s’instruit ; acquit cognition. 
Learnt, vi, lér'nt. The same as Learned. 
L’ istesso come Learned ; impard, &c. 
Voir Learned; apprit, &c. 
Lease, n, lés. A letting of lands or 
tenements, for a rent. 
Contratto d’ affitto. 

Leash, n, \ésh. A lash; a thong of 
leather by which a falconer holds 
his hawk. 

᾿ Guinzaglio; lasso. 

Lesse ou laisse; lien; attache. 

Dees, n, \éz. The slime of liquor. 

Feccia; fondaccia. 
Lie; sédiment; marc. 



Least, a, lést. In the smallest or lowest 

Il minimo ; il pid piccolo. 
Le moins; le plus petit; le moindre. 

Lest, conj, lest. A word denoting a 
taking away ; that not; for fear that. 

Per paura che ; per timore che. 
De peur que; de crainte que. 

List, vi, list. To wish; to incline; to 
desire or choose; to attend; to 

Volere ; ascoltare ; arrolarsi. 
Vouloir; écouter; souhaiter; désirer; 
enréle er. 

Lecher, 7, lech’ér. One who licks up; 

a libertine; a man given to lewd- 
Uomo lascivo; libertino; dissoluto. 
Un débauché; un libertin; un pail- 


Ledger, n, lej}'ér. The book into which 
the accounts of the journal are 
carried in a summary form. 

Libro mastro. 
e grand livre. 
Lecter, γι, lek'tor. A person designated 
to read parts of the Bible, &c. 
Persona addetta a leggere o dar lettura 
di squarci di Bibbia, &c. 
Personne destinée ἃ lire des passages 
de la Bible. 

Lecture, n, lek'tir. A reading; a 
rehearsal of a lesson. 

Lettura; sermone; discorso; lezione 
di professore. 
Lecture; l’action de lire; discours. 

Leech, », léch. A blood sucker; an 
aquatic worm used in medicine to 
draw blood. 

Mignatta; sanguisuga. 

‘| Légion; troupe. 

| Sangsue. 
| Leach, n, léch. Water impregnated 
with alkaline salt, imbibed from 
the ashes of wood ; lye. 
Lisciva; cenere di lisciva o ranno. 
De la cendre trempée; lessive. 
Legion, γι, lé’jon. A military force; a 
great number. 
Legione; schiera. 
Lesion, γι, 1é'zhon. Hurt; wound. 
| _ Injure; mal; tort. 
Legislator, n; le'jislat-ér. One who 
makes laws for a state or kingdom. 



Legislature, γι, le'jis-lat-ir. The power 
that legislates ; the supreme power 
of a state. 

Puissance législative. 

Leith, n, léth. A _ seaport town of 

Un porto di mare in Scozia. 

_. Un port de mer en Ecosse. 

Lethe, n, lé'thé. One of the rivers of 
hell; death. 

Lete ; uno dei fiumi dell’ inferno. 
Fleuve d’oubli a l’enfer. 

Leman}, 7, 1é’man. A sweetheart of 
either sex, usually in a bad sense. 

. Amorosa; druda. 


Lemming, n, lem'ing. An animal like 

a rat. 
Una bestia come un topo. 
Une béte qui ressemble au rat. 

Lemon, n,\e'mon. An acid fruit of the 
orange kind. 


Lengthen, vt, length’n. To extend in 

length or in time; to make longer. 
Allungare ; stendere. 
Allonger; étendre. 
Lenten, a, lent’en. Pertaining to Lent; 
used in Lent; sparing; short. 
Quaresimare; cosa usata durante la 
De caréme. 

Leopard, γν, le’pird. The lion panther ; 
a rapacious quadruped of the cat 
kind with spotted skin. 

- Leopardo. 

Lepered, a, l\e'pérd. 

, Lebbroso. 

. Lépreux. 

Lessen, vt,les’n. To make less in bulk, 
quantity, number, amount, degree, 
or quality. 

Diminuire; scemare. 
Rapetisser; diminuer ; amoindrir. 

Lesson, n, les'n. Something to be 

Affected with 

learned; lecture; rebuke; truth 
taught by experience. 



Setheres, m, le'thir-ji. Drowsiness; 
continued or profound sleep from 
which a person can scarcely be 



Letargo; letargia. 
Liturgy, n, li'tér-ji. A form of prayer 
and thanksgiving to be used in 
public worship. 
Levee, , le’vé. 
tors; a stated public occasion on 
which a sovereign receives visits 
from his subjects. 
Ricevimento che usan fare i Pringies 
in certe epoche stabilite. 
Réception ἃ la cour par le roi. 
Levy, vt, \e'vi. To raise; to collect, as 
an army; to raise, as taxes. 
Leva; levata; levata di tasse, &c. 

Levée; levée des impdéts; des contri- τ 


Lever, 7, lé'vér. That which raises or — 
elevates; a mechanical instrument 
used for raising weights. 

Leva; puntello. 
Levier ; instrument pour soulever des 
fardeaux. a 

Liver, n, liv’ér. A glandular entrail of 
the body serving to secrete the 

Le foie. 

Lewd, a, lid. Lustful; licentious; 

sensual ; ; impure; wicked ; vile. . 
Dissoluto ; libertino ; 4 impudico ; 

Débauché ; dissolu; lascif. 

Lute, n, lit. An instrument of music 

with strings resembling a guitar. 
Luth; instrument de musique. 

Liar, x, li’ér. One who knowingly utters 

Bugiardo; mentitore. 

Lier, n,li'ér. One who lies down, “ache 
or remains. 

Colui che giace, o sta coricato. 
Celui qui est couché. 

Lyre, n, lir. A kind of harp used by 
the ancients. 

Lira, strumento di musica antico. - 
Instrument de musique, espéce d’harpe 
mais petit. 

Lichen, x, li’‘ken. A plant that licks up 
moisture, covering rocks or the 
bark of trees. οὗ 


An assembly of visi- q 


_ Licking, pn, lik'ing. A lapping with. 
: Θ ἜΡΩΣ a drawing the tongue 
= over the surface. 

a Leccando; lambendo. 

 Liaction delécher. 

_ Liken, vt, lik'n. To compare; to repre- 
2 sent as resembling or similar. 

‘. _ Paragonare ; rassomigliare; com- 




_ Licorice or Liquorice, Ny 

Wet tita Se ΡΣ ee Te eee 
, “ 7 ΝᾺ 


-- eg 

_ Lion, n, lion. 


Comparer; ressembler. 

Liking, pn, lik’ing. Inclination ; desire; 
preference; healthful appearance ; 

ento; gusto; genio. 
Inclination ; penchant. 

om: n, lik’ér. One who licks or 


+ Colui che lecca; leccatore. 

Celui qui léche ; lécheur. 

Liquor, n, li'kér. A liquid or fluid sub- 
stance (commonly applied to spi- 
rituous fluids). 


Lickerish, a, lik’ér-ish. Fond of lick- 
‘ing; eager to taste; having a keen 

Leccardo ; ghiotto; delicato ; 
.Friand; délicat; avide; gourmand. 
Sweet root; a medicinal plant 
whose roots have a sweet taste. 
- Liquirizia o regolizia. 

_ Réglisse. 

Lie, vi, li. To lay one’s self, or to be in 
a horizontal position. 

Giacere; star sdraiato. 
Reposer; étre couché. 

Lye, n, ii. Water impregnated with 

Ranno ; bucato; lisciva. 

Lien, », ié’en or li‘en. Bond; band ; 

Legame; pegno; obbligo. 
Droit ; prétention ; ligature ; liaison. 

A wild q ped, very 

strong, fierce, and ears 


Life, n, lif. State of living, or of being 
e alive; existence; vitality. 


_ Live, a, liv. Having life; having respi- 

ration; not dead. 



Vivo; vivente. 
. Vivant; en vie; vif. 
Live, vi, liv. To breathe; to be in a 
state of animation. 
Vivere; esistere. 
Vivre ; exister. 
Light, », lit. That which shines and 
enables us to see. 
Lithe, a, τ. Pliant ; flexible ; 
Pieghevole; flessibile; snello; agile. 
Flexible ; souple. 
Lightening, pn, li- ten’-ing. The act of 

making lighter ; reducing in 

Alleggerimento; rendendo meno pe- 

Rendre léger. 

Lightning, n, lit/ning. That which 

flashes ; the sudden and vivid flash 
that precedes thunder. 

Lampo; fulmine; folgore. 
Kelair; éclat de lumitére précédant le 

Limb, », lim. A jointed and divisible 
part of animals; a member; an 
arm; a leg, &c. 

Membro (del corpo). 
Membre; partie du corps. 

Limn, vt, lim. To draw or paint; to 
paint i in water colours. 

Miniare; dipingere (all’ acquarello). 
Peindre ; dessiner; peindre ἃ |’aqua- 
relle. ᾿ 

Limp, vi, limp. To walk lamely. 

Boiter ; clopiner. 
Limpet, 7, lim’pet. A marine mollusc, 
ering to rocks. 
Patella, conchiglia che aderisce alle 
Lépas ; coquillage. 

Limpid, a, lim’pid. 

Limpido; chiaro. 
Limpide; clair. 

Lineament, , li’né-a-ment. Feature; 
one of the lines which mark the 

Lineamento ; tratto; fattezza. 
Linéament; trait du visage. 

Clear; crystal ; 

_ Liniment, n, lin'i-ment. A species of 

soft ointment; an embrocation. 
- Linimento (medicina), 
Liniment; onguent. 


Lin - 

Linear, a, li'né-ér. Consisting of lines ; 
in a straight direction ; like a line; 

Lineare ; di linea; per linea. 
Linéaire ; ayant rapport aux lignes, 

Liner, n, lin'ér. A vessel belonging to 
a regular line of packets. 

Bastimento appartenente ad una navi- 
gazione 0 viaggi regolari. 
Navire qui fait des cours réguliers. 

Ling, m, ling. A fish resembling the 
cod, but longer and more slender. 

Un pesce che rassomiglia il baccala, 
ma pit lungo e pid esile. 

Lingue, poisson comme la morue 
mais plus grand, 

Link, n, lingk. A joint; a single ring 
of a charm; a torch made of tow, 


pitch, &c. 

Anello di catena; vincolo; torcia 8 

Chainon ; anneau ; lien; torche ; 

Links, mpl, lingks. Plural of Link. 
ΤΙ plurale di Link 
Le pluriel de Link. 
Lynx, n, lingks. A quadruped re- 
sembling the cat, celebrated for 
the sharpness of its sight. 

Lynx, animal sauvage ἃ vue trés- 
Lo! interj, 16. Look! See! Behold ! 
Ecco! Vé! Vedi! 
Regardez! Voyez! Voila que! 
Law, n, 1a. A rule prescribed by the 

supreme power ofa state; a statute; 
that which governs. 
Legge; diritto; giurisprudenza. 
Low, adj, 16. Not high or elevated. 
Basso; piccolo; corto. 
Bas; non élevé. 

Load, vt, lod. To burden; to freight; 
to make heavy by something added 
or appended. 

Caricare; ingombrare. 
Charger; mettre une charge, un fayr- 
deau sur, 

Lode, n, lod. Course; conduct. 

Vena (min.); corso;. condotta da 
Cours; conduite ἃ suivre. 

Lowed, vi, 16d. Pp. verb To low. The 
noise made by an ox or cow; to 


Pp. Oa To low: Mugghiare; mugs i 


Ῥρ. an verbe To low: Beugler; mugir} 

il mugit. 

Loath or Loth, a, loth or loth. es 
not inclined ; reluctant. 

Svoglioso ; ritroso ; ripugnante. 
Récalcitrant; de mauvaise volonté. 
Loathe, vt, loth. To hate; to abomi- 

nate ; to feel disgust at, as at food 
or drink. 
Avere a nausea; schifare; abborrire. 
Hair; détester ; ’ abhorrer. 

Lob, vt, lob. To let fall heavily ; (7) a 

worm used as bait in fishing. 

Lasciar cadere aah benassi ; (ἢ a 

verme da pesca. 
Laisser tomber par négligence; (7) un 
gros ver. 

Lobe, n, 15b. The lower soft part of the 4 
racks a part or division of the brain, 

s, ὅζο. 

Lobo ¢ πρόμος ds ; lobo (bot.). 
Lobe (anat.) 
Lop, vt, lop. To cut 

separate, as superfluous parts. 
Diramare; spiccare; potare. 

Ebrancher; émonder; ététer un arbre. ἫΝ 
Loch or Lough, 7, lok. <A lake; ἃ θᾶΥ : 

an arm of sea. 
Un lago (in Iscozia). 
Un lac; amas d’eau. 
Lock, n, lok. An instrument used to 

fasten doors, chests, and the like; — 

the part of a pistol, gun, &c. 
Serratura; toppa; acciarino o la car- 
tella d’ un acciarino di pistola, &e. 
Serrure; la platine d’un fusil. 
Log, n, log. Something that is heavy: 

a bulky piece of wood, unhewn; a 
machine for measuring a ship's a 

tronco d’ albero; correntina. 

Biiche; billot; bloc; ligne ou corde ΜΝ 

du loch (marit.). 
Logger, n, log’gér. 
getting timber. 
Taglialegna ; legnaiuolo. 
Coupeur de bois. 
Lugyer, n, lug’ér. 
a yacht but with three masts. 
Nave pesante a tre alberi come un 
Lougre, espéce de batiment mar- 


off, as the q 
extreme part of anything; to — 

A small vessel like — 

Spe nS, Wen. Ren 
A SE ISL Ce SIO ἐς πραραυας, 

pezzo di pedale d’ albero; 4 : 

One engaged in — 





a a a πεν, 

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porte gre. 


See ee eee 

LE Se hE Cn ΠΡ» ee ΓΎΡΗ 

ey GLAS OE σεν ee ee ἐν δι τ Τὰ“ 

Γ y τὰ » 
Ps So Nea x 

τ οο Ly 
free from any fastening. 
Slacciare; slegare; snodare. 

ο΄ Délier; défaire ; lacher; disserrer. 

Lose, vt, léz. To mislay; to forfeit; to 
suffer loss. 
Perdere ; smarrire. 
Perdre ;. égarer. 
Loot, , liit. Plunder. 
5 er; piller. 

Lute, n, lit. A musical instrument with 

cords resembling a guitar. 
 Liuto, istrumento musicale come una 
Luth, instrument de musique. 
Lore, », lor. Learning; doctrine; in- 
Sapere ; erudizione; dottrina. 
Legon; instruction; doctrine. 
_ Lower, a, lo'ér. Less high; less elevated. 
Pid basso; meno elevato. 
Plus bas; moins élevé. 
Lovable, a, luv’a-ble. Worthy of love; 

_M, letter em. A letter of the alphabet. 

Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 
Hem,n,hem. To fold and sew down as 
the edge of cloth; to border ; to 

Orlare, nel cucire. 
Ourler ; faire un ourlet 4; border. 

_ Mab, ”, mab. The queen of the imagi- 

nary beings called fairies, 
Regina delle fate. 
La reine des fées. 
Map, ἢ, map. A representation of the 
surface of the earth, or any part of 
it, drawn on paper or other ma- 
Carta geografica. 
Une carte géographique. 

᾿ς Mabel, x, ma’bl. A Christian name of a 

Nome di battesimo di donna. 
Un nom de femme. 
Maple, τὸ ma’pl. A tree of the sycamore 

Albero di acero. 
. Erable (arbre). 
Mace, », mas. A heavy club of metal; 


; Loose, vt, lis. To untie or unbind; to 




Amabile ; amoroso. 
Aimable; bien aimé. 
aa μα n, luv'ap-pl. The tomato, a 
red vegetable fruit. 
Pomo @’ oro; tomatico. 
Pomme d’amour ; tomate. 
Lucius, %, lii'shi-us. A Christian name. 
Nome di uomo: Lucio; Luciano. 
Nom d’homme: Luce ; Lucius. 

. Luscious, n, lu'shi-us. Sweet or rich, so 

as to cloy; sweet to excess; de- 

Sdolcinato; molto dolce; delizioso. 
Doucereux; mielleux; sucré; agré- 



Luck, », luk. An event, good or ill, 
affecting a man’s interest or hap- 

Ventura; fortuna; sorte. 
Hasard; accident; bonne fortune; 

bonne ou mauvaise fortune. 
Lug, vt, lug. To pull; tohaul; to drag; 
to convey with labour. 
Strascinare ; tirare con forza. 
Tirer ou trainer avec violence. 

a staff; an ensign of authority; a 
sceptre; the second coat which 
covers the nutmeg. 
Mazza; macis, fiore di moscato, 
Masse; masse d’armes; écorce de la 

Maize, n, maz. 

Mais; blé de Turquie. 

Maze,n, maz. A winding and turning; 
a labyrinth; intricacy; confusion 
of thought. 

Laberinto ; intral- 
Labyrinthe ; perplexité ; embarras. 

Mad, a, mad. Disordered in intellect; 
deranged ; frenzied; insane. 

Matto; pazzo. 
Fou; insensé. 

Mat, n, mat. A texture of sedge or other 

material used for the floor, &c. 

Madder, », mad’ér. More mad; the 
prepared root of a plant much used 
in dyeing red. 

Pid pazzo ; robbia (dei tintori), 

Indian corn. 

sbalordimento ; 

Mad - 

Plus fou; plante médicinale dont la 
racine teint en rouge. 

Matter, γι, mat'tér. Not mind; body; 
pus; the substance of which all 
bodies are constituted. 


Made, vt, mad. pe of the verb To 

Pp. del Michel tg cored ΟΝ Cera 
Pp. du verbe To make: Faire; fait 
Ἐς Watd, nm, mad. A virgin; an unmarried 
woman ; a female servant. 
Una vergine ; una zitella; una serva. 
Fille; vierge; servante. 

Mate, n, mat. A companion; an officer 
in a ship; a husband or wife; an 

Compagno o compagna ; consorte ; 
ufficiale di bordo dopo il capitano. 

Un mari ou une femme; un com- 
pagnon; le second capitaine d’un 

Magnate, », mag’nat. A grandee ; 
noble; a person of rank or cee  Αμ 

Magnato; personaggio. 
Magnat; grand personnage. 

Magnet, n, mag’net. The loadstone 
which attracts metals and of point- 
ing to the poles. 

Magnete; calamita. 

Mail, 2, mal. A bag for the conveyance 
of letters; the letters, &c., sent in 
a mail-bag; a coat of steel net- 
work for defending the body. 

Valigia; cassetta pel trasporto delle 
lettere ; maglia d’ acciajo. 

La malle; poste; une cotte de mailles 

Male, a, mal. The sex which is not 
female, applied to animals of all 

Male ; du sexe masculin, 

Mall, », mal. A kind of mallet; a large 
‘heavy wooden beetle; an instru- 
ment for driving anything with 

Maglio; gran martello di legno. 
Mail; maillet, espéce de marteau. 

Maul, vt, mal. To beat or bruise with 
a maul or with a heavy stick or 

Trabussare; bastonare. 
. Meurtrir; froisser. 

_  Mandrel, ἢ, mand’rel. A sort of lathe. 

_ Mandrill,  n, 


Specie αἱ tornio, create da ton 

. tore 

Mandrin, outil de tourneur. 

man'drill. Species of 

monkey. ᾿ δὰ 

Mane, », man. The hair growing on 
the upper side of the neck of a 
horse or other animal. 

Criniera. an 
La criniére d’un cheval ou d’autre 

Main,n, man. The chief; the first in 
size, rank, importance; the STO8S ; 
the bulk ; "the ocean. 

Principale ; primo; essenziale ; 
grande; importante; alto mare. 
La plus grande partie; le principal; 

le gros; l’océan. Ὁ 

Manner, 70, man’nér. A mode of hand- — 
ling or managing; way of perform- 
ing; form; custom. 

Modo; maniera; guisa. 
Manitre ; méthode; mode. 

Manor,,ma'nor. A residence with a 
certain portion of land annexed 
to it. 

Feudo; castello; signoria. 
Manoir; seigneurie. 

Mantel, », man’tel. 

Cappa di camino; caminetto. 
Le manteau de la cheminée. ig 
Mantle, n, man'tl. A kind of cloak or 

loose garment, to be worn over 

other garments. 
Manto; mantello; tabarro. 

Manteau; vétement sans manche,long | 

et ample. er 
March, vi, march. To move by steps 
and in order, as soldiers. oa 
Marciare ; camminare militarmente. 
Marcher; étre en marche. ; 

Marsh, n, miirsh. A morass; ἃ tract ~ 

of land very wet and miry, and 

overgrown with coarse grass or | 

Pantano; palude. 
Un marais; un lieu marécageux. 
Mare, τ, mar. The female of the horse. 
Giumenta. Be 
Jumente; cavale; femelle du cheval. 
Maire, n, mér. .Α mayor (French worm 
Podesta (parola francese). 
Le premier magistrat d’une corpora- 
tion; podestat; maire. 

The frame rounda 

πος te oie ge Oe) 


ayor, nm, ma'ér. Chief magistrate of a 

___ city or town corporate. 

Podesta ; supremo magistrato munici- 
di Londra. 

PB ene magistrat municipal 

de Lon 

fark, », miirk. A stamp; a trace; a 

ο΄ βροῦ; a vestige, &e. 

- Segno; contrassegno; nota. 

. Marque; ; signe; note. "Ὁ 

vhs n, miirk. Licence of reprisals. 

: nte di corso. 

Lettres marque, 

Marked, ed, miirk'd. From verb To 

4 Verbo To mark : Marcare ; marcato. 

_ Verbe To mark: Marquer; marqué. 

arket, n, miir’ket. A public place in 
a city or town, where provisions, 
cattle, &c., are exposed for sale. 

_ Mercato ; meme di mercato. 

Ἐν Marché; 

pus line, ἦν, miir 

ing round cables 


Merlino (canape impeciata). 

Merlin ; fil de merlin. 

miir‘lin. Twine for twist- 
to preserve 

with marl. 
Ἑ Concimare colla marga. 
Engraisser avec de la marne. 
“Marry vt, ται τὶ. To unite in wedlock; 
to take for husband or wife. 
Maritare ; ammogliare. 
Ἵ Marier. 
ary, n, ma'ri. The name of a woman. 
Nome di donna: Maria. 
_ Un nom de femme : Marie. 
Merry, a, me’ri. Joyous; hilarious ; 
4 gay and noisy. 
. bai en ; gaio; gioviale, 
Gai; joyeux; ‘enjoué. 
»n, mir'shal. The chief officer 
of arms whose duty it is to regulate 
combats in the lists. 

miir’shi-al. Pertaining to 
war ; suited to war. 

© 2 e. 
: atiress, m, mat'tres. A bed stuffed 
i. , wool, moss or other soft 

a Matelas. 
A mould; the 


cavity in which anything is formed 
and which gives it shape. 

Matrice; forma; utero. 

Matrice ; moule. 

Matrix, n, ma'triks. The mother’s 
womb; the earthy substance in 
which metallic ores are found. 

Utero; forma. 
Matrice ; uterus. 

Maul, vt, mal. A heavy wooden 

Grande mazza o martello di legno. 
Grand marteau en bois. 

Mole, n, mile. A spot or small per- 
manent rotuberance on the human 
body; the mouldwarp; a mound 
thrown up at the sea-side. 

Molo in *un porto; riparo; mole; 

- Jetée de pierres ἃ l’entrée d’un port ; 

un tache sur le corps. 

Mead, », méd. A fermented liquor 
consisting of honey and water ; 
grass land that is mowed. 

Hydromel; prairie. 

Meed, n, méd. Reward ; recompense. 
Guiderdone ; premio ; ricompensa. 
Récompense ; présent ; don. 

Mean, vt, mén. To have in the mind; 

to intend ; to design. 

Intendere; proporsi; disegnare ; far 

Entendre; vouloir dire; signifier; se 

Mien,n,mén. Form of the countenance 
aspect ; demeanour; manner. 

Aria; contegno; aspetto. 
Mine; air; contenance. 

Meant, vt, ment. Pp. verb To mean. 

Pp. verbo To mean: Intendere, &c. ; 
inteso, &c. 

Pp. verbe To mean: Entendre, &c.; 

Mend, vi, mend. To repair; to set 
right; to alter for the better. 

Racconciare ; accomodare ; correggere. 
Raccommoder ; corriger. 

Measles, 7, mé’zlz. A contagious erup- 

tive disease of the skin. 

Mizzles, npl, miz'ls. 
Pleuviner; bruiner. 

Meat, », mét. The flesh of animals 
used as food. 

Mist; fine rain. 

113 I 

Meda ~ 

Viande; chair. 

Meet, vt, mét. To light on; to en- 

counter; to come in contact with. 
——a,mét. Fitting; proper; qualified. 
Adattato; idoneo; acconcio. 
Propre; convenable ; ἃ propos. 
Mete, vt, mét. To measure; to ascer- 
tain, as quantity, dimensions or 
capacity by any rule or standard. 
Mesurer; prendre la dimension, 

Medal, 2, me'dal. A piece of metal in 
the form of a coin, awarded for 
merit, valour, &c. 

Meddle, vi, med'l. To intervene; to 
interfere ; to have to do with. 
Impacciarsi; immischiarsi. 
Avoir affaire; se méler de; s’entre- 
mettre mal ἃ propos. 

Middle, a, mid'l. Situated in the cen- 
tre; equally distant from the ex- 

Del mezzo; mezzo; medio; il centro. 
Milieu; moyen; centre. 

Medlar, , med'lér. A tree and its fruit 

which resembles a small apple. 
Néfle; néflier. 

Meddler, n,med'l-ér. One who meddles. 
Colui che s’immischia, s’impaccia, ὅσο. 
Intrigant ; celui qui se méle des affaires 

des autres. 

Meine or Meiny, ”, mi’ne or mé’ni. Α΄ 
retinue of servants. 

Signore di feudo servile. 

’ Seigneur d’un fief servile. 

Mine, pro, min. Possessive case of I; 
a pit in the earth from which metals 
are taken by digging. 

Il possessivo di I: Mio; mia; miniera. 
Le possessif de I: Le mien ; ee” 
mienne; mine. 

Mercy, 7, mér’si. Willingness to spare 
and save; mildness, pity, or com- 

Misericordia ; pieta ; compassione. 
Miséricorde ; "tendresse ; merci. 

Mersey, n, mér'si. A river in England. 
Un fiume d’ Inghilterra. 

Une riviére en Angleterre. 

Mesh, %, mesh. The space between the 

threads of a net; a net. | 



Metre, n, mé'tér. 

Maglia; buco di rete. 
La maille d’un filet. 
Mess,n, mes. A dish of food set on ἃ 

table at one time; a number of 
military or other persons who 
associate at the same table. 2 
Pietanza ; piatto (mil.) ; massa (marit.); ~ 
compagnia, a 
Mets; plat; gamelle. a: 
Message, , mes’saj. Any message 
written or verbal, or any notice 
sent from one person to another, — 
Messaggio; ambasciata. a 
Message ; ordre ; commission. 2 
Messuage, n, mes'suaj. A dwelling 
house with the adjacent buildings. 4 
Caseggiato; cassa e orto; casa 
Maison et ses dépendances. “4 
That which is dug up: 

Metal, 7, me’tal. 
in mines, as gold, silver, copper, 
iron, &c. hy 

Métal; corps minéral. E 
Mettle, n, met'l. That which goes > 
form anything ; high temper 
keenness of edge; spirit, &c. 
Fuoco ; animo ; ardore; ardire; spirito; 
cuore. a 

Feu; vivacité; fougue; ardeur; j 
courage. = 
Metamorphosis, τ, me-ta- mor'fos-is. 

Any change of form or shape. 
Métamorphose; transformation. 
Metamorphoses, m, me-ta-mor'fos 
Plural of fibers: isis 

fosi a 
Le pluriel de Metamorphosis: 17 a= 
morphoses. Ξ 
Meter, 7, mét’ér. 
Metro; misura. 
Une mesure; un arpentier. 
Meeter, n, métér. One who meets. 
Colui che incontra. 
Celui qui rencontre. 

Meteor, n, mé'té-ér. A luminous 
flying in the atmosphere; 
atmospheric phenomenon. 


A measure 

A measure; arrange- 

ment of poetical feet shaving thy 7 
Metro, misura di versi. rey 
Matre ; verse; mesure. 


: - 

“Mew! , vi, mil. 

᾿ς uneasiness. 
ἕ Vagire; gemere e piangere dei bimbi. 
__ Vagir; crier, comme un petit enfant. 

| Mule, 3M mil. Offspring of a mare and 

Mulo; ‘mula. 

Mule; mulet. 

Mews, m, miiz. Arange of buildings 

where horses are lodged ; tables: 

 Stalle; scuderie. 

~ Kouries; remises, 

_ Muse,n,miiz. A goddess of music and 
poetry; deep thought. 

Musa; meditazione profonda. 

Une muse; méditation ; étude. 

puisht, m, mit. Power ; ; past tense of 


To cry as a baby from 


EE HP Peres 



πρίων, ; “ passato di May. 

Pouvoir; puissance; le passé de May. 

Mite, ἢ, mit. A small insect ; any- 
thing proverbially very small ; a 
small coin. 

Tnsetto microscopico ; 

Mite (insecte) ; une petite particule. 
ty, a, mit’é. Powerful. 

otente; possente. 


_ Mity, a, mit'i. Having mites; abound- 
ing with mites. 

Avente miti o insetti 0 cose imper- 

cosa picco- 




ie εἶ 

Ι : cettibili. 

__Rempli de mites. 

: ch, a,milsh. Giving milk, as cows, 
Fe goats, &e. 

i Che da latte, come vacca, capra, &c. 

a ee du lait, comme une vache, 

ΜΉΝ, n, Sanilh. That which is drawn from 
‘the breasts or teats of cows, &e. 



_ Mince, vt, mins. 
small pieces. 

_Sminuzzare; tagliuzzare ; tritare. 

. Hacher; couper menu. 

Mina, n, minghs. A pert wanton girl. 

b Sfacciatella; ragazza baldanzosetta. 

ἔ Une minaudivre ; une petite précieuse. 
Miner, , min’ér. One who digs in 

Minor, a, mi'nor. 
Ms less ; lower. 
Minore ; pil piccolo; minorenne. 

Under age; smaller; 



ie ied 


To chop into very ᾿ 


Mineur; celui qui n’a pas atteint l’age 
de majorité. 
Minuet, 7, mi'nii-et. 
Tl minuetto, una danza, 
Menuet, espéce de danse. 
Minute, a, mi'nit. The sixtieth part of 
an hour. 
Minuto, sessantesima parte di un’ ora. 
Minute ou la soixantitme partie de 
Minute,n, mi'nit. Diminished; of very 
small size. 
Minuto ; piccolo; esiguo ; piccolissimo. 
Menu; petit ; mince. 

A stately regular 

Misbelief, m, mis-bé-léf’, Erroneous 
belief ; false religion. 
| _ Fausse croyance; erreur. 
Misbelieve, vt, mis-bé-lév’. To believe 

Miscredere ; esser incredulo. 
Etre dans une fausse croyance. 
Missal, 7, mis’-al. The Roman Catholic 



Missel, livre contenant les priéres de 
la messe. 

Missel, n, mis’el. A singing bird, a 

species of thrush. 

Un uccello di canto, specie di merlo ὁ 

Un oiseau, espéce de grive. 
Missile, a, mis’il. Thrown or that may 
be thrown; weapon to be thrown. 
Dardo ; dardeggiato ; lanciato. 
Ce qu’on lance; arme de trait. 
Missed, vi, mis'd. Failed to be hit or 
reached ; failed of obtaining. 
Che non ὃ stato colpito ; mancato. 
Manqué; coup manqué. 
Mist, n, mist. Visible watery vapour in 
the atmosphere ; fog. 
Nebbia ; nebbiaccia; appannamento. 
Moan, vt, mon. To groan; to lament; 
to grieve; to wail; to mourn. 
Gemere ; lamentarsi; piangere. 
Lamenter; gémir; déplorer. 
Mown, vt, mon. Pp. verb To mow; cut 
with a scythe. 
Pp. verbo To mow: Falciare ; falciato. 
Pp. verbe To mow: Faucher ; fauché. 
Moat, », mot. A ditch or deep trench 
round the rampart of a castle or 
Fosso; fossata. 

115 12 

Mob ; 

Un fossé plein d’eau qui entoure un 
chateau fort. 
Mote, n, mot. A small particle of 
floating dust; a speck. 
Pagliucola ; pagliuzza ; atomo. 
Atome ; quelque chose de trés- petit ; 

Mob, x, mob. A crowd of people rude 
and disorderly. 
᾿ς Marmaglia; popolaccia; canaglia. 
Populace ; canaille. 
Mop,n, mop. A broom made of thrums, 
to clean floors. 
Scopa per lavare i pavimenti, fatta di 
frangia dello stame. 
Un balai de laine pour laver les 
appartements ; faubert. 
Mope, vi,mop. To ‘sulk ; to be spiritless 
or gloomy. 
Istupidire; avvilirsi; annoiarsi. 
Etre abattu ; étre assoupi. 
Mode, n,méd. Manner; method; style 
of fashion; way; course; degree. 
Maniera ; guisa; modo; moda; fog- 
gia; costume. 
Mode; maniére d’étre; mode (cou- 
tume) ; fagon. 
Mowed, vt, mod. Cut with a scythe. 


Monetary, a, mo’né-ta-ri. Pertaining 
to money. 
Monetario; delle monete; del de 

Qui a rapport a Vargent. 
onitory, a, mo ni-to-ri. 
Ammonitorio; ammonimento. 
Monitoire; avertissement. 
Mood, n, méd. Temper of mind; 
Umore; disposizione. 
Disposition de l’esprit'; humeur. 
Moot, vt, mot. To debate ; to argue; 
to discuss. 
Dibattere; discutere ; disputare. 
Discuter un point de droit pour 
Mute, a, mit. Dumb; silent; 
having the power of utterance. 
Muto; mutolo; silenzioso. 
Un muet; celui qui n’a pas l’usage 
de la parole. 
More, a, mor. Greater in quality, degree, 
amount, or number. 
se 116 

Admonition ; 



Mower, n, wmo’ér. 

; down. 

Morn, », morn. The first part of 

day ; morning. Ae 
Tl mattino. 
Matin ; matinée. 

Mourn, vi,morn. To sorrow; tolament; 

to express grief or sorrow. i 
Far cordoglio ; affliggersi ; ; lamente 
Déplorer ; pleurer ; s’affliger. 

Morning, », morn’ing. The time 
tween dawn and the middle of th 

Mattino; mattina. 

Mourning, pa, morn'ing. Act of sorr 
ing; lamentation ; the black d 
worn by mourners. 

Cordoglio ; lutto. : 
Lamentation ; tristesse; deuil; vote. 
ment de deuil. a 

Mosque, », mosk. A Mohammedan 

temple. a 
Moschea. aa 
Mosquée ; temple des musulmans, τὴ 

Musk, n, musk. A plant; an anin 
perfume obtained from ‘a bag ne: 
the navel of the musk-deer. 

Muse. 5» 

Mould, », méld. A model; the matrix 
in which anything is cast; matter 
of which anything is formed. 

Forma; matrice; terriccio; materia. 
Moule; forme; moisissure. 

Moult, vi, molt. To change or cast the 

hair, skin, feathers, horns, &c. Ξ 
Mudare ; rinnovare le penne. 4 
Muer; changer de plumes ou de poil. ‘Z| 

Mouse, », mous. A little thievish 
gnawing animal that hides in small | . 

Sorcio ; topo. 

Mouths, npl, mouths. Plural of Mouth. ᾿ 
Plurale di Mouth: Bocca; bocche. ἢ 
Pluriel de Mouth : Bouche; bouches. 

Mouth, 7, mouth. The opening in the 
head of animals between the lips 
into which food is received. - 


Mouth, vi, mouth. To take into she 
mouth ; to devour; to vociferate; 
to speak bombastically. πε 

One who mo ν᾽ 


_ Prendere in bocca; divorare; voci- 

τ ferare. 

_ Gueuler; vociférer. 

Muck, », muk. Dung ; 

‘mean, vile. 

Letame ; concime. 

Fumier; engrais. 

Mug, m,mug. A small vessel of earthen- 
ware or metal for containing liquor. 

Brocca ; mezzina; boccale. 

Un gobelet ; une tasse ἃ boire ; un pot. 

urine, a, mu'rine. Pertaining to the 
mouse species. 

_ Della specie dei.topi o sorci. 

᾿ς Appartenant ἃ Lune es éce de souris. 

> | Murrain, nm, mu'ran. eadly disease 
amongst cattle. 

Epizoozia; malattia fra il bestiame. 

Peste qui attaque les bestiaux. 

Murrhine, n,mur’rin. A stone of which 

costly vessels are made. 



ΩΡ δ κα τ δι 


a ἄτας 


Una conchiglia. 
Moule; espéce de coquillage. 
Muzzle,n,muz'l. A snout ; a fastening 
for the mouth; the end for entrance 
or discharge as of a tube. 
‘Musoliera; bocca del fucile 0 can- 
museau ; 

bouche d’un 
fusil ou canon. 

Museliére ; 

Muslin, γι, muz'lin. A sort of fine, thin 

cotton cloth. 

Muzzling, ppr,muz'zlin. Fastening the 

mouth with a muzzle. 
Adoperando la musoliera. 
Adopérer la museliére. 

Mustard, », mus’térd. A plant and its 
seed which has a pungent taste 
and smell, a condiment made from 
the seed. 

Mostarda ; senape. 
Moutarde; graine de sénevé. 

Mustered, vt, mus'térd. Collected to- 
gether, as troops, persons or things ; 
to gather or obtain. 

Chiamati a raccolta, come truppe, 

Assemblés; réunis; passés en revue 

Un genere di pietra di cui si fa del 
_vasellame di valore. 

Ἢ Porcellaine de l’orient. 

_ Muscle, ἢ, mus’l. Animal fibre capable 
ἐξ. of contraction and relaxation. 

_ Muscolo. 


_ Mussel, ἢ, mus’l. A marine bivalve 
ἕ shell-fish. 

N, letter, en. A letter of the alphabet. 
Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 

_ __Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

_ Hen, ἢ, hen. The female of any kind 
4 of fowl. 

Gallina ; fexamine, degli uccelli. 

©  Poule. 

_ Nab, vé, nab. (Vulg.). To grasp; to 
Ε clutch ; to wrest from. 

τ. Afferrare; carpire. 

ο΄ Happer; saisir. 

_ Nap,n,nap. A short sleep or slumber ; 
= the woolly substance on the surface | 
: of cloth. 

Unsomme; sieste; chardonner du drap. 
Nape, n, nap: The prominent joint of 
the neck, behind. 
Nuca (parte di dietro, del collo). 
Nuque (partie postérieure du cou). 


Be 6 Py 


Sonnicello ; sonnellino; pelo o cima | 

(en parlant des troupes). 


Knap, vt, nap. To bite; to strike with 
a loud noise. 
Sgrannocchiare ; 
Mordre; faire craquer; craquer. 
Nag, , nag. A small horse ; a sprightly 
Cavallino; ronzino. 
Bidet ; petit cheval. 

Knack, ἢ, nak. A nice trick; habitual 
facility of performance ; a toy. 
Arte; destrezza; talento ; gingillo. 

Talent particulier; habileté ; bagatelle; 

Knag, n, nag. Anything that projects ; 

a knot in wood ; a wart. 
Nocchio; nodo @’ albero. 
Noeud d’arbre. 
| Naughty, a, na’ti. Worthless; 
chievous; perverse; froward. 

Cattivo (dei ragazzi); biricchino. 

fracassare ; scop- 






Mauvais; méchant; corrompu (par- 
lant d’un enfant). 

Knotty, a, not'i. Fullof knots; difficult; 


Noueux; plein de noeuds. 

Naval, a, na’val. Pertaining to ships; 
marine; maritime. 



Navel, n,na'vl. The centre of the lower 
part of the abdomen. 



Nave, γι, nav. The centre of a wheel in 
which the spokes are inserted. 

Mozzo (di ruota). 

Le moyen d’une roue. 

Naive, a, na’év. Ingenuous; having 
native or unaffected simplicity. 

Ingenuo; semplice. 

Naive; ingénu. 

Knave, n, nav. <A servant; a petty 
rascal; a villain. 

Servo ; mariuolo; furbo. 

Fourbe; coquin; valet. 

Navy; 7, πᾶ νι. A fleet of ships; the 
whole of the ships of war, in- 
cluding officers, men, &c., belonging 
to a nation. 

La marina ὁ squadra, equipaggi, 
&c. che appartengono alla forza 


Navvy, n, na'vy. A labourer employed 
in building railroads, &c. 

Un lavorante in ferrovie. 

Un ouvrier de chemin de fer. 

Nay, adv, na. Not; no; a word that 
expresses negation. 

Non; no; parola che nega. 

Non; méme; de plus; refus; déni. 

Neigh, vi, na. To utter the cry of a 



Neap, a, nép. Noting the lowest tides 
of the month. 

Che cala; decrescente; marea aid 

Bas; qui ‘baisse ; basse marée. 

Nib, n, nib. The beak of a bird ; the 


force navale απ état; 

Becco d’ uccello. 
Le bec d’un oiseau. 
Nip, vt, nip. To cut off as the end of 
anything; to nip. 



Pizzicare ; spuntare ; golpare. 
Pincer; égratigner. 

Need, », ned. To have necessity ua 
to want; to require as supply or 

Bisogno ;. uopo ; necessita. 
Besoin ; nécessité. 

Knead, vt, néd. To work up dough ito 

food ; to work into paste. 
Impastare ; intridere. 

ec Ὁ ppeperer la pate pane faire le 

pene Be oe. néd. Having knees. 
Neither, pron, ni'thér. 
nor the other. 
Nél uno πὸ I altro. 
Ni l’un ni l’autre. 
Nether, a, ne’thér. Lying beneath 
lying in the lower part. 
Inferiore ; basso. 
Bas ; inférieur. 
New, a, ni. Young; fresh; recent 
lately produced or come into bald 
Nuovo; recente. 
Neuf; nouveau ; moderne. 
Gnu,n, ni. An antelope resembling a 

Un antelope o gazzella rassomigliante 

il cavallo. 
Un antelope ressemblant un cheyal. 
Knew, pp, nt. He did know 
Egli sapeva o seppe. 
Il sait ou savait. 
News, 7, niz. 
cent account ; tidings. 
Notizie; novita. 
Nouvelle; nouvelles. 
Noose,n,néos. A running knot which binds | 
the closer the more it is drawn. 
Nodo scorsoio. 
Noeud coulant. 
Nice, a, nis. Soft; dainty; tender; 
fine; minutely elegant. 

Delicato ; fino; morbido; tenero; 

' molto elegante, &e. 

Exact; soigneux; bon; agréable ; 
friand, &c. 

Gneiss, n, nis. A species of granite 
composed of quartz, feldspar, and 
mica, of a slaty structure. 

Gneiss, un minerale lavagnoso. 
Minéral comme le granit, de la nature 
de l’ardoise. 

Niche, , nich. A cavity, hollow or recess 
in a wall for a statue, bust, &c, 

Not the one 


Fresh information ; re-— 


eh ee ee meeom: 


Ni We ᾿πιυπίσνλεν OF ENGLISH HOMONYMS 

& 2 OF n, nik. A nod; the critical time ; 

ες the exact point of time required by 

necessity or convenience. 

᾿ς Tacca ; momento propizio. 

Moment convenable ; entaille. 

‘Might, nm, nit. The time of darkness 
from sunset to sunrise. 


_.. Nui 
ie Knight, mn, nit. A title of honour next 
a to that of nobility. 



Nit, », nit. The egg of a louse or other 
small insect. 

*. : Len 
= Enit, vt, nit. To connect in a kind of 
network; to unite closely ; to draw 
x together. 
 Layorare a maglia. 
_ __ Tricoter. 
_ No, adv,n6. A word of denial or refusal ; 
δ contrary to Yes. 
|< Non. 
| Know, vt, nd. To have a clear and 
i perfect perception, as of truth, 
act, or anything that actually 
Sapere ; essere informato. 
Savoir; connaitre. 
_ Nob, , nob. The head; a person in 
high position or highly situated. 
Zucca; testa; persona alto locata. 
La téte; une personne élevée ou de 
haut rang. 
- Enob, m, nob. «Α bud; a boss; a hard 
swelling or’ rising ; a round ball at 
‘the end of anything 
Bernoccolo; nodo; prominenza. 
-  Noeud; excroissance. 
Nod, vi, nod. ΤῸ incline the head with 
“= quick motion; to make a ἀρ 

Gesto o cenno che si fa colla testa; 
un piccolo saluto colla testa. 
Un signe de téte. 
Since m, not. A tie; a union of 
cords by interweaving; a bond of 

εἶ Ἷ ΄. 

. 119 

Una legatura; un nodo. 
Noeud; grou 

Nought or Naug ht, n, nat. Nothing ; 

worthless ; fad. 
Niente ; nulla. 
Rien ; zéro. 

Node, n, nid. A knot; a protuberance ; 

a swelling. 

Nodo; gruppo; nucleo. 

Noeud; point d’intersection; enflure ; 

Not, adv, not. A word that expresses 
negation, denial or refusal. 

Non; no. 
Non; ne pas; ne point. 

Note, n, not. A mark in a book; a 
short writing intended to assist the 

Nota; memoria; osservazione. 
Note ; marque; "observation. 

None, a, nun. Not one; not any; not 

the least portion. 
Nessuno; veruno. 
Aucun ; nul; pas un; personne. 

Nun, n, nun. A woman devoted to a 
religious life and who lives in a 

Monaca; suora. 
Nonne; ‘religieuse. 

Northwich, nm, north’wich. A town of 

Una citta d’ Inghilterra. 
Une ville d’Angleterre. 

Norwich, n, né'rrij. A city of England, 
the capital of Norfolk; a town in 

Una citta d’ Inghilterra, capitale di 
Norfolk ; citta in America. 

Une ville d’Angleterre (capitale de 
Norfolk); une ville d’Amérique. 

Nourish, v, nu'rish. To feed and cause 

to grow. 
Nose, 7, μι, 

Knows, vi, nodz. Verb To know; 8rd 
pers. sing. ind. mood pres. tense. 
Verbo To know; 85) pers. sing. ind. : 

Sapere; egli sa. 
Verbe To know; 8° pers. singsind. : 
Savoir; il sait. 

The organ of smell. 

"πεν. All these are repeated 

Dh. nt erj, δ. at the end of letter O, 

Owe, vt, 5. page 128. 

Oaf, baths) A foolish child; an idiot; a 

Figlio di ja; imbecille; idiota. 
Sot; idiot; lourdaud ; benét. 

Of, prep, ov. Noting the relation of 
source, cause, origin, or motive ; 
proceeding from; with respect to; 
belonging to. 

Di; dell’; dello; del. 
De, du, de la, des. 

Off, a, of. Begone; distant; away. 

Il pid lontano; discosto; fuori di 
mano; lungi; via. 

De loin. 
Oaks, npl, dks.’ Forest trees, much used 
for shipbuilding. 

Alberi di quercia o di rovere o cerro. 
Arbres de chéne. 

Hawks, npl, haks. Rapacious birds 
which seize and hold their prey 
with their fangs. 

Falchi; falconi. 
Hoax, n, hoks. <A slight; something 
done for deception or mockery. 
Coceare ; corbellare ; mistificare. 
Mystifier ; ; rendre quelqu’ un ridicule 
en abusant de sa crédulité. 

Ox, n, oks. The male of the bovine 
genus of quadrupeds. 

Bove; toro. 
Oar, 7, or. An instrument for rowing 
or hastening the progress of boats. 
Rame; aviron. 
Over, prep, o'ér. Contracted from Over. 
Abbreviatura di Over. 
Abrégé de Over. 
Or, adv, or. Correlative of Either. 
O; oppure. 
Ou; ou bien; autrement. 
Ore, m, ore. The compound of a metal 
‘and some other substance; metal. 
Metallo greggio, non raffinato, tale 
quale si estrae dalla miniera. 
Minéral dans son état naturel. 
Oat, », ot. A plant or its seed, the 




co Ὁ" 
Oath, n, sth. A binding promise, affirma- 
tion or negation, corroborated b 
the attestation of the Divine Bein 
Serment; jugement. 

Obsequies, mpl, ob’sé-kwéz. A follo 
ing to the grave; funeral rites and — 
solemnities. & 

Esequie ; funerale. 
Obsdques ; funérailles. » 
Obsequious, a, ob-sé'kwi-us. 
or meanly condescending. 
Ossequioso. a 
Obéissant ; complaisant ; condescend-— 
ant ; servile. 

Observance, mn, ob-zerv’ans. 

ance of rites; 

Perform: a 

rule of practice; qv 
thing to be observed. Ε 
Osservanza; mantenimento ; aden ‘ 
Observance; observation ; attention; 
respect, | 
Observants, n, ob-zerv'antz. Mindful ; 

adhering to or obeying in panes 3 j 

carefully attentive. 7 
Osservanti; diligenti; attenti. 
Attentifs ; diligents. 

Occidental, a, ok-si-dent’al. Pertaining 
to the western quarter of ba : 
hemisphere. ij 

Occidentale ; d’ occidente. “4 
Occidental ; "de l’occident. Ἢ 

Accidental, a, ak-si-dent'al. Happening — 

by chance; contingent. " 
Accidentale; casuale ; fortuito. 
Accidentel ; ‘casuel ; fortuit. Νὴ 

Ochre, x, 5'kér. A kind of a pale 
yellow coloured clay used as & 
pigment. Σ 

Ocra; ocria; ocre. 1 
Ocre ; terre métallique, jaune ou 


Occur, vi, ok-kér’. To happen; to be 
presented to the Minas or 
memory. Ἧ 

Occorrere ; 
Présenter se rencontrer. 

presentarsi ; venir in 



= Ogre, n, ‘Oger. An imaginary monster 

= or giant of fairy-tales. 

Orco ; mostro immaginario ; fantasma. 
Ogre ; anes imaginaire. 

Odd, a, od. Strange; singular; left or 
remaining after the use ‘of even 

Dispari; caffo; impari; strano; sin- 

Impair; particulier; extraordinaire ; 
en dehors; singulier. | 

fe : - Ode, n, δᾶ. A song; ἃ lay; a poetical 

composition proper to be set to 
music or sung. 

oo poéme lyrique. 
Owed, pp, δᾶ. Due; that moral obliga- 

tion requires to be paid ; ascriba- 
ble to, as the cause. 
— Dovuto. 


Ogle, vt, 5'gl. To view with side glances, 
as in fondness, or with design to 
attract notice. 

Occhieggiare; adocchiare; gettar gli 
occhi addosso. 

Lorgnerie; ceillade; un coup d’ceil. 
Ugly, a, ug'li. Offensive to the sight; 
frightful; contrary to beauty. 

Brutto; deforme. 
Laid; difforme ; vilain. 

Old, a, ‘eld. Advanced i in years; having 

been long made or used. 
Vecchio; antico; usato. 
Vieux ; ἀρό; ancien ; antique. 

Hold, vt, hold. To have in the grasp ; 
to keep fast; to restrain. 

Tenere ; trattenere ; ritenere. 
Suisissement ἢ tenir ; contenir ; serrer; 

Older, a, een γᾷ More advanced in age. 
Pid vecchio. 
Plus vieux 

Alder, n, alder. 

wn in moist land. 

Ontano (albero). 

Aune, espéce d’arbre. 

6, a, wun. An individual; a single 
specimen; single in number. 


ἘΠῚ 51. 

Wan, a,won. Deficient in colour; pale ; 

having a sickly hue. 

-Smorto; smunto; pallido; scialbo. 

_ Bléme; ‘pile; détait ; languissant. 

Won, vi, wun. Pp. of the verb To win. 
Pp. del verbo To win: Vincere ; vinto. 

(Bot.) A tree generally | 



Pp. du verbe To win: 

Onion, », un’yun. A plant having a 
pungent bulbous root, used as a 


Union, n, i'ni-on. Oneness; unity; 

concord; confederacy ; league. 
Union; jonction; alliance. 

Vaincre αὶ 

Ooze, n, 6z. A soft flow or issue, as of 
water; earth so wet as to flow 

Trapelare di acqua o liquido; stillare ; 

Vase; limon; bourbe; suintement; 

Use, vt, iz. To act with or by means 
of; to habituate; to inure; to 

Usare; adoperare ; impiegare. 
Faire usage de; se servir de; em- 
ployer; consumer. 
Ewes, npl, iz. Plural of Ewe, female 

Plurale di Ewe: Pecore. 
Pluriel de Ewe: Les femelles du 
Open, vt, d’pen. To disclose; to un- 

Aprire ; socchiudere ; schiudere. 
Ouvrir; découvrir. 

Upon, prep, up'on. Resting on the top 

or surface of; not under. 
Sopra; su di. 
Sur; dessus; a la surface. 

Opposite, , op’po-zit. Standing in 
front; placed against; an adver- 
sary; an enemy. 

Opposto; dirimpetto; di faccia. 
Opposé ; vis-a-vis. 
Apposite, a, ap'po-zit. 
well adapted. 

Adatto ; acconcio. 
Propre ; convenable. 

Oracle, », o’ra-kl. Among pagans, the 
answer spoken by a god or some 
one personating a god; any person 
reputed uncommonly wise. 


Auricle, γι, a'ri-kl. The external ear; 
one of two appendages to the 

Auricola (anatomia). 
Auricule ; pavillon de l’oreille. 

Very applicable ; 



~~ Che ha relazione coll’ 


Oral, a, d'ral. Uttered by the mouth; 

spoken. — 
Orale ; di voce. 
Oral; verbal; vocal; de vive voix. 
Oriel, n, d'ri-el.. A gallery of minstrels ; 
a large bay-window. 
Finestra che sporge in fuori; inferriata 
a corpo, a gabbia. 
Fenétre; croisée cintrée. 
Aural, a, a'ral. Pertaining to the air 
or to the ear. 
aria o all’ 
Ce qui a relation ἃ l’air ou ἃ loreille. 
Ordinance, 7, or'din-ans. An ordaining 
by authority; a statute; a law; a 
Ordinanza; legge; statuto. 
Ordonnance ; décret; réglement. 
Ordnance, n,ord'nans. Cannon or great 
guns; artillery. 
Artiglieria ; cannoni. 
Artillerie ; le canon. 
Orison, 7, dri’-zon. 
Orazione; preghiera. 
Oraison ; priere. 
Horizon, n, ho-ri'zon. The circular line 
which bounds the view of the sky 
and the earth. 

A prayer or sup- 

Horizon ; borne de la vue. 
Orrery, 7, o’re-ri. An astronomical 

Planetario (istrumento di astronomia). 
Planétaire; instrument d’astronomie. 
Horary, a, hor'a-ri. Hourly; continuing 
an hour. 
Orario; di ora. 
Horaire ; des heures. 
Osier, », o’zhi-ér. A kind of water 
willow. ἢ 
Vinco; vimine; vetrice; salice. 
Osier; espece de saule. 
Hosier, n, ho'zhi-ér. One who deals in 
stockings and socks, &c. 
_ Marchand de bas. 
Other, a, uth’ér. Not the same; dif- 
ferent; not this. 
Altro ; altra. 
Ottar, n, ot'tir. Oil or essence of roses. 
Olio o essenza di rose. 
Huile ou essence de roses. 
Otter, n, ot'tér. An aquatic animal 
resembling the weasel. 




Lontre, animal amphibie. 
Hotter, a, hot'ér. More hot. 

Pid caldo. 

Plus chaud. SS | 
Ought, pp, at. Pret. and pp. of Owe, 

and used also in the pres. tense as 
a verb formed upon them. 
Pres. e pp. di Owe: Dovere ; dovrebbe. 
- Pret. et pp. de Owe: Devoir; falloir; 
il fallut. 

Aught, n, at. Anything; any part; a & 
whit. “4 

Qualche cosa ; 
Quelque chose. 

qualunque cosa ; 

Our, pron, our. Pertaining or belonging — 

to Us. 
Nostro; nostra; nostri, &c. 
Notre; nos. 
Houwr,n, our. <A space of time equal to 
one twenty-fourth part of a day. 
Over, prep, o'vér. Across; from side to 
side; above; past. 
Oltre; sopra; al di sopra; da un capo 
all’ altro. 
Sur; au-dessus; de l’autre cété. 
Hover, vi, ho'vér. To wander about 
from place to place. 
Ronzare ; svolazzare. 
Voltiger; voler; rester en suspens. 
Overall, x, 6-vér-al’. A loose over-dress; 
an overcoat. ᾽ 
Overhaul, vt, ovér-hal’. To examine 
again, as accounts; to inspect. 
Esaminare ; raggiungere; ispezionare. 
Etendre ; examiner une seconde fois. 
Overdo, vi, d-vér-dé’. To do too much; 
to exaggerate. 

Far troppo; eccedere; esagerare. 
Faire trop; faire plus qu’il ne faut. 
Overdue, a, o'vér-di. Past the time of 

payment; due beyond the proper 
Scaduto da tempo. 
Echu depuis longtemps. 
Overhear, vi, 6-vér-hér’. To hear by 
accident what was not intended. 
Udire (per caso) senz’ esser osservato. 
Entendre sans étre apergu; entendre 
quoique loin, entreouir. 
Over-here, adv, 6-vér'-hér. On _ this 
side; in this place. 

ts WEL eats ait 

= Overtask, 

r - 4 
E > _ 

| Overtax, vt, o-ver-taks. 

Ho! interj, ho. 

βῆ Κ᾽. ἕω 
ri Peed el 

ares Ν᾿ 


Da neat parte; di questa parte; in 
questo luogo; qui; qua. 
De ce cété; ; ici. 

ae ‘i ice al ὦ, O'vér-sé. Beyond the sea; 

Al ai 1a del mare ; all’ estero. 
D’outre mer. 

Oversee, vt, -vér-sé’. To superintend. 
Sopraintendere; sorvegliare. 

vt, d-ver-task’. To task too 
heavily, beyond one’s power. 

Imporre un lavoro troppo forte. 

Donner une tiche trop forte. 

To tax too 

Tassare troppo; angariare. 

_ Accabler d’impéts. 

Owe, vt, 6. To be indebted to; to be 
obliged for. 

Dovere; essere debitore di. 
Devoir; étre débiteur de. 

O, letter 6. A letter of the alphabet. 
"Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 

Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

A call to excite atten- 
tion, or to give notice of approach ; 
stop ! 

Oh! Ohe! Ola! 

Ho! Hola! 

Hoe,n, hd. An instrument for heaving 
or cutting up weeds, and loosening 
the earth. 

Zappa; vanga. 
Houe; instrument aratoire. 

Oh ! interj, 5. Denoting surprise, pain, 
sorrow, or anxiety 
Oh! O! Ah! 
Oh! Ah! Hélas! Ouf! Aie! 

Owes, vt, dz, Verb To owe; 8rd pers. 
sing. ind. mood pres. tense. 

Pack, vt, pak. To put together and | 

bind fast. 

Impacchetitare ; imballare. 

Empaquetter ; emballer. 

Back, n, bak. The hinder part of a 

thing ; ; the hinder part of the body 
of man, animals, &c 

Dorso; tergo; schiena. 

Le dos; le derriare. 

—— vt, bak. To get on the back of; to Package, 7, pak’s aj. 


Verbo To owe; 3* pers. sing. ind. pres. : 
Dovere ; egli deve. 

Verbe To owe; 3° pers. sing. ind. prés. : 
Devoir ; il doit. 

Hoes, npl, hoz. Instruments for hewing 
or cutting up weeds. 

Zappe; vanghe. 
Houes, instruments aratoires. 

Hose, n, hdz. A covering for the thighs, 
legs or feet ; stockings. 

Ghette ; calzette. 
Chaussure ; bas. 

Owl, », oul. A bird that howls or hoots 

at night. 

Civetta ; barbagianni. 

Hibou ; chat-huant; chouette. 

Howl, vi, μου]. To cry as a dog or a wolf. 

Ululare ; ; gridare come il cane o il 

Hurler; aboyer, comme le chien ou le 

Own, α, ὅπ. Possessed; belonging to; 
peculiar; usually expressing pro- 
perty with emphasis. 

Proprio ; posseduto. 
Sien ; propre. 

On, prep, on. Being in contact with the 

upper surface of a thing. 
Su; sopra. 

Awn,n, an. A scale or husk; the beard 
of corn or grass. 

Loppa; resta; barba delle spighe. 
Barbe ou filets de Pépi. 

Hone, n, hon. A stone of a fine grit 
used for sharpening edged instru- 

Cote; pietra per affilare strumenti 
taglienti o di taglio. 

Queux; une pierre pour affiler les 
couteaux, rasoirs, &c. 

mount; to support; to cause to 
Montare ; saltare in sella; far la 

Monter; dresser un cheval. 

Back, adv, bak. To the place left; be- 

hind; in former state. 
Indietro; di ritorno. 
En arriére ; en retour ; revenir. 
A bundle or bale. 



Pacchetto; pacco; collo. 
Paquet ; petit colis. 
Baggage, n, bag’’ aj. Luggage; travelling 
_ necessaries. 
Bagage; équipage de guerre ou de 

Packed, pa, pack’d. Particip. adj. verb 
To pack. 
Agg. partecip. verbo To pack (avvol- 
gere): Avvolto; impacchettato. 

~~ ΑΒ]. part. du verbe To pack: Empa- 

quetter; empaquetté. 
Packet, n, pa'ket. A small pack or pack- 
age ; a mail boat. 
Piccolo involto o pacco ; un bastimento 
che trasporta la valigia. 
Paquet; petit paquet; bateau postal. 
Pact,n, pakt. An agreement or cove- 
nant; something fixed. 
Patto; accordo. 
Pacte; convention ; contrat. 

Backed, pp, bak’d. Pp. verb To 


Pp. del verbo To back: Montare in 
sella, &c.; montato in sella. 

Pp. du verbe To back: Monter ἃ 
cheval, &c.; monté ἃ cheval. 

Bagged, pp, bag'd. Pp. verb To bag. 
Pp. verbo To bag: Insaccare; insac- 

Pp. verbe To bag: Mettre dans un 
sac; mis dans un sac. 

Packer, ”, pak’ér. One who packs. 
Emballeur. : 

Backer, n, bak'ér. One who backs or 

supports another in a contest. 
Colui che seconda o appoggia. 
Appuyeur ; secondeur. 

Baker, n, bak'ér. One who bakes. 


ἜΝ; pn, pak'ing. Pn. from To 

ΤΩ ἂν To pack: Impacchettare ; im- 
ballare; l’ imballare, &c. 
Pn. de To pack; impaquetter; em- 
baller; l’action d’emballer, &c. 

Backing, ppr, bak'in. Ppr. verb To 


Ppr. verbo To back: Montando in 
sella; montando a cavallo, ὅσο. 
‘Ppr. verbe To back; Monter a cheval ; 

montant ἃ cheval, &c. 
Baking, pn, bak'ing. Pn. from To 



re “a " rwe Ὁ 
" “ime 

Pn. da To bake: Cuocere al forno ;_ a 

l’ azione di cuocere al forno. 
Pn. de To bake: Cuire au four; l’action 
de cuire au four. 

Pad, , pad. A soft saddle, cushion, or | 4a 

bolster stuffed with straw, &c.; an 
easy-paced horse. 

Sella imbottita; cuscinetto ; cavallo 
portante ; ladro di strada. 

Coussin; espéce deselle molle; cheval 
qui va dl’amble; voleur. . 

Pat, n, pat. A light quick stroke with 

the finger or hand. 

Colpettino; scappezzone; toccatina: 

Frapper légérement; une petite tape ; 

un petit coup de main. 
Path, n, path. A way beaten or trodden 
by the feet of man or beast. 
Sentier ; chemin étroit. 
Bad, a, bad. Hurtful; 
injurious ; not good. 
Cattivo; male; malvagio. 
Mauvais; méchant; malheureux. 
Bat, n, bat. A stick ‘used to strike the 
ball in the game, cricket ; an animal 

with wings having the body of a 

Maglio pel giuoco di cricket ; 
strello; nottola. 

Chauve souris; biton; mail; massue; 
battoir pour le jeu au cricket. 
Paddle, vi, pad’l. To beat the water as 

with oars; to finger; to touch or 
handle gently. 

Remare colla pagaia. 

Ramer avec des pagaies; pagayer. 

Poodle, n, po'dl. A small dog, resembling 
the water dog. 

Piccolo cane barbino. 
Petit chien barbet. 

Puddle, n, pud'l. A small pool of dirty 
water ; a mixture of clay and sand 
worked together until they are im- 
pervious to water. 

Mare ; amas d’eau croupissante. 

Battle, n, bat'l. Encounter of two 
armies ; an engagement ; a combat. 

Bataille; combat. 

Painful, adv, pan’ful. Giving pain or 

distress to the mind or body. 
Pénible ; affligeant. : 

Baneful, a, ban'ful. Pernicious; pol- 
sonous; destructive. 



destructive ; — 

σέων ailaie 

δον ὁ LAR as ae a ea σου στο ec es paceman re 

ἜΝ Ce ce ee Υ ΤῊ ΤῊ Ὑ 

Pear, n, p 

fas yap χᾶλι:: . 
ἣν ΡΒ ge Ὁ ΨΗ ΕΝ 7 
Ε ἔν. ΨΥ 


τ Restifero ; funesto. 
ε Yenimeux ; funeste; destructif. 

ia - Pair, 7, par. Two things of a kind, 

similar in form; a couple; a 



— Pair 
Pare, ᾿ξ pir. To trim by cutting; to 

shave off with a sharp instrument ; 
to cut off as the superficial sub. 
stance of a thing. 
; eee tei a ep 
er tter; peler 
τὰ othe well-known fruit of a 
wee, having a sweet delicious taste. 
Palace, n, pa'las. A splendid place of 
residence; a residence for sove- 

- Palish, a, pal'ish. Somewhat pale. 
‘Pallidetto; alquanto pallido. 
Un peu pile; lafard. 

Palate, n, pa ἧχι. The roof or upper 
part of the mouth; taste; mental 

Palato della bocca. 
Palais; partie supérieure du dedans 

. de la bouche. 

Palette, n, pa'let. A little oval board 

on which the painter places the 

τ colours to be used. 
Tavolozza o tavoletta sulla quale 
i pittori dispongono i colori. 
Planchette mince pour les couleurs. 

Pallet, n, pa'let. A small bed of chaff 

or straw ; a rude bed. 
Letticiuolo; lettaccio. 
Petit lit; maéuvais lit. 

Palliate, vt, pa'li-at. To cover, as with 
excuse, with a mantle, &c.; to 
mitigate; to alleviate; to abate. 

Palliare; ammantare ; mitigare ; 
Pallier ; excuser ; adoucir; guérir ἃ 

Pallid, a, pal'id. Pale; wan. 
Pallido ; smorto. 
Pale; bléme; décoloré. 
Pale, a, pal. Whitish ; wan; not ruddy; 
of a faint lustre; dim. 
Pale; bléme; décoloré. 
Pail, n, pal. An open vessel of wood, 
tin, &c., used for carrying water. 


Pall, », pal. A mantle of state, of an 
archbishop, &c.; cloth thrown over 
a dead body at funerals. 
Manto di parata; palio da arcivescovo ; 
panno da morto. 
Manteau de cérémonie ; 
Paul, n, pal. A Christian name for a 
Paul, n, pal. A short bar of iron or 
wood fixed close to the capstan or 
windlass of a ship. 
Leva dell’ argano d’ un bastimento. 
Linguet ; cliquet. 
Pole, n, pol. A tall piece of timber 
erected ; a measure of length; one 
of the extremities of the earth’s 
axis. — 
Palo; polo. 
Pole; l’extrémité de l’axe de la terre; 
trone d’arbre planté. 
Poill,n, pol. The back part of the head; 
a register for the entry of names, 
as of electors, &c. 
Occipite; lista degli elettori. 
La liste des votants; réle; téte. 
| Palm, ἢ, piim. The inner part of the 
open hand; a tree having branches 
or leaves expanding like the open 
Palma, palmizio; palma della mano. 
Palmier; la paume de la main. 
Balm, n, biim. Balsam. 
Pam, n, pam. The knave of clubs. 
Fante di fiori. 
Le valet de tréfle. 
Pan, », pan. A vessel broad and shal- 
low, in which provisions are dressed. 
Padella; terrina. 
Poéle; poélon. 
Pang, n, pang. A sharp and sudden 
pain; anguish; throe; suffering. 
Angoscia; estremo dolore. 
Angoisse ; transe ; vive douleur. 
Ban, n, ban. <A public proclamation 
issued by one in authority; inter- 
| : diction; curse. 

un drap 

Bando; proclama; scomunica. 
Ban; proclamation ; malédiction. 
_ Bang, vt, bang. To thump; to handle 
roughly; to treat with violence. 



Battere; trambussare. 
Rosser ; maltraiter. 

Pander, », pan’dér. A pimp; a pro- 

curer for the lust of others. 
Ruffiano; mezzano. 

Panther, n, pan'thér. A spotted fero- 
cious animal, otherwise called the 


~___ Banter, vt, ban'tér. To joke or. jest 

with ; to play upon; to rally. 
Beffare ; burlare; dar la baia. 
Raillerie ; se moquer de ; plaisanter. 

Pane, n, pan. piece or square of 
glass; a piece of anything in 
variegated works. 

Lastra di vetro, &c. 
Carreau de vitre. 

Pain, n, pan. Physical suffering; un- 

easiness of mind. 
Peine; douleur. 

Pant, vi, pant. To palpitate; to long; 
to desire ardently. 

Anelare; ansare; palpitare. 
Palpiter; battre (en parlant du coeur). 

Band, n, band. That which binds; a 
body of musicians. 

Banda; legame; truppa musicale. 
Bande; lien; troupe de musiciens. 

Parish, », pa/rish. An ecclesiastical 
division of a town; a circuit of 
ground committed to the charge of 
a Christian minister. 


Perish, vi, pe'rish. To die; to lose 
life in any manner; to waste 

Perire; morire. 
Périr; mourir. 

Park, n, park. A piece of ground en- 

: closed, for the chase or other 

Parc; enclos d’une certaine étendue, 
pour la chasse, &c. 

Bark, n, bark. A small ship; (vz) to 
make the noise of dogs when they 
threaten or pursue; to clamour at. 

Un piccolo veliere; (vi) abbaiare; 
scorzare (alberi). 

Un petit voilier; écorce; (vt) aboyer ; 

Barque, n, biirk. A ship which carries 



three masts, with a mizzen top- 
sail. ee 

Un veliere a tre alberi. 
Un voilier 4 trois mats. 

Parley, vi, piir'lé. To confer or discuss 
orally ; 

Conferire ; parlamentare (col nemico). 
Conférer ; parlementer. 
Barley, n, biar'lé. 

for forage, &c. 
Una specie di grano; orzo. 
Parol, m, pa’rol. 
mouth ; pleading in a suit. 
Parola ; il discutere in una causa. 
Parole; plaidoirie. 
Parole, n, parol. 
released prisoner of war; a word 
given out every day by 8 command- 
ing officer. 
Parola (di prigioniero di 
parola d’ ordine del giorno (milit.). 
Parole (d’un prisonnier de guerre) ; 
parole d’ordre (milit.). 
Parson, , par’sn. One that has the 

parochial charge or care of souls; — 

a clergyman. 

Ministro d’ una parocchia; curato. 
Curé; prétre ou ministre de l’église. 
Person, mn, per’son. An _ individual, 

human being. 
Persona; individuo. 
Une personne. . 

Pass, vi, piss. To proceed from one 
place to another ; to undergo, &c. 


Bass, n, biis. A hassock or mat made 
of the inner bark of the linden 
trees, &c.; the base in music. 

Stuoia di giunchi ; basso (cantante). 
Une natte d’église; grave; bas 
Passed, pa, past. From the verb To 
Passa (il). 
Past, pa, past. 
Tl passato. 
Le passé. 

Bast, n, bast. 

Fune o stoia fatta di tiglio. 
Corde, cable ou natte faite de tilleul. 

Bust, n, bust. The chest and thorax; 

From the verb To pass. 

A rope or mat made of 

to confer, as with an 

A species of grain — 
used especially for making malt, 

A word; words of — 

guerra) 5 

in Rai Eh i ella erie Sela Beeb, 

A word given by a 1 


Buste; représentation d’une personne 
jusqu’a l’extrémité de l’estomac. 
Rests, Ἂν ist. Dough to be made into 

or food. 


_ Pate pour faire du pain, &c. 

_ Baste, vt, bast. To drip fat or butter, 
as on meat while roasting; to sew 

Seriare Ἰ arrosto; imbastire. 

-Aroser le réti; faufiler. 

a m, pas'tor. A shepherd or 
~ herdsman; a minister of the gos- 
pel; a clergyman. 

Pastore, di gregge; 

ο΄ chiesa; curato, &c. 

Pasteur; ministre ; berger. 

Pasture, n, pas'tir. A ground covered 
with grass to be eaten on the spot 
by cattle, horses, &c. 

-Pastura; pascolo. 

Pature; pacage; nourriture. 

Patch, », pach. A piece of cloth sewed 
on a garment to repair it; a knave; 
& rogue. 

Pezza; toppa; birbante. 

“Morceau ; mouche ou petit ornement 
noir sur la figure; un morceau de 
drap pour rapiéceter. 

Batch, n, bach. The quantity of bread 

baked at one time. 
Infornata (di pane). 
Fournée de pain, &c. 
Path, , pith. A way beaten or trodden 
by the feet of man or beast. 
Sentier; chemin; route. 
Bath, n, bith. Place to bathe in. 

Patience, », pa’shi-ens. The sufferance 
of afflictions with a calm unruffied 
temper; endurance. 


Patients, a, pa'shi-ents. A sick person or 
persons under medical treatment; 
those who expect without discon- 

Pazienti ; Sofferenti; ammalati. 
Patients; ceux qui recoivent l’impres- 
_ sion d’un agent physique; malades. 

Patten, , pat’ten. A wooden shoe with 

an iron ring. 

ministro della 

| gti. Ἔα ὙῪ tee ἢ bt ei Wie νον υὐλνλχϑλνοι on 


the figure of a person in relief from Zoccolo. 
the waist upwards. Sabot; sandale. 
Busto. . Baton, n, bi-tong. A truncheon; a 

marshall’s staff; a badge of honour 
or office. 

Bastone ; bacchetta ; bastone da 

Baton; tricot; baton de maréchal, 

Batten, n, bat'n. A piece of wood from 
1 to 7 inches broad and from 1 to 
24 inches thick. 

Tavoletta sottile; assicella. 

Petite planche. 

Patter, vi, pat’tér. To strike as falling 
drops of water or hail with a quick 
succession of small sounds. . 

Strepitare come fa la pioggia o gran- 
dine, &c., contro i vetri. 

Piétiner ; trépigner. 

Batter, vt, bat'tér. A mixture of several 
ingredients, beaten together with 
some liquid. 

Intridire con uova, farina, &c. ; battere ; 

Mélanger différents ingrédients en- 
semble, comme des ceufs, Kc. ; 

Butter, n, but'tér. An oily substance 
made from cream or milk by 



Pause, ”, piz. A temporary stop or 



Paws, n, paz. The foot or the feet of 
beasts of prey having claws. 

Zampe aventi granfie; zampe. 

Pattes; griffes. 

Pose, vt, poz. To set; to interrogate 
Posare; interrogare o far delle do- 
mande difficili. 

Embarrasser; interroger ou faire des 
interrogations difficiles. 
P, letter, pé. A letter of the alphabet. 
Una delle lettere dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Pea,n, pé. A plant and its fruit much 
cultivated for food. 

Peace, , pes. A state of quiet and 
tranquillity; freedom from war. 




Peas, , péz. Plural of Pea, said for two 
or more individual seeds. 

Plurale di Pea (Pisello), parlando di 
qualche pisello. 

Pluriel de Pea (Pois), en parlant de 
quelque pois. 

Pease, n, péz. An indefinite number of 
peas or seeds, in quantity or bulk. 

Piselli in quantita. 
Des pois en grande quantité. 

Piece, n, pés. fragment; a piece 
of anything separated from the 

Pezzo; frammento; pezza. 

Piace; morceau. 

Peach, m, péch. A well-known tree and 

its fruit. 
Pesca; persica. 
Péche (fruit de pécher). 

Beach, n, béch. The shore of the sea; 
the strand. 

Lido; spiaggia; riva. 
Rivag e. 

Beech, n, béch. A tree which produces 

mast and nuts. 
Faggio (albero). 

Peak, nm, pék. A point; the end of 
anything. that terminates with a 

Sommita ; cima 5 punta. 
Pic; sommet; cime. 

Peek, vi, pék. To peep; to look slyly 
or through a crevice, or with the 
eyes half closed. 

Adocchiare di nascosto. 
Regarder ἃ la dérobée. 

Pick, vt, pik. To strike at with any- 
‘thing pointed, with the beak, &c. ; 
to pull off with the teeth or ‘pluck 
with the fingers. 

Beccare; scegliere; raccattare ; rosic- 
Choisir; glaner; ronger (un os). 

Pig, n, pig. A young sow or boar; an 
oblong mass of unforged iron, lead, 
or other metal. 

Porchetto; un pane di piombo. 
Cochon; petit cochon; une masse de 

Pique, n, pék. <A puncture; irritation ; 
usually light anger; punctilio. 

Picca; puntiglio ; puntura. 
Pique; petite querelle; brouillerie. 

Peal, », pel. A loud sound ; usually a 
succession of loud sounds, as of 
bells, thunder, &c. 


Scampanata ; ων, χὰ 
baccarat carillon ; retentir ἃ grand _ 
Peel, vt, pél. To skin; to strip by 
drawing off the skin of; to flay; 
to remove as the bark or rind. 
Scorzare; scortecciare. 
Peler ; éter la peau. 
Peat, γ᾽, pét. A substance of vegetable 

origin, always found more or less 

saturated with water. 
Tourbe; terre combustible. 
Beat, vt, bét. To strike with repeated 
‘plows : to throb; (7) a pulsation. 
Renee 3 dar percosse; () polsa- 

Battre; sg Ῥοξ ας (n) pulsation. 

Beet, n, ‘bet. sweet succulent root, 
much used as vegetable and for 
making sugar. : 


Peck, vt, pek. To strike with the beak; 
to thrust the beak into; to pick 
up food &c. with the beak. 

Beccare o dar beccate; raccogliere | 

col becco. 
Becqueter ; donner des coups de bec. 
Peg,n, peg. A small pointed piece of 
wood, used in fastening boards, 
tents, &c. 
Cavicchia; caviglia. 
Cheville ; ‘fichoir. 
Beck, n, bek. A nod; a sign with the 
‘hand or head. 
Segno o cenno che si fa oma mano Ὁ 
la testa. 
Signe; signe de téte. 

Beg, vt, beg. To ask in charity ; to sk al 

Mendicare ; chiedere limosina, &c. 
Mendier ; vivre d’auméne; demander; 


Pedal, a, péd’al. Pertaining to a foot; 
a contrivance attached to the piano- 
forte, acted upon by the foot to 
modify its tone. 

Pedale (di cembalo, organo, &c.); del 
Pédale (de piano, &c.). 

Peddle, vi, ped'l. To travel about the 
country on foot and sell small 

Far il merciaiuolo girovago. 
Faire le marchand ambulant. 
Peer, vi, per. An equal; one of the 


Sain Ie Ts 
“ἢ 7 " ᾽ν» 
“oe ς 

same rank; an associate; ἃ noble- 
man, who is entitled to a seat in 
s the House of Lords. 

ο΄ Eguale; pari; nobile; membro della 
camera dei Lordi. 

_ Pair; égal; membre de la chambre des 
Σὲ; Lords. 

Pier, n, pér. A mole projecting into the 
q sea; a landing place. 

Molo; scalo. 

᾿ς La jetée d’un port. 

Pell, », pel. A skin or hide; a roll of 
7 parchment. 

= -Una pelle; cuojo. 

Une peau. 

Bell, n,bel. That which peals; a hollow 


‘body of cast iron, used by giving 
sounds by being struck. 


- Campana; campanello. 

ο΄ Cloche. 

᾿ς Belle,n, bel. A fine young lady; a lady 
-____ of superior beauty. 

Bellezza (parlando di giovane donna). 
Une belle; une élégante. 

Pelt, vt, pelt. To strike with pellets or 
Ε-- with something thrown or driven. 
_ ‘irare; lanciare sopra (sassi, pallot- 
4 tole, &c.). ὁ 

Jeter; lancer; jeter des pierres ἃ la 
x tdte de quelqu’un. 

Belt, n, belt. A leathern girdle; a 
3 bandage. 

ο΄ Cinturino; pendaglio. 

_ Ceinturon ; bandouliére. 

_ Pence, », pens. Plural of Penny. 

_ Plurale di Penny (soldo inglese) : 

Pluriel de Penny (le sou anglais): 

writing, prepared from a feather or 
made of steel, &c. 


᾿ς Plumes. 

᾿ς Penszil, », pen’sil. An instrument formed 
of black-lead, or of other colour, 
used for drawing. 

Mattita; lapis. 

Pensile, a, pen'sil. Hanging; 

ported above the ground. 
Pensile; penzolone ; pendente. 
Suspendu; pendant. 

Pendant, n, pen’dant. An ornament or 
jewel hanging at the ear; a narrow 
— of bunting worn at the mast- 

eads of vessels of war. 

Pe ee) eS Re Pe! ΟΣ eee ee ee ΨΨαΣ 



Pens, mpl, penz. An instrument for | 


Pendente; orecchino ; 
navi da guerra. 
Pendant; flamme ; banderole (marit.) 
Pendent, a, pen'dent. Hanging; sus- 
pended ; jutting over; projecting. 
Pendente ; che sta penzolone; sospeso, 
eee suspendu; avancant; dé- 

pennone da 

Pent, pa, pent. Shut up; closely con- 

Rinchiuso; chiuso ; rinserrato. 
Renfermé; serré. 
Pend,t vi, pend. To hang; to be un- 
Pendere ; essere indeciso. 
Pendre ; étre indécis. 
Bend, vt, bend. To crook by straining, 
as a bow; tocurve; tosubdue. ᾿ 
Piegare ; curvare. 
Plier; courber. 
Bent, pp, bent. Prone to or having a 
xed propensity towards; deter- 
Piega ; inclinazione; propensione. 
Détermination ; disposition ; tendance. 
Perceptible, a, per-sep’ti-bl. That may 
be perceived ; that may be known 
or conceived of. 
Percettibile ; visibile. 
Perceptible ; visible. 

Precipitable, a, pré-si'pi-ta-bl. That 
may be precipitated. 
Precipitabile ; soggetto a precipitare. 
eril, τ, pe’ril. Trial; risk; hazard ; 
Péril; danger; risque. 
Beryl, n, be'ril. A brilliant mineral of 

great hardness. 
Berillo (gemma preziosa). 
Beril; pierre précieuse. 

Persecution, », pér-sé’-kii’shon. 

of being persecuted. 

Prosecution, n, pro-sé-kii'shon. Pursuit 
by efforts of body or mind; the 
carrying on of a law-suit. 

Prosecuzione; proseguimento; accusa; 
Poursuite ou poursuites; procédure. 

Peter, , pée’tér. A Christian name for 
a person (male). 

Petre, n, pe'tér. 



Saltpetre ; a chemical 

Phonics, n, fon’iks. 


salt which usually exudes from 

rocks, walls, &e 
Pharo, », faro. A lighthouse. 
Fanale, guida pei naviganti. 
Phare ; fanal. 

Faro, n, firo. <A sea-port in Portu- 
gal; extremity of the island of 

Un porto di mare in Portogallo; 
estremita della Sicilia. 

Un port de mer en Portugal; cap de 
1116 de la Sicile. 

Farrow, n, fa'rd. A little pig or litter 
of pigs. 

Un piccolo porco o nidata di por- 
ἀρῶ eosham cochonnée ; portée d’une 

Phial. We δ]. A small glass vessel 
used for holding liquors and medi- 

Fiala; boccetta; boccettina ; ampolla. 
Fiole; petite bouteille. 
Vial, n, vi'al. The same as Phial. 
L’ istessa cosa di Phial. 
Voir Phial. 

Viol, n, vi'ol. An ancient musical in- 
strument of the same form as the 

Uno strumento antico come un vio- 
lino; viola. 

Viole ; instrument de musique comme 
le vio 

Philip, 7, fil/lip. A Christian name of a 


Fillip, ‘vt, fillip. To strike with the 
nail of the finger, forced with the 
thumb, with a sudden spring. 

(Colpo col dito) Buffetto; biscottino. 
Petit coup de doigt sur la figure; 

Phenix or Phenix, 7, fe'niks. The 
fabulous bird, which is said to 
exist single, and to rise again from 
its own ashes. 


The doctrine and 
science of sounds, especially of the 
human voice. 

Fonica; la scienza dei suoni. 

Phonique ; science des sons; acous- 



Phrase, m, fraz. A mode of speech — 
peculiar to a language; an idiom; ~ 

Frase; locuzione; dizione. 
Phrase ; réunion de mots formant 0 
sens "complet. 

Fraise, n, fraz. Fold; plait; pucker; ¥ 
wrinkle. 4a 

Crespa; palizzata (fort. ). 
Fraise; rang de pieux. ἮΝ 

Frays, n, fraz. Affrays; combats ; con 

tests; contestations. 2 
Risse ; contese ; zuffe ; baruffe. 
Combats ; ; querelles, os 

Pick, vi, pik. To puncture; to pull | 
‘with teeth or pluck with the | 
— to separate by the hand, 

Beceare; scegliere; raccattare ; ro-— 
sicchiare. ὃ. 
Piquer; percer; choisir; éplucher; 
ramasser; ronger ἃ petit a petit. 
Pig, n, pig. A young sow or boar. 
Porcellino ; porchetto. 
Un jeune cochon. 
Big, a, big. Large; bulky. 
Grande; grosso. 
Gros; grand. | 
Bigg, n, big. A variety of winter barley | 
having six rows of grain. ae 
Una qualita di orzo che produce sei — 
file di grano per ogni spiga. 4 
Une qualité d’orge d’hiver. i 
Picker, 7, pik’ér. He that punctures, — 
pulls off with the teeth, or plucks 
with the fingers; he that separates 
by the hand. 
Chi punge col becco o raccoglie, sce- 
glie &c. ; rosicchia. 
Un pic; une pioche; celui qui choi- © 
sit ou qui cueille ; celui quii® 

Bicker, vi, bik'ér. To fight off and on; — 
to quarrel ; to scold. 3 
Rissare; contrastare. 
Escarmoucher; s’escarmoucher. 
Bigger, adj, big'ér. Larger; 
Pid grande; pit grosso. 
ΤῸΝ Aimy ou plus gros et volu- 

Poe ὙΠ 

more | 

Pilate, a ee at. Pontius Pilate, the © 
governor of Judea, who ordered 
Christ to be crucified. 

Ponzio Pilato. 
Ponce Pilate. 

Pilot, n, pi'lot. One whose office is to — 



Ba ii iS sal 

ΕΞ n, ἘΠΊ. 


vara a pa 
3 ~ Pilote; ; celui qui dirige un navire. 
i ‘Pillow, m, pil'lé. A cushion stuffed with 
Ἢ feathers, wool, &c., to support the 
head of a person. 

- Origliere ; cuscino. 
Oreiller ; coussin. 
A great wave of the 
sea, swelling and raging. 
Onda; flutto; cavallone. 
Vague; flot. 
Pinnacle, m, pin’a-kl. A high-spiring 
point; a slender turret or a part of 
a building elevated above the main 
Pinnacolo; colmo; acma. 
Pinacle ; sommet, 
Binnacle, n, bin'a-kl. A case in which 
a ship’ 8 compass is kept. 
Seatola ove si rinchiude la bussola 
d’un bastimento. 
Habitacle; armoire ot |’on renferme 
la boussole. 
hd m, pip. <A ahisping, as of a 
chicken ; a disease of fowls; a spot 
on cards; the seed of an orange, 
apple, &e. 
Tl piare o pigolare dei pulcini; pipita, 
malattia dei polli; seme di aranci, 

pomi, &e. 
Maladie de poules ; point sur les cartes ; 

‘ pé 
pt, N, Pe A small piece of cloth worn 

by infants over the breast, to drink 
in the liquid flowing from the 
- mouth. 
Bavaglino, pei bimbi. 

- Pistil, γι, pis'tl.” The seed-bearing organ 

_ Pistol, n, pis’-tol. 

: putes, 

of a flower. 

Pistillo (bot.). 

Pistil (bot.). 

A small firearm or 



pis’tol. A gold coin of Spain, 

about sixteen shillings ster- 

Poke anak di oro spagnuola. 
Pistole ; espéce de monnaie espagnole. 

Pit, m, pit. A hole in the earth; a deep 

place; an abyss. 
Fossa; fosso ; abisso. 
Fosse ; creux} abime. 



Pith, n, pith. Marrow; the soft, spongy 
substance in the centre of lants 
and trees; strength or force ; 

Succo (di pianta); midollo (di osso). 
Moelle; substance spongi¢use des 

Pitch, », pich. The resinous juice of 
the pine-tree, and of other fir-trees ; 
a thick black substance obtained 
from tar. 

Pece; catrame. 
Poix ; oudron. 

Bitch, n, bich. The female of the dog 



Chienne; femelle du chien. 

Pity, , pi'ti. Sympathy; compassion, 
accompanied by some act of be- 

Pieta; compassione. 
Pitié ; compassion. 

Pithy, a, pith'i. Abounding with pith; 

containing concentrated force. 
Pieno di succo o di midollo. 
Moelleux ; fort; vigoureux. 

Placard, n, pla-kird’, A flat piece of 
metal or wood, or a written, printed> 
paper, stuck up against a wall, 
intended to censure, &c. 

Cartellone; cartello; affisso. 
Placard ; affiche ; pancarte. 

Blackguard, nm, blak’-gird. A mean, 
vile, scurrilous fellow. 

Briccone; vile; canaglia. 
Polisson ; goujat. 

Place, », plas. A wide street or square ; 
any portion of space; locality ; 

Luogo; posto; spazio; sito. 
Place; lieu; endroit. 

Plaice, n, plas. A salt-water fish, allied 

to the flounder, but larger. 
Passera (pesce) ; passerina. 
Plie; poisson plat. 
Plaid, x, plad. A blanket; a loose outer 
garment used by the Highlanders. 
Ciarpa dei montanari scozzesi. 
Serge bigarrée dont s’habillent les 
montagnards écossais. 
Plait, vt, plat. To fold; to braid hair, 

straw, &c.; to ‘interweave, as 

Increspare ; pieghettare; intrecciare i 
ca : 

Plisser ; faire des plis; tresser les 

K 2 

Pla ; 

Plate, γυν, plat. Something flat; a shal- 
low dish; gold and silver household 

Lastra ; lamina; vasellame ; ; argente- 
ria ; piatto da tavola. 
Assiette ; vaisselle en argent. 

Played, pp, plad. Verb To play. 



Plaintiff, », plant’if. The party who com- 
mences a suit before the tribunal. 

(Legge) Attore; querelante. 

Plaintive, a, plant'iv. Complaining ; 
repining ; expressive of sorrow} 
mournful; sad. 

Dolente ; gemebondo. 
Plaintif; qui se plaint. . 

Plaister, 7, plas’tér. A composition of 
lime, water, and sand used for 
coating walls. 

Calcina; stucco ; intonaco; impiastro. 
Platre ; ciment; emplatre. 

Plaster, n, plas'tér. The same as 

L’ istesso come Plaister. 
Voir Plaister. 

Plane, a, plan. Even; plain; Without 
elevations or depressions. 

Piano; superficie piana; pialla; piano 

Plane; superficie plane ; rabot. 
Plain, a, plan. Even; level; not rough; 
open; clear; void of beauty. 
Piano; liscio;. eguale; evidente ; 

chiaro ; non bello. 
Plaine; étendue de terrain uni; pas 
- beau. 

Plantain, , plan’tan. A plant, the 
leaves of which resemble the sole 
of the foot. 


Planting, pn, plant’ing. Setting in the 
ground for propagation, as seeds, 
shrubs, trees, &c. 

Piantare, alberi, ὅσο. 
L’acte de planter arbres, &c. 

Plead, vi, pled. To argue or reason in 
support of a claim. 

Litigare; discutere in tribunale. 
Plaider; discuter. 

Bleat, vi, blét. To cry as a sheep. 
Belare come le pecore. 
Béler comme les brebis. 

Bleed, vi, bléd. To lose blood; to draw 

\ 182 


‘Plod, vi, plod. 

Perdere sangue; sanguinare; 
Saigner; répandre son sang. 

Pleas, npl, pléz. That which is allel 
by a party in support of his 
mand; a-cause in court. 

Difesa (in tribunale); perorare. 
Plaidoiries. 3 
Please, vt, pléz. To be agreeable to; to 
gratify ; to content. ἜΝ 
Piacere ad altri; far contentare ; ess 
Plaire 4; donner du plaisir. © 

To move onward; 
‘travel laboriously ; to work slow 
and with continued effort. Ξ: 

Camminare con fatica; inoltrarsi 
Travailler; se donner de la peine. 

Plot, n, plot. A plot or small extent of — 
ground; any complicated scheme ~ 
for the accomplishment of mis- - 
chief. — 

Pezzo di terra; parcella di terreno; 
complotto ; trama. 

-Morceau de terre; ; complot; projets 
dessein ; conspiration. 

Pluck, vé, pluk. To pull with suddonls 
force or effect; to strip by plaka 

Strappare ; carpire; svellere. 
Arracher ; tirer de force. 

Plug, n, plug. A stopple; any piece of 
wood or other substance to stop a 
hole. | 

Turacciolo ; zaffo; cavicchio; tappo. 
-Bouchon ; cheville ; tampon. 
Plum, 7, plum. A prune. 
Susina; prugna. 

Plumb, n, plum. A mass of lead, 
attached to a line, and used to 
ascertain the gg meee posi- — 
tion of buildings, & 

Piombino ; piombo ide muratori). 
Plomb; niveau; sonde. 

Plume, n, plim. The feather of a bird; 
an ostrich’s feather; token of | 

Piumino (ornamento per cappellingy ἢ 
pennacchio ; onore; gloria. 

Plume d’oiseau ; plumet ; panache ; 
orgueil. = 
Plump, a, plump. Fat; round; in- | 
creased; full; downright; unre- | 

Pienotto ; paffuto ; grassotto ; tondo. — 
Dodu; potelé ; ; gras; rondelet, 

rele t bey 

Plunder, vt, plun’dér. To rob in a 
_ hostile manner. 
_ Depredare ; rubare ; saccheggiare, 

Pillage ; butin ; spoliation. 

βίαν vi, blun’dér. To be confused ; 

to err stupidly ; to stumble. 

_ Sbagliare ; elas pigliar un granchio. 
- Se tromper lourdement; agir étourdi- 


“Plush m, plush. A species of shaggy 
cloth, with a velvet nap on one 

side resembling small hair. 
_ Filpa; peluzzo (drappo peloso come il 

2 Peluche ; panne. 

2 ges vi, blush. To redden with shame 
or confusion. 

. Arrossire; divenire o farsi rosso, dalla 

vergogna, We. 

᾿ Rougir; étre confus ou honteux. 

- Pod, nN, pod. The pericarp or seed- 
vessel of certain plants, as peas, 
beans, mustard, &c. 

‘Bacello; guscio; scorza. 

— Cosse; écale. 

_ Pot, N, pot. A drinking cup or mug; a 

vessel made of earth or metal, used 

for domestic purposes. 

Vaso; pentola ; boccale. 

Pot; vase de terre ou de métal a 
contenir des liquides, comme 

᾿ bouillon, &c. 

Polar, a, po'liir. Pertaining to the 
pole or poles of the earth or of the 

Polare ; dei poli. 

| Polaire ; appartenant aux poles. 

Poler or Poller, n, pdl'ér. One who 

| polls; one who registers votes, or 

one who enters his name as a 

- ©olui che registra o nota i voti; un 

Celui qui vote aux élections. 
Pond, », pond. A body of stagnant 
water shut in, smaller than a lake. 
Serbatojo d’ acqua; stagno. 
Shared ; bassin dont ]’eau ne s’échappe 

Bond, * bond. That which binds; a — 
d; a connection; union; obli- 
» Legame ; nodo; obbligo. 
Attache ; liaison; obligation. 
Pony, ᾽ν, pon'i. A small horse. 
Un cavallino. 
Bidet; petit cheval. 

eee Te ee ἘΜΎΨΕΎΝ, ἀμ δ κο 



Bony, a, bin'i. Full of bones; stout; 
Ossuto; pieno di ossa. 
Osseux ; ossu. 
Bommy, a, bon'ni. Good; beautiful ; 
gay (Scotch word). 
Buonino; grazioso; leggiadro (parola 
Bon; charmant; agréable; gai (mot 
Pool, », pél. A marsh; a fen; a small 
collection of water in a hollow 

Stagno; lagunetta; polla; posta. 
Etang; amas d’eau. 
Pull, vt, pul. Todraw violently towards 
one; opposed to push. 
Tirer ἃ soi. 
Bull, n, bul. The male of the cow. 
Ot. = 

Poor, a, por. Needy; destitute of 
strength, of means of subsistence, 
&c.; unhappy; dejected. 

Povero; misero; meschino; tristo. 
Pauvre ; ; indigent ; méprisable. 

Pore, n, por. A minute opening in the 
skin of an animal, through which 
passes perspiration ; a small inter- 
stice between the particulars of 
matter which composes bodies. 

Poro (della pelle). 
Pores ; petit trou imperceptible dans 
la peau. 

Pour, vi, por. To issue forth in a stream 
or continued succession of parts ; 
to move or rush as a current. 

Versare ; spandere; mescere. 
Verser ; faire couler; épancher. 

Pure, a, pir. Clean; clear; free from 
more defilement; holy ; genuine ; 
true, &e. ‘ 

Puro; limpido; chiaro; illibato; 
pretto; sincero ; vero, &c. 

Pure; sans tache; chaste; innocent; 
net, ἄο. 

Pop, 7, pop. A small, smart, quick 
sound or report. 

Suono breve e acuto; scoppio; scop- 
Un petit coup soudain. 

Pope, n, pop. The head of the Roman 

Catholic church. 
Il papa. 

Popish, a, pop’ish. Pertaining to the 


Pope or to the Roman Catholic 
Papismo; del papa o del papismo. 
Papisme; du pape o de papisme; la 
religion romaine. 

Puppyish, a, pup'pi-ish. Like a puppy; 

Affettazione ; vanita; caricatura. 
Sottise ; fatuité; caractere du fat. 
Poplar, 7, pop'lar. A tall tree abundant 
ster in Mesopotamia. 
Pioppo (albero). 
Peuplier (arbre). 

Popular, a, po’pi-lar. Pleasing to the 
people in general ; prevailing among 
the people. 

Popolare ; che gode 1’ aura popolare. 
Populaire ; du peuple ; national. 
Populace, 2, po’pi-las. The common 

people ; the τοῖος; the mul- 
Populace; le vulgaire. 
Populous, a, po'pi-lus. Abounding in 

people; containing many inhabi- 
Popoloso; pieno di popolo. 
Populeux; trés-peuplé. 
Portend, vt, por-tend’. To foretoken ; 
to forebode ; to presage. 
Presagire; pronosticare. 
. Présager ; pronostiquer. 
Portent, n, por-tent’. A token or omen ; 
an omen of ill. 

Portento ; prodigio; cattivo pro- 

Présage de malheur; mauvais augure ; 

Pother, », poth’ér. Dust; confusion ; 
tumult; flutter. 
Tumulto; scompiglio; scalpore. 
Bruit; fracas; tintamarre. 
Potter, n, pot’ér. One whose occupation 
is to make pots or earthen vessels. 
Pentolajo; vasellajo; fabbricatore di 
vasi di terra. 
Potier; celui qui fait des vases en 
terre cuite. 
Bother, n, both’ér. An importunate 
person; something tiresome. 
Seccatore ; importuno. 
Importun ; ennuyeux ; facheux. 
Pottle, x, pot’l, A liquid measure of 
4 pints; a vessel or small basket 
for holding fruits. 
Misura di liquidi, chiamata ‘4 fogli- 
ette’; cestellino. 




_ Mesure anglaise (deux quartes) ; 


Bottle, n, bot’l. A hollow round vesse 
of glass, leather, &c., with a narro 
mouth, for holding liquors, &c. 

Bottiglia ; fiasco. 
Bouteille ; flacgon. Ἢ 

Pounce, ἡ, pouns. Pumice; a powder 
to prevent ink from spreading on 
paper after erasures. a 

Polvere di pomice. a 
Poudre de pierre de ponce ; sandraque 3 
pulvérisée. Ἔ 
Bounce, vt, bouns. To fly or rush out a 
suddenly ; to spring or leap against. — 
Saltare su con istrepito; balzare; — 
saltare addosso. 4 
Se précipiter violemment sur; bondirs . 
sauter sur. 4 

Pound, », pound. A standard English Ἢ 
weight ; an English gold coin — 
consisting of twenty shillings. 

Libbra; lira sterlina. ‘ 
Livre (poids) ; livre sterling ou vingt 7 
schellings. 4 
Bound, n,bound. A boundary; a limit, | 
Limite; termine ; confine. 4 
Limite ; ; borne; rebondissement. a 

Practice, 70, prak’tis. A doing or effect-— 
ing; a succession of acts of ἃ 
similar kind ; custom; use. . 

Pratica; abitudine; uso; costume; — 
esercizio; clientela. 
Pratique ; habitude ; usage; coutume. 

Practise, vt, prak’ tis. To do or per- 
form habitually ; ; to use as any 
profession or art. 

Praticare ; mettere in pratica; eserci+ _ 4 
tare, come professione, &c. 5 

Pratiquer ; mettre en pratique; exer-— 
cer une profession, &c. : 

Praise, , praz. Value acknowledged; 
admiration expressed ; encomium. 

Lode; elogio ; commendazione. 
Louange; éloge; gloire; réputation. 
Prase,n, praz. Of a leek green. 
Verde porro. 
Verts pourreaux ou poireaux. 
Prays, pres, praz. Verb To pray; 8rd τ 
pers. sing. ind. mood pres. tense. | 
Verbo To pray; 8* pers. sing. ind. 
pres. Pregare: Egl prega. 
Verbe To pray; 3° pers. sing. ind. 
prés. Prier: II prie. 

Preys, npl, praz. Plural of Prey; that 
which is seized by violence e OY man | 
or beast. 

er eee ey eee 


ΕἸ, me Sele 




Ὁ ere! sey a 

. Braid, vt, 


 Plurale di Prey: Prede. 
-Pluriel de Prey: Proies. 

bBraee, vt, braz. To cover or solder with 
-΄΄- brass, or an alloy of zinc and brass. 

_ Soldare o coprire di rame. 
Souder avec du cuivre. 

ὩΣ vi, braz. Verb To bray; 3rd 

pers. sing. ind. mood pres. tense. 
_ Esso sata pesta ; raglia, vocifera, 

Tl oud : il braie. 

_ Prawn, m, pran. <A small crustaceous 

animal of the shrimp family. 

- Gamberetto. 


_ Prone, a, pron. Inclining in descent ; 

sloping; inclined; disposed ; ready. 

Inclinato ; proclive ; ‘dedito. 

Penchant; qui penche ; ; porté. 

_ Prong, n, prong. A sharp pointed in- 
strument; the tine of a fork or of 
a similar instrument ; ; a pointed 

- Rebbio (dente di forchetta o forcone). 
Fourchon ; fourchette. 

Pray, vi, pra. To beg; to beseech ; to 
implore; to address the Supreme 
Being with solemnity and rever- 

Pregare; implorare; pregare Iddio. 
Prier; supplier. 

Prey, , pra. Property taken by force ; 
spoil; plunder; that which is seized 
by violence to be devoured. 

Preda ; rapina. 


Bray, vi, bra. To break into small 
pieces, to pound, beat, or grind 
small; to roar like an ass. 

Rompere in ,frantumi; ragliare come 
Τ᾽ asino. 

Piler, broyer, pulvériser; braire. 
Prayed, et, pra'd. Verb To pray. 
Verbo To pray: Pregare ; prego. 
Verbe To δ" Prier ; il pria. 

To weave, knit or 
wreathe ; to intertwine. 

eS het insieme; intrecciare (capelli, 


Tesser; tresser; entrelacer. 

Brayed, pret, bra'd. Verb To bray. 

Verbo To bray: Rompere; ragliare, 
&c.; rotto; ragliato. 

Verbe To bray: Casser; _ briser; 
broyer, &c.; brisé; cassé, ἄο.; 

Preach, vi, préch. To pronounce a 



public discourse from a text of 
scripture on the gospel, &c. 

Breach, n, bréch. A break; infringe- 
ment; quarrel; injury. 

Breccia ; rottura; infrangimento. 
Bréche ; rupture; infraction. 

Breech, n, bréch. The lower part of the 
body, behind, where it divides into 
two legs; the hinder part of a gun 
or anything else. 

Tl deretano; culatta di cannone. 
Le postérieur ; la culasse d’un canon. 

Bridge, n, brij. Any structure across a 
river, &c.; to furnish a passage. 


Precede, vt, pré-séd’. To go before, in 
place or in the order of time; to 
go before in rank or importance. 

Precedere ; andare avanti. 
Précéder ; "devancer ; surpasser. 

Proceed, vi, pro-séd’. To go forward ; 
to ‘advance ; to prosecute any de- 

Procedere ; progredire ; seguitare. 
Procéder ; faire de progrés ; s’ensuivre. 

Precedent, ᾿ N, pre’sé-dent. Going before, 

in time; anterior. 
Precedente ; antecedente. 
Précédent ; ‘antécédent. 

President, n, pre’zi-dent. One who 
presides over a corporation, an 
assembly, a committee, &c. 

Président ; chef. 

Precession, 7, pré-se’shon. 

L’action de précéder; précession. 

Procession, γι, pro-se’shon. A marching 
forward; a train of persons walking 
or riding on horseback, moving 
with ceremonious solemnity. 


Precisian, 7, pré-si/zhan. One who is 
over precise or rigidly exact in the 
observance of rules. 

Rigorista ; moralista severo. 
Rigoriste ; celui qui est d’une exacti- 
tude scrupuleuse. 

Precision, n, pré-si‘zhon. Exact limita- 
tion; exactness; definiteness. 

Precisione: esattezza. 
Précision ; exactitude. 

Act of going 





Prefer, vt, pré-fér’. To regard more than 
another ; to like better; to promote; 
to honour. 

Preferire ; anteporre. 
Préférer ; "donner la préférence. 

Proffer, vty. prof’ér. To propose; to 
tender; to offer. 

Profferire; offerire ; far offerta. 
Proposer; offrir; s’oftrir. 
Premices}, », pre’mis-es. 
of the season. 
Le prime frutta, fiori &. della sta- 
gione ; primizie. 
Prémices ; les premiers fruits. 

First fruits 

Premises, mn, pre’mis-ez. Houses; 
lands, &c. . 
Locali; luoghi; terreni; casa e sue 

Biens ; maisons ; dépendances. 

Premise, nm, pre'mis. <A proposition 
antecedently supposed, or from 
which inference is deduced. 

Premettere ; esporre in primo luogo o 
in via di prefazione. 
Expliquer ; dire d’avance. 

Premiss, n, pre'mis. The same as 
Premise, but Premiss is now gene- 
rally preferred. 

Lo stesso come Premise. 
Voir Premise. 

Preposition, ”, pre-po-zi’shon. A part 

of speech; a particle usually put 

before another word toexpress some _ 

relation or quality to or from the 
thing specified. 



Proposition, n, pro-po-zi'shon. Any- 
thing stated or affirmed for dis- 
cussion or which is offered for 
consideration or adoption. 

Proposizione ; offerta ; proposta. 
Proposition ; offre ; chose proposée. 

Prescribe, vt, pré- -skrib’. To set down 

for guidance ; to order as a remedy. 
Prescrivere ; ordinare. 
Préscrire ; ordonner. 

Proscribe, vt, prd-skrib’. To doom; to 

denounce as dangerous; to prohibit; | 

to exclude. 

Proscrivere ; esiliare. 

Proscrire; condamner 4 mort; ban- 

Prescription, , pré-skrip'shon. A re- 
cipe ; the claim of title to a thing 
by virtue of immemorial use; the 
right derived from such use. 


prescrizione aa medico. ; 
Prescription ; ordonnance d’un 1 

Proscription, n, pro-skrip'shon. Doo 

ing to death; condemning to os | 
utter rejection. = 
Proscrizione ; esilio. 
Proscription; bannissement ; condam- . 
ner ἃ mort. 
Presence, , pre’zens. 
Presenza. 5. 
Présence; l'état d’étre présent. | 
Presents, n, pre'zents. Gifts; things 
~ offered to others gratuitously. aad 
Dons; présents; cadeaux. 

Price, ny pris. Value; worth; cost. 
Prezzo; valore; costo. 
Prix; valeur. Ε 

Pries, v, priz. Verb To pry; 8rd pers. — 

sing. ind. mood pres. tense. a 
Verbo To pry; 3 pers. sing. ind. pres. _ 
To pry: Egli investiga, spia, indaga. 
Verbe To pry ; 3° pers. sing. ind. prés. 
To pry: Il épie; il fouille; il se ~ 
méle des affaires d’autrui. ae. 

Prize, n, priz. Reward of merit; spoil — 

or plunder. Ὁ 
Premio ; cosa vinta, presa, predata. - 
Prix; récompense ; prise ; capture. vie 

Prick, ‘vt, prik. To pierce with a sharp — 

pointed instrument or substance. ἴ 
Pungere (con cosa puntita). 

Piquer ; percer. 

Prig, n, prig. A wiseacre; fop; con- 


Saputello; sguaiatello; vanerello. 
Un impertinent; un fat; un petit- 
maitre ; un présomptueux. 

Brick, n, brik. _Asquare mass of burned 

clay used in building, &c. 


Brig, n, brig. A vessel with two masts. 
Bastimento a due alberi; brigantino. — 
Brigantine. we 

Pride, m, prid. An unreasonably high Ὁ 

opinion of one’s superiority; a — 

noble self-esteem. 

Bride, n, brid. A woman espoused or 

contracted to be married. 

| Sposa novella. 

| La fiancée; l’épouse. 


State of peng 


Prim, 7, ἢ, Ῥεΐχη. _ Formal; precise. 
Attilato; attecchito; diritto; eretto. 
Affecté ; ‘tiré ἃ quatre épingles. 

~ Brim, m, brim. The rim or brink of 

anything; the upper edge of the 
mouth of a vessel. 

τς Orlo; lembo; margine. 

Bord; extrémité. 
Princes, mpl, prins'is. Sons of kings or 
emperors ; sovereigns. 

Princess, n, prin'ses. Daughter of a 

king; the consort of a prince. 
_ Princesse. 
Principal, a, prin’si-pal. Chief; highest 
in rank, character, or responsibility ; ; 
᾿ς the capital of a sum of money. 
Principale ; il capo; il capitale. 
Principal; chef; capital. 

Principle, n, prin'si-pl. The cause or 
origin ; ; anelement; a fundamental 
truth; an established rule of action; 
a tenet or doctrine. 

Principio ;- fondamento ; origine. 
Principe ; élément ; origine. 
_ Prithee, vt, pri'thé. I pray thee; if 
you please. 
Ti prego; se vi piace. 
Je t’en prie; s'il vous 

Piety. a, pret'ti. Nice looking; agree- 

_ able to the eye. 

Bello; leggiadro; grazioso. 
Joli; agréable gracieux. 

Private, a, pri’vat. Not public. 


Privet, n, pri'vet. An evergreen shrub, 

frequently eee to conceal pri- 

plait; de 

Gain ; 

rofit; gain ; bengh ice. 

Prophet, m, pro’fet. A foreteller; a 
person inspired by God to announce 
future events. 


Proof, », préf. Evidence; demonstra- 

tion; able to resist ; a proof sheet. 
_ Prova; ‘evidenza. 
ἢ Preuve; témoignage. 


Prove, vt, prév. To demonstrate; to 
show; to evince; to establish. 

Provare; dimostrare. 

Prouver; démontrer. 

Property, », pro’pér-ti. That which is 
proper to a thing; that to which a 
person has the legal title. 

Proprieta; quello che si possiede in 

Propriété ; domaine ; possession. 

Propriety, n, pro-pri’e-ti. State of being 
proper ; suitableness. 

Proprieta; convenevolezza ; decoro. 

Propriété; convenance. 

Prophecy, ot, pro’fe-si. 

Profezia ; vaticinio. 

Prophétie ; prédiction. 

Prophesy, vt, pro'fe-si. To foretell; to 
predict; to foreshow. 

Predire; profetizzare; vaticinare. 

Prophétiser ; prédire. 

Prude, n, prod, A woman affectedly 
prudent, of great reserve and 
scrupulous nicety. 

Schizzinosa; schifiltosa. 

Prude; femme qui affecte d’étre cir- 
conspecte, modeste et vertueuse. 

Brewed, pp, brid. Verb To brew: To 
prepare ale or beer, from an in- 
fusion of malt. 

Verbo To brew: Far la birra; machi- 
nare ; fatta la birra; macchinato ; 

Verbe To brew: Fabriquer la biére ; 
fabriqué de la biere. 

Brood, vi, bréd. To sit, as on eggs; to 
regard or think and ponder with 
long anxiety; a hatch; offspring. 

Covare; maturare un progetto. 

Couver; faire mfirir ; soigner ; réfléchir 

Bruit, n, brét. A noise spread abroad; 
report; rumour; fame. 

Corre voce; si vocifera. 

Bruit; nouvelle ; rapport. 

Brute, a, brét. Irrational; bestial ; 
rough; uncivilised. 

Insensato; selvatico; feroce; bestiale. 

Brute; béte; un brutal. 

Psalter, γι, sal'tér. The book of Psalms, 

Il libro dei Salmi; Salterio. 

Psautier ; recueil de psaumes. 

Salter, n, sal'tér. One who salts; one 
who sells salt. 

Salatore ; venditor di sale. 

Saleur; celui qui sale; marchand de 

A prediction. 


Pui - 

Puisne, a, ρᾷ πδ. Younger or inferior 
in rank; petty; small. 

Piccolo; piccino; mingherlino. 

Puiné ; cadet. 

Puny, a, pi'ni. Feeble; small. 
Sparutello; piccolo. 

Petit; jeune; faible; chétif. 

Pumnny, a,pun'ni. Abounding in puns. 
Bisticciante; motteggiante ; spiritoso ; 

pieno di giuoco di parole. 


~~ —~Pulley, 7, pul/lé. One of the six me- 
chanical powers, consisting of a 
rope working over a grooved wheel 
turning on an axis. 

Carrucola ; girella. 

Poulie ; petite roue sur laquelle passe 
une corde pour élever et descendre 
des fardeaux. 

Bully, n, bul'li. A noisy, blustering, 
quarrelsome fellow. 

Bravo; sgherro; rodomonte; accatta 

Querelleur; tapageur. 

Pun, », pun. 
equivocation ; a play on words that 
agree or resemble in sound but of 
different meaning. 

Bisticcio ; motteggio ; arguzia ; giuoco 
di parole ; spiritosita. 

Faire de calembours. 

Bun or Bunn, n, bun. A small cake. 
Focaccia; torta piccola; ciambella. 
Un petit gateau; fouace. 

Bung, n, bung. The stopple of the 

orifice in the bilge of a cask. 

Cocchiume; zaffo; turacciolo. 

Bondon ; tampon. 

Punch, ”, punsh. A blow or thrust; a 
drink composed of water, sugar, 
lemon-juice, and spirit; the buf- 
foon or harlequin of a puppet- 

Dar un pugno; picchiare; 
spiritosa; pulcinella. 


Q, letter ki. A letter of the alpha- 

Lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Lettre de l’alphabet. 
Cue,n, ki. Rod used in playing billiards; 
a hint; humour; a catch-word; a 
long roll of hair. 

A kind of ΕΓ ΤΎΡΟΣ or 




Poingon ; punch (boisson) ; polichinel 
Bunch, n, bunsh; A knob or lump; a 
cluster ; a collection ; a knot. 
Fascio ; grappolo ; ; mazzo (di chiavi 

Bosse; tumeur ; grappe ; botte. ᾿ 
Pur or Purr, vi, per. To utter a low — 
murmuring continued sound as a 

Il tornire (del gatto). 
Filer; faire le rouet; haleter avec 
bourdonnement comme le chat. 
Burr, n, bér. The down of several 

plants, seed-vessels, fruits, and 
flowers. ἜΗΝ 
La pubescenza di diverse piante, frutta 

e fiori. Aa 
Le but de V’oreille; la pubescence de 
différentes plantes, fruits ou fleurs. 
Bur, n, bér. The rough, prickly head of | 
the burdock, chestnut, &c. Ἢ 
Bardana; lappola maggiore. 
Bardane (plante). 4 
Purling, pa, pérl’ing. Murmuringasof — 
a brook or a stream. Ss 
Mormorio dei ruscelli. 
Murmurant comme un ruisseau. “4 
Purloin, vt, pér-loin’. To .steal; to 
take by theft; to take by plagi- a 
Involare ; rubare di nascosto. 
Voler ; dérober ; enlever. a 
Push, vt, push. To urge forward ; to ἢ 
drive by pressure. 
Spingere; urtare. 
Puss, n, pus. The fondling name of a cat. 
Micio; micino; gattuccio; vezzeggia- 
tivo. del gatto. 
Minon; minet; petit chat. 4 
Bush, n, bush. "A cluster of trees or 
Cespuglio; fratta; frasca. 
Buisson ; arbuste épineux. 

Stecca da bigliardo ; coda; fine oesito; 
imbeccata ; suggerimento. 
Queue de billard; queue; humeur ; 
mot du guet. 
Quadrilateral, «a, kwod-ri-lat’ér-al. 
Having four sides and consequently 
four angles. 


ΡΥ ee gs ὙΡ ἡ ep eee 
ok pete ἐν ΔΑ 



EAT τὰ > rat 

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Be ἂν 



ΦΈΣΙ a, kwod-ri-lit’ér-al. Con- 
sisting of four letters. 
uadrilittero (composto di quattro 
Composé de quatre lettres. 

, 2, kwim. A fainting; a sudden 
fit of nausea; a scruple or un- 
easiness of conscience. 

Nausea; schifo; voglia di vomitare. 

‘Nausée; langueur soudaine; défail- 

: lance. 
Caln, a, kiim. Still; free from wind; 
peaceable; serene; composed. 
Calma; calmo. 
Calme ; tranquille. 
Cam, crooked ; bent; a bend. 
Storto; piegato; una curva, 
Tortu ; courbé; courbure. 
Quarts, mpl, kwits. (Dry measure) 
Four quarts make a gallon. 
Un quart 6 una misura che equivale a 
un litro ; quattro quarts formano un 

πον de liquide) Quatre quarts 
forment un galon anglais. 
Quartz, n, kwitz. Name given to 
several varieties of rock-crystal. 
Quarzo; cristallo di rocea. 
Quartz ou quarz, substance pierreuse ; 
Queant, », kwén. A woman; a slut. 
- Bagascia ; cattiva donna; pettegola. 
Une méchante femme; une femme de 
mauyaise vie. 
Queen, n, kwén. The wife of a king or 
Quire, n, kwir. 
Quiderno di carta contenente 24 fogli. 
᾿ς Une main de papier (24 feuilles). 

Twenty-four sheets of 

R, letter, ir. A letter of the alphabet. 
Lettera dell’ alfabeto 
Lettre de Valphabet. 

Are, A ἂν. The plur. pres. ind. verb 

Tl plur. dell’ ind. pres. verbo To be: 

Essere ; siamo ; siete; sono. 

Le plur. de Vind. prés. du verbe To | Rabbet, n, ‘rab’-bet. 



Choir, n, kwir. A body of singers in a 
church, or that part of a church 
appropriated for the singers. 
Coro esa ; coro di cantanti. 
Cheeur ; troupes de musiciens; partie 
de Véglise ot les chantres sont 

Quite, adv, kwit. Wholly; perfectly; 

to a great extent or degree; very. 
᾿ Affatto; interamente; del tutto. 
Entiérement; tout a fait. 

Quott, n, koit. A circular ring or piece 
of iron, or a plain flat stone to 
be pitched at a fixed object in 
play. ι 

Disco; piastrella; morella (giuoc.). 
Palet; disque (jouer au palet ou au 
disque ); morelle. 

Quitter, n, kwit/ér. One who quits; a 

Chi lascia; tralascia; rinunzia. 
Celui qui quitte, laisse, abandonne, 

Quittor, n, kwit'or. An ulcer formed 
between the hair and hoof of a 
horse’s foot. 
Un ulcera che si forma al piede del 
cavallo tra |’ unghio ed il pelo. 

Un ulcére qui se forme au pied d’un 
cheval entre la corne et le poil. 
Quoif or Coif, », koif. A cap or 


Cuffia ; capuccio. 

Coiffe ; calotte. 

Quote, vt, kwot. To mark the number 

of a chapter, verse, &c.; to adduce, 
as a passage from an author, &c. 

Citare, come nome d’ autore, verso, 
paragrafo, capitolo, &c. 

Citer ; alléguer; donner ἃ l’appui; 

Quoth, vi, kwoth. To say; to speak. 
Dire ‘dissi io’; ‘ disse egli,’ &c. 
Dire ‘ dis-je’; ‘ dit-il,’ &c. 


be: Etre; nous sommes; vous 

étes ; ils sont. 
| Rabate, vi, rab’at. To recall the hawk 

| Ricovrare il. falcone, farlo ritornare 
sul pugno. 
Rabattre ; ramener l’oiseau, le eee 
A channelling ; 


fluting; enchasing; projection; 
jutting out. ; 
Scanalatura; incastratura; aggetto. 
Feuillure; rablure. 
Rabbit, n, rab'-bit. A well-known small 
animal allied to the hare. 

Rabid, a, ra'bid. Raving; furious; 
raging mad. 
Rabido ; rabbioso; arrabiato. 
— Enragé ; féroce ; furieux. 
| Rapid, a, ra'pid. Quick; swift; hur- 
Rapido; ratto; celere; veloce. 
Rapide ; prompt; vite. 

Race, n, ras. Lineage ; ; a particular 
breed; a rapid course, on foot, on 
horseback, &e. 

Razza; stirpe; schiatta; corsa a 
piedi, a cavallo, &c. 

Race; famille; génération; lignée; 
course ἃ pied ou a cheval. 

Raise, vt, raz. To lift or elevate in a 
literal or in a figurative sense ; to 


Levare ; sollevare ; inalzare ; alzare ; 
erigere, &c. 

Lever; soulever; hausser; élever ; 
ériger, Xe. 

Rase or Raze, vt, raz. To scrape; to 
scratch or rub out; to oblite- 
rate; to make level with the 

Cancellare; scalfire; rasentare. 
Raser ; friser; effleurer; détruire. 

Rays, n, raz. Something that shoots 
forth as from a centre; a line of 
light; a fish. 


Racer, », ras’ér. One who races; one 
who contends in a race; a race- 

Chi o che corre; corridore; cavallo da 
Coureur; cheval de course. 
Razure, n, ra'zhir. Act of scraping or 
erasing ; an erasure. 
Cancellatura; scalfitura. 
Rature ; biffage. 
Razor, n, ra'zor. An instrument for 
shaving off the beard or hair. 

Rack, », rak. The neck and spine of 

veal or mutton ; floating vapour in 

the sky; a wheel by which tortun 
is inflicted. 
Collo di castrato; specie di nebbia, 
tortura colla ruota da supplizio. 
Un collet de mouton; torture. 
Rag, τ, rag. Any piece of cloth rent a 
from the rest; garments worn out. 
Straccio; cencio. 2 
Guenille; lambeau ; chiffon. τ 
Racked, pa, rakt. ‘Tortured;  tor-— 

Torturato; tormentato colla ruota da 

Torturé; soutiré. 
Racket, n, rak'et. An instrument used 
in tennis for striking the ball. 

Racchetta che si usa nel giuoco della a 

palla al tennis. 
Raquette, instrument pour jouer au 

. Ragged, pa, rag’ed. Broken with rough | 

edges; jagged; wearing battered 
Ruvido; cencioso ; stracciato. 
Déguenillé ; déchiré en lambeaux. 

Radish, », ra’dish. A root; the root of 4 | 

a plant eaten raw, as a salad. 
Ravanello; ramolaccio. 
Radis; rave; raifort. 
Reddish, a, red'ish. Somewhat red. 
Rossiccio ; alquanto rosso. 
Rougeitre ; un peu rouge. 
Rain, vi, ran. The water that falls in 
drops from the clouds. 
Reign, vi, ran. To have royal power} 
to be king ; to govern. 
Rein, n, ran. The strap of a bridle by 
which the rider governs the horse. 
Redine ; redini. 
Réne; courroie de la bride d’un cheval. 
Raisin, pn, raz'in. <A dried grape. 
Uva passa; uva secca. 
Raisin sec. 

Razen, pp, vaz'n. Scraped; erased; | 

Cancellato; scalfito ; rasentato. 
Rasé ; gratte ; effieuré. 

Reason, n, ré'zon. The faculty of 
thought ; all the intellectual powers 
collectively ; 3; cause; principle ; 

Ragione}; intellettiva ; raziocinio. 
Raison; motif ; raisonnement. 


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=e Pay, ΠΡ 
. a 

᾿ς Ranker, n, rangh’ér. 


Resin, mn, re’zin. An inflammable sub- 
stance, the exudation of firs, pines, 

_Resina; ragia. 
he ‘Résine. 
Rancour, », rang’kor. Spite; malice; 

Rancune ; ressentiment; animosité. 
One who ranks or 
_ disposes ranks; one who arranges. 
Esser di rango o grado; dispensatore 
di ranghi o gradi. 
Celui qui arrange; celui qui confére 
des rangs. 
e, vi, rang’kl. To fester; to 
irritate; to become putrid. 
Inasprirsi; esacerbarsi; putrefarsi. 

_ Putréfier; se corrompre. 

Wrangle, vi, rang’gl. To cast the blame 
of a wrong on another ; to dispute; 
to squabble. 

Rissare ;  baruffare ; 
altercare ; incolpare. 
Disputer ; chicaner. 
Rant, v7, rant. To declaim with bom- 
bast; to rave in violent language. 
Parlare o concionare in modo tronfio, 
turgido, ampolloso. 
Tempéter; criailler; parler en extra- 

questionare ; 

Rend, vt, rend. To sever; to cleave; 
to split; to rive; to lacerate. 
_ Squarciare ; stracciare ; sbranare. 
Déchirer; lacérer ; diviser. 

Rent, n, rent. Money paid by a tenant | 
for his occupation; an opening | 

produced by rending ; a breach. 
Pigione ; fitto ; squarcio ; stracciatura. 
Loyer; rente; revenu; déchirure; 
accroc. ' 
Rap, vt, rap. To strike with a quick 
blow; to knock; to affect with 

. ecstasy. 
Picchiare; bussare; battere (alla 
porta, &c.) 

mes ge fort et avec vitesse; frapper 
ἃ la porte. 

Wrap, vt, rap. To cover by winding 
something round ; to envelop. 
ald δορὰ avvolgere ; inviluppare. 

Envelopper; entortiller. 
Rapped, pp, rap’d. Knocked; affected 
with ecstasy or rapture. 

Picchiato ; bussato; battuto; rapito Ϊ 

in estasi. 
Frappé fort; ravi en extase. 


Rapt, pa, rapt. Transported; ravished. 
pito in estasi; estatico. 

Ravi, en extase; transporté. 

Wrapped or Wrapt, pp, rap'd. Enve- 
loped; covered round, as by a 

Involtato ; avvolto; inviluppato. 

Enveloppé ; entortillé. 

Rath, », rath. A hill or mountain; a 

Una collina o montagna; una fortezza. 
Une colline; une petite montagne. 

Wrath, n, rath. Anger; rage; fury; 

Cruccio; collera; ira. 
Colére ; courroux; indignation. 

Ratlin, 7, rat/ling. A small line travers- 
ing the shrouds of a ship. 

Corda attraverso le sartie d’ un basti- 
mento, che forma una scala. 
Enfiéchures ; quaranteniers. 

Rattling, pa, rat'l-ing. A rapid succes- 
sion of sharp sounds; the noise by 
a certain instrument of alarm. 

Il picchiare spesso (ad una porta) 
strepito prolungato. 
Frappant avec vitesse ; faire un bruit 

Ravel, vt, ra’vel. Totangle; to unravel 
to untwist; to disclose. 

Avviluppare ; attortigliare; intralciare. 
Effiler ; défaire ; dévoiler ; embarras- 

Revel, vi, re'vel. To spend the hours of 
sleep in disorderly and licentious 

Gozzoviglia ; baldoria; orgia. 
Réjouir sans frein; s’abandonner ἃ la 

Rival, n, ri'val. A competitor; an anta- 
gonist; one who is in pursuit of 
the same object as another. 

Rival ; compétiteur ; 

Raven, n, ra’ven. A bird of prey of the 
crow kind. 


Ravin, n, ra'vin. Plunder. 
Saccheggio; bottino. 
Rapine ; proie; rapacité. 

Ravine, n, ra'vén. A long deep hollow, 
formed by a mountain torrent; a 
gorge; a mountain cleft. 

Ravine; fosse. 

concurrent ; 



‘Raving, pa, rav'ing. Furious; with 
frenzy ; mad. 
Delirante ; frenetico; pazzo. 
En délire; furieux. 
Raw,a,ra. Not cooked ; inexperienced. 
Crudo; greggio; non cotto. 
Cru; qui n’est point cuit. 

foe, n, =. A small deer; the spawn of 

Capriuolo; uova o latte di pesce. 
Chevrette ; daine ; ceufs de poisson. 
Row, n, τὸ. A line of articles set in 
Ba order; a file; a series. 
Fila; ordine. 
Rang; rangée; file. 
—— vt, rd. To impel with oars. 

‘Read, vt, réd. To utter or pronounce, 

as written words. 

Redet, n, réd. A word; advice. 

Una parola; un detto; un consiglio. 
Conseil ; -avis. 

Reed, n, réd. An aquatic plant of 

several species. 
Canna; canneto; giunco. 
Roseau; plante aquatique. 

‘Read, pa, red. Instructed or knowing 
by reading ; versed in books ; 

Che ha letto; istrutto; scienziato. 
Qui alu; savant; érudit. 

Red, a, red. “A colour; crimson. 

Reading, pa, réd’ing. Act of tes 
perusing what is written or printed. 

Leggendo ; il leggere. 
Lecture ; l’action de lire. 

Redan, n, ré-dan’. A fort composed of 
two faces, forming an angle. 

Un fortino composto di due facciate 
formanti un angolo. 
Redan (fortif.). 

Redden, vt, red'n. To make, grow, or 

become red; to blush; to make red. 
Arrossire ; far arrossire. 
Rougir ; devenir rouge. 
Reeding, n, réd'ing. The gathering of 
reeds; anything composed of reeds. 
Raccoglimento di canne ; fatto di canne 
o giunchi. 
Cannélant; ramasser des roseaux. 

Reave, vt, rév. To take away by violence; 

to bereave. 




Involare ; portar via per forza. 
Enlever; voler; dérober. 

Reef, n, rét. Part of a sail; a chain or a 
range of rocks, lying at or near the ! 

surface of the water. ‘4 
Terzaruolo (di vela); catena di scogli — 
sott’ acqua. Ἢ 

Ris d’une voile; un récif; un bancde ~ 

roches. 3 
Reeve, vt, τὸν. To pass the end of a 
rope through a block. 7 

Infilare ; passare una corda. 
Passer une manoeuvre. 

Recede, vi, ré/sed. To move back; to 

retreat; to withdraw ; to retire. 
Recedere ; ‘indietreggiare. 

Se retirer ; se desister; battre en — 4 


‘Receipt, n, ré-sét. A written acknow- 

ledgment of having received a sum 
of money, goods, &c. a 
Ricevuta; quietanza. 
Quittance; recette; reception. 
Recent, a, ré’sent. New; modern Ἢ 
_ fresh; of late occurrence. 

Recente; nuovo; fresco o di fresca ἀρᾷ | 

Récent; nouveau. 
Resent, vt, ré-zént. 
injury or affront; to be in some 
degree angry or provoked at. 
Risentirsi di; offendersi di (di un in- 
giuria, &c.). 
Ressentir; prendre en mauvaise part. 

Reck, vt, rek. To heed; to regard; to 
care for; to mind. me, 

Badare ; curare; darsi pensiero. 
Avoir soin; faire attention ; se mettre 
en peine de. 

Wreck, n, rek. A vessel broken on the 
rocks; the remains of anything 

Naufragio; rovina. 
Naufrage ; ruine; débris. 4 

Recur, v7, ré-kér’. To run back;tohave 
recourse ; to return to the mind OF ἝΝ 

Riccorrere; accadere di nuovo; venir 

in mente. 
Recourir ; avoir recours 4; revenir a 
l’esprit. ; 
Recure, vt, ré’kir. To cure again. 
Ricurare ; ripetere la cura. 
Se rétablir ; recouvrer la santé. 
Reek, », rék. Smoke ; vapour; steam. 
Fumo; esalazione di vapore; fuma- 

Fumée ; exhalation ; vapeur. 

To consider as an 


; Refreshen, pp, ré'fresh'n. 

From the verb 
ΤῸ reflect; that which causes to 
return after striking upon any 
surface as light, heat, &c.; he who 
muses or revolves in his mind. 


ΤΙ réfléchit. 

Reflext, vt, ré'fleks. To reflect. 

- Riflettere ; riverberare. 

- Réfléchir; réverbérer. 

Reflux, n, ré/fluks. The ebb or back- 
ward ere οἵ the tide; the 
returning of a fluid. 

Reflux; mouvement rétrograde de 

Revived ; 
invigorated ; made cooler; renewed. 

Rinfrescato; rifocilato; rinnovato. 

Rafratchi; soulagé; renouvelé. 

: Refreshing, pa, ré-fresh'ing. Reviving ; 

 Regale, vt, ré-gal’. 

reanimating ; cooling ; invigorating. 
Rinfrescando ; rinvigorendo. 
Rafraichissant; soulageant. 

Regal, a, ré'gal. Kingly ; royal. 
παν principesco. 
Royal; de roi; monarchique. 

To refresh royally, 
in regal style; to gratify; to feast 

Regalare sontuosamente; rallegrare ; 
far le feste a. 

Régaler; donner un régale; 
nne chére. 

Regimen, n, re’ji-men. Regulation of 
diet; syntactical dependence of 
words. , 

Regime; dieta; igiene. 
Régime; didte. 

Regiment, n, re'ji-ment. 

Reggimento di soldati, &c. 

-_ Régiment; corps de gens de guerre. 

Regrate, va, re'grat. To scrape again; 
to irritate ; to offend; to huckster. 

Raschiare da capo; ripulire; offen- 
dere; incettare. 
Regratter ; monopoliser; déplaire ἃ. 

Regret, n, ré-gret’. Slight degree of 
vexation or remorse ; to be sorry for. 

arico; rinecrescimento;  dis- 
piacenza. ᾿ 
Regret; repentir; chagrin; déplaisir. 


A body of 

Relic, », re'lik. That which is left after 
the loss or decay of the rest; the 
body of a deceased person. 

Reliquia ; avanzo. 
Relique; débris. 

Relict, n, relikt. Awoman left solitary 
after the loss of her husband; a 

Veuve; femme qui a perdu son mari. 

Relief, , ré-léf’. Mitigation; help; the 
appearance of projection in paint- 
ing; alleviation of suffering. 

Alleggiamento; ajuto; sollievo; con- 
forto ; rilievo. 
Relief (sculp.); soulagement; aide; 

Relieve, vt, ré-lév’. To ease; to assist ; 
to remove; to set free from any- 

Sollevare ἢ ristorare ; 
(milit.); liberare. 

Soulager; adoucir; secourir; relever 
une sentinelle, en mettre une autre 
ἃ sa place. 

Remise, , re-miz’. A giving or granting 
back; surrender; release. 

Rimettere ; rilasciare: restituire. 
Remetitre ; relacher; restituer. 

Remiss, a, ré-mis’. Negligent; heed- 

less; inattentive to duty. 
Negligente ; pigro; trascurato. 
Négligent; lent; paresseux. 

Repeal, vt, ré-pél’. To revoke; to abro- 
gate ; to make void by an authori- 
tative act. 

Rivocare; abrogare; abolire. 
Revoquer ; annuler; rappeler; abolir. 

Repel, vt, ré-pel’. To repulse; to drive 
back ; to withstand; to reject; 
to refuse. 

Respingere ; ricacciare; repellere. 
Repousser ; faire reculer. 

Reproof, », ré-préf’. Rebuke; repri- 

Rimprovero ; riprensione. 
Réprimande ; censure. 

Reprove, vt, ré-prév. To reprehend; to 
chide; to censure; to refute; to 

Riprendere ; rimproverare. 
Reprendre ; blamer; censurer, 
Rend, vt, rend. To sever; to cleave; 
to split; to rive; to lacerate. 
Squarciare; stracciare ; sbranare. 
Déchirer ; lacérer; diviser. 
Rent, n, rent. Money paid by a tenant 

dar riscatto 


for his occupation ; an opening 
produced by rending ; a breach. 
Pigione ; fitto; squarcio; stracciatura. 
Loyer; rente; revenu; déchirure ; 

Resign, vt, ré-zin’. To yield; to give 
up; to relinquish ; to abdicate. 

Rassegnare ; deporre ; ; dare la sua 
dimissione ; dimettere. 
- Résigner ; céder ; donner sa démission. 

Resin, n, re'sin. ‘An inflammable sub- 
stance, the exudation of firs, pines, 

Resina ; ragia. 
. Résine. 

Rest, », rest. Sleep; repose; residue ; 
a ceasing from tillage or other 
work. — 

Riposo; pace; rimanenza; residuo; 
Repos; sommeil; reste. - 

Wrest, vt, rest. To twist violently; to 
pervert; to distort. 

Storcere; strappare con violenza; 
strappare dalle mani. 
Tordre avec violence; arracher en 

Retch, vi, rech. To make an effort to 
Star per recere; aver voglia di vomi- 

Avoir envie de vomir; faire des efforts 
pour vomir. 

Wretch, n, rech. Amiserable person; a 
worthless mortal; a degraded and 
infamous person. 

Uno sgraziato; un misero; uno sci- 
agurato; uno scellerato. 

Un misérable; un malheureux; un 

Reticle, », re’tic'l. A small net. 

Rete piccola ; reticella, 
Un petit filet. 

Reticule, n, ré'ti-kil. Alady’s s work bag. 
Sacchetto; borsa di lavoro da donna. 
Réticule ; petit sac a l’usage des 


Ridicule, n, ri'di-kil. Derision; mock- 
ery; remarks designed to awaken 

Ridicolo; scherno; derisione. 
Ridicule; ce qui est digne de risée. 

Reveal, vt, ré-vél. To lay bare; to dis- 
close; to communicate; to make 
known what was concealed. 

Rivelare; scoprire ; palesare. 
Révéler ; découvrir; publier. 



Revel, vi, re'vel. To spend the iota οἱ 
sleep in disorderly and licentious: : 
᾿ feasting. = 

Gozzovigliare; far baldoria; far orgie. 
Se réjouir sans frein ; débaucher. Υ 

Reverend, a, re've- rend. Α title of | 

respect given to the clergy. Σ 
Reverendo ; venerando (eccles.). 
Révérend (titre du clergé). 

Reverent, a, re've-rent. 

Riverente; rispettoso ; sottomesso. 
Respectueux:; humble. = 

Reward, n, ré-ward’. A gift for merit; 
a recompense; equivalent return 
for good done. : 

Ricompensa ; guiderdone. a 
Récompense ; ; prix d’une bonne action, . 

Reword, vt, ré-wérd'. To repeat in the ἢ 

same words, but modifying them. 
Ripetere 1’ istesse parole o colle | 

istesse parole modificandole. ; 
Faire un autre arrangement des mots; — 

rédiger de nouveau. 

Rheum, 7, rim. Catarrh; 
thin watery humour. 

Reuma; catarro; raffredore. 
Rhume ; inflammation catarrhale; | 
humeur; fluxion. 

Room, n, rom. An apartment; place; — 
space ; scope. 

Camera; luogo; spazio; posto; mo- 
tivo; cagione; materia. 

Chambre; ; appartement ; 

Submissive ; 
impressed with rever- — 

tears; a 

place; en- 

Rum, n, rum. A spirit distilled from 
the sugar cane ; odd; queer. 
Rhum, bevanda spiritosa che vien 
distillata dalla canna di zucchero; — 
originale ; strambo. 
Rum ou rhum ; liqueur spiritueuse ; 
singulier ; original ; drole. 
Rhomb, ”, rom. A quadrilateral figure. 
Una figura quadrilatera. 
Rhombe (geom.) ; losange. 
Rhumb,n,rum. A circle on the earth’s 
surface ; a point of the compass. 
Un estremita della bussola; un indi- 
cazione della bussola. 
Rhumb; aire de vent. ; 
Romp, n, romp. A boisterous playful 
girl; a leap; a bound; rude play. 
Ragazzaccia di contado, romorosa e 
allegra; scherzo grossolano. 
Une fille grossiére, bruyante et effron- 
tée qui aime ἃ gambadiner. 



ise, vi, riz. To get up; to mount; to 
advance in price or position. 
~ Alzarsi ; ; sorgere : levarsi. 
_ $e lever; se relever; hausser; ren- 

nn γι, vik. A heap of corn or hay 
_ piled in the open air. 

 Bica; mucchio di fieno, &c. 

Un tas un monceau; une meule de 

Rig, eg πὰ rig. A prank; a trick; the 
᾽ aan appearance of a ship ; 

Dei heel ait 

Scherzo; bagascia; attrezzatura di 
4 bastimento; abbigliamento. 
Farce; tour de jongleur ; équipement 

d’un navire. 
Ria, vt, rid. To clear; to free; to dis- 

: Liberare; strigare; sbarazzare. 
Délivrer ; débarrasser ; défaire de. 
Writ, γι, rit. A judicial process ; a legal 


Atto giudiciario; mandato. 
 Keriture ; ordonnance ; mandat d’arrét. 
Rife, a, rif, Replete ; full ; abounding ; 
plentiful ; prevailing. 

Comune ; in ay ia ; abbondante. 
Régnant; qui domine; abondant. 
Rive, vt, tiv. oto split ; to cleave; to 

rend asunder by force. 

Fendere; spaccare. 

_ Fendre; entr’ouvrir; diviser en deux. 
Rifle, », τ. A gun the barrel of 
which is grooved with spiral 

Una carabina a canna rigata. 

Un fusil rayé ou carabiné. 

Rival, n, ri'val. A competitor ; an 

\ antagonist ; one who is in pursuit 

of the same object as another. 


Un rival; compétiteur ; concurrent. 
Rivel, n, ri ‘vl, A wrinkle. 

Una ruga; una grinza. 

Une ride; pli du front, du visage. 
Rigger, », rig’ér, One whose occupation 
is to fit ae rigging of a ship; a 

drum (mech.). 

Chi attrezza,  arreds, addobba. 

Agréeur de Vaisseau. 

Rigour, n, rig'or. Harshness; severity ; 
a sudden coldness attended by a 




Rigore ; severita ; asprezza. 
Rigueur ; sévérite ; apreté. : 
Right, a, rit. Straig t; just; true; 
proper; legitimate; not wrong; 
fit; suitable; not mistaken. 
Diritto ; dritto; giustizia; ragione; 
Droit; convenable ; juste; véritable. 
Rid, vt, rid. To set free; to clear; to 
Liberare; strigare; sbarazzare. 
Délivrer; débarrasser; défaire de. 
Ride, vi, rid. To go on horseback; to 
be conveyed in a carriage; to be at 
anchor, as a ship. 
Cavaleare; andare in carrozza o a 
cavallo; galleggiare o essere all’ 

Aller ἃ cheval ou en voiture; étre ἃ 
Rite, n, rit. A symbolical ceremony ; a 

visible religious form ; observance ; 

Rito; ceremonia sacra. 

Rit ou rite; cérémonie religieuse. 

Wright, n, rit. A workman; an arti- 
ficer ; a mechanic. 

Artigiano; artefice ; mestierante. 
Ouvrier ; fabricant. 

Write, vt, rit. To indite; to express by 

forming letters on puper. 

Writhe, vt, rith. To twist with violence, 
with pain ; to wriggle. 

Contorcersi tin agonia) ; 
Faire des contorsions; se tordre. 

Rime, , rim. Hoar-frost; congealed 

dew or vapour. 
Brina; brinata. 
Gelée blanche; bruine. 

Rim, n, rim. The border of a thing; 
the limit of the extension of any- 
thing ; edge or margin. 

Cerchio; orlo; periferia. 
Bord; extrémité ; marge. 

Rhyme, n, rim. Similarity of sounds in 
words ; correspondence of sounds in 
the terminating words of two verses. 

Rima; verso; poesia. 
Rime; vers; poésie. 

Ring, ἢ, ring. A circle; an ornament 
of gold, &c., for the finger; the 
sound of a bell. 

Anello; cerchio; suono di campane. 
Un cercle; un anneau; son de cloches. 



Rin - 

Ring, vt, ring. To cause to sound, as a 
bell or metallic bod y: 

- Suonare, come campane; echeggiare. 

Sonner; faire rendre un son; tinter; 

Rink, n, rink. A place prepared for 
skating with rollers. 

Un locale ove si esercita il pattinare 
con girelle. 

Un local od on pratique le patinage 
avec ou sur le rouleau. 

Wring, vt, ring. To squeeze by twist- 

~ ing; to turn and strain with vio- 
Torcere ; 
forza. - 
Tordre; tortiller; arracher de force. 

Road, », rod. A highway; a way; a 

Via; strada; maestra. 
Une route; un grand chemin. 

Rod, n, rod. A wand; a stick for flog- 
ging; a measure of land; a pole 
for angling. 

Verga; bacchetta; canna da pesca. 
Verge; baguette; une canne a pécher. 

Rode, pp, rod. Verb To ride. 

Verbo To ride: Cavalcare; cavalcd. 
Verbe To ride: Aller & cheval ; ; il alla 
ἃ cheval. 

Roed, a, rod. Having seed or spawn of 

Avente uova o latte di pesce. 
Ayant des ceufs de poisson. 

Rot, vi, rot. To putrefy; to decay; to 

spoil; to be decomposed. 
Infracidire ; ; putrefare; marcire. 
Pourrir ; se putréfier; se gater. 

Rowed, DD, rod. Verb To row. 

Verbo To row: Remare; remato. 
Verbe To row: Ramer; ramé. 

Roam, vi, rom. To wander; to walk 
about without any certain purpose; 
to stroll. 

Ramingare; andar errando; vagare. 

Réder; errer; aller ἃ l’aventure. 
Rome, n, rom. The capital of Italy. 



Roaming, pv, rom’ing. Verb To roam: 
Act of wandering; a ramble. 

Verbo To roam: Vagare, &c.; vagan- 
do; errando, &c. 

Verb To roam: Rédder; errer ; l’action 
de réder, &c.; rddant. 

Roman,a,ro’man. Pertaining to Rome; 
a native of Rome. 

storcere ; strappare con 


Roar, v7, ror. 

— Rob, vt, rob. To take away from the 

| Rude, a, rid. Unmannerly; rough ; 3 



To cry with a full, 1 
continued sound; to bellow as 

Ruggire; muggire; rimbombare. 

Rugir ; gronder ; mugir; bruire. 
Rower, n, ro'ér. One who rows. 



person of, by open and violent : 
assault; to steal. ΕΣ 
Rubare ; ‘toglier Valtrui di forza 5 
involare. a 
Voler ; dérober; piller. a 

Robe, n, rob. A long, loose garment οὗ 
state or dignity ; a lady’s garment Ὁ 
or elegant dress. δ 

Veste; toga; abbigliamento di gala. _ 
Robe ; vétement long et ample que _ 
portent les juges, les avocats, les. 
professeurs, ὥο. 

Rope, n,rop. A large string of strate 
twisted together ; ee cordage used 
by ships. 

Corde; cable. 

Roe, my ἘΝ A small deer; the spawn of 

Capriuolo; uova o latte di pesce. 4 
Chevrette ; daine; ceufs de poisson. 
Row, vt, ro. To impel with oars. — 

Rood, », rdd. The fourth of an acre; 
the cross representing the Saviour 

Jugero; quarta parte di un acre; _ 
croce o il crocifisso. 
La quatriéme partie d’un acre a a 
la croix; la sainte croix. 

Root, n, rot. The part of a plant whidle 1 
"is in the earth. ὃ 

Radice ; radica. 

Route, n, rot. Course; way taken by a” 

traveller ; road. 3 
Strada; cammino; via. 
Route ; chemin. 

untaught; coarse; vulgar. 
Rozzo; aspro; grossolano. 
Rude; dur; d’une surface inégale; 
raboteux; grossier. 3 
Ruth, n, roth. Mercy; sorrow for the | 
misery of another; sorrow. 4 


 Pieta; compassione, 
 Pitié; compassion. 
se, 2, roz. A flower; a plant; a colour. 

Rosa (fens) color di rosa. 
__ Rose (fleur) ; rose (couleur). 
Rows, vt, rdz. From the verb To row; 

ΡΗ 8rd. pers. sing. ind. mood pres. tense. 
3 Dal verbo To row: Remare; 85 pers. 
- sing. ind. pres.: Egli rema. 
Du verbe To row: Ramer; 89 pers. 
τ sing. ind. prés.: Il rame. 
“Rate, n, rot. Impressed on the memory 
‘by repetition. 
᾿Ξ 5 peer a mente. 
: pprendre par pratique. 
Wrote, vi, τοῦ. Verb To write. 
Ξ- Verbo To write: Scrivere; scrisse. 
_. Verbe To write: Ecrire; il écrivit. 
Wroth, a, rath. Very angry; much 
: exasperated. 
᾿ς Corrucciato; adirato ; 
Trrité ; en colare. 
Wrought, pa, rat. Formed by work or 
. labour; worked; influenced; agi- 

in collera. 

Lavorato; operato; agitato; per- 
Travaillé; opéré; agité. | 
Rough, a, Uneven; rugged; not 

polished ; tempestuous. 
Ruvido; aspro; scabroso; procelloso. 
Raboteux ; rude ; apre; orageux. 
Ruff, n, raf. A plaited collar ; a bird. 
ollare alla spagnuola ; gorgiera 3 
pettegola o gambetta (uccello). 
Tour de gorge; espece d’oiseau. 
Rouse, » and v, rouz. A revel; to wake 
from sleep. 

_ Risvegliare ; ridailate: scuotere. 
Eveiller ; réveiller ; exciter ; ; irriter. 
Rows, n, rouz. An uproar; a disturb- 

Baruffe; risse; zuffe; tafferugli. 
Tumultes ; vacarmes ; tintamarres ; 
querelles; bruits. 

Sabaoth, », sa-ba/oth. Hosts; armies; 
‘to Jehovah, called the 
‘Lord of Sabaoth.’ 
(In ebraico Sabaot): Il Signore degli 
eserciti (Iddio). 
(En Hébraique): Dieu des armées. 
Sabbath, n, sa'bath. According to Jews 



Rud, n, rud.. Redness. 
Rosso; rubrica; sinopia. 
Rougeur ; rouge. 
Rudd, n, rud. The carp, a pond-fish. 
Pesce carpone. 
Carpe (poisson). 
fut, n, rut. The track of a wheel in the 
earth ; a line cut in the soil with a 
_ spade. 
Affondatura di ruotaia. 
Trace profonde faite par les roues d’une 
voiture ; rut; rue (bot.). 

un, vi, run To move in a hurry, by 
celerity, by long steps. 



Rung, pp, rung. Verb To ring. 
Verbo To ring: Suonare campane, 
&c.; suonato. 
gare To ring: Carilloner, &c.; caril- 

Wrung, Pp, ,rung. Verb To wring. 
Verbo To wring: Torcere; storcere 
con forza; torto; storto. 
Verbe To wring: "Tordre, &c.; ar- 
racher; arraché. 

Ruse, 7, riis. A little artifice; a clever 
stroke of policy ; stratagem ; wile ; 

Astuzia; stratagemma. 
Ruse; finesse ; artifice. 

Rues, n, riz. Sorrow ; repentance ; 

plant having a disagreeable odour. 
Piante di ruta; rammarici. 
Plantes de rue; regretite. 

Rye, , ri. A cereal inferior to wheat 
but more hardy. 
Wry, a, ri, Crooked; turned to one 
side; deviating "from the right 

direction ; perverted. 

Storto; bistorto; sghembo; obliquo; 

Tortu ; recourbé ; difformé ; de travers. 

it is meant for Saturday, and to — 
Christians Sunday, being the 
seventh day, in which God rested 
from His work. 

Sabbato secondo gli ebrei; domenica 
secondo i Cristiani. 

Sabbat, jour de repos et de dévotion. 

147 L2 


Sac, ἡ, sak. A little sack; a bag or 
receptacle for a liquid. 
Un piccolo sacco. 
Un petit sac. 
Sack, n, sak. A bag, usually a large 
bag used for corn, wool, &c. 
Sacco grande per grano, lana, &c. 
Sac; sac grand pour blé, laine, ὅσ. 
Sag, vi, sag. To yield; to give way; to 
sink in the middle. 
Pregarsi; chinarsi; cadere. 
Se courber; tomber; poser lourde- 
Saccade, n, sac-cad’. 
check of a horse. 
Scossa; trinciata (di briglia). 
Saccate, a, sac-cat’. (Bot.) Having the 
form of a bag or pouch. 
(Bot.) Che ha la forma di un sacco o 
(Bot.) Ayant la forme d’un sac ou 
Sad, a, sad. Sorrowful; dejected. 
Tristo ; mesto. 
Triste ; mélancolique. 
Sat, vi, sat. Pret. verb To sit. 
Pret. del verbo To sit : Sedere ; sedette. 
Pret. du verbe To sit: 1] assit, 
Said, pa, sed. Verb To say. 
Verbo To say: Dire; disse; detto. 
Verbe To say: Dire; il dit. 
Saith, vt, sath. Said (biblical English). 
Disse (linguaggio biblico). 
ΤΙ dit (expression biblique). 
Set, vt, set. To place; to plant; to 
frame; to sharpen; to settle; to 
fix in metal, as a jewel; to fix as a 
price, &c. 
Fissare; rassodare; contorniare; 
montare come pietra in un anello. 
Mettre ; placer. 
Seth, n, seth. Adam’s third son. 
Il terzo figlio di Adamo. 
Le troisiéme fils d’Adam. 
Sett, n, set. Pile driving. 
Piantare piuoli o pali. 
Pousser; faire entrer, comme pieu, 
pals, &c. 
Sail, », sal. The canvas of a ship by 
which it is impelled. — 
Voile de navire. 
Sale,n, sal. Transfer of goods &c. for 

A sudden violent 



=F et ae eee ee 

| San Ι 

Sailer, γ0, sal’ér. A sailing vessel. 
Veliero ; bastimento a vela. 
Voilier; vaisseau ἢ, voile. 

Sailor, n, sal‘or. A seaman; a mariner. 

Marinaio; persona marittima. 
Marin ; ‘matelot. 

Salary, ‘ny sa’la-ri. Usually a fixed — 
annual or monthly sum to be ΑΝ 
for services rendered. 

ες Salario. 

Salaire; appointements. 

Celery, n, se'le-ri. An evergreen plant of 
the parsley family ; a vegetable. 

Selleri; sedano. 
Céleri, plante potagére. 

Sallow, a, sal'lo. A greyish yellow; a 

shrub or tree. | 
Scialbo; palliduccio; salice. | 
wae ; livide; maladif; espéce de — 

- τ ᾿ ~~ aves 
ΕΝ ὡρῶν εἰναι β μουρ et aunt pee 

ιν ail id 


Shallow, a, shal'ld. Having little depth 

Basso; non profondo ; superficiale, 1 
Bas; qui n’est pas profond ; olilya ἢ 
peu d’eau. ! 
Salter, », salt/ér. One who salts; one | 

who sells salt. 
Che sala; venditore di sale. : 
Celui qui sale; marchand de sel. ; 
Psalter, n, salt'ér. The book of | 

Saltero o salterio, il libro dei Salmi. i 
Psautier; recueil de Psaumes. ᾿ 
Salvage, γ., sal'vij. Goods saved from ~ 
a wreck; a recompense allowed — 
for saving a ship or goods from loss _ 
at sea. 
Salvaggio o Salvetaggio. ; 
Sauvetage. i 
Selvage, n, sel'vaj. The long edge of © 
cloth, in distinction from the short — 
edge or width; a woven border οὗ 
close work. 3 
: Nivagno; cimosa; orlo; lembo. ἡ 
Le bord ou la lisiére du ‘drap. P 
Selvedge, n, sel'vej. The same as Sel- © 
Vedi Selvage. ‘ 
Voir Selvage. q 
Sanguineness, 70, sang’gwin-ness. State — 
or quality of being sanguine. ᾿ 
Qualité sanguigna; temperamento — 
Sanguin ; ardeur; vive attente. . 
Sanguineous, a, sang-gwin’é-us. A- © 
bounding with blood; plethoric; of — 
blood colour. 

2 πρλβδοος di sangue; sanguineo ; 
ο΄ pletorico; color di ποτ 

less, or bitter feos or grin, which 

ἐν ill conceals a person’s real feelings. 

τς Sardonico. © 

Ἧ “ep aa ee moqueur. 

Bardo x, m, sir’do-niks. 

Ε, ued of the onyx stones, consist- 

Ξ ing of stripes of red and white. 

oe ‘Pietra onice detta sardonico. 

Sardonyx, pierre précieuse. 

Sark, 7, siirk. Covered with thin deals; 

a shirt (Scotch); greedy. 

Coperto di tavole sottili o scurette ; 
camicia (in scozzese); ghiotto. 

Goulu; chemise (en écossais) ; couvert 
avec des planchettes. 

Shark, n, shiirk. 
successive rows of long, sharp teeth. 


- Satire, n, sa ‘tir. A caustic censure; 
-- garcasm; irony; ridicule; humour. 
Satire; censure de vice et du ridicule. 
_ Satyr, n, sa'tér. A sylvan god, repre- 
sented as part man and part goat. 
Satiro (mitologia). 
Satyre (mitologo.). 
Saunders, 7, sin’dérs. 


Sandal; sandal- 

. Legno di sandalo. 
Santal, bois des Indes. 

Saunters, vi, sin’térs. Verb To saunter; 

8rd pers. sing. ind. pres. ; to wander 
_ about listlessly; to loiter. 
Verbo To saunter; 85 pers. sing. ind, 

sale adds - ὦ i i ila MP AO 

ἕ res. : Girovagare ; egli girovaga. 
δε Ver To saunter : Flaner ; ; 85 pers. 
¢ sing. ind. _prés. : Il flane. 
_ Saviour, x, sav'i-or. Redeemer of the 
ἕξ world (Jesus Christ); one who | 
or saves. 
Salvatore; redentore. 
ο΄ Sauveur ; rédempteur. 
᾿ς Savowr, n, sa'vor. Flavour; taste ; 
ἕξ relish. 
Sapore; gusto; odore. 

Saveur; goiit; odeur. 

Seald, », skald. A Scandinavian bard; 
Ξ to burn by hot water, &c. 
ἢ Scottatura; tigna; bardo o poeta 
'. Briilure de leau chaude; teigne; 

rogne ; poéte scandinave. 


The most 

A voracious fish with — 


Scalled, pa, skild. Scurfy; seabby. 
Teigneux ; rogneux. 
Scold, vi, skéld. To rail at; a nagging 
Sgridare ; rampognare. 
Gronder; réprimander sévérement. 
Scar, ἡ, skiir. The mark left by a 
wound which has healed ; a blemish. 
Cicatrice ; sfregio. 
Cicatrice; marque d’une plaie aprés la 
Scare, vt, skar. To terrify; to frighten 
and so to drive away. 
Spaventare ; impaurire. 
Epouvanter ; effrayer; terrifier. 
Scene, mn, sén. A prospect; a stage 
painting; part of a dramatic act; a 
painful exhibition of feeling. 
fine (decorazione) ; scena (parte o di- 
visione di un atto di commedia), 


Seéne (décoration de théatre); sous- 

division d’un acte. 

en, pp, sen. Observed ; 
skilled (from verb To see). 

Verbo To see: Vedere; visto; veduto. 

Verbe To see: Voyer; voyé. 

Scenery, 7, sén'é-ri. The appearance 
of the various objects presented to 
view; the paintings representing 
the scenery of a play. 

Scena; scene; scenario; prospettiva ; 


Paysage; vue; coup d’ceil. 

Senary, a, se’na-ri. Belonging to six; 
containing six. 

Senario ; composto di sei. 

Qui appartient au nombre six. 

Scent, , sent. That which causes the 
sensation of smell. 

Odore; odorato; sentore. 

Odorat; odeur; la faculté de sentir. 
Send, vt, send. To despatch, as on a 
message; to transmit. 

Mandare ; spedire; inviare. 

Envoyer ; dépécher. 

versed ; 

| Sent, vt, sent. Pp. verb To send. 
Pp. verbo To send: Mandare, &c.; 
Pp. verbe To send: Envoyer, &c.; 

Cent, n, sent. An American copper 
coin, the hundredth part of a dollar. 
Moneta americana, di rame, la cente- 
sima parte di un dollaro. 
Le sou américain. 



Schemer, , ském’-ér. One who con- 
trives; a contriver ; a planner. 

Progettista; inventore. 

Homme & projets. 

Skimmer, n, skim’ér. A utensil used 
for skimming liquids, &c., to take 
off the scum, as from milk, &e. 

Schiumatoio; romaiuolo bucato. 


Scion, », si’on. <A twig; a-slip for 
grafting; a young member of a 
noble family. 

Rampollo di famiglia nobile ; un ramo- 
scello per innestare ; innesto. 

Scion; rejeton. κ 

Sion, n, sion. A village of France; a 
town and fort of British India; a 
town of Switzerland. 

Un villaggio in Francia; una citta 
Anglo-Indiana; una citta della 

Un village de la France; une ville 
des Indes anglaises; une ville de 
la Suisse. 

Scirrhous, a, ski‘rus. Pertaining to or 
proceeding from a scirrhus. 

Scirroso; indurato. 


Scirrhus, n, ski'rus. A hard tumour. 

Scirro; tumore duro. 


Scissors, , siz'orz. A cutting instru- 
ment with two blades. 



Scissure, n, sis'ir. An opening made by 
cutting; cleft; rent; chink. 

Scissura ; fessura. 

Fente; crevasse. 

Seizure, n, 58 τ. The act of soe 
forcibly or by warrant. 



Sizar, γι, si'zir. A student at the Cam- 
bridge University free of expense. 

Studiente gratuito nell’ universita di 

Ecolier servant, dans une université. 

Cesar, n, sé’zér. A name. 

Un nome, Cesare. 

Un nom, César. 

Scoop, 7, skép. A kind of hollow 

Attignitoio ; cucchiaione. 

Ecope ou Escoup. 



Scope, n, skip. That which is purposed | 

to be reached ; aim or purpose. 


‘Scopo; mira; intenzione; 

But; fin; dessein en vue. 

Scorch, vt, skorch. To parch ; to singe; 

to cause to peel by heat. 

Abbruciacchiare; abbronzare dal sole; Ι 


Briler légérement; griller; dessécher. 

Scourge, n,skérj. A whip made of strips. 

of leather, cords, &c.; a viodieees 

Sferza; frusta; staffile; flagello. 

Fouet ; 

Scrap, », skrap. A small piece, as of 

paper ; a fragment; a morsel. 
Brano ; pezzetto (di carta) ; frammento, 
Petite particule ; fragment ; petit 
morceau, de papier, ὅσο. 
Scrape, vt, skrap. To pare slightly; to 
Raschiare; grattare. 
Ratisser ; racler ; gratter. 
Sculptor, », skulp’ tor. One whose occu- 

pation is to carve wood or stone | 

into images or figures. 
Scultore ; intagliatore. 
Sculpture, n, skulp'tir. 

Scultura; 1’ arte di scolpire. 
Sculpture ; l’art de sculpter. 
Sea, », sé. A large body of water; the 

C, letter, sé. A letter of the alphabet. 
Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

See, vt, sé. To perceive by the eye. 

Sealing, pn, sél'ing. The actof affixing _ 

a seal. 
ΤΊ sigillare. 
Cacheter avec de la cire. 

Ceiling, n, sél'ing. The upper horizon- 1 
tal surface of a room opposite the 

floor. | 
Soffitto ; volta. 

Seam, ”,sém. The uniting of two edges — 
of cloth by the needle; a line of © 

juncture, &e. 
Cucitura; costura. 

spazio ; , 


instrument pour chatier ; a 

The art of 
carving wood, stone, or marble into 

τ ἬΝ 

pews. = 9 


᾿ Seem, vi, sém. To appear; to be fit to 

_. 860 or to be seen. 

_ Sembrare ; parere. 
_ Sembler; paraftre. 

_ Sear or Sere, vt, sér. 

| ae or insensible; dry; withered; no 


i le hie ie Cae ki ee ae ei 
ol "; sas FS 


To make callous 

longer green or fresh. 

*  Inaridire; incallire; rendere adusto; 


 Briler; cauteriser; sécher; faner. 

Seer, n, sér. One who sees into futu- 

rity; a prophet. 

ee! indovino ; profeta. 

Celui qui voit; celui qui prédit les 
événements prophéte ; 

~ Cere, v, sér. To cover with wax; (7) 

the naked wax-like skin that covers 
the base of the bill in some birds. 
(v) Cerare; coprire di cera; (m) una 
pellicola sottile esterna color di 
cera al becco di certi uccelli. 
(v) Cirer; (x) une pellicule comme la 
_ cire au bec de certains oiseaux. 
Search, vt, sérch. To seek for some- 
“ia diligently; to look around 
- for. 
_ Cercare; andar in cerca; frugare. 
Rechercher ; perquisire. 
Serge, n, sérj. A kind of twilled cloth, 
commonly of wool. 
Rascia ; saia (panno di lana). 
Serge; étoffe de laine. 
Surge, n, sérj. That which rises or 
swells up, as a wave or billow. 
Maroso; ondata; fiotto; cavallone. 
Vague ; flot; lame; houle. 
Seas, npl, séz. Plural of Sea. 
Plurale di Sew; Mari. 
Pluriel de Mer; Mers. 
Sees, v, séz. Verb To See; 8rd pers. 
sing. ind. pres. 
Verbo To see: Vedere; 8* pers. sing. 
ind. pres.: Egli vede. 
Verbe To see: Voir; 8° pers. sing. 
ind. prés. : ΠῚ voit. 
Seize, vt, séz. To take possession of by 
force or by a warrant; to clutch. 
afferrare ἢ pigliare ; 

futurs ; 

Sequestrare ; 
Saisir ; prendre avec empressement. 
‘Cease, vi, sés. To leave off; to desist; 
to stop. 
Cessare ; tralasciare. 
Cesser ; discontinuer. 
Secret, a, sé’kret. Something not to be 
repeated ; private ; hidden ; occult. 


Secreto; occulto; privato. 
Secret; caché; mystérieux. 

Secrete, vt, sé-krét'’. To hide; to sepa- 
rate, as substances from the blood 
in animals or from the sap in 

Celare; nascondere; fare secrezione 
dal sangue, piante, Wc. 
Sécréter ; opérer la sécrétion ; cacher. 

Seed, », sed. That which is sown or 
planted ; the substance, animal or 
vegetable, which nature prepares 
for the reproduction of the species. 

Seme ; semenza. 
Semence; graine. 
Cede, vt, séd. To yield; to give up; 
to surrender. 
Seizer, 1, séz’ér. One who seizes. 
Colui che afferra, sequestra, &c. 

Seizure, n, séz'ir. Act of being seized 
or taken possession of, by force or 
by warrant. 

Staggina; sequestro. 

Sell, vt, sel. To give or deliver in 

exchange for money. 

Cell, n, sel. A small room. 

Cella; piccola stanza o cameretta. 

Seller, 7, sel/ér. One who sells in ex- 
change for money. 


Cellar, n, sel'lér. 

under ground. 
Cellier; cave. 

Sender, , send’ér. One who sends or 
despatches a messenger for some- 
thing, or despatches to another place. 

Chi manda; chi invia; che spedisce. 
Envoyeur ; celui qui envoie. 

Centre, n, sen'tér. The middle point of 
anything; the middle of a sphere, 
globe, or circle. 


Centaur, n, sen'tar. The centaur; a 
fabulous being, half man and half 

Tl centauro (mitol.). 
Centaure, monstre fabuleux. 

A room for stores, 


Sends, vt, sendz. Verb To send; 3rd 
pers. sing. ind. pres. tense. 

Verbo To send: Mandare, &c. ; 3* pers. 
sing. dell’ ind. pres.: Egli manda, 

Verbe To send: Envoyer; 8° pers. 
sing. ind. prés.: Il envoie. 

Scents, n, sentz. Those things which 
cause the sensation of smell; 
odour ; that which affects the 

- olfactory organs. 

Odori; sentori, ὅσο. 

Odorats ; odeurs, &c. 

Cents, n, sentz. Plural of Cent; 
American copper coin. 

Plurale di Cent; moneta di rame 

Pluriel de Cent; monnaie en cuivre 

Senior, a,sé/ni-or. Older; elder; chief. 

Seniore; anziano; il ‘pid vecchio ; ἢ 
principale ; capo. 

Ainé ; doyen. 

Seignior, a, sén’yor. 
manor; a lord. 

Signore ; il gran signore. 

Seigneur; le grand seigneur. 

Senses, 7, sens’es. The faculty of feel- 
ing, as sight, hearing, smelling, 
tasting, &e. 

Sensi, come udire, vedere, odorare, 

Les sens, comme voir, odorer, ouir, 

Sensuous, a, sens'i-us. Pertaining to 
sense; addressed to the senses; 

Sensuale ; sensuoso o del senso. 

Tendre ; passionné 5 sensuel, 

Census, n, sen'sus. 
the inhabitants of a country, taken 
by order of the legislature. 

Censo; censimento (di una popola- 
zione, citta, &c.) 

Recensement (d’une ville, &c.). 

Sentry, 7, sen’tri. A sentinel; a soldier 
placed on guard. 

Sentinella ; guardia. 

Sentinelle; soldat qui est en faction. 

Century, n, sen'ti-ri. The period of a 
hundred years. 

Secolo o cento anni. 


Serene, «a, sé-rén’. 
still; peaceful. 

Sereno; calmo; chiaro; tranquillo. 

Serein; calme; tranquille. 


The lord of the 

Calm and clear; 


An enumeration of 

‘Syren or Siren, n, si'ren. A mermai 

who entices seamen with her songs — 

and then kills them; a dangerot Ἵ 

but fascinating woman. \ e | 

Sirena. Ξ 

Serf, ay sérf. 

Saree. (della gleba); schiavo (russo). E 
Serf; esclave; vassal. 

Serve, vt, sérv. To work as a servant 5 
to do one a service; to wait on ἃ 
customer ; to present a writ. 

Servire ; essere al servizio. 
Servir ; "btre en service. 

A slave attached to the 7 

Surf, n, sérf. The floating or seta: of | 
billows upon billows. 
Spruzzo di marosi. 
Brisants ; Ressac. 
Serial, a, sé’ri-al. Pertaining to a 
series ; consisting of a series. 
A‘ppartenente ad una serie. ° 
Appartenant ἃ une série. 
Cereal, a, sé'ré-al. Pertaining to corn 
or edible grain, as wheat, rye, &e. 
Cereale, come grano, avena, Wc. 
Céréale, comme blé, avoine, &e. ae 
Session, », se’shon. A sitting; the — 
actual sitting or time of sitting of 
a court, legislature, &c. ' 
Sessione ; tornata di parlamento, &e. 
Session; séance. 
Cession, n, se’shon. A quitting ; sur- 
render ; resignation. 
Cessione; rassegnazione; dono. 
Cession ; ’démission ; abandon, 
Settler, 1, set’l-ér. One who settles in 
a new country. : 
Colono stabilito in un paese. 
Un colon; un planteur. 
Settlor, n, ’set/lor. He who makes ἃ 



Colui che fa un aggiustamento, asse- ὦ 

gnamento o accomodamento. 

Celui qui fait une assignation, ufie — 

disposition, un arrangement ou | 
accord. : 
Sever, vt, se’vér. Tosunder; todisjoin; 
to keep apart. ν᾿ 
Staccare ; separare; troncare. 
Séparer ; diviser ; trancher ; couper. 
Severe, a, sé-vér’. Austere; serious; 
rigid; stern; rigorous. 
Severo; rigido; austero. 
Sévére ; rigide; rigoureux. 
Sew, vt, so. To stitch; to join things | 
by stitching. 


, ἢ 

ΨΥ NP ind, 




as ΔΝ ΓΝ "τ΄ Ῥ he, a Suppers aie χων 



Sewer, 7, sii’ér. 


| j τ Coudre. ΄ 
ο΄ So, adv, 580. In this manner; thus. 

— Cosi; in questo modo. 
Ainsi; de méme; si; comme cela. 
Sow, vt, sd. To scatter seed for growth, 
_ and the production of a crop. 
Semer ; ensemencer. 
A drain or passage to 
convey off water and filth under- 

- ground. 
Fogna ; condotto sotterraneo. 
_ Egout; cloaque. 

Suer, a, si’ér. One who prosecutes ; 
one who seeks justice or right from, 
by legal process. 

Colui che agisce in tribunale contro un 
altro; processante. 
Poursuivant en justice ; demandeur. 

Sewer, a, sd’ér. One who sews with a 
needle and thread. 

Colui che cuce ; cucitore. 

’ Celui qui coud; celui dont le métier 
est de coudre. 

Sower, a, sd'ér. One who sows or scat- 
ters seed for growth. 

Colui che semina; seminatore. 
Semeur; celui qui séme. 
Shagrin, n, sha’grén. A kind of leather 
prepared from the skins of horses, 
Z mules, ΒΕ 
igrino ; pelle. 
πο. de chagrin; peau préparée ἃ 

Chagrin, τ, sha’grén. ΠῚ humour; 
vexation ; fretfulness. 

Malumore ; stizza; affanno. 
Chagrin ; mauvaise humeur. 

Sham, », sham. Any trick or device 

that deludes; false ; counterfeit. 
_ Infingimento ; impostura. 
Faux; prétendu; tromperie ; fraude ; 

© Shame, n, shim. That which brings 

reproach and degrades a person in 
the estimation of others. 
Onta ; vergogna. 
Honte ; opprobre. 
Share, γι, 5 A part of a thing owned 
by a party in common. 
Parte ; porzione ; azione. 
Part; portion; action. 
Chair, n, chair. A movable seat. 

Char, n, chir. A delicious fish of the 



salmon kind; a turn by the day; — 
a single job or task. 
Un pesce della famiglia del salamone ; 
lavorare a giornata. 
Poisson de la famille du saumon; 
travail fait dans un jour; journée. 
Shear, vt, shér. To cut or clip from the 
surface of, with an instrument of 
two blades. 
Tondere ; tosare. . 
Tondre ; couper avec les ciseaux. 
Sheer, a, shér. Pure or unmingled;_ 
mere; perpendicular; clean; at 

Pretto; puro; chiaro; netto; vero. 
Pur; simple; qui est sans mélange. 
Cheer, n, chér. That which affects the 

countenance with gladness ; a shout 
of joy. 

Raliegrare; confortare; plaudiie. 

Joie ; rejouissance ; applaudissement. 

Sheath, , shéth. A case or scabbard 
for the reception of a sword or 
ΤῊΝ long and slender instrument, 
Guaina; astuccio. 
edie eat gaine de l’épée, du sabre, 


Sheathe, vt, shéth. To put into a scab- 
bard or sheath. 

Mettere nel fodero, nella guaina, &c. 
Rengainer; mettre dans le fourreau. 
Sheet, n, shét. A linen or cotton cloth 

for a bed; a broad expanse; a 
broad sheet of paper containing 
four pages. 

Foglio (di carta); lenzuolo. 

Une feuille de papier; drap de lit. 

Sheen, n, shén. The brightness; the 
shining ; splendour. 

Risplendente ; lucido. 
Eclat; splendeur. 

Shin, n, shin. The bone of the fore 
part of the leg, from the knee to 
the foot. 

Stinco; tibia. 
Le péroné ; l’os extérieur de la jambe. 

Sheep, »,shép. An animal that bears 
wool, remarkable for its harmless- 
ness, timidity, and usefulness. 

Une brebis; un mouton. 

Ship, n, ship. A large vessel adapted to 
navigation; a vessel with three 

Vaisseau; navire, 



Shelf, n, shelf. A board in a cupboard 
᾿ or against a wall, on which articles 
may be placed. 
Palchetto ; scaffale; scansia. 
Rayon ; tablette d’armoire, &c. 
Shelve, vt, shelv. To put on a shelf; 
to put aside or out of use; to fur- 
nish with shelves. 
Collocare sopra uno scaffale, &c.; 
mettere una cosa da parte come 

- scarto. 

Pencher; placer sur le rayon; mettre 
de cdété. 
Shingle, n, shing’gl. A thin board or 
wooden tile for roofing. 
Embrice di legno; tegola piana di 

Ais ou planche mince qui sert ἃ couvrir 
les toits. 
Single; a, sing’gl. Separate; only ; 

Solo; unico; semplice; nubile. 

Seul; individuel ; célibataire. 

Cingle, n, sin'gl. A girth; the band or 
strap that binds the saddle to a 

Cinghia ; cigna da cavallo. 

- Une sangle de cheval. 

Shoal, ,shol. A shallow; a sand-bank; 
a swarm of mackerel, herrings, 
people, &c.. 

Banco di sabbia; quantita insieme di 
pesce, gente, We. 

Un bane de sable; une multitude de 
poissons, de personnes, &c.. 

Shawl, n, shal. An article of dress; a 
kind of mantle or tunic used by 

Chale ou Schall. 

Shock, », shok. A violent concussion of 
bodies; offence; a violent dashing 

Scossa; urto; cozzo. 
Choc; coup; rencontre. 

Chalk, n, chalk well-known white 
calcareous earth or carbonate of 

Craie; terre blanche ; platre. 

Chock, n, chok. A bay; road for ships; 
a ducking. 

Cala; calanca. 

. Coin; taquet; cale; calanque. 

Choke, vt, chok. To strangle by com- 
pressing the throat of; to stop or 
block up; to stifle. 



Soffocare ; strangolare ; turare ; stop- 
pare ; ingorgare. 

Suffoquer; étouffer; étrangler; em- 
pecher; boucher. 

Shod, pp, shod. One whose feet are 
covered with shoes or that wears 

Calzato ; ferrato; cavallo ferrato. 
Chaussé; un cheval ferré. 
Shot, n, shot. Metal pellets for guns; 
one who is killed by a fire-arm. 
Palline da schioppo; fucilato o ucciso 
con arma da fuoco.’ 
Menu plomb ; dragée; tué par une 
arme ἃ feu; coup d’arme a feu. 
Shoes, 7, shéz. "A covering for the feet 

usually of leather; a plate of iron © 

nailed to the hoof of a horse. 
Chews, vt, chéz. Verb To chew: 38rd 
pers. sing. ind. pres. tense. 
Verbo To chew: Masticare; 88 pers. 
sing. ind. pres.; Egli mastica. 

Verbe To chew: Chiquer; 89 pers. 

sing. ind. prés.: Il chique. 

Choose, vt, chéz. To pick out; to take, 
as one thing in preference to 
another ; to adopt. 

Choisir; élire; trier; faire choix de. 

Chouse, vt, chous. ΤῸ ‘cheat; to impose 
upon ; to trick or defraud. 

Truffare ; imbrogliare; defraudare. 
Tromper ; duper. 

Shone, v7, shon. Pp. verb To shine. 

Pp. verbo To shine: Brillare; risplen- 
dere; brillato, &c. 

Pp. verbe To shine: 
&c.; brillé. 

Shown, vt, shin. Pp. verb To show. 

rp, verbo To show: Mostrare; mos- 

Pp. verbe To show: Montrer; atone 

Shoot, vt, shot. To cause to dart, as an 
arrow; to kill by a ball, arrow, or 
anything shot. 

Sparare; tirare; scoccare; lanciare; 
— con arma da fuoco, freccia, 
Tirer ;. décharger une arme ἃ feu; 
darder ; lancer. 

Chute, n, shot. A rapid descent in a 
river; a framework through which 
articles glide from a higher to a 
lower level. 

Cascata d’ acqua; un ordegno di legno 

Briller; luire, 


a qual si ἐς scivolare oggetti dall’ 

in bas 
“ Ohake wean’ “chiite de feuilles; chiite 
pour décharger marchandise. 
Shrewd, n, shriid. Acute; sagacious; 
Sagace ; accorto; chiaro; veggente. . 
Fin; rusé; adroit ; subtil. 

| Shroud, n, shroud. A dress for a dead 

rson; a cover; a winding-sheet. 
Sudario; lenzuolo ; ; panno funebre. 
Linceul; couvert; abri; drap mor- 

; Side, γι, sid. The broad and long part 

of a thing; the part of the body 
on which one usually lies; a margin. 
Lato; canto; fianco. 
‘Latéral ; cote ; flanc ; bord. 

Sighed, pp, sid. From the verb To 

sigh; perf. ind.: To inhale and 
expire a long breath. 
Dal yerbo To sigh: Sospirare; perf. 
dell’ ind. o pp.: Sospirato. 
. Verbe To sigh : Soupirer ; prét. ou pp. ; 


Sight, n, sit. The act of seeing; faculty 
of vision ; ἃ being within the limits 
of vision. 

Vista; veduta; prospettiva. 
Faculté de voir; étendue de pays qui 
s’offre ἃ la vue. 

᾿ Scythe, m, sith. An instrument for 

mowing grass or cutting grain. 
Faux, instrument pour moissonner, 
Site, n, sit. Situation; place; spot; a 
seat or ground; plot. 
Situazione ; luogo; posto; sito. 
. Site; situation ; emplacement. 
Cite, n, sit. To summon to appear in a 
Citare; allegare; citare in tribunale. 
Citer ; om un passage; assigner ἃ, 

Sider, a, sid’ér. One who sides with ; 
one who attaches himself to a side 

or part. 
Parteggiatore ; colui che appoggia un | 
ϊο | 


Partisan % celui qui se joint ἃ un | 

Cider, γι, si'dér. The juice of apples ex- 
ἣν pressed a liquor used for drink. 

Sighs, vi, siz. 8rd pers. sing.-ind. pres. 
tense verb To sigh. 



85 pers. sing. dell’ ind. pres. del verbo 
To sigh: Sospirare ; egli sospira. 
89 pers. sing. de l’ind. prés. du verbe 
To sigh: Soupirer ; 1] soupire. 

Size, n, siz. Bulk; si bane magni- 

Grandezza; grossezza ; ‘mole; statura, 

Grandeur; taille; grosseur. 

Sign, », sin. A symbol; a token; a 
wonder; a miracle; a significant 

Segno ; indizio; contrassegno. 
Signe; indice; marque. 

Sine, n, sin. A trigonometrical term. 
Sino; seno (geom.). 
Sinus (géom.). 

Signet, n, sig’net. A seal; the seal of a 

Suggello; sigillo; sigillo d’un sovrano. 
Le cachet du roi. 

Cygnet, » 2, sig’net. 

igno giovine. 
Un jeune cygne. 

Sin, m, sin. Transgression ; ; either 
omission of one’s duty to God, or 
commission of some act forbidden 
by God. 

Sing, vi, sing. To utter vocal music. 

A young swan. 


Sink, vi, singh. To fall to the bottom; 
to become lower ; to be over- 

Affondare ; sprofondarsi. 
S’enfoncer ; couler ἃ fond. 

Zinc, n, zingh. A metal resembling 

Zinc ; métal blanc et lamelleux. 

Sinews, 7, si‘niz. Tendons to unite 
muscles to the bones; strength ; 
vigour; nerve. 

Tendini; nervi. 
Tendons; muscles. 

Sinuous, a, sin'i-us. Wavy; bending 
in and out; of an undulating 


Sinueux ; ondulatoire. 
| Simus, n, si’‘nus. A bend or recess in a 
| coast or in a bone. 
| Seno; golfo; cala; baia. 

Baie ; ouverture entre deux terres. 

Sit, vi, sit. To take a seat. 




Chit, n, chit. A sprout; a lively, pert 


Germe ; stipite; bambino vivace. 

Le germe des graines ; un bambin ; 
vif; éveillé. 

Cit, n, sit. A citizen; a young citizen. 
Cittadinello pretenzioso; borghese. 
Un petit bourgeois. 

—$lab, », slab. A thin piece of marble or 
other stone, having plane surfaces ; 
thick; viscous. 

Lastra di pietra o di marmo. 
Tablette de marbre, de pierre, ὅσο. 

Slap, n, slap. A blow given with the 
open hand. 

Schiaffo; colpo dato 
Une claque; un coup; un soufflet. 

Slack, vi, slak. To become less tense; 
to be remiss or backward; to lose 

Allentare; rendere molle. 
Lacher; détendre; ralentir. 

Slag, n, slag. Dross of a metal; cinders. 
Scoria; rosticci (dei metalli). 

Scorie ; machefer. 

Slate, », slat. An argillaceous stone used 

for roofing and school sie prio! 

Sleight, n, slit. Dexterity; a trick per- 

formed dexterously. 
Furberia; incanto; fascino. 
Tour d’adresse ; artifice ; finesse. 

Slay, vt, sla. To kill; to slaughter. 
Ammazzare; trucidare. 

Tuer; massacrer; détruire. 

Sleigh, n, sla. <A sledge. 
Slitta; treggia; traino. 

Slide, vz, slid. To glide ; to glide along 

ice or down an incline. 

colla mano 

Sdrucciolare ; scivolare ; scorrere ; 
Glisser; passer légérement ; passer 

Slight, a, slit. Flimsy; not thorough ; 
weak ; not deep, as an impression. 
Leggero ; esile; sottile ; di poco rilievo. 
Petit; peu considérable ; mince; leger. 
Sling, , sling. An instrument for hurl- 

ing stones; a support suspended | 

round the neck for a wounded arm. 
Fionda; ciarpa per sostenere il braccio 
al collo. 



Fronde; écharpe; avoir le bras en 
Slink, vi, slink. To steal or sneak away ; 
to creep away meanly. 
Svignare ; scappa via. 
Avorter ; s’esquiver ; 
Sloe, », slé. The fruit of a wild plum. 
Prugnola; prugnolo. 
Prunelle ; prune sauvage. 
Slough, n, "slou. A hole full of mire, 
chiefly in a road; a bog. 
Luogo fangoso ; pozzanghera. 
Bourbier; endroit bourbeux. 
——n,sluf. The cast-off skin of a ser- 
pent or other reptile ; the dead part 

échapper en 

of flesh or skin which separates — 

from a foul sore. 

Scaglia (di serpe); crosta (di piaga) ; 

La dépouille du serpent; crotite sur 
une plaie. 

Slow, a, slo. Not fast; long in taking 

place; behind in time. 

Lento; pigro; tardigrado. 

Lent; manquant d’activité; tardif; 
lourd; paresseux. 

Slop, x, slop. Refuse water and rins- 
ings; a loose outer dress, &c. 
Lavatura ; sciacquatura ; fondaccio. 

Lavaille; rincure. 
Slope, n, slop. An incline; a declivity. 
Pendio; declivio; declivita. 
Pente; ‘penchant; déclivité. 
Slot, », slot. The track of a deer; a 
Traccia di cervo; barra di legno. 
Marque du pied du cerf; foulées. 
Sloth, n, sloth. Slowness; laziness ; an 
animal which lives in trees and is 
an expert climber. 
Infingardia; pigrizia; 
Fainéantise; paresse; un tardigrade 
Smash, vt, smash. To break into frag- 
ments; to crush. 
Infrangere ; spezzare ; frantumare. 
Briser avec violence ; écraser. 
Smatch, n, smach. Taste ; tincture. 
Gusto; sapore; tintura. 
Gotit; saveur; teinture. 
Smelled, pp, smél’ld. Perceived by the 
nose or by the olfactory nerves; 
did smell. 
Fiutato; odorato; sentitone |’ odore. 

il tardigrado 

3 ! 





ΤΥ ΓΝ ΨΚ. oe 

᾿ 4 


Fes ee AoW ΟΡ ΣΤ a | 
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Smelt, n, smélt. A sea fish of the 

on family. 
Perlano (pesce di mare). 
Eperlan (poisson de mer). 

‘Smock, », smok: A shift; a chemise; a 

woman’s under garment. 
Camicia da donna. 

_ Une chemise de femme. 

Smoke, n, smodk. The visible vapour 
that escapes from a burning sub- 
stance, as from wood, &c. 

Fumo; vapore. 
Fumée; vapeur. 

Smooth, a, smith. Sleek; having an 
even surface; not rough; soft; 
bland ; glossy. 

Liscio; levigato; piano. 

- Uni; poli; luisant. 

Smooth, vt, smbth. To make smooth; 
to stroke ; to appease. 

Far liscio; appianare ; spianare. 
᾿ Unir; aplanir; calmer. 

‘Smudge, », smuj. A smear; a blot; a 

suffocating smoke ; a stain. 
Una macchia ; insudiciatura. 
Une tache; barbouillé. 
Smutch, v,smuch. To tarnish; to stain 
or mark with smut. 
Annerire col fumo, colla fuliggine o 
᾿ς ¢ol carbone. 
Noircir ; salir avec de la fumée. 
Snack, n, snak. Ashare; an equal part 
or portion; a door-latch; a small 
and hasty meal. 
Parte; porzione; pasto preso in fretta. 
Part; portion. 

' Snag, n, snag. A short rough branch; 

a tooth projecting beyond the rest. 

Pezzo di ramo sporgente; pezzo di 

dente guasto. 
Un morceau de branche débordante. 

Soak, vi, sdk. To saturate; to cause to 

jie in a fluid till the substance has 
imbibed what it can contain. 

Macerare ; inzuppare ; ammollare. 

Tremper ; lavaitior imbiber. 

Soc, n, sok. Various kind of privileges, 
as, to administer justice, execute 
law, &e. 

Diverso genere di privilegi, come sa- 
rebbe amministrare giustizia, legge, 

Certains priviléges attachés aux te- 
Sock, n, sok. A hose with a leg piece 
extending over the knee; the shoe 
formerly used by comic actors. 



Mezza calza; calzetta; socco (teat.). 
Socque; chaussure des acteurs co- 
miques de l’antiquité. 

Soar, vi, sor. To mount up on the 
wing; to rise in imagination; to be 

Spiccar il volo in alto; aspirare. 
Prendre lessor ; s’élever fort haut en 
volant; aspirer; souhaiter. 

Sore, n and adj, sor. A wound; an ulcer ; 
a boil; grief; affliction; painful. 

Piaga ; ferita ; ulcera; male; doloroso; 
sensibile; dolente. 

Uleéré; plaie; douloureux; 

ui fait mal. 

» pp, sdr’d. - Risen in imagination; 

mounted in the air on wings. 

Slanciatosi in alto colla fantasia; in- 
alzatosi sulle ali. 

S’élevé fort haut 
volé trés haut. 

Sored, pp, βου ἃ. Made sore; made afflict- 
ing; made painful. 

Ulcerato; piagato; addolorato. 
Uleéré; chagriné. 

Sword, n, sord. A weapon, warlike, de- 
fensive, and offensive, worn at the 
side ; emblem of authority. 


Sob, vi, sob. To sigh convulsively of 

Singulto; singulto con pianto. 

Sop, τ, sop. Anything steeped in liquor, 
but chiefly something dipped in 
broth, milk, &c., intended to be 
eaten ; anything given to pacify. 

Qualche cosa, come sarebbe un pezzo 
di pane, inzuppato nel vino, latte, 
&c.; dono per acquetare. 

Tremper ; imbiber ; chose donnée pour 
fermer la bouche, pour apaiser. 

Sod, », sod. Turf; a piece of turf; 

Piota ; zolla coperta d’ erba. 

Une motte de terre; gazon. 

Sot, n, sot. An habitual drunkard. 


Sot; homme abruti par la boisson. 

Sought, vt, sat. Pp. from the verb To 
seek ; searched ; endeavoured to 



imaginairement ; 


Pp. del verbo To seek: Cercare, &c.; 

Pp. du verbe To seek: Chercher, &c. ; 




Sold, vt, 5018, Pp. verb To sell; any- 
thing given in exchange for money. 
Pp. del verbo To sell: Vendere ; ven- 
Pp. du verbe To sell: Vendre; vendu. 

Soled, a, 5018. A shoe new bottomed. 

Che ha le sole o suole, come scarpa, 
Ayant des semelles; a des souliers. 

Solid, a, so'lid. Hard ; firm; dense; not 
liquid or fluid; not hollow. 

Solido; duro; massiccio. 
Solide ; massif ; dense. 

Solder, vt, sol/’dér. To unite or make 
solid or firm as metallic substances 
by cementing them with a metallic 

Saldare; ricongiungere con saldatura. 
Souder; unir par le moyen de la 

Soldier, n, sdl'jér. A military man; a 
private or one in the ranks. 

Soldato; militare. 

Shoulder, n, shol'dér. The joint con- 

necting the arm to the trunk. 

Sole, ~ and adj, 5016. The bottom of 
the foot or of a shoe; a fish; only; 

Suola di scarpa; 
sola; unico. 

La dessous du pied; la semelle d’un 

Soul, n, 501. The immaterial raat of a 
man, which distinguishes him from 
the brutes. 

Ame; esprit. 
Sowl, vt, soul. To pull by the ears. 
Tirare le orecchia. 
Tirer les oreilles. 

Some, a, sum. A few; denoting a certain 
quantity of a thing. 

Qualche; alcuno; del; dello, &c. 
Quelque ; un peu; du; de la; des. 
Sum, a,sum. A quantity of money ; the 

amount of figures added together. 
Somma ; complesso. 
Somme; tout; total; le montant. 

sogliola (pesce) ; 

Son, , sun. Male offspring of a father 
and mother. 
. Figlio. 

Song, 70, song. Aballad; aditty; alay; 
the singing of birds. 



Canzone} aria. 
Chanson ; chant; ramage. 

Sun, n, sun. The shining orb of day. 

Sung, vi, sung. Pret. of verb To sing. 
Pret. del verbo To sing: Cantare ; 

Pret. du verbe To sing : Chanter 
Soot, 7, sdt. Condensed smoke hanging 
to flues, &. 

Suie; fumée qui s’attache aux parois 
de la cheminée. 

Suit, n, sit. A petition; a request; a 
legal process; a number of things 
used together, as a suit of clothes, 
of armour, &c. 

Supplica; istanza; processo; assorti- 
mento, &c. 

Assortiment ; 
procés, &e. 

Sooth, », sdth. Truth; true; reality; 
sweetness; kindness. 

Vero; leale; reale; fedele; blando. 
Vérité ; réalité ; agréable; qui plait. 
Soothe, vt, soth. To calm; to tranquil- 
lize ; to assuage; to gratify. 
Blandire ; ; Yasserenare; accarezzare; 
Flatter; caresser; calmer; adoucir. 

Sorelt, 7, so’rel. A buck of the third 

Daino di tre anni. 
Un daim de trois ans. 

Sorrel, n, so'rel. A reddish brown; a 

plant. i 
Acetosa (bot.). a 
Oseille, plante acide, agreste et pota- 


Spacious, a, spa’shi-us. Having large 
or ample space or room; not nar- 
row; expansive. 

Spazioso; ampio; largo; vasto. 
Spacieux; étendu; vaste. 

Specious, a, spé’shi-us.  Plausible; 

colourable; pleasing to the view; 

pétition ; supplique ; 

Che piace all’ occhio; plausibile; ap- 
Agréable ἃ l’ceil; plausible; spécieux. 
Spare, vt, spar. To refrain from using ; 
to part with ; to treat with for- 
Risparmiare; dispensarsi; accordare; 

Ν᾿ “ 

_ Epargner; employer avec économie; 
+ traiter pode *adulgonne, 
Spear, n, spér. A long pointed weapon ; 
; a lance ; a weapon of war. 
᾿ Lancia; alabarda; arpione. 
Scola arn δ ἡ ὡς > 
wi, sped. . verb To speed. 
: Pp. verbo To speed: Affrettare, &c. : 
Affrettato, &c. 
. verbe To speed: Dépécher; hater ; 
dépéché ; haté, &e. 
Speed, vi, spéd. To hasten; to fare; to 
move with celerity.. 
Affrettare; sollecitare, &c. 
ο΄ Dépécher; hater; expédier. 
Spend, vt, spend. To lay out money; 

to squander; to waste; to ex- 
᾿ Spendere; sborsare; consumare ; 
Dépenser; consommer; passer; con- 

_ Spent, pa, spent. Pp. verb To spend. 
. verbo To spend: Speso. 
Pp. verbe To spend: Dépensé. 

Spin, vt, spin. To spin; to cause to 
whirl round ; to draw out and twist 
into threads. 

Filare; far rotare; far girare, come 

' Filer; faire du fil; faire tourner ou 

; mouvoir en rond. 

_ Spine,n, spin. The backbone or verte- 
bral column ; a spike. 

Spina dorsale. 
= Ya l’épine du dos. 
Spirit, n, spirit. A beverage obtained 

by distillation ; the breath of life; 
the soul of man. 

Spirito; anima. 

Esprit ; ame. 

Sprit, n, sprit. A small boom or gaff 
used with some sails in small 

Tarchia (marit.); civada. 
Civadiére (marit.). 

Spoke, », spok. A bar or rail of a 
wheel reaching from nave to felly; 
a rung of a ladder. 

Razzo ὁ razza (di ruota). 
Rayon ou raie d’une roue. 
Spook, n, spék. A spirit; a ghost. 
Spirito; fantasma ; spettro. 
Esprit; fantdéme; spectre. 

Squad, », skwod. Part of a ‘company 
of soldiers’ assembled for drill or 
inspection. ΄ 




Distaccamento piccolo di soldati 

novizi o reclute. 
Compagnie de recrues. 

Squat, vi, skwot. To sit down upon the 
hams or heels as a human being; to 
settle on new grounds without a 
title; to cower. 

Quatto; rannicchiato; 
Accroupi ; assis par terre; trapu. 

Stack, m, stak. A large heap of hay, 
grain, or straw; a large pile of wood. ἢ 

Mucchio; cumolo (di fieno, grano, ὁ 
Meule de foin, de blé, &c. 

Stag, n, stag. A red deer in its fifth 

year; the male of the hind. 
Cervo di cinque anni. 
Male de la biche ; cerf de cing ans. 

Staggerd, n, stag’ard. A deer four years 

stabilirsi al- 

Cervo di quattro anni. 
Un cerf de quatre ans. 
Staggered, pp, stag’érd. Verb To stag- 

Dal verbo To stagger: Vacillare; 
Verbe To stagger : Vaciller ; chanceler, 
ἄο. : Vacillé. 

Staid, a, stad. Steady; not giddy; not 
wild or fanciful; grave; regular; 

Sobrio; prudente; grave; posato. 
Sobre; grave; régulier. 

State, n, stat. A condition; solemn 

pomp; dignity; a body politic. 
Stato; condizione; reame. 
Etat; disposition; condition; royaume. 

Stayed, pp, stad. From verb To stay. 

Verbo To stay: Stare; restare: Stato; 
Verbe To stay: Rester; demeurer : 
Resté ; demeuré. 
Stair, », star. A step of a staircase. 
Scalino; gradino. 
Degré; marche d’un escalier. 

Stare, vi, stir. To gaze or to look with 

fixed eyes wide open. 

Guardar fisso; stralunare. 

Regard fixe; regarder fixement; re- 
garder avec étonnement. 

Stake, » and v, stak. A post to which 
martyrs were fastened to die; 
a deposit made pending the result 
of a wager. 

Porre la posta; scommettere; palo al 
quale si legavano i suppliziati. 


Mettre au jeu; mise; pari; pieux en- 
foncés dans la terre auxquels on 
liait les condamnés ἃ la torture. 

Steak, n, stak. A collop of beef. 

Braciuola; costoletta. 

Cotelette; tranche de viande. 
Stationary, a, sta’shon-a-ri. Fixed ; 
immovable; not progressive. 

Stazionario ; fisso. 

-Stationnaire ; fixe. 
, Stationery, n, sta’shon-e-ri. Articles 
sold by a stationer, as pens, paper, 
ink, &e. 

Merci da cartolaio; oggetti da uffizio. ᾿ 

Papeterie ; articles de bureau. 

Statue, », stat’i. The solid representa- 
tion (in stone, marble, wood, &c.) 
of a living being. 


Statute, γι, stat’it. An act of the legis- 
lature of a state ; permanent rules 
or laws. 

Statuto; editto; legge. 
Statut ; loi. 

Stead, n, sted. Replacing or filling the 
place of another; place or room 
which another had or might have. 

Luogo; vece; giovamento. 
Place; lieu. 

Steed, n, sted. A horse of high mettle 

for state or war. 
Corsiero; destriero. 
Coursier ; cheval; destrier. 

Steal, vt, stél. To take and carry away 
feloniously ; to rob; to slip in or 
out unobserved. 

Rubare; involare. 
Voler ; dérober ; enlever. » 

Steel, n, stél. Iron refined and com- 
bined with carbon used in making 
instruments, weapons, &c. 


Steep, a, step. High; lofty; precipi- 

tous; a hill; a mountain; a rock, 

Irto ; scosceso; luogo erto. 
Descente; montée escarpée; pré- 

Step, n, step. A pace; the round of a 
ladder; gait; manner. 
Passo; scalino; andata; vestigio. 
Pas; enjambée; degré; échelon d’une 
Steppe, n, step. Vast grassy plains in 
south-east of Russia. 



Gran pianure o campagne rase nel 

sud-est della Russia. 
Grandes campagnes ou plaines au sud- 
est de la Russie. 

Stile, n, stil. Steps for getting over 
a fence or wall. 

Barriera; steccato. 

- Echelons ou marches qui aident ἃ, 
franchir une cloison ou barriére. 

Style, n, stil. Manner of thinking or 
of writing; phraseology; designa- 
tion, &e. 

Stile; maniera; costume. 
Style; maniére de faire quelque chose, 
_ comme écrire, peindre, ὅζο. 

Sting, vt, sting. To pain acutely; to 
pierce with a sharp pointed instru- 
ment with which certain insects, 
as the wasp and bee, are pos- 

Pungere (come una vespa). 
Piquer; percer; piquer des insectes. 

Stink, vi, stingh. To emit a strong - 
offensive smell, commonly a smell 
of putrefaction. 

Puzzare ; appuzzare. 
Puer ; sentir mauvais. 

Stoop, v7, stép. To bend the body for- 
ward and downward; to incline 
forward in standing or walking. 

Curvarsi; chinarsi; abbassarsi; umi- 

Se baisser; se courber; s’incliner; 
Stoup, n, stip. A basin for holy water; 

flax used for fomentations. 
Pila per acqua benedetta. 

Straight, a, strat. 
not crooked. 

Dritto; giusto; equo. 
Droit ; en ligne droite. 

Strait, a and n, strat. Narrow; rigor- 
ous; a neck of water, or narrow 
passage in the ocean. 

Stretto; angusto; ristretto; passaggio 
stretto di mare, tra due terre. 

Etroit; qui n’est pas large; bras de 
mer étroit entre deux terres. 

Strife, m, strif. Contest of emulation; 
opposition ; contrast. 

Gara; contesto; alterco. 
Dispute; querelle ; 

Strive, vi, striv. To make efforts ; to 
struggle; to vie. 

Ingegnarsi; aiutarsi; sforzarsi. 

Right ; upright ; 

contestation ; 

- B'efforeer; — contre; étre aux 

prises a 

Stroke, Nn, strok. A blow; a dash; a 

touch; a masterly act; a mark 
with pen or pencil. 

E ~ Colpo; percossa; tratto; pennata. 
Coup; atteinte; trait ; touche. 

Struck, ‘Ut, struck. Pret. and pp. verb 

To strike. 

Pret. e pp. verbo To strike: Percuo- 
δε: Percosso. 
Age et Ῥ. verbe To strike : Frapper, 
&c.: Frappé. 
‘Stun, vt, stun. To stupefy with noise or 
ἃ blow. 
Stordire ; προς, 
Etourdir ; étonner ; absourdir; priver 
“de sentiment. 
potung, ng, Pir stung. Verb To sting. 
Ὁ sting: Pungere: Punto. 
| thie To sting: Piquer: Piqué. 
-Subtile, a, sub’til. Fine-drawn; thin; 
| delicate. 

Fino; sottile ; delicato. 

Fin; ‘subtil ; délié; menu. 

Subtle, a, sut’l. Artful ; wily; crafty. 

| Astiuto: acuto; furbesco. 

 Subtil; rusé; adroit. 

Subtler, nN, sut'lér. More cunning. 

Pid astuto; pid furbo. 

Plus rusé; plus adroit. 

Sutler, n, sut'lér. A camp follower; a 
ο΄ vietualler. 

Vivandiere ; provveditore. 

Vivandier ; cantiniére. 

- Succour, vt, suk’kér. To aid; to help 
when in difficulty, want, and dis- 

ο΄ S$oeccorrere ; assistere ; aiutare. 

& Secours; aide; assistance. 

_ Sucker, n, suk’ér. He that draws with 
mouth, as milk, &c.; a pipe 
Ἂν which anything i is drawn. 

Chi o che succia 0 poppa; stan- 


Celui qui suce; attirer en pressant 
avec les lévres. 

Suet, », si’et. The hard fat of mutton, 
lamb, or beef, particularly that 
part of it about the kidneys. 

Grasso di carne dura; sugna. 
Gras; graisse; suif. 

Sweat, n, swet. The moisture that issues 
from the skin of an animal; per- 



Sueur; transpiration. 


ΨΥ see ne! Se 

= © 




Suite, x, swéte. A company or number , 
of attendants or followers; retinue ; 

Seguito ; corteo. 
Suite; train; série. 
Sweet, a, swét. Having the taste of 
sugar; pleasing to the senses. 
Doux ; agréable. 
τὐρὸς ὁ ‘ado, shir'li. Certainly; infal- 

7 ic ΟΒ sicuramente. 
Assurément ; certainement. 

Surly, a, sér'li. Crabbed; 
cross and rude; dark; 

Arcigno; burbero; ritroso; tempo o 
aria fosca ; cattivo tempo. 

Qui a un air rechigné; de mauvaise 
humeur ; mauvais temps. 

Surplice, ἡ, sér’plis. A white robe 
worn by clergymen over their 

Cotta ; camice (d’ ecclesiastico). 
Surplis ; vétement d’ecclésiastique. 

Surplus, n, sér'plus. That which re- 
mains when use is satisfied; the 
excess over. 

Il di pid; il soverchio; 1’ eccedente. 
Surplus; l’excédant ; le reste. 

Sward, », swird. Grassy turf; that 
part of the soil which is filled with 
the roots of grass. 

Piota; terra erbosa. 
Couenne; gazon; verdure; la surface 
de la terre. 

Swart, vt, swart. To make tawny. 

Imbrunire; annerare. 
Basaner; haler; d’un teint noiratre. 

Swing, vi, swing. To move to and fro, 
as a body suspended in the air; to 

Dondolare ; penzolare; ciondolare. 
Remuer; balancer; agiter; brandir; 
faire tourner. 

Swinge, vt, swinj. To beat soundly; to 
move as a lash. 

Battere o percuotere forte; agitare, 
come sferza. 
Fouetter ; batonner; chatier. 

Swink, vi, swink. Toil-worn, as ‘the 
swink ploughman.’ 

Stanco; stracco; stanco dal lavorare. 
Travailler trop. 

Symbol, », sim’bol. An emblem; a 
character to signify something; a 

snarling ; 

161 M 


Simbolo; segno simbolico. | 

Symbole; embléme; signe embléma- 
tique. | 
Cymbal, n, sim'bal. A basin-shaped 

musical instrument of brass; in ‘| 


Tabor, », ta’bor. A town in Austria; 
Mount Tabor. 
Una citta in Austria; il Monte Tabor. 

Une ville en Autriche; le Mont Ta- 

Tabour, n, ta’bor. A drum beaten with 
one stick and used as an accom- 
paniment to a pipe or fife. 
Tamburello; tamburino. 
Tambourin ; tambour de basque. 
Tack, n, tak. A small nail with a flat 
Chiodino con testa piatta. 
Un petit clou. 
Tag, n, tag. A metallic point at the end 
of a string or a lace. 
Puntale; il puntale di una stringa. 
Le ferret d’un lacet. 
Tacked, vt, tak’d. Attached with small 
nails ; veered, as a ship. 
Attaccato con chiodini; ; virato di bordo 
Attaché ou uni par de petits clous; 
revirer de bord. ᾿ 
Tact, n, tact. Adroitness in adapting 
oneself to circumstances, words, or 
actions; peculiar skill. 
Tatto ; accortezza. 
Le toucher ; adresse; savoir faire. 
Tail, », tal. The part of an animal 
which terminates its body behind; 
a fag end; limitation. 
Tale, n, tal. A story; a narrative of 
adventure; a tally. 
Favola; novella; racconto. 
Conte; roman; historiette. 

Taken, pp, tak'én. Verb To take. 
Verbo To take: Prendere; preso. 
Verbe To take: Prendre; pris. 

Taking, pa, tak'ng. Alluring; attrac- 

tion; act of gaining possession. 
Attraente; avvenente; prendimento; 
Agréable; qui plait; prise; capture. 
Tall, a, tal. High in stature; lofty. 



- Cembalo; catube; commamelle. 
Cymbale ; instrument de musique ; 

Alto; lungo; grande di statura. 
_ Grand; haut; d’une haute stature. 

playing, two of ‘thea are stra 7 

Tole, vt, tol. To allure by some bait. 

_ Adescare. 
Attirer; entrainer. i 

Toll, n, tol. Tribute; impost; a duty; 

the regular stroke of a funeral bell. 

Pedagio; tassa; diritto; rintocco (di 

Péage ; tinter une cloche. 
Tally, x, tal’li. 
another; when one thing corre- 
sponds with another. 
Taglia; tacca; tessera. 

Taille; bois auquel on fait des en- 

tailles pour tenir un compte. 
Dally, vi, dal'li. 

One thing made to suit | 

To amuse one’s self — 

with idle play; to wanton; tolinger; ὦ 

to loiter. 
Scherzare in modo lascivetito; baloc- 
care; ciondolare. 
Badiner; folatrer ; faire des caresses. 
Tame, a, ‘tam, Subdued ; depressed ; 

quiet; gentle; mild; accustomed 4 

to man; not wild. 
,, Domato; eddomantionse: 

Apprivoisé ; doux; dompté; qui n’est Ἶ 

pas farouche. 

Dame,n, dam. A mistress; a matron; — 

a lady; title of honour to a woman. — 

Dama; _ signora ; 
vecchia ; buona vecchia. 

Une dame; une maitresse de mai-— 


donna anziana o 

Tan, m, tan. The bark of certain trees, — 
as the oak, &c., used for converting — 

hides into leather ; ; 
brown colour. 

Concia; materia con cui si conciano le 

Tan; préparer le cuir avec l’écorce de 


‘Tang, n, tang. A strong taste; some- 

thing that leaves a sting or pain 

Tanfo; gusto forte; sapore. 

Gott fort ; mauvais gotit; déboire. 

a yellowish © 

a hs eid he 

oF hed Lee daa ial ieee 

ΠΝ λυ, 


Bi i seis ἊΣ ahs AE ol aa oe εν" 

Neh OY EPPA ET Ook - 

τὰ ον 

PAT PE PEPER Ty i cece Media Wt A ra 

Tank, Ny tank, A 

=F cistern, or a 
case of sheet-iron, for storing water. 
- Serbatoio d’ acqua ; cisterna di ferro. 
piso d’eau ; Serger fer. τὸ 
“Tangle e, vt, tang’g Ὁ knit together 
sedly, as as hair; to interweave 
᾿ as to make it difficult to unravel 
the knot, &c. 
Intralciare ; imbarazzare; arruffare. 
Embrouiller; embarrasser ; entortiller. 
String vi, dang’ gl. To hang and swing ; 
to hang on any one; to follow 
Penzolare ; 
Pendiller ; faire le valet ou le courtisan. 
‘Tap, nm, tap. A pipe for drawing liquids 
from a cask; to give a slight knock. 
Tappa ; robinetto; cannella ;colpettino; 
colpo leggero. 
zene ; cannelle; robinet. 
6, n, tap. Cotton or linen ribbon. 
rdella ; fettuccia; passamano. — 
Un ruban de fil; passement &e*. 
Dab, nm, dab. A gentle blow with the 
ἃ; a small mass of anything 
soft or moist. 
Piccola botta, colla mano; pezzetto di 
cosa molle o umida. 
᾿ς Un petit soufflet; un lambeau; une 
eae une éclaboussure. 
ἂν wcatpen er. A small wax candle. 
ro; candela piccola, di cera. 
Cierge ; bou 


Tapir, n, ta'pir. <A thick-skinned mam- 

mal with short proboscis. 
ΡΤ πυρὴν aniphiti 
apir, q e amphibie. 

Tare, Ἢ, “A weed; a vetch; an 
allowance or abatement on goods, 
for weight of packages, as casks, 
bags, chests, &c. 

Tara; (bot.) zizzanna; loglio; vecce. 
Déchet; tare; (bot.) mauvaise herbe 
qui crott parmi le blé. 

Tear, vt, ὑόν. To rend; to sever vio- 
lently ; ; to pull in pieces. 

Lacerare; stracciare. 
Déchirer ; arracher. 

Tart, ἡ and adj, tirt. A species of pie 
or pastry ; cutting or sharp to the 
taste ; acid; keen; severe. 

Torta ; acerbo; brusco ; aspro. 
Tourte ; tarte; aigre ; acide ; piquant; 

Dart, n, dirt. That which pierces and 

dondolare ; corteggiare 



Dardo; strale. 
Dard ; "trait ; ; javelot. 
Tartareous, a, tir-ta'ré-us. Consisting 

of or resembling tartar. 
Contenente del tartaro ; consistente di 

tartaro; sembrare tartaro. 
Tartareux; qui a la qualité du tartre. 

Tartarous, a, tir'tii-rus. Containing or 
consisting of tartar. 

Press’ a poco lo stesso come Tartareous. 
Voir Tartareous. 

Tartarus, n, tar'tii-rus. The infernal 

regions of classic mythology. 
Tartareo; infernale (mitol.). 
Tartare ; "infernal (mythol.). 

Task, n, task. Work a" by another, 
‘to be done in an appointed time ; 
labour; employment. 

Compito ; ‘lavoro assegnato. 
Tache ; devoir; travail. 

Tax, n, taks. A government impost on 

income or property, &c. 
Tassa; imposta. 

Tusk, n, tusk. A long pointed tooth of 
certain carnivorous animals, as 
elephants and boars. 
Grosse dent ou broche de sanglier, 
éléphant ecc*. 
Taw, vt, ta. To turn or change, as skins, 
into white leather, for gloves, &c. 
Conciare la pella con allume per farla 

Déparer les peaux en blanc; passer 

en mégie. 
Thaw, vi, thi. To become so warm as 

to melt ice or snow; to dissolve ice 
or snow. 
Sghiacciare ; sciogliere il ghiaccio. 
Dégeler; faire foudre la glace ou la 
Daw, n, dé. A bird of the crow kind. 
Gracchia; cornacchia. 

Choucas ; geai. 
Tawer, », ta’ér. 

Conciatore di pelli. 
Mégissier; celui qui appréte les peaux 
en blanc. 
Tower, n, tou'ér. A high building for 
defence; a citadel; a fortress. 
Torre ; fortezza. 
Tour; forteresse. 
Dower, n, dou’ér. 
by a wife. 
Dote; assegnamento. 

A dresser of white 

The fortune brought 

163 M2 


Dot; bien apporté par la femme en 

T, letter, té. A letter of the alphabet. 
Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Tea, n, te. The dried leaves of the Tea 


Team, », tem. Two or more horses 
harnessed to a coach or other 

Tiro di cavalli. 
Attelage; assemblage de chevaux &c. 
pour trainer une voiture. 

Teem, vi, tem. To abound; to be pro- 
lific; to be pregnant. 

Esser pregno, pieno. 
Produire ; enfanter; étre grosse. 

Tear, n, ter. A drop of water flowing 
from the eye. 

Tier, n, tér. One of a row of seats, 
particularly when two or more rows 
are placed one above another. 

Rang; rangée; file. 

Tears, », térs. The plural of Tear. 
Il plurale di Tear; lacrime. 
Pluriel de Tear ; jarmes. 

Tierce, n, térs. A cask; one-third of a 
pipe or 42 gallons; a sequence of 
three cards of the same colour. 

Terzo di botte. 
Tiercon; tiers d’un tonneau. 

Teas, », téz. The plural of Tea. 

Diverse qualita di ta, e plurale diTea; 

Pluriel de Tea; plusieurs qualités de 
Thé. . 
Tease, vt, téz. 
to vex. 
Seccare ; importunare ; dar noja. 
Taquiner; importuner; ennuyer. 
Tell, vt, tel. To reveal; to narrate; to 
betray; to explain. 
Dire; informare; riferire. 
Dire; conter. 
Dell, n, del. A valley; a ΩΣ narrow 
valley between two 
Vallicella; burrone. 
Un creux; un fossé; une vallée. 
Ten, a, ten. One more than nine; twice 

To torment; to annoy; 


ward; in that case. 

Allora; in allora; in quel o tal caso. — 
aprés 5 4 ; 

Alors; dans ce temps-la; 
puis; ensuite. 
Den, n, 

terraneous recess. 

Caverna; tana; spelonca. 4 

Caverne ; antre ; repaire. 
Tend, vt, tend. Τὸ direct or turn ἴο- 

den. A cage for beasts, &e. 3 
a cave in the earth; a pit or sub-4 κε 



wards; to accompany as a pro- © 

tector; to aim. 

Curare ; guardare; ; attendere a; aver 4 

tendenza; tendere. 
Garder ; surveiller; avoir soin; ten- 
dre ἃ. 

Tent, n, tent. 
‘sisting of canvas, stretched and © 
sustained by poles; a pavilion. 

Tenda; padiglione. 
Tente ; pavillon en toile. 

Tenth, a, tenth. Ordinal of ten. 

Il decimo. _ 
Un dixiéme. 

Dent, n, dent. A notch made by the 
pressure of a harder body on a 

Dentello; dente; tacca. 
Dent d’une roue; une bosse. 

Tender, adj and n, tend'ér. Not firm or 
hard ; delicate; an offer in writing; 
in railway a carriage for fuel. 

Tenero; offerta; profferta ; 
deposito di carbone in un treno. 

A portable lodge, con- Ἷ 





‘vagone, — 

Tendre; offre; proposition; voiture © 

attachée aux locomotives sur les 
chemins de fer, portant du char- 

Tenter, n, ten'tér. A machine for 
stretching cloth by means of hooks 
called tenter-hooks. 

Uncino; rampino; ferro adunco, 
Un clou 4 crochet; un croc. 

Tenor, », ten’or. A compass of voice 
between treble and bass; scope; 

Tenore (cantante) ; soggetto ; sostanza; 

Ténor; teneur; contenu; maniére ; 
état continu. 

Tenure, n, ten’ir. 
ing an estate; the holding of a 


The manner of hold- — 

Titolo, in virti del quale si possiede : 

sotto certe condizioni; tenuta. 
Tenure ; redevance. 



Ter Division of a mood in 
aa οὐδε Acie tight; stretched ; not 

- ‘Tempo 2 hang verbi) ; teso; stracchiato ; 

5 πύον (d’un rect) tendue ; roide. 

_ ‘Thence, adv, thens. From that place; 
᾿ from that time, 

ἢ Dila (da quivi); da quel tempo 

De 1A; de cet endroit-la; de ce raioaela 

= depuis ce temps-la. 

eaves a, dens. Thick; close; compact. 
= Denso; spesso ; compatto. 

; épais; compacte. 

τῶν γι, tern. The sea-swallow. 

Sterna; rondine marina. 

‘Terné ; hirondelle de mer. 
Erurn, n, tern. A bend; a twist; a good 
g Office; that which comes by rota- 
a tion 
Giro; girata ; voltata. 
᾿ς Tour ; détour. 

_ Terrene, ὦ, te-rén’. Pertaining to earth. 
᾿ς Terreno; terrestre. 

_ ‘errestre; de la terre ; mondain. 

_ Terreen or Tureen, nN, te-ren’ or tu-rén. 
t A deep vessel for holding soup, 
sauce, &e. 

4 ents; salsiera. 

Soupiére ; vase pour servir la soupe, We. 
᾿ Turin, n, ti'vin. A city of Italy. 

‘Test, n, test. Proof; trial; the vessel 
in which metal is tested. 

i Beesios A aga pietra di paragone; 

Ba essai; pierre de touche. 
Text, N, tekst. The motto, subject of a 
sermon ; the words of a book; that 

sida a a i νιν: 

ι which is woven. 

_ Testo; soggetto. 

ὃ Texte ; “sujet. 

_ Tetter, », tet’tér. A cutaneous disease; 
. ΘΒ scab; ringworm. 

_ Empetiggine; volatica; serpigine. 

᾿ς Dartre; maladie cutanée. 

prether, n, teth'ér. That which ties or 

binds ; a rope by which a horse &c. 
is tied so as to give it a fixed 
radius to graze o 

Corda lunga con i si tiene legata ad 
un albero &c. una vacca, capra 
&c., mentre pascola I’ erba. 

Corde avec laquelle on attache les 
chevaux ὅσο. dans une prairie pour 
les faire paitre ἃ la méme place. 

1s ΦΥΝ ΨΥ ee ΕἸ 

‘em eee 



The, art, thé. Definite article. 
Tl; lo; la (articolo definito). 
Le; la; les (art. déf.). 

Thee, pron, thé. Thou. 

Toi; te. 
Their, pron, thir. Belonging to them. 
Appartenente a loro. 
Leur ; leurs. 
There, adv, thir. In that place. 
La ; in quel posto. 
La; y; dans cet endroit-la. 
Therein, adv, thir'in. In this or that 
place ; in this or that time. 
In cid; dentro; entro. 
Dans cela ; en cela; ; y; la-dedans. 
Tearing, pn, tér'ing. The act of pulling 
3 pieces, of rending, of shattering, 

Lacerando; stracciando. 
Déchirement ; Vaction de déchirer. 
Tearing, pn, tering. The dropping of 
water from the eyes. 
Daring, pa, d&r'ing. Bold; intrepid ; 
Ardito; audace. 
Hardi; audacieux; téméraire. 
They, pron, tha. The nominative plural 
of He, She, or It. 
Il nominativo plurale di He, She, or It; 

Ils; elles. 
Day, n, da. The time between sunrise 
and sunset. 

Giorno; giornata. 
Jour; journée. 
Dey, n, da. A Moorish governor (Algiers). 
Un governatore moresco (di Algeri, 
Tripoli, &e.). 
Gouverneur Moresque (d’Algérie, de 
la Tunisie, &c.). 
Thick, a,thik. Characterised by density 
or closeness. 
peeve grosso; denso. 
ais; touffu; ‘fréquent ; bourbeux. 
rick γι, tik. The cover of a bed which 
"contains the feathers, wool, &e. 
Tela o fodera di materasso. 
Toile ἃ matelas. 

Dick, n, dik. Abbreviation of Richard. 
Diminutivo di Richard: Riccardo. 
Abréviation de Richard. 

Dig, vt, dig. To open and break up, as 

the earth, with a spade or other 


Scavare; sterrare. 

Creuser; percer; bécher; déterrer. 

Thicket, », thik’et. A copse with thick 
underwood ; a collection of trees or 
shrubs, closely set. 

Siepaglia; macchia; prunaio; boschetto. 

Taillis; bois de jeunes arbres fort 

épais; hallier. 

Ticket, n, tik'et. A label; a small card 
of admission to some place of 
amusement, &c. 

Biglietto qualunque. 

Billet; écrit qui donne le droit d’en- 

trer quelque part. 

Thief, », thef. A robber; one who 



Thieve, vi, thév. To rob; to steal. 

Rubare; involare. 
Voler ; dérober. 

Thigh, 7, thi. Theleg between the body 

and the knee. 
Coscia; gamba. 

Thy, pron, thi. Thyself (used only in 

poetry and prayer). 
Tuo; tua, ἄζο. 
Ton; ta; te. 

Thimble, γι, thim’bl. A metal cap for 
the tip of the middle finger of the 
right hand, used in sewing. 

Un dé ἃ coudre. 

Tymbal, n, tim’bal. A kind of kettle- 
drum ; a tympanum. 

Timbalo; taballo. 
Timbale ; espéce de tambour. 

Thin, a, thin. Not thick. 

Sottile; magro, &e. 
Mince; menu; maigre. 

Thing, n, thing. That which is thought 
of; a matter; a cause; an event. 

Cosa; oggetto; affare. 
Chose; affaire. 

Think, vi, think. To reflect over; to 
revolve in the mind; to suppose; 
to believe. 

Pensare ; riflettere. 
Penser; réfiéchir. 

Tin, n, tin. A white metal. 


Métal blanc; étain. 

Thine, pron, thin. Thy or Your (sing.) : 
Used as an adjective and as an 
indeclinable pronoun of any case. 

Tuo; tua. 

Le tien; la tienne. 3 
Tine, n, tin. The tooth of a fork, tie 
row, prong, &c.; the point οὗ a 
deer’s horn. a 
La punta di una forchetta o dente di 4 
una forchetta, di un erpice, ὅζο. 4 
Fourchon; dent d’une herse. ¥ 
Tyne, n, tin. A river of England in ἢ 
Northumberland. - a 
Un fiume d’ Inghilterra nella contea di 
Nortumberlandia. ΄ 
Une riviére d’ Angleterre, dans le comté 
de Northumberland. 
Thinker, 7, thingk’ér. One who thinks. 
Pensatore. q 
Un penseur. | 
Tinker, n, tin'kér. A mender of brass _ 
kettles, pans, &c. | 
Stagnino; calderaio. a 
Chaudronnier. a 
Thorn, , thorn. A shrub; a prickle ἢ] 
a small splinter; a trouble. 
Spina; aculeo. 
Epine; piquant. 
Torn, vt, torn. Pp. verb To tear. 
Pp. verbo To tear: Lacerare, &c.: 
Lacero; lacerato; stracciato. 
Pp. eee To tear : Déchirer, &e.; dé- 


Thrall, ὑπ ψ A bondsman; a serf; 
slavery; bondage. 
Servaggio; schiaviti. 
Esclavage ; asservissement. 

Trawl, vi, tral. Tofish with a drag- ΚῊ 
Tramagliare ; pescare al tramaglio. 
Tramailler ; prendre des poissons, &c., 

au filet. 3 
Troll, vt, trol. Tomovevolubly; to sings 
the parts of, in succession; to.fis 
with a baited trolling-line. : 
Andar qua 6 14; voltolare ; rotolare; 
ruzzolare. Ἷ 
Mouvoir circulairement ; 

rond. 4 
A tool used by brick-— 

εἶν τὸς 

πον τ τὰ 

tourner en 

Trowel, n, trou’él. 
layers for spreading mortar. 
Cazzuola o mestola da muratore. 
Truelle ; outil de magon pour platrer. 
Droll, αν, ἄγ]. Comic; waggish; queer; 
facetious ; laughable; ludicrous. 
Comico ; buffonesco; faceto; lepido. — 
Un plaisant; un bouffon; drole; 

Thrash, vt, thrash. To beat; to beat 
out grain from, as from wheat, 
oats, &e.; to thresh. 
Bastonare ; battere il grano ; trebbiare. 


or sewing. 

~ Filo. 
ἢ Fil. 
= Tread, vi, tred. A step; pressure with 
Ε the foot. 
| gs ‘Waloare; mettere il piede sopra; cal- 
2 pestare. 
= Marcher sur; écraser; fouler. 
Threat, n, thret. A menace. 
τ Minaccia. 
i Taree, a, thré. One more than two. 
ᾷ ἄν. 
ἢ Tree, n, tré. A plant with a woody 
3 trunk furnished with branches. 
ἢ Albero. 
. > -.) “Arbre... 
Threw, pp, thré. Verb To throw. 

τς Verbo To throw: Gettare; gettd. 


dir TOME 

pl ae vt, trash. 

σρρνη or RR NE τσ 

᾿αλρνιαῖ, τι thrush. The mavis, ἃ singing 

Baltes’ frapper; rosser; battre le blé. 

To lop; to crop; to 

“strip of leaves. 

- Diramare; spiccare. 

spe aa élaguer ; couper rameaux 
arbres, &c. 

Tordos ‘merlo. 


Thread, »,thred. Flax; cotton-silk &c. 
twisted into lengths for fabrication 

Verbe To throw: Jeté; jeta. 
Through, prep, thré. From end to end; 
noting passage by transmission ; by 
means of. 
Attraverso; da banda a banda. 
De part en part; jusqu’au bout; 
ἃ travers; par. 
True, adj, tré. In accordance with 
truth; faithful; real; exact. 
_ Vrai; véritable. 
Thrice, adv, thris. 
Tre volte. 
Trois fois. 
Trice, n, tris. A moment; an instant. 
Attimo; istante. 
Instant; en un clin d’cil. 
Thrill, vé, thril. To pierce; to cause a 
Forare ; Saag 
Percer ; faire un trou; perforer. 
Trill, n, tril. An ornamental turn or 
vibration of the voice in singing. 

Three times. 



Drill, vt, dril. To bore or perforate Ὁ 
ἂ vibratory motion ; to pierce with 
a drill. 

Forare col succhiello. 

Vriller; percer avec “hog vrille. 

Thrive, vw, thriv. rosper by in- 

dustry, πος ak good manage- 
ment of property. 

Prosperare ; andar di bene in meglio. 

Prospérer; réussir; faire bien ses 

Drive, vt, driv. To force along; to 
guide horses; to impel as a team 
of horses ; to urge on. 

oar ; guidare carrozze, cavalli, 


Enfoncer ; conduire une 


Throe, n, thro. Violent pang; anguish; 

agony; pain like that in child-birth. 
Angoscia; agonia; dolore o doglia 
come di parto. 
Les douleurs de l’enfantement; ago- 
nie; peine cruelle. 
Throw, vt, thrd. To propel; to fling; 
to cast; to toss. 
Gettare ; buttare; scagliare. 
Jeter ; lancer. 

Trow, vi, tro. To think; to suppose. 
Credere; pensare ; supporre. 
Penser; croire ; imaginer. 

Throne, 7, thrdn. A royal seat; sove- 

reign power and dignity. 
Tréne; siége royal. 

Thrown, pp, thron. Verb To throw. 
Verbo To throw: Gettare; gettato. 
Verbe To throw: Jeter; jeté; lancé., 

Throng, vi, throng. To crowd together ; 
to come in multitudes. 

Accalcare ; affollare o affollarsi. 
Presser; venir en foule; se presser; 

Drone, n, dron. 
working bee. 

Fuco (ape maschio). 
Une guépe; un bourdon. 

Thrum, 7, thrum. A weaver’s cutting ; 
the odds and ends cut off by a 
weaver in weaving. 

Frangia dello stame ; orlo dell’ ordito. 
Extrémités des fils du tissu; bordure; 
lisiére d’une étoffe. 

Drum, n, drum. A musical instrument ; 
the tympanum of the ear; arevol- 
ving cylinder or barrel. 

pousser ; 

The male or non- 

Roulade ; cadence, 


Thr - 

Tambour; le tympan de l’oreille. 
Thrust, v7, thrust. To push with force ; 

to drive ; to impel; to stab; to 

Spingere; urtare; ficcare; cacciar 
dentro; dare una botta o stoc- 

Pousser; percer d’outre’ en outre ; 

Trust, n, trust. Credit; reliance; confi- 

Fiducia; confidenza; fido. 
Confiance; attente ; espérance ; dépot ; 
chose confiée. 
Thumb, », thum. The short, strong, 
two-jointed finger of the human 
Il dito pollice. 
Pouce ; le plus grand et gros doigt de 
la main. 
Thump, n, thump. <A heavy blow given 

with anything that is thick, as with | 

a club or fist. 

Bussa ; botta; pugno; colpo rimbom- 

Donner des coups de poing; un coup 
de poing. 

Dumb, a,dum. Destitute of the power 
of speech ; mute. 


- Muet. 

Dump, n, dump. A dull state of the 
mind; melancholy; absence of 
mind; gloom. 

Di cattivo umore; molestia; noia. 
Chagrin ; tristesse. 

Thyme, », tim. _An aromatic plant. 
Timo; serpillo (pianta aromatica). 
Thym ; plante odoriférante; serpolet. 

Time, n, tim. Duration—past, present, 
and future. 


Tide, x, “tid. The alternate ebb and flow 

of the sea. 
Marea; fiusso. 
Marée; flux et reflux de la mer. 

Tied, pp, tid. Verb To tie. 
Verbo To tie: Legare; legato. 
Verbe To tie: Lier; lié. 

Tight, a, tit. Not loose; not leaky; 

Stretto; legato; tirato; teso; serrato; 
ben chiuso ; ben tappato. 
Tendu; serré; roide; bien fermé. 

Tithe, n, tith. The tenth part of 

the increase annually arising from 



the profits of land and stock,) 
allotted to the clergy for their § 
support. εἰ 
Dime. j 
Tilt, ~, tilt. A covering of a wagon; a 

military game on horseback with 3 

lances; a thrust. 
~ Tendone; torneamento; carosello, 
Une bache ; une tente; ; tonepet 
espéce de combat ἃ la lance. 

Tilth, n, tilth. That which is tilled ; 
the state of the soil in respect to 
ploughing, manuring, &c. 

Coltura ; stato di coltivazione. 
Culture ; labourage. 
Tine, n, tin. The tooth or spike of a 

fork; a prong; the tooth of a har- — 

row or drag. 
Il dente di una seracinesca. 
Fourchon; dent d’une herse. 
Tyne, n, tin. A river of England in 

Un fiume d’ Inghilterra nella contea 

di Nortumberlandia. 
Une riviére d’ Angleterre dans le comté 
de Northumberland. 
Tingle, vi, ting’gl. A prickly sensation 
under the skin. 

Sentir un formicolfo sotto la pelle. 
Tinter ; éprouver une douleur aigué. 
Tinkle, vi, ting'kl. To sound, as a 


Tintinnare; cigolare. 
Tinter ; faire entendre un tintement. 
Tint, n, tint. A tinge; a dye; a slight 
colouring distinct from the eepane 
or principal colour. 
Tinta; colore; colorito. 
Teinte; teinture ; couleur. 
Tinned, pa, tind. "Covered with tin. 
Coperto di latta. 
Ktamé; couvert d’étain. 

Dint, n, dint. The mark made by a blow ; . 

force; power exerted. 
Impressione, effetto di un colpo; forza ; 
Coup; marque; 
Tiny, a, ti’ni. Very small. 
Piccinino; tantino; tantinetto. 
Petit; mince; chétif. 
Tinny, a, tin'i. Abounding with tin. 
Abbondante di latta; di stagno o di 
D’étain; abondant d’étain. 
Tip, », tip. The end; the extremity of 

bossure ; force ; 

‘Tip. ff 


8 ees 

EE NT, Pa wT 

ραν vy" 

TIES ay Tet 

εἰ ἈΝ οὐ 



alhiadea is 



Tyre, n, ti. 

1 ee Eras ie Seng PEW A Ee tes 

_ Towed, pp, tod. 

‘Title, m, ti’tl. 

* anything small; a gentle stroke ; 
a ta 

ree Ῥ. 
' - Punta; estremita ; colpettino ; cenno. 

Bout; extrémité; pointe. 
Dip, vt, dip. To plunge for a short 
time in water or other liquid sub- 

Tuffare ; intingere. 
Plonger; tremper; mouiller. 

Tire, vt, tir. To weary; to harass; to 
exhaust the strength of, by toil or 

Stancare; affaticare ; straccare. 
Fatiguer; lasser. 

Tyre or Sur or Sour, a city 

of antiquity on the coast of Arabia. 

Tiro o Sur o Sour, una citt& antica 

-_ nell’ Arabia. 

Tyr ou Sur ou Sour, une ancienne 

ville de l’Arabie. 

A label; the name by 
which a book &c. is called; a term 
denoting dignity; a right. 


Titre ; inscription ; nom de dignité. 

Tittle, n, tit. A small particle; a jot; 
an iota. 

Punto; particella; bagatella; iota; 

Point; petite partie ; petite particule ; 
un iota; une bagatelle. 

To, prep, td. In the — of; up 

0; opposed to Fr 
A; nella direzione di ; Ἢ opposto di Da. 
A; vers; envers ; jusque. 

Too, adj, té. Also; over; excess; more 
than enough. 

- Anche; ancora; pure; troppo. 
Trop; aussi. 

Two, adj, tj. 'One and one, or twice 

+ ut 

Toad, nm, tod. A reptile resembling the 
frog; a paddock. 
Botta; rospo. 
Crapaud ; reptile amphibie ; ovipare. 
Tod, n, tod. A certain weight of wool 
(38 pounds) ; a bunch of anything 
brous, as hemp, &c. 
Una pesata di lana (28 libbre); un 
fascio di canape, &e. 
Vingt-huit livres de laine ; buisson. 
Toed, pa, tod. Having toes. : 
Avente dita grossa del piede. " 
Ayant des gros doigts aux pieds. 
Verb To tow. 



Verbo To tow: Rimorchiare; rimor- 

Verbe To tow: Remorquer ; Erne αν 

Toast, γι, tost. τ μους φὸ bee ad; a per- 
son or friend whose ard we pro- 
pose to drink. 

Fette di pane abbrustolito; brindisi a 
qualche persona. 

Réitie ; sae grillé devant le feu; boire 
en l’honneur ou a la santé. 

Tost, pp, tost. (Tost or tossed) Verb To 
toss ; to throw upwards; to roll. 

Verbo To toss: Lanciare; gettare ; gi- 
rare, &c.; lanciato; gettato ; girato. 

Verbe To toss : Tourner ; rouler; jeter 
avec le main ; tourné ; jeté. 

Toe, n, to. One of the five ‘digits’ of 
the foot. 

Un dito del piede. 

Un doigt du pied. 

Though, conj, tho. Notwithstanding ; 
admitting that; even if. 

Quantunque; benché; sebbene. 

Quoique ; bien que; encore que. 

Tow, vt, to. To drag a boat or ship by 
ἃ rope 



Told, pp, told. Verb To tell. 

Verbo To tell: Dire; detto. 

Verbe To tell: Dire; dit. 

Tolled, vt, tol'd. Pp. verb To toll. 

Pp. verbo To toll: Dar rintocchi di 
campana; far pagare pedaggio, Wc. : 
rintoccato, &c. 

Pp. verbe To toll: Tinter, &c. ; tinté. 

Ton, », tun. A weight (20 hundred- 
weights) ; a measure (40 cubic feet). 

Una tonnellata (peso o misura). 

Tonne, poids de 2,240 livres anglaises. 

Tone, n, ton. The ‘timbre or character 
of sound; vigour; harmony of 
colours, &e., &e. 

Tuono (della voce &c.); accento. 

Ton; accent; style; mode. 

Tongue, N, tung. An organ of the 
animal body and the organ of 



Tun,n, tun. A large cask. 

Una botte. 

Tonne; tonneau. 

Tongs, npl, tongs. A pointed instru- 
ment of metal, by which tight 
hold of anything is taken, as 
coals, ἄο. 



Molle ; tanaglie. 
Pince ; pincettes; tenaille. 

Tongues, mpl, tangz. Plural of Tongue. 

Tonsil: ἡ καῇ hen! sil. One of the two glands, 
at the base of the tongue. 

Tonsilles; amygdales. 
Tonsile, a, tonsil. That may be cut, 
clipped, or shorn. 
Che si possa tosare. 
Que peut étre tondu. 
Top, x, top. The summit; a plaything. 
Trottola; cima; sommita. 
Une toupie ; cime ; sommet. 
Tope, vi, top. To bouse ; to drink hard 
and to excess as spirits. 
Trincare; sbevazzare. 
Boire avec excés. 

ον τ ὦ» 

Tormenter, 7, tor-ment/ér. He or that 
which torments. 
Colui che tormenta. 
Celui qui tourmente. 
Tormentor, γι, tor-ment/or. He or that 

which torments; one who inflicts 
penal anguish or torture. 
Colui o cid che tormenta; colui che 
infligge tortura o applica pena. 
Celui qui tourmente, qui cause de la 
douleur, de la peine ; bourreau. 

Tower, n, tou’ér. A high building for 

defence ; a citadel; a fortress. 
Torre ; fortezza. ‘ 
Tour; forteresse. 

Dower, γι, dou'ér. 
by a wife. 

Dot; bien apporté par la femme en 
mariage; dotaire. 

Town, v, toun. A city. 

Ville. — 

Down, n and adv, doun. Fine soft 
feathers; a tract of poor naked 
hilly land; tending towards the 

Lanugine ; penna matta; dune; ab- 
basso; git. 

Le duvet; plume menue; dune; vers 
le bas; en bas. 

Towns, mpl, touns. Plural of Town. 

Plurale di Town; citta. . 
Pluriel de Town; villes. 

Downs, n, douns. Large, hilly sheep 

pastures contiguous to the sea. 

The fortune brought 



Tract, n, trakt. A vestige; a ἼΩΝ 
book ; a region. 

Tratto ; estensione ; spazio ; libriceiu- 
olo ; regione. 
Région ; ; contrée; espace de pays; 
; brochure. 

Tracked, pp, trak'd. Verb To track. 
Verbo To track: Tracciare ; = 
Verb To track: Découvrir; traquer: x 

traqué. | 

Train, vt and n, tran. ΤΟ draw by arti- 
fice ; a retinue ; to educate or disci- 
pline. “i 

Tirare ; 

Trainer; entrainer; tirer aprés soi; 
élever; instfuire ; dresser; train. 

Drain, n, dran. A sink or sewer to draw 
off liquids. 

Scolo; colatore; canale di scolo. 
Canal ; égout ; conduit ; rigole. 

Tray, 7, ‘tra. A metal or papier maché | 
board for handing glasses, tea, 
coffee, &c. 

Vassoio; guantiera; cabare; truogolo. ὦ 
Plateau ; auge; baquet. 
Dray, n, dra. A brewer's cart; a low 
carriage drawn by a horse. 
Carro grande di birraio. 
Charrette de brasseur ; haquet ; 
Trey, n, tra. The three of cards or dice. 
I tre (alle carte o dadi). 
Carte marquée de trois; un trois. 

Treacle, n, tre’kl. Molasses ; drainings 
from the sugar-refiner’s moulds. 

Melassa; teriaca. 3 
Mélasse; thériaque. af 
Trickle, vt, trik). To run down in 
drops; to flow in a small stream. 1 
Gocciolare ; cascare a gocciole. ἢ 
Dégoutter; ruisseler; tomber goutte ᾿ 

strascicare ; ammaestrare ; 




ἘΣῪ Ὁ ey ee ee | 


a goutte. 
Tress, n, tres. A braid of hair; a ring- 
Treccia di capelli; ricciolo. 
Tresse; boucle de cheveux. 3 
Dress, vi, dres. To put on clothes; to ~ 

Vestire; vestirsi; indossare vestiti. 
Habiller; vétir; parer; panser. 
Tribe, x, trib. A family; arace; aclan. 
Tribu; race; famille. 
Tripe, n, trip. The stomach of rumi- 
nants prepared for food. 


Fidéle ; honnéte ; sur lequel on peut 

| ‘Try, vf, tri. To attempt; to make an 
Seen ons to prove; to exa- 

Essayer ; éprouver ; examiner ; juger. 
Dry, a, dri. Without . ἃ 

Wee ae ἃ bi 
a4 Gai y ἃ 
Pas . : ΄ are ξὰ 
ih ας γ νὰ ἔδιδον peak τε be, Cea ΤΩ 
jet Dee ἘΝ ane we) «ὁ 
; ‘ -"- ἧ γῇ tiers -  : Υ 
eee ΡΥ, ἐν Ξ τω 
᾿ ἢ " - ν Ἂ q ¥ Wi tel i ty 
κ . 1 Υ τὺ τ ᾿ 7" a) ᾿, 
“ . ς | at 
= “ 

Trotter ; Sec; aride; d ὁ 
' Tub, », tub. A wooden vessel for 
Fede; verita _ domestic uses. 


Ἂ xs - Troop, n, trip. A collection of people; a | Baquet; cuve. 
J ogy, Se he rem Dub, vi, dub. To confer knighthood or 

Truppa; banda; truppa (milit.). | a title upon, by a tap with a 
Troupe; bande ; compagnie de sol- © sword. 
. dats. Creare cavaliere ; armaré ; nominare. 


Faire, créer chevalier; conférer une 

body ; to flag; to dignité. 
languish from grief. Tuck, vf, tuc. To draw together or 
_ Chimare o abbassare languidamente; — into a narrow compass; to 
o aalg ae oe sgl, agai fold under. 
: ἘΞ Nine en ur; dé- Succingere ; alzare; levar su; ripiegare. 
᾿ cliner; se baisser. Trousser ; ‘retrousser; relever; rac- 
Truck, x, truk; a railway wagon for the © courcir; rétrécir. 
ἑ conveyance of goods. _ Tug, vt, tug. To pull with great effort; 
Baratto; vagone di ferrovia. | to drag by means of steam power; 
τ ; >; Waggon, voiture sur to haul along; to pull. 
os eae’ Fi qusarel a | Tirailler: ama 
ce οἰ , Ty name of | irai remorquer. 
πον PP substances used in medicine; an | Duck, n, dak. The female of Drake: A 
gas pee article of slow sale. water bird. 


Femelle du canard. 
Dug, n, dug. The udder of a cow. 
Tetta o capezzolo delle bestie. 
Trayon ; mamelle (des animaux). 
Tusk, 2, tusk. The long pointed tooth 
of certain animals, as the elephant, 
boar, &c. 
Broche du sanglier ou de l’éléphant; 

oe défense. 

U, letter, i. A letter of the alphabet. 
Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 
Ewe,n,i. A female sheep. 
La femelle du bélier; brebis. 
Hugh,n,i. A Christian name. 
Un nome: Ugo. 
Un nom: Hugues. 
Yew, n, i. An evergreen tree of the fir 
Tasso (albero). 
Un arbre toujours vert; if. 
You, pro, i. The nominative and ob- 
jective plural of Thou. 

Udder, ἡ, ud’dér. Bag or milk vessels 
of a cow or other large quadruped. 
Tetta; tettola (di vacca, &c.). 
Pis; tetine d’une vache, &c. 

Utter, a and »v, ut'tér. Absolute ; 
thorough ; to speak; to circu- 
late (vt). 

Pid grande; pid profondo; proferi- 
mento; (verbo) proferire; artico- 
lare; emettere. 

Extérieur ; éloigné; reculé ; tout entier ; 
(verbe) proférer; prononcer, &c. 

Ugly, a, ug'li. The reverse of handsome ; 
total want of beauty. 

Brutto; deforme. 

Laid; difforme. 

Ogle, υἱ, 66]. To view with side glances, 
as in fondness; to cast a coquettish 

Ocheggiare; guardar con occhiacci ; 

Lorgner; garder obliquement ou ἃ la 

Ultramontane, », ul-tra-mon'tan. Be- 


moderately dark. 
Bruno; fosco; scuro. 

Sur la, brune; commencement d’ob- 
scurité. : 
Typhous, a, ti‘fus. Relating to Typhus. 

Tifoideo; del tifo. 

_ Typhoide; qui ressemble le typhus. 
Typhus, n, ti'fus.. A fever. 

Febbre; tifo o tifoidea. 

Typhus ‘(fidvre). ᾿ Ἶ 


yond the mountain or mountains, 
thus France with regard to Italy. 


Ultramontain; au dela des Alpes. 

Ultramundane, a,  ul-tra-mun’dan. 
Beyond the limits of our world and 


Ultramondain ; au dela du monde. 

Umbrage, », um’braj. Offence; a feel- 
ing of resentment for some slight 
or offence ; shadow. . 

Ombra; rezzo; uggia; gelosia; sos- 

Ombrage; ombre ; défiance ; soupcon ; 

Umpirage, n, um'pir-aj. The power or 
decision of an umpire; arbitra- 

Il potere di un arbitro; arbitrato; 
giudicio d’ arbitri. 

Arbitrage ; jugement par arbitres. 

Umpire, », um’pir. A third arbiter 
chosen by the first two arbiters, to 
decide a controversy. 

Sentenza del terzo arbitro, scelto dai 
due primi per decidere tra loro. 

Un troisiéme arbitre choisi par les 
deux premiers, pour décider entre 

Empire,n,em'pir. Imperial power; the 
territory under the dominion of an 



Unable, a, un-a’bl. 

Inabile ; incapace. 

Incapable; impotent. 

Enable, vt, en-a'bl. To make able; to 
empower; to strengthen. 

Not able; weak in 



Dusk, a, dusk. Tending to darkness or 

i Pe Por 
ΤΡ oes ἐδ. 2 ; x 
Sh | SS IE δῶν od Ts. Seri See 

Soa ee. CP en oT ὩΝᾺ 





ἜΑΡ ΡΥ ee ee eae te ee ΕΟ ἤν i Ae peg 
mh hiv αν δ ͵ oe ἘῚ PP iB te aaa al anda 
i \ ΓΞ ΣΝ 


ἢ ee 

ie -chisitiged; poerein grado a. 
 Rendre capable a; mettre A méme. 
> boragageny a, un’al-lid. Not having 

e es 
Senza alleati. 

Sans alliés. 
Unalloyed, a, un-al-loid’. Not reduced 

__ by foreign admixture. 

Non alterato da corpi estranei o lega 

Pur; sans mélange; sans alliage. 

~ ‘Unease, vi, un-kis’. To disengage from 

a case; to spread to view, as a 

Cavare fuori dalla cassa ἢ scoprire. 
Oter d’une caisse; découvrir. 
Incase, vt, in-kais’. To enclose in a 
ο΄ @ase or surround with something 
Incassare o mettere in cassa. 
_ Mettre dans une caisse; renfermer ; 

Incase, adv, in kis. Should it happen 

to be the case. 
Nel caso; caso mai. 
Dans le cas; en cas. © 
Unclasp, vt, un-klasp’. To open the 
τς elasps; to open, as what is fastened 
with a clasp. ᾿ 
Sfibbiare; slacciare ; aprire. 
Dégrafer ; dter les agrafes. 
Inclasp, vt, in-klasp’. To fasten with 
clasps; embracing closely. 
Affibbiare ; allacciare. 

a, m, ung’kl. The father or the 

; mother’s brother. 

Oncle. ., 
Angle, n, ang’gl. A corner; the point 
where two lines meet. 

. Angle. 
Ankle, n, ang’kl. The joint which con- 

nects the foot with the leg. 
eit oa o collo del piede. 
La cheyville du pied. 
Undo, vt, un-dé’. To take to pieces; to 
loose; to unravel; to annul; to 

Défaire ; annuler. 
Undue, a, un-dii’. 
Indebito; illegale; ingiusto. 
Qui n’est pas juste; contre la régle. 
Unto, prep, un-té’. To; to another. 


Not due; not legal; | 



A; ad un altro. 
A; dans; envers. 

Ungenteel, a, un-jen’-tél. Not refined ; 
not genteel; not consistent with 
polite manners. 

Non gentile; poco delicato; aspro; 

Οτοββίῖθυ ; rude; impoli; qui manque 
de bon ton. 

Ungentle, a, un-jen'tl. Not gentle. 

on gentile; non elegante; non com- 
pito; grossolano. 
Rude; dur; sévére; rigoureux; man- 
quant de grace. 

Ungird, vt, un-gérd’. To loose from a 
girdle or band; to unbind. 

Sciogliere la cintura ; scignere. 
Dessangler; édter la sangle; dter la 

Ungirt, pa, un-gért’. Loosely dressed. 

Discinto; in abito sciolto. 
Qui est sans ceinture. 

Unheard, a, un-hérd. Not heard; un- 

known by fame. 
Inaudito ; non sentito; sconosciuto. 
Non entendu; non écouté; inconnu. 
Unheartt, vt, un-hirt’. To depress. 
Opprimere ; deprimere. 

Unhurt, a, un-hért’. Not injured. 

Illeso; incolume; sano e salvo. 
Intact; sans blessure; sain et sauf. 

Union, 7, i’-ni-on. Unity; twoor more 
things joined into one; a federal 

Unita; accoppiamento; unione. 
Union; jonction ; alliance; concorde, 

Onion, n, un'yun. A plant having a 
pungent bulbous root, much used 
as a condiment. 


Unique, a, i-nék’. One and no more 
only ; sole; single. 

Unico; solo; cosa unica della sua 
Unique; qui n’a pas son égal. 

Eunuch, n, i’nuk. A man castrated, 
to whom the care of Oriental fe- 
males is entrusted. 

Eunuco; uomo castrato. 

Unit, », i/nit. Oneness; a word which 
denotes a single thing; the least 
whole number. 

Unita (principio dei numeri 



Unite, vt, i’'nit. To join into one; to 

make to adhere; to attach. 
Unire; collegare; congiungere. 
Unir; joindre; réunir. 

Unrip, vt, un’rip. To cut away the 
stitches of what is sewed; to cut 
open with a long gash. 

Scucire; fare uno sdruscito. 
Découdre ; ouvrir; couper. 

Unripe, a, un'rip. Not ripe. 

aturo; acerbo. 
Qui n’est pas miir; vert. 

Unstead, a, un-stéd’. Not in a steady 

Non stabile; incostante. 
Inconstant; irrésolu; variable. 

Instead, adv, in-stéd’. In the stead, 

place, or room of. 
In vece; in luogo di. 
Au lieu de. 

Unsure, a, un’shir. 
Mal sicuro; incerto. 
Qui n’est pas 501. 

Ensure or Insure, vt, en'shir, in'shir. 
To make sure or secure; to secure 
against loss. 

Assicurare ; garantire contro perdita. 
Assurer; faire assurer. 

Upon, prep, up’on. Resting on the top 

or surface of; not under. 
Sopra; sul; sullo; sulla. 
Sur; dessus. 

Open, vt, d'pen. To disclose; to un- 

Aprire ; aperto. 
Ouvrir; découvrir. 

Not fixed. 


Vail}, n, val. <A fee given to a servant; © 
a servant’s perquisite. 
Mancia che si da ad un servo; pro- 
vento di un servo. 
Gratification ἃ un domestique; pour- 
Vale, n, val. A valley. 
Valle; vallicella. 
Val; vallée. 
Veil, n, val. A thin loose covering for 
the face. 
Vain, , van. Conceited; ineffectual ; 
empty; futile; false. 



Urban, a, ér-ban’. Of or belonging toa i 

Urbano (di citta). 
Urbain; de la ville. 

Urbane, a, ér-ban'. Courteous; elegant 
in manners. 

Urbano; cortese; manierato. 
Poli; honnéte; élégant. 

Urn, n,érn. A kind of vase of a roundish 

form, used for many purposes. 
Urna; vaso. 
Urne; vase destiné a différents usages. 

Earn, vi, érn. To gain by labour, ser- 
vice, or performance. 

Guadagnare col lavoro, od altro. 

Gagner; acquerir; obtenir; mériter. 
Erne, n, érn. Sea eagle. 

Aquila marina. 

Aigle marine. 

Use, vt, iz. To act with or by means 
of; to habituate; to imure; to 

Usare; adoperare; abituare; eserci- 
Faire usage de; se servir de ; employer. 

Ewes, npl, tz. Plural of Ewe; female — 

Plurale di Ewe: Pecora; pecore. 
Pluriel de Ewe: Les femelles des 

Ooze, n, 6z. A soft flow or issue as of 
water; earth so wet as to flow 

Liquido che trapela ; 
Ecoulement; vase; limon; bourbe. 

ἜΦΥ epee 

oe i i 
Be een aca clneeelie 

stillamento ; 

Vano; vanitoso; 
futile; falso. 
Vain; vaniteux. 
Vane, ἢ, van. 
Girella; banderuola. 
Girouette qui indique la direction du 

frivolo; inutile; 

A weathercock; a 

ὡς ee ea ee eee ee ee eS 

Vein, n, van. <A blood vessel. 
Veine; disposition d’esprit; humeur. 
Valet, », va'let. A servant who attends 
a gentleman’s person. 
Valetto ; cameriere. 
Valet; domestique. 

| g Var 

᾿ Valid, a, yallid. Sound; not Seatahes 
that cannot be rightfully set 

it aside. 

align: legittimo ; poderoso. 

- Valide; fort ; puissant. 

; vary, vt, va'ri. To diversify; to alter; 

yas tH 

to suffer a partial change. 

-Variare ; mutare; diversificare. 
E- Varier ; ‘chang er. 
_. Very, a, ve'ri. SMivesdingly: actual; in 
= δὰ a high but not highest degree. 
_ Molto; assai; grandemente; bene; 
ἐξ precisamente. 
κε..." Tras; fort; vrai; réel. 
ε-- Vault,’ n, valt. A cellar; a repository 
& for the dead; an arch ; to leap. 
᾿- Cantina; volta sotterranea ; sepolcro ; 
τ- ; 
= Votite; cave; tombeau; saut. 
| Volt, n, volt. A gait of two treads made 
by ἃ horse going sidewise round a 
Ῥ. centre; a movement in fence to 
ξ avoid a thrust. 
f : Volta (cavalleriz.); volta (scherma). 

Volte ; movement circulaire d’un 
Vend, vt, vend. To sell. 
Vent, n, vent. Asmall aperture through 
which air can pass. 
Sbocco ; spiraglio ; sfogo ; vento. 
Soupirail ; petit trou; passage ; 

Venice, »,ve'nis. A fortified city of the 
kingdom of Italy. 
Venous, a, vén'us. 
Venoso ; venato. 
Veineux; veiné. 
Venus, n, vé'nus. 

᾿ς Vénus. 
Vial, », vial. A phial; a small bottle. 
Fiala; piccola bottiglia. 
Fiole ; petite bouteille. 
Viol, m, vi'ol. 
"a primitive violin with six strings. 

Pertaining to the 

The goddess of love. 

Ce ee ey eS eee eke ΨΥ ewe a ae ἌΡΗΣ Νὰ aah ee i 

a eee eer ae 


A musical instrument; 


Viola, istrumento musicale come un 
Viole d’amour, espéce de violon. 
Phial, n, fi'al. A small glass bottle for 
Fiala ; bottiglietta per medicine. 
Fiole ; petite bouteille pour médecine. 
δάσος riod vit'‘l. To provide articles of 

Vettovagliare; provvedere di viveri. 
Avitailler; fournir des vivres. 

Vital, a, vi'tal. Pertaining to life; 

Vitale; della vita; importante. 
Vital ; essentiel; nécessaire. 

Violate, vt, vi'd-lat. To debauch; to 

Violare; trasgredire; infrangere. 
Violer ; ‘contrevenir ; transgresser. 
Violet, n, vi'd-let. A flower; a colour. 
La viola ( fiore) ; violetto (colore). 

Violette (une fleur). 

Virtu, », vér-tii’. Nick-nackery; ataste 
for curiosities. 

Amore per ninnoli; amore per cose 

Gofit pour les beaux arts et pour les 
curiosités de la nature. 

Virtue, n, ver'tchew. The opposite of 

Virtd; proprieta; |’ opposto del vizio. 
Vertu; excellence; morale. 

Virtues, mpl, ver'tchewz. Plural of 

I) plurale di Virtue ; virti. 
Le pluriel de Virtue ; vertu. 

Virtuous, a, ver'tii-us. Having virtue; 

chaste, as a woman. 
Virtuoso o virtuosa. 
Vertueux; vertueuse. 

Vocal, a, vo’kal. Pertaining to the 
voice; modulated by the voice; by 

Vocale; di voce; colla voce. 
Vocal; étant exprimé par la voix. 

Focal, a, fo'kal. Belonging to a focus, 
or the point in which light or heat 
rays meet. 

Del foco centrale; centrico. 
Du foyer. 



s + ‘ 44 
Wan ek 


Wade, vi, wad. To walk through water. 

Traversare a guado. 

από ; passer a gué. 

Wait, vi, wat. To tarry; to stay or rest 
in expectation. 



Weighed, pp, Verb To weigh: To as- 
certain the weight or heaviness of 

' anything. 

Verbo To weigh: Pesare; pesato. 

Verbe To weigh: Peser; pesé. 

Weight, n, wat. The heaviness of a 
body; gravity. 

᾿ Peso. 


Wags, vt, wags. Verb To wag: To 

shake as by the wing; to move the 
tail, as dogs, &c. 

Verbo To wag: Dimenare come coda, 
&c.; esso dimena. 

Verbe To wag: (Remuer; secouer; 
agiter la queue); il secoue ou il 
agite la queue. 

Wazx,n, waks. An excretion of bees. 

Cera vergine di api. 

Cire des abeilles. 

Waif, », waf. Goods found and claimed 
by nobody or goods stolen and 
thrown away by the thief in flight. 

Oggetti rinvenuti; oggetti rubati o 
buttati via da un ladro. 

Chose trouvée et non reclamée. 

Waive, vt, wav. To defer for the pre- 

sent; not toinsist upon ; to abandon. 

Differire; abbandonare. 
Abandonner ; mettre a l’écart. 

Wave, n, wav. An undulation; a mov- 

ing swell or moving of water. 
Vague; Flot. 

Wails, vt, wals. Verb To wail: To cry 
mournfully and in a subdued 

Verbo To wail: Lamentare; piangere, 
&c.: Egli piange, &c. 

Verbe To wail: Déplorer; lamenter, 
&c.; Π déplore, &c. 

Wales, n, wals. West of England. 

Il principato di Galles nell’ ovest d’In- 
Le pays de Galles (Angleterre). 


' One, adj, wun. 

Whales, n, wals. Plural of Whale,the 
largest of sea animals. οι 
Plurale di Whale: Balena; balene. 
Pluriel de Whale: Baleine; baleines. 
Wain, 7, wan. A wagon; a cart. 
Carro; carretta; vagone. 
Chariot; charrette. 
Wane, vi, wan. To decrease in size, as 
the moon. ; Ν 
Scemare; declinio; declinare (della 
luna, &c.). 
Décroitre ; diminuer (de la lune); dé- 
cliner ; décadence. 

Wainscot, », wan'skot. Wall-lining of 
thin boards in panels. 

Coprire le mura di tavole; intavo- - 
Boiserie; lambris de menuiserie. 

Waistcoat, n, wast'kot. <A sleeveless 
garment, worn under a coat or 

Panciotto-; corpetto. 

Waist, n, wast. The middle part of a 
body of man or of a ship. 

Cintura; vita; busto. 
Le milieu du corps; la ceinture; la 

Waste, vt, wast. To diminish by gradual 
loss; to destroy wantonly ; to 

Scialacquare; sciupare; consumare. 
Gater ; dissiper; gaspiller. 

Wan, a, won. Sallow; pallid. 
Smorto; smunto; pallido. 
Bléme; pale; défait; languissant. 

Won, vi, wun. Verb To win: To gain; 

to obtain by success. 
Verbo To win: Vincere; guadagnare ; 
vinse; vinto. 
Verbe To win: Vaincre; gagner; il 
vainquit; vaincu. 
Single in number; an 
individual; a single specimen. 
Un. ν 
Wand, », wand. A rod; a staff of 
Verga; bacchetta; bacchetta magica. 
Verge; baguette. 
Want, n, wont. Need; poverty; desti- 
tution; deficiency. 

᾿ Bisogno ; volere, 
Ἐ Οὐ ἐς; désite: besoin. 
3 Pers, a, zee. Custom; to be accus- 

Paulie: avvezzo; abituato. 
Habitus ; accoutumé. 

Won {3 abbrev, wont. Will not. 
Abbrev. αἱ Will not: Non vuole. 

- Abb. de Will not: Il ne veut pas. 

Γ Wests: pa, wont'ing. Needing; de- 
ficient; absent. 
mancante ; 



᾿ Manchevole ; assente ; 
— Qui emepeie) ; qui est absent. 
Wanton, a, won'ton. Heedless; lewd; 
lascivious; a harlot. 
Scherzoso ; scherzevole ; 
allegro; lascivetto, &c. 
᾿ Lascif; voluptueux; libertin ; débau- 
ché; ἢ olatre. 
ard, vt, ward. To guard; to watch; 
to repel ; _to protect ; to turn aside, 
as an g mischievous that ap- 
- Parare ; schivare, &c. 
Parer ; "vite r. 
Word, n, wérd. A single specimen of 
any one of the parts of speech. 
- Parola. 
Mot; parole. 
Ware, ἢ, ware. 
- Mercanzia. 
Wear, vt, wir. To use as a dress; to 
waste, as by friction. 
Portare o aver addosso, come vestiti ; 
__ usare; consumare. 
User ; avoir sur soi-méme ; consumer. 
- Weir, n, wér. dam across a stream 
or catching fish or accumulating 

abt a iG Mahan Ngee, : 

festevole ; 


Merchandise; goods; 

Cateratta o chiusa per arrestare acqua. 
arrage ; nasse. 
Were, vt, wir, Verb To be. 
- Verbo To be: ia eravamo, era- 

᾿ΕΝ τήν ΡΝ ee a ee a bet ΜΉ... 

vate, erano, & 
_ Verbe To be: Etre: ; étions; étaient; 
. étiez, &c. 
Where, adv, hwir. In what place. 
Dove? in che luogo. 
Wares, npl, wirs. Plural of Ware. 
Plurale di Ware: Mercanzie. : 

Le pluriel de Ware : Marchandises. 
Wears, vt, wirs. Verb To wear: 8rd 
pers. sing. ind. pres. tense. 



Verbo To wear: Portare addosso}; 85 
pers. sing. ind. pres.: Egli porta. 
'  » addosso, ὅσο. 

᾿ς Verbe To wear: User, &c.; 3° pers. 
sing. ind. prés.: Il use ou porte 

sur soi-méme. 
were a, warm. Notcold; moderately 


Caldo; calore. 
Chaud; chaleur. 
Worm, n, wérm. A reptile without 

Warn, vt, warn. To caution; to give 
Avvertire ; premonire ; ammonire. 
Avertir; prévenir; donner avis. 

Worn, pp, worn. Verb To wear. 

Verbo To wear: Indossare, &c. ; in- 

Verbe To wear: User; avoir sur soi- 
méme, &c.; porté; usé. 

Wart, a, wart. An excrescence. 

Porro; bitorzolino. 
Poireau; tumeur ; bosse; verrue. 

Wort, n, wért. A herb; a plant. 
Termine generico per Erba; pianta. 
Racine; herbe; chou, &c. 

Worth, n, wérth. Value; merit; equal 

in value to; deserving of. 
Valore ; pregio: prezzo. 
Valeur ; prix; excellence; mérite. 

Wary, 7, wari. Cautious. 
Circospetto; cauto; accorto. 
Circonspect; prudent; sage. 

Weary, a, we'ri, Tired; fatigued. 
Lasso; stanco; faticato; stracco. 
Las; fatigué. 

Wherry, m, hwe'ry. A ferry-boat; a 

light boat, sharp at each end. 
Chiatta ; barchetta per traversare un 
Batelet; bateau; traille; bac. 
Way, 7, wa. A road ; the direction one 
is to go, to reach a given place; the 
manner of doing a thing. 

Via; strada; direzione; modo 
Voie; chemin; direction; facon ; 
Weigh, vt, wa. To ascertain the weight 
or heaviness of anything. 
Wey, τ, wa. A wey of wood, or 182 

177 N 

Whey, n, hwa. The watery part of milk 
or of blood. 
Siero; parte acquosa del latte o del 
Petit-lait; partie séreuse du lait ou du 
- We, pro, wé. Plural of I. 
Wee, a, wé. Tiny; small; very small. 


Una misura jiazibie: ossia una pesata 
di 182 libbre di legna. 

Mesure anglaise ou une pesée de 182 
livres de bois, &c. 

Piccinino; piccolino. 
Petit petit; trés mince. 
Weak, a, wék. Feeble; without phy- 
sical strength. 
Week, n, wék. Seven successive days 
or one fourth of the lunar month. 
Weal, n, wel. The commonweal; wel- 
fare; happiness. 
Bene; benessere; felicita. 
Bien ; bonheur. 
Wheal, n, wél. A tin mine; a small 
swelling filled with matter ; a boil ; 
a pimple. 
Una miniera di latta; un fignolo; un 
Bouton; pustule; une mine d’étain. 
Wheel, n, wél. Part of a carriage or 
cart; a circular frame of wood or 

metal turning on an axis, 
Will, n, wil. A wish; a testament; 

determination ; an auxiliary verb. 
Volere;‘volonta; testamento. 
Volonté; désir; testament. 
Weald, », weld. A wood or forest. 
Un bosco; una foresta. « 
' Bois; forét. 
Whealed, a, wéld. Having boils, pim- 
ples, pustules. 
Avere _ fignoli, 
Ayant boutons, pustules, &e. 
Wheeled, a, weld. Containing wheels. 
Munito o avente ruote. 
Muni de ou ayant roues, &c. 
Wield, vt, weld. To use, as the 
sword; to hold, as the sceptre; to 

furuncoli, pustule, 




Maneggiare ; brandire, come seothio 
spada, &e. aM 
' Manier; tenir; porter. 
Willed, pa, wil' ἃ. Having will, a de- ἢ 
termination of mind. 4 
Voglioso; volonteroso; cocciuto. 
Plein de volonté ; obstin6: 

Σ ee 
ERE tay ee ab 
χὐξὴν ila is Atte aad 

Wean, vi, wen. To deprive an animal © 

of breast-food. 3 
Svezzare; spoppare; divezzare. ἷ 
Sevrer; détacher de; dégofiter de; 

priver de. 

Ween, vi, wen. To suppose. 

- Pensare; immaginarsi. 

Penser; imaginer; s’imaginer. 

Win, vt, win. To gain; to obtain by 

success, : 
Vincere ; guadagnare. 
Gagner; conquérir; vaincre. 

Weather, n, weth’ér. The state of the 

Tempo (stato dell’ aria). 
Temps (température de l’air). 

Wether, n, weth’ér. A male sheep de- 
signed for slaughter; a ram cas- 

Castrato; moutone. 
Mouton ou bélier chatré. 

Whether, conj, hweth'ér. Which of the 
two; which of two alternatives. 

Se; sia ché. 
Soit que; que; 51. - ; 
Whetter, n, hwet/ér. He or that which 
whets or sharpens. 
Affilatore ; arrotino. 
Weet, vi, wet. To know. 
Connaitre; savoir. 
Wheat, n, hwét. Grain so called, yield- 
ing flour for bread. 
Grano; frumento. 
Blé; froment. 

Wen, 7, wen. A tumour, resembling a 

Tumore adiposo; gozzo. 
Loupe ; excroissance ; goitre ; charnue. 

When, ad, hwen. At the time that; at 
what time? (interrogatively). 

Quand. { 
Wend, vi, wend. To go; to betake ~ 
one’s self. 
Andare; volgersi; dirigersi verso 

qualche luogo. 
Aller; passer; se passer. 
Went, pret, went. Verb To go. 

SEP haces ig REMAIN 


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Ὁ ΕΑ ΣΡ etl tes hie ee eee Se ἐλευ πε ee Le ee ee ae 
eg ge he a eee ene era μεν μεν γόνυ, 


: wen 

ες Did wi wAddare; κοᾶν: 

τς Verbe To go: Aller; allé, 

Wet, a, wet. Humid; containing 
water; having water or other liquid 
upon the surface. 

Whee, vt, hiwet. To SACS the act of 
ning by friction. 
ΨΥ τε 

won: affiler. 
at, pro, hwot. That which ; that ; 
“the thing that; it is also used 

Cid che: quello che; che cosa ? 

Ce que; ce qui; que 9 quoi ? 

Β Wot, vi, wot. To know; to be aware. 

Sapere; essere conscio Ὁ consapevole. 


on, hwich. A pronoun relative 

Ne aml as ‘ which man,’ 

‘which ha 

τς ἢ quale ; She; la gore ; i quali, &e. 
Qui; que; le quel ; ; quel. 

_ Witch, n, wich. A sorceress. 

Strega ; maga. 
Whig, », hwig. One of the ‘ Liberal’ or 
democratic party ; Tory or Whig. 
Tiiberale; membro liberale kaaintsco 
del parlamento inglese). 
Un agitateur; Libéral d’Angleterre. 

_ Wick, n, wik. The thread or rush in 

the middle of a candle ; the cotton 
oil conductor of a lamp. 
Stoppino ; lucignolo. 
- Méche ; lumignon 

Ἶ Wig, n, wig. A false head of hair. 

While, », hwil. 

. Wile, n, wil. An artifice 

ucca. -_’ 
During the time that; 
as long as. 
Mentre; spazio di tempo. 
pene que ; tandis; durant le temps 

; a trick; 
Furberia; astuzia. 
Fraude ; tromperie. 
7 ἢ; hwin. Gorse; darnel; green- 
; atone; furze; a mineral; a whin- 
a. ( 
o basso; ginestra spinosa; (min. 

Espéce de  gentt; basalte (miner.). 
Win, vt, win. To gain; to obtain by 



Vincere; guadagnare. 
Gagner; conquérir; vaincre. 

Wing, n, wing. A limb for flying; the 
side of a building ; any side place, 
Ala @’ uecello ; edifizio, &c. 
Aile d’un oiseau, d’un édifice, &e. 
Wink, vi, wingh. A blink; to hint by a 
motion of the eyelids. 
Ammiccare ; accennare coll’ occhio. 
Cligner les yeux; faire signe de 1’ceil. 
é, vi, hwin. A plaintive cry; a 
drawl in a plaintive tone. 
Gagnolare; piagnucolare; 
Se plaindre; gémir; pousser des cris 
Wine, n, win. 
_ grapes. 

guaire ; 
The fermented juice of 

Whisicy, γι, hwis'ki. An ardent spirit 
distilled from barley, &c. 
Liquore distillato dall’ orzo. 
Eau de vie distillée avec de l’orge. 
Whiskey, n, wis'ki. A kind of a light 
one-horse chaise. 
Genere di carrozzella leggera a un 
Espéce de voiture légére et élevée. 
Whist, , hwist. A game of cards. 
Un giuoco di carte che porta questo 
Whist ; espéce de jeu de cartes. 
Wist, vi, wist. To know; to believe; 
from verb To wis. 
Verbo To wis: Sapere ; credere. 
Verbe To wis: Connaitre; savoir: 
s’imaginer; connaitre, &c. 
Whit, », hwit. A small part; a jot; 
the smallest particle imaginable. 
Jota; acca; atomo; un nonnulla. 
Un peu; un iota. 
Width, n, width. Breadth; the extent 
of a thing from side to side. 
Largeur ; ampleur. 
Wit, vi and n, wit. To know; to be 
known ; fancy or humour ; sagacity. 
Sapere; esser spiritoso, arguto, sa- 

Esprit; facultés intellectuelles. 
With, prep, with. In company of; on 
the side of. 
Con; collo; colla, το. 
Avec; immédiatement aprés; parmi. 
White, a, hwit. A pigment; the oppo- 
| site of black. 




Wide, a, wid. Broad; 
Large; spacieux; vaste; ample. 
Wight, n, wit. A living being; a being ; 
a person. 
Persona; ente; creatura; individuo. 
Un étre; une personne; un individu. 
Withe, n, with. A willow twig; a band 

consisting of a twig or twigs 
Un brin d’osier; un lien d’osier. 
Whither, adv, hwith’ér. To what 
place; to which place; in what 

Dove? verso qual luogo. 
Ov? dans quel endroit, 
Wither, vi, with'ér. To fade; to lose 
native freshness. 
Appassire; sbiadire; avizzire. 
Fiétrir; faner; ternir. 
Whole, a, hol. Total; undivided; all. 
Totale ; intero; tutto. 
Entier; complet; le tout. - 
Hole, n, hol. A hollow place in any 
solid body ; an interstice. 
Buco; buca, 


Wholly, adv, holl'i. Totally. 
Totalmente; interamente. 
Entiérement ;: complétement. 

Holy, a, ho'li. Whole or perfect in a 

moral sense; free from sin. 
Santo; sacro. 
Saint; pieux. 

Holly, n, hol'li. An evergreen tree or 

shrub with scarlet berries. 
Alloro spinoso; agrifoglio. 

Whoop, 7, hwip. A shout of defiance; 
a shout of war; a particular cry 
of troops when ‘they rush to the 

Urlo; grido; clamore}; grido di guerra. 
Huée; cri de poursuite ; huppe. 

- Hoop, ἢν, hop. A band of wood or 
metal, to confine the staves of 
casks, tubs, &e. 

Cercle; cerceau. 

Whore, ἢ, hor. An adulteress; a prosti- 

Prostituée ; femme de mauvaise vie. 

- 180 


not narrow; 

‘Hoar, a, hor. White or whitish; white ᾿ 
or grey with age. 
Bianco; canuto; brina. 
Blanc ; ‘qui a les cheveux blancs. ἐ 
Why, adv, hwi. For what reason; 
Perche ? 
Pourquoi ? 
Y, letter, wi. A letter of the alphabet. - 
Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. cae 
Wicked, a, wik’ed. Sinful; vile; per- 
nicious; deviating from the divine 


Malvagio; tristo; cattivo; maligno; 

Méchant; vicieux ; malicieux; malin; 

pernicieux. ἡ. 

Wicket, n, wik'et. A door-window; a 
narrow door in a large massive 

Sportello; portello; usciolino. 
Guichet ; petite porte. 

Width, γι, width. Breadth; the extent — 

of a thing from side to side. 
Largeur; ampleur. 

With, prep, with. In company of; on 

the side of, 
Con; collo; colla, &. 
Avec ; immédiatement aprés ; parmi. 

Wife, », wif. A wedded woman; the 
lawful consort of a man. 

Femme mariée; qui ason mari. 
Wive, vt, wiv. To marry a wife. 
Ammogliarsi ; ; prendre moglie. 
Se Ep ἧς prendre femme; s’épou- © 

Wimble, n, wim'bl. A boring tool. 
Succhiello; trapano. — 
Vilebrequin; forét; fraisoir. 

Wimple, n, wim'pl. A nun’s hood. 
Il capuccio o cappello di una monaca. 
Guimpe ; vétement de religieuse, pour 

le cou et la gorge. 

Win, vt, win. To gain; to obtain by 

Vincere ; guadagnare. 
Gagner; conquérir; vaincre. 
Wing, n, wing. A limb for flying; thad 
side of a building; any side place. 
Ala d@’ uccello, d’ edifizio, ὅσο. 
Aile d’un oiseau ou d’un édifice. 
Wink, viandn, wingh. A blink; to hint 
by a motion of the eyelids. 
Batter d’ occhio; cenno. 

eee ee St we ee Rye Se ae να ee καὶ 

᾿ + 

bit my 


AES Miata ae pian na me heat oes 

4 us 

ω ὀρ μμσα 0 cs: 

᾿σῆριον las’ yeux; faire signe de l’ceil ; 
Wind, », wind. Air in motion. 
‘Vent. ‘ 
—— vf, wind. Toturn round some fixed 
: obj ect; to twist; to form into a 
by turning. 
 Girare; avvolgere} attorcigliare. 
Tourner ; τ Ἢ ’entortiller ; ; s’entrelacer 

A autour. 
_ Wynd, n, wind. A narrow lane; an 

Vicolo stretto; viottolo. 

Allée; sentier; ruelle; rue étroite. 
Withal, adv, with-al’. Likewise; to- 
gether with ; at the same time. 
Anche; ancora; pure; altresi; in pari 


pe mreriomens aussi; de méme; d’ail- 

leurs, &c.; au méme temps. 
- Wittolt+, n, wit’ol, A tame cuckold. 
Marito che sa. d’ essere tradito e si 
. rassegna. 
Cocu content. 
Woden, », νοῦ θυ. The Scandinavian 
supreme god. 

Il dio supremo scandinavo. 
__ Déité ou divinité scandinave. 
Wooden, a, wud'n. Made or consisting 
of wood 
Di legno. 
De bois; fait en bois. 
Woe, n, wd. Grief; anguish; distress ; 
suffering; a curse. 
Guai!; guai a; angoscia; angustia ; 
dolore ; infortunio ; miseria. 
Malheur!; calamité ; malédiction! ; 

_ Woo, vt, wi. To court; to sue asa lover. 
- Corteggiare ; amoreggiare ; fidanzare. 
Faire amour ; ; faire la cour; re- 

chercher en mariage. 
Wood, x, wud. A forest; timber. 
Legno ; legname ; bosco; foresta. 
Bois; forét. 
Would, pret, wud. This word, which is 
_ the preterite of Will, implies in- 
clination, wish or desire. 
Verbo To will: Vorrebbe, &c. 
Verbe To will: Voudrait. 
Woold, vi, wuld. To drink (spirits &c.) 
. “excessively, 

_ Wold, n, wold. A district, once covered 

with wood. 



Rasa campagna ; ay fers aperta. 
Etendue de pays écouvert; une 

Woolled, pa, wuld. Having wool, as 
fine woolle ‘ 
Dal pelo . speek lana . 
En laine 

Worth, n and adj, wérth. Value; merit; 
equal i in value to; deserving of. 
Valore ; pregio ; prezzo. 
Valant ; égal Ἢ qui vaut; qui mérite; 
e de. 
Wrangle, vi, rang’gl. To dispute; to 
squabble; to quarrel noisily; to 
Rissare ; quistionare ; altercare, 
Dispute; chicane. 
Rankle, vi, rang'kl. To fester-; to irri- 
tate ; to become putrid. 
Esacerbarsi ; inasprirsi; putrefarsi. 
Se putréfier; se corrompre; s’enveni- 

Wrap, vt, rap. To cover by winding 
something round; to envelop. 
Inviluppare ; involgere ; avvolgere. 

Envelopper ; entortiller; couvrir. 
Rap, vt, rap. To strike with a quick 
blow; to knock. 
Picchiare ; bussare (porta ecc*). 
Frapper avec vitesse (une porte, &c.). 

Wrapped or Wrapt, pp, rap’d or 

Enveloped; covered round, as by 
ὃ wrapper. 

Avvolto; inviluppato. 
Enveloppé; entortillé. 
Rapped, pp, rap'd. Knocked; affected 
with ecstasy or rapture. 
Picchiato; bussato. 
Frappé avec vitesse, &c. 
Rapt, pa, rapt. Transported; ravished. 
Rapito; estatico. 
Ravi; en extase; transporté. 
Wrath, n, rath. Anger; rage; fury; 
Cruccio; collera; ira. 
Courroux ; indignation. 
Rath, n, rath. A hill or mountain; a 
Una collina o montagna; una for- 
Une colline; une petite montagne. 
Wreak, vt, rék. To execute in passion 
or vengeance ; to inflict. 

- 181 


Trar vendetta; fare eseguire, sca- 
gliare, &c. 

Se venger ; lacher; infliger. 

Reek, n, rék. Smoke; vapour; steam. 

Fumare; esalare vapore; fumo; 


Fumée ; exhalation; vapeur. 

Wreath, », réth. A chaplet; a gar- 

Corona; ghirlanda; serto. 

Guirlande ; couronne de fleurs. 
Wreathe, vt, réth. To make a chaplet; 

to twist together; to encircle as a 

Far ghirlande, corone, 

intrecciare fiori, &c. 

Faire une guirlande; orner d’une 

couronne de fleurs, &c. 

Wreck, , rek. A vessel broken on'the 
rocks; the remains of anything 


Naufrage ; ruine. 

Reck, vt, rek. To heed; to regard; to 
care for; to mind. 

Badare ; prender cura; darsi pensiero 

o cura. 

Avoir soin; prendre soin. 

Wrest, vt, rest. To twist violently; to 
pervert ; to distort. 

Storcere con violenza. 

Arracher ou tordre avec violence. 
Rest, n, rest, Sleep; repose; residue ; 
a ceasing from tillage or other 

Riposo ; residuo. 

Repos ; rest. 

Wretch, », rech. A miserable person ; 
a worthless mortal ; a degraded and 
infamous person. 

Sgraziato ; misero; meschino; scia- 


Misérable; malheureux ; infortuné. 
Retch, vi, rech. To make an effort to 

serti, &e.; 

Star per recere; aver voglia di vomit- 
Avoir envie de vomir ; faire des efforts 

our vomir. 
Wright, , rit. A workman ; an artificer; 
a mechanic, 
Artefice ; artigiano. 
Ouvrier ; fabricant.° 
Write, vi, rit. To indite ; to express by 
forming letters on paper. 



Wro > : 

Writhe, vi, vith. Totwist with violence, "4 

with pain ; to wriggle. 
Contorcersi ; 

Faire des contorsions,. 
Ride, vi; rid. To go on horseback; to 
be conveyed in a carriage; to be at 
anchor, as a ship. 
Cavaleare ; andare a cayallo o in 

Aller ἃ cheval; chevaucher ; aller en 

Right, a, rit. Straight; just; true; 
proper; legitimate; not wrong; 
fit; suitable ; not mistaken. 

Retto; giusto. 
Convenable ; droit ; juste ; propre. 

Rite, n, rit. A symbolical ceremony; a 
visible religious form ; observance ; 

Rito; ceremonia religiosa. 
Rit ou rite; cérémonie religieuse. 

Wring, vi,ring. A squeeze by twisting; 
to turn and strain with violence. 

Torcere; storcere con violenza. 
Tordre ; arracher ; tortiller; extorquer. | 

Ring, ring. (vi) To cause to sound, 
as a bell or metallic body; (m) a 
circle ; an ornament of gold &c. for 
the finger. 

(vz) Suonare campane ; 
circolo ; crocchio. 
(vi) Sonner; carilloner; (7) anneau. 

Rink, n, rink. A place prepared for 
skating with rollers. 

Uno luogo apposito per pattinare, 
adoperando girelle alle scarpe. 
Local ot on pratique le patinage avec 

ou sur les rouleaux. 

Writ, », rit. A judicial process; @ legal 

Atto giudiciario; mandato di arresta, 
Ecriture ; ordonnance ; mandat d’arrét. 

Rid, vt, rid. To clear; to free; to dis- 

Liberare; sbarazzare; strigare. 
Délivrer; débarrasser ; défaire: de. 

Wrote, v2, rot. Verb To write; 3rd 
pers. sing. ind. pres. 

Verbo To write: Scrivere; 88 pers. 
sing. ind. pres.: Egli scrisse. 

Verbe To write: Ecrire; 85 pers. sing. 
ind, prés.: Il écrit. 

Wrought, pa, rat. Formed by work 
or labour; worked; influenced ; 

dimenarsi convyulsiva- 

( ; 
PT nin onsen 

(x) anello; 

Lavorato; operato, 

5 i agonné. 
a wel a, vay rth Very angry ; much ex- 
Epcos: ‘adirato. 

; en colare. 
Bole n, rot. Impressed on the memory 

_by repetition. 
Uso 5 SS gam ‘imparato a mente per 

oe ese: “habitude qui résulte d’une 

longue pratique; apprendre par 
: pratique. 
τὰ ἐλ ἢ ang) PP ,rung. Verb To wring. 

o wring: Torcere; storcere 

Σ con violenza ; 2 storto; torto. 
Verbe To wrin : Tordre ; ; arracher ; 
'  tordu; arrac ὁ. 


το AV eae ERNE ret ἐν 

Y, letter, uai. A letter of the alphabet. 
Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 
, adv, hwi. For what reason; 
‘wherefore ὃ 
_ Perche ἢ 
Pourquoi ? 
Ye, pron, γᾶ. 
bdr, adv, ya. 



ea On ο} 


Year, mn, yér. Twelve calendar months ; 
oi =. riod of time during which the 
makes one complete revolu- 

fion 1 in its orbit. 
- Anno. 

An}; ann 
Har, n, &. 

Mtiy he 

One of the two organs of 

Hear, vt, her. To enjoy the faculty of 
perceiving sound by the ear. 
Sentire; udire; ascoltare. 
Entendre ; écouter. 
Here, adv, her. In this place. 
Qui qua; in questo luogo. 

ΨΥ eee eee ee 


Saat nN, yest: A preparation for raising 
dough for bread ; barm ; ferment. 
Lévure; lévain. 



| Run, vi, run. To move in a hurry, by 
celerity, by long steps. 

Rung, p : PD, , Tung. Verb To ring. 
oring: Suonare campane, &c.; 
Verbe To ring: Sonner; carilloner, 
&c.: Sonné; carilloné. 

Wry, a, ri. Crooked ; turned to one 
side ; deviating from the right 
direction ; perverted. 

Storto; bieco; obliquo. 
Tortu ; recourbé ; de traverse; tordu. 

Riye,n, ri. A cereal inferior to wheat 
but more hardy. 


East, n, ést. One of the four cardinal 

points from where the sun rises. 
Levante; oriente ; est. 
Orient ; est. 

Yew; », ἃ. An evergreen tree of the fir 

Tasso (albero). 
If (arbre). 

You, pron, ἃ. The nominative and ob- 
jective plural of Thou. 

Ewe, n, ἃ. 

Hugh, n, i. A Christian name. 

Un nome, Ugo. 
Un nom, Hugues. 
U, letter, i. A letter of the alphabet. 
Una lettera dell’ alfabeto. 
Une lettre de l’alphabet. 

Yoke, », yok. Thecurved wooden collar 
by which a pair of oxen are kept 
together; to join together; to en- 

Giogo; servaggio; schiaviti. 
Joug; esclavage. 

Yolk, n, yok. The yellow part of an egg. 
Tuorlo o giallo dell’ uovo. 
Jaune d’ceuf. 

Yore, adv, yor. In time past. 
Anticamente ; altre volte. 
Jadis; autrefois; anciennement. 

‘Your, pron, yor. Belonging to You. 


A female sheep. 


Yow’re, abbrev, yo'r. 
You are. 
Abbreviazione di You are: Siete. 
Abbrév. de You are: Vous étes. 
Ewer, n, t'ér. A kind of pitcher for 
holding water, which accompanies 
a wash-hand basin. 

Abbreviation of 

Zealous, a, ze’lus. Full of zeal; warmly 

engaged in the pursuit of an object. 
Pieno di zelo; zelante. 
Zélé; plein de zéle. 

Jealous, a, je'lus. Uneasy because 
another enjoys some good which 
we have not; suspicious of fidelity 
in love. 

Geloso. | 
Jaloux ; envieux. 

Zine, n, zingh. A metal resembling 

Zinc; métal blanc et lamelleux. 


Brocca; vaso di creta; mescirobba; 

vaso da crema. 
Aiguitre ; vase ἃ créme ou a Veau. 
Hewer, n, hiv'ér, 
or stone. 

Spaccalegna ; tagliatore di legna o di 4 


Celui qui équarrie le bois; un tailleur 4 

de pierre. 

Sing, vi, sing. To utter vocal music. 

Sink, vi, sink. To fall to the bottom ; 

to become lower; to be over- 

Affondare; andar a fondo; 

Couler ἃ fond; creuser. 


Sin, n, sin. Any action, word, thought — 

or purpose contrary to the law of 



One who hews wood 8 

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