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Full text of "A dictionary of the Hok-këèn dialect of the Chinese language, according to the reading and colloquial idioms: containing about 12,000 characters. Accompanied by a short historical and statistical account of Hok-këèn"

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1832. ‘ 











Jouy 29th. 1831. 


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We In the absence of the author of this Dictionary, a note explanatory of the 
by delay in its publication seems necessary. The printing of it was commenced at 
4 the press of the Hon. E. I. Company in 1831, and continued with some inter- 
__. ruptions until their charter expired in April, 1834, when the work stopped at the 
320th page. It remained untouched until December, 1835, when Mr. Medhurst, 
being in China, circulated a subscription paper to procure funds to complete the 
printing, and obtained upwards of one hundred names. Messrs. Olyphant & Co. 
of Canton advanced the necessary funds on the guaranty of this subscription, and 
the printing was immediately resumed, the Company having loaned the use of 
_ their font of Chinese types for the purpose. 
: It is probable that the student will discover some errors in the work, but at 
present, a full table of errata cannot be made out. The following, however, 
have been noticed. _ | 

Page 16, for Be4ou, read if. Page $28, for HT Kéen, also read RF. 
Page 48, for Chaou, read i. Page $32, for ff read Keéet, 
Page 87, for fi@ Chay, read IR. Page 851, for 4 K’hik, read 
Page 95, for JAX Ci’hat, read Page $54, for My K’hadu, read 
Page 127, for WK Ch’hOng,read Page 357, for a K’be, read 
Page 144, for $4 Chod, read Page 388, for jy, K’hwdy, pead 
Page 221, for he Héem, read Page 436, for % Lé, transpose 
Page 241, for {i Hoé, read Page 541, for a P’hwat, read 
Page 252, for ey Hong, read Page 542, for & Pin, _—read 
Page 266, for Hwan, read Page 577, for —* Séang, read 

Page 274, for bey Hwiin, read _ Page 611, for id Soe, read 
_ Page 276, for $F Hwut, read Page 675, for * T"he"a, read 

Sia I aS SH 
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Some errors in marking the tones, and in distinguishing the reading sounds 
from the colloquial, may also be found; but when the circumstances attending the 
printing of the work are considered, it is hoped these imperfections will not be. 
severely criticised, . 

S, Weixts WIiiuiams, 

Macao, June 1, 1837, 


AFTER the numerous and elaborate works on Chinese Philology 
already before the Public, the presentation of a new one would seem almost to need 
an apology, were it not that the object of the present Dictionary is not so much 
to elucidate the Chinese language generally, as that of one of its dialects, in particu- 
lar. Previous efforts have been confined to the Mandarin or Court dialect, with the 
exception of a Canton Vocabulary published in 1828, and (so far as the Author’s in- 
formation extends) nothing has yet been done to elucidate the Hok-kéén or Emoey 

The Mandarin tongue is partially understood throughout the whole Empire, by 
the better informed part of the inhabitants, and, in some central districts, it is said to 
‘be the current language of the people, but, in the southern provinces, the vulgar 
dialects differ more or less from the Court language, and in Hok-kéén, where the dif- 
ference is most marked, the cultivation of the Mandarin tongue is less general. The 
author, having never visited China, has had little opportunity of conversing with the 
higher ranks of the Chinese, but from a constant intercourse with the middling and 
lower classes who emigrate to the Eastern Islands, his uniform experience for the. 
last fourteen years has been, that not one man in five hundred knows any thing of the Man- 
darin tongue, or can carry on a conversation of more than ten words in it. In Hok- 

kéén, a doctor, a fortune-teller, a stage-player, or a police officer may sometimes be 


met with, who héawing travelled into other provinces, or been employed about Govern- | 
ment offices, will perhaps be able to converse a little in the Court dialect; but, in 
most cases, the people are totally unacquainted with it, and never think of studying 
it till, having succeeded at the literary examinations, and got a prospect of preferment 
or employment, they go to a regular school for the study of the Mandarin, and acquire 
it almost as they would a new language. Indeed, instances have been known of 
literary graduates of considerable standing: giving u the prospect of Government situa- 
tions, rather than take the trouble of Studying. the. Surt dialect. 

Not only does the Mandarin tongue differ from the vulgar idioms, but these 
provincial dialects differ considerably from each other, so that an inhabitant of Hok- 
kéén will not be able to understand a native of Canton,—and the author has frequently 
had occasion to interpret for two Chinese from adjoining provinces, who could not 
understand each other. Even in the same province, the difference of dialect is some- 
times so great, that people divided by a mountain, a river, or twenty miles of country, 
are by no means intelligible to each other. In the ten counties of Hok-kéén, 
there are certainly as many different dialects, and if the same obtains throughout every 
one of. the “eighteen _ provinces of ‘China, the, different dialects in that Empire will be 
neatly two hiuhared. 3 ae . pa 


ashi tik nN person. who Saicmuie: Jearning the. Chinese language, without much pros- 
. pect of verbal . intercourse with the people, or who will be generally conversant with 
the higher , classes and Government officers, throughout all the Provinces, would certainly 
do well to study the Mandarin dialect; — but he whose intercourse will probably be 
confined to one district, and who will have to do with the great mass of the people | 
Reg in it, would do better to study the vulgar dialect of that particular place. 

The author, on commencing the study of Chinese, attended solely to the Man- 
darin, ‘but, finding that it was not understood by the mass of emigrants in the Malayan 
archipelago, he turned his attention, in the year 1818, to the Hok-kéén dialect, In 1820, 
a small Vocabulary was drawn up, and a few sheets of it printed at Malacca; in 1823, 
this work was enlarged, and sent to Singapore, to be printed under the patronage of 
the Singapore Institution, the Committee of which offered to publish it at their own 
expence. The affairs of that Institution, however, not having prospered, the Manuscript 
lay untouched for several years, was since sent to Malacca and Penang, and, in the 
year. 1829, came back untouched into the author’s hands. Considerable advancement 
having in the mean time been made in the knowledge of the language, and the Select 


Committee..for managing the affairs of the Honorable East India Company, in China, having 
generously |,offered|;to»-hritig the work through the press; the author undertook to re- 
compose’ it entirely, tovenlarge. it by-the addition of several thousand characters, and to 
illustrate the meaning of each esaneee word by a quotation from some’ respectable 
Chinese authors; yy) oi iy 

shall yea 
‘The present ‘work is ‘founded on a native Dictionary of the Hok-kéén dialect, 

ena in “the year 1818, ‘called the ep TH Sip gnoé yim, or “ fifteen sounds,” 
which. contains doth. the Reading and Colloquial idiom, with the sounds and tones very 
aceurately defined. The inhabitants of Hok-kéén have a method of expressing themselves 
in ‘common conversation, very, different from the style in which their books are written ; 

and» this. variation appears, not only in the substitution of more easy and familiar words. 
for the abstruse and difficult terms used in books, but also in the inflection and altera- 
tion of even common words, giving them sometimes a nasal or contracted termination, 

and sometimes completely changing their sound and tone. This has given rise to the 
distinction between the Reading and Colloquial forms of speech, which, in the native 
Dictionaries, are distinguished, by having the former printed in red, and the latter im 
black ink; while the same is attempted to be marked in the following work, by putting 
the Colloquial in italics, and printing the Reading idiom in roman letters. 

The Chinese have a method of spelling their words, by dividing them into 
initials and finals, and taking the initial of one word and the final of another, they 
form a third by the conjunction. In the native Dictionary above alluded to, fifteen initials 
(hence the name) and fifty finals are employed, to express all the possible variations in 
sound, of which the Hok-kéén dialect is capable. These initials and finals are hereafter 
described, and attempted to be expressed in European letters; the system of erthography 
which has been adopted to elucidate these sounds may not possibly be the best, and 
no doubt they would be differently expressed by others; but whatever may be the 
faults or deficiencies of his system, the author flatters himself that it is uniform, dnd 
that any given word will be found to bear the same orthography throughout the work. 
Walker’s and Sheridan’s pronouncing Dictionaries have been consulted, but it was found 
impossible to adopt their systems in every instance, as the Hok-kéén dialect contains 
sounds, which neither of those orthoépists had ever occasion to illustrate. The nasals, 
in particular, can be accurately expressed by no possible system of European orthography, 
and if twenty people had to define them, they would no doubt write them in as many 
different ways; the author has therefore adopted that mode of spelling which. appeared! 


to him the best, following, in most instances, the orthography of Dr. Morrison, in his 
Dictionary of the Mandarin tongue, where the sounds at all resembled each other;— 
and having once adopted it, he has found it necessary to adhere to the same through- 
out the work, in order to prevent mistakes and confusion. 

In addition to the sounds formed by the junction of the fifteen initials and fifty 
finals, the inhabitants of Hok-kéén have a method of multiplying their few monosyllables, 
by the application of various tones, which, while the word retains the same form of 
spelling, produce an alteration of the intonation, by a variation of the accent. Respect- 
ing these tones of the Chinese language, some difference of opinion has obtained, and 
while some have considered them of the first importance, others have paid them little 
or no attention. The author inclines decidedly to the former opinion ; having. found, 
from uniform experience, that without strict attention to the tones, it is impossible for a 
person to make himself understood in Hok-kéén. Chinese children, as soon as they begin 
to speak, learn the tones, as speedily as they do the sounds themselves, and the 
poorest people invariably observe the minutest regard to the tones; so that the author 
has never heard a real native of Hok-kéén make the slightest mistake in the tones, 
even in the hurried conversation of common life. Indeed a Chinese is more likely 
to make a mistake in the orthography than in the accent of a word, and when charged 
with pronouncing téem instead of léem, will defend himself, by saying that, at any 
-gate the words are in the same tone, and therefore there cannot be much difference 
between them. A horse in Hok-kéén is bdy, in the upper tone, with an acute accent, 
but the Chinese, in speaking of a horse, would as soon think of changing the orthogra- 
phy into bang, as of altering the accent into bdy, which is in the lower even tone, 
with a circumflex over it. In the native Dictionary which is made the basis of the 
present work, the toes are most particularly defined, and the arrangement of each section 
is more according to the tone than the orthography; for instance, the first section contains 
all the words of the even tone, under a certain final, as connected with the different initials, 
and not a single upper tone is brought forward, till all the even tones of that final are 
given; the second section then contains all the words under the upper tone of the same 
final, and so on; so that kwun in the even tone will be found under one section, 
and kwin, in the upper tone under another. ‘This arrangement, in which the accent 
is regarded more than the spelling, is peculiar to the Chinese, and shews what great stress 
they lay on a difference of tone, even more so than on a difference of orthography. © In 
the fellowing pages, this arrangement has been reversed, and the words are classed ac- 
cording to their alphabetical order, yet the author has endeavoured to mark, im every 
instance, the peculiar tone to be affixed to each word, and that not only in the words placed 


for reference at the head of each line, but also in the examples adduced; so that, witl 
the exception of typographical errors, each word will be found to have, not only the same 
mode of spelling, but also a uniform intonation, throughout the book. 

It is possible that, in the meaning given to each particular word, some dis- 
similarity may be observed between the present work and the Dictionary published by 
Dr. Morrison; if such should be the case, the author would not be understood as inten- 
tionally differing from his indefatigable ‘predecessor, whose elaborate work he has seldom 
or ever consulted for the meaning of words; but, having followed an entirely independant 
authority, and having adopted the meanings assigned in native Dictionaries, and illustrated 
in the quotations referred to, it is not unlikely but some trifling discrepancy may arise. 
Fewer meanings may also be found in this, than in the Doctor’s work; but it must 

be remembered, that the present undertaking is on a much smaller scale than the preceding 
one, and to have given all the meanings of each word, and proofs of their being used 
in every seyeral sense, from Chinese authors, would have swelled this Dictionary to 
too great a size, particularly as it is designed to illustrate, not so much the language, 
as a single dialect of it. However, the most common and approved sense of each word 
is generally given. , 

The quotations adduced are most’ of them from Chinese authors of the best 
reputation, viz. from the Five Classics, the Four Books, authentic Histories, and approved 
Odes, being generally the same which are, quoted in the Imperial Dictionary, under the 
characters referred to,. A few vulgar phrases may be found here and there, and some 
quotations from novels and guatemala. productions; but good authors, however ancient, 
have generally been preferred, both as being held in greater respect among the Chinese 
themselves, and as giving the most appoved sense of the characters in question. It may 
be that the author has mistaken the meaning of some passages, and has awkwardly ex- 
pressed the sénse of others, while published translations of the works quoted from may 
be brought, in triumphant proof of alledged ignorance or carelessness ;—but it must be 
remembered, that a person giving the’ sense of an isolated passage is very likely to 
express himself differently from one who translates the book in detail ; and that some variation 
or amplification is indeed necessary in a quotation, in order to give the reader a correct 
idea ‘of the ‘sentence, which would be less requisite where the passage stood in its 
proper connection. If it be asked,—why not give sentences from modern authors, or 
examples of every-day conversation, in illustration of each character? the answer may 
be, that there are no modern authors, of any reputation, but what are built upon, and 

imitators, of ancient. writings; and to manufacture sentences for the occasion would! be 

liable to. this very) serious! objection, that) such) éenterices);may) oromay: not be» good Chi-! 
nese, according to the proficieney jor, unskilfulmess +:of) the»'Compilerj ‘andioto;cadduce! 
ungrammatical or un-idiomaticalo sentences: ini elucidation, / would be® to: Jéad)the mind 
astray, and to retard instead of promote the progress of the SndeBtis _ Should the author 
be spared to compose, the Second Part of, this Dictionary, viz. the. English, and Chinese, 
it is his. intention, to, adduce, under, each important, yw word, a, phrase from, some. English 
auther, and to give the sense of it in, Chinese, by which, means, the. student will. be 
enabled to, judge of the, familiar way, of writing and, speaking , Chinese, and of the methiod 
of rendering English composition, into. it. inna bsiobse enived brs .vivodluie 

For the short historical and ‘statistical ‘account of Hok-kéén, the atithor is indebted 
to Chinese histories and geographical’ works, ‘to Malte Brim’s Universal ' Geogiaphy, 
aud to an account of the Dutch embassy ‘to Hok-kéén’ in’ the seventeenth century. These 
productions are most of them old, yet, as China remains lone stationary, the present 
state of the province differs perhaps little from what it was formerly. In estimating 
the population of Hok-kéén, a different opinion is hazarded from what Dr. . Morrison has 
given, in his View of China for Philological Purposes: it is however proposed with 
diffidence, and not without being substantiated by two independant authorities, - Hok-kéén 
contains ten counties, of which ' only oie, viz. ie pH Chiang chew, Hiéar’ the port of Eméey, 
is the identical spot where thé ‘dialedt illustrated’ in ‘this Dictionary is ‘spoken i in its apie i 
in the adjoining county. to ‘the east, viz. oat Ny Chwwan’” chew, the dialect differs very 
little; and ‘in the neighbouring county on the Opposite. side, viz. Wy Dit TéAou chew, in 
the province of Canton, the dialect differs a little more, but still the ‘inhabitants of each 
district are mutually inttigie to each other. | _OF the dialects of, the northern counties, 
of YI My T’heng chew, and 4 ae Yéen péng, - as well as of the north- eastern, counties 
of Bil AV, Hin, hwa, and lia HW Hok, chew, the en is; unable, to, sick mits any, HeBTRE 

of decision. , vig meer sitar toa tat 
sj For any. typozraphical errors, which may creep ‘ay dibs ulliadachiiealalialls 
work, the.,author; hopes for! the /indulgences!of :the public, as,\ the work: \being» printed, at 
the, distance of nearly two, thousand; miles) from, his place of.abode, it!is impossible for him to 
correct) the sheets:as ‘they» are» put) to press,» dr /to. mark)idut any.errors which might 
have | inadvertently: dropped from: his pen jin: the’ composition: ' To ithe Rev. .DricMorrison 
and hisson, »who ‘have ‘kindly»undertaken the revision ‘ofthe »proofs, ‘the author! would 
~ express) his: unfeigned obligations, and his earnest! hopes that they may sticceed inthe difficult 
task lof readingand “comparing ‘the *very ’ mitiute'distinctious;2of ‘accent ‘as well as ‘sound, 




which the author has found it necessary to employ in the work, and that they may send 
it forth to the public, as correct as his best wishes could desire. 

To the Directors of the Honorable East India Company, and to the Gentlemen of 
the Select “Committee for the management of their affairs in China, the author acknow- 
ledges himself as under great and manifold obligations, for their kind notice and patro- 
nage of the work, and for their munificent liberality, in printing it, free of expence, at 
their own press in China. 

May the present feeble undertaking be rendered eminently serviceable in the 
promotion of Chinese literature, and may students of the language, whether for civil or 
religious purposes, derive essential benefit therefrom! and to that God who has granted 
health for the undertaking, and ability to bring it to a conclusion, shall be all the glory. 

W. H. M. 
Batavia, July 29th. 1831. 

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Tue PROVINCE of fh FE How-kéen, *happy establishment,** Ties in the S. E, quarter of the 
‘Empire of China, The latitude of its Capital, 7% )} Hok-chew, ‘happy region,’ is 26° 3"-N. and its 
Longitude 1° 30’ E. from Peking. The account given. of it) by’ Malte Brun is as follows: 
»**Rou-kien (or Hok-kéén) is one of the smallest, yet richest, provinces of the Empire. — Its situation 
‘sis favourable for fishing, navigation, and trade. The air is very, warm, but pure and healthy, The fields 
‘care watered with an infinity of, rivers, which come from the mountains, and which the labourers manage with 
‘great dexterity, for watering, aden rlenarcerele Black. tea is. the principal product. It also contains musk, 
“ precious stones, iron, tin, and quicksilver mines; silk, hemp, and cotton are manufactured; steel is-prepared, both 
B,: in the form of bars, and ready-made articles of hardware; and among the delicious and abundant fruits which it 
“produces, the oranges are remarkable for the flavour of muscat grapes which they possess. Fou-chew-fou (Hok- 
“ **chew-hod), the capital ef the province, is, above all, celebrated for its situation, for the great trade which it pos- 
“ sesses, for the multitude of ‘its men of learning, for the. beauty of its rivers, which bear the great barks of China. 
“to its very walls, and, finally, for an admirable bridge, thrown over the gulf, consisting of a hundred arches, and 
“entirely, built of a beautiful white stone. Yen-peng-fou (Yéea-peog-hod), situated on the declivity, of a mountain, 
“stat the foot of which flows the river Min-ho, is not large, but it is considered as one of the handsomest towns in 

if “the Empire. Tchang-chew-fou (Chéang-chew-hod) is near the port of aay (Ay-mo6i"8), a great emporium of 
‘trade, frequented by the Spaniards from Manilla.” 
_.. ,» The Hok-kéén Province, was formerly called the Baa country: the following. notices respecting its 
‘early. history are, taken from. the $i] JE JJ, 47) Kong kam @ te, or “History of China.” 

9) As early as the first year of ai} & Chin-sé-héng, B.C. 215, we find. mention. madé of the Ban 
country. The Empire being then divided into 36 districts, or Bk Kwan, to which were added four others 
from the B Wat country, namely, ja) A Ban-téung, or Hok-kéén ; ia Vif Lam-hae, or. Ceuiton 5 kt Hh. 

Be, Cochin China; and x dpe Saing-kwan (perhaps Siam.) 

mEove ho 


ix BE 

In the 30th year of i ry Han-boo-téy, 'B. c. 105, the people of Cy ria Tong-wat slew ER 

se Ong-é-séén, and tendered their submission to the Government. In the preceding year, — RB Ong-é- 
séén had rebelled, and the Emperor sent his General ws YAng-pok to subdue the country 5 after which he 
transplanted the people to the region between the {L Kang and Hf Hwaé rivers. The Emperor having con- 
sidered that the country of faa Ban was full of dangerous defiles, and the people ever disposed to revolt, which — 
would be likely to occasion endless trouble to future ages, resolved on completely removing the inhabitants to 

another region, leaving their own country desolate. 

In the period of the FE Tong dynasty, in the 12th year of BR 4* Swan-chong, A. D. 849, the Emperor 
appointed + pe [Bg E-Yéén-léng to be the ruler of cig py Kéén-chew. When Yéén-léng came in to return 
thanks for the appointment, his Majesty asked, how far Kéén-chew was from the Capital? Eight thousand lé, was 
the reply. Upon. which the Emperor said, ‘‘ As soon as you ¢ome thither, whetber your government be good 
or bad, ¥ shall he fully acquainted with it: do. not say to yourself, it is far off, for ten thousand 1é are as near 
to me as the steps of my throne. Do you know this?’ ‘hid i 

In the 5th year of BX 2 E-choag, A. D. 853, itis said that many of the eunuchs of the santas were 
natives of Hok-kéén, and had great influence at courk 90) oi) | j waid 46% 

In the 4th ‘year of fz $i Hé-chong, A. D.°868, Hok2chew jlig Hh) was taken by the rebel Héng-chadu 
w i ¢ Wl" -chabu ): In ‘the 7th year of the same reign, A. D. 871, arose the rebel - ba Ong-s2: he was 
a native of = pp] Séw-chew, in the province of ae fa Kang-laim, and by trade a butcher. Having collected 
a company of about 500 men, he seized upon the government of his native district; and about a month afterwards 
got possession of wt: Ny Kong-chew, when his adherents swelled to the number of 10,000. There was a magistrate of 
ra i Koé-sé district, in the neighbourhood of H iH Kong-chew, by the name of ES Ong-teadu, who, together 
with his younger brethren, ae vel Sim-te, and 3 eal) Sim-kwuy, was alike distinguished for courage and spirit. 
=o Bi Ong-sé made this -—E if Ong-teasu his Licttousne Geierat: and placed much confidence in him. 

In the llth year of fit SR Hé-chong, A. D. 875, -— #4 0 Ong-sé took possession of ¥ YT iy Theng- 

chew and j= }h] Chéang-chew, both in the province of ili He Hok-kéén. About this time ee vA RE 
Chin-Chong-kwin, who had been appointed by the Emperor to be Governor of x€ HI Kong-chew, demanded 

the taxes due from that district; and —E wa Ong-sé refusing to pay them, 1 he Chong-kwan was enraged, 
and marched an army to attack him. Ong-sé, in his fright, collected the troops | of both the 2e Séw and 
HE Kong districts, shout 5000 men, and crossing the river, seized open the three districts of Yi. Kang; it 
Hong, and Ez K’héen, and the same month took possession of the two districts of” iv Theng and JER Chéang, 


but could not keep them long. 

In the autumn of the same year, £ $i Ong. sé came to is MM Cheang-chew, and because the road 

was dangerous and provisious scarce, gave orders throughout the army, that no one ‘should be permitted to 


bring: their old and feeble relatives along with them, on pain of death. But = i Ong-tedou and his 
brethren ventured ° to ‘carry with them’ their aged mother. Ong-s8 reproved them, saying, “ All armies have 
Jaws, and there are no armies without them; you have now disobeyed my laws, and if I do. not punish you, 
it will be the same as if we had no laws.” Ong-tedou and his brethren replied, ‘‘All men have. methers, 
and there are no men without -them; how’ is it that your Excellency would have us to throw away our 
mother.” brig was enraged, and orderéd them to behead the old woman; but Ong-tefdou and his brethren 
interfered, saying, ‘*‘ We must serve our mother, as much as our general; if you kill the mother, what will be 
the use of the sons? we beg therefore to die first.” The troops then interposed, and the matter was passed 
over. A certain fortune-teller told Ong-se, that there was in the army an individual, who would one day become 
a king; whereupon Ong-sé put to death all thyse soldiers who appeared to have the least spark of bravery, 
or any disposition to assume command. This rendered the troops uneasy, and when they came as far as Lam- 
an 0 i fe (Lém-w"a); in the district of ie Hl Chwan-chew, Ong-té4ou directed the commander of the advanced 
guard to conceal some stout fellows among the bamboo bushes, in order ‘to seize Ong-sé, and binding him, 
expose him to public scorn. Upon this Ong-té4ou was made general, and led his troops to the siege of 4 Wy 
In the “bth year of ye 4 Chéaou-chong, A. D. 883, Fe ish ®ng-tedou took possession of iia NM 
Hok-chew. About this time iii fia Tin-gim, the Governor of ila Fe Hok-kéén, was sick, and summoned 
= yO Ong-tefou, the ruler of Kt )}) Chwan-chew, in order to deliver over to him the command of the 
district, but died before his arrival. His Lieutenant, 0 Ai Hwan-hwiy, immediately appointed himself to 
succeed, and sent out troops to oppose dng-téaou, but upon Ong- -téAou’s attacking iin My Hok-chew, Hwan- 
hwiy gave up the city and fled: Ong-teadu then succeeded to the Government. In the winter of the same year, 
Ong-téadu was regularly invested, by the Emperor, with the dignity of Governor of rift aE Hok-kéén province; 
from which period is dated the elevation of his family to independent sway in that part of China. 2 
: In the 9th year of ih oe FRx Chéaou-chong, A. D. 888, Ong-teAou died. Before his death he had elevated 
his brother £45 Ong-Sim-te to the rank of Lieutenant-Governor, and on one occasion, for some 
érror which he had committed, had struck him with his staff; Sim-te did not however take offence at this; and 
Ong-tétou, in his last iliness, set aside his own son, and ordered Sim-te to superintend the affairs of the 

province. This FE ‘Sim-te is’ still worshipped ae the Hok-kééa people, as being the founder of 
their state. 

“9 Am the' 9rd year of YE AE jl Leang-T'hae-choé, A. D. 900, - HE pt Ong-Sini-te was appointed, by the 
Emperor, to be King of [3] Ban. He wasa man of economical and sparing habits, wore hempen shoés, and: dwelt 
iti d’miedty abode, without ever thinking of enlarging or beautifying the place of his residence, He was gentle 
in punishments, and sparing in exactions, so that all ranks became rich and happy, and: his whole territory 
was tranquil, 


In the 2nd year of Fig He i Téng-Chong-chong, A. D. 915, Ee a5 i) Ong-Sim-te, the ruler of lal 
Ban, died, ‘and was succeeded by ‘his son Ae by Yéén-han. In the following year, = HE 2) Ong-Yéén-pin, 

the adopted son: of = FE An 0 Ong-Sim-te, slew If a Yéén-hin, and set up his younger brother, os i) 
Yéén-kin, in his stead, 

In the 2nd year’ of pF HA cK Téng-Béng-chong, A. D. 918, the Emperor appointed ERE By Ong-Yéén- 
kin to’ be king of [es] Ban. In the 7th year of the same reign, A. D. 923, + Wik $4) Ong-¥één-kin assumed 
the title of Emperor of [ze Ban, ‘and altered his name to Ue Lin. 

In the Ist year of i 3 ir Tong-Hwiy-téy, A.D. * 935, aE Ais Lé-héng, of the fee Ban country, 

murdered his sovereign *E ht Ong-Lin, and set up in his stead This + Hok-éng, ‘the King of rele 
called Ne Hi Kéy-péng, and altered his name to Au Ch’héang. 

In the 8d year of 23 jy jf] Chin-Ko-choé, A. D. 931, -F J Ong-he, of the fie] Ban country, 
murdered his nephew and sovereign 7] qe Ch’ heang, and set up himself in his room; acknowledging fealty to F Chin. 

In the 5th year of the same sovereign, A. D. 988, = lg Ong-he, of the fl Ban country, took the title 
of Emperor, 
In the Ist year of 2B SS 7 + Chin-Chéy-éng, A. D. 937, £ RE Pi « Ong-Yéén-chéng, of the district of 
a Hod-say, styled Sal Emperor, and called his country fi Yio. This - RE PR O Ong-Y één-chéng was 
the younger brother of ee Re Ong-he; and he had ie ® IK ji Hwan-Sin-yew, to be his President of the board of 
appointments, and i ate At YAng-Soo-kéung, to be his President of the military board, and to be associated with 
him in the government of the state. The country was small and the people poor, while the troops had no rest: 
hence FA hon ae Soo-kéung sought to ingratiate himself with his Prince, by collecting as much revenue as possible, 
and therefore increased the taxes on fields and arable lands, even to fish, salt, vegetables, and fruit; nothing was 

left without having a double tax levied on it; insomuch that the people of the country called him ‘‘skin-flint.” 

In the 2nd year of the same Sunvlnses A. D. 938, Ke xX SE Choo-biin-chin, a military officer of the 
fee Ban country, murdered his orl i He, and set himself up in his stead. In the same year, We ¥é 
Choo-bin-chin yielded subjection to the = Chin dynasty, and ge dignified with the title of fay - Ban-éng, 
the king of Ban. Upon which the state of BR Yin marched to the attack of KL iE Choo-bin-chin, and the 
Chinese government sent troops to attack ie Yin. The people of fal Ban, however, put ns KR HE Choo-ban- 
chin to death, and sent his head to rat I Kéén chew. 

In the following year, A. D. 939, the state of Be Yin altered its designation to | Ban, after which 
the: Emperor’s troops contended. with ..those. of | Ban, and the latter were routed; whereupon the Emperor’s 
troops entered ee Dt Kéén-chew,, and hE KK Yéén-chéng came out and surrendered. Thus the country of 
fel ‘Ban fell into the hands of; the Chinese. 





Iw THE statement given to’ Sir G. Staunton, in 1799, by Chew-ta-jin, a mandarin of high rank, the popula- 
tion of Hok-kéén is rated at 15,000,000, and that of the whole Empire at 333,000,000. ‘This estimate has been 
by many thought to be exaggerated, but in the appendix to the Report of the Anglochinese College, for 1829, 
it is stated (on the authority of the Je 7H 4p IIML Tae-Ch’heng hway téén, or “Collection of statutes of the Taé- 
Ch’heng dynasty,” in 261 volumes), that the Emperor WZ ia Kéen-léfing, in his 57th year, 1792, found the 
amount of the whole population to be $07,467,200. 

In Morrison’s ‘View of China for Philological purposes,” — which follows the his — ji TUE Taé-Ch’heng. 
yit Chong che, or ** Complete statistical account of the Empire of the Taé-Clitheng dynasty, * —the population ot 
Hok-kéén, in 1790, is stated to be 1,684,528, while that of the whole Empire is rated at less than 150,000,(.00 

“This statement has been preferred by many, on account of its moderation, but it seems to assign very dispropor- 

tionate nuntbers to several particular provinces, giving in some instances more than is found in the largest estimate, 
and assigning in others only a few hundred thousands to districts, which, according to every other statement, are 
peopled by millions, 

In the possession of the author is a work called the aK vid , ik @ it K’him téng Tas-Ch’heng hway 
téén, “Collection of statutes of the Taé-Ch’heng dynasty, as fixed by authority,” in 16 volames, published in the 
sth year or iE ine Kéen-léing, 1763. According to this, the nomber of nem, between the ages of 16 and 60, 
is stated to be upwards of 100,000,000 throughout the whole Empire, and 4,710,399 in Hok-kéén. | Now if we 
reckon ay miuny women, infants, and superannvated ‘people, as able-bodied men, we shall have an aggregate of 
200,000,000 as’ the probable yee of China. : » 

~ With this agrees the ateat “aay by Father Allerstein, in 1743, as qavted by Malte Bran, which rates 

the whole neppok, at 199,218,485, and that of Hok-heén at t 8,063,671 The comparative statements are as 

akyyo onal bu 

follows — 

up ae ile « ; + ~ : 
& ' ‘ ; Oo - Lae | : 

Names of the According to According to According to @ work According to 
Provinces. Sir G. Staunton. Dr. Morrison. in the possession of Allerstein. 
the Author. 
eres 390,714 
BE Fx Seng-keng — “95,929 f 221,742 668,852 
Tey at Tit-ley 38,000,000 3,504,038 9,374,217 15,222,940. 
[lj Ge San-tong 24,000,000 25,447;633 12,769,872 25,180,734 
Wy 74 San-sey 27,000,000: 1,860,816 ' 5,162,351 9,768,189 
i if H6-lam 25,090,000 2,662,969 7,114,346 16,332,507 
IT Bt Kang-soe 28,967,235 _ 12,618,987 22,761,030 
7 fk 6 $2,000,000 Pay et 
dé Kl An-hwuy 1 15438;023) 1» 12,485;361 23,161,409 
WL. pu Kang-sey 19,000,000 5,922, 160 5,055,251 11,006,604 
its RE Hok-kééa 15,000,000 1,684,528 4,710,399 8,063,671 
aT 1x Chéet-kang 21,000,000. 18,975,099 8,662,808 15,429,690 
HH Af, Hoé-pok 14,000,000 21,604,369. 4,568,860 §,080,603 
iil yA Hoé-lam 13,000,000 9,098,010. 4,336,332 8,829,820. 
is phy Séem-sey 18,000,000, 257,704 8,851,043. 7,287,443 
Hy Kam-séuk 12,000,000. 340,086 2,133,222 7,412,014 
YJ} See-ch’bwan, 27,000,000. 7,789,782. 1,368,496 2,782,976 
Fs ih Kéng-tong 21,000,000 1,491,271 3,969,248 6,782,975 
hay py Kong-sey 10,000,000: 2,569,518 | 1,975,619 9,947,414 
ae 3) Yin-l4m 8,000,000 3,083,459: 1,003,053 2,078,892 
a iH Kwily-chew 9,000,000 2,941,391 1,718,848 3,420,729 
"103,050,060 males. 
100,000,00% females. 
_ 333,000,000. 143,124,734 208,050,060. 198,218,485 

| XVitE 

From, a comparison of the above accounts, we may perhaps conclude,, that the first is rather exaggerated, 
and. the second disproportionate in. the numbers assigned to the various provinces;. but the third (allowing the 
numbers. to. be. doubled. on, account of the females) and, the fourth agree so nearly together, in circumstantials 
and generals, that it cannot be venturing too much, to consider them as affording a true statement, of the popula- 
tion of China;_ particularly, as it regards the provinces of Hok-kéén and Canton (the most kuown to Europeans ). 
For each of these, --judging from the immense number of emigrants, who, from the two provinces alone, amount, it 
is-said, to half a million, —also considering the dense population of the city of Canton, —and taking into ac- 
count the universal testimony of the Hok-kéén people themselves, that the inhabitants of their native province 
exceed the ants in number,—the sum of six or eight millions would seem to approach nearer the truth, than the 
million and a half of Dr. Skieclasits account, or the fifteen and twenty millions of Sir G, Staunton’s, The 
following extract from the I is sa Hh Tae: Ch’heng hwiiy téén is found in the appendix to the College 
Report above alluded to, which abundantly confirms the supposed populousness of these two provinces: In the 
5th year of Hf TE Yung-chéng, 1727, it was declared that the population of Huk-kéén was so dense, that the 

abundance of commerce must be brought in to aid effects of agriculture; and therefore the people of that province: 

SS ss Ch 

were allowed to trade to the nations of the south, in the China seas and the same privilege was extended to 
- Canton, ‘‘ which is a narrow territory, with a numerous ; pgpalation. ” 
In order to ascertain the value of each province in China, and of Hok-kééa in particular, the following 
comparative view of the land in cultivation, and the phn derived therefrom in the 18th year of Vy [iE Kéen- 
léfing (A. D. 1753), is submitted : 

Names. of the Area in Quantity of Quan. of land Revenue Measures of Bundles Measures of Measures 
land, in Eng- in cullivalion, ; grain, each . grain expend- of grain: 
Provinces. Sq. Miles. lish acres. in Eng. acres. in Taels. 133'** avoir: of sraw. ed in the pro- sent to Pe-° 
vinces. king. 
Iie Fp, Seng-keng os Bes 504,864 38,110 76,206 = —— — — 
iG, 3X Titley 58,949 37,727,360 13,143,837 2,411,286 igies9 = 04,404 — 
phy Ha San-tong 65,104 41,666,560 19,421,081 2,346,257 507,680 -—— «58,902 $48,778 
Wy Py San-sey 55,268 35,871,520 6,591,724 2,920,266  r69,0%8 = —— = “_, 
ral a Hé-lam 85,104 41,668,560, 14,456,407 3,303,080. 948,865 — 28,991, 219,874 
1 BR Kang-soe 13,797,689 3,371,334 9,155,991 ——e 438,182 1,726,889 
; 92,961 59,495,040 
de Hi An-hwuy 6,762,418 1,688,000 45.04 === 2:78, 971 566,276 
7. PR Kang-sey 72,176 46,192,640 9,585,412 1,879,810 s99,632 —— 129,499 270,132 
ila EE Hok-kéén 53,480 $4,227,200 2,565,417 177,899 1gs,453  =3=—— — — 
A i. Chéet-kang — 39,150 25,056,000 «9 195,754 812,449 ig0481 9—— 273,742 $56,739 
¥ Hoé-pok 11,338,269 - 1,108,153, 986,554 —— 154,150 132,403 
i Hoé-lam ; 97,908,508 6,245,739 1,163,063 277,641 — 143,897 133,743. 
—-—— ; —=> 

Wij Séem-sey 5,047,420 1,530,907 168,453 
154,008 98,565, 
3,556,626 257,723. 503,476 5,051,174 
(Wy i Sod-ch’hwan. 166,800 196,752,000 9,182,933 839,075 4,399 
fz ie Kong-tong 79,456 50,851,840 6,576,658 1,257,286 348,095 —— 

Caatat 4 

| pj Kong-sey 78,250 50,080,900 1,748,012 982,597 +~——-430,375 baie 

a Yin-lam 107,969 69,100,160 1,989,996 ~ 153,750 230,848 Bids 
tt JN Kwiy-chew 64,554 41,914,560 513,835 109,156 = 154,590 -_— 


1,297,999 830,719,360 141,624,112 29,618,201 8,416,422 5,145,578 1,606,254 4,754,834 


The province of Hok-kéén is divided into ten larger and two smaller counties. The names of the former: 

* are as follow : 

Hok-chew hin i the happy region. 
Hin-hwa Spi AY, , flourishing renovation. 

Chw4n-chew Ft WM, the fountain region, 
Chéang-chew lf HH , the region of the river Cheang. 

Yéén-péng FE Se lengthened pacification. 
Keén-léng 2 a established tranquillity. 
Seaédu-bod AAs KK, awakened military ardour. 
‘T’heng-chew v7 MM, the region of the river T’heng. 
Hok-léng ia Hp , happy tranquillity. 
Taé-wan a ye , terraced harbour, — Formosa. 
‘The two smaller counties are, — 
E’ng-ch’hun Mm HR » eternal spring. 
Léfing-gam He i, dragon precipice. 
The seat of government is in ig iN Hok-chew. 

The whole province is-bounded on the north by Hy yz. Chéet-kang and yr Py Kang-sey ;.and on the west 
by 1 py Kang-sey and Be ra Kong-tong (Canton): whilé to the south and east it is bounded by the ocean. 
The rivers and mountains of this province are picturesque had beautiful, and the inhabitants are genérally distin- 
guished for their literary talents. i 

The county of ii MM Hok-chew contains ten districts, as fdllow- 
Bin-héén ie hee Bén-kwan, the Ban district. 
Hoé-kwan fig, - » Kaéu-kw"a,. noble officer. 
Hok-chheng ili ie Hok-cW hé"a, happy clearness. 
Koé-téén ra] 1H 3 Aée-ch’han, ancient field: 
Téang-ldk Téé-lsh, constant delight. 
F'’ng-hok _ eo 
Ban-ch’heng a fie Ban-cWhé"a, the clear flow of Ban. 
Léén-kang if jz; 
Lé-gwan St In, —, the netted fountain. 

Pin-lam i: la 

The seat-of Government is in fied IR Ban-kwan, and Ga es Kaéu-kw'a. 

, eternal happiness: : 

, the connected river. 

, the screen of the south. 

This coatity is bordered on ‘the ‘west by the ocean, on thé east it joins iat 2B YVéén-péng, to the north 
al is bounded by FE ao Kéén-léng, and to the south by Hh Ut, Hin-hwa. ‘The inhabitants are economical, 
but litigious and superstitious; every family is a school, and every man a scholar. The superior class are fond of 
literature, and the common people are ,obedient to the laws.—The most celebrated mountains are the It Aly 
Kéw-séen, ‘‘nine fairies,” and the vA We Taé-péng, ‘“‘great ostrich,” there is also a ‘* remarkable rocky 
monastery,” and ‘a marsh-ma!low cave,” the scenery about which is said to be enchanting, The river # Gé, 
“Yeviathan,”’- stirrounds the district flowing towards the east, and there is a celebrated pool called the NN el 
Véuk-hong, ‘phoenix bath.” Of palaces may be enumerated the fe Téang-ch’bun, ‘‘ constant spring, ” and 
IK Bn Sty-ch'heng, ‘‘water chrystal;” while of temples may be particularized the kA sie Séfing-hong, ‘ fir 
tree breeze,” and the js = Bé-séw, ‘+ eye-brow longevity.” —This county has been the residence of several 
famous men, among whom pA3 ae Ch’haé-séang may be mentioned, as having taught the common people pro- 

priety ; and 1 fs Fy Chin-tek-séw, as having greatly promoted the! general welfare, Tu the Ja Téng dynasty 




tived FJ Fh Chew-prhok, who would not submit to Gey Hi. Hong-chaéu; and in the $f Song dynasty flourished 
four learned men, who were called the four teachers of Ban, besides yarious others celebrated for their talents 
_and worth, who all belonged to this district. The city: of Fig Hy Hok-chew lies, about fifteen leagues westerly 
_ from :the sea, on the southern shore ef the, river fal Ban, which falls with a wide mouth into the sea, and admits 
vessels of considerable burden up. to the city walls... The convenience of this river makes the town very 
“populous; and the trade thereof brisk; the city is adorned with many beautiful buildings, and has a large suburb 
annexed, called fA A ‘Lam-taé, with many idol Temples. Across the bay, near i Ee Lam-taé, lies a stone 
bridge, 150 rods Jong, and one and a half. ‘broad, -builtiof white free stone, resting on 100 very, high arches; 
provided with rails and bénches at the top, and adorned at equal-distances with stone lions, neatly carved. ' The river 
at this place is about half a league in breadth, separated into small arms by several islands, which are all united 
by bridges, the principal one of which is that described above. Near this bridge, at the south end, stands a large 
temple. Another bridge, not unlike this, being about 100 rods long, may be seen at the city jin Te Hok-ch’heng ; 
and many more about the principal.cities, About three leagues from iis MI ‘Hok-cbew, stands a temple, reckoned 
to be the largest in the ,province. 
The county of bi AY, Hin-hwa, contains two districts, viz: — 
Phoé-téén ii 138] ; P*hoé-cWhan, the field at the water's edge; and 
Séen-yéw {jl} $¢ , ———, the fairy ramble. 
The seat of government is in it Wy P’hoé-téén, 
This is a-small but fruitful county, bordered on the south-east by the sea; on the south it skirts 
‘Thwan-chew, on the west Ak AR E’ng-ch’hun, and to sthe north it is bounded by jj} Hy Hok-chew. — Here, 
every house has a scholar, and clever men spring up like trees in a forest; in this respect it is quite a literary 

district, and considered the crown of all Hok-kéén.—Whe land and water carriage in this county are both good, — 
the roads being a rod in breadth, and paved with square free-stone; and the number of rivulets with which it 
abounds, affording a great facility for inland navigation; while heavier goods may be easily transported by the sea, 
which partly surrounds this region. ‘It contains two celebrated hills, called @ Z\ Hoé-kong, and fy Ag He- 
léng, both of which are the fabled residence of fairies, and the subject of much observation by the Chinese moun- 
tain-gazers. At the foot of the Gi Z¥ Hoé-kong. bill, south-castward from ffl 4Y, Hin-hwa, lies a village, in 
the splendour and sizé of its buildings resembling ‘a great city, but it has neither .walls-nor privileges belonging to it; 
yet many cich merchants reside there, and ‘traffic throughout all China, Here is a well called the Syfe FE Haé- 
chéng, “ crab-fish well,” the tides of which are said ‘to correspond to the sea. ‘The noted rivers of this county 

"are, the IU FF Kew-chey, and the Ik Fie) ‘Bok-lan ; ‘the Dast ‘received ats name fromja young woman, of the name of 

BE IN PY Cheen-bok-lan, who, grieved at the constant bursting of a \fload-gate (by which the Jands were 

deprived of irrigation, and the waters designed for that purpuse were lost in the sea), threw herself into the 

wtreani, out of vexation, and was drowned. Some time afler this, a Jiterary graduate, ofthe name of =F 13 Re 

| Ong-sip-p*héng. passing -by this place, observed the troubled state of, the waters, and asked the reason of it: the 

‘boatmen ;told him the foregoing tale, adding that the waters were troubled, because the soul of the deceased was 
£ ’ rn 

onus et 


not yet appeased, and it was likely. never-would be, as she died a virgin, and had left no posterity, to sacrifiee 
to her manes.. The graduate then made a’ vow, that if he should sueceed in’ the approaching literary examina- 
tion, he would return and marry the soul of this Se It Fa Chéén-bok-l4n,'in order to procure-her posterity, 
He succeeded accordingly, and soon returned’ to fulfil his. vow, ‘which he did, by  causinga tablet. to be made, 
with the name of the deceased engraven on it, and to this tablet he was regularly married; but as it bore him no 
children, ‘he married a second wife, and’ gave the son of this second marriage to! >A Pa] Bok-lfn,. to be her- heir 
and successor, This lad, when grown’ up, HRA oc Ba Bok-lan, as his mother; and thus ( the 
Chinese say), her soul was appeased, and the waters! became still. |. It is added, that subsequently, in the Teign of 

TE #8 Chéng-tek, of the AA Béng dynasty, (A, D. 1510), the aie effectually repaired this flood-gate, at 
the, suggestion of an old woman called ae iB Téin-pé, by which means a great quantity of land was brought 
under cultivation, much to the comfort of the people, and the benefit of the revenue, — There has been a conflux 
of famous: officers, in. this county, celebrated as, well for their talents as fidelity, risking their situations rather 
than flinch from duty, and scorning to flatter, while they persevered in equity. — This is the birth-place of yf pis 
Ma-choé, the sailor’s goddess, who was dignified with the title of FE Ae T’héen-hwuy, “Queen of Heaven,’’ 
by the present dynasty, and who is said to be able to foretell the happiness. or misery of mankind. Almost every 
ship bears an image of this goddess in its stern, and Chinese seamen scarcely evet wentare to sea without her. 
In this county lived a man, of the family name of Aaf Ho, who. sought out the philosopher’s stone, and when 
his alchymie preparations had succeeded, is said to have mounted ona carp fish and sailed away. — The productions. 

of this county are grass-cloth, silks, and cottons, Le-che fruit, snail-shells, &c. 

The county of in p) Chwin-chew, ‘contains five districts, as follow: — 

Chin-kang Fy , ———, the district of the Chin river. 
Lam-an 5 #, Lém-w"a, southern ease. - 
Téng-an, fa Fs | Tang-w"a, similar ease. 
+. Hwiiy-an Ba Be > Bwity-w"a, kind ease, 
» the peaceful stream. 

An-k’hey ue AR 

The seat of government is in =) {L Chin-kang. 

This county is bounded on the'south and east| by the sea, on the, west by v=) es )D] Chtang-chew, and on 
the north by IK te ‘E'ng-ch’hin. | The: city of a i Chin-kang, its capital, lies near the sea, in a, delightful 
plain, and, “by a large bay, admits, ‘the greatest oh to ride close under ils, walls; and that on both sides of the 

city, for it is built on a promontory, encompassed with water, except on the north and south-east sides. On the 

opposite’ shore are many populous trading towns, . chiefly ina place towards the north-west, called we B; 
Lok-yang. Here is the famous bridge called the 8 BB ks Lok-yang-kéd, which has been deseryedly considered 
one of the wonders of China; it is built of a black kind ‘of stone, supported by about, 250 strong columns or 

buttresses, 195 On ‘each side.» These*columns are sharpened towards the upper part, in order the better to break 
the impetuous egress and regress of the current; they are capped with five stones, of an equal. breadth, 
each twenty feet Tong, and two broad, which successively touch one another, at each buttress, and thus form a path-way 

to walk upon, at least 2500 feet in length; on each side, rails of the same kind of stone are put for safety, 

—— a 



adorned with lions and other images. .It is certainly wonderful where so many large stones of equal. size could 

have been procured, and how they could have been conveyed to,. and constructed across, such a wide and impetuous 

Stream of water. ‘Before the bridge was built, the people used to cross this part of the river-in boats; but many 

vessels being every year destroyed by the violence of the-tide, squalls, and other accidents, of the name of HS 
Ch’haé-séang resolved, for the safety of passengers, to. build a bridge. The tradition respecting it, as related by 
the Chinese, is as follows: — Formerly, in crossing. this sheet of water,. many, boats.were upset,.and a number of 
lives were lost: popular credulity soon invented a. cause for, these numerous disasters, which. were imagined to 
originate in two fairies or elfs, one of whom. was a tortoise, and the other a, snake ; these wicked elfs had.formerly 
inspired a certain butcher, and prompted him to.destroy much animal life, and. practise other enormities ;. till the 
butcher, determined on reformation, and desirous. of obtaining a, new heart, ripped himself open, and threw his 
eld stomach and bowels into this stream ; where they remained, in. the shape of a tortoise and snake,. doing great 
mischief, while the butcher himself became a god. He is. still worshipped by the people of Hok-kéén, under the 

title of XK RK of: a7 Héén-Vhéen-séang-téy, ‘¢the high Emperor of the darkened Heavens,” and is.represented 
standing with one foot on a torteise, and the other on a snake, the two elfs which formerly excited him to do 

so much mischief. In order to carry. on their wicked designs, the Chinese fable, that the tortoise elf used to 
transform himself into a beat, and’ the snake elf. into.a boatman, and thus appearing at the side of the stream, 
offered to assist passengers in crossing it. | When arrived:at the middle of the river, a.storm generally arose, the 
boat sunk, and the two elfs, assuming their own shapes, devoured the victims at their leisure. On one occasion, 
it is related, that when the boat full of passengers was. arrived, at the middle of the stream, a storm arose, 
—the prelude to a disaster; but suddenly a noise was. heard ftom heaven, saying, Ch’haé taé jin chaé-ch’hwan, put 
“kh teem BE 7. AK viz fis. A VY 7: CWhwa- twa lang 18 chin, i" Phang téém,—* The Magnats Ch’baé 
being aboard, let not the vessel’ sink;”— whereupon the storm abated, and all escaped safe to-laud. On going. 
ashore, the passengers enquired one of another, who among them was called by the family name of Ch’haé; but 
when none appeared, a woman of the company said, that’ though she did not belong to’ that clan herself, she bad 
been lately. married to a. man of the name of Ch’haé, and was now pregnant by him:-upom which they: all con- 
cluded, that the infant in her womb must be the person for whom the celestial voice was sent. The woman ac- 
cordingly made a vow, that if her child of which she was then pregnant should prove to be a boy, and should. 
afterwards become, a magnate, she would insist on his making a bridge over this river. The child proved to. be 
a boy, and was called AK Ye Ch’haé-séang ; he prospered in learning, aod rose to.the dignity of Twan-béng- 
téén Tas-hak-s0d. Ba nA RR K & phe: «Great Doctor. of the decidedly clear Hall.’” Arrived at this pitch 
of greatness, he was reminded. of his.mother’s vow; and judging that if he remained at court, the thing would 
never. be done, he fell upon a plan of getting himself. appointed) to the government of his: native district, which on 
ordinary occasions was not allowed. He flourished in the reign of. {= oe Jin-chong,. of the ae Song dynasty 
(A. D. 1050), and observing the Emperor one day about to.go abroad, he previously rubbed some honey on the 
stump, of a, tree,.. in, order. to, tempt the swarm there,,contriving it so that the ants should form lines to. 
imitate, certain Chinese characters. The Emperor. observing the ants.thus swarming in a peculiar. manner, went: 


up, and read the characters thus curiously formed, which ‘sounded as follows: — By. RE ey. yN iy tE = 

Ch’haé-twan, Ch’haé-twan, pin hod chok kwan, ‘“Ch’haé-twan!.Ch’haé-twan! be thou an officer in ‘thy native 
district.”:— This sentence was no sooner out of the Emperor’s mouth, than Ch’haé-séang pretended to take it for 
a positive order, and fell down at his Majesty’s feet, thanking him for his appointment. | ‘‘’he Emperor not 
liking te retract his words, because K F- ys iit = T’héen cho6 ‘put he gin, the-son of Heaven never speaks 
in vain, confirmed the decree, and he was accordingly appointed to the office. ‘Uponshis.arrival at RR | Chwan- 
chew, his native district, he spared neither expence nor labour, to execute the task assigned ;him; \butthe made very 
‘little progress, at first, and the three years.of his officiate were likely to/close before ‘the work could be completed. The 
principal difficulty was to carry the bridge across the deepest part .of the stream; and no entertained 
-of success, unless the tide retired remarkably low, and the bed of the’ river was left unusually dry. ‘In order te 
obtain this, the thought it ‘best to apply to the dragon -king:of the deep, and, with:this intention, the drew up a letter 
‘to the Chinese Neptune, ‘but was at a loss how to send it:—im this perplexity, he cried out .one day in the midst 
of the ‘hall, aE AN Fr ¥ ft Sfiy jin hay ‘tek shaé, “* who is there that ean descend into the sea?”—Upon 
auttering these words, a -servant whose name) ‘was ay 4B: i Hay-tek-haé, thinking himself. called, promptly 
answered, ‘Here ;” and the magistrate taking \his answer for an assent, insisted upon.his going. . The poor man 
finding ‘there was no resource, took the letter in his bosom, and went to sleep close by the sea side, when it was 
quite low water, thinking ‘that when the tide Tose, the sea would ,cover -him, and che ‘could then deliver his.message, 
“On awaking in the morning, /however, ,he found himself still in the same jplace, and the letter in his bosom changed 
for atother’ ‘in a yellow cenvelope, ‘which he immediately took to jhis master. On opening this letter, only one 
character ‘was found written in it, viz. fin ‘Ch’hoé, “vinegar. ” For some time she was at a loss to know 
what to make of this-communication; but.on analyzing the \character, ,he found it.composed..of four others, which 
tan thus, 4F _ H ji) Jéep-yit jit yew, ‘the 2ist day, in the evening, ’—at which time he imagined the water 
would \be nearly .dry. Accordingly he prepared materials and workmen against the appointed period, when the 

water was indeed unusually low; and haying laid the foundation. of the central buttresses, before the water rose again, 
she. was enabled to proceed with the work without interruption. Four million taels of silver are said to have 

heen expended on ithis stupendous work. 

‘The people .of this county .are peaceful and economical, while for literature and ipoesy they “have been 
always celebrated. — To ‘the south of the capital .of Re Ny ‘Chwan-chew, is a mountain called Bi BF Po-kae, 
‘precious ,covering,” which ‘has on its top a turret of nine galleries, serving a6 a land-mark for seamen- ‘there 
are .also various other hills.and mountains, the windings and forms of which are very romantic. Off the coast lie 
ithe EY) Hi P’heng-hoé, or ‘Piscadores; and from the interior flow the “GB Lok-yang and = Yr Chin-kang 
rivers, with .some other smaller rivulets. In this .county FE BC GY Choo-diin-kong, the celebrated com- 
mentator on the Four Books, established ,his school /of learning, and hosts of literati flacked to hear his doc- 
trines. Here, also, Hf BE Wéw-choé purified ‘the minds ‘of ‘his pupils, and (8 oi "Tek-séw emptied the 
Prisons, by the clear justice of his punishments. There were others, also}-‘célebrated for their acquaintance with aneient 
Jaws, and for their firm and public spirited conduct, ‘all :of whom! were brought’ up in “this ‘neighbourhdod. 


~The county of je Hy Chéang-chew is divided into ‘seven districts, as follow: — 

“Léting-Whey AB YZ, ———— the dragon stream, 

_Chéang-p’hoe Js 8 2 Chéo"S-p’hée, the banks of the river Cheang. 
Lam-chéng fA UH » 
Téang-Vhaé & Ae? Téo"S-twa, lengthened greatness. 
Péng-hé + rau I 
Chéaou-an a te F 
Haé-téng fi iK 7 

The seat of government is at it iB Léfing-k’hey. 

the southern stillness. 

peaceful harmony. 

decided. ease. 

the limpid ocean. 

This county is bordered on the east by we y} Chwfn-chew, on the south by the sea, on the west by 
part of the province of Canton, and on the north by IK yi E'ng-ch’hun and J )}] T’heng-chew. The inhabi- 
tants attend to their callings, and study plainness, employing their strength in agriculture and fishing; their man-- 
ners, however, are rough, and the people obstinate and. fierce, being violent and difficult to manage. Of the 
notable hills in this county, may be particularized, —the K zt Taé-bo6, ‘great warrior,” and the ge iy Léang- 
san, “bridge hill,” near the district of ies ih Chéang-p'hoé.— The side of the ig fig Lédng-gam, or“ dragon 
precipice,” is beautifully variegated in its appearance; while the rocky islet of }} fe Tan-hay, ‘‘red mist,” 
iiternately wears different colour every morning and evening. On the east side of the capital of Chéang-chew, 
ae a SBT in on which ‘stands a stone of five rods high, which (according to the Chinese) shivers and’ shakes 
like a tree blown by the wind, before rain or tempestuous weathers nearer the city lies another mountain, called. 
It. Be Kéw-léfing, “the nine dragons,” whieh joins the former; and is remarkable for a crystal fountain. 
On the summit of the 3) x Lém-hong, ‘southern peak,’’:is always seen the happy omen of crimson clouds;- 

‘and from the heights of the RK ‘ef Théen-kwan, ‘* celestial magistrate,” is constantly heard the sound of the pipe 

and flute. The eayern of the ae fy Lédng-bén, ‘dragon gate,” is warm in winter and cold in summer; while the 
enchanting grotto of the K KE T’hén-ché, ‘the pillar of heaven,” isenough to tempt people to forsake the world 
and lead a hermit’s life, —The river ie Chéang, from which this.county is named, takes its rise near. the city of- 
# Fe Léfing-gim, runs eastward towards the city of je 2 Chéang-péng, and then takes a southerly direction. 
past tk 3 TéAng-thae, into the sea, into which it empties itself by two mouths, More to the south glides the 
A PR Sek-seng, ‘“*stone-bank stream,” which flows from west to east, and loses itself in the sea, to the northward of 
the garrison of $b] Wy Téng-san. On the south side of the capital of. ed | Chéang-chew, is a large bridge of 
hewn stone, .with thirty-six high arches, and so broad, that on each side are tradesmen’s shops and mechanic’s stalls, — 
Of the remarkable people which this county has produced, may be enumerated He Aj] Krhong-séen, a conjurer,. 

‘who sold medicines, and was afterwards honoured as a god; also, ii E Va Chew-k’hong-but, of the Fe Tong 
dynasty, in whose time the people of this region first began to understand learning; and ral ili FA) GAn-soo-loé, 
eof the oe Sdng dynasty, who was so esteemed, that the people of = I} Chw4n-chew made an image of him,. 
“and worshipped it. Besides, there were [i re Tin-sfin, who -read every book, and examined every. substance ;. 

& cre Choo-hé, the great philosopher and.commentator ; and Ve Goé-haé, whose appearance, and mind, studies, 
and style of. composition were all of an ancient cast, Besides these famous men, fable speaks of some supernatural in- 
dividuals, such as a C.iém-ong, who melted a stone wall, and brought up a white toad to follow him;and 


A) A ar Léw-he-gak, who flew away in the shape of a cockehafer,,and was delivered from the body. — The 
chief productions of this county are silver, iron, and shark’s-fins. ty <p 
The county of at zB Yéén-péng is divided into the six following districts : — 
Lim-péng a ae» Lam-pai”S, southern pacification. 
Chéang-lok Wy Te future bliss. 
Say-héen «= p/P IY, Swa-kwan, the sandy district. 
Yéw-k’hey Ti, - blame-worthy stream. 
Sun-ch’héang M8 gy z ——— obedient fulness, 
E'ng-an 7K Te , ———— eternal ease. 
‘The seat of government is is a Lam-péng. 

This county lies in the centre of the Province of Hok-kéén; and is bounded, on the east by ili SH Hok-chew, 
on the south by Ak # E’ng-ch’hun; on the west by al Ii T’heng-chew, and on the north by als ak Séaéu- 
boo and BE Sit Kéén-léng. The capital city lies on the western shore of the river [es] Ban, from whence the 
buildings rise gently up the hill, presenting a delightful prospect to those who pass by; and, though none of the 
largest, it is reckoned the handsomest town in Hok-kéén. The walls tower abeve the neighbouring heights, which, 
on the outside, are reckoned inaccessible, making the city very. strong, and the key to the whole territory, The 
city is a league long, but not above a mile and a half broad, full, of large and handsome edifices. Every heal 
is furnished with water, conveyed from the mountains in cape pipes, the like of which is not to be seen elsewhere, 
throughout all China. ‘Provisions be had there in great abundance, and at,a cheap rate, the streets and 
houses being thronged ‘with inhabitants. ‘On the east side of the city, two) great rivers, the eA Ban, and the 
wy Sey, uniting their waters, form a great lake, through which vessels come thither, from all parts. of the adjacent 
country.’ Each of these rivers is furnished with a handsome bridge... In the city. there are three beautiful tem- 
ples. Most of the coarse Chinese paper is made here; and the people boast, that they speak a purer mandarin dialect 
than is spoken in-any other part of Hok-kéén. The town of pW Say lies on the north shore of the river (though it 
formerly stood on the southern shore), the old city having been pulled down by Imperial command, because 
that in it a young man had murdered ‘his father. ‘To the north-east of the capital city lies a high mountain, 
from whose top the het may be co Tising over all the other hills; and to the south of the same is an ascent, 
called ex = Wat-dng, on which the ancient kings ef Wat used te have many palaces, to serve as retiring places 
from the heat of summer. More southerly are-kae mountains qt {il Kew-séen, “nine fairies,” ‘and + ui 
‘Ch’hit-seng, ‘‘seven stars.” Here is also an over-hanging precipice, one hundred fathoms in height; and the 
Wit Koe-hong, ‘‘ orphan peak,” which thrusts itself high up into the ieee The Hel Ban, above-mentioned, 
rises in the borders, between iis vis Hok-kéén and Wt VI. Chéet-kang, near the city i 
Bi, dH Ch’hé-chew, from whence it passes southerly, —then westward, by the cities of ii fi Prhoe-séng and RE, = 
Kéén-léng, — after that east, by the city ‘of RE a Yéen-péng (wherevtt receives the Ege Sey-k’hey ); and 
from thence, still continuing eastward, it enters the county of ig yy Hok-chew, and at last disembogues itself. into 
‘the sea, in about the twenty-sixth degree of north latitude. After passing the city TK Prhoé-séng, the river flows 

with great rapidity, through vallies, and among ‘rocks and -cliffss but further on it glides along more slowly: the 

e Léiing-chwan, in 


general force of the current, however, may be calculated by this, that vessels ¢o from yh bX Phoé-séng to the metro- 
polis, jijq }}] Hok-chew, with the stream, ia three days, while they are fifteen in towing up against it. In some places, 
it is dangerous, on account of the swift current, the multiplicity of recks, and the narrowness ef the channel, whith is 
frequently. no wider than to- permit\a sniall Chinese vessel to pass through; hence it often happens, that boats ate 
‘broken, .to, pieces, , The na] A Sey-k’hey rises in the north, in the territory of YT Hy T’heng-chew,, and. first 
takes a southerly course,—then an easterly, when it enters the county of He =f. Yéén-péng, and unites with the 
iver [al Ban: in the Sey are many waterfalls and dangerous shoals, in passing by which, the boatmen, to prevent ac- 
cidents, tie trusses of straw before the bows of the vessels; by this means. they bear off the vielence, of the blows, should 
Be kate to strike, The river Jj Yéw-k’hey, which risés in this county, takes its course eastward, by the city of 
7 TR Yew-k’hey, and turning to the north, falls into the river Eel Bau.— The people of this county encourage one 
another in the study of the classics and odes, while the poorer sort attend te ploughing and weaving. Among the go- 
vernment officers who have been employed in this district, may be mentioned Ie Ms Choo-séAng, the father of the cele- 
brated philosopher, of whom AE fle} Lé-tong, was the instructot ; IS PE Tin-hwan was distinguished for his steady 
upright conducts and ike i vi Téang-jéak-kok for his exertions in S6pposing banditti, The productions 
of this county are silver, iron, marble, white gtass-¢loth, musk, ahd rock salt. 

The county of aE Kéén-léng, cotitains seven districts, as follow: — 

Kéén-an ie , established ease. 
Aou-léng , tea~cup tranquility, 

Kéén-yang fio , established vigour. 
att Ter Chéng-an pass - exalted ease. 
BO aires wesc _ Prhoé-séng the river-side citadel, 

t Cheng-hd WY Fn, regulated harmony. 

SéOng-k'hey HA iE, the fir tree stream, 

’ E ‘The aa of government is in the two districts Kéén-an and Aou-léng. 
’ This county is bordered, on the nerth and north-east, by part of the province of Wy ir. Chéet-kang, on 
the east by jy Gf Hok-Wng, on the soutls by Wi JY] Hok-chew and Ye AS Veed-peng, on the west by a at 
Séaou-bob, and om the’ north-west and north by part Of the provines of JT pe Karig-sey. The capital city, 
lying: On ‘the eastern shote of the river fff) Ban, is not mich inferior, either im beauty of size, to’ the metropolis 
of Hok-kéén, In the last. war with the Tartars, it suffered much damages for, having revolted from the Rk 5 
Taé-cl’heng dynasty, it was taken, after a long siege, and laid in ashes, most of the inhabitants being put to the 

ap 4 

sword. On this occasion the fire consumed a bridge over the swift river [ey Ban, the pillars whereof were 
built of free stone, to a great height, and finished on the top with woods it was also adorned with houses and | 
hops on each sidey being now rebuilt, the town has regained something of its former lustee. Beyond the bridge, on 
the opposite shore, stands a stately pagoda, and near the city is another handsome bridge, also furnished with shops and 
houses, on both sides. The city of is ape Kéén-léng is a place of great trade, for all those commodities whick 
come either up or down the river must pass through it. The city itself is Jarger than FS me Yéén-péng, but 
not so closely built, having several corn-fields within the walls. The streets are all paved with pebbles, and are 
very full of inhabitants, who get their living by the manufacture of coarse paper. Farther up the river fi Ban, 
is the city i P*hoé-séng, beyond which’ the river is so longer navigable; here the merchandise is taken 

out of the vessels, and carried by porters over high mountains and deep vallies, a distance of four days journey, 
into the province of Chéet-kang. ‘The whole way, as far as the'art or labour of man can make it, is levelled, 
and paved with square stones; being provided at intervals with houses and villages, for the entertainment of travel- 
lers. The goods to be transported over the mountains are first weighed, and delivered ‘to ‘a head man, who, for 
a certain gratuity, sends them, by porters, to other places, where the merchant receives them without any trouble: if 
any thing happens to be lost, ‘the head man is bound to make’ it good. It is said, that there are always about 
10, 000 porters ready at the spot, waiting to receive goods, and catty them over the mountains. A. toll-house 
is erected at the head of the road, for the levying of a small duty, which is employed in keeping the road in 
repair, This county is celebrated for its mountains, among which are the famous zt Fh Bod-é hills, near the 
city of He BR Chéng-an, which praduce a superior sort of tea, called Bohea; this hill is divided into nine peaks, 
and has a ae ok running between them called the Bg FA Hong-k’hey, ‘pearly stream,” which is highly spoken 
of, for the beautiful winding of its waters. . Here are to be seen a number of temples and monasteries, jon the 
hill-tops, the residence of priests, and hermits; the scenery about this region is, also, so picturesque, that many 
noblemen and officers of government, retiring.from. the world, select this as the residence in which they desire 

to end their days. Near the city of iif tik P’hoé-séng, is a hill called ja BH Gé-léang, which is reckoned 
one of the ten great mountains of China. The river fea Ban, which runs through this county has been already 
spoken of in the deseription of HE a Yéén-péng county; in addition to this, is the RR TR Tong-k’hey, which 
rises in the mountains between the provinces of Ht iL Chéet-kang and } ila ye Hok-kéén, and running south- 

ward, falls into the al Ban, below the city of Jef i Kéén-léng: also, the brook It je Kéw-kéak, which 
begins in the wa  Boé-€ mountains, runs from thence south-westward, and, after passing by the city of Jat B 
Kéén-y4ng, falls at last into the river fe Ban, near the city of 3 Bel ‘et Kéén-léng. The Chinese speek also. 

of cataracts, a hundred fathoms deep, the spray of which dashes about like falling pearls ; and of old grottoes, 
with their stone doors, which are to be met with in this romantic district. Here the people are said to be 
incessantly addicted to study, every family being possessed of * library, and every village acquainted with 
righteousness, while the chanting of odes and reciting of books may be heard, throughout all the district: here 
flourished another Orpheus, who played upon an iron flute, and produced sounds that penetrated the clouds, and 
split the soild rocks; and here dweltis self-denying philosopher, who, soi as his clothes would hold together 
by a hundred patches, despised all the silks and satins of the whole province. This county has had several 
distinguished ‘officers, some celebrated for the suppression of banditti, others for the preservation of human life ; 
others, again, discoursed learnedly on the fate of empires, and testified against the vices of the age. Among the 
distinguished natives may be mentioned BX Tt ys Ch’haé-gwin-téng, who taught, his disciples independence of 
a and contempt of the world; ro man applied to He x Is Choo-biin-kong, the celebrated philosopher, 

to be received as his pupil; but the latter declined that honour, saying, Goé tong é 16 yéw soo che, put tong chaé 

téy hod che léet Tt b= y a RK E re a = HE By FZ Wy), “I ought to serve him with the 

respect due to, an old hae but cannot think of classing him among my disciples.’ His son, 533 Ye Ch’haé-sim, 
subsequently became the disciple of the great commentator; and assisted him in writing a commentary on the 

fj BS Séang se. Besides these, the county of &, Be. Kéén-léng has produced a famous man. called ay fe Ee 


eS a 



Hoé-an-kok, who wrote a commentary on the. He RK: Ch’hun-ch’hew, and who" was dignified with the title of 
the evergreen fir tree of literature :“which' shews,'say thé Chinese, ‘that celebrated regions never fail to produce 

extraordinary men. Besides these literary characters, ‘the Chinese fable of a superhuman genius, called ‘' the true 

man of the hazy atmosphere,” who, — with ‘a bald head and bare feet, — living on air and devouring mists, — used to 

point with a smile to the deepest recess of the zt Ei Boé-é hills, covered with white clouds, and say, there is my 

residence... The natural productions of this county are, the silver of HH 

Hésg-an, the tea of xt Hh Boo-é, and the books of fu Ma Kéén-yang, which have been always sought after 

by, merchants. 

The county of Ail} x Seaou-boo contains the following districts :— 
Seaou-bod a at 3 awakened military ardour. 

_,» Kong-tek 3f; 
T’haé-léng Ae 


bright favour. 


, great tranqu.llity.. 
established tranquillity. 


The seat of government is-in BS pk Seaou-bod.. 
This county is bounded on the east by 7g aA Kéén-léng, on thé south by FE 7F Yéén-péng ‘and iT #}| 
‘I’Yheng-chew, and on the west and north by the province of yr. rs] Kang-sey. The capital city of this region 
was anciently a mean place, and was first fortified and enfranchised in the iF Téng dynasty. . This: county possessing 
' a firm and profitable soil, ané being on the borders of the province, it is fortified with severalgarrisons. The people 

yy, P’hoe-séng, the iron of 3 fe 

of this region are sturdy, agriculturists, and elegant scholars, easily: moved, and. with difficulty pacified; the climate 
here is healthy, and the air pure and cold. The most. celebrated mountain in this county is the + a Chhit- 
taé, ‘seven terraces:” and of rivers may be specified the ite jm Chéaou-khey, which begins in the. mountain of 

xB Oe-kwun, ‘black prince,” and glides from thence southward, then eastward bythe city of Hi} HK Seaou- 

boo; thence bending to the south, in the county of WE ai Yéén-péng, it falls into-the JG 
Chéang-lok, from whence both streams run easterly, and pour their waters: into the 

Sey-k’hey, near 
Ban. The most 

remarkable city is BR WE Oe-piin, “the black mound,” “and the most distinguished village is that of 4 fl 
Pek-ch’hé, “the white mouse.” Of public officers; tik Fi, We Soé-wiy-chéng was remarkable for his purity 

and decision, and 

ik —— Yin-chco-yit for his improvement: of the public morals ; a i Lé-kong and 

Pha "ED HE Se-gé-seng were distinguished, in the Se Sdng dynasty, for their services to the state ; and iq 
Héng-téung with ES pA nil Lé-héng-choé were equally celebrated, for their deep erudition, as a proof of which, 
the great philosopher KE x kk Choo-biin-kong acknowledged the one for his teacher and the other for his. 


The natural productions of this county are said tobe, silver, iron, copper, and tea. 

The county of 7 Iq T’henz-chew contains the following districts: —* 

Téang-vheng & Mi , the lengthened district watered by the T’beng. 


Av, , peaceful renovation. 

i i 



the upper Hang district. 
_Bos-pai"S, pacified military ardour. 
CWwhai"S-ladu, the pure flow, 


Léén-séng si bk, the connected citadel . 
Kwuy-hwa Sir 1,5 a returning to’ complete renovation. . 
E’ng-téng I cE, eternal settlement. 
The seat of government is in Fe 1S Téang-theng. ; = 
This county is. bordered on thé east by. HiE 2p Yéén-peng, on the south-east by He 3 ‘Léang-gam, on 
the south by part of the province of Cantén, 6n the west by that \of YE vii] Kang-sey, ‘and on the north ‘by 
Bh rv Sedou-bo6, |The manners and demeatiour of thé people of this district resemble, in some respects, those 
of the middle regions of China; they are bold and, courageous, fond of fighting, but at the same time honest 
and upright. The picturesque scenery about the BA Be Gé-léfng («sleeping dragon” ) hill is well worthy of 
being sketched; while the id Py Léang-bin, “dragon gate, oy a hill to the westward of the city of cy 4Y, 
Léng-hwa, appears as if it were piled up into the clouds; the green freshness of ‘the AS 1H) Kim-san, “golden 
hill,” would please the admirer of landscapes, but the precious metals therein contained would tempt more strongly 
the cupidity of the multitude; the gold mines discovered in this hill were first worked ‘in the dynasty RR Song; 
it lies south of the capital of 1 i} T’heng-chew, near the city of F Ait Séang-hing, on the eastern shore 
of the river J T’heng; upon it there are three little lakes, which, the ‘Chinese say, ‘turn ‘the fron that is thrown 
therein into copper, -»The river iT Theng commences in the territory of Al hy T’heng-chew, and proceeding 
southward by the city of AIL Séang-hang, enters the county of j8)] NY Té&ou-chew, in the province of Canton, 
where continuing its southerly course, it discharges itself mto ‘the sea. . The, Chinese remark on, it'as singular, 
that, while all..the other streams of this province flow easterly, this alone should have a direct: southerly: course. 
Of the distingiished: natives) of ‘this county, some have been celebrated for their abstinence and uprightness, others 
for their learning ard poesy3 so that the coutity has not been left destitute of talent. "This region bas abundance 
of all things requisite for the sustenance of mankind, notwithstanding it is so mountainous; and possesses at ‘the 
same time gold, silver, copper, tin, and irdn mines: it produces likewise wax, grass-cloth, and ‘various medicinal 



The county of iy BE Hok-léng contains the following districts: 
Hay-p’hoé FE Tae] j the misty water’s edge. 
Hok-téng ia Pi , the happy caldron, 
‘Hok-an if te the ‘happy ‘rest, 
/Léng tek oe (#22. tranquil virtue: 
Sewleng “SF AE long-lived tranquillity. 

The seat of governmént is in’ HH Hay-phoe. 

4 “2 ‘ f J f _ 

This county is bordered on the east and south-east by the sea, on the south wnd south-west by Tig Hy 
Hok-chew, on the west by Fee BS Kéén-léng, ‘and’ on the ‘north by, the province of Br 77. Chéet-kang. This 
county is very mountainous, and the ways across'the’ hills are Starcely passable, especially towards the north and 
north-east; hence the literary examiner proceeds to ‘this ‘régidn, from jit HH Hok-chew, by water. - The city of 
a ‘EF Hok-léng is fair and latge, fying’ hear the! 88, to ‘its #réat cbmmércial advantage. A little above this 
Ria Sr. 2s : ; 8 
city rises the hill a p Léfing-séw, “°dragén tiead;* “south ‘Sf. the siitie appeats the high mountain 7k iy 


Héng-san;. on) the same: side isthe hill. if -& ‘Liam-kim,* “ southern gold;” and ‘north-east thereof stretches 
ithe. mountain Fe 4 Taé-16, ewith . its six: high precipices. |. The. river BF Lam rises in a mountain of that 
name, and running from north to south, through the territory of i. Bs Hok-léng, empties itself . inte 
the sea, This ceunty is not celebrated for the possession of many famous men; but the hills are said to yield 

The county of B iin Taé-wan contains the following districts : 
Taé-wan ie fs, terraced harbour. 

Hong-san Al wy, phenix hill. p 
Choo-l6 i HE, Aivere PWep gO ST KE 
Chéang-hwa iy AY, variegated renovation. 

This county is commonly called Formosa, by Europeans. on account of the beauty of its scenery; it is 
situated opposite to the main land of the province of Hok-kéén, and is governed by officers sent from China. 
This island was originally in the possesion of several savage tribes, resembling the Malays in complexion, but 
speaking a different languages the first Burdpeans ‘who visited ‘this country were the Spaniards and Portuguese; 
next to them, the Dutch took it, and finding it advantageously situated for their Japanese and Chinese trade, formed 
a considerable settlement upon it; and in 1632 built there a strong fort, called the castle of Zealandia, surrounded 
vith a double wall, see —- with redoubts and ages. pig this fort was taken in 1661 by Coxinga the famous 
‘Chintee pirate, ‘whose ‘adherents afterwards submitting to the Tartar dynasty, the city and territory surrounding it 
have since remained in the possession of the Chinese.  ‘ Formosa,” says Malte Brun, * has a Chinese Go- 
yernment, with a garrison of 10,000 men; but ‘its authority is fimited to the west side. The city of Taé-wan, 
‘js populous and wealthy ;’the streots, in straight lines, and covered with awniugs for séven or eight months in the 
year, to protect them) ftom.the heat of the sun, lined with{stqrehouses and elegant shops, stheré silks, porcelain, 
varnished and other wares ‘ate arranged with admirable art,-So as to give the appearatice of ‘so many charming 
galleries, would be delightful eo walk in, if less crowded “with passengers and better paved, “This city is defended 
by a good fortress, which wis ‘built by the Dutch. © The harbour is spacious and decp, /but the entrances of it are 
extremely narrow, and only eight or twelve feet deep, Between the port of Taé-wan and the coast of China, 

the ‘little archipelago ofthe islands” of 7% ® wh Piidag oe, or Piscadores (Fishermen's islands ), ‘affords good 
‘anchorage, and a ‘etabibhe which, - with a eee navy, ‘night ‘eotithand the dhatnel df + Formosa, » ‘The Dutch, 
however, complain that they could obtain no fresh water there.” The Chinese say, that the inhabitants of For- 
mosa were a set of savage fishermen, but now having<stbmitted te ithe pre Hmpire, they ans off their 
barbarous customs, and bid fair to become a civilized people. ~~ ni Lang : 
0008 Oph’ smaller doudty of ®  ¥ E’ng-cl*hin éontdins, besides ‘the cpital, the two tng stints: 
Jewry gnilesooue ey wat Fil AVS Viton’ Fénovation, °°" "” aes se do 
Taé-téan ag Twa-cWhdn, great tice wad! 8 eve 1 OT « 
» oy od SPhevother -small «county. OFHAE PE Dedngegam “eontains also”’two" Wistricts, viz. ” od" 
ti puimiadot vlidw jtadd Sod, Whising-peng}is AS. the pldin-oPtherriver Cheang. Sod woe of A oils bas q osik 
» dadngeyang Bf FF y teanquillized ocean. snoxte od 0) 27 A oil! ,bowoe Lato! 




, These, two...inferior |, counties, being ‘lately: separated. from the larger. counties of. big pH Chw4n-chew and 
iB H Chéang-chew, exhibit’ nothing worthy’ of remark, heyond what has been wc orig in at of 


the’ alibvecnasted counties themselves. 




THE inhabitants of Hok-kéén, having no alphabet, distinguish the sounds of their dialect into initials 

and finals, the knowledge of which is the key to the whole dialect. 

The initials, called by them Joo-t’hoé - By, Jé-Uhaéu, “head characters,” are fifteen in number, as follow : — 
1 Léw Hi 6 Pho BF Eng 

2. Péen ye 7 Th"a Att, 12. Ban FA 
3, Kew Fe 8. Cheng fi 13, Ge =e 
4. Khe Fe 2 Jp A 14, Ch’hut HH 
5: Tey Hh, 1. se HF 1. He 
1, Léw ri gives the initial sound of 7, in its combination with all those sounds which are not nasal, -- 
but when .it is joined to a nasal final, the power of the Z is in a great measure merged in the nasal, in which. 
case it acquires.a.sound something similar. to n. 
2. ‘Péen ie gives invariably the initial sound of p: 
3, Kéw Bia affords the initial sound of &. 
4. K’hé # affords, the initial sound of %'h, which is.the & aspirated, ta. be pronounced with.a strong. 
emission. of the breath, between the enunciation of the &,. and. the utterance of the succeeding vowel. 
5. Téy fb gives the initial sound of ¢. 
6. P*hé Ra gives the initial sound of p’h, which is the p.strongly aspirated ; an apostrophe is inserted between . 
the p and the h, to shew that the pis not softened by the h, as in our word Philip, but that, while retaining. its- 

natural sound, the be strongly aspirated before the utterance of the succeeding vowel. 


7. Tha 4H gives the initial sound of 1’, which is the ¢ strongly aspirated, as explained above. In 
this initial, the ¢ is not softened by thé succeeding hk, as in our word thing, but something like that word as 
attempted to be pronounced by a German or Hollander, just beginning to learn ea bes 

ah. Cheng 44 tik conveys the initial sound of ch as in cheap. 

9. ip K gives the sound of j very much’ softened, as the 7 in French, or like the sound of s, in the 
English words pleasure, precision, crosier, &c. 
in Sé fea has the common sound of s. 
- Eng Wi is a négative -inilial, denoting ‘tink ithe finals arranged under jit retain the sounds of ‘the 
Boal part ofthe final, without any addition; except im those finals which contain two divided vowels, beginning 
with ¢, expressed or understood, to which the letter y is generdlly affixed as an initial. _ Thus under this initial 
will be found words beginning with a, ¢, 7, 0, wu, w, and y. 
12, Ban ia gives the initial 2; except when connected with a nasal final, in which case it drops the 
sound of b, and takes that of m, as has been already observed under the first initial. 
13. Gé ae conveys the initial sound of g hard; except in nasal words, when it acquires the sound 
of gn, pronounced with a nasal twang, 
i 14. Ch’hut tH} gives the initial ch’h, which is the ch strongly aspirated, to be pronounced with a whir- 
zing noise between the ch and the vowel. 
15. Hé e gives the initial h, but more Strongly aspirated than is usual in English words. — In its conjunc- 
tion with the Ist, 4th, 7th, aed 1ith, mith, and 43d 7 being followed by w, or 0, it approaches nearly to 
the sound e fi. 

. Thas, the fifteen initials, when expressed by our orthography, are as follow: — 

4, and x, Wh, or k aspirated, Uh, or ¢ aspirated, —s, g,.and gn, 
Ps x ch, a, ¢, t, 0, u, w, and y, —cl'h, or ch aspirated, 
ky. _ Bh, or p aspirated, vtSe _ &, and m, h, 


These comprise, in all, twenty-four distinct initial sounds; which, arranged according to, the English 
alphabet, stand thus;—a, b, ch, eWh, e, g, gn, hy i, jy Ky Ih, 1 myin, oy py ph, 5 t, Ch, u, w,.andoy. 

In this arrangement it will be seen, that the soft c, ‘og! NG », and x, are wanting. However, if we 
consider that the soft ¢ may ‘be expressed by s, the hard c by &, “and the q by kw, the Hok-kéeén dialect 
will ‘be found to want only the a, A r, v, x, and s, of our alphabet, which letters are never found 
in any “Hok- kédn word, ‘neither can the natives of that province easily pronounce any word beginning 
with them. 

Il, Or Ad gaye 

. en . ry ; i . Y Stl eT 
The Seal used in the Hok- kéén dialect, and called Joo-boé y Ff » Jé-boé, mother characters,” are 
: sor f 1 ap bo i ‘tee soy ara hi ¢ inst I 

fifty in niaibe®, eafollow.n 

t ” . x 
ohu whi ronoi aA 


i Kwun i1. Koe i] 21 Kang yt 31. Kai"d RB 41. Koe te 
2, Kéen ER 12, Kéaoulf 22, Kéem 82, Kwui"® @f. 4. 0™ 
-3. Kim 4 18, Key fe 23, KaouZ® 33, Keo, Fn 43, Kwang 
4. Kwuy Fil 14 KéungZe a4. Kéa 3 34. Kee" ie 44. Kwae"S PY 
5. Kay 3e 15. Ko 25. Key } 35. Kéo"S 45. Micy JRE 
6. Kan + 16. Kae 7 26. K"a | ' 36, Ké™a ¥e 46. K™éaou 
Kong 4S 7. Kin yh 21. Koo ik ‘87. Kw"a ‘pt 47. Chom 
Kwae ft 18. Kéang 53 28, Ka IB 38. Kes Gif 48. Gnaou 3 
9. Keng 4m 19. Kam ff 99. Ke FRR 99. Kay Ani 49. KPo da 
10. Kwan 719 20. ‘Kwa Mm 30. Kew y . 40, Kae"S fal 50. Gnew Jf 

1. Kwun 2 is ‘pronounced something like Koo-wn, enunciated as one syllable. 

2. Kéen BR is a divided sound, as denoted. by the diceresis on the first vowel; thus it must be pro- 
nounced Ke-en,’ or Ke+yen, and is by some thought to sound almost like Ke-dn. 

3. Kim Ay is sounded’ like the kim in Kimbo; and is| by some prenounced as if written: Ke-im, enun- 

ciated rapidly; as one’ syllable. ' a 
4. Kwuy Hi is like qui, in the English word quiet, or sometimes pronounced a little longer, as if written 

Koo-wy, though still but one syllable. ; 
Kay Sis - the a in this word is like the sound of a in care, or like the ea in bear, wear, &c. 

6. Kan Bi js to be pronounced with the Italian sound of the a, as in far, father, &. 

7. Kong IN is pronounced like cong, in the word congress. 

8. Kwae 3]¢ is sounded as Koo-wae, pronounced in the time of one syllable, with the Italian a, as in far. 

9. Keng Fxg rhymes with Jeng in lengthen, and is sometimes a little drawled out, so as to appear to 
sound like ke-eng, though still but one syllable. “ ; 

10. Kwan ru) is pronounced as Koo-wan, or like coo, to cry as a dove, and the word wan, “pale,” thus, 
¢o0-wan, pronounced as one syllable. 

1h. Koe rr rhymes with our English words toe, and hoe, but differs from them’ in being pronounced 
with a full mouth, as if written xo-oo. sony 

12. -Keaou ie is a diphthong, as containing three separate vowels, viz. ¢ as. in mé,.a as in far, and wu as in bull, 
all of which; though uttered like ke-yaou, form but one syllable. 

13, . Key FR i is a peculiar sound, sometimes a little drawled out as aie, but generally pronounced short 

as the French e, or as the ey in dey, or bey, when these wore are applied to the governors of Algiers and Tunis. 
It. is. to, be distinguished from the 5th final Kay, which is a flat sound Tike the @ in care, and from the soth 
final Kay, which sounds like the a in fate. 

14. Kéung Ax is a sound that rhymes with young, but is by some persons written kéong, sad made to. 
rhyme with song. 

15. Ko ne is precisely like the sound of co, in co-equal. 

16. Kae ye 3 in this final the a is sounded as in far, and the e as in me,—thus making eget the 

sound of Ka-e, pronounced as one syllable. 


17. Kin tH sounds like the English word kin; though occasionally drawled out, so as nearly to resemble ke-yin. 
48. Kéang Fs in this sound the vowels are divided, as if written ke-yang, or as if the word key were 

connected with the first syllable of the word anger, thus key-ang. 

19, Kam HW is pronounced like the word kam, ‘* crooked,” or like cam, in ‘‘camlet.” 

20. Kwa mh is pronouriced as if written koo-a, short, with the final a as in papa. 

21. Kang ir is sounded with the a as in far. 

22, Kéem Ff contains a double vowel, and is pronounced as if written ke-yem, or according te some 
ke-yim; an idea may be formed of this sound by taking the word key, and *em, the contraction of them, and 

pronouncing them rapidly together, thus key-’em 

23. Kaou Bes the a in this word is sounded as in far, and the ow as in pound; some idea may be formed 
of it, if the word cow had an a introduced, and were to be pronounced ca-ow, but rapid, ‘as a monosyllable. 

24. Kéa 3m in this final the vowels are divided, and must be distinctly pronounced, as if written ke-ya ; 
the a being sounded as in far. 

25. Koey # + in this final the vowels are also distinctly expressed, as if written. ko-wey and have together 
the sound of co-a in co-agent, pronounced with a’ peculiar turn of the mouth, 

26. Ka Bs this is a nasal sound, with the @ as in far; pronounced with the full sound of the &, but 
the n is only slightly heard: like the ca in carpet, enunciated as if coming chiefly from the nose. It has 
been Scacribed as an attempt to pronounce a syllable through the nose, while the nose is. shut. 

27. Koo We; is pronounced exactly like the word coo, to cry as a dove. 

28. Ka JB is a sound similar to ca, in cart. 

29. Ke JJ; is sounded like kee, in keep, 

30. Kew a} is a sound like that which is. attached’ to. the letter g, in English: and is pronounced like 
cu in curious, or as if written ke-yew, though but one syllable. 

3h. Kai"® Hii + this sound is similar to the 5th final, kay, turned into a nasal; hence the ng are written, 
above, to intimate that they are not to retain their full sound, but to be pronounced through the nose;. the a to 
be sounded as in care, and the é as in marine. 

32, Kwui"® i * this sound is similar to the 4th final, kwuy, only terminating in a strong nasal, and 
is Seemingly lost in the nose. It may also be written ‘ooi”S> the small letters "§ not possessing their full sound, 
but intimating the presence of a.nasal; and the i to be pronounced as in marine. 

33... Kéo his in this sound. the vowels are distinctly divided, as if written ke-yo, and pronounced as in 
the syllable géo, in géometry: 

34. Keo" BF is like the 29th final, ke, only. turned into. a nasal. 

35. Kéo"S fE resembles the 33d final, kéo, converted into a nasal, as if written ke-yéo "8: 

36. Ké™a Pe i is similar: to the 24th final, kéa, with a nasal sound introduced. NB. This must not be 

sounded with the fall power of the n, as ke-na, but like kéa, or ke-y"a pronounced through the nose. 

st Kw"a eS is the same with the 20th final,. kwa,. only pronounced with a strong nasal termination: as 
if written koo-w"a, — 

| XXXvi 

38. KeNs pt ; this sound is by some written ko"S, and by others ku™S, but the difference is immaterial, 
as the word is sounded as if attempted to be pronounced without any vowel, thus k”8._ The vowel is-inserted princi- 
pally for the purpose of bearing the accent. | , 

39, Kay qi is a sound so much resembling the 5th final, that wen this Dictionary was commenced the 
same letters were employed for expressing both: but closer examination has discovered a differences the sound of 
the 5th final resembling the flat a in care, and that of the 39th, the ain fate, to pisine: with say, may, ke. 

40. Kae" fal is like the 16th final, kae, but terminating ina nasal, ck 

A}. K"oe yh is the same with the 11th final, koe, cotiverted into a nasal. 

ao. o™ vide is a sound attempted to be formed nihout opening the lips; , something like. the con- 
tracted ’m in take ’m, It is in fact merely the sound of m, without any vowel either before or after it, or like 
the reply of an indifferent person, when too lazy to open. his mouth. ; 4p 

43, Kwang Ki is a sound borrowed from the Mandarin dialect, and may be sounded foo-wang, pronounced 
as a monosyllable. ; 

A4, Kwae?8 FA resembles the 8th final, kwae, conyerted into a nasal as if written koo-wae"S.. 

45. Miey we is something similar to .the 25th final, zdey, only beginning ,with a nasal, 

46. K"™eaou nt is me same with the 12th final, feaou, ‘turned into a nasal. 

47. Chom G5 in this sound the o is Fan, as in chop, and rhyming with sian in sombre, bat proiouhced 
as though the mouth was quite full. : 
48. Gnadu a> ya resembles the 23d final, kdou, only commencing with a nasal. 

A9. Ko 47. is like the 15th final, Zo with a nasal introduced. 

50. Gnéw He is a sound resembling the 30th final, kew, beginning with a ret * A af 

All these finals, with the exception of five, begin with a ky, which being dropped, the retnainder of the 
word is what properly constitutes the final. Of the other five, ‘thine beginning with oh, m, aa g, drop thoas 
letters, and leave the rest.of the word for the final; while w” having no initial panconaee is a final as it stands. 


The finals without the initial letters are as follow: — 

1. wun, Or 00-ux 1. ‘0e, or 0-00 21. ang 31. a"S - 41. oe 

2. éen, or ion 12..eaou, or e-yaou 22. éém, or e-yem 82, wuing, or v0i"8 .. 42. u™ 

3. im, or e-im 13. ey, OF e-ay 23. aou 83. 0, or-e-yo 43. wang, Or 00-wang 
4, wuy, of oo-wy “14, €ung, or gong 24. éa, or e-ya * 84, ee" ‘4A, wae", or 00-wae"S 
5. ay 15. 0 25. dey, or o-wey 35, é0"8, or e-yéan®, 45, Mey ; 
6. an | 16. ae ; 26. "a “i hes oe eyna “i “46. "eaou, or He yeon 
“T. ong “IT, in, or e-yin 27. 00 = 3T. wa, or 00-4 aT. ‘om 

8. wae, OF eae’: 18. saies or e-yang 28.a aie 38. om, or un deg 48. "aon 

9. ene or eeng 18. as. ¥ ‘99. e 5 39. ay a bt . 49 "0 Dota 

A . j five oauia alt 9 2 
40, wan, or oo-wan. 30. wa, OF 00-a. “30. ew, or :e-yew. 40. “ak, 50, or Ne-yew, 
-908 HONivw 1 

Of these fifty finals, thirty-three are plain,-end: sévénteew fasalsounds.. . The :plain’ sounds ‘consist of — 

Jn ; WP '28..%a, a8-in far, 
Three simple vowels, - * ~~ = - - swe. <b ----- De eR ee eed 29.96 aStin me. 
15.0, asin go. 

+} - gt 2 : ae te 

— n> ME a ~ f 1k be,- a8 in hoe. 
4 | -26..,)@ez something like i. 
5. ay, as a@ flat, in care. 

39. ay, as a slender, in gay. 

Right MONA RG 29°; WABI RL SED Lek Boo Pb 13. ‘ey, as im they. 

In: 1 oi crag af i 27. oo, as in coo. 
30, ew, as in yew. 
L 23. aou, 

4. &a, 
Siscs diaNgreeple, divided by a dicerhesis, ee ee eee ee eee ofa Ei ale. 
25. dey. 


One triple vowel, divided ves a Singhal i 12. éaou. 


dg. am, 
'ysighs alt wi eIoisol Port 6. an, 
Five syllables pret of a vowel and a consonant, -- - - - - ere 3. im. 

ae “Three syllables containing a vowel and two consonants, -~ +--+ - + 
} wed ; : ; 7. ong. 

Two syllables containing a double vowel and a consonant, - - - ~ + - { Spy 

18. dang. 
Two syllables with a ‘double vowel-and ardouble/consonant, == += -.{ 30) pine. 

20... wa. 

, 8. wae. 

e nits 4 10. wan. 
Six syllables, beginning with a w, --~------ rte te ee ag wget 
1. wun, 

4 wuy. 

The nasals-are formed’ from the plain, sounds, by attempting to pronounce them through the nose, or 
by giving them a nasal twang in the termination; and are expressed by an m, m, or ng, being prefixed, 
inserted, or affixed, above the liné. Of the nasals there are three kinds; first, those in, which single vowels or 
diphthongs take) a nasalisound,, which are denoted by a small, m preceding the nasal vowel. . 2dly, Those. formed 
by a half-expressed ng terminating the word, ,and communicating its nasal sound to the whole. 3dly, Those 
forméd by the letter m, in which the sound ofthe m is so prevalent, as to communicate its force to the 
whole word. 

In these instances bes 

to deserve notice in an “Alphabetical arrangement. 


Of ‘the first sort:of nasals, there: are eight, as follow: — 

; al. 


wa, | 

formed from 28. a 

Noes: | 

mes . . 24. Ea 
J -_ 20. wa 
eee ll. oe 


49. "o 

“the® letters after the ” are nasal, 


(io (aon 

Néaou, formed from 12, éaou 

__ PBaj BOK) rai a 
15. 0 


though the ” does not so fully alter the sound, as 

Hence in the following Dictionary, the nasal sound “a follows 

immediately. after, the plain a, and is not reserved to be inserted ‘uider the letter n ; except ‘where one'of:the initials 

i, b, or g is joined ‘to any of the above nasal finals, in which case the power of these letters is merged into 

‘that of n, m, and gn, which are then written large, and arranged under their proper places in the alphabet. 

Of the second sort of nasals, there are seven as follow: — 
81. ai"8, 

32. wui"S,/ 

34. ee"5, 

‘formed from 

5. ay 

‘< vey 

29. ¢€ 

44. wae", ——— 

35, éo"§, formed from 33. é0 

38. Me, DEED, Maph rigg il 

40. ae"S, — 16. ae 
ae? UT in! rol 

‘In -these cases the ™S»is 80 clearly discernible in the pronunciation of the word, that although it has not 

“seemed necessary to write the ng large, yet attention has been paid to these letters in the epee arrangement. 

“Of the third sort of nasals, there are two, as follow: _ 
42, a” 

The number of these finals is increased by the contracted tones formed from them. 


Ad. méey. 

These appear to the 

‘Chinese to make only 1a .differenee- in- the intonation, but in European writing they require a variation in the 


These’ Chaieacie tones do not hia terminate in the same letter, but vary according to the 

9 HW 

‘tone ‘by adding a rapid h to the end of the Siac with a short mark on ihe ban: bi oe ce i kith; the 

presence of this h however, does” not “intimate ‘that the’ latter part, of the word is aspirated, but, only-that it is 

contracted, and suddenly:stopped, before the full sound of the word is completed. 

Finals terminating in », form 

i in the contracted sound; those in m form p; and those in ng form &; according to the following table. 







Kwun forms wut 







b 1G. 

. Koe. forms 


none | 2l. 
keaotih | 22. 
none 23. 
iKéuk 24. 
Koh 125. 
none 26. 
“at! 27. 
héake 28. 
hap 29. 
kwith 30. 

Kang forms kak 



31. Kai’ ie forn rms kat"Sh 
kéep 32. Kwui"S none 
kaotth 33, Kéo kéth 
keith 84. oKee"S.. kee"Sh 

akétyh | 85... Keo none 
wth! 86. | Kea © none 
' Kovh. 37 Kw” hone 
Keith 38.0 Ke"S 1 | none 
keth 39. .Kay oi! ikityh 
none 40. Kae" Jovy none: 

al; -K%e forms none: | /44 | Koos: 2 ‘forms ~ kwat"Sh | 47.. Chom forms  chimh 

42, 0™ Re: none as Miey _ Rone 48: Gneaou pi none 
43.0 Kwang yo) kwak: 46. KNeaou ©») Heaoith 49... \K"o wits "oh 
AREY Hew lag war} ES a — ; “ _ 
The “fifty finals, ‘ the thirty-four contracted sounds, if arranged alphabetically, would be as follow: aS 
a ‘ah pare e (ule ™éaou c8"Eh th tom oe oo om we wan 
My Ss ak op éa (aon dep | gone in Gey 2 mh wae wang 
ae am at, "a "Baoith eat éuk sap Miey\ ong wath wat 
ac"& an = ay’ bth th ek eu" oth 00 wai 
ath rime Age Bate $si5:\Som eng eo 800 th 00h = wak"Sh wun 
"ith am igh éang ben ons New . M "th a” ~— with wut 
al os “Maou sie éaou 9. ee"S Bo) ey we = ok , |"; was wak wuy 
tu! Shy aal 430A 402 
These Sahtyfo als, est the fifteen’ ‘initials, weal’ produce one thousand two hundred and sixty 

distinct mani; but many of the possible sounds according to this scheme of orthography are not used, and by 
a referencé to the following, table, it will be found that about-nine hundred sounds are all’ that the Hok-kéén 

people actually employ. 

ie nial quill 
Seger tun! Sula dioa AOS], 
peu | | wand Audit 
ty] : 
IRS w 10 vil stork { a Sis : 
A ont ‘bak Ayii béo mods \bwan 4 = chéyh |; che™S,. >.» cb’bap = ch'héep, 
Ng oo bam | bew snot) bwat pty¢ -che yy; hBo sy ch’hat, ch’héet 
ae itt ban wl ‘bey ood bwoys;4 chéa ' chésh . 4 ch’hay, =. ch’hek: 
ah vom bang bin’ yorii'd Moat ‘chd"a.;.. chéo™S eh’ hiiyh _ ch’heng 
ak ir baow fost bit) pyr Cha si chéah ,. chéuk., chwhe ch*he™S 
am baoiih. bo gn) chae yy chéak  chéung. ch’héa ch’héo 
an 6 64 bat im) doe yyy ch yy | ChBang, chew , ch'hé%a. ch’hésh 
ang bay boey. | chai"S,., cheaou .-  chey ch’héih ch’héo"S 
aou » bayh , bo&yh + chak |. .ary) cheaduh »)  ebv’ha, ch’héak ch’héuk 
ap ut be til, DO dy A cham {4p cheth ~ ch’hae ch’héang, eb’héung 
at béa *!) bok. aw) chan , chéem ch’hah —. ch’heaou. cl’hew 
ay beaou bong, chang ,,, chéen ch’hai"S , ch’heaoiih ch’hey 
yh ee De ehf DOD yy) chaguy.. f chee®S - ch’hak. cb’heth — ch’him , 
, Béen ‘bun | chaouh...; chéep,  s ch’ham_==,_~— chv’héem ch’hin 
Ba béet ..., but ,|; chap .y, chéet ... chhan . ch’héen cWhip., 
bae  2"\35;,  bek oi} bwa yj, chat. ); chek») — ch’hang, ch’hee"S cl’hit 
bah beng * bwih chay — cheng ch’haou ch’heé"Sh ch’ho 

ch’han ) 





Fito « 

i gek 

geng f 






hin | 

i yikéem 
_ kéen 

K’hak ~ 
Kham ~ 
k’hap | 

Whéa _ 


» Wheaduh 


' K’héem 
» Khéen 


» Whéet 






)»Whéung , 


' k’hoe 

k’hwat - 




yw kok 

kwuy |” 


_ Jéuk 





net pene p’hosh Saou onive Ho} ods Hi abaisian. sit div North ety 09 noel 
Saew ito po 8h.S  epthooi™B: yi-gapreto aN ede bq yteOh AWA Chit. 15,4 Wa 
é éo"S tho et? ‘ 
Bee eae eR RNS acall  OOE ae) eae eas SY anel'g cok nord’ ew py 
wiih cist’ fon 4 phut : say n rs y ’ 4 Wak seus A rhoe A va wg) 
tod godt oct Upeyroree ‘liv pYrwarcss09 silybni Lodi yale an oditéunger oct .ehédy? 2isl ote ~') 
7 2 wae 
nwa pha phw"a old PRroneib of swae"S siut™% uli ww »fboh hnuce Wa th” 
pha p’hwih séa swat"Sh tey Vhok 
: . , 4° 9} wae"Sh 
0 p’hae O. phwan> sé"a swith tha Vhong Boe Y 
oe at : p’hae"S . phwat. séuh Swan ie tha, Phoo vel! 
vA mt eat mat ie) % WM-OOE Rust-o > MWWKOHA) Malas-OO At Ht MMB-DON WD CM G-OF 
éey p’bah * phwuy séak swat thae beret ws 

oh hsByhio 1 bn phais b opin sd -'séang ail et) bye: oo! thiihion fee thuamyowod _ wat 

oh rig or} pbak ear pit iw Sota Ols elenit ditt ban Phailé. ix Vhut, -ti01 ie 
ok p’han po Cs a ee hak thuy woeyh 
ong pyhang =~" “poe © a i i ins Sc ee rey 
00 p’haou poey séen — vtadle) ee lel MRaMi ie YPhWFwoe Hos ma : 
., Goh, _ p’has poh ea ee s,s | ere 
oA 30, holo art aN rok 4 “ Séep An.A9 “aime ong Phaou Me pet ON wuts } 
woh _ > & gh rng wh) \ pong : aif wns ntgk's aq hap wep A thwat > woy 
oui ni pn 1A a eg od tn eta odd Phu ba libettig oi 
yt ue rO9%e 10 phéth || aidT pooi®B dg ih seP8) wOoY sb tang’ "|! j ® thityh iors w ‘tip off (yaou » 
silt t 210 oid roe. vd bor a mai had o} peat fb PS genoanos wh » 4 : at 
ie set ipthéen!” | brs ENO BGMEY oot Gill Tenieye OnBHBEHD Seige bos oy éeh 
igo PAQHD 0) Rhee “ars séuk 64 |.) Uhdang |... dey yéak 
pat phéet pwae séung tayh theaou twh yoem 
WM payee Solem - pwih sew” te vhedh ° tok yéen 
| Payb, pheng pwan sey 10) téa ) théem |! tong yeep. 
pe phéo pwat sim ta théen too yéet 
pea p’hew pwuy sin teh Vhee"s "tosh yéo 
| péth » prhey sip ‘‘4éang Vhéep » tooi"S yeuh | 
* péak p’hin Sa sit ., teaou Vhéet tuo yéo"S 
peang p’hit sMa so teth thek tut yéuk 
peaou p’ho sae soe oS 8em oe ol theng bev itay! yew 
peth p’hoe sth SEY 5 tem) yy oy PhEPB, 4. twa yim 
péen phoey s ah sétyh tee"S Vhéo twa yin 
” pee™B ° phéeyh sais ssh" ‘téep vhéuk twith yip: | 
coos pee™Shy . p’hoh, . sak sok .  téet _ vhéung,, twan yit 
péet p’hok sam som tek Vhew twat yung 
pek phong © san’ ©” '*'song "beng they” 
peng p’hoo sang soo teMg thim  o@ 
A ie ‘ a 


ee dee 
‘Abilene Te inital and finals are joined by ‘the int letter of an initial see substituted in the a of the 
_ first, letter of the final, The Hok-kéén people are accustomed to join them, by first naming the final, then 
enumerating each initial in order, they drop the first letter of the final, and substitute the first letter of the 
initial in its stead. Thus :— 


ie Kyun connects itself with its initials in the following manner : pail she ws 
ia JOD doo a ant a 

- {’ bev. p,éen koa! | Khe ctyjéy pho wh," chien io 8 jooseng  b,din tie cWh,ut y;h,é 
wun : 299331 . 
latte pun hot, Kk’ hwun fun p hun Phun chun ‘jon sun doin bun ~ “hotte ch’hun wun. 

Jud { 

According’ to this schéme, the wy:ofiithe final is, omitted in} its connection, with doniads of the ata, but 
if the final, pe sounded ‘edo-soun, that’ 0 "Omission 5 will’ iiot be discertiible, this!" ail'q 

i si £2 divwel y Bh d'g 
rijéy = pjéemiod Kew he they whys ot, y di : 
Wiest wv ; (piss Hie rs mannii oh me ve 

loo;wun pog-.pun “koo. wun Bhog-wun too-with p'hoo-wun Poo-wun choo-wuih joo-wim ‘st ooleun oo-wun, &e. 
A Wy i q dee 

These sous however:;\must noti!:bé! too marae Jengthened, out, but promeunced tapidly as monosyllables. 
The 4th, 8th, 10th, 20th, ‘sad, s7th,""A3d, and 44th finals, ale epinning with ., may havé {hat w preceded by, 

or changed into 00, and ‘thus be aa with their initials in the. same way as above. oa : 

2. Keen conneots;itself with va initials as follows: — note Zouig dosd'q 
Ké { Lew, p,éen “tse Whe — “bay pho tha cheng. “doi 8,€ ns seng “byten ‘gé cWh,ut h,é 
éen ant 9 1 tad'y 

saree A$ int ’ aoq 
léen’ péen  kéen; khéen _ phéentliéen  chéen © “Féen séen:' “yen béen géen eW’héen héen 
Here a y is, inserted urider the uth it initial, and will be found, prefixed to the same initial, in its conjune- 

tion with vall those finals which hae e followed, < a vowel” or diphthdng.,., This is Hla on ome of the 
lengthening - of the e, the’ consonant y being pga Ions to ee, _and being forined by ‘placing the organs in the 
position -of,,e, and squeezing the;tongue against the roof of: th; mouth. The 2d, ety WMth, 18th, 2d); 24th, 
30th, 33d, ‘85th, 36th, ‘#6th, and Bott nals are included under’ ‘this rule. The" ‘gd and “vt finals, though begin- 


ning with, é,yet, as they have a slight sqund of e connected with here are included,ander the same.rule. Underall the 
other finals, 'the ears with ithe Ath initial <s)formed meeeny by leaving'\out the first fetter of thé ‘final. 

mt tong g 

3. Kin connects self with, its ‘faitials as follows: — of 

fit2 Curry won " 
Pas péen 2p Whe qoilbhéy — p’h,o., vcethyMa cheng jyip 3,6 ,eng bya g,é cWhyut hyé 
K,im : ‘ ; ; 

Sea sy dou’ 1onet Sie 2 nite ; 
fim none tin Whim tim none | Phim chim jim sim, yim none * gim = ch'him_ him 

ois ju toilt dsot 02 ribo jid‘y ag 
For the younder the 11th; initial, see,tule under the; 2d final. 402 abe od'y uss 

if anna dss 

4. Kwuy is joe ‘with its initials in the vraag mannét:— ca pak, 

ond 3 dy 3G4 ' fen jona'g S990 
& léw p,éen ke, Whe jos hey pho “th, "a cheng. jp 8,8", eng bytim, g,é cl’hut — hyé 
wuy { 
ay pwuy = I hwityp Vly ees “bite on ‘jwuy — suy * uy bwuy” swuy eMinony hwuy 

For the omission of the. 2 in connection with some initials, see remarks under the Ist final. 

aaa | 

5. Kay is thus joimed with itsiinitials: — 2s) OGe TTT 0 
Léw p,éen kjéw Whe téy pho vh,"a — ch,eng Jip sé ,eng bin gé eWhut  h,é 
* Lin ay it EO PvE io WorrmutKos ater ey wy he 
The 6th, 7th, Sf 11th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 21st, 23d, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 3ist, Sith, 35th 39th, 
40th, 41st, "49d, 45th) “47th, g8thj!49tb'"anid soth ‘finals “are all Joinéd inthe’ ‘sané matiter) ‘without any Variation. 
The sth, | roth, “20th "s3a) s7th, 430, and g4tb, tnay tls be ‘referred’ to this ‘example, which is the usual method 
of joining’ Qh ita ait Hate bine end if) To aotiol Jeni adh qorke yodt rbio nb tauiat doe ya ; 

aah be offi tsbuu sion sill 9 = s2intlini 23i alia i) ieati eiosnnos nit 
6. Kan is thus sand with its initials ; 
4 says eS “ow, ; oh % anole ais | big ws SAA 5,4 sro wat } 
i,éw _p,éen kee He hey ph, tha cheng j,ip 8,é me bin g,€ chhut «he 
Kan ax’ % wes nid at oa vi, ids wold nul'G s\n stv sig wl 
lan pan kan han tan ‘p’han Phan chen none san “an ban gan ch’han_ han 
vou: ston sdf ove — selaitini eti diiw audt genio, yao (At 
7. Kong forms its Apacties eco its initials i in a similar manner, thus: 
yA 6 fs ‘A 5.5 sis, pir t 4% “Br, is at bq, Wd | oA mod.q oud) } 
Léw p,éen ky ew Whe eit Fe 6 thie pane dip sé eng din ye cl’ hyuty ~ hye 
Kong yo Sido aim$e oson yisy pede gemdt guodds pawSA) aaoSh' anudt os aingA gratq ‘tn | 

long pong kong Whong tong hong thong. fone, song ong dong gong. clhong. hong 

raw Taveu oi 
5.5. Sp qRyyae Joins with ite initials thuge say aig ya FTA re 
ieee pagent KR yoy phd. thes: cheng fries 8 semgyidytin ge gh'hut — hye 
none pwae kwae khwae none none none chwae _none|; none wae | bwae) gwae mone hwae 
_» % Keng is, thug joined with its injtiqls:—. 9, oo) bq yh SA wg wh 
Slag [BE Bem ibe BIE Ka Pig oo thMaeheng Pips Hbneng oblin Bib Rhyut hye 
leng peng keng kheng teng pheng Cheng cheng: .jemg) seng, | eng. beng, .geng...chtheng. heng 
.., 10, Kwan unites thus with its initidlgs 20.4, Way bay WBA BMA ote 
zu. 1 Aybw, paben ~ Keybro  dER Ro GE PIibe Lh Ma ehengifdp Ail sug dyim\ Eybo, Whyut hye 
lwan pwan kwan k’hwam) twan'\\ phan Chwan- chwan' jwan' swan wan’ bwan'gwan cWhwan hwan 
» 1, \Koe connects;itself,thus with its initials:,, 4° 4) Gay is £4 whA mq wh} 
Lb piben Ww Wh Wey phys Ch,Ma\ cheng jf 8,8 jong obit Oe ge veh ut he 
poe koe Khoe toe hoe hoe choe*” tidtie” ‘sae "oe" "868°! “gob “bwnde hoe 
»* 12) ‘Ké thus joined>with its iwitialss-see the note auder the 2d findl} © 9) mon wh) 



cm { Lew’ p.cen ke,éw Whe bey “phe” ‘Pata’ taeng ip ae oe “bdo ge chyhut he 
a0u hue "oO t we pend i Ht ya 

léaou péaou kéaou k’héaou téaou  phtaou | théaou eden jéaou sbaou you skaow re pole ‘ch héaou héaou 
8 48h \Rey ie tha anited with its iditinis 2°" 8" bg a gs ee Pe 

es teat Peden hea ARE Key pnb ChE” cmeHe lp’ ge eng Ban "RE Bind — hye 
Key Lotein? of ‘3 Hy adic: gael) * 

ley pey - key Whey tey —prhey they hey — atid "eg! AY” "Dy! Reg Ghrhey” hey 
14, Kéwng, unites thus with. its, initials; —gscee the.mote winder the 2d final) MA wh 89) v,\ 
esos { Lew, psten kb RM LAY Phi ARM ae Chengiifdp WBE Verge gy cWRIUL She 

déung » péuig kéung) Rhéung) téung none) Chéung' chéung jéung stung yung none’ géung eh’ héting “hEune 
15. Ko unites thus with its initials ; iwi man od 


a he pen kw Whe tty phd tha cheng jug a6. seng, dyin. ge. eWhad hee 
to PO vis KO, Kho to .ptho, ho, cho none 30 9 bo go ehh ho 

oe 1660 Kae connects itself with its imitials thas:) 9.) m, "y Sy ton an | 

ne a Riker,  kybw why dey phd, £h,"a _ chyeng. BSP Bb peng Din gio) CHhjul KE 
lace ...\pae;, hae) Whag, dae. Phac . Uhee chao); Mone sac, me. . \bae |. gae \:\oh'hae hae 


17. Kin connects itself thus with its initials: see the note under the 2d final. 

’ elit fiai ai diiw bonioj, eudi ei ash 4d 
léw p,ten k,dw Hh, é t,éy, prh,d dae.” cheng hip 8,é 90N8 b,dn “ cWhyut = hyé 
Kin t re W 3.3 sip. BM, ay 4 45 WAS Oy 45.4 4, os3 A n asy.\ B 
+d pin kin hin tin = prhin thin chin jin sin yn bin gin oh’ hin vw hin 

td ono ws sods snl, soko pilh nav Ay wol_j 
18. " Kéang joins ius with its initials: — see the note above. ; 

send) “oanent islimie 6 ot alsilis ti i efi diiw soifoaut eH enriot yaodl 
[ haw p,ten kyew Kh, @ béy pho rang cheng hip 86 rene bn gé wh, ut h,é 
Ké ; uikk Bhs, Se G4, “Bava, Vas ove v5 my q ws,’ 
ang péang hang Whéang ‘téang phéang Phéang chéang jéang sang yang ‘none eéang oho héang 

4 StH  UNOF ONOT anos «6 wo uo | ENOl eAGA 

19. Kam joins with its initials in the usual way, thus: — 
{ Léw péen tw heey phd Chi"a_ cheng j,ip' 's,8° Jeng’ Dyin ge Chu hye 
Kam ; ‘ : ag : ee : , 
Jom ~tione’’ kan: Kham tam'.\. neie"> Pham cham\ note’ sam am “bam “> gam ‘eltham ham 
; spats. 
90!° "Kwa ‘unites with $ts initials thes?2- anonls oon anon non soat'A opus Seu Oost J 

po pen kew Khe téy pho tha cheng? “pip eb eng? Bian! ge Sauk he 
ry “wa? pwe “kwa OR hwd* treat ip paw hwa Schwa \jweswa oa ‘dwh ''gwa eRe __jewa 
o\ gay ang foths with itsinitialy'as falfows:9%> am’) gun’ gm) gael grok ging gh J 
~ oe péen Kew Khe téy pho th"a cheng “ftp ",2) seng0 aa gi CP nut! ne 
ang pangs kang’ Khang “tang aipthang. NC hang \ \chang\ “none \sang’'ang ' ‘beng ‘gang wet, hang 

wae ane 

22... Kéem, is:thus,connected with itsvinitials: see mote undérthe?dd final \ souk sna woul 
7 ay péen ktw Whe tay pho th"a cheng pip! se° eng tan? e? hat! Ae 
léem none .‘kéem . k’héem.. téem none, \Vhéen \ chéem\\\jéem).\séem) yéem, none vgéem chibichp héem 
28. Kaou is joined thus with its initials: — De oe eee ee si line 

005 na 0} 2G5 \ Tuy se sas j 
< oe peen Kew Ine, 84) wily oi PhiMa) cehyenge\odap 8 rinengriodMml) B46 ceMhjuts he 
laou = paou = kaou Whaow taou i? phaow . Vhaou, chaou. none . saou aou baou gaou chhaou haou 

24, Kéa unites with its initials thus; See the note under the 2d final. 

NONSHD BOHN waoHSa'g won dn sons) sopSq sxon5) 
Ke {e piten Iyto Whe tay pho Phi"a cheng. frip.; HE); 90mB) doting, ehhut We 
léa none  kéa Whéa ; ta none, none, chéa, Jjéa, sta yea, béa, géa cWhéa héa 

: in { 
sola yok Y you'y yh Wien You Yay 

25. Koey unites thus with its initials, 
a2 i péen kjew Whe thay) hydli athiMa oicehyeig oogip 188) yeng bydin geo cWhyudl he 
liey. piey kedey Whiey stéey vp’higys Bhoey™ \chéey\\ joey siey bey ~diey giey cWhicy hiey 
N..B.. dey is semetimes, written wéey, because. this final) \kdey has something of: the sound»of, a:w» in Jit, and 
may be pronounced ko-wey. 2 MnisinT aioli aud estinn Om “sel 

any AS ot a'§ ole 4 

26. K"a joins 'thus with its initials.‘ 

oe Lew péen “ew “Why yey phd? hia ctiyehg — fip 86 eng’ dyin ge clh,ut he. 
na none ka Rha Ma pha vha \ cla! -'none «sa! "a ma none fone! none. 

This being the ‘first ‘of ‘the masals, it becomes” necessary td notice thé variation of ‘some of the initials, when 

connected with nasal finals; such as*the’ Ist, thé 12th, and’ sometimes the 13th, initials, which lose in a great 


measure their original sounds, and merge into those of the nasals; thus 7 becomes n or J”, b becomes m, and 
g is converted into gn. Indeed, so much is the sound of the initial letter lost in the nasal, that to a learner’s 
ear the words under the above initials appear to have the sound of n,m, and gn full; and thus it has been 
thought advisable to write them in the following dictionary: but a little closer attention to the sound of the Ist 
initial when connected with a nasal final, will convince the student that the 7 is not altogether lost, but enters 
in some measure into the sound of the word, as though na were written /”@, but pronounced through the nose, 
with a little more stress laid on the m than on the . The sound of 8, in the 12th initial is more completely merged 
into that of m, yet pronounced with a whining noise, like achild crying ma. The sound of g, when con- 
nected with a nasal final, is more evidently preserved than the other two, and is pronounced as though written 

gn full, with a strong nasal sound. 

27. Koo is joined thus with its initials: 

Koo a péen kjéw Whe tey pho wvh"a cheng jp sé eng bun gé chhut he 

loo poo koo Khoo too phoo t’hoo choo joo soo oo boo goo ch’hoo hoo 

The sound of oo under the 11th initial is sometimes written woo, because this final has something of the 

sound of w in it, as though drawled out into koo-woo; and this latter form has usually been followed in the 
succeeding pages. 

28.. Ka joins thus with its initials : 

Ka ig p,éen k,éw Whe téy pho thPa cheng j,ip sé eng bin gé cWhut hé 
la pa ka Kha ta pha tha cha none sa a ba ga chha ha 
_ 29. Ke unites with its initials in the usual way: 
Ke Léw pen kw khe téy pho hPa cheng jip sé yng bin gé ch’hut hé 
le pe he Khe te phe the Cl oe ae” eas ge ch’he he 

30. Kew connects itself thus with its initials: —see the rule under the 2d final. 

Kew Léw p,éen kw Wh? tzy pho Chita cheng jp sé eng bin gé ch’hut hg 
lew pew khew Whew tew phew thew chew jew sew yew bew gew ch’hew hew 

31. Kai"& joins with its initials thus: 

Kai" Cie pjéen kjeo Whe ty phys ehMa cheng jip sé eng ban 9,6 cWhyut hye 
nai"S pai" kai"S Whai tai"E p’hai"S vhai™E chai"S none sai"S ai”& mai"& gnay cWhai"S hai" 

This being a nasal final, the 1st and 12th initials in connection with it are changed from J and \b, to n and m; and 

the 18th initial g is written gn, with the omission of the final ng, the i being changed into y; though it must be 

remembered that this sound is to be pronounced through the nose, retaining the full power of both the g and n, 

at the beginning of the word, 

32. Kwui"S connects itself thus with its initials ; 
Kwuilf Léw p,éen kjéw hhe  téy pho  vh"a cheng sé yng bun gé ch’hut hé 
nooi"S pooi"S kwui"S k’hwui"S tooi"S p’hooi"S thooi"S chai" swui"S wui"S mooi"S none ch’hui”S hui" 
. This final being nasal, the Ist and 12th initials undergo an alteration as mentioned under the 26th final; but 



there are also changes in the vowels, which make a difference in appearance while there is none in reality, the 
vowels being changed only to acommodate the vowel sound to the different consonants of the initials, but if 
the final be written koo-i"S, the whole will correspond. See under the Ist final. 
33. Kéo unites thus with its initials: see the note under the 2d final. 
Kéo a péen kéw he try pho eh"a cheng jip sé ,eng bin g,é cWhut h,é 
léo  péo kéo Khéo téo phéo théo chéo jéo sto yéo béo géo ch’héo héo 
34. Kee"S joins thus with its initials; —see under the 26th and 31st finals. 
Léw p,éen k,éw Whe téy pho tha cheng jip sé eng bwin ge chhut h,é 
nee"S pee"S kee"S k’hee"S tee"S phee"S vhee"S chee"S jee"S see"S ce"J mee none ch’hee"S hee" 

Kee®S ; 

35. KéoS unites thus with its initials : —see remarks under the 2d, 26th and 31st finals. 

Léw p,éen kjéw Whe ty pho th"a cheng jp sé eng bun gé chhut hé 
Bee ioe none kéo"J k’héo"S téo"S none none chéo"S none séo"S yéo"S none none ch’héo"S héo"Y 

36. Kéa joins thus with its initials: —see remarks under the 2d, 26th, and 31st finals. ; 

4 Léw p,éen k,éo khe ty pho th"a cheng jp sé eng bin gi cWhut h,é 
pat - pea .é"a Whé"a ta phé"a vhé™a chéa none sé"ayé"a méa g™éach’hé"a hé"a 
Here the little ”? denoting the nasal, is omitted under the 1st and 12th initials as unnecessary, it being contained 

in the n and m at the beginning of the words; under the 13th initial it is retained. 
37. Kwa connects thus with its initials: —see under the 26th and 31st finals. 

- Ys p,éen kjéw Whe tey pho tha cheng jp sé ,eng bin gé ch’hyut h,é 

no"a pw'a kw"a k’hwa tora p’hw"a ?hota choa none swa wa mwa none ch’hw"a hw™a 

38. Ke®8 joins thus with its initials: —see remarks under the 26th and 31st finals. 

r re péen héw Whe ty pho vh"a cheng jp sé eng bn gé cl’hut h,é 
Kené ne"I pe"S he"S Khe™S te"S none the"S che"S none se"& e"8 none none ch’he"S he™& 

39. Kay unites thus with its initials: 

inl _ pen, k,éw Khe tey pho th"a cheng jp sé ,eng bn gé cWhut h,é 
lay none kay hay tay none thay chay none say ay bay gay ch’hay hay 

40. Kae™& joins with its initials thus:—see under the 26th and 31st finals. 
Léw k,éw Rhye pho cheng - s,é ban g,é h,é 
age fs hae"S Khae"S = phae"S —chae"& sae"S mae gnae hac"& 
Under this final the 7, 4, and g, are changed by the nasal as noticed under the 26th and 31st finals, ‘but the 
small "8% are omitted, as being included in the nasal at the beginning of the word, though care must still be 
taken to pronounce the whole as coming from the nose. 

s Y Léw h,éw g,é 
41. K oe is found connected with only three initials thus: —K oe 
noe koe gnoe 


eng h,é 

42. U™ is found in connection with only two initials thus: —U™ } 
ui” hu™ 

‘This final u™ is found in connection with only these two initials, the first of which resembles the sound of um 
-and the latter hum, both attempted to be pronounced without opening the mouth. 

e h,éw eng h,é 
43. Kwang is found united with only three initials thus: — Kwang { 

wang = wang 
k,éw s,é seng bain 
kwae"S swae"J wae"S — bwae”9 
45. Moey is found connected with only one initial; as b,dn,—méey. 
Lét0 k,éw g,é 

44. Kae is found connected with only four initials: —Kwae"S 

46. KXeaou is connected with only three initials, thus:— K"eaou { 

neaou k®eaou gneaou 
Ih,2 tey cheng s,é 
47. Chom is found connected with four initials, thus: — Chom § ‘ : 
(hom tom chom som 

Léw ban g,é h,é 
48. Gnaou is connected with only four initials, thus: — Gnaou 

naou maou gnaou  h"aou 
lio kjéw ban gf hé 
49. Ko is found in connection with five initials, thn: — Kno | 
no h"o mo g™o = h*o 
Léw g,é 
50. Gnéw is found connected with only two initials, thus :— cnew | 
new gnew 

For a complete view of the initials and finals, with the method of joining them, see the following table. 



rinars. {fil Leéw BE P-son PR Kew Wns Tey | Pho [fT nme 

1 7a K,wun Ae lun Yin pun pe kwun Ui k’hwun ak tun CAs p’hun a hun 

2 FF K,éen ie léen , péen EX kéen Re k*héen el téen fini p’héen RK théen 

3 & K,im ‘ei lim O pim AY kim GR k’him We tim O phim a vhim 

ah K,wuy Fig luy Al pwuy Bl kwuy Vy k’hwuy 3B tuy iia phwiy HE thuy 

5 Fin Kay aR lay BY pay kay We Khay 2 tay () prhay i a thay 

oF K,an Ut lan E pan kan A k’han IT tan Wh p’han We than 

7 Kong | 3 E long pong ts kong ae K’hong © RR tong hE p’hong pid thong 

8 He K,wae |O) Iwae pwae kwae k’hwae | ©) twae O p’hwae O vhwae 

0 K,eng FL leng Et peng ue keng ie] k’heng et teng e p,heng Hie Vheng 
10 K,wan WF wan Ay pwan kwan k’hwan Wa twan F p’hwan aid Vhwan 
il Hit K,oe 43 1oé nf poe th koe Sit k’hoe PK toe - p’hoe fit hoe 
12 ie K,eaou Hk leaou ay peaou 1G keaou Kee k’heaou Til teaou Me p’heaou Hk Vheaou 

— pe sig 
Key | fit ley pey AG key TRwhey | tey K pthey |) they 
hk K,éung Hie léQing ft péung At kéung aa k’*héung téung O p’héung vhéung 
15 fai K,o Pe lo po a ko Ft k’ho J] to p’ho +i tho 
Aa BAe) ‘ kes, ’ 2a 

16 ' K,ae Bi laé E paé Ej. kae Hi k’hae b> tae p’hae fi t’hae 
47 hy K,in 3 lin ca pin i kin BR k’hin in tin aa p’hin iv vhin 
18 EA K,éang p léang are péang Fe kéang ee k’héang’ ake téang Ail) p’héang . Vhéang 
19 H K,am AE lam O pam _ kam HE k*ham = tam ‘Be p’ham S Cham 

20 IN K,wa 
21 ic K,ang 
23 BE K,aou 
943 K,éa 
25 is K,oey 
26 ‘in K,"a 
27 iil K,oo 
as |B Kya 
29 FR K,e 
30 K,ew 
31 ui K,ai"9 
32 HG Kk Kyrout 

33 3 Hi K,éo 

sa Hid Kee"8 



Sig pwd 

FB pang 
O péem 
Al paou 

Fal k’hwa 
a R’hang 
fk k’héem 
By \’haou 

A Whéa 

Wak k’hoey 
Hy Wha 
Ez k*hoo 
al ha 
We k*he 
FE k’hew 
Ht Whai'® 

BY whe 

BAY whee" 

i” twa 
ua tang 
7a téem 

us taou 
oo téa 

Ht toey 


we too 

a ta 

Fl te 
FZ; tew 

flies tai"e 

Eh Whwui"S ibili toot” 

Py te 
| itt tee”? 

Ye phwa 
F phang 
O p’héem 
th p’haou 
O prhéa 
TF prhoey 
Ht p'na 
ae pha 
a p’he 
P p’hew 
+t phai'® 

HE p’héo 

i=) phe"? 

$i p’hooi'® 

as Phwd 
he Phang 
iE vhéem 
ff Uhaou 
O vhéa 
Ke Uhoey 
fii Phoo 
B vha 
wh Vhe 
Fit vhew 
je Chai" 

4B vhooi®® 

Hk Uhéo 
A thee" 



€ Ch-e F, | é 
ng|A J-ip ile S-é ie E-ng |P} B-in | G-¢ iH Ch. 
— i jan Faun im Py f i = 
fchéen | Ayeen é bed a Nb : 
HB chim | FE jam ee i + %eveen | HF rit f oleh dee 
BE chuy | FAR jway | BIE su a yun O bim OF gti fe * a at 
3 chay' | OC) jay ‘tg aa Nig? Ti vay | eway if hay Rs 
WB can | Oma ® | heen, ein go ke go ae 
772 chon n gan & an : | ak ms 
Be olmee le ‘Bean |Bean) | ebfiah : 
Pico GusclOow (eet (Gud (neo omen . 
cheng § |4jeng HE seng | BR wae) Ovwae jfiewe |O oui i 
lect fk jwin a We i eng. HH béng. i géng : is h’ Hn ie hwae 
A cir ? ont i ae Bec i bwan Ft gwan ii i a heng 
nada TR json | ‘a ae x oe - boé v, goe Sat hivan 
Gi eney  |Oijey | PB sey ay in| |Sies > BE ior tevin i : 
Helly [ions [Mame |r) [Ory |sRerwe Pe “gas 
oe ee a tor oa 
ae | Qjae {Gil sac a | Mess) | go heist =i 
Tehin = [JAjin | Hsin a i Bf RO - e 
= Se $8 ng ‘i : A} yin le bin ih gin Pi) tae E hae 
it . ai ba —- He yang © béang ot géang | 5 sass PS hia 
r 8 ap = is Wis ‘aii $4 bam te gam zg * héang | F héang 
ie hay O an i ie = wa ji bwi yh gwa B ch ‘ace BK ham 
. voi 7 how! , vo di ang bing | {ff gang % abide PY wa 
Phe e Oryase " bn vn | tr yéem O béem ik géém & ch yd La hang 
oC aia eae mn cook Coat See 
FP cisey ° \Wejoey Ey ah yen (eee [WR geo ane? % i 
He anna’ \Ojra RB sna ie a nag FE wey |p givy wk nie ble 
AE choo. |*F joa Aah. 800 Bre hams Ove 1G avs ave 
: ba iis Bn a A bod HP god Ucn re 
che sig | Ise ae Bia |e Rev ma 
m oe ie ! = e ik be ye ge , itt c ba ht ha 
Ft chai"? O jai"é aE sai”®’ ee ay i sd BK re a ‘ 
i chui®S | OQ ju | RR sui"? 8 a ng PR mai" it gnay i ji bes xi 
Te ee ewig Wale. Toner ee 
iil chee"$ jee"s e ng HB yo Hi veo géb af (ggg 
see ie eo" HP mee" | O gnee"’ eo M4 ie 
fet: ch’ hee" Vs hee" 


rinazs. [fl L-éw |% P-éen |e K-éw [He Kee [Hh T-éy KA Ph-6. | Ph-Da 
35 K,eo"? PA ns"? | OQ péoré a kéo"S Ree Khéo"® ite téo" |O prréo"® |O veo’ 
36 BG K,e"a Kel né"d arn pena Me ké"a is wea |\#T 18a FR pea bot Ché"a 
37 eS Kyo"a Ne nw” a Ae pw"a ‘BB kw"a wi, Khw"a Hi. tora |i phw"a BR Choa 
33H Ke"7 |B ne RB eS | ce" | BE ne" |e te |O prne”® | Benes 
39 Im K,ay aR lay O pay qin kay Aim k’hay R tay O p’hay. ie Chay 
40 fal K, ae"® 13 naé O pae™® fl hae" iE k’hae™® O tae" Wy phat”? O thae"S 

41 ik KS 0e 

42 th u™ 

43 K K,wang 
44 Fy K,wae"® 
A5 Je M,oey 
46 ns K,"eaou 
AT Si C,hom 
48 oe G,nabu 
49 £1. K."o 

50 He G,néw 

i) noey 
4 neaou 
O lom 
ize nadu 
{UB no 
Fr néw 

O poe 
O pu™ 
O pwang 

O pwae'S 

O prey 
© preaou 
O pom 
© paou 
O po 
© pew 

Hi koa 
O keu™™ 
st kwang 
| kwae"® 
© key 
ey k  eaou 

O ns 
Pa Ko 

O k ew 

O k’h oe 
Ow bo™ 
O k’hwang 
O k’hwae"® 
O k’hPey 
O k’heaou 
We k’hom 
O k’h"aou 

O k’h"o 

O toe 
O w™ 
O twang 
O t bey 
© t"eaou 
Fi: tém 
©) t?aou 
O 1" 
O t ew 

O p’h"oe 
O pu™ 

O p’h"o 
O ph"ew 

O vh"oe 
O than 

O p’hwang O Uhwang 
O p’hwae"S O Uhwae"? 
O p’hPoey O th dey 
O p’h"eaou O vh"eaou 
O p’hom O vhom 
O p’h"aou O th"aou 

O vh"o 
O vh"ew 

O k’hTew 


Tue paucity of words, or of orthographical variations in the Chinese language, has rendered a system of - 

tones necessary. The language spoken at court, (commonly called the mandarin dialect,) contains four hundred 

and eleven different monosyllables, each of which is increased by the application of four tones;* the Hok-kéén 

comprises more than double that number, which are severally varied by almost double the number of tones. 
The four tones of the court dialect are the 7B Péng, He Séang, + K’hé, and K Jip, or the Seven, ‘high,’ 

* The following verse, taken from the Chinese Imperial Dictionary, will serve to explain the powers of 

these tones: 

za iia aR 4 ba fi pps Peng seng péng to, bok te gang; 

ZA ip Séang seng ko hoe, béng léét kéang; 

ae Se ae Be 

ie AG 

BA rz Ss wi K’ha seng hwun béng, ae w4n to; 
ie Jip seng tw4n chéuk, kip sew chong. 



\ Ch-eng 

AS -ip. 

ie S-6 | Be E-ng 

Pp} B-an 


HH Ch-hut 

ri chéo"S 
JE ché”a 
Bi chw”a 
AE che"S 
iB chay 
RR chae"® 
oO ch"oe 
O chu™ 
O chwang 
O chwae"® 
© chéey 
oO ch" eaou 
fe chom 

[ O chaou 
O cho 
oO ch" ew 

O jéo™ 
O jéna 
O jw'a 
O je"’ 
O jay 

O jae™® 
O joe. 
O ju™ 
€) ape 

O méo"S 
a mi 
ed mwa 
© me™® 
HF bay 
O moe 
O bu” 
O bwang 
O bwae"® 
ie miey 
O meaou 
O mom 



O gnéo "8 

B ch’héo"® 
WE ch’hs"a 
48 ch’hwoa 
SF ci’he"é 
Ak ch’hay 
O ch’hae"> 
© ch’b"oe 
O ch’hu™ 
O ch’hwang 
O ch’hNGey 
O te, 
Oo ch’hom 
O ch’h"aou 
O ch’h"o 

O ch’h"ew 

O hey 
O h"eaou 
O hom 

@ hadu 
Fu ho 

O thew 


‘departing,’ and ‘entering’ tones; these in Hok-kéén are multiplied by dividing them into high and low, or into 

a first and second series, such as:— 

First series : 
Séang péng, cS F- chéo"S pat"&, the upper (or first) even tone; 
Séang séang, by nl a the upper (or first) high tone; called more generally the Séang seng, ya 
RE séang sé"a, the high tone; 
Séang k’hé, Sie + chéo"S k’hd, the upper (or first) departing tone ; 
Séang jip, ta A chéo"& jip, the upper (or first) entering tone. 

“The even tone travels on a level road, neither elevated nor depressed ; 

_ “The high tone exclaims aloud, being® fierce, violent, and strong ; 

“The departing tone is distinct and clear, gruflly traveling to a distance ; 
“The entering tone is short and contracted, being hastily gathered up.” 

Second series: __ Aen 
Hay péng, w ZR ay pai", the lower (or second) even tone} 
Hay séang T E dy séany, the lower (or second) high tone ; 
This being always like the first high tone, goes by the same name of seang seng, eB séang 
sé™a, the high tone. 
Hay Whe, -r + ay Wh2, the lower (or second) departing tone; 
“Hay jip, Tt KX ay jip, the lower (or second) entering tone. 

These are the names given them by the Chinese; it is for us to describe and designate them according to 
our method of accentuation. : 

Se eS THe Séang péng, 2B chéo"S pat"9, “upper (or first) even tone,” is, as the name denotes, a Smooth 
even tone, gently flowing from the lips, without any effort, and is most commonly pronounced with a musical note. 
It has neither rise nor deflection, and is therefore left without any accent, being the natural unconstrained expres- 
sion of the voice; thus kwun. . : 

2... The Séang séang, if, a4 ‘upper high tone,” or simply Séang seng, Ag eB séang sé"a, “the high 
tone,” is; as the name imports, a high, shrill tone of the voice, pronounced with strength aud rapidity, and is 
therefore denoted by the acute accent; thus kwin, 

3., The Séang Whe, ‘- J chéo"S R’h2, “upper (or first) departing tone,” isa low gruff tone of ee 
yoice, which seems to come immediately from the throat, and to be lengthened out while proceeding slowly from 
it. “The Chinese call ita departing tone, because they say it goes away like the flowing of water, never to 
return. «> It is marked. with A grave accent; thus kwin. a ; 4 

4, The Séang j jip, £ A chéo"S jip, “upper (or first) entering tone? | is a short contracted sound as 
if terminated abruptly, and has at the same time a rapid utterance, something like the Séang seng, a ad Re séang 
sé"a: it is therefore distinguished by a short mark ~, followed by a final h, in all those words ending in a vowel, 
as ko, koh; but in words ending with a consonant, the entering tone is marked by changing the long consonant 

“jnto'a corresponding abrupt one; thus words ending in nj take the letter ¢,.as keoun, kwut; those in ng, take the 
letter k, as keng, kek; and those ending. in m, take the letter p, as kam, kap.',.The Chinese consider , this to 
be nothing more than a variation in tone, and as making no alteration in the orthography of a word; which is 
indeed true with respect to all those words ending in a vowel or diphthong, where’the entering tones’ are merely 
abrupt terminations ‘of the vowel.sound of the other tones; as if a person pronounce ko long, should be 
suddenly taken with a hiccup, and stop short before the , was well out of his mouth, thus forming a rapid kd or 
koh instead of ko: so alsq with respect to those, words vending in the, consonants 7, . ng, and m3; by considering 
the organic formation of those letters, we shall find, that « the entering sound” is nothing more than an abrupt 
termination of them. Thus, the final nis formed by preasing the tip of the tongue against the gums of the 
upper teeth, while a person breathes through ‘the nose, with his mouth open; now the final ¢ is produced by 
a similar process, with the exception of the nasal breathing. So also, the final ng is formed by pressing the 
middle of the tongue to the roof of the mouth near the throat, while the voice passes ‘principally through the 
nose; and this, it may be observed, is precisely the case with the final ky without the. A ieal emission. Further, 

the final m is produced by closing the lips till the breath is collected, and then letting the voice issue by the 


nose: the like process is necessary in order to enunciate the final p, except that the sound terminates abruptly 
on closing the lips. 

5. The Hay péng, T a dy pat"S, “lower (or second) even tone,” is an inflected sound, beginning 
low and ending high, being dwelt upon a moment during the enunciation, and then turned to another tone 
before coming toa close.. It may be exemplified by the drawling tone given to some words when spoken 
ironically, or to the word “indeed/’? when used as an exclamation. It should have been’ marked by a rising 
circumflex, thus kwun 3 but that being rarely met with in printing offices, it has, for the sake of convenience, 
been designated by the falling circumflex; thus kwdin. 
| 6. The Hay séang, [S ye “lower (or second) high tone,” is precisely the same as the Séang séang, 
by fa oe “upper (or first) high tone ;” and is therefure also generally eee the Séang seng, or Be séang 
sé"a, “high tone;” which see. 

7. The Hay k’hé, - Zz ay Whe, “lower (or second) departing tone,” is a low, protracted, monoto- 
nous sound, something like the “upper (or first) departing tone,” but not so gruff and guttural; it is therefore 
marked by a horizontal line, as a long sound; thus kwan. 

8. The Hay jip, [Ts J\ dy jip, “lower (or second) entering tone,” is a combination of two tones, 
having an abrupt sound, like the “ upper entering tone,” with the addition of an inflected intonation of the vowel, 
similar to that just described under the “lower (or second) even toue.”’ For this tone, as far as it regards the 
abrupt termination of the words, the same letters and marks are employed as notified under the “ upper entering 
tone,” but the inflected intonation is marked by a perpendicular stroke ', either in the middle of the short mark 
over the vowel, or when followed by an abrupt consonant over the vowel alone; thus kah, kat, kap, kwut. 

The power of these intonations may be seen at one view, together with the manner of their proceeding 

from the mouth, and the use of the signs employed, by the following eight figures. 

as a £ Lo 
si ri) er tal 2 A 

The first The upper The first The fret 
even tone @ tone marked departing = — entering == 
is not with an mnt marked tone marked 
oa. FS eae adil with a grave ? with abreve $7) 
‘ accent. accent, 

F F a F 
Uy» + & A 

Se Gr eee ere 
rked nar’ tone marked © 22s a marked with 
srg “a with an tone desig: abreve anda *) 0 
a circumflex seat apcent nated by a perpendicu- J 
accent. —- long mark. Jar. 


None of these accents have anything to'do with stress or emphasis, always retaining their peculiar force, 
whether at the beginning or end of a sentence — when interrogating or affirming —in angry or in soothing words— 
when speaking aloud, or when whispering: they remain ever the same. 

The poorer class of people and young children, who are unacquainted with letters, and know not the 
names of the accents, or the rules by which the language is governed, are yet most exact in their accentuation of 
Chinese words; and generally speaking, the more ignorant they are of letters, and the methods of defining speech, 
the more particular they are in distinguishing the accents. In order to converse intelligibly with the common people 
in the Hok-kéén dialect, it is indispensably necessary to attend to the accentuation, particularly as a slight varia- 
tion of accent not only makes a difference in the grammatical inflection of words, but also quite alters their 
sense, and makes them mean very different things. This. may be seen from the following short sentences, which 

are put together merely to show the necessity of distinguishing the accent, in words which haye precisely the same 

He K ché woo ladu ling, 

iB mé"a poh, chéng kabu ; 
7 Ah ae bay Cheéh kaou, 
Héém chéén bob kod, KY} hiém cheé"S b6 kadu; 
Hoey k’han ge koé, |B] 143) toot” khan oe kabu, 
Gé chéak pék ho, jy Ay EY Aik t06 teh payh kadu; 
Koé hwiy hoé hoé, Hay we Lin YL, kabu pwiy kabu habu: 
Put te, u™ chae, 

Sé koé wily hoé, tt va fe Hie sé kabu ké"a kadu, 
Heék hoé wity koé, BK Ai Fe q G sé kabu ké™a kabu. 

+ Sek yéw lo jin, 
Béng pok chéng hoé, 
Yéuk maé t’héet koe, 

RH at 
‘gt ep ms ah 
qs ea 


“ Formerly there was an old man, 

‘¢ Whose lot was poor, but his disposition liberal ; 

« And he desired to purchase an iron hook, 

“ But found that his money was not sufficient ; 

“ Returning, he led after him a black dog, ‘. 
‘ And accidentally met a white monkey ; 

“The dog barked, and the monkey screamed : 

“ So that it could not be known, 

“‘ Whether the dog was afraid of the monkey, 

“ Or the monkey afraid of the dog.” 

In these few lines there are five words written with the same letters —k aou—which, according to the 
¢ommon system of orthography, would all be pronounced in the same way; but in tone as well as in sense, they 

severally differ from one another; thus, there are: 


|  Kaou, in the first even tone, meaning ‘ a hook ;’ 
Kaou, in the high tone, translated ‘a dog ;’ 
Kadu, in the first departing tone, denoting ‘ sufficient ;* 
Kaéu, in the second even tone, signifying ‘a monkey ;? 

Kaou, in the second departing tone, meaning ‘liberal.’ 

These, without a particular attention to the variation of the tones, could not be distinguished, and with- 
out being distinguished, such a sentence, and very many like it, would not be understood. Another sentence 
is adduced to show how all the eight tones may sometimes occur in connection, each requiring to be very 
accurately discriminated in order to have the speaker intelligible. 

Yéw tek che kay, Al fi Zz. gE wo0 tek dy kay, “A family possessing virtue, 
Chin jé bod kay, nz mw NE ila chin yéa bé kay, “True, and without deceit, 
Soo té taé kay, Hy (fi kK 1G chéy tat twa kay, “ This is of great price, 

K’hwaé e sim kek, He ia nn ha K’hwaé té sim kayh; “And grateful to the heart ; 

Hwan chééy tad kay, a0, JF ie Min hwan chiéy géd kay, “But criminals wearing the wooden collar, 
Yit bé yadu kay, — We BE RK chit be bityh kay, “ Who are altogether deceitful, 

Sod bin che hay, py R ab “Pr 82 bin by kay, “Are the lowest dregs of the people, 
T’héen jin kae gék, K A 7] DU Uhee"& ling kae kityh, “Alike opposed by Providence and men.” 

Here the closing words of each line are expressed by the same letters, (with the addition of a final A in 
the 4th, and 8th lines, to denote the abrupt termination of the sound,) but by the various inflections they produce 
seven different tones: as 

Kay, the first even tone, denoting ‘a family ;’ 
Kay, the upper tone, translated ‘ deceitful ;’ 
Kay, the first departing tone, meaning ‘a price ;’ 
Kiyh, the first entering tone, which means ‘the breast ;? 
Kay, the second even tone, denoting a ‘cangue, or wooden collar ;’ 
Kay, the second departing tone, signifying ‘low;? 
Kayb, the second entering tone, which means ‘to oppose.’ 

Now without a due attention to the tones, a person in uttering the above sentence, would be likely to call 
‘a family,’ a ‘wooden collar ;’—to confound ‘price’ with ‘low,’ and ‘deceitful;’—or to use the substantive 
‘breast’ in place of the verb ‘to oppose;’ which would render mutual conyersation difficult, and the best ideas 

_ frequently unintelligible. 


Exhibiting the fifty Jod boé, = Ef jé boé, as divided into eight Tones. 

The reading of these characters with a Chinese teacher would enable the student soon to distinguish between them. 

] 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 

a kwun BR kéen Ay kim it kwuy a kay st kan AS kong Fe kwae PASS keng #7 kwan 
FA kwin Feksen Fp kim Yih kway ff ky Of kan ik kong }4kwaé $e-kéng Ppbkwan 
BE kwin FA keen AAS kim AR kway {ft kay “i kan TL kong 1 kwaed tk kéng fy kwan 
7 kwut yy kéet on kip OQ — a4 kayh B kat Bd kok © — IK ke ek He kwat 
BE kwiin O kéén O kim He kwiy in kay ©) kan jE kéng © kwaé a kéng fee kwan 
yee kwin 38 kéén gf kim vil kway AER kay pa kan ii kong 4 kwaé He kéng Fi kw4n 

kwin ik: kéén ibbk kim i kway - hay O kan AY kong © kwae su kéng ff Ewan 

Yep kw pil: keet Je iv = Shr hayh © kat Ope Ot oo fay Bek Bk kwat 

Paldal Metal > Sth Wir tr 

1] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ' 20 
rr koe 1 keaou Te key Ay kéung fS) ko ay kae uy kin EA kéang H kam — ff kwa 
Pr koe fFkedou By key Pb keting HLko Py kaé Fkin #ijkéang fy kam (©) kwa 
fal kod ie} kedou Zf key {Ik kétng 314 kd 4p kat FL kin ©) kéang fi kam p> kwa 
O- él keabuh A héyh ay kéuk eal koh CO) — cr kit ji kéak fe kap Hey kwih 
5 kedou ftrt: kéy aig kéfing OM kd ©) kaé O kin nes kéang {ij kam OC kwa 
a koé fx kedou We kéy Bt kéfing He ko Bek aé ae kin inh kéang HL kam ©) kwa 
I koé keadou % key ak kéiing ig ko ko O kaé ir kin qi kéang fiz kam () kwa 

O — i keaduh'O Aéyh Fr kik Obi OQ — PEM He kéak O kép O kwah 

Malta th Hal hte ih Be 

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 
7r. kang . FE kéem BN kaou 3m kéa it koey BF kta fifi koo FB ka iG ke Y kew 
Pking Apkéém Pekaou ©) kes key FcK'd AE kos Heke CL ke = =[\kew 
Bekang fp ktm Yh kadu By hea kody PER" Aa kod By ka BE ke Pykew 
fi kak — Ag kéep ii, aul © keth mK kiéyh C) — BR kook FA hah Sh keth CQ — 
Wi Hem fife ade yp kea YK hidy PERG GEkod Oka Pyke skew 
Hs kang fig keém Ke kabu © ké4 Aye Roby Ke" & AF kos Kop ka c ké I kéew 

kang ox kéGm iB kau Wey *2a BE key OC k'a B hoo pe ka FL ke AE kew 

Be ae O keep © abu aa €Q kieyh CQ) — CO kodh Chih O kee CO — 

[Pale Mh aloe ith eB 


A TABLE, &c.—Continued. 

54 eo ang Pe Ril Mined © Baedth © Feats os 
O = we kwak CE -O- O soli a 8 Bie 2 SBS Sant 

The fifty’f.nals multiplied by the fifteen initials would produce 750 sounds; these diversified by the seven 
tones, amount to 5250... About half of these have no characters attached to them, and there are only 2500 
distinct enunciations actually in use among the Hok-kéén people. The characters to which these are applied in 
the following Dictionary amount to 12,000; on the average about five characters to each enunciation. The 

zumBis ob 182 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 «40 
4 on 1 kéo Hf kee"? Burs Lee wt SA eens fh kay [B) acne 
2 friar ian to our = Hits Be Hees = O- 
_ JRA keon — — — kayh _ 
Out 3 a ir ur fe te see ate 2 ates Ts 
aa 5 ht O- oT ke" kw O- On ii 
Oka O he Feo > _ 9.1 Af ke"a Fp eta. Gx hen Soh ecedh dors 
Re iQwite Ont wD F Ouiiee © oF. Quo, Ors OE Quer 
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
a i koe 4B} J, wang PY kwae"’ PE moey Bie chom Be gnaou Tr k"o i gnew 
By Bl ere | OLS SAT sth ances Seah Oa 

distribution, however, is very irregular ; some enunciations having only one character, and others including many ; 
one simple enunciation (ké,) having fifty-six characters applied to it. In Morrison’s alphabetical Dictionary, 
two hundred and forty-seven characters appear under the same letters, 


In the Hok-kéén dialect there are two distinct forms of speech, called the Reading and Colloquial (or 
vulgar). These differ from one another, not only in the more compact or diffuse construction of the sen- 
tences, but even in the sounds of many of the words. The Chinese language admitting of a very contracted 
as well as of a more dilated style, and the books being ‘generally composed in the former, they require 



frequently to be commented on, and paraphrased in order to be readily understood. This has given rise to 
the distinction between the reading and vulgar forms of speech. This distinction prevails to some extent in. 
the mandarin tongue; in which, after reading over a passage, it is generally thought necessary to dilate upon 
it, for the sake of elucidation and explanation. But in the Hok-kéén dialect this proceeds to an unusual 
extent; the explanation of any literary composition being not only much extended and varied, but the words 
themselves frequently differing in their termination and sometimes in their whole construction. So great is the 
distinction between these two forms of speech, that a person well acquainted with the reading dialect, would 
not be able to understand a conversation in the vulgar tongue; nor could a person fully proficient in the 
latter be able to make out the meaning of any passage recited froma book not previously familiar to him. 
In the following pages the colloquial is distinguished from the reading dialect by being put in italics, and 
the spoken sound of particular characters is denoted by the word Vulg. being prefixed. The examples here- 
after adduced will be sufficient to show how the sentences are extended and varied, but the alterations in 
particular words will need a more distinct notice. 

The variations between the reading and colloquial may be generally referred to two heads; namely, 
regular and irregular. : 

1. The regular variations consist in changes in the termination, and may be arranged according to the 
order of the finals: though it must be remembered that but a few of the characters in the reading dialect 
are changed according to this system, and those only which are of every day occurrence. 

Characters falling under the 1st final kwun form kwui”S in the colloquial; as kwun, kwui"S; tun, 
tooi"S; sun, swui?8; wun, wui"8; bun, mooi"8; ch’hun, ch’hui"8; hwun, hwui"8. 

Words under the 2d final kéen form kee"& in the: colloquial; as léen, nee"8; péen, pee"S ; kéen, hee™S 3 
téen, tee"; théen, @hee"S; p’héen, p’hee" ; chéen, chee"S; séen, see"; béen, mee"S; ch’héen, ch’hee™& ; 
héen, hee”S. Words in the entering tone kéet form keéh in the colloquial; as léet, leéh; péet, pegh; téet, 
tech; séet, seéh; béet, beéh; &c. 

Words under the 3d and 4th finals kim and kwuy are irregular in their formation of the colloquial. 

Words under the 5th final kay are also irregular, except in the first and, second entering tones, which 
are generally vulgarisms, formed from the entering tone of the 9th final; which see. 

Words under the 6th final kan form kw"a in the colloquial; as lan, nw"a; kan, kw"a; k’han, k’hw"a; 
tan, twa; vhan, t’hw"a; chan, chw"a; san, sw"a; an, wa; ban, mw"a; han, hw"a. 

Words under the 7th final kong form kang and keng in the colloquial; as: 

lang pang hang Whang tang Uhang 
lone 4 ng pene | kong | nhs hong, | tong} chong | 

ne pes Whe" te" Che"S 

: i chang { sang ang * : oi ch’hang ‘ hang 
chon son ong,< .. ong, - + bang;  ch’hon on 

2 t che"S = Prat . ene @ x4 € ch he"® rt he"? 

Words in the entering tone kok form kdk in the colloquial; as lok, 16h; pok, poh; kok, koh; tok, toh; 
chok, chdh; ok, 6h; bok, bh; hok, AoA. 
Words occurring under the 8th final kwae are seldom formed into the colloquial with any degree of 



Words under the 9th final keng form kai”§ and ké"a in the colloquial; as: 

| "8 ins kai"? Khaite tai"S } prhai"® ai’ 
nai pa ke. a k’heng : teng, *hen . eng, 
; A RECS pea 3 ké"a 3 Rhea wal a BAe phéa "2 yar 

. Phai'® chai"® sai" eW’hai™? - - mé"a; hai” 
rene} : cnn) pes wes) sia chong Pe beng, me a; heng, hea 

chhé a 

Words under this final, in the entering tone kek, form kéyh in the colloquial; as lek, layh; pek, payh; 

kek, kayh;-k’hek, Mhaiyh; thek, @hayh; chek, chayh; ek, dyh; bek, bayh; ch’hek, ch’hayh; hek, hayh. 
Words under the 10th final kwan form kw"a and kwui"S in the colloquial; as: 

hua Rho” ' chw"a 
pwan, - pw'a; tran, amu" ag Wan, Vibes? twan, - tooi"®; p’hwan, - phwoui’s ; can { ng 

swan, - -_ swui"®; wa, ban | mee yah cian, | rind - hwa, | hese 
Sometimes words under this final, in the entering tone kwat, form kééyA in the colloquial; as, kwat, koéyh ; 
K’hwat, Whiéyh; swat, sdéyh; ch’hwat, ch’hiéyh; gwat, goéyh. 

Words under the 11th final koe form kaou in the colloquial; as loe, Taou; koe, kaou; toe, taou; 
hoe, t’haou; choe, chaou; soe, saou; oe, aou. 

Words under the 12th final keaou form kéo in the colloquial; as leaou, léo; peaou, péo; keaou, 
kéo; teaou, téo; p’heaou, p’héo; cheaou, chéo; jeaou, jéo0; seaou, séo $ yaou, yéo; beaou, béo; geaou, 
géo; ch’heaou, ch'héo. 

Words under the 13th final key seldom change ‘into the colloquial; but sometimes colloquial words 
are found under this final derived principally from the 16th final kae; which see. 

Words under the 14th final kéung form keng in the colloquial; as léung, leng; kéung, keng; téung, 
teng; chéung, cheng; jéung, jeng; yung, eng; ch’héung, ch’heng; héung, heng. Sometimes thé entering . 
tone of this final kéuk forms kek; as léuk, lek; kéuk, kek; k’héuk, k’hek; téuk, tek; chéuk, chek; jéuk, 
jek; séuk, sek; yéuk, ek; géuk, gek. 

Words under the 15th final ko form kéey, kaou, and kwa in the colloquial; as: 

laou koey phiey soey 
is} cho, = = chaou; kof rho} ty 0, ey; ch’ho, ch’haou; mo, bwa; 
loa kwa *hwa swa 
gno, gwa; ho, héey. 7 
Words under the 16th final kae sometimes form key, and sometimes kwa, in the colloquial; as lae, hoa; 
_kae, key and kwa ; i tae, twa; thae, t’hwa; ch’hae, cl’ hwwa ; mae, bey; hae, Aey.. 
Words under the 17th final kin seldom change into the colloquial with any degree of regularity. 
Words “under the 18th final kéang form hea, in the colloquial as léang, néo"8; kéang, ho ; 
téang, téo"8; chéang, chéo"8; séang, séo"%; yang, yoo"; ch’héang, ch "hia; héang, héors. 
Words occurring under the 19th final kam form Ka in the colloquial ; as, lam, na; kam, Ka; tam, 
t"a; sam, s"a, 


Words under the 20th: final kwa are generally in the colloquial, formed from ko, and kan; which see. 

Words under the 21st final kang are principally colloquial, and are derived from kong; which see. 

Words under the 22d final kéem sometimes form the colloquial into kee™S; as léem, nee"S; kéem, 
kee"S; k’héem, Whee™&; téem, tee"S; vhéem, @hee"S; but the words under this final are principally in 
the reading dialect, 

Words under the 23d final kaou are partly colloquial, derived from ko, and koe; which see: but 
there are still many reading words under this final whith form ka, in the colloquial 3 as laou, la; paou, pa; 
kaou, ka; k’haou, Wha; p’haou, p’ha; chao, eha; dou, as hadu, ha. 

Words under the 24th final kéa are principaly in the reading form, seldom changing into the colloquial 
with any regularity ; ‘there are also under this final a few colloquial words, formed from ke; which see. The 
entering sound kéak is chiefly colloquial, and formed from kek which see. Rta ay 

Words under the 25th final. koey are principally in the reading form; but there are some colloquials formed 
from kos which see: and ° the entering tone kiéyh are generally formed from kwat; which see. ° 

Words under the 26th final. ka are partly in the reading form, and partly in the colloquial, formed 
from kam; which see. rs : 

Words, under, the 27th final koo are principally reading words, price feu tiaele into ithe clloqials 
and some colloquial words formed at random from the reading. 

Words under the 28th final ka are partly in the reading form, which sometimes form into the colicaainh 
by changing pa into pay; p’ha into phay: but more frequently words under this final are colloquialisms, 
formed from kaou; which see. a 

Words: under the 29th final ke are principally in the reading form, but sometimes form héa in the 
colloquial; as ke, kéa; k’he, k’héa; ge, géa; in. the entering tone keéh, there are some colloquial words 
formed from, kéets which see, . 

Words | under the 30th final kew are principally. in the reading form, without shy particular changes 
into the, colloquial. 

Words under the sist final kai? are all collocated formed from keng; hich see. 

Words under the 32d final kepui"& are also all colloquial, formed principally from kwun and kwan; 
which see. 

Words under the 33d final kéo are colloquial, formed generally from keaou; which see. 

Words under the 34th final kee”& are all colloquial, formed principally from kéen; but sometimes also 
from kéem; which see, 

Words under the 35th final kéo”8 are colloquial, and derived from kéang; which see. 

Words under the 36th final ké"a are generally colloquial, derived from keng; which see. 

Words under the 37th final kw"a are principally colloquial, derived from kan and kwan; which see, 

Words under the 38th final ke” are colloquial, derived mostly from kong; which see, 

Words under the 39th final kay are sometimes colloquial, formed from kae, and kwuy, 

Words occurring under the 40th to the 50th finals are few and irregular, 


Thus, taking the summary of the’ aboye, the regular formations from the reading dialect into the collo- 
quial are generally as follows: © 

kwun = forms = kwui"& 
kéen sé kee™8 
kéet keéh 
kan kw"™a 
. kang 
kong la { . 

kok forms «koh 
keng sé } kai 
kek “« kayh 
kwan oe { koa 

koe — forms kaou 
kwat kaéyh 
keaou = kéo 
kéung keng 
ko 53: ed 

kae _ forms Sak 
kéang “ kéo"™’ 
kam ar Re 
kéem “ kee"& 
kaou “ ka 
kéuk .. .,‘ kek 

There are some. variations from the reading into the colloquial made by changing the initial; which 
may. be arranged according to the order of the initials; thus,, 

Under the first initial, | noe becomes Joe; and neaou becomes cheaou. 
"Under the third initial, kim im, . 
Under the seventh initial, thuy “ ch’huy. 

Under the eighth _ initial, chéa “ jéa. 

Under the ninth initial, —jé 1é; jun, lun; jé, hé. 

Unda the ; tenth initi al, a “ ao i hi chun; sim, chim; suy, chuy; séuk, chéuk; séw, chéw ; 

Under the thirteenth initial, gé Se 

Under the fourteenth initial,  ch’he “  — Whe. a 

oH , hay dy; hoé, oé; ham, dm. 
ade Aesth, SET Gon at AIS teh 
héuk “ = Phéuk. 

u. The irregular variations include a change of both initial and final; and sometimes give a word 

in the colloquial quite different from the reading ; as: 

Sin, Ap cl’ hun. 
Ché, ANN chwd. 

Soé, 1 san. 

Choe, Bf] chan. 
Lek, J] lt. 

_ Boe, Hi 


Séing, fA ch’ héng, 
Hwan, ia héng. 
Cho, Ah chy. 



Among those reading words which are totally altered in the colloquial, may be, adduced the following : 

Jim, Zi, lin, 
Hoo, K pay: 

Sek, JE that, 
Sit, it bat. 
Téén, H cl’hdn. 
Bok, cW’hd. 
Jé, | eng. 
Hong, if Whang. 


He, Af Who. 

Toé, i kedou. 

Che, AE Phegou. 
Séuk, $4 lun, 

E, hy hoé. 
To, chéy. 
4 Léng, B ey. 
| Lan, oh. 

Hak, 4 dh. 
Séa, J} chdh. 
Te, Fi chae. 
Sat, Pt had, 
Jéém, ip bak. 
Jin, MN ling. 
Hwaé, bed Whéep. 
1, 3) Ao 

Héén, FF gadu. 

Hot, ffm kadu. 
Tan, ed Whéa 
Taé, tf géd 
wa, A. héa, 
Gé, aa héa, 
Sit, chédh, 
Na, 3 léth. 

Kwan, oa koey. 
Yadu, FE boeyh. 
Sim, FR ch’hoey. 

Kim, cx t"a, 

Lim, #4 nd. 

Yéw, A woo. 

Kan, YA ta. 
T'4, $7 p’hah. 
Jaik, Pal bah. 

Yea, 7g. mat" 


Ok; EE eWhod 
Kéak, ER Wha 
Hey, FE kw"a 

Besides all these, there are a number of words in the colloquial, some of which are not to be met 

with in the following pages, and some do not appear to have any corresponding sounds in the reading dialect, 

being probably introduced from some foreign language, or which were indigenous to the province of Hok-kéén 

before its union with the empire of China. 

Ch’hin ch’haé, - 
Chin chaé, - 

Chin ché"a, + 
Kala koo 4 - 
Anchw"4, = 

Chd ned™Z, 
Chw®4 kong, - 

Héd"S péng, - 
Chéy péng, . - 
Hit léy, -...- 
Hwut léy, 5 
Chit léy, - - 
Chéy léy,; - 
Ché taou, - 
Hétaou,- - 

Hwut taou, - 
Chun 4, - - 
Ch’hin chéo"&, 
Chit pw%a, - 
Koh yéo"s, —- 
Lam sam, - 
Kin kin, - 
K’hah mai"Sh, 

Tam mai"£h, - 

Any how. 
By and bye. 
How 2? 
In what way? 
How is it? 
On that side. 
On this side. 

g That. 

é This. { 



In that place. 
Just like. 
Like as. 

The same. 

‘ More speedily. 


T’héém chaé 4, 
K’héém:chaé 4, 
Léem pee"E,,. - 
Todtoo, - - 
An néy, 3 
‘An néy sai", 
8"4 meé"8h, - 
$"4 soo, -  - 
K’hah chay,  - 
Kwiy léep; - 

Twalim, - 
Kap, s * 
Tek k’hak, - 

Aou sin, -— - 

Way Sieh Me 
ie 336.72 
Long, - = 
Long chong, - 
Te tigis. °F 
Tae seng, = 
Kah kwad, = 
Chd pot, —-- 
Chd hoéy, —- 

‘ Perhaps. 

Just now. 

In that way. 
What's the matter? 

A little. 
Very much. 
With, and. 

The whole. 

At present. 
So strange! 
All at once. 


Tiy abu; - 

Ha yéa, ey in 
Ché"4 tin, + 
Kwa, oe = 
Ché"4 ch’heng;, 
Bé taé wa, - 
Hwat lang -taé wa, 
Lele 4) 
Tak paé, + 
Saé saé, - - 
Bong, - - 
Bong ké™4 ke" A, 
Bong kéty, = 
Bong kong, - 
Cha hwui™8, = 
Mai"&h hab, - 
Min 4 chaé,  - 
Kadu er 
May 2 TH 
Adu ban, - 
U™ vhang, = | 
T’hang, -— - 
Soo né6P8, - 

T’hek kak, at 
Héet, ms - 
Hoé, . - 

Hwat lin tooi"S, 

i: eS 
Twa, - - 
Twa te, - 
K’héa, - . - 
Gabu chéén, - 
Gabu kwan, iS 
Thit he, . 
Ch’hit ’hd, - ce 


By the troop. 
And, also. 

- By the thoustnid; 

No resource. 

To be a match for one. 

A little. 

Several times. 
What need? 

So so. 

Just walking aboiit. 
Getting on so 80. 
Talking in jest. 

This morning. 

~ To-morrow. 

~ So great? 

How widély different! 
Alsi. ane 

To consult. 

} To throw away. 

To give. 

To turn. beanie! 

To wear on the-head, 
To rest in, 

To dwell at. 

To reside. 

To play. 

Sie mart, 
i To ramble. 


Jwa chéy,. + 
Lwa chéy,... « 
T4léh Whe, 44 
Ka k’ha,.-. 
Toh tooi’, . < 
Téng bin, - 
Ay tE Ys seminar ty 
Léoh lédhsdj + 
Chéo"E Joh, -- 
Sé0 hw4, - 
~ Ché6 k’déyh, 

Ké"ane, -- =)” 
Chong sé, = 
Boéyh chaé éy, 
06 ch’hun, — + 
Séo"8, - 3 
Tok tok, a, 
Cha k’hé, ie 
Kthé haba, - 
Swiah bééy; = 
Léuh chd, 4 
Kwih téw, 
Séep séy, - 
Chd hwa sé, - 
Séo"8 loh kay, 
Toh, = - 
Se4ou Iéy, - 
T’hé, «=. = 
Tin tang, .- 
Ped"S ka6u lang, 
Ké tit, F 
Séw k’ha, -- 

T’hédng lok, .- 
Too tédh, . - 
Ew4, - 9) - 
P’hih hwa, | - 

_ To consider. 

To cut down corn: 
To flatter. 

To have\a lucky ‘hit. 
To repent. 

To burn as fire. 

To be ashamed. 

To take. 

_ To move, 

To juggle. 

_ To remember. 

. Tobe angry. 
. Tobe joyful. 
_ To meet with. 

To rely on, 
To. put out (fire). 

Laéu bak chaé, 
Téém lbh chiy, 
Wut chut, - 

T’hun lin, - 

UM keadBy) 9 
Wa lwa, 
Ey, Can; and 

Kaladuh, ~~’ 
Tes ste, | 

Pak thiyh, + 

Ch’héw wui®8, 

La sim, VA 
Ta po, \.- saryt 
Cha boé, 2 Penh 

Né6"8 pay, .+ 

NEANE léyy ro! 

Hang, a sort; 

Wun koo,, =) 
Tang e"8, - 
Kip kéy, : 

TeAou tit, 39) 

Ham ban, t 

Séy é, -- \ 
Ch’hin ch’hai®8, 
Laou 4, = = 
Ka-té, 2 : 
Ch’hai® hwun, 
Kwan sé, - 

Nooi®S ché"4;\ -- 

Ch’hai"S mai", 
Ka chéah, > 
Ka ch’hui®’, © - 
Chaé tedou, - 

Haou sai8,)°~ 

Hwan 16,) 0 
P’lin twa, - 


~ To weep, 
~ To drowns 

To be grieved. 

» To be patient. © 
~ To lose. ie 

To rely on: 

~ Béy; cannot. 
* To fall down. ' 
* To take care. \ 



A sleeve. 

. Dirty. 

. Amale. 

_ A female, 
_ A father. 

A mother. 

Humpbacked: : 59° 
The middle, 

Exact, true. 

Dull, stupid. 

A concubine. 

~ Handsome. 

A rogue. 
One’s self. 


The back. 
The buttocks, 

A son. 

wy 7 ot} 
uu oU 


. Chit hang, .one spre. 


Koéy 8,-4.0" + 
Sey jé, - ‘= 
T™ tesMh,\ = } 
Tédh bwa,*\» + 
Pwah ke4on,>'+ 
Té6, swore 

ouChbh ch’han, ») -" 
Ga6bu k’héém,-) 
O Jb, tones Lewy? 


Lan sanyo S 
A’m koe chays...- 
Kaou sedou, 5, 
Gin 4, Sel agstt 
Thaé ko pai"S,. 
Sé kak, == op 
Sétwa, s+» 
SESBYr sh Fo 
Sin né6"8, = 
Sin ké"4 saé,_ - 
“Nw"4 thoé, - 
-Keaou t*hadu,. = 
Chaé sit lé,-° = 
So chaé, or gay, 
T'haéu sai®&, 
Song héung, _- 

Tang, -~ - 
Bit pd, -° + 
Pan g@,°2 

‘ Baéy yéah, 
Lé k’héet, = 
Ch’hek, corn ; 
Kaou 6, @ chair; 
Cheaou chwui"8, 

T’ha6éu chang bééy, 

- To be pleased. 
~ To be careful. 
To refuse.) 
- To be troubled. 
- To game. 
To jump, > 

~ Tovplough: ' 

To be stingy. 

To praise. 

A few, odd. 

A cockchaffer. 
A cheat. 

_ A servant bay; a slave. - 

The leprosy. 
Four-square, | 

Great men. 

_ The lower ranks of men, 

A bride. ae 
A bridegroom. 


A virgin. 

A place. 

An animal, 


A reason, 

A bat. 


A butterfly. 

Deep, cunning. 
Ong, a flame. 

Che chiy, who? 
Complete. — 

A cue of hair, — 
Sign of the possessive, 
A diminutive. . 





NARY a ae 



a ot 





A crow. Oe a eB ioe a black crow, 
"Ae. A hwuy put td. san 4E Fe Be 3) ily, 

ve a picy béy kadu sw"a, a crow could 

not fly to that “hill. When Lé kong as J went 

. to subjugate the Tan ¢ A+ nation, he came to 
s hill, and on asking the name of it, was informed, 

: “that it was called “the hill which crows could not 

fly over:” for as soon -as the crows came to the 

|) place, their feathers ‘dropped off; oo ea ADA peevent 
ee ater y > Ad ‘ f 

ef j A en 7 ie @ Vhaéu, a’ slave girl. 
zs A phéen 75 a Opium. .A.pcbéen, kong 

Bt FE tre Fe B jeang. Chum hey 
Cho" cho dy kdou.” HE jéang’ swallowed 

soo BE fe AS al, a phéen, kong, se, 
charcoal to make himself dumb (or to change his voice). 



the Opium farm. 
Dumb; E jéang thun than way a 


A prefix to a man’s, name: A’ 900, Bij DY, 
a se, a fourth son; 4 heng nj, Gi. a-he"a, 

x it 
Brother! 4n appellation ) generally. given 

“to the inhabitants of Tédou-chew Hi MH. Te chew. 



One second in order, inferior - in eae: _< 

séng Wh a a secondary see; Beng 
choo my the Philosopher Mencius, 
was so’ called. 

| Kthéng, Béng oes EL, second otf 

Confucius*and Meneius. .\" 

Vin oa! Jp RB; a familint epithet used. 
between . persons» related by-marriage : 

kn SEM distant 

,,,felatives and connections. 

‘A Age rely on, to depend ‘upon.’ 
i F 

z VAAL OL ees 
ce —- Read Lok: an affirmative; an expression Aé _ A collection of clouds. 
of assent. 
rift) We 
taé = Sia f 
2 Aé Here Aé taé fa ae a dark appearance o 

The noise made ‘by an ox, or’ an’ ass: a 

nasal sound. 

Minced meat. Péng téung jéuk a KF 

i rh Wy fA: pé"d téung bith "a, the 
minced meat in pies; Kééy "a FE 

minced meat for pastry. 

‘ P< 
pé. ae yéd béy séang haé; “Pleasing without wan- j 
Said of the 


To lament, lamentable: Lok jé put yim, 

ac jé put séang SY hy AS YE Ose Thi 

> FE, théang lok yéd béy yim Iwan, 

tonness, sad without wounding.” 

He Kwan ch‘he ode. 

Ae thong ch’ham that JS jay 4B NAL, ae ehe"a 

cl’hdm that, sadly pained and grieved. Hé noé ae 
ké ad oé yéuk, wat ch’hit chéng Fe SLE 
a oe EK A + ie Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, 

love, hatred, and desire, are called the seven passions. 

Ae Dust; small particles of dust, 
Turned sour: soo é jé aé BY 2 if ay 
Aé rice injured by. heat and damp, till it 


turns sour. See the Lin gé ae 

Collected, gathered together: aé aé héw 


OD iis eR EO 

when the clouds are collected together, and again 

yew yew, ch’hun kway sip je léw 

drifted abont;—in the season of spring—we can 

return to the twelve-storied gallery, See Téng se yy 
FE the odes of the Téng Dynasty. 

B yey eo S| 
» Vulg: dy: short: jin aé aé A 4 % 

lang dy dy, a short man. 

pi Vulg: sééh: to love, to pity; affection, 
Be. attachment. 

Sim hoe ad ¢ ty F 

any at heart. 

Hay put wiy é Kk * 

not considered : 

Téung sim chéng che fr ny ay L Being laid up~ 

in our affections, i 
H6 jit béng che {oy H re When da = 
forget them? See the + Ag Se keng. a 
Goé hé aé yit gnéw Te tif BB — IF, gwa Kham 

fhe"d chit chéth goé, Do you think I am sparing 
of a single ox? See my Beng choo. 

Pr,_ Narrow minded, Pek-é@aé, Léw-hay-hwiiy 
r put kéung; aé é put kéung,: kwun 
chéo put yéw yéa AA He ea ai 

TO aS lat 2 RAE A TR eB 

Pek-é was narrow minded. Léw-hay-hwiiy was disres- 

oy R, When we love 

=n : 
FAs KR, Distance is 

pectful; but both narrow-mindedness and disrespect, 
are what the good man would not adopt. 

Héém aé [ior Pit, a narrow pass, a dangerous defile. 



Aé/ IP, Distressed, 

‘A disturbed, distressed appearance. 

To hang, to throttle: choo at jé so6 8 

SE Ti] WE, ka 1 jeth teadu ¥é st, to 

strangle one’s-self and die. Géuk téung 

aé soo vA Ans We» ka K’hoe laé ké sé, he was 

\, oStrangled_ in, the prison. , 
BE. Ups 1s wh ¥s el 
wie To belch. T4 a& $7 Wes, p'hith obh, to 

"i tion 9 out. wind, 

Paéu sit ge Naa je ae i AER, iif ii me. 

toon T'5) + 

chéith pe LF lad je phih ath, having eaten to 

the full, the wind rises and is ejected. 

To guard, to control. Ch’heém th HH, 
Kh “oto twke’ care of the slips of bamboo used 
by the Mandarins: ch’heém &h taé yéa 

AH, the officer who takes care of these 

slips of bamboo. 

_ Ah song ap R, %h sing, to guard, toescort. Avh win 
iF Wl ie. to agree in sound, to rhyme with, to rhyme. 

A duck; a tame duck: Sat key sat 4%h 

Sh Be FB RB, Chaé key Chaé uh, to 

’ kill fowls and ducks, Sod gwat jé uh 

seng [Jl A SL 8 +E, 88 gieyh sey chétth th cW’hut 

© 42, in the fourth month, the young ducks come out 
of the shell. 

“Go Gwhiy ah Wik HE FA WH PR, (the hills 

looked) grey as geese, and green as ducks. 

A chest, a casket. Kim kway géuk ith 

K h y & aa ie golden chests and pearly 


T’hae-o ceh’hut ith Ik [ey i. the celebrated 

T’hae-o sword came oul of i\s sheath spontaneously. 

3 /AK 


To water, to irrigate, to fructify: Ak téén 
ik HH ak ch’h4n, to water the rice fields. 
KwAn ak RE ik, to pour oul, Ak thoé 

K +, pwiy téy, fertile land. A surname. 

Ak » 

Ak Ak chak {FE VE: restricted, limited. 

Chéang ak , to hold in the hand: 

Ak Séw ak peng kw4n 2 iB his He, ch’héw 

gim peng dy kwdn, to seize on the 
military power. 

A curlain; Wiiy ak be ee, poe léém, a 
curtain, a tent. 

Wan téw why ak téung if het We Hf. to 

be planning schemes in the tent. 

Ak 2 The cackling of a fowl: 
loud laughing. 

To drip: Téem ak BA Nag the rain 

dripping through 

Beng yin téem ak =I A FEB. hong téy dy yin sip 

lok k*he, the Imperial favour distilling on the people. 


the sound of 


Ak chak Bi fi the teeth near to each 

other; closely set; impelled. 
Ak Ak kim ES AP to lay on gold; to gild. 
Ak A spindle, a distaff. 


ake A straw shed; Am béaon Fits ii: am _bé5, 
a temple, a monastery. 

Aw Am cham jig He. asim, unclean, > haan 
of Flesh boiled and preserved. 

A To understand; Bé am HK pa biéy hédou 
B tit, I do not understand. 

Am kan vhéen wily BA a KR (iL, toyhave designs 

upon the Imperial dignity, 

2 1 To remember, to recollect: 
Am iB A Am 1één ch’him a] Bid UR. in every 

thing deeply experienced. 

Am =e Dark, closed doors, 


all, every. 

Boa An appearance of ‘great writ = grief 

nl * at -parting. 

A’m. jéén. seaou bwin ichéay why péet jéé a, Wik 
x a “| 4 

SR i HE TD TE: Ronn 7 

yéo"S, kadu kwtin seaou k’hé, ching sé sé0 peel "a 

ié"a, greatly. grieved, till my, soul ,is ‘coasumed, I 

can only take, my Jeave, ‘and no more. See the Kang 

yéem péet chip iL ye i ff. 

» The appearance of disturbed- water, bub- 
Am bling up: also the ‘water in which ‘the 
cocoons of the silk worms have been 

“Am Se. All, every one; to’ understand. 

Dark, dismal, no light: Jit 

am, FARE BAR, st 

‘Am H 
| am, when the sun does not xd it is 

dark. Pwan béng pwan am che sod ee, ae 
BZ. Bibs ne" rene, awa am dy way half cle 

and half dark. sentences. 




{ A s 
th Am k’hang SERS a drain, a Spout, 

Say am 7K ZA, Chiy am, an aqueduct, 

£ ; ‘ 7 

BE Am kéng fj $8 am iwitnd, the neck, 
Am a the back part of the neck. 

Am kwut say ¥ sh Bi the neck 

bending forwards. 


Peace,. rest, quietness, cessation: — how? 

An Po) 

in what way? A surname. 

Cheng jé hoe léng an ria nin iA He Te chéng jéen 

aodu éy an, Being tranquil, then we may be at ease. 

See the K& Ba, Tae hak. 
Péng an ae ae, peaceful and at rest. ‘I’hé an # 

ie secure & quiet. An’ léng séng hoé de pe Ae AK 
a an chw"é éy che” a, how can it succeed? | 

A yt Vulgarly wa: a saddle; ma an LT Pua 
pala bdy wa, a horse’s saddle. 

Pek ma k’hwa kim an, k’hé ch’hut ban jin i’han 
Es Fi Bh Be Be Bh A BS AN > ates oa 
Khwa kim wa, ned cl’hut ban ling Khw"d, Riding 
outon a white horse, harnessed with a golden saddle, 

myriads of people will look at us, . 



1] (ie Yéén an ge fi unemployed, indolent. 
n Se An sin #E vB, yien c®hun a quail. 
1) tow , 

x « { Man i el | 
ive AA? POY c oy « x a. 
- 7 € 4 _ d - e ‘ } 

Vulg: wd: to place, to put down, to put 
the hand on. ; 

Vulg: wd: a table; an tok zee. wre 

th, a table, a magistrate’s beneb. 
P*hwan an 2 #, phw"a an, a judgment seat, 

Vulg: wa: ‘Yéémecho6 t'hdey 
téAou, Choé wat, hé an yéa 

BAF FA fy We, deh 

tedou, Hoo chob king, s"d soo’ kadu i 
choé came back from court, when Confucius asked 

him, why are you so late?” Sée’ the Pi ahs 




lin. A surname. 

4 ‘ " mm 

An oath. This character is’ ‘eoinmonly 
“An RE Ye 
used in_ novels. q 4. < 
x ae So i «VEE ~ 
ha * led. os ola , 
An Tight: pok fn ers pak dn dn, tie. 
r) it tight. i? 533 
j ‘Vulg: éng: ‘Yeisure: ily ye ‘bos fin 

ASA A aM fil chiond™® jt 06. Ene, no 

leisure throughout the whole aly 
Sip boé che kan héy, song ché& han hn’ ‘héy > 
ah Zia se HB) TD « Ane dy 
viottang Wins, db 3B dy. lng do, doh Vid Rela ot 
tén acresewide, the mulberry-leaf nPS 2 go leisure. 

ly, to, sll \ See the ae ad Se keng, geek; of odes. 

* wilimit, jatenienyéa We 

ms i 


An an, limited. Yit jin che fe 
1 VS an AZ i 

4y cheng sin o} an, one man’s spiri x 

are but limited. 


of a door. 




Read ong:an idol, a god: ong sin EE 

ye. ang sin, a god: ong kong FE Bes 

is ) E, ang kong, 0 divinity: géng ong 3) 

iE, gé"4 ang, to carry an idol in ped ion; paé 
ong FF te HE. paé ang, to worship the gods, 
Loé jin p’hok ong pat KN Fe Je Loé dy lang 
p’hak ang, the people of the Loé-country dried 
their gods in the sun; this was in a time of drought, 
when the people thought to force their gods to 
give them rain, by putting their images under a 
burning ‘sun. Sce the zc fh: ché ‘twan. 
= 4 | 
» Read ong: A surname : also, “overflowing, 
Ang > = vast as the ocean. Chéang, goo seng 
fii Spas yiog HH ce VAG HE 
chédng gwd chit se lang, é ang yi0"5, to spend 
one’s whole life on the vast, Ocean. 

a one a husband, an old man} 
ong po mr mE ang rans! and 
aE surname. 9 ra oh. 
dng, a water jar. “Ong wey & koé jin 
Whae Ze jz ri Atay ane 
‘teh yin wiiy koe lang Khwuy, the li PR 
be opened for au old friend. oe the ff 
» space between the sate a city 
gates. Read ong. 
Readydngs the, leg , on upper = of a 
:ogking x, béet ong. AE, aiéyn ane, 
the leg of a stocking. ~~ 

Ang B 


A’ng lang {i> Disorderly, ous 
rageous. § 
j le 

K wor 

Read dug: a jad sty ong! » chy 

_, Séet kay twan. 

ey ‘Ong ‘tog 33, 1 be sap 

Hea ang, TUR, the top part of boot. 

2 ¢ g P'nee"& ang the inside of the 
rat nose, a disease in the nose. 


Ang vz Read héng: a surname. 

A Read héng: Red; of a red’ colour: a 

Ang surname; héng sam or *3, ang s"a, 

\ a red coat. 

Yit téém héng hwa kwun ch’hae khé, yéw lae chim 
péen swat yine — re £7. ai Bik +. X 
aR Re it oe 18 | YK: chit téém ang hwa, lé Uhityh 
Khe, kth lde chim thadu pee"S king yin e, ‘sone 
speck of ared flower (a drop of blood), you have 
already taken away, and now you come to the side 
of my pillow to whisper and hum.” A couplet 

on the mosquito, made by tik Oe Sde-moeéy. 


thoé ang, a basket of earth. 
SF Read oé: A surname. Also aou yang 

EN ea a double surname. 

v7} A cup: tay aou * ER, a tea cup. 
Aou lan fl Aou k’héng c’*héak séet héang Bolt (ej 

EGF. aou téy chin sé chiyh 

cheth phang, the bottom of the cup was strongly 

scented with the smell of the sparrow’s-tongue tea. 


Téy aou Hh, WF a hollow place in 
Aou (Y) the ground, Koé héén bé aou ché 
bek to Fy FH Ah HR SE Z- 

koe ché dy hée"& K’hwut 4 k’hédh bak chéy, the hollow 

place in an old ‘ink stone, collects the ink in * 



Read ong: A basket: Vhoé ong Lm ze, . 

Uneven, an unevenness in the ground. 


ree HEE Deep and hollow eyes; the eyes turned 


To twist; séw aéu f ih, cWhéw adu, 
to twist with the hand. 

age =) Abou ta By dy; phih’ lang, to beat 
ee people. f 
113 | Lé aéu oa 48, an old woman: an 

epithet for the terrestrial gods. 

Read 0é: to vomit: o€ thoé 
: a ee ns, tk, 
Aou ne abu Choé, to vomit up any thing. 

O€é héng nis Ar, abu hééyh, to vomit 





Oé néw cig adu laéu, to rumple 

up any thing, Ché o€ néw FAME 

AH, chwa aéu tadu, to roll up paper 
into a ball. 

To hold fast: chip adu Hh a) to 
a A 
adhere to one’s own opinion. Ong- 

keng-kong chip adu = 3 is #h 

yy éug-keng-kong obstinately adhered to his own 


Adu, sek put péng yéa hy. A ASE 

» abu, sé chédh. a™ pat"S yéé,adu 


means. a stony. uneven place. 

Read o€: stinking, rotten; not fresh. 

But o¢ whe Hy Hy Fe, mei" odu 

Whe, any thing turned, as “meat. 


Aou naou Ih ysour, surly, stubborn. 

Read hoé: the throat: yéen hoé 
ou OR Ne reoninos 
, nd a6u, the gullet. i 



P% yéen hoé ch'hé #@ ny We Im. pay né adu 

dy wiiy, to guard the important passes of a country. 

Read lok: to assent to. Put k’heng hé 

Anu & lok FR ie Bp Fi, a whin whwed he 
adu, not easily assenting to any thing. 

Read hoé: after, afterwards, behind. 

Mis Chéén hot Fy 7H, chéng adu, before 

and behind, first and last. 

Tay hoe Hy 4%, tay adu, behind; hoé laé i 

XK, "8 laé,. afterwards. 

oe Beautiful, fair, handsome. 

Ap Shortness of breath. 
Read yip: to swallow down; to gobble. 
Ap Gé ap say fi, nf 7K. hé ap chiy, the 

fishes swallow down water. 

ea be 1° be moistened; ap yip héng loé yi 

Ap ria 47 to be moistened by falling 

dew. See the et} ch Kok hong. 

To repress, to press down, to descend. 
Ap i Tong chéet, k’hédng yéw hok ap che gé 
a BR HT A EB SBR a" 

4 chéth ké"a ne wo tityh lang dy kan lan, if the beam 

should break, it is to be feared some one may be 
crushed by the accident. 

Why not? ap, hé put yéa i fy as 

th; ap, sé s"a 80d —s means why 
¢ not? 

/Cho6 wat, ap kok gn jé che’ % Hass > 
ie Hoo choé king, s"a ape ah ot ad 
che} ‘Confucius said, why do you not each one tell 
us of your views? See the’ Sit Seitig tan. 



* ok 






A casket; Pwan ap fiz 

tray for carrying presents on. 

Be, wos in, a 

A cage for wild beasts; hoé sod ch’hut 

é ap FE Se HY ANP toe hap yee 

£06 ch’hut ah, the tiger and wild cow 
- en hay lin. 

Familiar, er related. Kéén choo séey 

ché&, suy ap pit péén sy We 8H 
PE ip iy heh, Rhw"a ked"S twa se"® 

ch'hin kin, yéd téth péén sek, on 

seeing a person in mourning, although a familiar 

broke out of their cages. See the 


ha dy lang, sity sé 

friend, he would change colour (i.e. put on a sad 

countenance): Said of Confucius. 
To eat, to unite; also verbose. Yéw 
ham ké ap Aj fe] HR, tae kay sae 

chéth, let us all eat together. 
Sé ap, rae béng WHE We. ¥) <i sé ap, sé kwa ay 

mé"4, Sé ap, is the name of one of the diagrams. 

A black kind of bird; also, at at 7) @, 
difficult to get out. 

. To restrain; at ché 3B Jk. to repress, _ 
to forbid. Bod k’héuk héng, bod at 

tek 4 WE Wi: $6 58 HB, @” chan 

eWhong wan k’hwut chiy chih, yéw @™ Phang at ché 
lang téih bé, do not turm aside. the ~aqueducts, 
and do not repress the selling of tice. See 

FP ir Hay. beng. 
wee Vulg: payh:)to pull up. Séng jin yéw 
bin ké bé@on che put téang jé@at che 

mdz ZH. Song dy ling wod hwdn lo ¢ dy po 

cWhée & dy a” téing twa, Jé piyh ek’ hé laé, a man of 
the Song country, was grieved that his corn would not 
grow fast enough, so he pulled it up (to make it longer). 


Pit at BB, phee"& at, the bridge of 
At the nose. Ké chitséw, ch’héuk at 

TK a Ji vie cho pod thiou kak ChE na, 

phee"S thabu gnéadu gnéadu, they all got head-aches, 
and drew up the skin of their foreheads (by frowning). 

See rs Béng choo. : tN 
At tI The unevenness of mountains. 

Ay tay me ZB, kéaou dy yéo"S, «the 
appearance of pride. 

Ay Yaz Ch’him ay ie yas deepness of water. 

es Ni 

S| Ay k’hay mets a coniaton of the 
WS | 


# _A‘y k k’hoé Bil qn, ay kaéu, dam'yg spate 

Ay to speak. Ch’héng béng ay k’hvé Hi 

fi i n > cw hai" mat"S éy-kaéu, blind 

and dumb; said of those who can neither write nor 

read.— “Are you dumb, that you cannot speak?” 

jé s8'ay Whog, put léng gin hoe fq Se fim [] 

vs fit B ¥ team ve dy Iho, by hédou king wa. 

Mute ‘ay jéén jé ch’ heaou (fm BR nil} 

\ oe ay kabu tan’ ch’héd, he was mute, 
and did nothing but laugh. 

ry Read wiy:' short, dwarfish : T’hoé-héng- 
Ay As sun ‘wity' chod, put bw4n. sod ch’hek 

T’hoé-héng-sun sé dy & #64, b6 mwré sé el’ hevh 

kwan, Thoé- ~héng-sun was a dwarf; not above four 

3 ih {i Hong sin twan. 

spans high, See the 35 


mi is F Siltty dod andy a9 
m Read hay: below, under; hay téy TP JEE, 
Ay 4 Y ay téy, underneath. T’héen hay kok kay 
Fe P Bl FE vhee"® ay Holh kay, the 

Empire, with the different states ' af Be See 

na yf: Beng chos. 

T’héen kang, hay bin JK K =e kang 
Gy tty dy payh sai", ody has down into 

tic: the lower classes..of people. 

at 4 

ye Read ek: calaiitys ‘chae ee " Be. 
affliction, straits. Ek kéfng jé put 
bin, Dee ri A i ae 

kap song héung, yéd b6. hwdn ‘16, being = 
and poverty, he still was not tom aid of 

Léw-hay hwiy wn Ts. in 


n a 
lA ii TO 
Read ek: pi ites pok ek buay :. 

ELVA Bo th nek tah, de ay 

go6,,to bind on the yoke, in “Seiler te, 



yoke in \ the oxen. 
Read ek: 
chod ‘che che é ‘Tin Ch’haé che kan’ 


kewun chek woo ayh win, 1 Tin kok Ch'haé kok 

straits, difficulties. ‘ Kwun 


ay téung kan, the good maa'(imeaning. Confiicius) 
“Was in’ staits ‘between the ‘countries of. Tin aud 

| Chrhad. See Ad iit hay ang. i = aaa 

$0 ASiulo bh 

“il biwouls 
Ayh nee Read ae: ma ae ty Ah er oi 

% to belch. _ 

hig Od jae thou 4a 
| Read héep: narrow, leona 
Téang twan rane héep te pit i rr 

té"S idy Khivth igh = and. »short, 
load and narrow, |. <4 



Loe dtcp, lan héng B PMR» loé diyhh Ke", 

the road. 13 nartow and. difficult to,travely -\ 

Ko lod héep ad Fl [EG We [> *# chip p’héith, 

sim kw"a dyh, obstmate and narrow-minded. 


Nyh we A noise in the throat, made by belching. 


Ba x Read pa: a scar, a mark of a wound. 

Jénk ba 4} ie bah ba, arising of the 

flesh, an inflammation. 


- Read béfou: a prostitute; cl’héang bd 
Ra 48 igh, abad woman. Ban jin hoe ké 

why béaou il Att He Fy Wei. Ban 

lang kéd ké sé ba, the Hok-kéén people call a 
prostitute Ba. 

Ba hong JFK , the leprosy. Ba hong 

Ba put Wd ¢ HK Faq Ar PY Be, 00 hong 

b6 Chang wuy, the leprosy is incurable. 

Read maou: pan mfou ied Aik, pan ba, 
Bé cantharides: also, pitted with the small 


Read befou; as, bedou lé HK HB. ba ke, 

Ba a fox. Befou lé yéw héet Hii LAR 

ie ba 1é wod Khang, the foxes have holes. 

Géuk béén bédou 7 ffi Fi, seu vim v4, a 
pearly faced fox, a while fox. 

. Ba ba ve et, a country-born Chinese, 

Ba ba put sit Téng san kwuy ké B 

eee iT ere 

bat TES sw"a kwuy ké, half-caste Chinese are not 
acquainted with the customs of China. 

Ba a hwun ba ba 5) Fit) fy fe. 
sometimes confused and sometimes clear. 


Read ok: bad, corrupt, wicked. 
Baé Ok kwiy AB GB, dae kwiy, a bad 
Ne N devil; ok joo ae. ear 3 baé jé, a foul 

word; ok but He Wy baé Sv a worthless thing ; 
ok jin ue K: baé lang, a wicked man. 

Dull, not bright, Chéak h™6 put baé 

15 K Ir Kk, chih chéak hiey béy 

baé, a little fire will not burn brightly. 

See y)) te filj. Zeer 12 twan. 

Vulg. taé: To bury, to, inter, to hide 
Baé JH under ground; also, the name of a 


Gnée hoé baé kim @ kim léng Fy fF] PH & is 

&> LB, go0é dy hoé taé kim twa té kim léng, the five 
Hoé’s (or foreign states) buried gold at Kim-léng. 

Chang baé hod boc Ze EPR Lf chine tae 

pay bée, to bury one’s parents. 

Sod téy ké’ wat, é baé iP Sh jt E] AB PE. 

ch’haé téy sin king, @ bade, to sacrifice to the 


terrestrial gods is called, é baé. 

Rain following wind. Chéung hong 
ch’hé"4 baé, hwiy jéén k*héng laé 

$e |i A #8. HAAR OR. 

chit jit wod hong Kwa hod, yin hwiy kadu Khéng 


laé, after a whole day’s wind and rain, he was 

so kind as to be willing to come. 

Baé E) 

Read bé: the eye-brows; bok bé H i. 
bak baé, the eye-brows. Kwan-é yéw 

go ch’bam dé [if] 4 Ay PA JA. 


Kwan-é wod gi ch’héng dy bat, Kwan-é (the 

Mars of China) had eye-brows like sleeping 


Read bé: the lintel; bin bé FA Ha 
mooi” baé, the lintel of a door. 

Sty k*hé éng hé Tid 5A AYE, seang siy dy 
whe éng mwa le dy moot "8 baé, may happy 

influences replenish the lintel of your door. 


Read jéuk: flesh : te jéuk KR PA, 
Bah wy te bith, pork; yang jéuk = (Al 
yeo"S bith, mutton; gnéw jéuk Ss 
Py. 06 bith, beef. 
Jéuk suy to, put sod sin soo Whe Px HE Z- 
y ( jee BR A. bith: suy chéy, bb hob e yea 
poor"S dy Khe, although he had much flesh, 
yet he would not let itexceed’the quantity of 
rice ata meal. Said’of Confucius, in the is 


séang lin. 
As we . ss 
. Read jéém: to defile, to soil. Jéém 
Bak ¥ woo Yb Jip bak 14 sam, to defile 

with dirt. 
Put jéém séuk k’hé KH Yee iA; a™ thang 
bak th Wé séuk dy Khe, don’t defile yourself 
with .a common vulgar spirit. ; 
Téng-Lé-koé bong léw) chéep jéém, p’hadu IF 
ae [ey 3 oe in + a A> Tong tedou dy Lé-koé 
bang kee"S lew chéep bak tévh e dy Phau, Lé- 
koe of the Tong dynasty dreamt that the juice 
of a willow tree spotted his gown,” ‘land he 
afterwards attained, to, the highest literary hon- 

ours), See the i 3s 5 Rat kong soo liiy hoo. 

Read bok: the eye; vulg: bak chew, the 

eye. Be, bok, pit, k*hoé, I | a 

fie bab, bak, phee"s, em 1 the eye- 


brows, eyes, nose, and’! mouth: 


‘Bé, bok p’han héy ea Bw te, ch’hin eWhai "8 
dy bak chew, oe piiyh pun Khé. hwun béng, beau- 
tiful eyes, with the white and black clearly 
divided. See the ok an séang lin. 
Read bok: wood; sé bok EA JK. ch héw 
Bak bak, timber, Bok cl’héang > EE. 
bak ch’héo"S, a carpenter. 
Yéén bok kéw gé 4 x AR fs, piyh eheone 
chhéw bak chhiy hé, to climb a tree in order 
to seek for fish; (representing the unsuitableness 
of the means to the end). See a F- Béng choo. 
3 , . ‘ a 4,b 
Bak sik bwat; as ibe lé hwa Kk Ai 6. 
bak neé"S hwa, the jessamine flower. 
Read bek: ink; bek héén as BH, bak 
Bak hee"S, an ink Stone. Bin bek che 

poéey 5 a ie al ie ban bak dy poey, 

» learned men, 
Tong phek toé se.hoo, sey wan han bek lim 
Rae) ERE BED SE vnc a ve 
woo tod chhiyh ay hob, sae dy hwui"S woo han 
bak 4y lim, within the eastern wall is the palace 
of books and maps, and towards the | western 
garden is the forest of learned men. 


Bam oe A way of bake infants. — 

Read bwan: “khan 

, Khan ban, to pull along. 

Bran, ee hen é ¥ [al K ey 

sis “foot Phee"S dy e, to pull back ( to. reverse) 

the decrees of heaven. 

to drag, to pull; 

bwan Ke 

Read, chéet:, to pluck; to, pick; chéet 

hwa Pf AE. ban peat 
Way téang chéa chéet ¢ "Bi be 
oe if A, wuy se twa ling ban mi 

to Pick flowers, 









BAN) ‘1 

pluck a branch at the command of a superior. 

See = -F Béng choo: 

Distant, a far journey. 

The plaster ofa wall. Hwiy wa ek ban 

Bu Eo dB, phih p’hwa dy ch’hod 

Qe héd, wa wa dy oWhé6"S péth, broken 
tiles and ‘scratched walls; (a reproachful ex- 

pression intimating, a bad execution of work ). 

a The wide and vast appearance of 
. water ; an inundation, 

bin AB 

pak sé chwan chéth ban Chéou, in the north country, 
they eat nothing but bread. 

A cake; ban thée fae an, biin Uhdou, 
a loaf of bread. Pok sé chw4n sit 

Vulg. mold >ameel; haé ban Yi Gi, 

haé mud, a sea,eely a) congar eel. 

Ae A foreigner, 3 batbarian{ ban bek ied 
Ki. uncivilized people. Gan téung 

sin, héng tok kéng, suy ban bek che 

yang, héng = th AS SEP ae ate we te 

= FR 4F 4y gz kéng wa ladu sil, chd ,s0d chin 

kéng, suy kadu ban bek dy pang kok, yéd éy ké"4, 

when a men’s words are sincere, and his, conduct 

respectful, even into barbarous countries, he may 

“satel y travel. 


The province of Hok. kéén, 
Hok-kéén wat Ban séng lin ao FI 
EG Aor-keen neo Ban sat", Hok- 

kéé called the Ban province 4 
Yang-bGo-kéng cheng Iain ban sip Nee i 

iE ar tA (4 “fe AA Fa] ) 800 "6 veining 

he cheng, hwat lam bén sai? dy chap pay ting, 

 N€68-bia-k ong conquered the eighteen ‘caves of 

bin thoe 4p Ht Be fe fi in. 



) the southern Ban. “See ° the R i Song $06, 


History of the Séng ‘dynasty. 

mt "oO 

A myriad,'''te’ thousand; also, a sur- 
name. Ban siéy yea Hy at 
the lord! of ten! théusan ; an 

appellation given to the Emperor, similarto * Long 
live the cine 

Ban sew bod kéang Eo = 4a a, ché"4 ban 

 neé™® b6 kédng chin, ten thousand years of life 








without limitation; used asa wish of congratula- 
tion on the Emperor's birth-day. 

Not yet: also used as an expletive. 

Luxuriant, wild, spreading as weeds. 

Ban cl’ho Man toe fey Mt fal. 

ban yéén dy ch’'héou th té kadu ch’ heng 
Khe, weeds widely spread are with difficulty 
cleared away., See . the FE (R ché- twain. 

A cueten¢ way ban ioe tent 


To: slight, to despise. / 

18 < 

Ae K’heng yin lan héy, kéw 
TA. san'van $l SENN AP SL ee 8. 

the hanging clouds broken and: dispersed, seem 

intertwined and ‘ravelled together. 
3 leisutely; ban ban {eb ita 
A very slow. Ch'hé"a bag of Mes stop 

a little. 



Inelegant, raveélled} also,. the string of 
a guitar. 


‘es b 

An oe a particle; also, and. 

To despise,"to slight, to neglect; boo 
ban ff IB to contemn. Tong yang 

noe soo Ri po ban i) Re $f. 


Mf i iz Ve. tin ting lan dy ying madu téth, 

chéa éy hwui"S Khe. po. ban, by regulating pro- 
perly the motion of our countenance, we shall 

be able to avoid insult and neglect. 


Ban To be inundated by water. “EP 

The same as ban ! , to slight. Also 

fp léng ké, ké jé put léng séén, ban yéa, 

4h. hw" géou lang jé béy ké ying, ké yang 
jé béy hoé e tae seng, chéy sé taé ban yéd, if 

Ban read béng, a decree. Kéén héén jé put 

on seeing clever people, we cannot employ. them; 
and in employing them if we do not prefer them, 
this = really: slighting them. See the Fx Eh 
Taé hak. 

A sting, the sting ofa bee, or other 

abi Ban bé yéw tok Ay FE Ay 

ap bin biéy wio tok, in the tail of 


a stinging insect there is poison. 



Read bin, a musquito, a small gnat. 

Ban téing jy ink, bang ta; mus- 

quito curtains. Pe bin géet soé 

#K ye ai My» hoe bang ka sé, to be bitten 

to death by musquitoes. 

Read bong: a head-kerchief; hong 
Bang 4 kin #4 th. bang kin, a kerchief 
formerly worn by officers, to keep 

their hair tied closely together, 

Bang Exuberant, great, abundant. 
y A dog with long shaggy hair. Bod 
Bang sod bang hwiiy it. Ai £E aK, 

a™ thang hie kaéu pwiiy, don’t set 

the dogs a-barking. 



» t ’ 
Bang 0 To talk incoherently. 

A. surname; Bang. hong 2 Hee 



a celebrated man in the< —= pd 
A Sam kok. 

Read bong: to hope, to expect; ké 

tA bong ee, ké bing, to hope for. 

Bong to jé bé che kéén 2 ia 

mM K fe RB, bang td chun a yed boey éy 

K’hwna, he looked towards virtue .as~one that 
had not yet come within sight of it. y Said of 

x £— Ban éng, in the - ame hay. béng. 

ab Read bong: to dream; a dream, a 

SS put héw bong kéén Chew-kong 

vision, of the night. 
Be. FEAR AE BE LB AN, twee 

b6 kih bang kee™S Chew-kong, it is now a long 

Kéw ¢, goé 

time since I have dreamed about Chew-kong. 
Said by K’héng-cho6 4L -f,, Confucius, in the 

A an séang liin. 

Read bong: 

Koé chéa bong koé, ying soo 

Dp 8 civnan che bok Ss ge) SFA 
prj + a A, koé lang dy bang, yung sé 

cWhin dy bake, ‘“sThe ancients in their nets used 

a net; a fishing net. 


meshes of four inches square:” in order to 
allow the smaller fishes to escape, that they 

might grow larger. 

i? m7 séang béng. 

See the commentary of the 

One of the horary characters, used 
Badu by the Chinese in reckoning years, 
months, days, and hours. 

Sip gwat che kaou, sok jit sin baou 

ZR WA A 35 om, chap giéyh fy kaow 

chiyh, ch hey yit 8é sin badu, upon the change 



. 6f the tenth moon, the first day will be denoted 
by the characters sin baéu. 

One of the 28 constellations; the 

Base Pléiades. 
: A water plant, a certain vegetable. 
Ba6éu Soo lok phwan siiy, gan ch’haé 

iu ké babu FA MK YP KK. |S TR 

# Bi. sé0"S Whe p'hw"d kéung dy ay kong 
biéyh bén e dy baéu ch'haé, thinking of going 
to the pond before the prince’s school, and 
talking about picking the baéu vegetable there. 
See the Fx ff Tat guy odes. 


Read boé: to bargain; to bargain 

Basuh for any thing in the lump. Boé ké 

choé re He Ff. batiuh kwtly ché, 

to bargain for the whole of a man’s fruit. 

Read sit: to know, to be acquainted 

Bat = with. Séang sit 7A tt, s80 bat, to 
mR be mutually acquainted with. 
Sit joo ak oF FF, bat jé, to know letters, 

Séang koé bod séang sit #4 aA i Hi tie 

sto Khw"d b6 séo bat, to look at ome another, 
without knowing each other. See the iF et 
Tong se. 

Read bit: secret, close, concealéd, near, 
Hot distant. Jip lim, way k’héang 
put bit A Kk ff: re, ese dip 

ch'éw nd, why ké"a né a&™ bat, when a man enters 

the forest [to secrete himself] he is only afraid 
lest it should not be close and secret enough; — 

(Said of those learnéd men who retire from the 
world in disgust). 


Read ma: a horse: a surname. K’hé ma 
Ba Ki. hed bay, to ride on a horse. 
Hwuy kam hoé yéa, mé put chin 

vee FE HR AL. Hy AR aE AIL, 0 02 ce 



k"a thy abu, sé bay béy ké"d, it is not that I 
dare to be behind-hand, but because my horse 
cannot get forward. See the re ay Séang lin. 
Said by Confucius, when he was last in flight. 
Bdy A a farm of the taxes. Sek ma #y fi. 
Tt chéth bay, a stone dam or mound. 
Ma chodé a TF bay a, a farm of the taxes: 
keaou ma chod i} 6 t¥- kéd bay dé, to let out 

the farms; chéw m4 choé iPy hey - chéw by 4, 

the arrack farm; a p’héén ma choé Ba lit 45 FF. 

a phéen bay 4, the opium farm. 

Ma 16 sck FE EH Ay nay w chet, 

the cornelian stone. 

Read ma: a water dam, built of stones: 

ULEDP Read maé: to buy, to purchase. B hwa 
Bay A kéem téep ché, maé sek jedou yin laé 
3R- swa hwa léén bity yéith kadu, bay chéih te8"8 
hwin kith sé laé, removing a flower, the butterfly 
comes along with it, and buying a stone, even 

the surrounding clouds accompany it. See the 

Re ay Tong se. 

= Read maé: to sell, to dispose of. Ché 

a maé mas KEY FE, oho day “vay, 

to buy and sell. 

Maé to maé tok H 7J/28 Lee bay to bay gob 4, 

to sell a knife, in order to buy a heifer. 




Read bek ; wheat; asurname. Tae bek 

KE twa biyh, barley ; hwan bek 

af aR, hwan bayh, Indian corn. 

Béng hay che gwat, bek ch’hew ché jt Rg 

he A AE BK FP, Whe Chabu hay dy gityh 

baiyh tang kadu, in the first months of summer, 

the wheat harvest comes in. See the Fi a. 
Léy ke. 





Die Read béy: to secrete one's-self. 

Rice; asurname. Bé kway K Be the 
rice is dear. Bé ch’héuk hwuy put to 
yéa K oe IF AR Bp +h; bé cl’ hek 

a™ sé a” chéy, it is not because the rice and 

paddy are insufficient. See the ofp a Séang béng. 
Bé téen paé sek K iif FF BB, bé téen pae chéih, 
the fool Bé used to worship stones. This was a 
man of the Song Dynasty, who possessed great 
talents, and rose very high in office, but he had 
this failing, that whenever he saw a stone, he could 
not help worshipping it; hence he was called.a fool. 
Query, Do not many of his countrymen merit the 
same appellation? 

To soothe, to pacify. Bé léng boo 

RY hig Ht. an léng bod dy sod, to still 

and pacify warlike concerns. See the 

EB =e séo"8. se. 


Any thing got into the eye. 

To stop, to putastop to. Kwuy-k’hong- 

choo bé to as Be f Ais #, Kway- 

K’hong-choé bé b6 to ch’ hat, Kwiy-k’hong- 
choo exterminated the robbers. 

Unwearied, not feeling tired. Sit che 
ch’him ch’him, tat che bé bé AZ 
YR PR: SE ZTE A, seth ay ob 

sé0"S 18h cWhim ch’ him, kadu bat ¢ chéw sé0"S bey yéa, 

on giving up the study of any thing, we think it 
difficult, but if we persevere till we understand 

it, we shall feel ‘no disposition to be tired. See the 
rial BE, Léy ké. 

To stop, to put a stop to. 






Vulg: dééy: a tail) an end; vthoé bé | 
Ee, , Phabu bééy, head and itail. Way 
séw wiy bé fz w RR Fe. ké"a thabu 
ké"a bééy, to be afraid of both beginning and ending; 
to be irresolute. 
Séw bé put léng séang koé = Ez A HE Ae A. 
Vhadu biey bey éy séo koe, not to be able to look: 
after both head and tail, i, e. mind two things at once. 

me The bleating of sheep. 

A surname, common in the as Ch’hoe 


Vulg: sty: Beautiful, fine, elegant, good, 

handsome: Choé ‘wity se&ou chin bé ¢ 

Sh S 5 . 

FN BER wren 

kéng, Sin dy gak chin chaé sty, Confucius said, that 
the music of Sin was very fine. 

Sey hong bé jin py ii ce A, sae he"® dy géou 

ling, the clever man of the west. 
Sey-se chong maou bé ley py Titi WK ii oe BB. 
Sae-se dy ché"S madu sty kwa ch'hin ch’hat"’, Sae- 

se’s appearance was beautiful and engaging. 

Beautiful, wanton, overturned; hot, a 

negative particle. Teng woéy che yim, 

bé, ban che yim yéa BN i ZB 
ie eS is a ah th, téng wity dy sé™a, s€ bé ban 

dy yim, the expression, of amorous ditties have 

generally a wanton sound. 

Bé séy té ché BE Ai. JK 3k. bé sey hang swih, 

that which cannot be stopped. 

A kind of vegetable; also, a flower. 

Ch’haé bé jé sit Ff Rik itd & % % 

4 jé chéth, they picked the Bé vegetable, 


and ate of it;—said of Pek-@ and Séik-chéy, who 
and lived jon wild 

wandered into the mountains, 


vegetables, rather than eat the rice of the 75 

Chew dynasty. 
Ch’héang bé hwa ae Hk rig > cWhEO"S bé hwa, a rose. 

Vulg: baé: the eye-brows; bok bé 8 
Bé E] A. bak baé, the eye brows. Also written 

Chin séw go bé Pe TA WE JZ, chin vradu g6 dad, 

a head like the Chin insect, and eye-brows like 
the silkworm. 

Ban bé PY HE, moot"S dad, the lintel 
Bé of a door. Ch’hunsek éng bé AR fa 

Fi Hee cWhun Chee’ Ady sek eng mw 
mooi"S baé, may the beauties of spring replenish 
the lintel of your door;—a good wish pasted up 

on people’s doors. 
Very, more, extensive. Hoo-chod che to, 

a} géang che bé ko, chwan che bé kéen 
ri aff RR, Hoo-chob dy 1, Ma Whe Khw"a na 
kwan, chwui"® e na téng, with respect to the. doctrine 

Bé Wey G6 be IE WA, the name of hill. 
AF KG. Hf HB ts. Bi 
of Confucius, the more’ it is looked up to, the 

hi,her it appears, and the more it is bored into, 
the harder it seems. See the ai Séang lun. 

= Full, overflowing, abundant. H6 sity 

Be pRB) °° 35K HM sine okey we 
mw"d, the waters of the Fiver were 

full and overflowing. See the a Kok hong. 

The brink of water, the water's edge. 

‘Chaé say che bé AF 7K 2h. té chily 

dy dé, on the water's edge. See the same. 

Bé » 

A mound or altar of earth, 

. Bi 
Ch’héen toe Bé-oe 

3 The name ofa place. 
Bé ahs im + Bp 1B, he removed the capital 

to Bé-oe, 

15: BE 

Small, diminutive, trifling. 

Bé Taé jin put téuk séy bé che sod 

A FE LE, td lame 

b6 té téuk sty bé dy sod, great men are not par- 


ticular about small, trifling things. 

Chrhit ch’hek bé khe, @ sew hod bée LR FY 
Fils EA Az SU ie, cwrnie cwneon sey sey dy hin 
sin, lly téth sedou léy & pay bie, “my seven-span- 
long, diminutive body, has only involved my parents 

in disgrace,”— an expression of humility. 

Re ; Toe be hwa Ze BE Ab, the name of 

a flower. 

A large kind of stag; also,a doe. Koeé 

> ee a) eae 
Bé > héng gan bé lok KA BB Ke Be fe. 

Khw"a twa chéth dy gan, kap twa 
chéth dy lok, looking at the large wild geese, and 
the larger stags. See the [ Ff Séang beng. 

Bé } To divide, to part. 

Vulg: méé¢y: Rice-water, congee, rice 

Bé gruel: a surname. Bé chéuk WE H. 

dm mééy, congee. 
Leang-hwiy-6ng € Vhoé téy che koé bé lan ké 

bin jé chééa che 4 FH =F J’) te Hh 2 ok. RE 
Hej EL BE. ify Bh L, Léing-hwity-ing ¢ hot 
téy dy yéén kod, bé lin e dy ptyh sai™®, jé hide ¢ 
Khe sto Chaé, LéAng-hwiy-6ng merely on account 
of extension of territory, harassed his people 
(literally, boiled them down into gruel), and drove 

them to war. 
Bé Bé hot Hq HX, = kind of monkey. 

To drag, to influence. Gno yéw h"6 
Be 7 chéak, go8 & choo bé che 

fi ti 
AR RB RTM Zoe oe 

dy chéak wiiy, gwd hot lé bé ¢, 1 have an eligible 


office, which I will give to you, to draw it into 
your influéice. See the 9 KE Yeih ketig 

Bé Plants growing in the water. 

ee The noise made in calling ducks; bé bé, 

something similar to the “dill, dilly,” 

of English housewives. 

Vulg: bééy: not yet; not; also, one of 
Be the horary characters. Bé laé K AE, 

bééy laé, not yet come. 
Hw4n bé séng in Ir py, yea biéy ché"4, not yet 
Bé léng soo jin, yéen léng soo kway qe fl EF 
NM. BRE BWR rev hok saé lang, bieyh 
chaé ey hok saé kwty, not being able to do your 

duty to men, how can you serve spiritual beings? 

See the - an Hay lin. 

Taste. Gnde bé it Be the five tastes; 

Be rN choo be pe wi Hf, a taste. Sam gwat 
put te jéuk be — =H AP i, 

sa giéyh jit @™ chae bith dy choo bé, for three 
months he did not know the taste of flesh;—Said 

of Confucius, when he was trying to learn the 

music of Sin; so ardent was he in his desire to 

get acquainted with it. See the tee an Séang lin. 

To sleep, to retire to rest. Gno be 
Bé kéw che ‘Hat te Te R zr Khwain Iehé 
yet kéw e, ‘wake and sleeping he sought 

her. See the [aq JBL Kok hong. 

Séuk hin yéa Fe JA SEB AQ RE, cna at whe, am 

chéw k'hwin. Early to bed and early torise. See 
the ay Ag Se keng. 

A riddle; a dark saying, Cho be kip 

jin ebvhaé (% Sk HA A Fp, ond ve 
hoé lang ch'haé, to make riddles, and 
set people to unravel them, 

Be => 


A slanting look; read béa, a surbame. 

; ihe 
; bin 
Beaou ¥ The flowing appearance of water. 

Bes ) \ The diminutive appearance of things, 

Beaou Ree expahsiveness of water. 

Dark, indistinct, distant, enlarged. 
Koé héang beaou bod chéy tk #% 

4S ik ‘mt es, kod dy héo"® le bedou 
hwuz" b6 chéy, to be removed from one’s native 

when viewed at a distance. 


Village, to an unlimited distance. See the fit 
BF Tong se. 

Distant, indistinct; look 

lightly on. Befou hoe put te séy 

ov $b FF Hf ZL hem 

chae kadu tad ldh wily, distant, to 

also, to 


hwut"S, ai™ 

an unknown extent. 

Beaou Oxo The south-east corner of a house. 

Beaou Clear, evident, manifest. 

Beaou (FAA Dark, unfathomable. 

Deep and distant. Wy jéén jé 
Beaou cheng, beaou jéén jé ch'him BF 
and still, 

AR tn ti BS if FR. quiet 

deep and profound. See HE +f: 


hom ny om ‘ 

ate K’heng be4ou Khin bedou; to, 
Bites 6 ston HEE trie 
Mio slight and despise. 

Blind of one eye, dim-sighted. P°hé 
Beaou io BY léng lé, bedou léng sé By He 
a) fi i kééy Kha éy ké"A, 

chhai"S mai" ey Khw"a, the lame can walk, 

_and the dim-sighted, can sec. See the ¥, ss 
Yeh keng. 

The furthest end of any thing, bok 
beaou K Py, the extremity of a 

Léén bedou abey bo cs Ry Ke Pa née 

biéy hiéy am, the end of the year, and the 


close of the season. 

H6 bed4ouw 7, ch héuk mat"®s 
Beaou 7K wy 
the blade of corn. 

neon = The appearance of flying deagons. 


B Y A little child; also, to be alarmed, 
eaou and frightened. 



Vulg: béb; to copy any thing by writ- 
ing, over the original, Befou joo 

dit be vé6 jé, to copy or decypher 
ooy \characters;)to’trace, writing, 9. oxy 

Vulg: neaou: a cat, common cat. 

Betoweh’hé' tong jé Hh FX Tal BL. 

neaou ap neaou chhé ting chéith leng, 

‘6a cat and a rat sucking the same’ mother.” 
This was asingular circumstance, which occurred 
“in the Hanodynasty; and was considered as a 


i oo bad someny 1) 19 

Hd bedou FE fy» po ei'he a, the 
ay young shoots of ‘corn; @ Surname. 
‘Kok che sé seng; wat be@ow’ 3 z 

17 BEEH 

if -E. A i, cWhek dy tod tod 4 sai™® 

kong bedou, when the grain is beginning to 
grow it is called bedou. 

Ong te hoo bedou hoe —f Ay K id a 
éng lé chae po chhé & u™, does your Majesty 

know any thing about the young ’shooling corn? 
See it + Béng choo. 
Hay lap wat bedou ea fe A ip hay thee"S 

Phith lik kong bedou, the: summer ‘hunt is 
called beAou. 

Wonderful, deep, mysterious, excel- 

lent; also, young. Sin hwa put 


ch’hek wily che bedioteyf 

il] 3B Ly: sin dy péén hwa 6 t cl hek, 
kong kéd bedou, Divine transf tions, un- 

searchable in their nature, are called beaou. 

Bé. beaou fii Wy, wonderful, minute, 
Beaou sim Ly HE. very good; excellent! 
Léén beaiou oF yy, neb™S hidy hath cheé"®, 

young in years. 

Beaou By Fine, minate, excellent. 

Vulg: 5&6: 

idolatrous worship. Chong hedou 

os sie “choe " chong " tg an 

ancestorial were 

a temple, a place of ~ 

K’héng-cho6 jip: taé beaou, Boey sod bin 
4L ry KR k jai. Uy: Eo fe] K’héng-choé 
jip twa dé, tak hang mooi”®, Confucius entered 
the great temple, and enquired about every 
thing he saw. See the ; aM a Lin gé.— Also 
written iit bedou. § 3 


‘ J 
Read béet, basket work, ‘wicker-work: 

» Béet Tam ‘54 fi’ beth ‘nd, awicker 

Béet sk PH PE sein ci heit,| a Yash fost, 



To avoid, to do without, to escape, 
to conclude. Béén chit H, Hak to 
be put out of office. 

Yang-sé chéting Ch’haé-keng yéw, bé béén pek 
pohek yéw téém es tea a BE r= Hz: He ft 
By BE A Fh, Yeo"s-sé Chan Civhwa-keng yew, 
béy béén piyh phek woo téem, Yé6"8-sé following 
Ch’hwa-keng in his peregrinations, could not 
avoid the evil of the white gem being spotted, 

i. e. he could not avoid contamination. 
the aN rh Sdng-so6, History of the Song dynasty. 

A low wall to protect people from 

archery; also, invisible, 

The name of.a stream. Béén pé léw 

sty, tefou chong é haé Bj Ae itt 
IK. wy eR iii Béén hwut léy 

laéu, chiiy, Khe tedouw chong é hae, the: flowing 
waters of the Béén stream go to. pay their 

respects to the sea. See the > Me S Sefou gnay. 
H exert. Chod pit béén, che =¢ My 
ii L» le tek hak tevh been ley , 

Sir! you must exert yourself in it. 

To urge, to spur on, to eaimate, to 

To bring forth children, to bear young. 

Béén Hwun béén 4y Uh, to be delivered 
of a child. 
ros The name of a fish, akind of John 

mys Bt 
A crown, an Emperor’s cap. Ban kok 

e kwan paé béén lew By K at 
FF HE [ife, ban kok dy sa. kin ted 

pae béén léw, the robes and coronets of all nations 


must pay reverence to the Emperor’s crown. 

, See the iF = Tong se 




To be drowned, to be* overwhelmed. 
But péén naé soo bin béén 6 chéw 
Qy 'ht FY BS iS: +" 

6 a™ péén béng yéw sod kw"a kap pityh sai"& 

béén & chéw, why. do you not enquire into 

the officers’ and people’s being drowned in wine. 

See the fe] 8 Séo"8 se. 

Distant; also, béén séang oy 7 
sé0"8, to think. 

KA deen 


Béén ké Bx Be, a sacrifice offered 
on every hbirth-day of a deceased 


Ke relative: read bin. 
Bok béen JK TK He the silky cotton 
tree: the name of a tree which has 
flowers like cotton, and of which they 
make cloth. 
Bok béén, Kang-ldm to yéw che 7X If Ir. 
i y A ye at ch’hd mée"S, t@ Kang-lam chéy 
wod, of the silky cotton, there is an abundance 
in Kang-lam. 
Béén hwa #8 AC meé"& hwa, the cotton tree; 
Cotton; wool; also, soft and yieldings 
also, unbroken, uninterrupted ; also, 
4 close and continuous, as weeds and, 
creeping plants. 
Béén yang Ai =f. meé"S yés"8, a wool goat, 
a sheep. 
Béén béén kat liy Fa Ain B a intertwined 

and uninterrupted, like the tendrils of creeping 

Vulg: din: to sleep, to, rest, to lie 
down. ‘T’héen chok\ kim phe, tey 
chok chéen, gwat lé séQng g6 p’hwan 

gnd péen FR HE Si AE: hh YE #8: A #8 

ie Tak E 4 Ea Vhee"S chd kim p'hiéy, téy 

ch chee"® tedou, goéyh, lac dy sting. g6 p’hw"a 

gwd Whwin, **the heaven forms my canopy, and the 
“earth my carpet, ‘while the nymphs of the moon 
sleep by my side.” A couplet made by the founder 

of the AA Béng dynasty, when, in the utmost 
hci ‘he Contitiienced his careers ~ 

me Comtinctad uninterrupted. Lan kwiy 

Béén Hs béén hong Bi kt Be ¥, lin hwa 

kwiy hwa sto swa phang, ‘‘the lan 

flower and cassia blossoms are successively fra- 

grant;”—(used with respect to those whose sons. 

and grandsons advance successively to literary 

“Béén tay Fi HY wen ty, a pair of antithe- 

tical sentences, generally written on boards, and 

stuck up on each side of a room. 

vt “ The covering of a house. 


Beén The eaves of a roof. . 

. 6 Béén. ban , the noise of a 
Béén : i 

i bird: also, cotton threads, 

x : Valg: bin: The face, the front, the 
Béén countenance, Jin sim jé béén A 

ity vil ji. lang dy sim cl’hin chéo"® 
lang dy bin, people’s minds are like their faces; 
i. €, varying. 
Yung yéa, k’h6 sod lim been HE Hh PY Ashi 
iy) nip Yung yéd, Chang saé e bind ldm, Yung 
may be employed in facing the south; (i. e. in 
ruling the people; — because all rulers béén ]4m 
fo i , bin "a lam, face the south, and all subjects 

bein pak ffi] FL» 2% "2 pak, face the north), 
Béén Ate posy ké {ify Hh EF I, sto view 
q ” Iwuy ké, to act coritrary to establish- 

ed customs. = 

To turn the back on, Béén kwuy 

19 BEET 

Vulg: meé"S: flour made of wheat: 
béén paou Gi 4, bin paou, bread. 
Béén paou kan pai € F, bin paow 

kw"a, biscuit. 

E’ béén wiy he seng Y ¥ fi Fa ER HE, vhé 

meé"S chd Phaou sai", “to use wheaten flour 


instead of animals in sacrifice.” This was done 

by HK ify Boo-tey, of the ye Léang dynasty, 
out of compassion. See - iz ze Hay 

beng choo. 


Beéén Y To drink wine to excess. 

Vulg: beth: wicker-work, basket-work. 
béet lam RE €, béth nd, a wicker 

Béet 2 Not, nothing, diminutive; to slight. 


Béet Black blood. 

To exterminate, to overthrow, to an- 
nihilate, to 2 Jr finish.’ Béet. 

kok chéa gnée sip in jal 7 Th 

+, béet kok gie chap, he overcame fifty states. 
See the Md ma Séang etsy 
Ké téém éng teng, béet héw béng YB AE 

Re ink TH I wily tem dy hiey kim olvhai™® 

béet bé yéw kth kwui"8, just like a few spots of 
fire-fly lamps, at one time extinguished, and then 
bright again: — Said of composition which is in 
some parts dark and in others clear, 

Béet kéw chok jf qu Pik véet -kdou dy chok 

to exterminate all a man's nine relations, 

To exterminate.. 


Valg: sééyhe stockings; ch’hwan béet 
Béet = s Hi eWhéng bééyh, tu. wear: 
stockings. . 








') BEK 

Téén | hek Fy fj; ct’hdn hv"a, the 

elevated paths’ between the rice fields. 
Séang-yang k*hae ch’héen bek ras phe 

Hil IF eB Séang-yang- K hwuy chin hw" 

yang (of the Fe Chin’ dynasty) recommended 

the enlarging of the paths between’ the ‘rice fields. 

See the eh iat R Chéén kok ch’hek. 
ee bek Sill. AR: hdexyh math, the 

a, Séang- 

pulse, the arteries. ‘Also written le 

Héet bek  -kwan thong if Hig Hw iH hoéy h 

mai"h kwan Vhong, the blood of the arteries runs 

through the whole frame. 

Bek ké Wi R: a double surname. 

Bek p'hek Aig iA secret, close. 

Mi Shallow water. 

ce veil, a covering for the eyes. Bek 

Fi yiing choo ies S| jis ai ta 

A® vin dy kin yung oe dy, the yeil that 
covers the eyes should be black. . See the (3 ji 
Gé léy. : 

A cloth used for covering over food. 

| To cover over any things one of the 



The covering of a carriage, ek ie 

has the Same meaning. _, , 

To laisiexs ek, kn Kéung sit pa 
Bid ‘ia ra) SR bwith th kwén kap kéung 

na 4S 
Wit, 10 plaister the school and house. 

See the A (8 Cho twin. ~ is igh, 


Bek The name; of an ‘insect.’ 
Sim bek =H i, sim ch hoey, to seek 
Bek for any thing. Seep chew k’hong, jé 
"bek loe We ft thi, ii) 2, BK tih 
chin koey chtiy Jé ch’'hoey loé, he crossed the water 
ina boat, and sought out for the road... Said. of 
=F i ie Chin Bod-tey, in his wanderings. 
Bek A white tiger. “Oe 
‘The barbarians of the nérth, Suy ban 
Bek 'bek che ari héng é iE St Ka ~ 
FS: 4T FR Tf suy jéén ban bek ay pang 
kok, yéé ké™4, even among the most barbarous 
‘nations, (if we “possess sincerity), we. may safely 
ie A See the ° i ne lin. 
= aS =" rain; ek a é bek; bok a ral 
' x == , ie h ; 
Bek Fok. YG Chee". che sey hoe 

added to ‘which there wasa drizzling 
rain,’ See’ the yp Aff Seon gnay. 

Bek AK™ same as the preceding. ’ 


fl nh S04 ‘ 
An excellent, horse; to surpass. 

» Pans: 




Bek © Aaa threads of silk. 

Bek 2° 

sa ink. 

Ban bek che poéy Kee ZL Hi. bin bak dy 

Jang, the literati. 

Héung bod pwan téém bek ha 4. ae By . 

heng Ithém b6 pw a téém dy bak chiy, ‘*on his 
breast there is not half a dot of ink,” — (enti- 

Vulg: bak: ink ; bek tefou ER AR, dak 

tedou, a stick of ink, cheneeenty called 
Indian ink; bek sty x ik. bak chiy, 

mating an entire want of liarning). 
Silent, to meditate, to refrain from 
Ww. speaking. Bek bek put gan LAN Hay 
4 A» =. tédm tédm bb king wa, silent, 

without speaking. 

Bek jé ché che PR [fj eZ, teem teem je ka 

1é bate, to meditate silently and gain a knowledge 
of a thing. See the - BN Séaing lin. 


; Vulg: dayh: wheat: taé bek Jo 2, 
twa bityh, barley. Hwan bek ay aE, 
hwan biyh, Indian corn. 

Kim hoo boé bek, po chéing jé yew che ce 

Ke BEA. Wy LM eZ, a mows ey 

bityh, yéd ché jé Khaou ch’hdou, now with respect 
to the wheat, when it is sown and harrowed, &c. 

See the fp ae Hay beng. 

Bek i] A veil for the head. 
Bek A) A cloth for wrapping wp any thing. 




Bold, fierce, ferocious, courageous, 

strong, daring. Ying béng ¥ th 
strong and ferocious. 




O chéng géém é béng hoé oy K biza JA ti 

RE. o chéng khih géém é béng hoé, tyrannical 

government is severer than a fierce tiger. 

| Beng A small kind of boat. 
Béng Béng téng Be Ay. very drunk. 
Fine tea, plucked late from the tree ;. 
Béng : 

béng gam 4 Wk. fine tea. 

Béng AY, Good, fine. 

A vessel for containing any thing. 
Seng sat, k’hé béng, e hok,. put pé, 

put kam é chéy PE Ze. 2% IL. RK 
ig: AS (fa. AR YE endow sare, wre 

béng, yin ché6"S, b6 chedou pé, a” k"é & chey, 


when the sacrificial animals, the vessels, and the 
apparel, were not ready prepared, he did not 
dare to sacrifice. See the ¥ = Séang beng. 


Clear, bright; to illustrate, to: illu- 
mine, to display, to distinguish ;. béng 

pek AA =P to. understand clearly. 
Béng béng chaé séang, hek hek chaé hay 

BA FE E. iif di FE PS > mene meus 1 tong 

bin, o¢ dm té ay téy, clear and bright above, 
dark and dreary below. See the A Me Tae gnay. 

‘Béng gwat Bitsy kan chéaou nA H Ms ai 

He, béng giéyh séing kan chéd, the clear moon 
shining among the firs: 

Béng BF To survey, to behold: a surname.. 


Dark and dreary: Also written ‘ey 

8 béng, dim, obscure. 
Blind, the pupil of the eye destroyed. 
Béng Bok béng H B: bak chew el’ hai" 

mai"S, the eyes blinded. 
K’hae béng jin bok BA B N =e BR hwuy 

cWhai"S mai"S ling dy bak chew, to open the 
eyes of the, blind. 

Béng BA 

with blood, in order to bind with an oath. 

Hw&no-kong yéw gnée béng che kim ia & 

AR cr Wi Z. BE Hwin-kong wood goé béng 

dy kim, Hw&n-kong had five things which he 

interdicted on oath. 
gay Wy SE paoth eé"8, to bud. 

Béng } 
g Ch’hun sé seng, jé béng che HR i 

HE ri} Wi Z., eWhun thee"® Whe Chéou sai"® 

jé paotth k’hé laé, in the spring they begin to 

An oath, a conspiracy. Ch’hap héet 

é kéet beng Aik Ii YBa OH, 

To sprout out, to shoot forth. Béng 

grow, and ‘bud forth. 

a Vulg: mé"4:a name, a designation, 

Béng fame: béng seng % RE, mé"é sé"a, 

Béng é béng che ys VJ fn Le hio€ @ chit Ity 

mé"4, é kéd e, to givé a person a name, in 

order to call him by. See the ie EL Léy ké. 

To remember, to record the merits 

Béng of a person deceased, Téng héng 
i bp té"4 beng, a sculptured 

Béng seng Gh ice a flag recording the merits 
of deceased persons. 

a. . 4 es = 
Dark, dismal: béng hwun fa. Fy, 
mat"S hwui"’, Bod 

chéang taé ke, way tin béng béng 

the evening. 



ch'hap hoéyh é kat béng, to smear 

fin. We Kk HH, Als BB se ee, Sd hieny Bat 

cWhéa, tok wod. tin ae. béng béng, nothing was’ 

seen of the great chariot, but a cloud of dust, dark 
di trable. See th 

an coterie e. See. e Ay HE Riehop gnay. 

Hong é hééy béng Jal. 9 fig: BAS. hong kap 

hoé, oe oe dm dm, with. the, storm of wind and 

rain, it was dark and dismal. 

Small rain; also. the ana Bit é béng 

bok S&F yj LL If, vat ay toe veng 
. 5 bok, ‘the close ‘raih drizzled ‘down. 

Pok béng yéw gé db j= AT fH pak haé woo 

hé, in the northern sea‘ there ‘are fishes. 

Béng o\A names dark, | 2 

y d y' rf -F SS 
: To open ‘the eyes without seeing any 
Béng light: dimness of sight; closing the 

‘eyes in death, 

Ké sé béng béng +t mi Ait Fl. e hws 

ch’hai"S mat"®, he looked dimly. . 

Kam sim béng bok H nn fi H.- kam sim 

Whiyh bak chew, he contentedly closed, his eyes 

in death. a 

Béng kéep clrhd HAE EY, veng 

kéep ch’hdou, a-kind~ of sensitive 


a leaf on the first day of the moon, and to 

plant, which was’ said to put forth 

continue producing one leafa day till the full; 
at which time the leaves began to fall, till by 

the end of the moon they were all gone. 
of in the Ai (jf Kong kam, 

The name of an insect, that lends its 



chrysalis to another, to be brought 
“yup as its own. 
Béng-léng yéw choo wh AR = el béng-léng 3 
woo ké"4, **the béng-léng insect has its chrysalis,” 

which is stolen by another, 

Bios. bee A. flying jinsect, that, stings people. 
Béng : Han-Kong-bod chok hwuy béng 
; he kong ch’hek_ bé chek Ea J: pL 
t ie Fits 4 1 HB ig. Han-Kong-bob chok 

Inouy béng kong cl’hek bé dy eWhat, the Emperor 
Kong-bod of the Han dynasty made a kind of 
flying dart, to oppose the red eye-browed robbers. 

The cry of a bird,. or any .cry or 
Béng Wi ., noise; the crowing of a cock, or 

ringing of a bell, or any other kind 

A kind of dart or sharp weapon, 

of sound; yulg: tan, to ring, or hé, to crow, 

or hadu, to cry or call. 

Key béng koé hwiy bin é téung kok EAE np, 

Hoy wk fir vik rp EA: key thé kaéu pwiiy tit 

thé"a & thong téung kok, the crowing of cocks, 

vand barking of dogs, were heard throughout 
“all the middle country (i. e: China), See fq 

+ Beng choo. , 
Sam léén put béng, béng chek keng jin = 

4e FR, B. WES FN) BE AL, 22 nee v0 tan, 
_ tan chéw hoé lang ké"a, it did not sound once 
‘fs three years, but when it did sound, it 

alarmed people. 

Béng A beam, a rafter. ’ 
Béng Clear, fine rice. 
The pith of a tree; also, the name 
ng of a tree. 

A command, a ‘decree, the decree of 
heayen; fate; to order, to command, 
Chang béng chéé ch’hut hoe Hf Gp 


23 ‘BENG 

1 1 Fy thas beng teng dy ling ch’ hut 
moot", the bearer of the message went out at{ 
the door. See the ~ Fi] Hay lin. 

T’héen béng yéw chaé, ké why, Chew-Bin-éng 
met Fe Al Ae. SL By 30E F. 

thee"® dy béng wod té tit, evchd \cl’hin chéo"® 
Chew-Btin-ing hoé, ‘‘The decree of heaven being 
fixed, let him do as Ban-éng of the Chew 
dynasty.” Said by Chd-chvho! WY #R, when he 
wanted his son to assume py ‘title of Emperor. 
See the — ed Sam kok. 

Sé win pnt chéy, béng toé to eh'hwan ies Bud 
Ay Ri it Ye 4, » sé wiin a” chéy chwui"S, - 
mé"a toé chéy ch’hwan ch’hok, the revolution of 
times and seasons is not equal, and the way 

of fate is full of errors. ‘Said by = 7) YG 

Ong- -put-haé, 

of the'year: also, a surname, 

Sod sé kae yéw béng gwat 1) nee ef AR 

a FA- #2 sb chd pod wod véng gityh, the four 
seasons, have each their commeticing months. 
Béng boé sam ch’héen kaou ‘choé ra +} = 
ie HH > Béng-choé dy né6"S iby s"a kwhy 
pw"a ch’hod dbityh ka e dy ké"d, the mother of ~ 
Mencius thrice removed her dwelling, in order 

The beginning of any thing; applied 
to the beginning of the four quarters 

to instruct her son. 

SF Any thiog wished, or desired: a sur- 


A surname : Béng-bo6-chod, pang yéw 

Béng OY aS) to, chek 18 SF DN a A 58 
aU Fy 40, Béng-bo6-chob, pang kok wood 

to dy st chéet, chek t2, Béng-hob-cho6, when a 
country possessed the right way, splayed wisdom. 

See the M ai) Chéo"8 Join, 

To open one’s’ eyes; also, dark. 


. Sorrowful. Put éé hoey, ek bod béng 
Bing sien Fa SH HT M6 AE 
E} b6 hie gwd, cho hiéy béng yéd bb hwan 

46, if you do not admit me to a share of the 
confederacy, I shall not be grieved. See the z 

{8 Cho twan.. 

- p.. Read bedou: to transeribe, to copy; 
Béé beaou joo Hi =, bé6 jé, to trace writ- 

Bedou sé put chin Hi ye} Ar i, béé séé Z™ chin, 

to copy incorrectly. 

Read bedou: a temple: Taé-pek-kong 
Bés beaou kK 4A aN iii, Twa-pityh-kong 
béG, an idol temple; the temple of the 

“Cold great uncle.” 

Chong beadou che soo 7 ej oe 7B chong béo 

dy sod, the business of the ancestorial temple. 

3 Intertwined, twisted, plaited together. 
s lm 

Béw Téw béwyéw hoé a ge Whe P, 

ros téw béw Vhang moi’, *‘to twist straw 

about the windows and doors,” — said of the birds 

who thus form. their nests. See the je) Jal 

Kok hong. 
; Erroneous, confused: hé é ch’hok bew 
Biw BAR eh cbos fay YY Bi BE we, 

4 Zz an chw"é ch'ho béw kadu annéy sai”8, 

how is it become wrong and confused to so 

greatadegree? Said by =o iE [ex ‘E-téng-kok. 

Wrong, false, erroneous, wandering. 

Bew = Ch’ha che hé 1é, béw é ch’héen 1é 
Ze LE Ht. BY FB, 

cWhay goé dy hé lé, éy béw kadu ché"é ch'heng lé, 

a difference of only a hair’s breath will afterwards 

lead to an error of a thousand furlongs. 

Dany) Read maé: to buy, to purchase. Sedou 
Béy chaé t’héng maé maé, € chit chéy 
A rears « 



chaé dy kw"a Vhé"a ling bey béy, é chit pai™S ché"a, 

the under governor attended to people's buying 

and selling, in order to promote equity. See the 
yal vii Chew léy. 
To be deceived, to err, to wander ; 

béy loe K i, to go the wrong way, 

Béy toe be wan He LR Fe js, vey 

dy loé biéy wod héd hwut”®, we have not yet 

wandered far out of the way. Said by Bq S| AA 

The sleeve of a coat, a cuff. Séet 

kéw té4ng, twan yéw bey Eo a =a 
yi) i &, sae I’héa dy s"a téth té"8, 

ching téy ché"a eWhéw dy ch’héw wut"8, his pri- 
vate dress was long, with the right hand sleeve 
short. Said of Confucius, in the _| 3 Chéo"S Jin. 

Read maé: to sell, to dispose of. 

ay Mae to maé tok eB 7] iI Ie. béy 

to, Khe béy god 4, to sell a knife, 

in order to buy a heifer. 

to exert one’s self in a person’s service. 

To urge, to strive, to exert one’s-self. 
in ap Bin béén chédng 808 fh Of Fitt EE. 

Clever, diligent, intelligent. Gné suy 
put bin, ch’héng sé4ng sé che 54 BE 
KG, HA Bt Zwwcn o 
bin, ch’hé"4 bing ch’hé I’hw"d, although Tam not 
clever, yet I request the trial to be made. See 
the Boe th Séang beng. , 
Bin jé h"6 hak 4K if uy EA, vin kwa ae Chak 
ch’héyh, intelligent and fond of learning: - 

To force one’s-self to any thing, against 

the will and power. 

A surname: Bin-chod sé ch’hek BY 
Re y: AE ail, Bin-chob hea é sin pee"S, 
Bin-choé was standing by the side (of — 
Confucius). See the T aa Hay lin, 






To be silently grieved, to be displeased 
and sorrowful. Ek kéfing jé put bin 

Die BS Hi As Hg, ayn awa rene je 

béy bin, in affliction and poverty, and yet not 
grieved. See the E: BA Séang beng. 

RAC To be sorrowful, to lament, to pity. 
= - a . —-s 

Gée taé jé choé bin é AR = y- 

nx Be fe god they Ue nd ling hwtn ti 

I am distressed for both of you. See the van i 

Ché twan. 
Y To be annihilated, 

confusion. Bin é taé bin lwan 

k WK AL payh sai"® dy é lin twa bin 

twan, the moral relations of the people were 
thrown into the greatest confusion. See the fa} zt 
Sé0"S se. 

. A disapproving name, or codemnatory 
7 ' epithet, given to some kings after their 
death. Such as Al YE TE Chew-Bin- 

dng, the confused king of Chew; and RIA 
Séng-Bin-kong, the stupid duke of the Sdng 
country, — 

RY To rub, to scrape, to brush; a brush. 

The people; the common people; té 
bin ip Rk, to rule the people. Bin 

bod léng béng yéen Fe 4ilg fit Xs 

5. pliyh sai"& 06 chit ly mé"G Chang kéd, “the 

to be thrown into 

' people had no name by which they could designate 

him’! Said of Sin, who: was above all praise. 

Bia chéng taé k’ho kéené Pe HE J oy HR, 

piyh sai"& dy séng chéng twa Chang k’hwnd, the 
dispositions of the people could be extensively seen. 

- See the 7h 3 Koé ban. 


The common people, the horde. Bin 

che ch’he ch’he vin eg ai ar, pityh 

| sail"® gong ging, the common horde 

-are stupid as grubs, See the [ex Jal Kok hong. 










The name of a hill. Binsan to Kang 

Wife ply 382 ja, 2 Bin swe enrmea 

Kang chtiy, from the Bin-hill he led 
the waters of the Kang:"— Said of ED E’, who 

7s] ma té say, regulated the waters. 


stones and gems. 


A fine kind ofstone. Bin géuk put pééa 

ir eo AN A chédh kap géuk b6 

hwun péén, not distinguishing between 

The same as the foregoing. 

Sickness, a disease; to gn6é koe bin 

% Fk HDR. chéy lang kap gwé 

Khw"a pai"S, many came to visit me 
in my sickness. See the k HE Taé gnay. 

x To constrain one’s-self. 

small coins are strung. Also written 

Ké teaou why hé, way se e bia Ht Ht 
Py Kt 44 iP Hy e 18) hé yang s"é meth, tok - 

se kap sw"a, “what did he use in angling? nothing 
but silk and thread.” See the 6 al Kok hong. 

A thread, a string: the string on which 

Read béén: the face, the countermance; 
a surface; to face, to front. Jé bod 
béén chéfing, Uhééy yéw ho gan Yr 
4ilE fia] Ht. Et AR 8 3; lé a™ Chang bin than, 
kadu they ch'héd wod adu wa, you must not merely 
comply before one’s face, and then on retiring 
bring up some after words, See the iP) iE 

Séong se. 



To rest, to be silent: asurname: Chin- 
bit ip ib. aman famous if the Sam- 
kok. pom 








A kind ‘of grass. 


pin Honey : bit hong bit phang, a 
oe honey bee. Ké a be an ns 20) 

x, ké tee"S cl’ hin chés"S vit, as sweet 

Silent penne § quiet, peaceful. Liééy 

SB ty tp Ah BE 
= goey che bit A laé gwa 

chek bit, within and without, peaceful 
; : var =p. 
and quiet. See the ee a {lan se. 

Vulg: bat: secret, close, concealed, re- 
pe tired. Chéng k’hé bit bit ine ER 

SE Khe"S Ihe bat bat, secretly hidden. 

Bit yin put é¢, choo gné sey kaou 4 = ae x 

Pf. 8 < PR AD, vat rwan a” tn hos, choo 

gwdn sae kaou, close clouds without rain, coming 
S| i 
FY AE Yéith keng. 


from our western border. See the 

Dusty and muddy; also, deep and hid- 

Fragrant wood; a name for cassia; 

cinnamon. Kaou-chew yéw bit héang sé 

ae NY A ie ay fat, Kaou-chew 

wod bit héo"™S ch’héw, in the district of Kaou- 

chew, there exists the fragrant bit tree, — chek kim 

che tim héang yé4 EN 4 - 4 a iL A 4H, chek 

sé tong kim dy tim ne which is the cinnamon 

of the present day. 

To urge, to exert one’s-self. 

The thumb; taé bo ché k +i 4B, twa 

po bé6, the great thumb. 

The great toe. 


26 BOE 
Bb Bo bo pF WBE, a common n appellation f 49 
Vulg: né6"8 éy: mother ; hod bé 4. Ey. 
Bo pay dé, father and mother. ‘Way Vhéen 



téy ban but hod bé IEE R Hh 5 YA) 
R FY: wily thee"S téy chd ban meé"h dy pay bé, 
Heaven and earth are the parents of all things. See 

the A = Séo™S se. 


Read bod: not, not atall. Bod put kéng 

fire AS A b6 a™ kéng, unfailing res- 
OVW rect. 
RK 4 

T’héen hay boé put sé che hoo b6 

Ar FE ZR Lf, whee’ ay v6 a” woh dy pay v6, 

‘‘under the whole Heavens there are no faulty 

parents;”— meaning that children .should never 

mei their parents to be in the wrong. 


cap, and gave 

A cap, a hat: Pok-taé-hoé 6 bo se vhéy 
sents A 
, Pok-taé-hoé thé chit léy bi se hoé 

Ris its Empress Pok took a silken 
it to (her son) the Emperor Ban. 

A mill. Sty bo K EE chiy 60, a water 

mill. Jé gé swan bo hp a De BE 

cWhin chéo"S héa pwan swan t@ bd chéth, 

Chinese say, that an ant always travels round a 

“like an ant going round a mill stone.” 

mill-stone in an opposite direction to that in 

which the stone is turned; from which the an- 
cients obtained their ideas of the motion of the 
ane bodies. See the K MX ie Théen ban ché. 
Boé = an acre of ground. Gmnoé boé che 
vhek, sé che é song RwWiZ ae 

it pis y, ze, goé boé dy thiiyh, cheng e é seS, 

let every plot of five acres be planted with the 
mulberry tree. See the ih Chéo"S beng. 

An acre: téén boé rT ae > cWhdn boé, 


The same as; the preceding 
7) cAont? |" 

‘The male ‘of domestic animals; the 
name of a flower. Boé-tan, hwa 

™™ che hod kway. chéa, yéa I: FY AB, 
re boé-tan sé hwa dy K’hih 

pod ;kwity dy, the .Moutan is the richest and 
noblest of flowers, 

An old woman: théen boé. san K 

Boé ie il: thee™S boé sw"a, the “name | 
of a hill. 
Vulg: né6"8 léy: a mother: boé chod. 
Boé TY F-> oe Ke"4, mother and child. 

K'héén goé hoo yéa, kKhwun goé 
boe yea BE HH BE e th Dh AE Ws Chee" 

sé gwan ay né6"S pay, téy 88 gwin MEMOS ey, 
heaven is our father, and the’ earth is our mother. 

See the nie] By, Sey béng. 

An instructress; an ‘uncle’s wife: gak 
Boé boé ir if, téo"8 4, a mother-in- 
eH Jaw. Séuk hoe pek che eh’hey way 

A eet ee 

4y boé sé G™, in common conversation we ¢all an 
uncle’s wife, aunts. ©: 

“Any one, such an one, a certain person, 
Choo ké che wat, boé chaé soo, boé 

os AE Hy, eter and # eM. 

this is such an one, and that is such an one;” 

said of his introducing his friends to a blind 

Man -who waited onhim. See the - mn Hay lin. 

The same as the preceding ; also, one 
of the radicals, 

Kang boé YL 4b the name ofa tree,. 

‘the wood of which yields excellent 
' potash, 





To scheme, to contrive, to plan; key 
boé at pat. a plan, a sheme. Wiy 
a boé, jé put, téung hot Fi KN 

SH AR ES SP mer tne so nee, seo 

téung hoé, in consulting people’s interests, -are 

we unfaithful? See the i i zt Séang lin. 

Boé chong chek chéaing ze 3g Hi) He: boé ho 

chéw than e, if the plan is good, then follow 

‘it. See the k v3 Tae gnay. 

Even, equal to, alike. K’hé é jin, 

ie Ke é vhéen hah XK it Af 

Ke Whith twa é ling, jé kap 


Phee"S vik tw, greater than men, and equal 
to heaven. 

Boé né 3 Jé. name of Buddha: 
also, to take, to win; the noise ofa 
bull. Séang kan choé sim, hay boé 

pek sing FED. PA RE ere 
bin kan kéw cho kong dy sim kw"a, ay téy bot 
eWhé pityh sai”8, above he sought to win the 
heart of the chief, and below to captivate the 
affections. of the people. See the fag Re 
Chéén kok ch’hek. 

Bok boé B Aa bak ang a, the 
pupil of the eye. Chfin hoé jin chéa, 
bok léing @ boé choo Ax F J, 
BE BL TA Ht > crn twa 1@ lng, 06 

Whith hé & bake ang 4, (to,know) what is retained 
in a man’s mind, there is no. better sign than 
the pupil of the eye. See the “fx Tin Hay beng. 

Kwuy boé Hi. is a pattern, a rule, 
a manner,.a plan, Séw chwan boé é 

choo ch’héang x 4» BR hs Re EE: 
séw chwut"S ho dy Kwuy boé é bak ch h80"S, “to 
receive a complete plan from the head carpenter ;”— 
an expression of EE BR Ché-soo.. 




Boé-boé iia Hf was a very ugly 
woman, the wife of fa ie Héng-téy ; 
hence it has become a bye-word for 

any ugly female. 

Vulg: mih: the thin skin under the 
outer skin: the epidermis. Té jéuk, 
te ké kin boé, ch’hé bh chéa 74 
A. Be at C ffi fies. iy i #, ch’'hong bith héet 
é dy kin smih, Chiyh hé dy, in preparing meat, 

take away the tendons and inner skin, and select 
the best of it. See the ia Ate Jé gnay. 

Vulg: dong: to feel, to touch with the 
hand, “Am boé boé loé ha pint 4nt 
, am bong bé,loé, it is so’ ,dark 

that we cannot feel our way. 

To feel: the same as the preceding. 


To scheme, to plan: the same as ak 
= boé. Gwan Séen-seng hdng ch*hod 
PAN vio bot FUSE TA 3B 
gwan Sin-sai"® cl’hing Khih twa chéy ley hwui" 
boé, I ‘beseech you, Sir, to-enlarge this distant 
plan. See the fz # aE Han se. 

é iene Tlie back; the, flesh’ of the back. 

Tam boé KR e quiet and still: the 
x name of a place: .Pok hong yéw Sa- 
boé che tty MA A PR 

Hh, pak he"S wos Swa-boé dy téy, in the northern 
region is the desert of Sha-mbh. 

An insect that eats the roots of 

; x 
A large kind of wheat: € gné laé boé 

te FE Re HM a> sdng gwd laé dy twa 
» biiyh, he presented ‘me with some Jarge 

wheat. See the nt ie Seton, gnay. 








se One of the horary characters; also; - 
lucky, fortunate. Kit jit way boe 

a H Ey XK, hé jit cha boé, a lucky 

day is ssid 4 hoe. 

*~ Ocal 

To praise, to admire; also, to urge, 
AG to exert. BF bod naé tek Ff Pe 4 
nwo Ais, gwd 0 6 le dy tek, I applaud 

your virtue. 

A Niggardly, parsimonious 

To call, to summons. 

A tent, a curtain: wy boé che téung 

ibe He Z. VPs wily d08 dy tang e8, 

| within the. tent,— in the tented field. 

To think of, to long after, to desire: 

a@ surname: wan boé ZE F , to fret 


Jin sedou. chek boé hod boé Pek 

Ef lang sey chéw boé léém pay doé, when people 

+ are. young they long, after their Parents, See 

ae oe =IE Béng-chod se.’ 
Yit kok che séy boé, théen hay boé che — 

Z. Pt Se. RP RZ chit kok dy sty boe, 

Chee"S gy boé e, he that is desired by # whole 
country, will be desired by the whole Empire. 
Boé-yang Fa Ay, double surname. 

Hwan boé bi ee! ‘hwdn bong, a ‘grave, 

a tomb. Koé put sew boe G 7s 
{E {G HA. koé dy lang b6 sew chéng bong, 

_the ancients did not ornament their tombs, Sée 

bt oy Ko Bh EE a A = “ 

bing vg 88 koe ché, dy léy, to remove a ‘tomb: | 

is not aesecutee to the practice of ihe’ ancients. 

The evening, dark, dusk: teaou boé 
BA, morning and evening. Jit bos 

ch’hwa hwun koé BH DS Hi iy RX 

jit am phih mat" hwui"S koé, at the decline of 

day, beat the evening drum. 

Vulg. Bavith: to exchange, to barter, 

to trade; bot ck 
merce. Boé ch’héen jer boé =e 

A 4H, boe ch’héen wod b6 dy meth, to exchange 

what we have, for that which we have net. See 

the f'J = Séang se. 

Luxuriant, abundant ;. boé séng Fe BX 
luxuriant foliage. J@ séQng pek che 

bot dp HS ij WA Je cihin cheo"S 

cWhéng pityh dy boé, like the luxuriance of the 

fir tree. 


Every,. each, all; bééy boéy 
cme I frequently, Biéy jin jé 
wat che, jit ek put chéuk & 4H 

HW ZL IB AS HE, SR a ane Ye 
evhwa hé, jit b6 kdou yéd, if you. wanted to 
please every body, the day would not be long 
enough. See o -F Beng choo. 

Biéy yéw léang péng 4 AR 53 Ai tak paé 

woo hé péng, constantly meeting with a good 
friend. See the ‘hy fe Sediou gnay.- 

Biéy jit if H, tals jit, every day; bééy jin 
4R A. take lang, every man. 

Y To pollute, to defile; jé yéen léng 

boéy eno chae AP diy fle De Tk 

aK, 1é an chw"d éy bak It sim gwd 
_ | ghae, how can youdefile me (by your presence)? 
“See the | FF Séang béng.. 



Boéy 1 name of a place;also, of ariver. — 

Read bé: the tail, the end, the ter- 
mination; thoé bé Hf Fe Chéou biéy, 
the head and tail. 

, trade, com-- 



$6 héy, bé héy, léw lé che chog 2] ay fe 
4y. int fat ZF sy dy, diky héy, léw lé 

dy ké"é, diminished and reduced to extremities, 
like a vagabond and abandoned person. See the 

JBL, Kok hong. 

Read. be&ou: the- end or. extremity. 
of any thing, Sééy bwat wat bedou 

B r Hib, née"® dity king dity, 

the end of the year is called dééy.. 

Bok séy che, way che beaou 7K ral Rk aH = 

HY, ch'héw bak dy sey ke king kéd biéy, the small’ 
branches: of a tree are called biéy. 



Boéy , 

Vulg: @”: A prune, a.plum: a surname.. 
Jéak chok hé keng, jé way yeém 
wer 5 He AD SS HB He BY 

Hy nd bityh chd teaou-hd dy kai"S, lé thang chd ¢ 

dy sée"5 a” 4,.“if we want to make a mixed broth, 

you can. be the salted prunes in it.”— Said to a 

clever man, whose services- were valuable to. the 

state. See the fpp ¢ Séa"= se, 

Boéy- The flesh of the back.. 
The best of the wine 5, Bééy, chéw: 
Bity bo yeh ME HH HP HY, tere 

chéw dy Khith kdou yéd, the biéy. 

is the strongest (literally the mother) of the wine. 
oy J> Moss ;. the name of a. plant... Say é 

aa. = 4. , a. . 
Boéy cho. boéy thae lig BR, gs 3 Ey B. 
/ tly &-chéy 1é. boty Uhé, leisurely, sit- 

ting down upon the moss, 

To translate; also,.a.décoy or trap 

for birds and beasts, Nefou biéy 

& itd; chedou biéy, a.deeoy for 
birds; where a living bird is-used,. to decoy others: 
into the net.. 



Biey chéak YE 44, na” ting, a go- 
between, to-make up marriages. Put 

Vhaé hod ‘boé che béng, biéy chéak 

che gan An FE BO A. fh 1 WZ Be 

ai™ téng Uhaé pay boé dy-béng léng, hi” lang dy wa, 


«without waiting for the command of parents, 
or the mediation of the match-maker.” Said of 
young people who venture upon premature mar- 

riages, without consulting their friends. See the 

tg a Séang beng. 

Boe A collection of soot, boéy than ie 
y TK. boéy Vhw"d, coals. 

— The sacrifice offered by an Emperor, 
Biéy | when seeking fer a son. E’ vhaé 16 
NN Re sod @ Ko-béty VW) kk vi ni ai 

By ie. ying Chae 16 cw haé € Ko-biey, “to sacri- 
fice with the principal animals to Ko-bééy,” 
order to obtain children; 
said to have been the first who brought forth 
children. See the iia i Léy ‘ke. 

Bit fzy 

Bééy . 

because Ko-bééy is 

The green and black appearance which 
any’ thing wears that-has been long 

in the rain; ‘mouldiness. 

A stem: the +. Ri sip che, ten 

‘branches, of the horary characters, are 

called (ix téAou: and the} Ty we 

sip je kan; twelve-stems of the same, are called 

bity. E @ tedou piéy ip fA (E HK. twa té 

tedou dbiéy, twining about both branches and 
stem. “See the k HE Tae gnay. 

Also, a numeral, employed in reckoning : ké boéy . 

hs Bi, kwity boéy, how many stalkg?™ "Biéy pok 
kong sin Me p i} fa. to reckon. up meri- 
torious servants. 

Also, a piece’of wood held in the mouth, to keep 
people from talking; a gag: ma k’hé kim, jin 
him viey FG HE 4. J\ 4BF WG day Whe kim, 
‘lang ldm viey, ‘the horses were déprived of 

their metal ornaments, and the men ‘held the 

' $0 


~wooden gag in their mouths,” in order to keep 
them from talking, that they might ‘march in 

silence, and surprise the enemy. See the = 3 
Sam kok. 

rie» Vernal showers: bééy 6 sé€n woo e 
dy ho® gdow bak Id sdm s"a K’hoe, the 

vernal showers are very apt to soil the clothes. 


A double ring a great lock or chain. 


The same as [Qj boéy, a decoy for 

Read be: Not yet, not arrived at, 
unattained. Hak se hoe, tiy wat, be 

yea SP OB AR 

wot hak se é bb, yin ekéng, yéd bééy, “has he 


*4n ‘studied the odes? He answered, not yet.” 
nr Read yadu: 


to want, to desire: 

kéw yadu, put béng péng seng che 

cn KEK iS PE LZ 

S , hos vieyh, a” phith béy ke, chit se ling dy wa, 
I have Jong desired it, and have not forgotten 

the protestations of my whole life. 



Read béet: a stocking, clothing for 
the Jegs. ‘Chéak haé, chéak béet 
36 VE BU cwneancdn, ot neang 

bok yh, to wear shoes and stockings. 

Tr Read bok: not, do not. 


Bok wily, kim 
jit put hak, hwAn yéw laé jit, | 
A 8 A Be 4 ae 
kong, icin d jit a™ vhak, yéd woo laé jit, don’t say 
you will not learn to day, thinking that another 

day may come. & 
Vulg: bak: Wood: s® bok fi} ro 
Bok cWhéw bak; a tree. Valg: cl’hé, fire- 

wood, Bok ch’héang 7k ie bak 
cW’héo"®, a carpenter. © 

* Bok chéang sin chek chéngy hoé chéang kan chek 
4 = 
bak Phan sth chéw ché"d, wun Chin t"a chéw sé"a, 
when wood (is cut) according to the line, it 

ttf becomes straight, and when a prince (acts) accord- 
ing to advice, he becomes wise. See the ry E 

‘Sos Be. rH 
» To wash the head, to bathe, to wet, 
Bok > to drench, K’héng-choo bok yéuk jé 

thon FF JAY HG, ne 

hoo-chob chang ek chéw tédou kee" éng, Confucius 

“used to bathe hefore going to court. See the 

"R My Hay ton. 
Ait hong” bok é Ki i yk nGP cWhiey téth 

hong, ak tédh “hoé, to be exposed to the wind, 

and drenched in the rain. 

al Bek bok We FR, a gentle shower, a 

a i. 
drizzling rain, 
Valg: bak chew: the eye} bok léuk, 
Bok #B er a table of contents. Bok pat 

‘sé hwuy léy che sek os iis JF 
wz 6, bak chew a thang hw"d hwuy ley 
dy sek, let not the eyes look upon improper 
beauty. : 

Sip bok séy sé sf BA Pry i. chap dy bak chew 
séy kK’ hw", that which ten eyes have seen, (i. e. 
exposed to public view). 

Akind of grass, sometimes used for food. 

Ma sé bok séuk, chek hway 1), pr 

B46 Bl AC. oy chéith, bok séuk 

, chéw pwtly, when horses feed apon the 


dy ch’héou, ; 

bok séuk grass, they become fat. r) 
pig amicable, friendly: hd bok 
Bok f[2¢, peaceful. Kéw chok ké hok! 
: oe. 4 IL Me 9 ee, the nine relations liv- 
. «| ing, in, amity. 
: » Harmonious, obedient, elegant. deep 
' and distant, Kit-hoé 
chok séfing, bok jé'ch’heng hong 7 

A. surname. 



Hy HE al, fe in {5 Jel , when Kit-hod'recited 

his verses, they were harmonious as the pure and 
gentle breeze. See the K Ht Taé gnay. 

T’héen choé bok bok —K -f- e @. Hing téy 

bok bok, the Emperor put on a decpadté ‘hought- 
See the - 4 a Séing lun. 
q A bad epithet given after. death. A 
Cheaou bok ia 3, a succession of generations,— 
the father’s line being ranged under the cheaou, 

ful appearance. 



the son’s under the bok, and so on, 

Sé & cheaou bok eo y i i, arranged ac- 

cording to the cheaou and bok. 

A shepherd, a pastor; bok chéa He 7 
may be applied both to those who 
keep sheep, and to those who take 


the oversight of men; a ruler of aprovince. A 

Kim yéw sew jin che gnéw ying, jé wily che 

bok che chéa AB SANZ AB. it 
yea a Hy X. Hf, ta wod séw ling hy g06 ye6"€, 
jé kap e 2"g e dy lang, now suppose a man had 
received another's sheep and oxen, and had 
undertaken to feed them, &c. See the AT. ri 
Séang béng. 

Vuly: déh: not, do not: bok gno te 

yéa hoe Fh FG 5g) tH. 66 ling 

chae gwd, nobody knows test: bok put 

chun ch’hin Re K ey sa 66.4" chun keng 

pay boé, thus there will be none who do not 


honour their parents. A surname. 
Chek bok BE , silent, quiet, still. 
Teaou @ chek bok che héang by is 

We BZ Hil, téd hé twa té chéng 

chéng dy héo"® 1é, to angle in a quiet and-retired 
village. See the if DK Han bao. 


Sick; pain, sickness. 



, 4 
Bok-yéa bid fm, the name of a sword. 

Sa-bok che téy Wy ya v2 th, the 


Bok desert of Sha-md. . Also,—wide, dis- 
‘| ee tant: at che bok bok jéén yea 
ag hae Yea JE 1B ON KK 1, bing khw"dk e, chun é 
hwut"S hwut"8, looking after him he appeared 
far off. 

Bok Diligent ; seldom used. 

Read boé, to feel: séw boe so pi 
cWhéw, bong, to feel with the hand. 

The appearance of deep grass: chaé 

yé4, wat ch’hO bong che sin 

Ej. BA AE ZG, ta te yea, ting 

cWhabu bing dy, jin, sin, dwelling in the wilder- 


ness, one is called an officer of the long wild 

grass. See if F- Béng-chod. 

Careless, rough, slovenly. Kwun wily 

ey yéen but 16 bong BR KK 
BW BY 4, kwun cho chéng 806, 

a” Phang l6 fr in the management of the 


affairs of government, be not rough and slo- 

venly. See iE ¥- Chong-choo. 

Bong Afb, Pé, bong fi té, not to, flatter. 

Bong [es The old form of ae bong, a net. 




To deceive; ignorant, stupid, Sé 

bong bin yéa Re fe B +1, 

phéén pityh sat"&, this is to deceive 
the people. 

Hak jé put soo chek bong £3 ij Ar BB A) 

fe], Chak jé 06 sé0"® kong béng, to learn without 

thinking engenders stupidity. See the E£ ain 
Séang lin. 

Vulg: bang: a net for catching fish 

Chok kéet sin, jé wily 

Aan héng koé, é téen é s¢ fi tt OH 

Fi ja 4 P VA Wy if cho kat svh, je 

chhing bing, € phith lih Kwa lth hé, they tied 
knots in cords, and made nets, to hunt and 

fish with. See the Bh FAG Yéith keng. 


Bong léang HJ jin, spirits inhabiting 
marshes and damp places, said to 

or birds. 

Having lost one’s aim: disappointed. 

An outer ring put to the wheel of 
the Emperor’s carriage when em- 

ployed in hunting. 

be like little children of three years 
dark red colour. 

A large kind of serpent. 

The appearance of wide extensive 

water: also, not clear. 

Not clear; a dark day, without much 

light from the sun. 

ae A kind of smoothing iron: koé bong 

ay & vham 4 GB} Yet, a_round pool 

or pond in conn like a, Chinese 
smoothing iron. 


Téng bong Me ie, a hilly appearance. 
Bong Cunning, artful. 
BS To be deceived, to be wrought upon, 
ma} to be tempted. 
To flee away; to lose, to be lost, 
Bong to die, to be out of existetice. Béng 

jin boé € wily pé, jin ch’hin é way po 
CA RD i AR YA Tes i 
aé pay boé é wily pé, a fugitive like myself does 
not consider anything of value, except the love 

of one’s parents, which is of real value. 
Ch’héang yéuk thoe an, héng bod jit é set GR 
tty Be. U SIR H RRs Vhan soo yéuk Vhaou 
an jéén, ling pity v6 t8"4 té0h jit, when a man 
complies with his carnal desires, and pilfers self- 
_ indulgent ease, the day of his ruin is uncertain 

(i.e. it is near). 

To forget, to slight, to miss, to lose, 
Bong — bong ké a béy ke tit, to forget. 
iC“ g kay naé tek, wat tok put béng 
PIE) EAB HG, eet ew wey 
tek king tok a” k"d béy ké tit, 1 applaud your 

virtue, and promise not to forget it, See the 

je dt S85" se, 


The appearance of grass; abundant. 

‘ “ 

w The wide cxpansive appearance of 
Bong a water. 

Pok bing san |a uf pb, pak bing 

sw%a, the name of a hill, in the 

vy ij H6-lam province. 


33 BONG 

Bong +2 The name of a hill. 


Bong xX” cover oyer any thing. 

Vulg: mai"&: sharp, sharp-pointed. 

Héaing kek yaou béng He wk ie 

AXE hédng béng dy kityh, yaou kwui"= 


kwa mat™®, the martial spears, were gleaming 

and sharp. 

Hurried, hasty, in a bustle. Boé 
hwun, sin kd péet, bod fiaé thaé 
ch’hong béng hoe Da He fe ft 
i), fre Th k Bit F,, mai"® hwui"® hwun 

yéen, mat"h chaé kd. séo péet, b6 nab Phad cl’ hong 
bing hoé, to marry in the evening, ahd» depart 
the next morning, is it not too fufried and 

hasty? See kt if af Toé-hod ser 

To receive, to be acted on; to be 
thankful for; youth, the time of 

youth. To bong 4y ae; to be 

thankful for. A surname. : 

Béng é yang chéng, séng kong yéa a Vi 
TE Hh th, sedou léén yang ché"2, séng jin , 
dy kong 16, when from youth a person is brought 
up in the right way, he will display’ the’ merits 
ofasage. See the 3, fm Yéih keng. 

Béng lize The name of a hill. 

tA a, ey. 
Bong == Chéem béng fs @, to look towards. 



To cover over: a cloth. for covering. 




Small drizzling rain; also the name 

of a river. 

PE rie appearance of the sky before 

RR sun-rise. * 
The appearance of the sky after the 
Bone AB PP y 
< moon is gone down. 

Bong He Blind ; having lost the pupil of the eye. 

AB A small kind of insect, that flies in 




Béng téng 54 ff a war-boat, a vessel 

2 of war. 

¥EED A net for catching stags: also, the 

Bong Ap motion of the eyes. 

Bd L A net for covering over any thing: 
nS Dy also, a pig. 

The vapours of heaven descending, 


when not answered by the corres- 

ponding mists of the earth. 
5 Béng seaou hk Rit, a kind of medi- 
B ns cine, something like saltpetre. 

Bong t 


A great cloth, a large napkin. 

Vulg: bang: to look towards, to look 
bong Be te BY, ké bang, io hope, to 

up ee to hope for, to prone. 



a gs bige jéén k’hé che, jéak chéang bééy yéen 
BS AR BoC. ee RE acta Ome tne 
wt Khe e, chun & chéang bak e ld sdm, looking 
towards them, he got out of their way, as though 
he would have been defiled by them. “See i - 
Sé bin jé séang, bong to jé be. che kéén Ih 
Bi A, GH eZ meta 
sai" cWhin chéd"S wod séang haé, bang 10. chun 
& yéd biéy éy kee"S, he viewed the people as 
though they had been injured by him, and looked 
towards virtue as if he had not yeticome in. 
sight of it. Said of 3€ 5E Ban-dug. 

Bong EB E The full of the moon, 

Disorderly, corrupt: vulg. lam sam, 

out of all order. Kim che béng jé 
sts bing YO (HW, 
ia dy king kéd Chak cWhiyh ling, lam sam, 

those who are now called learned men, 


corrupt and disorderly. See the ak aL Léy ke. 

» ei OK te A 
WM, eA If, chey yea sb lam sim dy lang té"a 
té"a, this then is 4 disorderly, worthless fellow. 

i bang keé"S, to see in a dream. 

3 Chong-chew bong why hoé téep 
i: Jr} 3. Be Fi, bi we, Chong-chew bang cho 

biéy yéith, Chong-chew dreamed that he was a 

Bong téy laé @ léang pit BE Be AE it 

Cl’hod &k bong jin yea é 

Read bang: a dream; bong kéén BB 

itl, bang séang tey sing gwaé ho dy hod pit, 
I dreamed that the high Emperor presented 

me with a good assistant. in the government. ” 

See the fa # Séo"8 se, 

The same as the preceding. 



ee Dark, as when the sun and moon 
Bong : 
do not shine; confused. 
Read boé: agrave: paé boé FF in, 
Bing paé bong, to worship at the tombs. 

CE Ka.bod snes a ia SL AE OR, 

kiey hwin bing sai"® ae ch’hém, on passing a 

tomb, we feel melancholy. 

Martial, military, brave. A surname. 
Kéw kéw bod hoo, kong hoé kan séng 

AEE A, Be fF BK, Hone 

béng dy bod hoo, kong hoé dy kan sé"4, brave 
military men, are the clubs and forts of princes. 

See the ey FX Kok hong. 

Bain k’hé keng pang, bod Who téng kok 30 
HY EIR SE AY HE BM, car an crn 
pang, e dy bob thang té"a kok, his literary talents 
are sufficient to regulate a state, and his military 

acquirements equal to establish a nation. Said 

of af #4 “rT Kok-choo-gé, 

Bod Boé mé it dA soft, effeminate. 

YY ¥ 
™ Bod hoo vin tik a fine kind of stone, 
resembling a gem. 

Bod ban, to insult, to despise, to revile. 
Boé k*héy théang lap hod 4m Fie 

iB 44 fit, a™ thang Khé Chéou 
théting at, ké"@ né lap bod ban, do not begin 
* to shew favour, lest you should receive insult. 

See the {ny iF S80" se, 

To love: bod jéén i We vacant, not 
NTL self-possessed. Also written fat boo. 



Boo To soothe, to pacify. Also read hod, 





The same as Tit bod; soft, effeminate. 


Side chambers, round a court: a yard. 


Thick, fat, fine, elegant. Chew gwan 

bod bod fal Sr jy JE Chew dy 
$QYY = gwan ley bos bod, the original terri- 

tory of the Chew dynasty was fertile and fat. 

See the Fy HE Tat gnay. 

To gambol, to frisk, to throw about 

the arms. bod. 

kéém SE $l , to brandish a sword. 
Boé kan é é léang kae $a =F WF bij BY, 
bob Vhiy kap chedou mé té séing péng gim kay, 
they brandished their clubs and feathers on both 
sides of the stairs. See the {i 58 S80" se. 

Chéuk t5 sew boo JE HY Fe HE, Vhaiua civ’hew 

bo6, frisking and gamboling with the arms and legs. 

Also written ee 

Eng bod He ie. a parrot, a cockatoo. 
Eng bod léng gin, put lé hwily neaou, 

WG iG AE SAN TIE a, me 
bob éy king wa, séing im lé é pwuy chedou, a par- ’ 
rot is able to talk, but still it is nothing more 

than a bird. See the fe. Be Léy ke. 

Boo ¥ The name of a hill. 

ya The same as AE bod, to slight, to in- 

sult, to despise. Bod séng jin che gan 

Nis Be XK vy a; bod séng jin dy wa, 

to despise the words of the sages. 

The ancient form of {iF bod, not; bos 
kéw JE Kk, bé chééy, faultless. 


Also used for fff, bod, nots bod jé 

Boo way yéw (2 I) Fay Fy, doje cho 
woo, to pretend the existence of things 
that do net exist. 
Vulg. 06: no, not, not in existence, do 
Bos . not. Bod yéw put jé ké fit Ki A> 
é vw vil Ee: @™ hang wod tae: yew a™ tith 
téth ka t@, don’t have a friend who is not equal 
to yourself. See the -E in Séang lin. 
> “ 
Kwun cho6*bod séy cheng pe a 4 pif f , 
kwun choé b6 séy chai"S, a good man has nothing - 
thathe strives about. See the eee? em Séang lin. 
X>je- Overgrown with weeds, and grass. Ae 
Bod ASE sé ch’hé che boo wey ee pe i ad 

ha bob wéey, 
vw Alle Hi, sé cWhaou dy bob wéey 

lamenting to see the grass and weeds so over- 
grown. ; 

Not, do not, an interdiction. A surname. 

Boé put kéng Ht Rp aif, b6 iv™ keéng, 

be not in any case disrespectful. 

See the vie BP, Ley he. 

A conjurer, a necromancer, one who 
h performs 

Jin jé bod héng, put k’ho é chok 
boo A iffy Mik i As PY YY, (fe AB 

ling na bb héng sim, a” Uhang chd sae’ kong 

incantations. A surname. 


kwa e seng, if a man does not possess a persevering 

he can neither be a necromancer, mor a 

—T ahi Hay lin. 
To deceive, to cheat. Kwun chod che 

td, yeén k’hd bod yéa FR FZ 
iff 5 ny Fad th, kwun chod dy to, 

an chw"d éy phéén tit, the way of a good man, 

how canitbe deceitful! See the - an Séang 

Bod ATE. A sort of nets, near-sighted. 



physician. See the 

= * 







- solitary mists flying about together. 




A deceitful expression; not; also used 
for Be boé, to consult. 

To attend to any thing, to employ 

all one’s powers in any thing. S06 boo ~ 

BK. business. 
Kwun choé bod pain i + BH A, kwun choo 

chwan ying Khwiy lat é kin pin, the good man 

attends sedulously to the principal thing. See the 
Hi * an Séang lin. 

= A fog, a mist: yin boo En Se clouds 

and mist; bong boo ik 5%, a mist. 

Lok hay é koe boo chéy hwuy 4 

fe fl Est. BAIN ig By wis lan Wh dy hay, kap koe 

kw"ad dy bod cho oo tit pwuy, scattered hazes and 

See the 

EA ay a Ong- put ban. 

To look with the eyes downwards, 

dim-sighted, near-sighted. Hoo bod sé 

chéa, 6 hay way ch’hek R 4z ie 
ay yy RE Ba Ip kin sé dy ling lth wuiMS 

ché ch’héih, near-sighted people take yellow for red. 

To gallop about in confusion: to go 
Tit yes wat 1é, lwan té 

vyre wat bod jf, EB by ey AL §b J 

%, tit 6" kong té, lim sém phiou kong bod, 
to ride straight is called té, 


to gallop about in 
disorder is called bod. 

‘A domestic duck; a wild duck is called 

Fe hod, and a common duck & boo. 
K’hek gok put séng séang liy boo 
JN AB A wee 1) JBL ie mes om 
ché"d séang luy th, trying to engrave a wild goose, 
if you do not succeed, you will only produce 
a tame duck;—said of those who try to imitate 

great men, and fail. 

Boo lé aK tf, the name of a-star: 

Bod-chew A Hy the name of a 




To cut, to cut off;.chod. ban | YN 
ka té kwih aéu, to cut one’s own 

Bin J 
¢ throat. 

Téang-jé, Tin-é, léang jin séang é, ho. wily bin 
king boon He FF, DAES. HAH 2, BE 
2 bye] 28, Tés"8-j& kap Tan-t, nd lang séo 
é; hd kong kwith n@ abu dy kaou, Téo"S-jé and 
Tan-é both formed an intimacy, which they called 
‘* cut-throat friendship ; **»— which. means that. they, 
would remain faithful to each other: till death, 

See the La ab, Soa. ke. 

‘The sides.of the mouth, the dimples, 

Vulg. bdng: a musquito, a small gnat. 
Bin béng chwan hoo, yea put 

an chek 
wn DX cic Be UM eR HE 

bing kia. lang dy bith, mai"® kan béy k’hwin, when 

the musquitoes bile our flesh, we cannot sleep. 

by night. See HE “f- Chong-choo., 

Bin Ae 


Bin Separated. to, a. distance, divided. 
Bian al Ch’héang ban ies Wy the name of a. 
Bin United; ban hap-¥% AY, joined: toge-- 
ther. . 
Y tF 
To wipe, to rub, to handlé. Koe choo 
Ban gim, j¢ bin lay PI] -f. nA if 4x 

mR, koe ké"é gim Nasu, je cWhit bak 
ch’haé, an orphan child moans and wipes his eyes, 
Ke kwan kéw, bé sting biin sek k’hé yang ke hok 




kwan ko6, biéy wod bong ch'hing k’hé ying cWhéa 
hok, dwelling long in office, without handling or 
adorning the furniture, carriages, or apparel. 

The sides of the face: also,. bad,. im- 

To hold: té ban + #4, to grasp, to 
layshold of. Bok ban tim séet CI 

Fi RG. bd. lang tai" gwa dy 

cheéh, there is no one to hold my, tongue. See. the 

‘kK Att Tae. gnay. 

Literary, literature: also, ornamental, 

Ban: xX ornament, surface. Asurname. Bin 
lé x FE polished, civilized: ban 

chéang KH, bin chéo"®, literary composition. 
Hoo-choo sod. kadu, ban, héng, téung, sin, Kk 

-- py He x 4T be {a Hoo-choé wod sé hang 

4y kad hwin, bin chéo"®, séy ké"4, chin téung, kap 

sin sit, Confucius had four subjects of instruction, 

regarding literature, conduct, fidelity, and sincerity, 
See the sd oh ait Séang Ifin. 

Héng yéw @Jek, chek é hak ban 4F 4G ee yy. 
HH y EA XL; ké"& chéy lity yéé wod.chhun dy 

Whwiy lat, chek ying e é hak bain, having done 
these, if a man has any remaining strength, let him 
employ it in learning, See the Bs a Séang lin. 


An autumnal sky, a elear sky. Sun 

ho khip @°ban théen Bp fe hw Hs 

iy JK, Stn hasu che te ban eee” 
Sia cried!'and lamented under the clear heavens. 

See fr -f- Beng choo. 


The variegated appearance of the clouds. 

The stripes-in checked and embroidered 

Ban cloth, 


To hold, Fan ong 

séang héung, naé, bin chéuk } 

Hi Ha 79 Ff JE» ‘Han ing’ stang 

to lift, to move. 


té8h heng Kham, chéw khé kha jé chadu, when the 




king of the: Han dynasty was, wounded in his 

breast, he took to his heels. and fled. See the 
ot Soo ke. 
Ban hoe PH moot"S ‘hoé, a door: 

ch’hut bain Be me ch’ hut mooi", to 

go out of doors, to go abroad; bin 
i fap mooi"S Kk hadu, before the door: 
k’hae ve BH ime Rhwuy moot to open the door. 

Gé loé yéa, léy bin yéa Ess we dit, nh | 4 

Zé chd loé, ley. chd moot"S, righteousness is the 

Whoe P 

road, and propriety the door (by which we must 

enter). See aa + Béng-choo. 
T’héen chod kéw bin K > v/a PY, hing tey 

kabu dy mooi"S, the Emperor has nine gates to 
his palace. 

Ban jin put kéng Chod-loe Py ri AR i f 

ee, hak seng ai” kéeng téiing Choé-loé, the rest of 
the disciples did not respect Cho6-loé, 
> Uham rhea, to listen. Ch’héep 

bin £5 AL thaou vhé"a, to hear by 

stealth, a humble expression, used at the beginning 

Vulg. fhé"a: to hear; tham bin ie 

of. essays, meaning, ‘*I have heard,” &ec. 

Bain chéa bok put hin k’hé yéen a we BL x 
bit ie & thé" a dy lang bs a™ hin Whé _yéen, 

those. who heard, uniyersally arose to action. See 
© TS ata Hay béng, 
A surname; and | A Bfin-jin, a double surname. 

yA A kind of grain. 

An opening in a ravine, ‘where the 

water runs out, and the two banks | 

EL project, like a gate way; hod e.chaeé 








bin B 5 FE ME the wild ducks stood in the — 

Tae gnay. 

5 Se _™ j 

4] Ss \ 
Ban thoé fa 5 cheth ata 

down the’ head. Aj- 

to hang 

mouth of the ravine. ‘See the K 
The sign of 'the. sito ict) Je bin 
Ay. 4, Jin, ye, you people ;, gno ban 

BPA lan, we, us; This: character 

is:¢ommon in novels... |). + 

Read ban: ‘a cake ; ban Phoé péng 

ee BLL ban Chabu pé"a, a flat 

cake made of meal, a biscuit: bao 
thoé oe Phaéu, bread. 

Vulgs: moor"S: to enquire, to ask ; 
-geng’ bin 7 AL sé"a biin, a report, 

a sound, 

Kwiy-lo@ bin soo kway sin,; Chod wat, b@ Jéng 
s00 jin, yéen léng soo kway, As ie | Ba Li 
ji). J ALAS HE AL hs fe 

Kwiiy-loé mooi" hok saé kwiy sin dy sod ; Hoo-choe 
kong, biéy €y hok saé lang, bééyh an chew"4 éy 
hok saé kwiy, Kwiy-loé asked about worshipping 

ghosts and spirits: Confucius said, we cannot 

yet Serve men properly, how then can we’ wort 

ship ghests. See the Li Séang lan: 
Bin jin fey f, moot"® jin, “ He asked about be- 

nevolence :?’—)iin té | Fi, wioiPMeeER “He asked | 

about knowledge.” 
A fat and plump appearance. 

Report; fame anything that is heard. 

Léng biin kéng @, se é sin Ay fi] fs 
52. Hitt PS Ep, hé dy sé"a ban kong 

Khwih dy 0 U6, se é hin sin, an honorable fame, 
and extensive’ praisé bestowed" upon a pérson. 
See the FR ie Hay beng. - rors 

tj ft 






» Sorrow, trouble: yew bin a pa - 
' hwdn 16; togrieve. Hw4n ban Fj fea, 

grief: wut bin ae vexation. 

Tin ae boé bin, Psy jt Sty fel, chaéu séém sé 
kan, Je ‘Bb wut chut, to retire from the busy 

world without regret, “Bee the yy ASM Yéih keng. 

ss To be in confusion, disordered. Kong 
r ké bun Iwan Hy 4 FH fA, the af- 


Y The name of a stream: chek goé pit chaé 

PIVY Ban sing & fa) FE ale HE BEE 
Re , chek gwé pit twa t@ Bun téng e, 
at that time I shall be dwelling upon the river 

Ban. See the |- fy Séing tan. 

The name of a small fish: the tail 
of a fish. 

fairs of government in confusion. 


yy But but 4, any thing small. 

Do not, an expression of prohibition. 
but toé 16 jé bong kong In ie BH 

mW | Ty, w" Chang Phang khang 

bwd jé bd kong 16, do not put yourself vainly to 

trouble, without getting the merit of it. 
S€0"8 se: 

But k’he yéa Yi} ik {i , @” chang p'héen, do 

not deceive, 


To bury, to inter, to put under ground. 

T’hoe hap cb’hé yang, é té but sin 

OPN 3 45 WB LBM, 0 
hap Uhityh ydng, é té baé but hin sin, to contract 
clandestine intimacies, and to take everything easy, 

+ till we bury ourselves in ruin, See the sp ay 


506 ke. 

K’hwut but a Wh. a lofty appearance; 


See the 



But ~ 




To beat, to strike, to whip «with a 
stick or bamboo, E’ ma een but Wy 
Bey: Uhé bay ped"® but, to lash 

with a whip. 
» u To end, to finish, to die ; not,.not to 
he. Kwun choo put é bé bat léy 
BE AIH Wil ro ae 
dy lang b6 é hé Khw™a, but 0 léy soé, the good 
man does not do away with propriety, for the 
See the ie al, Léy ké. 
Kwun cho6 chit but sé, jé béng put ch’heng yéen 
BFR, tH AR. 
choé pe lang chit pais, yin wily but bé.té sé, jé mé"a 
ch’ heng hoe yéen, the honorable man is pained 
at dle nothing in the world, and because his 

name is not celebrated. 

sake of elegance. 


Valg: meeh: a thing, an existence, a 
person, another person, Ban but yéik 
yéen ai Wy B L= , ban meth sai"& 

yéuk, all things nourished and gréWwing.” See the 
Téung yang. 

But gn6 che kan Hy Fe fi], mets gwd ay 

téung kan, between one’s self and others. 

But kek jé ho® te ché Yn i ih 40 3B. 

mee"h che kek, jéén aiu te kabu Chabu, when an- 
acquaintance with things is carried to the ut- 
most, thea is knowledge at ‘its height. 

i But yéak ie ae myrrh, 

A kind of vegetable. 

To die, to decease: Séuk-chéem wat, 
AQ Ch’hoé bng ké put but hoe fE 

Fl a EE RP, sow 
chéem kéng, Ch’hoé' ing ké U™ sé hoe, ‘Séuk-chéem 
said, why will not the ws of Ch’hoé expire? See 

the E fi Ché twan. - 


Ka bwa Ze Hh, a kind of wood: the 

spreading branches of a tree. 
Read mé: to grind: mé to jes 7], 
Bwa bwd to, to grind a knife. Jé tok jé 
mé ty 7 An JE, cWhin chéo"S tok 
ch’hin ché0"® bwd, ike chiselling and grinding. 
See the Es an Séang lin. 
Mé léy é se BE BB J ZA, 23 léy & ying, to 
grind anything for use. See the Fa Cho twin. 
A : 
Read bwat: to paste, to besmear, to 
Bwah anoint. E’ hwin bwat béén yw i» 
tk if Phi hwtin bwith bin, to 
smear the face with white paint. 
4 Read bwat: the small end, the extreme 
Bwah : “i 
point of any thing. 
-t Read tat; as, kwun tat = =. kwun 
i, % ; 
Bwoth bwith, the beta yulgaris; and hoé 

tat ch’haé iB Ee a, kadu bwith 

cWhaé, a kind of paral 

Hong chin chéaou tat léet al ti (Bes 338 ZN, 
hong chin ting chéo bwith kdou leth, the wind 
agitated the plantains and turnip tops, till their 

leaves. were split. 

v Vulg. mw"d: to fill, to replenish, to 
/ complete; full. Ch’hé 

bwin té tong, shy bwan gaé i) 
ii tt jee * ia JFE> oh habu mud té ting, 
chiy mw"d gaé, the grass overspread’the pond, 
and the water filled it up to the brink. 

2 40, 2 Fim F 
Ché tek é bwan na a By a sim ché tit 
té0h é 800 mw"d, obtaining one’s wish, and fulfil- 

Bwan A surname. 

ling one’s intention. 

Troubled: hwin bwan IS WH, vexed. 
y So6 jin hwan bwan, sit put hay 

IND hs AG BE fe RB ete 









hwén, bwdn, chéith béy lh, to make people so 

vexed, that they cannot stomach it. See the 

SP FL, S06 ke. 
Evening, dusk; late. Vulg. mai"& 
Hl hwui"®, evening ; mooi”8, late. Kwun 
; hé kéén che bwan 7a Fy A 2 
Re 1é sto kee™S kadu héth moot"S, how came 
you to see meso late? See the ee Soo ké. 
Séang kéén hwiin bwan Ath FAR Ae. séo 

kee"S hwan moot’, it is a pity we have seen 

each other so late. 

To pull, to drag: yin bwan 5\ fp, 
to lead. Bwan hiéy t’héen é pe 

Py RK BR: bwan té tooi"S thee" 

dy é@, to reverse the decree of heaven, 

To pull a carriage. 

Hwun bwan 4y UK, to be in Jabour, 

to be delivered. 


I, To restrain, to hold back. 

To forget, to let slip out of the mind. 

Bwan ch’héAng Bi a, pwd ch hes", 

to climb over a wall. Bwan ch’hut 

whe fig HL Je, pwd ch’hut he, 

to run over, as liquor. 

Rice water boiled to a consistency, 

» and congealed. 

Hal Bwan € HA Th: a large face, 


» Not clear-sighted, to conceal’ from 
ti view, to deceive. Taé jin put bw4n, 

5 ho goé sit yéw chééy KAA i. 
Be Ht A FE, a ling béy mw"4, gwd sit 

0d chééy, your honour cannot be deceived, Iam 

really in fault. 

Ché-ch’hd sebou, jod a-bwan BH PB yj, “PF 

Boy Fifi, CrtHenna sey, je d-mw4, when Ché- 
ch’hé was young his designation was ‘the little 

‘cheat.? > 
K Vulg. bwith: to spread. over, to rub, 
to smear; to anoint. San bwat bé 

oot FR yin Ly Ff Gok Ze, swe dean ve 

hwin, the hills) were overspread with small 


Bwat To feed a horse with corn. 
Bwat Vilg. mh: the pellicle, thin skin. 
The end, the extreme, a minor point; 
¢ not, do not. But yéw pan bwat 


Wn 4a AS Ap, meth 100 pin di, 


41 CHA 

things haye beginning and end, (i. e. weightier 
) and minor points), 
The name of a water: yéén bwat 

FR, spittle. Séang se € bwat 
Yy ik, séo bak &€ nwa, befouled 

with spittle. 

Bwat hé i i, to rejoice. 

. Vulg, dédyh: a pair of stockings: bwat 
Bwat Be j@teng tang WE iffy Gt ee, oWhene 
badyh jé ché0"S te", wearing stock- 

ings, he ascended the ball. 




The same as the foregoing: léng p’ho 
bé pos, 10 bwatseng tin BE Ye Fh 
2b. He BR AEB, kidy chiy sey 

sey ay pot, Ws bityh sai”S tin, going over the 
water with small paces, our silk stockings get 
covered with dirt, 



Bwuy Small rain. 

Buouy Dark, the eyes not seeing well. 

Cha bot lang AP BK, 3 woman,—(e 

provincial expression), Hoo jin sit 

sim moh t5.16 Va ARE Bw 

BP, cha voé,ting bat sa meé"h t0 lé, as to women, 
© .jwhat do they know about, reason ! 


Read ché: early, soon, quickly, for- 

merly. Ché sin FP. Jie, obd whe sé, 
in the morning, early. 



C ; 

Cho tefou =) aH, cha k’hé ay teow, an early 
audience, at Court. 

Ché yéw @ @ Ubéen hay RARARKT. 
cha wod o 16 té Phee"™€ ay, he would soon obtain ce- 
lebrity throughout the Empire, See the Fp) jit 
Téung yang. 

Ch6 héng put kéén ch’heng san béén a=} 4T A 

is A iy i. ché Khe st ké"4, 06 Whw"® cw hai” 
sw"a dy bin, travelling early in the morning, we 

cannot see the face of the blue mountains, 


ae A To plant; ‘a plant: chae’ Jadu haou 

Chae + 5 ¥ to'plant nutmegs,. Chae 
vehéa poéy che dR #. be Zz , chae 

nt | ay meé"h pity yang e, fostering that‘which is plant:) 
ied. Sée the, HY a Téung yings 4 
Te wat chae, téang wat sé BE A HH. & Eig, 
sey chang kéng chae, twa ching king ch’hew, those 
of smaller growth are called plants, “and those, 
of larger growth trees. 

An expression of wonder, or excla- 
tion; a note of admiration. Héén chae 


Hoty a, how clever was Ory “See the a =a 
Séang lin. 
“Tae ‘chae,*Gedou' che ‘why kwun-yéa rie ESE 

be BB A tt; twa’ chae, Kotew dy ‘cho jin Iewun,! 

‘how great, was Gedou asa. prince ! 1h Settle same. 

Théen hé gan chae KR tS = 4p . vhee"® thae 

Pho wos king wa chae, how’ ¢an Heaven hold dis- 
course! See the Pr an Hay lan. 

a Calamity, affliction: chaedan, Je + aE, 
trouble. . Kéw. chae, sut. Me t6, yea) 

Chae KK. 

Be hha AB EAM, i oon, 
sut kityh péth lang, sé t0 yéd, to deliver people 
from trouble, and pity one’s neighbours, is the 
way ‘of virtue. See the FE. Cho. twain. 

s3 3 ' i 
Boé chae bod haé 4 R 4. = , 06 chae bé had, | 

without trouble or danger. 

Distress and trouble : 
ché, suy yéw séen chéa, ek bod jé 

che ho-8, FE SE Af Bot A 
ee Ie 4 LR chad haé chd 

pod hadu suy 00 hé by ling, yéd bb hwat e'taé wa, 


when calaimity and affliction ‘come all at once, 
although a good ‘man were at the head of af- 
fairs, he could not help it. See the K Be Tad hak. 

if re respectful 5 - to fast, A+) purify 
one’s-self ; also, a quiet, etired place, 

Chae - 

a school... 

' Hoey yea eB a¥ lp le} th, plou ee 

| Chaé 

chae haé péng 

42 CHAE 

» Chae,kaé bok jyéuk, chek, k’hd é sod. séang ty) 

FE TS He, Wry ie Ea: cheih 

el hab chang, ek). chéw thang hok a8 ‘séang tey, 
baying" fasted and hathed, San one: ines worship 
1» { the, highest Emperor, (i, e. the Supreme ). See 

in F Béng-chod. 
Se chae chek cheng & pie we a so bh:chek cheng, 

Dan place, of learning, quiet: and retired. 

IEEE colt , (Phe ancient form of, the. above.charac- 
Chae ter; Put chae #) Ry the name of 
eg hill ra 
eh a hk ; ies! ; 
Chae ‘Goods, ar treasure, 4: 


Read te:!to know, to be acquainted 

with. Teche, wiy te che;— put. te, 


i wily put te, sé te yéa 

i fa 
2, A FAR he AVA, ere 

Zz ae, u™ chae léith chd u™ chae, chéy chéw sé 
chae yéd, when you know anything,” account 
that you know it, and when you do not know 
anything, account that you. do mot know it; this 
is knowledge. See the | Sam Séang lan. 

= To rule, to regulate, to arrange: * 
surname. Choo chaé ES, aruler. 
"Thad chaé chéang keen <pang ‘che 
léuk teen, & ché éng ‘peng pang "ek, FY 
UV te 
FEM IC AS Bh. Dh Me - he han 
“cho éng pai"S té pang kok, the prime minister 
controls the six boards, in order to assist the 
sovereign in pacifying the spate i See the Fj Pid 
“Chew léy. 
“Chad” séang - , @prime minister, Chod-loé 
_wiy Kwiy-se chaé + PR B a K es Choé- 
“lee chd Kwiiy-sé ay chaé, Cho6-16é' was a steward 
over the household of Kwiy-sé. See the tie 
Séang lan. 

Chag ché bam bit GA Hy) a iy. tha hen 

ban meth, to govern all things. 

a ‘ 
wy» Soo péng tek chaé théen hay, ek jé ch’hoo jéuk 
wh 7 Se KP AW AD be Pas saé hoe 
oo Gwe By lit; chaé te Chee"S) Ay, yed,,ch’hin ched"® 
vi hehéy léy bith, /let,me succeed in, managing the, Em- 
oil) spite, just; as, this, piece, of flesh; — this was 
a wish expressed by Re of Tén-péng; ania he 

was offering a sacrifice, and cutting up the flesh 

pad Be same, Re the a =e 

lo Suite: a4119 

é ae P'heng chaé ae =, to boil, to cook. 
hh JP, Oy. mG ~ Fe 

woe No 

chey chaé jt {z, sediment, 

Chaé Bold, courageous, daringe™ | 
Oty r 

A child; the people of 
Chaé.. ' 

Wa if ns 
Jam ‘province, fornierly «called their 

SY  children:chag, io 
% Ayyear; the beginning; an affair: then ; 
Je "ip ir rat 
chae,’ Héng-hwun 'naé 456 

+ ANAK TK BL A, fo 
a neé"®, Héng-hwun nat s¢ Wh, ate twenty 
, fight years Héng-hwun i. i. &. ( Gétou 
, (this life, 

Only VHenhs .al a4 

hon, sé cheng, choo, Kt cine Dy i ft 
ee on Phong Whe. ‘elt hay cheng hwat, chod ‘A 

hb Chdou, wh f". Thong, began his 5 military opera- 
» tions, jhe commenced. f from the, Kat district, See 

EF Bins: choo. OOF i 


also, an expletive. 


wi “2 

hom tliw 

Chaé, chaé s"a, again and again. Yit che 

why sim, kK’hé k’ho ‘chae hot — 

© BABE BAF, ot mar er at, 

Kham éy, Phang kbh . ho#, once is, too often, how 
can it bejrepeated, 6 hun) 

Again, to repeat; chaé sam jF = 

43. cHak 
 Chaé soo kh ¢ ARTR, (Koh chit hay, 
_ chew. Chang, once more. repeated, and it will be 
sufficient, See the £ a Seang lin. | 
A debt: hod ‘chad Ff FF!) hod chay, 
Chaé to be indebt. Maé téén Uhek, yéitk 

{Bh Pimepéng twan, 

. The grounds or sediments of liquor : 


) mrytet , 


choé sun, é ch’héang chad 3 FH] 2E - 
es i: y WEE (BE, v2y ch’han ci’hod, bey ket 

sun, é ch'hedng chay, to dispose Of fields and 
houses, and to sell children and grandchildren, in 
order to pay one’s debts, - See the the Bil iz = 
Chéén Han se. 

Sim mer chéw chaé, héng “ch’he yéw =p tp 

P| fi. 7 47 7A, stm seding dy chéw chay, chin 

chaé wily wod, common ‘tavern’ ‘scores for liquor, 

may be met with in wie ‘yaee. 

Talent; chaé léng a Ae, chaé teadic, 
* ability. Chun héén yéuk chaé; échéang 

yew ck AA OB 

fe, chun ke"S’ gadu lang, yéuk ch’hé w0d-chaé tedou 
“hy, € chéang béng wod tek, we should ‘honour the 
good, and foster the clever, in order to ‘bring 
to light those who have yirtue. See the ~T r 
Hay. béng. 
Chaé leaou it A materials" kwan 
chaé i HY k’w"a cWhd; a eoffin, 
Chaé bok put k’hO isin yang yes 
RAR By FA AHL, enina oak 06 Phang 
‘‘Yetéu' € dy ying,’ then the timber will be more 
‘than can be exhausted’ she use. See 'the fb x 
Séang Deng.” 



Money, wealth, cash: chéén chaé Be 
; i, cheé"& chaé, money. Hwat chaé 
% At, to. get wealthy: chat k’hée 
a Zi, a 3% i influence. 
Chaé hoo ail #, a cashier, a book-keeper, a 
., o¢lerk. 
_ Lan hong che 6 héy, k’ho é. ‘hed. goé bia che 


vy Ome 6 BL WE AP, BY LR 




RZ By Ay, lam hong dy sé, Phang ch’hong 

chéy gwé piityh sai"® dy’ chaé, the timely influence 
of the southern wind can increase the wealth of 
my people. Part ofan ode made by Se Sin. 

i To cutas witha scissors; to regulate, 

to measure. Chaé héng i ie 5? 

tailor, one who cuts out, and stitches 



Hoé é chaé séng théen téy che td ih Y + 
iva KR Hb jk ia, lé thang chaé ché"4 vhee"& 

téy dy t6, your majesty can clip and contrive (act 

according to) the way of Heaven and Earth. 

Sée the yy FAG Yéth keng. 

Read chéy: the navel; chéy taé Ips He, 
chaé twa, the nayel string. Jéak put 

ché toé, hoé chéang sé chéy r= Ay 

© il. Be 5 OE IF: na u™ ché ché tod e, adu 

laé chéang chéith to¢ chat, if you do not speedily 
lay a.\plan to circumvent him, he will eventually 

Chaé HANK. 

preyail so, far as to eat your very navel. 



~ To load, to burden, to bear-as a bur- 
den, to sustain, to hold. T’héen hok 

L tay chat Fe Ag Hh fi, Prec" phox 

téy chaé,,the heaven overspreads, and the’ earth 

under-props,( all things ).’ 

Sty k’héchaé chew, ek k’hd hok chew K By 
BY Sif, Dis ny Ze SE, chily thang chaé chan, 
yéd Chang phak chin, water can float vessels, and 
the same element can also overwhelm them. 
The words of 7] = a Yang-choo, 

Vulg. té: at, in, to consist in, to re- 
main at, to be in existence, to be pre- 
sent. Chae Af, % tit, to be present ; 
put chae as KE, bé té tit, to be absent. 

Taé hak che to, chat es béng tek, chaé sin 

bin, chad ché @ ché séen Je BRIM FE BY 
A 8 Zee RFE Ib A BE, Te 



hak’ 'dy'td 1, 8 béng beng dy tek, té ‘ch’hong sin 
pliyh sai"®, t@ htiy"h twa té che hd, the doctrine 
of the great school, consists in illustrating res- 
~ plendent virtue, in renovating the people, and in 
stopping at the point of extreme virtue. See the 

Ae rat i ‘ 

Haé chaé Hie jB. name of an animal. 

Haé chaé Hie x , an animal, found in 
the north-east, with one horn, which 



cnn FO To beat, to strike. 



attacks only vicious persons. 

A portcullis ; séng bain chith Hy PA 
Fl , sé"4 moot"§ chih, the portcullis 

of a city gate, Sty chih 7K fal, 
chity chiih, a water-gate, a flood-gate. 

Chih The same as the) preceding. 
‘ W Chéet twan mR gj. chih tooi"€, to 
Chah cut off, to cut short. Kim Téng chéet 

tang poé twan, chéang gnoé sip lé 

Ay Vip 1h, Be Aa, Rf TL PB, Pe 

kok, chith "8 pot tey, chéang biéyh goé chap lé, now 

wat: you cut off the” longer parts of the Téng 

country, and take them to supply the shorter, 

you will find it to be about 50 square Lé in 

a py Read cheng: To wrangle, to strive, 

to contend. ‘Kwun chod bod séy 
chod dy ling b6 séy chai"S, a good’ man never 

cheng BS PME Bi Fe, 10m 
wrangles. See the by ait Séang lin. 

= _ Read chéng: a well; a Surname. 
Chai"® Chéng yéw jin yéen Jf A A 

F. chai"® né wod ling; there is-a 
“person in the” well: 

Chéng téy koe Uhéen ee ii K chat "8! 

téy koe Uhee"®, to be looking at the heavens, from 
‘the bottorh ‘of a well (by which means the 
heavens would look very small’) ;— intimating 

that a person who does so lias narrow views. 

Chai"8 A 


Read chéng: clear weather, fine 

weather: & chéng Fy Hs » hoé 
chat"S, the rain is cleared up. 

_ ong Read chéng: quiet, still; am chéng 
Chai his rig dm chat"®, clandestine. 
Chak Ak chak, (FR ffi, narrow, confined. 

' A weight. tied toa net, to sink: it 

down. in the water. 

Am cham axon Re la as, dirty, 
ay filthy, soything not clean. 

The ety as the preceding; also, to 

ie hoil; sore lips. 
Cham To hs atany thing, asa birddoes, 
Cham: I, me; also, to vomit. ~ 


Pointed, sharp. 


5 enim 

Vulg. chom: a bodkin,.a hair-pin. Hwa" 
Cham cham RE, KE, a flowered bodkin. 
| Kim ‘cham ty a.golden bod- 

kin. Koééy cham z FE, a. hair-pin. 

Lay. taé ‘cham eng 4 an kwiiy na léy 

té cham kwa eng, ‘‘for several generations, ‘wear- 
ing hair pins and tassels; — an allusion to fami- 

lies which, for successive ages, have been-in office. 

To. cut off, to belread;- cham sdey 

Wy iz, the edges .of a, garment, 
cut off, and left. unhemmed, as is 


customary when mourning for a father. 
Cham hwat sod kok Hy KK pu fel, cham hwat 
sé) wiy. dy kok, to owt off the’ nations-all around, 

See the > HE Sefiou gnay, 

Cham ch’hé té kin ip BY [RAL chim eM héon 
té0h té kin, when cutting off weeds, you should 
extract the roots; — intimating that-the evil must, 
be completely eradicated. 

Cham séw ban kip ij r=) fa i cham Chiou 
ché" 4 bin kip, he cut off heads, to the amount, 
of several. myriads. 

ee surmamer, .,, >) 

=, 4 » 
Cham The name. ofa, devils, 
5 iT = i - 
fe tes steeped or soaked! in 
To break; toslander; to speak evil 
Chin = of any one. Gnd yen kéug é, cham 

DAE, stoberio KAUR MT 
# HL gwd. dy yew, 1é teh sy je, saé p'hwa 
dy wa tit hin k’hé, my friend you must be careful, 
for slanderous- accusations are about to arise. 

See. the ay He Séaou gnay. 


To stand alone, to stand long. 

K’heng cham Ht if, whai"S cham, 

a ditch or moat round a city wall. 



A chisel, to chizel and cut stones. 


To cut off, to file away. 

Bushy, overgrown with thorns and 

sre peat 

Cham L 
A cord, a string: a general term 
Core ‘ for silk. 
Chan AD A net for catching fish. 

. Read cheng: asurname: Cheng-choo 
Chan E> yang Cheng-sek pit yéw chéw jéuk 
B tee Peawa 

Chan-chio yé6"8 ch’hé Chan-sek pit tédh wio chéw, 
kwa bith, ‘Chan-cho6, in “supporting Chan-sek, 

would always have wine and flesh for him. See 

Fa J Béng-chéo. 
oe a A cup: chéw chan 4 R. chéw chw"d, 
Chan Oe a wine cup. Also written se chan. - 

Chan mee myself. Vulg. Jan. 

Chan f=) To collect, and assemble together. 


Chan El To run away: to be driven away. 
= To help, to assist: chek k’hé é chan 

théen téy che hwa yéuk Hi) Fy Ye 
Ri Z2KH eB. chéw UVhang 

chan UVhee"® téy dy Iwd yéuk, then they (the 
sages) could assist the regenerating and fostering 

efforts of heaven and earth. 

A sacrificial. implement used in the 

2] ancestorial , temple. 
Chan ape Vulg. o i: to praise, to applaud, to 
eA commend. 
To connect, to continue, to succeed. 
Bo6-éng chan T’haé-dng, Ong-kwiy, 
4 =I Ban-dng che sé 7 + KE 
ee a x - th Kt, Bob-éng key swa Thae- 

éng, Ong-kwiy, Ban-éng dy sw”a, Boo-éng con- 


nected the thread of succession from T’haé-dng, 
Ong-kwiy, and Biin-éng. See the ip ii Téung 

x The name of a place: four 1é make 
a chan, 
A story, an upper chamber: yéuk 
Chan kéfing ch’héen lé bok, keng séang 

FE} yit chan toe HR BS - BOA 
E- is RE. aé bétyh kéting chin ché"é ch'heng 
lé dy bak, tévh kh ché0"S chit chan Ay léou, if 
you want to. see to the utmost of a thousand 
1é, you should still ascend another story of 

the gallery. 

# Superfluous;, to add; also, oppressive, 
Chan Wy = cruel, injurious. Chek ge chéa, wily 

oN Et ba 
chek haé gé, sé king kéd, chan, to injure what 
is right, is called Chan, injurious, \ 


» Chan) jim’ RE Zh Ap > cruel: chan paé i MK 

“to ruin. | 


Read chéén: Before. Chéén hoe fil 

a b2 To injure another from covetous 
Chan - Zy wo 
Af bobs 
| $B, chin adu, before and behind. 

Kwun chéén, sin béng, hod chéén 

choo béng, put ck che lé yea FX Fi) Pr %. 

RF Bie A Gy LUBA > sin ran 
chan, jin sin téth kéd mé”"4, néé"& pay chin, hadu 
sai"® tbh kéd mé"A, bb éek dy td le, ina prince's 
presence, a minister should use his own name 
(instead of the personal pronoun 1); and in 
a father’s presence, a son should use his own 

name; this is an invariable doctrine. See the 

ie BE, Ley ke. 
Read choé: to help, to asisst, Pang 

choé St Bip, pang chin, to help 

and aid. 



Hiéy yé, hwuy choé gno ches yéé, é goé gin 

bod séy put wat [a] FE) HE th 

Ree fm: Jip a YE, Hoey 4, € BS chan 

gwd dy lang, né& sé té gwd dy wi, e bb sty a”™ 
hw"a hé, Hoéy does not assist me in anything, 
but with respect to my words, he is invariably 
‘pleased with ‘them, See the [> jij Hay lan. 

Chan aR Chan pang : He K.. a warehouse, a 
store-house. : 


een chong: the name of a tree, — 
phé k’hé chok chong sdey EP Wy 
eat EE, p’hity Chang chd chang 
' sey, —the hairy bark of which can be made up 
into rain mantles. It is also used for making 

; - brushes, ‘tronks, and other ee. 

To pull, to drag, ‘to lead. 

ary CHANG 

Read chong: to run on a sand-bank, 
to run aground. Chan chong chéak 
HS $e AG, chan chang: tevh, the 
ship is aground. 
Read chong: 
By Er bay chang, a horse’s mane. 
Chin chew chin yit m4, chong jé 

géw hang hay say H] SE — no. oR tn 
Lf JE] Fe. Chin dy chew chin chit cheak 

béy, chang ch’hin ché0"® gob am kwin hay, 


a mane: ma chong 


the Chin country sent in a horse, asa present, 

whose mane was like the hanging dewlap of 

a bull’s neck. 

Read chong: a fish of the southern 
Chang ye sea, which has a stone jn its head, 
and is called, sek séw gé ya) BH 
. thadu hé, stone-headed fish. Also 
Bi ch’hek chong gé is he fa HL 5 ow heath 

chang hé, red fish. 
Read chong: a tail; Uho@ chong 

BA Ee, Vhabu chang, a tail of hair. 

T’hoé chong bé p’heaou pA 4 
EB 5, Chabu chang biéy phéd, ticket ‘for 
levied in Batavia. 


a tax on Chinamen’s tails, 

: Read chong: a lofty tree, with large 

leaves and no branches; a kind of, 
like a 

palm, bushy at the head, 

cocoa nut tree. 


3 Read chong: a queue or tail, made 
of twisted hair. 

generally, entirely, 

y 2] Read chong: 
CRANE: aS altogether. 



Read chéng:. a kind of confectionary, 

made of millet, folded up. with 
\) sharp corners, and used_on the feast 
of the 5th day of the 5th moon; it is also called 
kak sé fA SS cornered millet. 


Read chong: héén achong ky Re, 
hee"S chang, a part of - poor by, 
which the threads ‘are separated, to 

admit of the shuttle passing to and, fro. 


v Read chdng: a bush; a numeral of 
frees and flowers; sé chéng fay iz 

eWhéw chang, a bush of a tree. 

Wheng loé sey chéng kéuk bis i ia #3 

hin dy log. chity hath té chit ‘chang kéuk Si, 


the light dew rested upon the bush of the 

chrysanthemun flower. 

Chang + stab, to pierce; also, to hack. 


Wood half burnt; ch*haé chaou we 
half consumed,, and put, by for 

lighting again. 

a Read cho: the grains, or refuse, after. 

. va » ‘ 
Chaou brewing: chéw cho 74 ap chéw 
chaou, the refuse’ of rice after 

Gwan-héén put yéém cho k’hong ih prom) 79 

P i a He, Gwdan-héén b6 héém chéw chaow bé) 

R’heng, GwAn-héén did not refuse to cut grains 
and chaff. See the Li id So6 ké. 

be. Chaou lé, a sieve made of bamboo, 
Chaou for When birds 

dwell in caverns their retreats are 

straining’ liquor. 

called hk chaou, and when in trees they. are. 
called ii chaou, nests. 

228 Long, anything that Tooks long. 
Ying chaou é jé ch’bé yéen Wi 

Gi 2 0 BE Bp, wer ee 

fy ch’hod jé Whéa, to erecta long building and 


dwell therein. 


fe, eh'hé .chaou, a fire brand but 4 


Read choé: To ran, to run away, 
Chacu to run quickly. K’hé kap € peng 
| Je choe Se Fe fin 2B. 

Vhek kak chéén kith, Vhwalwa peng to, jé chabu, 
they threw away their ‘armour, reversed their 

weapons, and fled. See the x hh Séang beng. 

Read cho flea; kaoweha 1 Fr, 
ka chaéu, a flea. Ka6u ché ché soo 
we be BR 

| lay sat 'b6 3e ime (ie HE FA BL 
“Ay, ka cha6u chd sod lity sat’bé, the flea makes 

a disturbance, and involves the Iouse in trouble. 

‘| For the flea bites sharp, and immediately jumps 
“away; while the lazier louse, lingering about 

” the place, is! caught and killed. Said of sharp, 
cunning fellows, who do all the mischief, and 
leave the duller ones to bear the brunt of it. 
Chaéu 4, a daughter; this is an ex- 

pression of inferiority, intimating the 

light esteem in which the Chinese 

hold their daughters; when asked if they have 


got a son, they say, chadu 4 té"q@ 1é"a, only ‘a 

daughter { th 

Read cho: a furnace, a fire place, a 

cook-house.. Cha kéak ae ja. 

_ chadu Wha, a seking place. 

E’ ké mé-é 4, léng mé-é chad Y) EL da A 
RR Be Ui WA HE pé é dy séep 86 é 0, léng 

I’h6 step sé & chadu, instead of flattering the god 


of the south-west corner of the ‘house, (who, 
though he is commonly honoured, is yet held 
in but little esteem), is it not better to flatter 
the god of the kitchen, (who, though 1 fot entitled 
to a constant sacrifice, yet on certain ‘occasions 
' js served with the highest honours). Said to 
Cantaciva, by one who wanted him, instead of 
seeking the fovour of the acknowledged princes 
of his day, to get into the good graces of their 
ministers, who, at times, might be eabled to do 

him more service, See the LE if} Sé208 lan. 


' , Readichoé'to report to the Emperor; 
also, to play musi¢. Choévké gak 

<a ~~. . HK, i chau e dy gak, to aps 
yy . a mnsie. (of, the Aneignt kings). iy 
Ong-gwity-tin, héén sip, S90 soé, “hoe téng 
poapyage ss ja Hii, (a ig a oe hoe BK. x 
Bk as ; Téng-gwity-tin heen chap hang séo"S 
dy sod piun, chadu' té"4 T’hab- “hon, Tong-gway- 

tin presented a document, ‘recommending the con- 
sideration of ten “things, which he reported to 

Trhae-chong. he 


A nest, a bird’s nest: surname? Neaou 
chaéu’ g Hi cheabu séw, ‘a; bird’s 
nest, “Séang chéa way chadu, hay 

chéa way khwit | ep op A B, 
Re Whith kwan dy wily chd chabu, Whith kay dy 

wily cho Whnwut, in the higher ‘parts of the land 

‘al ge? 


they form nests, and in the lower,, 

te i at vee, 

Chadu i 
To exterminate, to kill: yéw chiey 

ey) chadu sam chok #5 EE ihe 

woo chiéy chabu s"a chok, being 
criminal, the family must he exterminated to 

The name ofa lake which ven aed 


"the third ‘generation. 



2) oi doidw Yo bieni oll 

Chadu sim HR Rs chadu ch’ hiéy, to 

seek after, to search... Chadu hw4n 
N IK jig, to pays what is deficient, ) 

to liquidate all demands: when an account is 



squared, the Chinese write in their neriinn 
books, te Chadu, settled. i 


noi uf 
A hag oar, used for gnidiag and 

K’hey ch’him 

Séang kéén- -chadu,) sé. wan han 

“bin, chéung 32 YC es Ce eS 
BE Git, Whey, chiy cWhim sédng séang K’hw"i 
kéee™"S chaou, 6e"S hwur"S han tit ChE" a cheng, 
when the river is deep we frequently observe 
the oar; when the templé.is- distant we»seldom 

hear the -bell. Also) weitten id, chadu, ~ 

Chadu impelling a boat. 

: Mud 5’ muddy .and slopby aaa 
also, amicable.’ " 

} ; youd 

The noise of a multitude. 
: ; } 

Chadéu A gallery, a railing; ; 
44 2 
ee. A 
Chavtuh q4 Read than: to takes to Wwyhold. 
len '‘e'h r 


Complete chew chap yit soey Alli 
-_ be. chew een chit eH, one whole 
year. : : 


The'same as the foregoing; bwan chap 
oi [i thw" chap, fully: complete. 

Chap, | 
Chap choo i F- a doeapucnt chap 
ke, léuk Zi. Bu &. a record, Lin 

t i] 
bé jin Téang sé, yin vhédng shar choo 

so BBE AES EL ABAD so oon 
; ‘oteels dy ling Téo"S se, sew yin théting dy chap 4, 
document. Tespecting Mrs. TéoPE, a fair, lady, 

Ts enjoyed extraordinary favour. 



To soak through, to imbibe} ‘also, full, 

complete. “Kadu hwa, chap héép Fatt 

fl, HY: 

throughout the mind. 

Chap sin che kan, | Chrhoé hiek sam 1 toe » ie 

Z fil. 28 Fa = Hh. chap jé jit dy kaw, Cl’hoe 

Whih yé"a \s"a dy toe yip, in the course of twelve 

Chap > 

inekyaipties diffused 
et pe 4 

days, the Ch’hoe country conquered three capital 
cities, See the A i Ché twan. 

A’ small. slip ‘of bamboo,  on'i which 

y , the'aheients used to ‘write motes and 


memorandums. Also, an early death. 

Se chap 3 se AL, the modern term for a letter. 

Bin put Paci chap F as K AL; piyh ‘sav 

bé chad sé, the people did not come to an early 
death. See the Te E34 Cho twan. 

When a fish opens its mouth to swal- 

low anything, it is calle’ chap: any- 

Chap ne 

thing entering the month. 

ch'hay ify [to smack the lips.. 

Chap 7 The five colours mixed togéther. 

To mix, to blend together , ch’ham chap 

2 FE to mix together. Hoo héén 
hong ché4, Vhéen téy che chap yéa 

KK HB FMW HE AW too oe toa 

wui"S sé Chee" téy dy séo chap, the mixture of 


black and yellow, intimates the blending of heaven 
and earth together. See the yh AS Yeh keng. 

A chattering noise: at ad. chap chap 

Chap =4 King We SE AE ae | aby chap 
bet chap kéng, the inouth, cots ntly ” 
chattering! bs 

Ché ché chap chap che seng, séang bin sod. kéng 

‘che Teey WHS WAY 48 HE ZF. AB 
be rs iit, chap chap jédng jeang ay'8éa, séo 
phé"a t8 se kéng dy lat, a ‘chattering and’ busy 



Sound, is beard, uninterruptedly, within the four 
borders of the, land.,, 



Read sip: ten men are called one chap ; 
‘ten of anything. Sip h®6 4t G, 

chap héey, a ee assortment of 
goods pedlar’s. ware. 

Read sip: ten; sip chéa, soe che chéung 
2 RBZ. chap chéw sé 
802 bak dy swith biéy, ten is the ter- 
mination of numbers: a decimal is a_ perfect 
Syne: See the oe at zt Séang lin choo. : 
Goé. sip yéw gnoe j@ ché @ hak 72 Tho Ay A 
itd m - , gwd chap, goé sah jé sim ché 
twa, 1 Chak, at fifteen years.of age, my mind was 
bent on learning. See the bm Fin Séang lin. 

Chap * 

Read _ chéet: 

verse in a chapter : 

a knot in bamboo; a 

Chat Chin. 

a section, 

chat economical, 

Chéet ying, j@ ae jin fii Ain & ae AM chairs! 

chat hwy ying jé stth, ldng, economical in ex~ 

penditure, and affectionate towards, others, See) 

the - tj Séang lin. mye * 

Chat. eB 

ae BEN 

having eight arms, and a ball of black matter in 
the inside, of which ink is. made. 

To urge any one extremely, 

Bok chek A ff}, bak chat, the cuttle 
fish ;.. a certain fish, found in the east- 

ern seas, without bones or scales, 

Yo P 
ae oie 
A wooden railing: yéak chay aig #e 
Chay yéth chay, the grounds or sediment 
of medicine. Also, to examine ;. the 
name of a place: a surname.) 
Chay 4 Ee To, stretch out, te spread. 


) "Drift “wood, 

aren down a ‘river, 
‘upon which they fab 

hhat’ genii ride, 

‘in order ‘to float into the milky way, 

or heavenly river, and thus get among ‘the’ stars. 
Séen chay hwan gnéw toé A He Ape 3b, 
séen chiy chay,' hivan’té0h g06-tadu, ag rius sailing 
ona float, came across the gob-tebis tr. 

i; : ;: . 
uy 1: ¢ 

Vulg. lin: ¥; myself. 

The name ofa Feit, like, a pear, but 

- rather. sours 

MT : San bok put chay ply FC 

cut down the wood on the mountains, See the 

. yy f { Kong yang twan. 
Lapeae ming eT 

bs jin séng chay té théen hd ¥ 
: ¥] KR Cho hé dy lang chay chay kadu Vhee™® 

“SW, Cn. riding on a float arrived. at the 
celestiab river, (i. e. the milky way). 
A y . 

. Read cha: 

BR NB 0 tase and Prete . 

_ meéh chay, the sediment of anything. 
Séng jé chéep chae seiing chéang 

aN, chia jé cheep chay séo 

chap, when it (the wine) was made; the grounds. 

and the , liquor were mixed together.. See the 
Jai Chew leys ee 

‘Read’ chéa: to induce, te persuade; to 
‘hinder, to screen; to talk much, Sam- 

, Ké, sw"a, ch’ hd bé chévh, not to. 

to. fast; chay, ch'héem, 

Read chee: sediment ; but chae Wy 

16, Tang-kong chéa swat Han dng — 


1 ye. af nS Bia ei - SE, S"a-lé Tang-kong 

chay’ sdéyh Han éng, the S"a-16 officer named 
“ Pahg-Kélig' prevented and persuaded the king of 

Han, See’ the mip Ko-téy ke, 

Chay | The appearance of, walking. 
A preparation. of salted fish and sour 
Chay _ Tice, which, when cured, is. put by 

for food. 

Ché Dt Read chéa: a sister; used‘in addressing 
ay females generally. 

is This: chay k6 jos Pi AF =, chéy 
Chay ip ” léy jé, this character; Chay ko jin 

s= SHA, chéy léy lang, this. man. 

False, deceitful; to. deceive, to tell lies. 
Pat gek chay AN jh ie. a™ gek 
chay, do not contend with. deceit. 

Gné bod jéchay, jébod gnd gé AK fre fre. SE. 

BA Ait FR is gwd b6 ld pilyh clt'hat, le bé gwé 

stet, I will not deceive you,, and d6 not you 
betray me, See the Zz ti Cho twan, 

Chay = 

A vessel for holding wine ;.a wine-cup. . 
Keng-kéung 1@ so00 k’hat hwat, chay 

: m& hwin chéep yim che 
£24 BIE Bz to 

12 808. el hiny Khwith Whé&m Whityh, Ché.chéw chay 
yes"® bdy pin dy chéep, laé lim e, Keng-kéung, 
an inferior officer, being thirsty:and in want, took 

Chay cup and gathered up the juices.of horse 
dung, to drink. it. 

Cha A. press for making wine ;,als6 written, 
y i 3 chay. ; 

Read ’chag, a debt:-hodchad F tr 

hod chay, tobe in debt. Péng-lwan 
wily Behg-séfng-kwon sew chaé é 

Stet 25 IR A a HH Uc LTA BE 

Ping-lwin. wiy Béng-sédngekwun sew chiy té Seth 
kok, Pang-lw4n went to, collect debts for, Beng- 
séing-kwun, in the Segh country. 




Chay 0 To talk much. : Six 4 
ae > akg 


ming gay whe, the gun is. 

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Kig a jin chay 
kéén jé choo chéang jip & “chéng,» 
kae yéw t’hut thek ch’hek yitche sim 

DAE ti ERY ARIE je 7A, 
RS ANE Z hy, Me ay thes chy ‘jéen 

Khw"a sey ké"é chéang * beyh fip “chai, ché 


To burst: ch’héing chy khé Gs 


pod wio Uhut thek ch'heke yin dy sim, now af 

people were suddenly to see a little child about 

to fall into a well, they ronald all experience 

a feeling of anxiety, and commiseration, See 

Ta =f: Béng-chod., rae 

ye A pile of stones, Sipe bp aR a 

Chay ' wobdlen fence. 

ll camp, an ericarnpmenit 5” “hay chay 
ne N SE: ‘to ¢neamp, Yin, Hong ‘san 

'téng chay Se Eby) wee hwdn 

an sw"a téng dy, chay, = clouds \covered the 
canip on ‘the modntain ig 

Chay Wa 

oo RE 
This’ fish is~ Found. “jn the 

eastern sea, in shape like a he of clotted blood, 


A sacrifice offered at the é@ndief the 

a) tu» oniw sf 


Vulg. thay, a kind of fish, called also 

“sometimes mines and sometimes, rounds. it has 

no head. nor eyes; and is guided and tedated by 

shy bo ma Es; \chity bby. a (water, ' 


, prawns; hence the proverb, —say boe bok hay © 

FS K = WR, chiiy, boé ¢ hay cho bake chew, . 

jp OF EB falas written, fie chay. : 



aie cam 


the water-mother makes , ‘use of lobsters*as its 


w500 ankwd yado ms 

1902 STLBD 

Read cho: to sit down; chvhéng cho > 

Bp an 4, eWhea i chay, pray ait down. , 
Sek put cheng ‘put cho 3 
AN LW = ch'héth i ché"a a™ énay, if the mat 
was not straight, he would aot sit igpownt — ssid 

: Co 

of Confucius. 

Read chek: oblique: chek vim JX 
\, chityhiyimy ck 

“i sound ‘that-is not: even ae 
_ The. Chinese divide the tones into pg ZB, 
; pai"s, even; and chek chy obhi ; and 
0 (are very particular in, Utne thein, ew to 
Arrange the even and oblique tones properly. 
Thus, in a verse of five words in ‘each line, 
beginning with an oblique: tone, ‘the ‘prosody 

would Fun in the following manner : 

chek chek péng péng chek IK WEF NK: 

chiiyh chiyh pai"S pai” chityh. 

péng péng chek chek péng SpE IK us sa 

pais aati chityh chityh pai"’. 

peng peng péng chek ‘chek’ ey ap KK \ 

pai" pai® pat" chityh chityh. 

chek chek chek. péng péng 
s chiiyh chiyh chityh pair ‘pai hey aes verse. 
‘begins with an even tone, “the poles must 
the two last, ines eee first. 
\3 Read ch’héak:’ ‘as Giro. | doh bird. 

ooh) 4: node cod 

Way, chong Khe fabing chéa, 
* chéen yea By ee Bx. 4E 4% BB 
tH, yin wiy ch’héw ‘she kew"d ‘chiiyh 4 dy 
mek", chéw., 82, Jaé ; héth, that, do. the 

, sparrow into the woods is the hawk, Se¢ Hes the the 
i Saag Heng, occ t-nai'l of fos Ny 

hy NES 

be reversed, 



Hé ch’kéak hoe chéng E E. nf Hig; ho dy 

 chigh é kéo Chee"é chat", the Jacky sparrow 

calls: Ger fair weather. 

sf Rew chek:, to. spin: héng chek ote 
oe er phang chityh, to spin thread. 
eh’héuk che kay jé ché, yéw 
aA ké kan a che noé yéa Ww BR. 
4, e ewe dy Kay chd chos ting, yew bityh p'hing 
vehliyh, ka né& kan hwin Kwiry-s8 dy séw Ihe, 
being the head of my now ennobled family, if 
you still persist in spinning thread, it is to be 
feared you. will stir up the 5M a ya gd (our 
chief). See the Kok gé ap: — said by. 
a man to his. mother. 

Read chéet: a division of time, a 

Chiyh season: léén chéet SE fi , nel" 

chiiyh, times. and seasons, Yit léén 

yéw sod sé pat chéet —. 4F # [1 i /\ Fifi, 

chit neé"® wod sd sé pityh ehiyh, each. year has 
four seasons and eight divisions of tims. 

Chiyh To, take inthe fingers. 

Chivh > Not very as the appearance of © 
y aK flowing water. 

! The name of a river; also, the sound 
Chay h re of running water, 
Chiyh 0k turned sour; the water which 
@ips from fermenting rice. 

> Read chéet: to cut, off > chéet twan 

Chayh AK cae chiyh too", to eut asunder, 

53 CHE 

Read chwat: to exterminate; chwat 
aa chétng 4 hp, chiiyh chéng, to cut 
off one’s posterity. 

> Of, belonging to, with respect to; to go 
to, to proceed; also, he, she, it. 
Hoo cho6é che kéw che yéa, ké choo 

@ hoe jin che kéw chee rin oid * Zz th. 

HA SEF A CRD, Hoo chos ty 

kéw e, Khith kth years pat lang dy kéw e, our 

master’s seeking (information ) is perhaps different 

from the way in which: it. See the 
bai Séang lin. 

3 chéfing léfng jin, che séy che hit $e BR AK 
ZF LZ thaow din d thy Whw"& ta po ling 
sey kaiu dy wiy,, they secretly followed to see 

where their husbands.went.. See We Ff Béng-choo. 
Bek jé ché che BY [fj BG ZZ». tem Wem je dat ¢, 
silently meditating till, one. comprehends any- 

Ch’héang ch’héang hoe hé ohe the te Fy ae 

ging ging hoé bityh la lh Whe, where are you 


going so stupidly. 

a ° 
Cie = go: che hoé ah fie. a prince of the 
Che jin fi A, chéang lang, all people; che kong. 
BA Ws; sirs, gentlemen, 
Put ké jé hiey che, pat pek che ho@ AL IY} fh 
EG, NB Hh Be vt, stato nae 
chéd, piiyh piyh che hoé, without previous contract 
there met together, eight hundred princes of the 
Also read, choo. 

every one; a snrname;.also, to. 


Che lan bd BA. a certain flower, very, 
fragrant.. Kéén yit sééi j@ jip che 
lan che sit, kéw jéput bain k4 heng 


eal HL BE www" Kae chit ley Mi drg chin 
chess ie che lin dy cl'hod, kob je a” o 


chae e dy 
hang, an interview with a good mao is. like 


entering a house full of-the che-lén flower, after 

a time we perceive not the fragrance. See the 

RR as Kay gé. 

A wine vessel; hong géuk che, k’hé 
Cree wily T’haé-séang-hong séw ew As a je. 
AA ke mS , hong géuk 

dy chéw. piey, hé wily T’hed-s8ing-hine dy te"S 

héey séw, he took the pearly wine-cup, and rising, 
drank to the long life of (his father) T’haé-séang- 

héng. Said of pes i mal Han-Ko-choé. 

Vulg. ke: a branch; léy che 4, Lia i 
the fruit called Litehi. Che yéep bé 

haé, pin sit séen pwat He te He =, 
AO EF FE YS , he nein vdey' had, kin prin sit tae 

seng pwat, the branches and “leaves are yet unin- 
jured, but the root is already:destroyed. Said of 
those’ who in appearance are doing ‘well, while 

they are really) ruined. 

YU Fie Eb a". 9@ Ae pity tut, the 

four limbs and hundred bones. 

j A limb, a member; sod che pek kwut 

An order, a number; also, to divide. 
A surname. Che lé Ba yz. to regu- 

Che p’haé FF JK, a distinct famil , a tribe. 
P DK UW y 

Yéen che HW AK, rouge, used by 
Chinese ladies for reddening the lips. 

Che ko its cee ointment, salve; che 

yéw fis aH, oil, 
Séw jé jéw 6, hoo jé géng che Fy ip eS Be. 
Ip an va ie ch’ héw ch’ hin ché6o"S noot"S nooi™S 

4y cWhadu, bith ch’hin chéo"® kéen_ting dy yéw, 
her, hands were like soft. yielding grass,.and her 
flesh like congealed ointment. See the fey mB 
Kok hong. 

The name of a bird, 




Standing water; tanks for holding water, 
in order to provide against a drought. 

To plough. 

Hong’ che i Ha wui"S kee"S, the 

‘3 name of a yellow wood, used as a 

dye: the yellow preparation of pulse, 

called toé kan ei at tau ‘kw"a, mnch used 
among the Chinese, is died with this. wood. 

To stop, to halt, to rest, to dwell; 

ak only, alone, Wan jé ché che, jé ché 
PGi ak Z Wk, wm se 

lébu e, e chéw hath, if any one pulled him to 
detain him, he would stop. Said of Léw-hay- hwiiy. 

Hong neadu ché @ Whew g¢ x A ik HS BE 

IW, wui"S chédou hai"h té sw"a kak, the yellow 

bird rested on the corner of the hill. 
Pang ke ch’héen 1é, wiiy bin séy ché FI a F 

Le B, iS pir ip. pang kok ché"é ch’heng lé, 

wuy piyh sai"S séy twa, a district of a thousand 
1é in extent, for the people to dwell in. 

$ Ke ché JE Jf, a foundation. ‘T’hae 

péng, ke ché ch’héen léén éng, hwiin 
yit, ke se ban koé chin FC ¥. 

Phad pai”S, ke ché cWheng neé"S éng,hwitn wit, 
ch’héa ch’hityh ban koé chin, in the midst of tran- 
quillity, the foundations of the sytegat for a 
thousand years; when contendisig interests are, 
united, the chariots and books of a\ dynasty are 

preserved for a myriad of ages. 

. : ' pate i - 
a ; A small. island. , ; : 

oe We Pek ché i= t; “the name of’ a: 6 Ata: 

grant medicinal herb. DS 

fe of 


* A sweet taste: sit ché put kam Ay B B 
RE: chétih tee"S a chae ¢ dy hd} 
to eat anything sweet, and not to know 

its excellence; said of those who are so affected 
by the death of their parents, that they do not 
know the taste of what they eat. 
‘ Ray ace will; a decree, an order; ché'é 
BH e, ‘will and pleasure; om, oA poly i 
~ an imperial decree; ch’héng ché 2 BP) b> to request 


an order. 

A finger; séw ché + 5 i cW héw chae, 
B a finger of the hand, aring. Ché sé 

P= 5 } #é 82, to point out anything ; 
ché téém 14 mi to beckon. 


K’hwut ché k’hé swan ie +8 oy 5., Whwut 

ché thang swui"S, bending the fingers you can 


enumerate them, 

Bod béng che che. Mk FZ th 06 mé"a dy 
chde, the nameless finger; that is, the ring finger, 

Ché jut Happiness, delight; also, to stop. 

A toe; chéuk ché jE Pit, ha chat", 
the toes of the feet. Lin che ché, 
chin chin kong choé Wea il: ie 

te +, lin dy chaé"S chay chay kong chod, 
the toes of ‘the griffia have produced very many 
children ; —alluding to x co Bain dng, who had 
ninety-nine clildiea. bet the a Jal Kok hong. 

» The same as iy ché; ché Ian Wis fa. 

the name of a) fragrant os 



Pa LW | \ P | : 

“Cotton: ating, for clothes to war 

surname. ; 
Prat ' 





“Che ching +E =, to hold in the 

Only, alone; ché chehos léedg sod jé 

ee RW Bi ER 

chéy nd hang 80d 1a té"a, only these 


two things, and no more. 

Lok ché kwan chod, be che hod boé gs n 
a = 9 Fe ete o's FR, eh’héng cWwhéng kiey é 
kwun choé dy lang, sé pityh "sai" dy pay boé, a 
prince that is pleased with no other than good 
men, is the father of his people. See the 

Seadu gnay. a at 

ze. A nankeen colour: ché hwa poé se ae 

, Bankeen cloth. . Héng ché 

put te Mh séet hok $r ub A VI 

BS 8 We ding kwa ché 66 Vityh cl) soo ke dy 

s"a, red and nankeen colours he would not use 
for common wear. Said of Cobfucius, in-the I, 

Bi S€ang Inn. | BD 
carriage. generally) Chin 6ng choé, 

wp Eng, kang ché: td péng Fp £- f 

y Be i TF Chin’ dng dy ‘k8"4, Eng, Wh 

ch’héa té loé pee™®, Eng, the son’ of the king of 
Chin, descended from his carriage “by thé side of 
the road. See the Sf Ff} S06 ke. 

The spokes of a wheel; used for a 

A . measure; of eightinches;) chéch’hek 
’ Ba RR, ima, small, degree. 

Vulg. chwd:. papers kim ché A> 4h 
kim chwd, gilt paper. Ch’haé-lan yang 
s@ p’hé, “kip pé poe, gé hong, wy ché 

_Sichsp-cpereape sgnigr area 

bang, chd chwd, Ch’hwa-lan, made, use of the 

bark of trees, and old rags, with ets, to, 

manufacture paper. See the 3 ge Tas ké, 

Ché © 

‘ / 

record of the Han dynasty,. about the time of 
the Christian: era. Also written ae Ché, 

) To’ stop, to stay; ‘to detain. 

A sister; tad ché K If, 0a ché, a 
sister's husband; ché modéy Ih tT, 

A mat: ch*héng ché che téy, lan é 

jin gan A fy 3 Sil SAE So d 


ling kéng, what is done in the land of beds ang 

mats (behind the curtain), is difficult to talk about. 
See the Ze {Hi Cho twin, 

The name of a tree, of the bark of 

cWhé"S civhéth dy ley, th kap 

which paper is made. 

To, follow behind, to come up from 
behind. One of the radicals, 

To boil, to seethes ché hwan 4% fy 
| ché poot”S, to cook rice. 

_ojé@n> tod. kin AG GE AKG ih, 

ché tadu hé"4 tadu kin, in boiling pulse, to buro 

‘the pulse roots: alluding to brethren of the same 

family, who injure one another. Said by ti WF hit 

P’heng keng ché so6. a ft & i to seethe 
the classics and boil histories; — meaning, to get 

perfectly acquainted with them. 

A small island, the same as jit ché. 
“ Bé ch’haé hwan, @ chaow @ ehé 

DUS Sake te 
bin hwan, té chaow té ché, 1 go to pick herbs, 
about the ponds and islands. See the fal 
Kok hong. 

A’ kind of stag. 

Ché to 



H%6 ch’néem ché TF Ht fg, a needle 

finger, \a good sempstress; the same 

AW wbishieas 

a To promise, to assent to. 

+ pose, sheet an historical account. 

BAW Ché é to ivy rw is i. sim che twa 

1é 16, the mind bent on virtue. 

Ap. kok gan jé ché Ba 4. a fi i. 3s"a $00 

a™ -suy ling king lé dy sim ché, why do you not 
each tell_ us of your purpose. See the Ag A 

Séang lin. . 

1p The same as the preceding. 

The will, intention, aim, design, pur- 

To injure, to hurt; put ché put kéw, 

hé ying put chong aN IN Ae WE 
Ary A AR TM. b6, haé lang, yéd 06 

Whe kéw lang, 0G, ta lih Khe @™ hé, when a 
person does not injure people mor seek their 

favour, where is the place where he would not 

be well off. See the [/ Sy Séang lan. 
To remember, to recollect; se sod = 

— keng bok, téet ché sim ar 

PANSY 5 Fh Bb Fat rniok ap 
206 chit keng kiey bak, chd, pob ké té sim, books 
and. histories having once passed before his eyes, 

he thoroughly remembered them in his mind. 

The covering of a carriage, let down 
in front. soe | 

WVulg. ke: a black spot, a freckle, a 
wr mark in the skin. Cho koé ch’hit 

ey sip jé hek chod ché £ Jia 4 Fe 
pow —2 -$ fe, 16 ch’héw péng dy twa UVhiéy, wood 
cWhit. chap j&@ oe téém dy ke, on ‘his left thigh 
he had seventy-two black coloured spots. Said 
of the founder oi the jue Han dynasty. 

CHE > 

To arrive at; to go to the qpmost ; the 

extreme. Ché chek héng™ a I) 

=. RT FR, kadu tey © te ke"a) leéou, 

when he arrived (the old man) was. 5 
the ie Séang lin... 
Bat kek jé hoé te ché Wy ¥ ai Bean =. 

meé"h bat kabu kek, jéén adu te hwiy ché, when 
we obtain an‘universal acquaintance’ with things, 
knowledge may be carried to the utmost extent. 

‘ See the oe A Tat hak. 

~ Seaou jin han ke, way put sn, bod sy put ché 


Jin éng Wha, cho a™ hé, v6 séy a” kabu, when 
worthless people are unemployed, and begin to do 
that which is evil, there are no lengths: ‘A 

they will not go. 

ché Aa 2G, the, Chew, and 
Téng countries exchanged hostages. 

Sa th Ze (A cho twin. 



Ché To open; also, to strike. +) 

Ai eds dosti? Chew Téng kaou 

Che» A stumbling-block; to stumble. — 
' To make, to make up a garment, Hwat , 
Che ! ché ik Hi regulations. Say yew bé 

kim, aie: soo jin hak ché, yéen ae 

BIH. B ABB, v9 0 
by, Kim, twin, him 2” WR seb lang dh ch’, 

although you have ever so fine a piece of em- 
viibroidery,;’ is it not necessary to set people to 

learn to make it up. See the Ze i Cho two, 

Ché" ‘"Po'hold in the /hatid? used for (che BE, 
Eu, Bode, 90 Ee a 
A flag, a standard. Han-sin pwat Teadu 

che, “sé Han ch’hek ché AB ih ) 
"FELL BR AR Be eee in 

52 cue 
Tés dy ké, chith Han dy ch’héth ké, Han-sin plucked 
up the standard “of Téo, and planted: the red 
standard of Han. See the Pu BE SS08' ke! 
s » 4 
Ché The same as the preceding~ 
A present offered on the first intro- 
Ché duction to a superior ; — the most con- 
siderable presents offered ‘by men, 
consisted of gems and silk stuffs; the inferior 
ones, of rare birds and beasts: women brought only 
chesnuts and other fruits. Chip ché v #. to 
hold a present in the hand. 
' The more ferocious aniong’ the birds 
Che and beasts. Ché neaou che put kwan 

héy, choo chéén sé jé@ kod jé@én & 

BZ RRA. A a 1 iin fl. 

béng dy chedou bb ché"4 kwtin, chod chéng sé koe 
|, jéén, ferociods birds not congregating together, 


has been usual from former ages. 

» 4 

fil one’s mind by propriety. 

To regulate, to adjust, to.circumscribe. 
to form, to make.  E’ géché soo, & 

léy ché sim Ve tl B. Vie 

, to regulate one’s affairs by righteousness, 

See the fy H . 

Séang se. 
Hwat ché kim léng i& in) # ee, orders and 
ltl ay 

Che >. Wet, damp}to make anything ‘moist. 
. A potatoe, a yam; hwan ché ni H, 

Ché a foreign or sweet potatoe,— aterm of 

_ Teproach, as much as to say, ‘“‘you 

foreign clod-hopper.”’ 

Ché.’ wired ché fk Hi cakes Lost ~eoafec- 

F tibnary. 


: re 

Che + 

, . 


‘a! st ' 
Chéang ‘chod la chim che, a 

, toad, 
' { aH liabiunte 

Ge «a 

To dwell; ke ché 35 bane twas) 

to reside, to stop, to stay: * g ke 

~  ,ché ma fe, cu 4E Fis me. cWhéa 

hiiy™h béy, to delay the carriage andjston the “horses. ; 

6. Hwut La-che bak, sim bod séy che, Se léng éng 
‘ nin chut, tek chdéy, é séng jin, 4h Be 2, i 

Cv Sk Bie. ii fie WE BB. AE EE HS 

tee K ‘Hiut-choe hie Lé-chos ay” nae Rikur, sim 

kw"a bé séy ché, jé €y eng péén, swath biey tek 
chiéy é seng jin, the doctrines. of Buddha and 
Lé-chod do, not settle the mind, and by enabling 
their yotaries, to effect changes, theyrat Jength give 

«4 offence to the sages, Saud by; a Te Choa choo. 




wih “ast 4 

‘Oh? ‘eh’hSuk i sm, Wurtied. 

nov isuen smoed h | 

an ¢ ssh ive 

Ok che is i ch’ hoo Epeady, a pillar 
of a, house. «,Téung léw ié che Hh 

vit jis ke: tung tabu hay Cheds cho 


‘Phéadu,,. in, the, middle,of, the stream, he placed a 

‘stone asapillareiyy ow im e300 
ie » The Wick lof a, lamp, Yeen., tong put 
j tL chok ché, yéw yéw na.tek béng pr 
KY AN AE RE, Ay ah JB Ge 
léém teng b6 cha. téém, sim, wod yéw/bityh, amehw"'a 
éy kwui"S, when lighting a lamp, if you do tot put 
a wick to it, although you have oil, how can it) 

shine, brightly. A & 


The standing of a horses .ehé 

BE, any place where 
stops in travelling. 







f slow of ste avitts of] cam ow 

ve ‘of the’ horary areca . ot 

ty 2c> 

$5 sy wand ‘ eX ; ; G enn nar yy 
‘To'lick anything with thé b totigite. Pvhé 
hoo séadu, chek Wala ie che Mes taé, 

Vi chek Gehds'’s ikwudl aps As Fi 

ee Ki BAIR, ae i a 

dy lang, sey chew chwur yung ché chee”; twa, 
Re Phae pay te fewun, es ‘who are vulgar 
fellows in a smaller degree, ‘will suck “sores and 
ick ‘ulcers (for gain); and “those, who. are such 

in greater degree, will niurder’ their parents and 

verei Said 2 Te RK F Choo-hoo-choé. 

Bets 8 
To sallacks ché chip ys {E, to gather 
together; ché léém’ che! stn Be wR 

8 =e ché léém dy jin.sin,’a rapa- 
cious minister; a scrape-all. 

Chaéclé chek bia sin, chaé sda Shek’ Btn. ché 

+ SU TR SY BS es Jat We HERES teens 

bun BBR ch 'hiey, pityh sai”S chéw sw"d,—chee"S 
ouptyh sa"Schéw Whadh cho ‘hiéy, when a prince 


scrapes money together, «his. people will disperse ; 
but when he disperses his money, the people will 
collect around him, See the Jy A: Eo “Thee hak. | 

mii > Vulg. jéa: to cover over, to ~conceal, 
Cres .  tohinder, to Maiti, to tee to 
ai | 
Par-thexow hok’ peng chéa’ kek IRE 
sue BE Pant héo hok ge Gen kek, Pan-t? héo 
* fata ‘an ambuscade to stop and aaiht the enemy. 
yf Ché nla firm but nat. virtu- 
Chéa ia (li a . 
' ~ “ous, 
lnfn ’ 
Ng Tosigh, to exelaim j ;anjexclamation = 
Chea he chéa AF 0B, alas! mg 
Ad A net. for catching rabbitey vh H chin. ' 
| Chéa se pK ie rabbits p nets ahd 
Ay fg heii ad 

CHA” - 


Je yéw org chéa, pit sé jé hoé jin 
dn 78 E45. ib te he Es 
1 ehéw wod @y ing Chee"S ay dyjlang,pit toh chit 
igh sé, jéén, adu éy jin, even) if, there were a person 
$3 fit ‘to, reign, it would certainly be “an age before 
_ the People, y were, rendered virtuous... See - -f- 
Béng-chéo. . me 5 
Way jin chéa, leng hd jis, ‘léng oé jin ME 
tt fe 6A. Ae A! tok jin tek dy 
tang, ey eth lang, kwa éy wan ling, a a benevolent 
man, alone can “properly shew his predilections 
; for, “Hoa” antipathies against, others. See the Ms 

ah Séang lin. 

The people of Kéang % called a 
” mother ché4;—a wet nurse; Sip chéa 

te i iehédh chéa, dana 

Red. : Chéi'e ' Hi x, a clothes, the 
dress of criminals. Sat chéa e jé 
put chdén Ae IAS iti x YE, 

Chaé fing fa dy chiéy ling jé b6 chin’ chat, be 

‘a killed the red apparelled criminals, without dis- 
c crimination. 


Chea ) 

- Sister, eines also, to: slight, to des- 
pise; séaou chéa +n 48, 8&6 chéd, 
little sister; chéa chéa iA 4A. sis- 

ters; a title of respect, applied to young ladies. 
The people of ¥3j Suk called a mother Hf] chéa. 
Beni 250 

Vulg. chévh: to lend, to bérrow. Kay 
Chea, | r=) 

chéa lap ying Be fi 4in FA: kay 
chéh ab ying, to borrow for use. 
\-Yéw and. chBG chéd jin séng che #B ay iS 9 
ay He ya woo bay dy ling chédh Ving k’hed, 
hee who had horses used to lend them to 
~ people to ride. 

“| hho 1é put cha Hi a * we; eWhaiu dy 
a™ saé thidh,’ sithe shoes need not be borrowed. 



"Phat which, the [pérsom, who, whats 



Song chéa ehh. the mulberry-tree ; 
also written AE chéa. 

Kam chéa BE , sugar-cane ; kam 
chéa ‘chéep k ho go vhéng H ik 

db ik 2 ay 7 fe kam chéa dy chéep 

‘éy g6 tit Che"S, the juice of the sugar-cane may 
‘be manufactured into sugar. 

Chea koe fie if. chiiyh koe, a par- 
" tridge. 

The bank of a stream, the edge of 

Chéa “water. On the west of fff BR Léew- 
a KS there island, called P*héng- 
hoe 1 6 ¥ . where the water gradually 
descends, and is Vealled lok. chéa oY i, ‘des- 
cending to the water's edge:’ when vessels enter by 
mistake, they never return. See the - Fi. @. st 

_Goé hak p’héen. f 

194 ac 

To roast, to’ heat by. ‘the » fire; chéa 

<7 "jéuk RR A. chéa vith, roasted flesh. 
. Kieéy chéa € yAng chd, séuk bé? 
 Béng-chod wat, -kéey chéa chae [> J fa +f 
RIE TARR worm 
kap yé0"S chi, téy chit dy k’hih hé? Béng-choé 
kong, k0éy chéd chae, Of roasted flesh and sheep’s 
dsids, Seenias is the nicest? Beng-chod said, 
roasted flesh ! 


Fo offer up, to depend on, to help, 
‘to assist, to borrow, to lend; elegant, 

Hong léw win’ chéa’ Jal pit 8 elegant 

and accomplished manners.’ 

Chéa "Read! sea: a 'silenaine. 



iE FA. chéa goéyh, thé fr 

Read cheng: a fairy, an elf: yaou 

ChéeTa cheng K He. yaou ché"a, evil genii. 
; Fy Hé-han-ban gé hek pek sé cheng, 

é che wiy hoo hod i yea xX 7 =] 
hy, ie: ay i Kk tip, K’ hoé-han-biin too 

10h oe péyh chwi ché"a, kap e chd ang pb, K’hoé- 
han-bin met an elf, which was really a -black 
and white sndke; and they became man and 
wife together. These elfs are supposed by the 
Chinese to be beasts, which transform themselves 
- into human shape, for the purposes of mischief. 

Tasteless; ch’hoo but ché™a vché"a 

cues A FY 1 AHL, 3 19 men 
ché"4 ché"d, this thing has no taste 
in it. , , 
Read chéng: right, square, correct, 
CheNa proper; sod chéng py TE, sé che"a 

four square, in Proper order. 

chéng as E. pai"S ché"a, just. 
Yew tae jin chéa chéng ké, ié but chéng chéa 


‘ 0d twa ling dy lang taé seng chi" kate, jé 


pat lang chéw ché"d, wherever there ‘is a great 

man, he first corrects himself, and then others 
kx Hiay-béng. 

~» Read séng: to perfect, te complete, to 
adjust, to finish, Séng but ii Hy, 
ché"4 meé"h, to perfect anything, 

will be corrected hy him. See~ 

to complete a thing. 

Séng jin sii K ché"4 lang, to become @ man; 
to be fit for something. 


Boé soo chaé jin, séng sod chad théen = Eo 

FE A Sik, Be GE K, 100 n86"S.205 chad ting, 

ché™4 sod chaé thee"®, to plan affairs résts with 
men, but to complete them rests with héaven. 

Read cheng: the first. Che wd giwat! 


60° CHEAH 

- Read chéng: feelings, passions; ja’ < . 

WA chéng AYE. lang oue"a, pkipdages, 

JY Read. chéng: a character in a play. 
Chea + 

He chéng je ché"a,'a part 
ang ché"a, a red-faced character. 

ce @ 

in a play. Hong ‘cheng ft B, 
Oc “chéng 

iy Ff oe ché"G, a black-faced character. 
dx nig Yow 

Read chit:*K’haou ant #, wha 
chéith, the back, the back-bone. Lé 
k’hé cheng chit pi se IE & hoé 

ie a™ te8"Bh che"a chéth, never ent. the middle 

of the back of a fox. 


af € 
Read chek: single, only one, one: a 

numeral; yit chek gnéw ~~ He 
chit chéth ‘gb0, a cow. Yit chek 

ch’hwan — ify. chit chéih chan, one ship. 



Read chek: a trace; chéuk’ chek ji 
Y WR , wha chéth, a foot-step. Léuk 
rea séen dng che tin chek yéa 
AMES FEZ WA A i iene 0 
sten Ong dy kod chéth, the six classics contaio 
the ancient ‘traces of the former kings See 

HE F and ~chod. = va 

Kk i 

Read sit: to eat; sit hwan tg fe 

chéith poot"S, to eat rice. Chin-Ban- - 

kong Whit sit é gnoé 10k che yéa, 
yéa jin € che krhwaé =a UN 0B id 
FE ZB BALI, nn nen. 
kong kK’ hit chéth té g0€ Wh ay yee, “wha dy ling 
hot ¢ chit. téy thoé, Ban the duke of Chin, 
begged for something to eat. in, the, _five-stag 

Cheth >) 


a desert, when the wild people gave, him a. lump 
pf earth, See the x {ii Cho-twan. 


(eee Sit put gé- oN 7 Be chéth 66 King wa, he 
: ye fl “never spoke while eating. —Said oh Confucins, 
a | the ae a Ret apy 

om Y | To burn, to roast, 
Chéak ik match-maker, a go-between, in order 
to make. up marriages. 
Put thaé bééy chéak che gin ZY ¥ dt ty 

A a? a” téng Vhaé. hi” lang dy wa, without 
‘waiting for the mediation of the match-maker. 

Bééy chéak ip 44, ha™ ling, a 

A handful, a ladle-full.. Vit. chéak 

Chéak Armfl say che to —4} K ZF 
chit chéake chiy dy chéy, a. handful 
of. water, j 
Chéak: Péey chéak AF cme wooden: etip’ 

or ‘bowl, for holding wine. 
Mati. ul <i a 
Chéak yak" za) ie the name’ of a/ 
flower, used. in ‘medicine. 

sb I 


, rer chew. fy 6G 5 in chéw, to, 
pour out wine. Chim chéak AM, 

to. consider, to. weigh. a matter. 

 Chéak, chek sty séen. Phy 0) HE 4, « 

, chéw L8h.ché- chiiy 4: tae: iseng, an pouring out 
wine, for. whom ‘should we pour out first? 

Fon ea To ent asunder 
43. hew. down. 

- Chéw. chéak. 4 , ® wine-cup; 

ona c kw"a. chéak, 
D inf Pisa vane Fe 

Chéak PO 

with, a knife, to 

Yéw théen chéak vai yéw jin chéak chéa 

BR BE AG. A BE AG | 00 encore 

‘ ehéak dy lang, wot lang chéak dy lang, there are 
men of celestial rank, and men of human rank. 



To bite, to gnaw, *to-eat; choé chéak 

choo bé JH re i ik: to try 

the taste of anything. 

act nite 

Chéak ye light, a. fire, a lighted torch. 
Chéak To cut, to hack. 
a The string ofa bow;- to. fasten the 
string on a. bow. 
nr , Vaalg: tédh: to clothes to- put on; also 
Chéak added to verbs,. to -signify their 
taking effect; .also,—ought, should, 
right, yes. 

Chéak e sok. taé G K He a, chhéng s"a 

hath twa, to put on clothes, and bind on a girdle. 
K’han chéak A A. k’hw"e tah, to get a 
sight of. Y ‘ 
Chéak kip, * de hurried, off She's guard. 

Chéak $06 1oé’ ‘chaé ry R, ty t téth sé 

loé chaé, you slave, you ought to die! 

re hes ch’haé” = ,» variegated 
colours; bin chéang x a 

Chéang ~ 
; = bdn chéo"S, literary composition ; 

chéang kod it ’l chapters and sections. 

A. surname. 

Hwan hoe ké- -yéw ban chéang iif. f- HA 
KT, béng kwui"S hoe, ¢ dy wod bin chéang, 
how splendid were his literary accomplishments ! 

Said of. $£ Gefou, inthe iy Che" tan. 

Kwun choé che ché @ to. yéa, pnt séng chéang. 
put tat eFC SSG Ath, AR IK BE 
A, kwun chod dy sim che. twa. té to, a” 
ché" 4. chéo"S @” swith, the good man, in bending. 
his attention towards sound doctrine, does not 
stop till he has finished the chapter. See the 

Tt i Hay beng. 

Koe cheang Hii Ta. twa kay kw"a, 

Chéang a) hushand’s parents. Ch’héep sin 

“ree bé hwun béng, hd é pae koe chéang 

PEL te 

dy sin yea biey hwun béng, bityh an chw"a &y, 
paé twa kay kw"a, before my person is exhi- 
bited, how can I pay my ag ig ee to my | 
husband’s parents ?—Said by a young bride wien 
veiled), on entering her husband's Syetine: 

Cheang =i 
Chéang Ye 

Chéang héng fa te fear, alarm 


To dicpleys to illustrates ché 
béng a tH- to shew clearly. 

ae k’hwat yé seg % iia ) 

*i ae chéang bing e dy wood Sine sédng, to | 
illustrate his possession of constancy: “See the 

ny ee S80"S. se. 

The name.of a rivers Chéang-chew 

i py the name of a district 

in the province of ig. at Hok- 
kéén, where the dialect is, qpoken, which this 

Dictionary is intended to, illustrate, 

Shall, will, about to be; to take, 
“to undertake. 

ch’hek ké ma wat, hwuy kam 5 

84, ma put chin yes IF A PA, $f 
ae EU, 

diéyh jip moot ns phith e Ay bay, Kong, a™ 
3é swe E46 iy aou, sé bay a chin ké"4, 

Chéang jip bin, 

when about to enter the gate fafter a defeat), 
Confucius whipped his horse saying, it is not 
that I dare to be behind-hand, it is because my 
horse will not go. See the E aN Séing liin. 

T’héen chéang é hoo-chéo way bok tok RK 
AY Y K +. Ba x BE thee"S chéang 
boéyh léith lin dy hoo-cho6 chd bok tok, heaven 

is about to take our master and make him 

an alarm (to the world ). See the same. 

Sate: B 


Vulg: chéo"6+ thick water, congee, 

syrups . been, chéang 2 OF , 
mée"& chéo”®, leavep, yeast; yéa 

chéang Hp a yea cheat cocoa-nut milk. 
Bé chéang K a bé chéo"& ak f water. 
A precious stone, bil 

vr. 6f half 
Chéang a] gem. Long chéang we a son. 
Chéang =e a ie shine «i i. the eet 





A smal kind ‘of stag, Without horns, 


fies tele se gé 8 fa. chéo"& a hé, 

‘a pomfret) fish. 

su small kind of focust, of a green 

colours chéangiché a chéo"S 

Chéang ; 
5 lo chdj) a, toad. 

Vulg. Kéo"E: a wna Kind of deer, 
d ery handsome; es antelope. » 

| Chew chéang: aR, Wan 

insane, mad. 


Vulg: chéé"8; the palm of the hand; 
to holdin ‘the ‘hand; > chéang 
kwan ae EP to’manage, to rule; 
ae ww ) to regulate: _séw chéang 

=F aS cl héw chés"8, the palm of the hand.) 
Ké jé sé choo 800 ho, ché ké chéang 

BD 7s 8 TOF. THE BS, ay ovrin 

chéo"s hw" phéy, ley, ké ¢ dy chthew ché6"€,) 

it would be as, easy as, looking’ at. this (said 
_ Confucius), pointing te, his hand, 

A surname. m + Béng-choo's 
mother’s, family, name, was, Chéang 


ue 100 

chéang lé 



Vulg. chés"®: @ surname. 
h* Si 
Chéang k’hwan He Fh to exhort, 
™ ‘to induce, to persuade, (P6/chéang 
Be HE, ps. ch@6"8}, to praise, to 

rs ca 

¢ + | . 
Yi athe, ange biting 

‘ 15 2, ko cheo"s, to pull an 

oar, or rather to push over the 

bd ge (iii 

oar, according to the Chinese manner. 
Kéén choo tong song’ chéang, ch*huy song 
bok ch’hew laé pe + FY iy af. a ye 

cy FX Be , Shilmd saki n® ty chao"®, ch’huy 
sang @”.saé hwan, ld .bd lad, ‘if the boat is 

provided with a pair of Oars,"when pushing 

it along you need not be anxious about it’s 
not coming. es a 

Chéang chin FS SE , to advance, 
to get forward in the world. 

b Tod chéang TH AE, tatu cheire, 
= ketchup made of pulse. Sees 

kinds of pickles ‘atid’ Sauces, 
: Put tek’ ke chedtig pit sit 7 7% It Bt 
wn | Ar ft; ao tit tthe dy ied a™ chéith, 
~ if he did not get ‘the proper sauce to anything, 
he would not eat it—Said of Confucius, in 
the R ny a ‘Sting Hin teh OF 

7 Chéang siay ee fil a General- 

, a great Géneral; the middle 
| Aloger is alse called HEE FH chang che. 

» Hau: Kovehée. téuk tan, paé Han-sin way 
+9 Mech ES HL SE SE FE HS 
(tt Fp Ae Rf, the firey Bmperorof the Han 

dynasty, builtia terrace, upon which he installed 

cheaog Be Ie, 108E chbo"®, all 

‘ issimo ; tae chéang-kwun k Ve 


; ol) Han-sin: into, the | office of .gréat General. 
See the HP £0 So6.ké. 7 
se epg ete 


Chéang A lofty and ‘precipitous mountain. 

ee HR Timit, to separate, to divide 

Chéing by a partition. r Péng chéaag 

: ‘ii4 fia» pin chédng, a screen, a 

Chin Sé-héng téuk téng chéang, étéuk jéang 
Jin Fe Wp EA RS BSW 5 BEA 
Chin Sé-hing k’hé téng: chéing, é/kw"é jéing 
hwan dy, lang, the first.Emperor-ef the Chin 
dynasty, built a defence, to keep out the western 

A kind of epidemic disease, called 

m,, | Also a Bi chéang ley. 
Mids sus wig ge » tp 
Chéang + One. of the: radicals, ~~ 

Read hod: to carry on the back, 
to carry pick-a-back. _ Kéang hoo 

ké cho6 chéa yea fim 55 | Ht F- 

+h, Ché kin chéing e dy ke" 4, to carry 
a'child'in a cloth over the back. 


> Fea 

,, Anything, burot black in the fire. 
are nN yy A surname. i 
; y p— Keng vn Bi #E, keng chéo, 
‘a plantain, a banana. Pa chéaou 
léw p’héén léuk ES FE He 
pa chéo labu chit phee"® tek, the plantain 
leaf’ spréadsa broad patch of green. 
Chew Bok 6ng hok che € chéaou i rid + 
wey. | Chew Bok ing p'hak ¢ ¢ keng 
chéo hévh, Bok, the king of (Chew, covered 
it with a plantain leaf. AS 


; \» Hoé chéaou' HA He; hoé chéo, pep- 
Chéaou per. Hong hoe é'chéaou toé pek, 
ch’hé ké wun yéé = Ia Vy Hy 

YE BF, yx HE YR AY, tang noe rhs, hoe 

chéo bwith péth, ch’hé e dy séo, the empress 

rubbed the walls with pepper,. in order to-avail 

herself of the warmth ;—"(from, the idea that 

_, Pepper warms the outside ‘aswell as the inside 

of the body.) 

Sam chéaou ite three divisions 

a ha? 
,of the body = viz. from the head 
ddd» to the heart; fromthe heart to 
the navel, and from the navel to the feet. 
According to others,’ the chéaow’ Ife is the 
esophagus, the upper past’ being reckoned 


from the heart to the stomach, the second. 
from the stomuch to the navel, 
from the navel to the bladder. 

Cndaon 1a 

Vulg. chéo: to call with, the hand 

héén lap soo 4B iy FAR i, chéo 

gabu ling, kwh séw Chak ch’ hityh ling, to. 

‘‘agsémble élever' people, and to. receive learned 
‘“men,—(in order to'fori a party. and strengthen 

ene’s interests.) | 

To, examine clearly ;: intelligence. 

chéaou gé4ou tt f= ».2 dwarf, 

Bright, \clear,. to’ display, to illus- 

trate. Chéaou bok. HA fe. , th 

Chéaou Hy 

fm 4 order, of generation, the father’s 
: contemporaries being called Chéaou,. and the 
son’s Bok. The second word is otherwise 

written ie bok. TY ‘4 

Bin-éng chaé séang, oe chéaou é Vhéen a 

=E te E. Wh Wa FE: Biin-éng té téng 

bin, lwa chéd té Vhee"S, Ban-éng is highly 

exalted,—how brilliant even to the skies. See 

the x Ate Tae gnay. , 

and the third) 

to: beckon; ‘to assemble. ‘Chéaou- 

ob f 
Chéaou } Distant; Aise, té-urge. 
Chiapas Chéaou géfou inte ise, lofty, hilly s 

also,..the peak of a hill. 
Clear, evident; chéém suy hok é, 
eee Re ek k’hong che chéaou, 

ing R. WALZ. téém. lok chity’ 

 suy jéén bat, yéd chin chaé chéaou béng, although. 
they dive down (into. the waler) ever so. 
deep, yet they are very visible. -Said of fishes 
. ina clear pond. See the K ait Tie gnay. 

To steal a glance with, the eves, 
to look ‘askance. 



A pond: a round pool is. called Ht 
té, one not straight, B chéaou. 

Chéaou: sow 
c? Ong lip, é chédou. stang £ UW. 
Th iW br éng Kk héa lip 1 chédou pee®, 

the king was standing by. the side of the pond, 

y See the Ana a, Being béng.. 
Read ché: an elder. sisters, chééou) 

hoo Wi K, an. elder. sister’s 

Ban«gnd, chog koe,.sdy kip, pek. ché Ai] HE 

BB Hi BB (Sa. ma ot ye, 

sily kip kabu twa ché, he asked after: my aunts, 
and. then enquired about my, elder. sister. 

~ See: the 45 ji Wiey hong 

Read neaou :. 
chéang s06, ke Beng: ‘yea, ae, jin 


a bits nefou che 

’ yy? } che chéang s06, ke gan yea, séén 

BG ELS Ay BE > chedou trou: bieyh st, 

ay hdow ae ch’hém,—lang ‘kiiou bityh sé, e dy 
hing. wa, hd; when a\ bird is about to die it's. 

voice is lamentable, and’ when men are-about ~ 








. . = 
to die their words are good. Ere the =i 

Ba Lin-gé. 
Vulg. chéd: to display, to illustrate, 
Ha to reflect, to illumine; according 
to. Béng gwat séfing kan chéaou, 
cb’heng sh ane sek séang léw BA A a fil 
HB Yi St 7A E Fig. ens gidyh té 
eWhéng kan chéd, cW’heng dy chw™d té chébh 

téng Idou, the clear moon shining among the firs, 
and the limpid stream flowing over the stones. 

Tae jin kéy béng é cheaou k A we AA 
y) He. twa ling swa jit giéyh dy béng, é 
chéo kwui"S, the great man ( that is the sage ) 
connects the brilliancy of the sun and moon, 

in order to illumine the world. 


wd bin chéang kwun che beng, put 

ban vhéen choo chéaou cf ip fd 1. 
Fa MRE een 

thé"a chédng kwun dy béng, v6 Vhé"a hing 
téy dy chédou, in the army we attend to the 
orders of the general, and not to the decrees 
of the Emperor. See the b ca Kée bain. 

To walk quickly, a hurried 


To inform; a decree, an order 

from the Emperor. Kwun téung 

Chéfou heo HE K, 2 wood- 
cutter. CheAou hoo ch’héaou soo 

4 HERA. chéoh ch’hd dy 
lang ch’héo Chak ch’ hityh dy lang, the wood- 
man smiles at the scholar. 
Choo-maé-sin chédou ch’haé way hwat 
B fe te rN By FG, Choo-mat-sin chev 
cWhé Phan chétih, “*Choo-maé-sin used to cut 
and collect wood, for a livelihood ;’—but after- 
wards he attained to high rank. 

To steal a glance. 


@eaou chiy 45 4G » grieved, 
wearied out, tired of; 

maciated. Bin che chedou chiy ¢ 


géak chéng, bé yéw sim é ch’hoo sé chéa yea 

We He FE AY, , payh oni" dy hawt 16 12 v6 

géak dy chéng sod, biéy wod khith ch’ham é chéy 

lean, e- 

déy sé, the people have never been more wearied 

out with oppressive government, than at this 

See the Em Séang beng. 

Chéfou chiy HE PE grieved to 

the heart, vexed. 

present time. 



A chamber on the top of a city 
Koé héang chéfou loé 

Bay séang, kim béng sek sit téung 

ok EE. SG AEP 

lén té chédou labu ché0"®, kim hadu té chéth 



ch’'hod laé, the drum sounds upon the chamber 
of the citadel, and the metal rings in the 
midst of the stone-built dwelling. 



The name of a small bird. 

Chéfou To cut grass. 

Chéaou To gnaw, to bite, to chew. 


Cho chéaou ARK Rte, cho chés, to 
perform a sacrifice, and to have a 

’ religious procession. 

Chéaoitih The chirping of birds. 










Read léep: to fold: Iéep ché A HF 
cheth chwd, to fold paper. 

Read chéep: to receive: géng chéep 
ih 1 gé"4 cheth, to meet, to 


T’haé jin chéep khek 72¢ /\ pe Be | Khwén 
Vhaé ling, cheth lang I’hiyh, to treat people 

and receive yisitors. 

aKa Ae, , 
Ch’hoé kéng/ chéep 6 ay {E. HE fA, ch’ hoé 
dy ging ling cheth ch’héa, a madman of the 
Ch’hoé couptry met the carriage (of Confucius), 

» The chirping of insects; the squeak- 

ing of mice. 

Lwan chéet JiK Feil » noot"S cheth, 

a boil on the neck, or head. 

Read séet: the tongue: séet keng 

f Fi , yang cheth chvh cl’hdn, to 
plough with the tongue, i. e. to 

follow the occupation of a school-master. 

Sod put kip séet FQ 7s Ka a , 82 chéith bay 

Jjéuk béy kabdu ch’hiy cheth, four horses cannot 
SS yp; 
overtake the tongue. See the TT an Hay lin. 

Y Read chéet: to break; chéet chéet 

af He, at cheth, to break in two. 

To divine, to find out by divination, 

to prognosticate. Put chéem jé é é 

A ] mM ” x a” pok kwa 

té"a 4é"G, you have not divined, that is all. 

See the f ay Hay lin. 

To look on. 


To stand in waiting ; to stand awry. 


To look up at, to contemplate. 
Chéem A <== Chéem che chaé chéén, hwut jéén 
- - ae . 
ix chaé hoé NA ad *E Al. Za, a 
HE 4B: Khw"d chun d t Uhabu chéng, hwut 
Jéén té adu, (the doctrine of Confucius) ap- 
pears, when looking at it, to be before us, and 
then suddenly seems behind us again ; (meaning 

that it embraces a variety of objects ). 

To speak much, verbose. A surname. 

Chéem Gé gan chéem chéem, hd ké to yéa 
—_ = es a ale ie 

king wa chéem chéem, s"a sod kadu héith chay, 

your talk is quite verbose — why so much of it? 

+]~ Pointed, sharp, of a eonical shape ; 

Chéem coming to a pvint. San chéem 

hy RR sw”a chéem, the sharp peak 

of a hill. 
a A needle; sew chéem {E pa to 
Chéem work with a needle. Bod chéem 
put yin séen {IL SF AN BY BR 

b6 chéem béy yin tit sw"2, without a needle we 
cannot draw the thread ;—(meaning, that without 
an introduetion, we cannot get into the ac- 

quaintance of people. 

To cover, a thatched covering for 
a coltage ; a straw bed used when 


Chéem fj 


Chéém E he kéén gwat béng 
BR. A Bs 5, AL WA ene 


The name of a large fish, with hands 
under the belly. 

The blowing of the wind ; to blow. 

Long tong yéw hong chéém, seng 
4 4 

i Ho BL 

tin ting yéw hong 


chthiey, chai" chés toe s@ Ihw"a kee" giéyh 

kewui"S> the waves are agitated, because the wind 
_ blows, and the stars appear few, because the 

moon shines bright. ; 

To possess alone, te excel eompeti- 

tors, to top the whole, to be the 

first, Boééy chéém pek hwa k’hoey 
my He A a™ & chéém ché"d piyh 
hwa dy thaéu, the plum blossom stands out 
as the head of a hundred flowers, 

Go thoé tok chéém 4 5A 48} i. gO Chabu 

tok chéém, to ride on the head of the sea 

monster, alone distinguished; that is, téin 

chéng gw4n rp We It; téing chéing gwdn, 
. to attain the highest literary rank. 
to conceal, Yang k’hé chéém ching 

Dy St HE we, sit rhaiu ay whe 

téém IW’he"S, the influences of the sum are hid- 
den; i. e. the sun is set, See the Jy HE 
Yéth keng. 

Ge chiem chat cho (0 PE AEE Yue, ne wwem 
twa 1é chy ch'hadu, the fishes dive down among 
the weeds, See the a Aa Se keng. 

anything in hot water, 

Vulg. téém:> to hide under water, 

To steep 

in order 


to get off the hair; to 

warm anything; to boil water. 
Gnée jit, chek chéém hong chthéng yéuk 
Fi SUA ya fs, es an, ce 
hé"4 sto chy, cW’hé"G chang ck, after five days, 
(the new married wife) must warm some water, 
and invite (her husband’s parents) te bathe. 

A short time, not long: chéém sé 

ip HF, pro tempore, Sé hwun 
kéw chéém, 806 yéw Ian é ey Ap 

DG SS 44 BE Fp, 96 tacun kod wa chéem, 

$06 wod th kwd Whwae, times and seasons are 

divided into long and short,—affairs are some 
difficult, and some easy. 
» Gradual, gradually, by degrees, step 
Chéém % by step. Chin gé jin to t6 gwan 
tong, chéém jip kay kéng = if 
A. 3 ik HB. i A FE, ai ac 
dy Uhé hé dy lang, kadu tt gwdn tang, chéém 
dip kadu hé kéng, a fisherman of the Chin dy- 
nasty, arriving at the ‘‘ Peach fountain ” cavern, 
gradually entered the fairy land. 
Chéém To sell, to sell again. 
P 4 
Chéen Tun chéen ip yy. difficulty, ina~ 

hility to proceed. 

Chéen A! ‘To enter, to advance. 

= Tun chéen i, SH: difficulty of 
ey forward, scant har- 

‘Chéen 5 

A bird of prey, a pa wily chéng 
Chéen #8 k’he ch’héak chéa, chéen yéa, 
FEY AWW, weenie 
chang kw"d chiiyh ad, sé chéen yéd, what 
drives little birds into the woods, is. the hawk. 

Soft hair or wool, 
cloth: chéen té@ou fx (i> chee"S 
tédou, a carpet, a blanket; chéen bo. 

fi NF. chee"® bd, a felt hat or cap. 

worked up into 

The same as the preceding: é t"a 
yang mé p’heén p’héén chéen w 
(Ta tg Us Aa 
ye6"S mb, kadu ché"d phee"® ché"d phee"® dy 
chee" the rain beats the sheep's wool, till it 


forms into flakes of felt. 




Chéen — 








= oa 

Fz Thick rice-water, congee; the thick 

Ae is called chéen fy, and the thin 
chéuk oh, movey. 

A large kind of fish. 

A certain fragrant wood ; also called 

than héang bok i x. thw" 

héo"® ch’hd, a kind of sandal-wood. 

2p. A flag with a crooked staff, used in 
summoning the common people. 

Se jin é chéen ff wn W Von 

chéing lang t80h tédou e é chéen, people in general 

must be summoned by a flag, with a crooked 
staff. See ni =f. Béng-choo; 

To boil, to cook, to fry: chéen tay Ri 
x, chw"a ty, to boil tea; chéen 
gé Pil fA, chéen he, to fry fish. 

Liéy yung chéang chéen hd che soo 7) 9 

b= Wy in rah , lity yung dy kw"a chédng 

kwén chw"a kap téaou hb dy sod, the Loéy- 

yung officer superintended the business of 

boiling and preparing the food. 
Chéen péfou = Ha public docu- 

ment; bamboo slips, -which were an- 

ciently used for books, 

Fragrant, scented wood. 

To see clearly; also, small and 



A thread to sew with: put chwat jé 

chéen Ax Ke dn KS, b6 toow"® 

co cl hin ché0"S sw", unbroken, like 

a continued thread, 

The smell .of mutton, also, mutton — 









w2 To cut with ascissors: kaou chéén 

Be Be Ff BY ZY, woo ae hay dy tey 

Yéw ae lé péng chéén che bedou 
kap péng kay dy chéén dy hé, it has all the ~ 

By, ka chéén, a pair of scissors. 

excellent qualities of Ae files, and Péng scis- 
sors.— Ae and Péng were the most celebrated 
umakers .of scissors and sfiles, and thie expres- 
sion is used to intimate the sharp, cutting 

nature of good literary compositions. 

Shallow, not deep, applied to car- 


Prepared, anything prepared, a. 
plan or view: tomumber, to adjust. 

. E hoe sam chod chéa che chéén 

ie. ¥- = F. % Zz. fE, koh yéo"S hwut 

ga ling dy chéén, how different from the views 
of those three gentlemen! See the — Bay 

Hay lin. 
i, temporary roads. 

Sy Téang-léing swat Han dng séaou 

chwat chéén to Hie Be Bo Ds ee EE 

34. Téo"8-léang Khwui"S Han éng séo tooi"® 
chan to, Téo"8-léAng advised the king of Han 

A scaffold, a temporary erection : 

chéén to 

to burn and destroy the temporgry roads. 

~ To Wen: upon, to walk over: chéén 
, lth wa, to tread one’s 

gan iB 
way Ga & 1, fulfil one’s engage- 
ments ). 
Chéén ké wiiy, héng ké léy, choé ké gak 
BEE Uh. 4 JE Wh Be LE, 
dy wiy, ké"4 e dy léy, chdou e dy gak, ** to 
walk in their ways, to practise their ceremonies, 
— This when done 
by posterity towards their ancestors, is the 

height of filial piety. See the rp hit Téung 

‘and to play their music.” 

_ Chéén Vhéen chod way yéen 53 RK -- ANE 

. Bye tith hing tey dy way, to take upon , one’s~ 
‘self the rank of an Emperor. - =f 


A glass PR at patting a part- 
ing feast. 
», To cut off; é koe chéén béet ch’hoé,, 
. “AY Geen AD , gwd ch’hé" dichéén béet 
_chéy ley, jé ih 5 ché. Phe poot"S, ¥ will just 
go to breakfast. 
Chéén Ae Broth, made of flesh. - 

Chéén BR Happy,. lucky ; to: exhaust. 
tn A EB 
cut off and exterminate this country, and then 

Chéén ul Shallow :. shallow. words. 

Worms found in books: and clothes: 

they are yellow at first, but when 
~ ald become covered with a white 
_ ) powder. like, silvers; hence, they “are, called. pek 

Ly a fR, pliyh hé, white fish. 


To fight, to go to. war; also, to 
fear and tremble. Choé che séy 

sin, chae, chéén, chit F- om. Dig 
Nt, PF BY FR, Hoo-choo dy sty kin sin, chétth 

ch’hae, chéen Chat, ehit pai", the things about 
‘> which Confucius was partigularly careful, were 
th feasting, war, and sickness. 

€héén chéén keng ery WR if io WM trem- 

oo) bling and shaking. 
ye To splash with water; the rapid flow- 
Chéén ing of water. .Ch’héng tek é kéng 
val héet, chéén , taé ae hn | 
$F sin. Fe FE, cwnea, tee ping ity 




chw"a twa Ong, “beg leaye to take the blood 
of my neck and splash it over your majesty.” 

Again, as before: sty chéén ché 

IK FAR 3B, ctedy chédow koi. koh 

; kitou, water flowing against the same 
place.. See the Ss, ASS Yéiih-keng. 
SH af . chih chee™S, to shoot an 

FN) arrow, Séet-jin-kwhy yit chéén 
téng Kwun-san he im fi ey au FE ci 

ity , Seth-jin-kwiy chit ke chee"® an 84 Kwun- 
sw"a, Séh-jin-kwoy with one arrow pacified 
4 Sta = 
| the region of Kwun-sw"a, See. the sp sb 
So6 ke: 


Vulg: chee"S; an arrow: séa.chéén 

Chéeén } 

Again, over’ again also, grass; a 
oss ZA 
straw mat, Chin chéénke = rd 
Ba, Chin kok seh Ke nord" there 
was again a. famine in. the Chin country. 



Chéen A meking of se head; a trem- 
bling of the limbs, ~ 

To present, to send’ ih, to introduce 

Chéam to. notice, to bring forward, to of- 
s fer up as a sacrifice. . 

Kwun sod sengy pit séuk j@ chéén che 7 

HE Wy Be Th HZ, jin Ketbur, 80d. hoe 

cWhai™® dy med", pit teh ché sek 78 chéen e, 

when the princé bestows any thing raw, we 

| must cook it, before we offer it up. See the 

EE Sy Séing lan. 

Ee Ec 

he Ve chéng : Before,, in. time or 
Chéén Tn place ; vhoé chéén BA FA, CAdow, 
chéng, in front. Beéén chéén iB: 


VEE Bt ET Bes 

be rw ; 

Bl bin chan, before one’s face; cheén jit 

Wi i chéng jit, a former day. 

Séy o€ @ chéén, bod 6 séEn “hoe, ’ ar oé ra 

Py ADS Fil. 
es Bl 

sey wan té Phabu chéng, ai” Chang ‘cd ¢ té adu, 
séy &y wan té adu lat, a™ Chang than e té Chau 

hoé, bod é chéfing chéén 

chéng, that which we have formerly disapprov- 
ed, we must not seer ice A prefer,—and that 

which we should in future Aisle we must 
See the Fg Tad hak. 

Vulg. chee”s : money, cash: Chwaa 
chéén a GE Phan cheé"8, to a 

money : tong chien ie BS, * 

cheé mg copper cash, pice. Also, a surname. 
SA Oe 

Té téung hé yéep, téep ch’heng chéén Mh rp 

Foy % i; BR ehidy whieuld teiing ho 

lébn'd hth, téep cWhai"S éneb®, the “leaves Of’ 

not do previously. 

the” walter lily ‘in’ the. sitibt of of | the! pool, look 

Ch ee"S », 

ike so’ much green“ intone. © *= 

“The name 6f/a stars (ehéén chéuk 

"Tag WL, 4 wish for Igagevity, ad- 
dressed to formals i ¢. 

Base, mean, » Jowlyiz ir \ghetn Tr 
pavulgareo Pin. & ché€n sé jin 

Wy t_chony oe 7 BRIE: A 
xo fp AB 7a Hi sing héung. kup hay, chéén sé 

ylang ling dy séy wan, poyerty and a mean con- 
dition are what all men, dislike...See the be_F ath 
Séang lin. A 



To turn’ found, to revolve. ' 


re ee ee 
All \Chee"& 'séy} Yl Dt), (rash: AOD} 

OR ead heen? a sort of woollen cloth, 

’ oF felt’: chéen tedou HERR. chee"5 
‘telon, ‘a! carpet, a ‘Tug; chéen bo 

. ee chee" ad bo, a felt ee. 

a‘ no (> 

= Siti ‘< xt 
Chee"S The hair collected together. 
iqqell QR 35d 

Youse in years, green, not come 

Ch cee ¥ a to age ‘or ihéturiy. Saou che sé, 

héet k’he’ be téng, kaé che chaé sek ! 

oy SU tl AR FE, MZ HE 

chee" ay sé, hota Whe boey ea 1th kéeng 

” ae te ae Be in ig 7 “aL ‘of youth, before 


the animal spirits are settled, ‘people should 
guard against the love of Beauty. See the 

TP ag Hay’ rave ° - oi 4 

lam Ch’hoé kéang nia #S, cheé"® Kéo"S, 

young, ‘green ginger. 

to wedge; a wedges & 

w « 


fil» kong td chin’ a oe 
an arrow. < 

‘Read chéén: an‘arrow: h®6 chéén 
KK fil; “Rey chee"€, a fire arrow. 

i an 
> ft 

“Read chéén + poder? eashs bod chéén 

~ Alle ES , bb, ches,” xO, money. 

Yea, t6ng. wily chéén,, ché choo 

eR ra ae cn 

yé6"& tang cho’ cheé"&, che chod Chew téhou k’hé, 
the regulation for .melting |,copper| in order 

. to make money, began with the er dynasty. 

“Do draw’ “aiything: at Tas ‘wire: 

* cheb™E eB a}. ‘to! lead, to 

ra 2 
"“Sraw. : 


aR Read ‘chin: to stk in, to cram, 

Kong hie soo chéén + Ke Ne 

«ine flies Tike 

The ‘ting, of me. intents $ kind of 
 blubber. | 

Vulg, cheth: to ee connect. 
Ké kaou yéa é to, Ke chéep yéa 
m6 ler, BE WV SG. HE 
) it. e.dy, sé0 kaow- ehéadu 10. lt, 
~—e dy sge chéep chédou ley wy intimacies Sacords 

k bs ing to, yirtue and, associations consistent with 
neal : ly ae 2 A’comb, ‘to ‘combs *kw"4 kwun soé 

ropriet See the Ha ban P 
P priety: a) RA aM hore Cheet pé choo sé kin’ ¢héet 

‘Chéep séw yim sty séo ch rs] a 
BET: we awk. RF IB em 6 

/ -ch’héw lim chity, t6 descend by holding each 

20) “= YD 

To turn topsy- turvy; to leap, 

jump, to hop, ; 

kwun wod saé gwd lé dy cha bée ginid sb kin chéct, 

“other’s hands; iit’ order té drink water. |") . 
ee (3A , my'iprince has sentmeé “thine » handmaid, to 
Gravy, juice, liq: Phéen sé é wait upon your towel:\andycomb. Said’ by 
. | chéep RK eg i it. thee™> hp i Hwaé-eng,, to ‘her ‘husband, when she 
chédou sé Wh chéep, heaven at pro- went to-be married: See the ke 4a Ch6 twain. 

“per seasons sends down its juice, (that is rain), 
Chin’ ‘chéet £F ‘ peChien chat, to 

” be ‘careful ‘and eed ical. 

Kes téung pe k’ hwin, sty chéep put Chong 

e FH AK ST A S. Rae one 

pe K’hwin kip kadu chiiy chéep béy Chong, they 
were 20 shenightened in the =. bb that the Bea oo 

Chéet Bright, clear. f 

-_Jeast drop “of liquid could, hot find a thorough- . o~j~— a Soa) 
fare. ; ye 1 ee eothM-om of} Yo 21 ah oat X oi j 
halewiag 918 ay: oye tha! bé chéep eee > A river in the south, a hof ae yy 
JA iia Ys Rm, between the eye Chéet from which the name of the pro-s ch ie j 
© ee 2 

lashes. vince 2 Sit Chéet: ‘ang ait iI, is, 

7 derived. A 

An insignia or seal_of if office, given 


Going out aslant ; jalso, Sharp, pro- 

‘ xt J 
Chée R Cheet by the sovereign, to y ensure the con- 
°P 63 fitable, conyenient,, Kaa of if pe = om.) 
x ’ oe es | 1909 “fiker “appointed. ; 
: i : | ois “ 
7 ett 3 Vulg: cheth: to break, to break : 
_ ply 5 m 54 ps 7 = BPO A seiiion 2 a verse : teuk chéet Vy 
Chéet* * abu chéet Bw) if te wist off. Chéet tii. tek chat, . rt aie ‘> 
wor sus °C Way téang chéa chéet che =) fi maha 134) 
F ™m 0 oO 
ot | STR wily 58 Hea at di hew"'key'to pluck 1, 4e as aoad : 4) 52 4 fh», 
OS S= Biase teenth domithenifor ns waperior. See aot: cut through: the mid 10 establisti 
;, th £ = Séane bé ; “confidence between two tparfhes: ’ 
e éa ; myiissa See, , 
beth: Tek ‘che, “héng hoe Péung-kok arin hod 
Chéet - Lo Tavcutpito carve s chet hong fff ) chet 4 Be coe _ th: 4 45 
et WE , to join a seam. Bifi, tit 10m sim che, We" HB Kok, ers 
chés"S hap hob chéet, obtaiding ‘one’s aim, we 
Ww may travel LoTR the whole pen (and 
Chéet Star- -light, "the ‘iia stars! , eis 8 li si ing Hith ug, like. thé or baad) 

ence of the two sides of a Mncaqud. 




Chéet | 





Chan chéet YE fii, chin hat, economical, 

keeping within bounds. 
To overcome, to tate a victory, 
to send news ofa, victory ; also 
diligent, quick, accomplished., 
Chéy hoé laé héén ‘chéct WE fe Fe JAK HE, 
the prince of the! Chéy country came and 
offered ‘up, the) news of his qigtory. See the 

zr (§ C6 twan: 

Yit gwat sam chéet' —- j= en +E s chit gobyh 
jit s"a kwhy tit yé"4, to obtain three: victories 
in. one month. ‘See the /j~ Ate Seaou gnay. 

Cheng’ hoo .eliéet’ chéet AE R té {# , to 

carry on the war with vigour. 

Chéet. choo it FF, chéet 4, a fe- 

male, office, . first introduced in 
the time of the Han dynasty : also 
written i chéet. 

* The hair of the eye-lashes. 

Rapid, quick. 

‘2 A fan; in the bast ib i is called chéet, 

and im the west séén’ bd : see"S- 

Boé-dng sé chok  chéet rm on 
te 443 se, Bob-ing Whé Vhaéu chd see"8, Boo- 

éng was the first who made fans. 

) Chéet twan 
hick off, Chéet he AK ak, to 

4 stop. Chéet léw # MN, at léw 

tedou, to break off willow branches. 

a aT" pe 
A. kind of ‘crab. 

..A lofty, hill, a bigh. mountain, 


> at too?"®, to. 








Brisas talWative's many. words. 

A 4a 


j te obtaik: 4 ‘ok to make 
“progress from onsto: ihcther. ec 

chéet ‘sam gwan iB f= 

“860 swa ting 8a ‘gedn, to obtain in ain 

“sion the thrée highest literary prizes. 

= To, reprove,. to, blame; to. seek, to 
|) expect;, to sustain an. office, or 
burden. Béng ké théen t’hé, yew 
ina ; ms 
kw chk FR Bt 
openly (in the upper world) afraid of Hea- 
ven’s judgments, andi secretly (in the lower 
world) apprehensive of the devil’s torments. 
Chek hwat yéw choey. a =a A OE chek hwat 
wod chééy, to punish the guilty. 
Yéw gin chek chéa, sv et ké €.gan chek k’he 
a =} 
A i wi EL at. Ah he 
kong wa chek jin dy thie ots tit Chea e dy 
wai chéw: k’he, those who.are entrusted with 
the office of; edenopigharn when their advice 
is not attended to, should quit» their situations. 
= = Merit; meritorious. work, 

Vulg.’ chésh: to borrow also; if, 
supposing. Chek. wat bé te, ek ké 
8B phadu. choo. {ii Fl Ae 40. Ie 

9 +f +; ‘eh’ hin chéo"8. kéng- ye biéy chae, 
yea, won; pho sey ké"d, if you say that you 
know. nothing about the family, how is. it that 
you are nursing their:children ? See the 3 fae 
Se keng, 

The blade of grass... 

Small. =y~il <F oe 

Be A KH, woo 


To spin + hong chek jj HB" pihang 
” ehiiyh;'to-spin .thread’alsoj merit. 
Kong-hoo-bin- pek che boé chek 

Chek aay 4 

BREGZL MS, Kong-hiochan-piph | 

dy né6"8 léy phang chityh, Kong-hao-ban. payh’s 
mother was spinning thread. © 


, up together, to hoard up. Chek 

seu é ko tie Fi ILE A> 

| chek sey ¢ ché™a kwin twa, to accumulate little 
_ things till, they become lofty and. large. 

Chek tek Iiy kong a Gia eA Hh, to accn- 

mulate virtue, and pile up merit, 


To advance ;, the | USepeetance of 

sharpness, I 

>= A sleeping mat ; a Eh wan, tad 

hoo che chek € * k 

LZ i OL hwa ley Kewlt sty 1%, 

sé ta@ hoo dy clhéth, 36 flowered and. elegant! ! 
this is surely the mat df a great arc] See the’ 

Wao tye “ 

, @ 

The noise of crying: aloud. 

The kerchief with, which the hair 
Chek "A is tied, to keep it in its place. 

Large stones\;in the middle of a 
Chek |. * pond ; also, a name for the desert 
ied of Swabok P> Yh | Sha-msh. 

. Kim kwon, tod say chek, lay. gwat twan jin yéen 
DB VW ti. HA Bh AN, 
Pe lé kiey say chek, kway gityh jit tooi"S 
“Idng hwun, now you have undertaken to cross 
the desert, for months together you \will find 
no smoke of human habitations. 



4 » To accumulate, to collect, to heap 


{| Deep and’ confused ;.. séng jin yew 

43) € kééw théen' hay «che ché chek 

; fe séng’ jin wod ey Whw"a kee"S Chee"S hay 
dy ché' chhim, a@ sage. can look into. the most 

deep and ‘confused things in the world). See the 

SB, a Yéth keng; 

A trace, afoot-steps Kogichel Ey IE 






Chéuk chek JF jh , Wha chéith, foot- 

steps; T’hae-6ng téiou ke éng chek. 

We TE FE FE FE Op, rae sng 

Khé Chiow ching ke ing dy chéth, Thaé-dng 

first laid the foundation of the traces of roy- 
alty (in his family: ) 


A foot-step, a track; Ke tin ma chek.” 
séy put keng che tey BER 
wk At AN Kh, ch’héa tin 

bay chéth séy bb keng dy téy, lands where the 
dust of carriages and the foot-steps of horses 


have never been known, 

To tread, to jump; also, the sole 

Chek: of the foot. 

To. come to, to arrive’ at; then ; 
chek kim BIG An, now; chek sé 
Fil fe léem pach, immediately ; 

chek sé 1) TE, that is.—Also written I} chek. 
“Séén jin kaou bin, ch*hit léén ek k’hé é chek 

PN HAE ada AG os By YY 

BU) FC BR 5 M4 tang: ka patyh sai", chrnie nes" 
yéad Vhang iad séo Uhaé, when a clever. man 
teaches the people, in seven years they. can be 
fit for war. See the — af Hay lin. 

Chek np 


The noise of many voices, the.hume 
ming of insects, 







To dislike, to. be pained with; the 
n snuff of a candle. Tim chek ch’him 

swat théén héng jie a af 
YD 47, gwé ch’hityh saé. phd dy wa théén 
chwat dy sty ké"4,.4 dislike 'slanderous words 
and ruinous actions ;—said \by the the Emperor 

Se Sin. 

Vulg. chat: the. mame. of @ ‘fish: 
N séén chek’ gin se“k*hbey fire ff) 
yy SB 2 fier, ch'hee"® dy chat hé 

<Whin chéo"S gin sw"a piyh dy bith, the raw 
flesh of the chat fish is white like sifver thread. 

“The same as the precetling-; vulg. chit 

A kind ,of);grain, Jike millet, ‘but 
ji] smaller hoe chek Ja RE, the 
mame .of an officer who ‘presided 

over the grain. if 
Séa chek jit t2., the gods ofthe Yand and 


) have four tones, viz. péng, séang, 

kehe, jip 7B EKA, vai®; chia"®, whe, sip, 

the even, ascending, departing,’ and. centracted 

Oblique: chek yim IK FF, chayh 
_yim, an oblique sound; the Chinese 

or entering tones; these are-again multiplied, by 

,diyiding each of them into upper and lower, 

thus making seven or eight. But the general 
division. of them is into péng Fz, paé"®, and 
chek NK, chiiyh, even and, oblique, according 
to which their verses are regulated. . Hence they 
say, Cho se pit te péng chek yim Hi # Wy 
&) IK A: cho se pit £80h chae pai"S chiyh 
yim, in making verses it is. mecessary to be 
acquainted with the even and oblique sounds. 



The sun declining toward the west. 

jit Chabu™ sae chéw chéé ch’hé, 

Jitchek j2 ch’be fF it Th. 




Chek ~ 





‘Téung ying. 


when the sun declined to the west, the mar- 
ket! was held. . See the A fit Chew ley. 

x To urge, to incite, to bring into 
straits. : 

Joé dyh, the road. is narrow. 

Ae ‘Narrow, contracted: led chek PR 4s 
Single, alone: yit chek _ e. 
chit chéth, one, one’ of anything 

i v7 
Héng tan éng chek HZ iii ZA 

La , Reng twa yé"d chéth, a single form and 

a lonely shadow. Said of an ‘only son, without 



A dead ghost. 


"Al White rice. 

one over the other. 

ry A small step; te walk with ashert 

step; to sit with the legs crossed 

A rule, 2 Yaw, an example; then, 

} after that. Gan jé sé way théen 

gy hay chek STi] Hh KP 

i] , kong jé ty téy chd thee"S hay hwat chek, 

if he speaks (as a sage) a man becomes for ages 

an example to the Empire. See the 1 ii 
| ; A 

Wan che chek yéw bong, kin che chek put 

veo 38077 AS OB TE Ze BAR 

nwus"S dy ling chéw woo lbang lan, Ain dy! ) 

lang yéébs yéem lin, (wheh we act properly ) 

those who ‘are at a distance wifl look towards 

us, and those who are near will oot dislike us. 

‘ Read séuk ; an uncle, _2, father’s 
brother. Chew-kong naé Séng-6ng 
che séuk hod yés FE] AN 74 fk 


FEZ ring R He, Chew-kong sé Séng-ing dy 
“chek pay, Chew-kony was the uncle of Séng-dng, 
Read chéuk: a candle: 

kong hwuy; bod’ bé put chéaou 

WR TY JE HE. $B fk AR AB. 
Wah chek Kkwui"S Rwuy, bd chit ity sey sey a™ 
chéd béng, by the brightness of a candle, there 
is nothing so minute but what it may he 

lap chéuk 


Still, quiet, tranquil, retired, inactive, 
' motionless. Chek. jé@n put tong 

Fe OR i), téem téém bé tinting 


Far from the noise of men. 

still and unmoved. 
The appearance of Jofty bills; k’hae 
héen bong ch’hAm chek Ba iBT 4 

By Hip Hi), KMwouy tk oang Whw"e 

ew"a kwin kwdn, on opening the school, we see 
the lofty hills afar off. 

ee, af @e chek Gif), 0c chat, the name 
cnt (BB) & 


of a fish, called also, bek chek ia 
te 3 bak chvhat, the cuttle sh. 

Chek . Ling chek Aye $e all in confusion. 
A book, a register, a record; téén 
Chek aE chek Hh e an historical record. 

’ A’ surname. ° 
Choo hoé o€ ké hat Ké yea, j@ kae Whe ké 

RE Ce me 

| “were displeased that the history reflected on 

“themselves, and ‘therefore did away with the 
records. See the [x 7 Hay beng. 

rE egg S Vulg. “What, a ‘thief, a robber, 

‘Chek jé hong k’hé BR An We iL, 

choo hoé wan e dy haé ka t2, jé cho pos 
i hel: hak e dy cWhityh, the princes Of the Empire 

‘an injarious’ persong to injare. 


eWhat cW hin’ ches" Phang khé, thieves sprung 
up as thick as Bees. 

Chek jin chéa wily che chek Ihe # i 

- BR, chek hae jin dy lang, king hed ch’hat, 
he who injures benevolence is called an in- 

jurious person. 

Then, how; the sign of the past 

tense; a surname: cheng sun = 

i: a great-grandson. 
Cheng sé é wiiy haou hoe ti DY B a 
ak cheng an néy chéw king kéd wood haou, 
how can this alone be considered’ filial piety ? 
See the F Fy 
Goé € choé wily € che bin, cheng Yéw 6 Kéw 
che ban ZV) Ff 5852 VA. FB 
BAR 5Z. BE], swe With cho te wo5.koh yeo"S 

dy mooi"®, cheng sé Yéw kap Kéw dy moot’, 
1 thought you would propose some rare ques- 


Séang lin. 

tion, how is it that you have enly asked 
‘ about Yéw and Kéw. 

Cheng kéén ké jim, -bé sit ké béng PP Fl 
HAL HE Ak HA oct enwraedy tang, 
bby bat e dy mé”"4, 1 have seen the man but 
do not know his name. 

~y A priest of Budha, a monk, a re-_ 
cluse. Sé wan cheng laé sedou, 

kedou gwiy k’hek kd he Roa ae 

HN BS Hho to ne 

2 laé chéb, kéé gwity lang k’hiiyh hdn kiéy, 
when the temple is afar off, few priests come 
| to it; and when the bridge is dangerous, tra- 
j . vellers seldom go over it. 


To increase, to add toi kay cheng 

jm He, to increase more and more. 

: Hot k’hoé sody cheng’ B a] is 

Hp moot"® dy téou ch’hry tak nee"® W hah chéy, 

é the inhabitants of each dwelling increase year 
by ‘year. 


To. hate, to‘abhons\cheng,oé My ae ’ 
to abominate., Gé jin.é k? hoé kip, 

lay cheng, ,,é jin, pd Ie Y) 0 
#. i ff vs hes Rhap Lé0hk ling é cWhiy 

dy, wa, tak pat hoé lang ,.cheng ,hwiin, attack- 
ing people in conversation,.we frequently be- 

come hated by them. See the Re an Séang lim. 

Cheng es 


Ch’he-yang hwan cheng chéa yéa 

HE BE Ait A. Ah aL, oe cee 

“a woo ling bay bay cheng, at Ch*he-yang 
people trade in, cloth, ,;. 

To tie,a, string on a bow. 



Cheng ADP A. fishing’ net, a cast net. 

Cheng jE 
sit choo cheng gok, hwan kéw choo 

kesin FF HH TE MG, RA HH IE 
ao i kewun chod dy lang . sit e dy cheng gok, 
chéw hwén twh toot"® kéw té:e pin sin, the 

A. target, or bull’s eye, used as a 

mark for shooting at. .Kwun choo 

good man, when be misses the centre of the 

target, turns and reflects upon himself. See 
e fs fag Téung yang. 
Cheng gwat JE Ae tq gityh, the first 

month of the year. 

Cheng ARE. Hasty walking; afraid. 
To travel towards, to punish, to set 
( ‘heng “AE to rights, to take. ch 
séang hwat hay yéa, tek ‘Kok put 
\séang cheng yéa A: AG ak 4K - ith, BL fed 
a #i AF dH cheng. sé, 8 twa hwat se sey, 

tele kok b6 séo cheng yéd, ‘‘correction” is when 

Cheng chéa 

a superior state corrects an’ inferior; equal 

The sees name of silk and cloth,, 

.» states contending) together, are not said to cor- 
,.. rect one/another,. . See the. ip -Téung yang. 
|, Kwan. ke, jé put cheng Bai i Ay AE, 
vos 48 kiwan ae ke,cl’hat héng. jiny jé wi thityh, mee"h; 
vat the passes of a country,’ examine ‘(travellers ), 
but do, not take, duties, from them. . ,See ia ~ 
Béng-chod. »..).. oti yd pawid Ods 

Cheng ye The same as the above: 

A kind of gong, or copper instru- 
Sé@ vhoé ch’hay 

: jit k‘hwa téng cheng fit ga 
H Hh ED) SE , cWhéw Vhabu té k’hé A i 

cWhut jit chin chéa"S tang 16, the rising sun 

ment of music. 


looks like a brass gong hung up on the top 

of the trees. 

Cheng Ape To view alone; to contemplate. 

Correct, modest, chaste, firm: cheng 

16 FY He ychin chet dy cha boé 
ké"d, a virgin, a modest young 

Kwun se cheng jé put ling B F- A 

nin y ait, kwun chod cheng lit; jé bé séy sin, 
the good man is generally upright, without 

attending to the. smaller points: of sincerity, 

Cheng Ag| 
Cheng Fe 

bound together, and the earth is then beaten 

To ask, to make enquiry, to spy : 

yéw. cheng i ti 2 spy. 

The name of a tree: 1é cheng Y 

A » an evergreen 5 planks used in 
building mud walls, which are 

in between them. 

Cheng TB 

Cheng séAng Fi Ta Ta FE, lucky omens, 
fortunate emblems. Kok kay chbang ; 

hin, pit ut cheng séAng fp AK 


aS a ay Ff FEL AE. bok bay chéang dityh 

(hin Ihé, pit wod cheng stdng, when a country 
‘» is about to rise, into. celebrity, there will 
| ecertainly be favourable omens. See the rp FH 

Téung yang. 
es ew 
Cheng ee a \stang cheng iH Ff, aéo chat’, 
to quarrel. 
, Soo cheng béng é tédou, séang cheng Jé é ch’hé 
el hiiyh ling chai" mé"4 sé"a 1 tédou, cho 
seng lé ling chai"® Jé te ch’hé, the scholar strives 
for fame at court, and the merchant struggles 
after gain in the market. See the yb =p 
Soo ké, 

Cheng URE Steep, lofty, difficult of ascent. 

A kind of guitar, with twelve or 
thirteen strings. 

To wrangle, to strive, to contend; 

The pupil of the eye; hong ig 

Cheng ché& to séw vil Hs yi 3 Po 
ie bak cheng sé kak Ay lang t"8 hiey 
séw, those who have ia pa pupils in their eyes 

will live Jong. Said by 73° i Kwan-lok. 

Oneng he Naf aera sas cao 
ay sn ton Hh EE ASS DM EH, 

‘feet. Cheng téng téém shy, hwan 

cWkda ai" teem 18 chiy, biéy yeith ch hiey 

Lo, “Schwa phang, the dragon-fly the water, 
‘© (>0'and the painted butterfly seeks the flowers. 

eb sahigrsi ; : 5 tal 
Cheng oe of fulness, 

Wet Sh N > 

Ka cheng QE Be the name of a bird 
that can keep down the calamity 

of fire. 

in hin 



To beat, to thump, to pound. Cheng 

Cheng * kim koé, ch’hdey béng nae He 4s 
ia Ok NES, fA Phith kim kap koé, 
cl’ hiey béng dy naé, to beat the gongs and drums, 
and blow the sounding pipe. 
8 Clear brightness: sity chen 
Cheng e eat ik Fa 
#8 ehiiy chee"S, a crystal, 
A flag, with feathers stuck in at the 
Cheng top of the staff. Chéaou tae hoo 
é cheng wy Kk F DY BE , creo 
tae hoo é cheng, a great officer must be sum- 
moned by a cheng flag. See ii f Béng-choo. 
Correct, good, pure, small, minute, 
Cheng subtle, fine. Gé cheng, jin séuk, 
jé bdo yit ho soo é Fe Hi. F 
Hh, ry waa iy ne ie fey » 52 cheng, Jin sek, 
jé 6 chit hb fy sae Kkhea dy 2, correct in 
righteousness and accustomed to benevolence, 
without a single atom of sinister intention. 
Read chéung: to pound in a mortar 
Cheng Chéung bé & K ,.# cheng bé, to 

pound rice, Chéung ad ye eh 
cheng kod, a mortar. 

Read chéung: ball: c Gung béng: 

Cheng 3 A cup: chéw sen SL a wine 
Si nb cheng tin, “pel rings. 

cup or glass. 
Cheng Sia 
Gak yia, gak yin, chéung koé yin 

bus cae 38 Zi, MB a, 5 SE ze FB 

ling king chok gak, chok gak, Kham sé cheng koé 

an néy kéng chac, people talk of rousic, and of 
ic; a8 if bells and drums com musi 

_ music; as i sand drums Cogstityted music 

See the [v iq} May lon, 

Tal mey y 

Vulg. chai "8: 9 well: a surname. 
Chévg Chéng siding yew le FEE Fy 2, 
chai "S téng wod dé 4, there was a 

ee tree -over the well. 


Pehé jéak kwut chéng, kwut chéng kéw jim, jé 
put kip chwan, yéw why .k’hé chéng yee 

Re 2 Ht FEE tH, thi AT 
We Pi Ri 5 Ft {lh 5 phe jeak Keout chai "& 

Iwut chat" hadu jim, na b6 kip chw"4, yew why 
Chek kak chat™S, like as. in digging a well, 
if having dug nine rods deep, without coming 
to the spring, you cease your labour, you 
must give up the well. See the - th Hay béng. 

Pe To adjust, to regulate, to adorn, 
to put any thing to rights. 

chéng Mee Ee to. repair and beau- 
tify : chéy chéng 7 cu » to adjust. 
Kwa iéén put lap lé, lé hay put chéng kwan 
> on E —- = 
el’'hin bé pityh dy, lé ay b6 chéng kin, in a 

field of melons, do not pult up your shoes; and 



when going under a plum tree, do not adjust 

your head dress:—(lest you should be suspected 
of stealing the melons or plums). 

A convulsive motion of the skin 

and muscles. 

The appearance of the rising sun, 

Read chéing: to swell: kéak chéting 

sil ie, Wha chéng, aswelling of 
a the legs; téang chéing We he, 
1é0"8 chéng, swollen. 

Chéng ¥ 

Read chéiing: a seed; chéing choo 
ie -F- , chéng ché, a single seed. 

Sip chéaing chod = i it 4 i chap 

chéng a, a term of abuse. 


Correct, straight, right: chéng keng 
IE Se honest, upright. Chéng tit 
IF wh, tééou tit, straight-forward, 

blunt; péng cheng 2p TE , pai"® ché"a, just. 

Chéng © 



Chod'sut € chéng, séuk kam put chéng 
Bib Y iF. a aN EE. ch’hwa lang é 
ehé" ati, ché chway kd a” ché’d; if you lead 
people on hy correct principles, who will dare 
to be incorrect. See the Fm Hay lin. 

nM To regulate, to rectify, to govern: 
Chéng EX chéng sod nia Ca government, 
politics. Chéng chéa, chéng yéa, 
séy é chéng jin che put chéng yéa nig Gf 
IW, fr UL IE A ZA IE A, oten 
chéw sé ché"a, séy é ché"d ling dy a” ché"a, 
to regulate means to put to rights,—that by 
which we set right people’s wrongs. Said by 

He ¥- Choo-chod. 

Read chéing: to plant, to sow. 

Chéing hoé ehéaou fe HH Hy. 

chéng hoé chéo, to plant pepper; 
chéing tek fag (i » chéng tek, to plant virtue. 



Read chéén: a mat: kaou chéén 
Be & ft ka chéng, a thick mat or 

mattress, made of straw bound fast 


together, and used for sleeping on. 

The feelings, the passions: ch’*hit chéng 
Chéng + iy the seven passions; jin 
A chéng /\ ee kindness; chéng lé 

We pF , Feason, reasonable. 
Hé, noé, ae, lok, bé hwat, wily séng,—hwat, 

ss = ~ ied . = 

_ chek wily che chéng 5% AE i 4h A. 3H 
WE, $B AUG ZAR, tote te cw 
ae chim, Uhéing lok, yéd biéy hwat, king kéo 
sai"S,—hwal leadu, chéw king kéd chéng, joy, 
anger, grief, and pleasure, before they are 
displayed, are called nature; when. displayed, 

they are denominated passions, 

Vulg. chai"®: fair weather; a clear 
Chéng es sky; calm, serene; é chéng Bo} iis 
A hoé chai"*, the rain is cleared up. 

Also written LE chéng. 

—-- = 


-Théen chéng kéng seng héén FR ig Be a Zs 
RL, Chee"S chat"S kwui"S ch’hai™® héen, when 

' the sky is clear, the bright stars appear. See 

the yp aE, S06 ke: 

Chéng — 

Vulg. chén: a story of a house, a 
first or second floor, an additional 
[=] chamber. Chéug kéung fem tea > 
a palace, with a succession of chambers and 

' e€ourts, 

Chéng Chun chéng We i , the lofty ap- 
pearance of hills. 

z a Tranquil, peaceful: also, to think; 
Chéng: $ An chéng F* Ji, 
F] rest and tranquillity ;—answering in 
Chinese to *‘ good night.” 
Léng chéng é (¢ wan, tim pok kh, ager sim 
fit is VBL EIR IA PY OW ty, 
ehéng é 8 kaiu hwui™®, tam pih Chang Se 
léng fy sim, peace and tranquillity will enable 
. a man to extend his thoughts to distant objects, 
and a tasteless indifference to the world will 

enlighten the mind. Said by A Bs pt fe: 


to regulate. 

Rest, the oppesite of motion, still- 

Cheng ' . : 
tong, jin chéa chéng § fl 4h i, 

E- AT BR wod. te dy ling tin ling, wod 

jin dy ling chéng chéng, men of knowledge 

are active, but men of benevolence still. See 

the Ss a Séaug lin. 
Chek chéng che ch’he AF Hit ie. seuk 
chéng dy way, a still, quiet: place. 
Cheng S0) hoé chéng ch’hwan YJ & iT oe 
Ph6 t8"4 bok kadu ché poot”S, to 

use pans and pots in cooking. See mr Ff 

An earthen pot to boil rice in: 

ness, quietness, inactivity. Te ché& 



To present, to give as a present: ° 

Cheng Ae hong chéng rs ie. to offer up. 

ym. : ke é 
ves Clean: kéet chéng iz if , cheng 

Cheng 1 k’hé sé0"&, pure and clean. Léak 

chee put k’hd siéy iK ip FH. AS 
Py [ee Léuk dy chiy cl’heng ivhé, a™ Chang 
Phiedy nwa, the waters of the Léuk are clear, 
and must not be defiled hy spittle.. 

Chéng = 3 To adorn; clear. 

To reprove; koé chéa, kwun yéw 

chéng sin, hoo sa - choé. 

ap +. koé cha, ite kwun “f Chang Py dy jin 
sin, né0"® pay wod vhang td dy hadu sai”, 
in former times, princes had ministers that could 
reprove them, aud fathers, children that could, 
advise then. See the jig au Léy ke. 

= % 
Chéng To look displeased. 
A pit, ahole. Jin kae wat, @ te,— 
k’he j@ lap choo koé hwa ham 
chéng che téung, jé bok che te 

pe vee A El. a a, BG itd ay 3 
Ha IW SE 2 oh BR Z hn 

» lang chd pod. king, gwd wod.te,—na biéyh 
i, jé lap ¢ koe hwa ham chéng dy téung, chéw v6: 
lang éy chae séém pec"®,, people all say, “I am 
knowing, "—but if you were to drive and catch 

(Chéng , 

them, in a net ora trap, or in the midst of 
a pit-fall, they would none of them know how 
te escape. See the if! JAF Téung yang. 

Chery Bin 

a surname, 

Read chong: thus, ie géep AF 
Eg » che"® gécp, a farm: chong kay 
i Re ; che"S kay, a farmer. Also, 


Read chong: an ornament, a head- 
dress; to adorn. Chong sek He 
, che" sek, to adorn; sey choyg 

niin Wr , sey che"®, a toilette, 

Put Ubae chong chéng, choo jéén yaou Uhéaou 

| aS if We RE A 4p Az 36, , aw” saé téng 

Phas che™S chéng, chod jéén yabu Uhédou, with- 


out waiting for the aid of the toilette, she is 

naturally handsome. 

Read chong: bribes received by in- 
ferior officers; stolen goods. Tuy 
chong iE. Te , tay che"8, to search 

for stolen goods, 


<I> Read chong: goods; chong h®6 ae 
ff, ché"S hdey, baggage, stores. 
O’ng laé che jin, sok ‘chong chéw 


dy lang pak che"® chéw ké"4 loé, passengers 


travelling to and fro, pack up their luggage, and 

set out in the way. 

Read chong: a farm; téén chong 
Che™S HA. rE: cWhan che"S, a farming 
estate, , 

Haé chong HEE FE, Ay che"S, a shoe warehouse, 
Gwin hot sé seng chaé téén chong at “5A 
Uk AE FE eel IE, gwin abu s@ sai"S twa 
tg cl’han che"S, 1 desire in the next birth to 
be ‘born in some farm-house Said by a sove- 

reign; when about to be killed, 

Ko chong He ae kd ché"®, an in- 
dictment, an accusation. T’heen 
hay bo to, jin bin béo Kho ko 

ening KF AGE. A BAT BM 
fhee™S ay bb: 10 dy sé, ling piiyh sat"S bb ta 
uh Chang ied ché"S, when the Empire is without 
the right way, the people have no where to go 
and prefer their indictments. 




- Cheb 


Read chong: a warehouse ; hoo chong 

khong he iy 4 ye jit. ho6 ché"& 

Whang khang, the ;treasury and 

store-house empty. 

Read chong: the viscera, the bowels: 
jin yéw gnoe chong A A hi. 
ling wod goé ché"8, people have 

five viscera. 

Read cheaou: to call, to beckon by 

the hand, to assemble. Bé kam chek — 
: chéaon, séen se hdng bin K a4 
Bil) 32h. he GSR AS fag). 02ey 4 tem: peent 
chéo, taé seng sed p’hay Vham Uhé"a, 1 do not 

dare directly to call you, but first write a 

letter to make enquiry, 

= Read chéaou; a plantain; chéaou 
choo kay 4E F #4, chéo 4 kay, 

dvr the plantain street. 
Koé jin boéy chéaGng, kok ch’hut 

in stiou hé € chey Ji A, $y BB, 
Be YH Ae Zp VIA, noe cha dy tang voey 

chéng, kok ch’hut chés chés € chéy, the ancients, 

from every kind of grain, used to take a lit- 

Read sé&ou: few, not many, scarce. 

tle of each, to sacrifice it (to the manes of 

those who first invented food), 
Read chéaou: to reflect, to illumine. 

! me 
hea x 
qa ane édou ban hong FY Ag 77 
WOW jit Chatu chid ché"d ban he"®, the 
sun illumines myriads of places, 

Read chéaon;: a sacrifice, a religious 
procession... -Chd chéaou ké hok 

DOW UK HE DF ii, ce ceo ew rok 

ihe, to perform a sacrifice in order to seek 


Read chéaou; to eat, to gnaw, 


Read chéa: to borrow: na lé chéa 

_ tek eh’hoo but FR HH fH 4B we 

Va, ta lh &y chéth tit chéy ley meé"h, 



where can we borrow such a thing as this ? 

44 Sek h®6 ee KR, chéth hiéy, to warm 

rs] one’s-self at the fire. Han laé bod 
; n 

6 ong sok W86 fe  e, 

Ae IE IR, , kd lad nd 00 sa, tebh chévh hity, 

when the cold weather comes, if you have no 

Chéoh . 

clothes, you must warm yourself ‘at the fire. 

Read sek: to. cut down. Sek sé 

Bt, chéth cl’héw, to fell trees, 
A foundation. Wy ké sit, pit-séen 
Chéth lip ke ehésh B B Sy Se 

Odd Te FE HE ota tava chrhod, pit weve 
taé seng i’héa ke chéth, in making a great house, 

we must first Jay a good foundation. 

Léy chéth A FE » the handle of a 

Ae plough. 

pecks; a surname. Kim hoo san, 

A yit kwan sek che to a K iy, 

—%* A m4 Bp, ta chéy ley . chit Inwdn 
chévh dy chéy, now a hill is nothing more than 
a heap of stones, See the ip Wf Téung yang, 

asurname. Ban chéang x Hf, 

. bin chéo"s, literary composition. 

Song, Ong-an-sek, téng chok bdo chéang, é 



Read chéang: a chapter, a section; 

pat pé way lut; ché Béng naé € ban chéang 
sé Uhéen hay sod REA iE Hp 
3 ik RK - *. Song tédou, Ong-ains 

chéth t8"@ chd din chio"®, é Pliyh\koé chd lut; 
ché kadu Béng tédou, ch’ hed é bin chéo"S ch’ he 



| Chéo®S 

Read sek: astone; a measure of ten — 

-- J 

Whw"a vhee"S ay dy Chak ch’hayh ling, Ong- 
an-sck of the Song dynasty settled the form 
of literary compositions, and confined them 
to eight sections; till in the Béng dynasty, 
literary compositions were used for trying and 

examining scholars, throughout the Empire. 

See the bid p So6 léak. 

Chéo”§ woe HE a Read chéang: the camphor tree. 

Read chéang: the name of a river, 

in the province of lity eft Hok- 
kéén, which gave rise to the name 

of Chéang-chew i= HH , Chéo"S-chew, the 
department where the dialect of this dictionary 

Cheon yy 

is spoken. There is, also, Chéang-p’hoé-héén 

je ih we, Chéo"S-p'hoé-kwan, the district 

of Cheo"S-p’hoé. 

own ff Read chéang: the name of a fish. 

Read chéang: starch, for stiffening 

clothes; 4m chéang pa My, am 

chéo"S, starch. 

ay Read chéing: a Surname. 
7 : 

ep Read chéang: the palm: Séw chéang 
Ché ors “= & » cWhéw chéé"8, the palm 
.Gé gno séy yéuk yea, him chiang &k gné 

of the hand. 
AK Bh OK Uh. HE 
I FE Hie HH te, MK ae yéd, - 

chéi"§ yéd gwd sty ae yéd, fish is a thing 
that I like;—a bear’s palm is also what I like. 

See an -f- Béng-chéo. 

Read chéang: an oar, ‘Ké chéang 

RD) ae ko chés"8, to pull, or 

push over, the oar: 



séy) yéuk yea 

Chesne J 



Ke Po chéang is fe, po chéo"8, a 

Ls mound, a fence. Tae sin kok che 

po chéang yea Jc Fa wad 
PR fies a, twa jin sin kok dy pb chéo"s, 

a great minister is the defence of a country. 

Read chéang: sauce or gravy. Toé 

chéang 8. ae tadu chéo"®, a 
kind of ketchup made of pulse. 


Séén hoo chéang ying pek yéw sip jé yung 

RAMA Abo oo 
dy ling ying ché0"S ché"d piiyh kwa chap jé 
ang, the cook used one hundred and twelve 

jars of sauces. See the kl fe Chew léy. 

ChéAng ché ae ie , ching che, a 

Read séang: to ascend; up, at the 
Chea" | top, upon, above, on. Sé€ang tong 

kae, chek séen ché chéuk, séang 

sey kae chek séen yew chéuk io 

FU Je Ze JE. Ea a A 3 Je. 

chéo"S tang kay, chéw taé seng t6 ch’héw dy k’ha, 
chéo"S sae kay chéw taé seng ché"d ch’héw dy 
i’ha, when ascending the eastern stairs first 
set down the left foot; and when ascending 
the western stairs, first set down the right foot. 
See the fu ZU, Ley ke. 

Read yang: to itch, Chwan sin chin 
yang By & ae ie , chwut"S 
hin sin chéo”S lédou lédou, the body 

itches all over. 

Kn Sufficient, enough; the feet. Te 
chéuk Sn iE » to be content. 
Chéuk sit chéuk peng, bin sin che 

0 JE ERR SLR teem, 

katu peng, kwa piyh sat"& sin lin, ‘‘a suffici- 

ency of food, a sufficiency of weapons, and 

the confidence of the people;— three things 


which a good governor will seek to obtain. 

See the Ty att Hay lin. 
Heng téy jé séw chéuk, ch’hey chod soo e hok 

4 } ¥ 
Je Ha 10 F JE, St EY HK Mh. 
hé"a té cWhin chéo"S Icha cl’héw, bo ke" 
cWhin chéo"S s"a I’hoe, elder and younger 
brethren are like one’s, legs and arms, but 

wives and children are only like one’s apparel. 

To confide to, to entrust with; also, 
to assemble, to’connect. Han éng 
che chéang, tok Han-sink’hé chéuk 

ks Cae 

EG , Han ing dy chéang, tok Han-sin Chang 


chéuk Uhok twa sod, of all the generals of 
the king of. Han, Han-sin alone could be 
entrusted with the great affairs of state. See 
the FH FP, S06 ke. 

Naé chéuk ké ké 16, j@ ké che ayes # 
7 yA niin} He ek lee chip hiéy e dy labu 

lang, jé kap e kong, he then assembled his 
elders, and informed them, &c, See the E ih 
Séaing béng. 

An instrument used for stopping 



The name of an officer, presiding 
))| over the ancestorial temple. 

. To entrust to the care of. Han 
p Te «Chéaou-léet téy chéuk koe @ 

Choo-kat-boo-hoé J. FPA Al TF 
Ny FN RH 1 TA Tk Han Chéiou- 

léet tey Uhok koe ké"d ho€ Choo-kat-bo6-hoé, 
the Emperor Chédou-léet of the Han dy- 



nasty entrusted his orphan child to Choo-kat- 

Avcandle. Lap chéuk es Vein , lik 
Chéuk I chek, a wax candle. Chéuk chéaou 
béo kéang V3) He 4m ie , chek 

chéd v6 kéang, a caadle illumines all around. 

PS NF Mééy chéuk He oh am méey, 
Cheuk congee, rice water, Ch’hwat 
chéuk, béén ch’himhek, chek wily 
ek: ’ Be 
je Wok EG, TD. TSR 
ch’ hiéyh dm mééy, bin ch’him oe, chek wity jé 
Whadu, ‘drinking watery gruel, and with 
a face as black as ink, he approached the 
throne and wept.’ This was the conduct of 
a filial. son, on the death of his royal father. 
See the ee ma Séang beng. 
The noise made in calling fowls: 
Chéuk d chéuk key a ba) , koe key, to 
chuck like fowls. 
“a Boils and blains, on the hands and 


To bless, to felicitate; to wish well 
to, to pray for blessings on. A 

Chénk Wu 

Chéuk séw jit, Sz, to wish one long life. 
Chéuk séa jie Hf , to thank. 

= The belt, tied on the outside of 

ae a garment; a girdle. 
” Read séuk: an uncle, a father’s 
Chéuk " 
younger brother. 
) To collect; acup, a.certain mea- 
Chéung sure; a surname. Chéw chéung 
1g GG , chew cheng 4, a wine eup. 
Ban chéung @ gné hé kay yéen FI $f VA 
FE (ay vit E , ban chéung dy ch’hek té gwé 
wod sa meé"h kay, what would ten thousand 
measures of grain add to me? See rhb 
Vulg. cheng: abell. You chéung 
Chéung Hi Gili , ye0 cheng, to ring a bell, 

Chéung lé $f ii a double sure 

- / 

Sin chéung, boé koé, léng jim béng séng 

We ERK BD A MEG, ote ere ay 

cheng, mai"S hwui"S dy koé, léng ling béng 
séng, the morning bell, and the evening drum, 
are to make people alert and watchful. 

Chéung kéew 8 =| 3 cheng kod, 

a pestle and mortar. 
Vulg. cheng: to pound, to. beat ; 
Chéung chéung bé Br IK » cheng bé, to 
beat out rice. 
Stupid, foolish: Ae-kong wat, kw" 
Chéung jin chéung gé rN I H He 

eal A aS BB, Ae-kong king, gwé 

wod chéung gaé, Ae-kong said, I am stupid 
and foolish. 

Chéung 4a } A kind of insect, 

The end, the issue, the termination ; 

final. A-surname. But yéw pan 
YS —bwat, sod yéw chéung sé Wy AR 
A i. LH A i in, meé”h wod pin bwat, 

sod wod Khé Vhadu swith diy; things have 


their origin and termination’; affairs have a 

beginning and an end, 

Chéung 2] To scrape anything. 

Vulg. chéng: the seed of anything; 
offspring. Chéang chéing fit fe. 
short hair, 

Gnoé kok ché&, chéang che bé chéa ya 
chéw sé chéng dy sty, the five kinds of grain 
aresthe best of all seeds. 

The heel of the foot; to tread 
Chétng with the heel; to cut off. Chéing 
bin j¢ kd Ban-kong fii FF iffy 




keéng, treading on the threshold, they informed 
Ban-kong, &c. See mA + Béng-chéo. 

‘Wha th moot"® 7 kap Ban-kong 

Téang chéang IF ie , t60"8 chéng, 
to be swollen, 

Kéak “chéaing jk jai , wha chéng, 
Chéing Eg ‘@ Swelling of thé legs. 

All, the whole, many: chéimg jin 
Wik A , cheung lang, all people. 
Kw"4 koé put k’h6 € tek chéang 
=e | Ar Py Yo BK ie chés koe bey tiy 

tek chéy, the few certainly cannot contend 


with the many. 

Hwan aé chéing jé ch’hin jin ¥}L, Bey vie 

niin Fs 45, twin a2 chéiing lng, je! el’hin 

ian wos jin dy lang, generally kind to all, 
but intimate with the virtuous, See the Aw 
an Séang lin. Also written MA chéing. 

Chéing AEE 

not meet with. 


To plant, to sow; chéing ch’haé 

ie ae yicheng eWhae, to plant 

Sin-ldng kadu bin chéing gnée kok ji} Fe 

Bh FR FL Ta. RE Sterling ba vin cheng 

gnée kok, Sin-léng taught the people to plant 

Chétng Ay 

the five kinds. of)grain. 

To follow, to comply with; from, 

out of. Asurname. Also written 

Re MM chéfing. 

Yin chéfing léfing, hong chéfing hoé Zt | 

FE, Jial $4 iB “havin than-téting, hong than 

 jpoé, clouds follow the dtagon, and wind! the 
tiger. See the g, Ag Yeh keng. 

Léfing chéing fiz ti, to seek and 


To follow behind, to accompany ; 

Chéiing gné chéa, ké Yéw e 

ke A IE wa OK, ty ews ty 
ling, é¢ kd sé Yéw e, he that epinge 
me, will it not be Rdedell See the oii 
Séang lin. 

A boat, a vessel: chew _ke’séy ché 

Si Fit ZB, onde’ jew eivhiea 

séy kabu dy wily, wherever boats 
or carriages have travelled. See the th ya - 
Téung yang. 


P*hit m4 yaéu té ch'héen lé-téy, k*heng chew 

é ko ban téang san PU FB ¥e fa 7 FB 
by, HE Fa VA Sth HE a, ene, even 
bay phadu chadu cW’heng lé dy téy, k’hin_K’hin 
dy chin & kidy ban téing dy sw%a, with one 

horse we have gallopped over a thousand 

miles of country,; and with a light boat we- 

have sailed past ten thousand ranges of hills. 

To cover over, to conceal, to hide : 

sily chew é bé oe 4h > Fe, 

ché chily pey gwa dy hd, who will 

See the ed FL 


conceal my. excellencies. 
Kok hong. 

Garrulous, ‘tang Piaeis: to speak 



' phe’ axle or cross-har, in front of 

a carriage; sometimes put for a 


Bng-k’hs séuk héep chew, € choé A 

ring i if} VY, 5E.. Eng-I’hé-séuk gniiyh 

eWthéa, é ké"a, Eng-k’ hé-séuk took the carriage 

under his arm, and walked away with it. 
iz f° Cho twan. 

A flock of little birds, chirping 

See the 

Chew’ ” » oy 

together ; a ery of distress. 



‘, CHEW 

SEED 10 circulate, 

Chew ® to perambulate, to 

_ revolve. 

Round, all round, complete, univer- 
sal, liberal; a surname. Kwun 
. ia chod chew jé put pé FA 
@ AD Ae PE, em ches dy, iting chew jé 08 
Pe, the geod ma is liberal and not narrow 
minded. See the f+ Sgy Séang. Ian. 
K’héng-chod chew léw sod hong + A 
iit DY Fy, Khing-chos. chew léw 2 he"S, Con- 
fucius rambled round about all parts. 
Chew pé 731 Hal. completely prepared; chew 
*_* ‘chéy Ag, completely provided. 

.) * ; Chew chéy Aa 3, to supply the 
Chew wants of the poor. Soé che séang 

i chew {ii 32, AFL Hal , sa¢ ¢ se 

chew ehéy, make them provide for one another. 

A district, a department. Chew, héén 
} IR chew, Kwan, larger and 
smaller districts. Chew ho6 II 

am a capital of a district, @ colony. 

Gan put téung sin, héng put tok kéng, suy 

chew lé, héng hoe chae e aS Wha. 47 

A Bk, HEN BE. FFF ak 

wa bb téung sin, sty ké"4 b6 tok keng, suy 
chew lé, Kham éy ké"4 tite chaey~ when a 

Chew - ‘ 

man’s words are not faithful and sincere, nor 
his actions true and respectful, although in 
his native district and village, how can he get 


The turnings and windings of a 
Chew chek GRUP, the noise made 

Chew by. infants and children, . 







High land in the midst of water, © 
an island in a river. Chae hé 

al ate chew YBN HH ss 

king éy chew, in the island of the river. 
=== Deceitful ; to cheat. 


Wine, fermented liquor. Sit chéw 
> HS. chéth chéw, to drink 

Gé tck chok chew ME ARK FF WG. gé tek 

dy hwan chd chéw, the north-western foreign- 
ers first invented wine. E 

F’ o¢ ché chéw, jé hs séen gan Aa He 
WG. Ti EF AS. & wan cre chew, je ae 
hé dy wé, E’ disliked the best wine, but leved 

virtuous words. 

Yéw chéw soo séen seng chwan A 7a & 
HE HE 9% , 20d chéw poot"® hoé pay hé"a 

chéith, if when we have’ wine ‘and’ food, we 
give it to our parents and ‘elders to eat,—(how 
can this alene be considered filial piety!) 

See the EGR Seang !tn. 
— o Saou chéw it iat » a besom, a 

aie broom. Seaou-k’hong ch’hey chok 

ke chew 7 BE 4) TE FE ir. 

Sedou-k’ hong Whé ch'hey cho sadu chéw, Seaou- 
k’hong first invented besoms. - See the at 

Gia Swat ban. 

The name of a beast, found in the 
west,—about, the size of an ass, 
in shape. like a monkey, and 

expert in climbing trees. 
Read séw: to Keep, to guard, to 

take care of. Séw keng oF B. 

x chéw kai"S, to keep watch, Séw 

but oe Hy, chéw meth, to take care of any 

thing. ° 



Séw, séuk wiy tae? séw sin why taé iF Ft 

fa hk. HX aK, chéw, téy chit hang’ 

Whih twa? chéw lin pin sin Whith twa, of all 
cares, which is the most important? — The 

care of one’s own personal conduct is the 

most important. ‘See the T TE Hay béng. 

' rs ak 

To swear; an oath. Chéw sé wi ae 
chéw chwa, to take an oath. Bin 
hoé, chek k’hwat k’*hoé choé chéw 

FE ZB. Hl) WE FD BL By, , tae aie ae 26, 

chéw I’’hiy chew chwa, when the people 
‘have any disputes, they open their months 
with an oath. See the ff] # Seo" sé. 

Ch’han chéw f% fe 4 scolding ; rail- 

ing words. 

f) Wd) 

Read chod: a kind of insect that 

eats wood. 

3 @.. Then; to go to, to approach to; 

Tr complete. Chéw yéw to, jé chéng 
eh a 

yéen Hh Ay > TIE Fy - 

chéw with wos td dy lang, jé ché"d ka té, to 

approach the virtuous, and adjust one’s-self 

by them. 

Jit chéang gwat chew A Be A BL , to make 

daily advances, and monthly improvements, 

To load, to burden ; to contemplate. 

A great bird, ‘found in the south, 

with a yellow head, red eyes, and ? 

of a variegated colour. Qu. the 

eagle ? « 
Even; a sort,’ a class. Goé chey 

4 ‘ 5} 4s , gwan dy Jing, We, Us. 
Vy Chin Téng téng chey 3 eh jp} 
., Chin kok. kap Téng kok tang chey, the Chin 
and Téng countries were equal -and:alike. 









Béng hoé suy yin ok, ek kok yéw -p’hit chey 

fia Fe REA TE, IN aE Fe 

dy hoé suy king sé pha"é, yéd kok woo p’hit 

chéy, fierce tigers, although they may be call- 

ed savage, yet have each their equals and 

To ascend, to go up. Chey pé kong 
TR, téng PR 4K uN tae , cheat e dy 

kong téng, to ascend up'to the public 
hall. See the [BX] ji, Kok hong. 

aan To involve, to be pushed in, or let 
TA fall. Sefou jin-16 jé bdo choo, 

| Fl te, bey. koe ‘hok ep AG 
Thi 4. Jn BA ER, 

lang ladu jé bb Ké"d, chae éy chey sak té kaow 
hok é, the little one (i.e. 1) being old,-and having 
know that I, shall be shoved into 
See the 

no children, 

some ditch or another,—(when Indie). 

Zé {BA Cho twin. 


cemeteries. ” 
To present, to send as a gift. Séaou- 
FIR chong Pek séw ké chéang pe che 
JEW cr hs we 4 3H 
v4 Ai ‘ Sédou-chong Pliyh, séw -e dy chéang 

pé dy chey, the Seadu-chong Piyh officer re- 
presents of silk and cloth. 

‘A. sheaf of corn; to bind corn into 

a bundle. 

To ascend, to go up. Chey é kéw 

léng ie F It coe cheo"S kau 

kéw léng, to ascend up to the nine 

ceived the 
A certain sweet vegetable, — capsella 
pursa pastoris, Kié kam jé chey 

chéo"® chey, as sweet as the \chey vegetable. 
See the [Bil ffl, Kok hong. 






Yéak chey Bh Al, yh chaé, me- 
dicina] drugs, 

To cut to pieces, to cut up into 

FF mince ie 


The noise of many voices, 

Toé chey fit jes, toé chaé, the navel. 

o To present, tosend. Chey se A> Be 
to send a letter, Ma-wan-wiy 

Gwiy-gd chey se a 1B B PA 
BEE, oa-win they Gway-g6 chey phay, 
Méa-wan carried a letter for Gwiiy-gé. 

Read choe. A surname. ‘Choe é Loé 


“ning $I BLA er hn tat 

sto p’hith, the Chey country went to 

war with the Loé country. See-the [| 
Séang beng. 

The name of a stream; also, full 

?, and abundant. Chéy chéy to soo 

HE KZ ~{-, chéy séng dy chéy 

hak cWhiyh lang, abundant indeed was the 
multitude of scholars, See the ANKE Seaou 


Elder sister: chéy ehéy HH HH, 
a respectful mode of addressing 



Seaou chéy yh qa, 886 chéd, ee miss ; ™ 

young ‘mistress, 


This, these. Chéy jin put sé jin, naé © 
‘SB sey) Ong bée Ing hwh sin FS | 

+h att chéy ley NF ie WS nat 

sé sac dng ay né0"® ity, laé hwa sin, this per- 









son is not a human being, but is the mother 
of the western king, metamorphosed into this 


To sacrifice, a sacrifice. ‘Chey but 
KK yy, chey meé™h, an’ offering. 

® = Chéy jé chaé, chéy sin jé sin cbaé. 
Choo wat, goé put & ehey, j¢ put hey £3 

in Ir &, chey * oh hin oneane té 

a Be sin béng ch’hin ché0"® sin béng té tit. 
Hoo-chos king, gwd bb chi pob chéy, ch’hin 
chéo"S b6 chéy, sacrifice (to your ancestors ) 
as'though they were present, andsacrifice to the 
gods as though the gods were present. Con- 
fucius. said, if I am not personally engaged 
in the sacrifice, it is to me as if there was no 
sacrifice. See the | fy Séing lun, 

The name of a kind of grain. 
A meeting together; an opportunity, 
aseason. .Téng Gé che chéy 
Joe es Bs ; in the time of Tong 
and Gé, 

To be pained, to be troubled. Bod 
. choo chéy yéen Af 8 #8 th; 
bé6 ka t€ hwdn 16, do not distress 
yourself about it. 

The cessation of rain; fair weather. 

To supply, to assist, to Reculite) 
to settle, to cross the water. Kew 
eWhé che 18, ban bin é chey FY 

i Hi, FR Ve, cheng kbo dy 1, 
ché"A ban ling é chéy} ‘by the profits of the 
pestle and mortar, the wants of myriads of people 
are supplied, See the J 4 Yeh xeng. 




OnE Useless words, garrulity. 
wy o 

The name of a’stream of water. 
_A kind of grass, of which, cloth is 

ie The name of an insect. 

eka The navel. Sé chéy hd kip We is 
ip A RB. chéth ka té dy toé chaé, 

bétyh an chw"d ey kip kaou, if want- 
ing to ‘eat one’s own navel, ‘how could it be 
got at!—(used to express an impossibility. ) 

To regulate, to set «right, to put 

in order. \Asurname. | Pit chéang 
sew léy é chéy téfou, chéng hwat 
é chéy kwan, péng te €é chéy bin ls 

fie LH Hi IESE eB. 25 ip 

V) EB, tek khak téih sew léy soé é chéy 
Wi téng, ché"a hwat toé é chéy chi kw"a, 

pat"S té & chéy piyh sai"S, we must certainly 

- cultivate propriety in order to regulate the 

court, adjust the laws in order to -regulate 
the officers, and equalize the government in 

order to regulate the people. Said by Aaj F 
San choo. 

Read to; “many, not ‘few, much. 

ips To taste, to eat. 
Sim to # Be, sim chéy, very many. 

9 To bin kéén chéa, hak che p’hok 

% BH ba AR. BZ ta. chéy ChE" 2 Khwa 

dy Tang, swui"® chd p'hok hak; those. who have 


Ch’ha ui 

98 CHHA 

heard and seen much may he considered as 
extensively learned. — 

Read chd: to sit down. .Ch'héng cho 
aa, ch hé"é chéy, pray sit down... 
Sek put chéng put cho EX 

TE FE, cunein v6 s2 che, 06 vityn chey, 
if the mat was not put square, he “would not 

sit down upon it;—said of Confueins, in the 
éE aN Séang lin. 
Cho, gno béng gé chod As FF AA aa +, 

chéy, gwa béng béng kap lé king, sit down, 
Sir, and I will clearly explain it to you. 

See Hi FF Beng-chos. 
Ch’ha yA ae auxiliary word, seldom used. 
4S fo kes 

The hands entwined together. Jip 
kwiin, yaou séing chéet, hong jin, 

séw chin ctvha A. Fi) eis Hf. ie 
cS XK =F Fi  # jip chew kwin, yéo séang. 

chéet,—toé .téth ling, ¢ cWhéw chin cltha, when 
entering a district, the loins are constantly bent; 
and when meeting ‘with people, the hands are 
always joined-(in making compliments). |,’ 

Ch’ha ~ To boil, or fry any thing, 

Cha egos Ch’hé ‘chéy fe i 3 mising one’s 

| Ch’ha "ts To be angry, to, be Bs 

‘ik boast; te bile: ; é Ratcite. Kam 

gan ch’ha.gé +S Ss A =H flat- 
tering words and boasting expres- 


chives ch ha! B By chee"® cWhéa, 

"paper money, — to take. 

Crna ry as ¥, to examine, as 

“at the public examinations. 

Ch’ hé = Kwan ch’hde Te tt kw"a cW’hé, 
a coffin, 
“Read ch’haé + fire-wood. “Tae chéa 
Ch hls - k’hé sek wily che sin, séaou chéa 
“til-i9dei hap. sok, wiy, che ch’haé Kz 
twa dy Vhang\phwa king ko sin, sey dy hap sok 
| J \kéng, kéO" eWhd, the) great, pieces of fire-wood, 
which can be split, are called logs; and the 
small pieces’ that ave bound up. in. bundles, 
‘sare’ called ‘faggots. be.) 
3 To guess, to suppose. Ch’hae ch’hoé 
Ch’hae tt on, to conjecture wrong. Goé 

choo ek yéw ch’hae yéen +5 Ft. F- 

4 fi Ta. gwa dy chad yéd wood Dae 

you, my good sir, have your suspicions. 

A hair-pin, a bodkin. Kim té pé 
Ch’hae KR clvhae yit song, Who yaou séw, 
STN — KT He 

A> ta 12 sang po ch’hae chit tay, Chang yaou 
Chdou, now I send yow a pair of precious 
bodkins, that may adorn your~head, 

Ch’hae An auxiliary word ; not at ody 
a Violent, strong > highly gifted; long 
Chae / ‘bearded.’ Ké jin béeh'bE"& ch’hae 

HE SE HAM, «te 

OW hin eWhat”S kwa hé cWhiy clthew, the man 
| is handsome, and has a fine beard, 


‘| Ch’haé 



Ban ch’haé x m = Sa ors 


ores p ‘Fo pluck, to pick, to gather. 
Ch’haé Ch’haé tay IRR, to gather tea. 
San yéw béng séw, léy-hok wily 

, se put. ch’haé Wy A ik Bi. 5 FE Be, 
rg ART. sw"a wod béng sew, léy-hok wily 

e b6 bén, when: the hills are infested by wild. 


animals, the léy-hok Herbs are not gathered. 

Ch’hew ch*haé PR PPE’, to hold in 
estimation. K’han jin boé ch’hew 

ciwhaé Fy J\. fit Hx Pe, *’aw"a 

ling b6 cithew ch'haé, to look down upon a 

Ch’haé . 

man .. 
Ch’haé Lefou ch’haé bes Re a fellow stu- 
dent, a brother. officer, 
. Fopluck, to gather; also; variegated 
Cl’haé , colours.’ Gnoé ch’haé i. K , the 

five colours. 
Civhaé’ ch’haé hod-é; pok’ ‘gan eh’haé che FE 

REE. MARZ, lat ban ke chéén 

ehhaéu, taé kay laé bam e, let us go and ga- 
ther the hod-é plant; I say. let us go and 
_ gather it. See the ld JB Kok hong. 


wy pa A large tortoise; arule, Viilg. ch'hwa : 
a surname, Chong-bfin-téing ke 

TFa> eve HK fib JB HE, cron 
biin-léiing ch’hdng sé chaé hoé tw koo k’héé, 
Chong-ban-téang made a house for a large 
tortoise to dwell in. Sve the Séang lan. 

The name of an insect, whose venom 

liesin its tail; ascorpion. Ch’haé 
bé yéwtok, hong kwun che hédng 

Variegated’ colours; bright and 

shining. Hwa ch’haé ae #. aa 




tey hot HY Fe ABREZLRB 

F- ; chad dy dity wod toks hing lewun le dy 
twa sé té hod, in the tail of the scorpion there 
is poison, how much more in your honorable 
younger brother;; 5.) i. ae 
The portion of tereftory allotted to 

nobles, and chief ‘officers. Séém 

é tong Chew-kong che ch’haé téy 

Be DH AS AN CUE, Séém é tang 
Chew-kong dy sa téy, to the eastward of 

Séém was the. territory of Chew fore: 

the fx). 2% th. Kok, gé.., 

‘Vegetables. Sit ch*haé FE FE, hein 
ch’haé, to eat vegetables only, to 

fast. Ch’haé kwa a HAN , cucu- 

mis Japonicus.’ 



Suy' soe $00,''ch’haé kengj kwa, chéy pit chae 

se veh BE Bie AE Bi, A a 

Hp 4H, suy cWhoe dy chédn, oWhae hate, kap, 

Awa, kabu chéy tek k hak téth chae kad, although 
we have) nothing. but; coarse provisions,— and 
vegetable soup, with melons, yet when we come 

to. sacrifice, we must do it with reverence. 

the F jipy Seng) 00, 


Ch’had SHES A, sickness, 

Vulg. ch’ha: fire-wood. Sew téet sin 

Ch’haé ins ehrnde WB HB sow Hers 
, |) sin cl’hé, collect and stere- up the 

prety A surname. 

va A burnt ‘sactifice,, offered up to 

Waby heaven, by the Emperor. 

Just now, just'then;-then,, thereupon; 
: gear aaa}: also-written ra 
i eh thae’ ; 

90 ounar’® 

GAn-choé ch’haé yéw put séén, péén te che; 
ch’haé te che, péen keng, put béng chok 

{88 BE AR Bil Pf > Ganechos too t00 6 a™ he, 

+, péén chae e; 105. 109 4 _chae e; peén kay, bé kth 

hb, Gan-chod no sooner had a fault, than the 
immediately ‘iow it; and assoon as he knew 
“talib ne instantly amended it, | and ‘J not prac- 

tise it again. ee 

oO f a i x 
A wolf. S6 lek put wan, sé ch'haé 

ong 88 HEH ARAB. HH 

OR tH. ‘KE%a 86 tem lek W™ how 
@, sé ch’ haé léng, a mau, who, when.a sister-in- 


law is drowning, will not help her, must be a 

wolf. See the ~ F- Hay beng. 

Toé pe ch*haé: hoé, ch*haé hoé put sit 

HEME TE, IDR net ne ert 
| hoé, oh’ haé hoe w” chéah, if you threw them 
to the wolves and tigers, \the wolves .and tigers 
ould not eat them, aed ac Anite Séaou gnay: 

‘Read $00: to sacrifice Sea" ong jit 
ch’ haz Dp Ac, Te.. ches a gacrifice to 

an or get vit Eb oa 


(The eyes. fixed, and not venvelvidg 
cn’ hae" OF, “wandering about. ris ce 

» Chattering, garrulity.:) 

fedd ceaethad 

Read ch’ hap: to stick into, to pierce. 
Ch’hih Ch’hap hwa Fy AP 5 ch ’haik trea, 
to stick the hair. 

Read», ,\ch‘heng : azure, blue. 

Chrheng beng iy ES, ohihaie 
maf"S, blind. 

niar odt Chiheng. san, put; 16, swati.pek Whoé; léuk 
sy bod.yews hong jedou bien: BP ply Fy 

Ch’hai Ns: 

cai “© 
7 A BB AK Se EU 

fi eWhai"S sw"a bb) lau, th h chéw 
wod plyh Chasu; lek chiy bé win’ 1, wt 

eW’hiey chéw wo jédou bin, the azure moun- 
» /9-" | tains’ grow not old, and yet when the snow 
|.) ‘falls: they have hoary heads; she ‘green 
waters are not troubled, -and st 
wind mene ey. have KS wrinkled face. 


when the 

Read Sitibag the ‘flowers, of 
leeks; full and luxuriant. Hwan 
' ch’heng a rai hwan ch’hai"S, 
« Joindigo, the indigo plant.) 

Read one) astar. H kim seng 

Ka BB, nts in as ote 

a fire-fly. 

Jit, gwat, sang sin, héy ‘yéen. A H Ft 
"REE, jit, gibyh, ot hai™® sin, tit tion, 
the sun, moon, and stars are hung-up therein 
* (wiz, 2 the nearens). Py 
P, 3 Phe je ‘pok sin ke ké séy, jé chédng 

‘seng kéing che re Hy ye He 
i. im HE BE Ze yt pe 

ain ‘Rhea e dy si chat, §é chiding chihai"® 
"keting e, like the northern star, which fests 

Ch’hai ne 

in its place, and all the stars move round 
“it. “See the ES ai “Séang lan. 

Read Seng: taw, sheooked. Kwun 
"'sod'seng,’ pit'séuk j@ ehiéén che 
SS tlom: sod Tod eh hai™S dy mee, pit léth che 
cooly lve le sek gé-chéén le; when, a prinds, bestows on 
ootis raw! food,» we» should/cook and then 

offer it. See the £ m Séaag lan. 

Read sing: tea 
to be awaker PE sé Kae ‘chiy, 
i ae jé gno rok séng Hx HE BF 
7 BE in FE hnoith Udy 2 cho pob 

to grouse, 

91 » CHHAM 

chiy, tok gwd chit lang ch hai"® this age is 
“altogether intoxicated, and Taloneam awake, 
"Read ch’héng cold, Gy. Clwhin 

Ch’ hai®s * ch’héng #8 ite, elhin oh’ hai”, 
men 2 if; beautiful. marl 
x The sound of metal, “4 ringing 
Ch'hai®S of sme _ the iting of a 
“gong. ey ; 
a = 
nr, Read. ch*hat: to examine, Ch’hat 
OR hak, keng #2 oH, eral bei", to 

4 “> inspect the watch, 

Read ch’hok: a chisel to cut with 
a Ghisel, CWhok bail Vhong taé 
haé, léén sek poé lam Vhéen 
EX WRB HX. om 
Hy Chong twa am nt6"E chésh poe lam thee™®, 

| chiselling theough a hill, to afford a passage 
for the sea; and melting stones;‘to repair the 
southern heavens; — (all this, asthe Chinese 
pretend, having been done, “what then is 

\ ! tte} ynixy to blend ;to be ngliki to; to 
Ch’ham - RS wait upon, to visit. Kong ch’ham 
Love tnsen tty. Fy BSF Hb, , tons 
Mb) Ey Wham tit,Phee"® téy, merit” prick equals — 
«that of. heaven pad, perth ead expression 

© foolishly. applied by the, Chinese to their sages. 

yA cartiage horse, two horses appended 
pte acarciage. Séaug Vhwat ch’ham 

YZ «crne. ce, HIBS OIG. 
>. ep Chéou day, ahot¥ he, frequently 
took a horse from his earring? and gave it to 

him;—said of Confucius, oe an old 

fen dong ;Miw Joon oT * 

The same as 25 Tian. To visit. 
Ch’ham ksea BG ~ hood og, 

a wait upon, Sf: WS. \ 




Ch'h =) Ch’ham, loé pe a ch’ham ladu, to 
am leak out, to drip mrotgh: 

Ch’ham zi A fine appearance, a man’s name. 


Ch’ham : 

The name of a tree. 
2 me 
“A sharp. instrument, a’ plough-share. 
Ch’ham Téing ch’ham, téang ch’hamn, pek 
b % bok péng, gné seng thok chod é 
may, bing, Fe BE Fe 3% A KW. Ke 

a3 FE FV Be air, 2% cham, 2" ob’ ham, 

pityh eWhé par’, gwa. sai" hk 1é.é, chd mé"a, 
the long plough-share! , the long plough-share ! 
“with the white wooden handle; as long as we 
live, we depend on this, for the support of life. 

Ch’ham Sv » Avsmall kind. of chisel. 

To assist; to pierce; sharp. ‘T’héen 
Ch’ham ch’ham ok Bi" the name of a star. 

Grieved, pained painful, miserable, 

wretched. Yew sim ch’ham ch’ham 

1é@m kok che géak a Tt’ iB BZ 
a ie Bl 2. iE. hwdn 16 dy sim kw"a ch’him 

ch’ham, léém kok ay po ‘géak, with a sorrow- 


ful mind, miserable and, wretched, pondering 
over the oppressions ‘of the coats? See the 

AN HE Seaou enay. 

i Fee To meet 1 past and done. 

2% Sand mixed in food. 




ny 4 \ ’ 
Ch’him oe ham hwy ie Ki, to repent, to 
)  Tegret ‘exceedingly. 

He 9 as I~ Ch’ham, gé ae ah , a prophecy, a 
Ch’him = FE 
© BBX, 

divination.| Hod ch’ham 4¥ pax > 

a charm,,, 

To be ashamed. Ch’ham k’hwiy 

We Ne, seiiou-léy, to be ashamed 
of. Goé sim ch’ham. ‘Béng-choo, 

, ra tk Bi virdl wit Hh +, gwd, chin chaé seaou 

ey é Béng-choo; 1 feeb ‘very: mach ashamed 

before Sn Si 

“The same as the keting. 

SS arecnayr 

Ch'ham gam i #2, a lofty and 
precipitous hill. 

To be greedy; to eat without heing 
Ch’ham v9 satisfied. Suy sit pat kéw, bod 
chvham béng iE > J\ JL AE 

4. Fe chéith piyh kadu hwin, yéd b6 
ot chéth dy mé"4 sé"a, althongh he eats 

eight or nine tenths, yet he has not the name 

of a glutton ;— said of the sun, when the moon 
is eclipsed. 5 

A cunning . rabbit. Yéak ch’ham 

ch’him thoé, -gé Wheén, hek che 

WR Bh, BK IL: 

yéak cWhdm Wham dy Choe, tob. 48h kadu, hoé ¢ 


lth, the cunning rabbit, frisking about, when 
he meets with a dog, is taken: -See the Ip HE 
Séaow gnay. 
, To revile, to slander, to backbite. 
Ch’him =. Gno yéw kéng che, ch’ham gan ké 
in FL : 
v hin FE AC Ce os He 
gwa dy yew teth sey jé, saé p’hwad dy wa tit 
#hé, my friend you had better take care, 


slanderous accusations are about to arise. 

See the Ns He Seaou gnay, 

pe \. 
Weak, cowardly: goé 6ng ch’han 
Ch’han éng yéa Fi — FA - Hs , swan 
dy éng noot”S dng, our king is a 
weak prince;—said of the king of the fil Té 
Ch’han To rail at, to scold. 
. The noise of water gently rippling 
Chrhan » along ;-the appearance of weeping. 

Séng gwat long ch’han wan Fe bz] 
Ff Fe KR , séng giéyh kwui"S Vhit Uh6 ChE" a 

ehtty dy k’hw"a K’hw"a lau, availing ourselves. 

of the moon-shine, Jet us. go and amuse 
ourselves with the slowly rippling water. 

To eat, toswallow. Way choé che 

koé, sod. gné put léng ch*han héy 

Ch’han ,- 
rn 1 oot 
Up Ap , wity le dy yéén koe, sab gwa bey cheth, 

on your account, Iam so-affected, that I can- 

not eat. 

A-meal, Yit ch’han hwan —» KE i, 
Ch’han -S chit tooi"® poot"S, a meal of rice. 

Bwan eb’han ft AE mat" moui® 
toot"S, the evening meal; the Lord's supper. 

Ch’han A red colour ;-also, damp; moist. 
Be: Ch’han  chéw He iv’. a duster. 
Ch’han Chvhan tok 45 Pi > Whéng th, 

to dust the table. 

Bright, clear. Chvhan Tan J HR 
handsome, elegant. - 

Ch’han & Rice, food, victuals; elegant ;. clear. 



Ch’han The brilliancy of a gen 

The seam of a garment ; to unloose. 

Valg. ch’hém: a silk worm. Gnoé 

Ch’han A . boé che thek, sé che é song, phit*han che, chek lé.chéa chéuk 

&¢ pok & Ht Hl ZEB VLR. 

Fe , g08 boé dy Chityh, chéng e & se"8, phit 
hod ch’hé chihdm e, chéw ladu dy chéuk kadu- 
oWwhéng twin é, a tenement of five acres, if 
plinted with the mulberry tree, and. silk worms 
fed on it by asinglé woman, will enablé the: 

old people of a family to wear silk. See the 
Ye a. Séang béng. 

. Read t86n: a field. Keng tééa Pf 

HA , hth ch'hdn, to cultivate the 

ground. “E gné kong téén, sity kip 

ent so FH} HQ ABH. EM FE A 

hogs té-gwa dy kong ch’han, suy kip gwd dy 

Ch’ léin 

sac khéa ch'hdn, raiw fitst upon our public 
field, and then let it come upon our private 

fields. See the ps ARE Seaou gnay. 

a =* 

Read chthong: -an onion. Koéy 
eh’ hang ch’hun ying ch’hong ie H ji3| 

4 vi He , chéth bith chthun Phee™& ying 
ch’hang, eating flesh. in the spring season, 
we should use onions with it. See the it 
eC Léy ké. 
Read ch'hong: - clear, intelligent. 
Ch’hong béng i AA » cWhang 

mé"4, clever, intelligent. 




The hair  dishevelled >. 

# . 
= . 
OW'heng See Not straight, confusion. 


Read ch’héng: fend of ' eating. 
Ch’ hing 7 Ch’ham ch’héng i eat , cW’hdm 
«Whéng, to he greedy, 
= | 


f) ~~ To take; to copy, to transcribe ; 

papy also written py ch’haou, 

Ch’haou Te. catch fish, with fishing stakes. 
Filaments, thin. threads, Hoo jin 

Ch’haou ch’hin ch’haou,. é why e hok 


hoo jin ying cl’hdm dy sw"d, échd 8"a yin 
chéé"8, women use the filaments spun by 

the silk worm, in order to make clothes. 

54 To speak for, or .on behalf of any 
Ch’haou & 

2 ene. 

dee ‘Ch’haou swat §) we , to borrow 

Ch’haou Bn) expressions, to commit plagiarism. 
i Bod chthaou swat, bod Ify téng 

vis ay it. Hf na i} , a” Chang ch haou 

siéyh, a hang Wy tang, do not commit pla- 

giarism, do not use tautology. See the je 

AL, Léy ke. 
. =) Read ch’ho: to held in the hand; 
Ch’ haou ze 

to exercise. Ch’ho léén Epa ii ; 

cWhaou léén, to drill soldiers, 
Bé léng ch’ho to, jéso6 kat, séén -put paé é, 
bééy éy chhaou to, jé saé kwith meé"h, chéé 
a” paé, if though unable to handle a knife} 

.a person be set to cutany thiog, it is seldom 
that he will not spoil the work. 


Ch’hiou ¢ 


mm Vulg. cithd: to fry, to cook any 
thing without water. 

= py To joke with pleasing words; to 

Ch’haou = : 

py) whisper; to disturb. 

—— ja 
Ch’haou 14 A wry face, a crooked mouth. 

| Read ch’ho: grass, Sit ch*hé ee, 
Ch’'héou chétth cl’'héou, to eat grass, Séng 
tey ché Chéang-ehew sé sod, pek 
elvhé kae hwa FE it = ia 4H) at + 
Bw ay x0. , Song dy tey kabu Chéang-chew 
cCWhE thak cW’hityh dy ling, ché"& pityh cWhdou 
chd pod Khwuy hwa, when the emperor of 
the Song dynasty came to Chéang-chew, te 
examine the scholars, hundreds of plants all 
put forth their flowers. 


‘Ch’haou K& TK oa strainer for 

Ch’haew dh AAR 
rice, made of wicker work. 
Read héw:. stinking, rotten, ill- 
Ch’haou flavoured, Héw ok ‘put sit 

HE ASB, eWhdou p'haé, 06 

bégyh chéth, the stinking and bad he would 

not eat;—said of Confucius. ~ 

a ts To square accounts, to pay up all 
Ch’haou \ ‘ 
A . ¢ To stick’ in, to pierce. Ch'hé ch’hap 
7 . ; 
Ch hap if) iy ; ts stick in, to thrust. 

Ch’hap teep i #L , 4 little person, 
a dwarf. 

Ch’hap ARG 

Ch’hap ,, i! The noise of slicing ay thing. 

— a ee 



Ch’hap paé Sa to shuffle 


Ch’ hap oa needle; a Pic a crow-bar. 


oe ae 

A ik i 

Ch’hap héet mM i, cWhap hiéyh, 
to draw blood, in order te confirm 
an oath. Kwiy-k*hew che hééy, 

choo hoé sok seng chaé se, j@ put ch’hap héet 

i Be HS UE aK 
, Kwily-Khew dy hoéy, choo hoé pak 
fhabu sai"®, chad béng se, jé b6 chhap hityh, 
at the assembly of Kwiiy-k’hew, the princes 

" of the empire tied up the victim, and brought 

the sworn contract, without drawing their 
blood in confirmation, See the “[\ im May 

To receive, to ebtain, to lead, to 


Many words, garrulity, chattering. 

Civhap ch’hap kang py pay iE , 

‘elvhap cWthap kéng, “to chatter. 

. To examine, to search, to inquire 
pe into. Kong tae, chiey séadu, put 

‘Bing héng ch’hat JY FE JE Jp, 


A me WE, kong 16 twa, chiéy k’hith sey, 

_ biey wood bing béng cW’hat, my merit has been 


Ch’hati FS 


great, and my fault trivial, only 1 have not had 

the advantage of a clear examination ;— said 

i ‘Lé-léng. € 

Chihat gin jé kwan sek PE = Ty i 

séng cWhat ling dy wa, jé Khw"a e dy bin sek, 

examine a man's wrens and survey his coun- 


‘A’pillar, a flag-staff; also, a pagoda, 
Léet»ch’hat séang_ bong Bi ra 
re yy hb" 4 Wet ke UhEéGou, sé0 

~ ‘Bong, a row of pillars opposite to each other. 




Cl hat 

Ch’ hat 


Ch’hay — 


The name of atree; the sound of 

dj waving trees and “grass, 

BS To speak slowly,- and. personally 
—_—, . . ’ 

examine any thing. 

IR Vo cub, to-rub out, to blot. out, 

Read ch’hip: the name of a stream; 



also, a kind of varnish, paint, 
Sod chip (si PE sae cWhat, to 

paint, to varnish, 

Read chek» thief hd chek fi 

F ché ch’hat, to tarn thief. Haé 

chek Hii AR, hat cWhat, a pirate. 

> Hoé chek iB Bx. kadu cWhat, full of thieves. 

Yéw j@ put sin ty, téing j@ bod sut yéen, 

16 jé put sod, sé wiy chek in As bs 
Hrs Fe WH 4 HM ES, AE th Ay 

LB Wi, 

sedou léén jé bb sim léy, twa han 
ge. 06 hwat sut,, Lao jé béy sé, sé king kéo 
eWhat, in youth {not to act the part of a 
gtandson or younger brother; in riper years, 
not ‘to have any settled. employment; and in 
“old age notto be\ (fit for) death; he who is - 
such. is no) better than .a) thief, 

Wrong, erroneous, _luneven; to 

send ona menage. Ch’hay che 

hé Je, Fz. 

bew ~é ch héen lé 

BB. BFE. @Whay chit hd chit 

dé, béw kao chit el’heng lé, varying (at first ) 
but the down of a feather, it may differ (at 
length ) a thousand /é. 

‘Ch’hay ‘806 eS th. ‘ehhay saé, to send on 

an errand. 


\» The hands folded together, and 
| fintertwimed; also, to ‘take. 

OWhay yi 


Ch’hay chéy es iy 4 unfixed, un- 
settled in mind. . — * 

The .outer branches of a tree. 

Young, proud, at. case. 

To be angry, to speak in anger; 

also written fi¢ Ch’hay. 

To boast, to deceive. Chéet jin, 

og bééy gay teAou sod, pit léet poe 
rR m k’hé, 6 chod k’hwa ch’hay § 
Z. ‘iy 3 (8. ds il) 2b Ut, A. 
a BE, Chéet-kang dy ling, tak pde gay 
Ae ledou she dy 306 chéd, pit paé léet poe 
ké"4 kap I’héd bay dy peng, ¢ ka té k’hwa 
ch’hay, the people of Chéet-kang, whenever 
they go to meet a messenger from the court, 

insist on drawing out their horse and foot 

soldiers, in order to boast and make a shew. 

A privy; mixed, impure. Lok ch’hay 

we Jay Wh cl’hay, to go to stool. 

A sickness; also, recovery from 


A brokenness of ‘woice ; the voice 

broken and lost, 


Ch’hay Brittle, easily broken; infirm. 
To examine minutely. Ch*hay k’hé 
Ch’hay 3S He to search and enquire. 

=_—* Chay kwan ké jin, chek sin jé 

yéa; séy ch’hay ké sim, chek kaéu ui in 

“ESE A. MU tio dn a. $e Se 
uy. Hl fe dn {tL > tut geen Whoa € dy 

lang, chek cWhin ché0"S san sit; sédng sey 
ch’hdy e dy sim, chek cW’hin chéo"S kabu kwat, 
on just seeing the man, he appeared honest 
and sincere; but on narrowly examining his 
E heart, he appeared cunning and deceitful. 
Ch’hay PA 

The noise of a multitude. 

Read cho. Cho hs AB 4 cwhay 

Ch’hay héey, to forestall goods, to ‘buy 
up a quantity, in ordér to raise 
the price. 
; Read ch’hek: a book, a record. 
Ch’ hayh Se ch’hek séy ch’haé, kae séng 

héén che béng ‘gin yéa = Tt 

b : 
He WME EZ ZS oman 
séy chaé, chd pob sé séng jin ghou ling dy 
béng wi, the things -contained in the books 
and records, are altogether famous sayings 

of philosophers and clever men. 

~ Read ch’hek: sorrowful, 
ché yadu ae Vhong ch’ham ch’hek 

Be IR Be ok HB 

se"S ha dy ley soe, ché téth ae Uhé"a ch'ham 

Song léy 

Ch’ hiiyh 

ch’hityh, in funeral obsequies, it is only re- 

quisite to feel anguish and sorrow of heart. 

Read ch’hwat: a handful. Kim hoo 
téy, yit ch’hwat thoé che to A 






Civhe _ 






chéy léy téy, chit cWhiyh thoé dy chéy, now 
the earth is merely a handful of 

rp ail Téung ying. 

To lift up the eyes, to look full at 
any thing; to look angry. Ch’he- 
yang We [. the name of a dis, 

trict: T*héen. ch’he RK HE the name of a 
star. Sometimes confounded with Ife Ch’he, 


ground. See th: 

The name of a water bird, reputed 
for its fidelity to its mate. Kwan 
kwan ch’he Khew, chaé hé che chew 

A fA RE WA, FE YA Z HN , mean wan 

haéu dy Whe Khew, twa té hb dy chew, the 
cooing turtle doves, dwelling in an island of 

the river. See, the) a4 Pa Se keng. 

. _To introduce ; to walk slowly, without 
: “advancing also, an expletive. 
Yung ch’he ii Ti. , # Sore, an ulcer, 
Chut yéw péng ch’he chéa, K’hé 
* wily win che AAG ii fi #. 
x EB aft L. , Peng chut wod pat"® ch'he™® 

éy lang, K’hé laé kap e chwuwi"®, when any of 
his soldiers had a sore or an ulcer, K*hé would 
suck it for them;—said of Goé-k’hé Ue. [EL , 
who had such a love for his soldiers, that he 

would do any thing for them. 

A kind of monkey; to wait in order 

to find an advantage against any. 

Liang é K’hek ch’he kek Sé-héng 

B Sal Ze FH i = 4A, Léing kap K’hek 
téng hadu bityh p'hith Sé-hing, Léang and K’hek 
waited for an opportunity of attacking Sé-héng, 

See the’ mh Ee S06! ke. 


The name of a river. Ch'he-téong 

7H rH , the name of a place. 

Chek ch’he HPT MEL, a centipede; 
also called, goé, kong Wk. Wh gid 
kang. Chek \ch’he sit séf, séa sit 











wa, wa sit chek ch’he, hoé séang sit yéa 
BAe hie he FE RE Ae fe A Be. Zn 
A B th, géd kang chéth chwh, chwé chéith 
kap, 4, kap a chéith géd kang, the centipede 
kills the snake, the snake eats the toad, and 
the toad poisons the centipede; thus they de- 
vour one another. 

A kind of hemp, without seeds: also, 

thé name of a grass. 
A clay mound covered with stones; 
difficult of ascent, 

H The neck, 
grass. K’he sta léfing j@ hong che 

Matshy ground, 
> * 
kw"d chwd ling jé Wty té chiiy tek, he drove 
away the snakes and dragons, and sent them 

into the marshes. See a + Béng-choo. 

overgrown with 

A flysblow; the eggs of flies laid in 
raw meat. 


Ae The same with the following. 


illo, ; 4 
TEE Foolish, unwise, simples also, sick. 

The female of bitds. Téng kwat ch’he 

héting [ay Je JHE YE , wap ting 

lewat cl he héting, to try one’s strength 
with any one; —literally,!te see which is the 

He 4n FZ 

man and which the woman. 

Siiy te ‘oe che ch’he héang 

We HE y che chéy chae oe 4 dy kang boé, who 

knows the male and female of the crow? See 

othe Ay Hk Seaou gnay. 












Ch’ he. heaou Rea 36 a bird of 

aye Prey: 

A chicken ' an animal that can eat 

as soon as it is born. 

To walk fast, to go quickly. Kéén 
1é pit ch’he, kéén had pit pe Fi, 
fa) AB a, ena 

wos lé pit tévh kin ké"4, k’hw"a wod haé pit 
t80h séém pee"S, seeing an advantage, you should 
hasten towards it, and seeing a danger, you 

should avoid it. 

ne To laugh. 

Ugly. Géén ch’he iF th, handsome, 
and ugly. Jé Kam che chéaou but, 

géén ch’he chaé pé uy ee ra 
an BE Wn. F ite HE MK ch’hin chéo"S ké"a 

dy chéd meth, cWhin ch’hat"S K’héep sé té hé 
taou, like as ‘when a mirror reflects things, the 
handsome and the ugly are there ( faithfully 

represented ). 
An order, a series. Ch’ham ch’he 

put chéy B 5E x PF , mixed, 


Kok yéw téng ch’he ya A at Be , Hok woo 

téng ch’he, each one according to order. 

Ki A vessel for holding» wine. 

we Ch’ham_ ch’he tes iE, the uneven 
yéw ar Fi; the name of a country. 
Bin che ch’he che Tt Zz Wy Es 

pityh sal"S dy gaé gaé, the stupid mob. 

appearance of hills, 

Yo collect. 

An insect; also, stupid, foolish. Ch*he~ 






Ch’hé | 

HG f 


Walking slowly, without being able 



aR Sickly ; not thriving, 

To take, to lay'hold on, to require, to 

AX receive. Vulg. Phiyh. Loé-téing- 

_léén wiiy jin paé lan, kaé hwun, 

jé bod ch’hé th He Ry AN BE BE AR 
Ly. Tip SE BR; Zoe-teang-teen math lang pat 

Khwuy kan lan, Uhéou eW’hut hwan Iwan dy 
8005 3606 bieyh Vhayh eh’hee”S, Loé-téing-léén 

to get forward. 

used ‘to ‘dissolve difficulties, and disentangle 

confused matters, for people, without taking 

aby money. See the oe Fig Sod ke. 
sé4 ch*hé, bod put way é 

) Es AS (Y SOR hE, am 

kwa ch’héa ch'hé, b6 séy u™ ka, dissolute and— 

Extravagant; great, large. Hong p’hek 

DB it 

sdm cho, 

extravagant, and sticking at nothing, See the 

E a Séang béng. 
ABE o Ch’hé te CE E. uneven. 
A bills: Keéw ch’hé is RF, koo 

cW’hé, a pestle and mortar. Chim 

ch’he Uh KE; téem. ch’hé, a stick 

har aa which weaener- ae oa beat clothes» 


To dwell; to rest in, to -take up 

; an abode, Tek put ch’hé jin, yéen 
Phe ick 8 RAE fe B40. 
kan t3h 86 chaé, b6 twa 1é jin dy way, boeéyh 
an chw"é éy tit cho te, if in selecting a residence, 
aman does not fix upon a Virtuous neighbour- 

hood, how can he be considered wise? 

Emi Séang lin. 

Put é ké to tek che, put citing 

3 KA bie th, 

See the 

8 HY 

b6 chédou e dy 




{0 tit t&th, bb boéyh ch’hé twa té ¢, anything not 

' obtained according to the right way, (the 
good ‘man ) does not rest in. 

Vals. k’hé: the teeth, K’hoé ch’hé 

Th FA, eriay, Whe, the teeth of 

the mouth; also, age, Tan béng 

ch’hé han I5 a i Hee tdn bb, elhay he 
kw"4, when the lips are gone, the teeth will 
get cold, — (meaning, that without good neigh- 

bours, men are likely to fail). 

. Théen hay yéw tat chun sam, chéak yit, ch’hé 

“yit, tek yit KP A B=. BR. 

rio fa, Phee"E ay 00 tat. chun s"q 

hang, chéak wity chit hang, cWhity khé chit hang; 
‘tek héng chit hang, there are three things much 

honoured and preferred under Heaven; one of 

which is office,— another, age,— and another, 

virtue. , See rs + Béng-choo. 

A mouse. Lé6 ch'hé 7 oF i, neaou 
cWhé, arat, Ch’hé poey it Ai , 
you rats! Gé kwuy héén té siy, 

ch’hé to teng kay yéw be $5 Bll HH 2K. 

it A es de i , hed hw" a hee" krhwout 

é dy chiy, néaou ch’hé Uhaou teng kay dy yew, 
the ant peeps at the water in the hollow of 
the ink-stane, and the rat steals the oil in the 
stand of the lamp. 

Sick and sad; also, a Sick mouse. 

To marry. Ch’hé ch’hey HR =, 

ch’hwa boé, to marry a wife. Ch’hé 

_ ch’hey jé hé, hwny biéy put tek 
BE Be hn (- BE WE AR A othe 
an chw"d, 66 hd™ lang béy chd tit, how must 
we act in marrying a wife? without a mediator 

it will not do. See the (ald Jee Kok hong. 










Ly Congealed ; not flowing; a hindrance 

in the way, preventing progress. 

‘To stop, to Laas from. 

Many. Yit chhée —- YI, altogether, 
in general. Also read Ch’héet. 

The stones by the side of steps. Also 
written [PS Ch’hé.” Léuk chvho 
bwin kae ch’he 4 Ba ig RE tr 

lek eWhéou mw"é gim kay dy chk, the green 
grass covers the stones of the steps. , 

The thorns of a tree. 

To pierce, to stab,— either with. a 
1] weapon or by words; to ridicule. 

Ko séang ch’hé é ch’hé ke, hoo se 

whew éséang bé Be fH FT VL Hal DL. tat 
F 6 We yy viel a , Whe" séang eWhé dy se, 

& cWhée ke ldng,—léém se k’hew ay hod, é o lo 
lang, recite “the mouse” ode, in order to 
ridicule men;. and repeat “the dove" ditty, in 

order to praise people. 



fai The name of a. fish. 
)) | 

To go towards; the mind tending 
towards any. thing. ‘E ch’hé 

any. thing. ‘Ec he ee ieee, 

Pleasant, Gin yéw ch’hé be 5 4 Fale BK 
kéng wa wod cl’hé bé, pleasant discourse. 

€h’hé héing put tong, séy way ck & HP ay 

aS ja. pr B Ih i ch’hé héang 06 sé0 

tang, sty cha. yéd kh yé0"®, when the tendency © 

A thorn, a prickle; as sharp as a. - 


of people’s minds are dissimilar, their conduct 

will also differ. 


~~ The flaming up of fire. H"6 che 
ch’hé, put k’hé p’hok ‘béet MZ 

JAG ASP BE a, tote one 

chhé, b6 thang phiih hwa, a fire, when blazing 


up, cannot easily be quenched. 

meé"h wity, what place? where? Also 

yy written Ah ch’he. 

‘Khéuk kéng thong yew ch’hé, séén pong séing 

ebvham sé HH (& 3H v4 Jee, i Bie lll ia 

fe. wan Khéuk dy lué thong kabu yew am dy 

Ch’he Wine and food. 

A place. Ho cl’hée uy “a 

uly, hiéy séo"F ping tit léém ch’ham dy sé, a 
crooked path leads to dark places, and when 

in a monk’s chamber we should recite prayers. 

A wing, a pinion. Téang léang ch’hé 

yéa aR PA 5) ie ‘teo"S nd dy 

sit, spreading both its wings, 


\ Read sé: to try, to prove. ‘sé khan 

at yom chhé Khw"a, to make a 

Gn6 suy put bin, ch’héng séang séche FR 

Se 6 EBL Zs ent rw te 

tedou, cWhé"é ch'hée k’hw"d e, although 1 am 


Ch’ he 

you to try me. 

not clever, yet I beg 
Slow, gentle; to walk slowly; a 
surname. Ch’heng ‘hong ‘ch’hé laé 

Ai ‘Y is mR ee Ae : cWheng ‘ty hong 

Vhw"a Khw"a d'‘laé, the ‘pure wind gently 


4 3 Dull, ‘stupid. 




bee Bite 


A market. Kay ch’hé $y W , in 

the streets and markets. Koe chéw 
ch’hé hod, put sit th pis ih Ait 
AR oa bdy dy ‘chéw, kay! cWhé dy bith, i” 

chéth, vintner’s wine and market flesh; Confu- 
cius would tot eats ae it manne unclean 

ie ja ain gé. 

or “‘Tnjurious ). See the = 0 
Read S00: to fel, ts give food, to 
bring up., Soo ch’ ‘han vhew se Fin} 

fial | & dh 4 ohh cht him Vhew swd 

“to feed silk worms and pin the silk. Soo te 

AB fe, ch’hé .te, to keép pigs. BS 

Che he 

_ Read ke: a carriage. sae ke je A i. - 
Ch’héa bay clihéa, ‘a carriage drawn by 

horses. A surname. — 

Hoéng-téy chok ke, yin téing té win, Séadu- 

ho kay gnéw, ché sini He an sé kay ma ra 

(4.8) BR DRM pz 
R At lag aI B&B Wee Setey chd eh'héa, yin 

lang 't2\ hwuS Ay meek, Sedou-hd kay gob, che 
kaou Heéy-téing tty ‘sé’ kay bay, Wui"S-téy 

(B. °C. 2622) first invented carriages, to carry 
heavy ‘things, and: convey them to a distance; 
‘Seaou-ho (B. c: 2538) added buffaloes; and 
in the time ‘of ‘Héy-téing (B. C. 2142) they 
used horses. See the ral id Koé soo. 

Ch’héa ké fii te , 2 kind of stone, 

nearly resembling a gem. 

Extravagant, wasteful; stretched out, 
immense. Ch’héa chek put cieha 
k’héem chek koé FF Hy) AN FR AR. 

= fl} {Al ch’héa ch’hé chéw i™ sin, séo"% 

‘Rheem chéw koé lee, ‘from being too extrava- 

ch hee : 

gant a man apenas careless; and from being 
too’ parsimonious, he becomes vulgar 3—.said by 
who added, 

Confucius, nevertheless vulgarity 

ts better than carelessness, 


Ch’hea As To tear open. 
Ch’hea a To ‘open ‘the mouth wide. 

incense; also written WW, Ch’héa, 

Ch’héa Re, 

To be »purged; 2 dysentery ; the 
same as 3ES--séa. 


A stone, , 

Beth cWhe"a 5 & “splinter 
of. wood or jou; to run a- 
-gainst, ' —, 

, Also, moreover; just,merely. Koé 
Chinera * A “ ehnema 2 
less. Koe ch’he®@ ey A, mere- 
ely, just: then, for a time. 
-Ch*hé" then che .seng but yea, 806) che 
voit pan RISE Wy Ah hi — 
AR 5 Whee Wheel’ dy’ sai" wide", sab ho 
i€ chit 4y kin’ pin, moredver ‘heaven in its 
/ \ -prodicing all things, gave them but one ‘ori- 
ie; in. See ° aft ea Béng-chos. 

es: Read clthéngy: to invite, to beg, 
rhea S to,request, to greet, Boé téy put 
Cr clwhéng Be Be Ae Bi, oe vey 
06 ch'hé"é ling chéih, at- semisterie, de not 

invite people, to eat, 
Kim séng é é kay ae" yéw-s00 be te séy che, 

. kam ch’héng yee Be R. AT i 
“5p Heit wel, 

The snuf of a candle, the ashes of 


bay, yew soo dy kw"a biéy chae sty Whe dy wity, 
Bd che", now the carriage is “got ready, 
“but ‘the’ officer im’ attendance does? not know 
» ‘Where he is to go; 1 beg therefore to enquire. 

See Ti oF Béng-choo.' 

ee ain: 

walk lame. 

to stand awry ; to 

‘ Rea cW’héngs to hire, to employ, 

Ch hens fi as a labourer.» Bod chégn koé 

Fy eW’hea 4h ‘eg te fi. k'ndm 

: sé 06 cheé"S eR HEA, just as if we had no money 

to hire them with;—said of work-people, when 
they. are Jazy, and. neglect their duty. 

Séng but Th Un, ch hE" mesh, 

(to-adjust anything that is awry. 

Read: cl’hek: red, a reddish brown 
colour; also; sincere: Ch’hek sim 

pd kok rN af , ch’ hbith 

‘sim pd + kek; to, serveone’s country with a 
“sincere heart. 
‘Read ch’hé: to -prick, to pierce 

CW ht dh « } through,’ Ch’hé séw, théem gnoé 
ASIN dda hi gh PER: chheith 

sew, Chee"S gie tédou so"), “in working the 

: embroidery; fiveithreads' were added.” The 
ancient Jadies,;added’. one thread “to their 
embroidery, each day after the winter solstice; 

so that when five were added, 

scourse, five days.after mid-winter hence, the 
‘poets used this expressions as ‘an Gielegant way of 

designating itime. See the fe os Téng se. 

‘ Yéw ‘ch’ héth in, oil cake,— 

something? used in the manufac 

it was of 

‘thre of oil, 



ae, .a bird. of, joys ‘also called, 
, kan elb’héak BZ HB, the dry bird, 

from its abhorrence, of damp, 

Ch’héak B 
IY) } 

Ne Vulg. chiyh d: a sparrow; said to 
be the most ‘lascivious of birds, 
Say way ch’héak bod kak, hd é 

= ann gna ok if 3H 4 it. 4b fA. (5 Ye 
ae AK Fe, ché, chiiy é kéng chityh b6 kak, 


an chw"G~ by. cWhig"S, gwe dy cWhob, who, 

says that the) sparrow, has. ‘To. horns, — see 
how it ‘has, bored through’ my house. See 

the [5] Bl Kiok-hong. 

: To \réspect'; \a “ stumbling-stone 3 _ 
Ch’héak also, the variegated colour of 


| ‘Stowly, leisurely, -easily. K’hwan 
Ch’hiak 4 cl’héak yay {25 , gentle and easy. 
Chek, géeehin whdey, k’hé put 

ch’héak ch’héak jéén Al Se: HE 3B ye A 
* rg He , chek gwé chin kap Chey, Ihe ti 

eWhéak cWhéak jéén, thus may entering on, or 
retiring from office, how is it not free and 
unrestrained. See the - A Hay béng. 

Vulg. deéh: a little rising of the 

Ch héak | skin; a wrinkling of the skin. 

k + To walk) and’ stop, by fits and 
Ch’hea mae starts; to walk quickly. 

Full, flourishing ; also, good words. 

A surname. E’ paé ch*heang gn 

& Hy FF BS) E’ pat hé dy wi, 

FE’ bowed ‘when he heard good words. Sce the 

th FF Séa"S se. : 
pe nome 2 Chvheang gé AB fe 

hé, the pomfret fish. 

5 cheats é 


A.felicitous. bird, Hé.cl’héak i 


The sound of metal and gems. 



a | Ch’héang yew 45 6B, a female 

musician, a dancing girl. 

Ch’héang kéng 1B KE; extrava- 

gant and mad; rude and boister- 

Ch’héan Ae, 
ous. Hd Kéet Tew ehe ch’héang. 
k'hidy ae BE $b ZTE 

Kéet Tew dy ch’ héang Ihiey, how wild and 

wicked were Kéet and Tew! 

B A prostitute. Citkéang bi EMG 
Ch’héang ] awhore. Ch’ héang choo 45 +: 
eh’ héang ké"d, a whoreson. 
‘* Ch’héan 0é y a water 
Ch’héang ste B vi : 
ee) plant. 

Civhiang ep] omere Wee TET fA), we doo 
ms of heaven. , 

The sound of a bell; a spear, a 

lance.  Ch’hé eh’héang MM fpr A 

Whéith ch’héo"®, to grasp a spear. 

A stick, sharpened at both ends, 

and used in’ repelling thieves. 


> an chw"d 


Téang ch*héang ‘twan ‘kéém, chéén chin 

Vhéen hay béng, chéang te $h 4s GN TAK 
a K - tia He 1e"E. ch’héo"& tey kéem, 
ehéen swith. Phee"S: ay dy béng.:chéang, with 
a long spear and a short sword, we may 
‘contend ‘to the utmost with all the fiercest 

generals in the empire. See the pea = 

. Peng se. 
| Ch’héang kong Ae AE, to wander 
owns crazily about, without knowing 

Koé ché4. bod séang, ch’héang ch*héang hoe, 

REDD che ts EH. thie F 


17 w chhai"S mat" dy Laing. 06 lang, téo"S 
€, chéiw el’héang cl’héang hot, bityh tth bn? 

i’hé, a blind man, without a leader, wander-- 

” wildly. about,,,,where will he go? See~ 

the IB aL Ley. ke. 
Ch’héang kway. te. an evil spirit; the 
soul of a: person devoured by atiger, which 

does not dare to quit the tiger, till it has 

led him to devour another person. 

Ch’heang a 
ii * o! To stop suddenly. ¥in chéang héén 
ovine A che, .ch’héang jétn. che FE IPF 
; B72. {i PE AE hwtin chéang 

bityh héén ¢, cWhéang jétn hity"h, the clouds 
"were about’ to ora ap suddenly they 

The noise of tinkling ornaments, 

hanging about a person. 

Ch’heang Liberal, gentle. 
aeh ze * High, lofty; also, to open out, to 
Ch'heang discover. Han-sin héng, éng, ko 

ch’héang téy it SB FF ey 5 

a Hb Hin-sin ké"a éng, té kwdn cwhééng 
dy téy, H4n-sin commenced building his re- 

sidence, on high and! lofty ground. 

cnn BE Wicked,. evil: 

A long day; also, clear,—clearky 
ening REL 


pA Po) 01) - WVulg. ch hbo"B sw ‘Shed. without 

Ch’héang . | 
: walls, 

Met og To snatch, to take by force, .to 

Ch’héang plunder. Chrhéang jin }f¢ J, 

ch héo"= lang, to plunder people. 


Pek tw -el’hding) twat 2p BE }P Ae , 
pdyhe jit ch hd6"E Lhityh,y:plunderoin the open 
buts » day) .!- tert * se oult 
eblon =p. Bird’s, feathers ; feathers plucked 
Ch’heang from birds, _to make garments, 

and ornament flags. 

eh Ong-kéung chéak hok ches =o rs 4 
fe, WEE, Ong-kéung ‘cheng bik mb dy sas 

Ong-kéung wore a. garmentmade of stork’s 




To harmonize,. to: agree with. 

ited hd {By FN, barmoni- 

To sing earl to lead, to: introduce. 
Ch’héing 08 Chrhéang k’héuk PE PR cw'neo”s 
Khek, to.sing songs, 
Vit chwhéang jé sam than — ne it = 
ie, chit dy cWhE"S, 36 "a Tewny Phéou Mhwity 
when once he: sang, -( the»bystanders ) thrice 
“applauded. See- the fj} SP Léy_ ke. 
Kwan séfng ch’héang choo Héng-téy at ae 
ny A ti iy. kim yin ché6"8 WWhé Chabu: 
choo Wui"S-tey, caps-and clothes were first. 
introduced by: Wui"S-téy (By ©. 2622). 

A field’ where grain is- gathered ; 
rhe }! 
G "8 a barn floor. 

Ths pay, tomake good: Ch’héang. 
Chihéaing, eB) 

beng {8 fr ,, to forfeit one’s 
life. . 

Chin-put-gé wiy léng, hek goe té ting 
séi long kim k’hés tong s€a/long é Put- 
gé, Put-gé maé kim clr hing ache 

Sit Fe WBE EE BS BBD 5. 

(i z >. When. Chin-put-gé@ was-in office, 

Clear, bright. . 


some person (intending to stéal from him ) 
. took .away the gold of his’ fellow-lodger 
by mistake; the fellow-lodget suspected 
Put-gé, wherefore Put-gé bought some at 

and made it good te him. 


Anarena, or public field. Chéén 

- ewheang Bae YB, chee eneo"s 
_ 4 field of battle. Kho ch’héang 
A Be , hd VhE6"S, a place of public exami- 
nation. Toé ch’héang is Bi, kédou rhes”s, 
a pleeg for gambling. 


> To cut; to injure. Chvhéang chek 

‘ ais BY to hack and injure. 

Ch’héan pe Pin ch’héang el iB. the name 


of an office held by females. 

The Rae the entrails, Tae 

ch*héang kk BB. twa té"8, the 

, great gut. 

ch’ héang yéuk wan ROR ef, 16"8 & boéyh 

toor”S? §* the entrails,about to snap asunder ;” 
meaning , that’; a/person ,is greatly affected 
with grief or anger, or that, his heart is 


ready to burst; ; 

A wall. Pwan cite Bi 

to climb over 

Cl’héang DS pwd ci’ htd", 
' | a, wall; , 
‘win thoé che ch’héang put k’hé woo yéa 

Be WAAAY Ag AB vin ere 

dy chthes"® bé. Phang bwith piyh, a wall made | 
of dung and mud canfiot’ well be white 

washed. “ 

Ch’héang 2 AE. ‘The sanié as the preceding. 
: , ; Ci ; | 

Ch’héang. be tw Be fF 

Spade ng he 1B AE 

ch’ hee" bé aay a rose. 



Ch’héing Chin vile fi PB, the mast 
EE] of a ship or boat. 

z fog oie. ‘Bok: eh’héing FR 
Ch’héang Vr EE. bak ckhéo"S, a carpenter. 
- . Ch’héang’ jin clithok jé séaou 

che, ‘chek dng noé, 6 wily put sin ké jim é 

as Wee Et ae 8 tE Ke kang cWhéaing dy ling 

ch’ hak Jé eWhing hah sey e,echéw ing séw 

A mechanic. 

Whe, yin wity béy sin e dy jen, if the: work- 
people »were to chisel (the timber), and 
make it too small, your majesty would be 

angry, thinkitig it’ insufficient to bear its 

weight." See the Ob FE Seng. peng. 

_ Ch’héang kéak héng hy Al FF 

Ch’héang 1p a) ch’ héang Rha ké"4, to hop, to 
opt : 

| Civhéaon ple eho Fe AB, we cho, 
v a spade. : 
Read-soe: fo search, to look for, 
Ch'hiéaou ‘| to-seek after,  Hwat sam (hoo 

Si kwh) 'sod, taé soe san lim 

ar eee rh aoe 

(hod! Théo 300; twa eWWhéaou sw"a lim, he sent 

out threé sets of horsemen, who fully search- 
ved the hills‘and woods, 

Sorrowful, aiicaeoeba displeas- 
C hésou 4 ed; te.change colour. Ch’hédou 
jéén chok sek TGR E E4., 

-Whédou jéén pee"® sel, being:displeased, he 

‘changed countenance, 

; To signify any thing by the eyes; 
Ch’ hétou : 
‘to cast sheep’s eyes. 



Sorrowful, hasty, still. Yew sim 

ch’héaou clvhédou 3 iy HY 

i, hwan Ié dy sim kw"a ch’ hédou 


chhédou, a sorrowful mind, discomposed and 
= j- Vulg. ch’héd: to laugh, to be pleased, 
Ch’héaou to shew the teeth. H"6 ch’héaou 
tf aE hé ch’héd, laughable. 
Kéén ch’héaou i SE, keen staou, con- 
Boo ch’héang taé ch’héaou HE BE K XE, 
kwith ch’héw ché6"& twa ch’héd, he clapped 
his hands and laughed aloud.—Also written 

R Ch’héaou. 

Ch’héaou F Handsome, good-looking, 

sae Not benevolent, not well-disposed, 
Ch'héaou Ay 

To pipe with the mouth, to whistle ; 
Ch’héaou also written FX Ch’héaou. 

Jin Ascabbard. To ch'héaou 7] ie 
Ch’heéaou F 

to séd, the sheath of a sword. 
Ché-ch’hé kaé ch’ héaou hod Poé 

w jie fff ci} Af “iil , Chb-chthd Chaou séo 

hoé Pod, Ché-ch’hd loosened the scabbard 
and gave it to Poés See the — [al] Sam-kok. 

oxi | To cut. 
Ch’héfou i RR changing of the countenance. 

Ch’héaou 48 To walk further apart. 



Ch’hin ch’bédou #4 HE | to bar- 

gain, to come near to one ano- 

do ther’s prices. 
Ch’héfou keng ko He Be > ch’ hédou 

Khih kwan, to get up the price; to raise 


the value of any thing. 

To walk backwards and_ for- 
Ch’héaduh wards. CW héavuh ch’héavuh té6, 
to dandle up and down. 
Slips of bamboo, with which the 
Ch’ héaduh ‘ Ae : 
beat time, whilst singing songs. 
K | 
Ch’ héabuh To approach, to come near: 

Read bin: to bow down the head, 

to stoop, 

Ch’ he&th ir 


Ch’ heth A kind of craw-fish. 
Ch’héem All, the whole; the universal voice. 
all speaking. 
Slips of bamboo, used in prog- 
Ch’héem » nosticating. T’hew ch’héem ba] 
ay to draw lots, to prognos- 
Ch’héem se ae #G: a letter, a 

writing. Ch’héem béng te 4B; 

ch’héem mé"4, to sign one’s name. 

A lap, the front lap of a garment: 
Cuno Fe KB also, even, regular. Chéung téaou 
R ch’haé lam, put éfig yit ch’héem 

PRET HY — Hf, en mao 

chat Khévh lam, 66 mw"é chit ch’héem, all the 


morning busy in gathering the indigo plant, | 

without getting a single lap-full. 

E chéén hoe ch’héem jé yéa AE Al ‘3 af 

yp 4,» s"a chéng adu pai"® chéng, his 

garment was of an even length before .and « 


To exterminate, Ch’héem k’hwat 

> ke hiey ak WR SE 

ch’héem béet e dy twa thadu lang, 

he exterminated their great chief. 

Ch’heem Slips of bamboo. 

The curtain of a carriage: also, to 


Ch’héem [P= 
Square pieces of wood, used to en- 
grave letters on; printing blocks. 

Ch’héém ® 
Kan ch*héém fifj ar a block 

of wood, on which there is writing. 

Ch’héém > y 


To try to get near. 

Hwa ch’héém 4. Aik » a hair-pin, 

a bodkin. 
False, deceitful, erroneous; also, 
Ch’héém to usurp, to intrude. T’héeu 

béng hwut ch’héém i (it i 
fs , thee"S beng bé6 chl’hd, the decree of 

heaven is never wrong.. 

The name of a fruit, like an 
orange, abounding in Canton. 

Ch’hédm 1h To stab, to thrust through. 

Ps aan : Vulg. ch’heng: a thousand. Ch’héen 
Ch’héen léén FF: chit ch’heng née", 
s a thousand years. 
Kéung ch’héep éng wet soé pek; sit k’hek 
ké héy, sam ch’héen ‘ey Fe FH 7 Ie FA 
29 Ae Ax = Le kéung laé fy séy é 
éng mwa, kwtiy nit pityh,—chéih dy lang k’hityh 
keng, kéey s"a cWheng, a palace full of con- 
cubines, to the amount of several hundreds; 
and passing strangers entertained, to the 
number of three thousand.. 
Ch'héen The head over a thousand men. 
Luxuriance; luxuriant herbage. 
Ch’héen Wan sé aé ch’héen ch’héen a 
tat We f SE, hwut"S Ay ch’héw 
K’hw"a cl’héen cWhéen, the distant trees look 
thick with leaves. 
Chrhéen bek [FF [iF , oh’hdn hw"a, 
Ch’héen a path between the paddy-fields; 
a road. 
Ch’héen To stick in. 
Ch’héen Phéen ch’héen Pr PR. to walk 
round and round. 
aS To remove. Ch’héen sé ye HE . 
Ch’héen * to remove one’s habitation. Siin 
seng 6 Choo-pang, ch’héen é Hoo- 
= > 2 
nay $A: PS HET AB, 
Sun sai"S twa té Choo-ping, swd wily kadu 
Hod-hay, Sin was born in Choo-pang, and 
he removed to Hoo-hay. See the -P ny 
Hay beng. 
3 Cheaou ch’héen ’ the nam 
Ch’héen . JB HE, the name 

of a tree. 


Ch’héen To gambol, to frisk. 
Ch’hew ch’héen EK Re , Phih teng 
Ch’héen el’ hew, aswing; to swing. Ch’hew 

ch’héen yéen lok, yéa tim tim 

BREE We YB Wx Di ii, mn tone error” 

12 2" Wh, kadu mat"& ch’ him c’him, swinging 
the cradle at the side of the hall, till late 

at night. 
The blazing up ofa fire. Ch’héen 

che & sin KHZ JY) Zip» nse 

e téh té0h yang cWhd, in order 


to make it blaze, you must put on firewood. 

See the iia {ak Cho twan. 

2 ’ To disperse, to scatter; the same 
Ch'héen 8 
as ae ch’héen.. 

5 Shallow, not deep. Siiy chhéén 
ch’héén I jz i& > chiiy k’hin 
Kk’ hin, md water. 

Chew ké ch*héén é, Ghg che, yéw che we 

JL YE RIK. HZ chéw e dy k’hin 

dy wily, éng ¢,. séw e, approaching the shallow 
parts of the stream, you may wade through, or 
swim across them. See the jal Kok hong. 

TE Abroken carriage; the lining of 

Ch’héén i 
a carriage. 
Ch’heén To open, to display, to. enlarge. 
Ch’héén A. slow buffalo. 
it A vessel made of bamboo, for 

holding fruits. and flowers. 


A vessel, similar to the above, 

made of wood. 

‘9 To exhaust, to complete. Kétng 

Ch’héén yp: léén bok ehvhéén Be FE ES fi, 

cheui"S née"® bey swith, for whole 
$ years. it would not be completed. 

Fj people; a. son-in-law. 
K’héou ch’heaou ch’héén héy J% St {5 4, 

“Whd ch’ héd: cl’ héen héy, a pleasing smile, with 
handsome dimples. See the it a Wiey. 

Chéem koé soo léng wat ch’héén ifr Ke: (it 

4y | fi chéém sé koé, kap saé yiing ling, 
ea kéd cl’hé"d, to hire people for a short 

Handsome;. a pretty, smiling, ap- 

pearance; to hire and employ 

time, and to order and employ them, is 

called ch’héén. 

Ch'héén 4c 

A. tall person. 

The luxuriant appearance of grass. 

Ciisen F] and herbs; also, new and bright. 

Ch’héen The name ofa plant, used as a. 
red dye. 

Ch’héén ] To cut, to slice. 

Ch’héén Slow,. obstructed. 


“3. Bead jéang: 


Chhéiétn = 

Léng é léy jéang, why Kok hoe hé yéw,,. 

eV Ws i. Pt A. 

chéaou léy soe sto cWhéén, léiou lé kok wood 

to yield, to give 
preference to, to. disclaim one’s. 

right to. 

s"a meé"h h, he that knows how to yield ac- 

cording to propriety, what difficulty would 

he find in managing the country. See the 

+ smh Séang lin. 

+X, Good words, flattery, artful dis- 

“yas -_ 
Ch’héén = 

aR, course. 
EE a 
ss i Read séen: new,— fresh, as meat, 
Ch’ hee"® not stale or stinking. Séen gé 

ado ff fA, elwhee"S hé, fresh ee 

Way kwun ying séen NE Fe A a 

tok jin Kewun ying cl’hee"S dy meé"h, the 
prince especially must have fresh food. See 

the Fr sed Cho twan. 

Ch’hee"® i= Read ch’héen: to stick in. 
Be léy ying soe poé choo ch’héén 

Be je A iit Ati ah ie, se"S ha dy léy 

ying ch'hoe poe oe ch’heé"S, in funeral rites 

approaching to a grey. Song 

use coarse cloth, of ‘a. dark grey colour. 

See the Aes ii Gé léy. 

= ~% 
Ch'hee"® ? \ 

for marking the length of any thing. 

Ch’ heé "Sh He 




Read ch’hé: to pierce, to perforate, 

to draw thread through a needle. 

Read sek: a carpenter’s pencil. 

Bok sek Ik Ai ; bak ch’ hee"S> 

an instrument used by carpenters, 

> caence"&h ewhee"h 16, AK i219 
Wie , to sob and weep, 

Vulg. sey é: aconcubine. Yit ch’hey 

" yit chthéep — Fi <a , chit 

dy boé chit dy sey €, one wife 

and one concubine. 

Read ch*héén: a light blue colour, 



Cl’ héep 


Ch’ héet 


Ch’ héet 



Maé ch’héep, put te ké séng, chek pok che 

FUSE, A Hp EWE Bu) fp ZZ, vey sey 

é, a” chae e dy sai"8, chek pok e, in buying 

a concubine, if you do not kuow her fa- 

» mily name, then cast lots for it. 

To steal, to pilfer. Ch’héep bin 
v Fa E , Uhaou vhé"a, to hear by 

lies ch’héep po géuk tae kéung By 


fhiyh po géuk twa kéung, 

Yaing-hd Vhaou 
YAng-hé stole 

away the precious gem, and the large bow. — 

A little man, a dwarf. 

To cut, to slice; to urge, to 

be urgent with; earnest, true, 

Put kam pek ch'héet yéa ZY FX fia YI 

ty. a” kd pek ch’héet, not daring to urge 

or constrain. 

Béng kwun put o€ ch’héet k*hak che gan 
eye =. a oF 

Bi) ZA BE RL Sere toi 

kwun b6 wan cW’héel k’hak dy wa, an intel- 

ligent prince does not dislike true and faith- 
ful words. 

Cl’héet bin jé kin sod e/At| fm vt 

kin. ch’héet moot” 

ie B, 
§ jé kin séo"8, earnestly 

enquiring, and narrowly considering. 
Ch’héet yadu ty LF important. Ch'héet 

ch’héet 4) YJ , earnest, 

Read léem: to walk slip-shod. 

At the side, 

turn ; rebellious. 

sidelong; to over- 

Bin-cho6 sé 

Bl f¥ 

+h Bin-choo- hea 1é sin 

Az chhek, gin gin jé yéa 

i TH fed do 

Fie he ee 


pee", hd wat 4y yed"S, Bin-cho6 waited at 

his side, harmonious and delighted. 

r Soo hw4o ch’hek choo chod an ig IZ {fi| 

F A Ne: , $a¢ hwdn lwan dy ké"é ka té an, 

make the rebellious people become tranquil. 



To open, to burst, as seeds and 

é chok, j@ pek k6 ch’hd bok, 
kae kapeb’bek 4H TR AF. i A] 

x, ie ep Ae , ldy. wd hog chsh, jé payh 

flowers, when vegelatiog. 

hang kity ché ch’haiu bak, cho poo p’hwa k’hak, 

when the thunder and rain prevail, then 
the various fruits, plants, and trees, burst 
from their seeds. 

+H To beat, to knock. 
Y To search, to examine. Ch’hek 

tod AY BE, to fathom, to com- 
Yim yang put ch’hek che 

way sin Ke R 
xz Ay Zz a iit , yim » aie béy ch'hek 

. dy, wity king ké6 sin, that which is unsearch- 

able in the operations of nature is called 

‘divine’ See the Sh 4m veih keng. 

Clvhek | 



Grieved, affected. Ch'hek yin che 

sim, jin che twan yéa AN) es 
ZW. FZ Bh HE, , enrner 

yin dy sim kw"a, jin dy twan yéd, the feel- 
ing of compassion is the principle of bene- 
volence. See the [- j#) Séang beng. 

A foot measure. Ch’hin ch'hek 

af Ry eehan eh’hivh, inches 

and feet. 
Yit sé wy hwun, sip hwan way ch’hin, 

‘sip ch’hin way ch’hek — A BD. ri 

BB} AVR, ott eo ay 

4 chi hwun, chap hwun cho ch'hin, chap ch’ hin 

chd ch hévh, a grain of corn is a division, ten 

divisions are an inch, ten inches are a foot. 


Chihek téy bok hwuy ké yéw yea FR Hh, 
Be JE HA thy, cnie carneon tzy 06 a” 
sé e dy, there is not a foot of ground, but 
what belongs tohim. See ny Béng-chéo. 
\ Few, great; to fill, to drive away ; 
Ch‘hek : 
distant; to roof a house, 
Grieved, pained, sorrowful; an ex- 
Ch’hek cess of feeling. Ke song ae ch’hek 

ASV’ & de ye Ax, Whéa se"© he ac 

ch'hém Vhonz ch’hek,, being in mourning, a per- 

son should be sorrowful and affected. 

Ch’hek | To pierce, to perforate. 

A book. Thok eyhek 2 Hf, 

Ch’hek Chak cWhiyk, to read books. A 

plank or board for writing, used 

before the invention of paper. 

Chw4&n soo pé sin che ch’hek vAN Fit tk 
hiiis Zz. {it » chwan peng soo pd Khith yé"é 
4y ch’hityh, the record of an undiminished army, 

and complete victory. 

The appearance of little children 

Red: also, empty, waste, naked. 
Ch’hek Chrhek béen Fyy ffi} y ch hEwn vin, 

é a red face, 

Chrhek téy ch’héen 1é Fs HY F- FA | earner 
léy ché”4 cheng lé, waste ground to the dis- 
tance of a thousand, 1é. -Ch’lick kéak Ie We. 
ch’'héth kha, bare-foot. 

y A hatchet; also, near, nearly 

Ch’hek related ; sorowful. A. surname; 

Pin kéfing, chek hoo boé put chod, 
hod kwily, chek ehhin ch’hek way ke 4 Ge. 

, dng héung, chek pay boé a” léith lan cho 
ké"d, pod kwiy, chek ch'hin ch’hek ké"a lin, 


when poor, our very parents will not acknow- 
ledge us for their children ; and when rich, 

our nearest relatives will be afraid of us. 
V7e% A plan, a scheme; a book, a re- 
cord; awhip, to whip. Boé kéy 

TR ch’hek k’h6 se SIE Ef He) Fi 

b6 key chek Chang se, having no plan to 


adopt; unable to suggest a scheme. 

Bain Bod che’ chéng, poé chaé hong ch’hek 
BOK Z TK. Ai AED Fe Binine 
Béo-ing dy chéng sod, poe té hong cl’hek, the 
government of Ban-éng and Bod-dng is con- 

in the historical records. See the 

rp iB Téung yefing. 
Ch’hek ke ma He 4 H ire but € dy béy, he 

whipped his horse. See.the sd to ah Séang lin. 


Ch’hek } The same as the preceding. 


Ch’hek yi A small step; to walk slowly. 

To break, to burst. Koe héng 
Ch’hek + kap ch’hek 4) WA A yr, kadu 
béng gay K’hak phwd, when ve- 

getation commences, the seeds burst. 

Ch’hek An agricultural instrament. 

Ch’hek + The noise made by birds. 

Ch’hek Bad rice. 



Not advancing; to make no pro- 





vey, rub, to sift; also, to fall as a 

Ha leaf. 

eas clear, clean, Gwat ch’heng 
ihe tk 4 at 
oats i) Py Vhéet téy A iF Fit JES, , 8oeyn 
through and through. 


ch’ heng Ieadu téy, the nioon is clear, 

Hong h6 sam ch’héen 1één, yit téng ch’heng 

ae ee 
s"a ch’heng neé"S, chit dy téng cl’heng, the 
Yellow river becomes still and clear once 

in three thousand years. 

Ch’h aS Leng ch’heng VE TE, to walk lame, 
26 : 3 to walk as if one were drunk. 
a To call, to name, to praise. Ch’heug 

Owens 7 hoe i [LP , to praise, Ké put 

ch*heng ké lek, eh’heng ké tek 
yéa EN 

= Tas LE GZ 
SFE EL 77, HIE GB Ae - 
hé bay a” saé ch'heng hoe e dy lat, ch’heng 
hoe e dy tek, a good horse must be praised, 

not according to ils strength, but according 

~ mh Hay lin. 
=. Vulg. ch’hai"® : azure; light blue. 

Ch’heng sek Fj Fy f% , cWhaing sek, 
an azure colour. Ch’heng thae 

to its good qualities. See the 

Ch’heng A privy, a necessary 
Ch’h @ Akind of willow, growing by the 
eng side of rivers, of a reddish colour. 
as The name of a fish, of alight green 
Ch’heng Eig gies 

Vilg. vhak: a kind of cockle. 
Ban jin é téén chéting che, wiiy 

Ch’hen pe 
ie clvheng téén fan] J\ V7] FEL RB 


ra 3H We FA] , Ban sai"® ay lang te cWhan | 

chhé e, king kéd Chan té"4, the people of 
Hok-kéén province feed them in fields, which 

they call cuckle pits, See the E 4 ti 

Ché"a jé thong. 

Ch’heng ) A reddish colour. 

To give, to present. 


Ch’heng bn Se 

The name of a creeping plant. 

Hwan ch’heng Alp #, hwan 

cl’hai"S, indigo. 

3 = Se invite, to ask, to beg, to greet. 
Ch’ he a Ch’héng jin sit chéw Ty ms se 
a HS, cena lang chélth chéw, to 

invite people to drink wine. 
Ch’'héng cho an A 3 cWhé" a chéy, pray sit 
Gé hong jin ch’héng héén K Hy} K ii it 
Gé hong jin cWhé"a bityh kee"S, the inspec- 
tor of Gé begged to see ( Confucius. ) 
Kwun ch’béng tek @ soo je chéa Fy al +# 
PS Wh HF, Hrowm te ewnera hin th té 
chéy ni hang, 1 beseech your highness to 
choose between these two. See the re ik 
Séang beng. 

x A duster, Ch’héng tok Hs ie, 
Ch héng eWvheng th, to dust the table. 
al % Béng ch’héng i te, to miss the 
Ch’héng or: 

: t To rub: used for {5 Ch’héén, to 
Ch’héng ae 

To weigh, to regulate the weight 
of any thing; a pair of scales, 
Gné sim jé ch’héng, put léng 




2 pee tey sons FE ity WA. AH fle 

cW hin, 
my mind is like a’ pair of scales, which are 

béy yin wily ling chhing kay kwén, 

not to be elevated. or depressed for any man- 

Clothes worn underneath, an inner 
dress; to assist. Ch*héng gé 729 


FE , to accord with propriety. 

sod sacrifice ; also, money. 

Vulg. ch’hin: to weigh, to find out 

Ch’ héng the weight of any thing. Séy € 

ch*héng but, jé te ké K’heng téing 

ae eB A Hn, A IH 

FE OX, Al, sey € crvnin meth, Jé chae ¢ dy 

Whin lang yéd, that by which we weigh things, 
in order to ascertain whether they are light 
or heavy. 

Cl’héng pit Hh R ch’héng p heé"é , 
*hén ‘ 
Ch’he 8 to blow the nose. 

Ch’héng ch’héng Hi ti , to run 

away, to run incessautly, Ch’héng 

ch’héng jé ch’hos 474 AY fn JY, 

eh’ héng cheng an néy, merely thus; always 
so, invariably the same. 


é Unsaleable, that cannot be dispos- 

Ch’héng 1a : 
re léy, tong wun jé hay ch’héng 

MBA Z ik. Kiki & le 

hwén chd lang ké"é dy ley, tedh tang Chee"® 
hoé pay boé sto, jé hay Chee™S hoé e ci’hin, 

ed of. 
Ch’héng léAng i i, chew ch’hin, 
cool. Hwan way jin choé che 

the duty of all children is, in the winter 
(to keep their parents) warm, and in the 

summer, cool, 

{K Si > gwd dy ‘sim cWhin chéo"® | 



Vulg. ch'hé"a: to hire, to em- 
ploy as a labourer, Ch’héng jin 

| cho kong {5 K Nie uk cWhé"a 

lang chd kang kwiy, to hire people to work, 

Read ch’héiing: a cannon, a great 
Ci’héeng gun. K’hae ch’héng t"@ jin BA 
} a0 sy rN . Khwuy cWhéng phih 

ling, te fire a gun and shoot people. 

Ci’ héng 


Read ying: the name of a tree, 

ZX which first shoots up asa creeper, 
and afterwards becomes a very 
large tree; the Indian fig tree, or banyan 
tree,—very common in the provinces of Hok- 
kéén and Kong-tong, but is never found 
north of the river Hi Chéet, in the province 

of Chéet-kang. 
Séing pek \s Ky , eWhéng piiyh, 
crheng FIN: Je séing 
ey pek che yéw sim, kwan $00 sé, 
j@ put kaé k*ho ék yeep HE 4 52 AD 
ah, EO WT A BT 

eh’hin chéo"S ch'héng piiyh dy wod sim, Chadu 
s2 eé jé b6 kiy ke wd hédh, with a mind 

a cedar or fir tree. 

like the evergreen fir, which passes through 
the four seasons, without altering its branch- 

es or changing ils leaves. See the ie at 
Léy ke. 
Ch’héng hoo {E es an expression 

of respect, 

To pierce, to stick in; any thing 
Ch’héng ba) 
“85 <= with which to pierce a hole. 

x ari Rs 
ovens SEN ‘A. yessel for holding salt. 
2 yan An implement used in breeding 

Cheng Wy 




po Read ch’hwan =: to put on, to wear. 
Ch’heng Chhwan sam oo #3, cl’héng s”a, 
Ch’hwan béet 

ad ihe , cWhéng bityh, to wear stockings. 


to put on clothes. 

Read ch’hong: to collect, to store 
up; a place for gathering, a gra- _ 


Naé chek naé ch’hong ry Hi i] yi woo 
dy chek, wod dy chhe", some was collected, | 

and some was stored by. 

Chrhong lim hoo k’hoe $i Je /ff JR, owner 

lim hod k’hoé, a granary and treasury. 

Ch’hong chut i2% ms , not hurried. 
K’hae ch’hong Ba fe KR wuy 

Ch’ he™S rz3 
{2 — el’he&, to open the hold. Ch’hwan 

cl’hong fy We , cl’hiin ch’he"®, a ship’s hold. 

Chee ie Pan ch’hong ira ay , pan ch’ he", 

an ulcer, a sore. 

Ch hen ee Ch’hong choé Pay chee 

chadu, to run away. 

cl’ hé™s 

Read ch*hong: the hold of a ship. 

Read ch*héng: a bed stead. Béén 
ch’hong A kK » din ch’hé"s, 

a sleeping place. 

Sin chaé ch’hong Khim Jf AE PE FE , 

Sun twa té ch’hé"® tw"d him, Sin was sitting 
on the bed-stead, playing the guitar. See the 
P ae Hay beng. . 

2ix Seadu k’hoé if p , Chhéo chy, 
p F a sharp mouth, clever at speak- 

AB Chhéo key, iat 7B , 2 game cock, , 
NT) Ae . 

Ch’ héo 

ch’ héo 

ees hy 

Yin-seaiou Ee FP, Wian-ch’heo, the 

name of a district, in the pro- 

vince of Hok-kéen ji 
department. of jz vi Chéang-chew, and near 
the borders of ye Chéo"S-p'hoé. Also, up 

in the’ clouds. 


in the 

Read el’heaou: to laugh. H"6 

7 5 * ch’héaou ea 5; ho ch'héd, laugh- 
‘ ) ; able. | 
Yit khéy ch'hé, jé Tog jin ch’héiou — 

Roe niet A FE » chit dy Whwuy ch’hiry 

Whé, jé ka lang ch’héd, when once you show 


your teeth, you give occasion to others to 




Read jéfou. Kang jefou ir. ee. 

ka ch’ hés, a small insect; a small 

shell fish. || 


K Lind vit | 

Read ch’hek: a foot measure. 
ch’hek — KR chit ch’hésh, one 
foot. » hye 

Ch’han yéw séy twan, ch’hek yéw séy tédng 
TA BRA EB, chit ch*hien 
wod sty, Whith téy, chit cWhésh. woo séy k’hith 

tens, an” inch is too short, and a foot is too 

Ch’ heh 

Ch’ héth ‘Pie eating of aduck or goose. 
. ; i e ° = - sia 
A reddish kind of insect: a hair 
Ch’ heoh Wiselal 
rn | 
’ Read. sek : a mat, for sittifg. or 
Ch’hésh sleeping on; uséd also for a ta- 

; ble, because jhe ancients ate their 

‘meals off mats spread. upop.the g ‘ground. 
“Gnd | ary hway sek, put k’hd Kwan yéa Be 

pid RONG. ewan - sim 


ches? 4 


kw"a u™ sé ch’hédh, béy Chang hoé lang kwui"S, 
our hearts are not like mats, per cannot 

be rolled up at pleasure. 

Sek kwan vhéen hay EE is K “ ch’hébh 

kwut"S thee"S ay, he got possession of the 

empire, like the rolling up of a mat; i.e. 

g rapidly. 
a Read ch’héang: a water plant, a 
Ch’ héo”& kind of sedge. Ch’héang poé 
B Hj , chthéo"® poe, the hang- 

ing sword plant. 

8 Ch'heo"® mb sin 48 3 i , 
Ch’ héon i kind of madness. 

a furious 
BB Ch’héang kong ie aT; cl’ héo"® 

king, rude, boisterous. 

ext Read ch’héang: a pomfret fish. 

Read ch’héang: a spear. Put ying 

ch’ héo"S téing ch’héang chd Vhéen chod, 
ché se hwat lut té thaé péng 

A HA de Gr tle HE. 12s 
44 IK a “fp >a” yang ("8 clthéo"® hod 
chan hing téey, ché se hwat tut t2 kadu Chae 
péng, there is no need of using a long spear 
to assist the emperor; but it is only ne- 

cessary to publish good laws, in order to 

to promote universal tranquillity. 

Read ch'héang :: to’snateh, to take 

by force, to plunder. Ch’héang 

twat chaé but eB 7s it Wn 

cWhEAME Chityh cht heée"S ‘mee hy to plunder and 

ch’ hed" 

take money and goods. 

sally 98, , Read ch’*héang + an’ open shed, 
ch’hes"S ; : 
bio without \walls. 
Read ewheang? to sing. Chhéang 
keheuk NP, (th ew HEOME Khe, 

»! wl I , 
“to sing’ Songs. 

- CH HEO** 

Boé twan jé chhéang fin, pe i or 

Sa sod je ch’heo"s heh,” to sing without 

. an reason. 
y Mas 

chWhes” "= Be Ch’héang. bé hwa ie ‘i, 

ch’ hés"S bé hwa, a, rose. 

4 > 

wall of a house. 

Chin € téaou chhéang igs BRE ee 

kwdn kwan dy ch’hod, téaou hele dy cWhés"s, 

Read ch’héang : a wall: Ch*héaing 
cr hes"s oa prick fp BE, ches" pea, a 

a high house,.and sculptured walls. See the 

4h, = = y 
iy £ Séo"5 se. ; 

Read yang: to winnow. Yang 
\ ‘ch*heuk iG Li » cWREIE cW hel, 

to winnow corn, 


Po che yang che, k’*hong pé chaé chéén 
HZ BEL BEA AE Fil > eee © 
eh hés"S e, Whe"S pé té Phadu chéng, sifting 
it and ‘winnowing it, the husks and chaff 
will all fly before you. 


em Read ch’héang: a mechanic. Bod 

chheo"s br eh’héang ck jéén AA PF OR 
PAS? sae kong bak cWhéo"S yet 
sé an néy, “conjurers and carpenters are also 
thus;”— the former profiting by people’s 
liying, and the latter living by people’s dying, 
in having to make coffins for them. 
; Read yfing: to hire, to let one’s 
ch héa®s services, to engage in service. 

Téng-koé soo k’hé; Hay-hok 
péén séng, wiy yéa kay eee be 
Fe i. Téng- 

10, B i & UE. Hi 

koe dy sod k’hé, Hay-hok nes sai"S> Khe cho 
phith théth kay dy ch’hés"S, when the troubles 
of Téng-koé commenced, Hay-hok changed 
his surname, and hired himself into the 
family of a blacksmith. 



hoé pa soo séang, jé wan che, 
théen hay taé wat Fie iE Hy 

hoé pa sae chéo"S, jé hoé e hwut”S, thee" ay 

Read séing: an elephant. 


chéw' twa hw"a hé, driving away tigers and 
leopards, lions and elephants, and removing _ 

them to a distance, the whole empire was 

greatly delighted. See the A” 3 Séang beng. 
Y Read k’hip: to draw up. K’hip 
Ch’ héo"8' >, say Wk JK + ener chity, to 
; draw water. 
“Kéng twan' chéa, put k*hO @ k’hip ch’him 
Py ae ae 
Phang eh’héo”S ch’?him chity, when ‘the rope, - 
. is short, we cannot segs! water from a deep 

place. Said by iE + Chong-ctios. 

AS Y Han-ch’héuk we ian , 2 man’s 
Ch’héuk 7 name, who lived under the Hay 
dynasty. wry ‘ 
Near, close, short: Pek ch’ héuk 
Ch’héuk a4 Ke ; to urge, ‘to, hasten. 
The teeth too near together. Ak 
Ch’héuk ch*héuk ie BR urgent; also, 
; an instrument for marking a hole 
in a door. 
a Grass growing in luxuriance; a 

bushy appearance. 

= , 
Ch’héuk AR, Grieved, sorrowful. 

: Ch’héuk pééy ti (ih, . 420% viey, 

Ch’heuk not straightened, not stretched 

we Asmallstep. The two. characters 

Ch’héuk cs Ch’hek 4 . and Ch’héuk “J, 

both ‘signifiying a sinall step, 


when, put together form the character 4¥ 

Héng, to walk. 
Stretching up, high, Lerated: ris- 

Ch’heuk ing straight up. Ch’heng san 

téfing téep, put te ch’héuk tey 
yew ke to Py BB 7 J ES AF 
eS, eWheng sw™ ‘a téng téep, a” chae ch’héule 
téy wod lwa chéy, the green hills. piled one 
upon another, I do not Know how much 
élevated from the earth, 

To tread on, to trample under 
foot. Ch’heuk jéjéé che, k’hit 

jin put sak yéa 1 Ea it £2 
, ce aR 4, NA IRL. Lae it 38 

lang, léén k’hit chéih, a” Kr hw"a cl’heng Ie hé 
séo"&, if ‘you trample on a thing, and, then 

- Ch’héuk 

give it to-any one, even a beggar will not 
‘consider it clean. | See =m =f- Béng-chod. 

ha G4n-ch’héuk 3s ja > the name 

lived in the 
a] Chéén kok, 

B. C. 250. 



Ch’héuk - who 

of a man, 

time of the Fig 

2 To kick,, to touch with the foot, 
Chr’héuk to step over. 

Wulg. leith > to seize, to apprehend, 

to catch, te take in the hand. 

Tok sty leng pééh héng ban 

se, hwa éng toéhéng,. ch’héuk n&iChé-ch'ha. 

pip eine cerege 


Tth siy eWhut lang péén 
ké"A bin se,, wa yea toe yo", Ihe létth Ché- 

ch'hd, TSh immediately gave orders for cir-- 

culating hand-bills in all directions, ~des- 

cribing the form and appearance of the man, 

im order to apprehend Ché-ch’hd. See the 

Sam kok. 

To run against, to offend, to gore 
(as a bull). 

— my 
—_—- a 

Ch’héuk Seng sin put séang 

cwhéuk Ft re AR AA AD, 

eWhai"S sin b6 séo hwan té8h, the stars do not 
run against one another. 

Cwhéuk séng séing noe ge Exe es > 

hwiin téth’ séng séang* dy noe, to’-excite his. 

majesty’s displeasure. 

Gnéw ch’héuk jin tf fig A » $96 tak teh 

Ying, an ox gores people. * 

To: knit. the brows, to, draw up 
4 chit séw, ch’héuk at, j@ stang ko 

SPR A BA AL, TH HEL te, ote ps0 eran 

kak Vhé"d, p’hee"S Chabu gnéiou gnéaiou, jé 

the forehead into wrinkles. 


taé kay séo kong, they all began to feel 

their heads ache, and knitting their brows, 

they addressed each. other. See the E in 
Séing béng. 

Narrow, small, applied to the meshes 

of a net. Chhéuk kof put jp 

woo té, gé péet put k’ho sin sit yea 

Bo AR AT Wh. 1 WE AR PT aR 

es wt, bat bat 4y bang b8 jép té-woo té, chéw 

hé peth 68 thang léadu chéth, if you do not 

allow a net with close meshes ta enter the 

pools, the: fish. and tortoises» for censumption 
_ will be inexhaustible... See the _[F if Séiing 

Jey The fat part of a wolf's breast. 

To urge, to constrain, to distress, 
to hasten; near. 

' Many. Ovch’héuk (oy Fy 

of Budha. 



>» 3 Dame 


Careful, a careful appearance. 


CI vot SE 
Vheuk w= To speak quickly. 

Pal To seek for by flattery, to seek 
Ch’héuk ng 4 v 

for by adulation. 

Gak-ch’héuk ai fa. the name 
Cl’héeuk of a man, who lived in the time 

of Confucius. 

iS The teeth meeting each other, wry 


Ch’héuk Vulg. ch’héth: a foot measure; 
; soi: also read .Ch’hek, which see. 


To rub, to rub out; to hrush, 

‘to dust. 

‘To extend, to fill up, to carry 
out to the utmost, to stop up: 
a surname. Also written eS 

- Ch’héung. 

Ch’héung kwun ‘che paéu KAZ JA 
ch’ héung mw" é jin ‘Iewun dy padu, to fill the 
prince’s cook-house. See the ji re Léy ke. 
Yew jé ch’héung j¢ BF fry FE HL. eno 

chéw wui"S Chat hé Whang, -to take one’s 

sleeve avd stop one’s ears. | See the (al Je ’ 

Kok hong. 

K’hok jé ch’*héung che oie nil} 5 Fe: 

kong K’?hwith \jé chiéung » mw" 

and carry it out to the utmost. Sce the 

Bi th Séang’ beng. 



heart ~movéd, ~ the mind 


Ch’héung ¥ 

’ A gem. ‘worn as an ear-ring. 

ae, to extend _. 


To move, to agitate; to fly up; 
also, deep and empty. Sat k’hé 

Ch’héung , 
ch’héung t’héen AX ert yp 

K > Uhaé ling Ay k’hé cl héung kadu thee"S, 
‘the murderous spirit mounted up to the 

very heayens. 

Young, small; the noise made in 

perforating ice. Soo é ch’heung 

jin it a ar A. soo gwd 

seaju léén lang, to me a young man. 

Ci’héung 7 

_young: also, a surname. 

| Ch’héung Small, 
‘Even, equal, just. Ho vhéen put 
Clheung cl’héung, kang ch’hoé k’héuk 

! heung FARA i. ME We 
Fal ie} » twa Vhee™S a” pat"®, kang chéy 
léy i” hé, “the great heavens are unjust, in 
sending down these calamities :’— an impati- 

ent complaint of the dealings of providence. 

Ch‘héeung AE 


The same as ip Ch’héung ; an 

unsettled state of mind. 


Unconstrained, easy, unforced. 

Put been jé tung, put soo jé 

‘tek, “‘elvhéung: yang téing 

ier jin 36% HO itp. x Ei 
#8. AH He th, b6 béen 

héang jé téung, ii” sae stone jé tit téth, 
cWhéung ying te. tang ME dy 10 Ie, chey 
chéw sé stng bs ‘yéd, without ‘effort to hit 

upon the centre, without niueh thought to 

piss ans thing, ‘and i spoil to follow 

attain ‘to. See the Fp P Péune g ying. 
of ,I sess withstand, _to oppose, to 
¢ Ch*héung’ come! across, to rush abruptly. 

“Ch’liging! héng ban lé flit ia 


BR: civhéung hw"a bin Ie, spread across 
“to the extent of ten thousand Jé. 
Ch’héung tut $j ZE- to rush abruptly.. 

Cl’héung The name of - plant. 

Ch’héung To be sad and sorrowful: 
Slowly,. leisurely; to) allow; 

Ch’héting give loose to, to give way to; 

although, even, if. 
“Ch’héing pad léy, yéuk pas tos Ar Ay 

ri GK bi 33 , loose conduct injures pro- 



priety, lustful desires tend to. the breach of 

the Jaws. 
Kam yéw 58 sim hoé ! ching yéw, kéiing 

ké ley, bok kéong ké _goey ik 4G = hora 

, chae Kd wod nd Ay sim we ! ol’ héing 

: ey éng kap laé bin dy Mpg. b6. kap. gwa 
din dy Tang, how ‘ante we €ncourage a 
double heart! and.even if we did, it should 
be with those at home, and never with thoap, 

abroad, “ 
Cirligting ; Vulg. eW’heng: a om a great 
Ch’heing To come without eRe oes 

5 wal‘ido be 

“Val. pe hing: to. e. on, to wear. 

Ch’héing, sam 1 F @. eWhéng 
s"a, to. put on clothes. 

Yéwre put ch’héGng, yéw séng put chéak, 

ch‘hoo che wily lan jin y = mR as =. A 


“Amey, not Ebitlens = 
Wi\ \ 


a™ ch’héng, wood yin chéa"S iG Chéak yung, 
chéy sé kong sedou ity dy lang, one who has 
clothes and does not wear them, who has. 
apparel and does. not make’ use of it,—-this is 

‘what is called a. shameful follow. 

The autumn, harvest, ripe. A sur- 

Ch’hiew name. Ch’hun, haysch’hew, tong 

4 Re 5, eh hun, hay, 

ch’hew, tang, spring, summér, autumn, winter. 

Ch’hew hé. che bwat #k se ys A » chew) 

hé dy biéy, ‘the end of an autumn’s-down ;” 
i. €..a. very. insignificant thing, 

The name of a tree, whose leaf) 

Ch’hew falls in the early Ypart of au- 

Ch’hew >» The name of a river, 

Ch’hew. Cl hew’ th’héen ve mM, a swing, . 

a_ cradle. 

‘The name-of avbird.. 

a: name> of. a:mud. fish. 

| teAahitton @ fish, Sevéral thous- 
ahd" lé*in ‘length ‘which: is said‘ 
: ‘to'dwell iv eayerns at the bottom 
© of the “ded y! When! itenfers these ‘caverns, the 
tide “risés, “arid when ‘it? comes “out, . the tide 
falls again: — the way ‘iti’ which tne 

ss wh" Chinese -aecount-fdrthe tides, 

Po « tidal round with the ‘hand ; ° 
't6 Wikt’any thing and make it 







Ch’ héw 

Ch’ héw 

bodkins, &e. 


#2 Read se:,a beard, K’hoé se i} 
?, 4 ch’ hiny. eh’hew, the beard 

_ about the mouth. 
Go cWyhan 

bé, bé jéém © Bh RB. E 

A a go h’han dy bak bat, be jéém dy 
cWhiy cl’hew, “eye-brows like sleeping silk- 

worms, and a beautiful dowiug beard. See 

the = |p yy Sam kok., 

EB Sé ch’hew LSB. the spring of 
a lock. . 

A. surname. 

= im 

Vulg, k’héep sé: ugly, -ill-fayour- 
ed. Ch’héw loé P38 fii, usli- 
BD sce. 

CWwhéw hod put béén keen Kong koe Pi 

tii xe Vi a Is de, Khith Il’ héep se dy cha 

boé béy. béén tit kee™S twa kay kw", though 
a woman be ever sougly, she cannot avoid 

seeing her father and, mother-in-law. 

Read séw: a hand, Séw kéak 
F eal , Kha ch’héw, hands and 

Cho séw chip yéak, yew séw péng tek Ze ci & 
Ht . Ai FF ZB, 16 cWhéew keith yéak, 
ché"a ch’héw gim p'hin, in the left hand he 
held a pipe; and. inthe right hand, a flute. 
Yew séw bh" han che jin jy ae ¥ fil 
ae K ; yew clhéw ae éng dy ling, a wan- 
dering hand, and,a fellow fond of leisures— 
said.of, those who have no .certain employ- 

the head. Séw sek 

» eh héw sek, ornaments 

W, Read ‘séw': 


, for, the, ‘ged such: as hair-pins, a} 


Ag iy 


Ch’ héw 







Read séuk : 
to redeem -any thing out of 

to redeem a pledge, 


E’ kong séuk chody Wa We SE, Uhé 

kong cl héw chééy, to practise meritoriouls 

things in order to make tp for one’s faults. 

-To bear a burden, to sustain any 

thing. t y a° 

Vulg. ch’hadu: 

also read héw.s Jé@ o€ ok ch’éw 

1p) FE BE. EL, ch nin cnaors 

win pha"é ch'hadu, like the being disgust- 
ed with a bad smell. » See the Kk EA Tae hak. 
To build up a wall, 

stinking, putrid; 

to raise a 

parapet. oe ch’héw béo kéw 

Ff HE fu. any Re ? chai" Wheth 

Khith kwan, b6 a” ho, if the well were built 
higher, it would be no harm, 

Ch’héw chthaé pk tR: to receive 
any one in a polite manner. 

Put yaou € che ch*héw ch’haé 

> oe yy va tx Re 66 bityh kap e cl’ héw 

cWhde, to refuse proper attention to any one. 
Ré séang 

an jin chéa, lan way, sew! ‘tay ae ; 

LA. HAAS, hwut léy sé twa 

lang, th kap e cl’héw tay, withy ‘those great 

Read séw: to answer politely, to 

return, a compliment. 

people, it ig difficult | to” converse land | pay 
compliments. » 

Read sé: a tree, Sé, bok iit Tk, 

chew bak, timber.” Way pok 
ch’hun vhéen sé, Kang tong jit, 

woe sie HR RIT A 

Oe = t@ Way pak 1 chi eWhun Vhee™® dy) 
~ cWhéw, té Kang’ tang gwa cha jit am dy hwin, 

ie ie 5 Pig ‘the’ dotth: of the river Way yon are as 

Mio dor’ 

K SX ER oii, na 


a tree in the. ‘spring! season, whilst I on 
_ the east of the Kang stream the clouds 
, around the setting sun. » mae one poet, 

of another. 

Yang paey sag! ch’ héw “™ 

a kind of plum. 


Vulg. bo0é: a wife, Heo clrhey 
Fe # . ang _poé,. husband and 

Sood jé Kwuy ch’hey, taé perg be p'hwan 
HBB FE 3B KY eo 
lang ch’hwa toot"® laé bot, thin se"S biéy 
yéé"S, the scholar taking home his wife, 

does it before the ice is melted. _ See the 

Jl, Kok hong, 

Ch’hé ch’hey jé hé, pit, ko hoo boé 

6 HE ZE 
Up fay, sls HE RA ct?hme noe w2vh an 

chw"d, pit toh kap pay boé kong, in marry- 

ing a wife how must we act? we, ought 

certainly first to inform our parents. See 
the Ay HE Seadu gndy, 

Grass growing luxuriantly ; exu- 
berant herbage. r 
Sorrowful, grieved. 

" "he first; former, early. K’hé ch’hey 
2 Hy, thé’ beginning. Thae 
| eh’hey che''s@, bin kae tan but 

KA ZG, ER BEY, 8 oy 

dy sé chek, pityh sai"S chd pob tan dul, atthe 

time of the beginning, the people were ge- 

» + onerally all) blunt aud Baer See’ the R ab 
» S06. ke. | 

Clwhey bee wat, te pul haon pl i =i 

2 BRA Hig he Chadu dy beng: teng king, 

_ haé put hiow dy lang, the very first decree 

was —<‘put the unfilial; to death.” 




Ch’hey >, 

The wind and rain rising up into 

a squall. 

Chihéys ‘To thump-with the fist. 
ver The different coloured threads in 
Ch hey silk or cloth. 
Ch’héy Gaé ch’héy HE Aik, to look an- 
» Perspiration; also, clear water. Ké 
Ch’héy séng yéw ch’héy Hy A Wy. 

€ dy Chabu héth wod kw"a, on his 
forehead stood the perspiration: See the ik 
ma Séang béng. 



To marry a person, to give a person 
choé é ké heng che choo ch’héy 
K’hing-chod thé e dy hé"a dy ké"& hoé e chd 
boé, Confucius took his brother's daughter, 

in marriage to any “one. 

and gave her to him ‘in marriage. See the 

Sed any Séang lan, 
Bé ch’héey AK A , Tice flour. 

To scrub clean... Téng chhey iy 
int} jp f@"4, cl’ hey, the ‘scrapings of 
the pot. 


o~ fil 

Ch’ hey Read ch’dy: brittle, easily broken. 
Unable to walk ; to drag the feet 

Ch’héy ‘ mak. 



oe Perr: Ch’him bod téy Pe ie atk RE 
a bottomless depth. Jip san wily 

k’héing put ch’him, jip lim way 

k’héing put bit ae Wy ff ai A VR wn 
He iif 2 su» Ae BB , jip sw"a wily wih am 

ch’him, jip nd why ké"a a™ bat, enteriig the 
hills it is only to be feared we cannot go 
deep enough; and retreating into the woods 
we are only apprehensive lest we be not 
sufficiently concealed ; — saidy by. those who 
forsake the world and adopt a hermit’s: life, 
Ko: jin ch’him wan é 15 JPR Gaz, eR 

Whith ye ldng  cWhim. hwut"S, surpassing 

»- others to a great depth and distance. ; 





> A supernatural influence, produc- 
a: ing both good and bad. effects. 

Confused, in disorder.” 

To advance gradually. 

To enter by degrees, to invade, 

to pare off; calamitous. Gnoé 

— 34 

kok put teng, wily che tae ch’him 
RERAE - BH. eee BF, bé 

whé lat, king kéd twa cWhim, when the five 
kinds of grain do not come up, this is called 
a great calamity.) '” 

i "hi } fsits! 
Tek’ jin ch fim Rs aK A fee 7 » tek ay 
hwan ch’ him hwat'e, the northern barbarians 

invaded him. ~ : 

To sleep, to rest, Clvhim sit ie 
= oF I’ hwin keng, a sleeping chara: 


“Chaé-@ téw ch’him bia 2 ae re Candee) 

jit taou sé Whwin, Chaé-@ slept in the day - 





) te Bs ‘parents, “OW hit’ chiod a E> ewhin ka 


time, (for which) Confucius severely reproy- 
ed him.) See the Fr Séang Inn. 

Ch’him put se ies AN Pm, Ihwin b6 chhin 

chéo" sin se, ( Confucius) in his-sleep, did 
not lie stretched out like a corpse. See the 
_E fy Séang lan. 

= To engrave wooden blocks for 

VX printing. 

To, game, to games of 

Small of stature; not inclined to 

grow’ tall, 

_ chance, _ 

=. ‘god dod Fal 

WT 4 ‘kind of: éittuamon tree. 

He Ch’him kéak héng <Ht G fF, 

cl’him Kha ké"a, to walk on tip 

Gé chw4n suy ché kin, to sek. put kam ch’him 
i re SE EH. ME ROR TK Jo, 
gé dy chw"4 chiy suy ché Kin, What dy stk u™ 
kd khé. Pham, the fountain of righteousness 

The name of a river; to fathom 
‘the depth of water with any thing; . 
to lade.” | j 

ay be ever so neat, yet we must not presume 

to draw from, it witha thief’s rope. 
iT Yim ‘chinimy a large house, with 

ar. deep | Sets of ehiaiibers and courts, 
fay th weiarai sat : 


Near) :to draw néar 5 ‘near relatives; 
to hold near and dear: »~Ch’hin aé 

{ an a to lave intimately, Cl’hin 
os boetie "hpi ouch Léang eh’hin PH 

18, Une’s ‘self! /2 0" 


Hin chaé loe péen boé ché ch’hek, oy = 
cl’hin san yéw wan ch*hin HE 

i em WEE WG 

‘song héung twa toé pee, b6 che kin dy cl’hek 
pod kwity tio” Whim ina 'wod hwoutng laé dy 
cl’ hin, the poor, though dwelling at the road 
side, have no near relatives to own them ; 
while the rich, though retreating to the deep 

mountains, have distant relatives coming to 

seek them. 
A little rising of ‘the skin, a small 
blister.  Chip® pit eh’héuk han, 

ZR séw way ch’hin léet 3 SE fly 
FE, FF Fi By pl, wean pit cwwhént kwnd 

ch’héw céh"a ch’hin leéh, holding the pencil in 


the cold. weather, the hand becomes blistered 
and chapped. 

= To laugh, Téen ch’héen ch’hew 

coin BB] 

#8 I HZ 

wa, té kadu. che ‘chal séang hoé héung noé dy 
hwan ch héd e, Téen-elvheen-ch’hew, on ac- 
count, of one word was promoted to the of- 
ficer of prime minister, at which, the Héung 
noé tartars laughed. 

yit gin té séang, héung noé ch’hin 

che FF KH RA. 

, teen ch’héon eh*hew chit kod 


Cl’hin | An inner coffin, a shell. | 

The lining of a garments also, asd) 

Ch’hin for ch’hin Fi) parents. 

cxnin AEH Clothes worn near the body. 

‘Read elven : cold clvhew cl hin, 
Ch'hin rid aul batend 

cool and pleasant. 



Read ch’héng : to weigh, to ascertain 

Ch’ hin the weight of: any thing; see 
o) aed ve 
Chhip BA A multitudé’ of people. 
Ch’hip Persons collected together. 


ps A sound made by the mouth and 

Ch’hip Ey. 


» 7 

Sew. ch*hip G af, to repair, and 
put in, orders; also to cover a 

Asmall oar, a paddle. Jéak chéy 

tae clvhwan, jé chok chew clvhip 

5 BH Ae JN). BE AE Sit 

na lédou twa cl’ hwui"®, le Chang chd chin ge, 


when I want to cross a great river, you will 

serve for a paddle. 

Connected, joined together, and 
handed down, without interruption, 


SUP’ United together, barmosious. Hs 
cb’hip in ii » agreeing. 

_ To store up, to lay aside; also, to, 
stop, to put a stop'tos Chae ch’hip 
kan ko hh AY eo WE 5 chae wrens 
kan ko, to lay aside warlike instruments. 
Peng yéw h"6 yéi, hwut ch'hip, cliéang choo 

bwin yes Fr HK UM. TB HRS OB 




Wy , peng to cl’hin chés"S hidy, bb hoé e hity™h, 
chéang ka té so, military weapons are’ like 
fire, if we do nat put a stop to them, they 

will burn our own fingers. 

A tree out of which oozes a certain 

the varnish tree. 

Vulg. ch’hal: varnish, paint; also 

Ch’bip > 

the name of a river. 

Vulg. ha vVhaéu woo: the knee. 

Y  Lédng ma té Phoé, k’hoé che ch’hip 

yoo FE (0 SR 

HH, , ho béy kdy Chadu, chhay kau Wha Phbu 


woo, a good horse keeps his head low, till his 
mouth reaches his knees. 

Lang séw ko ké ch’hip Bj >> Hh HE AK, 
nd dy cWhéw, kiéy e dy I’ha Uhéou woo, both 
his hands reached over his knees (as he stood 
upright) said of Lew p& 2] ffi , in the = 

BY Sam kok. 

Ch’hip % 

United, harmonious. 

ve A kind of insect, found adhering 
Ch’hip He. to oeyster-shells; also found on the 
bottom. of uncoppered vessels at 

sea: shingles. 
—\2 Harmonious; an appellation indica- 
Ch’hip 2 

tive of talent and wisdom. 


4B ing thick together. 

The name of a plant; grass grow- 


Gnéw ch’hip He he ; g6o ch’hip, the 
name of a vegetable medicine ; very 


common in the Chinese apothecary’s 

liquid, of which they make varnish; 






Seven. Sip ch’hit =i £- ‘ chap 
chl’hit, seventeen. Ch’hit sip + 
Ie x clthit-chap, seventy. 

Ch’hit sip j@ chéQng sim séy yéuk, put jé ké 

AeA TB HAE aC i Bk AB BB ov 

chap hééy jé Vhan sim kw"a sty ad v6 kiey 

hwat toé, at seventy I followed whateuer my 
heart desirid, without overstepping the right 
rule. Said by Confucius, in the_ if Séang lin. 

The same as the preceding. 

The colour of a gem; purely white. 
Ch’ho héy ch*ho héy ké che téén 

vei FED Te EZ JRL 

how white! and how puret does it display it- 
self! See the pe Kok hong. 

Ch’bo go PE ME, hills covered 

with stones. 

To grind andrub. Jé ch’héet jé ch’ho 

a YJ a0 pb cWhin chéo"’ ch’ héet 

ch’hin ché0"S clvho, like splitting 

and filing (benes.) See the F ahi Séang lin. 

Clvho té fe Ke, to miss an oppor- 

tunity, to-miss one’s aim, 

ye To hold, to grasp; resolution, 
L 2 firm adherence to, Chéén han 
OB téang Vhong khek, téén kéén yéw 

nate coho Hf Be He HH HA 

ee HR, chéén han té6"5 Vhong dy lang I’hiyh 
téén kéén, wod gadu ch’ho gim meé"h, in the 
former part of the Han dynasty-Téo"8 vhong 

had a guest called Téén-kééng who was cele- 

brated for his firm grasp. Ch’ho peng ra FE 
chW’haou peng, to drill soldiers. 


A raw smell ; the smell of raw meat. 

Tong kay sat gnéw, woo héw seng 

coho ROP TE HE 

jee , tang pee"® ty el’ hod Vhaé gob la sm cl’hadu 
kwa ch’hat®S ch’ho, the next door neighbours 
on the eastern side were in the habit of kil- 


ling oxen, which occasioned dirt afid stink, 

connected with a raw smell. 

Gé ch’ho fy (HE , he ch’Ro, the smell 

Co of raw fish. 
- wy 

Vulg. ch’haiu, grass. H6 k6 ch’ho 
Ch’hé 7, ij = ; téw ké cl’hdou, straw. 

Cl’heng ch’ho té tong, ch’hé ch’hé 
wa Bp Bes Sly Mee pat Ha EE, ch’hai"® ch'héou 
té té tong, tak wiy wod kap ad, when green 
grass grows about the pools, in every part 
there will be frogs. 

PE sim ch’ho ch’hong che $4! pdt He Bll Z, 

pé sim cWhabu ké ch’hong e; Pe-sim- made a 

rough sketch of it. 

Ch’hd se FA AL | cwhs j6 sed, to write the 

running hand. 

Chhé ké i HR. a rough sketch, a hastily 
' written thing. 

Clvhd ch’hs. HE BY , short and hasty. 

Ch’ho a same as the preceding. 

Grieved, sorrowful. L6 sim ch’hé héy 

Ch’hé BE ty BR AD» eam deed dy sim 
eWhé héy, a troubled mind, how 

sorrowful! See the BY Jal Kok. hong. 

 Ch’ho The female of quadrupeds. 
= Chéet ch’ho fi Fa , to hold to one’s 
Ch’hd purpose: to adhere to self-prescrib- 

ed rules. 









K’héuk ch’ho HY eB , the notes or rules for 

* singing a song.. 

To push, to hurt. Soo é yit hé ch'ho 
@ jin, jéak tat che @ ch’hé té&ou 

“8 Vics iff Be: , 880"S na wow chit hé ch’ho kap 
lang, cl’hin chéo"S tit p’hith t@ kay cWhé tédou 
téng, he thought that when he was in the leat 
pushed by people, it was the same as though he 
had been struck. in the market or: the palace. 
See the do Ti. Séing beng. 
Small. Chihéet jéuk way ch’hd. Y} 

PA By FB, erence van cha chi, 

to, chop up meat till it becomes 

To cut off grass;. to mow down 
Small, minute,. Chéng eh’ho.5f8 HA, 
broken, into small pieces. 
r To goto, toenter; to-wait upon. Ch’hd 

: ch’hod’ 3 ZR, hurried! Ch’héng 

pit bod. kwuy,. j@ ch’hd @ téiou 

Ba Ws SE FFM SEE TA BAY, carnea pir v0 

tooi"® lat, jé ch’hd kadu tédou, we beseech you 
do not return home,. but go tathe court. See 

the [+ ifr Séing béng.. 

J Rice mixed with the husk. Ch’ho bé 

K fe unbeaten rice. 

The noise made by birds; to chirp, 
to whistle. Néaou ch’hd ch’héen Jim 

city BR Bk p> ees 

To break off, to. maim; to cut to 

pieces, to dissect. 

In actions. to regard our words, and 
in words to regard our actions, is 
called ch’hd, 



héou, kabu ch’heng lim gwa, the birds whistled 
beyond the thousand groves. 

To miss ‘an opportunity. 5 to lose 

' time; ‘also’ to pass over. Jit gwat 

ch’ho té6, sdéy put gno é A A 

We BE. in 7 FE FE FA, jit giéyh cWhd tb, neé"S 

hééy b6 hoé gwa, days and months are passed 


by, and years.of long life are not afforded me. 

Coarse, large, gross, not fine. Cheng 
Ch’ hoe * FL ch’hoe PES a , fine and_ coarse. 
Noé sim kam chéa, ké@ seng ch’hoe 

é Tey BR aly RS ah. HL ae LY) IBS. 

séw Ihe dy sim kw"a kin ting ¢ dy sé”a ch’hoe 
kwa léy, when a person is moved by an angry 
feeling, the sound of is coarse and shrill. 

Vulgar, coarse, Pé ké séaou tie, 
é ké b, 3t léang, jé it hwat 

Ht I) Aye zr» Ht i 
R. A POC Aa aa ee, Kap i 

dy cWhoe lédng, jé s86"8 hwat e, ‘compare the 
small and great, the coarse and refined together 

Cl’hoe . 

in order to reward or punish them. 

* Chthoe hwin a ae, cl’hoe-pin, dirt 

Ch’ hoe 

and SORE: . 
# A. bushy. trees, a:clump of trees: 
Ch’hée name ofa district. Chéng ch’hoé 

tic ae , properly arranged. 

‘Sin vs Fe, miserable, wretched. 

 Ch’hoé ae ‘The name.,of ‘a .river. 

Le The tones at the bottom of pillars; 
Ch'hoé : 


Chihoe ; 

ai pedestal. 

To reject, to set aside. Ké tit, ch’hoé 
choo ong chek pin hok 

"SA EE FF Rte ven abe 



Ch hoé om FIVE 

Choe Wa : 



j tit dy lang, k’hé Chek kak) éng k’hwut dy ling 
chek pityh sai"S hok, when we elevate the up: 
right to places of trust, aa set. aside all 
crooked fellows, the people. will then submit 

to us. See the ih: en Séang, lin. 
! Vinegar. Swan je elvhee fit tn it, 

swui"S ch’hin chéo"® ‘clhoe, as sour 


as vinegar. 

‘Léng yim sam seng) ch’hoé, put kéén -ch’huy 
hinge SE Gk = FE RR RL A 
FE, léng K’hé lim s"a seng cl’hoe. i™ Vhang. 
he kee"S ch’huy. hing toé, it is better to 
drink three pints of vinegar, than to go and 
see Ch’huy-hong-toé, (who was a, very Dad 
tempered’ man.) . 

The castern step. Téou hok jé lip 
ethos ae FA} HR HA IE Heh 
Ke Iz, ch’héng tédou, lae dy hok;, 
jé Whéa lip tang pee"® ty gim kay, dressed 
in his; court apparel, (Confucius) stood on 
the eastern steps. See the hie AAD Séang lin. 

Happiness, emolument, -rank. ‘ Léén 
ch’hoé oF iE, long Jife. T’héen 
ch’hoé béng tek Rite A. 

thee"S s0d hok Khe hoé beng tek dy lang, 
-heaven bestows blessings on men of illustrious 


The sacrifice offered at the close 
of the year. — 

Ch’hoé a ‘To take, to manage, to arrange. 

‘To place, to lay: wulg. ch’hod, a 
house. P’hadu h"6, ch’hoé che chek 

B sin che hay HO 1K GZ 
ay ZP TPR, Pd kody, hay ¢ 18 chek ehh dy 

hay tty," this would be to collect fire, and place 

it under a stack of fire-wood: ‘ 

“3Ch  hiey oR 


, (Read ch’huy: blow, to blow a wind 

hong, to play on the pipe, and draw the fabul- 

ous bird hong ont of it retrent, 

7 a “Read chvhuy: to ‘hoil hy steam. 
Chhicy ER _Ch’huy ké WR fR ’ ancy key, 
to boil dumplings. Ek choé jé 
_ sit che, chéet ‘hae j@ cl’huy che BP, 2f: ij 

Pr. TY Mi WK Z, wd Kea je 

chéth echeéth kwut jé ch’hiey e, the people ex- 
changed their children and atc them (not bear- 
ing to devour their own offspring) ; and broke 
up the bones for firewood to cook them with 

(speaking of a) famine.) 

‘Yeni tong} XN fey. hawun ch’ hogy, ipfacco pipe.) 

# Read ch’hay : vot» Thoé 16 

Ch ‘hiey mf 

> DA AS Pheod teen hicy, the 
brains, Thong jipy kwat ‘elvhay 

in M vo He. vhe"a yip kwut cl’ hiéy, a 

pain that penetrates the bones and marrow. 

Ch’hiey Te ch’hoéy 5 Wi yPig’s marrow. 

Ch’hdey f A Club or stick to | beat people 


to seek, to Search. Jit 
sim kan, ko, é séang cheng tho 


ded Sap digits: 

Chay Be 

take jit ch'hiey lewfe d, & kaou d, sto cheng p'hith, 
every day looking for clubs and pikes, to 
‘fight and contend with. See whe E (f. 

Cho twan,' 

, Read .cbh’hwat : to quaff, to drink 
Pei to small. Pee ké cho jé 

jebthwat ke 16 opi THE jh if 


instrument. Ch’huy séaou yin hong © 

ik fa Al ee eW’hiey séaou ch’ hwa, ) 


aK tt Bs B08 dy chéw chan, jé ch’hidyh 

e dy pih_ chéw, to eat the grains, and drink 

the sweet wort of the liquor. 
To rub, to grind; to fill; also, to 
T’hna san che sek, 

ee Kho € way chhok fh Ly e 

Fi VA $5 GE to. ay chide Phang 
aé cho ley 4, the stones of another ‘hill, may 
be used for grinding stones. 

Chihwan ch’hok Sif. G.. an error. Ch’hok 

g0e ri Ne a mistake. 

Shap. Chéén ch’hok fi Pe, chee"s 

Vhadu, the head of an arrows. 

Ak’ ch’hak . Bi , to urge, to 


be in error. 

A rhinoceros horn, not yet shaped 

into a cup. 

A surname, 

Nulg.chthak : agehiaeh Ch'hwan 

ch’hok E i,» notesuccessful. 

Vulg. ch'he"®; a granary. Ch’hong 

cliut AP AE uumayed, gan 

Kwan che ch’hong lin, sit,; hoo) 
Whos ch’héung Bp rh SP jai ft if iif 
Fe. kwhn thy eh'Re”S tim te®E, hod K’hoe 
mu", your highness’ gtanmatiesvaré full, and 
your treasuri¢s overflowing, Scé'the Fa + 
paige R8 Si 

yl d-owe moro 

Expansive, wide ; the name of a 

¥ Vi 
fiver. ch’ ‘hong haé 7 }7, the 
i wide, sea 


Ch’hong léng che sty ch’heng héy, k’ho é 

chok gné eng if ie ZI i cy Wy 
Ye Ye Fe eH , cl’hong ling dy chity ch’heng, 

Vhang laé séy gwd ay kin twa, the clear 
waters of the Ch’hong-léng, will serve to 

rinse the tassels of my cap. 

Green the colour of grass; asur- 
o - 

name. Ch’hong théen Ar —K > 
= | 

the azure heavens. 

Clrhong seng ie¥ AE , the people. 


written 4, chong. Kééy ch’hun 

ne ying oh’t hong ie + ies Ze 
bith 1@ chhun Vhee"S ying cWhang, meat in 
cooked with 


chang: an onions; also 


the spring season must be 


onensae The sound tinkling gems. 

pes siden gd keng ys) Re the name 
YY Y) of a bird. 

Vulg. cWhe"S: an uleer. Seng 

ch’*hong -E ie ; sai"& ch’he"S> 

to have an ulcer. 

Ch'‘hong 7 VP, 


To injure; also written yi ch’hong, 

an injury done with a knife. 

To hear clearly. Ch’hong béng 
ia BA, cl’ hang mé"é, intelligents, 


Soo Whong ehe ch’hong, put é léuk lut, put 
léng chéng gnoé /yim fi AE ab 74 Xs 
Wy A GE ® fiz JE Bis po Khong 

dy gaéu thea, bb é lake dy Int, chéw béy 
ché"a goé yim, even soo-k’héng with all his 
clever hearing, if he had» not the six ruler 
of music, could not correct the fine sounds. 

Tm Hay béng. 

See the 



Hasty, ina hurry. Bod Pi ch’hong 
> bb s"a 

Ch’hong ea ’ ch’hong 4 Ke oN fA 

ve »» 800 kad heath cWhong ch’hong, 
without any cause, to be in a hurry also 
written 7] ‘ch’hong. 

Read Chang : a window; also writ- 

ting. al > a and ae Chae 

Ch’ none Ae The same as the Preceding: 

Ch’ hong ba 
ch’ el wat ° yéw, chaé ok wat 

ee Fy big 42 JB Ae 

té ch'hés"S kong yew, té ch’hod king Chang, 
a hole in the wall is called Yéw, and an 

oppening in a house, is called fhang. 

A pole for carrying burdens, sharpe- 

J, ws ned at both ends; also the name 

WS WS of a tree. 

Cl’h Fal A horse of a white colour; others 


say, of a grey colour. 

A hilly, appearance. 



Ch’hey ch’hong ig bp ; sarrowful, 
sad, affected. Sdéy hwut hwut 
héy wy boe, € kam sé héy 

ch’hey ch’hong bs A 4, ty its Ike AR 
jae Fee es I , mee™S hdey Ieout heout hey 

WES peeng mooi"S, gwd kim e dy sé héy, 
elt hey cl’héng, the years go away so suddenly 
till the evening ot life; I feel affected with 

the ve of time, ‘till Iam sad and sorrowful. 
Béng ch’hoén Fude, un- 
hae : oH e ‘ 
cultivated, like a wilderness. 
, ‘To creat, to commence, to lay a 
] foundation; also te adjust. 


' Ch’hdng ‘chad Vhéen téy Ril 3 


RK ih, ehhing cho Chee"® \téy,'** to create 
the heavens and the earth.’ ‘A Christian 

Kwun choé ch’hong géep, stiy vhong wiy 

khé kéy yéa BF A 3. ae $5 fy 

Wy Me Wy. kwun choé, dy ling ch’hing sido 
géep, cWhe"a sity hay dy Chong Chang sto swa, 
the good man commences an undertaking, 
and the clue of his seheme can be connected 

to succeeding ages- See the 
Téng ch’hdng bias fal) , to correct and adjust. 

Séing béng. 

To commence, to form ; also written 

Ch’hong ‘ TH, ch’hong the same as the 
Ch’adng To store up goods. 
Vulg. ch’hé"®: a bed place. Béén 
‘he ; 7 
Ch hong ch’héng HR WK, din clché"S, a 
Ch’hing Vulg. ch’hang: greedy, gluttonous. 
= “This, the opposite of that; also to 
Ch'hod “stop. Lé choé k’hé pé ch’hé ch’hod 

EF He THI ML, lé chod 

Whe Inwut ley, Uhityh chéy léy, Lo-choo rejected 
that and selected this. 

noo UL Short; Confusedly; also written kete 

y y ch’hoo. 

ou To measure, to mete out. A sur- 

; >» 4 be 

Clear water; the name of a river. 











on hoo kéang iE ee 5 oneens kéo"F 

ginger,. greon ginger. 

The colour ofa gem; purely white. 

Small diminutive. 

To hold im the hand; the palm of 
the hand ; a branch. 

Vulg. hoth: to prop up, to poke 
with a stick; to blame,. to ridi- 

eule, to revile. 

Tn order, second, next in order. 

Ch’hoo sé Ke JF. according to 

Fit chhod.—« YR, chit paé, the first. Ch’hod 
jit yn A, the next day. Seng jé te che 
chéé séang yt, hak jé te che chéa ch'hod 
vet HE 0H EW. Hh J 
il + oe Hi, sai"S jé chae e dy lang, sé 
séing léng yéd uh Jjé chae é dy lang, sé tey 
j@ yéd, to be born with the knowledge of 
nay thing, is the highest order of talent ; 
to aequire the knowledge of it by study is. 
the next in order.. See the ~T atti Hay lin. 

A men’s name; advantageous ;. also. 
written £ eh’hod. 

Advantageous ;. to help and assist, 
te substitute, Jin 
bod heng téy, hoé put ch’hod yéen 

ARE i wi He RES, tang v6 he" 

4é,. "4 so. i chane, those people have no 

to attain to. 

brethren, why do you not assist them? See 

the [eX Pa Kok hong, 


Read ch’hod: a house, to place; 
a place where we may put a per- 
Ch'hoé thek 

Ch’ hoo 


PRE BF, elehod Chah, a dwelling. 

Ch’hod A flowin a gem’; “a stone in the 
midst of a gem.’ \ 

to find fault 

son to dwell in. 

A sickness a fault, 

with. EB ch’hé @ kéw, put jé hay 

Z =) a “1 

avid FIRE RA He He 

, Swe thiiyh, gwe ew, bb hoe lehéem a™ 

hé, | eRe I take it or ask, it I am 

not found with ‘by ‘you. See ‘the lawl (Bi 
' Cho ‘twan. ; 

. Ch’hod 

The name of a grass, rised as.a 

Chrhoo WwW, dye ; also, edible. 

of hot 

water ; 

Read ch’hiy: the hissing 
iron, when’ “put into ‘the 
(also ‘to’ harden-steel, ‘and 


‘the Blade of a ‘sharp instrument. 

Clvheng siiy eh’biy ké hong: Tr ok FE 3H 

Be: cheng chiy ‘cl’ hoth \e dy hong, to tem- 

‘per the poitt, by ‘putting itinto! = water, 

ve hui Ad )\ the anus. San ch’hwan ily Mii. 
sw%a cl’hui™S? mountains 

Kew ch’hwan 0 Ki lin Kha ch’ hui"S> 

Read ch'hwaas a stream; also 



the anus. 
. VHéang’ 

Read ¢h’hun: a village 
& .] = 
Ch’ hui = ch’hun $6 KY ; héo™S ch’ hui™S> 
‘a contry” village. © 9 

Chea bun ¢héw' Kay hé  ch’hé a e. 

yaou ché heng’ hiva 8h un” 

ea. es f 

chévh moot’ “chéw Ray td’ way’ wod, bok 
‘ting nuns “ee heng taba ey I begged 
to ask where*the $iidyse| aeubis."3 when the 




sheperd’s boy pointed to thé distant village: 
of the almond blossom.” 

ch’éa ch’ hui” 
ch’'éa ch’ hui $ Hi, the axle- 

tree of a carreage. 


ne Read. ch’hwan: to string through 
Cl’ hui r to 

ch’hwan-keng twin, BF 74 A a 
423 , kwni"S ch’ hui"® beng, twain, to’ -run ' 

through the classics and potas 

run ona. string. Kwan + 

i. €. to 

agree with them. 

Fa — 
’ n Fi ‘ ~ 
Cl’ hui S' Read ch’han: to pierce, to sting. 
ng Read ch’hwin: <a string of any 
Ch’ hui “thing ; to run.any ‘thing ona? 
\ string. 7 ee : 
Lah Ifiy ho, j@ choo che ch’hwan & R- 
FF hin Pe ee ‘B, 380 swash 6N’hin chéo"s 
choo. dy .ch’hur”®, connected, Aggettier just’ 
like a string of beads. vee N 
opin Read ch’hwam: ‘to, ‘perforate, to, 
Ch’ hui g pass through. 'Gé.ch’hwan Sy 

Kchéuk choo dag BE FL, Hy Ye. 

chéa eWhud”S | kabu ay (wan dy choo, an ant* 
‘passes through, Itheohole: of wk: iear which ) 

‘has nine bends in_it. a ny 
Read “cwhwan? /an’'armlet, a 
bracelet. “Hwa ‘ch*hwang Ht 

ch’ hur”? ‘ By 
#I, hwa ch’hut”S? an ornamented 

bracelet ; some say a hairpin. ood) 
A Read ch’hin: to string any thing 

Chihuy"®.* 3 ace 63 
: : ‘ona piece: of.bamhoo., 
- Com no 


Ch’hun } 

The spring season, the spring 
_Ch’hun wily WAS ser heey. 
5 chéem pek bya WeAtey HR 4 


— FB Hp BAe IAL, ame a 

< ka nooi"S neé"S dy thadu, a” chéem ché"d 
ee pityh hwa dy twd, the spring is the head of a 
whole year, and the plum blossom is the 
chief of a hundred flowers. 

Valg. ch’hui”®: ayillage. Ch’hun 
téung ban yéw ch’hoo jin, ham 
laé biin sin kt ip za A tv. 


KX. moe wt: ch’hun téung Chea wd.” 

chéy léy lang, ché pbo laé maot"& sedou sit, 
* when they heard in the village that this man 

arrived, they all came to hear the news. 

; ewan 
r cx AB 

Ch’han @ 

The ancient form of Ay ch’hun ;: 
‘also. written ni ch’hun and ay 

Read sin:- to stretch out, to extend ;- 
to straighten anything that is-bent. 

To think, to conjecture, to 
to. estimate, T’ha jin yéw sim, @ 

ch’hin tok che Ai) A A nh. 

Ar is} iE ra pat lang wod sim, gwd, ch’hin 
tok ¢, another man has. an. idea,, avd.© pam 8 


judgement upon it. 

Ch’ nin 

>. To turn, back, to back;- also. used 
for the following. 

Rich, affluent; thick, kind; also 

written [RR cW’hadn. 


Wrong, erroneous. Ch’hitn ch*hok 

Mak Be an error, a mistake. Ké 

se gnée ke, ké to eh’hém pak Ht 

# A ih. if wt. HBR » e dy ch'hityh wod 

g0é dy ch'héa, € e dy ti ch’htin ch’hok pak chap, 
his books amounted to five waggon-loads, but 


his doctrines were erroneous and confused. 

A kind of tea, which is gathered 
late in the season. 




The moving of the eyes; to blink. 
Ch’han Bi Crrban sit [YE A, the twinkling 

of an eye. 

Bok ‘ch’hén jé-téén =| Be tin eG > bak chew 

niyh chhin chéo"S seth nd, the eyes move like 

Séen hak put ch’hiin, j@ hod k*hé gan séa é 
seng ih bak chew i” tin lang, jé Gou Chang laé 
kong chih cheé"£, first learn to keep the eyes 
from blinking, and te then you. can talk of 

22 Valg. ch’hwdn: to pant, to breathe 
han e hard; to speak. in a. whisper, 
The motion of insects; also stupid, 
Ch’hin dull. Ch’ban pan 8 RE, stupid. 

Ch’hiin jé ban keng JE PY Sf 

iii] >. Song l& chéy léy ban keng, you: stupid 

Clvhin To blow. 
CWhin Vulg,. ch’hui"S string. any thing. 
on a piece of bamboo. 
An inch. Yit elvhin k’hé’— —}- 
Ch’hin Y Rh, chit ch’han k’hé, an inch of 


Ch’hin sim eb’héen koé géep + ib -F ra 

x, chit ch’hing dy sim kw"a s80"® kaon chit 
cWheng koé dy géep, 
speculates.for a patrimony. of a:thousand ages. 

an inch-square heart 

Ch’hdn | Te respect, to honour. 
i" To push, to beckon, to teuch the 
Cihin FAN" ogy 



CHHUY 130 
| #5 : 

To go out, Ch’hut goey fH Xp, 
choo jip chek haéu, ch’hut. chek 

tr BB FA BY A. HY) ot 

jip téth woo hadu, ch’hut té0h gdou chd sésh té, 

ch’hut gwa, to, go abroad. 

young people at home should be filial to their 
parents, and abroad respectful to superiors, 
See the im Séang lin. 

A stanza in a song; a scene in a 

Ch’hut fy] play. Yit ch’hut — Fi, one 



Ch’huy A surname. 

To urge, to canstrain, Ch’huy 
ch’ héuk Aye AE , 10 urge, to has- 




extend in speech; to expatiate. 

To push forward, to extend and 

carry out. Ch’huy kang HE He 
cl’huy king, to enlarge*upon, and 


Ch’huy héén jéang léng; sé kwan” naé [hd 

HE YEG AE IB EE 7S AD em te 

lang jé né0"S éy dy, choo kw"a chéw hb, when 
clever people are pushed forward, and men of 
ability’ yielded to, then all the different of- 
ficers will be harmonious. See the fey a 

Séang se. 

Vulg. ch’héey: to boil, to steam, to 

Ch’huy A. 
f cook, 
Ch’huy OK Valg. cl’ héey: to blow, to play - 

a pipe; also written far ch’huy. 
Ch'huy HE 

A vegetables also called, ek boé 

ch'ho 4S if Fe , “profit mother 


3 To be afraid of, and concerned 

Ch’hay about. Goé put ch’hay yéen Tt 

A hit FB, gwd ii” Ké"a e, I 

should not be afraid of him. See the [| fr 
Séang beng. , 

oF | 
“ay = Deep water. Ml 

. see Vulg. clvhééy: marrow, Han jip 
Ch’huy fl FE] 

kwut ch’hiy JEN ye he . kw" 
to the bones and marrow. 

Jip Iwut cWhiey, cold penetrating ; 
Ch'htty TE The brightness of a gem. 

; To measure; to rub, to wipe. Put 

Ch’hiy ch’hiy ké pin, j¢ chéy ké bwat, 
i hong ch’hin che bok, k*hé s06 ko 

@ sim-loe AN tig LL AAS. Fin BS TEAS 
TL ERE, om nt 
tok e dy ptin, jé ch’héng chéy e dy biéy, chéw ° 
chit eWhin dy eWht, Phang sae Whth Kwan é 
gim lau, if you do not measure from ‘the root 
and put the ends together then a piece of wood 
an inch-square, may be raised higher than a 

lofty tower. 

Ch’huy be ma To go backwards and forwards. 
; The name of a bird about the size 
Ch’ha y of a sparrow, whose feathers are of 
a deep green colour. 
Ch’hiy yit Re ae. a bird like a swallow. 
. Secondary, assisting. Ch’buy ch’héa 

Cy ea Hi > a spare carriage, 

To taste. Tut ch’hiy mi es, to> 

aig scold, to vociferate. 

eT ee 

< Vulg. cl’ hovh: to thrust hot iron 
Ch’hiy ity i- hs 
into water, in order to harden it. 
Broken, broken to’ pieces. Ch’hiy 
Ch’hiy ch’hiy BE BBE, all broken to shivers. 

Léng ch’ha y XS iH; lin san, mis- 

cellaneous, few, odd. 
Sin thoé é p’hek ké ch’huy é ché bs 9H fa 

Ive {AL % Vi KE; gwd dy Vhdou kap Sisal 

léy prhek, chd pod bityh p’hith cWhity té Vhéiou, 
both my own head and this gem, will I break 

to pieces against the pillar. 

Ch’huy Vulg. cl’héy: brittle, easily broken. 

The fine hair of. animals; fine furs 
y $; used for a carpet. 

Read k’hoé: the mouth ; an orifice. 
cuny. “OD K’hoé ch’hé | va cWhiy Whé, 
the teeth, Nedou k’hoé BY YY, 
- chedou ch’ hiry, a Vird’s beak, a tattler, a chatterer, 
' K’hoé che @ bé yéa, bok «che & sek yéa, jé 
che @seng yea, séng yea [] 77 fs PK AL. 

ARS, eth fy 42 b8, bak chew dy té sek, hé 
"Whang dy té sé"a,chéy sé séng yéd, the mouth 
-in judging of tastes, the eye of colours, and 

the ear of sounds, are each according to na- 
ture. See the x F Béng choo. 

High and ‘imminent. 


Ch’hiy The countenance soft and obliging. 
To beat. Jit bod ch’hwa hwun koé 
Ch’hwa Fy EB ER BR vie am prnan 

mat"S hwui”S dy koé, when the day 
declines, we beat the evening drum, 

131 CHHWA 

Ch’hwa kiéy a zZ. a piece of 

hempen cord, tied to the head- 

dress of women, to indicate that 

Ch’hwa ~~ 

they are in mourning. 

Ch’ haves oo Not tight ; a rope not twisted tight. 

Ch’ hwa Read ch’haé : 

Ch’hwa pwa 13 4%, to sift and 

a surname. 

yee | 1s J winnow, as corn, 

Read sé4: a snake. Tok sia a 
Ch’hwa by , lok ch’hwds @ poisonous snake ; 

also pronouced chwdé. 

Gnéw é pit théng, séa é gan Uhéng Ip Y H 
ye. we YJ A ya 3 £06 Ché phee"S Whang 

thE" a, cl’ hw Uhé bak chew UhE" a, oxen hear with 

their noses, and snakes hear with their eyes. 


To abduct, to lead away. Tin sain 

héng gnoé léang, séang ch’hwa 
OOO chee |i = Be Aa A 
E , tin s"a kap wui"S goé neons séo ch hwa 
chiabu,:Mr. Tan-s"a and Miss het abs- 
conded together, ;' 

Read ch’hé;: to marry, to take in 
marriage, Ch’hé ¢hhey hwuy wiiy 
yang yéa, jé yew sé hoé wiiy yang 

EF Jp fh Fe tw. th Aa ee -F Ps 
AE , ch’hwa boé a” sé yin wily ae eclWhé lin, 
ye woo sé yéd ae ¢ ch’hé lan, When a man 

marries a wife, it is not merely because he 

Ch’ hwa 

wants her to support him, and yet sometimes 

he is glad of her Setistances See the Ff ER 
Hay béng. f 


Read td: to lead. Td los i K. 

cWhwa loé, to lead the way. 

gné séen lot é 30 TK SEM 

Fe , Whwe gwé dy seng loé, first lead the 

way for me. 

CV hwa 


ap To bolt. Ch’hwan bin 23 F4 3 

Le cWhw"a mooi", to bolt the door, 


Ch’hw a an PS 
Ch’ hwo a 5s 


Ch'hw a A very small kind of fish. 
Al = 

Chih e 

name of a wood, used for mak- 

ing handles. 

A bolt.  Mooi"& ch’hw"a FA FE 
the bolt of a door. 

paw to, oF Ye to get out 

of the way, go by another 


The eyes moved away. Bok 
Ch’hwah ch’hwih A BH, bak chew cl’ hwith, 
squinting eyes. 
Bb To take any thing by force, to 
Ch'hwah 4 
snatch by violence. 
Read ch’hat: a grater; to grate 
Ch’ hwah any thing. Ch’haé thoé ch’hat 
ij> aR AE. cWhadChabu ch hwith, 
a grater, for scraping turnip radishes, 
Ch’hwah To be purged, ‘to ‘be: griped. 

Vulg. ch’hui"S ; a stream, a river. 
San ch’hwan ly Nh : hills and 


an jij 


Koé sain ih zal , kd oh’hw"d, the 


Wiayy hay pit yin clwhwan tek $4 “FS ly [Aj 
Nl IEE cho kay pit than ch’hwan tek, for 

a low situntion, we must avail ourselves of 

See the Ti 

the rivers and marshes. 

Hay béng. 



The same as the preceding; also 
one of the radicals. 

Read ch’hui"S: to perforate, to 
string through. 

Ch’hwan aS select, to choose. 
reason with. 

= A To explain, to confer with, to 
Ch’hwan = 
w ch’hwan oa iF a fa . 

Bfin téy sok é 
biin tey chap chap kap lang cl’hwan lin, the 
Emperor Bin ai ics held people in 

A scale; to weigh, to judge of, 
to (put in order: Ch’hwan léang 

Wheng téing hs B pe Eo “4 

* eWhwan néo"& Ihin ting, to weigh and dis- 


criminate the light from the heavy. 

Fishing stakes made of bamboo. 
Tek é. béng ie tek; gé bong 

'ch’hwan ae ‘ mB a Gf ayy 

Oe IE tit 2 béy ké lan dy. wa, tit hé bey © 

ke hwut léy ch’hwan, obtaining our wish, we 

forget our engagements, and when we have 
caught the fish we forget the fishing stakes. 

See the itt +: Chong choo. 

Whole, recovered from: sickness ; 

to heal. Sé échéa ch’hé ch’ham 

Ch’hwan 2 
Vhong chéa, é ch’hwan.péng yéa 

BK VL HG LY Be Ws th 

sééchéd ch’he ch’ham Ché"d, chéd, 6 ch’hwa 

hé. pat"8, thus we use caustics, probes, pain, 

and suffering, in order to remedy diseases. 


To change, to” alter, "to reform. 

AR Me , kot ay wha"e v6 kay, 

not reformed from old vices. See the 1 

. = Séing se. 

» The fluidity of water; fluid and 
Ch’hwan > == moveable like water. Séng yéw 
y ch’hwan siiy yéa it: Hy yi K 
th: lang dy sai"S ch’hin chéo" ch’hwan ehdy, 
human nature is like the fluid and flexible 
water. , 
5 To pant, to breathe hard. Ch’hwan 
Ch’hwan Ww Whé a w , Whwan Whwiry, to 
draw breath. Ch’hwansie ty F, 
to breathe; also writhen Pia ch’hwan. 


Vulg. ch’ii”® > to stringanything 

ae on a file or string. 
To usurp, to take what does not 
lawfully belong to ene. Jé ke 

ie géiou che kéung, pek gé4ou che 

choé, sé ch’hwan yéa im je # Zz oe 
Aa ve v F. rio ee He, olt hire chia" 

Whéa te gédou dy kéung choo, Iew™@ gédou 
dy hiow sai"® s& ch‘ hwan) yéd, but if he had 
dwelt in Gefou’s palace, and driven out 
Gefiou’s son, that would have beem usurpa- 
tion, See the Tk Hay béng. 

Cirhwan way $E fiz. to usurp: the throne, 

To collect together; to arrange 

CWhwan in order; to compile a book. 
K’héng choé san se se, téng léy 
‘gak, ch’hwan chew.ek, sew ch’hun eh’hew, 

: kae sut. jé put chok yéa be a # 
Se Pe 
SUE TD AR TE A,» Whine etdo. ene 

se se, 18" ley gak, ch’lwwdn chew. ek, sew 
ch’ hun ch’hew, chi pod sut kong jé.b6 sin cho, 


Kew ok put cb’bwan PE Ha 


Confucius made selections from the odes, and 
| classics, fixed the rules of ceremony and music, 
arranged the diagrams of the Chew dynasty, 
and compiled the spring and aafumn records: 
in all of which he merely republished, and 
did mot compose anything new. See Fe 

+. choo chod, 

Pe Vulg. Whwi"® : to rforate, to go» 
Ch’hwan g. ch hwi perforate, to go 

To separate; back to back, foot to 

foot : to go in opposite directions. 

Hwun léw ewhwiin te Zp jis 

fie i eo late séo pidy chdow, to flow 

in different directions, and gallop away from 
one another. 


To run away, to abscond. Ch’hé 
ch’hwan Al fi » to scamper off 
like mice. 

Chin pek é téy téing yung; téng ch’hwan 
Keng bin Ae 4fy 22 Of 1 HEI) Bi 
HH Ags » chin pek kap e dy séé té téting yung, 
chd pod chadu té keng ban, Ciin-pek, and his, 
younger: brother Téing-yung, absconded to- 
gether to. the territory of the Barbarians. 

¥: Pé , 7 ? 
Ch'hwan Pe chvhwan AE AM’, et’hew sit, 
a bracelet; an arm-ring. 

To pat.Wood on the fire, to cook 
Ch’hwan food,, to dress victuals, E’ hod 
RE ing srw YY IE HH Be 

Uhé: 18d! kap ey laé ché meé"h, to cook 


anything in a pot or a pan. 

Ch’hwan The ore of métaty- 

Ch’hwin A stone ring; a gem bracelet: ap 

armlet made of a single gem. 



Vulg. chin: a ship, a boat. Chéén 

n ch’hwan Rk Ws > chéén chin, 
a ship of war. 

Hong “hh sin eee koé, H®6-tek, chok 

ch’hwan By SE Ek EAR AE if 

wui"S tey a jin Be Teun kob kap H0-tek 
cho chin, the yellow Emperor's servants called 
Kéung-koé and H6-ték first built vessels. 

(A. C. 2622). 
be largely. Also swcitten Pi ch'hwat. 
Seadu go taé“ch’hwat, jé thong 

as swat A Gh AKAM BIR S- 

sy chéith twa lim. clthin chéo"S the"S ak téth 

Ch’ hwat 

siyh, to eat little and drink much, is like 
throwing hot water on snow: Jt would soon 

amelt a man away. 

of nething but eating and drinking. 


=] To collect, to dake up with the,.to taste.. Toé.poe ch’hwat 

%ie fii a cWhéng ch’héng 

sé0"® chéth lim dy, sod, to think 


Ch’ hwat The skin broken, .or split. 

fingers; to make .a collection, 

Ch'hwat | 
Sam ché ch’hwat che yéa = =H 

Flin ef W,, s"q dy ch’héw chée"® nity"h e, 

to take up anything with three fingers. 
Soo se ch’hwat gfn HR) fy bi = 

spilation of sentences extracted from the 
four Books, 

A superfluity; anything over; the 
nib 4 ends of threads in sowing. 

>) Black cloth, used in making caps,; 

h ra and head Kerchiefs. 

r a com- 


Vulg. ch’ hieyh: to quaff, to drink - 






CHIM. | 

: Small, insignificant, 

To pour out, to increase. Chim chéw 

HG. thin chéw, to pour out 


Chim ~ chéak a PY to deliberate on, to 


' Jé hoé éng chim chiéak iti ie = i By. 

jétn adu-dng Phang chim chéak, afterwards your 

majesty can .consider, of it. 

An instrument made ef wood and 


che héung put chéuk € tong chim 

ait FEY Bi) RIE LE HEH. 

Ay heng b6 kaou é te"S chim chit, my breast is 

not equal to hear the iron club. See the inf 
fall $fe, Chen kok ch’hek. 

iron, used in killing people. 

A kind of chalk used in drawings, 
found in ravines and hills and te 

be met with after a thunder storm. 

A stone resembling a gem, an inferior 


kind of gem. 

~yVulg. chéem: a needle, sewing. 
Chéem-hée tok kéu se way Ifn, 

‘béng chim wiy koe fE Avy YJ 4 
BG AR 8 AE BE ARs By cto oo 

‘tok kéng fy se chd sw, thé mat"S chéem cho 

kaou, Chéem-hé took a single filamint of the 

silk »wormi’s coocoon for thread and a sharp 

needle for a hook. 
Vulg. chéém: a needle. Téng tek 
jin kéet séén chim cut Fe aK t 

St Be Be BY GNF, ting tédou dy Tek- 

jin-kéet gabu chd sew chéem dy hwat sut, Tek- 
jin-kéet, of the Tong dynasty, was well versed 

in the art of ‘sewing. 





i clay mR Bet tlie! 

A pillow. Chim Vhoé ip a, chim 
Vhadu, a pillow for sleeping on. Suyt. 

putan chim fie ma te RE: k hwin 

béy an chim, unable to sleep easy on one’s 

The back of the neck, the bene at 
the back of the neck. 

To hang the head down. 

Read sim, an aunt, an uncle's wife. 

‘To steep and soak, as m the water, 
to sink, to enter; gradually. Chim 

jin che chom a A Zz ie slan- 


der, soaking and spreading, like water. 






» The name of a river; also gradual, 

= by degrees. Chim béng chim 
Zz ch’héang jz BA ie > eradually 
becoming brights and clear. 

Read tham a surname; also written 
tam ad, cham, a surname. 

= Read sim: a crab. Héng sim fr 
he | ang chim, a red crab, 

True, sincere. Chin sin a ri : 
the true god. Chin sit bod gwiy 

iB fe B,, chin sit b6 piiyh 

cW’hat, true and real wthout dissimulation. 
Chin h"6 em % , chin hiey, the real articles 
something very good. 










To stretch ‘open the. eyes.\, Hang 

é6ng chin bok Uhéy. che ie} £ flit 
FJ a | A pt ie; hang dag tai”S hwuy 

bak chew Chey e, the king of Hang stnetched 

open his eyes, and menaced him. 

Even to, until; to arrive at, to come 

to. Kwun héung séw te kek, pek 

lok ham laé chin BF A) BR 
RR 8 ix i aE 5, chit tin eta 

séw thaé sé, ché"d pityh dy lok ché pot laé kabu 
the multitude of evil things being killed out 
of the way, a hundred emoluments will arrive 

together and come. 

Exuberant herbage. T'hé che yaou 

yaou, ké yéep chin chin Bk y of 
KK. HY we, & cWhdw 
dy dy ay, e dy héth bie séng, the Peach-tree is 

but a small plant, but its leaves are exuberant, 

A tree yielding a fruit, alittle smal- 
ler than a ¢hesunt. Lé ché put ké 
chin lek PE A BB BB. 

cha boé dy chip kéén, put ki chin kwéd ih 4, 
women offer as the introductory present, noth- 
ing but large and small chesunts, 

The name of'a river. Choo san é 
ké séng @ chéy jin .¢, chin wiy 
ee ae eae 

, chéo sdn t@ € chéy éy ch'hea hoe 
As ai te » hin kap wiy dy chiy, Choo-san 
took the carriage he rode in to help people 

across the chin and: wing rivers, 

To boil, to distil, to-make warm; 
; some say, to dry in the sun. 

The name of a sacrifice, offered 

in the autumn. Yéak soe chin 

séang, é kong séen éng wie Bs 
Nr ik 7 +, yéak so€ chin veang dy 








chéy, laé héen séen»éng, the spring, summer, 

autumn and winter sacrifices, are offered to the ) 

manes of the ancient kings. 

Jaw" pain in the bones, 

A pearl, a precious things, Chin choo, , 
: ZA 
NS B Dk,» vssl, Obin ne ZS Zp 
7 precious and rare. 

Je yew sck sing che chin, FF Aa fF KZ 
‘2 Chak’ cWhityh 36 th teng dy chin, learning 

isa pearl on the. table ; (a very valuable thing.) 

Choo wiiy beng sé chin 8 Fis tit i Zz, 

ka té cha béng sé dy chin, to consider one’s self 

as the most valuable pearl of the age. 

v agit <9 
RE A stone nearly -resembling ‘a gem. 


Hoo séang che hwa hay, hay che chéfing sting, 
yéw né che chaé kin, ‘wy chin chéa che séy wily 

A potter, one who makes earthen 
vessels;.a surname; read yéen, to 

AEZSUP. FZ 4 Lb. Hie. 

tA. HE BF 5S Pr BB. setwa dy 

hwa sé séy, sé sty dy thang sé twa ch'hin chéo"& 
Vhoé dy t kin, eh’hut_chaé séo hwy dy lang séy 

_¢hd, superiors refarm their inferiors, and infe- 

riors obey their superiors, just like clay in the 
pottery; it rests solely with the. potter how he 

will work it. ; { 
. A ford, a landing-place,, a place. where 
> boats touch, a ferry. $06 choo loé 

ban ehini yéen 4p F* PA BY YS 

Fy, 826 chod 108 moo%® chin, he ordered? Choo. 
loé to enquire after the ferry. See the T al 
Hay lin, a 
Read seng : a measure,,the, hundredth 
part of a peck. Sip ‘hap wily seng, 
sip seng: way tod, sip. toé. wiy hak 

cast, to, mould; also bright, clear.’ 












B fi} 4 chap kap cho chit chin, chap chin chi — 

chit tadu, chap tabu cho chit chévh, ten kaps 

make a chin, ten chins, make a peck, and ten 

pecks make a picul, or hundred weight. 

The square piece of wood at the 
ZB back of a carriages. Kae wan séang 
Oe Vhéen, chin hong séang téy ry fl 
RIB GR: ts cr ene sre 
of the carriage must be round like the Heavens, 

and the back square like the .earth. . See the 

Ja) f@ chew tzy. 

BBs m. paths between the paddy fields, 


A little rising of the skin. 

> A single garment, without a lining. 
S77 ‘Tong sé chin the K’hek, pit péadu 

j@ ch’hut che = eB ~% 
Wy Fe Hid FE Z2- tone jeer wha hi 

sa, sé Iewith poe che ty, pit teih: peioy beng je > 

hoé ¢ ch’hut, in the warm weather, when you 

wear a single garment of grass cloth, (you should. 

have another garment underneath) and Jet this | 

be outside; (that your body be not exposed, 
through the thin cloth). | See the - ai Sang 

Bent, turned, twisted as a, cord 3a 
Z rope. Sé@ yéw hek chin. ké heng che 

WA vk esas eg, 

8@.cW’hin chéd"S at chin xu” hé"a dy clwhéw pe,. 

that is like twisting round one’s elder brother's 
arm. See the EP ig Bay beng. r 
To look at, to examine, Chin ch’heet 

ké hek 2 yy H Ik. chin, cWhéet 

e dy mity"h, to examine the pulse. 

chin sé kak cWhin chéo"S tey, the top” 

ad, st. 








‘ti “Black -hair, ‘all, in-cenfusion; also 

Chin, . 

mritten Joi ching fond boil 

—™" - ; 
FAI Fo! tie, to bind.) : a 
b ~ 2: Vicars ,’S * é 7 "> rin} 

To save, to delivers : “Chir kéw tik 

es ; RK to help and save. Fr wily chin 
‘ké & say h6 che téung yea 

1 BRC RAR Zh th win 

8 bieyh chin hero’ ka té & chiiy hiéy dy téung, 

they look upon it as delivering them from the 

See the | 
Séang beng, 

All; the whole» altogether, Chew 

léy chin chaé loé & a5) qe tit HE 
i Re, chew tedbu dy ley soe, cha 
pod twa té loé kok, the ceremonies of’the Chew 

dynasty, are; all existing. in the Loé. country. 

midst of, fire, and water. 

To give a present to any one .on 
commencing ‘a journey ; also wri- 
( thers FAP chim: Héng chay pit & chia 

Hi Ws VY BR ea toe ty Ving pit tevn 

‘wod meéh sang e, people setting out oa journey 

are accustomed to feceive presents. See the 

ER Séaing béng. 

To save, to help, Chin chéy Hi He 
to assist hy charity, to supply wants. 

Han bin téy hwat ch'hong lim é, 

chin bin PEC He BE A JM. We BR 

han bin tey Khwity hwat ch’he"® lim, é chin kéew 
piyh sai"S, Bain, the Emperor of the Han dy- 
nasty opened out his granaries, to supply the 
wants of the people. ried 

Sore lips; the same as xy. chin; 

2 ‘also written ir, chin. 
To act, 
Chin hd haé jé put set He Yi] 

Thi AAA » chin stro ho hae j¢ i 

to commence, to receive. 






hoé ¢ laoii, (the Earth ) contains the rivers 
;, and seas, without, letting then re through. 

See the ra A Téung yang. ont 

To enter, to advance, to go forward. 
Chéén chin A HE» to advance, 
Kwun choé sam yip jé chin a F- 

23 ii itt , kwun choi dy lang s"a hay chok 

yip jé adu chin, the geod man makes three bows 
and then advances; (speaking ‘of the’ ceremonies 
usual in archery.) See the Pi Séang lin. 
Ché séen seng & to, ch’he jé chin Se 36 2E 

Ps 368 hi HE (06. t8th _sin sai"S té loé, 

40h miy"h KE"a jé chin, meeting our elders in 
the way, we should walk quickly and advance 

towards them. 

The same as the above, the name of 

ZA. a State. Chin kok vhéen hay bok 
= eae 

5, chin kok, Chee"® ay bi ivhih wéing beng, with 
respect to the Chin country it may be said that 
there is not a more powerful state in the Empire. 

A boy. China choé ban tong i + 
Py i , sey kO"é ché”é ban ting, 

about avmyriad of yours men. 

The same as s = Chin ; also written 

a chin. 

A beautiful gem. 

To, to craivin; to wedge; 

Chin hWwat fz yy , to 

or insignia of 

a a wedge. 
office into one’s girdle. 

a Chin) sin i a} , to wrap sik round 

a girdle, to be inj Office. , Chin sin 

séen seng lin gan che i fa 5. 
AE et 3 32, chin sin dy sin sai"® th kape kong, 
a pat seit in officeyis hard to be conversed with. 

stick the sign-board, 


° . rs 
To reprove, to bear witness to. Cho 

kan chin AK aE, to bear’ witness. 

Sod way, é chin chéng-kok-kwun, 
chéng-kok-kwun put Uhéng + el y) Ala Sai 
Oh BAIR Bg, ome em ee 



chéng kok kwun, chéng-kok-kwun @™ thé"a, S06- 

wuy reproved Chéng-kok- kwun, ‘but Chéng-kok- 
kwuo would not, listen to him. See the Bak 
$fe chéén kok ch'hek. 

‘To prove, to testify. Chit chin TR RB 

Chin. = to verify, to’ substantiate. Ké hoo 

ZB jéang yang jé choo chin che am AR 

ea =F Ti +- Fis 2 je dy pay Chaou yeo"s 

jé hatu sai"S chi kan chin, the father stole a 
sheep and the son testified against him 

To be moved, to be moved with fear ; 
to agitate. . Lay chin pek Ié, jit 
chéaou bin hong ea 3 8 ity H 

He By , Udy tan kadu chit piyh lé, jit ched 

kao chit ban he™S, the thunder rolls to a hun- 

Chin “¥ 

dred 1é, and the sun illumines to a myriad climes. 

The name of a country; also a sur> 

Chin name, and the name of a dynasty. 
Oh Chin sé hong Fe Hh Et, the first 

Emperor of the Chin dynasty, who burnt the 

books and imprisoned learned men; who also 
constructed the great wall of China (B. C. 204). 

A small insect, a kind of snail, a 

Chin periwinkle, Chiu séw g6 bé Ie Py 

WER JG. chin dy Chadu kak, clvhéng 
ay bak baé, with ahead like a periwinkle, and 
eyebrows like silk-worms. A Chinese beauty. 

Chin aE name of a river. 

A string, a line, a eord; also straight, 

Chin Aly a straight line.  Séing koé kéet chin 
Hae an - 

ee Fe gs SAT, me 



koé eat sth jé 4€ kok, in early antiquity, they 
tied knots in a string, as memorandums in manag 

ing affairs. 

a To exhaust, to carry to the utmost; 
Chin ay very, extremely; Also written R 
. wl, chin. 
Chin thoé 2 a Ba chin Vhaéu, to the utmost; 
_ chod chin A ae to ‘commit suicide, _ 
Se put chin gan, g4n put chin é = Pr Ba 
oH s AR is FR: séa béy chin gwd dy wa, 
wa béy chin gwd dy é, I cannot by writing exhaust 
all I have to say, nor by words express all my 

meaning. See the Bh {er Ek keng. 

Presents given to anyone, on com- 

Chin , yt 
é mencing a journey. 
A kind of grass, used for a yellow 
Chin a ae 
~~ dye; also to advance, 
eK : c— 3 
ID To hold, to. keep, to setze, to im- 
Chip prison. ‘Chip yéw Ht K > one’s 
father’s friend. 
Sod choo ¢h’hé téfou, jé ch’hey ch’héep chip 
EE eh Wh BH. ii) BE Fe Be. enme a 
eWhé téabu, jé boé sey é hoé ling léth, to be put 
to death in the market or public court, and to 
have one’s wives and concubines seized. See. the 
le AG léy, ké. 
Chip ew , gim cl’héw, to grasp one’s hand. 
Chip béy Ba > to retain one’s error. 
Chi A Chip soa chi fit. La H> perons 
P holding office. 
Chip Ropes for tying a borse’s feet. 
> mb) 
Chip RE The sound. of crying. 


Grass growing luxuriantly; a kind 
Chip o BL Tie. vied eat 
of coarse grass, 

To settle, to collect, to intermingle, 
to assemble, to meet together. Ché 
~~ chip z ee, to collect together. 

Chip hoéy. Ee Sr khéih chd hééy, to assemble. 
Téng yéw choo soo keng chek, bain chip sod 
whos ak Af FS AE SO SE PG BE 
ling. tedou woo chod sob keng chek, chéa ay bin 
chip, se dy k’hoe, the Tong dynasty had Philo- 
sophical and historical works, classics and records, 
with such kind of literary collections, enough 


to fill four store houses. 

Chip wen people: assembled together. 

‘ ¥ : The issning out of a fountain: a small 

Chip | Opening for water. 

x To arise, to ascend,, Chit ma. Be 5B 4 

Chit | pliyh chéing, bay, to mount a_horse, 
Yim chit ie Bis > secret influence, 

operating.’s favour; protection. 

Chit Thin, meagre. 
Chit The name of ‘a fish, 
; i U6, 
Chit Chit léng #8 mS pil: 1é,\the name 
» ‘ of a bird. 
“eR— Piey chit 4G AF , ka chéth, the back ; 
Chit the brow of a hill, Lé@ k’hé chéng 

chit JH J TE AB, nw whe enera 

chit, never eat the middle of the back. of a fox. 

Chit Thin ground. 




Firm ‘stubborn; also foolish, 

Chit )® A crooked: bend in a bill ;.also foolish. 

Chit The sound of reaping: corn, 

. Fetters.on the legs; stocks. Some read 

t =a this.character lit. Chit k*hok sod 
chéé, hwuy.chéng béng yéa Ee RE 

We IE rE i th, > chit Whok sé dy ling, a™ 

sé. ché"& bang, to die in fetters-and manacles, is 
net a proper death,,, See the - ji Mnay béng. 

Chit Stopped’ up) closed:.up; obstructed: 
Chit» A.short reap hook, for reaping. corn,. 
‘Chit sh To arrive at, to go-to. . 

wp, Oltice, employment... Chit hwin ik ‘ 
‘Chit = Fp, acharge. or duty. Kwan chit 

1 ‘ft i, kw"a..chit, an office under 
government, . 
Yéw gaa chek..chéa, put tek ké chit. chek k'hé 
i es ER HH EE i UY Bz, 00 
king wi dy chek chéd, béy tit chine dy chit hwan 
chéw Whe, sustaining the office. of adviser,. if. we 
cannot fulfil the duties of our office, we.should 

depart. See the [+ ff Séang beng. . 

Chit TO gather up, to. take, to collect. 


Chit pe Chit vhut [3 I], to speak disorderly 

and irregularly. 




Chit . 




» To weave. Chit poé a Afi to weave 
@oth. "Phéen:sin k’hadu ‘chit! yia 


lé kim RRYGRS EH, 
Phee"& sun Wha chit hwin laé ay kim; the heavenly 
youths’ skilfully ‘weave the variegated colours in 
the clouds. 

Lito To talk without ending. 
oF : 

Plath, plainness, Substances?form; te 
demonstrate. ‘Kwun choo thit jé € 

ae. 98, HOG ban why” FE ii a 
AVL Bh bre hi ce pie ore 2%, 

biéyh ‘Teith bun’ chi Me meé"h, the good man is 
plain and nothing mote, what has he ‘to’ do with 

id HH 

ornament! See the - 
Pain, sickness sick, to be sick of, to 
dislike ; hasty, speedy. Choé che séy 

sin, chae, chéén, chit, + Zz; A 
BE ink PR, hing choo dy sty kin sin chéth 
cl’hae, séo chééeu, chit pat"S, the things which 


Confusius was particularly careful about were 
fasting, war, and sickness. ie . 
Chit béng séen téang chéa, wily che put téy, 
He 45 JG Te, HAR HB omen 
ké"a 2 seng sé twit dy ling, Ring kéd a™ gabu 
chd sé té, to walk quickly before a superior, is 
to fail in our duty asa younger brother. See the 

Fahy, Hay beng. 

Sick 5 


Chit toe wk yp envy, ‘ealaias Hoe 
hwuy léng thae ber! jé bod chit toé 
che sim, koé chiang el’héép lok che 

Jai Me fe tT ir, We WAS UO. 1K 

Fae eS Para ede ho& hwuy éy kwin Chaé sé séy, 

je ye chit to@ dy sim kia, oe ching sey & kitye, 

when the empress and pritiéesses, can treat their 



inferiors well, without harbodring Jealousy in 

their minds then all, ‘the coneibines will “be 
pleased with them. Tr 

Iyallpn of al & 
» Chit léy , the name, of a me- 
Aicinal plant, + eS 

5 ee Read yit, one. “vit ‘ia uPA, chit 
Tr dy lang, one perso, “Hoey yéa, bin 
om vit jé te sip, sod yéa bin fit jé te je 

fa Ba — i FW Fl — 
At RPI hééy yéd thea chit hang, chéw chae 
“chap hang, sod yea Phe” a ‘chit hang, chéw chae ne 

hang, Hoéy on hearing one thing knows ten; 
Sod on hearing one thing, knows only two. See 

_ the a’ aa Séang lin, 

PE ia 

kewun choo i” jip cl’ hé, 
cho ltéém, the good man’ does not enter markets, 

Quiet, at rest, peaceful. Kwan choo 

put jip eb’hé, | way ke clio lem 


yin wily ae Bieyh I hith 


because he wishes to be quiet. and: pure. 

48 ‘Phe ‘end, the ‘conclusion. 

To meet with, to fall in with.  E 
ah enh 
» séaou yea yéw, & kwun séang cho 
3H ae KE RAD 

Phan woo hwtin mat"S Phit Phd, kap kwun lé ‘sto 
tos tévh, taking advantage, of a cloudy sky, 


to wander out in the evening in order to obtain 

a meeting with you. 

Re héén put yéén, cho k’hong che sit 

Reem we B. pede He 

héén chew chaou bé Khe"S ay chéiih, Gwan-héén 
disciples) did’ not refuse 
grains and chaff for his food.” . 

Chéw cho) 74 Fe, chéw chaou, grains 
obtained from distilling liquor. (Gwan 

(one of Confucius’ 

filbe: cs ily anything not “yet — 
om ra or refined, 
m , The left. Ché séw A F, té chéw, 
Ché- the left hand. Cha yéw Fe > 

attendants. Cho yew kae wat héén, 

“be Who yea AA EEA BART th ow 

yew dy ling, chd pob king e gaéou, yéd biéy Chang, 
when your attendants all say that a man is clever, 
still you must not think of employing him. 

The same as the above ; also to bend. 

Valg, cha = + carly Cho k’hé Fi ie 
ché Whe, early i in the morning, Oiheng 

ché vit poey ‘ty ee RE 

ch’ Tieng n chi chit aou tay, early” in the morting a 
cup of tea. 

Cho chok yew be BL Ae ra te ché Whe cho 

"800, md may"® kan Whwwiin, early to work and late 
to rest. 


Ae Je iS WE FE HB a mo 

bb sit, pit stn Phéeng dy (0, early and late being 
we thay be obedient to the 

The same as the above early. 

Cho an bod sit, pit sin Uhéen" td 

exempt from fault, 
celestial’ way. 

Vulg. *o chatw a, a flea. 

To wash, to cleanse, to! purify.. Ché 
sin yéuk tek, &é kéw hap @ sten dng 

Som A i UKE 

co Zi8 re. sty hin sin, eWheng eWheng 
lin dy tek, & kéw hap séen ong dy ts, we 

“should! cleanse! our persénal ‘conduct and purify 

our virtie, in’ order to seck conformity with the 
doctrines of the ancient kings. 


2k date, -Béén.jé hong, ond Hi dn am 

> #, bin ch’hin chio"S ang-chd, Taving 
a face like a red date. Said ‘of fal 

Wh. Kwan é. 
Cheng sek sé yang ché 4h 4 me 3 cheng 

| sek ad chéth yéing cho, Cheng-sck was fond of a 
certain kind of datesw 

To make, to do, \to pérform. Cho 
Cho AR kong ldo th TR, cho kang kwiry 
to work. 
Cho seng 1é fh HE fifl to trade. Chagjod fi HF, 
chd jé, to make an agreement, to make a writ~ 
ten contract. 

To help, to assist, to second, 

hold. T’héting chaé é che éng péag 

pang bok SEV HE I 

fe. Uhéding chad & bod chad dng, péng t pang kok, 

the general superintendent is to assist the king 
in regulating the country. 

to up- 



Vulg. chadu kha: a cook-hense). a kit- 

Cho ae chen; also written J: cho... B’ ké 
mé é d léng mee choy BE TE Hi 

yd A. a ia HA HE: ap @ dy step s@y eh hod 

kak, léng khd step sey 1 chadu k*ha, compared 
with flattering the God of the corner 8f thé House, 
is it not better to flatter thé ‘God of the kitchen 

See the ts A Séang lin. 

To arrange in. order ¢ an, orden» a class ; 

To have; peaceful, quiet. 

the name of country ¢ © a’ sirname. 

_ _Hwun ché péng, chin AP ME HE, 

hwun cha" pidye,ehd. poi.chin, divided into. classes 
they advance! together. 

Ch6 ch’hd kan hiding y LE EP Rt. Ché-ch’hd 

was a corrupt villain. ; 

ie Margy ce 
a The |wauerof a cil. 









A manger; Ma ché = ie bay ché, 

a horse’s: manger. ©. 

The name of an inseét.,.:Chéng séang 
ee yéw 1é, chd sit sit chéa.kd pwan é 
ae Re, chai"S téng 0d: Iey\d; chb chéih e Ay sit, 

Khith Tay chit pw", over the. well there hung a 

pear, more than the half ef which had been eaten 
by insects. See the A in Séang béng. 

® A se 



8 Tomake a_ noise, to talk incoherently. 
A kind of basket. 

’ Sick, diseased. 

fined, or purified. 


i; 27 A sickness. 

Vulg. chay: to sit, Ch’héng eho fp a 

ch’he"a chéy, pray sit down..”-Chod 

loé, cheng sek, jéém yéw, kong sey 
hwa, sé cho Fe B. i A, & 
fe FF As Cho6-loz, Cheng-sek, Jéém-yéw and 
Kong sey-hwa sat by the side (of Confucius. ) 
See the |, at Hay lan. . % 
Cho € thaé t’han Ay Ye fF B  chey ¢téng 

hadu ché Khé, to sit and wait for the-morhing, 


Ee) Lé chd Ba) iB), anything not yet re- 

Choe = 


A seat, a settle, a throne, Cho -séang 

pin k’hek bwan PB Me fat 2 ie 

cho téng ling Ichityh mw"d, the seats 


were full of visitors. 

A black colour. — Cho ley fase 
low people ; also written 54 cho.” Cho | 

pek put hwun Fi =] RD, oe 

piyh bé hwun péet, not to distinguish between 
black and white. ‘ ; 

3 2H Swan cho ve a te make a) distur- 

a Ej bance to talk at random. 
Cho he The mountain streams winding round 
| and finding a passage out. 

To make, to form, to create, Cho hwa 
Es tb, creation; a lucky hit. Kwiy 
sin chéa, théen téy che kong ying, 

jé cho hwa che chek yéa V3 ii BR th 8 
Oa FA it EY ZEAL, ety sin ay 
88 Chee"® ley dy kong ying, chi hwa, dy chéih, 
Ghosts and spirits are the meritorious efforts of 

Cho = 

Heaven and Earth, and the ¢races of creation. 
See tk a Choo chod. Sa 
ep. The name of a city, the native town 
Chee JEN of Confucius. Séuk wily choe jin 
h , , = = 
Re. che shag te léy hoe Bh aid pay 
A rs + ei jiz IP , ché chity & king choe 
lang dy ké"d bat léy hoé, who ever said that 

the son of the man of Chae understood pro-_ 
priety? See the Mi if Séang lin 

The name of a country; vulg. chey : 


a surname, Choe jin é ch’hoé jin 

cia IRA SURE AB ne 
dy lang kap ch‘hoé ay lang séo Chaé, the people 
of Chae contended with those of Ch’hoé. 


To, consult with any one. Choo choe 

Wy. to take counsel of any. 










Choe sééy All BR, taxes, rent. Téy © 

-choe Wh All. ground rent, Haot 
bin ké sod vhéen hay bin téén 

choe che pwan 3 x HB KER Be 

HAL ra =e. hao bin dy sé sod Vhee"§ ay pityh. 

sai" ci’ han choe chit pw"d, ii the time of Haou- 
bin, half of the taxes on rice fields were re- 
mitted to the people. 

A mixture of green and red. 

Choe gé ing sie ; # corner, a point 
The ist month of the year is also 

called choe gwat fh A . the cor- 
ner month, 

HX Grass growing luxuriantly. 

Choo chee Fadl da, not getting for- 
ward, unable to adyance. Chéuk 

yéuk chin jé choo choe Je AN 3f£ 
if Ke eh, Wha vityh chim jé bey ké"4, the 
feet desiring to proceed, but unable to advance. 

Choe gé FF Noe. a beneyolent kind 

r] of animal. 


To go, to advance; to depart; also 
written # chee, 

To hoe, to weed; also a hoe, a 

weeder, Hwuy ké chéing chéa, 

choe jé k’hé che H: JE ff x. 
BAL in k Zz a” sé e dy chéng dy ling téth 

Phw"d jé Khe e, those who do not belong to 
that race, must be weeded and rooted out. 

The: name of a tree; also a surname, 










Grass. Seng choe yit sok HE Ry — 
ra sai"® cht hitou chit pay, there grew 

#3 a bundle of grass. See the Ip He 

Seaou gnay. 

Pé chvoe is i. fragrant grass; offer- 
ed in sacrifice. 

A ship for going out to sea. 

A small kind of fish. 


Vulg. chdéou: to cun a way, to flee, 

to escape. Léng choé fit iE; gabu 

chéou, a good runner. Pae choé 

ak rie pae chaéu, to be defeated. 

K’hé kap & peng jé choé 5S WW He iti #, 

Chek kak chéen kih, Uhwa peng to, Jéchdou, they 
threw away their armour, drew their weapons 

efter them, and fled. See i f- béng choo. 


Pé jin yéw chong chthong ché&4 choé kwun 

BE \ 48 KB A BEL FA» wen ay 

lang wod chong cWhong nw"d choé jin kwun, a 

To stop. Choé ehé jf, to’hinder. 

Lan ¢hoé Hej BA nw"4 choé, to 


worthless favourite one Chong-ch’hong, hindered 
the prince. Sce the He Séing beng. 

Choé toé 
che soo, chek sefng biin che é 4 


choé toé dy sob, chéw bat Uhé"a e, the business 

A vessel used in sacrifice. 

of sacrificial vessels, I haye heard something about. 

3H The same as the above. 









Séen) choé 4, jie > @ 

= An ancestor, 
EL former, ancestor. A surname. Choe 
' chang puis SK 3 ancestors. Choé tek 

mis 8, the virtue of progenitors. 
Séen choé hod boé, chek put gno ehuy Fe 

fill SC AB}, BU) AS FE GEE > sere chee vay vet, 

chéw 06 Uhek kak gwd, my first ancestors and 

immediate parents will not reject me. 
, to chew. Ham eng choé 

RE] 28 hwa Oy He UH aye, «to chew blos- 

soms and ruminate flowers” meaning to meditate 

on literary subjects. 
pek séng jé song k’ho pé Tix a 


hong hwun kadu sé, piyh sa”® chthin chee me se"S 
pay boé, when Hong-hwum (i.e Gedou alt ) 
died: thé people felt as if they had lost their 
father and mother. See: the a ra hay: beng. 

The threads with which the seal of 

office is tied. Choé séw #1 ae 

a fringe or border. 

r To stop: to put ajstop to. Hd jit 
> soo choé 4py A Hy 7H. téy chit 
jit chdy ley swath, on, what day will 

this stop. 
Choé chong 3H a » agem on which 
the seal of office is engraved’; that 
for a prince of the Empire: was five 

inches square, and that for an Emperor seven 

inches and a, half. 

AHA Téén choé it RH, agod MN eiding 
over rice-fields, 

Chéw choé a TL al, chéw chwa,/to 
aH curse, to swear. Hoé choé hoé chéw 

HE =] tA Tu > Iam sém chew chivas’ 

swearing eeculasly and cursing disorderly. 

re oR in the, mouth. Choé chéak’ 

To die. Hong hwun naé thos loky 


Valg. chadu, to report, to ‘Send ina 

report, Choé gak Fs i chadu 
gak, to play up music. 

Choe se kéng séang, séng tek put ch’hong FB ; 

te Le Rea Ze WPS + chadu prin Cheaw 

Phaou cheané, stng séang bb biéyh ChE" a, reports 

| cnod 

are perpetually sent in, but his majesty will 

not listen to them. 
To do, to act, to perform. Choé 
kwan (i ee choé kw"a, to become 

a mandarine. Choo so@ k*hé ch’hay 

us) lan oe Hy He I HE > chod sod k’hé Vhdou wh, 

in, performing anything, the: commencement is 


@ Waters meeti i ‘ 
ing in one’ stream, and 
Choé ‘ 
rushing forwards. 
To assemble. Ke ma hok choé We ; 
Choé FR HARP , ctw nea bay chd pos adn, 
the carriages and horses all arrived 
‘together, « 

“ Happines. Eng sek choé yo Kk Be 
WEA éng Itoé 800 hol hob ké"a 
( may’ Heaven ) 
happines on your posterity. See the Jy HE 

sun, ever’ bestow 

Sé4ou gnay. ; 
To swear; to take oh oath ‘regard- 
ing anything gone by. K*hwat k*hoé 

wil chod chow fie FI OF OR, « ay 

eWhiy chow chwa, his mouth vociferated oaths. 


A sort of music played in the first 
“month of the year. 

_ Chod, go8 LF The teeth: uneven 
sand, irregular ;, also. used, _metaphori- 

cally. for not; agreeing together. 

Choe of scold, to rail at. ‘ >a # 
>. ~ ib =~ 


ey \ “ 
wig 0) .siarol ¥ United, joined, ted ; * 
j 200 ee meric ue ata hidy ni joined, connected; to con 

Fife ho ened 

' The galloping ofa Biorses to go swiftly, 

to gallop. Choé whe aR # to rise 
o. quickly. ’ 

Yule. sig to help, to.aid, to assist. 

| Séang choé #4 Hi, ix chin, to 
help one another. 

Hiéy yéa, hwuy chog gnd chéa eA Tt 









JF He AT th, hity yea, am sé chan gwd 

dy lang, Hoty does not afford me. canj/belp. 

’ Very, extremely ; the chief. Chidy o€ 

; Hig Lag chin chae wan, to. take very 
much. ~ E chéang chut che téung 

kong wily chisdy HR HG AE if Dot FB 
Te cheang kwun peng chut ‘ay téung,’ kong 16 

by vit, among generals and heigem merit is 

the ‘principal thing. 

Chek’ t tek ‘tong séen, “ny eX “choey_ lok fii 

is; “JE BE ik ohek tek 12" cho 

tae seng, chd hé chin chae Chéung lok, "the accu-*" 
" tulation, of virtue is of ‘first ‘importance: and 
vthe !doing of good affords the greatest Pleasure. 

“To bite, to eat, to gtiaw. Btn joey 

koe chiéy che HB hy a Wig ae 

"nO sin Vhang é koe chétih ce, the flies 
‘and grubs had gnawed and ‘eaten it. 
Chiey séy bs UE , chin chiey dy 
ké"4 sae, a bridegroom who attaches 
- himself to his father in law’s family. 

Hoo chiéy Kt #4 , 2 fleshy excrescence, a wart, 

, Maou chiéy a fe , a whisp of 
' coarse grass, stuck up asavsign for 
people to meet, and drink together. 
A fleshy excrescence, a swelling; the 
same as via chéey, 


To break, to break in pieces. . Choéy 

kong wiy jéw HE fi!) fa 

Phih chhiy gnay dy chi nooi™S, to 


“break up hard things and make them soft. 

Y : 
Z5 A collection of: frost and snow ; 
drifted snow, 
H A crime, a fault. Boé chétéy hod koe 
‘| Chiéy a Sh 4 cA ) fanitless and sin- 
i A’ crime, a sin. | Yéw chiéy A Ze . 
Chééy wood chééy, sinful, Hek choéy é 

‘théen- bod ‘séy to yea IE FP yw 
FR, SE FAG HR AL, Her ene ye ensers va sey 

Chang t6, when a man sins against beaven, there 
is none that can intercede for him. | See the 
kb Aa Séang lin. 

Choey jin put noé ap AK Ie 3 y0d chiey 

dy lang bé Thy ké"é sun, | let not criminals involve 
their, families .in trouble. 
Read sity, to sleep. . Bwat to kok yéw 

née WE chih6, sit che’sod jin put 
zs jin p 

khap sty FE 

woo chit léy goé dé ch’habu, chéihoe sae Tang bé 


ka chééy, in the Bwat-to country there is a 
plant of fine tastes, which when eaten will keep 

people from sleeping. 
Read chok: to make, to commence. 
Chok ch’héting (EHH chon chyneans> 

i i 
to build a wall. Séy .chok a ff. 

séy chih, a spy. 

Read teks to throw. Tek sek 1h 
Chih A chih chsh, to. throw stones. 


. Chok 








Chok % 


Read sek: to shoot with an arrow. 
VA Sek chéen By Fi , chide chee", to 
let fly an arrow. Ek put sek séuk 

AR oy a: chth chee"& bb chih té0h hath, 

dy chedou, in archery he did not shoot a settled 
bird. See Ei Séang lin. 


Chok chéa che wily séng, sut ché4 che wily béng 

-y =H1 Fn of = = 
4F 4 Zoi) BE Se 8 HZ GH A om 
dy lang king kéd séng, Chan dy lang kong kéo béng, 
he that first invents a thing may be called a 
philosopher, and he who imitates it may be called, 

an intelligent man. See the fit SE, Léy ke. 

H E Chok jit iE Hy , cha toui™S, yester- 

To be ashamed. 

To make, to commence operations, 

todo. Chok soo tE Ht , to make 


When a guest pours out wine to a 
host, it is called chok BE and when 

a host answers the libation it is 
called séw- 

Séw chok hl BE. mutually to pledge one 



The name of a tree; also'to cut down 


To wash, to rinse, to cleanse. Ch’ heng 

ia i #2 RB. A iby WE Je. 

water imay serve to wash the tassel of one’s cap 

and the ‘muddy t6’‘wash one’s feet. 


Vulg. 1: and tak, muddy dirty. ‘Keng | 

é wily chok i VW yA. ‘fil keng® | 

chity vals wily chity 16, the waters of , 

. the site ieog the waters of the Wity miuddy, 

See the [|B PR, Kok hong. 

soo chok eng, chok soo chok chéuk © 



> 4 / 
To elevate, to promote, to raise to 

office. Chok che hoé pin k*hek che 
téung, jé lip che é kwin sin che 


ee BL EAP. i IZ 





b.2 ke chok ¢ t@ Tang Whiyh ay 
téong, jé lip e té kewun sin dy téng, to elevate 
one in the midst of the guests, and to establish 

‘one over. the host’ of ministers. 

The barb of an arrow; a relative. 
Kéw chok Jt Tk » the nine series 

of relatives, 

Wr A scorbutic disease. 

Aneagle. Boo tong téng che laé gé, 
béng ke yang che gak chok Aye Far 
Ip eZ Je GRD Zit 
5 bod té ting téng ay laé gé, haduté ke yang 
dy gak chok, the Phoenix sparting on the hall 
of Téng (referring to Geadu 2 XE), and the eagle 

screaming at the hill of ke “yibe (referring to 

' Ban éng a an )., both betoken the appearance 


| Chom 
ch'heng ay sty kin twa U6 dy séy I’ha, the clear 


of a sage. 

Do F Chom kway) ae Bi» “a good: rule. 
Chom, kaé I Tt 3 good counsel. 
Téng-héng-to, . sod but che 

chom é kwuy kad #34 UF 324 OA Z ‘ 

3 yy aa Te. té"d, beng 10.chd sé bih dy chom, 

é chd kwuy, kaé,, Téng-béng-to made a list of 
the four prohibitions, in order to form a rule 
and a caution, : J 
A Doumit a hair-pin. ibm chom >> 

FE a golden hair-pin. Lity taé 
chom eng’ x FE Ai a, kwity 

( nibléy ag chom iwa eng, for sevetiil generations 
: othey have; worn hairpins and tassels; (is *e. they 
-have.‘been {in: office, and! worn its. insignia ). 


How. Chom mish yang Ae BER: 

an, chw"é yéd"S,.in what manner. © 
AS Chom tek ch*hew p’ho yit chwan At 

— = 

id AK. an chio"d dy tit tébh elwhew 

pho chit dy tooi"8, how rine we get the autumn 
_ waves to turn ? 

Vulg. saé. p’hwaé, to »aghite, to ‘sland- 
Chim =. er, to blast a man’s reputation. Pé 
a chom “oa chéa, sy tek é boé, “ia 

BRA AG HAD SUSIE, hah ty ot pede 

lang, ché chity 4 pe ¢ 800. né0"8, those slanderous 
fellows, who can join in counsel with them. 

See the /}y Hie , S¢aow gnay. 
Ch ac To bite,, to chews the noise made 

by eating. 
# yo> Ah ancestor, @ forefather; to ho- 

Chong > ‘nour; to respect as a master; a 
= surname. ~ Chong chéng x wy * 
a double surname. 

ont chong ji] SR, forefathers. Chong béaou, 
mh Se PH an ancestorial temple. 

Chong béing che léy, séy & soo ho€ ké séen 
‘yee Fe RZ Mie Pt SR PLE th, 
chong bid ay ley sty & ch’ha® cdy stem Ung, the 
ceremonies of the ancestorial temple, are in 
order to sacrifice to forefathers. See the 

th jilf ‘Téung yang. 
Yin_ put, sit, ké cb’hin, ek, k’hd iin, yea 

Da ASE FEAL I OV sae UL Pha tne 
a” sit, ¢ dy Vhang eWhin wi dy ldng, yi Chang 
léth € chd chos, in following teachers, if. we do 

wot missa person that can be nearly. approach- 
ed, we may also,take him, fora master. 

hac Fs lan.) 

Chong Nip A divine ass of ‘entity. 

ee |. To. be pleased and delighted ; also. 
ale iN to ‘cdtisidér, to” reflect.  Ch’hek 

ch’hek jéak bod chong Pe Bx Bx a) 

4m 4 » eh hek eWhém, ch’hin chesne bb kiey 2, 
"sad and sorrowful, as it were displeased. — 

Valg. che"S: a farm, | “Chong séa 
FE jt, che"& séd, a farm house. 
Boé way ve chong k’hek, téaou 

chok vhéen choo sin 2% fy A He Ze. aA 
{E K F- Fs; Grieg hwoud”S chd ch’hdn che" 

dy lang K’hityh, min @ chaé. ch) hing tey dy 
jin sin, in the evening he was a stranger at a 


country farm, and the next morning” became 

a minister of the Emperor. 
Chong an octagon shape, ‘like the earth. 
. 4 P’hek chong BE pF % gem: nine 

inches square, used in inviting the Emperor. 

A square gem ; a precions stone, of 

, & high bunch of hair.,, Thoé chong 
iG Be, Uhiow chang, a tail of hair. 

Aa Ma assay ia a bay dens; i horse’s. 



Vulg. che"S = to ornament, to adorn. 
Chong a. Hwa sek chong hé ye (4 Wr FE, 
wa sck che"® kadu siy, to paint 

and adorn, till it is very fine. 

A lady’s tuilette, apparatus for dress- 

ume REE ing. Teng lo€ k’hae ekong kéng, 
é kok chéak séen‘é AS HE Bid HE 

Gis. Aer VT 4 BE AR, ton ce whiny crers 

ké"a, wd kih ch’héng sin ra a, at one time she 
ascends the chamber to. open her toilette and 

looking-glass, and at anothér she leang_ against 
the gallery dressed in, ‘new apparel. ' 

An adorning, a setting 75 ; to orna- 
Chang; ment, to dress. Put chéak yit hwan 
chong, chin tek hong 1éw Bae x 

Be bi HE. fh 0 RCE. a” sae 

ying chit dy hwin che"®, chin ti té0h hong léw 
dy yéo"®, without needing a single painting or 

adorning, she has altogether an elegant .appear- how can such a way as this be sufficient to be 
ance. See the ry # Koé se, old ‘poems. called good. See the, EL aig Sang Tin. 
; 2 A bribe. Séw chong & Wk, sé 
Chong ‘To be: established, to stand .firm. Chong cho"8, to receive bribes, Ke sew. 2 
. ¢ » -hunhe GR jéuk" sim’é tham woo cho, chong 
. (A> trace, a footstep. Hd chthé bek ae va kee # is & FF 4B Rt e by aéwl) 
Chong hong chong’ fay ja FRAT WE. | 0 atin weman sme ienain “woo chéy che?®, the 

bééyh ta Ushele he eWhiey, e dy phang | 

‘chéth, where ‘shall “we seek for his ‘fragrant 



Pp 13 if Bes mel 

Chong Straight, :upriglit 3» lengthways. 
‘Stern, sedate ; corrects adorned; a 
Chong Lae also a surname, \ Lim che 

é chong, - ak kéng BB LY iE 

Bij A, laé kadu e é chong géém lang chéw kéng 

lén; ‘coming’ beforeé''the ‘people with sedateness, 

they willrespect us:! See the [+ ‘Fm Séang tan. 
‘ ye 

Chong < ‘An; ewe, a female ' sheep. 

sic ion Of} 




“The, noise of sraters ; the appearance 

Chons a ) a of flowing water. 

A stick for beating anything a post 
Chong stuck. in the ground, 

The inside; or contents of anything; 
Chong to put in, to adora: ' Chong hwain 

Ze +} % to dress: *’Chong chaé ae 

aX. che"S ty, to’ put anything ‘in. 

Chong i 
: 4 chéuk é chong FAR th 
4 JE YA TB > hoo choo” kong, chéy léy to yea 

ae chaé éy kaiu é king hi, Confucius said 

Good, excellent, thick, kinds A sur- , 
Choo wat,°sé to” yea ho’ 

Chong, | 

wy Aofishing het; also written Be chong. 

‘disgrace’ and shame “of it would be greater, 
than’ coveting many, adivasttage and aBths on 
bribes, : 

py Vulg.: chang: the name ofa tree ; 

of the bark. of which rain cloaks 

hy be made. A kind, of palm tree, in happened! 

ance like the cocoanut tree. 

Vulg. chang: to run aground. 
Ch’hwan chong chéak say fe 
BG wy chin chang téh swa, the 

ship ran aground on the sand. gry 

Wa chong fey the name of a hill. 

To ,dress the head; .when females 

come of age, and adorn their head 

dress, a congratulatory wish, is ex- 

pressed “ hé, chong wn Hi, 

a) collect) and bind- together; the 
whole; altogether, generally ; also 
ce Ve. xa 2, hea and #8. 
‘Chong sé WA j after all, but #f only. Chéng 
‘kae ie ie} zx ‘thik, the’ whole.’ 
Chong béng 2A 4. chéng mé"4, a general term, 
‘an universal appellation. 
Chong tok ge 8, a general superintendant ; 

a Governor General of a Province. 


Chong péng sé kwan fa H oh HE, to pel 

a general hold of the reins of power.’ 
K’hong, chong 8 (8, ror and dis- 
tressed ; also not at leisure. . Also 

oy Aw written AB: chong | 

which has leaves without branches, 



ies aie Bd atl 


Chong By A sheaf of corn.. 

Chong kak ne FR wont, mane, 

ES Strong, hale flourishing, robust. 
Chong Chong kéén HE AE chaz 12a, 

robust. Kip ké chong yéa, héet 

k’hé hong kong, kaé che. chaé toé Hp: 

A. sit. $7 A, WZ FE DB. ee 

e tty chi" yéd, hiéyh ke tod tod & kong gnay téth 
kéng kaé t@ séo p’hith, but when people are 

_ grown strong; and their blood and spirits are 
firm, they, should be guarded against quarrelling 
and fighting. 

Mé&-hok-p’ho 16 tong ek chéng BAK k #& 

= Re Ht, mé hok pho, kadu ladu ting n& 
kéén chong, ma-hok-p'ho, when old became much 

stronger then formerly. 
ground; also written A chong. 

Chon By, 
. a Seng sod. che é léy, so6 chéng 
che © léy 2: Be Pe VY ie. 7% HZ. 

yy ta .°ae"8 hok saé e chaou léy sod, sé-taé e 
chédou léy soé, when our parents are alive we 

To bury, to inter, to put under 

must serve them according to propriety, and 

when dead, we must bury them in proper man- 
ner, See the ‘2 Fi Séang lin. 

Chang 4 K’hong chong Fy Hie straight, stiff, 

Chong ida Transverse threads, in weaving. 

Vulg. chang - a kind of confectionary 
tied up in leaves, with sharp corners, 
and used on the 5th day of the 5th 

moon, Also written Hee chong. 




cning HEX Distressed, reduced to: difficulties. 

Chong The appearance of standing. 
A A male pig ; a boar;. a pig 6th months 
Chong a 





To exalt, to honour, to respect. Chun 

fa at chéng & eR to honour, and obey. 

“me Ching ko bok tae € hed kwiy 

Ha r= He K WP 8 Hh. ching kwan b6 k’hih 

twa & pod kwhy, there are none more elevated 

than the rich and great. See the Sh Ass 
¥éih keng. 

K’him chéng théen to The Pd RK st . kéung 

kéng than Phee™S dy to, respectfully to follows 

the dictates of heaven. See the fj, = Séo"S se. 

2 Taxes levied by barbarous states; 
among whom the wealthy were re- 
\} quired to pay annually a piece of 

cloth, and the poorer sort about twenty feet 
of cloth ; which was called SR ti chéng poé. 


Vulg. «he"®; to hide, to conceal, 
to store up. San chéng hoé pa, 

sfiy yin kaon Jéang iy jE / 
KBR we ir me ee 

kaou léing, in the hills are secreted tygers and. 
leopards, and. in the waters lie concealed serpents 
and dragons. 

YViing che chek héng, sé& che chek chéng 
ZI 4T- 2 ZH BE ver cotow 10, 
pang kak e chéw k’he™S, if they employ us, 
then we commence operations, but if they re- 

ject us, then we lay ourselves by. See the 

-E iff Séang lan. 


v' To collect in a bunch; to grow in 

Chong a bush; a bush. Yitchéng sé — 
He ve chit chang cl’ héw a bush tree. 

Bé é sip chéng lan fil iy Sek ik fA. sey hoé 

wun tim ka noot”® chang dy lan hwa, the small 

rain moistens the bushy An flower. 

Chong Plants growing bushy and Juxuriantly. 

grand appearance of hills. 

Chong TEX, Gang chong Fy} HB > the lofty and 


Chong “0 

oe ag The name of a river. 

To be annihilated. to die; not to 

A form, appearance; a sort; a do- 

cument. Ko chong He WK > an in- 
dictment. Téang-chod-péng-chong 
_,maou jé hod jin 1é choo ae RUKR 
dn big aM Je -f- : téo"S chob ping dy che"S 

cWhin chéo™& che boé lang “Yé choo, 


_ Péo™S-chob-péng’s appearance was like that of 
a woman or girl, 
. Béng yang: kéy-séng, ch’hey, séa chong choé, 

séang, ch’héng tae hoo soo) HA iy We eee ; 

Boks ohoa RR Fe BE, Meme tao 

yéo"S key séng ay bod séa che"S chabu hing 
tey che" é Phey ¢ dy ang sé,.in. the Béng dy- 
pasty YéO"S-kéy-séng’s wife wrote out a do- 
cument, and presented it to.the Emperor beg- 

ging to die’ in’ the stead of her! husbawd. 
= The bowels. “Gnde thong nia thik é 

goé ché"S, the five viscera. 


r Strong, vigorbuss creat and’ flourish- 
Chong nal wage iy 





28 To lay up goods in store; a store- 

house, a treasury. 
ma = 

Red, vermilion; a surname. Oé ché 
: ie we 
che twat choo yéa EB. : x AS 
Ie ti, win ché sek dy twat choo 
sek, (Confucius ) disliked a red colour because . 

it took away from the beauty of the vermilion 
See the “]> Sy Hay lun, 

sg pearl. Chin choo YS BE. a 
precions pearl. Sood che é.choo géuk 
put tek béén yéen EB a y BR 

EA EE I, BS 5 tok sad c'& choo géuk vey 

“it” ben yéen, if I serve them with pearls and 


gems, I shall not be able to ‘avoid their aggres- 
sions. See the do, peo) Séang beng. 

Put chin choo géuk, séy chin way séén jin 
REE. HB GAA, & on 
choo géuk, séy chin s¢ hé lang, they did not value 

pearls and gems, but they valued good men. 

A vermilion coloured powder. Choo 
bek fie’ thy, sin choo bak, ted ink. 
Géén choo téém ek, pa pit téy se, 

Wt Be ea yy. fiat = je =f, gin choo téem 

yeah keng, gim pit laé tey se, with vermilion ink 
‘he put stops to the book of diagrams; and then 


took up the pencil and composed odes. 

Choo: sey tk PY , citmabar. — 

Goé choo By KE the name of a 



Choo > 

The name of a river. 

To rely on, to borrow, to help; also 
to bestow. Ch hin eS 

oO Ow. Choo p'hi St ih. 
es natural abilities. : "OUtEL J 

Choo. ,.*. 

Siéy ke chek hwat ch’hong lim, é choo Uhéen 

ny bn BBA HE LETS 





- Choo 




Fe > baé neb"® tang, chek I’ hwuy ch’he"S lim, é choo 

Lhee"S hay pithy sai”®, in seasons of scarcity he 

opened the public. granaries; in order to supply 
the people of the Empire. 

Black; also, this, here, now. Bin éng 

ké but, bin put chaé choo hoe 

; » Pe 


ban éng kaiu sé, ¢ dy bin Kham a” s€ wa ché 

tadu hog, since bin-éng is dead, does not his 

literature still remain with me? Said by Con- 
aA Séing lin. 

Juicy; also abundant. E’ loé choo jin 

PH Be Be YD > hee Kwa loé chy 

wun: idm, moistoned with the dews 

and rain. Choo be Wi Ue , taste, flaver. 

fucius, in the ip 


To produce, to be born, to increase. 

=} Ja An agricultural implement; a hoe, 
Suy yéw, put jé thie sé 

BE 77a GU DE. 7B HOA WE 

suy wod choo ke, a” tat tévh téng Chie e dy sé, 
although we have agricultural implements, there 

is nothing. like obtaining the right season. See 

the cht ta Séang béng. 

Choo ie fk FR a dwarf, one of 
small stature. Choo jé choo jé, paé 

ans € to AiG He finn. Ue He 

choo jé choo jé paé gwd twa (é te, this 
See the 


diminutive dwarf defeated us at Te. 

Fr. {if cho twan. 

Abundance of grass and vegetables ; 

this, here, now, 

k’hé, choo choo why sign chéa, sin 

WX che toe yea FE ne fp at. HI 
Nak Ge 3. GE tH, hey thé je k’he, 

choo, choo chd “hd dy ldng,. sé sin dy hak: seng’, 

Diligently, earnestly. ” Key..beug ié) 











he who rises at cock-crowing, and diligently 

practices virtue, is a disciple. of Sin. See the 

“> Gi Hay beng. 

4 F orm, 

T’héen choo é hak lek péng chin, 
Phee™S choo kap hak lek chd pod kadu, chéw sity 
jéén ché"d tek dy lang, when heaven-bestowed 

appearance, talent, ability. 

talents, and powers devoted to learning, are both 
united together, then may one succeed in com- 

pleting a virtuous character. 



A new rice. field, that has only been 

cultivated for one year. 

Choo choe 44. HL, not \able to 
advance, unable to-make any pro- 

The six kinds of grain are called x 
choo, when placed in vessels they 
are called PX séng, 

Choo hob keng choé, é kéang choo séng ty 

i BE Hh. Vy Gk SE a, choo hoé sé0 chan 

chih. chan, & kéting kip choo séng,. the: princes 
of the Empire assist in ploughing, in order to 

provide the grain used in sacrifice, 

> Choo hoé BM ‘to opult toge- 

ther. Choo chéa Rue an ex- 
_.tamation. ~ 

. a Black. Chooe : He. oe sa, black 


Waggons for carrying baggage. Choo 
téiing thi ©, baggage Waszons. 

H"6 choo qe He ; 

Pe, Morer: welts: 

» treasure. Choé k’hg g he Oo hwiy 
és & a0 chwai hip ee Tan 
rar wt oe co ee 











aé hwiy ying chée"S, tod léthe dy 8 chwan hidy 

choo, choé-k*hong was fond of spending money, 

yet when it came to the time, he got wealthy 

again. See the yp aC ; 506 ke. 

Wit. ‘The lower..hem of a garment, the 
A border of a dress... Léep choo seng 
JAN soe FET 

piyh  chéo"s té"E, 

, née"h s"a hity 

pees, “the gathered up the 

. border of his garment, when ascending the hall.” 

Lest he should trip and fall. See the ot Fi) 

Séang lin. 

Choo e chéa iE RAG twa ha dy lang, a 

person in mourning. 

4 <4 A dead tree, still git erect, a 
dry post. 

SAS The name of a river, whose waters 

kip choo at wi R 7) > twa té"4 
LM _kap séy té"d, great pans and small 
ones. See the jl sal Chew séing. 



are as black as varnish. 

‘A small’ kind of iron pan. WNaé téng 

Hair on the upper lip; mustachios. 

Corn collected together 

Te choo if FE Ld géd, a spider. 

1p) Hard skin on the hands and feet. 


Gim choo yA ia a long incessant 

rain; also the name of a river, 



ao oes 






Maou choo a Re, a kind of coarse 
- grass: or rush; to thatch a house 
with coarse grass; also to collect. 

a weight of about eight ounces. 

A weight of about 14 ounces. Choo 

choo $i he , small weights, 
yy Choo chéa Ex i > an exclamation, 

a sigh. Choo) jé,sin, Vhéen che 
lek soé chie jé kéung =7 fa Be 
K a RE Br tE wf ay, choo chéa lé chéy 
ley sin, hee"S dy lek soe chaé le ay sin, O 

thou Sin! Heaven’s calculations centre in your 

person. See the T AN Hay ‘lin, 
Dead ‘grain. 

An expletive, an auxiliary word all 
= Choo hoe 
pr i] { a prince of the Empire. 
Ke jé sé choo soo hoé, ché ké chéang am 

hp ip HY B56 HS, e dy ch’hin 

chéo"S K’hw™d choo chéy léy, ké e dy cWhéw 

every one; @ surname. 

chés"S, it would be as easy as looking at this 
(said Confucius, ) pointing to his hand. 

the - it Séang lin, 

Choo hoé léng chéén jin @ théen choo = 

REAGENT KK TF, choo oe ey ie 

chéén lang hoé hing tey, the princes of the Em- 


pire may introduce a: person to the Emperor. 

See the T ia Hay peel Also AA B a dou- 

ble surname. 

Vulg. ké@4: a son, a child; a title 
of respect, a philosopher., Sé bin 

chod laé je la F AR; piiyh sa" 

cWhin chéo"® ké"aé laé, the people came forward 

aa a Séang beng. 

Cho6é sun suy gé, keng se put k’héd put Vhok 

just like children. See the 



Phwity lat, hwin loan, sin béng, 

F / 

Fale B.A RB 

sun, suy gae, keng ch’hiyh a” thang bb hak, 

though, children and grand .children are dull, 
they must not neglect reading the classics, 
Choé put gé kwaé, lek, Iwan, sin F ya 

be qi. EL. ii, hoo chéo bé kéng, koo Ae 

never spoke of strange. things, violent deeds, 

‘disorderly matters, and spiritual subjects. See 

a sh 
the Fy id 
To bear, to sustain, to overcome. 

Choé séy tF a carefully. 

anything diminutive as, 

Lin gé. 

Vulg. a: 

Gnéw choo af F , $00 4, a young 
cow, a calf, To stop: also read ché. 

The ancient from of the chod y. cha- 

: To throw up earth on the root of 
the corn ; also written if choo. 

The name of a tree,.said to_be the 

king of the trees. ,. Chod than 

Kéfou, choo oe 

aindal wood. 

an appellation signifying 

. father and son. 

A mark, to Siow wad we are to 
stop; a dot, a spot. Teng téung 

Y bh choo HP ft Kw , tong tang 

eS hiéy téém, a spark of fire in the lamp. 

> A master, a lord; also to rest in, to 
consider as most important. Chain 
a choé iy E a ship-caplain. Loé 
choo he HE, a superintendant of a religious 
feast. Pin choo fit of , a guest, and host. 
Aé bin jé h"6 so6, Kho wily béng chod é 
Se iti HF kT AB WE 
piiyh say's Se hw"a hé Chale cl’ hityh lang, Chang 
kong se béng “ciod 2, he who loves the people 







and is found of literary: men, :may be called 
an intelligent prince. . 

Choo téung sin =e HA 4z> leith téung sin cho 
yaou kin, consider fidelity and sincerity as of the 
highest importance. See the Re. in} Séang lin. 
Sin choo paé ih 25 wR, the ancestorial ta- 
blet, near which it is supposed the spirit. of 
the deceased settles. 

y tle, to fix. howe settled 
intention. Choo k’han ve Bs 
fixed look. 

Cheng sin kwan cho6, put té gééy bod ch’hod 

naé thok se che hwat HF jit Ze YE, AR 
Gill Ab $8. WG 79 i at cheng 

sin kwan chod, hi té chau lé gwé bin dy sod boi, 
chéy léy chéw sé Chak cW’hityh dy hwat, to keep 
the spirits settled and the’ mind; intent, not 

Water flowing to one part; to set- 
Choo ¢ ye 

galloping after outward engageinents ; this is 
the rule to be observed in study, 

To stick to stab, to thrust in; also 
written i) choo. Bok kam choo 

jim kong che hok téung Re ig 

Bj 7] SZ. ji fh, a” KM, Gidt-t0 té kong 

lé dy pak toé, 1 do not dare, to ‘thirast a weap- 

on into your belly. 

Disordely unrestrained loose, wanton 

R Séng Gng. put chok, choo hoé hong 
+. e a je - 

BOY cho’ EER FF as AR 

4; sé" Ong bi Ihé, choo hoe lam :sdm, , when 

holy not arise, the princes of the 

Empire become djporderly,.. 

To soak ; to steep in: water. Chéém 

choo Mh ii. to soak. gradually 


Sliced flesh, minced meat. 












To interpret, to comment on; a com- 


ino mentary. S06 sé chodhe chip choo 

Py Be Ye = 
ve PR I SE PE, 
sod se, choo bin kong chip chod yéd, on the 
four books, choo-he compiled a commentary. 

A worm that eats wood. 

To fly upwards, to mount up in 


et Timely rain, fertilizing showers. 

== . To melt, to cast metal. Choo ch’héng 
Piha Be to cast cannon. Jé' kim 

chaé yéa yang choo, ban séang kae 

nae jip elke hi 4 FE Gs i eR 
wa Ry A at , eWhin ché0"S kim twa 1é yéd 

yes" chod, ché"d ban yéo"S ling Vhang jip hwan, d 

just like the metal melting in the foundry, in 
ten thousand forms it can be introduced in to 
the mould. J 

RB A horse with his feet entangled; to 
a x A tie up a horse. 

Excessive, extreme, over and above. 
Kha6éu g4n, leng sek, chod kéung, 
ché Whew béng vhé che TZ iS “4y 

ER. A rw We Z , Wha dy king 

wit, hé dy bin sek; kidy Chabu dy kéung, ché k’hew 

béng sedou léy e, artful words, a smooth count- 
enance, and excessive respect, were what Cho- 
k*hew-béng was ashamed of. 


To collect, to a accumulate. 

Chaé choo Hy FE, money, wealth. 










Yéém lok baé choo 

| ee “ae fg BU | yeem kos kwut tae 

cl’hadu bih, to bury old bones and 

- put under ground rotten flesh, 

Kind, affectionate, soft and mild. 
Way jin hod, chéo é chod Be, A 

4. R Ee ys x. » chd lang dy néo"S 

piy, yadu kin twa té choé, for one who is a father, 

the most important thing is kindness. See the 

kK pa Taé hak. 
i Loé choé neaou I 
6 netiou BG UG By Mt 
)) chedou, a kind of cormorant, 

Chod sek Re, A e héep chéth, a load- 
, 1, stone, a magnet. Chod sek yin chéem 
yi We AB #5] Sih héep chésh yin 

Vheéh the loadstone draws the steel. 


A hard sort of earthenware. 

Rice cakes; a kind of confectionary. 
also written ie choé, 

Thatching, a thatched cottage. Gédou 
wiy Uhéen chod sé, m&ou chod 
eho tae SE He FIR 

3B + Re , gedou chd hing tey dy sé, woo ha™ 

é ch’hod Choé dy kay, when Gé4ou was Emperor, 


they had thatched cottages, and earthen steps. 

yp] The noise made in calling fowls. 


Self, one’s-self; from. Choo ké A 
ch , ka le, one’s-self, a near relation. 
T’haé kap x, wan choo ip é 

téng ch’hé jin ee nits sé Ha Ay Ze Ke 
x, vs Hal be — 3B 3s, a kap ka té 
wan ka té gnaé, twa te ting ch’hé jin pw"a kadu 
gé, T’haé-kap vexed himself and reformed himself 

= re Se | 

cHur *¢ 

at Téng, where he dwelt in benevolence, and 
removed to righteousness. See the fi = 
Séong se.. 

Hwan sod choo gné. j6 chok, ek chod, gné jé 
Ue, hwin sod. chédng gwa jé chi yéd chéting gwd 
jé sew jip, every thing rests with one’s self to 
- commence and with one’s-self to. complete. 

Choo Fo A small. mouth.. 



Read chwan;: a brick, a tile. Oe 

, ché chok chwan gB& Bg KE fe) u 

» oe chéd Whé Uhhou cho chui"®, Qe- 

ché was the first who made bricks.. 
with an awl; to penetrate into. 

Chuims vim 
Chwan che bé kéen HH 57 iff 

ER, cma"’ e na kéen koe, the more we 
penetrate into the doctrine the more impe- 
netrable it appears. An awl, a gimlet, 
chwan WN PPR, tax chui”™®, a. hore. 
A. kind of mud fish ;‘ with red-eyes, 

fo creep into. the mud. 

Read chwan :- to perforate anything 


Read chwfn: the whole. Chéy chw4n 
iF Ay , cheabu chui"®, complete, 


Ch'hos hway ban chwan,che bot JV JE fy 


4 Zz ait. chéy léy i” sé ban chwui”® dy boé,. 

this is not a perfectly secure plan. 

& Read chwan: to suck. Chwan jé 
Chui®$ pt FL. cha"S leng,. to suck 
~~» milk. 

_— curls on the head; long hair. 


A place where the hair turns. or 






Ceremonies: observed when drinking 

wine in a village. 

Lofty:-honourable, noble. Chun kéng 

= te to honour, to respect, 

* 'T’/héen chun téy pe, k’héén k’hwun 
ing ® FR A.W HR. HB HE RL, ee 
kwan téy kay, k’héén Whwun té"@ téth, the heaven 
is lofty and the earth low, and thus the two 
great principles of nature are fixed. 

So6 bin yéw hod che chun, yéw hoé che ch’hin, 
jéén hoe k’hé é wiy bin hoo boé 

Me We satsaaantaoe wet He 

dy chun, wod néb"® ley dy cl’hin, jéén adu Chang 
chd pityh sai"S dy pay boé, in employing the 
people, if one maintain the dignity of a father 
and the affection of a. mother, then may he be 

considered. the parent. of the people. 

A. wooden. vessel ;.a bottle made of 


An earthen vessel, in the shape of a 
bottle. H6 é wiy kwun, téung lé 
yt un of DB op) 1B — 

he > an chw"d, Ey why kwun, iy téung lé chit 
dy chun, how shall I comfort you, Sir! But by 
setting down a bottle in the midst of the village. 

To follow, to obey, to learn. Chun 
sten Ong che hwat j@ kd chéa, be 

che yéw yea, jo Ke £ 9 j%. 
mM Be KR LZ. AY ALL. chan stem ong dy 

hwat, jé wio kidy sit dy, biéy wod chéy ley sod 



yéd,. to. follow the rules of the ancient kings 

and still to be in an error, is-impossible. See 

—~ nA Hay beng. 

The lofty appearance of hills, 













Chin “ 

ee Chun ke ry iE, to sit cross legged 
to sit in a reclining, posture. To 
sit in an unceremonieus manner. 
3 Sincerity of mind, Chun tek ig ts, 
sincere virtue. 
Anything beginning to grow; thick; 
Earnest and sincere. 
aa Chun sek a ¥ , laid up in a cof- 
ww, fin; dark like a long night. . 
Je To instruct me eR ee Chun chun 
= 2 jéén béng che hot FB ae ih in an 
ls rie a af tédng hok vA, jé beng 
léng e, how repeatedly was it inculcated and 
P To instruct any one personally; to 
re repeat a caution. 
To collect words together; an ac- 
7? cumulation of expressions; also read 
The. name of.a fish; also. read chin. 
Re and shivering, to tremble with 
EA 2. Han to géet ch’hé chit FE Fi] 
AP iq ‘ kw"a kao ka cWhity 
Khe aes, to be cold till the teeth chatter. 
> Pd To allow, to grant. Wan chin R, 
4) . 
¥ >, to permit, T’héen chod chin 

 choé KR FHAE oe king téy chin 

chadu, the Emperor granted ‘the request. 

~ € 
} To diminish, to éut off. | 

L) ub 










To hold'to, Chin: chat #2 Gh , to 
hold to economical. rules, Kwun 

choo kéung kéng chin chat, Uhiy 
jéang € béng Jléy ep F as ai a a 
RES ae YI BA fils , wun chob kéung kéng, chin 

chat, Uhey néo"S ling, € beng léy soe, the good 
man. is ‘raspectful, economical and yielding in 

order to illustrate the rules of propriety. 


Even; arule, a pattern; to adjust. 

Chain sth ve a acarpenter’s line. 
Ké kéet bok lek yéen, kéy che kwuy 

ké chin sin, é wy hong w4n péng tit 

er He ZBL A AE He Vs 

i 7F ie. iB, , % kéet chin bak chew dy K hwy 
lat séo swa kwuy ké chin sth, & chd sé kak, 
eé"S, pat" Kwa tit, having carried to the utensil 
the powers, of vision : thé. ancients added the 
‘compass and rule, and carpenter's line inorder 

to make things square,''and round, level and 
ci ab See ° ih er: Béng cho, ° 

‘Respectful ;. to gases! numerous, 

collect together. Kéung kéng jé 

chitin iN Ar itd fe. 2 to honor and 

The name of a bird of prey. 

A very swift bird, the name of a bird 
that is rapid in its flight. Téiing 


né chaé tin, yéw chin chip é tin 

‘hos che teng 4b Je, 4E Sf. $8 Be FF 

chin chéabu chip - tin hoé ay té"4, when Con-- 

, ing né twa té tin kok, woi 

fucius was in the tin country, there was a flock 

‘of swift birds collected on the Hall of the prince 

of Tin, 

A kind of petticoat; also to honour. 


ll cs ee i ee 

# ae A man of superior tisdom ‘nd talent; 
Chin AA = one eminent for wisdom. Chin 

kéet & ft, a man of extraordin- 

ary talent; a hero, 
Chan kéet chaé way, chek Phéen hay che soo 

kae wat, jé gwan lip @ ké tédou ie Hit *E 

af] 3 chin keet ay ling chaé wuy, chek 
- og ay dy hak ch’hityh lang chd pod hw"a hé 
Jjé gwin lip té & dy tédou, when a man of su- 
perior talent. is on the throne, then all the 

learned men in the Empire will be pleased, and 

" will desire to stand in his court. 

Sbperior ;.to overcome ; strange ; won- 

derful; the same as the ahove. Tek 

chan wat k’hek, a 16 B a 3 

lit lédh ye", king kéd k’hek, to obtain.a victory 


is called overcoming,. 

Lofty, high ;.also stern, urgent... Chin 

kek é Uhéen 1 fie F KK, oan 

che. kaow Chee"®, the heavens. 

Lé boa wiy géém chin BRE iva gs, 

ché kw"a bod cho géém chan, ‘an officer should 

Chin The same as B chin. 


study ta be stern and urgent. 


eaverns, are lofty and dangerous, 

Lofty,. long, impending, dangerous. 

San gim ko chin hy ie =) ee 

sw"a gdm, kwdm chin, the hills and 

Wise, prudent. 

A cunning rabbit; also an animal 

that eats tygers and leopards. 










To-be:finished,; to be concluded. Sod 

é wih chin Ef CIR , 308 

wan lédou; the business is brought 


ta a conclusion,. 

vor Deep ; to deepen ; to dig a well deeper: 
> So6 ‘chin chéng, ch*hut, chéang jé 
Ze seem ote Be IP I 

ae , 8aé € Whwul chat"§, kadu cWhut, chéting 
aou BEC peal e, they ordered’ him (Sim) to dig 
a. well deeper, and when he had made his es- 
cape sideways, they proceeded to cover him with 

earth; (thinking that he was still in the well). 
See the ~ ih Hay béng. 

» To retire, to hesitate, to be undecided ; 

~ also read chin. Chin’sdn wiy séuk 

He AR PS RA, chan sn, Kea fae 
ké"4 Khe, wity Chey, to hesitate, going backwards 

and’ forwards, fearing and retiring. 

To dig anything deeper: 

®. ditch, in order to let the water flow. 

Chin k*béén kééy ké ch*hwan et 

BR 72 FE J > whom civhim olthdn kaow, 

ch’hing twa chiy ch’hui"®, to deepen the ditches 
in the fields and enlarge the streams. 

to deepen a, 


An officer. whose business it was to 
encourage kisbandry. Téén chin 
che hé FF] YE 3 FE wawm"s 

chd chthin dy chin kw"a hw"a hé, the officer 

for, encouraging agriculture was greatly pleased. 

The remains-after eating ;- the surplus 
af food,, what is left. Sod. k’héing 
hek chin é, koé.puté chéén fe 7h 7b 

HK Pe PR BAR JY iki. chéth dy mei" h 
Whéting ke" hek ehéd, sé chéith sin dy, chéa a” 
k"é laé hadu, when food (is presented ), fearing 
lest it much he the leayings (of the prince) it 
should, therefore not he offered to. the gods,— 


A large fine horse. Bok éng séng pat 
a? chin ma yéw péén théen hay Ee 

fe 3 
| ER /\ i Hi HEI KP 
‘bole éng Ichéd pityh chin béy, Vhit Ché péen mwa 
vhee"& ay, Bok-dng mounted on the eighth 


excellent horse travelled throughout the whole 

Vulg. chui"S: to wind threugh the 
Chin muds Gé chin ip né fi fia A 
wy Ye. hé cha"S jip nw"a Choé, the 

fish glided into the mud. 

eg To. leok and ‘stare at, 



A ditch of waters; a-dyke. Say chin 

Chin UK ] , ehity. chain, an aqueduct. 

he Fe. cul, to engrave. Also written 
Chin PR iit , chin. 

To preserve, ‘to remain in ‘existence, 
Chin to retain. Ko chin He HE» to 

enquire after one’s health and pre- 
Sin’ Phéen chéa chin, gek théen ch® bong 
IW KH em RS Ty; stn Cheers 
dy Vang chin, gek thee"S dy lang bing; he who 
complies with the dictates of heaven will be pre- 

served, but:he who disobeges hdaven will perish. 

eA The hands held, restricted; embar- 
: » rassed. 

\ Read ch’hwan: a ship, a hoat, a vessel. 

Chiin iW] Téong kok ché ch’hwan t’héet jin, 
hd lan théet. ch’hwan ché jin rs 

Bae) ak AS BERN A BS BA AK \ 

12°S sua chwa chin Cheéh ling, hb lan theth 

chin chwé lang, in China they have ‘paper ships 

jand iron men, but in Europe they have iron 







ships and paper men; meaning that the ships of 
the one country are weak and the men robust, 

while in the other country it is just the reverse. 


To bere through, to perforate. 

A soldier, a. private soldier; done, 
finished, at the end: suddenly. Goé 
k’hé why chéang, é peng chut téng 

wch’him sit ve HR Fe, We Ea & z fa] ‘is 
B F goé Irhé cho chéing, kap peng chut ting 
Hhwin chéiih, Gobe-Whé was a general who slept 

and ate with his soldiers. 

‘Ch’hong chut BR a , busy, having no leisure. 

A body of a hundred men, 

The ancient form of A chut, also 

a es written He chut. 

73 To hold, te seize by the hair of 
the head. 

Anything in a cave; about to rush 

oub ef ia cave. 

A lofty and dangerous hill. Chut 

peng a His to precipitate. 

Pek chut (4 FE, a kind of medi- 



To langh at, to ridicule; to inform, | 

oid Goé éng hwan choo 

eg to announce. 

hwat chéy chut sim se Ue iz 

¥ = 
A AK, Be u's FA 7S » goé dng hwan chod hwat 

chéy kok cl’héd sin se, when the king. of the Gaé 
country returned from fighting against the Chéy 







country, he laughed at Sin-se (because he had 
dissuaded him from going). 

Chut bé Blt 7, ae a glutinous kind 
of rice. 

The capital of a pillar; to insert in 

‘a hollow space. Chut gwut vee AL > 

a blunt piece of timber without 
branches, to insert in any hollow space. 

To rub to grind. Chut k’hé Py: 

to rub out. 

An awl, anything pointed. Chuy to 
che: ‘bwat, chéang chin ch’hé che 
SE 71 12 HR. MF te RZ» 
chéiem lo dy bity, chéang chin Chityh e, even to 
the point of a knife oy an awl (i. e. the minutest 
thing) all will be taken from them, 
Sin bod lip chuy che téy; é yéw théen hay 

Sp 4M Te BE ZH. VA AR FKP > van vi 

Whéa chéem dy téy & wod Chee™® hay, Siu had 
not so much ground as to set up a bodkin be 
and “yet he obtained: the Empire, 

An iron bar, a crow bar; also to beat. 
Choo haé séw sod sip kin théet 
chuy, chuy sat chin p’hé ZF 

fh 00 “Fr GR HEME Be SE Bh ce 

haé K’he"S té ch’héw>wui"S se chap kin tang dy 
Uheth chuy, biéyh chuy Uhaé chin phé, choo-liaé 
kept in his sleeve an iron bar of forty pounds 

weight, in order to beat to death chin-p’hé, 
See the FP EP So6-ke. 

Great, large, 

The fleshy part of a bird’s tail; 

also fat; and a bare bone. 












Chity | 


f A small kind of chesnut; also read 
Chuy f chin. San yéw chauy, sip yéw léng 

lat dé, sip téy wod léng, in the hilly parts are 

chesnut and in the damp grounds are rushes. 

Bit Kaou chuy Re BE, ka chuy, a dove. 

v, a fowl’s beak; to suck, to peck ; also 

to know. 

ae Vulg. ch’hiy: the mouth, a beak. 

Read suy: water; asurnmame. Chwan 

sity mK R ri chw"d chy, a fountain 
of water, 

Wiiy yéw gwan thoé hwat siy Ing MME AR 

re iim K , wiy wod gwan thaiu wah chiy 

Ta#, only. from the fountain head, does the liv- 

ing water come, e 

To be drunk, Chéw chiy 7G BE, 

drank with wine. Yéem ytém yiia 

yim, put clidy bed kwuy JiR Br 
AK BK ys Pi 4 Bai; yéem cheuk mai"® yin, 

bb chéth know chy, 05 biéyh toot”, getting 
enough to drink of an eveping, men will not 

return before they are intoxieated,. 

x} Read sut: to eat up, to cut off. 
Ta. collect, together, 
© To be sorrowful, to be distressed. 
Gan sek chéfou chiiy fal (8 HE 
Pe , the countenance east down with 


Lew héang Kéw Vhan koé pok hdo che chédou 

vehoy 8) YO) JL Bk RE BE Fe ZEB 

laod hédng kaéu Gy VO. Whwiy Rhw"a cWhéa 
hoo dy -cheabu chuy, Laéu-héang sighed nine 

times, on observing the distress of the charioteer. 

Distressed, pained. Chéaou chiy é 

géak cheng fE JR JA IE WK, 

chédou chiiy é po géak dy chéng, dis- 


tressed by an oppressive government - 

Chi Collected together ; the dangerous 

AU aa 

y appearance of hillsy -_ é 
Distressed, grieved; the same as 

Chiiy Vie chiy and Be, chiy, 

Chay jé ne a. very small. Chay 

Chuy a jé kok ie Fa ie (aX; a small country. 
Read fhe who, what, which whose. 
Chity bo. Sé siiy te =e ché chity, who is it ? 

p Choo wily siiy, wat, wy téiing yéw 

F- B A Po TP Fy, chad 88 ché chity, 

kong, s@ téing yéw, who. are you Sir? . ‘He 
answered, I am Téing-yéw. 

‘ Sé sy che kd e FE eZ. Hla EAE, ote cnity 
dy kiey sit, whose fault is it? 

a Read ché: paper. Sin ché A gf, 


sin chwd, letter paper; also written 

ché. f ' 
Hoe han, ch’haé lain ch’hd, poé to ch’haon 

chok ché 4 BLE fini VE AN Hg VD 1 
An , hoé han téabu téy. cl’hwa lan ch’ho poe 
phih cl’haou chd chwd, in the letter ‘Han dy- 


nasty (A. D. 250) ch’ hwa-lin. tore cloth and? 

beat it small, in order to make paper. 


Y Water falling from a high place; 

iy a cataract. 

- A 
cHw A 
Z Read séa: a snake. 

ao A path between the paddy fields. 

Séng chwa v9 ial ens chwéa, 

‘ x ; all in a row. 
vam Read sé: to swear. Chéw sé 9 Wt 
Chwa chew chwa, to take an oath. me lé 
Nord soo yéak ek wat sé y tt th At 
rE & , i pe cha bot sae Khéa séa yéak, 
yéd Iéng chwa, men and, women making private 
engagements together, may also be called sweat 
tr ing. tie 
~ Read chéen: to boil. ~Chéen tay 
A ] i Fl ZB, chwa tay, to boil tea. 
f . .. Whipstiy chéen tay jéén léy chéaou 

se RH WR ae WR SB AE chbo"S chity 

chwa tay, seo ty ch’hd\ chéd ait eW hityh, 

| o'dvaw some waterin order to boil the tea, and 
-set fire to the log, in order to throw light on 
the book. : 

=] a, ‘Read chan: a cup, a drinking vessel ; 

. also written cha hw” a, i 
chats SB eee ae 

chan elvheng Wy — 3B 5 HE, 

chit chw"é cWheng tay, ® cup of good tea, 

# ' Read‘ chan: 

to praise. Chok chan 

Chw"a P= ‘Ae g, cha chw"a, to make an 
"4 _ oration, im one’s praise. 

Read chwan:a fountain. Say chwan 

Chw™ 4 ue at ~ chiy ohare a fountain of 


Jin chAé ch’heng chwaa “at seeing, td vhong 

Vhéen kin ewat k’*hwat J\ AE fe: Te 7a ae 
pia K A | With» ling é chvheng chw"d 

chéth téng, e dy t éy Vhong kadu Uhea"S kin 
gityh hwut, the man is humbly seated on a 
stone by the side of the pure fountain, but. his. 

system of doctrine is lofty enough to penetrate 


to the root of Heaven, and to the cavern of | 

the moon. 

2 ™=) aso H% lew chan K a BR, 

Chee é: hiéy labw chw"4,-dbere are still 

' . in embers the fire? Haé kaou chan 

OR ig OR hiéy ka clw"d, a small fire or 

Read chan: an oyerplus, a remmant 

chw”a “5 of food. Chan péey é léng chéa 
AOR BTR ATK, erwoa poey 
hap léng ih,.an odd cup of drink, and some 

cold roasted meat. 

Read chéén: to sprinkle. E’ kéng 

héet chéen jin J Sj sn WE A, 

Phd dm kwin a hityh chw”"a ling, 


to sprinkle -one’s life’s ‘blood on a person. 

Read chéén: cheup,.casily procur- 
able. Bé chen J HY , 04; chw"a, 
the rice is cheap. 

Chéén chek maé che, kwiy. chek put k'hd 
HEM) ASFA AAP, ws once 
vey 0, kwiy chéw a’ Chang, if it is cheap, 
buy it, if dear, refrain, 

Chwae té PE 5, toslip down. T’hap 
Es Vhoé chwae ya sie {5E, ih Vhabu 

chwae,. to fall on one’s head. 

Chw a 



Chwiah The mouth full of food 

. To. spout out, Sty chwih chut K 
Chwah 7 ih vie water spilling or running 


» Ka chwiih Ww tk. 

Chwah cockroach, 
Read ch’hae:to differ, to fall short. 
Chwith . ‘Cheng ch’bae bio.ké.to 4 56 

AH BZ, , scheng chwith b6 jwa 

chay, it does not come far short. 


Choé ch*hae aad chaéu chwih, to sprain, 

. _ 4o-slip aside. 

Benin, Fi? : 

Bhi. Tobe given up, to one thing ; to be 

Chwan bent on anything; to engross whol- 

. ly, @€hwan sim .té che Huts 5h 
é aymind: bent on, and the will given up 

3 ral 
to anything. See 7s > Hay beng. 

_ Han bwat tong tok chwan kwin séén péng 
BE aE HE LI, a oe 0 
biéy, tang th chwan kwén gim pai"S,, in the 


engrossed the authority, and seized on the 

latter part of the Han dynasty. 

reins of government, 

Gé jéh"6 choo ying, chéén j@h"d. choo chwan 
11 3 BY. BS itn FA SB ee 
jé ‘at ka té yang, hay chéén jé ad chod chwan, 
the stupid like to get themselves into employ- 
ment,. and the mean like to have every thing 
their own way. See the i} hi Téung ydng, 

Chwan — ‘The name of a’water plant. 

Chwan | 

Valg, chug"8> a brick ;. also written: 
Chwan - VL oa chwan, Wa chwan v5 wg 

héa chwi"S> bricks and tiles. 
Chwan ne 

close of an epistle,. it is said, kin ch’hod chwan 

baa Cg W, iin Hy This is respectfully set 

forth for- the information of such.a one, &c. 

The name of a large fish. 

To display,to commence, to set 
forth. (This, character is- used in 
modern letter writing, where at the 


Chwé oY) The whistling of birds; the scream- 

ing of a parrot; to turn; a sound. 

Vulg.. tooi"S: to. turn round, to 

return. Win chwan sit fet , to 

transports.. Kew che be tek, téén 



chwan hwan chhek 3277 se Fe ine iat 

K fA) kéw e€ bééy tit, pwd toot"S, chwin 
toot"®, yéw hwan ts tooi"&, seeking her, with- 
out suceess, he turns and turns, and turns 

again. See the [Hy Kok hong. 
8 Bo 

HAan-an-kok, chwan ch’*héuk € wiy che pe 

ie Fe. Bd eh SEV I. fi], tar. an-veor 

win chwdn h'hek & chd téo"S té, Han-an-kok 
transported grain, in order to make prepara- 



Chwan Vulg. chni"® : to bore through, to 

& perforate; an awl, ‘a ‘bore. 

Vulg. chui”®: the whole complete, 
Chwan A» fully prepared, to secure against 
=. all accidents. Wan chin Ee 2, 
wan chui"8, to complete ; a surname. 
Séng Ong ké sod, boé clhut ban chwan a 
EB Se at at Ba, séng ong ke ying 
800, e dy boé cWhut ban chui"S, a philosophic 
king in commencing an undertaking, will pro- 
duce plans proof against. all accidents, Also 
written mS chwan, 

Chw&n kwun hok but AY A a , chwni"S 

kwun pak lak sé, the whole army — was over- 

theown and annibilated,. 

Chwau « 4 



Ak chwan {ff (ff #E, the’name of an 
ancient ‘genins, in the time of ZE 

gedou. ¥ bs) 

A sacrificial animal, perfect and 

without blemish. 

Chwan Be 

Gwan chwn hwain, put sé& téw yea RR = 

ff. i. ar ey wd AL; gwan chw"d hwun 

hwin 66 hiy"h jit mai"S, a fountain of water 

K wR: chity chw"é,-a fountain 

of water. 


Vulg. chw"4:a fountain, Say chwan 


bubbling up, without cessation? day or night, 

See the - ia Hay beng. 

To inform, to announce; to publish ; 

also a work, a business. E hoe 

AN sum cho6é chéa che chwan a p- 

= = F a ra HE, kth yéo"S chéy s"a ling 

dy sty ké dy sod, my views are very differents 



from what those three gentlemen have stated. 
Séw. chwan G HE , to write a history. 

Jim kwun ke haé gw4n, pek s¢w Whin té chwan 
fE BK. A BBR m 
kwun twa té Uhaé gwin, pityh thabu mé Iehin 
kang t@ chwan, Mr. Jim dwells at 'T’haé ¢wan, 
and though his head is grey, heis still busilly 
employed publishing works... 

Chwan = The same ‘as ‘the above. 


To eat and drink. Yéw chéw soo 

Chayan $s séen seng chwan 7 Wie EME 
BE, wod chéw poot”S hoe sin sae" 

chéith, having wine and food, to give it to 

one’s elders, to eat and drink, See the ys an 

Séang lin. 

To tranquillize a husiness, to manage 

a matter to select words: ; to ex- 

Chwan = 
plain anything; to converse with 

any one. 

Chwan ; ey: turn ‘on an axis. 4 


The small posts an the tops of beams. 
Chong biin ‘téiing ke ch’haé, san 

' chéet cho chwat iat X 4p iE BS 
Wy i ye ME, chong biu téiing cl’hong 86 chaé 

hoé twa koo h’héi, wod wa sw "a ‘te chat ad, wa 




E - 

chiiy ch’hadu té Vheaou 4, Chong-biin-téiing made 
a place for a tortoise to dwell in, and painted 

_-hills on the joists, and water plants on the posts. 
See the a a Séang lin. i 

Dull, not clever, unskilful. Sood yéw 

lan €, jin hwun Khaéu chwat 

Ay MED. NAP GH 900 
wod bh W’hwae lang hwun I’ hd ti, things are both 
difficult and easy, men are sometimes clever; and 

sometimes onskilfal. 






The grass beginning to grow. Lan 

chwat ké gay BA i Ao oF lén 

hwa tod dé ch’hut e dy gay, the lan 

flower just budding forth its leaves. 
To cut off; To exterminate; strange; 
supereminent. Chwat tédng poé twan 

Ae Ah FS iH HF, chat 12" poe téy, 
to cut off the long, in order to make up for 
the short. 

Béet chwat KX if, to exterminate, to annihilate, 

He, she, it; an expletive;. a surname. 
Aft Also written .*, ¢. E yin keng é yéw sin 

che yea FFF FT PS A 3 FF. 
e yin chih cWhdn, 1é@ yéw sin dy sw"a yéd, E-yin 
plonghed in the wilderness, of ara 

Clothes ; that, which i is worn en ithe body. 
E hok FE AR. "a Whoapparel. E 

_ séang chaé soo AK Se FE ee yin 

cheons té séo"S, the clothes are in the box. 

: i 

To rest and rely on; to follows to comply. 

E he (K ii;, a few. E é jin HE Ph 

aie, Ye Phan é jin, to iy with the 

dictates of benevolence. ¥ j 

An expression of sorrow, and pain, “Sin 
chéng chek he & seng aé, why é chek 

OXY choo hwaé chin | hy A] Mes 
He RR, ie 7 Bl Ke WL , sit lang dy 

chéng chek hw"a hé sai"® ae, gek lang dy 2 chek ¢ 

“choo kh2"S chin, complying with men’s feelings, they 

are ‘pleased and bear good-will towards one; but 
crossing their views, they are: age and conceive 
displeasure. ; 

To return, 



to dwell in; an 

rd é to, ké @ tek, e @ jin, yéw @ gay 
7s iE. AB, RAE. ERE, 
sim ché t€ W, chip séw té tek, Chan,é jin, Chit Uhé 
thé ch'héw) gay, have the will bent on learning, keep 

upon, at; from; 

Also read é; a surname. 

a firm grasp of virtue, follow the dictates of bene- 
volence, and amuse yourself with ‘the fife arts. See 

the Em pi Séang lin. 
Sam léén bod kaé é hod ‘che 19) K's wiy -haou é 


s"a neé"S b6 Kady Ené6"S pay ty W, Chang kéng wod 
haow 2, for three years not to Swerve: frof one’s 
father’s way, may be called; filial’ pie Pega the 

le Hi Suiag: lin. 

z The, same as, the aboye, 

» Ene ph 3Z,, mud, ,Ch'hut © néjé put 
, 2 chok Hy it We. i AS jay china 

t€ nw"a UChoé jé b6 U6, 
the slime and yet not muddy, 

coming out of 
Said of the water- 
lily, which grows in, marshy ground, and yet looks 
so clean. 

E 164 
, % ant Pa 
1D} + The name “of ‘a’ river 
E pH To groan, 
E Ake. Ws WF a forced, laugh} ‘a strong 
laugh. i 
E # a] The name of a Hoods 
E The streaks on rippling water; also syno- | 

% ? nimous with *y héy. 

"The waving ‘Appearance, ofa flag; also 

ithe’ appearanée ‘of fleeting clouds. 

‘An exclamotion ‘of ‘admiration ‘dr regret. 
'E he a TN > ‘alas! alas! ‘ 

A healer; to, heal, E seng bs ye a 

héng, put k’hé é chok bod e ye fa 

Ar co) YB Ke: nia Be, Vdng kaow of héng 

ae a. 

sim, i” thang hoé e chd sae kong sin sai"S, if a 

man has nota settled mind, he cannot become a 

conjuror or a doctor. 

ee A kind of water fowl. 

E An expletive; a particle; also to be, to 
re > ee 
rE ze An exclamation of one woundéd or 
E ‘A particle; in, at, upon; more frequently 

read 6; a surname, 

doctor; also written Be e. Jin jé bod ° 



Fey gh Oe 
By, with; to do; in order to. * 
Te hd je hé, put é léy chéet che,, ck ot 

V2 put hd héng’ yea 4n fn Ifa 70.4 

YY i ZT AR PY AP AL, ote wos 10, 

to use, 

/ Je: chhéng eh héng hd, bé6 Uhd léy soe chin chat” e, yea 

béy ké"d, to study harmony and nothing elso, without 

regulating it’ by propriety; this will not do. See 

the a mt Séang lin. 

Kwun soo sin é léy, sin soo kwun é téung (i 
Ft VA jit. Ea Sey A VW aks, dim tooun a 
sin é léy, jin sin hok ‘saé jin kwun é téung, a prince 
“should employ his minister according to proprief¥, 
and a minister should serve his prince with gain taf 
See the Dy an Séang lin. ‘ 

Se.ké séy é i ef YD. K’hw"a be AD ‘ho, ee 

obserye what he does. 
‘Béy- é Sr Ys therefore; : E’ ché yy cH Nigh 
ye Mil, afterwards. ey 

éven to. E’, hoe VY 

oak E’ jén WE. the seeds of the é plant, S i 

© RQ". in shape ‘like ‘peatls. - ess 
te . * 

The “appearance of walking alone; the 

5] body bent. 

The name of a wood ; 


also .a ‘sufname. 

Ke é ye Fi , the name’ $f a stone, like 

a gem. 

The name of the first ‘sovereign of the 
B- hay dynasty ;. A-surname. 

sin jéang, yéw vhéen hay B&B joe 
zit # KP: é séw sin, dy né0"8 wood thee"S 

ay, E) received what was yielded to -him by sim and 


obtained the Empire. 

cs The same as ae é. 


To rely on, to iucline to one side, to 

e Chaé é, chek kéén ke € @ héng, yéa 

“Fe Fa A A H 14 PS Ay. 02 & evhea, 

“the “carriage, he might be seen leaning on the cross 

wo See the , mi Hay lin. 

: - “Bod phéen, bod é, dng td chéng tit amr. tina fin. 

F We ETH TE 4 wrnee”® b6 wd, Nida dy to 

ché"2 tit, without partiality and without inclination, 
* the royal way. is correct and straight, 

_ fi 7k Séang se. 
Parse geet 

a stool. 

achair. BE’ Chaéu, ‘ial ie: 
* téadu iy Me, a bench. 

To drag along on oue side, Chin sit 
ké lok, léw kwity téuk jé é che P 
“SN KA Me. Bl B itt 2 
chin @™ kee"® e dy lok, tabu kwity kw"d jé han 4 
the Chin country lost their deer, when tebhwiy 
zx “ayer took and dragged beg along. 
To give, to bites the same as fa. é. 

Boo dng taé laé_ sod ,haé ne Ce é 
ché4, why séén jin sé hoo Ft 

b06 dng twa se laé se had, sty 30d haé chéd, tok tok 
hé dy lang sé Khith pod, Bod-dng bestowed great 

largesses he conferred, those to good people only 
were the richest. See the Al i Chew se. 



To walk awry ; to ‘walk in. suceession. 


EF plantago; now called ke chétn eh’ hé 

ca Wi. ui > eWhéa chéng cWhadu, the 
grass before the carriage, : 
Ho6 € i UK; a kind 4 screen, paced 
before a door or win ow, to prevent 
persons looking into an appartment. 


lean againt. E’ wa, to confide upon, © 

_ehek Khw"d ¢ wa’ te hw"d ch’hdy when he was in~ 

See the - 


gifts on all within the four seas, but amongst the | 

po Hos 6 FY the maine “of a plaats the 



Vulg. hoe: rain, Lok é YE BK. lik hoe, 

to rain. T’héen yéw jéén chok yin, 


phaé jéén hay é, chek béaéu put jéén 

hin che é eS ill & fF a iii A ak  f WW- Ai) 
i Pe ay, S BU Z va RR ¥ thee"S yéw jéén chd hwin, 

Phae jéén lsh hoé, chek téw. put jéén hin Whe 2, when 
the Heavens become overspread with clouds, and 

send down plentiful showers, then the corn sud- 
denly springs up. See the _E ah Séang béng. 

Ag The excess of weeping. 

YS E' loé h , not straightened, crooked. 
on E’ chéa soo che toé EK HZE. 

a™ tit dy lang, saé e saor gay, crooked 

people were set to sweep the ground. 

To stop, to ABs to end; extreme. Jé é 

ni ot "a wé"a, that and nothing else. 

Bod é, chek ong hoe 4 3, Ai) E 

f- , v08 swith chek éng dy 6 hoé, 2 you will not 
desist from your enquiries, then I shall refer you 
to the royal way. See the io Fh Sting béng. 
T’héang né put why é sin chéa fp ye A hi E. 
I, ears né b6 bityh chd K’hith sim dy 800, 
Confucius did not do’ anything that was to the 
extreme. See the “hf tw. Hay béng. 
Je ch’hos jee YN WL, ify CL Be, om rey ea wea, 
thus = thus only. 
Valg. hoe: ‘to give, to bestow, to pro- 
mise; also with, together with. K’ho 

6 & Kh é bod é, € Séang hwiy BY 
V1. 1 Ot 

Vhang hoé lang, wod sé 4 sé0"S tt 

hod dang, séang, yin hwity, sometimes we- think we 
may give a thing, and sometimes we think wemay 
not,, when to give would be excessive generosity. 
See the ph in Han béng. Also written % é, 

Way gnoé é jé yéw sé hoo ME FR Wh fa A ti: 


‘woo sé a séo"S 

Chang hoé ling 

, tok tok gwi kap 1 woo an néy sai" noasey ou. 

only ‘and! I ‘are thus. “‘See\ ice ot Big S690 0. 


ti> A covering a canopy; to spread over, 
E E’ téw fe iy, the universe. E’ loey 

ty: in the world. E’ bain e X: 

a double surname. 

» Agi Careful ; to rely on. 

Feathers. E’ ¢k MW ae, wings. E’ mé 
put hong bwan chéa put léng ko hwuy 

INE AS i AN Be a TR: 

sit mb bé hong mw"d chéd, chéw béy kwan piey, 

gE AI 

when wings and feathers are not rich and full, it is 

impossible to fly high. 

E’ Hesitating, doubtful. 
E Al The name of a country. 
EK Hoo é Fe Re. a kind of screen. 

m1 p E’ hew pil Wc» the groaning ofa sick 
person; internal sorrow. 

An intention. *E soo r= BK, thought. 

‘E Li Che é mE mB? design. Choo é Bs 
EQ” >» purpose. it. 

Séen séng ké é He aX Am = , tae seng ch’hing 

séng sit € éy 2, first purify the intention. See the 

K & Taé hak. 
A kind of swallow. Bok te ké éjé 

‘E as | H ze ig, i™ chae e sé éjé, not 

knowing that it was such a kind of 

: An exclamation intimating dissatisfaction 
Tey ; 
Qj and discontent: a cry of pain. 

E 166 EB 

E A certain plant. *E jin = ye: the seeds 
& of the water lily. 
diay . 

‘E pe AL bi » few, scarce, 


=, A dark and windy appearance of the 

e. weather. 

To kill, to die, to put to death. Teng 

“E FD peck gé jéfing, chéén hoé kek che, chin é 

al 4c eR. A EZ. 

, léng pek gé jéting hwan, chéng adu phith e, chin sé, 

the prince of the Téng country attacked the Jéing 

foreigners, and beat them before and behind, till 
they were all dead. See the £ {i Cho twan. 

Rice heated and ina state of fermentation. 

E 7S S06 ¢ je aé, put sit & in 
as Ay > poor"S jth tam, jé Whéep, bb 
biéyh chéth, when the rice was heated by fermentation 
and sour he would not eat it. See the bw =m 
Séang lin. 
+. Constant and fine, permanent, good, ami- 
BEG able, and virtuous, Gnd kéw é tek 
S HR BG- gwa ad hb dy tek, I 
= drone virtue. 

‘E The offspring of a pig: a young pig. 

ef Lazy, indolent; vulg, yéd, tired, fatigued, 
AN Wearied. 

E Clotted blood; blood coagulated into one 
‘~~ mass. 

A small swelling; a boil, a pustule. Tan 

‘BE? é chéa thong, yim’ yéak chéé khoé 
WB PE 4 WA. RR 9 wa 

& dy vhe"a cheth yoh dy Khoé, to fillip a boil is 

painful, and to drink medicine is bitter. 


E 167 

A quiver and case for holding a bow and 

arrows. Peng put kaé é & as fi E& > 

peng i” Vhang tChabu e dy é, a soldier 


must never take off his quiver and bow case. 

A final particle, used at the close of a 
‘E sentence; an expletive. Ké soo che wily é 

H HG Z FAR @ an néy kong, 

this is the meaning of it. 

Téaou ban t6, sek soo Who e BA FY] SH 4 PE 
By Re , may""h chaé Chea 1, mdi"S hwui"® sé yea 
hang, in the morning having heard the right doctrine, 
in the evening we may by content to die. See the 

‘ES Séang lan. 

To be satisfied, to be full, to be content; 
‘E content. Bo éng k’hek yin chok é ko 
~ ohm 
TK E58 BE TE BR HK. 206 ine 
Whek yé"a yin tédou, chd é dy Ro, when Bod-éng 
conquered the Yin dynasty, he composed the song 
of content. See the 73 ao Chew gé. 

‘E To eat to the full, to feast. 
& Sore eyes: a cataract in the eye; the 
‘E name of a medicine good for the eyes. 
Hos seng j¢ é yit bok Jy AE fy EF 
=> A. héng hoé sai"S, j¢ pat"S chit bak, when the 

queen was born, she was blind of one eye. 

To'clothe, to put on clothes. Lé chéa 

‘E apek sit jek He A AE FA AY BY > 

ladu ling cl’héng poe pek chéih bith, the 

old people would then be able to wear silks, and 
eat flesh. 

To rain, to rain upon. “E gno kong téén, 

‘E sty kip gné soo fy FR AS FA RK JR 

, Fk Fl. lbh hoe gwé dy kong ch’han, 

suy kip kadu gwa dy sae khéa dy, let it rain first 

upon our public field, and then let it come upon 
our private field, See the /\y He Sef@ou gnay. 




Ele Fir Elie 


Profitable; advantage. 

Also written 

Fy é& E é ch’haé pin, lam kan che 

pin, @ € ch’haé cho, é pé héng 16 —F 
FT YF > tat Whe vin pin, lim kaw ty pin, lab Whe 
cWhaé chiy cl’hadu, té hwiith léy héng 16, come and 
let us gather the Pin vegetable, on the borders of 

In, at, upon; to go towards. 

the southern shore; come and let us gather the 
water plants, in the running streames. See ja 
Kok hong, 
¥, myself. T’héen seng tek é é, hwan tééy 
ké j¢ &ho FR AE $3 JAP. 1B He 
EMD PH fay» hee"S sai® chey ey 

tek hot gwd, hwin tity e hwat gwé sa meb"h taé wi, 
Heaven has bestowed this degree of virtue upon me, 

and what can Hw4n-tééy do to me. See m4 EY 
Séing Jin. 

Even, equal. 

2 Plain, and even, Taé td sim é@ * it 

£ th twa 45 It, chin chaé pa¥S kap 
K’hewde, the great doctrine is very plain 
and even, 

Tong é HS Hig . a Kind of insect. 

Boé é +} ti , 2 mother’s sister, Séy é 

2 OB a wife’s sister; also @ con- 

h Gee | fp, the name of a hill, towards 

the rising sun. 

1] To call aloud; also to laugh, 






‘To sit cross legged, to squat on thé ground. 
Gwin jéang @ soo a He Be FR» 
gwin jéing phih k’win Kha léng hadu, 

Gwan jéang sat cross legged waiting (for Confucius). 


See the - ai Hay lin. +- 
I myself; loose; also a surname. Wiy 

é put sin yéw jé kédou jit ; a rh 
a 7A HD Wel A, ne ee 2 
sit wod -cWwhin chéo"S béng jit, if you say that I am 
not true, I appeal to the bright sun. See the [aid Ja, 
Kok hong. x 

‘When a field to is cultivated for, one-year, 
itis called na choos. and when it is culti- 

vated for: two years, it is called 4 @. a, 

Superabundance, superfluity, excess, that 
Véw séy put 

a9 chéuk, put kam put béén, yéw é put 

kien chin 75 fp A JE AS He A 0, Aa 
ar Tk ae , woo séy bb kadu, a” k"a a” béén ley, 
wood ihun a” ka chin, having a deficiency in any- 
thing, we dare not neglect exertions; having-a super- 

See the 

which is over and above. 

abundance we dare not exhaust it “all. 

Hs ig Téung ying. ’ od 
Bin yéw é; pit wat yéw, Bl i Bh ase A. 

moor wod ‘eh’ Run, pit) kine wos, when he asked, if 

there was anything over, he would always Say, there 

was. See the pe + Béng choo. « L. ; 
; 2 A carriage, the bottom of a chariot, hand- 
a + 

A > 
some. E, jin A a wheelwright. 
“2% Kham é HE fa, a. complimentary title 
for a determiner of the sites of buildings and graves, 
called a Hh ue vii Hee téy lé séen seng. 
Chod san é ké séng @, chiéy jin 6 chin way, y- iE 
v AR » ip | «¢* i , ay 3 
Yh Fe BL AE ITE GR YA eld in 
e sty chéy dy cWhéa, chey ling kiey é chin wiy dy 
chiy, Chod-san used the chariot in which he rode 

for helping people a cross the Chin and Way waters. 

See the a a Hay beng. 

168 | fi. 

FR Assy To praise, to applaud, to give one a good 
E name. Goé che @ jin yéa sty hwy”. < 


sily é, jé yéw séy @ chéa, ké yew séy,, 


Are Af. AA Pit ik RR, we ty ap tag 

people, I do not know whom I should blame and 

‘because they have been tried, 
in the “J Zay Hay itm. * |: 

‘Said by confueins. 

Fs Kwan choo yew é, B Le riya 

SE. the good man is truly great. 

A bathing vessel, a tub. Yéuk sé jip é, 
-yéuk kéng cl’hut @, ry eA FF. 
PE m KF: ching ek - dy sé jip é, 

"chang swith ch’hut é, when a person bathes he enters 

the tub, and when he has done he comes out of it. 

yéd, ché ehiiy mat"S ché chiy o lb, clthin chéo"s woo 
séy o li, e wod sty cl’hé, in my intercourse” with Fo 

whom I should praise, but if I praise any, re ig 

E An ornament for a ay in the ihe of 
~ a bird. : aS Se rs 

A precious gem. Loé yang h"6 clihigep ‘ 

oe OA Wi Qi Iw IE. 




ae ee a 

E taé kéung, hwan é@ che géak, é p’hun, - 
y) Pe loé kok dy yé6"S hiéy Chaou twa. kéung, 
kap hwan_ é dy géuk é chadu, YéO"S-hiey of the Loé 
county stole the great bow, with the Hwan é gem, 
and then made his escape. See the a fi Cho twan. ee 
E A sedan chair is called kéen é ja i. E 
eng Phabu chhéa, a bana wagons” ~ 
A : , H he 
E E » A stohe resemblingaigem, |) 
i Pe, A’ pipe, a flute,  Chéy)éng h¥6 @, aE 
Evy EH SF chty. dng aé é, the king of 
the Chéy country was\fond of the flute. 

as f 169 i 

ec hai 

: fa E  Chéet ee if, a female office, establish- | fj Way é@, Fe Pe , respectful and diligent. 
ae oo ed under the Han dynasty. ' . 

to send word. Séuk héang sod @ Chod- E 

"BR wok GH REED 

\ . séuk héang saé lang ehéd. Chob-sdn p'hay, Séuk-héang, 

RE ae To leave, to hand down, to send, to present, 
2a v ry Ng =~), 
oy — The same as the foregoing. 

fi An ulcer, a wound; wounded. Beng kwun 
E 1 lé ch*hat é séang fi? Hr Fe Pe fH. 

béng leng kwun téung dy kw"a lé ch’hat 

a * 
‘ordered them to send a letter to Choo-san. 

‘a I; myself: a character common in episto- iba 

x: sn ; wood é séang dy lang, he ordered an officer of the 
— , lary correspondence. , : : 
ae army to inspect the wounded. See the Ze {83 
oo Joyful, delighted. San téung hd séy Cho twan. 
eee PY ee se tae ~ 
- E 4 _ yew, léng sting to pek bééy, ché khé . Yésm & KR BE, bia. Beh WEr-andbor. 

7 = . . 

n chod @ wat, put Kham té cheng kwun, | E Pheng hok ch’he him yéém é, jé put 

Up a EY BM AT 
HH A A SE A HB, wee 

sa meé"h, né"é cho" chéy path d™ ché Chang ka 

ké tong sé SF KE UR Re B-ik 
AP aC ‘es WF, prheng key hot hé"& moot"€ eh’ his" d, 
lé, béy ke tong sé, “when I boiled my last hen, 


12 hw"a hé, a” Wham Chityh Ide sang kwun, what is 
there on the hill? upon the mountain there are many 
white plum blossoms; but I can only enjoy them 
“alone, and am not worthy to present them to your 

’ honour. 
a Sugar. 

To remove, to transplant, to change @ 

place or thing. E hong ek suk bok 

sin ik HBB, Dh APSE AS A 

Si | pwa hong wa séuk, hd K’hiih hi é gak, in order 

to remove customs and change habits, there is nothing 
so good as music. See the ie BL Léy ke. 

To present, to give; to hand iowa’. B 

k’hwat choo sun, if Wik + R } sang 

a] ¢ dy ké"d sun, Bestowed on his posterity. 

0. A bathing vessel, ‘with a handle, used in 
¥4 pouring out water. 

A kind of spirituous liquor; made of 
A ‘ 
E rice; also water gruel, made of rice or 

millet; congee; thin rice water. — 






and burned the bar of my door for fire wood (to 

give you a treat) do you forget the time.” Said by 

the wife of I B R , bek-lé-héy, when her hus- 
band was risen high in office, and had forgotten 

his former poverty. 

The vessels constantly employed in the 
ancestorial temple constant. B lan He 
AR , the constant relations of life, 


Ez. The north-east corner of a house. 

- A bridge. E séing 16 jin sew téang-léang 

téng ludu lang hoé téo"S-Wéng cWhiyh, 
when upon the bridge an old man gave a book to 

Téong-léa"S. See the sp eid Sod ke. 

a Aou “BR AR a brick or tile. 
— | . 

5 pes 3 The ancient from of the é =F character. 





fie f> 





‘i The same. as bP, é, a female officer. 

ry ; 
AG é fk ae the noise made by a fox. 

s=f=> Boo é nS a place for sacrificing to 
re 9 Heaven, and praying for rain. 
- Way é F fr, diligent and earnest ; the 

same as by é, 
The chin, the side ofthe mouth. Kwan 
53 gnd to é, choo kéw k’hoé sit A FE 
dy cWhiy pee"®, chod kéw ch’hity chélih, look at the 
sides of my mouth (so fallen in) which for them- 

selves beg for something to eat. See the Wy aS 
Yéih keng. 

To present, to give ; the same as jit é. 

an Placid and agreeable. 

An exclamation implying doubt, used as 
a note of interrogation. Ké soo che wiy 

Ey EW a fk, ¢% an néy kong é, 

is not this the meaning of it? 

$A. tainty as the above. _Kwun chod jin, 

AW & kwun chod jin yé BF \ fa, 
a -- NK i h chéy sé kwun chod dy ling é, chéw 

sé kwun chod dy lang yéd, is he a good man? In 
deed he is a good man! See the - aay Séang lin. 

Also an intimation of doubt and uncer- 

‘Wounded, cut, cut off; also smooth and 

easy ; a foreigner. Sod é pu Bs, all 
foreigners, barbarians from every quart- 

# tek che yéw kwun, put jé choo hay che 

vob 386 HK ZA AM WF BZ 

Fe WH, A ART Be, Pmeta gwd 





To Alt, , @ tek dy wos jin ewun, a” ch’hin eneo"s 
choo hay dy v6, even the foreign barbarians have 
their princes ; how unlike to China, which is with- 
_E. fy Séang Jan. 


See the 


out them! 
Goé é choé wily é che bin, cheng yéw 

BEA é kéw che bin 24 YJ Ff SEZ 
ipl. ‘fF Gi. 2K ZF], swe leah chd é woo 

sa meé"h kbh yeo"S dy mooi"S, cheng sé yew kap 

Strange uncommon, 

kéw dy moot"S, I thought that you would ask about 
some strange thing how come you to ask merely about 

yéw and kéw. See the ie adfh Séang lin. 

To draw towards oue; also clear. 


Light, to look lightly upon, to disrespect. 

Vulg. #hwae: easy, not difficult. Séaou 
jin hak td, chek @ sod. yéa JJw J 
TE HO) By EAU, 2 ty tang nate sip 
13 lé, chek Khwae sae yiing, when the common peo- 
ple are acquainted with virtue, they are easily go- 
verned. See the — =n Hay lin. 


times put for YA 


Le é Ak %, to remove. 

To arrive at, to reach to, to’ sailweuce. 
Ch’ham é B fi, mixed; also used 
for ye @, easy and pleased; and some- 

The name of a river, 

To be pleased, to be at ease, and con- 

tented; also early. FE pe # ffi, 
prepare, to provide. Yew é 8 é. 

undecided, hesitating. 

Phae kap bod sé é tae Fy A IEE BB, 

hae kah b6 chit sé éng kwa twa, T’haé-kuh was 

never for a moment unemployed and idle. 







Yit yéw yit ¢,. way choo hoé toe — WF ~ 7B. 
By ith Whe JE , enit ay hit cha chit dy wa hé, 
cho choo hoé dy hwat, toé, [ the Emperors ] by this 
one jaunt, and by this. one excursion became a pat- 
tern for the princes of the Emperor, See the 
or na Séang béng, 

Kwun choé, soo hwan, jé = héng che E y: his 

Bi TRG ZZ. worm chos 80S woo bwin ti, 

chéw cha chd téo"& 2 ¢, when the good man sus- 
pects that trouble is coming, he early provides 

against it. See the W im Ek. keng. 

» Many people. Song chea & @ héy Fe 
mitt 4 sit jitt AX | bin se"S dy ling chéy 

chéy léng, those who picked the mulberry 
leaves. were numerous, See the ey Bl Kok hong. 

ce The ancient form of, 2. é; 
tu. Trouble, labour. Bok te gné ee Fy 

FG Fi, 04 tang chae gwd ay teh, bd, 
nobody knows my trouble.. See the 

Jy He Sefou gnay. 

‘ng The same as FR é,. pleased, satisfied. 

Vulg. o&: a.yam,.a bulbous rooted veget- 
able;. the arum aquaticum. Sod chut 

sit’ @ séuk PAR fe SE AG 200, chut 

chétih 0& Kwa. tadu, the common soldiers ate yams 
and pulse. See the sp FE, S06. ke. 

A flag staff, a standard; used for ia e 
K’héet k*héet kan @, chaé chin che toe 



twa chit dy ké kw"a, twa té- chin dy toe yip, only. 

one single standard, at the capital city of Chin, 
See the [BY ff, Kok hong. 

» Pleased,. at ease;.expanded,. spread out, 


] EE 


Pe=y Praise, fame, a good! name; also pleased ; 
E Sel the same as & é. Léng bin léng @ 
Ee OP RA: fis ty mend sia, ti ty 

o lé, a good report, and a. good tame. 

> Slowly, to lead, to drag. K’hé kap é peng 

BAD ie cee EH HE, 

kak chéén kith, Uhwa lwa peng to jé chaéu, 

they throw away their armour, drew their weapons 

after them, and took. refuge in flight. See the E 
Tir Séang beng, 

Bw To study,. to labour over.. E géep yet 

ak, to study ina college.. Séaéu gnay 

& sam “> HE ves => sedou gnéy Chak 

s"a kwiy,.to read the Seaéu-gnay (the book of odes) 

three times through. 

Af, The joining of a_seam.. 

The binder part of a garment; posterity, 
E future generations.. Tek s@y hoe é re 

La HE hk #: tek héng sity lth kaou abu 

laé dy ké"4 sun;.virtue handed down to. succeeding 




Choé sun yin & + KR = a ké"d. sun hoé. &; 

sous.and grandsons to. the latest posterity. 
The noise made inorder to get children 

: Read yéén: a swallow. Né lam yéén 

pare te chos, gé lé4ng kan We, 3) Fi x 
o> fs BR [A]. me Mm hadu dy 28 a, 

tit king wa té ch’hod. né6"8 dy kan, the chattering 


swallows are tulking between the beams of the 

5 house... 
Bes Read yéén: a pill, a bolus. Yéak yéén 
ft AU > yth 088, a medicinal pill... 

EEH ] 

Read wAn: round. Sip gnoe yéa, gwat 

Eé"s twin wan = i. B. A Al lal. 

chap goé mat" giéyh eé"S teé8, in 
the night of the fifteenth, the moon is round 
and full. 

Read wan: round, globular. Kwuy 

ké hong wan che ché yéa 533) yo 
Fi BZ BAU, rw ve cvvhing 

se kak cé"S e€"& dy che hé, the compass and rule, 


have brought rounds and squares to perfection. 
See the — i Hay béng. 

Different, strange, uncommon, unusual, 


Reals also read @. Kwaé e@"S ying lek, 

P ~ , pééy Iwan che sod, kae hoo chod séy 
put sé PE eS HF AL FAK 
+ AR =i , kwae e@"8 ying béng, K’hwiy lat, 
piey lwain dy sod, chd pob hoo chod séy a™ kong, 
strange, uncommon, ferocious and violent things, 
together withrebellions and confucions, Confucius 

would never speak of. 

Read sé: a monastery, a temple. Kwan 

sé 4 +. kw"a e@"8, a inosatiery, 
Sé koé yin hong thap, téng he gwat 

vhoé léém Ae py Se Ft 32. Ke iit AG 
Fe> 02"5 ladu hwiin hong Chih, téng khang ae 
Vhaéu mooi"S lé, though the temple is old, t 

clouds cap the towers; and though the hall is 
empty, the moon shines through the door blinds,— 

pe Read yéen: ahall. Se yéén =e ees 

se eé"8, ahall of learning, a college. 

Hin lim yéen By A Wes, han tim 

eé"8, the Imperial College at Pekin. 

Koe kw4 yéén FINN mee Ibe koe kw"é eé€"8, an 

asylum for widows and orphans, 


Read ek: tripe. Te ek Re. te eh, 

Eth A= A pig’s tripes.. 

Q ise >< 

A lac; a hundred thousand. Séang che 

Ek sun ae ké eM put ek i Zz KR 

e a soe put che cm ek, the Aéaciiilesits of Séang, 

are not to be reckoned by lacs. 

dr». T°: increase, to add, to profit; a surname. 

aN Le ek Fil 4 4x > € yéth, gain profit. 

Yin yin é hay léy, ay stin ek k’hé te yéa 

Jide BH 32 Wich. Pt HA Gat OY FAL, 9m 

téabu than é hay tédou dy léy, sty sin sty ek Vhang 
chae, the Yin dynasty imitated the ceremonies of the 
Hay dynasty, and that which they added or dimi- 

nished can be known. See the i Fi Séang lin. 


Ek The. ancient form of es, ek. 

Ek azn A stoppage in the throat. 

Ek Rae The noise of laughing. 

Ek ay To hold, to grasp, to seize upon. 

e€ wod kéw e, yéd wod ling 

v To rest. on, to exceed; also, or, either, 
Ek au Kéw che ¢, ek é chee E57 G2 dep 

Bh A, 

hoé e, Does he seek for it, or does any one afford 

it him? See the f- 5 Séing lun. 
K’hwut ek jk dp, to ‘oppress, 

Trouble, difficulty; to be in straits. 

Kwun choo che ek é tin ch’haé che kan 
kwun chod dy chae tiyh, 

téung kan, the good man ( Confucius) was brought 

té\ tin kok cWhaé kok dy 

into straights, between the countries of Tin and 
Ch’haé. See the ai ta Hay béng. 


To be in Straights. Ek kéfng je putbion 

Wie BS Tih As HY, 09% aye tewd sing 

héung, jé bé hwan i6, in distress and 


poverty, without being grieved... .., 

A To remember, to think of. Ké ek ec Re, 

Ek 4} to remember. O’ngsoo-e he, yew ké ek 
4 A = “ 

INOS? GE SF fre Fi BBE HS. Hey one 

‘dy’ 306 chéé' chéd, -yéw' éy ke tit,» past events| are 

‘few and scattered; and’ yet oat are as it were re- 


The Sesh mee the breast, Ch’héog é 

ek tiy 5A A us ie #},, chhé" ad e sim 

Keo" a eg I beg to reply with my bare 
breast; an expression intimating uprightness and 

par ; 

Ek a: cord, a one 

| li Strong pig. 

A yoke, |), Poko tk é ky gnéw chéa 
Bk = SHE, FH enero 

The snes e calamity also a small 
» door. 

£06 dy, (apiece of wood) on which 
. they tie on the yoke, to. yoke in the oxen, ‘See 

- the ‘commentary, on the aD Aa Séang Ifin.., 

K Vulg,yéa: (red reo an suxiligey. ex- 
Ek vii pletive. Lok ek chaé ké Hag é. ‘ih 
De Fe H LHS SR, Phong lok yea ve 

6 ay tang e%, bidastite is also’ in the“ midst there- 
of. See the J Jy Séing lan. 
Put ek wat hos Ay 7h Me Pa ya ete he ho®, 
is it not also pleasing ? , 
A low state of the pulse ; also a iingace 

Ek ain” have a good appetite, and yet to 
continue thin, is called, sit ek BA ; 

! Ye 


Great, accumulated. ek ek léang san 

Ek } ZR Ze Wk ily , fod twa ledng sw", 

how great is the LéAng hill? 

To play at chess. Ek ch’hew thong kok 

Ek ye che séén ek chéa yee FE AX jh Bi 
Z Be DEH - ek éhhew Chong 

kok dy gaiu wily ké dy lang, Ek-ch’hew was the 
best chess-player in the whole country. Phok ek 

1 a to play at chess. 
ie Y zt A small curtain. Way ek ie FF be- 

hind the curtains, 

Ek (ok The samé the following. 
eoltan, Sweat, perspiration, Hwan hoe ’ké jéak 
ma TR 

iy oo PEE KZ Ht 
" tabu kew"4, bursting out, just like water was the 

kong kong. laju, cl’hin chéo"® chiiy dy 

The arm-pits, Ch’héen yang ¢he p'hé, 

Ek. ) put j@ yit hoe che ck -F. 3B pe 
LA i— wh rd We > ché"4 ch’heng 

yeas ay phity @™ tat teth chit dy hoé lé dy ek, 
a thousand sheep-skins are not so good as one dress” 
‘made of the fur under the arm-pits of foxes. 

To hold to grasp to seize ; a small, build- 

_,ing by, the side of the Principal house 

. ? is called ih Peck téng, and a wall 
on the side of a court, is called fi $8 ek hwan. 

Ek ies) The noise of any thing She 

ik Pail) The splitting of any thing with a knife. 
1m ihit HiLvyine in < 
bl . fo AL i lista 2 ; 

Ek $2 To split with a knife, to cut ont, work. 

To describe, to draw, to delineate, to 
Ek plant; also to define a limit, 
A==K sé sé ck patkwa Jo HE F-W8 E /\ 
# pabu he-sé-I’hé thabu wa pat Kwa, Padu-se-sé 

(or Hok-he) was the first, who describell the eight 
Yit ek — chit with, one stroke. 
Léw-biin-chéng wily tong ch’hek ck § yall ae at Ry 

235 os =, laou-biln-chéng kap ting ch'hele ek, Laéu- 
bin-chéng described plans for the Tong dynasty. 

kk = 


To translate, to explain any thing out 
of one language into another. T’hwan 
é hay che gan wat ek Rez 
a aH =, Choot"S hwan kap téng dy wa king kéd 

ek, to turn foreign expressions into Chinese is. call- 

ed ek, to translate. 

To rejoice in, to be delighted. Ké kéén 
Ek kwun cho6é, sé ke wat ek EE A A 
Ff. JE Be iP Me, kadu k’hw"d Iewun 

choé, sé ke hw"a hé, when we, see a good man, we 
may perhaps be delighted. See the ay Ate » Seaou 

To be displeased, and disgusted with. 
» Chad pé bod o@, chaé ch’ho6 bod ek 

te 1 BE AE WY, fh By, o ene 

taou b6 lang wan, té hé tadu b6 ling yéém, in that 


place there will be none hating us, and in this 

place, none disgusted with us. See the A 
Chew séiing. 

To spread out, to trace. Sim ek ae i 

to search, S06 ek B fe , to think of. 

U Wat jé pat ek, chéfing jé put kaé, goé 

bwat jé che hd yéa & é i) Ay Fe. ie if 
® tk. awe RS ee 

lin dy td, jé b6 806 ek e, bin chéng- than lan, jé 
Rha chéth adu b6 biéyh, kéy, gwd b6 hwat e taé 
wa, to appear delighted with one’s doctrine, and yet 


not to investigate it; to comply outwardly with one’s 
requisitions and yet secretly not to reform: —I do 
not know what to do with such fellows. See the 

8 An Séang lin, 




; “Ek keng Be, ‘yéih keng, the book 
Ek of diagrams, so called from the sixty- 
' four changes of the diagrams. A surname. 
To change, to alter, 'to exchange. Koé,che wily 
eb’hé chés, 6 ké séy yéw ek ké sty bed jy 
Wao th A TL Bt A SEE TB oe? 
yo vehd dy chd eWhe, thie dy sey woo, wae dy séy bé, 
icthe ‘ancients; established markets,in take 
~» that: which they. had, and, exchange. it, for what 
they had not. See 7 F- Béng chod, 


ma ‘A disease of the pulse; an‘ epidemic, 
a : ¥ v. Visi 


Ek A kind of insect. 
A pestilence. Wun ek Jo je 5 > wun yeth, 
Ek an epidemic. Bin bod yaou ek BR fie sii 

KE 5, path sat" b6 yaou sé wun yéth, 
among the Ke there were neither early deaths 

nor epidemic disorders. 

i 2 To serve, a servant. Ch*hae ek 3% 
Be ‘ 

cl’hay yétth, a messenger. Gay ek’ Fit ¢ pa ve 
‘pty yet; a police runner. Ek sod Rs 

te to employ. 

Ké pin k’hek soo ek kae Vhéen hay chin kéet 

fet Fe RA AOD BRR: «a tne: eng, 
saé yet dy lang, chd pod st Vhee"® hay dy chin kéet, 
his guests and servants all consisted of the mest 

clever men in‘ the Empire. ‘See ‘the he [i fis {ii , 

Tan é twin, 
- Ths The same as the above; also to guard 
kk the borders of a country, 
A wing; to fly. BE’ ek mM Be, wings, 
Ek feathers. Ch’hap ek ék hwuy put ch’hut 

Ls ta eee 

 poey béy ch’hut, if you were to stick on wings, you 
would not be able to fly out. 

4 vEK 
Ch’he’ chin, ek j& yea $69 SE FE Hn UH, , bin vin 

RE" jip cWhin chéo"S piey, he entered hastily, as 
See the [ Ey Séang lan. 

To shoot, with a bow and arrows. Ek 

hoé é gan Hy B fad Ke. chish chiy 

chedou kap gan, to shoot the water fowl 

it were flying. 

and the wild geese. 

Y To shoot. Ek put sek séuk at AR Ht 

4 » chih chee"S 6 biéyh chsh biy"h dy 
chédou, in shooting he would never let 
fly at a resting bird. See the ‘Et a Séang lin. 

YA To morrow. Ek jit KY H > the follow- 


ing day, also written A > ek. 

Ek A. post in “the ground, for: fastening a 
cow. to. 

iA YIU Another name for a ie Also, writhen 

IX #.. ek, 

Ek. ip, To change, to alters. the same as “oat 




Ek .) The name of a. bone, without . ‘socket, 

A post house. Ek to BE SEL » yeah 108, 
a post road, Ek mi BPE FR > yeah bdy 
’a@ post horse; to go backwards and 
forwards without cessation, is called 4% EE, lok ek, « 

Ek [ee The brightness of fire. 


To lead hastily along. 


, The: name of a bird. 

- ¥ 

The name of 2 hill, hear which Confucius 

was born. 


%e Read yéuk: to bathe. Séén yéuk vim %- 
séy eh; to bathe and wash one’s-sélf, Khong 

choé bok yéuk jé tedou 3L + yk 

itd [3 , Phong choo séy ek Jé tedow sng; Confucius 
washed and bathed before he waited on ‘the king. 



& flower, a. blossom; an heroic clever 

man.. |» Eng: héing He Hf 3 2 hero. 
Sék ch’ban h’hew, kéuk che Tok eng 

Be FE HK xj iv. je Be, mat"S inoui™® chéih 
coWhew kéuk Ay Ute hrwa,, in, the evening be swal- 
lowed some’of.the falling blossoms of the autumnal 

Tek théen hay eng chaé jé kadu yéuk che (e 
KDA BAZ, wor ence 
ay dy eng chat, jé ka. sé j26"F cWhE e, to obtain 
all the talented men in the Empire in. order to 
teach and bring them up, See iA + Béng chod. 

Eng kéet fe Be a hero, a. clever 
person; the same as the foregoing. 

x complimentary designation for elegant 

eas ap bright gem. Eng ke PRE, a 

precious stone. . 

The name of a fruit, said by some to: 
| be like-the plum, ‘and by others like 
the almond, 

ond Eng, thé::a.kind of peach. 



The harmonious singing of birds” | Hwat 
Eng on bok’ teng teng, néaou beng eng eng 
ch'hd, dy sé"a teng teng chédou hadu dy sé" ang eng, 
the noise of chopping wood sounded: like Teng 
teng, and the harmonious singing of | the birds 

: resembled the sound Eng) eng, 

Eng ‘Tong ye Ea a ‘stone relemblii 
gat i hee 

A. Bag haé ° Bt Gow a little child. 

5: |= a ‘pun against, ‘to encounter, t to raise 
4. ypi'l Hoéehod gé, bok cher kam eng 

ie jak HIE ZB ee wom 
re 90a nea, Doane KG hedn tédh, whena tiger 
is'‘crouching on’ thé hill, io’ one dares te encounter 
him. Manayade 


a wen ‘or other disorder ‘on the neck. 

A general term for jar ‘Eng hoe 7A 

oe, a Ke witha. a lees. sl and a 

small mouth, a 6 ; 

‘The ‘tassel, of, a cap. amici 

choé eng, vhéen cho ‘che 

sil a 

wan yéa 

AN, oe kin ang choé eng, sé, hong. téy w ‘Kin, a 
black cap with vermillion strings” ‘and tassels, is 

_ the cap of an , Saniper or. 

Eng HA 

Ornanients for! the; neck; & retritg ‘of 

beads <pang the neck. 

A parrot, Eng, bad | lng 
fb a pls eng bosidy Kite aah 
can talk. 

A phe beautiful bird; als called hong 

ley By Be. Cirek ge yea pihéng 
kan, eng so ch*hwan“léw te R A 



| ve Ff fay. iy iE & ign Jes ché"d cWheth 

téng dy hé 18d 18 phé6 dy kan, ch’hin‘chéd"S 86 
ay eng ch'hwui"S faduléw dy téy; the’ fishes of 
a foot long leap in the midst of the water plants, 
and ‘the beautiful ‘birds like shuttles dart to the 
deepest shade of the willow trees. 

The same as the above. — 

\ ' 

_ Birds of courage, such as the hawk and 

falcon, a ravenous bird, 
To die, to demise; used _todenote 
: the demise of princes ‘and. nobles, 

ew ee ey nes 
piyh kw"a téth ching hé hea’ ay 800, é Pre"a é 
hiding chaé "a neé"®, when a prince dies, all 

the officers should bring every affair, and listen 
to the orders of the prime ‘minister, for three 
years; (while the young prince is mourning for 
this father )< —< 



Eng The noise of many carriages, 

RA Clear, bright. 

2 , ; yh 
Eng kae ie g , ought, should. Eng 

tong Re = , Suitable, right. 
The breast; also to come again, to 

beat 5, also written Be eng. . Tek yit 
; séén, vchek k’hwan k’hwan hok 

ie hwut sit che é i — — 6. Hl AR 
Ee I ZR. tt 10h chit dy iy chek 

Hhwin Whwin hok eng, jé b6 a™ Keane é, when 
he obtained any thing good, he would Jirmly 
Said of 


clasp it to his breast, and not loss it, ~ 

BA fe] Gan hoey. 


Read’ yung: an ulcer, a sore. 
\ yung -suy’ thdng, 'sinvyang tok if 
EE i Be Fa WEE IF, ove oe 
vsuy Uh" a hah ye") yéo"S tok, to pierce the 
a ulcer though Painful, is better than feeding the 

poison. {x ey a3 4 

ooh haé iL x a'little child)-an in- 

fant;\ alse’ tovincrease, to’ encounter. 



Fs irom) 

Eng & 

, Always, constant, lengthened, lasting. 
te Bakr Ais ert E’ng gan 

Py be JR BB Gen hin 
Sale béng, always are ‘of arene with 

destiny... « . ln¥ cme ¢ 
E 453 The Name’ of a wood, of which flutes 
o otal 
ng can be made. ° Sy a 
ir’ The sharp- pointed beards of grain 3 any 
E ng thing fe an awl. 


u . nt OH 
Eng _— The same as the preceding. iv \ 
ny} Ge ae ee has, HE 
iy i ee ‘, be Seta ee ae Poe | at 
oh ; 41 
| (The name'’of & iwopd. SY 

of a distriet. 

‘The name_of.a, hills... 

Bg “an wahedaw. Je gag say hang 

E’ "s BF ait me REE FG, ernie crea’ ye"a suly 

og fe the’! ya wi re fad the 
‘substance. © 

Giwat @ hwa’ sag séang lan ‘kan- a FB y 
| + hal IF gityh! é Twa ye"dch6O"S) lan kan, 
the moon, throws the shadow- of the Havers upon 
the balustrade. 




_ The ‘name of a a vers also the name 



The same as the above. us choo séng 
chew, hwan hwan ké éng =F ae 

he fit PU LHL, ww ty 104 crzy 
chin, p’hoé p’hob e dy yé"d, the two children sat 
in thé’ boat, while their shadows floated. on thé 


. To answer, to reply =, to correspond to : 

a surname. Evng tap jé lew’ JE 
ay it. yin tap cWhin ché0"S chéiy tabu, 
to answer like the flowing of water, 


Soo é liiy séang chédng, seng é yim séang éng 

AA 0, BES) RT, oe 

“lily sé0 Chan, s8"a & yim séo ‘a affairs should 
be classed according to their sorts; and sounds 

yenece correspond to their tones. 

a Vulg. yin: to reply to & question b 
Eng gy Pty 3 ~ y 
So words, 4! ‘ 
pee Ns 
‘Eng YU Tae sound of hallooing. 

Read ying: a jar. Ying ch?haé #é aR 
éng. \cWhady,a kind of ae the 

seeds of which, were first} 

“Cochin-China in jars, se 
ee ir’ J 

Read’ ying: . to manure. the, ground. 

Ying téén ‘HE FE y engeedthdn, to ma- 
nare) the. tice fields To put earth to 

‘the roots of plants, 





Glorious, resplendent 5, aSwery 5 luxuri- 
28 os nae 

bright and glorious; a surname. 

‘Be ké Eng, séwkéi jauk Spt Reap At Fe 

chae wob;tng InwuillBy: toh chew e dy jéuh, ‘if-you 
would know what is glory, guard against disgrace. 

a — 

A 4 The shining‘6f*a lamp or sean ted: 
Eng 7 

yy Eng. kong 

doubt and suspicion. i\x 

ine 1 


a. |B 


“A grave, a tomb. . 

a busial place, 

A stone like.a gem, Séy; éng ¥ aR y 
a gem worn behind the ear, 

‘A fire’ fly. ' Hoo ch’hé hwa. wily eng 

B Hi Kt By aR nai". cWhiwhwa 

Cho’ hiey! him ch’hal®S, decayel veget- 

ables aré’"¢onverted “into fite-fliés. °°" 

ps To baild, to. erect, to: nile up. Eng 


Eng @ chay es 2 yond ‘chay, a camp. 


Eng To roll anything up; to suspend. 

A 4 = 

Eng @ To name of a water. 


Eng ae eddying of water. 
Water flowing back, the turning. ‘of a 
Eng TR ‘ stream. Also written fe ens, and 3 
Eng hilly places; ee written We eng. 
a Cheng éng IE Re tie: stupendous 
height of mountains. 

A 1) <) 
Eng i) K ‘The loftiness of a hill. 

Eng iin 


Léng éng i As , the deep recesses of 

D> rie great sea, the ocean. Eng chew i 
iH. the’ name of a place. 

A surname. 


8 ENG 

(/ ess Vlg. yél'd p to,win, to conquer, to get 

se Fig the advantage ; also superabundant.. Se 

eng be hywiin iby ilk K ip 5 soo yea 

» bbey chae, the vietory or defeatisnotyet determined. 
“Pull, replete. “Eng bwan BW. os 

mw"é, completely full- Cheng téy é 

ichéén, sat jineéng. yes Re Hh, YJ ik 
1 BEN LR eta tey teen Pas tang ee 

yéd, when contending for territory in battle, the 
slain fill the: country. See the! ~ Tt Hay beng: 
Sty kthé eng he. Fy Se GR HA, ay Rhé my"é 
\ -mooi"® -baé, may lucky isesens aig the lintel 
, of; your, door, 


Vulg.. ag”8: a, beam, a rafter. Ok éng 
BE ie, ch’hod , até, ane saGer of a 

house. “sh. fi 

Téén é léang éng che ins an #8 mA BR a + 

— fAl- le chey te nd dy ch’hod ais thy. kan, to offer 
a. sacrifice between the two beams ‘of the. house, ' 



. ft 

Eng | ordures. 

A Read han: leisure. Bod han 4 fal 
Eng b6 eng; no leisnre. Vit jit ch’heng han,” 

yitjit sien H iLife H Ah, 

chit jit eWheng. éng chit jit séen, one’ ‘day's clear 

leisure,. is one day’s heaven. 
£ kh.» To chaust, to sing, . Bele 
En Ee “eh cWhédng se,,to recite an ode.” # a 
kwny ak if Sit ch nore =& § tooi"®> 

ide chaunted odes as they refed: 

~ To dive under sBiriny Sachs ch’him 
é, hong che chew che, chéw che, chéw 

Bg. 7 
ké och'héén- 6, €ng che. yéw che 

e Pa HE z > chéw kadu e dy cliv’him, ying hwat 

The same as the above. “Eng than 
AK a ‘to sigh aid gas 


ying chin, chéw kabu e dy khin, éng e, yeéwe ly. 
te 2 coming to the deep’ ‘parts Cot ‘the ‘Tiv¢riowe raft 

oitand boat. it'} ‘and coming to the» Shallow parts, 
Wwe’ ‘may’ dive and swim. through "thems. * See the 

g id Kok hong, 
Jj yes % K; “4 i 25 om ik ‘ J ° 
Eng > pos T’heng eng yy 3. water still and clear,’ 
(Es | 

~~ la . ; 
Eng pK The name of .asacrifice, by which they 

* re * deprecate, wind and supplieate rains: 
hi LE ! 

Po grind and rub sharp instruments, 
in order to make’ oy brights Also 

“to adorn: 

Read: yang : the centre. Bang yang 

ip Te, tang os, ‘the middie The 
five cardinal points correspond to the 

five elements, thus. Téung yang a hong, 
bok, sey hong kim, lim hong eegK ong sity 

WF IK 10 ns Phot, Yeone cea X sae 
he kim, lam he"& hey pak he"& onty, the centre 

corresponds to earth, the east to wood, the west 
to metal, the south to. fire, and_the north to water. 


Read yang: the tendér shoots of corn. 

TU : ; 
Read: Begin ie. shade. Jin énge 

he NZ fk in lang a"S ches ch’ héé, 

the shadows of men are as (i. e.) 


| the, population, is thin. 

> ~ BE. éng ch’ham ch’hay, Hat. go wy B = 

~ G88 ch’ham cl’hay, the shadows of the trees were 
mixed ' together. 




| a 





7 @ats 

Read ae: to put off. Ae yeenko jit 

"PR ERY Fo en tly gh, v0 paw 

off and procrastinate day by day. 

‘Read aé’:-short..-. Aé tek TEA, éy dy,» 
‘ashort men;:a dwarf. 

Read haé: shoes... Ch’hwan hae 42 iE. 
ceW’héng éy, to wear shoes. 

mae ee 
= i To speak. stoutly. 

| aia léng :-to- be able; «may, -or can. 
Léng héng gnée chéa é Vheen hay, way. 

fe ine Ae Ap He IK 

f=. , 8 Ke" chéy got hang teChee"S ay, sé 
& é, Be that can practice these five things through- 
out the Empire may, be esteemed virtuous, 

Hwuy. wat léng che, gwin hak yéén JF H Ag 
a PA &: BB > -w™ cheng king gwé ty, gwan- 

bityh wh yéen, I do not say that Lram, capable 
but L wish to: learn. 

Read hwiy:-to beable.” Hwat k’han. 
Flin gé se, se yadu;tek hwiy héaouy 
ban gé put k’héhwat léak ké NA 

Be Pee re Ae Ts 

13° huodn Whw"a lan ge dy. cl’hiiyh sae 

S # i bin g& a” Phang hwut leak kidy, 

whosever ‘would look over the hook Jin gé, must 
te-able to understanding the words and meaning, 
and not .pass over. it slightly, 

4 Hy 
The hair dishevelled’ and in confusion. | Gaé RB hay BERR * pig 

Gaé Simple, ignorant. 
AR ) 
3 . The water’s edge, a brink, 2 shore,'a 
Gaé border. \ Jéak) séép 'ta® sty, kd bod 

chin gab 3 WE He aR Be Se 

FE. cWhin chéo"S kiey twa chiy, e dy béchin swe, 
like crossing the great, waters where Pere,’ is nei-” 


ther ford nor shore. 



The side or border of anything. 

a hill. 


To oppose, to os of. “Veen gat HE 
ve to procrastinate, , ' 

{ Mea ad 

alsuieoicsi ‘Of One's” Senses. 

int yar Jou ol ie x a ee ot 
Gae Stupid foolish, silly also written BR 
"The: eaitine Of ddgs. Sourav yéw 
Gas: koé, gaé igaé, tan hoe yéuk géet 
cia CART 

) pak kok wod kabu gaé gaé cha 
a wake bakes sein ha gwd dy) te, on the 
northern’ part ‘of thé suburbs there sare dogs fight- 
ing, and -quarrellings' every day wanting \to bite 
my pigs: Said by fee Of Kaw ichod. 

Gaé nee The appearance of dogs wanting to bite. i) 


Gaé ¢h’héy WE Ak, t6 fig eyes 

and ‘Ildok angrily at ones ‘aot, 

San gaé iy Eee sw"a gat, the side of 


To stop, to oppose, to hinder, to prevent, 

to limit, So6 put léng gaé A AR 
fic BE , st béy gae tédh, death cannot 
be ag 

Gaé wz, 

Gat =i ‘The same as the above. Lit gaé a Be, 
iy a hindrance, an abstraction. 
cu A hill, a mountain. Gnae s gak a ae 
Gak the five ‘mountains, a surname. Gak 
hod gak boé ir oe iG Fy}. téo"S 
_ ling ae é™, a father and mother-in-law. 

A mountain. Chaé hwa gak je put tehing 

AWE AR iT As BE tae hes ik 

' swa jé béy tang, (the earth) bears: up 


the large mountain without feeling the weight. 

Gak’ chok % i y an eagle. © 

Music. Gak yin ees 5 the sounds 
of music. Chok gak Ie oe to ‘o play 
Y _mnsies a surname. 
| Choa, wat, gee chod, woey hwan loé jeén hoe 
gak chéng +A 6K ERY 
; oh IE » hoe chob ing, gwd choo wiéy kok, L004 
laé loé, jéén abu gak ché”a, Confucius’ said, frobt 
the time that I returned from the “Waey. country 
to the ‘Loé country, the music was wéll regulated. 
“Sin je pat jt, je gak hd A Ti. hin 
rl, ling na b6 jin tek, ‘biéyh ‘hwat € by gak s"a 
meé™h taé wi, lf men are destitute ‘of benevolence 
what will become of their music! ‘See the te in 
Séang lin. 


The centre piece in a certain game 

Gak ef chess. 

» | cam AX Unwise; uneasy./ Fm EP 

Gam om i= 


. him. 



Lofty, high, dangerous; a recess in a 
mountain, a cavern. K’him gam RR |G 
Mig > precipitous, impending. -Ch’ham 

gam iy WK: lofty. 

San gim téep ch’hiy, yin séaou giééy Wy iii B 

BA Be FS Yh 3° swe gam: teep cWhany te bwin 

sédou dy gwa, the lofty mountains piled up in green 
elevations beyond the highest tier of clouds. 

WwW The same as,the preceding: also written 

gim, ye gam, and gam. 
uy P 

To talk in one’s sleep; to mutter and 

groan in dreams. 

Stupid, foolish. dng léng seaou gam, 


nearer rae 

sé6 Whwd gam, tan pai"® Chang iaé chan e, dng- 
“dang is a@ little stopid and T&n-pai"S can help 
(Said by the founder of a dynasty respecting 

tin péng k’ho'é choé che =F 

his prime ministers ). 
Vulg. oak chew : Gwan chek 
léng way ‘ch’heng pek gan bt $i fiz 

oof By Hf BAER. we"® otek sey cho 

ch’ hai"S payh dy bak chew, wiii™S-chek could 
make his eyes look both green and white. 

Gan ong soo haé fe ae yy ify , bak chew 

Khw"a Rhang sé haé, to have eyes that look empty 
the four seas; i, e, that is, to be so proud, as 

the eye. 

to see nothing’ valuable in all the world except 


I myself: also great. 

; Read géén: a maller. Gan sek Wt Ai, 
géng chéth, a grinding stone, a stone) 
for .gtinding or polishing; also to 


* | 


Yang gan fy, the countenance ; 

a surname. Gan sek ail f; the 

on BD appearance: a surname. 

Chéng gan sek, soo kin sin é JF cA (3 Ay 
ir {8 R, ché"a lin dy ‘gin sek, Chey, sé hei 

"Kin sin sit dy lang, Let us adjust our own outward 







appearance, and that will induce sincere people 

to approach us. ey 
om A word, to Cee to say. Gin ge = = 

= =H words and enon ‘Gan ats 

= ace Hid 


sim che seng yéa 
th. king wa sé sim kw"a dy me. words are ihe 
expression of the ages of the heart. 

Gn put k’h6 put sia yea = p B*A DI Ar bi i. 
king wa, a” Chang bb sey’ jé) in conversition we 

must not neglect caution. 

An elegant scholar. Pé ké che choo, 

pang che gan hey mit ZF. HH 
VAP tJ P, Wowut ley ¢ by Kea, pang 

dy hé' hak cl hayh ldng,! that son of his, is the 
most elegant scholar in the country. See the [x 

pit Kok hong. 

thing, a counterfeit. 

Gan gé aH pu 28 proverb. ‘Bos gan 

yew che Meigs Ay Zs koe cha dy 
Rye gan ge wod e, it is in, the. ancient 

proverb, &c. 

A wild dog found in the northern 

regions, like a fox, but #thaller, 

A high bank. 

A wild goose: also written KE Gan. 
Hong gan ¢ hwuy, ae béng gd gé 

va HE FFG, He he 


a vay a 
GAOU 182 GAY’ 
chéiih gan tit pwuy, ae ch’ham dy sta gé gé, the xn 
) ix : 
large wild geese are flying, and make a melancholy ‘ Abstruse,and minute; the eaciesit form 
noise altogether. Bee we ns At Seaou gnay. Gap ) of Ai héén, manifest. 
’ “ ° 
oes) Valg, wa: a brink or side a a river. 1" nv 
F _ Séen teng @ gan Se #3 Fe tae | A ; 
| seng pityh chéo"S w"d, he first arrived ai A high bank; the appearance of a high 
at the shore. 7 ! hill. ‘ 
m. 1 To condole with the prince of a neigh- é' 
Gan — : ome | 
‘py bouring ‘country under bereavements. Superfluaous bones, - ws 

. pies 
¢ » 
suite 7 

A false thing a counterfeit. 



Witeloe Kx ails ; the appellation of 

the azure, Emperor, who is said to 

Fir] : 
Gang wp 
itt Chew léy. ti 

eS High, lofty} also ‘bright. “Gang héng 

Ging | vp 

preside over eek spring. See the fai 

i 47 » gang ké"4, to. walk proudly. 

Chéaou gadu Ze SH, ahigh hill, the 
loftiness of a mountain. 

= ae héén: clever, skilful, intelligent. 
Héén jin a N > gabiu ling, a clever 
FL man. Héén choé & 5E; et chaot, 

to run swiftly. 


Soo mé hwuy tan Whim, k’him yim héang léang, 
wat, ch’héo kan pit yéw héén jin ch’héep théng 

Fal Wy Hie FS FS. TS 0 We AU 

My A 21 K Ed qa > 300 ma hwuy tw Whim, 

Khim dy sé"a hédng téang, chéw king, chéy léy 
woy pit wood gdou ling Uhaou thé"a;*when Soo- 

m4-hwuy was playing on his guitar, the guitar 

sounded loud and clear; upon which he said, there 

must be hereabouts some clever person, who is - 

listening ‘to the music. 

A tooth, a grinder. Shy wily, ch’hé bod 

gay, hd é ch’hwan gno yong HE =F A 

Preece: ee 

chiy & king nédou cWhée b6 ch’hiy Ikhé an chw™é 

eéy cWhwui"S gwd dy péih; who says that mice’ 
have’ no» teeth, how is it then that they have bored 
through: my wall. See the ait Kok hong. 

| Gay chéang Hf hee Jap >! a. general’s standard, 

Chok- gay, fF Ps to assist.,in making bargains. 

A bud, a young pie Béng gay BA 
oF > pach eé"S, to shoot out buds. 

Ne Gay bin al FA: ‘gly moot”®, w court 
of justice, a mandarine’s court. Gay 

ek Ry 4x > gay yétih, a police officer. 

Gay ea Bad teeth; the tooth : ache. 
Ly 7 a | 
1 i roy) 
s Ch’héa gay IRE ay: an exclamation of 
a t 
Mei 2 doubt and wonder; to meet. 
Gay = Géng gay if 4 A gina eh to peer 

to go forth to meet. | 

“'To' meet; © Pek’ Jéang 'gay. che BH PA 
al LZ ‘ché"a pliyh téo"B otha Phe 
gay e, a huidied tiariots went out to 


meet him. See the ve) i Séaou lam. 

Gay — and laugh at ary one, 

Ge LY 4 To smile. Ge ke ‘ch *heiou We We We FE 
in Ie ge ge cl’héd, to laugh, \to titter. 


Gl vel . i . 
Gé jin’ FR] A, the name of an office, 
something ‘similar’ to our master of 

« the horse. 

‘ " Great," magnanimous. ; 

it it 
The same as the above; also a wounded 

-E. appearance. 00... 4 

To converse; discourse, talk), - Séuk gé 

N abe a proverb.” Sit put gé, “s 

put gan BH ae We AB 

b6 gé lin, Khwun bé kong. wa, he would oe 
couverse at meals nor talk in his sleep, Said of 

if Séang Jin. 

G6 gé ie “9 » flocking together, getting 

Gé =. 

Confucius, in the 

together into a,herd. 
To deliberate, to judge; also:to compare, 
Gé “alike. Gé che, j@ hoé gan Ht Zz it 

BB: sint-géé, jéén abu kong, deli- 
erate and’ thet speak. ' See the J} fit Yéuh'keng. 
‘Kwan téang séang chéy, ¢ ch’hé’ gé é Kwon Ge fh 
iH HF. % Bie I #B: kwan léing sédng chéy kok, 
_, eWhéa cWhée gé pé e by Jin irwun, when Kwan téing 
was prime Minister of the Chey. countrys ‘he equalled , 

the prince in extravagance. wr FS 

To compare, to-dssort; also to usurp. 

Gé jin pite kedan fie K Ws We 

s AiG, P& Be lang, pit teh ehedow ¢ by Tan, 
in’ assorting men, you must hes = according 
to their’ relations, 



Gé & Luxuriant, abundant. 

Gé cin Léng gé ia A, a prison, a place of 
jie confinement. 
Gé An instrument’ of music. 

A boat at anchor, or tied to the bank. 

Oe kang téng téang, gé ee Vhaé hang é 

oe kang dy ie té6"8, pat che ling Vhaé hang ‘: 
the head of the station at the black river had prepared 
a boat at anchor,!to wait for Hang-é. She the 3H 

WA Ke Hang é ke. 

Vulg. héa@: an ant. Pek gé =) De 
piiyh héd, a white ant, Baé sé4 héang 

chaé séang che hok, kéw gé téilng chong 

gwin che swin HB iy EF SE AA jig he HE 
ft AR FG ZL, BB > tae cht ty hedng chad seang dy 

hok, kéw héa @y téing chéing gwdn dy kéng, he who 
buries a snake will enjoy the happiness of a prime 
minister, and he who saves an ant, will be selected. 
to fill the highest literary rank. 

To fasten a boat to the shore, to bring a 

Ge boat to shore, 


To stop, to hinder, to restrain, to oppose. 

ov AED Shy léng gé che Fi Be aD Hy » che 
chity éy gé ché e, who could stop them? 

thy as kong 806 ko k’bek gé tek @ bé séang 
Rey 2 8 UU e ee 
bin Kong saé ko Whek gé ché tek hwan té hé séang, 
Tai"S-bin-hong sent Ko-k’hek to stop the progress 

. of the barbarians upon the banks of ~ riyer, See 

the Ar ilt Cho twin. 


ch 184 

PoP The Imperial gardens, from “which the 
Gé K yy people are restricted; also a railing made ~ 

of split bamboos, for inclosing and 
feeding fish. 

v2 That which is right, and corrects usages, 

Gé = 

observances, ceremonies. Yéw wuy k’ho 

wy, yéw gé k’ho séang AA: BB By ea 
A 5 By Re F woo wuy hong UVhang hoe lang ké"a, 

woo gé ley Chang cho yéo"S, he has dignity sufficient 

to inspire terror, and manners that may »be set up 

for a pattern. 

imal celebrated 
Gé Ee Cea a BA Be an animal celebrate 
for its virtue. ; sf 

Wi delight. _Kéaing hwan ‘kek gé 
Gé « ue eK Hip We , kédng» hw" hé, kek gé 
lok, to exhaust pleasure, and carry delight 
‘to. the utmost. sli 

pa Snitable, propery’ Ought, should; also 
Gé EL written e ge. Ch’hé' soo hap gé, wily 
che a8 Pt SE GZ EM 
300 hap gé, king kéd gé, to settle affairs according to 

that which is snitable is ‘called’ righteousness. 
Yin sé ché gé 18 | AE Hie tt jlytnl ise clvhong: séy 
éng kae, to do that ‘which is Be ines ‘aceording to 

the time. 

Vulg. hé, a - a surname. Gé gno séy 

4 lee * rr 4 
ce Ry vik 6 AK AL 
dyyy Fish is what T’am fond of. See 

the ra F-, Béng choo. 

Sek chéa yéw kwaly seng gé é tang choo san a 
Ay Gi AE £8 HAS FH, oben ait we 
Jang sang with hé hoé tai"& chod,sén,\on a former day, 

one presented a living fish to Taj"S-choo-san, ‘See 

the a +, Béng choo. 

» To fish, to catch fish. “Gé jin, 0 K. 

Gé */¥ a fisherman. E’ téén é'gé, yh {ii yy 
boar wa.” ph Tah wa 2. hé, to hag 

hunting and fishing. 

are deceitful. 


Vulg. ging: stupid, foolish ;also used for 
the first personal’ pronoun, in polite — 
n> writing. 
Koé che gé yéa tit, kim che g@ yéa chay He LZ 

mi a. 4 =) 2. Bh FE. koé one Agegel 

ling tééoé tit, tong kim. ay gde. lang piyh ch’hat, 

formerly stupid people were honest, but now they, 

See tee —T am Hey lane a 

A ras an angles\a part. Ké yit ge, 
— fH. to allude to a part. ‘Kong 
ll che hay, ché é haé gé, HK RK 

y ~. zz Ws 4 ee Vhong Uhee"E dy hiy,che 

kaow haé kak, throughout the whole Empire, even 

if] ee Seo" "ge. 
The shoulders. Tong gé yeas my k’hé, 
oe LB Bs HS FA ia is, 2% feng ehadu, 

téth ying ho dy ke Whe, for the should- 
ers we should use something handsome. {Speaking 

to ihe corners of the sea. See. the 

"of dress). See the #38 ff Ge ley. 

Ga vs Géé NB 18 , be name of a ae where 

‘the sun rises, | 

.° Vulg: ge gnaé: to doubt, 'to hesitate, te 
a to hein suspense. _Gé soo bin 
ing ey fi. woo ge gnaé- chéw sé0"6 

-moo"S> haying doubts, think of making. enguity. 

To bin k’hwat gé, By. fal kd Fee. “ohéy thea 

Whwat-twan gé gnaé, in hearing much, decide those 
things which are doubtful, See the i: 7A Séang 


Kéw ge, JU Be, the name of a hill in 
the ait BR , hoé kong, Ereunce- 

To. be pleased, to rest, satisfied ; to think 

= / of, to: examines a surname. Pa chéa 

che bin, hwan: gé jé yéa, af z. 
Fe tk ji3 yn Ww, pa chéd dy pbyh sai"S ch’hin 

chéo"S hw"a hé, the subjects of a despot are as ity 

ay 4 GE 

were pleased and satisfied, (for a ‘tines . See the 

- ih Hay béng. 
Tong gé It Ie, the appellations of Sefton sid 
Ri sin, two ancient Chinese Emperors, who flourish! 

ed about the time of Roah. | 

Gé Gé pfy HY IP the name of a fait 
Read 8 <P 

| To lodge; to. dwell ; to entrust to. Ge séy 
mest ie a lodging place. Bod gé jin 

@ gd sit, fu 35 fd FREE, a™ 

Phang hoé lang hitynh gwd’hod, don’t let any 
‘one lodge in my house, 
Ley hoé sit kok, g@ ke ¢ wey 32 fie 7K fal], 
en NG ity hot wit! kok, chéw hiiy"h Whee 1 wity, 
when the Prince of Léy, lost his kingdom, he dwelt 

for a time in the wééy country. See the a pic 
' Kok’ a . 

To fearks Ge ge ch’héaou, te OR B: 
Ge 2," eo ch’ _ to titter. 


/, =! 

The same as € gé to lodge, to dwell. 

pon a To speak to, to converse, to discourse 
os SP. with any one. Chos gé loé Vhaé soo 
“De set FRG AME. 
fire choé kong kap loé Chae 800 gak’ kéng, Confucius 
discoursed with the great music Master of the Loé 

: country about music, saying &c. See em > 

Séang lin. 
To harness horses, and put them toa car- 

riage. Lim ho®, jéak héw sek che gé 


, Keng kin, ch’hin chés"S wod yang nwa sth saé 
lak chéth bay, be as careful and fearful, as if you 
were driving six herses harnessed with a rotten repe. 

See the ffi] GE , Séang se. hae os 
Righteousness, equity; the same as EF 

Ge = gé; also written ie 




ge. Jim jia chéa, 

chéng ké gé, put boekele 4- /\ Hf, 


i aE # BH. BE Fil , stn tek dy lang, cl’ hing 

“i ché"a e dy gé, b6 bityh bod e dy lé, a truly benevol- 
») ent, man will exactly. conform ‘to righteousness, 

without speculating for gain. 

To deliberate with, to'take counsel with, 

liga = ‘to 'discourse with. Gé lin ae = 5 800 
5 né6"S, to consult with. 

Soo ché é to, j@ thé we e ok git chéa, bé ehéuk & 

ge yee EE DAG Wik 8 A HB BH. 

sk jE ft ae ag fio ch’hityh ling. sim che té ta, 

Jé seitéu léy prha"é yin. ché6"S phaé chéth dy ling, 

 chéw a” chétk kap e gé lin, when.a scholar pretends 

to have his mind bent on the right way and yet is 

. ashamed of bad clothing and bad food; he isnot fit 

- to be deliberated with. See the fF if Séang lan. 

= Righteousness, equity. » Jia, gé, léy, te, 
sin ‘= 5 ie a 43 benevolence 
righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and 
truth; (the fine cardinal virtues. ) 
Ong bd pit wat 8; ck yéw jin g@ j6-6 8, FE fo 
“ah VA AS AEB BR oe 
saé t&0h king lé, yéd wod jin, gé lé"a 12" 4, why must 
your majesty talk about gain; Ict us treat of 
.. berievolence and righteousness alone. See at F, 
Beng choo. 


+a Kong gé pil] $x , beld and-dating, coura- 




Yee poche i ie lim dy sé téth 

gé sé péng yéw, in drinking we should wait. upon 
our friends, i 

Thong ge € ley $57 GR SE fy) ching twin ¢ 

laé, to regulate and manage every thing imthe universe. 
Hwan té ge é ie PE “i: hwan té tit saé ahs rhs: , 
té was driving the ctrrisge 

To wait upon, toénter, to lead, to rule, 
“to regulate; to ezicourage; also to drive 
a carriage, any thing belonging to the 


NQUEP To treet with. Ge chek FB FE | 10s 
Gé ay téoh, to fall in ‘with. Gé choo tée iia 

ah Ye tod téth té loé; he met him in 

A. punishment, consisting in cutting off 

J\2 26 Whe with ling dy phee"’, do 

not punish men by cutting off. their noses. See the 
SE song 
if = Séo"5 se. 
BY To open the ‘mouth wide. Jé k’hoé 

hae géd gta nT] Be OF Uy. 

ch'hin chéo"S cWhhy Whwuy ‘géd géd, 

Jiké the’ ‘mouth opened wide.: 

1? Goé kong He. a, géa kang, a centi- 

Géa pie 

pede. The Chinese say that it comes 

out in the spring, and disappears in 

‘the winter; at every joint it-has feet, with a double , 

beard, and a pointed tail; and. it is by nature 

afraid of spiders. 

The ndme’of an insect, « Laigéd Ye iB. 

La gt se Ye WS YR a 
spiders web. 
Read tée: to carry between two, Taé 
Géa ae but 5 By gtd me&"Sh, to carry any 



a spider. 

Read géng: to meet, to meet with, 

Ge" 4 31) Géng  chéep sue FE » gé"4 cheth, to 
rt i greet. 

Sdng ‘ong! géng laé, kay séén jé Keng put léng, 

“s6y 6 jew wan jin yea JE EE FON AR, FF & 
Th) A HE, VARA Ah, oe 
éng gé"4 laé, 0 16 hé jé keng lin béy dy lang, ‘sty 
é jew hwit"S dy lang, to ‘accompany those, who, are 
: departing, .and to meet those who are arriving, 
to encourage the good, and pity the incapable, is 
the way to éonciliate people at a distance. 

“1S To open, to partasunder, Géth k’hwuy 

dak Fd , to spread’ open, 


the nose. Bod. hek gé jin 4m: By Bi) . 

se ia 


Ge ih To open out the legs. K’ha géth ’hwuy 
ig sia He BH to spread out the legs. 

a ie That by which we frighten people. 

To oppress, to tyrannise; oppression. 

Géak chéng’ EE ye an oppressive 

government, Pd géak iz jE, to 

“oppress ‘violently. 

Put kaod jé@ sat, wiiy «che géak Ir Bl im 4 
5 we E, a™ ka jé-that king kéd géak, to 
put Teme to death for crime, without first 
‘See the 


: instracting ‘them is. ‘called oppression. 
- aa Hay lin.» 

A fever; a disease in which there is 

a hot and cold stage. 


pes A small kind of bell, with a long 
Géang Beek. 
s To hold up the head; a surname. 
Géang 1] Géang séw MN a , Ma Whe thasu, 

to-hold-up the head, Géang k’han 
{fy , géang K’hw"d, to look up. Géang bong 
AN wy ; to hope. 

| Géang chéuk ¢ s00 hod boé, hoo chéuk é 
héuk ch’hey choo ftp i yy Ba em VT 
RE VJ 3 a +, t"a Khe Chaébu hw" a éy 

, jkaduré hok, saé pay boé Khoa Whlae, dylikasu 
é-cWwhé boe ké"a, in Jooking upwards to have 
sufficient to serve one's parents with, and in 

_ looking downwards to have enough wherewith 
. . to feed one’s wife and children. See the aw ihn 
Séang beng. 

Khong géang WE Wee the ‘Tofty. 

appearance of hills and mountains. 





> \ 
To rely upon, to help, to supply. 

To call. 

The name of an ancient Emperor. 

Gefou é put tek sin why ké yew 


gedou yin wiy béy til téth sim chd ka té dy 
hwin 16, Gedou because he could not obtain 

’ such a man as Sin, made this: the subject of 

his grief. ; 
Chéaou gédou Ht. {iz > anation of 
" dwarfs, said to be only three feet 
high. | 

Chéaou (gifou’ ite JE, the lofty 
appearance of hills. 


y Fire wood, to collect fire wood, a 
wood cutter. San @ choe gé4ou 

Bt) PA A SE, moot"® Kap krcah 

| | haba chéth ch'hé dy lang, to enquire of the 

pis EL wood cutters, \ Sce the Ay Me Sefou 

} To, scrape. 

‘To hold the head high; also to respect. 

Géém jéak S00, fied Fs respec- 

ful and thoughtful.” 

gtk taé ch’hé4 géém A K H dot sek twa 

hewa kwdn, Sreat and tall. 

us vu 200 

‘To examine, to’ verify, to fulfil, to 
accomplish; also written E> Géém, 

‘Hadu géém’ By iN > the fulfilment, 
‘or accomplishment of w ‘thing: 



K’hé bin ché géém béng pek H fel via ue 

hd moot® ty géém béng pliyh, to 
A A 

examine and scrutinize, and ascertain a thing 


Rigid, severe, strict; to give strict 

orders; a surname. Chong géém 

tt i severe. 
Way géém kx hives dignified and stern, Géém 
kin Wk ae > rigidly careful. 
Géém, gé put kam ch’héng bic In AR fk aA? 

géém dy st, gwé d™ kG chhE"4 moot"S, while 
you were thus rigidly strict (in your mourning ) 
I did not dare to make enquiry. See ia Ff 
Béng choé. 


Wine of great strength ;. very strong 

Géém ; 
San géém jl) J, sw"e gdm, the 
Géém recess of a hill, or cavern.| Song 

choo he séen seng chaé tong cho6d 
gétm chod se Ae Ae Ft FE HE AE I 
it & > sdng tédou choo he sin sai" té 
tang 4 géém chod ch’hityh, in the Sdéng dynasty 
the teacher Choo-he wrote a commentary on 

the four Books; in the recess, of a cavern. 

( ‘ 
is A burnisher, or polisher. Géén pod sek 
Géén hf BF Hii A 8ne poe chéth, a smooth 

stone, for glazing cloth. 

Léuk thae ch’ham say hoe gees séang 45h a 

KR % Ff. Wt “Bs ch’hai"S lek dy thé cl’ham 

say té@ géng chéth téng, the green moss grows 
thick upon the polishing stone (owing to disuse). 

"The tecth, bare, and sticking out of 
the mouth. 

To litigate, to strive; to contend at 

Geén y To grind, to break. 

Ee i. >>. Thin, meagre, shewing nothing but 
Géén vin the bones. Also written Fa geen. 
P A’ phéén géén te KH Fk , meagre 

through being adicted to opium. 

ES To flatter, to admire, to applaud; also 
wise, and cortented. _ Géén ch’héw 
WT AR. ch’ hin ch’ hat"S. kwa k’héep sé, 
beautiful and ugly. 


Geén Phe name of a_ hill. 
’ . 
Géén y ope name of a‘iver. - 
Geén ‘To examine, to exhaust; also to grind. 

= a= Drunk with wine; to be overcome 
Geen nha with liquor. Tim ‘géén tim hong, 
put .k’hé kadu € to, put k’ho jé 

é tek, Ye BE Wk FE. A> AT Be GE. AN 
By var VJ (i, thm gin tim hewui”S> 05 Chang 

ka é 3, bb Phang jé € tek, when a man is im- 
mersed in wine, and dissolute in-his conduct, 

it is impossible to teach him the right way, ’or 
to make him understand virtue. 

. Ke géep 3 wey a foundation, Sod 
Géep géep Hy x, a business, an imploy- 

ment. San géep wese, a patrimony. 

Téén géep a 
Re Be nan estate, family property. ; 
Sod léng kong séang, bin che soe géep —- RB 

LP RZ, Po 2 nak cnrntyh chon ethan 

schd kang, seng lé; pdyh | sai"® dy sé géep, learn- 

3, ch’ han géep, afarm. Kay géep 

ing, agriculture, manual laheur, and trade, are 
the four common employments of the people. 




Kwun choé ch’hong géep, shy thong way k’ho 
key yea FEF Pil Fe. He He HB PY HE tL 
kwun chob ch’hing géep, sty Ching éy Chang sto 
swa, the good man lays the foundation of an 
interest, the clue of which may be handed dower 
to posterity. See the hi Ta Séang beng, 

Géep To Sead. : 


Géep The name of a place, 

Géep Se jeining ef a seam, in the repair- 
i: ing of a garment. 

De , To bite, to gnaw. Bod géet Awut 

Géet He fA ef a Chang ka Iewut, do 

. not gnaw the bones, (in eating). 
See the jf SU Ley ke. 

Jam The son of a concubine, the fresh 
buds of a tree, trouble and calamity ; 
also luxuriant. and full. 

Tok koe sin géct cho6, ké ch’ho sim-yéa gwily 
ké lé hwan yéa ch’him iy nh Fy: 

v Pea 
JEG HC. BB Rohe 
dy jin sin, sey € dy ké"d, e dy clvho sim kw"a gwity 
héém, e- dy lé hwdn 16 ch’him tim, only forlorn 
Ministers and illegitimate children, maintain their 
purpose with peril, and concern themselves about 
trouble deeply. See the tn Hay béng. 

aft eas = 

Hwuy bod béng géet che seng yéa JE ae BA 
BE oy” HE FE: a™ sé bb paduh eé"& dy sai"S> 
there is no want of the production of buds and 

Then chok géet, yéw k’hd way, choo chok 

géet, put k’ho hwat K 4z 3 a Wy ie. A 
UE BE AR DY YF. chee® cd v0d- yea Phang 
why, ka t ché 300, b6 Uhang with, when Heaven 
sends down. a calamity, it may. still. be borne 

y vals 
up against, but when we bring the ‘calamity 

on ourselves, there is no escape. 

Géet The rules of archery ; law, a rule. 
The posts of a door. Géet é loéy 
Géet kw" a jin ché che rey ars . AK 

[el 7 ie al mooi"’ de dy 300, guid, ke 

té, ledou lé, i the business within doors, I my- 
self will attend ‘to. 


* K’héuk géet HA ie . pityh Phak, a 

Géet . a 
substance used in fermenting liquor. 
Seang geet BE, ch'neo"S gece, 
Géet a scorpion, also aly thing strange 
and uncommon among birds aad 
beasts, is called 4 géet, 
The | buds sprouting out ofa tree, 
Géet after it is cut down. Beng géet 
' 3) ae »,, Pacith eé"§, young buds 
shooting up. 
Géet Géet gwut BG ie. utieasy, Hazardous. 
A water bird; also the eiickling of 
Géet geese. Oc ying ‘sé géet géct chia | 

Why’ cline BA 8 Re 

Bi wm cho s"a meet"h yling chéy ley géet géet 
dy meth. chaey of, what) use it this cackling 

thing? See the kb Th Seng béng. 

(2 oa To proclaim; great; to move } uneasy. 

The rugged uneven appeatgusd of hills; 

= also high, lofty. 
The forehead ; the part below the hair, 
Gek and above the eyebrowsysis called 

tend Y 


189 GENG 
» The same as the a@bovel Séng 
téung h?6 kong bé, soo hong ch’hé"a 

BEY iain ck Be bE, DU 
Tr He Hi, Wea tang. 2" Wb Whaith dy dak 

baé, sé kak kwé kaéu pwa heah, in the city 
there is one with fine broad eyebrows; square, 
and ‘also “half way up’ the forehead. 



Gek A seam, 
—, A bird with fine feathers; also called 
Gek Aa chin choo key ia BR FB, , a pearl 

spotted bird ; so called from itscolour, 

Vulg. kityh : to oppose, to resist, to 

strive against, also to meet. Gwan gek 

7 i, stubborn: Péey gek 7 pi, 

poéy kityh, tebellious. 

Put sfin hod boé, wat gnoé gek AMAR Ff 
| PF > a” sin pay boé king gnoé gek, to 
be disobedient to parents is called rebellion. 

“To vomit. 



Géng Short, dwarfish, Géng ché ER Hi , 

a trough for grinding medicines. 

BY To meet, to go out to meet, Put 
Géng chéang put, géng 7 PR a. 
. a™ sing a™ glean Rither to 

accompany, nor to go out to meet one, 

To freeze, to cougeal: Sod koé géng 

song fl Me BERG ha ch’héw ging 
ché"d se"8, the limbs all frozen to ice. 
Vulg. gnay: hard stiff, dlibetiding. Se 
Kwiy soé géng, hong ‘t'hong sin 
2 ET By, séa jé 
kway chat sin gnay, ch’hé"é Vhong sin, good 
“Writing should be “meagre and stiff, ahd then it 

* will’ display’ the spiit' of ‘the ‘character. 

eo | 


» Tee go out to meet. Chrhin geng chek 
tek ch'hey, put chia eng y ehek put 
tek ch’hey, pit ch’hin géng hoe 

1: SE. A ABLE SU AN 5 32. le 

5a 0 #.» cWhin gé"d, chéw éy tit téth boe, a™ 

cWhin gé"a chéw héy tit (dh boé, pit tétth ch'hin 

“Geng 4. 

gé"a@ hoé, if only, when we go | ourselves to meet 
her, we can get a wife, and if wer cannot obtain 
one without going in person to receive her, then 

ought we not to go in person ¥™ 


Read jeadu: a cockle. 

A gem; @ precious stone, 

5 ¥; a precious gem. Yéw bé 
géuk & soo Fy Se ETP i, wood 

ho dy géuk té chéy léy wily, There is a beauti- 

full gem here. 
Sty hwaé choo jé ch*hwan mé, sek ‘win géuk 

chek san hwuy 7K hee EK if i‘ i B 
ae Al hy Hi. chiy Whe"& ehoo jé ch’hwan 

kwui"S, chéik tey géuk chek sw"a hwuy, when 
the water contains pearls, the stream will be bright 
and when the stones conceal gems, the moun- 

tain will be resplendent. 


2. wR A prison, a place of confinement, 
Géuk = those confined therein ; eases. of litiga- 
4 =K tion. Hay géak PR fit Whk"a hoo, 

to pe in prison: 

Ok lok téy géuk pe BB Ye Hh Ek, pha"é ih 

téy géuk, the wicked go down into hell. 

Hard metal ; precious. 

Prhéén gan k’*ho é chéet géuk chéa, ké yew yéae 

FETA AH bw sa, 

chit kod wa thang laé p’hw"d twan gtuk séing dy 
lang e sé yéw té"a, té"4, with one word to be 


P6 géuk? 


_able .to decide cases of litigation; it is only 
Yéw that can do this, See the ~P aig Hay lin. 

Lahorious,., wearied ; the name ofa 
4 a ; 

Gea Ikki A king of jointed bamboo, of which 
mare ar walking-sticks: are made. 

Great and manifest ; ahs 



virtuous. Géfing géing gang gang, 

jé kwuy jé chéang Fe a Fie i Fh. 
vy +: yn je, twa twa kwui"S Iewui"S ch’hin 

chéo"& kwty kap,chéang, bright and, brilliant 
ike pearls and gems. See the Ny HE Séaon 
gnay. ; 

ms The name: of a Bill. svt 
Fo wrangle, to strive, to -contend, 
ee Géy sting fal A, to quarrel. Heng 
téy géy éch’héing, goéy gé ké boo 

Wi Hs Ure) TA es hs BR SG fg nate te wan 

kay té lade bin, gwa bin hoé lang bod han, when 




brethren quarrel at home, the people: abroad 
will. dispise them. See AN HEE Seaou gnay. 

To look angrily atany one; to behold 
with displeasure. Sod bimgéy géy 

jéén (gi iz i HR My > saé piiyh 

sai"S sim hoéy wh K’hw"d, to make the people 
_E Fa Séing beng. 
To look askance, to look slantingly 

at anything. Géy jé sé che Hee iff 

He ik 2 , to look askance at it. 

2 2} To go to, to proceed towards, to visit 

a place, to proceed far in learning, 

Pe is called 533 \= ip ch’ho géy. 

look at one with rage: See the 


Gy = 


Tae: éng géy. téang an KG i Be ; 
tae ong Khe kadu tédng an, Tac-b0g paid.a visit 
to. Téang-an.. ; : 
, Not to 
The same sees eh 

look straight.gat anything. 

Twan géy ia {e, rank grave, decor- 
vous. Ma. géy Fee ARF old it young, 
a surname. 

Hwan ké mé géy Km no vii fi Iwan th tooi"S 

e dy labu lang seivou Téén; to send back their old 

men and youths, See the Rs im Séang beng. 

“Chin gey Eh ,2 

~“Avrainbow, © Jéak tat han, che bing 
yin’ gew yaa FE KE 
ith cl hin chéo"® twa wa dy 
bang hwdn k’héng, like as when a great dearth 
expects. the clouds and rainbow. : 
Ae fawn,.a youngstag, Soée¢ géy kéw 
Qs RB, kip piiyh s™a th 
ch’heng lik ké"d dy héw, with white 
clothes, we- should wear fawn furs. ; 

#@ transverse beam in front of a car- 

riage. Taé ke bod.géy, séadu ke 

JUS bod gwat, ké-hé 6 héng’che chae 

Fe He Me Wi A> HE OL BL SI 
Z. FR, twa cWhea 06 gly, wey oWhEa dO gwal,, 

' -e &y an citw"d, hed; a large carriage without a. 
~. pole, and a.small carringe without a, yoke—how 
can they, travel!’ . See the £m Séang lin.. 

An ignorant appearance. . 

To cut grass: also. to regulate.- 

kid of liom... } 













An art,.an employment, w Bey =F 
He, ch’héw. géy, a. hand ere ia “Léuk- 
ans gey A Ee the six arts, Chie gey 

> talent. 

Ae ‘ 

Kéw yéa géy, & chédng. chéng w> 

tH SE AEF 0 A eh phe cr 

1é chéing chéng sod, woo s"a meé"h dh, Kéw is skilled- 
in the arts,. what difficulty will he thén_ have in: 

following up the business: of goverment, See- 

the Ad ait Séing lin. 

Po plant,.to sow.. Hoé chek kadu bin 
Kay sek, se gey gnée kok BE HK 

R Be Ha tet ak RK, hoe chek. 

ka pilyh sai"® kay sek, sé-chéng gnoé kak, Hoé-chek, 
taught the people agriculture and the piivting of 
the five kinds.of grain. s 
An ancient prince,. who was-famed ' for 
his skill in archery. A surname. Géy 
séén sta. ae iy > gey gabu chih 

cheé"S, Géy was skilled. in archery. 

To, hold down. the. head. and, walk, 
quickly. . 

Po sing, tohum. Gim se mse. to 

vA recite odes, E*'st jé gim fer iy ifs. 

ts | [> wd ch’héw jé gim, to lean against: 
a.tree,.and hum a song, 

The, same. as the preceding. . 

. An hill, that is bigh and conical;. a. 
os ) surname, 

‘ ‘The: lees: or sediment.of any thing’ alse 
% 7 written Mg gim. 

All standing together ;: also writhen MR 
- gim;.the same as ae chéung; all. 




. High, ‘lofty. 

Gim. kay. HP B , stone steps. . 


To hold firmly, tograsp. Gim cane séw 

Pe i. gim é cl héw, t0 to grasp 

in the hand. mje 

ae +e 

To open the mouth wide, ‘and’ laugh. 


A PR Large thick’ lips: 


Silver. Pek kim why che gin s Ay 

y : Fig fas GR ‘pltyh° kim. kong kee gin, 

a gold is called silver. See the 

i TE Jé gnay. 

$2 taé bod gin, ké séadu bod ley ah 
Aq 45 RE ob AA a we 

66 kae, e dy séy bé laé, it is so gréat as to have 

;, A: precious stone like a gem, a gem 
wowith a) flaw in it. Pe 

A bank, ashore, a horder, a limit. Ké 

no limits around it, and so small, as to contain 
nothing within it (speaking: of Doctrine). 

The noise of much wrangling. Béng 

TS Whsen. gin gin HH FE IG IE. rene 

= 4 kaéuich’héng oe fierce dogs, 

making a great noise. 


ie vee BQ FE BD A 

Harmonious) and pldebing SMacia and 

agreeable, Bin choo sé elhek jigin ¢ gin” 






ti, bin chod kKhéa 12 pee"® 4, hb wat dy yéo"s, 
Bin-chod stood by the side of Confucius, as it were 
pleasing and agreeable. See the ~ an Hay lin. 

‘To laugh out loud. , | . 


‘, E 
The noise of wrangling and contention. 

» Fj SA sive 
¥, Gin lin AN Ht , the eddying of water. 

A servant with four mouths, to speak 


Ee falsely, to deceive. Sin hod gw4n, boé 
PRR sto, toy 00 PR AEB. 
, san dy néo"S pay, gwinrgek, nb0"S léy a™ 
lak sit, 886) 18 kéaow go, sin’s father was stubborn 
his mother false, and his brother proud. See the 

fii Es Séo"8 se. 

To: enquire ;:to: be! respectful and cau- 

re tious; also, ‘moreover. 
AR Gip. gip ofl fe a multitude of people. 
so High, hazardous, uneasy; a small hill 
is called je gip; and a great one is 
called jf, hwan. 
K’hong. choé wat, & soo sé yéa, théen hay tae 

chae, gip gip hoe qL = Wf We tt. AR 
ah We ak 4 fe af , Hhing chod king, té chéy 

lty sé, thee"S ay gway héém, a” an dy yes", 
Confucius said, at this time the Empire is in 
danger, and as it were unsettled. See the ?- ra 
Hay béng. 

p fice Git git yang hoo, 
4 gno séang yéw che Ne 3 RK, 

G XX {hy A rd chong béng dy ying 

Bold and vigorous. 








hoo, gwaé séang wod e, Of bold and vigorous yeomen, 

I still have a few. See the fay FE seas 86. 
Difficulty of utterance. Khoé git put 

léng to swat, jé séén té se 


AG a MR. i BS Fh AG. cvrnay 

git, béy s"a kong wa, jé gdou chd ch’hiyh, the mouth 
stammering and not able to spedk, but clever at 

making books. See the $f ZP S06 ke. 

Lz, A hill standing by itself. 

Git 16 HZ 3 , tsoubled, and wearied. 

Water dried up; also the name of a 


To arrive at, even, until, to. E’ gité 

kim J 3 SF, ¢ hip kaon tong 

1c kim, even to the present time. 

Chaé soe é kéng, git bod stng kong 7 it r= 

3a 4K, wi. chaé teadu sey & 800 I’ hwith, 
habu bd ché"4 kong, his talents are too diversified 

and his ideas too widely diffused, so that no meri- 
torious undertakiag is completed. See the 4L fyb 

(383 Khong yang twan. 
The lower part of a thread, Also a man’s 

name. K’héng chodvhod, séuk léing 
PCs cit LF RK GR AL, wvons 
choé dy pay, mé"d kéd séuk lang git, Confucius’s 

father was called Séuk-léing-git. 
= * To stop, to exhaust, to finish, to.con- 
= K’hong choé sé se, choo tong 

pr g¢ é bay, git ¢ chew FL, Fis BE, 
EE BEV. BLE IAL, Prin ts 
se keng,, 
Confucius arranged the historical classics, from 
the time of Téng-gé (i. e. Geadu and Sin ) down- 
wards, and concluded with the Chew dynasty. 
Bod git tek Hy Fo Pe bé swat tah, do not stop 
the buying of rice. 



chéting ting gé é Wh, git kadu chew, 


To gnaw, to gnaw a bone, read gnadu. 

p> Ek choo jé gnaou ké kwut B -F 

im ie # fee > w" eked jé gnaé & 

dy, kwut, they exchanged children and gnawed their 
bones: Speaking of a famine, 

= = B&B Vulg. hé”a: a kind of grass used in 
Gnaé ee cauterizing ; the moxa, or mugwort ;. 
a period of 50 days is called Ba 

gnaé. Séadu gnaé ey se, a young person ; also 
rest, at ease; a surname. 
Kim che yéuk dng chéa, yéw. ch’hit léén a4 
peng, kéw sam Jéén che gnac 4Y x4 
> nee"S dy pai"S kéw s"a neb"® dy gnae e, those 
im the present day: who want to. become ralers 
are like those afflicted with a seven years sick- 
ness, seeking for cauterizing grass that has been 
three year’s dried (Intimating that without 
previous preparation they will never succeed. 
in. their, object. See the Tt th Hay béng. 

To cut grass. Chin gnae fe xX 
a. man of, talent. 

Téng gnaé fk 2S > 
put in order: 


a to regulate, to 

Gnas xi] 




To cut grass is called X\] gnaé; to 
reap corn is called He hoe, 

Vulg. gnaé: to gnaw, to bite: 

To interchange, to lay across, to 

blend,.to compare ; one of the dia- 
A grams. 

Lenk gnaéu pat kwa 5X X Kn }, lak gnabw 
piyh kwa, the six rae and eight diagrams. 



Savoury food, spiced eatables; also 
written fifjgnadu. Cha¢ chew gnadu 
é téén kan, haou k’hin chesijé 16 che 

THA BA TD. fe A SZ, 

chad chéw meé"h phiey té cl’hdn kan, téng hadu 


Khin dy lang jé l6 e, to carry out wine and 
savoury food into the fields, in order to wait 

for the diligent, and reward them. 

Gnadu Wy Gnaédu ham WA liga, the name of a hill. 

Gnadu a % gnadu. 

The roar of a, tiger, when about to 
Gnada bite any one; the barking of a dog; 

the name of a country, and ofa place. 

oS Ju The same as gnadu; also a piece 
Gnadu AX Ai ; 

of meat with the bones in it, 

» To disturb water, to stir up the bot- 

tom, and make the water muddy. 

Gnadu che put chok G or as ja 

keaou gnadu, yéw béy 1, although you should stir 
it up, it would not be muddy. Spoken in re- 

ference to persons. 

Gnadu 7) A sound. 
ai.) Gnadu_ thd Ki HE al a kind of peach. 

To desire, to delight in, to like, to 

Gnaodu 20 
Y Té ché& gnaou say, jin chéa gnadu 
san oa ry 8 7K A=. Ay 1h, té dy lang 

ae chiy, jin dy lang aé sw"a, men of know- 

ledge prefer water, but men of benevolence 

prefer; a friends; also read lok. 

prefer dry land. Intimating that the disposition 

of the one is more sedate’ than the other. See 
the Ee Fi) Séang lin. 


The roots of vegetables; also written — 


5) Léén gnaou saa 78, the fibres of the 
Gnaou water lily. .Gnadu se l4n chok séén 
Py 75 4h ae {E he - gnaou dy se th 

chd sw"d, the fibres of the water lily plant, can 
hardly be manufactured into thread. 

,) xX Words not widely proclaimed. 

5) 2 Llegant, splendid, uncommon, Chéng 
guay RE Af elegant and proper. 
Ban gnay oe He, literary and, ac- 

complished. Jé gnay pal Ate an accomplished 

scholar. Gnay gin AF 3 » elegant discourse. 

Read kéng: hard, stiff. Put jéw put 
kéng, naé kéén jé gnay aS He AS 
ae Rie, 4 RB ti Affe a noi" a™ 

gnay, naé Khw"h gabu dy Vhak cWwhiiyh ling, 
‘ neither too yielding nor too stiff, shews the ac- 

complished ‘scholar. 

x Read kéep: to take up any thing 
Gniyh with pincers, tongs, or chopsticks 
Kéep chod He Ff gnityh a, a pair 

of pincers, 
N Read kéep:;to hold under the arm, 
Gniiyh to'hold right, and left, to uphold. 
i ee Chew kong kéep hod séng éng Jal 
es Ag iff} WK a , Chew, kong gniyh hod séng 
éng, Chew-kong: upheld: and assisted Seng-éng. 
Read héep: to hold under the arm, 
Gnayh ' to squeeze. Héep t’haé san é Uhéaou 

pok haé, wily put léng, sé chin put 

tens 66H Ky VE Ab Hi A 
7E iB. A hie E tH, gniiyh Chaé sw"a jé Vhéaou 

ae pak hae, kéng béy By, sé chin ché"a béy éy, 
as to grasping the great mountain under the 
arm, and jumping across the tiorthern sea with 
it, to say that you can not do it, is truly a 
can not, (and not a wili not.) See m7 Ff 
Béng choo. 


te te noise of a multitude. 
To move, to be agitated, T’héen 
Xe WR 

tong léy gnéioih FE By hy. 
Vhee"S tang téy gneaoith, when the 
heaven is moved, the earth is agitated. 

Gneaoiih To creep, as a worm. 
x Vulg. god: the cow kind. Héng gnéw 
Gnéw 7 ae wui"S gob, a common cow. 

Sty gnéw v4 a chiy goé, a buf- 
faloe. Gnéw toé 2 3}, god taéu, the name of 

a star. Hwat peng che kay, put héuk gnéw 

ving ARK Z GLARE ab, heen 

dy kay, b6 chhé god yés"S, a break-ice family 
(i.e, the family of a great oflicer ) should not 
keep oxen and sheep —A surname. 

Gnéw ch*hip 2E iE, the name of 

Gober a medicinal plant. 
® Valg. gwd: I myself. Gnd put te AR 
Gno AR Jil. gwaa™ chae, 1 do not know. 

Jéad ke yang, gndadke ley ff EH 

He AE FG HE AL jp > & se0n e ay ei", ewe 

séth é hy léys you pity the sheep, but I pity the 
Em Séang lin, 

A spear, a lance. 

ceremony. See the [- 


Gnoé oR The jloftiness of a hill; height. 

Vulg. goé: five. Gnoé sip cia 5 Oe 
Gnoé ue goé chap, fifty; a surname, also written 

HK gnoé. ; 



Goé sip yéw gnoé, j@ ché Shak Jz 7. | i it 

if roy vie £2, gwé chap ge aay, je sim che 

té Chak, when I was fifteén years of age my mind 
was bent on learning. See the 7 a Seang lin. 

A file of five men. Hang gnoé {TF ie 
rank and file; asurname. Sam gnoé 

séng kwin — Th ik BE, s@ 

ché"d Kewin, three or five forming a company, 
See the 7 {: Ché twan. 

a g0é 

One of the horary characters. «Jit gnoé 

a} Pr, ditt tadu, mid-day. 
Inimical, hostile. E’ put gnée che soé 
Gnoé F = séang éng W os Alec ra i nia 

, Lhd, a”, gnoé dy wi séo yin, he 


answered in MB ei by no means hostile. 

Obstinate, opposed. Gnoé gek ip ir , 

Gnoé : 
perverse and rebellious. 
To meet with, to come against, to 
Y sa 
Gnoé oppose. Ch’hoé gnoé ti VE , Con- 

Ong hod sé ch*hut é hwan séang gnoé Ee i 

Ra: HY Gt AE HA ZB, tne hos hawith sé chnut 

kap ing hwan séo tod tédh, when Ong-hivs went 

out, he just met with Ong-hwan. 

Double, together. Téang choé kéet 
Gnoé = ra keng Fei Qe ee My 
* 5 dédng-choé | kéet-lek sto thy 

. chish cl'han, mt and Kéet-lek ploughed 
the ground together: | See. the - ai Hay lin. 

United together, opposite, double ; also 
Gnoé ‘ suddenly, unexpectedly. Soé song wat 
gnoé, chek wat ké Wy tp = (5. 

4£ =| tH; soe dy se" king gnoé, chit chéith 
king Khéa, in numbers, double are called Gnoé, 

and Single k*hea. 
Gnoé jéén 1B ak , suddenly. 

=<E ; 

A knot in wood; a bone without any 
meat. ; 
x¢ v4 go fa 
Go Ka go PR dE, the appearance o 
waiting maid. 

# ~» Ch’he gé pe lay , the lofty appearance 

G6 of a hill, Go bé san JK Jeg pL, the 
name of a. hill. 

» A moment, a short space of time, a little 

Gob while. Neaou séw gé sin sin, gé té td 

Be He) i). Be WERE ce 
kap sew téep & kod sim stm, yéw téep & kod chadu 
laé chabu k'hé, hirds and ‘beasts are for a moment 
still, and another moment full of gambols. 

2. Fo change one’s speech, to talk falsely 

Ga: = or foolishly. Bin che gé gan Fe i 

pR At = » piyh sai"® dy piyh cW’hat wa, 

the foolish’ stories of the people. See the J]v 7E 
Seaou gnay. 

The same as the above: also to speak, and 

Go Ae, chatter; also written ti, gd. Séang mé 
bod gb fal Te 4int wu » fae Khe Kh’ hwiin 

bih kéng wa, let us go to sleep and not prattle. 
~. The silk worm, the meth into which the 

Gd silk worm turns; also a flying insect. 
Ch'ham gd ee WER > the silk worm 
generally ‘ 
A large sea tortoise. Yéw sin gd, poéy 
G6 te hod héng laé che san, cha@ haé téung 

iff: ip , woo sin 26, Wha chéth géd hing laé dy swna té 
haé téung, there is a divine tortoise in the middle 
of the sea, who carries on his back the Héng-laé 
hill, The Chinese fable that sa Hy, 1é wh cut 
off a leg of this tortoise to prop up one corner of 

the heavens, which was in danger of falling. 

To chaunt to hymn, to sing; also written 

ak g6. 




Good, beautiful. Séang gé in ik, the 
name of a beautiful lady, said to be 


caught up into the moor. 

Gd The appearance of offering up a gem or 




Go A fine kind of vegetable. 

» Good words; also to chaunt, to sing. 

Go = = =. 
Gé se ak oe to recite verses. 

wets An animal found in the waters, the skin 
Gd = of which is used for making the heads 
ES, of drums. : 

To wander, to ramble, to stroll about for 

Go pleasure. M& wan gd yéw jé téy kan 

Hy tee i SE Fi FB], hay am 
Chit Uhé té jé tey dy kan, M&-wan strolled backwards 

and forwards between the two Emperors. A surname. 

The noise of a multitude, the sound of 
many voices, lamenting. Héng gan é 
~ hwuy, ae béng gé gd 7, ME ¥ HE. 

ie Ns He WE , twa chéith gb, tit pwuy, ee dy hadu 
gé gé, the wild geese are flying about, and their melan- 


choly scream the voice of a multitude. 

Gd Chrhong gé B Be not fieaful. 
Gd ¥ Gé yéw ik Ye, to ramble for pleasure. 
Gé he ik is, to stroll about in sport. 
¥2_ The sound of sighing, and lamentation; 
God the bustle of a market. Gé gd B a 5 
¥2V sccif-satisfaction and complacency. 
Gd A large tortoise ; the same as a g6. 

The name of .afish, 

> A fine horse, a horse not yet broken in.. 


ful, words. 

Go » 3B To deceive. -Gé gfn iB deceit~ 

% ‘A goose, Tha jit ké Rog sat sé gd 

‘yéa, & che sit’ che A HH. i} 
wie WG. 2 ZL. 

pat jit e dy néo"S léy vhaé chéy ley gb, hod e chéthe,, 
the next day his mother killed this goose, and 
gave it him. to eat,.. See the. olf Ti Séang beng. 
To. boil, to. cook without oil; to brew,. 

to. distil. G chéw. #6} Ye te distit 

y Tat liquor or wine, onal 
a “ 

To. be hungry, to starve. Go 306 iff 
Go RK, 8 sé, to be starved to death, 
Pek & séuk chéy go é séw yang che hay 

stuk-chéy gi. té stw yang dy Khas Pek-é and 
Séuk-chéy, starved themselves to death at the foot 

of the Séw-yang hill, See the "[X Sa Hay Jan. 

‘To be proud, to: treat contemptuously. 

Go * 



eB To sleep, -Go. pang Pily fj, im bed- 
= sh) 

chamber; Also written Pik ge. Yin 

ké je go VE JL Tif Bh» vax wn se 
Vhwin, “he: leaned over’ the table and slept. 
See the | Ff; Stang béng. 

‘ ; 
. A’pan for making cakes: 

. To treat proudly. Go ban Vix Ke p 
) totreat with scorn, Go put k’hé téing 
; tk oy fe, kéaou dy sim kw"a a!” 

3 & 




Vhang hoe té"8, do not atlow proud Wispositions 

to grow. See the a =p Léy ke. 
Ff =e Ep grad’ tak jie 

zw s"a hang séng ch'hat gwé, dy sin, I 

examine myself every day as to three things, See 
the — am Séang lin. 


B Goé tong $% fe Hl, the name. ofa tree,. 
Goé whieh at A evel lets fall one leaf 

by. which people know that the autumn. 

I myself. Goé jit sam séng goé sin 

Tle name: of a river: 

season is arrived, 

Goé Fe stone like a gem.. 
Goé G2 Whe: goe hy on _the name: of a fish 


Goé a A surname ;. the name: of a coiintry 
Goé Bam kong ie Wh g8d.kang,a centipede. 

XY?" Tie name of a fish; the same as 

goé; also used. for the following. 

? A: hind of flying squirrel, like.a small 
Goé Ke fox; also called. 35 FY, & yew. 
Goé e The name of a plant. 

FB. To understand; Leaéu got eg ee 
to comprehend. Séng goe je : 
r= ie 

to awaken; to be in a mistake is called 


x béy, to find out one’s error, is.called tb goa. 


Béng goé AA (i » clear; perception ; 
the understanding. Goé tiy Az Hy, 

opposite, face to face. 

‘To.awake. Goé be kéw che Sz ek 
we J, chat’ Ithwin tbo e, wak- 
[3 ing and sleeping he seeks for her. 

See the [at] Jal, Kok hong. 

Goe 4 Te meet. 
Le 4 


coe FH 


Te deceive, to cheat. 

2 =] To be in a mistake; to throw inte 
Goe = confusion, Kwun hé gan che goé yéa 
p 2 =-+y= Teese: hw 
EE LB Upham onc 
kong, kadu héd goé, how is it that you» make 
such a mistake in what you say. See the ie 
sik (8, Téo"® jé twain. 
Yit goé, k’hé ying chaé goé 8 ez 
Fi: ate > chit dy goé, k’ham éy ying tit chaé Z0é, 

haying. once made;a mistake, how will it ile to 

repeat the error. ae 

Read gnoé: five. Gnoé sip jé te théen 
chap jé chae Chee"& dy! béng, at fifty 

I knew the decrees of Heavens, See net i ad 

Séang, fin.’ 


Vulg. cai, without, on the outside; 
Leek hap. che gésy 


beside; except: 
séng jit chin: jé put. mani 5 

LIP BEN AE TAR BR an 09 ee 

séng jin chin je bd gé lin, whatsoeVer: is beyond 
the six cardinal points (or on the<outsidesof the 
visible creation ) the philosopher meditates on, but 
does net discourse about. 

Gééys gan. put jipié kKihwan, Hh am a 
[Hal » Saed 62 dy, 20d, al” Changy Jip é-ping keng, 
out‘of;door talk, should, aot be brought im!doors. 

being DF ih ALR oe gos 

198 GOK 

Gey seng Bp AS . 
} phews, by the sister’s side, a sister's 
son or daughter. 

cousins, and ne- 


Read gwat: abe the moon. ¥it, 

Gééy f 
gwat — FA- chit giéyh, one month. 

ci Jit gwat seng sin FF BB Ie. 

jit ‘giéyh, kap ch’hat"®, sun, ‘moon, and: stars.” 
n “so gwat, téng- 80d" sé} séng ste VY fl 

ye (U Ae KK Bee lin gityh ta 92 sé 
Ae neé"S, by the aid of the, interealary’ month 
he fixed the four seasons, and ‘completed the 
year. See the $f ze th Geiou téén, 


ee ee 

Gok ee _ Nomerous;’ maty. 


Gok an 

ge Ch’hok gok oe . fearhis cabnemed; 

4 apprehensive. Gok jétn “ty m, sud- 
denly alarmed 

, The, bud of a flower 5 also. written 

' - gok. Ch’hun, hwa hwat gok, hay kéet 
a) Pp terree 

eWhun Chee" hwa hwat gok hay thee"® kéet kiéy 

To be always heation a y Sh 2 ee the 

sound of a drum. 


_ché, in, the spring season flowers open) their buds, 
and in the summer form their fruite”” a 

» The name of a bird, used as a bull’s- 
j eye ina target. Sit choo chéag Bok; 

. hwan kéw choo ké sin Ke #UIE 4p 
ira k #3 # SB, sit choo chéng gok, té3h hwén 

kéw té ka lé hin sin, missing the mark in the 

ceutre of the target, we should turn inwards, and 
blame our own persons. Bee the rf ay Peawg yang. 

Kéén gok , honest words, upright 
g' 8 

Gok; = discourse. Cirhéen jin che, lok lok, put 
ay we. -.Jé yit soo che gok gok EK Lh 

wz a ip. at Liye 85; Ae lang 

Gok * 

dy yin hb, @” pe chit dy Vhak ch'hityh lang ty tit 
wa, the mere assent, of a thousand men, is mot so 

good as the plain declaration of one scholar. 

pe The side of a hill, a precipice y also 
written JP gok atid EB gok. 

Chim gok FL AE, stones-piled up in 

Gck AS 

oo a dangerous way. 
"a eee 
Gok Hs { : 

ancient history. A surname, 
Stern, rigid, severe. \Chewse'gok gok jé 
iA oi BIE BIR PA chew ay cn'nayh 

gok gok dy’ yé0S, the writings of the 
Chew dynasty have an appearince’ of severity. 


The name of a countrs, spoken of in | 

Gok > 

Gok The peak of a hill; the ridge of a hill, 

ial - ’ , ' 
Gok The point or edge of a sword. 

Gok’ gé ef, " gok hé, an alligator, 
aa acrocodile: Han jé chok.chéy gok gé 
DES van it AE FR OB AK» 

bin kong chd chéy gok hé dy ban, Han-bin-kong 
composed an essay announcing his sacrifice to the 


alligators: (in consequence of which’ sdtrifice, the 
Chinese fable, that the alligators all, left the coast 
of China). See the rs HX Koc ban, 

A’ horse with a high head. « 

i jj 
YT myself; high, to mouiit a high place, 
in order to look to a distance. Ging 

se gnd yéw fi $A FR FG sigue sac 

18h gwa dy péng yéw, Ihave need of my friends. 

See the 3 al Kok hong. 


— ¢ 


., Séang chéuk gong JE th, piiyh enea"e Kha 
bang k’hw"d; to lift up “the feet and | Tok to a 

| . distance. 

| ote Ff 

The hide of the sum;) to raisé, to 
elevate: bright, clear. Géng géng 

kwun che tek! 53 ant fy Pp xe.  » 

béng -béng\ kwun) dy tek, Fas and lepb: is the 
prince’s virtue. ih 

A startled; hotse,/a farious-steed ; also 
a horse with a! white belly. 

A kind. of water’plant; growing by the 
side of pools, 
i « 


K’hSne gong aM uneasy, unset- 

The, name .of. a) bird. == 

wa wm tpt 

a fim: ‘ait, aang silty. Gong 
ji? Mf, gam tang, a stupid fellow. 
isthe’, k’hip Sim cle pam yea Hh Re. 

Gong oe BE 
| 3 em Zt BE ty. chen enbtn eney nip’ dy 

ging, how ‘excessive is 1s ag am also 
written BM ging. || “UH ad youb 

5 oti ge:' a‘sayiiig: *Séuk hes ; 
séuk £06, &@ ‘proverb, an(ai The 

people of FR ‘Tek pit are said to 

be about three inches” high,” having” Wings, | and 
because! of ‘their skill’ in’ talking .and joking they 
are called "the Sn gob ‘Kok’ 3B 5e 5 the 
4. ‘elddient nation, "Thid does Hot differ much,’ éither 
‘in’ “dotind or sense, frém- the fabled account of 

Gos EB 

F ped 







Agha, Rédd gnéw: hn ox, or cow. “Gnéw yang 
ue a god yéons; cows aud’ «3 Gai 
A surname. 

Véw k'héenignéw je ko @itong! hay ;chéa se 73 
te iil 38 iat AS PH 9 ‘woo lang “h’ han) 0b 
koey é ting hay, there was apérson leading an ox 
and passing :by atthe foot of the’hall2 ‘Seé the ele 
i Séang béng. iA 

Read -¢8:'! to” weet, ‘to! eC hith, to, 

befal: ‘Haé ho@ séang g 2 i Sn rte 
3p; bé téo"S té, séo tod ‘ety to meet 
dne another’ unexpectedly..){ {5 

Gs : 
oe OO 

alooq ‘to VEN 
~ Read gné: J, myself, Gnd yéuk jin, 

soo jin chéé BAK {= ez 

oe gwd ae bbeyh f Jin $00 Jin kaow 2, a 

when I desire benevolence, benevolence ‘comes. 

Né gwa eH: a tous | a aud, 



An exclamation of wonder. or surprise ; 

a’calling out loud. Bod téy hay ke’ ’ 
k’hip wat, gwa, taé ché hé chéng che 

ch’him hod ER Fp SR He FARE Ac oh 
qay FE ZR Sa boi téy ah cWhéa Pie wean 

gwa, twa ché an chy” a taé kaow héith ch’him, Boé- 

téy descended from; his carriage and sweeping said 
alas;);my |-sister, how! is it they have buried you 
so deep! See the yp aL, Sod:ké, 

J ol : yéa,' chaé chéa br yéa, goey pan 
loey, byat, ;cheng bin, se twat 7 a AN tit. iy 

AiR tH. Ab AK OR. FR ie 4 

tek héng chd kin pin, cheé"® chaé bity biéy, na@ biéyh 
gwae dy pin, jélaé e dy bwat, chek séo chai"S dy 

: > 
Read goey: | without, on the qptsides . 

_ beside, and beyond, Tek, chéa pun ; 

payh sai"S laé ch’hés"S, virtue is the principal thing 

and money is of less importance, now if we exclude 


‘the’ principal thing,’ and ‘engross the ‘less ‘important, 
‘the’ ties sais meet to plunder us. 
zz Kéet gwaé wy Bi» lazy, indolent ; 

Gwae = . 
also igad k hwiy, deceitful, 

Vaskilful, not clever 5 dall, piupid. 

_= .To delight in, to play, to Sport, to 
_ study, to meditate on. Gyan swa 

an z 
De Chit thé, to play to sport, 

» to .gambol, ito. ramble. 

» Gwan, long koé chéang che séang i. F BR 
ww iy, fa Chit CHG he lang té twa kod ch’héw 
_ )Cheo"S, dy, téng, to play .with .and dandle upon 
one’s knees and hands, 
Soo wiy te ké sod, lé wiy wat ké gwin 
Ay 0 CL EAA C Ht wnat ernayn 
ling wiiy chae ké dy lang sé, cha boé way aé 
ké dy lang gwén, a scholar will die for a dear 
friend, and a’ woman will sport with one she | 
Gwan sim sobbut OL x Ea Vn gwiid sim. séo"s 
805: mee” hy with a studious mind to bieditste on 
9 and things. 

A) sp ey to study, to exercise one’s- 

self in. 
Gwan yéw Tie Mig , to stroll about for pleasure: 

an" study, to bend the mind to any 
A ing to dislike 5 ta ramble, to 


wee! Vole. waé"S : asurname, | Gyan chek } 
Gwan hy St $e and Gwinkbim [it Ti» 
® were reckoned among the seven 

wise men of the bamboo. grove. 

Gwan Hi To see, to behold. 


ws Good, fine, tovely, valuable; when 

eo to. women, ; ott 
Mm bh Yn! 8 

Great ; the origin, BAU the 

Gwan. ” , chief; a Gwan sbey. FG 
pac Fil. a generalissimo, 
Taé chae k’heen gwan, ban but cho sé k 7K 
8 7. i Dn BBN, twa chae, Chee", chd 

Uhabu, bain mes"h Whé Chabu, how, great are the 
supreme Heayens, from which all..things origi- 

nate. See the 3, a Yéih keng . 
Gwan séw béng chae, koé keng léang chae 

Te WY BET WB BE DK, svete eran 

na béng, Pha ci'héw stin Wang, when the prin- 



cipal head (the Emperor) is intelligent, the 

tnembers (bis ministers ) will-be honest. 
fy 4 * , eo" ae] § 

See the 

),p literary. rank, ° 
* ‘To rnb off | the eagil sit ya ‘hit 
_ becomes | round. Hang é TAM 
haying.,,.employed . people in» his 
service,, upon their acting meritoriously, and 
deserving a reward, would k'hek yin gwao Z\ 
Fy) joy, ‘rib: the ledges of the» seal round be- 
fore he could’ find’ ins his« heart, toy promote 

them to office, ete 

STB Stupid, dull Gwan gek wi. |F 

stupid and.stebborn. Sim put chek 
7A tek gé@ che keng, why gwin ,\") 
RS t £40 toe 
wat tek gé. dy keng, cho. gwan, when the: mind 
is not regulated by the law bh yiktue and 
_otightequsness, a man becomesstupid, See the 

wz (a Cho twan. 

~—=_ A large tortoise. Gwin gd kaou ratiig 

ai fii hee tie logteices, large fish- 
es and dragons, Lida 
Téing yang. 


written with a A by the side it 
refers to things, aud whe with a 

Chong ae WK Tl»: chéang pr, the highest | 










_ An origin, a fountain, ahead. Péng 
gwan a a. a wide waste. Gwan 

chw4n hwin bwin, put séa téw yéa 
RUE A SBA eee tne 
hwiin-hnwiin, . b6- hity"h jit mat"S; the fountain 
bubbles, without, ceasing day or might. See the 

T ‘de Hay béng. 

Kéang pek yéak kéw hwat téung gwin X 11] 

#). IPE Hf ie kéang pek yéak kasu hay 

hwat téing gwdn, Kéang-pek-yéak,. nine times 
attacked the centre of China. 


The same as ‘the above ; a fountain. 
of water. “‘Chéng ké* pan, ch*heng 

Ayre ke gwan TPH ARR EL Fe. 
ché"a'e dy kin piin, cl’heng e ty gwain Chadu, 
correct the root, and purify the foustaim, | 

= 3% ie the name of a 

woman,, the mother of the:sovereigns 
of the chew fa dynasty. 

Fh~ The name of a city. 

Avblack horse with a+ white belly ; a. 
white horse: wounded. , 


Careful and kind ; respectful. 

 “Kéang gwaa 


Talents employed ina, bad cause. 
dj~ ‘ 
T6 desire, to wish, towlong for, .to - 

. Reni # 

desive nexiny lt 

-\ ad biéyh Vhe™a hoo chod dy che, I a to heli 

what is your great aim.. See the Ry = Lin gé, 


Hé say yim yim,’ chéng séy gwam héy 7 mK 

ye ik. I if ial iy , kang chiiy 10@"8  tee"S 

chéng sey gwan, when the watérs of the river 

are full, it is just what we: desire. 

Gwan a A kind of vegetable. 
sey sip je gwat, gwat sam sip jit 

R ‘ ’ Vaig. giéyh: a moon, amonth. Yit 
Gyat A 

H johit nee"S chap gé giieaihs chit gityh sa chap 
jit; one, year contains twelve months and every 

month: thirty days. 

Gwat Aj The name of a place. 
Gwat Fi 

jy A yoke. Taé ke bod géy, séaou ke 

} bod gwat, ké hd é héng che chae 

[7% x HB 4am Bh lH A BE 
Tay YJ 4F yb Bk ; twa cWhéa bb gey sey ch’héa 

b6 gwet'é boeyhk an cho"a ey née", 2 large car- 

To cit off; a punishment consisting 

iit cutting off the legs. 


riage without a cross-bar, and a small one 

without a yoke,—how can they travel ? 

£ i Séang lin. 


Gwat “i A military weapon. 

Gwat JF The name of a hill. 


n in | 

“Choviik ys Rapid, swift; hasty. ee 

To be trdtibléd i thé extreme. Séang 


Gat Ap eel rate wae ess 
| “= he y) HA a séing teh bwa & | 


kéing mneé"8, always troubled throughout the 
year. mee. fi 
Kéet gwut 8 Ae 5 the name of a beast, 
found in the west, which eats incense, 


High, and lével at the top; also te 

Gwat ) 
Gwut vit The ‘motion ‘of a boat. 
Gwut (} | 

and has no hair.) 

amputate the legs. 


Géet gwut en TL , Uneasy, hazardous; 
agitated, disturbed. 

K’hwut gwut ie os the bare appear- 
ance of a hill: 

To move, ‘to. agitaté, ‘to act upon. 

Gwut ui] 
T’héen che gwat gud, jé put gno 

Gwut 4) ty 

QA wer KZ Ht BR. Wn HK 
$e , Phee"S dy tin tang gw, eh’hin chés"® gwd 
béy ye", heaven acts upon us, so that we can- 

not resist. 

A piece ef wood,, without branchess 

Gwut : 
a‘post, a pole. 
' Hazardous, uneasy. The same as 
Gwuat 5 1 
= ( 
pa ' 
Giwiiy Civhuy gwity [FE [MQ . lofty, high. A 


Gwi To study manners and polite appear- 
bab § U ances. 

A good woman, still and/quiet in Ker 
family. ; 3's 


x : 
city OED san 

Owbuy gway 4B Yh; a rocky hill, 
mixed with earth. 


aR—p Lofty, elevated, noble. Gwhy gwiy 

hoe, why vhééa way taé # 4 whe 
it K By K, Iwan twa hod, tok 

tok Chee"S Ihih twa, how lofty and noble (is 

Gefou )!—Heaven alone is greater! See the l= 
af Séang lin. 

High, dangerous, hazardous, uneasy ; 

difficult; asuriame. Gwiy kip fof 

ZK , itv difficalties, in straits. Gway 

jéén hoé an fo, AK i AB Be, gwiy jéén abu éy 
an, after having been in danger we may enjoy 






Kéén gway séw beng Ft ft 72 Hy, Pee”? 

kee"S gibtly héém téth séw sai"& mé"a, seeing a 

danger, we ought to venture our lives. 



False, hypocritical. .Chok gwiy sim 
16 Pe AB ly BF , ch’ ply et’hat, 
sim kw"a téth bwé, to practice deceit, 

troables the mind. 

Sea6u chod boé gwiy Ay F 4m. B , sy hea 

b6 piiyh cWhat, infants are no hypocrites, 

Chéang gwiy RR Ff , » book of or- 

ders; a surname, the name of a state. 

Goé séuk, gwiy Te 4) Fi , consti- 

tuted the three kingdoms of the = (aid K Sam 
kok, on which that celebrated novel is formed. 


© gway, fin] 22 assafetida. 



To open the mouth widey and blow out 
the breath. Read Kay, 

Ha Be The watm breath blown ofit of the mouth, 

To laugh out loud. K'’hoé ba ha [] 
we RH | eWhay ha hé, to laugh hé ha. 

To laugh, the sound of laughing, 

Hig KB , a crevice, a cranny . 

A split, a ctack, a crevice. Ha k’hek 

To halldo at any one, to baw! out aloud. 
Ha oe Kihoé ha [WE ob ray ha, to baw! 
out with the mouth; 

Ha jé jé é che, héng td, che jin; hwit sew Wy @ 
Wi 8452, 47 A Se, th lens 
jé hoé lang, ké"d lee dy lang a” séw, whenever you 
baw! and scold pedple in giving them any thing, even 
a passing strangers on the road side, would not 
take it, Sée.the “FS Ff Hay beng. 

To cover any things to cover what is 


underneath, with anything from above ; 
hence the form of thé character. 

Read hadu: mourning for parents. Tae 

hadu [oo twa ha, to wear mourn- 
ing. Ke song wat, yéw badu hok 

“BEA A # ik. Khéa se"S hd, kong twa 




ha dy, yin \ché6"S, when’ people are in moarning, 

they are said to put on mourning clothes. 

Oo ow 

ss Read hih: to ‘bind any “ote together. 


Ha ha ch’heaou sulk tb i ha ha cW’héo, 

to laugh heartily. 


dimensions. Sim hae théy thaé ip 

Be ie th AR sim kw"a hae, sin they 

twa, great in mind and ‘body.’ 

== To -be afraid, 

Vha: great, immense, of wide 

To laugh, the appearance and sound of 


to be alarmed. ‘Keng 

ay) haé By ré"a haé, to be frighten- 
MZ 23 Choo taé hoo kéén che, ar 

sek jéén jé haé 5h KAA ZO GR 

in ey , choo taé hoo k’hw"a e, che, pod péen sek 

jé ké"a haé, all the great officers, on seeing him, 
universally changed countenance, and were afraid. 

See the Zc (HA Ché twan. 

téng, chin soé chéa jé biin koé, wat, haé che é, 

‘sty beng hok haé J], Ff. SE -F- PRGA rH Re 
pene, <i +) 

Minced meat preserved with some liquor. 

téng, ae chin 'so6 chéd jé moow"S yéén kob;' king 
leith € cho bith chéo"s, siy ka lang td héet bith chéons, 
when confucius was weeping for Chod-lods. in the 
middle hall, he ordered the messenger to be brought 
in and enquired the circumstances of his death ; 

who said, They made mince meat of him; upon 

‘which he ordered them to throw away the mince 

‘ meat, {prepared for his dinner) not being able 

to eat of it, 


Hey haé Pfr PZ’ all kinds of pickle. 
Khong choé k*hok cho loé @ téung — 


hong choé' tit’ k’habu’ chob le té ‘téung | 









The sea. Haé wiy pek kok che dng 5 

BA BZ Ep hat sé ches pyr 

Whai"S dy éng, the sea is king over 


the hundred vallies. 


Haé, put yang pho, é téung kok) yéw séng jin hoé 

Hs A 5 Be. A MP LB) A BE AP, ee 

16 Whé p*ho né"8, lin sé0"S téung kok k"4 woo seng jin, 

‘the sea did not raise her waves, hence we thought 

that perhaps China had produced a sage. “Said by 

“a foreign nation, who came from far to seek a 


sage in China, — 

Read ae: an exclamation of surprise and 
regret... Ae; yéa Whe mf. hae yéd, an 
expression of astonishment, very, com 
mon among the; Chinese. . 

A‘ hod Hp 4 “% , finding that iA WA » bang é 
would not listen to his advice, threw the ‘pearly 
vessel (which had been sent as a present), on the 
ground, and drawing his sword, dashed it in pieces, 
_Saying. _Ae, sé chod put chéuk é boé De Bx = 
7S Ee Sil att liaé, chéy léy gin a, b6 kaot Chang 
kap é sod néo"®, pshaw! this boy is not fit to be 

consulted with. - 

To draw the breath short and quick; 
] also,.the breath, 


A child. Haé je fy ie ye", a 

ZB youth, a little child. Haé téy ‘he tong, 
bod put te ad ké ch’ hin 5 He Z 
Peers ee cor 
bd,u™ chae sch e dy pay boé, every infant and child 

in the arms, knows how to love its parents. See 

the Pat a Hay beng. 



United, harmonious, paifah Jhim sek 

haé hé FR iE FE ig A, k’him sek teh 
haé hé, ite" and sae ‘should he 


Kwut haé 7 Ry a bone, a knuckle, 
Haé a joint. Chéet haé é cl’hwan 4)F Wy 
A VJ BB, at cheth krwut hab é hea hity, 
to break up the bones in order to make a fire, 
Vulg. Ay: a shoe, a straw shoe. Yit 
song haé — & RE chit sang dy, a 
pair. of shoes. 

Haé FR The same as the above, leather shoves. 

Vulg. kéy: a small kind of fish, used 

in pickles. 




Haé %, One of the horary characters, 

Danger;.the same as-the following. 

To injure, to hurt; danger, loss, injury. 

Hae Séang ‘as (fi ee ; to wound. Lé haé 
Fi a> dangerous, 

Hwuy to@ bod ek, j¢ yéw bad” che JF Ge Tr. 

4x iti OL Fe Z., aM chéng Ww" twa b6 1é yéith, 

jé yew sin haé@ e, not only is it of no use, but 

still more, it is injurious, See na F Béng chod, 

To disperse, to scatter, A surname. 
Read kaé, to loose, to solve. 

To mect suddenly. Haé hoé put ké jé 
way SHES AR INT i 
bd ké yéak jé séo hiéy, to meet acciden- 

tally and without previous agreement. 

Lazy, idle, indolent. Haé taé Ki a 4 

slothful, negligent. Séuk yéa hwuy hae 

JA, FZ CE WHE, ate mat"S bb twa, 

not idle day nor night. 

Haé chad fi? Ff , a wild animal, said 
Hae to have bul one horn, Ch*hoé ban éng 
ho hok had kwan ak x aa N5. A 






Hit is: eW’hoé bin dng ad te ha phity dy kin, 
“ Ch’hoé-biin-éng loved to wear a cap made of the 
skin of this animal.”—Called by some an execu- 
tioner’s cap. 

Manacles. Ke haé ine ri , artful con- 
trivances, tricks, _K’hé had 7% if 
implements; weapons. 

Te bin Whé has che soe 4) JE Pe Ae BY, 
tévh chae pityh sat”S ke k’hé dy jwa chéy, you should 
know the number of weapons in ‘the hands of the 


Fak. kind ‘of vegetable;-a sort- of: leek. 

7 2h ™ face flushed: iwith anger, and the 
Rp =] voice raised. 

Fy Pong haz In? $F pang heyy a crab. 
M6 haé = = AE mé héy, a hairy crab. 
Péog haé hwan sin kae kap téw iis 
A BE 4 hoe 
ip rox Ff FP pang héy chwut"S sin € hong 
8é kith téw, the crab, over the whole of his body 
is defended by armour. 




é hard breathing; a sigh. 
Haé A cry. of. pain, a sigh: 
aX Hah h 
ant ih hiheh’heaou [hk Wk SE, nan nan 
cW’héd, to laugh heartily, 
x Vulg. hé: to tie up anything, to bind 
Ui: anything together. Huh taé KP a z 

ye hith twa, to bind on one’s girdle. 

The grunting of a pig. 

The sound of shortness of breath, or. 


Vulg. th: to learn, to receive instruction. 
Hak Asek Hak téng Ba, ae 3 school. Hak é 
koé hwin, naé yéw hek & fA ff 
all. 74 A He, 6 dh koé ché dy kt hwiin, naé wod 

séy tt tévh, by studying the instructions of the 
ancients we may get something. See the fi & 
Sé5" se. 

Hak chek sam ta kéting che Mh fli] = FE t 

Zz twa th chek s"a téy kang chit yéo"S, with 
respect to the name of the great school, then all 

the three dynasties were the same. 

' Yit hak — fie chit chééh, @ measure 
Hak fit : 
of ten pecks. 

fl, saé hak, a necessary, 

Fe Sé hak FR 
Hak a Beg Lok hak We e, Wh hak, 
to go to stool. 

Ham A cockle. 

Ham BY Ham tan Hf &R , the name of 2 place. 

Ham BK sui foolish. 
Ham We» A great valley; a wide ravine. 

“at Bs with wine, tipsy. Ham théang 

Ham , cheerful with wine. Ham 
Bi ur sit “Tit aK Fe , chéith chéw 

kadu ham, ch’héo"5 kwa té ch’hod, to be merry 
with wine, and sing songs in the house. Chéw 
sit pwan ham pi RY 2 of a chéw chédh kau 
pw"a ham, to drink wine till a person is half 

tipsy. Also written ham, 


Ham 2 

~~ Tocall out aloud, to bawl with a lond 

voice. Ham seng jé lfy Wek Fee in 

Ae se"a, ch’hin ché0"S Ity, a shout 

like thunder, 
» To move, to agitate. Ham t/haésané, _ 
Ham ham gak kay kwun lan Hk Ze yj b; 
TX ie ip RB HE. ham tang thaé 

sw"a I’ hwae hém ting gak kay éy kwun th, to move 
the great mountain would be easy, but to move 
the army of the Gak family is dificult. See the 
history of the I song dynasty. 

The noise of a multitude eating and 

drinking. To eat much, to stuff. 

The clameur ef one angry; to be angry. 

The gravy of meat. Ham haé é chéén 
Ham Ke, BE EY JER oan cheep wih cneone 
é laé hadu, to take the gravy of meat 

and minced meat with its liquor, in order to 

sacrifice. See the k He Tae gnay. 
Ham Uy To eat. Ham sit WEB , hém chéith, 
to eat and devour. . 
Ham Ham Jam Hix io , kan nd, an olive. 

Ham To eat without appetite, 

To call in anger. 

on shy 
Ham —— High and hazardous. 

A dropsical swelling of the lower ex- 
tremities. Kéak ham Ie Hs Kha ham, 
a swelling of the legs. 


Covetous, greedy of gain. 

To contain, to include, to inclose, to 
Him A hold in the mouth. Paou ham chaé 
2 ley Fi = AE Ay, paou ham chaé laé, 
included within any thing. 
Ham noé HK , him séw Kk’hé, to harbour re- 
Ham eng choé hwa oy He 441 HE , chéth eng 

cWhéng hwa, to eat flowers and wear blossoms ; 
applied figuratively to learning and literary pursuits. 

>» All, every one, the whole ; a surname. 

= Sé chek him he FE #6 i (Ob BE 

¢ dy kong 1 cho pod sé Iewui"®, their 

merits were altogether illustrious. See ffi} = 
Séing se. 

~~ United, harmonious. Hm hé ban bin 

Ham = A) m a) Fe: ham 06 ché"4 ban 

B dy piyh sai"®, united harmony pre- 

See the fp] 

2 Vulg. kéém: saltish, briny. Ham sty 

at aK » kéém chiy, salt water. 

To include, to contain; also armour 
Ham > and‘an armourer. Ham yang wy ye, 
to include, to contain within itself. 

Ham jin way kWhéing séang jin Ee KH KE -$' 

& Ai cho vchtin kth dy ling wily ké"a séang 
tévh lang, an armourer’s only fear is lest people 


vailing among myriads of people. 
BH Sea" se. 


should be wounded; (which induces him to make 
hiS armour strong and therefore he is better 
than an arrow maker whose only anxiety is to 
make his arrows sharp, that they may wound 
people ). See the ie ra Séang beng. Also writ- 
ten hy ham. 

Y To moisten, to soak, as water when 
Ham >, Hak 
chéa tong yew yéw ham éng, put k’hé 

plentifully collected together. 


lap téng jé chin EA AGS ie) i Wi ig ik He 
Wy Be ae im Hé, Chak dy ling téh yew yew 

hdm éng ai” thang lap téng jé chin, the learner 
should follow out his subject and get his mind 
imbued with it, without jumping over the forms 
and advancing irregularly. Also writtin iy him, 

jweSe Armour: the same as phy ham. 

To hold anything in the mouth and 
chew it. 




An insect that devours melons, or feeds 

oa the mulberry. 

To hold inthe mouth. H"6 khoé ham 

1. U ti . ho khaou hae a good 

appetite. Kwan ham B fi. kw" 

ham, a degree in office. 
M4 k’hé kim, jin ham hiéy Wa 4Y \ ij 
, bey Whé kim, lang ham boéy, the horses were 
deprived of their metal ornaments and the men were 

ordered te hold the wooden gag in their inouths 

(in order to proceed without noise )» \ See the 
= 5 Sam kok. 
Ham Dy Ham hoé Di) HHif}> to talk incoherently ; - 
also to be enraged. 
Ham » A box, a casket; some Say, a cup. 
Ham The mouth rot opened. 


A flower abeut t bud, 
Ham Ne 5. Ga yt Agta 

> “hh ip. to be angry. Ham hwan 

A A to be displeased, to be angry. 
Choo loé wat, gwan ke ma, e k’heng 


kéw, é péng yéw kéiing, pé che jé bod ham 

7 Ba FA We Hi BH BI | H 
tk, A, fie Z rh ih fi Ink, choo loé king, gwin biéyh 
cWhea béy, yin ché6"S, Whin kéw, hap péng yéw 
kang, pé phwa, jé v6 him hwin, Chod-loé said, 
I wish to have carriage, horses clothes and light 
fur-dresses, and. enjoy them in common with my 

friends, when if they are broken and torn EI shall 
See a = Sdang lin. 
to fall in, to sink 

down, to involve, to entrap. 

chéng ie BE , hain Whai"S, a trap,” 

not be displeased. 

ie ye 

a pit fall, / 
Ham é choéy i KR JE. to involve in crime. 

Vulg. lap, Wh Whe: 


Ham EE The mince meat of a pie, or tart. 
Ham & Ham séén 5 18 5 an implement used 
% on board of ship. 
n fal Bwan han HH TH. a large face. 

wat, éng soé jin han hoo chod FE} 


chob kéng, éng. saé lang oe hw" hoo chos, Té- 

Stern, dignified, severe. 

To look at, to spy, to see. Té chod 

choo said, the king has.sent some one to look at 
you, Sir! See the ~ intl Hay béngs 


Han i 

seldom spoke of gain. 

The same as the ahove. Séng han m 

ini, >» a man’s name. 

Few, seldom, scarce, rare; also a rabbit 

* ¥. pus = 
net. Cho6 han gn 1é + |, 
hoo chob han tit ee 1, Confucius. 



Brave, courageous, bold, violent... Chin 
in PO séuk kéang ath lok & chéén toé 
Tr RELI SE, oe a 
hong séule Ke hith pall, han, aS é€ séo phih, the 
manners of the Chin country are violent and bold, 
and ax take pleasure in fighting. 

Vulg. hw"a@ vin: to snore in sleep. 

The milky way, Han tedou je A, 
Han om AE the Hao dynasty. Han jin He NN: 
a man of Han, a Chinese, in distine- 
tion from a Tartar, who is.called bwan jin iii A 
a man of Man-chow Tartary. 
H"6 han Ly yea» hé han, a good son of Han, a 
brave fellow. 

Keng han hip We » gnay han, a sturdy fellow. 


Han 5 

A surname, 

Dry, dried at the fire or in the sun. 
. s IRE -H he A 
Han ké kan é I iH: ag The» han, 

e kaow ta, expose it till it is dry. 

Vulg.. éngs leisure, ease, freedom from 

Séiou jin han ke, way 

« a 
put seen Jv J |}i] Ji 1% OR BE, 

sééou jin éng I’héa bd. biéyh cha. hé, the worthless 
man, when dwelling at his ease, will not practice 
that which is, good. See the Fe Bi Tad hak. 

Kok kay han hay [a 1a AR Ai I> a country at 

Han i learn, to practice. Hoé hwuy yéw yew 
han cheng chéng I vu A ey Nil 

FA ii » hoé hwuy wod yew han cheng chéng, the 


Still, quiet, retired; also to study, to 

Wirbress Hwuy, (the wife Ban-dng) was retired 
_and still, chaste and tranquil. 

Khwut gwin han é ‘and léng WW i A ‘te ak 

4y, Khwut gwin hin sip é kong wa, K’hwut-gwan 


was practiced in rhetoric. 

———E el ee 



‘A white sort of bird, in shape like a 
bn wild fowl, with a long tail. 

To hinder, to obstruct; a boundary, a 
limit. Taé tek put jé han, sedou tek 
clvhut jip Kho yea FE Hi) aS il 

BA 7s %28 HE AA HY ALL» 0a tote ene 06 wey 

hw"a, sey tek ch’hut jip éy cho tit, with respect to the 

great points of virtue, we must not overstep the 
bowhdaries, but in minor points, we may go in 
and out at pleasure. See the T an Hay lin. 

Vulg. kw": cold, chilly, frigid. Han 
Han = jéet IR #h : kw" 4 jwith, cold and hot, 

a fever and ague. Séang han % BE 
a cold, to take cold. Han kay JE Re, a cold 
family,—a polite expression, when speaking of one’s 

own family, 

Jit gwat wun héng yit han yit sé H A pull 4y- 
_— Be — Hh. jit giéyh wun Ke" chit dy kw" 
chit ay jwih, the sun and moon pursue their 

‘revolving motion, and thus produce a season of heat, 
‘and a season of cold. ‘See the Ry Ye 5a) Ek 

héy sod. te 
Han yéa Whek laé, thy tong chéw 3 via oe 
Be. RS pris 5 kw" mai"S ling khityh laé tévh 

tay tdng chéw,,on a cold night when a guest arrives, 

tea must be substituted for wine. 

also, the name of a country, and a 

}, The low wall round the top Of a wall: 
Han a 


i. surname. Han-bin-kong flr x ys 4 

a famous literary character. 

o Jé taé han che bo 
taé han che ong 86 é Tf] J HE 
2 EP ER, cWhin ch85"® twa w"a 

dy bang sé hog, just as a great drought expects 

the timely rain. 

Han ké vhaé sim FL pif k HE, wa kadu Chae 

sim, the drought has become excessive in the ex- 
treme. See the K HE Taé gnay. 

Valg. wa: drought, dearth, want of rain, 

209 HAN 
Y Vulg. Kew": sweat, perspiration. Léw 
Han > han vt FP; ladu kw"a; 6 perspire. 

Hwuy ban séng ¢ Jf SP AR A, 

cWhut kw"é ché"4 hoé, the perspiration started out 
like rain, See the EH 2p So6 ke. 

The evening, the close of the day. Jit 

han théen choo béng sit H AF K 

+ A RS, jit kabu am hing tey béy - 

ké tit chéth, even till the close of the day the 
Emperor forgot his food, 


To shield, to guard, to ward off a blow. 

Also written AF han, and +f han, 
Cho6é téy che wiéy hod heng, jé séw 

chéuk che hin tho bok 
in JE 218M Hee wero 

hoo wiéy pay hé"a, cWhin chéo"S ch’héw Kha dy 
han Chdou bak, sons and nephews should protect 
their parents and elders, as the hands and feet, 


guard the eyes and head, 

Han RE A village gate; also, a wall, 

he #2, pang Kh*"a@ kéung Chooi"S 
» to unstring the bow, and take off the 

Twain poé tan e, sek ché han 

Han é 
A 1 At. 8 JETP tey poe twa ii 

ché kadu kha kwut, a short cloth and a single 

=} Armour for defending the’ arms; a 
Han gauntlet, Sé kéung Uhwat han 
oe i 
The bones of the legs, ‘the shin bone. 

dress, reaching only to the shin bone, 

Han i A black colour of the face. 

The northern sea, the great desert of 
Dee. Teng lim han haé a8 Rie 
jay HR , Piyh chéO"S pak haé, to as- 

cend to the northern sea. 

Han », 


The feathers of a bird 3 

tect, in which sense it isemployed only 

in books. Han lim yéén iy va be 3 

hin lim eé"S, the imperial college, or literary 

institute, in Peking. ~ Han yim 7) = » a fowl. 

to guard, to pro- 


Han oe Han sty ne HE to: sleep, 

Han ve JAF Water flowing swiftly 5 ; also dry. 

Read hong : to dry ‘anything at the fire. 
A: jess Hong 10 JA IA , hang W, a furnace, 
YW 4 fire-place;’ a portable stove. 

Gong hong’ é sim 41} pk. + cet 

hééy, 1 warmed myself at the fire. 
Ate Sedou gnay. 

Read héng: 

gwa hang té 
See the > 

the skate. . Héng gé 

gS m fi} fh , hang hé, the skate fish. 
Read hong: the name ofa hill, now 

belonging to Cochinchina. 

To ‘swell ; a swelling. 

B. Hang-chew At My , the name of the 

Hang | capital district, of the province of 

To submit, to surrender, to come 

Hang over to the opposite party. Téang- 

ek-tek k’him Géém-g4n, théy che 
wat, jé K’héng hing hoé? Géém-gan wat, gno 
chew yéw twan t’hoé cheang kwun, bod hang 
chéang kwun ihe 32. is 8 hk él. He yA 
EB). ik ie Te bike BEL EL. Be a 
al pA He #6 , 4 . We 15 a > Téo"8-eh-tek 

With Géém-gin, they e king, lé Whéng hang yéd 

262° Géém-gdn kéng, gwdn dy chew wod toow"E 


Chiou .chéing kwun, bé hing dy chéang” kwun, 

Téo"8-ck-tek seized Géem-gan, and roared at 

him, saying, will you surrender? when Géem- 

“g4n replied, in’ our country we/have: * lose-head” 

generals, but no “surrender” generals. 


An instrument of punishment.. 

Yang hang Hit fe to appear openly, 
not to lie in ambush. 

A row, a rank, Hang léet 47 Hi, 
arranged ina row. Hang gné AS 
th. rank and file. Hang soo 4 

Sip sam hang - = aS 
rs) chap s"a hang, the thirteen factories or. 



, 2 warehouse, a store, 

foreign hongs, at Canton. 

yar A fence in the water, made of stones- 
» J +5 ‘or’ bamboos, in order to catch fish. 
great; and, a surname. 

The back part of, the neck; also, 
ay : Ch’hoé pa 

ng Hig AS LE UI, 
Hang-é was the: despotic’ king, of the Ch’hoé 
country,—very famous in Chinese story.. 

A’ lane, a. harrow street’ in a city, 

an alley, it tan soo, yit p’hédou 
yim, chaé loé ‘haps _— (29 B. eas 

IN RK. Ht [ie HK, chit nd. é poor”8, chit poo 


ak hak dy lim, twa: té loé hang, with only a basket 
of rice,.and a calabash full of drink, to dwell 

in a,narrow lane. See the ts if) Seng lan. 
aE | to contend. Choe: é Loé hang BH 
x fal & Ba , Chey kok kap Loé kok 

séo p’hith, the Chey country 
the Loé country. See the D2 ae Séing béng. 

Valiant and bold, Choo-loé hang 

hang jé yéa =< TTT ip) th 

Choé-loé kong kédng dy yé0", Choo- 

The noise of fighting, and wrangling ; 

contended with 







HAOU “211. 

loé appeared valiant and bold. See the - ‘a | 
ay lin. 

A road in a village;. 

An earthen vessel, with along neck, 
f in which records or money may be 
inserted ; it being easy to put things 

in, but difficult to get them out. 

ce Haen, laou FE A: > great, large...) 

“the breath unsettled, 
and’ a palpitation of the heart. 

A sore throat ; 

Lofty. Yew. kok hat é haou lé4ou 

kis cay 2 Wz A, am Pha 

hat. é haou lédou, the dark vallies 

Nees suddenly elevated to a lofty height. 

An enraged, tiger. . Ham}é haou hoé 
+ ki n ’ 

Wr. Bi 0 i vest ee a 

See the Kk HE 

alond, like an enraged tiger. 
Taé gnay. 
The noise of afrightened pig. Haou 
hek [% Jpff, greatly enraged. 

To boast one’s-self strong and firm. 

Jé ai haou 6 téung kok va a) 
vvv® iis 4k =F ip Bi Bae you alone are boast- 

iug of your-strength in the middle country. 

See the I. Att Taé gnfy. 

To, boast, to.brag. Kéché haou haou 
Ne jeén wat, koé che jin, koé che jin 
ra os J dy sim che ka 18 choo. I'howa, kong, 

koé ché dy lang, koé cha dy lang, their disposi- 

tions are only bent on boasting, saying, we are 

as good as the ancients, as good as the ancients. 

See the - 9 Hay béng. 


Read hoé: to roar, to bellow, to make 
a loud noise. “Soo choo pek séw che 

EDA >a 
éng, way sé4ou théfing hoé, chek 

wy chétng ch’heaou ii -f- H BR IZ. . 
EB an sd YL. Al B; mR ch sae d-cho ché” a 

piyh sew dy éng, yin wiy sey thang é haéu, chek 
hoé chéang lang chhéd, when the lion, which is 
the king of beasts, roars on account of a small 

: insect, he becomes the laughing stock of all. 

An animal found in the north, which 

Haou is in shape like adog, and devours 

Filial piety ; to be filial. Yéw hadu 

Hadu 4 a , 200 hadu, to possess filial 


“$8 s00 hod boé wat hada 2fe HEX Gi Ala x, 
gabu holt saé pay boé king hadu, to serve one's 
parents well is called filial picty. 

Téy cho6 jip chek hadu, ch’hat chek tey, of 
FA Se. Ht Yi) ibe sé6 lé hadu sai"® 
jip 188% wod. hadu, cl’hut lth gadu chd séé té, 
young people at home should be filial, and abroad 

See the E 

fraternal. hi Séang lin. 

Hadu Alluring, engaging, . pretty.. 
= To imitate; a pattern, an. example. 
Hadu Haoéu bwat Hic i / to follow a rule. 

Kwun cho6 se chek sé hadu a +: 

vio All. dt Gh, the good man isa rule anda 

pattern. See the » vid Sefou gnay. Also writ- 

ten ii) haou. 

Pleased; déligtrted, pleasant, happy. E 
B® e-sim tk bod. haiou hoe J > 

Bij A any t WBE i se té gwd dy sim kw", 

Wham tok tok bb k’hw"a wah hoé, is it my mind 

See 2 


alone, that is destitute of delight? 
i. Séang beng, - 

HAP © 212 

_. Read hoé: to wait for, to wait upon, 

Re to enquire. _Téng haou a Nig 2 

to wait, tostay. Biin haou fi] tie ; 


to make enquiries after a persen’s welfare. Soo | 

hoe 6 kong k’heng che bain, af fie hs is fy 

Ws FA 5 805 hadu t kong K’heng dy moot’, to 

swait at the gates of nobles and great «men. 

A school, an academy, acollege. Haou 

ix wily Lia i. the name ofa militaty 

office, in ancient times. 


séet wily séing sé hak hadu é kaéu che = a ay Be, 

ie ea BA RE YW Be «ed | séet Phos sting sé 

hak hadu &€ ka e, they then appointed the minor 

schools and larger colleges, for the*instruction 

See ae + Béng choo. 
® » Hadu géem 3H ER, the fulfilment 
Haou ey le -oraccomplishment of anything. Kong 

‘ haou yl ws: the meritorious results 
of endeavors. 

(of the people ). 

Séen ké sod iss séy lan, jé hos ké hadu che | 

sés tok HE BE i HM. TD RSE 

a BY RE taé seng cho e dy sod dy séy wh, jé 
ty dou Whw"d e dy hadu géém dy séy tit tevh, - 

first attend to the difficult part of a business, and 
afterwards look for the results that are to be 
obtained from it. 

Haou Te instruct, to teach. 

To imitate; meritorious result; accom- 
a a Tuy soo ké kong haou 
3B Ba EL Hy BM, tuy sé0"S e dy 

kong hadu, to meditate on the meritorious results 

Hadu 2pA 

of one’s endeavours. 

A curious shell fish, found in the sea. 
Hadu b 353. Hadu héa,.a scoop made of the shell 

d of the same. 


Ae aE Héng hap J np , the noise of a multi- 

saciaie Biiieass 



, To unite, to join, to meet together, 
fom to agree. Séang hap HA A , 8€0 hap, 
| | joined together. Hap kae A ZZ, 

suitable, agreable to what is right. 

‘Hap sim kéet lek S nN by 71, %% unite all 
‘hearts and exhaust aft energies. Ciehey choo hé 

“hap ¥- Fi ju B Ay , vot ke" 16 hap, wife and 
' ghildren “harmonious ne united. See the Ms AE 

Seabu gnay. 

Why, ‘how. Hat che ying aI oF FA, 

wod s"a imée"h ying, of what use ‘was 
it? See the yy ANS Yéith keng. 

WVulg. hwth: to speak loud and angrily. 
ob Tong gé hethat Mal il Fee ia Ne , When 

alarmed and suspicious, te bawl out 
in vain. 

~ Hairy cloth, coarse clothing, sackcloth 
of hair. Kae é hat, k’hwin ké, chit 

sek, @ wiy sit ee fe HH FB. 
P hie Y By RX, ché pob cWhéeng mé poe, phith, 

éy chit ch’héth € chd chéth, they all of them wore 
hairy sackcloth, and made straw shoes and mats 

in order to get a livelihood. See the i i wh Séang 

AB The name ef a bird, like. a wild fowl. 

The iron at the head of an axletree. 

The rumbling of acarriage. T’héy hat 
HE ie to regulate ;—an office in the 
Séng dynasty. 

Blind of one eye; blind, not able to ser. 
Be Goé bin hat jé yit lay, sin hoe Et 
Fel f= Be — Re AZ 5. , gwa woo 

Phi"a cWhai"S mat™® lang ladu chit bak saé, Kham 
wod yé"a& hoé, Y have heard that blind people shed 

tears from only one-eye; is it true? 




4 To understand anything suddenly, ¢o 
perceive, to unrayel, Che é ying 
lek che kéw, jé yit tan hat jéén, 

kwin thong yéen 7’ FY 7 ZA. if 
— B #8 ok EL ii Ra. che kabu ying lat 

dy kob, jé chit miat chite béng jéén Kwan hong e, 
when a man exerts his strength for a long time, 
he one day or another comprehends the subject, 
and thoroughly wedcoeneay jit. See the KB 
Taé hak. 


Hat A prisoner suddenly making his escape. 


Bit hat a te, firm, strong, tobust; 
not fearful. —— ; 

Canning. artful, clever. Séuk ch’he 

sink hat Sh, $3E Bh EE te ena 

4) si 4 gat, ché chiiy & chéng sin, who is 
stupid, and who is clever? 

Hat sok 9 4. a frightened, terrified | 
appearance.’ ‘Ong wat, gt put jim ké 
hat sok TEE) FS ASS SE 

fig. ing king, gw vey lin ¢ dy’ Ke"a’ ké" a, the 

king said, T cannot bear to see'the fear ‘and trepida- 
tion (of the animal). See the E \Séang bing. 

‘. oS aed ar 
» The appearance’ of wind; to open the, 

Hay mouth and blow out, the, breath, 
H Read haou: a sore throats Hes sok | | 
ay a AK Hay séou.. 
The noise of coughing : an infant’saugh. 
Hay Put Kam woey é té’ Hay Hr i Ws 

fey Nee WH > a™ 1G woey 2 12 Ray, 

not daring to breathe bard, sneeze, or cough: re 
the Sy Bll Ley leey chek, 4) ey) 


1g HAY 

BS | A flaw ot red spot in agem. Kin ja 
Hay SEX lek hay F2 GEE FEZ, 0 eeur wrens 
héy, the most precious gem has its 

flaws. See the FE 48 Ché twan. 
é 4 He, atoad. W&bay boe 
ad 5 Kap é ché6"& ché 
séo p’hith, the toads and tadpoles fought 

L) together. ' 
NO? Toascend; distant, afar off. Teng hay 
Hay Ez & ik- the death of an Emperor. 
JA Sim hoé aé é, hay put wiy ¢ ry : 
Ee Re fe as 5H RR, sim kw"a kabu sth e, 
chéw hwui"S,.b6 king, when the heart loves a person, 
distance 'js never thought of. See the Ay RE 

ail) “be 2 , 
Hay ABR same as the above. 


Hay RR male pig, a boar. 

A shcimp, a prawn; the cancer species, 

pee Fess mst Hang hay kr FR ans hay, 

Hay a redness in the, sky- Lok hay é koe 

ms bod chéy hwuy ye a ian ih 

gE Fe, ibe Way Rap Roe bod chd pod tit. pruy, 

the falling thist’' atid te solitary fogs were flying 
about together. 

as eo 
Hay 2 The leaves of the hoé fahg ES Vix 

plant, used as medicine, 

a Vulg! @y: below, down y-undery under- 
neath; to go dowti; to dasdend. Also 

Hay —P 
™ ‘Séy oé & séang, bod € 800 hay, sé¥ ie 
| te al eead aang BP HE HE OP DEE. 

written: — <2 


ee lod, Joh sé-e hob a2, sdy shy, wan é lin, dy s¢ 909) 
bh hols sue sé wa, that which we dislike in Our: 
superiors; we must not manifest to_our’ inferiors, 
and that which we dislike in our inferiors, we 
must not serve our poaehes with. See the K 
eB Tat hak.’ 

Héung té @ hwuy, hay séang ke sf itt fy? = 
iit. T a a a B? kang dy Phe key tit pwuy 

kwdn kay ay sé"a yim, the male of the wild fowl 

is flying about and its cry is sometimes loud and 
sometimes low. See the 4B ial, Wéeéy hong: 

The summer season; also great. A sur- 
name; and B Nig: , hay hoé, a double 

aE a 

oe eons- 

surname. Hwa hay 

flowery summer,” and choo hay mz 

tant summer,” are bothenames for Chine. 

Hay, séang chew B al K- the names of the 

three early dynasties, 

Hay séang léuk hé té gz ef 4h a HH hay 

Vhee"S ihe s86"& léuk leuk hb léén wa ay Pham 4, 
in the summer we may admire the ponds of the 

green water lily. 

———= Agreathouse. Taé hay, hwuy yit bok 
Hy ED os ok I — AHR 
twa ch’hod a™ sé chit he ch'hd sty ey 

cl’hong, a large house is not to be male with a 
single stick of timber. 

Hay BER Leisure, opportunity. Han hay fl I. 

éng éng, at leisure, at ease. 

To conneet. Kwan hay be th, eon- 


DAN Maaences- -: 
_ wong t 
aoe The noise of Janghing, the sound of 
Hy h anger. 
nr Read héet: to stop, to rest. Héet sty 
Hiayh Bk ie F hiiyh i’hwin, to stop, to take 

rest ; sometimes pronounced hiy"h, 



Lim ch’bam bod chia, kan kthwiy putshéet 
iy a a ae. Wa hi AR AK, Whew nd ch'hém 
©. sew béy chin, sw" key staoy ley i hiiyh, the 
“grove is ashamed of ‘not having grown to per~ 
"fection, and the torrent blushes. that it cannot 
stop.. Referring to persons who. are exer learning, 

but never arrive at knowledge, 

= ie 2 Happiness, good luck, prosperity. © Sin he 

He ii » the new year. ‘He soo-ké séng 
i= Eo +E I: hé s00- kb ché"é, to 
give notice of the accomplishment of anythi ing good. 
t at a 
He E he i Py sipdttled, yncertain. 
He Delighted, pleased. 

‘E fe Ve ee , an exclamation of surprise. 

He Pe He ké sim yea nes EL fe UE, te kav 

Phe stm, indeed! Is it so. excessive ! 

ee Hehe i ie. to play; to lect to gam- 

e ! bol. Khong ¢hod. séaou he bé, séang 

FP tin choe tod LF > eR. ras 
BRE RH. GR, hing chad sty, dy sé Chit Phd, séing 
séang pae tin choé toé when Confucius was young he 

used to. play at spreading out sacrifices and offerings. 

See the sp =e Sof ke. 
To burn, to roast, to teast at the fire; 

a little light of the sun ; also written iB. 


He we To cry out when jn pains. ms 

Few; dispersed; to hope, to look forward 
He ‘ to. Kéhe > Scarce, a little. He 
put sit & Fe Ay He Ze; cheers tang 
poéy, there are few that are not lost. . 
Sodhe héén, héén he séng, séng he t’héen + 

BE 4 Be. 2 Ap JK ; Phiak eb’hayh ling dang 

HE 215 

éy gabu, géou ldng bang éy cho. séng jin, eee bang 
éy cWhin chéo"S thee™S,: the Scholar’ ldoks, forward 
te become a philosopher, the philosopher! looks for- 

ward to become a sage, and the sage laps forward 

to be like Heaven. 
ra Yww? 

He He he bk ik. a sigh of sadness, the 
bk appearance of fear; to sob. 

ok EN 

He. i Dry,..dried: ‘in. the’sun.! al ¢ 
He Scarce, rare,. few. 
The places between the joints of the 
He i ) ae 
limbs. A surname. —— 


'@h’huy ‘he: iN we, to: bre ; to draw 
He. Q the’ breath’ fast, is cabled nm ebthuy ; 
+ and to: do-it slowly, is/called’ Wid he. 

Hills standing opposite one aeotber, in 

He a dangerous eas are called ff mF lik, 
héém he. — 

He ) Ké ‘he WPM s50a8 overtthe Bills ; 
¢ Lofty, id i 

A great hill; an old pe: apmarket. 
He ‘Hod he veh Ss > to go to ae 

. To laugh together, He te rt *. 
He the sound of sobbing wheae overcome 

with grief. 

' Empty, vain, hollow, useless, Pat sin 
jin héén, chek kok k’hong he AN fF 
42 BE BY BY 2 OE 2 in 
kwa gaéu dy lang, chek kok khang, Phang, when 
benevolent and clever men are not confided in, 
the country. will soon become empty and deserted 

See the Px Hay béng, 



ne JBD, 


An exelamation, of surprised 1 regret ; 
also written PF be x | Hebe shoe 

. chee ge Fu TFB i: thie chia, 

Slee’ sé choey gé,. alas! alas! iteis othe benevolent 
)> animal! (that. is.shot), . See the 4 fas Séaou lam. 




sai"E> we 

The rising. sun. 

To be! sorrowful, to be grieved. 

To open the eyes wide, and’ look, as far 
a8 possible ; to stare. 
Great ;. also: to, boast, 

Hok he ff ° KR. the name of an ancient 
Emperor, who is said to have flourished 
about: the time of Noah, 

He seng: fs wk, ®. sacrificial animal. 

Boo: é Réiing he seng yeindMe YJ Ht 
tse Hr: » >. séy Phang kéing kip Chéou 
have nothing wherewith to supply the 

| animals for-sacrifice. See the to ri Séang béng, 



He ja 



ne aR 

The light. of) the: sun. 

| Bright, large, extensive, elevated. 

The ‘sun. coming out, and affording a 
genial warmth. 

A covetous person, desiring to eat. 

A groaning from sorrow and vain: Also 
read sé 4 excrement. 



Lé wun, nog lé kong, bé 





An’ exclamation ‘of ‘regret. “Choo wat, 
he, to€ soe che jin, hé chéuk” ‘swan yéa | 
th » hoo chob kong, he} *toé soe dy léng hb chéuk 
swui”& yéd, Confucius { speaking’ of the princes of 
his time) said, alas! men of such contracted views, 

how ean they! be sufficient to! be reckoned on.” 

See the - on Hay lin. 

To be delighted, to be pleased. Hwan 

hé YX FL , nwa he, 

2 iim him jéén, yéw hé sek OR ik mK 
KS AR ca &: chd pod him jetn, woo" hao" a hé dy 
bin sek, they were all delighted,, and pleasure beamed | 
from their countenances. See Béng choo. 
Goé ban che hé, j@ put bé BMLE Th. 
7S ae » gwé kadu vhe"ae = he, je dey ‘Khwan, ' 
when £ heard of it, I was so delighted,” that I 

could. not sleep. d xoH 


a) * 

ie The name-ef an) a: s 

To promise, to pana to: bestow, ta, 

assent to, to allow rs also," vulg. Khoé : 

a surname. 

ng é 1é hé law. kway. 

iin 2% Fi IX. Sl de Se BAB @ wn ww 

to be glad. Ké 

Whe lé-kong, lam, sda Chijyhi chéou'\é Yin, hoe; lads | 

kwity, old mother Le, was very angry. ; with her 

husband Lé-kong, for carelessly promising their 

daughter to, Ladu-kway in.mariage;s: pad cd We 

afterwards became an Emperor. 

Chek Sng hé che hoe A) an Pf a Ff, ote 

éng lé Kham biéyh yin e, would ete abe pee 

allow and assent to it? 

3 Great. a } 
The ‘name! of a tree. > “af, 
hg 2 uf §* 




He Cra 


Ech Great words; to enlarge. 


Harmonious, gentle; to afford 2 genial 

it ae 
Hé hé JB IR , to walk aloe, to be 
without intimates. 
Son 4-» 
Vulg. Awiy : the lungs. ‘Hé hod che gan 

if Iie Z. BS: pak laé dy wa, anything 

very secret; very intimate discourse. 

wi Still, quiet, tranquil. 

Angry ; to be displeased with. Choo hoé 
tek Ong séy hé, jé héén k& kong 
choo hoé tivy, tek ing dy sty sw Khe, jé héen e Sdival 
ié; the, princes opposed those: with whom tle king 
Wan, was ee and then reported their deeds. 
See. the Fe Cha twan. oi 

To laugh, Heng tey putte, he ke ch’héadu 

‘Fuh AA, WEIL FR, wre 

té @™ chae, he hé,.e ay! oW TED y his bre- 

thren being ignorant of it, how heartily: he Jaughed ! ! 


See the oe A Woey hong. 

"ia To be faolishs some ‘say, t 

be still. 

To play, to-sport, to gambols. Hé long 
y = he lang, to sport,, with Cho 
he (it iE to act plays. 
Hwan hé bod ck fi BR 4m. 4, all pily is un- 


4 Kwuy ‘bin che lvéy; he jé put ‘phan’ tg Pat 

AN. ye i HK RK kwuy. modi™S, éy lat, gadu 

| ¢héén je bé thé Khwihy; within the female-apartments, 

we can” sport without sighting.” oa the” Mf 5 HW 
Léy ke. 4 

’ HEA 217 

a, TO Spy, to look'at. © Pok k*hoéhé péen 

dp, ae eB WE rate hong dy ch’hat tit 
Rhw"d lin peé"®, the northern’ robbers 
are overlooking our borders, 


Roaring drunk, furiously drunk, to be 
enraged when in liquor. He éng 
ee. mad drunks also written Be he 

and at he. 
. p— make a present of food. Soo gé 
He AA té yung he i BBE Gi, 100 

gé te sang yung he, the master of the 
ceremonies presented the food, cooked and prepared. 

See the A id Chew ley. 

He ' To ‘exert striaigteh also firm and strong, 

He —® Tobreathe, to blow on-anything, to make 
suiten » it warm, . rir Hu ideith 

Read’ gé, fish. Poe ge if} fA, leith he, 
Hé to catch, fish, .. Yéenchwity Jey théen, 

GOO 26 yéak @ yen ZR BRR. £5 1 

F i chédou pwuy kadu v “é0 1é yéen, 
the birds fly up to Heaven, and the, fishes sport 
in the deep. . 

Read jé, the ear. Jé a * 
hé Whang, the hole of the ear. Jé bain 

put j@ bok kééa Ff. fal aR io =| 

Bp, , We Whang hea 2” tat woh bak chew k’hw"d, 
pc with the ear, is not’ so © wee ag'seeing with 



“tho o. anid IS. ents | 


Boots, high, leathern shoes ; also written 

Hl héa, P*hé héa ke EE phity héa, 

: leather _ boots. 


A spoon, or ladle. Haou hea St He 
a ladle made of the shell of a fish. 

Hée®a a 
ne Héang k’bae (pj Fil. hea k’mouy, 

\ ews a* th yh = ; 

"Riad wa, a, rn Wa-chwan Se i. 
héa chui"S, tiles and bricks. Hay 
Khwan. go@ sé chok wa FF Fe & Bee 

EE (E kh: hay téasu J’ hwun gob 8@_ cho Sr 

K’hwun-goé, of the Hay suief invented tiles” 
(B. ©. 2100: ) 

Reet wiy wa Bt $8 Fh keer cho héa 

Whos, Kéet was the first who built tiled houses. 
(B. C. 1756). 
+ Read ee an ant a pismire. Ch'hé to 

Héa be = teng yéw, gé kway heen sity Kd % 

aX. WE ih be ES Bi] IK , neaou cwne 

, Phaou teng ytw, kaiu héa Rhw"a heene chity, the 

rats steal the oil of the lamp, and the ants peep 
at the water of the ink stone. 

~ Read heng : anvelderbrother. Heng « 

Heri; bri téy ya fy, hé"a té, brethren. E’ 

ké heng che cho eh’bdy che }*) 
Ht SL ZF BZ, thbe ty neta ty ue, 
hoe e ché bod, he'took his elder brother’s daughter 
and married her to him. ‘See the | F Spy Séang 
‘Van, tb 00; 4 
ae A fragrance that may be perceived 

Hea afar off; a distant smell. Sé chek 

hwuy héang, béng tek way héang 

As BE IE GE. WY HE GE FE ecto om 

sé hd"a, beng tek tok tok hé"a,coru ‘and grain 

‘are not fragrant, resplendent’ virtue alone is 

' fragrant. See the fay FR'Sé5"S se. 

Hea i Read héang, a disease of the nose. 

Hal % 

” Read héang,” to open oul, to go to 
a distance from, to give a “wide birth. 

to, desert, to. reject, 

41 »fT’héen hay héang éng, sé, hoe choo tek che sin 

ewnod TP Wr) ME. WP EG 2 He 

, } thee"® ay dy hé"a eng, k’hw 4 hoe choo séang 
by tel hth stn iene yéa Iehan pte “pea”, the 
e people's deserting from'tr reverting to standard, 

may be observed to be ‘aeedrding to the® ‘purity 

or faultiness of tad ‘Puling’ Monde ij Hi 

yiena wih” 

# oe og, to BE to be Soot 

to be in trepidation, , Keng héng 
ee ie, Kea he", to cei 

to tremble. 

‘Hong K’héiing hod é iB 

b6) swath; (to, be. incest “afaid 


vegetable production, used for ‘tinder. 

Pé' ch’haé! (gnaé nay Ape ANd Ae. ‘5 e Whe bin 

ié"a@, he is’ gone! to gather, tinder. ‘See thes 

= JA Se .éng hong,,i a Ny 
a hoe $B Hi jeaing héith hot, 
the dragon forehead lordi; a title 

of vrank. fad? oongiesi! 4 Ae £ ouf 

He ‘bias a ae 0 @ joke, Nand fine 
tricks with ‘any one. Séén hé héak 

; = hey, pat way. géak hey as 34 ae 
Ay > yza fe as gdou, gdou chéén dy ling, 

u™. thang ae e ¢hé, chin ché" a, those, who are 



Read gee: a kind of grass or moss 

used in cauterizing tinder. H6 

Read .gek, .the forehead, Lédng gek 



" must not let Lp eqpie to serious 

reality. See the x Jal. Woey eR 

fond of sport, 


Héak pod ® je Héak _yéak sdk us: a a star +: | 

Vile ‘Phang: kenorlit =] ae aro- 
ye matics vulg.”" héo"S}iticetise, Ché 
48” nelig “héang, | kant @Sin béng, 

SA EB RHA 9 vee 


8 4, rate ne 

) nie nia, tinder ; a 
gas IR AE, nies : 






| Héang 

saat os 

i i 


, phang, kém tong sin béng,,, a well arranged 

government, is So fragrant that it even “influ- 

ences the gods::in its favour,, See the fy = 
Séo"8 se. 

Seaou héang téém chéuk V3 am ma 1 séo 

héo"S téém ‘chek, to ‘burn ncaa and light 

candles ‘(in worship )- a14 

Séa héang we ay séa héo"8, ap Teng héng 

Te teng héo"S, cloves. 
Heang’ lé 
a dbuatry uit 

4 yp FB héo™S le, a village, 
Boy Héang tong bok jé 

~ elthé, ¥n ‘ wa ip A. héo"6 

Te bb i hears wod hiey, im the villages 

ae is so much respected as age. See the 

oh ie Séang beng. ¢ 

-onowl) (Héang ijtm ‘yim! chéw, téang chéa ‘cr’ut, 800, 

chat 26 Ak Hk AH AH 

, héo"S 1é dy lang tit lim chéw, habu kéth 

eibae' dy! Teng chit, Tan’ ch’ héa ay “en hi, when 

drinking wine among villagers, upon seeing the 

old people walking with sticks, go out, then ‘we 
may algo.depant, See the, bei Séang lin. 

Fine fat ‘cattle the fat of fed beasts; 
“fat suet. 

Vulg. hé"a: a disease of the nose 5 

foul breath. 


7 ) Hadu‘héang # er, aitcbale used 

| in’al sacrifice ;’ to offer a sacrifice. 

To prion, to, resound, to echo. 

3 os Ch’héing héang ER mB ch’ héeng 
tan, the cannon’s roar. Lay héang 
—e Ze ty tan}' the ‘thunder rolls. 
 Héang . che “hod © senig, ‘je éng che té \héng 
} hes, sé” a, ch’hin eheong yas dy We ‘bing héng, 
Pie echo ¢ “depends on ‘the ‘sound; as Aa shadow 
displays the ‘substance. 


To drink'wine. Yit téaouhéang che 

Ai! “leheith | e, to drink it out in one 
non See the! Dy HE Séadu gniy. 
- sling se ‘Toe enjoy, to ‘réeeive, to"'sacrifice ; 
to feast. Hang ‘hok FIR. e 
fists enjoy, happiness. ~ z 1} 
So6 che cho6 chéy, pek sin héang-che {if Zz ‘ 

i ae iit 2 2, sat & chad ghey sod piyh 
sin chéw hédng e , if you set him wpreiite, at 
a sacrifice, all the gods will enjoy it. See 

ee a =F- oan choo. 

Val i n ‘towards; “opposite a- 

| foretime. © Héapg,,, laé; [A] 7K 
hitherto; 5a\surname..., 

, Sey héang 'so6. chin pa. fry: Hp FZ: hé"® sae, | 


hok saé chin, to go towards the -west and serve } 

the Chin peuniys, Bose the w e A Chen | 

if 7 ait ) 

kok chvhek. 
grad woo P yf -* 4 
fieiig” “The same ‘ds the upreceding. 
aa he Formerly, aforetime, ‘some ‘time ago, 
Héang * just'now. °“The'same as iF) héang. 

Héing yea, go@ hééa @ hoo cho6 
akan 8 i, BE HS HET 
i, pé tong sé gw kee”8: hoo ichob,\jé mooi"S 
té dy sod, some time ago, Towaited. upon Con- 
‘\ fueius, and) sénquired: réspecting + knowledge. 

Y ig Hay lin. = ~ 
Past time, not long Fa the pert, 

on Jeb also, clear!) ay 457] } 

\ ae % 
To offer, to offer ‘up in’ sacrifice ; 

to present ~ t 4 2 sala * 

To prescat, to “offer ab. Tares 
Héang kwan Filo) \heang kw" 

Héing Aa(a) “raid yer 

kiey bay, d, to, be subject te duties 

See the 

a a He Zs chit dy: mityh chaé ) 


... Wéw tong chod é sé jéuk héang 7A ca F- 
DL AE By Git, 00 sey ke"a hb eatyh & wa 
bih laé sang, there was a young lad, who 
brought! millet: and: flesh to present it, ae 2 6 

cn et 

ors Séang béng. ~ ae 


‘Pained and grieved. 

4 o@¢ 

Heaou héng Hi FE lucky, acciden- 

tal; by mere chante, -Kwun choo 
ke @ € sod béng, seadu jin héng 

. foosios » Réémy,& henou héng, Ft fe: I Ape 
i IS AE BR BARR. tom ote 
eoono¢o: WREG B-€ pai’, dy wily é léng haiu mé"a, sedsu 
jin kb"4. te héém hak fy sb chaé.é tit 8h héaox 
héng, the good. man rests contented with plain 

and easy things, waiting for his fate; but the 

worthless character ventures into dangerous 
places, in order to seek his luck. See the rf it 
Téung ying. 

To invite, to incite, to call, to 
. request; ito detain. Ké piey heiiou 
Wenge wat FL AR Ue FA A 
51 peat: Rhe chew piiey cl h8"a ding: gityh, 16 
elevate the. wine cup jaud toast the clear moon. 
Soé soé jin héaou che é loe ia A ik 

LDS hy. s08 krty ding Wtnou chith © 12 we, 
he sent some people to stop him on the road 

Héaou’ = 

See the [ GY Séang beng) 
en Mee LAR void and im- 
-Héaou a meéiise, the wide e: , Of bound- 
: "feds! ‘space: “ie 
To pillage, to be rrow ‘other’s ideas 
Héaou a and take them out. Ug to ‘prac- 

tice plagiarism, 

io 'e HaP Te aes RA LEH 


Be, wan héaow ay lie kéo ae KK wos te hwiy, 

é i 

abhor plagiarists calling themselves wise. See 
“Pe Hay lan. «. SAA: 

Wee Afraid, and. recounting one’s misfor- 
7G tunes, fi ‘+ 

YP Empty, emptiness, space. Gwin héaou 
7 Ie ; the’ mame” of a star, 

re 4 Ch’he héaou RE, 5B, a bird of prey, 
Heaou 4 . akite or hawk. Chthe héaou ch’he 
meee £1). os, 



héaou,! ké: ch’h@ gn6°chod, ‘bod 

niaay go's OG FE, WE ha BER eT. 
“4a ay AK Eve ch’he héaou ch’he héaou, ké jéén 
“woo Phiyh gwa dy ké"d amUhang Chéth gwd dy 
cl’hod, oh thou ravenous ‘bird | thou ravenous 
bird! ‘since you have taken’ my" young one, 
do not destroy my dwelling. See the vi\ jal 
‘Pin ‘hong: ferany qe 

Heabas, A Proud, arrogant. : 
wm An unlucky ‘bird, with four wings 
Héaou yeah and a dog’s tail; also to, cut off 

RR the head, and expose it in order 
to terrify others. The same as héaou. Héaou 

séw va 2] > to’ expose’ any one’s head on a 

The same as the above. Also writ- 

‘Héaou Dy 1 
) ten pe héaou. 
A good horse; also military and 
Héaou courageous, Héaou"ma ie i, 
ay héaou béy, a good horse. 
Héaou The same jas i héaou. 
To declare aloud, to, vociferate ; 
Heaou. also contented, self satisfied, well 



» oho Jin te che ek hédou héaonu, Jin’, put te ek 
») os héaou héaou K ay ray) A aS 
r ‘4n 7K \ WB. , if people know us, we must 

‘ibe satisfied, and if. not know us, we 
_ must still be content. See the Put Hay béng. 

Re: | Héaou né éwaving: inte 
Héaou A ‘ie Hah I 4 
f wind; pliant’ and lissom. 

Haan A young wolf. 
A fabulous evil bird; an unfilial 
Héaou bird; also to expose any one’s head 

1 on a pole; courageous. 

Héaou séw sé chéing B 2) aR 5 héaou 
Phabu kak, hoé chéing ling Khw"d, to expose 
the head on a pole, in the: sight of every 

to comprehend, to know; bright, 

Héaou ZF ' 
clear. Gné put héaou tek KK Ae 

et 4, gwd béy hedou tit, Y cannot understand it. 

Hééou gwat chédou ko loé [PE Fy he a ‘ie 

béng gityh chéd kwan dy ladu, the\clear moon 

, eid) 4 
To understand; to perceive clearly, 

illumines the high gallery. 
Béng hé4ou AA Be , to understand clearly; also 

tomorrow morning. 

Héaou Indecent, abandoned,. whorish. 

heth ch’héé, to laugh heartily. 


x : 
wake Sd Heth heth ch’héadu [fd D3 4, nee 

Héem A kind of spade. 
ee b That which the mind approves of and 
Héem Meee wicaees 
sy delights in, to desire. 



HEM 221 
Sweet, both in: taste and smell, 
Heém — 

The grain hurt by, too much manure. 

A shovel. H"6 héem K Ve hey 

héem, a fire-shovel. 

Hazardous, dangerous, impenetrable. 

Héeém hae [er 7 dangerous. Ong 

Kong séet héém, é€ séw ké kok 

EDR [gp VW af HL Be. bng kong séet 




héém haé dy wiy, & chéw e dy kok, the kings 
and rulers established dangerous passes, in order 
the defend their country. See the 

5, 4a Yeih eng. 

A long nosed dog. 

F gis Héém ae fe HR, qnotber name 

for the northern ‘Tartars. 


To run away, to drive anything away. 

Read ham: to bawl. Hat ham 
ne hwith héém, to bawl out aloud. 
Ham gnéw th 2. héém: gob, to 

drive cattle. 

To have doubts of; to dislike, to 
disapprove, to be disgusted with. Léy 
chéa, séy € téng ch’hin soe, kwat 

héem g@ yea. jfte Ae Mt YI FE BL BR. We 
He ie Hh, , léy soe s& sty & eG 8th clvhin sey, 
kwat toot"S héém gé, proper ceremonies are the 
‘means by which we fix the distinetions between 
near and distant relatives, and decide on what 





is! doubtful, and, ae See the th ite. 
K’héuk léy.. 

Beautiful, fine. 

A carriage used by a great officer ; 
a carriage box, a curtain of a carriage. 
To lift up the low roof of a house, 
in order to admit light: 
Se héen at iff , a school, a place of learning, 
Héen win iif He a double surname. 

To lift up with the hands;_to- raise 

Ne a elevate gently; to raise up lightly. 
AY fii 
Néfou héen gé yéak Ba fi 

aS PRE > enedou niten Wb, he tit 126, the 

birds gently rise, and the fishes leap. 


A kind of vegetable, that grows in 
the water.. 

To display, to manifest, to shew 

clearly. Héén té BF #. to illus- 

4 trate. 

Héén choé éng chong 4A jal ok i: to set 
forth one’s ancestors, and glorify one’s forefathers; 
Phe héén chae ban 6ng boé, phe sin chae boo 
ing lit Fs BAR CE BLE HK BE 
Tay +E vat » twa. Vhang héén béng chae bin dng 
dy kwuy bot, twa éy sto swd.chae bod bng dy cheng 
Het, how greatly. illustrious were the plans of 

| BGn-éng, and how. eminently. were they carried 



on by the zeal of Boé-dng! See. the 
Séo"8 -se. ‘ fa a 


To lament: incessantly; also to pro- 

To look at anything distinctly ;. to- see 
clearly: to stare. 









292 HEEN 
A small kind of cockle. Léw chin The peak of a hill. Sek chek chaé 
h®6 tam héén oh Be ag we iNet >» | Heén Yer héén, héw kang chaé gwan F Ai) 
HE WER is Gs AE ii pityh chéo"s 

laéu chin ae chéth héén, Léw-chin 

was fond of cockles. 
A spy. 

The name of a hill, in Ee ye , Séang 

yang. There was in the F chin 

=e ihe yang hoé, who on ascending this hill, 

and witnessing the picturesque scenery around 

dynasty, a man of the name of 

him, shed tears, saying. 

yéw ch’hod héén san A Ay it (p A 

W. ibe, ly 5 chod wod Uhee"S téy, —peen wod chéy 

léy héén sw™a, as long as the universe has stood, : 

this ‘hill has been ‘here; he therefore set up a 
tablet,, which has been called, the Tiiy Jay paé 

ie} lig BR, ‘shed tear tablet.” 

The coarser parts of grain after it has 

been pounded into meal. 
Fat; also’ an involuntary motion of. 
ii the muscles. er Ahad 
> To. FEBEOYEnI to contend with. 
‘o: offer up,’ to present, to send in; 

also wiseand clever men. \Héén séw 

ae kad ebnok BRB BS Fai? Me 

chéw koh’ tap ‘séo' aon: phiey, to present wine 
and atiswer the compliment, ‘in mutual’ éxchange 
one with another. See the /\s AE ‘Sea6u gnay. 
Héén chéy Fak As oto offer: up a” Sacrifice. 

Ban héén put chéuk kod, yea % ek He a 

Be Ht, cWhiyh kwa gadu ldng bb kadu dy yéén 

koe, ‘it is because. the. books, and “Clever men of 
that period were not sufficient. Bee the ft ih 

Séang lin. } Xe 

Choo yéw é téw, péen’ 

I'he chek té sw"a chéem, koh pune chek: té pais 

gwan, (in our rambles) when “We vaseend, we 
get upon the peak of the hilly and when we 

descend again, we come into the. plains, 
the I AE Taé gnay. re i ie 

An iron pan, smoothly finished at the 


Héeén Heo bottom, without the broken knob or 
‘ protuberance, usually found at the 
bottom of all cast metal pans. it 

Ké héén A le a yaluable pan, formerly sent 

as a present from one state to another. © Boe’ the 

Fi {ei Ché twan. mt, Al : 
‘A last for stretching shoes upon; also 
written Ka héén. 
Variegated colours, the, ornamental_ 
Aa eat ey of pictures. » So é wily 
BA) etre DL ty 
ley chd ‘btn cW’haé, ‘the’ white - Brand | is in- 

tended for laying the cdlouting: ‘one a the) 
att Séang liin. 



A cos a pattern, a magistfate. Héén 
tae Tae a aS an’ 6pen( han in(whieh 

dX? high officers are scciatoined to ride. 

,, Ban bog sé, héén xX gh Het, bin éng bob 
Ong, sé cho, Juwat toe, Ban-dug, and Bowe are, Pats 
terns, (for: after ages). See the k 


Tas gnay. 

*ge To deliberate on ibeanad judicial 

ey fees 

ou oBlaek; (with wtidg? of shea also deep, 
-ibabstruse,:and! distant. “I*héén jé tey 

in KY th the. vhee"™S 


oe jé léy wui"®, the heavens’ are black and the 
earth is yellow. See the A ag Yeah keng. 
T’ham to h"6 yéen héén PERT vse Ta 5 
tham thé"a to lé, sé ad Whith chim bé, in fa- 
thoming doctrines, we should. prefer’ the ore 

and abstruse, 

4 ; 
Heén Y - The name of a river, _ “ 
YT - 


2 Bright refulgent, brilliait, 

Kéung ‘héén 5 R& , the’ string of 
Héén a bow.  Yéw soo! yéw chip héén, 

ché chip hoo, jé stew kéuing AR 

Aa He 5%, Ac He Hf. 8 oe 

kw"a che"a eWhéw.gim, héén, | &- =a ew gim pan 
ché, jé séw hoé lin kéung, the’ proper officer, in 

his right hand holding the, bowstring, and the 
‘thimble in his left, Selivers' us theibay. See the 

fie ae SS 

tba, ee XA 

om Ma héen th tt, a3 name of an in- 


Chin hééa, fy. we * of ip 
ne or vessel’s) the fri 


Héén , . The eyes not _constantly.- figed on ne 
object ; the eyes waniléing. 
; The string of a prngical instrument ; 
lé én \. astringed ee f.masic. Shes 

he - che bdo sé ie che seng 
fc 8 xt Wt. fi ay » hoo choo 
kadu bod se"a, Phe" a Keds } heen ape when 
Confucius arrived at the city of Bod, he heard 
the sound of a istringed » instrument, accompa- 
nied with singing. See the ph itd Hay lan 


ici The ear of an iron pan, ‘the handle 
Héén ; ae 
by which to lift it up. 
Lm To boast of one's self to vaunt one’s own 
Héén Zz. praises. Choo héén =| Kei» to brag. 
Héén 1é put.cheng, héén sod put sin 
FAA AP EH fk,» dressing 
woman is never modest, anda boasting scholar 
is not to. be believed. 
y) To hang, to ‘suspend. Héén k’hwa 
Heéén Kes th, to hang up. Yéw kaé to 

Ww ¥ ~ héén Ae Fae {i } WR , ch’hin chéo"& 

_ Chabuté téadu dy lang, (it would b be a deliverance) 
like loosing one hanged up by the heels with his 
head downwards, See the [- 5% Séaug béng. 

To connect, to draw, to lead, to sus- 
dhvly pend, The same as the above. 

Vulg. gadu: virtuotis~and clever, in- 
Hien! telligent;'skilful. Héén jin FR J, 

gdou lang, ‘a philosopher, 

' ip FF rages and wise men. 
Héén'chae hidy yee PEAK YOY 1, gradu chae 
 chéy ley hity; how’ elever' is Pr Ge See the 
. at A Lin’ ge 

bith 00 Sian Wal ‘wily! heen’ ru orn ow 

‘Fim kew"a | ltok'toke abi lang dy that: tedou, the 
talents of cléver men alone are équal’'to sustain 
the weight of dfices'! See the fiip BE seo" se. 

Séng héén 

- Difficult., i 
{ & iw 
“pe ‘display, ‘to manifest, 'ta ‘appear, to 
) obévpresent, .Hdéén, kim, HA, the 
J present» time... (H&Ea chad! Hi a 

at present. i 

Héén ch‘haé a x. > héng cWhae, a 
conkind (of vegetable, the @maranthus 




3 - @ € 
To appear in the presence of, to wait | 

pen, to have an audience, Chéfing 

+hé4 hén che 4 
| chea yECm The ie a S , tiy dy 
ling hoé e kee"®, the followers (of Confucius) 
admitted ‘him into the sage’s! pateyte ‘See: 

Bio ond Ge oe is ooy Sang’ fin’?4*  g 
Héén ké jé chod yéen ih Bie +f z, ch’hwa 

end dy wea hod e'kee”S, he then brought out 


his two sons, and introduced them to him. 

See the "fs am Hay) lan. 

A the Chinese for rubbing the ink upon. 

tity Koé héén bé vhap ché bek to ray 
} A Aik yy BY ae B, koé cha dy hea", sey 

sey dy hwul é Whésh bak chéy, an old ink stone 

Vulg. nes"é : an ink. ‘stone, used by 


| with vonly a small) »hollow: place in it, collects 

»potuchi ink, 

Vulg. kwan: a district, a country, a 


department. Chin» sé hong peng 
Ady)  vhéen hay, hwiy hong kéén, sé ché 
kwiin héén RG SFR PE. jes By 

Hey Atl FM A, otter 06 bang pons hec"® hay 

hwiy bé hong kéen dy wiy, Ie’hé thadu cWhong, 
kwiin kwan, the first Emperor ofthe Chin dynasty 
united, the Empire, under one head, and did 
away with the independant possessions; from 

which time departments 
be formed. See-the xe Ee Sod, ké. 
ther. “E swat phéaow p’héaou, kéén: 

BH héén wat séaou PR ae. ie He i, 

Ai fA YA’ lého sigh phéuou pihéaou, Kee”& jit 

and; districts began to 

The sun shining out clear ;, fair wea- 


cWhut' chéw kong séaou, when the snow has~ fal. 

len ‘and drifted along, on the appearance of the 
sun it melts. 


Hees 2 

The sound of groaning ; or crying. 


An exclamation of disapprobation, 

and abhorrence. 
Heang Kéung héén ry ia , kéung heé™S, a 
ee how-string. . 
Khim héén 3E 2, k’him hee"S, the 
Heé"$ string of a harp or guitar. - Sin chok 

gnée héén, é ko lam hong Ge TE 

tt eR BL. stn chd goé heé"S ay 

whim, é cWhédng kwa lam hong, Sin made a 
five-stringed harp, in order the sing of the sou- 
»thern wind. Ti 
haan i See the ji GE Ley ke: 
. Héém chong yy tie hee”® changs- a kind: of 

Ad ‘ 

Heeng Mem * A whizzing ‘through the nose. 

eAbery héén: an ink-stone. _Ché, pit, 

Hees ‘a ; bek, héén, ban pong soo po FAN oe 
i, a BL DO His VY GE ete, wi, 

bak, neé"S bin ping se po, Paper, _Pencils, ink, 

and ink stone, are the four pregobs things of 
the literary chamber. ~ 

ts, ’ Low, mean; beautiful ;- ‘also written 
eep {iE héep. 
Héep Fire advancing nea, and blazing 
E upwards. 
Read chod: a anager Chod sek 
Héep Rh A > Sheep’ chet,” $™”oadstone, 

Chod sek yin Uhéet, é kim put léén 

We, 7B 5] fee. TP & RE héep chéth yin 

Wt tong kim bé sto swa, the loadstone draws 
the iron, but now they are not near together! 

‘Said by ché git y Hii » when separated from 
his brethren. 


Jim héep a AR: to forma party, and 
collect partizans hy favours shewn. 
Hé héep Re Be, undaunted, and 
disinterested. ; ‘ 
Hwaé héep ie tk, iaPSein one’s 
mind,.to adhere to. Héep té bk fF vi 
“toheld under the arm, to squeeze, 
to grasp. ; é 
Ké héep sod hoe PE 1K 1) iD kath gniyh 
sé dy chee"®, having grasped the four arrows. 
See the K HE Taé gniay. 
Put héep téang, put héep kwiy a Hh fe. Ir 

= eH. a” héep lén dy sé twa; a héep lan dy hod 

kwiy, not to adhere to one’s superiority, nor to 

" stick pertinaciously to. one’s own, nobility. See 


Hé ep 

ER F Béng choos 

Vulg. dyh: narrow,. contracted, not 
wide. Boé chod kong é héep jin fu. 

Fy VAR Ae 6 bate win 

twa, éel’ hing dyh lang, do not extend:yourself, in 
order to straighten others.. See the fr] = 
Sea" se. 

Sin kéen ké séy té@ chéd héep, j@ séy yéuk. chéa 


ae gwd Whw"d e sey gim té dy ayh, jé sey 
aé bityh dy ch’héa, 1 perceive that, that which 
he adheres to is contracted, and that which, he 
desires extravagant. 

Strong; violent. The same yt] lek, 

Héep no, , harmonious,. united, 

Tong yin héep. keung: [a] a bin 

At. tang™a héep hb kéung kéng, 
to be harmonious and, respectful with one’s 
brother. officers. 

The same as the above; also written 

BE, héep and HIB hep. 









Fearful, alarmed} to terrify one by. 
violence. , 

The ribs, Ché.yéw léang héep ZF G 
PA FY 5 06 chew ché"d ch’héw ni 
dy héep kwut, the two rows of ribs, 

on the right and left. 
Téding jé kd ch6, bin ké péén héep, yéuk kwan 
ke chong 2S EP 3d) YY fed HE GE. 
Fe8] # AK ling jé kéey. chb kok, lang Uhi"a 
@ wed sto swd héep, chéw bidyh k’hw"d-e dy yto", 
when Téfing-jé passed-through the Chd country 
they heard that: his- ribs were connected and 
wished. to look at his appearance. Also writ- 

ten. 4 héep. 

e United, harmonious + also: to soak in; 
VS to, imbibe, to diffuse: Héep pé ké 

CT? in A Hee, séo hap e dy kdyh 

péith lamg, to. be harmonious, with. one’s neigh- 
Héng yin er héep = a wR Ye, hing tey 
dy yin kéep héep (é sim, to have a sense of the 
Imperial kindness imbued ins the mind. 

Villg. hétyh’: blood. Héet k’hé im ZA, 

m the animal spirits. Hwan yéw héet 
k’hé ché4, bok put chun ch’hin J 

A niin K 4h Ay 1) A, hwin wod hityh 
Whe dy lng v6 a™ chun e dy pay boé, whoever 
has blood and spirits, will never neglect to honour 
his parents, See the rh if Téung yang, 
Sat jin péén yéa, héet law séng hd ax A 

ia La i Ht AY iW. Chaé lang mw"é yéd, 

hiéyh labu ché"d kéng, the slaughtered people 
‘filled the waste, and the blood flowed like a river. 

Héet tok oLap. the name of a coun- 

A dog with a. short nose.. 


Héet ae 
Héet ie 

Yit sit séang chin, cwhod vhok se che ché, put 
ti séaou héet— FA, Af AF. he =e us v4 
> aS Ay Bk, chit dy chhwin Whwiy 

Diet lé tit, chéy ley Chak cWhiyh dy che, a™ 

To draw, to pull, to drag; also any- 
thing broken asunder. 

: hem hityh, and nity to stop, to 

rest, to cease. Héet téém RR ji: 

hiy"h téém, anion, a resting place, 

ying sto K’hwé hity"h, as long as a breath re- 
mains, this design of studying} books should 

not be permitted for a moment to cease. Said by 

%i) if es léw cheng sew. 

A pyre acavern, aden. Heéet k’hong | 

Ri » feet khang, a hole in the 


Stang kdé héet ke, j@ yéa ch’hé E rewas 

khang, jé twa lé yéd, gwa, the earlier ancients 

resided in caves and dwelt in the wilderness. 

pee Water issuing out of a cavern, also 

Héet yy 
OX IN. deflective, partial, erroneous. 
Heet x 


To meastire, td ascertain the size of 

anything. Héet ké eA aa) , to mea- 
sure by a rule. 

Hek hek tii ie , lofty and illustrious; 

Diy fully displayed, 
; séang, hek hek chaé hay 1) 31 AA AE 
bis bk Fak KE Tr, béng béng té léng bin, hek 

hek té hay téy, bright, and clear above, and fully 
displayed below. See ‘the k HE Taé gnay. Also 
Hi 3B hek 1één} a double surname... 


Hek ) 


e& $00 a wan ehéng ke lé Coe 
H. HH Tik, dng “hiwith e dy séw 


je if} Ty ie séang kot dy lang, W’héa té heet 

Béng béng chaé 

Vulg. hwah: to be are | to be enraged | 
Pi t, to threaten, to -bawl out. Ong 


Whe, chéw chéng e dy peng, the king gave vent 

to his anger, and immediately drew out his army. 

See the Av RE Séabu gnay. 

Hek Nin A surname. 
a Vulg. oe: black. Hek jin jin A? 
Hek lang, a black man. Pok hong séuk 

uvVN say, hek sek AY, 7 BIKE, 

pak he" séuk chity, oe dy sek, the north belongs 
to the element of water, and claims black for its 
colour. Tak ; 
To be afraid, to be alarmed.  Lé hoé 
bo hek hek k*héang ké ke je Fe 
Ju Aid Hye a HEL, tth t0h hod boty, hek 
kek ké"a hé"d, treading on a tiger’ ‘tail, we become 
See the HE Ek keng. 

y Or; if, either, peabapys to deceive, to 

Hek yn doubt, to hesitate, Hek chéa° By x. 
wT Uhéem chaé, perhaps. Hek jin BY XN 

a certain person. 
Hek wat, kwan téing k’*héém hoé BY El a 

Ah (e #- , woo lang king, kwan ‘téing k’héém & 
bé, a certain person said, is Kwan-téiing, parsi- 

monious ?'See the im =f Séang lin. 


alarmed and terrified. 

Territory a tract of country. The same 

with by hek. 

A region, a border. Sey hek ee 

séng jin PR Ji he). 

Vhee"S éy ch’hut chit dy séng jin, the 


a BR 

western region will produce a sage. 

~The same as the above; a boundary. 

‘Bod. séy. chin hek Sm fff Ws Wak > 

bé. sey. kaou .kaé, without bounds or 


ane ancient fortn 1K hek ; some 
| osay;"a net. 



i The whistling of the wind, the sound 
Bek BY, of wind ; 
or wind, 

as By , to be tempted. Béy hek 

ik BX, to be deceived. Gé hek ie By, to 

doubt,.to be suspicious. Hek Iwan By AL to 
be confused , 

Té chéa put, hek Fn 5 x BE 5 100 te sit dy 

ling bé hek, a man of knowledge is not to be 
deceived. See the [| Sir Stang lan, 

Hek Wie A short kind of fox, 

' The seam of a garment: a row of stitch- 
i ae . ° 

To cut off the ears of prisoners taken 
Hek BC in war. |Séng kong sam léén, é why 
hoo. hek nk yy = = y Py FF. 

, séng kong sna seé"®, léth stw dy lang kwith 

Ne é in the third year of Séng-kong, ‘they took, 

the prisoners and cut off their ears. 


Hek To decapitate prisoners taken in war. 
The threshold of the door. Lip put 
Hek a téung bin, héng put Ié hek JP A 

w Hp FH. 45 AS BLS, hed 06 18 

moot" tang eNS, ke" 4 v6 th téth Y téng, in 
standing he would not stop in the middle of the 

door way; and in walking, he would not tread: 
Said of ge in nthe eS 

on the threshold. 

em Séing lan. .~ TX \ 

“Bek | bain Br x, a proclamation, a 
paper announcing anything to ithe peo- 
ple. Han, ko, choé é é hek tin théen 

ee tae aig 

han ko choé thé chédou mé dy hek bin, tin teadu 

> To be deceived, ,to he led astray, to. 
By, be confused, to doubt. Yéw hek 
* RAS 


Phee"S ay dy peng, Han-ko-chod made tse of a 
Proclamation with a feather in it (to denote speed ) 

in order to summon all the the Empire. 

Hek The name of a tree. 
To take a general survey, to inspect, to 
Hek examine. Chong hek béng sit A 

x e, hs Kchdm ¢ dy mée"a séa, 
kap e dy chéak sit, to examine whether a thing is 
merely nominal, or real. 


Hek chong 7] WR ; 20 indictment, a brief. 

To examine the rights of a judicial case. 

‘An hek tk Ff] , to enquire into the 
merits of a case, 

To examine an affair, in order to know 
the rights of it. H6 é hek choo J 

VY BE BR an cosa ty hs ham 


e, how shall we enquire into the business. Hek sit 
a4 F to investigate the truth. 
Hek A club, or poles an.implement used in 



To obtain, to get. Hek yin Lie A, 
to obtain favour. ‘Hek chiey é vhéen, 

boo sey to ye8 FEE IBF, Mk 
py is ti, hek chity € thee"S 6 sey Ey ké t6 tit, 
when *oue offends against Heaven, there is no plead- 

ing forhim. | See the f° 7p Séang lan. 
A scolding epithet fora female slaves is JHE hek. 

A conjurer, a wizard; a witch is called 

“ WNh bob, and a wizard BR bek. 
_ Stony ground; good Al. by the 

+ mlultitade of stones: in it. | 
HW Bie , ab Le 4 2 


<Tovbite, to .gnay ?'also"a man’s name. 


Hek zn The noise of tearing cloth. 

Hek iB x 
ak ¥, Chong win ME ap the name ofe busby 


A city ditch; a moat.round the walls ofa 


~~ ; . 


-=Beo Pervious, thoroughly pervading; a 

Y¥ lucky meeting; success. 

Vulg. hé"a: an elder brother; a su- 

perior, an elder in years, Soo haé 
che lééy, kae heng téy yéa yy ij 

eA Ay fe bl pt it, se haé dy lae, chd pod 

sé hé”a té, all within the four seas are our brethren. 


Ch’hut chek soo. kong k’heng, jip chek soo hoo 

heng FEY FU) HF OS Si. A Bl) 8 28 0, 

ch’hut chek hok saé kong Wheng, jip chek hok saé 

pay hé"a, abroad we must be obedient to officers 

and nobles, and at home to: fathers and\ elder 
brethren. See the tk = Séaing lan. 

yu Vulg. hé"a: fragrant, aromatic send- 
ing forth a fragrance to a distance. 


Soo wily loé sit, why goé tek heng 

ei Gh Vie. ME FE SE, chéy léy sé 

phed ch'hod; tok tok gwd dy tek p’hang, this is 

indeed .a\-vulgac dwelling, but my virtue is 
fragrant enough. 

Read héung: the breast. Héung 

V3) téung chéng, chek boé choé lé4ou 

] yéen, héung téung piit*ehéng chek 

boé chod mo yéen i IE | Hee 

_ heng tang e"& ché"& chek bak ang & kwui"S ; heng 
tang e"& a™ 
man’s breast is honest and upright, the pupil 


ché"a chek bak ang &@ dm, when a 





of his eye will be clears but if he is nob honest 
at heart, the pupil of his eye will be dim. See 

the ?-~ i Hay béng. 

To be enraged, to. be displeased. Kan 
é ké kwun jé put vhéng, chek noé 
héng héng jéén héén @ ké béén 

aeie ire Meee 

F ta ¢ dy jin kwun, jé a”™ Phe” 
chek séw Ihe héng héng &y yéo"® héén té e dy 
bin sek, when these people reprove their princes 
and are not listened to, then wrath is strougly 

depicted in their countenances, See the tae mA 
Séang beng. 


The sound of danger: to speak with’ 

an angry tone. 

Pleased, delighted, elevated. with joy. 

FH Tok yéw ch’heng ch’hew jit, léng 
2 hig sod. ko héng chin 38) 7 ia 
i. fe be Aid ea ie) Fl i» tok woo ch'’ hew 

dy jit, @y saé ko hin chin, there is nothing better 

than a pure autumn’s day, in which we can 

carry to the utmost our elevated enjoyments. 

A swelling and pain; an inflammation. 

Form, pepe appearance. Héng 

wh théy iG ie > form and substance, 
ea wily séng é téung héng é goey 
oe Lae oe 
kéd chin ché"a té tang e"&, chéw héng héén té gwa 
bin, this is what is called, really existing within, 
and exhibiting its form without. See the kK Ee 
Taé hak. 

“eT * 


“yy luoy go'Teospunish, to, inflict punishment; an 
ee) gene pattern, a pule. ,),Héng 
hwat iD #il, punishment... Héng 
‘ luk wh » capital Punishment. 
Kwun choo é chéet geuk te beng 
HK tk Eva sve Kewun chod & p'hwsa. Sg géuk 
é an ie. cWhong héng hwat, the good man after 
Meciding on ‘criminal’ cases, indicts, punishment. 

‘See the ys YE <Yeih eng. 
Heng Ke € bod héng ih TH Fi ie. a ive héng 

hwat ting, yee tit ke bing b6 héng wat, By pu- 
nishing, “we still hope to render punishment 
unnecessary. See the hj ile Séa"® se. 



‘Héng poe ri Bb , the board of pumshments. 



] A rule, a pattern; also, to-complete. 


Heng san Alb the flame of a 
district. - 


To punish crime; also a pattern; and, 
to complete; the — as Bil} héng:) 

= Vale. 1a: to walk, to go, to travel; 
to practice, to dg. Héng loé 47 

i! > ké"d lod, to'trayel, Séy héng 
ie Fe Ay; sty ké "4, actions, conduct. . ~ 

Chos: los héng & koe =F PS FF YY A, choo 

loé ké"4 Whe kap é'kéng, Choo-loé, went to inform 
him of it. See the ah Hay, Jain, 

Ying che chek héng sii} Zz fa l)} qi. biéyh 

yang e chek ké"4; if any will employous, then) | 

‘we go to them, See the Ae gg Séang lin, 


Héng FE. The same as hei heng. “sf 

» A’ mould for casting metal,/all moulds 
Héng’ y] 

sotbhose) of: ,wo9d, ure gallgdgit bog, 

_ madevof earth, are callea FQ) héng;\ | 


Heng AF , ‘laécl’hin chéo"S sin bwé 

and those of metal are called ff hwan, Téén 
A grinding stone. Po jim jéak sit 
té chébh, the ti is as “shatp as if it had been 

héng Hh Fl > an ,example; we 
hwat é heng 7] 7] ae RCwA 
vie (dewly! seton the grind-stone. |! S 

— a balance; ses even. A 


Kwan héng kiheng téing p]P fy x Ft | swan 

héng cWhin k‘hin ting, the balances shew the 
-/y.olightoess and heayiness of things. 

Geri word "on the back. 

A fragratlt’ kind” Of grass. . 

Constant, ‘perpetual. Héng) sim hy. 
X , 2constantmind, Pat héng ké 

Heng TA 
tek, hek sin ke sew 7 {7 Ek 4 . 
BEAR Z 2: ‘na n™’ hope 2 2 dy tek 

atlas heng, hek cnéd sth ay” séddu ley Pa map. is 

- oun bear 

dot constant in “his Virtue, he may ind it sue- 
vecded hy divgrdee, 

, ‘Heng, go Hiei 1k a beautiful lady, 
supposed to be caught up into the 

_ moon, 

Vulg» hw"4s across, athwart, Ch’héing 

héng Sit Hit, Chan hw"4, things 

laid across at right angles, 

~The cross! beam’ of a house.’ 


Cooked meat. AH yo il 

Read héfing: male, the male of birds., 

Héng Heroic, brave. The appellation of a 
}S military officer., : 

Read hwin:» to pay; to refund, to give 

back. Hwan chaé ie ‘=e héng chéy, 

Héng * 
to pay debts. . Kim sé put hw4n, hoé 
sé pit hwAn As He OR ia, & [ht th je - 

kim st ai héng, adu sé téh héng, if, you don’t 
pay your debts in this life, you"must pay them 
in the next. Liga i <a so 

g™ y 

AM The appearance of walking. 

wes ~The Moon increasing, and approach- 

ing the full, is called héng. Jé jit 

“=m che seng, jé gwat che heog 4) Ff 

x. Fin FL ZA. emhin cheans jit ay whe, 

ch’hin chéo"S giéyh dy twa, like the rising sun, 

and the waxing moon, See the Ay He Seaou » 
gnay. ? 



Héng The name of a country ; also a bate 

To hope, to expeet, gracious, favoura- 
Heng ble, fortunate, happy. '. A surname. 
T’héen hay héeng sim, kok kay héng 
an FF TE. BR Bab, ere 
ay yéd hd kok kay yéd hd, the whole Empire 
would then be happy, and the country fortunate, 
Put héng téung-che yit héng yéa AX ae ip 

2 SE Uy > a 26 tang eng dy chit dy hé, 

oné lucky circumstance in the midst_of misfor- 
’ ~~ ME, : 
ae OW 

tune. : a : 
Heaou héng # , lucky; atcidental 
by mere chance, 

Héng 4¥ 
; héém € héaou héng i. A 4¥ [sar 
Yo Ph Pe , seo jin ke"a héem has dy way ¢ 

Séadu jin héng 



' heaou héng, the worthless character ventures into 

danger, with the hope of:accidental: advantage, | 
' See ‘the FA ii Téung yang. 

To accompany, to go in company 

with any one. Koé chéa choo hoé 

ch’hé hoo jin, chek téng séng jé 

in bing ceo HOM GEAR A Bl 

i} oh NZ, koé. cha dy choo hoé 

ch’ hwa hoo jin, chek ting sai"® nd ling séo p’hw™é e, 

when the princes among the ancients, “went to 

bring home their newly married ladies, two 

persons of the same family name accompanied them. 

To, meet with an early death, is called 

Heng ae ay , put héng, unlucky. 
An ‘almoud-tree.: Héng jin ay a 
Héng - almonds. _Yit che héng héng ch’hut * 

ch*héarig laé — Re fr IH pis 

A , chit ke ang héng ch’hut chehéo" laé, a branch 
of red almond blossoms topping over the wall. 
Phin héng in FF Factions, conduct, _ 

behaviour. Gan téung sin; heng' tok 


Héng R 
kéng, suy bain bek che pang, héng é 


RR, king wa téang sin, sey ke"4 Tok keng, suy 
jéén an bek dy 36. chaé. yéd éy kénd, when a 
man’s conversation is faithful’ aud sincere and 
his actions truly respectful, he may safely travel 
even to barbarous countries. 

See the ~P ae 
Hay lin. 

x p= Héng ch’ae AT ae a kind of vegeta- 
A i ble, commonly used in cooking. 

Heng =e To speak angrily. Heng tit Fa if, 
p a 

to speak bluntly. 


Read. héén:',a culinary vegetable. 

Héén. ch*haé a 2B, héng ch’hae, 
the amaranthus oleraceus, - Z. 


‘Read boa a place, a district. Yéak, 
hong a Fi, yoh he™S> a medica- 


, Hos bo€é chaé, pnt win yéw, yéw pit yéw hong 
TY FE. AR ie HE. Si Ws Ah 77-9 
boe té tit wv Vhang hwut"S hit Cho na Chit Cho 
pit woo hke"S> while our parents are still living, 
we should not wander far, and if we wander, 
we must always, have a settled place, See the 

_E fi Séang ton. 

Heng Read. hong: a village, a hamlet. 
al : 

‘Read hong ; uncultivated, waste, un- 
fruitful, barren, sterile, 

is unproductive, or fruit trees do not 

bear, it.isvealled hong Pi se"6.. Ke hong ae e. 
ko he"S, dearth and famine. 

' The sound of displeasure > out upon. 
Hens V. it! fie. 

when grain 


Hé"s a barrier, 

BR The whistling of-the wind ; the sound. 

Hed of wrath; a cry by which birds 
and beasts are called. 

cNG Read yeep: a leaf, the leaves. of trees. 

Hedh L6 yéep - on ladu hédh,. the siri 

. leaf used: by. the asiatics, in chew-~ 
ing with their betel) nut, 

Che kué yéep boe 5d a Tk ET, ke kéen hoe; 

héth boé seong, the branches were firm and thé 

leaves luxuriant. 
Read héang: fragrant sincense. Hwin 

Heong py héang aE AP > sto héo"E, to burn 
“incense. : : 

Vit che héang Vhoé kéw Vhéen — ke FB 


Kwan. hong B [js ewan né"S, a pass, | 

HBUK' |! 

TL KR > chit te ne0"S thadu raduSty vheeré, 
v one Stick of: incense) will diffuse its fragrance || 
through the nine Heavens. / * 

Read héang :.a Hat district. Héang 

none SB lé pe héo"S lé, a village. Five 
families constitute a Ah lin, neigh- 

bourhood ; five neighbourhoods constitute a FR 

HEF tong, village; 

five villages constitute a Jp] chew, a large village; 

1é, hamlet; fowr hamlets constitute a 
clan,;. five, elans constitute a. 

and five larger villages constitutera -heang #) 
héo"S> a. district; Thus 12,500 families com. 
prise- one country. district. See the PEA ie 

+ Han che. i 
mY Té ch’hos an héa"S sai"S> js 
Here) WJ hs Ap. UE, 1s 
it thus.> 
Heong The: husk of corn, chaff. 
Rr Vulg.. ch’he: to feed, to nourish, to 
Héuk bring up. Héuk seng G +E, Uhaou 
sai"S, a bente, a domestic animal. 
/¥4ng hod, boé, héuk ch’hey. choé& eS x Hy 
ZTE fo w86"5 pay dot, cwhe bod k8"4, to 
nourish one’s.parents, and. feed one’s wife and 
To collect, tohoard up. Chek héuk 
Héeuk &. toaccumolate. Héuk chek 

jéfou to 8 ii i > Kk’ héth 

lth chin chéy, to accumulate in great aljundance. 
héuk, Put gné, léng héuk, hwan é 

Héuk 1 
gné why séw Ay HK Ae Va. K 

 # 5 BB. fe, 29 @y chhE gwd, hwan & gwd cho 

kéw séw, you can not support me, but, on the 
contrary you hold me for an enemy, See the 

Wh JBL Péey hong. 

To nourish, to.feed ; the Same as 

Héuk: a: 







Heuk, , 



foal ws 
A sGnd’y Po5A ot Mle QE | 
vA gulfy a hollow ees for water. 
4 derordl 
Ts Rs arene yy of the rising sun, 
~héuke dit sé tan TE, Ae Pome H, , Jit 

Whe tos. to a fou", a she ising of 
§ fittsi i 

the sun, it, then Siete to thin 

‘Fragrant. breath, an Bromatic fla- 

; ae (| 
il onmin ani 

weal + ead 
tt ie By) : foliage? 

To urge ofi to exertion, to:endourage. 
jenay 2 } ly ? + 


rset GL OOM aah ee 
Literary, elegant. Chew kar é jé 
taé héuk héuk hoe ban chae, 
ROK, AS AE *al 
chew I’hw"a é nd tétou' téy,' chin chaé sty e ty 
bin ch’haé, the Chew dynasty observed the twe, 
former dynasties, and thus rendered: aipgaat the 
literature of those times.’ See- “the Lis ‘ 

Séang lin. A surname. 

De a8 
Literary, ‘ordiamenteds figuk béuk 

oh ae i juxuriant and fall: SU 
, Respectful; “’ana” ‘aia ‘Ch’hwan 

Se —@  héuk ah ee the name of-an an- 

‘cient: Empéror, who flourished, B. 
C. 2400. Me 


‘Ving héuk z wR thé name ofa fruit. 

ke Ware: Saseenaly hot. 
Heung téaou 
ims PY van ‘unlucky, omen, Kit 

tol a hoks FF Ay a i iia, * 

baé, HO hwanshok'k’hé, good and, bad, Hike misery 

U al oa unfortunate. 

and happiness. rod 70% Jal 



Hénng ok 5 BE RB héung pha"é, 
“ vieious in, ‘the extreme, ~Héung sin 

“a & & Yurderer 9 also called. 

, Heung séw =a murderous band. 

Te. ‘héung po ch’béen koe we 4 = Pg 

7) Phe héung viet é po wee kot, to exter- 

ol VAS nw 6 

minate the vicious in order to testify 0 our gra- 


“hb >i fBrit § 


titude to all antiquity. 
mou bas ! 
Héung noé, Ry. Ay, ea. name of a- 


oil 992, 

Heung Tartar race, ;on, the -north>west of 
China. Rie 

_ Vals. heng: the breast. | ping hwaé 

oe fa fa the bosom ; ‘also wribten Figg 


_-Héung 10 jé sip pat ow Ri mt \ ‘- 

heng ham Rhee je chap ‘pityh sew; in his breast 
‘is included the whole twenty- ¢ight.constellations. te 

sAneatedinny an extensive acquaintance with astro- 
nomy. mk fits diieeb: ¢ 


The same‘ the preceding. 

To be alarmed. Tek bong é yéw 

;Béangi Fi BE B, 6G Ips} » nulla 

lut abu Ut bang é 800 yéa Here, ké™a, 

since dismissal from office, my pris in my 
 dveams have been troubled.» Boigu 

2 fw | 

Fis 2 
ebsid HAtjéed gad nS ‘ty ies i 

To accuse; the yoice ofa siiilanda; 

Héung = T’héen hay héung héung, be te séuk 

PNM MAP oa iil KS Ze - 
Uhee"S Gy héung héung, b6éy chae ché chity é Rhih 

'» 1é8h; thé Empire ‘is all’ in ‘confusion, so_ that we 
do not know which is — 

“The “bursting forth of water; the 

r wering 
violence of a stream. 


uWwit . ii: Ineron Riri : , 
dine DDR] The noise of a multitude. 
a 4 x ame HOS Wha SORT 2 a? 

a | 


To go, to make haste. 

The male of birds; also brave, heroic. 

Hedin $ Eng hédng Ye HE ,ahero. T’héen 
hay che heiing kok, yéa K - rd 
Het th, thee"S ay Whith béng dy kok, the 

most valiant state in the Empire. 

Héung té é hwuy HE I: a FE, kang dy Uhé 

' key tit pwuy, the cock of the wild fowl was flying 


Elegant, heautiful; also, to stop, to cease. 

‘Hew - Hew ch’hey tk héet boé, to 

divorce a wife. Hew gan 4s a > 
a™ sué kong, don’t mention it! 

Sit ban sé bod kéang che hew ‘ft % tt 4k 
FEZ YK, sit van, s2 06 vhang swith dy hi, it 
is truly an excellence not to be limited by myriads 
of ages. Pek kong hew fs] wi tk , & cessation 
_ of all labour. 

E’ vhéen téy téng hew fa. 9 Hh ja} 1 - kap 
Lhee™® téy chd po swith, to last as long as Heaven 
and Earth. 

Secret pretection, an invisible influence 

Hew in one’s favour. 
; Hoo hew K AN , the name of a bird; 
Hew Y also written K ie. hoo hew, the 
negative particle mA put, is also read 
hew, in poetry as. 

“Be te chéang kim k’hé, tong héw jé ch’hoé hew 
Hen Fe Be PLO VE AS, we oe 
chéting tong kim Khe, t0h kh an néy sai"® yéd 06, 
we cannot tell whether, from our present departure, 

we Shall ever be again thus, ‘or not. 

To bother, to dun. Yit chéy jin hoo 
che, chéing ch’hoé jin hew che — 


3 Kk 


233 HEW 

chit dy chéy kok dy lang ka e, jé chéung ch’hoé kok 
dy ling hew e, ‘if only one man of Chéy were 
to be teaching him (the language of that country, ) 
and all the men of Ch'hoé, were to be bothering 
him (with another tongue,”) then though you 
should beat the lad every day to make him speak 
the language of Chéy, he would not be able to 

do it.’ See Tf -F- Béng chos. 

Pé hew $f Hk, a ferocious wild beast, 
like a leopard. 

Hew He Hew léw HE ih. the name of a bird. 

Hi A. Hew bé WAN ze, elegant, beautiful ; 

emolument; happiness; harmony. 


i Valg. nw"a: rotten, decayed, Héw bok 

Héw 1a x ,» nwa ch’hd, rotten wood. 
Chaé @ téw ch’him, choo wat, héw 

bok put k’h6 teiiou yes, 2 =p 3 ye 
BF. 19] A A Py Bie tH. chaé é jit tadu tt 

Khwin, hoo choé king, nw"a cl’hd bb Chang teaou 
Whek, Chaé-@ was sleeping at mid-day, when Con- 
fucius said, rotten wood! that cannot be engraved 
on. See the Fal aa Lian gé. 

Anything rotten, and falling into decay: 
Héw on the south of the Ch’hoé country 

f there is a He K: yéém jin, nation, 
whese parents and relations when dead are left, 

héw ké jéuk 74 AEB Py > nw"a e dy bith, till 

their flesh rots, when it is thrown away, and the 

bones are buried. 

Hew feel down. : aoe héw SH iP ; to 
raise that which is fallen down, 

Héw Ba To smell anything with the nose. 

1 der 
 To'iuhale an effluvia. Sam héw jé chok 

— if v s"a kewity hew e dy vé, 
‘chéw ivhé, he ( Confucius) thrice inhal- 

ed the esi and then rose up to go away. 
See the = 


im, Séang lin. Also vulg, eh hab, 

or ‘wheat. Héw lé4ng 

Roasted rice 5 7 é 
Héw +a YA. ares f : 
He Hs, dry priya or a journey. 

Again.» Hew hiwat {a {E s kth with, 
Hew of to live again; the resurrection. Ch’héng 
hew che, kéang, jé hoe. k’hé i (i 

Z th ii & TY > che" 4 dish e, KeO"% pityh 

wa", jéén Gou Vhang, he begged that he would 
try il agains ‘when, after some urging he consented, 

See the! [+ Ta Séang béng. 

“"The' ‘Yolling of the ‘exe the are 
oe EX ei ‘ 
‘ . r 

as Vinegar. Hey ch’hoée ie iy, vinegar, 

pickle. Séuk wiy bé seng ko tit, 
_ hek k’hit hey yéen, Whit choo ké lin 

ithe Ha A Ei ia. Xo Oe BS. 
4, i EOE tin ZZ ché chiy & king bé 

seng ko léaou lit, woo lang Whit cWhae, ¢ Khe I’hit 
kap e dy cWhod pee"S lang, jé hoé e, who will say 
that Bé-seng-ko is an honest man?— When one 
éame begging for vinegar, he begged some of his 

neighbour, and gave it to him (in his own name). 
See the aa an Séang liin. 

Deep eyes, wicked eyes; also, the eyes 
deeply sunk in the head. E’ bok héy 
jin VJ | HE } \, hs bak chew héy 

ling; to look savagely at any one. 

eee Ee 4, = ; obs 5 
Héy jéén léngsé FE: KAS AR jl , oak ch him yéa 
éy k’hw"a, to be able to see notwithstanding the 
eyes being deeply sunk the in head. 



To hold or contain any thing. One of 

the radicals. 



The name of a barbarous country, on 
the north-east of China. ~ $é hd’ 

héy hoé Ee fay Fe jn, chéy sé 

sa meé"h héy kéou, what dog of a barbarian is 

this ? 

To expect, to wait for, to he in expec- 
Héy 4% tation of. Héy - yet hoé Jaé ké 
sue, 3 tk Js , beng 

a Ef 


hadu gwan dy jin kwun, jin Ph laé chéw rv chaé 
with, let us wail for our prince; when our prince 
comes, there will be a revival. See the aa a 

(Se Keng 



Héy 2. 

roads. See id =f Béng, choo, 

A “smpall, by-path, a cross-way. San 

kéng che héy i (% ZK ; sua 

keéng dy séy loé cross-ways about hill 

Vulg kw"a,’to carry in the hand, to 

hold in the hand; also to separate. 

Héy séw tong kwuy Hea F {ui} ian 

Khan ch’héw cho pod toot”S, to ‘hold one another’s 
hands and return, See the fell Ja, Kok ‘hong. 
Chéaou héy é léy ae ite VJ ie , chéo ié swe 
dy ling é léy soe, to collect those who are dis- 
persed, by propriety. See the A (i Cho twain. 

The same as the above. Héy lam HE 
& , kw"a nd, to carry a hand-baskets 
Also written ih héy. 

A piece of land, fifty acres in extent. 
Héy nes Héy téén nis rf] , a large tract of 

Héep kéen vhéém ch’héadu, peng é hay héy a 
ja 8 a R Wy yk 8 mE pityh I’hé keng Vhabu, 
séep séy jé ch’héd, chéy léy Whith ch’hdm é hity t Vhee™S 
dy cWhdn, to see people shrug up the shoulders, 
and to come with a flattering smile, is more 
jnsupportable to me, than the open fields in a hot 

See the, a Séing béng. . 

summer's day. 

- Hey 



Why? where fore? Also, aslave,aservant. 

A ‘surname. “ Chu6 héy put way chéng 

FAR Bt i, hoo, thoi le sa 


, 900°, chd chéng. sod, why do not you (speaking 

to Confucius) undertake to manage the affairs of 
See the . [> Sp Séang tan. 

‘Lé ho séaou héy noé picy koé kin long, ge séy 
tek se, toé ling téung AR BY 4 \ WW. yy 

Bs Ot Be. ee Pe SEP, ws 

sey dy sé chd gim 4é, kha chéith aiu géé chit dy 
koo dy kim ling, tod léth séy tit dy se, chéw héet 
1é ling téung, Le-ho,; in his youth was a servant, 


» When he carried on his back, an old embroidered 
‘bag, -and:whatever yerses.he met with, that.he could 
get at, “he used to:throw them -into his -bag. 

2. An expletive, used at t the end of sentences 
Héy on in poetry. , ‘Lam hong che hwan héy, 

ey € kag goe bin che “yl mF tA 

Zz pe BY iy fit Z He. ta, . 

A hong dy ig ate Chang laé kéew Re att sai"s 

> dy hwdn li, ‘the southern wind which is $0 aromatic, 

will Serve to dissipate the anxiely of my people. 
See ot a Sin ko, se ode of Sin, 

_ 4 

A line, a thread ; a genealogical line. To 

connect together. 

To connect together, to hand down in 

Hey léem ie a to 

continuance, Su > 

think of incessantly. 
a hay it a sueessive generations; a line of 

~ getivalogy. 

To connect, to continue; to bind; also 
Hey | to be; to belong to. Kwan ney [2H] 
Vv &, consequences, results, that which 

aa to an affair. 

' > , ‘ 
Pwat héy 49 Ue a sacrifice offered 

with the view of averting calamities, 



yal b +9 
vA Mé héy "id= ta.kind of hairy crab ; 
> J 

Y read haé. 

Bold, firm, undaunted ; also written He 

hay, and pronounced gé,, Cheng choo 

>< wat, sod put kho 6 put héng hay 
Gr OF. Pp =r Ar OP VI Ax Gh Ry, cheng 
» chos king, Chak chvhiyh ling a” Vhang v6 hing héy, 
Cheng-chod said,.a scholar should not be otherwise 

than magnanimous and bold. 

uk : 
eed To rejoice, %. be glad. | Him hé 
Him pleased, delighted’ Ké him him 

aa yéw hé sek Fl AK JK GR 

& (9 (O , taé kay him him jéén wio hw"a hé ay 
bin i they would all appear delighted, and joy 
would beam from their countenances. Sce ita fF 
Beng chod. 

Rejoiced, delighted ; the name of a 

district ; also. wrillen, iy him. Keang 

gw4n kéén ke jin chek, sim him jéén 
wat, yéok chéén che Je Pld PJ, vy, 
a Ap AR ARs 0 BZ se aa 
kee"S twa ldng dy chéith, chéw vim kw"a him jéén 
hw"a he, ae bityh th e, Kéang-gwan on seeing the 
footsteps. of a large sized man,, was. pleased and ~ 
delighted. to. her very heart, and desired to set her 
EG on it (which doing, she conceived, and bare 

Ja 8 hoé chek. ) 

Hi Very, early. in the morning, when the sun 
are is. about Lo rise. 

The enjoyment which the gods derive 

Him from sacrifices; also to. desire. Him 
swan ik We to delight in, to enjoy. 

To be pleased, to. be delighted; the 

Him = same as i Him, Chéung sin him 

jéén, lok jé béng Vhéen hay 4h & 

All HK. ahi fii ea aay KR fT, chit se lang hw"a 

hé, Vhéung lok jé béy ke Chee" liay dy sod, to be 


all one’s life delighted, and in one’s joy to forget 

See the -— mm Hay beng. 

the whole world, 


Him i 

Him f= 

To roast, the violence of fire; heat. 

To be earnestly desirous of; seeing a 

thing, new and splendid, and longing 

after it; ardour of mind. 

Ah man’s name.  Léw him Hi BY, 
api a man of the a han dynasty. 

A bear. Jin him Ki He, lang him, 

Him ej a a baboon; a surname, ‘Ge gno séy 

dr2d® yéuk yéa, him chéang ek gno séy yéuk 

yes fh AR Fy HR A AE Ob EE BG HK 



Att, hégwd séy ac, him chéo"S yéd gwa sty ae, 

fish is what Iam fond of; and bear’s palm is also 

what I am fond of. See She 4 Béng choo. 

‘To shut the mouth, to be mute, unwil- 

ee vi ling to speak. Him k’hoe put oh 
héw gan yes | Rite S 

ch’ hiy AS; k"é kih kong, to shut the cola, and 

not dare to speak again. 


an Y per. 
Hin ong i HE , to prosper. _ Hin-soo Si ein . 

to raise troops. Hin k’hé oi dt, to commence, 


To de, perform; to begin, to -com- 

mence operations ; to suceed, to pros- 

to arise. 
Thong boo é,jin, hin yéa put yéen, kéét téw é po 

héng yéa hwut yéen Wi rm py g sai) th 4 
Fe REHAB 5S ROnE bo6 

Ké"a jin, chéw e dy hin put ‘yéen, kéet téw ké"d 

\ go chéw e dy b6 yéd hwut yéen; T’hong and Boo | 

practised benevolence, this their prosperity was 
rapid ; Kéet and Téw practised oppression, thus 

their rnin was also sudden, 








A burn or scald on the skin ; a swelling. , 

To besmear, to rub with blood; a 

cause of quarrel ; acrime. | Sat ch’he 

PAR serinies Be HEAL 

Vhaé che yew jé bwith kébe, he killed Ch’he-yéw, 
and smeared the drum with his blood. 
Séng hin jé yéw 

9 To be pleased. Hin wat IL MP, pleas- 
ed, delighted with. 

2 » 5 hin chin chek hwan JBy fi i 2, 

Hil ay Al im, séng hin wat chéw Khe Uhit Ché 

liin chin chéw toot"S, we should take advantage 

of a merry humour, to go on pleasure rambles, 

and when our merry humour is exhausted, we 
can return home. 

Read héén: a dizziness of the head; 
to be giddy. T’hoé héén Py IX, Chadu 
kak hin, a swimming in the head. 

Héén ch*hwdn HA fy, hin chia, sea-sickness. 
Kam héén chit, put yéuk ch’hut hong Ja iss Ka HR, 

A 4K Ax th jail > kam hin dy pat"® a” k"d ch’hut 
hong, ee got a dizziness of the head, I do not 

dare to go out in the wind. 
Read hwiin: to be enraged at, to hate. 
Hwin oé iy iB, hin oé, to abhor. 

no FB Hwin séang kéén che bwan é ie i 

hz Awe R , han sto kée"S keadu héith moot"®, 
He is a pity that we got acquainted with each 

other so late 

Ong ch’him é wiy hwin co YR y) ye ie, 
ng cl’him & wity hin, the king was greatly dis- 
pleased about it. 

' United, harmonious; obedient, compli- 
=» ant. Heng tey ké hip, hé lok ch’hé"4 
DA om 5s AR, ASE BL, 
nea té kddu sto hap, chéw hd lok chhé"atam, when 
brethren are united, harmony and delight mingled 

with pleasure, prevail. a 

~~ . 



To collect, to take up. 

To draw in the breath, to inhale, to 
suck in. Hip ch’heng yin che léw hay 
AA GRE ZAR 10h oro 

hwin dy lau hdy, to suck in the flowing pearls 


of the pure clouds. 


‘ The appearance of water flowing rapid- 
Hip (=) ppe § rap 

AB ly. 

oe" talk fast. Hip hip ch’hod ch’hoé 
BAA ia: =e at Fa to. chatter and scold. 

Ab Hip pit $k co) , hip p’hee"®, to. contract 
Hip the skin of the nose, to snuff up the 

nose ; also. to: draw in the breath, to 


shrivel up. 

4 To: take up, to perform, Pit hit 
Hit sire fii 

IR: @ man’s name. 

Hit Bas To look at, to observe. 

Hit HZ. The breast bone. 

A To stab; the cry of pain.. 
Ho sit BR AR , Pham cheih, to be glut- 
tonous, to eat to excess; also, covetous, 

Fo look alarmed, to look on with 


The sound of blowing out the breath; 
a whizzing, whistling sound. 


aR Why? 


To pluck up weeds; to eradicate the 

Ho <b rank grass of the fields. 

To talk loud and angrily. Bé héng gan 

put sin sin, héng choé ch’*ham nae 

ho che ia SB Ar & JA. a 
a HE 75. BA] Ze» 02 eng hing wa w™ sby je, 

hé sin, wui"® choé ch’hé"é séaou léy twa sé"a hwith e, 

Ho 3A 

Bé-héng spoke without humility and submission, 
hence Wui"8-choé was vexed with shame, and 

scolded him. See the Ke we it Hoe han se. 

Tall grass; long, rank grass. Sit yéa 

che ho w BF z B- chéiih yea gwit 

dy "8 ch’haéu, (the deer) eat the 
long grass in the wilderness. See the My Fé 
Seaou gnay. 

Ho a) To blow out the breath. Ho ho [ip fin], 


the sound of laughing, 

Read h"6: good, fine, excellent. H"6 

Ho wy jin a6 KN hé lang, a good man, Chéa 
séen kwun che béng, kéet j@ kok che 

eS JE HZ oe i = BZ ip. en 
lin séen kwun dy béng,. ling kéet hap- nd. kok dy hé, 
relying on the injunctions of our former princes, 

we would connect the good understanding of both 

countries, See the vi {si Ché twin. 

Hi D The name of a countiy, on the north 
r be 
lp) of China. 

what? how? wherefore? A 

Aay surname. HO koe fay A , s"a 500, 
for what reason? When confucius com- 
plained that no one knew him, one of his disciples 
asked, saying, hd why ké bok te chod yéé, 

fa tA Be FW, 300 e a” chae 

choé 1é, why is it that they do not know you? 

See the “fe iy Hiy lan, 





H6. 1één Zap $ys , the water lily. Sip 

yéw hé hwa Ye 7A Fey AY; » tam dy 

wiy woo hd léén hwa, in damp» places 


A river. Hong ho YH A a, wui"S hd, 

we find the water lily. 
the yellow river. Jit gwat kong theen 

tek, san hd ching téy ke FY A 5E 

K His, ily py UE i EK, jit giéyh sp Chee" 

ay tek, sw"a hid ching hing tey Whéa dy wiy, the 

sun and moon illumine the glories of Heaven, 

while hills and rivers stengthen the residence of 

the Emperor, 


a. A ditch round a city wall; 

e - we Ke, hoé lh té Khang té, the 

rain descended into the empty moat. © 

To be enraged, to ‘scold ‘with anger; 

also read ho. 

a moat 

a A hero, a man distinguished for talents 
and wisdom. Hé héep Ee phe a brave 

man, a distinguished’. hero. 

Swan hd) chin, kang bin hak He we ft x 

ee swin kéng hé chin, kang kew bin hak, to se- 

leét. wise and) ‘brave nien, in order ‘to discourse 

ane | 

over literature and learding.’ 

The. down of a feather, anything very 


ten atoms make one down of 
a feather. Chhay che hé lé, béw é 

clvheen 1é ra a Ee: is, ie at a x, cl’ hay 

chit Chabu mé se, chéw éy béw kadu chit clWwheng leé, 

small ; 


a variation of a hair’s-breadth, will lead to an error 

of a thousand le in extent. 

We The name,.of; a, hill, 

The name ofa fiver. 

round a fort. E’ hay k’hong hé By 


Ho p Vulg. 6: an oyster; a shell-fish. 


Vulg. t2w: grain, corn, paddy. Kat hé 
3 I , kwh tw, to reap the corn. 

Sip gwat lap hd kay i H 4in TK 

AR z chap gityh lap séw hd kay, in the tenth month 
we gather in the harvest. See the vai} sane Pin hong. 
‘2 stiff, nor stubborn. A surname. Hé6 sin 
Fis IIA. obedient. Ho séing tn fA, 

hoéy séo"8, a priest of Buddha. 

Héep hd ban pang i, qn ms 7 to unite all 

nations in harmony. 

Harmonious, soothing, agreeable; not 

Té téung hé, Uhéen tey way yéen, ban but yéuk 
yéen Bk vp AN FE Hh fit 85 Fa A Fa. 
te kek téung kwa hd, chew Vhee"& téy dit téth e dy 
wiy, ban meé"h yéd tit ch’hé, when we carry to the 
utmost the, happy medium, ‘and the. principles of 
harmony, heaven and earth will keep their proper 

stations, and the myriads of things will obtain 

nourishment, See the rh ii Téung ‘yang. 


The name of a beast, the roaring of a 

wild beast. 

The same as All hé, harmonious. 

To call out aloud, to cry, to lament. 
Sin hé Whip é bin théen 

aye Yt FE RL FR, san Nb hadu 12 te 

Vhee"S, Sin lamented and cried towards the autum- 

nal Heavens. 

rw Khéng ho BR, ‘to cangtstule (es 

to felicitate. A surname. $00 hong 

laé bd, [JU hi KA se he"S laé 

hé“hé, the people from all oe came to offer 

their congratulations. ~ 



i) To carry a burden, to bear, to sustain 

2 a weight, Yéw ho kway jé ké k’hong 
fy sé che bin chéa Ay oy 4 
XL K ra FY Hs wood lang ta ch’habu ling 4, 
Je kéey hing sé dy moot", there was'a man car- 

rying a wicker basket, who passéd by the door of 
Confucius. See the 7 Fil Hay lan, 

nes | 
The distant expanse! of water. 
a=) A white luminous appearance ; also great ; 

also written fe ho. 

A. mark, a signal, a denomination, to 

tall, to designate, Ho Jeng 

an order, a signal. Joo pee pe 
jé kd, a mark. 
Ong chéa s¢w béng é théen, pit tek bé ho é why 
no EA SE iy EK, ls 4B SE BE 

Ye dng dy ling séw beng é Uhee”S, pit kin 

Wh hi dy ho é chd hd, when the royal ones receive 
the decree from Heaven (to found a dynasty ), 
they should select an elegant designation, in order 
to become their distinctive mark. See the AK #k 
fii Ch’hun ch'hew twan: 

be White, a bright white appearance. 

"To respond to any one; to sing a second 
part in music. Ch*héang ‘é ho jé 
7, > iil ye; gwi ‘cWREO"E) 16 ho, 
I will sing, and you respond. 
The vernal Heavens, the appearance of 
the sky in spring; also, expansive Hod 
Uhéen R RK , the wide ‘expansive 

‘Bt affliction, misery. Hod hwan 
, trouble, sorrow. H6 hwan 
is sin wt iB fig yy, hd hwan lim 

kadu lén hin sin, calamity coming upon one’s own 




The noise made when a boat advances: 

the boatman’s song. 

Y Expansive, wide, as the ocean; great, 
,Magnanimous,, Gnd séén yang goé 

hd jéén che whe Fe ae 9 yk 

aa bi j he =~ oe 
% i Hi , See gadu yeo"S che gwd dy ho jéén 

| dy Whe, I am skilful in nourishing up my great 

and expansive — spirit. 

See FF Beng choo. 

a To deceive and cheat one another. 'I'o 


To contend, to wrangle. 



= Ham ho aK aa the sound of anger; 
R wrathful clamour. 

\ a] 

To answer slowly. 

To beara burthen; the same as ty ho, 

Afn ‘Harmonious ; the same as Fi he. 

A mark, a designation; the contracted 

iyi: 4: 0. Héén se sting gwoy, 

wd tt Teng ban séng Wh r) R i. 

VY Ps Ay i HE téadu btin se té sé"4 mooi"S, 

é hd léng bin iat" ‘to hang up a proclamation at 
the city gate, in order to give a signal to all the 

} people. See the Al ig Chew léy 

To talk hastily, and scoldingly. 


H 0 

Long grass; also, ch’heng h"o By B ; 

To pull up weeds. 

H"0 Pek h®o, A 5 ; and héang h"o Ay 

BN ~ a ; all names of medicinal herbs. 

, = 
Vulg. hé: good, excellent, well. Peng 

H"6 ho iA UG. pai" hé, recovery from 

sickness; returning health. 
Sng & way 06 see RY) HPAL. 
koé & cho séo hé, to promote constant friendship 

and good will, See the feat Bl Woey hang. 

Vulg. hééy: fire. Kéw h™a XK IX , kew 

v héey, to help to put out fire. Jéak 
bh che sé jéén PF KZ ¥ PR, 

eh’ hin chéo"S hééy dy Rhé Uhdou toh, like fire begin- 

ning to burn. 

A number of people together; a com- 
pany. H6 ké Re fo , hoey ke, & 
partner, an associate, a messmate. 

Ché h"6 tie Hy chd hiéy, to be together, to be 
in company. 

Vulg. aé: to love, to delight in, to 
H"s ~ approve of, to consider good. Jin 
ché& Jéng h"6 jin, ek léng put twat 
itn sey 3 = i Al HF A. OS 8 ARE 
IN ir i}, jin dy ling éy ae lang, yéd éy v6 
eh hés"S pat ling dy séy aé, benevolent men can 
love their fellow men, and can also refrain from 
seizing that which others love. 

Chéang goé séy h%™% ‘ig = Pt of, than ew 
séy a, to follow that which I myself approve. 

See the “ am Séang lin. 

Vulg. hééy: goods, merchandize, wealth, 

property. H6 bh chaé #f EB 5) , 

aé hiey kap cheé"S, to be fond of pro- 
perty and wealth. 7 



Lé put way kéén chin kway jin wat, ké h"6 k’ho 
not RE IHN, BET 
B , put wily hw" kee"S chin kwiy jin, chéw 
kéng, chéy sé hé hiey hang béy.  Lé-put-wiy, 
seeing the noble prince of the Chin country (in 
bonds) said, This is a good article; I can buy 
it: (meaning that what money he might expend 
in assisting the prince would be amply repaid; 
he accordingly expended his whole fortune in the 
prince’s behalf, and afterwards saw him rise to 

supreme power.) Hence this has become a proverb. 

To decrease, to diminish; empty, vain, 

H% unproductive. Sé léén che hong h"6 
ni) oF 7  FE- Kehw"a net" dy 

hé yéd baé neé"& tang, we should observe whether 

the season of the year has been fruitful or unproduc- 

tive, (when we levy the taxes). See the £ fill 
Ong ché, royal regulations. 

The finest of the grain; also fine rice. 

& PO no SSE Fl], peppermint; now 
Oo ' 
cI “called yh] 4A, pok hd, 
To call; to breathe out. Ch’heng hoe 

Bi yp to name, to applaud. To 
breathe out the breath is called 

Hoe y, 

hoe, and to draw it in Hy Whip. An exclamation. 

Oe hoe hat kwuy ne IF a Re alas! why not 


Yit hoe pek lok — ny r=] be chit dy kéo 

ché"d pityh lang yin e, at one call, a hundred voices 


The stripes of a tiger; also one of 
the radicals. 

$ An exclamation of admiration. Oe hoe 
os 24. 
Hoe BX chéén dng put béng ps hig AY -E 

mA he oe hoe chéng dy éng b6 bey 



ké tit, behold! the example of the former kings - 

is not forgotten. ‘See the kK & Taé hak. : 

The name of a river. 

gown nul P : . § 

Hoe = ‘To call; the [BR hoe. 
ve We? To be enraged; to Procliorsien a sur- 

rs Ceeeemtae 

Hoe _ The name of a plant. 

A. tigers the pritiee of wild bpasios Foé 
Hoé soo clthut @ ap Be ve. AS 

Wa hoé kap ew" a god ‘ch'hut’ & ap,’ the 

tigers and wild oxen broke out of their cages. 

Hoé sin hip , afly, Hoé sin hoé 

z a lizard. 

Ye Si be 

If not; tio, not. Béng-chod wat, hoé, 

Hoé eo put jéén, bd soo chéa why che yéa 

ihe FAG. PRA 

4H, » Béng-chob king, bi, W” sé, ae chd sob 

fr < ch’ hong e, Béng-choo said, no, it’s not so: 

people who like to create epi have invented 
the aa aa 

’ Oe | ney 

H aly , Ahill without any, vegetation on it,a 
o€ bare mountain. Rx 

» ss Thé water's edge; ‘the brink of a river, 

Hoé ua Be or lake,’ Sut sey say hoe 2 PG 7] 

is he. an’ sae, Chan’ chiy ‘gat, he 

» travelled tewards the west, along the water's edge. 

a An earthern pot Ot pan, for, holding 
Hoé pe. all 

= pickles, &c. ° 

; roar, to “ery ‘aloud. 



Valg._ Iain: ‘to ‘haw out aloud, to : 
Hoé bang ‘hoe | 

yang yéak Feu GL ha He» hoé 


twa 3é7a) habu, \ging. weak one \the.tiger roared 
‘seats and! eons about): ; 

The name of 1 a. pon in, the Séang dy- 


ot 19 “sti sol : ‘ of ay 
i pHoé toé sa Sh; hoe tail, tnicket for 
lading out water, or baling a boat. 

Hoe sty J JK ‘nee chiyy to bale 

out water. 

Beautiful, ‘excellent! a title of rank, 
abeut equal Yo “earl. Choo hoé A 
‘Bes the nobles of the Empire. Vulg. 

kaéu, a surname. 

Kong hoe pek choé lam NK. {4 - rie five 

‘degrees -of titular rank. 


Hoé The same as the preceding, 
Hoé An instrument’ of music.” 

Vilg. Kadu: a monkey, an ape. Jin 
pin. Ohhde ji Bok how he’kWan jé, 
ko jéén AF ZENKER i 

eh Hf, RR SS , ing. tit: kings Clwhod, kok dy lang 

o) jot sy, Chabu dy), kata. lewp 42) kin, ki \JZéen “chin 

qu ChéMay people say, that, the. men of the Ch’hoe 


country area robe of washed monkeys with caps 
$n) Wana traly ets 864'Saiad by! Bi fo) ji. 
Hian-ko-chivé, i ridicule of his _rival ithe king 

. of Chrho’.. ee bo 
2. ‘Vals. LP als: thé'throat, Ch'hat lap Ong 
"beng, dng ché hod séet at tik - ar. 
TR Ne Aol SEEZUEG. seh hat Jap Ong dy beng 
papal ing se, ing dy,nd. abu chi hiy, chethy they who go 
, abroad bearing gis royal pps, are the ‘throat 
and tougue of the king. 

shoul wer on? 


Se A write vessel,-a pot. Toehoé de Bs a 
a kind! of game) of chance. )'\Ch’heng 

na Ee 
chéw pek hoé fi 1  &- hé 

chéw ché"4 pliyh hoe, a hundred pots.of pure wine.; 

we Falk 

Bladders or. air-bags, used to assist in 
To take up 
anything out of! the: ‘water. 

floating on, the water. 

Vulge o€ ::a, surname« 

Vulg. of: a lake, a large sheet of water. 
. Gnog; hoé TL. DH the five lakes. 

Méw héng kang. hoé We 47 Y 1. H-- 

yew ké"4, kang hoé, wandering. about: the rivers 

and lakes. 

San hod Fh} By »,cora]. San hoé chéng 

é fi seng pli HH He Ae , 8an hoé ka.noot"® 
, chang sat"®, the coral grows in bushes. 

Hoé a3 The name of a. beast of the ape species. 
Hoé téep bi ue bitty yeah, a-Ruttorfiy. 

Hoé Chong-chew bong wiy hoé téep te kl 

Bw fis bi) ee Chong-chew bang cho 

bééy- yéth, Chong-chew, dreamed that, he was a 


Hoé k’hoé ‘i [J,.te depend on other’s 
Also, vulg. koé, to 
paste paste for sticking anything up. 


fer one’s food: 

‘Frhéy hoé pe i. cormorant,.a water 
fowl. .Gé put wiy bong, jé way Uhéy 

sae b IN oe fF RRR AB, HBS ss HG 

né.a™ ké"a bang, jé ké"a Phéy hol, fishes are not 

so much afraid. of nets, as of cormorants. 

Hoe18 A FE, afox. Hob ge Wh Se. | 

to'doubt, to suspect. Hoé léyéw héet 

AN SHE AT AL, Hoe ls wod Khang, 

the foxes have holes.. 



| Hoé 


Hoe A A. wooden bom... 
Hoe | 16 a en, pos 4, a. calabash, 
Hoé Bll 

Hwan. hwan hoé yéep, ch’haé . che 
cd we boé séng tty post Wébh, laé ban laé ché'e, 

rong cb i i 28h BE: RZ 
look at the luxuriant calabash. leaves ; 

them : and boil them.. 

let us pluck. 
See the 7s pita Séaou gnay. 

VeA Dry provisions ;: that which cannot easi-- 

4 x ly. be swallowed. 

> Dried rice, prepared for a journey. ’ 
Fe Naé k6 hoé léang fj FE He He. 
The head: of\an arrow... 

bundle up! the dried provisions. 

A. prince, a,princess or queen. Héng hoe 

B in , anempress. Héng vhéen hoe 

; a vhoé @ ok her 1: imperial heaven. 
and royal earth, 

Than ehhong béng,. chok’ gwin hoe # AA. 

44 i ja >. ta. ch’hang mé"4, chéw éy chd gwan: 

hoé; when a man is greatly intelligent, he may 

hecome a. supreme ruler. 
A character. used. at the end of a sen- 
Hoé w= 

tence, as a mark of interrogation.. 
Hak jé- sé sip che, put ek wat hog 
1 BZ ARIE Ph an 
sé wan sin e, a”. yéd hw"a, hé,hoé, to learn and. 
constantly, to, exercise: one’s. self in it,— is it not 
delightful 2, See, the Si Séang lin. 

Mutual, connected ;.differing. Hoe séang, 

hwan hé 4. ra eK x3 , tae kay sto 

hoa hé,. all mutually delighted. 


frozen, congealed. Song swat 

kaou, ig ch’hwan té p’hok. hoe a 

wie s FI MRE 


‘sayh aou Tks china”: te Pik hoe, when the frost 
‘and | snow! come down together, ‘the. rivers. and 
ponds become’ frozen. § 9" 

te name of a tree. 

‘* door, an inner door. Bin hoe Py 
P moot"S jioé, doors and entrances. 

: ~ 277 4b, 
Sfiy léng ch’hut put yéw hoe ate He 

HT IR th PB, ché chity éy cWhut, b6 an mooi", 

who can go out, except by, the door? See the 

A a fg) S€ang~ lan. 
Hos a _ Hae hoe wi SE, to meet etexpestedly. 

To-guard, to-protect.. Kéw hos Rey He 
- Hoe 3 to guard from danger. P6 hoé te 
>a ele, to protect. Hoé woéy chéang-kwun 

7 tj WS ee, a. general of the guards. 
ae sin hoe wéey K ii He i, Phee"& stn 

pé pé, may, the gods.defend and protect you. 


The tail behind: Hod chéting fa ZK, 

= to. follow after, A_ surname. 
Ms An instrument-for.catching fish 5a book 
Hoe Jyf = 
Taé hoe kK fe. tie name of the music 
Hoe ¥, adopted by the Emperor. HB T’hong. 
Hoe: ite A measure; a rules 
Hoe ibe hoe R Me ra, ye that a 
itself up, and stretches itself out again, 
Vulg. adu: behind, after, late, the last,. 
Hoe to be behind. A: surname. Hoe la& 

48 Ae , dou laé, afterwards, Tiy hos 
BY FA, thy adu, behind. Sodséen te kak hoe te 



‘HOE | 
AE He A RG Spi; eae tae seng \chae. dy Ling, 
kak thy Gou chae dy lang, set those who have come 
early. to the knowledge’ of a thing tovawaken 
those who come later to’ the knowledge of it. 
Chos-lo& chéing j@ hoe “fF MH HE itp B. 
Choé-loé than jé laé’ Kha chéih adu, Chod-loé 
followed, and came after. 
Hoé seng chéa tR HE 7 ,liy adu sai”S dy ling, 
young people. 


" To. cut down the corm, to reap the 

An iron; a cald?on ; an irom spoon used 
Hoe to-stir up a caldron. _Maéu-chéaou 

put way téng hoé; jé kan We 4 Ar 
p. Ae i ok , Méow-chéaou a™ hé"a té"4 hoe, 

m jé t®a, Maén-chéaou did not. dread being boiled 

in the caldron, but faithfully reproved his prince. 

Hoe The same as fgg. hoz, to. wait. 

~~ = Vulg: kadu : thick, not thin, kind, liberal. 

Hoe eae Hoé béén p’hé B i KK > kadu bin 
I- whity, having a.thick skin to the 

face, i.e. being unable to blush. 

P’hok hoé p’hoéy téy ti i=] ie Hh, Whwth kadw 

Phiéy téy, expansive and. thick, like the earth. 

See the. Hy jf Téung yang: 

Ho’ yin eB iA kadu yin, thick, substantial kind- 

Hoe Bee greedy. of gain. 

Téng: ho& oF {i téng haiu, to wait. 
Hoe NIK Sé hoe fe fige hau, time. Bin 
hoe fi] vA bin hadu, to wait upon, 

to enquire after. 

Pé hoé NW ik.» protection, favour ; 
to protect. Séw vhéen che hoe me 

K rae séw Chee" dy hok, to 




obtain the favour of Heaven. See the js HE 
Séaou gnay, 
Read. é:, rain. Lok, é ve I. ih hoé, 

to rain. Yin héng é se, Bhs but 

lew neng BE 47 Pky HG, an 0 Hit 

47: hwin Ke" hoé wh, phin mee"h léw ké"t, when 
the clouds travel the rain is dispersed, and all 
sorts of things are put in motion. See the yy As 

Ek keng. 
bP : 
"es héey, lime. Bwat hoey i MR; to 
whitewash, to besmear with line. 
Ché hey hwuy. chok pek hoé téep a} IK HE 

te A ai we chwd, dy hiey hoo. tit pwuy ~chb 

pityh dy bity yéth, the ashes of the burnt paper 

WVulg. héey hoo: ashes; also, vulg. chévh 

are ‘flying about, like so many vihite butterflies. 

nae toéy ye PR. “tired, fagged, 

Hoey yp Knocked up. itn’ pé ch’huy gway, 
gno ma hoey toéy Be Aye E. Ha 

HK Fi kh, Sir, piyh chéo"® e-kwin ty wiy, 

gwa dy bday toe yéa, by mounting up those 
high ‘places, my horse is fagged out. See the 

Jal i Chew lfm ' 

Hiey Fan hoey. si itorbel dibepite tea: 
ayy to be bitin down. 20! Je 

Read. h"o = fire, he bM 64D Ks 

IWhé hiéy,, to kindle .a fire. 
keng teng h"6, gnée keng key = 

Bi yey K Ht. Va) FB s"a kat"S teng hity 

yéed Wh, goe kai"F thé" a key thé, at the third 


watch my study lamp was still burning, and at 
the fifth watch’ I heard the .cock-crow. - 

Read. h"6: assembled -together, as- 

Hiéy sociated. HN6 key Ww at? hiey 

ke, an gepcisi:,. a partner, a mate. 

= /E " To cS diate to be sorry for, to regret. 
On * ' 

Hiéy i 

lok chaeé ké téung é 



| Héey 

Gan kwia, yew, héng avi a hiey, 

AD SENG, TR FE FE Pt BR, tine wa nes 
ko yew, sty Ké"4 chéo, hwan, hiey,.lok té e dy 
tang e"S, when with. respect. to,our words, we 
have few faults, and with respect to our actions, 

few regrets; then emolumentywill be found to 
centre in this. See the Bs at Séing lin. 

pom Park, not clear, dim, dull, Hong é 

Haag iia Jé hoéy, key béng put é EG iy an 
: mete} i. eae) ne, ar B, hong hog ch’ hin 

hears din, key Uhé bd swith; when the wind and 
rain, prevail and it is as it were dark, then the 
cocks crow without ceasing, -Seethe eK Jal 
Téng hong. 

To teach, to instruct. Hoey jin put 
a OF ee : Sl 
Hoey f ‘kwan att KX AN is. ka, ling bi 
Jae sé0"S yea, to teach, people, without 

~ feeling tired. See the te: = Séing Tan. 

Yew, hoey j Jé te che hoé FH, id te Fn 4 wp: 
Yew, gwd ka le chae dy to lé, Yew, I. will teach 
you what is knowledge, See the same. 
yp. 7°. wash the face. Ch’héng hiééy 
a Bip An iA , CWhENG sty bin, to request 
jy (a superior); to wash his face, which 
was tobe done, by, inferior relatives, when they 
chad prepared water for their elders. . 

, tf 

may De ee 

To boil anything to rags.” \ 
A sickness, pain; diseased... So6 gné 
am a a Vv ¢ pea 
Wty sm ity ty JB ee 
dy sim kw"a pat", to make my heart 

Read h"6 + goods, property, wealth. 

A. Kay h"6 R ie kay hiey, goods 

p= and chattels. Chaé h"6 me cS : 

chae hey, to transport goods. 

"6 chin kay sit te {g et . hiey chin kay 

| chéw - sit; when goods are of the right gort, the 

i will, be/of the proper kind. oN 

Pad hoéy . #e 4a), hesitating, un- 
Hoey, is Alp * decided, without advancing. 

Hoéy ) 


“To turn round, to revolveyto return; 
also; depraved. T’héen chew tey 
géey, yim yang gnée héng, hoéy 

chwan ké téung FE fe] He OP SG 
47. [ey ifols He ip , Chee"® chew té ley dy gwa, 

yéa yim yang goé héng, hwat lin tooi"® té e dy 
tang e"®, the Heavens encircle the earth around, 
while the male and female principle, with the 
five elements, revolve in their centre. 

Hééy kay | RR, toot"S j’hé ch’hod, to return 

home. Also written fa hoéy. 

Hoéy a1) To return ; the same as the above. 

Hoéy ¥ i 

Hey te) 




Long worms in the stomach ; the tape 


The name of a river; to go against 
the stream; clear water. Soé hiéy 

chéaing che Sy] oH Ya) ria 2, kityh 

laju Vhan e, to follow up against the stream, 

See the ZF AE Se keng. 

Hiéy héang iy ® hiéy héo"®, a 
fragrant herb, 


Hé séang #p fi] , hidy sto", a priest 
of the sect of Buddha. Séém dng 
soo sting, sé€m 1é sod hé séang 

EE) RE AGT em 
éng ch’hé ch’héa"®, sé@m cha boé ch’hé hity sé0"®, 
the king of Siam feeds elephants, and the women 
of Siam feed the priests. 

To meet, to assemble, to unite; an 

assembly, a society. Bod-6ng taé 
hizy choo hoé é Béng-chin ry + 

K @ if (KF ah > Bob-ing twa hiéy 

choo. hoé 16 Béng-chin, Bod-6ng convened a great 
assembly of the princes of the Empire at Béng- 
chin, See the 5 EP S06 ke. 

set ch 


Trhéen tay hoty FE Ph, + , Chee" téy hiey, 
heaven and earth society, a kind of secret ma- 

sonic club, 

rly The ancient form of the preceding 

The ornamental. colouring of a pic- 
Hoéy ture, also written ii hdéy. Hoey 
) | a. ne soé Kr es (3 #, hiéy 
dy s00 tiny abu pityh téy, the business of colouring 
comes after the white ground ofa picture. See 
the [ = Séaing lan. 
Confusion of mind, mental pertur- 
Hééy. bation. Sod put tong 1é, chek bey 
= nis 
bowy eB OR fy BE HUY A 
R » 800 na a” tong w& lé, chek sim kw"a lwan, 
when affairs are not consistent with reason, the 
mind becomes confused. 
» Dispersed, scattered, in. confusion; 
Héey ia angry. Hdééy Lwin if L- con- 

fused and in disorder. 

Hoey. nt Deaf, hard of hearing, 

jer": unable to see; the eyes dim: 
nazy A 

sore eyes, 

_ \ » 
Hoey is Water turning round and: uniting. 

Hoey ARE To bargain fairly for a thing. 

. Read héet: blood. Long héet Wyk via. 
segh SPD 

ling hééyh, blood and matter. Héet 
hidyh chéén tit Vhdou, after a bloody fight he 

chéén tek vhwat fitt JBb 45 Hz, 
got away. 


Hoh 2 Read, hok: thoroughly dried, burnt up. 

Read hok: a stork. Hok béng @ kéw 

Heh o ko, seng bin é théen #2, ie PF, 
NT oh, ie ii} FTE > ih hadu té kéw 

ko, sé"a Uhé"a kaou thee"®, the stork screams over 

the nine marshes, and his voice is heard up to 

Heaven. See the Ay Ate Seiiou gnéy. 

— Happiness. E’ng hok IK if: éng Ico6 

Hok Wha dy hok I'he, everlasting happiness. Ho 
1) hok bod put choo ké kéw che chéa 

WB Wk IRA EA ER ZH, 1 bean 

Khe 06 i™ sé ka té kéw e, misery and happiness are 

invariably the results of men’s own seeking. See 

ry F Béng choo. 
Hok 7 ‘1. Still, quiet, retired. 

Y A ditch, a channel for water, a drain 

Hok ey for irrigation.. Pe kéung sit, a = 
lek ho’ koe hok Wh 4 SE 

Wi sf. ie iif. sey e. dy kéung ch’hod, fi a 

Khwiy lat té@ kaou hok, he had but small palaces 
and houses, while he exhausted his strength upon 
ditches and drains (for the perp of irrigating 
the. rice men: See the Fr i pe Lin gé. 

WP The ancient form of iia hok, happi- 

er j Vulg. pak: a broad piece of cloth. Hok 
Hok ie . 

) kin Ht td a scarf made via silk. 

Hok 2 The..axle of;a:carriage. 



wes Poén hok hig HR , vit ps, abat. Hong 

hwan to sé, péén hok hwuy 

3 PRIA ore tre 

kaot @e"8, bit pb tit pwuy, in the evening time, 


_arriving at the temple, we may see the bats flying 

The entrails. Hok toé ig Ht , pak 
Hok toé, the belly. Kéw kéw bod hoo, € 
hoé hok sim #p} jE} TE FE A 

JB , ying béng dy bob hoo, sé kong hoé dy as 
sim, bold and courageous warriors are the heart and } 
entrails of princes. See the jig i Chew lim. 

Vulg. Avh: to repeat; again, Hwan 

hok ia 43 over and over again. 
Teng léng hwan hok NW wig IR ‘8 ; 

koh chaz teng léng, to enjoin again and again. 

Hok A To repeat, double. Hok to i 3. 


a place where two ways meet. 

To turn upside down, to overturn; 
to repeat; to examine: Hok to ¥p 
f5i > pak 16, to turn upside down, 

Hok paé iz Hk » to defeat an enemy. 

Fe A surname. 
Hok Cs An implement: for ‘catehing fish, made 



of bamboo, 

A disordered state of the body. Hok 

Iwan thoé séa He BL neh iB; to 

vomit and purge ina disorderly manner, 

Hok Sele” 

to oe ok che wily but yéa, choo yéen put 
eis am abe Seaven put héet Joey 
By tt. ETS BY i HB 

twa hol: ty chd meth, chod Kwan e béy mw™é, yés"& 
' eithut'é béy ta, a large gulf is a sort of thing that 
cafinot \be filled up: by pouring me nor waleunee 
by lading out, 

A valley, a ravine, a pit, agulf. Taé 

maewet, Fad 
2 DO 3 rigas 
“, Gh kway 50 soo b hok 

 iwuy, 078 tao", to talk of r 

phesilas Soe 

vs think of going back. ‘See the ay: 
| yew hok é éng chee wat; goé Ick chéuk é ké pek 
ELBA 90 Br i Be gt ty 
aa alg iw ace iis ie ft any one. were to 

aK ow | ay 

Bots burnt, died ¥p. 

ch’hew che gwat, say sé hok 

Z neposches Slime 

3 ' 

tte im sufficient 
. side abur a te or a ousand pounds) 
ty git yh, chity Rhé habe ta, " 
_ ‘ ” « h 

, of autuma RY, waters begin” Capes you | believe him). ag ca ig ae 

A kind of silk. 

voce har He ; 
Vulg. hith: a stork, a cmads—HOk séén 

#, Be, hih seé"S, a fun made of 
d stork’s feathers. Also written 

Béng bok chad. yim,,ké-choo hd be ye hth 4e 
‘2. Hy fp 2, habu dy hih t8 chthéw yim, 

e dy ké"é kap ¢ hd, the stork is screaming in the 
shade, mf his Young one is answering tim, , 


The ancient form of AR hok, in 

name of hoa a Pak te. " 
ase vd ‘- itt ie 
mon oi + ; ' 

2 mayo B. henge - ni 

Bak 2ORE, ‘clothes,’ eS all Pity 
bok. fi, AR. to_wear, Hang hok 
- to submit, to. sptrender, 

| ae te oR pare aren 308, to serve, 
ree RRS 

¢ to mcrifice. See fr J. Bing choo, 

1) ae hos hok ké 16 
' Te ifs : ‘ia 

es PP sob t téy chos ti dy ih bwd” 

oe HONG 

_ claenshould. sabjett thomsélves to the'tro 
of * Gite Lan! bai ehacyiol lide 

_ “a 
oi + at 

The wind nase ‘influence ; instruction 

| Mong sine i iP custom. ‘Beasts at 

“heat, | or persons viciously inclined, 

are e said to be ie hong. ‘Hong’ hwa mt 

- “renovating instruction. 
“Yew haa chit, put k’h-é ‘hong at 

* A RA 

wos ‘ula dy peti "phamg t lath hone, 
I have & cold, 2 i Wah * go ou pe “the wind. 
yee the Ef Beane oft wee "ae tint 

+ 10) Be e yaad 5 Ait of 

ehivoy baxenebl 95 
vb don Se ~ ye te tid ovajiod woe blnowt] 
Hong Aig The name of a country. a, * 
<3 ‘gb viy 
“ thet but A. age oh 
> aif 
pe The face full and good beget also, 
8 ‘luxuriant. ‘oy 
‘ iold 
oor g The name of a sage.” 
Hows ‘The ancient form’ of ja. hotg. 
2 att! ua 
i ery rn « ¥ ii inky 

4 i Hong oP sycamore tree. Fable sayadthet when 
. the gum of the sycamore ttee has bees | 

in the ground a thousand years, sit. becomes. 

we 3B hoe, pek, wee 4 fj | 

se Head ache, "pain in the’ head ; the ] 

-medical books heat ‘That when this 
pain is on the left side) it originates 
in phlegm and heat; ‘and when “Oh éhie! rig, it 
‘ must be referred to ‘jnlanmation ad he tate of of 

ih >, Yéw -péng choo win oe 

‘Boog! re ‘pooi® clehéw, the aid 

aha “aie ‘chariot ‘passes? by the "preci 

: a nt asd bites sapilt bon 

a4 ioe sap 

the blood. 


i) Gia wet)! 

Wicx' noise af, “water “rushing See : ve 

tay he, a pace. | a 
method. Yéak hong 

enal receipt. 

j yp IIR 0 png yew “¢ 

a friend coming “frou % 

Loy ow ve 
lightfal 2) See the Ks =f. 
~ Kaod chod é ge hong 
ke"d 6 jin gé dy he"S, we wus 

by the rules of aires og ; 
« as » Al 

Hong To dislike, to dete. 

OF tyre cates of oleae ae 7 > 

ered By ee a | 

Hong’ The 1 name of a tree, of, 
Be, cant mi made. 

=4\' roll) e 

_, The name of a sacrifice within doors 
‘Also, a sacrifice repeated on the fole 

lowing ‘day's ‘and a sacrifice to: fhe es 

a aon ed Meee 


| The “peak of a-hill. San hong iy 

Ko heng ban téang B Xe rae) pe 

Kwan ty sw"a Chadu ché"d ban’ ‘te"S, a lofty peak, 
ten thousand fathoms high. 

‘hong. i 

; Valg. phang : a bee. Bit hong 5 > 
Hong iH a honey bee. Héng hong ca yee, 
wui"S p’hang, a wasp. Hoé Vhoé hong 

fic if WE, hoé Uhabu p'hang, a hornet. 

Hong ban yéw tok We a i ip HF phang bin 
woo tdk, the sting of a bee is poisonous. See the 

Fe. {i Cho-twan. 

The same as the above. Chek yéw 

Hong hong khé (YR Fy WE FL -~ ew’nat 
ype up as thick as bees. 

chin chéo"S p’hang Whé, thieves 

The point of a weapon, @ sharp point. 
To hong Fj gs, the point ofa sword. 

Hong tek che jim $f 445 € He 

the point and edge of a weapon. 



ons fa? The name of ms river. 
- y 

rat) The name of a city, where wx x. — 

Hong K Chew-biin-éng removed to. JA sur 

name. j 4 

vey Full, replete, great, arrived at maturity. 
Hong ~— Asurname. EB’ mé put hong bwan 
chéa, put léng ko hwuy WE 

DK. A AE TE FIR, oe me toe 

mw"d, chéw béy pwuy kadu kwdn, when the fea- 

thers and wings are not replete and Ty it is 

impossible to fly high. 
iy * 
Ss. 5B, hé neé"S tang, a fruitful year. 

tong) — 
as 5 

The name of an ancient man. 
written (uty hong. 


 #, sw"a chéem the summit of a hill. | 

Also written if i 

Hong séng Wi! RE exuberant and full. Hong léén 



A signal fire lighted on the borders, 

to give notice of the approach of 

anenemy. Hong yéen VE ih, yéen 

tun, figee smoke. 

‘Vals, hang: to warm at the fire, to 
Hons toast, to roast. ~ Hong 1d els “ 

hang 1, a furnace, a stove. 


ap The name of ja yegetable, the leaves 

Hong 37 but the root 

Clvhaé hong el’haé hwuy, bod é hay vhéy 5 
Ea AE, Sing Wy Tt. Ae; bin hong ban hwuy 
a” thang e' dy hay Chéy, in gathering the Hong 
and Hwuy dedianly you must not take the bot- 
See the 4 45 FAL Wiey hong: 

A gallopping horse; the footsteps of 
Hong. Be 
a horse. . e™. GF 

Great ; added ‘to ;"to promote to of- 
Hong * fice. A surnatne.’ Hong way +t fir: 
to bestow a rank. ? rahi ea +] {3 
hong pPhey, to close a letter, ! 

Hong ‘kéang che ka} fet i. R the Rosders 

ofia térritorial district. 

of which are. sweet, 

tom part. 

Hong =f To beckons te to Strike. 

Hong Bf The eyes dim. aad $ 

Hong in A bright colout. 
Overgrown with weeds, uncultivated, 
Hong "barren, unproductive ; broad. Téén 

téw hong bod fa 1 ve Aik. ch'han 

tw hwui" bod. the fields growing wild and cover- 
‘ed with underwood. A hong fit I yaou 
pout", a famine. 

HONG 250 

bt name of a hill. 

ed. Hong héng put léng k’hé Wa] 

‘(2 rs AL A »80 agitated as to be 

unable to proceed. Also written sf héng. 

Hong lok is Ick, emolument, pay of 
Hong office. Cheng pek kwan hong 5 8 

sf fs, kay cheng ché"4 pityh kw”a 
dy hing lok, to increase the salaries of all the officers. 

is Hong héng 4 ea, agitated, undecid- 
Hong fF 

To imitate, to learn. Ek séang haou 
Hong AL héng yr *A HR A, yéd séo th Chan 
to learn of and imitate one another. 

Y The quicksilver that is manufactured 

Hong ze out ofcinnabar. Béng hong ye pA: 

a great water, a wide expanse of 
To imitate, to follow; to rely on; to 

Hong go to; inclined to, set upon. Hong 

e 1é jé héng, to wan Jy J FA iff 
45 Y KE. Phan é lé jé ke", chéy wan, to follow 
after gain in all our actions is a source of 

great bickering. See the Lg Séang lin. 

2, : Hong hwut 4h th , undecided; to see 

a thing indistinctly. 


<P Hong hwat 32 3 » the same as the 

8 above; not to acertain exactly. 

Hong By The day beginning to be bright. 

v2. Hong hwut bt Wa, undecided, hesita- 

mt The threads of a net. Hong chek ky 
ong ni fa phang chiyh, to spin thread, 



To enquire, to ask, to visit. Hong 
bin a Vol s hing moow"S, to make 

To recite odes and music; to hint at; 

to ridicule. Jéng séuk chok se, é 

hong ebe AJ9 {E # WZ 

jéng chek chi se é hing clhé e, Jéng-séuk made 

poetry to 

ridicule him. 

ong wn To laugh out loud; also, a high mouth. 

Hing gan at a a? piiyh cWhat wa, 
Hons 5 lies, deceitful words. Swat hang #. 
at kéng piiyh eWhat, to tell a lie. 

Hong H 


Vulg. p’hang: to hold up in both hands, 
in order to present a thing. 

To present, to give. Hong sod, A B. 

to confer. 

Cold, ice. 

Hong pa A form, a substance, appearance. 

Hong WW 

A valuable stone, Jike a gem. 

Bright, luminous; broad, expansive. 

Kong hang 1 Ae 4 resplendent. 

A curtain, a screen. 

The name of a place, in the Bh Loé 


A screen, or curtain; also, a reading 



4 The same as Bil hong, to recite; also, 

Hong Wy Dd 

to ridicule. 

Two boats sailing abreast. Two boats 
Hong tied together. Séng hong hay kang 

kwan Fe Wi ~ jx a> chéy sang 

chin, Wh kang kwan, to sail in a double boat 
down to the pass on the river’s side. 
Vulg. pang: to. let go, to set loose ; 
to give way. to; to allow; to. set 

aside. Hdéng soo via Et, to be dis- 
orderly, Hong séa vi A , to do, away with. 

Hong hod téung lew fy JP Wp fF, pang v2 

téung laéu, to let. go. down the- middle of. the 


Hong long héng haé- Fr iz. ie By , pang éng 
lan dy hin soo, to give one’s bodily powers. up 
to sloth and. self-indulgence, 

» To compare. To make a. visit of en- 
8 quiry is called’ AX 74, laé hong, 
Hong r} 


. Moreover,. Hé hong APY FIZ>how mueli 
rather: Séhg jin ek yew kd, hd hong 

: hwan séing che pééy hoe BP )\ 
It A i. Iu ie 2 BaP, vere 
jin yéd wio kiey sit, hd: hing Itwdn séang dy lang, 
even sages have their- errors, how much more 
common people. 

nos EE To look at; also a. man’s name, 

A charm, an imeantation, a prayer. 

Séw lééy hwan cheng jit léém hong 

ha dy laé, hwan d.hoty st0"& tak jit lad léém keng 
during the time of mourning the foreign priests. 


came every day to recite their incantations. 
Ye) To make presents for the service of 
Hong: +4 the dead, even to-one’s carriage and’ 


251 ° 


8B To present anything for the service 

B of the dead. 

To give, to present, LLé'sin k*hong 
Hang Bs ck bod hong yea 4 FR FE IP 
y) 4 EYE 4, , cha 008 hw" a nd d, yea 

b6 sdng meé"h, a. woman bringing a basket, but 


without any present. 


said to have existed before the time of Noah. 

Chin-sé-héng hwfin se k*heng je Fe he ss 
ak = Ht Fay , Chin-sé-hing séo ch’hityh, Khai"S 
Chak ch’hiyh lang, the first Emperor of the Chin 
dynasty. burned the books.and shut up the learned a pit (B.C. 200). Also, 2 Fi Héng- 

ho6, a double surname. 



Elegant, great; a prince. Héng tey 

= tT , an Emperor Sam héng 
= #, three fabulous. Emperors, 

Hong A great belly,.a. large stomach. 
Héng héng fi 12, agitated, in.con- 
Hong. 4g fusion, 
A. fabulous. bird.. HGng-héng, béng 
Hong &,.@ pé kokong. [Bl Jl UES RF 

A “i iW [it]., Aong-héng tit hadu, twa 

té hwith léy kwdn sw"a, the (fabulous. birds) 
Hong-héng are singing, om yonder lofty. ridge. 
See the }» HE Séaou gniy. 

2 Hong héng thi 42: liesitating, uncer- 
A tain, Bong hong ahs ee delibera- 

Boé-boé'sek choo, jé keng k’hwa, Sey-choé hong 

hing 8 boo kay HB 3 Ti PS A. 
F- Hi 72 TM fo. HR. Bot-boé che"S ta jé 

té0" ka té twa, Sey-chod hing héng,jé ch’hin chéo"& 
b6 kay, the ugly Boé-boé when ornamented would 
boast of her greatness; but the handsome Sey- 






cho6 appeared in confusion as though belonging 

to no great family. 

A mother, according to the dialect of 
the southern ay Ch’hoé; state. 

ed The cry oF a little child. 

The name of a river. 

a The sound of gems. 

A locust, an insect that devours the 
Be grain. T’héting héng wiy chae 
EE. oh he wie i , Uhang hing cho 

chae haé, insects and pit hi are very injurious. 
ea = = 

with fear. 

A pool in which water collects. Gin 

héng gh wail » the milky way: 
To be deceived, to be alarmed, Héng 

k’héing Ne 2h IK, to be afraid. Keng 
hong PS He |e, ké"a hé"d, to tremble 

Séaou-kong ch’héing po, pek séng hdng jéaou 
Ri He At oe B PE ie Tie, Séaou-king lam 
sam pd géak, piiyh sa"S ké"a he" jédou lwan, 

Séaou-kong was outrageously oppressive, ull 

‘the people were alarmed’ and thrown into con- 

Khwun héng WE re, bright and 

luminous; clear. Tong bin che yang 

yes béng seng hing héng RB FA ra 
i AA bas ie KG tang moot"S dy yang léw, 

beng ch’hai"™S kwui?S IwuitS, through the willow- 

tree at the eastern gate, ‘the bright stars shine 

very clear. 

The name of a bamboo very hard, 

and with short, joints. 



YX Leisure; haste. Put héng hay sit a 
* i ile BE, bé éng Uhang chéth, no 

leisure even to eat. 


The name of a place: Hew héng hoé_ 

uN We Wi , the name of a lake. 
n@ A boat, a vessel. Finley ie mils fe, 

a flying boat, i. e. swift. 

a: Vulg. wui"8: yellow, a yellow colour. 

Hong Bs) 

Hong séang gwan kit TH oe 7t. a. wui"S 
yin, ché6"& twit hé, a yellow robe is in the highest 

degree lucky. See the 3 AS Ek-keng. 
Ths, * i 

Hong Ch’huy seng koé héng we E aX 

oe, cl’ hiey phin p hun héng, to blow 

the flute, and play upon the pipe. 


Asurname, Héng kéang fe 38 0 

wui"S Kéo"S, turmeric. 
A pipe; a lute; the tongue ofa flute. 

The moat under a city wall; 


Héng Ae A great bell. 

The noek of bells and drums. Chéung 

koé héng héng ia ak fa $e 

cheng koé hing hong, the bells and 

a city 



drums gave a rumbling sound. 

Hong SL 

is like coming toa river, and not finding a boat. 

A boat, a vessel. P*hé lim hé jé bod 

héng Ee fits pia Ti dot Hbie cWhin 

chéo"™® laé kadu kéng, jé b6 chin, it 

To. fly down; to dart down from a 

» height. 

_A large king of wild goose. Hing 

gan me ME, wild geese. 


: A place of learning. 

Hong chéang ik i: a ‘wud chéng, 

the jaundice, 
i A hindrance; to injure; to impede. 
Hong 4 Sty hae Hoe rhage, soe pé ch’ham 
hwiy, Uhan wat, gné taé kak sin 

peak tore ck BAM ihe Be, KE, 

HA ib 137 Wie sty Chae choé> kéd. ying 
tak paé héé ling saé phwad hwy ping, chéw tho 
Rhwiy king, gwé twa kak hin sin woi. héng gaé, 
the heir apparent to the state of Sfy, named 
YViing, was frequently)slandered and reviled ; when 
he, sighing, exclaimed, Lam fully aware. that I 
am personally impeded. ; 

Bod héng Alt Uf» 06 gaé (20k, no impediment, 

no. hindrance. 

Héng gé fi, hang éhé, the skate 
Hong es $8 fi} £ ie 

To obstruct, to ‘tt to forbid, to 

provide against. Tey héng ye BH, 

to obstruct. Héng pé Bi {if téo"S 

ié, to provide against. Kwun chod. soo hw4n, 
jé & héng che Ft + BEB. th HZ, 
kwun chéo st0"5 kan lin jé taé seng téo"% té, the 
good man anticipates. evil, and provides. against 

it. See the yy Ae keng. 

Hong kim [i}j 2, to forbid. 


Hong Vulg. pang:, to stitch; a seam. 
» To meet with, to befal, to come in 
Hong contact with, Soo hoé kong k’heng, 

hong géng.é ché 5] fix: ZS Sen Ze 
WE F Fy? feng hadu kong kheng, bityh ged 
cheth e dy 2 ché, to wait for the princes and nobles, 

in order to meet their wishes and pleasure. See 

the ik BY Re Chéén kok ch’hek. 




Hong > 

The name of a river. 

Great; large, immense. © To: enlarge. 

Héng 5), A surname. Jin léng héng to A. ne 

WA a > ling ty hing twa e dy to, 

people have itin their power to enlarge their way. 
See the iff ait Lan gé. 

Luxuriant herbage. Héng héng ké bek, 

PLA, HR. bee séng e dy biiyh, 

. how. luxuriantly that wheat grows! 
See the fit JBL Weezy hong, 

Tall grass, long grass, not kept in order. 


ong A surname. 
Hong Héng song Ze IK , dishevelled hair. 
Great, immense. Chéng Ifin héng gé, 
Hong Se itn BE AG s dwdn twa dy ge tan, 
Zr» lofty and magnanimous discourse and 
A thread, a string; the belt in which 
Hong 4 

W/4 a cross bow is. worn, 

Hong 4 Lh Water deep and clear. 

The gate at the head. of a lane, Ko. 

ké han hong fey He [AE BH, cn’nong 

kwin e dy héo"S l mooi"S, to raise 
higher the gate of the village. 

Hon —- A kind of water plant ; grass and rushes 
8 AL growing in the water. 

The same as. the above. 

» Great. Hong sty 7k I: twa chiy, 
Hong v great water, a flood; Vulg. dng: a 
‘® surname. 


Hong ,Y 


Séang séang héng sty hong kat ut ) Yk K 
Vi +) » séang séang dy twa chixy too tod ch’ hing 
haé, when the overwhelming floods bagan first 
to cut off end destroy, (alluding to the great 

flood about the time of MVoah.) See the 3 Hh ‘ 

Gefiou téén. 

Hong nth: kind .ef flag! a : 
Air oenil , 

Vulg. dng: red. Héng béén or. if. 
ang bin, a red face. ( 
Hong ché put ¢ wiy séet hok &r, 
ee x Ww Py Ea AR. dng chée"® bé léith e cho 
sae Ihéa dy yin ché6"S, he would not use red 


A surface. 

and vermilion colours for his private dress, 

e Lin gé. 

of Confucius, in the ahi - 

Vulg. @héng: a rainbow. Kwiy ch’hun 




héng.sé-héén, beng ‘tong hong chéng 

put heen As Ae he Hh Ae 
iE. ine a8 Gd sch’hun biéy Whéng W’hé Vhaébu héen 

tang Vhaéu Khéng khe"S u™ héen, in the latter 
month of spring the rainbow appears, and in the 
first month of winter it retires and is not seen. 
A half gem; a kind of gem. ‘T’haé 

¥ kong téaou € wiiy, tek géuk héng 
. ans beet ke , , u 

kong té0 hé lé wity chity, chéw tit téth géuk héng, 

T’haé-kong was angling in the waters of the Way, 
and fished wp-a gem. ‘See the sp ac, Soo ké. 

eA The ‘tassels of a cap or crown. 
5 ; y 

To receive from a superior ; to offer 
séang) jé hong p*hek jip chin AE} HA 
dn as ee A Fe, lin séang jé sang Phek dip 
chin kok, Lin-séang-je carried :the gem asa pres- 
t-into t hia « es >| a 
ent..intg the, Chia aa 2 eB ] 

Soo he. 


up; to present, to nourish. 



Hok 16 hong yang, bé chéuk wayshadu yéa 
NR 9) A AB. Je TE 2B a, le «ar 
ith bwd hing yang pay boé, b6 kadu swui”S 
_ hd w0d hadu, to’ labour for, and. Support our 
parents, is not enough to constitute filial piety. 
See the commentary of the | Sf Séang lin. 
Hong $00 A 5, to serve. Hong kadu Fx By: 

to receive instruction. 
‘Hong héén A jek to_ offer up, to present. 

A fabulous bird, ‘said to appear when 


sages spring up. A surname, Sun 

Wd sé hong hong laé g@ 4p [Pe A A 

Ae ES, sin ty sé hong hing dy chédou laé ké"é 

ley gé, in the time of Sfn the lucky birds ap- 
peared te pay their ‘compliments to him. 


Quicksilver, “mercury + The same as 

Hong rie hong. 
Hong A sound or drumming in the ears, 
| The sound of singing ; singing in a 
Hong a _ chorus. Hong phéén [Bk ae to de- 
> ceive. ‘ 
?. Hong lok fies Te emolument, salary ; 
Hing also read ‘hong. Kong sun héng, hong 

lok sim to IX th Bl, Fs Tok , 
By , kong sun hing dy hong lok chin chaé chéy, 

Kong-sun-héng’s emoluments were very great. 

Téang hoo xz Fk, a yeoman, a full- 
grown man; a husband. Taé hoffe 
kK, a great officer. Hoo ch‘hey ~ 
" oi ae ang chéa, husband and wife. Pok hoo 
eS , a servant. Tam nee ie KR, a carrier, 
. Ma hod 5 , bey hoo, an ostler. ‘ Hoo choo 
f KF, the designation 4 a philososopher, gene- 
“"" fally applied “to ‘Confucius; a particle used at 
the beginning’ ‘of’ a'séntence! 6) 




‘Ch’ho6 che wiy taé téing hoo, lig ri 24 k 
a KF, chéy sé king kéo twa téang hoo, this is 

+ what is called a truly wi man. See iit a 
Béng choo. 
Téang hoo seng, j@ gwan wiiy che yéw sit ca 

KE Ti WE Bi Fy TE, erp neta saints 

OL seg 

jé ae kap é wod ch’hod, when a man is grown up, 
it is desirable that ‘he should have a a family, See 
mi -f- Béng chod. 

£ thwat ‘hok, hoo cl?hey hwan bok fa ie ci 

KRM EF], whee Chwat’e dy hok, ang poe 

‘Juwdn bak, ‘when the carriage is deprived of its 
axletree, husband and wife begin to’ turn their eyes 

| from each other, (i. e. when ‘poverty comes in at 

*, = the door, love flies the window.) See the 

: 5 im Ek keng. 

Boé hoo fat EK, a stone Tike agem3 
also written ik choo. 

oe Kay _ i BK, ‘to sit cross legged; 
to sit large and full, 

» A kind -of hatchet. , Put noé jé bin 
Hoo way @ hoo wat Ay 7 iy FE 
wv PA K BK, 2” saé sim bity th, jé 

pliyh sai”® kb"a lin dy wuy hong, k’hith ch’him e 


‘hoo wat, without being. angry, the people will 
,» Tespect our dignity more than they will apa axes 

+ and hatchets. 
Hoo Ke drum-stick, TO put héng sé@ng hoo 
+ hod é haé 74 X FF- T HARP A 
Pi to béy ké"d, laé pityh chéo"S hoo, phot kody 
haé, our doctrines do not spread, Jet us then mount 
a raft, and float over the sea. See the ik Fi] 
Séang lin. 
Kwiy hoo jé thoé, koe a ie. ii + rie 
cWhaou hoo, jé Uhoé koé, a straw dro stick and 
an earthenware drum. See the, Fg Fy Léy, ke. 

A raft made of split bamboos; also, a 


Hoo The husk of grain; coarse chaff. 
Hoo “The husk of wheat. 

TS believe. »-Gé héng Ban Ong ban 
pang chok hoo ¥¢ WF Be Hh 
E a gé ley héng hwat Vhan bin 

Ong ban pang dy ling chéw sin lan, when in polite 

ceremonies and penal laws we imitate Ban-ong, 


aH nations will believe us. 

Oo hoo iE HF, a beautiful gem. 

i To spread, to diffuse, to spread out, 
Hoo ue do arrange. Hoo poé Hi 
diffuse., Kéng hoo gnoé kadu ii. 

Tt He kéng hoo pod gnoé ldn dy kaon, respect- 

fully to diffuse the five rules of instruction. 

Heo y ’ 

Hoo ¥ 

The central part ofa flower, the calyx; 
also written Ht hoo. 

Sick, diseased. Gné pdk hoo é 

GE Hii HR , gws dy gin d pat’, my 

servant is sick. See the i JA Chew 
1am. : 

The ‘calyz, or foot of a flower. 

Hoo . same as IN hoo. i 
Pheoshin.: P’hé hoo Pe Jif, skin and 
Hoo = plesh ; also, elegant, and great. Hoo 
cP RQ i6 gens che fF YD REA, *0o 
Phiey, ch’hin chéo"® kéen tang dy yéw, with a skin 

‘as smooth as.congealed ointment., See the ij fa 
Hees hong. 


as) Hoo, bong BA 2 , anet. Yéw thos, 
Hivos pY  Wanywan, NE 1G hoo AS Ga FF 
EE TP SB wod Choe win \win, 

thE key le: t&bangy there was a rabbit theredbouts, 


and lo! a wild fowl was caught in the net, See 
the a ie Se keng. ; 

wu } The same as the above; a net that turns 


4 _» A prisoner of war; one takemin battle, 

small beasts. 

w, ' = 
+ Hoo hek AF He to take prisoner, 
Chéy jin laé kwuy woey hoo es XK 

ale bit ity Af, chéy kok dy lang lat sang, t6 to0i"S 
wiéy kok dy hoo, the people of the Chéy country 


came to return the prisoners of the Wééy country. 

A teacher; the name of an office. T’héen 
choé yéw thaé soo, Phaé hoo, Uhaé 

> p6, wy sam kong K -f- Ay k 
Fire K fill. k RK. Fs ise AS» hing téy woo 

Phae 00, Chae hoo, Chae pb, chd sa kong, the 


Emperor has a great teacher, a great instructor, 
and a great preserver, who are called the three 

Soo hoo fim i, an instructor; a title of respect 
for a Buddhist priest. 

Hoo Hoo jin lé AK. = As > a kind of fruit. 
= ! : 

~, An elegant appellation for a man; also, 
Hod great; beginning; all. Confucius was 

called JLERK bong héo. 
= A) 

Hoo | To assist; the same as iti hoo. 

To look down at, to bend downwards 

to behold those beneath us. Géang 

. poy 
Hoo if 
A} VY} ch8uk @ sod hod bod; hod, chéuk é 
héuk ch’hey choé 4m ie yr Hy R Eh. F ie 

y 3 FE F- > ta whe hw", ey katw hok saz 
pay boé, p’hak Wh laé kee"S éy kadu yé6"S ch'hé boé 

ké"a, on looking upwards we shall have sufficient 

where-with to serve our parents, and on looking 


on a wheel for. catching birds and. 


down, we shall have enough where-with to feed 
one’s wife and children. See re “f- Béng choo. 

Like, resembling, accordant with. Léy 

gak hod théen téy che chéng ig aig 

‘ Rt Z iy , ley ak &y ol’ hin 

chéo"S Vhee™S téy dy chéng, suitable ceremony and 
music are accordant to the feelings of Heaven and. 

earth, (i, e. of nature). 

Bue Hob hod ir Chew 

Hoo Ky hod IH Jff oa district, a colony. Ong 

hod hk it. a palace. Kwan hod 'B 

ci ; kw%a hod, a; magistrate or mandarin, 
Bé yéw hod k’hoé chaé hwuy ké chaé chéa yéa 

ARAL HY a IE A AG Uh» vse wo 

hoo. k’hoé dy cheé"S, a™ sée dy cheé”™, there is 

» atreasury, 

no such thing as the money in a man’s treasury, 

not being his own money. See kK A Beng choo. 

To look down-wards;. the same as 
Hoo hod.. Also used for 1 béén, to 

encourage, to exert.. 

vap> Br Hoo hwut ii WK > a. cap of dignity ; 
Hoo6 An hatchets and other weapons embroid- 
ered on aruler’s cap,. to.inspire terror 
into. his. subjects. 

~» Acaldron without feet. E” hod chéng 

cl’hwin PJ e ie Be > Ph6 6 

v bok Whadu & ché, to. use pans and 


earthen pots. in. cooking. 


Chéet hod Es ii» a fortunate plant, 

Hod spoken. of in the time of wis gedou. 

> Dried meat. Koe chéw ch*hé hoo put 

Ho sit Ha 8 TW Wil SR Oe & 
chéw, kay cWhé dy bth kw™a, a™ chéth, 

wine bought in the shops, and dried meat brought 

in from the market, Confucius would not eat: 

(because he feared they might be unclean). See 

= Sh. 4 
the =H fap Ltn gé. 




‘ 7 
HOO. 257 
Vay Ho6 hway FF Be: a’ sacrificial im- Hoo jé By , nw" a Vhak ¢Whiyh ldng,-a rotten 
| © plement}! a vesselfor holding the fruits ski ore 6 

vise oe offered: ini sacrifice; \used an the Al 
« Jehew dynasty.) Solo ool : 
. ' To cherish, to soothe, to encourage, to 
stroke; also read Bod. Hoo-héy seng 
ee ONF EADY. gn6, bos héy kéuk gno, hoo gnd, héuk 
gn RA MEAL, Bp AP SB tt Te is 
FE» ne6"S pay vai gwd, me0"® ley keuk,gred, hos 
gwd, chhé gwé, my father begat me, my mother 
-sustained me, cherished me, and nourished me. 
See the Ny ite Séaou gnay. 

Ho6 joo ban bin fi FA, FR, 40 cherish and 

soothe all the people. 

Apr Ahatchet. Hod jip lim FH A HK, 
gist ee 

pod Chiou jip oW’héw nd, the ‘hatchet 

enters the woods. wits, 
K’hong cho6 chok ch*hun ch’hew, yit jod che péén 
géém @ hoo wat ZL -f: fF ARK. — FS 
HZ in JA Fr $k, K’hing chob chd Ps ch’hew, 
chit jé dy péén t'hek lang, Whith géém é hob wat, when 
Confucius composed the Ch’hun-ch'hew (a history 
of his own life and times) ‘every character implying 
blame, was felt more severely than a hatchet. See 

the J ZE S06 ké. 

Hod ae A title of respect. oho 
we HEP 

+ Choiig hoo” IF ff, the viscera, the 
intestines. Choo ho® choo téy, jéak 

heb 3 i 

choo hoé dy cheb téy, cWhin chéo"S pak. sim, the 
children and nephews of the princes should be like 
our lungs and viscera. See the sp # S06 ké. 
 Vulg. nwa: rotten, decayed.” Hoo 

ch’hé bwa way eng AE HEAL 

To beat, to strike; also the same as 
Fal hod, to stroke, to soothe. 


é > 

ch’hai"®, decayed vegetables produce fire flies. 

5 = A YY 

MS , nwa cWhaiu hwe chi hidy kim 

+5 Scholar! 
2 The same as eo hoo, a sacrificial im- 

; ‘plement. 

~ rey 
ih 1 7 


eid on di Shs 

Vulg. pos: rich, affluent, abundant, 
Hod - 2 wealthy. A surname ; also written =" 

Kwiy sé hod @ chew kong # K fa ik A IK. 

kway sé k’hith pod é chew kong, Kwiy-sé was richer 
than Chew-kong. See the 3} 2H Lain gé, 

Hod yéw théen hay, j@ put chéwk é kaé yew 
ARV AHA RB, wi we 
Chee"® ay jt v6 kadu & kay hwan ls, he was so wealthy 
“as to possess the whole Enipire, ‘and yet this was 
not sufficient to dissipate his sortow. | See ih F- 
Béng cho6, | ’ 
To give, to give ‘over, to deliver’ into 
any one’s bands, Hod thok 

to give in charge. Mat hoo At 

Hoo A 
to betray. 
Jéak Khd hod chek ké put.1d,jé héén chaé put 
sit Fe TAP LAB aR a 
“K R » eWhin ché0"S &y hod U'hok, chek ka té a” 
t80h bwd, jé gabu dy chaé téadu bey a™ kee’, if 
we can with, the’ “fy then we 
ourselves shall notibe troubled, jand ver talents 
will not be lost. Said by Confacius®” vi] 
SEV To exact; “to requite, to diffuse, Kong 

* hoo EF PRP: taxes, revenue” Peng hod 

Ars [ ; military levies. Se hod a4 

Be. a diffuse, Toose poems a ditty. Pin hoo w 

Ft. to receive. . : bi # 

Séng chéa, jin séy pin hod é@ théen ye 

A Bi BTA FEAL, > st se ting sey pin 

hod é Chee"€, nature is that whicti men have received 


from: Heaven. 

Ho AQ The same as 4 hod, to» give over, — 


‘fons .To-lie down, ‘to throw down, to ‘throw 
Hod 4 down flat; also written es hod. Yéuk 

chéang hod che, pit ko ké che EK 4 

Ap Z als ia We 7, ab diityh eet mee" Tin | | 

Whe, pit bh kéth ké K’hith kwén, if you want to 
throw anything down flat, you must lift it up high. 

To go to, to visit. Hoo he ith yk 

to go to market. . Hod tek séang toé 

#h a iH fal hod tek sto phih, to 

go and. fight with the enemy. 



Hoo. Y 

To inform; to inform’ of the decease 

== fof any one. _Hwin choo hoé tong, béng 

=! eng, chek hod € ké iw {i [al 
BH Be. Hl) ah Vy He , hwan choo hoé lang béng 

Kadu sé, chek téth Khe lap ekéng, all the princes of 

the Empire that were of the same confederacy, 


on the demise of any one, informed ‘one another 

of it,.;,See the ya fis (Cho, twan. 

> Vulg. Whéng: to cover, to. overspread. 
Hod 3 Théen che séy hod, téy che séy chaé 
Phee"S dy sty Kheng, téy dy sty chaé, whatever 

KL iy Behe Z Pr wh: 
the Heaven overspreads, or the earth suslains. See 

the rf jt Téung ying. 


To ‘assist, to second, to help, to abet. 

Hoo te) Hod: jé fa) B- an assistant. 
; Hwiin hod Dp Wf 2 hwén hoo, to order, 
Hood HT to enjoin, to insist, upon, to give 

any one. charge. 

To hold,. to sustain, to hold -up,. to 
assist. A surname. Hod Whé Hee, 
to lift up. 


Gwiy jé\ put té, téén jé put hed, chek chéang 
yéen ying pé séang é fis, in AN HF tif] im 
FR He. HU ABE. as FA BC HE Sm mt neem 

jé b6 té gim, téén t6 jé b6 hob K’hé, chek chéang 
an chw™a yang e chd séang, if aman does not 

sustain his prince, when in danger, nor in his 



overthrow, uphold him; of what use: will be: he 

© as his minister. See the i $4 Lan gé. 
A-particle, implying wonder or enquiry. 
Cho6é .chaé ch’hwan séang wat, ‘se 

“em | chéad jé soo hoo. =F XE: I} £ = 
WA a fiff Fe, oo ichod W@ chy temg king. 

e kody Ihe kadu an néy sai"S hod, when Confucius. 
was upon (the banks of) a stream, he exclaimed, 

“how incessantly, does. it flow + See the at a= 
Lin gé. : 

Hod ab Hoé ying WE a the name. of 2 
; plant, the marsh mallow.. 

Acheque. Hod hap RAY: the two, 
Hod parts of a cheque put together, Hod, 

se i af ;a. charm, Hwa hod a 
At , to wrile charms... A. surname.. 
Tek ehé héng hod téung kok, jéak hap ho6 chéet 
ead ee ee 
 gwdn dy sim ché, chéw éy ké"4, thong. téung kok, 
chthin ché0"S hap hod chéet, obtaining my wish, 
[ should he able to travel through the whole 
of Chins, (and find correspondent feelings, ) like 
uniting the two parts. of a cheque. See mr 
Beng choo. 
Hod séén bk EB a,certain water insect 
Hod which never separates from its. off- 
spring ;, so thatif you take the one, 
you are sure to get the other ; hence foolish people 
rub some of the blood. of this inseet on - 
pieces of money, one of which being kept in 
. the til, and others. put into. circulation, the one | 
is sure to,bring all the others. back to it. 

r Vulg...pod.: to float.on, the surface of 

wy the water. Hud, haé jé yéw tf ie 
lid: UL. 704 18 ae J@ Chit, Phd, to 

float and sport on the bosom, of the deep. 

A wild duck, a water fowk Hod. e 


chaé keng in SS £ Pe a kwa 

chiy chéadu twa té keng chiy, ducks 







Ho6. .) 


and. wild fowl upon - the miak wales See the 

K HE ‘Tae’ gmay.” 

2) Hod yew HP df. an insect, a kind 
: so of grasshopper. 

“Be plant. 

co ae & FB +. kind. of medicinal 

A drum-stick; a stick for beating any- 
thing: Ché chip'pé, yéw chip hod 
jé koé, m& yit put’ léng ché A- 

i 8 Ha HB el iii) Sk A HB AR AG AE. 

t6 ch’héw gim pe, ché"a ch’héw gim hob, jé phith 

kot, béy ‘chéw chabu béy hityh, holding the bridle 
in the: Jeft hand; and the ‘the 
right, ifwe-beat the drum, the horse will gallop 

off without stepping. See the #z {8 C@hé.twan. 
Lo. blow out the breath; to. order; 

to enjoin ;. also. read. hod. 

* A great wind, a wind’ coming down 

from a. height.. 

h- The name of a plant; also called’ He, 
Ff BE ,.uwity bok ch’ho, devils-eye 

The name of a. river,.and, of. a. district, 

ZR White clothes, clean and. new.. 

= Hod song iy RR. a kinds of super- 
natural mulberry tree that grows on 

i}, the east of the Eo #.. K’bwun Lain 
hill towards the sum rising ;; hence the common 

expression, that the sun rises at ‘fit ae Ho6 Song, 

» To help, to assist, to aid, to second ;. 

also, the cheeks. . Chew kong kéep 

boo aos ong JL AS 2 





(TE, chew kong hod. chan séng dng, Chew-kong 

sustained and assisted Séng-dng. 

See the? FP 
S06 ké. 5; 
E’ yéw hoo jin VAR i FR > & ving yew hos 

choé jin tek, we should have friends that will 

assist’ws in virtue. See the ii a 
K i, pay boé, father and mother. 

xe Hoo. boé why ké chit che yew “xe 

FE MEH: PE FZ, BE > vay bot wok Kea adn 

sai"& wod pai"? dy hwan 16, parent’s only anxiety 
is a their children should be sick. | See the 
aa Séang liin. 

_ Vulg.. pod: to: sit om eggs, as a bird.~ 
ps Héung key. hod choo KE HE (K F, 
key kak pod. ké"d, a. cock is said to 

have once sat on fowls. eggs. 

a Soo hoo Fifi fi} , @ teacheryothe name 
of ah Office: Valg. poé: a.sarname. 
Hod hoéy (If a constrainedcom- 

Lin gé. 
Vulg. nés"F pay: a father. Hod boé 

| pliance. 

The same as-{ijj hod, a woman. Lé hoo 

x tf» a common appellation, for 
Do carry. on the back orshoulders; to 

bear; to sustain;.to turn the back upon, 

Vulg. yang: to carry. pick-a-back. 
Pan pek. oh@a put hoo taé & to loé é IA 
HAR BE SR» md peta viva 
dy ling, 06 géa eS meé"h (@ 15. lo, men half grey 
would not then have to carry. burthens in the 

roads. See fy -F- Béng chod. 

Hoo chod A oF to turn the back on one’s 

DY Assisting aiding. Hod ma ft 5 
the name of an office, given to one 
a who marries a princess. 

To rely on, to lean upon; elegant; 
to add, to increase. Sat hoo @ téy 

MY I F Bs ew%e 49 129; the 

hills rest upon the ground, 


{Hod ‘yang Rt i an inferior state depending 

/ onea! superior, one, ibn 

Kéw yéa way che ché léém jé-hoo-ek che 

Wea Fs LTR GK. aL 

wéa Vhéy.e Whéth sééy, je, Vhéem e€ I hah. chéy, 
Kéw; gathered the taxes for) him, ,and thus in- 
creased his wealth. See the sah me gé. 

the ‘memorial tablet of one’s imme- 

diate parent with: these .of remote 
‘ancestors, and to ‘sacrifice to them alike ; also, 
to buty together, to put in the same grave. 

A wide grassy plain; full, luxuriant. 

Soo hoo Gin iB sae hoo, a master 

workman, one who is clever at his 



= Vulg. cha hoé:-a woman, @ female, a 
married woman, Sit hoo 4a ier, 

sim poo, 2 dayghter-in- -law;ason’s wife. 


E siin avlly chéng chéa, ch’héep hod che. to yea 
AV) NA dk %- Fe hie Z iat: é sun 
lang cho jchéng keng sé sey € tha boé dy td lé, to 
consider obedience as the point, of perfection, is 

\ the'highest duty of concubines ‘and women. See 

"eo pe rout 

To assist people on ‘funeral occasions ; 
Hoo to contribute money towards burying 
Y the dead. 

Khong choo gé kéw kwan jin che song, séang Uhwat 

ch’ham é hod che iL + 3 GE AZ ais, 
rs ie Ee yb i pe Bhéng choo tod tédh ked 

kwan séa dy ling wod se"S ha, bat Vhabu béy € hod e, 
Confucius meeting with an old host of his, in 

mourning, toak one .of the horses out -of ‘his car- 

riage, and sold it to assist him in burying his 

us OF 

" A’small) fresh water! fish. 


To asociate in sacrificing i. e. to place - 

~<a \ 
Tos hoo EP, PE , tao; hod, a jelly-like 
preparation from, pulse, Mere amach 

eaten by the Chinese. 


Read. bey, a ‘lateh- Hier; 2 , go-be- | [ 
Cr ane 
tween to make up ‘matrimonial con- 

nections. _ Boey jin He M2 ha™ ee 

é iT amg tows 

‘a mediator in marriages, | 
Kim sek che hd sek héy, gno tok bob, ch’ hos 
_ lang boey, 4 
SW, Fe oe ote Lilie yy: oh 
tok b6 chéy léy hé hi™ lang, this evening is a lucky 
vevening, but alas! I have not bot gvod match- 
maker; (inorder io askjaunded ) 
‘Read. maof.:, long grass, used, in thatch- 
ing... Maéu ok ye BB. ha™ &.ch’hod, 
a thatched cottage.. 



Hwa aN Mo cut; to split) 


Hwa AY, ‘A; flower: also read Aw&, which -see. 


Hwa | 


m A she ‘goat with horns. — 

r The bones on the sides of the tegs, 
| Hwa are called ER JE hwa chéuk. 

The naked body...) 

‘Cho hwa yh {b , to create. Cho boo 
“why yéw, hwa yéw way bod, wily che 
cho hwa 3 4a BA. FB 

= n 
ca 7. ee bis tt, ché b6 ché"é wod hwa woo dy 
rn 06 kong kéo cho hwa, to make something. 

‘iit’ OF nothing: ‘and to connect: ‘something into: ~ 
5 Aothing, is! called! to »credte and annihilate ; als, | / 

Si We PAGAL 200 ote do FYUG 



Péén hwa igh id j to change, to convert, to reform. 

Kaéu, hwa ae tt; to instract,.to teach ;, instruc- 

tion, philosophy. | 

A flower, the Blewouln of trees and 
plants. A surname. Hwa yéw ch’heng 
héang, gwat yéw yim vig 4 is AP. 

| “A y=] (, hwé wod ch’heng phang giéyh wood yim, 

3 bibl have a pure fragrance, and the moon shews 

a pleasing shade. 
Hwa aA Hw4 eng ae. He, flowers and blossoms 

ok” 3 The same as the above. 

Swan hwa ae = ie to make a noise, 

Hwa = to make an uproar; the noise of 
many people talking. together. 

The same as AV, hw, a flower, flowery. 

Hwa Hwa hay HE Bg, the flowery summer, 

another name for China ; also called, 
téung hwa ih if, the middle flower. A surname. 

Hwa I SR ot léw ma oe ee oe a very fine 

ee ‘horse. 

Hwa A kind of spade, 
F Vulg. wa: to paint,» to describe, to 
Hwa draw, to draw a line, a stroke; also 

written |i} hwa. 

Higy hwa che s06 hoé soé kong x} ity 2 
= % K J). hééy wa dy 300 thy Gou soe piiyh 
fy kang, the business of painting comes after 

the trouble of forming the ground. 

Vulg. wa; discourse, language, talk. 
Kang hwa Zi sf» kong wa, to talk, 

Tong bw fF af, 

té"S wa, the chinese language. 

Boé Uhok yit kwan se, hogy é@ j@ kay hwa 

Bh AD. FF LAN i fae mee”e ens 

Chak chit vm ch’ hiiyh, kadu hiéy ¢ dy 2, ch’hin 

Hwa = 
to discourse. 



_.  ch®0"& kéng hé wa, in the evening when we peruse 
92 beok,. as soon as we understand’ its meaning, 
, it is like holding an elegant conversation. 

Hwa ae Hwa hwa hoé Wes ee (Gl, , ood hwa 

haéu, to call! and bawl out alond. 

A cage or trap for confining wild beasts. 

K’he jé lap choo koé hwa, him chéng 

SR cvetéung BS ii 4 ah 8 4. FS 
PE Z. Hp, mwa 56 tap te kot wa, him chai" ay 
tang e"§, to drive on and entrap in some net or 

cage, or in the middle of some pit-fall. See the 

if it Téung yang. 
5 _ Read hwan: to be pleased. Hwan hé 

Hh SF, two"a hé, to be delighted. 
Ch’hwat séuk yim»sdy, chia ké hwan 

Ba He ik 1K ae FE RK, ch’hityh sdiyh & lim 

chiiy, chin e dy hw"a hé, even when quaffing pre- 



parations of pulse and drinking water, he ex- 
periences the utmost delight. See the ie = 
Léy ké. 

b Read 4 jwae to rub, anything between 
nord ABE] the hands, in order/to wash it clean. 
Jwfn séén {i it: hw"é séy, to wash 

» . by the hand, 
Read tan: >the clear day, late in the 

Hore =| morning. Béng tan, ns H, bin hw"é 

——<, jit, tomorrow, Bin hw"a, by and bye. 

Bt Read héng: across, athwart, lying 
Hwa crossways, transverse. Chéiing héng 
Wt hi » Chan hw™4, athwart, trans- 


Ké héng gek yéw sé yéa, kwun choo pit choo 
bwin ye HE foe SUE HF Ti Wh. HF FW 
A IK > ¢ dy hw"é kiiyh yea an néy sai", 
kwun chod pit ka té hwdn yéd, when these cross 
and perverse things still continue the same, the 
good man will turn in and reflect upon himself, 

See mt J Béng-chod. 

uwat 96 

Read kéng: a'stalk orstem, E kéng 

“sE ik: oé hw"4, the stalk Of the 

' arum, a plant with a large leaf and 

edible root, growing in marshy places. 
<= Read héng: \a cross-beam.. Ok héng 
ie Hy , ch’hod hw"A, ba cross-heam 

of a house, ool 
Hwan sé héng séang bod héén € iz ng My 

i we ed RK; Wh too iS hw" hw"4_ chéo"S 
bd teadu dy 8a, turning round he saw that there 


were no clothes hanging upon the cross-beam 

to dry.. 
#B hy Read gan: a bank, an embankment. 
a fia Kang gan yr je > kang hw"a, the 
ta T+ bank ofariver. Téén gan Rel RD 
cWhdn hw"d, a raised bank between the paddy 
fields, used both for retaining the water, and 

as a path way. 
Read an: to stop, to hold back, to 

lay the hand on, to lean. “An ké 

tk We > hw"a chih, to stop, to 

prevent incursions. 
M6-siy ‘an kéém lek kae jé séang f= He PH 

fi FE BE Tit 1, at-say nwa. neem siey 

gim kay jé chéo"&, M6-siiy, leaning on his sword, 


crossed the steps and’ ascended (the hall), 


Hwae v Slanting, devious ; incorrect. 
ve vy } 



Hwaé & 

The noise of water dashing about. 

ASF The name of a tree, the. hark of 
Hwaé tae ; 

which is used for making tow-ropes. 
.* , wi To hide, to conceal under the arm. 
Hwaé == CK: “yéw hek chéa, hwaé ké hek 


wod hwut, éih Whee € dy hwul, when there are 

9 HWA 

any ‘stones (in the fruit), we must hide the 

ven’ stones. See theft} ie K’héuk ‘léy. 
To think, to imagine, to conceive 
Hwaé in the mind, to hide in the bosom. 
A surname.” 
Sim hwaé j[{y [9), the bosom. Hwaé léém fh 
5p to reffect upon. 

Kwun choo hwaé tek, séadu jin hwaé hoe Zf 
+: te fe pA ek: kwun chod- seo" 
tek, sey dy ling sé0"5 Vhoé, the good. man thinks 
on virtue, a worthless. man thinks of the earth, 
See the = amt ait Lin gé. iS 
only The name of a oat a Hwaé kang HE 
Hwaé WEE 7L ,one..of, the principal rivers of 
* China. " . 
The bame of a tree, having a. large. 
black leaf, and. bearing an edible- 

Hwaé Oh. 
GwAn-héng-paou sé hwaé, Vhéng séing ké hay. 
paou chéng hwaé cWhéw, Uhé"a stung l@ dy Kha,. 
GwAn-béng-paou planted a hwaé tree, and heard, 
law-suits. under: its shade, 
By dee Vulg. “héep: to. be destroyed, to. be- 
Hwaeé 2: . corrupted, to spoils. degenerated, 
: corrupt, ' ; ; 
Pat hwaé We: TEE. p’hin whéep, to. eauay. 
Hwaé héng $a % AT , corrupt conduct. 
K’héng-chod ko wat, thaé san ké: tééy hoe, 
léang bok ké hwas ho® JF] > Ae |=) AB Wy 
H FF Be, ye FR EE YE Py Whang-chos 
chhés"S kwa king, Vhde sw"a'e éy pang hoe, 
né0"S ch’hé ¢ éy Khéep hoé, Confucius chanting 
a ditty said, the great hill’ will fall, the prin- 
cipal beam will break:— (alluding to bis own 

expected decease). 

Read hat: to bawl. Hat taé seng 
Hwah ae ya K ae Inwith toa sé"a, to bawt 
out loud, 


~» \\o Kthéaing hat choo hoé; e kéw kat tey ZU 7x ne 

HR YAO Bh Ws wreang haath choo hot 

| 6 -kéw kwith téy,. they terrified and scolded the 
princes ‘of. the Empire, in order, to’ get, them to 

\-swrrender® part of their tetritory.’ See the ink 
fee) GE Cheen kok chrhek. 

~ | 

= Read Whway:. a step, astride. Kwun 

cho6é k’hway poe, jé put bong é hadu 
yep Te SG ASH 
# tht, Kwun choé.chit hwith poe, jé a” béy ke tit 
woo haow, the good man at every single step, never 
forgets. the duties, of- filial’ piety. 

Read k’hwa : to stride, to straddle. 
K’hwa ko k’hé HE a “hwih 
hiidy k’he, to stride across; to step over. 
Ch’héo hway séy k’hwa haé.lééy, ché choo 

“hod che sat yee Yt JE fh HAE Hy ih ay 
HZ Mg tH chee Hey aad sty, hth hat 

“ laé, ché choo hoé dy hwat sul, this is not what 
may. ‘be called, a.proper plan for straddling over 
all within the four seas, and mavaging the princes 
of the Empire.. 




Vlg. Aw"a: to, delight in, to. be 

hé; to be glad. 
Him hé hwan.aé, gak che kwan yéa WK 

ik DD BEL “EAL, him nena ad, 2 chok- 

gak ay kwan yéé, delight, pleasure, joy, and 
love, are the principles of. music. See the ia 
oh Fy Léy gak ké.. Also written, 

Hap hwan 

E hwan. 
& aK, united joy, the name of a 

The name of a horse;-a gentle, well- 
tamed horse; also, to delight in. 
“ The people under the government 


of a despot, are said to he—hwan gé jé yéa 

Gi Je a tH,» hw"a hé dy ye0"%, as it were 

pleased. Hwan hé tk =, hw™a- 



ywell. pleased, for _the moment. See 7 £ 


34+ To make-a-noise and hother. Hwan: 



= hoe ae ny . to make a clamour. 

The next in order, and quality ; a time, 
a turn; to change; foreign, outlandish. 
Yit hwan.— af, chit paé, once, one 

time, for once. 

Hwan. jin. a XK. hwan lang, or hwan 4, a for- 

eigner, one of another country, 

Hwan put jé téng 5g AR 4 pF, hwan déy 

ch’hin chéo"® té"8, foreign things are not s0'good, 

as Chinese.. 

A cloth for; wiping anything; also, a. 
kindof fag, When ffl Ff Padu- 
swan prison, his. disciple, 

nk Ong-séng,—ké hwan yéuk kéw Swan 

ik WR BR RC EL. mada sent moan ke, a2 dieyh 

kéw Swan, raised a flag (as a signal ), desiring to 

save his master. 

The same as hy hwan;.a turn, atime;. 
also, to. collect. 

Vulg. p’hun: the waterin which rice 

ss is washed, and which is. used: for 
[ feeding pigs—Vulg. p'ieoa, ‘a sur- 
A.flag, a standard. “Hwan ké jf Hit: 
a signal flag. Lip ch’heng bwan 
ewe to. set up an azure 

Great waves, billows. 

To fly, to arrive at, to reach; also, 
to return, Chéiing né4ou p’héen 

hwan RR a 1-4] > chéang chéadu 

tik. prouy, all the birds were flying about, 


A cemetery, a burial place. Chut che 

5 Ne tong kok, hwan kali “che chéy chéa 
FEL RR EIA Z 58 44. 

swith biéy kadu tang kok, hwan kan dy chéy dy 
lang, he finally proceeded to the eastern suburbs, 


to where the people were sacrifising among the 

Confucius said, Bé chae, hwan é 

Hwan ae FE BE FAG ER ,. ot, chae hwan é 

4y géuk, how. beautiful is the, hwan é gem. 
Hwan k’hey Thies i 

Hwan € ag Ta. a beautiful gem. 

the name ofa 

Hwan stream; where Ik J T*haé-kong 
used to angle. 
¥. Anything burnt in the fire; the fi 
Hwan stent ; pe 

“burl Aaylifing, 

Sacrificial flesh. Hwan jéuk put ché, 
Hwan ms FER put Uhwat béén jé héng He Rl A 
Re A RK i 4, chéy bih 

a” kabu chéw, a™ Uhey b0 jé ké"4, when the 

sacrificial flesh was not duly previded, Con- 

fucius “departed ‘without ‘even taking off his 
cap of office.’ ‘See’ the #2 i Bay béng. 

Hwan ie) White rice. 
- To eae | a clamoul and noise; the 
Hwan same as pid hwan. Sé séuk che koe, 

yéw boo jé, hwan hwan jéén, put te 

ay aS ae Ha 5 ie ff ae wee 
BE YR OR Fan HO IE > 02 seme ay 

kaon, ch’hin chéo"s chhai"S mai"S dy Uhik 

ch’ hityh lang, ch’hiy chap chap kong, jé a™ chae 

e chd a™ tédh, the current of this world’s man- 
ners, is like a blind scholar, who babbles away 
and does not know that he is in the wrong. 


a To kindle a fire; also, the name of 

E an office. 




Bs —= To return; again ; to rebel, rebellious. 
Prva Hwan hok J #{3, again and again, 

Hwan lwin R aL to-rebel, and 

create confusion. lig 

Tin-sin/so06 jin Ong! kéén) Téang-jé;»s06 chéa 

gnoé hwan [Se Wy X fE Vs fe Feb 

AK it IX, Tén-sin saé lang éng kee"S Téo"5- 
jé, saé dy lang goé dy tooi"®, Tin-sin, sent some 
' “persons to get an interview with Téang-jé, when 

the messengers had to go and come five times. 
; Disobedient, refractory 5 the same as 
Hwan ; 
the foregoing. ., ; 
win SR” uneven field. 
Hwan i; ae ahora 
place. ~ ° 

‘ vd em To. eat, to eat rice, Hwan soe soo 
Hwan ya 

yim sily RK Sit 423 fx IK » chéith 
rice, and drink water. See the aa en Lin gé. 

ch’hoe poor"S lim chity,. to eat coarse 
Hin 3 

went did not return. 

Be Bright, shining, Hwan hog ké yéw 
Hwan a. bin chéang ia f- nem A xX Hi, 

hwui"S hoé e dy wod bin chéo™’, 

Vulg. toot”S : to return, to come back. 

O'ng chéa put hwan ER AN ik 

Whe dy lang b6 toot"8, those who 

how brilliant was their literature. See the = 
oH Lan gé. 
Great, beautiful, illustrious. Bé chaé 

hwan yéen SE ik A. F, how 

beautiful and iltuatshemes 

‘ To call. Hoe hwan np to. call 
Hwan vn aloud. Ké hwan put laé am na 
A 2K, e kéo x™ laé; he called him, 

/ but he ar not come, 



HWAN 265 
tor of tyel ge To float, to flow, tooverfiow Hong |... , 
Hwan °», ‘osty hong léw, hwan lamét’héen hay | Hwan 



wi W 

twa chy Ino"d ladu, hwan lam té Uhee"S ay, the © 

— ye flood flowed out of its course, and over-) 

whelmed the Empire. 

fe So Seep) To. overflow; to’ inundate; to float 

7 0 VT about; the same as the preceding. 
<x & Hwan lam’é téung Kok w je vis 
acid oth ce hibin lim té téung kok, imundating the 

middle country. See Th -F- Béng-chos. 
Hwan hoé jéak put-héy che chew 18 y % 

As te 5Z, ft, phos p’hob clihim chéo"® v6 

pal: dy chin, floating about like a boat that, is; 

‘not fastened. , 

Hwan > same as the preceding; also written 
‘ Wh hwan, to flow over. Also, a 

‘Vulg. wa: to change, to exchange, 

Hwan to barter. Hwan kwut hé sé hwan 

“To float, to flow, to overflow; the © 

Ay Ae Ha, okey léy hwan | 

kwut te s¢ €y w"d, when will these vulgar bones _ 

of mine be changed ?—(alluding to the trans- 
migration of svuls from syulgar to ethereal 

bodies.) :. $ 
The sparkling of a. gem. The same 
Hwan vin FG as (A. hwan, “tr | 


5 . * 4 
Hwin aL The sound of the happy medium. 
~ ‘ 

To treat lightly, to Bideatbern. 

. os 
Hwan 198. Dispersed, loose, scattered. ' 
ay yt 




To buy; to deal, to trade. O’ng pok 
,. hwan ma E db Tr; Khe pak 

se béy bdy, to go. to she north, in 
order to buy horses. 

fp, To change; to'trick.” Péén hwan Sb 
47 » artful changes,’ deceptions. 

Bong hwan aye Sy; dreams and 

‘visions of the night. 

To surround, to encircle, to environ ; 
also,'‘agem, a ring... Hw&n jé kong 

pe che j@ put sin Fe 1H JK tip 

vS BF Inodin jédou kong p'hih ey je -véy yeA, 

"to surround and beseige a place without master! 






ing it. See ih fF Béng-chod. 
m Intelligent, clever, cunning; advanta- 

yo geous. Yip gné, wy gné hwin héy 

die TCS BE BRE Sh Hor owe 

chok yip, kéd gwé gabu, they bow to me, con- 
sidering me clever. See ‘the # ot Se keng. 
a golden ring. Séw hwan fF $2’ 

3] cWhéw ché, a finger-rings Jé hwin 

H FR hé kaou a, an ear-ring. 


f jin wily ke, hwan chéa tGdag kway, hong chéa 
teuag"ké rs: \ By FPS ap 8 Iz 
4s i} fh , CWhba dy lang chd clvhéa, e€"& fy 
ing kwuy, (se kak dy téing ké, the wheel-wrights 
in making carts, form the circles bya compass, 

wap * vari acircle. Kim bwin 4 $e, 

Round ; .a circle; to_encircle, to 

environ. Hw4n jéaou ral Yie to 


and the squares by a rule. 

A wall round @ market.) , 
The territory assigned to an Emperor, 
Hwan é 


as his peculiar domain. » 

e , the universe. 


ty °'Valg. tool" : to retire;"to return. 
Hwan > Vulg. héng: to pay, to repay; besides. 
Essig Hwdn ‘chad 3 ie fH. héng cheé"S, 
to pay dehts. 

Jé hw4n jé jip, gno, sim é — iz bbe’ if KA 

FE ) ¥ {i ,@ tooi"S zé jip, gwa dy sim chéw 
. Kiva with, if you return and come home, my 

mind will be easy. See the Ih He Séaou gnay. 

Acemetery, a burial place; also read 
Hwan $ i. 

hwan,. which | see. wil 

Hwan é es Wi , a beautiful gem. 

Hwan E Léang géuk se ch’héet ch’ho, é hwAn 

% ~ y3 a 

_, chew ké -héng Bz -E 74, ty Be 

Hi. Ks wt ae He , hé dy géuk sae téth ch’ héet 

ch’ho, é hwin chéw e dy héng yéo"8, every fine 

gem needs to be cut and rubbed, but the. ‘é 

hwan may retain its shape. 

Hot, warm; to roast, to burn. Hek 
Hwan ia hwan hek chéa BY ie BY , 
w00 ty ‘sé 8&0, wod dy, sé chéa, some © 

of it was roasted, and some burnt. See the 

/\w Ff Seasu gnay. 
Crooked, bent, coiled up. Léang 

hwin 6 né te a ys Ve. léting 

hedn teé"S te nw"G Vhoé, a dragon 

coiled up in the mud. 




uriant vegetation. 

Hwan The name of a stream. 

a sacrifice. ‘T’héen-chod yéw 800 

hwan yéen, ékwy téng séng choo 

hoa FE VO 

» hang téy wod 800 \kap hwdn’ “bit, chéw thie 
peri ling sai"® dy choo ho, when the Emperor 


To grow; to water, to irrigate; kux- — 

es flesh; flesh fefl over- after 


it has-a sacrifice and sacrificial flesh, he takes and 
‘presents! it to the princes of the same family. 

name, See the. AR x fe Ch’hun ch’hew twan. 

Hwan’ LS hi foot of an animal. 

> @ bear’s paw. 

‘ae Ki bwé: to trouble. Soo hw4n 
Hwan Mi busy. Liéy sin bwAn taé 
matic 45 Ke Ap 7B = 

sit phay (é bwd twa kaou Pa sé"4, the 
ee letter, 1 will trouble you. to take to 
the city of Pa ( Batavia). 

Him hw4p 


O8. 7 Jem A screen, a fence, a railing. Taé 

Hwan a ' hong téng séng, é hwo pin Chew sit, 
vag 1. |) Jyls = Ho 

A A We) We. Ol aie Be De] SE, 

_ ,, wa hong tang sai"8, é chd hwdn pin té Chew dy sit, 

_ he greatly apportioned those of the same family 

. name, in order to render them a fence to the house 
of Chew. See the sp EP. S00 ke. 

eh Jam A fence, a railing; the same as the 

former ; also, the whole, general, 

common. ‘Taé hwau k oF upon 
the whole. | “ : 

Jeska" 7 Beasts 
Hwan ae Water; water bubbling up. 

Hwan The hair generally ; the hair tied up 
in a knot. 

To, rub in the hand, to, wash clothes 
by the hand, Numerous, 


| Hwan hwan fit Ae PE BK, tay dy tang 
Q4> sit chéy, the followers were numerous. 
A sort of vegetable; a fi t 
Hwan Bib ee ea 
edible plant. 

Numerous, many. Chéing chéa sit 



Hwan RA, Anything round, 

; Sek hwan ch’hé A WL i . chéih 
Hwan hwdn, chau, @ kind, of sub-marine 
8 { vegetable, which grows upon rocks, 

said to-be like the fir-tree. 

HwAn sek ae 

Hwan also called, pek hw4n A ak, piiyh 
hwdn, white alum. 

won A wall, Hwan ch’héang $A PA, moan 

Hwan mt chhés"S, a wall, Tan-kan-bok jé 

worm _ hyn jé) pe che Eg FAR iif te 

ih iit mS > Tan-kan-bok, kidy chhEO"® jé séém 

pee"® ¢, Tan-kan- bok climbed. over, the wall, to. 

get out of his.way.. See ih Béng-chod. 


Mune The liquor of rice. 

Hwan 7 “=: A large sieve or. basket, for collecting 

Hwéan- me ‘The name-of a river 3- water overflow- 

ing, and cunning over. 

Hw gor Hwan téy. Wes 8, a. bird, 
Ass sane pecks the tails of .snakes.. 
Ko hw4n Bae kind of cake or 

4 AYR, confectionary. 

or projecting part. 

To.string ;-to - perforate. 

By; hwan chébh, alum; 

A round gem, without any. corner. 

- Sharp,;-gainful;, advantageous. 

‘’Unskilled, dull,’ ‘not clever; also 
' written, YE hwas. 

M Alum ;-the same as i hwAn. 

A Horse ‘hesitating,. and unable. to 

au > proceed. 
iad To display 5- martial.o. Pivan hw4o 
Hwan-™ Ag i, hesilating, unable to.adyance, 
—n. City-hwaa-kong ZF fy. A, the 
‘name! of an» ancient despot. A surname. 
Read hwin: to order. Hwan hood 
Hwdn i Dy} mf » hwan hod,.to enjoin. 
#43 my A surname. 

Hwan wis iH Hwan sin fi Fas a'servant; a minister. 

A pérson ih office, a minister. Hwan 
kwan s e, a-ewnuch.of the palace. 
aot * A surname. Hwan hak. s06. soo, 
hway léy. put ch’bia. fea & # fi JE ae 
AS #8. cho, kw"a dy lang Chak hak saé sin sai", 
na. chéadu léy soe, chéw a” ch'hin, when per- 


_, office, study.and follow a teacher, if they 
do not observe politeness, there will be no in- 

timacy. between them,. See the jin ae, Léy ke. 

To comeim contact with;.to offend ; 
Hwan AG. to.attack ;.to reprove, Kwun chod 
hwan gé, séadu jin hwan héng =) 

FALSE Ay A AL TA» Hw ot toe 

téth gé.lé, séadu jin hwin lédh héng. hwat, when 

. the prince, offends against the rules of righteous- 

ness, and the common people Some in contact 
‘with: punishment, \(ihe country Pisa in (a sad 


. Hwan hyat 4t TE, to meh laws. 


Hwan chéey AL BE, to commit sit, - Kan waa 

¥ ap. to offend, to provoke. opt 
Be A law, arule, a pattetn- Boé hwan 

Be, HE a, a rule, a Paks Hwan wiy 

Vhéen téy, jé pat Ko ci fA —K 

Hy iia As is, to imitate tbe. revolutions of 




Hwan | 

heaven and earth without transgressing the rule. 

Vulg. p’hdng: a sail; te sail. Sod hwan 
nf Wh. saé phang, t6et sail. T’hey 

bevy WL Me 

‘san. hwan haé 

sinkess woh Phing haé, to. climb. the; hills with 

» ladders, and cross. the seas hs yes, 

Pe Bod hwan af. Ah. theltinc of a tree. 

_ Vulg. poor"S : rice, Sie hwin E Ai, 
chéth poot”S, to eat rice.’ Hwan sé 

boo é té fi, FE ia Fe cheah 
p002"8 kap sty 4, a” Vhang yang le,” in etine rice 
and millet, do not use chopsticks. 
Héng té th Ca was the first who boiled rice 
out. of paddy (B.°C.. 2622. ) 


“All, évery one, the whole. Tan hwan 

fe JU; whosveveér, «‘whensoever. 

* Hwan soo ie Ey wlatsoever. Taé 

hwan k ie on the whole: 

Hwan séang i ie common, usual, ordinary. 

Séng hwan put yit = wu Ar — , séng jin 

hwain sdng iy ling, a™ chit yé0"8, sages and 

common people are. by ne means the same. 

To be concerned, to be grieved, ‘to be 
‘anxious; evil; difficult Pal hwaa jin 

eh Ww che putké te KB YY RE. 

Ay, a” saé hwan 16 léng’a™ chaelén, do not be 

concerned ‘that ‘people do ‘not ktiow’ you. 


- Awan 

Soé hwan lan, héng hoe hwan lan. x IB FR ME 

4F f- EB SE. 106.1éth shwan lan, Lesh, Ke" 

hoé hwan lin, when we come into trouble, we 
. should | act consistently with one in trouble. 
“See the tH AF veang yaig. 96) | piel 
“» y To feed with. corn; to cat corn. Yéw 
choe hwin che wat gno. ‘Whoé 

hy RR i ie HT, enn chéo"s 

eWhabn cWhek éy hw"a, hé, gwa tye hay, jus' 


as vegetable and grain please one’s palate. See 

Ta J" Béng-chos. 

Hwan IF The front of a carriage. 

Deceitful tricks, airy visions. He hwan 
ite 4], vain’ dream8.” Yaou hwan 
LR 4], chica contrivances 5 also 

to uc BM sae 

ar ja 

Hwan O° The name of a ae ~ fy 
wk vi 

A region of the west, aid re be the 
native country of Buddha. Hwan 
» hwa Ae ih the Te iy language 
of Buddha. 
Hwan kéung 7K toe ea royal pe. 


Money, cash." Yit ing — BF 
chit hwang, one Cancion Boé hwang 

MM. FF bb having no money. 

to imitate; 

A law; a rule, a pattern ; 
to punish law. _ Hwat 

vas Y 
Hwat ™ 
toe iz fe a Le a Tule: Hong 

hwat Fgh iF, means, a plan, contrivance. 

Héng hwat itl tk to punishy» 
125 5B 

Hwat gé =, eau, ae bod cig hos 
> ne hwat'toé dy wa 

Zw Ae Ae i 

Dea éy At Vhan hoé, words, mprthy of imita- 
tion; how can we do otherwise than” ‘obey them? 

See the 5 GH Lan gé.  § 



~ Hwat 


rules. See the 

» . The ancient form of We hwat:a law, 
> . Also written, 4> hwat.- T’had chaé 
] ; € pat hwat té pang kok kK ae 
WIN TB AB FS BY. chee che rhs payh 
hang dy hwat toé- té pang kok, the great minister 
of state regulated the country according to eight 

Fy it Chew léy. 

To es to. manifest; 
is forth, to rise up; to send abroad. 
Hwat kthé Xe KU, to spring up. 
Hwal A BE Shh to. display, to manifest. 
Hwat yéuk La but, chiin kek e Uhéen cael 
ih by iW aha + K, hwat k’hé ham yéuk tye 
meé"h, seng jlw kwan che kadu Chee"S, in pro- 
ducivg and, bringing up the various kinds (of 
grain ),— (the merit of the sages ) is.exalled, up 
to the heavens.. See the rf ii Téung ying. 
B Vhe hair-of the head.  T'héy hwat 
hil HZ , me mi, to shave off the 
hair. Hwat twan jé sim téing ig 

to. spring 

vii i nn k, mo. téy, jé sim t2"8, your hair 

is short but your heart is long (meaning that 
though the man was nearly bald throagh age, 
yet his: views were long and deep). 

To. be wanting, to be destitute of; 

to be without, Hwat k’hong ké 
sin a pe. Ht yy, to, impoverish 
his person. 

To. cut; to strike, to chastise; to. 
invade ; also, to boast. Hwat k*ho 

4 j@ hd, hwuy hod pat k’hek AL fey 

in {F, le Fe Ay ¥e,, phith ch’ chw"d, 

b6 pos Vhdou bey yé"d, in cutting wood for 
handles,. how shall we manage? without an axe 
we cannot succeed. 

Cheng ch#é, séang hwat hay yéé 4iE ay ie 
RR T th. cheng hwat, s& s2 twa hwat sé sey, 
the meaning of cheng is that of superiors 
ebastising their inferiors. See fr —f- Béng- 

3 2 









Hwat LS 

Gwan bod hwat sé 
wan bod hwat séén Jeri, 4a dE RE. gwan 
bé téén gua dy hé, 1 wish not to ns of my, 
goodness, See the ain age pe Lan gé. 
To. meet, to assemble. Hwat hwat 

Wal TG ,, Strong. 

. Vulg. wiih; alive, not dead. Chae 
e hwat Tf fa. kih with, to. revive,, 
to. live again. 

Way yéw gwin thoé hwat sity laé ff *y a 

Fi] is NK aR tok wos gwan Chadu dy wilt 

chiy laé, only feom a fountain head do living. 

waters come. 

By Swe A raft, made of wood or bamboos,. 
AR, for crossing the water.. 


right » hence taken figuratively for: office, or for- 

Hwat wat He Be. doors on each side: 
of an ah dwelling, the former, 
on the left, and -the latter on the 

the merit which entitles to. office. 

“Bod hwat wat kong 16.4 Hk} PE 3) 3 , 

v6 chd kw"a dy kong 6; haying no merit that 
entitles to office. 

To punish.. 

Chek hwat FF Fy, to 

reprove, to chastise. Séang hwat 

w cha, Gog che tae kwan yee vt By 
% EK HA, s86"5 chek hwat dy 

806, sé ng dy twa. kwdn sé, rewarding and. punish-. 
ing people, is. a royal prerogative. 

To = rte strong ;.the same as. fF 
A float made-of timber, in distinction 

from “is hwat, a bamboo float. Also, 

to. cross the water ena raft. 

fit A vessel under weigh ;. a boat sailing. 

HwuL® 9 


—- hao Read hong: wild, waste, overgrown 

Hwouirtg ~ with weeds; unfruitful, barren. 
é AL Téén téw hong bod Al tee J 

Ale ch’hin hwut?S phih hwui"S, the fields 

ay 2 - 
and plantations were all overgrown with weeds. 

Ke hong IL ae ke hwui"S, afamine. 
Read hwun: thé evening. . ’ .Béng 
hwun = ip f mai"S “hwwiiiS, in 
the evening. “Hwun: bat k*hoé 
jin che’ ban hoé say ee tp K Zy4 B > 
mat"S hwui"S sé p’hith ling dy moot”® hoe, 

fate in the evening to go: and knock at_peo- 

Pol wurs 

_ple’s doors, 
Read hong: a snake. -Oehong & 

Houi™S ity ir oe hwui"S, a black -snake, 

very venemous. 

‘Kevheng OL HE yaou hwui"S> a 

P nL = 

Hou 8 famine, hunger. 

By - ‘Read win: a garden. ‘Chthaé wan 
Howui?s \ ae Fal , eh hae ‘hwut"8, a veget- 

able garden. 

‘Kwuy k’hé laé héy, téén wan chéang bod Fa 

KR, iH bal sit He, taé kay laé 

toot"S, .ch’ han hwui"S dézyh bob, <ceme and let 
us return home, 4or our fields and gardens 

are gelting wild and overgrown. 

oe + Read héng: sulphur. Léw ‘héng 
‘Hwui?S Tint hi : né6"S hwué"&, brimstone, 

=z Read hwiin: a railing, aframe. Paéu 
Haut FR] ove Bf 0 wu, «a 

for calabashes to grow upon. 
‘Read hwin: to encircle, to encom- 
Heui®S pass; to embrace; to put the arms 
round anything, in order to lift 
it up. 
‘Hwiin pin Tal 4G , hwie"S pin, around ‘frame 
of bamboos, made for holding grain. 


Read wan: far, distant, not near. 

Hwui"g Hoo bée chaé, put wan yéw Re 

Ps HAE. RH He, pay boé té 

tit, 2" Phang hwa"S vhit hd, when our 
parents are alive, we must not wander far, 
See the hy am ‘Séang lain. 

Vulg. pun: to divide, to share, to 
distribute, to distinguish;-a small 

‘Hwun péet Vin mi, to distinguish. Hyun léet 

4 BM pun lééh, to tear asunder. ‘Hwunh k’hae 

Ay Be: pun i’hwuy, to open, to’ sét apart. 

Yit hwun — op, chit hwun, a-part, a por- 

‘tion; a very small particle, 
‘Hwun jiné chaé wity-che hway oy J\, Y 
Ft SZ. FA, pun ting @ cheb", wing Keo 

8€6 hwity, te distribute money among people 
sis called (a trifling) kindness, See the Os ae 

Séang beng. " : 
‘Ban-dng sam’ hwun then hay yéw ké je 
sa hwun thee"® ay wod e dy i Dich, Ban- 
-Ong out .of three .parts of the empire had 
-Lwo parts. 

: Vulg. hwui”S: the evening, dark. 
Hong hwun sé hwun wr a fie 
a Ap, tod t00 mat™S hwui"S dy sé, 

_just about the time of dusk. 

‘The common form of the prece- 
ding; also used for the next, Hy 
-hwun, marriage, because marriages 

were celebrated in the evening, 

; Hwun yin ad lite marriage, a wed- 
Hwun K ding. Also written }% hwan. Yéén 

jé sin hwun, j@ heng jé tay ay 

ri iF ap a yp iy, chéth chéw té lé dy sin 

hwun, ch’hin chéo"S Wié™a kap té, to feast’ at your 

newly celebrated wedding, like elder and younger 



* vinced, not clearly understood. 

Not te understand, to be dull; con- 
Hwun Hi fused. Goéhwun putléng chin é sé 
Et. ee 
cr HY AR fiz HE WS SE we 
irwun, béy chin échéy ley tj, 1am Gull, and can 
make no progress in this study. See Th + 
Béng-choo. ; 
A door-keepers a commen perter 

Hwun at the deor. Hwun jin fea] Nes 
-a porter. 

Smoke issuing forth, to smoke any- 

Hwun thing. K’héung sit hwan ch’hé r= 

wr a te ia ; an Khang hwun néaou 
cl’ hé, to smoke mice out of their holes. See the 

at ASS Se keng. 

Hwun A fragrant kind of grass. 
Fire burning with violence. Hwun 
Hwun leet yéen sting hap 7") ih FE, ney 

N VY Bh hwun chéo"%, when the fire burns 
violently the smoke ascends, 

Hwun H 

Hwun H The eyes dim and dark. 

The remnant of light, after the sun 

has gone down; twilight. 

Hwun> To be inebriated, 
| Hwnn yéuk je i , the name of a 
Hwun foreign nation on the west of China. 

veve Thad-dng sod Hwun yéuk JC FE 
Hy fe od T’hae-bng hok sae Hwun yéuk dy hwan, 
T’haé-dng served the western foreigners. See 

de, fF Béng-chos. 


The mind not clear, not fully con- . 

Hwun jie A sheep ;.sheep’s flesh, or fat; mutton. 
ee TTS 
‘sr ] An instrument of music, made of 
Hwun $e} earthenware. Pek sé ch’huy hwun, 
’ Ax téing sé chhuy té 4A K ik 48 

ai, Ab K Dk fe, the elder persons played on 

: the hwun, and the younger on the té. See the 

yy Hit Sedou gnay. 

. » 
Hwur th The same as the preceding. 

Merit, meritorious desert. Hwun 16 

EF) BE. merit. Also written, Bil 

Ty hwun. Ké k’hek yéw hwun . a He 

Aj #h. e dy chd yé"d wod kong lb, his succeed- 

See the fpj Ze 

Streng, pungent, and fragrant veget- 
ables, such, as.leeks, onions, &c. 

Put jé hwun 2 ffi Fft , he aid 

not eat fragrant vegetables. 

ing had some merit in it. 

Séang se. 


Bright. Hwun kong iii Ht. brilliant, 

Hwun A fragrant scent. 
Hwun . Fragrant plants. 


4 A felicitous influences; some Say, an 
Hwun Gay of}: 
infelicttous influence. 

Confused, disordered; to ravel, to 
Hwun Be rumple, Yéw té se, j@ hwun che yéa 
8 yp Fa ii us ya i. ch’hin 

chéo"S biéyh ch’hong se, jé hwun hwane, like one 
who wants to manage thread, and lets it ravel 
into confusion. See the A {uj Ché twan. 


stn 3x. 
See the In HE Séaou guay. 
Confused, mixed together, T*héen 

hay hwen hwun RK rt Ky Oy 

thee"S ay hwun hwun, the empire 

hwun hwun, the snow fell in flakes. 

ay 04 

was all in confusion. 

Hwun Y, 

Hwun A 

? Hwun wun Wy Bi a fragrant breeze, 

The name of a fragrant wood. 

To be sick; to die while an infant 

—hefore receiving a name, Also 

written, Wy hwun. 

an aromatic smell. 

Ee A thread or skein of silk. Ké tédou 
Hwun wiy hé, os se e hwun I iy ff 
TR ED fr He tp Bh, nev 
sé meth, tok tok se e dy hwun, in angling what 

did he use? nothing but a skein of silk. See 

the 4 i Séaou lam. 

A sickness ; sick, ill. To gné. koe hwun 

Hwun * 
pat"S, ¥ have been witness, to. many 

evils, See the Fg Hff Taé gndy. 

Read yéen : tobacco—useful for keep- 

Hwun 1H ing out cold; smoke. Sit yéen ea 
in n chétth hwun, to eat (ice. smoke) 

tobacco. Héng yéen for HR ang hwun, com- 

Oe yéen B I > “oe wun, 

black tobacco, i. e. opium, 

mon tobacco. 

A light grey colour. 


Fe, Dark. Ch’héen choo yew hwun fis) 
Hwun fS) 4 4 ARE héén choo yew adm, to 

display all that is abstruse and dark. 



The appearance of falling snow. “E swat 

3m, °° Ohivun iiwin' § 33 Be ore : Wh sifyh 

4 HK Fh TKS » chéy gwd Khoa , 


Hwun 0 i name of a river. 

# YL Rice flour, any kind of powder. 
Hwan ¥ Hwfin sek Hp fifi» to adorn. Hoé 
y2) hwda nal By. and Bé hwiin IK ¥t.. 

a kind of cosmetic, made ef a preparation 
of bismuth and lead, used also for white lead. 
Hwitin p*hek ai) lit , twin péith, to plaster or- 
whitewash a wall. 

Overbearing,. arbitrary, self-willed 5 |< 

win {R the same as: the following. Tong- 
; tok choo hwo yany afi FL A 
Akt FA. Tang-lih ka lé hwén ying, Tang-tth 
was, an arbitrary overbearing man. 

ZA _ Hwiin ley ak we , Oppressive,, over~ 

Hwidn TR bearing. H"6 yang toé bwin, é 
gwiy hod loé Ky i fell 4B yh 

fe Cf, TH. aé ying lod hwun, & gwiy héém pay 

boé, to be fond of displaying one’s. bravery, 

and contending for one’s own way, till.we en- 

danger our parents, See the |. > Hay béng. 
§ Pp y s: 

Hwiin Dust or dirt; an atom, dust. 

The same as the preceding; also, to. 
collect, Hwan chip kéng soo oe 

ff a Bilis Whew cha hiey 12 ke"e 

sé"4, to assemble at the capital. 
A du > 

Hwan AY 
DYGDY 36 b06 bwin chit @ gwan AEF AU 

Zh We ie TA > léa™ Vhang séw k’hé giim ling, 
you should not be angry and vexed with the 
dull and stupid. 

Hyun tin ti 1h » impervious, unin- 
7 telligible, deficient in apprehension. 

Variegated, ornamented. 



To be enraged, to. be angry with. 
Hwiin noe ZR AX anger, wrath. 




WH S50. 64H 

Bish, of a dark coloat. | 


thy 4 Dem Glo 3 MGSao sa . ios 
| Fo overturny to ‘overthrow. ! Ch’héo 
che) way yit gan hwan oo WY 25 
= ie | Hy es chéy sé bing 
chit kod wa wea 1 livan sod, this is what is called 
one word’s throwing an affair into'disorder. 
», the Ay Se Tas nak, Ty 

‘To blow, out the breath) -ailso, to issue. 


Hwin orden. Hwin hod Wy Ht hwdn 
= “hod; to enjoin, to bid, to.tell, 
~ order. : : e a 
f. Thick and heavy, substantial and 
Hwin Meads 

. liberal; also, to reason with, 

To be enraged, to be stirred up, to 
rouse one’s-self, Put hwian put k*héy 
He iG oA RX, ne a” hwat hwiin, 

eu™ IWhéy kadw lin, if any did not rouse them- 
selves up, he (Confucius) would not open out 
the subject to them. See the Ete lan. 

Hwat hwan bong sit BS eS me hwtin 

bey ke tit chéith, when he ( Confucius) was roused 

by anythingy he forgot his, food. i= 

ae al 
Py jall|, 44 mown, instruction: i Hwa 

bong =)| = j to teach youth. 
Bed I an naé sé bie JR Re ‘ll 
oy A HEE Chak & koe ché dy kit hwin naé wos 
séy tit 0h, by’ studying the instruction of y 
ancients, something may be obtained. 

To overturn, to upset, to throw down. 

Hwan § 

To instruet, to is TsFection, 
explanation, meaning. \ Kadi hwin 

Gnéw suy chit, hwim € tin séang, 

ké way put sod i BE FG. fi FF 
WE Ht RAR 9, 08 suy sdn, Whe pak 

hay é te téng, € ké"a a™ 2, an.ox though ever 
So meagre, yet if thrown down over alitue pig, 
is there not reason to fear it would be the, death 

ofhim. See the li ge Ché, twin, - 

3 cu 





Hivun nN} Mutton broth. 

The ancient form of sill hwin, to 
instruct. Léet h ies ee kadu 
‘hwin ké bin Zi 1 WR aE Stk fH 
Fe; leet hoé yéd 06 an cheo"é ke 

we Be € dy piiyh sai”, the various een also, 

hd ab method of instructing theit people. 

the Ua BE So6 ke. 

To display, to punfoldy to, spread 
Hwin » abroad, as a bird opens its wings. 
Hyain ché tek che kong eo fi 
» win yang ché tek dy kwui"S, to display 
z Ht Ay. ‘glory of super-excellent virtue. 
Pat léng hwin hwuy AR fit A Fix: 3 bey hwy, , 

sit laé pwuy, unable to spread out its Wings and 

fly. See the af id Se keng. 
. Valg. pan: dung, manure. -Pek boé 

che hwin A wh x #5, che" a 

piyh Doe ay yan, thé’manore for a 
hundred acres of — See the oF if Séang 


pe ral 



» Anything dried by the ire to Toast 

Hwiin at the fire. 
‘ A shoemaker’s last, Haé- is a 

Hwin 14 Hen 

tk: fy pat ey a last for shoes. 
Hwan A surname, * i 

‘A grave. Hwiin boe Se ie, hwtin 

bong, «tomb, a burial place. Ch*hod 

Hwan + . 
Léng-éng che sé, Héng san peng, jé 

Chéuk-yang che hwin hwaé ae -E Zz. i. 
GFN FT WRG Z IIE ee rene 
éng dy sé, Héng sw™a pang lh K’lid, j@ Chéuk-ying 
ay bing Whéep, in the time of Léng-dng, of the 
Ch’hoé country, the Héng hill fell in, and 
destroyed the’ grave of Chéuk-ydng. 

The ornaments , unde iff k of a; 
ou folio Mt ni 

a % 

The’ tame tare inl 

Joh gtryaal 

i N ‘ 
’ Muddy: :afva gba ka j8ak chok 

ye? 7 SHO SAS fh tesa Hey); ch’ hin 
cho” ei, ‘how ‘thick is Pat just like 

sf 4 am ' act! 

Hwin uy 

lo mxot Ynsions 

slo PY, t 
haa . jenweh } 

104 Phan’e j ; dy ‘heers, to\Fotlow along 
the banks of the Jé rivers “See oa a) Chew lam. 

us taslis fr tolv lt beords 

ii name of a tree. . = 

r’s edge. 


\ Me 

“Drees and Phat yielding ‘let fruit. 

“Yew hwanké sit eae 
Hj ig! 

woo chéy e dy hnotiy ché 

See the Alfa ¢ Chew fam. vee 3 

A wrinkle; a scar, a mark of a, wound, 

or of the small Rox: | + Ehoye hwain 
i ja | Pama ede he scar, of a 
Hwan Foolish, silly. Se iw 
‘ SB ae Se y 
Hwin A sheep or goat with a large head. 

=~ 4 \ 
- oe 

_ To have a large head. Ge chaé chaé 

cho, yew hwiin ké sé} te 
oo HE. A I H OF eho 

cht hepato wod. twa _e dy Phadu, shares is a ss among 
“the Tushes having a large head, See fs » vie 

Sedu gndy. 

nue 1 38M 

;To burn, to, Set on fire, to consume by 

iF fire. Hwin, héang, pee tee ng, 
to burn incense. 


ee & 

seat | 




H" yéén K’hwun keng, géuk“sek, 

KH ih BOS vole 

| swna, gek chévh chd pod séo, whe ih fon am burst 
of d'{ut.on,the brow: of the, Kehwan hills both gems 
> Sand, a arene, consumed. |, 


“- ai nivel 
U3 f 

re chain seam, took “4 

anti By 


+5) r= 

“OL ero Higw Ste 

re, u {Lh 

ee Hwan thin aiid 

it aikind of cake, 

, : \ 

i win WW; * or “confectionery. fs € « t; 

’ svivasal v ; yiwit Fist 10 PD WtiewH 
| df Ui tstee A. spirit, Léng h hywfin "ie soul. 

Jin yéw sam hwan ch’hit_p’hek 

A = = ew fhe ling, wod s”a 

ay ‘hurd ch hil dy vans people have three souls! | 
ht sof ai "spirits: “Piwdn’Seng - & théen, p’hek 

of We tae ey EFPIA Rot Fe 8 3th. 
A hin 'ch8o"S kaduthee"®) \Phek iy trad ity, rf 
joni the: soul ascends to heaven and th pe 
-cioed! tothe jearthy ps2 1) 

iY ord ih Ma S 


A ‘whole pieee of timber that is not 


-proken, tL aiver dl er 
| ocho eddeain Read jee wetdua HE eR ade! Pheen 
Hoin = — eisineye 
noilogg cof: heaven. + a At ge 5 < 
| aGwil Patz 8 is hoo Renae mo ein 

u™ gé jé ep oicthainis 4é gwd) cWhin, ie 
i ff TM p’hod dy Inodn; wealth, and, Kononrsi gotten 
| aby unrighteoustiess): areto\'me like ‘the floating 

| «.) \cclouds., Said by Confucius, he Lin-gé, 
wwel together, in confusion? also, flowing. 

Hiv j 
iz Hwan chap i HE nixed ‘together! 

4 | Xow but. hwin  séhe,- ‘séen’ viéen” = seng 

Ai Wp ite mk JER wh HE 08 | \ medth 

hbiin ché"a, taé seng Vhee"® tey ‘sai®S, there was 
2/4 ‘al mikedChactié’ mass) which was produéed be- 

‘Sée'the 3 4p KE 
i ; i to 

a‘ muddy ‘ sioam ¢ inixed, ‘jumbled 

dinob fore “heaven “ and ’ eatth. 
TO tek Keng. 


eWweonl Gyr4n, chwan, hywiin hwiias’ put sie (tew yéa 

dlie AR SE AS EA. glin,, chwin 
hos Aged fawn abu, bb hijy"h. Jit mai”®,.the foun- 
tain bubbles up, agi ‘nou grind fox or day. 

se i Ban, rail 

- Binished 5. | to » Sai pte ng to an 
\end’ to disgrace. “—% aK ; 

ee eH 
larpbnioie Masigree PZ), mé"t 

hwiin, a name, a stati it hwin 
TED, a /duty) an vomiee Pin || 
hwiin A Oy, obligation, 

,# small weight, or measures, 


ait? aw 

Jie) of 

Chin ke pan hwanalt thx i 7 one’s! || 

duty to the utmost. 

Léy tat j@ hwin téng ie = iff Ate 

soe Chong tat) jé\mé"6° hwan 28 thy sel ms 
liteness is fully attended to, then ‘people's sta- 

tions will be fixed. ak f, 
Blended ‘together, ‘a 3) one) | 
Hain > mass; the whole, Sau | jin che 

sim, hwin jéén Uhéen Ié By KN 

ZV TE HE FR BB sere itn dy vim town) | 

hwan jéén thee"® lé, the mindYof a sage is 
; ., blended together with the, celestial, principle. 
Bo een ih KK 2one “undstngaised aT | 
Confused, ia disordeee’ muddy. Sé 
bwin hwan jé put hwdn iia il 
in h Vi ad Ieart hein roan; 9 | 

bd hwun péet, the world is cape sonal 
“Grieved, “sorrowful, trou 

Hwun 8 put hwin pin oF 2 owt 

ARN dang 60 mean 16 ling Whityli,the host 

did not trouble himself about ‘his gucit \ See | 

Fi {8 ens twin. aN 

~''WWut, 06, do ‘not. “Hwuy, léy che ley" 

net ge che gé, tad jin hwat way? | 




fy 2™ hap ley dy ley, a™ hap gé dy 





Hwa A 


eoxjor Unjust. See will 
| coo aBOb: PHAR SG Ao. aay 

| gids Jiq etyio dod)  .bsi! ai ni at hive] 
Hwat &.. To ce to the eng Vi z 

| WW 
4 » »4 

oop hwut Gi‘. an(uncertain ap- 
pearance, andecitled!. 5») 

| chrow Sade lng a” 

& Is y ih Vie 

, (JDhe same»as: the: ‘preeedinga Hong 

owhwat'ké jéak bong 
oniw o ») hong: haut. ch’ hin sar 1 bang, 
indistinct,. like a droam. Rtg iota Lad 
*°thiat) Thail!'things” ° °° SR owl 

jodirbs also, to, abolish. Chin, ké téang. 

2 A b ty nal nach Rae ifE" IL te Hi 
dl 7 ” sli ip th & kwae a Laph Whos bringing 
_ 3%, @ table or a, sta? ( to. our superiors ) we 

fi should first wipe them. See the: (th iz K’héuk 
at léy. 4 ' » 2 
| Pe ‘ 5 pes rs 4 ’] née | 3.4 . 

| Hwat Abapkin used for tying up the hair. 

ae oppose,.to resist + stubborn, rebel-. 
"Tous." Guos shay che gan hwut é 
\e" wa heat etl kwae &}' thidse five “gentlemen’s 
words’are rebellious. and strange. 
ete Te resist, to act conde go. Bong 
Hwut me ‘wut pek séng, & chéfing-ké che yéuk 

iad WHER 

a Phang. ev, pa sai"® & Phim kate sy ad, 
ed ee the pedple, in order'to follow 

out your “Own “desites."'" See the ee # 
-x9 o1Se kengs. | int 

Ae wilo < Pt) 
| Hynt, ny ‘ fx be sorrowful. 

** rope. Ong gin jé se, ké ch’hut 

Fo Se moe Edn He HR a 

. Ps dng king wi ch’hin ché0"® se, e 

“RRL Se iby BE a oe ttn. 


To “bela ‘to hist 3 to. wipe away 


“end (ew hut Ch'in! ‘cheo"® svn, “the ‘King’s’ words 
are like threads, ‘his practicifix Of them'like ropes. 
A rope, the rope With ‘which a coff- 

sang se"& pit téth gim sth d, in assisting at a 
funeral; you must lay holdvof the rope. , See 

the fe AL, Krhéuk deyooe 

The string with which aseal of office 

Hwut My 
Hwat ze 

cap and crown as fine as 8 posible. See the 5) 
Bo Lin gé.' ie bi 

2 Hoo hwut whit AK» a _cap, ‘Allornenk 
Hwut with hatchets, and various figures. 

Hwut béén ik Lae | an embroide- 

string; used-also for ‘the following. 

A string; a knee-cap, a part of the 

dress which comes over the knee. 

A knee-cip. *Té bé hoe hwut béén 

Be SEF ovning vty « 

ay hwut' béén, to make. the knee- 


= ‘To eaten calamities, and invoke 
blessings ;-'a sacrifice for the same. 

Hwutté woo wey. th a ti. 

hwut té la. sdm, to abolish all defilements. 

Biro 300 of te 
— Hong hwut 3% 3 “andecided, in- 

distinct; not clearly perceived. 

rave PBR. Bins bre HEN: tm oe 
y Ww aim, to be disconcerted. 

Suddenly, for a short time; to ex- 
Hwut Bp haust, to ea 9 Sé chwat, 
XY? sé hwut H Bh # AE x 2. , it is ex- 
terminated and done. 
-Hwut jéén ZZ R siudilenly. Hwat, léak KAA 
ie to despise, to- disesteem, > s 

Yit ch’han way hiwut, ‘sip hwut wily se se A, 



in is tied. Choe chgbg pit chip — 

hwat By He iM) yeh, chan ling 

is tied. | Choo hwut Ke 4h. ared | 

Hwuti Be kind of pigs also written, Fe hwut, 


i chit dy eWhan chd hwut, 
2+ B® 

“chap hwut .chd se, one: filament spun by the silk 

"worm is’ a line, and ten ‘Titles ‘make ‘a ‘thread. 

Hert By Hwat lon Va) Kea ayenything round, 
whole, and unbroken. 

bp Géak hwut EG 

BF of stone, or i” held by king’s 


A along fat piece! | 

and, officers when; they go to court. 

Le ey CEE TS 

To utter, and express one’s self. 

\A devil’s heady | oi 

‘A name ‘of ,Buddha. - 

High, , lofty, 

; ii 

A light breeze, ‘same bay 3s a pierce 
wind; alse. wie ee vue 

by inn 

The wind arising ; to arise. 

The name of Buddha, .the sage of ~ 
oe the west. Han Béng-téy Whéén jin , 
soo T’héen-téuk, kéw che, tek Hwut 

a ke je sifi 300 chiang ee AA rid BV\. bhi 

RAR Z. Oh @ SO | 

Han ‘Béng-tey. saé lang chok sod k'he Thiéen-téuk 
kok kéw e, tit té0h hwut keng jé chap sé chéang, 

Han-Béng-téy sent some people as messengers 

to the country of India, to look for this sage, and: ; 

obtained \24 sections of the books of Budha. 


The common form of the preceding. 

Hwat wut aE te. a hilly appearance. 

Read hek : 
Hwut FB fruit. Sit cho who 1é, hwut te & 
chétth cho, Ck 1é, a™ Chang lion: samiléet ¢ dy 
wut, im eating dates, peaches, and) plums, do 
not throw about the seeds, 

the stone, or seed of a 



to bind. 

A large ship or vessel. 

Hwut 0 “F Hwat lé We, WE > the ngme of a 

foreign state. 
Hwut py =Hwut put iif HP the rising of, dust, 
a cloud of dust: 
ae Te ‘Vulg. pwuy: to fly. P’héen p’héen 
Hwuy me ché# chy, chaé hwuy hae ché 

tit pwuy dy ka chuy, wod sé 4 pwuy wod sé a. 
hity"h, the fluttering doves, are sometimes flying 
and sometimes Ene: See tha ay At Seadu 

Hwuy E The leaf of a door. 


A thread, the. end of a thread ; also, | 











To snow, the appearance of falling 

snow. “E swat ké hwuy rh a AB 

cE , Th siiyh e dy hwuy, the snow 


falls in Nap 
Pé hwuy et ill-favoured. 

Boé boé pé hwuy Te Fit tt tE.. 

a, woman who has had many children 

looks ugly.. 

Pragract; luxuriant. 

A deep red, a crimson colour: 

Horses gallopping on without stop- 

To oppose ;. not ;. not right, wrong ; 

an error; to reproach, to blame. 
Hwuy ké kwity jé chéy che, vthéém 

see Ht OTA SEZ, AA, oh eer 

kwitiy jé chéy e, s@Uhéém mé, to sacrifice to the 
ghost of a person with whom we were. not re- 

lated is flattery. 

Bod thé kd chok hwoy 41 Fd 35 4f JE. 

a™ Chang seaou ley jin kidy, sit te kadu chd. 2™ 
1éth, do. not be ashamed of acknowledging your 
errors, lest you be confirmed in that which is 

Hwnuy séng jin chéa bod hwat, hwuy hadu chéa 

bod ch’hin JE WE )\ AG fae jE, Jp AE AG 

Alt 4 $5 hwuy mai" séng jin dy lang pit bb. bwat 
toé, hwuy mai" wod hadu dy lang pit bd pay 
boé,, he who reviles the sages, must be without 
law; and he who ridicules filial. piety, must be 

without parents. See the Jz 4 Hadu keng. 

To fly abroad; a large wild fowl. with 

various colours. 


Kong hwuy Ke ti, bright and bril- 

Hiyruy liant. 
H Bright, luminous, like the brightness 
Alas of the sun. 
The brightness of fire, as bright as 
Hwuy aca 

u 2, LA Elegant, beautiful; a eertain musical 
y {3 instrument. 

The name of an insect; the ancient 

Hwuy methed of writing Ae hwuy. 
% To tear asunder; to poiat with the 
Hway hand. 
A. sort of standard er banner. Ché, 
Hwuy hwuy . ye. to point with the 


Hwuy 4 The namevof. a-fish.; 

The next in rank tothe Empress, 
Hwuy wa among an’ Emperor’s concubines, is 
called Pf hway. Also the wife of 
the heir apparent. 
To brandish; te wield ; to disperse; 

Hwuy es) to point. Hwuy to fii Wj , lo 
— f= brandish a sword. 

Ché hwuy sod 

+6 diet 48. the name of an office. 
Yim géuk chéak hwut hwuy Bk “K. ft Hy HE, 

lim géuk dy. chéw. chéal: béh hwuy e, when drinking 

out_of.a pearly cup, do not brandish it (lest you 
should break it). See the HH fied K’héuk léy. 

An animal, jike ‘an ox, with a white 

head and one eye. 

Hway HE No, not. Hway liy BE #G ban- 

To ruin, to destroy; to turn the back 
ee upon. Bod hway tek 4n AE 48, 
back on virtue. 

Bh péey tek héng; do not’ turn the } 
Hway Ap Pé hwiy 1h {B » ugly, deformed. 

Hwiy ] LE A round basket. 


Hwy pong ik 2 to revile, to 
slander. Say hway sy é at Ak 

Bi Fa. ché chay é mat"®, ché chity 
4016, who will blame ‘and who will praise? 

a Thin, meager. Hwéy yim sit JE fk 
Hwiy =] ; R, ph Ay lim chéith, poor eating and 

Hwiy = 

drinking. | See the Bal =a Lin gé. 

Elegant, literary. Yéw hwiy kwun 

choo A oF A F, woo hwy dy 

kewan choé, here isa literary accom- 


plished person. 

To stammer, to wish to speak without 
Hwaiy being able. Put hwiy put hwat 
aS IgE AN i, ena i” hwty kong, 

chéw bb hwat béng hoé e, if he does not attempt 
to stammer out something himself, it will not 
: : 2 Sas SH. r 

be explained to him. See the aah no Lin gé. 
To assist, to help; the name of a fruit 

Hwiy IF tree. Hwiy ké kwut chéng JE JL, 
In ia yt hwity cWhd dy th kwut kwa 
W’ heng 

ch’ Khe, a table made of the hwiy wood, 
polished and clean. : 

: E A red-feathered sparrow; a bird about 

Hway the size of a swallow, the male of 

Q which is red, and is called hway 

Ay — while the feriale is azure, and called oie 


E* destructive insect, that , injures 

Hwiy IDE 

with a white head, one eye, and a a tail. 

people’s clothes; also, the name of 

an animal, in shape like an ox, 

AG Loé hwiy is Be an Bn yl 

tious insect. 


Hwiy Wity hwy way ¢, 1é cho6 che séing 

HE Te HE We) He ZR 

tok hwity kap é dy chwd, sé cha boé dy sing, 
but the hwéy and é snakes are prognostics of 

getting daughters. See the Ip AtE Seaéu gnay. 

vain i ip E hway De Th the name of a serpent. 

Hwé The ancient form of the preceding; the 
al generic term for all the scaly tribe. 

To destroy, to break down ; to injure; 

Hwii Ju to revile, to blame. Kay pit choo 
y Seay it 

hway, j@ hoe jin hway che Je Ws 

B Be te A Be Z > karat hea ve prnan 

Whéep, jéén adu lang p'hih Whécp ¢, a family 
must first ruin itself, before’ peuple think of 

ruining it. 
Téing-né put k’hd hway yéa Ah ig nS Wy 

4 tt. Téung-né béy hoé lé hwiy ping, Téing- 
né (Confucius) is not to be reviled by you. 

Hw Tu Fire burning fiercely; anything burnt 
y and destroyed by fire, 

To kindle a fire; an officer whose busi- 
ness it was to draw fire from the sun. 

Soo-hwty-sé chéang é hoo sly ch’hé 
ver ea HL IR DLA SM 
AA XK FF > Soo-hwtiy-sé chédng kwdn Chd hoo 
sity ch hé béng hiéy té jit, the Soo-hwity-sé (officer’s) 
business was to take the burning-glass and draw 

See the Ai ig Chew léy. 

This shews that the Chinese understood the nature 


fire from the sun, 

of the burning-glass very early (about 2000 



years before Christ );— but, they also talk of a 

mirror by which they could extract water from 

the moon 
To sigh, the sound of sighing. GaAn- 
yéen hway jéén than wat Ail i 

Hwty ny OE 
ny 4k ia E- Gan-yéen, fetching 

a long sigh, exclaimed, &c. See the em ae Apt 
Lin gé. 

Hway- pong az ® to revile, to 

slander, to blame. 

Hwiy = 



To waste, to expend, to spend money. 

A-stirname. Séy hwiy it BF > 36 

hwiy, expence. 
Kwun choo hwiy jé put hway A F- EH i 
Ar Ri » kwun choé wod yin hwiiy, jé b6 p’hwa 
hwiy, the good man is kind without being 
extravagant. See the Fite =R Lan gé, 

Hwiy yiing sim to # si} th 4b » hwity ying 

sim chéy, the expences are very great. 
' Hwiy hwiy ia iH , the name of an 

animal, in the shape of a man, with 


shaggy hair, has a swift pace, and 

devours people. 


Hway Exuberant herbage, thick foliage. 

re. ‘YO set aside, to abolish, to render 

Hwiy jes 

yéw ké ké che, bok kam hwiy yéa 

FE RZ FR HE tt. yard ost 
Hi Wee th . hwan chéy léy, woo dy hwhy b6, 06 

ling k"é ké yiing, woo dy ké ying, b6 lang k"é hwiry 

nugatory, not to adopt. Hwan chéy, 

yéw ké hwity che, bok kam ké yéa, 

66, with respect to sacrifices, whatever has been 
abolished no man dares to ,re-establish, and 
whatever is established, no man dares to abolish. 

See the HH Fi K’héuk léy. 


. conceal, to'avoid; the name of a 
parent or prince, which ‘should be 
concealed or avoided, in» common 

Hwy a #2 

conversation . 

Hwiy béng put saat ‘al * x, Ay Se ae Wks ; 

éy hwiy tit mé"4, béy hwiy tit sai"™®, we may 
conceal the name (of our parents ), but not their 
surname. See nh F- Béng choo. 

The noise of flying, the clapping of 

Hong hong @ hway, hwiy 

hwiy kee JBL A PR, He 
am WA » hong héng tit pwuy, hwiy hwiy e dy sil, 
the felicitous birds are flying, and clapping their 
wings: See ‘the KHE Taé gnay. 

Extreme, very 5 ; the same as 7p hwity. 

BR. E péng hwiy ¢ AL te RR, 

gwd dy pai"S sim, my sickness is 




& <», Wulg. pwiy: fat, corpulent. Padu 

Hway Ae. yéw hwy jéuk, kéw yéw hwily ma 

Jet 7 JIE A. J. IEF. 

to6 ping woo pwiy bith, bay tédou wod pwty bay, 
in the larder there is fat meat, and fat horses 
in the stable. See a. -¥- Béng choo, 

The calf of the leg. 

v ; s 
RK Hap-hwiay the name of a 
in Pe 
Read chod: earthenware. Chod k’hé 
Hwiy Wh ts _ wily Khe, crockery-ware. 

Favour, kindness, to be obedient; to 


bestow. A surname. Also written 

ne 483 hwiy. 


Way hwiy che hwaé Hf: Et “9 Kee why yin — 

hway dy sim hwaé, only to have thoughts of 


An bin’ chek hwiy ‘he Fe Ay} He an payh 

“sai"& chek chod hwity, to tranquillize the people 
: is a kindmess. ~ 

apc ee The name of a tree. 

BD ens koe wha Wi , an insect that 

Hay YE exists only fora short time. Hwiy 
; WWW> koe put te ch’hun ch’hew ips by 

me x AS an Fk AK , way koe a™ chae ch’hun cWhew. 

the heuy koe knows ‘nothing about spring and 

*)' aatumn, (owing to its ‘short existence, for if 
born injspting it dies in summer, and if produced 

in summer it dies in autumn, ) 


3 An infelicitous star, Hwitiy seng 

yt 5? comet, 
mals A fragrant plant, which grows in low 
Hwiiy marshy places; if it yields but one 
: nO’ flower on each stalk, and is very 
fragrant, it is called ea lan, but if it yields 

several flowers, and is deficient in fragrance, it 
is called co hwiy. 

A pliant disposition, susceptible of 

instruction; intelligent, wise. Té 

OY bwiy 4 = , wisdom. 

Gwiy Boé-téy té hwiy, put léng k’hé ké ok 

DK Ft 78 ek. 4 He 35 LGB, Gee 

Boé-léy wod te hwity, béy k’hée Vhek kak e dy pha"é, 


the Emperor Boé of the Gwiy dynasty was wise, 
but he could not throw away his wickedness, 

A besom made of bamboo, Han Ko- 

choé téa6u T’haé-kong yung hwiy 

ce liyi sme 7) So 
Re We WA AES. 
Han Ko-choé teaéu kee" T*hae-kong ch’ héw gniiyh 
sadu chéw, Ko-choé of the Han dynasty waited 
on Thaé-kong, (his father, ) with a bamboo besom 

under his arm;— (ready to sweep for him, if 

necessary). See the ca ae S06 ke. 

Clear, bright; also, a small voice, a 
whisper. Hwfy pé seadu seng qe 
ape Ay EE, béng hwut léy sey léep 
ch’hai"®, how bright is that little star. See the 

— FFA Sedu lam. 
»  Vulg. pwiy: to bark like a dog, 
Hwiy a Key béng koé hwity séang bfin, jé 
tat hoé sod kéng Hf: He, Hi) We 
#4 a it eT pu i, key thé kabu pwity 

séo Ché"a, jé tat, hoé se kéng, the crowing of 
cocks and barking of dogs may be distinctly 
heard, throughout the four quarters of the king- 

dom. See ra F- Béng-choo. 

The generic term for plants and vegeta- 

bles. San yéw kay hwiy rly AR 

; FF Pipe» wa wod hi eWhadu, in 

the hills there are fine plants, See the A TtE 
Séaou gnay. Also written yah hwiy. 

To stop; a fowl’s beak ; a white horse 

Jin che ke, séy 

é put sit néaou hway chéa, é so6 



with a black nose. 


281 JE 


tong hwan yéa AZPL AVR 
KA. BH | ofa at 

sty é a” chéth chédou clW’hiy, sé kap ¢ cho pod 
sé tang hwin 16, the reason why people ever so 
hungry will not eat: a fowl’s beak, is because 
they are concerned lest they should be brought 

to the same untimely end. See the fig op 

Chéén kok ch’hek, 
woof is called 4% keng, and the 

warp is called ie hwily. Roads 
from north to south, are also called FAS keng, 

and those from east to west He hwiiy. 

Hway = Angry, enraged. 


The cross threads in weaving; the 

To examine vatious devices, 



For words beginning with i, such as in, im, ip, and it, look under the letter y, as yim, yin, &c. 




Vulg. feng: the nipples; milk. Jé boé 
FL EE. leng boé, the teats, the dugs; 
a wet nufse. 
Ban-dng sod jé, sé why ché jin xX cs Py} aI. i 
aH Fs] =, Bin-ing wod sé dy leng, cWHEM& hing che 
jin, Ban-6ng had four nipples, hence. he is called 
the most benevolent, 

Boé yéuk choo & j6 Pf FF FF i) BL, nvors zy 

cWhé hadu sai”® é leng, a mother feeds her offspring 
with milk. 

3 ow 

The name ofa fiver. Also, valg, 06 or /é, 
you. Kwat Jé Han, paé Hwaé Sod, jé 

chod che Kan 8 Pe 
in ye 7d jc > kwat me Uk ik Oe oF te wh. 

jé cWhwa jip Kang, he cut off the Jé and Han rivers, 
and led on the Hwaé and Sod, till he brought them 
to fall into the Kang. See Hp -f- Béng-choo. 

Vin léng ch’héung bod séw jé jé che sit, bod séy 

; ong jé put why gé yea \. AR Se 5 



OF 4 

na éy oh’ héung mw bs séwjé jé dy chéak sit, cheke 
bb ta Wh Whe j2 w™ cho gé, when people fulfil the 
honest part of not receiving what is given them 
witha ‘“‘ you! you!”—then wherever they go they 
will practise nothing but uprightness; —hence the 

Chinese do not'like ‘to bé addressed with a plain 

‘© you,” when anything is given ta them. See wa -F: 



The same as the. preceding. 

Jé f' ~ You; also, a particle 
You; also an euphonic particle; near. Sod 
3 Pp 
Jé 6 é jé chéting sod, hong sod hwat chééy 

fe =e WW) = poo x 

EEA Fae b.8 FE 
cWhé"a gwa kap lé chéa dy lang, hong thee"S dy beng 
cheng hwat wos chééy, thus I and all of you, have 

received the decree, to punish the guilty. Said by 

Ik Wi Séng-vhong, 
Put te 16 che chéang ché yin jé AN #1 HB m 

He E+) = i a™ chae ladu dy biéyh kadu, with- 

out knowing that old age is approaching. See the 

oN att =k Lin gé. 

Ey Géuk jé -z wi, the great seal of the 
Empire, the royal signet; it was first 
SE. formed by Fe WR pI Chin-sé-héng, 
and constituted a part of the regalia of China. 
Vulg, hé: 
also, a euphonic particle, Jé che é seng 

yea ack xg Ws EE qL- hé Whang dy 

té sé"a, the ear, with respect to sounds, ( performs 
its natural office). See Th -S- Beéng-chod. 

Jé tek jin yéen jé hoe ae a X i #- ¥ ? 

lé wod lit téth gaéu ling & bé, did you meet with 

the ear, the organ of hearing; 

I ? a ah. Li é 
any clever men there? See the pr Win gé. 

Near, easy. P*hé jé héng wan pit choo jé 

BE ti FF Tee Why Ay > v’ne ge naa 

hwut"®, pit dn kin, when we want 





‘to travel far, we must begin with what is near. 
See the ry ii Téung yang. 

A temple erected to the honour of one's 
Jé AA parents. Ké6 chaé kwun, chek séw é 
kong J6 FE HE HE SUN Af TAD 

biéyh héng kwun, téth taé seng ehéw té kong jé, when 
about to go out with the army, it is necessary first 
to visit the parental shrine, 

Jé EF To present wine; also, full, replenished. 
Jé Gems worn dangling at the ears. 
The name of a measure, containing up-~ 
Jé wards of six pecks. A surname. E’ 

che jé i eg = Be hoé e chit dy jé, give 

her six pecks. See the ee ag Van gé. 

56 Jé jé xy +, full reins, —leaving the 
din™ bridle loose and full. 
Jé “EP Léuk jé ie EEL. the name of a horse 
YY} belonging to jel fs EB, Chew Bok-éng. 
Jé Good wine. 
pm 7 9h to devour; to quaff. Ch’haé jé 
Jé , dried vegetables. Jé mé yim 

ho x a -E aK nue chéith ham m6, tim 

him hiéyh, (the early ancients) ate flesh with the 
and drank together with it the blood; 
(this is spoken of as a sign of their uncivilized 

state ). 
sickness. Han éng chit jé # ERR 
ay] :10 A> Han ing piy"® hé, the iii of Han 

recovered from his sickness, 



hair on, 

To heal; ta get well, to recover from 

A crack in an earthern vessel, Sun té hé 

pin, k’hé put k’hoé it BR i A fa. 

Ar a Fe i Ih, > séo hwiy té hé pin 


ay way, ke Ihe b6 héém wos. k’heéh, when Sin burnt | 
pottery at the banks. of the river, there was no 
complaint of cracks in the vessels. See the ee 

So6 ké. 



Idle, lazy, indolent, Séw chéuk to jé 
F JE V5 rin » Phacl’héw phin twa, 
the arms and legs lazy and indolent. 

To exceed, to surpass; also, to recover 
from sickness, Jé 6 Hééy yé4 séuk jé 

RSet BE TE AL Hh A, bor Hey ve 

ché. chiy Whih gabu, which is the cleverest you or 

Hééy2 See the Fy SH Lan gé. 
Kim peng séaou jé, ch’he ch’hd é té4ou ATR yp 

ft 12 we ys A, a pat"® lésh léth & fis hé; 

woo kin kin ké"4 jip tédou, now his sickness is a little 

better, and he has hastened to the court. See ik F 

To die of cold and hunger; to. be starv- 
ed to death;- also, disappointed.. Jé'so6 
géuk téung ii W, fk Pp. yaou kw" 

sé 1@ k"a I’hoo la@, to be starved to death in prison. 




Alike, like, if,.as; if itis thus: j& ch’hod 
a Ww, an ney sai”®, thus: j@ jéak an 
He , chehin chéo"S, if, in that case, 

Te che chéa put jé h"6 che ché4, h"6: che chéa put 

jé lok che ches 4) 7% FF HR MUG ZH. 
3 LAKME ZA chage e dy lang béy 

cWhin chéo"S yit téth e dy lang, yit téth e dy lang 
béy ch’hin chéa"S Chéang lok e dy lang, those who 
know (virtue) are not to be compared with those 
who love it, and those who love it are not so 

good as those who are delighted with if, See the 

i ag Lin gé. 

Jé Aa Kho kéw, chédng goé séy hd Yn AR VT 
aR. “i it ih tf, na béy kéw tity Chan gwd 
séy aé,. if these (riches and honours) cannot be sought 
after indiscriminately,, then,let me follow ‘that which, 
See the Sy ah Lin gé. 

Even, af iia. Yéuk an wan hong, 

tong séen sin jé ké kin BR Be jig 7. 

I love. 



15 FE NL lo 3% SUL > va oieam on 

hwut"® pang, itth tae seng san jee dy “kin; if- you 

wish to tranquillize distant countries, you must’ first 

“render those near obedient and ‘tranquils. « 

Jé Ata Numerous,. abundant. 

To answer, to reply. to; the sound of 
i A surname. 

Lam way lé jé ay lift: tt fir , {apo yin ling wiy, 

cha boé yin ling jé, males should answer with a‘ wiy,’ 
and females with a ‘jé.’ See the- ie. Be Léy ke. 

Jé nee Verbose, talkatwe. 

A.learned man, a scholar. Jé kadu #5 

J&é RE > the sect of the learned, Jé way 
wm kwun choo jé, bod way séaou jin jé 
kwun chob dy Chak elWhiiyh lang, a" Chang chd sééou 

jin dy hak ci’hityh ling, do you become a good 

assent; a boat made of a hollow. tree. 


sort of a learned man, and not a worthless sort of 
a.learned man,. See the i ae Lin gé. 

> To moisten;. to be wet with dew or rain. 

Jé te ini iit to go about anything 

slowly, like the slow dripping of water. 
A short jacket.. Put pek jé Khwa oS A , 

Jé ti HB ia” Chang ch’hong twan, téy s"a 
kap kwin, do not make sbort jackets and 

petticoats of silk. 
A child, an-infant. Jé choé.k’hé kadu — 

‘ fii F Py AX, sey ké"d yéd Ey ka tit, 

(Isee) my lad! that you are teachable. 

Said by an old man to ike R Téo"® léang, when 
he had complied with his request to pick up his 


shoe from under a bridge, and afterwards.was: willing 

to assist him in alt it on, 

Léén ie ji i, trickling down, as tears. 

mney léw "iene vis vie ji ii - labu 

bak chat léén Jé,, the tears flowed trickling 


A connective particles and, but, also; you. 

Jé Hak, j@ sé sip che Sil Ie Bl 1Z» 
Chak je. édngs sé wun sip e, to learn, and 
constantly to exercise one’s-self in it. See the a bs 

ah Séang lin. 

‘Chod-loé ¥- Kd asked Confucius about firmness; 
.. when Confucius replied, do you mean the firmness 
of the north country, er the firmness of the south 
country,— ek jé kéang e rit if ah WM, a sé lé dy 
kéang, or your own firmness, See the Hh is Téung 


Jé Ril The hem ef a garment. 

Strong wine. 

To boil thoroughly. Swan-kong jé léén, 
chaé hoo jé him hwan put séuk ‘at A Ts 
— oF =F K Hii Re iy: a A Bt a> 
Swan-kong nb neé"S, chaé hoo ché him ché6"S béy seks 
in the second year of Swan-kong, the royal cook 

boiled a bear’s palm, and did not boil it theroughly.— 
See the z (iz Cho twan. 

Se jé 44 RK, amoment. Té yéa chéa, 
put k’hé se j8 18 yéa ia ue. Ay Wy 
4 pil fale i, 16 lé dy sod, u™ Phang 

chit bak niiy™h lé hwuy, the right way must not be 
quitted fora moment. See the rh Ja Téung yang. 

Be Choo jé IE > the name of a plant, 

Jé which if plucked on the 9th day of the 

9th moon, and stuck in the hair, will 

banish all noxious influences. See the sre + = 
Hong thoé ké. 

The part under the belly. Hway jé fe 
WR: fat, corpulent. 
To flatter. T’héém jé Fat oh > sep sey, 

to cringe to any one, Chek ch’ham 

Uhéém béén j@ che/jia che é Fl} 4 



wmMRZCAE SR , cheke sab pihwa théem 

mé, bin chéng step sey ldn dy lang kadu, then slander- 
ing, flattering, and sycophanti¢ persons would come 

See i Fy: Béng chos, 
Vulg. sey ké"d: a child, a boy, an infant. 

Jé sun pit yéw jé sun hok via RR Ny 
=] oa Th ia » ke" sun pit woo ké"a 

sun dy hok, posterity will certainly obtain the measure 

{around the prince). 

of happiness that belongs te posterity. 

Kin jé Fig Fi. a beautiful gem, a precious 

stone, Hay put jéém jé JE r His Hi. 
hay téém bb jéém jé géuk, a slight flaw 
does not spoil the gem. 

an néy cham, my parents have brought me forth, 

Sick, a sickness, Hod bée seng gné, hoé 

pe amo 18 Ut HH HL A BR 

> Pay boé sai" gwd, s"d 806 hoé gwd 

but why have they inflicted on me such pain. 
The name of a tree; whose blossoms fall 
like pieces of money. Tam jé chek béén 

AK put yéuk kak [YS FER Hi} HE Ay EK 

i , chéth jé chek Ihwan a™ ae cW’hai"S, on eating 

of the jé trees a person sleeps without desiring to 

» To step over, to transgress, to overstep, 
Jé 7AR to g0 over. Jé @ Lok im 6 Ye, kody 
té Lok chiy, he crossed the river Lok. 

Jit gwat jé mae | A ya] > jit gibyh lit kiey, 

the days and months are passing away. 

é FAR The same as the preceding. 
Jé FAR To change, to alter. 

e A boat made out of a hollow tree. 

Jé i) Clothes ornamented with feathogs. 

oY yh 

lo atvthahvals ty 

Tee alor 
: To lead, to, draw ;, he 6 to, ra an 

a fame or reports ut Tait 
Old rotten clothes, 

ser oye boats, and Ape « leaks. “ 

The name of a river. one Yer si. 

damp and low. 

used as oakum, for, 

‘A learned man, ‘a iTS the as 

ii Choa ié oe (2, 5 ai 


same’ as. Fay ié, aichild. é vj 


_ Bhaé, jé, to, desire-te- obtain anything, to 
Peep at, to spy with a wish to-obtain. 
Boo. Whaé: jé ¢ kéw. eng $30 fal. | 
y Ba a, bik Chaou Rina bang s0"%, & kew 
hédou. héng,. do not peep, ‘and. long, | in ‘order | to ob- 
tain some lucky chanee.! =) 4 

Paje Ay, the name of a pect Thé 
Jé feelin to clap the pais Yaugh. 7 

To bore a hole through a plank for a 
door way; to perforate anything, in! 
order to get through by stealth. Ie 

cl’héang ik Was > nooi™® kidy ch’hesn®, to creep 
through a hole in the wall. 

_ He, who, is outwardly and. inwardly, foal is, said to’ 
 be- yéw ch*hwan, jé che ta yéa {i SEAR Kai 
‘A Yee LA, retin ¢ cheo"S Phau nooi™® kéeyidych hat, 

, like @ thief who. bores. his. way through a fence 


and. creeps, in,,,, See the if BE Lin gé., 
F) Acmattrass formed of horse hair.» Kthéak 
J jé iE RE. a. hair’ mattrass, 

Roots entwined togethers to. pull up 
4 ‘together with the: roots. A sirname, 

Pvt madu Ween jé HE SF Ht Zhi» 

" pilyh Phe ra™ 4 tah ham “kin, in Pulling up the 
long grass, you should pull up the rools with it. 

3 x 

! A att & dinstive post aba, the |, 

Ps j a) @ “i's _ 

on bh OW SOD Ry gh a ara 
wa Ly ‘le Pia ‘tree. ce 

day ~ Liadad 9j y 

- nit B z mil gh 9 i 
aa Yule nds tw. ie sip! Spt chap, 
twenty. Sip jé =, chap, jé,tWelve. 
Je chéayit ce tay "5 “a3 
jé@ s€ chit dy tééy, two is the opposite of! 
F&, 898, yew put, chéuk..T > at (3 . je mo dy 
\srotiyed a” _fapu, two-tenths- are, not sufficient “for 
_mé, ~( how, much less sonertentht See the Pal alli. 
Hay la. Beret ooh be a ' 
To be, next les, to seeands.. to help, to 
assist; to be involved in, Soo-mé-chthgen 
to SP! ap Ey Gas | btamea Lewedg Ae ie 
'ofor Sabmititige té the:batbarians,» and thereby dis: | 
oograding Wis” family, adding, 48° pk yew J8 che 

—- is 

ma 4 © ere 

‘Wy, jee, Woke k" a koe, 1,, also, im consequence, am 
involved ia the silk-worm’s house, (i, &) the prison. ) 
FS The late 'fotm of — JF, WS ; also,’ to 
"have a double’ itind 5. to’ suspect.” Sim 
hééw but ie FE ED y= Wea yang 
gabu ling il”, Chang, jé. sim e,.in employing clever 
men,. do not treat then with a double heart (i, e. 
‘do nof entertain suspicions, of them, ) 
Je kek FA phi, a sour dite tree. Sea 
«ie ke «i A j@ yang-ké je kek A He 
\ BEABL  AR SEA ib ome ener 
kate e by gob ‘hkdy, jé- oWhb:6 dy) jEskek;.t0, give up. 
'« the fine timber of the goé-kay, and to keep. mercly 

See Tit -f- Béng-chos.. 

L d Y 

a sour date tree. 

"Hway ie a I. fat, lusty, corpulent ; 
glossy, shining, 


. A bait for. angling 5 the’ same as rl jé. 


Je tong 7H. ye » a gem worn, dangling 
Jé before the ear, Naé hay téen he chom 
8 AP BR Ss FF PL, «exe oe 
téén Ihe e dy chom jé, and then descending the hall, 
he faid aside his’ hair-pin and ‘ear-gems. 


A hait for angling. 

2 "To inform, to-announce; to make known. 
jes Séw kadu béng jé kok to yéa 5 h 
alt FA iy [EM] SE Hd, , sem rea veng hedou 
jé, 8@ kok dy ta, to receive instruction well, and to 

give clear orders is ‘the way ef ruling a nation. 

2. ™>) K’hwan je i > slowly, leisurely, at 
Chek goé: chin thoéy k’hé put 
ch’héak ch’héak jéen, yéw é@ je chae 
Su) Zi HE SE AE ER, 
chek gwé chin Vhey, Pham. i™ Whw"a Kho" ady yéo"s, 

kwa wod chun dy jéabu jé chae, thus. with, respect 


to my entering —on. or, retiring from office, how 

can J not be free, unrestrained, and abundantly at 

my ease ? Are a F Béeng-choa, 
b> pei To ‘inform, td announce, to instruct. A 
Je v surname.! Séng jin séet kau, ‘hwy pit 
aK kay j@, j@ hoe léaou yea HE AB 
Be Se be RO FE A ei 

ka ‘nwt, a™ ‘saé state heng eW’hod Whe king, jé tak 

mooi"S, Whe hédou beng, the sages, having appointed 
‘the imethods \of. instruction, vio. not need to inform 
every family of them, and to make them known at 
every. doors) 

Mem Short garments. Jé hat 1 45> ihairy 

Jé i? garments, Han ‘chéa le twan jé 5 

AY 7 all TG ii. > kw"4 dy tang lé yéth 

téy s™a, when people, are cold, they -will be ied 

even ‘of a coarse short Jacket, 

Read joo: a Sharacier, a letter. ~“Séang 

koé be yew bin joo Me ie 7a A 
x S séang koé dy lang biéy “9d waa je) 
} y 


* 1 
the early ancients had no characters —till in the time 

of By FF Hong tay, B.C. 2092, A HF chrhong: 

k’héet first invented them. ‘> 
3 rs x ME: ’ Vv 
Sit doe at =, bat jé, to know how to read.» 

% ie , 

a | 
Jéa hy " Read chéa= to screen, to — i. snghter. 
WV yoy ; “<2 

aaa, The ‘sound of answering, a reply, an 
Jéa affirmative. ; eS 


To answer respectfully. Ch’héang jéa 

Jéa DE, (FER, cntneo"® jee, to bow without 
ANG) “kneeling down; also written [fj jéa. 
Decettful, disordered ; also, to excite, 
Jéa to ‘bring on, to stir up, to enkindle. 
a\ N Jéa not Ax Be jee a dy séw k’he, 
‘to slir up one’s wh , 
N96 jéa $00 yee Ae oy ae jéa 800, fond of making 
éa Ay To assent, to reply to: ales read jéa. 
Jéa Ze spay 
Jéa / Ar* surname. 
rw Vulg. na: if, Hikeas, suppose ¥ a’ fra- 
Teak grant herbs obedient: Jéak bod-chizy 

‘ Lp 

je chéw soo tey P54 FE ify 

FAC: civhin chéo"® v6 choey, j€ chew ktou st dy tey, 
like one. who has committed’ no fault, and yet 

proceeds to the place ofslanghter. See the i i 

Séang beng. 
Jéak séng é jin, chek goé k’ hé kam mo a fal 
«-, All Te. i=I x my eW’hin chéors séng ‘kwa’ jin, 
chek gwd rie ka, but ‘if you speak of being a 
ye ‘sage, or benevolent, then how dare I presume lo 

a that —said by Confucius. 


F Téuk jéak. Vt Bs the outer surface 
, of bamboo. Jéak lip % 
Lie bamboo hat. 

‘want jéak ihe ra nowt" chéd, weak, 
‘feeble. Jéak ko’ put’ Wwhéé tek keang 

PANEL As tk > me" | 

“enema kod jétn bey fiiy tek kedng béng, the weak, 

corlaas firsieae | oppose the’ bk See r + 

poe jéak ante a ‘kind of reed or 

a M The name of a rivers ‘also real lek, to 
= ae A clod of earth; a plot of ground; 
Jéang the loose earth on, the ‘surface of 

the ground. Hoo yin, s#ang sit ké 

fea , hay yim béng chwan Fete) FR 
Me bit Pee 

ta dy Choe, hay tey lim wut"S chw"d, now the 
earth worm, above eats the light clouds, and de- 
Jow drinks the yellow. fountains (and és thus 
a of ore one. ) See hi - Beng 

To aisturb, to throw inte confusion. 
Jéang: Séing @ tek JE B BK» wo con- 
found the barbarians. | 

Ji To make a noise, to baw! ont in 
gang’ nee cessatitly with a loud yoice. 

Read jéing: chap jéing ME OL. 
chap jédng,, intermixedand in con-~ 

Jding,. ¥. 

fri fusion. , bd 
BS we To ‘steal, ‘to pilfer. Goé ting yéw 
lit kéung chéa, k@ hod jéang yang, 

jé chod chin che pe 7 ia. 
os TERE FE Hl Fae een 
dy tong wood chit dy tedow tit dy lang, e dy néo"s 

pay Vhaou lang dy yés"8, je hadusat™S cho kan 


Bite « 


chin ¢, in our Village. there, was a straight for+ 
yg (Ward. sort of a man, whose father having stolen 
ats sheep, ( the son ) appeared against him asa 
x 7 seine. See the he Lin-gé. 

Si ee woke dew, a heavy dew, to be mach 
7) wet with. ‘the dew. : 
oi. Rich, full, abundant, he oa Hong 

Iéén jéang jéang Wi 2 SF. i reid ’ 

hé neé"® tang jéing jédng, a fruitful 
‘season, what abundance does it yield ! 

Jésn A sacrifice offered for the purpose 
cans Ne ef averting calamity. ~ 

‘To distil spirituous liquors; good 

J sing 

strong liquor or wine. 
kwunaé'to jéang chéw, maé hwiiy 
Béng-stdng- ~-kwun naé chéy jédng chéw, béy pwiy dy 
gob, Beng-séing-k wun distilled great quantities 


of liquor and beught fat oxen, (in order to treat 
his Mumerous guests. ) F 

‘Tong jéang eA the Reeds of 
the! nrelon. 

E, 2. Vlg. néa"S*) te! yield, to'give up, 

Jéang = 


to give way to, to relinquish, to 

recede. Stang jéang HH ae, 
neo", td ‘five way to'éach other, Chea si sin 
jéang log, pul sit pek poe ah 34 ie i. AN 
Ke 5B 3 > chit sé Hing néo"S lok, béy a™ Ieee"S 

‘chit pilyh poe, 4t-a your life long your give way 
to people in walkingy! you: will hot Jose a bun- 

dred paces in the end, e 

ne . 


~ Claws talons, nails, K@-hoo-8 dng che 

jinn ey if 50 5 EZ TA 

ef, Ké-hoo-é sé ing dy jédou géy, 

Keshos-e ‘was thé king's "talons and teeth. 

the is HE Seaou gnay. 



utile & 2 

op thw, V6 Sératch,"to' ted With the 
Jeaou SPT nats” Ching dHiob! Yew" Vit ch’he 
he yéen, “wity é Wheak' nou, kéén 

khadéu * on “Sup, Bia yo — HH 5. Fe || 

rs ete tye 
ass se 


| nonttya 194 Og Dt short Seats! inthe inte Gab 
Téhou i As qhe" Sit a dy °peon- jou Heey 




He ZS iy 68 ia. 

olinw jgtade dy chit, sin ae! peeMe: - ‘Wy, thing, t the inside 

Ly He, an. LY, ¥ Ham § hone i yu hod of ing. whole : pale is, v tomes ‘into rd Sd 
chit chéith kabu, wily é khéak Ke aka) icon ght api 24 : 
or ‘each: at ae a Mi oH of 
hoé Ong, Chong choo had an ct is easy Jef: BY a ns ae oe I ‘ 
antics and constant t scratching. pheyed S dis agility Say art fish soqqo Joatisa pliinls 
4s the king. 30 -}~ 985 Ll Full, abundant, rich, sdneauit A 
To ‘disttrb, te {hiro fiision. 


Kan Wo jest jeang PRY RE | 

‘military igonpoai ‘tumaltuons!y bran- 


dished about. ‘. eine 

_.Fo surround, Ro ewinee 
ey tiers 
nee chine elhag"s si malin dedougar = all the 
pars, On event side a tee pas ihe north star. 

mi * & 


“jédou Wit de | to pot and en- 

votapgle, Chéing seng s¢ $06. 5 béen swan 

Jesun, 4 

“. yt 
To scratch, to claw, to, ‘wae with the 



ral DOG 

Wrinkled, furrowed, __ Béén jéaou 
in io bin jeaou, a wrinkled face. 

ji (Hong ch’huy, léuk sty, sityjéaou been 

JBL whe 4a 7k AR ABR TEL, tong et eeoey dere 

chiy, chiy chéw wod jedou dy bin, when the wind, 
blows over the green waters, they..get.a wrinkled 

face, i as 
Jeadou Jeaou sey 4, 2h , crape. 
4 Vulg. jé6:, a,short, paddle, for row- 
Jefiou eae 
IC ingiay boat. 
Jefou Keaou jetou 1 tee, winning, hands! 

Ou, some, agreeable. it 
/ - 1; rom 

“ - H - 

» : ~ 
Jedou z= To: ‘spite to, “singe 5 ae Fiae thin. 

‘ ' 

 pheeal.|) 0% , 

: B| 


suapanits Taé héang, ‘put ban pok, 

ie put jedou hod, KA Fp. 

AN t= fa fey twa clhé"d lang Ke hay, a moor" 
oh poke kwa, yea a noun péet jedou 

ut Sreny. * 

feast, do oe seguir about ‘Of : 

nwo I, ~ 
tinguish the rich and full. See, 

K’béuk léy. oS acct : 

rhacot 0 30} hy F, 

: T furrow, to wring fizix shy, 
_ {I » 
oie yew, ‘hong jetou bee ie GR 

wot ths 
tele Cltt bé. 
dix Sb. fal ake T.. & one 

“inodin, Ub,, hong jedou an, the, green waters are 

nat troubled, but it is, s, the wind which wrinkles 

ant wom 

iy their, faces, it oct ate 

J eon 

tt « 
| rae et 


-» yyols tao w tke 

hg “To imple up atiyehitig,” of ‘to. wrin- 
Jefiou gy 


yoy x 

“\le it; Grape. 

ond, ol aaah oT 

Vulg. jis: firine. wt 
pitadisd § banat wa 

vy onion of two charatters;— 2 chap | i, 
=T jebh, signifying twenty. 

eA ii hh po ae 

erie née"S':, to) dye. Weém sek Ye. 
, nee"& sek; to dye= of ‘Some co~ 
Tour. »Vulge bak; to_soil,.to dirt yess 

say to wow SE = baik-| ha: sd 16" be soiled » 

fe | with dint, sila wide 4. 

an teen a 


OAV Sut : 3a Sa EAH, kod bak. 120h Ja sim 

. dyhong., séuky ta cho pod se sis. before be was. 

., Kew. jéém woo séuk, ham é & way: | sit: 



befouled with filthy habits, but now he is altoge- 
ther renovated. See the 1c} = Séo"E ‘se. 

Jéém Be ‘The same as the preceding. 
Weak, feeble; also, a surname ;—Con- 
Jéém fucius had two disciples of this clan. 
Jéém-chod Vhééy tedou +h - Bea 

ray , Jéém-chos Chey tedou, Jéém-chob retired 
from the audience. Also written Ft jéém. 

Jéém ay A beard. 

Jim jéém tE fy weak, lither, pliant; 

aye exuberant herbage. 
Jem The people of HE i] Hi waé.tam 
call their mothers jéém, mother ! 
a ~ A small sour date tree ; also, to defile; 
Jéén , yi 
to dye various colours. 
a BR Bye sex jéén Wr te , to trample on, 
to tread under foot. 
To burn, to inflame; also, a disjunc- 
in tive particle, — but, if, if it is thus, 

Yd} thus; right, yes, it is so, Ko jéén 
I | a, indeed! Suy jéen BE AR , poush. 

Jéak bs che sé jéén, chwfn «che sé tat r= 

MK ZAR PR. He Ha Es ewrhin eneors 

hiéy dy khé Vhdou th, chw"d ay W’hé Vhabu tat, 
like fire when it beginsto burn, or water when 

it begins to flow. See i fF Beng-choo. 
Jéen chek Kwan-téing te léy hoe 4 Fl] 

fils A th IP, na 2, chek: Keodn-téang bat tty 

hoé, but then does Kwan-téing understand pro- 
priety ? 

3 ¥ 


Ké jéén,—W’hé ké jéén hot Ht OR, Ey He 

#,, e sé an néy, e Kham we an néy, is he thus? 
how can he be thus?. See the =n ae Lin gé. 

Jéén To burn, to inflame. 
ead % Dog’s flesh; commonly, but impro- 
Jéén ae 
 perly used for Ae jéén. 
Jéén To tread under feet. 
8 Vulg. /é, and loé: yous also read jé, 
Jeéng which see. Jeé"S why jeé™8, gné 

why gné, suy tin thek ké téng, @ 
gné ch’bek, jeé"S yéén léng biéy gné chac 

iB Hi. & A He, Me 
UAE Ree, 

gwé chd gwd, suy lé peth cW’héw wui"S le sin 
Chéy, héa l@ gwé sin pee", 1é biéyh an thw"d éy 

bak la shm gwd chaé, you are you, and I am I,— 
and though you were a poor person with sleevés 
turned up, or entirely naked, standing at my side, 

yet how could you defile me. See ae > 

—_ A parental shrine, a temple in which 
JeéBg Ml a father is worshipped. Seng clhebgy 
hod, 806 y she Khd, jip beadu 

ch’heng jeé"% He XR KW HF. A RA 

At ii > sai"® chew el’heng hoe pay, sé chéw 
eWheng hoé k*hi, kaou jip ded chéw chtheng hoé 
jeé"®, when alive a parent is called father, when 
dead k’h6, and when brought into a temple to 
be worshipped, jeé"8. 

Tabu jeé"& BB SL, a preparation of 

Jeé ng pulse mixed up with pickle, Gnéw 
‘ jee’ a FL; 06 léng, cow's milk. 
a The cheek bones, the bones on the 

side of the face, 









5 Pa hot. Jeet Phiien 3k JK, 
jwih thee"®, hot weather. Say léng 
vow chip jéet, sé put é chok = ate AR 

qo mi wt Y #2. che lig en joie dy 

meth, n& bb sty cWhéw, “wh! can take hold 

of hot things without first wetting his hands ? 

To \work anything up with the hands; 

to knead (as dough); to squeeze. 


at ah 
To pursue, to follow, ‘to chase. 

[ a 

Because, then, as, as before. Jéng 

kéw jéng kod, as. formerly. 

id Ke skin Bh chi I GE Ay B- 

ke yearn léng kod Kadu, hunger and famine came 

as liefore, Also read jéiing which see, 

Read jetow: a aaail paddle far row- 
, ing, or steering a boat. 


Read jefou: urine 3 leo written hi 


To work up anything with the hands; 
to knead (as dough ); also read jek. 

To chase, to pursue, to'follow after. 

Choé séang jéuk ya +4 ie > chabu 

‘986 jéuk, to. run after’ jone another, 
in play. 
<==em To disgrace, to put to’shame. Léng 

i jéuk Be , to degrade. Pek-é 

~ \ Séuk-chéy put kang ké che, put jéuk 

wes A 8 eH A WE HE a 

Read ch’héuk;\ crooked, contracted, | 
Fy not stretched; out. 



t= Fi &, Pelt-¢. Séule-chéy\ bd. botyh kang e dy 

its che, bd botyh déuke e dy hin sin, Pek-é and 





| Jéuk 




Séuk-chéy would not lower their views, nor 
degrade their persons, See the ai =% Lin gé, 

a Grass springing up agains also, a’straw 
TE we 

DasP and hot 5. moist. ‘Lim bod put 
Ve: Jk Bk BA ie teen 

a” tam, a forest is always damp. 

Ornamented, with’ various colours: 

Kéep ~jéuk AK BN the name bs: a 


Vulg. dah: flesh, Kwatjéuk 4? Pal, 

bone and flesh,’ ‘anything near and 

1 ae 
‘dear.’ Gnoé chong € ke, jé hoe 

seng jéuk Fh Wk A, if ie A: Ry , £06 
chong é ke pé, jéén adu sai" bih, when the 

five viscera are in good order, then the flesh 

will begin to grow. Said by is F Kwan-chod. 

A contracted form of the preceding. 


i . To cut with a knife ; sabre wound. 

; $ Damp and hot; the same as PR isu. 

Ries ‘A mattrass, a bed. 

Many, numerous; also, the same as # 


y Vile. Jeng: ihtérihixed, in confusion ; ; 
‘dispersed 5 supernumerary 3 Fuinois.| 

Jétng wan IC As & supernume- 

rary officer, 6 one who has received his title, but 


is waiting for. an appointment. 
Way chéng chaé k’hé sam jéing Fi, nya *E 

FZ 7G 5 cha, cheng s00, chad Whe Phek kate, 

s"a dy jétng, the practice of government con- 
Sisls in excluding = three ruinous measures, 
(i.e. having too many officers of government, too 
great a standing army, and too many public 

works. ) q 

Ah vi utp 
iting ae ote vale mean. 
# ah “ st 3 the surname of the ru- 

Jédng i of. the Fh Siang dynasty, 
. toto Metagiiad to, as before; 
repeated, Also read jéng. Jéfing 

kéw kwan jé che hé 1H] te a 
. Wn Z Z Ail > sedng koi dy sod, chd né, if it is 
done as, before, how will that do? See the 

em ae Lin gé. 

Kit suy lay jéang = yt y Vi, hé Ay teiou 
chap chap téing hok, lucky omens constantly 


Jéing A A race of people with three horns. 

Soldiers, troops; you;also, a foreign 
nation on the west. A. surname. 
Séén jin kadu bin ch*hit léén, ek 

Kho é chek jéing é iE )\ ZY FE +E 4B, 
DP WY VI, PY BG HR , Ho tang tea. piigh saa" 

kadu oWhit. neé"®, yéd Uhang é chek jéting, when 
a clever man instructs the people for seven years, 
they can then be employed as soldiers, © See the 

nf Lan gé. 



apy rs *! say ty ; , 
a) || ee 


* Fine silk threads, also, fine cloth, 
woollen cloth, 

{ dom ASK fore 

Grass growing luxuriantly ; in con- 
_ fusion; rough s rutiipled together, 

Hoé kéw bong jédng P= He x, 

hoé lé fy héw bing jéting, a fox-skin dress, with 


the fur rough and in confusion, 


The noise of building a wall; the 
Jéing “Chinese in Hok-kéén generally build 
‘their walls OF iitid, Which ig pounded 

and beaten between two boards fastened together, 
_ and jéfing is supposed to) be the sound of the 
thumping and pounding. \Alsognumerous. 

Jédng BK The name of a tree. 

The small feathers of birds, or soft hair 
of beasts;) down, Nefou séw jéing 

mé B BR bE FF , chetou kap sw 

dy jéing mé, birds’ and beasts’ down and soft 
hair. See the ae th Gédou téén, 


Jéing i. Thick, solid, substantial. 

w~ The name of an animal, like an ape, 
Jéing with shaggy hair, and.of a yellow 
red colour, the skin of which is 

used for making saddles, 


Adorned with feathers, 

5} _ To tread on, to trample; also, to 
Jéw rub out the grain from the husk. 

E whe séang jéw chéén pe ay AN 

Be ie» ch’hun dy Khéd béy sto jéw tth, the 


rest of the horsemen trampled on one another. 
See the So6 ke. 

Hek pd hek writ BY By EE, woo dy tit 

pwa cl’hek, wod dy tit jew, some were winnowing 
the grain, and some rubbing it out of the husk. 

See the A Ate Taé gnay. 

To bend anything with the hand; to 

Jéw curve, to warp. Jéw bok way joey 
2 Jk B, Ke » abu ch'ha cho joey, 
to curve a piece of wood in order to make a 
plough handle.’ See the Bh AN Yéuth keng. 
r Vv To mix, to intermingle; mixed and in 
Jéw disorder. 

To bend a piece of timber by means of 
fire. The same as HR jéw. 

The trace of a wild beast’s paw on 
the ground; a three cornered spear; 

a lofty spirit. Also written [Ay iéw. 

Soft, pliable. Jéw jéak x Dh, weak, 

pliant. Jéw sin  }IG obedient. 
Tim’ chéém kong k’hek, ko béng 

jew Whe Fi PE BY JLo SEE am 

chéém dy lang téth kong gnay IKhek yé"é e, ko 
béng dy ling téth jew noot"® k’hek yé"A ¢, people 
whose minds are sunk and immersed must be 
attacked with harshness, ‘but lofty and intelligent 

people with softness. 

The name of a river. 

Jéw | 


Jéw gé ee im jéw hé, the cuttle-fish ; 

a fish without bones. 


¥ The name of an insect; or, some say, a 
sort of ape. 



Obedient, pliable; easily bent; bent or 
curved with the hand. — Jéw ch’hoé 

m, » ban pang 1% Wes Ht 3 ch’hong jéw 

sin ché"4 ban pang, to render obedient these my- 
riads of nations, See the Het Taé gnay. 


& ~ To run. 7 jéw choé 78 34 ye 
Jew * jéw jéw chadu, to run without stop- 

8 hn ping. 
es Chin jim JB ZY, cruel! Jim na’ ZI. 
Jim A. iti, Vhun tiny patient, to bear patiently. 
Kwan-téiing béng kwun soo séw, jim 
sim = lé, put k’*hé wiy jin a fp BB zy 
ft. Ri ity ee TB, AN SH A, Kwan-téing 

béy ke jin kwun, hok saé kéw sew, chan jim dy sim haé 
10 é, a” Chang kong sé jin, Kw4n-téiing forgot his 

The countenance harmonious and smooth. 


prince and served his enemies, with-a eruel mind 
outraging reason itself,’ and therefore cannot be! 
called benevolent. 

. Jim che se jé, naé chwani jé Whe 2, me A 

WB 4 4s 7k $a lin 6 téep a kod, naé dy chwan 

lé dy hin sin, bear it patiently but a little while, / 

and then you will come’ off with a whole skin. | 

ey Ss (ery 

AF- Humility of mind; thus, in this way. 

Ripe corn; the harvest, which comes 


but once a year. Put kip gnée jim 

we Ar Be # Ds hd kip kadu téw sck 

goé kwiy, it did not extend to five harvests. See 

the Zr {af Cho twan. * 
PE Dressed food; food thoroughly eeokall 
Be Sit jim put sit Ye fet. AN é: na 

b6 ché tod hie x™ chéith, . if the food 

was not well dressed, he (Confucius) would not 
eat it. See the a a Lin gé., 




The lappet bf aidoost, the breast jof a 
x ~ coat which laps over, ‘Bé Kwan-téing, 
| god ké pehwatehs jan 8 fh. As Hh, 

RE Hap Bg oe ee Be ‘na’\b6 Kwén-téing, 

swan dy lang chéw pé Chaow'md; 16 ch’héw péng kat 
» jim 'e, if it had not been for'Kwan-téing (beating 
off the barbarians );"we’ shouldhdave‘béen obliged 
to twist our hair; and button. the lappets of our 

coats on the left side ;—(said by Confucius in thet. 

i att =i. Lin gé. The — Chinese used to. 
allow “ah their hale to. grow, Sa fant their | 
dresses in front; butsince their subjection by the. 
‘Tartars they have been obliged to adopt the custome! 

isa Confucius. so,, much: deprecated Jo sams le. 

j yritten He jim. 

‘Soft; lissome,’ pliable. Jim Jem FE 
PR soft and ‘yidldiig.” 

f A Jeatatav? noe 

» Jud'tle 

Jim tong Pr %, a medicipal_ plant. 7 
t Sagi oe » 7,’ 

wD " 
To bear, to sustain, to bear aa ¥ Burden!’ 

to undertake. Jin é may ké jim, 

AE 7. ek irs hoe EV {ft 
feet screamin’ 

gel lang, hoe, ‘to, take the task’ of benevolence. upon 
ourselves for Bd burthen, would it notbe eheavy? 

“See the a a oh Lain gé. ie ge 

* Ching: noe lin jt Tix cod YE He, cheiing ling 

dy séw Whe wh ta, the anger of the multitude is 
hard to be borne. See the fe 4a Ché twin, 



Pye of the horary characters, Alsoy'' 

tne ot’ 

| reat full. 

vais 3 


Jt womb. ty regen 

#£ > A measure of ah feet a fathom, Hoo 
Jim “cho6 che chéing soe jim K + Zz 

ie Ry AA, lin hoo chod ay chhEs"S 


To be pregnant,’ to conceive in the’, 


(evkwiy na jim, our master’s wall;is several. fathoms _ 

| J) high: (and therefore: he ‘is)-not :to» be! overlooked 
by little people). See! the em Fae Lim gé- 

''A°burden, a'weighty that which is sustain- 

wp ee noe 

eds; an‘ office. A sirname E’théen 

ate | hay why Ké jim YRER a 

” ‘KE, Téih Phee™S ay chd kate ay jim,she: took the 
whole Weight of ‘the Empire) upon hit as his 
burthen. ; 
Téiing jim if {E ting jim, a heayyburthen. 
Kwuy jim Si ff. » toot" laéjim, he tptupard to 
his office. wr 

Jim / Om ah 
in the womb. Also wr . 
a sharp-pointed weapon. Peng jim ké 
S drossed each other (in battle "See the’ ye £ 

Jin Ip 1B 
a chéep Fe Rt. PE > Potig to\adil 
Letra ne » WA) A Pes WO 

That which is conchived Samm foetus - 

A sharp weapon. per jim GR RE 
séo ‘kaon chéép, When the 's and weapons 
‘t ' “Fall, réplete.’ Oe fim osinips Hy 
FE FAR, an “cnio™s mica hE tit 126, 


‘how. fullis it afi) dbiping fibtibs 1 See 

the 5. HE Tae ghay. : | hax 
= To horraw.; to hire, to employ a aby ‘one 

for moiley= Sin why jin yang jim 

ia) FEY FAR AG 04 hee tan 

o yling chehe"A!. 1 ani'u persomhired'by others, jSaid 

ene |) 

by 9G THe Moto-ctrhe. msde) | 

Aivything hindeding: the. eels: of a 

ou nA oS 

chariots a stop ‘oh’ the wheels, which 

when taken away allows’ the dharict 
to proceed. “a ; 
A thread; ‘anything that may" be put 

Fa through a-néedle,’in order 'to’sew with. 

EB séAng teng leet jini chom ch’héng 

| p06 twat FQ SE BLL SID lt BE BE 

yin chéO"S teng leh, Chtyhosw" chem eh ha lat 



o pod twat, the apparel “being: ragged: and: torn, pray 
‘J detius) takeoa meedle dnd; thread, }and mend it, 
Seo: the. fH EB Léyekes: .(oiqooy oliiil wt 
i To; speak ‘slowly,.and, cautjous| 
Jim''T3 fh ed. sali 
5 RAG ata via stm fz Hh 
1 fins dy lang; edy king, wi yéd fim, a yirkuous 

| speaks with caution,,and -resenye.; See, the Fm ae 
Lin gé. nodiund 

Th if mip yanat 
= Et I) Toiisee), tdi olook - “BR | wij, wus 
bs . Fin mi as 13h 
VW “to reflect. 

. oa, Ufip2 soll MOP it 
| oe Vulg. ling +a, man, 2: “Eam | rT 
Ny, ‘Tang: apale: person. jin 

nos cha, bof. ldipg,, a. female, person. 


Onl « 


Jia at. ban but, che, raha BAZ 
He lang sé ban meé"h dy léng, man is the soul 
of all things, (or the most intelligent of creatures, ) 



Jin che séy é 3.8 k’him séw, chéa, ts 
PVRS RE Th ule ® 
é kth yéa"s é Whim sew dy, 8&_bé, sed chéy, that 
by which man is distinguished from’ the ‘brates is 
‘OF, hig See 7 2: Béng-chody _~ isttikee 
— ni 
Sera virtue 5 affections, to love ; 
Jin » the seedvof fruits. | Jin: cha sim, che 
tek, aé che lé yéa (279 Un Z 
7 Bey a FB AY, jm, 98 sim Hew"a dy tek heng, 
aé lang dy 10,,lé, benevolence is the ney of ths 
mind, and the principle of love, Said bye hi a 
Hngitn A fs, almonds, (PHA te > 
the kernel of the -peach., Hem 
= 2 ee ED Tie 
Jin | =) 

‘ledge, to confess, “Pat jin AN mi; 
al” gins to\' deny. 



© IdLim:so6, put jimechin, khé chin :téung, hoé 
tH \ 808 naa” gin chin} Kham, 8@\ chin tdung-dy 10 hoé, 
->) when. anything happens, ‘not. to ascertain the truth, 
\o\ chow is: this thei way, to’ fulfil, ihe: duty of fidelity ? 
‘Gin \tekeogné imsh fie Te ARB ss i jin tit gwd a, 
hoy déy, do,.you jrecognize me?,,..;... / 
suey Sin as Fr ae to Bare Ba fais. 
5 aad 2UL9 a’) f hise jury obie fel ardt- ne 4lpoo 

1") dren if oT “ym 

nit ¥ 

Jip... To. run, to foltow after. , 

vil! yniz tod stout 2 
Recs am dq i 'té. go'ins to ‘redeive:”’ ‘Sey jip 
Jip oo BE TR “ineome,’ tip! chek ' Hadu, 

ch’hut chek téy RK. Ai) 2 

‘ i ibi div, Chel: Lev} ; (08, hadu,y ch’hat 

; gabe 
chd sé6 té, on entering be. filial, oft 

out fraternal. See the we =m Sé mt: 4 

Jip. Be, reeaivds ‘to. aka in. t vs N 

Rr AU 3 
dit pad 

Phe sun 5 a aay. att hoe Fy : 

rs } as) 
tg Jit kane 
by dag. dit jit BA H. every day.. 

tf ehey jeu put ch’but sam jit, _ch’hut sam jit put 

sit che é a A = pax H. 
. “eZ ee chey dy oa am IS "4 =A 

8"a jit chéw um ‘chet ey the sacrificial meat was 

not to be Kept, over, “three days and when it was 
-4 if 



jit Chau, the sun. 
jit tadu, noon day. 

kept over that ‘time, (Confugius would othe eat 
of it. See. the ° Si Lan ge. 

» ¢c 
Jit : Every day clothes, commonydress ; 
1 : = ie Wid 

#8 inner dress of females. a ae 4 

iH ya rae ct 
* A bh horse. Yew jit» |. 
Jit: de aod api ’ 
= “eourier's hogse, ry , 4 ; 


~ : dy 
. Fruits and flowers displaying thei blos- ' 

) iV 
soms 5 a “note i in music.) 


“The peaan of a. bonnet hanging down. 
Kwan Joey. 7 7 We the tassel of a 
‘ cap. al e714 | , 

To. rub anything +n the panne * 

Jay rumple anything up. . 
ee arate 

Pea Be distant 5- by sear ajanltent i J 

Se Jéay te IG wise as 

The. name of a Fiver, Se ay we fo, | | 
al the: north, ; 4h ‘ x 
edn Rointed? piece 0! 

apart are both, useless ;: thus. used: figuratively for’ |. 
a useless. person.. . Gn: =A 

Ay small kind: of insect,’ 
sity putrid and: sour- things. ey apes * 
+ 58: Joy chide yom Fi RR’ BN 
Re, “eWhod-swui™S jb jody oh: chips ® i 
vinegar is. sour> the little. flies collect. about it. 


* Phe appearance of. growing grass.. A 


A. crooked’ piece of, wood, used’ as- the 
handle of a plough. Hod: jiey sod 

' j@ choo Sdng che ‘Tes Be tp 
WAAR ZB. ged; ely joey 800, je chod 

» Sing kok che” kdou- Téng, bearing his ploggh and 
plonghshare, he went from the Sdag: eo to. 

the Téng country. See - -¥- Beng-ehow 

Sharp-pointed 3a sharp-pointed: weapon. 
| Teey Whe PP SA, courage. Vit jin 

N béén chip joey _ XK es, Ht BE. 

chit lang te béén gim joey, a. man wearing 


handle of sat aati iB 
eB ; a handle rete =~ hen 

iS ies 

[| and holding & sharp indeume Bec ) 
Me SEB0¥, 80.5) 4) we hy 

= ene 

tlio ove 4 
am and, still,.,, ¥ nore tu 


gen’? « 


|e “i 

bo leng : milk 5 also,. towsit en eggs 
asa “bird ‘tead i which see, «° 

e | 

Wales jet a character;.a letter, Bin joo 

K FP bdn ie, letters, iitefary” wri- 

“ F tings. | Bub 'jod Hin: gp to ‘scothe ; 

n -als9,- to a es in marrjage. 

ls 2 " GW’hong-k’héet sé lip bain “joo: che i 3: 

HB TX ra of = pr a FF, hang i? WERE TENG L hab 
* bin: jé ene yéo"Ss. Clrhotig-K’héet was the first 

: » who, , fixed ; \the; farms; % naar cB. Gy 
, _ 2622, ) x 
_, Hoo, put. irs sat Whwat ‘choad Se ie oo 
Lo SA Fe. pty eu sdet,e dy, k2"s,a, father: not, able 

\ te, soothe his-child:. See. the, Sta"F se. 

“<, Sip, [66a put joo, Pe 2 AR EE) cay hady yee 

biéy yin ldng, kay, she is ten years.of age, and. 

See the JJ, 208 


not yet. promised, in marriage. 
Yéith keng.. 

Joo A cow ;:the female of. the. ox 

Jin tek FPS >to. moisten, to enrich ; 

to el Choo jin eh iE- to 

mollify, to fatten, to cherish, to moisten. 

J Jéak hoo jin tek ehe, chek. chad kwun é choo é 

cl hin’ ché0"8” jan tek e,. chek 18 jte- Kioun kap lé; 
‘But as to the’ enriching nid improving of these 
points, it rests. entirely with the prince and with. 
yourself... See-y —f> Béng-chods. 

Jin UE Pek-jitn Gg if. thé name of a place. 


epee Vulgevan: Mntpndilery 2 ‘Jin gwat I 
Jiin = A. lan giéyh, an intercalary month. 

The Chinese have only about 360 days 

in the common year; consisting’ of twelve moons, | 

hence they need an intercalary month, to make 

up the piciency, 

and handsome. 

»joThe,same,as the \préceding, Wun jin | 

jm dik 5 Soft and “agreeable, gentle | | J 

and harmonious... 

_ ead jéak : how, Jéak kan GF. 
jwa apne how much, Jéak kéw 7 = 
> Jwa kos, “how lotg. 

Read jéét: hot, fervid. Han jéet peng Fe 
ak; it ii > kw" jwith pas, fever and 
ague. Sam’ ‘ch’hun” che elvhey, yim 

yang kaow chéy, han k’hé ké té, Wun put che jéet 
ene FEW) 28 DR. 9 St BE BR 

La yes “Bh, sa cWhun “ay Iehé Chiou, yim 

yang kdot''chey, hw" Phe kabu-té, Youn bd kaou 
jwih, in the begitaing of the three months of spring, 

when the male and female principles’ unite, then 
the cold air has just been excluded, and the 

gentle watmth is ‘not’ yet! exéessively hot. 

Weak, soft, pliable, tender; ; also, young’ 

. coves ‘are’ weak anid feeble. 

wan y 
J van © 

vole nooiNs : _Weak,. soft, *Ztiaple* 

_.Ch’hey choo jwan jéak # % be 7, 

bie ké"é noot"S ché"a, my wife, and 

Weak, Lar. rine original. ‘het of the’ 

preceding, An ke rae a 
mou i > an dy cl’ héa eet 

an easy carriage upon soft Wheels. ti, me, 901 

Weak. Jwan lé am 8 3 to send 16 pred : 
s sent to 4 daughter, (three~ days after 

her marriage. : van. ws yal 

“ = 4 | 
Weak, soft, eas young and 

. | 

AVE 0 sf 

W f 


‘Valg. ho"as to rub! anything ifctveen 
a ‘the hands te wash by the hand.) tc) 
; op olhastii« , Ext 7 

Soft silver. OETA “SENOND 's 
foceni mix Wee 
aan i auoe bug histug “p q eh TL 
Kéang jwiy wee the root of ginger, 
. ‘when\vold ‘and. dry,—as distinguished 


pal fromthe ¢h'Hos kéang py FB. chee’ 
keons, which is the Ph bee" i 



Read kaous st Gnéw) kaou He je: 
g06 ka, glue made, of cow's hide. Gé 

kaou fi, iB. -hé:ka, fish glue. Sé kaou 
ehiew ka, vegetable, g gum. 

2 Read kaow: ‘to’ come, incontact, together 

Ka cP »~ Kaou chéén BE 
AS > ka chéén,-a pair of, scissors. 

to Be JI» ve to, shears. 

or across one another. 





é 0 
oe t be ° 
y & 

“Kaou twan Zee ka, £003"8, to cut oF with a 

, pair of scissors. | 

“Read” kit: kit poey FH cde, Bi ka ‘piey, 
é cotton, the cotton “of whieh cloth is 


: ‘made. | 

b Read! Whaedy!:the; back: Khaou chit 
ay te AS: ‘ka chédh,’ the backs ~Kthaow: | 

chit ‘kwat® “we so ie ka. chéth,kwut, 



' the back bone. K’haou chit hoe it “ia , ka 
chéith adu, behind: one’s back. — : 

» 4 
Read kang: — Kang jeabu yT ft, ka 
Ka yf “f 1 > 
} cWhé6, a small shell-fish. 

i, > ~» Read kaou: cunning, artful. 
” 1, St KK fa , ka chau, a flea. 

Read kam: —kam ting sé +t ae fe 

Kaéu cho 

: ka tang ch’héw, the name of a tree. 
Read kaou: the name of a grass.’ Kaou 
Ka'™ > *chéén ZB , ka chéng, a kind of mattrass, 

made of straw bound together, both 
soft, and warm to sleep’ on, 
Kaou pek ak fs] > ka payh, the bandage ‘which is 
tied round ‘the ‘Chinese’ women’s feet, in order to 
prevent their growing large. at 
Read kadu > —kada lek $& Pie, ta tiyh, 
a large sieve, or bamboo frame, for ex- 
_* “> posing corn or fruits to dry inthe sun. 

bl‘ Read Who: Wh 16 FE AD, ka ti, a 
Ka « vessel’ for’ holding, corn, in shape like 
q ; a pig's loins, with a» mouth to it, in 

.) order to shoot the corn. 

12 Read ‘kéa: — kéa ‘say ee 4 , a say, 

a surplice, a priest’s robe, along gown 
worn by ‘the ‘priests of Buddha. 

~ Ka e He AX, to cut out clothes: the 
same as kaou Ze ka. 

Read kaou: —as kaou léng nedou ah, 
fé B,, ka léng chedou, a magpie. Kaou 
chuy xe, fe; ka chuy, a dove. 

Kead kaou: —m& kaou & RE, bay ka, 

‘pa fish with a large head; a species of 

‘Squalus or dog-fish. 

Read kaou — Kaou-léw-pa we Wer pe. 

Be Ss 

Of Batavia; ‘island of Java, 



La | Ka-ta-pa, the Chinese name. forthe town 

K Read k’hap: —k’hap siy zi ffi ka chiéy, 
Im, to slumber, to dose, to go to sleep. 
= Read ka6u: to tie a string fast. round 
Ké anything, to’strangle. Kaéw so6 ond I., 
ké sé, to kill by strangling, 
Kd — Read kaéu- kéw kaou TK BB, kéw ka, 
rr. asevere pain in the stomach; a cholic. 
# Read kadéu: to instruet ;~ instruction, 
Ka teaching, Kadéu hwin r5'4 >I|\- ka hwin, 
te teach, 
Sin bain kaduchod, kadu é g@ hong Pa PH He 
F. He VI FE FZ, ered ea kee"® kd hadu sai" 
oy Bh ka é gé dy hong hwat, 1 have heard -that in 
| | teaching children, we should teach them by the rules 
‘of righteousness. See the Zr {if Cho twan. 
Read kadu: Téing-kadu ~ 2E 
Ka Té"8-ka, the name of a place, in the 
ry _ Province of jij Jt Hok-kéen, in the 
county of ji I] Chéang-chew, and in the 
district of if] iy Lam-chéng. Also written 
Téang-kadu te oi TEE -ka, 
Read gnadu: to bite, to fasten on 
Ke »» anything with the teeth, Gnadu jin 
Hig KN: ka ling, to bite. péople. 
ae Read kam; to. confine, to shut up in 
Ka prison. Kam 16 BEE yaa, hoo, 

a prison. Kam séw BE F P ka séw, 
to imprison. fq. 284 GA 
Chew-kong sod Kwan-séuk kam Yin Al is (fi 

ie a5 fe Be, Chew-kong saé, Kwan-séuk Il"a Yin, 

Chew-kong ordered Kwan-séuk to-imprison Yin, 

9 ih - Béng chos. 

Read iin? Kant an ha HS a né, 

“an olive, le 









Read kam: to dare, to»presume, to 

venture, Kam chd kam way i E 
ik B ay, k"d chd ka wily, to dare to 

do anything: 9)) o! 
Kam bin: hoo chod ‘che put toéng:sim ik fu Kk 

3 Ls A wy) Ky, KG moor! hoo chob dy a™ 

téng sim, 1 would presume to enquire respecting 

nit -F- Béng-chod. 

e - 

your: stability. of mind. . See 

Read hadu: leaven. Hadu boé 
k"% boé, leayen. 
to run before and stop a 

Read kam: 

person ‘who is attempting to’ escape. 

Vulg! chd.poé : ‘all, every one, every } and 

A ling ching, the whole. Jin kae wat é te 
i. $5 A aie an; ling cho pob king 

gwd chae, every body says, Os ai A Ntpyr; See 

the Téung y dug. 

‘Kae séy é béng jin tain yea we 6 y " K 
ij WH, ling ching séy é béng t2 héd dy-jin tan, all 
is with a’ view of illustrating the relations of life. 

At kae sod. cho6, teaou sek chéing so6 
ie te ds +- a B “ts sg, cho pod sé Chak 

ch’hiiyh lang, ché khé mai"& hwui"S ching sod, 
they are altogether scholars and philosophers, who 

The whole; together with, in company ; 

violence, force, united strength. Kae 

morning and evening attend to the businéss. See 

the yp AE Sea6u gnay.° 

Ké kae it MY; , singular, uncommon, 

LR. unusual, 

Harmony of sounds, they harmonious 
pk singing of ibirds.. .Hong. é ch’hey 
8 ch’hey, key béng kae kae Jal Ww yes 
i. 38, =e nie ye hong kap hoé clvhey cl’hey, 

key Uhé kae kae, the wind and rain getting up 
uncomfortably, while the cocks crow harmoniously. 

See the # Ag Se keng, 





Gim kae es te , gim kay, steps, by 
which’ to ascend, stone steps. Gedou sé 

madu choo thoé kae, put stang bin 

chee Fe WE ae OR EH AR ROR: 

Geabu dy sé hi” &é clwhod, Choé dy gim kay, i” te 

__léung bin cW’haé, in the time, of Gedou they had 




thatched cottages, and earthen steps, without study- 

ing ornament or elegance. 

The flowing of water, to flow. Hwaé 
stty kae kae pi IK 1 ice Awaéiiy. 
chiy kae kae, the waters of the Hwaé 

flow gently, by, 

To. prepare, to 6 ab ready. ; fully prepared; 
mniteds got together. , Ban but kéem 

EY) cia wz pat mee" h cho 


pob “chin pe, évery, thing) fully prepared. 

‘This character is commonly ‘used in conversation, 

to designate that which .is)suitable or proper; as 

iy eng kae® fe. Bes ought, should, ;it should’ be so; 

Kae » 


_ to amend it. See the ob 


kae jéén tA aR » that which is proper and right.’ 

Av step, ‘a stair, a ladder, that by which 
~ we ascend. . Hoo ‘choé ché put k’hé 
kip yéa, yéw Uhéen che «put k’*ho kae. 

ED seta 18% 
ZAP (itt FE tb: hoo chob dy bey kip 

kau, ch'hin chéo"S Uhee"S dy béy ching Phuy jé 
chéo”®, our master's exalted qualities are unattain: 
nable, just ,as, heayen. cannot be ascended by a 
common ladder, Said of aire & in the Bay ier ap 
Lin gé. 

Vulg. kay: to silane: to alter, to reform. 
U Kaé péen BY ph , kay pee"’, to alter. 
Ko, chek but tan kaé 34) El Ay Q ie 

Be, 00 kiey sit chek a” Phang wiy kan lin kay, 

having : a fault, do not dread difficulties in seeking 

af}: Séang lin, 

Vulg. @hadu and Phoot"S = to loosen, to 
disperse, to-scatter;, tolrelease ; to ex- 
plain, tovunfold; to divides” Kaé k’hae 

fit | » Uhabu k’hwuy,.to loosen. _Kaé san fi 


TX, hae’ sw"; to’ disperse.” Kaé «swat fine at 
hay sbéyh, to explain. Kaé ¢ e fee Aes | whoot"S s"a, 
to take off one’s clothes.) . 

_Kvhéing théen hay kaé yéa 2 rk LR 4 2 aH 
‘keane Vhee™S ay dy lang kaé swa, it is to be 
feared that the people of the empire’will disperse. 
Pa6u-teng kaé gnéw ai Ty fit 1p. 5 Paéu-teng 
gaéu Vhaé khwuy got, Padu-teng was very clever 
in dividing and cutting up r OX 


r Chéen koe (8 YE bold”and strong, 

_ Great, immense ;to-help; armour; small, 
<a AY uinsignificants a) numeral. Chéet kaé 
rl ip. BPs , to, hold to, ome’s,.sentiments. 

_ jand ,opimionss,) fp)! 




Kaé jé hok 4) ik <n i nen Re how 

great is your happiness. 

“Swiy cho! etvhim chew)" Kae Berséw B an 

ae. WIT BE 2 way hey ey chbun chee, 

1 chan lé dy baé sew, the reason of presenting this 

spring cup of wine, isto’ assist | your mutaal lon- | 

__gevity, See the Z¥ Hi Se keng. _ 
Kaé téw chek yéw put k’ho hwaa che sek 4Y 

Vi Hl) A AR AY A YB, cheng wah to 

chet woo sty béy hwan (évh dy bin sek, a man wearing 

armour and a helmet, presents an appearance 
not to be trifled with, See the BK’heuk léy. 

Yit kaé put é @ jin — FP AVL A, 

chit dy s&6 Whwé dy meé"h e a™ hot lang, he would 
not give a person a single thing ( more than what 
was proper: ) speaking of i Pe yin. 

To beg to request; to take; to give, 

Kaé Whit ebéa 15 4, Ayo Whit chéith 

dy lang, a beggar, 

Good, virtuous, great, large. Kaé jin 

yp hoé ling 

chd lé pa, good peoplownre, our fence. 

See the *K HE Tae gnay. 




A large’ gem) -"'Seko jéKad'kwuy, ¢ 

chok jé pé BB ii BY Fe y), ffi 

3806 hoé 1é hea iwuy géuk, ¢ 

\, chdlé. dy pd piéy, 1 present you with a large gem 

in order to,constitute your treasure, See the K 

AE -Tae gnay, 


(A border, a Timit,’ a’ boundary. Kaou 
|, a border of a country. 

i 5 the? world.” 

Sé kad ft: 

Hek bin pat € hong kéang che kad Jpop R x 


VY) +} ilar zx RR an piiyh sai" bey Pho sa 

meé™h> hong. héang dy Kavu’ kae;’ in Settling the 

peoplé we cannot do it aecording te any autho- 

rized limits’ or ‘borders. 

Kéem kaé I it, to walk preven. 

Kaé lat i's SR head hotth,rnustacd. 
Kaé ch’haé os ae, Kwa cl’hae, the 
mustard plant. Ch’ho kaé 3 3 > 

_cWhabu kad, a stick or a straw, @ trifle, 


Séem kaé hk ia anything small and insignificant. 
Kaé taé 3 ity > a trifling cause,.a thing of no 
Small scabs or sores. Seng’ tad aE HF, 
sai”S kay, to break out in small sores, 
to have the. iteb, 

Lam kaé i Wes > ldm kwa, irregular, 

out of, order. 

A vessel for holding eatables, only, alone. _ 

A false master. 

To warn, to be aware of, to caution, 

to guard against; to restrict one’s self, 

to restrain from. Chaé Kae ie 5 
cWhéih cWwhae, to fast, and restrict one’s self. 
/ “ 


Suy yéw ok jin, chae kaé bok yéuk, chek k’hé 

€ soo séaing téy He AD B/N FR IK BS ey, 
all By yy i, Aig Ri. suy wod K’héep se f 

lang} na@ chéiih ‘cWhaé’ Weng kaechek Chang’ laé clvhaé— 

““séang t2y, although’ a ‘man be ever so ugly, yet 

having fasted and bathed ‘himself, he ean even do 

service ‘to the highest emperor, (i. e. the supreme 
being.) .See ay =F- Béng-choo. 

Kaé put gé AK rs ik Beng, hae 1 

cWhek dy 

“600, beware of unforeseen events. See the Jy fae 


Ek keng. 

Kwun , choo, yéw. sam kaé # i a= WK 

kwun choé, wed -s"a \haug sod, ,kéng, kae, the good 
man has three things which,, he; guards against, 
(i. e. beauty, quarrelling, and avarice. ) 
— an injunction, a commandment. Hwat 
2 kaé pod léng, jé tek whey, sé choo 

wor vet BE BAT ATT ASE AE SE te 

Shwat kb. kab) poe) béng vléng, jé try tek dy ling 

‘To announce, to command, to enjoin; 

They, sé chod kong dy wuy hong, to’ issue orders, 
and give’ directions, whereupon the'enéiny instant- 

° Ty retires, shews the dignity of the ‘chief. 

7 SF 

To send under arrest; 
Kaé séa 
fig a > the residence of an officer. 
T’héen hay che soo, péng ch’hé san lim, ti 

the presence of ‘a ‘superior. 

kam soo séw sin, kaé song. séang ban Fe 

Sg wilh, oe ae 

ae a‘ Fel 5 thee"S ay Chak clWhityh lang péng 

Whea té sw"a lim, béng léng k"a soo Kap séw ay 

jin sin, kay sang kabu sé twa ldnig Phe" a, the clévée 
scholars of the empire are gone aside to dwell 
in hills and forests, and this is to. order the res- 
tricting officers and great keepers to send them 
under arrest, into the Faun of the sovereign ; 
“can order issued in the aN Song dynasty.) 

_Vulg. Khim, and Khéng: to cover, to 
cover over; —vulg. Fhwa:a cover. A 

surname. A conjunctive particle,— 


toonduct to 



for, because; an expletive; also. written = kaé. 

Ké ko bod kad Hh. ay UE Be, c dy kwiin, 06 1’ hwa, 
it is so high, that. it is without a covering. 

. ‘Kaé biin Fi aa , for we have heard ;— &c.” 
an expression. generally used at) the beginning of 
literary composition, | 


The same as the preceding. Also written 

Pe cae. | . 

To arrive at, to come unto s also written 

Ke kaé; “Wily tek tong fhéen, bod 
hwut kaé | 

win hwat kee ff 4 ob) XK, ME 

ie big ite wily: tek héng kém tong Chee"S, b6 
chit dy. lang té hwit"8 dy wity a” shes when our 

virtue is so great as to move the heavens, there 

is not a distant individual but what will be in- 



duced té come’ to us. 

To ey \Bhit kaé bod séy tek 4, Ay 

FITS) fm. iff A» Whit dy ling bb séy tit 
\) dévh,. beggars. get little «er, nothing. 

Also written 4a] -kaé, 



7 Torn clothes, ‘ragged apparel; also, to 
wash dirty clothes, Chrhé chéem té kaé 

dp Sik 1A iit, kéah chéem cWhong 

phwa s"a, to take a needle and mend old clothes. 


Kae A ‘strong ox: a stout ‘strong animal, 
¥ » JIM] ; 
Kaé 7 To warn, to caution. 
« Kaé séa = aS , the residence of an 
officer of Goverament. 

Doe kaé } Be , ladu Ie, 2 piece of 
wood for striking off the top of a 

measure, in measuring corn; a strike; 

ai wd \ 

to strike. 



A corruption of Kan; in the hay bia 

Kae"g B fi. hay mooi"S, dialect. Yit 
5 kan ok — ial exe Chit kae™Soh’ hos 
a house, ; 

The face mrinklél or : feebwed with 
7 ae , 


Armour, a coat of mail. K’hdey k&h 

ys SH, a panoply of armour. Kwan 

kath séang ma Fy op bw th , CRhéng 

” itt chéo" béy, he put on his armour, and mounted 

his horse. 
Read kéep: the place between the ribs. 

Kéen kéep ia fn keng kith, between 
the shoulders. Téiing maéu kwan kéep 

rp Ft Ba jy téang ch’héo"S Chadu kith, he was 

hit by aspear, which piereed him through between 


the shoulders, 
Kah A waistcoat, a jacket without sleeves. 
Read kadu: to tell, to order to do 
Kih anything... Kadu,ké chd By I ii, 
/ Hath e chd, he ordered ‘him to-do it. 
Read kap: one of the horary charac- 
Kah ters. Kap chod FA =f , Hah che, the 

primary characters. of the cycle of 
sixty years, 
K’ho kap fi} FFI , iho kath, the order of the li- 
terary examinations. 
Read keng: a watch of the night. 
Séw keng as Hi, chéw kai"®, to 
keep watch. Sam keng — BB, 
sa kaif, the third watch. Keng lelou if PS 

kai"® ledou, a watch house. 
Sam keng chok hwan, gnoé keng k’hé héng 

= eR, He FT; 9" kai"S ché 

pot", gob Kai"S Whe kée"4, at the third watch 
they were to cook their rice, and at the fifth 
watch to commence their march, 





Read keng: one of the horary cha- 

’ Read keng: to plough Keng téén 
Kai?’ $f 33 , kai"® ch'hdn, to plough 
the fields. 

Gno kéet lek keng téén; kéadng wiy choo chit 

se 6 2 3B 7 BEA, EF 


gwé kéet chin Whwiy lat kai"® ch’ han, 

- kéing chd hadu sai" dy chit hwin té"a té"a, 
I exhaust my strength in ploughing the fields, 
and fulfilling the duties of ason, without mind- 

ing anything else, See ih Ff Béng-cho6, 
Read keng: broth, soup. Ch’haé keng 

ae 2. ch’haé kai"S, vegetable soup. 
Théaou keng HE , Phéaon kai"®, 

@ soup Spoon, 

See sod ch’haé keng wit bs > cWhoe 

poot"S eWwhaé kai"S, coarse food and vegetable 
broth. See the in aa Lin gé. 

Read keng: a thread. M6 keng hh 
£3, bs kai"®, the red tassel or fringe 
on the top of a cap. 

Héén keng th. FAG a kind of cloth composed 
ef a'mixture of silk and flax, the warp being 



wove with silken and the woof with flaxen threads, 
Chit keng 4 2M, chit kai", to weave silk. 



Len kai"S HHH Hp, Ween kai"®, a dail 

for threshing out cofn, 

Read kéng: to be choked by a bone 
sticking in the threat. 

Read kéng: @ way, a path, a hill- 

path. San kéng che héy kan, kae 


Kai" 48 jéén ying che, jé séng loé Wy FE 

kai"S dy sey loé d kan, nd twa jétn yang e, jé 
chéw ché"4 loé, the small bye-paths, among the 


mountain ways, if greatly used, will be convert- 
ed into roads, See no Béng-chod. 

Read kéng: the space between the 

Kaing _beams of a house. Kéng éig RE Kz, 

kat"S ai"S, the joices and rafters; ” 
K The horn of a beast, a horn, a corner 
Kak of anything, an angle, Sod kak pu} 

fq, sé kale, four-square. 

Téiing hay lok kak kaé, téiing tong bé kak kaé 
fit 5 BEF Rb SE $i), an 
hay lok dy kak Vhooi"S, téang lang bé dy kak ¢hoot"s, 
in the middle of summer the bucks shed their 
horns, and in the middle of winter the does shed 
their’s. . 
The rafters’ of a house, ~ Eng kak tid | 5 
Kak Hj , ai"S kak, beams and rafters. 
To understand, to perceive, to know, to 

be aware of, to feel, to apprehend. 

sR Kak goé by ie , to comprehend. 

T’heen che seng soo bin yéa, soé sen kak kak hoé kak 

FZ AE Mh FG A. i 7G EE RA 

thee"S dy sai"S chéy léy pityh’ sai"&, saé taé seng 


kak teak goé tiy ada kak dy lang, when heaven 
produced this people, it was ordered that those 
who were earlier awakened should awaken those who 

were later in coming to a sense of things. See 

ma F Béng-chod, 

Kak A double gem, two gems united in one. 
E’ kak RF 4h, to beset anything, be- 
Kak fore and behind, in hunting, P*hé jé 

poé lok, Chin jin kak che, choo jéfing 
ce En HE. EAH 2, BR Be a 
Zz. » cheit sé ch*hin pa léith lok, lin Chin dy lang 
kak e, yéd lin jéding ty ling é e, just like when 
we were catching the deer, you people of Chin 
beset them before, and we foreigners beset them 


ton 7 

behind’; (intimating that the men of Chin had 
‘once been assisted, by the foreigners, and why 
Should they now attack them.) See the zA {ij 

Ché twan, 
Kak A piece - timber laid across water, 
for a bridge, 
Straw shoes. Bok kak Ay, pak kéak, 
Kak’ wooden shoes, clags. Lé sae sek kak 

ae tit Re Fé eWhoe Phooi"® kéak 

to leave coarse food and get rid of clogs; (i. 
e. to better one’s circumstances and get into 

Kak “i Key kak EA: fig > @ cock, 

Ma Read kéet: to tear asunder, to rip open, 
Kak . to tear people asunder by horses. Choo 

so héng kae kéet @ ch’he an yA Ih 
a ri i ih. choo sé ay héng hwat cho pos kale 

leth 1é hay cWhé, all the capital convicts were torn 

asunder in the market place. 


Vulg. tee": sweet, of a sweet taste, 
pleasing. A surname. Kam gwan ry 
KA » to. be well pleased, to be content 

with. Kam sim > a, to be willing, -Kam ch’ho. 

H I ; liquorice. Kam chéa a) jE, sugar- 

An orange. Swan kam KR At > swui"& 

kam, a lemon. 

Kam 1 Rice water. 

Kam chek péng tif Kk iA , kam chek 


Kam J pat”S, a disease in children originating 
in eating too many sweet things. 

To receive, to review, to examine. Vulg. 

Kam —= ka; to imprison, to guard, T’héen 

choé sod ké taé hoo way sam kam, 


kam é hong pek;che kok K 

edt de Fe 
BEE BAD AL Bis ey oe, 

e dy taé hoo chd 's"a dy kam, ka té hong pek dy kok, 
‘the Emperor ordered his great, constitute 
three inspectors, in order to inspect the states of 
the different princes. See the +- till Ong ché. 

To hold firmly and retain obstinately ; 

aah some say, to shut the mouth. 
s To move, to eo to work upon. 
Kam Jp Kam yin BX RN yA , to be moved by and 


bi JRE to be influenced by and to respond to. 
ay > det 

Kim kek ia ix , to move, to arouse, Kam tong 

RN HH, to move and work upon. Kam hwa jx 

AV, to convert. 
A sh 

T’héen téy kam, jé ban but hwa seng 
jx it By uy) Kh HE 5 Phee"S téy kedm tang, jé 
ban meé"h hwd sai"S, heaven and earth is moved, 
and then the myriads of things are metamorphosed 
and Produged. 
“Valg. kd: to dare, to presume. K6 
kam ik. daring, bold. —K’hé kam 
Ee » how dare I? how can I pre- 
sume? a complimentary expression, 
Kam put chin béng it Ar i én > k"4 a™ chin 

lé dy béng léng, how dare I refuse to obey your 

to be grateful for favours. Kam éng 


Say kam put jéaing Big nig Ar ae » ché-cliay k”"a 

a™ néo"&, who dares refuse to yield? See the 

3, Ais Ek keng. 

Kam lim fy HH . 4% nd, an olive, 

Kin HO two sides of a ship or vessel. 

The cover of a pot or vessel ; also,. turned 
upside down. 



marae A’ tool’ with’ pointed ends a vessel 
Kam age ee 
A of a conical shape. . 

r A covering made of bamboo. Téuk 
Kam c 
kam Ki $e a bamboo lid. 
# To inspeet, to observe, to behold. 
Kam — Thaé kam Je a a eunuch officer. 
m7 x Chew kam é jé taé fa] BE JS = 

KK, Chew tehou kam é nd. teabu téy,, the Chew dynasty 

could observe the two. former dynasties. See the 

| i Séang lin. 

PAR The name of a-river; and the name of 

Kam » iA a district. 

A large basin; also, a mirror, a looking- 
glass;. to reflect. Béng sim p6 kam 

nH mn ¥f BH , the precious mirror 

for enlightening the mind ;—(the title of a cele- 


brated moral work.) 

Kong kam @ te 424 fe yr ay » an historical 

mirror, easily known, (the title of one of the 

histories of China. ) 

Read him: the name of a. plant; a 

flower about to bud. 

Read ham: to-hold inthe mouth, But’ 

sod ham biey 177 -E- $5 IX > dwh hos 
héd dy peng kam té, don’t make the 
troops hold the wooden gag, in their mouths, 

Kam Be Koe kam fit ie the name of a. fish. 

=e. é 
a oe To seek for, to aim at; to offend. A 
Kan surname. Jéak kan G = jwa chéy, 

how much? 

Cho6-téang hak kan lok F ihe 2: ae Wk 

Choé-téang Chak eWhityh kan kéw hong lok, Chod- 
teang in his studies aimed atemolument, See the 

_E. ig Séang lon. 






Ké kam kan tad léy, é chod eb’hé Tey He Ft 
ley, & ka  cWhé léy, he dares to offend against 
the great rules of propriety, and thus bring him- 
self into trouble. See. the Vice Ché twain.” 

Put séang kan mn 3] a ve it isno matter, Kan 

ko 5 blunt :and sharp weapons. 

E’ jé hé kan DA FR ii a what is it to you? 

| karat arid. “Téung kok yéw ch’huy, 
ve han . kan e Uh 4} Ay He Ae EL 

> Phai"S tang €"F woo sch’ huy 
cWhaou, kabu we e chéw ta, in the middle of 
the valley grows the Ch’huy vegetatile, but when 
it is exposed to the sun, it becomes dry. See the 

aa, +—- fal Se, dng hong. 

Per Valg. kwa: a pole. Téuk kan a, 
tek kw"a, a bambeo pole. Tek tek 

téuk kan, € tédou @-ké K 
A VW) YF HL. ee a ey ant 

1é> hé twa té ké chity, he took a long bamboo 

ek" 4 kan hwan twa 

pole, to go and angle in the river Ké. See the 

4hi jal, Wey hong. 

Long kan ih FF; the name ofa gem. 

To offend against modesty andpropriety. 
Kan yim mi i: lascivious, wanton. 
Kan ‘sin i Fe, an abandoned minis- 

Te 4 Ch6é-ch’hd, it was said 
that he would tent sé che léng sin, Iwan sé 

ye ik Z Av Ra BL ak 2 

, se dy ps dy jin sin, Iwan sty kan héting, 
in nesta times an able minister, and in troublous 

times a fraudulent scoundrel. : 
Lan kan hie a a railing, a gallery. 
+ Ké kan hit IF 2ké kw"a, a flag-staff. 
# 4E. FB. M 3 ea AF , gieyh é hwa yé" a chéo"S 

Gwat @ hwa éng séang lan kan A 
lin kan, the moon, threw the shadow of the flow- 

ter. Of the usurper 

che kan héang ¥ 

ers up into the gallery. 









Between, amongst, whilst. Téung kan 

rp fal. the middle, the midst. Sé 
= kan Ly [pl > in the world. 

Kwun choé bod chéung sit.che kan way jin 7 

F it EZWEHEE: kwun ciod bb 

chéth chit tooi"S poor" dy kan wily hityh jin, the 

good man does not oppose virtue for the small 

space of time requisite for a single meal. See the 

_E fy Séang lan. 
Sek kan Ai iF , thédh lin ban, a stone 

Valg. kw"a: the liver, Sim kan ny if. 

che sé ké, jé kéén ké hé kan jéén 

ALi CHO FH Hh TF AE tne ae 

Bhw"d lin, ch’hin chéo" Whw"d e dy he kw"a chit 

sim Iw"a, the heart, the mind. 

yéo"S, men will be able to observe ene as inti- 

mately as though they scrutinized into the liver 
and lungs, See the J 4 Tad hak, 

A species of the Bal 76 lan hwa, epi- 
dendrum, ‘Soo € lé hong péng kan 

ney -+ SLUT FE 
po kap cha boé tob tod & gtm kan hwa, a lady and 
gentleman just holding the kan flower. See the 

cK jal ‘Téng hong. 
Kan dn By Bt trouble, difficulty. 
Kan k’hoé at = 2 , distressing, sad. 
K’haé ké Phan é, gé jin che kan Jan é 
1 FL WER. BA HR ER hee 
e dy Vhé K’hwiy tod téth ling dy kan lin, discon- 
certed he sighed, upen meeting “with people in 
trouble. See the ay. co 34 Se,—6ng hong. 
Wanton, lascivious, clandestine, false. 

Kan yim £ ‘iE; fornication. _ Kan 

hoo % Fr; an adulterer, 

Kan jin hoo !é, jin pit kan ké hoo 16. 

lig K Wy LG TZ, ban tang ay, v0e 

ké"a, lang pit kan e dy boé ké"é, he who defiles 


people’s wives and daughters, will have his wife 
and daughters defiled by people. 

To distinguish, to select, to choose. 
Kan tek He #2, kéng téh; to choose ; 

Importarits contracted. Kan yadu fifi 
Kan & Be the ;most important part of a 
Fy subject... Kan léak fii my a sum- 
mary,. a contraciion, to contract, and abbreviate, 
to do things in a short abrupt ntanner, 
Kan swan ij ue > to select, to choose, 

Kan pan fj rang , slips of bamboo, on which the 
ancients used to write before the invention of 

paper; hence books and records are called fi 
kan ; sand it fj , ch’hok kan, inlimates an error 
in the record, 

Kho. yés kan BY 1h fA, he can be admired, 
for his short abrupt method, —but—ke kan, nie héng 

7 yey bod naé taé kan hot je fi. if 47 ‘ij, 
aT 4m: 74 a fii 7 6 to be constantly abrupt and 

to do everything in ashort abrupt manner, would 

not this bean excess of abruptness? See the Ai nt 
igi lin. A surname. 

The plaits or folds in a petticoat. 

= The stalk of corn, 

Vulg. wd: to chase, to pursue, to 

an drive away. Also written {2 kan. 

Khan hin kan séang Fy Ay EE _E, 

Whw"d Iehw"y kwyé chéo"S, he seemed just about 
to overtake him, See the = fa Sam kok. 

Chvhin kia 44 (Aaj, the ball of silk 
formed by the silk worm, the coceon. 




Kan ¥ a) A mountain torrent. 



Ka The inferior degree of light afforded 
when the sun is just rising, 
é Léng kan fic , ability, strength ; 
Kan T also, the stalk of corn, the stem of 
a flower, or the stump of a tree. 
a The boards and mallet, used in build- 
Y ing mud walls. 
Vulg. ia: to reprove, to speak blunt- 
Kan = ly and honestly; to ridicule. Hoe 
chéfing kan chek séng Jp At ak Hy 
Bg > jin kwun Phin ling t"a chéw. éy sé"a, when 
@ prince listens to reproof he will become as 
wise as a sage. See the oe at or Se wat béng. 
= = , y Ss Ap = 
Sod hod boé ke kan Hx Ty Ms aie , hol: 
saé pay bot th chéé td, in serving our parents 
we should / = 
e should seldom reprove them. See the ath fa 
Lin gé, 
‘ Kan kek i iy , to separate, to divide 
Kan 8 people one from the other. Sod hwan 

kan key (hi JX fH faf> sae awen 

kan key, to make use of egg for setting 
people at variance. See the — Py} Sam kok. 

Péng kan 5 fal , pas iP hith } hd, an alleviatior 
of sickness; an interval. 

Kan kéy ii) fod: > small kind of shell 
a] ee 
a a - A river, a large stream. Yang choo 
Kang YL 

kang AG -f: Es , one of the prin- 

cipal rivers of China. A. surname. 

A swall bridge, for foot passengers, 

Kang Socy sip mt se! toé kang séng EE 

“fe — J ine He 

chip yit gidyh sey dy ke chéw ché"4, in the ele- 

venth Sneath of the year, the foot bridges should 
be finished. See ra F- Béng choo. 


To take stones, and put them in a 

stream, in order to enable people to 

Kang hy ; 
cross it; stone steps across a stream. 

ee) F 
Fields compared together. 

Read kong: work. Kong hoo ‘7. —R, 
kang hoo, work, labour. »Ché kong 

“ik TL. chd kang, to work, to 


Kang i 

Pek kong ke soo, é séng ké soo ry T. i 
st VY) nk i H ue, piiyh kang I’héa 1é té2m é 

ché"4 e dy sod, the hundred kinds of labourers 

dwell in the nS in order to complete their 
labours. See the an Sey at Lin gé. 

the male of animals. 

aS Ft ; kang boé, male 

a kong: 
Kang <a> Kong boé 
and female. 
Gnéw kong 1 qs » g06 kang, a bull. 
Read kong: Goé kon 
Kang \ . oR uh, 
géd kang, a centipede. 
SE ws Hl HR 
+ Kang lin a am. to reason, Kang 
kéw ae aE, , research, to reason. 

Hak jé put kang sé goé yew yéa & in AN 
Fa 5 ars i. e uy» Chak jé bb king kéw sé gwa 

dy hwdn.1é, to learn without pene is a grief 

Vulg. kéng: to speak, to say. Kang 

kéng wi, to converse. 


to me. Said by Confucius, in the = a) 2h. Din gé. 
» 2. A river, a canal, an arm of the sea. 
De SK kang 3 WS, kiey kang, to go 

- » . 
over the water. Kang péen ve ie, 
kang iccé"S, the river's side. 


aie The male of the ox. Gnéw kang 

Kang jl IE Ji» g06 king, a bull. 

Kang bang fe té. blunt, simple, 
plain; incapable of flattery. 






A deep crimson colour. 


to come down into the world. E’ kang i i ‘ 
Kang yit kip [ 
_ Ah to degrade a step in rank. 

Han-jé kan géng hwut kwat, séing noe kang 

way TeAou-chew ch’hé so6 ffs a ak ii (ip 
Bye a Te BHAI Ts ae 

ia se twa gé"d cheth hwut Kwut, hoe sé twa séw 
Khe, kang chd Téb-chew ch’hé sod, Han-jé remon- 

To descend, to go down, to put down, 
to degrade. Kang hwan [i iF * 

to descend among common people, 

lbh hoé, to descend as rain. 

strated against the Emperor’s going to meet the 

‘, hone of Buddha, upon which the Emperor was 

enraged, and degraded him to be the governor 
of Téb-chew, (a very remote district in the 
province of iia Be Hok kéén.) — Also written 
aS kang. 

Water flowing out of its course. 

Kang sity héng lew Ye K a Hit. 

kang chiy hw"d léu,. the over- 


whelming waters flowing across the country. 

Read téng: Sek tong Al ; chéoh 
kang, a kind of frog or toad found 
in deep vallies between high hills. 

Read kéiing: together, alike, in com- 
mon. Séang kéing A dk; séo kang, 

associated tegether, and assisting 



one another. 
Kéing ying tk FA, kang ying, to. use in 



to associate with. 

To associate with, to blend, to mix. 
Kaou chap 4 ox ae HE . mixed together. 


Kaou p'hiey JE ft to accompany, 







E’ péng yéw kaou, gin jé yéw sin Bi} ii R 
2 = fil A fe > kap péng yéw haou phiey, 

kong wa tédh wod sin sit, when associating with 

friends, we should be sincere in our conversation. 

See the _f- #fy Séang lan. 

The suburbs of a city. Kaou giey 
r) Rit yp , kaou gwa, beyond the sub- 

Sin ban kaou kwan che lééy yéw yéw hong ch’hit 

sip 16 Fo Bal 8) TA 7 

= i B , gwd ChE" a kee”™S haow kwan dy laé woo 

chit dy yéw hwui"S Kk’hwih cl’hit chap 1é, 1 have 

heard that within the compass of the suburbs, 

there is a park 70 le in extent. See QA F- 
Beng choo. 

The chirping of birds. Kaou kaon 
ay = héng neadu we Be ry B- kaou 
kaou dy wut"S cheadu, the chirping 
yellow birds. 
Kaou-léw-pa we [BR WE, Xa-14-pa,, the Chinese 
name for Batavia. 

A large kind of fish, a crocodile. 
Kaou léang ee ie leviathans and 

~ Ma kaou is fi , bday ka, a species 

of squalus, or dog-fish. 
) ~~ sq D> 

Vulg, ka: glue, lime. Lan jin kaou 
pit bos se ty A JBS ads Je8 Te 
ché ch’héa lin ay ling ltévth ying ka 

Whiih kaou, wheelwrights should use their glue 

very thick. 
Vulg. ka: the name of a bird. 
» Kaou léng 3B , ka Weng, a mag- 
mi pie. Kaou chhy fé,, ka chuy, 
a dove. Kaou ch'heng 35 Wy ka cWhai"’, the 
name of a bird, like a duck, with long legs, 
and a crested head. 




kaou kaou, the fowl’s cackle with the 
sound of kaou kaou, See the BI Jal Téng hong. 

= * 

The cackling of fowls. Key béng 
5 kaou kaou BE HE, FA BR, rey thé 

atin ~~ Kaou teaédu Lid Ha cakes. made of 
K The name of a plant; a kind of 
a ye grass. 
» Read koe: aditch,adyke, a channel 
Kaou > for conveying the water for irrigation, 

Pe kéung sit, j@ chin lek hoé koé hok 
Mp ey oe ih BE 7] FP ik ity, chong ray 
e dy kéung ch’hod, jé chin k’hwiy lat té kaou hok, he 
suffered his dwelling to remain low and mean, 
while he exhausted his strength upon the dykes 
and channels for irrigation, Said of Bye in 

the Za ae] Lin gé. 

Read koe: a hook. T’h@ecti koe 

Kaou Gh eheeh kaou, an iron hook. Teadou 
koe 4h $y té0 kaou, a fish hook, 

a BR. Vulg. ka: artful, deceitful, cunning, . 

Kaée a> mad, outrageous, Put kéén cho6. 

4% chhéung, naé kéén kadu tong 

BFR ee Tar, 24 Whw"é. Kea’ 

choé cWhéung, naé k’heo"d ked"® ka dy sdy ké"é, 
I did not see Mr. Choé-ch’héung but I sawa 
parcel of wild children. 

Beautiful, fairy handsome ;. also writ- 

Kai 4A 
Xr. ten 42 kaéu. 
Vulg. kd: to tie round, to strangle ; 
Kaéu S% also, urgent, pressing, Tit jé@ bos 

léy chek kaéu i mn ain. ig Hy 

He , teabu tit jé bb ley sod, chek kaéu, to be 
blunt without politeness, is drawing the cord 
too tight, See the Fy ZH Lin-gé. 

Kaéu j ae 








Vulg, kd: acholic. Kéw kaéu péng 

TK t= Ti» kew ké pat", a viol- 

ent pain in the stomach, 

Read k’hoé: the mouth. Ay k’hoé 
Jed a] > dy kabu, dumb, unable to 

iw 4 gan 

Read kéw: nine. Kéw sip I+: 
Iabu chap, ninety. Sip kéw Mii qt, 
ed kaéu, nineteen, 

Kwun dios yéw kéw soo’ Fr F Ki i, w, 

kwun chod wod kabu dy séo"S, the good man 

has nine subjects of reflection. ‘See the =} aa 


Read koé: adog. Koé géct i) a 
kabu ka, the dog bites. Chéy séuk 

toé key choé koé Bis he. EA HE 

7e i Chéy kok dy hong séuls ies key séo phih, 

country consisted “in fighting cocks and racing 

dogs. See the ink By $f Chiéén kok ch’hek. 

Read koé: dirt and filth grimed in- 

to the skin. Yéw koé aH i» 

yéw kaéu, the scruff ef the head, 

the grease and grime collected about the face. 
Put séén koé, jé cl’hat, lan te A pi Ja i 
Be bats an , v6 sty kabu, jé cl’?hat hw" séang. 
th chae, in examining (the lines of the coun- 

tenance ), without washing away the filth, it 

will be difficult to ascertain (aman's fortune.) 

Said by those who practise palmistry. 
Vulg. ka: to intruct, to teach. Kaou 
hwin AX all, ka hwin, instruction. 

BX: Yit hak, yéw jé kaéu kwan — Eh 

a: = HK 5 : chit dy th wod nd dy ka iw" 
A college has two doctors. (a principal sshd 
an assistant.) 

To compare. Pé kada [Y Ey , to 
compare together. 









To compare, to likens; the same as 

»* the preceding. Hwan jé put kau 
y.% 4B if AN Hee e hwin lin, chéw 

b6 kap e kéy kadu, when any offend us, we 

should not lower ia ai to a comparison 
with them, See the = 

Bs all pr 



Hok kéén. 
To compare, to bring into a com- 

Ji. Lin gé. 

Piey kadu Phe x» a couple of 

gems, flat on one side aud round 
on the other, used in divination. 
A hoarding-place; to hoard, or store 
up. Téang kaou Eze, 1é"S ka, 
the name of a place, in ih aa 

,% parison; to quibble about. Kwan 

hod che béng put kadu 7a ee 
‘i an Ar ce jin kwun né6"S pay dy béng léng 
v6 key kadu, the commands of princes and pa- 

rents most not he quibbled about. See the JE {if 
Cho twin. 

3) peaou 1é cheng ch’hoe bod put to 
FU) Fa WNL Ae HE Se HL IG A By, 

chek chéiung meé™ ay laé gwa cheng ch’hoe b6 

a™ Ieadu lén, then’ both the externals and in- 

Read to: 

come to one. 

te arrive at, to reach, to 
Chek chéing but che 

ternals, the fine and coarse of all things, would 

universally come to us: (i. e. we should com- 

prehend them.) See the kK @. Tie hak. 


Read koé: enough, sufficient; also 

written Et koe, 

Poey kadu Ph Ze, a couple of pie- 
ces of the roots of bamboo, round 
on one side, and flat, an the other, 

used in divining; these are thrown up by per- 

sons consulting the oracle, and if they fall with 
the flat sides uppermost they denote good luck, 

but if with the round sides above they denote 


ill-luck 5 they were formerly made of some 


— stone, 

oe “AR Read hoé: a surname. 

= wan Read hoe: thick, solid, substantial ; 
liberal, kind; to payvattention to. 

Kaéu 2 
F  Ké séy “hod chéa pok; j@ ké séy 

pok chéa hoe, bé che yéw yéa fi 
/ 4 fa re tid kaiu, ch’?hing poh e, dé @ dy sty 
téth pith eWhong kadu e, b6ey woo chéy Ity chéng le, 
,to, pay more solid) regard to that,in which we 
may be indifferent, and to be indifferent in that 
to! which we ought to pay mere solid regard, 
would never do. See the K Ph Tat bak. 

Read hoé; a monkey, an ape. 

To mix things together in eating. 

Kaoith jwan péng Aik ibe fijf kaon 
: lan pé"4, a kind of mince pie, or 
mixed meat pie. 

x Aff 


A measure for liquids. . Yéw kaoith 

2 a it mem 

Kap pA ise of cockle. Kap choot FF, 
Rp ap da, a ue tad of toad, or frog. 

Kap ‘To collect together ; also, a surname. 

A vessel moving; a ship under sail. 

Kap ‘ ‘ ‘Kap pan chin Ne te. a@ square 

«i P rigged vessel derived from the 

Malay word fapal, a ship. 

ysl f@s ) A pigeon. Tong-béng-hong-hoe rf 


. why -hwuy: noé fa‘ "A 0 i 
¥ Bias HE YX » Tons~éng-hing tey hed 


Hr 44 1B. Kee 


kap sé hwuy noé, the Emperor Béng of the Téng 
dynasty called pigeons flying slaves. 
hwat A very-small measure; also, and, 
Ka ae together. with;. read hap. Léang 
P . ’ 
ya yéak way kap, sip kap way seng 

Afihet @ fia Ft > ni dy yédh é 

cho chit kap, chap kap hi chit chin, two finger-fulls 
make a kap, and ten kap make a chin, (whick 

is the tenth part of a peck.) 

Ny To take anything up between the fin- 

Kap A gers; to move. 

A cape, 2 | promontory ; the side of a 

hill. Paé hwaé @ san kap che péng 

AE AB) HA WY if ZB wea te 

Be 4 Ihe té sw"d kap dy ping, to walk backwards 
and forwards on the side of the hill. 


Vulg. kth: one of the horary charac- 
ters. Hoo kap ae Ai , the budding 
of plants and herbs, when beginning 

to grow. Kap téw I 3] ; kth téw, armour. 
Lin kap fie FA, lan kith, scales and shells, K’ho 
kap Rt FH, Who ki, the order of literary ex- 
aminations. P6 kap AF FA, pé kth, the arrange- 
ment of the people into tens, and hundreds, 
Kap téang FA te kith 6", the head ofa hundred, 
aconstable. Ché kap bs FA, chae"s kitke, the nails 
of the fingers. 

Béng tad soo ma kadu bin é kap tew fy FC pl 

BARE Y 5) 8 > béng tad 800 md ka pityh 

sai" & ch’hing kath téw, he ordered the master of 
the horse to instruct the people in the use of 

armour, See the £ ii Ong ché. " 4 

Han yéw kap, yit, péng, k’ho, € ch’hé soo 

FB, aes i. Rt. YAAK rb, Han teat wio kar, 

yit, pe"a, téng Who, & cWhE Chak cWhayh lang, 
the Han dynasty used the horary characters kih, 


yit, and pé™d, to arrange and select cleyer scholars. 

Ms Vulg. xwiths a kind of grass, of which 
cloth is made ; @ sort of flax. A 




‘Lam ‘kat che thim hay, sé € téung kok V7} c= 

zx BF hte iS rf #, tam Iewith iy poe I’ lwouy 

se té Whai"S & ‘tang eS, the southerfi flax plant 

is spread abroad, till it tas ‘filled dhe middle of 
the ‘walley. ‘See! ‘the JA i ‘Chew fam. 

Vulg." ‘wah: to cuf,'toinjure. (Kat twin 

SA BE, wth toor"S, to cut asunder. 

By) A IEA 

RY, kwth b6 se ché"a a” chéuh, if the meat was 

not cut ‘square, ‘he (Confucius) ’ would net eat of 

it. See the aM aa Tin gé. 

‘Kat téy cl’?héng hd; FAI Hh p> Fh: Kwith téy cnhe a 
Lityh hé, they cut off some of théir “territery, to 

beg for ‘peace. 
Read 'keet: “to ties TPaikeet iy Ai, 
‘p hith kat, to'tiea knot. 5 aye koé 

wi? \kéet singé tb a hee 
e so 

sting | koé ‘ay ling. kat sth jé té kok 

Kat put chéng put Sit 


‘ancients tied Knots im cords, ‘and thus ‘carried on 
‘the-affaits of goverament. See'the pF AS Bk keng. 

T’hoé kat: Bi iy unburkt betes, | 
t : : A | 

‘Good, excellént, admirable; to ‘praise, | 
to admire; the meeting “anid ‘pniting | 
of the male aad female ‘principle. 

Kay gan séén héng cs 3 we AT, kay dy wit, ho 

dy sty ké"d, good words and virtuous deeds. 

Yéw kKhek hwut 

Kk’hoé ban, gé Las ek bd kay 7 ya 

BMPS, 5B es $6 FE 000 

ling I’hityh hwut. jéén Prion mook"&, king wa yéd 
an chw"é hé,;to have, a/-friend. suddenly, knock 

_at-oure door, and then to enter. into conversation, 

Fine, good, excellent, 

“how ‘pleasant +is! it 1 

A ‘house, a:dwelling,a family, ‘a house- 

é ; hold. A surname, Kay kwan IR a, 

Kay: | 
kay abt, 2 private family é- “€h'hin kay 

3 , 2 family related by, mnarcilges 



Vit Kay jin, vit Kol toi jin Rf 
§H 4: chit kay jin, chit tok hin Whe bityh in 
when one family is virtuous, the a gs couritry 

will begin to be virtuous, fe = r . Fok 

Kay ABR kwun chod ils a thang 0 

(ls. Chang .kiey 8 fy few . ~ choi; an 

admirable and pleasing good man. ° x fice the K 

Ae Tae dg TO Ee ee ME bal 
yrig! Boo wea a aie cat ot 

Excellent, good, admighbia.§ Kay lok 

\, To add, to increase; more; to give, to 
display ';' to give “an insult. Yew hé 

kay yéen A APy yn z wed wos %a 

vimee"h' Phang hay, 48! there a that can be 
added (to this? 

Clhéng -kay; Big mn. eh" hath way Andecaiccated 
‘an saddition, - 

Gné put. yéuk jin che ae choo ii yea, goeek 

yéuk bod kay choo jin. 
ah, Be Ip aga i 

ling léng ae hoé gwd, gwd yea ae bé léng jéuk 
hoé ling, in that in which I do n. ish another to 
vodgive ( an: ‘insult ito ane, oT) oho eR to give 
such an itisult to’others. Sets the te 

‘ Séang lon. 

7 The omaments of a ya caress, 

Vo Hoé kay rai Ti, ane tae of a bam- 
vile boo leaf rolled up together, which, 

when blown, produces a popne much 
used by the Tartars, 

Kay téet Pa. BE, a 

in which a person 



a. kin (of stocks, 
is is |made to sit 
With his legs bent up under him. 

the ‘The mame: ofa ‘plant Sevag. kéé : the 

Speligl or idetpiang St dade Bat: 

%! i4 anf 




bet} ey 

, Sek kay fe, = name ed 


‘Buddha: » }? Ovi 
i 4 bt 
Pe fom 
1” ba ri & q 4 
. AS " : ee “ES -< . 
Kay’ SA surnames 1) haul 

tables and! ede N 


The name of a sal sheub. “Bok- kéang 

ees sob tek be kay FB Beanie 
hie Dh 

Boke-kéang saé hid ing t io ho dy \Keis, 
“ Brcndang’ ‘ordered’ them to I good stalk 

of the ‘Ky plant. ‘Bee bol ee “ho twan. 

w Hh) ¢ Quin / ? wh vi 
A cup, or vases also written Ap kay. 


dally AAV AD <3 

tha el it Hl one 

False, not ' true to borrow; great. / 
Kay f Kay gan, Ws fehhat wi alie. | 
xe Kay to @, ee “wrneaoue fi 
yy AG aye , chévh Loe 8 Ct," ‘widyh hat 
iba BS , they’ borrowed "groid through the Gé con. 
ays in order: ait to a-track to the Riek cquntxy. 
9° NIs0 written Saal ae 

“Kay ‘hae then: int ae ee {wa chae 

i tnee™s dy!beng ‘Teng,’ how great, is the will of 
heaven!" See’ the Fy Tt Tae gnay. 

Kay HE Happiness; great; distant = ri 
4 , ; =e" 

° *\ = be aan 
To give in, marriage, to marry out a 

daughter, Kay, 1é choo a4 tr +. 

_ kay ychadu 4, sa kis a daughter in 

Lé chod che, bay. y2%,, bod. doe sie Se FL 

KAY 310 WAY 

RR 4 i} ARIZ che bobo kobe éy kayi ch’hut 

‘Rh, REO"S) ley beng \Téag ej :when ia yyoung: woman 
ois. married,out,.the mother; must er directions. 

i) See ila Sr Dine mobs aEkN 

wee To sow | beat B Salah Ra. 
Kay agriculture, husbandry. Hwan- té 
ch’héng hak kay, Cho6 wat, go’ putjé 
hie SEE BE AR. F BB fo 
~ A fpg > Hrwdn-té ch’ hed biieyh Uh cho ehhin, Hoo 
chod King, gwd bey cWhtin ch8O%S ladu dy ‘ling hor, 
Hwan-té wanted to learn agriculture; when Con- 
fucius replied, I am in that not so. ee as an 

old farmer. See the’ Ft GEE Lan g¢ ; 

Ki 4 Ko kay tk fi, to request leave of 
y absence; to be absent i ha 

The price of anything, t that at which 
ja) thing is, valyed:, Khpng-<chos why 
cheng ,sam ats |{yéuk ko tan chéa 
vo pat ack: kay GL i CEA AR FE A 
Z oy > thi > Kthing-chob-hwe"a cheng 305 s"a 
gityh, chéw béy yéb"S bith se bith. dy Ting, v6 hing kay, 
Confucius managed the affairs of government for 
“three. months, when the people ‘sve improved 
that the sellers of mutton/iand, , rb | did not 
garnish their prices, (or ask more than they 
- sintended t0 Jae). Geb ther AE ZB Kay ge. 
Kay Jetveen’ (BR Fg) way chee"é, the’ price.) Kibe 
kay FRE tH toy risexinypriee. 2) _) 
Put jé kay aS text (A: ‘f.nloltwe ipricest|’ written 
up by some shopkeepers who eagige to make no 

abatement in oat Lope aN 

The same as the focogeiae Cl’hé kay 


muro teenies Be 

A stand, a frame, asctelding, a shelf. 

* Ok ka iB oe che kay, @ scaf- 

“folding.” E ‘kay Rede a clothes- 



horse. Sip joo ‘kay + == tp | chap jé kay, a 

frame in the form of the character +; a. cross. 

To harness’ horses, ‘or other’ animals, 

Kay to a carriage. Kwun-ke chéang kay 

é Fy HA YF FB» rroun dy civhéa vityh 

kay béy, the prince’s carriage is about to be 

harnessed in, 

The cangue, or wooden collar, worn 

Kay by criminals in China, T’hae kay 
#5 Fe géd kédy, to wear the wooden 
Kay A! pain in the limbs. . 
Kay HI To take. 
“Read hay: low; not high, .Way hay 
Kay ’ | pit yin ‘ch’hwan’ tek RB —~ Wy Dy 

|| Fe, cho kay pit téth Chin cWhui"S 
tek, in seeking» to place anything low, ‘we must 

avail ourselves of the rivers and marshes. See 

mr ae choo. 

Kay gin {& Sh low silver, adulterated 

oy silver. 
a : 
aA Kwut kityh Ep » the joints of 
Kayh bones, ‘H"6 kwut kayh oF ef BR. 
a hd kwut kityh, well Sess well, 
proportioned limbs, 
The layers or strata of earth, under 
the earth’s surface. 

To parry off a blow. Kiyh Whae. Fey 
Be: kiyh Khwuy, toparry. off. 

Kayh 4 


Read kek: a pattern, Joo kek 5 Pe, 
jé kityh, a copy for writing, a blank 
copy book for children. 



yes flcad kek: the region of the breast. 

héung kek i) ia; heng Kiyh, the 

breast, the part about the bosom, 

va Téuk kek Wy i > tek, kayh, a bam- 

Read kek: to part asunder, _Kek twan 
F By ey, kityh tooi”S, to ‘separate. 

Read kéep; as Béng kéep ve RK, 
béng kityh, a felicitous~plant ‘spoken 

of in the time of Gedou, T0é kéep 
GK: tadu kityh, a preparation vf ae 



boo screen, a partition, a wainscot. 


Read kéet: a reap-hook,- a perkoite 5 

* also, to cut off with a knife. Kéet 

teaou séep che kéng pe ay y Ze 

iE, hityh miy"h chaé s@ kiey chiy dy kha, he 
cut off the legs of those who were crossing the 


water early in the morning ; (done! by a tyrant 

f 7 ¢ 2 
to see how their marrow looked ona cold frosty 

morning.) See the Fie Re Chéén kok ch’hek. 

> The flap of a coat, the lappet of a 


BY Read gek:. rebellious, disobedient, 
A unroly.. Poeéy gek § it. piéey 

kityh, to. turn the back on, and 
oppose. _Gek Chéen i K: kiiyh Chee"&, to 
oppose the will of heaven. Way gek Fie jh, 

wily kiyh, to oppose ‘rebelliously. 


To dwell, to stay, to remain, to reside, 

to rest, tositdown. Asurname, Kwun 

choo sit bod kéw paou, ke boé kéw an 

Hi FB Me RD. Ie HE AR BE, hon 

chob chéuh v6 kéw pa, Whéa bb kéw an, the good 


man in his eating does not seek satiety, nor in 
his dwelling ease. ‘See the it agy Sang lon, 
Ke, goé gé jé Bt ob , chiy, gwa kap lé 
bing sit down, and I will tell) you. 

A border, a boundary ; also, a foundation. 

‘Kaou ke ch’héen le ial HR 7 Lie 
kaou ke ché"é cl’heng lé, a border extend- 
ing to a thousand Je, (or about 400 miles.) J 
: Yew gan kK’heuk sit seén lip ke ché 8 a 3 Ey 
FE TZ EYE, cirnin cheo"S king lhe Whos, teoh 

taé seng k’héa ke ché, just as in building a house, 


it is necessary first to lay the foundation. 

; Vulg. yaou: hungry. Ke hong fit ¥, 
Ke E ke hwui"S, a famine; also written @l ke. 
B Ke chéa € wily sit BA 5 DB AS 

yaou dy lang ying é cho chéith, a hungry man js not 
particular about what he eats. See a -f- Béng-choo. 

Stones inthe middle of a stream; a stum- 
Ke A bling block. Ch'haé sek ke 5 Fy BE, 
the name of a place, near Cochin China, 

where a great battle was fought, 

To ridicule, to point at in one’s discourse, 
to be 2 to ee =e ch’hé # ih) i 
to point at with piercing sarcasms, 

‘Yin jin jé'ke [J A nil a to stab one through 
the sides of another. 



The territory assigned as the peculiar 

domain of an Emperor, Pang ke ch’héen 

1é why bin séy ché Fs 36 ic 
ER Fit ab, pang ke che" cht'heng Ut, wily pityh sai”S 
séy éy hity™h, an Imperial domain extending to a 
thousand 1é, is what the people can settle on, See the 

+ Aa Se-keng. 

Ke Felicitous influences; also, near, 
Ke péén # iu » crafty stratagems. Ke bit 
Ke 4 , ke bat, secret springs. Ke k’hé 

raS 2 an instrument, a machine. 

Way ke péén che Whadu ches fh JAE Sh ZA 

re chd ke péén dy K’hd chéd, those who are eun- 

ning at devising crafty stratagems, See ih “f- 


Little, minute, small; near; dangerous ; 

to aimat. | Jin che séy é € é k’him séw” 

chéa, ke he AZ KURA 
ER By we Ai > lang dy séy é& koh yés"S & Khim 

séw b6 jwa chéy, that in which man differs from the 
brutes is very insignificant. See r= F Béng-choo.’ 


A pearl, a gem,. Joey ke géuk héng PE 
ed -— 8 instruments made of gems 
and precious stones, (by which Sin 

studied astronomy). 
Choo ke :Y 3 i >an imperfect pearl. 

A foundation, a commencement, a patrimo- 
ny, anestate. Ke téy tk Hl, a founda- 
tion. Ke géep it 3 , an inheritance. 

T’haé-dng teaou ke dng chek K + aS Fk — 
Ye, T’hat éng Khe Chaéu ch’hong téy ke éng dy chéth, 
T’baé-dng first laid the foundation of the traces of 
royalty in his family, 



A whole year; a re-commencement of time 
after a given period. Chaé-gné bin sam 

léén che song, ke é kéw é HF J Fy 
SBEZ RIE CAR, Chasigns mooiré 

s"a net"® dy se"S ha, k’hw"d ka nooi"S neé"S woo 
kabu koé b6, Chaé-gnd asked respecting the three 
years’ period of mourning for parents, whether one 

whole year was not long enough. See the Ft aes : 
Lin gé. Also written IH ke. 
A basket for collecting dirt. Hwiin ke 


Ke ir Ff. , pan ke, ahod for dirt, Poke 
ie FE. > pwa ke, a close kind of sieve. 

Choo ke hy GIL, agricultural implements ; 

Ke also written FX ke, Suy yéw choo ke, 

(2d put jé vhaé sé iE AR he SH i 
3 FRE , suy 0d chish ch’hdn dy ke Khe, a™ tat ter 
téng hadu sé, although we have agricultural imple- 
ments ready, yet it is better to wait the proper time 
for husbandry. See nr Béng-chod. 
Ke To divine, in order to ascertain doubt- 
ful things. 


All, altogether. Ho boé ke chin Sf Ff 

4B. 4F 5 pay bvé cho pos té tit, his parents 
A ™® were both alive. See Béng-choo. 


Strange, uncommon. Vulg. #héa: single, 
onealone, anodd one. Ke h"6 k*hé ke 

i =I Wy i » ke heey vhang kK héa, 

this is an extraordinary piece of merchandizes and 


should be secured. 

Ke k’héey che héng Ae . rash FF 

strange and surpassing conduct. 

Ke a 

Ke An elegant appellation for a lady; also, 
: a lady. A surname. 

To jade out as with a ladle; to bale; 

Ke ) > a ladle; to take. 
To be hungry; the sameas BH ke, Léy 
Ke bin put ke put han bd EK Ay BL 

x FR, oe Chaéu piyh sai"S béy yaou 
béy kw"4, the commen people (the black-headed 

See ta 

Vulg. chwhéa: a cartiage, a Waggon, a 
vehicle of any kind. A surname. © Héng- 
téy kwan chwan héng, béng Kéung-koé 

chk he BE AL SE. SE Bb fe 
Wiui"S-tey Khw"d lo wiy létn tooi"8, chek-béng 
leng Kéung-koé cho ch’ héa, WuiS-téy seeing the rééds 

folks) are neithr hungry nor cold. 



rolling along, ordered Kéung-koé to make carriages; 
(he also cynceived the idea of boats, from observ 
ing the fallen leaves floating down the stream; this 
was about B. C. 2000.) 

A horse’s halter, a’ head-stall. 

The ancient form of the character B&B ke. 

¥2 to dwell. 



A gem or precious stone, carried on the back. 

» The skirts of a coat, the hinder part of a 
Ke RPE garment. Téng pok hoé bin, té choo 
gin & téng hadu té mooi"S, sey ké"é than s"a adu 
pee"S, (on our return we find) the servants Waiting 
at the door, and the children ready to pull the skirts 

of our coats. 

Ke The name of a species of wood. 
Ke To sell, te vend ; also, to hdard up. 
Ke » The name of a fiver, 
Read che: a branch, a twig. Wiy téang 
Ke ché& chéet che hs Fe A Hy 4, 

wuy sé twa at ch’héw ke, to pluck a twig 

for a superior. 



Vulg. ka té: self, one’s self, one’s own person. 

Kwun choé kéw choo ké 3 Ff He 

we kwun choé kéw tak hing eka te, 
the good man seeks for everything from himself. See 


=A. = Lin gé. 
he ial Bp ae 
L To overturn, to destroy ; destructive, ruin- 
Ké ous, wicked. Hong béng ké chok vi} 

Gis HL, HR eek beng ay lang, Khéep dy 

chok lay, he isa transgressor of commands, and be- 
longs to aruinousset. See the Bes Hh Geadu téén. 
Aline, apart ofa net. A surname. Kong 

ké A #. the upper and lower parts 
of a net; to arrange, to set in order, 

to govern: Kong ké,sod hong Ay A pu FF: 
to arrange and regulate the’ people in all quarters. 

‘To record, to note down ; a record, a history; a 

period of twelve years is called fe ké, 




The name of a plant; also, the name of 

a country. 

AZ A vessel for containing rice; a sort of 
a basket; anything round. 

Ké The name of a tree. Ké léw BL ii: 
a sort of willow. 

A table, a bench, a stand to rest or 
a 4a 

lean upon, Yin ké jé go iE JL fo fib. 
table, and. slept. 

phak té th jé k’hwiin, he leaned upon the 

A fawn; others say, a large doe. 

A louse. Héuk soé ké @ héén tew A 

xe pe Fe We FFE BA enna pity dy sat 
boé té v€ dy Chabu Khiey, to feed a white 

louse upon a black helmet. 

Afew; how. Ké hé 03 (of > jwa chéy, 
Ké how much. Ké to ae »jwa chéy, 
how many. Bod ké ane ;, bb jwa chéy, 

not many. 
Hod seng:jéak bong, way hwan ké ho ff AE FG 

BE BS Pe Be fof > v'n06 prod ay sai"® mé"a cho 

hw"a, hé wod jwa chéy, this floating life is like a 
dream; the pleasures we enjoy, what are they ? 

To bear, to carry, to raise, to lift up, to 
Ké elevate ; to praise; all. Goé lek chéuk 
é ké i kin, jé put chéuk é We 

<i gwa dy lat éy chéuk kadu géé ke chit pilyh 
kin, jé béy chéuk kabu géd keé chit dy cheaiu mé, 
my strength is sufficient to lift up a hundred sin, 
(each 30, pounds weight,) and yet is not sufficient 
to lift a feather. 
of will and not a want of power.) 

(To say this, would shew a want 

‘ait T 




A rule, a law, a constant law. Kwuy ké 

iA AB, custom, usage. Ch’hit sip, jé 

chéfing sim séy yéuk, put jé ké + 

Ei sk. RB oan 

Phan sim kw"é séy ad, i™ kiey hwat toe, at seventy, 1 

‘followed that.which my heart desired, without, over- 

stepping the rule.’ Said by Confucius, in the £ Fi) 
Séang lin. 



To remember, to recollect, to record, to 
Ke = note down. Keé tek a at, ke tit, to 

pn bring to remembrance. Ké soé FE Br, 
ké seadu, to note down in a memorandum-book. 

Ché yéw ké gan che so6, yew yéw ké sod che kwan 


16 cWhéw woo ké wa dy sob, ché"d ch’héw wod Ly 300 
dy kw"a, on the left.were the historians ready to re- 
cord the words. spoken, and on the right were the 

officers for commemorating the events that occurred. 

Proud, haughty, imperious. Kwiy way 

théen chod, jé put keaou ké 

RF im AN BR APE wiry chd hing 
tey, jé w™ keaou ké, in nobility he was raised to 
the rank of Emperor, and yet was not proud. 

A saw, to cut with a saw. Téung héng 

Ke ying to xe ih itl A 7J SF, teung 

dy héng hwat yang to kwa ké, for the 
middling order of punishments, they made use of the 
knife and the saw. 

Chun ké fu ite 2 to sit cross-legged. “Ke 
ké a iG to sit with the legs under one. 

Tok ch'hé je ke Py BR iit PE» 0% 

khéa jé prhith kiey chéén chay, to~dwell alone, and 


sit down cross-legged. 
3 oon { 2% 

Tobe afraid, A surname. , Cheng-chod 

ban che ke jéen 4 —F- B77 BR AR, 

, Cheng-chod, Chi" q, ¢, chéw Kea dy yea", 
Cheng-chos on hearing this was alarmed. 


Self: possession, to. come ‘to one’ s-self. 

Ke Y Also, a surnames Chong-chew bong wily” 
hoé\ téep, gd jé kak, chek ké ké jéén 
Chew yes HE JE] BE Aw BE GAC TI Te) 

JE sg my Al ts Chong-chew bang cho biéy yeih 

téep, d.kob cWhai"&, chek chop tek dy yéd" Khw"a 
sé Chew, Chong-chew dreamt that he» was a. but- 
terfly, but a moment after, awaking and coming 

to himself, he found that he was Chong-chew. 

Hasty, sudden, rapid, hurried, precipitate. 
x Suy ‘chaé ch’hong’ chut, bé séing chit 

Dvogan ke sok BE AE BE ARE PR 

G = ie fé > suy jeén twa té ch’hong chut yed boey 
wood hin dy king wa, ké ay bin. sek, although he was 
frequently in hurried circumstances, yet he never 
spoke: precipitately, or manifested ‘hurry in his 
countenance. Said’ of yA 2 Léw-k’hwan, 

‘= Ke té a eR , 2 bamboo mat, a vessel 

made of bamboo. 

To hold, to grasp, to rest on, to com- 
ply with; according to, Ké é tek ti 
TA fi , to grasp firmly at virtue. See 

the ait ao Lin 6. 
Keé Earnest money ; money given'asa pledge. 
wy, To sae to hope, to desire. Ké bong 
Ke i te ke bang, to hope for. Also 

written x ké. 

Ske k’hé Yin, yéw ké séuk che yit péén, kwun 

che yit goe yea Fig FH BM. 8 Bz 
— se AL tt, Bé-chod 1é k’hé Yin 

teabu, yéd tit ké bang hong séuk dy chit kay pee"’, 
jin kwun dy chit séng goé, when Bé-chod departed 
from the court of Yin, he ‘was still anxiously ex- 
pecting the manners of the people to take one turn 

for the better, and the prince to be once awaken- 
ed. See the pd An So6 ké. A surname. 



3 | Ae ihe name of a good horse. Ké put ch’heng 
Ke Bh! ké lek, ch’heng ké tek yea Bet X 
aN be H Hi. FR HL 2 Yf, » hs bay 06 ob 

e dy lat, naé o lb ¢ dy tek, a good horse is not to 

be es for its strength, but for its temper, 

See the Fe Lin gé. 

Vulg. kéa: to confide in, to intrust to 
Ke any one’s care; to dwell, to reside. 
K’ho é ké pek lé che beng @ vy WJ oy 
Ae Li fi > Chang laé kee e chit pltyh lé dy 
beng léng, he can be entrusted with a message to 
the distance of a hundred 1é. 
Kok bod ke gé [pd AE All: sg "gt , kok kwun b6 thang 
hoé e kéa hiy™h, (the prince of a fallen) country 
cannot be intrusted to reside among us. 

I Close, secret, hidden. 

A halter, a leathern thong for tying 4 

Ké HE horse. Ke tek, séy 6 ge ma yes BB 
by wy fir yY) EX ee » phoéy sth séy € pak 

bay, a leathern thong is that with which we tie up ahorse. 

=n A stranger sojourning in a place. Ke lé 

Ke 7} Hey Ik , to sojourn. 
To eat alittle, a small meal; exhausted, 
Ke finished, done; since, already. Séng soo 

ve put swat, siiy soo put kan, ké ong put 

ken ih HE AE RE HE 

ché"4 dy sod 06 king, sy dy sod bd 10, kaou kody 
éng chéw bd létih e wod kody sit, when a thing is 
done it is of no use to speak of it, nor when it 

is persisted in to reprove it, nor to blame what is 
already gone by. See the F ay Séang lan, 

Ké wat ché ché yéen EX | a bs Be > ke seen 

kéng sim ché wod ché kek, since you say, the intention 
is the principal thing, &c. See na + Béng-choo, 
Straw shoes. Kéw kéw kat ké, k’hé é lé 

sons HP At 25 EY Va a 

teé"& neé"S Kwith dy cWhabu dy, thang 


laé th se"&, they set us to twist upa pair of straw 

a el we hs be 
in d i Ey j ; 
eeu k'on th er aia ge e the Be 
wink gnokiiy Ty > Fats en Bile S"fanne 
od} wod das 

elo 07 “86 © ne» tvize 

Ke" The, name: of a tree.» Ke) 
ot mame. of, a district,, 


al Bik: 4oe a nPtenre+ os Ghighe = $ 
os GEE Kody sections mnt vente: { 

MR Ochs 8 “had deve two 
WD. "¥deh’ black, Spots’ on’ his “Vert thigh. 

xe abl bho 551 $a PL fall 
R ‘ He, s sheyit, Abahani ip her's,4 ayeirs 
ie it’s. Késoo che, wily,¢. hea a 

Y Bi, ¢ k"é,sé an néy kong, ‘this is perhere 

ihe peraing WibhaFers them Gare Le 
Ké jéak sé, sak léng gé che, $E GB 

vs > ¢ kabu an an ché chay éy Kityh 
ts soffiage tigpme thig, pps, who. pan, sto, it 
aie sabrta dt 
piyh sai"® wod, yin heady, sncthevabari hi 
«people, he displayed kinduess. 

Figuibioevxs Ay ohne ty rid 

To, fix a, time a (fixed periods torlimit 5 
‘to Hope, ; Kwaymoay; k’béen Keb tk 

WY BE ff] vane to0i"S Lat 206 mity moa.hoey 

¢pkté, home, the, younger sister (te her hus- 

band’s dwelling), the ,apppinted: time, sas: exceeded. 
See the, Fy RE EK Kengo LE 9S 3 
Ke-é ¢ te th] Stes 

Fn > Ae bagged hoy 
oe x waiting for the time of m my govern-. 

the 1 Se é-boé. ae a 
7 BSS. i Ba; A fut A 

~ & is 
» eT be: stalk: of) pulse; )bean. stats. ,« 
™ nol me, =. 71 

Happy, linck,: ‘ih, ey eg 
Ke ké 3 laou 
Pinna ote 

ava tut 


shovel > mort be 

a hs 4 

nerable old man is lucky. 

mm Read ché: a flack ae va freékle. Han ar 

Als KE 

The name 

air &¢ 
mau aA be 4od I ACSA 

LA. small hind: ef, crabs. ove lig IE, 
a.leech. wr H} vdail’a 

x t 
a i | 

* re iota 0% a oe doting. e 
at j 
<i ~ 

smo) Je° fuob 
uKéMin yt We. ef nluspensigconsider- 
enttlic?> most, noble.of “" brote “eréation,| { 
? toy K6 lin, shg.¢ sho: sey JHE ime is y KR 
= *, ké lin twa té chadu sew, the Ke lin among 

j ‘attend ais. ‘See ra ere 
ik Laine pects insane? < ba 

pin WwW 
WAS) Soon do 


4 24 O™Siio_nid'o . 

Ora ssistvitiues willo o@e 

eon ienkaoliiie a, ké. 
Shizceb of Mow O19 
usin ché Wd, séa 

» tAcsmall! goose 
‘ae SEES Af 3 
sty sin ay.aey chith\, ke gam, iheRitwhich 
your humble. servant is fond | of, 4 is to shoot the 

Oo) * 
jp large and.small.wild geese. ; , See the. he. 

~the- 2A flag, a ‘standard, Kerornarnedta oles, 
Ké . ’| consisting of two rampant dragans, eross- 

re inge eis other. Ké che PRS a slan- 
Cheaou so6é ké in “HW we chéo Keajay 

ldng é ké, a scholar must be. saummoned«by a standard. 
“Ske Ff: Tf Beny-chos. : (> NaF 
Pok ke ili if, the game of chess. Béang 

hd, BEALL, ivory, chesspmen.e Way ke 
AR) HL. to lay. at chess. . a 


Perry ce 

Gefou chédrwiy 1k6,.Banschoo. séén_ che, of 

+ io J de Bh GX iGetow ohd wty kt 7 ‘st 
~4* Geaou invented the game. of chess ( B. ) anda 

Tan-choo (bis. wortbless;son) admired i “ 



i My omon oT ¢q 40 
Ké Bok ké Fi Re a surname. ~\ 
An extra toe onthe foot; talent, sk ill. Ké. 
Ke e" 54 


khadu Ae LF , ttever! ant , 

Ké vs _ aKe loé He Pe 2a double ‘vont anything, 
double ; wheat come to perfection. 

KE san Wx ily. ké sw"a, ithe! safe - -of a 

aay “hill, ‘where! the fal ‘Chew dynasty laid 

wig Literary tol of ‘its future Breatness, 

“Ke giy ee an ingenious contrivance. 
~ Ké K’hadu , ke kha, clever. Twan 

twan héy, bad. YhMa ké af 7 HE th 

ye » cWhin alg bé pat meé"h ké Wha, there, certain- 
Jy is no other contrivance. See the K & Tas hak. 


‘Female musicians, dancing-gitls; 7 former- 

ly there were no dancing ogirls;> bat 

ee zt it Han Bod-téy first established 

‘the prattice, jn order to ‘iccommodate those-of his 

inidwidieté who had! ne wives: 

The appearance of au insect creeping, to 

creep. “Also, the name of an insect with 

soft 6 Me ca'small body,,and.long legs, hence call- 
“O@d Wéang ké R Be i2"5 k’ha ké, long-shanks. 


pas Hob KE He aR, the name of the water 

lily’ whet’ in ‘flower, Ch’hut sity hod ké 
tH aK * ¥e , ch’ hut chixy dy) hob kb, 
‘\the. water lily peeping above the water 0» 

a] ~ Water} a'piece of water, a pond, a ditch ; 

P ay “great? Ké long 2ES (PB 5 a.common ap- 

i hpellation for hé,!'shey ite!) oo!) 

A su parabieadbed toe on the foot; the 

same as is ké. | 

Spseting” of another -person or thing ; 

ae ane, it. 

1 Bon ke né tek ch’heng je, he cd ii 

dt ofr moot’ chay an chw"4 éy tit ch’heng kaou 

aod Yia 
an néy, ask how the water comes to be y ‘clear. 

OW'hés ke Fil PEs ipntTouspt 

crystal, ‘of which’ the “batto 

like ay 

mandarins’ caps is made. 

bo An field, anything odd ‘or omg ail 
“ant. | bare Chitiese aed to 23 their 

zy chéng. tee, wall ‘fields, but, ‘Dike’ mig 
small or narrow for, _ such a, djxjgion gM 

At ie ké téén, odd fields. = 

“Ke léng He %, ké lan, duythiag “odd 

ii abbyval emanate AcODE Ds 

wivoges. ea 3 a. gt & 
ne “The head of a crooked’ batik ‘i Suing 

52 tans 5H 

1 base 

ea Se 

Valg. hea: step. Kthe 6 ian Na ‘Steep 
of ascent,a hill road, very crooked and 
se shy ee 


‘with many turns in ‘it. 

e boyslath oil olqoog 
Wonderful, strange, catranedioaty: 
kwaé ay RE, , 06 kwae, strange. - 
kéang him séang Bp 3 Tk 
kb dy ban taé kay taé hno™a hé sé6"F e; eXttvordi- 
nary: pieces of literary composition! ~* us' ing 



in’ and admire them together. 
Ké é ay Ra, sahgesae uncommen. - Vlg. saa 


odd, not even. 935 44 

oR ¥f ! ger! ry ; STB 


A gem, a precious stone. Also, great. 

'- A-caldron with three feet, ‘as distinguish" 

Ké ed: from 28 hod, an iron pan aeons 
. feet. : s z rv 
a! rt a ne 
3 Ke k’hwat a rod. oe 
Ké i): | BR < 
reap. -hook. TP ; 

. ' 


ne eS 


chbourtsin ton bee t3ll 

| Te pray, to beg for happiness..K 
Bi» to supplicate,. Byké kam é 

4 Pee ke kéw em Koz, “in ot ray 
fhe arseti ‘Fain. See, tbe M3 fe Sé26u BMagy orl 

Ké khéw yéw éng Mt KA RE, ké kéw wod yin, 

ey 6, 

those who rome supplications are, sure | ‘of ri réceiy> , 
ing an answer. Wauntingly « said of many idol shrines, 

in erder to induce the people to offer sacrifices 
" 4 
theres noo le wre of CHeqriowe o : ™ ' 
Le 5 ; 

wis Langinncy »., bust } a 4 
Aberker, a toyal territory, 1600 Ie in ex. 
tent, is called Vy ké, 

inoi dat } i husal A ws ay) 
The name of a river. 
nh ivy ; 17 t | of. <— 
“5 = — . va ay 
The « name of a- planhs also, the hame of 

a district, 
vi lige gplia nn or standard, with a pair of fim- 
"pant Gragons crossed upon it,” 

as fff ke. 

The same 

Ke * Long, tall, Ké@ jé téang hey: fA & 
4, 16 kwa (278, tall and long Y, 

Téy ké Hh jk, the toevestrial. ont in 
a from the, Uhéen sin K 

nie Chee"& sin, the celestial gods, 

To j@ @ sbing hay sin ke fey ff FL ith 

> ké to té téng bin hay téy dy sin ké, pray to 
the Talesial” and terrestrial gods above and below. 
See the 5h. Lin gé. 

Also, rest. Pe gné ke yeh AS FN FALE tH; hee wa 

péng an, give me rest. See the’ 7] ’ Ny HE Sefou gnay. 
Also, great, Put win hok bdo ké hity AR jax (3 
4 ik Vie D6 hwuing Whe, chéw bb twa dy s80"8 
toh kay, do’ not go far and you will not Have''oc- 

casion for any great regret. ‘See the. 58 dix ker 


were odi : honors: od o3 agli of jay 
auie of one leg ;"having! vache ae 

ny Ké 



roma Ilsweb olw 193 

-teinmg, Gown 2ilid oll edi 
be y Hong . Ke a EE. the name, ‘al ume- 
ing | dicinal plant. 
oll FFE oi so i 

sTesom ; took ni a0! t-1¢ “4 

1 qe, Sick, sad, pained, grieved, Chie ction, ed 

‘whiny pe gud, ke; hay FY Se 
APE AG SK (ip, hadu te whe nek hron"=, 

_; foe op Juin 16, your haviug gone thus far away, 
uel occasioned me,much pain, See the th Hf 

: Séabu, gnay. 


very cold, 

Chihaé hwin ké ke FF ME ih Fil oén twain ay 
lang chéy, those who were busied in plucking-the 
hw4n plant were numerous. 

Great, numerous, loose and lingering. © A 

Tong ké@ han a wh Be, 

tang Chee™S twa kw"d, the winter” was 


Troubled, distressed, wearied, Boéseké 1d 

) Hy: FE DH] Be nbO"E ley Chad tébh hed, 

a mother is put to much trouble. 

Ké yéuk 16,78. the name of abira, which 
has a comb on its head, and always flies in 

company, some say a parrot or a lvory. 


Ka ‘A surname, 
. = A wide strect, a general thoroughfare, Kay 
Ké ké ij Hi. a public way, 
Ké Ké piu SB $B the name of a bird, the 
same as 8, ké, 
Ke Ké jé HE iE 9 @ mattrass or carpet, made 

of hair, 
Lean, meagre. Léet séen che jé, ke san 
tek kan, héng yang sim ké Ail HZ 
finn J HY ee ED IG Fe HE HB 

* YL Seem dy Chak ch’hiyh lang, Whéa t@ sw"a tek kan, 

héng ying chin chaé sdn, the various literati among 

KE, 319. 

the genii, who dewell amongst the bile om arsh- 

Jiaig tenioih 
Poor in flesh; meagre; the § the 

? foreyvinig: Ch shily Sih’ chee jd ke, 

Gs, “are? very “inedgre ihitiir form add er I 

eo sfeg i Ar: “Oi a7 hay Fig kw"d hall rex keng Rie: 
sn, Hake RUT Chew pwdy, Cho%tialy, Wheit” his 
titel Was agitated "(with Mllldy),’ beeilie” thin {but 

19 VOCE 

when he obtained a knowledge of the focttie he 

gren,, fat. 

ay ail bos szoul <vormun Jao 

to one’s self. Also read ke. 


i Hii a0 5A 34 wtwd Jedd 

Al Kind of eit A! SuPadtiles# > 2 

vuowmus oidw dogla sie 

boitsow .boveattzib baldvoi? 

euan eae aasionkah forms eo at he 
y this; also, t he s gaine of ch 

pou doum oF sou 4 

if SPS OS dase SH 
"the! back bone’ ue a fish. Be 

16g £ 2 Sito ( HEC M093 
Ke 16 x x, old people, Ha Naé 
Be chénk ké ké 16 j¢ kd che va 

=) 7 in Ae = a nal ‘chéuk Chole ey au 

lang, jé kap e kéng, and then enjoined on. his old 

‘people, and informed me a, we he it Fy 

Béng-chod, th Pra | 
Prepared, ready; to discrimina £3 a tool. 
Khe ke ee A. > aby apes 
aN utensils. AT. en * TEE ee! 
All,. together. TS k’*hé chaé ie ¢ e ke 
Ua E 
PW chad jé kap ¢ chd pod,Wirtue mayl 
ans kept in, compadgey ovgnaae oat 
og es Auhoistenous wind, nity Ké Ee ts 

a ie % chit Ay Ke R4 Gey sh hang, hal 4%, hen a 
: spoon, gets upy it is very, fermidables. oo. wa 

To fear, to be alarmed ; the 

vo Puteyewsput be ys te. 

FPS’ We afrdld) tobe’ approbenvi 
=) as! peti iy ch 

bn aro a 2Mee' vite 2 A Pun 

Yok tia! je“nday FR mak ie He 

4 a 
x nid SA vool — .sinsniue ( iit hl} 
Ké ké SEE YE woselepossessio 3 i come 

ro fi ob OOO qu fins is¢or & ; tobred A 

aed aout 
“Iaitestia old swe a ran’ 

Ké yee ee : sof Das 
: can oa s" 800 kab héth hen “, La “Macfe sare 

" 12 
| oodihendiploste Aite \, up B he ie Je 11 goa. Ue 
“aban de nee et AS 8 ing FEAL A) 
Ay BE bs tans sg® chee 10s ee 
tog, chele, a a Rr when awe ahpow 

ox! ~ } 
» Awhorway: ite. al shea ong 
es deseP MY, will P% ‘as he Agalous,of their F supetion. 

Se ce 



ther sad nor alamned. i 

ae | : 
ws wht anh 4, 
f de pial gah wae ws 472i 

. * hao. HAL tinansg ore szacde 
, Military, “martial cou ouss. 
y lo biga 3! ws \ Towels 14,0! 
uJ slgosg sdf souhsi of his oF 

To accompany, to have fellowship With. 

Ké léang tk iW ; artful, xt 

al it Lalika ei iss C~ p 
A pig’s head; one of the radical;.. 
aayit-a to omen. odT we 5A 
A plan, an art, a contrivance; an or 

trade. Séang ké jé chéén. kg,.¢hek bin. 

wi ATT PL TOT AE a Bia 

Jsoruet ’ 

vaya cWhéw ké, jé chéén bay cha yh 

Whe Wha gay, sto, patroniser the arts, % apd to-. 

sli saris sa ng ih, carriages, ait ‘Peoples 
increase in skill. 

‘ Ri gaté lg Bai singihg ‘wo 
o! lye ne < a prostitute. 

Can - 

iv 5 af ii Vat a 2 9) 9 oT 
ie ¥ Ait to dread ; to e envious, anq, ma- 
aie yh ss Waid ‘angh 34 of 

licious. Hoe soo wily ke ae 
i ) 

4, fh gat hse: ig91y Vor wl noiees 

re" kneel down, to prostrate one’s self. 

Chin 6ngké wat, seen seng put heng 

TWN kadu kw jin hoé, FE -E iaeae | 
HE RR He HH AF, Ciitn ing toa 

kwiy king, sin sai" i heng ka gwd kw” jin, 
the king of Chin then prostrated himself, and said, 

Oh, Sir! will you not do me the favor of instructing 

me 2" See the ik Ba He Chéen kok ch’hek. 

Zz To respect, to honor, to esteem, to re- 
Ke wo verence. 
Ke Vi To arrive at, to reach to, to attain. 
emt Great, large; why ké sit, B B ae 
Ke 2. keth twa ch’hod, to construct a large 

house. See m4 F Béng choo. 

Ké k’hoé sty lin, B. p rail fi: twa cWhidy sey 
lin, a large mouth and small scales. 

To oppose, to withstand, to stop; ké gé 

1B ip to withstand. K’hé ché4 é 

»- che, ké put k’ho ché4 ké che ey 4g 

Sh ZA HY 4G ABZ, thang dy ving 
chéw kap e kaou,e dy uw” Phang dy lang chew ké 
ché e, with those who can be associated, unite; but 

those who cannot be associated with, reject. See the 
at a Lin gé. 

Kim ké & HD a metal I spur for fighting 

Ke ER cocks, Kwity-sé ae | ké key, Hoa-sé 
wiy che kim ké, 7 K Sy it a 

Fils FG Be 52. PB, Keonty-se cl’ hong hith key, 
Hoé-sé kape ch’hdng chit dy kim ké, Kwiy sé dres- 

sed his cock in armor, and Hoé-sé furnished his 

cock with metal spurs. See the A {iif Cho twan, 





A flambeau made of a bundle of reeds 
tp bound together and ignited. 
How? in what way? Jédk té yit kaé 

sod hong, ké put héang éng, * fey 

— > OW eH BIE 
na saé chit Gy gind Whe st he"S: hé w™ hédng 

yin, if you send a messenger into all parts, how 


would not your message be re-echoed and answered. 
The same as bei k’hé. C 

Steel, hard metal ; 

Ke ER io se a 

ke"S Pheth, hardened in malice, like 
steel and iron. Also, great. 

wan jé ké vhéet, 
wan cW’hin chéo"S 

Sek kéa, ei sin, one of the names of 

Kéa 3 
Kéa théet Ho BK to sit cross-leg- 
Kéa ged ; to be confined)in that position ; 
to be fettered with the legs bent up 
under one. 
Kéa sa, » @ surplice, a priest’s 
Kéa 2 7k 

Read ké, to intrust, to lodge in any 
Kéa == one’s hands; ké thok, *y 1E kéa 

?hok, to confide anything to a per- 
son’s care. 

cy = 
Ch’héng ke, bod sy vhing, 5 By Sn iff HS 
ch’he"a kéd, b6 séy Uhé"a, he wished to lodge 
it with some one, but no one would listen to him. 

= Z x > 
See the $9 =P Sook’. Ke sin, Af FB hea 
p’hay, to senda letter by any one. 


Pat the name of a hea- 

Kéd lim Fp 

then deity. 

Kea Ae 
Kéa So ké, the name of a place. 

Va Read ho, to bear, to carry anything 

ad on the shoulders. 

Read ké, steep, difficult of ascent, a 

Séang péng yéénjé k’hdng tong, hay béng léding 
wena whe, 2D ME TBE 
Sa Ti hey Me chés"S Whe pat”S pat"d je 

k’hwah k’hwah, leh laé ong ang jé kéa kéa, go- 

dangerous hill-path. 

ing up, the road was even and wide, but coming 

down, it was overgrown and steep. 

+1- Read keng, to be afraid, to fear, to 

Kena = 

Keng t’héen tong téy che jin, if 


A BH) dh 

rf aM ké™a theeS tang téy dy lang, a man 

that will alarm the heavens, and move the earth. 

Read keng, a capital city ; pok keng, 
dt = pak hé”d, the nora 
pital, Peking ; keng.s6nge Fr. ik 

ké™a sé 4y a metropolis. 



ena We 7K kim.ké"a ch’hd, the name of a 


dee Read keng; as kim keng bok, mm it 

Read choo, a child, a boy,,a son; 
Z dy 
choo sun, =F ¥ A ke™&. sun, sons 

and grandsons. 




Choo sun suy gé, keng se put k’ho put hok, 

= aoe 
ké"d sun suy jéén gaé, keng ch’hiyh u™ Phang 
bd t’hak, although young people may be dull, 

they should not neglect reading the classics. 

a Mae kéng, a looking-glass, a mirror ; 
Kou BS vein Kang] HH bie He, 
looking-glass ; bék kéng, Af ta bak 

hé” 4d, spectacles. 
Lé to put twan kéng téung jin, Fil 7] aS Sl 
is rf K laé to béy toot” hed tang e®F dy 
lang, ifa sword is ever so sharp, it will not cut 

asunder the reflection of a man in a-mirror. — 

eam Read héng, to walk, to go, to travel ; 

Keng aT toact; kéak héng, IIR 47 Wha ke"d 

to go on foot; héng loé 47 Hag hen 

loé, to travel-on the road. 
red 4 “MA . . 
Séy héng, iy fF sey ké"a, that which is done ; 

an action, a deed. 

Sam jin héng, pit yéw gnO soo yéen, = NK 
4T iy 7A Ke Fy HS sa lang tit kena, 
pit wod gwdn dy sin sai"9? when three people 
are walking together, there will certainly be one 

among them, who can be our teacher; see the 

LE Read héng, the name ofa place; the 

Kimi AS 
AT same as (ij héng. 
Dee. Sae toe héng, ii 3b Re thae tabu 

Kena , 
ké™4, the edges of a sieve. 

o Read kéén, a thing, an article; but 
Kena Ae kéén, By ag meé"h ke", a thing, 

a piece of goods; yit keen, — 

ag Lan gé. 







chit ke"@, one thing; ké kéén, a AY kwtty 
ké"a, how many things? 

Read kéén, robust, strong, vigorous ; 
At sin kéén, & fet sin ke”a, hale 
in body ; gnéw kéen, 2 (it go 

ke", a stout ox. 

-K’hong kéén sin .t’héy, iE tf a: ie an 

ke"a sin t’héy, to compose and invigorate 

one’s body. 
Read kéén, a threshold; to shut 

a door. 

Read kék, clogs; bok kék 7X hia 

bak kéa&h, wooden shoes. 

Read ké, to lift up anything, to take 
up; séw ké, FF #2 ch'héw keah, 

to take in the hand; ké k’hé,, Fa 

#e kéah k’hé, to raise anything up. 
ai Aid Rhat’hé"d, a sore foot. 

j Kéak lw4n sin bod péng, t’hoé 

han bok poey béng, i) He Hy Sie F5 
rye] FE A ft AA Rha séo hin sin b6 

pad, thabu kw"4 bak chew pity kwui"’> 
when the feet are kept wart; the body will 

Vulg. k’ha, the foot; kéak t’hdng, 

be free from disease; and when the head is 

kept cool, the eyes will be doubly bright. 

Kéak séak @ $e firm, strong, 

Kéak séak chae, ch’hoo ong yé4, 9B pehe Be 
W. B ty chong ké"a chae, chéy léy lao 
léng, what a stout man this old fellow is! said 

of ia Be M4 wan. 




The flesh over thé mouth. 

To increase; exceeding, very; to 
sport, to trifle. 

Kéak ] 
Gwiy-téy hong léng chin hé kéak, 

Gh it RE TE Be Pil ote 
pang héo"Y téy chin ché"d h2 keak, Gwiy-t?y’s 
stitching the incense bag, was truly a trifling 

and foolish thing. 


Kéang A surname. 
The name of a tribe of foreigners 
| Kéang to the west, who are chiefly shep- 

herds; also a éuphionic particle. 

Written XE kéang. 
Tothrow down, to overturn, to turn 
upside down. 

Ch’huy j@ kéang che, HE nin 
te Pal cWhuy hoé ¢ t6, push him down, 
Kéang Kéang kaa, ia Fe a boundary, @ 
a:: ie border, a limit. 

Jip ké kéang, t’hoé téy pit, téén yéa té, chek 

yéw k’heng, J, Ht rie a Hh el fa 
BF e a} A Be ip edy kéang ka, 
Khw™a t’hoé téy k’Inouy pit, chan yed te 
ch’hong, chek woo kh’hing ho, (the emperor) 
on entering the boundaries (of his nobles), and 
seeing the ground opened out, and the fields 
and wastes cultivated, will offer them congra- 
tulations; see the re =o Béng choo, 

me ah 
Vulg. kéo"8, ginger. Put vhéet 

" kéang sit, Rr riKa yi AY i™ 
lg Wh kéo"& chéth, he would 

never be without ginger at his meals; said of 



m=: F 

——= Ma kéang, eo ne bdy héo"S, a 

wD horse’s bridle. Also written 
a e ‘“ 



T’hok se kwuy laé, m4 kéang héang, j} ay ES EN 

bit ae bi is 98 Chak ch’hayh toot"S laér 

bdy kéo"S tn, returning home after study, the 

horse’s bridle rings with a tinkling sound. 

EP an oar; the handle of a hoe; a 

a::8 durable kind of wood. 

Kéang l6ng, i ee insects found 
Kéang beat 
In excrementitious matter. 
» A cloth for binding a child, in or- 
Kéang ip der to carry it on the back. 

Vulgar, chédng, to carry pick-a- 




ché™d ch’heng ban, to lay up strings of money 

A string of money or cash; chéng 

kéang ch’héen: ban, iy 48 BE 

FH OW Ra"S cheé"S hwui"S hadu 


by the thousands. and myriads. ~ 

: Béén kéang, Hy ii ke6"9 piayh 
Kéang 5 nai"9, to force, to constrain. 

Written inet kéang. 
Kéang wily séén jé é 8, Ai #3, ae 
ER bien hiding chd h6 ea 4e"4, you 

should exert yourself to do good; see nin F- 
Béng choo. 


Robust, strong, firm; a surname. 
Kéang cH Sod sip wat kéang jé soo, [JU] 4 
Fy i iii} FE se chap rary 

kong kédng chéw tébh chd kw™a, at forty a 
person is said to be robust, and should then - 
enter on office. See the tH jig K’heuk léy. 

== Kéang béng, tg fit: violent, 
Kéang 5 boisterous. Kéang hwut yéw 

kong k’hek, Et fj K Fa) e 

kédng pod dy ling, b6 kap e chd péng yéw, téoh 
é kong gnay ye" e, with violent persons 
make no friendship, but overcome them with 


Firm, violent, harsh. 

Not soft, unyielding, stiff. ; 
ca Chew-ch’héang bok kéang jin yea 

fal Ea RA ty Chew 

cl héang cW’hd gnay dy lang, Chew-ch’héang 


was a man as stiff as wood. 

Kéang pee 

Kéang pes As stiff as a dead body. 
- —_ 


Unbending asseverations, 

firm declarations. 

Pa ; 
A form, anappearance; yaou keaou, 

13) ik If, a beautiful woman. 

Jéak tek yaou keaou, tong é kim ok t’hé che, 

Ai ti KAG is YS BZ 

na éy tit té6h yaou keaou, té0h U6 kim ch’ hod 


Whe"S c, if I obtain a beautiful woman, I will 

make a golden house to put her in. 

«i 4 
. eee ues 



False, hypocritical ; greedy of gain, 

and seeking it in improper ways. 

Keaou yang, [&% J, the name of 
Keaou p an animal; san ch’hut keaou 
yang, Wy Hy Wi By swe 

cl’ hut keaou yang, the hills’ produce the keaou 


yang animal. 


A musical instrument, a large pipe. 

Keaou This eharacter isnow used for a 


Keaou To boast, to pity, to commiserate.. 


Keaou Keaou ‘go, i “isd keaou thabu, 
: 2) proud, arrogant, haughty. 

Hod jé bod keaou, pin jé boé t’héém, hé jé? 

Thi i 86 A ii ME 5 fy 

pod jé b6 keaou Phadu, sing jé b6 séep gey, an 
chw"4? to be rich without pride, and to be 
poor without flattery, what do youthink of that? 

See the_ Fy Seang lin. 

Keaéu Be Keaou keabu pék Whe, fe fps 
4 Sin) keadu keatu piyh bay, 

milk-white steeds. Gwat ch’hut keaou héy, 

FB BRE B® gieyh civhut keabu kui: 

the moon shines bright and clear. See the 

3 AS Se keng. 

False; pretending to counterfeit or- 
Keadéu ; ; 
ya) ders from superiors ; valiant. 

Ché-bwan hwat kea6u cheadu, tin sip pat tin 

choo hot tho Tong-tok, PY fy BE 4B 271 


Clean, bright, white, clear. 



at A & i Rit Be 
Ché-mw"4 hwat kéy cheadu jbeng, tin teadu 
chap payh tin choo hoé, k’hé th6 Tdng-toh, 
Ché-mw"4 issued a counterfeit imperial order, 
and summoned eighteen princes of districts to 
attack T4ng-téh ; see the — Sam kok. 

Kéang chae keaou, aa 54 om how firm 

and unbending! See the h it Téung ying. 

Proud and stubborn; also, violent 


and martial. Seadu choo keaou 

TR) keaou, yy +- BE Nea sey 

ké"4 kea6u, that boy is very proud. 

Ké m4 keaou keaou, HL i Nes val e dy 

bdy keabu kea6u, his horse is very bold. 

Keaou jeaou to confuse 
Keaéu jendu, 4 12, : 
to throw into disorder. 

Té keaou gno sim, K if R th keabu 

lwan gwé dy sim, it disturbed my mind. See 
the Jv HAE Seaou gnéy. 

Keaéu ie The noise of stirring about water. 

To round; to tie a thread around an 

Keaéu arrow, when shooting at a bird. 
Keaéu Clear, bright as the sun. 
Keadéu Bright and clear like a gem. 

Yéw jé keaou jit, Ay FY HB A] 06 ch’hin 

chéo"S keabu pdyh dy jit, as bright and clear 
as the noonday sun ; see the £ sire éng hong. 

Keaou jé yéa, BBE in all: (the music) must 

be clear and distinct; see the res Ath Séang 
Keaéu Clear, bright; to call out aloud. 
Keadéu To walk, to travel, 
> P P 
Keabu Read toé: to gamble, to game; toé 

326 KEAOU 

| some tall trees; see the 75 [fF] Chew lam, 

A surname, 

Keadu. Awe high hill, with w conical top. 


rane héé: a bridge; kd keadu, Sa 
Keadu d=) 5 hoey kéé, to go over a bridge. 

Cheadu 6ng cl’hey chok hé 

keadu, IG FE zal ft | He Cheadu éng 

Whe cl’hey chd hé ké6, Cheadu 6ng first made 

bridges over the large rivers. 

pok, Me {i pwah keabu, to play | 

games of chance. Sé siy séet ch’hoo toé 

ch’héang séy, jie lok hoo kwun boé chok 

tenon? Fh BE x WL SMH Ba Br HE 

i R I 4 KE Bi che chity séet chéy 

léy keabu VhEs"S séy, ling lok gwd dy ang 

mai"§ chd ché2 who could have established | 

these gambling-houses to entrap my husband, 

so as to turn the night into day? 

> Read pe4ou: to stick up with paste ; 
Keaébu peaou pory, Ae AB keabu pry, 

Vulg. kéd: to call, to bawl, to cry 
Keaodu . = She . 
out. Also written ni} kedou. 

Hék put te keadu hoe, By Ar 

all PS. VP woo dy u™ chae kéd hoe, there 
are some who do not know how to catl; see the 

Ip WE Seaou gnay. 

to paste paper, 

Keadu FB a lodging-housefor strangers. 

High, ag lam yéw keadu bok, 

Keadu fp 1 BR AR Man er ewtin 
dy ch’hd, on the south there are 

| Keadu B : The name of a wild fowl, 

he Shy 

The long feathers in a bird’s tail; 

Keaoéu kea6bu séw, 54 a: to lift up the 

head; to look forward with ex- 
pectation ; dangerous, hazardous. 

E sit keadu keabu, > Sr G8 tf god dy 

| séw gwity héém, wy nest is in jeopardy ; see the 

) = pad Se keng, 

Keadu The name ofa plant. 

Vulgar, é6: a sedan-chair, a chair 
Kéaou borne on mens’ shoulders. 

San héng chek kéaou, hy 4¥ 
A) i sw'a loe hi" chek tédh chéy kéd, 

when traveling in mountainous regions, it is ne- 

cessary to use chairs. 
Cho kéaou, 44 its chéy kéé, to ride in a se- 

x : ; ¢ 
Kss0u ‘To raise anything by a lever; ta 


KEEM 327 
K tte 
. | Kéem 
Keaouh To lift up the fvot in walking. | Sy 
EN | Re 
To halloo, to ery out loud, to an- pe. 
Keaoiih J? swer roughly; vicious, corrupt. | 

Bod keaoiih éng, Hf: wir he 

béh keaoith yin, do not answer roughly. 




Read kéuk and téuk: to build, to 
erect; kéuk ch’héang, Ea js 

keéh ch’hé6"S, to build a wall; 

kéuk ok, ap. fe keth ch’hoo, to build a house. | 


the steps of a front door. 

Kecth nye The ery of the wild fowl. 
‘Kiem To unite, to join, to associate toge- 
ther, to blend, to include. 
Chew-kong sod kéem sam Ong, é se sod soo, 
_ ¥ 

Chew-kong séo"S kiem chéy sa ong, é se 


Keéh gim, i) i the stones round ) 





héng chéy se hang 306, Chew-kong thought | 

of uniting the qualities of these three sove- 

reigns, to practice these feur good things. 

See the it F Beng choo, 

The name of a reed, a kind of rush; 

Kéem kéem hay ch’hong ch’hong, 3 

By ir Fr kéem hay cl hai” | 

ch’hai"Z, how green are the reeds and rushes ! 
See the AS Jil, Chia hong. 


oo 2 
The name of a bird, that always flies 

) in pairs, found in the south. 

pp Cloth wove with adouble thread; 

twilled silk. 
¢ Wun way ong se chok tan kéeme, 
Wit ty a7 A TE HR Bik AK 06 wity 
ang tébh chd twa sw”é sa, a wife should 
weave for her husband a garment of a single 
» To seal up ; to paste anything over 
an orifice. 

K’hong choo kwan Chew beaou 
yéw kim jin, sam kéem ké k’hoé, 4 =F- 
K’*héng cho6 k’ lwo” Chew béo woo kin 6 yling, 
s"a hay kéem e dy ch’hity, Confucius saw in 
the Chew temple, a gilt statue with its mouth 
thrice sealed ; see the ae =. 


or less, Léy choo @ kéén, is 

=E = ie léy dy yadu hin té kiém chic, 
the most essential thing in ceremony is to have 

Kay g6. 

w» To lessen, to dimitish, to detract 

from; kay kéém, in i, more 

as little of it as possible. 

To arrange, to sort out; to take ac- 
count of; kéém téém, ty ae to 
take a list of; sin kéém, aK fin 

to go round and inspect; an office. 

ma yee iey. Dae 4 yt 
Kéem téém jitséy way, oN pia] H Ay hey 
héém téém tak yit séy chd, to examine one’s 
daily conduct. 

Soe kéém, iy , to examine, (i 
search; kéém ch’hat, i? HS , to 

Kéém kadu, Ip 1, the game of ar 


KEEN 38 

The ornaments used,gn a horse’s 

AS head. 
> A sword; pwat kéem, He $5 , to 
Kéém Aga 

draw a sword. Also written Ay) 

kéém. HO té ma sé kéém, HF 
Hh 15 ER Ail) ae hed bay ch’he kéem, 
T love to ride on horseback, and make proof 
of my sword; See the ae =o Béng choo. 

San ham: saltish, briny, of a saltish 

Stiy wat jain hay, jan hay chok ham, > El 

ries - Ea - KE ae chiy king teéh 

lih I’ h2, kadu teéh lbh k’h2 chew ché™é kéém, 
water is said to flow downwards, and when it 

descends (to the sea), it becomes saltish. 

Kéém ay To stick in, to insert. 
z eats stabla, hard; kéen koé, Ex 
xed, steady. osooc 
Kéen , fixed, steady. K’ho soo che 

vhéng é that Chin Ch’hoé che 
kéen kap Jé peng @, Ay i ral Pe YJ t% 
rs as ras EE A Ai) ir RR hang saé 
ch’hong Uhiy & p’hith Chin Ch’hoé dy kéen kath 
laé to 2, (if your government is good,) you can 
set (your people) to make clubs, and beat down 
the firm armor and sharp weapons of the Chin 
and Ch’hoé countries; see the - F- Béng 

Niggardly, stingy, parsimonious ; 

kéen lin, NE x, close, niggard- 

ly. To chin se léng, bé hé kéen, 

ak Be Ie it IEE «6 chin se téy,' 

K éen 

{5 ahi 


boéy chin kéen lin, turn out the whole budget 
of your poetical effusions; you must not be 


a case for a bow. 

Kéen Rice water, congee, gruel. 


we = Vuleg. keng: the shoulder; kéent’hoé, 
iA RA keng thadu, the top of 

the shoulder ; also, to bear on the 


shoulders, to sustain. 

Sod che ch’héang yéa kip kéés, kwuy kéén 

sit kay che ho, Le re th, ae 55 
FA FB RK ZN HF 50d gud dy cWhE6"E hip 

kabu keng thaou, k’hw"d dy lang téng keene 
ch’hod laé dy h6, my wall is only up to the 
shoulders, so that inquisitive people can see all 
the good that is on the premises; (meaning, 
that his attainments were not of that high order, 

that could not be overlooked.) 
A stout ox; some say, a wild ani- 
Kéen mal like a leopard, with a man’s 

/ face and one eye. 

Kéen ATT three year old pig. 


To pull up; difficult ; lame, halt. 

Kéén Bod kéén hwa chwat é, {i} ES 
He Mh SE beh payh hwa ham 
kin, do not pull up the flowers together with 
the bulbous roots. 
Kéén Kéén loé, ie eg a kind of mule. 


To speak with difficulty, to stutter. 

The same as the above: also, blunt 

Kéén se discourse, straight forward words. 
ea Kong lap kéén, € k’hae sod 

ch’hong, hin AN Fe W Ba py 1/2) kong 

hwah lap séw tit gnay dy wa, é k’hwuy sé bin 
dy ch’hang mé"4, extensively receive straight 
forward discourse, in order to open out the in- 

telligence of all quarters. 

K één Difficult ; to elevate. 
Kiser Vulg. kéng: a wooden spout to carry 
off the water. 
Vulg. kéng : a bamboo spout ; stiy 
Kéén keéén, ak fi chity kéng, a wa- 
\é, To look aslant at anything; a kind 
Kéén : 
of net. 
Kéén Kéén choo, A >} kin d,a boy, 
a varlet, a slave. 
Yéén kéén, (E , proud, haugh- | 
Kéeén ty, insulting. Also written f= 
and AiR, kéén. 
To hold up the clothes; to tuck up 
Kéén the skirts of a garment. 

Kéén séang séep Chin, FE 2 
YE PB cW’haow yin chéO"S key Chin chty, 
to tuck up the petticoats in order to cross the 
Chin waters. 

' Kéén The same as the above, 




Vulgar, ké"a: 
Kéén bit kéen, By 


Vulg. ked”%: to see, to behold, ‘to 

visit, to appear before. 

Kéén héén soo chéy yéen, RR Be NAS HK 

5B kee"S gaéu ling sto"& kap e chéy, seeing 
me clever man, think of equaling him; sce the mn 
pn =o Lan gé. Goé bé kéén h®0 tek jé hd sek 
ches vet, Ee LAP HO HP 
FE Ui, quod biey k’hw"a chit dy a2 tek ch’hin 
chéa"S ae sek dy lang, I have never seen any 

love virtue as they love beauty; see the same. 

To build, to establish. Hok-kéén, 

ia RE, the province of Hok- 
kéén. When MS vA Hwut- 

pit-léét, or Kublai, the Tartar conqueror of 
China (A. D. 1296), came to ae 4 Yéen 
keng, he (beng kéén ché séng séen soo K’héng 

choo che heaou é, fit et BE Sy Ei iL 
+ om fii ae béng léng kéén té chd sdng sin 
sai"S K’héng choé dy béd é,) commanded them 

to erect the temple of the most holy sage, and 

first teacher, Confucius, 

Firm, strong; vulg. ké"a: hale, ro- 
Ag bust. Téng-t’héen-po, Fé K 
i= in his 14th year raised an 

army of 100,000 men, whom he called (T’héen- 

po kéén jé, RK ey fit Be T’héen-pé pe a 

ké"d,) T’héen-pd’s stout boys. 

a thing, an article; 

By te mee"h ke” a, 


A lock, a fastening to a door. 

T by +s A - 
a A stubborn ox, a bullock unaccus- ene newt kéep kok, jas RE Be Fila Téng kap 
Kéén Seéh dy jin kwun.séo kéep ch’héa ké"4, the princes 
tomed to the yoke. F 
of Téng and Seéh rode in their chariots side by side; 
Lan The threshold of a door; to close see the hs =F {i Kong yang twan. 
and fasten a door. To hold up on bothsides, to press or 
‘ Kéep AR squeeze together; to unite with and 
> : support. Kéep kong, Be Ty, to 
a in Azden ont brs Tk ane 
Keen iat ewan a" ingen | attack on both sides. Chew-kong T’haé-kong kéep 
& hod Séng dng, FE} DK BD We Hi ARE 

Read, che: as, hee che, he 
Kee" 2; wus kee"Ss a kind of yellow 

fruit, used in dyeing. 

k Read kéem: potash, used in the pre- 

> ia. 

Kees WX 

paration Of certain confectiona- 

ries, and washing clothes; hwan 

kéen, ay Kid hwan kee"S> soap. 

Read kéén: 

to have an interview with. Téng- 

Kee"s al 

keén béén, jé kéw séang sit, Fey I an Gil BR 
we BOW im HH a Tine 

Vhae chong kap Péng-héén-ling, chit ked”§ bin, 

to see, to wait upon, 

thaé-chong é ee ae yit 

ch’hin chéo"& kod séo bat, Téng-t’haé-chong, at 

the first interview with Péng-héén-léng appeared 
as if he had known him for a long time. 

Kéén séén jé put kip, Al ae qin AN Rh 
kee"S h6 ch’hin chéo"S béy kip kaowd, seeing any- 
ao good he felt as though he could not attain it. 

per kéén: the brink, or edge of 
; Keine Ti anything: haé kéén, Tis $8 haé 
keé®S, the sea-shore; kang kéén, 

is $67 kang keé"8, the river’s side. 


ee By the side, side by side, together 
Kéep : 

Chew-kong kap T’hae-kong séang péng hoo Séng 
éng, Chew-kong and T’haé-kong held ap and sus- 
tained Séng 6ng on both sides; see’ the Fe {i 
Cho twan. 

a Kéep jeuk, [HK ER, the name ofa 
Kéep 4 4 
place, where ri TE, Boo ong 

laid the foundation of his kingdom, which he prognos- 

The sides of the face, the cheeks; 
béén kéep, ii i bin kéep, the 

jaws of the face. 

A sinew,a tendon; an ox sinew, used 
as a thong, for tying on the barb 

of an arrow. 

ticated would last for 30 ages, and 700 years, A sur- 


aAF- Béng keeper Ae the name of afe- 

licitous plant in the time of Geadu. 

Jé kéep HR R the leaf or blos- 
som of a certain tree resembling copper cash :—the 

rulers of the Han dynasty finding that the current 


coin of the former dynasty Chin was heavy and 
difficult to: use, ordered the people to strike a new ~ 

kind of coin like the blossom of the above tree. 

Ké ep > ae handle of a sword; also a sword. 



Kéep Kéep téep, ti YiE,a kind ofbutterfly. 

Fer A box,a casket; kéep ban, (ae od 

Kéep Be hawk 
ap ban, a trunk, a chest; also writ- 

ten Be kéep. Jip hak koé kéep 

KA fa wy fé Jip oh koé té kap a, on entering 

the school, they drum upon the box (containing their 
books, &c). 

To have one’s wishes fulfilled; to 
Kéep A obtain one’s desires. T’héen hay 

jin bin bé yewkéepeht, AR P| 

J. BRAS 7 HE see ay dy lng payh 

sai"S biéy woo kéep mw"é e dy sim che, the peo- 
ple and subjects of the empire have not fully got 

their desires ; see the ii xX ie fe, Han bain téy 


Kéep Waa confined among the hills. 

Chopsticks, used by the Chinese for 
Kéep Wie taking up their food. Keng che 
yéwch’haé ché4 ying keep, ké bod 

ch’haé ché4, put ying kéep, ae <a A ne 

the"S dy woo ch’hae dy chew yung té,e dy bé 
ch’haé dy bé ying té, when the broth has any ve- 
getables init, we may use chopsticks (to take it up) ; 
but when there are no vegetables, we must not use 
chopsticks; see the Hh ite K’héuk léy. 

To take by force, to snatch away» 

Kéep FY to seize forcibly. Also written 
IJ] and FI kéep. Kéep ch’héang 

Hi By kéep ch’hé6"8> to rob, to plunder. Paes 
Hwan-kong kéep 6 Loé-chong, Jif }e, 2 aX A] 

WS A GPE Chey Hodn-kong ch’hiing keep & Lot- 




chong, HwAn-kong of the Chéy country plundered 

a To plunder, to take by force; the 
Kéep same as the foregoing. 

ts ie Clothes without cotton wadding; thi 
Kéep Kes clothes; kéep e; HOR hap e, 

a loose, flowing dress. 
a Vulg. kak: armor for the back ; the 
Kéep flesh between the shoulders. 

Vulgar, kat: to tiea knot,a knot; 

Kéet cow He kéet léén, 44° Sir, to connect, to 
join sigellied. Sim jé kéet héy, 

nn vil} ¢t iy sim kw"a cWhin chéo"& kat, the 

mind is, as it were, tied and bound, 

Kéet 4E 

anything in the lap. 

To hold anything in the lap; kéet e, 

hii x, to hold up the skirts of 

the garment in order to contain 

Vulg, kit é@: a lemon, a lime; also 

written Ii kéet. Bantéungéng . 

keét yéw, fis ip Be #5 Ah 

bin sai"S dy tange"8> éng hwa kit 4 kap noot"S 4, 
in ti@provinces of Hok-ké¢n and Canton, the lem- 


on and the pumelo flourish, 

> Clean ; kéet ch’heng, i# is 

Kéet eH cl’ heng k’hé sé6"8> clean and pure. 
AI  Jinkéet ké é chin, 6 ké kéet yea, 

KBE CY ME e IERR AB tne avin 
kéet cl’heng ha té & chin, lén tédh yine dy kéet 
cl’heng, when people purify themselves and enter 

(on office), we should allow that they are pure; see 
the Fi) ag Lin gé. Also written ‘#7 kéet. 


To exert one’s strength, martial ; 
Kéet AB also, hasty, vehement. Ké jin 
hwuy ch’hé"4 kéet, Ho J. fl 

Bi hie Ay lang houy hwui"S kia kéet beng, that 

nan is both illustrious and courageous. 

To raise anything on high; to hold 
up; kéet vhéep, Hy ik, to open 

the budget, to commence an affair. 

Kéet kan wy ké, Soy 4E Bi Ii kéth Whé tek 
kéng chd ké, they raised up a bamboo pole for a 

Ch’him chek léy, ch’héén chek kéet, iE Fi} Bi 
7% 5) bit cl’him. chéw léy kody k’he, k’hin chew 
_ payh k’hé sna, in the deep parts (of a river), dash 
through, but in crossing the shallow parts, hold up 
(your garments) ; see the ty sc: Woéey hong. 

Kéet Fe: ram; an encampment of Tartars. 
Kéet A — a reaping-hook a crooked 

if To bale out the water; a vessel fi 

Kéet ¥ : , 7 
=f lading out water. 


The same as ina kéét; a kind of 


used for oA kéét, a hero, Also, 
a henroost, a place where fowls roost. 

1a oa hero; chiin kéét, Be ft, a su- 
AS perior and clever man. Téang- 
léang, Seaou-h6, Han-sin, sam chéa kae jin kéét 
66, Fe PLAT AN = 
Téo"8-lédng, Seaou-hé, Han-sin, chéy sa ldng chd 
pod sé jin, kéét yéd, Téo™8-léang, Seaou-hé, and 


stone: rough as a stone. 




HAn-sin, these three were all heroic fellows. Also 
written AR kéét. / | 

Kéét sek, Ahy A, the name of a 

hill in the eastern seas, 
Sy" split, to draw out, to pull, to open, 
Kéet to tear asunder. Choo soo héng 

_ kae keet ch’hs, oy WG TA) 
Be Th choo sé dy héng hwat chd poo téoh kéet 
léét té kay ch’hé, all capital offenders must be pu- 
nished by being pulled to pieces im the market. 

To exhaust, to exert to the utmost 5 

Keéét v kéét chin, v3) a, to exhaust ut- 
terly. Sod hod boé léng kéét ké 

lek, BE RE AG HE 77 hak saé pay bos 

éy kéét chin e dy k’hwity lat, in serving one’s pa- 

rents, to be able to exert one’s strength to the ut- 

most; see the M i am Séang lin. 

To extend to the extreme point; to 
Kek know thoroughly; to influence, to 

regulate; kek sek, RK 50 arule, 
apattern. Té te chaé kek bit, Bh y 3 AE ia by) 
42 te sit twa te kek chin meé"h, the highest point of 

knowledge is to scrutinize all things thoroughly. 

Hasty, rapid, vehement; keng se but 

Kek nips kek, sé bin choo lab, A ia Ql 
wee ook FR BR OAR Phe Phadu 

cl’ hing kéng boh kin, payh sai"& ch’hin chéo"9 

ké"é laé, at the commencement of the work, (he 

told them) not to hasten, but the people came like 
children; see the K HE Taé gnay. 

To arrive at. Also read kay : to bor- 
row, false; 6ng kek Yéw-beaou, 
— AR Fee ong Aadu Yéw- 

beer the king came to Yéw-beadu; see the yr FA 

Ek keng. 


The name of some foreign nation on 
the west of China. 

Keng kek, I tek, thorns and bri- 
HR ers. Also, hasty, rapid. P’he 
keng cham kek, 3° 3h] ifr ili 

prhe koey keng ch’habu cham toor"S kek ch’he, to 

remove the weeds and cut down the briers; see the 
Zr {8 Cho twan. 

Hasty, rapid. 


Also, fixed, deter- 

Kek ee 
+ To collect stones together in order to 
Kek 7» stop the course of water; to influ- 

ence. Kek jé héng che, k’h6 soo 

chaé san, ii 17 eee Wy (iB FE Me 

kek jé hoé e t6 ké"4 mae saé e kody sw"a, if you 
stop up (the stream) with stones, and lead it along, 

you may make it pass over a hill; see the = -F- 
Béng choo. Kém kek bdng sin, a im 
hém kek kadu béy ke ¢ dy hin sin, to be so moved as 

to forget one’s self. 

—— * Héung kek, heng kayh, the 
a WF Wa Hi 

midriff, the diaphragm; that 
which divides the upper from the 

lower part of the inside of the body. 

The cry of a wild fowl, the crowing 

Kek nz 

To stop up, to obstruct, to separate ; 
Kek py kek pek» fe BE kayh péah, a 

neighbor, one who is separated 

of a cock, 

from us merely by a wall, 

Héng kek lééy goey Yi pry A Ah hong kityh 

laé gwd, to cut off all intercourse between those 

without and those within. 



The middle part of a feather, a 

Kek quill; a wing. Hong hwin kek 

je hwuy, Bl 45 BM MH AE 

hong té0"8 e dy sit jé pwuy, the hong bird stretch- 

ed its wings, and flew away. 
Kek IS E— A bamboo screen put before a door. 

weem The yoke ofa large carriage: séang 

lé léén kek, PG ie iB 45 

chd seng lé dy ling Whayh séo 

swd. Gyh, the caravan of traders crowded each other 


so much in the roads, that the yokes of their carriages 

touched one another. 

To kill, to put to death; Sin kek 
Kek Rank Kwiin é é-san, Sp ait tif, ae 
———~ FA Vj Sun that Kwin té ¢- 

sw"a, Sin put Kwan to death at E-san. 

Kek digke The name of a hill, 

A man under the water; to be 

~ A spear, a lance, a military wea- 
Kek pon; té kek, ry Hk, to grasp 
one’s spear. 
Ju To beat, to strike; € sek kek jin, 
Kek Se OL) Be OE A the chin hex 

sé ling, to stone people to death. 

Choo kek Whéng @ Woey, -F- HE BE =P 4iy 
hoo chod p’hith h’hing té W dey, Contucius played 

on the k’héng (a musical instrament) at Woey ; see 

the om pa Lian gé. 

Kek Ae" arrive at, to goto the extreme. 


Kek The appearance of a dog staring 
at any one. aca 

Kek Le», plough, to till the ground. 

: 2 ais 

Kek 11 | Vulg. kegh: the cry of a wild fowl. 

, To change, to drive away, to de. 

Kek prive of office; also, leather, skin. 

T’héen téy kek, jé sod sé séng, 
RK ph a im ) Ae hk Phee™S téy wld 
jé se sé ché"é ho, when the heavens and the earth 
(i.e. the dynasty) are changed, then the four sea- 
sons become good; see the Fy AS Ek keng. 
Kek chit way bin, 2p. we Bs, RK tut kw"a 
chd payh sai"J, to be deprived of office, and to be 
degraded to the level of the common people. 
Ko yang che kek, = af a i ko yes" by 
phééy, a kid-skin. 

Read kéuk: as kéuk hwa, Hj A. 
Kek kek hwa, a chrysanthemum flower. 
Ch’haé kéuk tonglé hay, yew jeén 

kéan lam san, Jf aj Wa RE Ate ak 

be rz] Wy ban kek hwate tang lé pa hay, hwui"S 
bn B’hww"a lam pee"S dy sw”a, while plucking the 
bi P y 

chrysanthemum flowers in the eastern garden, I 


looked thoughtfully towards the southern hills. 
“The topmost beam in a house ; any- 
thing high; extreme, the extremity. 

| T’haé kék, kK ik the great ex- 

tremity, which the Chinese suppose existed before the 


production of heaven and earth; this was itself 
preceded by a bod kék, ‘it Hie bé kék,no extremity, 

a boundless infinity. Kwun chod bod séy put yung 



 KENG - 

ke kek, FF AME Bp AS FA SE Hs, om 

cho6 b6 séy w™ ying e dy kék, the good man invaria- 

bly adapts things to their best use; see the k &B, 

Tae bak? gc": <* 


Kek Keer 
Bok kék, JK fie bak Keak, wooden 
Kek Ke shoes, clogs. Soo-m4-é soo kwun 
s00 sam ch’héen jin, chéak jwan 

chaé péng téy bok kék chéén héng, | iF Be 
Re rl AT, Soo-md-é saé e dy kwun sod s"a ch’heng 
ling ch’hing nooi"S ch’hd pais téy dy bak kéak 
taé seng ké"4, Soo-m4-é ordered three thousand of 
his troops to put on wooden clogs made of soft wood 
with flat soles, and then to march on in front; 

(after which he followed with the whole army.) 

Read kéuk: an arsenal, an armory ; 

Kek 2 chéuk kéuk, (JE ffi chek keh, to 
bend the body, in a flattering fawn- 
ing manner. Ké kéuk, He i ké kék, the 
game of chess, the chess-board. 

K The uttermost border; one of the 
8 radicals. 

Renb ORE. Keng lain, #¢ er, a thread, a string, 
es ae 

aseries; séang keng, a 4, the 
common series of human relations. 
Keng hwiuy, AS ae the woof and the warp in 
weaving cloth; keng éng, Ag me, to build, to con- 

struct; keng se, aS =: books and classics; é keng, 

we et, and cheng keng, ‘ir Ye, past, gone by, 
already done; chéng keng, E , honest, up- 

right. A surname. 



Wit léng keng lin t’héen hay che taé keng, NE 
Ae HE i IRE ZA AE 0k tok ey eng 
lin thee" dy twa heng, just capable of arranging 
the great relations of the empire; see the ra it 
Téung ying. cee 

_ Chaé keng yéw che, AE FASS AR oe 

it is contained-in the classics. 

» The name of ariver; Keng é Wiy 
Keng BS chok, ii YW 8 Gi. Keng ty 
, 16 chicy ching Wiy dy ch’heng 

chiy yéé 16, the foul waters of the Keng render 
the clear waters of the Wiy muddy (by mixing 

with them); see the a ja, Woéy hong. 

The stalk of grass, or corn. 

RR sound of stones rattling together. 
Vulg. ké"a: great,a very high hill; 

keng soo, Rr pili ké"a sé™,a 
keng, A, i Jip ké™a, to enter the capital. 




j—B—a A granary. 


Keng Vulg. kai"&: one of the ten horary 


Keng jas Ch’hong keng, 24 Ha, the name of 
: YS) a bird. 
Keng a Bright. 


té keng wood e, - 

capital city, a metropolis. Jip | 


Keng lin, rey BE to pity, to commi- 
Keng: F serate. Chek ae’Keng jé, buthé, 
AT AT Dy Ba « 
~~ kenge, jé 66 hno"a hé, you must then pity them, and 

: not rejoice ; See the an ab Lin gé. 
Keaou keng, HES #. to be proud and vaunting, to 


To connect, to continue in succession. 
Naé keng chaé ko, id B iby 
BK naé séo swi cWhéd"S kwa, 

he continued to sing. 


——©. The place beyond the suburbs or 
borders ; keng keng boé m4, chaé 

Keng J 
R keng che yéa, Eh} fifi) Hi: Fy 

HE Jing 7. EP, potty potty dy bot bay, twa t2 
keng dy yéd, fine and fat mares, in the fields beyond 

the suburbs ; see the i ME Se keng; also written 

Hi keng. 

A mare; others say, a fine fat horse. 

Rice ; edible rice, in distinction from 

Keng the glutinous rice. Té p’héng 

ip keng to che téy, il ge lid Ki 

ya Hu p’hadu chabu té keng to dy téy, to gallop 
about amongst the corn. 

To change, to alter, to repeat; keng 

Keng RP loé, ft vi kat" ladu, an hour 

glass. Kwun choo che kd yé4, jé 

jit gwat che sit yéen; kip ké keng yé4, jin kae géang 

RE thA be ffhp 27, kwoun chob dy key 

sit ch’ hin chéo"S jit gdéyh dy sit ; kadue keng wd 
lang chd poé gédng k’hw"d e, the errors of good 
men are like the eclipses of the sun and moon; 
when they alter, all men look up to them; see the 

fl aH Lin gé. Séw keng, oy iu chéw kai"S> 

to keep watch. 

KENG 336 

To plough: keng 86n, FE Hi choh 
A) ch’hén, to cultivate ithe ground. 
TéAng-ch’he Kéét-lék gnoé jé keng, te i. ae 
HH Ay fin rst Tédng-ch’ he Kéét-lek séo iy 
choh ch’han, Té&ng-ch’he and Kéét-lék ploughed 
side by side; see the i ae Lin gé. 


¥ The name of a tree; a surname; 

Keng Keng chew, JH] My, the name of 
J | f a district. 

The upper part of the arm: keng 

Keng WZ thot, fiR BA Feng thadu, the 
. shoulders. 

Hwuy che é keng, pigs he YJ iB ké hwuy e é 
ch’héw, he beckoned to them with his arm; see the 
yr Hf Seaou gnay. 

K’héuk keng jé chim che, Hy WE ii yt e 

Whéuk wan keng ch’ héw jé ch’hong chim thaéu, he 
bent his arm under him for a pillow. 

Soup; ch’haé keng, ca ee ch’hae 
évy kaiS, vegetable soup; t’heaou 

Fy keng, Hk = Cheaou kai&> 

a spoon, a soup-spoon. 


Vulg. ké"a: to frighten, to alarm, to 

Keng = = fear, to be afraid. Chin keng pek 
4 lé, fe ye f=) Lies chin ké™a 

kadu chit payh lé, (the thunder) agitates and alarms 
to the distance of a thousand lé. Meng sod, e H 
ké"a sé, to be frightened to death. 

Not at one’s ease, uneasy : extreme- 

ly anxious and careful. 
Chéén chéén keng keng, ink Fk 

Th a, trembling and anxious. 
Read kéung: as kéung chong, Ht 
Keng 4 HT We keng chong, a document 
F 4 

drawn up respecting a man’s own 

Kéng = 


life and conduct to be presented to a magistrate : 

a written defense. 

> Seis extensive, bright; kong kéng, 
HH: + 52 landscape, view of a 
country; a surname. 

Boé péen kong kéng, yit sé sin, if. 3 WG P 

_ Ie a b6 pee"S d dy kong kéng, chit sé & 

sin, a boundless prospect, which all of a sudden 
appears new. 

Kéng géang, Be {Al to look up to with expectation. 

a5 Te awake out of sleep, to have the at- 

day tention excited; also, far, distant - 

Kéng The brightness of a gem. 

} Kéng kaé, fic 7K to warn, to cau- 
Kéng Aer tion, to admonish. 
Kéng kaé bod gé, cid AK 4a. 

jeg kéng kae ling téo"& té bé thang ch’hek dy sod, 
to admonish people to beware of unforeseen cir- 


ape admonish: sfin kéng, 3 Be 
Kéng —_—— to go round in order to caution 
i | 

with authority. 
T’héen choo stn héng choo hoé che kok ying kéng 

hoe sim, KF FT OR OZ A 

We BE Ny hing ty stin kA choo hot dy kok, 
yung kéng kae choo hoé dy sim, the emperor per- 

ambulates the countries of the princes, in order to 

impress caution on their minds. 

ng Respectful; sedate, 


ia 2 

To exhaust, to finish, to conclude ; 

kéw kéng, ae i to examine 

Kéng 7 

Chek taé hé, léak te ké &, yew put k’héng kéng 
ii HA Bm RRA H 
‘ A = mah Chek twa hw"a hé, lééh & chae e dy 
2, yew iw” Whéng kéng chin hak, Chek (i. e. Jy 
yy) Hang-é) was greatly pleased when he understood 
a little of his meaning, but after all he would not 
complete his studies ; see the bd aL Soo ke. 

Kéng kaé, is Rt. a border, the li- 

mits of a territory. 

Jip kéng jé bin kim, A ie im 
FE] 2H jap kéng kad chiro mooi"S twa kim, on en- 
tering the borders, ask respecting the -prohibitions 
(or laws of the country) ; see the it Fi K’héuk 

léy. Hap kéng péng an, 4? ia °f 4, peace 

be within thy borders ! 

Kéng kaé, ik 4y, noble, high- 
Kéng HR minded ; also, sorrowful, distress- 
; ed; a surname. 

Seaou léén hod chdng k’hé kéng kaé, lip ch’héung 
awn, AE FL HE SOK A He 
710) sty hin na@ hod chit dy ching Whe kwd kéng 
kat, chek kadu lip éy ch’héung kwan, in his youth 

he had a Grm spirit coupled with a noble mind, and 


when he stood he wore his cap awry (as though 
he would terrify one by his looks) ; said of BS ay 
#, Ch’hé-kéng-géép. Kéng kéng put bé, jé yéw 
yin yew, IK IK AS FE Mn A BA SB hone 
kéng béy Whwin, ch’hin chéo"9 wod yin k'he™S dy 
Iwan 16, he was distressed and unable to sleep, as 
though he had some internal grief; see the Fj Wa 
Woey hong. 

) A single garment; @ kim kéng é, 

v2 a Bk RE ch’héng kim 

sew dy s"a, tébh wod twa née" 




té laé bin, when wearing a dress of embroidered 

silk we should have a single garment underneath ; 

see the EN jal Teng hong. 

Kéng Rie Fire burning brightly. 

Very bright, clear; to examine 
Kéng 7 


| ee far; also written 3fo] kéng 

Kéng y 2 ? ? je ? 
and 1) kéng. 

Kéng chéak pé héng 16, Jp] BY OR 47 YE 

hour"S Whe yéO"S hwut liy héng 16, to go far and 

lade water out of yonder running stream, 

Kéng Ala 
Anything stopping in the throat; to 

Kéng 1 be choked with grief. 

Ying chek kéng, kéng jé put che, 
chek chin, EB} WE Wi) AV a: SON BS 
yung Chat chéw ad kai"S> hat"& na béy swith, chéw | 
payh k’hé laé ké"é, if you cram yourself you will be 
choked; but if the choking does not stop, you had 

A single garment; kéng e, FD x: 
a thin robe, 

better get up and walk. 

Kén Valgar, kai"S ; to be choked with 
S »> a fish-bone. 

3 To be choked with a bone in the 


Kéng raz] The brightness of fire, 


To cut off the head with a knife; 

to decapitate, to behead. Léng 

Kéng Ry 
- chéiing ché& Gwiy-kéng kéng 
che, > (A 4G Ai at is) yd beng leng tiy dy 

lang léah Guwuy-keng t’haé t’haot, he ordered his 

followers to take Gwiay-kéng and decapitate him; 

see the rp au Soo ke. 

Read kéang: to put the hands toge- 
Kéng ther; kédng séw, fit =F kéng 

ch’héw, to fold the hands together 

before the breast, as is customary with the Chinese, 

when they bow to a friend. Sfy kéiing jé vhéen 

hay te, HE Bt in RK in 18 pang loh laé kéng 

cW’héw jé Chee"I ay pai"S, he merely let fall his 

folded hands, and the empire was regulated; said of | 

na FE Boo ong. 

Kéng tabu kéng, the capital of a pillar, | 
in the form of a measure of corn. 

Read kéén: as sy kéén, JK i 

Kéng chity kéng,,a rain-gutter, a spout | 

put along the eaves of a house to 

carry off the rainwater. 

Read kan: a plait, or fold; kwan 
Kéng Hit kan, $B $e tal kwiin kéng, the plaits 
or folds of a petticoat, 

ARE A small road, a pathway; straight ; 
ASS also written eG kéng. 

Héng put yéw kéng, AF x ie 
a ke" u™ dn kéeng loé, to. travel without going 
along the proper road; to go out of the right way. 

Keng 3 A road, a thoroughfare; to approach 

near; to go along the road. 

Kéng A kind of wood like deal, but har- 

der ; beech wood. 


Read kéiing: as toé kéting, 3. Ht | 


: worm : 
Kéng Z| Extreme, at length, finally. 

=a ‘fo repeat, again; more, increasing ; 
Keng Ea keng to, Fl ye K’hah chéy, 
much more. 

‘Kéng ch’héang téét ho, i) Wy yk Al hike 

ch’héo"9 yew koh kap e hé, to sing again, and again 

\ to reply to it. 

To respect, to esteem, to reverence, 
Keng ) vq to honor. . 

Ke ch’hé kéung, chip soo kéng, 

je i He Ht ae Hf k’kéa té lan dy wiy 

té0h kéung chip ln dy sod tédh kéng, dwelling in 

our place we should maintain a feeling of reverence, 

and engaging in any affair we should manifest res- 

pect; see the ii) Ze Lin gé. 

a ‘i 5s a glass; 

_ ‘Kéng 7] béén kéng, fff] ii bin ké" a, a 

Béng seng éng éng, k’hae chong kéng yéa, HA 

RL BE BE BY Re GE ay beng cwrnairs 
yea koui™S, té6h Whwuy che"S ea, when the 

bright stars are still twinkling, females ought to 

| se Vole. ké"a: 

open their toilets and mirrors, 

Kéng Bright, clear. 
Read kéidng: to afford, to offer; 
Keng Ail kétng chae, fit Hig kéng chae, 
F to offer sacrifices with respect and 
Read kéing: as ch’haé kéing, HE 
| Keng et ch’hae kéng, fruits and vege- — 

2 > | tables offered in sacrifice. 


A - 

pabl Bek kéng, ie Ba to mark any one’s 

Standing alone, without any support; | _Kéng BD testi by means of puncturing it so 

tok héng kéng kéng, ij 47° ee 
Fe toh kée"G 46 e wd, to walk 
alone without support. 

Kéng i 

Kéng Good; also sorrowful. 
’ Sorrowful, distressed: séuk yéa 
Kéng DK kéng kéng, Ja ria BX BA 
jit mat" hwan 16, night and day 
Sorrowful; also alone, solitary, 
Kéng friendless. 

Yew sim kéng kéng, Bx > (9 
(9 hwin 16 dy sim kw"a kéng kéng, a sorrowful 
mind, very much distressed; see the Ip HE Seaou 

gndy. Bod gédk kéng tok, fH. JE HP 4aj doh 

po géak kéng tok dy ling, do not oppress the so- 
litary and friendless ; see the ie ag Se keng. 

Teng kéng, Ke a, a lamp-stand, 
a candlestick. 

A red gem, a precious stone ofa 
red color. 

Kéng 3 
Toé gnoé é bok lé, pd che é kéng 

kew, He TE AR HT HM 

tabu gwd & bdk lé, pd e & kéng kéw, they handed 
over to me the fruit of a tree, and I rewarded them 
with gems and precious stones; see the ‘i PR 
Woey hong. 

ae” beat out, to manufacture; se 
Keéng chéding chuy choo kéng, iE iit 

r, HE =F BE cbrhayh chéting pit 

boéy ch’hdng, books are manufactured by the point 
(of the pencil). 


rated; a punishment formerly in use in China, in 

that the figures cannot be oblite- 

order to mark and degrade criminals. 

Kéng Goods, merchandise. 
Read kéiing: poor, poverty ; kwung 
Keng choo ék yéw ké(ing hoe? FF “yj. 

5 It A i H- kun choo yea 

woo kéng hoe? may a good man also be poor? see 
the agg ae Lin gé. 

Kéng RX 
of battle, which was (téung kwan 

hoé kéng, i} He if ah) tang e"S kwin sé, adu 

bin kéng ké” a), powerfal in the centre, and firm in 
the rear. 

we The neck; t’hoé keng pit téung, 
Kéng 38 BA SA MA Up ehadu kak im 
eit kwun 4, pit téoh tekeké téung, the 

head and the neck must be kept in a perpendicular 

Firm, strong, hard; Teng-kong, ai 
4S, drew up the “fish-net” line 

line ; (not bent forwards ;) see the Ve aL, Léy ke. 

The bone of the leg; kéak kéng, 
jul bd Wha kéeng, the shin bone, 

; E teang k’hoe ké kéng, YJ tk 
oy) # Hat thd kwat & Rhadu e ay Wha kwut, 
he then took his staff and hit him over the shin; see 

the Hy 5H Liin ge. 

Keng RE Warm. 

» ¢ The name of a river; kéng ché, 

Kéng ue 

Ai keng chd, a kind of drawing 


A well-rope, a rope with which to 
draw. water. 

- Kéng tw4n ché4, put k’ho é k’hip 

ch’him, 4! i A AN )) y) ia TR chat"S 

svh ty b6 Chang é ch’héo"S chty ch’him, when 

the well-rope is short, we cannot take it to draw wa- 


ter out of adcep place. 
The name of a wood; straight, cor- 
rect; also, to stop up, the sur- 

Kéng Ae 
face. Goé séy hak ché4, tit ’hoé 

keg 6, FB Pp SE AG A AE BE TB oy 

6h dy, ch’héng ch’héng vhoé kéng, that which I have 
studied, amounts only to the surface (or the super- 
ficial part of a doctrine). Kit kéng, fr Re, the 

name of a medicinal drug. 

: To stop up, to be hindered, to be 
Keng stiff. 

Forcible, violent, striving, to wran- 

Kéng SESE gle; cheng kéng, Hi tn, to dis- 
he pute. 

vA Read kong: a jar, a large earthen 
E jar; also written fff] kong. 

Read. kong: the name of a place, 
the brow of a hill. 

Ke's hi 

FS 2 B ae Ee fh te hia] Chao-kat-léang 

k’héa te go léilng hel8> Choo-kat-léang dwelt on 

the brow of the sleeping dragon hill. 

Read kong, tocarry on a pole between 

Ke"S two or more people. Kong but, fr: 
so Hy ke"& meéh, to carry anything. 
~eR Read Vhae:to lift or carry anything; 


Pe BR he"S kes, to 

carry a sedan-chair. 

hae keadu, 



Choo-kat-léang ke go léfing kong, | 


Read kéng: a burden; long kong, 

Ke"s A it ti tH lang ke™S, a burden, a 

Re"s a] Read kong; to harden or temper steel: 

Read kong: steel; chéng kong, iE 

Ke"s Sn Sil ché"d "8, pure steel. Léén 
kong ch’hek to, ying che ch’héet 

géiik jé ch’héet ne yéen, Hk Al ae 7) FA a 

YI FE bn 4) YE FB teen ke" creak to, yiing 

é cWhéet géuk, ch’hin chéo"S  ch’héet thoé, a bare 
knife of molten steel may be made use of to split 

gems, just like splitting mud. 

«Ih The egg-plant, called brinjal. 

Read keadu: to call, tocry out; hék 
Kéo ne Tae put te keadu ho, Bk AR dy I} 

BE woa dy uw" chae kéd ho, there 


are some who do not understand the call and signal 
see the aN AE. Seaon gnay. 


PRENES - The egg-plant, called brinjal ; called 
Keo ie by the people on the sea-coast, 
Read keaéu: a bridge ; gnoé kéak 

Keé ie keaéu, Fy i HS g0¢ Wha ké6, 

the five bridges, 

& 3 keadu, bg He loe ko, a kind of 

Kio J garlic. Keadu bék, 28¢ Ae héo 
ve) bayh, Polygonum fagopyrum. 
Read keaou: a chair, a sedan-chair ; 
K 26 cho keaou, AB iis chéy kéo, to 

ride in a sedan-chair, 




Kéch il Read kéak: a foot, a leg. 

se ab Read. kéang: ginger; ch’haé téting 
Kéo"s ee. kaé kéang, HE fh is = 
EB civhad séy té téiing sé kwa ch’hor 

kap kéo"&> the most important among vegetables are 

the mustard and ginger plants; see the vs - xX 
Ch’héen joo bin, 

+ Poe kéang, ti Hi poe kéo"8> the 
Kéo"S Fl] name of a wood; also written poe 
kéang, +8 x poe kéo"9, 
= Ch’hek kéang, Zs HE ch’heah 
Kéo"S pe kéo"8, another name for acricket; 
some say the appearance of a 
dead silkworm. 

—= Read kéang: a bridle; m4 kéang, 

Kio"S iol 33 bay kéo"S, a horse's 

Read chéang: a kind of deer with- 

Kéo"S out horns; the Chinese speak of a 

gin chéang, #ft EE gin kéo"S, a 
silver antelope, of a white color, which only ap- 

pears when kings inflict punishments in reason. 

; Read kéang: strong,vjolent, superi- 

Kio" bee or; éch’hoo kadu pésch*hoo chek 
kéang @ pé yéa, VY) Nia ihe He 

Al itt i ay th Uh6 chéy ley kap hwut léy pé 

kadu, chéy ley chéw k’hith kéo"S é huout léy, taking 
this to compare with that, this then is superior to 
that; see the TE Me Cheng gnay, 

a / > Read kéang: to. speak perversely, 
Kéa"S 5 .,to answer harshly. Gék kéang, 
ph a kityh kéo"S> to dispute 





wB Read. kéang: awry, slanting, on one 
Kéo"s ie side; kéang to®, ft A keoe 

taou, to hold the head on one side, 
to keep the neck awry. 



A handful,.as much, as, the hands 

can hold; the hand.bent. Chéung 
: tédou. ch*haé Jéuk, put-éng yit 
kéuk, £% FI) K ee mM EH _ ay chit may™h 
chad ban lék ch’ habu, b6 mw" é chit chthéw ak, to be 
gathering greens all the morning long, without fill- 
ing a single handful; see. the Ih Att Seaou gnay. 

Vulg. kek: a chrysanthemum, an au- 
tumnal flower. Héng kéuk yéw 

kay sek, Ba 39 AY FE 

wuiS kek Iwoa woo hé dy sek, the yellow chrysan- 

themum has.a very, pretty. appearance. 


To take in the handy to Held a hand- 
Kéuk = fal. 
kéuk stiy gwat chaé séw, FF ia 

ih KIM A AE, FF tang lava p’hang 

mw"d s"a, kéuk chit ch’héto ché6" dy chity, goéyh 

chéw twa té ch’héw, when we play with flowers the 

Long hwa héang bw4n e, 

scent will fill our clothes, and if we.take up a hand- 

ful of water, (the reflection of) the-moon will be in 

our hand. 
To kick; tap kéuk, a PA, a foot- 
Kéuk ee ball: now called p*hé kéw, f¥ 
£k prhiiéy kéw, a leathern footbail. 
Kéuk A field of scallionsyand leeks. 
Kéuk Pek kéuk,. hy HA pestle made of 

cedar wood, 

To nourish, to feed, to bring up ; also 
to bend, to stoop; glorious. Boé 
héy kéuk gné, +: ty By FH 
né6"S léy ch’hé gwd, my mother nourished me; see 
the I HE Seaou gnay. Asurname. Jip kong 
bin, kéuk kéung j8 yé4, A ZS FA By Hs 
HN 4, Jip kong dy moot"S chéw kéuk sin dy 
yé6"8, (Confucius,) on entering the prince’s gate, 


~ would exhibit an appearance of bending his body ; 
see the an ab Lin gé. 
To examine criminals; to inquire in- 

to, to exhaust, the utmost. Sin 

“Kéuk lan pd, 3h iy Ft 3B, 

to inquire to the utmost into criminal accusations, 

Kéuk = 

and to deliberate on the proper retribution. 

A straight pole to a carriage; also, a 
Kéuk short piece of iron fastened to the 
carriage to prevent its going back- 
wards, used in ascending steep places. San héng 

séng kéuk, hy 47 fe HES sw'a ké"a séng kéuk, 

traveling over hills, we must make use of the kéuk. 

Kéuk The hands crossed or clasped toge- 
ther; the same as Ay keuk, 

Kéuk A vessel for bringing up food, 
Kear To divide, a separate portion, a divi- 

2 sion of labor; the hair twisted. 

Kok soo ké kéuk, 4 a] EL fay kok ling 

kwdn e dy hwin, let each one attend to his particu- 
lar charge; see the yy je K’héuk léy. 

E hwat k’héuk kéuk, =f E4 HH Jig gwd dy 

mb K’héuk kéuk, my hair is all twisted together; 



see the ay He Seaou gnay. Kéuk chéuk, 

a TE, deformed, dwarfish. Ké kéuk, Ba ap 

the game of chess, 

Bent, crooked; wiiy t’héen kaé ko, 
put kam put kétk, aH RK = 

ii Ar BL AN Wey bong hed 

Phee"S kad kwin, wm RG ym héuk, we may say of 
heaven that it is high, and therefore we dare not re- 

fuse to stoop under it; see the ay Ate Seaou gnay. 

Kéuk Kéuk chéuk, ta AR, small and 

To respect, to have a reverence for, 
Kéung to esteem, to venerate, Ké 

w™  héng ké yed kéung, ké soo séang 

yea kong, FT Oh th a8 HE OE 
ti AX eked té ka té dy so6 yéd kéung, e hok 
saé se twa yéd keng, he was respectful in his private 

conversation, and reverential in serving his supe- 
riors; see the any = Liin gé. 

Kéung Bn. same as the preceding. 


Kéung “yy Careful, thoughtful ; also, respectful. 

4 A surname. 
To offer up, to provide, to prepare ; 
Kéung 4 to nourish, to present with. 
TF Gno kéét lek keng téén, kéung 

wily choo chit jé é 2, 4 rs) vA) +f fA fk 
By $F RE i CL RR geod chin Why te 


choh cl’han, kéung chd hadu sai"S dy chit hwun té"a 
té"a, I exert my strength in cultivating the fields 
in order to provide what is necessary to fulfill the du- 
ties of a son, and nothing else; see fp FF Beng 

; ey ; ase 
choo. Kam put kéung kip, Fie * it in ka 

u” kéung kip, how dare we not afford and present it ! 

A bow; a surname; kéung sé soo 
téang, Fy va Hy ia kéung 
chee"® téoh téo"8> the bow and 

arrow drawn out and ready; see the aK Ait Tae 


The body, one’s own person; the 
Kons IE body bent, as a bow; also written 
a kéung. 

Koé ché4 gan che put ch’hut, t’hé kéung che put 
a Be ee 
AS ak th koé cha dy ling king wa i ch’hut, 
sé seadu léy hin sin dy ké"4 béy kadu, the ancients 
were unwilling to speak out, because they were 
ashamed when not in person (i. e. in reality,) equal 
to their professions, 

loan A palace; kéung sit, ie "ae, a 

house, a dwelling, a surname. 


Pe kéung sit, j@ chin lék hoé koe 

hok, Me SD EH OR its 

pe sey ch’hod thayh, jé chin k’hwity lat té kaou 
hok, he left his residence small and mean, while he 
exhausted his strength on the channels and water- 
courses; see the =i ail Lin gé. 

A kind of insect; séw kéung, y 

Kéung Bis the name of an insect which 
is said to guard the house. 

Kéung an kéung, A] ie: giéyh keng, 
the menses. 



#s tt To hold anything in both hands ; 
Kéting 4 kéiing p4 che t6ng choo, Ht 1. 
-~» yl ria RE héting pdy dy ting 

cho6, a téng choo tree that may be spanned with 
both hands; see nA F- Béng choo. 

A large wooden ladle; toé kéing, 

Ft tt taou kéng, the capital of 
a pillar; also small rafters stick- 

ing out in the front of a pillar in order to support 

A large gem; suy yéw kéting p*hek 

the extended roof. 
a Ny 4x et suy woo twa dy p’hek yéd 

bé 1é yéah, although one may have a large gem, it 
is of nouses said by Fe f+ Lé chod, 

To verge towards, to move towards, 
Kéing to be opposite to. 
#4 P’hé jé pok sin, ke ké séy, jé 

chéing seng kéting che, Re Xp 4k B 
He OT it WR FE TES whin chews pak 

ch’hai"S> Whéa té e dy 86 chaé, jé chéuing ch’hai"S 
4 ¢, just like the north star, which rests in its po- 
sition, and all the rest of the stars verge towards 

it; see the “Ee =i Séang lin. 
Firm, stable; to strengthen, to es- 

E kéfing 6ng sit, Ww ra £ a 

é kéting koé éng kong dy ch’hod, in order to esta- 
blish the royal house; see the FE {h Cho twan. 

Kéing +r One of the 214 radicals, 

To appoint; also to afford, to bring 

JN in, to offer. 




Kéing 5 

chin, Be ay, to carry to the utmost. 
Sod haé k*hwitn kéting, t’heen lok éng chéung, [JU 

Mi FEL BS FR ae Fic HR s2 tae kad 

Rhwin kéng, Phee"S dy hing lok éng chéung, when 

Poor, destitute,’ exhausted, to ex- 

haust; pin kéfing, G. oc song 
héung, poor and exhausted; ké dng 

all within the four seas are poor and distressed, the 
emoluments of the ruling power will surely come to 
an end; see the mn Bo Lin gé. 

Kéding gwan kéng way, Bs i i Fe kédng 
e dy guin thadbu, kéng ¢ dy wiy k’héuk, to exhaust 
the springs, and search to the utmost the windings 

of an affair. 

K Cl’hwan kéfing, NI Be, the name 

of a medicine. 


The name ofa country, to which * 
Kéting , Géy was appointed ruler, who af- 
terwards usurped the: chief sway 

in China. 

Rete eee kédng, We Be. a hilly 

To scold, to rail; kéting sé{ing, 

Kéing TR Hh to ridicule a person. as 
dwarfish and contemptible. 
Kétng _v¥ Fine rice. 

Together with, all alike, to share 
Kétng i equally with any one. E péng 
yéw kéiing, pé che jé bod ham, 

Ge YA Be TE tT AE TK op rene 

yéw kéung ying, pé prhwd jé 66 ham hin, 


to allow one’s friends the common use of anything, 

and not to be grieved when our things are spoiled ; 

see the ay 

aE Lin gé. 

Kew Anything twisted and tied together. 
Kew kaou, yp Ke kew hd, a grip- 
Kew ing pain in-the intestines ; the col- 
FF Kew kaou, 13 Ae to strangle, to 

4 hang; Teadu héng hoé choo kew 
: , f=) 4 
Aa 00, HS J 
Té6 héng hoe ka té kew sé, the empress of Téo 

strangled herself, 

ss Vulg. ko: long, a longtime; kéw 
Kéw ye @, goé_ put héw bong kéén Chew 
Lone, A. Be BA BE 
Bal TS kob &, gwd b6b6 kbh bang kee"S Chew 
kong, it is now a long time since 1 dreamed of Chew 
kong; see the ap at Lian gé. 
Vulg. kaéw: nine ;-kéw,sip, It = 
ka6u chap, ninety; sip kéw, rf 
IL chap kaéu, nineteen. Kéw 
téding, It. nip the nine times ‘doubled apartments, 

alluding to the emperor’s palace, and sometimes to 


the emperor himself. _Kéw téding ch’hun sek chiy 
séen vh6, It eB ris 6 pe Ay Pk kabu téing 
dy ch’hun sek ch’hin chéo"& wod chity séen dy Ché, 
the vernal countenance of his majesty looks as if he 

were intoxicated with angels’ peaches. 

Kéw bi, destroy,to demolish, to injure. 

A black stone, resembling a gem; 
Kéw EK kéng kéw, a > precious 
: stones. 

Anaromatic vegetable ; kéw ch’haé, 
Ele Ea koé cl’hae, scallions; a 
kind of leeks. Tin ch’hun chek 

yung kéw, ik + Fl] A JE te bah ch’hun 

Uhee"S chek ying hob ch’hae, eating pork in the 


spring, we must use scallions with it; see the i 
Hl) Loéy chek. One of the radicals, 

A rope twisted together; HwAn-kong 

Kéw yt kéw hap choo hoé, fai ZY fill 
a A hig. Hwin-kong kéw hap 

choo hoé, Hwan-kong collected and united the prin- 

ces together ; see the Fe (ek Cho twan, 

Military, martial ; kéw kéw boo hoo 
kong hoé kan séng, itt et ny 
K & tie F Vik, kéw kéw dy 

bo6 hoo sé kong hoé dy kan ko sé"4 té, martial and 


fierce brave fellows are the shields and fortresses 
of a prince; see the jij iW Chew lam, 

Kéw Falk A surname. 
Three ropes twisted together; a 
Ké is 
SW Y threefold cord. 



To save, to deliver; kéw sé, HK 
ih. to save the world. 

Chéw T’hong jé soéy che, é hwat 
Hay kew bin, BE PH mH MZ VW. 4K 
B Re Be chew kadu Thong jé siidy ¢, teh 
hwat Hay teadu kew payh sai"S, he went to 
T’hong, and advised him to attack the Hay dynas- 

ty, and save the people ; see ie Ff Béng choo. 


To search, to examine thorough- 

ly; kang kéw, # F, to in- 

quire into. Séng tek put kip 
kew @ vhéen hay, J fl TY FE HS 
K - hé dy tek béy kip kew té thee"S hay, 

your complete virtue has not yet extended to all in 


the empire. 
To cauterize, to apply fire to the 
Keéw Be body for medicinal purposes. 
A chronic disease; along sickness. 
Kéw Yew sim k’hong kéw, ap wr 

ZL IK hwan 16 dy sim kw"a 
chin chaé ko6 pai"J, a sorrowful mind, long distress- 

ed ; see the /\y HE Seaou gnay. 
A stable; m4 kéw, bi i bay 
Kew ay teaéu, a stable for horses. 
Kéw. hwiin, choo thiy teaéu 
wat, séang jin hoe, put biin m4, sa bi3 -j- iE 

il | 3 A i AR Hi Hy bay teadu séo, 

hoo cho6 hey teabu kéng wod séang ling hoé, bb 
moot"S bdy, when the stable was burnt, Confucius, 
on returning from court said, ‘is any man hurt?’ not 

inquiring after the horses ; see the ah ie Lin gé. 

To ask, to seek for, to pray; kéw 

sin, Kx ip to pray to God. 

Kwun choo. kéw choo ké, seaou 

jin kéw choo jin, yi F- * EK B sh NK 

Bia ah iN kwun chob kéw choo ka te, seabu jin 
kéw choo pat ling, the man of worth seeks every- 

Kéw 2 

thing from himself, but. the worthless character 
seeks everything from others; see FE -f- Téng 


The ornament of a cap, 


Long, lengthened out; also, bent ; 

yew kéw kékak! 7 fk HL 

ji | woo té"S e dy kak! how very 
long was his horn! see the 5 BA Chew séing. 



An enemy, an antagonist, an’ oppo- 
Kéw A nent ; also a surname. : 
E choo téng kéw, fA ¥ fl 

Au kap lé cho tang kéw, he and you are mutual 
foes ; see the oS Jal Chin hong. 

» A partner, a fellow, a mate; yaou 

The name of a country. 

2> theaou séuk 1é kwun choo h™6 

new, Bh 9, He He FF 
U5. 3k yabu Cheabu dy hé cha boé kap kwun choo 

hé chd séo kéw, a modest and retired woman is an 


excellent partner for a man of worth; see the Al 

ie Chew lam. 

A beautiful gem; a globe; t’héen 

Kéw kéw, FR EK: a celestial globe ; 
téy kéw, Hh Ek: a_ terrestrial 
globe. Also, the sound of a gem. 
Kéw vit Hasty, rapid; some say, slow. 


Kaw fe ball; hé kéw, ag i, a play 
ball; p’hé kéw, rR $f phoey 
kéw, a football. 

A fur dress; a dress of skins with 

Kéw A surname. 

the hair on. 
Séng hwy ma, é k’heng kéw, 
Te He EE vi2 iG x K’héd pwtty bay, cl’heng 
Whin kéw, to ride on fat horses, and to wear light 

fur dresses; see the =) = Lan gé. 
AW A § 



» > 
Kéw H 5 To employ wealth in -order to per- 
y> vert the laws; to use bribes. 
Bent, crooked; soo kong ké kéw! 
Kéw > ot ft AL fie sac kak ty 

chéw poey, e dy wan Whéuk! a 
wine-cup made of arhinoceros’ horn, how crooked it 

is! see the aS AE Seaou gnay. 
. | j ( Three cornered, triangular, a trian- 
Kéw ? g > 
Q gular spear. 

Hasty, rapid; to seek. 

A horned dragon ; some say, a dra- 
gon without horns; ‘also written 

wL kéw. 

Yéen yéw kéw Jéting, hoo him é yéw? to AR iit 

HE B AY, y et Chae Vh6 rood kéw léting 

géd chit him é hit ?h62 when was there ever seen 

a horned dragon carrying a bear in his rambles? see 

the 448 =i] Ch’hoé 808. 


Kwiy ch’hew héng hay léng bin to kéw the, ay 

+ 6 foie 
AX AJ = Ay Fe 4 Fat Wi ch’hew boéy 
ké"4 ch’hin chéo"S hay thee" leng payh sai" 
chéy sat p’hee"I, kwa p’hah ch’hew, in the end of 

Kéw A stoppage of the nose through cold, 

a catarrh, 

autumn to act as we'do in summer will occasion 

frequent colds and sneezings. 

t A kind of chisel; ké phd gno hoo, 
yéw k’hwat gno kéw, EE BE 
KF KK HK Bk we 

jéén p’hwa gud dy pob thadbu, yew Whe ’heth gwa 

dy cl’hak d, having broken my hatchet, they have 
also notched my chisel; see the =F BX Se keng. 

Kéw v 

KEW 347 KEY 
eS maternal uncle, saying, that I would go as far as the 
= | Vulg. kod: old, original, former ; iy south of the river Way; see the ts ja Chin hong. 
Kew PE kéw léén, ee +e hod neé"8, last | =F 
I ; . he Fe 
EQ year To examine ; key k*hé, iS #, to 

Koé kéw put wiy, ry a te AN jit hoe kod dy 

jin sin, @” Chang why k’he, do not neglect old 
servants. Ké sin k’hong kay, ké kéw jé ho? $b 
af 4L c= Ht #8 1m PFT ¢ dy sin sim ho, 
dy kod an chw"dé? if (our wives) when new. were so 
very good, how much better must they be now they 
are old? see the ay Ass Se keng. 
Vulg. kod: a mortar; chéung kéw, 
aN Fy cheng kod, a pestle and 

Twan bok why ch’hé, kwut téy why kéw, kéw 

ch’hé che lé, ban bin é chey, (if Ak B EF 
di m®A 8 42 AR 

Ye We toow"S ch’ hd chd. cheng, rout téy chd koo, 
cheng kod dy lé yeah, ché™d ban bin e chéy kew, 
cut off a piece of wood for a pestle, and dig a 


hole in the ground for a mortar; for the profit of 
the pestle and mortar tends to supply myriads of 

people; see the J} AS Ek keng. 
] A fault, a-crime; to find fault with. 

Ké ong put kew, [aR 4: AN Yb. 

ke jéén ong kody, bb lédh é cho 
kéw, when a thing is past, do not find fault with 

it; see the if Séang lin, 

ae Kiwan kéew, he WK hw"a ch’hi, a 


Kew coffin. 
Bo kew, HH: § b6 kod, a mother’s 
_ Kew brother: ch’hey kéw, Fi a, 

a wife’s brother. 
Gno song kéw sé, wat ché Way yang, HK RR 

B & B BF BF sued sang gua dy ko 

6, king biéyh kadu Wity dy lam, 1 accompanied my 

Key @—= investigate at the public examina- 
tions; also written te key, to 

detain, to keep. A surname. 

Key k’ho ch’hut sin, ie 5 Hi 4, to come 

forward in the world by means of the literary exa- 


, A surname; Key-k’hong tt HE. 

Ke was one of the seven wise men of 
y y 

A domestic fowl; key boé, Fe i}: 

ahen. Also written Rt key. 

the bamboo grove. 
Key $ 
very Le wat key béng, soo wat moéy 

tan, EB) & + O hk 8 eta 

boé hing key tit Ché, ta po king dm biéy kwui"s; 
the wife said, ‘the cocks are crowing’ (it is time to 
rise) ; but the husband replied, ‘ it is not yet light ;’ 
see the Dy Pal Téng hong. 

ny Key laé, a ipa key lwa, a water 
Key we fowl. 

A street, a way; key loe, BF A, 
Key a street,a road. Kap téy béén 
ch’hod t’héayh bin ™d té"8 key, a range of buildings 

\éang key, Ft pi ii te ‘iy 
facing the long street. 

To divine, in’ order to discover 
aL things which are doubtful. In 
the western countries they divine 
by goat’s blood, which they call ji AL soo key. 
A hair-pin, the knot in which the 
Key FT hair is tied. 
; Sip yéw gnoé léén jé key, + 

AR FE AP Hi FF cae oe hory 76 key, (fe- 

KEY 348 

males) at fifteen years of age tie up their hair and 

use a hair-pin. 
Read kae: a step; gim kae, fee 
pe gim key, a flight of steps. 

am ie 
But kae ch’he, ék jé yéa, }z 
Pe pad fa in th, but chin gim key, chéw 

may"h ké"4 ch’hin chéo"S pwuy dy yéo"S> when 
he had descended all the steps (from the throne), he 
walked quickly, as though he were flying; (said of 
Confucius, when he had an audience with the 

geno see the an Be # Lin gé, 

Read kaé: to change, to alter, to 

Key mo reform. KO jé put kaé, sé way 
ke ih AS BK Te FA 

ja Se woo koey sitzé u™ kéy, sé king kéd woo 

koey sit, having a fault and not reforming, this is 

what may be called having a fault indeed; see the 
Fil fa Lin gé. 

Read kaé: to dissolve, to disperse, 
to loosen, to untie. Kaé swat, 
frp an kéy sd@yh,to explain; 

kaé k’hae, fi? Ba kéy K?hwuy, to unravel, to un- 
fold ; kaé kéet, fiz : ?habu kat, to untie a knot. 
Way siin € hoo boé, k’ho é kaé yew, IE NA vis 
R if wy VY fit iy tok tok stin té pay boé 
Chang & kéy hwin 16, but to render his parents 

obedient to virtue, this alone could dissipate his 
sorrow; see ny + Béng choo. 

A plan, a scheme; to plan, to calcu- 

late; to reckon; a surname. Sip 

Rp 1één ch’hut chéw gééy hoo hak se 
tc AE DR BB abe | 
hoey téoh ch’hut kee™S gwa bin dy sin sai" oh 
séd jé kap swui"& sédou, at ten years of age, boys 
should go abroad to a teacher out of doors, and learn 

writing and arithmetic. Hang-léAng tédou choo 

chéang key sod, JA Yh ZB A We at 3 
Hang-lédng tédou e dy chédng so6 né6"§ soo, Hang- 

léang called’ all his generals to consult over the 

business ; see the rp BE Soo ké. Key boé, at 

ait a plan, a contrivance ; kwiy kéy, We at art- 

ful schemes. 

To connect; kéy séuk, We 8 

ay s€o swa, to hand down in connec- 

tion. Key chwat st, ké hwiy 
kok, {7 4 Hb HL RE [J séo swa chwat 
ton"S dy se, cl’hing Whé hwiy b6 dy kok, to 

keep up the succession of a declining family, and to 


raise a ruined nation. 

Key : Koé kéy, #5} tH, the name of 
a wood. 
Ka EA, lady’s cap; a small kerchief, used 
y for tying up the hair. 
Read ka’: a small sore, a breaking 
Key > i out; hay sé yéw yang kaé che 

chit, 52 AE AD FE HT AS 

Te hay thee" dy sé, wod chéo"8 sai" key dy 
pa"S,in the summer time people get the itch and 

cutaneous disorders. 



| Read haé: pickled fish, or salted 

A shrimps; kéy chéep, fee: YF, 

catchup or soy. 

Read €: easy, not difficult; é sod, 

Bh ee key be an easy matter. 

Read kéak : the leg, the foot; kéak 
a ral thong, Reb 7a Pha Uhé"a, a 

sore 3 

eee eee! ee ee. 





Read k’haou : clever, artful; ké 
k’ha6u, ay Yj ké k’hd, strange, 
wonderful. Kong-se-choo che 

k’ha6u, put é kwuy ké, put léng séng hong wan, 
B ti FZ GAR VBA AB A fe vk 
ws] le! Kong-se-cho6 ay k’hd, nat bé yiing kwuy ké, 
chéw béy ché"4 s2 kak eé"& eé"9, with all Kong-se- 
cho6’s cleverness, if he had not rule and compass, he 
could neither make squares nor circles ; see im -j- 
Béng choo. 



Read k’hoA: to beat, to strike ; 
k’hod bin, 4p f] kha moot"S, 
to rap at the door. Téang-hwa 

wat, k’ho ch’hé téng chaé, k’*hek why gé héng, 

k’hoé che chek béng, he ae | Wy Kg Afi] 
bt Zl i HIB An ZHU AMG tees. 

hwa king, Chang thiyh ting cWhd, Whek chd hé 
dy yéo"S, Kha e chéw tin, Téo™8-hwa said, ‘you 
can take a piece of the tong wood, and carve it into 

the shape of a fish, and when i it will sound? 


ng j.2]n 
Kia Hwan kam, vi Ht poor’ k’lta, 
a rice-dish. 

to open, to unfold, 
K’hae BF 
kadu jé yé4, k’hae jé bit tat, 

BF ZH vin Uh Bl i AE om 

choo dy ka Inoin k’hwuy jé b6 tat béng; the good 
man in communicating instruction, expounds the 
subject, without fully explaining it; see the ya & hens 
=U Léy hak ke. 

K’hae bi To rub, to wipe ; to wave the hand. 


Vulg. hwuy: 

to open out. Kwun choo che 



ply? here to be glad; also writ- 
K’haé ce ten ‘EF k’haé. K*haé lok yim 
chéw, ta Eg # 8 Khaé lok 

lim chéw, to rejoice and drink wine, 

K’haé $3 Song k’haé, aig ye, swept and 
B cleansed. 

<a kap, $3 A. armor, a coat 

of mail. Ch’he-yéw sé chok k’haé 

LB, Te 45 TE BE cre 

yéw Whé Chaéu chd k’haé kath, Ch’he-yéw was the 
first that invented armor (in order to fight with); 
ig if, H6ng téy (B. C. 2622). 



us K’haé jé, oi fall, to hope for; to 
¥ desire. 

Hay bod k’haé je, 4iE Bi 
{i hay tly dy pityh sai"S b6 thang bang, the 

lower classes have nothing to look forward to; see 

the Af fii Cho twan. 

Good, excellent; a triumph after 
K’haé ZL victory; harmonious, soothing. 
Chod k’baé je kwuy, Ze Bil 

Tit fiji chadu Whaé jé toot" lag, they sang a 

triumph on their return. K’haé hong choo lam, 

BL jal A i hé dy hong chod lim, the gen- 

ial breezes blow from the south ; see the af 4 
Se keng. 


A form, a pattern; a mould, a plan; 
the correct form of writing. 
T’héen hay boé k’haé, K - 

Hak RA thee" dy dy boé yéo"8, a pattern for 

the whole empire; k’haé se, ye ae , the correct 

form of writing, without contractions or alterations. 


K’HAE 350 

K’haé A The sound of sighing. 

To pour, to inundate, to bring under 
Sey-biin-pa yin Chéang 

K’haé YET, water. é 
3} say k’had Géep, PG PA 4] 

ie IK ia ee Sey-bin-pa yin Chéang chity k’hae 

Géép sé"d, Sey-biin-pa led the waters of the Chéang 
and inundated Géép; see the id al, Soo ke. 
measure 3 taé k’haé, *K BE, 

K’haé B 
generally. Téing ch’hun che 

gwat, chéng kwAn k’hae, Ap rE id A E Ke 

PR téung ch’hun dy goéyh téoh chémad cWhin kap 
K’ha2, in the middle month of spring, rectify the 
steelyards and strikers; see the iL AGA P» Léy 

gwat léng. Also written it W’haé. 
under disappointment, to be ready 

K’haé TER, 
Khong k’haé 

tam sim @, chéting yang abjr gé lan, ie Na 

we XY Jy Ht. igh r 3 BE Whong hae 

tam sim Whwae, chéilng a chéw gé 6h, to be 

A striker for leveling the top ofa 

K’hong had, IE a a noble mind 

at promising. 

ready at promising, and to speak out all one’s mind 
is easy, but to go cheerfully where duty calls is dif- 

woe Sy ae ok, BE JR bude ch’hod, to 
ye b= Se plaster a house. 

K’haé BRE arrive at, to reach to. 

A surname. 

3 To fetch a long sigh, to breathe 
K’haé ( hard ; to arrive at. 
v,.3 Kwun héng ch’hoo gnoé chéa, 

chek k’haé hoé théen hay é, 7 4T W, fia 

7 nD 

got hang, chek kadu hoe thee" ay 2, prince, if 
you do these five things, you will influence the whole 


K’haé ‘at: firm ; anything solid and sub- 
K’haé BR wind rising in the throat; to 


To cough; k’haé sok wy Bk Phém 

sadu, to have a cough. 

K’haé ny 
Héng bin k’haé sok che seng, 

sadu dy séa, 1 luckily heard the sound of cough- 



K’hae?S Wee The sound of joy. 

(= eh or wipe anything. 

Ke. Kead k’hap: a wicker-basket with 
EK’ hah AS j a small mouth, used by fishermen 

to put the fish in when they are 
caught; téuk k’hap choo, t* ge >} tek hah a, 
a wicker fish-basket. 

A single thin garment; chéy k’hah, 

Khih Ke as , a kind of cloth. 

» AF Hoé Whih, Hi HE, anything stick- 
ing in the throat. 

a | | 
Khai"S JL k’heng: a valley, a ravine. 




K’hai2h bps? The noise of vomiting, or the 

sound of coughing. 
K’ hath i Read ch’hay: the noise of cough- 
ing, or sobbing. 
Certain, sure; tek k’hak, hy Pe. 
Khak h true, real; truly. 

K’hak hoé ké put k’ho pwat, 

BE ¥ a. A PY rye Khak sit; hadu béy 

pwat, so sure that it cannot be altered. 
K’hak AR rie name of an ancient emperor 5 
yp also written A k’hak. 

A man’sname; Lé-k’hak, a Me, 

a famous general in the — ey, 
Sam kok. 
K’hak + JL ve shell of anything. Also written 

JUX # xe k’hak, the outer skin. 
> Sincere, careful; yéw k’hak sod 
K’hak me ches, Ay BE Ee AF w00 séng 
WG? whak dy Uhak ch’hatyh lang, here 

is a sincere scholar. 

To ei to esteem; chip sod yéw 
K’hak 4 k’hak, i, BH A AS chip sod 
woo king k’hak, to attend to bu- 

siness seriously. 

: leaven; pék k’héuk 

Read k’heuk 
KR hak $7 A Bey payh k’hak, a prepara- 

tion of grain, used in fermenting 
liquor; also written ih k’héuk. 




Sit appearance of.a tent; also, to 

Axe vomit; also written Db k’hak. 
Worthy; k’ham tek, He 4%, wor- 
Kham Ate thy to obtain; put k’ham, Fy HE, 

unworthy, insupportable. 
Sin yéw hé kong, k’ho é k’ham che? = 7A APJ 

yh y VY HE a lé wod s"a meé"h kong 16; 

Vhang k’ham kadu hwut léy soo? what merit have 

you, to render you worthy of such an office? 

Khaw K’ham gam, int is, ground that 
is uneven, a hilly appearance. 


To press down. 

K’ham BR’ deep part of the hills. 

K’ham yx ~ To kill, to put to death; also writ- 
aw 4 ten Hy k’ham. 
a shrine for inclosing an idol; sin 
K’ham coy k’ham, jjip ip . an idol’s shrine. 
Séng jin k’ham, ye AN te: 
the shrine of a sage. 

K’hém ER 

K’h4m To open the mouth wide; one of 
the radicals. 

K’h4m Ay To cut with a knife; to cut down, 
to lop off. 

Dangerous, hazardous; k’ham k’ho, 

HR bi] , unfortunate, full of dif- 


K’ham k’ho, Bek iby, difficulties , 
; INAS troubles; also written Jak \’ham, 
i) Insufficient, sorrowful, “sad, dissa- 
K’hém Hq tisfied. Hood che 6 Han Gwiiy che 
kay, jé ké choo sé k’ham jéén, 
ili K KS Vhéep e &€ Hin Gwiy dy kay so, 
jéeka té hw" ch’hin chéo"S b6 kadu, if you 

were to give him all ‘the riches*of the houses of 
Hn and Gwiy, he himself would look dissatisfied ; 

see rm + Béng choo. 

To compare, to examine, to inves- 




tigate an affairs Sim k’ham soo 

u lé, ae Hy) of. PR, to judge 

and examine into things. 

K’ham H To look upon; to look downwards 
from a height. . 
EYTo look at, to espy; Yang-hd 
K’ham H k’ham K’hong choo che béng yé4, 

jé kway Khong choo tin, 

MLS ZC wh i i I 
+ KR Yang-h") K’hw"d K’héng cho6 ay bé té 
tit, jé sdng Khong cho6 te, Yang-h™d. watched 
till Confucius‘ was from home, and then presented 
him with a pig; sce mm F- Béng choo, 


Kham iy high shore or bank. 
K’ham iy precipitous bank. 


To look at, to spy; the same as the 
ys rere: A surname. 


K’ham HR 3a high dangerous bank. 

A deep aznre, a Find’ of purple 
K’ham tf color. Kwun choo put é k’*ham 
choe sek, Ff -f- A VY, A 

a fil kwun cho6 b6 léih Wham choe dy sek chd 

né"d, the good man does not use a purple or a 
crimson color to make the collar of his coat; see 

the my GH Lin gé, 

K’ham . To take. 
K’ham K’ham k’hoé, He ie, a disease 
not easily cured. 
Séang k’ham A BP séo Kham, 
Kham to push against one another, to 

dodge one another’s elbows. 

To cut, to carve, to scrape, to eradi- 

cate, to. erase. Pit se wiy pe 

K’han Fi] 
bin, jéén hoé k’han sek yéen, 


pit tébh chd chit dy pe biin, jéén aou khan chédh> 
you must draw up an inscription, and then we will 
have it engraven on stone. K’han p4n, Fi] Be to 
cut wooden blocks for printing, 

—® To behold, to look, to see; also pro- 

nounced k’han. 

Ch’héng k’han che hek téung, 
kéng sé shy kay che t’héen hay, an G Zz. 
Koy ce HR 2 RE 
Whe" G Whoa ¢ hék tey tang &®8> kéng sé che 
chiy kay dy @hee"S ay, pray look abroad into 

the country, and see after all to whose family the em- 

pire will belong. 


To draw, to drag, to pull, to lead; 

k’han bwan, a #, to pull and 
haul. Yéw k’han gnéw, jé kd 

tong hay ché4, 5 * niin) BY = - 
FF 1006 khan goo, jé kiity té tong ay dy ling, there 
was one leading an ox, and passing by at the foot of 
the hall; see the | jf; Séang beng. 

Stiff and straight; rigid and upright; 
Khan 4 ML also, harmonious and agreeable. 
E hay taé hoo gan, k’han k’h4n 

eet, ERR HMw w 

kap hay taé hoo king wa, ch’hin chéo"S gnay tit 


dy yé6"8> when he conversed with any of the infe- 

rior officers, he was friendly and upright; see the 

aa figs Lin gé. 

a 4 Pleased, harmonious and agreeable ; 

Khan F) Read k’héng: to be willing. 



Vulg. K’hw"d: to look, to see, to 
behold. Ch’héen lé soo san bong 
téung kéén, yadu se pa kwiin kwuy 

we whan f FA A WB Sk BB 
$A Fe BN GT AR AR cWheng score 

sw"a, bang tang "I Whw"d, tek k’hak tédh pa 
kwin toot"S laé hw", when athousand miles from 
our native hills, we think and dream of them, and 

feel obliged to give up our government and return 
to visit thems: 

e Read k’hong: empty, exhausted, 
Khang void; k*hong hwat ké sin, ZX 
— F Ho Hp Whang Iwate dy 

hin sin, empty and exhausted is his person; s¢e 

* “f- Béng choo. 




Read k’hong: ahole; p’hek k’hong, 

Wax FL pear Whang, a hole in 
the wall. 

K’hang ¥ 

wom Read k’hong: a socket ; bok k’hong, 

Kr hang H =| AE bak k’hang, the socket 
of the eye. 

Read k’hong: a hole ; béén k’hong, 

K hing tL nil] 4L bin Whang, the face, the 

countenance. Bod béén k’hong, 

4 fw 4L b6 bin khang, ashamed to look at 

any one. 

K hine To take up anything with the nails. 

Read k’hdng: wide, waste; k’hdng 
ine tey, Ebi Hh Whang téy,a wil- 
deruess; k’hdng poe, Ais Hi 

Whang poe, a wide field. 

Kha Ky K’hdng ch’héng, 


Wi TK Phin 
ch’hé"&> a wide place for a bed, 
having neither posts nor curtains. 

wa} To knock, to strike; also, to shave, 
= to plane. Seng k’haou gwat hay 
VIX v0.4 AE Pe 

sé0"I Whaou goéyh dy moots, the priest knocks 
at the door by moonlight. 

K’haou to, fax 7}, a plane ; k’haou pang, Bk Bp, 

to plane boards. 
K’haou fe share. Léemk’haou ch’hé hwun, 
Hi lee] iy 4p kK’ hébh k’haou 

Uhayh hwun, to divide by lot. 

K’haou EES An unevenness of ground ; a poor, 
yA | f barren soil. 

To draw out, to draw lots; a lot, a 


téy yéw hwiy k’haou, A Hh, 

AR ili hie chek téy woo pwiy wod sdn, some 

parts of the soil are fertile and some sterile; see 

ry + Béng choo, 
chéah, the back, the'spine. 

K’haou Vis 
T’hoe k’hé k’haou, Fe, zz iia 

Vhod 1é5h R’h2 ka chéah, the back-bone of a rabbit 

should be taken out; see the iz Vj El] Léy 
loéy chek. 

Vulg. k’hd: clever, artful, expert; 

ce ae intriguing, specious. K’haou gan 
léng sek, séén @ jin, TA = 4 

f fire RR 1 a h6 kadue dy wa, hé e dy bin 

sek, ché6 woo jin, when persons are fair in their 

The back ; k’haou chit, At as ka |: 

words, and smooth in their appearance, they are 

seldom virtuous; see the Ba am Séang lin. 
rat Fx An uneven stony. place; also, real; 
K haoull Lys aga Bee ? 
and to carve. 

Read k’hoé: the mouth; swa k’hoé, 
9 a swé k’hadu, to rinse the 


Read k’hok: to weep, to cry, to 
EK’ haou howl. K?hok k’hip che ae, 9 

kk ZZ Fe Mhadu Whip by ae, 

the lamentations of weeping and howling. 

Read k’hoé: to cut off; k’hoe té, 

EK’ haou a + BR k’hadu té, to deduct. 

Readk’ é: a loophole; léw k’hod, 

sas Et &n léw k’hadu, a button-hole. 


> Stony ground; poor, *barren soil ; | 
K’haou Jp niggardly, parsimonious. Chek 

K’HAP . 

Pfr Read k*hoé: as k’hoé k’hong, oy 
K’habu $— re, * He lehadu ’hong, an instrument 

used in weavin 
kh g 

RS K’haduh pok péng, 

K’haouh Rhabuh poh pé"d, a mince-pie, 

a sort of confectionary made of 
mince meat. 

’ vy Stony ground ; yéw k’haé h, ‘ 

Khaduh A y ground ; yéw Whavub, Il 
Kye, an oil measure. 

im es 

K’hing k’haduh, Bit A, stony, 

K’haéuh uneven ground; rough travel- 

K = Aninner door; the door of an inner 

K’hap apartment. Go kwuy k’hap loey 

RB put ch’hut, PA is] Fa Ay ma 

a Rhwin té kwuy Khap laé v™ ch’hut, sleeping 

within the inner apartments, and not coming out; 

see the xp ne Soo ke. 

K’hap Aly’: name of a river. 



To stumble; gan chéén téng, chek 

Ale BA 

he kong wa taé seng té"a téoh, 

K’hap Sr put k’hap, = 

chek béy k’hap tédh, when words are previously set- 
tled, there will be no misunderstanding; see the ip 
iit Téung ying. 

A general united sacrifice to ances- 

K’ hap We tors; k’hap chey, ji aR, a gene- 
ral sacrifice. 
K’hap rf a 


Union of heart, attention ; just then ; 

k’hap ho, its #., apropos, 

Leather coverings for the knees. 


Kh The leaf of a door ; to shut a door. 
7? Qa The whole, generally. 

4+ -- The name of acity; also read kaé: 

K’hap for, to cover. Ong soo: K’hap taé 

hoo, Ong-hwan, way hod héng, 


AT ng saé 

K’hap 4y taé hoo, Ong-hwan, chd hod héng, the 

king sent a great officer of the city of K’hap, named 

Ong-hwan, to be his assistant in the expedition ; see 

Tit J Beng choo. 
; A wine yeneel's héng jin chip k’hap 
K’hap tS sin yim, AT A Ht a 7K 

fie fit héng jin gim chéw k’he 

né"d lim, the attendants held the wine vessels, 

Fe {i Cho twan, 
K’hap yi The sound of stones striking against 
one another, 

~~ To sleep; k’hap siy, +); 
K’hap A fat [ese 

chééy, to slumber, to doze. 
Bok k*hap, FY BH bak Whayh, 
the eyes closed. 
K’hap 18 6h on k’hap sap, 1B HB, dirty, 

2% / 

and received the liquor ; see the 

To take off the skin, to flay; k’hat 

‘ A long spear, a lance ; also, to strike. 

K’hat a K’hat siiy, a 7K, to lade water. 
Also written EE, k’hat. 

_K’hat il] béén, F [fi], to tattoo; to brand 

as a punishment, 

\ Vulg. kwah: thirsty; k’hoé k’hat, 
K’hat V- Bi 8] Hy cW’hiy kwth, to be 

thirsty. K’hat ché& @ why yim, 

BH Oy Be Fie roth ty tang Whwoat chd 


lim, thirsty people are not particular about what 
they drink; see nil =f Beng choo. 
Read k’hek: to fix, to appoint; 
K hat J k’hek sé téng jit, iy Ay 5E 
FH] hat sé té"a téh jit, to 

appoint a time, and fix a day. 

K’ha Cheng k’hay, (3 Am, the appella- 
y tion of a priest. 

K’hay vii Vulg. ké6: the egg-plant, brinjal ; 

the Solanum melongena. 

A pain in the limbs; a contraction 
of the hands and feet. 

K’hay aE 

K’hay py The mouth wide open. 
K’hay AF The name of a god. 

To be afraid, to be alarmed ; to have 
K’‘hay 4 : 

many underhand schemes. 

Also read (i k’hay: as k’hay gay, YE YF, ‘to 
abound in secret plans; hidden, concealed. 


To be jammed between anything ; 

K hiy not straight, distorted. 
To lay hold of anything; to hold 
K’hayh f 

anything in the hand. 

oes khek : a guest ; jin k’hek, J\ 
K "hityh v4 lang Khayh, a stranger, a 
2 guest. Sin k’hek, Ff y 23 sin 

Whayh, a new-comer; k’hek jin, Ye A Rhityh 

ling, a native of the mountainous districts in the 
province adjoining to Canton. 

K’hek laé@ choo put ko’, chod sé bod léang pin, 

2k ERB eR A 
Khayh Taé cho6 lang i chédou koe, choo jéén sé 
bé sa hé dy ling k’hayh, when a stranger comes, 


and the master does not pay proper attention to 

him, it is certainly because he is not a respectable 

=] Read ch’héak: a felicitous bird ; 
K nay f= ch’héak nédou, 1B; RB Whayh 
wy chédou, a certain bird, which by 

its cry is said to indicate the approach of stran- 

gers. Wily ch’héak yéw chadu, #2 He, 7A aed 

tok tok W’hityh chédou wod chd séw, the felicitous 
bird makes its nest, &c.; see the a4 iA Seadu 


Khiyh BR Be Whiyh, Fy BE bak chew 

k’hayh, the eyes closed. 

Fe7m Read kéep: a box, or satchel, for 

K’hayh Ae carrying books to school. 



} To deceive, to betray ; to disgrace, 

K’he EL to despise; k’he kwun, Hk A 

to betray the confidence of one’s 
prince; k*he hoo, WK F, to despise. Bod choo 

k’he yé4, fi} = Hk Wh, a” Phang ka té p’héen, 
do not deceive yourself; see the K BE Taé hak. 
K’he Ea five feet high is called oy, k’he, a 
»», colt; and one above six feet high 

is called EE, m4,a horse. Lo m4 hw4n wily k’he, 

rn FF I Py FE} ladu bay hwdan chd bay 4, an 

old horse turned colt; see the In He Seaou gnay. 

A colt, a young horse; a steed above 

Khe Béng k ne, Fe AM, an uely mask 
for frightening away evil spirits. 
A kind of sacrifice, for imploring 
K’he blessings and averting evils; to 

refuse ; to send; also written AE 

k’he. Also signifies a sleeve, the cuff of a sleeve; 
to lift up the clothes. 

To stop, to hold, to take hold of, to 

seize. Chin chip k’he, é kwuy & 

chew, HF Be Py LA Sit F 

ba chd pod léith létth, € kwuy kadu Chew, they were 


all apprehended and taken back to Chew; see the 

Bo HE Se keng. 

K’he The back bent; a humpback, a 
ee curved spine. 

Téing-né sek Ch’hoé, ch’hut é lim téung, kéén 

whe loe ches, fh Je, id ae =P i 
nhs FL Hay CE HG Teing-ne WHE hadu CH ho, 

cl’ hut é ch’héw nd tang "8, Phw"a ke?"& wun koo 
dy lang, Téiing-né (Confucius) went to the Ch’hoé 
country, and when he came out of the forest, he saw 

some humpbacked people. 

K’he 16, a, labor, fatigue ; 
wearied, tired. Boé sé k’he 16, 

Hy K sy} re) néo"S léy 

tédh bw, our mothers undergo much labor and fa- 

tigue ; see the Si JR aWoey hong. 

A class, a sort, a share, a portion ; 
k’he liy, hi) *h, a class; k’he 
hwun, ti ty, to separate; yit 

k’he, — [in chit k’hoo, a small portion. 

P’hé choo ch’ho bok, k’he € péet @, 27 Hi me 

* VW jl ZR cWhini chéo"S cl’habu bak, 

Khe liry & hwun péet, like as vegetables and trees, 


K’he pre 

which may be classed, in order to distinguish them ; 
see the 7m} ag Lin gé. 


—— ee 


: ipo Khe théy, Sit ie. the body; sin 
K’he 0 Khe, A, one’s own body. 
Hat chéuk é bé ch’hit ch’hek che 

k’he chae? £4 JE Wy E +B Zz. ois 7 

an chw"d éy o 16 ch’hit ch’héoh dy hin sin chae? 
how can you admire a mere body seven spans long ? 

(The mind is the standard of the man.) 

K’he 2 The name ofaspinous tree; an out- 
re er garment; also, deep. 

To drive, to urge on by force. 
Way chéng k’he ch’héak ché4 
chéen yé4, Fi He [ak fe 5 

13 4h wiy ch’héw ching kw"é chityh & sé lae hésh 

chédou, that which drives the sparrows into the 

bush, is the hawk; see - > Béng choo. 


~= To ride on horseback, to beat a 

li horse ; to drive away. Chad té 
chae Whe, ER FB) HAY IEE wos 

dy té chabu wood dy tit k’he, some were galloping, 
and some were ambling ; see the fifj ial Woey hong. 

' K’he ‘ale The same as BE k’he, the body. 

K’ he 

K’he 7) The name of an ox. 
K’he | Paes take up anything with chop- 
sticks, or pincers. Uneven. 
Fem Kheaou k’he, pe PR to lift up 
K he the feet in walking ; also, a road. 

T’hé 1é put gan, hay chod séng 

; re ; 
khe Hk 2B RF OB hk BR ene 
lé 66 kong wa, ay téy ka té chéé loé, the peach 
and plum trees do not speak (to call people to 
them), and yet underneath a track is soon formed 

(by those who come for the fruit). 



K’he To sport and gambol, when merry 
with wine, 

<== To lift up with the hand; k’he e, 

K’he a i AR, to lift up one’s clothes. 
Khe e clhe ge, His Ax #3 BB 

payh Whé s"a dé, jé chabuk’h2 kak, hold up your 

clothes, and get into a corner (on seeing a superior); 

see the fl] 9 K’héuk ley. 

K’he 2 Ké k’he, We ia, uneven ground, 
WW a steep rough ascent; a hill-path. 

To arise, to elevate, to raise up, to 

getup; k’hé laé, #2 2K, to rise 
up; hin k’hé fil ie, to elevate; 
k’hé chok, ni *E, to commence; k’hé ch’hey, 

#2 #0, the commencement, in the beginning ; k’hé 
sin, nid &, to set out on a journey. 

K’hé @ ché4, Séang yea, #8 AP a ri tH, éy 

hwat K’hE gwd dy ling, sé Séang, he who will be 
able to display my doctrines, is Séang; said by 
Confucius in the iit ae Lan gé. 

Cho k’hé @ chéting léAng jin che séy che, & Fi 
Wi HE AZ PRY cha whe tab Whoa 
K’hw"a é than ta po ling dy séy kadu, she arose 

secretly and followed to see where her husband went ; 

see am -f- Béng choo. 
How? An exclamation indicating 
“—» doubt. Jé4k stng é jin, chek 
EE. goé k’hé kam? 75 BE il f= 
Ht) FS FY cWhin chis"S sing hap jin, chek 
gwd chae k"é? how can I presume to be considered 

as a sage or a virtuous man? said by Confucius in 

the jy HH Lin gé. 


Valg. nai”9 : to stand on tiptoe, aud 

look forward with expectation. 

Kn AD 


Jit yea k’hé, jé bong kwuy, vid Ay if ee fi 

jit mai” nai®9 Rhé, 7é bang tooi"8> day and night 
on the tiptoe of expectation, and hoping to return 

(to one’s native village) ; see the B ye. A Ko 

choé ké, By some this character is read t’hé. 

K’hé sy The name of a vegetable. 
Kk} A fine kind of grain like millet; also, 
1e€ i 
the name of a garden vegetable. 
K’hé A kind of silk; thin sarsnet. 
nts Bp) 
Read ch’hé: a tooth; k’hoé ch’hé, 
K hé [J Py chthay WE, the teeth, 
One of the radicals. 
To go, to depart; ch’hut k’hé, i 

+, to go out. K/’hé che jit, siy 
sew ké téén 6, Fe Ws a| am 
We tt at FH Whe dy jit, léem pee™Y sew e dy 
chhdn lé, on the very day of (a minister’s) de- 
parture, immediately withdraw his emoluments from 
the land; see ia J: Béng choo. 

Bé-choo k’hé che, (Hy ¥- + et: Bé-choé kh 
e, Bé-choo departed from him; see the sail au 
Lin gé. 

Khe x The ancient form of the above. 

Hastily, frequently, often, repeated- 
ly. H chéting sod jé k*he sit 

sé, Who wily t8 “hoe? fp 44 
Hil HA Me MF ae 
chéting 300, jé tak paé sit sé, Vhang king wod té 
hwity hoé? to be fond of engaging in-public affairs, 



and repeatedly to miss the proper time; can such a 

ag Lin gé. 

Vulg. nai": to stand on. the tiptoe 

AS of expectation. Also written fe 

‘The same as the above; k’hé é bong 
K’hé isa che, $x fr EZ. nai" whe 

laé gwé tit bang e, standing on 

man be considered wise? see the Fal 


tiptoe, I look forward with expectation ; see the 
hj jal Woeéey hong. 

+7 To unite, to join together; sorrowful, 

ra miserable. K*hé hap, 32 A, 

united ; k*hé se, §Z gt a bond, 
an agreement. 


Zam Spirit, breath, influence; ch’hwan 

a7 kh’, Pi Sh ch’huodn W’Taody, to 

draw the breath, to breathe, to 
pant ; also written, 7a k’he. 
Gno séén yang goé ho jéén che k’hé, FR ze AS 
2 75 ak 7. A, gwé gabu yé6"8 ch’hé gwd ho 
jéén dy W’h2, 1 am skillful in maintaining my buoy- 
ant spirits ; see the ae -- Béng choo. 
Pin k’hé soo put sit chéa, BF Se VI Ar has B 

pin chahe by k’hwity ch’hin chéo"S bey ch’hwdn, he 
held in his breath, as though he could not breathe; 


said of Confucius, when he waited on his sovereign ; 
see the ai ak Lin gé. 

K’he A— Yin k’hé, EE i the influence of 

the clouds. One of the radicals. 

To reject, to cast away; to desert, to 
turn the back upon. 
Khe jé way che, HF fy SZ 
Uhek kak jé witty k’h2 e, he rejected it and departed 
. from thence; see the Je ath Séang lin. 

Jé chwAn k’hé 6, fa isa Hf ig lé hwat lin toot”S 




Uhek kak gwd, you have changed and discarded me; 
see the nab Wf Seadu gniy. 

Khe 8 


To lift up the clothes. in crossing the 


K’hé sit, Bi A to stop, to de- 

sist ; also written BH k’he. 
> =: 

8 To stop, to stay; put séang k’hé 
ta yéen, As fy 4% HS w™ séang 
hay"h twa,he did not judge it 

right to-stop ; see the yh HE Seaou gn4y. 
An implement, an instrument, a tool, 

K’hé 2S. a vessel, an utensil. 

Kwun choo put k*he, Fy J AS 
te kwun chob dy lang béy ch’hin chéo"® ke k’he, a 
good maf tool (that can be applied merely to 
one use, and not to another) ; see the afl Bz Lin 


Seng sat k’hé béng e hdk put pé, put kam é chéy, 


Uhaou sai"S k’he béng yin ché6"S b6 chédou pé, 

chéw u™ k"& laé chy, the sacrificial animals, im- 

plements, vessels, and suitable apparel, not being 

fully prepared, we do not presume'to sacrifice; see 

in F Béng choo. 

Khe The ancient form of €, k’he. 
' Vulg. hd: to ride astride; k’hé 
K’hé \ m4, oy aa) Phéd bay, to ride on 

Pék m4 k’hwa kim an, k*hé ch’hut ban jin k’han, 

EL Bh @ Be eh A AR pa 

béy Whwdkim wa, WEA ch’hut ban lang k’hw"d, 


a white horse, furnisied with a golden saddle ; to 

ride out on such, amongst myriads of spectators. 

Prheng k’hé, thy WE, akind of crab, 
K’hé pal or crawfish, not eatable. 
AY Goé Whe, Me WH, a leech. 

| Hong k’hé, £7 Hj, a kind of China 
)} fig or date ; the Diospyrus kaki. 
Also written Hii Whe, 

Khe k6, Fifi wi dried figs, for exportation. 

Read ké: odd, an odd number. 
Yang ké jé yim gnoé, eB ay 

” Tin 2 4h ying sod Whéa, jé 

yim soe gnoé, the male numbers are odd, and the 

KEK héa 

female are even. 

Pe J Read tan: only, single, the opposite 
ofdouble. Sééey boée séang tan, 

Bi o 32 AE Fi neé"S mat™S 

Jé yin ché6"S Rhéa, the year is approaching to a 


close, and I have only a single garment. 

# Fy Read k’hé; to ride on horseback ; 

Khia EE chéén yéw ke k’hé, 0) A coy 

mm) PY iy chéng tédh wood bdy ch’héa 

hap ling k’héd, in front let there be carriages and 
people on horseback ; see the Hh jie K’héuk léy. 

Kea Aa" lam stn, fig) BE App, the 

name of a god of the Budhists. 

Read sé : to place erect, to raise up, 
Khia fer to establish; to. set upright. Sé ché, 
Be AE Rhéa Cheadu, to erect a 
pillar ; sé ké, 4 Whéa ké, to hoist a flag. 
K’hwa péén sé ké, i} ta & HE Rhwd pet"& 
Whéa ké, to hang up a board and hoist a flag ; (done 
for those who have attained literary honors.) 


Read k’héng: to congratulate ; 
- k’hdng ho, BB 4G hE" a ha, to 

Hadu sun yéw k’héng, # KR AR 3 woo hadu 

dy sun woo k’hé"d ho,a filial grandchild will con- 

gratulate (his ancestors); see the k HE Taé gnay. 

Read k’hek: fluted, an interstice ; 
PL > 
K’héth ie Whong Whek, YF [RA Whang 
4 K’héah, waste ground, 

Ong-bong Iwan, sé k’hae k’hek téy, = ae AL 

BH Sa Hh, Ong-bong chok lwan, chéw k’hé 

Chabu k’hwuy k’héah téy, when Ong-bong stirred 


K hea ) - 

up rebellion, the people began to clear waste ground 
for cultivation. 

A | 3 
To refuse, to reject, not to receive, 
K’héak Lo! behold! also written Ay 
k’héak. K’héak che! k’héak che! 
JN ZH Sw Chee Ihe! U™ vhesSh e! 
refuse it! refuse it! see ria F Beng choo. A 
To be afraid, to be alarmed at, to be 
K’héak apprehensive. 
Kéén seaou ték k’*héak, kéén taé 
ték chek put k’héak, Fl }y HE GK ik 
Bi Id Wheo™d keeM& sdy dy tek chew ké?a, 
Whw"a kee"8 twa dy tek chéw i kéa, on seeing a 
small enemy he used to be alarmed, but on seeing a 
great enemy, he was never afraid; said of Ht: Tay 
wreak Uneven ground ; some say, barren 
ground, sterile soil. 
K’héak Dry skin, the skin dried up. 


To strike the head. 

0 | To kick the heels about; to keep 
K’héak iy walking backwards and for- 


When Confucius was 
employed in the business of his prince, he (chéuk 
Whéak j¢ yéa, Fe PR Wh th Wha tin tang dy 
seer} kept his feet always in motion; see the at 

x fe Lin gé. 

K’héak a, A hard lump of earth. 

aR es 
b l, K’héang teaéu, =F}. holl 
K’héang pee 5 bolem 

vain ostentation; also a note in 

music, Vulg. k’héo"8: a dialect, 

Read k’héen: the noise of metal 
K héang or gems tinkling together. 
Koé sek he, k’héen i6 BS A 
RES wi Prhih koé sek swah, yéd wood k’héang 
ay sé"a, when the playing on the drum or guitar 

has ceased, there is still a tinkling noise; see the 
ain Fy Lin gé. 


K’héang R 



The appearance of disorder and 

confusion; disordered. 

The incessant crying of children. 


es A kind of carriage or vehicle for 
K’heaou He traveling through the mud. 

Né héng séng k’heaou, We ay 
FE HE ed té nwa Phot, chéw chey Pheaou, in 
traveling across the mud he used a sledge; said of 
EA E, when he regulated and drained off the waters. 


K’heaou By To strike, to-beat. 
A raise the foot in walking; to 

K’heaou tee stand on one leg; also written 
WE Wheaou, K’ho k’heaou 

chéuk t’haé yéa, Wy ng Je fF +i, Chang 

Wheaou k’hé k’ha téng hadu, we can stand on one 
leg and wait for it; (intimating that it will not be 

long;) see the r= nH fe Ko choé ké. 

To stand on tiptoe, to raise the 

K’heaou leg; k’heaou k’he, Ee RR, to 
lift up the leg in walking. 
Rh at oa =6 To raise anything up by means 

of a lever, to wrench. 

<a =] High; k’heaou sin, 




BB Ht 

raise up one’s body; finely 

dressed, elegant. 

A hole, a hollow place, a cavity, 
a cave, an opening. 

Cl’hit k’hedou léw héet, + 
Be Pit MI chat Whang tabu hityh, blood flow- 
ed from the seven orifices; (i. e. the ears, eyes, 
nostrils, and mouth.) 
Goé bin séng jin sim yéw ch’hit k’heaou, “54 =. fed 
eg AN th AA + i gwd woo PhiMa seng 
Jin dy sim kw"a wod ch’ hit dy k’hang, \ have heard 
that there are seven apertures in.the heart of a sage. 
(Said by a tyrant, who under pretense of looking 

for them put a wise man to death.) 

To follow out, to ‘perambulate; 


to go around the borders; a 
small road, or pathway. 
K’heaou beaou, rine Wy, abstruse and profound. 

K’heaou sin keng s00, HY i fe filll #’hedou 



oe F 
stin ké"a sé"4, to perambulate the capital; k’heaou 

to, (i ia, a pathway. Lo-chod séang yéw é 

kwan ké k’heaou, rH + ae 7A Y i 

HE $9 Lo-choo sting wos & Phiw"a ¢ dy W’hedou, 

Lo-choo was constantly occupied in investigating 
abstruse subjects. 

*hdng k’heaou, Bit aL, high 

and low ; uneven. 

K’heaou Ay 

R’heabuh }’heabuh, Nal ay, an 

unintelligible jargon. 

K’heaiuh co 

BN ,; 
¢ rams koéy: the name of a place. 

Read k’hwat: cracked, split, lia- 
Kheth ҤR ving a flaw, not perfect, in- 

Read ké: thin, meagre; héng 
EB heth af ying sim ké, Ie UN t# ie 
e dy yéo"S chin chaé san, his 

ee pat was very meagre. 

Humble, diffident; k’héem siln, 

att Wk, humble, lowly, meek. 

K’héem k’héem kwun choo, 

ek wk iB -y: sty jé dy kwun cho6, ameek and 

unassuming good man; see the By AG Ek keng. 

Khéem = 

K’héém Not easy, dissatisfied; a discon- 

tented mind ; unsettled purpose. 

Grain blasted in its growth; corn 

K’héém ye not coming to perfection. 
Léén yéw hong k’héém, &F. 
Ay @ Ak nee" woo hé kap baé nee" tang, 

‘tia % 
the years are sometimes fertile, and sometimes un- 

~-».2., Dissatisfied, indignant. Also read 
k’héet : contented, happy. 

Héng yéw put k’héém 6é sim, 

chek laéy 8, 4 Ay FR He HS a El] RK R | 

ké™4 na woo w™ Khwa wih té sim kw"a, chek 
loéy é, when there is anything in our conduct that 
our minds are dissatisfied about, then the spirit of 
magnanimity is extinguished; see ra F- Bén 


The pouch on the side of the 

K’héém 2 #- mouth, where monkeys store 
their food; to hold or contain 
anything; the crop or craw of a bird. ‘The same 

as the above. 

» Quiet and still; contented, satis- 
fied, pleased. | Ch’hoo che 
wiy choo k’héém, W PA 
FH 8 ik chéy sé kong kéd ka te k’héém chéuk, 
this is what is called being self-satisfied; see the 

Kk be Taé hak. 

= & 

‘Kheém == 


K’*héém The posts on the side of a 


Bs To owe, to come short, to be 
K’héeem ZR indebted; k’héém chéén, RR 
pad k’héém cheé"8> to owe mo- 
ney; k’hédm k’hwat, 4R fi] Wheem k’hdeyh, to 

be deficient. 
Kim chéa séng choo héng, séy hwaé boé yit k’héém, 
ia dy sé chin ché"a ha té hedou héng, séy séo"S 
Ay sod b6 chit hang k’hé2m, at this time I am truly 

fortunate; for I have everything that I desire. 


hes or Land +. F- hm 
K’héém TR. K’héém sit, IR é, a medicinal 
on To wait upon; k’héém jin 
K-héém : Jin, fat 
A an attendant, a follower. 
K’héém choo a musi- 
K’héém ; Ht K 
7 cian, a performer. 
To hold fast, to hold under one’s 

arm; k’*héém k’hoé, +f a 
to shut the mouth, to be silent. 
T’héen hay che soo k’héém k’hoé put kam héw gan 
Vhee"S ay dy thak ch’hayh ling chd pod hap 
cWhiy u™ kd koh kéng, all the scholars in the 
empire are obliged to shut their, mouths, and they 

dare not speak any more. 

Pre The name of a bamboo; also, 
K’héém +H hem k’hoé, FE [1], to close 
the mouth. 
To take hold of anything with 
K’héém pincers; to bind anything round 
with iron. 
K’héém Ark xveem shy, fn Gi, a large 
? kind of ploughshare. 
K’héém The same as $i, k’héém, Vulg. 
K’heé"& G: a pair of pincers, 
K’héém mts dark yellow color. 

ey. k’héem séw, > FF the 
black-headed people. A desig- 
TY | 

nation of the Chinese, 


Khéém DR h4m: to shut the mouth. 

Saving, thrifty, parsimonious ; 
K’héém Age thaé k’héém, K Ai, over- 
lA)» stingy, niggardly. 

K’heém goé chéting chétng, 8 
Rhéém soo gwé than chédng lang, in that which is 
saving, I follow the generality; see the am ab 
Lan gé. 

Hoo choo wun léang kéung k’*héém jéang, K =e 
in. fe A‘ ‘iia a hoo cho6 wun jéw, lédng tit, 
kéung keng, ’héém chat, séo néé"8, our master 
(Confucius) is affable, kind, respectful, parsimonious, 
and yielding; see the em ab Lin gé. 

1 > A fault, an error, a crime ;~ choéy 
Khéen ar k’héen, JE Ra, a sin. 
Iwo Kwun choo yéw sam k’héen, 
qt ¥- A =, BF kwun chod wos s"a hang 
k’héen sit, the good man is apt to fall into three 

— mm 


K’héen FF 
K’héen The common way of writing 
Ma) Ut , k’héen, a fault, 


Even, level, flat; a surname; also 
written FF. k’héen. 

To take up; k’héen ké, $E i, 

to seize a standard. 
Kwity-poé lé kwun k’héen ké 

chéa sok 2, Bs Aj fii it AR Hite Ap AK R 

Kwiiy-poe ty kwun ch’hé6"S ké kwty na pat, 
Kwiy-poé, when following the army, succeeded in 


seizing the enemy’s standard seyeral times, 


G tt we 


To lift up; k*héen e, FR XK, to 
lift up the clothes. 
K’héen séang séép Chin, 38 ee 
ik as té0"S k’hé yin ché6"9, ledou kiey Chin chity, 
he lifted up his garments, to wade through the Chin 


A horse's belly-band; a girth; also, 
K’héen to injure, to fail. 
YD Lam san che séw, put k’héen put 

peng, Fj Wy Z BEA FE fi Mam swra 

dy té"8 hiedy séw, bey k’héep béy pang, the southern 

mountains are longlived, neither decaying nor fall- 

ing; see the Ds Ate Sedou gnay. 

pa to stick to. 
Khéen ke gnéw, a He I 

Khan ch’héa kap goé, to lead along wagons and 

Vulg. k’han ; to lead, to pull, to drag ; 


| Hak ché4 k’héen é séy bin, &. 7 ize is By 
re Chak dy ling Whe kK’ héen té e séy wod he" a dy 

sod, learners are led by what they have heard (with- 

out giving heed to others’ opinions); see the ip 

SE, Soo ke. 
A tow-rope is called pek téang k’héen, H > i cS 
payh te" k’han, a hundred fathoms’ puller. 

Vulg. k’héang : the sound of metal, a 
K’héen BR chiming. 
Chéung seng k’héen, Bar He pied 

cheng dy sé"a k’héang, the sound of a bell is tinkling ; 
see the fH M8 FB Léy gak ke, 

K’héen 4 tz4 

% Vulg. kaéu:a dog; k’héen choo, K 

F. a puppy: a polite expression 
used by the Chinese, when speak- 

The old form of 1G, k’héen, a 


ing of their own children. 


Ché 6 k’héén m4, kae léng yéw yang, rs] ii* K 
i ki fit AA 45 ch? kadu kabu bay, chd pod ey 
woo ling ch’hé, with respect to dogs and horses, they 
can all be fed and nourished ; (and if we do nothing 

more than this for our parents, where lies the diffe- 

rence?) see the Oe: an Séang lin. 

ry A ditch or furrow in a field, six of 
K’héén LN which constitute an acre. 
Gno ch’hé k’héén boé che téung, 

4 jai IN WA Pd if gwd twa te heen boé dy 

tang e"8,1 dwell amongst the furrows and acres ; 

see at -y: Béng choo. 

K’héén 3B 

Ke sek se k’héén @ ch’hek, PF 4 at iz F 
ca kadu dm chéw ke k’héén sing dy meé™h té 

To present, to send, to send away ; 

ch’hay k’héén, a se, to send 
on an errand. 

ch’hayh, when it is evening, set down the number of 

presents in a book; see the is ite Gé léy. 
Kéang-sé € Choo-hwan boé chiy jé k’héén che, 

Ze KR HF AR EM it Se 

Kéang-sé hap Cho6-hwan soo né6"8 cl’ hing ¢ chéw 


chity, jé ch’hay k’héén e, Kéang-sé and Chod-hwan 
planned to inake him drunk, and then to send him 

away; see the AE fii Cho twan. 

K’héén LS 

A stubborn ox, that will not be led. 

. a ’ 
Kata RE k’hwan, Ne ioe, attached, 

indissolubly attached to any one. 


To compare, to bring a comparison, 
to speak a parable; like as. 
K’héén t’héen che mosey, AA RK 

a i cl’hin chéo"S thee"& dy séo moéy, just like 

heaven’s younger sister; see the x Ate. Taé gnay. 


ws K’héén léén, / ; © to march in 
K’héén ie Be 
a row, close together, 
K’héén To pull, to pluck ; also read k’héen. 

To inquire into ; k’héén chek, 

aN - 
K’héén =v Wy to scold, to blame. 

LéAng-sé-choé, Re it: Ail, the 

first prince of the LéAng dynasty was very friendly 
with Sdng-héng-kéng, J}, HL, “He, and used (sé 

sé 800 jin k’héén ban, {3 Nes (it K Ail ail 

sé sé saé ling k’héen moot"S>) constantly to send 

people to inquire after him. 

To knock the head; to hit against, 

ibs a to come in contact with. 

Heaven; the male principle of na- 

ture; k’héén k’hwun, Br, 3p, 

heaven and earth. The visible 


K’héén f: 

heavens are called heen, Ik; and the superintend- 
ing principle k’héén, ar 

Respectful, reverential, religious ; 

K’héén khéen sng, J Sh pious and 
pai sincere. K’héén sin, EB ie, 
to fear God. ? 
bi Read k’héém : to take up anything 

with princers or tweezers. 


Read k’héém: a pair of pincers 
7p fn - 
i heé it nippers, or pliers. 


: To be very much afraid, to be full 

of fears; cowardly. 

K’héep F To fear, to dread difficulty. 
Z Read hwaé : to destroy, to deface ; 
K héep oo destroyed, ruined; vicious, cor- 

4 APR rupt. Bit hwae k’he, Hy 158 

x meé"h k’héep k’h2, anything spoiled. 
Hwaé héng, 1B % 4T Rhéep séy ké"4, corrupt con- 

oe = 
na To do anything with the mouth and 
K’héet hands; é séw k’héet k’he, >| > 
RE Bis gwd dy ch’héw k’héet k’he, 
my hands are at work; see the ay AG Se keng. 
K’hée! Motion, the appearance of motion. 

To regulate ; to inquire ; to blame; 
K’héet = -- also, the next day. 
FAFD x neet te po ban, aif Bl Ax 

ik moot"S chék po ban, to inquire into and reprove 

oppressions and insults ; see the ie A 4y ea} 

gwat léng. 

K’héet teaou séang kéén, 3% ap in zie Be bin a 
chaé séo kee", to-morrow we can see each other; 

see the A {ii Cho twan. 
Kheet TE] 

+7 Sorrowful, mournful; k’héet k’hwat, 

K’héet aE a Ra, separated to a distance. 

K’héet k’*héet goé than, EF It 
ae aK Iawtn 16 kadu ch’ hat vhé k’lwody, mourn- 
ful and distressed, on awaking we sigh; sce the yy 

He Se4ou gnay. 

the skin. 

A bird which gives the signal for 
sowing the seed. 




To flay, to skin the face; to tattoo} ig 

} A straight neck, like a swallow’s 
K’héet neck. Ch’hong-k’héet, B, 

Rp the man who first invented let- 
ters (B. C. 2622). 

To hold eaysbing in the lap; pok 
K’héet Rae gan k’héet che, i a ‘a Zz 
ch’hé"é kong p’hay e té sa, they 

were saying, ‘ hold it in your lap ;’ see the A fa 
Chew lam, 

K’héet To bind with a thread. 

K’héet To pick, to pluck, to strip off. 

To take in the hand, to carry in the 

vA) hand ; to take hold of, to support. 
Pan pék put théy k’héet, BE 

AY KK HE FZ ehadu md pan payh dy lang, a 

hoé e kw" a meé"h, people with gray hairs were not 
allowed to carry things; see the =F 4) Ong che. 
K’héet E 3 Hoo Kong-béng-ko 6 hadu choe 
4nd che sim, way put jédk sé k’heet, 

FE 42 hoo Kong-béng-ko € hadu ké"é dy sim, cho 
na@ 66 an néy, chéw béy swath hwdn 16, now Kong- 
béng-ko maintained the feelings of a filial child, 
and if he did not so, he was grieved; see rin F 
Béng choo. : 


Not grieved, free from grief. 

One, only, alone, single; over and 

K’héet A surname. 

Chew @ léy bin, bé yéw k’héet 

wily, A Gh Ae Be BE AW y HEL Chew ladu 

dy 0é. Uhabu payh sai"S biéy wod tw"a chit ling 
wity té, of the remnant of the black-haired people of 
Chew, there is not a single one left; see the *k bii3 
Taé gn4y. 


To attack and expose people’s secret 

vices 3 to find out secrets. 

K’héet at 
< I ef Oé k’*héet é wily tit chéa, nts aT 
Yy) B i 7 gwd win Inout ley khéet dy lang, 

yin wity ¢ lédh e sé tedou tit dy, ‘1 detest those ex- 
posers of mens’ secret faults, because they do it un- 

der the oem of honesty ;’ said by Confucius in 

ip a Lin gé, 

K’héet F 

lang woo bob dy yé0"9, all his learned men had a 


Martial, military, bold, courageous. 

Sé soo yéw k’héet, Hie ad: i 


martial appearance; see the if Ja Woey hong. 


K’heeét Fk is a hard stoneyan‘uneven road. | 


K’hek béng tek, Fr FH Gilg ey Whek béng tek, to 
be able clearly to understand virtue; see the fe ie 
K’hong k’hd. 

To be able; to be superior to; to 

overcome, to repress. 

K’hek ké, te, E.. to overcome 

Gno chéén pit k’hek, Tk ink iy a gwd na séo | 

Vhaé pit yé"4, ‘when I fight, I am sure to win;’ said 
by Confucius. 

K’hek 7 Ax | Weary, tired. 

K’hek zl] 
To conquer; to kill; _k’hek ké, 

} Hl Hy, to appoint atime, Also 
a written ie, k’hek. 

To constrain one’s-self; to exert 

one’s-self; to boast one’s-self, 

Aa) chédng e dy Chak ch’hayh | 


K’hek a 
Fas Wu 


pee Ve: Whayh: 

K’hek Be visitor. 

clave soo é pin k’hek gan yea, 

vy {sii ie fef ye ap i) Phang saé e kap lang 

K’hayh kéng wa, he can be employed to speak with 

a guest, a stranger, a 

guests and visitors; see the an a Ap Lan gé. 
Teaou k’hek, jE All to cut, to 
K’hek Zz engrave. K’hek joo, AI = 
Whek jé, to cut letters. Sé k’hek, 
fF Al, ‘times, constantly; yit k’hek, — Al 

chit k’hek, a moment. 
Ie coarse kind of hempen or grass- 
K’hek cloth ; coarse linen; sackcloth. 
Chin the k’hek, pit peaou jé 
ch’hut ca Hi aft Wy Ze fin 1 wa 
cWhéng tw" né"a kwah por, tédh pedou jé ch’hut e, 
wearing a single garment of coarse or fine linen, it is 

necessary (to have something next the skin); and let 

this be on the outside; see the ii 

The name of a country ; kay to é 
Gé, & hwat Whek, fF 34 iy 
jx DAK GE chébh loe te Ge, 

é hwat K’hek, they availed themselves of the road 

if Liin gé. 

‘through the country of Gé, in order to attack that 
of K’hek; see a + Béng choo. 

K’hek Ea] 

any one near; seethe J ASS Ek keng. 
JJ To eat; k’hek hwan, ae ih chéah 
K’hek I] AN ~ poor"S> to eat rice. 
Boéy séuk hé téng Choo Io k’*hek, 
5 eh a lp] ol RR ha” & sék yintang 

Choo 16 ché&h, when the plumbs are ripe, I have pro- 

Still, quiet, ne ; k’hek ké bod 

jin, fal “EE fe J, h’hek chéng 

b6 ling, still and solitary, without 

mised to eat them in company with old Mr. Choo, 

K’hek ait To laugh. 

K’hek A hard stone. 
y Sa SRK a cranny, a hole; k’hong 
K’hek k’hek, ZL Kee a crevice; hay | __ 
’ Kihek, py Sa leisure, freedom 
from aS 

Chwan héét k’hek séang kwuy, Bk He TV a ss 
i chwui"S k’hang k’hek séo k’hw"d, to bore a hole 

and peep at one another ; see i “F- Beng choo. 

Long k’hek kAng bod, jz (i H# zk chih 

cl’han éng laé kéng bo, when there is leisure from | 

agriculture, then is the time for talking about mi- 

litary affairs. 

Read k’héuk: asong; ch’héang 
Whéuk, WB, pil] ci’hedng Whek, 

to sing songs. 



hens AVE] 
2A™ Trhéen k’heng sey pok, 

k’hwat tong lam, K ffi ride) dt Hh Wii 
i TA Vhee"S Kheng té sae pak, téy k’hwat té 
tang lam, the heavens are partially inclined on the 
northwest, and the earth is hollow towards the south- 

On one side, inclined, lateral, par- 

tial; injured, falling. 

east; (hence the Chinese say, that their emperors 
always come from the northwest, as coming down 

from heaven ; and the rivers of China generally flow 

to the southeast, that being the lowest part of the 
world;) see the FE x fill| ‘T’héen ban hwan, 
Kheng 16, (Hf] 5, overturned; k’heng hok, (fj 

AK, prostrate. 
K’heng Hen Ch’hat chek sod kong k’heng, jip 
chek sod hod heng, |}! |{!) Ba 

a Hes EWR Al] x Je ch’hut chéw hok 

saé kong k’heng, jip chéw hdk saé pay hé"a, on 

A noble, a high officer; a subject. 

going abroad serve the ehiefs and nobles, and com- | 

tey | 





_ing aoe serve your parents and elder brethren; 
zh Lin gé. 

see the jifif 
Vulg. Khin: light, not heavy; kwan 
jéén hoé te k’heng teéung, ie 
SE 4 Jen We TA cd’hin, 

K’ none 

jéén aou éy chae k’hin tang, weigh a thing and then 

you may know whether it is light or heavy; see 
th + Béng choo. 
“ Hr Phai"S ; a dell, aravine, a hol- 

K’heng JL 
E chay k’heng Chin hang chut sam 

ne de As HE AE = + B 

é chay ham Chin dy hing peng s"a chap ban, 

low place; to let into a hole or pit. 
sip ban, 7 

(Hang-é) deceitfully decoyed into a pit, (and de- 
stroyed) 300,000 of the surrendered troops of Chin; 

see the sb a Soo ke. 

Kuen stony cavern; a rocky dell. 

Vw Read k’hong: a basket; ch’haé ch’hae 
E’heng |= kwan-jé put @ng k’heng k’hong, 
7 Te Fz S 

As As AB TE AS it 5 (E 

ban ban kwinjé dy ch’hat, b6 mw"é chit heng, 

picking and gathering the kwan-jé vegetable, and 

after all not getting enough to fill one basket; see 
the Ji] jf] Chew lam. 

Read _ k’héung: 

axe or chisel, in which the handle 

the hole of an 

is fixed. 

is A piece of land, containing one hun- 
K’héng vA dred acres. G6 k’héng, {Jf UF], 

a moment, Bin cheén soé 
k*héng téén, r4 Hi We ve] fA moor"S chéng 
kwty piyh boé dy ch’hdn, before the door are seve- 
ral hundred acres of land. 

K’héng k’hek, Ae] yi, a small space of time, im- 


Keng f Gé k’héng, 154 (A, a moment of 
j —~ time, 

K’héng ! Any part of the i where the 
‘hones and sinews unite. 
uk . To be willing, to assent to; k’héng 
K’héng FJ 

Hwiy jéén k’héng laé, 7a aS H AG hwiy jéén 
kadu k’héng laé, to be so kind, as to be willing to 
come; see the iy JR, Weey hong. 


put k’héng? A aN > are you 

willing or not ? 

K’héng ma, en iit, a kind of flax 

5 or hemp; also written 2 k’héng. 
To congratulate ; k’héng ho, je 
K’héng 74, to felicitate ; also, happiness. 

4 wv 
2a Chong-pek é ho k’héng che léy, 

ch’hin & stng che kok, $* 4 VJ fe ee 
ria mn Bia We rb chong-pek dy kw"a léah 
ho k’heng dy léy soe, chd ch’hin pat sai"S dy kok, 
the chong-pek officer, with ceremonies of congratula- 

tion, contracted matrimonial alliances with countries 

of a different surname; see the Ji} jig Chew léy. 

ad A musical instrument formed out of 
Khang FAR a gem or precious stone. 

2 Choo kek k’héng é Wosy, —F- HE 

ps i tii hoo cho6 p’hah k’heng te Woey, Con- 

fucius played on the k’héng at Woéy ; see the an 

on Lin gé. 

Khéng pr The ancient form of the above. 
Empty, void; an empty vessel, ex- 
hausted. Pin che k’héngé, way 

‘hen Ze 
=_ ‘Be ly che vhé, ff, ae ie R 


FAtg bi re Hs chéw pan dy k’hang sé chéw dng 

dy sedou léy, when the wine-cup is empty, it isa dis- 

grace to the wine-jar; see the nt HE Se4ou gnay. 


Keng {PA K’héng gin, (A RR, to melt silver. 



The name of a tree; also writter 

2 HA k’héng. 
ch’hun hong sé kéén beng tong, 

Read héng: a rainbow. 
héng put kéén, as a Lam ae 
Aim Be hr FR Gl cWhun biey Wheng Whe 

thabu héen, kadu tang thabu Wheng chéw wa” 


keé"Y, in the latter month of spring the rainbow 
begins to appear, and in the first month of winter it 
ceases to be seen; see the i A 4y Léy gwat 
i. ' 


K’he"S 1 
4 i Read chong: to secrete, to conceal, 
K’he"s JBN, to hide, to stow away, to store, to 
hoard; chéng but, Hoy. Hyp, RA2"9 

meé"h, to conceal anything. 

fai 2) Read k’héaou: as chd k’héaou, th 
K’héo 4 Bi #X cho k’héd, to make a bargain, 
to go between in making a bar- 

gain, as a broker. 

Read k’hong: a surname. 

Read k’hong: chaff; bé k’hong, K 
Hie be I’he”Z, the husk of rice. 

Read sip : to take up, to pick up, to 
K’héoh gather up. 

Loé put sip way, ra 7, ay 3a 


loé bé K’héoh ka laiuh dy meé"h, they did not pick 
up anything that was dropped in the roads (speak- 

ing of a highly improved state of society). 


pa Read k’héang: a dialect ; Tedou- 
K’héo"S chew k*héang, Ya] dh ee, Té6- 
chew k’héo"&, the dialect of Téé- 


z Read k’héém: sparing; k’héém sit, 
Khio"S At Be BR ene chéith, 0 be 

sparing at meals. 

Bent, crooked, not straight; wiy 
k’héuk, oA ily. bent and cury- 

Ko k’héuk, fe PR kwa Whek, songs and ballads ; 

sim k’héuk, jy HH, ideas. 

Khéuk é sin jin, A 2 (fy J Phituk lan é 

dy e, laé t’han pat ling, to accommodate one’s own 


ideas, in order to comply with others. 

Lwan gno sim k’héuk, Al AR MN Why p’hah loan 
gwd dy sim K’héuk, to disturb one’s thoughts and 

Vulg. k’hak: leaven, a preparation 
K’héuk a7 of rice to cause a fermentation in 
liquor ; a surname. 

Chim k’héuk chek cho, Alp Aq PF il wean Wrhak 

cho chim t’haéu, léth ché chd cl’héoh, to take leaven 
for one’s pillow, and grains for one’s bed (speaking 

of a confirmed drunkard, who is buried in liquor), 

The same as the above ; pék k’héuk, 

Khéuk ie Hh payh k’hak, a kind of fer- 
menting substance. 
Ch’hwan k’héung, N Ss, a me- 
Khéung dicinal plant, used as an anti- 

dote to poisons. 



The name of an animal, like a 

horse, found in the northern 


K’héung $ 5 

Bé yéw lé lék, €1éém k’héung ch’hong, Pe 7 Fife 

F1 VA As FF FE woey woo twa tit, & teem 

Whéung ch’hong, there is no great strength in us, but 


K’héung ch’hong, = 4 i, the 
azure heavens ; vast as the blue 

we are apt to call upon the azure heavens for help; 

see the kK AE Taé gnay. 

zs The sound of people walking; 
K’héung the noise of a footstep. 
Ban jin chéuk yim k*héung 
eer, > MAL TERS 
FR via heS ling dy Wha yim, Whéung jéén 
chéw Iww"a hé, hearing the sound of people’s noisy 
steps coming along, I am delighted; see the HE F 
Chong choo. 
Vulg. k’heng: the hole of an axe 

K’héung or chisel in which the handle is 
K’héung léng, ie ye, insects 
K’héung be found in excrementitious mat- 
ter. . 
zx A leathern thong, to tie anything 
K’héung with a leathern thong; a sur- 


K’héung ying héng gnéw che kek, ria FA ta of: 
Kg He chd W’héung tébh ying wut"S god dy p’hiéy, 

for a thong, you must make use of a cow’s hide; see 

the J, #8 Ek keng. 

K’héung kéting, ie BS, the ap- 
K’héung 5 pearance of the sky; a hilly 


K’héung iT 5 Sorrowful, grieved. 


59; fear, to be alarmed, to be 
K’hétng Yv apprehensive; k’hédng p’h"a, 
NM id i , to be afraid. © Choo- 
loe yéw bin, bé che léng héng, why k’héang yew 
oy Ae Ze x 
ban, F i A PA AS OC fe AME Te 
AR [ee] Chot-oé woo Pha, yea diey ey kerd, 
why ké"a woo koh ’hé"a, when Chod-loé heard 
anything, before he could put it in. practice he 

was afraid lest he should hear something else (ne- 


K’hés 4 Small, diminutive; some say, bent 
8 and crooked; cold. 

oS Pas yea . aeale 
K héung = To dry anything in the sun. 
sb « 

cessary to be done); see the ey fa Lan gé. 


A hillock, a mound, a little hill; a 
K’hew fr sacrificial area; a surname. : 
Way ko pit yin k’hew léng, Ey 

fe] ih 7a E be chd kwin pit wa k’hew léng, in 

making anything high, we wust take ‘advantage of 
hillocks and mounds ;’ see Tia. + Béng choo. 

K’hew BIS Vulg. k’hoo; a surname. 

K’hew yin, bh AR Uhoé kin,a 

worm, the common earthworm. 

Sé gwat k’hew yin ch’hut, 77 

A Ihe I] i chéy chit goéyh gob win ch’hut, 

in this month, the worms come out; see the ile 

A 4y Léy gwat léng. 

f Great, large ; to collect, to assemble 
K’hew 9 ABI Be 5 ? 
together; the same as fy", k’hew. 


A . 
| K HEW sf 
K’hew Ze ponaice and enmity ; also to assemble 
my together. 
K’hew bird of the genus Columba ; k’hew 
] iB chuy, WB, EE ka chuy, a dove. 

Way ch’héak yéw chadu, way “k’hew ke che, 

HB A Poy Me jie ie ek wiy chayh d woo séw, 
wily ka chuy k’héd e, the magpie builds its nest, and 

* the pigeon comes and dwells in it; see the 4 id 
Seaou Jam. 

To assemble together ; the name ofa 

Kh y 3} The name of a tree; the branches of 
Zz a tree bending downwards. 
mA young dragon; k’hew, ag. isa 
young dragon with horns, and 


kéw, HL, is a young dragon, 
without horns. 



To take or raise up with the hand. 


K’héw i An ugly face. 

K’héw fp ie to walk lame. 
K’héw The appearance of walking. 

Read kéw : an instrument of music 
K’héw made of a precious stone. 

T’héen kéw, K oe Chee"S 
K’héw, a celestial globe. Léw Kéw, Hit EX, Léw 
K’héw, the Léw Kéw, or Lew Chew islands. 

Théen kéw h6 to@ chaé toag sé, 7K EK Fy 

K’HEY 371 K’HIM 

Eat AE Ga lag Chee" k’héw hé toé twa té tang = 

| pee" dy ch’hod, the celestial globe and the map of the 

To unite, to join together, to agree; 

river were kept in the eastern range of the building ; Khéey br a a Denels Screnes srarene: 
Ol ihe ale AS Se keng. Chaé hoo chéang kwan k’héy, é té 
| ching, SFR SK Se YL HB Hh eta 
hoo dy kwa chédng kw"a h’hdy, é té Wh2"8, the 
K’héw - abe legs bent, not straightened out; proper officer holds the-public bonds, in order to 
m, shriveled up, shrunk. } take care of them; see the jf} ye Chew léy. 
5 é 
A rivulet, a stream, a mountain for- K’hek kwa choo, HIN = 
My | Khe 
K’hey ¥. rent; also written We, 7B, and | acy AN Phay kwa éhé, to crack the seeds 
» x, k’hey. / ss of a melon. 
? ; 4 ry} ; be 
Koé kok put € san k’hey che heém, [aX aS Respectful, majestic, to command 
yy {hy eA a [ay kéen koé dy kok, 66 twa té K’him respect. K’him ch’hay, ER zB, 
sw"a K’hey dy héém, a firm state does not consist an imperial envoy, an embassa- 
in the precipitous nature of its mountains and tor- dor. K’him béng, GR fp an imperial order. 
rents; see ae -F- Béng choo. K’him béng ban sod, 5K AA K A, (Gedou 
= was) respectful, intelligent, elegant, and thoughtful ; 

¥ ae open out, to unfold, to inform, cae vid at ze ml Se gedou téén. 
K héy , to explain, to communicate instruc- | 4 
; | =) tion. Put hwén, put k’héy, rs : A» 
| K’him FR. large coverlid, a quilt. 

iN * i n@ b6 wat hwin, e bé biéyh Whéy | 

ka, if any would not arouse themselves to exertion, 

ye = b 
he would not explain anything for their informa- Eg ears O S eererea ys e 




= "hi ’ z Sse =e 
tion; see the ai ah Lin gé. * | K’him 7 ch’heng choo k’him, Ww F- 
’ —_ : ? a g ounhs 

K’héy & séw, k’héy & chéuk, BX => SR Bh | Fd ch’haimS ch’haiS & ne™a, a 
st ie JE Whéy Whwuy gwd dy ch’héw, Whéy Whwuy light blue collar; see the Hi Pa Téng hong. 

gwd dy k’ha,* stretch out my arms, and stretch out 
my legs ;’ (said by a person when he was goingto | K’*him Ager event prepay = Bde \t0 

die;) see the a ait Lin gé. 7? bind up one’s garment. 

The part ofa garment which laps 

K’h éy To open, or take off, the collar of a | K’him over, in order to fasten it. 
Ze garment. Téng k’him heng téy, fa Hs 
; i x; ting k’him hé"a té, brethren by mar- 
B To believe; the barb of a spear. riage (as the husbands of the sisters of one’s wife). 
K’héy Khéng k’héy, Py 2K, those 

AVY parts of the body where the bones |}. ; 
and sinews meet, a joint, K’him A A cave, a pit, a dell. 



Arc light, intelligent. 




A thickness or induration of the skin. 



Cold, chilly, refrigerant, an intense 

K‘him ZME Bie, a 

cold; k’him sadu, 7 

very bad cough. 

K’him k’hoé, ws [J, to stop the 

mouth, to observe silence. 


To place the hand on, to rest. 


ESE A harp; k’him sek, Te IR Ey @ harp 

=» & guitar. Ch’hey choo h"6 hap, jé 
DP kos sek Whim, HF Hf A 
In KR Bh 

; boé kéré h6 h6 séo hap, W hin 
chéo"s Air Ae k’him, wives and children living in 
concord and harmony, like the playing on the harp 
and guitar; see the ify yi Seéou gnay. 

: + Hong k’hi 
K him Ne DS i ra 
K’him ‘Lim_k’him, aN ke, the name of 
a fruit tree, like the wild plum. 
To take, to seize, to apprehend, to 
K’him 4 to take prisoner; hwat k’him, 
16 12 wih k’him, to take alive. 
Choo-kat-léang k’*him Béng-hék, ch’hit k’him ch’hit 

hone, 5 fh Seay Te ME Lk HB Ak 

Choo-kat-lédng lédh Béng-hek, ch’hit ay léth ch’ hit 

AK, a speiiny 

ay pong, Choo-kat-léang in taking Béng-hek, caught 

him seven times, and seyen times let him go; see the 

aot eq San kok. 


A bird, one of the feathered tribe, 

a fowl; k’*him sew, fi BR, birds 
y and beasts, the brute creation. 
Chéung jit j@ put hék yit him, % FA iy AR 
iE —- FF chit jit hob, je b6 leith chit chek 
chedou, they were all the day without catching one 
bird; see i F- Béng choo. 



K’hin RR so few; to sneeze, to cough. 
Read k’heng : 

Re important. K/’heng, téung tong, 
| a chek kay séang jéak, EG iE 
fal Hi) fe] Hi ya Khin tang séo ting, chek 

hay cheé"8 séo ch’hin chéo"S, when things are 

light, not heavy, un- 


equally light and heavy, the prices would be the 

same 3 see ih -f- Béng choo. 

An earthworm, a worm ofthe genus 


5’hé"a: to walk with difficulty 
K’hin g Ad 

to walk carefully, to walk lame. 

or, ch’héén: 
Jé ké ch’héén ch’him hoé pok 

K hin ES 
yest che put yit.chéa, yew yéw léy é 
yioe HREM Z A 
1 oS Ay ie UY Ceres Lue e dy hin ch’ him 

kadu poh, dy aw” pat"& chéy yéd woo ley é ch’hing 

shallow, not deep. 

chéy, and as for the difference of things which are 
shallow and deep, thick and thin, we have tbe prin- 
: ciples of propriety to equalize them. 


Diligent; k’hin kong, ey) TL, Phin 

kang, diligent in business. 
Ong-kwdy ké Khin 6ng kay 

\ — A H ey) Ee R ing-kwity e éy k’hin kang 

éng dy ch’hod, Ong-kwity was diligent in the palace 


Sorrowful, anxious; yin k’hin, jee 
En earnest and exact in the fulfill- 

ss ment of duties, studious to please. 

Yin k’hin song k’hek, Be BY R ya yin k’hin 

sang ling k’hayh, assiduous and obliging in atten- 


tions to guests. 

+k K’hin ch’haé, FF ZK celery. Soo 
lok P’hwan sfiy, gan ch’haé ké 

> pes 
Whin, FY Es ¥P a =] i 
TH. FF sé0"9 tek hat P’lw"a chiry, kong biiéyh ban 

e dy k’hin ch’hae, thinking about taking our plea- 


sure upon the P’hwan waters and talking of picking 
the celery there; see the iS is | Loé séing. 


nr To inspire, to draw in the breath; 

K’hip Na hoe k’hip, [Hf PRX, to respire and 
f inspire. Also, to drink. 


*hip tam loé ché hod léang, f fit He ZZ YF 

ih lim tam loé dy p’hoé léng, to drink the light and 
cool drops of the pleasant dew. 

Y Vulg. ch’héo"S: to draw water ; k’hip 
K’hip Whe k’hip, ia , , incessant ; a sur- 

Twan kéng put k’ho k’hip ch’him, 69 mi AN Fy 
Wx PR téy dy soh bd thang WES ch’him chivy, 
a short well-rope will not serve to draw up water 

from a great depth. 

Vulg. Whit: as pek k’hip, AY PE 
payh k’hit, a medicinal plant. 

A sachel, or box, for containing 
school books. 

Hoo k’hip chéding soo yéw, I 
a it fit jie géd W’hayh Chan sin sai"S yéw, to 

shoulder one’s sachel and follow one’s teacher. 

vot To cry, to bewail, to lament, to shed 

K’hip VAY. tears. K’hip t’héyléén léén, Hip 

iti laéu bak saé séo sw, 
the tears flowed rapidly. 




K’hip 43 


Khit Te, 



Vulg. ’hang: to tear with the nails, 

to scratch. 

To beg, to supplicate, to implore ; 
to take, to give; k’hit sit, &: Ae 
Phit chéah, abeggar; k’hit soo, 

4, pd a begging priest. 

K’hit ké @ put chéuk, yew kod jé che t’ha, > EE 

fi. Ay Ee * HA i Zz. ily, Whit e dy sin b6 

kadu, yéw k’hw"d jé k’h2 kadu pat wiiy, he begged 
what was left (of the sacrifices), and not finding it 

sufficient, looked around, and went to another place 
(of sacrifice) ; see Tn F Béng choo. 

aE - 

K’ho ay 

K’ho $F] 


A branch, a twig; the handle of an 
ax. Vulg. kwa: a surname. 
Kwun choo put kaé k’ho jé ék 

yeep, Ft -F- A sa fi nia Hy WE kuoun cho 

b6 kay ke jé w"d hédh, the good man (like an ever- 
green plant,) does not change his branches nor cast 

his leaves. 
Hwat k’ho, hwat k’ho, ké chek put wan, AX Hay 

4 Fey EE Bl) AR GE vehah pos vhadu pair’, 

Phah pob thabu pai"S, e dy lwat chek béy wout”S, 
in cutting an ax-handle, in cutting an ax-handle, 
the pattern is not far from us (for that is the pattern 

in our hand, while we are cutting). 

A stone resembling a gem; sdng é 

ché gétk k’ho, HE YY Ww FE 
ti] sdng é dng géuk dy k’ho, to 
make a present of a vermilion colored gem. 



The axles of carriages joined toge- 

ther; a man’s name ; Fee 

Béng-choo’s name was ny inj 


K’ho Ap SPA particular sort of bamboo. 

An order, a class, a measure, a rule; 
loéy k’ho, i I laé k’ho, a 
physician; goéy k’ho, 4\ Ft gwa 

ho, a surgeon. 

Sék put choo p*hé, way lek put tong k’ho, fy IR 

=E Re Za yh AN fl Ft choh che2™S b6 choé te 

Vhadu phoéy, yin wily W’hwity lat u™ tang téng, 

K’ho Vv 

archery does not consist in shooting through the 
leather because men’s strength is not‘of an equal po- 
wer 3 see the Md em Séang lin. 

Eng k’ho jé hos chin, BW Ft iil HE éng 
mwd Kho jéén adu chin, (the waters) fill up their 
measure, and then flow onwards; see th + 
Beng choo. 

A K’ho hay, up} HER, a kind of toad ; 

K’ho eho. to6, I} fo} Who tadu, the 
common toad, 
om Empty, void, a hole. A hole in the 
K’ho earth is called com k’ho, and a 
nest in a tree is called i chadu. 

Kho 5 a) Handsome, beautiful. 
Vulg. Uhang: can, may ; to be able; 
K’hdé D put k’ho, Ar Dy av™ Phang, it 

may not be. 
Gnd chek & @ s@, bod k’ho, bod put k’ho, FE Fl) 
Mt Vis Fe itt rm) an AR FY geod chéwo koh 
yéo"S & chéy ley, bd Phang, b6 u™ Phang, I am dif- 
ferent from these people, not having any particular 
thing that I may, or may not do, (but acting in all 
respects according to circumstances 3) said by Con- 

fucius in the ai aR Lin gé. 



? 5 oes 
K’h6 p K’ham k’ho, WK HY, to be crossed, 
- to meet with constant difficulties. 

K’ho : p| A large boat, or ship. 
K’hé P To desire, to breathe freely. 

Hi Can, may, to be able; excellent, 
K’hé By commendable. 

K’ho & hod jin, ae ch’hoo keng 

bs BREN BED A AB he 2 
ling, ae chéy sing héung kw"d tok, rich people can 
do it, but alas! for the wretched and solitary ; see 

ia —} Beng chod. 
ke K’ho lo, eo ee crooked wood 

K’ho or bamboo of which utensils are 

To examine 5 key k’ho, 5 #5: a 

K’hé literary examination; sew k’ho, 

= ¥%, age; k’ho pe, H Wr. 

deceased parents; k”ho kadu, ia ie, to examine. 
Soo kwun séw k’ho, {8 FA = 7 saé hoe 
kwun lé, chéth té"& hoey sew, may you, Sir, enjoy 
a good old age; see the MN AEE Sefou gnay. 

Pek sng jé song k’ho pé, PE yn pe HK: We 
piayh sai" ch’hin chéo"S sé pay boé, the people 
felt as though they had lost their parents; see 

ih ¥ Béng choo. 

K’hé A certain wood, resembling that of 

the varnish tree. 

K’hé- % To beat, to strike. 


~ Water become dry; anything wet 
K’hé Ve dried up; k’ho gé, 4 ff WhO 
hé, to dry up the water in a pond, 

in order to catch the fish. 

K’hé To examine, to inspect. 
# K’hd k’hwan, FS eh, to exhort; 
K’h = k’hd téng, ak FE; rules, regula- 

tions, to arrange; to exact duties, 
to levy taxes. K’hwan k’hd lng song, Hh ah 
zB FH Hhwui"S hd lang choh ch'han chat se"S, 
to exhort the people to attend to agriculture and the 
cultivation of the mulberry tree; kong k’hd, T Fy 
kang Il’ hoy, an exercise, a task. 
Séng k’hé put k*hd, HY ZR AR BR kadu che" 
hoey b6 lap e sé2y, when a-person becomes a com- 

plete article (i. e. a learned man), he is not to-be 

taxed. Sééy k’hd, via xz sdey Khéey, taxes, 
duties. K’hoé 
A small head; vulg-k’hddy: a bead 
K’ho or pearl. The numeral of small 
globular things. 
K’hd A stallion. 
» | 
| | Khoé rs} 
K’ho Torely on; ék’hd, te 5, to con- 
= fide in, to trust to. 

pan To beat, to strike. 

Kho Q,,., and burnt up. 

y Ds Valg. k’kwd; to run-on a sand-bank, 

to run a ship aground. 





To inform. The name of several 
S sections in the fi] it Séang se. 

Po A hoop, a hoop or ring around a bar- 
K’hoe rime SU 

rel; théet k’hoe, Bk $i Vheeh 
K’hoe, an iron hoop; k’hoe choo, 

Sti = K’hoe d, a circle, a cypher. 
Ke Oe 
K’hoe Yee A wooden hoop. 

, ¥ Tay k’hoe, nS +A, the refuse of 
K’hoe “Ay 
washing clothes. 

the tea nut, which is used for 
Yéw k’hoe, yh ¥. an oil cake. 
2 Read wan: a dollar; yit wans — =] 
EA chit k’hoe, a dollar. 

Vulg. ch’hidy: the mouth; hap k’hoé, 
4 [], Aap ci’hity, to shut the 
mouth; bin k’hoé, FA J] mooi"s 

K’haéu, the entrance of the door; aé k’hoé, as ry 

ae k’haéu, a narrow pass, a defile. 

K’hoé che é ba yéa, J} Fh YE tH, cha 

ay té bé, the mouth with respect to tastes. 

=f fH Misery, difficulty, calamity ;. bitter, 

acrid; kan k*hoé, Hf - wretch- 

ed. K’hoé @ ban soo, <= is 
Fed Via Whih kan k’hoé kiey ché"é ban sé, more 
miserable than ten thousand deaths, 

ne ch*hod. He +e aan 
K’hoé ch’hoé, 72 ak, painful, wretched ; sin k*hoe, 

"3 Ht, bitter, distressing. 

A certain kind of bamboo. 


6 k’hoé, ee troubled, dis- 



Read hé: a surname; Hé-yéw put 

sew Gedou séen, PF ry Ap ze 
ats ite K’hoé-yéw, i séw Gedou 

séén, K’hoé-yéw would not receive Gedou’s empire, 

Khe = 

(but went and washed his ears after hearing the 

proposition, as though he had heard something very 

np ri K’hok thaéu, to knock 

Khoé BH 
the head against the ground, in 

obeisance ; k’hoé bin, ny FA hadu moot"&> to 
rap at the door. 

Gno khod ké lé4ng twan jé kéét yéen, FE BY) 

He phy Mi ni 3) FR gd mour"S e dy no 

Vhabujé kéét chin yéen, I inquired on two points, 

To inquire, to ask; k’ho® séw, 

and exhausted the subject ; see the ay ae Lin gé. 

K’hoé kek, 40 eg to beat, to 

K’hoé qn strike; k’hoé te, Hp Re Rhaodu 

té, to cut off, to deduct; k’hoe 

chéén, tA $¥ hhadu cheé”S> to deduct from one’s 

Taé k’hoé chek taé béng, se4ou k’hod chek se4ou 

ee cee 

twa phah chek twa tin, séd p’hah chek sé6 tan, 

when we strike (the musical instruments) forcibly, 

they emit a loud sound, but when we strike them 

gently, they make but little noise; see the iz Ht 

ay Léy gak ké. 
hoe, Ar ‘ies to invade ; a sur- 

K’hoé Ne, 
name. Yéw Wat k’hoé, hék wat 

Kho’ che, ap k’he choo? Aq FBR jie kA 
Te FF HK Bi w00 Wat bok dy cW hat, wos 

ling kong, cl’ hat kadu, s"a soo u™ k’hd2 there were 

A robber, a plunderer, a bandit; jip 

some robbers from the Wat country, when some one 
said, ‘the robbers are coming, why do you not get 
out of the way?” see Ti =F Béng choo. 



abe Toe bho, aE laou hadu, 
K’hoe & nutmegs ; toé k’hoé hwa, a 3 
KE ladu hadu hwa, mace, the se- 

cond coat of the nutmeg. 

: yak 263 Vulg. k’hadu: a bamboo implement 

K’hoé 4a Dwarfish and ugly. 


used in weaving. 

Hoo Irhoe, fF jes, a treasury, a 
K’hoe = treasure-house; gin k’hoé, AR ii 

a mint. Jé kwun che ch’hong 
lim sit, hod k’ho’ ch’héung, (fj Fh Ze fe 
a WF ii Re, jé kewun lé dy ch’he"S lim tee"8> 

ho6é k’ ho? mw™é, and your majesty’s granaries are 
? y yestys ¢ 

full, and your treasuries replenished, (while your 

people are starving;) see n 4 F- Béng choo. 

> Breeches, pantaloons; sam k’hoé, 
K’hoé 42 ral s"a k’hoe, a jacket and 
K’hoé The breech, the space between the 
Ke) legs; the clothing for the thighs. 
K’hoe To gild; léw k’hea, $i Bp léw 
k’hadu, a button-hole. 
3 7 clothing for the thighs; the 
K’hoe TS same as #8. k’hoe. 3 
Oa K’ham k’hoé an invete- 
K ho ; 2 Hi Fis. 
rate, incurable, disease. 

A K’hoé hoé, i HE, anything stop- 

ping in the throat. 


K’hoe 4L Overgrown grass, and reeds. 

A helmet; k’koey kap, He AA, 

Téing ké vhoé W’hoey, HA HE 
8A R téung e dy thabu Kk’hiey, it just hit his 



To laugh, to sport; k’héey ch’heaou, 

FG aR to play the fool. 

K’hoey Ke sss great, noble minded. 

K’héey seng, Vfl a K’hiey cWhai"S 
the head star in Ursa Major; the 

Khiey =} 

head, the principal, the chief; taé 

k’hoey vhéen hay, Jy Kt, K PP twa chd Rhiiey 

Uhadu té Uhee"S ay, to become a great chief in the 


To sport; a sickness; a man’s name. 


K’héey s+ sort of rattan. 

we Read k’ho: the transplanting of 


K’hééy iE 

K’hoety S 


A curtesy, a woman’s salutation. 

Read k’hd: to tax; to instruct, to ex- 
hort; kong k’hd, a] ok kang 
Whoey, labor, a task. A piece of 

literary composition is also called A’ho2y. 





=—==@ 'T'o stumble, to fall down. 
ne BBR Kim hoo ch’he ché4 k’hééy ché4, 
sé k’hé yéa, jé hw4n tong ké sim, 

He NWA t"a chéy léy kin cha6u dy ling pwah t6 dy 


ling, sé Whe té"a té" a, jé @y hwdn tin tang e dy sim, 

‘The bone of the leg. 

now when people walk quick or stumble, it merely 

concerns the animal powers, and yet it agitates the 

mind; see sy as Béng choo. 

K hity > =» Read k’hwan: a cramp in the arms 
or legs. 

cant, scarce, rare, few. 

K’hityh ni 
Chéy chwan bo6é k’hwat, AiR 

2 4IE fide chedou chui"S b6 k’hiéyh, perfectly 
complete without a single defect. 

KR To cook anything at the fire; 
K’hityh a k’hwat ho, Khe XK whoéyh 
At hiéy, to strike fire. , 

A stable or shed for cattle and hor- 

Read k’hwat: short, deficient, va- 

ses; to take care of cattle, 
Manacles, handcuffs; chit k’*hok, 
K’hok +e RE, fetters and manacles. 

Chit k’hok soo ché4, hwuy cheng 

beng yea, FE AK WG Ae IE TE fH al, 

kK"a Whoo laé sé, i™ sé ché™d beng, to die in fetters 
and manacles, is an ignominious fate; see na F 

Béng choo. 

f J To inform, to make known, to com- 
K’hok mand. 

Téung k’hok, jé séén to che, hii 


1k if Be ia Zz chin téung kap e kéng, jé 
chedou hé yin cl’hwé e, faithfully instruct (your 
friends), and lead them on to virtue; see the an 

Ba Lin gé. 


To oppress, to injure; kéfing bin 

hwan hwat, Los lé kek twan, 
sdng héung pay ee itt hwan haat, sé pod géak dy 
kw"a lé kek toot", when the poor people transgress 
the laws, it is because oppressive officers beat and 

goad them to it. 

Vulg. K’hadu : to weep, to bewail, to 
K’hok lament. 
Ch’him € soo, k’hok é soo, ie 
hy Hy Se = FS it Whwdn té chéy ley wity, k’hadu 

té chéy léy wiy, here will we sleep, and here will we 

jé séng toé k’hae k’hok, jal Ti 

Khok ER 
DE pe Bi BR Chewjé dy song 

théy k’hwuy k’hok, Chew-jé’s disposition was gene- 

rous and pera 

K’hok BI 

K’hok J ww large, expansive. 

2%» K’hok jé ch’héung che, HF ii 
5a me téoh k’hok jé cWhéung mw"é e, we must 

expand and consolidate(those good dispositions); see 
m7 F- Béng choo. 

a To tear with the nails, to seize with 

To open, wide, large, empty; Chew- 

Leaou k’hok, Z ZA er, a deep ravine, 
a high precipice. 

To widen out, to extend, to amplify; 


the talons. 

K’hok A large. hoe, an implement of hus- 



The sound of stones rattling. 

K'hok. Ae 

A kind of rattle, on which they beat 
K’hok the rounds at night. 
Séng bin kek keng k’hok, HY, 

a pes i Hy sé%4 moot”S p’hah kai™& k’hok, at 

the city gate they sound the watchman’s rattle. 

K’hok + A surname. 

K’hok The noise of stones. 

= = 
K’h 3 Rh j 

5 Sop ese Bi at rf iit 


To oppose, to contend with; wuy 

boé bé k’hong, k& a BE FU 

wuy boé béy ték, terrific plans, 

K’hong 1 

which cannot be opposed. 

oo" Rhang: empty, vacant; ex- 
hausted ; k’hong sim, we iy 
in R’hang sim, an pe hina mind. 

Haéy yé4, ké sd hoe, 1é k’hong, Jf} HL +H. iE 
F- fe 2 Pe Hoty yéd, e sé ch’ha put to a” hap tak 

paé k’ hang, Hoéy is very near (attaining to perfec- 


tion), but he is frequently empty (i. e poor); see 

the ain an Lin gé. 

Inadequate, incapable; k’hong tong, 
{(z {, ignorant, rude. 

K’hong br 
a K’hong k’hong jé put sin, {2 423 
ni} Ay 48 K’hong shat jé bey éy sin, incapable 
not trustworthy; see the = am he Lin gé. 


Simple, plain, ciideatorliig 3 Khong 

‘hon : 
, . k’hong, ye WR, ignorant, rustic- 


K ‘hong Peer tong, We Wh, é = name of 
VT a hill. 

K none Earthen ware; hwan k’hong, AN 
A z KR poot"S k’hong, a rice vessel. 

i k. K’hong hoé, Bs tE. a musical 
K’hong €A ~~ instrument; the name of a tune 
which was said to have a very 

wanton and pernicious influence on those who 

heard it. 
Harmonious, peaceful, tranquil. 

Vulg. k’he"S : a surname. 
K’hong léng théen hay, BE aS 
RK "Ts Phong léng thee"S ay, to tranquilize the 


vy Valg. h’he"&; chaff; the husk of 
Khong y corn. Pin ché4 sit cho k’hong, 
GAR RM PE sme 

héung ling chéith p’hoh kwa k’he"& poor people 
are obliged to eat bran and chaff. 

Whongff] Khong long, WR Yipd, the name of 
L a hill in the west. 

Khong K’hong léng, iit B, a high house, 
We a dwelling; a house shut up. 
mm Correct, exact, regular; to correct, 

Khong to adjust, to assist, to help; a 


Kwan-téiing séang HwAn-kong, pa choo hoé, yit 

k’hong t’héen hay, aoa th A rie yy aH ah 

ia — EB XK Ff Kwén-téing séing choé 

Hwin-kong, pa cho6 hoé, jé chit dy Khong t’hee"& 
hay, Kwan-téing was prime minister to Hwan- 
kong, and ruled the tributary princes despotically, 
bringing the whole empire under one regulation; 

see the ef 

F; Be Lin gé. 



=| HifE Sak k’hang, the socket 

of the eye. 

Gé bok ko k’hong, [fy FA jEy {EE che" hak dy 
bak chew, kwinkwdn dy bak k’hang, sharp cornered 

eyes, and high eye-sockets. 

wee Vule. k’hang: a socket; bok k’hong, 
Khong H 

ket generally. 

K’hong f= A basket for containing rice, a bas- 

Khong fe” lid of a coffin; a threshold. 

a Thorough, pervious, porous; a hole; 
K’héng AL extreme ; a surname. 

Khong héet, FL, F{ Whang héet, 

a hole or cave. . K*hong-choo, 4L f Confucius. 

Ek k’hong che cheaou, I} 4L A yy yéd sim 

cheaou beng, it is also extremely clear and bright; 

see the /}y fe Se4ou gnay. 
we" hole, a cavity; a surname; Sin 
K’héng chéfing lék k’hong péng ch’hut, 
Pi: GE WE ZS FF YH sim 
dn chit léy dm Khang tépee"§ a ch’hut, Sin got out 

through the side of a secret passage (which he had 
made in the well) ; see the y}1 =P! Sod ke. 

WP Ke nong ching, PX (J, hurried, 

busy. \ 


K’héng 1 eee k’haé, ht iif, dissatisfied, 


displeased, sorrowful. 
; : - 
Hang-€ pe ko k*hong k’haé, tA U7) JF ak Wye 
Kop, Hing-é ch’héd"9 pe ae dy kwa, kék ké Whong 
Whae, Hang-é sung a melancholy ditty, to show his 


. K’hong k’haé ARE HK stiff, haughty, 
K’hén ; ' 
S truly sincere. 

K’HONG uy 

ply K’hong léng, He ig, a_ hollow 
iz in a mountain, a ravine. 

K? none ARB *hong léang, Via MB, uneven. 

‘ pa Be r < oe 
Khong to oppose; k*hdng yang, Jy, [th 
a drought. K’hdng lédng yéw 
hoey, Ju Ae AR My Rhong kody dy léting woo 

hwdn hey, an erring dragon is penitent; see the 
3 FASS Ek keng. 

To strengthen, to support ; gan put léng k’hong 


To pass over, to transgress; high ; 

sin, yéen léng k’hong chong? = 

ie fl JU ie 

sin, bo&éyh an shat éy k’hdng kédng chong chok 2 

= king wa bay K’hing kédng pin 
words are not sufficient to give stability to myself, 

how then could I thereby establish my family ? 
To pair, to ‘match ; to oppose, to 
K’hong It contend ; upright, honest. 
Soo sin soé chek k’hdng, 3 by 

Bk ih} Mt chd soo k’hah yé"a king wa, chek 
tedou tit, when our deeds surpass our professions we 

may be considered honest and upright. 

pb. To lift up, to raise with the hand, to 

Khong ih 
Chew-kong k’hing sé choo, hwat 

é Pek-k’him, fa] A Het F: YE FAB 

Chew-kong k’hing ké sé. cho6 k’w"d hwat té Pek-k’ him, 

elevate, to shake. 

Chew-kong roused the young prince, (his pupil,) 
by pointing to the example of (his own son) Pek- 
~ k’bim; (for Chew-kong having the heir-apparent for 
his pupil did not dare to punish him for his faults, 
but used to beat his own son, by which means the 

prince was led to reflection. ) 

he K’hdng long, Ayr the sound of 
Khong fg IU Bit, 

stones rattling. 


AR fie Tu HY 


To swallow, to swallow down the 

Khong a, 

bagi ek: *hdng chon fat 3 
K honed & Wwe Far, fat, cor 

A NT pulent, lusty. 

2 To fly, as a bird; to fly upwards is 
K’hong LE called HA, k’héet, and to fly 

downwards ju k’hong, 
cc A wilderness ; a waste place; a pit ; 

Kone Be] k’hong yéa, ie a, a desert. 
e-) Sew che choé k’hdng yé4, Be Z. 
tis Wire th sew dy chabuté k’hong yéd, the beasts 
flee into the desert; see ra + Béng choo, 

K’hong H 
y, Lééy bod wan lé, gdéy bod k’hdng 

hoo, 1) 4 ru dy y\. fit st aia k laé bin 

b6 wan hwun dy cha boé, gwa bin b6 khang k’hang 

throat. | 

Empty, void, to make void, to vacate, 

clear, wide, distant. 

dy ang, within there are no spiteful wives, and 

without no solitary husbands; see 75 + Béng 

Kou ae The name of a hill 
Fine silken threads, the raw silk; 
Khingd, a 
ry) [~~ Sam kwun che soo kae jé héép 
Whong, = Ht Ze Ee a PR OME 

s"a kwun dy sod chd pod ch’hin chéo"S wood gniyh 

cotton for wadding. 

meé"&, the troops of the three divisions are all (as 

hot for fighting) as if they were stuffed with cotton ; 

Fe Cho twan. 
me chos-k’hdng, F i the name of 

Khong ek 

see the 7 

one of the disciples of Confucius. 


A man’s name; the name of a 


K Wine 

Khong yP Xe. To bridle in a horse. 
To lead, to inform’; to exceed. 
Khong 2 K’hdng @ taé pang, ze “Ng k 

#8 Phong kd té twa pang, to in- 
form a great nation of anything; see the tj ja 
Woeéy hong. 

To empty, to render destitute, to 
Khong impoverish. 
ion K’hong hwat ké sin, 9 7 He 
GZ k’hdng hwat e dy hin sin, to impoverish and ren- 
der destitute his person. 

RJR To deceives k’hdng p’héen, FE ae 
K’hong = to cheat, to deceive, Chin 

A sod Kaé-yang k’hdng Ch’hoé, 
Ty 46 fi YE BE RE chin kok saé Kab-ying 
Whe Whing p’héen Ch’hoé, the government of Chin 
sent Kaé-yang to deceive the people of the Ch’hoé 
country ; see the pp AL, S00 ke. 

_ po 
Sag high and low, not even. 
BIS, Whoo. 
Khoo t 
piece of ground. 
soo téén, JB] till — # B- Ff Fi FA 

Read k’hew: a parcel; yit k’hew té€n 
Chew ché, yit lé way yit chéng, wiy téén kéw 
JL de 1) — tt BD EB 


K’hoo Read k’hew: a surname; also written 

— be EE chit Whoo ci’han, a 

k’hew, téung yit k’*hew kong téén, goéy pat k’hew 


FE] Chew ay che, chit 1é chd chit dy-chat"S, cho 
cWhin kabu k’hoo, tang e"9 chit Whoo chd kong 
cW’han, gwa bin pityh k’hoo chd sae k’héa dy ch’hin, 
according to the regulations of the Chew dynasty, 
every square furlong of land was made into a may 
chéng, or well, which formed nine parcels of land; 
the middle parcel was the public field, and the eight 
outer parcels were private lots. 

K’he séa, th ais Rhoo sé4, to ex- 

pel noxious influences. 





K’ hob Be YW Khod Wh WR, BF HE Bs to 
v squat down. 


Read kéw: a mortar, in which to 
Khoi A 

pound anything. 

Kéw ch’hé che lé; é@ chéy ban 
bos THE ZF BEB cen Wh 
dy lé, é chéy ban btn, the advantageous use of the 
pestle and mortar supply the wants of myriads of 
people; see the y; AG Ek keng. 

Read k’hé: to go, to depart, to go 

far away. 


K’hwa AR 84, I Aff, distorted, per- 

a a, to brag of one’s-self; also 
written #5, k’hwa. 
Keaou, yim, keng, k’hwa, Es E Hs ee keaou 
Phabu, yim lwan, keng téén, chod k’lwoa, proud, 
wanton, bragging, and boastful; see the ae ae 
Se keng. 

To boast, to brag; chod k’hwa, 


The same as the above; to talk ex- 

; Vulg. dwah: to stride over, to step 
K’hwa : § : 
across}; a stride. 
ig. To cut open, to rip open; also writ- 
K’hwa ten, Al, k’hwa. 

Téw-6ng k’hwa yin hoo ise hok, 

ry a We Fp lig fl ii Tew-6ng p’hwa k’ hwuy 

woo yin dy cha boé dy pak, Téw-6ng ripped open 

the bellies of pregnant women. 


K’hwa A step,a stride. Also read k’hwa. 
ras An implement used in earrying bur- 
K’hwé ‘i 
‘ K’hwa gaeé to hinder, to 
K’hwa ga’, Be, ‘ 
To hang, to suspend; k’hwa bok 
K’hwa kéng, $Eh Ff Gig W’huod bak kee, 

to wear spectacles; also written 
F€, k’hwa. 
Gwat @ hwa éng k’hwa ko hwan, Af iA ay ey 

Hp B JA goéyh € hwa yé"é Bhwd té kwdn 
ch’hé6"8, the moon removed the shadow of the 

flower, and suspended it on the high wall. 

To step over,to stride across ; k’hwa 
K’hwa Wes yéa m4, ps ea B&B Vhwa yéd 
3 gua dy béy, to bestride a wild 


Khwi a 

Read k’hd: to run aground; k’hd 

say san, ‘it i> Wy Phwa swa 

sw"a, to run upon a sand-bank, 



Empty grain, husks without any fruit 
in them. 
To bind anything about; to inter- 
K’hwa AR twine grass ropes about a fence, 
in order to strengthen it. 

K’hwa FR name of a certain tree. 



a iad : 
Read k’hwan: easy, forgiving ; 

K’hw"a leisurely, indulgent, gentle. 

K’hwan héng, ‘, 4F Vhw"a 
ké"4, to walk leisurely and slowly. 

——=@ Readk’han: to see ;.k’han kéen, 5 
Rivka kee”S, to behold. 
Ch’ho sek ya6u k’han, kin k’héak 

bod, =] 44 Yi B wr Hf ang: ch’habu sek 

hwut"S éy Whw"a kadu kin ’héak 66, the color of 

Bhw" a 

the newly springing grass may be seen from a dis- 

tance, but when near it disappears. 

Read k’hwan: loose, easy; sok 

but k’hwan, ys Py a pak 

Khw" a 
mee" Khwtd Vhw"d, to tie 

anything gently. 

eee 0) A strong man; athletic, muscular 

Quick, hasty, speedy ; pleasant, 
K’hwae HR grateful, agreeable; easy. 
K’hwaé laé, fe ae come 

quickly; k’hwaé cho, hR th, easily done. 

Song k’hwaé, ag Ke, healthy, hearty ; k’hwaé lok, 
kk Ee cheerful. 

Ong wat goé h6 k’hwae é sé? A # : $3 Kp 

>: i JE ng king gwé k’ham sé Phw"a ‘wlth té chéy 


K’HWAH 383 
ley? the king said, ‘how can I be pleased and grati- ae 

fied with such things as these ?’ see ry Ff Béng 

K’hwaé jin k’hwae gé, he J. bh i Whwae 
ling k’hwae wa, a hearty man is sure to say some- 

thing hearty and agreeable. 
K’hwaé Khwad mé, BR Fy, Mhwad bay, 
a swift horse. 
To swallow anything, thethroat; the 

same as he k’hwaé. 

A lump of anything ; yit k’hwaé téy, 

K’hwae 3 — I Hi chit tzy thoé, a 
clod of earth; tae k’hwaé, kk 

3, the great lump, heaven and earth, creative power. 

Chin kong choo Téiing-jé ke, k’hit sit @ Gnoé-lok | 

yé4 jin, 6 che Whwae, 7 4S -F- HF A A 
CEFF th 

MARE cho6 EAS Nettie 
kap Goe-lok dy yéd ling, é hoée chit ty thoé, 
the prince of the Chin country, named Téiing-jé, 
when hungry, begged food of some savages in the 
Five-stag desert ; upon which they gave him a clod 
of earth; (he was disposed to be angry at it, but his 
conselors advised him to receive the clod thank- 
fully, for it was a prognostic of his getting the coun- 
try, which he afterwards did really obtain.) 

Taé k’hwaé kay gno 6 bin chéang, k Hh, AR 

BE VL XC Tei tiod tay chioh guod & biin cheors, 

the great lump (heaven and earth) has lent me the 

talent for making literary compositions; said by 

x A X Lé pék ban. 

Read k’hwat: 
broad, ample. 
Haé k’hwat yéw gé yéak, 

Ea fH fa WA haé k’lwwth kee™& chaé hé yung 

yéak, the sea is wide, therefore let the fishes jump 

about in it, 

wide, expansive, 

K ahs 

Vulg. h’hw"a: gentle, easy, soit, lei- 
surely, liberal, kind. 

K’hwan chek tek chédng i=5 Hi} 
FE He ha ch’hing chek tit chéing ling, be 
gentle, and you will win the hearts of all; see the 
fn mn Lan gé. 


sain 5 


+, Truly; to knock, to beat; k’hwan 

Vhaé , to intreat, to en- 
’ ? 

tertain. Khwan kwan ch’héng 
kéén, = Ba ani J R’hadu kwan ch’hé"a ked”8> 
he knocked at a gate of the pass and begged an 
interview; see the Du aL Soo ka. 

The same as the above; congenial, 


pure, unmixed. 

; Sr K’hw4n tong hwa, RR oS HE 
K’hwan == ; 

the name of a medicinal plant. 


4 ere hollow. 

K’hwin The noise of a number of pestles 
working in the same mortar. - 

© K’héén k’hwin, Fis Be, kindness 

K’hwén of intention, to treat one kindly. 
Vulg. Khwui"®: to advise, to 
K’hwan exhort, to counsel. K’hwan sé 

: ban, Bh tt xX, religious tracts. 

Ké séén jé kadu put léng, chek k’hwan, Hk ee 
ih Be AR SAL BY He vine iy je 
béy dy, chek payh sai"® séo l’hwui"8, if you pro- 
mote the good, and instruct the incapable, then 

the people will begin to exhort one another; see 

the FAY jG Lin gé. 


An agreement, a check, the two 

K’hwan parts of which are held by the 
different parties; to labor, to be 
The hand bent, the arms folded; 
K’hwan diligent, earnest, anxious. 

K’hwan t’hoé, aS BA Vhwin 
Vhabu, the fist. Tek yit séén, chek k’hwAn 
ihwan hok eng, jé bit sit chee, Ze — 3 
Naeem B ii mk ZR 
tit teh chit dy ho, chek hwin k’hwin hok té sim 
kw"a Chdou, Jé boh sit e, having attained to one 
virtue, then fold it in your arms and clasp it to your 

breast, without allowing it to escape; see the ifs 
Ki Téung yang. 

Whwan k’hwan, PE YR diligent 

application, anxious desire, 
K’hwan A fold for cattle, an inclosure for 
keeping cattle. 
>» haby - : 
K’hwin? Vulg. k’h0éy : a cramp in the arms 
and legs. 
a The leaves of a door, to lose, to miss, 
K’hwat empty, void, defective ; a surname. 

Kwun choo.é ké séy put te, kaé 

Whwat jé6 yea, FF Ff PA IL Pp HR en 
fi tn tt kwun cho6 té eséy i” chae ka2 k’hwat 

jé yea, the good man, in those things which he does 
not know, acknowledges his deficiencies. 

seeem An euphonic particle; also used for 
- K’hwat the pronouns he, she, it, his, her’s, 
&c. K’hwat ch’ho way yaou, 
k’hwat bok way kedon, tik cy B, K JR 
AK fs, 8 e dy ch’habu sé cheé"8, e dy ch’hé sé 

kwén, this plant is tender, and that tree is high; see 

the at FAS Se keng, 



K’hwat ch’haé, PR HE, the name of 
a plant, a sort of pot-herb; k’hwat 

hwin, BR ie the powdered root 
of the k’hwat plant. 

K’hwat pea Ké k’hwat, Fi) ial, a crooked knife. 
i T ee : 
K’hwat' o hold anything in the hand; to 

wy plunder, to take by force. 

K’hwat Ways rising of the wind in the stomach. 


7 To slip with the foot; to jump, to 
K’hwat yy walk fast. Kéét k’hwat jé ch’he 

ches BH PR ii 1 5Z, 

walk as fast as possible, and get forward. 

Khwatf] To throw stones, out of a sling or 

me Yit k’hwat, 3a Dh a post stuck 

in the ground, for fastening cattle 

to. Bin k’hwat, FA Hi, a door- 

post at the side of a door . 

K’hwat JE Force, main strength. 


The end, to finish, to be concluded. 
Yéw soo kd 6 gak k’hwat, AR Bl 

+e y of | yéw soo dy kw" 

kd é chok gak swah, the proper officer announced 


Vulg. k’hwah: broad, ample, ex- 

that the music was finished. 
pansive, wide; also written i. 

K’hwat f>. 

Seng sly péng yé4 k’hwat gwat ying taé kang léw, 

ii 7 Et ll Aw A I iit 

cW’haiS tit thy té pat" yéd dy Whwith goeyh tit 


ying té twa kang dy laéu, the stars appear to fall 
on the breadth of the expansive plain, and the moon 

to bubble up in the stream of the mighty river. 

Vulg. k’hoéyh: short, deficient, few, 
Kwa fe scarce, wanting. 
Vulg. k’heéh: having a flaw, or 

crack ; broken, injured. 
Bod sedou k’héém k’hwat, {Ik AV 7 fit 06 seo 
Rhwd Whéem K’hoéyh, not in the least wanting or 

K’hwat bong, fie: Ez to give up 
K hwo BAR hope, to despair ; to look at with 
Kina Empty, deficient, injured. 
K’hwat A ring with a tongue in it, a lock. 

K’hwat y A hook. 


K hwui"S 

Read k’hwan: to advise, to ex- 
hort, to counsel. 

Lim che 6 chong, chek 
khwan, fe 52 J HE Bi) Fy tm kadw piiyh 
sai"& & chong géém, e chéw séo k’lnoui™8, when you 
appear before the people with stern rigor, they will 

a) Lan gé. 

The female or inferior principle of 
nature; k’héén k’hwun, By 
Bh, heaven and earth, the 

male and female principle, which the Chinese sup- 

pose produced all things. 

K’héén k’hwun téng @, BF, PP GE BR heen 

K’hwun téa tédh, the male and female principle be- 

came fixed; see the Wy 4 bk keng. 


begin to exhort one another ; see the =H 





An elder brother; brethren ; 
K’hwun =) k’hwun téy yé4, Fe ro th 
; rR, hé"a té yéd, elder and younger 

brethren ; see the Hy in Téung ying. 
an 4 

Wiy th®a jin k’hwun, ék bok gno bfin, 

A Fe TP FE FR BA bong pat lang se ré"a, 

yéd bé gwd t’hé"a, to call another man elder brother 
is what I have never heard of;-see the 3 on jal 

Se éng hong. 
K’hwun ln san, BB at Wy 

Rhwun lan sw"a, the name of a 

K’hwun {= ] 
famous hill on the N.W. of Chi- 


na, supposed to be the source of the ia via Héng 

K’hwun bP general name for insects. 

The name ofa large fish, found in 
K’hwun fe the northern sea; the spawn of 
“yy fish, 

The name of a bird, resembling a 

domestic fowl, but larger. 

K’hwun el 

K’hwun tie Ya6u k’hwun, $3 FA, the name 

of a precious stone. 

Bright, clear ; to illumine. 
K’hwun Ki K’hwun yadu kw jin che 
bong, ML ME SE NS 
EF kaoui"S yadu kw"d jin dy bang, to illumine and 

ai my hopes; see the ze fi Cho twan. 
To cut off the hair. Sdn 6 

SP k’hwun, if + a. a man’s 

K’hwun | 


A granary, a sheaf of corn, a bun- 

dle of anything, 
Put kay put sek, hoé ch’hé hé 


sam pek k’hwun héy? ir AR x Re Hl Hh Ik 
= OB LG A @ cts hay sek, boeyh an chw"é ey 
Whédh tédh hb kadu sa payh Khwun héy? without 
cultivation and agriculture, how could we collect 
three hundred granaries full of corn? see the Ai 
Jal, Gwiy hong. 

A mushroom; k’hwun kwuy, id 

HE, a sort of cinnamon bark, 


brought from. Cochinchina, of 

The general name for deer. 

which mats can be made. 

Yé& yéw soo k’hwun, pek 
a) mad6u paou che, BF A W, 
Re A Hp ‘I, ie yéd gwa woo sé dy lok, payh 

hd™ & ch’hdou paou e, in the desert there is a dead 


stag, with coarse white grass wrapped around it; see 

the #4 fq Sedou lam. 
K’hwun We k’hwun, ips We, the connect- 

ed appearance of hills. 


To twist, to plait; to beat and 
bind firmly together. 
Kae é hat k’hwin ké chit poé 

é way sit, BP AC HB 4 HE ak th. 

e chd pod ch’héng ch’hoe poe, p’hih dy, chit poe, 
é Vhdn chéah, they all wore coarse apparel, plait- 
ed straw sandals, and wove cloth, in order to get 

their livelihood; see nil + Béng choo. 


To weave, to bind and twist toge- 

K’hwin ther ; k’*hwiin sek, HF iE. 

RP’ hwtn cW’hédh,to weave mats. 
K’hwin x 

Sincere, pure, disinterested. 

To weave cloth; the same as the 



3 Anything become ripe; full; to 
K’hwiin ripe Fae 
bind up; a sheaf of corn. 
A door-post, the side posts of a 
K’hwin door; also written jal k’hwiin. 

Goey gan put jip é k’hwin, 

lééy gn put ch’hut é k’hwan, 4s S AN A F 
ot =- 1- = 24 2s 

rit 1 a AR th FF HW gro bin dy wa b6 jip 

te Khwtin, laé bin dy wa bé ch’hut té k’hwitn, let not 

out of door scandal enter within the. door-posts, nor 

domestic concerns be talked of abroad; see the 

Hh jie Krheuk ley. 

K’hwan A sheaf of corn; the same as AN, 
Connected above and below, from 
K’hwin the top to the bottom. One 
of the radicals. 
Som Poor, exhausted, pressed by po- 
K’hwin verty, urged by want. 
b=3 Yew k’hwin yim é, 9 

es iy yew woo k’hwitn kéting ldn chéy léy yim 
dm dy hoé, we are still pressed by this threatening 

To collect, to gather; k’hwin 
K’hwtn chéa, +B He, to pick or take 

ie To exhaust. 
Earnest, sincere,pressing; k’hwan 
K’hwin B 

kéw, 3B *, to beg earnestly; 
da also written HB, k’hwiin. 

K’hwtn To bite, to bite anything deeply. 

ro To exert one’s-self in setting any~ 

K’hwin A thing to rights; to clear the 



K’hwin a 


A passage in the ladies’ apartment, 

an entry ina dwelling. 

Pressed by want, poor, wretched, 

miserable, fatigued. 

Hwan-ch’he Ch’had-ték, jé choo | 

re k’hwin ek, oe léng a sé? ii WE 2 gE {2 
srr — F As C3) Be a8 tr Ae yp Hoar 

ch’he Ch’hwa-ték no lang, na b6 k’hwiin yéah, bogyh 

an chw" éy an néy sai”S ? if those two great scholars 

Hwan-ch’he and Ch’hwa-ték had not been reduced | 

to great straits and distresses, how would they have 
consented to be thus (employed by Fe Chin)? see 

the Bi aE. Soo ke. 

xan] name of a tune in music. 
Khwin hee appearance of hills. 

Khwin The light of the sun, 


*hwiin B 

Read sity : to sleep; sy ping, IEE 
Khwin Aifé ia K’havin pang, abedchamber. | 

Yang gé soo léang kéw, Hadu- | 

kong sdly j@ hwut t’héng, ipok ae as Be Dr, 
# Ie [He nia yf His Yang kong sod kadu 

séo"8 kod, Hadu-kong k’hwiin jé w” ?hée"a, while 
Yang was talking over affairs for a long time, Hadu- 

kong went to sleep, and did not hear him; see the 
YP SE S06 ke. 

K’hwin Short and collected together. 

K nai 


Wan k’hwin, 8 Pe, to coil up, 
as a snake, 

K’hwiin bil 

K’hwaiin sek, ge ya hwtin soh é, 

to coil up a rope; an ornament- 

» ed girdle. Pééy to k’hwiin tae, 

Ail, J} 1G in, to gird ona sword, and bind 

around a girdle. 

A hole, a pit; sty k’hwut, K at 
chiity k'hwut, a pond, a pool. 

Koé chéa séen Ong, bé yéw kéung 
sit, tong chek ke éng k’hwut, ra # JE = rs 
AR 53 = 4. All as Fx koe chad dy 

séen Ong, boéy woo kéung ch’hod, kadu tang thee" 

chek k’héa éng k’lwut a, the first kings of remote 

antiquity had neither palaces nor houses, but in the 

“~ they dwelt in holes and cayerns; see the 

pe ae Léy ke. 

Deep water, a deep pit. 

Bod yang k’hwutjéchwanch’hot, 
$a HS VET HE HH 0 vin 

Whwut jé chtiy cho"d yéd ch’hut, there is here no 

depth of water, yet the fountain springs up ; see the 

- FH an Ong ch’héung lin. 

The same as Te K*hwut: a hole,-a 
pit; hok so k’hwut héét, AR FY, 
iB FU hok sé té W’hwut héet, to 

die secreted in some hole or cavern. 

K’hwut ie K’hwut gwiit, West it, a bluff part 

of a mountain, a cave. 


To bend, to make crooked, to stoop ; 
a surname; k’hwut ch’hip, ye 
JRE to bend the knee. 

Wuy boo put léng k*hwut, Bik xz AR AG Jk 

wity boé béy hoé ling k’hwut, grandeur and martial 

display cannot make (the good man) stoop ; see na 

F Béng choo, 

Kong chek put k’hwuj e bit yéitk, fil Al IR 
jaw Vik Hy iS kong chek bey k’hwut té pat 

meé"h soo yéuk, when a man is firm, he will not be 

overcome by visible objects and carnal lusts. 

K’hwut The garments of barbarians; to tie, 
to bend and straighten. 

K wat FA 11 arm. 

K’hwut ne The leg. 


Khwiit 7 Exhausted, water all run out; a 
scarcity of water. 
K’hwit Broken wood. 


To injure; a deficiency, a defect, 

Koy FE scarce, to be in arrears. 
Sin théy séw € hoo boé, put 
k’ho hwiy séang, hdng k’hwuy ké héng; € jéuk ké 

ona ha) KZ “4 Ht: x TW 
Us ae De SEH 

sin Uhéy sé séw té nity boé, u™ Phang p’hih séang, 
hé hing phah k’héep e dy séy ké"4.; é leng jéuk e 
dy ch’hin hoé / man has received his body from his 
father and mother, and therefore he ought not to 
injure it; how much less should he by corrupt prac- 

tices bring disgrace on his parents! 

K’hwuy AR ways We 3EE, to be sepa- 


Read k’hae: to open, to spread 
K havuy FF out; k’hae ban, FA PA K’hwuy 
mooi”, to open a door; phd 

kK’hae, BE Bi p’hwa k’hwuy, to burst open. 



Jé chok bin, yéuk hap che, pit séen ch’huy k’hae, é 

héuk ké se, WI FE 2 Be A Zh JE 
HE BR VI A EL Sp carhin cheorg cho bin 

chéo"S na ae boéyh hap e, pit tédh taé seng ch’huy 
Phwuy, € k’héok léohe dy se, just as in making 
literary compositions, if you intend them to be solid 
and concise, you must first write them out diffusely, 
that you may. afterwards be able to concentrate 

their force. 

3 The track of a carriage wheel, the 

HA, ke téng 

k’hwuy, YA jn cath cWhéa ting chit dy k’hwuy, 
carriages should be driven in the same rut; see the 

fy ia Téung yang. 
Ab k i 
> 7 S t 3 t t int 
K hwiiy |e mua casket, a case; to put into 
| ; Y 
throw down. 

A broken wall; to demolish, to 

Khwiy Séng pé k’hwiy 

hwan, ze MK Y6 ta payk 

chéo"S hwut léy Rhéep ch’hé6"S> to get upon that 
broken wall; see the $j Pa, Woey hong. 

Fz Deceitful; k’hwhy é, ae RR 
K’hwiy AP strange and wonderful; k’hwiy 
RP chay, AD #E, false and deceitful ; 
K’hwiy ké, 3a at. cunning tricks. 
K’hwéiy sod jé ch’but, Fo, Fn] ffi) pL) PAoty wa 
toe ch’hut, deceitful expressions come into vogue. 

K’hway lay, 
Re: vic, up fogether. 

A step; k’hwiy poé, EE HF hwah 
poe, a pace; to step quickly. 

K’hwi Hh the same as the above} one lifting 
y be up of the foot, a step, a pace. 

rut of a wheel; the rule or plan 

of chariot driving; 

We Tia, stones heaped 


K’hwiy: i, The appearance of a cap; to wear 

a cap. 

we The'shadow of the sun, a gnomon; 

K’hway jit ’hwiy, | a, a sun-dial. 
Hoo khway, ff FF, a square 
K’hwaiy vessel made of bamboo, for con- 

taining the offerings of the first 
- fruits, in sacrifices. 

K’hwiy lay, {H, {ia ha léy, pup- 


pets, a puppet-show. 
a To be ashamed; ch’ham k’hwiy, 
_K’hwuy It If sedow léy, to be filled 

with shame. Put k’hwity € ok 

los, AN Bi, Rs es a bé sedou léy € ch’hod 

laéu, not to be ashamed of a leaky house; (poverty’s 
no sin;) see the k Ste Taé gn4y. 
The same as the above; to be 

ashamed ; to be modest. 

Boé k*hwiy.é k’hoé, put jéak 
boé k’*hwiy @ sim 4pf 4, TA a] aR + Att 
ii, vis Uy 54 sedou ley té ch'hity,i™ tah téoh b6 
sedou léy té sim, not to be ashamed inthe mouth, 


is not so good as not to be ashamed in the heart; 

(i.e. it is better to feel than to express modesty.) 

Readkwiy: a season; sod kway, 

Khwiy py AE st k’huvity, the 4 seasons. 

The last of anything is called’ 

Mhoty; as kwiy gwat, Ay A Rhody giéyh, 
the last month ofa season; kway sé, aR ttt Rhwiy 
se, the last age. 

A= Read k’hé: the breath, wind, force; 

K hwiy Fl ch’hwan k’he, Wg J ch’hwodn 

Rhwiy, to breathe, to pant; 
k’he lek, $a 7] Khwody lat, the strength, stout. 




Jin che k’hé Ik, pin che @ vhéen, J\ ZK 

Tt FR iL HS K ting dy hewn 

'y lat pin sew 
é Phee"&, mens’ strength is derived from heaven. 

K’hwiy Ar The heart moved; agitation 0, 

K’hwiy y 

a Metal, gold; héng kim, ca 4S, 
Kim 4S yellow gold. A surname. 
Kim téing é é ché4, a ea VA 

u4 BS kim k’hah tang é chedou mé, metal is 
heavier than feathers; see 74 Ff Béng choo. 
Kim, bok, séy,h®o, vhoé, 4 FE 7K K + 
kim, bak, chicy, hoéy, Uhoé, metal, wood, water, fire, 
and earth, (are the five elements according to the 
: A Vulg. "a: now, at present; 
Kim kim, i An. ai tliis time. 

bas | 

Sick through fear and perturbation. 


Tong kit che s8,<4Agn6 ké shy 
yore & 4ik & HH HE WH 
tong kim dy st, pang t’hek kak gwd, yé@ woo ché 

chiy 2 if they reject me at the present crisis, whom 
else will they obtain? see hm f- Béng choo, 
Kim yéa put jéen, A yy AS Ak "a chew bi 

an néy, at present it is not so, 

That which may be restrained by 

ras force; a restraint. 


Kim IPA os profit, advantage. 



Embroidery, variegated silk; kim 

séw, $R a ornamented silk. 
E kiuséang kéng, AX $f fp] 


$f ch’ héng kim sew dy s"a, téoh laé bin yung chit | 
tw"a né"d, when you wear an embroidered dress, 

you should have a single garment underneath ; 

see the ay ASS Se keng. 
# : ; } To forbid, to restrain, to interdict ; 
Kim —_—_—_ i icti 

an interdiction, a restraint. 

YY Kim téy, Aas Hh, the forbidden 

greund; i.e. the precincts of the palace. 

Sin sé cha é Rha s bin kok che taé kim, 

ER BEL BZ Ae Baws eu 

Vhabu kadu igi kaé, chéw moot" kok dy twa kim, 

when I first came to the borders, I inquired into the 

great prohibitory laws of the country; see fa ¥- 
Béng choo. 


ding to the ceremonies of the 
Chew * dynasty, the officer who presided over 

the northern part of the empire was called kim. 

Kim wah. 

the mouth without being able to speak. 

any } To exert one’s strength. 
ak Earnest, resolved, determined. 


Kin YA. aunt by marriage, a mother’s bro- 

ther’s wife. 

The name of akind of music, played 


by the northern foreigners ; accor- 

To shut the mouth; im» k*hoé put 

ssi DE DR ft 

kim ch’ hay bey king wa, to shut 




A napkin, a kerchief; t’hoé kin, 

i il) « Phabu kin, a head 

kerchief, a turban; séw kin, =F 

ry ch’héw kin, a haftdkerchief. One of the radicals. 




Jé 1é kéang téem kin, ‘a tr tt ie ih ta po 

cha boé séo kang win tim cW’héw kin, a young 

man and woman bedewing their handkerchief to- 

gether (with their tears). 

A catty, a Chinese pound, about 1 4/6. 
English; also, a hatchet. 
Sip léuk léang wily yit kin, -[- 
ZS fh) By SY chap lak né6e cho chit kin, 

sixteen ounces make one catty. 

Hoo kin € sé jip san lim, iia ir W IF i 

(hy pk po6 UVhaéu to a chedou sé jip swa lim, the 
hatchet and ax should be employed in the forest at 

the proper time; see 7 + Béng choo. 
together ; kin sé jin yéa, Wy via 

J] A tt pas pais sé lang, we 

are all alike men; see en F Béng choo. 

$5) The epidermis or skin of bamboo. 
Neca _ 

A root; kin pan, vis As, the root, 

the fundamental thing; the prin- 


Even, plain, upon a level, alike; all 

ciple. Kat ldy yéw pe ké pan 

kin, BW me EE OA AYk kewich try 
yéd tédh pe yew e dy kin pin, even hemp and flax 
must have some care bestowed on their roots; 
(how much more men !) see the AL AeA Cho twan. 

; The heel, the back part of the foot; 
kin sdy, ft a, to follow. 
The common character for Wr, kin, 
a catty, 
Yit lok ch’héen kin téing, — 7 

+ fi) Thy chit Wh cWheng kin tang, at once a 
thousand catties’ weight. 



The hands or feet chapped with the 

= A tendon, a sinew, a nerve; kéen 
Kin ) kin, FR fii, to brace the nerves ; 
héet kin, fill fff Aoeyh kin, a 

vein, or artery. 

Jin sin yéw sam sip léuk chéet kin kwut, XN Z 
Ai = ni A iii fin " lang dy sin woo 
s"a chap lak chat kin kwut,the human body con- 

tains thirty-six joints of sinews and bones. 

To be careful; kin sin, ay Ait sey 
jé, to take care; sedate, careful, 

cautious ; veneration, respect. 
Kin jé sin, it if 4S sey jé kwa sin sit, be care- 
ful and sincere; see the am in Séang lin. 

Kin t 

A handsome gem, a precious stone. 

Kin jé lek bay, FE Fy PE IPF 

téém, the most beautiful pearl contains a flaw; see 

the Ft (e Cho twan, Also read kin. 

A certain plant, called also oe t’hoé 

ch’ho, B vA if oe Chabu 

ch’haéu, the black-headed plant. 

Kin m5 A kind of cloth, wove with a very 
’ fine and close texture. 
Fast, urgent, pressing, hasty; kin 

yadu, ee H, very urgent. 
 — Jé choé jé kin, Go GE fir BE 
na cha6u na kin, the more he ran, the faster he 

o>r.* gourd cut in halves for wine cups, 
Kin ee. used on marriage occasions. Also 

written x, kin, 




kin jé dy géuk woo téém lék hiy | 

Read yin: a worm; t’hoé yin, 2 
he] vhoé kin, an earth-worm. 

Kin he 
Hoo yin séang sit ko jé4ng, hay 

yim héng chwan, > pF] is a is 13g - 

Bk ia Jie hoo hoé kin téng bin chéah ta dy 
Uhoé, hay téy lim wut"S dy chw"4, now the worm 
above eats nothing but the dry clods, and below 
it drinks only the yellow fountains; see am f 
Béng chod. 
Kin Fz Fast, urgent, pressing ; also, to stop. 

One of the radicals. 

Kin Sarsnet, a kind of thin silk. 
Almost, nearly, just enough; kin 
Kin k’ho, fifi Fy 106 tod hé, just sui- 

table, just adequate. 

Kin yéw chin ché4, ea A KF #K t06 tod wood 

chin té, it is just preserved. 

Kin +2 To besmear, to plaster. 

Kin The name of a tree. 
Famine, a dearth of vegetables. 
Kin Kay che é soo Ié, yin che é ke kin, 

i oy 3 
7 WM 2 VO bil tik xz 
y ) fi fi? kay ¢ é peng pé”a, yin e € yaou kin, 
add to this an invading army, and join to it the cala- 
mities of dearth and famine ; see the A fin Lin 
To have an audience with an empe- 
Kin ror; to have an audience in spring 
is called, #, tedou, and in au- 
tumn, it is called a kin, 


Firm, stable; niggardly,, sparing ; 

also, a surname.- 

Near, not distant; to approach, to 
draw near. 


Pe, A —R i RR fA if ir HA Pp ta chéy 
ley CWhwan-jé. kéen koe jé kan wé té Pe yip, now 
the country of Ch’hwan-jé is well defended and near 
to our city of Pd; see the ji) = Lin gé. 

Sin kin é gé,gan k’ho hok yea, fs Ir iis 5% 
a ) I 4h, sin kin é.gé lé, king wa thang 
hék, when our promises approximate to justice, our 
engagements may be fulfilled; see the Lie mi 

Séang lin. 
Read kéén: a gizzard; key kéén, 
Kin HE jit key hin, the gizzard of a 
nr Hasty, urgent, vehement, pressing, 
Kip quick ; straitened. 

ANZQY Kwan choo chew kip, put key 
hod, Fy =F FE ak AR HB faq Foun chod chew 
chéy gwiy kip, bé boéyh key swad- pod dy lang, the 
good man supplies the wants of the necessitous, bnt 
does not add to the stores of the rich ;, see the em 
v . Ls) 
en Lin gé. 

The same as the above; also a 
Kip AR man’s name; K’hong-kip, IL AR 
the grandson of Confucius. 

An order, a rank ; a step, or degree 

Kip of rank ; a numeral of heads. 

Kay kip, pe ML steps, stairs ; 

téng kip, * hh, a step; seng kip, Ft sn, to 
raise a step in office; kang kip, lf a, to degrade 
a step, 

Séw kip, Ff Aj, a head; cham séw ban kip, iff 
8 HE 4h cham Uhadu ché4 ban kip, to cut off 
a myriad of heads, 


Kinvhoo Ch’hw4n-jé koé jé kin é | 


To give, to affords) kéing kip, HE 
Kip RA eS. to afford, to’ furnish, to give. 
a Ch’hew séng léém, jé choé put’ 
| kip, AK a) hap if By AP be cl’hew sat” sew 
léém jé choé bé kip, in harvest tinié exact moderate- 
ly, and assist those who cannot furnishianything ; see 
i -F- Béng choo. 
K’hoé kip, JJ pa conversation, discourse, the 
talent for conversing. 

Be Hoo choo che put k’ho kip yéa, 

yéw théen che put k’ho kae jé seng yéa, Jz +- 
KA PT Ie th HK ZANT PS if 
Ft 4, hoo choo dy béy kip kadu, ch’hin chéo"Y 
vhee™S dy bey ch’hing gim kay jé chéo"&, our 

To arrive at, toreach; and} together 


master (Confucius,) cannot be equaled, the same as 
heaven cannot be scaled with a ladder; see the 
ii By Lan gé. 

Kip. ké séng kong yit yé4, iia = IK Hy aus 
1, kip. kadue ché"4 kong 16 chit yéo"&, (mens’ 
natural talents vary,) but when they arrive at per- 
fection, they are the same; see the rh fis Téung 

Pék kip, fF BE payle hip, a medi- 

cinal herb. Also read k’hip. 

Kip — The ancient form of R. kip, to ar- 
t rive at. 


AS } Lucky, fortunate, happy; kit héung, 

Kit 7 7 \Al. lucky and unlucky, good 

| a and evil; kit jit, i H hé jit, a 
lucky day. A surname. 

Je gwat ch’hay kit, — FL Ay 7 ge godys 
cWhay sé kit, the beginning of the second month 

contains lucky days, 


Es sedi 

A lime, a small lemon, a sour orange; 
also ne , kits 
Kim kit, ats the golden or- 
ange, a small variety of the mandarin orange ; kit 

kéng, hE HE lime stalks, a medicine. 

Kit kéang, i ike, insects found 
in excrementitious matter. 
ee orrect, exact ; firm, robust. 

Ke Fl To hold fast, to grasp. 

A small lemon; Ban téung éng kit 

yew, fa] tp 28 HG Ah Ban 

sat" éng kit kap noot"9 4, in the 
region of Ban (Canton and Hok-kéén), the lemons 
and shaddocks flourish. 




* Thick, glutinous, as rice-water, or 


4 z Vulg. kwin: high, lofty; above, 
Ko VP upon; distant. A surname, 

] w) P’hé jé teng ko, pit choo pe, RE 
me hb 8 YA cithin chéo"S piiyh 
chéo"S kwin, pit chod kay, just as in ascending a 
high place, we must commence from a low one; see 
the ip ii Téung ying. 

Ching ko, bok taé ho hod kway, #2 es BH me k 

F i a chun ching kap laodn,b6 K’hith toa é 
pod kwiy, among the honored and elevated, there 

are none more so than the rich and great; see the 

3; ai Ek keng. 




Ak Téuk ko, ti i tek ko, a bamboo 

=] pole, for pushing forward a boat. 

> Fat, ointment, grease ; ko ték, & 

Ko B }E, smooth favors, genial bles- 
sings ; ko yéw, F 7h, grease, 
oily substances, 

Hwin ko é key whwy, 3 HE Pl RE Be 

séo yéw 2 swa jit yé"d, to burn oil in order to con- 


nect the light of the sun (i. e. to study incessantly). 

» A spear, a barbed spear; a hook, a 
Ko % pointed weapon. A surname. 
Tong kan ko é pang loéy, C9) 

+ & iN Ff ih tin tang kan ko té pang kok 

Iaé, to set in motion the clubs and spears in a nation ; 
see the a] at Lan gé. 

=} An elder brother; Ako, Bp Fy. a 
Ko =] ko, my elder brother. 
Ko ko hé so6 liiy chéém chéém? 

sat sin séng jin chaé ch’hoo kan, Lf wy APY aa 
ae WE HAE Be Se He AE WE Bb 

s"a sod labu bak saé tim tim? Uhaé hin sin ché"d 
jin tek ché"d té chéy kan, Oh, my brother! why are 
you so dissolved in tears? now is the time for sacri- 

ficing our lives in the cause of virtue. 

PB p Eng ko, 26 Wa a general name 

Ko - 
Tl | 
ny for parrot, 
Vulg. kwa: a song, a ditty; ch’héang 
Ko ko, ne, HK ch’héd"S kwa, to sing 

Chod é jin ko jé séén, pit soo hw4n che, jé hoe ho 
che, FAH ith Mh EK Ziti 
4p #0 ve hoo cho6 kap ling ch’héd"S kwa jé hé, 
pit saé hwodn hdk e, jéén aou ho e, Confucius used 
to sing songs with people, and if they were well 

sung, he would order them to be repeated, and after- 

S a 


wards he would harmonize with them ; see the § 
an Lin gé. 


A young sheep, a lamb ; yang ko, 
aE E yé6"S ko, fur clothing, 
woolen hose. 

Ko yang che p’hé, 24 a = Ze KR ho yéo"S dy 
phoéy, the skin of a young sheep, (with the wool 

on); see the yeh fA Seaou lam. 

Ko choo, Re +: koey G, a kind of 
Ko fz confectionary. 
»> “3 F Ee ; 
% Leak toe ko, hk Axi fe lék 

tadu kovy, green grain pies. 

A marsh; ko ték, Hh iB, a marshy 

si place; also, a bank. 
rat Hok béng é kéw ko, #2, IE, FF 
It i hoh tit habu té kabu ko, the stork is scream- 
ing in the nine marshes; see the )\y Ate Se4ou 

Kit ko, es , a machine for draw- 
y=8s =in: water,a willaiueliat. 
Kit ko ché4 yio che chek hoo, 

sé4 che chek gé4ng, ye i x A| a ii) We 
ry - Eli (ql pa taou kadu khan e,e chéw 

phak lbh k’he, kadu héet e, e chéw t"a Whé laé, if 


the well-bucket is drawn along, it will turn with the 
top downwards (and fill); but if it is thrown for- 
wards it will remain with the top upwards, (without 

sinking in the water.) 

Ko séang, ay PM, to fly back- 

= wards and forwards. 


Chéang ko chéang séang, ék hod 
6 a0 HE SIE IAS SB, SHE. ro 
koey laé pwuy koey k’he, laé chih ah kwa gé, they 
are flying backwards and forwards, let us go and 

shoot the wild ducks and geese; see the wah jal 
Téng hong. 


(9) To advance, to enter, to bring in. 

To pass by; E pat léén € gwiy, sam 


Siz ko ké bin jé put jip, Sy /\ 4F 
7,8 A E piyh neé"9 té gwa, s"a ay kity e dy 
moot"S jé b6 jip, E was eight years from home, and 
during that time thrice passed his own door without 

entering, (so intent was he on the public business ;) 

see a F- Béng choo. 

Ee, sheath or case for a bow. 
Ko Bt Chaé ch’hip kan ko, chaé ko 

kéung sé, ik BR i & ak 
& 5B Ke char RE kan ko, chat sew kéung 

chee", let us lay down our arms, and put our bows 

and arrows into the case; see the i KA Chew 

= A large drum; ko koé, Ds By, to 

beat a drum. 

The fruit of a tree; determined, re- 

solute ; ko kwat, 5 , decided, 

fixed; ko kam, ue ik ké ka, 
brave, bold; ko jeén, we aK, truly, really. 
Yéw yé4 kO, é chéding chéng hoé hé yéw! ree + 
Fe HA et KF 7B» Yéw yéd sé ké 
kwat, té chéting chéng so6 woo s"a meé"h oh! Yew 
is decided and resolute; and if set to manage the 
affairs of government, what difficulty would he find ! 
ai Lan gé. 
Ko yéw sé chéng hoe? Re AR JE DF oe ké 
jéén wod chéy léy chéng lé hoé? is that really 
the case? 

see the ath 

Ké 4 Narrow and contracted. 


Ko choo, Ha “F- kiéy ché, fruit; 
kéet ko, $i Eo héet hiéy ché, 
to bring forth fruit, to produce 

good results; ch’heng ko, Fp Be cWhai"S koéy, 
the green fruit, an olive. 

Ké Vulg. koéy: confectionary, pastry ; 

ko choo, AR sf koby G, a tart. 
Ko Vulg. koéy: a cake, a pie. 

Vulg. pak @hayh: naked, without 
Ko clothes, stripped to the skin. 

Suy than thek ko téng € gno 


ch’hek, jé yéen léng bééy gn chae? HE fh RR | 
ili ratory whys Beye 
pee", le boéyh an cho” dey bak la som gwd chae? 
although with your sleeves up or stripped te she 
skin, you should stea py my side, yet how could 
you defile me? see ih + Béng choo, 

Ko Bena the same as the: preceding. 
Ko lo, ie ii wan yéo"8, an in- | 
K6é sect resembling the dragon fly, 

with a slender waist. 
Béng léng yéw choo ko 16 hod che, PE hy A 
+ Fh 4 get 0d kad wan iors 
géa chaéu e, the spider gets a young one, and the 
dragon fly carries it away (to its nest, where after 
certain days, it becomes a young dragon fly;) see 
the Ay HE Se4ou gnay. 
To bundle up anything, to tie around, 
to wrap up. Naé ko hoé léang, 

4 He sa Hist naé paow ta dy 

bé né6"S> they packed up their dry provisions; 

see the k At Taé gnéy. 

Thos ko hong kin, FA Be fig WP Phadu paw 
wut" kin, their heads were bound up with yellow 
turbans; see the —= fe Sam kok. 
"The appearance of the sun peeping 

Ké out from under the clouds. 
Ké 6 ké 6, ko ko ch’hut jit! 
Ft OY HE AS RR ROA 8 toe yew 
léh hoe, léem pee"® yew ch’hut jit! it has rained 
and rained again, and now, the bright sun appears ! 

see the $i BA Woey hong. 

eRe The stalk of grain, the straw; hd ko 

elho, A Fig 4 tee k6 ch’ habu, 
straw; ch’haou ké, Fi i, a 
rough copy of a piece of writing. 
E hong kok ehoe, yew ch’hut ko soey, aA Hs 
Be FAK WA Ba BRE Rene Aang ftp gnoe 

“kok Gy le, get ted cl? hut tew hb ty " 
© having slecsde s:dtap the -ortion of reventie in 
4 grain, we mest also pay a tax, of straw. Also 
written i, Ka 
Dry, rotten; koe ko, FE i, dry, 
rotten wood. Ch’hit pat gwat che 
kan han, chek beAow ko 3, + 
Le ra Lee et 
payh gotyh dy kan woo hw"a, chek ttota 2, if there 
is a drought within the period of the seventh or eighth 
months, then the corn is dried up; see 3}, ¥ 
Béng choo. Also written Af, ko. 


Ké A vessel for warming anything; also, 

the name ofa place. 

Purely white; ko ko hoé, put k’ho 

BE sting Hi fia FAs %Y 
FY py Be chin paiyh hoi, bey séang 
cW’hin chéo"S e, be they ever so pure and white, 
they can never emulate him (Confucius); see m4 
F Béng choo, 


KO 396 KOE 
~_ te to pass over the nine rivers; see the = i H 
K6é White, a light color. Sé 6 kong. 
4 (e ) sl: 
, oR 
Ca => Ké To fly. 
K6é B The lips hanging down. r 
1 if —E= To anoint anything with oil or oint- 
Ké6 Dried fish ; anything spread out and Ko = spinon ee daa A oy aaa 
2 — ment; to grease anything. 
ZR dried. e 
= p J To inform, to announce, to instruct, . To sell, e vend, to dispose of. 
Ko to command, to go to law. 7 Kew scen'kay ge eoe ches * 
Kd sé, ae hr, a proclamation ; Be fw ii i a kéw h6 kay 
scang'kd; it a séo kd, to go to law together. jé bey, to — for a good price and sell a thing; see 
Lam put chwan ch’hé, pit ko hoo boe, bi Ar the Fi) BH Lange 
% fy He A EE ta po be 5 ch 
BR a De =) RK Tf Sipe Rey shee See Koe chéw, Bi 1, to sell wines 
ch’hwa boé, pit teoh kd pay boé, a young man may 
some say, to buy, 
a\is DORR AETY according, to his own pleasure, but must 

inform his parents. 

math “A nimerdl; yit ko, (fi chit dy, 
one. Hoo sé gnoé sip ko, 52} 
LR EF FB git cherr® teh 
goé chap ling, the bearers of arrows must be fifty 

in number, (to follow after an army.) 

The same as the above; numeral for 
mankind ; also written Ar sk°, one. 
Teak yéw yit kd sin, Ar Ay — 
{iB Fi, na wo0 chit dy jin sin, if there were but 

one faithful servant, &c. 

To pass by, to pass over; to trans- 

gress; ko sit, sta Ke koey sit, a 


kédy Whe, to pass by; kd thob, hh Be kody 
Phaéu, to exceed. Kwan kd soo, te jin e, Fee] ey 


Hy Jn NK RR K’hw"d lang dy koey sit, an néy. 

chédé éy chae'e dy lang, \ook at a man’s errors; 

thus you may know what sort of a man he is. 

Kd kéw kang, 4 It yoe kéey kabu dy kang, 

transgression; kd k’hé, ie =F f 

Dry wood; koe ko, i KS rotten 

wood ; putrid. 

Kove bbw chéd & wily lek, Iii 0] 

Me BB, ff ta kod mod dy cWhA Wiaoae yong 

iat, anything dry and rotten does not require much 
strength (to pons it down); see the sp aL Soo ké. 

Hwiy koe, Wye he he, a kind of in- 
sect, a 

Koe BB The bones of the loins, ribs, or knees. 

An aunt, a father’s sister; hoé 
an ch’ hed, Is HA, leisurely, gent- 
ly, for the time being. 

Koe séa sé, 4b A Je koe ch’hé"é pang kK’hwuy 
chéy léy, let us just set this aside (to speak of some- 


1 thing else.) 

Koe ae! Chéa koe, ie ie, @ partridge. 
4 {Ny ] 

Koe oe name of a fish. 

Anything with corners, or angles; 

Koe r angular; the same as fi, koe. 

in oa héo"S koe, a fragrant 

mushroom; ch’ho koe, Ei zi 

cl’haou koe, an edible mushroom. 

Alone, destitute; an orphan; used 
Koe BAIN for the first personal pronoun, by 
princes, when speaking politely. 
: = 2 
Yéw jé bod hoo wat koe, $y nil 4m R =| giIIN 

sedou léén jé bb né0"S pay kong hoe, one left with- 

out parents when young, is called an orphan; see 

in =2 Béng choo. 

Koe NG fish-net ; also written Pi, koe, 


A wine vessel, a cup for drinking. 

A crime, a fault ; bod koe, fife Ez, 
without crime, innocent. 

Héng yit put gé, sat yit put koe, 

kae put why yéa, 45 — KHER HK 
eB ry AN fis 4, 1;%4 chit hang w™ gé, Vhaé 

chit ling b6 chdéy, ling a” Kd chd, to practice one 
unrighteous action, or to put to death one innocent 
person, was what he would not do; see th = 5 
Beng choo. 

To stand security for a female crimi- 
Koe ¥ nal whose offense is slight. 
Koé ché4 hod jin chééy k’heng 

put jip géiik, po jim é vhae chaey, Fy AE ti JA 

Je BE Ay AGN Pe FE VI, 5 FE hee oe 

ty chaboé ling chiéy k’hah hin b6 jip k"a Phoo, 


A kind of mushroom; héang koe, 


chéw p6 jum € ting hae sim chdéy, among the an- 
cients, when females were guilty of any light crimes, 
they were not put in prison, but were bailed out to 

wait for their sentence. 

“ge » Anything crooked; also written iy 
koe, A surname. 

Vulg. kaou: a hook; gé koe, fa fi] 
hé kaou, a fishhook. 

Gwat hwin k’héuk so6 koe, A 
Ip th Wh hy siéyh luotin Wheuk ch’hin chéo" 
kaou, the new moon is bent like a hook. 
» Vulg. kaou: a ditch; ch*him koe, e 
Fj CW’ him haow, a deep ditch. 
Lo jéak chwan hoe koe hok, 
4% ay iit >. wi if labu dy noof*S ché"d 
hwat lin tooi”S té kaou hok, the old and weak would 
die weltering in the ditches; see - F- Béng choe. 



The consummation of a marriage, 


the union of the sexes, 
To build a house, to construct a 
Koe building; to join together. Also 

read koe. 

To seek, to obtain anything by mo- 
Kee Aa ney ; to purchase, to bribe. 
A Chéang sey koe & Chin, We. Pa 
ie hs Fe chéang sae péng Whe koe bdy té Chin, 
to go to the west and bribe the Chin country; see 

the FH EP Soo ke. 

To have an interview with; to see 

Koe a person accidentally. Also read 
Koe A To meet with, to occur, to happen; 

gé koe, 33 iz, to fall in with. 



Ancient, distant, of old, koé sé, tu 
hea antiquity. A surname. 

Koé che to yéa, rn) zZ. if it, 

koé cha dy to lé, the custom of the ancients. 

P’hok koé thong kim, Til a 3 ZS p hok koé 
chaé chae ting kim, to be extensively acquainted 
with ancient writings, and to be thoroughly versed 

in modern ones. 

Market duties, or prices; to debate 
about a price; to buy. 
The male of a species; gnéw koé, 
a Mi go6 kang, a bull. 
th Yang koé, =e +5 yeo"S kang, a 

= * Hwin koé, iil me, to instruct, to 
Koé a] teach ; the instructions of ancient 

Jé Jé-gnay naé hwin koé che se yé4, yy i) if 

4 all an re = a cWhin chéo"9 Jé-gndy | 

naé sé huitn koé dy ch’hayh, such as the Jé-gnay, 

which is a very instructive book. 

A fishing net; bong koé, ae ee 
a net, ; 

Ch’héuk koé put jip woo: té, 

BK POR A YB ly dae bad ay bang om 
Vhang jip té chtty k’hwut d,a close meshed net ought 

not to be thrown into the pools; see ta =f: Beng 


A crooked bamboo basket or snare, 

for catching fish. 

= Van Truly, if, but; koé ch’hé4, Ay A 

Koé 42) remiss, careless, disorderly. 

Koé ché é jin é, bod ok yéa, 



4] IA ER AE RE chin ché"a na 

sim che té jin tek, chéw b6 p’ha™é, if a man’s mind is 

truly bent on virtue, he will practice no wickedness ; 

see the Sj Fa Lin gé. 

Vulg. kadu: a dog; ko& hwiy, 40) 

Koé Z| 2 AN kaéu pwity, the dog barks. 

Koé té sit jin sit, jé put te kéém, 

fa RN TT A G0 HB haow ee 

chéah ling chéah, jé wn chae kéém téém, your 
dogs and pigs eat men’s food, and you do not know 

how to take account of it; see a +: Béng choo. 

The name of a wood; koé ké choo, 

Koé (2 ib] #E F-, the seeds of the 
medlar used as a medicine. 

Koé The barking of a dog. 

Koé ay Salt; a salt-cellar or pan; also, not 
Tr, firm, insecure. 

Koé # The name of one of the diagrams; 
“p72, vom in the stomach. 

ne } A drum; liy koé, {ia wy, to roll 

the drum; also written HI koe. 

B Kek koé ké tong tong, Wx ux 

ne Gis fe phih koé e dy sé"a tong tong, beat- 
ing the drum with the sound of tong tong; see the 

{ij Ja Woéy hong. One of the-radicals. 
= Blind, unable to see; koé béng, 

Koé yx Sf FF, totally blind. Kéen 
béén chéa é koé ché4, kéén che 

sdey seaou pit chok, i i El pe % 
BZ FEV Wh AE Piece hea” 02 been 

bo dy ling kap ch’hai"I mat™S dy ling; Rhwa 
kee™9 ¢ sdey Whah sey lan, yéd tédh W’hé laé, 

when we see any persons wearing a crown, or blind, 


although they are younger than ourselves, we should 
rise up; see the am aa Lin gé. 
A very old man, with a face as 

Koeé though it were grimed with filth. 

PRY Hong koé tae pary, Pa 445 EP 
sg wut” mé koé bin ka chéth wun koo dy laou 
ling, a yellow haired, grime faced,and humpbacked, 

old man; see the K HE Taé gnay. 

The thigh; koé keng, PY IG a 
 Koeé lind limb; séw koé, 5 iva cWhéw 
koé, an arm; p’hé koé, 4 He 

ka_ch’hui"S> the posteriors. 
Gwan séw béng chae, koé keng léang chae, JU 

Pi FA BE BE A BL BK creda thadu na 

béng, Wha cl’héw chéw lédng, when the head (of 

a state) is intelligent, the members will be good; 

see the a AS Se keng. 

Koé ay A ram, a goat; the same as $i , koé. 
The most secret and retired part 
Koé of a dwelling. Téung koé che 

gan, put k’ho to yea, FA PE 7 
FEAR BY EW 08 tang 08 dy wa, 

thang kéng, what is said in the secret chambers, 
must not be published; see the fei) pS Téng hong. 

Dirt, filth ; tinkoé, RE Jf, dust, 
Koé dirt. Hong hdng hoé, tin koé 
che téung, (fj 4a Af- pe Vii 

a rs hong hing hoe té, tin koé dy tang eng, 
hurried and bustled, in the midst of dust and dirt; 

see Es ¥- Chong choo. 

To sell, to keep goods for sale. 
‘Yak ying ché4? koé @ @ ying, 


ad boéyh yang béng dy ling? gud laé béy gwd dy 


ying béng, who wants courage and bravery? I will 



dispose of the excess of my bravery ; see the # {ili 

Cho twan. 
firm, unmoved; koé loé, fal (i. 

Fa niggardly, mean; koé 2, FE] A: 

on purpose, with a fixed intention, determined. 



Firm, stable; kéen kod, BE fl. 

Kwun choo put téiing chek put wuy, hak chek putkoé, 
kwun chob b6 téing hoé chéw b6 wuy géém, ?hak 
bey kéen koe, if the good man is not grave, he will 
lose his dignity, and that which he learns will be 
unstable; see the [* mi Séang lin. 

Koa chae, Ko-soé che way se yéa! [| x 

g LZ B af dit, hod loe chae, Ko-soé dy cho 

se/ how mean is the poetry of Ko-soé! see 

F Béng choo. 
Koé > A chronic disease, an inveterate 

malady of long standing. 


Koée 25 To hire any one for money, 

Koé Koe eh’hang, \fa fi kod cl’ he", 
to hire a laborer. 

To look at, to contemplate, to turn 
Koe around and look at any one; a 

surname. Cheaou koe, FB Ki, 

to regard with favor and compassion. Koé wan, 

kod hwut"8, to 
Ka fel , 

Ke téung put loéy koe, 

look after a garden. 
cWhéa tang eS bdh laé bin ko, when you are in 

a carriage, do not turn around to look at it; see the 
=A 2H Ia 
= ip Lian gé. 

Koe tong, 4a} a hoe tang, busi- 

néss, engagement. Jé chok sim 


moh koe tong? fff. (E a jue 


hy} = lé tit chd s"a meé"h koe tang? what are 

you doing? 

Kos The crowing of the cock of the wild 

Koé 4 iy Vulg. kadu: enough, sufficient. 

Koe + To lead, to drag, to pull; to scheme. 


To procure with money; to buy, to 
He bribe. Kod € ch’héen kim, fig 
AY y - Ay bey é ch’heng kim, 

to purchase for a thousand pieces of gold; see the 

yp He Soo ke. 

Oe A second marriage, love - 
Kose ge, love or afiec 
tion for. 


4 » 
Koeé ws To meet with, to fall in with. 
Sa ac SR 
Koo To meet together; junction of the 
two elements of nature. 
Koe = To be ashamed, to rail at, to abuse; 

to disgrace. 
Séang € jé séang koe péng, ie py) {5 zal 
an Wi sédng wod Uhak ch’hityh ling séo mai"& 
pai", constantly do we see learned men railing at 
and finding fault with each other. 
Kose Pay draw a bow to its full stretch; 
5 vulg. kadu: enough. 
Gay che kadu jin séa, pit ché € koe, 24) rad ra 
A Ny NA ie ys eR Gay dy ka ling choh 

chee"S, pit taoh sim che twa té tédh kéung mw"d, 


when Gay taught people archery, he would have 
them pay great attention to drawing the bow out 

to the full; see = F Beng choo. 
for; because, therefore ; yéén koé, 

Koeé $ 
Se A, a cause, a reason; tae 

koa, k i, a great affair, a great mourning ; sin 
kod, EY pi, to die; kot yew, He ZZ, an old 
friend; sé koe, tt BK, because of this, for this 

Wun koé jé te sin, in K nin yal Hf wun sip 
chd dy, jé chae sin dy, to study old lessons, and 
acquire new ones; see the 43 ae Séang lin. 
Yéw koe jé k’he, AR tik if J woo sa soo jé 
k’h2, having some cause of dislike, and departing on 
that account, &c.; see in + Béng choo. 

Koé chéang tae yéw wiy che kwun, KK Wie K 
AR ry Pad 7a kot chéang twa woo chd dy jin 

kwun, therefore, when we meet with a prince with 

,- “Old ;° a business, a reason, a cause ; 

whom we can undertake great things, &c.; see th 
Ff Béng choo. 

a ye . 
oe wip 


wounds and ulcers. 

Koo ni A kind of paste made of wheaten 

5 To rely upon, to depend on any one; 
Koe + also written Nal , koe. 
Bod hood hé koé, bod boé hé sé? 

At AR APY Fe 4m Ty fy he kadu 66 pay woo 

sa meé"h koé, kadu b6 boé wod s”a meé"h sé? hav- 

To melt copper or iron, in order toe 

stop a crack or crevice in a pan ; 

to forbid, to restrict. 

To stick, to paste up ; a kind of paste 
made from rice; koé yéak, viii 
a hoé yéoh, sticking plaster, for 

ing no father, what shall we rely on, and when we 

Ke. bes 
have no mother, on what shall we depend? see the - 
Ay vi Se4ou gnay. oe 
3X. To explain the meaning of expres- 


Koeé sions im. ancient and modern 
Yang-héting #5 HE, when young was fond of 

learning, and in studying did not so much regard 

sections and sentences, but (hwith koé t’hong jé é, 

all ah tf nid B,) he was very particular in ex- 

plaining the meaning of the words. 


Kéey héang bok, #3 #P IR key 
Koey her héo"& ch’hd, the name of a fra- 
B grant wood. 
Gigantic, great, extraordinary, excel. 
Koey lent; monstrous. 

Key jéén tok lip théen téy che 
kan, jé put way, (Hi, ak Ty rt K He az: fil 
Tih Ae Be hiey trod dy yeors tok Rhea te Chee" 
téy dy téung kan, jé v™ ké"a ling, great of stature, 
he stood peerless between heaven and earth, without 
being afraid of any ; see Ai) 7 i Sain choo. 


Read ko: pastry, confectionary ; ko 

Katy choo, vk (F- kiéy 4, tarts, pies, 
Koty Read ko: cakes, made of flour. 
To raise anything from the ground 
Kééy vi by putting stones under it, in or- 
wz der to prevent its being injured by 
the damp. - 
Koey To swallow, to drink. 
The name of a tree, whose wood is 
Koéy used for making boxes and coffins 5 

a kind of pine. 


. o 



) a) a 
Koéy “ Luxuriant, abundant, foliage. 

Gay kéey, vm @, a person who 
KGééy goes around the market, inducing 
people to combine in raising the 

price of commodities in special cases. 

é ; Kééy ké, ‘ar $t. to reckon, to 
Kéeéy count up; an account, a reckon- 
: ing. K’hong- 
choo séAng why way léé, wat, koty ke tong jé 

pl ae 
Ut eRERRA ol 

m ie Fe K’h6ng-cho6 bat chd sty kw"a, chew 
kong, swui"S sedou tébh chéw h6, when Confucius 

A surname. 

was in an inferior office, he used to say, “see that 

the accounts be correct, and that is enough ;” see 

ia + Béng choo. 
> ys Koe koéy Fin so kaou k’hwut a, a 

ditch, a puddle, a gutter. 
Ch’hit pat gwat che kan, é chip, 

koe kody kae éng, 4 KN A Ai Fe] iF 
ae YS EE FL Whit payh goeyh dy kan, hoe 

chip chd hiéy, chéw kaou dé k’huwut & chd pod tee"S 
tee", in the seventh or eighth months, when the 

rains collect, the ditches and pools all become full ; 

see ia f- Béng choo. 

Kaou key, tk 42, artful, crafty, 

Koééy Pn husk of grain; chaff. 

| Kééy wz To eut asunder. 

Minced meat; as beef, mutton, or 
Kéeéy ie fish, sliced together, and chopped 
| = | small. 


Koéy put yéém sey, ie a vA alll koéy 66 wan 

eé séy, minced meat can never be chopped too small ; 

see the if an 
Koéy ff > Fish chopped up very small. 

Lin gé. 

Kiééy “YY GF) The name of a country. 

Koéy iP Sorrowful ; a vicious mind. 

Read kwan: a cap; key kwan, pal 
—. ne key koey, a cock’s comb; key 

yey kwan hwa, Re oa 7; te key kody 

hwa, the cockscomb flower, Celosia coccinea. 

+ Read kd: to pass over, to transgress ; 
Kéey +3 kd kha, Shy De hoy Whe, to 
Ay pass by; kd thoé, AD] BA koey 
Vhaéu, to exceed, to go beyond; ko sit, iy He 
kodéy sit, a fault; kd hwan, Ao 4p hoey hwan, a 

K’hong-choo kd che, F[, f+ Ha Z, K’héng-cho6 
ké2y e, Confucius passed by that way; see the an 

=H. Lin gé. 3 
Z Lé koéy, te He cha boé koey, a 

Kéey 7 woman’s headdress; kim koééy, 

a ee, a golden headdress, worn 
[ =) 

only on particular occasions. 

Koéy kéen, Hx lA koéy keng ?hatu, 

to put the arms around any one’s 


™ neck. To remove a burden from 

one shoulder to another. 
Koey kéak, EE FN hoey Wha, 
lame, halts kééy kéak cho, PF 

ii AV koéy k’ha chéy, to sit 


Koéy ey 



os 4 


> h = Read kwat : to scrape anything with 

a knife. 

Katy h A surname. Read kok: 
B urbs of a city. 

Read k’hwat: a plant with a bulbous 

PR root; k’hwat hwiin, Bre Ky koéyh 

hwin, the root of the same reduced 
to powder. 

the sub- 



Kééyh Ai B Thick, muddy ; thick liquor. 

a = 
7 Read kok: a water pavilion, a gal- 
Koh lery over the water. Téng éng 

ko kok lim kang ché, J 35 

Aa] Ka) iis /z. if Téng éng dy kwan kok 

lim kabu kang keé"8) Téng 6ng’s lofty gallery over- 

shadowed the river’s brink. 

Read kok: different; kok yang, y< 
Ea koh yéo"S, in a different mode. 

Read kok: the armpits; kok k’hong 
hay, J Ze YR kok Whang ay, 

under the armpits. 
Kuh ca gn kok: 

Read hok* again, oyer again, to re- 

peat; hok chaé, {i FR. koh 

chae, over again; -hok hwat, iE 

is koh wih, to live again, to rise‘again to life. 

the clothes under the 

Hék é kd éng Léang, LéAng wat, ch’héng hok che, 
: Bw Ee =t 4 
wood ling ki éng Lédng, Lédng kong, ch’hée"a 
koh e, someone told king LéAng, when he said, “I 

pray you let us try again;” see it =F: Beng choo. 




A country, a state; a surname; 
pang kok, HR fed, a kingdom ; 

; kok kay, el RR, the state; 
kok kwun, +. a prince, a sovereign; kok 
boé, 5) Bf, the queen mother; kok té jé hoe 

vhéen hay péng, 4 iw ii he - a 

kok kadu té jéén adu thee"® dy pai"9, when every 
state is well regulated, the whole empire will be 
tranquil ; see the Jy $e Taé hak. 

Kin kok, ih Hed, acap worn by 
Koh Ws] females at funerals, Choo-kat- 
léang, #4 B Se had several 

times challenged Soo-m4-é, AJ FR BS out to 
fight, and when Soo-m4-€ would not come out, he 

(way @ kin kok, Set BR WIN Hy sang € chit dy 

cha boé kin,) sent a woman’s cap to him. 

ie The suburbs ofa city; kok goey, 

Kok B Els VAN kok gwéa, the environs of 
: acity. Vulg. koéyh: a surname. 
Sam 1é che séng, ch’hit 1é che kok, = FR & 

Be Ee HZ. BR sa Ue dy si, eh hit U6 dy 

kok, a city three miles in extent, and suburbs of seven 

miles; see 7 + Béng choo. 

Kok The name of a hill. 
The outer envelop of a coffin: also 
Kok written f&, kok, Ch'héng choo 

che ke, 6 why che kok, aa 
FJ Hi VI By SZ AB Whe hoo chod dy 
ch’héa, é chd e dy kok, he requested the carriage of 

Confucius, (to buy it,) in order to make an outer 
coffin (for his son); see the a aay Lin gé. 

A skin free from the hair; dressed 
Hoé pa che kok, yéw 
k’héén yang che kok, iB ¥J 

Kok 4 



LZ Ba H KR EB het pi ty phity 

hadu bé mb, ch’hin chéo"S kabu yéo"S dy phoey, 
a dressed tiger or leopard’s skin is just like a 
dressed sheep or dog’s skin, (for without the hair, 
it is hard to tell the difference ;) see the aa ab 
Lan gé. 


2 wA valley; san kok, Ve 4 sw"a 

Kok Ay Bhai", a vale,a ravine ; one of the 

san héng kok k’hoé, léuk sfy jed4ou wan téung, Fy 

vy Ai HE TD BR AS HE EY HP hear’ 

swa Chan hw té kok dy Khabu, lek chtiy jedou 
teé"S t2 kwut"& dy téung, an azure hill lying across 


The name of a market. 

radicals; a surname. 

the mouth of the valley, and green waters winding 

around the midst of the garden. 

Each, every one; kok yang, RR 
Kok oe koh yéo"&, different. Ap kok gan 
s"a sod b6 tak dy king lé dy sim ch? why does 

+¢ sk 
j6 cho? BO HA AG 
not each of you state your own views? see the am 

ap Lin gé. 
Vulg. kh: the armpits; kok k’hong 
Kok We hay, % FS “PR koh Rhang ay, 

under the armpits. 

The clothes under the armpits; a 



Vul. k5h: a gallery, a water pavilion. 

Kok Ba Kok hay gé jé he, loé chéén 
=) yéén choo sey, val - fa 

au Ey 2 BY ee HG koh ay hé 6 gad 

chétn, ladu chéng ee" & chd séw, under the pavilion 
the little fishes play, while before the gallery the 
swallows make their nests. 


+ VUThe name ofa tree, from whose bark 

Kok j= 

AS. paper is made. 

=e pp Grain; gnoé kok, H. ay, the five 
Kok JL 

kinds of grain; emolument, good ; 

Aye also written Gy kok. Se géy 

gnoé kok, Hit Ban A cag chae cheng goé kok, 

to plant. and cultivate the five kinds of grain; see 

mA F- Béng choo. 

Emolument, revenue, salary ; as, sam 1één hak, put 

ché é kok, = 4p a Ar Ke! vs Br sta 

neé"S hak, b6 séo"S kadu kok lok, to study for 

three years, without thinking of emolument; see the 
an Bz Lan gé. 

ee Ke kok, ¥ ax, the axle of a car- 

riage; acarriage. To introduce 


any one into notice, is called 

ch’huy kok, HE ER, to push along his carriage. 

Kok BIL Crape, a sort of cloth. 

Kok ‘B The name of a kind of pulse. 

Kok To stop the mouth. 



; The crowing of the wild fowl; the 
Kok aa es ‘ 
crowing of cocks. 

Public, general; a surname; and 
kong yang, i 2E, and also kong 
yéa, DS ip a double surname; 

kong to, J iH, just, equitable ; kong sim, J Vp, 

a public spirit; kong soo, aS B] hong se, a public 

Kong LA 2 

company ; used also for the place or superintendent 



of that company ; kong wiy, iy Ait. a rank of no- 
bility. Kong sun, ZS , a double surname. 

Taé to che héng t?héen hay wiy kong, Kk 34 rege 
47 K aD B AS twa to dy ke" thee" hay, 
chd kong, a magnanimous way of acting, that will 

extend through the whole empire, is called equity. 

Kong hoé pek choo Jam, Ix fp 4A -f- > 
the five ranks of nobility. 

Kong SN The name of a gem. 
Kong pyr kong, We Ws géd kang, a 


’ Vulg.kang: an officer; work, a work- 
man; kong hoo, “[_ K kang hoo, 

labor ; kong jin, T. N chd kang 
dy ling, a laborer. 

Kong yéuk séén ké soo, pit séen lé ké k’*he, FC 

Ok BIL AR My De Fi) HBR to hang ty 

ling bbéyh cl’hing hie dy so0, téoh taé seng 


cWhong laé e dy ke k’h2, when a workman wishes to 
execute his work in a proper manner, he must first 

sharpen his tools. 

To attack, to oppose, to engage; to 
Kong give the whole attention to any- 


Se4ou choo béng koé jé kong che, k’ho yé4, 

FOG CT ZY A, sty Hea rhe 

koé jé kong kek e, éy chd tit, Oh, my children! if 

you like to beat the drum, and oppose him, you 

may do it; see the Ff Bu Lin gé. 

Kong hoé é twan, soo haé yéa 6, ve Hk ka 
ay Be hh al chwan ch’hing chéy koh yéo"S dy 

to lé, chéy sé haé lang, to give the whole attention 

to foreign opinions, is extremely dangerous ; see the 

a Fit Séang lin. 


Merit; kong 16, wy B., merito- 
Kong i) rious desert ; mourning. 
Bin chek yéw kong, i FAi} A 

Hh kip kéy chek wod kong 16, diligence will insure 
merit; see the eal 7 Lan gé. 

Taé kong, K i, a great period of mourning, ex- 
tending to nine months. 

Se4ou kong, Ay os a small period extending to 

five months. 
Vulg. ke"&: to carry between two 
Kong +L or more persons. 
Lek k’ho kong téng, 77 BY 0. 
i. lat Phang ke"S 1é"4, strength sufficient to carry 
the caldron; (signifying that such a one may become 


Kong A A The noise of striking against the 


A napkin for tying up clothes in; 
Kong Pe kong twan, ih ee a kind of 

Honest, blunt, harsh, upright; s00 

Kong / a sin soé chek kong, = ie ay A 
fic chd sod k’hah yé"a hing wa 
chéw tedou tit, when greater attention is paid to the 

subject than to the phraseology, the style becomes 

K ar A border, a division; a raised path 
ons Wb between the rice fields. 

Vulg. kwui"S: bright, light; kong 

béng, I; WH kwui"S béng, reful- 
' gent; gwat kong, y; | % giéyh 
kwui"I, moonlight. 
Kong pé é sod peaou, . Be ht | de kwuiS 
kip kadu s2 he"S, light spreading to all the four 
quarters; see the 38 Slt Gedou téén. 

5 C 





Kong Great, large, enlarged. 

\ A martial appearance; boo hoo 
Kong FF kong kong, na oi vt ie. 
military men with a very martial 

appearance; see the k HE Taé gnay. 

Kong Péng kong, Wee Hit, the region of 
the groin, the bladder. 

A wine cup, made from the horn of 

a rhinoceros, 

Kong téw kaou ch’hok, fit = 
Ze bi the cups and glasses interchanged back- 
wards and forwards (as at a feast). 


Kong A broken net. 
Kong A martial appearance. 

The ridge of a hill; also written tii} 
Kong ] kong. 

Séép pé ko kong, v5 ih ia in} 

kody Inout ley kwin dy sw"a né"d, to cross over 
yonder high ridge; see the FB] if Chew lam. 

The ancient form of the preceding. 


Kong any ke&, and ke"9; steel. 

Valg. ke"J: a large jar; ham kong, 
4h, WAL dm ke"9 ,a water jar; also 

written (4, and Ae kong. 



Hard, firm, stiff; kong ch’haé, hil} 
Kong Fall £& 10d tod d, just now. 

Kong kéAng put k’hwut, fal Wet 
Ay ja, firm and unbending. 

Goé be kéén kong chéa, aaa 7 A ff) 7 

gwd boéy woo W’hw"a kong gnay dy ling, “1 have 
not yet seen a firm and resolute person ;” said by 

Confucius in the zm aa Lian gé. 

7 To tie around with a rope; to draw 
Kong FAR in a net with a large rope; to in- 
\. clude, to superintend, to general- 

ize 3 general, connected together. 

Choo tedacu jé put kong, Fy: By if A 4a 
Whéng chob téd hé jé 606 tédh bang, Confucius used 
to angle for fish, but would not draw ina net; see 
the Pint =H Lan gé. 

Sam kong gnoé séang, = At Tt. ie the three 
superintending (of prince, father, and husband), and 
the five constant, relations (i. e. benevolence, justice, 
decorum, knowledge, and truth) of life. Kong kam, 

FAs Lin the general mirror,a general view of history. 

pau | T’héen kong, Fx sia the name of 

a star in Ursa major. 


Kong Fl 

Kong [al i The ancient form of Ril, kong, firm. 


The same as hal, kong, the ridge of 
a hill. 

Vulg. K’hwith: great, wide, exten- 
sive, expansive, broad, ample; a 
surname. Te kong taé, jé chin 

cheng bé, FR FE 7K i ae i] Ai te Kek 

Whwah twa, jé chin hau cheng yew, to extend to 

the greatest and most expansive, and to exhaust the 

most minute and subtle things ; see the ip i Téung 
ying. Kong-tong A ip Kwet"S-tang, Canton. 



Han che kong é put k’ho Eng soo, a et Jie 
Sz FH BW HR FA Han chity dy Mhwih v6 
thang bé key, the literature of the Han dynasty is 
so extensive, that it cannot even be conned over in 

- one’s thoughts; see the jis a Chew 14m. 

Metallic ore; ké hay chek kim kong 

tan séak, H ~— Hy) & Wie 

}}- pe e dy ay téy chek kim 
king dng chéoh, underneath (those hills) there is 


nothing but metallic ore and bare stones. 

Kong The same as the above. 
5 we? offer up, to present as tribute ; 
Kong p=] tribute, taxes, dues; a surname. 

Chin kong, $£ ED to pay tri- 
bute, as a sign of homage. i 

Jé kong paou maou put jip, ial Hi I pa aS 
A lé kong héen paou maéu wv” jip, your tributary 
offering of a bundle of rushes has not been sent in; 

see the Ft {5 Cho twan. 

T’héen choo soo lé té ké kok, jé Jap ké kong soéy 

yen, FF fk $e Th HE BM ii M 
Ht: ji Rt 5 hing tey saé chit dy kw"a ledou 
lée dy kok, jé lap e king sdey, the emperor sent 
an officer to govern his country, and to receive the 

tribute and taxes from him ; see ih + Béng choo. 

To deceive, to cheat, toimpose upon ; 
also written Zff, kong. Kong 

che €1é che séy yéw, BE ZL 

YJ Ff pf. pif AR prhétn e é to lé dy séy woo, 

to impose upon a person by that which appears 



Rat A hardened knife, a tempered blade ; 
6 to harden steel, 


Kong Bin: ke"S and ke"S: steel. 
Kong UE 



To go backwards and forwards; to 

go to a distance, 

Ambitious, highminded, wild, mad ; 
to appear mad. Téen kéng, Tiel 
AE, mad, silly, out of one’s wits. 

Goé tong che se4ou choo kéng kan, Fi ‘i 4 

AY =F- SE fifi gwd dy tong dy sty kée"d W’hah 

3é0"8 kéng kan, “the young people of my clan are 

too ambitious and sincere ;” said by Confucius of 
his disciples, 

Ch’hoé kéng chéep &, 5 AF FE BA Ci’hoé dy 

téen kong dy ling cheéh ch’héa, a madman of the 

Ch’hoé country met the carriage (of Confucius) ; 
see the aah aH Lin gé. 

A hot disease, a fever. 


Kéng Kong kéng, 
Le agitated. 



Koo fe name of a boat or vessel. 

Read kwuy : a tortoise; kwuy choo, 

To do-anything on the spur of the 

moment; to be deceived. 

Koo iffa F koo d, a beetle, a mari- 
at gold. One of the radicals. 
Koo The same as the above. 



Read kéw: long; a long time, a 
I long while ago, Put jin che4, put 
k’ho é kéw ch’hé yéak, Ay «2. 

sg AR ay Y , prea Ay a” jin dy lang, b6 

thang ko6 twa té kan k’hoé, people destitute of vir- 
tue cannot long endure afflictions ; see the mn Ba 

BE; fearful, and | 

Lin gé. 
Read kéw: a kind of leek; kéw 
Ko J el’hae, JE HE kod cl?had, scal- 
- lions. 
# A sentence; yit koo; — hi chit 
| Koo hod, a single sentence, Chéang 

kod, Fi AA] chéo"S kod, sec- 

tions and sentences, 

| Koo Read kéw: to cauterize, to burn the 
| flesh for medicinal purposes. 

Kod 1a, thy $8, a child’s cap; 

Koé FRE chee" kod la, ffi iy LF a 
woolen cap. 
Kod To present up; to do away with. 
“ \ Read kéw: a ball; md kéw, =: 
ea gE mé koé, a hairy ball. 
HK ap. Read kéw: old, not new; kéw leén, 
Koo A kod neé"S> last year. 

——) Seton a bir Ue 

ho6 ch’hek kadu b6, the old corn is all consumed; 

see the aft fi Lin gé. 

¢3 Read kéw: an uncle; bo kew, 
b6 kod, a mother’s bro- 

SH ther. Ch’hey kéw, 9% J clvhey 

koo, a wife’s brother. ; 



Koo We kok: the singing of birds. 

a oN 


A melon; se kwa, rie mM, a water 

aK melon; kim kway; Ay I. a 

pumpkin; tong kwa, Ne 

tang kwa, a calabash; ch’he kwa, HA Mm , a cue 

cumber; -k’hoé kwa, Ye Ne a bitter cucumber; 
ch’haé kwa, oa IK, a species of Momordica. 

Ch’hitgwat sit kwa, > AL JI chit goeyh 

chéath kwa, in the seventh month we may eat me- 

lons ; see the ¥ Aas Se keng. 

7 Read k’ho: a surname. 

Read ko: asong, a ballad ; ch’heang 
ko, NEY aK ch’ héo"S kwa, to sing 

Kwa 4 
¥ songs. Ko jé kd K’héng-choo, 

ay Yi we 4L 7F- che hd" kowa jé kiddy Khong 

cho6, he chanted a ditty as he passed by Confucius ; 
see the=y om Lin gé. 

» Read ko: to pass by; ko kéak, Dy 
Kwa 3\2 jal kwa k’ha, to stop in passing 

by. Ko yit séuk, 1 — 4G 
kwa chit mai"8> to lodge for a night ina place, 

when passing by. 



Hok-he sé chok pat kwa, AR Ze sa) He NK #) 

Hok-he Whé Vhabu cWhdng pat kwa, Hok-he first 



To divine; a divination; pok kwa, 
r +h, to find out by divination ; 
pat kwa, N ¥h, the eight dia- 

invented the eight diagrams. 

Kooh 5 i gurgling noise made in drinking. 


=i: | 
To deceive, to impose upon. 

Kwa = 

Read kwaé: to find fault with any 

—-— one; to take offense. 
4+ yi Read kaé: to cover; the cover of a 
Kwa vessel, a lid; téng kaé, it Fa 

té"4 kwa, the cover of an iron 

pan or caldron. 

wet Read kaé: an outer coat, a great 
Kwa coat; m4 kaé, eo is bay kwé, 
; a horse cloak, to wear when rid- 

ing on horseback. 

DENS kat: mustard; kaé ch’hae, 
Kwa J) 

ay IE hao cl’ha®, the mustard 

plant, Sinapis Chinensis. 


x p= 
a 2, aig name of a tree. 


Read kwan: an officer of govern- 
ment, a civil officer, a mandarin 5 
we chd kwan, tN eS chd kw™a, to 
be in office; kwan hoo, 5 ir kw%a ho6, an offi- 
cer, a magistrate; kwan loé, -e ie kw"a loé, a 
Hod chok ko kwan, choo ch’hdng gwn, yit ch’hey 
yit ch’héep bé ch’hé"4 héén, RK KE B <4 -f: 

ae 5g — ZB — BHR A Wow Wwe 

kwa, hadu saiS téang ch’hérng gwan, chit dy boé 
chit dy sy é ch’hin cWhai"S kwd gadu, to have 

one’s father holding a high office, and one’s son at- 

taining to the highest literary honors; with one 
wife and one concubine, both handsome and clever; 
(this, according to Chinese ideas, is the summit of 

human bliss.) 

: 4 
Read kwan: a coffins. kwan chaé, 
ie ht kw"a cl’hd, a wooden 
Téung koé kwan ch’hit ch’hin, kok ch’héng che, 

th Fi FE eh OB FR WZ teung hoe ty sé 

kw"a cl’hd ch’hit cWhin, gwa kok than e, in the 

middle ages of antiquity, the coffins were made seven 


inches in thickness, and the outer envelop in propor- 

tion; see he: F- Béng choo, 

. Read kan: the liver; sim kan, 
Kw"a } IF sim kw"a, the heart, the mind. 
Kan lo toé téy jé put koe, iif 
ea YE Hh hi Ar Vif Kuo" 16 bwotih'te tey je a 
K’hw"d, although our liver and brains should be 
smeared on the ground (in your service), we would 

not mind it; see the yp Hn Soo ke. 

Kw™a at 

kw"a, a headdress ornamented with embroidered 

\A PA kw"™a moot"8, to'shut the 

Kwa iz 
ae door. 

Ban suy séet jé séang kwan, ia Bite ae WW A 

Read kwan: a cap; kim kwan, Ay 
a, kim kw"a, a lady’s head- 

Read kwan: to shut; kwan bin, 

ee mont"8 suy séet jé sédng kw"a, although a door | 

is put there, yet it is always shut. 



Few, solitary; alone;.kw"4 hod, 
Hf he kw"d boé, a widowed 

Kw jin e XK the solitary one, or the man of 
few virtues; (a polite expression, used. by. princes 
in designating themselves.) 

Kw g Metallic ore; the substance of. all 


; 5 



dress: héng kwan, Al at hong | 


Kw%. ie kong: ore; the same as the 

Read k4n: to spread anything out 

| Kwa with the hands; kan béén, ip 

| Fifi kw"dé meé"S, to knead dough. 

Kw" & Teck kw"d, i Ah. thé’ appear 
jr ance of walking. 

Read -kan; to pursue, to'cliase, to 

Kwa follow. Tuy kAn, 3B tf tuy 

| kw" d, to follow in ‘pursuit. 

Kan séang, at _E ko" chéo"S, to overtake. | 
chéw, He 8 kw" a chéw, to pour 

0 out wine; kwan téy, He Hh, 

kw" téy, to pour out.alibation on the ground. 

Read kwan: a temple; kwan sé, Fe 
rg kw"d c"8, a monastery. 

Read kwan: to pour out; kwan 

Read kwan: an agricultural imple- 

Kw"a ment; kwan. ch’hiy, $2 ie 
kw"d ch’hiy, a kind of pickaxe. 
Read kwan: the name of a water 
Kw" a bird,a kind of heron; kwan béng . 

NYY) @ wet, HEB NE, Ff HAR toa tie 

haéu té sw"a &, the water bird is screaming on the 

hillock ; see the if pA Se keng. 


Read han: cold; séang han, si 
BE séang kw" 4, to take cold. 

- Han yéa k’hek laé tay tong chéw, 
BE PL A Ae FE AG FG tod mat" lang 
Whayh laé dy tong chd chéw, when a visitor comes 

on a cold night, tea will serve instead of wine. 
a . Read han : sweat, perspiration; léw 
~ Kwa YT han, iit if labu kw" a, to per- 



Han m4 ch’hut sin, Ff FG Ha! & kw"a bay 

ch’hut sin, to enter on life like a sweating horse; 

(i. e. to attain everything by personal labor.) 

Read kwan: to carry anything in 

the hand. 
Read héy: to carry in the hand, as 
Kwa a basket. 

Héy song kam toé chéw, é vVhéng 
tng soos, 4 WE HE Ab WN PL A AS 
kw" a chit ty kam chit tabu chéw,é ?hé™a eng dy 
sé"a, to take in the hand a pair of oranges anda 
measure of wine, in order to go and listen to the sing- 

“ing of the birds. 

Kwa Read kwan: to tie anything. 


7 Perverse, wicked, strange ; also, gen- 
Kwae 3 t tle, tame, cunning. 

Kay to kédng, pit kwae, ry i4 

Gt Ny He kay laé dy to lé kéting chin, pit kwae 

Rey, a family without sufficient means of subsistence 

is ready for revolt; see the yy FASS Ek keng. 

A kind of fish, the oil of which is 



Kwaé p’héén, Bei iam to deceive; 

Kwaé kwaé choo, yy F- labu G, a 
cheat, a rogue. 

Rvaé Kwaé choo, My § kwaé d, a walk- 
ing-stick, an old man’s staff, 

Kiwaé The name of one of the eight dia- 

grams; to determine. 



Kwaé } The name of a herb or rush used to - 

make cords ; a surname. 

ES Strange, extraordinary; ké kwaé, 
Kwaeé’ iP >< ay koé kwae, unaccountable; 
ie cheng kwaé, ‘a iP kah kwae, 

how strange! Also written ff, kwaé. 

Choo put gé kwaé lék Iwan sin, + x 
Fh Bil iit 200 cho6 66 kong kwar lét hoan, kap 
sin Gy soo, Confucius never conversed about strange, 

or violent, or turbulent, or spiritual, things; see the 
a ij Séang lin.. 

To exert one’s strength in cultivat- 

cox en ing the ground. 
To bolt; kwae"& bin, PE 

Kwae®s i ac 

mam f  kwae"S movi"8 ,t0 bolt thedoor. 

Kwih n By Kwih kwih, He] le, troublesome 

: we discourse 3; a clamorous noise. 

To beat, to strike: kwah chdy, 

Kwah + wi kwah cl’hiy pay, to give 
a slap on the mouth. 

Kwih Kwah jé, JE EL kwahk he Whang, 
giv to box the ear. 

1] Read kat: to cut, to cut off, to slice ; 
Kwah - > kat léfing hoé, Pl (fe iif khwah 

nd adu, to cut one’s own throat. 

Kat put chéng put sit, i] aS IE 7S 4S kwith 

um ché"a b6 chéah, if the meat was not cut square, 


he (Confucius,) would not eat of it; see the 5 ah 
Lin gé. 

r=} Read kat: a kind of creeping plant, 
of whose tendrils linen is made ; 

AX the Dolichos hirsutus, Thunb, 



Kat pod, $8, fj Mth po2, grass cloth; also, a 

p st ch’hity kwah, the mouth 

Kwith yA 
“By dry. K’hat ché4é way yim, if 
+ I B Ai keith dy Iiag l’hwae chd lim, 

thirsty people are not particular about what they 

fae K’hat: thirsty; k’hoé k’hat, 

iB To look at, to observe ; kwan ké séy 
Kwan ra) yew, #9) Ik Air FH Phw"a 
,e séy yéw, observe the motives of 

a man’s actions; see the - E if Séang lin. 

Vulg. kw"a: an officer of govern- 
ment; kwan chit, Ff {fi Hoa 

chit, an office; kwan to, ‘e 7}, 

a broad-sword; t?4 kwan soo, 47 S Py phah 

kw"a se, to go to law. 

Pek kwan chong ké, 6 théng @ théting chaé, rs 

ee AP VW FB WS RR SE payh wre 

chong soo éka te, é Uhé"a té chaé séang, all the 


officers must attend to their respective duties, and 
obey the orders of the prime minister, (while the 

young prince mourns for his deceased father ;) see 

the mm be Lin gé. 
Kwan aia chariots. Béng pé kwan jin, 
. “iy 4 ef A beng léng 
kwdn cl’héa dy lang, give orders to the master of 

the chariot. 
Vulg. Awa: a coffin; kwan bok, 
Kwan i Ki JK bora cl’h4, a wooden 
coffin. Soo ték bé kay é wiy 

kwan, (if ve E Ki VJ Re, Hf saé ling 

kdn toh hé. kdy cl’ hd € chd kw"a ch’hd, send people 

to pick out a good piece of timber in order to make 

Ze. {8h Cho twan. 

One who has charge of the prince’s 

a coffin; see the 



A small stream, a drippings pure, 

to select. Kwan kwan put ying, 

Kwan WA 
chéung wiy kang hé, A iA 
a HE 4 B yr ji Rhw"a Kk’hw"a laéu 

b6 Phat, kadu swath biéy ché"4 kang hé, a perpe- 
tual dripping without stopping, will in time become 

a large river. 

ra 73% 


Hod boé so Siin wAn lim, kwan kae, AY fi} oh 

oe Ft jes #5 IY pay boé saé Sitn ch’hdng hé 

ch’he™S lim, yéd chew kwan kiey laéu Chuy, his fa- 

ther and mother sent Sin to finish the repairs of the 

ya Tt take away, to remove; kwan té, 

415 He, to take out of the way ; 

kwan téy, +5 ull, to levy con- 

granary, and when he was upon it, they took the 
ladder away; see ra F- Béng choo. 

Kwan Handsome, beautiful, lovely. 

"s Toé kwan, RL hes the name of a 
Kwan A kind of cuckoo; also of a flower; 
NJ called also choé kwuy, -f- fH. 

Toé kwan che Vhoé choo kwny vhéy, Kk Ae Aye 

Bi F- say Pit toé kwan dy ke Vhadu cho6 kwuy 

?hé, on the topmost branch of the toé kwan, the 

choo kwuy sits and sings. 
Sorrowful, sad; téung sim kwan 
kwan ifs nw Ih 1A sim kw"a 

Kwan TA 
tang e"S hwinl6, the middle of 

the heart filled with distress; see the opi JR Tin 

, = 

Kwan TR sickness; also written Fea kwan, 

Kwan A weariness in the bones. 


The name of a fish, the eyes of 

Kwan ’ 

wife; an old bachelor, a widower. 

Kwan kw4 koe tok, GOR st gsII Ris, widowers, 

widows, orphans, and childless people; see = + 

which ‘always seem to be spark- 

ling. To be old, and without a 

Béng choo. 

rep Pres clean; clear, bright; to do 

Kwan Ane] 
‘hy ER to remit. 

Hway-kong kwan ké taé tek, Ee is 2B 4 
Kk Kis Hwiy-kong kwan béng ¢ dy twa tek, Hwiy- 
kong clearly displayed his great virtue; see the 

Ze. (i Cho twan. 

Vulg. kw"a: a cap, a bonnet, a hat. 
Kwan Ban kok e kwan paé béén léw, 
ban kok dy s"a kin tédh par béén léw, the caps 
and clothes of all nations must pay obeisance to the 

emperor’s crown. 

Phe A basin or vessel made of crooked 

Kwan fe wood; around wooden basin. 
Choo léng sin ké léw che séng, 
jé & poey kwan hoé? =f: fic MA ie HN we 
wE Thy V2 Ta He SP He by sien tit ke lew 

dy sai", jé cl’hing poey kwan hoe? can you 

subdue the nature of the willow wood, and make 

. . —, ——. ~ ua 
bowls and basins of it? see Fy —> Béng choo. 
Vulg. kw”a: to shut, to close; kwan 
ae, ne (nt, a narrow pass, a de- 

Kwan EA 
yy file; kwan héy, iA KB, conse- 

quences, results; a surname. 

i : ae re 

Kwan ke jé put cheng, [3 at nif Ar 4k kw"™a 
ae ke ch’hat, jé b6 Uh6 lang sééy, institute exami- 
nations at the passes (respecting all travelers), but 

do not exact duties from them; see i -f- Beng 

AL wake ae HO 



away with, to avoid. Kwan té, 


Kwan-yin-té4ng, ia FE fe, the great hero of the 
Sam kok, = [ok], now worshiped by the Chinese, 

as the representative of fidelity. 

a A gem; a precious stone. When 
Ge , Sin succeeded ate, Geaou in 

Kwan ye 
the government, (the PW FE 

ag) sey Ong boé,) the mother of the western king 

A i 

came and presented him with (pék kw4n, 

payh kwdn,) a white gem. 

Vulg. kw"a: to bind, to tie, to run 

Kwan i 
on a string. 
A hotel, a resting place, a lodging 
Kwan house, aninn; a school. Yéa 

kw4n long hwa hwat, PY: Be vee 

KE. BE yéd gua dy kwén std woo ling hwa tit 
wat, near the inn on the moor the flowers spring 
up abundantly. 

Kay kwan gwan léw, jé séw géép & ban, ‘ia ei 
iz aH Yi me Ea Vik Py chéoh kwan gwan 
botyh ludu lé, jé sew géép té moot", having 
rented a schcol-house, we wish to detain you, and re- 
ceive instruction at your gate ; see ia F- Béng choo. 

K’hae kwan, BA fie k’hwuy oh, to open school. 

Kain The same as the preceding. Hak 
kwan, @. Ai a school. 
Kwan Wes wearied; finished, concluded. 

A pipe, a flute, an instrument of 

Kwan 4 music; a tube of any kind; a 

IE surname. Kwan yéak che yim, 

Ge ne 42 TT kwdn yéak dy sé"a yim, the 

sound of the pipe and lute; see pia + i Béng choo. 

Kwan lé, ae ZIH to rule, to regulate; _kw4n hay, 

ie f> subject to; a surname; Kwan-téing, Gey 
fH}, a prime minister of the Bin C’héy country. 


To run away, to escape; chod chok 

Kwan = géét put k’ho kw4n, H tt Be 
Ap D)) xe ha té chok géét chew 

66 hang chaéu, when a man brings calamity on 

himself, there is no escaping ; see the = K FA 
Se t’haé kap. 

An implement of husbandry, The 



Chéén pek ban kwan, BE Fy By Ey chec"s 

payh ban kwui"8, a hundred myriad strings of cash. 

Gé kwan jé chin, 4 Fy Ti 3 44 Rowire 
key 7é chin, the fish bores through the water and 
| gets forward. 

Kwan T 
| ~ 

| Kwan 

To be accustomed to; kwan sip, 

i q kwdn sé, used to any- 

To bore through; to put bracelets 

v A on the arms. 

To be accustomed to, to be familiar 

Kwan name for a plough, or plough- 
i share in the region to the south of 
the Ir, kang. 
Kwan An iron spike in a wheel. 
Vulg. keout"Y: to roll up, as a scroll; 
Kwan to take in, to fold up. 

KwaAn che, chek t’hoéy chéng é 

bit, FEZ FN) 5 HBG WS BR Huot e chek 

Chey kh" té bat bat, when you roll it up, then it 

retires and shuts itself up in secrecy; see FE F- 

Téng choo. 
~» To roll up; kwan léém heaou béng 
moot"S lé ch’hé"d béng giéyh, to 
roll up the door screen, and invite the clear moon 

(to shine into the house). 

Kwan paren 
Fu mat. 

Kwan ix To wash the hands. 



Kwan héén, ee £y the strings of 

an instrument of music; also, a 

Valg. kwui"S: a string of anything ; 

kwui"8, a string of cash; choo 

_kwan, LR A. astring of beads. To string any- 
thing, torun anything on a string; kwan Vhong, = 
iii, to pass through the whole. 


gwat, fe Bil ok HH A kewut"9 | 

chéén kwan, BE Eq chee" | 

, Kwan : 

The hair twisted up into two knots, 
| Kwan one on each side of the head, like 

a pair of horns, commonly done 

with the hair of young children. 

Chong kak kwan héy, hfa fA i} a, like a pair 

of horns isthe hair twisted up; see the 

Chéy hong. 
| Kwan The name of a gem, or a precious 
A vessel used for drawing water ; 
Kwan kwan. k’hoé, $2 [J kw" 
ch’liy, a kind of pickaxe. 
Valg. kw"d: a convent; To kwan, 
Kwan a #2 T6 kw", a monastery be- 
longing to the sect of 34, To. 
Kwan Valg: kw"d: er name of a water 
» bird; a species of heron. 
| ve To pour out; kwan chéw, i 8 
| Kwan Y kw"a chéw, to pour out a liba- 

tion to the gods ; also, to irrigate, 

to spread water over the land. 


Choo ké kwan jé ong ché4, goé put yeik kwan 
4 ay. tt 

che’, A BEE ti (EH HAR OK 
4 R choo ¢ kw"a tey jé kody Whe, gwd i” ae 
k’hw"d e, from the time of pouring.out the libation, 
T had no desire to look at (their sacrifice); see the 
“he fifa Séang lin. 

E sty kwan kad téén wan, Y) 7 2B JB TH fal 
vh6 chiiy kwdn kaé cl’han hwut"8, to irrigate the 

gardens and fields with water. 

Kwan BEE Tay kwan, vis Be, a teapot. 

E AEX Vulg. kwui"8: the ring which is put 
Kwan — through the nose of an ox or buf- 
ay faloe. 

To regard with favor, to behold; to 


be near, intimate. Héng t’héen 

kwan béng, Aas RK yes fit 

héng Vhee"I k’hw"a beng, may the imperial heavens 



look down on this decree; see the i att E boe. | 

Ch’hin kwan, 3] aR, near relatives; to be in- 
timately allied to. 


wards with longing anxiety. 

Ai» Se kwan, jE Fea section of abook; 


kwan péén woo lé yéah, in opening the volume there 
is profit; see the yp BL, Soo ke. 

Vulg. kwui"9:-a cord; the string of 

Kwan avolume. K’hae kwan péén yéw 


Kwin Az 

birds come down to eat them, the string is pulled, 

a crossbow ; bent; an incense bag 
tied around the neck. 

A snare for catching birds; a gin. 
Eatables are placed within the 

noose of a string, and when the 

and they are caught. 

The leaf of a book; also written 
E kwan, the same as Fe ,kwan, 

a volume. 

K ‘\ 
wan = 
Kwan “| 5 

tending to one’s duty. 

Pit yé4 kong kwan hoe, Wy Hl FE 4A Ip pit 

té6h kong kap kwan hoé, (in the absence af honest 

To be strenuous on one point; to 
have moderate talents, and yet to 

be exceedingly particular in at- 

people,) we must put up with ambitious persons, and 

those who have only a mediocrity of talent; see the 
Si) azz Lin gé. 

K’héy kwan an account, 
Kwan Fe “Arye 2 Re 
IA) a reckoning. 

To look askance, to look at with 
Kwan H 2 an angry eye. Kwan kwan se 

F ch’ham, [fj BA A ig sed bak 
Rho"d jé chd pod ch’ham leng, they will look 
askance, and universally complain ; see a F- 
Béng choo. 

the swift running of a dog. 

| x wy The same as 4 kwan; also, light; 
Kwan Va AA Seppe 

Rear H To look around upon; to look to- 

| ia The same as ie kwan, to pour out 
| Kwan We a libation. 

Kwan chéang é keng, 4 Ne 7 
ek, Hil vin (i Aj Ay h laouy 

Fe laé k’h2 kwain chéw té kéa sé", let us go and 
pour out libations at the capital; see the K vis 
Taé gnay. 

Kw? 7K To wash the hands in a wash basin. 
Also read kwan. 

To put a cap on the head; a cere- 

mony performed in China, when 

; —— 
Kwan 4 : 
A, a young man eomes of age at 16. 
Téang hoo che kwan yé4 hoo béng che, x kK 

L. FE UL AL Fe ZS ta poling dy te kin, 


né6"Y pay beng leng e, at the ceremony of capping | 
a young man, the father gives him directions; see 
ih -F- Beng choo. 

x . A weight; to weigh; to weigh cir- 
cumstances, and act accordingly ; 
kwan sé, He a power, autho- 
rity 5 long kwan, Ff He, to get the power into | 
one’s own hands; ché(ing kwan, ff Me, to act 
according to circumstances. . 
KwAn jéén hoé te k’heng téung, he 4 tR A 
fg ci kwin tity ch’hin jéén adu éy chae hin 
tang, weigh a thing, and then you may know its 
evity and gravity; see jf; —f- Béng choo. | 
Séw keng, héng kwan, Ag 4T He chéw keng | 


sédng, ké"4 kwdn s2, to adhere to the constant rule, 
or to act according to circumstances. Kwan péng, 
HE ih. the handle of power, power. A surname. 
The fine glossy appearance of the 

hair; kw4n hwat jé jin, He ua 

yi} = hwin h6 dy mé ch’hin 
chéo"S hwitin, fine black hair, like the dark clouds; 
see the ty Ja Woéy hong. 


Kwan y Handsome, good looking. 

——Bewn Read ko: high, lofty, eminent. 
ee Ko san gé4ng ché, =a ily {ql 
3 | jh hotn dy swa, teh gédng 
Whé laé Whw"d, a high hill must be looked up to; 
£ see the Iv A Se4ou gnay. 
2 Read héén: a district, a small 
Kwan We county or township; a city of the 
O49 third order. : 
Vulg. yéd: weary, tired, fatigued. 
Hwiy jin put kwan, if XK Hr 
is ha lang béy yéd, I teach 
people without being tired; see the Fy fg Lin gé. 




Kwan Fagged out, heartily tired. 
iii To labor; to be wearied through 
labor, fatigue. 

Keone I, kone kwang, X ir only. 

| ok 


<6 Hasty, fleet; a man’s name. 

To reckon, to sum up an account; 
Kwat AE also, to arrive at. Hat ké yéw 
kwat? a #H 7A G e te sé 

woo kadu? when will he arrive? see the £ al 
Ong hong. 

Y The flowing of water;, read hwat : 
Kwat Ge alive, moving, cheerful. Pok léw 
( kwat kwat, tt Hit if jh pak 

chity tit labu kwat kwat, the northern stream flowing 
and rippling along; see the hy iil Woéey hong. 

To grind or rub a knife; kwat séak, 
Kwat =A ni fil, to scrape. Kwat koé 
Rh? la sim bwd kadu kwui"S, to scrape off the dirt, 

m6 kong, A Se jes % kwat 

and polish anything. 

To include, to encompass, to bundle 
Kwat de up, to take account of. 
Léng kwat sod haé, Big 15 py 

yi pod téy & laé, pabu kwat se haé, to inclose all 
within the four seas in a bag. 

Kwat To look angrily; the eyes dark. 

Kwat To run, to go quickly. 


WW The appearance of motion, as if 
. > The same as R, kwat, to decide; 
Kwat kwat twan, We val, to deter- 

mine, to sentence. 

hooked and pulled different ways. 

The appearance of water flowing ; 
to decide, to fix, to cut short. 

Kwat >» 
Kwat choo tong hong, chek tong 

lew, HR RT Bl) Hl FA Moat choo tang 

he"S, chéw tang laéu, if you lead water eastward, 
it will flow to the east; see nA F- Béng choo. 
Kwat é, He B. fixed determination. 

Kwat $ Gems worn upon a dress of cere- 

Kwat A cross line in a bow; to pull a bow- 
string, to let go the string. 

An ivory thimble, used to protect 

the thumb when pulling a bow. 
The name of a singing bird of the 
Kwat tropics; also written BH, kwat. 

so Kim yéa lam ban kwat,séet che 
jin, & +h 4 ot PB, F ee J\ tha wos chit 
léy lim ban chedou cheéh dy lang, now here comes 

a fellow from among the southern barbarians, with 


his bird’s tongue, (and you believe him); see Wy 

F- Béng choo, 

Parting words, a farewell ; to distin- 

Kwat = 

guish, to divide, to exterminate; 
conjuring arts. 

Seng soo éng kwat, FE BU, vila Xe sai"S sé éng 

hwat péet, life and death make an eternal separation. 

Tae E bin téang seng che kwat, Kk ED fl fe 

HE mA ak twa E thé"a té"8 kob wah dy hwat toe, 


the great E asked concerning the method of insur- 

ing constant life ; see the B54 HE Gwiy se. 

Kwat A good horse. . 
Kwat Ry To rub, to scrape. 
| Kwat H The color of an eclipse. 
| Kwat Peon. go fast, to walk quickly. 
& Kwat béng hwa, ve AA Ae, the 
Kwat name of a flower. 

Kae hay kwat béng gan sek séen; 

Wes Hh We AA el ff fF gim kay ay dy hwat 

béng gin sek yédé cheé"&, the appearance of the 

kwat béng flower under the steps, is still fresh and 


The name of a bird; called also pek 

Kwat AB 16 nedou, Fy 3 B pitl6 chedou. 

MY = Téing hay che gwat kwat sé 
beng HP BL Z FA Bim Jes My teing hay 
dy gééyh kwat chedou k’hé thabu haéu, in the 
middle month of summer, the kwat bird begins to 
sing; see the is A Ay Léy gwat léng. 

Artful, deceitful; kway kwat, ae 
i, false, intriguing. 
Chin-bfin-kong kwat jé put chéng 

Chéy-hwan-kong chéng jé put kwat, F Ke UN 

a i 7 IE HD IE hh FH oe 

Chin-btin-kong kwtiy kwot jé béy cheng keng, Chéy- 

Iwin-kong ching keng jé béy kwhy kwat, Chin-bin- 

kong was artful and not honest, Chéy-hwAn-kong 



was honest and not artful; see the ail Bo Lan gé. 

Kwoul* 417 KWUN 
x Read kwan: to perforate, to con- 
Kwit A post stuck in the ground ; a door- Kwui"S nect; kwan jé, =I FE kwui"S 
post. Also written ii, kwat. hé , to bore the ears, in order 
to insert ear-rings; kwan pit, a Bh kwuilé- 
Phee"&, to bore a hole through th i 
Kwat A hook turned up at the end, a barb- ee aloe. a bole through He.ages of spin ce, 
ed weapon; one of the radicals. 
% Read kwan: to insert a string 
a Kwui" through the nose of a buffaloe. 

oF 2 
Kwuil Read kwun: a small pair of draw- 
‘ers; akind of petticoat. 

Read kong: light, clear, bright, 
shining, resplendent. 
Chéak h"0 che kong put ree 
w4n cheaou, Wy KX ro Kt 7S fit i Ty Fig 
chit chéak hiéy dy kwui"S béy hnoui"S chéd béng, 

the light of a small fire will not reflect far; see the 
FF 3% Chin gé. 

Kui 4 


xy Read kwan: to roll anything up ; 

Kwui"S EAN kwin ch’hok, fe BE kwut"s 
cWhak d,a round chisel,a gouge. 

Read kw4n: a tube, or pipe; bé 

Kwui"S kwan, 3 iP bé kwui?S, a 

hollow bamboo, used for mea- 

suring rice. 



~y Read kwan: a book, a volume, a 
roll ; séw kwan, F- As cl’ héw 
kwui"8, a manuscript, an auto- 

graph, written by one’s own hand. 

K’ho kwan, HH Fs Rh6 kwui"8, an exercise writ- 

ten out by the candidates at public examinations. 

Read kwan: a small bag, contain- 
Kwui"S ing incense ashes from the altar 
é of an idol, which is hung round 
the neck ofa child, in order to insure its good luck. 
Kwan kwan, +e a kw"a kwui"S, to wear such a 
bag around the neck. 


Kwan pit, RE FR keouié 

p’het™S, to bore a hole through the nose. 

Read kwan; 
- to run anything on a string. 

_Chéén kwan, §% fp cheé"& 

kwui"S, a string of cash. 

a string of anything, 




a king. 
Taé chae Gedou che way kwun yéa ty K ate 

ms Bi a Ww twa chae Gedou dy chd jin kwun! 

how great was GeAou as a prince! 

Vulg. kwui"S: a pair of drawers, 
Kwun Ais kind of petticoat. , 
Kwiin sat che ch*hé kwun teung, 
Wan-chék é wiy kit tedou yéa, BY x z. ia 
a ee 

dy sat boé twa té kwui"S tang e"&, Wul"9-chek leah 
chd sé hé tedou, when a brood of lice took up their 
residence in his breeches, Wui"8-chék used to think 

A prince, a sovereign, an honorable 

person; kwun choo, A F- a 

good man; kwun 6ng, E =: 

it was a good omen. 

Numerous, many; an army or legion 
Kwun of 12,500 men; an emperor had 6 
legions, and a powerful state three. 
Choo héng sam kwun, chek stly 6? + 7 = 
iff Ei] att fA hoo cho6 lé na ké"A s"a iid, 
chek yin ché chity a? if you, sir, had to lead on the 
three legions of the army, to whom would you in- 

- trust them? see the Fi =H Lin ge. 


Chéang kwun, ee SR, a general; ch’héung kwun, 

Hi: i, to be transported. 

s ’ The appearance of a wide sheet of 

Kwtn fa 

boiling water. 

water; bubbling, foaming up. 

Kwan sty, ie ak kwtin chiy, 

pe The robes of an emperor, ornament- 

ed with five embroidered dragons. 

Kwtn téy kwan kwian hong jé chok ke, 

Bi ir 1 TRE TH fF 

Wui"S-tty kh’w ma kwut"S héng ch’habujé chod 

eet Wui"S-téy saw the reeds rolling along, and 

TR i turn around, to revolve; Héng- 

thought of making wheeled carriages. (B. C. 2622.) 
To speak indistinctly ; to sport and 

Kwin a »» jest with people. Héén kwin, 
i 2h gabu kwtn, to play tricks. | 

Kwin ies rushing of carriages. 

Kin se A cord or string. Also read k’hwin: 


an ornamented girdle. 

Kwutn Be plough and cultivate the ground. 

Kwan pe To vomit, to belch forth words. 


after the great flood, was put to death by ie, Sdn. 

Tey wat oe Kwan chae! TG EI vA ih RR 

py king hd yéd chéy léy Kwan! the emperor said, 
“alas! that Kwan!” see the xe ih Gedou téén. 

A great fish; a man’s name, the fa- 
ther of By, E, who being unsuc- 

cessful in regulating the waters, 



Kwin =» 


Bending and fawning; an emperor’s 
robes. Also written : kwain. 

Kwin hes 


cl’ha kwin, a wooden club; kong 

kwin, Ff Hi. a bare stick, a 

_pettifogging lawyer, a roguish fellow, a swindler. 

oe staff, a stick; bok kwin, A He 


To soothe people by one’s conver- 



Kwitn Se Bae jet black color. 

yp A flock, a herd, a troop, a multitude ; _ 
Kwiin kein BE also TE Za, kwin. Kwiin 
yang, HF = SF chit tin yé6"S> a 

flock of sheep. 

Goé lé kwin sek ke, Fe HE FM Ze Fe gud 

lé kwtn tin katé k’héa, 1 have left the multitude, 
and dwell alone; see the Ie if Léy ke. 


Kwin Fe 
Kwan A petticoat; 1é kwiin, te Bp cha 
boé kwtin, a woman’s petticoat. 

The same as the above; also writ- 

Kwan ke, ae Fe, to dwell in com- 

pany. The same as the above. 


ten WE kwiin. 
# A district, an inhabited place, a place 
Kwitn where many people assemble to- 

gether. The state of FE Chin, 
engrossed possession of the whole empire, and 
divided the land into 36 ph kwin, which division 
was still maintained under the ae Han dynasty. 



Kwin ni] The appearance of vomiting. 

jB1,* bone; chéet kwat, in vey cheéh 
FA Kwut, to break a bone. -Chéng 

sin ché4 t’héen che hwun, kwut 

haé ché4 téy che hwan, nity He —K ZIP 


a K AS Hh ri Ap ching sin dy sé thee"S 

dy Iwoun, kwut thadu dy sé tey dy hwun,.the 

animal spirits are the gift of heaven, the bones and 

joints are from the earth. 

Koé kwut, Hoy a2) kabu kwut, the 

name of a wood, used in making 

Kwut - 

the shafts of arrows. 

Fy he stalk of grain. 

EN » Confused, disordered; smooth, slip- 
Kwiut er pery; loé kwiit, KY iH: a slip- 
pery path. Kam kwit, +f ie 

sweet and greasy. A surname. 
Kwiit k’hey, hy te, fawning and flattering. 


Kwit ier The mind confused. 

Confused, to disorder; kaou kwit, 
Kwut Aer Ke fi, cunning, artful, corrupt. 
FI Ban & kwit hay, fo B3 J 

ban é kwit hodn choo hay, the barbarians disturb 
the rest of China; see the Oe. sh Sin téén., 

Kwit sék, ip A, the name of a 

Kwiit 1 

Kwit A kind of dove. 




Confused, disordered; also, anni- 

Kwut k’hé, iN 2, to rouse up 
Kwit J) one’s intellect; to rise alone, as 

a man of eminent talents. 


Béng thaé choé kwit k’hé 6 Kim-léng, séak péng 

kwin Kho’, AA AX Hi We Ha WS A BE 
fil) 7B we Béng Vhae choé, kwit Whé te 

_ Kim-léng, séak pai"& ché"4 tin dy ch’hat, the first 
emperor of the Béng dynasty rose up into notice 
at Kim-léng, where he scraped smooth all the 

robbers ; (i. e. exterminated the rebels.) 

Obstinate and hardened in vice; kwit 
Kwit AR kéang, i i, perverse, 
Teaou-teng, tf ii Tés-té" 
would not listen to terms of adjustment, when if? 
Kaey said, (ch’hoo lo kwit kéang yéw sek, yp 
qi ia if - chéy léy ladu kwit kédng ch’hin 
chéo"& chd,) * this perverse old fellow is as unbend- 
ing as ever.” 
To dig, to delve; kwit chéng, ri 
I kwit chat"8, to dig a well. 
Yéw why ché4 p’*he jédak kwiit 

chéng, Fy By AG BE FR TR FF 00 cto 

’ dy ling ph? jé kwit chat", those who will engage 


in any great undertaking, are like those who dig a 

well; see x + Béng choo. 

Kwut Highminded, ambitious. 

aE A rule, a compass; kivuy ké, HA 
Kwuy #5 yan the compass and rule; a rule 
y lu to walk by, according to rule, sui- 

table, proper, orderly, a usage, a custom. 

Kway ké hong wan che che yéa, Ff) 4h Fy Fi 

co = iB kwuy ké sé hak e6"& dy chin Vhadu, the 


compass and rule bring squares and circles to the 
utmost perfection; see ih -f Béng choo. 

To peep at, to look at by stealth. 
Kwuy AW, Kwuy kéén sit kay che ho, 
Whw™d ch’hod laé dy hé hoey, people can peep at 

B a Re Z. i Vhaou 

all the good things in one’s dwelling; see the am 
2% Lin gé. 

To look out at a doors; to have an 
Kwuy » BY eye to, to spy, to observe. 
Chin put kam kwuy peng hé loéy, 

Fe By al Ain iy 7 Chin i” kd hs 

peng Uhaou k’hw"d lén hé laé, the Chin government 
will not dare with their troops to have an eye to the 

district within the river. 

& Choo kwuy 
Koray abcess 
Kwuy . Ajay alike ; almost. 

Great, gigantic, large of stature. 

Kwuy way tek lip, (9 (it YEE 

TE. twat han dy ling ka te Whéa, 
men of great stature can stand alone; see the sp 

aL Soo ke. 

Kwuy $8 name of a bead, or a pearl. 

A precious stone of an oblong form, 

(3 the name of a 


Kwuy held by civil officers, when they 

wait upon their sovereign; géuk 
kwuy, =, the badge of office. 
Chip kwuy kéuk kéung jé yéa, Ht =E 2 i 
uy Dy gim géuk kwuy dy sé e ch’hin chéo"s 
kéuk sin dy yéo"&, when (Confucius) held before 
him the badge of office, he appeared as it were to 
bend his body ; see the an ao Lin gé. 


Kwuy The same as the above. 
The door of an inner apartment; the 
Kwuy = § pearly door; generally taken to 
Es intimate the female apartments of 
a dwelling. 
The name of a constellation. 
Kwuy Song thaé choé gnoé léén, gnoé 

seng ché kwuy, ae rN yi ca 
SF tt BB TR aS Sdng Phae choé goé neé"S, goe 
léép cWhai"S cho hiéy té kwuy, in the 5th year of 
the first emperor of the Sdng dynasty, five stars 
collected together in the region of the kwuy constel- 

lation; see the sp fi Soo ke. 

Kwuy + K The name of a district. A sruname. 

Choo kwuy, -J- HE, the name of 
a bird. 

Kwuy f} Kwuy e, AL WK, a cant term in use 
among the priests of Buddha. 
‘Vulg, koo: a tortoise; also written 

EE, kwuy. 
Héén hoé se kwuy, FA F- A 

a, ker té se hoo, destinies may he discovered by 
the reeds and the tortoise-shell. 


Kwu y be! The name of a river. 


Kwuy => 

To return, to revert, to go- back; 
= e! 
kwuy sin, ei. IE, to return to 

Kwuy i} 
, obedience. Choo chaé Tin wat, 

kwuy 6! kway 6! —f AE [a El i a 

Bi Azh chob twa té Tin kéng, toot"S Iaé! toot” 
laé! when Confucius was in the Tin country he 

said, “let us return! let us return!” see the fe x 
Lin gé. 
ra A ghost, a spirit, a demon, an imp; 
Kwiy mé kway, je i, the devil. 

Hwuy ké kwiiy jé chéy che, 
eheem yes JE IL A A. WA 
u”™ sé lin dy kwhy jé chey che, sé séep sey yéd, to 
sacrifice to a departed spirit, with whom we have no 
business, is flattery; see the at BB Lin gé. 
Kwiy sin, oD, AR, demons and spirits; k’han 
kwiy, Ay yi Phw"d kwiy, to see a ghost, consi- 

dered an unlucky omen. 
Traitorous, villainous, roguish. 
Li yh chd ch’hat kan kwty, 

thieves are roguish and traitorous fellows; see the 

yi Hh Sin téén. 

7 Repeated ; also, wicked, corrupt. 
Also read kwuy. 




surname; sod kwiy, nh) as 

se kwiy, the four seasons. 

The mind moved and affected. 

The name of a particular sort of 

The Laurus cassia; a surname; kwiy 
Kwiy hwa, KE E,, the Olea fragrans. 

Gwat téung tan kwily téy yit che, 

A tp Tt ft io RX gidyh tang 9 dy 

tan kwiiy t2y chit ke, the red cassia is the finest flow- 
er in the moon; see the na ay Koé se. 


K’ho? chék kan kway, So [hf | 

Few, young, inferior, the last; a | 


Kwuy FS last of the ten horary characters. 

Kwit Dear, not cheap. 
ng ? P 
Noble, honorable, dear, valuable ; 
Kwiy but kway, VY sy meée"h kwiy, 
—_ dear things. 

Kwiy yéw théen hay, jé put chéuk é kaé yew, 

Ht AKT hi HE VD, fff BB roy wo< 

Uhee™S hay, jé b6 kadu & kdy hwdn 16, in point 

of rank, he was in possession of the empire, and yet 

he found all that insufficient to dissipate his sorrow ; 
) see a F- Béng choo. 


The name of a vegetable; the sun- 
flower; the genus Helianthus. 
Way yéw kwhy hwa héang jit 

k’heng, itis AR ¥s E. iD) H fii tok tok kwiy 

hwa "a jit k’heng, the sunflower is the only flower 

that turns towards the sun. 

A rule, a measure. Séang bod to 

kwiy yéa, F 4. ia PX th 

s2 twa b6 to 1é Inoat tue, those in 


the higher circles have neither reason nor principle ; 

sce ih -f- Béng choo. 
A horse walking stately along. 

y '] 

A road with nine branches; also 

written je, kwiy, a man’s name, 

Kwiy 7) The cheek bones. 

Kwiy > 

Kwi A man’s name, one of the servants 
wuy Be of Ge, Sin. A surname. 

z Jefe A basket of earth; a basket for car- 
’ Kwiy a = 25 rying earth, Wy san kéw jim, 
KA kong k’hwuy yit kwiy, B iy 
It H By paz ie +e chd swa kabu séém 
kwan, kang ché kéém chit ling 4d Vhoé, in making 
a hillock of nine fathoms height, to leave the work 

when there was only a basket of earth needed to 

finish it, &c. 
Kwiy rushes, Yéw ho kwiy jé ko 
5 K’hong sé che bin, 7 tay a 
if a ¥L KR Zz Py woo ling géd cWhabu 

ling &jé koe’y K’hong sé dy moot", there was a 

ee grass basket; a hamper made of 

man carrying a straw basket, who passed by before 
the door of Confucius; see the Fain Bo Lin gé. 
bak: 3 
Kwiy iA present; also written BB, kway. 
Ch’héng é kwiiy che, Ay GW ja 

ZL, whENG Uh6 laé sdng e, we beg to sia it. 


To present, to offer, to send asa 

To present food to any one}; food, 

Kwi uy victuals. Lo jéak kwiy soo, 5 

As @4 RB ladu dy sedou léén 


dy sang chéah, the old and weak men were engaged 
in bringing food (to the laborers) ; see 7 F- 

Béng choo. 
anything ; to want, to be destitute. 

x = 
la Séksitkim kway, Ay 9% > FEE 

chéoh ch’hod kim ap 4G, the stone house and golden 

A casket, a chest for containing 

casket. The name of a book. 
A chest, a trunk; tok kwiy, ee 
Kwiy vile toh kwiy, a counter, a table 

with drawers. Lap chek é kim 

kwiy che téung, 4h Wt + 4» Ke raf rfp 

lap cl’hayh té kim kwiy dy tang e"8, to Keen the 

records in a golden casket. 

= A basket of earth ;-the same as B, ; 
vee kwiy. 

Kwiy Ais look on both sides. 

To kneel down, to make obeisance. 
Séw lip put kway, ze MvA Ay 
ie woo meé™h sew hoé lan, téoh 

khéa u™ thang kwiy, when anything is given, stand 

up to receive it, and do not kneel; see the Sit iat 

K’héuk léy. 



Read léép: to draw, to pull; léép 

kéung, tit Fy la kéung, to draw 
a bow. Séang-kong soo P’héng- 

seng léép sat Loé-hwan-kong, 3% Aas Ag w 
‘ HE tit ag fi a. AS Séang-kong saé P*héng- 

seng la thaé Loé-kwin-kong, Séang-kong sent 
P*héng-seng to put Loé-hwAn-kong to death; see the 

Eh pL S06 ke. 
es Bate la, iby Ys a child’s cap. 
é ZB La st, # wy. cotton wadding 
for clothes. 
Read léfing: the throat; lé(ng hoé, 
wifi Mi 14 abu, the gullet. 

to push aside; léQng 

Read léfing: ide; 
tf ying, }t it HE. la yung, to re- 
move a stoppage. Lédng k’hae, 

He Bil 14 k’hwuy, to push open a passage. 

J, Read 16: to burn, to roast at the fire. 

Read 16: arake; 16 tok, AY Aig 
14 tak, a harrow, a roller, for le- 






veling and smoothing the ground. 

Read lé: a kind of cockle. 
Léa. ib) Ch’hé"4 sit kap 1¢, A a ps 
Hl cl’he"4 chéah geo Ud, let us 
just eat these cockles, 

Hs, Read léw: a poisonous insect; léw 
Lé 2 gé, Ye ie la géd,a spider ; léw 
EP 0 «, WE WB £4 Ua get sea 

spider’s web. 

v- Read leAou: the fat of the inwards ; 

s = > te leaou yéw, HG - 7h te lé 
FY yéw, the fat of a pig’s kidnies. 

Ch’hé ké héet ledou, I FE fi PB ci’hé e dy 

hoéyh Id, take the blood and the fat of the entrails; 
see the A. ite Se4ou gnay. 

Léng 1é, fe fh la Ié, a kind of 
Léa scaly be found in the moun- 
tains, but something resembling a 

fish ; the scales of which are used for medicinal 


purposes; (the pangolin.) 


ie Disturbed in mind; the mind con- 

La P’hok long, WE Hips phak la, to 
spread about in the sun to dry. 
Read 16: to dive the hand into a 
La liquid in order to take hold of any- 
a Read lo: the name for beating any- 



F) A small boat; the name of a wild 
Laé plum. Ko tin lé laé, a iy as 
PAN BF kity ché téing le lak, of 

fruits, the most precious are the plum and the laé. 

Lae Laé saé, hh i, ragged clothes. 

oe To come, to induce to come; Ong 
Laé laé, (E 2K, to come and go. 

Yéw péng choo wan hong laé, put 
sxx not? Af HN FA 38 7 A IH 
{is - woo péng chod hwui"S pang lac, u™ yéd tek 
kaé hoe? to have a friend who comes from a distance, 
is it not delightful? see the Fy ai Lin gé. 

To come; the same as the above; 
also written 1K, laé. 
T’héen m4 laé chéting sey kék, 

K ii HK ns fie Ki Vhee"S bay laé chéting sae 

kék, when the celestial horse (the dragon,) comes, 


itis always from the utmost west ; (this is an expres- 
sion used by the pretended, judges. of the sites of 
dwellings and graves, who consider that the dragon, 
the emblem of fortune, lies always towards the 
west.) ; 

Laé i) 

The name ofa hill. 

cs i] wae 1.6 lat, ee OR, the sounds used 
in humming a tune ; also read laé. 
q Téén laé ', the ground out- 
Laé 1] » fA Lg & 
side of a cultivated field. 
A horse seven feet high; laé pin sam 
Laé ch’héen, Ee HY, = i bdy 

yy) boé s™a ch’heng, three, thousand 
large mares; see the 5 JR, Woey hong. 


| Laé 


The name of a kind of grass, or’ 
weed; thistles. 

Pit ch’ho laé, jim t’hoé téy, ch’hoo 

che, Bal Hi. AK KF: a a yh Re ah Khwuy pit 

cWhabu laé, jim choh thoé téy, try je e, to clear - 
away the grass and weeds, and to cultivate the earth, 
is the next in the degree of merit; see = +F- 
Béng choo. 

Lae A shed, a dwelling; tédng laé, te 
Be the name of a terrace. 

The name of a city; Sé laé, {I 

Laé AR, a city in the ET, Teng 
A pear; laé séng léng lé, to sit stin 

in, HE Mr AD BW 
45 aM laé dy sai”S léng kwa 
laé chéy chéth e haé lang, the nature of the pear is 

cold and acid; to eat much of this fruit is injurious. 

Laé zs y The same as the above. 

To induce to come; wan jin put 

hok, chek sew biin tek é laé che, 
3a A 7 MS 5E HK 46 
WA Ae Zaoui" dy ling i” hk lin, chek séw 

bin tek é hod e laé, when people from a distance will 


not submit to us, we should by literature and virtue 

induce them to come. 

To encourage any to come; 10 che 

laé che, J Zz. PE Z o lée 

dy téh bw kéd e lué, praise 


their exertions, and encourage them to come; see 

it. i Béng choo, 

The pupil of the eye not even; wry 
Hz & looks; p’han laé, Ht Wi. to 

squint, to ogle. 

~ LAH 425 

: To present, to confer, to Bestow, to 

Laé - give to ah inferior. 

Chew yéw taé laé, séén jin sé hod, 
Wh K AE ae NSE SB Chew tedou wod 
twa laé, hé lang ché"4 pod, when the king of the 
Chew dynasty gave his large gifts, the good people 

were enriched; see the aa aE Lin gé. 

Read lééy: within, inner, on the 
Laé inside. 
Hap goéy loéy che to yéa, iy 

Ah py 2, SEL Ub Aap gee lat dy to 1, thus 

joining the inward and outward principles; see the 

rh hy Téung yang. 



Lé to put twan kéng téung jin, Ail 7} rs Pal 
oa rh A laé to béy chém tooi"S ké"a téung dy 
lang, the sharpest knife will never cut asunder the 

Read lé: sharp, gainful; to lé, Jf 
Fi to laé, a sharp knife ; lé chéén, 
Al 5% laé cheé"8, the interest of 

sare of a) man in the mirror. 

hep Khak, DE Je, “a small kind 

of mortar ; to jump, to leap. 


Read Jap : wax, the wax of bees; lap 

st # chéuk, hes Vy lah chek, a wax 

Bit hong ch’haé hwa chok héng lap, Ds We i 

FRE HE BE WB be pehang Whe hwwa chd wit” 

lah, the honey bee seeks the flowers, in order to 

make yellow wax. 

Read ldap: the appearance of fire; 
Lih lap jéuk, 4 ¥3| lih bah, to roast 
flesh lap chéuk, AER ify lah chek, 

a candle. 

5 H 

Read lap: hunting; t?4 lap, $7 i 
Lith phith lth, to hunt. 
Kim Ong téén lap @ ch’hoo, AN 

Sm Hy 4 it Ww t"a éng p’hah lah té chéy léy 

wity, now suppose your majesty were hunting here; 

see mA F- Béng choo. 

~ chs, 

em Lak taé, Re 48 lak téy, a bundle, 

or bag. 

RK i Read léuk: six; léuk sip, 7S —F 
Lék 2 x lak chap, sixty ; sip léuk, +A nn 

chap lak, sixteen. 

Léik sip jé jé stn, FY + ii # ie lak chap 

hidy jé hé kang sin, at sixty years of age, my ear 
mz za Séang lin. 

To scrape up, or scramble together 

was obedient ; see the 


with the hand. 

Lak eae To scrape up anything with the nails. 
Lik To take hold of anything; to rest 
the hand on anything. : 



Covetous, greedy ; also written ik, 


T’ham lam bod yéém, & ak 
ATE 4m JK Cham lam bé yéd, to covet and desire with- 

Fe. fh Cho twan. 

The chirping of a swallow. 
Lam 3] Yéén choo né lam gé léang kan, 
Ue FE WA Ga BR Tel 
ee" & né lam habu kong wa té né6"8 kan, the lit- 
tle swallows are chirping and chattering together 

out being satisfied; see the Ff 

among the rafters 

= To look at, to observe, to tic to 
Lé Ba 1 k , 

am ook over. 

par Yéén 14m eng hd, Mes we 

yi yéén K’hw"d eng héting hé kéet, to survey 


tensively all the heroes and brave men; see the K 

WK aL Kong boo ké. 
Ya Kam l4m, Bi ii kdn nd, an 


Lam a4 Gé lam, ae B, the name ofa plant. 
The south ; lam haé, if i, the 
Lam FF southern sea. Ying yéa, k’ho 

soo lam béén, Hf th, By (8 

ri rial Yung yéd, Phang saé chéy lam bin, Ying 

tin can be set to face the south; (i. e. can be put in of- 
olive. fice, as all magistrates sit in their courts with their 
Bz Po faces towards the south) see the = ah i ia 8. Lin gé. 
Lam : The same as the above. | ; 
tim ne Né lam, We i, the chirping noise 
made by swallows. 
Lam * "5 To take up in the hand. The name ofa wood; lam héang 
ron ‘Lam bok, Ay AP ZN lam héo"9 ch’hd, 
Je a fragrant kind of wood. 
Lam To take hold of. Ne ss 
A cA -. Lam 1am, a ai, the appearance 
| rye pit of much talking, loquacity. 

Lam ] To take hold of, and keep fast. | we Blies'a plant Polyeduam Cixnenads 
| Lam ‘PP oe lam, 5 Le purple; kay 

lam sin ms the name 

/ Weak, without strength ; inferior, : 4 in E ie 
Lam of an idol; the name of a plant, used for dyeing an 
Bex bad, cowardly. : 
4 azure color. 

= RO téén, At HA lan ch’han, 4 plo lay, 4m tin FE, torn and ragged 
Lam JF. z moist ground, a marshy, sloppy Lam clothes; tattered garments. Pit 
place. loé lam lay é k’héy kéang, a 

2B A male person; 1am jin, BY KN s % thi - W EX ies pit loé ch’héa lam liy 

Lam ta po lang, aman; lam lé, B sa & Whéy Whwouy kéang kaé, with only a bam- 

tr ta po kap cha boé, men and 
women; also written (Bi, lam. 
Chéang séang pin bob chéding, lam jé tong choo 
Lean A A EE OE 
ip chédng kwun chaé séang pin tey bé chéng, ta 
po ké"é téoh ka té choo kéing béng, generals and 
prime ministers have originally no hereditary suc- 
cession, (their offices are not hereditary,) but every 

young man must depend on his own exertions. 

boo carriage, and tattered garments, he opened out 

the borders of his territory; see the zz (ah Cho 

Lam sam, fe , eae cor- 

rupt, vicious. 

Lam ie kad, TE it, le hd, any 

thing incorrect, cut of order. 



LAM 427 
Lam Pe Vulg. nd: a basket; a surname. Lam a The sound) of carriages; the rum- 
Mane Ti bling of carriage wheels. 
A hill ee 
Lam’ illy appearance; a mountain Lam / 3 ie bubbling up of a fountain. 
| 4 

The name of a country ; also writ- Y omg 
Lam sad Hit, ee Lam ' A tow-rope for pulling a boat along. 
Lam To drink off; to covet. Lam BE Lam kam, i Bi, covetous of 

Ti wealth 

The name of a fruit, like an almond, 

Lam Lam Ay Soft leather. 

a plum; the leaves are like those 

of the mulberry. 


but sour; some say, that it is like | 


$ | 


# > bere: overflowing ; hwan lam | 
Lam iB € téung kok, JL jz Ws rh 
; hwin lam té téung kok, over- | 
flowing the middle country; see ia -f- Béng choo. | 

A railing ; lam ke Hinr WE. lan cl’héa, | 
- > / 
Lam a prison cart, or cage, for the con- | 

veyance of prisoners from one 

place to another. 
Chéet lam seng tit sin, dy a WE iti Fa 
cheéh lin kan seng pedou tedou tit dy jin sin, 
the broken railing will remain as a signal for faithful 
ministers ; (this was said by a prince who sentenced 
one ofhis ministers to death, for faithfully reprov- 
_ing him, and afterwards, when his minister broke 
the railing rather than be taken away, ordered him 


to be reprieved, and the broken railing to be 
as an encouragement to others;) see the rp 
Soo ke. 

ipsa bulwarks of a ship of war, in- 
Lam fap tended as a defense against stones 

and arrows. 

A corn, or induration of the skin on 

the hands or feet. 

Lan 10, Hj 5 phin to"a, lazy, 

Lan idle; also written Wi, lan. 
A face covered with shame, and red 
Lan with blushes. Kwan ké sek lan 

lan jéen, PH HH C4 He aR. 

SI Wao" € dy sek dng dng dy “yer, look how 

his countenance is suffused with blushes; see ih 

F- Béng choo. 

Lan Hef r respect, to reverence, to fear. 
Read choo: we, us; choo téng jin, 
Lin ry Re A lan té"& lang, we 
a Ee To screen, to interpose between ; 
Lan fe bin lan, FA bel moot"S lan, a 
screen before a door. 

Chin k’hé LéAng ch’héen é 1é, yéw hé san é lan che, 


Chin kok k’h? Lédng kok ché"4 ch’heng gwa lé, woo 
kang hé sw"a né™G € jéa lin e, Chin is -distant 
from the Léang country upwards of a thousand fur- 

longs, and rivers and mountains divide them from 
one another ; see the ink He Chéén kok ch’hek. 

Lan hwa, Fa} Ke, the name ofa 
flower; the general name for the 

class Gynandria. Morrison. 

When there is only one flower on each stalk, and 

the fragance is abundant, it is called pap lan; but 

when there are many flowers on one stalk, and the 

fragrance is diminished, the flower is called ¥B ,hway. 

Lan chap, Hie fe nw"d chih, to 
Aa hinder, to stop ; chéa lan, ni Hi 
lan ché, 
teal ik nw"é ché, to stop, to intercept. 
Lan yi 

Lan Hf] P’héen lan, tn Hi mixed colors. 
vin Bef Vulg. sh: difficult; kan lan, EAN 

uae, troubled, distressed. 
Chek 14n é kwun, wiy che kéung, 

a HE iN A aH a Ay t"@ oh dy so0 kap jin 
Hd kéng kéd kéung, to reprove one’s prince in 

" difficult matters is a token of respect; see ih + 

Béng choo. 
trade, a balcony; gnéw lan, i 

Lan es 
Hyp £04 lan, a fold for cattle. 

Lan Bebe scarce. 


jéa nw"d, to obstruct ; 

Waves, a flowing expanse of water. 

Lan kan, Hig HF, a railing, a balus- 



Read léng: superabundant, super- 
Lin = fluous; léng ch’hiy, y REE lan 

sdn, odd, miscellaneous; over and 

Read lin: scales; gé lin, fi. fie 
hé lan, the scales of a fish. 

» Hwan lin ché4 seng e sé gé, XL 
fie y= HE ys HE #4 hwan wood lin dy meé™h 

sai"S twa té chédng hé, all scales are produced on 

what are generally considered fish (fishes have scales). 
Vulg. nwa: rotten, boiled to rags, 

decayed, and decomposed ; ch’han 

Lan if 
lan, We ie, bright, clear, reful- 
gent. Béng seng yéw lan, A is A ia béng 

clW’hai"& woo lan, the bright stars are clear; see the 

va inl, Téng hong. 

Lan ban, fe i, dripping, con- 

stantly is 

Chae lan, R HE, misfortune, af- 
fliction; to compare. 

Lim lan boé koé béén, ie Eig 
Se 43] Gf lim kan lan dy sé b6 ho€ cl’ hea bééns 
on coming into trouble, do not improperly seek de- 
liverance ;* see the ith iz K’héuk léy. 

E k’him séw yew hé Jan yéen? 7A F BR AR 
fy Bat 5 kap Whim stw pé-wod sa meé"h oh? 

why should we compare ourselves with birds and 
beasts ? see a F Béng choo. 

Ay Sik leng, Fy WA chédh lang, a hole 
Pp in a rock. 

> Ch’hong léng, te if cl’ hang 

ws lang, the noise’ of calling to one 
The sound of a drum 

Lan iy 


beating the retreat. 



K’hong long, Ft te Mhai"S lang, a 

Lang level place in a valley, fitted for 

cultivation; also written fie, lone. 

s Ie» Read long: a basket; séang long, 
Lang BE, $i 4G seo" ling, a basket or 
A trunk; nedou long, B se chedou 
ldng, a bird’s cage; teng long, Us rid teng ling, 

a lantern, 

Read long: clear; béng long, HH 

S ils béng lang, distinct and clear. 

z Read jin: a man; h"o jin, - XK 
Ling h6 ling, a good man. 
Jin j@ put jin, j@ léy ho? AL Ty 

A EE tp iF (a tang na a jin tek, e hwat ley 
s"a meé"h taé wi? if people have no benevolence, 
what can they do towards fulfilling propriety ? see the 

a if Séang lin, 

Lang To beat, to strike, 

Lang To rub, to grind, to polish, 
fe" long: deaf; jé long, ¥. ia 

Ling A ch’haou hé ling, deaf, unable to 

Jé put vhéng gnoé seng che hé, wat long, F AR 

He FH EZ Fn ED BB ie Whang bo vhe"a 

goé sé"a dy hd, king kéd lang, when the ear cannot 
distinguish the harmony of the five sounds, it is call- 
ed deafness, 

Phe Read léng: a cage; ne4ou léng, B 
Lang HE, €é chedou ling, a bird’s cage; 
teng léng, Ks nig teng ling, a 


Jit gwat long téung nedou, 5 | A fi yh BR 



jit goéyh ling téung dy chedou, the sun and moon 

(in the heavens) are like a bird in the cage. 

24 Léng héet, J [ffl dang hityh, mat- 

Ling ji ter and blood. 
re Hoé pat jit o€ léng, te ANB 
in i aou payh jit chéw abu lang, after eight 

days (the patient) will vomit matter. 

FRI To amuse children by soothing 

Péén hoé long, $33 Lita 1% pec"S 
Lang kaéu lang, to play apish tricks ; 

to juggle, to perform sleight of 
hand tricks. 

Read long: to sport with, to trifle; 
hé long, RR - he lang, to play. 
E-goe jéak j@ put hd long, By Fe 
DA ih A LF- FF. E-goé noot"S chi"a jé u™ ad 
ga6u chéén, E-goé was weak (in his childhood), 
and was not fond of play; see the FE fai Cho twan, 

AEE 0 instrument for catching fish; a 


~ 5 Vv hand-net, 
re ; 
se ind . 
Laou Ae Laou — ti , great of sta- 
ture, gigantic. 

Laou yéép, £ BE abu héoh, the 
siri leaf or leaf of the betel pepper, 
chewed with the areca nut. 

Laéu on A sound, a noise. 

To bend, to flinch, to draw back. 
Put hoo laou, put bok 6, A 8 

+ 3 | He i néw bah, w™ 

chabu bak, not to allow one’s flesh to flinch, or eyes 
to blink; see ri F Béng choo, 



ag RS Read kwaé: a rogue; kwaé chod, 
Laéu se 
4 F- laéu d, a cheat. 


# a P= Read lok : to fall ; 16k yéep, B a 

Laou . v ladu hééh, the fall of the leaf. 
Goé tong lok yéép, théen hay 

cl’hew, 42% Hel i HE K - AK g0¢ téng ladu 

“ nébh Phee"S ay cl’hew, when the goé tong casts 

its leaves, all the world knows that it is autumn, 


Read loé: a gallery, an upper 
room, a chamber. Heéou gwat 
chedou kang loé, Be A Ha 

yx HE hedou goéyh chéd kang laéu, the clear 

moon shines upon the gallery by the river’s brink. 

Read léw: to flow, to run down 

Labu | ‘ - like water. Léw siiy che way but 
: Wu. yéa, put, eng k’ho put héng, Hic 
KZ Pa Doe Ae GR AR AT et 
chity dy chd meé™h, 66 mw" k’ho chew bé ké"a, 
flowing water is of such a nature that if it does 
‘not first fill up its measure, it does not, flow on; see 
m4 =F Béng choo. i 

. Evsang léw, 

OF léw’: to detain ; 
Labu ae #8 2H séo ladu, to entértain one. 
Yéw yéuk way 6ng léw héng 

chéa, AR ek Bs a ot 1 47 KG w0d dy ae 
Phéy dng ladu e ké"A, there was one,who wished 

on behalf of the king, to detain him “from his jour- 

ney; see mh =f. Beng choo. 
y Read lw: a surname; Léw-pang, 
Laéu ; Ja Zi Fh Ladu-pang, the founder 

of the ee, Han dynasty. 


y Taou laou, ia #. soldiers plun- 
dering people’s goods. 


A small gong, or a bell without a 
Laéu tongue , which is held by the cap- 
tain of a troop, in order to arouse 

the attention of his soldiers. 

Labu 62 Read lew: as Kaou-léw-pa, we ney 
FQ NW Ka-laéu-pa, Batavia. 

EE Busy, not tranquil; laou jéét, Fal 

Laou | os 33 ladu jwith, bustling, all alive. 
r Laou: tong, Fé) Hh}, to disturb 
one; also written WA, la0u. 

Laou,taou, Bk Ba, an ugly deform- 
ed child. 


Laou ch’hong, Tai ie labu ch’he"S> 

y ry ; a running sore.: 

A leaky house. 

S . 

: » Read lod: to leak ; lod séet, fa sit 
Laiu *% labu séet, to leak out, as a secret; 
ch’hwan loé, fi. NF chiin laou, 
aleaky ship; ok loe, Ja jf ohhod ladu, a leaky 
house; loé choo, Hi tt lau 4, a fannel, a tun- 
dish ; loe ch’hut, re Ae lau ch’hut, to leak out ; 
keng loé, iid ie kai" ladu, an hourglass, formed 
of water instead of sand ; ‘a clepsydra. 

Loé chin géuk: hoé ‘kan, sea He 5 9 as ny 
laou chin géuk hoé ta,-when the hourglass is run 

out, the pearly cup is dry. ~ 

! py Rew lb: olds lo jin, Fe A taou 
Laéu ae Jang, an old man. Kip ké lo yéa, 
: kaé che chaé tek, a Hk x. 


ro Tk Fi #é A: hip kadue ladu, téoh héng 

kad té ae tit tédh, when people are old, they 
should be careful of the desire to obtain everything, 

(i e. of covetousness ;) see the Bi #H Lin gé. 


Ci’hap lap, 6 fill, 2 dwarfish 


> AB 

To sink down, as in the mud; oé 
lap, VAS Ai), a muddy road. 

Loose skin; the skin loose and 



KR To receive, to obtain; lap hok, 4h 
o Als jij, to obtain happiness; lap 
ayy héang, AL $0) lap bay a, to pay 

Ch’hut lap che lin, wuy che yéw soo, He ty 4 

iH me A BY cl’hut lap dy lin, sek kong 

kéd wo0 soo kw"a, to display niggardliness in bring- 
ing out presents is what may be called a man in 
office ; (because Chinese officers are generally back- 
ward in making presents 5) see ra f- Béng choo: 

To receive, to allow to enter; also 
Lap read loéy: within. Pé bin jé put 

EN i PL ih AR ater 

moot"S jé. i lap séw, to shut the door, and refuse 
to admit-one; ‘see aa F- Beng choo. 

> Lap e, AN x, the garments of 
Lap Nn the priests of Buddha; bwat lap, 
rs ih, a priest’s cap. , 

The end of winter; lap gwat, nh 
FA , the twelfth month, when sac- 
rifices are offered to all the gods 

‘together; also written fifa, lap. 

Vulg. Jah: to hunt; "4 lap, J A 
Lap | _p’ hah lah, to bgt. 
| Lap chéa ‘kaou ch*hok 6 to loé, 

weryt Ba, p'hih Wah dy ling 




séo kaou ch’hok té to loé, the hunters meet and cross 

one another in the roads.. 

To step over, to jump across; lap 
Lap \3 téng, pe Ey to step over to 
another class ; to jump over the re- 

gular series, aiming to be wise all at once. 

Put Kho lap téng j@ chin, % BY Ps 2 Thy HE 

ui” hang lap kiey téng kay jé jip; do not seek 
to get forward by stepping over the classes; see 

yx 5 a 4 Choo bitin kong. 

i Lap chap, +8 +, to be mixed and 
jumbled together. 
As Lap cha (is di ick 
La p chap, fs: isorderly, wick- 
es, te 

A party-colored rope for towing a 

Valg. Jah: the appearance of fire; 
Lap to:roast at the fire; lap jéuk, 

nea By lth bah, to roast flesh. 

Lap eB Vulg. lah > wax; ‘jap chéuk, Wit HE 
lih chek, a wax candle. 

The name of a river; yéak Chey 

7 “Lat -j chod choo haé, jf if 

a im ¥E BB Yip Pheouy tedou 
Chéy kap Lat dy chiiy, jé ch’hwda jip haé, he open- 
ed out the Chéy and Lat rivers, and led them into 
the sea; see in +f: Béng choo, 


Lat Vulg. hodh: acrid, pungent, hot to 

the taste. 

e same as the aboye. 

LAT 4 

Wicked, perverse, warped by pre- 

judice and error. 

Lat i] 
Bod kwae lat che sim, 495 Ff 

ip] e. Xt béh wood kwae lat dy sim kw"a, do not 

harbor a perverse and wicked mind. 

Lat | Pwat lat, id Fil ‘ the hand stretch- 
ed out, the arm made bare. 

Lat 4 | The name of a fish; also written 

NT} is eh, lat. 
Lat To press anything heavily with the 

hy hand. 
mB L6 lat, ae Fil, an exclamation, in- 
Lat =] timating thankfulness, and obliga- 
of trouble.” 

tion :—* I put you to a great deal 

Read lék: strength, energy; k’hé 
lek, $4 J] Whwity lat, animal 
strength; yéw lék, A y/ | oo 
lat, to be strong. 
Hwuy kéang yéw lék ché4, put léng héng yéa, 

JE OR A 71 A AS iG AT A nae detng 

béng, woo lat dy ling, béy ké"4 chéy ley sod, ex- 

- Lat 

cept a man be powerful and strong, he cannot do this. 

Ww Read lék: a chestnut-tree ; lék choo, 

7IN = -F- lat ché, chestnuts. 

Was lat, J fF, a kind of sore, 
NG sound. 

Lay Ini Lé lé lay lay, pS Op rT Ba, 

ambiguous and unintelligible. 




‘wip ad 
¢ or * 
LE g 
nr Read lek: loud thunder; p’hek lek, 
Layh pe fie a phek layh, a violent clap 
Miche, of thunder. 
t: 5x7 a yim: the violent crying ofa 

child, till its voice is gone. 


Layh VR rea lék: the name of a fish. 
Liyh AD To split open; to strike. 
Layh To open a door. 


| VE 

AA Read lip: a hat; téuk lip, t¥ cia 


tek layh, a bamboo hat. 

A light breeze; le hong, sia jal, 
a gentle wind; /e le d, a little, 

Héang lé, $i RB héo"S lé, a vil- 

Fa lage; lin 16, BB FA, a_neighbor- 
hood ; also, a Chinese mile or fur- 

long, a little less than the third of an English mile. 

Lé jin way bé, FR FL BE héoP& le laé woa 

jin W’hah hé, in a village benevolence is amiable ; see 
the | ma Séang lin, 
Tay che chéang k’he yé4 ch’héen yéw é lé, Hh 

Z. WH AU TF A RR BL ey ty sto 

Whe yéd, woo chit ch’heng gwa lé, the countries are 

distant from one another more than a thousand lé; 
see Fa + Béng choo. 
P’hé lé, ins A@, vulgar, low; any 

how. Chit jé put lé, 4 Tj AN 

AE. plain without being vulgar, 


axé The inside, within ; sam 1é, ry #f 
2H s"a lé, the lining of’a garment. 
a Chek chéing but che pedaou /é 
cheng ch’hoe bod put t0, Hl) pia by] Ts 3 ray 
Hii #a 4m Ar Fi] chek chéting meé"h dy gwa la 

cheng ch’ hoe bé a” hadu, then the external and inter- 
nal parts, the coarse and subtle matter of all things, 
will be altogether known ; see the k , Taé hak. 

Lé gé, fie 4, lé hé, a kind of 
carp, the chief of fresh water fish. 
yy) H6 1é teng lé(ing bin, i) eR 

bi #8 FA hé laé bin dy lé hé payh chéo"9 lédng 
dy moot”S, the river carp has ascended the dragon’s 

gate; (alluding to the successes of literary students.) 

Lé Brother’s wives call one another, Anh 
UB, yew le. 
Many, a multitude; an army; a 
Lé stranger, a guest. 

Yin-séang che lé, 
fee BZ We HE AD Hh Vinsine oy 
chéung lang, e dy chd hiéy ch’hin chéo"S ch’héw nd, 
the multitude of the Yin-séang dynasty, when assem- 
bled together, resembles a forest; see the ae aw 
Se keng. 

Ong-sun-kéy té kwun lé, == ih 1 4 ci ik 
Ong-sun-kdy té kwdn kwun lé, Ong-sun-kay mana- 
ged the army; see the oh pe =& Lin gé. 

Bo6 béng pin lé, fi. 3 im ft Wik ia” Phang béy ke 
tit lang k’hityh, don’t forget strangers and guests; 

see th + Béng choo. 

eo The name ofa sacrifice, offered to 
the hills and rivers. 
Kway-sé lé @ T’hae-san, AS K 

iii vi i iy Kwity-sé hédn lé chey té T’hae 

sw"a, Kwily-sé offered the lé sacrifice at T’haé- 
sw"a; see the ai} att en 
Te Sa 

Lin gé. 


ké hady jé lim, | 



Fre" backbone; 1é lek hong kong, 
, 4 Ty Hy Fil) Pha chick hroue 

strength of the backbone was just then firm; see 
the J}. AE Se4ou gnay. 
Various, many, several; 1é ch’hod, 

Be WK tak paé, several times, ot- 


Lé cheng é jin, jE ie A KM tak paé 38 pe 

séw k’h2, often hated by people; see the = =A oa 
Lin gé. 

dy lat tod tod d kong gnay, the 

Lam le, ii ae ragged torn clothes, 
tattered garments. 

Jé lé, ae Myr crooked, intertwined ; 

lam |é, a fe, ragged. 

A small kind of plum; héng 1é, Ay 
ZR, traveling baggage ; a surname. 


Kwa téén put lap lé, lé hay put 

ee Cie Sa 

a kwa ch’hin boh payh RhE dy, lé kha boh twa 
kin, in a melon field don’t pull up the heels of your 
shoes, and under a plum tree don’t fillip the dust off 
your cap; (lest you should be suspected of stealing 
the melons or plums.) 
A female,a young woman, an un- 
married woman. 


Léng yéw @ ch’héuk, lé yéw é poe, 

Po AA BR AR chan crenan woo 

eh’ hun dy ch’hek, cha boé wood sin dy poe, thus hius- 

bandmen would have a superabundance of corn, and 

females would have plenty of cloth; see wh F- 
Béng choo. 

Lé a Read jé: you, thou, 

A : A 
LE 434 LE 

That which the foot treads upon, a 

shoe; to tread; also, happiness. 

Lok ché kwun-choo, hok lé séw 

cue $F HR EAR Z ening 
lok kwun cho6, hok lé teé"8 neé"S e, how happy is 
the good man! prosperity and good fortune cleave 

to him. see the /}\ iid Sedou gnay. 

7” regulate, to adjust, to manage ; 

Ft reason, principle, meaning; to lé, 
oe 34 JH doctrine; yéw 1é, AA 

fH reasonable; t’héen 1é, RK pul the celestial | 

principle, Providence ; leaou lé, Kt ye to manage. 
Séet 1é yim yang, Bath 38 [ie B b6 ledou 1é 
yim yang, to oe the yin and yang (dual prin- 
ciples) ; see the 2 EE Se keng. 

T’héen 1é Sahat jeén, FE FP Wa ae. Phee™S 
lé chéd kadu téoh, the celestial principle reflects all 

things plainly. 

Yom > Ni 
sagt) E le, Yi TE. to walk aside, to 

follow secretly ; connected. 

= To flay; le p’hé, FA Re Piliey, 
ZF) to flay off the ie 

Le Clear, bright, elegant; also, a wild 

beast. Jé jit gwat che lé béng, 
VA) io AZ BM me 
chéo"S jit goéyh dy lé béng, like the brightness 
of the sun and moon. 

To leave, to separate; to be separat- 

ed to a small distance is called 
rate 1é, and to a great one ii, 

péet. Hod choo 1é san, oe F lait TW pay 

hé"G lé sw"a, parents and children separated one 
from another; see ha -¥- Béng choo. 

voRn Lim le, HK #8, a perpetual drop- 
Lé / ping, a constant rain, thoroughly 

wet. Taé é lim lé, k BGI Hk 

3 twa hod Um lé, a heavy shower drenching down- 


La ) 5 Happiness, and prosperity ; happy 

Lé The name of a plant, a sort of grass 
] like foxtail. 

Lé A woman’s petticoat, or apron ; also, 
a girdle. 

ee same as the above; ch’hin kéet 

Lé ke 16, 3 aa + fs ch’hin 

, ay kat e dy lé, she tied her own 
girdle; see the ay A&E Se keng. 

Chéep le, He ze a white hat. 



APE Lé pa, ft te a fence, a bamboo 

Lé aie railing. Ch’haé kéuk tong lé hay, 

R Ay Ht fife T ban kek 

hwa té teng lé dy k’ha, to pluck a chrysanthemum 
flower from under the eastern fence. 

& Ch’hadu 1é, int fi, a bamboo 

Lé- strainer, used in taking rice out 
| of the pot. 
Léw lé, Hit a, the name ofa pear! ; 
Le t pho 1é, He ts prho léy, glass, 
anything transparent, and vitreous. 
Lé The name of an evil spirit. 

A - A 

LE 435 LE 

A kind of dragon; kaou léfng 4 
ch’hek 18, Be ae Ir Wy all | Lé Be ass; yéa 16, BF Ge. a wild ass. 

sorts of dragons, and red serpents. 

= dee Thin, weak wine; poe cho yim lé, 

Lé fifi il BK igs chéah chaou | Lé Spittle, saliva; léting 1é, ae He 
} lim lé, to chew the grains and lédng nwa, dragon’s spittle. 
quaff the thin wine. Poet Ae es ee: 


> Che 1é, Ik is, an affair in which = 4G, a down and an atom, the 
Us , ee co. 
there is much trouble. smallest particle of anything. 
K’hong-choo 1é téng choo se, ¥[, -F- ig id 

3H FE K’hing-cho6 ledow lé tea teh choo cl’ hityh, 

n Bwat lé, 4 the name of a flo- 
Lé ei) a ‘il 2 Confucius regulated and fixed all the books; see 
wer, the Jasminum grandiflorum, = 
the Fy EE, S06 ke. 
A widow,a woman, who has lost 
Le | Kap lé a sort of oyster. “ . , 
“P » es Hf, : . Lé her husband. Lé yea, hé haé? 
tik bt | = kw" é boé, woo 
s"a meé™h haé? widows, what harm can they do? 
Lé Ko lé, fal RE. the country of Corea. ; 7 

see the Te ili Cho twan. 

A kind of straw; coarse grass ; gan 

== 2 Hong le, ra Blt» a yellow kind of gnaé ké 1, F Xi] He si 

Lé FX bird. Lim bok chwan hong le, | 
kong kwth e dy ko ch’haéu, talking 

yy) ne 
# 7X i iM iat get about cutting the coarse grass; see the Al fa 

dy cW’hd tit habu héng lé, in the trees of the wood 
Chew lam, 

the yellow finches are screaming. 

rae] \ aes a Soe coe 


crooked spine. 

n inut 
Le A horse of a beautiful jet black. Lé Hwun le, Zp jig ) Dies Sopa 
») , division ; small weights. 

A wheelbarrow, anything for car- 

Lé va Ui im, eer pant, Lé rying earth in; a hod, a basket. 
used for dyeing red, a kind of reed. Ka’ kwuy hw4n Idy lé je yéém 

A shed; ch’ho 18, Bi lf ch’hasu che, Be Ge FR Wh HE in HE ZL kee wh 

Lé 12, a straw shed; séa le, A> fe, toot& lat, ying iy kap Ue Whd yéém Wham e, 

acottage. Lam Yang Choo-kat lé, for he returned back again, and took a basket and 

fA 34 i B ig. lam Yang woo Choo-kat dy lé, a wheelbarrow to get earth with, in order to bury 
on the southern Yang is the hut of Choo-kat-léang. (his parents); see jf > Béng choo. 



LE 436 

HB, a fox; t’hMa jit kd 

Hoé 1é, 
zu che Rid sit che, Al, H if 
aa BY LM e Z, pat jit keng 

kody e, hoé 1é chéath e, another day passing by, he 
found that the foxes had been eating (the corpse) 5 

see ho Béng choo. 

The same as the preceding. 

Lé gé, AE 2h coarse, vulgar ex- 




The gate of a village; a hamlet con- 
sisting of 25 families. 
a Tek choéy é héang tong chew lé, 

‘i BF: is yal i Ni Fal tek chiéy kap héo"& 

tong chew lé ay ling, to offend against the people of 

one’s district or circuit, village or hamlet; see the 

iz jy Fh) Léy loéy chek. 

To be sorrowful, to be grieved; héng 

} ch’hoo pek 1é, pes Wy B HE 
i to6 tédh chéy léy chéd payh hang 

dy hwdn 16, meeting with these hundred troubles ; see 

the > fil Ong hong. 

Read léy: a kind of black wood; 
J 1é bin, Ag KR, the black-headed 

people, the Chinese. 

Jo Read lé€m: ablind, a screen; bin 
léém, FA Bie moot"S 1é, a door 

Vulg. Jaé: gain, advantage, interest ; 
API sharp, cutting ; a surname. 
Se4ou jin jé é lé, ny K Way 

is Ail sdy dy ling bat chéy léy lé, little minded 
people think of nothing but gain; see the km Fin 

Séang lin. 

Chaé 1é, yy Ai; profit, gain; lé chéén, FR) Sa 

laé ché"&, interest of money. 

: > + 

tal'® oe ‘ 
LE et As 


" Leng 18, KP ffi) leng laz, cunning, 
artful, clever. 

> Ay le, nN ii sé6 lé, fa diar- 

rhea, or looseness of the bowels. 

To flow rapidly; the same as the 


A law, a rule, a regulation ; to com- 
} pare, to adjust; lut lé, ef fil. 

laws and regulations. 

] A tree growing crosswise. 

aD To sink in, as in the mud. 

A follower, a friend, a companion, a 

Lin pat lé héng, Bi 2 1 4F 

lin b6 séo pwd ké"4, the fabulous animal lin does 

not go about in herds. 
Lut lé, 4 Fi, laws and regula- 
ie tions; the spine; also, long; a 
surname. Lésdng, f4 Sp oManila. 
Y va A long standing sickness. 
1 The lintel of a door. 

To come to, to come before, to des- 

cend toward; also written yi. Je. 

v, Chong é lé che; Ein We 4 rg 

géém chong é laé kadu e, to come before the people 
with severity and rigor; see the em aa Lin gé. 


To be separated from, to a small dis- 

tance, or for a short time. 

E kwun lé chéa, fA A Batt a 

_ kap lé séo lé, when separated from you, &c. 


Lé BED Inciterens indisposed for exertion. 


up” rail at; lé ma, = B lé mai”9> 
Le = to scold. 

Sedou jin wan jé le jé, Jv J, 
FE ye Ay sedou jin wan laviin lé 1 mai? 


lé, worthless people dislike you and rail at you; see | 

the it AG Se keng. 
To consider; sod lé, BA ig. to 

ponder over, to be anxious about. 

An jé hoé léng le, Fa i is 
HE ja an jé abu éy sod le, when people are at rest, 
then they may consider ; see the k fh Taé hak. 


ha y To strain any liquid; 1é choo, i 
Ac FF lé d, a strainer. 
Lé Vulg. léy: a file; to file anything. 
Le p An euphonic particle, used at the end 
of colloquial sentences. 
La The name of a tree, of the bark of 
e -_ 
which paper is made. 
Kwan lé, ‘= bu kw" a lé, an officer 
Lé of government. 

T’héen choo soo lé té ké kok, 

a Ff (gi ip 4 tt [a hing tey saé chit dy 

kw"a lé té e dy kok, the emperor employed an officer 
to manage the aflairs of his province; see fy —f- 

Beng choo." 


os py 
Léa Ee Soup made of bones. 
Léa Loose skin. 
Léah P ] To cut off, to break short; to stick. 
Léah Read léak: to take by force. 
PR Read n4: to take hold of; na jin, 
Léiih 2B AK léth lang, to apprehend 
Ff people. 
Lith AES Tie same as the above; to seize, to 
—-- take. 
Read poé : to catch ; lé bod tuy poé 
Lith 4B che k’hoé, E me 56 fifi re 
VE hula le b6 tuy leah lin dy 

kan k’hoé, we are not harassed with officers coming 



to take us up. 
A little, trifling; hwat leak, 2 [I. 
ne to treat lightly; kan leak, AR In 
to cut short, to abbreviate; yadu 
léak, bs Ne, the most important part. 
Téang-léang séw sam leak che swat, ie fa a 
=z PR Teo"S-ledng siw sMa dy boe leak 
dy sdéyh, Téo8-léang received the explanation ot 

three important plans. Also written Re, leak. 

ee To plunder, to take as a prey ; léak 

Léak eR @ kaou yes, ft PA RK BY 

léak meé"h té kaou yéd, to plun- 
der on the borders and in the wilderness; see the 

iy fold Fi Chéeén kok ch’hek. 

Léak AWS name of a god. 
a - 
a Vulg. n6: two in number; also vulg. 

Léang , yn né6"S: a tael in weight; sip léuk 
lé4ng wily yit kin,  B WB i 
Fy sesh Fr chap lak né6"& chd chit kin, sixteen 

taels make one catty; (a tael is 14 oz, troy.) 

Lédne Ké léang, 15d 5, clever, inge- 
= nious, artful. ; 

Bong léang, ag ihm, the spirits in- 


festing marshy ground. 
eS yp Good, virtuous; séén léang, as R k 
Léang good and gentle. Yit jin gwan 

léang, ban pang é cheng, —~ A 

Ft jes ig #R Ww Ey chit lang séén lédng, 

ban pang & cheng keng, when one man is eminent- 

ly excellent, all countries will be purified by him ; 

see the a * A Se vhaé kap. ;! 
' Vulg. né6"8: a young lady; sin 
Léang aR léang, Ff dy sin né6"8, a bride. 

When the daughter of the first 
emperor of the BS, Téng dynasty raised a troop 

in defense of her~father’s cause, the regiment she 

raised was called (lé4ng choo kwun, dh + Bp 
: a a dy kwun,) ‘the young lady’s troop;’ see the 

pe de Téng se. 

Léang AB ™ same as R, léang: good. 

The same as if, léang: provisions; 

léang ch’ho, i c=) néo"s 

ch’ha6u, provender. Séen héng 

léang, hoé héng peng, FE. 4 na “iia 4F Ee 

taé seng ké"4 né6"8, tdy adu ke" peng, first send 


the provisions and afterwards the troops. 



Vulg. né6"8; provisions, necessaries ; 
chéén 1léang, BS HB cheeng 

Léang Re 
né6"8, taxes, revenue; bé léang, 

" fiz bé né6"8, rice and provender. 

Naé ko hoé léAng, 4 HE fe Ke naé paou pak 

ta dy bé né68, and then bundle up the dry provi- 
sions (ready for a march); see the kK AE Taé gnay. 

by i= To measure; séang léAng, i & 
Léang E =] soo né6"S,, to consult, to deliberate. 
I Liang ke Iek, chd ké 503, #3 

aD W tik am ze né6"S ¢ dy lat, chde dy soo, 

to measure one’s strength, before engaging in any- 

thing. Sdng-t’had-choé, 42 FX jfH, the first em- 

peror of the Song dynasty, with Ted-p’hoé, Ht 7S 

(séang léang téng T’haé-gwan, re ie ie a 

RR soo né6"S té"a tébh T’hae-gwdn,) consulted 
about settling the region of T’haé-gwan. 

en Ch beng léang, is ie , cool and 
Léang 7 ih agreeable. A slight degree of cold 

Léang y 

the people of the K’hek country are generally pos- 

is called op , 1éAng, coolness. 
Thin, slender; K’hek to léang tek, 

oe By ie hea K’hek kok dy 
ling chéy woo poh dy tek heéng, 

sessed of a very moderate share of virtue; see the 

A {8 Cho twan. 

wen Vile. né6"S Iéy: a mother; put bin 
yéa léAng k’hok choo seng, 7,3 

fe] HK BE RE RE 

vhE"a yéd né6"S tit Whadu ké"d dy sé"a, we do 


not hear the sound of a mother’s voice weeping for 

her children, 

» Akind of grain, Barbadoes millet ; 
Léang Yj ’ the Holcus sorghum, Vulg. né6"8: 
asurname. Sin ch’huy bain héng 

léang, 3 KK fil Ht YE sin cWhiey vhi@a 

boéyh wut"I lédng, for a new boiling of the pot, we 

have heard that the yellow grain is requisite, 

% Be 
Léang H A ditty, a kind of ode. 
Léang k léang, Fas PR ch’hod né6"Y, the 

beam of a house. 

A) A bridge; choé chew wiy léang, 

by fi} Bp; Rw cWhing chin 

chd lédng, to construct a bridge 
of boats; also, a beam. 




To believe, to act sincerely; a 
distant light ; clear ; a man’s name. 
Kwun choo put léang, oe hoé 

chip? = -f: A 5 ae ae Sh, kwun chob 

iim léang sin bityh Uh6 s"a meé"h laé chip? 

when the good man is without sincerity, how can he 

feel attachment? see ia =f- Béng choo. 

ae, clear and distinct. 

Béng léang, A} 
To believe in a partial degree; to 
suppose a thing probable; léang 

Léang aye 
RF pit, it Ws, it is likely, one should 

suppose ; also, to examine, to assist. 

Léang put gné te, Bi as TK A léang bé ling 

chae gwd, surely no one knows me; see the dy Ate 
Se4ou gnay. 

The numeral of carriages; yit léang 
Léang ai) ke, — pf Hi chit 208 ch’héa, 
one carriage; pek léang chéang 

che, Fy Ww nee ? payh téo" ch’héa thy e, a 

hundred chariots accompanied him, 

Ke léang, 1p iif}, a carriage wheel, 

Léang. an Yitkelé4ng léang, yit léang lé4ng 
mé, — TE i i — 

iw 5] chit téo"8 ch’héa nd dy lin, chit dy lin 

n6é chéah bdy, each carriage has two wheels, and 

each wheel two horses. 


| Ledéou 


Léang Z Ke Far, distant. 

s=—% A measure; toé léang, EE BE, 

Léang a measure, a capacity. Chéang 
EB kwun t&m té taé, chaé séang 

wb Teang bing, HG OB WE AS KE HA 
PE Eh GE chiang kwoun dy 16 w tod, chat 
séang dy toé léang hae, a general’s courage and 
skill should be great, and a prime minister’s capa- 

city should be comprehensive. 


Leaou pee upright. 


Finished, done; determined; fully 
comprehended, Se&ou jé leaou 

ledou, taé bé pit ké, jh i i 
Tk 73 Wy Bp sty je ledou ledou, toa bé 

pit éy ké, although a person in youth is very intel- 
ligent, it is not certain that he will be anything won- 

derful in riper years. 

To'take, to take away; to take hold 
Ledéou of with the hand; a good appear- 
ance, Wan nedou bok séang 
lefou, et FB, BE AR FRE Aadu hap chedou b8. 

séo thaou @hayh, apes and birds do not steal from 

each other, 

Clearness of the eyes; clear vi 
héung téung chéng, chek boé 
ledou yéen, eg rp E Hl 

SF BRR FR tong tang "8 chia, bak ang 4 

kwui"J, when the feelings of a man’s breast are 


correct, the pupil of his eye will be clear; see ih 
-f- Béng choo. 

To entwine, and twist about, to wrap 

around, to bind. 



Ledou Iyer high and precipitous mountain. 

ee } Long and slender, like the twigs of 
a willow. 

teion a an A very acrid kind of vegetable ; 
2 Polygonum barbatum. 
Leéou A polite designation for a female ; 
’) also, to sport. 
Ledou lek, ie ie feelings of com- 
Leaou iy passion, to be grieved about any- 
LA thing. 
2B A friend, an associate, a colleague 
Lefou in office. A surname. 
t Ledou yéw, tt Re. friends and 

To cry out, to scream ; leaou léang, 

Leaou Y S Re Wee, a distant noise. 

A small window; ch’ho ledou, c= 3 

Leaou J 
5 RE, a straw shed. 
To manage; to stir up, to provoke, 
Leaou y to challenge. 

Tan té téAng maéu ledou chéén, 
iA, fF te i dk Hk twa gim té"8 madu 
ledou chéén, only holding a long spear, and pro- 

voking to battle. 

Téng ledou, je RE, signal fires, 
lighted ec 

si A. Téng ledou yéw kong, Jer rE ie 
#8 Ht; téng ledou woo kwui"S, the signal a are 
bright ; see the sh ft Seaou gnay. 
4 = Far, eee ké ledou leaou 
eaou héy ! SER OK e 
Le ene its 2: 2 
remote ! see the ae Be Ch’hoé sod. 



Lefou Long legs. 
. g leg: 

Twisted and entwined around. 

To hunt by night; naé séang éleAou 

Leaou TR éhwity pot, Th HF] Hi HE Jy 
A) naé séang kape phih 

mai"S kan dy ae té a hwa dy hwui"8, come 

and let us have an evening hunt together in the hwuy 

flower garden. 

Lefou The name of an insect, a kind of 
ave = cricket. 
A - 
Leaou a To speak artfully, and ambiguously. 
Thou Haou ledou, & tt, great in stat- 
Leaéou Ze Empty, void; still, retired. 
Leaou AA To run away; to cross the legs. 
Lehon Cheaou leaou, tif HO a small kind 
yp of bird. 
Moreover ; carelessly ; anyhow; to 
Leaéou "depend on, to rely upon. 

Soo théen hay hoo choo put 

séang ledou, {isi RK PP o% = 7S 48 Hit 

saé thee™S ay dy pay ké"a v6 séo e wa, thus you 


will cause the parents and children throughout the 
empire, not to depend on each other; see the hip 

pe fey Tm & twan. 

ve < lofty appearance of hills ; distant, 
Ss and wide. Also written a, ledou. 

AZ Sorrowful, displeased. 

- Vulg. 14: the fat of the inwards; te 
sy ledou yéw, i rat yh te li yéw, 
the fat around pig’s kidnies. —_, 



To measure, to calculate, to number; 

leaou 1é, #4 iP, to manage. 

Chaé leaou, it Hy, materials | 

for constructing anything. 

Leaou bin é T’hae-gwan, 44 FR AS Ay JAA 

leaou swui"S payh sal"& twa té T’hae-gwin, to 
number the people in T’haé-gw4n. 

Tong seang leaou lé, sy i #} Jif té5h séo | 

leaou lé, we should manage it together. 

Leaou FS} The brightness of fire. 
Leaou AA A surname. 
Zz : 

To be sick ; to stop.a disease; leaou 

4 ke, fix fil, to stop one’s hunger. 
A fire burning, a flame; to let the 
Leaou fire burn. 

\  Leaou che hong yang, put k’ho 

phok béet, HE ZZ Ay PL AR BY PR Bw 

ledou hié dy tod tod & toh, chéw b6 Uhang p hah hwa, 
when the flame is just spreading, it cannot be ex- 

5 L 

441 LEEM 
R : 
I h AT lift up the hands; a person 
Je) weary. 
Leth ak Lech p’hoéy, wh pe. the skin com- 
BA ) ing off. 
Leth y Read léét : to tear, to rip; léét k’hae, 
a Bel leéh k’hwuy, to tear open. 
Vulg. nee": to take anything up 
Léem between the fingers. 

Song yéép k’ho léem, a GE 
By 5 A se"Y hébh Phang nee"&, the leaves of the 

mulberry tree can be plucked with the fingers. 

a Léom kéak héng, Bk fill 4F lem 
kha ké"4, to walk slowly along. 

To receive, to collect, to gather. 
Léém ABR Léém chaé yéw, Sik HA HA 
Whéoh léém cheé"® kwa sing dy 

| ihe to collect together money and presents; see 

the fl nied Chew léy. 

Sapper up to the brim. 

Pék léém, EY HK, 2 medicinal 

plant of a creeping habit. 


The cheeks, the countenance; ta 
Léem Hl pp Lem, FY A heoih ch’hay p'hdy, 

to give any one a slap in the face. 

The thin part of the loins, the flank. 


Pat « A ; ae 
= | To stick, to paste up anything; 

Léém ‘clammy, sticky ; also written Ri 

Léém rr. pick up any one with the fingers. 
> léé€m. Kaou Jéém, iB * ka 

R léém, glue. 
Pure, uncorrupted by avarice, mode- | 

Léém rate; a surname; ch’l léém | ge 
4 3 SS sCraten eg) ACO | Léém The name of a plant. 
kwan hoo, is Re EB HF Ie 

cl’ heng.déém dy kw™a ho6, pure and uncorrupted ma- 

gistrates. | Léém nil A flag stuck out as the sign of an 

Tin-téiing-choo k*hé put séng léém soo chae? (Sift alehouse. 

fy — e aS a jit 3 P ik Téin-téung-cho6 | : Read lim: to come; lim sé, Fi 
Léém i=} 

Whami™ sé chin ché"a ch’ éé *hak ch’ 
u™ sé chinché"d ch’ heng léém dy thak ch’hayh te léém sé, the time arrived ; 

ling chae? is not Tan-téiing-choo truly an uncor- | pp when the appointed time comes ; 
rupted scholar? see } é ; { 
Pee ae ee an - Beng choo. lim chéet, ia, fi léém pee"S, immediately. 
Je Vulg. lé: a screen, a blind; ban | 2B ; : ; 
| {? t! oa S 
Titi ae py fik aaa 4 | ieee think of ‘con ee 3 to medi 
y) ~ 2 acoor- | Léem => - tate on; to recite, to rehearse. 
dhs | NZ soa léém, hie Ane to ponder ; 
Léém > 55 The name of ariver, near which | léém se, & a léém ch’hayh, to recite books. 
y y. dwelt a very learned man. Léém keng, ams AS to say prayers, 
Pek-6 Séuk-chéy put léem kéw ok, 44 Hy AN 

Sa eas CP aah gS 

Léem Kéak léém, Ha Tf era lees, tte. | AiR A As 4 Be. Pek-é Séuk-chéy u™ ‘éém koo 

> } shin' bone | phaté, Pek-€ and Séuk-chéy did not think of 
| old evils; see the =i} Pe Lin gé. 

Léém & Koe leém, Sr Hi kaou léém,a bill | Pin léém, Ver Hy, to prepare a bo- 

hook, a crooked knife. | Leém dy for interment; séw léém, We 

Tie, to manage a funeral; also 

Léém Pod léém, ih Ke, e eicala: written ick léém. There is a seaouléém, Ay Be, 

‘a small preparation,’ which consists in winding of 
ae eg ty 
the body in six or seven bandages ; anda taé léém, 

A box containing a looking-glass ; 
Chzal f i i i 
Léem xB choupté8m, We GE chen léém, nK Ie, a great preparation,’ when a corpse is 
re  ihdy?a toile te wound up inten or more bandages. 

Loe léen, wee Wap, wordy, talkative ; 
Léém an Vulg. nee": to pick up anything | Léen ih sounds used in singing similar to 

with the fingers. Also read léem. 3 “fa, sol, la,” &c. Also read léén. 
os A sacrificial vessel; hoé léén yea, 
ty é é Tr neé™ n > ; 
Lain Ze Léém chéén, fe Bly 2eé S cheé"8> Léén t 5 iH } Hi th, a vessel used in sac- 
J the Gavel ot ara rifices to contain grain. 


% To carry things backwards and for- 
Léén 3 wards. Hé-wan 6 chéén maé 

chek léén sfiy hw4n che, (ry ad Vd BS a 
It ik As Se EA WB OK 

Hé-wan thé cheé"8 béy chat"S chivy, w™ séw cheé"& 

chéd, chek léén chtty hwin e, H6-wan took some | 

money to buy well water, and when they would not 

receive his money, he conveyed the water back to 

A carriage, a cart pushed along by 
Léén people; léén kay, i HE the 

emperor’s'chariot ; léén hay, i 
¥, under the wheels ; i.e. near the imperial resi- 

dence; pwan léén, Hie +, to transport goods. 
To rub orroll up anything in the 

Léén hands; ché léén, {ft PR chod 
éU WW  léén, a roll of twisted paper, used 
as a match, 

Léén POR: jéén: to roll anything under | 
1 the feet. 

Léén To turn round, to revolve, as a 
wheel on its centre. 

Leen A A round stone roller used in grinding 
anything, or in breaking husks. 

Léen Round; léén_ bit, fA Py léen 
meé™h, to roll a thing up round. 

To roll anything up in the hand, 
Léén 4 

till it becomes round. To bowl 
along as a ball; to be run over by 
@ carriage. 

ws chéng sfiy,-put sew chéén chéa, | 


¥ Léén choo, ‘a fF. léén dG, twin | By 




Vulg. neé"J: a year; béng léén, 
AA Sp mat" neé"S, next year. 
Sam léén bod kaé é hoo che to, 

Lie wiy oe 2, = SE HE Oe RZ 

if >) SR # FR sa neé"S bb kdy & néong 

pay dy to lé, thang kong wod hadu 2, for three 
years not to change from one’s father’s-way may 
be called filial piety ; see the iB Fi Séang lin. 


a béén: an opposite; tdy béén, 

Léén if Ey Li téey léén, a pair of an- 
Pp tithetical sentences. 

Léén The ancient form of the preceding. 

4 Connected, united, carried on ina 

Léen > continuous succession. Vulgarly, 

neé"S: a surname. 
zi i séo léén, connected, joined together. 

Léén choo hoé chéé ch’hod che, i fj fe AH 
K wad séo léén choo hoé dy téy jé e, those who 
can connect the princes of the different states toge- 

ther, are next in the order of merit; see im + 

Séang léén, 

Béng choo. 
Léén hwa, pu te, the water lily ; 
Léén » and hé léén, ay 3B, the lotus. 

Léém k’hey séen seng séng hd 

Wen, PR YR AE HE PE Up HE Liem Whey 

sin sai"S stng Uhéy ae léén Inca, the teacher who 

dwelt on the brook Léém was naturally fond of the 
water lily. 

The name ofa fish; haé léén, it 

BB a salt water fish about the 

size of a perch, much used in 

making offerings to the gods. 
wy The rippling on the water, occa~ 
Léén SH] sioned by the action of the wind. 
are H6 sty ch’heng ch’hé"4 léén, 

YT AK jBf AL PB kang chy ch’heng kwe Ween, 

the waters of the river are clear and rippling; see 

the $i Al Gwiiy hong. 

Also, the flowing of tears; k’hip t’héy léén léén, 

iit iy ik fe laéu bak saé léén léén, he shed 

tears most profusely; see the fi A Woéy hong. 
# To boil any thing thoroughly; to 
Léén becomie experienced; to exercise. 

Ch’ho léén, fe Ja to exercise 
or train soldiers. Kan léén, FR ak to essay; 

to prove. 

Léén if 5 A young fowl, a chicken. 

Léén dR” choose, to select; also read kan. 

_A species of cherry, which grows to 
Léén the height of ten feet and upwards, 
with a very exuberant foliage. 

: To smelt metals; to refine and pu- 
Léén \ rify by repeated trials; léén géuk, 

ii FR, the Catholic term for 
purgatory; vhéet léén, a4 hi CVheéh léén Gd, an 
iron chain. 

Kim pek léén, jéén hoé cheng, jin ék jé ch’hoo, 
A BR eR AK do i 
kim chit payh kwiy léén, jéén adu éy cheng, ling 
yéd an néy sai”S, metals after having been refined a 
hundred times become pure; so it is also with men. 
: To try and refine in the fire; to melt 

Léén metals, and separate the dross. 
Lé-wa-sé léén gnoé sek sék, é 
poé ch’hong t’héen, sa 18 K he Rh a Ay 
I ij = RK Lé-wi-sé léén goé sek dy chédh, é 

poe ch’hong thee"S, Lé-w4-sé smelted the five co- 

lored stones in order to repair the azure heavens. 

Léén jin sim, }ifp aN th, to try men’s hearts. 



x To bend down the ear, in order to lis- 
ten toa whisper ; a whisper in the 

H ear. Also, a surname. 
Naé hadu jé 16 chod, téem léep jé gé, J¥ AK Hil 

te Ff Wh HR EE BE nae than sty cha bot 

ké"d, téem léep he l’hang dy wa, following the exam- 

ple of little girls, whispering in each other's ears. 
The mind affected ; to scold private- 
ty, to rail atin secret. Léep jé, 

Léep Mer 
, Wie 1a verbose, talkative. 

Léep F. To miss one’s aim; also, to be 
He afraid. 
stag join together, to connect, to unite. 

Kwan sod bod léep, f i ne 
nat gi kw"a. sod b6 kéem léep, the 

duties of the various offices were not united; see the 

mB si Fn Séang lin. 
= To ascend, to tread on, to walk; to 
Léep a 
3: Léep chéuk hang gnoé che kan, 

na i 4¥ fh. rg fil léep k’ha te hang gnoé dy 

téung kan, to lift up the feet while marching in rank 
and file; see the bad aL Soo ke. 


step over, to jump out of order. 

ES The mane ona horse’s neck; the 

Léep A fee Léep té4ng, 45 fe, 4 strong, ro- 

y bust appearance ; hale. 

MQ To be afraid, to fear, to be alarmed. 

Léep i Yit hoo téung kae léep hok, — 

‘ =) TE PE NB AR nie too 
téung dy lang chd pod ké"a, all the people in the 
whole district were afraid of him; see the Jy u 4 
AP, Hang ¢ ke. 


some fish; kong léep, fall} RR. 

about the mouths of 

oo | 
ee '=9 To fold, to double up, to break, to 
Léep ? Ps ? 
ruin, to overthrow. 
. To dye black ; léep jé put choo, 2 
Léep ¥ tm 4 Fatt nei" gé béy oe, to 

dye without its becoming black ; 
see the ma ap Lin gé. Also written i, léep. 

To take up with the fingers, to col- 

lect, to grasp in the hand. 
To break, to ruin, to overthrow. 
Léep ¥, Vulg. Za: to draw, to pull. 

Hwan-ch’he léep héép chéet ch*hé 
cous, i EH MG at AS 
Hwan-ch’he cheth héép kwut, at ch’hiy I’hé té 
“Gwity, Hwan-ch’he had his ribs broken, and his 
teeth knocked out at Gwiy. 

Séang léep, 1 Hit séo la, to pull one another 
about, in play. 
Léep kéung, dt Fy la kéung, to draw a bow. 

x A grain, a bead; yit léép bé, — 
Léep Hii FR chit Weep bé, a kernel 
of rice. 

Lok sééy léép bé léng léy, to ch’hé che jé put why 

geik, Rk FL AR MR RSM Z 

fii A i jE hé neé"S tang léép bé chin chéy, 

Whith chéy Uhiyh e, jé béy chd pd géak, in a good 

season, when rice is abundant, to take a little more 

from the people would not be considered oppression ; 

see Ta. =} Bang choo. Ké léép, HE Hit hwy 

léép, a few. . 

Léép To steal anything and stow it away 

A rank, a row, an order ; to arrange 
in order; to draw up ina row; 


several; a surname. 


Paé léét, HE Fi, to arrange in order. 

K’hae léét, A All, Khwuy léét,to spread out, to 

separate and arrange. 

Put koé put séng léét, J R Ay mk U4) um 

prhih koé u™ ché"4 Téét, without beating the drum, 
it is impossible to form the rank and file; see the 
FE PR Cho twan. 

Léét wily séang kong! ¥)) fit. via 3S 

men, all! 

Léét YR) A cold air; the extreme of cold. 
> Clear water; clear, transparent. 
Léét all 

Chwan héang jé chéw léet, Je 
chéw ch’heng, when the spring is fragrant, the wine 

, gentle- 

Fe i WH Bl ches piane ji 

will be clear. 


raging, ardent, zealous, chaste. 

DODD Leet @ béng h6, Fil =F FE K 

Khah léét é béng hiéy, fiercer than lurid flames. 

Léét 1é put héw kay, Al 2 HY AB WHR chin 

chéet dy cha boé b6 kih kay, truly chaste females do 

Wes fierce violence of fire; fierce, 

not marry a second time. 

Vulg. leéh: to tear, to rip; leét k*hae, 
A Ba leéh k’haouy, to~tear open. 
Léét ké e, jé twan ké tae, Al 

HE AK tip Hay BE AAR tee c dy sa, je toi" 

dy twa, he tore his ‘clothes, and burst asunder 


his girdle. 

To break, to oppose; to twist, to 
Léét turn. 
Tong sey léét to, ban chew hwiy, 
pi Piz] i ke 6 fit [By tang sac abu twd, 

ban chin toot"8, twisting the rudder to the east and 

west, a myriad of vessels would turn. 

a | 
ae The chestnut-tree ; lek choo, Et +f: 
Lek lat d, a chestnut; to fear, to 

tremble; chéén lek, ink eB to 

tremble with fear. Also written wa ; lek. 

Chew jin é lek, FR} A BE Chew dy ling 

chae lat d, the people of the Chew dynasty planted 
the chestnut tree (at the place of sacrificing to the 
gods of the land); see the Sd ath Séang lin. 

Lek AB presiding shrine in a temple. 

To cut off, to scrape. Also written 

up | Hil), lek. 

To be afraid; to feel alarm and 
Lek ee apprehension. E ke jin séang, 

Ar lek lek jé put bwan jit, a tt /\ 


EER BE in Ay yy A Evnea te lang dy téng | 

bin, lek leh ké"a ch’hin chéo"S bey mwa jit, when 
E. presided over the people he was perpetually ap- 
prehensive, as though he could not enjoy a whole 

day’s comfort. 

PePa Pit lek, a, SB, a kind of pipe 

like a rude clarinet made of bam- 


reed; used by the Tartars. 

Lek ARR Hungry, famishing. 


ek Fee lesh ; the part of the flesh where 

boo, with the mouthpiece made of 

the muscles are bent. 

To stitch up a rent in a garment. 

> = 
Lek Aah 



Vulg. Tat: strength; k*he lék, 3h 
7] Phwiy lat, bodily strength. 
E lek hok jin ché4, hwuy sim 

bak 986,00 1 WR ANH JE 0 Tt 
é K’hwuy lat hok lang, uv™ sé sim kw"a hok yéd, 
when we employ main force to subjugate people, 
their minds will not be subdued; (‘a man convinced 
against his will, is of the same opinion still.’) 
Jéak léng hok téén lék sek, naé ek yéw ch’hew, 
a ke Sk A ta 74 Wp AK 
ch’ hin chéo"S léng hoo chd cl’han, yung lat té kay 
sek, naé yéd wod ch’hew, just as the husbandman 
labors in the field, and employs his strength in 
agriculture, he will be sure after some time to get.a 
harvest ; see the = FASS Se keng. 

The overplus of anything; the re- 

sidue, what is left over, an odd 

The connected appearance of hills. 

To place a number of straws between 
the fingers, in order to reckon 
and prognosticate. Kwuy ke é 

lek é séang jan, fi a a Hh Y Ke EJ 

kwuy Whéa dy té cl’héw chaé"S kan, é chéang lun 
giéyh, to put the odd straw between the fingers, 

in order to denote the intercalary month; see the 

By #l Ek héy sod. 

Lek ji } 
Lék a} strain, to oppress; to engrave. 
Lék sek, 5) yay to’ oppress, to 

extort money by oppression. Lék m4, By fy) , to 
rein in a horse. 

The noise of water; also written 
> r 
YI, 'ek. 

The bit in a horse’s mouth; to re- 

A bird like a duck, but smaller ; s 

teal; some say, that it is another 

ux Eh 

Lek fp 

name for a dove. 

Lek g6, 88) ff ldt hé, the name of 
a fish, (a shad?) which in the 4th 

month appears on the face of the 

water, and the fishermen on hearing the noise, go | 

and catch them. They are in appearance like the 
Bie: fi, sé gé, with smaller heads. 

Lek A man’s name. 
f Le 

Lek th To cut; also written [£% lék. 
ia) B 


® ett 
Le. 2 The dripping of water; to pour out 
° by drops. 
~——= The post to which a horse is tied. 
Lek Hie Lo ké hok lék, ché chaé ch*héen 1é, 
laou bay hok té lek sim che twa té ch’heng lé 
hwur"S, “I am like an old steed submitting to be 

' tied to a stake, but my designs -stretch to the dis- 
tance of a thousand 1é;” (said by vig) im, Hwan- 

wun, when he had designs of aiming at supreme | 

Lek Loé lek, J@ Wie loé lat, a kind of 
Lek A kind of iron pan; lék ch’héang, 
AV wa Sf rr, a kind of spear. 
Lek The rut ofa wheel, 


To pass over, to pass by, to carry, 


to carry to the utmost; an order, 

ii a series. Put lék way jé séang 
<ot0, 7B I fit THI 

wiy jé séo kap ling kéng w4, do not cross over from 
your place (at court),to go and speak with people ; 
see ray F- Béng choo. 

Lek léén che kéw, JE BR YM Uh nec" dy 

ko6, after a long succession of years, 
The arrangement of the times and 


seasons throughout the year. 

T’héen che lék soé chaé jé kéung 

Fe ZL VE Be TE FA Gh whee dy Wek sedou 

twa té lé dy hin sin, the numerical arrangements of 

fate centre in your person ; see the aa Lin gé. 

The name of a fish. 

=e P’hek lok, Be he a peal of thunder, 

a loud thunder clap. 
$6 lék put wan, sé ch’haé léng yé4, 
Ve oe as ti SE Hh it Alt, hea 36 téém 

lh chity jé w™ kw, sé ch’haé ling, if a man’s sister- 
in-law should be sinking in the water, and he did 
not go to help her, he would be a wolf; see f+ F- 
Béng choo. 

Lek Fe A surname. Name ofa place. 
To lay the hand on; to provoke, to 
Lék 155 challenge; lék chéén, By i, to 

challenge out to fight. 

To drown; tim lék, tit i teém 
léh chixy, to be immersed in water. 

To secrete, to conceal, to hide. 
Lék wan jé yéw ké jin, Cho- 

k’hew-béng t’hé che, EE ap ni 

Re # NF i) He yg k’h2"S win hwin, 

jé kap e dy ling ch6 hé péng, Ch6-k’hew-béng sedou 
léy e, Cho-k’hew-béng was ashamed to harbor ma- 
lice, and at the same time manifest friendship to a 

person; see the sm ao Lin 26. 

Lek ey Clear, bright. 


The name of a kind of oak; Quercus 


Read léuk: high and even; song 

“1 léuk, fie é song lék, the game 
of dominoes. 

Read Jéuk: a kind of sea cockle, 

round, thick, and of a variegated 


Read léuk: green; a green color; 

a e héng séang, $4 KK i 

et lek s"a wui"S kwtin, a Ang 

coat and yellow ey 

Read jé: milk; gnéw jé, ip a 
goé leng, cow’s milk; gnéw jé 

yéw, a 4, ih go6 leng yéw, 

butter ; jé choo FL + leng dG, the nipples. 

Biin-6ng sod jé, sé wiy ché jin, ea +z DU aL 
FOB zz <- Ban éng s dy leng, chéa king 
kéd che jin, Ban 6ng had four nipples, and therefore 



was called the most benevolent. 

Read naé"&: a woman’s breasts; 
Leng ai naé"E choo, i F leng d, the 
Milk, the milk of animals. 
Leng Ed Ké-soe che jin, ké gnéw ma che 
leng, 6 séén théen choo che 

hk, BZ NKRER Ze yy 
Pe K +: Zz IE Ké-soe dy ling, ching god 

448 | 


bdy dy leng, é sey hing t2y dy W’ha, the men of Ké- 

soe prepared the milk of horses and cows to wash 

the feet of the emperor; see the gz K +f. {i 

Bok théen choo twan. 


Léng ; Ar Léng teng, ws =, 

a small kind 

Vulg. né"é: the neck; san léng, 

YT of net. 
iL ka sw"a né"d, the ridge of a 

Ling £- 
hill, a range of mountains. 

Té léng pék yin kan, w ka A = faa té né"a 

té pdyh hwtn dy kan, (traveling along,) he left the 

hill-tops far among the white clouds. 

Vulg. né"é: the neck; sam léng, 

oY; fie s"a né"d, the collar or 
neck of a coat. 

Léng béng, by At né"é beng, to receive any one’s 
order ; literally, to take them on one’s neck. Léng 
chéén, el 5S né"d cheé"&, to receive money ; 
po léng, Ne 4A ps né"d, to secure, to engage. 
Mud, mud and water, slippery; né 

léng, Ne is, muddy. 

Léng yee 
T’heng léng, 7 Yee, a small 

stream of water. 


Léng We To kick at anything. 
BS To order, to command; to cause, to 
Léng oN influence. 

pV Péén pé put chéuk soo léng é 

chtn 06 1 BE AR JE WE AD TT 

péen pe b6 K’ha saé léng té bin chéng, favorites and 

minions cannot be employed and ordered about in 

your presence; see na F Béng choo. 


A large mound of earth is called 

Léng léng. Also, to scorn, to despise. 

Chaé séang wiy put léng hay, 

HEE fit He OB  @ seang wiry i leng 

jéuk té hay dy lang, when those in superior stations 

do not despise those beneath them ; see the rh ip 

Téung ying. Hong léng, A Be, the imperial 
tombs. San léng; Wy BE, royal cemeteries. 

ne > An ice-house; léng sit, Be te 
Léng V a place for keeping ice, which is 

used in various sacrifices, and needs 

therefore to be always at hand. A surname. 

Léng FR” pity, to commiserate. 
A kind of plant; léng kak, oa fA, 
Léng a vegetable, called water caltrops; 
the Trapa bicornis. 
Léng Po léng, 3 3, a kind of vegeta- 
ble; spinach. 
Léng Vulg. Jin: a thin kind of silk, sars- 
Y net. 
Divine awe, majesty; veneration. 
Léng Husbandmen, in reckoning the dis- 

tance and quantity of land, say, ké 

lang? $i Jf, how far? 

Léng le, fig fe, the name ofa 

Léng fish, said to have feet, and to eat 
yy) boats. 
Léng Square wood; anything pointed and 
Léng “~~ Slanting, sloping. 

5 .N 



Léng is The name of a river. 

Alone ; to play and sport; léng jin, 

4 A a buffoon; léng kwan, 

tr —. the leader of a band of 
music. Léng lé, fe ff) léng laé, artful, cunning, 
clever, ingenious. 

Léng rs 

Téing ch’hun béng yéw soo séng 

neo fh 8B A AL AT TB en 

cW’hun dy sé kth yéw soo kw"a séng ch’hat k"a 
Khoo, in the middle month of spring officers were 
ordered to examine the prisons ; see the io A Ay 
Léy gwat léng. 

4 Hok léng, TK a the name of a 
Léng ni medicine; the root of the Smilax 

China, called China root. 

Léng or hold in the hand. 


The mind exhausted, at one’s wits’ 


Léng gé, Al A, a prison, a place 
of confinement. 


Léng long, Ww iit, the sound of 

gems; a stone curiously cut; ap- 

Léng $4 

when speaking of their talents or dispositions. 

' An insect that infests the mulberry 
Léng RP tree; ch’heng léng, i be, a lo- 

Beng léng yéw chod, ko 16 hod che, HR RA 7 
fF HR i A ra béng léng wod ké"d, win 
néo"& gid e, the béng léng insect gets a young one, 
and the dragon fly carries it away, (to adopt it for 
its own); see the \s ite Sefou gn4y. 

plied to persons in a good sense, 

VO ance of atin fae -among the hills. 
Léng T To hear, to. listen. 
» i 
Léng Ar gi name ofa river. -Léng léng, 
PV yy oe the noise of water. 
Baie f\ A small bell; small bells attached to 
= horses and banners. 

Léng yang, ty SE oa wild goat. 

= Superfluous rain, anything remaining 
: Ke over, Léng seng, Je FF lan sdn, 

WV _ . aremnant. Léng ch’hiy, 7 ia 
lan sn, odd. A cypher or 0. 



’ 4 
Léng. y =F The name of a river... 
Léng =A small cabin in a boat... 

Léng aE y 

neé"S, I dreamed that the highest emperor bestowed 

yy year, age. Bong tey sek jé kéw 

long, at Dy AT TL 

bang séang. try; 300. hoe lé kabu 

upon you nine years more of life;see the je EC, 
Léy ké. 

Z bird, a lark; peék léng nedou, 4 
| NY) ha B pdyh léng chedou;a paddy 
bird. Also written re léng, bird’s feathers. 


Léug A- The'same as fae, leng;; the rising sun. 


Chit. Jéng, fF he, the name. of a: 

pew Weak and: distressed; hd yang 
Léng . 48S Sip k’hoé k’he léng? ‘ay i #& 
I *® Aga sac saé kadu:héd. k’hoé 
chip léng 2 “why should you thus’ miserably’ cling 
to your troubles?” said by ifi-3 At, Han-jé., 

wee ene léng, WY pee to insist upon, 

Léng ps yea. to enjoin, to bid again and again. 
‘Teng léng chaé ‘sam, léw sin € 
ch’hoo, J. we B= He ue FA Wh teng 
léng cha. sa, labw chéng sin tevchéy. léy wiy, to 
enjoin. repeatedly, thatthe. attention'may be kept 

to this. subject. 

2 Peaceful, tranquil;. rest,’ tranquilli- 
a ty; léng -k’hé, a2 FY, better, 
be: Wis 

rather. aah chéng te wan, tam 

pok béng sim, it BY KR Mi AW uy 

an léng chéng cheng é@y te kaduvhwuil!S, ché®é 


ché"é poh poh éy béng lin dy sim, * in peace and 
tranquillity, we can extend our thoughts to distant 
objects; and a complete indifference to~the world 
will illumine and-brighten the mind3?” ‘said by % 

B BE (ii, Choo-kat Boo-hoé. 
wt Peaceful, tranquil ; same as the pre- 

Léng : 
»Léng, géém, iy ig the name. of 
Léng, | -a book belonging to the sect of 

Buddha. + 
=A spirit, a soul; spiritual; excel- 
Sy —lent;. léng_ hwan, ae BY, sin 

Léng, gee. 
Sp hwin, the soul. Way jin ban 
bit che léng, HEE J\, mW LZ, FE tok lang 

chd ban meéh dy léng, man alone-is.the:soul of all 
things; see the at iE 4E& Se Vhadse.- 

Keng sé léng taé, Ag i | Ere - Rhé thabu chd 

h6 dy taé, they began to make the excellent terrace ; 

see the fh ih Séang béng. 

Léng” ti ‘bars of a window frame. 
Léng aeg™ same as Efe, léng: a spirit: 
Léng > Léng le, a Fl, shaker cunning, 
Bes clever. 
Léng i} % Leng long, Rite HE, the light of 
the sun. 
CMe éy: tobe able, ‘may, can; 
Léng: ray chaé Iéng, Zp fe chaé’ tedou, 
power, ability. “a surname. 

H6 ké to léng yea? (ay EB HE ty 

chw"é e kadu héé chey éy? how is it that he possess- 

es such a multiplicity of talent? said of Confucius 
in the ie ait Lin gé- rt 
Way séng chéd léng che, HE ie ay fie ud 

tok song jin dy ling éy e, only a sage can accom- 
plish this; see the rh iit Téung ying. 

| Thesameas ®, léng? ?the soul; also, 

c bd a little warm. 

ere A dragon ; the chief of the scaly 
Léng AE. tribe; also read léfing. Héén 
A lé(ing chaé téén, t’héen hay bain 

neog JB, BE HE, A FR TRC em 

léng té ch’hin, thee " ay bin béng, when a dragon 
appears in the field, the whole empire will become 
literary and illustrious; see the JH, of Ek keng. 

Bu Good, fine, lionorable ; a command, 
Leng © Pro ‘order. Léng hoé, “ay mh, 
, a double surname. K’haou gan 

léng’sek, séén & jin, JF = AY f4 fit: RR e. 

Rha by toa; hb dy bin sek, ché6 Phieyh wod jin, 


artful words and a smooth countenance are sly. 
dom found connected iene virtue ; see the ar ~ 
Séang lin. a 
Léng chun, ay BS, § your vo Seah father ;’ a 
term’ of respect, when speaking of another’s parent. 
Hwat léng, fe 4y the rules of an order. 

Héén léng, eg ay kwdn léng, the magistrate of 
a district. 

Leng P| To cut ‘off. 
Talkative, verbose, eloquent, skilled 

Léng - AF 
". léng. «Yung yé4, jin jé put léng, 

HE il) KA: ig A te Wung yea; jin a2, jé 
béy gabu kong wd, Yung is benevolent but not 
eloquent; see the ah on Lin gé. 

Léng Af i léng, PE ef, weary, tired. 

_Kaou léng nesolt #8 By ka 

in discourse; ‘also written : 

léng chedou, a magpie. 
Lene 2 Ving Lang leng, fa ts, the appearance 
Ee iy of walking. 
Mud, muddy; ch’ham yit;.é léug, 
Léng yes RB fe iP fas bdy lap te 
nwa thoé, the horses were co- 

vered with the mud; see the 

e fi Cho twan. 

Léng 'To dwell apart, to éiit asunder ; be- 

sides, another. 

H The eyes’ just getting a glimpse of 

x e- 
Léuk Ya) Grass long and high; luxuriant her- 
re eu. 
Le | Read 1é: a kind of cockle or oyster. y= bage. 


Read léak: a little; 2édh léoh 4, in 
ny a small degree. 
Léak tek, pf (i lédh lédh é tit 

té6h, to obtain anything in some measure. 



Lék né, #7} WP, ashamed, to blush 

for shame. 
Séang wat, wut t6 soo kwun jé3 

léukné, RF FE) BB A Be ee 

Séang kong wut chut séo"& kwun lé ; yéd chéw sedou 
léy, Séang said, “I have been anxiously thinking 
about your majesty ;” saying which, he blushed for 

shame; see mr F Béng choo. 
” 2 vere Read kéng: bent, to stoop; kéng 
Léuk WE lok Ihe, FRE YE Be leuk lsh 
#’hé, to stoop down. 

L. To fold in the hem of a garment. 

ivi os ie A. To fold anything. 

eae ee high and flat; dry ground ; 
ae Kes 

a surname; léuk to, he 74, a 
$7, connected, in succession. 

journey by land; léuk séuk, hae 
an ke é héng létk, FE HA YD FF BE cho 
eWhéa é ké"4 sw'a loé, they made carriages for 

traveling by land. 

Vulg. /ék: a kind of sea cockle, 
=. round, thick, and party-colored. 

Léuk is 

ed by the whole world. 


To disgrace; why théen hay taé 

lik, FP KB tae 

Phee"S ay twa jéuk, to be despis- 


aA » To kill, to put to death; to disgrace ; 
BX to unite strength. 

T’héen jin kéing léik, FE J, 
tk By vhee"E ling chd pod laé Phaé, the gods 

and men both conspiring to destroy. 

Pang bod ta, béén 6 héng léuk, FQ AME JAG Oe 
iS Fi By pang bé.to lé, béén é héng léuk, when 
a country has not the right way, to be able to avoid 

being put to death; see the Aa fa Lun gé. 

Léuk kip séen jin, Bf Rm He AK léng jéuk 

taé seng dy ling, to disgrace one’s predecessors. 

Lak yp ee 18k, WB Ai lak tak, a rake, 
Zz a harrow. 

BS A sort of corn that is later sown, but 
Za sooner ripe. , 

Green; léik téuk, Se Mf Uk tek, 

green bamboo ; léuk toé, xk asd 
lek tadu, a kind of green pulse. 

To copy a writing, to record; a re- 
Léuk ae cord, a writing ; to collect. 
Séng léuk, He EX sacred writ- 


eon ie 
Léuk is K > léuk, Fi, to scheme, to 
: v plan. 

Y Léuk létk, $3 ZA, to walk care- 
= fully ; a surname. Hwan jéén jé 

laé, leuk jéén je ong, et OR 

ni AE 3 ME VAS ti fE hwun lwan jé laé, kin 

sin jé Ong, they came in. confusion, but returned 

with caution; see the +f Fa) Ff Hwaé lam choo. 



oooh A 
. Wearied, tired, fatigued. 
° ine; léng léuk sin 
Léuk = .. cw: ’ at ty i [hi Léing Lédng péng bit k’héén, is iii 
a kind of wine. yy ay yéd by paid dy bd 
Vulg. Wk: green; léuk e hong 1é, ch’hay saé, the weary and the aged must not be sent 
Léuk ; $4, K 4 a bk sa wut" on an errand. 
4 lé, a green garment with a yellow oo K’héung lé{ng, Bi fi: the high 
lining Léing pe expansive appearance of the hea- 
+ ie vens; the vaulted firmament. 
Vulg. Jak: six; sip léuk, Zr 
Léuk chap lak, sixteen. 

Pr sit sip téang @ héang, 5 -[- 

kk hs Hf lak chap héey kéth hwaé & té héo"’ 
lé, those who are sixty years of age may carry a staff 
in the village; see yi #¢ Choo chod, 

33 To show favor to, to distinguish by 
favors; to love. 

A Hé théen che léfing ! Py K 
ae Fe, 24 thee"S dy léting a2! what distinguish- 
ing favor from heaven! see the a FASS Se keng. 

A mound of earth. 



Léing We Ta kick with the foot. 



Full, abundant ; high, as a mountain, 
great, eminent. A surname. 

To léfing chek chéfing jé léedng, 

to woo chek ché(ing jé woo, iz [4 Hl) Ht: if 
BE Fa FG BN GE Hid Fy 0  Meting seng, chek 

than e léting seng, to lé la sim, chek t’han ela sm, 
when the principles are exalted, those who practice 
them will be exalted ; and when the principles are 

corrupt, those who follow them will be corrupt also; 

see the io We 5 Léy than kéung, 


- Léing 

The sound of a drum. 

Léing = 

tribe; a surname ; léding wiy, ig 
fiz, the imperial throne. 
Séng léik léing € gé théen, FE FY AE Y) rial 
KR Whéd lak lédng é gé Phee™S, to ride on six dra- 
gons, and ascend to heaven; see the yy AMS Ek 

Léing J The ancient character for iE. 
léfing, a dragon. 


3 A dragon, the chief of the lizard 
Léing AE. 

The breech; the covering for the 

same, trowsers, 

Léiing Téng léung, jin hii, the rising 
A moon; the moon not clear. 

Ve A cage for birds ; an aviary ; a cage 

for animals. 

‘sh A mill for grinding corn; to rub, t 
Léing HE, Sie ee og 

grind ; to sharpen tools. 

The name of an herb. 


, A 
LEW 454 LEW e 
Pi = | ' oye ’ 
x. The name of a fish, found in the rice lé Léw sip, AIL 4, familiar with, 
Pe ffi Golds; ndkews 1 fay Choé lew, Ww free, disrespectful. Léw é kan 
a a mud fish. kew, 4. F K via léw sip hap 
38 ; kan kéw dy ling, familiar with vicious and worthless * 
The willow tree; also, a surname. 
x people. 
Lew Léw tedou, chéfing sedou wut, 

téang taé wut put k’hwut, 
OR GE AS BE Te Je BOK il tose, 
téoh chéting sey wut, kadu té"S twa wut béy k’hwut, 
a willow twig must be bent when it is green, for as 
soon as it is grown large, it can no longer be bent. 
Alluding to children, who should be trained up in 
the way they should go, for when they once become 

old, they are past management. 

Léw Ny rub anything, to feel, to handle: 
céG ) A kind of firework, a squib or a 
Léw We sudden gust of wind. 
Anything bound and tied; to knot 
Léw 40 and bind together. E Sun che 

séy léw yea, ER. ra Ar 

Hb ll E sé Sun dy séy kat léw, E was. bound 
and, engaged by Sin; see FE F Chong choo. 

To turn or twist the hand; séw léw, 

Léw => +H, to twist anything with 
the hand, to wring. 
Léw Pp stocks for confining the legs. 
Anything fastened, or secured; léw 
Léw choo, Git Ff léw a, a button. 

! Lew Who, if Fl lew Whadu, 

a button-hole. A surname. 


ie “ay7) An instrument for catching fish, 
=| made of bamboo. 
==" god supposed to preside over. 
Léw Asp the centre of a dwelling. Ké 

aS soo téung léw, # ie 3) 3 
e c’haé tang e"S dy léw, he sacrificed to the divi- 
nity of the middle of the house ; see the je A 
Léy gwat léng. 


y A place where the water descends . 

Léw low; a cataract, or whirlpool. 

yit sit, jip l6w chek say jéak jé butlék, = F- ft 


yh s"a ch’ heng chitn ké"4 to6 tédh hong chit dy 
sit, Jip léw chek chty éy noot"&, jé téém lek, three 
thousand boats sailing along, and meeting with a 
foul wind enter the whirlpool, where the water is 

slack, and being ingulphed therein, are lost. 

The water flowing down; water 


Léw 7 rushing downwards, as in a whirl- — 
| pool. 

a Vulg. laéu: to flow, as water; léw 

7 L héng, jit 47, labu ké™é, to flow 
along; léw thwan, tic {iif labu 

?hwut"S, to hand down by tradition. 

Sty léw jé put sit, but seng jé put kéfing, kae é 

w way Chey AR HAE TH AS eo 2 

Ay BS WH By AD cbtiy ladu je 06 

hay"h, Bess sai" 76 b6 iad kae yin wiry to lé 
chd Vhéy, “the waters flowing without intermis- 

sion, and things being produced without exhaustion, 

Ar . 

Sam ch’héen chew héng, gé hong f 

Ns LEW 455 LEW 

are all because of a certain principle which is em- 

bodied in them all;” said by we Ff Choo choo, | Léw The same as the preceding. 
Léw hong, fit ih né0"S wut" 
Léw ‘sulphur, brimstone. Also written iy Hanging pearls, or gems, suspended 
Fis léw. Léw as ornaments from the top of a 
i 3 crown. 

Léw B Fine gold ; pendent ornaments. i yas Pek léw, if ey, not to be able 

ae to get forward. 

Béén léw, %, Tk, an emperor’s 

Léew crown ; the crown of the emperor 
of China used to be square on Léw Vulg. Jadu: to detain, to entertain. 

the top with (ché@n hoé sip jé léw, Wi 1% + 

aoa jit. cheng aou chap jé laéu,) twelve strings of 
pearls hanging down both before and behind; this | Law A wen on the neck ; seng lew, Aft 

form of the imperial diadem has been in use (ac- Ii sai"é léw, to have a wen. 

cording to the Chinese) from the time of Héng téy, 

it a Wut"S t2y, (B. C. 2622,) but the present Léw Léw lé, fh BE the name of a bird 
Tartar dynasty seems to have adopted another form. NT} of a cruel disposition 
Lew le, Fe - FR, @ kind ot peal, | 
Léw or transparent gem; a vitreous | 7 a. A red horse, with a black tail 

substance. Also written it. léw. 
E gno léw lé thap, ch’hut t@ chéén ch’hong hay, 

PKR wh wo Wier |. 
pw'a gwd by lew Us Uhap, ch’hut laé hay té Jt Léw Yq To kills vulg. Zadu: a surname. 

Uhang dy, remove my pearly bedstead, and place 

it under the front window ; see a ray iy, Koé se, 
an ancient ode. Léw A red horse, with a black mane. 

> Clear water ; Chin 6 Way, léw ké 

Léw » ch’heng &! } 
. Acs 8 Hi iz ss Léw Sorrowful, distressed. 
yn RR Chin chity kap Why chiy, “4 
léwo e dy ch’heng ! the waters of the Chin and Way, ae) 
how clear are their streams! see the veil Bil, Téng £ 

hong. Léw Doubly damp. 
Sek lew, Fl Hi sdiyh 1éw, a pome- 
Léw granate ; introduced into China 
by Téang-Whéen, A 45, when | Léw Bn name of a fish. 
he went on an embassy to the west. a 


Ceremony, politeness, propriety ; 

bain léy, XK 7: polite. Léy 
che yang, hé wiy kwiy, séen 

oy eR 
ng che td, soo why bé, se4ou taé yew che, jit 
7m WE Zo WM 
Se i kk HH Z, ley dy ying, hé chd kway, 
seng éng dy to chéy léy k’hah sty, sey twa Vhane, 
in the use of ceremonies, harmony is important; ac- 
cording to the doctrine of the former kings this 

was considered excellent; great and small affairs 

were all made to conform to this; see the skh 
Bo] Séang lin. Also written il, léy. 

Léy Ww) The ancient form of ft léy : some 
=. say, ceremonial implements. 
Ley yee The name of a river. 
Sweet wine; ch’hé4 é chéak ley, 
Léy ji ; EL Y) wy ie eh’hé" a laé vhin 
Lod tee"J dy chéw, let us pour out the 

sweet wine; see the Ay HE Se4ou gnay. 

Léy To oppose; to bend. 

Léy Ww To twist, to entwine. 

A kind of spheroidal cockle ; an in- 

Ley EB sect that eats wood. 
ES by All, every one; also, a surname. 
Léy Léy bin put ke put ban, 3 RK 

ok A él Ar 5e chéung payh 

sai”& bey yaou bey kw"4, when all the people can 
escape hunger and cold, &c.; see ia F-Beng choo. 



yy Phe léy, HK yw. glass, any vitreous 

Léy ¥ substance; the gems of western 
\ countries. 

3 fe, The name of a plant or tree of which 

Léy ZA walking sticks may be made; a 

eal xd surname ; Tvhaé-yit jéén léy 
cheaou vhok, AL Z, WR Be HG Bee Taae-vit 

dy ch’hai"S hé"d ley chéd e t hak, the spirit of the» 
T’haé-yit star set fire toa brand of the léy wood, in 
order to give him a light to read by; see the 

i BE, Soo ke. 
“Chit ley, Pe HE> the name of a plant, armed with 
thorns; a kind of furze or land caltrops. 

FAP » plough ley teen, 2 FY Key 

ch’hdn, to plough the fields. 

A snail; téén léy, Ff WR ch’hdn 


léy, field snails, eaten by the Chi- 
nese. A general name for spiral 
univalve shells. 
=== To lean against, to adhere to; ele™ 
gant, fair, graceful ; a number. 
Jit gwat ley hoé vhéen, H A 
a pe K jit goéyh hod twa te Vhee"S, the sun 
and moon are placed in the heavens; see the Wa aS 
Ek keng. Bé léy, x Rg. elegant and beautiful. 
Séang che sun choo, ké léy put ek, Ta si fe 

F- +E ie xX kee Séang tedou dy ké"d sun, € 

dy léy sov, u™ ché chit payh ban, the descendants of 


the Séang dynasty, are not less than a million; see 

the K ite Tae gnay. 

seme Khong ley, hic is. a mate, a fel- 
low; a couple, a pair; a competi- 

tor. Also written a. léy. 


B= A creeper, a parasite ; .commonly 

Léy Re called ké seng, a HE kéa sai"Y, 

a plant that lives on another, 


LEY 457 
YT The wind movi leds venive | 
Ley r bieeace. rs ma de wat Léy The name of a fish. 
thing scattered by the wind. a 
To lean against, to rely on; atten- 
Ley ae che, Ziq fn *&, tie ley che, the | Léy = dants, dependants. 
yy fruit of the Dimocarpus litchi. Sbay'se; 4 oa ee oe 
"Stern, devere’ sbieill, Told s riret. : of writing the Chinese characters. 
Léy cal, wicked; to grind. | 
grin are Nia 
Choo wun jé.tay, = a tii Ley » Angry ; hwiin léy, “ing fi, enraged. 
? ‘ 
B&B hoo cho6 wun jin jé ley géém, Confucius was | 
benign but stern; see the am ah Lau g¢. Strange, perverse, rebellious, tumul- 
Léy tuous, wicked; a crime. 

Léy seng, iB Re léy sé”a, a shrill voice. 
Mé ley, ies Kis, to rub, to grind. A surname. 

We occasioned by evil spi- 
rits. ; 

Léy A grinding stone ; a whetstone ; also 
to grind. 

) A sickness, a pestilence, a violent 

Léy disease or sore. 

Léy chit put kang, J VK AN 

i: ley pai" bé kang Wh, let not pestilences and dis- 
eases come down upon us; see the Via ft Cho 

Ley ’ Unclean rice, coarse rice. 
Béén ley, i) i. to exert one’s 
Ley strength, to urge, to encourage. 

Léy ché tdng jé kwan pong jit, 
Bh & ‘ny in i) hE A béén léy dy sim che 
tébh ch’hin chéo"S K’hw"d pé"S dy jit, the spirit of 
energy should continue the same as it was in the day 
when we first saw the schedule (of literary grad- 

uates. ) 

5 P 

| ray 

Kwae ley, We R, froward ; hwin 
ley, AS AR, wrathful. 
Ké kam kan taé téén, é choo ch’hé ley, Ht KK 5 3 

Kk wt yy 8 Mm Preka kan hwan twa téén, 

é ka té clWhé chiéy, he dares to disubey the great 

command, and thus bring guilt upon himself; see 

the FE {ih Cho twan. 

Cho lé, ia ff chaou ley, a strain- 
er, for straining the grains from 

the liquor; a perforated ladle for 

taking rice out of the water; a skimmer, 

¥s > ane stiff; frigid; way hong lim lim, 
Lim JX Jal, WEL WEL, a dignified and 

austere manner. 

To be alarmed; terrified, affright- 

ed; to respect, to fear; hazardous. 

Pek séng lim lim, B a i faa 

péyh sai"& ké™a hé™é, the people were fearful and 

storehouse for grain. 

Lim [= 
. AS Jé kwun che ch’hong lim sit, hoo 
k’hoé ch’héung, nin 7a Le jz a We ik 

Fe jé hwun lé dy ch’he"S lim tee"I, hod Khor 

mw"d, and all the while your majesty’s granaries are 

Ch’hong lim, fr jes, a granary, a 


full, and your treasuries overflowing; see th + | 

Béng choo. 
— > = 
Lim w) Lim sit, p=} R, food, wages. 
Al i ; 
7TIy so written pq, lim 
Lim = AS Distressed in the extreme. 
Lim a cross beam on the top of a house. 
: To look; some say, a dizziness of 
Lim 4 , “a 
the head. 
Lim To lean forward the head, and doze, 
iat 6 
ei Se lim, tit ik cl’héw nd, a forest, 
Lin a grove; san Jim, VE) 4k, hills 

and woods; a surname. 
Lim ch’him put kéén jit, HR PR A EL A 
nd cWhim béy k’hww"™d kee"S jit, when the forest is 

deep, we cannot see the sun. 

Lim A fair gem. Name of a state. 
To rinse anything with water; wa- 

ter descending from the hills. 

Lim lé 6, jp Hg fy tim 16 hoe, 

Lim a 

a drenching rain. 

=e Jéak sdey taé han, ying jé chok 
> him 75 Je A AR FA 

VE ak iy neé"S tang twa w"a, yung 1é cho lim 
hoé, if the season is very-dry, we will make use of 
you as an opportune shower; see the % FAS Se 

Timely rain, seasonable showers. 






A disease consisting in a stoppage 
y of urine. 

To come to, to visit, to arrive at; 

Lim pe, lim 300, Fis WN, lim sé, to be 
yp about to die. Chedou lim hay 

Vhoé, Ae Fa - + chéd lim ay bin dy thoé, 

to pay a gracious visit to this lower. world. 



Lim BE Fire beginning to burn. 

we Ee 

“i Lin léng koé, Be Bx ax, a small 
drum, or rattle, used by pedlars 
to give notice of their arrival, in 

order to sell their wares. 

Lin To feel ashamed. Also read lin: a 
Lin AER You, ye; you people! 
The threshold of a door, according 
Lin to the dialect of the AS Ch’hoé 
x country. 
ein t The color of a gem; the. veins in 
Bik Hoke 
To compare with; to be near to; a 
Lin Ye K near neighbor; near to, adjoining. 
RAEIY wen gat jéak pé lin, K iE 

At Hy, pals C hee"S pee"& dy ling ch’hin chéo"& 
pé lin, the inhabitants of heaven’s utmost borders 

should be treated like our near neighbors; see the 

kk ii ey Toé hoo se. 

, ¥ 
Y. Ya water ; spring water. 



nz r) A . > #19, 
Line Lin h 0, ye K lin hoéy, devil’s 
fire; supernatural fire 
Lin A piebald horse. 
Ké lin, fiat Be. a fabulous beast, — 
Lin said to be the most princely of 

animals. Ké linche é choé séw, 

ay v6, Oe MR ZA a BR IL 

lin dy twa t# chabu sew liy yéd, though the noblest | 

among four footed beasts, the ké lin is still of the 
same class; see in F- Beng choo. 
ye Te sound of carriages; yéw ke lin 


WE Yang dy chtiy payh chéoh lin lin, in the 
waters of the Yang, the white stones appear; see 

the i jal Tong hong. 

wes ¢ A limpid stream; the same as the 
Sak above. 
Lin x es Lin ke, i, a neighborhood. 
Lin ae Lin ho, KX linhoéy, devil’s fire. 
The female of the tt Be, ké lin, 
Lin a fabulous animal; dng chéa ché 

lin, Af HWE iat w00 ch’hia 

dy sé"a lin lin, the carriages roll. 

ed along to the sound of lin lin; see the Fe EA 
Chin hong. 

Lin Vulg. lan: the scales of a fish. 

To pity, to commiserate ; k’ho lin! 
Lin ae By am what a pity! Tong | 
péng séang lin, fl Wi ra is 

tang pai"S séo lin bin, those who are alike indis- 

~posed can feel for each other; see the ts aK 
Ch’hun ch’hew. Sim séng lin pék hwat, Ny a 
i A wh sim kw"a chin ché"a lin sésh payh 
Vhabu mé dy lang, the mind 
gray-haired, people; see a ray 

' gern recesses in the hills; succes- 
Lin hy sive ridges of hills, deep and 

Stones appearing at the bottom of a 
clear stream. YAng che sty pék 

sék lin lin, JZ IK AA 

truly commiserates 
B, koé gan, old 



jin, chek lin ch’hut, =E #B = 
{= Ell) BE YH dng dy ing che jin, chek lin éy 
cl’hut, when kings are eminently benevolent, this 

animal appears. 

Read léng: a kind of silk, or sars- 

Lin net; léng twain, $9 Ay lin twan, 
¥ a kind of satin. 

a3 Mean, niggardly, sparing, stingy ; to 

Lin be sorry for, to be ashamed. 

Hoéy lin, Mi , to regret; 
lin sek, ps ie, to be sparing of, 
Sod keaou ch’hé"4 lin, ké @ put chéeuk kwan yéa é, 

saé wod keaou thaéu kwa lin sek, e dy sin bo kadu 
Phang hoé gwan k’hw"d, if such a person becomes 
proud and stingy, all the other traits of his character 
are not worth looking at; see the mi = Lin gé. 

»_ Kéen lin, iz i, stingy, sparing. 

Lin Pe Séang sim lin @ chaé, Ww pt ue 
TS EY chd seng té dy lang chin 

ché"d gabu séoh cheé"&, trading people are very 
sparing of their money; see the RR an Kay gé. 


whe Supernatural fire, Will-o’-the-wisp, 
Z ignis fatuus; wherever a battle has 

mixed with those of horses and cattle, this fire is 

been fought, and human carcases 

said to burst out. Fire-flies are also called BE, lin. 

A thin. stone; m6 jé put lin, BS 

Lin igs Td AR BE bd je bey poh, with 

all the grinding, the stone does not 
become thin. 

Li ~~ ¥ ~~, Fo walk with difficulty; to select; 

lin sw4n, ae 3. to choose. 

Lin 4G Lin gim, {ff 44, the head bending 

=) = A surname. Lin-séang-jé, Af} vig 
Lin 7a Zyl, famous man in the ih. Téo 
- whe 
Lip vp Sam sip jé lip, = 7 ni MZ 
s"a chap hoey jé lip, “ at thirty 
years of age, I was established ;” said by Confucius, 
in the E iit Séang lin. 
4 pm To hinder, to stop, to catch in a 

ve Ké jip ké lip, yew chédng jé 
cheaou che? BE mn Ae + mh He it yy iL 

kadujip e dy te tedou, saé saé jéuk jé pak e? since 

Vulg. k’héa: to stand, to establish. 


(the pig) has entered the sty, what is the use of pro- 
ceeding to tie it up? see ia Ff Béng, choo. 


A defense against the rain; téuk lip, 

Lip 4K a tek léiyh, a wide bamboo 
hat, used as an umbrella. 

Read léép: a grain, a kernel of rice. 

Lip Léép sit kae bin ko, Hi aE ee 

K ey chit lip chéah chd pod sé 



payh sai"I dy yéw, every grain of food is procured 
by the sweat of the people ; see the bal FL, S06 ke. 

a To stop, to hinder. 

Lit f - -Héng hék so6 che, ché hek lit che, 

47 Bi EZ tk BZ 

ké"4 hék woo ling saé e, hity"h hék wod lang chih 
e, if I enter on office, there will perhaps be some one 
to urge me to it; and when I refrain, there will per- 
haps be some one to hinder me; see a Ff Béng 


Stopped up, closed up, not pervious, 


not thoroughly clear, 
Oe ko kén, jé lit chéa, BE via 

BK i) BE AF wan Mout ley ko Wd, je bey 

Vhong dy lang,“ I detest bold and forward people, 
particularly when they do not thoroughly understand 
the subject ;” said by Confucius, in the ait ay 

Lin gé. 
Good looking, to look well; lo le, 

A Ae cm cunning, artful. 

eZ Olds lo jin, He )\ ladu lang, an 
A old man. : 
Clvhit sip wat lo, +; -- EI 

¥ cWhit chap hiey kong laou, a person seventy 

years of age is called old. 

+ + . : . v 
Lo goé 10, é kip jin che lo, 4 ht. re Y R 
K A x keng gwé dy ladu ling, € kip kadu pat 
lang dy ladu lang, let us respect our own aged peo- 
ple, in order to benefit the aged people of others. 

K’ho lo, SE AE ka U6, a basket 

made. of crooked bamboos. 

Lé A: vessel made of bent wood. 



L6 { <¢4 A surname. 
Lé j Sorrowful, distressed, grieved ; hwan 
lo, 4 KS, to be sorry. 
“ ¢ ms lo sek, HE Tf Ai bay Ws 
chéoh, a cornelian stone. 
44g Chéang 10, FE IRE cheo"s 16,‘Chi- | 
Lé nese camphor ; t’hoé lo, HF figs 
Vhadéu 16, the brains. 
p= Ko 16, HR FR, an insect like a dra- 
Lé gon fly, that feeds on mulberry 
Lé Disturbed, troubled. 
=| je Fruits of the earth, ground fruits ; 
Lé fruits growing on trees are called 

ii, ko, and earth fruits or those 
on bushes are called iM. lo. 

Y A gutter in a road ; lo sty, jit IK, 

a puddle. 

H6 haé che @ héng 10, lay yéa, 
Pl HZ WS 45 WE BG Mo hat ay hap 
chity k’hwut 4, lay yéd, the rivers and seas, though 
expansive compared with running ditches, are still 
Pe the same kind; see ri -f- Béng choo. 

Lo Bin and great. 


very tall. 

Long, tall; a long shanks; ch’hoo 

jin sim 10, ib K te ae chéy 

léy lang chin chaé td, this man is 




To labor; to be diligent; kong !é, 

By | 

7} Wi 5 labor, merit; 16 sim, 

a bs to exert the mind; 16 lek, 

ay. 7}, to exert one’s strength, Vulg, 16 lat: a com- 
mon expression of gratitude, intimating, “T put you 
to a great deal of trouble.” Sin 16, a wt wages. 
Vulg. bwd: 

Bod se 16, {if Phi, BE 06 téen ka te fy kong 16, 
boast not of your own merits ; see the = i 

Lé é éng soo, Be fA - cH bwd té éng dy sod, 

laboring in the service of the king; see the aN Ite 
Se4ou gnay. 

uv AR 
Vulg. 74: to stir anything about in 

Lé the water; to feel after anything, 
and seek to take it out of the 

waves, and violent rain. 

ie E yéw ch’hit 16 che chae, BA AR 

PZ PE E wos cl’hit Wb dy chae hat, © 
met with the seven calamities of overwhelming rains. 

to labor, to drudge, to toil, A surname. 

5B Lin 

Hwun 16, ita} B, merit. 

The same as the above. 

The name of ariver; also, great 

Lé aay 80, Bh iby, anything coarse, 
. hf 
Lo = A voice, a sound; sonorous. 
A sort of silk ; a surname; lin 16 say 
Lé kin, £98 $ ih #4 | satin, silk, 
. AY crape, and sarsnet. 

Béét 16, pa GFE bech hod, a vessel 
made of basket work. 


Téng 16, ie iE, a kind of creep- 
ing plant, a sort of bindweed ; 16 

y pok, VE 7a, Raphanus sativus, 

turnip; hoé 16 pok, HA PA fal Daucus carota, 

the common carrot. 

: yi 
Lo fe" name of a river. 
Lé Ff 16, Ae fk, firm, but not vir- 
Lé 2 Lé 1é, ee We, a humming sound, 
to assist in making out a tune. 
yp“ gong, a martial instrument of mu- 
Lo ie sic. Tong 16, fo Git tang 16, 
AY a brazen gong. 
The mind grieved, and sorrowful ; 
L6 t also,anet. Hé6ng ch’hoo pek 16, 

YE W, ri WIE too téoh chéy 

ché"4 payh tédh bwd, meeting with these hundred 



ae Great; ka 16, 18 Ne, large and 

An inclosure for cattle; also, firm ; 

kam 16, BE ie a prison. 
Lé6 put ho p’hd, 5 A Fy BK 

kéen 16 kadu béy p’huod, he is too firm to be broken 


in Hie 


aq and a stallion. 

The same as the above; se4ou kwun 

uv Be k’hé haé, jin kéén sé ch’heng 16, 
ay > » B 
Y Fi Gt Me NM te 

ay BR sey kwun k’héd te haé, lang k’hw"a sé 

ch’hai®S 16, the young prince was riding on horse- 

A mule, the progeny of a she ass. 



back over the sea, and people saw that he was 

mounted on a green mule. 

YA To love, to be enamored with. Lé6 
wx tok, ay, a man’s name; lewd. 

: \ 
en. sediment of liquor. 
ZA - 

be A kind of wine. 

wR “ae read léy: a kind of sea-shell ; 

also written jie 16. Lé6 se, ie 
ch’han léy, a field snail. 
to climb the trees; (i. e. don’t teach your grandmo- 

A kind of ape; bod kadu 16 seng bok, 

4e ¥ BBR Ff. 7K bak ka U0 

chéo"9 ch’hé, don’t teach an ape 

ther to suck eggs.) 


Read chok : muddy, not clear. 
Lé ch’héa, hs TE, the name ofa god. 

+ drenching rain. 


P’hwan 16, Ke Ne, a companion, 

a mate, a fellow. 

To rake about in the water in order 

to find anything: 



yc i repent, to regret. 

, , 
». To reward labors, to applaud exer- 

tions. Téng pek soo jin lo 6ng, 

BR 4 GE A OF SE Tare 

payh saé ling kéo éng 16 lat, the ruler of the Téng 

country sent some one to extol the labors of the 

king; see the A {ih Cho twan. 

Yr Wanton, lascivious. 

Lo A drumming in the ear. 
| B 

To strike anything. 
An auxiliary particle, at the end of 
Lo AIS a sentence, sometimes used as a 
note of interrogation. 
Lo A measure of 5 pecks. 
Lo > To perambulate; migratory troops. 
Loé B- name ofa country, the native 
Ee) state of Confucius. A surname. 
oe: An oar, a long oar used both to steer 
= | and row with; a scull. 
Loé » Toe lo6, ey 5 , akind ofsmall pox. 
Loé leak, [9 i, to take prisoner 
Loé in war; to capture ; to take alive 

is called is, loé, and to obtain 
dead is called iE, hék. 



To take, to seize; the same as. the 


: 2 
Loé => To converse. 

Loé ft An oar; the same as i, loé. 
A saltish soil in the west ; loé bong, 
Loé RG Ape bong chong, coarse, vul- 

gar, unmannerly. 

ind Loé tong, Hy 
to agitate. 

a Hh, to shake, to move, 

Loé An oar; the same as #8, loé. * 
Loé a mind deceived. 
Loé Paby loé, fi we, a small mound, 
a hillock. 
Loé lek, B 7], to exert the 
Loé Pe strength; a strenuous exertion. 
Loé lek chéng béng tek, ta y/ | 

& AA ri chin lat chun ching béng dy tek, to 
exert the strength in honoring illustrious virtue. 



Vulg. laéu: a gallery, an upper 
chamber, a loft. Ko kw4n loé taé 

seng sty sty, AK = HE oy 
BE 4 $4H] ch’hed"E kava p’hun king t2 labu taé 
chéo"8, sé"a sty sey, when chanting and piping 
up in the gallery, or on the terrace, the sound ap- 

pears very faint. 

LOE - 

A hunchback, a crooked-backed per- 

son. - 
To pull, to hawl, to drag. Jé tong 
Loé kay ch’héang, jé loé ké ch’hé 

ch*hod, chek tek ch’hey ? ih i 

Pe i: ee ae 

pwd koty tang kay dy cWhésr9, jé k’han e dy 
chaé sit lé, chek éy tit téoh boé? if you could climb 
over your neighbor’s wall, and lead off an unmar- 

ried female, in order to get a wife, (I suppose you 

would do it?) see ma ae Béng choo. 

One of the 28 constellations. 

A surname. 
Loe Re kind of thread or silk. 
Loé Loé gé, We wigs asort of ant; téen 
lot, FR I, a bat. 
_ Bae ‘ee. 
Loe A EH The skull, the bone of the head. 
Loé & The name of a sword. 
An inveterate ulcer; k’he loé, Fj 
fe, a crooked back. 
; Hoé loé, Hz t fond 
Loé = Wings 06, BE Be, coy ous, fon 
Pr of money. 
Loé BA little pig. 


TS | 
Loé Kwa loé, mh UE, the name of a 
medicinal plant. The betel leaf. 
Paou ]oé, va) el, a sort of cala- 
Loé w bash, but round. : ; 

Hoé loé, A Eh, a calabash; 

the name of a river. 

> The name of a-river; called also 

Y af “the bitter waters.” 
Héang loé, ay yes heo”& loé, an 

incense pot, a censer ; h®o loé, 

KK yh hoéy loé, a furnace; loé 
choo, Ns =, one who presides at a sacrifice. 
Kim loé héang chin, lod seng chan, A> He ApS 
ae i iis We kim loé dy héo"9 chin, laou dy 
sé"a boéyh ledou, the incense in the golden -censer 

is burnt out, and the dripping of the clepsydra is al- 
most done; (intimating that it is towards morning.) 

Also written XA, loé. 


Lod An earthen vessel for <pmteinene 

A fire bedstead ; séw loé, *ah Bi. 

Loé a kind of hand warming pan, car- 

ried about in the sleeve of a gar- 

ment to keep a person warm. 
Flaxen threads; ch’hey p’hek loé, 

Loé y. Fs) FE Ree i, the wife prepares 
b> the flax; see ral F- Beng choo. 

Loé wiy, EE #, long grass, or 

oe rushes,a reed growing in the water, 

‘Lizania palustris. 

Hoo chéng yé4 chéa, pot loé yéa, K wx 5H) 7 
i ie tb hoo cheng soo, €y ch’hin chéo"9 poé loé, 
(the results of) good government will be as rapid as 

the growth of rushes ; see the if Fi Téung yang. 


Loé The name of a fish belonging to the 
YS) salmon class. 
T’hoé loe, 3H )BA thadu loé, the 


Loé Loé choé, is # loé se chedou, a 
yu cormorant; Carbo cormoranus. 

A surname; a vessel for containing 

hea rice. 
The flesh on the front of the belly. 
Loé i Héng loé, 78, Als, the name of 
an office in the Pe Han dynasty. 
Lod Lok 1o@, HE he a well-sweep or 
other machine for drawing water. 
E A slave, a man servant; loé chaé, 
Loé iy ie a slave, a varlet; an af- 
fected title of humility. 
£ A road; kay loé, aj tS, a street ; 
Loé ee héng oe, £7 Be ké"4 loi, to 

travel along the road; loé p6ng, 
ig GS loé pee", by the roadside. A surname. 
Hoo gé loé yéd, léy bin yé4, Fe Ea 4 {Hf, 
iit FA th, hoo gé sé loe yéd, ley sé moot" yéd, 
now righteousness is the road, and propriety is the 

door (by which we are to enter ;) see it f- Béng 

crane or paddy bird; an egret. 

“Loe E, 
‘> Yit hang pék loé séang ch’heng 
vhéen, — 47 HE Eb Fy AK chit hang 

payh léng se, chéo"S cl’hai"S thee"S, a flock of 

Loé choé, co #6 loé se, a kind of 

white cranes ascended up towards the azure heav- 
~ ens. 



ld 2. 
Loé y D The name of a river. 
Loé Fe beautiful gem. 
Loe A kind of fragrant grass; loé kéo, 
23 #, a sort of leeks. 

7 3 = ala loé stiy, & x loé chtiy, the 

Loé dew ; to discover, to appear. 

Ee Pék loa be he, Fy $F WG 

payh loé yéd biey ta, the hoary dew was not yet dry; 
see the FE JR\ Chin hong. 
Loé héén, vs 3H, to appear, to show itself, to be 



To present anything ; to bribe ; yew 
BS. lo@, fj He, bribes. 
7» Chin Boo kong chin é ké po k’he 
loé Chew Lé ong, TF ze 3S cd VJ E a 
Be WS JB] FE AE Chin Boo kong ch pos hs 

e dy po Khe saé yéw loe kap Chew Lé éng, Boo, the 
ruler of the Chin country took all his precious things 

and used them as bribes to Lé, the king of Chew ;_ 
see the a JF Se sé. 
A carriage; séng Yin che loe, We 

fix rf iy payh chéo"S Yin 

tedou dy ch’héa, to ride in the car- 



riages of the Yin dynasty; (i.e. to imitate their 
manners;) see the FA = Lan gé. 

Vulg. Zadu : to leak, to drip through ; 

a leak; ch’ham loé, zB iff 

ch’ham ladu, to leak out; loé 
keng, i Tf Jadu kai”S,a kind of hourglass, com- 
posed of dripping water, instead of falling sand; lvé 
séet, Whi ') ladu séet, to let out a secret. 



A kind of sore; .kan loé chit, af 
Loé }) Ii Te kan lad pai"S, a dis- 
FG) ease, like dry ulcers on the skin. 

=== Narrow; p’hé loé, mph, niggard- 
ly, mean; loé ‘héép, fi BE, 
narrow, contracted. 
Chaé loé hang, AF bi AE twa té loé hang, dwell- 

ing in a narrow lane. 

Soo wiy loé tase why. goé tek heng, iy B, Wi 
Es IE 7 Tt. 4 Fi chéy sé loé ayh dy ch’hod, tok 

tok gwd dy tek heng p’hang, “this is a narrow house, 

but my virtue is fragrant ;” said by yA 5 y) 

K Léw-é Sek-ban. 


Kéung loé 5 12 a crossbow, 

K’hé ké kéung loé, HK He 5 

a Rh6 ch’hat e dy kéung loé, ex- 
amine-the bows and crossbows; see the Jal ite 
Chew ley. 

» ) 
Loé Y 



A salt ground in the west. 

Loé k’he, (iE KA, a dwarf. 

=> Hungry, to starve with hunger. 
4 > 
the care of a friend, and on his return were to find 
. , a) 
that he had (tdng loéy ké ch’hey choo, Bi RR ae 
= f- go sé e dy beé ké"4,) starved his wife and 

Ft to death, what would he think of him? see 

If a person about to go-on a jour- 

ney -were to intrust his family to 

ht Beng choo. 

Stinking fish; gé loéy jé jéuk paé, 
Lééy Wh 
AE hé cW’hadu jé bith pas wm 

pat sit, $6 BR iT PY EC 
chédh, if the fish was tainted, and the meat turned, he 

- 466 


would not eat of it; said of Confucius in the am Bo 
Lin gé. 

Liéy ey Woey ley, Phe We WR, weak, 

. > thin; a meagre sheep; poor, lean, 
ARR emaciated, old. 

Loéy BR é , prostrate 

£ : Vulg. laé: inner, within, inside, in. 

Losey i Hap loéy go’y che 6 yea, £ 
IN HZ a AW Aap tor 

gwa dy to lé, uniting the internal and external 
principles; see the ip eH Téung ying. 

ne fa Read lok: to descend, to fall down ; 

Lih 7-5 Séang lk, PR chea"s wn, 

to go up and down; 66 hay lh, 
is an expression intimating contempt. Lok laé, 

To cut open; to cut the bones out 

of meat. 

aK l6h laé, to come down. 

Song che lok 2, Fe 3 PE FR se" hesh dy Wh, 
the fall of the mulberry leaf; see the 4hF id 
Woéey hong. 

Read lok: a thread, a fibre; keng 

Léh 6 lok, ‘aa Hf keng 16h, threads and 
» fibres ; the veins and arteries. 
Lok The name of an animal; a surname. 
Lik nh To be cut witha knife; a sabre 


‘Lele ns A bleeding at the nose. 

Read t’hok: e san t’hok, ii Be 

Lok ae hoé sw"a lok, a case for an 
x umbrella, 

’ The name of a river; Lok-yAng, 

ix , an ancient city. 
Pa6éu lok, Kel Ve, an instrument 
Lok Te of punishment, made in the form of 

a brazen pillar, to which criminals 
were bound; after which it was gradually heated, 
till the unfortunate beings were roasted to death. 
Téw ché paéu lok che héng, Ay Fl if ya 
Z, Ih Tew ong ch’hing pabu Wk dy héng hwdt 
Tew dng invented the paou lok instrument of tor- 

ture ; see the tp EE Soe ke. 

Eng lok, By ¥, ornaments for 
the neck. 


Joined, connected together. Vulg. 
Lok GR ww: a thread, or fibre. Long 
»R san lok yéa, #5 yj 4h By 

ling sw"a loh yéd, the Long hills and deserts are 
conterminous. Bék lok, Mak XK may"h loh, the | 

veins and arteries. 

A white horse with a black mane. 

) Also, a surname. 
Lie PER unctious part of milk, cream. 
Vulg. lh: to fall down, to descend, 
Lok s _ a place where people collect to- 

gether to dwell in, is called At 
if ch ch’hun lok, a village. When a house is finished, 


and people meet to sacrifice in it, it is called si 

Je, séng'lok. 

Bé lok kay, JX J fP, the rice has fallen in 

price. _HwAn sin lok m4, JQ 7 He FR fuodn sin 

léh bay, he-turned round and tumbled off his horse. 

Lok The name of a bird; ‘also, the name 
of a horse. 

Lok t6, Bt By a camel. 

Hong lok, es i. emolument, sa- 
lary. Gvod things, advantages. 
Choo-téang hak kan lok, F ae 

22. =F jp Chob-téang vhak ch’hiyh kan kéw 

héng lok, Choé-téang studied for the sake of the - 

emoluments of office; see the [+ ah Séang lin. 

A surname. 

Séw vhéen pek lok, BE FR Fy jie sew thee”? 

che payh dy h6, we have received a hundred 

benefits from heaven; see the Ay iid Sedou gnay. 




A place where there are many stones. 

Lok lok ché4 lan hap, BR Ae 
MH HE A> chéy chésh oh séo 

hap, men’s minds are obdurate, and with difficulty 

I 10k > 

made to agree, 


Rice roasting at the fire. 

‘i ov 

Lok (pena jie 12 fF, « 
—f triple surname. 

A stag, a deer; ldk kak, fe FR. 

stag’s horns, and lék kin, We Wh 
stag’s tendons; both used as aph- 


rodisiacal medicines. 

Koé héng gan bé lok, BB pe KE RR Ke 


Rhw"d twa chéth gé hap lok boé, the king was ob- 

serving the large wild geese, and the full grown 
stags; see the [+ jf, Séang beng. 

To drip through, to leak ; to exhaust. 

Lok chéep swa tay, ff ao 

iz Hh, the dripping gravy be- 

sprinkled the ground ; see the Fk He Chéén 
kok ch’hek. 


Lok loé, Be iW a windlass over 

a well. 
* The foot of a hill; chéem pé han 
; y 
Lok lok, AE Ye SL FB, look at 

yj53) the arid foot of yonder hill; see 

kk Att Taé gnay. 

Lok $i Ké lok, a) Gif, the name of a place. 

A basket made of wicker work. 

Lok $l To scrape, to rub. 

Tok lok, ¥. bi to excel, to sur- 
pass, to exceed. 

aT aie lok, JHE fe Ts wh, to answer ; hé lok, 
Lok # a to assent. Chod-k’hdng 

D i 

wat lok, goé chéang bin yéa, 

>} BOA 6 BS PY th choo-whong 

kong h6, gwé laé k’h2 moot", Chood-k’hong said, 

“very well; I will ask (Confucius) ;” see the At 

an Lin gé. 

To be pleased, to bedelighted with; 
yang lok, Ai oe joy; rejoiced. 

Hé lok, a oo happiness. 

Lok | 



Gak che sit, 16k soo jé ché4, hwut k’*hé sé yéa, 
gak dy chéak sit, sé ying lok chéy no hang i” 
hoé e k’h2, real music consists in enjoying these two 
things, which are indispensable; see a -f- Beng 


Lok ae name of a tree. 

Lin long koé, Ee BS a, a small 

Long drum or rattle with a handle, used 
by pedlars, 
Léng Bright, clear ; ko long, fe FA. high . 

and clear. 

Tins iy) > The bright appearance of the: rising 
4 sun. Also written 5e, long. 

Long KB appearance of fire. 

Yesterday, before, previously, for- 
Long jé gan he ho’? 3 ii 
9 F- cha hwui"Y séy kong, k’ham gaéu chéen 
hoe? what was said yesterday, was it in joke? see the 

zB Chin gé. 

AR Ne4ou long, B fie chedou lang, a 
Léng HE bird-cage. 
E t’héen hay wiy che long, chek 
ne4ou ch’héak bod séy t6, VAFIK P Fy Z He 
A) 2, Zé oe PT Sk, With thee" hay jé chd 

chit dy ldng, chek chedou & chityh & bé ta léh Phang 

chaéu, “if we were to make a bird-cage of. the em- 


pire, then even the birds and sparrows would not 
be able to escape;” said by He +: Chong choo. 


A high place in a field; twat keng jé 

Léng | che long séang, 15 Ht vin ¥,€ 
HEE |. swith choh jé Whe kadu 

lang téng, they stopped ploughing, and got upon the 
mound. (Lang, HE jon the 249th page should be this.) 

A tomb, a little mound over a tomb. 
Sek boé put teng long, 4 ee 
aS eS tz keng hity hwin 

bong, ii” thang payh chéo"S ling téng, when pass- 

ing by a grave, do not get upon the tumulus ; see the 

hj rid K’héuk léy. 


Léng Toéng long, il fii. anything in- 

Fi The name of an office established 

Léng z lf by the Ix, Chin dynasty, but al- 
tered by the Wi, Sty dynasty to 

se long, AX: pss né"&, gentlemen in waiting. A 
surname. A young person, the epithet of ayoung man. 
Pok wat jin to &, bod jé ch’hod long ché4, RE BS 

KS KM HO HAG A vot ee 0s 

Rhwd ling chéy, b6 ch’hin chéo"® chéy ley ling 
chéd, 1 your servant has seen many individuals, but 
never one like this young gentleman; said of the 
founder of the FS, Téng dynasty. 

> Chin léng, fe jhfh, the name of a 

Long ne hill, where the sun goes down in 

the winter solstice. 
Long grass, like the blade of corn, 
very injurious to the grain; tare, 


Pin long; FR i pin né"6, the are- 

Long ak ca nut, the betel nut. 
To tam pin léng lok Kong-tong, 
(55) HE ER ARS Fe ABE HB 06 ee pin né"& loh 

Kwui"8-tang, to be carrying betel nuts back to Can- 
ton; (to carry coals to Newcastle.) 



Long High, lofty. 

Ch’haé léng, I A, a wolf. 
Léng Ap So lék put wan, sé ch’haé ling 
yes, 1H A AR Te A 

HfL A, Ae"a 56 teem lek kadu W™ kew, sé ch’had 
léng, when a sister-in-law is drowning, a man must 
be a wolf not to help her; see = F Béng choo. 

Long he Tong long, i ber agit am koe chiy, & 
kind of cricket, or grasshopper. 

Léng Rs kan, ih Ff, a precious stone, 

like a pearl. 

Léng yéa, JhB wf, the name of a 


An apartment on the side of the 

Léng ) principal dwelling ; a chamber, a 
Léng BR tong, ay Re a kind of lock. 
, = 
Léng BL A high door ; empty, vain. 
Léng High; empty. 
AB oy 
Léng Ch’hong léng, Hk fi, the tender 

shoots of bamboos eaten as salad, 

Long Bn Strong. 


; D yr Cl hong-léng, iB ih, the name of 
Long VE a river. 
Ch’hong-léng che sfiy ch’heng 

héy, k’ho 6 chék gno eng, ft WZ aK ii is 
RY VA FE HE HE cwrhong-ling ty chiry whith 

clheng, Chang laé séy gwé dy kin twa, the clear 

waters of the Ch’hong-léng will serve to rinse the tas- 
sel of my cap; see th ¥ Béng choo. 

Léng 500, Jee zB, husbandry; léng 
Long xa hoo, ie , a husbandman. 
Séang léng hoo soo kéw jin, a B F AY qt 

A surname. 

K séang téng dy long hoo éy ch’hé tit kabu ling, | 

the first class of husbandmen can support nine per- 
sons by their labors; see na + Béng choo. 

Long I, myself. 
> Hy Thick, rich, applied to liquids. 
Long Léng loé léng léng, Bs ie pe 

) Be ya lin loé kit kit, the superabun- 

dant dews were rich and thick; see the yp itt 

Se4ou gnay. 
Luxuriant herbage, overgrown grass 
and jungle. 

Long Fz 
We H6 pé long 2? fay HK FL BR 

an chw"é kadu héah léng 2 how comes it to be thus 

thick and overgrown? see the Z iA Se4ou lam. 

Léng By Matter, pus; léng héet, i fi. ling 
hoéyh, blood and matter. 
Long 2 Thick wine. 
To pierce; ying to léng jin, Liz 7} 
Long fs XK yung to lang téoh lang, 

to stab people with a knife. 



F hom Nedou léng, B #i chedou ling, a 

Ling HE, bird-cage. 
Téuk long, 4) #6 tek ling, a 

quiver for containing arrows. 

Séang léng, 4 €e séo"8 lang, a wooden trunk. 

Léng léng, yr TRE, the noise of tink- 
ling gems. 


Be" ch’haou hé lang, deaf; jé long, 
Long ¥- i hé lang, hard of hearing. 

A bag, a sack. ‘Also written ae, 

léng. Ethok é long, 7 et 
FFE wa te Phok hap lng, 
(the provision was contained) in cases and bags; 

see the k He Taé gnay. 

Vulg. lang: to sport, to play, to 



manage; to work up; to dandle. 
Han ko choé té gé soo taé hoo 
yin, tng che, We #5 il FF AW A He 
fl FF 16 Hin ko choé gim gé so6 taé hoo dy 
yin lang e, the first emperor of the Han dynasty 

used to hold in his hand the seal of an imperial ad- 
viser or other great officer, and play with it. 

E-goé jéak put hd long, Re BB. aA > iF 
Fp E-goé noot"S ché"d dy sé i a Phit thé, Kwan 

E-goé, when young and feeble, was not fond of 
sporty see the A {8 Cho twan. 

Long Stupid, dull, foolish. 
Long i The humming of birds. 
Long A cave in a hill. 


LUN 471 

Long Slow, gentle. Lin Fig sheaf of corn; some say, to plough. 
A stone mill, for grinding wheat into 

Long The corner of a hill. Lin Ey flours sék lin, Fy fy cheok 

Hid] lin, a millstone. 
> Vulg. ne"8: a wave; p’ho long, Read jim: to bear with, to bear pa- 
Long f Wk iz pho ne"&, the waves of | Tin Pe) tiently ; jim naé, Hie ny Phun 
the sea. Béng long, a ik: mw) lin, to be patient, to forbear. 

inappropriate discourse, not to the purpose. 

~ Long chéng chew héng win, Ys it Sit iF ies 

ne"S cheng chitin ké"4 win, when the waves are still 

the vessel rides securely. 

Long y Vulg. Ja: to dry in the sun. 

Lon Long hong, fel J&A, the name ofa 
6 hill; an angel’s garden. 

y A kind of fire works; hdng long, 
5 K Ip pang long, to let off a 


a > You; read jé: and commonly pro- 
Lo6 yy Z nounced /é, in daily conversation ; 

but 106, in the districts bordering 


on the seacoast. 

To limp, to walk lame. 


Tia HH Thoe séuk, pA A Uhaéu lun, to 
\ hang down the head. 

yi) p To think; to walk disorderly. 


=A sheaf of corn. 

Se4ou put jim chek Iwan taé boé, ry Ay Zi Hi] 
BL kK ait sé6 h’hwd bey lin chek loan twa boé, 
a little impatience will confound great undertakings ; 
see the am ie Lin gé. 

When rs) rR, Ko-chong of the i: Téng dynasty 
visited FE AS ah, Téang-kong-gay, he asked 
him, how his family managed to live together for 
nine generations, when 2h Gay wrote out a (pek 
jim toe, FY 2, [i] payh lin toé,) ‘hundred for- 
bear chart,’ (or a sheet of paper with the word pa- 

tience repeated 100 times,) and presented it to him. 

Lian igs axletree of a carriage. 

Lin yy Tough, difficult to break asunder. 
a. A 4 
Lin y| in ‘o drag anything through the water. 

aR The wheel of a carriage. Also, great. 

Lin Ke lin, Hi, it cl’ héa lin, a car- 
riage wheel; lin hasy, ii qe), 
the doctrine of the transmigration of souls. 

Ch’hat ke chod lin sé, Re A BH ihe 4G) Rhw"a 

cWhéa choo lin k’hé Chau, in examining a carriage, 
we should begin with the wheels. 


To think, to arrange; k’hwun lin, 

Lin Fe A> the appearance of the 
heavens ; anything round and cir- 

ee order, a series, a sort; constant; 
Lin 4 gnoe lin, Fy ‘i; the five con- 
WR stant relations of life. Jin lin, 

NK A, the human relations. 

Lam lé ke sit, jin che taé lin yéa, eH tk iB 

En A 4 k Ky We ta po cha boé k’héa 

ch’hoo, sé ling dy twa lin yéd, for men and women 
to form themselves into families, is one of the great 

human relations. 

Gé jin pit eke tin, fe A Wy FF HE ti 

pé lang pit chedou e dy lan, in judging of people, 

you must compare them with their kind, 

Lin ee Ban lan, (fal, to hesitate in 

speaking, to swallow one’s words. 

To choose, to select. Lin héén jin 

che chaé, im B N Z 7 

WW kéng toh gaébu ling dy chaé teaou, 
to select the talents of clever men. 

Lin Ain” skin. 

To arrange ; se lin, #% {ar threads, 
to arrange according to the threads. 

Way léng keng lin t’héen hay che 

taé keng, HE fit ASS a K Tt “db KE 

tok toh éy keng liint?hee"S ay dy twa keng,tobe able 

Lin es 

to arrange the great concerns of the empire; see the 

rh i Téung ying. 
2. RR” discourse, to deliberate on, to 

think over; concerning. E séy 

PAA lan bin, Ba SE ify Ga 

kap lé sédng sty ln bin chéo”9, to discourse with 


you minutely on literary. subjects. 


. To sink down into perdition; lan 

re) but, ff HF, to be annihilated. 

Tim lan, He ie to fall into ut- 

. . . ! ’ 
ter ruin. Kin Yin ké lfin song! & FR H: Yin 
Be t%q Yin tedou e lin se"S! “ how the Yin dynasty 

is sunk into ruin!” said by “ia + Bé-choo. 


To turn the tongue, and call out. 

Lion Ve Also written vie, lain. 

*hwun lin, EB $s the name of 

, i b K 
pe a hill. Also read lin: as san lin, 
WA iy #, the ridge of a hill. Also - 

written Me, lin. 

E A discourse ; péén lin, aa ea. to 
Lin argue ; ge lin, Ff aN, to reason. 
Lin kong héng séang, ig Vy 
47 4 lin kong 16 ké"4 sé6"8, to administer 
rewards according to merit; see the sp zL Soo ké. 

Jin gwat, El A lun giééyh, an in- 

Lin Fe| tercalary month, occurring once 

every four or five years, in order 

to make up the difference between the solar and the 
lunar years. . 

E jin gwat téng sod sé séng soty, Y es A iE 

DU) HE pak FR CAS lin gieyh tea ted sP sé 

ché"4 neé”S, he made use of the intercalary month 

to fix the four seasons and complete the year; see 
the az th GeAou téén. 

Lin Read lw4n: soft; lwan peng, WR 
VA ai lun pé"d, a soft thin cake. 
x Read lok: to draw out; lok jé, fa 
Lut ¥L lut leng, to express milk out 
of the dugs. 

Eee man’s name. 


Not to retain, to be deprived of ; lut 

Lut kwan, ff ‘E lut kw™a, to be de- 
prived of one’s office. 
Lit The principal and head of anything. 
2 A law, a rule; hwat hit, i #, 
Lut laws and regulations. 

Taé Ch’heng hit le, Fe ia fat 

fA , the laws of the present dynasty of China. 
Pat é léuk lit, put léng chéng gnoé yim, A | A 

ar ? 
at Ir aE TE Ht. Ey 24 #6 chéy léy lak tedou 
4y lit, chéw béy ché”d chéy léy gnoé yim, if we do 
not make use of the six rules of music, we shall not 

be able to regulate the five sounds; see ta -f- 
Beng choé. 

Lit To rub the stains out of anything. 
To hold in the hand. 

Lut To strain off the dregs of anything. 

Lut Ch’hiy hit, 3 Ab the high and 
lofty appearance of hills. 

Lut y* The fat about the intestines. 

Lut 7 rice. 

Lit 2 A bamboo hawser or cable, used for 
securing ships and vessels. . 


—p To feel a difficulty in speaking; a 
ome backwardness to speak; dull. 
= ) Kwun choo yéuk hit é gan, jé bin 

y J 



LUY | 
e hing, AEF BK oN HD i Hi KM 17 
kwun cho6 a2 biéyh oh king tée dy wa, jé bin 
cl’ héet té e dy séy ké"4, the good man desires to be 

backward in speaking, and diligent in action ; see the 
a ea Lin gé. 


Luy Age with the small pox. 
Lu =t= Pice, coppers, farthings ; small coin. 
y ¥ ppe gs 

s A mound, a trench, a mud fort. 
nt Sod kaou to liy, k’heng taé hoo 
che jétk yés, PO i A Be 

HN Ke Fe ZL BF AL 82 heaow chiy ly, se 

k’heng taé hoo dy ling jéuk, to have many fortifica- 
tions around the four borders, is a disgrace to the no- 
bles and great officers; see the ih ie K’héuk léy- 

BB Kat lay, EB al the tendrils of a 

y FOR certain creeping plant. 

w K’hwiy liy, (Si, {ia ka léy, pup- 
Lay Agia pets,adumb show. Also written 
(#, lay. 
In the time of je] eB =F, Chew-bok 6ng, a clever } 
fellow of the name of ((% if, Yéén-soo made 
wooden images which could dance and sing, and 

this was the origin of the puppets. 

Ss w Lay lok, Ty i, large stones. 
: Aa 

Lay sek séang kek, $y Ai #f) 
we liy chédh séo p’hith, they beat 
each other with large stones. 

>w An ode in praise of accumulated vir- 
Liy 200 tue. An elegy in which the meri- 
R torious deeds of the deceased are 
summed up, in order to express our lamentations 

over him, 


cl A bamboo vessel, for containing 

HW grain. 
: Lazy, indolent; also, sickly. Also 
‘ written AB, ‘Tay, 
ae increase, to add to; ltiy ch’hod, 
Lay BR K tak paé, several times. 

» Kwan k’heng téiing ché4, put sit 
oh OG 19 
6 ity, EE TH A MRA 
ch’hin k’hin tang dy meé"h, chéa bey w™ kee™& chit 
sé liy, by ascertaining the heaviness or lightness of 

things, you will not miss an additional grain of millet. 

Ss Lay lek, jg, Ti, a disease consist- 
Lay IZ, ing in a contraction of the ten- 


Lay 7 
? panding. 
Liy Second in order. 
Liy bain, ak XK an elegy; an 
Luy = elegiac composition in praise. of 

any one that is deceased. 
Liy wat, to jé € séang hay sin ké, ak | iz 

ii F is F ie wie liy woo king, ké t6 kap 

lé dy séang hay dy stn ké, the elegy says, “ pray to 
the celestial and terrestrial gods above and below ;” 
see the an 3 = Lin gé. 

J The body of a flower. 

nae An Sipe flower. Also’ writ- 

ten } ps lay: The bud is called 
i, gok, and the expanded flower iS, lay. 

L The same as the above. 




The opening of a flower; a bud ex- | 


A number of stones, heaped up 
Lay together. 
Jé lay lw4n che gwiy, al a9 
0) a je ch’ hin chéo"S ly key nooi"S dy guwty, 
in as dangerous a condition as eggs piled upon one 

A very small weight; sip sé wiy lay, 

+ B BB chap teep styh 

O@YR G chd chit dy ldy, ten grains of 
millet make one lity. 



Thunder; a surname; lily kong, ‘Ay 
Ir, the god of thunder ; lily téén, 

ae fe, thunder and lightning ; 
lay héang, ‘Fy = HS lay tan, the thunder rolls. 

Sin ldy hong et pit péen, JU a EWA Al iy Seth 
kin dy lay kwa hong léét, pit péen sek, when the 
thunder roared, and the wind blew furiously, (€on- 

fucius) would change color; see the am ae Lin gé. 

Li Hwut lay, Mihi 7G, a pimple; a 
uy 7 small blister caused by the heat. 


To triturate anything in a mortar. 

Liy The name of a tree. 
Liy The fruit of a tree. 

A black rope; bonds. Suy chaé 
a2 lay séet che téung, hwuy ké choéy 
oe ee 

JE ah aE iW suy té liy séet dy tang e"8, w'” 
sé e dy choéy sit, although he was in bonds and im- 

prisonment, it was not his fault; see the cx ant 

Séang lin. 


Liy To bind, to tie together. 
A basket for carrying earth. Kae 
Liy kwuy hw4n, ly 16 jé yéém che, 

at Bir JQ HB Tt EZ 

kab toot" k’he, tho ldy lé jé-yéém baé e, for he 
returned and got baskets and hods to carry the 
earth in, and covered the body over; see ta =f. 

Béng choo. 

L= =] 
Liy via A pitcher for wine. 

z Tears; lew lay, jig, ik labu bak 

Liiy chaé, to shed tears. Liiy jé 6 hay, 

Hit ap Wy FR bak saé ch'hin 

chéo"& hoé lh, bis tears flowed like rain. 

When vi # fF, Hong-hadu-j@ was about to 

be put to death, (lim héng gan liy, Ri jt) BR ie 
lim héng Iwat bak chew laéu saé,) on approaching 

the place of punishment, his eyes were full of tears. 

Liiy YE Tears; the same as the preceding. 


Liiy To beat a drum rapidly; liy koé, 
tin iia to roll the drum, 

The screaming of a stork. 

La y w To roll over a stone; to roll a stone 
down from a height. 
Liy Apia and distressed; to injure. 


A sort, a kind, a class, a genus; jos 
lay, 53 ig jé lity, a dictionary. 

To involve in; léén lay chéung jin, 

3 2 3 XK léén lity chéiing 
a lang, to involve the whole in 
trouble. Séang sé jé tong, bod liiy hoé jin, rie Ae 

i BH HE A BR A teh stang sé je tin 

tang, b6 lay téoh aou laé dy lang, we should calcu- 


late the time before we commence operations, and 

not involve future generations in trouble; see the 

Fa {if Cho wan. 

Asort, a class; téng liy, as ¥A, 

a: sort; chétng lay» Fi aK, a 

genus, a kind. Ch’hut @ ké liy 

pwat hoé ké chiiy, th yA am FF Pi Sf +: 

Ae cWhut é ¢ dy lay pwdh hod e dy téng, to excel 

one’s kind, and to surpass all one’s compeers; see 

ih =F Béng choo. 

Liiy To pour out a libation of wine upon 
VW sthe ground. 


Liiy To pierce, to bore through, to per- 
Fink Lwé twé, pa , Not to hit the cen- 

: tre; clay not properly worked up. 

Read naé': water flowing over the 
Stones ; a shallow ina river, where 

“~ the water is broken by stones. 
A rapid in a river. 
Sék naé héy, ch’héén ch’héén, Ay ita as Es yea 
chéoh lod héy, k’hin k’hin, where there are stones 
in a stream, the water is shallow ; see the HH: Fo| 
Ch’hoé so6. 



Read lo: a bamboo vessel for con- 

taining rice, a basket, a hamper. 
& Read naé: to depend on; é nae, 
Lwa Ry iff wé lwa, to rely on. 
=~ A surname. 
Lwih } Read lat: to stroke down with the 
hand; to rub down. 

—_—. : 
WH Read Iwat: to twist off, to pluck by 
Y handfuls. 
Read lwat: to mark out a bounda- 

Lwih r , ry, and to divide a district ; oah 
ka, ye S to strike a bushel. 

Read lat: 

Y thing with the hand. 

Lwith | To turn up the earth, in ploughing 
the ground. 

to press heavily on any- 

Lwih Read Iwat: and lat: acrid, pungent. 
= —, Vulg. séo: hot, warm, comfortable, 
Lwan y genial. Ch’hit sip hway pek put 

iio, AF IE AB AB 

cl’hit chap hiey b6 ch’heng pék béy séo, at seventy, 
except a person be clothed in silks, he cannot keep 
himself'warm ; see the ie = fil Léy 6ng che. 

Lwin W¥2 The warm genial influences of the 
sun. ‘The same as the above. 

Livi A present made to a daughter, three 

days after her marriage. 



Warm, genial; sit teaou hoé che 
Lwaén ge lw4n, ip i MZ ei 
ching teaou chhé hoé 1é dy séo 

héw, to wear the warm furs of the ermine and fox. 

Lavi mm Warm, through the influence of the 
sun; the same as the above. 

fee Vulg. noot"S: an egg; key lw4n, 
Rf 0) key noot"8, a fowl’s egg: 

LwA4n erround, deprived of the corners; 
rounded off, 

het Vulg. noot"&: weak, lissom, pliable, 

VA lwin jéak, iy Ay noot™® che”é. 
a =. A bell, the ” of a tinkling bell ; 
Lwan ‘ lwAn kay, 8 72, the imperial 

equipage, so called from certain 
bells hanging from the ornaments of it, peculiar to 

the emperor, 
A hill small and conical at the top ; 
Lwan 4=% the summit of a hill; san Iwan, 
WL) hy $i, the peak of a bill 

Lwan =~» The name of a wood of a yellow hue. 
Also, a surname. 

ey, Lan hong, Jel, the female of 
Lwan $53 the oe hong bird, represent- 
Iw ed as part eagle, part pheasant, and 

of a blue color. The harmonious singing of the same. 

Lwan fief leak, to run out. 

=A confine, to bind criminals with a 
Lwan '» black rope; to attach as by liga- 



2-», Warm affection, ardent attachment. 

— > 
Lwan Heng téy séang lwan, R ty 
NS HE] HA he%a te séo sédh, breth- 

ren tenderly attached to each other. 

Wan Iwan, yi , handsome, ele- 

gant in form. 


Lwan Aah To scrape anything. 

The time of evening. 

z To regulate disturbances; to make 
Lwan L disturbances; to throw into con- 


fusion, confused, disturbed ; chok 
Iwan, (fF BL, to rebel; to cause disorder. 
Boo 6ng wat, & yéw Iwan sin sip jin, nt £6 

F A al Be TP A Boo ong king, gwd wos éy 

té lwan dy jin sin chap lang, Boo 6ng said, “I have 
ten ministers able to quell disturbances ;’’ see the 
im ah Lin gé. 

Lwin pal put ke, aL Fil AR i lwan pang ia 

boéyh k’héa, he would not dwell in a disturbed dis- 
trict; see the aa Bo Lin gé. 

The contracted fortn of the preced- 

ing character. 




Lwan ch’ho, BL ¥, overgrown 
grass and weeds. 

a }- 
Lwan fe 
—_ ARB We, not strong. 

45 ae Kwan Iwan, Ay #, to be ardently 
\ aN attached to. 

x & ay Weak, no strength; vulgar, small ; 

Lwat lwat pok, Zz Wy, weak, insufli- 
cient, just adequate. 
RK _—@® Vulg. lwih: to pluck, to pick, to 
Lwat take ; to feel with the fingers. 

Ch’haé ch’haé ho6é é, pok gan lwat 
che RIB WE AG Zo bn te 
é dy ch’had, pok king lwah e, “let us pluck the hoé 
é plant ;” I say, “let us pluck it;” see the 3 7 
Chew lam. 

Lwat Vulg. loah: a low wall, a division, 
» a partition between fields. 

Lwat An ugly face. 

Lwat Vulg. dedh: acrid, pungent. 



Vulg. béy: a horse; k’he m4, Ihpf 
Ae k’héd bay, to ride on horse- 

dvd back. A surname. 
tae m4 séng, put ch’hat é key tan, 4 EE Fe 

rs A we ii Rt ik ch’ hé bay kwa bay ch’héa, 

i Phang ch’hat k’hw"d ling dy key kap te, when 
a person keeps carriages and horses he should not 
examine people’s fowls and pigs; see the k eB 
Taé hak. 

Au MA lo sék, Fj BE Aa bdy 16 cheoh, 
a cornelian stone. 

Qe HE A grandmother; lo ma, % vies 

») ladu m4, old granny. 

Ma hong, Silt Jak ba hong, a kind 

) \ of leprosy. 

len Béén ma, if jit bin. ma, marked 

Dott with the small pox. 
A surname. 
To disgrace, to degrade. 


The place where an army halts, and 
Dis where they offer a sacrifice. 


ED Volg. mai"S: 10 rail at, to scold, to 


DONT via put chwat Whos, FB FS 4h 

[J mai’ b6 tooi"S té ch’hdy, his mouth did not 
cease from railing; see the yp au Soo ké. 

Read pek: the name of.a goddess of 
ma 4 the four quarters; also called 
FE, jh, m4 choé. 

Vulg. béy: to buy, to purchase. 

Vy Se4ou chaé t’héng maé maé, é 

chit chey, Ny oe Hida = A 
WY yas Al sey kw"a thé"a béy béy, é chit pai"9 
ché”d, an inferior officer attends to the selling and 

buying, in order to promote equity; see the iil rit 
Chew léy. 

To peep at, to spy. 

Vulg. bey: to sell, to dispose of, to 


The name of a medicine; the name 

of a foreign nation to the east. 

To travel to a distance; old, decre- 

pid; to pass by; to exceed. 

Jit gwat jé mae, A Fi itil 8 

Git, SP shy SE 


jut goéyh keng kiey, days and months are passing 

by; see the FE aE Chin sé. 

a ‘ 
Mai” Ry To take up with the hand. 

ia : Read béng : fierce, bold, daring ; 

Mai"S AE béng chéét, Ven qt mat"S 
om, chéét, rapid. 

7 Read yéa: the night; kim yéa, 

Mai"S Ar Fx him mat"’, to-night. 

Pe téw chok yéa, a) Hi NE 

AL hoz jit chd mat"Y, to turn the day into night; 
see the |. Hff Sedou gndy. 

> Read béng: dark; béng hwun, 
Mai"S = ae a mat"S hwui"S, the 

evening, dusk. 

Read béng: the next; béng léén, 

Mai"S H WA oF mat" neé"S, the next 
Read b6éng: blind; ch’heng béng, 
Mai"S TR BH Whai"S mat", totally 
ng ps Read béng; the beard of wheat; 
Mai any sharp point. 
p, Read béng: sharp pointed; to 
Mai"S ae bing, J] BR to mai"§, a sharp 
pointed knife. 

Ao Kek lam ch’had, [BE se 
Mai" gz kityh mat" cl’hae, a kind of 
yegetable, greens; young cab- 


F Read ma: to scold, to rail; séang 
Mai’ ma, Af FR, séo mai"S, to rail 

at one another. 



pa The bleating of sheep. 

MoS h Ch’ho mai"Sh, Bi BE ch’hadu 
mai"9h, a grasshopper. 



Read kip: hasty, quick. 


‘ Read bék: the pulse; boé bék, 

Mai"'Sh HA ffiK bong mai"Sh, to feel 
the pulse. 
aR A spear; téang ma6u, de ria 
Madu té"8 maéu, a long spear. 

E choo téng maé6u, fa “f- 

fa F kap lé tang maéu, to use the same spear 
with you; see the # iia, Chin hong. 

} pa Madu ch’ho, 3 Hi a” Gch’hasu, 

Madu a coarse kind of grass, used in 

thatching; Erianthus Japonicus. 
Maéu ok, y E& a” & ch’hod, a thatched cot- 

tage. A surname. 

Pék ma6u tun sok, EY 3h Shi Ye payh a™ 6 ha 

14 ché"4 pak, white grass bound up into bundles. 

Pwan madu, ag Aig pin bd, a 

poisonous insect, cantharides. 
An insect which eats the inside 
Madu ofgrain, Madu chék, ip IDX, 

the insect injurious to the roots. 
Maéu He. helmet, 
E An appearance. Yfing maou, 
sil RR 

ax Si. the face, the counte- 

nance ;_ also written Be maou. 

Tong yang maou, soo wan po ban °, Bi) ys z\) 

Hi $i BS he HR. hb tintang ying maou, chéy 

léy chéw hwui”J Whe pd ban é, by enlarging our 
views, we shall be enabled to remove oppression 
and insult; see the Hii pee Lin gé. 

Maou The same as the above; appear- 

ance, manner, aspect, air. 

Maou 4 se A good look, ‘a fair appearance. 

Me For words written me, see under 
mee"8, , 

BS Read béng: a name; béng seng, 

Mera & PE me"a sé"a, fame, re- 

port; séng béng, Hes wi sai"S 

mé"4, the name and surname. 
‘Sé é seng béng yang yit hoé téung kok, Ta Y) BE 
% +f itd ¥ ih fal sé é séa mé"d éy yang 
yit té téung kok, thus a man’s fame would spread 

throughout the whole middle country (China); see 

the rh i Téung ying. 

Ch’haé mé"a, 54 Hi ch’hd me", 
touchwood; some say, the gum 

of a tree which easily ignites. 

Read béng: an order, the decree 

Mea b> of heaven, fate; h®6 béng, 4. 
P a hé6 mé"@, good fortune; 
swan béng, a oP swui"S mé"a, to calculate des- 
tinies. Choo han gan lé, é béng, é jin, *F- cas 
a ys 2 ay fA i = hoo cho6 han tit kong le, 
kap mé"a, kup jin, Confucius seldom ag of gain, 

or fate, or benevolence; see the jj Lin gé. 

id an 
—= 0 mee" td Hwit, fioy i Re 

(ih, Amida Buddha, commonly 
; used by the Chinese as an oath, 
Sa mee"Es yp fe a priest of Buddha. 





Read béén: wool, cotton; béén- 
vl yang, Fa 2f mee"S yésrs, 
a sheep; béén hwa, iis . 

meé"6 hwa, raw cotton for making cloth. 

Meé"S = incantation. 

eo 2s, A riddle; chok mee" Bs AE ak, 

meé"S, 54 Wi séép sey, to 

es" A 
adulate; also, to love. 

Péén p’hek chek meé"8, (i Ree {Bi 4A séo"s 

péeen prhek dy sod, chéw ae mee"® ling, being de- 

to make a riddle. 

To please, to flatter; theém 

praved, we shall begin to flatter people. 

Meé"5 choo yit jin, tA Yi, _ A séoh chéy chit 
dy ling, they all love the one man; (i. e. the empe- 

ror;) see the k HE Taé gnay. 

Read béén: flour, wheaten flour ; 
Mee"S i 

also written AH, mee": 
a cake, a bun, 

Béén paon, Vill fi, mee" paou, 

Met™Sh Po The bleating of sheep. 
A. foreign surname; common] 
Mee"Sh . y 
used for ¢ yes,’ ‘right !” 

Read moh: as sim moh? $C iE 
Mee™Sh Jig s"a meé"Sh2 what? 
Pld 36 chd sim moh? He fe EL 

x lé chd sa me&"Sh2 what are you doing? 

Read but: a thing; ban but, Ea 
Wy ban mea"S', all things. 
Ban but péng yéuk, jé put 



séang be, BEY Mk EO A A 

_ ban meé"8h séo yang yéuk, jé 66 séo haé, all things 

would then be nourished, without injuring one 
another; see the ip Jag Téung ying. 

ot Pee The name of a plant, like a kind of 

Mo | 

wheat, the grains of which are 


a To hold anything in the hand. 

Mo -] Repeated, redoubled. 
M6 AF A poisonous plant. 
M6 ZN Small, minute, diminutive. 
_ M6 ir pA M6 10, BOE ABE, ashamed. 
BR Hair; the hair of the head, and 
M6 = eyebrows ; héng m4, 40. FE ing 
m6, red haired, generally applied 

to the English people. A surname. 

Tek yéw jé mé, mé yéw yéw lin, 7 il vn = 
#. ig A fi tek héng k’hin sty ch’hin chéo"9 
mé, m6 yéd woo lin lay, though my virtue is as light 
as a hair, yet even a hair may be classified, 


Overgrown with weeds. M6 ch’haé, 

ES 5d , herbage, vegetable food, 
M6 keng, Eo a cl’haé Cheng, 

vegetable broth. 
2 Hair; the hair on the side of the 

head, tied and twisted up into lit- 


tle tails, as is commonly done with 
children. M6 sod, % ~b, a clever scholar. 
Ea 6 



A cow’s tail, held by those who bran- 

dish it about to give signs and or- 

; pe’ t6, iE RE, drunk, 

To rub, to rub up, to stir up; to per- 
} suade one another to that which is 
good, is called iS mé. 

To grind, to sharpen on a stone. 
Mé ley é se, Js Hi yy A 
bwi hod laé saé, to grind anything. 
for use ; see the vid (8 Cho twan. 

Mé kway, ia Fie the devil, a 
spirit which misleads people. 

An old man, 80 or 90 years of age. 
Also, wandering and forgetful. 
Mo ké kwan é k’bin, x iy te 
WS Wh) piyh kabu chap hidy dy ladu ling, séo"8 
tw" té W’itn dy sod, old people of 80 and 90 years 
of age are loth to exert themselves; see the fj ae 
Séang se. 
Old, superannuated; the eyes dim. 

Héung téung put chéng, chek boé 

cho6 mo yéen, if} rf aS iE 

FU WE SF ER BH tery tag oS ae" cca, 

chek bak ang & b6 kwui"S, when a man is not upright 

in his own breast, then the pupil of his eye will be 
dim; see ik =e Béng choo. 
} To cover over, to overturn; to 

= transgress; kay mo, ila i , to 
pretend to make a bargain. 

Also written =F mo: to rush | eadlong. 

Mo yéen tut h", B sa vi K mo hwun tit 

hééy, to rush through the smoke, and to dash 
through the fire. 


To envy; jin che yéw ké, mo chit é 

(= en me AK Z AA 4z 1B Wk 

ie re lang dy woo ké, mé 

chit é wane, ane men are possessed of talents, you 

immediately envy and dislike them; see the k pz) 
Taé hak. 

Mo B. Poor, indigent; covetous. 
Lae Vegetable food thoroughly cooked 
Mo g ghiy 
and offered up. 
£ A sister; sea4ou moéy, Ih ik sé6 
Moéy moey, a younger sister; mééy hoo, 
te K, a younger sister’s hus- 
Moéy The name of a river ;_ rather dark. 
Méey Am mééy, hy Rk, dark, and dusk. 

Moty Ee Read bé: rice water; 4m bé, 13 
Ze BE dm moéy, congee, gruel. 

Ie Z 
Méh tt Anything very small; sim moh? a3 i 
PD BE s"a meé"h?2 what? 

Moh A" take away. 

Pellicle, thin skin. 

i Anything extremely small; mooi"& 
Mooi"S yy mooi"S, BE BE, very little in- 

Ӥ deed. 




Mooi mg 

Read bw4n: late, the evening, sun- 

set; sit bwan hwan, RE ie ih 

chééh moot"S pooi"S, to eat the 

evening meal. 

Hoé hoéy pit bwan, hee Mg Wp Va aou hoey pit 

moot", a future repentance will be too late. 

Ak Koé bin ch’ho, a wy Bi Ma 

Mooit"S WY 

ses the entrails to burst asunder. 

Read bin: a door, an entrance, a 
Mooi”S Pe gate ; k’hae bin, BA FA Whwuy 

moot"&, to open the door. 

moot”9 ch’hadu, a very poison- 

ous plant, which when eaten, cau- 

Bain hoé, FA Pp moot"8 hoé, doors and gateways. 

Lip put téung bin, MvA AN rh rd Whéa bé té 

moot"9 tang e"8, he would not stand in the middle 

of the doorway; said of Confucius, in the 2 a a 5 oh. 
Lin gé. 

x Read bin: to ask, to inquire put 
Moots Fa| vhé hay bin, 7, He F io) 

a™ léth chd sedou léy hay téy 
mooi"S ling, he was not ashamed to consult his in- 


Goé chéang bin che, 2 r=) Wy. i] Z. gud chéang 
laé mooi”S e, I will ask him; see the mi ab Lin gé. 

ae » A garment without sleeves or fasten- 

Mw™a Hes 


ings, like the sarongs, and round 

“frocks, worn by the eastern island- 

Séé mw"a, Fe Jé. a room built 
in a verandah, or under the eaves 


of a house, 

A garment without buttons or fasten- 
Mw"a n 8 ' 

FE) ine 



To wear a garment without buttons 
or loops. 

a y Read bw4n: full, replete; ch’héung 

Mu" yi bwin, Fp, jf cWhéung moé, 
filled up full. — 

Bw4n tedou hod kway chéa, chin sé t’hdk se jin, 

WwW he ee RH A 

mw" d tedou pod hwity dy chin sé t’hak ch’hayh ling, 
‘all the rich and great people who fill the court are 


every one of them scholars; (said to young people, 
to encourage them to perseverance in study.) 




Rae Hemp; héng ma, fe it wul®s 

mw", yellow hemp; hoé mw"4, 

L HA ia Sesamum orientale. A 

Read bw4n: to deéteive, to cheat, to 
Mw"é Bri smother anything. 
T’héen put k’ho bwan, FE rs 
WT Ais Uhee"S béy mw" tit, heaven cannot be 

Mw"é ff 

Read ban: an eel; haé ban, if fiz 
haé mw"4, a conger eel. 




Vulg. léah: to take, to seize, to ap- 
prehend, to catch. Also written 

= Bnd. Khe ni chisy jin, Hy 

2B op XN Whe léth chiéy lang, to apprehend 

N4 kd, AIS AB] rout 1éy, that, those. 
Na Fil Asurname. How? na léng séng 
jin? Fh flu Ay AL an cho" 

éy ché"é lang? how can such a one ever become a 

NG K4m lam, BK ti kén né, an olive. 

Bo 14m: a surname. 

Read lim : a wood, a grove ; sé lim, 

RH HK cdrhew nd, a forest of 

trees. Kwuy m4 é hwa san che 

yang, hdng gnéw ¢ t’h6 lim che yéa, Fir FE fA 

aE (Ly 5Z Wa tk AF OD HE OL OF 

hoé bdy t6 toot"& té lnoa sw"a dy lam, pang gob twa 
té ’hé nd dy yéé, let us send back our horses to the 
south of the flowery hill, and allow our oxen to graze 
on the moor of the peach forest. (Speaking of re- 
turning to a period of tranquillity.) 


‘Read .lAm: a-basket; a surname} 

Pe. ch’had lam, KE GG cWhaend, a 

Mann A basket for carrying vegetables. 

NG Read léfing: as léding hoé, ia Hh 
A né abu, the throat. 

Read gam: as Lé(ing gam, Ae hee 


Né Léfing nd, the name of a district 
in the province of iia RE: Hok- 
Na AS An auxiliary word. 
Na Read téen: vulg. seéh na: lightning. 
r=) i For, because ; but, instead of; is, to 
Naé be; you. Put kéén Choo-toe, 

naé kéén kaou tong, Ay iJ =F. 

2h 4 J Ke cn b6 Khwa kee" Chob-toe, 
nab Rhwd ket"S kd dy gin G, we did not see Choo- 

toe, but we saw a hair brained youth. 

Bod naé jésé kd e? IE 4 Fy rae Yi 00 

naé lé woo kody sit? is it not the case that you are 
in the wrong? see the ay aa Lan gé. 

Naé 3b The same as the above; also writ- 
Ud : 
71 ten Fi) , naé. 

a Naé cho6, if 43- leng 4, the nip- 

Naé ples, the breasts ; also. written 
UY, naé, 
The same as the above; naé naé, 

Wy ih, an elegant female. 

Nae Ag The breasts, the nipples. 


Naé A child begotten by an old man. 
Naé 131 A surname. 

oe ho? ZS fay wd sa mes"Eh 
i taé wh? how then? what resource 
> 1 . 
- jg there? Bod naé hd, ik a 
{FI b6 ta# wh, there is no resource, we cannot help it. 

> ae name ofa fruit; k6 tin lé nae, 
Naé BD Ze AAS kiiey ché tin pé 
4 J  lékapnaé,the most valuable among 

fruits are the pear and the plum. 
patiently, to exercise patience. 

Naé Ti 
Séing naé sdéy han, Ls iy KB 
ge cWhéng payh éy nae tit neé"& tang kw", the 

fir trees can endure the cold patiently. 

Naé Tin! 

To depend on; € na’, fay iff wa 
Naé lwa, to rely on. Also read laé. 
. > Bob naé, lb KA, to trust in vain. 

Vulg. lod: a surname. 


Naé wg" name of a certain water plant. 

Naé péng, aa i hae ko pat"9; 
akind of leprosy; kaé na, Jf ia 

s an inveterate malady. _ 

Jim naé, Jy. in hun lin, to bear 

P’ho nae, EY inl, able to endure: 

Also, the same as the above. 


pipe with three holes in it; a big 

Ashe * 
Naé pipe is called aE, seng ; a mid- 
EQ dling one Hh, naé; and asmaller 

one BE, yéak. 

5 Vulg. lea: water flowing over the 
Naé ‘ip sand and stones; a shallow or 
“ © rapid in a river. 
Naé bé, is x, coarse rice ; the 
Naé refuse of pounded rice; also writ- 
ten HE , nae. 
Naé BA kind of shell-fish; boé naé, ee 
yy) ia a kind of medicine. 
Naé FF A large iron pan, or caldron. 
Naé Naé taé, HE A, not skillful in bu- 

siness; dull. 

phphent léng: as koe léng, tb Ye 





| Nadu 

koe nai"8, an aunt. Peng léng, | 

sos i Uf Ma pairs nai"S, a weak and 

silly woman, 
hwa, the name of a flower. 

aS Cheng léng, ae 3B chai" nai"S? 

the name of a medicinal plant. 

Read k’hé: and whe: 
Nai"S i 

tiptoe, and look to a distance. 
to stand on tiptoe. 

T’hé kéak, 4S Bf nai”Y kha, 

ing to one another. 

Nuns ASE 
8, AY BG, t0 look sta- 

Nai’S Hes Tai"S nai"8, 
ringly at any one. 

5 W 

MO léng hwa, 36 5 AE mé nai 

to stand on 

Nai"& poe, i Ali. to hang out 
clothes to dry. 


Read léng: weak, exhausted; the 

noise made by foreigners in call- 


To twist, to flinch. Put hoo naéu, put 

bok, AR fll BEA EB 

a uo FE 
phiéy u™ Whéw k’hwut, bak wv” 

té cha6u, his muscles did not flinch, nor his eyes 

blink; see = f- Béng choo. 

To disturb, to stir up to anger; naou 
Nadu re 

tong, Ne B}, to disturb any one’s 
Jjwah, all in a bustle. 

mind. Naou jéét, KS He lavu 

To throw into confusion. Héung 

eo noé che chéing é naou Iwan, 

I Ww ZR DB BE AL ore 

noé dy chéng lang, yting é nabu loan, the hosts of 

Tartars are easily thrown into confusion, 

Naou A small gong, a cymbal. 

Hwon naéu, Hy ip, the mind con- 
_ Nadu HR fused. Bod ch’hédng k’hwiy 

sily é kin hwun naéu, 4a atm 
Be ie VL ae AY Wag et chang ch’heiing 
hwut léy Mhwty sty, e sey jé hwun nadu, do not give 
way to deceitful and crafty people, in order to guard 

against confusion; see the Jy ite Taé gnay. 

Swan na6u, et thy, to make a 
Nadu my noise, to create a disturbance. 

Pin ké chay ché, chaé ho chaé 
oes JCEM ae AR BRR hen 
Whiyh kadu chéw chiy, woo dy tit hwah woo dy tit 
jédng, when the guests become heated with liquor, 
some will be hallooing, and some will be bawling; 
see the ‘hy Hi Seaou gnay. 

N, B. For words spelled ne, look under nee", 



Read Jéng: the neck ; to receive, to 

secure; to govern. 

Yéw éng ké léng, AA ie # 


Ai woo hwa ch’haé e dy né"d, how variegated were 
the necks (of the birds); see the Ny HE Se4ou gnay. 
Léng béng, ie] air né" dé béng, to receive orders. 
Po léng, Th iA p6 né"d, to stand security for. 

gB-p Read léng: a mountain top; san 
e"4 vee ABI léng, hy $i swa né"d, the top 
of a hill. 

Yin héng Chin léng, kay hd chaé ? swat ying lam 

bra pn hte, JAR A A A 
S? FE i BA ROR By eodn vlan ior 2 

Chin dy né"d, ch’hod twa té ta loh wity? styh hat 
lim kwan, béy béy ké"4 dn ?habu chéng, the clouds 
are seen stretched across the brow of the Chin 
mountain, and where now is our dwelling? the snow 
has filled up the southern pass, so that the horse can- 
not get forward; said by Bg ar H4n-jé, when he 

was traveling to the southward. 

Ane éng, i is né"a@ yé"d, far 
7 and deep amongst the hills. 


> Read bedou: a cat; beAou kong put 

Neaou th chaé, lo ch’hé chok kwaé, vf) 

neaou kang 6 té tit, neaou ch’hé chd koo kwae, when 

od = 
Ne a 

the cat is away, the mice begin to play. 



Vulg. chedou: abird; ne4ou béng 

eng eng, B IE, wy we chedou 

dd» haéu eng eng, the birds sing har- 
moniously ;_ see the I He Se4ou gnay. 

Nedou é lé 16, s8 6 séting pek, 

ww) FB fl ke RE ti Fw 

*y nedou kap lé 16, sé twa té ch’héng payh, the pa- 

A parasite, a creeper. 


rasites and creepers entwine around the cedars; see 
the sy Ate Se4ou gnay. 



Yaou nedou, (E {, tumblers tur- 

Nedou a ing their bodies into the form of a 
" ring; to perform feats of tumbling 
and agility. 
Neaou ni 




Béén neadou, fff] WE bin nedou, 

the face furrowed and wrinkled ; 

old, decrepid. 

Read léem: to take up anything 

with the fingers. 

ng b> You, thou ; neé"8 tek, | é dy, 
Net Av. 4 

your’s. Also written Ne. neéPE, 

Neéhs S To inform any one by word of 

ey FZ mouth ; to instruct orally ; to call. 

Read jéém: to dye; jéém poe, vas 

ng OO. 
aves Ai neé"S poe, to dye cloth. 

# Harmonious; neé"& koe, tA i 
Neé"s 2 zf a nun, a priestess. 
Téing neé"8, (ip ye. the name 

of Confucius. 

Neé"8 1am, We, 4, talking inces- 

Neé"8 Pe santly, to chatter without end. 
Neé"8 lam yéén choo gé léang 
kan, We i jae -y: ne a fil neé"S lim dy 
ee"S d, king wa té né6"S at" kan, the chattering 

swallows. are twittering between the beams; see the 

Ht ii ay Toé hoo se. 
Léuk neé"8, iE Ne to feel asham- 
Neé ng We ed; to blush with confusion. | 

Séang wat, wut t6 soo kwun jé, 

léuk nee’, HR El HM BA A he 

Séang king, wut chut séo"& kwun lé, yéd chéw sedou 
léy dy yéo"S, Séang said, “I have been anxiously . 


thinking of your highness;” (saying which) he look- 
ed ashamed and confused ; see ry F- Béng choo. 

Y . Valg. nw"4 ?hoé : mud, earth mixed 
Nee™s We, with water. 

H6 wiy hoe neé"S téung? FA 

B ¥- Ve ifr s"a soo twa té nw"4 thoé tang 

e"& 2? what do you do in the midst of the mud? 

see the af KE Se keng. 

ee Y a The epithet of a female. 

ae” noise of calling people. 

Neé®s E neé"8, if Hii, the appearance 
: i of a flag waving in the wind. 

Read léén: a year; léén léén, 4F. 
cis neé"S neé"8, every year. 
Gnoé pek léén, pit yew Sng chéed 

hin, Ff. A 4f iy AR om x FAL goe payh 

neé"E pit wod ng dy ling hin k’hé, in the course of 
five handred years, there will certainly spring up 
some of a royal spirit; see a x Béng choo. 

Té 16 neé"9, Be eft PR, woollen 


Net" cloth. Sedo neé", y]y RAE, a 
sort of kerseymere. 
’ Read lé@n: as hong léén, jy Sifi 
Neéi"S > wui"S neé"&, a refrigerant, a cool- 
ing medicine. A surname. 
Neé"S AAXL, To neéné, (fi) $f, a blackberry. 
£ To give one’s daughter in marriage. 
Nea®é T*hdy ch’hut j@ nes" @ Got, 

Bi WH ith He Fe las 



ov Ae 
bak saé ch’hut jé kay chaéu dé 1@ Goé, he wept as he 

went out, and gave his daughter in marriage to the 
prince of Goé ; see a. F Béng choo, 

y Impervious, obtuse, not thoroughly 

yéen; te wan k’héting neé& sé é kwun choo pnt 

ae oe 
B, 4, suy sey dy td, pit wod Phang k’hw"a 
ke2"&; na sé t2 kadu hwui"S, ké™a ne w™ thong, sé 

é kwun choé &™ cho, even an inferior degree of vir- 

Nea®S understood, dull. Suy se4ou 

to, pit yew k’ho kwan ché4 

tue may be worthy of one’s observation ; but when 
extended to a distance it is to be feared it will not be 
thoroughly intelligible, therefore the good man does 

not practice it; see the Bf Bz Lin gé. 

Read lé: 

Vv fore, to.arrive at. Also written 
ir, and fir, nes". Chong é 
nee"S che, Hf y rin ne chong géém &é lim kadu 

payh sai"S, appear stern before the people; see 
the jij eH Lin gé. 

Nee®@8 ie imprecation. 

A Pe Bok nee"s, * Zi, the name of a 

Neen’ pl) flower, white in color, and very 


to come to, to appear be- 


Read léep: to wink; léep bok, ia 
Fy nee"Sh bak, to wink the eyes. 

Bok léep kéw, FY fuk JA bak 

oa koé, in the twinkling of an eye. 

Read a an ounce; yit léang 
me a 1 gin, — iy aR chit né6"8 gin, 

an ounce of silver. Kat ké gnoé 

léang, zB Wat . an ch’ habu dy goé né6"8 tang, 

a pair of straw shoes five ounces weight; see the 

yh Fi, Chey hong. 


Read léang: a lady, a mother; a 

Ne6"s mee father is called. $F, yéa, “ Sir,” 

and a mother, léang, if, néb"S> 

“lady.” In common conversation, néo"I pay, is 
used for father, and né6"9 léy, for mother. 

tt. Read léing: mother; Jin-chong, 

Ap. > called Léw se, Al KK 

Laéu sé (his adopted mother), taé 

léAng léAng, ke ve i twa né6"S nés"S, ‘the 

great lady;’ while he called Yang se, i ay Yées"9 

sé (his real mother),se4ou léang lé4ng, Ip oe 

YEE sé6 néo"S né6"S, “the little lady.’ 


1 = Aiaee léAng: provisions ; bé léang, 
A rind bé né6"9> rice and pro- 
visions. Soo héng jé lédng sit, Gil} 

4F mM od BE peng ké"4 té0h wob né6"S chéch, 

when troops commence their march, they should 

Néd Ang 

have suitable provisions; see ry F- Béng choo. 

Also written ie, né6"9. Chéén léang, Se Ke 

cheé"J né6"8, taxes, soldiers’ pay. 
» Read léang : a beam, the principal 
Neo" beam-of-ahouse. A surname. 
Séang léang, Sy UE chéo"s 
né6"8, to get up the principal beam of a house. 
Read léang: to deliberate; séang 
léang, al ead soo né6"&, to de- 

liberate, to consult, Song t’haé 

choé, 5: kK PH, the first emperor of the Sng 
dynasty, went one cold night to the house of Teaou- 

p’hoé, if F Té0-p’hoé, to (séng léang téng hae 

gwan, HR & 13 rN Jf soo néo"S té"a tédh 

T’hae gwén,) consult with him about tranquilizing 
T’haé gwAn, (the capital of Sanse.) 

Neos 7 
q r 


Bw, Read léang: cool; léang san, te 
Be nese sw"d, a state umbrella, 

gt before officers of govern- 




ree BH. Read léang: as taé léang, de ie 


y BL Read jéang: to yield; séang jéang, 
Néo"s = iA me séo néo"S, to yield to 

one another. 

twa néo"S, a large steelyards, for 

weighing heavy goods. 

Keng chéa jeang pwan, héng chéd jéang loé, Ht 

A ae me 47 4 ae V4 choh ch’hdn dy ling 

né6"9I pwan, ké"6 loé dy ling néé"S loé, the plough- 
men yielded the furrow, and the travelers gave way 

to each other on the road; said to have taken place 

in the time of fi] mK ¥, Chew-biin dng. 
2B Read léng: a young gentleman ; sé 
Né"s E KN l6ng, fF Bs sé né"S, a gentle- 

man in waiting, a vice president of 

a trbunal, introduced in time of oa a Ban-téy, 
of the Ki, Sy dynasty. 

poten Read léng: an antichamber; lé4ng 
si eB 

long, Ww Ie no dy né"S;, the two 
apartments on each side of a hall 

or court. 
Read léng : as pin léng, 22 HP pin 
Ne"s TER né"S, the areca nut; Pin léng sé, 
Hh PA ia Pin né"§ soo, the 

island of Bhp or Prince of Wales’ island. 

Neng Ché léng, ie. i ché né"9, a kind 
% of yam, used as a red dye. 
Vy Read léng: the inside of bamboos; 

béét léng, RE f& beéh né"9, the 

soft inner part of bamboo, used in 
making basket work. 

Aik Read léng: the flesh immediately 
Né"s RB under the skin; jéuk léng, “S| 
A Be bah né"S, the fat of meat, 

between the lean and the hide. 



A Chek kak chédn kth chek chd 
né? if we throw away our armor, what then? see 
the Ze. {ij Cho twan. 

Sew hok put n6, Be jfiiy AL Il sew hok b6 joa 

chéy, we have not received much happiness; see the 

ss AE Se4ou gnay. 
ter is very common in the books 

AN g of Buddha. 

N6 n6 the noise made in 
Né vA Wha desaeig 
driving away noxious influences. 

The same as the above; this charac- 

ch’hod kae, $f KN fet i-i Ak Wf tc ji* 

RE px héo"S lé dy ling kw"d wun yédh, e chéw 
ch’héng tedou dy yin chés" jé Khe té tang pee™S 
4y gim kay, when the villagers were driving away 
- noxious influences, Confucius would put on his court 
dress and stand on the eastern steps; see the aft Ba 
’ Lin gé. 
. 5X 

To drive away noxious influences, | 
Age to expel pestilential vapors. 
Héang jin n6, tedou hok jé lip é 

NO 489 
> y Read long: the waves of the sea; No 
Nee / p’ho long, Py fk p’ho ned, 
waves and billows. Haé sfiy k’hé 
“taé p’ho long, +5 KK He K Yk ed haé | WG 
chity ’hé twa p*ho né"8, the ocean rises into great 
The wrist, the region of the pulse; | N6 
“a FR | séw néw, fit cl’héw néw, the 
Né O no, dy An, handsome, beautiful ; 
also, easy, loose. 
x What? many; read n4: that; how? 
No Fh K’hé kap chek n6? = FA Hi) 


The name of a hill. 

: A kind of monkey, with long soft hair. 

Bones chopped up, to make gravy. 

Also, fat and ugly. 

a cowardly ; n6 jéak, FP RA: 
i pusillanimous. Koé biin Léw-hay 
hwiay che hong chéa, gwan os 

lé@m, n6 hoo yéw lip ché, Le lH] Hil f & rand 

chéd woo Uhé"a Léw-hay hwity dy hong, gwin gaé 
dy lang ché"é ch’heng léém nooi"® ché"d dy ling 
woo lip ch2, therefore when any listen to the princi- 
ples of Léw-hay hway, the dull become pure, and the 
cowardly acquire resolution ; see hh Ff Béng choo. 

a An enraged hound, an angry dog. 

A surname. 

Né bé, qi K, a glutinous kind of 

upland rice, of which liquor can 

be made; called also Bh K. 

chit bé. Also written an né, and Ki. no. 

1h riod, as a note of interrogation. 

Also written By, no. Same as yee no. 
Read je: 
hwan je, — 

An expletive, or an auxiliary word, 

used sometimes at the end of a pe- 

two; yit hwan yit, je 

= chit hwan chit, nd hwdn no, 
let your one be one, and your two, two ; (similar to 
the scriptural phrase, “let your yea, be yea; and 

your nay, nay.”) 

Sod yéA, bain yit ¢ te jé, iF) th a —_ vi Fi 


™. gwé vhé"a chit hang, chéw chae no hang, when 

I hear of one thing, I know two; see the ain aa 

Lin gé. 

Noé & Noé lék, bd 7] , to exert one’s 
strength; to rouse one’s energies. 
ae Noé lék, ARQ 7], to exert one’s ut- 

most strength. The same as the 


A slave; noé pé, WW He, male and 
AQ female slaves. 
Noé chaé, dy A loé chaé,a 

slave, often used asa term of reproach. Noé pok, 

4 %, a servant. 
RR Noé vhae, 3 aay 

dv». Ch’hd-hoo séén gé, put léng gé 

used as a term of self-reproach. 
noé Vhae, fi ie .% oF efi x Ae ap é ER 

Ch’ hd-ho6 abi saé ch’héa, béy hedou saé ldm béy, 


an ugly horse, 


Ch’hd-hoo was a good charioteer, but he could not 
drive bad horses. 
Anger, wrath, to be angry, to be ina 
- YR passion; hwiin noé, HizI HK séw 
ea k’h2, rage, to be in a rage. 
Bin dng yit noé, jé an Uhéen hay che bin, x -— 
— 8 im FER FZ RR Ba ing chit dy 
séw k’he,jé an Uhee"S ay dy payh sai"8, Ban ong, 
once displaying anger, tranquilized the people of 
Ff Béng choo. 
Koe noé, fe te, a kind of wood, 

the empire; see in 

Noe the bark of which is used for dye- 
ing a red color. 

== ‘To weed the ground, to clear away 
Noe grass and weeds. 

Ch’him keng é noé, 7 ik Ft 3 
Hig cWhim choih cWhan, kwa té eae to plough 
deep, and to clear away the weeds; see th -f- 

Béng choo. 


me Nooi"S kody h’ke, he ia s., to 
squeeze one’s-self through a hole. 

Y See Iwan: 
pliable; weary. 

Swan Iw4n, He fie ‘sooi"S 

Rs weariness, lassitude. Kéak séw lw4n, jis) 
KR Pha cl’héw noot"S, 

=F ib helplessness of the 
limbs. Lw4n kéak péng, HR jal ij noot"S k’ha 
par"S,, loss of the use of the limbs. 

Nooi™ 46 Nooi"S hate. He 7. to creep 

through, and get away. 


weak, feeble, flexible, 


Read yéw: the shaddock, the pumelo 

fruit; Citrus decumana. Also writ- 

ten th , yew. 
Read lwan: an egg; key lw4n, Rp 
waa y Hf key noot"&, a fowl’s egg. 
Also written ir, noov"s. 

To knead, or squeeze anything with 
the hand. 
> = Nw"4 bit, = Pyneoa meé"Sh, 
~ to knead anything. 

Read lan: to stop, to hinder; lan 

~~ Ae chah, 44 [yi] 204 chith, t0 

Nore PE Read lan: 

to rags, overdone; torn, ragged. 
mee"Sh ch’hadu kéng nwa, when anything stinks, 

rotten, over ripe; boiled 

But hoo wat lan, yy ps Fl Wg 

it is called rotten. 

Read mééy: as key moéy, EA i 

n - 
Nw"a key nw”a, a pullet, a young hen 

that has not yet laid eggs. 

. in yéén: spittle; sty yéén, Jife 
i PE p’hoey moa, to spit. 






To secrete, to conceal; to dwell in 

acave; acavern. An loko, te 

1 a es the cavern of peace and 
joy. Ochéng, Kea ik Vhaou k’he"S, to secrete 
stolen goods. 

O kay, a R, a receptacle for stolen goods. 
Yéén o, We “i , the edible birdsnests, much priz- 

ed by the Chinese. 

Vulg. wey: a pot or pan, for 
}2 cooking victuals. 
h The same as the above, when made 
R of earth; an earthen pot. 
iat An earthen pot. 

O gnéw, Lh) I o god, a kind of 

Py snail, or worm; a slug. 

Tong o, va Foy tang o, and o 
ch’hae, i ZR wi'ey cl’har, salad. 

To speak loud and angrily, to scold. 

= Hwuy kim té o koé jin tek sit 

Py 63k mA 

FE Fe AO bed t6 0 kok ling Ay tek sit, we 

dare not scold and rail at the rights or wrongs of 
the ancients, 

p A great mound of earth; part of 

a name. 

i To go to stool. 
» Sick; a fright into which children 
R) fall. 

? O o ch’heaou, fin] pry FE 00 
a ch’héd, to laugh out loud. 

Any small kind of plant; a trouble- 
Rp some and annoying sort of govern- 
ment; to oppress, and annoy; 
also, to examine. 
Hod la k’hoé Chin o hwat kéw 8, 40 Ys YE Ze 
PY Ye A FR vayh sai"S dy hod U6 w06 chae kan 
R’hoé Chin dy o hwat koé é, the aged fathers of the 
people have been wearied and distressed by the op- 
pressive government of Chin for this long time; see 
the Ey il £E, Ko chos ke. 
Soo kwan ché4ng o ch’hat, kan jin, | faa = 
by He & J\ s00 kwan dy kw"a, chédng 0 cl’ hat 
kan haé dy ling, the officer who kept the pass attend- 
ed to the examination of improper people. 
A foreign nation, from beyond the 
eastern sea; the Japanese. 
Some read this character wuy. 


O 492 

hE pe A kind of grass; the daffodil. 

0 Yew yew lok béng, sit yéa che o, 
VA) wh wh FE WG fe BF ZH 
yew yew lok habu, chéah yéd dy ch’hadu, the stags 
cry with the sound of yew yew, and eat the grass of 
the wilderness ; see the aN HE Se4ou gn4y. 

O V The eddying of water. 
} | 
O Soft and pliable; also, the full and 
luxuriant appearance of bamboos, 
O To venture one’s life in battle; to 

fight till death. 

> A fur dress; twan 0, We *e a satin 

dress; sin JéAng 0, Hi ve He 

sin né6"9 6, a’bridal dress. 
Hy HBR, beautiful, handsome ; 

6 oO no, Hey 
slowly, leisurely. 

6 O no, Up Gh, a soft and effeminate 


To attend on any one, as a female 

Oo servant. The services rendered 
by ladies. Also written Re, 0. 
6) To pick or pluck anything. 

V Deep, mysterious, unfathomable. 

The southwest corner of the house, 
O to which the ye offer sacri- 
fice. Ch’him 0, Pe SQ, deep 

and abstruse. 

- OE 

E ké mea 6 3, léng mesS @ chd? GH Tt 4A 

WS FA BE YB TA FE ve é ty seep sty 2 
cW’hod kak, léng k’hé séép sey té chadu k’ha? rather 

than worship the southwest corner of the house, is it 

not better to flatter the god of the kitchen? see the 

ne A Séang lin. 

0 The brink of water, the water’s edge ; 

land near the water’s side. 

re To regret, to be vexed, to be enrag- 
ed; 0 hwan, iQ Hf, to repent. 

oO 4 To cry out for-pain. 

O wifey The sound of love or hatred. 

PR naé, BR 74, the boatman’s song. 

be Read hé: an oyster; hé séang léém 

ot oO 

wiy san, pek sip kok choo seng, 

Ke eB a+ 
a | AK 6 sto léém chd sw"a, piyh dy chap dy, 
hok ka té sai", if oysters stick together like a hill, 

be they hundreds, or be they tens, each one grows 
by itself. 

B 4 
O 2D 

The sound of replying; the noise 

made in answering any one. 

Black; oe a, B af a crow; kim 
oe, > E.. a three-legged bird, 
supposed to inhabit the sun. 



A surname. 
Chéem oe wan ché,e sfy che ok, fife B Re 

ak it Ht ra iE Whw"d oe té ta loh hay™h, 



ché chity dy ch’hod, look where the crow settles, and 
on whose house he sits ; see the Ip ARE Se4ou gnay. 
The perching of a crow on any one’s house is con- 

sidered by the Chinese as an unlucky omen. 

Oe hoe, te, BF, an exclamation of 

surprise. Alas! to lament, to 

pov) sigh. 
san put jé Lim-hdng hoe? IE [lp 4 

Wy IR yy ik HK f- 0 hoe! ais 

kong T’hae san dy stn w™ tat Lim-hing hoé? alas! 
who could have said that the spirit of the T’haé 

Oe hoe! cheng wiy T’haé 


mountain was not so discriminating as Lim-hdng ? 

see the fie me Séang lin. 

The same as the preceding. 

Oe ying, ia Ha. the name of a 
NTO water plant, of whose stalks the 
shafts of arrows may be made. 
5 A surname. 
ui The name of a water bird. 

The chanting with a number of 


R Oe ko chéa, put oe ko Gedou che 

chod, j@ oe ko Sin, 3 BK AG A Be BK 38 
ZF iti) aoe BN pp WhE"S kuwa dy ling, bo 

cl’héo"S kwa Gedou dy haou sai"S, jé ch’héd"S 
kwa Sin, those who chanted ditties, did not chant 
to the honor of GeAou’s son, but to the honor of 

Sin; see jit “f° Beng choo. 

> To steep in the water; to soak in the 
M water; to macerate. 
Tong ban che té, k"ho é oe mw", 

3 ¥ 




ip FA Z Wt oy YS ie bik tang moot"® dy 

chity K’hwut d, Chang laé chim mw"d, the pond 

without the eastern gate will serve to soak the hemp 

in; see the [ii Ee Tin hong. 

How! what? an exclamation of sur- 

wD Oe! sé hé gan yea? BP. qt: fej 

= th oe! chéy sé s"a meé"Sh wa? how! what 
words are these? see i -f- Béng choo. 

KA Oe lam, fG && oe nd, a cradle for 

KE? rocking children to sleep. 
pp . 

A small encampment ; 
Also written iB, oé. 
dyad Tong-tok, fr i Tang-toh, made 
an encampment at bp Bé, which he called ban soéy 
06, fx Bg, the ten thousand years’ encampment. 

Also read o€. 

a mud fort. 

The name of a district; read oe: a 



uh The name of a hill. 

The name of a river. 
H The name of a gem. 
An old woman, amother; lo 0¢, 
4 7 

x Ui, an old dame. 

Géem-yéenléen, fi WE *F., 
belonged to a family of five brothers, who all attain- 
éd to high offices, and enjoyed salaries of two 
thousand measures of corn each; hence their mother 
was called (ban sék 06, i 7A YB ban chédh vé,) 

the old lady of a myriad measures of grain. 


Yr . 
Oe > |tnn To be soaked long in thewater. 
Oé p ye? Vulg. aéu: to vomit; o€ t’hoé, vit 
yy nk abu t’hoe, to vomit and spew. 
conie > The same as the above; to belch, to 
Oé pK spit; also written yg, oé. 

Vulg. aou: a surname. 

, A small fort, a redoubt. 
as B, and 18, o0é. 

To hate, to dislike, to seem evil in 

The same 


one’s eyes. 

DZD way jin chéa léng bX jin, leng 

ov jin, IE A AE HE JN fla 3 

tok tok jin tek dy ling éy a@ ling, ey wan ling, the 

benevolent man alone can love people, or dislike | 

them, in a proper way; see the & an Séang lin. | 

O8 The same as the above. 
nwo Also written Rp, 08. 
O#@ 2 Read hoé: a surname. 
Read hoé : a lake, a wide valley. 
O# vo Gnoé hoé, cn ail goe dy o€, the 

five lakes. Péén yéw kang hoé, 
qin He yx sh péen yéw kang oé, he had tra- 

veled over all the rivers and lakes. 

Oe oR! water pot. 


al 4 j- Read é: a water plant with a large 
O@ leaf, and an edible root, taro; call- 

= 2 

ed the Arum aquaticum, in the 

Batavian Transactions. 


N. B. For words spelled Gey and oo, see also under 

woey and woo. 

ig A point of land, a bend in a river, 

where the stream takes a turn; a 

point is called im, oey, and a bay 

is called [sea é. 
To love; in Corea, the expression 
Oey faa dey jin, {8 A: means to love 


Ocey ayer be afraid. 
is Vulgar; pe oey, we ies low and 
Ocey mean} Oey p’hé, He Tal niggard- 
Oey h ee, Oey lay, fhe Fi, stones piled up 
xX together ; oey a, Be fq, Uneven. 
Oey sey Anything cooked over the fire; oey 
pe chin, ie ii ashes. 
: ab 
Oey ==] The name of a plant. 
wm”? luy, sha Sm, uneven; to cut 
Oey and mince; dey jéuk, ga 73 


ga Bi dey k’hwuy, to cut open. 

dey bah,tomince meat; oey k’hae, 

Sick, diseased; dried up and decay- 

ed; withered away. 
Oey Se A disease arising from damp. 


Oey té, ‘E TE, the name of a fo- 

Oey reign country; to return from a 


The islands of Japan, said to contain upwards of LOO 
states. Oey jin, eS A, a Japanese. 

by —_. 
Oey iz A pot, or pan; an earthen pan. 

Oey aL To cut up, to cut open. 
Oey Tong dey, Hin) Bi, a brass pot, or 

Bad, filthy, dirty, overgrown with 
weeds. Boé dey put te, ale fii 

as ize overgrown and unculti- 
vated; 00 dey, if Bi dirty, unclean. 


Obey Overgrown with weeds; disordered, 
confused, unclean. 
at » + Waters deep, wide, expansive, and 
Oey .) ? ? , 
"4 overflowing. 
Oéy pA To cut, to injure. 
Oéy D BF The noise of carriage wheels. 
Oe y The sound of flying ;_ the fluttering 

and clapping of wings. 

Hong hong é hway, dey dey ke 6, Jl, FAL FFG 
Bu pu #. A hong hing dy chedou tit pwuy, 

tering of its wings sounds like d2y dey; see the 

kK ite Taé gnay. 



Oéy ei spoiled by being overheated. 

Oey A place of concealment. 

z A kind of chestnut; 6k oy, JK I, 

Oéy IR the fruit of a certain tree, which 
is edible; déy ch’had, FR Fy 

a sort of vegetable, salad? 

& Athi= Hoé oéy, = qf, to guard, to pro- 
Oéy Pay tect; to fence, to ward off danger. 

Jé choo téy che 6éy hoo heng, 

W F- BZ Gi LHe whin chio"é choo 

téy dy hoé béy pay hé”a, just as sons and younger 
brethren protect their parents and elders. 
A surname. 

To take; to pluck, to scoop out; 

séw déyh but, Ff Ja Uy ch’héw 

déyh meé"Sh, to take hold of any- 
thing with the hand. 

“ The noise made in vomiting, the 
diyh meee 
sound of anything going out. = 
Read koty: the husk of grain ; 
Oétyh er Whong kody, RE fap Whe"s deyh, 

Read ék: to cut open; ék but, f | 
O&yh #\| Hy déyh meé"Sh, to scoop out any- 

thing, to split anything open. 

Read lAn: difficult, hard, not easy. 
pa: Kwun cho é soo, jé lan wat yéa, 

4H, kwun chod Whaoa® ch so6,jé oh kw" a hé, the 
good man is easily engaged in business, but with 
difficulty pleased ; see the Ff Be Lin gé. 


R >%-» Read hak: to learn; a school; jip 
Oh 2, hak, AN @. lsh Gh, to go to 
=f school. Hak jé sé sip che, Bh 

i He e Yat Oh jé sédng sé wun sip Oe to learn 

and constantly to study anything see the EE if 

Séang lin. 

KR Vulg. p’ha"é: wicked, evil, bad, vi- 
Ok ap. cious, depraved, ugly. Koé ché 
INWOY jin 2, bod ok yea, Fy AE HS 
; R 4m. Hp. si chin ché™d na éy sim che 

ee ie 

twa té jin, chéw b6 p’ha"é, when a man’s mind is 

truly set on virtue, he will be able to avoid vice; 

see the Ea em Lin gé. 

Ok Faulty, vicious, not good. 
To plaster a wall; also written 
nH, ok. 
Vulg. ch’hoo: a house, a dwelling, 
Ok ‘a residence. Hod jin ok, 

js Ez pod chéw ch’hdng hé ch’hob 

when a man is rich, he beautifies his dwelling; see 

the fy & Taé hak: 

Za” old man; lo ong, 4 & JA; an 

© RD old gentleman ; ong séuk, 3 AN 

chek, a familiar epithet for 


uncle; applied also to strangers by courtesy. A sur- 
name. In the AA, Béng dynasty, there was an old 
man who attained to the highest literary honors, 
whose name was Wi IE FF, Ong-chéng-ch’hun, 
‘old man just spring ;’. which circumstance tickled 
the emperor’s fancy, who exclaimed, “that though 
he was an old man, he was just in his spring or the 

prime of life.” 



Crook-shanked ; also, one of the ra- 


Ong Ong wut, x eS, luxuriant foliage , 

exuberant vegetation. 


Br win ong, be ue win néo"S a kind 

of wasp, a gadfly. 

Vulg. ang: an idol; an image , 
SE chéén che jé ong, He on hp FE fz 
hay chééne, ch’hin chéo"9 ang, as 
base as an idol; see il F- Sdn choo. 



+ Vulg. ang: an idol; soo ong, ie) 

JE cihaé ang, to sacrifice to an 

= Humpbacked; the back bent through 
Ong : 
age and disease. 
Y The deep and expansive appearance 
o TE 
asurname. Chéung goé seng é 
ong yang, 4K 22. HE vis yz Fe chéung swak 

gwd dy sai"& mé"a té ang yang, to spend one’s 


of water; the ocean. Vulg. ang: 

whole life on the expansive ocean. 

r= 2 To go, to depart; ong laé, FE A, 
Ong 4 

to go and come; to have inter- 
kody 6ng, to depart this life, to die. 

course with. KO ong, 12 KE 

Kong-san Hwut-jedou é Pé pwan, tedou, choo yeuk 
ine, Ly IN BR VA BE OR ZF Ok 4 
Kong-san Hwutjedou é P2 yip pwan hwdn, kadu 
tedou hoo cho6, hoo cho6 boéyh k’hé, Kong-san 
Hwot-je4ou rebelled with the city of Pé, when on 
summoning: Confucius, the sage was about to go 

to him; see the an aH Lin gé. 


Ké ong put kéw, PE 28 AP ya kadu koey dy 

306, u™ thang léah e chd i” té5h, do not blame one 

for things already gone; see the dr it Séang 


To bend, to stoop; to pervert; bent, 
crooked, perverse, wicked. Ong 
ch’hek jé tit sim, FE FQ jj 

ey Sq. Ong Whaout chit dy ch’heoh, jé ch’hong tit 

chit dy séém,to bend a cubit, in order to rectify a 

fathom ; see Qa fF Béng choo. 
Wan ong, % KE, to oppress, to treat unfairly. 


. Dust; kd @ ong bong che yé4, 3 
Ong $ PS TOBE ZB koey ttn 

ae dy yéd, to pass through the 
dusty wilderness. 

Ong By hilly appearance. 

Ong A2x~ 1 dark recess in a house. 

a» Ong bong, i eR, the sun obscur- 

ed and not shining clear; an un- 


lucky day. 

peo the rising of dust. 

Zs Ong béng, 7 BR, defect of vision ; 

the eyes not clear. 


Vulg. dng: akind of jar. 

The appearance of dust rising ; the 

rushing sound of the wind. 

5 @ 



Ong. Yew. dng: a jar, a pitcher, a water 


Ong AE To-walk-quickly. 
r A king, a sovereign prince, a royal 
Txé chae dng gan! yit chae dng 
sim ! KREG -REY twa chac 

dng dy wa! chit yéo" éng dy sim! how great are 

personage. A surname. 

your majesty’s words! how single your intentions! 

see the fj = Séo"5 se. 
# To elevate to royal dignity, to attain 
oe =e 
Po bin jé ong, bok che léng gé 
ress ORR iW EE ZR ow 

payh sai"S jé chd ing, bé ling éy kéyh, when we 

to supreme power; to rule. 

aim at universal empire by protecting the people, 

none can oppose us; see ry f- Béng choo. 

5 Hin ong, fll HE, to elevate, to 
Ong prosper, to rise to affluence and 

power ; bright, illuminated. 

—F Oo win, 3F iz , distant, far remov- 

ed, vague; crooked, to pervert. 

Bent, crooked; sé téung jéak chek 
Oo aT cos Jk BR MU $e chen 

tang e"& nooi"& chéw wan, when 


an arrow is thin in the middle, it will bend. 
=a To plaster, to whitewash a wall; also 
written $F, oo. 
Hwitn Vhoé che ch’hédng, put 
une 00 66 9 LZ HT Ag 
pin Choé dy cl’hé6"S b6 Chang bwah payh, a wall 

made of dung and mud cannot be well whitewashed ; 


see the ch i ef Séang lin. 

* ’ ome — b) 
Oo Kéak t’hoé 00, IR re} AS Kha 
thaéu oo, the knee. 
4 A hollow place, where the water col- 
Oo > lects. A pond, a pool. 

Clhéuk koé put jip oo té, aK 
2 AR A iS Hh bat bat dy bang, b6 jip te 
chity-k’ wut 4, a close meshed net should not be suf- 

fered to be spread in the pools; see ay =. Béng 


Dirty, muddy, filthy ; standing water ; 

Oo 74 00 dey, 17 Aik, dirty, althy. 
Jit jéém oo séuk, Bo cg 17 
ie. Ap tak jit bak tébh la shm dy hong séick, to be daily 

defiled with filthy customs; also written iT, 00. 

Oo ey To stoop, or crouch down. 



06 19 a oé: a surname. 


A , . 

06 y To defile, to soil, to make dirty. 
06 u A drinking vessel; a cup. 

Read yéw: to have, to possess, to be, 
to exist; existence; more. 
Bin yéw @, pit wat yéw, PH AR 

Bh BAS FI A mooi"S 06 ch’hun, pit kéng 06, 

when asked if there was anything over, be would 
always say there was; see ay F- Béng choo, 
Ai = 
pre 14 odh, Fy PY p'hith ooh, to belch. 


snake, perhaps the boa constricta, which can devour 
an elephant, and does not discharge its bones for 

three years, 

Ka-ld-pa, we ve Pf, the Chinese 
} name for Batavia; Pa séng, 
IE wh Pa sé", the city of Bata- 

via. Pa gay, ne BF children quarreling; to box 
and fight. 

‘ ae The scar or seam of a wound. 

5 Pa ; a military weapon; a warlike instru- 


Pa Re sow, the female of a pig. 
eo teeth. 

Lé pa, fit a , 2 railing, a thorny 
fence made of bamboo. 




A surname; Pa-chew, a MI, the | Pa 
name of a district; pa séa, ta 
hy pa clad, the name of a large 

De meat; pa jéuk, 7. | 

pa ba, broiled flesh. 

Pa Ee Pa léng, ye fof, the name of a 
Move — fish. 

8 To hold, to gresp firm, to hold in the 

Pa a hand; p4 péng, tet A p4 peng; 

to hold by the handle; p4 s¢w, 

io “y pay chéw, to watch, to guard. Numeral of 
things grasped by the hand, as knives, &c. 

Read paou: full, satisfied, to eat to 
the full. 
Kwan choo sit bod kéw pada, 

Ht -F- Ae Te fill, Aroun chob chédh b6 kéw 

p4, the good man in eating, does not seek satiety ; 
see the |- aha Séang lin. 

The chief, to become chief; to act the 
usurper. Also written {A, pa. 
KwaAn-téing séaog Hw4n kong, 

pa choo bot, Et HA AL SH GK AR 

Kwén-téing séang Hwdn kong, pa choo hoé, KwAn- 

téing was prime minister to HwaAn-kong, and assist- 



Pa . 

ed him to-become chief over the princes of the 

aa Lian gé. 

The same as the preceding. 

empire; see the 3% 



A bank, a dyke, a mound to keep in 
water. In the province of Can- 

ton, there is a bank called the sey 

hoé pa, fis] HH iii, bank of the western lake. 

To hold, to take hold of. 

The teachers of archery are parti- 

cular in instructing their pupils to 
pa séw, 485 = pay ch’héw, hold the bow firm in 
the hand. 

J The name of a river: 

A leopard ; hoé- pa, iB #, tigers 

—_ and leopards. 

K’he hoé pa soo séang, jé wan 

che, KE SS TE RR i ie, hu”  hoé pa 

sae cWhéo"®, jé hoé ¢ hwui"S, to drive away the 

tigers.and leopards, rhinoceroses and. elephants, to 
a distance ; see ihn [oe Béng choo. 

Kéung pa, y 4#E, athumb-ring, 

used in archery. 
An instrument for reaping corn; 
i some say an implement for level- 

ing and harrowing the ground; a 

harrow ; a handle. 
Pa peng, } Hi pa pai"S, a handle. 

To pa, 7] BE, the ‘handle of a 

> Pa pa, yin oon né0"S pay, a fami- 
liar epithet for father. 

+8 A bank, a mound, a dyke. 




Vulg. pay: to scratch; p& yang, 
y\\w fe Fi pty chéo"8, to scratch 
‘ any place that itches; p& héng, 
Ie AT pay ké"4, to crawl, to creep. 



Pa put, e AK, a wooden shovel 

Pa ‘i or rake, for shifting about grain 
while exposed to the sunto dry. 

PA =e Vulg. pay: a guitar; pé pa, te = 

pé pdy, a harp, or guitar. 

Ake Vulg. pay: a'bamboo rake, a har- 

Pa iw row; arake with five teeth, for 
raking together straw and dung. 

Pa lw Pa lo, fae fie, the name of a fish. 

aa ) To give over, to finish, to do away 
Pa AC with; pa le4ou, Be "f , enough 

of it. Yéuk pa put léng, aK Be 
Ay fit aé boéyh swah béy éy, we may wish to de- 
sist, but shall not be able; see the aR rs Lin gé. 
Pa chit, He Live to retire from office; to put out 

of office. 

eae Paé k’hae, He BH paé Phwuy, to 

spread out, to open out, to arrange. 

An Paé seng pan k’him, FF Wk: BE 

® pre Uhaou sai"S pan léét chedou, they spread 
out the animals, and arranged the birds, (for sacrifice.) 
- obeisance, to pay respect to. 
Paé sin, FF nth, to worship the 

gods. Paé hos, #7 Nik pat adu, to wait upon. 
Pad hay, léy yé4, FE f it HL Radu pad lh 
gim kay hay sé léy soe, when making a bow (to the 

prince), if we descend (to the bottom of the steps,) 
it is according to propriety ; see the Fy ae Sh. Lin gé. 


To bow down, to worship, to make 



Paé Vy Arriving at a place, to part asunder. 


To push, to push open; to spread 
out, to arrange. Hwdan-koéy 
paé that tit jip, ASR ner HE 3 

iff. AK Hwin-koey paé k’hwuy moot tit jip, 

Hwan-koéy pushed open the palace gate, and en- 

tered straightways; see the sp SE, Soo ke. 

An paé poe té, te HE Ai re to spread out, and 

put in order. 

e & doubt. Ch’heng séang sty hong 

hwat, téung tit chéng paé hééy, if ra) Ue jal 
#3 1h a iE 4k: Ap) ch’heng dy séang sé”a 
than hong tit hwat, téung tit dy ché"d tit paé hiéy, 
the clear musical notes are conveyed whichever 

Paé hoéy, #eE 7a, to hesitate, to 

way the wind blows, but the honest upright man he- 
sitates which way he shall go; see the ob ae 
Koé se. 

Paé yew, BE mixed sport, dis- 
sipation. The same as the above, 
Paé ae raft, a float; also, a club, a stick. 

Se A large bamboo raft; the same as 

y the above. 
A board, a tablet, a plank, a sign; 
Paé paé pong, ye PBB, atablet; sek 

paé, Ai He chédh paé, a stone 
tablet ; hwiin boé pa, IF FL WW Inotin bong paé, 
a tombstone. 


walk backwards and forwards in _ 


To ruin, to destroy, to decay; to de- 

feat; to overthrow. Béng kok 

pa hay, BB eR 

country and a ruined family. 

Paé tin jé choé, Fi fifi ii FE pae tin jé chaou, 

to lose the battle and run away. Anciently written 

BH: pae. 
Paé 4 Hy 

4 bays ded; distressed. 

Wearied to the extreme; fagged, ja- 

| Paé A fine kind of white rice. 
Vulg. p’héy: a sort of grain, like 
Paé rice, but smaller; a kind of grass 

like foxtail; paé kwan, Fh =e 

an inferior kind of office. 

Peng k’hae, 
- 2380 to pull =o 
the finger. 

Read péng: a scaffolding, a stage, 
ze a terrace, atent. He péng, BE 
ih he pat"S, a stage for theatri- 

cal performances, a theatre. 
Kwa péng, Mm Ii} kwa pai", a frame for melons 

to grow on. 

dE BA pai"S k'lacuy, 
Also, to fillip with 


Read péng: 

equal; a surname; péng chéng, 

7F TE pat"S ché"a, just and 

equal ; péng tit, 7B ie pai" tit, equitable and ho- 
nest. Kok té, jé ce vhéen hay péng, et} rr} i 
4B RK - 7B kok té, jéén adu thee"S ay ey 

pat"®, when the different states are well regulated, 
the whole empire will be tranquil. 

he pat"S) a theatrical stage. 

even, smooth, 

ca Read péng: sick, unwell; sickness, 
Pais >» disease. Choo chit péng, -f- TR 

ii hoo cho6 woo par"S, Confucius 

was sick; see the a aa Lun gé. 
To fall down, to cut, to carve; to 
strip off the skin, to flay; pak 

m ) p’hé, Fall PE pak p’hoéy, to skin; 

pak vhek, 4 Ay Hy vak Uhayh, naked. 

Hek pak hek ipa BY a EL a woo ty tit 

pak, woo dy tit p’heng, some were carving, and 

some were boiling; see the aN AE Seaou gnay. 

Party-colored, mixed colored, varie- 
gated, piebald; pak sek ma, ER 

" {@ FE) pak sek bay, a piebald 

horse; pak chap, it HE, variegated. 
To distinguish, to argue; péen pak to lé, ie Be Hite 
ju ze, to debate and argue on the reason of things. 


Fo the same as the preceding; to argue, 

mpe to distinguish. 

Read pok: 

4, yy, Fe Pak ké"a, Peking, the 
oorthern capital of China. 

Choo sey, choo tong, choo 1Am, choo pok, bod soo 

tn IE A 

ice Ay Ah choo sae, chod tang, choo lim, choo 
pak, b6 chit dy séo"S w™ hdk, from the west, and 


the north; Pok keng, 

east, from the south and north, there was not even 
one who meditated resistance 5 said of pe =E 
Bin 6ng. 
pom Read hok: the belly; hok toé, jk 
pak toé, the belly 5 hok sim 
We iy pak sim, the bowels, as 
dear as one’s own bowels ; p’hd hok, “4 jii33 p hwa 
pak, to rip open the belly, to dissect. 

Hok yéw se se, k*hé choo hwa, ie Ay a F =) 



SA | ae pak laé wo6 se kwa ch’ hayh, Whe chéw | 


ha té hwa gndy, when the belly is full of odes and 
classics, a man’s spirit will become spontaneously 
== Read hok: a broad piece of cloth; a 
Pak Nes roll or bundle of silk. 
Ké hok? AY ff wty pak? 
how many rolls of silk? 
Read pok: to bind, to tie; pang pok, 
k pang pak, to tie up. 
4° Pok jé sat che? 4 Ty eZ 
téoh pak jé Uhaé e? “shall we tie him up, and kill 
him?” said by some domestics, when about to kill 
a pig; but ww Pe, Ch6-ch’hd hearing it, thought 
they were intending to kill him; whereupon he first 

commenced the work of slaughter, and murdered 
them all; see the — [B\] Sam kok. 

Pak séd, Ee jit , to insure any- 

thing ; an insurance. 

Pak kw"a, Ee a. a farmer of 
the public revenue. 

ae, * 
= 3 Pan léét, PE A, to arrange, to put 
Pan PE in order ; to part, to divide; to 

confer rank ; a surname. 

Kwan yéw pan béén che wiiy, "Es Ay HE Li ma 

{it kw"a woo pan léén dy wity, offices are arranged 

according to different stations. 

Pan ; 

Variegated, party-colored; séng 

pan, na pe ché"4 pan, pock- 


Pan lan, Tin tH, a mixed color. 
Pan sod, Wiz yy to give, to be- 

stow 3 to distribute, to disperse. 

Pan We 
Pan toe léang jé Uhéen hay; tae 

hok, age Bk i HR 2m latae 

toe, kap néo"9 cl’ hin, jé Chee"S ay twa hok, bestow 

on the people proper rules and measures, and the 

whole empire will become submissive. 

: _ 

Pan Aga" ee, E 
nient, cheap. 

I A 

Pan bie 
a census of the inhabitants. 

Bok pan, I siya ch’hd pan, a plank, a board for 

writing or engraving upon. 

Sek hoo pan chéa, x Bi Wr phak cl’héa 

kadu tod téoh géd pan dy lang, (Confucius) leaned 

, suitable, conve- 

tablet used as a register, in taking 

on the front of his carriage when he met any one car- 

rying the population register, (out of respect;) see 

the Fm ta 

——a= Great, extreme; jé t’hoé woo pan 

Lin gé. 

A board or plank ; the same as the | 

come cross-grained and morose. 

lé dy @hoé téy twa kwui"S, your 
territory is greatly illumined. 

Kap pan, fis AR, a square rigged | 
vessel, seemingly derived from the | 

Malay word kapal, a ship. 
Sam pan, > RR boat, a pinnace; also derived 

from the Malay word sampan, a small boat. 

A pain at the heart, accompanied 

Pan WR 

BS E pin: a pot; chéw pin, JPY iif, 

with vomiting. 

Pén chéw pan, a wine pot; hwa pin, 

AE Hi hwa pin, a flower pot. 

mrt written tit, pan. 

Pan rn Bb pan, GS 1, a box, a trunk. 



board for keeping reckoning on; a | 

above ; also, to turn aside; to be- | 

chéang, fq SB - AR i 7 


Read péén: to manage; péén soo, 

Ht He pan soo, to manage an 

Pin ¥) 
affair; maé pan, B whe bay pan, 

a comprador, one who buys things for another ; 
t"4 pan, 47 He to prepare, to provide. 

Pi Read péén: the divisions in a melon 

or orange. 

Chong pan, ae HP che"S pan, to 
adorn, to ornament one’s person. 

Ai T4 pan, 4T #}, to dress fine, 

a manner of dress, a fashion. 
, akingdom. A surname. 

bee FS 
Pang yéw to, pin ch’*hé"4 chéén 

yéen, thé yéa, Hh A a GA HE Fa Wie 

4, pang wod to dy sé, sing héung kwd hay chéén, 

A country, a state; pang kok, FK 

sé sedou léy yéd, when a country possesses the right 
way, (i. e. is tranquil,) to continue poor and mean 
is disgraceful ; see the ay fe Lin gé. 

| Pang A plank, a board; k’haou pang, By 
Hp, to plane boards. 

Pang 23 Pang choé, at By pang chan, to 

help, to assist. 

To bind shoes, to finish the edges of 



2r" guard, to defend; séang pang, 
Pang #A at séo pang, to assist one 
another ; pang choe, EF BY pang 

chan, to assist, to help. 

To bind shoes. The same as *, 

Pang dies 

gB-p Read peng: to fall down, as a rock or 

hill; to precipitate; used also in 

speaking of the death of an empe- 

~~ A 

San peng téy léét, 11) ii Hu eA] sw"a pang tey 

leéh, the hills fall, and the earth opens. 

Pang Sam bong, 


1 P ’ a ' 
Ping ang pok, aR i pang pak, to 
Aly bind, to tie. 

#3 ih sam pang, a deal 

Pdng pok, Hh $8 to, seize and tie 

Pan The ornaments of a dress sword. 
Pang Luxuriant herbage. 
5 Read hong: to let go, to let out, to 
Ping let pass away; hong héng, Rk 

AD pang dng, to pass blood, diar- 
rhea. Hong gnéw @ thé lim che yés, fe 4: 

7A Bk 1 ih ay pang gob tevhd nd dy sw"a 

yéd, to let the oxen go in the common of the peach 
grove; see the {' a Séang se. 

Read péng : a chamber ; a surname; 


Ping pong kéen, Fe fel pang keng, 
an apartment. 
Ping f Read péng: a surname. 
Read Bee to hem,.to sew; héng 
Pang “te ye AK ping s™a, to hema 




Read hong: to receive; astaff; to . 
beat with a staff. 

A cockle, a muscle; pang kap choo 
Pang R thae, 6 gwat k’hwuy chwan, hee 
We Ok Mis #2 A hh B® 
pang kap k’h2"8 choo dy pak toé, kap gdéyh k’hacuy 
chut"J, the cockles and muscles, with their-pearly 
wombs, correspond to the moon in her. wax and 



To include, to inclose; paou him, 
4) a: to include; paou ko, 
Aa, Be HE, to bundle up; paou hok, 

#4 AK, a bundle. A surname. 

Séen seng che léang paou hoé t’héen téy, Fe es 
rd & €), sa K Ht, sin sai"S dy léang paou 
hoé thee"& téy, your capacity, Sir! is large enough 
to include both heaven and earth; see the ig fh 
is P 5a Hwan téing yéem bin. 

The name ofa bamboo, which sends 

Paou forth its shoots in the winter. 

An embrace; paou t’hae, Hea fla, 
the womb; téng paou heng téy, 

lel fil Ke Hf tang paou hé”"a 

té, a brother by the same parents. 

To bundle up; paou but, 7} yy 


Paou paou meé"Sh, to bundle up any- 

3s Vulg. pd : to be satisfied, to be full; 

Paou to enjoy satiety; sit paou, AY 

chéth pd, to eat to the full; 
paou hak, pa oa , extensively learned, erudite. 
Paou sit chéung jit, bod séy ying sim, lan @ chae, 
fe KA fe A EK 
chédh pd chéung jit, b6 séy yung sim, 6h 2 chae, 

when a man eats to the full all day long, without 


= ever exerting his mind, how difficult it is to do any- 
thing with him ; see the am Aa Lin gé. 

Padu Fish preserved in brine; dried, of- 
a fensive fish. A surname. 

Padu téém, fK Ht padu tee™S, to 

AC S* suck sweetmeats; a sort of sweet- 

meat or pie. 

a Bok padu, 8 ND) bak chew padu, 
the eyes flashing with rage. 

B The name of a grass, of which mats 
Padu ~ and shoes are made; to fold up in 
p amat. 
Padu A, Vulg. pod: to at to broil in the 
; weer fire. Also written fa, pa6éu. 
Padu Paéu haou, Mil rw, the roar ofa 

tiger ; to roar. 

¥ A long flowin ment, a gown; a | 
Paégu ong g gar 2a gi 3 
dress of ceremony. 

Lé-koé bong léw chéep jéém padu, hoé téiing chong 

gwin, 25 [5] BB Wh HE HY 

Wk It Lé-kor bang léw chéep neé"9 téoh p’hadu, | 

jéén abou tédng ch’ héting gwan, Lé-koé dreamed that 
the juice of a willow tree spotted his gown, and af- 

terwards he rose to the highest literary honors. 

Padu To kick ; paéu choé, iD JE pabu 
chau, to gallop away; to run. 

Vulg. pod: a calabash. Goé k’hé 
padu kwa yé4 chae ? =z. eG 49] 

Mh te tk gwd k’ham sé pod 

kap kwa? how can Ibe like a calabash or a melon? 


(that is confined to one place, and unable to help 
itself ;) said by Confucius, in the sii Po Lan gé, 



To scrape; padu pang, fa] Hi, to 
plane boards. 

A slaughter-house; paéu tod, ii 

Padu 2) 
| Padéu Ja i. akitchen. Paéu yéw hwiy 
| jéuk, Fat Ay AC A padu woo 

pwty dy bah, in the killing house there is plenty of 
fat meat; see i F Béng choo. ; 

.. Paéu hong, Bx RA, to hold the 

p wind in sailing. 
Padu A To strike with the hand. 

A plane, for smoothing boards; paou 

to, el J] , «carpenter's plane. 

ron BF 

A rising of the skin, a pimple; to 

rise as a blister. 

| Pat 4 A surname, 
| Vulg. payh;: eight; pat sip, /\ - 
Pat i payh chap, eighty. E yit hok 

pat, h6 é@ @, & Choe ték Ch’hoé 
Pe en ee ae 
fi a PR Vhs chit dy lad hok pityh dy, woo 
Ma meé"&h kih yéo"S kap Choe kok tidy ték Ch’hoé 
kok chae, for one to seek the reduction of eight, is 
not much unlike the Choe country (which is small) 
opposing the Ch’hoé (a much larger country); see 

a F Beng choo. 

2 To split asunder, to divide; also 

used as the large form of the’ pre- 


ceding character. 

Pi 2 


Read péét: another; péét jin, ‘| AK 
pat ling, another person ; péét soo, 

wil) Ey pat sod, another affair. 

Pay hwan, By BY pay pooi"S, to’ 
Pie eat rice with two chopsticks, in 

the Chinese way. 

Read pa: to hold, to take hold of, 

ag to keep; pa séwy 3, F pay 
chéw, to guard; p& bin, {2 PA 

pdy mooi"8, to keep the door ; ch’haé pa, Ea iw 
clWha2 pdy, a bundle of vegetables. 

Ték-ch’heng pa séw sam“kwan, IK Wy fps ae 
= Fal Ték-ch’heng pay cl’héw s"a kwan, Ték- 
ch’heng kept and guarded the three passes. 


Read pa: 
crawl; pa yang, 

to scratch, to rub, to 

SESE Read pa: as pe pa, FE FE pe pty, 
a kind of guitar with three strings. 

Ply ne JO HE pty 
chéo"S, to scratch a place that 

itches ; pa héng, ye 4 pay ké4, to crawl. 


Read pa: a bamboo rake, with five 

teeth, for raking sticks and straws 

Péy Read p4: a military weapon, like a 
prong, or fork. 
Read pa: as pa put, ad LN pay 
Péy ai put, a wooden shovel or hoe, used 

in spreading out grain to dry. 
Pé pa, AL ee pé pay, the loquat, a sort of med- 
lar, the Mespilus Japonicus. 

Pa Ar Read pa: 
wy father. 

a father; né6"9 pay, 



iron rake, a harrow, for leveling 
the clods in a ploughed field. 

gno, AR is He qx ness pay 

sai"S gwd, my father begat me. 

Pay a 

an. uncle 

*F Read pek: 5 pek pics iy 
Péiyh ; *) 
. AB (3) x u" payh,my uncle. y 

Phwat k’hae khoe, WA Br] [1 

Péiyh Ww payh k’hwuy ch’hiy, to stretch 
open the mouth. 

Séfing pek, Ds #4 cWhéng payh, 
Payh a fir or cedar tree. 
Soey han, jéén hoé te séding pek 
che hoé teaou yéa, Be BE OR YX eA Jp Kx a] 
Zz. Be ny Hf, neé"9 ta"S kw"d, jéén adu chae 
cWhéng payh dy ty adu teaou loh, when the season 
is cold, then we know that the fir tree is late in cast- 

ing its leaves; see the 5m mM ao Lan gé. 

Read pek: to stretch open anythin 
| Ptiyh ke ead pek: to str pe ythin g 
with the hand. 

Read pek: a hundred; pek ban, 

a bo payh ban, a million. 

Sip sip way yit pek, a 2 Bee 
— ri chap chap chd chit payh, ten times ten make 
a hundred. 

Piiyh MD 



Read pat: eight; sip pat, Ss A 
chap payh, eighteen. 

Read pék: white. Yin jin séang pek, 

BE AL fe] A Yin tetou dy 
ling séang pityh, the people of 
the Yin dynasty preferred a white color. 

' Béng pek, 3) =| béng payh, clear, evident. 


a pay, isk fe Pheth pay, an 

Read hoo: a father; hod héy seng~ « 

P. dyh to introduce. 
GRIT" Ste Pwat k’hé, He HL payh Rhé, to | 
- pull up. 
a Sorrowful, pitying. Cho6 pe, 2% 
Pe JF, merciful, compassionate. 


Read pék: silk, cloth; kéak pék, 
FEB FF, Aa payh, the bandage 

for binding up womens’ feet in 



Ps 74 

Read pok : a door blind; a bamboo 
instrument for catching fish. 

Read pwat : to pull up, to bring up; 

HWA? Pe 2c, HAR Be to lament, to com- 
miserate. Lé sim pe ché, tt D> JF ak cha boé 
dy sim kw"a pe ché, the hearts of females are com- 

Low, mean, vulgar; chéang s00 pe 
je chun, A AE Bh AE | 
chéang saé kay dy ling k’hah 

yé"d chun dy ling, to place the mean before the 
honorable; see i -f: Béng choo. Also written 
FF. pe. 

Poha j@ teng ko, pit choo pe, BE Jy AR Ey ds 
Ey Bp ctthin chito"9 payh chio"S kwdn, pit choo 
kay, likeas in ascending a high place, we must begin 
from a low one; see the rp it Téung yng. 

A low damp place; séfing pek put 

sng 0 HH AR He 

cl héng payh b6 sai"® té kay tam 
dy wiy, the fir tree does not grow in low marshy 

recordany meritoriousevent. 

Tos-héén hwat héung noé, lip pe 

kékong, SY 28 PR fal de Te EAL 

To’-hédn hwat kéung nob dy Tuan; Whéa chit chéoh 
pat ké ¢ dy kong 1, when 'Toé-héen subdued the 



Vulg. paé: a stone tablet, erected to 


Huns, they set up a stone tablet to record his me~ 
rits. I 
» To make up for, to aid, to assist, to 
Pe help; to benefit, to give to; to 
supply a deficieney; to permit. 
A surname. 

pool, an aqueduct, a water gate. 
Way kéung sit, taé séa, pe té, ‘a 

chan haé é jé ban séhg, 

ae 2 Hesw IRE A 

chd kéung ch’hod, taé séa, chity k’haout &, & chin haé 
lé ban pityh sai"8, to be building palaces and houses, 
terraces and arenas, ponds and aqueducts, te the 
Tuin and injury of all your people ; see the ji 
Chew se. 

Pe A field. 
That, the opposite of this; he, she, it. 
Pe Chaé pé bod o@, chaé ch’hoo bot 

woe, FE He ME AG AE It 

ANE Pf tod te Le tadu bb win, twa t2 ché tabu b6 
paz, with those there will be no hatred, and with 
these no ruin ; see the fx KG, Chew séung. 

Pé ARE 200 corrupt ; incorrect. 
Lb To compare; pé péng, ie ie. 

to compare with another. 

Pé kien ja cho, HY fq ify Ae 
pé kheng Phabu jé chéy, to sit shoulder by shoulder 
(i. e. together), 


. ttt Yew le pele, Ay te TE BE 

wod cha boé pé lé, having a female from whom we 
ji=4 Ong hong. 


To separate, to take leave, to part 

are separated ; see the = 

PE 508 

Pé ga unfruitful ears of corn. 

» The same as the above; pé k’hong, 

Pé st Pt, He pha Khe"S, empty 
grain and chaff. 

Pé We. gan, is HF, a prison. 

To die, anything dead; a-deceased 
Pé At mother is. called we, pé, and a 
father A, kh. Pek stng je 

song k’ho pé, r=} WE yn nn # pe payh 

sai"& ch’hin chéo"9 se"& pay boé, the people felt as 
though they had lost both father and mother; see 

nA ¥ Béng choo. 

A spoon, a kind of wooden ladle; 

Pé ia pé séw, Y, Bo, the name of a 
sword. Séen choo hong sit, sit pé 

te, HE E F Be Re vz i séen cho6 tod 

tod & chédh, p’hith ka labuh sé kap té 4, when the 

first prince (of the latter Han dynasty) was eating, 

he let fall his spoon and chopsticks, (on hearing 
himself extolled ;) see the —= Sam kok. 

as ‘s The shade of a house; to screen, to 
shelter ;- the same as WE, pe. 
Kat lay yéw léng pé pan kin, 
com ra Kia fic IE AK Afh, kat lity yéd ey pe 
yime dy pin kin, even the hemp and creeping 
plants can screen their own roots; (how much more 
ought men!) see the A 4a Cho twan. 

To screen, to shelter; po pé, te 

Ny, to protect. 
P ‘ EE To shade, to cover over; the shade 

of plants and foliage. 


EY To open out the heads of hemp: 

ee pe jeaou, id ah, shriveled, 

’ The appearance of a flowing foun- . 
rile tain; the flowing of water. 

Pa che yang yang, k*ho’é lok ke, 
we Z FE PROP YA 4B By Pawtra chtty 
laéu yé6"S yé6"8, chéw Vhang kiey @ kadu bey 
ke tit yaou, when we see the water flowing thus 

abundantly, we may be so delighted as to forget our 
hunger ; see the [Ri ial, Tin hong. 

Pé bit, fib ae secret, hidden, mys- 
terious; the same as the following. 

— To secrete, to hide; secret, hidden, 

i  Gnoé keng pé se, As ps 

=, five volumes of books contain- 
ing secrets. 

re To labor; to be cautious of, to be 

32 » careful. 

Pom Fragrant; pé hwun hadu ké, WS By 

sv7 > Ze XP prhang p’hang woo hadu 

dy ké, how fragrant are the records 
of filial piety; see the kk Ate: Taé gnay. 

Ee To shut up, to conceal without dis- 
e a playing. Sé jé put chong, gno 

soo put pe, id i mS oak qK 
BAR By) Phra Ue dy Ww" 16, gwd score wu 
k’he"8, looking at your want of goodness, I do not 
think of concealing it; see the iy Ja Woey hong, 

To treat disrespectfully, to act un- 

I MA mannerly, to despise. Pin ké 

chiy.ché, wuy gé pe pe, A EE 

BE ak BY BE WR bib dang Mhayh kadu chuy, 

wuy gé pe ban, when the guests become tipsy, man- 

ners are disregarded; see the nN ite Se4ou gnay. 

, “ 
Savory food; yéw pé ké héang, 

AR ph # AF 1006 chéth e dy 

p’hang, having food that is savory ; 

see the A vse Chew séing. 

Pe B A horse well fed, and fat. 

Pe ya The name of a city in the i, Loé 
=| country. 

The arm; séw pé, = KS ch’héw 
Pe -e pe, an arm. Taé hong che téung, 

yéw jin hw4n pé, béng wat, 

oncen gb, Yh A ya Re 
EV RR JEk tea hong dy tang "9, wos ling 

hwdn ch’héw pe, mé"4 kong @hee"S gé, in the midst 
of the great wilderness, there is a set of people with 
their armg turned round who are called the t’hee" 

gé; see the iy 5 AS San haé keng. 

To give, to bestow; also written } 
pe. Péte chéa choo, hé é pé che? 

iit Hk Ae FASE Z 

ecWhin ch’ hat” dy ké"d, biéyh Uh6 sa meé™Sh hoe 

e2 that handsome person, what shall we give him? 
see the ii FAG Woeéy hong. 

ye) The appearance of a boat moving; 

Pe to move; the same as #, pe. 

Bee A coldness of the extremities; a 

Pe ¥ 
culation of the blood is stopped. 

Way pe, os A, a lame palsy. 
quickly; asurname. Pa jéén laé 

—_ 800, f=] A AE kin kin 

chéw laé, he came quickly ; see the Jy At Sedou 

numbness of the legs, when the cir- 

ornamented; to come 





To shut the door; to stop up, to close. 

Pé Séet-léw pe bin jé put lap, jit} 

Be BL PA ih AR pas 

léw kw"a moot” jé iv” séw, Séet-léw shut the door, 

and would not receive the messagé; see ih =“ 

Béng choo, 

To favor; one who is favored; a 

minion, a favorite. Pe jin yéw 

Chong-ch’hong ché4 choé kwun, 

BA th @ Bm oy 

lang wod Chong-ch’hong chéé choé ché jin kwun, 

a minion, one Chong-ch’hong, stopped the prince 
from coming; see ia F Béng choo. 


A bridle, the reins of a horse. Chip 
% pe jé choé, 3 $i in $F] gim 
pe ch’hin chéo"S yin sdh, he held 

the bridle like the tassels of a seal; see the F = 
Chin se. 


To re-bestow; to give away a se- 

cond time; to increase. 

Pé Distressed, miserable. 
Pa Pé pay, AL, Af? the loquat fruit; the 

medlar; Mespilus Japonicus. 

Pé oe pay, te t, a guitar, with 3 

strings, used by the Tartars. 

Adjoining as fields; manifest ; thick, 
Pé tL, substantial, solid; to help, to as- 


To add to, to increase; abundant, 


to be attached. 

PE oe | PE 

2 - To proceed towards, even to; to be 
F Pé chéa ? djutant s 
Pé # Ene ehes ith ice eee ae Lb attached to a party, equal. 

general. Pé kip sam léén, JV, i4 = 
A drum beaten on horseback; a ca- BE pé kip s"a neé"9, even to the period of three 
Pé J, valry drum ; to drum. years’; see the am £2 2%. Lin gé., 
Lé soéy chip pe, Ife il at po Kwun choo chew je. put pé, Fe F jal ii 7 ae. 
lé sdey gim pé dy koé, the commander of a troop wy kwun cho6 chew péen, jé bb pé péén té chit tong, 
holds the equestrian drum. the good man is public spirited, and not attached to 

the i  mhe the =P) 2 Lan v6. 

Pé way, JH ’ =| clW’héuk a, the sto- ig aaah ak sa mii pp Lin g 

re RP mach; béng ch’hun che gwat, chéy To weave, to weave across3 soe se. 
séen pe, 7 i Zz A We, 4h Pé : att pé che, x % Mt ms piyk 

AiR béng ch’hun dy goéyh, chey séen ch’hing chéah sw"d chit kity laé chit kiry Whe, 

dy lang é pé, in the first month of spring, sacrifice to to cross it in weaving with white threads ; see He, 

the inventors of food, the stomach of an animal; a Jie Yang hong. Sete a Pet 
see the it A Ay Léy gwat léng. be Fae eas 
Pé To stretch open ee legs in ‘valking, 
A small parapet, on the top ofa for- : 
Pé is tification; pé bin teng pé, Fil Lé pé, he i oe bob hii te 

n NZ vey 2 
ia XE (e kw™a mooi"S pityh | Pe male slave; noé ih pe dy” 
chéo"S sé"4 ch’hé6"S, he closed the gates, and as- raale ancl femolandaved.  < 
cended the parapet on the city wall; see the Je {8 os 45 iB x P 
be w pé, the name ‘of a 
Cho twan. pL 
Pé country, spoken e in = Ff 

A ravenous beast ; jé him jé pé, yp Béng choo. 
b! Ae all He ch’hin chéo"S him : 

kap pé, (the warriors of) Ty Pe + A piece of land, containing a hundred 

P Chinese acres. © 
+, Boo 6éng were like bears and ravenous beasts ; 

see the aE ae T’had sé. To send, to émploy; to let; to follow. 
Pé Pé € chéting yéuk, 19. i 4p 
The steps of the imperial throne; pé $k hoe gwd t’han séy ae, to let 

=| be hay, BEE », your majesty! used me follow my desires; see the A aE boé. 

in addressing re emperor. 

Kim haé loéy naé pé hay sin léng yit t’hong, & Pe : Dry provisions; héw pé, He Ai 

yy a} ip Ise a) my Se _ 5 ta haé y, dried rice, for a journey. 

laé e wa pé hay dy sin léng chit ?héng, now all 

I ; pe pa to get 
within the four seas rely on the spiritual energies of ‘ Sa aa at Afi HF, er 
Pé 3 ready; chin pé, 4E fii té6"S té, 

your majesty, and are brought under one head ; see 
to be provided against. 

the Ae $P Chin ke. 

Also written , pe. 

Bod kéw p&é yit jin, HE TR fj HA — A 
bok héw chedou pé té chit ling, do not expect every- 

ne complete in one man; see the aM) az Lin gé. 

To tear (clothes); to wear out; torn 
ea, clothes ; spoiled things. 
Pa, che jé bod ham, fk 2 hij 
ne te pe e p’huod j jé b6 ham hwin, when one’s things 
are tt net torbe vexed; see the 2m =% Lin gé. 

@foth ; pe pék, fee if cloth and 
Pe ~ “silk, usually sent in presents. 

; T’hong soo jin, é pé p’héng che, 
DA A VY RE HE ZS Thong sat tang vh0 
pe pek-p’heng e,-T’hong sent messengers to engage 
his services with presents of cloth; see cm -f- 

Beng choo, Db -. 
vin Distressed, reduced to extremity ; 
Pe ~ brought into straits. 

T’haé ké pé jé kek che, fF AA 

BT EZ eeng wha ¢ ty pr When, je 

prhih-e, wait till they are reduced to extremity, and 
‘he attack them ; see the sp EC Soo ke. 
s : To die, to depart this life. 
Pe °. Goé tek chéng jé pé yéen, soo é 2, 
% F TE ih 9 HM 
ts R grod fit tébh chéa to 76 sb, chéy chew swith 
é, “if Ican obtain the right way and then die, that 
will be enough ;” said by . +f. Cheng choo. 

Ruined, bad, corrupt, vicious. 

\ To avoid; pé ho, rE ia, to avoid 
Pé SEY evil. Also written ire, pe. 

Ch’hé"4 jé, & ké chéding pé jin 

che soo yé4, k’hé jéak chéding pé sé che sod chae? 
BE HE TE Z AE HR wrnera Ue, hap e dy whan 

pé ling dy Chak cl’hayh ling, k’hé wod ch’hin 
chéo"S than pé se dy Chak ch’hayh lang chae? and 



for you, rather than follow a scholar who avoids a 
few people, would it not be better to follow a scholar 
who is retired from the world? (said by a retired 
philosopher to = PR, Choo loé, who followed 
Confucius in his wanderings from one state to ano- 
ther ;) see the A 5H Lin gé. 

Pé léy, he Fn. a kind of fragrant 
grass ;-celery, parsley, 

To cover; pé tan, AY i. phoéy 
twa, a coverlid, a bedquilt. 


the sign of the passive voice. 

To reach to, to bear, to endure; 

Pa EZ An ornament for the head; a cover- 

ing nee 2 a headdress. 

’ nt ag et 
ao poaring mg, 

‘Taal > aot é ail kok, 
Pé Chim kip kwtv hong, . hy os 

hp bd FR 

laé bin noé té-téung hok, kip kadu kwhy he"®, at 

home his anger .overspreads the middle country 

(China) ; and extends even to the devil’s regions 

(foreign parts) ; see the ri SH Séang sing. 

Pa Pé hoo, ii B: using great energy 

JAE and strength; angry, 

Pé yes Sore legs; a weakness of the legs. 


a Read : a soldier; a weapon of 
Pia fr. ead peng: a soldier; a weap 

2 » war, 

Read péng: one of the horary cha- 

rs Read péng: acake; sit péng, AE 
Pera ft chéah péd, to eat cakes. 
s Read péng: to join, to inclose, to 

unite; séang péng, At Bi: sé0 

pé"d, to push one another’s shoul- 

ders. The same as FF, péng. 

Kéem péng pat hong, léng kwat sod haé, i AE 
vAN Fa Be 5A pu if: kéem ped payh he"9> 
ling kwat sé haé, to unite together the eight deserts, 

and to inclose all within the four seas, 


PM +> 

Read ch’haou : to copy; ch’haou joo, 

ey kon pé"d jé, to transcribe. 


sor of FL 
se @ ok phek, x tk Ge Ht fh JR HE 

RhE"E ec dy hay laé dy ch’hayh té ch’hod péah,) 

secreted the books of his family in a wall of the 

house ; see the ft] at Jf Séang se sé. 

Péak The sound of hitting anything in 
Fel, archery. 


ee Pin péang, Et. Fr to stamp with the 
Péang Tar eee ‘ 

foot in walking 


Péang BF To stamp with the foot. 



> Che peaou, iis Wee, very fat, corpu- 





The peak of ahill; ch*haé yéak 

Peaou y= Léng san peaou, iF Big ae ily 
AN Le cWhaé yoh te Léng swa dy 

peaou, to pluck medical plants from the highest peak 
of the Léng hill, 

The end ofa tree, the utmost ex- 
Peaou qi] tremity of a plant; a flag; a sig- 
Wh nal; to elevate, to display on the 

outside; to write down, to record. 

Taé pin seAou peaou, k v.% Ay 4s twa pin 

sey peaou, a great root haying a small extremity. 

Béng peaou € ké ke, 7% i TA = SB mera 

peaou té ké dy ké,to have one’s name recorded in 

strange annals. 



The outside; clear, clearly display- 
ed; a man’s conduct excelling 
that of his fellows is called 5 3 RR, 

pe4ou pedou; also when an inferior addresses a 

superior it is called pedou; also pedou ch’hin, Be 
4, a relative by consanguinity; seng pedou, jic3 
a, a flag, a signal. 

Pedou lé cheng ch’hoe, Ae Ea HG KH gua laé 

cheng ch’hoe, the external and internal, with the 

fine and coarse parts of things, 
Pe4ou chéang, 2 ce a memorial presented to a 

superior. Pe&ou heng téy, ox a B pedou 
hé"a té, a cousin by marriage. 

Yew peaou, beg iE a woman of 

Pedou 4 
pleasure, a prostitute. 
> Pefou poéy EE ti a neck ker- 
Pedou ey ; 
chief used by females. 
Starved with hunger; toé yéw go 
Peaou pesou, We A RR ¢. loe woo 

ling’ go sé, in the roads are people 

starved to death; see ia F- Béng choo, 


Peaou =. The same as the preceding. 

To fall, as fruit or leaves from the 
Pedou ip trees. Also written , pedou. 
Pedou yéw boéy, ké sit ch’hit héy, 

2 A he ik & 7» pedou lok woo 

hi™ Ge dy kwty ché cl’hit léép, the plums are fall- 
en, and of the fruit only six are remaining; see the 

ra i Seaou lam. 

Pedéou I) 22 peak of a hill. 

Roxen Peaou san, fhe Hk, dispersed, scat- 

tered, to distribute. 

> A female neckerchief, a gorget; some 


say the cuff of a sleeve. 

Peiou 7 To distribute pieces of cloth among 
the soldiers. 

Read p’héet: to divide, to strike, to 

pull up; p’héet séw séw, fk So 

vit peéh ch’héw wut", to pull up 


one’s sleeve. 
Read pit: a kind of tortoise; a land 
tortoise. Lok ké yéw bé lok gé 

Pes. * 
PLE, i, 98 Jy Me RE 

kéey 2e dy wod bé lok hé peth, he was delighted 

with the stags and deer, the fishes and tortoises ; 

x see it. -Y- Béng choo, 
Peth Wa The noise of falling down; the 

3 noise of stamping on the ground. 

2 Péen péen, {Hi ili, to distinguish, 
Péen Ap to argue, to reason. Péen péen 
, gan way kin jé, (8 (5 FF Ife 




ae fl péen péen dy kong wa, tok tok téoh kin sin, 
in discoursing argumentatively, we should be cau- 
tious; see the aan a Lin gé. 

K4n péen, fii a hdn pee", a 
Péen book, a page or section of a book ; 
4 also, to arrange. K’hong choo 
thok ék, wiy péen sam chwat, ZL ¥ ail 3 
Te i = AU K’héng cho6  thak yéah keng, 
phoéy teng té ch’hayh s"a hay tooi"S, when 

Confucius studied the book of diagrams, the leather 
binding of the volume burst thrice asunder; (imply- 

ing that he studied the book very closely.) 

A whip; m4 péen, rr) iff bay 
Péen pee"S, a horsewhip. Confucius 
said, “if riches and honors may 
be sought after, (suy chip péen che sod, goé ék 
way che, BE Ht Hi Zook B OF RZ 
suy gim bay pee" dy sod, gwd yed chde,) although 
it be the office of a whipper-in, I will still engage in 
it; see the 3 “al Séang lin. 

Vulg. pee": 
border; péng péen, ie i pong 
pee", on one side; séém péen, 

FA ik séém pee"S, to get on one side, to avoid? 

Ké chaé péen yip, Ht 4 i& pe € twa té pee" 

& dy yip, he dwells ina city on the borders; see the 

fie TE Ye Ley gik ch’ho. 

Choo séey put k’hd péen, 7h iF Ay *) is 

twa hd dy ling u™ thang k’héa té e dy pee", do 

’ the side, the eage, tl e 
Péen =. 

not stand by the side of people in mourning ; see the 

it Hi Hy Léy tan kéung. A surname. 

A bamboo vessel for holding sacrifi- 

= ~. 
Péen cial offerings. 

Péen toé che sod, chek yéw soo 

= OB AN AT Bl FF véen toe 

dy $06, chek wood soo dy kw"a té tit, for the business 


_ of providing sacrificial vessels, there-are the proper 

officers ready ; see the = aes Lin gé. 
Péen The body not upright. 
we=e The leaves of doors opposite one 
Péén another ; vulg. peé"S: flat, as 

a dollar, not round as a ball; 

oblong, oval. 

Sam-h4n seng jé, yéuk ké Vhoé péén, ap che é sék, 
— ge oe i = 

Sam-hin sai"& ké"4, ade dy Chadu pee", chéw hd 
chésh ap, the people of Sam-han, when they get 

children, wish to make their heads flat, and therefore 

press them between stones; see the wp We {eh 

Tong 6 twaa, ‘the record of the eastern foreigners.’ 

gen eR, ; 
‘ Vulg. peé"S: flat, not round, thin as 
a wafer, or a shilling. 

A small garment; small, narrow ; 


also, urgent. 

P&én A 
Chéy kok suy péén se4ou, ine 
fe HE i ry Chéy kok suy sé péén sey, although 

the Chéy country is small and narrow, &c.; see 

na F- Béng choo. 
: exe Péén hok, bi Ns bit pé, a bat ; 
Péén My 

some say; an animal as white 

as silver. 

Hong hwun td sé, péén hok hwuy, ry ay =| + 
Li i Ac mat"I hwui"S kadu e&"S bit pé tit 
pwuy, arriving at the temple about eventide, we see 
the bats flying about; see the He a a; Han jé se. 

Péén To jump upon a horse; also read 
» p’héén: to deceive. 



A kind of_pulse, that grows on bam- 
boo railings. 


i 1 pee 2 
Péén - Péén toe, tm B,- the name ofa. 
sort of pulse, used medicinally. 

To blame, to censure, to detract 
Péén from, to deteriorate. 

? Ch’hun Ch’hew wiy é' yit joo 
way po nétn,  §K HE VI “FB 
Hz Cl’ hun CW hew tok tok € chit jé chd 0 16 kap péén 
tek, the Spring and Autumn Record (Confucius’ 
history of his own times,) conveys either praise or 

blame to people, in only one single word. 

To puncture the flesh for medical 
Péén purposes, by a needle passing 

through a stone. 

e 2S Chew péén, Al Ain, to pervade 
Péen non every place ; all over ; universal. 
Kwin léy pek séng, péén why jé 

tek, A By Ta Wk Aid EH BR GH era etn 
dy oe Vhabu payh sai™S, chd pod sé lé dy tek, the 
multitude of black-haired people everywhere par- 

take of your virtue; see the hy AE Seaou gnay. 
Also written Ship, péén. 

Péén SS let down a coffin into the tomb. 
2b, Vulg. pee"&: to change, to alter, to 
Péén Re > 

convert; péén hwa, 53 AY, to 
kéy pee", to alter. 

transform; kaé péén, By $38 
Kwan choo yéw sam pétn, FF f- AR i Salt 
kwun choo wod sa dy péen, the good man has three 
changes ; see the ah ag Lan gé. 
Péén sek, ih f pee" sek, to change countenance. 


To indurate, to grow hard; péén té, 
iii AK, an induration of the skin 
of the hand, occasioned by hard 


K’hong choo wat, yéw jin @ séw chéuk péén té, é | 

yang ké ch’hin, FL F- AA A PAE 
iia iq YJ ss HE ai) K’héng cho6 kong, woo 

lang té cl’héw k’ha péén té, é cl’hé e dy pay boé, 
_ Confucius said, “here is a man the skin of whose 
hands and feet is hardened by providing for his 
Connected, joined ; Chin kong choo, 
Péén Téiing-j¢, yew péén ké héep, FF 
as FH BE St 
Chin dy kong choo, Téungzjé, wod séo swie dy 
héép kwut, the prince of the Chin country, Téing- 
jé, had his ribs connected and joined together. 
_ Also written ae péén. 

Péén To hem a garment; the hem of a 
»’ garment. 

To argue, and regulate. 
péng: even. 

a Obedient, advantageous, ready, suita- 
Pééen Age ble; hong péen, Fy fifi, conve- 

nient, charity, alms; péén gé, gi 

Also read 

‘a, pan gé, cheap, advantageous; sily péén, li 
Afi, anyhow, no matter how, as it suits convenience; 
taé péén, k (i, to go stool; sedou péén, Ip 18, 
to void urine. 

Jé séy way péén ché4, put péén che péén yéA; séy 
wiy jin ge ché4, taé péén che péén yéa, a Ay 
aE rin a {i rs (i +h lé séy kong hong 

péén chéd, sé w™ péén dy péen; sby king jin ge chéd, 

sé twa péén dy péén,“that which you call convenient, 


bis +a 

is an incovenient convenience ; but that which is call- 
ed benevolence and righteousness is a very conve- 

nient sort of convenience ;” said by Aa -f- San 
choo. Also written 8, péén., 



Péen The name of a place; also, a sur- 


The name ofariver. Also written 

yp We péén, 
Péén Pleased, delighted. 

To divide, to distinguish, to tear 
asunder as with claws. 

This character is to be distinguish- 

ed from Ke ch’haé, to pluck. 


Péén To divide, to separate. 

To exert one’s strength. 
Péén he séang wily choo peén, 
Be i By EM Hane 

lédng séing wiy e ad a He te lat, Hang-léang 

constantly exerted his strength for his lord; see the 
EP BEL Soo ke. 

hee: . - <0 = a =i =A 
) To distinguish; peéen lan, Jif aah 
to discuss, to argue; to discrimi- 

nate clearly, to divide. 

Béng péén che, tok héng che, nA ag PA fe 
‘AF rh béng béng péen lin e, tok sit k’he ke" e, 
clearly discuss it, and sedulously practice it; see 

the fa iat Téung ying. 

Pe Vulg. pan: the same as the above ; 
Péén eos } 
to distinguish, to judge of. 


Péén The flesh between the thighs. 
Pen Mixed threads in weaving. Vulg. 
pee"S: to plait, to twist, to twine. 
pwkh Vulg. pan: a section in a melon or 
Péén orange; kam pééng, AY ae, 
kam pan, a section or division in 
an orange. 

Péén a To twist hemp; to hem a garment. 

Pee"S , a 


Read péen: the side; pee"S 4, on 
one side; péng péen che jin, Be 
ie £. XN pee"S @ dy ling, a 



no Read péén: flat, thin, oval, oblong, 
} not round. 
. op, Read péén: to change, to alter; kaé 
eos so péén, By tk hdy pee", to alter, 

to convert. 

Chéy yit péén ché @ Loé, Loé yit péén che 6é to, 
wy — & EAB GB — Be BD 
Chéy kok chit dy pee™S ch? kadu Loé, Loé kok chit 
dy pee"S che kadu to, if the Chéy country should 
take a turn for the better, it would equal the Loé 

country, and if the Loé country should take a turn, it 

would attain to virtue; see the — ai Séang lin. } 

Ez _y_ Read péén: to twist, to plait; péen 
Pew"s thoé chong bé Ht BA es Ba Jee 
; pee"S Vhaédu chang biéy, to te 
a tail of hair. 
Read pe: : to want; put yadu, IR 
Pe&b’Sh i” peé"Sh, not to want, to 

refuse. In some districts this 

is vulgarly pronounced w” teé"Sh, 



To distinguish, to divide, to separate, 

x ei] 
Péet } ) A surname. 
7 Hwun péet, 4y we to distin- 

guish, to make a difference. 
P’he choo ch’ho bok, k’he é péet 8, BE ZH it 

Ie (ee VW Hh) R whin che" chdou bak, 

k’he & hwun péet, like grass and trees, which may 

to set apart. 

be divided, in order to be distinguished; see the 
Fe am Lin gé. 
~» 2. Vulg. peéh: a tortoise, a terrapin. 

Péet Gwan gé kaou léting, gé péet 

S Bene yéen, Hy i Weg ie 44 aary 
Be A: Fy gin g6 kaou léting, hé kap peéh 
toe sai"&,, the large tortoises, leviathans and dragons, 

with the fishes and turtles would grow and flourish ; 
see the if ei Téung ying. 

» 2. To pass before the eyes; just seen, 
Péet WY. suddenly observed. 
= Gnoé kéén péet hwan, 1B Be 
ile Pes) gnoé jéén k’hw"d péet Jéen kee"&, to look 
ee ee and see casually. Also written , péet- 

Peat Péét séak, Aint a, elegant apparel, 
fine clothes. 

Vulg. pat: 

Peet ; | 

K pat lang, another man. 
payh: an uncle. 

Pek A 
Pek sé, Af FR: is used for an 

elder brother; and téiing sé, fi KR for a younger. 

Taé pek kong, 4A US twa piyh kong, great 
uncle! the designation of an idol commonly worship- 

different, another; to 
divide from, to separate from, to 

part, to take leave; péét jin, ji] 

Vulg. a” 

A superior, an elder. 

ed by the Chinese; he is represented as a lusty 
old man, and is supposed to preside over the district 

where he is worshiped. 


' Pek AG A centurion ; a hundred men. 

Vulg. payh: ahundred; pek ch’héen, 
BF payh ch’heng, a hundred 

Sé ch’héep soé pek jin, % = ba 8 A téng 

haou by sey é kwtiy payh ling, attending concubines 

amounting to several. hundreds; see ye xy Béng 


The fir tree’; sé(ing pek, hs i 
Pek v3] cl’héng payh, a fir tree. 

A surname. 


~<a To urge, to distress, to straiten. 


Kwun choo put ch’héém séang, 

put pek hay, i + as (PF 
A 78 {i - kwun cho6 b6 ch’ hé2m sé twa, b6 

pek s2 sy, the good man does not usurp from his 

superiors, nor distress his inferiors. 

Pek A=) 4 To straiten ; to drive; kip pek, | 
759 ih, to hasten, to urge. 


Pek 4 rw To be extremely sincere. 

Pek war roast anything at the fire; pek 

e€ 5) key, Ki Lae a grilled fowl. 

mo To roast and dry atthe fire; pek 

Pek or m ek bah, roasted 

Pa A kind, of yellow wood, the bark of | 
which is used in dyeing. 

k Vulg. péyh: to pull open, to part 
asunder with the hand. 
Ke- me pek Vhaé hwa, fi Hg 






| Pek™ =) 


BE HE Ke-léng piyh W’houy Char hwa dy 
sw”a, a genius of the name of Ké-léng, (‘great soul’) 
parted asunder the great flowery mountain. 

To urge, to straiten, to trouble; pek 

pek, A i, to urge extremely. 

Goéy pek kong sod, 4 Ri] ss 

Hy gwa bin pek kong dy sod, abroad to be hurried 

Pek ° 

with public affairs. 

Pek soo k’ho  kéén 2, 74 iy Wy yy J R 
hadu pek ch’heet, soo ?hang hoé e kee™S, when urged 
extremely, we may grant an interview; see m= -f- 
Béng choo. 

Vulg. pé@h: a wall; ok pek, EB 
jae ch’hod peak, the wall of a 

house ; 


a fortification. 

Tey stn té jip Han-sin Téang-jé¢ pek, twat che 
kwon, jie fe St) AS (S Ge H- BE AE 
Z, HE Ry ckd WHE sé te jip Han-sin Teo" 3é dy 
péah, cWhés"9 « dy kun st, the emperor early in 
the morning galloped within the encampment of 
HAn-sin and Téo"S-jé, and deprived them of the 

command of the army; see the ne ye xe Ko 

choé ké. 

Vulg. payh: white, pure, clean; a 

surname; kd pék, He A. to in- 

form, to announce. 

Pék maéu sfin sok, a] a Xfi Da payh ha™ 4, 

ché"4 pak, long white grass tied up in bundles; see 

the Ai ia) Seaou lam. 

Béng pek, Hf FY béng payh, to understand, clear, 

Silk, cloth ; chaé pék, FY fF, rich- 

es, wealth. 

Taé pék che kwan, k 4 oh 

5a. twa pod dy kin, a cap made of a broad piece of 
cloth. Pé pék, ive aI , Presents of cloth. 


, 4 
Pék sae A great vessel used at sea. Pe ng Peng peng, #8 HE, unavoidable ; 
; see the ay ite Se4ou gn4y. 
ae . Ice, congealed water; also written ae 
Peng Y K x, peng, and anciently B, Peng } An offering to former ancestors, at 
peng. | the side of the temple gate. 
Ch’hok peng ch’héung ch’héung, Be yK “hp ri # 
ch’hak se"S dy sé"a ch’héung ch’héung, the chisel- Péng Clearly illustrated, well displayed 5 
ing of the ice in winter sounds like ch’héung ch’héung. bright, luminous. 
» The same as the above; also one of 
Peng ie 
shea adsenlal Péng Vulg. pé"d: one of the ten horary 
Peng To order, to send; hasty; to follow. To look at, to observe; bok péng 
Péng A pek, Al AW Fy bak chew péng 
A weapon of war, a person who uses pidyh, the eyes clear. 
D> ‘ ier. 3 
Peng fuch 4 weapotiys selgier Together with, at the same times 

_® Ne Khe kap é peng jé choé, co FA 
35) Fc i 7E thek kak chétn kah, Uhwa twa 
peng to jé cha6u, to throw away one’s armor, reverse 
one’s weapons, and flee ; see = F Béng choo. 
Anciently written AE peng. 

the demise of an emperor. 

San UhéGng ch’hiy peng, iy RR ae. ia sua 
Vhéing ch’hdy pang, the hills and peaks were pre- 
cipitated and fell; see the J], At Se4ou gnay. 

Vulg. pang: to fall down, to be pre- 
cipitated, as a part of a hill from 

its summit; also used to denote 


The name of a kind of cloth. 


Y, é 
Peng if A curtain of a tent, 

Peng lé, HF He, a species of palm 


Peng £AS 

péng k’hé, #3 i, to arise toge- 

Péng 4 i 

To screen, to shelter; also, to do 

F = away with, to lay aside. 
tT Taé pang wiy péng, kk Ff HE 
ita twa pang kok chd péng, great nations screen 

and shelter us; see the oA HE Taé gnay. 

Gno naé péng p’hek é kwuy, IK 17 Bf Jat fl 

FE gui naé péng p’hek kap kruy, 1 laid aside all 

gems and jewels. 

Péng To screen, a screen put in a doorway. 
To do away with, to set aside, to 
Péng keep out of the way, to remove. 

Kéung k’héém ché4, péng gnoé 
peng yéa, AX fad 5 Ai h ira 4 héung keng 
kap sai" k’héém, éy péng ’h? goé hang dy peng to, 
“respect and economy will do away with the five 
kinds of weapons ;” said by Ail F San choo. 


Pig J¥ The common form of BR péng. 

To flee away, to disperse; to drive 

Péng : 

Péng choo sod @, put é t6ng teung 
kok, 32E int DLL Hg A Bd fe} fe od pene 
kadu sod é,u™ hoe e kap lén téung kok séo tang, 
drive (the vicious) away among the foreigners, and 
let them not be associated with us in the middle 
country (China); see the *K be) Taé hak. 

, a 
Péng Ke , The lofty appearance of a hill. 

Vulg. pé"d : a cake. 
Péng ay Sok-sek, Rp (1 , made a péng 
hod, if jk, cake ode. 

To grasp in the hand, to hold; bok 
péng, A x, the stem of'a tree, 

The sheath of a sword; the upper 
Péng i. part is called ih, -péng, and the 

lower part ofa sheath is called 
i, pang. 

=e Together with, united, all together, 

equul to. 

Koé ké suy choo hé sim ch’hek 
yew tevton fil EL BE EL Ss BE AR 

Kk Ff koe lin ka té-suy choo hé, sim chéah yéd 

boéy hap, “in glancing at ourselves, we may find 



matter for applause, but our heart’s core will not 

be in unison with it; said by it Se Sqi Sea- 


The same as the above ; to engross, 

‘ * to unite the whole. 



Péng As surname, “ Ie 

Vulg. pai”: a handle; to péng, 
Jl Ki. to pai€, the handle of a 
knife; kwan péng, Me iA, the 

handle of power, authority. 

Choo chip kwAn péng, A Ht He as ka té gim 

kwin peng, to seize the helm of affairs with one’s 

own hand. 



Péng iF To make inquiry, 

Péng yew, Aj AH %,a friend; h"o 
ei HF péng, fF BA hé péng,a good 

E péng yéw kaon, jé put sin hoé? il AA Va Ze 
i zs "5 28 hap péng yéw haou p’hiey jé u™ 

sin sit hoé? in associating with my friends, am I in- 
sincere? see the jify ZH 

A To let down a coffin into the grave. 

Lin gé. 

Péng To assist, to, help ;. to assist those of 
like mind. A-surname, : 

A surname. In the Han dynasty 

there were a number of thieves, 

Péng Ana 

who bore this surname. 

Vulg. pat"& : a stagepa platform, a 

Péng scaffolding; péng chan, “i KS, 
a military road, across mountain- 
ous parts. 
A chess-board; p’hok ék séy ché, put 
Péng kd yit péng che séang, tip Fg 

i Ria — Fz E 
pwih kedou séy ch, put kd twa té chit dy ké pw" 
dy téng bin, the mind of a gamester is set on.po- 
thing else but the chess-board. 

Vulg.pat"S : even, plain, level, just, 
peaceful, to be at peace; to re° 

Péng “— 

P TE. pat®S ché"d, just and equal; kin peng, 
Wy ZF kin pai"&, even, level; théen hay had 

 péng, RK ye 7, a Phee"S ay Pha? pai&, the 

whole world at peace. A surname. 

gulate, to pacify; péng chéng, 

Sdng jin kip Ch’hoé jin péng, oe A A a x ; 

2 Sdng dy ling kap CWhoé dy lang pat"9, the 
people of Sdng were at peace with the men Ch’hoé ; 
see the fz HK Ch’hun ch’hew. 

Péng Pye Peng chéet, JP Ee OM, the fat of oxen 
or sheep, suet. 

According to; as; to cross a river 
on foot. Vulg.pdng: a surname. 
Po hoé péng h6, 3% ee 

léth hoé pang hé, to seize a tiger, and dart through 

a river with him; see the an eh. Lin gé. 

Péng yt Aer 

£ ai Vulg. pat”: sick, very sick; dis- 
Péng q 

ease ; to feel sick, to be weary of; 

to be sick of, to be distressed 
with; yéw péng A ii wood par"S, to be sick. 

Péng put tek ké chédng yé4, Wi AN t¥ a2 ie 

i, hwin 16 béy tit tédh chétng lang, to be distress- 
ed at not being able to get the hearts of the mul- 

titude; see the ia Ui sc. Ley gak ke. 

._ To compare with, to be associated 

Peng y W) 
also, moreover; peng lek, Nin) 

7, united strength; péng kay jé héng, vo He, 
nil AT peng cl’héa jé ké®4, to ride out together. 

with; together, at the same time ; 

Peng The same as the preceding ; alge: 


All, altogether; arranged in a row, 



PEO , 
Pén g Out of the way, on one side, remoy- 
ed to a distance. 
Péng A solitary place, a lonely spot; @ 
~ privy. 
a Read pong: a wooden board; pong 
Pes st, bi ik pers sé, a proclama- 

tion; ch’hut pong, a RE cl’ hut 

pé"&, to issue a proclamation. 
Yh gaa 

pes Ne 
FA Séng Ong che seng, jin ché4 yang 
che, hadu ché4 kéAng che, sod séng pong che, Ke 
yy ae 43 Z, Séng ing dy sai", jin dy lang 

cl’ hé e, hadu dy ling kédng béng e, sé dy seng jin 

Read pong: to approach near, to 
stand by, to rely on. 

pe"9 e, when Séng Sng was born, benevolent peo- 
ple brought him up, filial people strengthened niet 
and four saves stood by him. 

Also vulg. pé": the side, on one side; a surname. 



wh pheaou: a prize, a goal; 
me ch’héang p’heaou, fp fe ch héo"g 
é3% péo, to struggle for the prize, as ‘ 

is done in boatracing, &c. 

Léting chew twat kim p’heaou ae fi 48 ea 

ke léting chin cl’ h6"S kim dy péo, the dragon boat 

seizes the embroidered prize. 

_. Read peaou: fat; che peaou, ite ie 

ji ry, che péo, a fat appearance. 
Yysyy M4 peaou, ea Fie bdy péo, a 

horse in good condition, fat. 



Read pe4ou: a memorial; pedou 

chéang, Fe Fi pes chéang, a 
public document; chin pedou, if 

Da chin pé6, to present a memorial to government. 



Péung ch’ham, Bi iB. to be glut- 

~ Péung 
tonous; to be greedy of food. 
2 The stripes on a tiger; a young ti- 
Pew ger; yit pew jin ma, — iz A 

men and horses. 


Mt chit pew ling béy, a troop of 

Pew y| The appearance of flowing water. 
Pg The hair long, and hanging down. 
Pew ie Also, one of the radicals. 
Téuk pey, 4K aa tek pey, a bam- 
Pey boo comb; a ferula; a flat piece 
of wood for slapping the hands. 
A knife like the barb of an arrow ; 
Pey a pey ch’hok, $0 BE pey cW’hak, 
a broad chisel. 
# p— Toscreen, to hide, to cover over; to 
Peéy overspread. 

Se sam pek, yit gan é péy che, 

wat soo bob séa, 24 = BH — a yy ‘hk ye 
EI By 4. BR se woo s"a payh, chit kod wa é 
pey e, kong séo"8 b6 lim sdm, the odes are three 
hundred, and one sentence is sufficient to comprise 

them all, namely, “thought not licentious;” see the 

Eg FA Séang lin. 

Pha Ae flower in bloom. 
Pek hwa hoe p’ha, 2 AE pt 

Ae ché"4 pityh wa Chor pha, all the flowers will 
put forth their buds. 

Pha nt : A bragging, blustering appearance. 


A flower; the bud of a flower; a 



a: bok {2 =| pha bak, weak, 

sore eyes. 

P’haé re DB Short, dwarfish. 


To fear, to be afraid, to be terrified 

P’ha —at; put pha, oS ify uw” saé 
hé"a, don’t be afraid; k*héting 
p’ha, TR i, to be alarmed. 

A veil, a covering for the head; vhoé 
a ] p’ha, 38 hf Vhadu p’hay, a veil. 
E kim téén koé, é héng p’ha sew, 

Y, Sih qe ya VY fr ny HW VhO kim tee"8 té 

Pha, thé ang p’hay thaéu, take embroidered work 

to wind round the legs, and cover the head with a red 

veil; see the iit ft a¥ Han jé se. 

P’hi Superfluous silk; three pieces of silk 
are called he, p’ha. 

P’ha 9 Arising of the skin; the skin broken. 

Pha SED pé: hollow, empty grain. 

Pia Anything hollow, and vain; good 
for nothing. 


no! fae 

P’hae Jae noise of a mountain falling. 


a divide, to open out. 



Water flowing in different channels. 

The same as the following. 

Various channels of water; che p’haé 

oe a 
P’haé ) 
a ) , 2 tribe, posterity. 

, . v 
P’haé y, Xx. 
Pek ch’hwan p’haé péet, kwuy 

haé je hoty, A IRN wi = 

che" 4 payh cW’hwui"S p’hae péet, kwuy kadu haé, 
chéw chd hoey, the hundred streams are divided into 
channels, but when they revert to the sea, they all 

meet together; see the A= . Pit Cho soo hoo. 

in the water; suddenly; 

f . ee EN 
P’haeée WW 
p’haé, iy iii. ruined, in distress, 

overwhelmed with calamity. 

P’haé The appearance of rain; the flowing 
of water. 

The name ofa river; weeds growing 


Prha’ jéén hay 6 Jhj GRP Ay v’had jéen Woh 

hoe, suddenly the rain descends ; see ah F Béng | 

choo. Also written AH, p’haé. 

P’haé i 
Tong bin che yang, ké yéép 

prhae proae, Yt PY ZB} HE ME Hi 

tang moot"S dy yé6"S ch’ héw, e dy héoh p’haé p’hae, 

Luxuriant foliage; superabundant 


the willow tree, at the eastern port, exhibits an abun- 

dant foliage; see the [fi Ji, Tin hong. 

rit EE 



Péng p’haé, it HF, the noise of 
rippling, rushing water. 

Read taé : wicked, vicious, bad ; put 

te h6 taé, AN Fil Hf. W 

a” chae hé p’ha"é, not knowing 

good from bad. 





Read t"4: to beat, to strike, to thump, 
to invade. 
E wa sék kek 4 kong btn, YJ 

7A we 47 Ds PA P26 hea chéoh kek p’hith 

kong moot"9, they took tiles and stones and beat at 

a the public gate; see the ite ea (ai Téang é twan. - 

P’hai"S rE, Pains te, He BR, to deduct, to 

take off. 

Read péng: a handle of anything ; 

P’hai"s wD) a numeral, 
Han-hwuy choo, Big JE -y: 

made (jé peng p’héen, — ri ini no phai"S 
p’hee"S,) two sections of literary composition. 

P’hai"® + w Read p’héng : a surname. 
Read péng: to fillip with the fin- 
P’hai"S gers. 

F Ké é put lok, tan péng soo, 

AB B A Afi itp FF Te dy 2u™ Phéting lok, 

chéw tw"d p’hat"S dy sod, when his mind was not 
pleased, he turned to filliping and fingering (the 

harp and guitar.) 

Anything turned upside down. 

P’hak 4 Hin p’bok sit kéang, pot iP hii 
Kt hin k’hé p’hak t6, chae sit 
. yéén kéang,to elevate those who are overturned, 

and to raise up those who are fallen. 

ye Read hok: prostrate; sin hok, a7 
P’hak {2 

98 sin phak, to lie prostrate, 
with the face to the ground. 

Read p’hok: to dry in the sun; p’hok 
jitak 6, BR AL TR Ay wrak 
jit ak hoé, to be burnt by the sun, 

and drenched in the rain. 



ween 10 lead, to draw, to pull; to handle ; 

p’han wan, Pie FR, to deliver, to 

~ assist. 
Ch’heng yin tek loé, séw p’han kwuy, = = Le 

we + RK KE ch’hai"I hwin tit téoh e dy le, 

cWhéw chéw phan kwiy, when we make our way 


to the azure clouds, (i, e. attain to literary honors,) 
our hands may handle the cassia; see a ob i 
koé se, ancient ode. 

To climb up, from a low place to a 

phan ch’ héw, to climb a tree. 
P’han léfing hoo hong, yrs nid Kt Al. to lead 
the dragon, and help the phoenix; (i. e. to assist a 
man in aiming to be emperor.) 

P’han Be 

A large proportion of white in the | 

eye; p’h4n cheng, IX Hl, to 
show the white of the eyes. 

P’han To stand in the doorway and look. 

# To look at any one; the black and 

P’han Boy white of the eyes distinctly 
\ marked. 

Bé bok p’han hey, F= | i} A» cWhin ch’ hai"S 
dy bak chew oe payh p’hun hé hé6, beautiful eyes, 
with the black and white clearly divided; see the 

Bis aii Séang lin. 

a Read héang: fragrant, scented, sweet 
Phang aS smelling, as flowers. 
Hwin téép sim héang, iy te 
= ¥ paiyh dy boéy yédh cWhiey p’hang, the 
white butterfly seeks for fragrance. 

Léw p’han, $i ea a button-hole, 

higher one; p’han sé, us tat 



Read hong :_a bee; bit hong, 5 
ie bit p’hang, a honey bee. 

Chek jé hong k’hé, FoF fp ie 

HL cl’hat ci’hin chéo"S p’hang W’hé, the thieves got 
up as thick as bees. 

Read hong: to spin; hong chek, 

I *t prhang chayh, to spin 

Read pwan: fat, corpulent, lusty ; 
Pring PE hwidy pwan, jl FER putty p’hang 

A. Read héng: a sail; ch’hwan héng, 

P’hing ae Hye %& chin p’hdng, a ship’s 

Pp hang Read hong: to bring, or carry in 
both hands. 
P’ hing y Read héng: a surname. 
Read héng: a seam; hwin héng, 
D a ric BR He f {fF hwtn p’hang, the scar of 
a wound. 
Lé héng, fat ae Se lé p’hang, the opening of a seam. 

P*hang koé, Ke wy, a small drum, 
made of a long bamboo, with a 

P’hing e - 

about the streets by ballad singers. 

bladder stretched over it, and beat 

To throw away, to cast away; to 


throw, or spread around. 

P’haou se jé sty, Hy) = ii fife 
tek k’hak ch’hiyh jé k’hwin, he threw aside the 
book and went to sleep. 

> To pour boiling water on anything ; 
P’haou y iw 

p’haou tay, if a, to make an 
infusion of tea, to pour boiling 
water on tea; a bubble. 


'Séen p’haou, A Bi, the name of 
a wild and edible fruit. 

P’haéu ay fly. 

A machine for throwing out stones, 



when attacking fortified towns. 

P’haou ie same as the above; a catapult. 

A cannon, a great gun; formerly 
P’haou if 

Hong p’hadu, Fi Kel pang p’haou, to let offcrackers. 

stones were~thrown out by a ma- 

chine ; now. they make use of gun- 


Vulg. p’hd: asore or boil on the face. 

A swelling ; t’héen p’hadu, R ii 
thee"S p’hd, a kind of sore. 

5 / Vulg. p’hO: to embrace, to hug; 
P’hadu +p] hwaé p’hadu, ig 4p hwaé p’ho, 

an embrace. 

Kwun chod p’ha6u té chaé kéuig, 2 j- +a ia 

HE ay kwun cho6 p’ho to té hin sin, the good man 

clasps virtue to his bosom, and embraces it. 

ie e 



P’haéuh e A rising of the skin; a blister. 

P’hadu ? 

Read p’hok : large, great, 



Hail, frozen rain; lok p’haduh, Ye 
ide 16h p’haduh, to hail. 
Sény jin chaé séang bod p’haduh, 
suy yéw, put wily hae, Be mt AE. is 4k. ay 
aE AR AN B FE seng jin te téng bin bé6 loh 

prhabuh, suy wod b6 chd séang haé, when a sage is 

P’haéuh "2 

at the head of affairs there will be no hail; and if 
there should be some, it would not be injurious ; see 
the a fi Cho twan. 
The neck of a pestle; or the nar- 
P’haéuh row part of a large pestle, which 
is held in the hand. 

The waters in the extreme west; the 

P’hat YN. western ocean; the ie HE Jé 
gnay says, “that at the extreme 
east is 3 iz, thaé wan, ‘the great distance,’ 
and at the extreme west is the TAS p, P’hat kok, 
‘the country of P’hat;’”” some say, this character 

means the appearance of water; and others, the 

sound of waves striking against other. 

P’hat The sound of a carriage breaking. 
am Read p’ha: a veil; séw p’ha, ry 
P’hay ne haéu p’hdy, a veil for the 

head; hwa_ p’ha, KE A hwa 

phay, a flowered veil. 

ae Great, large. 
P’he A Ne Phe heén chae, Bin dng boé! 
p’he sin chae, Boo 6ng léet! Za 


a héén béng chae, Bin éng dy hoe! twa séo swa 
chae, Boé éng dy léét ! how greatly illustrious were 
Biin 6ng’s plans! how well connected was Boo dng’s 
zeal! see the (3) Se Séang se. 
Unburnt bricks and tiles. 
P’he Th P’he yéa yit t6, kwiin seng tek le, 

3 7 — Wd BEE 8 


PB boey séo dy Iaoty Whe chit dy cl’hing, kwin 
sai"S dy lang tit té0h ledou 1é, the unburnt earthen 

ware when once burnt in the pottery, all the people 
can obtain the use of it; see the fe: EA {i Ch’huy 
yéen twan. 

Strong; also, numerous; é ke p’he 
P’he Ae phe, YJ Ye Me Re cl’héa 
chéy chéy, with an abundance of 

chariots; see the v4 AA Loé séiing. 

P’he Ar A black kind of millet; a species of 
wheat. 7 
Bay noise of wrangling. 
The name of a place; P’héng-wat 
P’he AS 

chéén @ Hay-p’he, iy x ik 

TS Fe As Prhat"€-wat séo Chat 
té Hay-p’he, P’hai"8-wat fought a battle at Hay- 
p’he; see the Fp GE Sod ke. 

P’he HA name of an insect. 
A young fox, a cub; some call a fox 
’ rin Ni , Prhe lé. 

P’he >4 horse, with yellow and white hairs 
ayy) mixed. 

To open; p’he k’hae, te Be phe 
+R K’hwuy, to open out. Also, to 
put on clothes or armor. 

Séw put téng p’he @ pek kay che p’héen, = x 

Be UE TA EE RZ Hi ev Réw 6 teng prhe 

Whwuy té payh hay ch’hayh, “the hands should 
not cease turning over the pages of the hundred 
philosophers ;” said by ie Ar. Han jé. 




Phe k’hwa séang m4, py Hp é phe k’hwd 
chéo"9 bay, he dressed himself, and mounted his 

P’he We petticoat, a woman’s under garment. 
P’he Hair. 

To strike with the hand; to push, to 
Lb turn round ; to inform. 
Sdng-ban gé kéw, p’he jé sat che, 

AR BS 3 ML BG Hh BES Sdng-dan 106 

téoh kéw séw, p’he jé thaé e, Sdng-ban met his 
enemy, when he struck and killed him; see the Fe 

{8 Cho twan. ‘ 

P’he P’he song, at 3 prhee"S seM&> 

P’he + A hill incomplete; unburnt pottery ; 
the same as th, p’he. 

Great ; a man’s name. 

R By, p’hé. 
To stop up; also, bad, not good. 
P’hé AS Bé te chong phé, FE Fy IM 

G boéy chae hé baé, not know- 
ing whether it is good or bad ; see the kK Att Taé 


Also written 


An induration of the spleen; when 
not painful is called Je, p’hé, but 

when painfal it is called $E hq, 
kéet héung. 

Vulgar; p’hé loé, Fall is low, vul- 
P’hé ai gar; péen p’hé, Be ia, aside, 
out of the way; toe p’hé, +i iat 

a capital city, and its suburbs. 


P’h6 hoo k’hd é sod kwun yé4 6 chae? Fay Fe PY 

fl Hy. a 4 fA 7 p’hé hoo thang kap e hok 

saé jin kwun e chae? how cana vulgar fellow be 

-employed with us in the service of the prince? see 

the Em ge Lin gé. 

P’hé a The same as the preceding. 
P’hé Ly, To regulate, to prepare. 
Phé % A pain in the head; the bursting of 
an ulcer; sores on the head. 
P’hé LL A vessel cracked, but not yet broken 
to pieces. 
Phe P’hé géy, {2 (5, to look askance. 
Phe P’he géy, By fifa, to look on one 
side, to squint. 
To speak of anything by way of com- 
P’he parisons p’he je, AF Ay, for 

Prhe jé wily san, bé séng yit kway, ché goé ché yéa, 

BE yp FH RM FB lk BE 

phe jé chd sw"a, biey ché"d chit pin ke d thoé na 

example, for instance, like as. 

swith, sé gwd swiah yéd, as when making an artificial 
hill, if we leave it incomplete, only wanting a single 
basket of earth, our relinquishing the undertaking 

will be our own fault; see the an Ge Lan gé. 

Vulg. p’hoey: a foul wind; hong 
P’hé NEY, phe, FM JP pang p’hiey, to 
break wind. P7hé koé, Je He 

Rha ch’ hui®S, the posteriors. Also written Et p’hé. 



Vulg. p’hiéy: the skin, the surface 
52 of anything. A surname. 
} Hod béén p’he, JB ff] PE hadu 

bin p’hiéy, a thick-skinned face; said of a person 



who cannot blush ; an impudent, shameless one. 

Sit ké p’hé, put sit ké kwut, a He ia x at 

AER et bat e dy p’hoéy, w™ bat ¢ dy kwut, to know 

the skin, without knowing the bones of a thing ; (to 


have a superficial knowledge of anything.) 

Wearied with labor; exhausted; 

phé kwan, Ee i, wearied, 


P’hé noe, bod é hod té, He ca Ane y) iti 4 

yéd yéd, b6 thang hod chan té soo, wearied and 

Phé 7 

unable to assist in the government. 

Héém p’hé, [sar oh, unfair reason- 
= ing; artful debates. 
zB P’hé sod, te ké séy pey, 3 Bik 

zi # Br He héém p’hé dy wa, chae e séy pey, 

with respect to unfair reasoning, we should know in 

how far it obscures a subject; see iy Beng choo, 



P’hé na The same as TE, p’hé,fweary. 
Phe 2», Him p’hé, he fe, the name of a 
nt a wild beast, a sort of bear. 
P’hé Small pillars or supporters under the 
b eaves of a house. 
£ > P*hé tan, Ae ia phiéy twa, a 
P’he - coverlid, a palampore for pro- 
tecting one from cold, at night. 
a Read p’heng: the name of a car- 
P hea riage ; a sort of bamboo cart; or 

a bamboo mat hung up behind a 


carriage to keep out the dust; poéy p’heng, 1h (3 
poéy p’hé"a, the spine. 

Read p’heng : the ribs joined one to 

K’héw chit p’heng, J, #E Bif 

Kha chéah p’hé"a, the spine of the back. 



Read p’héén: a slice, a piece ; but 

P’ hea AFF yit p’héén, ty =— WK mee"Sh 
chit p’hé"d, a slice of anything. 
PIE! San péng, ve WA soa p’hé”d, 
the ridge, or range of a hill. 
e Kéng p’héng, iu sy gnay phé"d, 
Phe a 2D as stiff as a stone. 
To strike with a stone. 
x Read p’hek : lateral, aside, out of the 
P’héah way ; wan p’hek, jz (WE Inout” 

p’héah, far out of the way, remov- 
ed to a distance. 
P’héen p’hek, fini ie phéen p’héah, strange, out 
of the way. 

Read p'hek: a sickness common to 

P’héah children; a disposition, a propen- 
sity; h®6 p’hek, yet Hie hé 
p’héah, a good disposition; ok p’hek, BB Hie 
phalé p’héth, a bad temper. 

Jin kae yéw yit p’hek, gno p’hek chaé chéang ké, 
os 4 Ai woo a hay ie 8 
chéo"& kod, every one has his peculiar bent of mind, 
but my hobby is to be devoted to chapters and 


S ae. 

P’htth P’hek chwan, ie nit p’hétih chui"I 

tiles and rubbish. 



P’héang ji) To cut down. 

P’héang r2 P’héng p’héang, hg Hy, aswell- 
Sy ing of the stomach. 

The appearance of frisking and 

P’heaou re prancing ; also, to weed the 
b»dD = ground. 

To be in motion; also, many, nu- 
P’heaou merous. 

80% Héng jin p’heaou, a A (Fe 
Nia ké"4 dy lang p*heaou p’heaou, the people walk- 
ed ploddingly along; see the pF sich Chéy hong. 

P’heaou Incessant rain and snow. 
P*heabu The iron on the outside of a horse’s 
ne ” 
P’heaou To weed the ground, to clear away 
} the grass from the fields. 

» A dog running very swiftly; 
P’heaou a p’heaou hong, RR i. a fierce > 
To strike, to point, to make signals, 
P’heaou ip to wave backwards and forwards. 
Ne Téang bok che pé, bod put 
phenon 88, FE KZ, 96 ME HB th 
té"9 clhd dy ka labuh, b6 w” p’hah téoh, when a 
large tree falls, nothing near can escape being struck 
by it; see the Ft {i 
Ché-choo p’heaou kéém, jé k’hé che, wy F- 

€\ i 3 ZL, Ché-chod p’heaou kéem jé k’he e, 

Ché-choo waved his sword, and departed ; see the 

is =f (a Kong yang twan. 


Cho twan. 


P’heaou yr) 


AY — Héet léw p*heaou ch’hé, {ffl iit 
as ye hoéyh laéu kadu éy p’ho6 cheng ch’hé, the 

blood flowed sufficient to float a wooden pestle. 

To float; also, to move, to flow 

down; to be agitated. 

P’heaou je The appearance of fire flying about. 


ATT We » ginning to fly. 

P’heaou = PR 
Hong p’heaou p*heaou, ké 

ch’huy e, ve i Ea aE WN AK hong p’heaou 

pheaou e dy ch’hiey sa, a sudden gust of wind blew 

Light, buoyant, elegant; to rise up 

P’heaou lightly and gently ; as a bird be- 

The sound of wind, a whirlwind, 

a violent gust of wind, 

aside his clothes. 

phe same as the preceding; an easy 

Pew JE flowing gait. P*heaou jéén jé 

kh, FRE af if z, he went 

off in an easy graceful manner. 

A fierce wind blowing down from 

P’heaou ff) 
y above ; to roll up. 

=< The name of a star in Ursa Major. 

Pao) To fly high. 

Prhesouf] P’heaou bedou, i wy, to see in- 
; iy 


P’heaou iii) Hasty, sudden. 



Piicaou To take anything by force, to 






Rcacd The first star in the handle of the 


P’heéou i) The end, the extremity of anything. 
P’hedou ) bird’s feathers changing color. 
(ie) ‘ 
# To make light of one’s own person ; 
Peto light, trifling, volatile, active. 
P’headou k’hé, chek cheaou che 

é ho chae, (ie = All yy 1 yy ie te 

p’hedou t’hek kak ptm sin, chek chéo é ho hwan chae 

haé, to make light of, and to disregard one’s-self, is 

Dipper or Charles’s-wain. 

the way to bring down calamity-and trouble. 

P’heaou yp P’hedou yabu, y= Pk, the name. 

1 of an office, in the Han dynasty. 

P’heaou Ww 
69% Ta p’hedou, qT 

p’héo, to take out a passport. 
T’hoé chong bé p*heaou, 58 Ea Fe = hatu 
chang bééy p’héd, a tax on the-cues of the Chinese, 

To shake, to move, to agitate; also 
vulg. p’héd: a ticket, a passport. 

= p hah 

levied in Batavia. 

P’heaou A ) To make light of one’s-self. 


P’ Bis w To put anything in the wind or sun, 
S to dry. cy 

wo K’hé-p’heaou, a ae the name of 

LY) % 27 Office. 


A carriage driving furiously ; 

P’heaou a === p’hedou yadu, (i %, uneasy. 



P’heaou =. J Jf To oppose, and plunder ; to seize. 

: TD Valg Pee: to bleach; p’heaou 
P’heaou VY poe, = Afi p’héd poe, to bleach 
Ar clothes. 

Kéng p’headou soé sip jit, es i +- H 

kéng p’héd kwiy chap fit, b bleached for several tens 
of days. 

-P’heaou iy 

P’hefou ri) 


AyY , a Prostitute, a courtezan ; 
p’hedou, to6; yim, a HK Ek, the three vices of 
horedom, gambling, and drunkenness. 

Vulg. pod: acalabash; yit p’heaou 
yim, — a ik chit poo a dy 
the", a calabash full of liquor; 

Lin gé. 

To perforate, to stab ; to flay; also 
to take by violence. 

A place where prostitutes dwell, a 
brothel ; p’hedou ch'héang, a 


P’heéou = 
see the ato a 

P’heaou = 

Vulg. p’hé6: a kind of duck-weed 
or lemna like floating moss found 

on the surface ofthe water; also 


P’héen Bod p’héen bod p’ho, Ong to tong | 

written p’héng, Hs p hes. 
Nien Partial, lateral, inclined to one side. 
wong, 45 fib 4M BEL SE aH 
yp 0 bé p’héen p’héah b6 p’hb p’hd, ing dy to 
lé tong twa, neither partial nor confined, the royal 

way is immense and grand; see the F at Se keng, 

P héen ia A small boat. 

Ade Noig. p’hee"®: the section or leaf of 
P’héen a book, a piece of composition. 
Loé lin jé sip p’héen, Chéy lin 



oa ro 



kay biin-dng, te-to, kéiing jé sip jé p’héen, Aa} an 

LO Meee 

Iris Loé kok dy lin gé woo jé chap 


prhee"8, Chéy kok dy lin gé kay chit dy bin-éng, 
te-t0, kiting jé chap je p’hee"S, the collection of the 
‘sayings of Confucius,’ belonging to the Loé coun- 
try, contained 20 sections; but that belonging to 
the Chéy country, with the addition of the chapters 

beginning ‘bin-éng’ and ‘te-td,’ amounted to 22 

P’héen The name of a ship or vessel. 
Phen P*héen ch’héen, Brit Re, to parade, 
to walk up and down. 
P’héen To fly swiftly; léén p*héen, Ff i: 
; incessant. 
P’héen To arrange, to put in order. 

Yéén, p’héén, Ng i, a narrow 


Vulg. p’hedS: a slice, a part, a half. 
P’héén gan k’ho é chéet geuk 
chéa, ké Yéw yéde! H a 

¥) Ye Ay ve 4% tt fH + fil chit phee"® 

dy wa, Vhang laé chéet yore p’hwin géuk dy soo e 

sé Yéw yéd ¢! with half a word to be able to decide 


cases of litigation, is not this Yéw alone! see the 

=f =. Li 
= Pr) Lin gé. 
—= To jump on a horse at one spring; 
| P’héén now used to intimate deceit. 
" Hong prhéen, fit: he to deceive, 

to cheat, to take advantage of. 

a PoP Read p’héen: a section of a book. 
bdn sam p’héen, & al + 

—-HAZ2H tE K = fp Me whe 
Kho"a vhak clhayh ling, chit jit dy k’hwdy lat, 

chd bin chéo"S s"a p’hee"S, now in examining scho- 

lars, one day’s labor is employed in making three 

sections of literary composition. 

P's AGA te péen: cheap, reasonable. 



Read p’héén: a chip of wood; wa 

cn FF héa p’hee™S, a 

piece of tile. 

WR sound of wind going out. 
Phe P’he song, Bl a prhee"é se®B, 

Read pit: the nose; pit k’hong, 
B. iL phee"§ k’hang, the nos- 


Pit che é héw yéa, . 

vs a A Ls Hs, phee"S dy 

té héw Lé, the nose with respect to smells, &c; see 
a + Béng choo. 


P’héet St 
writing. One of the radicals. 

1 » ? To strike gently ; a little; to lead, to 
g pull up ; also written aus p’héet. 

peéh ch’héw wut"S, to strip up the ee 

» p. To pass before the eyes; to geta 

p héén, 


A leaning to the right, as if inclining 

to the lefts a slanting stroke in 


PPhéet séw sbw, £1 E 

P’L.éet sight of. 

J Yéw tin goéy, jé p’héet t’héen, 


Kim sé s00, yit yit che lék chok | 


Vie yee YAN i th RK hit thé dng tin gwa, jé 
Vhw"d theeS, “to wander beyond the dusty world, 

and get a sight of the heavens;” said by AB Hi; 

ho Téang héén soo. 

P’héet AE ro p’ho, Hut BR, lame, halt. 

To jump ona horse; to deceive ; 

P’héet | 
>>) also read p’héén. 
P’héét To fly; the appearance of flying. 

P’hek $A Hoé p’hek, ye iA, amber. 

To prop up; to strike; p’hek pan, 

+4 WL, to strike the board, in 

order to keep time, while playing 



Boé p’hek secret, a secret 
P’hek le prheky ASE MM, i 
appearance, clandestine. 

FA A fine azure stone; a deep azure co- 
Fa lor. 
each individual has (sam hwin 

P’hek f} 
ch’hit p’hek, —= ie 4 Fife 

sa dy hwin, cl’ hit dy p’hek,) three souls and seven 


A spirit; the Chinese suppose that 

spirits; of which they say, (hwfin chek séang seng, 
p’hek chek hay kang, a Al he ft fi AY 
- [ee hwin chéw chéo"S téng bin, p’hek chéw loh 
hay téy,) the soul ascends, and the spirit goes 


"- PHEK 

A prince, aruler, alaw; to do away 
P’hek with, to set aside; aside. 
Séang wiy p’hek kong, théen 
choo ik bik 4 HE RE DS TRF 1B 
séang hod wod p’hek kong, hing tty bok bok, the 
princes of the empire assisted at the sacrifice, while 
the emperor stood musing; see the eal aA Séang 

P’héen p’hek, tin BE, inclined to one side, partial. 

A round and valuable gem; kwuy 

P’hek . 
p’hek, =; ie a precious stone, 
Ok p'hek, fx AE ci’hod péah, 
P’hek the wall of a house; kek p’hek, 

BH BE kayh p’héah, a next door 
neighbor, separated only by a party wall. 
T’hé(ing seng béng sod p’hek, ER RE ne, yy Lit 
thang dy sé"a tit béng hadu té s2 dy péah, the 

noise of the insects was heard on every wall; see a 

TF iF ko€ se. 

To beat one’s breast ; to open out, to 
P’hek spread open, to break. 
P’hek yting k’hok k’hip, JP Bi 
BR YL p’hith heng k’hdm, ying té6, Whadu, kwa 
t’hé, to beat the breast, to stamp with the foot, to cry 
and weep, (at the death of a parent;) see the Xe Ag 

Hadu keng. 

P’hek loé, i fis, vulgar, mean; 
séa p’hek, at hy, corrupt, per- 
verse; yew p’hek, hy (re, secret, 

dark ; hong pihek, Ff tit, dissolute. 

Hong p’hek sé ch’hé, bod put wily 6, KK (ie vil} 

{% 4UE ZX, By Ei, hong p’hek séd cl hé, 06 sey 

u™ chd, a dissolute, vulgar, corrupt and extrava- 
gant man would go to any lengths; see ia F 
Béng choo. 



: P’hek BE 


P’hek FER Hasty, sudden, speedy. 

P’hek Bx To cut open, to split, to tear asunder. 

To weave; pé sin chit ké, ch’hey 
P’hek iF p’hek loé, é ék che yé4, cia & 
a a SE HM 

e pin sin p’hah ch’habu dy, e dr boé chit 

zit mw"4 poe, éw"d ch’hek, he himself made 

straw shoes, and his wife wove hempen cloth, to 
barter for corn ; see = + Béng choo, 

= See lék, ihe i pPrhek léyh, the 
rattling of thunder. 

Jé p'hek lék che seng, fn je 
GE 3Z. BE ci’hin chéo”S p'hek ltyh dy sé"a, like 

a clap of thunder. 

Vulg. p’hé&h: a sort of disease, a 

P’hek peculiar propensity, is Bal dis- 
Ch’hut p’hek, }H FF ci’hut p’héah, to have the 

Ok p’hek, ae IgE phaé p’héah, a bad temper. 
Also written Abe, p’hek. . 

P’hek Y To bleach anything, till it becomes 
Vy) white. 
P’hek BRE of both legs. 



To boil, to cook, to dress food. 
aa Also written a , P’heng. 
4>”>% = Hadu jin p’heng che, Ke A x 
Zz hadu jin p’heng e, the man who took cace_of 
the pools, boiled (the fish) ; see a -f- Béng aap 



To order, to command, to give in 

P’heng Af 

P’heng A= 

P’heng pte Prheng téng, Pe He, a beautiful 

charge of. 

To order, to send; to make up for. 

appearance; an elegant carriage. 

5) To intrust to, to give in charge of; 

5 also, to draw out. 
Pens EPS The sound of stones. 

Pens AIK swelling of the abdomen. 
P’hen eh To strike with a stone; to beat on 
Fl a stone, 

vi J ] 
P’heng M2) ji The noise of striking water. 
Pins ER hypocrite, a pretender. 

ie) The name of a village, or district. 
} To inquire, to ask; to betroth; 
.. He 

p’héng léy, pt ie. a betrothing 
pay a visit of inquiry. 

present; p’héng bin, fig [a], to 
a Be 

ch’héen séng, gn6 tek ché -hwut why yéa, ta a 


To drive, to gallop along, to run 


K’he p’héng teén lap, hoé ke 


| P’héo 


~ FR ER I a BL 

séo jéuk p’hadu chaou kwd p’hah léh, adu ch’héa 
chéné cl’heng téo"S, gwé na tit che 2, a” chd yéd, 
to drive and gallop about, and go a hunting, fol- 
lowed by a thousand chariots ; if I were to get my 
will I would not prefer such things; see mA F 
x Béng choo. 
Pring Be A way; full, complete; also vulg. 
<A phat"S: a surname. 

= y A kind of lobster or crawfish, 



|g héng found on the seashore, in the 

To discourse on, to give an opinion 
upon. P’he p’héng bain chéang, 
514 ae a FA p’he phéng bin 

chéo"&, to examine and criticise a piece of literary 

© héng = = 


A kind of grass; straw. 

wipa Vulg. p’héé: a kind of duck-weed, 

P’héng ee 

to meet suddenly. 

usually found floating on standing 

P’héng chong, ye er, 


Jit gwat long téung ne4ou, k’héén k’hwun sy séang 

peng, FI A RE a oH ok EF 

jit giéyh sé ling tang e"S dy chedou, Vhee"& tey 
sé chiy téng dy p’héé, the sun and moon are like 
birds in acage, and heaven and earth resemble the 

duck-weed floating on the surface of the water; see 

KL FA FF Toe hoo se. 

5 Yin p’hén 
P’hén g P g, Be 
my great bird. 


2 je, the name ofa 

Read p’heaou: a ticket ; paé p’heaou, 

jie. cI paé p’héd, a direction on 
a board; téém p’heaou, 5 a 

té2m p’héd,’a sign-board set up in front of a shop. 
T'hoé chong bé p’heaou, JF cae fe 4 Vhabu 
chang biéy p’héd, a ticket held by those who have 

paid the poll-tax in Batavia; persons found without 

such a-ticket are taken up and imprisoned. 

K’heng p’heaou, iit 28)] A’hin p’héd, 
P’héo =] to make light of one’s-self; to turn 
one’s hand lightly to anything. 
Also written , p’heaou. 

TD Read p’heaou: to bleach; p’heaou 
P’héo MA i? pod, JE Aj p’héd pod, to bleach 
3 \ cloth. 

oe read bong. 
ae To strike with the hand ; also, to in- 
P hey bb form, to announce, to give an opin- 
ion on anything; p’hey p’héng, dH, 

a: to criticise literary productions; to compare, 
to discuss, to decide. 

“~~ P’hey bij To cut up flesh, 
P’hey st P’hey béw, a 2, to be in aner- 
ror, to be wrong. 
The face; ch’hiy p’héy, ne ia, 
: hey V, the cheeks; kwah ch’hity p’héy, 

ie ee jill, to give any one a 

’ slap in the face, 

Pp hey P’héy géy, AR fif#, to look slant- 
wise ; to look askance. 

Ph ey To open out and divide the fibres of 
a certain flax plant. 



P'hey Bb To card hemp or flax; a bundle of 

Read paé: a kind of grain, like rice, 
1 x8 a but yielding a smaller seed ; some 
say tares, empty grain; Eleusine 


P’hin hwan, al #5), confused, 


| Phin FE fly. 
al To speak in one’s sleep. Also 3 

An order, a sort, a class, a series; 
p’hin héng, j= 5 AF, conduct, ac- 

P’hin ate) 
tions. Kwan yéw kéw p’hin, ft 

Ay I pp , kw"a wod kadu p’hin, there are nine 
ranks or degrees in office. 


ner; also, a numeral for horses. 

P’hit | | , 
Way kwun choé léng h"d ké p’hit, 

ME FY =F GE HP TL DL tok tok noun chos 

dy ling éy sébh e dy p’hit p’héey, the good man 

alone can truly love his associates; see the ie BC 

Léy ke. 

Sod p’hit way séng, pu ye Ry fe se chétth bay 

chd chit dy séng, four horses make one stud. 

A piece; yit p*hit po’, — 7F th 
chit p’hit poe, a piece of cloth. 
Ké p’bit? Est JE kwiy p’hit? 

how many pieces? 

A wave; p’ho long, fk ih. p’ho 
né"9, the waves of the sea. 

Haé put yang p’ho, @ téung kok 

To see gradually. 

A fellow; a mate; an equal, a part- 





yéw sdng jin ho’, Pi ys rey yk ra fp [ax 
ABR Be K 5 haé u™ yang p’ho né"S, 2 téung 

kok wood séng jin & bé, the sea has not lately risen into 
waves, hence we conceive that China has produced 

a sage; see the ad Py Soo ke. 

P’ho sw"a p’ho, the declivity or side of 
a hill. 

Pho P’ho léy, Hx TA, glass, any vitreous 

P’héen p’ho, iii RA, partial, la- 

teral, inclined to one side, awry. 

Pho RB 
P’ho As 

mb dy hé Vhak ch’hayh lang, gwd séang woo e, of 

swiny hairs; p’ho p’ho léang soo, 

Wit AB be 

gno séang yéw che, 

hoary-headed and virtuous scholars, I have still a 

few; see the = aS a Se chin sé. 

3 wesemm Do not, cannot, may not; when mh 

P’hé 2 Ai. Lé-poé was not befriended 
by Hi Fi, Léw-pé, and was 

about to be put to death, he exclaimed, (taé jé jé! 

chéey p’ho sin, Kk #. oe Ty [a A twa hé 
Whang dy ké"é! chiry u™ thang sin,) “you great 

eared churl! you are by no means to be believed.” 
iy P’ho naé, Et init, unbearable, that 
» which cannot be borne. 
Lame; p’ho kéak, By ja) koéy 
P’hé IE 

k’ha, lame of the feet. 
P*ho léng le, Bk BE YB koey 
Kha éy ké"4, the lame can walk; see the By ie 
Ek keng. 

A bank, a ridge; san p’ho, iy Hi 

A Fk fh] AA 5M. payh Chatu 


A little, to be able in a small degrees 

p’ho p’ho sit joo, BA RA ab 
=> ~~ p’hé p’hé bat jé, to be in'some 

measure acquainted with letters. 


Vulg. p’hwd: broken, to break, to 
tear open; t"4 p’hd Pal ia phak 
p’hud, to burst open; p’hd sam, 
Be cA p’lwd s”a, torn clothes. 

Hwa kay wy kok ché4 ch’hoo choo, p’hd kok 
béng kay ché4 ék ch’hoo choo, KR BB 

Ki ERA KH pg 

hwa kay che" kok dy, sé chéy léy ké"d, p’hwa kay 
bing kok dy yéd sé chéy léy ké"4, “he who would 
be likely to convert his family into a nation, is this 

child; and he who would be likely to ruin his coun= 


try and annihilate his family, is also such a child as 
this;”” said of the founder of the Ky, Téng dynasty, 

by his father, who early perceived the rising genius 

Ss of his son. 


Read p’haou: to embrace, to clasp 

to one’s bosom. 

Hwaé jin p’hadu gé, hs «- +4 

Es k’he"S jin p’hd gé, to embosom benevolence and 

embrace righteouness. 
P’hoe sat, ae. ie, an idol, an im- 
age of the Budhists. Also read 




To spread out; p’hoe téang, Bi 
ne p’hoe téo"S,to spread out; 

p’hoe tin, i (a, to arrange. 

» Meal, bran; bék p’hoe, ae Hi 
bayh p’hoe, the coarse meal of 



A large kind of pulses coarse flour. 


x ae 
y » 
P’hoe 7~ The husk of wheat, bran. P’hoé Prbde ting, aif ce a watch-house, 
- a guard house. 
The banks of a stream, the edge of R 
il s the water. A surname, P’hoé A bill for collecting taxes. 
Sut pé Hwaé p’hoé, se qk i 
raat Vhan e Hwaé chity dy pee", to follow the banks : 
of the Hwaé ; see the k ARE Taé gnay. P’hoé Las P’hoé é, due be the name of an 
A gardener; one who cultivates > 4 insect. 
P’hoé flowers and vegetables. ay a a ad 
: or 
(gee hak Be pheéy chod ey A: A register, a record; teang p’hoe, 
P’hoe ake fi sedou p’hoé, an account 

- wat, go put jé 16 p’hoé, FH EA fi, jis) $A 

Fe HK ty H [ih] cane" ah chih hwut"®, hoo 
cho6 king, gwd i” tat tédh chit dy ladu chd hnout"S 
dy ling, one asked to learn gardening, when Con- 
fucius replied, I am not so good (for that) as an 

old gardener ;” see the at fig Lin gé. 

; Great, large, extensive, wide. 
P’hoé je P’hoé vhéen che hay, bok hwuy 
| ong hot, WH FEZ PR 
JE + -f p’hoé thee" dy hay, b6 i sé dng dy 
t’hoé téy, under the wide heavens, there is no place 

which is not the royal territory; see the sp HE 
Sedou gn4y. 

ao | register; chok- p’hoé, Pi a, 

Phoe = a family register; a genealogical 

Rn 8 table ; also, a biography, a list. 
altogether, the whole ; 

All, 3 p’hoé 
P’hoé af. vhéen hay, Pf JK PF pho 

thee"9 ay, under the whole hea- 
vens ; BA se, <7 Tih, to distribute widely. 

To cut open, to cut through the mid- 
P’hoé dle; p’ho hok, 7h} [fF p'tacd pak, 
rm p to rip open the belly. 

‘Phoe A shop; p’hoé téém, Fit Ih, a 

stall for exposing goods to sell. 

book ; 
piece of wood held in the hand. 

Kéén kéén séang p’hoé, {'F Ab ay ih ké"a 
hé™a chéo"9 p’hoé, everything is entered into the 


P’hoé 2 A small mat. 

Chéa p’hoé, ptt ER, a sugar mill, 
a place for making sugar. 

K’hae p*hoé, BARS Kk’ hwuy p’hoe, 
to open a sugar-mill. 

eee + Unburnt bricks, oF tiles. Also writ- 
Pihoey ten th, p’hoey, and FA, p’hoey. 

P’hiéy A Do not, it cannot be. 


also, to receive; and a flat 

P’hoe Kt 

A string of 500 beads. 

| P’hity p Y The noise of wrangling. 


# To couple with, to associate with, 

P’hééy to unite; p*hit p’hody, JL Lie 

a fellow, a mate; but prhory, Wy 

meé"Sh phiey, savory relishes, used with rice; 

séang prhody, Af ge, to couple together. Also 
written he ; p’hoéy. 

A chip of wood, a shaving; bok 

‘ prhoty, FX ft thd prhiry, 
chips of wood. 

: Read sity: to spit; sty yéén, [ifr pe 
P hey a phiey nwa, to void spittle. 
Sty béén choo kan, Nie nal] =| 

a, p’hity bin téh hoé e ka té ta, when any one 
" spits in our face, we should let it dry of itself; (lest 

P’hoéy ) 

by wiping it off, we should provoke our antagonist 

to anger.) 



Read p’hé: the skin; yang p’hé, 

=f ira yeore p’hoéy, a sheep’s 

= >: Read p*hé: a covering; p’hé tan, 
P’ hoty Ae Be Ha phiéy twa, a coverlid, 
5 a blanket, a sheet. 


Read bwat: foam; stiy bwat, 7X 
yk chity p’hoéyh, the foam of 



[ — 
P’hoéyh +R phiéyh, aclod of earth. 

P’hoh - 

Read p’hok ; the refuse of anything ; 
chéa p’hok, HE Pp chéa p’hoh, 
the husk of sugar-cane, after the 

juice is expressed. ; 
Read p’hok: grains; cho p’hok, 

id ri chaou p’hoh, the grains 

of liquor, the refuse left after a 

P’hsh Fy 

brewing. — 


Koé jin che cho p’hok, FF K Zz. rie Hy koé 

ché dy ling dy chaou p’hdh, the dregs ‘and grains 
of the ancients ; (said of those who make composi- 
tions by borrowing from old books.) 
EN » Read pok: a vessel moored to the 
P’hih “HI - water’s edge; to moora vessel, to 

come to'an anchor ; an anchorage. 

Ww To strike with the hand; vulg. 
P’hok phah: to beat, to strike. 

Chin hoé bong é Ch’hoé choo 
p’hok, F fig ye Sil 7 -F- fi Chin hoé 
bang kap Ch’hoé cho6 sto p’hith, the prince of the 
Chin country dreamed that he was fighting with the 
ruler of the Ch’hoé country ; see the Ft {8 Cho 

tensive, very, exceedingly. 

P’hok t 
Put yéw p’hok ék chéa hos? Ay 
A {ii ZS Tf Sf- u™ yéd woo toé prhok why 

ké chéd hoé? is it not better to play at drafts or 
chess then to sit still and do.nothing? see the si 
Fes Lin gé. 

P’hok hak, fil 2. extensively learned. 

x A game of chance; to play; ex. 

Kéen p’hok, Ia Ae, the flesh on 
‘ the shoulders, the shoulders. 

yay An implement of husbandry, a kind 
P’hok 7:2) of hoe; a musical instrument, a 
+ ; 

sort of bell. 


To pat, to beat with the hand, to cuff, 
to brush off dust. 
H% ledou é gwAn, put k’ho p’hok 

pest, Jc PE A ROT UR mk OY 

toh té gwin, 66 Phang p’hah hwa, when the fire. is 


blazing in the plain, it cannot be extinguished. . © 
. White, unvarnished - close grained 
P’hok wood, the substance as distinguish- 

from the ornaments; honest, true. 

Vulg. p’hoh: the substance of any- 

P’hok . thing ; simple, plain,. sincere. 
T’haé séang k’hé hwa, séang soé 
p’hok héy, séy kwiy chaé jin hwuy kim géuk héy, 
A EZ HE eT He Hh 7 PE FE 
A BE A E 7p Chee séang he thek lua 

léy, séang ae soe p’hok héy, séy kwiy twa té ling, 
b6 twa té kim géuk héy, the great supreme rejects 
ornament, and prefers what is simple and substan- 
tial; thus what we ought to esteem in men is not 

gold or gems. 

P’hok Aa shoulders, 

Vv A lump of earth; Ch’hoé Léng éng 
ch’hut béng, chim che e p’hok, 


YI BE cirhoe Léng ing ch’hut bing dy sé, leah 
chit téy t’hoé chd chim t’haéu, Léng, the king of the 
Ch’hoé country, when banished from his country, 
took a lump ofearth for his pillow; see the Fis at 
Ch’hoe gé. 

Phok $ 
Kim yew p’hok géuk é@ ch’hoo, 

> AR PE Ee VA Ph, ta w0d p’hok géuk té 

ché tadu, now there is an unpolished gem here; 

see a =f: Béng choo. 

P’hok sae name of a river. 
P’hok HE plhok, 3 JRE, coarse rice. 



An unpolished gem; a diamond in 

the rough. 

Unwrought iron; iron ore. 






To strike gently; one of the radicals 

P’hok Rh P’hok seaou, Ait if, saltpetre. 

A club, a staff; to beat with a stick, ; 
P’hok F) 

P’hok chok kadu héng, +) 442 
He Ml) p'huh chd ka dy heng 
hwat, the stick forms the instrument of punishment 

in schools. 
4 Full of treasure; abundance of 
P*hok Ab i ; ° 
Ar ‘ 
P’hok } Prbok 16, ie iB, mixed, confused ; 
sacrificial flesh. 
x Vulg. p’hak: to dry in the sun; to 
P’hok bask in the sun; to expose to 

view; to promulge, to publish ; 
p’hok jit, RE A , to dry in the sun. 
Yit jit p’hok che, sip jit han che, — H nS * 2 

+H ZL chit jit p’hak e, chap jit kw"d e, 
to warm it in the sun for one day, and to let it freeze 
for ten days; see ry F- Béng choo. 
P’hok che & bin, jé bin séw che, Re Zz. JA Fe 
nil Fe he ae p’hok e kadu payh sas, jé payh 
sai"& séw e, he exhibited him before the people and 

the people accepted of him ; see a F Béng choo. 

P’hok The same as the preceding. 
P’hok A blazing up of fire; an ardent flame. 

» A fountain or cataract, which sends 
Phok ¥ 4 ; 

out its waters far, and with noise. 


P’HOO . 

The collar of a coat; so® e choo 
P’hok R p’hok, a K ie AR paiyh s” s"a 
dng né"d, a white garment with a 

' red collar ;- see the pe JR Téng hong. 

P’heng p’hong, iF BY, the noise of 

stones falling, (as in a well.) 

Phong ey The flesh ris‘ng up in blisters. 

P’hong KE" belly swelled up. 



The appearanice of looking at any- 


P*héng To hold up anything in both hands; 
to take both hands full. 

Phong ik The noise of fire. 
P’hong i 


To swell, to puff up; hollow, swell- 

ed out. 

Vulg. p’hang : fat, corpulent, swelled; 
some say, stinking, 

a by 
At Bamboos matted together, in order 

Phong » 

to form a covering for boats or car- 

riages; also, a bamboo carriage. 

FP Pion phéang, iy Re, a swelling 
o) of the abdomen. 

P’hoo PB sound of blowing. 





¥S > 
P’hoé Pp } Thoé p’ho6, th, a kind of insect 

found on the ground; asort of crab. 

The eyes dim; p’hod p’hod kong, 

PB He OF prhos p'hos kwui%E, 

a dim light, scarcely visible; the 


aan of day. 
Read hod: to float; hod chaé stiy 
P’hoo y: séang, i E aK _E. phos té 
chity téng, to float on the surface 

of the water. 
E sé hod tim, €61 J FF Pe Aap s2 cho pod p'hos 

a téém, to sink or swim with the world. 

P hood Fy noise of birds flying away, 
Pf 7 

P’hoth 2 Cunning, artful; to deceive, to rail. 
Read ch’bny : 

as at the nose. 

to blow anything in, 

P’hovh py 

aR ee 

P’hooit? Sik Read hwan: anadze,a round axe 
for felling trees. 

P’ hoor” a ype ebbing of the tide ; low water. 


iv Hoé p’hun, ye H brave, tiger-like 
P’hun soldiers. 
Ds Hoé p’hun sam ch’héen jin, iE 

H = a XK hoé p’hun s"a ch’heng lang, three 

thousand tiger-like soldiers; see a + Béng choo. 

To snort, to spurt out; p’hun hong, 

ye] jal, to whistle. 


P’HUN 539 P’HUT 

To run away; p’hun choé, AS 7E y ip"T_ enlh Fine 
si 7¥ an Water flowing rapidly; a fountain 
P’hun EN pvhun chd6u, to flee away after a P’hin > S asi 

eae, tet aah Up. é 
, xR A wash hand-basin; a dish, a pot; 
P’hun Bee same as the above. P’han a general name for jars, pots, &c. ; 
hwa p’han, AE a. a flower pot. 
P’hun To blow out the breath; to spurt Phi Hok p’hin, choo, 2 2 +. 
aK. anything out of the mouth. the name of a medicinal herb. 

which rice has been boiled. 

Bé p’hun, 3 *, the water in ay 
Ebon * Phin %) To vomit; to blow out the breath. 

ad P’hin 
carriages, fieeyaran rain collected together. 

Phin Bye fy “prsnty: | P’hut The sun just risen, and not yet shin- 
as ing out with its full splendor. 
Phin Ix Je By ery) P’hut | The moon in the first quarter, not yet 
| | come to the full. 
P’han ? To spurt water out of the mouth; 2 : 
also written yy p’hain. /P’hut ¢ The sound of laying anything down- 

=) ; 
+E To blow out the breath; also written 

Phun Pp To spurt out water, from the mouth. Jé p’hat, FL ye a fat woman, a 

milk nurse. 

P’han ‘The: arched -cavering, os, Rood’ oft ae: overflowing, and bubbling up; 

Phin To flee away, to run away. 
P’hut yp? Rice cleansed. 

Phan vhe, PPE WE pak Wha 
P’hin 0 ch’ héw, to blow the nose; to sneeze. 
—y Phin siy, eT ak p’hin chay, | P’hut Rice flour. 

to spurt out water, 

| 4,}- 
Phit sas 



P*hut chey, & His thename of a 
vegetable, the water chestnut ; the 

Scirpus tuberosus. 

Y Pa. lng, 
“name a sd 


Read p’hd: to break, to break in 
P’ hwé * ay pieces; but p’hd, Hy BY mée"Sh 

p’hwa, anything broken to pieces. 

Ve fii phwa lang, the 

POP Prins 16, BE Ze, the name of a 
= fish. 



Y f hw”™a ae p’hwan: a corhine, 

Read p’hwan: to judge; p’hwan 

twan, > Pat p’hw"d twan, to 

‘decide on a case; sim p’hwan, 
rc | sim p’hwo"d, to examine and judge, judg- 


Phwé we Ke péng, Nt FE ké p’hw"a, a 
Read p’hwan: to accompany ; 
P’ hw" a p’hwan héng, ff tT phw"a 
ké"d, to go in company, to go 
A v 
x P’hwat siy, *hwah cht 
i~A to throw out water with a scoop, 
nee p’hwat : a knife for cutting 
Phwih* grass ; | p’hwat eh’ho, Sis ra 

p’hwah eW’héou, to ) cut down grass. 



Read pwat: to lade; pwat Vhong, 

P’hwih ia hay phwah thang, a bucket, 
* for lading water out of a well. 
P’hwan y, Vulg. p’hw"a: a.surname. 

‘ To throw away anything ; to reject; 

also written ff. p’hwan. 

An even plain; also written FR. 

ALY is 
Phwén The appearance of Funging away ; 

to flee. 
Zi Y 

Phwa ny 

P’hwan kéng, Pp ‘a the name 
of a school of learning; to dis- 

Sod lok p’hwan séy, FH 4% YR IR sto"S kody 
2 té phwan kéung dy chity, let us think about de- 
lighting in the waters of the academy ; see the @ 
‘sel Loé séing. 

Taé peng be p’hwan, $4 iz. yK He if kip kadu 

a biéy yéo"S, before the ice is dissolved ; see the 
ay Se keng. 

is —s 

than the melting of ice. 

2 } » 
Phwin gg Clothes of no color. 

The melting of ice; to dissolve; é é 

peng p’hwan, yA vA ~e 

K’hah Rhwae é se"& yés"S, easier 

P’hwan P’hwan hwan, FP A, loose, easy, 


Vulg. p’hw"d : to judge, to decide, to 
P’hwan +) distinguish, to divide. 

T’héen téy p’hwan hap, Fe Hh, 
By is Uhee"S téy p’hw"d hap, heaven and earth 

divide and unite. 
P’hwan twan, Fi al p’hw"d twan, to judge and 

Phwan To accompany ; séang p*hwan, #A 

P’hwat Dvn. payh : to open the mouth wide, 

P’hwat DER. speak disorderly. 
P’hwat Bs” tread down the grass with one’s 

» Vulg. p’hwah: to throw out water 
P’hwat Ws with a scoop; to dash about the 


ff sé0 p’hw"a, to go in company. 

Vulg. p’hwah: a knife for cutting 


Read p’hé: a foul wind; hdng p’hé, 

We r wey JEY, hk J pang p’hwity, to break 


A guest, a visitor, a stranger; pin 
KWhek, BF BE pin Whityh, a 
guest; pin choo, gat ove guest 

and host. : 

Ch’hek yé4, sok tad lip @ tedou, k’ho so6 é pin 
Khek "gan yes, ye UW of FF ae HS 
By He a AB tly cvhek yed, han 

twd k’héd té tedou téng, thang saé kap pin h’hayh 
kong wa, Ch’hek, having belted on his girdle and 




standing in the court, may be permitted to converse 

with strangers and guests; see the in a Lin gé, 


Pin > The water’s edge; haé pin, 8 #K : 

the seashore. 

Pin 3 A small kind of otter, 

Pin E a A good kind ofiron, of which sharp 

knives may be made. 

Pin léng, Pa Iga vin né"8, the be- 

Pin tel nut, the areca nut; a tree 
without branches, with the fruit 

coming out of the heart. 
Pin 2. The name of a district, on the north- 

west of China. 
The name of a country; sek chéa 
Pin ays T’had Ong kePin, Ff 44 5 ae 
fas ché Thad tng Whéa té 

Pin, formerly T’haé 6ng dwelt at Pin; see th = 4 

Béng choo, 

Ornament and plainness equally dis- 
Pin AR, played, moderate, natural. Also. 
iy written xt, pin. 

Ban chit pin pin, jé@n hoé kwun choo, At he 

WE SR Re FE F- ban chit pin. pin, jeén ain 

chd hwun cho6, when ornament and plainness are 

equally displayed, it shows a man of worth; see the 

Pin Ay To divide, to distinguish, 


ie wate To announce, to inform, to receive 
Pin ) 
» Sin hay béng yew pin léng, =) 

fp hal Ake Bw Ay hay téy dy stn b6 séy pin 

béng, the inferior officers would not have any one 

orders, to send up a petition. 

from whom they could receive orders ; see the ve 

PH fi) Se wat beng. 

Pin =) The same as the preceding. 
Pa Téuk pin, {Kt 2] tek pin, a wain- 
Pin scot or partition made of split 
we bamboos twisted together ; a bam- 
boo screen. 

Pin le The knee-pan ; the punishment of. 

cutting off the legs. 

5 % To lead, to assist, to help, to accom- 

S paoy: 

fe To blame, to reject; pin ch’hek, cl 

ir, to cast out, to condemn. 
Pin Be 4 

eastern steps of the house ; during the Ae, Yin dy- 

Pin léém, TA I, to prepare a 
corpse for burial ; during the B 

Hay dynasty this was done on the 

nasty, betwen the two beams; and during the an 

Chew dynasty, on the western steps. 

S, The hair on the temples; pin péen, 
a bL pin pee"S> the sides ofthe 

Pin > 
By: A comb, for cleaning and smoothing 
Pin the hair; sat pin, Hl Bh; a 

fine toothed comb. 


Vile. sing héung: poor, indigent, 
: having no money. 

Pin é chéén sé jin che séy oé yéa, 
AMR RA Z PT TG Uh one 
héung kwa hay chéén sé ling dy séy wan yéd, a 
poor and mean condition is what people very much 
dislike ; see the Al Ea Lin gé. 

Pin WE 

Several; hasty, urgent; pin soé, 

WA Wy, continually. 

Pin Pin ch’heaou, viel Es to smile. 
To draw up the eyebrows into 
Pin 4 wrinkles ; to contract the brow ; 

hadu pin, 3x Bf, to imitate badly, 

to counterfeit. 

Pin EF water’s edge; a bank, a shore. 

VA kind of large water plant; pin 

in 4 
P 2 3 hwan, Fil ye a water plant. 

uso Vulg. pin: a pot,a jar, a vessel; 
Pin itt hwa pin, AE. iit, a flower pot; 
chéw’pin, i8 fit chéw pan, a 
wine vessel. Also written iL. pin. 
Gin pin té chéw jé boé hwun, aR it ia sy 

a itt yin gin pan téy chéw 1é b6 hwun, of the 
silver pot filled with wine you shall have no share ; 

(said to a dwarfish person, in contempt;) when he 
replied, (kim pong téy béng gno ke téung, a yi 
iti A AR i rh kim pé"S téy mé"4 gwd 
Whéa té tang e"&,) “I shall stand in the centre of 
the names in the golden list of graduates ;”” (mean- 
ing that he should attain to the highest literary 



To lean upon a table; pin 6, 4 
fi, to lean on anything. 

WA To rest or rely on; pin géuk ké, 

Pie 5 3 Jt to lean on the pear- 
nu ’ 


ly table; according to; pin jé 
swat, 7A i se according to what you say, &c. 

> Ban pin, K & a ticket, a pass ; 
w pin ke, a5) Hy a proof, evidence. 
Also written a pin, a surname. 

Way pin, a FR, a screen, a fence. 

Pin jE T’héen choo gééy pin, choo hoé 
ey vs RF Hh WAH 

fe i) Fit hing tty séet gwa bin dy pin, choo hoé 

séet laé bin dy pin, the emperor placed his screen 





without the door, but the princes within, 
The female of birds and beasts. 
Pin key bod sin, HY, Ae An: Te 

Hh, key boé b6 chéw may"h chaé, the 

hen does not give notice of the morning; see the 

¥ RR AE: Se thar 8. 

Pin y The knee-pan, the cap of the knee. 

Pin 5 A female office. 

by stamping on the ground. 

Pin Pe" ‘p’hong, Ee y, the noise made 

To stop passengers on the road, when 
the sovereign is about to pass by ; 
pit jé put kéng, pe im A> a6 

pit chith lang, jé bé kéng ka? e, to stop the passen- 

gers without alarming them; see the jal ie Chew 



Pit , The same as the: preceding. 
To finish, to conclude; the end; a 
Pit ~ surname; pit kéng, Bis 7 after 

all. .Nulg. kwity ké: finished, 
done, completed. 

Jit che jé pit, AE Ti Si tang chityh kadu, 

kang kwity swih, when the winter solstice arrives, all 
work is at an end; see the z fil Cho, twan. 

Pit re A cold wind. 

Pit IRE © sound of fire burning. 
Pit Pit bin, @ FA. a bamboo gate. 
Pit vied A sound going out. 
A leathern cap for the knees, a pad 
Pit for the knees, used when kneel- 

ing at sacrifices. 

Wy, Mest, certain, absolute ; bé pit, Ke 
Pit \ / ’ Ws, it is not yet certain; h6 pit? 
{5 Nh, why must you do so? pit 
jéén, ily a jt must be so; pit téng, wy te, de- 
termined on, fixed. 
Chvhd ch’hod pit é sé, téen p’haé pit & se, ra KK 
Do WS J GUL iti Se WS TR Ho ip et 
Whak tébh t@ chéy ley, long poey tek k’hak tébh té 
chéy léy, when in seasons of hurry, we must still 
adhere (to benevolence) ; and when overwhelmed 
with trouble, we must nevertheless abide by the 

same ; see the i jp Lita ge. 


The ornaments ofa sword; also writ- 
ten FH, pit. 

A pencil, a hair pencil, with which 

the Chinese write; to write with 

a pencil; ké pit, 7d oi. kéah pit, 

to take up the pencil. 
Sé4 td pit tthoé kan, 3 J] SB FA Gh séd kadu 
pit thabu ta, to write till the end of the pencil 
is dry. 


Choo- 800, =} ho 
the A ye. Téung yang should be forgotten 

through the lapse of time, (koé pit che e se, EX ES 
yal TA # chéd séd e té ch’hayh,) he therefore 

wrote them in a book, and delivered them to in 
+, Béng-choo. 

Wyre vessel cracked but not: broken. 

was afraid lest the doctrines of 

Pit ~2 1A kind of pipe, played upon by the 
Pit 2 Read ch’hin; a little rising of the 


An assistant, a helper; hoo pit, ith 
any ity, to assist, to help. 

Bong téy laé 6 léAng pit, op oh 

AE Ff pa if bang séang ty hoe gud hé dy 

séang pit, I dreamed that the supreme bestowed on 

me a good assistant; see the at Zz at Se wat 

Pit 4 
Jip chek boé hwat kay, pit sod, 

HK. Bl FE HE FR Bhs cb itp #6 tak tin, chek 60 

thang cho hwat dy kay, pit kwin dy Chak ch’hayh 
lang, when at home we have no exemplary families, 

1, High, lofty, eminent; the same ‘as 

the above. 



nor eminent scholars; (this is a bad thing for a coun- 
try 3) see i + Béng choo. 
Pit ) Dignified, and properly behaved. 
Pit yan The name of a country, 
Pit % A kind of short petticoat. 
Vulg. p’heé"8: the nose; pit k*hong, 
Pit ca iL phee"S k’hang, the nos- 
To open; k’hae pit, BA a3 R’hwuy 
Pit pit, to open out, to commence. 
Pit ch*ho laé, fei] Bi ZG to clear 
away the grass and weeds; see i f Béng choo, 
Pit The same as the above. 
To beat one’s breast; pit yang 
Pit k’*hok k’hip, pe Bi BR yr 
phak k’ham té6 k’ha, k’hadu kwa 
’hé, to beat on one’s breast, to stamp with the foot, 
to cry and weep; see the x Ag Hadu keng. 
‘ge Stubborn, perverse. 
To praise, to applaud ; K’hong-choo 
ug _ che chok Ch’hun Ch’hew, yit joo 

che po éng é hwa kwiain, 4L F 
— } 

th BK — FZ RT FR 

K’héng-chob dy cho Ch’hun Ci’hew, chit jé dy 0 W6, 

Khah éng  hwa ch’haé dy kwin béén, when Con- 

fucius composed the Spring and Autumn Record, 

each word of approbation therein contained was 

more glorious than a flowery crown. 

PO 545 PO 

Hwaé ké po, jé béy ké pang, k’ho way jin hoe? 
‘Po The same as the preceding. BREAKER AE HF 
Wh2"S ¢ dy po piey, Jé Uhaou kody ling dy pang 
kok, thang king sé jin tek & b62 + 1 one’ 
Po Vhéing, i RR the name of a i so sb eeaicas be 
Po ei valuable talents, and steal through a country, can 
i such an one be considered benevolent? see the am 
= Lin gé. 
Po 4 A boat, short and deep. 
Ps ve as the above ; also written 
, ! J 
Po St Po léng ch’haé, We iE He the | 
name of a vegetable; spinach. 
a | Pé The name of a solitary water bird. 
; To protect, to favor, to preserve; | YY) 


po chwan, [R 4p, to keep safely; also, to nourish, | Pé 

Pé AX po pe, Tk BE. to protect; po | 
léng, AK ie] p6 né"d, to secure; | A: 
—* >To have, to possess. 

to keep, to guard. 
T’héen po téng jé, ék k’hong che koe, K ihn 4E £ To answer, to recompense, to reward, 
ai 7 aL Zz fa Uhee"d pb tea lé yéd sim kéen Pd ead to return a compliment; to repay ; 
ko2, if heaven keeps you safely, you will be very se- + ER a oY 
b saciatbn ms Ate anber S°R5- séén pd, ok yéw ok pd, jédk bé yéw pd, sé jit be to, 
oa A cloth in which children are car- a. A Es ay RB AR WE EH y= x AT ap 
‘P6 AVP ried; swaddling-clothes. REE FE} Ae Bil] 46 1206 6 dy pd, p’ha”é wo0 p’ha”é 
y Séng 6ng sedou, chaé keang po | dy pd, na biéy wod pd, sé jit yéd boey kadu, virtue 
che téung, KK cm vy TE Ri HE rab ify has a good réward, and vice a bad reward, but if yet 
Séng Ong yéd sty twa té kédng pb dy tang °"® no reward, it is because the time has not yet come. 
when Séng 6ng was young, and yet in his swaddling T’hong pd, ii ah, to announce one’s name. 
clothes, &c. 

Kk lo To winnow corn, in order to clear it 

Grass and trees, growing luxuriantly, Po H from the chaff. 
P6 thick foliage. | ¥ Pd ké, fi aE pwa ké, a sieve. 

: To sow, to spread the seed, to scat- 
Po A§ pe opal. tat | Po As ter; to reject. 
| | 
) Ké s6 pd pek kok, If 1a) i 
Precious, anything precious, and va- . re] ca chy khé Vhadu yéd payh hang dy kok, 
when they begin to sow the various kinds of grain ; 

Pé luable; po tin, 2 ZB, @ pearl ; 
po poey, e Ga, precious, va- | see the aN A Pin hong. 




The-epithet of an old woman; lo p6, 


P6 s 

ee YE. an old woman. 
z To Weat with the hand; violent, op- 
Po pressive, perverse; a surname. 

Po hoé pang hd, Fe ie ye Py 
phith hoé séw koty kang hé, to be able to beat a ti- 
ger with the hand, and to dash through a river with- 
out a boat; see the ay oh Lin gé. 

K6ng hong ch’hé"a po, At je A. IR, a fierce 
and strong wind; po géak, iN jE oppression, ty- 


Po 4 Upright conduet of officers. 

= qs 
= ~~ The time or half a day; noonday; 
Poe séang poe, | Hifi chéo"€ poe, 

~ 546 

the forenoon; hay poe, [> Ay 

ay poe, the afternoon. 

Poe + 
Poe 7 

Poe ¥ 
Poé - A 

Ch’hun séng keng, j@ poé put 

chéuk, AE 4 +f fin ii AN hia cWhun thee™Y 

seng ch’hat choh chan, jé poé 66 kadu, in the sea- 

ZA plain; ch’ho poe, i +f ch’ habu 

poe, a grassy plain, 

Poe kéang, AH} Em the name of a 


A bamboo vessel. 

To mend, to repair, to make up a de- 

ficiency ; to fill up. 

son of spring, the prince should inspect the plough- 

ing, and make up deficiences to the cultivators; see 

ti ¥- Béng chod, 


Poé To mend clothes. The same as the 
die preceding. Also written <4 poe. 
Cloth; to spread, to scatter; to dis- 
Poe perse. : 

Poe pek, Afj fF}, cloth and silk ; 
poe san, Af aK poe sw"d, to scatter. A surname. 
Poe pék téang twan téng, chek kay séang jéak > 

Afi i fe yi hi] Ay {a rial Fi por pék terE 

iéy séo tang, chek kay cheé"S séo ch’hin chéo"8 ? 
when cloths and silks are equally long, would you 

have the prices equal? see mn -¥- Béng choo. 

Universally diffused ; extensive, ge- 

Poé To disperse, to scatter; to beat. 
Tobe afraid, to be alarmed; to 
Poé make afraid, to alarm. 

Ké boé chéuk yéw e-vhok kwiy 

sin chay poé ge bin, tk Mh ie A 1k +E 
Sh iit pe Pa Bh Bee ay sae kong & woo 

wd Chok kwiry sin p’hétn payh sai™S hoe e ké"a, 
those conjuring fellows, relying on ghosts and spi- 

rits, deceive and alarm the people. 

Poé A surname. 

Poé —= To reprove; also, a man’s name. 
A y: To lie prostrate on the ground; poé 
Poé | pok, i) ‘al, to creep on the 


Poé pok, chéang jip chéng, fi] 4 1 A i} 

poé pok chéang biéyh jip chat"9, creeping along 


the ground and about to fall into a well; (speaking 
of an infant;) see si F- Béng choo. 

a | K Ch’héang poé, 5 Wa. the name of 

Poé to ek kw, bl Be ay Ke 

kéém e dy chéy t’hee™I e dy chéé, to lessen that 
which is excessive, and to add to that which is de- 


A R The front of a garment; a form, ap- 
Poé a 
Poé Fay ™ name of a man. 

To take anything up in the hollow 
of the hand, as water. 

be Koé ché4 poé yim, 4G sg i 

BR koé dy ldng poé chity té ch’héw ch’hé"d lim, the 

ancients used to.take up water in the hollow of the 

hand, and drink. : 

Poé S 




D,4 » 
Poé VF =] a water plant, a sort of mat rush; 
the Acorus calamus. A surname. 
Ape Poe-téen heen, FF FA HK Poe- 
Poé 1B ch’hdn keodn, the name of a district 
in Hok-kéén, 
Poé To drink wine and play music. 
Poé An afternoon meal; poé ch’hwat, fill 
Ki, to eat and drink. 
ee y-}2 
Poe » To run away, to escape; to bear, to 
Pod om Poé 16, Fi] 4a, a grape, the grape | 
To collect, to assemble; to lessen, | 
Poé to decrease. 

| Poe 

| Poe 


To apprehend, to seize; poé haé, 

tii ae to persecute. 

Lé bod tuy poé che k’hoé, ie 

ME 36H] TE 86 hwo" a bd tuy Uetth dy kan 
W’hoé, we shall not be troubled with inferior officers 

_ seizing and apprehending us; see the if iE {ii 
Han yéén twan. : 

Téuk paéu, A Ry tek poé, a clus- 
Ee ter of bamboos, 

A step, a pace, to walk, to walk on 



IY, foot. A surname. 

Heék pek poé jé hoé ché, hék gnoé 
sip pod jehos ché, BE FY AP Thy 7 ak BY 
i oo i Ba fi tie ik wod dy chadu chit payh 
poe jéén abu hity"Sh, wod dy chabu goé chap poé 
jéén abu hdéy"Sh, some would ran a hundred paces, 

and then stop, and some only fifty paces, and then 

stop; see yh, -j- Béng choo. 

| Poa Was a é, WE thf the name of an 
y insect. 
» To seize, to apprehend; poé hae, 
Poe Aff =, to persecute. 

K’héén lé hwun ché téuk poe, iE 

co 4p Wy K HR saé sty kw"a huoun lay kw" 

léah, he sent officers in different parties to pursue 
and take him; see the i# ox (i Kwan hoo twan. 

~ To chew in the mouth, to masticate ; 
Chew-kong yit hwan sam thoé 
poé, A iy = a = ph iit Chew-kong 

chit tooi"9 poot”S s"a ay Choe poe, Chew-kong at 


a chew. 

one meal, thrice spit out what he was chewing, (in 

order to get up and speak with clever people, who 

called upon him;) see the 5? AL, S06 ke. 

» The same as the preceding ; to eat, 
to devour. 

Gno put , choo hak koé che td, 


jé € poe ch’hwat yes, FE > BR -f- a a 
7. 4 iff VW Aik IRS gwd b6 sé0"F cho6 wod 

Uhith kot ling dy to lb, jé sé0"S té chéah lim dy soo, 
I never should have thought, that you who had stu- 
died the doctrines of the ancients, would have been 
taken up with eating and drinking’ see mi >- 
Béng choo. 

—_ = ten 4 F , 

aes vP Poé hoé; i BD, to exert one’s 
iw} strength. 

Poé 673 neral class, a series, a radical; poe 

J hwin, a ip, a sort; léuk poe, 

yA ER, the six courts, or boards of control; joo 
poe, ara mals jé poe, the radical of a character. 

Altogether, the whole; an order, a ge- 


+ Poe t’hoé, EL BA, an anchorage, 
a harbor,-a town on the seacoast, 
a mart; a place of merchandize. 

: oy > 
A wine cup; chéw poey, ya AK 
a wine glass; also written th, 

Pos es A bamboo vessel, a flat piece of 


Poey A 

Péey chéw séak peng kwan, AK py Al) aaa he 

poey chéw dy kan e séak Whe peng kwéan, over a 
cup.of wine, he deprived his generals of their mili- 
tary authority ; said of the first emperor of the AN 

Song dynasty. 
eat Poey kwan, RS PE, a drinking 
Poey vessel, made of bent wood. 

Choo, léng sun ké lew che séng, 

je é wily poey kwan hoé, + fit iA #E, isp 
vz bE YB J ER SP: te, ey sin he 

léw dy sai"S, jé léth ¢ chd poey kwan, sir, I sup- 
pose you are able, by following the grain of the 

willow tree, to make round drinking vessels out of 

it; see eo + Béng choo. 



a as 7 double; hék séang poty. sé, BY 
Poéy 4 ' #4 icy He woo dy séo poéy wood 
ie dy goé téng poéy, some will be 

doubled, and some fivefold; see im =o Béng choo. 

Paty , Read pedou: ‘a neckerchief; poéy 
R’haouy, HE Fa, to open out. 

Séw p'haé k’hae, => .2 Fa 

Pity cWhéw pity Whwuy, to open out 

with the hand. 

ES A pearl; po poy, ee HA, precious, 

Poéy =| valuable; a surname. 

Ae = Ké naé poty geuk, BEB 4 A 
TE. pe péen woo poey géuk, there were prepared 

both pearls and gems; see the x ie Be Se pwan 

a An expression of the Budhists, sig- 
Posy ¥E] ieee ihe fits: 
nifying to praise. 

Ps The back; pody ho’, FF GF Wha 
y F chétth abu, behind the back. 

Be ial 
Pééy RA Clothes for the back. 

A sort, a class, an order, many ; the 

Poey ek sign of the plural number. 
~ Hay chéén che poty, R Hs ed 

Th a low, vulgar set of fellows. 

Léy k’hé way gno poey séet? 7c e & AX no 

a léy soe k’ham sé gwan dy lang séet? “ were the 

ceremonies appointed by us ?? said by + fF 

Lo choo. 

‘The sun not clear. 

Poéy ) 



= Paty boé, Hi if, the name of a 

medicine; a species of Althea. 


Pééy H The eyes dim. 



To help, to assist, to associate ; a do- 
mestic, an officer of the palace. 
Jé tek put béng, é bod pabéy bod 
Keng, A VLE WS HE 8 
lé dy tek i béng ch? kadu bé ling Phang chan, bé 
ling chd kw"a, if your virtue is not clear, you will 
have none to assist, and none to become your offi- 

cers; see the Je AE Taé gndy. 
Pééy sin chip kok béng, sam sé he put sit @, 

fi ks He Bl oy = Mk HH HA K 

kay sin gim kok dy beng ling, s"a se téy ché6 ie sit 

léh, when domestic officers hold the reins of govern- | 

ment, it seldom happens that a dynasty lasts longer 
than three generations; see the at ae Lin gé. 

Pééy o, fh fia} the name of a devil, 
Poéey i who takes possession of the eastern 

To nourish, to foster, to increase, to 
Pééy Fe cause to grow. 
Chae ché4 poéy che, $h ro i ) 

part of a dwelling. 

vA cheng dy meé"Sh tédh poéy yang e, what things 
are planted should be nourished; see the th iy 
Téung yang. 

Poéy Bee wine. 
Poéy To collect, to gather together. 

thing good that is lost or deficient, 

ee Pot pos, FES 4H, to make any- 
Poéy H 


to compensate, 


Poéy yew, $F B, a mixed kind of 
f play; poéy hoéy, HE fl, a sort 
of game. ; 

Long flowing robes; a surname. 

jay Sy Poéy léng ch’haé, HR fz z. the 
, name of a vegetable. 

Gems and precious stones; poey 
géuik, Sil 2 gems worn by those 
in office. 

A large girdle; to wear a girdle, or 
to wear anything as a girdle. 
K’hé song, boé séy put poey, = 

BE 4 Ar A Nl, BA? se"F had, chew b4 séy iv” 

poéy, when we are out of mourning, there is no kind 

of ornament that we may not wear attached to our 
girdle ; see the iin fa Lin gé. 

Mixed rice. 
Two fold, double; vulgar, mean; 
fe kay téng poey, Wy ci 1 as 
ce much again. ‘ 

Je ko6 sam pasy, I) FE = (RH chin chars 
Chan s"a téng poey, like making a gain of three huv- 

dred per cent; see the a HE Taé gndy. 
Be careful in your expressions, soo wan p’hé poey é, 

Wy co ial {f R chéy ch’hé"d &y hou" Whe 
p’hé loé éy ling, thus you will be enabled to keep 

vulgar people at a distance ; see the an aa Lin gé. 
Stubborn, rebellious, disobedient; 
poty gék, ad ii, rebellious. 

Héng soo put poéy, 4j Ht A 

chd sod b6 pdéy gék, to do things without diso- 
bedience; see the i zz Chew gé. 


Posy kz 7 To roast; poéy jéuk, es W poey 

bah, roasted meat. 

To speak disorderly; sod tat jé put 

poey, JU BE fii AN ae $00 

wiy b6 lim sdm kong, in every 

place to avoid improper discourse. 
To stand uneven, not to face a thing 

Toé hoé bod pééy lip, ri as 

HE GR AZ tabu ched”9 te hot, u™ thang k’héa 
bé sé ché"d, in throwing (the arrows) at the pot, 

do not stand awry. 

Posy i 

nay ae 

The same as ee poéy, to roast. 

To turn the back upon; to desert, to 
betray ; to reject. 

Ké Ong, poéy soo po che hwin, 
EE fi y fa NK Pa) alll kadu kody k’he, chéw 
poey bong sin sai"I dy ka hwun, when he departed, 
he turned his back on the instructions of his teachers ; 

said of Je FA T’haé-kap, in the # as Se keng. 


The name of a country. 


The small extremity of a tree. 

Hi The sun not clear. 

Poéy ee The appearance of flying about. 


) Taé poey, AE 5, a yaluable kind 

of tortoise-shell. 

3 “Posy 




Léng poéy, AR AH, two species of 
wolf, one with short fore, and the 

other with short hinder feet; the 

one well adapted for ascending a hill, and the other 

for descending, but when they walk in the plain 
country, the one is obliged to put his paws on the. 
rump of the other; hence the expressions, léng 
poéy séang e, it 7H ii Ahk, the léng and pééy 
depend on one another ; lng poéy, Aye Ai, is now 

commonly used to denote a state of ruin and misery. 

~~ Trees giving out branches and leaves. 

Poéy The branches of trees growing 
straight up. 
a | Read pok: thin, slender; sparing, 
Poth ¥ niggardly. 
x Jé lé pok peng, pt i Hi WK 

ch’hin chéo"S tah poh se"®, like treading on thin ice ; 
see the yp AE Se4ou gnay. 
ca = 
Ae To divine; that by which people di- 

Pok Y 

vine; to give; a surname. 

Pok sé, r vig , instruments of 
divination 5 pok kwa, b , to divine. 
Kwuy wy pok, kéep way sé, bie Ry P He 
Fi, nis koo kap chd pok, kéep cl’habu chd sé, the 
pok mode of divination is made by the tortoise-shell, 

and the sé divination by certain pieces of grass. 

Pok 7 

Chod sey, choo tong, choo lam, choo pok, boé soo 

put hok, Fy A R A aim At, He 

bit os AR chod sae, choo tang, choo lim, choo 

pak, b6 chit dy séo"& u™ hdk, from the west, and 

Vulg. pak: the north; pok seng, 
4V, FE pak ch’hai"J, the north 


east, from the south, and north, every thought will 
be subjected ; see the * AE Ta’ gnay. 

Chéén paé choé ék wat pok, fk Ae 7E ap El 

AL chéén paé chabu yéd king kéd pok, to be defeat- 

ed in an engagement, and to flee away is called 5 
pok, ‘to north it.’ 

. Pit pok, we i, the noise of fire 
Pok phi burning bamboos; pit pok keaou, 
. SE JH} m3} pit pok habu, the 

" bursting bamboos make a noise like ¢ pit pok.? 

) A jungle fowl, a wild pheasant, the 
hbo cry of which sounds like pok. 
A servant, a slave, a dependant; 

also used for the first personal 

pronoun; choo pok, + HE 

master and servant ; noé pok, I tE, a slave. 

Choo ch’heng wily pdok =| it Fa KE ka te 

cl’ heng hoe chd pok, people when speaking of them- 


selves say pok, ‘ your servant.’ 

Pok The same as the preceding. 
a A ; and pok yang, #3 | 
P6k A surname; and pok yang, Bl 
i a double surname. 
A veil, a covering for the head, a 
Pok head-kerchief; also written # 

Pok vhoe, (RE ri pak thadu, to tie a kerchief 

round the head. 

Poé pok, fi a), to creep along 
the ground, to crawl. 

Poé pok ong chéang sit che, fii) 

By EME EZ ply lay  ehot ing WH 

chéah e, he crept along the ground, and went to eat 

it; see J fp Beng choo. 


Pok Si » A bamboo frame, for feeding silk- 

worms; a door-blind. 



Be Vole. poh: thin, slender, meagre, 
mean, niggardly 3 a doéor-blind. 

Pok Te 
Goé thaé jé put pok, hd koe 

hwan yea? Fe fF Fy Ay PE Py tk RK 

AL, gro kodn Phaé lé bey poh, s"a s001e hhodn yee? 
I have never treated you ill, why do you then rebel ? 

A surname, 
Vulg. pak: to bind, to tie. 
Pok 7. Choo pék laé hang, FY xa AE 
i ka té pak laé hang, he bound 

himself and came to tender his submission. 

Pok 4 R The same as A), pok, to crawl. 

=a The name ofa place, where By. 
T’hong held his capital. 


Pok R To urge, to drive. 

To stop, to come to an anchor; to 
moor a vessel to the shore. Vulg. 
My p’héh: an anchorage, 

Tam pok, pe iA. thin, vacant, insipid, 

y 5 Vulg. payh: a door-blind. 

A board, a plank of wood, a placard; 



a proclamation. 

Peaou pong, i Ki, to speak 

of, to make remarks on. 

Ch’hut pong cheaou soo, 'B i yy +- ch’hut 

pers chéo Vhak ch’hayh léng, he issued a proclama- 
tion to collect recruits. Also written i, pong. 

Luxuriant herbage. 



The ornaments of a dress sword. 
Also written ee pong. 

P ong Be 
» «eee To revile, to reproach; hwiy pdng, 

. ia sk to slander. 

Ké 1é che sin, kAm jéuk ko wiy, 

é sok kwan pong? ae Iie yd Fa ria a=) 
fit Vy Tk ey 5) chd ling Khayh dy jin sin, 

kG jéuk kwin by wiiy, émai"Sh chéo chd kw"a lang 

dy hwty pong? a stranger and a foreigner, how 
dare I disgrave an elevated office, and thus speedily 

draw down upon me the animadversions of my 

brother officers? see the Zr fii Cho twan. 


The side, on one side; jé pong bod 
jin, Qp BE GE JL civhin 
chéo"S pong pee"I bé lang, just as 

if there was no one near. 

Péng péen, ae a pong pee"S, on one side. 

Péng The same as the above ; a surname. 
Péng By ‘A surname. 
Péng héng, rH Ajj, unsettled, un- 
Pong determined; to pace backwards 

and forwards. 

‘ ny, Ade Z 
Péng héng put jim k’hé, 438 th aS xe Fa 
ké™d laé ké" 4 Whe, bey lin k’h2, he paced backwards 
and forwards, without venturing to go; see the iy 

im Se sé. 

Pong hay, sie FE a crab, an ani- 
Pong mal that goes on one side. 

Péng hay wun sin kae kap téw, 

IE GE See SE BY FA FY ping dy chit hin sin 

chd pod sé kak té., the crab is all over armed with 

iF koé se. 

a coat of mail; see a ray 



Pong he Pong kong, AR WE, the groin, the 

region of the bladder. 

Vulg. oie a room; péng kéen, 
HR i pang keng, a chamber ; 

pong ok, RR fE pang ch’hod, a 
house, a dwelling. A surname. 


A surname; also read ang: 
/ Bong kéén Péng-hod, ch’he ‘jé 
DUT gong che, 8 Fa, 2 deh #4 
WW iH od bang kee™Y Péng-hod, kin ké™d yé 
gé"d cheéh e, when they saw Péng-hod at a dis- 
tance they hastened to meet him; see ih +. Beng 

Ping » Pong t0, 3 Yo great rain. 
F Near, by the sidé, adjoining ; vulg. 
Pong Pee pa"8: to rely on, to live near. ° 

Pong hwa sifiy léw, kd chéén 
ch’hun, 8 4¢ Re 1M a i Ay pe"9 hwa sty 
léw kity chéng ch’hui"®, going near to the flowers, 
and following the row of willows, let us pass over 

a to the opposite village. 


=~ Read hoo: a hatchet ; hoo t’hoé, iid 

BA pos Phadu, an ax. 

Hwat k’ho jé hé6? hwuy hoo put 
k’hek, a fey AN fey GE FE AR Fe v’haih poo 
thabu pai"& an chw"G? bé pob ?habu bey cho tit, 
in cutting an ax-handle, how must we manage? if 

we do not use an ax, we shall never succeed; see 
the Po aa Se keng. 

= i Read hod: rich, affluent, wealthy. 
==) Hod é kway sé jin che séy yéuk 

yet, iy G2 Tt BAZ 
it OK th pod kap kwiy sé lang dy séy a2, ri- 
ches and honors are what men desire; see the 

afi aig Lin gé. 






Read paéu: acalabash; goé k’hé 
paéu kwa yé4 chae? vu. og 

m th ad gwd k’ham sé pod & 

kwa & chae? do a i think I am a calabash or a me- 

ah Ba Lan gé. 

Read paéu: to roast anything in the 

lon? see the =n 



A Pod lw4n, Hf 0) poo novi", to 
hatch eggs. 

Poi ck Read hoo: a woman, a wife; sit hoo, 

48 hit stm poo, a daughter-in-law. 

Read chut: anything in a cavern or 

Pooi"S Read hong: a surname. 

Read hong: the name of tree; hong 
Pooi"S Hil sé, fin tit pooi"S ch’ hew, the ma- 
ple, the sycamore ; the Acer genus. 

Pooi"S ) 

t ME 
Poof ar hwan : rice; sit hwan, sey fi 

chédth poor"8, to eat rice. 

Pun Ea A black spot. 
a eR hwun;: to divide; hwun k’hae, 

iy BA pun k’hwuy, to separate. 
Hwun téén ché lok, 4y Ht] ty 
ik pun ch’hin ch? hong lak, to divide the fields, and 
regulate the emoluments; see ia Ff Béng choo, 

Read hong: as hong sé é, ja Ay 
Ry pooi"d sé hoé, a slight shower. 



A root; an essential, fundamental 

+e A, the ori- 

gin; gwan pin, Jet 7K, original- 
ly; pan chéén, 7S Bx pin cheé"S, a -capital in 
trade; pin bwat, AK x, the head and tail, the 
first and last in importance; séang pin, Ra AS 
chéo"& pin, to send up a document to the emperor ; 

se pin, = Ak, a volume of a book. 
Kwun choo bod pin, pin lip jé to seng, FF -S- 

tf As K mA im iff JE kwun choé chwan 

bod kin ptin, kin pin na Whéa to lé chéw sai"? 
the good man attends to the principal thing; for when 

thing; kin pin, 

the principal thing is established virtue springs up ; 

see the |- ef Séang lin. 

Pin Zax A vessel in which seed is kept. 

A basket or hod for holding earth; 

pan ke, AS 4E, a hod for dirt. 
Read péén: flat ; péén tam, Va if 
Pin pin ta, a flat piece of wood, 

with which burdens are carried 
across the shoulders. 




Read hwin: dung, excrement ; 16k 

hwin, % ar léh pin, to ma- 
nure the ground. 

K’ho é hwitn téén téw, By vy oF fa Iie Uhang 

laé pin ch’hén téw, this can be employed in manu- 

ring the fields; see the A aS Gwat léng. 

ae be 

To hold anything in the mouth, and 

Pin spurt it out, as water; pan ho, 
RR iK, to blow the fire. 

if A dull, stupid mind. 

The inside of bamboo; ch’hoe pin, 
Ki Ke, to go to stool; ch’hin 
pun, a Re, stupid, dull, foolish ; 
téuk pin, Vy “e tek pin, a bamboo frame, for 

stowing away grain, 


Weak, coarse; the same as the pre- 

a> = A frame made of split bamboo, and 
Pin HE rolled up, in order to contain 

grain; also written ff, pun. 

Vulg. a”: % no, do not, not yet ; 
| Ar put k*ho, Ay » A) a” ?hang, do 
not, should or ought not. 

Kwun choo put téing, chek put wuy, hak chek put 
koe, Fa FAR TE FA AB pak A 
el kwun chob dy lang bé té téung, chéw bey wuy 
hong, Uhak yéd béy kéen kod, if the good man is not 
sedate, he will not be dignified, and his learning will 

not be solid; see the A an Séang lin. 

Put \ To scrape together ; to scratch. 
Pay put, e, a, a rake without 
teeth, a board rake, for raking up 
cofn into a heap, or spreading it 
out to dry. 

To terminate; finally; to change 

countenance; suddenly. 

Ong pit jéén pédn hoé sek, 
ay) aK ait so f dng pit jéén per"S sek, the 

king changing countenance looked angrily; see 

ih = Béng choo. 

Put AG Violent, strong. 



Put haé, yy iH, the northern sea. 
ey Pok yéw put haé che le, W, AR 
BD i Z Fi) pak peers woo 

pit haé dy lé, on the north we have the advantage of 


the northern sea. 


To arise, or to rise up suddenly, as a 

spring gushing out. 

Put =e An unlucky star; a comet. 
The name of a district, which is said 
Put j zal to have risen out of the sea, hence 
it is called put-haé kwan, al i 

Bf, rise-out-of-sea district. 

The name of a bird; a kind of 


An angry look; Cheng-sey put jéén 
oe RS eee 

Cheng-sey put jéén wu” Ino"a hé, 

speckled pigeon. 

Cheng-sey looked angry, and displeased; see ia 
-¥- Béng choo. 


Put J. pot boiling over. 

sa sound of wind; a violent wind. 

Put Ge Pit put, By 4, fragrant. 
Put t+ Dust; the rising of dust. 
Put x To pluck up. 


P : ie" pd: to sift; pd ke, Sm HE 

pwd ke, a seive. 

Read p’haou : to throw; p’haou bong, 
Hi At pws bang, to cast a net. 

Read pw4n: to throw away; pwn 
Pwé +# beng, Hf HE Ot pwd mé"a, to ven- 
ture one’s life; pwan chéén, Ht 

Ry pw cheé"S, to expend money. 

Read pwan: to remove; to shift any- 

Pw"a thing ; pwan sé, pwa swd, 
to remove to another place. 
Pw"a Read pwan: a kind; yit pwan, — 
fe chit pwa, the same, alike. 
Pw Read pw4n: the bank of a morass; 
the name of a place. 
# Read pwan: the half; pwan seng 
Pwd pwan so0, ae +E & WE pora 

sai" pwd sé, half alive and half 
dead; yit pwan, — SF chit pwd, one half; Con- 
fucius’ sleeping dress was (téAng yit sin yéw pwan, 

& ode af AR a té"9 chit sin kwd chit pwd, ) 

as long as his body, and half as long again; see the 

eit 8 Lin gé. 

» Read pwan: ropes for tying or en- 

tangling horses’ feet. 
aR 2 Sék pwan, Aa Ay chédh pw", a 
Pwd flat stone, used as a pedestal for a 
wooden pillar. 
Read pwAn : the instep; kéak pwan, 
Pwd =< IER ie k’ha pw", the flat part 

of the top of the foot. 



: a plate; pwan w4n, 

Fe pwan 
Pua fiz 4 pwd wd, plates and ba- 
i, sins. 

Pwan téép, 22 FRE pwnd tééh, plates and dishes. 

Read pwan: to climb over; pwan 

ch’héang, By ia pwd ch’hé6"S> 

to climb over a wall; pwan san 

kd léng, Big ply SEY BA pwd swt kiey niMd, 

to climb over hills and surmount precipices. 

Pwaé FA” pluck up. 


A Read pwat: a vessel containing 
Pwih food; e pwat, RK 5k e pwah, a 


Read pwat: to turn anything round; 
Pwih yee pwat kong, 1 “L pwah kang, 
to lend a hand ; pwat chéén, Hs 

§% pwah cheé", to spend money. 

Pwih Be pwat, Sin, = 06 pwah, a kind 
TC ish. 


Read téét: to fall, to stumble ; téét 

16, PE (Bi) pith ¢6, to fall down.” 
Téét to seAou se seng, hod k’hé 

taé hak sod, PR fH) yy BE HE HK TR A 

&B, +- pwith t6 sty hak seng, hob W’hé twa hak soo, 
when he fell down, he looked like a little schoolboy, 
but when he was helped up he appeared as a great 

doctor; said of kk th iy Lim Téuk-k’hey, who 
was very small in stature, but great in mind. 

y Jedou pwat, fie BR 14 pwih, a 
Pwith ER pair of cymbals. 
Yit pwat, — BR chit pwah, a 

piece of money, a quarter of a dollar, or a quarte 

of a real, 


i _Vulg. pw"a: to remove, to convey, 
Pwan to transport; pwan win chaé but, 

Mk BD wi Hn prota wisn cheé"S 

meé"S h, to transport goods or money. 
Yit pwan yang, — ina ea chit pw"a yéo"8, of 

the same kind. 
Pwan + : ee 3 pwan yéén boo gay, fe 
iis K HE pw"a yéén bob dy 

$00, to perform military tactics, to drill. 

Vulg.. pw"a: to remove; to exer- 

Pwin + Vulg. pw"d: the name of a place; a 
a bank to a marsh. 


Bie brow of a hill. 

Téng pw4n, fH AR, a kind of a 

Pwan He A large slice; the name of a district. 
& Vulg. pwd; the half; yit kd pwan, 
Pwan — {i be gay pwd, one and 

a half. 
Boo td yit pwan, 4HE (A) — AB. 66 hadu chit pod, 

not amounting to one half. 

Pwan m4 sek, yep i Re pwd bay 

Pwan séh, ropes used for entangling hor- 



ses? feet, in order to throw their 

5 om Pty pwan, re 4G ,to rebel against, 
wan “3 

P to turn the back on any one. 
P’hok hak é bin, yéak che é léy, 

ék k’ho é hwut pwan é@ hoo, {i BRK 

prhok hak té ban, yéak sok e é léy soe, yéd thang é 



bé6 pwaneé hoo, when men are generally acquainted 
with literature, and governed by propriety, they may 
be restrained from. rebellion; see the om 
Lin gé. 


y Téén pwan, FA [RE cl’hdn pwra, 
Pwan the furrow of a field, a landmark. 
Keng ché& jéang pwan, héng 
cha jéang los, Pf AS HE OP AT A ae DK 
choh chin dy lang néo"9 pwd, ké"d loé dy lang 
néo"S loz, “the ploughmen yielded the furrow, and | 

travelers yielded the road;” said of an improved 
state of society in the time of jal K TE Chew 


A cap, a hat, used in the Chew 
Pwan arte jal, 

Pwan Pwan hwan, ind fe, self-possession, 
to obtain one’s wish. 
Téng pwan, Ein\ Be ting pwd, a 
Pwan large brazen dish, for holding 
Pwan A large girdle. 
am ; \ 
Pwan 3 PwAn hwin, Sie ie, the cicatrice 
of a wound. 
Great, fat, lusty; hwdy pwan, Ae 
Pwan jin polly phdng, corpulent, fat. 

Sim kong t’héy pwan, NN ia 
Ao i sim Whwah théy p’hang, a gross mind and 
a fat habit of body; see the kK #2 Taé hak. 

Pahti An old woman; some say, a young 


| A owns Be We 
Pwan : Ch’héak pwn, 4E He, the name 

of a plant. 

Pwan 4 To fly ; the appearance of flying. 

Pwan lok, fe Hi pleasure, volup- 

’ PwaAn lok taé go, sé choo kéw ho 
yes, He BR BTA AE A OR ih tH prvtn 
lok p’hun tw"a go ban, sé ka té kéw hod hwan, vo- 
luptuousness and contemptuous negligence is the way 

to bring misery on one’s-self; see rs Ff Béng 


is yu... ; 
Pwan Kéak pwan, Jit $F Wha pw, the 
Vulg. pw" 4: a great stone; sék pwAn, 
- Pwan Aa ips chébh pwd, a flat stone. 

Téén jé pwn sék, ot dp be 

7a té"a tébh ch’hin chéo"8 pwd chédh, as firm as 
a flat stone. 

Frye pw"d: a plate, a vessel for con- 
Pwan taining anything; taé se4ou pwn, 
ud, k IN Ae twa sty pwd, great 

and small plates; also, at rest. 

Vulg. pw"4: to climb over; pwan 
ch’héang thoé het, fey We FE 
R pwd cl’hés"S thaduk’hang, 

to climb over walls and to creep through holes; 

pwan san, BY mm, to walk lame, to go round. 



Vulg. pwth: to spread out, to turn 
Pwat fee around ; to direct, to arrange. 
Pwat k’hae, HE Bel pwah k’hwuy, 

to open out, to spread abroad. 




Pwat DK ore of the radicals; intended to rep- 

resent two legs striding. 

Vulg. pwah: a vessel for containing 

food; e pwat, aK EK, é- proah, 
the dress and begging dish of a 


Budhist priest. 

Pwat y=) 

This character should be pronounc- 
ed at, and is read pwat, by mis- 

Pwat jéak, id ¥, a foreign expres- 
sion, introduced with the Budhistic 

religion, and meaning wisdom. 

Fe” run away; the appearance of a 
dog running away. 

Vulg. pdyh: to select, to pick, to pull 
up; to pluck up. : 
Pwat ma6u jé, é ké lay cheng kit, 

eA ti We HE EH pai tam a 

ch’habu, chedou e dy liy Chityh e woo kit, in pluck- 

ing up the long coarse grass, it is lucky to pick it 
according to its sort; see the Yy Ag Ek keng. 

Pwat kéém, K fall padyh kéém, to draw out a 


» Pwat séép, BE wy, to cross hills 

Pwat rR and rivers; to be wearied with 
rough traveling. 
Jedou pwat 14 pwah, a pair 
Pwat P » be Bi pwan, ap 
of cymbals; a piece of money. 

To sacrifice to the gods of the road, 

on undertaking a journey. 

=> >» 
Pwat AR dress of the western foreigners. 

PWUY 558 


pan A straw shed, a thatched cottage. 
Pwat 4 Seaou-pek séy pwat, ra) AF iif 
3 Sedou-pek twa té cl’habu 
ch’hod, Sedou-pek dwelt in a thatched cottage; see the 

A ia] Seaou lam. 

Han pwat, A R, the demon of 

drought: also written Hz, pwat. 

2 Han pwat way géak, =| pile y23 
he jE twa w"a chd géak ha?, the demon of drought is 
very destructive ; see the k HE Taé gnay. 

; To tread upon, to step over; léng 
Pwat Re pwat ké bé, Ae BR AED Fe 
ch’haé léng tah tédh e dy boéy, the 

wolf trod on his tail; see the v\9 BA Pin hong. 

Pwuy E} E Choo pwuy, % 3F mercifal; ap- 
NAY plied to the instructions of Budha. 

Pwiy re To rely on. 
- ad 

es « To bubble up, to boil up; at the 
Pwiy i Honglae, LE FE, “hill, there is 
said to be pwiy siy, ih I, a 

hot spring, a boiling fountain. 

Je pway jé keng, fp Yih} Wl Be cA’hin cheors 



pwity kwiin, ch’hin chéa"9 kai"S ?he"é, like boiling | 
water, or broth; see the ak HE Taé gnay? 

Pwiy Ji An ches, 3H F- pwity 4, small 



pustules produced by the heat. 

Read hwiy: fat, corpulent, lusty: 

Paéu yéw hwiy jéuk, kew yew 

Vis way ma, fed 7 AE Va Mt 

A jo B&B padu tod wod pwty bah, bdy tedou woa 
pwtty bay, in the larder there is fat meat, and in the 

stable fat horses ; see nin + Béng choo. 



» Read hwiy: to bark; koé hwiy, 

4] We kabu pwiy, the dog 

Key béng koé hwiy séang bun, jé tat hoé sod- 

korg, BIZ WK MBH € F 

py i key thé kabu pwiy séo Uhé"a, jé tat hoe 
s? kéng, the crowing of cocks and the barking of 

dogs could be heard from one place to another, 

and spread throughout the four quarters of the coua- 
try; see a S- Béng choo. 

Sék hwiay, A ee chédh pwiy, a 
Pwiy i 

kind of stinking insect, which 

appears about the time when the 

_ ‘eat’s eyes” begin to ripen. 

iE A little, a few ; vulg. hwy léép: a 

——e = small quantity. 
s > The same as the above; also writ- 
ten pps, sa. 
Bok sa, k At, a wooden fence, a 
Sa palisade. 

Léén éng lip sa, jh as a 3 
i séo swa yé"4 k’héa bok sa,a connected encamp- 
ment, with upright palisades. 
» 2 Read sam: a jacket, a coat; han 
Sa 42 sam, iF B kw"a sa, a shirt. 
Héép han sam 6é tong jéeét, as iF 
BV 1} at gnityh kw" sa é t2"8 jwih, he 
took his shirt under his arm, to enable him to bear 
the heat. 
Sam k’hoé, zB i sa k’hoe, jacket and trowsers. 

: = Read sam: three; sip sam, -[+ = 

cow, chip #"a, thirteen. 





Read sim: what; sim soo? a9 He 
3"4 soo? what’s the matter? 

kl cheeks ; kéep sae, i RA, the 

sides of the face. 

Sae GB bones about the gills of a fish. 
The flesh under the throat; gnéw 
Sae iB ham sae, Ae &8 Hg. gob am 
nm) sey, the dewlap of an ox. 
Sae ZB Bushy whiskers, a long beard. 

FeReVutg. thar: 0 sieve; bé sae; HE 
Bip « 

fii bé hae, a sieve for rice. 

A lion; yit tty stk soo, —+ Sif 
Sae A AGF chic tidy chédh sae, a pair 
of stone lions; generally placed 

in the front of houses or temples. 

A bamboo sieve for separating the 
coarse from the fine. 

le Sae gnew, [rs 1, a rhinoceros ; 
Sae aS the skin of which may be used as 

Read sey: the west; sey t’héen, ri] 
Sae FR, sae Phee"Y, the western hea- 


Sey hong bé jin, J Wi EA \ sae he"S dy hé 

lang, the excellent person from the west ; see the 

$5 JB, Woey hong. 





Ju Laé saé, ig pe ragged clothes. 

Read soo: to send, to employ, to 

Saé cause, to order ; soo ying, (i FA 
saé yung, to employ; ch’hay soo, 
3G ahd ch’ hay saé, to send on an errand. 

Sod bin é sé, ‘i K& Vy Ae saé payh sai"S 

chedou sé, to employ the people in the proper 
season; see the mi ae Lin gé. 

Saé Read soo: a surname. 

. Read sé: dung, ordure; hdng soo, 
Saé Tk R pang saé, to go to stool. 
# To separate; a partition; a border, 
Saé a side, a boundary. 

Sa® pok théen k’he han, SE Jp, 
Fe A FR bees pak dy tey thee"S Wh2 jwith, 
in the countries bordering on the north, the climate 

is very cold. 

To reward, to remunerate; to pay, 

to repay; sad gwan, 9E Ra, to 

pay one’s vows, 

tol Vulg. p’hak: to dry or be scorched 
Saeé ye in the sun; saé jit ak’é, Wee A 
ik My) p’hak jit ak hoé, to be 

scorched in the sun, and drenched in the rain, 
Also written fff, sad. 


To descend, to lessen, to diminish. 


Also read sat: to kill. 

Hwuy wiy séang, pit sad che, 
JE inf Ly iy ay eh u™ sé twa yin ché6"s, 
chéw pit sae e, if it was not a public or court dress, 
he (Confucius) would always be for diminishing it; 
see the ay ap Lin g6. 


Lé séy, kk iS ké"é sae, a son-in- 

F law. 

Read sod: a messenger; kok soo, 
{i kok saé,an envoy, an 

se 4 

Taé sod yéa, * (i ot twa saé yéd, a commis- 
z —_ Read sod: an offering; gnoé $00, 
Saé ))| cy yt goé saé, the altars to the 
gods of the five parts of a dwelling 
Read sod: to serve; hok soa, lta 
Saé BA hok saé, to render service to 

any one. 

E hok soo Yin, yy silk x pe é hok saé Yin, and 
still he served the Yin dynasty; see the i) ae 
Lin gé. 

Téng soo, li] 18, tang saé, the 
Saé AB wives of one’s elder or younger 

brethren; a sister-in-law. 
- * o« - v 
Saé VW p Read sod: alike; séuk sod, Ht Vy 
sék saé, well acquainted, familiar. 

To boil or simmer anything; sd 

Sah ch’hae, We aR, to boil vegetables. 
Sih To speak much; garrulous. 

Read seng: to be born, to produce; 
AE alive ; living; to live; seng choo, 
EE F sai"S ké"4, to’bring forth, 

a child; séen seng, ¥. HE sin sai"8, an elder born, 
a teacher. . 

Kwun sod seng, pit héuk che, ge B WE Ws z 

oe Jin kwun sod hoé sai"S with dy meé"&h, pit teoh’ 

ch’hé e, when a prince presents anything alive, we 
should biing it up; see the aft ae Lin gé. 

Read seng: a brute animal; héuk 
seng, eB Wr Chaou sai"&, a do- 

mestic animal ; sometimes used as 


a term of reproach. 

Boé é kéing he seng yéA, 4a Ye {it he bia +h 

bé thang kéung kip t’haou sai"6, we have nothing 
wherewith to procure sacrificial animals ; see nm -f- 
Beng choo. 

a> mine; a province; séng k’héém, 

E} 2 Air sai"S k’héém, to spare, 
to be economical ; séng séng, ae} py. sai"Y sé™A, a 

capital city of a province. 

T’héen hay sip pat séng, RK - A i N\ 4 

thee"S ay chap payh sat"S, in the whole empire 



Read séng: sparing, frugal; to exa- 

there are 18 provinces. 

Séng chéén, A bay sat" cheé"8, to save money. 

5 Read stng: a surname; pek kay 
Sai"S He séng, Fy KR Hk payh kay sai"9 
the hundred family names, or 
clans, into which the people are divided, 
Pek séng, a Wk: payh sai"S, the people. 
Séng béng, WE x sai"S mé"4, the name and sur- 

Read séng: nature, disposition; sim 
Sal"’S é séng, nn PE sim sai"8, natural 

disposition; h"6 ké séng, Ly aC. 
PE hé ke sai"&, a good memory. 

re 3 

aS To push; ae sak, ia th ay sak, 

Sak to push and drive ; some say, to re- 
spect; to ascend, to move; to take, 

Ss woem §=‘Vilg. s"a: three; sam sip, = 9 ¥ 

Sam w= == s"a chap, thirty. 

sm = Sam léén yéw séng, — 

= FA 


hk s"a neé"9 pit wod ché"4 kang, “in three years 
I should be enabled to complete the work ;” said by 

Confucius, in the at aH Lan gé. 

SN = * The large form of the preceding cha- 
racter; also written #, sam. 
Sait A kind of fir-tree; sam pan, 1% AR 
a small boat. 
Gas, 2 The coloring of hair; also, a foreign 
surname. One of the radicals. 
S4m To look on, to take; lam s4m, & 
B 2B, disorderly, in confusion. 

LEY ck rice; mixed. 

eoome, Three times, thrice repeated; sam 
Sam — hok, = = 4%, to repeat thrice. 

a 7 

oles choo sam sod jé hoé 

héng, As xX F= weap - Al 8 if B 4F Kwiy-bin 

choo s"a dy séo"S, jéén adu ké"4, Kwity-bin choo 

reflected thrice before he did anything ; see the am 

ig Lin gé. 
VEEP Ge sim, ff FR he sim, stakes 
Sam aR 

driven into the water in order to 
catch fish. 

Sam TR same as the above. 
Sam The appearance of long hair. 
Sam 2 Things connected together, and 

hanging down. 


SAN 562 SAN 
v Good, elegant; to revile, to ridicule. 
Sam EY A large reaping-hook; a scythe. San Chin chod jim soo té, san ch’heaou 

Sam Ae T’ham sam, 12 as foolish, stupid. 
ZZ Lam sam, A wy long hair hang- 

mw ing down; sam mé, Be == dis- 

heveled hair, the hair all in con- 

Mixed, not in order, confused ; 14m 
sam mf sim, fr ff, confused, bad, light, 
mean; trifling discourse. 
Vulg. sw"a: a hill; a surname; tong 

San | | san, Re ly 28"8 sw"a, China. 

K’hong-choo teng tong san, jé 
se4ou Loé, teng t’haé san, jé se4ou t’héen hay, 4L 
EE HE ith hy SE AE ah hh “b 
KK PF Khéng-cho6 piyh chéo"9 tang sw%a, je 
Vhw"d sey Loé, piyh chéo"S t’hae sw"a, 7é k’hw"a 

sey @hee"S dy, Confucius ascended the eastern hill, 


and the Loé country looked small; but when he as- 

cended the great mountain, the whole empire looked 
diminutive; see ma F Béng choo. 

A San hoé, ffl} iH, coral that grows 
San yt 

at the bottom of the ocean, and 

by the side of the rocks, of a red 


to walk lame. . 

Pwan san, Be res 


To exclude, to throw out; to fix, to 
San Ht determine. 

K’hong-choo san se se, - 4L 
Ti ay ES K’héng-cho6 san té"a se se, Confucius 

corrected and arranged the odes and classics; see 

the Vid aE, Soo ke. 

nn i, RA EBB 
in es = aK Chin ka té jim ka té woo t2 hwy, 
san cW’héd s"a téy, the Chin dynasty took to them- 

selves the sole credit of being wise, and ridiculed 

the three former dynasties. 


San 42" s"a: a jacket, a small coat. 
v To shed tears, to eid san jéén 
San y Tt k’hip hay, ¥ef 9% as < VE - san 
jéén labu bak chué, shedding tears, 

he wept abundantly; see the rp Lb Soo ké. 

San Fu To cut grass ; to eradicate. 
San uy) The name of a place. 



That which is produced; seng san, 

EE iE, productions; t’hoé san, 
+ jE, the productions of the 
soil; san géép, is ar, 
Bod héng s4n, jé yéw héng sim ché4, wily soo wily 
ie i ET A I EE 
Fe fi fv. bé héng sédng Gy sdn géép, jé woo héng 
sédng re sim kw"a, tok tok thak ch’hayh ling 

cl’hé"é éy, to be without a means of constant sup” 

a patrimony, an estate. 

léng, iE 

port, and yet to retain an equable mind, only a true 
scholar can attain to this; see ro + Béng choo. 

. Skewers, or a spit, used in roastin 
San 9 pit, e 

Vulg. sw"d: an umbrella; € san, 

San ii Be hoé sw d, a rain umbrella. 

SAN 563. SAOU 
s A The appearance of ease and freedom 
San An iron tool for smoothing wood. Sin ¥ », 
like fishes sporting in the water. 
Dispersed and scattered abroad. : Vulg. soa: a thread; chim san, fay 
San Chaé ché chek bin san, chaé san | San ‘S) fee chéem sw, a needle and 
chek bin che, FU FR Al) Fe , YK read. 

Fe FA tik FU) BR FE teens wneon cho hity 

chek payh sai"Y sw"d, cheé"& sw" chek pityh sai” 
chd hééy, when a prince is given to hoarding up 
money, his people will disperse, but when he disper- 

ses his money, the people will gather around him ; 

see the tk oe) Taé hak. 

Read soé: thin, meagre, lean not fat, 


# " Vulg. sw"d: to disperse, to scatter, 
San to spread abroad. 

Séang sit ké to, bin san kéw 2, 

Eb #% FR He A, RR 82 twa sit 

dy t6, payh sai"S s2 sw"d ko6 2, superiors have err- 
ed from the right way, and the people have been 
' scattered for a long time; see the Fal fg Liin gé. 

) ih Mixed meat. 

San Flakes of snow. 

San ¥ wy A pain in the heart. 

2 ] To rail at, to revile, to reproach. 

San = O& ke hay lew, jé san séang 

ee cies, Pie Ti al 

_E FF wan Wehia te hay lew dy Ving, jé mais ¢ 

dy sé twa, he detested those who, dwelling ina 

mean station, reviled their superiors ; see the ath 
aa Lin gé. 

Boé chim put yin san, 4 §t- Ar Bl A= 66 chit 

he chéem béy yin tit sw"d, there is never a needle>. 
but what will draw its thread. 

Read song: loose, not tight; pok 

Sang  80ng; Kak 8 pak W’hah sang, to 
tie it looser. 

Read song: double; yit song, —~ 

Sang tif chit sang, apair; yit song haé, 

— aiff iE chit song dy, a pair 
of shoes; song seng, tye HE kah sang sai"S, 
twins, two at a birth. 


Read song: to throw anything, to 


fu pitch, to fling. 
= Read sdng: to present, to make a 
Sang * present; to accompany. 

Song se, RR JE sdng ch’hayh, to 
give away books; sdng song, Re HE sdng se"8s 
to accompany a funeral. 

Chad pa’ jé sdng che, FR FF Tf P chad 

par jé sing ¢, he again made an obeisance, and ac- 
companied him ; see the a BH Lin gé. 

Sang Read sdng: a surname. 

Saou To cut off, to cut grass; to rob, to 
2 plunder. 

Saou The branches of a tree; the handle 

of a rudder. 


: arrow from a bow. 

5 ® The case for a bow; to let fly an 

Sap REN 4 whip, a whip case ; to saou, J] 
F Hf, the sheath of a sword. 

Panne To ridicule; to make game of; also 
written BH, saou. 

Saou Pp A small spider. 

Sadu NE To beat, to strikes to moye, to affect. 

Waku Toé soé, +} rae tabu saou, to rouse 

Ee Sdn sadu, Fas ney, to keep up a pa- 

Saou ? trole, in order to guard against 

Sadu kak, if Ff, a great trumpet, a bugle horn. 

see digg 3 


So téy sé léw éng, tii Hh Hit eZ % sadu téy 

clhéw ladu yé"d, if you sweep the ground ever so 

Read sd: to sweep; sd chéw, tit 

sadu chéw, broom; sd ch’hé, 
i iz sadu gay, to sweep the 

clean, the tree still leaves its shadow there. 

Read soé: hoarse, with a cold; to 
Saou nie cough; haé soé, wy pa K’hém 
sadu, to take cold, to be taken 

with a hoarseness. 

Not to arrive at, insufficient; to 
Sap ante: ‘ 
Wik speak hastily, without caution. 


Sap T’hap sap, 1 fE, incautious, 
Sap Lap sap, He Hp mixed, jumbled 
Sap A fierce wind, the whistling of the 
Sap To lift up lightly ; straw shoes, chil- 
dren’s shoes. 
The appearance of rain; an open- 
Sap Ls 5 ing ; the voice of-a multitude, 
y= E sap sap, iy = a Toh hoe 

sap sap, a drizzling rain. 

Sa A contraction of sam sip, = ei 
* 8a chap, thirty. 
n Vv kill, death, 
P ulg. ?haé : to kill, to put to deat 
Sat to slay. 
Sat sam Beaou 6 sam Gwiy, son 
= ro) ie = je Uhaé s"a dy Bedou, té s"a 
Gwily, he slew the three Beaou, at the three Gwiy, 
ne long spear. 
Sat pwat to disperse, to 
Sat pwaty Hit HB ‘ 
x4 P’hoé sat, oe ie, an idol; a god 
| of the Budhist sect. 
Read sek: a louse; t’heaou sek, 
Sat pk Hl Phedou sat, a flea; bok 

sek, > Eg bak sat, a bug; t?hoé 
sek, e Bl, Choé sat, a mud fish. 


Ong-béng bain sek jé tam sé boo, = th Fy A 
Hfia BS Hep HG Ong-béng bin sat jé tm Tin sé b06, 
Ong-béng held a louse in his fingers while he discour- 

sed about the operations of the times; see the 
BF BE Chin ke. 

To. injure; to exterminate; vulg. 

TES swah: to finish, to make an end of. 
2 ’ Vulg. swa: sand; a surname; say 
Say A » sek k*hé hwuy, ba ii #2 Fé 
swa chédh k’hé pwuy, the sand 

and stones began to fly. Also written Ry , say. 

_—— 34 Jeaou say, ie ih crape. 

P Kéasay, x. a priest’s robe; a 

y surplice. 
Say say ge, A 6 swa hé, the white 
shark; the genus Caracharias. 
~ 5 16, BY §a, a brazen gong, 
Say which may be used as a wash 
: Sé A slight degree of wisdom; say 
y seaou, (A 4, not benevolent. 
Say » Vulg. swd: to sprinkle; say say, i 
y 9 swd chiy, to sprinkle water. 
The same as the above. Also writ- 
Say pay i ‘al Yi, say Say sadu, jG ti, 
to sprinkle and sweep: 
Say Dy To stab, to pierce. 



bh. A sort, a class; Chin Teng téng say, 

Say 4 BB fel PH chin kok kap 
Tai"I kok tang chit dy téng, the 

Chin and Tai& countries are of the same class. 

Goé say, he , we, us. 

Sick, diseased; ch’hin say sek ying 
put séng, #3 iN {4 R Ay 
BS pay boé pai"S, tédh bin sek 

yang mabu i™ hw"a hé, when parents are sick, the 

countenances (of children) should not look cheerful. 

Say Jaye 

=” A small drizzling rain; sayh sayh, 

g %. the sound of rain. 

Sity h y To wash the hands; also, the sound 
of a gentle rain. 

Read swat: snow; song swat, ia 


a = 
Sdiyh FF se sttyh, frost and snow; lok 
swat, E3 Bs léh satyh, to snow. 
Saiyh Read ep? as léep héng, gira té 
siyh p’hang, to stop up a seam. 
a To give, to bestow; to use, to ap- 
Se point; to add; se yin, Hi A. 

to dispense favors. A surname. 
E gnoé ch’haé chéang se € gnoé sek, Ye th 
7 ttt BR h £24 é g08 dy cl’haé chéang se té 
goe dy sek, to take the five ornaments, and add them 
upon the five colors. 

Mutual; all, altogether; to assist. 

A surname. 

Bin hwuy hoé, béng k’hek se 
Long 6 song, FRIES ASS EV 
FE pityh sai"9 na b6 jin kwun, chew béy séo an é 
sai"& wih, when the people have no ruler, they can- 
not live together in mutual peace ; see the = x 
FBS se tha kap. 






Ej Se soe, VE iit, far apart. 

The appearance of dew; léng loé se 

se, a F iS Ya lan san loé 

"A F) chiry loh se se, the drops of dew fell 

thickly around; see the > itd Se4ou gnay. 


The appellation of a wise and talent- 
Jia ed person. 

Rp Fi Boé bod wiy se ké put sit ch’hek, 

we UE Tae a i a x AR fe, sto boé na bo 

pang thek kak gabu ling, séy ké dy soo chéw bey 

ya Perens also the rice used insac- 

rificing to the gods. 

sit ch’hek, when forming our plans, if we do not ne- 

glect clever men, then whatever we undertake will. 

be sure not to fail. 

A vessel for taking up water. 
{ : written 4, se. 

A kind of wood, of which plough 


handles can be made. 

A corpse ; to be stretched out like a 
corpse; to stand, to set up, to es- 
- tablish; to set up as a master. 
Ch’him put se, ie Ay PP Fhwun b6 chin chéo"9 
se, when (Confucius) slept, he did not stretch himself 
az Lin gé. 
Koé jin chéy so6, pit lip se, é séang choé k’ho, 

& ASS ji sb te PVR Hh % 

koé ché dy lang chey sod, tek k’hak téoh k’héa lip 

out like a corpse; see the ae 

sin se, € chd ch’hin chéo"S choé k’h6, “when the an- 
cients sacrificed, they would always set up a figure, 

-o resemble their ancestors and forefathers ;” said by 

aN +. Choo choo. 










Be, corpse; sin se, & Be, a dead 

body; the same as the preceding. 

Fey l’hew, pe, HE, a kind of dove. 
WL) : 

jy fm Se ch’ho, ae i) se cl’habu, a kind 

of grass or.reed used in divination. 

Héén hoé se kwuy, R ae 3 

Sf heen twa t2 se cWhabu keod koo Whak, it will 

appear from the divining straws and the tortoise- 
shell ; see the rp ig Téung yung. 

The name of one of the diagramis ; to 

require, to demand ; put se, AS 
\) 7 a” saé, unnecessary. 
1 To moisten, to wet, to stain. 
2 The hair of the face; to wait for ; that 
4, which we desire, what is requisite 
often J 
2 and necessary; se yung, WA jiik 
useful. A surname. 

Géling se gnoé yéw, i B= HK kK gwd téng 
habu gwd dy péng yéw, 1 will wait for my friends; 
see the a¥ AS Se keng. 


4 Vulg. ch’hew: a beard, whiskers, or 

Spittle; improperly used for the 

preceding character. 

Z 5 the fringes of garments. 
ZA _K’hoé se, {J ia ch’hiy ch’hew, 

the beard around the mouth, especially on the chin. 

ES | 
= “ea same as the’ above. 

. Re 

T’hoé se, oo 2 the name of an 
eee medicinal plant. 








Silk, raw silk, as itis spun by the 
1) _ silkworm ; silken threads. 

Loé se, e e. a white crane’; pék 

léng se, is fe, FB, a paddy- 

bird, a kind of stork. 
b An ode, a verse, poetry; chd se, 

, to make verses ; se ong 

e¥ Dy, a poet; se keng, af KE, 
the classic ode. 

Se sam pek, yit gan 6 péy che, wat soo bod sé, 
7 — Hw — BU RZA RB 
SE BAS se w00 s"a pityh p’hee"9, chit kod wa kadu 
é jéa pey e, kong sé6"8 bé lim sdém, the odes amount 
to three hundred, and one sentence is sufficient to 

express the whole, viz: “do not indulge in licentious 

Ms in Séang lin. 

Loose, easy, slow, gentle. 

thoughts ;"” see the 

The same as the above; also, to 
spread out, to disperse; a surname, 
Se wan, Eh i, slow, remiss, 
Vulg. ch’hityh: a book, a record; 
a letter; to write, to record. 
T’hok se, Fri AE vhik ch’ hityh, 

[= | 

to read a book. 

$06 se gnoé keng, JQ FP Fp #i, the four books, 

and five classics. 

Ké se, y ie kéd p’hay, to send a letter. 

QB To receive, to take and give; vulg. 
3 soo: to lose, not to gain. 

Chin se ch’héuk @ Chin, J iif} 

Chin kok lap ch’hek hoé Chin kok, the 
people of Chin gave corn as‘a tribute to the Chin 
country ; see the zAL es Cho twan. 



Se éng bé hwun, iby ia HR yin soo yé"4 boty 

huwun, victory or-defeat still undecided. 

Sev; -2 

5 a The beginning, to begin, to' com- 
Sé 43 mence ; sé.chéung, kL £& Rhé 
D he 

Chabu swah “aw the eae 

q e name of a river. 

and ending. 
Yéw sé yéw chut ché&, ké why séng ifn bad, Ai 

We A EH HE BAF mos vie 

Vhadu,.wod swah boéy dy lang, e sé séng jin dy 
ldng hoé, he who endures from the beginning to the 
end, is no doubt a sage ; see the ai ae Lin gé. 

LA The beginning; the same as the 
= | preceding. 

The female plant of hemp which 

Se yields seeds. 
Hot, heat, hot weather ; sé t’héen, 
Sé Ht K jwth Uhee™S, the summer. 

Tdng sé chin k’hek t’he pit peaou 
jé ch’hut che, a 3 7 HS FF ay HE Tih 
HH Z tng jwih Chee" ch'hing twa né"d kwith 
poe, tébh pedou jé hoé ¢ ch’hut, in the summer sea- 
son, when wearing a single garment of grass cloth, 
it is necessary to wear something underneath, and 

to let it appear on the outside ; see the Sy py Lin gé. 

AY ai appellation of wise and cleyer 

A F person. 

AB A surname. 

Small, diminutive. 



Sk ‘568 

Vulg. swé: to remove, to go to 
RE another place. 

Soo jin jit sé séén, wan choéy jé 

put choo te yes, BP A AY QE SS Se SE 

m *% 8 1 Al saé lang tak jit sé sod kadu 

h6, hwui"S R’h2 wood chiey, 7é bey ka té chae, to 
cause the people daily to advance in the practice of 
that which: is good, and to discard crime, without 
themselves being aware of it. 

A shoe; straw sandals; also written 

ee, sé, 

Siin sé k’hé théen hay, yéw k’hd 

rose SR PBS Mee 

, Dun looked upon rejecting the empire just like 

throwing away an old shoe. 
A leathern shoe. 

Fivefold, five times as much. 

Hék séang pdéy sé, BE i fe 

Re woo dy séo téng poey, woo dy 
goé téng poey k’hah kay, some were. double, and 
some were fivefold; see ih -F Béng choo. 

ABE su 

Vulg. saé: dung, ordure: hong sé, 
' TK & pang saé, to go to stool. 

te To be afraid, frightened ; terror; ti- 

midity, bashfulness. 

DNS? ka je bo6 1éy chek 96, AR Ti 

4e jt Fi) Fey ke ase 66 ley, chek sé, to be alar- 
med so as to forget propriety, may be called terror ; 

see the an Ea Lin gé. 

Vulg. séy @: the common species of 
Barbados millet. 

€ wr 

? x 
The generic name for swine. 

M4 gnéw yang, key k’héén sé, 
naé léik héuk, jin séy soo, Py 



bay gob yé6"S, key habu te, naé lak hang dy t’hadu 
sai", ling séy ch’hé, the horse, cow, and sheep ; 
the cock, dog, and pig are the six kinds of domestic 
animals which men bring up; see the —= - HR 
Sam joo keng. 
An arrow; as straight as an arrow ; 
also, to swear. 

Sé jin k’hé put jin € ham jin chae? 
FN ER EHS BA BG etd chert 
dy ling, Vhdm u™ Kk’ hah woo jin koey chd chéen kah 
dy lang chae? is not the maker of arrows more want- 
ing in benevolence than the manufacturer of armor ? 
(because the former is only anxious to make his ar- 
rows sharp, that they may wound people, while the 
latter seeks'to make the armor as strong as possi- 
ble, to keep them from being wounded;) see nia 

+ Béng choo. 

To unstring a bow, to let a bow go 
ny, back ; vulg. léng : loose, not tight; 
hong sé, ie a pang k’hah leng, 

to loosen anything, 

Kwun choo che to, yit téang yit s¢, FF =s Zz. 
FH — FR — Flt oun chob dy t6 1é, chit dy 
téo"& chit dy pdng, the way of a good man is to 
keep his bow sometimes strung and sometimes loose. 

Read so@: to die, to depart this life; 
BP, anything dead, extinct. 
Soo ching che é léy, W, Be Le 

Y ra sé taée chedou léy soe, when parents are 
dead, inter them according to, propriety; see the 

+ iat Séang lin. 

also, to be angry. 

+H To borrow, to lend, to sell on credit, 




An age, a generation, the world; sé 
tH jin, tt NM se kan dy ling, the 

men of the world; sé sé taé taé, 

tt HE fe K sé s?.téy %éy, for ages and genera- 

tions ; kak st, {lt to arouse the age. 

Choo-téang bin sip sé k’ho te yea, xy ine Fe] 

= ft wy Fi Cho6-té0"Y mooi" chip sé 

Vhang chae yéd, Choo-téang asked if the affairs of | 

ten generations could be previously known; see the | 

a es Fi} Séang lin. 
Power, influence, authority; kwan 

Ss se, yd ay, authority. 

, H") séén jé bong sé, iff 25 
Wil XE BH  dityh ho ling, teoh bay ke lan dy 
se, when aruler wants to get good men in his ser- 

vice, he must forget his own power, (and stoop to 

them ;) see a F- Béng choo. 

To take anything ‘in the hand; a 

To disperse, to scatter, to ‘confer fa- 
wih, vors on people. 
Jé yéw p’hok sé 6 bin, jé léng 
chéy chéing hé je? k’ho way jin hoe? fp) 
1 ee a 
{= FH ch’ hin chéo" wo6 p’hok se hoe piayh sai"9, 
jé ey chew chéy chéing ling, chéy sé an chw"d? 
thang kong woo jin tek 4 b62 when a prince con- 
fers extensjve benefits on the people, and is able to 
assist men in general, what sort ofa mian must he be? 
Can he be considered benevolent? see the aay ao 
Lin gé. 
To murder a superior; to kill a pa- 

rent or a prince. 
Sin sé ké kwun chéd yéw che; 

choo se ké hod chéa yéw che, Pa ZR It A FF 
A ZFERERG Aj Z jin stn Chaé 





e dy jin kwun dy wod e; hadu sai"S thaé e dy né6"8 
pay dy wod e, for a minister to murder his prince, 
there are instances of this; and for a son to commit 
parricide, such things have occurred; see = f- 
Béng choo. 

To excuse, to deal gently with; to 

2p do to another as we would wish 
Ca another to do to us. 

Hoo choo che td, téung sé jé é 2, kK + 4 pz] 

HA an in 2 R. hoo cho dy to lé, chin téung 

kwa séo s2 té"4 té"a, the whole system of Confucius’ 

doctrine consists in fidelity and lenity alone ; see the 
a ab Lin gé. 

Cloth ; cotton, anything made of cot- 

ton; silken threads. 

All, numerous, many; almost; sé 

choo, fie F, a child by a con- 


’ 82 bin, ita Fx, all the people; sé ke, fig HE, 

almost, nearly. 

Choo wat, st & chae? =f- EY JE SR EK too 

choo kong, chéy 2 chae? Confucius said, “how nu- 
merous are they ?’”? (meaning the people of a certain 
state, which he visited;) see the Ey jy Lin gé. . 
Tek choo, 15 F-, a legitimate son ; s2 choo, pee 
F. illegitimate offspring. 

Read sod: four; sod hong, vil 
se he"8, in all quarters; sod kak,” 

yy sis se kak, foursquare; sod 
bin, yy It s2 bin, the four orders of the people. 

2. y> Vulg. ch’h2: to try, to make trial of, 
to prove. 

AY , e = 
p Ch’héng séang st che, 55 5 

at Zz: cWhé"d laé cl’he k’hw"d e, pray let us try 

its see iy F- Beng choo. 

% Ba 



A time, a season, a period, an hour ; 

H asurname; sod sé, py ted sé sé, 
7 = BS s 
the four seasons; sim sé? “ 

NG pn, : ; ° > 42 4 
s"& meé"Sh sé2 at what time; ké sé? EA AF té 

sé? when? sé sé, fee fF, constantly. 
T’héen hé gan chae, sod sé héng yéen, K i 

a 3 hae 4F 5 Vhee"S wod s"G meé”I h 
kong wa, s? sé tit ké"4, what orders does heaven is- 

sue, and yet the four seasons revolye; see the i 

ie Lin gé. 
—iF- To plant; sé sé yit kin, é seng 

chéén kong, ee — 

¥ ye HE Sik vi chae ch’héw 
chit ching, € seng chétn dy kong 16, he planted a 

tree, in order to be'a signal of his military exploits. 

Ju Read soé: a surname, 

fff. name of a fish; the mackerel. 
ry) T 

Key sé, pa Hy, a hen-roost. 


A spoon; tay sé, a wel a tea. 
spoon; hwan sé, sos if poow"S 
sé, arice spoon; t’hong sé, Bw 

Bk ’he"S sé, a soup spoon. 

Choo sé, yn HH, the name of a 

district, said to produce silver. 

Séém sé, WE PS a kind of toad ; 
if. said to have 3 red characters un- 

der its belly. 

Wee Séang 0, He HA chéots ché, a toad. 


Read soé: to refuse, not to accept, 

SE to take leave of. 

Gwan-sod wily che chaé, é che 

cl’heuk kéw pek sod, i Bi BE Web ap fa 
ed Be vF i ay Gwin-sod kap e chi kay 

chaé, hot e ch’hek kabu payh sé, GwAn-sod was the 
steward of Confucius’ household, when he gave him 
nine hundred measures of corn; but the other refus- 

ed it; see the am aa Lian gé. 
To be, it is, it is this, this; right, not 
Sé wrong; yes; sé put se? i Ar 
J sé wu sé? is it so or not? sé, 

JE, it is so, : 

Sé sé hwuy hwuy téy, béng béng pék pék t’héen, 
toh kap w™ tébh dy téy, béng béng péiyh pityh dy 
Vhee"&, on this earth there are many rights and 

wrougs, but in heaven all is clear and plain. 

Sé » The same as the preceding. 


== This; to look at, to observe, to 
Se — ‘ 
my judge of, to reason. 

To wait on, to attend, to be in at- 
Sé tendance. 

Bin-choo sé ch’hek, By F- 4p 

i] Bin-chob W’héa té sin pee"8, Bin-choo was wait- 
ing at his side; see the ah Be Lin gé. 

= The same as the preceding; to 
Se 4 


Sé TT K’ham sé, HH FF, a kind of fish. 

Vulg. eé"8 : a temple, a monastery, 
Sé an abbey; sé jin, + A: an 

Y eunuch, 

stand, to wait; also written 13. 

Hong san koé sé cheng laé se4ou, Fie Wy ra + 

{fa HK y hwui"S sw"a koé e&"S hiéy séo"S laé 
ché6, among desolate hills and old temples, the 
priests seldom come; seea ff iF koé se. 

i) A hill standing alone; a promontory, 

a peak ; to stand alone. 

To rely on, to depend upon, to place 

ee confidence in. 
Bo6 hoo hé koé? bod boé hé sé? 
SR fe WE SIE BE Aap 06 core pay 
06 sé meé"Ih Phang koe? bb né6"S léy wod sé 
meé"Sh Uhang sé? having no father what shall we 

rely on? And being motherless, on whom shall we 
depend? see the y]. He Sedou gnay. 

To stand’ upright, under a house ; to 
prepare, to get ready. 

The place of sacrifice, in making an 
offering to the five emperors of 



To plant; to transplant; to plant in 
another place. 

The wall on the eastern and western 

heaven and earth. 

sides of a house; to arrange in 
order ; a preface to a book; the 

name of a school. 
Cheaou ch’hod sé, HA aN FR according to order. 

Sé pin é héén, in fit Wy i sé léét ling k’hayh 
chedou e dy gaéu, arrange the guests according to 
their talents; see the K AE Taé gnay. 
Séang sé, a ag a place of instruction. 

wee = To teach, to instruct, to inform, to 

j Ps show; kadu sé, Hh iz ka sé, 

to communicate instruction. 

“Ke jé sé choo soo hos, He Hp Ay AM 

e dy ch’hin chéo"S ké sé chéy léy, it would be as 



easy as 

the ms 
to imitate, to compare. 

rb Bok put sé hwuy léy che sek, F 

AR WL FE PE ZL FE bak chew b6h Winoa 

u™ hap léy dy sek, let not ‘the eyes look upon im- 
proper beauty. 
T’héen sé chod gné bin sé, FE i} AY FE FR 
i Chee"I. k’hao™d Phan lén piyhsa™S hw", 
heaven looks on a thing, as we people view it; (vox 

populi vox Dei ;) see the ae FA Se keng. 

To: spread out, to discourse on, to 

showing this, (pointing,to his hand ;) see 
5% Lin gé. 

To look at, to béhold; to observe ; 

use ; to arrange in order. 

y Pek kway sé se, Fy 3X RR A 

ché"4 pityh hawat tie sédng sé chedou ch’hod sé, 
the hundred plans were constantly arranged in or- 

der; see the Ks it Siin téén. 
A shed in a field; a garden; an ex- 
at tra lodging place; a village. 
Séa-an, Ht Re with his neph- 
ew Héén, %, played at chess, and (toé péét sé, 

He i) EF pwith soo yé"d pat dy hwut"8,) gam- 
‘bled for an extra garden; see the = aft Chin se. 

A line, a thread of communication, a 
a2) rule, a connecting thread. 
Boo 6ng chan T’haé Ong che sé, 

By =E BR Ae EZ HA Bed tng so swe 

T’had éng dy sw" da, Boo 6ng connected the line of 
communication from T’haé 6ng3; see the ff se | 
Loé séing. 

» To pass by, to flow by, to pass away ; 

to go, to depart; when Confucius 
was standing on the river’s brink, 

he said of the waters, (sé ché4 jé soo hoo yé4, 

Bee 5 en Wh Fe A, heey wne whip cheor9 

an néy,) “how the waters flow by, and pass 

away ;” see the a an Lin gé. 


2 7) ~ Ardent, glowing; the traces of con- 
eam : 


cative of their previous conduct ; a posthumous title. 

An oath, a swearing ; toswear ; chéw 
sé, aye az chéw chwa, to take an 

duct; a name given to persons of 

eminence after their decease, indi- 

— . . . 
ya oath, in order to insure belief. 
ez To stand, to stand erect, to set up on 
Se =< end; also written EE sé. 

Sé lip, BF IZ Whéa lip, to stand 
upright; sé ké, e jit k’héa ké, to erect a standard, 
Sé choo, 7 F, a boy, an insignificant person. 

Vulg. sod: an island, a hill in the 
Wife? midst of the sea. Also written 
AN» gS sé. 
Pin-léng sé, hit A ifs Pin-né"9 so6, the island of 
Pinang or Prince of Wales. 
Sé séng, ME wy. sod sé”4, a fortified island; ap- 
plied to the island of Onrust, in front of Batavia 

roads, which was once fortified. 

Se ff The name of a fish. 
Sé Fine, elegant, agreeable. 
A family name; séng sé, YE K 
Se sai’ sé, the surname of any one. 

Loé yéw Béng-sun sé, Séuk-sun 

sé, Kwity-sun sé, can A x FR K AL ¥ ay 
ay & av Loé kok wo6d Béng-sun sé, Séuk-sun sé, 
Kwiy-sun sé, in the Loé country there were the fa- 

milies and clans of Béng-sun, Séuk-sun, and Kwiy- 

Fee Pok sé, r oth, to divine, to use 
Ar divination; the former character 


alludes to the use of the tortoise- 



shell, and the latter to that of a certain kind of grass, 

employed in divination. 

pe" gnaw, to eat, fo. chew. 
Ae Hwan put léng hwat sé jé jéuk, 

MO fe mo A. 

hwun béy wih ka lé dy bah, 1am vexed that [ cannot 

" devour your flesh alive; see the = Sam kok. 

Z To relish, to like, to be fond of, to 
pe taste. ay.) 

Sin sé yim sit, soo kwun séw k’ho, 
Wh OE ik Be EF Be AP stm dene sé a2 Ue 
dy lim chédh, hoe ktwun lé chéah té9 hi2y_séw, may 
the gads enjoy your offerings of food and drink, and 


cause you to attain to great longevity; see the aN 

Ate. Se4ou gnay. 
Sé =e A book ; an official lodge. 
wa} Vulg. cl’héw; a tree; sé lim, ist 
Se y hk cl’ héw nd, a forest. 
Taé sé p’hd yéw ch’haé, sedou 

yang ch’hé bo6 héet, kK Hit BE A be ny = 
ii] Sue i. twa ching ch’héw p’hwa woo ch’ha, sey 
chéth yé6"S t’haé bé hoéyh, a great tree when cut 
up will produce plenty of firewood, but a small kid 
when killed, will scarcely afford any blood. 

Sé Morning, daybreak. 

Sa BX The same as e sé, the name of a 
. god; also, a surname. 


_ ag Distant, far removed; to sell on cred- 

Séa it, to give on trust. 

7¥ ~ Séng k’hwat suy kin, hong yin 

séang séa, Hk fi He it BS te 

sé hak suy jéén kin, hong hoé séang hwui"S, al- 


though the-corner of the city may be near, the winds | 
and clouds are distant. 

AA = to associate with. 

To reject, to givé up, to cease. 


Séa Confucius, speaking of a flowing 

stream, said, (put sé4 téw yéa, 

AN ay ae ria b6 hat"9h sit mai”Y,) “it does not 

cease day or night ;” see the a) aia Lin gé. 
Aé h"6 bfin gé bé séAng way sé4, 


yit tédh hé dy bin gé, boéy cheng pang Uhek kak, 

he who is fond of good writings will never cast them 

To reject, to give up, to cast off. 



To overturn, to exclude, to exhaust, 

Séa to drive away; to write, to copy. 

o> Kay gan ch’hut yéw, é sé4 gno 

sews 9% FF HL SOE UA a BE ay ey 

cl’héa kong boéyh ch’hut h’h2 Chit Ch6, é séa k’he 

gwd dy win 16, put to the carriage and talk about 

going out to ramble, in order to drive away my sor- 
row; see the # XR Se keng. 

Sé4 joo, Ki oa séd jé, to write or,copy anything. 



A shed, a cottage, a dwelling; to 
halt for a night. 
Séa kw4n bé téng, Ay Ais x 
na hat"Sh dy wiy biéy té"4 té5h, I have not yet 
fixed upon my lodgings; see ry =f. Béng choo. 

To forgive, to pardon, to remit an 
offense; séa chasy, FRX BE, to 
forgive sins; séa se4ou kd, HX 

DN A] séd séé Whwd dy kity sit, to pass over 

slight offenses; see the Ff a Lin gé. 




To put off, to lay aside; séa_kap, 
Séa fae sie) FA ehoot8 hah, to throw off 
U D. one’s armor. 
Sea A surname. 
ess . To purge; séa yéak 8 a séa 
Séa . of ws 

yéoh, a purgative medicine. 

Z Ne A surname. 

4 hs 
Séa The name of a hill. 
Séa Slanting, oblique, not straight; irre- 


Incorrect, corrupt, vicious ; kan séa, 
UF ais, vicious people. 
Séa sut, vii Aig. corrupt arts; 

sé4 kadu, vil} mw erroneous doctrines. 

gular, incorrect. 

ie Incorrect, vicious; a left handed 

course, that must not be followed. 

Vulg. chwd: a snake, a poisonous 
Séa Be reptile. 

K’he séa léting, jé hdng che ch’he, 

BG hes BE it HK ZL YH ete cttod leting 

jé pang hay té chty K’hwut 4, he drove away the 
snakes and dragons,and confined them to the marsh- 

es; see aa -j- Béng choo. 

- A god of the land, or soil; also, a 
Séa ) village, a hamlet. 
Yéw bin jin yéen, yéw séa chek 


yéo, A RA i A it & i 

puyh sai"I ling té tit, yéd wod séa chek té tit, 
where there are people and inhabitants, there are 
also gods of the land and grain; see the on Ea 
Lin gé. 
To shoot; séa chéén, ty $i choh 
’ chee"&, to shoot with an arrow. 


Kwun choo bod séy cheng, pit 
yea bans, Et FM Of Bs a SP 
kwun cho6 bé séy chai"S, na tek k’hak boéyh, téoh 
chaé chéh chee" hoé, the good man wrangles about 

nothing, but if he must strive, let it be in archery; 

see the | am Séang lin. 
Taé séa, a A, a terrace and 

a parterre. 

Way kéung sit taé séa,é chan 

haé é jé ban séng, fy = EA a Hit Ye Es 
eo = at Ea He chd kéung ch’hod taé 

séd,é chin haé té lé ché"4 ban payh sai"S, making 
houses and palaces, terraces and parterres, to the 

injury of your myriads of people; see the a AS 

Se keng. 
To decline, to refuse, to take leave 
Séa eos of, to thank, to express an obliga- 

2 tion on the reception of a present; 
- kam séa, jx Ht, to thank, to be grateful; to séa, 
4 ai, much obliged to you. Vulg. chéa: a sur- 


Séa héang, ie eB séa héo"&, the 

y musk deer. 


Séa TER The same as jj, s6a, a village. 
ae gen seng: a voice,a sound; béng 
S2”a seng, %, ia mé"4 sé™a, fame, 

A sé"q 


yim, a tone of voice. 

report 3 seng yim, ie 


Sé é seng béng yang yit hoe téung kok, BB. Yo 

HE 6 EUSP op BB 6 wha wit 
yang yit té téung kok, thus your fame would over- 
spread the middle country (China) ; see the ih Jb 
Téung ying. 



Read séng: holy, sacred, powerful 
and efficacious; applied in com- 
mon conversation to temples and 

shrines, which are said to be sacred and efficacious 

in affording answers to the prayers of those who 

pay homage to them, 

Séng jin, ee N sé"d lang, a holy man, a sage, 
x » Read séng; a city; séng kok, Lh 
Sera + ai sé"4 kok, a city and suburbs. 
Ch’hok soo té yéa, k’héuk soo 

sg 365, BR BE Ha, Se AMG i A 

ch’hok chéy léy chtry kaou k’heéh chéy léy sé” 
ch’hé6"S, dig this ditch deeper, and build this wall 

_ higher ; (to provide a defense against your enemies ;) 

see Ti F- Béng choo. 

» Read séng: to complete; séng chéw, 
sia rat sé"4 chéw, to attain one’s 

: 57 Read seng: a large basket or ham~ 
Sea " ") g g' 

per, for containing grain. 


Sea $ Read séng: a vessel for containing © 
Sea RES Read séng: a bamboo vessel, for 
im holding anything. 

a knife; to shave off. 

all Read séak : to scrape anything with 


Stah Read séak: tin; séak kwan, $B BE 
séah kwan, a tin pot. 

x Read sék: a mat, a table, a feast ; 

Séih yéén sék, Fis i yéén sedth, a 

feast, an entertainment. 

Séth * The name of a fish. 


scrape with a knife; séak téy, 

4A) HU, , to cut off territory. 

When the princes of the empire neglected waiting 

Aly | Kwat séak, ral fil) kwah séah, to 

Also, weak. 

on the sovereign, for the first offense, they were de- 
graded in rank, and (chaé put teAou, séak thoé téy 
yé4, FR. 7 Fi) Ail a Hh it koh w™ tedou 
hee"S chéw kwah séak thoé téy yéd,) when they 
neglected it a second time, they were deprived of 

a part of their territory. 

To consider clean, to account pure, 
Séak Jz Put gno séak 6, FR aK ie yy 
b6 léth gwd chd cl’heng h’he 
séo"8, not considering me pure and clean; see the 
iF £8 Se keng. 
To melt metals; used also metaphori- 

Séak cally. 

Séak kim pek yit, ie A> 
can yé6"9 kim chit payh yit tang, they melted gold 
to the amount of 100 yit’s in weight ; see the sp 

BL, Soo ke. 

Séak To burn brightly ; a bright light. 

A fe séo chai"8; to strive toge- 

aR Mutual, together with ; séang cheng, 
Séang I 


Séang k’hip é téung téng, * yr WA th fe 

séo k’hadu té téung téng, they wept together in the 
midst of the house; see 7 F Béng choo. 

A chamber on the side of a dwelling ; 
Séang ja an antechamber. 

T’haé gwat sey séang hay, géng 
hong hoé pwan k’hae, {¥ A py ii ab ja 
p24 PF +P Bel téng Uhaé giéyh té sae séo"® ay, 
ged cheéh hong wod moot"S pw"d Rhawouy, wait for 

the moon under the western antechamber ; welcome 

the wind with the door half open. 

Séang ’ BH name of a river. 

Séang Vulg. séo"& : a box, a trunk, a cof- 
fer; a granary. 

Séang Sho of a light yellow color. 
To wound, to injure; to wound the 
Séang feelings, to grieve. 
Ae jé put séang, i if xy % 

ae jé béy séang, grieved without being wounded; see - 
. the it ai Lin gé. Séang hae, ff =, to injure. 
A superabundance of water; inun- 
Séang dating, overflowing. 
Hong say séang séang, pt aK 
ws Yi twa chiy séang séang, the inundation was 
overwhelming ; see the aE ih Geaou téén, 


Séan To die at an early age; to die before 
6 the age of puberty. 


Séang A wine cup, a vessel for drinking 

wine out of. 

A merchant; séang léang, is E 
soo né6"8, to, deliberate,to consult. 
Sod, long, kong, séang, + a 
fi Chak cl’hityh, choh ch’hin, chd kang, seng 
lé, the scholar, the husbandman, the mechanic, and 

merchant; (the four classes of people among the 

Séang B>.,, ancient form of the above. 
Séang , assist, to help. 
Séeang \ A horse going swiftly. 
= = 
Séang : A hook, a military weapon. 
Séang By Hasty, quick. 
7s ye Vulg. sé6"S : to reward, to admire, 
Séang to express admiration. 
Kam sé4ng, as A, to look at, 

and admire; gw4n sé4ng, BL A, to stay the mind 
on in wonder and admiration ; séang sod, 4 Wy, 

to confer, as a reward, 

Séang séén hwat ok, "EL H Ze ay EB Ae sé6"S ho 
hwat p’ha®é, to reward the good, and punish the bad. 

Vulg. chéo"S: to ascend, to go up; 

to exalt. 
Léén poé é sé4ng, Bd yy 
_E, séo swa poe é chéo"S, to ascend with successive 

steps ; see the yi HH fe Léy k*héuk léy. 

Ge séang, ff Be, hé seo"8, dried 





to think, to reflect. 

Séang AH Bong séang héén soo, Bb *a 
wa) & +E bang sé0"S gabu dy 
Chak chW’hayh lang, to think and dream of clever 




Vulg. séa"8 : 

To look at, to survey; to assist, to 
help ; an assistant. 
K’han séang, *A kw"a séang 
to look at a person’s countenance, and to judge by 

the lines and marks in it of his future destiny. 
Chaé séang, ae HA, a prime minister. 

Séang chaé jé sit, AA] FE FR SE Wino té le by 

ch’hod, to take a survey of your house. A surname. 


To enter school; a school, a semina- 
Kin séAng sé che kadu, 2B FE 

52 as He kin sin sé4ng sé dy kd, be careful of 
the instructions in the schools; see Th F Beng 


Séang ) 
“Kok kay chéang hin pit yew 

cng sane fl] HH as ATL 

kok kay chéang biéyh hin k’hé, pit té6h woo h6 dy 

Kit séang, 2 , alucky omen, a 


favorable ‘tiated 

sé4ng, when a country is about to flourish there will 

certainly be some good omens; see the Hh i 

Téung ying. 
whe WP Séang sty, ae Au minute, the 
rr —= 
Séang = particular minutiz ‘of anything. 

v E put ké ké séang, E AN Ae 

at é keng bey ke e dy séing sty, we have al- 


ready forgotten the particulars. 
wards and forwards. 

Séang a4 
Sek soo ké é, séAng jé hoé chip, 
BY RR INT Be Ge be ting ty 

To fly round about, to fly back- | 

sek, e chew k’hé, kadu pwuy laé pwuy Whe, jéén aou 

kdh chip, birds, on seeing the faces of men, get up; An appearance, a form; alike. Vulg. 
but when they have flown about a little, they after- | Séang cWhéo"S: an elephant. 

wards collect again; see the aan ny Lin gé. 
To taste, to try the taste of anything. 
Séén hoo p’hin sé4ng sit, dng naé 

ca Fe 
2 sit, JE Fe tin FF RTS 

AE ché poor”® dy ling chedou phin liy ch’he cheah, 
éng chéw chédh, the cook must first taste of every 
sort of food, after which the king eats; see the isl 

iffa Chew ley. 

res 7, try, to taste; the same as the 


- ~ A, sting ko6, everlasting. 

Tong chéng yéw Be i if A tang chéng 

#06 sédng, to be constant and regular in one *s busi- 

= preceding. 
Pe "Spear perpetual, constantly, al- 

Ih a surname; séAng kéw, 

ness and recreations. 
Gnoé séang, t te goé sédng, the five constant 
virtues; (which are, according to the Chinese, bene- 

volence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and truth.) 

shite pons garment; € séang, BR BE yin 

ché6"9, clothes, apparel. 

Up, upon, above, that which is above ; 

Séang high; vulg. chéo"8: to ascend. 
Chaé séang way put léng hay, 
FE fit FR WE BR #2 tng din diy ling 66 
Khe léng t# hay téy dy lang, let not those in supe- 

rior stations despise those who are beneath them ; 

see the Ff lf Téung yang. 
Séang kwan, od S, a double surname. 

 Péang — The same as the above, 


K’hé séang, A, R. manner, 

constitution ; héng séang JZ R, form, substance. 

K’hé hoe pa sae séang jé wan che, IC JR 94 ne 
Re fil al a kw" é hoé pa sae ch’héo"8, jé hoe 

e hwuit", to drive away the tigers, leopards, rhino- 

ceroses, and elephants, in order to remove them toa 
distance; see <4 F- Beng choo, 

Séang Asp Alike; chéng a E AR ch’hin 

chéo"&, just like, like as. 

Séang AB same as the above. 

We? emulate, to esteem highly ; te add 
to, to come over; still, yet, even, 
= if; hé séang, i fe} hoéy séo"€, 

a priest of the sect of Budha. 


Séang se, fil es sé0"8 se, a president of one of 
the principal boards, 

Kwun.chod gé,é why séang, ba +: E +} 
Ve fj hwun cho6 lédh gé chd Uhang séang, the 
good man considers righteousness worthy of his 

imitation ; see the Am att Lin gé. 

Ch’ho séang che hong pit tyes, es f"] rd ja 
Ny {le ch’habu kay hong (é téng bin tek hak té, 
when grass is acted wae by the wind, it bends 

A surname. 

down; see the i io F Lin gé. 
To exhaust, to finish, to diminish ; 
«| % 
to melt away; seaou sit, 4 B. 

Seaou Ae 
news, intelligence. 
Peng tong seaou sek, YK aii ifi AE se"S kéen 

tang éy seaou yé6"9, ice and frost can dissolve and 
melt away. 

eats Seaou jéen, (fy 
the harp, 

(fy BE the sound of 

Seaou A kind of silk.or satin. 
» os 
The night, evening, obscure; gwan 
Seaou seaou,’ Jt ay, the evening of 

the 15th day of the 1st moon, 

commonly called the feast of lanterns. 

Swan seaou, ie i. a headache ; 

Seaou V seaou k’hat, bY 1h, a kind of 
A pain in the head, and languor in 
Seaou the limbs. 

Hay seaou, f° , an involun- 

tary emission of semen. 

Yin seaou, En &, the upper region 
Seaou 4 

of the clouds; the name of a 
Seaou 4 

r a) 
Seaou 2 

F 36 

an excursion of pleasure on the river; see the fa 
jal Téng hong. 

> Song seaou, Re. iA, an insect 
Seaou iP found on the mulberry tree. 
Haé p’heaou seaou, Vii ih if), 

the bone of the cuttle fish, which is used as medicine. 

Chin sew t’héen hay peng, seaou 

B éwiy chéung ké, A Wy RK 
- fe a4 WJ fs $B RR Chin sew Vhee"& 

ay dy peng to yéo"S chd cheng ke, the Chin dy- 


A cramp in the legs; keak kin seaou, 

BS fh 2) K’ha kin seaou, the 


yb >» . 
Seaou yaéu, Ma) Yi, easy, at leisure, 
satisfied, contented. 

H6 séang hoé seaou yadu, ny Oi 
té kdng chity téng seaou yaéu, taking 

To fuse metals, to melt any metal. 


nasty collected all the military weapons throughout 
the empire and melted them down into implements 

of music and husbandry. 



Seaou ay 

‘SEAOU ie 


Seaou ys To dry anything at-the fires” dry. 

> . 

San seaou, yy BH, a ghost with one. 

Yéém seaou, Na Ril, saltpetre ; 
Seaou Ap seaou yéak, Ae] EH seaou,yéoh, 
gunpowder. F 
Seaou ‘ leg, which is said to haunt the dis- 
trict of J )}} , E’heng-chew. 

vera Seaou séang, ja HHI the name of a 
river; a storm of wind and rain. 

A musical instrument; a pipe; 

ch’huy seaou, We sit ch’ hoey 

seaou, to play on the pipe. 

bp 4 The small end of a bow. 




Seaou = A kind ofreed. A surname. 

Seaou } The sound of fluttering wings. 
oo Vulg. séo: to burn; h®0 seaou, KK 

Seaou Eb ie hiéy séo, the fire burns. 

Téiing hay bod seaou hoey, tp 

8 Et: Ik IK téing hay u™ thang séo heey, 

in the middle month of summer do not burn lime ; 
see the fiz A 4y Léy gwat léng. 

Read cheaou: the fire burning any- 

thing black ; 

¥d¥% Sam cheaou h%, = «6 K 

s"a seaou hdéy, three flames of fire. 

Seaou also, to roast. 

Vulg. sty: small, minute, diminu- 
tive; séo kwd, a little. 
Se4ou jin, > XK , 2 worthless 

man, a little minded fellow. 

eth ‘SEAOU 

Seiou taé yéw che, sh kk es re sey so6 twa 
so6*t’hin e, both small and great affairs are arrang- 
ed according to this (viz. harmony); see the Sal te 
‘Séang lan. 

> * Little, not much; few, scarce, not 
Sééou Ay many. 

But yéw é se4ou why kwily ché4, 

AVY fy meé"Ih woo & ché6 

chd kwiy chéa, there are some things the more valu- 
able for being scarce; see the ie BL, Léy ke. 

Sed $ A small kind of bamboo, a sort of 
e€aou | 
die TOW: 
Seéou isi To sport with wantonly. 
léén, yy a. a young person. 

Seaou AL 

eg Seaou che sé, héet k’he bé téng, 
kaé che chaé sek, /V Ze, te in Sr A TE Wk 

Z AE 6 sey dy sé, hiéyh Phe boey té"a tédh, 
kéng kad chaé sek, in the time of youth, before one’s 
blood and spirits are settled, we should guard against 

vice; see the hi BS Lian gé. 

Youthful, small, few in years ; sedou 

Alike, similar, of the same sort; put 
seaou, Jr #7, unlike ; when ap- 
plied to children, means that they 


are unfilial, i. e. unlike their parents. 
: Not to be able to restrain one’s 
Seaou nee mouth; to rail; also, to blow a 
pipe, in order to sound an alarm. 
Sin seaou, FAN tA. to go about and examine, to 
' patrole. Ham seaou, ig py, the name of a 


_Seaou 4 

Like, alike, similar ; the same as 12) 


Seaou DF A hill éxtremely lofty. 

To scold, to rail ; sedou jin, | we 

Sedou = 
to reproach any one. 


Seaou A sort of congee or rice water. 
Read soé ; an account, a reckoning ; 
Sedou swan sod, i] Bk swui"J sedou, 

to cast up a reckoning; soé bok, 
oh A sedou bak, an account. 

Read tédng: an account; téang 

Sedou p’hoe, he $i sedou p’hoé, an ac- 
count book. 

RB To connect; a name given to the 

Sefou music of oR, Sin, because he 

connected the good government of 

a Gedou. A surname. 

sion 4 

offered to; the line of fathers being called sedou; 

SeAou bok, KY #2, the names gi- 
ven in the ancestorial temple, to 

the successive generations of those 

and that of the sons, bok. 

Also read sedou: to walk in company. 

The male semen. 



Seton To exhort to energy, to urge; also, 
the name of a country ; asurname. — 

To urge; to exert one’s-self. 



To connect, to carry on in succession. ae 

Seaou Seaou hok séen Ong che taé géep; 

na 243 ate 
seaou hok seng dng dy twa géép, to carry on and 
restore the great establishment made by former 

kings; see the pe Ais = Se pwn keng. 

—? Bue My, fo 
A sound, a noise; seéh seth sut sut, 

Seth es oe we WK BY, a little. 

Read chéen: to shake the head, as 


in the palsy; to tremble. 

Sod che han chéen, JY x ge 

wa sd ke kw" seéh, the four limbs shaking with cold. 

Seth isis Séet léém, ye Dan seeh nd, lightning. 
Seth Séet chin, PAB He sevh chw"a, a 
wanton, a lewd woman, a slut. 

Sech | The name of a sacrifice. 

@ Sit sut, WR NES seéh sut, a cricket. 
Ne Sit sut chae tong, sdvy yitké boe, 

IND ee oe fe aE Be EE HE 

seth sut twa te té"9 neé"S kadu neé"S mat"S, when 


the crickets are upon the hearth, the year is about 

to close. 
y us Read séet: the name of acountry ; 
Seth | ae 
a surname, 
Read sit: to eat asa worm doth, to 
Seth consume, to injure, to break in 

Sit pin, fi AS seéh pin, to lose money, to break 
in upon one’s capital, to suffer loss, 

Sit jit, Aah A seth jit, an eclipse of the sun. 




| Séém 


A clever hand, a skillful hand. — 
Séem séem lé séw, k’ho é héng 
B wives BH FAV. 
ee Ls gabu chd dy cha boé dy cWhéw, thang laé 
ping jin ché6"8, a clever seamstress can be employ- 
ed in stitching the clothes; see the HP ER Giéy 


> Small, minute; finely-wove silk ; 

Séem i 7 
f séem bé, iy Gik minute, 
Stem bes Mountain leeks, of a small kind; 
+ small minute. 
: A fever; Chéy hoé kaé siy séem, 
Séem We fie HE Ie Chéy hoe 

sai"S kay, siy kw"d jwah, the 
prince of the Chéy country had a scrofulous disor- 

der, which afterwards turned inte a fever; see the 

Fe (ea Cho twan. 

Séem A sharp instrument ; sharp, 
Skillful in debate, wrangling; cut- 
Séem ting in one’s conversation. 

Bod né-é séem jin, 4 Ne a 

iy A; don’t be intimate with wranglers. 

To séem, wie FA to ayoid, tu get 
out of the way. 

‘Séém péen, FA ee séém pees, 

to start on one side. 

The name of a state; séém sey, We 

Séém : 
BS, one of the provinces of China. 

Ky Sharp, sharp pointed 5 to scrape; 



also, luminous. 


$éém 4B To loose, to dissolve ; to scrape. 

The roof of a house; the head ofa 

beam; one of the radicals. 

Séem ine sim: water about to flow out. 

xz 3 Séém @, ie Pe 
Séém wb = which is said to 

spots on its belly. 


a kind of toad, 

have eight red 

palaces of the 

fe chit séém 

Séém keung, ie es one of the 
moon. Yit séém téang, — 

té"9, a fathom long. 



To give charitably ; to supply wants, 

to lend; hasty, sufficient. 
AY A Ch’hoo wily kéw sod, jé k’heting 
put séem, JP ME Kk W. fu 7% A We 
chéy ley tak tok kew s06, 76 ké"a ne b6 kadu, this 

merely to prevent death, would perhaps not be suf- 
ficient ; see {}, —J- Béng choo. 

The light of the sun rising up ; seem 

16, 86 HE, Siam. 

Séém Sng sod séang, Seem lé soo 

no séang, 338 7E fi] KE] FA Fn fh] 

Séam dy éng ch’hé ch’ héo"S, Séem dy cha boé ch’hé 
hiéy séo", the king of Siam feeds elephants, but 



the women of Siam feed priests. 

A fairy, a sylvan deity, an elf, a 
genius; sin séen, ne Ah, an 
angel; chd séen, Mtl ly, to be- 

come a fairy. Also, a surname. 

Séng jin put soo séen, HB aM AN fit Ay séng 

jin bé bh chd séen, “ philosophers do not aim to be- 
said by + IME YAng-hé (ing. 




come fairies ; 



, Ah 
Séen AW The name of a grass. 

J The same as (lh, séen, a fairy ; also 

Séen to frisk and gambol about, when 
tipsy ; also written (2 séen. 

Before, first, previously ; to precede ; 

Séen to go before. Séen seng, Ke dE 

sinsai"9, ateacher, an elder born- 
Tan séen teng gan, at He NE + Fr kong 
taé seng chéd"S té hw”a, it is said that he (Ban 6ng 
first ascended the bank ; (i, e. made the greatest pro- 
gress in virtue ;) see the Ik Vit Taé gnay. 
Jin chéa séen Jan, jé hoe hék, AS: 71 JE iid 
i 4h rea jin dy ling taé seng sé0"8 té kan lin, 
jéén cou te shy tit tédoh, the benevolent man thinks 

first of the difficulties, and then of the advantages ; 

= a = 
see the Fay 54 Lian gé. 

Vulg. ch’hec"J: fresh, of a good co- 
Séen = lor, new; good, excellent. 
bdd» Sek pit yang séen, ir i> ji} 

fief: ta dy bah pit (éoh yung ch’hee"& dy, dried meat 

should be used in sacrifice when it is fresh. 

The same as the above; séen gé, 

f=} ij 6, cl? heetS he, fresh fish. 

The smell of mutton; also written 

Séen eo Eire séen. 

Read séw: rust, the rust of iron; 
Séen te seng stw, E Gia sai"S séen, to 
become rusty; théet sew, Bk Bes 

t’heéh séen, the rust of iron. 

Vulg. séy: to wash, to cleanse, to 

Sén  Y 

Sang jin é ch’hoo séén sim, He 

LM y} WW i Ny sing jin Uh6 chéy léy séy 


sim kw"a, the sages make use of this wherewith to 

cleanse their minds ; see the 9, uy ait Ek héy so6. |. - 

KP Vulg. ch’héng : a duster, to dust any- 

thing; key m6 séén, A = He. 

hey mé ch’héng, a duster made of 


Barefoot; séén chéuk, RE via 

fowl’s feathers. 
Séen 3 cl’héah k’ha, naked feet. 
Jédk séén, hwut sd téey, k’hwat 

german es: ak pp: = 
chéuk ying séang, 7 PE vf Ww Hh Wik jE 
FA {fj na clea Wha b6 Whoa te téy, & dy 
Kha €y tébh séang,if we walk barefoot without look- 

ing at the ground, our feet may be wounded; see 

the a =p fit Se wat béng. 

Séén sth hair or feathers of birds and 
beasts growing again. ; 

A scrofulous complaint; the same | 

Seen as ii séén. 
Séén Bright, and highly polished metal ; 
a small chisel. 
Séén a3} 8 Hlastiness of mind, accompanied 
wiry With fear. g 
Séén We? Wan séén, Ne {8 the appearance 
of moving ; elegant motion. 
i Searce few, seldom; the same as 
Séén =KN ict } 
} y fe :éen, 
» To wash out, to wash away a stain, 
Séén y to wipe off a reproach. 
Gwan pé soo ché4 yit séén che, 

hil Ww % in rel Z, guan boéyh PWhey 

sé dy lang chit dy séy ch’heng K’he, 1 wish for the 


+o 8 

sake of those who are dead, to wipe off this reproach ; 
see ni -F: Béng choo. 

Scurf, a scrofulous disorder; seng” 

séén, HE Fick sai"® séén, to get 

the scurvy, to have a breaking out. 

Seen p= T’hae séén, 4 Hee, a sort of moss, 
moss on walls. 
bo . 

Séén i K’haou gan léng sek, séén @ jin, 

ml war BRE 

cl’hdng hé ¢ dy wa, jé shy e dy bin sek, ché6 woo jin, 

Sén J 

Seldom, few, scarce. 

those who render-their countenance and conversa- 

tion smooth and agreeable have seldom any share of 

irtue: = 3H La 
virtue; seethe Fi Git Lin gé. 

Séén RR A fire in the wilderness. 


Séén ya scarce; the same as #8, séén. 

Séén To kill; the autumnal hunt. . 

# Vulg. se2"8: a fan; bain séén, fj 

Séén wR a moot"9 seé"8, the leaf of @ 

Sdn chok gncé béng séén, Get HE a AA Zz 

Sta chd goé béng dy see"&, Sin invented the five 

clearness fan. 

Séén if LY 


To fan the flame, to make the fire 

blaze; a biazing appearance. 

Séén To move, to waive, as a fan; to fan. 




Séén — 
7) oe yéem bay, to ie a horse. 


2 gas iw ~ bg of fire; the same as i 

To precede, to go before, to walk in 
; Séén front. 

Chit héng séén té4ng ché4, way 
che put téy, Phe FF 4E fe 7 ae aH a nA fj 
mai"Sh ké"d taé seng s? twa chéd, king uw” hé chd 
8é6 té, to walk quickly in front of a superior is not 

to act the part ofa good younger brother; see ri 
F Béng choo, 


Séén A thread, a line, a Connecting line. 
Vulg. sw"d: a thread; chim séén, 
Séén on &t gre chéem sw"'d, a needle and 
, \ thread. 
jp, Read sin: to believe; gn put sin, 
p 5 Ay fe eeeen st will 
not believe. 

E —pp Still, retired, private -caagome rtd to 

Séén be absorbed in thought ; cho séén, 

Te ye we chéy séén, to sit in a me- 

ditating posture, as is customary with the priests of 

yw Séén 6, feo) +, a name given to 

the northern Tartars; a-double 



Sse Wigs kwan, iB HY} elegant, beauti- 

Way Vulg. dm koe chéy : a kind of beetle, 
the dorr beetle; a cockchaffer; a 
kind of cricket. 



To geld, to castrate; séén ma, Ey 

a 6ng hoé hwin sod, se pédn why séén, aig 

= kh ZB ney i P igh iy pp Chéy éng dy 
bot sim hoéy toh kadu sé, sin se pee"S chd dm koe 
chéy, the queen of the ruler of the Chéy country 

died from vexation, when her corpse was metamor- 

phosed into a cockchaffer. 

A form, a manner; séén hoéy, fe 

Séén tf) Ap), to walk backwards and for- 
| Fi wards, without being able to ad- 

Good, virtuous, excellent, mild, gen- 
Séén tle, moral; virtue, goodness. Much. 


Pe 4 T’héen 10 hok séén ho yim, RK 
fi 2S WE PEE hee"S dy t6 lé kang hok Khe 
at y 4 
té hé dy, jé ho hwan té yim lwan dy, the way of Pro- 

vidence is to send down happiness on the good, and 

misery on the wanton; see the = & a Se 

Vhong ho. 

An elegant form, a fine manner. 


2. Pek séén vhot, Fy $3 +, a kind 
of white clay. Also written Fe 


Prepared food; chin séen, HE JRE. 
Séen to present food to a superior. 
Ké léng taé kwan, kwan séén séng 

chaé, a= aes i FB is e kath twa 

kw"a, kwan k’h2 séén bah yew sai"S that meé"Bh, 
he ordered the great officers to retrench the quantity 



Séén z 


of prepared food, and to spare the slaughtering of 
animals; see the 2 a G 3b Han swan téy ke, 

w2 To make up for, to repair; to mend; 

séén léng a6, $i ta [BI poe k"a 

YF ss P hoo, to repair the prisons; see the 
ig A Ay Léy gwat léng. 



v The name of a fish, or eel, like a 

Séén a snake, without scales, and always 

PYy)) J 
fap, séen. 

Sen 2: flat level place before an altar, 

covered with slime. Also written 

where people sacrifice. 

The same as the above; when a 

place is built up of earth, it is call- 

oa a eee oe 
Séén m 
ed #, hong, but when the soil 

is cleared away to forma level, it is called jie 

séén. ‘To change, to transfer from one to another. 

BY sein hoo, 

seen FD 
Séén 3 oh The burning of fire. 

2 To have one’s own way; to act ac- 
Séén A) 

pA aw 
The same as - séén. 

Vy OK, the name ofa 

city in the B Loé country. 

cording to one’s own inclinations ; 

to obtain sole rule and authority. 

a “The same as the preceding; séén 

Séén A kok che way ong, HH MZ 

FH - choo chwan té kok kong 
kéd éng, to have one’s own way in a country is call- 

ed being a king. 

Dry; fire burning strongly; to re- 




Soe Read choo: as ch’ho choo, ca % 
cl’habu see"9, a straw matrass. 


‘Read séén: a fan; bin séén, ia] 
S q Fyjmoot”9 see"S, the leaf of a 



Jéét vbéen yang sédn, BE FL FA A jwah heer’ 

ying se?8, in warm weather people use fans. 

zz = cm A pickle; kim lam seé"8, BX ay 

See"S EE BE kdn nd seé"8, a preparation of 

pickled olives. 

2 ee FB Toe see"8, B. u tadu see"8,a 
Se2"S ¥ preparation of pickled pulse. 
To pickle anything, to put it in 

Rough, not smooth; also, a rough, 

seep Aik 

sour, kind of taste. 

Séep ne Hard, firm. 
Stiep WIE... séep, Fa iit. ashamed; diffi- 
cult, hard to turn. 
Séep ¢, séep sé hoé, a slight 
Séep shower; séep sé kan, & IEF ioe 
; the time of a shower of rain. 
= To join together, to unite several 
Séep offices in one. Also read léep: to 
bes receive, to assist. 
Séep To speak much; séep sé, Be ve, 
to flatter any one. 

Rr To wade across the water. 
» . 
Séep Vy % K’héen séang séép Chin, i Age 
De PR wheen jin cheonS ledou 

kody Chin chiry, to pull up one’s clothes to wade 
across the Chin waters ; see the pal Ee Téng hong. 

Séeép sé, PE 3é, to draw out the 
reeds or stalks of grass, used in 




To be bewitched; kway kwaé séép 

bey, WR PE He SK, to be co- 

zened and bewitched by ghosts 


and hobgoblins. 

Séet Ab be extravagant ; to remove. 

: To let out; hwat séet, ie ut, to 

Séet vit display ; séet séa, ig, to act 
as a purge. 

Kwily ch’hun che gwat, yang k’hé hwat séet, As 

a oe | BE A BE Ft toty chun ay 

giéyh, yang dy kh? chéw hwat séet, in the latter 

month of spring, the procreative principle of nature 

begins to be displayed; see the ig A AY Léy 
gwat léng. 

A horse’s bridle, anything by which 

Séet a horse or a cow is tied; a long 
’ rope. 

Séet The same as 73, séet, a dysentery ; 
séet séa, Hie a. to purge. 

Séet A surname. Also, the same as the | 

+7 The name ofa man, who was an 

Séet ie wa officer in the court of zz, Geaou, 

and the ancestor of Ww Py, Séang 
Séet A small voice, a whisper, a groan, 
? wD ahum. Also written NA, séet. 
To bind; bonds. 
Séet Suy chaé Ifly séet che téung, hwuy 

AA | ko chisy yes, HE FE ah 
Zz rh IF Aim JF HL, suy twa 2 My séet dy 

tang e"8, i sé ¢ dy choéy, although he was in the 



midst of bonds and imprisonments, it was not his 
fault ; see the Fal =H Lan gé. 

A man’s name; also a surname. 

Loé séet, } te 3 ladu séet, to leak 

out, to let out a secret. 

Séet ) 
Chin hé haé, jé put séet, dix Py 
fy ti rs 7B chin stw hé haé dy chity, jé bey 

hoé e séet ladu, (the earth) holds the rivers and seas, 
without allowing them to leak out; see the ip it 
Téung ying. 

To purge; séet séa che chit, B 

WIL HE ladu séd dy pai", 

a dysentery ; a looseness of the 



He nin BB to harmonize; also 
written 9 , S€et. 

Séet The sound of anything breaking. 
To be familiar with, to despise, to 
| Séet defile. 

Taé sin put séet, k Fa AS a 

twa jin stn i Vhang séet ban, do not despise great 


The felt worn in shoes. 


i To burn, to set fire to, to consume ; 

Séet also written th, séet. 
Private, a private dress, common ap- 
Séet parel; familiar, free; séet tok, 
Ei] Ai. to despise, to revile, to 

Hong choo put é wiy séet hok, fr HE HV 


FB, BE VAR ang choo b6 biéyh ch’hing chd sac 
k’héa dy yin ché6"8, he would not wear a red or 

crimson color for his private dress; said of Con- 
fucius in the ant ab Linrgé. 

: alee 
Séet Be kind of sedge grass, the Cyperus 

genus, Vulg. seéh: a surname. 

Jt, To appoint, to arrange, to establish, 
Séet 2 

>. & to set up. 
Séet wiy séang sé hak hadu é 

kadu che, ay fa FE ir B. px Y a Z 

séet chd séang sé bh hadu é kde, and then appointed 

schools and seminaries of instruction to teach the 

people; see nn F- Béng choo, 

Séet oy A A kind of fragrant grass. 

R The tongue; k’hoé séet, a f 

Séet cl’hity cheéh, the tongue of the 
me mouth, 

Bok bin tim séét, gan put k’ho sé é, i Py WR 

Ww = AY Py i Re b6 ling tai"S gwd dy 

cheéh, na sé kéng wa u™ thang-lam sém cW’hut, 

nobody holds our tongue, and yet our words should 

not disorderly escape us; see the K AE Taé gnay. 


To tan leather, to curry leather ; 

séét lé, we iit the name of a 


Séet pA) The same as the above. 


vs Formerly, before, previously ; sek jit, 
Sek y H , ona former day. 

=| Sek chéa, yéw yé4 bfin choo hoo 
choo, & FH th, fi] AN KR F- cha sé, 
gwé woo Ché"a kap hoo cho6, formerly 1 heard it 

from our master; see the am pe Lin gé. 



HW To pity, to feel for, to commiserate ; 
Sek iT k’ho sek, BY I, alas !- alas! 
A Sek hoé! hoo choo che gé kwun 

choo yee Bt PAF LA FY 

Wh6 sek hoe ! hoo cho6 lé dy kong sé ch’hin chéo"Y 
kwun cho6, alas! what you say is like the speech of 
a good man, (but you err in altogether rejecting ele- 

gance;) see the ah =a Lin gé. 

Sek fee flesh. 

HE vale. chéoh: dry, anything dried ; 

Sek ai cut off, to amputate. 

The countenance, color, beauty, 
e ’ a . wi 
lust; ch’haé sek, K f&, varie 

gated colors; h®0 sek, LF , 
to be addicted to venery. 

Chéng gan sek, soo kin sin é, rE fA res Hy 
iT {5 TR ché"a ldn dy gan sek, chéy léy chéw 
kin sin 2, adjust the countenance properly, and then 


the same as the above. 

you will induce faithful men to draw near ; see the 
an A Lin gé. 

Sek 4 ee Tek sek, 475 NR, vicious, wicked. 
Sek TR sek, Hi #8, to feel. 

To seek, to search for, to require, t 

take ; lek sek, i] ize to extort 

money. Vulg. soh: acord, a rope. 


A surname. 

Sek sit k’he ék, BR Se ik HE cl’hiey ch’hod 


kw"d wun yéah, to search the house and drive out 
noxious influences; see the ii isd Chew léy. 

Sek ~ To boil rice with plenty of water. 

» Aen hoo, ae F, a field laborer, 

a husbandman ; hard, to covet. 

The same as the above; also, a 

fe) surname. 
Kay sek, Fa Ri: husbandry, tillage, 
Sek farming ; a barn floor. Anciently 

written 4G ‘ sek, 

Put kay put sek, hoé ch’hé hé sam pek ek héy, 


i” kay w™ sek, bigyh an chw"d cy k’hédbh téw s"a 
payh ek, without tillage and husbandry, how could 

we Obtain three hundred million bundles of corn; 

see the Hf pic Goéy hong. 
Sek at) To pierce, to stab. 

py Lamentation, grief. 

Sek R 
ir AE. be enraged, to hate; to be vexed, 
To split wood, to divide; a surname ; 
also written Hr, sek, 


: Sek sin j@ che hd? hwuy ho6 put 

oe et eae ee 

p’lwa ch’hd an chw"d? b6 poo Uhabu béy yé"d, in 

splitting firewood how shall we manage? without an 

ax we shall never succeed ; see the i biG Chéy 



7 Pp A white color. 

Ars. distinguish clearly. 

Sek bé, iii K, to wash rice before 
boiling, to rinse rice. 
K’hong-choo che k’hé Chéy, 

chéep sek jé héng, 4L ¥ Z. Je fF E : 

Wi ii) Fh K'Aong-chos dy Wh2 Chéy kok, chéep 
sek bé jé ké"4, when Confucius left the Chéy coun- 

try, he (was in such a hurry, that his disciples) took 

Sek > 

up the rice with the water in which it was washed, 

and went away (without waiting to boil it); see 
ra -f- Béng choo. 

Sek sek, Bir Db, the chirping of 

A kind of guitar; k’him sek, ye 
Sek ee a harp and guitar. 

t Koé sek he, k’héen jé, BY FF 
Ai ris re phih koé tw"a sek hadu he, sé"a yéd 
tit héen jé, when the drum and guitar have ceased 

© to be played upon, there still remains a humming 

sound ; see the an at Lin gé. 

’ Y 
Sek The remains of a slight shower ; also 

written ih sek. 
SK Sew sek, ry fii, the ornaments of 
Sek the head. Chong sek, ae a 
che"& ¢”d,to ornament, and adorn. 
Sew sek, ies fii, to adorn, to deco- 

Sek rate. 

Héng jin Choo-é sew sek che, 

RM =< Ae Pi Z héng jin dy kw"a, 


Cho6-é sew sek e dy btn, the traveling officer Choo- 
é polished and improved (the style of the docu- 
ments); see the zm 52 Lin gé. 

Vulg. séah: tin; sek kwan, fe v4 
ys séah kwan,a tin pot; also, to be- 

T’héen naé sek 6ng té ying, K J4 (5) += 4B 

B Uhee"& naé sod hoé dng t2 hwd ying, heaven has 
bestowed upon the king wisdom and courage ; see the 

irl if Séang se. 


Sek Fine cloth. 
Sek The sun not shining. 
Sek Yj Sek sek, Wy Dit. the chirping of 
Sek hwut, i 2, suddenly ; the 
Sek j appearance of a dog running 
Sek The same as the above. 
The sting-of a bee ; the pain produc- 
Sek ed by a sting. 

Choo kéw sin sek, A a aE 

aE ka té kéw.sin k’hoé kwa p’hang téng, to draw on 

one’s self stings and reproaches; see the fa Ne 

Chew séiing. 

Vulg. @hat; 
obstruct ; to fill. 

to stop up, to dam, to 
Kim maéu sek choo che sim é, 
& +} Fe y- ee Ny RR t"a hi”™ & cl’habu 
woo t’hat téoh lé dy sim kw"a, now grass and weeds 
have stopped up the entrance to your mind; see ta 

F Béng choo. 


Ch’héung sek jin gé, FE ae # * cWhéung 

mw" dé jin gé, filled and replenished with benevolence 

and righteousness. 

— A shoe, a slipper; a double soled 

pyre shoe. 
Sek gi A woman’s name. 
Sek To wash rice. 
To loose, to let go, to release, to dis- 
Sek solve, to explain. 

Sek Ké-choo séw, ie aE 3 

IN pang Ké-chod dy séw, he released Ké-choo from 
his confinement 3 see the Al Le Chew se. 
Hwan jéén peng sek, i. PR us yk ee hwan jéén 
se" yé6"8, melting away the ice dissolved; said by 
Fe F- Téng choo. 

To go to, to proceed towards, to 


meet with; self-satisfied. 

Choo sek Wéey, “f- 4 fi 
hoo cho6 k’h? kadu Woéy kok, Confucius went to the 
Woéy country ; see the aM Fo Lan gé. 

Sek gno gwan héy! i ae ii Ay sek mo” 

gwd dy gwan! how fully satisfied are my desires ! 

see the ceil jal Téng hong. 

= Vulg. ch’he@"9: a wooden instru- 

Sek 3 
ment, by which to diyine ; a mould, 
Zu Vulg. sat: a louse; bok sek, IK a 
Sek bak sat, a bug. 

Give Kap téw seng ké sek, FA 4 i 
itl oy kah téw sai"8 ké sat, his helmet and armor 
(from long wear) bred vermin, | 


Sek cH The common form of the preceding. 

Sek Full, complete; a red color. 

Bou P’hwat sek, #28 HE AR, a coarse rough 
garment, to keep out the rain. 

x Vulg. chéoh: a stone ; sék vhoé, ia} 

Sék G PH chédh t’hadu, a large stone; 

also, a measure of about 10 pecks, 
or 133 pounds weight. 

Kim hoo san, yit kw4n sék che to, =) YF iy =e 
Fi 73) rg 4 ta chéy léy sw'a chit kwut"S 
chéoh dy chéy, now a hill consists of but a lump of 
stones; see the rf Fi Téung yung. A surname. 
Ké sék? Me Ay kwhy chédh? how many bushels? 

Sek A barren woman; sék thae, i 
HA, a barren womb. 

Great, large; bok te ké bedou che 

Sek Ag why Sn HOHE Zw 
b6 ling chae e katé dy téw dy 

sai" twa, no one perceives how tall his own corn 
grows; (i. e, no one is aware of his own mercies;) 

see the 58 oe Taé hak. 

The evening, dusk, the close of the 
day. Teaou sék sin hwan, is} 

4 nis Hh cha RhE mat"Y 

hwui"S séo swa pay boé dy hw"a hé, morning and 
evening keep up your parents’ joy, (by waiting on 
them incessantly ;) see the i jy bl) Léy loey 

‘ . - The tide of the sea; the morning 
Sek o tide is called i, tedou, and the 
evening one vy, sék. 




Vulg. ch’héoh: 

feast ; a surname. 

Sék put chéng put cho, ji ns 
iE Ay AK ci’hésh a™ s2 ché"d bd boeyh chey, 

if the mat was not spread square and eyen, (Con- 

a mat; a table, a 


fucius) would not sit down upon it. 

Hod sék, th ie. to come to table; sék yéén, Ry 
ie, a feast. 

Great, large. 

Vulg. choh: 
Sék y x to practice archery. 
Ek put sék séuk, =X 7S Ht 4G 
choh chee™S bb biéyh choh té5h hat"Sh chedou, in 
archery, (Confucius) would not shoot at a resting 

bird; see the Ff ae Lin gé. 

J The hollow part of a grave. 

to shoot with an arrow, 

Sek 54 
2 Read sévk: ripe, thoroughly boiled ; 
Stk BL accvstomed to, acquainted with. 

bwwd Kwun sod seng, pit :éuk jé chéén 
che, # i} ig Wy 5 fi By ZL jin kwun 
sdng ch’hai"S dy me" 8h, pit (édh ché sék, jé hadue, 
when a prince presents us with anything raw, we 
should boil it phoroaghly before we offer it in sacri- 

fice ; see the | a ap Lia gé. 

Vulg. sai"J: to be born, to bear, to 
Ae bring forth; alive, living. 
Jin sip gwdt jé seng, dM - 

Fl Th 2b Ung kedu chap giéyh jit chéw sai” 
men are born after a gestation of ten (lunar) months ; 

séen seng, 4: He sin sai"8, elder born, a teacher. 



Sen g The smell of dog’s fat; anything un- 

cooked and raw. 


He seng, fee Wk, a sacrificial ani- 

mal; héuk seng, fp PE Uhéuk 

sai"§, a domestic animal, a brute. 

Bod € kéiing he seng yéa, Sif VJ tk Ise Wi {hh 

boo thang kéung kip he seng, we have nothing 


wherewith to furnish animals for sacrifice; see ta 

> Béng choo. 

A pipe, an instrument of music ; ves- 

sels used in sacrifice. 
Seng ms A rising and overflowing of the wa- 
¥: ters; water deep and wide. 
Seng EY A kind of flying rat, a bat. 

Sister’s children are called goey 
Seng seng, fv MF cousins; a son-in- 
law is also called Bp, seng. 
Téy kwAn seng é jé sit, af Ane By JA BA Ey 
tey séw ké"d sar té e dy séang péng ch’hod, the, 
emperor lodged his son-in-law (Sin) in his two side 
apartments; see the “[¥ a Hay béng. 

Vulg. ch’hai"S: a star, a planet, stars 
Seng in general. 
Yit gwat seng sin héy yéen, H 
Ie Saat ° 
A aa liza wy hy jut goéyh cWhai"S sin hey 

tedou yéen, the sun, moon, and stars are suspended 

(in the firmament); see the rf jit Téung yang. 


Seng L. Intelligent, clever, wise, 
Seng seng, tet PE, an orang outang, 
Seng a beast which is said to be able to 

speak ; a baboon; an ape. Seng 


seng léng gan, put lé é k’him sow, 7 4B fib fk S ben. 

X Bt is 8 BR seng seng éy king wa, yéd sé 

béy 1é é k’him sew, even if the orang outang could 

talk, it would still be nothing better than a brute; see 
the Fl} jf K’héuk ley. 

Vulg. ch’hat”9: to awake, to recov- 
Seng er from the effects of liquor. 
Jin chiy gno seng, A is KK 

(WE lang chd pod chiy, gwd tok tok ch’hat"S, all 

men are drunk, and I alone am sober. 

Vulg. ch’hai"8: raw, undressed, un- 


cooked, unripe, inexperienced. 

Seng hwin, Aa Sy ch’ hai®S 

hwiin, unacquainted with, not familiar. 

Seng ae Raw fish. 
Seng ye name of a river. 


Seng : i The ancient form of ee, seng, @ star. 

Sei To ascend; like the rising of the 
- sun; to exalt, to elevate. 

To ascend, to advance. Vulg. chin: 
a measure, the tenth part ofa peck. 
Hoo choo che put k’ho kip yea, 

yéw théen che put k’ho kae jé seng yéa, F + 


i Ft 4h, hoo choo dy bé hang kip yea, ch’hin 

chéo"S thee™S dy b6 thang cl’hing gim kay jé 


chéo"& yéd, our master (Confucius) is not to be 
equaled, just as heaven is not to be scaled by lad- 
ders; see the 2m ae Lin gé. 

_ Seng kang, FI- lee, to ascend and descend. 

The rising of the sun ; to arise, to as- 

cend ; tranquil, peaceful. 

Jé jit che seng, yp H rg F- 

cWhin chéo"9 jit Vhabu dy Whé, like the rising of 

~ the sun. 


se pu Vulg. se"a: a voice, a noise; seng 
FE yim, jek ry sé"a yim, a sound ; 

béng seng, A, ii? a mé"é sé”a, 
fame, report. Also written ja | seng. 

Tong seng séang éng, | Pa #8 HE tang sé"a 

séo yin, those who are of a similar speech can an- 


swer one another. 

Seng Luxuriant herbage, abundant foliage. 

Seng ké, WE Fie, a fag, a standard 5 

Seng seng pedou, 03 KR, to denote 
anything by signals. 

# aD» Séng ch’hat, G HE, to examine, to 

Séng inspect; séng k’héém, 4 {> 

EJ sai"S k’héém, to spare, to be par- 
simonious ; séng séng, q DK sat"9 sé"é, the capi- 
tal city of a province. 

Goé jit sam séng goé sin, ney =| = a de ao 
gwd tak jit "a hang séng ch’hat gwd dy hin sin, I 
daily examine myself in three particulars; see the 

is ain Séang lin. 


Séng Straight; also, long. 
Séng > Thin, meagre. 

Vulg. ch’hat"S : to awake from li- 
Séng quor, to awake from sleep. 

Séng é ko téik Choo-hwan, jap 

VIE RF AR bade etrhats chew #6 kaow 


é& Kha jéuk Cho6-hwan, when he awoke he took a 

hooked spear and pursued after Choo-hwan ; see the 

A eB Cho twan. 
=: A disease of the eyes; also, a fault, 
Séng to transgress; also, a strange and 

a Vulg. sai"8: a surname, a family 
Séng Wt name; pek séng, a dk payh 

sai"8, the hundred clans, i. e. the 
Chinese people. 

Song séy tng yéA, beng séy tok yea, WE fiff [al 

sl A By 1 4H sai"S séy séo tang yéd, mé"a 

séy tw"a tok yéd, there may be an uniformity of fa- 

supernatural sickness. 

mily names, and a singularity of individual epithets ; 
see in F- Béng choo. 

Vulg. sai"9; nature, natural parts 
and dispositions; séng t’héy, NE 
te a disposition; ké séng, aL, 

PE ke sai"S, the memory; sng béng, PE ar 

sai"J mé"a, the life. 

T’héen béng che wiy sing, Je fir Z. FA bE 

Chee"S beng léng hoé lan, sé kong kéd sai"S, that 

which heaven decrees to bestow on us is called na- 

ture; see the ifs Wi Téung yang. 


Riches, wealth; affluent, opulent. 


eo Holy, sacred; séng jin, 3 XK: 

Séng ae a sage, a holy man, a philosopher. 

Léng séng, Ee He léng sé”d, 

sacred, and sure in its answers, like an oracle; ap- 
plied to the shrines of particular deities. 

Sang jin che é Uhéen to yé4, séng yéa, He A i, 

iN RK ial i, bE ih song jin dy bat Uhee"S gy 

to 1é, sé sai"& yéd, the acquaintance of a sage with 

the way of heaven is entirely natural; see ia F- 

Béng choo. 


x » Vulg. ché"4: complete, finished ; to 
Séng perfect, to accomplish; good, 
even; a surname. 

Hwan kong chut géép chéw wiy che séng, Ju ry 

Ze. ae Fld 25 Pad mK hwan kong swah géép 

chéw, kong kéd ché"4, whenever work is finished, and 

a business accomplished, it is said to be completed. 
~ Sincere, pure, without any mixture 
of falsehood, upright. 

“A = 
Séng a 
R Kee che séng jé sin, yd = 

AK YM jth ot? ie"4 che séng cl’hin chéo"S sin, 
therefore the highest point of sincerity is as it were 

divine; see the fr iB Téung yang. 

y Vule. sé4: a city, a citadel; hoo 
Séng ah) WI 1 hob sé"4, the capi- 
tal city of a district; Pa séng, 

12 Dik Pa sé", the city of Batavia. 
Ch’hok soo té yé4, téuk soo séng yéa, Be iy HH 
Me, EW I AML or ake che Ley chity h’Incut 
G, kvéh chéy léy sé"4, dig this moat deeper, and 
build this city wall higher ; see sf; -J- Beng choo. 

Sacrificial fruits in their vessels, rea- 
Séng dy for offering. 

Cloo sé g put héet, put kam é 

chéy, x BX AN iz AN HK yJ ER choo séng 
a™ ch'heng khé,u™ k"& lué chy, the sacrificial 

fruits and vessels nt being cleau, we do not dare to 

‘ gacrifice; see ra -f- Béng choo, 

Be - 168) séne, 4 a4 heé"9 sey, the 

Séng comb used in weaving, to keep the 
threads separate. 
To mount, to ascend a carriage ; to 
Séng — Ee rideina carriage, or on horseback, 

to take advantage of; séng sé, we 
fe, to embrace an opportunity. 

Séng léuk lédng 6 gé Vhéen, FE FY fie YB te 



KK Whéd lak chéah lédng, é gé t’ hee"S, to mount six 
dragons, in order to ride to heaven; (an expression. 

intimating the elevation to imperial dignity.) 

Séng (= 
Great, full, abundant, flourishing; a 

Séng Re surname 3 boé séng, px 1k, lux- 
TEIN ouriant. \ ’ 
Jit sin che wily séng tek, F] Af Sf. aH BN read 

tak jit sin sé kéng kéd séng tek, to be daily renew- 

A term of reproach, used by the peo- 

ple of one district against another. 

ed is called abundant virtue. 

Séng soey, hx mi, to flourish and decay. 

Séng ¥ Clear, bright ; to burn. 
The numeral of a chariot; yit séng 
Séng ke, — He He chit téo"9 ch’héa, 

; . EIN 
one chariot; ch’héen séng che 

kok, a He db chit ch’heng téo"9 ch’héa 

dy kok, a country capable of producing a thousand 


BE The ancient form of the preceding 

Séng Th character; also written IE, séng. 
Séng Superabundant, overflowing. 

ai ig 
7S Read song; to.lose by death; song 
Se'S pir 

hadu, He & se"& hd, a funeral, 

mourning at a funeral, mourning 

at the death of relatives. 

Sam léén che song, t’héen hay che thong song yéa, 
SEL MK TZ He tt 
neé"& dy se"I ha, thee"& dy hong tat dy se"S ha, 
the three years’ mourning (for parents) is a mourn- 

ing universally adopted throughout the whole em- 
pire; see the ain fig Lin gé. 

4 Read song: the mulberry tree. 

Sens Gnoé boé che t’hék, sé che 6 song, 

LhwWZt &z V 

HR goe boé dy t’hiyh, cheng e é se"8, a tenement 

of five acres should be planted with the mulberry 

tree; see ih F Béng choo. 
#8 +A a se"I stiyh, frost and snow; 
Uh6ng song, HE FR Phe"S se"S, 

sugar-candy ; p’he song, AL 5H prhea"9 se", ar- 

Read ch’hé4ng: to play pranks; 
aa ch’hé4ng chéén, $E $3 sé"S 

cheé"&, to squander money. 

Read song: hoar-frost; song swat, 

Read ch’héng: a bed; long ch*héng, 

Fil WK lang sé"8, a kind of 

frame used in steaming dumplings. 
at seaou: to burn; h"6 seaou, 
5c K ie hoéy séo, the fire burns. 
—a@ Readlwan: 

fortably warm ; well clothed. 
Gnoé sip hwuy pék put lw4n, J) 

OSE FR Ae HR 08 chap hidy na bs cl’heng 

twan béy séo, at fifty years of age, without wearing 

silk, people cannot keep themselves warm ; see n> 
y- Béng choo. 

FEY Row jeet: 

plied to food. 

wv . 
Sto WS Read lw4n: warm, as applied to the 
. weather, 

Read seang: mutual; seang haé, 

Ai ae séo haé, to injure one 
another; seang at, FI TE sé0 

sébh, to love one another. 



warm, lukewarm, com- 


warm, lukewarm, as ap- 





Read sedou : 
sedou téy, Ih ify sé6 té,a young- 

er brother; gwat seaou, A hp 

goéyh sé6, a short month. 

small, minute, little; 


Séé Read bedou: the tender branch of 
a tree. 

ny Read sedou: a scabbard; to seaou, 

7] Hf} to sé0, the sheath of a 

ae Hi Read sek: to pity, to commiserate, 

B to love. 

Read sék : the dirt on the soles of 
the feet; hew kéak sék, JL ji 
PfgeW’hade K’haséoh, stinking feet. 

Hew sé4ng, Bi He ch’hadu séoh, 


A stinking, fetid. 
oR Read séang: mutual; séang soo, 
Séo"S I Al 2 séo" se, to think of one 

another ; also, the name of a plant. 
Read séang: the corner of a house. 
Séo"S a T’haé gwat sey séang hay, i 
FL WG WF tang ehae gieyh 
té sae séo"S ay, waiting for the moon under the 
western corner of the house. 
Read nae a box, a trunk; long 
#é #5 léng séo"8, a box 
or trunk for keeping clothes in. 

Read séang: to wound; chédk 

Séo"S Fei 
Sto" séang, | ve tédh séo"&, to be 

Ban Ong sé bin jé sang, KE fi Fe yp ft 

Bin éng k’hw"d pityh sai"® ch’hin chéo"& tédh 
séo"&, Biin Sng looked upon his people as though 
they had been wounded (by his bad government) ; 

see ir -F Béng choo. 



—B.Read séang: to inlay with gold or 
Séo"S : silver, or any other metal. 
FAX Séang kim, pe & séo"§ kim, to 

ae or garnish with gold. 


Mm Read sé4ng: to reward, to remune- 
_rate, to bestow, to admire; sé4ng 
hwa, ef AL sé6"8 hwa, to ad- 

mire fine flowers. 

Yéw kong kae sédng, Ay wy gy a woo kong 

tééh sé6"9, those who have any merit should be re- 


s 7A Read sé4ng: to think, to consider. 

GE séang Hf BE hé sé6n8, dried 
i salt fish; &h sé4ng, WE, Ae uh 

d sé6"9, dried smoked ducks, a de~ 

licacy among the Chinese. 
physiognomy, in order to tell his 

sn PA 
fortune; séang beng, # a 

sé0"S mé”a, to practice palmistry. 

Read séang: to look at a person’s 

ang 44 Read ee: common ; péng séang, 
Séo 2 péng sé6"9, usual. 
pei, Bea a pus, matter; léw séang, 
Seo"s i Tabu sé6"9, running mat- 

ve i ter; ad séang, ie ye lang 

sé6"9, thick matter. 


Read séang: to emulate ; hd séang, 
Al fi] hiéy séo"8, a priest of 

P the sect of Budha; séang tae, fe 

Kk sé0"9 twa, too large. 
Read sé4ng: to think, to reflect; 

Sea"S AH put he4ou séang, AR [HE Be ia bey 
Nay) hedou sé6"8, unable to think or 

594 | 


nr Vulg. chek: an uncle, a father’s 
Séuk younger brother ; #” chek, ‘uncle,’ 


meeting a stranger. Also written 45 séuk. 

Séuk h 
Pulse, any kind of beans or peas. 

Séuk rip Séuk ch’héuk jé sGy ho, jé bin 

yéen yéw put jin ché4 hoe? AR 
sayh séuk ch’hin chéo"9 chiy hiéy, jé payh sai"8 
Vhaé Ch6 woo u™ 

is a common mode of address, on 

To begin; also, good; to move, to 

do ; excellent; liberal, thick. 

jin tek hoé? when pulse and corn 
are as plentiful as fire and water, how can the people 
help being virtuous? see na + Béng choo. 

» Good, amiable, harmonious; séuk 1é, 
Séuk y > ma ky, a virtuous woman. 
Séuk jin kwun choo, 4 XK a 

=F, a good and virtuous man. 

Stuk ves respectful; uneasy; séuk 
i sek, a ie, hesitating. 

The ancient form of J&, séuk, early; 

also written hj z séuk, 


Séuk séuk, AS AR, a motion of the 

Séuk Dp To suck, to inhale. 
Séuk > Hasty, speedy, quick, rapid. 
Séuk hwut, Ea Z. suddenly ; the 
Séuk appearance of a dog running swift- 




Séuk The same as the preceding. 
yo.) To stay, to rest, to lodge, to remain; 
Séuk AR to retain; to rest; read séw: a 
constellation; toé séuk, pd vie 
tabu hai"Sh, to seek a lodging. 

Yéw k’hek séuk séuk, 7A ¥e. Kaj 4a woo k’hayh 

laé ha®Sh, strangers come to lodge; see the ji] 
BA Chew séing. 

Bok séuk, Py Ay, the name of 

a plant or root which cattle eat. 

Séuk es To urge, to stir up, to press on. 

pen Strait upright ; to cultivate, to re- 
Séuk aia tire; short; to bind. 
Chos hwan jé séuk, FI JR fi 

a ka te hwdn jé tit, turning in upon one’s-self, and 
finding one’s conduct upright; see i F.- Beng 


Séuk. 4 To respect, respectful ; to advance ; 
dread, fear, awe ; especial. 
Sauk The flying of a bird. 

Séuk The name of a fabulous bird. 

Séuk A good horse. 
Read ch’héuk: and ch’hek: corn, 
Séuk grain; bé ch’héuk, K Bi bé 

séuk, paddy, growing rice. 

Bé ch’héuk hwuy put to yé4, 7 op. JF ir Be 


ee 3 
ih bé séuk w™ chéng w™ chéy, the paddy is not 
otherwise than abundant; see ia Ff Béng choo, 

Cho séuk, # A. early, early in 
Séuk A, the morning. 
Séuk hin yéa be, pl, SH Ry SR 

ché k’hé laé, mat"Y kan k’hwitn, to rise early in the 

_ morning and to go to bed late at night. 

R z Who, what, which. 

Séuk Bh Sé k’ho jim yé4, séuk put k’ho 

IC jim you? eT A H 

AN ¥y Hie aU chéy léy na éy lin tit, sé sd 

meé"Sh bey lin tit? if this can be endured, what can- 
not then be borne? see the 3% am Séang lin. 

—Rep Vulg. sék: ripe, mature, well done, 
Séuk thoroughly boiled; acquainted. 
6vVVY P’heng séuk chéen héang, co 
Dh YH Hit Who sék hadu dy mes"Sh, boil the sa- 
crificial meat thoroughly ; see the os ia Chéy gé. 

Sédy chek taé séuk, be A k wh neé"S tang 

chéw twa sék, the year was very fruitful. 

An antechamber or kind of lodge on 
Séuk the side of the door. 
Ké chwan @ sey séuk, AL fg 

+ 4 Ge ch’ hing meé"Sh chéah té sae séuk, pre- 
pare the food in the western antechamber; see the 

fe Hie Ge ley. 
wy, Hong séuk, jal iP, manners, cus- 
Séuk toms; vulgar, common; séuk gé, 

4g GH, a common saying, a 
proverb, the provincial dialect. 
K’ho wily te ché4 to, lan é séuk jin gan, Ti aH 
fay He HWE GB AH chan tin 
te dy lang to lé, oh kap séuk dy lang kong wa, we 
can speak with men of understanding on various doc- 
trines, but it is difficult to converse with common fel- 


Séuk #] Séuk séuk, {33 KR the head moving 
Sey-séuk, yy Fi, the name of a 
Séuk district in the west of China, now 
the province of JY Ni. Sod- 

’ To belong to; of the same sort or 
Séuk Fares kind; séuk kok, B (pi | a tribu- 
) tary kingdom; _séuk hay jin sin, 

B - wn Fe, a dependant officer, 

Seuk an i contracted form of the preced- 

Vlg. swd: 
A=] link together; to hand down in suc- 

Léuk séuk, we i in succession, in a ‘row, one 
after the other. 

S06 séuk pé choé, NW dif Ik yi ch’ hin chéo"S 

séo swa pay boé, as it were maintaining the line of 

connected, joined; to 

cession ; continuously. 

—j. 7° ransom, to repurchase anything; 

succession from our parents. 
séuk chdéy, Fg JE, to atone for 

Séuk He 
sins, to redeem from sin. 

Kim chok ae béng, 4> AE HE JA} him ey cho 

séiuk héng hwat, money can be used to redeem from 

punishment; see the Se vi Stn téén, 

Seis k ; Read seaou: dry; seaou che, xa | 
, LY, 
XK séuk ke, a dry twig. 

Séung ra BS 4 i séung kwin tok 
[= 2 tok sw"a gak, for height and lof- 

tiness, we look to the mountains; see the Kk AE 
Taé gnay. 

High, lofty; séung ko way gak, 


K’héding séung, FRR i small of 
Séung ARR stature, and despicable. Idle, ac- 
cording to the dialect of some 


Sxi 14 Quick, rapid; séding hong, ie RL. 
6 a violent gust of wind. 

oy The point of a hill; a conical moun- 
S8ang 2 point o ill; a coni 

tain top. 

To be afraid, alarmed. 

Séing 7 To respect; séfing tong, be Bh, 
Y to move carefully. 

Séfing ch’huy, @ x a deep green 


RE A fir tree; séfing pek, Py i cl’héng 
Séing payh, a cedar-tree. A surname. 

Hay hoé sé é séding, BZ ja K 
yw HA Hay teéou téy é chéng séung, the Hay dy- 
nasty was distinguished by the planting of the fir tree; 

“A hy, 
see the am a Lin gé. 

Séing “ Ya The name of a river. 
; = \p Kam séting, H Hi, the name ofva 


A mountain high and large, is called 

Séing yr. vA sé(ing. 
Séfing gé, fie ia name of a fe- 
Séing y male, supposed to be in the moon. 
Séfing-gd Géy ch’héep, ch’héep 


Géy put soo yédk, p’hun gwat, kip che why séém 

wt ee Vee oe 
FAB Z B WE BR Seiing.gé st Gey ty 

sdy é, Uhaou Géy dy béy sé yéoh, p’hun kaou goéyh, 
kadu jéuk tébh, pee"S chd séém sé, when Seding-g6 
was Géy’s concubine, she stole Gey’s medicine of 
immortality, and ran away to the moon; upon being 

overtaken she turned into a toad. 

Séin ide, according to the dialect of a 
8 » certain district. 

To contend, to wrangle, to litigate, 

to engage in lawsuits. 

ae Fan 

pit yé4 soo bod séiing hoe, fa as 

T’héng séiing go@ yéw jin yéa, 

te Hi A 

sds AU, i fay GUS FP Phin 

sting git gwd ey ch’hin chéo"S ling, na sh teoh 
saé bé séing géick, “in hearing litigious cases, 1 am 

as good as other people, but the principal thing is to 


cause litigations to cease ;” said by Confucius in the — 

ant ah Lan gé, 

To read, or chant over a book, in a 
Séing = singing tone. 
Séiing se sam pek, fii a = 
FU ch’ Aco"s se s"a payh, to chant over the three 

hundred odes ; see the an ba Lin gé. 

To sing, to chant, to praise, to sing 
Séing AR praises; séing chan, Mj Ae o lb, 
to praise, to laud ; séiing bé, 
FE, to admire. 
Séing ké se, vhok ké se, Mj $k FF ay 3k +t 
séung e dy se, Chak e dy cl hiiyh, to chant ie 
odes, and read their books. 
a. To cultivate, to adorn, to repair, to 
3B mend; sew lé, {& FH, to regu- 
late; ch’hdng keAou sew loe, fil} 
Ij {E pK, to make bridges, and repair roads. 




Léuk hoo k’hong sew, ZY iit 4, {G lak dy ing 
ho6 chin chaé sew chéng, the six palaces were very 

much adorned. 

Sew sin, (E X, to cultivate personal virtues. 

Dried flesh; sok sew, i Af, a 

Sew f piece of dried flesh, anciently pre- 
sented by a scholar to his teacher, 

on commencing his studies ; hence employed to sig- 

nify a teacher’s salary ; but now, since the teachers 
are paid in money, a salary is called if Ay sok kim. 
Choo héng sok sew é séang, goé bé séAng bod hoey 
yéen, FY 77K i WE AS ie 
Fi B&B choo ké"a sok sew dy léy & séang, gwd 
biéy sédng bé ka, “from those who brought the 
first common present, and upwards, I have refused 

pererdon to none ;” said by Confucius in the Fn 

an E Lin gé. 

To receive, to collect; sew sip, We 
Sew 4, to gather together; also, to 
take account of; sew léém, We 
Aah, to gather in the harvest; sew chéén, We ie 
sew cheé™8> to collect money ; sew tan, We iis sew 
tio” a, a receipt. 
Choo gno hwat che, ék chod gno sew che, A FK 
oh ra iN A HE We i ch’hut chaé gwd 
Iwat ¢, yéd cl’hut chaé gwd sew e, it depends upon 

me to open cat, and upon me to draw in again. 

Sew AWE name of a district. 

To send in, or present food; sew thé, 

He He seaou léy, to be ashamed. 
Séén hoo sew yiing pek yéw je 
opin, EN A 
ché chétth dy lang sew yirg chit payh woo jé chap 
p’hin, the cook must send in for use a hundred and 
twenty kinds of food ; see the iz )i] Chew léy. 


Way k’hoé k’hé sew, KE [J HL FE tok toh 

ch’hiy k’hé seaou léy, the mouth alone is the cause 

of bringing shame upon us; see the FS att cy 
Se wat béng. 

Sew Food, articles prepared for food. 

as" Vulg. chéw: to keep, to guard, to 
Sé maintain; p& séw, ya ae pay 


chéw, to keep guard over; séw 
kaé, wt aR, to keep the commandments; séw 
keng, “F LJ chéw kai", to keep watch. 

E bin séw che, a. iz “F ZW. kap payh sai"S™ 

chéw e, to guard (the city) in unison with the peo- 

ple; see A ag Ff Béng choo. 

The head, the principal, the first. 
Gwan séw béng chae, koé keng 
léang chae, Jt B AA ny iva 

Hi kt 9 gwin Chabu na béng, k’ha ch’héw 

chéw lédng, when the head of a state is intelligent, 

the members will be virtuous; see the 9 a 
Séang se. 

Ch’hun wily yit sééy séw, 7S BB 2s ph r=) 

ch’hun chd chit neé"S dy thaéu, the spring is the 

head of the whole year. 
Vulg. ch’héw: a hand; séw chéuk, 
F JE Wha ch’héw, hands and 

j feet ; yewséw, Hi FF yéw ch’héw 

a wandering hand, an idle fellow. 

Kwun sé sin jé séw chéuk, chek sin sé kwun jé 

hok sim, 7 i, EX 2 > JE Al) Ba iid 
7a wi fig Vp jin kwun nd h’hw"d jin stn ch’hin 
chéo"9 k’he ch’héw, chek jin sin k’hw"a jin kwun 
ch’hin ché6"9 pak sim, when a prince looks on his 
ministers as his arms and legs, then the ministers 

will hold their prince as dear as their stomach and 

heart; see nn F- Béng choo. 





4 To wash the meal of corn, in order 
to make a preparation of food. 

Elegant, adorned, accomplished ; 

Séw sew chaé, Ry H, a man of ac- 
complished talents, a literary gra- 
duate. Séw hoe, Ay TE, luxuriant. 

Séw via 


Saw éng, eS ae a beautiful gem ; 

pendant pearls oe as ornaments 


on the ears. 

a Ch’ha sdw, Hpi] #95, to embroider, 
to work embroidery. 

Ny) -Ch’ha séw, théem gnoé bin, 3p 

i as tt va ch’ he sew t’hee"S goé tedou btin, to 

add five threads 10 the embroidery; (which was 

done five days after the winter solstice, in order to 

denote the time;) see the yan if iy Toé hoo se. 

A constellation ; seng séw, EE <8 
ch’hai"S séw, the fixed stars and 

constellations. A surname. 

Jé sip pat sew 16 sim héung, 1: K i Ht 
wy Ha jé chap payh sew I Wh2"S té sim heng, the 
28 constellations are all inclosed as in a net within 
my breast; (intimating a great degree of learning;) 

see the Je = Gr T’héen kwan se. 

prsvule. séen: rust; théet séw, BF 

$i Vheéh séen, iron rust. 

a great keeper. 
T’héen choo sek choo hoé, wat, sin stw, K - 

8 A fe AD MK SP dong tay Whe Whoa 

choo hoé, kéng, sin sew, when an emperor goes 

Sain séw, FAs Hy, to perambulate 

and guard; thaé séw, rN F, 

the head of a province or district ; 

round to see the princes of the empire, it is called a 
visit of inspection ; see ii +f: Béng choo. 


The winter hunt. 

pe A beast, a four footed animal ; k’him 
Ww EAN sew, fF BAK, birds and beasts. 
e E k’him sw hd échae? BA 

eR {ry Be "4 kap Whim stw wod s"é meé"Sh koh 

yéo"S 2 in what is such a fellow different from a 
brute ? 

Séw 4 To embroider; the same as i, sew. 
: ) 

Ch’hut séw, tH A> to turn king’s 

Séw & evidence; to turn the head toward 
any place. 

Tong séw, kay teAou hok, t’ho sin, Re ry mm ay 

Ak Hi fli tang pee"S he"S thabu, kay tedou 

téng dy yin ché6"8, yéwt’hwa chéo"S chit tedou twa, 

(when Confucius was visited by his prince in his 



illness,) he turned his face to the east, had a court 

robe thrown over himself, and a girdle drawn across 

it; see the an aa Lin gé. 
To pledge a guest in wine; héénséw, 
pa itk fie to offer up the cup to ano- 

Also written BH, séw, and BY, séw. 


Séw HE The breathing of an ox; also, the 

name of an ox. 

To answer any one; also, the same 

as M, séw, to curse, 

Enmity ; kéw séw, Al iE, an 
Séw ti enemy. , 
Kwun hoo che séw, put kéung taé 

ewsen, FER ti A SE HE IK sin hewn 

kap né6"8 pay dy kéw séw sé b6 kang tty thee", 





a prince or a parent’s enemy should not be suffered 

to live under the same heaven; see the ie aL 
Léy ké. 

To sell anything, to dispose of an 

To incarcerate any one, a prisoner. 
Séw Chaé p’hwan héén séw, tt Pp 

ik nS} té p’hw"d kéung chéng, 
héen séw dy ling, before the royal college, they pre- 
sented the prisoners; see the 8 ye Loé séiing. 
the water. 

Slew vA] 
Sty 1é sew, 7c PE J 2 chtiy 

1é séw, to swim in the water. 

r ’ To swim; the same as the preced- 
Séw y ing. 

The chief butler; mellow wine. 
Séw Ay Téiing tong che gwat, naé béng 
tas sew, fi) B 22 79 fit 
K ay téung tang dy giéyh, tédh béng léng twa 

séw,in the middle of the winter months, the chief 

butler gets his orders ; see the nite A “y Léy gwat 
léng. ; 


To swim, to float on the surface of 

To reject; bad, ugly, disgusting. 
Séw hoo lan béén kéén kong koe, 
Wh We HE HE 

Whéep sé dy cha boé bh béén kee"S twa kay kw"a 

twa kay boé, the ugly woman will find it difficult to 


avoid seeing her husband’s parents. (Chinese brides, 
being sent home screened and veiled, can for a time 
conceal their ugliness, but eventually they must be 

The name of a man in former times; 

Séw a kind of fish, 


» ~e To urge, to press; to collect toge- e 

ther; strony, robust. 

Pek lok sé séw, H ir Te 2) 


ché"a payh dy hong lok sé k’hédh chd boéy, the | aE 

hundred emoluments collected together ; see the re 
‘ise Séang séung. 

£ =. Long life; téang ssw, fe = = tens 

Sew Shey séw, longevity. A surname. | 

RP Soo kwun séw k’ho, (si a ==] 
vA saé jin kwun chéth té"& hoey séw, may your 

honor enjoy long life; see the Iv AE Seaou gnay. 



The string and tassels with which a 
seal is tied. 
Yin sew, FI} #7, aseal or em- 

blem of office. 


To give, to impart; .séw se, +e a 

Sew séw ch’hiyh, to give a lesson. 

Lam lé séw séw put ch’hin léy yéa 
La te bi a aS Hi ite. th ta po cha boé 
séw sew b6 ch?hin sé léy yéé, for males and females 
when they give and take, not to come into imme- 
diate contact is a rule of propriety; see a4 - 
Béng choo, 

__= To receive, to take; to allow, to ad- 

séw So » 
Kim yéw séw jin che gnéw yang, 

jé way che bok che chéa, AM AA Be J, 77 AE 
=e if nD) Pai We =a x: ta woo ling séw 

ling dy gob yéor"s, jé kap e é"8 e dy lang, now if | 

mit to. 

any one were to receive a person’s cows and sheep, 

and undertake to look after them, &c.; see Th + 
Béng choo. 

, >» Séw sew, =F au cWhéw wui"S, 
Sew Ris) the sleeve of a garment. 
Séw lé po, WH RE BE, ca’hew 

wut"9 laé dy pb, a sleeve gem; the title of a small 




ow LEH San séw, hy wiht, the peak of a hill. 

Vulg. sae: the west; tong sey, a 


PG éang sac, east and west, some- 


‘times taken to mean different 

Sey hong bé jin, yy Ii Se XK sae he"S ch’hin 

ch’hat"S dy ling, the elegant person of the west; 

(referring to XK =F Ban 6ng.) 


To remain, to lodge, to rest. 

Key sey 6st, 35 HH F My 

key hai"Ih te sé, the fowls roost 

Sey héng, hy ie , troubled, griev- 
ed, afraid. 


Vulg. sae: a rhinoceros. 

in the fowl-house. 
Sey iz K’he hoé pa sey séang jé wan 
i ren ee a 
ve wa kw" hoé pa sae ch’ héo"S jé hoe e hui" , 
to expel the tigers and leopards, rhinoceroses and 
elephants, and make them retire to a distance ; see 

im ¥ Béng choo. 

Sey : =y— Bok sey, 7 HE, another name for 
[= cassia buds. 
To rest, to stop, to abide, to roost, 
Sey Nedou sey sé séang, BR HE hit 

a ie chedou hai™Sh te ch’héw 

téng, the birds nestle in the trees. 

Sey - 


To dwell in secret, to live in soli- 


Luxuriant herbage. 
Way yéép sey sey! Me eo EE 
~ OE wily héoh sey sey! how exu- 

berant is the foliage! see the iia Chew lam. 

To snort, to neigh, as a horse. 

Taé seng jé sey, kK ia im ih 

-; twa sé"a jé haéu, and then neighed 
with aloud noise; see the pe at Han se. 

‘ Soe hwat, Hit x sey Uhadu mé, 
Sey Ait to comb the hair. 
Bé Ié k’haou. soe chong, JE Ht 

ba] Te HE ch’hin ch’hat"S dy cha boé, k’hd sey 
Uhaéu chang, pretty women are skilled in combing 


and adorning themselves. 

SB > Héén séng, ky i heé"S sey, the 
Sey toothed reed used in weaving, to 

keep the threads separate. 

Read soe: distant, distantly related, 
Sey not.a near relative. 
Chéang soo pe jé chun, soe jé 

ch’hek ; k’ho put sin chae? WS ied He rt i 
Bt hi Wy Ay x Ai fig chéang na sat kay 

dy lang k’hah yé"d chun dy lang, jé sey dy Khih 
yé"é ch’hin dy; Chang i” sey jé chae? if men put 
mean people above the honorable, and confide in 
strangers more than in near relatives; should we 
not be careful in such cases? see ia =f- Béng 

Sey NS Read soe: distant, far apart, not 
close or near together. 

That which, which; vulg. s6 chaé: 
Séy PT a place. 

“Choo séy gnay gan se se chip léy, 
kae gny gin yes, F Ff HE i of TE Ht 
it oy HE FZ Alt Avo chob sty gndy kong, se, 
kap ch’hityh, kap chip léy sor, chd pod gndy king, 
that which Confucius talked elegantly about, consist- 
ed in odes, compositions, and attention to propriety ; 
upon all these he talked elegantly ; see the 745 28 
Lin gé. 



Sim a 

Séy ke hé ch*hé? pr a ty ra séy Wha sé sa 

meé"Sh s6 chaé? where do you reside? 
> Read séén: to wash; séén sim, BE 
Séy /. I‘) séy sim, to purify the mind. 
Séy léy, Pe ie séy léy, baptism. 

Read sé: the common kind of cul- 

tivated millet; the generic term 


# Lé sty, tk 15 hé"d saz, a son-in- 
Sey Oe law. 

Hwun léy, séy ong hod kay ch’hin 

géng, Hy Th i E tig me Fi) aU chedou 

Iwun yin dy léy, kéG sad tédh k*h2 cha boé dy 

ch’hod jé ch’hin gné"4, according to the ceremonies 

for panic grasses. 

of marriage, the bridegroom should go to the house 
of the bride and meet her in person ; see the a If 
Se sé. 
Séy teh A little; also, this; and an expletive. 
i eeeiedod 

Minute, small; séAng séy, a $i, 
Séy #0 minute, particular; choo séy, tf 
pal sdy jé, careful, attentive; sey 
han, 4 i. a diminutive person, a dwarf; a young 

man; vulg. yew: fine, smooth, 

Pat keng sey héng, chéung lity taé tek, aS #h ii 

tf AS MA k pie. i” téén ka té dy sé6 hw dy 

séy ké"4, ké"a ne Idy tédh tod tek, do not boast of 
your own trifling actions, lest in the end you mar your 
greater virtues. 

The heart, the mind; sim kan, )y% 
it sim kw"™a, the heart; ok sim, 
HA iy p’ha"é sim, a bad heart. 
GeAou Sin che bin, kae 6 Gedou Sin che sim why 
sim, 32 BELO AV 58 FEZ 
B Ay Gedou Sin dy pityh sai"S chd pod e Gedow 
Sin dy sim kw"a chd sim kw"a, Gedou and Sin’s 


SIM 602 

people all embodied the feelings of their rulers, and 

made them their own feelings. 

The name of a plant, of the pith 

Sim 4 WN of which lamp-wicks are made ; 
Yo hence called teng sim ch’ho, Ky 
Kn He teng sim ch’haou, the candle-wick plant. 

Sim yi A surname. 

An appearance of alarm, to be terri- 
Sim AND fied. 

Sim sim héén héén, $3 10 A 
MA, terrifying and alarming. 

To judge of, to examine, to inquire 

Sim AS into; sim p’hwan, aE 28 stm 
p’hwd, to judge; sim s00,. ie 
Bl, a judge. 

Sim bin che, tok héng che, a fel a4 5 4F 

a stm moot" e, tok ké"4 e, examine and inquire 
into a thing, and zealously practice it; see the rh 
i Téung ying. 

pw. Vulg. chim: an uncle’s wife; an 

Sim WE aunt; a father’s younger brother’s 


To smile with contempt. ; 
Sim Dp j Hoo chod sini che, kK + iG 
OE re Confucius smiled at him ; see 

the ef ae Lin gé. 

Sim’ aokn reflect on anything, to consider. 

# +A” hold down the head and walk 
Sim a2 quickly ; yaou kwut simy jie aaa 
pez a yéo kwut sim, the loins giving 

& with a-spring, as when carrying loads ; also applied 

to the elasticity of wood, or bamboo. 




Vulg. ch’hiéy : to-seek, to search, to 

=r inquire into the grounds of any- 
: thing ; to connect; also, suddenly ; 

sim séang, Ea me common, usual. 
Gé ch’hod stm ék, ah IN ap te wa dy ch’hod sé 

ch’hiéy séo"S, search into and consider the order of 

the expressions. 








Ve Decrs water by the side ofa river ; a 
(“a shore, a river’s brink. 

SFr, cook anything at the fire; vulg. © 

tim: to stew. 

en Ve chim: a crab; héng sim, gr. 

pa. dng chim, a red crab. 

To believe, to credit; sincere, true, 



To believe; true, sincere. The 

ip Vy same as the above. 

=) Vulg. sdy: the fruit of the mulberry 
et tree. 
> . w 

y A three cornered furnace. 

+o» ten a sim. 

Vulg. chim: a surname. 

Lim sim, {55 4B, to hold the head 
by] forward when walking. 


Very, extremely, excessive, deep; 
sim to, 3 & sim chéy, very 

Pé chdm jin ché4, ék é thaé sim, MK ee mn 77 
vis in k am esaé p’hwa ling dy lang, yéd wood 

thaé sim, those who slander people, have ever gone 

too far ; see the K AE Taé gnay. 

Sim | 

The body; sin théy, F Ae, a : sub- 
stance,a body; pin sin, Ax a, 
one’s-self ; ch’hut sin, HH F, to 

enter life, to begin business. 

Hod jin ok, tek jin sin, cy Ea] Fe 8 4 gy 

pod jin ték ch’hod, tek jin ték sin, riches improve 

the appearance of one’s buildings, but virtue bene- 
fits one’s person ; see the K a Tae hak. 

Sin The name of a god; a surname. 
A horary character; to stretch out, | 
Sin double. A surname. 

Sin toé, i) Jha double surname. 

Sin Pi To hum; sin se, oft Ee, to hum an 


A large girdle ; Cho6-téang se choo 
sin, F- ie it a ail Cho6- 
téang séd té twd, Choo-téang re- 

Lan gé. 

corded it on his girdle ; see the zi ch 

Sin | 4 


Sin jin wan ong, Ap XK He KE cl’hun ch’ hut lang 

dy wan 6ng, to remedy people’s grievances. 

To stretch out, to spread abroad, to 
unravel, to set to rights; sin tit, 
rf) a cl’hun tit, to stretch out 

Sin The appearance of walking. 



bbs; )v Straight ; k’hwut jé put.sin, ba i 

I 48 Kk’ hut jé béy tit, crooked 
; A and not straight; see m7 -f- 
Béng choo. 
Sin : The appearance of a troop of horses 
een 1) )) going swiftly. 
Read séen: before; séen seng, JE 
Sin HE sin sai"S, one elder born, a 
teacher, an instructor. 
Sin z A placid, harmonious appearance. 
Bitter, of a bitter taste; sin k’hoé, 
Sin aE a wretched and miserable, 
bitter toil, A surname. One of 

the radicals ; a horary character. 

Séy sin, Alt 3E, a medicinal plant, 

Sin ; 
wild spikenard, A surname. 
A red dun color, a brindled color. 
Sin Léy gnéw che choo, sin ch’hé"4 

fi léy gob dy ké"é woo ch’héah sek kwa sai"S kak, 
the calf of a brindled cow may be of ared dun co- 
lor, and have regular horns. (By the laws of the 
Chew dynasty, a brindled cow was not to be offered 
in sacrifice, but if such a cow got a red calf, there 
was no reason for rejecting it; Confucius quot- 
ed this in the ee anh Séang liin, to intimate that 
a clever son was not to be rejected, though he sprang 

from a worthless father.) 

New, fresh; sin kéw, 5 aE sin 

kod, new and old. 

Wun koa jé te sin,k’ho & why soo 

ein Oe Th A Bf BY YF Gil 

wun sip kod dy jé éy chae sin dy, chéw éy cho lang 

dy sin sai"9, he who is versed in ancient lore, and is 

daily acquiring a fresh store of knowledge, can be- 

come a teacher; see the Hig mi Séang lin. 

=} pm Firewood ; ch’haé sin, ad A, logs 

Sin Sy and faggots of firewood, 

Yéw ch’haé sin che yew, Ay Tf 
ai vA eB woo k’héoh cl’hd dy hwan 16, being 
too sick to go and collect firewood; see as + 
Béng choo, 

«== Toconceivein the womb; a concep- 

Sin tion; yéw sin yin, A de Fi 
woo sin yin, to be with child. 
Sin To stand together. 
To bear, to sustain; to exhaust, to 
Sin surpass. 

Sit che 6 sé, ying che é léy, chaé 
put k’ho sin yang yes, FZ Py EF FA Zz. 
VY) ie Bt AR ry i Wy {ht chétih e chedou 

sé, ying e chedou léy soe chew cheé"S b6 Vhang 
ledou e dy ying, if we eat things in their proper sea- 
sons, and use property with propriety, then our re- 
sources will be inexhaustible; see itt -f- Béng 

choo, » 

Still, moreover, 

A kind of large muscle; té jiptaé sty 

Sin We why sin, At A K aK fi, 

DP, Re thé key jip twa chy chd twa 

kap, when the wild fowl enters the great waters it 

becomes a large cockle; see the i A Ay Léy 
gwat léng. 

This name is also applied to a certain fabulous sea 

monster, like a snake or dragon. 





To conquer, to overcome; vulg. 
R’hah yé"4: to exceed. 
Pek chéén pek sin, ink i 
YR chit payh dy chédn chit payh dy yé"é, in a hun- 
dred battles, to gain a hundred victories; see the 
33 EE Soo ke. 
Sit sin séén yé4; béng sin t’hé yéa, et livia 2e 
Yb 4 ie Hib th chéak sit na yé"4, chéw ho ; 
cl’héng ch’héng mé™4 yé"d, chéw sedou léy, when 
the reality exceeds it is good; but when men surpass 

only in name, it is shameful. 

To inquire, to ask; to inform, to 
Sin = announce, 
Teadou pé koé 10, sin che chéem 
bong, Ai ive mes 4 ry ae kd hwue 
léy koo laou, mon"S e chéem bang, call those old an- 
cient people, and ask them about the divinations and 

dreams ; see the. > AE Se4ou gnay. 

v -To sprinkle; sin sd, 0 tir sw 

sadu, to sprinkle and sweep. 

Quick, swift; rapid, fierce, 
Sin Ihy hong léét pit péén, iA 

fo BA Zi) ly 8 din dy tty 

hong kadu léét hoo cho6 pit péén sek, when the 

Sin ~ 

thunder rolled rapidly, and the wind blew fiercely, 

Confucius would change countenance; see the em 
fn Lin gé. © 
The covering for the brain, the skulls 
sin bin, J ia sin moot", the 
top of the head. 

Sin a The same as the above. 
4 \7? The ancient form of the following, 



y To believe, to confide; sincere, true, 


- Sin 

unsuspicious; sincerity, 

E péng yéw kaou, jé putsin hoe? 

Ba WA Be 22 ih A fee F hae ving 9’ 

kaou phidy, jé a” sin sit hoé? in my intercourse 
with my friends, am I insincere? see the aah ao 
Lin gé. 

Se sin, x p’hay sin, a letter. 

A horary character; jit sin, 

; Ir, a day, a time. 

Early; cho sin, FA fee chad WHE, 
Sin early in the morning. 

Sin chéung, boé koé, léng jin 
beng sine, SE GL AD A fe A 
ché I’ hé yé6 cheng, mat"Y hwui"S p'hith koé, léng 
ling béng ch’hat"S, the bell in the morning, and the 
gong in the evening, are to make people rouse up 
and awaken; see a ob if koé se. 

A deep retired apartment in a dwell- 

Sin ing ; an emperor's residence. 
Sin kéung, y= re a palace. 
Sin A Sin hong, eat JA, a kind of hawk. 


To assist, to help, to second any 
Sin ee K one; asecond in office; sin séang, 
IK |, a prime minister. 

Héén sin, WR Wh Te kwan stn, the second ruler of a 
To enter upon, to go into; to pre- 
Sin sent, to offer up; to receive. 

Put héng ké tek, hék sin che sew, 

% Wi HM KZ 66 héng séing e 

dy tek, hék jip kadu seaou léy, if you are not con- 

stant in your virtue, you may be brought into dis- 

grace; see the yy KE Ek keng. 


Jin sin, A Fa, a servant, a minis- 

ter, a statesman. 

Kwun so0 sin é léy, sin soo kwun 

étéung, F GE ft VY jit Ba Ba VA a 

jin kwun saé jin stn é léy soe, jin stn hok saé jin kwun 
é téung, when a ruler employs his ministers accord- 

ing to propriety, the statesmen will serve their prince 
with fidelity; see the “a Ea Lin gé. 

A god, a spirit; sin béng, Hy AR: 

the gods ; chin sin, ia ep. the 
‘true God; sin hwan, iin me, the 
human spirit and soul, 
Ch’heng béng chaé kéung, ché k’hé jé sin, is HA 
HE Gt EE FA LM jet eWheng beng 2 hin sin, 
ch2 Wh2 ey ch’hin chéo"9 stn, when purity and in- 

telligence rest on our persons, our minds and spirits 
ate be like the gods; see the jj GP Léy ke. 

pT be careful, to be cautious; kin 
Sin = adi im Ha, sdy jé, attentive, care- 
A surname. 

Choo che séy sin, eae chéén, chit, -f- Ze i 

hy HK Hit Te hoo cho6 éy séy kin sin, chéah 

cl’ had, séo Phaé, woo pai’, the things which Con- 
fucius was careful about were fasting, war, and 
sickness; see the an ay Lin gé. 

The ancient form of the preceding 

Sin y 
The residue, the surplus, that whicl; 
Sin ] is left over; yéw sin, AR xe 
wod ch’hun, over and above. 
Sin The increase of anything, a super- 
Sin FEDS rie kidnies. Gdéy sin, yay i 

the testicles. 


Embers, the remains of a fire; ashes. 
Kim che léy se, kae twat sip é 
woey sin che é, be a ar be 

ie Ye FA WR IE ZZ BS a dy ley kd 30 
keng, chd pod sé k’héoh léoh té hoéy chin dy sin, the 

books of ceremonies and odes now in use are all 

picked ont of the remnant of the embers and ashes ; 

see the EE Choo chod. 

cs > ABR Not to attain to. 

Sj yA Vulg. tim: moist, damp; sip k’hé, 
; y24 >» A A; a damp air. 

Low, marshy ground; gwan sip, 
Sip h ja ie, high and low ground. 
4% San yéw chin, sip yéw léng, Wy 
Aa We Ar 

sip dy wiy wood hok léng ch’habu, imhilly places the 

sw"a dy wity wod chin ch’héw, 

chestnut is found, and water plants in marshy ground; 

see the te] Jl, Woey hong. 

Sip y. a, Low, marshy ground. 
Sip DA Lip sip, 5 = a heavy rain. 
RK Vulg. chap: ten; choo sip ché pek, 
Sip | = ey Fy hod chap che 
kadu payh, from ten to a hundred. 
Haéy yé4, bin yit é te sip, | Hy, fl ata Y 
Fy a Hoéy yéd, Vhé"a chit hang, chéw chae 
chap hang, Hoéy on hearing of one thing knew ten 
things; see the am at Lin gé. 
Ten men, a company of ten people; 
Sip 4+ sip h®0, (fF chap kody, ped- 
ler’s wares, a mixed assortment of 


Ds Whéeoh: 
to pick up, 

to collect, to gather, 

Poé sip wiy, sin che gwan yé4, 

be Dae ae 

labuh dy meé"Sh, sé gwd dy séy gwan, to collect and 

repair what is neglected and forgotten is all my de- 

DB) To study, to exercise one’s-self in, to 
- con over a task ; hak sip, BB cA 

A ee to be intimate with, to be familiar; ch’hwan 
sip, FB A thoroughly versed in; a surname. 

Hak jé sé sip che, put ék wat hoé ? 24 yj Ay 4 

eas aS II ie pe Chak, jé wide: sé wun sip e, 

a” yéd hw"a hé hoé? to learn and constantly practice 
one’s-self in it, is it not delightful? see the P xe at 

Séang lin. 
ala = 
A wv A rule, a plan, a law, a model; 

sometimes read sek, 

> Koé hwin sé sit, va al xe a 

koé cha dy ka hwun éy chd lén dy hwas toé, the in- 



to learn and get perfect in; ap sip, 

The noise made by people when they 
try to shake off the cold; a shiver- 

ing sound. 

structions of the ancients are our rule and pattern ; 

see the k HE Taé gnay. 

\y Vulg. ch’hit: to wipe, to rub; clean; 

Sit sometimes read sek. 
Pok béén cho sit kway, Jb jf 
A 5 = pak bin chéy ch’hit géuk, he sat with 
his face towards the north, and rubbed the gem 


To breathe; ch’hwaAn sit, Wi A 
cW’hwan l?hwiy, the breath; ché 

Na) sit, Alm A to stop; t’han sit, 

ae ie, P26 Mhnody, to sigh; seaou sit, Ya A 
news; choé sit, —f. 5, posterity; 1é sit, Fi) A> 

& rest. 


interest, gain; an sit, te 


Yit sit séang chin, ch’hoo ché put ying se4ou haé, 


chit dy cWhwdn k’hwity séang chin te, chéy léy sim 
che i™ ying tit sé6 k’hwé ha? taé, as long as a 
breath remains, this inclination (for study) should 

not be allowed for a moment to decline; see the 

Ie zt Choo chod. 

A fleshy excrescence growing in the 

si Ala 
‘bee nose ; a nasal polynus, 

Sit hoo, 

. WJ . 
Seaou sit, if 6, an instrument 

#8 bi sim poo, a daughter- 

sw for cleansing the ear when it itches. 
To lose ; sit goé, aK Ba to make 
Sit a mistake; kd sit, $f Ye key 

sit, a fault, an error; sit lok, Ye 
Yf sit Idk, to lose, to miss. 
E yéak sit che ché4, sééne, VJ $4 JE ZH 
WE FR. é kén yéak sit e dy ling ché6 2, when a 
man is precise, he seldom errs; see the fa at 
Lin gé. 
Vulg. bat: to know, to understand, 
Sit = to have an acquaintance; kéén 
RB sit, VA ink, knowledge, acquain- 
tance with things; séang sit ché4, *A ak 7 
séo bat dy ling, an acquaintance. 
Put sit put te, siin tey che chek, 7 att x yi) 
WA iF 2 Ey) w™ bat w™ chac, than try dy 

hwat chek, we neither know nor understand, but 
follow the rules of the emperor; see the G a 
Koé ko, 

Sit PR sre, entirely ; also read sek. 



Vulg. seéh: sit sut, FR ie seéh suf, 

a cricket. 

Sit sut chaé téng, He Wye *E: rN 

seéh sut twa té té"8, the cricket in the hall; see the 

733 jal Téng hong. 
A house, a dwelling, a residence, a 
“ = 
Yéw yéa séng tong @, bé jip 6 sit 
vet th WL Tt SE RA A HR Sth 

Yéw yéd woo chéo"S té"S biey jip kadu ch’hod, 

Yéw (as it respects his acquirements in learning,) has 


chamber, an apartment. 

ascended the hall, but not yet entered into the house; 

see the em ae Lan gé. 
Sit RR AR chéth poot"S, to eat rice. 
Kwun choo sit bod kéw paou, = 7 
F- BB {ME SE ff Roun chos chéth b6 kéw 

pa, the good man in eating does not look for satiety ; 

see the ay = 


Vulg. chéah: to eat; sit hwan, BE 

Lan gé. 

Vulg. seéh: to be injured, to be bro- 

ken in upon, to be eaten. 

Jit sit, A fah seéh jit, an eclipse 
of the sun. 

Gwat sit, H fit seen goéyh, an eclipse of the moon. 
Sit pan, fit) ve seéh pin, to break in on one’s 
capital ; to lose money. 

True, real; 16 sit, 7,2 Ut labu sit, 
sincere, true; chéak sit, Fy fF, 
really, truly ; ko sit, We iF koéy 

ché, fruit; sit bw4n, tf ie sit mw", full, replete. 
T’hut hwa bod sit, SB ifé ra PE vhek kak he 
hwa dy, chwan bod chéak sit dy, reject the flowery 

and vain, while you attend to what is real and solid. 


The same as the above. 



Y ese 
Sit Y B eee limpid water, the bottom of 
E which may be seen. 
To stand upright, to place erect; to 
Sit plant, to cause to grow. 
Sit ké téang jé yin, Ki H: a 
Th) 2 Phed e dy kwak a,j Pho"G ch’habu, (the 
old man) then stuck his staff in the ground and be- 

gan to weed the field; see the ath} ae Lin gé. 
Seng sit, HE Hil, to plant and grow. 
Sit y H9 chaé sit yéen, 21 y He 
B&B hoey cheé"S sai"S k’hah kay, 
property and wealth increasing; see the if ig 

Téung ying. 
Sit 8 4 because, onaccount of; to succeed 
to; to invade; sit wily, ie AM, to 

succeed to the throne. 

Chéy soo sit Chr’hos, PF fi BE FS Chey ty 

peng sit Cl’hoé kok, the troops of the Chéy country 
invaded that of the Ch’hoé. 

Read ék: the wings of a bird; ne4ou 
Sit £0 téang ké ék, B oe aD #4 

chedou téo"J e dy sit, the bird 

To grow, to increase. 

To wear a double suit of clothes; 

stretches its wings. 

aia Séw so, +e clW’héw so, to rub 
So p with the hand; to rub the hands 


So séw té 106, Fie a a ay so Vhabu hak té tod 

séo"8, he scratched his head, and walked up and 
down in suspense; see the 47 jal Woéy hong. 

So Proud, haughty. 













Sorrowful ; 1é so, jaté Ee, a poem, 
i ‘made by Je ia , K’hwat-gwan. 

Troublesome ; so jin, BF Kt 
trouble people. 

So jedou, Ig 18, to annoy people, by playing 


Agitated, moved, troubled. 

= Pay so, je I, to scratch. 
Kek héa so yang, AX Hy fe 

Hppkayh héa pay chéo"S;, toscratch 
one’s itching legs through a boot; (i. e. making inef= 

fectual efforts to remove an evil.) 

} The whistling of the wind. 

RE ‘An appellation for a female. 

Va , The sound used at the end of cer- 

The smell of pig’s fat; the same as 

eR, so. 

. So so, ik i, the sound of washing 


tain carols. 

So so, f£ +E, to frisk and gambol 
about, as when in liquor. 

So soo, WE Ag to blast a man’s 
reputation; tedou so, é ve, to - 

instigate a person to comply with 


one’s wishes. 















SO 609 

A weaver’s shuttle. 

The name of a fish, 

A kind of confectionary. 

To walk, to frisk about incessantly. 

Po so, E x. to dance, to gambol. 

The name ofa plant; a water grass, 

a species of Cyperus. 

to rub with the hand. 

” To rub anything; mé so, 3 th, 

Y? The smell of pig or dog’s fat. 


To run about; to frisk about as a 

Fol So e, $e RK sdey e, a rain mantle, 


made of bamboo leaves or rushes; 

a rough coat to keep out the rain. 

The filings of gems; very small, mi- 


So so yin a, FX FA WA eb, 

inferior relations. 


So yéak, ean) Se alock; so sé, 
ay ei a key. 







44¢ A lock, a fastening for a door ; also 

written rel i so. 

5-0 fastening for a door. 

A sister-in-law ; heng so, 5 4 

4B hé"a sé, an elder brother’s wife. 

So lék put wan sé ch*haé léng yéa, 

i WH HR FB Pe HE TM Ah te 86 kad 

tédm lbh chiy, v™ kew sé ch’haé ling yéd, when a 
sister-in-law is drowning, not to go and save her a 
man must be a wolf; see i - Béng choo. 


4B" sort of bamboo. 

p Dry, to dry anything, to parch. 
yaa $d ban but ché4, bok han hoe h"o, 

sd ta ban meé"Sh dy, bd Whith kin é hoéy, of the 

things which dry all substances, there is not one so 

fierce as fire; see the WH at hp Ek wat kwa. 

ee kip, Be fe: hasty, headstrong. 

Vulg. sadu: to sweep; sd chéw, te 

iw sadu chéw, a broom. 
Sw sd téng loey, 5 ti vas 

jj hew chy sadu gay té téng d laé, to sprinkle and 
sweep in the hall; see the K AE Taé gnay. 

The same as the above. 

H The gravy of bones, 


Ss we Soo so, fifi Ie to instigate any one 
pe to comply with one’s views. 

ze To revive as from the dead, to rise 
Soe again; Yéa-soe, Aff hf, Jesus. 
6 Héy gno hoé, hoé laé ké soe, 

4B H is jn ae + ff téng hadu gwin dy 

jin kwun, jin kwun na laé gwién chéw koh wih, let 
us wait for our prince, for when our prince comes, 
we shall revive; see the v) x Séang se. 

To revive; to resuscitate 5 to recov- 

Soe er, as from a fit, or as insects do; 
the same as the preceding. 
AV on, eee 
Rr e name of a plant; soe bok, fis 

od XK, sapan wood. A surname. 

Soe Soe bok, RR Ik, sapan wood, a 
an kind of wood, used in dyeing red. 

A sort of curd, made from a cow or 

iN goat’s milk; soe yéw, pK wh, 

a kind of butter or cheese ; called 

in the north Fr 

hie » ma soo ko. 

Few, thinly scattered; open, coarse. 

-—? : 
Soe Tam. gwat soe seng jeaou kéén 

v: chéane, PR FBR AB HE BE 

Fi tain goéyh soe ch’hai"S jedou teé"S twa té hédn 
chéang dy kéung, the solitary moon and a few thinly 

-Scattered stars turned and entwined around the pa- 

lace ; see the kt i =} Toé hoo se. 

San Vulg. sey: acomb; kak soe, £4 
Hit kak sey, a horn comb. 

FP soc ch’haé, vi ZR, culinary vege- 
tables of any sort; common food. 



Vulg. sey: distantly related; open, 

far apart, wide asunder. 

Téng ch’hin soe, Ee Fi Dit 

té"a tédh ch’hin hap sey, to fix the distinctions be- 

tween near and distant relations. 

Ge, Kwat soe, AE it, distantly relat- 
r) Rr ed. 

+) To seek for, to inquire after; to re- 

gulate troops; amedicinal plant. 

“ed Taé soe sam jit, K we = H 

twa ch’hiey kadu s"a jit, a great search for three 

days; see the pu Ad Soo ke. 

Ay Je A kettle shaped bamboo vessel with- 


Soe out handles, in which rice is wash- 
ed; a small measure. 
Soe i To make water; to steep in water. 
Vulg. ch’heaou: to search, to seek 
Soe for, to search out; to shake. 

Hwat Sam-hoo ké sod, taé soe 
séang lim, Fie = it} oy + kK ies oe + 
hwat Sam-hoo dy ké sod, twa ch’heaou téng bin dy 
ch’héw nd, he ordered out the cavalry of Sam-hoo, 
to search all throughout the upper forest; see pia 

TA iP AE, Han boo tay ke. 

Sie The general name for a ship or ves- 

sel. Also read soé. 

Soe FAS sound of the wind. 

Soe The same as HR soe, to search. 


Soe To conceal one’s-self, to hide. one’s 


Jin yéen soe chae? A RR jb 34 ling biéyh 

an chw"a éy soe 4k? how can men conceal them- 
ng ? see the sR ie 

A title for an elderly person; vene- 
Soé rable sir. 
Ong wat, soé put wan ch’héen lé 


ong kong soé, u™ K’hw"d chd hwur"S chit ch’heng 
lé jé laé, the king said, “ Venerable sir! you have 

Lin gé. 

not considered it too far to come a thousand miles 

(to visit me) ;” see nm ¥ Béng choo. 

Soé Blind, having eyes without pupils. 
Vulg. sén: thin, lean, meagre, ema- 
Soé ciated. 

San sat soé, thy FE FB swe 

kadu thaé, k’hw"4 ket"& sén, when a hill is cleared 

it looks barren. 

A venerable old man; also written 

Soé (8 50% 
Soé /. The name of a large marsh. 
Soé To wash, to rinse; soé k’hoé, ik 
p swé k’haéu,torinse the mouth, 
Soé ‘o drag, to draw; toé soé, #} Hit 
tabu sabu, to rouse up, to brush up. 
Soé hoéy, Di ya, to go up against 
Soé >? the stream ; soé yéw, wh ii. to 

go with the stream; also written 

Yi) soé; and VF, soe, 



_ White, the ground of a picture, plain, 

unornamented; png’sod, Te Fe 
formerly, hitherto; kim soé, cy 

Fe, at present, now. 

Soe e géy kéw, HK vid HS 3 piayh s"a lok 

ke" dy héw, a white garment and a fawn colored 
fur-dress ; see the =a =H Lin gé. 

Soé hod kwiy, héng hoé hod kway, x a a= 
4y Ff: (=y Ey hétn chaé pod kwity, chéw ké"d 
té pod kwity, if at present in wealthy .circumstances 

let us act according to wealthy circumstances; see 

the ifr ria Téung ying. 


Feelings, the affections of the mind, 
Soe P’he sim hok, kéén chéng sod, 
He wt JL Sk A ER 2 

Rhwuy sim ue res chéng soe, to open the 

heart and bowels, and exhibit one’s real feelings 

To act according to the usual course; 

Soé towards. 

and affections. 

Plain food without any mixture of 

aromatic vegetables. 
To inform, to anounce, to appeal to. 
x — +. 
Soé Bo6 k*ho kd sod, 4M Tay 4 Ais 

b6 thang ko so2, having no one to 

complain to, or inform of one’s condition. 

Soe To reprove ; to record. 
Vulg. sedou: an account, a reckon- 
Soé ing; a number; several; bod 

soe, 4M i b6 thang swui"8, 
numberless ; swan soe, Gj. YY swoui"s sedou, to 
cast up an account. 

K’hé yéw téng sot, Pe A id Bk ke Phe woe 


té"a té3h dy sod, utensils amounting to a certain 


Hay sob, IY Dip hay sadu, to have 
Soé nie a cough, to be hoarse ; an asthma, 
Tong sé yéw soe, Be Hey A 

ig tang t’hee"& wod hay sadu, in the winter season 
people get colds. 

> To cough; a cold; the same as the 


’ above. 
’ Soé k’hoé, ie J swa k’hdou, to 
Soé yj sid rinse the mouth. 
Soé e hok, RK RR Hk séy s"a 
k’hoe, to rinse one’s clothes. 
LA] 4B, a clay image. 

Jé né soe jin, vi We vA XK 

cWhin chéo"S nwa Phoé cl’hing dy ling, just like 

To form an image of clay ; soé gnoé, 

the clay image of a man. 
To announce, to accuse, to plead ; 
Soe Vv the same as at soe. 
a = 

aa ee To fade, to dwindle away, to fail; 

Soey os weak, decayed; hin siey,- Sill 

¥, to flourish and decay. Also 
written Be sdey- 

f/ Sim é goé sdey 8 BR Fae a a sim é gwd 
ia sdey yéd, * whata sad pass things are come to ; 
I shall now fail and fade away ;’?-said by Confucius, 


in the a ch Lin gé, 

Soey y 

A beam or’ post. 

_M Mourning apparel; chém soey, Wy 
ee, a mourning dress, with the 


borders unhemmed. 



Sséey An walk slowly ; one of the radicals. 


= Sceh siéy, ye BR, an unchaste 


# Volg. hiey : ayear; ké sey? He 
Soéy wy kwity hiey 2 how old are you? 

Ny Ban sédy yea, By B Sir, the 
lord of ten thousand years; a title given exclusively 

to the emperor. 
Jit gwat sé @, sdéy put gno é! 3 | F er RR 

Ba Ae FE BA sie godyh hory Whe neers hidy 
bé kaéu ho® gwd! days and months pass swiftly by, 

and years are not left me! see the ah ap Lin gé. 

Sdéy The same as the preceding. 
Rent, hire, taxes, revenue; ok soey, 
Soéy \ ie Rt ch’hod sdéy, house rent ; 

lap soey, ris RK, to pay taxes. 
Sééy be napkin, a towel. 

4. 2» ~F° persuade, to advise, to endeavor 
Sdeéy yy 

Soey taé jin chek bedou che, but sé ké gwiy gwiy 
jee, Ac A AAG LD DE BH 
ai KR Whe sddy se twa lang chéw k’hw"d sey e, 
bé Whoa e dy gwiy twa dy yéo"S, in trying to per- 

suade great men, we should think little of them, and 

to bring any one over to one’s 

own party or persuasion. 

not look at their lofty and elevated appearance ; see 

ni F Béng choo. =~ 

A whole year; when a child is one 
Sdéy H year old, it is called soéy sé, ye 

tee a year’s time. 


A commander in chief; gw4n sdéy, 
Soéey Ei jt Eh, a generalissimo. 
Sam kwun k’ho twat sdéy yéa, 

p’bit hoo put k’ho twat che yés, — PY BE 

Gh th PE AAR WY AE a AW alee 
dy peng éy thang ch’hé6"& e dy gwin soey, chit 
dy p’hit hoo bé thang hoé ling ch’hé6"€ ey sim che, 

the three bands of an army may deprive a general of | Sok 

his command, but a common man cannot be turned 
from his purpose and aim; see the Fa aa Lin gé. 

the branches of a tree 

Stiey Read sfiy: 
hanging down; nearly, near to. 


To flow down; gan li sdéy léw, 

yea ate am 

laéu, the tears flowed abundantly. 

Soéy y 
Read swat: to explain, to comment 
upon, to unfold the meaning. 

x Ay 
Sityh $7) 
3 Koé swat se ché4, put é bin haé 

00K ot nt A A VL GE 
chéa sdéyh se dy lang, uv” thang Uhé e dy jé haé e 
dy wa, therefore those who explain the odes should 
not by adhering to the letter injure the sense; see 

7 F Béng choo, 
x Read sok: to suck, to draw in the 
Sth Pipe breath, to draw as by a poultice. 
Sefou jé sok jé, J» 52 BE FL 

sdy ké"é soh leng, children draw in the milk. 

Read sek: a rope, a cord; sin sek, 

Soh : 
sh eR stn soh, twine. 
oN Read ch’hwan: a bracelet; séw 
Sth ] ch’hwan, > §)\ cl’ héw séh, arm- 
lets for the wrist. Also written 

SR, sok, a ring. 






A bundle; to bind, to tie. A sur- 

Seng choe yit sok, ie 2) —_ ba 
cW’hai"S ch’habu chit pak, a bundle of green grass ; 
See the yh AEE Se4ou gnay. 

Y Hasty, quick, hurried, speedily, swift, 

~ rapid, to call, to invite. 

Ong sok ch’hut léng, -E TK HH 
ay éng lé k’hah kin ch’hut léng, may it please your 
majesty immediately to issue your orders; see im 
¥- Béng choo. 

Yéw put sok che k’hek sam jin la@, A oS ik os 

BE = \\ AK 105 b6 kd dy Whityh sa ling lat, 
there were three strangers who came uninvited. 

2 a sok, HK ik, to respect and 

I the general term for culinary vege~ 

Sok P’hok sok, BE Hix, small twigs. 
Sok The name of an insect. 
Sok Vulg. sdk: to suck, to draw. 
Hat sok, fy fifi, a frightened ap- 
Sok pearance; terrified, 

Goé put jim ké hat sok, jéak bod 

chéay jé chéw soo tey, FH AN a4 # ny fi 
y= Sir. OF: ita Ri Hh, gud béy lin ¢ dy 

ké"a hé"4 dy yéo"S, ch’hin chéo"S bé chiéy jé chéw 
kadu sé dy 1éy,“1 cannot bear its frightened and ter- 
rified appearance, as if for no fault it was led away 


to the place of slaughter ;” said by a king when he 

saw an animal going away to be sacrificed ; see re 
¥- Béng choo. 

Metal; kim sok, Ame $i kim soh, 

Sok a gold ring; séw sok, =F Bhi 
ch’héw soh, a bracelet. 
The contents of a pot or pan; the 
Sok meat in the caldron. 

Téng chéet chéuk, hok kong sok, 

uy WT jis Hal iy ils té"a hadu cheéh k’ha chéw 

pak t6 kong dy meé"Sh chéah, the foot of the cal- | 

dron being broke, the ruler’s food was upset; see the 

Dy AS Ek keng, 
Sok FA A kind of lance or spear, 18 feet 

long; also written aH, sok. 


Sok #] Anything sliced very small. 

Frequently, many times, repeatedly, 

Sc first day of the moon; gwat sok, 

FA HH goéyh sok, the new moon. 
Sok hong, nya 7, the northern 

Sok several, 

hurried; read soé: 
Sood kwun sok, soo jéuk é@, Hy 

ra Br Wy Fe RR. hok saé jin kwun na chap chap 

id, chéy léy chéw ch’hé léng jéuk, in serving a ru- 
ler, (if we repeatedly reprove him,) we shall get 

into disgrace ; see the att ao Lian gé. 

> ane thick foliage of trees, a thick 
AK grove. 

a conceal; deep, hidden. 






Jin som, XK B, ginseng, the Pan- 

ax quinquefolium, a plant in much 

Som iN 
som, iF Zz yé0"9 som, foreign ginseng; haé som, 
Hi B, tripang, biche de mer. 

esteem among the Chinese; yang 

y= = se™J : frost, frozen dew; p’he 
Song $3 song, am 2 AS p’hee"d se"8, arse- 
Loé kéet wiy song, OE hk fis Ay loé chity kéet 

chd se"S, frozen dew becomes hoarfrost; see the 

+ He HK Ch’héen joo ban. 

Song ae = A widow. 

2 Héng song, Ea I, disheveled hair. 
De Vulg. sang: loose, not tight. 

Double; a surname. Vulg. sang: a 
Song “oe pair, a couple; song seng, tiff y= 

sang sai"9, twins; yit song béet, 


We chi sang boéyh, a pair of stockings. 

Bis $00 ” song, [AY ed + 4 iE kok soo b6 sang 

tdy, among all the scholars in the country, he has no 

equal; see the Ba APJ fa Seaou hé twan. 
HIE , 
{ The name of a boat or vessel. - 

rus multicaulis. 

Song 5 
Ch’han gwat teaou song, a A 

hs Re ch’hé cl’héng dy goéyh, wod hwat ché"d 

tedou se"9 cl’héw, in the month for breeding silk- 

Vulg. se"&: the mulberry tree, Mo- 

A surname. 

worms, the mulberry tree puts forth its branches. 

Song hadu, we # se" ha, mourn- 

ing clothes; sdng song, wR BE 

sang se"J, to attend a funeral. 

Song _PIF 



Ke che song tat hoé taé hoo, sam léén che song tat 
hoé Uhéen choo, Hy Zz He ¥ -f- k kK 
= 2 IE PK Foca ner ay 

se"S ha tat kadu taé hoo, s"a nee dy se"I ha tat 

kadu héng t2y, the period of one year’s mourning 

for parents extends to the great officers, but the time 

of three years reaches to the emperor; see the rh 

i Téung yang. 

~ To throw, to pitch; song ch’haé, 
5 ee ve, to pitch firewood into the 

grate, to feed the fire ina furnace. 

Song The stone under a pillar. 

| The forehead; kim hoo sify, p’hok 
Song A jé yéak che, k’ho soo kd song, 
SHE K WH ih He Zz 

By EGE Bij a hoo chity, phith jé hoé e té6, 
thang saé e koey Uhaéu héah, now with respect to 
water, if we beat and splash it, we can make it go 

over our foreheads; see if -F- Beng choo. 




Song A piece of wood like a drum, 

Aa lait 
Séng 2) A case for holding chopsticks. 

Clear, pleasant; hearty, cheerful; 

Séng grand, fine ; song k’hwaé, HE bk, 
good health and spirits, well. 

i To lose one’s office; vulg. se"S : to 

Song F2 lose, to bury, to be ruined, to be 

lost; forgotten, destroyed. 
Jé sam choo hd hwan é sdng hoe! — = =f ty 
BB vis 3 ¥- no s"a dy ké"d, saé saé hwan 16 
é sit wity hoé / my two or three children, what need 
have you to be troubled about losing office! see the 

an} ie Lin gé. 



Sodng béng, Bia a to be lost, and undone; sdng 
sit, BiB JK, to lose anything. 
The name ofa country; also, of a 
Song dynasty ; and vulg. sdng: a sur- 
Song tedou, sR Hy the famous dynasty of Sdng, 
which commenced A. D, 950. 
. Po accompany out of respect; to 
Song Te present, to give; sdng héng, 7 
ua 47, to accompany any one a part 
of his journey; sdng se, Pe =F sdng ch’hayh, to 
present a book, 

Chad pad jé sing che, Hh FF Fy BEY kwh 

pae jé sing e, he made a second obeisance, and ac- 
companied him out; see the if fui Lin gé. 

: Vf 
Song yim The same as the preceding. 

Séng Séng 1é, 123 (a, a corresponding 


oR He) To think, to consider, to reflect; soo 
lé, hoe J&, to consider ; soo léém, 

NS hig %, to reflect; soo sé4ng, 

%, 4H, to think. 

Kwiay-biin-choo sam soo jé hoé héng, 
= wh % 47 Kwity-ban-cho6 s"a hay « 
séo"S, jéén qou ké"4, Kwity-biin-choo used to con- 
sider thrice before he did anything; see the fy 
Lin gé. 

Soo 254 A three month’s mourning, worn for 

distant relatives. 

P Poey soo, a full beard. 
>» Aa? 



To urge one another to do anything. 
Soo ARB. Péng yéw ch’héet ch’héet soo 
soo, J Fe YN Wf 18 

péng yéw ch’héet cl’héet séo k’hwui"’, friends 
should be earnest and serious in stirring one another 
up (to virtue) ; see the BI BH Lin gé. 

Soo Jae cool wind. 
Soo sf A kind of wooden screen, to put in 
aN Lan} the doorway. 
Soo w Vulg. sae: the cheeks, the sides of 
xy the face. 
Soo ji The same as the preceding. 
This, these; then, forthwith. 
Soo Ké soo cke wiy é@, # By rad 

V4 aR R e sé chéy ne sai"S kong, 
this is the meaning of it; see the ai Bg Lin gé. 

Chae soo k’ho é, Fy iy Wy RR koh an néy, chéw 

hang, once more thus, and it will do; see the ahi 
an Lin gé. 

} or grass cutter. 

~ Yéw soo y4ng chut, 7 in as 

eo woo kwah ch’hadu ch’hé bay dy peng chut, there 

A boy, a servant, a menial ; a wood 

are some grass cutting and housekeeping menials. 

Soo The same as the above, 
Toneigh; m4 soo, i tf bay habu, 
Soo the horse neighs. To belch. 

7? Ma4 ‘soo hong, BR ay jal, bay 

haéu hong, the horse snorts to the wind. 



\ The water exhausted, and dry; to 


Soo y. tf 

To superintend anything; yéw soo, 
A Bl, a presiding officer. 

An ch’hat soo, +E #E Fi] an 
chat se, a civil judge; poe chéng soo, Ah wR By), 
a treasurer; kong soo, /j\ | kong se, acompany, 

exhaust, to diminish, as from the 

melting of ice. 


the place where the company meets. 

Péen toé che soo, chek yéw soo chin, & B Z. 
Hy Al AR PF] FF. péen tadu dy sod, chek yéw 
soo chin, with respect to the vessels and materials 
for sacrifice, there are the proper officers to attend 
to these things; see the at ab Lin gé. 

A surname. Soo ma, fal & a double surname ; 
also, soo to8, Fi HE: and | a, soo k’hong. 

Soo Aa] 
APs A square bamboo trunk for contain- 
Soo — ing clothes or other things. 
Way e séang chaé soo, ME mR 

Ey TE =] why yin ché6"S té séo"8, the clothes 
are in the case; see the x ae fit Se wat beng. 
A teacher, an instructor; a multitude, 
Soo Ep a host, an army. 

Ke bin che hak, put k’ho é way 
nso, $B, A) ZLB AR TV fi 
he mooi"S dy t’hak cl’hityh, b6 Vhang chd lang dy 
sin sai"S, the man whose learning consists partly of 
recollections and partly of inquiries, cannot become 
any one’s instructor ; see the ie a Léy ke. 

Hin soo, A ili, to begin a march, to commence 
a campaign. 

Léy soo, HR ii 16 500, a kind of 
sea slug; asnail; a spiral univalve 

Soo hoe, ti A soo hadu, to wait, 
to tarry. 

A surname. 


molluscous animal. 


. Soo choo, Fifi F- sae dG, a young 

Soo lion, a lion. 
Aen Soe-lék éng laé héén soo chod, 
Be) Ee AREF sete ne 

héén sae d, the king of Soe-lék came bringing the 
present ofa lion. 

Vulg. sae k’héa: private, not public; 
soo sim, 7, iy, private views, 
sinister ends; soo yéuk, Fd, th, 

selfish propensities or lusts. 
E gné kong téén, siiy kip gno soo, iy 4 aS Hl 

SR TR HE Hl, Wh hoe té gin dy kong ch’hin, 

jéén aou kip kadu gwan dy sae W’héa dy, rain first 


on our public fields, and afterwards let it come to our 
private fields; see the o HE Taé gnay. 

— ae 

Soa Fine wine strained from the dregs; to 

Read se: to lose, to lose a battle, or 
a wager, 

RX Se éng bé hwan, iby hin Fe 4y 
soo yé"d bééy wod hwun péét, the gaining or losing 
of the contest is not yet decided. 


A record, a history ; soo kwan, sp 

s06 kw"a, a historian, a recor- 
der; soo ke, sp BL, @ historical 

record. Vulg. saé: a surname. 

Séép lap se soo, YE A SP séép lap kody se 

kap so6, to pass through and hunt amongst the clas- 


sics and historians. 

Soé A horse going swiftly; to hasten, as 
a courier does. 

Vulg. saé: to order, to send, to 

So6 cause, to occasion; ék soo, (Z 

8, a servant. 

Péén pe put chéuk soo léng é chéén €? {fi BE 


AR TE GE YF HY WR view ying hap p? a 

dy ling k’hdm bé kadu saé leng té lé dy bin chéng? 
is it because menials and sycophants are not suffi- 

cient to be ordered about in your presence? see hh 
F Béng choo. 

Vulg. sé: to die, to decease. 
S06 BV, written BM, soo, 
Kwun choo sod wat chéung, sedou 
jin soo wat soo» #¥ f- A £K sy K W, 

E] 9% kun chos dy sé king kéd chéung, sedou jin 
dy sé kéng kéd sé, when a good man dies, itis called 

finishing his course ; but when a bad man dies, it is 

called death. 
vy) sod, twice two. Sod sip jé put 
hek, JY + ii * BKK 82 chap 
hoey jé b6 gé hék, “at forty I was without doubts ;” 
said by Confucius in the ait AB Lin gé. 

Vulg. sé: four; also written =, 

Four horses, a team of four horses. 

Sod put kip séét, EM] AR a F 

sd chédh bdy béy jéuk kadu ch’hiy 
cheéh, four horses cannot overtake the tongue; see 
the om st Lin gé. 

A messenger; kok sod, A, 
Sod Ae an ambassador, an envoy. 
Chod-hwa sod @ Chéy, -¥- Fé 

{i PA FR Chos-hwé chd kok sod té Chéy, Choo- 
hwA became an ambassador to the Chéy country ; 
see the aa on Lan gé. 

Sod yp name of a river and of a place, 
To bestow anything on an inferior 5 

Sod | to give, to confer. 
Ar» Kwun sod sit, pit chéng sék séer 

séang che, # WY FH ab TEM He BS 



jin Kwun n& sod hoé chédh dy meé"Sh, pit téoh 
ch’ hong ché"d cl’ hédh, taé seng ch’ he k’ hw"a e, when 
a prince conferred a gift of food, he would put his mat 

square and first taste of it; said of Confucius in the 
a =n Lan gé. 
Chrhe sod, Tp EE, amarket ; hdng 
Sood Ed 0d, I Je, disorderly, to give 
way to one’s evil passions. 

Pek kong ke sod, Fy “T. ie yi ché"a payh dy 

kang k’héa té té2m, all the handicraft trades can be 
found in the shops; see the AN aa 


NS Bong ch’heng ch’ho té tong, se sod 

pit jeen, BE “By MP Hy, IEE ee Ry OR 

bang ch’hai"S ch’habu té chity té, se dy sod chéw put 

jéén ’hé, “when dreaming of green grass by the side 

Lin gé. 

E sod, yea 5, thought, intention, 

Soo idea; the will. 

of the"ponds, poetical thoughts immediately arise ;” 
said by at EbR Bid Séa-léng-win. 
| A> 
Sood P} 


A square basket, made of wicker 

work; a trunk, 

Vulg. sé: to refuse, to take leave of 
any one; an expression, a sentence. 

GwaAn-soo wiy che chaé, é che 

ch’héuk kéw pek, sod, ae run ye aa oe 2) 
wa Li It B it Gwin-soo kap 6 chd kay 

chaé, hoé e ch’hek kaéu payh, sé, Gwan-soo was 
steward of the household of Confucius who offered 
him nine hundred measures of corn, but he refused 
to accept of them; see the aN 5B Lin gé. 

Ban sod, oa BY, astyle; gAn sod, a at an ex- 


a= A word, a phrase, an expression, a 





Vulg. ch’haé : to sacrifice to, to wor- 
ship ; chéy sod, & hel, to sacri- 

ae F 

Kwun choo mi ae MG kéung sit, séen lip soé téng, 
y it == 
kwun choo chéang Whé héung ch’hod, téoh taé seng 
Rhea ch’haé stn dy té"8, when a good man is about 
to build a house or palace, he first sets up a temple 

for sacrificing (to the gods). 

Sod T} The handle of a sickl 
00 e handle of a sickle. 

2 To inherit, to succeed to an inheri- 
Sod | tance; posterity; hereafter. 





y Choo so6 hod géép, + ata a 

ES hadu sai"S so6 néo"S pay dy kay géép, the son 
inherits the father’s patrimony. 

Different, diverse, various. 

S06 sod é g8, PE aI By se 

hoh yéo"S wa, yew koh yéo"S dy 
é, different expressions and bearing various signifi- 


Pe One of the radicals. 

Choo sod, § Bk, very small 
53 weights; ten grains of millet 
\ make one R, lay; ten » lay 

make one RK, so6; and ten Ek, sob, make one 

Re, choo. 
= s00, % Hi, troublesome. 
5j S06 bod sod jé sit put k’ho yéa, 

ck SE BE ER WY Tak crniys 

ling kadu b6 sod, jé chéah ling dy hong lok sé u™ 

A stick, a staff, a military weapon. 

A surname, 

A business, an affair, trouble; to 

?hang, when a learned men is without employment, 

to enjoy a salary is improper; see oi +} Béng 


Jé s00, Fal +f, alearned man; 
Sod + soo chut, +- x, a soldier, a 

private. Confucius said, “if riches 
may be sought after, (suy chip péen che soo, goé 
ck wiy che, Bie 3 EY Le 2 7 BZ 
suy kéth bay pee"S dy soo chut, gwd yéd cho e,) 
although it should be the mean condition of a whip- 
per-in I would fill it; but if they are not to be 
sought after, let me follow that which I prefer ;” see 

the + fj Séang lan. 

An officer, one in office, one employ- 
Soo tt ed under government. 
Sod sip wat kéang j@ soo, Jl} 

42 EI it iti tk se chap hity kong kédng 

béng jé chd kw"a, at forty a man may be said to be 
in his prime, and should enter on office; see the 

Hh fff Keheuk ley. 

V pi? inherits séang 306, FH {VJ séo 

Soo y2 ch’hin chéo"9, alike. 

Bin suy put téng, j@ gé chek 

séang S06, 3 fe AR fel ffi 38 i) 48 V 

bin lwwat suy 66 séo tang jé 2 306 séo ch’hin chéo"9 , 
although the expressions vary, the idea is the same. 

Soo Wr Tay sod, 49 {PJ sisters-in-law. 

+ The banks of a stream; the water’s 
$060 B® edge. 
Chaé h6 che soo, ia yy Pc 

7R twa té king keé"8, on the banks of the river; 
see the -F ph Ong hong. 
To wait for, to tarry. 
Sod chééy Téang-say, BR E | 2 
FS PD vhaé chiey te Tédng-say 
dy wiy, I wait for the punishment of my offense at 
Téang-say 3 see the Ff a {i Kay gé twan. 



To wait, to tarry for; sod soa, te 
Sod AR. AR, a multitude walking slowly. 


Kwun béng teaou, chaé kwan put 
800 ké, chaé goéy put soo ke, ri “iy B HE 

#5 AR AR AE FE AD AR AR Bite boon 

béng léng kéd, na twa té tedou ting w™ saé téng 
hadu by, nd tod té gw bin i™ saé téng hadu ch’héa, 
when a prince issues an order to summon you into 
his presence, if at court do not wait for your shoes, 
or if abroad do not tarry for your carriage; (but go 
immediately ;) see the fy 7E ye Léy géuk ch’ho. 

To feed any one; sod jin, BX A 
cl’hé léng, to feed people. 

Vulg. ch’hé: to feed, to nourish, to 
- — 
Sod ir] supply with food. 

Péét jin tok 1é ch’hé jéuk, soo tae 

koe AN A SR AB TAL id A He 

ling dy toh lé Uhayh bah, ch’hé twa kay, you can 
take meat from another person’s table to feed your 


own mother-in-law ; (said of those who are inclin- 
ed to be filial at the expense of others.) 

gener eS eatables ; also read sit: to eat. 
Sod - Hwan soe sod yim sty, BK He 
e BR 7k chéth cl’hoe poot"S 

lim chiiy, to eat coarse rice and drink water; see 

the ai aE Lian gé. 

Sod 4 B The same as {}), s0d, alike. 

SH pep Chey 306, FE FP chdy ch’ha’, to 
sacrifice to, to worship. 
Chéy soo choé séen, HE We me 
+t chéy ch’haé choé chong, to sacrifice to one’s an- 

cestors ; also written We , 500. 



A ploughshare; the colter at the end 
B of a plough. 
Hod jééy sod, jé choo Sdng che 

Teng, FE ARE i AS EMR setsoey 

sod, jé chédng Sdng kok che kadu Téng, they shoul- 
dered their colters and ploughshares, and from the 
Sdng country come to that of the Téng; see a 
=o Béng choo. 


A wild ox$ hoé sod ch’hut 6 ap, jE 

yi Hy ix vit hoé kap yéa 

god ch’hut € ap, the tigers and 


wild oxen got out of their cages. 

mn) inheritance ; kéy soo, ie fi), 

to inherit. 

ae A grandson; choo sun, +- iR 
Sun 43 ké" 4 sun, posterity. 
Me Vulg. swui”S; a surname. 

Hadu sun yéw k’héng, ze ie Ay iB wood hadu 

dy sun & woo hok k’he, a filial grandson will possess 
happiness ; see the K AE Sedou gn4y. 

Sun A fragrant herb, 
Sun A kind of ape, or monkey. 
Sun The name of a tree. 

Ee Dressed food. 
An evening meal, a supper; teaou 
yh» yung sék sun, BF] ¥ Ay We 
ché W’hé chéth yung mat”9 hwui"S 

chédéh sun, in the morning we eat our breakfast, 

and in the evening our supper. 

eae a oa 

To injure, to dimitish, to detract 

EF] HAE, to corrupt. 

Lé ké sin jin, ic PiA 

le yeah ka té, stin haé pat Hing, © to-benefit one’s-sel f 

from ; sfin haé; 

and injure others. 

Sin A pointed piece of wood, used as the 
fastening of a door. 

Chis DAN Téuk sun, 4¥ 23) tek stin, the 
7A) young shoots of bamboo. 

Sian a same as the above. 

Stin EE Sian gé, Ge je, a cross bar from 
Ss which a bell or drum is suspended. 

se The name of am ancient emperor. 

Stn Yéw kwan chaé hay wat Gé-siin, 


woo twa sin dy lang chat hay wiry, mé"6 kéd Gé- 
sun, there is an individual in an inferior stiuation 
called Gé-stin; see the we whe Gedou téén. 

ay pew The stalk of a flower, or plant. 

Sun A pretty ephemeral flower which 
fades the day it blossoms. 

San pre, Sin sit, et B bak nat"Ih; the 
twinkling of an eye. 

San The trunk of a tree; the name of a 

P The name of one of the diagrams ; to 
Sin bE enter in, to be obedient. 

“2 ~~ Also, a young man with gray hairs 
is called Be , sin hwat. . Also written SP, sin. 


To follow; to follow to the other 

world, by dying at the same time; 
distant; hasty, speedy. 

Sé hong taé sin sip jé jin, kae ke léét 6 sin, yA 
sé hing dy twa sin chap jé ling, chd pob h6 cl’héa 
leéh é toey e, the first emperor's great ministers, to 
the number of twelve persons, were all torn in pieces 
by chariots in order to follow him into the other 


Sin | To spurt out water. 
Sin cs oie same as the above. 

To yield respectfully ;_k’héem sin, 
# Hh, humility ; lowliness. 
Gnoé p’hin put sin, caf hp AS 

ih oe lin dy ta lé w™ sim chéiing, the five classes 

of virtues are not complied with; see the =! Re pil 

Se siin téén. 

Sin To be humble, to be submissive ; the 
Ay same as the above. 

Sin *® 

The movement of the eyes. 
Chéung jit sé, j@ bok put sin, 

~ BAM ih AA WR 
chout"S jit tit W’hao"d, 7é bak chew w™ tin tang, to 
be looking all day without moving the eyes. 


To inspect, to go about and survey; 
stin sew, AG AF, the visits of in- 

spection paid by an emperor; chin 
stn, a ¥&, to retire, to be rejected. 
Gnoé chad yit sin stw, Fy, AY — XK ae 
goé neé"9 chit dy stin stwy every five years there 
should be a visit of inspection; see the vi it 
Sin téén. 






A period of ten days; sam sip, 
[3] 4], three decades, a month. 

Ke sam pek yéw léuk silo, yew 
leuk jit, JL = AAA BD A>wH 
chit neé"S wod sa piyh kap lak chap jit, yew lak 
jit, a whole year consists of three hundred and 
sixty days, and six days besides; see the p= ih 
Gedou téén. 

Sin Ne) Swift, rapid; also writtem 42. stn. 
y) To soothe, to pacify; to be obedient 

Sin 4/5) to, to comply with. 
Tin-sin soo Chew-ch’he sin 
cory ey LE JEL THe 4 

sin saé Chew-cl’hé k’h2 bob sin Gwity dy téy, Tan- 
sin sent Chew-ch’hé to soothe and pacify the Gwiy 



Sin I a ] The same as the preceding. 

Sin 2) To believe ; sincere, true, real. 

To believe; also, stern and cautious. 

Tek héng sin sin, His 4y IK) 

iy, his virtue was strict and care- 

San 34) To ask, to inquire; ch’hod sin, “a 

a. to make inquiry. 


To bury persons along with a decea- 
sed sovereign, in order to accom- 

pany him into the other world; to 
pursue anything immoderately, even to death. 

Sin chong hwy ley yéd, AQ ZB FF fe 



SUN 622 SUN 

ty lang taé uv hap léy, to be buried with the dead 
is not consistent with propriety. 
T’ham hoo sfin chaé, léét sod sfin béng, Bek 

¥2) it P| a Real x Cham dy lang sin té 

cheé"S, léét dy Vhak ch’ hay yhiling stin té mé"d sé”a, 
the covetous man follows immoderately after wealth, 

and the zealous scholar after fame. 

Sain $ The name of a gem, 

Sin W An, uneven appearance of hills; a 
B steep and rugged hill. 

in S| A neckerchief. 


th 47) : The name of a plant; a surname. 

Sin rs The name of a country; a surname. 

Sin The name of a tree. 

To declare, to make known; to 

transmit to others. ~ 

5 comply with, to follow, to be o- 

Sin AVS bedient3 sin chéting, Yj 4 to 

‘ % Koe. sin, He Hi ké cl’ hw"d, a 
” | gen JI] kind of wood, used for making the 

sia stin hwan, ‘ai TR, t 

revolve; sin léang, 4G 4G Be, docile. 
K’heng taé hoo é sin hwat way chéet, yell k K 

| Y ie 1k fi) fiji Wheng kap taé hoo é stn 

hwat toé chd chéet, nobles and great officers should 

make a point of obeying the laws. 

Sin ch’héang j@ chose, Hh J ify FE Phan | 

cWhéo"s jé chadu, he went along under the wall, 
and ran away; see the A ili Cho twan. 

Sin Jeaou sin, #6 fi fae the seam on the 
back of a garment. 

2 Plain, honest, upright, unadorned, 

Sin iF great ; s(in he, - ot a double 


San eae liberal, real, sincere, faithful. 
Sin ix yellow cow with black lips. 

2. 7 | 
Sin py E Thick, strong wine; liberal, kind. 

Yéem sin, 48 3B , yéen cl’hun, a 
NYY) quail. 

= * 
Sin Aa replete. 

To follow, to comply with; to ap- 
ny | 


Stn _. proach gradually, 

_E bit bod haé, ko® bit stin yéen, 

ae ga Wn Ae fe SB YN Will Fy Bap meee 

b6 séo haé, koe meé"Sh stin sin yéen, “when we do 
not injure animals, they will be submissive to us 3” 

said by We F- Chong-choo. 

handles of hoes. 

Pure, unadulterated, unmixed. 
Sin aby Stin'ék pat 6, Seti nis A» Co 
pure without intermixture, spot or 



z ; ope To be obedient, to comply with. 
Siin WB Hadu choo sin sun, 2 ¥ I 
an aA wood hadu dy ké"d séo sun by 
sun, filial children and obedient grandchildren. 
| Sin soo, IE SB, to comply with “circumstances, 
to serve faithfully. 
To lead, to receive orders, to obey; 

sut soo 6 laé, = = Bil YJ Ae 

ch’hwa peng € laé, he led on the 
troops and came; see the Te. (ea Cho twan. 
Tae sut, Kk se generally speaking, an average. 

Sit “" % 


Sut O°F% To walk. 

Sut = To obey, to rendered. 
Sat fa 9 Sit’ sut, I ih, seéh sut, a — 
Sut ) § The sound of winds 
ve ¢ 

Zi Vulg. chdy : to cut off, to amputate. 
To na to compassionate; sut lin, 
am to commiserate. 

chi E sut héung Rng, Y) tf 14) 

ve é sut In héung Inoui"S » in® order to pity those 
distressed with famine; see the iy Mose léy. 

Chin sut, Hk Bill torelieve distress- 

es, Also written) 5 sut. 

Kew chae sut lin, Hk R fo 

AS kéw chae lan, sut hiiyh péah kok, to save those 

Sut . 

in misfortune, and to relieve neighbors see the 

FE {ili Cho twan. 


: = AeAs 4 
“Oi of we ee characters. 

~ To whistle with the moiith'; ins 

béng sut sut, [] HE, p34 we 

chindy habu sit sut, the mouth 

makes a whistling sound. 

Sut Ze To'come last ‘out ‘ofiashole. 
* aad 
To, guide, to lead on 3,a leader. 
Sut e Choo sut 6 chéng, séuk k4m put 
chong, “F Bit VTE 5h, Be 
aS iE choé lé ch’ hwa € ché"d “che chiry k& w™ 
ché"d, it you lead them on ina correct way, who 
dares to be incorrect; see the ait pe Lan gé. 
oN » To connect, to cultivate} to state, to 
Sut Wo declare; to record, 
Séén sut jin che $06; oie ile NK 

a Hy gadu swa ling dy soo, to be skillful in ‘con- 

necting and handing down people’s affairs ; see the 

ifr i Téung ying. 

2. An art, a contrivance fke sut, i 
Aitj, skill 5.sim suit, Ly Aig, the 
workings of the mind; hwat: ‘silt, 

i: thi, an art, a plan; séa sit, Ab papers 

tious errors, corrupt opinions. 

Kadu ék to.sit 2, Bl nN B 6 R ka lang 

yéd chéy hang Inoat sist, there are various” ‘methods 
of instruction; see = ¥- Béng choo. 

uw ao ¢ }e 

Sut hy: [The same as Slt, sit, to state. | 
= “Although ; ; suy jéén, BE YR YR, 
Suy though it may be so. 

Suy wat bé hak, goé pit wiy che 

bike, Be AR EH oh ZK 


suy jéén king yéd bey Vhak, gwd& pit king e bat 

thak.ko2y, although any should say such a oneris. | 

not learned, I would certainly affirnr that he had 
learned. ;, see, the Ea Af Sang, e 

Suy: i Lateral, inclined, partial. 

Hoé suy, Hh Fe, «fragrant kind 

of vegetable. « 


Wn suy, Be aE, the genus Carum, coriander. 

Suy. Ae Peaceful, at rest; to retire. 
Suy 2/ Suy bé, iz in, a gentle shower. of 
% small rain. 

Suy te name of a vessel or utensil. 
Ca Chong suy,, & 53 chang) suy, a 

Suy re. coarse kind of rain mantle. 

Suy'e, HF A, garments to de- 

fend from the! rain. 

Vulg. chity: water ; sit sty, e IK 
y 7K chéah chty, to drink water. A 

Say chae! sty chae! IQ HE ai AR chty chae! 

chtity chae! O water! O water! 

YP Pin sty, xz y the hair on the 

y sides of the head. 
Read bé: handsome, fine, elegant, 
Sty beautiful ; when aE Rg AS, Hwa- 

hoo-séuk saw 3 a R K’hong- 

kay-hoo’s-wife, he stared at her, and accompanying 


| her said, (bé j8 yéém, SE ffj PYb stiy kwd ch’hin 
‘cl’hat"8,) “how beautiful and enchanting !” 

Valg. hwiln: to sleep. Also vulg, 

Sty H ka chity : to slumber. 
| . Séang-kwun lin sod, Chin éng 

boéy sity jé put vheng, PY it Fil HG. He - 
tp AE a AN Hilt Séang-kwun gé liin sod Chin 
éng tak paé k’ hwitnjé 66 t’hé"a, when. Séang-kwun 
was discoursing on business, Chin 6ng frequently 

went to.sleep, and'did not hear; see the ip EL 

Soo ke. 
Say Unmixed, pure; sin siy, th FE, 
pure and unadulterated. 
The eyes looking Harmonious and 
Siy agreeable. 

Say jéén kédn.é béen, BAR GR 
A is {ffi ch’heng hé héén té bin, harmony and 
delight beamed from his countewanices see ° ie =¢ 

Béng choo. 

2 To ridicule, toblame; to inform; 
ai verbose } to reprimand. 

Goé 6ng hw4n choo hwat Chéy, 

siy Sins, ke EBA KB HS 

Goé éng toot" choo hwat Chéy kok, cWhéd Sin-se 
when the king of the Goé country returned from at- 
tacking the Chéy, he ridiculed Sin-see 


Suy To harden steel, by means of water. 
Suy en Calamities produced by evil spirits. 
ay = 
Suiy Ris Deep and distant. 


A commander-in-chief y-gwan sy, 

Jc fib, a generalissimo. 

To soa the borders of a country. 

Put é gno sity Sin, A act = 

5 ae SK FA bé kap'gwd chéw Sin kok, 

they will not guard the borders of the Sin country for 
me ;.see the 74 fii, Ong hong. 


wut"S 12y pang Wh Wh ytr chéO"8 get hee"€ ay 

' katété,; the yellow emperor merely let his garments 

hang down, and the whole empire was regulated. 

Siy An instrument of torture. 
To follow; sly tiy, Re Pan to fol- 
| Sty low in procession ; forthwith. 

Chéén hoé séang siy, 0) ik 

2. Vulg. ché chity : who, what, which? 
Biy ale Choo why, sty? F- Bi, id #4 Wis chéng adu séo sty, before and behind join- 
A Pra loai% n 
Rp ™ é sé ché chiry? who are you, Sir? ing in procession ; see the by fil SS To tek keng. 
| P ; kind 
Siiy The back; the body. Sty A pearl ;:choo sy, Uk is, 3 
‘ of pearl. 
wi Kk a 7 3 }~ Read sim: the fruit of the wisi 
Sty h Trees and plants hanging down. Siiy a> m tree. . 
; Song sim, Re HE se"8 sty, mul- 
; Heavy; also written “sty | berries. 
Sty Axe The name of aman ep for rhs | Be r To complete, to occasion, to extend 
ingenuity, . | Sty Y ~ to, to advance; then; siy chek, 
, A staff, a club, a switch for a horse. a iu, forthwith, 
Sty Han Kéng-ty téng sy péen tae Séng sod put swat, say soo put kan, ww BH AR 

chioay ito, IR Sse it JE HE 
Hg wy JE WN Han. Kéng-t2y té"a tésh shy kwaé 
a bdy pee"®, p’hah woo chiéy dy ling, Kéng-tey, of 
the Han dynasty, appointed the club and whip for 

the punishment of offenders. 
Stiy_ The borders of a country; distant 
sane borders. The edge of a precipice. 
- “ 
Sty The weight which js attached to a 
aa pair of steelyards, 
To let fall, to hang down ; to spread 

abroad ; near, nearly. 
hay, fe He HE AMT AP OB 

Hing tey sty e séAng, jé théen 

ide ae eH 7S ak ché"d dy sod b6 kong, suy 

dy sod b6 td, when a thing is done it is useless to 
speak about it, and when itis completed, it is unne- 

cessary to reprove it; see the ai ao Lin gé. 
Ban gné éhoo koe, say kip pek che, (3 HK ix 
Us 3a JR A Wii moot’ gwan choo koe, sity 

kip kadu i payh twa ché, let us ask all our aunts, 

and then let us go to our uncles and elder sisters; see 
the ‘iy Jib, Woey hong. Also written R, sity. 

Sa The strings and tassels with which a 
ey 4 gem is tied. 
Siy A gem worn by persons in office ; a 
gom attached to girdles. 


vs A pathway in a vault, or a subterra- 

nean passage in a grave;.a way. 

K’hwat téy kip chwan, siiy jé 
séang kéén, fd Hh, B me 3 fi vie Bh 
Whwuy téy kip kadu chow" chity, sty Uhan bong loe, 
jé séo ke?™S, dig deep into the ground till you come 
to the fountains, and then by a subterranean passage 
meet each other ; this expedient was recommended 
to a prince, who had vowed never to see his mother 

again, till he met her under the yellow fountains 

(i.e. in the grave); see the 7e (i Cho twan. 

Sty BA 


We embers of fire; also, a kind of 
wood which is used for producing 

fire, by friction, 

sq The name of a wod, like the moun- 
tain pear. 
Sip yéw sé siy, ie, ¥ Hit Ae 
wun sip dy wity woo ch sity ch’hd, it. marshy places 
they plant the wild pear ; see the RR Jal Chin hong. 

Say ~Jad A kind of rheumatic complaint. 

Siiy An ear of corn, the fruitful appear- 
ance of corn. 


Say = The mind. deeply exercised with 

Siiy An ear of corn. 
Siiy dy A gem used as an insignia of office ; 
also, a lucky omen, 
fabs Swa k’hae, br Fil to 3 out, to 

‘spread out. 

SWA 1 iy 

To sport; hé sw4, ji uy to play; 
gwan sw, Ff, HB hit 1’h6, to 
play, to sport, to take one’s plea- 

va To sprinkle the ground with water.” 
Swa } Tong sw4 sod, = We tir ey 
4 4 t2"8 tit hew chity sadu téy, leis 
fit for sprinkling and sweeping the ground ; seé the . 
SB Em Lin gé. 

Seaou sw4, ii iE, solitary, 

ay To wash out, to obliterate, the same 
Swa 7) as the preceding. i; ae 
Gwan pé soo ché4 yit sw4 che, 

FL We AE — FG ZL aeait they stay, 
lang chit dy swd e, I wish to wipe out this stain ~ 
for the sake of the dead; see aa -f- Béng choo. 

—_ 3a" discourse violently, to show: vio- 

lence in discourse. 
Read sé :. to removes pwan sé péét 
Swa ch’hé, Hix HE Al iA pwra swe 
pat wiiy,to removeto another part. 
Read soé: to’ wash, to rinse; soé 
Sw y » Whoé, Hix po swh k’habu, to 
rinse or gargle the mouth. 
Be age séuk : anbrdken, incessant, 
Swa continued without intermission. . 

REL Séang séuk, i a séo swa, con- 

necked joined together, 


’ Read say: sand; a surname; say 
Swi 7 > séen, YY oR swh sw®d, a sand 
Ver. deck, 
Swe * Read say: a fish 3 say ge, PA ff, 

sw hé, the shark fish. 


Sua | | 



Read san: ahilly téng san, BF y]y 
1é°8 swa, China, . A surname. 

Way san kéw j jim, kong k’hwuy 
yieknsy, Boh IL 9B HK 
- chd sw"a kabu jim kwin, kang hoo k’luouy chit ling 

_ &thoé, in making a hillock 72 feet high, to leave 

* the work unfinished from the lack-of-enly a bas- 
ket of earth; (referring to those-who-make some 

progress in learning, but leave their education unac- 
complished by only a very little;) see the fey FE 
Séang sé. 
: Read s4n: to bear, to bring forth ; 
when a woman is pregnant ands 

has not fullfilled her months, she 
is said to, be (san lay, pe [J] sw4 laé,) in her 


Read san: an umbrella; € san, iy 
AP; hot swa, a rain umbrella. 
Lé4ng san, ie Se néong. sw"d, 

a parasol, a round umbrella of state. 

Read san: to disperse, to scatter; 

hwun. san, 4} HX hwoun sw™d, 
divided and dispersed, \y 


: a thread; chim séén, 

Read séén: a 
Sw" a $8 Rt 40 chéem sw", needle and 


Boé chim put yin séén, 4 Gy x zl 4 bé 

chéem bey yin tit sw"d, without a needle we cannot 
draw the thread; (i. e. without the introduction of 

one friend we cannot get acquainted with another.) 

& The mango fruit; swaéS choo, isd 
KF swaé"Y dé, a bubo, a venereal 

» ulcer. 
Kn 108% eC) oiwa why —! 

Swae”S Bon a change of the voice. 




- Swah awih héng, swah 
swah Arp fi fe 

swith ké"4, the appearance of wal- 
To spoil; ch’hit swih pat pat, 
ZK [\ Ey oh hit swoah payh pae, 
seven spoiljngs and eight ruinings 5 
(alluding to persons who spoil ‘everything which 
they put their hands t to.) 
Read sat: to injure, to strike with 


Swah noxious influences ; to finish; the 

JY dV same as sat, ZY, to kill. 

‘Seed sae: to kill; séangSat, FA He 
Swah © séo ,swah, to kill and injure one 
# another. 

2 To proclaim, to spread-abroad, to 
Swan "5 

publish ; to summon. A surname. 

Jit swan sam tek, F] ‘at =e 

tak jit swan: béng s"a hang dy tek heng,.every day 

proclaiming the three virtues. 


Swan B To seek for; to proclaim abroad. 

Swan PA To proclaim, to publish. 
Swan elas warm and gepial influences of 
the sun. 


5] To dry in>the sun; the brightness 
of fire; dry, 

725)... name of a plant. 
=. : 

BB” draw, to pull, to lead. 




pa warm and genial influence of 
Swan i the sun. 

A=) Han kok séng swan, aR uN mM 
He kw"d k’hai"S ché"é séo, the cool vallies become 

* warm. 

A-gem six inches square; yéw soo 

Swan 77> hong swan géuk, AR =I Be ta 
; a= SE yéw soo dy kw"a hong héen 

swan géik, the proper officer presents the-gem of 


Swan hwa, =o ae to make a noise 

and disturbance. 

Swan ne 
PR Gis tid swan ha, 3K GE 

BE, the princes made a clamorous noise. 



Swan v =) The same as the above. 

Zvue swui"S: sour ;, swan kam, ie 

Swan aa Ke swui"S kam, a lemon, 
Béng ch’hun che gwat,ké be swan, 
ih A at B EE 1 ie béng ch’hun dy goéyh, 
e dy bé té5h swui"S, in the first month of spring, the 
taste of what we eat should be sour; see the i A 

Ay Léy ‘gwat léng: 

Vulg. swui”S : a weariness and las- 

Swan situde of the limbs. 

Sin théy swan thong, ZF 3 
a 5 sin Uhéy swui"S t’hé®®, the whole body list- 

less and weary. Swan’ lw4n, es ib swui"s 
noot"&> weak and listless. 

Swan The name ofa plant, ‘and ofa vege- 
' “table. 

Sy cirhe swan, wi He, ch’hity k’hé 

Az ga swui"s , the teeth set on edge. 




Deceitful, treacherous; also, to for- 
Swan = get. 
p He chd chay swan che ch’hek, 
in Se ak. Es Z pa Khang k’hang séet payh ! 
ch’hat dy key ch’hek, he vainly adopted a few deceit- 

ful plans; see the i% a k { 3 Han sit hoo twan. 

Swan bee The bolt ofa door, 
so ~ 
fewest ao * bolt; bok swan, 7k ice ch’ hd 
swan, a wooden bolt. 
To select, toch 4 
i a ; to choose ; swan ték, a 
Swan > bes hén toh, to pick and choose. 

~— Sin yéw théen hay, swin ¢ 


Sin wod thee" ay, swin kéng te 

chéting, ké Ko-yadu, 
chédng ling, ké yung Ko-yaéu, when Sin obtained 
the empire, he made a selection ‘from amongst the 

whole, and elevated to office Ko-ya6u; see the at 


Swan EET hold, water in the mouth, and 

v. A = spurt it out. 

2% Lin gé. 
4 Liin gé. 

Swan A piece of wood used in weaving. 
An instrument of torture; thumb 
Swan : 
Swan cm urge, to, press. 
s k Vulg. swu": to'reckon, to count ; 
Swan swan pwan, ti ABE swui"Y pw, 

an abacus, a reckoning board. 
Also written , swan. 

Héng téy sé, Léy-séw chok swan soé, Ta ir ied 

ra 4 (E i) By wui"S ty dy sé, Léy-séw chd 

swui"S ‘sedou, in the time of the yellow emperor 
(B. C. 2622,) Léy-séw invented accounts. 

az Swan t’hoé, 

rit garlic. 
oe et 
of anything. 

Chew swan, Al ia to turn round, 

to revolve; to circulate. 

Pwan swan, ie He, to turn 

round and round. * 


Fe JA swdn thadu, 


To look at, and make a calculation 


Swan ~ jp- Water turning around in an eddy. 
j Also written fe. swan. | 
Swi ‘A precious gem, used for astronomi- 
wan : 
cal purposes. 
Swan » The same as the above. 
Swan To turn round, to revolve. 
Swan To turn round, to revolye. 


Also read ch’hwan: a diamond; kim 
a a Id 
Swan BE gin swan, 4 AR i gold, | 
silver, and diamonds. 

Swan sék, fh ray swan chédh, a diamond stone. 

To desire, to rejoice in; to covet, to 
long after. 
Boé jéén him swan, ai ae i 





Pe 26 jen hw"a hé him swan, havingyno delight or 

a Vulg. sayh: snow; frozen rain; 
Swat =t= swat pék, j=. =] swat payh, as 

white as snow. 

Kim gno laé soo, 6 swat hwuy hwuy, & IK Be 
hod RY a SE 5e ta gwé laé soo, hoe styh 
hwuy hwuy, now that I come, the rain and snow is 
drifting about; see the i). HE Sedou gnay. 

Svat The ancient form of the preceding 


Swat a) To scrape, to pare off, to cut. 

>» Yule: héng: to speak, to discourse ; 
= vulg. sdéyh : to explain ; explana- 
5 tion. 

Chaé-gno Choo-k’hdng séén wily swat sod, ae Fk 
+H ae By ER Be Chaé-gno Chod-k’hing 
gaéu chd sdéyh so6, Chaé-gno and Choo-k’hong 
were skillful in conversation and discourse; see 
Tha J Beng choo. 

Swat tek yéw lé, af tad A FE, it is reasonably 

to cleanse. 

Swat In 
Swat thé kaé héng, wl Ji BY 

45 lod hd seaou léy kdy séy ké"4, to rub out the 

disgrace, and reform one’s actions. 

R «: 


Vulg. Zod: to brush, to rub; to sweep, 

Withered, shriveled; to gather up 
the skin. 

TR Read sun; a surname. 



Read swan: sour, acid; ham téém 

iB swan, Bik at ya héém tee"J 

swui"S;, salt, sweet, and sour; the 
name ofa confectionary which unites all these tastes, 


Read swan: weary, listless; weak- 

Swui™S ness, lassitude. 

Kéak séw swan, fi - iB Kha 

ch’héw swui"8> a weariness of the limbs. 

Swoui"S 7 Sty gnéw, 7K 4 swut”9 goé, a 
buffalo, a water cow. 




=? Read sin: to injure; sin sit, Fizl 
Swut”’S hig 6 snnia 5 
aN swut"& sit, to injure and lose ; 
sin hwaé, +8 BR swut"S kW héep, 
injured, destroyed. 

Swui"S Ja 

Swan kéy, a =t swui"S key, to scheme, to plan. 

Read swan: reckon, to count; swan 
hw4ng, eS. Sh swul"S hwdng, 

to count money. 

Swultt Fe Read swan: to tie; swan kin, iid 
I~ Be swut"S kin, to tie very tight. 

Read kan: dry, arid, not moist ; but 
Ta a, kan, Py HL meé"Sh ta, anything 
very dry. 

Stones in a stream, to serve for steps; 
Ta Fife the name of a place. 
ddd  Chod-kat-ta-sé, Bk Ft BE PE, 

the Chinese method of pronouncing the word ‘se- 


To catch; a basket for catching fish ; 

to cover, to overspread ; to spring 


on like a tiger. - 

To jump and, frisk about; sedou jé 
= , * 
Ta EA talaé, )}y ye He] IE sty hea 

tad laé, the child came frisking 

Read téang: a curtain; bin téang, 
by ie bdng td, musquito cur- 

| tains. ; 

Read cheaou: to be burned in the 
KE fire; chéen td cheaou, Ri ¥)) 
odd») & chéen kadu té, to broil to 

a cinder. 




Read kim: now, at. present ;_ kim 

7 che jin, put pé tek koé che jin, 

id we t"a dy lang bey pé tit koé ché dy lang, 
the people of the present day are not to’be compar- 


ed with those of former times. 

Read tam: to bear, to carry; tam 

but, Hz By "a meé"Sh, to car- 

ry a weight by means of a stick 


across the shoulders ; something in the way in which 
milk is carried in London, only the yoke is straight 

and flat, and not made to fit the shulders, 
Read tam: péén tam, fa HE pin 
T"a ae t%a,the flat stick or pole with 

the shoulders. 

which burdens are carried across 

Read téung: the middle; téung 
yang, Ff ah ta e"&, the centre. 

T’heng bok, ffi FF] t"a bak chew, 
to lift up the eyes. 

Vulg. p’hth: to beat, to strike; 

séang t"4, ra FT seo p’hith, to 
fight with one another; t"4 t’héng, 

dy Fi v’ham Vhe"a, to listen; t4 pan, 47 He 

ee prepare, to provide. 
Read tam: a burden; that which 
os ” os can be carried by one man; a 
hundred weight; a pecul. 
D> tee swat: to speak to, to reprove, 
to discourse. 

Bi H"6 swat, LF aR hé t”d, you 

Way. well, you are very polite, 

mt IR sport about the fire. 



Read téng: to asers téng lok, fe 
m pe 3 #"@ léh, to throw down, to 
open and spread out. 
Tae Be Tae gaé, te ak, to miss one’s aim 
through haste ; stupid. 

Tae AK, Corn just ripe ; a kind of large grain. 

Tae The name of a fish. 

i Vulg. p’ha"é: wicked; taé jin, Ca 
Taé phaté lang, a bad man. 

Put te h™ taé, Ay Jy if U7 

a” chae hé p’ha"é, not knowing how to distinguish 
between good and bad. 



Vulg. td: a girdle; kéet tad, $¥ 
hat twa, to bind on a girdle; - 

kaé tad, fff AS Phabu tod, to 
unbind a girdle; tad lat, Py ZK twod laé, to bring. 

Sok tad lip é tedou, He HE Ye FS BAY Aah toe 

Whéa té tedou laé, to bind on a girdle, and stand 
in the court ; see the fy Be Lin gé. 

» Vulg. tey: to put on anything, to 
wear anything on the head; taé bo, 

= 7 A téy 66, to wear a hat or 
cap. A surname. 

Put kiiing tad théen che kéw, Ay tk 4 K 

rsd Au b6 kang tty thee"® dy kéw séw, a deadly 

enmity which will not allow the parties to live under 


the same heavens. 

BE Thad ta, ABE 4x, ignorant of af- 

fairs, unacquainted with business, 


TAE 632 TAE 
; %~ To change, to come instead of, ‘to 
Taé The roots of plants. Tae substitute ; sé taé, Wy tk sé téy, 

Es a’ terrace, a high platform, hustings ; 
Taé Es an altar; exalted." ~ 
Keng sé léng taé, 4 4 ‘aie a 

Phé Chabu chd ho dy taé, they beganto make the fine 

terrace; see the K HE Taé gnay. 
Heng taé, E a, or ye €, exalted brother; an 

expression commonly used in letter writing. 

ASE Taé lip, a *, a bamboo hat, in 


out the rain. 
ce ne, : 
Taé Poéy taé, thi 13, a servant, a mi-~ 
nister, a menial. 

se Vel. pai" sa terrace, a stage; he 
ee tad, ik his he patS, a stage ; 

=. kéng taé, ie Re ké"a pat™S, a 

‘frame for a looking-glass. 


the form of an umbrella, to keep 


? A sea animal with a black shell, and | 
Taé h said to contain pearls. An insect 

resembling the locust. 

Read baé: to bury; baé but, FE 
Mn taé meé"Ih, to bury anything ; 

Taé +H 
baé sin se, $2 & be taé sin se, 

to bury a dead body. 


Vulg. twa: great, large; ‘k’hwat taé, 

FA K K’hwah twa, ample. 

Taé chae! Gedou che why kwun 

yéa, K RR x8 Zz Py Fe 4h, twa chae! Gedou 

dy chd jin kwun, how great was GeAou as a prince! 
see the am ay Lin gé. 
Tae séuk, k a, a double surname. 


The name of a country. 


a generation; tedou tae, ci 
tedou téy, a dynasty. 
Taé jin séuk chosy, {CE AL Wit SR ehey lang 
séuk chiéy, to become a substitute for men in order 

to redeem them from their sins. 
Koé che 6ng chéa, ék taé kaé ho, ra Zz. *- a 
oH AR Be WE koé chd dy dng w"d tedou tay kdy 

kok ho, the kings of ancient times, on the change of 

a dynasty, altered the designation of the country; see 
the Ze Be Kay gé. 

Tae AX Taé:chong, ‘x oe , a name of the 
wy great eastern mountain. 
2 Vulg. te k; poe taé AX 
i . : 5 t 
Tas ulg. tey: a sack; po ae, A a8 
poe tey, a bag. 
x” borrow, to give; yew ch’heng 
Taé A tae je ék che, XQ Fh ‘ih 
a 5x % yew cWheng chéoh jé 

Phee"é ec, also borrowing and adding to it; see na 
F Béng choo, 

’ 3 
Tae Hk kind of tortoise shell. 

Black eyebrows; ch’heng taé, 7] 

hae 4, the name.of aplant. 

psy Dangerous, in danger, hazardous 5 
Tae: Bey near, about to be. 
Pp K’hong-choo wat, € soo sé yéa, 
vhéen hay tab chae, ¥, - EL A Wr rep +h, 

K — Wp BY K’héng-chob kéng, té chéy ley sé, 
Chee") ay gwty héém, Confucius said, “ at that time 

the country was in danger 3”? see ma -F-. Beng 


Gan sé che choo, ké taé sé ke hoe? iis & L. 

=o Am WR jaa We 2 Gan sé dy ké"é, e 

chéang ch’ha put to hoé? is not the son of the house | 

of Gan almost about to attain to perfection? see the 
¥y YE FA bk hey s00. 
To attain, to reach; till, until. 
Taé peng bé p’hwan, ie yx 
Fe PP tak se" bizy yeore, 
when the ice is yet unthawed; see the fii bc 

Woéy hong. 
lent ; taé to, RB, is, slothful. 

Taé =a 
NO® 5 wily put tae, 7K KE 7 =a 

lé tok tok w™ p’htin tw”a, only be not you slothfal ; 

see the k Eo ie Taé é boé, 

Aé taé, Be FF, cloudy, the sun 

Taé nied 

Haé tae, IK 8, lazy, idle, indo- 

Taé - 
overspread with clouds. 
To reach, to attain ; even to, until. 
Tae ~© Koé ché4 gm che put ch’hut, t’hé 

kéung che put taé yéa, & Hy 
BL AW WIL A BW be a0 
dy ling kong wa bey ch’hut, ké"a hin sin bey kip 
kadu hwut léy soo, the ancients were backward in 
making any protestations, being ashamed lest they 
should not be equal to the performance of them; see 
the Ein ah Lin gé. 

Taé te” same as ff, taé, tortoise-shell. 


Read tap : to feel ; to join to anything 

Th Tah chin, $f $Y, to embark on 


board of a ship. . 



YEP To strike with the hand; t&h tok, 

Tah TA Pa, to strike the table. 

BN =) Read tap: to tread on anything; 
Tih ek kéak tap, JER PS wha tah, to 
= tread with the feet. 

Es) Read teng: to push; teng k’hae, 
Tai" ye BH tai"S k’hwuy, to force 

Taine Tong bok, fet Fh tai?d bak chew, 
to stretch open the eyes; to stare. 
Read teng: a heel; keak hoe teng, 
Tai"S at 4B ay Pha abu tai"S, the 


Tat"S q Read t"4: to beat, to strike. 

Ta"S By Tal"S nai"S, AY aR, to stare, to 

look staringly. 

Tai"S se, NE ak, to pretend to do 
TaiP€ bod lek, HE Sn Ji tai" 

bé lat, to pretend to have no strength. 

p Tat"S Wh Whe, 2 He Zz, to 
Tai"S re 

throw down; to knock down, as 
FP Thong téng, Hi) FE Chang tai?, 
Tai" = a the wedge or chisel used by the 
coopers for knocking down the 
hoops of a barrel. 


the hoops of a barrel, to repair a 

Tai"s if Read téng: a surname. 

TAM 634 
Read téng: to hold, to grasp; sév 
Tai"’S téng but, =F tj Vy cl’hew | Tam 
tai"I meé"Sh, to hold anything in 
the hand. 

Read ch’héuk: 
Tak with the horns. 

Gnéw. séang ch’héuk, cs HA 
fi} go6 séo tak, oxen goring one another. 



a » Read chok: muddy; siy chok, 7k 
Tak 7Y Ea chiy tak, muddy water. 
} Ch’heng soo chok eng, chok soo 

chok chéuk, } i YA we ia Wy Ye 

cl’heng dy chéw séy eng twa, tak dy chéw séy 

to gore, to push 

Chéuk chéuk» Jf} Jf] tak tak, the 

noise made in calling fowls; chéuk 

key, a Rp tak key, to chuck 

Kha, the clear waters will serve for washing my 

tassel, and the muddy for washing my feet; see 

. -f Beng choo. 

Tak Se. 

thing is poisonous. 

Read tok : poison, poisonous; ch*hoo 

but yéw tok, JW Wn A ip 

chéy léy meé"Sh wod tak, this 

Read téuk : every; téuk kéén, us 

Tuk SIR Ppuk ké"a, every one; tétk 
pi a jit, SH an | tak jit, every day. 
hag Ledou tok, 

D Tig 14 tak, a har- 


row, a fala) rake. 
ae Large ears, hanging down ; tam lok, 
Tam We oh the excess of pleasure. 

K’hwa-hoo tam jé, aS RK Hit 

K’hwa-ho6 té"8 hé d, K’hwa-hoo had long flab- 

by ears; see the i ia] F- Hwaé Jim choo. 


To look at something near, but to 
Bye have the mind set on something 

The same as Wt tam, long eared ; 
but now commonly used for tam 
jing Be Re to act as a security. 

To be fond of wine; hong tam é 
Tam Bie chéw, te Py Th 74, to be 

given to much wine; see the fe] 

Vulg. t"a 
R= stick across the shoulders. 
2s Tam tong, }® Wy ta 228, to 
bear the responsibility of anything. 
Tam hoo, ie F i"q dy lang, a bearer, a carrier. 
Also written {fz tam. 

: to carry by means of a 


Tam Slow, leisurely. 
~ Tam lok, i wh, rejoiced, pleased. 
Tam »* A surname. 

Choo sun ké tam, F ih # 

ké"d sun hw"a hé, posterity will be pleased and 
happy; see the sy Ate Se4ou gnay. 

Tam Dull of hearing ; also written Ft tam. 
oo Vulg. é"d: the gall bladder, put by 
Tam ea the Chinese metaphorically for 


i J 

no courage. 

Sim yéuk ké séy, tam yéuk ké taé, Ny AN # 

At ig Aix mie J sim ae e ey sey, ta ae e éy 

twa, we should desire to keep our hearts small, but 

courage; bod tam, AMT WE b6 t"é, 

our galls large; (i. e. our minds humble, but our 

courage great.) 


Tam pot j= til, ibe name of a 



To eat, to devour; to feed; also 
Tam aN written IA, t4m; and nye, tam. 
Kit hod ch’hé cho é tam kit, FR 

dee WR ZS VI WE FF Kit dy d0€ ehityh cho 

hoé kit chéuh, Kit’s wife took dates and gave him 

to eat ; see the £ a: 4s8 Ong kit twan. 

A surname; the sound of anything 

falling into a well. 
, k= Marsh mallows before they are ope- 
Tam £2 
ned, are called ig 2B , ham tam. 
i prc pit, the bottom of a pit; k’*ham 
am re) tam, RM w , 9 pit or hole. 
Tam AK. To stop. 
Tam The strings of pearls hanging round 
an official cap. 
Téam ) 3 The hair hanging down. 
T4m Ae. Tam jéén, fit YR, an exact and 
regular appearance, 
a A kind of jar ; chéang ch’héen tam, 
Tam = at iy 9 chéw ch’heng ang, a 
thousand jars of wine. 
Vulg. "a: that which is carried, a 
Tam burden, as much as a man can 


equal to 1334 lbs. avoirdupois. 

carry ; a hundred weight, a pecul, 




The sound of anything falling into 

a well. 

x To discourse, to converse, to prate ; 
Tam aR a surname ; héang tam, Ip) Ee 
B country talk, brogue; also writ- 

ten ia tam: a surname. 
Ong laé bod pék teng, tam ch’heaou yéw héng jé, 
fb Ae Me TORE He HG ee 
laé b6 ch’hut sin dy lang, tim ch’héd ling sé hing 
jé, of those who come and go, there is not one pri- 
vate obscure person, but all those who talk and 

laugh here are pheenix-like learned men; see the 

yall BD & fi Léw é sek twan. 

Tam To advance, to enter; to serve up 
Tam The name of a country; also, a sur- 

é name. 

To burn; yew sim jé tam, by iy 

Tam f Ri IE Ieotin lo dy sim kwo"a 
md ape hoéy séo, grief of 

mind burning like a fire ; see the hp HE Se4ou gniy. 

Still, peaceful, at rest; also written 

Afi), tam. 
VPA D ee 
amp, wet, moist; thm k’he, SS 
RA. moisture. 
& When foreigners atone for faults by 
Tam the payment of a fine, it is called 
HR, tam; also written We, (am. 
Tam The name of a sort of bamboo. 

ip 2 
TAM 636 TAN 
Thin, weak, insipid; tasteless) Lé y o& , 
v : { : a Aved colors tan.sim, J XD, ared 

pas hos 6 pe hay, kong k’hoé sit tam, 

Ae ReTAaee 
KR Lé hoé kap pé hay, kong kan k’hoé chéah ché"a, 
chéa, the empress Lé has with your majesty borne 
afilictions and eaten insipid things; see the ry BL 
Soo ke. 


Tam “As Still, quiet, retired. 
Tam ily wine. 
Tam é Tam lwan, XH BL a kind of reed 
r) or bullrush. 
Tam A poor, thin, insipid taste. 
Tam 4 A kind of gem. 

, 2 double surname. 

Tam pok, Wz 4A. still, quiet, re- 
Tam WE sa; unemployed; tam taé, JE 
Tam pok béng che, i chéng té wan, ye A HA 

An oe oe it EL ie jie, tam pok ey béng ldn dy che, 
ling cheng éy t2 kadu hows soo, “stillness and 

quietness enlighten the views, tranquillity and rest 
enable a man to contemplate distant things ;” said 
by hi B Ww hie Choo-kat boo hoé. 

» A long period of mourning; tam hok, 

Ae. Fi, an extra mourning dress 
for a period of three months be- 

yond the usual time. 

Still, quiet. 





heart, a sincere mind. 

Kwan-yin-té4ng ch’hek béén tan 
sim, aA ea tz ar ia Pt ny Kwan-yin-tédng 
cW héth bin dng sim, Kwan-yin-té4ng had a red face 

and a crimson heart; (i. e. a sincere mind. ) 

Tan sey, Jt By, cinnabar, 
ye Alone, only; vulg. twa; single, 
Tan a: 2 unaided ; a note; a surname ; sew 
tan, a Hi saw twa, a receipts 
ho chéén tan, =} 5S Lis) Uh6 cheé"S twa, a bill, 
an account for goods delivered. 

Héng tan éng chek, 7 Fa y a héng twa 

yé"é chit chéth,a solitary body, and a single shadow 5 
tan 6, FA ce a double surname. 

Tan =I 

A small round bamboo vessel, for 
containing food. 
Yit tan soo, yit p*hedou yim, — 

Hi Az — TH Bx chit ling & pooi"®, chit p’hod 

& chity, one basket of food, and one calabash full of 
drink; see the Mm ae =H. Lin gé, 

ye? H%6 tan, K iB hoéy tan, a kind 

Tan eid of eruption, to which children are 
liable ;. the chicken pox. 
Tan Clothes without lining, a single gar- 
‘ ment. 
Tan Exhausted, to the utmost, very much. 
Tan Kam tan, Hh Bf, the name of a 

+h To cut, to hack. 




Early, the morning; béng tan, BA 
B, to-morrow morning. 
Cho 6 has tan, He YY FE FL 
chéy & téng Vhaé ché K’hé, to sit still and wait for 
the morning; see rt -¥- Béng choo. 

Yan =| A small shed, a cottage. 
— _ 
; me 
Tan Real, sincere, true. 
FE Read tin: a surname. 

i Tong Tin-gwan kong, k’hae Ban 

Chéang, sé sit lim Chéang hoé, 
arr cort 
Ting tedou Tén-gwin king, Whiouy Ban sai"8 
Chéang chew, s2 téy sit lim Ohéang ho, Tan-gwan 
kong of the Téng dynasty was the first who settled 
the district of Chéang chew, in the province of Ban 
(i. e. Hok-kéén), and for successive generations his | 

posterity inherited the title of lim Chéang hoé, (i. e. 

= earl who first came to Chéang.) 
To fear, to dread difficulties. 
vn PRB Kd chek biit tan kad, 33) Alay 
Wa Bie woo kbdy sit, chek bik 
wity kan lan kéy, when you have any faults, do not 
dread difficulties in seeking to amend. thiém ; see the 

as am Séang lan. 

=P Vulg. twa; to fillip anything, to 
‘Tan 5 » strike a round ball, to shoot with 
round shot from a crossbow. 

Filial young persons among the ancients could not 
bear to see their parents’ corpses devoured by wild 

beasts, (koe chok tan 6 séw che, ie HE ip VY) 

oy 4 chéd chd tw"d é séw e,) they therefore made 
crossbows with balls to guard them. 




Tan AXE ov large. 

: Only, but; tan hwan, {B. : 
Tan 4 | whosoever, whenever. 

Wii soo kd ‘ch’héa, tan hwiy 

cheng sin jé 6, #3 Hy 3 4e (A Re Fi iit 

i EY chd soo Khith ch’héa hwd, tan hwy cheng 

sin té"@ té”a, when we are too prodigal in affairs, 

we only waste our spirits and nothing else; see the 

xp id Soo ke. 

Tan thek, He. tn, the arms bare, 
Tan the sleeves turned up. 

= = Suy tan Uhek kéténg é gno ch’hek, 
jé yéen léng bééy gno chae? Bf 78 WA AR KE. 

ch’ héw wul”9 Phu" pak t’hiyh U6 bbgyh an chw"4 
éy bak la stm gwa chae ? 
naked-bodied fellow should stand at my side, yet 
how could he defile me? see nh F- Béng choo, 

+. To dye anything with indigo; ch’heng 
Tan . 

tan, 4 E> a purple color. 
Vulg. noot"S: an egg; key tan, RE, 

OE x hey noot"9, a fowl’s egg. 

Tan kay, in Rs an egg house, the small boats in 

which the Chinese live. 


although a bare-armed 

Tan ES Vulg. twa : apiece, a slice; a sur- 
> a name. 
Tan i The same as “a, tan, bare-armed, 
Dissolute, loose, disorderly, to talk + | 
= random; to believe; to bring up 


; also, great. 


Pa a 
a Read tong: the east; tong sey lam 
Tang pok, pl fide) i qb, tang sae 

lam pak, east, west, south, north. 

Tong hong béng é, i a7] BA RR tang he"S 

béng kwui"J, the east is clear and bright; see the 
ae Jal Chéy hong. 


Read tong : the name ofa vegetable ; 

Tang tong hong ch’haé, ca Jel BS 
tang poor" S ch’ hae, a certain plant. 

Read tong: the winter; tong Vhéen, 

T ang a KR tang thee"S, the winter 


Tong gim pék swat se, & 


my A Er ny tang 

Vhee"S gim payh styh se, in * winter we sing the | 

white snow ode. 

“St tong: as kaou tong, ie ae 


ka tang, a certain wood. 

Tang mo” Teng tong, F] vay tin tang, the 
rz sound of tinkling gems. 
whe. Tang chéak, Ry 3§ tang téoh, to 
Tang Ee strike the foot against anything, 
ee to kick. 
Rp A 
Ting ra Tang som, Fe Zt, a kind of 
: ginseng. 
Tang Read tong: a surname. 
Bact Lt aR 
Read toé: a bar, a dam; toé biin, 
Tang ee bE Fy ting moot"S, a water 
co > Read tong; ice; kéen tong, ERS i 
Tang f kéen tang, to freeze. 

Béng tong téy sé t0ng, Hp a a 



Hh, We ie béng tang téy k’hé t’hadu kéen tang, 
in the first month of winter, the ground begins to be: 
frozen ; see the ne BA -y Léy gwat léng. 

Tone he Prhwan tong, 42 4% p’iw"a tang, 
Ww a lad, a companion. 
| Read tong: a cross piece of wood ; 
Tang bin tong, fr} his moots tang, 
the threshold of a door. 

Read téng : 

tong, YH i} séo ting, together 
with, at the same time; to unite. 

the same; alike ; séang 

Tang la] 

Tong sim héép lek, fa} nay Vn yi) tang sim héép 

lat, with united hearts, and collected strength. 

the name of a bamboo ; 

| Vs px Read t6ng : 
Ting Le téuk téng, 4K fe tek tang, a 
P bamboo tube or pipe. 
Ti SEE Read tng: a boy; téng choo, ip 
a) F- tang ké"d, a servant boy. 
Tans In Read téng: brass; pék téng, A 
ie payh tang, white copper. 
ae Read téng: a bone; kéak tong 
Ting Fp kwut, jal Ai e Wha tang 
kwut, the shin bone. 
=z eae Read tong: to move; motion; ten 
Tang ip tang, to set in motion. 
=, Te chéA tong, jin ché4 chéng, Ff] 
He ip} it; A a woo te dy lang tin tang woo 

jin dy ling chéng cheng, men of knowledge are-al- 
ways in motion, but men of benevolence remain at 

=b Lan ee. 

rest; see the a ir 

Tang i sim téing, By SE Hf 


: . . . 
LS = Readtéing: heavy, not light,weighty 
es meé"Sh sim tang, the article is 
| very heavy- 


Tang ey Ying tang, YE Bf, a kind of jar. 

9 Read téng: a cave; koé tong, 7) 
Tang 7 A ih koé tang, an ancient cave; 
sék tong, 7a a chéoh tang, a 

rocky cavern. 

oe Taou maéu, 52 XK, a helmet. 

Taou 425 To rub, to take in tie hand. 

ia ~ Read toé: a measure of a peck, a 
Tabu _S 


gomtang. One of the radicals. 
Toé soe che jin, hé chéuk swan 
if Ay 

yea? Sp 45 5 iF 0} via wi W tabu 
soe dy ling, an chw"d kadu swui"9 ? fellows whose 
understandings are equal only to a peck or a pint, 
what is the use of thinking of them? see the FA 
oh Lian gé. 

Read toé: to stir up, to rouse up; 
43 toé soé, #} Hy tabu sabu, to 
rouse one’s self up. 

Read gnoé: noon ; jit gnoé, | te 
Tadu oF jit tadu, noontide; séang gnoé, 
sia /f- téng tadu, forenoon; hay 

gnoé, Pr JP dy tadu, afternoon. 

Read tod : to fights séang tod, FA 

Tadu | séo tadu, to wrangle together, 
to quarrel one with another. 

zz ue to@: to throw, to cast, to cast 

Tabu one’s self on another’s protection. 

pa P’hun toé, AS YY phun tabu, to 
flee away, to escape: toé kwun, sig if tabu kwun, 
to enter the army ; toé héet, ra tk tabu hai™Sh, 



to seek a lodging; toé sod, Ve Sal taéu ling dy wa, 

to make a complaint to any one. 

Tain YL 


Read to€: dice, used in gambling ; 

pwat toe, 4h AY pwith tabu 4, 
to play with dice. 

Read toé: pulse, beans; oe toé, B 


ied oe taou, black beans: léuk toé, 

£4 F lék tadu, green grain; pék 
toé, =| i=! payh taou, white beans ; t’hoé toé, ae 
wy Uhoé tadu, earth nuts, Manila gram. 

Read toé: the neck; léng toé, viel 
3 fig né"4 tadu,the nape of the neck. 
a Read toé: a sentence; h6 ka toé, 

rel HF. *] a h6 kod tadu, a good 


Also written ~ tap. 

Hoo choo put tap, k F XB hoo cho6 bé yin, 
Confucius did not answer ; see a and at ou Lin gé. 

Tap séa, yN ait, to repay with Leiade ; po tap, 

EH , to remunerate. 

y ee clothes, ragged garments. 

Tap ee lean a hang upon ; vulg. 
i=] tah: to intrust to. 
To talk together, to converse with 
Tap p any one. 
Chun tap poéy cheng, Wt ey 
Ti ie hap ling kong wa, yéw k’ha chéah aou wan 

¢, to conyerse familiarly with people, and yet to ab- 
hor them behind their backs. 

A wicker basket for weighing arti- 
cles in; to reply, to answer; to 


correspond to ; to remunerate. 




Tap To run suddenly against any one. 
Tap PAK sip tap, tk HK not to undertake 
=| any business. 
Tap AR 1 repeat, to reiterate; to debase, to 
= degrade. 
=) RS tuh: to tread; kéak tap tey, 
Tap EF jel yas PY Wha tth tédh téy, to 
A tread on the ground with one’s 

feet; to stamp on the ground. 

=] To tread, to kick; tap kéuk, fe 

tth k’ha kéw, to kick a football. 
Tap ss To speak fast; to talk incessantly. 
= = 

Tap » AK To walk and stand, 

Tap av Qt speak disorderly. 

= ; 
ae Tat ké, He e the name of an in- 
Tat famous woman, the concubine of 

= 4} EB, Téw Ong. 

Tat ny ae Ap tat, Wie TRE, the name of a fo- 


T’hong tat, i Be to understand, 
thoroughly intelligent. 

Yéw yéa tat, 6 chéfing chéng hoe 

né yow! FH SHE A HE A FE A 

Yéw yéd Vhong tat, te chéting cheng sob wod s"4 

reign country to the west. 


meé"9h 6h! Yéw is intelligent, but in attending to 


the business of government what difficulty would he 
! oh = = 
find! see.the any att Lin gé. 

Tat ae The name of a plant. 

Read té: to be worth; té chéén, 

fed $e tat cheé"9, worth money. 
Ch’hod bit té ké to chéén? PY, 

Vy Kit Re 4 BS chéy léy meé"Sh tat jwa chéy 

cheé"S ? how much is this thing worth? 

Tat ee The name of a fish. 

> A kind of confectionary; bék tay, 
Tay RR Ae R bayh tay,a preparation 
, of burnt wheat and treacle. 
Tay To exalt one’s self; to look big. 
=> i 
Th a | Read tw4n: short; twan béng, 9 
J wp fir tdéy mé”a, shortlived. 
Tay A The name of a fish. 
Ta Re Tek chéw, 4E pus tay chéw, a press 
od for making wine. 
* Read thoey : to retire; Uhoey hoe, 
Tay xB gi Age tdy adu, to retire back- 

es wards. 

~ pp scan sit tay, 7a Hx chéah tay, to 
Téy aN drink tea. 

Han yéa k’hek laé tay tong chéw, 
Se WR HAR HE HE etna tne 
Whityh laé, tay te"9 chd chéw, when a stranger ar- 

rives on a cold night, tea may be served for wine. 


2 A kind of confectionary ;.mw"a tay, 

Tay RK HE R, hemp seeds and treacle 

mixed up together; toé tay, i= 
R tadu tay, a like preparation, made of pulse and 

Ty Read taé: asack; pod tae, Aj SE 
poe tay a, a bag. 
Yp Read taé: a generation; sé taé, 1 
Tay 4e sé tay, an age; tedou taé, 

a AR tedou tay, a dynasty. 
Pi 3 

a ' Read ap: to press down, to crush, 
Tayh E to, squeeze by falling down upon. 

E ké yéw hok ap che séang, > 

TEL Ay FB TB 5G geod hea wos tayh Vayh 

dy séang, 1 am afraid lest there should some evil 
arise from being too heavily pressed upon; see the 

Ft (8 Cho twan, 

Read chek : 

put upon a bedstead to sustain the 

matress; ch’héng chek, He = 

cWhé"9 tayh, the bottom of a bedstead. 

T, dy h Read tok: to peck at anything, like 
a fowl. : 


a bamboo frame work, 


Read sék : low water; sty sék, 4 
iK chity téyh, the ebb of the tide. 

The morning tide is called tedou, 
EI é6, and the evening one sék, vy tayh. 


\= : 
Tiiyh v The same as the above. 

a small boat 

Tayh ESS béng, fit iE fh 
or vessel ; also written Fi. tayh. 



Tiiyh Read twat: to take anything, to 
snatch, to take away. 

Te The name ofa country. 

Te Handsome, beautiful. 

Te The roots of trees, which appear 
above the ground. 

am To reprove, to blame ; to kill, to 
Te = slay. 



E@é bite? HS > BA fy 

ak, “with respect to E, what is the use of reproving 
him?” said by Confucius of 32 =f, Chaé-€, one 
of his disciples whom he found sleeping in the day- 
time; see the a: Aol Séang lun. 

Sdn te sod héung, Hp ak py ww Sin Chaé sd 

dy héung p’ha"é, Sin put to death the four mis- 
creants; see the bd SE Soo ké. 

Vulg. chae : to know, to be acquaint- 

W ed with; put ty I) wv” chae, 

I don’t knows : 

Soo séen te kak hoé te, Ai af Ja A tR hi 
saé taé seng chae dy ling kak goé thy aou chae dy 
lang, it was ordered that those who became first 
acquainted with things, should awaken those who 
came latest to the knowledge of them ; see = 4 +F- 
Béng choo. 

Te che chin, héng che lek, $1) 7 i. 47 Z 1, 
knowing the truth, practice it strenuously. 

Te hoo, Ay it. the magistrate of a hoo district. 

Te too, yal Dk la géd, a spider; 
Pe te too se, a) bs t% la géé se, 

a spider's web. 


A pig; te jéuk, FR Py te bah, 

Te pork ; sat te, A Kis Uhaé te, 
to kill pigs. 
Te IR same as the preceding. 
Té To arrive at, to attain to; the root, 
ce the original. 
To push, to come in contact with, to 
Té proceed towards, to bear. 

Tt, Té tong put ché, FE vy Ay {E 

té te"S béy twa, unable to withstand. 

Séang jin kip to té chééy, {B aM BR ye 4 
5E séang haz ling hap chd cl’ hat te" e dy chiéy, 

those who injure people and steal must bear their 
sin ; see the =) ye. SE, Ko choé ke. 

Vulg. téy: the bottom of anything ; 
IK. hay té, - JER ay téy, below. 
San téng haé té, iy lA 7B} Vis 

sw"a téng haé téy, the tops of the hills, and the bot- 

tom of the sea. 

Té EX; A grinding stone; the same as Ait té, 
Té To rail at; 0 té, pPy pK, to scold, 
to blame. 

The name of a bow, belonging to the 
A emperor Ge, San. 
Ky, K’him tim, té tim, HE HE GR 

jib Phim chd gua dy, kéung chd gwé dy, his harp 
shall be mine, and his bow mine; see J ri Béng 


The back part of a large carriage. 





A shed, a cottage, a lodge; ché té 
AD j¢ 6, 2B AN ify Beg *adu ce 
— séd chéa laé sod né6"S, when we 

come to the lodge; we will consult about it ; see the 

WE WC He fp Han bon tay ke. 

To rail at, to revile; té hwfy séng 

heen, SE AE BB EE te mnotty 

séng jin gaéu lang, to rail at and 


abuse sages and wise men. 
Ch’héw té, BR ak, malicious slanders. 

A grinding stone; even, plain. 
yi Chew to jé té, JE) J 20 ak 
to chééh, the roads of Chew were as level as a grind- 

Chew dy loé pai"S cl’ hin chéo"9 
ing stone; see the Ih He Sedou gna4y. 
Té ley, HK is, a stone on which to grind tools, 
metaphorically, to correct vicious conduct. 
To come in contact, to contend with, 

to oppose. 

Té paé é twan, fil PE 5 Ui 

té paé koh yéo"S dy to 1é, to contend against and 

expose strange doctrines. 


Even, unto, only. 

The same as 4, té. 

Ch’haé té, FE fe: uneven, unequal. 


—<— The name of an insect; one of thera- 

dicals; insects with feet are called 
tp, théfiing, and without feet, 

H , 6. 

> An embroidered garment; one of 

the radicals. 



& To extend to; to cause, to occasion; 
Té X the uttermost, superlative. 

Te te chaé kek bit, a A TE 

i Ha t? ln dy te sit chaé kek thong tak hang 
dy meé"Sh, the utmost extent of knowledge consists 

in fully comprehending things; see the Je &. 
Taé hak. 

Teé 45 Secret, close; closely woven cloth. 
_. Wisdom ; té hwiy, 4g s, wis- 
Te F ! dom and intelligence. 

B Jin ge ley td-sin, ze Ti 
Bs 4B, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wis- 
dom, and truth; the five cardinal virtues, peewee 

to the Chinese. 

Wise, | knowing; té ché4 lok, jin ché4 
FL) 94 8% B 

woo te hwuy dy lang théting Wk, 


w06 jin dy lang té"8 hody séw, wise men are joyful, 

but benevolent men longlived;.see the iit tl 

Lin gé. 

To deposit money as a pledge. 
To place, to establish, to set up, to 
set aside. 
» Ong t8 choo’ké cho yew, =F. ww 
E:] He zA yal éng hay tee dy ch6 yew, the 

king places them) on his left and right. 

Hwiy td, Kes IHL, to'set aside; an ta, 42 ik: to 

place securely ; kéén td, Fa fe establish, to build. 
To: set aside; siiy té Kéang-sé 6 

Te ek ER A 


Séng-éng,he therefore set aside Kéang-sé and remov- 
ed her to Séng-éng; see the 7- {ili Cho twan. 

aa sty t2 hy Kéang-sé té 







\A. wine, ‘pina a rhinoceros’ 
> horn 

Chun chi ké 6 2 a 5 ff 
chun dy ling kéah k*hé chéw pity, the honorable 
people raise the cup of wine ; eesthe BE Léy 

To set’ forth," ody, to make 

Héng chek t2, iG al oR héng 

yéo"s chéw t2 héen, the substance ofa thing is dis- 
played; see the HP i. Téung ying. . 

Té béng, # if to illustrate nays té chok, 
_# AE to ) manifest. ; 

A =H Z 

he pool,a bohd say tek ih, a 
_ sheet of water, A surname. 
‘ Choo-s4n.sod hadu jin héuk che 

OFTEN A BZ. Hh Cote 

hadwijin cWhé eté chiry té, Choo-san ordered an in- 
ferior officer:to keep the live fish-in'the pool; 
att. F Béng choo. , 

To gallop ; ‘te mH +, Bi FE chabu 
~ BM bay, to gallop on horseback. 
HO t@ m4 st kéem, i oh my 

pA fi) ae chabu béy cn’he Kem, I love to gallop 
an | Horseback, and brandish my sword; see see = 
Béng choo. 

The appenrancges’ one rejecting and 

es discarding peaple; to oppose, to 

Pek sé ch’huy hwun, 'téing sé 

FUd cirwy ve, Hf FE FE AH 
i Wk Se twa hé"a cWhoey hioun, sto té ch’hoey 
té, the elder brethren blew an “instrument made of 


fo wheel, to,revolye ; a bustling mar- 
, tial, appearance. 

a idusi¢al ihistrument. 

TE 644 

earthen ware, and the’ younger brethren one of bam- 
boo; see the p FE Sedu’ gndy. 

A’ tiger with horns, 


2 Long te, Ze APE»to,kill gradually 
by cutting, into small pieces. 

A step; stairs; tan té, ¢, E3E, the 

FE vermilion, steps, used with regard 
to the steps of the imperial throne. 
. Slow, leisurely, long ; late; tvhad té, 
fale 3. too late. 
HS AC GUE, too late. | 
be how K’hong-chos. che k’hé Loé, wat, 

18 t8:god heng yé4s ‘Fp (7 Fe EV SE 

PE FE Fp Llp Whong-clins “dy Whe Loé kok, 
kong) Whw"a Rhw"a & gwé ké"d, when Confucius 

left the Loé country, ‘he said, “let us go as.slowly as 

‘possible ;”: ‘see = rae Béng choo. 

Dy To assist, to'second; the heir appa- 
a8 rent to a princedom is called a 
4 2a té kwun. ee to store up, 


to stow away, 

Té chek gnoé ‘kok, eh Ri +i ge k’héoh léoh 

gnoé kok, to collect the various kinds of grain. 

A surname. 

A®a To walk, to travel, 

Té tod, va HWA to walk backwards 

’ ‘and forwards, in a hesitating way. 

So séw té tod, FR a Al iy 

so Vhaéu kak té tod, he scratched his head, and pa- 
ced up and down; see the 4i JB Woey hong... 

’ { ’ : § ‘ i* { ) 
ys The name of a district. 

yg stairs 5 to exclude, to abolish ; 
mt) 4 
K ys to deduct, to except. 
WY Géiik t@ tan tng, EP J} 

jit géuk dy gim kay ang dy té"4, pearly steps and 

~avermilion hall; see the Sey toe hoo. 



Té ok bod pun, Ne eK As té k’he p’ha"é bod 

kin ptn, to exclude that which is evil, and to attend 

to the most essential thing; see the Bt Ae ae 
Se t’haé sé. 

yf, SS té, te fK, a bamboo mat; an 
Re ugly appearance. 

ie stop, to stay. 
A small island, or rising ground in 
2 the middle of a sheet of water. 


A fleshy excrescence; an induration 
of the skin. 
Ba eggs; small ants. 

Regulated, well arranged, peaceful. 


The saine as the above. 


Vulg. gim: >to hold, to; grasp; to 

attend to; té kéung, ai 5, to 
‘hold the bow. 

Té séw tae geém, fi af as bh to hold fast 

with: too great severity. 

if Drew t6, az FAR, to hesitate, to walk 

backwards and forwards. 


j <mey 

To regulate, to gover, to bring inito. 
Oy order. 3 

Pp _ Kay chéy ie =i 5 7 
Tt ips 4 isi) kay chéy jéen au éy te kok, when 

a man’s sqoert By is well managed, then he may regu 

' late a éountry ; see the ae ra es 


ae The same as the es 

A ts) 

via ys sv 
. 3 meet vit, to come ‘in contact 
TS, uy fi - with, to hold. , 
Tare Vulg. tat : to be worth; te been, 
fii Be tat chee, to be worth money. 
ets! 7 20 et oft of vaibully bos 
Té To wait Sinden hoard; to prepare. 
POG so FT — ° 
ay Tee =) Oe 
Te. “8 To prepare, to provide for. 
uu ptt S55 
dy ont FS foe oly poe 
To hoard up, to store oy also writ- 

mA wo BS, te! 
ond 4 

* -_ ‘obtoned ip hacvnens, an 

, tuleer,, Dy i oe 
P’hé hoo, sedou chek ; Lat ay yung 
ch8-t8s,taé chek sb hoa sé'kwun, Bh Je A» bli) 

p’heé"S hoo dy ling sty chek sih yung, ché ch’ he" 5 
twa chek thaé pay t Uhaé Kaoun, low vulgar fellows 
who are sub only i in a small degree will suck ulcers 
and Tick sores (Gor gain) and those who are such in 
a greater degree, will kill their parents or princes 
(for profit) 3 $e the He mE Choq, chod. 




A rising grounds also, to'store up. 

' r a ‘ 
4 ‘ H ; 

. ak 2" 5 : - - f _ 4 
3 Ye understand or comprehend things. 

“A wild fowl; té-Key, it % Phe 

key, a jungle fowl. 

San leang cbrhe te, pp BE We 

Ht sw"a né6"9 t’hé key boé; a mountain bridge, and 

., a jungle hen ; see, the a a Lan gé..~ * 



Séng té, Dik IE the fortifications of a city. 


To clear away grass and weeds; the 
falling off of the hair. 
Kwiy hay seaou té ) héng sty, ae 

Bg ie HE ti Ik kuwily ha tid séo ch’ habit; 

ké"4 chiy, in the latter month of shiner burn the 
weeds and clear away the grass, i in erder to open 

passages for the water. An b 

Small, young, lately born; also writ- 
nm ME ten Hf, te; and Ff, te. “he 
Té choo k’héen e, Ht F- a5 

RK sey ké"4 k’han sa, the children come pulling 
one’s clothes ; see the ia ie v4 Tod chéem bine 




A wang standing d ysentery. 


Chopsticks ; the two small pieces of 
, Wood or bamboo, wi with which the 
Chinese take up shate: food. 

CWhéng eda. 18.18. AE EAT BR 

cWhe"d chédh.téjé tin: béng, “ just lend me. your 

|, | chopsticks, and I will point it out to you ;” said by 


To ileal to | ae to spnitet 

o- a 
a general to his prince, when discoursing on the 

drawing up of an army: see the yp au Soo ke. 

B)) The same as the preceding. 

= A pig; key tun koé té, 3 03 Ha) 
ree pe key te kabu kap.te d, fowls, 

"=| . (Pigs, dogs, and little pigs ; (articles 

of food among the Chinese ;) see F- Béng choo. 
_ ather ; vulg. u” téa: a familiar 
BZ epithet for a father, something like 

¢ > 
' our ‘papa. 

va -. wu 
Lé téa, os Z, a respectful term:for the govern- 
or of a district, 




fs A term used in incantation; also 
Téa ort 7 Th: 
‘ written Bu, tea. 
Téa Ve: foreign word used in charms. 
Téa ith same as the preceding. 

ae uP To run against, to run foul of 3 lwan 
Téa ay té"a, BL By, to run disorderly 

against any one, 

Teg Ka té"a, & 4. , 4, certain wood, 
used fora dye. - 



Read téng: a pan for cooking or 
Té"G boiling anything, a caldron. 
| Lok yew téng, pe jth HH wn 
yéw té"d, to make people descend into a caldron of 
boiling oil; an, experiment sometimes employed to 
try the courage of daring ‘fellows. 

Tong'téng; "#3" yeu te"S 4&4, properly established. 



ae ee ae 

. a Read téng: an anchor; pa téng, 

ye BE BE pha té"d, to cast anchor. 

Ss J Read téng: to represent anything to 
TER 8 ves asuperior. © 

cS Téng ko, EA + té%4 kd, to in 

form, to announce. — 

rs $B 
pose of drying grain upon. 

Se 4 Read téng: a road, a journey ; k’hé 
Téa FE téng, ni fe Whé té"4, to com- 

mence a journey. 

Read té ng: an arena, or paved yard, 

in front of a house, for the pur- 

Ch’heng téng ban lé, 5 fe c4 Li) cW’haiNS tend 
ban 1é, to pass over green roads to the distance of a 
myriad of miles ; (speaking of the flight of a bird, 
and alluding to the rapid strides which some scholars 

make to the highest literary honors.) 

Read téng: a hall, acourt ; a passage. 

Lé ch’he jé kd téng, (0B 3H iy 
SH FE Lé maven hers je koey 
té"4, Lé walked quickly and passed across the hall ; 

see the ama Bn Lin gé. 
tranquil, composed. 

Je T’héen hay peng téng, RK ~- aR 

‘E Phee"S ay pat"S téa, the empire is quiet and 


Read -téng:, fixed, settled, quiet, 
Téa d 

settled. t4 i 

Téng chéak, 2’ FE tA toh, fixed, decided. 
Cho téng, fix na ch) té"a, to give an earnest, or 
pledge. | ' 

Read téng: .a block, a log; kim 

Tea ae téng gin téng, & Re an Br 

; kim tea gin té"a, blocks of gold 
or silver. ate a 

Ch’hwan téng, Ah Re chin té"a, an anchor. 


Read tek : to pluck, pick; or gather, 
Tek hwa, ij 46 téah hwa, to 

gather flowers. 

Tek ok tah ch’hod, to ¥ 0% n a house, 

Read ték: to buy rieeor grain; ték 

Téih bé, He , 3 tédh bé, to buy rice ; 
Boren thedou bé, HE Phéd bé, 10 sell 


Bobat tek 4 563 AB b6 at chat tédh bé, do not 

restrain the baying of rice (by neighboring states) ; 

see rt F Béng choo. 
aR K’hwa téang, AS AE khwa téo"E, 
Téang ae to boast; k’hae téang, BA ae 

Rhwuy téo"S, to open, to spread 

out 5 ; choo téang, + if * to superintend. “A sur- 
name ; a numeral of things flat and extended. 

Sty téang ‘pit icha sedou kok, Re A Ws Ht a. 

15] Sty ok choo téo"8, pit Whe sty kok, the Say 

country is vain and boasting, and will certainly des- 

pise inferior countries; see the Fe Cho twan. 

; He téang seng se, uf it i he téo"d sé"a se, 

vainly to exhibit one’s fame and influence ; to’'make 

ii a vain show. ; 

A’ military weapon, warlike instru- 

Tédng , 
“ments in general. 
Superior to another, in rank, influ- 
Téang » ence, or age, 

Tédng yew pe chun, fz ‘by yp. 

F ladu, sedou léén, pe hay, chun kwity, old and 
young, base and honorable; see m7 f Béng choo. 

Seng tédng, AE fe sai"S twa, to grow up to ma- 
Pay Dg 
Vulg. té)"8 : to swell; hok téang, 
Téang AR jig We pak toé té08, a swelling 
of the belly. 


ss A 2 

¢ Bair ‘Vulg.:té0"8 a tent, a curtain ; vulg_ 
Téang We ‘sedou’s’ an’ account, a reckoning. 
nia si A Way taig, ie ing wily té0"8, 
the curtain of a tent. we WON 
“Swan ten; R We sori" — cast up ac- 
; ‘“eounts. ’ 

Fall; iyimee; téang bw4n péng, 

Fk 7h jig t60"8 mw"é pai" , 

a swollen, pipetod state of body. 

Valg. sa nto rise as the tide 5 siy 
Reve RE téang, K Hk chity té0"8, the 

rising of oh waters an Beaipiio- 

ie ats BR” case for a bow. 

Téing ie cirletrend sb « tamndaaaat 


ed, vexed: * 
Vulg..2é"8 : long, not AR ils 
.. kéwy te I. té"8 hod, .a long 
. tiM@y 56) 5 hi! 
“Tok.jé6n hod te téng twin, BEAR Bn & 
yi) néo"S tok, jéén adu ey chaee dy té"8\téy, mea- 

_ Sure, and then you may know the long and short of 

a thing; see Se + Beng choo, it ee 

oe oe ao name of a certain fruit. 

Vulg. #29 : a measure of fen feet ; 

' lo téang, Be x, an old man; 
a téang hoo, oS , a husband ; 
tae ngs = hoo, Ik x KR a great man. 

py =A staff, a walking stick. 

VE téang k*hoe ké kéng, YJ apt 
om He is RO kwaé & Whadu e 
ay Wha krwut, he smote him across the shins with his 
staff; see the wif cn Lin gé. 




.Zo.méasure the’ length of anything ; 

95 tovexceed,,to surpass. 
| Pit syéw, ch’him é, téang yit sin 

De it BF BeBe HEY 

pit;woo lupin dys" a, k’hith t6"9 chit sin wod,pw"d, 

he would have a sleeping dress half as long again as 
~ ohis,body s,said of. Confucius in the Fy an Lin gé. 
_-; Péang sun; te i, ac double sr = 
OMS rely upon ; 67 tang, ‘ial AK, to 

seit olconfide in!” ~f 
spite Ft Kin sin 6 puta Gang yr 
103 eR $k BR ‘Kin ay jin sin, é keng b6 

hadu e wé, my near attendants are-not to be depend- 
ed upon; seevthe: 2&3 (2H £6 sim twanss 5! 



The morning, the early part of the 
Teaou..:; ji « daysiteaon,sek, WH] AZ cha Whé 

mai"S, houi"S, morning and eve- 

bod quae 
yéw pwan, 

“tbod~ lo o}aje2 


| tage téadii' bos hédn,! IE FRE wey x OH 
| Ong hiwan' cha Bes -mat"s Tiuoui"S seo kee"8, bag 
hwan came into his presénce’ morning ‘and evening, 
|. Wut Bengechod would not weg to rad ste Tha 
poe a y YS win. wh 

anol asl 

e pe ‘To: cat, to engrave ; also't Oi the 
Teaou ass. 2 ‘eaves, as.a tree if autumn. 
Teaou k’hek chéithg héng, jé put 

way kids A AR IB a B | 

teaou k’hek chédng yéo"I, 7é b6 swul"S chd h’hd, 
. jo M*to, engraye and carve.all sorts of shgpes is not to be 

ch OBRCER ES ~f Papo of skill;” said by jHE oof 
- yq Ghong-chgo. - | 

ip wey is hoe te séing ek che hoé teaon yé4, 


es oe nity, eo, Jjéén aou chae ch’héng piiyh. dy, 

1 wr 
pOOK Bus 

tly aou tegou, Wh, when the cold season of the year 
pele, gn, then w we pereeive the, cedar and fir trees 

eid bi 2tise or 
casting their leaves; see the Ps ah Laine: 



To be Pikes injuned ; teaou lok, 

(Ha Ye; to drop the’ een * 


aon it A. ferocious’ bird, off whose. (feathers 
Pi; the wings of arrows may be made. : 
Poicsi 38) work gems, to eat and 4 polish pre- 
cious stones. : 

lon To cut, to carve, to engrave. 

. A éw'bdke put'k’hd teaow yes, #5 2 

He FR BY AE A awa ctrna 

, b6 Phang-teaou k’hek, porous wood cannot be en- 

Teaou © 

ay ig braved, Upon. = mat 

oi species es squiftel | or martin; 

Tent $B teaou ch *hé, Ke Fe. the martin. 

The. ‘skin of this animal i is said to 

be- “such a defense against the dew, that a ‘person 

» Wearing a. dress. made. of them. may, safely sleep i in 

cE the open air, and the dew will not fall within a yard 
Ais iv baR 4 ; Wiisy 

The animal itself i is aid. to be of a nature so kind- 

ly, that on seeing persons: without ‘clothes i in the 

winter, it will creep into their bosoms to, warm them ; ; 

in this way it is sometimes caught, and such a bad 

» return for kindness, is considered solabominble, that 

ungrateful people. are sometimes ‘€alled “ martin 

Me Soc Eine? written A. teaou. 

Utensils ‘for holatng Fice*used in the 
Teaou ‘ 
“army. : 

Teaou 7 Tag Ep nt a He a small ‘kind 
= 1B" of bird. 

ee 97D An unfilial bird, which eats its mo- 
ROS EY iter. : | 


Tedou VARs th MN, light and 

- Teéou 

Te4ou se; II aA an ornaniental 

r kerchief for the head. 

To stand alone. 

To condole with persons on the de- 
cease of a relative; tedou song, 

Teadou ; 
ify WE, to: mourn for-the dead; 

to be grieved, to lament. 
‘Te seng chéa teaou, te soo ché4 séang, Ay AE HH 
HHL Fe #6 15 Mae fy th ying 
tébh tedou maé, chae sé dy ling tédh stéang sim, if 
we are acquainted with the survivors, we should con- 
dole with them; and if with the dead;;we should be 
* grieved for them; see the ty rid K'h@uk léy. 
Also written iP tedou. 

Tedou a 


= v 
- ~ 

Teaou tdng, 1 he, uncommon, 

Al Py 
To hang up, to suspend 5. tedou soo, 
he Bl, tedou sé, to put to death 
by hanging; jeeh tedow, to strangle. 

Pf té0 : to angle; tedou 2e, wy 
ff té0. Bé, to-angle for fish. 
,Choo,tedou je put kong, = a $y 

iti x ya hoo chos t8) hd jé b6 bieyh hb bang 
léah, Confucius used to angle for fish bat would not 


employ a net for’ eo wens the iN ac in 
Lin gé. : * 
re, $ Fa 


Teaou beaou, ‘By AZ deep, ab- 
struse ; also, the name of a bird. 

Madness; also,'a_ sickness. incident 


y to children. ., 
x A small twig, a branch; a line, a 
TeAou string; tedoa bok; (is A tedou 

bak, a list; tedou keen, fi At. 

tedou ké" @, an item. 

Hwat ké tedou body, (F It AR Ae linet e ay 

ke kw"a, cut down the branches aitd stem; see the 

v3 a Chew 14m. 

Tetou fife name of a fish. 

Teaou A leathern bridle. 
' 2 mn 
Tediou The name of a flower. , 
Tedou A high hill; a lofty appearance. 
bel aap 
fh oj 'oo 
kk aos 
Tefiou re Tedou chéw, G . er, a.broom. « 
n Distant and unaftainable ; tedou 
Tedou Bt aa 
_tedou, id id. afty<. | 
fame hair of children hanging down. 
Teaou Teaou hwat ley che, 4 a i 

TE tedou sty Chau. mé dy sé, 
.w06 béén ley sim che, from the time sit the hair 
. hangs down (in. youth), to haye the mind roused 
‘fo action. 


The shedding of the teeth. 
Teaou Ha LAm choo pat gwat seng ‘cli’hé, 
pat soéy tedou ch*hé, HB fF vAN 
A HE i IAN BK Hi [ta po ké™& payh 

gSdéyh sai"I cVhiy k’hé, payh hoey laou cl’hdy 
k’hé, a boy at eight months gets his teeth, and at 

eight years loses them. 

WPoyp Vulg. té6: the tide; haé tedou, iit: 
Teaou i jh] hae té6, the tide of the sea, 
which the Chinese ascribe to the 
breathing and panting of the earth. 

A court, a hall of audience, a court 

of justice. 
Teadou 6 hay taé hoo gan, k’han 
nan 6 69] SE ACHR BARE 
yp 4, té tedou téng laé, kap hay taé hoo kéng wa, 

chéw kong tit dy yéo"9> Confucius, when at court, 


in speaking with the inferior officers, observed a stiff 
and straight forward manner ; see the an ae Lin 

gé. Tedou 6ng, cali +, to have an audience with 
the king. 

Teaou A 2 

TeAou = 

A kind of insect, which begins to 

make a noise in the 5th month. 

To unite, to amalgamate, to accord, 

to harmonize. 

Teaou 2? The name of a tree. 

Teaou if Wy The appearance of walking alone. 

E To call, to summon, to send for by 
WE | authority. 

Kwun béng teaou, put soo kay 

none 2, BAR AE Hse 

Kwun béng léng kéd ldn, a saé téng haou bay 



ch’héa jé ké"4, when a prince’s order comes to call 
us, We must not wait for our carriage to be harness- 
ed, but go immediately ; see.the em aE Lin ge. 

A prognostic, an omen, a presage ; 

Teaou Jk, also, a hundred thousand. 
hija pok chéAng sam teaou che 
hwat aN p eS : Ik ot YE Uhae pok dy 

hw"a té5h chédng hwdn s"a hé tetou sod ay Ineat 
toé, the great augurer should attend to the laws of the 
three methods of prognostication; see the ii ile 
Chew léy. 

Teaou A cooking vessel; a small pan with 
a handle. 

Teaou Valg, té6: a surname. 

hens flag ornamented with tortoises and 
ar asntt 

Teaou A surname. 

Teaou A surname; the same as the above. 

Teaou YER A horse nearly three year’s old. 

A commencement, to commence, to 


T’haé Ong tedon ke Ong chek, 

de TE BE EEE Gag Tint tng WHE Pha 

cWhdng éng dy chéah, T’haé dng first laid the foun- 


dation of the traces of royalty in his family. 

The same as the above; also a kind 

of spear. 


K Read tek: to drop, to drip; a drop. 
Tech if E tek kae hay, NY ii a4 a 
hoé teéh gim kay ay, the rain falls 
in drops on the steps. 
Yit tek sy, — sia] AI chit teéh chity, a drop of 
K water ; tek lok, sT3] ie teéh léh, to drop down. 


Read téép: a plate; pwan téép, 


a To moisten, to tinge, to receive a 
» . 
Téem + tinge; téem téem, yh ye. light 
and thin, trifling. Téem, yin, 
jt @, to receive favors. 
Han ch’hut téem pody, FE HY 9 EF oa el’hut 
bak téoh k’ha chéah, the perspiration issued out till 
it moistened his back. 

v= fd 

Téem tadu, th i, light and tri- 

To be wet in the rain; é téem hok, 

Téem Rs be A hoe ak tédh yin 
ché6"8, the rain wet his clothes. 

a A dot, a spot, a speck, to point any- 

Téém thing; yéw téém, 7A Hy woo téém, 

L) dotted, speckled. 

Kéém téém jit séy why, fy BS AL Ay Fis Keem 

téém tak jit séy chd, to make a memorandum of 
every day’s proceedings. 
Téém se, bi) a téém ch’ hayh, to dot a book, to 

punctuate it. 



A shop, a place for depositing and 
disposing of goods. 
K’hae téém, BH 5 Rhwuy téem, 
to open a shop. Also written (1h, tédém, 
Chéw tédm, FY 9 WG, a tavern, where spirits and 

provisions aré sold. 


Az ay pwd teéh, plates and | - 


To spy, to peep; kong soo jimtéém 
Téém be che, AS (ifs K be Z kong 
saé lang tédm k’hw"d;e, the chief 

sent some emissaries to spy and observe him; see 

the Ze {8h Cho twan. 

A flaw in a gem. 
Téém Fb Pék kwuy che téém, séang k’ho 

mo ye Ey 3B IZ Hh fd 
yy ie 4h, payh kwuy dy tédm, séang Phang bwi, 
the flaw in a white gem may yet be rubbed down, 

(but flaws in discourse cannot be remedied ;) see the 

* HE T’haé gnay. 

A screen, an earthen stand between 

Téém +h two pillars. 
Pang kwun wily lé4ng kwun che 
h6 yéw hw4n tédm, Hf a By wa a i ag 

A JK HY pang koun wity nd dy jin kwoun séo hé 
1006 hwdn téem, the prince of a country, on occasion 

of the friendly meeting of two princes, inverts the 
wine cup on the earthen stand; see the + in} 
Séang lin. 

Téam To sink, to drown; é teem, ii x, 
a chair cushion, 

Téém A house overturned. 

Rp Peaceful, at rest, quiet. 

Téém Ge E téém y4ng cha, WJ 1E id 

yy € an téém yang sim ch2, “to 
feed one’s mind by quiet retirement;” said by it 
f- Chong choo, 
Vulg. tee"& : sweet, of a sweet taste ; 
Téém also written BE. téém. 
Swan téém choo bé, pek chéting 

eh’heen beng, FR Fit BR UK BH A F 

swui"S tee"& dy choo bé, wod chit payh chéting chit 


ich’heng mé”4, sour and sweet tastes are of a hundred 
sorts and ofa thousand names ; see the «Oke i Diy 

Teang héng hod. 
—_e tim : to'sink in the water: 
Tim we Hwan hwan yang chew, chad tim 
_chaé hod, 

Bie ae EF lodn, iuodn fate By a he 
téém woo sé-d p*hod, the boat adrift upon the wide 
- waters sometimes sinks,and\ sometimes floats again ; 

, see the: sy FfE Sesou gnay.: 

fh ya | forstpo cas 
r===) A bamboo mat. 


. < 

Téém. | The threshold ofardoor. 
Téém. , OE rs to.deyour. ar 
Fie i — The top, a head’salso to overturn, to 

upset ; téen to, i, to beturn- 

Téen B 
4 ed topay-taryy. € 

uae jé put te, téen Je put hob es to RK + 
ig] if Ar He gully héém je bd té gim, téen t6 76 

b6 hoé k’hé, in circumstances of ganger, not to OP; 

hold any one, nor when overturned to raise them up; 
see the . Lin gé. 

Teal | Teen «105 Me 
_down.. J 
Tien . summit of @hill) 



ai oh ‘inne upside 

» one’s sensés, foolish.” 

‘To he wily téen,to noé wily kong, 

oe re ean & ty f% jE 8@0"8 -chéey hwa 


|. to = 


"he chiA téen, séo"S chéy stw K’h? ché"d kong, too 

much joy throws men into ecstasies, and excessive 

anger drives them mad. 4 

— To turn round, to reyolye ; to open 
Téén . Jz . out, to spread abroad. , 
ae >. Téén chwan bwénch’hek, je ibe 
m (i! téén chwdn hwdn pee"S, he turned rownd 
‘and round from side to side ; see the Jal if Chew 
Yéw soo téén pé € kd, 7 | Re Aix y) He 

'yeo'so0 dy kw"a'téén K’hwuy pé pék é kd, the pro- 

' ‘per officer must display the offering of silk, in order 
', to'announce ‘it ; see the Bs jis Gé léy.. 

To, turn round ;. the same as the 

Téén ay 
: preceding...» 

A lord, amaster; to ‘preside’ over 
Téén anything; a record, a book. 

oO 2D NS Cwhut keng jip téén, HI KS K 
Hit, out of one’ book into another; (i. e. to speak 
| according to the classics.) | «0 nme 

on a0 4 

ciy Joo téén, ist ah jé téén, a dictionaly: 

tots eitt ‘’hin: a field, dipaddy field, 
4 ie hunt, _ “ts oF 

arable land;,a ¢ yt also, to 
sj PN iti 1 ’ a4 

Gné kobe lék keng téén, kétng iy chp 6 chit jé 

Perr tees T, 

. gwd ket chin hwity lat choh ch’han 
kéung chd hadu sai dy chit huoun tea tea, I will 

, .exhaust my strength in ploughing the ground, ‘and 
; thus fulfill the duties ofa child, without looking for 

anything further ; see Tt F Béng choo. 

od poy 5 on i . aeons 
eC ‘e To cultivate the ground, 

a Téen Rete ia rad; outiof | Téen 

musen 0} . p Gold and flowery orna ents for a 
Ten Prot 
H lady’s headdress. ie 

ary as *. 4 eo |. 
Jbwesila of 2 oer lg inonillomi ,asald — Tats Sates ’ 
Teer To take! birds! and ach. hurting! | Téén - Sikes Sa oo eee ; z. ‘ 
s Yond o} Avs” is i J. samo ony fy) Mi, fe: 

A plate'for sélling goods, a'shop, a 
stall in a market: © 

mei both We hep je ae 
K re + % téém b6 hoo “Ib ay poe, sap 

should not pay the tax of a piece us cloth for every 
lé; see ie Beng chods | a ak ua 

The same as the scetading. Also 


writt eg a he 
written téén, f. 
oO 1% st 4 Pel th bp ‘— 
an l ak, “a 

oléd of sa van ghivad Iuoiltiw s!den 

ares py Even At > fevel pain. P| 
th o} ,gila at J 

J; A hall ; kéung ie hat r a pa- 

Tééen” xa lace}! Ca «cape a crown- 
1 prince. inet 4 - . wey 
Nf  ateding téén, we Re a palace ‘with io and back 

** Suites! 6 apartments. SMA WGN SA'S whe Aod oe 

sj@ 01 

To plough, to cultivate the ‘ground. 

Téén FE} Teen thw, He ies: a cultivated 

mage 8 api of Saar Joie 6g 

Téén a hunting. 

919 ie yh . a FagtGen fy’ 
ith lth € Téth hé, to’ go a 

see =the we Fal “Ek hey 

0! ; ohevai of .doatic ob al oT ¢ 
ree 20s 


HHwg ov wg « 2 
'T6 entwine; to wind round, to bind; 
vokeérihady KE 06" dy, — 
« plitell sho€s.0'\': tug 5) oo T 


itty act hyphd f 
Vale. sesh nat lightuin 5 Idy téén, 
“Ss te tne and ghtning. 

- A 

A kind of plant that floats on the top 
of the water. 

it P 5 ose, f 
To shlviices ‘team see / sng: a 

He IBY hay eda tng 

9 rifice to the former sages. 

Téénichéw, Ba. 7B: to pour out a libation.«; a7 
aa | 

Jin, to sac 

Tee's. = Read teem: sweet, of a sweet taste. 
: oes EN 
Read téén: to twist, to entwine. 
THES * Téen ‘sam, HBAS €00"9 s"a, to 

© to stitch a) enrtiyity ‘ped rai- 

TAY ripe 

Full, to the biome —_ — af 


3 also writ- 

. Suddeniy$ | 3 to turn o teund 
ten iN, tee ¥ 
Small,, very, smat 

taé, Ay 

a i at teep 
Téep A\ 
small, not very, ok téep kéw, 

pe * nod, very 
a» NK, téep & ko6, a short space of time, not very 

long. 7 —- 
Repeated, piled up; heaped one on 
| Téep » anothers to ee 

Tédng téding® ltcbprdep, 4 i 

mm a, repeated again and agains _ 

Liy yéép pek téép, ; Poke WE liy_héoh 

puyh téép, a heap of leaves piled-upeby hundreds, 

Teéep ey The same as the preceding. 
A board for writing; the leaf of a 
Téep book, a book, a document ; an of- 

ficial order from an officer of 
government is called téép; a genealogical register ; 

boards belonging to a bed. 

Téep Hoe téép, Hf BE hey yeah, a 
Téép = Kan téep, fl ae, a spy- 
Tésp RY The connected appearance of waves; 
to abolish. 
ae $ A small parapet on a city wall;.'to 
ie fortify with a parapet. 
Téep iE To tread, to stamp} to Walk. 
Téep ? Verbose, to speak much. 
bE = 
Téep a) Cloth made of fine hair. 
Téep ge thumb ring used in archery. 
Téep Hes Peaceful, quiet. 
Téet. - +. A man’s name. 



Clear, intelligent, wise; te che wat, 
Téet : J béng téet, at Zz EI AA ay 
chaee kong béng téet, to know a 

thing is called intelligence, 
Téet tt Same. as the preceding. \ 
EN . 


Téét téet, Be Re, slowly. 

2 Orderly, according to order, well ar- 
Téet AR ranged; an office. - Also, to col- 
lect, an assemblage ; a period of 

ten years in called RK téét. 
Vulg. pwéh: to stumble, to fall 
Téet down; tétto, PE Bh pwih t6, 
| to tumble down. 
Tet je put chin, RK fp Ar dic pwihjé b6 kew, 

to stumble without having any one to help. 
Téet kéak, PE fl pwsh Wha, to stumble with 
the feet. 

Ta téét, 47 BR, to slip, to fall. 

To change, to substitute, to repeat, to 

change alternately. 

Sod kok téét hin, TU} fl] UE Hil 

se kok séo they hin k’hé, four states rising up in suc- 


Téét ying, as jit , the alternate use of. 

Téet y To’ stitch, to sow, to join a seam. 
oe Vulg. @hee"S : the same as the pre- 
Téet to} P 
To assault, to attack, to invade; to 
Téét rush forward as war chariots do in 

all directions against an enemy. 


. A small melons -kwa téét, m wk, 
a large and small melon; meta- 

fs phorically, children and grand- 
children descending from the\same parent. 

The’ wrapper-of a book, a book co- 
Téét ov * ver }aperiod of ten years is call- 
solo} AS eda BS, twee. 

A bony excrescence ; an, unevenness 

of the bones. 

Téét To run very fast. 

Téat The! name. of a insect; called also 
ie HY, téét bos. 

i , 
Teat Orderly, according to order ; an or- 
r Reo} J derly. sacrifice. 
An ant hill, a rising ground. 
T’haé san che @ k’hew téeét, 

Teet ne | 

Bg i Zh ot Bee 

sw"a dy tod té Phew téét, the great mountain among 

hillocks and ant hills, (is a thing of one and the same 
kind 3) 'see the ry F.- Béng choo. 

A person eighty years ofage. Also 
written Ze, téét. 

‘Se chéa ke tee, Pe Fy HL AR 
kody Whe sé payh chap hiey dy lang, the departed 
aré only old men) of fourscore; see the ie jal 
Chin hong. 


A piece of coarse white cloth worn 

e on the head’ and around the waist 

by persons in mourning ; the tra- 
ces of a carriage wheel. 


‘PZ y High asa hill, the appearance ofa 

Téet . high hill. 



2 a To exclude, to take~out,of the way, 
Téet ABR to remove! also event 
Sam kay ché4 é-yung’ téét, = 

RAL VA FE Gil sParkay dy lang & yung dy se 

io téét chey dy meé"Sh, the three families sang the yung 
ode when they removed the sacrifices; ‘see the E 

Bg Séang lin. 

Téét i 


Vegetation just springing up ; one of 
the radicals, 
The traces of a carriage wheel; the 

track of a carriage. 
Ban goéy to té4ng chéa4 ke téet, 

YAS FB Bip roots qa hey vz 

twa ling dy ch’héa téét, before the door are many 
tracks of the carriages of great men; see the Be - 
fab Tin péng twan. 

Tek fe 
~™ own person. . 
E tek pd tek, J’) fia ah (#2, to recompense good 

with good. 

Way chéng é tek, B ng YJ hts chd cheng soo é 

tek héng, to conduct the affairs of government accor- 
ding to the principles of virtue; see the ay ae 
Lian gé. 

Tek héng, fi FF, virtues yéw tek, 74 433 w05 tek, 


Tek \a Thé same as the preceding; also 
AY written TA, tek. 

To obtain; tek chéak, 4 Fh tie 
Tek 4 té5h, to get, or acquire, to procure. 
Chab: bod koé tek, FY FE Ay 

a cheé"I b6 lam sém tit teh, do not desire, to 

' get’money in an improper way; see the Wy Ie 
K’héuk léy. 

Virtue, kindness, favor; happiness ; 

or whatever is attained in one’s 

TEK 656 

1 ot abnloxs oT rN . SA Cs aa 
The appearance Qh 199 3 Sy vf 

sido vail FN ae i= i fa an 

, “Theo, the Origin that part on 
acl which theothers rest, as the! bot- 
‘ontom, the’ stem, ny nee ; 

To dread: ‘difficulties 5 ; "tok 2 fie fe 
AR beds BB)Y-¢ : 
Viilg: ‘teh’? 'a drop, to drop, to fall 

» dropyby, ae: 
Se it 

>» Héang 1oé 9 te 
leéh, a fragrant dews 

, teerey 

Ber 3 shite chity 
© vasoond tndops. i # 


bie dt 

Tk FA 


dt i> eM wwifelis éalled\ 1 Ee 
i Itek:sit; and:the:son of a lawful wife 

is called AR = a tek hod. 

; econ Oe, Pobs, Wij, Ay, bmecttt 4 en 4 “ 
‘ono ni banisi i yovolsdy. 10 : ; lof 
Y To en at, exttomne}> near, inti- 


hoo saus¢ 


y Ree libéfal. 

Tekowis The point of an, ASTON AL y Vi 

1998 199 » etintis 9d} Josbros of panah Js} 
A 4 ae. of iat ‘oa 
5 A hoof, & Toes yew' sé pek'tek, AY 
Tek I A ay woo te ‘payh' Wha, 
3} Sous 

a A W ehere is d pig with white eet ; see 
the i He Se4ou gnay. 

To; blame, ta’ reff find eels 
? _Mithes si, a7 ‘ 

Kok ‘tine PY end, wg +. 

mes kok: hwuwtek maw"S lan, the aig af the country 


i Blithe jus; 10 J92 of s\O55 % asY 
fa { i ‘Pod pluck# vulg. a to pick, to | 
x ok - iigathen},:to, twitch)... FR | 
wa fat ce Vitotek; soo kwa PO, .chaé tek | 

léng kwa he, sam tek séang yin k’h0;s00,tek p’haou ' 

ab anchit dy ban saé wob:kiwa hb, no dy ban B & 
Wha ché6; sa dy-banyeéd king éy chditit}sedy ban 
pre 0 ihe tinié 1006S, on the first! ga if the melons 
are. good, on, the)second they wi an fewer ; 
on the third gathering they, wille still be be tolerable, 
and on the fourth, people will return bringing the 
eeonuyines! with “thems”! wo" 4 Ri O37 
dy sored on 

Tek = YER) The same as ca, The ¢ blame. 
dant yr9y net oT pat Se x iss't 
Bright; ining Spl rue tek 
Tek v K’hak, iy He really, truly; vulg. 

ols ballss 61 bel he sign’ 
nel stil © signiof 

the genitive case?! « Xs 
Sedou jin che to tek pk ié jit bong, ns aM -, 

“9 FEE AY A Tp A: sca a 

jéén Zé chit jitobdikihe ,thelwa f'a worthless man 
is glittering, L but. in single. day hes is forgaiten s 5 See 
i ea Fi ‘Téung yang... Ak . 

i VaR a 2A Ne a it 

tek tek woo ede ching it is certainly trues. and there 


are. Witnesses ¢ of | it. 


SiGe 6 2i).ellid tos bas edoollid 

Tek pit, V4, Es rites iy one’s. own hand. 

onl A ey 3 yitizia slo2zi9q t 
° Toot r 
Tek Be sa ining 3 the 
sk Tp fruit of the _ watef lily. 
aE ie > F iG Pe 
he tec +b a a Ub YSsqhils Aya de SAA SoA 

Tek os } Tolead, to takeariythingiin thehand. 

aod sido 

niow sliols 1809 10 99%iq A 

s'Tobind; tortie. BS 145'T 
mM enorisg yd re 

Mek ods ba 
<si ol) ; ganund 
| Stennis 

IDL lw 93 KITTS £1 
Yarrow, steaigh ore speedy. 


lid doid : 

Yo gniaes pu. ith ‘ade wor 2009, oi) ohishw 
Tek A rabbit ret) 98 oe eo 
4s, , 
Ve i, 
it 20 ethee oil eae 
To arrive at, to arich tos 
of {basses oT Ok ee 

eX od "9% A: oh oat 
Read tuk bamboo feuk ti, FF 
kk tek na, a bamboo grove. 

» Water ‘collected ' together’ in’ one 
_ place’ a iiarsh also; to tdisten, 
and ‘foster’ by genial influences ; 
virtue, favor, kindness. ‘ 

Jédk’ hoo’ jin’ték ehe, chek inden é chow &, 

BRM Zi te TR 
» eWhin chéo"S bogyh gin tek eqehek té jin hwun kap 

sy iste Ué, but, with, respect to fostering the .people 
aby kindness jit, dapendann the prince Sie 
with yourself; see ae +. Beng choo,), 

To choose, to select 5 yulg. teh: 
* pick and choose. 
Ték put ch’hé jit;-yéen tek te? 
eee a uine: 
dt jin’ dy Sd chie, BSE YN an chao" by kong’ too 

t22 in selecting a residence, not tovpitch upon a vir- 


tuous nejghharhood, how can a.peTeon be consider- 

ed wise 3e? see the af ‘ae Lin ge.) mast 

To throw; vulg. ték kak: to throw 
Ték fe _ Away, to thr 

EK Het ba ] RNY |. 

ték kak kédm té téy, he threw te sword on the 

mu ground, 10 150 & : 
The. eel a. “race a foreigners 


Tek i onthe north of China a surname. 
Lam béén je cheng, k ték wan, 
fa iin PF AEE MK ? je cheng, 

pak pee"S dy hwan wan, when he went to adjust 



affairs in the south, the northern foteignérs were dis- 
> " + Ts he - 
‘pleased (because he did trot comuiené 
see ni -¥- Béng choo, 4 es 

a oigvall long and it mate 


ii Ligee Vols. eth! 't6’ buy’corn, or grain; 

Ték ek 6, BIE A tid we, te buy 

it i } rick. 
we. baal Ned To mits any ‘vessel ; séén ték if 
Ték. , He, to wash, to rinse ; also a cage 
| Y ib which sacrificial animals are 

kept and fed. To exclude ; still) 
b4 To oppose, to’ withstand, an enemy, 


an opponent. 

Jin chiéé bod they A=. 3G ANE Fife 

jin dy ling rs thy ték, a Beievolent man has ‘no 
enemies; see = Ff Béng choo. \ 

Tek e ssi, it ie tuamies of chil- 

é , Only, expecta, partieular 5 ték béng, 

“AY ii an es cia re 

* ek swin, ! Ae BR, especially 

in . 

") To advanee, td venter ; to open out 
“¥ ” the shea 

Tek A post, a pole stuck in the ground. 
a One of the horary characters ; to sus- 
Teng tain also a person arrived at 20 

years of age is said to be K a | 
séng teng, come of age. 

Peng teng, i Fy a soldier. A surname. 

Pp To walk alone; léng teng, “ite 47 
Teng 4A a the appearance of walking alone ; 
same as Ay , teng. 
Teng léng, AT vet to enjoin, to 
Teng ny urge again, and again. 
Ké hw4n hok teng léng, sé jin 

che &, ché ch’him ch’héet 2, Ht JX 48 py ms 
TN 2 BPE WR « iin ot 

teng léng ka lang dy 2 so6 che ch’him ch’héet, his re- 
peated injunctions and his frequent exhortations 
show that his intention in teaching mankind was 
earnest and sincere; sce KK F- Choo choo. 


Teng i Teng léng, a a, a small net. 

Teng qT A kind of sore or blister. 
A nail; t’héet teng, Gx Sy Vhéech 
ken ten, i il 
g, an iron nail. 
A lamp ; teng ho, KT RK teng 
Teng ys hoéy, a lamp; teng sim, KT i , 
the wick of alamp; teng long, Ky 

#5 teng ldng, a lantern. 

Sam keng teng h®0, gnoé keng key, = Ee Ky K 
oii ei 5G s"a kai®S teng hoéy, got kai"S key, 
(sitting up at study) till the lamp burns to the 

third watch, (and rising again in the morning,) 



while the cock crows the fifth watch; (speaking of 
those who study hard.) 

Teng We The same as the preceding. 

To ascend; to ro up, to ripen; 
Teng IX teng ko, 4 XS i , to ascend up 
on high; teng wiy, hiz, to 

ascend the throne. 

Gnoé kok put teng, T Rx oS yee gnoé kok b6 

teng kwin, the five nN of grain do not grow; 

see mf F- Béng choo, 

Teng BE bamboo hat, with a handle. 

cE - 
aes The top, the crown; t’hoé téng, 88 

Téng JA tabu kak téng, the crown of 

_—#™ the head 5 san téng, Wy TA s0"a 
téng, the top ofa hill. 

Téng JA The name ofa hill. 
it The divisions of the rice fields. 

pay téng, 4 fi, very drunk. 



Téng A small insect. 

Téng y Vulg. ¢é"@: a pan for cooking, a fry- 
ing pan ; also new. 

Téng: He The same as the preceding. 


3.24 A steps a grade, ardegree ; a class, a 
Téng sort, the’ sign of the plural number; 
gnoténg, IK ae lan, we. 
Kang yit téng, is a a kang chit téng, to de- 
/gtade a person one step. 

Téng thas, Se 4p téng hadu, to wait, to tarry. 

> Téng choo, BY tF- téng d, scales 

6 for weighing silver. 
4 | 
Teng gé, GJ ply, to deliberate on 
Tang Spey , 

to consult ; to criticise. 

Téng ZA o nail anything with nails. 

A stirrup ;.m4 tap ttng, FE, PK ite 

bdy tah té"d, a stirrup iron. 
Hé kwiin ch’hwan géuk téng, 

A 3H S TE GB cl’hong hé ¢ by kwiin, yéd chéw 
ch’hwui"S géuk téng, having arranged his riding 
dress he put his foot in the pearly stirrup ; see the 

, Be Se (A Han 0 gedou twan. 

Ts ng a small plank, or slab of stone; a 
2 stone bridge. 

The same as the preceding; a small 


Tén a 
8 Los mound of earth 
Tén A pavilion, a shed by the roadside; 
6 upright, straight. 
Teng a P’héng téng, i He, beautiful, ele- 
Téng Sin-téng, FB aR, the name of one 

of the disciples of Confucius. 


A . 
y—2 To stop the flowing of water, a dam, 
a/mound, é 

Téng YS 
Kwat téng sfiy, t8 che haé, Ht 

iF 7K XK ral iy kwat, tonr"9 téng chy, t2 e 

kadu haé, he cut off the water dam, and led the water 

into the sea; see the a iy {i Lé soo twan. 
Téng 5 PP ne téng, BS , to manage, to 


Tedou téng, if KE, the court, the 

Téng palace, the hall of audience ; some- 

JE times used for the government, the 
tuling power. 

Ké chaé chong beadou te4ou téng, péén peéén gan 

way kin, Jt HE LA EH 

ae € twa té chong Ved tedow téng, péén péén 

king wa why sey jé, when he was in the ancestorial 

temple, or at court, he would speak sedately and 

ri caution; said of the ie oe Lin 


The hall just within the front door; 

kay téng, Re Ke. a hali. 


Téng 3 -= Liy téng, a xe, a clap of thunder. 

Rattan; téng tedou, Hk (fe tin Gd, 

Téng a rattan cane; also a bamboo ves- 
4 sel, 
The name of a country ; a surname ; 
Téng also to open the mouth, and utter 
Téng A rope, .a'string, a cord; to bind. 
Téng A creeping plant; the rattan. 

iis vans eee still: rete 3 Wy 
Hoag nO Sanv ch*héerd 1820 yit 

AED ihe boeing Hee =F 

re —s Ve. if Hong hé sa cldheng : neé"S chit 

ay Cig cing; the Yellow" tiyer-setilés and bes" 


y wth 

comes clear once in 3000 ‘Yeurs. 

A kind of orange. 

Kit léuk, sé) 

ta ‘Cheng s sé ee te 
dk, 3b HE SEA HR OF 

ohana sé téng a é wuiré, kit 4 lek ay, sé, it was just at 

», the:timeswhen oranges became aallens and scitrons 

N PTW ae 

tig \ 

4 i wv 
tit WV 

Even) plain, level: Be # inferior to 



8 2a pe Po warns) to ben fa he: of; dig. 
> ehehoingy ek AB} tor formy “X6' 
inake}iténg chon iE, to re- 

Lary gag al 

2) forth ‘golbbrreeti:l ( 
Read tétiig : adoubtey repeatedover 
; vapaing? kay téding’ poeyy iT i 
Af kay teng thin ag panel again, 

: als foubie’ > iy § 1Ony Bei » L =i 
: te 1 «J e 2aot 
ay e19Viid onleiow “ah j a af 
v “= 
im We yA. 2 
Teng i=) The name of a se i surnames 
,ff0 stodil : T= iin need emp 
(le By = ed 


S2iathix ¢ 


© eng ha Mt NE tot te for busi- 
mess. TA 

Whi ea a 

H Gi 

Vulg. tai": the name of a country ; 
aba , 

a rey 
‘afta l 



Tang 8 enw address a superiot isi sealled téng; 
: . fs oft ruTTie f List 1d ° rgy 
[ional also, to discoversto cqnie to light. hy st 
a ie athy ANS 1 fi dy etl at rest 
ap JM 78"4)5 t9 announce, to informytoyprestiat up a | € = pile tea ar) xed, se ad, > 
Pelt? : en jy sets 5 Basti ‘determined i aks 
document. vg | 8 
eer, . Pe, ché, je, hee yew, tere, feng jé 
Pd weat: anys hE, A, (3 | oii dros: ‘ini as 4a. ak Tih eo) A 5 JE i 
naked and batai=\, Je\ ! 46 FALE ae chae kang, swith j jéen adu *y abe té"a 
jéén abu éy cheng, when we know, | how to ‘stop, then 
w* order, a series eglinit chéang 5 bie be 
we & powe® be-settleds: being settle yy os 
"Feng: 15 may’ x beiog: : ain 

“* téngs Fix ee reat 

tions; loé téng,. a journey, 

metal Whé, tong, ie, ise RAE RA, to com- 

_ Mence, a journey,;, Wale,’ ed desu me. 015’) 
ea Fe téng chéang, tengil Ee Sie 3, 

2, Feo" el’ hong, té" 4. tek Hae res TéoN8- 
conelhongfised ae Jays and wae) seo we 

7a Fis Ko choé ke... 

Tey a= 


Drunk, ay not« a ake from 


wine. .9¢ 

hwdn lo dy sim kw"a ch’hin chéo"S ghéw chiy, sad 
at .heartvas! though; intoxicated wat ef; see. the | 

Jv HE Sedou gndy. St 

Yeasinatboke Nn jy me 

“come still; see the At tite a 
ice chesk, ae a té i cate, fixed, certain. 

Te A Sues ane to + lor bits 
ene to throw away. 

pes kinid of white COPE. ; gin téng, 
tad $e RR Aye gin aia bar of silver. 

i tenes uo pe chin téa, 

-sla Anianehibn. | 


di wD Read tongs as ché tong, ge. ie fa, 

Tes FP chuwd te"Z, a bundle of gilt paper 
} ane lo 9! ae upkas anetifice ing 5000 
1 (), = ahiaisiowt: 2 fol qioeih edi:lo , <u) ia 


Sék-kAm-tong, i BY iB Chébh-hdm-te"S, the 
” name ofa very strong man, supposed to be able to 

prevail against noxious influencés; hence his name 
is frequently written on a board, and placed at the 

corners of streets to keep'away evil genii. © 

ae » Read téang: the rising of the tide; 
Tes 1B . sty téang, Ze Pilg chity te"8, | 

the tide is risen. 

as ; 2 Read tdng: to bear, to sustain, to 
T's * pawn, to put in pledge. 
K’hae tong téem, Ei = JE 

K’laniy t2"8 téém, to open a pawn shop. 

zE Read téng: a surname; the name of 
TNs jz a dynasty; Téng tedou, i ii 
a Té"S tedou, the Téng dynasty ; 

applied also to the whole empire genetally, as Ting 

san, Fa Wj Té"S sw"a, China ;}T dng jin, fF . AN 
TéY lang, a Chinese. 

Read tong: a pond; gé tong, ff 

Pp pa hé té"8, a fish pond. 

Read téAng: long, not short; téAng 
Tes a= kéw, te K té"& kod, a long 
: time. 

Kim Téng chwat téAng poé twin, A 3 AU te 
Aili 49 ta Téng kok chodt Wh? 129 dy poé téy 

dy, iow with respect to the Téng country, if the 


longer parts are cut off to make up for the shorter, 

(it will only be 50 Ié in extent ;) see th * Béng 

choo. 5 

Read t6ng: a temple, a hall; t’heng 
tong, J Be ene ater’, a hall. 
Yew yéa seng tng &, be jip é sit 

ves HD FEE RA AM Kt 

Yew yéd, woo pityh chéo9 169, biiey jip é cl?hod 
téy, Yéw has ascended the hall, but has not yet en- 
tered the dwelling; (intimating that he had made a 





certain progress in learning, but had not penetrated 

into the recesses of wisdom ;) see the Bil FH Lin gé. 

Read ch’héang: -the entrails, the 
TEs AB bowels; kat jin sim ch’héang, 
Hi] XK ny We kwih ling dy 

sim té"9> to wound a person’s feelings'very severely 

ot ae cutting the bowels asunder. 

Read téang: a measure of ten feet; 
pete yit téang téang, —» J+ FS chit 

te"8 té"8, ten feet long. 

‘ Read tong: to run against, to strike, 
Tes : to push against. 
Séén bin ché4 jé tong chéung, 

, a FY Ae dn die GH atu mooi" dy Ting 

ch’hin chéo"& te"8 cheng, a skillful inquirer is like 
one who strikes a bell; (i. e. he is sure to get an an- 
swer;) see the pa) BE, Hak ke. 

~ Read to wash, to bathe. in 

THs warm water; séén tong, Bt Ys 
sty té"8, to take a warm bath. 

# Read tedou : to fish, to angle; tedou 

Té Bh ee, By $8 tad hé, to catch fish. 

T’haé kong tedou & Hwan key, 

Ke Be BIA TG FA Thad hong te0 ne te 

Hwan key, T’hae kong angled in the Hwan rivulet ; 


see the bd BE Soo ke. 

Read téang: long; this character 

Téé & forms a part of the names of se- 
veral places, as TéAng-t’hae, 

ie Té6-’ jad, a district in Vig My, Chéang chew; 

and Téang-lok, fe 4h Téé-loh, a district i in iit 

Hy, Hok chew, both in the province of ia aft 

Read tedou: the tide; haé tedou, 
Tt x haé té6, the tide of the 
Wy ees 
sea. Tedou chew, yi] phy Téé 
chew, a district in the province of Canton. 

play at chess. 
Also an affix to certain verbs, as gé chéak, 3 Gq 
to6 tédh, to meet with; k’han chéak, B Wy Whoa 

tédh, to see. 


aR Read téang : to spread out, tostretch ; 
Téo"sS ae téang yang, ae #8 téoNS yéo"s, 

Read chéak : right, yes, it is so. 

to make a show; a surname. 

Read té4ng: a superior; kay té4ng, 
Re 42 kay té6"8, the master 

of a family ; lé téang, Li fe @ 
té6"8, the head of a village. 


Read téang : an account; hong té ang, 

IK he pang té0"9, to let an ac- 
count run on, to give credit. 

Read téang: to swell, to rise as wa- 

ter, to inundate. 

Read téang: to swell, to puff up; 

Téo"s A toé téang, fit jit toé téd"8, a 

swelling of the abdomen. 

o SNG oe f 
= Tens F Read téang : a dropsical swelling 
T &6 Read teaou: a surname. : 
Bs pm Read ch’hédng; a stage, an arena, a 
3 T éo"s lace of resort; k*ho ch’hé 
Wes ih sduibale people: st hd resort; k’ho ch’héang, 
k’h6 té6"8, the place of 
x literary examination ; chéén ch’héang, 1 ia chéen 
po" ho: to draw out; tho but té6"J, a field of battle; toé ch’héang; [i Je 
Téoh v; ch’hut laé, Pe bY) Hi AAR téoh hedou té6"8, a gaming house. 
meé"Sh ch’hut laé, to pull any- =, 
2 > tate ed ai Read téang : -as téang jin, xq AK 
thing out. wr 
5 Tees té0"8 lang, a father-in-law ; téang 
Read chéak : to engage in anything ; boé, x 4} té6"S %™, a mother- 
Tévh as chéak ké, r= Het téoh ké, to in-law; koe téang, ih yg hoe té0"8, an aunt’s (mo- 

ther’s sister’s) husband; & téang, a x é té0"8, 

a wife’s sister’s husband. 


A» Vulg. tek: bamboo; téuk la léuk 
J : 
Téuk Ai sip yéw jé, Kit ¥A n~ + A 
— tek lay lak chap wo6 jé, there 
are sixty-two species of the bamboo. 

A z Théen téuk kok, FR BE [Bh], the 
Téuk ‘=—a,-~=—Ss name given by the Chinese to the 

——"& native country of Budha. 

A surname. 

If A musical instrument of the Fe 

Chin dynasty. 
Be To beat, to thump, to pound; to 
Téuk Zz build, to erect; also read kéuk. 

Kéw gwat téuk Ch’héang-poé, 

I, FL EE [Bl badu goeyh Whe Cirheting-pot, 

in the ninth month, they built Ch’héang-poé. 

Téuk To cut and hack; a kind of hoe. 
Rr The nave of wheel; kw4n téuk, 
Téuk \ x Hil, a roll of writing, a vo- 

lume of a book, a scroll. 


Téuk Hey instrument used in weaving. 

Hy adyance, to enter ; also read ték. 

Téuk HH Win téuk k’hwat tek," Re hea 
DR chin ché"a téuk chin e dy 

tek héng, truly it advanced his virtue; see the AI 

[ey zh Ko yaéu boé, 

Téuk 4 Sisters-in-law are called qh 2B, 
téuk 16. 
x To drive, to drive out, to expel; 
Taik eR 

téuk yit, 52 — tak dy, every 
Kw4n-téiing sam soo sam kéén téuk, 

ei} = 
{i = iL im Kwén-téing s"a dy chd kw"a, 
s"a dy hoé ling kw"dé, Kw4n-téiing was thrice in 
office, and thrice turned out. 
A kind of vegetable, called also ah 
ii aR, yang téy ch’haé, sheep’s 
foot vegetable. 

Téuk »¥ 

Téuk AK name of acertain sort of bamboo 

The middle. Vulg. tang e"S: the 
Téung centre; téung kan, ft fk , be- 

Lip put téung ban, Yj. AN qs PA] whee 66 02 

moot"S tang e"9, (Confucius) would not stand in the 
middle of the doorway; see the am ae Lin gé. 

Put p’héen che wiy téung, aS fii Zz | ip 

66 p’hee"S king kéd tang e"9, not to be inclined 6 to 
one side is called hitting the centre. 

Faithful ; fidelity; chin ké che wiy 
Téung ae: téung, #e A 5H bi chin 
i> lin ka té kong kéd téung, to exert 

one’s self to the utmost is called fidelity. 



Chod téung sin, =f we AZ lay the greatest stress 
on fidelity and sincerity ; see the my ae Lin gé. 



To hit the centre, to hit the mark ; 

tédng key, FA Ff, to be taken 
in a stratagem, 

Hoo jin put gan, gan pit yéw tédng, K A a 
BB als A IP Meo chéy ley lang ie” kong, 
na kong pit woo téiing, now this man does not speak 
but if he did, he would certainly speak to the pur- 

pose see the Fay fu Liin gé. 

x Repeated, reiterated; vulg. téng: 

Téing Ga double; téQng téép, Tt uy to 
: repeat again and again. 

F The eldest son of a concubine is call- 

Téing a ed tp, téiing; also, a surname. 

Pek téing, AH fh, elder and 

younger brethren; téiing sun, p KR, a double 

Vulg. tang: heavy, weighty, impor- 
Téing == tant; chun téiing, & HB, to treat | 
with seriousness; po téing, FR 

ip to take care of the main chance. 

Kwun choé put téiing, chek put wuy, = 7 Ax 
EE BY) Ae BX oun cho6 b8 chun téiing, chek b6 

wuy géém, if the good man is not sedate, he will not 
be dignified; see the  5fy Séang lin. 
To throw away, to cast down, to re- 

ject; tew hay, F. "F, to throw 
down. This character should be 


written JF. being composed of two characters, —» 
J: yit k’hé, once gone, never to return. 

3: Day, daytime; Chaé-é téw ch’him, 
Téw = ia Se fF BE $B Chaé-¢ jit kan 
EL. Whitin, Chaé-é slept by day, (for 

which Confucius severely reproved him;) see the 

an ip Lin gé. 


A bird’s beak.. 

Téw AM To LE 
Taw A large thread ; téw twan, Ai wi 
silks and satins. 
— Téw béw, 44 i, intertwined, and 
Téw ay ;] interwoven ; to wrap about, to bind 
round and round. 
' Close, near, not distant, 
Téew F D Bin ke téw bit, Fe i vi pA 

payh sai" Kk’ héa téw bat, the peo- 
ple dwell closely bai: raed 

Téw F =) A covering, a single coverlid. 

+ Téw téang, 5] ie Sorrowful; sad, 
BPE... disappointed. 

ya Cultivated ground, arable land. 

Tew = E ke won tow, $3, It Fl IE 

choh e dy ch’hin téw, to cultivate 
the fields; see ia + Béng choo. 

= A. sort, a fellow, a companion; téw 

py a le, fe AB, a mate. 
~ Téw té, Ie Ee, to be in doubt, to 


—*— hesitate, to be undecided, to walk 
backwards and forwards in sus- 


5 To reckon, to calculate ; small bam- 

Téew ——st 
yp = a game very comnion in China ; 

téw ch’hek, = ok, a plan, 

boo arrows to be thrown ata pot, 

‘Tew « $m 


Ko choé wiin téw why ak che téang, fa a pit 

S inte: ie ria HY ko choé win téw té why ak 

dy tang e"&, the first emperor of the Han dynasty 
used to tain over’ his plans beneath the. curtains of 

- the tent; see the w jill BL, Ko choke. 
= } Posterity, heirs, descendants ; also 

Téew written Ay], téw. 
) =] Sé téw ions eng, {IE = Pe be 

sé téy te chom kat twa, for ages and generations to 

wear bodkins and tassels3 (i. e. for a family to hold 
offices for successive generations.) 
Téw ~ téw, armor. 
Fe This and the preceding. are often 
confounded in Chinese books. 
‘reap the corn. 
} B., © téw; a ay, the universe. 
Téw Ss) 
PE Wn itt a Hy kw"é kwae 
eé"Sh ch’ hut & téw, to drive all strange things out of 
Double distilled wine. 
Béng hay che gwat, t’héen, choo 
F “ih Pit beng hay dy giéyh hing try lim téing 
jéang by chéwyin the first month of summer the em- 
A 4} Léy gwat léng. 
A rope fora horse, a trace’; the name 


° per 
Téw v 

==) A-helmet; kap téw, iS 8, hih 

FI Ripe grain; kat téw, real A, to 

Tuy kwaé but ch’but.€ téw, 36 

the universe; see the Bs i ain Séang lim hoo. 

yim téw, Fa B ZL A RK 

peror should drink double distilled wine ; see the ite 

Téw Y of an ancient tyrannical emperor, 
, ial who flourished B. C. 1100. 

Pole The seal character, or the name of 

the person who invented the seal 


Téw ics A pain in the small gut; the colic. 
An sacle; the result of a divina- 
Tew tion; the words used in an incan- 
. Low, to stoop down; also written 
y 4, tey. 
b A ram, a buck, a he-goat. 
Tey HK Tey ch’héuk, cay fis, to push 
WY with the horns, to gore. 

To guard against 5 tey hong, We By, 
to take care of; a bank, or dyke, 

Tey hi 
to prevent water overflowing. 

Sew lé tey hong, {5 Fi Be Vi, to repair the 

banks and’dykes. 

Tey + 

A bank or a dam constructed across 

a stream; to stop up, to dam. 

Tey gan, He: ir the bank of a 

_ stream 
To put anything in a bag or vessel ; 
Tey aE. téy but, py Vy téy meé"Sh, to 
wy) stow anything away. 
Read 6: the bottom of anything ; 
Tey hay. té, Pr I a téy, down at 

the bottom. 
Bod té wat thok, yéw té wat léng, 4. JS EI 

DS 7A NE A Bia b6 téy king thok, woo téy 

kéng léng, a sack without a bottom is called t’hok, 
but one with a bottom is called léng, a bag; see JK 
F- Choo choo, 

Haé té, bE Jee éy téy, the sole of a shoe. 

Read té: to withstand, to resist, to 
Tey ix, oppose ; to arrive at. 
Té tong put che, JY 4 AN (EE 

téy ting béy twa, not able to resist. 


wa Read tw4n: short,mot long; téang 

mi tw4n, EE ip té"8 téy, long and 
pl" § 


Séet kéw téang, twan yéw béy, x Eo] R ve 
y= Hh sae k’héa dy héw té"8, téy ché"a ch’héw dy 

ch’héw wut", (Confucius) would have his commen 


fur dress long (to keep him warm); but he made the 
right hand sleeve short, (to enable him readily to 

attend to any business ;) see the Ff ab Lin gé. 

weottee An emperor, a ruler, a 
héng téy, a ir. the emperor ; 

téy wily, i fit, the emperor’s 
RE F. i, the three 

sovereigns and five emperors ; (a very early period 

sovereign 5 

Samhéng guoé téy, = 

of Chinese history. ) 

Téy Kf raise up; noble, clever, talented. 

Téy Dp To judge, to examine, and decide. 
Teév Pp A kind of insect ; a sort of cricket. 
Teéy K ‘A coverlid, a quilt. 
Téy aN To tie, without being able to loose. 
Téy The name of a gem. 
eared . . 
Te The name of the great imperial sac- 
¥ MN rifice. 

one’s name; téy bok, tA A téy 
bak, a theme, a thesis; téy yéén, jel #, to make 
a subscription; téy se, jE ay, to compose an ode. 

y XZ A foot, a hoof; kéak téy, al bi 

it Kha téy, the foot of an animal. 

sheep’s foot; te téy, ti Tit, a pig’s foot. 

To advance with difficulty. 

The earth; t’héen téy, K yh 
$1, Uhee"S téy, the heavens and the 

earth; thoé téy, + Hh, land, 




T’héen téy way yéen, JK By, AM. i Uhee"S téey 

héa e dy wity, (if men carried to the utmost the 

principles of fidelity and harmony,) heaven and earth 

Yang toy, > wilt yeo"S téy,a 

TEY 666 TEY 
Y would then retain their proper places; see the rf 
Tey > The dripping of water ; a drop. ii Téung yting. 
Choo hoé che po sam, t’hoé téy, jin bin, chéng soo, 
Téy To arrange the hair in order. choo hoé dy séy p6 poéy wod sa hang, Uhoé téy, 
payh sai"S, chng sod, there are three things which 
the princes of the empire should consider valuable ; 
Téy , Clever, possessed of talents. viz., territory, population, and good government ; 
see PA =< Béng choo. 
Téy hong, Hh, A, a place, a country, territory. 
‘e ll d 
Tey { Small roots and fibres To change, to alter, to transpose; 
Tey » also written Shi, téy. 
32" rainbow; téy tng chaé tong, seg Jit gwat téy keng, A A iE 
Téy RX Wisi te He tey Wheng twa te yi jit giéyh séo téy w"d, the sun and moon change 
tang, the rainbow is in the east. alternately. 
Y Pm Chrhod tey, Re sf, an order, a se- 
Tey Fe Read taé: a surname. Téy ries ; téy yit, —, the first. 
x = Koé jin way hak ch’hod tay, 7A 
An order, a series; to record; téy A BE, aE ak 6, koe ché dy lang why hak chedov 
Téy béng, je % téy mé"4, torecord ch’hod téy, the ancients used to study in due order + 

see FE + Téng choo. 


The name ofa certain kind of grass. 

K’haé téy, i hf, to rejoice. 
To have the affection of a young- 

er brother. 

Téy hoo fae a younger bro- 
y ? ; § 

ther’s wife. 

A younger brother; heng téy, a 
oo hé”a té, brethren. 

Heng kip téy @, sek séang h"0 é, 

on 46 te 

RK HAA RY a hep sé6 té 

chedou hwat tébh séo h6, elder and younger brethren 

according to the rule should be agreed ; see the /\y 


itd Se4ou gnay. 


The great imperial sacrifice. 
Tey se Hék ban téy che swat, choo wat, 
put te yé4, Bp BY fal vid Pil ae 

woo es dy ling mooi"S téy 
dy sdéyh, hoo chod king, i™ chae, a certain person 
asked the meaning of the great imperial sacrifice ; 
when Confucius replied, “I don’t know 3” (adding 
that if a person knew the hidden meaning of it, he 

could manage the empire as easily as looking at his 
hand;) see the mM 4 Lin gé. 

Tay A single stump of a tree without 

Téy 3h, The name of a flower and wood. 
Tey 5 To dam up water, and make it flow 
back again. 

Tey ZB The growth of hair; an increase of 
hair. : 

py Read tae: an age, a generation; sé 

Tey taé, sl TK sé téy, a generation; 

ts fk 4 a WH tt tedou tey, a dy- 

nasty; hoé tab, #% AR, aou téy, future generations, 

Lék taé, its KE lék téy, successive generations. 

Read taé: a sack; poe taé, ti 48 

a poe téy, a bag. 
Read t’hé : a kind of flax, the fibres 
Tey of which may be spun into cloth. 

Tong biin che té, k’hé 6 06 t’hé, 
EPS 2 WL PT VA HE A cone mon ay 
té, Vhang laé chim téy, the pond without the eastern 
gate will serve to soak our flax in; see the Sa jal 
Tin hong. 




Read hae: 

abroad, to bluster, to brag; wide, out, to spread 

Pang-he kong choo, sim haet’héy t’haé, ay The ay 

F nn Ee ne Te Ping-he kong cho6, sim 

Whwuy Khwah sin Chéy twa, the young squire Pang- 

he has an inflated mind and an unwieldy body ; see 

ite 7S Fe Fe flit Sey keng hod. 
He, she, it; another, others. 
aly a Jin te ké yit, bék te ké t’h"a, 

A Fl HE — Fe EE th 
ling. chae e dy chit Al 3 rhe 100 Spon 
men attend to one thing, and do not care about any- 
thing else; see the Ay He Se4ou gnay. 

T’h"a jit, fil H pat jit, another day ; tha ong, 
fil, FE Whe pat wity, to go to another place. 

oa ~ RE tha, HE wie che"S tha, 

to ornament, to adorn. 

Sam hae, = 4. the name of a 
star; thae téng, a Lie a title of 


mm @ 

In letter writing, this character is used as a title of 


respect; as lo tyhae, 4. a , venerable sir! heng 

vhae, a 8, respected elder brother ! 

Y Green fuci floating on the surface of 
T’hae the water; also the green lichens 
growing on walls; ch’heng t’hae, 

7 4s cl’hai"S thé, green moss. 
A womb, a conception in the womb. 
Boé hae, -} Na, a mother’s 

ha Ae Putsat thae, AN Fy 

i, not kill pregnant (animals), 

La voi t’hae, 4g ER, a bad horse, a 

sorry steed. 



 Yéw-t’hae; A ih, the! name of a 
country. A surname. 

3 Vulg. ke"&: to carry between two, 

as a sedan is carried. 

ae T’hae keaou, » iis ke"S kéo, 

to carry a sedan chair. 

‘T’hae k’hé, le te, to raise up anything. 

VAS Read’ sae : to’ sift; bé sae, +e Bill» 

bé #hae, a rice sieve. 

T hae 

ei T’haé laé, ns ie, to talk incessant- 

T’haé Mike 

ly, to talk incoherently. 

Great, large, immense; t’haé kek, 
At HR, the great extremity, a 
certain imaginary point, at the ex- 

tremity of all things, which is however exceeded by 

a bod kék, 4ilt fake boundless something, of which 

they have no distinct idea. 

T’haé choo, k +, the eldest son of the emperor, 

the heir apparent. 

Thad cho, Je HL Phae chd, too early; thar t6, 

* 3 F, too late. 

Thaé to; IN B,, too muchi, excessive: T’hae'yAng, 

rN Bi, the sun; thaé’yim, Kk Ke, the moon. 
To have intercourse with; broad, 
T’haé great, extensive ; extravagant, ex- 
Ne treme; kek t’haé bin an, 5) aS 
K yan the, country heir and the people 
Séang hay kaou had, [- —- Ae Fs se twa sé 

sey séo kaou chéep, superiors and inferiors associat- 
ing together; see the I; AS Ek keng. 


: T hai"S 

Thas. vopeeT? vba, PG. ik io. wash and 

i rinse. 
AY, A form, manner, appearance; an 
T hae Aw idea; chéng t’hat i RE, feel- 
dXEY._ ings $ keaou t’hae, Ie fe :, beau- 
ty, \ Also written Kit, thad. 
E put jim, way, ch’hoo vhae yes, Be Ar ZB, Ze, B 
Nie fe Ms; gwd béy lim: chd kadu hwut ley yéo"s; 
T could not bear to act in such away 3” ‘said by 

it yr K’hwut-gwan. 

Ch’he t’haé, Be Ae, a foolish manner. 


Read sat: to kill, to slaughter, to 

cut in pieces. 

Sat’ key wuy sé, jé $06 che; py 
An Ry AS ii 42 Z Phaé key ch’hong koéy 
Jé hoé e chéch, he killed a fowl, and made dumplings 
for him to eat; see the am. ae Lin gé. 

Sat jin, Re Ki Uhaé lang, to ‘kil people. 


z 2 } To meet with, to-intreat; to enter- 
T’haé 4 tain; -kK’liw4n vhaé, 5K 4¥, to 

treat; téng Vhaé 4 Ye to wait 
g ? > ? 
to tarry for. 

ysis tong, ae ym great, and ex- 

T’hae tensive; the fresh appearance of 



Tih $A te vhap: a tower, a pagoda; 

=) built by the Budhists. 



1” hith 4-H One thing laid upon another; to 


pile one thing on another, 


Read theng: to push; theng 
ch’hwan, jie fy Vhai"S chin, 

to push a boat along with a pole, 

in shallow water. 



Thats FE Read téng’: a surname. 

Tv waits Pe theng: to stare, to look full 
ASA at any one. 

> Read t’héng: to ascend high, to fly, 
to leap. 

Yin t’héng td.¢, 2 fife Eig 

kj twodn chéo"S Iain t2 hoe, the clouds fly high 

fo sc occasion rain, 

Read t’hek: to patch; t’hek poé, 
ge “a Bil ii hak poe, to patch a gar- 

ment by putting a piece under. 

Read t’héng: a prop to keep any- 
thing from falling. 

Je Read thok : to read; vhok se, Fi 
ah Uhak ch’hayh, to read a book. 
Séén thok ché4 gw4n sek jé yéw 

tek yéen, Bi 9 TL A MA FF To 

gabu thak dy ling gwdn sek hwut léy ch’hiyh, jé 
woo tit tédh, the good reader studies and searches 

into what he reads, and thus makes it his own; see 

FE F Téng choo. 

BY. Whey covet, to desire anything; t’ham 

sim, a 0), a covetous mind, 

Tham A> 
T’ham tek ché4 bod yéém, R 45: 

77 MIT JAK Cham tit t20h dy ling b6 séo"S yéa, 
covetous people are never satisfied. 

To dive into, to fathom; to try, to 
Tham te seek to discover, to peep into. 
; Tham vheng, PE Wii ham 
t’hé"a, to listen. 

Kéén put séén jé tham thong, i aS ae yp 

"PR YE wd hea ie Bo dy sod teh cWhin 

ete = 



chéo"S t’ham t’he"S> on seeing anything bad, we 
should be like those who dip their hands into hot 

water ; (and who are anxious to get them out as soon 

as possible ;) see the an pe Lin gé. 

T’ham thek, nS ne, empty ; alarm- 
Thiam ee ed, frightened; the mind discom- 


T’ him é A kind of plant, like a reed, but 
T’ him 5 Vulg. #Adn: hairy cloth; a hairy 
mat; a carpet. 
ph A preparation of rice. 
+ prep 

5" dive into, to fathom; ch’hé 

vham, ii} . to penetrate ; 

ham choo, PR F, a spy- 

2 ie 

The appearance of a horse going out 
Thiam Fel of a gate; kway vham, $9 [| 
>» to peep at, to spy. 

Jé bin suy tae k’héy, kan séw put kam tham, 
fin FP) SHE Ae ek ee A AB Oe TB) 
Uhak ch’hiyh dy moot"& suy twa K’hwuy, kan séw 

iv” kné ham k’hw"d, although the portico of the 
learned be opened wide, wicked heads do not dare 

peep therein. 
Tham T’ham sdng, 8 tR. a foolish ap- 
Bs To reach to, even to, unto ; also dis+ 
Tham tant and deep. 

T’ham kip kway hong, Vl ia 
Vit Fj kip kadu kwhy he"S, even to the regions 

of ghosts and genii; see the k HE Taé gnay. 


Deep waters; waters in general; a 
Tham sheet of-water. laud 
Ch’héen t’ham yit gwat, yin, F 

je ote A Fy) ch’heng chiy chit goéyh ey, yin; 
one moon impresses its image on a thousand sheets 

of water. 

Tham & The appearance of the vlouds over- 

spreading the heavens. 

Tham pee Chéw ham, 74 je a liquor jar. 

Tham Eh kind of jar. 

Phlegm, slime; put léng hwa héet, 

naé hwa t’ham, 7% Ae {bt i 
ih RY, KR béy hwad hiéyh naé 

hwe ?hém, (when our food) cannot be converted into 


blood, it is converted into phlegm. 

To involve, to be involved in. 

Full, replete, abundant. 
Ong 16 han Uhan, => hk Nip. 

T’han P 
Ni éng dy peng chéy chéy, the 

royal troops were numerous; see the k ARE 7 Taé 

Vulg. ?hw"a: a rapid in a river, a 
Than part of a stream over which the 
water rushes violently. 
» To open, to spread out with the hand ; 
Than 5 than k’hae, HE Bi Chw"a k’hwuy 

Read séng: a kind of cockle; the 
T’han Pee Chinese feed them in beds of salt 


to open out. 

water, constructed near the sea for 




that purpose, which beds are called séng — oe 
[Hf @han t’h6"4, cockle beds. “ 

pak a Truly, feallys also, ly, very, ex- 
tremely. , 
T’h4n ke jéen hoe? Wf Ht 

Af chin ché"d sé an néy sai”S hoe? is it really thus? 

see the Ay AE Sedou gnay. 

T’han ch’hong béng, chok gwAn hoé, B a AA 

tE IC Ia twa ch’hang mé"é éy cho twa jin kwun, 

he who is most intelligent, may become the greatest 

prince 3 see the ao FR ae Se Vhaé sé. 
Kwun choo han tong tong, aw 

vhin $A roma aig 

Whwith twa hwut"S hwut"S dy yéo"S, the good man 

Plain, even, level; broad, extensive. 

is oa te noble, and exalted in his’ views ; see the 
fa Lin gé. . 

Than eT) 
Than > Hong than, ip 
the jaundice. 

Cloth of a:yellowish green color. 

To brush, tosweep away dust; than 
tin, 44 ye, to brush away dust. 

ja. wut"I Phan, 


Thi yy Read t’ham: a hairy carpet: mé 
ai K ham = 5c mé than, a rug. 
Jovian cho, 

es Fh Uhdn cha, very 

T’ han 

- early, as soon as possible. 
# : To sigh; . Uh6 K’hwiy : to fetch 
Than yo a long breath. 

Gan-yéen hw@y jéén vhan wat, 
A HR EE} Gan-yeen Cho k’hwiy 


PA hil "A 


than kong, Gan-yéen fetched a long breath, and 

7H oir 

sighing, said, &c.; see the ej atk ar Lain gs. 

v ~} 

Than 7? ..To sigh; the shee he aa preceding. 

wep Viao"d: coals; he than, XX 

Than ia 533 hiéy Phw"d, charcoal. 

Jé € tedou e tedou kwan, cho é toé 
chan, $n VA il Ae 7 ABTA BE pe 
cW’hin chéo"& ch’héng tedou s"a t2 telou kin, chéy 
té Vhoé Uhw"d, (he felt, when sitting by the side 
of vicious persons,) as though with a court dress and 

wearing a court cap, he should sit ea, in mud and 

charcoal ; see itt + Beng choo. 
Read hin : to follow, imitates t thin 

T’han Dv: . yang, Ue he Chan yéo"8, to fol- 
x = low an example, : 
Than T’hAn héang bok; Jig ry Tk than 
1 héo"& ch’hd, sandal wood. 
Than A level space, or arena, prepared for 

offering a sacrifice on. 

: to fillip with the fin- 

Valg, Ch" 
; Pp 
Than 5 gers; to shoot with pellets. 
Léng kong chéfing taé séing 

_Vhan jin, j6 kwan ké pé wan yéa, St is ay im 

TE A Td PBL FE BE Fe ah Lene tong 

 té taé téng Uhw"d lang jé kha" d e séém pee" win 
'yédé, Léng) kong used to shoot at people from his ter- 
race, and anise himself with i how they tried 
a avoid the pellets; see the Fe. Ti Cho twan. 

Read a a windows ‘also writ- 
mina ten $e , and 2, ch’hong. 
Beng oor séang sey ch’hong, 

BA A _E BB ie beng godyh cheans te sey 

thang, the clear moon shone into the crape window. 


wu Soild 9: bral « Sor") Dro FT ete eee zfs 


Thing Redd ses > Aime atub 
Se ; Read tong: ‘to “feel for; thing tong, 
T’ hang ¥ Hh we Phe Phang, to have a 
great affection and’ concern for 

any one. 
T’ hing > Read Hipp eae {nsect. 

t y vs) 
ade ne Read t6ng: as w4 téng, Je Bi 
Se héa Chang, a’kind of pantile. 

Read t6ng: as téng yéw, ri ih 

Thi 3 
"s R thing yéw, paint oil, varnish. 

J: Read lng :’ ‘as thew long, th iF 

T’ hang Chew Phang, to be moved about, 

as puppets in a show. 

Read t’hoe: to steal, to thieve ; hoe 
ch’hé, Ait FR Phaou Phyl, to 
take anything by fraud. 

Read kaé: to open,to loosen, to dis- 

T’ habu ¥ solve, to ntie. 
Kaé weet, fF mi Phabu kat, to 
untiea knot) A's i 
= . Read hod: thorasbs Rfrouihvti, 
T’ haou s through; to understand thorough- 
ly, to have a tee acquaint- 
ance with. 

Hok’lé thong Phos, IS #4 $f Ful laé Vhong’ 

?hadu, a mind thoroughly intelligent. 

Téng hwa sit t’hoe, ya Br a 5 TEE wa bat 

Phadu, he thoroughly understands the Chinese lan- 

2B —_ Read t’hoé: the head; t*hoé bok, a » To beat, to strike; also written Be 
T’ haou j 4 ja A ?haéu bak, the principal, That hat. 
ay a chief. Jéak that che 6 ch’hé tedou, + 

Ké t’hoé bong béng gwat, He fel we AA A 

kéth Iehé thadu bang k’hw"a béng goéyh, to lift up 

the head, and look at the clear moon, 
ns T’hoé bé, 5A Fg thadu boéy, head and tail. 

a b> A bedstead ; go hap, pop ip sleep- 
— = 

T’hap AY ing place; vhap chien, fy rT 

hap chéng, the bedside. 

T’hap yin ko soo hay, yung wiy koé jin k’hae, 
wae t Tt Be A 
Phap yin kwin dy thak ch’hayh lang hay, yung 
wily kod dy péng yéw k’hwuy, the bedstead is plac- 
ed ready for the eminent scholar, and the jar of wine 
is opened for an old friend; see a ry iy koé se, 
old song. ; 

Thap ay, 

thrown down. 

‘A low spot of ground; a low place, 
below the surface of the ground. 

To fall down, or to cause to be 

A man of inferior talents. 


T’hap N=] To walk securely; the appearance 
AA of walking. “ 
Vulg. hah: a tower,a pagoda, a 
Budhist temple; t’hap yéén, yR 
i=) be vhih eé"8,a monastery belon- 
-ging to the Budhists. 

Thap Ve same as the preceding. 

~ A-hollow place, in the ground, an 

T’hap, IY] 


indent, a niche ; this character is 

also read aou. 

REZ PAT Hi] cwhin ches par e te 
ch’hé tedou, he looked upon it in the light of a blow 

given in the market place or in a public court; see 
Tt “J Beng choo. 
A small goat, or kid; also written 

z=, hat. 

A forbidden door, the door of the in- 

T’hat : 

T’hat Be 
is always barred against strangers. 

Hwan-kééy paé that jé jip, Ask ies HE i 

in An Hwan-koeéy paé k’hwuy Vhat moot"é jé zip, 
Hwan-kééy burst open the forbidden door and en- 

tered; see the ty yu eid Ko choé ke. 

ner apartments of a house, which 

That en kick ; chéuk that, JE ea k’ha 
-l that, to kick with the feet. 

That = To run away, to abscond ; to rebel. 


T’hat NM To wash or rinse anything ; to dash | 
" » the water over it. 

What T’heaou t’hat, 7] A, alarmed, 
grieved, sorrowful, affected. 
Vulg. @/wah: an otter, an animal 
T’hat ARB which lives on fish. 
NN Wiiy yéen k’he gé ché4 t*hat yea, 
‘ ° ze od 
Bi Ji (i sia) K i Ht, yin hie: yeen 
kw" hé dy sé Uhwih yéd, that which drives the fish 
into deep waters is the otter; see al F Beng choo. 

_ The. beaver is also called t’hat according to some 



79g '@ Read'sek’: to stop up a hole, to dam ; 
T’ hat 3S sek Phoé, JE [] Chat ch’hity, 

to stop one’s mouth. 

b) e * . . 
That Read t’hek: to kick, to strike with 
the foot. 
That rw J Water issuing forth. 


A beautiful appearance. 

Read ch’huy: to push, to push out, 
T’hay até to push off. 
Ch’huy t’hok sod koe, HE Ht 

He dik Vhay Chok soo koe, to put off by any kind 

of excuse. 
po jin hwaé thay, to conceive 

in the womb. 
Read chay: the blubber, a kind of 
aN ee fish, called also sfiy boé, IK Ty 

chiity boé, the water mother; it is 

Read hae: the womb; hwaé hae, 

said to be without eyes, and to be led about by lob- 

sters or prawns. 

T’ hay 

The same as the preceding. 
T" hay a name ihe fish ; also used for 
aby. the preceding. 
pan Read thek: naked; pak t’he a 

ty pak Chiyh, stark naked. 

a ' “Read Phéep : as t’héep say, Ah vA 
T’heyh an Vhayh say, a kind of plaice or 
. 2 skate. . 





jag Read vhek: a house, a dwelling; 

ch’ho’ vhek, fF Lan ch’hod 

UVhayh, a dwelling house, a resi- 

Read t’héy: to take anything in the 
T hityh hand; they bit, HE My Phayh 
meé"Sh, to carry anything in the 
hand. . 

The A The finest kind of grass cloth or Jinen. 

T’he Als A surname. 
The A To beat, to bastinado. 
"EP A pivot, or hinge ofa door; als 
A , or hinge of «a door; also 
The wo. ge ; 
read k’he. 
The RE name of a tree. 
The 3) To expand, to extend. 
AUN) ; 
The K’hoe t’he, M Hh, a sort of bird- 


Read choo: a small weight, equal 
T’ he E3 to a hundred grains of millet; the 
k name of an ancient Bein ; a very 

small piece of silver. a 

T’he poe, Fe dif, a certain game, 
in which something is thrown. 



ee > Long, along time; to stand long. 
T hé At Cheem bong put kip, thé lip é 
3 > 1. 
hoe hip, WE 22 AR Be Ay 32 
VW) YI, chéem bang 66 kip, kob Whéd é Whadu, he 
looked towards it without being able to reach it, and 

stood so long that he began to weep; see the 

FASS Se keng. 

bm 40 



To be ashamed; shame, disgrace ; 
ne sew t’hé, Fi. His sedou léy, filled 

with shame. 
Kwun choo vhé ké gan jé kd ké héng, F -F- Hes 

Ht = in a H {T kwun cho6 dy ling sedou 
léy e dy wa ey kody e dy sey ké™4, the good man is 


ashamed lest his words should exceed his actions; 

(i.e. lest his profession should surpass his practice$) 

AL 2 =i. Li 
2 ‘ye An improper form of the precedin ee a “in Lin gé. 
T hé E g . : i ow . ° 
Y Sve ages T’hé sim, He Ly, an inward feeling of shame. 
it a = 
ene dks ; =e The wings of a bird; put t’ha, Ay 
To distinguish, in accumulating wre bb y) ; Te pea 
Thé things; also, the front hall ofa oe 4 2, er testtigerbiatiza a 
ees ny, not only, it is thus. 
To stamp with the foot; to doubt. 
Ly Fo ae 
Thé A kid or lamb, five months old. The se Hindered, impeded, wishing to 
advance, but prevented by embar- 
I y 
+. rassments. 
T’hé yarn Grass of which ropes can be made- Enragedinousell up ti apect 
; The Sim yéw séy hwiin thé, chek put 
- - . v = 
A kind of flax plant, of the fibres of tek ké chéng, jUp Ay Di ®B 
ya a = % ai n a 
The which cloth can be made, called Kz i) Ay Ry At Th fis Soe sey notes 
» i thé por fe fi site cloth Vh2, chéw bey tit tébh e dy ché"d, when the mind is 
: Tae agitated by passion, it cannot obtain equanimity ; 
p. Vi'g. téy+ to store up, to accumu- cs ihe J eT site 
, ah Ta ‘ 
T’he late, to place anything in a vessel Be! Sy : 
pr or bag, in order to preserve it. ] a Hwin whe, fe el phah Wha 
z The we ch’héw, to sneeze, to blow the 
T’hé Dan To stand long. A) nose. 
<2 The 1 Unharmonious sounds, discordance. 
Thé To take hold of, to take out of the Ww> 
way; Read t’héy: to shaves vhey hoe, 
The ral fil BA Phe Uhabu, to shave the 
Whe v A shuttle used in weaving cloth. head after the Tartar fashion. 
=a, a To weed the ground, to root up grass 
= Mm hé, ¥ and weeds; to eradicate; thé 
rhé To plunder; to loosen; to take off Phos, ih ral Phé Uhabu, a hoe. 
J jt a person’s clothes. 

The keng kway chod hong, Hh Att 435 AA 


UE cl’habu choh téy, kwiy hwa ka té phang, weed 
the grass and dig the ground, and then the cassia 

flowers will yield a spontaneous fragrance. 
Read t’hae: moss; ch’heng t’hae, 
T’hé Yr i BZ cWhai"S vhé, green moss 
@ or lichens. 

wh. Read vhéy: 
T’hé Car Vhéy, 


to crow; tocry; key 
BG bi key Uhé, the cock 

Read té: a wild fowl; té key, Ht 
58 Uhé key, a jungle fowl. 
Héung té & hwuy, Life I 

Hit kang dy Uhé key tit pouy, a male jungle fowl is 

flying about. 

Read héng: to hear, to listen, to 

T hea attend to. 
red Thang ké gdn jé kwan ké héng, 

Fie H FZ = i, tk Fi Fae ty dnt 

K’hw"de dy oe ké"4, “I listen to men’s words, and 
at the same time observe their actions;” said. by 

Confucius, in the al ab Lin gé. 
Thi Ba herd, Wh hy ,a term of re- 

proach for a lewd woman, aslut. 
Tha” cons Mu"d Chea, PE YY, a kind of 


Read thdng: painful, pained ; to love, 

— to have an affection for; thodng 
tong, Fy JR thea tang, to be 
moved with compassion; péng vhdng JG fiyj pai”? 
t*héMd, sickness; seng Vhdng, HE fH sais ence, 

to get sick, to have an inflammation. 
Thong hoty, ii i PhE"d hoey, bitter contrition. 

Read theng: a hall; theng t6ng, 
fies te hea té"S, the front hall 

of a house; a front room. 




x . Read téng: a surname; loé téng, 
The" a % Fe loé ?hE"4,a journey; a 

stage, k*hé téng, #2 Re Rhe 
thE" 4, to commence a journey. 
T° hia re A kind of rope or cord; the sound 

of a stringed instrument. 

Read thek: to open; thek k’hae, 
ir WH Uhéah Khwuy, to pull 

open, to tear asunder ; when thun- 

T’héah + 

der and rain prevail, plants and vegetables are said 
(kap vhek, FA iT kah théah,) to burst asunde, 

their seeds, and vegetate. 

Read chéet: to break in pieces, to 
ics Pip break asunder; aou chéet, hy 
Wr aou Uhéah, to break in two, 

_ to, pluck asunder: chéet ok, AT PE Cheth ch'hod, 
to break down old buildings. Chéerhok, Hf jig 
ChEGK hok, to rain one’s happiness, by vice. 

Thédh To bind anything with a cord. 

ES : T’hodng Uhéang, ii ee, thorough- 
T héing ly joyful; Khwaé Vhéang, ‘bee 

pe, cheerful; ham Vhéang, alt 

, merry wih wine. 

Ci’ho bok Chéang bos, HE FC ML PE ch'habu 

bak Uhédng boé, plants and trees thriving and luxu- 
riant; see ih ¥- Béng choo. 

vp, A kind of wine made of black mil- 
ring BSP let, and rendered palatable by 
fragrant herbs; wut t’héang, 
eB Loe wine mixed with aromatic herbs. One of 
the radicals. 

‘ Long, growing long; thorough ; 
“hédn B 
zr 8 distant, full. 



The same as the preceding ; also, to 

eine cultivate the ground without ob- 

taining-any return. 

T’heaou “4 A light and trifling person. 
Also written Pk, Vheaou. 

; To remove.a person’s shrine out of 
Thea, the ancestorial temple, and place 
) it in a separate building; this is 

done after five generations have passed away. 
To take up, to pick up; to carry a 
T’heaou Ak burden by means of a pole across 
“pV the shoulder; t’heaou tam, Hk 
4H, ta id, to carry a burthen; apeane hoo, Hk 

= t"a dy lang, a carrier; theagl ets vk WK 

to select, to choose. 
ME ares A‘bow turned the visi way 3 
ta bow unstrung. 
To pass over, to leap over, to jump 
T’heaou A across, 
T’heaou jin bikie, iz AK 
— ae Pheaou kody ling chit téng, to leap from 

one rank or degree of people to another. 

rao A R A man’s name; a surname. 
aus [3 Difficult; read teaou: ‘a rice vessel 
T’heaou ae ’ 
cused in the army 3. a surname, 

Netahel The appearance “of. melancholy; 
T’heaou 4 ep bt ¢" ef 
f : distress of mind. 

Virtuous, good; yaou t’he4ou, ay 
T’heaou 3 
7 Aproiodh¢ “still, ‘tranquil. | 

Yaou the4ou séuk 1é;kwun choo he kéw, oe oe Ie 

3B, good, excellent ; deep and 



i te 4 F- Ty Bia gabu kwa h6 dy cha 

boé, kwun cho6 h6 chd p*hit kew, a clever and vir- | 

tuous female is a good helpmate to a worthy man. 
To stir up, to excite; t’hedou long, 

T’heéou 4) ¢ +k 5y- Uhedou lang, to play the 
‘fool with thedou hé, Pk Ey. 

‘to excite to sport; t’hedou chéen, Bk ik, to stir op 

to battle, to excite to a contest. 

en To call and induce one another to 
v to do anything ; to allure. 

T’hedou By BR" same as the preceding; 

To shake, to move; to move back- 
T’hedou as . 

wards and forwards. 


T hedou far hilly appearance. 

To jump, to leap, to bound across 
Té p’ho thedou mavy, Hil} Ye 
Dk vk té chabu té p’ho téng t’hédou yak koey 

chiiy modéy, to gallop over the waves, and leap a- 

T’heaou “3 4 

cross the surf, sa 

Vulg. 7’: to sell corn or grain 

T’heiou & heaou bé, we HK PhEd bé, to 
{ sell rice. 

» aTo hold down the heads’ a large 

T’hedhou assemblage of great officers at an 

™g imperial audiences called Vhedou. 

The eyes irregular; to look awry 
L ws Sean “FY k to look to a distance, 
K’ho 6 wn theadou bong, B A 

a Ak th hang & hwui"S Phedou bang, to 
y Ne to look to a'distance;, see the ih a iy 
i Léy gwat léng. 

ae 2 
TRE 91 arena 

aR me To taste with the tongue ; to lick; 

T’héém sweet, excellent of.its kind; to try 

wet GR dajue' OF co A ' 
| yyy) 

"A> freckle'|or spot on the face; a 

Read ‘cho’ : a pillar, a post; sék 

choo, Ai HE chéoh Uheaou, a 
stone pillar ; : €ng choo, Ka #E. 
ai"8 Phedou, the posts and rafters of a house. 


T’ heeh 

Read Uhéet : 
Chinese, the black metal; théet 

kha, $e oe Chath Khe, instru- 

iron, called by the 

ments of iron. 


T’ heth j Not ‘to be separated from; insepa- 
lariealoa ym ” rable. 

Volg. t’hee"S: to. increase, to add, 
to replenish. 

c héem, ae 
T'héem teng chin jit, is zy 

HE, he hee"& lang hwat chaé, to add to one ’s fa- 
mily and increase one’s wealth, 
T’héém, kéém, iy Wa» to add and to diminish. 


T’héém - 

To involve, to disgrace ; théém 
jéuk, AN Ie, to disgrace. 

WY T’héém chaé hay wiy, aS tt 

Pfr Chéém twa te kay dy is, shame and dis- 


vy grace exist in low stations, 
To flatter; théém mé, Fe] dR 
seep sé, to fawn, to flatter. 
iter. ‘Alwuy, ke kwy jé chay, che, 
eneém yea, JE HE EZ 5 Wh 
| sé ln dy hwhy je Whe chey e, sé : step sé yily to 
sacrifice to the shrine, of-a deceased person with 
“whom we had no. family. relation ig flattery ; 3 see the 

a EF Lan gt. 

Théém = 



one with discourse. 

T’héem Fields from which a revenue is de- 
, rived. , 
Wood used in the cook house; fire- 
7 ew wood. fe TF 

Bok t’héem chd k’héng, * LYS 
FE 3L ch’ hd Vhé2m te chadu Phang, ee put 
into the hole of the fireplace. hie 

The same as the preceding; a cer- 


tain kind of wood. 

% To lick waka with the tongue. 


‘The ancient form of the preceding ; 

Théeem te To throw anything into the water. 

To sink down, to fallin; tey Uhéém, 

Hh, é. téy ham, the ground 

giving way from underneath. 

also the outward nea ‘ofthe bam- 



ae Vulg. t’hee"8: heaven ; reason ; pro- 
vidence ; the presiding principle 

T’héen KR 
of nature; théen téy, K Hy, 

Chee téy, heaven and earth, frequently used by 
the Chinese to designate the Supreme Being. 

Hek choéy @ t’héen bob séy to yea, Ht 5E = 
K Ait AI ii fg th, hek chiey € thee"S, bd séy 
thang ké t6 yéd, he who offends against heaven has 
no one to intercede for him; see the i ae Lin gé. 
T’héen hay, K iy under the-heaven, the world, 
T’héen ch’heng, K ia, ‘a serene sky. 


T’héen The name of a plant. 


Théeén HAD it, ter bountiful. 

The same as the preceding ; large, 


T heen Eo 

T’héén w Shame covering the face ; to blush. 

T’héén nl 

T’héén Y 

many, much, abundant, plentiful, 

w g00d; also, to arrive at. 

The name of a gem. 

The same as the above; also, the 


To exhaust, to carry to the utmost; 
to destroy, to exterminate. 
Sod put ’héén -k’hwat win, ék 
put win k’hwat ban, Fe Ap BM i IP 

< [id ik fe sod a chine dy sim hoéy to 
yéd bey tiry lbh e dy hb mé"4 séa, because he did 

not carry his anger to the uttermost, he preserved 

~ his fame from decline; said of im Ban 6ng in 
A =F Béng choo. 

Bé théén, WD, interminable. 

dys Avcold ‘kind of worm; also written 
T’héen a 
me, vhéén. 

# er 
Thésn fia" 

= AX ‘ied 
oe ; 

wear genis in the ear. 



T’heén "2 A full influence; a full appearance. | 


T’héén b=] Full, replete;.same as the preceding. 
= | 
To stop up, to fill up, to increase 5 
T’héén Ds also, the sound of a drum, 
A. Theni jéen’ koé che, Ha aR 
: wy Z, thicén dy sé"a, p’hih koé e, with role 
sound, he beat the drum; see ie ¥. Béng choo. 

2. To transcribe 5 Uhéén sea, iE =% 
| Tin A to copy a writing. 3 
EP — Théén leuk kwan, JB fi test 

Uhéén léuk kwa, a transcribing officer, a copyist._ 

Theen> [a 
‘ SS 

T’ hee"S 

are | 
A sickness; a disease. 

Readivhéen: heaven; t’héen sin, 

a ie thee™S sin, celestial 


T’héen tay che taé yea, yew yéw séy ham, K th 

oe Xt i 7A fi Wx thee"® tey dy twa 

yéd, woo lang ham hwun, although heaven and earth 


are so great, yet there are those who find fault with 
them (i, e. with Providence) ; see the rh ia Téung 


rats nas héem: to add, to increase. 
PY ails 

Read téét:® to stitch, to sew; téét 
T’hee"S y) vA haé, aK Hee Pheée"S dy;to mend 


T news To sew; teén sam, ae 4G Phere 
; ay sa, to. mend a garment. 


nr - 

To lean against, to rely upon; pang 

“Phéep! vVhéep, a Ak, to confide in; 
‘eh théep jéén, Ab He, suddenly, 
| immediately. . 


A’ writing board; k4n théep, ffi 

T’héep Ifa) its, a plank or flat piece of bam- 
boo, used. for writing on before 

. the invention of paper; 3 the same characters are now 
employed to denote a piece of writing, a card of invi- 

eed tation, &.; kw4n théep, as itis a scroll of writ- 
ing; pin théep, poi ip, a petition; pat Uhéep, FF 
i, a visiting card; v’ho théep, RR ihe, firm, se- 

,. cure. » 

T’héep To hang upon, to suspend; to pile 
one on another. 
Kw Vulg. ?’heéh : iron, the black metal; 
- ‘T’héet also written ee Uhéet, and RK, 
T4 Uhéet chés, FT He #5 aka eheth dy ling, 
a blacksmith. ! =m 

T’héet sim, isk NS, iron-beertdil uiliéeling. 

T’héet ) A black thaile. 

wr artful.” "Dhéet vhwat, ii 

th, cunning, 
To take away, to remove, to exclude. 
minet aes Put héet kéang sit, A Hk a 

W Vhiéuh kéo"9 chédh, (Con- 

fucius) never eat a ee without ginger ; see the af 
Sh Lin gé. 

To go through ; thorough, pervious, 
T’héet 4 ‘30 permeable ; clear; even, equal; to 

take away. 

¥F niet 

Sé vhéet chhit chap, Fe Ae TE Has thadu | , 

cWhit téng dy pang, he could send-an arrow through | 

seven planks ; see the 7 if Cho twan. 

T héet 7 covet ; to be greedy ; gluttonous. 



: T’hek yA 


Clear water; transparent; sty t’héet 

_ té.ch’heng, 7k Hk JE eA chity 

Vhadu téy ch’heng, water clear to 

Théet / Fl 

the bottom." 

To respect, to venerate, to fear; to 
be alarmed, 

Kim jin chay kéan je choo 
chéang jip @ chéng, kae yéw thut t*hek ch’hek yin 
sete ANT I EH A 3 
nw A bie 7) Kh) Z. iy ta wo6 ling 

haout jéén K’hw"d ker"S sey ké™a chéang. jip te 

chat"8, chd pod woo ké™a he" GH’ liek yin dy sim, 

now if people were suddenly to see a child about to 

fall into a well, they would all havea feeling of alarm 

and commiseration ; see ra F Beng choo. 

To dissect bones; to remove the 
flesh from the bones by scraping ; 
to pick from; to reject entirely ; 

to scrape off. 
Thek To stir up, to excite. 
T’hek Vulg. that: to kick with the foot. 
- Distant, afar off; k*hé kam 1é t’hek ? 
Thek SAS ik BER eM ke 

Juout"S 2 how ean 1 dare to leave 
you at a distance? see the A {a4 Cho twan. 

. The same as the preceding ; t’hek & 
T’hek YK sey vhoé, YK FE PR -f houi"d 

é sae thoé, how distant are the 

, Western regions. . 
SN 5 mw yey Thek kéw, 3 3 tw"a s"a, a sin- 
‘Thek gle fur. garment; tan t’hek, 7B 
bite youniiy 1 ns bare to the shoulders; naked 


‘To éxelude, to. drive away, to put 
‘out of office. 

To open, to burst,,open, as, seeds 
when vegetating. 

_ kae kap hek, A Mw 4 ih Se He ia 7 
wn iu Fis ly kwa hoé choh, j Jé é pityh hang kwty 
ché cWhagu bak cho pod théah kuh, when thunder 

“and rain ‘prevail, then the various kinds af fruits, 
plants, and trees, all begin to burst’ their seeds. 
* a) be alarmed, to be apprehensive. 

E ké sim t*hek je8n, Tt. Ht XD 

K Re twa, té e dy sim woo 

ké™a by years, apprehension prevailed i in his mind ; 
see the Fe =a Chéy gé. 

> Pham thek, i aaiify aps 


be hek . 

1’ hek . f 

% Uneven, unequal, erroneous; in an 

error; ch’hay ee ah, mis- 

} taken. 
To begin, to commence ; thek chaé 
T’hek ,, ARR Lam bos, ARCUSHG FE) WA, AME 
Chadu Ihe lam: n-bné) Jet us first go 
.,to,the southern acres; see the ny THE: Se4ou gn4y. 

Yhek t’hong, Ae fi, strange ; 

i “4 MA T 
Thek | 
5 ae sudden, unexpected. 

pe hek ’ oR 'To; buteher.; to ht Ci to cut up 

oy 2G | ' meat; 

—" Vicious} bad, EAN wicked. 
Whek (2 Kam bin chéng tek sew t’hek, 
ID Ae ER 0a 
vinobi"S chun ching tek héng, s KP hal Vhek, 
'Tbeg' to inquire how men areh stor virtue, and 

aN Hig Lin. gé. 

get free from vice ; see the E 

Thek d 


Lay é chok, jeipek ko chtho, bok 


Kan: hek, ie ax, Villainous, ppaigpte, — 
, traitorous, , ' 

Thek ie T’ham tid, 9B we ee, the mind, 

ru Ny uneasy, palpitation of the heart. - 

Vulg.. thay: ‘to vociferate, to hawk 
Thek . va BD, out, to drive away. | | 
Chan’ kthek-che chéen put vhek’~ 

ko, OF Ae LHL AR wh, Hy chume maya = 

dy bin chéng boh hwith kabuyi in the presence of 
‘respectable guests, do not bawl at the dogs to. drive <* 

them away ; seé the jig Hy ie Léy.k’héuk ley. be 
.Tospromote, to raise higher i in offic ; ; 

a ; 
Fide 4 f 

Thek , hut vhek, Bs, degradation 
and promotion. 
Thek 8 To stick, to adhere, 
7 e héuk: as “héake eg. AE 
T’hek BS 8 { 

Phek sai?g ’ youbrate ! you beast ! 

ps Me Phiayh: a shonse, a widens 

Thek ses ‘ 
Gnoé boé che thék, sé che é song, 

Fe WZ A LLL Rea bot ay 
\thityh chad: e) € ise"S, ia itenement of five acres 
)should be planted with; the mulberry’ tree ; see an 

TS ig Beng choo, 

a tenement. 

/Thek WE resent bil. 

eThek »% 

The same asthe above, 

Thek ep concealed ;exact, correct. 
} g2! I ve M EN 941 

. Thek 

z nen, g Hs The level ground — the banks of a 
od stream. 

Vulg. ’2é"a: a hall, a front room; 
avheng” heng t6ng, ie aie Vhéa té9, 
: - mo a principal hall. 

~. K’hek t’heng, Ie He, a hall for receiving visitors, 

A hilly appearance; also written 

IW, thék. = 

19 w. tChé"a: to hear, to listen to; 

theng sod, a By Uhé"a sod, to 
Ea hear a cause; t’heng ché(ng, iia 
: deme \i'7 to yield obedience to. 

d Nene A slanting pillar, a prop. 
Then Vulg. hai"S : a prop, to keep any- 
6 thing from falling. 

Vulg. thai" : to push with a long 

pole; t’heng ch’hwan, ps fy 
Phai"S chin, to push a boat for- 
ward with a pole. 

To look straight at any one; t’heng 
Theng AR bok, fli A Chai”Y bak chew, to 


y xo Pheng 


Theng ca A kind of pan, or copper kettle. 

al ’ 

T’héng > 

To boast and exalt one’s self; to be 
pleased with, to delight in. 
Kway sin sit put (héng € Hé 

kwon, Ae ih SE ARE WBF Bho 

sin sit bd bééyh hw"a hé kap Hé kwun, the gods are 
really displeased with the prince of the Hé country ; 

see the Ar fii Cho.twan. 



T’héng Fae name of a country. 
T’héng AF To-serve; a road, a way. 



42 A road, to travel on the road; a hill 


hing BE leathern girdle, 

A long extended. appearance; to 
wing Aa strike against the ground; in- 
stead of, 

A club, a cudgel, a bludgeon. 
Sat jin é t’héng é jim; yew é€@ 

hot? ZY K 2 iis a J] 
AA VL BE SP had ling 6 hing d &t0 6; woo 

koh yéo"S b62 to kill people with a cudgel or with 
a sword; is there any difference? see Th F Beng 


T’héng £ Good, virtuous, complete, perfect. 
Thins FE narrow head ; straight. 

Straight; to grow straight; to pass 
T’héng over, to exceed; to brandish, or 
poise a weapon. 

Léy t’héng seng, YW, ve AE léy che 4 tit sai"® 
the léy che fruit tree shoots straight up. 
A small long boat a boat generally ; 

K’hwae théng, Be ft, a fast 

boat, such as are common about 

Canton; hwa Uhéng, RE. fie, a flower boat, an or- 
namental boat used by pleasure parties. 



A v7 
Mhé ye , : A PF, - t ¥ 
Mhéng A! ‘Bold and courageous. T’héng To transcribe,tocopy: | 
# fees | 
Vulg. ?’48"a, to hear, to listen; also oR > ; : 
Théng written vie vheng. The"'s y Head Uhene ; bettas broth ; any 
wv w. li id i, < 
NOY Phang ke gan'y84, kwan ké bot WORT AOH" 5. 8 BETTE 

choo, jin. yéen soe chae? ya ach a i ra) 
it iit F¥- A 5B ji EY Cherac dy wa, 

Khw"d e dy bak ang d, lang biéyh an chw"é ey 
téem k’he"S ? listen to a man’s words, and look at 

the pupil of his eye, how can he then disguise him- 

self? see he Ff Béng choo. ~ 

T’héng béng, Fig 4, to receive and/obey orders. 

Théng 4 BEE tmnmoveabie, unwavering. 

paz, | 
eo Vulg. ’hai"S: to prop anything, or 
push anything along with a pole. 

héng jun T’héng éng, mn ie, asmall stream 


of water. 

T’heng yi streams. of water, contributing 

one to another, and overflowing. 


To stop in the middle of a journey. 
Tang-6 vhéng ke lo lat, BI} FY 

hee WL I AIG Tats hash 
ch’ héa hong tébh bw laé dy ling, Tai®8-é stopped 

his chariot, and applauded those who came to him ; 

see the K. ni FL, Kong boo ke. 

Léng théng, BR Ke, a long extend- 
ed, appearance. 


To jump, to prance, to leap, to fly. 


T’hers tp Read t’hng : to seald with hot water: 

TQ hens y B A hand net or instrument for catch- 

ing fish. 

m Read théng;: sugar; chéa t’héng, 
1477, v 
T hers 

ye ie chéa Chg, sugar ‘made 
w of the sugar-cane; pék t’héng, A 
He payh vhé"8, white sugar ; oe t’héng, 1=4 ied oe 
UAE", black sugar. 

Read tong; to glaze pottery; tong 

The"s kong, Ry Ij, Chars koui”d, to 
glaze anything bright. 

/ Séw chars, =P. BB ch’héw Phe"S, 

Tr’ hes the lower part of the arm. 

Kéak the’, IK Ap Wha the"9, 

the lower part of the leg. 

‘ ; Read t’heaou: to stir up; t’heaou 
T’ héo 4) ¢ h, Bk K ehéo hoéy, to stir 

up the fire. 
# | 
Read t’heaou: to sell corn; t’heaou 

Mes bé, WR He Chéd bé, to sell rice. 
x To rail at, to scold; koé hoo choo 
T’héuk t’héuk che, ya F + i re 

chéa hoo cho6 mais e, therefore 
Confucius scolded him; see Ke zt Choo choo. 
T’héuk ma, Ke Fi, to find fault with in an abrupt 

and scolding manner. 


‘Read Héuk: as bétik seng, a HE 

T’héuk “Phéuk sai"; you “brute!” you 

oF Good, coodnep: -aatcers cor- 

T’héung rect; within, internally. 

Why hong séang tey kang 

Vhéung é bay tn, eS Ae if i vy so 
- a tok tok hing séang tty kang Uhéung te hay 
téy dy payh sai”, only the imperial supreme Ruler 

causes his goodness to descend on the inferior. peo- 

ple; see the ae AS Se keng. 

T’héung cheng, bi EE, internal rectitude of mind. 

Hwat béng che put téung, hit ir x AN RR 

hwat beng leng dy w cheng keng, issuing out orders 
which are not just and correct; see the ze {ili 

Cho twan, 
7 Great; the top of a hill; a grave, 
Théang a cemetery. 

Pek kwan Whéng @ thédng 

chaé, Fj f Te ys Re SF payh kw"a Chia é 

héting chaé, the hundred officers should listen to 
the chief minister of state; see the Fim Lin gé. 

San Uhéfing ch’hiy peng, ily RR ii swa 
Phaéu héém pang, the top of the hill is in danger of 
falling; see the J). AE Se4ou gnay. 

The firstborn son is called Re F., thédng choo. 

A grave; a cemetery; a flat grave 

Théting TR is called ¥, boé; a tumulus 

k is called RR, théGng; and a 
high one Sf, hwiin. 

T’héing We name of a hill. 

& ' i Grace, favor; UVhéting aé, # is 
i héing HE, to love, and favor any one. 

Tek vhééng, 4 HE, to get 
iato favor, 


_with pleasure ; Chédng lok, i 
(Me joy and pleasure. _ 
Be t’héing, ES , excellent, pleasing, Bh ties 
T’héing siy, A ik , according to one’s wishes. 

Dy Malgs: Chang : agentzal tert for 
T’héing > 

worms, or insects. 
Insects with feet are called Bp 
Vhéfing, and without feet J chaé. —, 

AY Vi 1 5 id : 
Théing »Vulg., Chang: the same as the 
preceding; one of the radicals. 

T’héing Kin Dry and hot; drought. 

Thew To leady'to: pull or-draw out; to 

Thew qi] To > not to be-at rest, to be in 

Convalescent, to recovenof a disease. 


hew Hi-yA thread, a line; to draw the end of 
, a thread. 


T’héw Fe of the horary characters, 

a Valg. Phuy : a ladder loé they, +E 
Kh laéu Uhuy, a pair of stairs. 
Poe yin vhey, Dy = boi poe 

hibtinet’huy, to tread the cloudy ladder ; (i..¢. to as- 
cend to the highest literary honors.) 


Kim they, hy By, a golden hair 
pin. nel’ 

Read t*hae: 
AN Mi 
’~ womb. 

Read’thuy: to put off; t’huy t*hok, 
T’ hey o HE HE +, to put off with an excuse ; 
séang thuy, Hh HE séo Vhey, to 

put a thing off from one to another. 


the womb; boé t *hae, 


boé they, a mother’s 


A body a substance’; sin t’héy, iS) 
nee the body. 

Sim kong vhéy pyhwan,. yf 
2 ite sim kw"a k’hwah sin Chéy pwty, when the 
heart is liberally enlarged, the body will grow fat ; 
see the k a. Taé hak. 


9 ke 
Théy Put they, AN if, not only, not 


Théy Fk For, instead of, in the place of; to 

dissolve, to exclude, 

Tears; léw Vhéy, Ht Py labu bak 
saé, to shed tears. 

T’héy > 

They Pal 

They 4 Hwat they, 3% if, a headdress 

of hair. 

To shave; t’héy thoé, 4 ja vhe 
Vhaéu, to shaye the head. 

oaae vhoey : to retire, to draw back ; 

’ : 
They WK. = tvhoey hoe, ik B they adu, to 
. retire, to withdraw ;, to decline, to 

36 bod béeén chéfing, thoey yéw hoé pan, i itt 

PH ER AT BH am Chang din ching 

than, jé Chey abu wo0d abu loé dy wa, do not you com. 



ply before one’s face, and on retiring invent some 

_. after stories; see the {ey a Séang se. 
They $3 bey tong, Be HH, the name of a 
PE gem. 

— Happiness, - peace, tranquillity ; 

T’héy ) a séang hay vhéy hok, | “PR 
We is téng bin hay.téy cho pod 

sé hok k’hé, above and below all is peace and. hap- 

piness; see the sp au Soo ke. 

Pe: =| The name of a bird; the same with 

the following. 

Vv, The name ofa bird; t?héy koe, sey 

iB, a kind of partridge. 
WY Way théy chaé lé4ng, put se ké 

ok, ft hia FE TR AN itn BE SE ody hey 

chedou twa té ké6,b6 wun:tim edy sit, the vhéy bitd 


perches on the bridge, and does not wet its wings ; 

see the WF Jil Cho hong. 
BR. Vulg. ’’hé: to cry, to weep, to howl ; 
hi héy P, to crow as a cock. 

Key théy hoé théy, Fe ie Liha 
pis key Vhé kadu haéu, the cock crows, and the 
monkey screams. 

T’héy k’hok, Wij BE, to bewail, to weep. 

To take anything in the hand; to 

take up; had vhey, 7% PH sty 
ké"d, a little child; 

Ve Wi téo"8 té, to take care of; Uhéy tok, it 
AS a general in chief, 

Thim RR 

presenting their precious things} yosee the i] ose 
Loé séiing, 

vhéy héng, 

Precious, precious things; laé héén 

ke whim, Be jak FL PR las 

héen e dy’ Fil poéy, they came 


T’ hia To strike. deep. 

A poisonous bird, whose feathers 
dipped in wine render it poison- 

ous; a.deadly poison. 

Te vhim é chéw, Ea, HE, JA FPG hay vhim dy tok 

té chéw, to put the poison of the t’him bird in wine ; 

seé the ae Fi) Chin gé. 

Thim > A hot sickness, a fever ; a voracious, 

craving appetite. 

Lim,t'him, {98 44, the head stoop. 
Thim Ae ing forwards; thim t’hoé, 4® 
Hl Phim Uhaéu kak, to bend the 

m head forwards, 

A pain in the stomach, the colic. 

Thim > 

Thim > We,” same as the preceding. 

Rt tread upon; to drive out; to 

drive away. 
Vulg. than: to follow; thin yéo"8, 
Thin ¥ Ros i Vhan yéo"S, to follow a 
T’hin v Even, equal; thin tae, Vy k. | t 
YY equally great. 
+ es 
A An especial order fromthe emperor 
*hi H) is called 3 )Uhivbéng. 
T’hit “5 is called i) i: UhiPbéng. 
‘T’hit hong taé chéang kwun, by 

+} KM. FZ; especially appointed to be'a com- 

mander in chief, 



T’hit ay guard againstyto caution. 

Kin ‘thit, at AH, careful, cautious, 
Thit wary. 
Hadu Pek-ko put tek, yaw wiy 

kin thit che sod, aE AEy a A isa i a 
ay ail a +- thin Pek-ko bey teh, yéw chd 
sey jé dy thak ch’hayh ling, if you canot imitate 

Pek-ko, still you may become steady scholars; see 

the ia Ve f M4 wan twan. 

Thit Ke rs stretch out, to open. 

To get in order; to repair; sew vhit 

Thi : 
it es ij» to adorn, to putin order. 

T’ hit J K’hey t’hit, EMS #8, a water bird. 
a _. To secrete, to conceal; broad, exten- 
Tho ¥3 sive ; the sheath of a sword ; also 
to twist silk and thread. 

T’ho fa sheath of a sword; the case for 
Tho WP To be pleased; to treat disrespect- 

To treat disrespectfully; waters 
Tho 7° flowing abundantly without return- 

T’ho tho ché4, on hay kae sé yea, ¥5 79 

AG HK OP BR EE A the tho lad, rheer® 

dy chd pod sé an néy, overwhelming in its influence, 

the whole empire follows in the same way; sée thé 

ait fa Lin gé. 


Ww A napkin; a middle cap, part of the 
dress of a scholar. 

Vulg. ’Awa : to draw, to pull, to lead. 
Kay tedou hok, tho sin, 7jj] cai 

~ Hi 
Hk Hh, a kay chit né"d tedou 

hok, Vhwa twd,té téng bin, Confucius threw a court 
mantle over himself, and drew a girdle across it, 

(when visited by his prince in his sickness;) see 
the ab a Lan gé. 

T’ho WA twist or plait thread or silk, 

Tho Wi To disgrace; to overwhelm; to 

T’ho The case for a bow. 

Tho j ia He, she, it; the same as filt, tha, 

ra —@®, Secure, certain; tho t’héep, KE Bs, 

Thé . sure, and certain. 

T’ho ch’hwan, ¥e fl vh6 chan, 

a safe vessel, a secure conveyance. 

To require, to demand, to seek ; to 
The & regulate, to set to rights. 
Tho chédn, AF GE PKG cheers, 
to demand the payment of money. 

aa cal ae ae 4 = 

T beenighon vho jé put hwat, K F ay if 
AN 4K hing tey Vh6 jé b6 hwat, the emperor re- 
gulates the states of the empire but does not attack 
them; see oie F- Béng choo. 

Tho : 7 

Vulg. sdéy: to let fall, as spittle ; 

+ thd yéén, jie it sdéy nw"a, to 

—= — let fall spittle, 


Long; an outer garment; gdéy t’hd, 
yp AE gwa ?hd, a great coats 

se t’hd, a AE chthiyh @hd, the 

outer covering of a book. 

aR Pid peach, the peach tree; t’h6 wan, 
T’hd . Bk Fal 26 hwut"S, a peach gar- 

T’hoe. Ri 

Koé kéw put way, chek bin put t’hoe, EX 4E x 
Ut A FR AR ffi 405 peng @ way WA chek 

payh sai"I b6 poh Uhae ldn, when we do not ne- 

Vulg. t’haou: to steal, to pilfer; to 
treat lightly and unkindly ; any 

how, no matter how. 

glect our old friends and servants, then the people 

will not treat us lightly ; see the aay Bo Lin gé. 


T’hoe ying, Hix yN4 , to soften one’s 

T’ hoe 

RY countenance, in order to get into 
the good graces of people. 

T’hoe 7 H \ g The sun obscured: 



Vulg. #’hoé: the earth; t’hoé téy, 
+ HB, earth, ground, territory” 
Jip ké kéang hoé téy pit, A 

dt a + Hh, il Jip e dy kéang ka? t’hoé téy 

K’htwuy pit, on entering the borders of the various 

states, (the emperor sees) the territories of each en- 
larged; see in -F Béng choo. 

whe A surname. 


T’hoé BR also a naughty child. 

+} A yellow color; t*hoé k’hdng, tet 
T’hoé yn He to stop the ears, in order to 

prevent hearing, 



Thoe. ‘tho2, a hare. “~Also written Ri: 


r Yen Vhoé wan wan, Ay Re xR E 00 Phot ban 

@ ké"4, a rabbit walking slowly along; see the =f. 
, Bh Ong ae 

T’hoe se, Bs ah the name of a 

' medicine. 

os To vomit, to spit out, to void. 
Thoé af Chew kong ait hw4n sam t’hod 
. poe, ja] iy — — = nk Ath 

Chew kong chit tooi"S poot"S s"a hay t’hod chéch, 
Chew kong at one meal thrice spat out his mouthful, 


’ (in order to go and speak to some clever men who 

waited on him.) 
06 hoe, Ne pk, to vomit. 

> Vulg: @hadu: through, to pass 
T hoé + through, to pass over; thorough ; 
to understand thoroughly; perme- 
able, pervious. 
K’han vhod, 3 % Whoa Phadu, to see through 
and through. 

T’hoe Dancers of the radicals; the meaning 

ll teem Vilg. Chadu: the head; t’hoé bok, 
T’hoé 5 BA B haéu bak, a’ headman. 
Ké vhoé bong béng gwat, ee 

Ti wy 8] H kéth Whé Uhabu bang béng giéyh, 
to lift up the head, and look at the clear moon. 

T’hoé se Vhoé: earth, ground, land. 
T’ hoé Y, Read né: mud, soft ground, clay. 


A rabbit; san t’hoé, iy yah sw™q' 


Y om 
T’hoé >, Read toé: a surname. = 

é tJ) Sj 
# ween 
T’hoey yee abundant. 

~ 2 To scald off hair or feathers with hot 
T’héey Re 
yer T’héey sim mé, Re pe] =e: 
to scald off hairs or feathers. 
Vulg. ?’h2y: to retire, to retreat, to 

recede, to go backwards. 
Kéw yé4 thody, ko® chin che, 
RW, 3B He HE Z Kew yes ad ehdy chia 
chin e, Kéw is of a retiring disposition, we must there- 
fore urge him forward; see the oa a Lin gé. 
T’héey jeang, iz aie to yield and give way to. 
YW The skin or shell which is cast by 
some insects and reptiles. 
Sea vhory Whak, py We Fee 
chwt Vhity hak, the snake casts its skin. 

Séén vhoey, hi be, the shell of a certain insect 
used as a medicine. Also written BE., vhoey. 

T’hoéy »¥ 


a A small boil, or sore; seng vhoéy, 
T’hééy Is, sai"S thity d, to get a 
boil, te have a sore. 

: bitdy AZ Lo Mh ag 4B, a dull, lazy fel- 
rns low. 

Read t’hok: to push anything open 
with the hand; to burst open; to 
break ; to receive. 

T’hok lok, 3 ¥ @hoh 16h, unsocial, disagreeable. 

Né vhok, fp, fa thoé t’hoh,a kind 
T’hih fA 


of mud fish, short and thick, hence 
applied to a dwarf. 


To confide to one’s care, to. intrust 
a i ~ 7 
2 with, to give in charge of; hod 
thok, Ky il, to commit to any. 

one’s charge. 

Pad vhok, FF 3, 



to request courteously, 

The same as the preceding; to intrust 

‘Q: K*ho’é thok léuk ch’hek che koe, 

BVA R ZH Chang tat vhok tak 

chhéoh dy koe kéd, (a person) to whom we can 


confide’ the ‘care’of a\young orphan ; see the ain ae 
Lin gé. 

. h ing; - 
Thok The same as the preceding; to con 
_4~ fide ins, also, to destroy. 
T’hok 4 

The roots of trees or plants, appear- 
T’hok +. ing above ground, and hanging 


The same as the preceding. 

' The same,as:the preceding to fix a 

reliance on any. one, 

. T’hok loé, *E te, the name of a 



Phok y ih 

Gnoé keng wééy sod, chew 1é kek Vhok, Fy Re 

cin + 3 Is we fi Goe-kai™ by wey soo, 

chew wily lé séd tit p’hah Pholiy the ‘guards of the 

A hollow piece of wood, which: is 
beaten’ by watchmen to give an 

alarm ;..a watchman’s rattle. 

fifth watch go round about the pavilion beating the 
alarm; sée the dit. a Hanse. 

7 ez 2 The young shoots-of bamboo ;. also, 
», the outer bark of bamboo. 


The leaves and bark of plants and 
trees falling to the ground.: 

Vulg. @hohk: to om open, to burst 

out; to receive anything in the 

Lok thok, $e fi lah thok, the 
mind dejected and depressed with 

poverty and want, Also read 

phek: a spirit. 

Kay pin lok thok, % gz Ry 3 iy ch’hod 1é song. 

chéw loh hole.” vhen. one’s family is poor we become 

depressed in mind. 

pc: A bag open at both ends. __ 
ae E thok é long, =F Be ¥F ae 
the provision was put in open bags and some inyclos- 
XK. Ate Taé gnay. 

A hollow piece of wood, struck. upon 
at’ nights, as amalarm. 
P’hadu kwan kek thok, Fi} a 
es Aft chéw kwan: moot", p’hith ch’ hd? hok, to 
guard a pass, and beat the alarm; see in = i Béng 



twa téVhok twa té léng,,some of 

ed ones; see the 


bk Vols. Chak: to read, to peruse; 

T’hok “a vhok ké se, A HH ot Chak e 

dy ch’hayh, to-read their books; 

see wi S- Béng choo. 

‘To die in the womb, through hurt or 
injury; an abortion. 

Thok H | 
YES M6 ehae ché4 put t’hok, EIR 

Ay FR FR nd chey dy mea"&h 64 Chk, in the 

wombs of hairy animals, the fetus dées not die. 

Thok. a filth. 


aR 4 To pass through, to go through; to 
Thong A make a thoroughfare; to com- 
municate between one another ; 

pervious, clear, intelligible. 
Choo put t’hong kong &k soo, é yéén poé put chéuk, 


lb ai” saé Phong kang wad soo, é yéen é poe b6 kadu, 
why do you not have a mutual communication of 
talent, and an interchange of employments, in order 
to make up for what is deficient in one place by what 
is superfluous in another? see Tha F- Béng choo. 

A surname. 

». 9 ; 
Thong a" hong kwiin, ihe RB, a foreign 

article of apparel. 

wonel ff The same as the preceding. 
Thon The noise of water. 
» Valg. t’he"S : hot water, broth, any 
Thong . warm liquid, soup; @ surname. 
Tong jit chek yim t’hong, & H 
Fi) IN Fi tang thee" dy jit chek lim he’, 

on a winter’s day we should drink warm liquids ; 

see ea =f Béng choo. 
The sound of bells and drums. 
Thong ie Kek koé ké thong, ae i #H 

GEE p'huh koé thong ¢ dy sé"a, 

the sound of a drum beating is like t'hong. 
To stop suddenly; if, perhaps ; 
thong yéen, {fj BR, suddenly. 

hing Ay 
\ Yin chéang héén che thong jéén 
che, Be I Zz fi ¥ A huwtin chéang 

Khoa e thong jéén hat"Sh, the clouds appear, and 
suddenly vanish away 5 see WE “f- Chong choo. 



Théng 4 ial ms te {fie {fa}, straight, lone, 

T’héng Long and large ; tall and robust. 

The same as the above. 

Thong Aig sos dull 
Thong a Strange, uncommon ; if, should, per- 
ar haps; a conditional particle. 
T’héng Disappointed, to miss one’s aim. 
Thong Eyes deprived of the pupil; stone 
Thong Hee The sun darkened. 

Vulg. Chang : a bucket, a tub; sity 
Thine RA thong, It Ail chy Phang; a 
water barrel; chéw thong, ye) 

hin chéw t’hdng, a wine barrel. 

A thread, a line, a connecting skein; 
Thong fe to manage, to arrange ; thong lé, 
Ay Fi xq, to have the general su- 

perintendence of; Vhong sb, 95 t% a clue to the 
whole; yit hong, —~ #, the entire quantity. 

Kwun choo ch’hing géép, sy thong why k’ho 
wy 96h Eb A SE ME ET RE 
{py Haoun chos ch’hong ke géép, sty chit dy Chong, 
chd kadu éy séo swd, the good man lays the foun- 
dation of a family, and hands down a clue to his 

posterity, which can be successively perpetuated ; 

see Tr + Beng choo. 


e. +4 The same as the preceding. 

To move a boat along on dry ground 
ker Ba Go thong chew, Fe @ fi Go 

éy sw”a téng saé-chiin, Go could 
push a boat along on dry ground; see the a ah 
Lin gé. 

/ Vulg.@’hé"d: grieved, wounded, pain- 
Thong ed; pain, painful; to be in pain, 
to love tenderly. 

Aé thong ch’hek that, By be me iB. ae vhe"d 
ch’hek t’hat, to love tenderly and be moved with af- 
5 fection. 
T’héng Vulg. #265 : sugar; hong song, 
vi ve] LENS se"I sugar candy. 


T’ hoo i Read té: chopsticks. 

OE i nai 
T’hoor"s Fy 

Read t’hiin: to cast off; thin 

T’ hoow"S AR sam, KE @ Phooi"S s"a, to 

throw off one’s clothes. 
Read t’hw4n: to hand down; 
7’ nae AB. Phwan to, fh JH choot’ t6 
1é, to hand down doctrines. 
Hoo choo séang t’hwan, R sy #i (ea pay 

ké"G séo thoot”J, to hand down from father to son. 

T vos T’hoé t’hoot"S, -}- HE, a lump 

of earth. 

To cast the hair; ?hooi”S mé, 
ras s, to have the hair fall off. 

Read thin: a bar; bin thin, 
FA Fe moot"§ t’hooi"&, the 

bar of a door. 

s : 
TF’ hoow"S Ea 





To swallow, to gulp down; t’hun jim, 
sak Ady @hun lin, to bear patient- 

Yéw péng t’hun Na hay che sim, A BE ix 
K T me nN w06 péng t’hun t’hee"S dy dy sim 

kw"a, having an intention of swallowing up and 

engrossing the whole empire; see the HR a 
Chéén kok ch’hek. 

T’hun oy spark of fire; bright, clear. 
T’hun He 


The. appearance of the rising sun ; 

a genial warmth, 

The name of a tree, which puts 
forth its leaves once in 8000 years, 
and in 8000 years more bears fruit. 

A father is called BR, thun ; anda mother 8 swan. 

T’hun We 

T’hun lan, Ya a water flowing 
T’hun a A carriage for conveying a coffin. 

in a winding, serpentine course. 

Thun T’hun ‘wun, it ia, unclean; a 
i yellow color. . 

Wirth water bearing anything along ; 

to float on the top of the water is 

rnin 2 2 
called Re than, to sink to the 

bottom is called i, lék. 

Than HRs and foolish. 

Thin Black ; also a dark yellow. 

Db & 

Fat, corpulent, lusty; also written 

PR, thin. 

Goé seng chwan bwiy thin, 

He. WE vis He Ae gwd dy Vhaou sai"S pwiy 

thtin, my sacrificial animals are fat and perfect; 

see the A ah Cho twan. 



A diseased and over greedy appetite. 

to fall off as blossoms. 
T’han sam, rag %G Chooi"S sa, 
to throw off one’s clothes; t’hin mé, ro - 

Uhooi"S mé, to cast feathers. 

y Vulg. ?hoot”9 : to cast off, to put off; 
Thin B 


A strong, savory taste. 

T’ hin Weer rin kwin, Re ma ‘not to con- 
d> wa 

cern; some say, to be lost. 
Thin Dust, dirt; than kobae, AE fh 
PR, dirt, filth. 
Thin Re tin: a pig. 
Thin w Dirty, defiled, filthy, unclean. 
Thin eB wild hog. 

wy Read ehéen: to fill up with earth, to 
aS tia 

raise by adding more earth. 
— yy Yéém tey, $e i. the emperor 
Yéém’s daughter being drowned in the sea, is said to 

have been metamorphosed into a bird which busied 



itself in (ham bok sek 6 v’héén haé, Wy FR Fy 
yy hia it him cl’ha chéoh e Phin haé,) collect- 

ing wood and stones to fill up the sea. 

Water confined, without any outlet ; 
T’hin stagnant water; also, to mix mud 
with straw and build forts ; a bank 

to restrain water, made of reeds and mud. 

x w To be afraid; thut vhek, WN Pye 
T hut UN "afraid, alarmed, concerned. 

Kae yéw thut thek ch’hek yin 

che sim, 7A Hh BB, BU WE ZZ My end pos 

woo keng ké™a séo Vhé"a dy sim kw"a, all men che- 

rish a feeling of concern and compassion for their fel- 

lows; see th + Béng choo. 

T’hut Ts The ferrule of a walking stick. 

Bald; thut thot, Ay YA ch’hadu 

T hut 
q] Chadu, a bald head. 

A bald head; t’hut ch’hew, 7G , 
the name of a bird, 

Weak in the legs, unable to get for- 


To degrade from rank; t’hut chit, 

Be Hk, to put out of office. 

T’hut thek, BH (BE, to degrade 

T’ hut 

and promote, 

A sore head. 

T’hut > 

a To push forward, tocarry out, to ex- 
até tend to the utmost. 
T’huy héén jéang léng, Ae E 

zy AL cWhuy gabu ling, néo"& éy dy, to put for- 

ward. clever people, and to give place to men of abi- 
lity ; .see the fai a Chew se, Also read ch’huy. 

Thuy Sf To scald the hair off anything, 

Read t’hey : a ladder, a pair of steps; 
Thuy f loé. Vhey, aK vi labu Vhuy, a 
pair of stairs; a flight of steps. 

She ; : 
Kéiing teng ch’heng yin t’hey, it sie = zr if 
kang teng chéo"& ch’hai"S hwin dy @huy, to ascend 
the ladder of the azure clouds together; (alluding to 

the united efforts of scholars to advance in learning.) 
ee = 

Br Lye The thighs ta ebay, Je JB twa 
Thiy [Py Uhiy, the large part of the thigh ; 
ho vhiy, Ye FRR doey vhtiy, a 

ham. Padu t’hay, a, Fike phabu thiry, to walk 

about, as if hurried by business, Also written Ee, 


T’hiy 4 Sfenes feeble, 
RE < To beat, to strike, an instrument 
T’hiy sf with which to beat, a hammer; bok 
thay, 7K AG Wht Phdy, a 

wooden mallet, 

Jit boé thiy hwun ‘koé, A = Ri 35 ay 

jitam phah mai’ hwui"S dy koé, when the day de- 

clines,|they beat the evening drum. 

2 To melt; to smelt, to forge; t’héet 

Thiy ad thay, Fae f6 Vheth thiy, a 
sledgé hammer, an iron hammer. 

# A weight; ch*hang thty, PP file 

Thiy Bi ch'hin thiy, the weight attached 

to a pair of steelyards. 

\ -A swelling of the legs; a disease of 
Thiy g g' ? 

the extremities, 


aah Blunt, not pointed; butt’hdy, By 
T’hiy A> ae meb"Eh Pitty, anything not 
’ sharp pointed, 

T hiiy Ae sfly: heavy; sty téiing, Af 

Ppthiy tang, heavy and weighty. 

Thiy sf A swelling of the lower extremities ; 
J a chronic disease. 

# Read t’haé: as Téang-t’haé, i Fe 

Thwa Té6-t’hwa,: the. name of a district 

in the province of iis pa Hok- 

Read vhaé: to wash; 16 t’haé, }4 
yk té ? hw, to wash and rinse. 

Lukewarm water ; to cleanse by re- 
T’hwa ) Pps. : 
peated washings. 

Read chaé: an insect ; haé chaé, i 

T’hwé ¥ i 

Thwa X haé thwd, the name of an 
*~ . Read t’han: the rushing of water ; 
Thwa> sty t’han, KK BK chity Phw™a, 
i: a narrow part of a river, through 

which the water rushes rapidly; a rapid, The 

same as t?han, Hit Phw"a, 
To open out, to spread out with the 

hands, to spread abroad. 
Ong-jéfing bw4n ch’héng t’han 

se, += K i aK i a Ongjéing mw"& bin 

cWhé"S thw™a ch’hayh, Ong-jéting used to have-his 

T hw"a 

books spread all over his bed place. 

Thw = H Read t’h4n: to brush or wipe away 
Ww. a : 
a, abything; to strike, to elevate, 

pp Be whao: charcoal ; h"6 han, 

reg De os hity Phd, charcoal | 

for a fire. 

Jé Gtedou etedoukkwan chi 6 (08 vhan, Hy VY | 

ey “Ww Pie it} APs ya is lig ch’hin chéo"S 

kap tedou téng dy s"a, tedou ting dy bd chéy té Phoé 

hwo" 2, it would be just like a person dressed in court 
_ apparel and an official cap, sitting down in the midst 

of mud and charcoal; (speaking of a good man’s 
aversion to associate with bad people ;) see mo -f- 
Béng chee 

Tha rw 

Read t’hat: an otter; the beaver 

: *hwih ARB 

An overflowing of water; an inun- 


is also called t’hat. 
T’hat chéy gé, jéén hoe gé jin 

jip tek léang, i FE fH HEB BAD 

e Wh Uhwih chéth hé,jéén abu léth hé dy ling 
jip chity ték kap léing, when the otter begins to 
devour the fish, then the fishermen should enter the 
marshes and stakes; see the $5 {fl} Ong che. 

= , .) ¢ 
Thwih i dash water over a places to wash, 

—Thw an Dh To flow rapidly ; 3 water flowing very 


- oo he 


A pathway in the woods, formed 

Thwan. by wild beasts; a place trodden 
a ‘4 - .. by wild beasts ; also written Wig 
vhwan. m. & Jaks 
The heel of the foot, to stamp with 
Thwan! _ the heel. 

Phwan chéuk jé noe, ii Hie 
fi xR, to ‘sang: with the heel i in anger. 




| T mB A wild hog. 
2? To smelt metal, to forge iron; to 
A Et 

grind ; Vhwan naé ko madu, aR 
kaot & ch’héo"S d, to manufacture spears and lances. 

4 & ri cl’hing. hwut dy 

9 Thetame as the above; Vhwanléén, 

id Be, to fuse metals. 
Ek Vhwan, yy RR, the name of 
T’hwan oné class of the diagrams, formed 

by Confucius. 

wing ET thump, to beat. 

The By sék, AR 7, a grindstone. 

T’ hwan 

Vulg. @hoot"S : 
perpetuate; to promulge. 
Sim thwan sip léuk jod, yy gy 
4 = sim Phoot"& wod chap lak jé, there 

to hand down, t 

was a mental tradition consisting of sixteen charac- 

? - » . : a.48 
T’hwan ti, (2 N2] , to promulge doctrines; Uhwai. 

sin, {ili ta , to proclaim news. 

A rafter; chaé taé soo thwan, A 

T’hwén Fe VW HR che tedou twa ch'hir 
chéo"S ai"S d, talents as big a: 

R Ny Light, easy ; to get rid of, to get ou 
Thwat of; to escape, to avoid, to put off 

vhwat been HR h,, to avoid, t 
get free from. - 

Lan 6 vhwat béén, HE YJ iff Wf, difficult ¢ 



‘e Cunning, artful ; Jight, trifling. 
I*hwat Ase Léw-pedou -€ “Ong-eh’han théy 
jéak thong Uhwat, pat sim téing 
yes, Bi) AY, HE 3E i HT RAR 
a3 ey Hs, Léou-pedou léth Ong-cl’han chd sin 
Vhéy moot"S ché"é chd pod hin u™ sim téing e, 
Laéu-pedou considered that Ong-ch’han was weak 

in body and altogether light and trifling, whereforg 

he not did much esteem him. 

Dy T’hwat béén, BP Fa, Chey bo, to 

T’ hwat ML take off one’s cap, 

rub off dust. 
Hwan jéuk put ché put t’hwat béén jé héng, Hig WA 

a» OAR BR FM FF chey ban 06 kadu 

™ saé Uhey b6 chéw ké"4, when the sacrificial 

Also, to put aside, to exclide; to 

meat was not sent (to Confucius), he departed with- 
out taking off his cap of office; see 7 F- Beng 


T’hwat Bt" same as the firbeetling. 

To strip off the skin; the skin bro- 

ken, the skin rubbed off. 
Tim 97 Anything strange and monstrous; a 
JA Zs ghost, an apparition. 

= To pierce, to stab, to kill; to con- 

Tim * quer, to overcome. 

Sey pek tim Ley, Ju 4A BX Ra 

sey pek k’hah yé m4 Léy kok, the western lord con- 

quered the Léy country ; see the ra] Gf Séang se. 

Tim Valg. tém: to throw a stone into 
a well, 

Also read tam: the sound of things falling into a 



TIN | 

Tim i beat sperely, to strike hard, 

Todiga hole i inthe ground, to stich 

Tim anything into the'ground ; also, 
dark red color. 

Tim A melofi ofan azure color. 

BS , To sink, to be drowned; ttm. ltin, 

Tim YU iit YN destruction. 

Séang rae lek € sip séuk, hak 

chéa tim @ séy bin, Kt x AA ‘a 
gr #B wi is it Re, people in general are 

tie to custom, but scholars are taken up with 

what they hear, 

Tin > Re, The colic; a severe pain in the sto- 

~~» The first personal pronoun, 1; now 

Tim used solely by the emperor, as 
monarchs in the west are accus¢ 

tomed to say ‘we;’ also, a sign; and the place ofa 

To stew or boil-by steam; tim uh, 
ie HE, a stewed duck. Also 

™ Fee 
Tim ai 
written DR. tim. 
To testify, to bear ‘witness to; tin 
om 4 tedou, #3  B, to call, to sum- 

Hay léy goé léng gan che, Ké put ehéuk tin yéa, 
Hay tedou dy léy soé gwa éy king e, na sé Ké kok 
bé kadu thang tin chin e, the ceremoniesof the Hay 
dynasty I might speak of, but (their descendants) 
in the Ké country are not sufficient to prove them ; 

see the i aa Séang lin. 




A pearl; tin po, B e, anything ¥ - 
Tin The'same as the above; 
Je yéw sék séang tin, fF AR 
oF ag ‘Z vhak cl’ hayh ling sé toh téng dy tin, x 
_ a learned manis like a treasure on the table. Tip To move. 
Tin a isin ve PR tin tang, the 
| tinkling of gems. Tip Br.” instrument of iron; a pair of 

= To brandish, to flourish ; to keep, to fan | 

Tin guard ; tin ap, ji Ing, to keep 

™» under authority, to control. 
Sun-kwén ték tin yit hong, FR He 5) Sit se 
Fj SwuiPS-kwoin tk tin sé chit he, SwuiS- 
kwAn kept sole charge of one region. 
Dust, dirt; tin ae, pe IR, small 
Jee Put séw tin ae pwan téém ch’him; 
Fe Be WE BAP ME a tin pe 
téém dy ch’him, not to be soiled by half a grain of 
the smallest dust. 
Read téng: 
dril or creeping plant. 
; Téng paé, WE Ke tin pat, a 
shield, a buckler. 
To arrange, to spread out; to drawup 
in a row; vulg. #dz: a surname. 
Tin ké chong k’he, [shi .e = 
PF tin léet chdy choé chong dy ke k’h2,to spread out 
_ the sacrificial vessels for ancestors; Seerthe if ie 
x Téung ying. 



rattan, any kind of ten- 


‘A-row, a series,a rank, a line of bat- 
| Woéy-léng kong bin tine K’hong 
ont, fini EBS Pad BR WS BL 7H Weey-teng 

kong moot" paé tin kap Khong cho6, Woby-léng 

kong inquired of Confucius respecting a line of bat- } 

tle; see ei BH 

to obtain, to get, to ac- 

Read tek: 
RG oe 
‘ Kéw chek tek che, sé chek sit 

~ ches RY FF BE BY De Litt chew we 

tbh pang k’he chet sit bk, (virtue) if sought for 
may be obtained, but if rejected will be lost ; see 

oo + Béng choo, 
Straight, not crooked, ipright, cor- 

rect; morally upright. 

Ké tit ch’hod ¢hoo ong, chek bin 
bik SRY aA HE DB, Aon 2 
tedou tit dy ling, cl’ hod Whe choo wan ong dy lang, 
chek pityh sai"S hok Idén, whtn-we elevate the 
upright, and remove the corrupt, the people will be 

rendered Uradient to us; see the iit Ra Lin gé. 



— = . ois Ff 

Bs) ‘The samé as ine preceding. 
Tit An insect in its hole; a sting 
Tit RE nephew, a cousin. 


ve inte 


Vulg. chéy: many, ayperpes, plen- 

tiful, much, 

H6 ké to léng yea! {ry He B 

fic 4H, an chw"é ¢ dy chéy hang éy! how capable 
is ee of many things! see the Ea) ae Lin gé. 

A oie a sword, a military weapon; 
To dD to lé, 7] #) to ie the knife is 

uk 7] 

Bé léng ch’ho to, jé soo»kat yéa, Ax fj 

ni (iit + 4 biéy ey gim to, 7é saé Pa meb"Sh, 
when not yet able to hold a knife, he is set to cut 

Zn ii Cho twan, 

Sorrowful; grieved. 

vo BB 

things ; see the 

, Sim yéen toto! iy 3 mY I), 

how sad is my heart ! 

To yy’ small boat, in the shape of a knife. 
To. To cut with a knife, 
To i The name of a fish; 

boy - . 

* . + . 
cE ne OF } wee 

a0 Upset, turne? upside down ; to over- 

tes, to invert; sii yyet. 

Test 16, Be fa proiih t6, to fall 
down 546 chaé ch’hong, (ai FE Fe 16 té ch'hé”S, 
to Jie down on the bed; téen to, ‘tA fi , turned 
apside down. 

2, To pray, to intoreshe, to intreat ; 3 ké 

to, DT ies to pray... 
' Hek chééy é Vhéemboé séy to yea, 
WE FE IR FEA DAA, ak chey 
Phee"® bé thang ké t6, he who offends against hea- 
ven has no one to intercede for hi see the Eb 

= Séang lin. 



by ad 



ye = To beat with the hand ; to btrikd, 8 
T 2a? pummel. 

oe ’ Gwat hay to °F. a is 

» gityh a dy p’hih s"a, to. be beating the clothes 8s 
m mopoplights (the Chinese ser of washing them.) ~ 


pececny Ye 

with a canopy; also, 2 single cur- 


‘tain, or canopy; an awning. 
‘AD mountain in the sea; an island ; 
haé to, Hf. Fy, an island of the 



"A tree hanging downward ; hwa to, 
ris Fe. a flower; yit to hwa, 

—_ Ze %#,, one stalk of flower. 
2G cee to get out of the way; to — 

pe, We ie, to shrink from. 

to run out of the way: 

Té To cut and hack, ” 

* wards.’ 
» To arrive at, to come to} to attain ; 
» $i) ‘wulg. kadu: to reach to, unto. 
“Chek ‘chéting’ bit’ che pedou 16 
cheng ch’hoe boé put 10, Fil} 4 by) rai a 2 
KR Hi. cilia Ar a) chek. cliedingy mee"Th dy gua 

laé cheng ch’ hoe bé tim kadu, then the external and 
on¢ internal, ; subtle-and gross nature of things would be 
eee attained to; see the a ne) Taé hak. 



»To convert, to change ; ; to metamor- 
“ phose; also, pottery ware, earthen 
ware ; “to ‘delight in. A surname. 


hen same as the preceding. oy ke 

AR To ornare to overshadow, 98 — 

Séém to, A WR, to Juiip i he 

Hard earth is called t6 ; also the ap- 
pol = ee pearance of fruits hanging down- - 


i chod ban bit, [fj i BS By, taod cl’hing 

dn miee"Sh; to metamorphose and manufacture ‘all 

sorts of things. 
Ban sit che kok, yit jin t6, k”ho,hoe? a5 3 = 4 
Ey — IR (a PY HF chera ban feng ch’hod 
dy kok, chit ling séo hwity Ph, Chang kadu hoé? 
im a‘country containing ten thousand houses, would 

‘> one-man ‘alone’ be’ sifficient to burn eiery? see 

nia F Béng choo.. 

Té To manufacture pottery ware. 
. To wash, with water, to rinse; to 
To, |, to seour;,to,stir about. 
._'Té.swa tek kim, ve a By 
séy swa éy tit tébh kim, by washing sand, we ob- 
tain gold. 
Té To tie, to strangle 
Ht v Me Beet 
% Poé 16, 4) 4), grapes; poé té 
\To. kan, Aj 4aj RAE poe 16 kao"d, 
Yin cecal be to, FR re Al, 
a man’s name 5 ak F Béng 
oA sli ; 
' > He, that, another; | who ?: wiy i, 
FO 4, Re ae B® fiz, handsome, beantiful. 
ue nd Also a surname, . 
TS ilo To'draw, to draw over 3 stiy t6, x 

PE ‘chicy tsa pian lead. 

Lok t6, - 
ried Be BY, a camel also writ 

* 3 as ee hang 
ong , Séén-séen kok’ to 16k t0, Zp io 

EE I s Séén-séén kok chéy lok té, in the 
El country there are many camels. 
7 2 


oe | 


pe Pages flowing in adifferent channel ; 

pong 16, iF ee car berd shower 

tofraininis! [Ot 
Pe t6, fé RE, to stip the foot, 
<3 EL and to miss one’s. aim; to be dis. 
] WP AE Pig, the sabaowrh hill. +. 
SS hou HE 

the name of Amida Budha; used in the form of an 

appointed, unfortunate, unlucky. 

min td, Hk We, uneven; p *hoé ts 

oath or ‘profane exclamation by the Chinese. 

- A countenance flushed with wine. 
. ’ Bé jin ke chay, choo gan té sa, 


eWhin ch’hat"S dy lang kadu chy, dng bin le le a té, 
the handsome man being tipsy, his red countenance 
is a little flashed with rads ; see the yi Bal 
Ch’hoé sod. 

pDaswa 6,44 fi thename te fish ; 

Bk a small kind of shark. 

To avoid, to escape; t6 pe, sk 
WK ¥E, to get out tof the away. 
oe Kwiiy-chap jeang 46. k’hé, 

ie Hk & Kwiiy-chap séo néoné jé té Khe, 
Lidkoot yielded (the crown), and escaped out of 

the way; see the Ii a Goé. gé, oiinids KX 

a runaway, a fugitive. | 

The same as the preceding; also 
6, ; 
written yh; 't 

A all drum, or rattle, with a 
handle to it; used by pedlers. 
Pdt6 Bod jip ¢ Han, HR #2 rR 

KR, A a yep hot mi" ké) Bob jip t@ Han, 

Boo, who sounded the small hand drum, entered in- 
to the district of Han; see the at Fa Lin gé. 


_ See the ni 

Hard wood; bad wood; té gwit, 

eB HI, the name of a book con- 

taining a) record of the ais, 


Ch’hoé country, 



Burdens carried on the backs of 

Great waves, billows, raging waves. 

horses, mules or camels are called 

» Fl Eh, hos w. 
>, Doctrine, the true doctrine, the truth; 
v4 also a way, the right way, virtue; 
to speak, to say; to lé, 3A BB, 
reason ; to tek, ia fs, virtue; to loe, 13) ih 

a road, a way; swat to, aR 8, to speak; To 

kadu, tz] #, the sect of To; To sod, 8 ae 

sae kong d, a priest of the sect of Td; to chew, tel 
fel, a winding road. 

To thong t’hw4n choo téng gé, 74 Kia {ij =| 
ie a 16 lé dy thong se Phwui"S\ chod Gedou 
Sun, the thread of the right doctrine has been handed 

down from GeAou and Sian. 

VSS To lead; yin ta, | Wb yin ch’laoa, 
, ‘to guide, to direct; to comfort. 
To che € tek, chéy che é léy, 34 

zV) His FR ZV} iil cW’hwa e & tek, 

chéy yit e é léy, lead them on by virtue, and reduce 


them to a certain uniformity by propriety; see the 
mm. EE Lin gé. 

w To tread, to walk in, to stand on. 
Bé kéén to jin, j8 soo chéd yéa, 


“dll, bey 10d Whw"d tth tédh jin, Zé sé dy ling, I 

have never yet heard of any walking in conformity 

‘with virtue, and meeting with their death in this way ; 

ae Lin gé. 



i Ld 

One of the five kinds of grains: rice. 

Re The remains of a candle.. 
phe: twa :'a rudder, a helm; to kong, 
ef fe a, the man who steers; also 
Gé chejé put toché4, ké hity 
FD sicote 2 i K 

written 7% > to. 
L4n to, fi 5 pin tw" 4, lazy, idle. 
Be + py tH, BK kap ¢ king jé bd séon8 tw" a; ¢ sé 
hoéy yéd e, “(among my disciples) he who displays 
no listlessness when spoken to, is Gan-hoéy alone ;” 

said by Confucius in the a B oe Lin gé. 

To be wounded, to be avieve, to 
lament. . 
Téung sim sé to, rh ty Je 
ina sim kw"a tang e"& sé t6 séang, grieved to the 
centre of the heart; see the My Jal Poéy hong. 

» A thief, a robber: to chék, ¥y 4 

to ch’hat, banditti. 
See ee on hwAn to, as 
BE Fj # hint  Kwwy-k *hong-cho6 wod hwan lan 

to ch’hat, bern EN was assaulted by ban- 

ditti; see the a iE 52 Lin gé. 

a t > Toe yip, aR &, a capital city; all, 
Toe Ks general, universal ; séng toe, ih 
ra sé"4 toe, the metropolis of a 

country ; toe tok, aS =, a general superintendant. 

A surname. 


from which observations are amas 

A terrace without a city gate; an 

outer fortification; outworks; a 

battlement or terrace on_a wall, 

r ? 
; TOE 

BB ., 

Te > 

"'Vulg. ta6u: a measure, containing 
about a peck. 
Toé soe che jin, hé chéuk swan 

yé4a? At A fof FE BAL tatu saw ! 

dy ling an chw"d kadu thang swui"S? people of 
capacities equal only to a peck or a pint, how can 

they be sufficient to be taken into the account?» see 

the i AH Lin gé. 
» To stir up, to lift ups toé soé cheng 
43} sin, Fy th i ry tabu sabu 

cheng stn, to rouse up one’s spirits. 
A small rafter jutting out at the top 

Toé ofa pillar, to support the eaves of 
. the house. | 
Toé K’ho toé, ie ae, a young frog, or 


= - A vessel used on ceremonial occa- 
Toé a5 sions, like the modern tray or 


AA see, observe, look, obehold. 

The same as the above. 
Sé kod Kwun cho kaé sin hoe ké 

eéy pane AE OB WK | 
th ep. ae hf A He yin wity an ney, kwun 

_ chob sby je té e séy bey K'iaoa, on this account the 
5 good man is particularly careful about those things 

~ he cannot saa see the ip if Téung 

A wall, the part of a wall’ which is 
Toé a. beaten hard together between two 

‘ / boards. | A srnams, 

: To stairid' ‘on! high, to <8 elevaietts ; 

“high lofty, 




To game} 3 toé pok, We a pwik 
kedou, to play at games of chance. 

P’hedou toé yim, ie Wei Re 

yhoring, gaming, and drinking. 


The same as ae ‘08: to game;, toé 

kha. séang cheng, BE a Hl, i 
a kedou k’hé séo chai"S, with a 

spirit of gambling they contended together. 

~ 2 Toé téang, ER iz, a pain in the 

stomach, occasionsg by worms. 

To wrangle, to NN to fight ; 
Toe | cheng toe, it [Sl © chai" toe, to 
' contend, to wrangle. = 

Kim yéw tong sit chejin toe chéA, kéw che suy p’he 
hwat eng kwan jé ong kéw che, k’ho yé4, 4 A A 

7 nit 4E Hk al Wy MH, t"a 06 ting chit keng 

ch'hod by lang séo chai"® tor, lin Whe kew e, suy 
' “prhé sam t’habu m6, te payh dy kin Bhd kdw ¢, yéd 
thang, now if there were people in the same house, 
quarreling and fighting, and we wished to part them; 


although we went with disheveled hair,\or a white 

napkin on the head to do so, it would be allowable; 

see ih t Béng choo, 
- FF Two warriors standing opposite one 

another ; one of the radicals. 

re F) The same as a toe; also written 

Toe . ey Fal, toe. 
Envious, foulouss chit tod, Whe ip 
Toé jealousy. Also written dR, tod. 

Hoe hwuy put tod ké, j@ choo sun 

ebédoete, Et WR IPS iti FM 

4 hoe hwuy u™ chit tod win ke, jé ké"G sun ey 
chédng chéy, (Ban 6ng’s) queen was not jealous or 

- A 

4s «Pvikeveds (allowing her. husband to ha have as many 
_ogpneubities as. he pleases) and i in se his | 

9 Sons and, grandsons, were very hake (for Ban 
“oh had 99 children, Yiu 

Sut Licey QHin lw 

eS name mae an Smet. which eats 
TR ” ite 
F CS Ae 


vorkt x df] ild fine lo itticea 

To be fajureds to be Tuined. 

hol 904 vs OO, Pas bl 

! 6 - 2 
90 ,! 

The name of a nonk - 

aTot scheme, to plan, to cixcumyent ; 3 
cS " téy big Rt. lial ,- prchort amap; 
3 i jm sin, toe boé, a tb, Bi 
to, rpm ora in secrets ho6 toé, FP fa pps 

= gee 

a) ai 

' "4: 
YO Si9W A1SH) bi wee switsi'§ 

~The name of,a wood, , 

» , , , unt | 
. . fs cae | _ eee 

H 10,3 Fi 

wel iba ry ; 
Toé A bitter kind of SE none 
19) on jE =El 

— road, a way ; Loeieg, a ok a a 
ee Ge choo tod, i rik to6 toh 

B heey he pret him i in 1 the road. 


:“asurname. _ 


+a a 2 "boo called also 
bk geoeiea fish. 20! 
P gb, tats 


» yy 

| p68 on RAR “Mud; dirt; ajroad, nageey 3 vale. koé: 
zk... ' to, sapien: — ant 

n&we avails. ag 

TVs woot Powe tt ka RS a ee of a hill 

| to alqosq AR in Tartary., { 

Ot 4 batch A 

surname,» = } 

j a Oo 

“ Distressed and diseased; sick from, 

JU Viste joles wh Nabe riavd 
ve path tabu a, to play at ‘dice. 

yo tddu > to. pally to ihrow one’s 

selfupon; to confide i in; to throw. 
qe Senne toé, KA Pita séo tadu, to . 

cast one’s self on any one’ S protection 3 3 toé kwun, 

wial 3 7 

ye et tabu kwun, to enter the army: 

i? . To state one’s, grievances. < ind 

Toe, it SZ ( e oné : ot 
Bin toé, Fy, 4E, a disciple; toé 
~ AE ty, . Has a follower ; to 
héng, $E {J, Pha ke"d, to go 
ony foots y fay oy ail ~ 

oil) /Exgoé chédng ta, hep che ho’, put-k’ho tod héng 
wiht ul é gwé Uhdn taé hoo, dy adu, v” Phang 
Rha ke, ever since T have followed in, the rank 
|,of great, officers, I cannot think of going on foot ; 
eo ee 

= Choé toe, 3H Et , sacriical imple- 

| ments ;,also'p 
Choé toé che ss | eek séang ‘bin 

Toe, , 


Moe 2H AE a ZR 

choé toé dy 300, chek bat t'hé"a e, “the ceremonies 
of arranging sacrificial implements, I have heard 
something about, (but not about drawing up a line 
of battle ;”) said by Confucius in the FA =4 Lan gé. 

eebe Vilz. tadu: pulse, legumes, beans, 

Toe BB. or pease; leuk toe, oh a lek 
faou, green gram; t’hoé toe, ++ 

F @hoé tabu, earth nuts (Arachis), also called Ma- 
nila gram; toé hoo, Rg taodu hoo, a kind of 
jelly, made of pulse; toé kan, @ = fa taou kw"a, 
a preparation of pulse salted and pickled ; toé chéem, 
ww Rl taou chéem, ‘pulse needles,’ a kind of ver- 


—oRen Toé chin, ie D, the small-pox ; 

Toe 73. also called tH :, ch’hut choo, 

a production of pearls, 

Toe >? To’stop, to detain, to remain, to stay. 
Toe The neck ; hang toé, if fig hang 
taou, the back part of the neck. 
Hwat toé, ik HE, a rule; a law; 
Toe toé léang, ji4 it, a measure. 

Sim hwat toa, 3 1 je. 

examine the regulations; see the af oh Lin gé. 

> To cross a river, to ford a stream. 
Toé jp Kd kang toé sty, i, 17x fe aK 
key kang toé chtiy, to cross rivers 
and ford streams. 

Toe PE kim, a >, to gild. 

Toe To fill up, to stop up. 



The bark of the roots of trees. 
théet pé song toé, Fat ape Bx 

f + 
-b Phétthe dy se"S & cl hiw kin 

p’hoéy, take away the bark from the roots of the 
mulberry tree; see the aK Bl Pin hong. 

Tos The belly; hok tod, fF ft pak 
toé, the belly, the abdomen. 
Toe m1 The name of a fragrant plant. 
06 e name of a tree; a surname. 
T + Th fa tree; 
he Vulg. tadu: a sentence; h6 kd toe, 
Toe = veg 1) ial hé kod tadu, a good 
y style. 
Toe F A den, a cavern; a hamlet. 
Tos A hole in the wall, a den, a cavern; 
a surname. 
# Read tidy: to be opposed to, an op- 
Toty posite, an antithesis; chd tiy, qc 

}} chd téey, to make antithetic, 
or corresponding sentences, a practice very common 
among the Chinese; béén tay, I I léén tédy, 
a pair of corresponding sentences written on scrolls 

of paper, and hung opposite on the walls in Chinese 

2. Read chédng: to follow; séang 
Tity ia chéting, A ie séo téey, to fol- 
low any person, to imitate one. 
xz To barter or dispose of anything ; 
Toéy the name of one of the diagrams. 

Also written a, toby. 

To fall, to be cast down, to decay. 

Toéy ver Sod chédng béét héy, béng é tity, 
tA AC Be 

s00 chéy béet héy, ména sé"a é tiéy lok kay, when 

a great number of warriors are slain, a great name 

is ruined; see the tik ak {i Soe boo twan, 
ia Obedient, compliant, submissive. 

Ste téey, WT fli, a sick horse. 

wz] To fall down, to be cast down. 

Az ie to fall, to precipitate; to blowa 

T’haé san ké toéy hoe, ae iy ze Al F- Phaée 

sw"a e woo pang hoé, “the great mountain is about 


Toéy A boisterous wind. 

To be cast down, to be destroyed; 

to be precipitated ;” said by Confucius, when he was 
about to die; see the jie au Léy ké. 


Toéy Ar A kind of grass. 

An animal, like a bear, but smaller ; 
Tééy Wee ee hwan_ tééy, fai He, a man’s 

name 3; see na = Béng choo. 

Teh =) Read tok : a surname; to stand alone, 
as high, lofty. 
Teh Read tok: a table; € tok, Ke a 
é toh, chairs and tables. 




Read ték: 
Ték sn jé koé chip che, 1 ae 

iii fa Ht vied toh hé jé gim e kéen koe, to se- 

ip that which is good, and to hold it fast; see the 
LTS Téung ying. 

to select, to pick and 

Toh te draw up, to lift up. 
Sincere, real, thick, substantial, firm, 
Tok strong, important, pure, unmixed ; 

BOOT tok sit, 3 i, real, in sincerity. 

Kwun choo tok € ch’hin, chek bin hin é jin, fy 
ARE A ae 

FT 5 WR BL WY BG SU AE Foun cos 

tok sit té a2 ch’hin, chek payh sai”9 hin Whé é jin 

tek, when a prince is sincere in loving his parents, 

the people will be elevated in benevolence; see the 

ai ta Lin gé. 

Vulg. 26h: to stand alone, to be ele- 
Tok vated; a surname. 
Gan-k’hoé K’hong che tok, fA 24 
HL, 7Z FA Gan-hiey Whw"d kan Whoé Khong 
cho6 dy kwin, Gan-hoéy used to consider difficult 

the exalted doctrines of Confucius, 

Tok Great; to enlarge. 
Vulg. toh: a table; tok séang séen 
Tok seng, ee +e He PB toh téng sin 

sai", a teacher on the table, i. e. 

a dictionary. 

The same as the above; also, the 
Tok A Sate 

name of a wood. 

Tok id The same as the following. 


To peck, asa pia at that which it 
Tok 2 eats. 
Boé tok gno lang, 41 IK xk 

van bé tok gwd dy ch’hek, don’t peck at my corn; 
see the J) Ate Sedou gnay. 

Tok To beat, to pound, to thump. Also 

. written WK, tok. 

Tok ¥ Tok lok, x je, the name of a 
{ place. 

» To work up gems; to prepare pre- 
Tok ER cious stones, 
Je tok je md, Yn FR fs 

cW’hin chéo"S tok ch’hin chéo"S mé, like hammer- 

ing and grinding (jewels); see the ti al Wiéy 

Tok The dragon tail star. 

Tok The name ofa star ; the same'as the 

Tok JU. grind anything, by rolling a 
y < weight over it; a pig. 
To rule, to lead, to instruct, to warn; 
De chong tok, hea &, a viceroy, or 
8 governor ofa province. 
+ Ge yéw é kadu tok, ‘Ff 

AG VI BEB eng hae | T 

wood & ka tok, there should be some method of in- 


struction and warning. 
To scrape, to shave off, to pare, to 
Tok cut and hack. 
1. Ch’héang jin tok jé se4ou che, 
chek Sng noe, iE MBF rin ny rs fli} ES 
AK bak ch’héo"S tok jé ch’hdng ¢ k’hith sdy, chek 
dng séw k’hé, should the carpenters cut and hack the 


timber, and make it smaller, your majesty would be 

displeased 5 see mm ¥ Béng choo. 
Also written aN, tok. 

EN t —* To injure, to afilict; poisonous, poi- 
Tok son; tok haé jin, ip ee XN 

: H tok haé ling, to poison any one. 
E toé tok é jé ban stng, YJ) AS Se AY BS 

di é toé tok kap lé ban sai" dy lang, to injure and 

fa} at Séang se. 

embitter all your people ; see the 

Tok To move. 
a Jise: Letiou tok, Bt fig Ud tak, a harrow, 
a rake, 

Se A great flag, a standard, which is sac- 
rificed to, on commencing a cam- 

Tok A 
Me » = paign. 

Ték Only, alone; sole; koe tok, HI hey: 
orphanlike and solitary. 

Tok Tok lod, ffi Pls, the crown of the 
head, the top of the skull. 


Tek tok, Wha pa. the appearance of 

Ték tok, ih wal, unable to pro- 

ae ep pat 
* By 

ES A chest, a coffer. 
la Win tdk jé chong choo, BA [RR 
Td FA Fh Bay 02 tok je nee 
choo, would you put it in a coffer and conceal it, 

(when you had found a gem, or would you try and 
‘get a good price for it?) see the ah ait Lin gé. 

Tok z= Black, dirty, filthy, muddy. 
A coffer, a chest; tok kwiy, viet fa 
Tok a chest of drawers. 

Kwuy géuk hwiay € tok téung, sé 

sQy che ‘kd e?- i FE BEA TB He ie 
rd jy fk hoo kap géuk p’hah k’héep té tok kwdy 
tang e"S, sé ché. chity dy kiey sit? when tortoise- 

shells or gems are spoiled in the casket, whose fault 

is it? see the 5 SBrLin gé. 

A board for writing, an indictment, a 

Tok [vA | public document. 

Tok an, he es documents relas" 

tive to judicial proceedings. 

wok Koc tok; ca if, a ditch, a gutter ; 

Tok 1a séet tok, Ze ig , to treat withdis- 

respect; mo tok, | it to an- 
noy, to offend, 

Choo keng 6 koe tok, jé bok che te yeh. =| ae 

ie E38 18 Th Zp 4H, ka té choo aé té kaou 

a tok d, 7é b6 lang éy chae, a poor-man may hang 
himself in a ditch, and no one would know anything 

about it; see the =a an an =H Lin ge 

= = steer, a young heifer; an animal 
VED © for sacrifice. 

JA Bok tong k’hé tk hw4n, I Bs Ea 

i ve KR "8 god dy sdy ke" Whéd chih chéak 
go6 & tit toot", the cow boy riding on a heifer re- 

turns home; see the yan Wy ay Toé bok se, 

— To see, to look at, to visit. 
Tok Bil Soo tok ja je j@ yé4, FL, aa 
= iy iy ip Hil sae Whéa Whe 

_ Rhw"d lang, hoo choé wod hé sin dy yéo"S, when 


~~ he went to pay a private visit, Confucius wore an ap- 

pearance-of harmony ; see the em iit Lin gé. 



Tok uae Téép tok, We i, wanton, lasci- 
vious, debauched, 

aS tok, xu. aa, 

displeased and 

Tok =BD— complaining; murmuring; to mur- 
RE R mur, to complain of. 

To reckon, to measure, to calculate. 

Tok T’ha jin yéw sim, 6 ch’hin tok 

PS ces th A ats Ft 
fis Z pat ling wod sim, gwé ch’hiln tok e, another 
man gets an idea, and I calculate and consider on 

it; see the Ay AE Seaou gnay. 

' ; A fishing net. 


Bok tok, 7x HE, a wooden bell, an 
Tok alarum, a rattle. 
Ge T’héen chéang é‘hoo choo wiy 
bak tok, Je EY Fe By TR GB hee" 

chéang létth hoo cho6 chd bok tok, heaven is about 


to take Confucius, and make a wooden clapper of 
= Oi see the aN its Sedou gnay. 

Read tim; the noise of throwing a 
Tom 8 
stone intoawell. 
The vulgar noise made by the mouth 
a na ‘ 7 
D&e in eating. 
Vulg. tang: the east; tong sey, Hi 
vis («7G tang sae, east and west; also 
used to denote here and there, one 

thing and another. 

Tong hong béng @, He vi] AA RR tang he" toe 

kwui"8, the eastern region is enlightened; .(i. e. the 
day is breaking;) see the Bin Em Chéy hong. 
A surname; and Re vi] tong hong, a double sur- 


Tong Agave tong, fie Ai, weak, feeble. 
Tong Stupid, foolish. 
Vulg. tang: the winter; tong théen, 
Tong & RK tang t’hee"&, the winter 

g season. 
Tong gim pék swat se, vw =} = i tang 

thee) gim payh sayh dy se, in the winter we may 

chant the white snow ode. 

Tong ARS surname. 

That which is suitable; ought, 
should; to sustain, to bear; to 
meet with, to befal; kae tong, 

Fy; =, ought, should; té tong, 4X i , to bear 

up against; tong k’hé, 7] dt, to bear up, to 

sustain; tong kim, - 4&, now, just at this time ; 
tong jéén, = aR, suitable, proper, it should be so. 

Tong jin, put jéang ehe soo, ‘ps Ae aN Bi yo 

fifi € jim chd tong jim a” saé néo"S e dy sin sai"S, 

he who takes up virtue for his burden, needs not 
yield even to his teacher; see the am A Lin gé. 

Tong sé sé yéa, i via he 1, tong chéy léy sé, 

~ just at this time ; see 7; —J~ Beng choo. 

Tong “EO 

A sort of garment; s¢w tong, ap 

Ton to 
8 WwW He an embroidered robe. 
5 Té tong, fin ie a sort of boat or 

Tong sen 
Vv . 

Tong Ba sound of a drum. 




A gem worn inthe ears; teng tong, 
FJ Pa tin tang, the sound of 

Tong t = 
: 35 | tinkling gems. 
Jé chéak béng gwat tong, H 44 WH) A HS 

he Whang t2 béng giéyh dy tong, the ear furnished 
with a gem like the bright moon; see at a 

koé se, ancient ode. 

Tong ee Water. 

To govern, to regulate, to arrange. 

Tong Vulg, téng: a surname. 
; 22 The noise of anything falling into 
Téng /. the water. 

Téng The mind confused and disturbed. 
Téng H Fat, lusty, corpulent. 
Tong poearing som, a BR tang som, a 

kind of ginseng; a surname. 

pbb Heme tong, ¥% ae a village, a 
Tong = district of country; ok tong, ae 

oe aif bad associates, the bands of 
the wicked. 
K’hong-choo @ héang tong, sin sin jé yéa, au 
F WR A MH ty Mi] MW Whong-chos 
twa té héang tong, chéw sin sit dy yéo"8, when 
Confucius was in the villages, he wore an honest, 
unsuspecting appearance ; see the iy au Lan gé. 

Tong = Tong gan He FP to speak bluntly. 


A beamya rafter ;° tong éng, hii A 
Tong tong ai"S, beams and rafters. 
Used also metaphorically to denote 

eminent statesmen, and other public servants. 

> Vulg.tdng: to freeze, to congeal. 
Tong f Béng tong téy sé tong, re a 
Hh ie iti tod too tang t’hee"s, 

téy k’hé Vhadu kéen tang, in the first month of win- 
ter the ground begins to be frozen; see the ig FA 
4y Léy gwat léng. 

Tong SS Ling tong, f3E 49, a dull, a stupid 
; appearance. ; 

A rainbow; téy tong chaé tong, 
Tong P i *E ie K’héng ting twa té 

tang, there is rainbow in the east; 

see the iki jal, Ying hong. 
¥ To hit upon, to centre in; safe, se- 
Tong v2” cure; win tdig, fies (oe sure ; 
== vulg. ¢2"8: to\ pawn, to put ¥ 

money on pledge; tong téem, We te"J téem, 
a pawnbroker’s shop; ché tong, Jf e. a pledge. 
Gan put b6ng hwat, hwat pit tong le, a 7S % | 
#8 Rie iy iy JE wa bé lim sém Inoat, hwat 
pit tong. to lé, his words ‘were not lightly expressed, 
‘and’ when he“uttered ‘anything, it was always: con- 

sistent ‘with ‘reason ; see the He 5 Choo choo. 

Tong an speak according 'to reason. 
,A wooden sleeping place, a bedstead, 

J yee To stop, to centre inthe middle. 


+ i 1} 1 = 
Tong |r 


Tong. : = A person, who hides within the door. 

; Vulg. ting: the satne, alike; with, 

Tong |=] together with; united, of the same 
class, agreeing. 

E jé chéiing 00, tong’ sim lak 1ék, fil hp 

x Ie fi] ny By ‘Fy hap le chéaihy peng 306 tdng 

sim léwk lat, together with?all your warriors, I will 

unite ‘my heart, and exert my strength in murder- 

ing ; see the aS ae Tha’ sé. 

Tong A same as the preceding. 

An appearance of ignorance; unin- 
Tong Aja formed, unwise ; rude. 
Tong jé put ewan, [ji] mi Ar 

Je. i chae dy lang; yéé bey tedou tit, when igno- 
rant’ people are destitute of honest bluntness, (it is 

difficult to know what to do with 'them;) see the 
Sit ze =h Lan‘ g6. 

Téng ve Df K’hong tong, We Mal, thesname of 
Z| a hill. 

Goé tong, he Hel, the name of a 

Tong tree; the Dryandra; the Jatropha. 

_.Goé tng lok yéép, t Uhéen hay te 

cow, A HL 9B SE HRB Sin AK soe 

» bh hébh, hee hay chae wod ch’hew, when the goé 
tng tree lets fall a leaf, all the world knows that au- 

tumn is come. 

The name of a boat. 

Té . The echo in a,house ; ‘the sound of 
on A] 50d 
e la hollow ground. 

TONG 707 

‘The name of a bamboo; a bamboo 
yéen téng, 3 fA 

tube; a pipe; ; 
hwun ting, a-chimney. 

Tong Alay street, a thoroughfare,/a lane. 

Copper; also brass; pék téng, oH 
Tong $ia) Sil payh tang, white copper, tu- 
Tong luy, A eA ting he copper farthings. 
Choo jéén téng, Fy ok FG choo jéén tang, a kind 
of medicine. 

Tong ff 2 The name of a fish. 
Tong jel small kind of tile. 

' Valg. 2é"€ ; the name of a country; 



Téng a surname; Tong tedou, jz af, 
the Tong dynasty. ’T'ng jin, ie 
JX TeN8 tang, a Chinese ; Pong san, Hy Ly Te"s 
sw"a, China. 
Tong Téng tut, (f8-FE, unhumbled, diso- 
rR bedient, wayward, rash. 
r pb “Te tong; Tt Jfg-a pool of water, a 

~ pond; a honk an artificial re- 
‘servoir, common in the pleasure 

|= ae 

bh Repeat of the Chinese. Pwan boé té tOng, yit kam 

As i Hl IE — BE BA mea be 

chity Khaout d, chit dy ké"a b’ouy, a pond of half 
“Oa were” fidXtent Tooks Vike an Peatfeckioe-ciass 

see the ea a fe whon EY 

ir 1 

‘A Kind of nsect, like a cricket. 
< iy o0e : avi} 



Tong yee Stones on the bank of a river; a 

Vulg. “#é°8 + a'temple, a pavilion ; 
theng téng, ps ae © hea té8, 
’ ahall /@héen (ego BE Pheeg 

tee, the celestial palace, heaven. 

Yéw yé4, seng tOng é, bé jip é sit yéa, rH 5A Ff} 

SR RA AK W Yeo ves nigh 

chéo"S té"5, boéy jip é ch’hod, Yew has ascended 
the hall, but not yet entered into the dwelling (of vir- 
tue); see the if} a Lin gé. 


Téng hig The same as ial; téng, ignorant. 
insect, like a dragonfly. 

Téng iP 
Chey Chorig kong teh’hat Jap, 

yéw téng long ké chéuk p*hok lan, be is th 
HAA HE Mk FE TE LH cHy Chong hn 
bieyh ch’ hut p’hiih lth, woo chitdy tong ling Chang 
kéah Whé Wha p’hith eWhéd lan; when Chong kong 
of the Chéy country was about to 5° out a hunting, 
there was a dragon fly which h ifted-upsits f foot and 
struck the wheel of his chariot ; (this wa 
an omen for him to stop, but ‘not faauiing it, he 
‘went to the chase, and was killed.) 

Tong -chod, a F;, a youth, a 
ee EB 

young person under 10 years of 

age; asurname;sin tong, Nig 6 
a divine youth; téng gan, ip fA, & youthful coun- 



The. ancient form of the preceding 


Kam téng, H ae ka tang, the 
name of a certain. tree. 

Téng long, ie Wi, the name of an 


TONG 708 

Suy soo gnoé ch’hek che tong sek ch’hé, bok che hék 
ne HE Ht RZ MWR Z 
BK HK suy jéén saé goe ch’héoh kwin dy sty 
ke" G hod ch’hé, bb lang k”a& hék p’héén e, (when 
good government prevails,) although you. should 
send a boy five spans long to the market, no one 
would cheat or deceive him; see ral J Béng.choo. 

Pe Tone choo, HE -¥- bak ang 4G, the 
vor Alar 

pupil of the eye. 

Sin téding téng, Se sy Ais Sdn 

woo no dy bak ang 4, Sin had a double pupil in his 


,! The name ofariver; téng kwan, 

ong UR ig Ba, the name of a pass. 

Tong ¥ 3} A young cow without horns, a calf. 

A goat without horns, 

Tong Pz) 
Tong | ce téng, fee ff, a vessel of war, 

Tong fee béng, Nea i, the sun about 

to shine, 

Tong Leg moon just appearing. 

ee A general name for minions and ser- 



Tong La A-curtain thrown over a carriage. 


Tong Wes" bong, Wife ix, a hilly appear- 

pS Y 
Tong bas 

Téng BE 



Painful; téng ary ae to love 

tenderly; téng thong, i +4 
Vhé"a ting, to pity, to compas- 

The same as ee téng, the echo of 

The sound of a drum. 

ainful; the same as Xe, tong. 

Ton A small tile; the same as tong, 
§ , 



y 4 
Tong ay 


Tong ila 

vo A 
Tong Ea 

A pipe made of a bamboo cut short. 

Red; téng kéung, }G eH ,ared bow, 

A cave, a hole,.a dark recess; deep ; 

sék tong, A yal chéoh tang, a 
rocky cavern. 

Grieved ; chong tong, a i, dis- 
appointed and grieved. 

Vulg, tin tang: to move, to be moy- 
ed, to be agitated. 

Te chéé tong, 4p) FE Hi) woo 

té dy ling ’hah woo tin tang, men of knowledge 

are active ; see the Fi BS Lin gé, 

To be immoderately grieved, to be 
deeply agitated with grief; ae tong, 
73 ie}, deeply grieved, the feel- 


ings distressed. 

Chod k’hok che tong, -f Re 3) hoo cho6 

Rhadu e kadu tong, Confacius wept for him till 
he was excessively agitated ; see the att ae Lin 

gé. A 
Tong Water moved and agitated. 
Ts > To bathe in warm water. Tong toé, 
Pe Ye +}, a smoothing iron. 
A variegated stone, a stone with 
Tong veins and various colors. 
Béng tong, te Bi, the name of 
a hill. 
Tong Téét tong, Pe B. to stumble, to 

halt, to be unable to proceed. 

Tong a water; to sprinkle with hot 

Wide and expansive, distant; hdng 

tong, HL GF, dissolute, loose. 

Tong tong hoé! bin bo léng béng 

sien, 95 HF AE GE BB HH tine 

Inoui"S hot! payh sai"& bd Phang kéd ¢ mé"4, how 
wide and expansive (were the virtues of Gedou!) 

Tong » 

the people were not able to designate them suitably ; 
see the Fy in Lin gé. 

A cavern; also, the same as the 

Tong A preceding ; loose, dissolute. 

Tong ae tong, HE Gi, to extend, to 

carry out; great, extensive. 

8 C 



Tong san, iby iy, the name of a 

6 hill; also written ig, tong. 

Vulg. t2"8: to strike against, to run 

Tong 4 C2 against anything. 
Séén bin ché4, jé tong chéung, 
ae BH yy te fii hé mooi"S by ling 

cWhin, ché6"& té"& tédh chéung, he who is able to 
propose a question well is like one who strikes a 

bell; (i. e. he is sure to get an answer;) see the iz 

ah FP Léy gak ke. 

Too Te too, id ar la géd, a spider. 

Te too, SN WR la géd, the same 
as the above. 


Read té: to resist, to withstand; té 

tong, i ps to6 te", to stand 

To6 m (AV 
NN against; té chéak, Fi a tod 

tédh, to meet with, to fall in with. 

Loé séang séang té, iota i 2 #A Bi loé ne séo 

to6 té5h, to meet with a person on the road. 

Too t’huy, rib Ke , 2 kind of prop, 

or pole. 


e === Read chod: a heap; chéén chod, 

Tod van 53 YE cheé"9 tod, a heap of 

money; a@ cant phrase, used to 
denote the stakes in gaming. 
Pabu tod, Ki Bi. a cook-house, a 
slaughter-house. Also written iat, 

Kwun choo wan ‘ts od, Ft F je el BF 

wun chob cl’hdng laout"S padu tod, the good man 

removes slaughter-houses and kitchens to a distance; 

see ia F Béng choo. 



=1.Te tod, ya we, to be in doubt, 
and unable to proceed. 

Too - The same as the above. 
bh — 

ob wma Read ché : to push, to prop up; a 
3 ; prop; to thrust in, : 

Toot'S ¥ 

Read hwan: to return; ch’hut goéy 

hwAn laé, He ap Bid aR ch’ hut 

gwé tooi"S laé,; to go abroad and 


Read chwan: to turn round; hwat 

Toots EAL léén chwAn, BS ijt pe hwat 
Y lin toot™S, to turn right round. 

Chwa4n sin séang ma, ial & E FS hwat lin 

toot”S sin chéo"8 bdy, to turnaround and mount a 


Toor"'S ib 

he 7k chit tooi"S chiiy, one turn of the tide. 

Read tan: a meal; yit tin hwan, 

_ chit tool”S poor" 
1 PR 

a meal of rice; yit tin sity, — 

: a piece, an end; chéét 

Read twan: 
Prins vat chok lédng twan, #K Af PA Yeh 

chiiyh chd nd toot”®, to be cut in- 

to two pieces. 

us regular succession; twan jin, al 

A toot" ling, the population have all dwindled 

Read twan: to discontinue, to cut 

short, to cease, to break in on a 


Thick, substantial, large, big; kind ; 


Tun to impel, to animate, to rouse, to 
urge; to give importance to; to 
press upon; affluent. 

Tun hoé, By iB, affluent, substantial. 



Lp A heap of earth, in the middle of a 
Tun $ plain; a barrow. ; 
4 Yé4 séng why chek, yéw yéw 

Ar YAy ~ ye. = 

sek hong on, 383 SB 48 9 
is By Yéd sé™4 dy wily chéah, yéd woo Chéa 
kong dy hwin tun, among the antiquities of the city 
of Yé4, there still exists the tomb of Chéa kong; 

see the A ur af Lé pék se. 
To murmur at, to complain of, to be 
te grieved with. 

i great fire, a raging fire. 

K’hoé tun, J wey, discourse, ver- 
bal professions, An unhealthy 

Tun A hilly appearance. 



state of body or mind. 


De Minot, particular; tun séang, 

ag ey, minute, express. 
Tun Tun chéen, } 6, 690, unable to pro- 
$ ceed, difficult to decide. 
The appearance of plants just shoot- 
Tun ing forth, sprouts ; also an ignorant 
state and appearance. 

Séng jin gé tun, Be aN a 7 seng jin k’hé 

Vhaéu gong tun, even sages are at first stupid and 



Blunt, as a knife; not sharp. 

Tun sék, cf ¥ a carriage or 
truck for conveying a coffin down 

into a tomb; a hearse; a tomb. 





A club or cudgel ; all kinds of blunt. 

Soo peng’ sé ché4ng gnoé tin, 
Fl fe & ee im Ji kwdn peng to dy lang yéd 
kwdn goé hang dy tin, the person who takes care of 
the military weapons, should also have charge of the 
five kinds of blunt instruments; see the jf} me 
Chew léy. This character is also used to denote a 

The same as the preceding; also, a 
Tan 53) railing, a gallery; lengthwise a rai- 
ling is called vies , Jan, and cross- 

wise fy}, tin. . 

Hwan tin, fe thi, the name of 
Tan 4 ne) one of the four wicked persons in 
ancient times; thick, dense, mud- 

dy, impervious. 

ted reeds; a grain vessel. 

Tin ica) A receptacle for grain, made of mat- 

i. A stone broad and flat enough to sit 


= 3 To bow the head; tin séw paé, 
Tin be ik w FF, to bow the head, and 
make obeisance; also, to devour, 

to destroy ; to lay up, to store away. 

Tin FH To lead, to draw; to rub, to grind. 

Tin Gnéw tin, tf i, the name of a 

# The lips; k*hoé tan, [J Fy ch’hnty 

Tan tdn, the lips of the mouth. 

Tain bong ch’hé han, ee 7] 


SE ch’hidy tin b6 cW’hity Whé kw"A, when the lips 
are gone, the teeth will be cold; ‘(intimating the ne- 

cessity of preserving good neighbors, for the sake 

of one’s own comfort.) Also written Is, tan. 

Y The banks of a stream ; chaé hé che 

Tin y tan, FE Sil. Z YR twa t2 kang 

keé™S, on the banks of the river; 

see the - al Ong hong. 

A small pig, a young swine. 
Tin WR Boéy tek yit tdnyé wily tin séén, 
& t# —- KDB 

JPis tak paé tit toh chih sdy chéth te, chéw létth chd 
tin hé dy bah, whenever he got a small pig, he con- 
sidered it a precious piece of meat; see the Ff By 
Rh fii Chin séa k*hwun twan. 

Tan K The same as the preceding. 

To guard a place with soldiers; to 
Tin be quartered in a place, and culti- 
vate the land, as is customary with 
Chinese soldiery. Kéang-pek-yéak tin téén Ham 
téung, C3 4A eA if, I] Me rp, Kéang-pek- 

yéak stationed his troops and cultivated the fields in 
the centre of the Han region. ; 

Tin The name of a fish. 
Tan Tin tan, [Of Dif, incessant, indis- 
_ tinct language. 
Tin ibs war chariot. 
Ti The thigh; also, the bottom of any- 




To run away, to escape, to avoid ; to 
Tin *~S 

abolish; to avoid. 

E ch’haé jé tin, ist) ve ral Wa 
Phwa eh’hd jé chabu, they dragged branches of trees 
after them and retreated; (this is a common expedi- 
ent in Chinese warfare, to make the enemy believe 
from the dust made, that their numbers are greater 

than they really are. 

Fat, corpulent, lusty. 
Tin Wa Goé seng chw4n hwily tin, oF. 
he WAS AE Wei gd dy Phadu 

sai"S Lap chey dy gob woo putty tun, my animals 

and sacrificial oxen are fat and in good condition ; 

see the A {ij Cho twan. 


Tan To collect; to station troops in any 
-place for its defense. 

Y Hwin tin, ie 1%, the chaotic mass 
Tin ? 

To depart. 

which existed before the organiza- 

tion of matter. 

Hwiin tin ch’hay k’hae; He ih *N al hwin tun 

Phe Vhadu k’hwuy, at the first opening out of chaos. 

Tain Blunt, not sharp; dull, stupid, no; 

Tin Hwan tin, 15 fh, impervious, 


Tin WV To retire, to conceal, to hide. 



Tut 4 iH Short. 


To vociferate, to bawl at any one; 
Tut py to make a frightful noise, so as to 
alarm people. 
Tut Rp A disconsolate mind; grieved. 
Tut Kwut tut, Rt, a log of wood, 
a stump of a tree. 
he pp veut tut je, HE BB GU 2 kind of 
wy confectionary. 
oS To see any one suddenly; to offend 
Tut against any one ; to deceive, 

Be ké kéen héy, tit j6 pwan héy, 

fe Wh Wa, Be FEW FPF boey td od 

Bhw"a keds, tit jéén hw" d twd han, not having 
seen a youth for a short time, on meeting him sud- 

denly we find him grown up to be a man; see the 

BF Jil Chey hong. Ch’héung tit, 47 5» to 

rush against, in word or action. 

Tong tut, ie PR, to offend by rude 

Tong tut, He FE, a rude insolent, 

» po 
Tut Me The appearance of water flowing. 

id Tut gwit, HM ADL, hills, mountains. 

», Pek tit, 7h the name of a me- 



TUY 713 
Tut e Tit b6, uh % eons sine Tuy A projection of the bone. 
of a 
Tut A projecting appearance; a rising Tuy A general name for birds with short 
up, or jutting out. feathers. 
Tut | A military weapon. Tu Kaou tuy, 28 ete ka ch 4 
) >< y = aou UY, ZR a chuy, a dove. 
Tut : The same as the following. 
A : Tuy The color of a horse. 
Tut Rp To converse together. “ 
Tay To pull with all one’s might. 
aR To follow, to pursue after any one ; & , 
Tuy ~ tuy k4n, iB A, tuy Ino"d, to ; To reply, to answer, to correspond 
Tuy to; thy tap, yy S, to reply; 

follow in pursuit ; tuy che put kip, 
3B Zz A a tuy e béy kip, to follow without 
The people of oh, Téng sent a person to attack 
the iT, Woéy country, and (Wééy soo Jé-kong-che- 
soo wy che, fie fi fr  Z% Wp 36 Z 
Wiey kok saé Jé-kong-che-soo k’hé tuy e,) the peo- 
ple of the Wééy country sent Jé-kong-che-soo to 
pursue after him; see ia F- Beng choo. 

Earth.collected together ; a heap, 


Tuy Stones collected together; a heap 

of stones. 

A heap of earth; hwin tuy, 3 }é 
Tuy THE pun ie a dunghill; ch’ho tuy, 
ch’habu tuy, a heap of 

grass. Tuy kim * an YE & tii E tuy 

him k’hébh gek, to heap up gold, and collect gems. 
sD . 

tiy ték, ¥ BY. an enemy, an 

opponent ; chd ray, (i HH, to make antithetical 
sentences, corresponding to one another; yit tuy, 
—- ey chit tay, a pair; tdy been, Hy} if: face 
to face, opposite. 

Kwun choo bin, keng twan, chek k’hé jé tay, x 

FPA BEAR BU AD iG 3B} erm ts 

ling wod mooi"S dn, nd wa tedou twan, tédh k’hé 
jé.yin, when respectable people ask us questions, on 
varying the subject, we ought to rise in giving our 

reply ; see the ih ited K’héuk léy. 

A pestle; cheng ty, 3 KE, a pestle 
to pound with in a mortar. 


A To beat, to strike: 

Tay HB Chok gak koé hwan thy 4 ay 
a ta HG chok gak dy sé koé 

yéd tit tdy, whilst playing the music, the drum is 

still beaten. 


Fe, earrings. 

To fall down, to descend, to sink 

Tiy Air 7 tay, EL 



wy TR 
A Bain bod che 16, be tity 6 tay, HE 
Ft ape i He PB J Hh, ban bod ay t0 Ue, 

boéy wood tuy té téy, the sciences of civil and milita- 

ry pce are not yet fallen to the ground; see the 

a Ei BB # Tin gé. 

yZ_ A group, a troop, a company. 
Tiy ip Ch’hoé soo hwun wiiy jé te | 
Bil A Fy a  cvrhoé ty 
peng hwun chd né tiy, the troops of the Ch’hoé 
country were divided into two bands; see the FE 
{Bi Cho twan. 

22 A road, an underground passage ; 
Tiiy | a dangerous pass amongst moun- 


Also read siy: which see. 
To let down by cords. 
Yéa tiy jé ch’hut, Ga 38 an 

x A 
Tiy if 
AIS tH} mai"S kan tiy jé ch’hut, he 
was let down with cords by night, and got out; see 

the Fe. (i Cho twan. 

Tiiy ete be displeased, to murmur, to 

To complain, to murmur. 

Tiy Hwan bin bong put tay, AL Fe 

Ey iS 
a” wan e, of all the people there were none who 

did not complain; see the Bs ge Se keng. 

Tuy Suddenly, unexpectedly. 
” on 


Fe] aN Be Iwan payh sat™S bb 


Lwé twé, Ze 4, not to hit the 
i Z due medium, to act strangely. 

Hy Read taé: a girdle, a band. 

Ch’hek yé4, sok taé lip é tedou, 
HH; 1. 
Ae UW HR aif az Tk HN 
Cl’hek yéd, Phang hih twa k’héa té tedou téng, 
Ch’hek can put on his girdle, and stand in the court; 

=k 2h 
see the amy ap 
« th td: to drag, to draw, to pull. 

Read taé: great, large; sé taé, tt 
Twa pi iN k sé twa, superiors, 
Kho € bod tab kde, PY PY Ain. 

K 3, RR Uhang é b6 twa kiey sit, he can be 
without any great faults; see the at Ba Lin gé. 

Bon to: a rudder, a helm. 

wwe Read tan: only, alone, a single one ; 

a receipt; koe tan, yn Ba koe 

tw"a, solitary. 

Héng tan éng chek, NE, Fi % AB. twa chit dy 

hin sin yé"d chit chéah, a single figure, and a so- 

Lin gé. 




litary shadow. 

Twa y20? Read tan: 
an children. 

Read tan: a bamboo vessel, for con- 

a sickness incident to 

Tw"a Bes 
a= = taining rice. 
2, 3 
Twa ft Repeated talking. 


Tw =] Read tan: as hé tan, 7 B he 

ee, «td, a female character in a play. 

oe & Read t*han: a terrace; chéy than, 

Twi BS se choy tw”4, a terrace for 
offering sacrifices on. 

welem Read t’han: as t’han héang, tei Ay 

Tw" tw"4 héo", a fragrant kind of 


p Read t’h4n: to play on the harp or 
Twa DEH guitar; ’han k’himn, Bi! pa tw" 
k’him, to play on the harp. 
Khim gé te yim than, 3 384 Fp) EP HEA him 
to6 té6h chae yim dy lang chéw tw", with respect to 
a harp, we should find a person who understands 

music before we play upon it. 

Read twAn: round; twan wan, 


Twa Al tw" eé"8, round and globu- 


Twa ES Read tan: an end, aslice, or piece 
of anything. 

Read tan: as tan choo, ie > 

Twa Bia tw"a d, pellets for shooting at 

birds; also, bullets, balls for guns, 

any small and round thing. 

Twa Read tan : to fillip with the finger, 
Twa Read to: lazy; lan to, ae iS pin 
tw”, idle. 

Twih BR) To cut off, to cut to pieces. 

BR | 


Twan we 

a Correct; exact; the end of a clue; 

the head of anything. 
Hoo Yin kong twan jin yé4, == 

Fr iy i A Ws, hoo Yin kong sé cheng keng 
lang, now Yin kong is a correct man; see ih +F- 

Béng choo. 

Twan Am Small, little. 

7 wa Vulg. téy: short, not long. 
Twén aj Séet kéw tédng, twan yéw bey, 


Rhéa dy héw té"8, téy ché"a ch’héw dy ch’héw 
wut”S , Confucius had his private dress long, with the 
right hand sleeve short; see the Fal an Lin gé. 



Kwat twan, He aie to determine. 
E twan théen hay che gé, Wy 

Bh FR BRE tm 

Chee"S ay dy gé gnaé, to settle the doubts of the 
whole empire; see the yy ix a Ek héy sod. 

Wan twaAn, il Bh eé"S teé"I, 

round and globular ; conglomerat- 


ed; forming a roundness ; dwell- 

ing together as one body. 

TwAn wan soo béng gwat, a WV AA A 

é"& teé"S ch’hin chéo"S béng dy giéyh, as round 
as the full moon; see the BE ie #8 Pan chéét se. 

Twin {eR appearance of much dew. 

Twan i To be grieved, and distressed. 

Twan A kind of confectionary. 


To roll anything up in the hand. 

Bod twan hwan, Lf fal vie 

bo6 twin pooi”S, don’t roll your 



rice up intd round pellets, (when you eat it;) see 

the Hy jj K’héuk ley. 

be Twan joo =. twin jz, the seal 
Twan ’ 5 oe J% 

Twan T’hew twan, 2} Ae silk and satin. 

Twan i 

Aid p’hay sin tooi"& chwat, the cutting off of all cor- 


Vulg. t00%”9 : to be cut short, to be 
cut off. 

A book of instruction, an historical 

Twan record. 

E twan yéw che, vis ed A Zz 

té twan wood e, it is in the record. 

Twat 13 To pluck, to gather, to pick, to 


Twat ue 2h BA Sorrowful, grieved. 

. +5 ae stop, to put a stop to. 
Twat Ae8 Léy chéa séy 6 twat yim yéa, 
» MA 
me 4 A VR HE th 

léy chéd, sé séy € ch’hdng swah kan yim, politeness 


is designed to put a stop to lasciviousness; see the 

| ie oy AL Ley gak ke. 


Se sin twan chwat, a {8 eal 


IR" stop, to cease; twat kong, ay 
3 CT, to stop work. 

Yew jé put twat, ie im ar iy 

yew phy jé b6 hai"h, he continued to harrow the 
ground, without stopping ; see the i Ba Lin gé. 

Twat RI" mend and repair clothes. 

es To cut, to cut off, to scrape away, to 

1 ee 

Twat pr The appearance of standing; to 

rR talk much, without ceasing. 




Twat = 3% Torun away, to run quickly; to go 

Twat RRTo hop and skip; also written 48, 
HX twat. 

Twat BR walking stick with a sharp point. 

Twat y FR weep; the noise of water. 

n To plunder, to take by force, to 

Twat snatch. 

Cheng bin se twat, ai ine Tt. 

45 chai"S dy payh sai"S séo ch’hé6"S, the conten- 
tious among the people will begin to plunder one 
another; see the K & Taé hak. 

Read boé: an uncle’s wife; téang 

u™ ; Re boé, a ify té0"S ti, a moth- 
er-in-law; ch’hin boé, 5) df 

ch’hai"S i”, the mother of a son’s wife. 

® Read boéy: a prune, a plum; 
p™ Be ch’heng béey, FE Aff l’hai"s 

a”, a green plum. 

Read put: not, will not, a token of 
u™ AN refusal. 
Gno put, HK AN gua w™, I 

will not, cannot, or may not. 

Read a: as a séuk, Yi AR ul” chek, 
o* ie uncle! a term of salutation among 

equals for one who is older. 



Vulg. héa: a tile; wa ok, A fe 

héa ch’hod, a tiled house. 
Song song w4 ch’héak héng se an, 
HW Fe 46 A HE ce sng ea tng 
dy chityh & ké"4 té ch’hayh toh téng, a pair of spar- 
rows from the tiles walked over the writing table ; 
see the kt i * Toé hoo se, ; 


Read é: to rely on, to confide ins 

Wa AR to lean against, to place trust in; 
inclined to one side. 

Chaé é chek kéén ké é @ héng yéa, AF FH Fl) 

FLL fy BE Gp WY, aa tz cha, chek Whoa 

e wd té ch’héa héng, when in the carriage, we can 

see them leaning on the cross-bar of it; see the 

iil 5H Lin gé. 

WA 718 

Wa a take, to take away by violence, 

We Ps. Read é: as poe é, Ls 2} poe wa, 
a kind of insect. 

Wa 7 To lead water into the rice fields, in 

order to irrigate them. 

ik draw, to pull, to drag. 

a Ye handsome woman. 

" Wanton sounds 3 to vomit, to spit out, 
Va wf Ch’hut jé@ wa che, it nin te 
2, he went out and vomited it 

up; see ea F- Béng choo. 

-* frog; the croaking of frogs. 
Té téng wa choé koé, rh 

say WEE as x té té ting kap 4 tit 

p’hah koé, the frogs in the pools are making a noise 

like the beating of drums. 

a = A kind of frog or toad. 

YES Deep, abstruse ; a ditch. 

s Y ie Clear water; the water collected in 

the footsteps of an ox. 

pa" hole made by the hoof of an 

a re animal; a dirty puddle; soiled, 



2? The sound of children crying 3 sob- 
li bing. 

Lé-w sé, de 13 K, the name 

a of an ancient empress, who is said 

to have melted down stones, in 

order to repair the southern heavens. 

a E A white horse, with a black nose.. 
YY) ja 

>} The name of a river; a deep ditch. 

Sé wa, FR} ha ch’ héw wd, the main 
branches of a tree. 

~=—— Read hwa: to paint, to draw, to de- 

A ye) lineate ; hwa kong, [5] T. wa 

kang, a painter, or his work. Also 
written a, hwa. 

Ong-m6-kéet hwa téung yéw se, ps Fa 1H) 
rp A ay Ong-mé-kéet té wa tang e"& woo cho se, 
Ong-m6-kéet in the midst of his drawings would in- 

sert a piece of poetry. 
Read hwa: words, discourse, con- 
=F versation, speech; to tell; kang 
a hwa, #y ab ba kéng wa, to talk, to . 


w"a win, safe, secure. 

Pa | Read an: peaceful; an win, R ie 
a Z Q 

be Read an: asaddle; m4 an, Fy ag 
: 2a bdy wa, a horse’s saddle. 
pare an:,a haven; an 0, sod WA 

w"a 0, a harbor, an anchorage. 


; Read “wan: a cup, a basin, a dish ; 
ie, yit win hwan, — Jy {iff chie 
w"é poot"S, a cup of rice. Also 

written Ri, wan. 



Read an: a table; an official bench, 
that which is placed on it; a law 

case; an tok, z Fa. w"d toh, 

a table, a magisterial bench. 
Read an: late, not early. 
Choo wat, hd an yé4, f- E] 

ef ie Yi hoo cho6 king, s"a 

06 kadu héd w"d, Confucius said, “how is it that 
Lin gé. 


you are so late?” see the ah ae 

W"G as Jédk taé han che bong yin géy 


= cl’hin chéo"S twa wa dy bang win kap 

F* (to expect any one) just as a great drought 

looks for the clouds and rainbow; see th F- Béng 

Read han: a drought, a want of rain, 

Read hwan: to change, to exchange; 

kaou hwan, a HA kaou w" a, to 
barter. ; : 

Hwan kwut h6 sé hwan? ff, ay Py Neg Ha 

hwin séing dy kwut te sé éy wa? when shall I be 

enabled to exchange these common bones? (alluding 


to the metempsychosis, in which the Chinese sup- 
pose that common bodies will be exchanged for more 
ethereal ones.) 



Awry, uneven, not straight; wae 

_ _ kéak, ae Pf wae Rha, a wry leg, 
Sim wae, XM An sim kw"a wae, 

“a perverse mind. 

Kéak, waé, {pil ER Wha waé, to 
sprain one’s foot. 





Wae A dark color, nearly black. 


Wae Bore. snuff through:the nose. 

ou The bar of a door; the sound ofa 
door creaking on its hinges, 

i " Vulg. baé : bad, not good. 

i he BA” noise of a carriage. 
Wai"S h mares Py creaking of a door on its hin- 

ee na BF “i ey an via] p’hee"S wah, the 
t Ss 
i ridge of the nose. 


R » Read hwat: life, alive, to live; 

With e k’hwaée mena? lect wih, 

Bin hwuy sty h®6 put seng hwat, F& JE AK K 
aS HE Th payh sai"9 66 chiy hiéy béy sai"S wah, 
if the people possess not fire and water, they cannot 

aig see in FS Beng choo. 
Bent, crooked; to injure, to ill use; 
Wan ra Be to force; wan ong, E> op- 

pression, injustice; wan k*hwut, 

to treat wrongfully. 
“aioe ty 

Wan rd) Wan séak, yi] fl), to cut and carve. 



Crooked, bent, not straight. 

» Yit wan Sey-choo pé, — Oh 

py F- iS chit dy wan Sey- 

cho6 dy ch’héw pe, one turn of the beautiful Sey- 

Wan 2 

choo’s arm. 
\ ae winding stream ; a crooked shore. 
¥ Pas Yit wan k’hey sfiy p’haou san laé, 
— % RK 8 1 
chit wan dy K’hey chtiy p'hé swa laé, the brook in 
its serpentine course embraced the hill. 

Zr, Wan yang, 4 1, Aa 4 wan yéo"S, the 
name of a ‘birds the species of 

dv» duck called the ‘ mandarin duck,’ 
peculiar to China; they are considered as emblems 

Pst conjugal fidelity; also the name of an insect. 

Wn AI rs delighted; to exhort, 

| an Wan jéén, 6, Ae as if, according 
Wan to. 
Wan chaé siy téung yang, Ki 

FE AK Ht ge hin cheone 12 chiy tang c%8, 

just as if it were in the middle of the water. 

Vulg. wd: acup,a basin; pwan 

Wan wan, i ie pw"a w"d, cups and 
Wan ap™ same as the above. 
, WS wis yéw, oii al a park, a place 
for deer; a game walk, a garden. 
Wan A Ba, small bow]; also written Rye: wan. 
Wan +70," name of a gem. 



y The wrist, the joint near the hand; 
Wan Hee séw wn, + be ch’ héw wdn, the 
Win haa piece of ground, 20 acres in ex- 

tent; also written #8 wan. 

wy. Obedient, submissive ; 
we beautiful; accommodating. 
Wan jé péen, He im tye wan 
sin jé éy péén lin, obedient and yet disposed to argue 

Ke Ch’hun ch’hew. 

Chvheng yang wan hey, Fi 2H wt Ap bak bat 
ch’hin ch’hai™S, VAS about the eyebrows ; see 

the qin al Chéy hong. 

vp Par. wash away filth; wane hok, ws 


matters; see the ts 

a Z I via hia séy sd, to wash clothes. 
-\ aN A smile; to smile; hoo choo wan jé 
Wan jé ch’heaou, Fk + Be at if 

A Fu & hoo chob wan jéén jé ch’hés, 
Confucius smiled and laughed; see the Fam ae 

Lin gé. 
a long time ago. 

To che yin win, 36 La = je 

log dy kéng kéd hwut"é, the way may be called i. 

Vulg, hwui"S: far, distant, far off; 

tant and far. 

Sé wn léén yéen, qt Ye SF. i se hwut”S neé"9 

bé k’h2, in ages far removed, and in years that are 

gone by. 
a br Vulg. wut"S: a surname, the name 
y) j of a country. Z 

Inimical, displeased; to Key to 
i BR @ 

complain; wan hwin, % is © OR, 
ANSQY to hate, to dislike; wan théen, 

at heaven, 
“AL Ye. Fe, to repine 

Kéw jin jé tek jin, yew hd wan? 3 4= Tj 4} 

EK fe] ZL kew jin 6 tit teh jin, yéd wo0 
"4 mcé"Sh wan? having sought after virtue they 
obtained it; where then was the reason of com- 
plaint ? see the ay a Lan gé. 


Anything round and small; yéak 
wan, 34 fp, yébh wan, a pill. 

Tan waa, nip A, a pellet, any- 

thing very small. 

Wan White ; also, to tie; a white cord. 
Wan 9 Oes name of a plant. 
Wan <= surname. 
A monkey, an ape; ko séuk wan 
Wan sim tong, x He Ie ty Bh 

Je. kiéy ché sek, kadu dy sim kw"a 

tin tang, when fruits become ripe the minds of mon- 

keys are moved. 


magistrate’s hall are also called wn bin, ibe Py 

wan mooi" 

A crooked piece of wood in front of 

a carriage, 

The eastern and western gates of a 

Vulg. hwui"S : a garden; chok wan, 
AE fel choh hewut™S, to cultivate 
a garden; ch’haé wan, oN fa) 
cW’hae hwui"S,a kitchen garden; hwa wan, tt 
a] Awa houi"S, a flower garden. 


Wan Long garments. 

8 F 


2 The numeral of valuable things, and 

Wan p=) 

vernment; way wan, # A, an official messen- 

of magistrates. Kwan wan, ft 
A hora wan, an officer of go- 

ger. Vulg. k’hoe: a dollar. 
Vulg. eé"8: round, circular. 
Wan Kwuy ké hong wan che ché yé4, 

Msi 77 ll ZH 

kwuy ké sé se kak kap eé"8 dy che kék, the compass 

and square have brought squares aud circles to per- 

fection ; see a x Léug choo. 

= indented part of a hill. 

BO bok wan, it a. broad and ex- 


=) A small reed or rush; pat Le at win 

KE way, JX FY FE HE pay 

giéyh wod win why, in the 8th 
month is the time for reeds and rushes. 
’ I ; To finish, to complete ; wan chwan, 
saan a >, complete, perfect. 
Se4ou yéw wat, koé wan é! vy 

AA EI * oe yim RR sé6 Whwé woo, chew kong, 

chin ché"d wan chwan 2! when he had a little, he 


would exclaim “truly I have a completion!” see the 
al ae Lin gé. 

yal The name of a plant; wan suy, S* ae 

TFu XE, coriander seed. 
Wan Fire; wan lan, ie fa, the name 
I of a flower. 

Fe at; this, to lead, to change. 


WAT 722 
The wheel of a carriage, the turning 
Wan A handsome woman. Wat L of a wheel; to strive, or contend 
’ D 
Wan bie A gem with a large hole in it. Wat 6 To take, to deliver, to save. 
S] ] is . 5 * . 
Wan > 3 y foe ee 3 si té, Wat pa The breathing in the throat not free 
y \ AR iE, ate, behindhand. AA and easy. 
~ To help, to save; to receive, to take, To turn round, to revolve; the 
Wan Tz to pull, to drag; wan kéw, 12 Wat Y handle of anything; the knob in 
DR. x , to rescue, to save, to reform. pe the middle of a gong. 
So ee wan che é séw hoé? vie by A TR I~ Vulg. kéng: to speak, to say, to 
ZF T- hea 86 téém Iek chek kw wane | Wat duane 

& ch’héw hoé? when a sister-in-law is drowning (in 

a well), will you help her out with your hand? see 

ral -f- Béng choo. 
Wan Fora kind of cloak, thrown over the 
, back. 
Wan v. The name ofa stream. 

—e Vulg. hwui"S : to remove to a dis- 

Wan x 
Ve Tong ying madu, soo wan pd 
ban &, #fi}) Ns Hi iy se ae Nes Be gabu 

tin tang yting madu, chéy léy chéw ch’hdng hwut"S 

tance; to keep at a distance. 

po ban 2, if we keep up a respectable appearance, 
it will remove to a distance insult.and reproach; see 

the Fin =i Lin gé. 

Ba 5 

IP cren and extended; to feel with 
‘ , the hand in a hole or cavity. 

Wat wy A crooked part of a hill. 

Choo wat, hak jé sé sip che, F- 

FS ii WE AZ 2 chos kong, hak je 

sédng sé wun sip e, Confucius said, “learn, and 
constantly exercise yourself in it;” see the ie rif) 
Séang lin. 
» To be pleased, to be delighted; plea- 
sant, delightful. 

Va Put ék wat hot? FR I YR 

i” yéd hw"a hé hoé? is it not delightful? see the 

k iti Séang lin. 

a ‘The same as the preceding; also 
p UL ‘ead swat: to speak. 

To look at, to observe; to pass 
Wat a 

over ; hwat wat, 8 Fl, accu- 
mulated merit, merit accumulated 
in a family from one generation to another. 
3, séng, BRL Gi, a classical name 
a} for the province of Canton. 

Wat key koé sing, BE te ny ip wat k’hw™a 

key W’h6 koé cha dy stng jin, to examine and inspect 



At, in; to examine, to inspect ; wat 


the ancient sages. 



WOEY 723 
Wat TX great hatchet. Woey h Ww Woey lay, fe Fy, sheap of stones; 
KX woey laé, hye Dk, uneven. 
~ To display; to pass over, to exceed, ah 
Wat 7K more and more; a surname. Woey ==] Grass; the name of a plant. 
Wat kéw wat ko, fk In fad =) 

na koé nd@ kwdn, the longer the higher. 

Hie shady place between two trees. 

® ~ Hoo wat, ‘a a hatchet or ax. 
Wat B When Confucius wrete the history 

of his own times, every word of 


praise was said to be (éng @ hwa kwiain, BR is 
aE F k’hah éng kwui"9 é hwa kwhn,) more glo- 

rious than a flowery crown; and every word of cen- 

sure was (gééin @ hoo wat, fig ik Fe Be Whah 

géém é po thabu,) more severe than an ax or 




Waey 7" love; woey jin, (2 A ehena 

ling, to love people. 

Rie To be afraid; woey m4, PBL FE, 
y cl’hé bay, to feed a horse. 


A winding stream, a crooked bank- 

Vulgar, low, mean. 

= a fire in a chaffing-dish. 

Hwan pék jim, to woey hoey, AL 
pe A 7] oe KR JR taoan tes 
péyh to, tah téoh wiey laé dy héey, to come in con- 
tact with naked swords, and to tread on the ashes of 
the chaffing-dish, 


To cut, to chop meat; woey k’hae, 
¥ ay Bi wiey k’hwuy, to cut open. 

s~, Woey jin, E A, a Japanese; 

Woey té, E TE, Japan. 
Woey Sick, dried to death, withered. 
Woiey A sickness arising from damp. 
Woey ad An earthen vessel, a pot. 
Woey ay To chop up meat, 
Wiey Téng o, Ale) FG tang wéey, a 
brazen pot. 
a Filthy, dirty, defiled, overgrown 
Wiey with weeds and jungle. 

y Bod woey put té, He tk aS 

vA, not to clear away the weeds and rubbish; see 

Aj = Sfin choo, 

Dirty, filthy, overgrown with jungle. 

Toé woey chek han, is 3 A) 

Big lod kadu séo"8 14 shm chew 

ké"a, when the road is much overgrown with jungle, 


people are afraid, 


yk Ong woey, 7 TE. He, deep and expan- 

Woéy ¥ sive, immense and overwhelming. 

V)¥. Tam yin ong woéy, yt ae {E 
ag h6 dy yin hwity ong wiey, your pleasing kind- 
ness is vast and overwhelming; see the yp BL, 
Soo ké. 

Woéey Be To cut, to wound. 

Woey re sound of chariot wheels. 

The sound of birds flying high. 
Woéey 3 Hong héng é hwuy, woey woey 

he ke 6, JBN FL FG ed md 
a8 Ay hong héng tt pwuy, wod wiry woey e dy 
sit, the phoenixes are flying about, and the sound of 

their wings is like “wdey, woey ;” see the Kk HE 
Taé gnay. 

Woey ‘pis heated and turned sour. 
Wiéy Ee secret place, a hiding place. 

A kind of chestnut; the name of a 

place 3 woéy ch’haé, AR poe the 

salad vegetable. 


blow; the name of acountry. A 

‘eal surname. Woéy seng, {af AE, 

to take care of one’s health. 

al? guard, to defend, to ward off a 

Hoé woey, ae 4, to protect, to escort, to defend. 
Jé choo téy che woéy hod heng, Hf! + Wf; Pal 
tif ake Ve ch’hin chéo"& hadu sai"& sé6 té dy hoe 
woey pay hé"a, just as sons and younger brethren 

defend their fathers and elder brethren. 



K To take anything in the hand, to 
pluck anything out. 

mer ct 
Woeyh bok, fa5. FY. wieyh bak 

chew, to pluck out the eyes. 

Woéyh mB To make a noise; to belch. 

Woeyh fers: wiéyh, Hie ie, the bran or 

husk of grain. 

Read ék: to scoop anything out; to 

Woeyh == | 


a Y Woo wan, ir ig woo hwur"S, dis- 
Woo tant, far off; woo k’hwat, Nye ilal, 

wide, far apart. 
Jé sut woo soe kw"4 haou, Ke 45 F Bi wee Air 
hak ch’hayh lang dy hwat sit hivut"I sey, ché6 woo 
hadu géem, the precepts of the learned respect dis- 

tant things, of which the accomplishment is seldom 
seen; see the ik fel Spe 4% Chédn kok ch’hek. 

Muddy, dirty, stagnant, water; foul, 
> impure, unclean, low, both physi- 
| cally and morally ; woo woéy, iF 

Hii, filthy, defiled; overgrown with weeds. 
Woo sity, TF x lu sim chiy, muddy, dirty water. 

Téén chut woo laé, fA a if He ch’hin kadu 

swah biéy woo laé, the fields were finally overgrown 

with weeds; see the yy AE Seaou gnay. 
wall, a trowel; to plaster. 

da) Hwin t’hoé che ch’héang put k’ho 

woo yéa, ZF + 2. pe AN yy 547] HY, pan 

Choe dy cl’hé6"é héy hoé lé bwith, a wall built of 
mud and dung cannot be plastered; see the FA Fe 
Lin gé. 

An implement used in plastering a 


Woo Lhe same as the preceding. 

Woo To squat down, to sit down on the 
Woo Bent, crooked; a rope. 
—_.. - — 
Woo Kéak thot woo, JE if Hy Wha 
’ t’hadu woo, the knee. 
Mg A hole in which water collects; a 
Woo »F : 
Woé by surname, 
+ ae 
Wood 7 To dirty, to defile. 
Wod A vessel pe drinking from; a bowl; 
also written =. woo. 
3 Read yéw: to have, to possess, to 
Wo6 exist, to be. 

Bin yéw 6, pit wat yéw, Ri Aj 

pi My EI 7A mooi"S wos ch’hun, pit king woo, 

(Cheng-choo’s father) always asked, if there was 
anything left (of the food), when he would always 
reply that there was; see Ta ¥ Béng choo. 



To throw, to cast, to throw away; 

wui'S k’hoé, Fie} p wuirs 

F " el’hdy, to stop the mouth with the 

hand; wui"S soo, Fi] PL wui"s sé, to stifle, to smo- 



To hold in the arms, to embrace. 

ae : 
Wui’S Se w4n: a surname, 

Read win: a basket; wiin choo, 

Wui8- K FF. wut"S d, a small basket, 
in which things are put in order to 

be weighed. 
Read héng: yellow; a surname; 
Wui™S héng gnéw, ir aS wui'J god, 

a dun cow, a cow. 

Hong e hot héw, Hey Ag Ah AE wut" s"a hoé dy 

héw, a yellow garment should be worn with a fox 

skin fur; see the at aa Lin gé. 

Read héng: héng chéting, i is, 
the jaundice; gnéw hong, IE a 
go6 wut”, a kind of medicine. 

Chok wui®, tE iii, to perform in- 
cantations, for the purpose of lay- 


aed | 
ing evil spirits ; this is said to be 

effected by (téang théen soo, ibe K Fil téo"S 
thee"& soo,) the lama of China. 

Wui"S Zee Ley wui"®, At a, the crooked 
=> handle of a plough. 

Read win: a halo round the sun or 

Wun Vim wun jéw, im Zz, soft and gentle ; 
wun lwan, im i, genial and 

warm; wun hé, AA), mild and benign; wun 
hong, rid fa, a gentle breeze. 

Choo wun jé ley, -F- yi in i hoo cho6 wun jin 

moon; the eyes dim. 

Amicable, harmonious; a surname ; 


jé géém léy, Confucius was benignant and yet stern; 

a ab aB Lin gé. 

A= Wun yin, A fa the original in- 

see the 

Wun WwW fluence of heaven and earth, ger- 
mT minating in secret. 

Wun YO, cos smoke. 

Wun WwW Wun ¢k, ja ve wun yéuh, a pes- 

AVA tilence, an epidemical disorder. 
a Oe 

Wun Vin A kind of water vegetable. 

Wun Wun put, a 4, very fragrant. 

Wun ay The name ofa pig; a pig running off* 

Wun yy The name of a certain kind of fish. 

Wun a P’hin wun, Za By: luxuriant; also 
i? the name of a plant. 

Win The warmth produced by the rising 


Wun % 8 
T’héen téy yin wun, ban bit hwa sfn, K Hh, 

4 FAT Bs, by) Ww pe thee"I tey yin wun dy 

Kk’ he, ban meé"Sh hud sin, by the germinating in- 

Yin wun, 9} it, the original influ- 

ence of heaven and earth, secretly 

producing all things. 

fluence of heaven and earth all things are produced 
and nourished; see the yy We an] Ek héy sod. 



Truly, faithfully, really ; sincere, up- 

Wain R, right; also written , win. 
Kong wat, ko jé tim win, 44 FY 

Te He JRE ff Kong king, kap Ue kong gwd sin 

sit, Chew-kong said, *T tell you that I am sincere ;”” 

see the at Ae Se keng. 

Héém win, Hig Wy , the name of 
one of the northern hordes of Tar- 

To suck, to draw in, to inhale ; also 

written By, win. 

Win ayy, 
Chut yéw péng ch’he chéa, Goé- 
k’hé way wiin che, 2 Ay Dra) JH. 4G RR ria 

23 By We rh peng chut wod par” ch’he"& dy ling; 
Goé-l’hé théy e win so e, when any of his soldiers 

had a sore or an ulcer, the general Goé-k’hé would 

lick it for them ; (so anxious was he to please them.) 

To fall; wan tay, ET BE to fall 
down from a high place. 

pa Lek lek gwhy ké, jédk chéang 

wan € ch’him yéen, ee iB or HA. 2 We 

ha + OR A Ick lek gwiy ké"a, ch’hin chéo"& 

chéang win tity té cl’ him yéen, trembling and appre- 


hensive of danger, like one about to fall into a deep 
pit; see the = B it Se thang ko. 

Wain B 3] To die, to decease ; to fade. 

= 1 
Win To be sorrowful, to grieve. 
eo" collected together ; to moist- 
Wain = en grain before distilling; quiet, 

Be ie wa whn, safe, secure; win tong, {2 
safe, without apprehension of danger. 

composed, easy, secure ; an wiin, 




Win El To be grieved, to be agitated with 


: = 4 
Win = fall, to fall down. 

Wain H Win ch’hén, iB ff, rich, affluent. 

Win A wry face, a distorted countenance. 

# 13] To be displeased, to be vexed ;_in- 

Win ‘ip ward displeasure, murmuring ; jin 

put te, jé put wan, A, A an 

Th AX HG tang w” chae lan, jé lan bd sim hiéy 
téh, when people do not know us, not to be vexed; 
(this is the sign of a good man;) see the 3 od am 
Séang lin. 


Wun Au Tocollect, to accumulate, to store up. 

| To press the finger on anything; to 

take anything out of the water. 
Ala and soothing. 
E pé win p’hadu, #E Wy Az] #3 ch’héng hoo dy 

séo p’hadu, he wore an old wadded garment; see 
the Ff} oa Lin gé. 

Wun B 


Wadded with cotton; silk-cotton 

wadding ; anything warm, genial, 

Ripe, mellow, as wine; win chéa, 
ait a, decided, settled, repress- 
ed feeling. 

Win chéa, fa settled, decided 
repressed feeling; win stiy, }}4 
ak, to steep in water. 

i VA 
Win Jim, 


To store up, to stow away, to lay 

aside, to conceal. 

Erm. Win tok jé chéng choo, BB iz 

im a aa hay té tok kwity jé k’h2"S choo, (hav- 

ing found a valuable gem,) will a man store it away 
in a locker, (or will he seek to get a good price for 
it?) see the Say gH Lin gé. 

¥ =" Water flowing back ; water turning 

rs vB a round. 

Win SES Great waves in a river. 
ee, ple 
Win rope, a cord, a string with which 
B a net is tied. 
E » To travel, to convey, to move, to 
Win > remove; win chw4n, ii ita, 

to circulate; win léang, 3 Hie 
win né6"8, to transport grain. 
Jit gwat win héng, FY A i 47 jit goéyh 

win ké"4, the sun and moon moving in their orbits ; 

see the Y, We Fp] Ek héy sod. 

Vulg. wui"&: the halo around the 
sun or moon; two armies drawn 


up opposite one another. 

» All sorts of feathers ; to entwine a- 
Win - 
round; a large girdle. 

a The name of a place in the Loé 
Win e § 
To harmonize, to chime, to come in 
Win B rhyme; a rhyme, a symphony, a 
ar Til, a sound, an accent,a cadence; lok win, 
Vee fit léh witn, to come in rhyme. 

correspondence of tone; yim wiin, 


Sew pek sé che k’hwat bin, ch’haé ch’héen chaé 

che way win, ir Be Z WA oa He Fe 
Bay v ai Tid HH sew chit payh st dy k’hwat ban, 
I’ heh chit ch’heng neé"S dy witty win, to gather the 

deficient ‘compositions of a hundred ages, and to 

collect the neglected rhymes of a thousand years. 
Win ff The same as the above. 
= is 
An iron for smoothing clothes, &c. 
Wut Vi: aD Also written ie wut. 

Wut toé, Bt 3 Wut tabu, a 

ae iron, 

Wut ey The same as the above. -A surname. 


Luxuriant,. exuberant. 
A feeling, an emotion, not expressed 
Wut in words; ek wut, il is wut 


YH chut, to be uneasy, to be vexed, to 
be worried. A surname, Wut td, we i, high 
wrought, anxious feeling. 

Wut t6 soo kwun jeé"8, es fil i 7a we wut 
chut sé0"9 jin kwun lé, I have been uneasy while 
thinking of your highness ; see PH f- Béng choo. 

Wut The same as the above. 
Y : 
Aou wat, 3h tee, to twist anything 
Wut and break it off. 

Sa Wut ch’haé, ee a to break off 

a piece of firewood. 

A kind of a fragrant plant; wut 
théang, se ee fragrant herbs 

infused into wine. 



Way 43 


yw The mind distressed; an injury of 

Aik the womb. 

Wut gy To put the head under water. 
Wut We spark of fire. 




Dignity, awe, majesty, pomp; wuy 
géém, ad fic, gravity, sternness ; 
wuy hong, 4 jal, a dignified, 

majestic manner; wuy pek, ia 3h, despotic, ty- 

rannical, harshly imperious. ; 

Woy jé put béng, kik nit x KE wuy géém jé b6 

béng, be dignified without being ferocious ; see the 

EA Ey Lin gé. 


Luxuriant herbage, 


Wuy te, 3 TE, leisurely walking 
about, sauntering. 

Wuy = 


y The name of.a river. 
Choo-s4n é ké séng € chéy jin é 

Chin Woy, f- 7 VY) He 
fA vik A iA as 7] Chob-sién #h6 e chey dy 

cWhéa, chey lang kody Chin Why ay chiy, Choo- 
san employed the chariot in which he rode, to help 
people across the Chin and Way rivers; see m4 

+ Béng choo. 

The name of a fish. 


An affirmative, yes; the way in 
Way mfg which inferiors answer their supe- 

riots, when called by them. 



Cheng-choo wat, wiy, + a KE Cheng <hos 
kong, witty, Cheng-chod said, ‘ yes!’ see the aft aH 

Lin gé. 

Way tr, 
ae radicals. 

Way pwAn, ig FF, a sort of leathern cap worn by 

Soft leather ; that which has been 

dressed. A surname; one of the 

Great, extraordinary; chin way, 

man. - 


ae “A precious gem, a valuable stone. 

ce A d 3 bright and 
Way Nig bes er sppesrencee right an 
ie luminous; a raging fire. 

Wiy a wily, i # a reed. 
a sh. Right, it isso; to approve of; to de- 
Wi fend what is right; and oppose the 
wy tly” ; ppo 
Wiy Full, luxuriant, exuberant herbage. 


Ww 2 
Wiy, ! Re 

Elegant, excellent; a queen’s robe, 

embroidered with feathers. 

The noise made in calling ducks. 

Grass; also a surname. 

I jiu - r Ve 4 } yo 


Sih ) heme 
Wty - The same as the above. 

8 H 


i fit, a hero, aa extraordinary 

To confide, to-intrust; to involve, 
Wiy = to implicate; to put off, to decline, 
to make an exeuse. 
Ké téung séang yéw k’ho wiiy chéa, ma ip fp} 
AR Py ie 4 e dy tang e"8 séang wood dy thang 
witty thok, amongst them there are still some who 

may be confided in; see the Ai aH ah Kay gé 



To bend, to bow; to commit to, to 

follow ; wiy jim, 9 fz, to sus- 
tain; wily te, FE FL, to reject; 

wily thok, AR +E, to confide to any one’s care ; 
goey wily, hs ze gwa why, a serjeant; way kéw, 
HR ,to solicit of another something troublesome. 

Wiiy j@ k*he che, FS ff] JS Z wily thek kak je 

Khe é, to reject and throw anything away; see a. 

f- Béng choo, 
The origin of anything is called a, gwan, and the 
termination of it is called FB, way. 

The name ofa snake; a man’s name. 

Wiy yp Way wy wiy~@, lé choo che 
NS, sane, EH ME ME Sk F 

eh ik: tok tok wity kap chwd, sé cha boé dy kit 

sédng, only snakes and serpents are prognostics of 
‘ : 
women; see the Ih AE Se4ou gnay. 

= To wait; hadu wiy, Re IH, the 
Wiy ey name ofan office. 
Ban sin hoé way, Fy mee P 

. Ri. door gods and gate officers 5 (referring to the 


figures which the Chinese paint’on their doors.) 
Wiy té, Fy TE; a double surname. 

a aed 
Wiiy Ey Luxuriant, exuberant. 

Wiy nae same as the following. 



To ‘console, to comfort, to condole 
Wty Jer with, to soothe. 
erat E wily gnoé sim, Yi} fot Fk wt hwy 

éan wry gwd dy sim kw"a, to comfort my heart ; 
see the “hh AE Sefou gn4y. 

To fear, to dread, to venerate. 

Wuy Kwun choo yéw sam wily, #4 

+ Ay = aie kwun cho6 woo 

s"a hang ké"a dy sod, the eee man has three things 

which he venerates; see the =; att E an % Liin gé. 
x A curtain, a tent. 
Wiy Ché sin ch’héen lé goéy, win téw 

wily ak téung, ffl lee =f. bss 
4) ‘i = ME be rp che yé"d kadu chit 

ch’heng lé gwd, chaé win téw te why ak dy tang 
eS, to be able to accomplish victories to the distance 
of a thousand lé, depends upon the plans formed 
within the curtained tent ; see the ty pel Aa Ko 
choé ké. 
To scheme, to plan, to think, to deli- 
Wiy ) berate ; only, alone, 
Chaé boé chaé wiy, Hy a n0% 
NE twa té boé, twa té why, sometimes employed in 
consulting, and sometimes in deliberating; see the 
ay Ad Se keng. 
Se wan wiy béng, he ie Mf: HA h’hw"a 

hwui"S wity béng, to be able to see far, is alone to 

Only, alone; ké why séng jin hoé, 

be considered intelligence. 
Wiy 3 WE BEA J tok tok 
sé séng jin hoé, he alone may be 

considered a sage; see the A fat Ek keng. 

The same asthe preceding ; to bind, 
Wiy y) to tie, to connect, to circumvent, 

to plan. 

This and the two preceding are all used as auxiliary 

particles, denoting but, only, alone, only that, &c. 



Wiy The name ofa river. 
Wa ee An incense bag; a single curtain; 
y wily téang, ihe ik, a tent. 
Wiiy E The same as the preceding. 
A small door ina ag ge a private 
Wiy | te. door. § 
i: Hoo jin ché, jip choo wiy bin, 

Kk M Be K =| Fy FA cha boé ling kaou, 

jip chod sey moot"8, when ladies come; they should 
enter by the private door ; see the iz a Fis Léy 
chap ke. 

: — ‘To 'stirround, to circumyent; chew 
Wiy Ea wily, fa ll, all around, on all 
sides; wily choo, | FE, to be- 

seige. Also written LI, wily. 
sake; why gek, te i why 

Wiy .» Biy 
héiyh, to resist ; wity léy, id i 
opposed to the rules of propriety. 

Chod. wat, bod wiy, + EI 4. sie hoo cho6 

kong, b6 kéiyh, Confucius said, ‘do not oppose ;’ see 

=H. Lin gé. 

To resist, to oppose, to leave, to for- 

To lose, to cast away ; to leave by 

the Ff ie 
will, to hand down; wily se, 2 

Y te 
Wiy > 
aA == a will, a testament. 
To put sip way, % we ony 3H loé bé k’héoh ka 

labuh dy meé"Sh, in the roads no one picked up 

what was dropped. 

22. The oar, or rudder of a small boat; 

Wiy chin why, fe ve, a ship’ $s mast 5 
ke wily, three masts. 

sam che why, = a3 He s"a 

ive To do, to act, to perform, to manage. 
Wiy Wiy ké sit, Py B "ae cho twa 
see Ty =f Beng choo. 
Sé put why yé4, hwuy put léng yéa, JE x Fy 

al, SE Ae AB We cle 52a Wrneng cho, it 

chéng kéd béy éy, this is because men will not do it, 
not that they cannot; see in F- Beng choo. 

E i A station, a post, an office, a dignity ; 
Wiiy 4172 a place, a seat; Ong wily, = 
fit; a throne; séang wy, [- 

qi, to ascend the throne, yit way, — Aik chit 

wily, a person; léét wily, Aaj Att, gentlemen ! 
Kwun choo soo put ch’hut ké wiy, Fy “f- hs 
A HH EE fir, brown cho6 séo"8 a cl’hut ¢ dy 

wity, a good man contrives not to leave his station ; 

see the xz FSS Ek keng. 

The stomach; pé wiy, je A. 
the receptacle for food ;wiy jéak, 

| qa. a weak stomach. 

The name ofariver ; Chew-lé-séang 

_ FA : 
Wi V tedou uy sty, p 

té) hé te Way chiy, Chew-lé-séang used to angle 


in the Way waters. 
™ To speak to, to address. 
Heék way K’hong-choo, wat, rk 

a qL F A 206 lang kap 

Wiy _ 


keng ch’ hod, to make a great house ; ” 

wo RE 

K’héng-cho6 kéng, a certain person addressed Con- 
fucius, saying, &c.; see the eh ae Lin gé. 
The name of an animal, like a pig, 
but smaller, and armed with strong 

bristles; a hedgehog, or porcu- 
pine. Hw4n ché4 jé wiy m6 jé k’hé, fy A 

as iF #: i HL hwdn dy lang cl’hin chéo"S 
wiry mé jé k’hé, the rebels rose like porcupine’s quills. 

For, on account of; to be for, to aid, 

to abet; yin wiiy, FA] fi, because. 
WY Hoo choo wiiy Wééy kwun hoé? 

= = =f yaa ii A AP. hoo cho6 wod chan wiey 

Iaoun & 662 will Confucius assist the prince of the 
Woey country or not? see the aT] ip Lin gé. 


——- A broken vessel, a.potsherd; to 

ein grind. 
v : 
Wiy A lump of earth, a piece of ground. 
To involve, to draw into trouble. 
Wiy = Chip soo put wily séang, cf Hi. 

FR EE chip 508 ty lang bey 

Idy tédh e dy se twa, the inferior officers cannot. 

involve their superiors. 

The name of a country. 


The centre; téung yang, rh Ne 

tang e"8, the middle, 
Yan Deep and expansive. 
s P P 
Vulg. é"S; thesear of corn; the 
Yang young shoots of paddy, fit for 

transplanting. — 

Calamity, afiliction, trouble, misfor- 

Yang tune. 

, ‘Chok séén kang che pek séang, 
chok’put séén kang che pek yang, iE ae Kes db 
Bi it TEAR EZ FA OK et ts kang 
e chit payh dy hok sédng, chd i” hé kang'e chit payh 
dy hd yang, upon those who do good, will descend 
a hundred ‘felicities, but upon ‘those who do evil will 

come down a hundred calamities. 

Wan yang, iS 
daa deat 

name of a-bird, the mandarin 

wan yéo"S, the 

br duck (Anas galericulata), noted 
for always going in pairs; considered by the Chi- 
nese as emblems of fidelity and conjugal love; also, 

the name of an insect. 

unsubmitting. A surname. 

a 4 z 
Yang : Yang hang, tHe K&, unsubdued, 



Vulg. yé6"S: to nourish, to feed, to 
bring up; a surname; yang yéuk, 
A to breed; seng yang, 

He =, to a yang, ity As, to cherish. 
Yang ké taé Uhéy wiy.taé jin, yang ké sedou t’*héy 
wy sed4ou jin, He TL I HB RRA 
He Jy AG B AA, yé6"S ch’hée dy twat héy 
chd twa ling, yé6"S ch’hé e dy sé6 Uhéy chd sedou 

_ Jin, he who cultivates the most important part is a 
great man, but he who nourishes the inferior part is 
a worthless = ag see Ti = Béng choo, 

Yang Y4ng bong, TAB, the appearance 
i of water Nek all abroad. 

Yang ®An inclination to vomit. 
a Vulg. yea: to reflect, to illumine. 
Yang Jit yang 1é kan, key léén seng jé 

hoé ch’héang, H fe fait fil 
AE Sd BE TA AL WEG ie chad 2 We pa kan, key 

léén sé"a jé séo ch*hé0"S, when the sun peeps 
through the railing, the cocks one after another be- 

gin to crow together. 

Vin An unsatisfied feeling ; a discontent- 
re ed mind. 


Yang bong, wh B, wide, expand- 
ed water. 

A bowl, a dish; a jar. 
A saddle girth. 

Yéén yang, {{ Ade, unable to stoop 
and take up anything, 

Yang léw, By HB, the willow tree ; 

Yang vt yang sé, Pi hit yé0"S ch’hew, 
the banian or Indian fig; yang 

vhé, iB Pk, the Averrhoa carambola. 

A surname. 

Sek gno ong é, yang léw e e, "Fy BK 7k KR i 

im te KK ché gwd k’he 2, yé6"S léw tod too a i sai"d, 

the other day when I went away, the willows were 
just budding ; see the ny HE Sedou gnay. 

Yang ney gem used for pouring out libations. 

To emblazon abroad, to spread far 

and wide; yang béng, Bs 4S, to 
spread one’s praise; ch’heng yang, 

i Bs, to praise, to applaud. 

YAng gan, Ny a> great swelling 


Yang words. Vulg, ch’hé6"€: to winnow 
the grain. 
Yang To open; long; bright. 

Yang bn Vulg. yé6"8: to melt, to fuse metals, 



The male principle of nature; yim 
yang, Ie BB, the male and fe- 

Yang iy 
male principles of nature ; vhaé 

yang, Je , thesun; yang kan, [By fel, the vi- 

sible A | 

ee os 
ang = 

To praise, to please. 

Yang Be The sun coming out; clear. 

Vulg. yé6"S: a goat; beén yang, 

aH Se meé"& yé6"S, a sheep. 
Hwat peng che kay, put héuk 

eotw yioe, BK ZH BOE 

taé hoo dy kay b6 ch’hé goé yés"8, the family ofa 


great officer should not breed cows and sheep ; see 
the x £$h Tae hak. 

Vulg. yé6"8; to melt, to fuse metdls ; 

to dissolve ; rotten. 

To pretend, to feign, to dissemble. 

Yang I 
Ch’hoé Léuk-vhong yang kéng 

Yang 4 
pe st, 7 EB FF AEE 
Hk Cl’hoé Léuk-vhong kdy gong pe s?, Léuk- 
t’hong of the Ch’hoé country pretended to be mad, 

and withdrew from the busy world. 
Y Full, replete, overwhelming, broad, 
Yang oe extensive ; yang haé, YF Hi 
yé0"9 haé, the ocean; yang 
ch’hwan, TF fs yéo"& chin, a foreign ship; sey 
yang, pa i sae yé6"8, the western ocean ; for- 
merly applied to Europe, now limited to Portugal. 
Yang yAng ho@, éng jé chae! 5 +f yt ky a: h 
+ yang ying ho, éag mw"d hé k*hang ! how re- 

plete is such music! how it fills the ears! see the 
A AG Ap Lin gé. 


WP Sick, pained; distressed. 

— = 

“e Vulg. yé6"S : a manner, a form; 
<i we FE sim moh yang? # es RR 

s"ameé"&h yéo"S ? in what way ? 

K’han yang chéang yang, “i (as 1K 

Pho d yéo"8 Chan yéo"8, to look ata pattern, and 


to follow an example. 

se The appearance of standing and 

at moving. 
Yang ey A rule, a manner, 
‘ang @ The waters moved and agitated. 
aK. | 
Y Sorrow, trouble, calamity, sickness, 
Yang j vi. laé bod yang hoe? Fi] Ze 

Ait wm 7e séo péét é laé k’-hdém 
b6 par”S hoé2 since we parted, have you been free 

from sickness ? 

Nourishment, feeding; to afford 
Yang fz) nourishment. 

Ché é k’héén ma kae léng yéw 
yang; put kéng hé 6 péét hoe? 4 iis 7 EB 
H fk A ae A MK TT VA Fl) FP exe 

€ kaéu béy cho pod éy woo yéo"& ch’hé ; nau™ keng, 
wod s”a mee"Ih hwun péet hoé? now even with res- 
pect to dogs and horses, they can all obtain nourish- 
ment ; but if we (merely nourish) and do not respect 

(our parents), where lies the difference? see the EL 

af Séang Jin. 

Vulg. chéo"S : 

Pay put chéak yang, [\U Ay Gf 
here it does not itch. 

to itch, to smart. 
is pay i téd5h chéo"S dy wiy, 

to scratch 



gant, though young and tender. 
T’hé che yaou yacu, Pk ore K K Uhd dy sey 
chang hé Khw"a,, the peach tree-when young looks 
very pretty. ; 
yi A cunning and wanton person is call- 
ed yaou; strange, supernatural, 

ominous; yaou kwaé, i he, 

strange and monstrous. 
Kok kay chéang béng, pit yéw yaou géét, ZR 

IR ri ily AR DR Te kok kay chéang long 

poey, pit wod yaou géét, when a-nation or a family 


is about to be ruined, there will surely be some 

monstrous omens; see the rh i Téung ying. 

When any calamity arises out of the 
Vaou aN earth it is called ik, yaou, and: 

when it descends from heaven, it 

is called 3 ts , chae. 

Yaou 2. 


Vulg. yéo: small, minute, diminu- 

tive; also written 2, yaou. 

To persuade, to induce, to influence 
by mean motives, to seek; to 
screen, to cover; to rob, and 

plunder. . 

Suy wat put yaou kwun, goé put sin yéa, 

Wy BE OH fa teh 

a” yaou kéw e dy jin kwun, gua i™ sin, although 

fit Ey 

suy jéén kong, e 

such a one should say, he had not.meanly influenc- 

ae his prince, I would not believe him; see the 

ea ab 4 Lin gé. 

Read ke: to be hungry; toé ke, 
jin RL pak toé yaou,a hungry 

belly; put rx AR IR. fL 

béy yaou, no appetite. 



! _<® An amicable, easy appearance; ag- 
Yaou TK reeable; anything pretty. and ele ° 

‘ rs A 
—-Yaou os Vulg. yéo: the loins, the waist. Yaéu ABR so insignificant, small waisted. 
| wary, rg Th f a wild fowl, the noise 
‘Yaou yi To emit a sound, to’hum as insects, | Yadu / ae ne Py 
: _ made by a jungle fowl. 
ov» pie 
Yaou The name of a plant. Yaéu fl Yaou k’heaou, ih v7, a crooked 
» # Vulg. boéyh: to want, to require; 
Yaou “( Yaou séang, 4B me, a garment. | Yaou to desire, to wish; necessary, ur- 
& gent, important. ; 
Seng éng yéw ché tek yaou tad 
Vatu > Short, broken off short, short-lived ; it we 2 = iy ey E 3 i = 
an.untimely death. tS ze ae seng Ong 100 che chifiet by ick yadu 
‘ kin dy to, the former kings had a most essential 
Short-lived, an early death. virtue, and a most important doctrine (i.e. filial piety, 
Yaéu Yaow séw put jé, sew sin e soo 


he KK PM ET 
Y ARR Z thy kap "8 hiiey stw b6 tea téoh, 
sew hin sin é téng hau e, an early death and along 
life are both uncertain; our duty is therefore to cul- 

tivate personal virtues, and wait the result; see a 
Y- Béng choo. 


Yaou eas chehen tk . bent, not 
straightened out. 

Deep, abstruse. 

Ther: nded ; yaou stiy, £4 éOng 
VYa6u pa iy NED = | aK y 
chiy, to bale out water. 
Deep and still, profound, recondite, 
Yadou hidden, tranquil ; a commendatory 

appellation for females. 

Yaou thedou séuk le, af 5 WK te yabu 

Vhedou hé dy cha boé lang, retired and quiet, like 

a Virtuous woman. 

which they inculcated) ; see the Zz x Hadu keng. 

A secret place; the southeast corner 

of a house, 
The leaping and frisking of horses 
Yaou t+ and cows. Also, the name of an 
i yyw animal. 

Ye Kr yé6: a surname. 

Yadu if) k Slowly, leisurely. 
2 To serve, to do service, to employ 
xebe on any service, 
Yaou = Children’s ballads. 

Vulg. yéd+:to shake, to wave, to 


move backwards and forwards. 
Ya6éulam, Aa yé6nd,a cradle, 


Hong 6é séy p’heaou ya6u, jal iy it ral +E 

hong hoé séy p’heaou yé6, moved and agitated by 

the wind and rain. 

Far, distant; yadu k’han, Ye G 
Yadu hwur"S k’hw"a, to see at a distance ; 

yadu wan, ¥5 Sa remote, far 

TA A precious gem. 



6 agitated by the wind. 

To employ, to engage in any ser- 
Yaou RRA 
vice; to serve, 

4 % To be pleased; things differing in 



Yadu A jar; also a vessel for holding 

héa yéd,atile kiln; hoey yadu, 
Mm ae hiey yé6, a lime kiln. 


BE yé6: akiln; wa yabu, Tt EA 


; ‘iG A place for burning bricks or tiles. 

The same as the preceding, a potte- 

ry; also read t6. 
Yau Cheaou yaéu, (fi f , a nation of 

dwarfs on the southwest. 

Yaou ye lofty ; cheaou yadu, ifé Wee, 

a high mountain. 

P’heaou ya6du, a aa anything: 


The light of the sun; light, brilliant. 

Jit gwat gnoé seng, wiy ch’hit 
wu A A he mH +t 
We jit goéyh goé dy ch’hai"S chd ch’hit dy yaou, 
the sun, and moon, and five planets constitute the 

seven lights. 

. A Bright and illuminated; kong yaou, 
Yaou Ke K a kwui"S yadu, luminous, 

Yaou ie same as the preceding. 
Yaou The back. 

Vadu % A ferocious bird of prey, like an os- 
OY prey or fish hawk. 

a A final particle, used at the end of a 
Yea sentence, 

Suy pek sé k’ho te yé4, BE Al 
qt: yy yal 4s, suy chit payh dy se yéd thang 
chae, the events of even a hundred ages may be 
known; see the he ay Séang lin. 

A wilderness, a desert, a wild uncul- 
Yéa tivated place; clownish, vulgar; 
yéa goey, Hp yp yéé gwa, with- 
out in the desert; yéa jin, iy XK yéd dy ling, 
a clownish person, 
Chit sin bain chek yéa, EF fA ZC Fh) Ef chic 
K’hah yé"a bun chek yéé, when plainness exceeds 
elegance, a man is clownish; see the ia Ba Lin 
Read choo: anything small or 

young; as téng choo, aft ty 

té"d yéd, or té"4 4, asmall iron 



To melt or fuse, to,cast anything in 
a nielted metal ; -yaou yea, If ip 
strange, uncouth, wicked. 

‘Ch’hés Hé-chdo h6 put why v0 year Ay FE -F- 

TL AR Fy Wh 2H cle hed He-chos sa soo u™ cho 

séo hiéy chod meé"&h? and now why does not Hé- 

choo become a potter or a founder? see ih + 
Béng choo. . 

Yea ytltig hey yim, 73 Ae iy YE yéd dy ying 

maou ka ling yim lwan, a vicious countenance in- 

duces men to be lascivious; see the hy iE sal 
Ps héy sod. 
se '&: wearied, fatigued, sick of 

anything, indisposed. Jin é, KN 
ys AQ lang yéd, the man is sick. 

Cho td 2, hk Fl) 4B cho kadw yéd, to do a thing 

till one is tired. 

=e ‘A father,an elder, a tille of respect; 
lo yéa, + iii. a magistrate; ap- 
plied by courtesy tonobles, gen- 

Henssa, and their sons, whether old or young. 

A final particle, indicative of doubt 
Yéa « BR ' and inquiry. 

Yéa-soe, FI WR to, the name of 

Jesus, mentioned in the imperial dictionary. 

Yea abt} mil ¥- yéd ché, a cocoa 
nut} yéa yew, AI WH 
oil; also written ry iy bar 

Veil Bp Long yea, i Ph, the name of a 
yo) 5m “ae 


, cocoa nut 

Yéa The name of a sword. 
VY éa The same as Ff}, yea 


# Vulg. mat"S; night, the night; yéa 
Yéa kan, via fei mai"S kan, by night; 
pwan yéa, ae RL pw"d mat"S> 
by midnight. 

Put sé4 tdw yéa, FR hx = BL bd hai"Ih jit 

mat"&, not to stop by day or by night. 

) To scatter, to strew abroad with the 
Yéa hand; yéa chéting, 75 Ail yea 
ché, to sow seed, by scattering it 
“ A final particle, denoting decision. 
Yéa Kwun choo jin e? kwun choo jin 


AK i chéy léy ling sé kwun choé é 6? chéy léy 
lang sé chin ché"d kwun choé, is this a good man? 

truly this is a good man; see the ae an Lan gé. 


Via B Read eng: a tassel; bd eng, hh py 

\) bo yé"a, the tassel.of a cap. 

BY the shadow of truth; bod éng, 

4ie 323 bé yé"d, there is not the least shadow of 
a in it, i 
Gwat @ hwa éng séang l4n kan, A $4 HE. % 

a Hid *F goéyh é hwa ye" chiéo"S lin kan, 
the moon throws the shadow of the flowers on the 

a = > Ages éng: a shadow; yéw éng, AR 

ry woo yé"d, anything taat has 

railing of the gallery. 


Read yang; to illumine, to shine; 

Yé a yang cheaou, fe HA yea chéd, 
to reflect, to illuminate. 

aR x) Read &ng: a camp; éng chéy, es 

Yea FE yé"d chéy, an encampment; 

4 kwun éng, - im kwun ye", a 

military encampment, 

Read éng: 

Surpass, to overcome. 

Yo Sa 
AAR, Toé chaé se éng, Ie 1 i Ii 

toé cheé"8 soo yé"4, to play for money and win or 

to win, to conquer, to 


yer Read chéét: to conquer, to overcome 
in battle. 


Réad yang: agitated by the wind; 

Y "a ne yang hong, ii EN yé"a hong, 
waving in the wind. ) 


A Read ek: gain, profit, advantage ; 

se ome 3 ZS 75k 
Yeah A> 1é ek, Fi) 4m (2 yéah, advantage. 

Hak yéw chin ek, £3. BR 3fé 

tx 6h wod chin yéah, learning has its advantages. 

Aleat; clthayh yéah, J} Wf, the 

leaf of a book. 
Viuh B Read yéép: the same as the above. 
> One of the radicals, 
Read ék: a diagram, a change; Ek 

keng, yy HK Yéah keng, the 
book of diagrams, one of the five 

classics of the Chinese, 

Read ék: to serve, a servant; 

Y étth ie Read ék: a flying insect. 
Véth AL ch’hay ék, xe Ae cW’hay yéuh, 
a messenger; gay ék, al RE 

gay yéah, a police runner. 
Yih EE dispatch ; ék m4, ie na yeah 
db) bay, a post horse; ék loé, ire 

fe yédah loé, a post road. 

Read ék: a post; a governmental 


te | 
Read téép: a butterfly, hoé téép, 

Da ipl boéy yeah, a butterfly. 
Kéep téép ch’hwan hwa k’hw4n 

k’hwan da Wk ie EF te K BR ‘itd boéy 

yéah ch’Jaou"S hwa éng éng tit pwuy; the butter- 


flies occupied in piercing the flowers.are leisurely 

flying about. 
K To bind, to agree, to covenant, to 
ie / ath J = 
Yéak yf engages yéak sin, | AZ, a co- 
ayy venant, an agreement; k’héém 

yéak, ty 4, to spate, toeconomize; kéfing yéak, 

a 4) distress, poverty. 
Pat jin ché4 put k’ho € kéw, eh’hé yéak, Fy #E 

AGH VW A BB Ry tsa ty ling, 66 
thang koé twa té kéting yéak, people without bene- 
volence cannot long bear to be in circumstances of 

poverty and distress; see the am ab 2h Lin wif 

a Sy 
ot P= Vile. yédh: medicine, physics? sit 

Yéak aes yéak, ee a chédh yéoh, to take 


Ling yéak k’hoé k’hoé, lé é sin, Be aie ye i 
Al) HS Hp ho dy yeon Whoé té ch’hay, ho té hin 
sin, good medicine is bitter, in the mouth, but pro- 

fitable to the body. 
Yéak iE vb He, to frisk about. 
Oe jim ak A 8 
an chwo"é mw"é hé tit ?héd! how joyfully do the 
fishes sport about! see ih Ff: Béng choo, 

To leap,;to jump; thedou yéak, 

A small measure, a handfull; the 

Yéak Pe 200th part of a peck, estimated 
as being equal to 1200 grains of 
So yéak, GAY Ge alock, a fasten- 
Yéak ing, a bolt. 

Ko choé ch’hut cheng, Seaou-hé 

ke séw kwan yéak, i jill Hi 4. Aa (oy i 


=F ie Gf ko choé ch’ hut k'he chéng p’hiah, Seaou- 
RO Whéa chéw kwan yédk, when the first emperor 
of the Han dynasty went out on his wars, his minis- 

ter Seaou-h6 remained at home, and guarded the 

Yaak A small pipe with three holes in it, 
a pipilo. 
x “yo lead off, and drain water. 
Yéak / Yéak Chéy Lat, j6 chod che haé, 
y > % 

yéak k’lnouy Chéy Lat dy chiry jé chod e kadu haé, 
he drained the Chéy and Lat rivers, and led them 
off into the sea; see <7 F- Béng choo. 

pron A sacrifice offered in spring. Also 

Yéak ) ri written i: yéak. 

To look long at anything, to stare, 


: to gaze. 

\ To collect as water, to settle; a long 
Yéem > time. 

Gob choo yéem kéw 6 'pé yip, 
Fh HE A TR eB, ott clos wo 
yéem hob té pé sty dy yip, mY lord, you haye been 
a long time in that mean city; see the Aas Cho 

twan. - 
Yéem Anything pickled, or salted. 
e Yéem jin, Fea KN , an eunuch ; yéem 
Yéem key, Fig 3, a capon; to cas- 
__ trate; yéem re, Heel AR to gelda 

Yéem. 1 cleanse, to purify. \ 


YE 4. 

i Satisfied, to lave sufficient, to be 
Yéem JBR content. : 

=e Chéting séw bod yéem wiy che 
Joi bhong; it BR 4 AN I 7 Vii tuy k’him 

sew: bey yéemichéuk, kong ké0 hong, to hunt after 
wild beasts without being satisfied is called wild- 

ness; see in + Béng choo. 

ven JBR 

Peaceful, at rest. 
dor va 
To eat to the full, tobe satisfied; to 
Yéem have enough. =. 

Chek pit yéem chéw jéuk, jé hoe 
hwn, Fi} Wy WR 74 fA th 4% RK chek 
pit chéth pd chéw bah, jéén aoutoot™8, on such oc- 
casions he would always eat flesh and wine to the 
full before he returned ; see ra “f- Béng choo. 

é same as IRR, yeem. 

a “To 'sereen, to hide, to conceal, to 
Yéém +e soothe with the hand, to take and 
put under shelter, to shut up. 
Also written ie, yéém. 
Yéém ke put sen, je t8 Ke seen, Hp He FR BE 
wi 4 BE yélm jéa ¢ dy i hb, 56 te béng 
e dy hé, to conceal that which is bad, and to dis- 
play the good; see the Taé hak. 
Tok séuk, bin put yéém, Fay 4G Fy x ty 
tok Whéa, moow"S y&HE kw" a, to dwell alone with- 
out being obliged to close the doors. 

Suddenly, unexpectedly. 

Yéém, A fishing net. 


BA.” cover, to screen; anything in 
= the.shape of a bell. 
5 Yéém jit why péy yin, B. H 

Bs fhe Ee yeém Jed jit sé pey hwin, that which 
covers the sun is the overspreading cloud ;'see the 

Ba 7 Jé gnay. 
LA | 
vs 2” Clouds rising up, 



oP A INR Ne 
Yéém Bee black ‘spot’ on the fade or body. 
Viem AAA The projecting part of. the eheek 
, cay bone. 
,=70 Bong yéém, Be Te bang yéém, the 
Yéém =y ~ nightmare ; also, an uncomforta- 

ble sleep, distarbed Fepose. 
AR fe 

Yéém 6, Fe B, the bar of a door, 
Yéém WY. P’heng hok ch’he, ch’héey yéém 

key boé, hé"a moot”& ch’hw"a, she boiled her last 

pullet, and burned the bar of her door for firewood; 


(said of the wife of alearned man, who was thus re- 
duced to the last extremity before her husband em- 

barked in life, but ,was afterwards raised toa high 


> A sharp cut, bright, luminous, gem. 

A fire blazing up;to flame, to blaze; 
Fs ame gaa 
va yeém jéét, ZR ay yeém jwah, 

blazing hot, very warm. 

H6 yéém ch’héung t/héen, K HR }P K hiéy 

yéém toh kadu t’hee"S, the flame of the fire blazed 

up to heayen, 



ae sit hwan /p’ho’y yéém, RY 

Yéém > Ee AM Pe Fea chéith pooi"S phoey 

—ii. yéém, to eat rice and salt. Yéém 
win soo, Big pr 1H, a superintendent of salt. 

ee Vp The same as the above; also con- 
Yeém tracted to Ma yéém. 
' i cted to te yéém. 

fie The name of a foreign kind of wood, 
4 i 

Yéém ‘ 
of which rudders are made. 

Yéém es The gate of a village a surname. 
Yéém <== §j The same as the above; a surname. 
4 Peer ) . 
Yéém chéén, We Fi) meets cheéngs 
Yéém the eaves of a house. 

= 1 “Bok gan sin put .kéén, bok chaé 

yéém chéén vhoe, Fe = iA AA 4E 
Ke ij HA 8h kong’ sin 8 Whw"a, bak chew té 
neé"S cheé"S Phadu, don’t ‘say that spirits: cannot 

see, their eyes are on the eaves of the house. 

al} Pb. Handsome, enchanting, captivating ; 
Yéem pan 

ATAU Be je yeem, Fe [fy BA sty je 

cl’hin cl’hat"S, lovely and enchanting; see the zA 

{if Cho twan, 

wy. The same as the preceding; erro- 
Yéom ee neously written Bs yéém; and 
Lt im. is yéém, 

Yéém Water full and overflowing. 

i= ) 
Yéem aya yéém, iK aR, sl atiy fire. 


edo The brightness of fire; also written 
Yéem ; 
GR; yéém, 

& To be satisfied, to have sufficient, to 
Yééem have enough; to loathe. 

Ek way che put yéém, hééy jin 
put kwan, ffp #2 AR BR EAR OR 
yéG cho e béy yéd, ka ling béy kwan, “I strive to 
practice (virtue) without tiring, and instruct men 
without weariness ;” said by Confucius, in the am 
fia Lin gé. 


Yéém Jak name of a tree. 

To be full, to be satisfied; surfeited, 

disgusted; yéém é, pis BR, fill- 
ed, satisfied. 

Ch’hoo ké why yéém chéuk che to yé4a, Ww. # 

Fy BE FE ZZ. GA, etey she chd yéem hadu 

dy to lé, this is the way in which he obtains such 
an abundance and sufficiency; see * Ff Béng 


Yéeém Great, large. 
Y To sink, to be overwhelmed, to be 
Yéém » annihilated. 

Yéém but sfiy téung, it RB 7k 

rh yéem b6 té chtty tang e"8, to sink and be over- 

whelmed in the water. 

Yéém 7 clear. 

oR Vulg. hwun: smoke; tobacco; sit 
Yéen ya yéen, ye ie chéth hwun, to 

smoke tobacco; yéen tng, ie 
ffs hwun ch’hity, a tobacco-pipe. 

8 L 


The same as the above; héng yéen, 
Yéen i, AB pis] dng hwun, common Chi- 
: nese tobacco ; oe yéen, B XH 
oe Iwun, black tobacco (opium). 
To sink in the water, to be lost and 
gone ; to stop up. 

Sé win léén yéen, it je f 
je se hwui"S neé"& kob, after distant ages, and a 

Yéen ye 

lapse of years. 

Yéen hoé, I Wee na aéu, the 
Yéen Py throat, the gullet. 

Hn t’héen hay che yéen hoé yéa, 

ig RK T rd yi whe th Hin kok sé Chee" 

ay dy né adu, the district of Han is the throat, (i.e. 

the most important part,) of the empire; see the 

ik BB] Gf Chien kok ch’hek. 

Yéen che, iA in. rouge, a vermi- 
Yéen AA 

lion cosmetic used by Chinese la- 
Also written jin, yéen. 

Hwun yéen, iy dW, a marriage, a 
Yéen a wedding; also written Hy yéen. 

Hod jin yin jin jé séng, koe wat 

yéen, Hie A BA iii ak dk ED 

hoo jin ling yin wiy ta po ling jé ché", chéd king 

dies, for reddening their lips. 

yéen, ladies are made by the fortune of their hus- 

bands, hence marriage is called 4 yéen. 

A surname. 

Vien zee name of a country. 

A final particle ; also, how? whence? 

Jin yéen soe chae! tA GB JR 

WF iE ling bidyh an chw"d ey 
k’h2"S chae! how can men hide themselves! see the 

_E. fj Séang lin. 


A. smiling \appearance; handsome, 

Yéen The name of a river: 

Yéen j 
Wy Yéen jéén yit ch’headou! 15 aR 

_ RR yéen jéén chit dy ch’héd, with a pleasing 

countenance she laughed. 

Yéen The name of a city. 


Vie. Wea name of an insect. 

A place where water collects, a pit, 
Yéen y =| a gulf, a ravine. 

Jé lim ch’him yéen, in Re Pe ye 
Yay chin chéo"s lim kadu ch’him ay yéen, like ap- 

saab an abyss; see the I HE Sedou gn4y. 

Pi =f An ancient mode of writing the pre- 

&. The name of a bird, resembling a 
sparrow-hawk or falcon. 
b> Yéen hwuy léy t’héen, vx Fic 
Ba RK ee"S & pwuy hadu Uhee"&, the falcon flies 
up towards heaven. 


The gate of a city, 


To cast, tomould; asurname; yéen 
péet, La Al, todistinguish; yéen 

Yéen Pai) 
ch’hat, Ea) Pe, to examine, to 

search; also read chin. 

Fa == To fall down, to lie down, to be 
Yéén 4 prostrate ; to recline, to lie at ease. 


Ch’hd séang che hong pit yéén, 


ri B a Jal Ny (z clvhabu kay wod hong 

té téng bin pit td, when grass is =a on by the 
wind it will lie down flat; see the = aid aa Lin gé. 

Heék sit yéén chaé ch’héng, BK 8 {Ez te HK 

w00 dy hat"Sh k’hwodn té bin ch’ hé"S, some are lying 
down and resting on their beds; see the Ay vita 
Sedou gnay. 

Yéén wT To dam up water, to collect water 

into a pond. 

filz The name ofa fish. 

The name of a bird, said to be the 
chief of the feathered tribe. 

Water overflowing, abundant; broad, 

extensive, exuberant. 

Ak yéén, K fit, to irrigate. 

Y Water flowing to a great distance; 
Yéén > to extend, to lengthen. 
Yéén he, iit ii, to perform 
plays; pwan yéén, ifn i po"a yéén, to go 
through any exercise. 

To laugh out aloud. 

oy The name of a district. 
eee y 
Yéén 7. ; 



A gem in which there isa brilliant 
To rest, to be tranquil; to be at 
Yéén Anak, ease ; to be pleased, and delight- 
Yves ed; yéen choo, Hue -F- ee a, 
the swallow or martin family; yéén o» ARG s, the 
edible birds-nests, 


Z. ie int tie hoo cho6 éng 

éng k’héa, when When dwelt at his ease, &c.3 

see the a ab Lin gé. 

Yéén jé sin hwun, ie a al Hep uo"a hé lé 

dy sin hwun yéen, rejoice in your newly contracted 
marriage; see the 4h si Woéy hong. 

Ve ob Elegant, lovely, beautiful; yéén 
éen wan, hit tii, yielding, complying. 

Yéén Pyat To swallow ; also written DAL, yéen. 

Choo che yéén ke, -f- 

Yéén mink To eat and drink oo ace’ 
To agree to the price of anything ; 
ven AE yéen léuk, g 4% the name of 
a spirit or genius. 
ire” rest, to be at ease; to delight in, 

Yéén dal to be pleased with; also to enjoy ; 

sit yéén, fey e. a feast; chéw 
yéen, 18 e. , an entertainment; séet yéen, Bd 
ig , to appoint a feast; yim yéen, Bk , to par- 
take of a feast. 

Yéén Hm compared one with another. 
To advance, to go forward; long, 

ae dik distant 5 to receive, to reach to; 
ch’héen yéén, yes HE, to procras- 

tinate, to delay, to protract. 
K’hong-cho6 soo Chod-loé, chip kéung sé ch’hut 

yeon std, FL FH TFRUAK 

HA HE fp Sj} Krhing-chos saé Cho6-loé gim kéung 
ched"9, cl’hut Whe yéén séd, Confucius ordered 

Choo-loé to take his bow and arrows and sally forth 

to shoot (birds) ; see the iG Sey Ess Léy séa gé. 
Kong-sun-héng k’hae tong kw4n »¢ yéén héén, 





sun-hing k’huouy tang kwdGn, é yéén lap gadu ling, 

Kong-sun-héng opened the eastern lodge for the 
reception of clever people. 

A bamboo mat, on which the an- 

Yéén iE cients used to sit and eat their 

: meals ; chéw yéén, 5d) Fie, an 

entertainment; yéen yéén, Be Ze, 

a feast. 

Vulg. nwa: spittle, saliva, phlegm, 

Yééin » iE scum; soéy yebn, Jie PE r'hoey 
nw" a, to spit. 

A wooden lever, attached to a-stone 

rt mortar, for beating out the husks 

of rice. 

we sigh, to utter an exclamation. 

To follow a stream, to sail with the 

stream ; to comply with. 

Yéen @ kang haé, PY Fh 7x 

vat Phan é kang haé,to follow the streams and cur- 

rents of rivers and seas. 

één TL 
, WU 

Yéén d, called by the Chinese black tin. 
On account of, because ; to follow, to 
Yéén comply; yéén kod, ak vg a 

cause, a reason. 

Yew yéan bok, jo kew ge yeh, HR Hy 7 iM 
Ae ff til ch’hin chéo"& yin Inout léy cl’hd jé 
kéw hé, it would be like climbing a tree to catch 

fish 5 see th F Béng choo. 

Ok yéen, fA HA cM’hod at"S, the 

n rafters of a house. 
AR Song é taé kéung che yéén, kway 
wiy Loé bin che yéén, a 3] k rd cd 


tf Fy Te PY BR Sing bok vh6 toa 

héung dy ai"S, tooi"& laé chd Loé moot"S dy al”8, 
the Sdng people took the rafters of the great palace, 
and brought them back to make the rafters of the 

Loé port; see the Te. (a Cho twan. 

Vaan To steep flesh in hot water; meat 
soaked in broth. 

; =. A broad marsh, an extensive morass, 
Yéén y 

AY overflowing ; yéw yéén, iF Ry, 

at ease, luxuriant; ban yéén, i 
hit; endless, without termination. 

An inferior officer, under one’s com- 

Yéén The bordering of a garment. 
Yen =i Superabundant, superfluous, a su- 


E yéén poé put chéuk, YJ we Ali aS I é 

ch’hun dy poé b6 kadu, to make up for deficiencies 

in one thing by what is superfluous in another; see 

a -f- Béng choo, 

Yéén — 

monastery; se yéén, 7 be ch’hayh eé"8, a litera. 

Vulg. cé"&: a college, a receptacle 
for learned men; cheng yéén, ( 
Be hiéy sé0"S cé"S, a priest’s 

ry college. 


Yéep tin Bright, clear, shining. 

Yéep if 

Bright, glistening. 



men in the fields. 

Yéep fags To carry presents of food to work- 

Yéep Va A narrow confined dwelling. 

Y éep To cover, to screen, to shelter. 


nan —) > Vulg. hédh: a leaf; che yéép, Ae 
Y éep t ke héoh, branches and leaves; 

Nm 6 yéép, FE BE ladu hédh, the 
betel leaf, chewed by Asiatics with their areca nut; 

ék yéeép, Ze HE, successive generations. A. sur- 

Che yéép bé yéw haé, pin sit séen pwat, x ie 

He Ay SE As BE FE HB he Neh boey w00 hae 

pin sit taé seng pwat, while the branches and leaves 


are yet uninjured, the root and stump are destroyed ; 
see the Ih ARE Se4ou gnay. 


Light and coarse. 
Yéép A window. 

Yé ép B Vulg. yéah : the leaf of a book; the 
oar Bameas Dk, yéep. 

ae. ss . 
Yéet EB: ong, We bay yéet yéo"8, an insect 
remarkable for its small loins. 
To declare, to inform, to inquire; 
Yéet = yéet kéén, Fal A, to have an in- 

terview with any one. 
Jé kéw hwun koe che laé ch’héng yéet, Ay xe pee 

Hie a K an sal ch’hin chéo"S kod dy noun 


koe laé ch’hé"G yéet keté, like as when an old je- 
lation by marriage comes to request an interviews 

see the Fe fii Cho twan. 

A poisonous reptile; the gecko.(?) 

Yéet A stoppage in the throat; a melan- 
choly sound; a loss of the voice. 
Vulg. odh: to bring up wind from 
Yéet pee the stomach 3 t"4 yéet, dy we 
p’hah ooh, to eruct. 
RK | 
Viet Séén hong, A jal yéét hong, to fan, 
to agitate the wind with a fan, 
x fix 
Yéo Read yaou: the loins, the waist. 
yz Read yaou: small; yaou téém, LA 
a yéo téém, the ace at dice. 
» Read heaou: to invite, to induce, to 
V £0: soe _ urge. 

Séang heaou yéw gwAn, #A 3k 
a F7G séo yéo t’hit Uhé, to invite one another out 
to parties of pleasure, 

Yes we TR beat, to strike. 

Read yadu: to shake, to jumble to- 
gether, to swing backwards and 
; ~~ forwards; ya6u lam, +e a yeb 
na, a cradle. f 
Read yadu: a kiln; chwan choo 

Vie . : yadu, tH A. ZA chwui"S & yes, 
a brick kiln; héey yadu, IK Es 
hoey yeh, a lime kiln. 




Ye ye ke yadu: a surname. 


a ) : 

410% Ten b ke a 

Yash # en beards of corn make a Ay, 
yéoh; a very small measure. 

Yash } A kind of green frog, 
an idea of. 

Read ek: to guess, to hit at, to form 

Yih 4 
r) Ek chek Jé téing, {ee Al jis 
rh yéoh chek tak paé téing, in forming an idea of 

» anything, he always hit the mark ; see the =n Ba 
Lin gé. 

Read yéak : to agree with, to cove- 

Véoh yy nants twan yéak, salt A tooi" 

x hd yéoh, to determine an agreement. 
j— Read yéak: medicine, physic. 

Viih K’hong-choo.kwuy yéak, Be f 

fa 2% K’hexg-chob sing yédh, 
K’hong-chod presented some medicine (to Confu- 
cius); see the a fa Lin gé. 

Read yédk: the lock, or bar of a 

y fii door. 
ae Wan yang, & ok wan yéo"S, a 
Yéo"S bird (the Chinese dack,) noted for 

br i being faithful to its ‘mate; also the 

name of an insect. 

p,, Read ong: as é ong, ie be yéet 

Yéio"S yéo"8, the name of an insect, a 
species of ichnéumon fly or wasp. 
yeors Read yaou: ‘to lade; yaou sty, £5 

ak yéo"S chiy, to bale out water, 


Yeors Fe yng : to nourish; yang soo, 
B a= fi] yé0"S ch’hé, to feed. 

Vuong Be yang : flat bricks used beneath 

the tiles in Chinese houses. 

Read yang: a goat; béén yang, a 

6 meé"S yé6"9, a sheep. 
Kim yéw fig»: che ghéw yang, 


ta wod séw ling dy 

jé wily che bok che ché4, AS 

ei RYE 

G06 yéO"8, Jé wity e 2"8 ¢ dy ling, now if a person 
should receive people’s cows and sheep, and under- 
take to feed them, (he ought to seek for good pastu- 
rage for them;) ‘see ra > Béng choo. 
. » Read yang: the ocean; yang haé, 
Vio"s M +f yi yé6"8 haé, seas and 
yé6"S chtin, foreign ships. 

oceans; yang ch’hwan, ye fu 
Yeo"s pRB yang: a surname. 
Yeo"'s BS Broken to pieces, torn to rags. 
Yeo"s BR yiing : to melt, to fuse. 


Years. ay Read yang: a manner, a form, an ap- 

Fin pearance. 

XE Read yang: the young branches of 

Zi. a tree just shooting up. 

Read ek : abundant; chéén chaé ek, 
Yéuk _~ BX BY 4 it chee"& chaé yéuk, 

money abundantly, plenty of cash. 






To feed, to nourish, to bring up. 

Séang yang hod boé, hay yéuk 

ch’hey choo, }- ry x Hf 
- B Ft F téng bin yé6"8 pay boé, hay téy 
ch’hé boé ké"d, above (with respect to our superior 
relations,) to support our parents ; and below (with 
respect to the inferior,) to nourish one’s wife and 


Yéuk zs The same as the preceding. 

ais} To sell, to dispose of. 

. AT bathe; séén yéuk, PE YP sty 

ék, to wash and bathe. 
ch twa té Ké chtiy, to bathe in the Ké river; see 

Yéuk hos Ké, YS f Hf chang 
the ~— att Hay lin. 

Yeuk HE» name of a bird. 

IY 2 To desire, to wish, to prefer, to long 

we for. 
BA Hod 6 kway sé jin che séy yéuk 
vets te LT AZ it BE A po 

kap kwity sé lang dy séy a? yéd, riches and honors 


are what all men desire; see the am 52 Lin gé- 
Lust, carnal desires; soo yéuk, RL, 

Yéuk BRS aS corrupt dispositions; yéuk 
séang, AK AS, lewd and lasci- 

vious me Y4ng sim bok séén & kw"4 yéuk, 
a= ty Hi oe vis ye aK boéyh yang sim, 
b6 K’hah hé é ché6 soo yéuk, in order to strengthen 
the mind, there is nothing so good as restraining the 
carnal desires ; see Ta -f- Béng choo. 


To-morrow; yéuk jit, A= A , the 
= following day ; jit yéuk, H 3, 

—vPe the light of the sun. 

Yéuk ae sound, a voice. 
VYéuk ye Bright, clear, the brightness of fire. 
To sell, to dispose of; also to-nou- 
rish and bring up. 
mH Maé choo yéik 1é, BF =F FB 
tk béy hadu sai"8 béy chaéu 4, to sell one’s sons 

and dispose of one’s daughters. 

Yéuk [=I The same as the preceding. 
E : 


at ee 
i Vulg. hwinlé: to be sorry; yew 
Yew bin, by Fg. sorrowlul, sad. 

Jéén hoé te, seng & yew hwAn, 

j@ s00 @ an lok yes, GR 4B Sy HE JA BS IB 
Wi 2 WR KB AL seem adu chac, tang 

sai"S té hwan I6, jé sé té an lok yéd, then we may 
know, that people may thrive in circumstances of 
trouble and sorrow, and die by giving way to’ease 
and pleasure ; see Fy F Béng choo. 

Yew sim, age NS, an anxious, grieved state of 


Superfluous, superabundant, over 
Yew Ai and above, luxurious ease; afflu- 
we) ent; yew yew, (i He, to saunter 

about, ease and leisure. 

Sod. jé yew chek hak, 4k fii O i} a chd 
kw"a dy ling éng chek thak ch’hayh; an officer 
when at leisure should attend to learning; see the 
il pH Lin gé. 

Ch’héang yew, 1B , 2 prostitute. 




To sow seed, to cast abroad seed; 

NGS yew jé put twat, fe nil Pr ie 

yéd ché géb6 hath, he continu- 
ed sowing and would not stop; see the am 


Lin gé. 

Yew AG which, which ; a place. 

Vee Ave Distant, far; yew w4n, Ae Sa yew 

yy CaN) Iuwur"S, afar off. 

. ~ 
Yew } VE rue appearance of water flowing. 

Deep, dark, umbrageous, hidden ; 
Yew Bh) abstruse, recondite ; yew ke, yey 
FR to dwell in retirement. 

Ch’hut choo yew kok, HW A ty 4 cWhut té 

yew dm dy k’hai"S, to come out of the dark ra- 
vine ; see the th HE Sefou gndy. 
Béng yéw léy gak, yew yéw kwity sin; AA A ried 

it iy A vif TU béng kwui™S wod ley gak, 

yew dm wod kwiy stn, in the light we have ceremo- 
nies and music (by which to regulate our conduct); 
and in the dark, we have demons and spirits (of 
whom we should be afraid.) 

Vow aay The cry ofa deer, the noise made 
by a stag. 

A female deer, a doe; yew lok chok 

chok, RE fie YB FE b0é hap 

kang dy lbk ‘kewit kwui"S dy 
yé0"8, the does and bucks looked sleek and fat ; see 
the K Hl Taé gnay. 

A friend; péng yéw, BA R, an 
intimate friend. 

E péng yéw kaou jé put sin hoé? 




BH BR BE HR Ae TP ae ving yew 

Raou p*hiey j6a" sin sit hoé? in associating with 
my friends am I wanting in’sincerity? see the a 

igh Seng lin, 
>< The same as the preceding. 

Yéw SS). 
One of the horaty characters. Yéw 
Yéw sé, Py fy: the hours from five to 
‘seven in the evening. 
Vale. wod: to have, to possess, to 
Yéw be, to exist; a surname. 

Put h?d' hwan séang, jé hd chok 

oF 1 ii 

lwan ché4, bé che yéw yéa, * 
IS ME BLA A LA We hen 
Awan s2 tod, jé a2 chok lwan dy lang, bdéy woo chéy 
ley $08, not to be disposed to offend one’s superiors, 
. and be fond of creating rebellion, there is no 
such thing in existence; see, the ee Fal Séang lin. 

‘To shut the door; the time of the 

Yéw WT 
setting sun. _ 
|-To help, to,assist; to.aid, to,protect, 
Yéw Séang'tvhéen-hoo, yéw hay bin, 

ERE. GiB eters 
téng chin ché"d wod pb pe hay bin dy payh sal”8, 
the high heavens will surely protect the common 

peoples see the SX JD. Ht Set?hong’kd. 

Something like grain, but not really 

Yéw © grain; tarés and-not wheat. 
h Sod gf. oe ae k’héang Ké6 Iwan bedou 
a, er is Fy WR 1 SN Gl rs] th wie phi, 
ke" a'ne’e ey lwan poe ch’hed, he disliked tares lest 
they should injure the wheat; see Hi F Béng choo. 
Nar ‘Yéw 16, a LE the name ofa 




To lead, to allure ; yin yéw, | ia 

b a 
Yéw Zz iy to lead on; yéw hék, ya BR, to 
tempt, to draw into vice. 

Hoo choé sin sfin jéén, séén yéw jin, Kk ~ 15 

4G we ae a J\ hoo cho6 stin sin dy yore 

gadu yin yéw ling, Confucius with his compliant 

manner, was very skillful in leading men forward ; 
see the Fy. ify Lin g6 

A vessel for containing the aromatic 

Yéw } 
Yéw y i] A collection of wood, to burn as a 
ovr sacrifice to heaven. 
Yew geo distressed, sad thoughts. 
Yaw = ‘To ‘lead, to guide, to urge on; the — 
' sj same as Fe, yéww. 
==. A window; also towards; to open 
Yéw out clearly. 

Choo yéw chip ke sew, EF] SiR 
Ut He F choo thang G gime dy ch’héw, he took 
hold of his hand through the window; see the Bia 

fe Lin gé, : 
& Young, ‘small, tender, weak; yéw 
ew Ah léén, 5 4B. sedou léén, young. 
Hoo jin yéw jé hak che, K A 

oy Wi ET foe Hing sedou Téén chéw dhe, now 

when a man is young, he learns these things; see 
ih F- Béng choo. 
B | » To wander, to ramble. Vulg. ¢’hzt 
Yéw iA #0: to go’ on an excursion of 
aes 4 = pleasures” 
Tf Bheng 

K’heng g6 yéw je téy, yeh Sik = 

Uhit hd kap no dy hing tey, you; sir! have been 


playing between the two emperors ; see the K. re 
# Kong boo ké. 

Yéw af ae surname. 

To follow the stream, and float 
Yéw We downwards; to glide down 3 also 
written bie yéw, a surname. 
; The fringe at the end of a flagstaff, 
Yéw ge 8 ? 
turning over and hanging down. 
Yéw Hod yéw, iP bie the name of an 
Yaw 23 The name of a certain sort of bam- 
Yéw To rely on. 
As, like as, as if; to plan, to scheme; 
Yéw yéw 6, fi fh, undecided. 
T’héng séing, goé@ yéw jin yéa, 

BS SAS HP A aL here sting gud ey 
ch’hin chéo"S pat lang, in hearing cases of litigation, 
T am equal to others; see the Ff ip Lan gé. 

_Fetid, stinking herbs; yit hwun yit 
Yéw. yéw, — es — — fit chit dy 
phang cl’habu, ‘chit dy cl’hadu 

ch’ha6u, the one is a fragrant plant, and the other a 
Ze, {eh Cho twan. 

Light; not heavy; tek yéw jé mé, 

(5. ie Yp FE. tek héng Whin 

yé’hin chéo"S Phadu mé, vir- 
tue is a-small and light thing like a fine hair; see the 
Kk HE Tad endy. 

stinking herb; see the 


8 N 



ZX Yew boo, BiG hg, a kind of shell 

Yéw ba fish, like a crab, but larger, and 
found on the seacoast. 

~» To murmur, to complain, to find 

Yéw fault with; a fault; to exceed; a 

Séang put wan t’héen, hay put yéw jin, al A xu. 
K Tr AN Te mn téng bin b6 wan thee"S, hay 
téy b6 yéw lang, above, not to murmur against hea- 
ven, and below not to find fault with men; see the 
ai) AG Lin gé. 

Also written XK. yéw. 

Boé k’héen yéw, die RE x. without fault; fault- 

2. p> A fault, a crime, a sin. 
Yéew = Pe bod yéw hey, ff 4itt ar *y 

saé e b6 kody sit, cause them to 
avoid crime; see the 63) Jil, Kok hong. 

Yéw Ak A fleshy excrescence. 

From, out of, by, through ; the means 
by or through which; yin yéw, 
Ay FH, a leading cause, an induce- 

ment; to let, to allow; yéw ké way, | Ht fe; 
let him do it. 

Kwan ké séy yéw, rai) ai ir rH Khw"d e séy 
yéw laé, observe the motives from which his actions 
spring; see the ic a Séang lin. 

" Gwan kédn, bod yew tat, BA GL GE th SB 
ad biéyh ke2"8,b6 yin yew éy Vhong tat, I wish to 

get an interview, but I have no means of introduction ; 

see the fe ie Gé léy. 

» & Oil, fat, grease, any oily substance. 
Yéw > Chek yéw bw4n ban sék, choo 

jéén seng ho, ti 15 ii a 
za} A As La K Wh2"S yéw kadu mw" é ché"d 


ban chébh, choo jéén sai" hiéy, when we collect oil 

to the;amount of a myriad of peculs, it will of itself 

produce fire. 

Yéw B A tree shooting out its branches. 


: A vessel for containing aromatic 

To laugh ;\ choo jin yéw jé jé 
ow 35 vag 1S 5 KX pal} at it 
) ek ae cho6 jin yéw jéén jé ch’héd, 
the host'smiling, laughed out aloud. 

a om A post; yéw ék, pal ie yew yeah, 
Yéw atrt 


a post house. 
Sok 6 té yéw jé t’*hwan béng, wd 

Fh WG EB th EE OP Wash kin é yeah bay je 

@hoot"S béng leng, to convey orders swifter than a 

as Béng choo. 

The right; yéw séw, Hi =o ché"a 
ch’héw, the right hand; cho yéw, 
A B; right and left, attendants. 

Séy o@ & cho, bod é kaon 6 yéw, AT FR yr ia 
fy Be HA AG sky wan té t6 cl’héw, beh é 

kaou té ché"d ch’héw, that which you dislike on the 
left, do not associate with on the right; see the *K 

i. Taé hak. 


= =m - 
Vaw To protect; pé yéw, NE jit po pé, 
) to protect with divine favor. 
Also, again, and, moreover; besides, 
Yew Y still, yet. 

Kéén eS ate chéting, yéw kéng 

put way, bi aR as He K we AR VE 

post; see mr 


To assist, to-help, to aid, to abet. 


Whoa he2"S ¢ dy simch? "than lan, yew tédh 
kéng, a” Chang why hiiyh, seeing our parents’ in- 
tention is not to comply with our advice, we must 


still respect, and not oppose them; see the ait ip 

Lin gé. 

A park, apleasure garden; wanyéw, 

Bi Al, a garden of pleasure. — 

Bin éng che yéw, hong ch’hit sip 

RECA EA H Ban ing 

dy yéw wod s kak ch’hit chap 1é, Ban 6ng’s park 
was 70 square lé in extent; see ne ¥- Béng choo. 

AA Kwun choo é séa kd 'yéw chéay, 
7a -S- y vista 3 Ay JE kevin cho6 woo séa 

kiey sit, yéw k’hw"a lang dy chdey, the good man 


To spare, to treat liberally, to be in- 
dulgent, to forgive, 

makes a point of forgiving faults, and being indul- 

gent towards crimes; see the By {iff tp Ek kaé 
kwa. : 

Yew. Yéw 1é, i ee sons of fruit, 
which if eaten éxpels jealousy. 

a Also, again ; the same as 3 | yew. 

Wealth, money; to give, to present; 
Yéw yéw loé, i Hes, a bribe. 

Fl E gno yew ch’héen, y Fk i 
pe Ph6 gwd dy cheé"S ch’héen swé k’he pat wiry, 
to take my wealth, and remove it elsewhere; see 
the hii JR. Woéey hong. 
To assist, to help, to urge and incite 
one to eat; to couple, to pair. 
E gak yéw sit; Vy ae ffi 4 
é chok gak k’hwui"S ché&h, they played up the mu- 
sic, to incite the emperor to eat; see the A it 
Chew léy. 



Yéw = ae kind of field mouse. 

py Vulg. nooi"S dé: a pumelo,a shad- 
Yew ay dock. 

Ban téung €ng kit yew, ea rR 
Be es hh Ban sai"& éng hwakit kap noot"S 4, 
in the province of Hok-kéén lemons and pumelos 

flourish luxuriantly. 

Yéw xe black monkey. 

Yew E The sleeve of a coat; also the ap- 
Le pearance of much laughing. 

a The female principle of nature; yim 

Yim x yang, (ee Bs, ‘the male and fe- 

male principle, which the Chinese 
suppose to have produced all things; that yim, aN 
[3 the moon; yim kan, K& fal, the invisible world, 
the dark regions; kong yim, 5A pe, time. A 

Thad E sek chhiin yim, goé pédy tong sek hwun 

yim, Ac Ba NP aE 

JE thar E wod séoh chit ch’hin dy yim, gwan dy 


ling yd tébh sébh chit wun dy yim, the great E 
used to spare every inch of time, and we ought to 
spare every tenth of an inch. 

The ancient form of the preceding ; 

Yim — also written ff, yim. } 
BZ. A sound, a tone; seng yim, ik = 
Yim a7 sé"ayim, a sound, a noise, a voice ; 

B han yim, wy B. a fowl. 
Pat yim k’hek hat, A Fy Fe, Ge payh dy yim 
hék ké haé hd, the eight sounds excessively harmo- 

nious; see the ve yi Mh Se sin téén, 


Sip gnoé yim, + Sil Ff; the fifteen initial sounds ; 

the name of a Chinese dictionary of the Hok-kéen 

dialect on which this work is founded. 

phn atu iA ; 
‘ink Re Peaceful and harmonious} tranquil, 

still, retired. 

Sde ane. The incessant crying of children to 

= | lose one’s voice from grief. 

Dumb, unable to speak. 
Gim jé put gan, put jé yim long 
B che ché hwuy, vw it Ar 3B 
x qu Fe. HR me 45 PB ginje iw” king wa, 

i” tat tébh dy kabu cl’haou hé lang dy ké chd yéo"9; 

to mumble and not speak out is worse than a deaf 


and dumb person pointing and beckoning; see the 

Ht ie Ni {ai Hwae yim hoé twan. 

Read téang: to overflow, to be brim- 

"A ful, overflowing. 
B . > jhe to drink;:yim chéw, {x 
Yim BR JPG lim chéw, to drink wine. 
Yit p’heaou yim, —~ PU Ake 
chit pod é dy lim, a calabash full of drink ; see the 
Fi ae Lin gé. ‘ 

To screen; pe yim, KE We, pro- 

Yim ES tection, shelter, 
EN Choé chong pé yim, pial a be 

iE the overshadowing protection of one’s ances- 


tors, (which the Chinese believe is‘advantageous to 
posterity.) _ 

w¥h— To screen, to overshadow; umbra- 
Yim ] geous, that which can cover; a 
shade, a shelter. 

Sé sng yim, jé chédng nedou sit, fe} Ay FS 
i ae BR B ch’héw chi" yim jé. chédng 


chedou hat"Sh, the trees form a covert, and all the 
birds of the air rest underneath; see Ai) ma Sdn 


Yim V2 Private leisure, luxurious self-indul- 
gence ; lascivious. 

> —=@, Lascivious, lewd, lustful; kan yim, 

Yim » We % YP fornication ; yim lwan, 

+— fe AL, wantonness, voluptuous- 

ness, disorderly conduct. Yim se, rae at ob- 
scene books. 

Kwan ch’he lk jé put ytm, FA ME 4 Thi x 

pa Kwan ch’he théung lok, jé bey yim loan, the 

Kwan ch’he ode is pleasant without being obscene ; 

see the aay ab Lin gé. 

The appearance of walking. 

Also written aU: yim. 

A long continued rain. 

Bok yéik yim, Ye jy SE fy 

wn y= 
y ching ék ko6 té"9 dy hoé, to be 

drenched in the long continued rain; seethe i i 
+ Hwaé 1am choo. 

Yim A book-worm, 

& 2. ; 

Yim ap yim, ay np, angry words. 


To follow, to comply with; for, be- 

son, a cause. 

Yin yin € Hay léy, Bk Ta Hh iz] ie Yin tedou 
than é Hay tedou dy léy, the Yin dynasty followed 
the ceremonies of the Hay dynasty; see the ts: a 
Séang lan, 

cause; yin way, i Py, ON ac- 
count of; yin yéw, | rh, a rea- 


YIN —~ 

P] The same as the preceding. 

Vin A marriage ; hwun yin, fF 1A, a 
wedding. . 

Yin Hi The same as the preceding. 

>j- A matress for sleeping or sitting on. 

A) Liy yin jé cho, léét téng jé sit, 
Be US i ED SP i 

Uhéép jéuk d jé chéy, léét té"G jé chédth, they sleep 



on a number of matresses piled one upon another ; 
and eat of food prepared in a whole row of cooking- 
pans; (speaking of rich people.) 

Grace, favor, kindness’; yin téén, 

A) bat Sh. gracious regards ; yin aé, 
sa) ut love, affection; yin hway, 
a ’ y 

A HE kindness. 

Yin tek kip ban bin, a }z J& La BR yin tek 

kip kadu ché"4 ban dy payh sai", gracious favor 


extending to myriads of people, 

P= Yin wun, fil A, the original ger- 

Yin x minating principle of heaven and 
Ta earth, operating in secret. 
Yin A horse with white hairs ‘here and 
yy) there intermingled. 
Yin ye" sacrifice with a pure. intention, 
E A short low wall at the gate of 
Yin eae rat gy 
Yin JL Numerous, many, all, plentiful, abun. 

dant, luxuriant; a surname, 

+ YIN 
Yin k’hin, Be ay, to be very ear- 
Yin pa nest and attentive; anxious and 
$US diligent. 
# Secret, abstruse, minute; to secrete; 
Yin yin ke, [iE ie, to retire from the 
r) world, to dwell secretly. 

To feel acutely, to compassionate, painful, grieved, 
mourning. * 

Bok héen hoa yin, FL FA, SP | bs Whah heen 

béng hoe yin k’heS, there is nothiug more evident 
than what is abstruse ; see the rf i Téung ying. 
Ch’hek yin che sim, jin che twan yé4, ss) Ie Ml 

NN 1 ZL. tia 4, ch’hek yin dy sim kw"a sé jin 

dy twan yéd, the feeling of pity and commiseration 
is the principle of benevolence; see 4 -f- Béng 

choo. 2 

Yin ts: common method of writing fe, 

To secrete, to conceal; the same as 

The same as the preceding. 

Yin Also written RS, yin. 

BR, yin. 
Yin af a To rely on, to comply with, 
To lead, to guide, to induce, to in- 
Yin 5 fluence, to seduce, to introduce. 

Yin 6, 5] pied yin ch’hwa, to 
guide in, or clear, the way; se4ou yin, yy *j] a 
short or inferior preface to a book. 

Yin yéw, 5\ we, to allure, to tempt. 

£5 |: cow rope, a rope for tying a cow. 

8 0 


Valg. kin: a worm; k’hew yin, 
fe 5] Phoé kin, an earthworm. 

pa Hoo yin séang sit ko jé4ng, hay 

vets cin RE Ae iF fh 

it hoo Phoé kin téng bin chéah ta dy thoé, ay 
téy lim wut" dy chw"4, now the worm feasts above 
on the dry clods, and beneath it ‘drinks the yellow 
fountains; see ra F Béng chod, 

A rope for fastening an ox or a horse 
to a carriage. 

To advance, to enter; a surname; 

Yin léng yin, “y F, the name of an 

Yin a tie a rope through the nose of 
an ox. 

Yin The sound of thunder. 

Vin = Read hé: to promise, to engage, to 

rR undertake, 

A seal, a stamp; an impression, to 
EP print, to press; a surname. 
Jé ch’héen sék kae gin yin, —, 
F Ay EF BR fi) 16 ctv'heng chon chd pos wos 

gin dy yin, those officers who enjoyed an income of 
2000 peculs of grain all held silver seals of office; see 

the Yi 7fil] Han che. 
Yin se, FI GY yin ch’hayh, to print books; yin 
pan, Fy) ie the wooden blocks used for printing. 


Yin ie éng: to answer, to reply. 

— rely on any one, to comply with. 


754 YIP 
ame 70 speak, to say, to declare. Yin ha, W Rice ficlds. 
yi Se yin, hadu hoe, Aa zB #& a a 

se kong, té6h wod hadu hoe, does 

not the classic say, “be filial; see the an ht Lin 

Vin Vo flowing back again. 

a A fragrant herb. 

=. Raveled ; in confusion, as threads; 

hwun yin, A] te in confusion. 

To clear away the grass and weeds, 
nts est 
in in the cornfields; to weed ; to re- 
Dy move whatever does harm. 

Vaulg. hwin: a cloud; atmospheric 
fog, vapor; cloudy; a surname ; 
san ch’hwan ch’hut yin, Wy Il 

Ht EE sw"a cl’hui"S ch’ hut Ieodn, the hills and 

rivers produce clouds. 


Yin =¥= Great waves raised up.ina river. 
Vin ==" Wood «in which the grain is. very 
wn strongly marked. 
Yin a. of the horary characters; also 
to respect. 
Vin Fa, Yin yéén, & KK, to give occa- 
p= 2) sion to. 
Yin cl Even, plain, equal, alike. 
“aa, ‘ 

2 Posterity, successive generations. 
Jal Eng sek choé yin, a i ie 
JL éng hob sod hoé woo hok k’he 

dy ké%d sun, ever bestow upon us happy posterity ; 
see the kk HE Taé gnay. Also written fil. yin, 

and, JBL, yin. 

Yin The ancient formiof the preceding. 

Yin eon escort a daughter when going to 
be married. 

Yin hig) To give a present. 


ya A foetus in the womb; hwaé yin, 


Pa Hp woo sin yin, to conceive 
in the womb. 

Seng yin hwut sit, Hr Fi i “aE Vhaou sai"S 

200 sin yin; b6 chéah, when animals were pregnant, 

they did not eat of them, 
2 A city; toe yip, ral &, a capital 

Yip city. 
Soa | Stn'séy ke yit léén séng ché, # 
léén séng yip, ie jit i af. wy HB “aN 

SF. mM = Sin séy k’héa chit neé"S ché"d ché, 

no neé"S ché”d yip, wherever Stin dwelt for a year, 

it became a neighborhood, and in two years a city. 

2 | 
Yip ber A bold, robust appearance. 

Yip me yip, ne Ne, Shortndss of breath, 



n=} The mind uneasy, the mind disturb= 
ed; disquietude. 

Boo Hwat sat Yinhé séy yip? Kk 

vo Rx jika {oF py 1B Boé éng mé"4 Hwat Chaé 

Yin, wod sé meé"Sh an sim? Boo bng, whose name 
was Hwat, and who'killed the, prince of the Yin 

dynasty, how could he set his mind at ease? see the 

BE ZF] Ch’hoé sod. ECE, 

A A bamboo instrument for catching 

— = 
Yip A satchel, a bag for books. 
to wind and entwine, J 




Yip ie soak, to wet. 
To scoop out, to”bale out water, to 
Yip 2, lade water, to ake hold of with 
the hand, to POU it; to remove. 
YP Chok vin, Hf: a REE jé4, to 
Vip" « ' » make a bow or salutation. 

Vip jéang jé seng, Hit ne mi 

5}: chok yip séo né6"8 jé chéo"S, they bowed to 
each other, mutually gave way, and ascended ; see 

the it Séang lin. 

se Ke Full, abundant; bright. 

True, sincere, even; the beginning of 
‘== numbers; one, 
Yitkd, — ATR chit dy, one thing; 
© yitjiny 4) J\ chit ling, one many 
Kip ké'seng kong yit yé4, 2 a8 m yy _ 
AL kip kaon eché"a kang chit yéd"S, but when 
\— they’ complete their work, it is one and the,same 
thing; see the rp Jaf Téung ying. 




~~ 1 > wor J vn 4 ; 

Yit The ancient, -form of the, preceding 

character, «) 
Abas, ed The same as —, yit, one; being 

Yit ¥ a kind of capital letter or form of 
it; also, uniform, unmixed. 

Yit One of the’ hotary Epascters ; one 
of the radicals, 


i A black kind of bird. 
op opbgep A kind of swallow.» + A 
Yit C Lé-sew t’hun “yit ;chod jé seng 
» Taé- géep te & Ay BL -¥- 
hin IE k = Lé-sewo Chun e™8 G, jé sain 

Taé-gétp, Lé-sew devoured a young swallow and 
brought forth Taé-géép ; see the yp aL, Soo ke. 

Read ek : to, think of, to remember ; 

tédng kéw séang ek, KR I, Hh 
INDY. 4B 27S kod. sto sé0"S,, to, think 

of each other for a long time. 

Ek chéak, Re Ay yit téoh, to set.the mind upon, 
to like, to he fond of. Ca 

An yit, Ur Pe a at ease, at leisure ; 



Yit rest, tranquillity, 
: Sod che che 6 an yit yea, pu Ax 
Pe4 A Ne Ne 4, $2 he dy te tig eng, the four 
limbs are gispaerd to, ease and rest; see aa 7}. 
. Beng choo. ns: ; 
Water overflowing; yim yit, = 
Wy Th aie saps 
To surpass, to exceed; the same as 
Yit igo! 

: He, yit, at ease. 

A row of musicians; a choir of 

Vit singers. 
F Pat yit boo 6 téng, J\ {fp BE 

vs as payh yit dy chok gak dy lang ko bo6 té 
téng, eight bands of musicians performing in the 

hall ; see the ue ain Séang lin. 
Yit Dd To follow, to obey. 
Yit i A black horse with white trappings. 
Vit A bird that knows when it is about 
Fay» to rain. 
Y To secrete; to flee, to run, to give up 
Yit » restraint; to follow; retirement, 

luxurious ease, leisure; yit sod, 
a +, a retired, unambitious scholar. 

M& yit ‘put Iéng ché, FE Xf, AR fie tk bay 

chabu béy hdi"Sh, the horses ran yh and there 

Fi. {8 Cho twan. 
Xp Full, overflowing; running over; 

WA yang yit, YF Yee, to inundate. 
BwAn jé put yit, ii an AP fit 

mwa jé put bay pwd ch*hut, full without running 
over 3 see the # 4K Hadu keng, 

A weight of 24 ounces. 

‘was no stopping them; see the 7 


Yit Ne. Suy ban yit pit soo géuk jin teaou | 

j tok che, HE BS ga > fi 
= A ale 73 és suy ban yit tat dy géuk pit | 

saé géuk ling teaou tok e, although the gem may be | 
of the value of a myriad of yit, yet he would employ 
a jeweler to work it up; see ih F: Béng choo. 

Then, following, only, 




Yung ; Harmonious, peaceable, 
Yun oft ‘The singing of birds; also written 
5 HE, yung. 
A sore, a boil, an ulcer; seng yung, 
Yung +E iit sai"S eng d, to have a 
Yung S55 Harmonious, peaceable; genial, 
B kind. 
Y ‘¢ The waters of a river overflowing ; 
Yung ij or bursting out-of the banks and 
then flowing in again, 
Yung Es P’hek yung, RE JER an imperial 
Yung se A vessel made out of a gem. 
Dressed food; the dishes for the 
Yung morning-meal are called ZB yung 
and those for the evening We sun. 
Yung Harmonious; p’hek yung, Kee HE. 

an imperial academy. 


Wooden images of men, made to be 

burned at funerals. 

Ying 4 RF 
Sé chok ying ché4, ké bod hoé 

bo, a AE il Ae SE A Dh FH et 

chd yimg by ling, e b6 abu téy hoé, he who first 
made those wooden images would doubtless be de- 
prived of posterity; (because they were like living 
men, and might lead to the employment of real hu- 
man beings for the same purpose;) see mA y 
Béng choo. 

: A 
vat . 
To leap, and jump; also a kind of To hold, to grasp in the hand; to es- 
Yang IE round shoe worn by those who Ying a cort, to accompany. 
have had their feet chopped off ; a T’had kong ying hwiy, 3 ZY 

wooden leg. 

Yang yéak ying peng, ffl He Af 
and danced while using their svpail. see the ais 
A Poéy hong. 

Ying kwiy ké chéén, Ba fi Fe WB y ying kuidy 

4y chw"d, (so many persons had their feet chopped 
off,) that wooden legs became dear, and shoes 

Ax. fifi Cho ewan. 

A fountain bubbling up; to spring 

, they leaped 

cheap; see the 
up as a well, to issue forth as a 

Ying / FF 
fountain; also written 8, ying. 
Gwat ying taé kang léw, A ii k iz. it 

goéyh ying té twa kang laébu, the moon seemed to 
issue forth, and flow down with the waters of the 

great rivers see the AE ii Fr i Toe hoo se. 

A case for arrows, a quiver. 


. Yang 1 
Ying WA: 

men have no fear; see the am at 

==The middle way in front of a magis- 
trate’s hall, 

Bold, courageous, daring. 

Yiing chéa put ké, Hy Gs AR 

HE ying dy lang b6 kéa, bold 
Lin gé. 

Yin A certain road; a sort of measure. 



To stop up, to dam up; to manure, 
to fatten. 
H6 kwat put k’hé héw ying, Wy 

He Ae el GH RE Rang p'hwwd 66 Phang koh 

yung, the river has burst its bounds, and cannot be 
Ed Soo ke. 

dammed up again; see the Bu 

Hit = T’haé kong gim sadu chéw, T’haé kong 

held the broom, (when his son became emperor ;) 

see the EY Ji] SUL Ko choé ké. 

A jar, a pitcher; ying ch’haé, pats 

Ying ae éng ch’hae, akind of pickled 
vegetable kept in jars. 

BR Common, usual, not out of the way ; 

Ying unchangeable; to use. 

Téung ying, rh Wi. the uni- 

versal medium; the name of a Chinese classic. 

Vulg. ch’héo"& : to hire people to 

work; to engage. 
A city, a wall, a citadel. 
Ying E hwat chéng ying, yy K Ha 

HEF 6 p?hth hwan dy sé"A, to attack 
high-walled cities; see the k HE Taé gnay. 

Ying iF Lazy, idle. 

Ying A large bell. 

Ying ABS, soos used to; uneasy. 
z A countenance, a visage; to allow, 
ay to admit of, to bear with; ying 
maou, yx I, the appearance, 

air, demeanor; ham ying, iM ¥ , to include, to 

inclose, to receive. A surname. 

T’héen |é séy put ying, K FH Ai xz R 

Uhee"S 1é séy wv” yting, that which Providence did 
not permit. 

® -» 



pm Hod ying, aa a, marsh mallows, 
& ~~ the Hibiscus mutabilis ; applied 


vaceous plants. 


also to some other kinds of Mal- 

Yang % aN Water flowing peacefully along. 

SP, The name ofa tree; yfing sé, he 

Yang it chéng ch’héw, the banian tree: 

"A PP chetng yang, WE FA, to walk 
Ying is 
along adorned with gems. 
— Steam or vapor rising up and blend- 
Ying ae ing; harmonious, peaceful. A 


Ké lok.yé4 yang ying, a: 4h ae Fh Fath of 

dy koéy 2 ying yang, their joy was harmonious 
and agreeable ; see the Ek sc Cho twan. 




a Vulg. yé6"9 : to melt, to fuse; the 
Ying BY sy mould used in melting metals. 
Yiing hwa, we t,, to transform 

into another shape. 

Ying: Br ancient form of BS, ying. 


To use, to employ; with, by; yéw 
ying, AR jit} w00 yung, useful. 
Suy yéuk bit ying, san ch’hwan 

ue ss choo Ee 37. JAL ly I} Se 
suy a2 bé ying, sw"a ch’hui"S ewob pang thek kak 
hoé, although we should be disposed not to use such 
an animal in sacrifice, would the spirits of the hills — 
and rivers reject it; see the it aa Lin gé. 

Chéet ying jé aé jin, fi FA ni ee K chiin 

chat séy yung, jé séoh lang, to be economical in the 

use of things, and kind to people; see the hi fn 

Lin gé. 

- N. B. In’ the following Table, 
modifications which they take when 

Characters formed by one 
fetes of en Pome 
2 Khwin | to descend. 
3 Chod “Y 4 point. 
aie “P bent out. 

on hooked. 
fad ATL COR 
| Formed by 00 strokes 
Tue | = two, 
pa! oto 


_ one. 

11 Jip cy wae 
12 Pat. /\ eight. 

19 Keng [} a wilderness. 
14 Bek * ‘Pato cover. 

+t 15 Peng °Y an icicle. | 

16 Ké.. re 



¥ an 


{88Lé. fra woman, 

. iy 

mm “ ing together with the sound gin them in reding, 

+ te ten. 

bP to divine. 

24 Sip 
25 Pok 
26 Chéet jj yi a se ‘aly 
27 Hin sa a shelter, 
28 Bob fy crooked. 

29 Yew xq the hand, 
pil tar: Sei eye, 
Formed by three strokes. 

30 K’hoé [] the mouth. 

31 Way [] an inclosure. 
32 'Mhoé + the ground. 
83.800 - ascholar. 
34. Ché Kh to follow. 

37 Tae ak large, great: 

39 Chod =F- a son, a child 
40 Bébn + to collect. 

41 Chihtiogf? & punto, the 

tenth of a cubit. 

ering into ) composition, 

47 Chrhwand ( (¢ NM 

a channel for water. 
48 Kong J-work, a work- 

‘|49 Ké fe one’s self, 
50 Kin ih a napkin, 
51 Kan =F a shield. 

52 Yaou 4 slender, 
53 Seém r to protect. 
54 Yin % along journey 
55 Kéding }} to join hands, 
56 Ek “Xito dart, a dart. 
57 Kéung F abow | 

70 Hong iii then. | 
71 Bob TEs pt, wate = 

72 Jit A the sun, day. nee 

73 Wat EJ to say. E 

74 Gwat Fy the moon. 

75 Bok FAR wood, . 

7OK'hEIM7R to owe. 

77 Ché jk tostop.. 

73 Te B evil, bad. , 

79.S0d 7Xto kill bysteik 

|87 Tehou of Finalise ; 
|88 Hoo Ba father. [hand. | 
hry |89 Gnadu ZG to imitate, 

90 Chéang}{ (undefined.) f 

.: . 192 Phétn at a splinter. 

Formed by five strokes. 
95 Héén ¥Y blackish, 

’ cs a gem, 

Ong =F aking. 
I a melon. 
A. tiles, 

199 Kam +H sweet. 

= 97 Kwa 

ol 100 Seng HE to produce, 

i Ying sii} to use. 

{102 Teén fH a field, 
> 108 P*hit EE a measure 
“Es of length. 





‘ae , 
RS . ee 


©) 104, Lek J, sickness, 

105 Pwat % a mound, 
1106 Pék A white, 
“-da07 Pre K skin. 
_ /108 Béng J. dishes. 

f "109 Bok At the « eye. a 2d 
Ae o 110 Madu ri 

a spear, ‘ 
eel 96" R an arrow. 

“4 ie Sék i @ stone. fish, 
113 Sa nied to senor 

“ € ‘erockery, 

122 Bong BAT ane 

A eaMad en 


129 Yit # a pencil, 
130 Jéik PR PY Aesh. 
131, Sto, , fy a statesman. 
132 Choo FF self, himself. 
133 Ché 2B reaching to,at. 
134 Kew 4 a mortar. 
135 Séét ry the tongue. 
136 CW’htin ji to disturb, 
187 Chew ff}: ») boat, 
138 Kin fe disobedient. » 
139 Sek {4 color. 

|140 Clhojhilt +f herbs. 

1141 Hoe ye a tiger. 

— ‘ae 

44 Héng (> to. go, to walk, 
145 E AR clothes. 

“fof fia] to.cover 5 

Sey YR west. 

' ne Oe ij 

pn a oo 1 

[150 Kok Af an aqtleduer, a 

: 1 ; valley. . 

%, 151 Toé Bg pulse. 
jee, 1152 Sé- 

Re hog. 

{iad Tae 

ad, 3 138 Chat J a reptile,.. 
|154 Pty BY pearls... - 
155, Cte carnation. 

Formed by eight strokes, 
167 Kim ae metal, gold, 

, 168 Téang fe F long. 
169 Bin fae door. (earth 

170 Hoa B J a mound of 
4142 T’hédng rs an insect. |"! 

171 Taé id at a certain 
; point. 

172 Tuy FE short tailed 
any ‘birds. 

eal rain. Wh EO 

173 E 

‘1174 Ch'hieng |} azure. | ("4 

ls fale} not. + 
t Fomiddgnaien strokes)” bai A i 

“| Formed iby nine strokes, 

| 184) Yeep Fy the head. 

tS histabisass smel}y) fra 


180 Yira © Lea ‘plscuedi 

182, Hang ja the wind. 0 
183 Hyay F{G toys | 
184 Sit. 4a to eat. 
1185, Séw., pA the heads o: 


196 Ne4ou B a bird. 

1'Tod [A to fight, ; 


193 Kek fo perfume pot. 

‘1194 Kwiy Se 20 evil spirit. i 

Farmed by eleven, strokes. 
195G6. ff a fish. 

197 Loé pi insipid. 
198 Lok « je a a stag. 

199 Bék aK wheat. 
200 Ma Wik hemp. 

Formed by twelve alii: 
201 Hong ia yellow, 
20286 AR millet, 

203 Hék SB black. 

204 Té ay to embroider. 

| Formed b by ‘thinteen,, strokes, 
_}205 Bin, AB a toad. 

| 207 Kos a drum. se 
208 ‘Ch’hé a mouse. ‘fe, 

44 Formed by fourteen aren 

200 Py. J the nose. 

gn ene Gey aK vers 

Formed by fifteen strokes. | 
211 Oh’hé va the teeth. 

Fornied by iveheen strokes, 
212 Letog hi a dragon, 

213° Kwiy ii a tortoise. 

Nei wine used in 

-}206 Téog a fy a wha | 







The figures found in the following pages denote the number of strokes in the character independent of the radical. 
ke fBhe | Kramcn § 
: 2 ~ ; ‘ + ‘ K 
fp tee for ee (her | Pte 
a - i q RG pe he *s i Ley *» Kd 
ng Ta A: m P&E 
Le cine | Blew YF a 
i i a Hoo APF Tam *. By 
; *hw 

ies sek 
. ae 



WG. Yit 
ie Yin 
vy, {oe 





J Kwat 4 — 
L K’hwat = Séing @ 
Le4ou — 
Ww eta 3 BL 
= Eo i 
Fiz (FYE, 
mu) Tes & 
FF se 7 
§ Soa- se) Yin 
a . ie 2 Hoé 
| A 
| 3E 


Teac tong § Geant GF Pin epee AB che Téem as 
~ Gang K 44 Piiyh i Chéem 9 
S Chin PE wheem fii Prod | Z Ma pe Se iq 4 
‘ ; , \ : Koé ‘§ o 
| Sd ia | AR erred ff il fii tie {E Cheng Bh” Pit 
YAM Se00 | fs rsing fl oan 6 Tétn : 
3 Jé ea ‘ho 
& Héen th Pé 4% Sim KR esos ttt Ham ti To 
| #64 Thee. ra Laou 17) Ban Ae. Neé®S AR Mae a Séa 
| Héng ic Gey Ke Ek qr f=" Mek Tan R E 
| Ko B 
/ & Téng 4A Gwat Ht { hsne P’hwaa tT Thé PRS yi 
Ce ee ei 
¥s NV ‘sh 
| AR Chrhéen AE ong RR Kip AK cwhéuk | A} Bos 4 
a hok 
AR Han Ye vim | FB Ae 49 ne Pa wed fF i 
fe Git ot Kae {8 Goe | ff Leng 4f3 Pe BY Kho 
kK Tae 164 Yaou MK | ae AW Téw fa < ee Léng 
- ou a. 
DL miwan | FF Hone | anf Shane pi {Chm HL, crhos ie ot, | 
Hy nese | Phin R Pok {2 cre Nap et Posy 
i; .¢Taé pe {aim h | tk ra] {ft Hwan 
aft | By Jim Soo : Hi Tey 
Tey NAR Hwat jp PM Kay t Hok 
Léng fE dng Hew De } FE Cha Leddy 
var Léng AK Hoo Sod MEL Teacu 
ir Héén N ' 
Aly Hong z KA S00 sae PF Htarg 
* Ad fens fin} Ries | 
M Hwan \ Nang A Tut Khay | ®& Yang [RR Yang | 
piel ile MK Kwa | YB pre | FF pin | {A Pex | 


: S00 
a Hwat | ny 
4B Hwy i‘ (iu Sod 


ti { an 
Mie . Peng 








] Ch’héw 



MB La 

Keng | FA 
Kéang \ da eae 
Keng a 8é 
Chew. ; 
, FE Thong 
E M1. Lap 


: q& Sim 
Jédng 7 T’him 
Je i T’hwat 
Thé . {e Put 

Boo 18 Lam 
Sin 4) No 
Tan Péen 

2 oO: 

FE Haou 
48 Thiy 
4 G6 

Me Ane 

Mie Ch’héuk 

FR ce 

4# Che 
Hi Bong 
AR Kew 
HE Keng 
AE séuk 
(8 w’hak 
4B Goa | 
KB chin 

KR ip 

(fi Hoo - 


ffi Seaou 
ffl we 

AR Léang 
KEL Choe 


ffi Ying 

452 Hwin 

Ks Kéng: 



4 Yow 
{i pe 
4% sam 
R Long 
GF Heng 
4& prnaey 
HR sein 
ye Kek 
NEF Hoo 
fii He 
FE Hoo 
{8 P'heng 
Gi Pa 


NAS Z Sin 
4a {Sa 

iS Ther) | 




DAR Heng 

A Péng 
tig Héep 






4B vein =| (EB Kwan | BA Kan 
{fK Him {Fae ¢ {che 
cong Or tees AN ci 
as re (8h Théén se 5 Keane 
Té Séuk 
| payne ae & 2h 
ee i 
. a 
Las tip | | SB chee 
AR Yin fe ee MW Hong 
Bin » ee Z 
{if Péng x Mtl Tat 
| Ti Kh 
fi ie KE ge Ron 
| i séuk Tam NG at 
einen i — 42 Chong 
é Pi; Ke 
Chut uy Wi 



| te Léng 
| Ws { Séung 


| 1 Hwiin 

BR one 

| Tong 

| {# Choo 

| {2 Chrhex 

| fifi Péng 

| hi Eng 

| Aa Chéen 


| Yéén 


{Ri Lwan 

| site 

(ii | Chheeny 

AE cwntn 



| GF { pens 
| fj sea 
te Tey 



(ht Héep VA, Chong ttf Hat 
a Kwa 4 Béén Af Séet 
2 Hong te h’hip VA Sek 
{E vou | Hi & PE Kway 
ft Tam | BR séec® | HY) Tam 
MWK { Chrnedou| 1B {ree Hi Hee 
: ‘ Poe 
Sr “: Soo 
3 oe 1B | Civhae We Gwan 
9 ‘ifn Twan AH Jéfing 
{ Kéén J 
je) See MAA) chrnek | 4 poy 
Be ov Nia Cheng | 4 Lak 
SAA Gnoe JE Khéen 
A se 'T’hoe 
(BE vésn iH Thaw | iE Kang 
fe Ss Me Hoé 4 Ma 
P fii myn | {pens 
Hwiy Kwuy (ie Pong 
cmp pORY Rie |” | nee 
Wi Thok fh va WR Chit 
BEL Gite {43 Soé Ate Téen 
1% To 1 cwnew | HE Tha 
1A, Hoo WE Fe My Tong 
fil Pek | 4 cwhim | fj Ho 
‘Ge Keer 

WG Te 

ee 2 D> SRS wR AR 





(2 Pit 


He ch'huy | 48h 
ff ve | fA 
(Yang. | #§ 


owneansy/ 1 { 

(tH Cho 
{B Sut f 
(2, Chong si 
fii Péng 3 
Ye Séfing { 8 
HE cnéa | {& 
GK, co. | B 
ies Ley fie 
AR Lédk | 
(Bh Kae pe 
a ( T’hwan 7 
; \fas Pool fi 


(fi | 
tie | 

| Sé0"S . 







f Kwai 
8 { Khwiin 

‘ffi Toty 


BE Achhwan 
TF weer 

FE K'hien 
4 Yang 
{Re Kwit 
fj se 
Ge} Teng 
18} 03 

lit ~=Cheaou 


) Ch’him 
: fi CWhéém 

{if soo | Pe Ling | GK 2 
48 Tong | fi seen iA we 
HR PoK litem (ii Tieng 
WE Kot | BE pee Bh yin 
bd Tap 2 wi | Tong | J aye 
ffl Kéang. | 8) prheaow (ie Tew 
fe Bin. PE Ring | TE Tes 
 Yetp 15} stix | BE Prheng 
GR Kim | pe en” | Gif Shr 
ff sp Pit Kéog | Lam 
AML Xan HH Hwan | HE Kisén 
met le | we 
fi ho NE | 
Bh cwrein) HE Yane fii chin 
ue | FR | ee 
RE sex WF Tin BE Bos 
Hong | 1K Sian (e {ting 
J cw | OF re Naité 
(Bae (2 Key Of Bes 
a tle 
FR Pak R fi Pin | de ES, 
Ce ee 


JL sin A Sip WN Pays | 
(3 Liiy MB Ley AL Gwit — a Véén 2 Jip | Rane 
2 i a: 
fi Chéet 8 Héy (ie ie Tine lA Bong ate 
: 4 : fee a 
et Lé (ue Hong | 5) Ge Taou . a} Ee A Hey 
GR Khong, | (i ray {) PWG Gwan) | HE ‘sin a i phi 
“panes i Chwan 8 tana 
fhe — be gy 19 NES wi Keng hee VE Reg | 
fH yeu i ie? Kang 
; Lé ? | WW 4 ; 
B se 182 séon * penn Fe, as R Chrheaon 
3 x Neon Peng | 
Ap P’heaou 8 Chan q : NE} pare. ; 
fp , IK Teaou ty 25d feet 
Lae en i 5 wo Ke 
tis N58, Héung fit Jé 
= Yew zs {fe Ch’hétng , Séen pt we 
(f& Neéou i abou) ae {sin Teen 
- tay ) 
| oe ar] 
iB ro cam |p Ba paso 
fi Ch’hin {a Headu Kwui"s AGE. Kéem 
VE uk MB ay | FE Toty- Rr Se | 
$i ne | ise! Ee zi 
fF Beng... ot ESE Toey es | | 
fe. Te. WR. Been | 
i. ay hs =} 
a hi | 
(34 Lin RRS ele | 
SE. Sam ot bh Je | 
{F Hwan va Soo 
{3 - Awit ae Keang 


nM Keng 
Fl me 
AV Pra 

Fh seem 

é { Chrhek 
YA caenagn 

\ais Ch’héung: 

4 Wt Kwa 
pI oe 
tein Hong 

4 Yes 
eR Léng 
YP Phwan 
40). Keng 
i) weet 
AE Chin i 
4 Ham 


BS rar 
“ij Ch’bang 
a] Teaou 
WBE Leng 

APR ring : 

JM Kéem 
Mi) Pin 
42 pit 

3 Kéet 

BE Khim 

Wal Lim 
ABE Gong 
ig Chun 


it} CWhat"S 

8 8 

18 Jf 



| di 
| Ip 












4 Cpauip al (Rise Li Kong 
P’hwai ’ 
PUL pace LaRLS bY HME Wen 
att Mie 
Pat : 
sf . al Chop et 
| = 
i‘ sep a2) Bia ’ Séét 
ay) {Seah 63) Lap 
Nfl) Paou. x SEA a) Ke 
Fal Lek 
Wa y {ie Laé 4 3] } Tok 
.) Lok 
gi { Kat il ae Ri) ce 
NBS od Le Lat al {yeen | 
HH cwhang “iy fenen = 
zal K’hwa ri) Heng Ea ie 
lie ye 
: : ¥ Thek = ABS chéén 
Pl Kong ty 
MET cha a KI) 3 Waey 
BH)  Ch’hok a) 
s > 
SABI | Chrhay #2 ta en 
AI alia 
- ASR Kwan T’hek witty 
JA | T’hak 
Fl) cw’hat ; BI] Kong 
ew Hi) P’héang ma {chika 
, Ch’hd 
Lia! Ch’hee"S | FH Chrhdng SA és 
* + Ch’hek pie 
| carne daa] Phos a | ean 
[28 wee | AHL cod | HIS Gay 

Fl re 
Fi) peng 





2| Swat fal 

Zi) chhéng | wn 








ee a E 4 
eel eat » Hb ee | ole [cm | 
28 4 “yi Des 
oh: *héen "| é*Péan , an Ek 4 Kéw 
cp ps Pht NF { Chkene ko MW Give» ES 7 Bs sew 
a enOcre Bent Bed Se ta 
pe h & : * Sit Sép ArH {Cheam op Baou Fe Ga: A Jéw r 
eén é , Pi : 
6 NG Pin Ae chut Pi yey FH me - Te A wh 
‘ 6 eal div : 6 ’ 
he ei ik (See “Ep Kwa AL opty |, en {Kio 
ra ng aii Chin i ap K’héek : : 
i Khe \ Gnoé b= Séet x FE chit F | Sam 
27)" Beh ee ate . Cheha 
IB Ge) Ve Bang + B { Sian 
28 2y 6 ; 
at |x E(k * Ch’ham 
1b 3 Kwan 
OT oui" | HB Sea 

[J s0 


Cr) ; 




rf {Sei 

: Lé. 
wi Nb 



Ch’ hédsh 
Hayh . 

Ch’ héo 



sas ip DE Sone 
| WE cwheok | Te"8 


Ne Heth 


) me Ha ve Pe 
mi {EGS Ym Ha | gf OO | aby 
| seen | VED Chek oh. oe. . mie | 
ME yeu | 9B Hway 1 a a Pt 
| ef Téet Ch’h&h. N faba 
me ya i) . i re 
Age ng 
HR Aca wel tn, \ AG M4 Wit 
| va a M2 Hong | BR civha m 
wim | BE Toma) Nit Ap 
! wi | Hae | | ot 1) Ue 
Khetm NIE Sivan | a Thétn an 
ae ee ce 
Hi Chéuk Song ae Wy 
\ Cho akc ; |S Be ni 
7 Tak Se*S oe, Oc - 
ng, [Row ee 
. Chan % Ketou Mf) Kek wa 
Khia | 
BE ve Stn, iE Chie 2 
WB ae” pe Tae ge He 
. $e ; Twa HP he 4 2] Yéén 
Bias crnea WE pron NB CW'ne PH chadu 
bie” tk 20 
uy Hwiy ie K’hae"S ra {Tale S Hae 
ey a2 
Oe Hwan | Ba ce | AE Pit at Kay 
i He 1 Me ok = K ce LD sip 

we. Sa 


Hh Khéak 

YE Tee 

es s 
PR see 

Sif so HE chit 
YR Kehwut ake K’hwaa 
Pe ' 
ya a T’hap 
TER Kéen =| He K'hab 
te Tuy iy Se 
BE Ok 

Ja P’hoéyh me Sod 
Toé 0 
ie V5 ine 

Bie Téép ' 

Kis pe \2 ‘x 
put Tey Ra ba 
ye Kae \ R T'héting 
THE K’ham | 18) Pha 
ead Gesu 65 
WEE vein | ZB chong 

ap Pd iB T’hoot"€ 
¥ Théen 



BI Hwan | 
bid veh 

TBR ree 
XAE tng YE Tm 

He sek 
BE oi 

i { Cres He 

—— ——. — 


VE te 


778 | 
1 | - - 5 
NE soe (JAR chs | Qh. sicy | See 
J | tan it Wiy Noe Jim ae Kang ca _ Leng Pops ee m4 
pares: OB ki, | Me PE war |B sine” 
Long AGE: Chong ‘ ee ‘‘Kway Te, 
ee HE { Léfing ake Be a A { Chey. 
a f Chang) 4p { Ling ai Late 
Ch’ hers Lang FS eng RU mats 
af ss ; Koa 
Be Kat ee em Ra : Wheng yf Kadu 
142 ichwin | Pa Jy | nea Hh Goey 
7 P’hek . Bong 
ya) i. me (a i 
eo Yung = aca eB Bong 
BK kh4m SR Yin 
EF Khéak WB ity 
ae ’ 
T’ha . 
te 3 es 



, Noé 
Is Loé 

NEF Kan 
WY Chéak 
W Naé 
in 30 
He Hwuy 
VE Bing A 
$e { Sim 
20/ HF Geen 
(HP Toe 

q ; Nea®& 
| Jé 

Wl ree 

Pe Sine) DOYS, 
BE “Choe | BE Gway 
HE Sim Ke Choo 
a Yat HE . Jeong 
RE Kéang Aik Weg 

| ee XE wa é 

Ph 1B. . Prheng 
id 4B Le 
VIE Kaou | ae 
Hi Koa HP neon 
He tio | WRK 
KA Kan WIS No 
yee ; ee Soéy 
Reg ra HE Pout 

| SR Sean A Kwan 

BB ke AIR sin 
Bw Hem i Tay 
Hi “Heng Go 
Hap” | WER Bsc 
Ye team | HR Boo 
Hf ceén | SE. Hath 


% . a 

38 fe ; rant Wee a 

’ | 3 : ; f vt) 

20 F. Estee Hi] Thoe | PA wnway IAT on ii we LF Roce 
AB Ch’héang HE Jin it eR MAT EA Koe WB, Ln (om 
IT... Hil cusen, = So! | fi oo | Ba Teen (hang 
Pe ee ee a 
piers) | HBL os DR om | ae yds) PA Somes NZ 

4 vi Whéang hi Chess Bi Pan {iE Jedou EL sont ¥ Chod 
i Wan. a AN Heém Na He a iw air’ ica bigs 
| * « WE Hong * ~f iB Seén en ZF FF Hoo 

KE Cheer bi + 3 Hefon \! 1 enon NB Pat 

hey 8 ‘ 

HK Nn wee [ae | pi on 
Mp So : M 
thal Hive, Ye: ws ‘all Be Pe) {| = a 
AVE eel oo BRT pecan | uae gain 
a a acd ‘ i Séén ae Beng 

Yin ( vagy Sele 

Wit { Yeon 8 Ma He Lia 5 Ch’héang | fess Sats 
Le alls | eer ae ae Nida: 
| its m ue 10 ie} ‘Ching uN, {1H Koe * 
BE tam | HS Sit dlc, WE Ye Be Pa 

18 am | WB Yin ee A ahs 

a a: ate ‘ail yal By A a) 

A .. Ch’he hE eters 4 ike Leng y ) sunt 

Re ies. % J le Ie Séting ae Bain HE : Wath 
| Ph sect 7B) Seton, HL. seus 

\ rete ae my ae 
|) fi ttedow vi  Ch'ban 
| Hi pos AME Chin x 3 Chol 



YF SE chek 3 Ba 
LF { se a ’ ci re 
es EP Hwan ete 
R15 oes | itewn 
LIE Wan T’hay Hod 
BS ving | PR Line 2 ta 
JL ng 
NE Hong JEP Keung E 
F oo 2 Chaé Kile i 
gem, | pH me Eta 
ve a AR. Yéén Hi Bwan 
7 as | 4¥ Seaou c £ 
Hs Tong NHR Kay ih Gé 
ess \ Ke Stn 4E sit 
y (7s Chong 10 
Sie {on nS Yang . i Beng 
Bee VAS Se OR Te 
iff ie chee | MM Ie 
pve { Tha FE Cwhaé 

= Po 
faF Khong 
3% Tem 
{5% Bok 
| Si 
\SR Kw 

SHE Ch’bim 

Set Goé 

f-Z Ledou 

5 Sit 

WB Ee" 



44 P 
45 i 

Lap Ch’hin | 

je, at 

et { 



EY P’ne 
AB} Ge 






VHA eae 



fe Chun 
=> j Sim 
et | Ch’ hey 
ETc ( cr hwa 


| Séo 

4 Kwiy 
-=+ § Mo 
7K o But 

| Kt 

\ hk Jee 



K ia Se 

LF vi 



§ K’haou 

( Ka 


RK Chin 
Ne { Bé 



1 Je 


a Ke 

iit Ke 

Mia K’hwut 
iE Ok 

be Se 






et Séak 

“Wk Téén 


Ka, Hwut 

FF Péng 
B bk 

DFE Toe 
[PE us 
RE se 

DIE cheng 
Le Le 

Fi Ke 
J&R wax 


WR ne 

J&R seuk 


iis Séet 

We reer 
! t Chun 

FP Héng 


WZ Wat 
3p Lek 
5% Hoey 
yt Gat 

Wa Git 

WL Gwit 
| WA wat 

i Gong 
Wh Bit 
Nya ~ Gnedouh 

KR Gip | 

pa Géang 4 


ae St St St ke ue Ee Bt Re 

C&  Ch’hwan 
WA cinaae 
JH chew 4 
Wit ting \ 

wh Kin 
i Chap 
HI: ch’ha 
sai Poé 
iy Te4ou 


ES che 
Nii me 

WK Phe 
hoy Kod 

va § 

NS T’héep 

a Léém 

ik { Yéép 



HE pa ; 

Wi Hwyut 





Ch’héang | 

Ch’ hers 


Kadu ae ‘, 5 
rape bly B cin A Gong 4 Toe 

WA xs IZ Sam A Chv’hek 
1a Phein it Heng : AT Teng ae Chrhe 

se Hiway | FH ving {Mi Hong | 77] Ch’hedou 
We Te IB sam (Ch ven fas { Keve 


we b A Heuk 2 Me Pe Te 
\ Ch’haé | 23. aid ig is 

we Po ME pae 

Bb Hwat aE § 86 

i Teaou AE Sea 


. AE (hens eS. 


> th,.-Sim | 

FR Uey - sat bie i #8. chrhong | Bo rhat iy sin 89TH The 

Bi we | RB. Gnas: pe Kthwad | Hf Leng ais Sé i am 

Heng NS. vin 

ye ia) VY) v0 he bag { f° 
ie Tek W] Theaow | If peso te Bek: 


Sra SF 

Ch’héung ‘ig Tong | 

| hace MB Ke | fey! Che ik Héép ie Teem 
Jim an il 
Heaou +h} 4s Che A Ch’hay ie Khak 
f | none ye ip : 

T’heaou as Kéung 
Hong Gh Si 

Linea | ab, Trkémi > | UE. sti BE rec 
i es 

‘oubiSank o 
ecem | NS Srowee 

M itouy... aK Thek.. | HE tidak | \ZK hating WHE K’hap 
NF ne. | MR teem ais Ii Heng | DE Pang 
via cwrhée, | JP Him <2 Hie oe WG sey AA Kwon, : 
Las cme | BE tenong TA wan BE ttaou | HA teva. 
13 Wheong cs Bye | HE Neo’ LAB ge, HH Chrhesou | 
WS Bong ya Hwan PEL Kea NE Yang aay Wit well 

aE Bong. | AB chok | Be arya | ade way Kas sit Sy 
sf | Ae Them, ya chom | hy pp | TB toe | A Lin all 
400 Li io Bin DE yang ue { Koheep FA wns | Be Tey 
4 ) “Teung_ XA Nos || I] Heung NER Han 
aoa TR chrhéung| BR Nabu i ike He Kwae WH Hoey 
ONE Gos ME Pia : WE Wier | HEY 
APF tang") HE Poa AB Lan Kx Choo | PR Pay 


fBfhim Ht sue RB any | 


5 ne BA 



MB rs 
TY k*hew 
Me Leng 

| AB Koa 

VASE whey 
| RE khong 


AL Lek 


oH Seng 

1) BU) cwrhek » 

i, Pehéén 
HE Hwon 
WE a 
HA Chae 


y Ri K’héen 

HB wat 
WP Ch’hong 
4 Heep 
4 Khad 

SNE Sin 

77 { Khas 

\JER Gwan 

A win 
ER Lek 
KR So 
If] Tho 
+E Yin 
YK chos 
{i Heuk 

Hi wneém 

Bowe) ME, ving 





BE Keen GR Hwan 
KA téep | BR La 
HE yong | BH» Ch’héung' 
ESE | mm 
i K’hong RB whe 
Bt Kn 1A Bin 
BX chrhek IR Tong 

WE euk PR Reng 

AI Pin WE Ledou 
BB Leaou HE Boo 
BP Yew Mt aad 
AE chiang | Mae Séep 
tilt pas | RB. Pek i 
HB cheng lis Vit 
DI Lin i> séem 
JES Pin WE Tam 
tH Hezy | BE Keng 
HE Cheaou | PS: Kim 
BR Gin MRE Ham 
| NA Pan he Loé 
PE Pun Ke Heaou 
Ie pay FX Kek 



Eng Pe 
Y UEng 


La Adu 
as Boé 

| a 
ye Gong 

Lies Téng 

| Bis Lan 

apa ‘Hwaé 
JER ween 
JA cham 
WE ke 
KE Hwan 
ih Léep 
4B {Livin 
He Lan 
ee Le 
Re Thong 

Gong © 





Va We Kaé 
sf Chéen 

xo KEY. Hek 
By, Khan ee 
WR - Ch’héang 

> | JBM, Hek 


Ch hityh 

EL. k’hat 
ie K’hat 
(ai Kek 

Bb { K’ham 

BE whip 


BK sage 7 
ay faint 
#E Chéén 

at) Chayh 
i Hoe 
(ZR Leik 

| 12 
rR Chéen 

B34 Hoc 

ak { 





dA cha SE 

FR Pratns jas {tm Pa Cows 

et mm Nei P’hwan 
BS by} 7 | 

HA, Chavuh | : 
Rie Pia Hk ch’ 
ja {ry BE Choo YE Chin 

7F Chih Hit Ling at King 
$i { Bret 1 Se 1B Kwan 





HE Pa? | HR tang | Hh Kak 
6 an |B Pe ag SB 
| Létih 
Na ict Yip 
Léah HE Poe 
PE Théng 7 
ae Té ; Mee ‘Bwan > Ceti 
de K’hwa | ea) 5K Tok 
4B. wat hi ke ore 
; Pwan is Pa ng 
+8 Chit PR} Pea ng 
viel bes Sé4 
Howe | ABEL habe 
bi Léét 
= K’héet He K’hd J fi 
ne et 
4 An a 7) 
DBE Pena : ak ae HE ude 
sy gh (HEY mw 
. R ‘Ka ae ~~ pp. 6 
Aces taad sist nwa 
a Nau As A dE Gaé 
TPhexou ME Carhenk I Kwan 
Mk wise Lwat pe Kut" 
Thea. I Lwith 
hi | Ohéét 
TR Ch’hd it ce Be re ma 
HF are |p Soke” Mab note 
tap Bie fag | ton 
Ye chin ‘\ Bi) Sheu AF Chot 
1 Wat 
it Tat" i Kwan een 



1% K’hwat ih saat 
a ‘Phéet 1 ie { reaen | 

{ (sy we Kek 
fit P'hdGn Ch'lio 
t jie ee ae com 
yee K"heaou NE Kéng 
yi Pe 1B peak 

+ ( Ch’hwat 
i te fiwan 



{ie [Moe 
Aft | Cre yi se 

Bh Tok 

Bh Kin y, hit Poey 
ai ro ae Wie Swan 

fi Ch’béuk 
LCE Cheng 

PGS ing | WE Neos 
arte YR Chik 
By Téuk 


JG Bos 
TE Ke 
FE Choa 
Bi me : 

BE Ke 


jf Pa 
Cho z 
APA cna a 
At Heep 
lta su | 
JH, Heéux { 
HF Han ; Be 
dig Han | WE 
. ia \ 
WHE Ong ae 
Fe Ban 
Fifi Posy ihe 
maf cing [RE 
Re chek | Ab 
BR Pn As 
AF K’hwon LR 
[ot Seng AE 
Wh wong | FF 
Ru | Hy 
)A Ch’héang a 








Bie Se 

NBD Baou 

qe { Gineane 

Lg Teaou 



#3, Chéet 
Biff Chee 
He Gos © 
Mii nay 
Be Sta 

a) K*hwin 


ay Sek 

ni} Cheng 

K fia Cheng — 



me § Po 
VWs t P’hok 


ial OR 

Sete = & 





K’hong 08 
ae Keng & 
He Ke 
JR Kan > AB mone 
Long 8 Yi ok 
Lwan | 6 P’h 
a Se mh : 5 
Saé ; 
"a0 cho iA - 
so + 
ee B § a i Tim 
Langs | { Lone 
’ 2 Ling 
j Cheng 
Ve ; Chan J song 
is Bong 
nial T’hey Bang 

fan fe 
FE Ke 
A Bong 
: Nee Tong 

Nii Létng 

We Bong 4 

| Key Héng 

Chaé ~ 
ht 1 Cha > 



¥E  Thok 

Tey | 




Ch’ hui™S 

Chéak — 




Mai) Kam 

5 ae ‘Sow 
Wi} Chea 
te Noot"S 

# Lam 

SE cwhit AM Lew 

ee Ch’haé 

ma Sa 

J Phai"S md K4n HK Hwat ‘ 

we Sek we Cae | AB Poey 
tH Ap “AB Sey DE Keg | ME Tat"? 

Téuk > crus’ 
shih Yew i Gate \ Yéa 

Nooing \. ci { vie 

rf Chok | AE rhcom PRE Kwiy 1s 
i Eng 45% § Kadu f : rg 

LIBR} ise ol Th6 a f Phong 

a Ch’hay +B Pek = Nie Way ai yee 
KEY cha i? iH Poe 

; : 4 Kak 
BR | Kumite ZS .cwhip 

Aa eae | ae deeGem OR A Maa 

ae Tut yA Kha ‘ab Pang 

PT, eae uo hing 

Che He é Ch 
NEE} Siac 4G HRS ye Beet) del oie 

é S 
R tas ‘ Lé TE ; Seng WE Whok 




B  Kéuk 
FE Seng 




\ Bi Hwaé 
: il 
SRE Sey 
BX onhéém 

Ne { K’haé 


lis Kae J 

HB Kok 

RE sam 
fl Yew 
HE Hos 




gp) Gak 

1 Gnadu 

PE Clvhéen ) 

Re Hwan 

KE chat 
pe Léang 
he Bit 



ME Tatu 
#R cwhaou 
ARK Sok 
}E The 
Be Whew 




| fii Chay 

| te 



Ii Mes 

NER Bos 


PR sé*a 
HEL Eng 


Ai. Je 



BE. Prhok 

Ch’ héw 



\ AR { 

#8 Chun’ 
He wat 

#2 K’heaou 
jie { Jet 

Tee Y 
pe Lia 
Hj Lew 



ae ‘ Lok 
BK K’hwan 
j= Yin 

WA » Jéén 

ria Swae"S 
‘ i3 
ie Kéang 

Ae 5 T’han 

pia Lim 


see BS 



VEL oe, 
RG Lay 
NHB { ane 
ia Say 
BE Pek 
Ra Ch’hwa 
ia Kay 
ES Kéng 


VAR Keém 

FE cwheang 


UBS a Ss 


S Gy mh Be Ye BS GE RE ae SE Be Be Oe Be 

Civ’ hwah 




BR Ls 
Bis ne 

ite | 
aif taacke 
MB Eng 









evita A 

Ch’ hoe yh 




a 2. Poé 
BBR rat at ams “PE 
caper | IK Ké | et 
YW Choé 
RK Tek [YS Wae 
12) oe s Fit Yang 
Mex He py Téy D oy 
Hk  cwrheaou BY 3 
Soey Oe 
x Hwut EX A) | Ada | 
Gk wip | BE wen | BR Phey 

Bi Pin 





HE CHnéang 

we { Chéen 


fs Chéen 

#E Ke 

EE Téep 




85 JK ae . ai |: ; ‘- 
Pies WA hun YR Chada ” ee What Malis Ba 

iB be 
‘Bont LE ang | 
| j ee 

Be NPE tea ua Se 

‘ j= Gob ‘Kwan , Té . 
Fe hes, ys Gim i 7a Chong 
yt Hing ih Phe yr ¥ Pe Liy =. 7 


Wy. ty f LE sel Aa "4 § Hot 
HY Yeu Ee HE Hey =a hag iia : 

—, ; 
— 2 

WG Yew 
Hid Say 
es Hy ne y Wises yee ed 
; fe Ties, BUH Yéen ih win ‘ Hh Chae" 
ae ee 
SGA AHH ‘cane BM OOM) SE sang | 
iB Ching ATELY Ya Way Hee Pam : 

| FA setng | FE sosy 

Yéém i 
ia Lng ree Ns KAng},” TE sit Bae 

CWREE"E | y Tes ee 
Khin it _Yéém y ig Kae e*5 

HE wad wmtwaa | De Bag | BEN Tae 
YW cirnim. | Poche WE (Gian | BL Tnad 
S A € 4 wie? 
AYE Gee \: PW oeeem | FF pine] PBe gene ae 


“s | Choo Let 

YH Chadu 



\R Whey \i Kwit | HE Lok 
fic won jae 
Chim A Tho | EE Khar 
Bi soe IR reg | Ae 
HR Chin | RR Prooime YH Ye6n 
iB so | YB Pew (i ote 
VW vong LMR Te IB ran 
HA swan LT, | Erwan 
as ess he 

% Chéém 
Ch’hiy } 

rc Yéen | 

Vin Yang 

§ Chéang 

rd  Chéo" 
fA Eng 

ie Sons 

i i { Phos ee 

ni Kéet 
iE Chip 




§ Léng 
| Léng 

ie Eng 

\ ae Béng 

a Pe 

vst § Chey 
HF ‘ Chey 

ie 6 
ae Se 


Big ig Kory fe Bao Lam 

i ie (uk Kek je To 3} wan 
BERS BO | BE es | te 
| r; tiv | Ue Tam Vist Lam AE a 
| 3 fant HE ck | | YF Chon | BE sesog 
FG ton | MR Behm | ke | te 
| Wie Sek Ait Ling “WHA Chit IE ‘Swin 
zB ‘P*hok iB win | ae es Hh Lang 
| ie vt a3) 3 cwhip WA Pin wath 
re tie? we G me Eng a pi ay 

wes ws Yéak 
NS a id Hwan 
‘ \ iB Jéang 
nd sea 
365 pn fas ‘Thong 
ony) eaou 
y Ly 


. Léw is Yang 

My , Ch*héd 
iy Chéak 


: < 


ie Baé 
Kv } onde 


fp YE chay 


Ke Yang 
4s { Hew 





14 { Be: 

iil Pok Wh séet 85 5 Tanen 
VA Frown | A ies JE vein 
Xi Ta Sat 
Ma Kéng | iH f Swit 
18 King MR Hin | we cy 
he Wan | sn BK Kéng 
yaks P’heng Nes Yeem fee Jew 
D Kong 
it {Tone WP cane I Baey 
XIE Hong seen WR Hwan 

HE sim 4 I") He 

HR Vrnwan KARL Gea” | 
NE Swan ype Ger 
YR ween NA wan 
SHE wong | Bh Vang 
He, | Ha wo - 
WA Pek whe { They 
Bice | $E win 

KE wey | WA san 
HK He Ae Chaé 

i He 

HR Cheha 
WL Cie 
HE Yep 
PR seen 

if ; 
Ch’héen } ME Chrhan 

We $d 

KB say 
WR Hwiy 

7 JK 
fe a) Chek 

os ay Séén 

yog Hwun 
ag Ni Sin 
7] a Yaou 
a Be Eng 
oI VE Phok 

A onan bf 
AIK seme : Wik Pén 
HE Chong i Yéen 
it St 
ph Ch’hong 



hie Yéw 
a Tok 


HF ow 
mn) mle Gos” 
ae Bb Pit K 
J n pe K’héé 
\ Prhun ‘ 
a : eu He és re Hwan 
{\ ike 3 wp n ; IF bi iE Pé a y 
! WE R Kéen aR ag re] A Neaou 
le Hy af Lok {care vi {i Oe 
Mra Bi i g9 ane 
Lh a ae ou 
vA ye _ tie ake wh Wain yin Rixe 
A x ee Yadu FEA Kong ye Gin i Koé 
: en @ twin At om B% chin ’ oy 
Koé ai ae Tok WK Ték fe No YAR Kat 
ale on fest [an 
‘|e cath rite Bi Knse PR Peer th sn 
PF 305 | iF “Ap Bhs Gnade Ae Kut 
Ae Tee AM toe : iad peica 
' ae Bit “ae P’heaou NER Gae 
pli aa pe ten jos 
| a aes N\A} Koe aa come 
1. K*hok F 1H 1 TR G fei 
Take 9 a Se, 
Be 44 Was ka" wt 7 i Sito 
: hj ty ra) a NEEL are Aff Levon 
i | Sain 
. mi se , i Ch’ha 1} Keaos 
Lith: BEL Rhee HF <7 H) Hoe ° fA Heaou 
9¢ \ ae ia: ai Te TR Kein 
. ; Wes ve ya Ték 
« |i 
B Kody 

T’hat © 

SHE | 
tik Héém 


By ES we 





AH San 
Bh pit 
BR Kadu 
BL keting 

58 Lok 

| Choo 

BR Gin 
FA) san 

FA ys 

Ly Héng 
5E Kwuy 

55 Goé 
$e Ch’hwan 
} Bo) Héén 


Je \ 

FB Ch’héung 

it 2 S = 





BL: eae ir Lek 

th -Piwin DR {Soe = JT Teng VB chin — | fF Bory fe . Tee 
‘tl wale PE nr gps Big, ps | A ne 
He Tew phe IE pve (fit Chena: | Tel WE Tram 
\ Bt Teep Age Ge WK Kew gle chic | If Than {i Lim 
BB peep Wil san PAR Peay pi { Hiaoa Kai ch’he 
| K Vim fi] Whe gq {Ths FE Krbway 
| BATE | sem | et 
\mih yete le  e 
Bi Pin hye {Chun re FR pe 
WH dew B lie ses |e 
ocay | PR sie | HF Hoo FB (bin 
IE re PE seen ese FB Chen 
42 Ek | $F icing Seu” \\H8 Kos 
| HZ Prana} taey (iia ie { Woey 
‘ me [gece OM ge 
* HT Kam £E coo Et we! HE chiy 
it Fe tn Es 
| Bi Cod | 3 Vang. Bi Tnsey \ HR chook 
| HE Siehoun : ie vei! HE» Kong ji patie 
| jE Ke i ak | & Bk | FB, Seng 
f » JA rnin |B wo Whit } 30 


104f- | 
ia Hong {ex FEY Choéy 
105 FR Ch’haé 
AB ves? Cirhay \\ BE Ledou 
06 44 / 
¥ qa a $4 T’hay E . Léting 
; eva 
we JE ceak |. FR Lew 
"e Jk Théen ya {oe 
a Toe edhe 
fi ve P*hek 
Fe Kwan SE rsa NI Pica 
FR se \J# Lay 
44 Cho 
KK Leaou bia Léy 
He Chok 
ii Hwan i Ch’hé 
FE K*hoe a Ki 
7 0. » < Sa 
5 T’hew J 
Hil K’hoé ite K’hah 
So mug ae 
im Sa 
. z 10 | #8 Chéang : 
WHR Khwat ie EE Ch’he 
a Che 
PR Kwan ‘ AS { Yang 
BR soo Cheong 
net Wun 5, 26 
Lék - * 
| FE Chin 2B} Todos HB a 
+ Pra Chit Hi { ase 7s a 
Ch’h Loé He Hok 
Net Cwhe’s Bice \HH as 
Pig Pwan MS ME Séén 
& Bd Léw Bok et wi . : 
: Soé FR 5 Hons N : a 
#3 { Sin ] wits | FE xe 

& Howe x 



(FI bat tor 

BY 7a"? A Bat yRpe M103 

AF He FE Mo | AR Kwan 

moti | pave | Bm | 

setae, leas |B ie 

sit 73 Khan SR oO 

so | HE sa | BB chan 
ar oe So HE cn’na 
Hp Géy Bk ed i. 3 
mh Lid ‘Chin Bid sola 
Phan |’ | SF Kd > 
HE Hong lik Béén io 
4 G 

iA Tin Hp Padu NE e 


Be Whayh 
(8 Tok 
ne {Eh 


fe Bok 

Se Ek 
Wig i Chéét: 


iG coro 

ie ey 


5 Téey 
| Bop 
Di Ong) 
He hin lt 
RE Rha 
am Soé 
Wa Hat 


lhe ‘Gey i 

WR Chas hile 

m. uss és 
HG Ci nez"Sh 




Ae Thats 


Bx Chhas 
a WR IS 

Be Agu 

10 xm, Lefou 

me Kham 
ay Hit 

Nit tiog 

it Haéy ve 
BR ‘Keéou ” 

7 hae Chéem 

Fi Kos 









NF Madu 

SAP as 

18 Sok 

ey Say 

Sék | 

iif Phok 
BF Kat 
Re {Gin | | 
iE King | 
Te Hoo 


NBR Khim 
meget 13 | 


fil Sind 
wR ve 

x Chay 

| AZ psen | 


| RE Gas 
RE cwnty 
| iif Chia | AE Thwan 
| Bi) Heng na Pe 

ie Gim 

| BA ee 

i Chim 

| jae {tc 

hz Wiy 
fA Win - 
#E Tuy 
we #97: Kéét 

| Fi Ta 

Bh Hwut"? | 
BE K’haoa t 

mw { K’hada 
AA Khadub 

' ; 

7a ie 



ws Léy St 

Jéang — 

1B veux PR Khim ; 




me Nee Sé 
1137 Ee 
4 iil Léy ji Swan 
"4 WW) Jetng ya Té 
114 ry 3 
NIE. sea | We} Chhed 
1157 2 
‘J Yéak y C Kh 
» bn TE} KeAso 
00 q 
ae frie Ji Hos 
J aé 
Chéuk KL Cheuk 
WS Ke Gi. sin 
Tk Yaou ya Say 
» Wik Ke ™ yi S06 
i it Ke Be Ch’haé 
ae 6 
pi Ché Wh = 
ans Hong WRF Séing 
( Peng % 
wit wa iis T’heaou 
5 Bg P’heaou 
iii Yew ha } Phe 
I ain ’ 
Wk Téét K’hap 
Ti seen NAS Chey 
. pie Tie Ch'him 
| Ch’hod 
ih 3 Chay 
aa Hoo jit Ke 
ph po ~ ik Kwan 
\4 FI Choe Aj Lok 


vie: 16 


eae eal 
‘ aN Es hake | 

ioe és Chrhéem | 
NE Seng 




S ERR GK Be Ss z 

SUR Ss eS 


g Nes"™S 
KB chos 

HA P’hoe 
i Pe 
BX Kok 
HR Sek 
HE sew 

Ra cue 

Ve T’hong 

i Haw 
Ae Chih 
HE Chong 


Me Twan 
Ri. Thek 
HE it 
iE { Bé 


ical Bwan 

KE Chek 

Hay Ch’hay 


\B sam 
Bel pi” 
VB Chaow 
\ BY raed 
PE Lok " 
#2 Tham 
Ki Seaou 
HE  Prhok 
A eons 
Je Sek 
FB Nae 
ie Hwan 
hig NO 
RL ean 
BE Geet 
ASE asa 





hip Teaou 
$i Thean 




Ay Séet 
SHI say 
+ fi Sin 





4 Kwan 
A Sona 

$&  Ch’haé 
RB whwa 
hit Lan 
i Kne 
HE Ch’han 
RE Chrhéak 
Bh tnt 
PA inane 
ba Ne thse 

| Kwan 

er P’heaou 

ae Chong 



FA 120 



§ Cheng 

4 Ch’hwat 
\ A Chit 

iE seen 

: i] Ledou 
» ( Ledou 

#F chin 
hele Trion 


U Chan a 



\ Chéak 
pe P*hek 

MSE tay 
+35 Lim " 

NEEL Khéet 

HEE Khong 


Téén , 

8 Loe 
MB { Vila 

1 Chrhae 

LGR Hos FA Bong 
4 Yabu : FP Teng 
ep haribyn Fa Bong 
| Lactee oF Tak 
Hii Kong | FE Han 
in 3 Tek 
fifi Hang TR Tek’ 
in ise | Rae 
| "hon AP Lng 
fie Bi A Chéa 
\#2 chun Ar Wong 
wt a Koé 
Wi, OE Bes 
SE Kong 
EE Khwa 
| FR Bong 
| FB Keen 
|B too 
R Sam 
‘| Gk Kee 
| ABE Yeem 
od = Ta 



= a 

P*haou . 


A Tek 
AA P'hoo 
yA ch'hay 
Ai Uwiy 
# Chod : 
i P’héen 
Ai Gwan 
@ wwy 

HA & 
#3 Keer «=| FR Gay a Han 
3 He a a ang | iby Prhenit 
3 Séen aay { ohh? Bl Kedou 
#i Téng 24) Ko 
BY nin 
g Hwan Dk P’héet 
FH Hwin a) . vA Hwan 
iaagaen | | i se 
Si P 
it Loéy Ne : of Ek 
| Seang BA nin 

tt Kek 



ss Joey fr fs | 
FF Choo aR yea ho Héay 
K * 
Cia Kaite Hit Tom HH Léep 
#£ HD We Tam Site Chit 
fea (AR ng | gg 
NEE Pay. HA Tam lerwene 
if Soo i Ledou \ BL Ling 
FM Kairé 4 Hp eng 
<x Kek A Hong 
os Se 
Am Lin ap { Se 
wy «Kwa 
ait mre Ht P’héng 
FA k’hwon m . 
\ Che 
Ay Gnoé 
10 Hit Tay 
FE Cheah 
We Hex 
Pg Noé 3s 
je Yew HABA in 
iB Cl’hang 
LAN 1o 
JB Lién 
{gy tne 
: Seng 
BE oes 


wD Re RD St Se Be ie 




Ae nit 

YAP Sedon 
Di wtwan 
At New 
FE Toe 

nei ee 


Va Keen 
| FFE pvhdng 
HH chun 
fyi Yew 

Si { K’héng 


HR seen 

Fl Kthéng 

BA Yeux 

¢ Dee | Pace 
HG 00 ( Trhae 
Reng ey They. 
We preva de a Dua 
SR Koé iki K’hwut . 
(REL Peay | BB choo 
BP wan SF { Phang 

|B chin 

i AR {rs Kéep 
| JK re 

WK Keng 
vel Gnadéu 
WE nie 

Gi } P’haé 

| Hoody 

XA Way ‘ 
HiTew , 
Bk Téét | 
BS rong. 

Wh -chin 
Bia Choé' 
fil Ch’he 



ma se 

We {Ton 



Ny fii Cheaou 

{SE séén 

FRE Boo 
Jt Héang 
Ra | chrhagy 
NG Eng 
AWE Tam 
ie Koéy 

(I {ang 

VF Tan 
WR Léem 
i Tong 
HB { Da 
JE pe 
ARE P*hek 
WR eax 
WB ch’héuk 
(Wi { en 
Hej . Chéén 
He} Lap 
Wt Litem 



yf Le 
Mee 1 Kheth 


jist Cham 


ja Ge 9 
Chong +R 

Ch’ hadu 

A Ko 
Bi Géét 

MA chos | FB cha 


fi po 

ilk Koo 
fiz Héng | 
fi se 

IB chang 

fin P*héen 
iB Choe 

(i Béng ; KR Kan \, 


aS Kin Ne 
\R Léang | 









HH chho 
Fri" | FE too | HE way) | Bh Seon -| PR Ciendan | FE Tim 
3g {Sune ein K’hoé Saat Vk Eng EP aks 4f Chétn 

Hea Mo Chod 
3 Kaé 5 ‘ Hong 
iin Wan - HF Kwa Ba Tey 7S sisi, 9G Béng i Hes 
Ki Ch’h Hwui"S 
He oe | fein PAB wn | EO apie 
a K’hit ) by 3p. Hoe - FE Laéu 
“f Ch’héen iy Jéém AR Hok ae 7 
A Fk K’him Be P’héng 7 FE Toe © 
SS ir Léng Hse 

js Ké ‘Th iy Hod ie Ché 
YL af oe EB rie” a HE Choo i 
é Hwun th | Pe ary x | Choo V7 { Moot"S 
‘ pai Bedou Hy sie di 

See" ? 
1 Hi Poéy 

St TH St 

1 ae ne mor lia 

ip ; 

rast K’hé ey Sim iG, Hwan By Yin 

ae ey O Be. Jim 

Le {Bong Ké s Kay KBR Tay a 
Mat” \ Bok Whay 428 ET : 

& 5 K { Hwa are § Padu in <2 ef at Jetng vel fae 

wy Hwiy Fé att 

Jé : 
“eae Hf Badu Hi {30 P’hut 
Wa BE peat | Son HAR Tak 

Ché : fe oats 
Tt Ch’hod. | ZS pap es Toe 
ue Ch’hod 

tueRMw MS Me 

Yin ‘ Jéak Cheé"& V/ Hh] { Keng ae Suy 
| az \ #i a éo” 
\3Z, Che x K’hin > mt AS Bak z asd fal Tin 
38 San Choe Ve ant x Pwan a Ny tic ; ea) 

4 Hwan ; 

ZF Gnéw 
~ Maé Lé 

as K’héém j sg XK Jéting ik KeAou Fit Neane 

6 ue 
Gay 4s a a Béng i ae ate 
ian BrP ity \ Fe CWhabu 4 

4 OMB 



JE Bat 
aE { Chong 

| Bs 
Z Gos 
tS Ké 
= Baby 
3E Keng 

} eae ’ Ch hu 

FB cw 


(BR cirnéong 
PS Sédng 
FE ch’had 
# The 
BE Pay 
N= Prhoe 

He Kin 

3H Ch’he. 
ye (Tse 
AR. Séuk 
xt Ke 

HE chy 

YA } Phos 
& Tam 
4E Wan 

Ae P'lia 

FR Kay - 

HS Ch’hong 
Civ? hang 

4 ‘Sf Poé o 
aE Chong JR Chin 

# Kéem 
Be Chit 
Hh Jéax 
RE ° chnong 



| Wt St MG Se es S} Sh oh 


at hi 

Mi Ye De Bp ay RR GG Be OM Ge a 

me Sm a 



cs Hwiy 
HE Go 
= Kwiy 
BE Sin 

KE sey 
ie ; K’*hwat 


Gi Tong 

“FE Boo 

Br ihwan 
£8 Se 
FF seaou 
BE Léem 
ZB chory 
Me Hay 
BB Loe 
45 Hwan 

HL Héuk 

Ho « 

wie | 
Fe Be 
aE Koay 
A) Ke 
# Léng 




cys § Ch’héa 
MT cmaeme 
3B { hous 
HE Te 


H"9 - 


ee RHE 


ni (S32 Lc 
BE sa | HB comp 
er Sin a Léy 
cre |B Gey 
es Hwun — ti Lud 
i Wiy ibid Liy 
BE ae | HE Tws 
= P*heAou ite ise 
7 Che a 
7 hae yes 
a che | 
he 1 i HwAn 
KE Gé 
35 Kéting 
He Cham 16 
BE chean 
BA se . 
es Aé 
BR Swan 
f Chek Fil Lin 
i Chéa 8 Nae 
fia Pen 2 'Thok 
Bim” WSS Ley 
HE Chin By Ké 
RE Ching rn Héng 
p Cheng | 
Ha Bedou {BR Soe 


b / 833 
ee) a Ba | tvsy"™ | jira0 
a Toey) | FE Hos | ihe Kew WE Thay YEP Kap & Ke # 
ft viting. IE Geaks | BY peng iG. Te ies K’héung mo *e 
ie |e att) Mie mice | 
wi Pin ig Wi, Haow hy ven he Tab | bk Kéep Khe Be 
Mi Be wich 1g Krhéta bh t Ls P’he rs) Thary | K’liwidn 
| RF seen el ce Le a ae | eg ( Ti 
ig i oN 3 . Hwiy yee Ke a Mat"Ch Be Knee 
Eng es 4 Wiiy re | 
HB Ke a» air yay Hh See ie wa 
; : bn Ch’he , { Hong 
(oe ee ee 
BE vo | PB Be Bi soey is pete RA tae 
ee Pang ve. Cho ; ba K"hwun 
oT Lan (i Hs ; Chay vs ty Eek 
BE crtog | GE wer odio Lady Ye Hee | } 
as | Sa : Yin Uf iB Hwiy 
+h Cham 5 Khuwniy Hin bie Téét ber by 
| BB Ley a HE hie | HP Leng BI cea . Wy } veon 
Hek ’ 
| fe we 4 r piel tet | | pe ego 
& Hw4n ay ~ Gnetto hy 
BE ve ye 
jz Lo Bk oo. 
BR Lay HH ctrhe 
po | Sh oe 

fi Ch’héung 

i ‘ees 



a ee 

Sey stae wt eas 


BE Keng 
Me The 
BE Se ncen 

Dd Hwaé 

E Ch’héem 
PE Ang 
qe Khim 


Se mt Ee Be a me 

N\A K’héet 
BL CWheng 
Hie Lédng 
) BE Sit 
#e Keen 
age § Lek 
BY Leu 


8 Ha 
ha $e, 

{ Yaou 
} Yabu 

| Peé"Eh, 



x at 



Sew sseess ¥ 

| Kwan 

#8 Phin 
BA Tok 



Patines Gan 
fi Kin “aT Teng 
fit Kohat YER Hod 
fh Koe ant Key 
fi Koe pA Sin 
fii re mt Tro 
fi awe | BEL He 
ine ef K*héet 
AR Haé i Te 
Thasu | PY Jim 
fit Kong +l Hwin | 
7 i= 
ffR Kew  |/all) San 
fi sok NEG Git 
B rit EE Thok 
WL ua pL Ke 
1A sang HE 
12 |. 
{BR Te “GE Gay 
A Fagtea PA sing 
fig K’hwat at “ai 
is Kwat 
DBA) Lut 
Sh Twa 
BL Yéw 


AGE Choo 
YE chin 
2 Ch’hod 
AK crrhos 
AP | Kos 
ath Pod 
a Te 
mR Lay 
iE ke 
tHE Chay 

4 { Neé"g 




~ Cheaou 




af Kyhéet 



ie | 



wt Sin : 3 'Poey a Chéét a 
ees De Phooh >! BR whdey | BE 
aa CWhéw thy “Yew { say Nis 
cme | Cm ot “thee lid 
EE Chéem 1) BB{ 3230" vat Hwiy i 
NBR K’bsey Gé Vy tt a ‘a 
4 5B Gé Bi 

Bt Geen Gob FAL Gin | 
PA) Héung | FR Kas pa Tedou al 

yah song | BL teem BEY Tan i 
Ag ‘Thedow Yel Boo LGR Tam “ 

“1. SF 

thon | om eet 

ivk a He Ch’héuk Ch’bé at 

¥ sh hew = *hén a 

ef Kone BE Gos | | $i 
BE {Gina Ms Tai NFA Kno BP Cheng | HR 

be *hwa pK’ 
AG Wh ioe VBR chee. | #8 
= " Noli Séiing 

BB Cha i ving. 4 
ee se Chrheen et 

at Ge aK \ent { Lain ae 

~ ls jey 

NEE Kong” } at Wat Zh sim a 

T’hwat m f 

Cems | be amoge’ | HE 
SEU Ched | FR fnare | Se ef rh 
Séang rad Tan tate att Téep Nee 






=% { Be | F Ba 
4 ee a 7 12 
FA Ham 

fm Bit 

= Ga: Hwa 
“88 nek 

i pe Ho 
A = *hée 
fees | 

it ” me He 
4 Fi Kang 1 Chin 
p= Séa = 
ps an { Chéa p Ledou 

iY ‘Theém | 3 GO 

KEE pa 

VE Ek 

3B Hip 
‘i Kwat 
Bw Lo 
FE. Ke 
i Away 

Faia Chwan a 




iy Chim 
ats § Si 
ite S Bi 
=e Chedou 



rf 13 
> & Fan P’hoé 

FE Bng 

i] Tong 

\4E Keéng 
je Chap 
fi E 

BE Kwan 

= <1 

fj Haé 


a Tek 
BH Loe 
aE Chua 

A itr 
yaa Péén 



HE Yen 
RE sew 

3 Kéén 



Ch’ héén 



A Poéy 
Bb P’hok HZ Péén 
A Cheng KE Taé 
yA choad RE Séng 
HF Chae | BEE choo 
(ig: OR Hone 
Bt Geta SB ee 2 
\A Pin {U5 { ag 
KR, \h é 
KAR Hwan \B } Besun 
g T’ham AR Ho 
re Pa 
eae Af Prion 
SH Chek Ned Les 
it The Bit Hing 
iso tim 
BR Pa + BA Yéw 
HP Choo Xk — 
K 3 BE ve 
Ht Ham Koé 
Maé Bia Sut 
m5 {wi Si 



32 2 & SB 

Bx Bam, 
8 Chew 

Fig Léing 

Ag tc! 

Ls Sod 

Be: Séa |. 

2 Wy epee 2 

aa EE Chéng 

Bebo pg) 

a { Rasen 

BE. toe 
8 |. FR Ch’hap 

HE Hos 
4) ; Kéng 

HE Yeon 

BF chin | : 

RF  Ch’hin | 

ih Nef Ci hw 

sie Gan 
BE Ch'hang 
aa K’hong 

DR cian. 

i oat 

eB Ra 

as at kt A 

L3E Chet 

§ hin 

i, iE oy ba 
- Thin 
Rp Than 
AG Teer 
ia (Ge 



Téeét . 





iaw | / 4 | 
#2 Kan (Keay | PE seen | HE La, Hé at Sé 

AL so ao apg Ree! os UTR {| pean) Bit cus 
HET | HR Hoo FS rngan | BR Twat ERR Ch'hedioul BE chek 

ga (Teen | tmp ay NRE Gime BE tte | Ht 
8 . VA “ | Bwan 
sain MEE pe aay | Bal sean | Poe tikes 
Ke The pe J Prolé 
HA Ch’hédng BEL Kin A HE. Koay « WAY Phat ime " 

Be Twat oR Pwat HE wonsung | BF Hod 

< | . Jéén 
HE woos DRA Peas | pe Rania BE cWhetioun * 7 wi) 
Léing Kéén | Léén 
S78 crene he e HR Loe BE | Lang a | BE pie 
#2 Choo i ise . gE whut 
10 Kay a Waé sf a Ta re Tod 
ae Ch’he AT Pabu x K’hiap BR | ice pe { che & Ch’héen 
TR Heng ye aX iat “y Ch’hd Pe tipis 
~ | cwek 4 7 DB Ke Hey 
BE che i AL wie PI Too 
} Fd Ledo y, ei | 
; Bt cone: Ke Séuk Ba Tap / 4 Péang 
iti se aren 3 at fg § Pan 4 
BE Khaw, A robe hag Chun 

BM sn a 
VBR Pro eset! )| BP” cade © \ BE Pic Ab, Ripe 
WE igs > Bho’ pe ice j BR Ledou PH thats 
ER Bale {sa ”| Chim VBE cinéuk MVE K'beaou 
Be ey 24) Biv TAY BR tse | PE corey (PL Keaon 

ADK. “obex hl FA xaog O)| BA Tang Nt Pi Séuk | Ba Guan 





= | 



MBE Giaca 
BL Wat 
NOL Khwiy 
“AR Kwan 
Bi. Gwat : 
BF Hen 

Li | Hoan 

Ly Gey 


See Sh 


he gs $ 
‘ six Oe Sta FE, Ch’hiak | 
er wre _| & yok © | FE cwne | 
a Ps o | ‘ héen iE Chek Ge Kew | HE TS 
Pe DOB Ling OKIE {oo | UE) | 3 | 
Prhek biel ae Lon (ik Tey SER Chin 
. : Sut ! 
bs Choéy Le Pr : . ¥ Toé ee Song 
; a RB N= “Ke ze 
‘i ° ph sm | Ser 
[hat 49 pda) | AE Tiheky, | HE Wa 
BES Lwat NF 8 aH y 
e = N 
~ 9 | j4 Jew : yi | Chéth bic a T’hek 
DE Pee ‘hop Nae 3G NB om 
ik Péén > SE Tuy \ 8 T’hong ie vie 
ei i Péén fons Thiey Wi = x Ye - 
Ge" 5B They | | vs 
HE Pen te “ Tay \3E T’héng Nil Pek 
Sot |... | Pi R Shp gat “3 
ja | | 2 Gay Rls Sok a Je 
m3 Péén Vs Sole ie Kwat 38 { Cro we] Tio 
Toot WS To | | China RR siy 
: so ¥z Péng ¥ ! pull Kay 
}GH Teao ald Kido ds: | 
, [SL Keng. | ah Sat, OE neene wie Bi 
A - 2 Gos 
i: Un {ca | HB Poe 4 stialam 18 ! 
’ NF ih > 
i > Tas i f K Léuk ~~" Ri 
| Yéw a ore , a Péén 
{Ta {GE seaoi 8 saces Ko 
. site ; M ig Ww: . A , | Ko 
SE Pek ate ei Phot sft rigs eo Kody 
ek oes D3 { Fa pees: 
; adh pe! ‘Chew a At iy 



a ne Cho» 

Fae 2: 

Jéa * 
Chay | 


‘ie ne) 

ie cw até GE Te 

pe Lin s 

Na Law i; ees Chun 
RE Chrhiéen 

2 : et ke || 
Soi sit HE Pe a 
SB Pap | 3B crnegmn 
SER Age Foote 
ic Kien SEE Mae 
Bsn) | et ns 
5} SL tek a Ye Sty Ei 

Ti. Chéen’) 

Trhit), ‘J am poan 
BY Séuk PHB | Heng 

Sok — 

- Jé 
Ht heépars 

Péen »/- 

3 SHE ba | 

Ye Le 

A ts 

' “A 

Bang i ca 
ie vA Tam 
| RR Lae 



aan ae 

yh ee 

bey gy &, 
| c 3 
? a 


| . \ e46: oe 
} \ is fa 
1674 i: *y sa 2 
| ay To Say ba a, ees.'} ~— 
the ee ik, ot Fontan ” LS Ke Sein 
ies Chthaou | Hl Heng SBE y P ee 
he. \ Gl Lew J K 2 |! ad Ge ve = BE to 
¢ a BR Ke ale 
. BEA Chie Sih Kong mire . $i Ham ie Phwan. 
TX ‘ph P ; Gin Meas" > Bit Wis want 
‘ Se Hoo Léng ie Ob'nging te 6 \ me ga Hong 
: ihe ; a 
Pwa ng - ey 
BA Tip SR 1 Poth \ BR oR: e Boéy 5H Woey $3 ht 
. Tang L 4 Sa ‘ ' 
Ba Tes $E Geuk pe ” a ane Sie Thay $5 cwnep | 
: i Liy Kéé A ‘ 
NL EP chad Kah 8 ox aime | Sao Se 
eee | ee fee (TE | BR cone 
| | ae n { Thaet rs { K’héung Tea Chthea ow 
“J ¥ i urs a K’heng &s Put fe , : zg 
‘ pe $8 Ke BE bh Ké Bi Hoé 
| Sé ; at 
Lato | ES gp cay | om rel ella 
\ is $ 
| BF yea ; BF Heen % ( a PR Twat BK Chim 
“| gett vmefgrnre SOE Howes | ge x, AML | 
BE Pay oe Paou Pe bs Siac Ke | Cheng”: due a 
a7] Hwang Gf Choe Théet Fons gig Kim HE Léw ¥ . ae 4 
Wy Choo : soy, Twat § es: 
BL Thoe i! re jk 5 SR i him SH Kin ei (yam it 
$A cwa NSH ven be cat . \ A sean ‘ $f ig tn | 
, \ K’hw& | Béng Y s Hitt 
ak ola te settee, (A me iM cond 
Lon ete | pketeae | ay hile SB chick ay 
, Teaou By. > he 
Rik Koe : 2) i : hes ; Kong 8 om Héem : Fi) Phok : 
ironies, (Sees Bie nin | BE rt 

A wh 

| Choo | SE tee 
Bin | aise, | 5 
| oe sat BE twa 3 
Bi Ke BE Pr hok Bi 
‘fico wat | 
vi 98 | Peak rs 
Biss NORA Nato | $8 
BE Kod . $ vm | # 
r xwan | OF Prhooi' his 
HE Gs $i Ysa $f 
Gi wk 4 BE Tang Sis 
Gh Tek Fi Léém ia 
He wok — pdms Chin B 
ge Ries PR Kéam {88 
at his 4 Tok | 
GE Phone | boy se 'k 
Gi aoe BR Trick me 
ye San $e Hwan 4 
oll ai dias 


as Khwak 

APA) XK hwat 



| Chan | 

eB KG 

FE Ketng® 

K’ hong 

Pong . 


‘@e@2eu2288 28 2 

Ch’hedou | tt 


| aes 
at J 

ee onl Pe n Mas Chim 
: Am 
44 | Mii Rea if 4 fal Ho 
Re Bn 46 ASH Kéng 
e - fA Chace ia isi fj Chedou 
ae Wat ? Rij Koa 
fe: 9 ee hee 

ty G+ Cwrneo"® 

\ ( ¥éa 
jig Soe 

BE so 

Be sut 
FE P*heaou 

i, P’heaou — 

210 |. 
i Yatu 


Kwiy | 

mt * 


EW king” 

CGE. cha 
4Z Noe 

g, 2 agi soe) ae ; 
187 FE, a aie. i Pom HS aie yy | i cs {ek 

xy Pew 

Eira a) Baie, a | aa Pek i “K'heson e ‘hous | 
Bi ? | yowg aK 
: ‘A Bla | 


. a3 5} aly ie #4. 
-.) aj jon th Okeny rai tly i ay 
se 03 aes Ail CW hey ) ¥ Hong “4 

in | 

i SS 


ee a 







ra ®. By 

Bi cihing 


- " vo 0 : ewe 

| pGOME poy 
j ifFoe 

= 2 


fie Ch *heng” 


olga f ia" 


cl *heang 
fin cwnaang 

! ’ ‘ 
(GF  chwan 

| ae Kwae 

fF chcone 

BeREBSth ecw SBE: 

| BB orice’ 

Ai Kwan 
ae Put 

i ity 


8 Yeuk . |. 

Ba Kiva. 

AB Kem 


the wy 


upd iy 

a = 

min te 
nosey | 

AgintdD “| { 

cee S| 


gnbiid a 


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