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Full text of "A dictionary of scientific terms : pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms in biology, botany, zoology, anatomy, cytology, embryology, physiology"

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(2ik  Of        Stephen  Rook 



A   Dictionary  of  Scientific  Terms 








W.  D.  HENDERSON,  M.A.,  B.Sc.,PH.D.,F.R.S.E. 




LONDON:    33    PATERNOSTER    ROW,    E.G. 





Tins  compilation  was  undertaken  as  it  was  thought  desirable 
that  there  should  be  available  to  students  and  scientists,  an 
up-to-date  work  somewhat  on  the  lines  of  Stormonth's  Manual 
of  Scientific  Terms  (1879,  republished  1903).  It  contains 
definitions  of  about  ten  thousand  terms,  including  several 
hundred  lately  coined  expressions,  many  of  which  have  not 
hitherto  appeared  in  a  dictionary.  The  work  is  expected  to 
supply  a  want  felt  by  many  students  and  other  readers  of 
the  Biological  Sciences,  as  the  usual  handy-sized  dictionary 
contains  comparatively  few  purely  scientific  terms.  The  sub- 
jects selected  for  treatment  are  Biology  and  its  allies,  Anatomy, 
Botany,  Zoology,  Embryology,  Cytology,  Physiology ;  and 
some  terms  in  Bacteriology  and  Palaeontology  are  included. 

In  a  first  edition  of  a  book  of  this  kind,  errors  of  omission  are 
inevitable,  as  few  people  have  convenient  access  to  each  text- 
book and  treatise,  even  in  one  subject,  as  it  makes  its  appearance 
Suggestions  for  additions  will  be  welcomed  and  noted  for  future 
use,  and  should  be  accompanied  by  the  name  of  the  work  in 
which  the  original  definition  is  to  be  found ;  derivation  offers 
no  difficulty  as  a  rule,  but  pronunciation  might  be  indicated  by 
coiners  of  entirely  new  terms. 

In  the  etymological  section,  Greek  words  have  been  trans- 
literated, as  science  and  medical  students  are  seldom  acquainted 
with  that  language,  and  on  the  advice  of  an  authority  on 
Greek,  the  transliteration  of  certain  combinations  of  letters 
represents  the  sound  rather  than  the  exact  letters  of  the 
original ;  hence  the  frequent  occurrence  of  such  words  as 
brangchia,  hydor,  etc. 

This  work  was  begun  by  Mr  J.  H.  Kenneth,  who  compiled 
most  of  the  primary  lists  from  which  the  whole  has  been 
elaborated.  Mr  Kenneth  had  completed  upwards  of  three 



hundred   terms   when  ill-health   prevented   his  continuing  the 
work,  and  it  was  handed  over  to  the  present  authors. 

We  have  to  acknowledge  our  indebtedness  to  Professor 
J.  H.  Ashworth  of  Edinburgh  University,  who  has  very  kindly 
read  over  the  manuscript  and  given  us  some  suggestions  for 

I.  F.  H. 



IT  has  seemed  expedient  in  many  cases  to  give  alternatives,  as  different 
centres  of  learning  have  different  types  of  pronunciation ;  again,  as  it  is 
usage  which  determines  correct  pronunciation,  and  the  terms  are  not 
everyday  words,  it  will  be  long  before  a  term  which  lends  itself  equally 
well  to  two  methods  will  be  fixed  down  to  one. 

As  to  many  anatomical  and  other  purely  Latin  terms,  students  will 
probably  follow  the  type  of  pronunciation,  English  or  Continental, 
learned  at  school ;  in  the  latter  case,  the  second  alternative  or  some 
modification  of  it  will  be  employed.  Those  who  can  readily  pronounce 
ch  as  in  loch,  and  who  have  so  learned  to  pronounce  the  combination 
in  Greek,  will  naturally  introduce  that  sound  into  such  words  as 
branchial,  brachycnemic ;  although  the  k  sound  has  been  adopted  in 
this  as  in  other  dictionaries,  the  other  is  not  to  be  regarded  as 

The  sound-symbols  have  been  made  as  simple  as  possible,  only  the 
broader  differences  of  vowel-sounds  having  been  included.  A  general 
indication  of  pronunciation,  rather  than  a  critically  exact  reproduction, 
is  what  is  wanted  for  the  average  reader  of  scientific  works. 

In  the  case  of  words  which  have  not  previously  appeared  in  a 
dictionary,  and  whose  pronunciation  is  not  clearly  indicated  by 
etymological  or  other  rules,  it  remains  for  the  coiner  to  indicate  his 




bot.  . 
cyt.  . 

Ar.  . 
F.  . 
Gk.  . 
I  eel. 
It.  . 



as  in       not. 



„           form. 



„          anatomy. 



„           toy. 



„          good. 



„           cow. 









„          thin. 



„          pure. 



„           nut. 



„           French  u. 



„          yard. 



„           is. 



„           vision 








J  opposite, 

applied  to. 


\opposed  to. 



pertaining  to. 




for  example. 



that  is. 

•v.     . 
















L.  . 




Late  Latin. 






Middle  English. 



Old  French. 



Old  High  German. 










abactinal  (abak'tinal,  abakti'nal)  a. 
[L.  ab,  from ;  Gk.  aktis,  ray.] 
Appl.  the  area  of  an  echinoderm 
body  without  tube-feet  and  in  which 
the  madreporite  is  usually  included  ; 
abambulacral ;  antambulacral ;  opp. 
actinal  (zoo/.). 

abambulacral  (ab'ambula'kral)  a.  [L. 
abt  from ;  ambulare,  to  walk.] 
Appl.  the  area  of  an  echinoderm 
body  remote  from  that  on  which 
the  tube-feet  are  found  (zoo/.). 

abaxial  (abak'slal)  a.  [L.  ab,  from  ; 
axis,  axle.]  Pert,  that  surface  of 
any  structure  which  is  remote  or 
turned  away  from  the  axis  (biol.). 

abaxile  (abak'sil)  a.  [L.  ab,  from  ; 
axis,  axle.]  Appl.  an  embryo  in 
which  the  axis  has  not  the  same 
direction  as  the  axis  of  the  seed 

abbreviated  (abre'vlated)  a.  [L.  ad, 
to ;  brevis,  short.]  Shortened ; 

abdomen  (abdo'men,  ab'domen)  n. 
[L.  abdomen,  belly.]  The  belly  ;  in 
vertebrates,  the  part  of  the  body 
containing  the  digestive  organs  ;  in 
Arthropods  and  certain  Polychaets, 
the  posterior  part  of  the  body  ;  in 
Synascidians,  part  of  the  zooid 
below  the  thorax  (zoo/.,  anat.). 

abdominal  (abdom'Inal)  a.  [L.  ab- 
domen, belly.]  Pert,  abdomen  ; 
appl.  structures,  organs,  or  parts  of 
organs  situated  in,  on,  or  closely 
related  to,  the  abdomen. 

abdominal  pores, — single  or  paired 
openings  leading  from  the  coelom 
to  the  exterior,  in  Cyclostomes  and 
certain  other  fishes  (zoo/.). 

abdominal  reflex, — contraction  of  ab- 
dominal wall  muscles  when  the  skin 
over  the  side  of  the  abdomen  is 
stimulated  (phys.). 

abdominal  regions, — nine  areas  into 
which  the  abdomen  is  divided  by 


two  horizontal  and  two  vertical 
imaginary  lines,  viz.,  hypochondriac 
(2),  lumbar  (2),  inguinal  (2),  epigas- 
tric, umbilical,  hyppgastric  (anat.). 

abdominal  ribs, — ossifications  occur- 
ring in  the  fibrous  tissue  between 
skin  and  muscles  of  certain  reptiles 

abdominal  ring, — one  of  two  openings 
in  the  fasciae  of  the  abdominal 
muscles  through  which  passes  the 
spermatic  cord  in  the  male,  and  the 
round  ligament  in  the  female ; 
inguinal  ring  (anat.}. 

abducens  (abdu'se'nz)  n.  [L.  abducere, 
to  lead  away.]  The  sixth  cranial 
nerve  supplying  the  rectus  externus 
which  turns  the  eyeball  outwards 

abduct  (abdukt')  v.  [L.  abducere,  to 
lead  away.]  To  draw  away  from 
the  median  axis  (phys.}. 

abductor  (abduk'tor)  n.  [L.  abducere, 
to  lead  away.]  A  muscle  that 
draws  a  limb  or  part  outwards 

aberrant  (abeYant)  a.  [L.  aberare,  to 
wander  away.]  Appl.  species  with 
characteristics  not  strictly  in  accord- 
ance with  the  type  (bot.,  zoo/.). 

abiogenesis  (abiqje'n'gsis)  n.  [Gk.  a, 
not ;  bios,  life  ;  genesis,  birth.]  The 
production  of  living  from  non-living 
matter  ;  archegony  ;  autogony  ; 
spontaneous  generation  (oio/.). 

abiology  (ablol'oji)  n.  [Gk.  a,  not ; 
bios,  life ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
study  of  non-living  things ;  anor- 

abomasum  (aboma'zum,  abom'azum) 
n.  [L.  ab,  from  ;  omasum,  paunch.] 
The  read  or  fourth  chamber  of  the 
stomach  of  ruminants  (zoo/.). 

aboral  (abo'ral)  a.  [L.  ab,  from  ;  os, 
oris,  mouth.]  Away  from,  or 
opposite  to,  the  mouth. 

abort    (abort')    v.     [L.   abortus,   prc- 



mature  birth.]  To  be  arrested  in 
development  ;  to  be  born  prema- 
turely (biol.) 

abortion  (abor'shun)  n.  [L.  abortus, 
premature  birth.]  Premature  birth  ; 
arrest  of  development  of  an  organ 

abranchiate  (abrang'kiat)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without  ;  brangchia,  gills.]  Without 
gills  (zool.). 

abrupt  (abrupt')  a.  [L.  ab,  from  ;  rum- 
pere,  to  break.]  Appearing  as  if 
broken,  or  cut  off,  at  the  extremity. 
abruptly-acuminate,  —  having  a.broad 
extremity,  as  a  leaf,  from  which  a 
point  arises  (hot.). 

abruptly-pinnate,  —  having  the  main 
axis  of  the  epipodium  not  winged, 
but  bearing  a  number  of  secondary 
axes  which  are  winged  (bot.). 
absciss  (ab'sls)  a.  [L.  abscindere,  to 
cut  off.]  Appl.  layer  of  cells  just 
outside  the  cork-layer,  to  whose 
disorganization  the  fall  of  the  leaf 
is  due  (bot). 

abscission  (absish'un)  n.  [L.  abscin- 
dere, to  cut  off.]  The  separation 
of  parts  (dot.). 

absorption  (absorp'shun)  n.  [L. 
absorbere,  to  suck  in.]  The  intus- 
susception of  fluid  by  living  cells 
or  tissues  ;  the  passage  of  nutritive 
material  through  living  cells  (biol., 

abstriction  (abstrik'shun)  n.  [L. 
abstringere,  to  cut  off.]  The  pro- 
cess of  detaching  spores  (conidia) 
by  the  rounding  off  of  the  tips  of 
the  sporophores,  as  in  mildews  (bot.). 
abterininal  (abter'mmal)  a.  [L.  ab, 
from  ;  terminus,  end.]  Going  from 
the  end  inwards  (phys.). 
abysmal  (abiz'mal)  a.  [Gk.  abysses, 
bottomless.]  Pert,  depths  of  the 

abyssal     (abis'al)    a.      [Gk.    abysses, 
bottomless.]     Pert,   depths  of  the 
ocean  ;  appl.  organisms  or  material 
usually  found  there  (biol.). 
acanaceous     (akana'shus)     a.      [Gk. 
akanos,  thorn.]     Bearing  thorns  or 
prickles,  as  leaves  (bot.). 
acantha  (akan'tha)  n.     [Gk.  akantha, 
thorn.]      Prickle     (bot.)  ;     spinous 
process  (zool). 

acanthaceous  (akantha'shus)  a.  [Gk. 
akantha,  thorn.]  Bearing  prickles. 

acanthin  (akan'thin)  n.  [Gk.  akantha, 
thorn.]  A  substance  like  chitin, 
strontium  sulphate,  forming  the 
skeleton  of  the  Radiolarians  (phys.). 
acanthion  (akan'thion)  n.  [Gk.  akan- 
tha, thorn.]  The  most  prominent 
point  on  the  nasal  spine  (anat.). 
acanthocarpous  (akan'thokar'pus)  a. 
[Gk.  akantha,  thorn  ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
Having  the  fruit  covered  with  spines 
or  prickles. 

acanthocephalous  (akan'thokef'alus, 
-sef-)  a.  [Gk.  akantha,  thorn  ;  keph- 
ale,  head.]  With  a  hooked  pro- 
boscis (zool.). 

acanthocladous  (akan'thoklad'us)  a. 
[Gk.  akantha, thorn  ;  klados, branch.] 
Having  spiny  branches, 
acanthocyst  (akan'thosist)  n.  [Gk. 
akantha,  thorn  ;  kystis,  bladder.] 
A  sac  containing  lateral  or  reserve 
stylets  in  Nemerteans  (zool.). 
acanthophore  (akan'thofor)  n.  [Gk. 
akantha,  thorn  ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
A  conical  mass,  the  basis  of  the 
median  stylet  in  Nemerteans  (zool.). 
acanthosphenote  (akan'thosfe'not)  a. 
[Gk.  akantha,  thorn  ;  sphen,  wedge.] 
Appl.  an  echinoid  spine  made  up  of 
solid  wedges  separated  by  porous 
tissue  (zool.). 

acanthozooid  (akan'thozo'oid)  n.    [Gk. 

akantha,  thorn  ;  soon,  animal  ;  eidos, 

form.]    The  tail   part  of  the  pro- 

scolex  of  Cestodes  as  distinguished 

from  the  body  or  cystozooid  (zool.). 

acapnia  (akap'nia)  n.     [Gk.  akapnos, 

without    smoke.]     Diminution    or 

want  of  carbon  dioxide  (phys.). 

acaulescent  (akoles'ent)  a.     [Gk.   a, 

without ;  kaulos,  stalk.]     Having  a 

shortened  stem  (bot.). 

accelerator   (aksgl'erator)  n.     [L.  ac- 

celerare,  to  hasten.]    Appl.  muscle 

or  nerve  which  increases  the  rate 

of  action  (phys.). 

acceptor  (aksep'tor)  n.  [L.  accipere, 
to  accept.]  A  body  or  substance 
which  receives  and  unites  with 
another  substance  or  gas  intro- 
duced (phys.). 

accessorius  (akseso'rius)  n.  [L.  ac- 
cedere,  to  go  to.]  A  muscle  aiding 
in  the  action  of  another  ;  the  spinal 
accessory  or  eleventh  cranial  nerve 
accessory  (akseVori)  a.  [L.  accedere, 



to  go  to.]  Additional  or  accom- 

accessory  bud, — an  additional  axillary 
bud  (bot.). 

accessory  chromosome, — a  chromo- 
some found  in  the  sex-cells  of  various 
animals  which  by  its  peculiar  be- 
haviour and  the  stage  it  appears  at, 
is  considered  by  some  authorities 
to  be  the  factor  that  determines  sex. 

accessory  nerve,— the  eleventh  cranial 
nerve  (anat.). 

accessory  pancreatic  duct, — Santo- 
rini's  duct  (anat.). 

accommodation  (akomoda'shun)  n. 
[L.  ad,  to  ;  commodus,  fitting.]  The 
adjustment  of  the  eye  for  receiving 
clear  images  of  objects  at  different 
distances  (phys.). 

accrescent  (akres'ent)  a.  [L.  accre- 
scere,  to  increase.]  Appl.  plants  that 
continue  to  grow  after  flowering,  or 
calyx  continuing  to  grow  after  pol- 
lination (bot.). 

accretion  (akre'shun)  n.  [L.  accre- 
scere,  to  increase.]  Growth  by  the 
external  addition  of  new  matter ;  in 
protozoology,  agglomeration  (biol.). 

accumbent  (akum'bent)  a.  [L.  ac- 
cumbere,  to  lie  on.]  Appl.  embryo 
having  cotyledons  with  their  edges 
turned  towards  the  radicle,  as  in 
Cruciferae  (bot.). 

acentrous  (asen'trus)  a.  [L.  a,  with- 
out ;  centrum,  centre.]  With  no 
vertebral  centra  and  with  per- 
sistent notochord,  as  in  certain 
fishes  (zoo/.). 

acephalous  (akef'alus,  -sef-)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  not ;  kephale,  head.]  Having  no 
structure  comparable  to  the  head, 
as  in  some  molluscs  (zool.). 

acerate  (as'grat)  a.  [L.  acer,  sharp.] 
Needle-shaped ;  pointed  at  one  end, 
appl.  monaxon  or  oxeote  spicules 

acerose  (as'eros)  a.  [L.  acer,  sharp.] 
Narrow  and  slender,  with  a  sharp 
point ;  as  a  pine-leaf  (bot.). 

acervuline  (aseYviilin)  a.  [L.  acervus, 
heap.]  Irregularly  heaped  to- 
gether, appl.  foraminiferal  tests 

acervulus  (aser'vulus)  n.  [LL.  dim. 
of  acervus,  heap.]  A  small  heap 
or  cluster ;  especially  of  sporo- 
genous  mycelium  (bot.). 

acervulus  cerebri, — minute  grains  of 
a  calcareous  nature  in  the  pineal 
gland,  etc.,  of  the  brain  (anat.). 

acetabulum  (asgtab'ulum)  n.  [L. 
acetabulum,  vinegar  -  cup.]  The 
socket  for  the  head  of  the  femur, 

situated  at  the  junction  of  the 
ilium,  ischium,  and  pubis,  all  of 
which  may  or  may  not  take  part  in 
its  formation  (anat.) ;  in  insects, 
the  cavity  of  the  thorax  formed  by 
the  epimeron,  sternum,  and  occa- 
sionally epigastrium,  in  which  the 
legs  are  inserted  ;  the  large  pos- 
terior sucker  in  leeches ;  one  of 
the  cotyledons  of  the  ruminant 
placenta  ;  the  sucker  on  the  arms 
of  a  Cephalopod  (sool.). 

acheilary  (akl'lan)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  cheilos,  lip.]  Having  the 
labellum  undeveloped,  as  in  some 
orchids  (bot.). 

achene  (aken')  ».  [Gk.  a,  not  ; 
chainein,  to  gape.]  A  monosper- 
mal  seed-vessel  which  does  not 
open  or  crack  (bot.). 

Achillis  tendo  (Skills  ten'do)  n. 
[Achilles,  hero  of  the  Iliad,  who 
had  a  vulnerable  heel ;  L.  tendo, 
tendon.]  The  hamstring ;  the 
united  strong  tendon  of  the  gastro- 
cnemiusand  solaeus  muscles  (anat.). 

achlamydeous  (ak'lamid'eus)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  without;  chlamys,  cloak.]  Having 
neither  calyx  nor  corolla  (bot.). 

achromatin  (akro'matin)  n.  [Gk.  «, 
without ;  chroma,  colour.]  The 
non-staining  ground  substance  and 
linin  of  the  nucleus  (cyt.). 

achromatinic  (akro'matin'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  without ;  chroma,  colour.]  Pert. 
achromatin,  or  resembling  achro- 
matin in  its  properties  (cyt.). 

acicular  (aslk'ular)  a.  [L.  acicula, 
small  needle.]  Like  a  needle  in 
shape  ;  sharp-pointed  (bot.). 

aciculum  (aslk'ulum)  n.  [L.  acicula, 
small  needle.]  One  of  the  stiff 
basal  setae  in  the  parapodium  of 
a  worm  (zool.). 

acinaciform  (aslnas'iform)  a.  [L. 
acinaces,  short  sword ;  forma, 
shape.]  Shaped  like  a  sabre  or 
scimitar  ;  appl.  leaf  (bot.). 

acinarious  (aslna'rlus)  a.  [L.  acinus, 
berry.]  Having  globose  vesicles, 
as  some  Algae  (bot.). 



acinus  (as'fnus)  «.  [L.  acinus,  berry.] 
One  of  the  pulpy  drupes  composing 
the  fruit  of  bramble  or  raspberry 
(hot.} ;  the  sac-like  termination  of 
a  branched  gland  (anat.). 

acoelomate  (ase'lomat)  a,  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  koilos,  hollow.]  Appl. 
animals  not  having  a  true  body 

acoelomatous,acoelous, — acoelomate. 

acontia  (akon'tia,  akon'shia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  akontion,  small  javelin.] 
Threadlike  processes  of  the  mesen- 
teric  filaments  armed  with  stinging 
cells,  in  Actinians  (zoo/.'). 

acotyledon  (a'kotlle'don)  ».  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  kotyledon,  a  cup-shaped 
hollow.]  A  plant  without  a  coty- 
ledon (hot.}. 

acquired  character, —a  modification 
or  mutilation,  due  to  disease  or  to 
use  or  disuse  of  a  special  organ  or 
organs,  which  has  actually  made  its 
appearance  during  the  lifetime  of 
the  individual  (biol.). 

acraspedote  (akras'pgdot)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without  ;  kraspedon,  an  edge  or 
border.]  Having  no  velum  (zool.). 

acrobryous  (ak'robrl'us)  a.  [Gk.  akros, 
tip  ;  bryein,  to  swell.]  Growing  at 
the  tip  only  (dot.). 

acrocarpous  (ak'rokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
akros,  tip  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Having 
the  fructification  terminating  the 
axis  (bot.). 

acrocoracoid  (ak'rokSr'akoid)  n.  [Gk. 
akros,  tip ;  korax,  crow  ;  eidos, 
shape.]  A  process  at  the  dorsal 
end  of  the  coracoid  in  birds  (zoo!.). 

acrocyst  (ak'roslst)  n.  [Gk.  akros,  tip  ; 
kystis,  bladder.]  The  spherical 
gelatinous  cyst  formed  by  the  gono- 
phore,  when  it  projects  after  migra- 
tion on  the  blastostyle  beyond  the 
mouth  of  the  gonotheca,  for  the 
completion  of  the  maturation  of  the 
generative  cells  (zool.). 

acrodont  (ak'rodont)  a.  [Gk.  akros, 
tip ;  odous,  tooth.]  Appl.  teeth 
which  are  ankylosed  by  their  base 
to  the  summit  of  a  parapet  of  bone 

aerodrome  (ak'rodrom),  acrodromous 
(akrSd'romus)  a.  [Gk.  akros,  tip  ; 
dromein,  to  run.]  Appl.  leaf  with 
nerves  converging  at  its  point  (bot.). 

acrogenous  (akr6j'6nus)  a.    [Gk.  akros, 

tip  ;  genos,  offspring.]  Increasing 
in  growth  at  the  summit  or  growing 
point  (bot.). 

acromial  (akro'mial)  a.  [Gk.  akros, 
summit ;  omos,  shoulder.]  Pert. 
the  acromion,  appl.  artery,  process, 
ligament,  etc.  (anat.). 

acromio-clavicular  (akro'mio-klavik'- 
ular)  a.  [Gk.  akromion,  shoulder- 
summit  ;  L.  claviculus,  dim.  of 
clavts,  key.]  Appl.  ligaments  cover- 
ing the  joint  between  the  acromion 
and  the  clavicle  (anat.). 

acromion  (akro'mion)  n.  [Gk.  akros, 
summit ;  omos,  shoulder.]  The 
ventral  prolongation  of  the  spina 
scapulae  (anat.}. 

acropetal  (ak'ropeVal)  a.  [Gk.  akros, 
summit ;  L.  petere,  to  seek.]  Appl. 
leaves  or  flowers  developing  from 
an  axis  so  that  the  youngest  arise 
nearest  the  apex  (bot.). 

acrorhagus  (akrora'gus)  n.  [Gk.  akros, 
summit  ;  rhax,  grape.]  A  tubercle 
on  the  margin  of  certain  Actinians, 
containing  nematocysts  (zool.). 

acrosarc  (ak'rosark)  n.  [Gk.  akros, 
summit ;  sarx,  flesh.]  A  pulpy 
berry  resulting  from  the  union  of 
ovary  and  calyx  (bot.). 

acrosome  (ak'rosom)  n.  [Gk.  akros, 
tip ;  sotna,  body.]  Body  at  the  apex 
of  a  spermatozoon,  the  apical  body 

acrospire  (ak'rospir)  n.  [Gk.  akros, 
summit  ;  speira,  something  twisted.] 
The  first  shoot  or  sprout,  being 
spiral,  at  the  end  of  a  germinating 
seed  (bot.). 

acrospore  (ak'rospor)  n.  [Gk.  akros, 
tip  ;  sporos,  seed.]  The  spore  at 
the  end  of  a  sporophore  (bot.). 

actinal  (ak'tmal,  aktfnal)  a.  [Gk. 
aktis,  ray.]  Appl.  area  of  an  echino- 
derm  body  in  which  the  tube-feet 
are  situated  ;  appl.  the  oral  area 
with  tentacles  in  Actinaria  (zool.). 

actine  (ak'tln)  n.  [Gk.  aktis,  ray.]  A 
star-shaped  spicule  (zool.). 

actinenchyma  (ak'tlngng'kima)  n. 
[Gk.  aktis,  ray  ;  en,  in ;  chein,  to 
pour.]  Cellular  tissue  having  a 
stellate  appearance  (bot.). 

actinoblast  (aktln'oblast)  n.  [Gk. 
aktis,  ray ;  blastos,  bud.]  The 
mother-cell  from  which  a  spicule 
is  developed  (zool.). 



actinocarpous  (ak'tinokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
aktis,  ray ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Appl. 
plants  with  flowers  and  fruit  radially 
arranged  (bot.). 

actinodrome  (aktm'b'drom)  a.  [Gk. 
aktis,  ray  ;  dramas,  a  running.] 
Veined  palmately  (hot.}. 

actinogonidial  (ak'tinogonid'ial)  a. 
[Gk.  aktis,  ray  ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Having  radiately  arranged  genital 
organs  as  in  Stelleroids  (zool.). 

actinoid  (ak'tinoid)  a.  [Gk.  aktis,  ray  ; 
eidos,  shape.]  Rayed,  star-shaped. 

actinomere  (aktin'omer)  n.  [Gk.  aktis, 
ray ;  meros,  part.]  A  radial  seg- 
ment (zool.}. 

actinomorphic  (ak'tinomor'f  Ik),  actino- 
morphous  (ak'tinomor'fus)  a.  [Gk. 
aktis,  ray  ;  morphe,  shape.]  Appl. 
flowers  which  can  be  divided  into 
like  halves  by  a  vertical  section 
through  the  centre ;  radiosym- 

actinost  (ak'tinost)  n.  [Gk.  aktis,  ray  ; 
os/eon,  bone.]  Basal  bone  of  the 
fin-rays  in  Teleosteans  (zool.}. 

actinostome  (aktin'ostom)  n.  [Gk. 
aktis,  ray  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  The 
five-rayed  oral  aperture  of  the  star- 
fish (zool.}. 

actlnotrichium  (ak'tinotrlk'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  aktis,  ray ;  thrix,  hair.]  A 
delicate  unjointed  horny  fibre  of 
mesoblastic  origin  found  at  the 
edge  of  all  the  fins  in  adult  Tele- 
ostomes,  probably  homologous  with 
the  ceratotrichia  of  Elasmobranchs 

actinotrocha  (ak'tfnotro'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
aktis,  ray  ;  trochos,  wheel.]  Free- 
swimming  larval  form  of  Phoronis 

actinula  (aktin'ula)  n.  [Gk.  aktis, 
ray.]  A  larval  stage  in  some  Hydro- 
medusae,  in  which  a  coelenteron, 
mouth,  and  tentacles  are  formed, 
and  cell  differentiation  has  taken 
place  before  the  larva  is  set  free 
from  the  parent  form  (zool.}. 

aculeate  (aku'leat)  a.  [L.  aculeus, 
prickle,  thorn.]  Having  prickles 
or  sharp  points  (bot.}. 

aculeiform  (akule'iform)  a.  [L. 
aculeus,  prickle  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Formed  like  a  prickle  or  thorn 

aculeus    (aku'leus)    n.     [L.    aculeus, 

prickle.]  A  prickle  growing  from 
the  bark,  as  in  the  rose  (bot.} ;  a 
sting  (zool.}. 

acuminate  (aku'minat)  a.  [L.  acumen. 
point.]  Drawn  out  into  a  long 
point  ;  tapering  (bot.}  ;  pointed 

acuminiferous  (akummlf'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
acumen,  point ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Having  pointed  tubercles  (zoo/.}. 

acuminulate  (ak'umm'ulat)  a.  [L. 
acuminulus,  dim.  of  acumen,  point.] 
Having  a  very  sharp  tapering  point. 

acute  (akut')#.  [L.  acutus,  sharpened.] 
Ending  in  a  sharp  point. 

acyclic  (asik'llk)  a.  [Gk.  a,  without  ; 
kyklos,  circle.]  Appl.  flowers  in 
which  the  series  of  floral  leaves  are 
arranged  in  a  spiral ;  opp.  cyclic 

adamantoblast  (adaman'toblast)  n. 
[L.  adamas,  diamond  ;  Gk.  blastos, 
bud.]  A  cell  of  the  internal  epi- 
thelial layer  of  the  mammalian 
enamel  organ,  columnar  in  shape  ; 
the  enamel  cell ;  in  many  of  the 
lower  forms  the  enamel  organ  con- 
sists only  of  such  cells  (zool.}. 

adambulacral  (ad'ambula'kral)  a. 
[L.  ad,  to ;  ambulare,  to  walk.] 
Appl.  ossicles  or  structure  adjacent 
to  the  ambulacral  areas  in  Echino- 
derms  (zool.}. 

adaptation  (adapta'shun)  n.  [L.  ad, 
to  ;  aptare,  to  fit.]  The  process  by 
which  an  organism  becomes  fitted 
to  its  environment ;  a  structure  or 
habit  fitted  for  some  special  environ- 
ment ;  the  fitting  of  cutaneous  and 
other  sensations  to  a  point  when 
discomfort  ceases,  as  the  physio- 
logical zero  in  the  case  of  adapta- 
tion to  temperature  (phys.}. 

adduction  (aduk'shun)  n.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
ducere^  to  lead.]  The  movement 
towards  the  median  axis  (phys.}. 

adductor  (aduk'tor)  n.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
ducere,  to  lead.]  Any  muscle  which 
brings  one  part  towards  another 

adeciduate  (adesld'uat)  a.  [L.  a, 
away  from  ;  df,  from ;  cadere,  to 
fall.]  Not  falling,  or  coming 
away,  appl.  evergreens  (bot.) ; 
appl.  placenta  (zool.). 

adelocodonic  (ad'61okod6n'lk,  ade'- 
I6kod6n'lk)  a.  [Gk.  adelos,  con- 



cealed;  kodon,  bell.]  Appl.  the 
undetached  medusome  of  certain 
Gymnoblastea,  which  degenerates 
after  discharging  ripe  sexual  cells, 
as  opp.  the  free  or  phanerocodonic 
gonophore  or  medusome  (zoo/.). 
adelomorphic  (ad'elomor'fik,  ade'- 
I6m6r'(ik)  a.  [Gk.  adelos,  con- 
cealed ;  morphe,  shape.]  Indefinite 
in  form  ;  appl.  central  cells  of  peptic 
glands  (anat.). 

adelphous  (adel'fus)  a.  [Gk.  adel- 
phos,  brother.]  Joined  together  in 
bundles  (hot.} ;  used  in  compounds 
monadelphous  and  diadelphous, 
which  see. 

adenocheiri  (ad'gnokl'n,  -re)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  aden,  gland ;  cheir,  hand.] 
Elaborate  accessory  copulatory 
organs,  outgrowths  of  the  atrial 
walls  in  the  turbellarian  genus 
Artioposthia  (zool.}. 
adenodactyli  (ad'Snodak'till,  -le)  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  aden,  gland  ;  daktylos, 
finger.]  Adenocheiri,  which  see 

adenoid    (ad'gnoid)    a.      [Gk.    aden, 
gland ;    etdos,    shape.]     Pert,     or 
resembling  a  gland  ;  pert,   or  re- 
sembling lymphoid  tissue. 
adenophore  (ad'enofor')  n.    [Gk.  aden, 
gland ;  pherezn,  to  carry.]    The  stalk 
of  a  nectar  gland  (bot.}. 
adenophyllous  (ad'enb'fil'Cis)  a.     [Gk. 
aden,  gland  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]     Bear- 
ing glands  on  the  leaves  (hot.}. 
adenopodous   (adenop'odus)  a.     [Gk. 
aden,  gland  ;  pous,  foot.]     Bearing 
glands  on  the  peduncles  (bot.}. 
adenostemonous  (ad'enostgrn'onus)  a. 
[Gk.  aden,  gland  ;   steinon,  a  spun 
thread.]      Having  glands   on    the 
stamens  (bot.}. 

adesmy   (adgs'mi)   n.     [Gk.  adesmos, 
unfettered.]    A   break   or  division 
in  an  organ  usually  entire  (bot.}. 
adetopneusic  (ad'gtopnu'sik)  a.     [Gk. 
adetos,    free ;  pnein,    to    breathe.] 
Having       papulae       or       dermal 
branchiae    occurring    beyond    the 
abactinal  surface,  as  in  certain  of 
the  Stelleroids  (zool.}. 
adherent  (adhe'rgnt)  a.     [L.  ad,  to  ; 
haerere,  to   stick.]     Pert,  union  of 
parts  which  are  normally  separate, 
as  calyx  and  ovary  ;  adnate  (dot.}. 
adhesion  (adhe'zhun)  n.     [L.  ad,  to  ; 

haerere,  to  stick.]  Condition  of 
being  united  to,  or  separate  from, 
one  another,  appl.  elements  of  a 
whorl  (bot.}. 

adhesive  cells,  —  Glandular  or  special- 
ized cells  found  in  various  animals; 
on  the  tentacles  of  Ctenophores,  on 
the  epidermis  of  certain  Turbel- 
larians,  on  the  pedal  disc  of 
Hydra,  etc. 

adipose  (ad'Tpos)  a.  [L.  adeps,  fat.] 
Pert,  or  designating  animal  fat  ; 
fatty  (phys.}. 

adipose  tissue,—  the  special  animal 
tissue  for  the  formation  and  storage 

adminicula  (ad'mimk'ula)  n.  plu.  [L. 
adminiculum,  support.]  Spines  of 
certain  pupae,  assisting  in  wriggling 
motion  (zoo!.). 

adnate  (adnat')  a.  [L.  ad,  to  ;  gnatus, 
born.]  Pert,  or  designating  the  con- 
dition of  being  closely  attached  to 
the  side  of  the  petiole  or  stalk,  as 
in  the  case  of  stipules  or  leaves  ; 
designating  the  condition  of  the 
anther  when  its  back  is  attached 
throughout  its  whole  length  to  the 
filament,  or  to  its  continuation  the 
connective  (bot.}. 

adnexa  (adngk'sa)  n.  plu.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
nectere,  to  bind.]  Certain  structures 
or  parts  of  structures  closely  related 
to  any  organ  (anat.}. 

adnexed  (adneksf)  a.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
nectere,  to  bind.]  Reaching  to  the 
stem  only  (bot.}. 

adoral  (ado'ral)  a.  [L.  ad,  to  ;  os, 
mouth.]  Near  the  mouth,  or  pert. 
the  mouth  (zoo!.). 

ad-radius  (adra'diiis)  n.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
radius,  radius.]  The  radius  in 
Coelenterates  midway  between  the 
perradius  and  the  interradius,  a 
radius  of  the  third  order  (zool.). 

adrectal  (adrgk'tal)  a.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
rectum,  rectum.]  Near  to  or 
closely  connected  with  rectum 

adrenal  (adre'nal)  a.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
renes,  kidneys.]  Suprarenal. 

adrenalin  (adre'nalTn),  adrenaline 
(adre'nalin,  adre'nalen)  n.  [L.  ad, 
to  ;  renes,  kidneys.]  A  crystalline 
substance  obtained  from  suprarenal 
extract  (phys.}. 

adrostral  (adros'tral)  a.     [L.  ad,  to  ; 


rostrum,  beak.]  Near  to  or  closely 
connected  with  the  beak  or  rostrum 

adsorption  (iidsorp'shun)  n.  [L.  ad, 
to  ;  sorbere,  to  suck  in.]  The  con- 
centration of  a  substance  in  solution 
in  a  liquid  on  a  surface  in  contact 
with  the  surface  of  another  phase  ; 
the  adhesion  of  molecules  to  solid 
bodies  (phys.). 

aduncate  (adung'kat)  a.  [L.  aduncus, 
hooked.]  Crooked ;  bent  in  the 
form  of  a  hook. 

advehent  (ad've'he'nt)  a.  [L.  adve- 
here,  to  carry  to.]  Appl.  veins, 
same  as  afferent  (anat.). 

adventitious  (advgntish'iis)  a.  [L.  ad, 
to  ;  venire,  to  come.]  Accidental  ; 
appl.  organs  arising  in  abnormal 
positions  (hot.}. 

aecidiospores  (esld'iosporz',  as-) n.  plu. 
[L.  aecidium,  cup  ;  Gk.  sporos,  seed.] 
The  spores  contained  in  an  aeci- 
dium  or  clustercup  (bot.). 

aecidium  (estd'ium,  as-)  n.  [L.  aeci- 
dium,  cup.]  A  cup-shaped  structure 
containing  simple  sporophores, 
bearing  rows  of  spores  (bot.). 

aegithognathous  (e'jlthog'nathus,  a'- 
glthogna'thus)  a.  [Gk.  aegithos, 
hedge  -  sparrow  ;  gnathos,  jaw.] 
With  maxillo  -  palatines  separate, 
vomers  forming  a  wedge  in  front 
and  diverging  behind  ;  appl.  a  type 
of  palate  found  in  the  Carinatae 

aerial  (ae'rtal)  a.  [L.  aer,  air.]  In- 
habiting the  air  ;  appl.  roots  grow- 
ing above  ground,  e.g.  from  stems 
of  ivy,  for  purposes  of  climbing  ; 
also  to  small  bulbs  appearing  in 
the  axils  of  the  leaves  of  certain 
plants  (bot.). 

aerobe  (a'eYob)  n.  [Gk.  aer,  air ; 
bios,  life.]  An  organism  which 
grows  only  in  the  presence  of 
oxygen  ;  appl.  bacteria. 

aerobic  (a'erob'ik)  a.  [Gk.  aer,  air  ; 
bios,  life.]  Thriving  only  in  abund- 
ance of  oxygen  (bact.). 

aerocyst  (a'grb'sTst)  n.  [Gk.  aer,  air  ; 
kystis,  bladder.]  An  air  vesicle 
of  Algae  (bot.). 

aerophyte  (a'6roflt)  n.  [Gk.  aer,  air  ; 
phyton,  plant.]  A  land-plant  grow- 
ing attached  to  another  plant ;  an 

aerostat  (a'grostat)  n.  [L.  aer,  air  ; 
stare,  to  stand.]  An  air-sac  in 
insect  body  or  in  bird-bone  (zool.). 

aerostatic  (a'Srostat'ik),  a.  [L.  aer, 
air  ;  stare,  to  stand.]  Pneumatic  ; 
containing  air-spaces  (zool.). 

aerotaxis  (a'grotak'sls)  «.  [Gk.  aer, 
air ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  The 
movement  of  bacteria  and  other 
micro-organisms  towards  or  away 
from  oxygen  (phys.). 

aerotropism  (aerot'ropizm)  n.  [Gk 
aer,  air ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  The 
reaction  of  plants  to  gases  (bot.). 

aesthacyte  (es'thaslt)  n.  [Gk.  ais- 
thesis,  sensation  ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
A  sensory  cell  of  primitive  animals, 

aesthesia  (gsthe'zla)  n.  [Gk.  aisthesis, 
sensation.]  Sensibility. 

aestival  (eVtlval,  estl'val)  a.  [L. 
aestas,  summer.]  Produced  in,  or 
pert,  summer. 

aestivation  (eVtiva'shun)  n.  [L.  aesti- 
•uus,  pert,  summer.]  The  mode  in 
which  the  different  parts  of  the 
flower  are  disposed  in  the  flower- 
bud  ;  praefloration  ;  torpor  during 
summer  as  in  the  case  of  some 

aethalium  (etha'llum,  ath-)  n.  [Gk. 
aithahs,  soot.]  An  aggregation  of 
plasmodia  to  form  a  compound  fruit 
in  Mycetozoa. 

aetiology  (etI61'6jl)  n.  [Gk.  aitia, 
cause  ;  logos,  discourse.]  A  branch 
of  biology  dealing  with  causes. 

afferent  (af'erent)  a.  [L.  afferre,  to 
bring.]  Appl.  nerves  carrying  im- 
pulses to  the  nervous  centres  ;  appl. 
blood-vessels  carrying  blood  to  any 
particular  organ  or  set  of  organs 

affinity  (afm'itl)  n.  [L.  affinis,  related 
to.]  Relationship  ;  similarity  in  all 
essential  organs  (biol.). 

aflagellar  (a'flajgl'ar)  a.  [Gr.  a, 
without ;  L.  flagelluni,  a  whip.] 
Without  a  flagellum,  a  whip-like 
appendage  in  certain  unicellular 
organisms ;  appl.  the  end  of  a 
trypanosome  not  furnished  with  a 
flagellum  (zool.}. 

afterbirth  (af'terberth)  n.  [A.S. 
aefter,  behind ;  beran,  to  bring 
forth.]  Placenta  and  foetal  mem- 
branes expelled  after  the  young  is 
born  (anal!.). 




aftershaft  (af'tershaft)  ».  [A.S. 
aefter,  behind ;  shaft.]  A  small 
tuft  of  down  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  the  superior  umbilicus  in  the 
feathers  of  most  birds  ;  in  certain 
birds  (e.g.  moas,  emu,  cassowary) 
a  second  vane,  which,  usually 
shorter,  but  sometimes  of  equal 
length  to  the  vane  proper,  arises 
near  the  superior  umbilicus  (zool.}. 

agametes  (ag'amets)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  games,  marriage.]  Amoe- 
bulae  which  develop  directly  into 
adults  without  syngamy  (zool.}. 

agamic  (agam'lk)  a.  [Gk.  a,  without  ; 
games,  marriage.]  Asexual ;  appl. 
to  a  parthenogenic  race  (biol.} ; 
cryptogamic  (bot.}. 

agamobium  (ag'amS'bium)  n.  [Gk. 
a,  without ;  games,  marriage  ;  bios, 
life.]  The  asexual  stage  in  meta- 
genesis (zool.} ;  the  sporophyte 

agamogenesis  (ag'amqje'n'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
a,  without ;  games,  marriage  ; 
genesis,  generation.]  Partheno- 

agamogenetic  (ag'amojSngt'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  a,  without ;  games,  marriage  ; 
genesis,  birth.]  Appl.  asexual  re- 

aganiogony  (ag'amog'oni)  n.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  games,  marriage  ;  genes, 
offspring.]  Schizogony,  or  repro- 
duction without  sexual  process 

agamont  (ag'amont)  n.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  games,  marriage  ;  on,  being.] 
A  schizont,  or  that  stage  which 
gives  rise  to  agametes  (biol.}. 

agamous  (ag'amus)  a.     See  agamic. 

agglomerate  (agl8m'6rat)  a.  [L.  ad, 
to ;  glomus,  ball.]  Clustered,  as  a 
head  of  flowers. 

agglutination  (aglootina'shun) «.  [L. 
ad,  to ;  glutinare,  to  glue.]  The 
forming  of  clumps  or  floccules  by 
bacteria  distributed  in  a  medium, 
and  their  simultaneous  loss  of 
mobility  (bact.}. 

agglutinin  (agloot'inm)  n.  [L,  ad, 
to ;  glutinare,  to  glue.]  A  sub- 
stance which  is  supposed  to  cause 
agglutination  (phys.}. 

aggregate  (ag'rggat)  a.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
gregare,  to  collect  into  a  flock.] 
Formed  in  a  cluster  (bot.,  zool.}. 

aggregate  fruit,  —  a  fruit  formed 
from  the  apocarpous  gynoecium 
of  a  single  flower,  as  the  raspberry. 

aggregation  (agrgga'shun)  n.  [L.  ad, 
to ;  gregare,  to  collect.]  The 
peculiar  movement  of  the  proto- 
plasm in  the  cells  of  the  tentacles 
or  tendrils  of  sensitive  plants,  which 
being  due  to  previous  contact,  causes 
the  tentacle  or  tendril  to  bend 
towards  the  point  where  the  stimu- 
lus was  applied  (phys.}. 

aggressin  (agres'm)  n.  [L.  aggressus, 
attacked.]  A  toxic  substance  pro- 
duced by  pathogenic  organisms 
inhibiting  the  defensive  reactions 
of  the  host  (phys.}. 

aglossate  (aglos'-at)  n.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  glossa,  tongue.]  Having  no 
tongue  (zool.}. 

agnathostomatous  (agnath'ostonY- 
atus)  a.  [Gk.  a,  without ;  gnathos, 
jaw  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Having  the 
mouth  unfurnished  with  jaws,  as  in 
the  lamprey  (zool.}. 

agnathous  (agnath'us)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without  ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  Having 
no  jaw  (zool.}. 

agrostology  (ag'rostol'ojl)  n.  [Gk. 
agrostis,  grass  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
That  part  of  botany  dealing  with 
the  systematic  treatment  of  grasses 

air-bladder  (ar'-blad'er)  n.  [L.  aer, 
air;  A.S.  bleedre,  bladder.]  The 
swim-bladder,  an  air-sac  formed  by 
an  outgrowth  from  the  alimentary 
canal  in  many  fishes  (zool.}. 

air-cells, — thin-walled  cavities  in  the 
ethmoidal  labyrinth  ;  numerous 
cavities  in  the  mastoid  (anat.}. 

air-sacs, — spaces  filled  with  air  and 
connected  with  the  lungs,  which 
increase  the  respiratory  coefficient, 
and  probably  lessen  the  specific 
gravity  in  birds. 

akaryote  (aka/iot)  n.  [Gk.  a,  without  ; 
karyon,  nut,  nucleus.]  A  cell  in 
which  the  nucleoplasm  has  not 
collected  together  to  form  a  nu- 
cleus ;  a  non-nucleated  cell  (cyt.}. 

akinete  (^'kinet',  aVinet)  n.  [Gk.  a, 
not ;  kinein,  to  move.]  A  resting 
cell  in  certain  green  Algae,  which 
will  later  reproduce  (bot?). 

ala  (a'la)  n.  [L.  ala,  wing.]  Any 
winglike  projection,  e.g.  of  vomer 




(anat.)  ;  the  lateral  petal  of  a 
papilionaceous  flower  ;  the  mem- 
branous expansion  on  some  seeds 
or  fruits  (bot.). 

alar  (a'lar)  a.  [L.  ala,  wing.]  Wing- 
like  ;  pert,  alae  ;  axillary  (bot.)  ; 
appl.  ligaments,  cartilages,  etc. 

alary  (a'l&rT)  a.  [L.  ala,  wing.] 

alate  (a'lat)  a.  [L.  ala,  wing.]  Broad- 
lipped,  appl.  shells  ;  appl.  a  spicular 
system  in  Calcarea  which  is  sagit- 
tal because  of  inequality  of  angles 

albescent  (albeVgnt)  a,  [L.  albescere, 
to  grow  white.]  Growing  whitish. 

albicant  (al'bikant)  a.  [L.  albicare, 
to  grow  white.]  Becoming  white. 

albinism  (al'bimzm)  n.  [L.  albus, 
white.]  The  absence  of  pigmenta- 
tion (zoo!.)  ;  state  of  having  colour- 
less chromatophores. 

albino  (albino,  albe'no)  n.  [Sp. 
albino,  white,  from  L.  albusl\  A 
person  with  congenital  deficiency 
of  pigment  in  the  skin,  hair,  and 
eyes  (anat.)  ;  any  animal  with  a 
similar  deficiency  on  its  body 
(zool.) ;  a  plant  with  colourless 
chromatophores,  due  to  absent 
chloroplasts  or  undeveloped  chro- 
moplasts  (bot.). 

albumen  (albu'men)  n.  [L.  albumen, 
white  of  egR.]  The  white  of  egg 
(zool.) ;  nutritive  material  stored  in 
the  embryo  (bot.). 

albumin  (albu'mln)  n.  [L.  albumen, 
white  of  egg.]  A  protein  occurring 
in  blood  serum,  milk,  and  many 
animal  and  vegetable  tissues  (phys.). 

albuminous  (albu'minus)  a.  [L.  albu- 
men, white  of  egg.]  Pert,  having, 
or  of  the  nature  of,  albumen  or 

alburnum  (albur'num)  n.  [L.  albus, 
white.]  Sapwood  or  splintwood, 
the  soft  white  substance  between 
inner  bark  (cambium)  and  true 
wood  (duramen) ;  the  outer  young 
wood  of  a  dicotyledonous  stem 

alecithal  (aleVithal)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with 
out ;  lekithos,  yolk.]  Appl.  ova 
with  little  or  no  yolk  (zool.). 

aleurone  (alu'ron)  n.  [Gk.  aleuron, 
flour.]  Appl.  proteid  grains  found 

in  general  protoplasm  and  used  as 
reserve  food-materials  (bot.). 

alexin  (aleVsin)  n.  [Gk.  alexein,  to 
ward  off.]  A  substance  in  the 
blood  which  destroys  bacteria 

algin  (al'jin)  n.  [L.  alga,  seaweed.] 
A  substance  of  a  gelatin  character 
obtained  from  certain  Algae  (phys.). 

algoid  (al'goid)  a.  [L.  alga,  plant  ; 
Gk.  eidos,  shape.]  Pert,  resembling 
or  of  the  nature  of  an  Alga  (bot.). 

algology  (algol'oji)  n.  [L.  alga,  sea- 
weed ;  Gk.  logos,  discourse.]  The 
study  of  seaweeds  or  Algae  (bot.). 

alima  (al'ima)  ».  [Gk.  halimos,  pert. 
sea.]  A  larval  stage  of  certain 
Crustacea,  e.g.  Squilla  (zool.). 

alimentary  (al'Ime'n'tari)  a.  [L.  alere, 
to  nourish.]  Pert,  the  nutritive 
functions ;  appl.  canal,  tract, 
system,  etc. 

alisphenoid  (al'isfe'noid)  «.  [L.  a/a, 
wing ;  Gk.  sphen,  wedge ;  eidos, 
form.]  The  wing-like  portion  of 
the  sphenoid  forming  part  of  the 

alitrunk  (al'itrungk)  n.  [L.  ala,  wing  ; 
truncus,  trunk.]  The  thorax  of  an 
insect  when  fused  with  the  first 
segment  of  the  abdomen. 

allantois  (Slan'tois)  n.  [Gk.  alias, 
sausage.]  An  embryonic  organ,  a 
membranous  bag  arising  from  the 
posterior  part  of  the  alimentary 
canal  in  the  higher  vertebrates, 
and  acting  as  an  organ  of  respira- 
tion or  nutrition  or  both,  and 
usually  uniting  with  the  chorion 

allassotonic  (alas'otfin'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
allassein,  to  change  ;  tonos,  strain.] 
Induced  by  stimulus,  appl.  move- 
ments of  grown  plants. 

allelomorph  (ale'lomorf)  n.  [Gk.  alle- 
lon,  one  another ;  morphe,  form.] 
In  Mendelian  inheritance  one  of 
any  pair  of  alternative  characters 

alliaceous  (alta'shus)  a.  [L.  allium, 
garlic.]  Pert,  the  allium  or  garlic 
family ;  having  a  smeN  or  taste 
like  garlic  (bot?). 

allogamy  (alfig'aml)  n.  [Gk.  allos, 
other  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Cross- 
fertilization,  as  opp.  autogamy 




alloiogenesis  (al'oiojen'esis)  n.  [Gk. 
alloios,  different  ;  genesis,  descent.] 
The  alternation  in  a  life-history  of 
a  sexual  and  a  non-sexual  form  ; 
alternation  of  generations  (biol.}. 

allopelagic  (al'opelaj'ik)  a.  [Gk.  allos, 
other  ;  pelagos,  sea.]  Pert,  organ- 
isms found  at  any  depth  of  the  sea 
uninfluenced  by  heat  or  cold  (biol.}. 

alloplasmatic  (al'dplasmat'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
allos,  other ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  Appl.  the  differentiated 
portion  of  cell  protoplasm  (cyt.). 

alloplast  (al'oplast)  n.  [Gk.  allos, 
other  ;  plastos,  formed.]  A  morpho- 
logical cell-unit  of  more  than  one 
kind  of  tissue  (cyt.}. 

alluvial  (alu'vial,  aloo-)  a.  [L.  alluere, 
to  wash  to.]  Pert,  or  found  in 
deposits  laid  down  by  running 
water  (pal.}. 

alsinaceous  (alsina'shiis)  a.  [Gk. 
alsine,  chickweed.]  Appl.  a  poly- 
petalous  corolla  where  intervals 
occur  between  the  petals,  as  in  the 
chickweed  (bot.}. 

alteration  theory,  —  explains  the 
electromotive  forces  of  nerve  and 
musclebyalterations  in  the  chemical 
composition  of  the  tissue  at  the 
cross-section  (phys.}. 

alternate  (alter'nar,  olteVnat)  a.  [L. 
alternus,  one  after  another.]  Appl. 
leaves  or  branches  occurring  at 
different  levels  on  opposite  sides  of 
the  stem  (bot.}. 

alternation  of  generations,  —  the 
occurrence  in  one  life-history  of 
two  or  more  different  forms  differ- 
ently produced,  as  in  the  polypoid 
and  medusoid  stages  of  Hydroids 

alternation  of  parts, — it  is  the  general 
rule  that  leaves  of  the  different 
whorls  alternate  in  position  with 
each  other,  sepals  with  petals, 
stamens  with  petals  (tot.). 

alternlplnnate  (alteYnipin'at,  61-)  a. 
[L.  alternus,  one  after  another ; 
pinna,  wing.]  Appl.  leaflets  or 
pinnae  arising  alternately  on  each 
side  of  the  mid-rib  (hot}. 

altrices  (altrl'sez,  al'trlsgz)  n.  plu. 
[L.  altriX)  nourishes]  Appl.  birds 
whose  young  are  hatched  in  a  very 
immature  condition  (zool.}. 

alula   (al'ula)   n.     [L.   alula,  dim.   of 

ala,  wing.]  A  small  lobe  separated 
off  from  the  wing-base  on  its  pos- 
terior edge  in  certain  insects  ;  false 
wing  of  birds  (zool.}. 

alveola  (alve'dla)  n.  [L.  alveolus,  a 
small  cavity.]  A  pit  on  the  surface 
of  an  organ  (bot.}. 

alveolar  (alve'olar)  a.  [L.  alveolus, 
a  small  pit.]  Pert,  a  tooth  socket 
or  alveolus  ;  appl.  artery,  nerve, 
process,  canal,  in  connection  with 
the  jaw-bone  (anat.) ;  appl.  a  par- 
ticular stage  in  protoplasm  ;  and  to 
small  cavities  in  the  lungs  (zool.}  ; 
alveolar  point — see  prosthlon. 

alveolate  (alve'olat)  a.  [L.  alveolatus, 
pitted.]  Deeply  pitted  or  honey- 

alveolus  (alve'olus)  «.  [L.  alveolus, 
a  small  pit.]  A  tooth  socket  or 
small  pit  or  depression  (anat.)  ;  the 
pyramidal  ossicle  supporting  a  tooth 
in  the  sea-urchin  (zool.}. 

alveus  (al'veus)  n.  [L.  alveus,  cavity.] 
A  thin  white  layer  on  the  ventricular 
surface  of  the  hippocampus  (anat.}. 

amacrine  (am'akrin)  a.  [Gk.  a,  not  ; 
makros,  long ;  fs,  fibre.]  Appl. 
cells  occurring  in  the  inner  nuclear 
layer  of  the  retina  (anat}. 

ambidextrous  (am'bidgk'strus)  a.  [L. 
ambo,  both  ;  dexter,  right.]  Able 
to  use  both  hands  with  equal  ease. 

ambiens  (am'bignz)  n.  [L.  ambire,  to 
go  round.]  A  thigh  muscle  in  cer- 
tain birds,  the  action  of  which  causes 
the  toes  to  grasp  the  perch  (zool.}. 

ambiparous  (amblp'arus)  a.  [L.  ambo, 
both;  parere,  to  beget.]  Appl. 
buds  as  they  contain  the  beginnings 
of  both  flowers  and  leaves  (hot.}. 

ambisporangiate  (am'blsporan'jTat) 
a.  [L.  ambo,  both  ;  Gk.  sporos, 
seed ;  anggeion,  box.]  Appl.  plants 
with  sporophylls  bearing  both 
megasporangia  and  microsporangia 

ambital  (am'bital)  a.  [L.  ambire,  to 
go  round.]  Appl.  interambulacral 
and  antambulacral  plates  of  Aster- 
oids ;  the  outer  skeleton  of  arm  of 
Ophiuroids  (zool.} . 

ambitus  (am'bitus)  n.  [L.  ambire,  to 
go  around.]  The  outer  edge  or 
margin  of  a  thing  ;  the  outline  of 
an  echinoid  shell  viewed  from  the 
apical  pole  (zool.}. 




amboceptor  (am'bose'p'to'r)  n.  [L. 
ambo,  both  ;  capere,  to  take.]  An 
antibody  or  specific  immune  body 
necessary  for  the  ferment-like  action 
of  the  complement  on  a  toxin  or 
a  red  blood  corpuscle  (phys.}. 

ambulacra  (am'bula'kra)  n.  plu.  [L. 
ambulare,  to  walk.]  Locomotor 
tube-feet  of  Echinoderms  (zool.}. 

ambulacralia  (am'bulakra'lia)  n.  plu. 
[L.  ambulare,  to  walk.]  Ambu- 
lacral  plates,  i.e.  plates  through 
which  the  tube-feet  protrude  (zool.}. 

ambulacriform  (ambulak'riform)  a. 
[L.  ambulare,  to  walk ;  forma, 
shape.]  Having  the  form  or  appear- 
ance of  ambulacra  (zool.}. 

ameliflcation  (amel'ifika'shun)  n. 
[M.E.  amell,  enamel  ;  L.facere,  to 
make.]  Formation  of  tooth-enamel 

aineloblast  (ameToblast)  n.  [M.E. 
amell,  enamel  ;  Gk.  blastos,  bud.] 
A  columnar  or  hexagonal  cell  about 
five  times  as  long  as  it  is  broad,  an 
enamel-forming  cell ;  a  cell  of  the 
internal  epithelium  of  the  enamel 
organ  (anat.}. 

amentaceous  (amgnta'shus)  a.  [L. 
amentum,  a  thong.]  Appl.  plants 
bearing  aments  or  catkins  (bot.). 

amentiferous  (amgntlferus)  a.  [L. 
amentum,  a  thong  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 

amentum (amen'tum)  n.  [L.  amentum, 
a  thong.]  A  catkin,  consisting  of 
a  bracted  axis  bearing  unisexual 
flowers  as  in  the  poplar  and  willow 

ametabolic  (amSt'abol'ik)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  metabole,  change.]  Appl. 
insects  that  do  not  pass  through 
any  marked  metamorphosis  (zool.}. 

amicron  (amik'ron)'  n.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  mikros,  small.]  An  element 
so  small  that  even  the  ultramicro- 
scope  can  only  indicate  it  as  a 
diffuse  illumination  in  the  track  of 
the  beam  ;  cf.  submicron  (phys.}. 

amlcronucleate  (ami'kronu'kleat)  a. 
[Gk.  a,  without  ;  mikros,  small ;  L. 
nucleus,  kernel.]  Appl.  fragments 
of  certain  Protozoa  in  which  there 
is  no  micronucleus  (zool.}. 

amitosis  (amito'sis)  n.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  mitos,  thread.]  Cell-division 
and  cleavage  of  the  nucleus  with- 

out the  thread-like  formation  of  the 
nuclear  material  (cyt.}. 

ammonltiferous  (am'onltlf'e'rus)  a. 
[Gk.  Amman,  Jupiter;  L.  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Containing  the  fossil  re- 
mains of  Ammonites  (pal.}. 

amoeba  (ame'ba)  n.  [Gk.  amoibe,  ex- 
change.] A  protozoon  in  which  the 
shape  is  subject  to  constant  altera- 
tions due  to  the  formation  and 
retraction  of  pseudopodia  (zool.}. 

amoebifonn  (ame'biform)  a.  [Gk. 
amoibe,  change  ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
Shaped  like  or  resembling  an 
amoeba  (biol.}. 

amoebocyte  (ame'boslt)  ».  [Gk. 
amoibe,  change ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
Any  cell  having  the  shape  or  pro- 
perties of  an  amoeba,  especially 
certain  cells  in  the  coelom  of  Ech- 
inoderms ;  a  leucocyte  (zool.}. 

amoeboid  (ame'boid)  a.  [Gk.  amoibe, 
change ;  eidos,  shape.]  Resembling 
an  amoeba  in  shape  or  in  properties 

amoebula  (ame'bula)  n.  [Gk.  amoibe, 
change.]  The  swarm-spore  of  a 
protozoan  when  furnished  with 
pseudopodia  (zool.}. 

amorphous  (am&r'fus)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  morphe,  shape.]  Inde- 
terminate, or  of  irregular  form. 

amphiarthrosis  (am'fiarthro'sls)  n. 
[Gk.  amphi,  both  ;  arthron,  joint.] 
A  slightly  movable  articulation,  as 
a  symphysis  or  syndesmosis  (anat.}. 

amphiaster  (am'ftas'te'r)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both ;  aster,  star.]  The 
two  asters  connected  by  the 
achromatic  spindle  formed  in 
mitotic  cell  division  (cyt.). 

amphibious  (amfib'ius)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  bios,  life.]  Adapted 
for  life  either  on  land  or  in  water 

amphiblastic  (am'fiblas'tlk)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both ;  blastos,  bud.]  Having 
unequal  segmentation,  appl.  telo- 
lecithal  ova  with  complete  segmen- 
tation (biol.}. 

amphiblastula  (am'fiblas'tula)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  blastos,  bud.]  Stage 
in  the  development  of  certain 
sponges,  in  which  the  posterior 
end  of  the  embryo  is  composed 
of  granular  archaeocytes,  and  the 
anterior  end  of  flagellate  cells  (zool.}. 




amphibollc  (am'fibol'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  ballein,  to  throw.] 
Capable  of  turning  backwards  or 
forwards,  as  the  outer  toe  of  certain 
birds  (zool.). 

ainphlcarpous  (am'fikar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Pro- 
ducing fruit  of  two  kinds  (bot.). 

ampbicoelous  (am'fise'lus)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both ;  koilos,  hollow.]  Con- 
cave on  both  surfaces  ;  appl.  verte- 
brae with  the  anterior  and  posterior 
surfaces  of  the  centra  hollow  (zoo/.}. 

amphicondylous  (am'fikon'dilus)  a. 
[Gk.  amphi,  both  ;  kondylos,  knob.] 
Having  two  occipital  condyles 

amphidisc  (am'fidisk)  n.  [Gk.  amphi, 
both ;  diskos,  round  plate.]  Grapnel- 
shaped  spicules  protecting  the 
gemmules  of  some  freshwater 
sponges  (zoo/.). 

amphigastria  (am'figas'tria)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  amphi,  both  ;  gaster,  stomach.] 
Ventral  rudimentary  leaves  of 
foliose  liverworts  (dot.). 

amphigony  (amfig'oni)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Sporogony  or  reproduction  in- 
volving two  individuals  ;  cf.  mono- 
gony  (zool. ). 

amphikaryon  (am'fikar'ion)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both ;  karyon,  nut.]  An 
amphinucleus,  a  type  of  nucleus 
characterized  by  a  large  karyo- 
some,  in  reference  to  the  supposed 
encapsuling  of  the  kinetic  nucleus 
by  the  trophic  nucleus  (cyt.). 

amphimixis  (am'fimlk'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both ;  mixis,  mingling.] 
The  mingling  of  paternal  and 
maternal  characteristics  by  the 
union  of  the  male  and  female 
pronucleus  in  fertilization  (biol.). 

amphiodont  (am'ftodont)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Appl. 
an  intermediate  state  of  mandible 
development  in  stag-beetles  (zool.). 

amphiont  (am'fiSnt)  n.  [Gk.  amphi, 
both ;  on,  being.]  A  zygote  or 
sporont  formed  by  the  coming 
together  of  two  individuals  (zool.). 

amphiplatyan  (am'fiplat'ian)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  platys,  flat.]  Flat 
on  both  ends  ;  appl.  centra  of 
vertebrae  (zool.). 

amphipneustous     (am'flpnus'tus)     a. 

[Gk.  amphi,  both  ;  pnein,  to 
breathe.]  Having  both  gills  and 
lungs  throughout  the  life-history  ; 
also  appl.  the  condition  in  most 
dipterous  larvae  of  an  open  anterior 
and  posterior  pair  of  spiracles  with 
the  intermediate  pairs  closed  (zool.). 

amphipodous  (amfip'odus)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  pous,  foot.]  From 
Amphipoda,  an  order  of  Crustacea, 
of  which  the  anterior  three  pairs 
of  abdominal  appendages  are  more 
strongly  developed  for  swimming, 
the  remaining  three  pairs  being 
adaptedforjumping,  hence, — having 
feet  both  for  walking  and  for 
swimming  (zool.). 

amphipyrenin  (am'fiplre'mn)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  Pyren,  stone  of  a 
fruit]  The  substance  of  which 
the  nuclear  membrane  in  a  cell  is 
composed  (biol.). 

ampb.irb.inal  (am'firl'nal)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  rhis,  nose.]  Having 
two  nostrils  (zool.). 

amphisarca  (am'ffsar'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both ;  sarx,  flesh.]  A 
superior  indehiscent  many-seeded 
fruit  with  pulpy  interior  and  woody 
exterior  (bot.). 

amphispermous  (am'fispSr'mus)  a. 
[Gk.  amphi,  both  ;  sperma,  seed.] 
Having  the  seed  closely  surrounded 
by  the  pericarp  (bot.). 

ampbispore  (am'fispor')  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
reproductive  spore  which  functions 
as  a  resting  spore  in  certain  Algae 

ampbisternous  (am'fisteYnus)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  sternon,  the  breast.] 
Appl.  a  type  of  sternum  structure 
in  the  Atelostomata  (zool.). 

amphistomatic  (am'fistomat'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  amphi,  both  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
Having  stomata  on  both  surfaces, 
appl.  certain  types  of  leaves  (bot.). 

amphistomous  (amfis'tomus)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Hav- 
ing a  sucker  at  each  end  of  the 
body,  as  in  certain  worms  (zool.). 

amphistylic  (am'fistil'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  stylos,  pillar.]  Hav- 
ing the  lower  jaw  connected  with 
the  skull  by  both  hypid  and  quad- 
rate, or  by  both  hyoid  and  palato- 
quadrate  (zool.). 




amphithecium  (auifithe'shiuuij  n. 
[Gk.  amphi,  both ;  thekion,  box.] 
The  peripheral  layer  of  cells  in  the 
sporangia  of  mosses  (bot.). 

amphitoky  (amfit'oki)  n.  [Gk.  amphi, 
both ;  tokos,  birth.]  Partheno- 
genetic  reproduction  of  both  males 
and  females  (zoo!.). 

amphitriaene  (am'fitrl'en)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  triaina,  trident.]  A 
double  trident-shaped  spicule  (zool.). 

amphitrocha  (amfit'roka)  n.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  trochos,  wheel.]  A 
free-swimming  annelid  larva  with 
two  rings  of  cilia  (zool.). 

amphitropal  (amfit'ropal)  a.  [Gk. 
amphi,  both  ;  trope,  turning.] 
Having  the  ovule  inverted,  with  the 
hilum  in  the  middle  of  one  side 

amplectant  (amplek'tant)  a.  [L. 
amplecti,  to  embrace.]  Clasping 
or  winding  tightly  round  some 
support,  as  tendrils  in  certain 
plants  (bot.). 

amplexlcaul  (ampleVsikol)  a.  [L. 
amplecti,  to  embrace  ;  caulis,  stem.] 
Clasping  or  surrounding  the  stem, 
as  the  base  of  a  leaf  (dot.). 

ampliate  (am'pliat)  a.  [L.  ampliatus, 
made  wider.]  Having  the  outer 
edge  of  the  wing  prominent,  as  in 
certain  insects  (zool.). 

ampulla  (ampool'a,  -pul'-)  n.  [L. 
ampulla,  flask  with  narrow  neck 
and  globular  body.]  A  membran- 
ous vesicle ;  part  of  the  dilated 
tubule  in  the  mammary  gland  ;  the 
dilated  portion  at  one  end  of  each 
of  the  semi-circular  canals  of  the 
ear  (anat.) ;  the  internal  reservoirs 
on  the  ring  canal  of  the  water- 
vascular  system  in  Echinoderms  ; 
the  terminal  vesicle  of  sensory 
canals  of  Elasmobranchs  (zool.) ; 
the  submerged  bladder  of  Utri- 
cularia  (bot). 

ampullaceal  (ampula'seal)  a.  [L. 
ampulla,  flask.]  Flask-shaped, 
appl.  arachnid  spinning  glands 
which  furnish  silk  for  foundations, 
lines,  and  radii  (zool.). 

ampullaceous  (ampula'shus)  a.  [L. 
ampulla,  flask.]  Flask-shaped. 

ampullary  (ampool'ari,  -pul'-)  a.  [L. 
ampulla,  flask.]  Pert,  or  resembling 
an  ampulla  (anat.). 

ainyelinic  (amielin'ik)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without  ;  myelos,  marrow.]  Appl. 
non-medullated  nerve-fibres  (anat.). 

amygdala  (amig'dala)  n.  [L.  from 
Gk.  amygdale,  almond.]  One  of 
the  palatal  tonsils  ;  a  rounded  lobe 
at  the  side  of  the  vallecula  of  the 
cerebellum  (anat.). 

amyloplast  (am'iloplast')  n.  [L. 
amylum,  starch  ;  Gk.  plastos, 
formed.]  A  leucoplast  or  colourless 
starch-forming  granule  in  plants 

amyloplastid, — amyloplast. 

amylum  (am'ilum)  n.  [L.  amylum, 
starch.]  Starch. 

anabiosis  (an'ablo'sis)  n.  [Gk.  ana, 
up  ;  bios,  life.]  Resuscitation  after 
apparent  death  ;  power  of  revivifica- 
tion as  seen  in  certain  Tardigrada 

anabolism  (anab'olizm)  n.  [Gk.  ana, 
up  ;  ballein,  to  throw.]  The  con- 
structive chemical  processes  going 
on  in  living  organisms  whereby  food- 
material  is  transformed  into  proto- 
plasm (phys.). 

anacrogynous  (anakroj'mus)  a.  [Gk. 
an,  not ;  akros,  apex  ;gyne,  female.] 
Appl.  certain  liverworts  in  which 
the  archegonia  or  female  repro- 
ductive bodies  do  not  arise  at  or 
near  the  apex  of  a  shoot  (bot.). 

anacromyoldlan  (anak'romioid'ian)  a. 
[Gk.  ana,  up ;  akros,  apex ;  mys, 
muscle.]  With  the  syringeal 
muscles  attached  -at  the  dorsal 
ends  of  the  bronchial  semi-rings 

anaerobe  (ana'Srob)  n.  [Gk.  an,  with- 
out ;  aer,  air  ;  bios,  life.]  An  organ- 
ism capable  of  living  in  the  absence 
of  free-oxygen  ;  appl.  bacteria. 

anaesthesia  (angsthe'zla)  n.  [Gk.  an, 
without ;  aisthesis,  feeling.]  In- 
sensibility (phys.). 

anagenesis  (an'aje'n'e'sis)  n.  [Gk.  ana, 
again  ;  genesis,  birth.]  Regenera- 
tion of  tissues  (phys.). 

anal  (a'nal)  a.  [L.  anus,  anus.]  Pert. 
or  situated  at  or  near  the  anus  ; 
appl.  posterior  median  unpaired 
ventral  fin  of  fishes,  margin  and 
nerve  of  insect  wing,  posterior  ven- 
tral scute  of  reptiles  (zool.). 

analogues  (an'a!6gz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
analogia,  proportion.]  Organs  of 




different  plants  or  animals  with 
similar  function  but  of  dissimilar 
origin  (biol.}. 

anamorphosis  (an'amor'fosis)  n.  [Gk. 
ana,  again  ;  morphe,  form.]  The 
evolution  from  one  type  to  another 
through  a  long  series  of  gradual 
changes  (biol.}. 

anangian  (anan'jian)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without  ;  anggeion,  vessel.]  Appl. 
worms  without  a  vascular  system. 

anaphase  (an'afaz)  n.  [Gk.  ana,  up  ; 
phasis,  appearance.]  A  stage  in 
mitosis  during  the  divergence  of 
the  daughter-chromosomes  (biol.}. 

anaphylaxis  (an'afilak'sis)  ».  [Gk. 
ana,  up ;  phylax,  guard.]  Con- 
dition of  being  hypersensitive  to  a 
serum,  caused  by  the  first  or  sensi- 
tizing dose  (phys.}. 

anapophysis  (an'apofisis)  n.  [Gk. 
ana,  up ;  apo,  from ;  phyein,  to 
grow.]  A  small  dorsal  projection 
rising  near  the  transverse  processes 
in  lumbar  vertebrae  (anat.}. 

anarthrous  (anar'thrus)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  arthron,  joint.]  Having 
no  distinct  joints  (zool.}. 

anastates  (an'astats)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
ana,  up  ;  stanein,  to  make  to 
stand.]  The  various  materials 
that  arise  owing  to  metabolism  in 
a  cell,  in  the  formation  of  complex 
from  simple  substances  (biol.}. 

anastomosis  (anas'tomo'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
ana,  up  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Union  of 
ramifications  of  the  leaf- veins  (bot.}  ; 
union  of  blood-vessels  arising  from 
a  common  trunk  ;  union  of  nerves  ; 
formation  of  a  network  or  mesh- 
work  (anat.}. 

anatomy  (anat'omi)  n.  [Gk.  ana,  up  ; 
tome,  cutting.]  The  science  that 
treats  of  the  structure  of  plants  and 
of  animals  ;  the  structure  of  a  plant 
or  of  an  animal. 

anatriaene  (an'atrl'en)  n.  [Gk.  ana, 
up ;  triaina,  a  trident.]  A  triaene 
with  backwardly  directed  cladi  or 
branches  (zool.}. 

anatropal  (anat'ropal),  anatropous 
(anat'ropus)  a.  [Gk.  ana,  up  ; 
trepein,  to  turn.]  Inverted,  appl. 
ovules  with  the  hilum  and  micro- 
pyle  close  together  and  the  chalaza 
at  the  other  end  (bot.). 

anaxial  (anak'sial)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out; axis,  axis.]  Having  no  distinct 
axis  (biol.}. 

anchor  (ang'kor)  n.  [L.  ancora, 
anchor.]  The  anchor  -  shaped 
spicule  found  in  the  skin  of  Holo- 
thurians  (zool.}. 

anchylosis  (ang'kilo'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
angkylosis,  stiffness.]  The  union 
of  two  or  more  bones  or  hard  parts 
to  form  one  part,  e.g.  of  bone  to 
bone,  or  tooth  to  bone  (zool.}. 

anconeal  (angko'neal)  a.  [L.  ancon, 
elbow.]  Pert,  the  elbow  (anat.}. 

anconeus  (ang'kone'us)  n.  [L.  ancon, 
elbow.]  Small  extensor  muscle 
situated  over  the  elbow  (anat.}. 

androconia  (an'droko'nia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  aner,  man  ;  konia,  dust.] 
Modified  wing-scales  producing  a 
sexually  attractive  scent  in  certain 
butterflies  (zool.}. 

androdioecious  (an'drodle'shus)  a. 
[Gk.  aner,  man  ;  dis,  two  ;  oikos, 
house.]  Having  perfect  male  flowers 
on  different  plants  (bot.). 

androecium  (andre'shuim)  n.  [Gk. 
aner,  man  ;  oikos,  house.]  The 
male  reproducing  organs  of  a 
plant  ;  the  stamens  taken  col- 
lectively (bot.}. 

androgonidia  (an'drogomd'ia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  aner,  man  ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Male  sexual  elements  formed  after 
repeated  divisions  of  partheno- 
gonidia  of  volvox  (sool.}. 

androgynal  (androj'Inal),  a.  [Gk. 
aner,  man  ;  gyne,  woman.]  Her- 
maphrodite; bearing  bothstaminate 
and  pistillate  flowers  in  the  same 
bunch  (bot.}. 

androgynary  (andrqj'inari)  a.  Having 
flowers  with  stamens  and  pistils 
developed  into  petals  (bot.}. 

androgynism  (andrqj'imzm)  n.  [Gk. 
aner,  man  ;  gyne,  woman.]  The 
condition  of  bearing  both  stamens 
and  pistils  ;  hermaphroditism  (bot.}. 

androgynous  (androj'inus),  —  andro- 

androphore  (an'drofor)  n.  [Gk.  aner, 
man  ;  pherein,  to  carry.]  Stalk 
supporting  the  stamens  (bot.}  ;  the 
stalk  carrying  the  male  gonophores 
in  the  Siphonophora  (zool.}. 

androphyll  (an'drofil)  n.  [Gk.  aner, 
man ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  The  leaf 




bearing  the  microspores  ;  the 
microsphorophyll  (bot.). 
androsporangium  (an'drosporan'jmm) 
n.  [Gk.  aner,  man  ;  scores,  seed  ; 
anggeion,  box.]  A  sporangium  con- 
taining the  androspores  (hot.}. 
androspore  (an'drospor')  n.  [Gk. 
aner,  man ;  sporos,  seed.]  An 
asexual  zoospore  which  gives  rise 
to  a  small  male  dwarf  plant 

anemophily  (an'gmof'ili)  n.  [Gk. 
anemos,  wind ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Plant-fertilization  by  the  agency 
of  wind  (bot.). 

anemotropism  (an'emot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  anemos,  wind  ;  trepein,  to 
turn.]  Orientation  of  the  body 
with  regard  to  wind  (zool.). 

anenterous  (anen'terus)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without  ;  enteron,  gut.]  Having 
no  alimentary  tract  (zoo/.). 

anfractuose  (anfrak'tuos)  a.  [L.  an- 
fractus,  a  bending.]  Wavy,  sinuous 

angienchyma  (an'jJeng'kTma)  n.  [Gk. 
anggeion,  vessel  ;  engchein,  to  pour.] 
Vascular  tissue  (bot.). 

angioblast  (an'jioblast)  n.  [Gk. 
anggeion,  vessel  ;  blastos,  bud.] 
One  of  the  cells  from  which  the 
lining  of  the  blood-vessels  is  derived 

angiocarpous  (an'jiokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
anggeion,  vessel  ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
Having  the  fruit  enclosed  in  a 
cavity  (bot.}. 

angiology  (an'jlol'ojl) n.  \G\a.anggeion, 
vessel ;  logos,  discourse.]  The  ana- 
tomy •  of  the  circulatory  and  lym- 
phatic systems  (anat.). 

angiospermous      (an'jiosper'mus)      a. 

Sik.  anggeion,  vessel;  sperma,  seed.] 
having  seeds  in  a  closed  case,  the 
ovary  (oof.). 

angiosporous  (an'jfospo'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
anggeion,  vessel ;  sporos,  seed.] 
Having  spores  contained  in  a  theca 
or  spore  capsule  (bot.}. 

angiostomatous  (an'jiostom'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  anggeion,  vessel  ;  stoma, 
mouth.]  Narrow  -  mouthed,  appl. 
a  certain  order  of  Molluscs,  and 
to  a  sub-order  of  snakes  with  non- 
distensible  mouths  (zool.). 

angular  (ang'gular)  «.  [L.  angulus, 
corner.]  One  of  the  membrane 

bones  of  the   lower  jaw    in   most 
vertebrates  (zool.}. 

angulo-splenial  (ang'gulosple'nial)  «. 
[L.  angulus,  corner ;  splenium,  a 
patch.]  The  bone  in  Amphibia 
forming  most  of  the  lower  and  inner 
part  of  the  mandible  (zool.). 

angustifoliate  (anggus'tifo'llat)  a. 
[L.  angustus,  narrow ;  folium,  a 
leaf.]  With  narrow  leaves  (bot.}. 

angustirostrate  (anggus'tlros'trat)  a. 
[L.  angustus,  narrow  ;  rostrum,  a 
beak.]  With  narrow  beaks  or 
snouts  (zool.). 

animal  pole, — in  many  ova  the  yolk 
is  more  or  less  aggregated  at  one 
pole,  and  as  a  result  the  segmenta- 
tion at  that  pole  is  retarded  ;  at  the 
other  pole,  which  is  called  the 
animal  pole,  the  segmentation  is 
more  rapid  and  usually  results  in 
some  form  of  overgrowth  on  the 
lower,  retarded,  or  vegetable  pole 

anion  (anl'on)  n.  [Gk.  ana,  up  ;  ion, 
going.]  A  negatively-charged  par- 
ticle or  ion  which  moves  up  towards 
the  anode  or  positive  pole  (fihys.). 

anisocarpous  (anisokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  not ;  isos,  equal ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
Having  the  number  of  carpels  less 
than  that  of  the  other  floral  whorls 

anisocercal  (amsoser'kal}  a.  [Gk.  a, 
not ;  isos,  equal ;  kerkos,  tail.] 
With  lobes  of  the  tail-fin  unequal 

aniso«hela  (amsoke'la)  n.  [Gk.  a, 
not  ;  isos,  equal ;  chele,  claw.]  A 
chela  with  the  two  parts  unequally 
developed  (zool.). 

anisodactylous  (anTsodak'tTlus)  a. 
[Gk.  a,  not ;  isos,  equal  ;  daktylos, 
finger.]  Having  unequal  toes,  three 
toes  forward,  one  backward  ;  refers 
to  an  old  classification  of  birds 

anisogamous  (anisog'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  not ;  isos,  equal ;  gamos,  mar- 
riage.] Appl.  a  conjugation  in 
which  the  gametes  or  conjugating 
bodies  are  differentiated  in  some 
manner  (biol.). 

anisogamy,  —  conjugation  between 
sharply  differentiated  gametes. 

anisognathous  (an'fsogna'thus,  an'- 
isog'nathtis)  a.  [Gk.  a,  not ;  isos, 




equal ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  Having  the 
teeth  in  the  upper  and  lower  jaws 
unlike  (sool.}. 

anisomerous  (amsom'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  not ;  t'sos,  equal ;  meros,  part.] 
Having  unequal  numbers  of  parts 
in  the  floral  whorls  (hot.). 

anisopleural  (anisoploo'ral)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  not ;  tsos,  equal ;  pleura,  side.] 
Unsymmetrical  bilaterally. 

anisopogonous  (anisopog'onus)  a. 
[Gk.  a,  not ;  tsos,  equal ;  pogon, 
beard.]  Unequally  webbed  with 
reference  to  feathers  (zool.). 

anisopterous  (anisop'tgrus)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  not  ;  tsos,  equal ;  pteron,  wing.] 
Unequally  winged ;  appl.  seeds 

anisospore  (anisospor')  n.  [Gk.  a, 
not ;  tsos,  equal ;  sporos,  seed.] 
A  dimorphic  spore,  the  sexes 
differing  in  size  (hot.}. 

anisostemonous  (anisostgm'onus)  a. 
[Gk.  a,  not ;  t'sos,  equal ;  stemon,  a 
spun  thread.]  Having  the  number 
of  stamens  unequal  to  the  number 
of  parts  in  the  other  floral  whorls 

anisotropic  (anisotrop'ik)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
not  ;  tsos,  equal ;  trepein,  to  turn.] 
Appl.  eggs  with  predetermined  axis 
or  axes  (emb.). 

ankylosis, — see  anchylosis. 

anlage  (anla'ge)  n.  [Ger.  anliegen, 
to  lie  on.]  The  first  accumulation 
of  cells  in  a  developing  embryo 
recognizable  as  the  commencement 
of  a  structure,  organ,  or  part  (smb.). 

annectent  (aneVtSnt)  a.  [L.  annectere, 
to  bind  together.]  Linking,  appl. 
intermediate  species  or  genera 

annelid  (an'Slid)  a.  [L.  annulus,  ring ; 
Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.]  Con- 
structed of  ring-like  segments,  as 
one  of  the  ringed  worms  (zool.). 

annotinus  (annot'iniis)  n.  [L.  annus, 
year.]  A  year  old  (bot.,  zool.). 

annual  (an'ual)  a.  n.  [L.  annus,  year.] 
Appl.  structures  or  features  that  are 
marked  off  or  completed  yearly ; 
living  for  a  year  only  (pot.). 

annual  ring, — one  of  the  rings  seen 
in  sections  of  dicotyledons  indicat- 
ing the  secondary  growth  of  a  year 
annular    (an'ular)    a.      [L.    annulus, 

ring.]  Appl.  certain  fibrous  bands 
or  fascia  in  connection  with  the 
wrist  and  ankle,  etc.  (anat.)  ;  appl. 
certain  vessels  in  xylem  owing  to 
the  ring-like  thickenings  in  their 
interior  (bot.}. 

annulate  (an'ulat)  a.  [L.  annulus, 
ring.]  Composed  of  ring-like  seg- 
ments ;  having  the  colour  arranged 
in  ring-like  bands  or  annul!,  as  in 
earthworm  or  leech  (zool.). 
annul!  (an'ull)  plu.  of  annulus. 
annulus  (an'ulus)  n.  [L.  annulus, 
ring.]  Any  of  the  ring-like  struc- 
tures (anat.) ;  the  special  ring  in  the 
fern  sporangium,  by  the  action  of 
which  the  sporangium  bursts  ;  the 
remains  of  the  veil  in  mushrooms  ; 
the  ring  of  cells  in  the  moss  capsule 
whose  rupture  causes  the  opening 
of  the  capsule  (bot.) ;  a  ring  of  an 
Annelid  (zool.). 

anoestrum  (ane'strum)  n.  [Gk.  an, 
not ;  oistros,  gad-fly.]  The  non- 
breeding  period  ;  the  period  of 
absence  of  sexual  desire  (biol.). 
anomaly  (anom'all)  n.  [Gk.  a,  not  ; 
homalos,  even.]  Any  departure  from 
the  type  characteristics  (biol.). 
anomophyllous  (an'omof'flus)  a.  [Gk. 
anomalos,  uneven  ;  phyllon,  leaf.] 
With  irregularly  placed  leaves 

anorganology  (an'organol'DJl) ;/.  [Gk. 
a,  not ;  organon,  instrument ;  logos, 
discourse.]  The  study  of  non-living 
things  (biol.}. 

anosmatic  (anosmat'lk)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without  ;  osme,  smell.]  Having  no 
sense  of  smell  (phys.). 
antambulacral  (ant'ambula'kral)  a. 
[Gk.  anti,  against ;  L.  ambulare,  to 
walk.]  Not  situated  on  the  ambu- 
lacral  area  (zool.). 

antebrachium  (an'tgbra'kTum)  n.  [L. 
ante,  before  ;  brachium,  arm.]  The 
fore-arm,  or  corresponding  portion 
of  the  fore-limb  (zool.). 
antecubital  (an'tgku'bital)  a.  [L.  ante, 
before  ;  cubitum,  elbow.]  Anterior 
to  the  elbow  (zool.). 
antedorsal  (an'teclor'sal)  a.  [L.  ante, 
before ;  dorsum,  back.]  Situated 
in  front  of  the  dorsal  fin  in  fishes 

antemarginal  (an'temar'jinal)  a.  [L. 
ante,  before ;  inargo,  an  edge.] 




Appl.  sori  of  ferns  when  they  lie 
within  the  margin  of  the  frond  (dot.), 

antenna  (anten'a)  n.  [L.  antenna,  a 
sail-yard.]  A  jointed  feeler  on  the 
head  of  an  insect  or  crustacean 

antennary  (anten'arf)  a.  [L.  antenna, 
a  sail-yard.]  Like  or  pert,  or  situ- 
ated near  an  antenna  (zool.). 

antennule  (anten'ul)  «.  [L.  dim.  from 
antenna]  A  small  antenna  or  feeler, 
specifically  the  first  pair  of  antennae 
in  Crustacea  (zoo/,). 

anteposition  (an'tSpdzTsh'un)  n.  [L. 
ante,  before ;  ponere,  to  place.] 
Superposition  of  whorls  in  a  flower 
typically  alternating  (dot.). 

anterior  (ante'rior)  a.  [L.  anterior, 
former.]  Nearer  the  head  end 
(zool.,  anat.)  ;  ventral  in  human 
anatomy  ;  facing  outwards  from 
the  axis  (dot.). 

anthela  (anthe'la)  n.  [Gk.  anthein,  to 
bloom.]  The  cymose  inflorescence 
of  the  rush-family  (hot.). 

anther  (an'ther)  n.  [Gk.  anthos, 
flower.]  The  part  of  the  stamen 
which  contains  the  pollen  (dot.). 

antheridiophore  (antherld'iofor)  n. 
[Gk.  anthos,  flower ;  idion,  dim. ; 
pherein,  to  bear.]  A  gametophore 
bearing  antheridia  (dot.). 

antheridium  (antherTd'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower ;  idion,  diml\  An 
organ  or  receptacle  in  which  male 
sexual  cells  are  produced  (dot.). 

antherozoids  (an'thSrozo'Idz)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  anthos,  flower ;  zoon,  animal.] 
Male  sexual  cells  in  antheridia 

antherozooids  (an'thgrozo'oidz)  n.plu. 
[Gk.  anthos,  flower  ;  zoon,  animal ; 
eidos,  resemblance.].  Antherozoids. 

anthocarpous  (an'thokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Appl. 
multiple  fruits  such  as  the  straw- 
berry (dot.). 

anthocaulis  (an'thokol'is)  n.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower ;  L.  caulis,  stem.] 
The  pedicle  of  a  late  trophozooid 
stage  of  Madrepore  development 

anthocodia  (an'thoko'dla)  n.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower  ;  kodeia,  head.]  The 
distal  portion  of  an  alcyonarian 
zooid  bearing  mouth  and  tentacles 

anthocyanin  (an'thosi'anfti)  n.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower ;  kyanos,  dark  blue.] 
Blue  or  violet  colouring  matter  in 
flowers  (dot.). 

anthocyathus  (an'thosl'athus)  n.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower  ;  kyathos,  cup.]  The 
discoid  crown  of  the  trophozooid 
stage  in  Madrepore  development 

anthodium  (antho'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower  ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
The  capitulum  or  head  of  flowers 
of  a  composite  plant  (dot). 

anthogenesis  (an'thoje'n'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower  ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] In  certain  aphids  the  pro- 
duction of  both  malesand  females  by 
asexual  forms  (zool.). 

anthophilous  (anthof'ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Fond  of  flowers  ;  appl.  certain  in- 
sects either  living  among  or  feeding 
on  flowers  (zool.). 

anthophore  (an'thdfor)  n.  [Gk.  anthos, 
flower  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  Elonga- 
tion of  the  thalamus  between  calyx 
and  corolla  (dot.). 

anthotaxis  (an'thotak'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
anthos,  flower  ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
The  arrangement  of  flowers  on  an 
axis  (dot.). 

anthoxanthine  (an'thozan'thm)  n. 
[Gk.  anthos, flower;  xanthos, yellow.] 
Yellow  colouring  pigment  of  flowers 

anthropogenesis  (an'thropojgn'gsis)  n. 
[Gk.  anthropos,  man  ;  genesis,  de- 
scent, origin.]  Theory  of  the  de- 
scent of  man. 

anthropoid  (an'thropoid)  a.  [Gk. 
anthropos,  man ;  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] Resembling  man  ;  appl. 
Simian  apes  (zool.). 

anthropology  (an'thropol'qji)  n.  [Gk. 
anthropos,  man  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  natural  history  of  man. 

anthropomorphous  (an'thropomor'fus) 
a.  [Gk.  anthropos,  man  ;  morphe, 
shape.]  Resembling  man. 

antiae  (an'tle,  an'tla)  n.  plu.  [L. 
antiae,  forelock.]  Feathers  at  the 
base  of  the  bill-ridge  of  some  birds 

antibody   (an'tibod'l)    n.      [Gk.   anti, 
against ;    A.S.    bodig,    body.]      A 
substance    formed    in    the    blood 
which  antagonizes  toxins  (phys.). 




antibrachlal  (an'tlbra'kial)  a.  [Gk. 
anti,  against ;  L.  brachium,  arm.] 
Pert,  forearm;  appl.  fascia,  muscles, 
nerves  (anat.). 

antibrachiuni  (antibra'kTum), — ante- 

anticlinal  (an'tlkll'nal)  a.  [Gk.  anti, 
against ;  klinein,  to  bend.]  Appl. 
line  of  division  of  cells  at  right 
angles  to  the  apex  (bot.)  ;  in  quad- 
rupeds, appl.  one  of  the  lower 
thoracic  vertebrae  with  upright 
spine  towards  which  those  on 
either  side  incline  (zool.). 

anticoagulin  (an'tlkoag'tilin)  n.  [Gk. 
anti,  against ;  L.  cogere,  to  drive 
together.]  A  substance  which 
prevents  the  coagulation  of  drawn 
blood,  as  hirudin  (phys.). 

anticubital, — antecubital. 

antidromy  (antid'rom!)  n.  [Gk.  anti, 
against ;  dromos,  running.]  Condi- 
tion of  spiral  phyllotaxy  with 
genetic  spiral  changing  direction 
after  each  cycle  (bot.). 

antigen  (an'tljen)  n.  [Gk.  anti, 
against;  genos,  birth.]  Appl.  sub- 
stances which,  when  injected  into 
an  animal,  cause  a  series  of  physio- 
logico-chemical  changes  resulting 
in  the  formation  of  antibodies  in 
the  blood  (phys.). 

antlhellac  (an'tihe'liks)  n.  [Gk.  anti, 
against ;  helix,  a  convolution.] 
The  curved  prominence  in  front 
of  the  helix  of  the  ear  (anat.). 

antimeres  (an'timerz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
anti,  against  ;  meros,  part.]  A 
series  of  equal  radial  parts  of  the 
body  of  a  radially  symmetrical 
animal  (zool.). 

antipetalous  (an'tipeYalus)  a.  [Gk. 
anti,  against,  opposite ;  petalon, 
petal.]  With  stamens  in  front  of 
petals  (dot.). 

antipodal  (antip'odal)  a.  [Gk.  anti, 
against ;  pous,  foot.]  Appl.  group 
of  three  cells  at  chalazal  end  of 
embryo  sac  (bot.)  ;  appl.  cone  of 
astral  rays  opposite  spindle  fibres 

antiseptic  (an'ttsep'tik)  a.  [Gk.  anti, 
against ;  sepsis,  putrefaction.]  A 
substance  which  destroys  harmful 
micro-organisms,  one  of  the 
functions  of  gastric  juice  (phys.). 

antispadix    (an'tispa'dlks)    ».       [Gk. 

anti,  against ;  spadix,  a  palm 
branch.]  A  group  of  four  modified 
tentacles  in  internal  lateral  lobes 
of  Nautilus  (zool.). 

antisquama  (an'tiskwa'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
anti,  against ;  L.  squama,  scale.] 
A  basal  lobe  next  the  squama  of 
insect  wing  ;  the  squama  alaris  or 
antitegula  (zool.). 

antitegula  (an'titeg'ula)  n.  [Gk.  anti, 
against ;  L.  tegula,  tile.]  Smaller 
lobe,  nearer  the  base  of  wing,  than 
alula  (zool.). 

antithrombin  (an'tithrom'bm)  n.  [Gk. 
anti,  against ;  thrombos,  clot.]  A 
substance  formed  in  the  liver 
which  prevents  clotting  of  the 
blood  (phys.). 

antitoxin  (an'titok'sin)  n.  [Gk.  anti, 
against;  toxikon,  poison  for  arrows.] 
A  substance  which  develops  as  a 
result  of,  and  subsequently  neutral- 
izes, the  injection  of  a  specific 
poison  introduced  into  the  animal 
body  (phys.). 

antitragus  (an'titrag'us)  n.  [Gk.  anti, 
against;  tragos,  he -goat.]  A 
prominence  opposite  the  tragus 
of  the  ear  (ana/.). 

antitrochanter  (an'tltrokan'te'r)  n. 
[Gk.  anti,  against ;  trochanter,  a 
runner.]  An  articular  surface  on 
the  ilium  in  birds  against  which 
the  trochanter  of  the  femur  plays 

antitrppal  (antit'ropal)  a.  [Gk.  anti, 
against ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  In- 
verted ;  appl.  embryos  with  radicle 
directed  away  from  the  hilum  (bot.). 

antitropous, — ant  i  t  ropal. 

antlia  (ant'lia)  n.  [L.  antlia,  pump.] 
The  spiral  suctorial  proboscis  of 
the  Lepidoptera  (zool.). 

antorbital  (ant6r'bital)  n.  [L.  ante, 
before  ;  orbs,  circle.]  Situated  in 
front  of  the  orbit  (zool.). 

antrum  (an'trum)  n.  [L.  antrum, 
cavity.]  A  cavity  or  sinus  ;  appl. 
maxillary  sinus,  and  cavity  of  the 
pylorus  (anat.). 

anurous  (anu'rus)  a.  [Gk.  a,  without  ; 
oura,  tail.]  Tailless. 

anus  (a'nus)  n.  [L.  anus,  anus.]  The 
posterior  opening  of  the  alimentary 
canal  (anat.). 

aorta  (aorta)  n.  [Gk.  aorte,  the  great 
artery.]  The  great  trunk  artery- 




which  carries  pure  blood  from  the 
heait  for  distribution  to  various 
parts  of  the  body  through  arteries 
and  their  branches  (anat.). 

aortic  (aor'tik)  a.  [Gk.  aorte,  the 
great  artery.]  Pert,  the  aorta ;  appl. 
arch,  hiatus,  isthmus,  septum,  etc. 
(anat.),  regurgitation  (phys.). 

apatetic  (ap'atet'ik)  a.  [Gk.  apatet- 
ikos,  fallacious.]  Appl.  misleading 
coloration  (zool.). 

aperispermic  (apeYisper'mik)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  without  ;  peri,  around  ;  sperma, 
seed.]  Appl.  seeds  without  nutritive 
tissue  (dot.}. 

apetalous  (apet'alib)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  pe  talon,  petal.]  Having  no 
petals  (bot.). 

apex  (a'pfiks)  n.  [L.  apex,  summit.] 
The  tip  or  summit,  as  of  lungs, 
heart,  etc.  (anat.). 

aphanipterous  (af'anlp'terus)  a.  [Gk. 
aphanes,  unseen  ;  pteron,  wing.] 
Apparently  without  wings  (zool.}. 

apheliotropism  (af'ellot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  apo,  away;  helios,  sun;  trepein, 
to  turn.]  Tendency  to  turn  away 
from  light  (biol.). 

aphodal  (af 'odal)  a.  [Gk.  apo,  away  ; 
hodos,  way  or  path.]  Appl.  a  type 
of  canal  system  in  sponges  (zool.}. 

aphodus  (af'ddus)  n.  [Gk.  apo,  away  ; 
hodos,  path.]  The  short  tube  lead- 
ing from  the  flagellate  chamber  to 
the  excurrent  canal  in  one  of  the 
types  of  canal  systems  in  sponges 

aphyllous  Oftftfs)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Without  foliage 
leaves  (bot.}. 

aphylly  (afil'l)  «.  [Gk.  a,  without  ; 
phyllon,  leaf.]  Suppression  or 
absence  of  leaves  (bot.}. 

apical  (ap'ikal)  a.  [L.  apex,  summit.] 
At  the  tip  or  summit,  appl.  cell  at 
tip  of  a  growing  point  (bot.}  • 
appl.  aboral  plates  of  Echinoderms 

apiculate  (aptk'ulat)  a.  [L.  apex, 
summit.]  Forming  abruptly  to  a 
small  tip,  as  a  leaf  (bot.}. 

apilary  (apilarl)  a.  [Gk.  a,  not  ; 
pilos,  felt  cap.]  Having  the  upper 
lip  wanting  or  suppressed  in  the 
corolla  (bot.}. 

aplacental  (ap'lasen'tal)  a.  [L.  a, 
not ;  placenta,  flat  cake.]  Not 

developing  a  placenta,  as  in  Mono- 
tremes  (zool.). 

aplanogamete  (aplan'ogamet')  ». 
[Gk.  a,  not ;  pianos,  wandering ; 
gamete,  wife.]  A  non-motile  con- 
jugating germ  cell  in  various  plants 
and  animals  (biol.). 

aplanospore  (aplan'ospor)  n.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  pianos,  wandering  ;  sporos, 
seed.]  A  non-motile  resting  spore 
of  Algae  for  tiding  over  unfavourable 
circumstances  (bot.). 

aploperistomatous  (ap'loper'lstom'- 
atus)  a.  [Gk.  aploos,  single  ;  peri, 
around  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Having  a 
peristome  with  one  row  of  teeth,  as 
mosses  (bot.). 

aplostemonous  (ap'lostem'onus)  a. 
[Gk.  aploos,  single  ;  stemon,  a  spun 
thread.]  Having  a  single  row  of 
stamens  (bot.). 

apneustic  (apnu'stik)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  pneustos,  breath.]  With 
closed  tracheal  system  ;  appl.  aqua- 
tic larvae  of  certain  insects  (zool.). 

apocarpous  (ap'okar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
apo,  away  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Having 
separate  or  partially  united  carpels 

apocyte  (ap'osit)  n.  [Gk.  apo,  away  ; 
kytos,  hollow.]  A  multinucleate 
cell,  a  plurinucleate  mass  of 
protoplasm  (cyt.). 

apodal  (ap'odal)  a.  [Gk.  a,  without ; 
pous,  foot.]  Having  no  feet  (zool.). 

apodema  (ap'ode'ma)  n.  [Gk.  apo, 
away ;  demas,  body.]  An  internal 
projection  usually  of  thoracic  seg- 
ments, for  muscle  attachments, 
found  in  Arthropods  (zool.). 

apodous  (ap'odus), — apodal. 

apogamy  (apog'aml)  n.  [Gk.  apo, 
away  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Develop- 
ment without  the  intervention  of 
sexual  organs  (bot.). 

apogeotropic  (ap'oje'otrSp'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
apo,  away  ;  gaia,  earth  ;  trepein,  to 
turn.]  Having  the  property  of  turn- 
ing away  from  the  earth  (bot.). 

apogeotropism  (ap'qjeot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  apo,  away  ;  gtiia,  earth  ;  tre- 
Pein,  to  turn.]  Tendency  to  act 
apparently  contrary  to  law  of 
gravity — this  is,  to  turn  away  from 
the  earth  (biol.). 

aponeurosis  (ap'b'nuro'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
apo,  from ;  neuron,  sinew  ]  The 




flattened  tendons  of  certain  muscles 

apophyllous  (ap'ofil'us)  a.  [Gk.  apo, 
away  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Appl.  the 
parts  of  a  single  perianth  whorl 
when  they  are  free  leaves  (bot.). 

apophysis  (apof'isis)  n.  [Gk.  apo, 
away  ;  phyein,  to  grow.]  Process 
from  a  bone,  usually  for  muscle 
attachment  (anat.)  ;  a  swelling  at 
the  base  of  the  capsule  in  some 
mosses  ;  appl.  small  protuberance 
at  apex  of  an  ovuliferous  scale  in 
female  cone  of  pine  (bot.). 

apoplasmodial  (ap'oplasmo'dial)  a. 
[Gk.  apo,  away  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  Not  forming  a  typical 
plasmodium  (zool.). 

apopyle  (ap'opil)  n.  [Gk.  apo,  away  ; 
pyle,  gate.]  The  exhalent  pore  of 
a  sponge  (zool.). 

aposematic  (ap'osemat'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
apo,  away  ;  sema,  signal.]  Appl. 
warning  colours  which  serve  to 
frighten  away  enemies  (zool.). 

aposporogony  (ap'osporog'onT)  n. 
[Gk.  apo,  away  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
gonos,  birth.]  The  absence  of 
sporogony  (zool.). 

apospory  (apos'pori)  n.  [Gk.  apo, 
away  ;  sporos,  seed.]  The  produc- 
tion of  prothalli  without  the  inter- 
vention of  spore-formation  in  certain 
plants  (bot.). 

apostasis  (apos'tasis)  n.  [Gk.  apo, 
away  ;  stasis,  standing/]  Term 
appl.  condition  of  abnormal  growth 
of  axis  which  thereby  causes  a 
separation  of  the  perianth  whorls 
from  one  another  (bot.). 

apostrophe  (apos'trofe)  n.  [Gk.  apo, 
away  ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  Arrange- 
ment of  chloroplasts  along  the 
lateral  walls  of  cells  of  leaves 

apothecium  (ap'othe'siiim,  -shium)  n. 
[Gk.  apo,  away  ;  theke,  cup.]  The 
ascocarp  of  Lichens  (bot.). 

apotropous  (apot'ropus)  a.  [Gk.  apo, 
away  ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  Anatropal 
and  with  ventrally-situated  raphe 

appendage  (apen'daj)  n.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
pendere,  to  hang.]  An  organ  or 
part  attached  to  a  trunk,  as  a  limb 

appendicula     (up'endik'ular)    a.     [L. 

ad,  to  ;  pendere,  to  hang.]  Pert. 
appendages;  appl.  skeleton  of  limbs 
as  opposed  to  skeleton  of  trunk 

appendiculate  (ap'endlk'ulat)  a.  [L. 
ad,  to  ;  pendere,  to  hang.]  Having 
a  small  appendage,  as  a  stamen  or 
filament  (bot.). 

appendix  (apen'diks)  n.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
pendere,  to  hang.]  An  outgrowth, 
especially  the  vermiform  appendix 

applanate  (ap'lanat)  a.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
planatus,  flattened.]  Flattened 
out  (bot.). 

apposition  (ap'ozish'un)  n.  [L.  ad,  to  ; 
ponere,  to  place.]  The  formation 
of  successive  layers  in  the  growth 
of  a  cell  wall ;  cf.  intussusception 

aproterodont  (ap'roter'b'dont,  apro'- 
terodont)  a.  [Gk.  a,  without  ;  pro- 
teros,  first ;  odous,  tooth.]  Hav- 
ing no  teeth  on  the  pre-maxillae 

apteria  (apte'ria)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out;  pteron,  wing.]  Naked  or  down- 
covered  surfaces  between  the  ptery- 
lae  or  feather-tracts  (zool.). 
apterous  (ap'terus)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  pteron,  wing.J  Wingless 
(zool.) ;  having  no  wing-like  ex- 
pansions on  the  stems  or  petioles 

apterygial  (ap'terij'ial)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  pteron,  wing.]  Wingless  ; 
without  fins  (zool.). 

apterygotous  (ap'terigo'tus)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  without ;  pterygion,  dim.  of  pteron, 
wing.]  Resembling  or  pert,  the 
primitive  wingless  insects  or  Aptery- 
gota  (zool.). 

aptychus  (ap'tikiis)  n.     [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  ptyche,   fold.]      A    horny    or 
calcareous    structure,   possibly   an 
operculum,  of  Ammonites  (zool.). 
aquatic  (akwat'ik,  -wot-)  a.     [L.  aqua, 
water.]     Pert,  water  ;   living  in  or 
frequenting  water  (bot.,  zool.). 
aqueduct   (ak'wedukt)    n.     [L.   aqua, 
water  ;  ducere,  to  lead.]     A  channel 
or  passage  as  that  of  cochlea,  and 
of  vestibule  of  ear  (anat.). 
aqueous  (a'kweus)  a.   [L.  aqua,  water.] 
Watery,  appl.  fluid  occupying   the 
space   between   the   lens   and    the 
cornea   of   the   eye   (anat.) ;    appl. 




tissue  consisting  of  thin -walled 
watery  parenchymatous  cells  (bot.}. 

arachnid  (arak'md)  a.  [Gk.  arachne, 
spider.]  Spider-like,  pert,  spiders 

arachnidium  (araknid'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
arachne,  spider.]  The  spinning 
apparatus  of  a  spider,  including 
spinning-glands  and  spinnerets 

arachnoid  (arak'noid)  a.  [Gk.  arach- 
ne, spider ;  eidos,  form.]  Like  a 
cobweb ;  consisting  of  fine  en- 
tangled hairs  resembling  a  cobweb 
(bot.} ;  appl.  a  thin  membrane  of 
the  central  nervous  system,  com- 
posed of  delicate  connective  tissue 
with  an  endothelial  covering  on  its 
free  surfaces  and  lying  between  the 
dura  and  the  pia  mater  (ana/.}  ; 
pert,  or  resembling  a  spider  (zool.}. 

arborescent  (ar'bore's'e'nt)  a.  [L.  ar- 
borescens,  growing  like  a  tree.] 
Branched  like  a  tree  (bot.}. 

arboroid  (ar'boroid)  a.  [L.  arbor, 
tree  ;  Gk.  eidos,  like.]  Tree-like, 
designating  general  structure  of  a 
protozoan  colony  (zool.}. 

arbor  vitae  (ar'bor  vl'te,  ve'ta)  n.  [L. 
arbor,  tree ;  -vita,  life.]  The  tree 
of  life,  appl.  arborescent  appear- 

-  ance  of  the  cerebellum  in  vertical 
.  section  (anat.}. 

arbutean  (arbu'tean)  a.  [L.  arbutus, 
strawberry  tree.]  Of  or  pert,  the 
strawberry  tree  (bot.}. 

arcade  (arkad')  n.  [L.  arcus,  a  bow.] 
An  arched  channel  or  passage  ;  a 
bony  arch,  as  supra-  and  infra- 
temporal  arches  in  the  skull  (anat.}. 

archaeocytes  (ar'keoslts)  n.plu.  [Gk. 
archaios,  ancient ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
Cells  arising  from  undifferentiated 
blastomeres  and  ultimately  giving 
rise  to  germ-cells  and  gametes 

archaeostomatous  (ar'keosto'm'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  archaios,  primitive  ;  stoma, 
mouth.]  Having  the  blastopore  per- 
sistent and  form  ing  the  mouth  (zool.}. 

arch-centra  (ark'-seVtra)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
archi,  beginning,  first ;  L.  centrum, 
centre.]  Centra  formed  by  fusion 
of  basal  growths  of  primary  arcualia 
external  to  chordal  sheath ;  cf. 
chordacentra  (zool.}. 

archebiosis     (ar'keblo'sls)     n.      [Gk. 

arche,  beginning  ;  bios,  life.]    The 
origin  of  life  (biol.}. 

archegoniophore  (ar'kego'niofor)  n. 
[Gk.  arche,  beginning  ;  gonos,  off- 
spring ;  pkerein,  to  bear.]  Branches 
of  mosses  bearing  archegonia  (bot.}. 

archegonium  (ar'kego'mum)  n.  [Gk. 
arche,  beginning  ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
A  female  organ  in  which  the 
oospheres  are  formed,  and  in  which 
the  young  plant  begins  its  develop- 
ment (bot.}. 

archenteron  (arkgn'tgron)  n.  [Gk. 
arche,  beginning ;  enteron,  gut.] 
The  cavity  of  the  gastrula  which 
forms  the  primitive  gut  of  the 
embryo  (emb.}. 

archespore  (ar'kespor)  n.  [Gk.  arche, 
beginning ;  sporos,  seed.]  The 
tetrahedral  or  meristematic  cell  of 
a  sporangium  (bot.}. 

archiamphiaster  (ar'kTam'fTas'te'r)  n. 
[Gk.  archi,  first  ;  amphi,  on  both 
sides  ;  aster,  star.]  The  amphiaster 
forming  the  first  or  second  polar 
body  in  cell  maturation  (cyt.}. 

archiblast  (ar'kiblast)  n.  [Gk.  archi, 
first ;  blastos,  bud.]  Egg  proto- 

archiblastic  (ar'kiblas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
archi,  first ;  blastos,  bud.]  Having 
total  and  equal  segmentation  (cyt.}. 

archiblastula  (ar'kiblas'tula)  n.  [Gk. 
archi,  first  ;  blastos,  bud.]  Typical 
hollow  ball  of  cells  derived  from  an 
egg  with  total  and  equal  segmenta- 
tion (cyt.}. 

archicarp  (ar'kikarp)  n.  [Gk.  archi, 
first ;  karpos,  fruit.]  The  spirally 
coiled  region  of  the  thallus  of 
certain  fungi  (bot.}. 

archicerebrum  (ar'kise'r'e'brum)  n. 
[Gk.  archi,  first ;  L.  cerebrum,  brain.] 
The  primitive  brain,  as  the  supra- 
oesophageal  ganglia  of  higher 
Invertebrates  (zool.}. 

archichlamydeous  (ir'kiklamid'eus)  a. 
[Gk.  archi,  first  ;  chlamys,  cloak.] 
Having  no  petals,  or  having  petals 
entirely  separate  from  one  another 

archicoel  (i/kisel)  n.  [Gk.  archi, 
first  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  primary 
body- cavity  or  space  between  vthe 
alimentary  canal  and  ectoderm  in 
development  of  various  groups  of 
animals  (zoo/.}. 




archigony  (arkig'onl)  n.  [Gk.  archi, 
first ;  gonos,  offspring.]  The  first 
origin  of  life  by  spontaneous  genera- 
tion (bio!.}. 

archinephric  (ar'kmef'rik)  a.  [Gk. 
archi,  first ;  nephros,  kidney.]  Appl. 
the  duct  into  which  the  pronephric 
tubules  open  (emb.}. 

archinephros  (ar'kinef'ros)  n.  [Gk. 
archi,  first ;  nephros,  kidney.]  The 
primitive  kidney  (emb.}. 

archipallium  (ar'kTpal'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
archi,  first ;  L.  pallium,  a  mantle.] 
The  olfactory  region  of  the  cerebral 
hemispheres  (phys.}. 

archipterygium  (ar'kipterij'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  archi,  first ;  pterygion,  little 
wing.]  Type  of  fin  in  which  the 
skeleton  consists  of  an  elongated 
segmented  central  axis  and  two 
rows  of  jointed  rays  (zool.}. 

architype  (ar'kitip)  n.  [Gk.  archi, 
first ;  typos,  type.]  An  original  type 
from  which  others  may  be  derived 

archoplasm  (ar'koplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
archon,  ruler ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  substance  con- 
stituting the  attraction  sphere, 
astral  rays,  and  spindle-fibres 

arclcentrous  (ar'kisen'trus)  a.  [L. 
arcus,  bow  ;  centrum,  centre.] 
Appl.  vertebral  columns  in  which 
the  centra  are  mainly  derived  from 
the  arch  tissue  (emb.,  anat.). 

arciferous  (arsif'eYus)  a.  [L.  arcus, 
bow  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Appl.  pec- 
toral arch  of  toads,  etc.,  where  the 
precoracoid  and  coracoid  are  widely 
separated  and  connected  by  a  large 
arched  epicoracoid  (zool.}. 

arciform  (ar'siform)  a.  [L.  arcus, 
bow  ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped  like 
an  arch  or  bow  (zool.}. 

arcocentrous  (ar'kb'sen'trus)  a.  [L. 
arcus,  bow  ;  centrum,  centre.]  Appl. 
vertebral  columns  with  inconspicu- 
ous chordal  sheath  and  centra  de- 
rived from  arch  tissue  (zool.}. 

arcocentrum  (ar'kosSn'trum)  n.  [L. 
arcus,  bow  ;  centrum,  centre.]  A 
centrum  formed  from  parts  of  neural 
and  haemal  arches  (zool.}. 

arcualia  (ar'kua'lia)  n.plu.  [L.  arcus, 
bow.]  Small  cartilaginous  pieces, 
dorsal  and  ventral,  fused  or  free,  on 

the  vertebral  column  of  fishes 

arcuate  (ar'kuat)  a.  [L.  arcus,  bow.] 
Curved  or  shaped  like  a  bow. 

ardellae  (ardeTe)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  ardein, 
to  sprinkle.]  Small  apothecia  of 
certain  lichens  having  the  appear- 
ance of  dust  (bot.}. 

area  (a'rea)  n.  [L.  area,  ground-space.] 
A  surface,  as  area  opaca,  area 
vasculosa  (smb.}. 

arenaceous  (arSna'shus)  a.  [L.  arena, 
sand.]  Having  the  properties  or 
appearance  of  sand  ;  sandy. 

areola  (are'ola)  n.  [L.  areola,  dim.  of 
area,  space.]  A  small  coloured 
circle  round  a  nipple  ;  the  part  of 
the  iris  bordering  the  pupil  of  the 
eye  (anat.} ;  one  of  the  small  spaces 
or  interstices  of  a  special  kind  of 
tissue  (zool.} ;  the  areas  defined  by 
cracks  on  the  surface  of  lichens  (bot.}. 

areolar  (are'olar),  areolate  (are'olat)  a. 
[L.  areola,  space.]  Of  or  like  an 
areola,  having  distinct  spaces  or 
interstices  (bot.}  ;  areolar  is  appl.  a 
kind  of  connective  tissue  with  the 
fibres  loosely  attached  (zool.}. 

argenteal  (arjen'teal)  a._  [L.  argenteus, 
silvern.]  Appl.  layer  of  the  eye 
containing  calcic  crystals  (zvol.}. 

argenteous  (arjen'teus)  a.  [L.  argen- 
teus, silvern.]  Like  silver  (bot.}. 

argent euin  (arjgn'teum)  n.  [L.  argen- 
tum,  silver.]  A  dermal  reflecting 
tissue  layer  of  iridocytes  without 
chromatophores  in  fishes  (zool.}. 

aril  (ar'il),  arillus  (aril'us)  n.  [F. 
arille,  Sp.  arillo,  a  small  hoop.] 
An  additional  investment  formed  on 
a  seed  after  fertilization  (bot.}. 

arillode  (ar'ilod)  n.  [F.  arille,  hoop  ; 
Gk.  eidos,  like.]  A  false  arillus 
arising  from  the  micropyle  as  an 
expansion  of  the  exostome  (bot.}. 

arista  (arls'ta)  n.  [L.  arista,  beard  of 
an  ear  of  corn.]  Awn ;  long-pointed 
process  as  in  many  grasses  (bot.}  ; 
a  bristle  borne  by  the  antenna  of 
many  brachycerous  Diptera  (zool.}. 

Aristotle's  lantern  (Ar'istot'lz),— the 
masticating  apparatus  of  the  sea- 
urchin  (zool.}. 

armature  (ar'matur)  n.  [L.  arma, 
weapons.]  Anything  which  serves 
to  defend,  as  hairs,  prickles,  thorns 
(bot.} ;  spines,  stings,  etc.  (zool.}. 




arolium  (an/Hum)  n.  [Gk.  arole,  pro- 
tection.] Pad  between  the  claws 
on  tarsus  of  Orthoptera  (zool.). 

arrectores  pilorum, — bundles  of  non- 
striped  muscular  fibres  associated 
with  the  hair  follicles,— on  con- 
traction, they  render  the  hair  more 
erect  (p/iys.). 

arrhenoplasm  (arSn'oplazm)  «.  [Gk. 
arrenos,  male ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  Male  plasm,  in  reference 
to  the  theory  that  all  protoplasm 
consists  of  arrhenoplasm  and  thely- 
plasm  (diol.). 

arrhenotoky  (argnot'oki)  «.  [Gk. 
arrenos,  male  ;  tokos,  birth.]  Pro- 
duction of  males  parthenogenetic- 
ally  (zool.). 

arterial  (arte'rial)  a.  [L.  arteria, 
artery.]  Pert,  an  artery,  or  the 
system  of  channels  by  which  the 
blood  issues  to  the  body  from  the 
heart ;  appL  blood,  duct,  gland 

arterial  sclerosis, — hardening  of  the 
walls  of  the  arteries,  said  to  con- 
tribute to  natural  death  (phys.). 

arteriole  (arte'rlol)  n.  [L.  arteriola, 
small  artery.]  A  small  or  branch 
artery  (anat.). 

artery  (ar'te"r!)  n.  [L.  arteria,  artery.] 
A  vessel  which  conveys  blood  from 
heart  to  body  (anat.). 

arthritic  (arthrit'ik)  a.  [Gk.  arthron, 
joint.]  Pert,  or  at  joints  (anat.). 

arthrobranchiae  (aYthrobrang^kle, 
-kla)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  arthron,  a  joint ; 
drangchia,  gills.]  Joint-gills,  arising 
at  the  junction  of  thoracic  append- 
ages with  trunkof  Arthropods  (zool.). 

arthrodia  (arthro'dia) «.  [Gk.  arthron, 
joint.]  A  joint  admitting  of  only 
gliding  movements  (anat.). 

arthrodlal  (arthro'dlal)  a.  [Gk. 
arthron,  joint.]  Appl.  the  articular 
membranes  connecting  thoracic 
appendages  with  trunk,  as  in 
Arthropods  (zool.). 

arthromere  (ar'thrb'mer)  n.  [Gk. 
arthron,  joint ;  meros,  part.]  An 
arthropod  body-segment  or  somite 

arthropod  (ar'thropod)  a.  [Gk. 
arthron,  joint  ;  pous,  foot.]  Of  or 
pert,  the  Arthropoda  (zool.). 

arthropterous  (arthr6p't6rus)  a.  [Gk. 
arthron,  joint ;  pteron,  wing.] 

Having  jointed  fin-rays,  as  in  fishes 

arthrospore  (Arth'rospor)  n.  [Gk. 
arthron,  joint ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
resting  bacterial  cell  (hot.}. 

arthrosterigmata  (ar'throste'rig'mata) 
n.plu.  [Gk.  arthron,  joint;  sterigma, 
a  support]  Jointed  sterigmata  (dot.'). 

arthrostracous  (arthrSs'trakus)  a. 
[Gk.  arthron,  joint ;  ostrakon,  shell.] 
Having  a  segmented  shell  (zool.). 

articular  (artik'ula>)  a.  [L.  articulus, 
joint]  Pert,  or  situated  at  a  joint 
or  joints  ;  appl.  cartilage,  lamellae, 
surface,  capsule,  etc.  (anat.}. 

articulated  (artik'ulate'd)  a.  [L.  arti- 
culus, joint.]  Jointed ;  separating 
easily  at  certain  points  (fe&jl 

articulation  (irtikula'shun)  n.  [L. 
articulus,  joint.]  A  joint,  between 
bones  or  segments  (zool.\  or  seg- 
ments of  a  stem  (dot.). 

artifact  (ar'tlfakt)  n.  [L.  ars,  art; 
facere,  to  make.]  Any  appearance 
produced  by  a  reagent  or  other 
artificial  means  (biol^). 

artiodactyl  (ar'tiodaktil)  a.  [Gk. 
artios,  equal ;  daktylos,  finger.] 
Having  an  even  number  of  fingers 
or  toes  (sool.) 

arytenoid  (arjrte'noid)  a.  [Gk. 
arytaina,  a  pitcher.]  Pitcher-like, 
appl.  two  cartilages  at  the  back  of 
the  larynx,  also  glands,  swellings, 
etc.  (anat.\ 

asci  (as'I,  as'kl,  as'ke)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
askos,  bladder.]  Membranous  spore- 
sacs  of  fungi  within  which  the 
ascospores  are  formed  (dot.}. 

ascidian  (asld'Ian)  a.  [Gk.  askidion, 
dim.  of  askos,  bag.]  Like  an 
ascidian  or  sea-squirt  (zool.). 

ascidium  (asld'lum)  n.,  ascidia  (asTd'Ia) 
plu.  [Gk.  askidion,  little  bag.] 
Pitcher-leaves,  as  in  Nepenthes 

ascigerous  (aslj'grus)  a.  [Gk.  askos, 
bag  ;  L.  gerere,  to  bear.]  Bearing 
asci,  as  certain  hyphae  in  Fungi 

ascocarp  (as'kokarp)  n.  [Gk.  askos, 
bag  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  The  protective 
covering  investing  the  asci  (dot.). 

ascogenous  (ask8j'5nus)  ^  a.  [Gk. 
askos,  bag ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] Bearing  asci  (dot.). 

ascogonium   (as'kogo'nTum)    n.     [Gk. 




askos,  bag  ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
A  sac-like  structure  in  which  the 
reproductive  bodies  are  formed 

ascospore  (as'kospor)  n.  [Gk.  askos, 
bag ;  sporos,  seed.]  One  of  the 
spores  contained  in  an  ascus  (bot.). 

ascus, — sing,  of  asci,  which  see. 

asexual  (aseVsual)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  L.  sexus,  sex.]  Having  no 
apparent  sexual  organs  ;  patheno- 
genetic  or  vegetative  as  appL  repro- 
duction (btol.). 

aspect  (as'pekt)  n.  [L.  ad,  to; 
spectare,  to  look.]  Look,  appear- 
ance, point  of  view  (btol.). 

asperity  (aspeViti)  n.  [L.  asper, 
rough.]  Roughness  as  on  certain 
leaves  (hot.}. 

aspidobranchiate  (as'pidobrang'kiat) 
a.  [Gk.  aspis,  shield ;  brangchia, 
gills.]  Pert,  or  resembling  the 
Aspidobranchiata,  a  group  of 
Gasteropods  (zool.). 

asplanchnic  (asplangk'nik)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  without ;  splangchna,  viscera.] 
Without  alimentary  canal  (zool.). 

asporous  (asp5'rus)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  sporos,  seed.]  Having  no 
spores  (bot.). 

assimilation  (asTm'ila'shun)  n.  [L.  ad, 
to  ;  similis,  like.]  Conversion  into 
protoplasm  of  ingested  nutrient 
material  (phys.). 

association  (aso'sia'shun)  «.  [L.  ad, 
to ;  socius,  fellow.]  Adherence  of 
gregarines  without  fusion  of  nuclei 
(zool.} ;  appl.  fibres  connecting 
white  matter  of  interior  of  brain 
with  cortex  of  convolutions  (phys.). 

astely  (Aste'H)  n.  [Gk.  a,  without  ; 
stele,  pillar.]  Absence  of  a  central 
cylinder  or  axis  (hot.}. 

aster  (as'tgr)  n.  [Gk.  aster,  a  star.] 
The  star-shaped  achromatinic 
structure  surrounding  the  centro- 
some  during  mitosis ;  the  star- 
shaped  arrangement  of  the 
chromosomes  during  mitosis  (cyt.). 

asterion  (aste'rion)  n.  [Gk.  aster, 
star.]  The  region  of  the  postero- 
lateral  fontaneTle  where  lambdoid, 
parieto  -  mastoid,  and  occipito- 
mastoid  sutures  meet  (anat.). 

asteroid  (as'tgroid)  a.  [Gk.  aster,  star ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Star-shaped  ; 
pertaining  to  the  star-fish  (zoou). 

asterospondylous  (as'tSrospon'dllus) 
a.  [Gk.  aster,  star ;  sphondylos, 
vertebra.]  Having  centrum  with 
radiating  calcified  plates  (zool.). 

astomatous  (astom'atus)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without;  stoma,  mouth.]  Not  having 
a  mouth  (zool.) ;  without  epidermic 
pores  or  stomata  (bot.). 

astomous  (asto'mus)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Without  a 
stomium  or  line  of  dehiscence ; 
bursting  irregularly  (bot.). 

astragalus  (astrag'alus)  n.  [Gk. 
astragalos,  an  ankle  bone.]  The 
second  largest  tarsal  bone  in  man 
(anat.);  a  tarsal  bone  in  Vertebrates. 

astrocentre  (as'trosSn'ter)  n.  [L.  aster, 
star ;  centrum,  centre.]  The  centro- 
some  (cyt.). 

astrosphere  (as'trosfer)  n.  [Gk.  aster, 
star ;  sphaira,  ball.]  The  central 
mass  of  the  aster  without  the  rays  ; 
the  aster  exclusive  of  the  centro- 
some  ;  the  astral  sphere  (cyt.). 

asymmetrical  (asimet'rikal)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  without ;  syn,  with ;  metron, 
measure.]  Pert,  want  of  sym- 
metry ;  in  the  condition  of  having 
two  sides  unlike  or  disproportion- 
ate ;  appl.  structures  or  organs 
which  cannot  be  divided  into 
similar  halves  by  any  vertical  axis 

asymmetry  (asTm'gtri)  n.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  syn,  with;  metron,  measure.] 
Want  of  symmetry. 

atavism  (at'avizm)  n.  [L.  atavus, 
ancestor.]  Reversion,  the  oc- 
currence of  a  characteristic  of  a 
remote  ancestor  not  .observed  in 
the  more  immediate  ancestors 

atavistic  (at'avls'tik)  a.  [L.  atavus, 
ancestor.]  Pert,  marked  by,  or 
tending  to  atavism  (btol.). 

athalamous  (athal'amus)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  thalamos,  inner  room.] 
Wanting  a  thalamus  (bot.). 

atlas  (at'las)  n.  [Gk.  atlas,  a  giant.] 
The  first  cervical  vertebra  articulat- 
ing with  the  skull  (anat.). 

atokous  (at'okus)  a.  [Gk.  atokos, 
childless.]  Without  offspring. 

atoll  (at'61,  atol')  n.  [Mai.  atoll.}  A 
coral  reef  surrounding  a  body  of 
water  (zool.). 

atria!  (a'triil)  a.     [L.  atrium,  a  central 




room.]  Pert,  atrium  ;  appl.  cavity, 
pore,  canal,  siphon,  lobes  (zool.). 

atriocoelomic  (a'trloselom'ik)  a.  [L. 
atrium,  central  room  ;  Gk.  koilos, 
hollow.]  Connecting  the  atrium 
and  the  coelom ;  appl.  funnels,  of 
uncertain  function,  in  Cephalo- 
chorda  (zool.). 

atriopore  (a'triopor)  n.  [L.  atrium, 
central  room ;  porus,  channel.] 
The  opening  from  the  atrial  cavity 
to  the  exterior  in  Cephalochorda 

atrioventricular  (atriove'ntrik'ular)  a. 
[L.  atrium,  chamber ;  ventriculus, 
small  cavity.]  Pert,  the  atrioven- 
tricular structure  in  the  heart ;  appl. 
bundles,  groove,  openings  (anat.). 

atrium  (a'trium)  n.  [L.  atrium, 
chamber.]  The  two  anterior  cavi- 
ties of  the  heart ;  the  tympanic 
cavity  (anat.) ;  a  chamber  surround- 
ing the  pharynx  in  Tunicates  and 
Cephalochordates  (zoo!.). 

atrochal  (at'rokal)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  trochos,  wheel.]  Without  the 
preoral  circlet  of  cilia  ;  appl.  tro- 
chophore  stage  when  the  preoral 
circlet  is  absent  and  the  surface 
is  covered  uniformly  with  cilia 

atrophy  (at'rofi)  n.  [Gk.  a,  without ; 
trephein,  to  nourish.]  Emaciation  ; 
diminution  in  size  and  function  of 
a  part  or  organ  (biol.). 

atropous  (at'ropus)  a.  [Gk.  a,  with- 
out ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  Appl.  ovule 
in  proper  position,  i.e.  not  inverted 

atterminal  (atteYmmal)  a.  [L.  ad, 
to ;  terminus,  end.]  Towards  a 
terminal ;  appl.  current  directed 
toward  the  thermal  cross-section 

attraction  (atrak'shun)  n.  [L.  at- 
tractus,  drawn  to.]  Any  structure 
which  apparently  draws  other 
things  to  it,  as  an  attraction  cone 

auditory  (od'itorl)  a.  JX.  audire,  to 
hear.]  Pert,  the  hearing  apparatus, 
appl.  organ,  nucleus,  ossicle,  capsule, 
canal,  meatus,  nerve,  tentacle,  etc. 

Auerbach's  plexus,  —  a  gangliated 
plexus  of  non-medullated  nerve- 
fibres,  found  between  the  two  layers 
of  the  muscular  coat  of  the  small 

intestine  ;  the  plexus  myentericus 

augmentor  (ogme'n'tSr)  a.  [L.  augere, 
to  increase.]  Appl.  nerves  rising 
from  the  sympathetic  system  and 
acting  on  the  heart,  with  antago- 
nistic relation  to  the  vagi  ;  ac- 
celerator (phys.). 

aulostomatous  (ol'ostom'atus)  a.  [Gk. 
aulos,  tube ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Having 
a  tubular  mouth  or  snout  (zool.). 

aural  (6^1)  a.  [L.  auris,  ear.]  Pert. 
ear  or  hearing. 

auricle  (6r'lkl)  n.  [L.  auricula,  little 
ear.]  The  external  ear ;  any  ear- 
like  lobed  appendage  (zool.) ;  the 
upper  or  anterior  chamber  on  each 
side  of  the  heart  (anat.). 

auricula  (orik'ula)  n.  [L.  auricula, 
little  ear.]  An  auricle. 

auricular  (ortk'ular)  a.  [L.  auricula, 
small  ear.]  Pert,  an  auricle  ;  appl. 
artery,  nerve,  tubercle,  vein  (anat.). 

auricularia  (orik'ula'ria)  n.  [L.  auri- 
cula, small  ear.]  A  type  of  larva 
found  among  the  Holothurians 

auriculars, — n.  plu.,  ear  coverts  of 

auriculate  (orik'ulat)  a.  [L.  auricula^ 
small  ear.]  Eared  ;  appl.  leaf  with 
expanded  bases  surrounding  the 
stem  ;  appl.  leaf  with  lobes  separate 
from  rest  of  blade ;  hastate-auricled 

auriculo  -  ventricular  (6rik'ulo-v£n- 
trflc'ular)  a.  Pert,  or  connecting  the 
auricle  and  ventricle  of  the  heart ; 
appl.  bundle,  valve  (anat.). 

aurophore  (or'ofor)  n.  [L.  auris,  ear ; 
Gk.  pherein,  to  bear.]  An  organ 
projecting  from  the  base  of  pneu- 
matophore  of  certain  Siphonophores 

autacoid  (ot'akoid)  n.  [Gk.  autos, 
self.]  A  term  including  both 
hormone  and  chalone  (phys.). 

autoblast  (ot'dblast)  n.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  blastos,  bud.]  An  inde- 
pendent micro-organism. 

autocatalysis  (ot'okatal'isls)  n.  [Gk. 
autos,  self ;  kata,  down  ;  lysis,  a 
loosing.]  The  dissolution  or  re- 
action of  a  cell  or  substance  due 
to  the  influence  of  a  product  or 
secretion  of  its  own  (phys.). 

autochthon  (6tSk'th6n)  n.    [Gk.  autos, 




self;  chthon,  the  ground.]  An 
indigenous  species  of  plant  or 
animal  (bioL). 

autocyst  (ot'osist)  n.  [Gk.  autos,  self; 
kystis,  bladder.]  A  thick  membrane 
formed  by  the  Neosporidia  separat- 
ing them  from  the  host  tissues  (zoo/.). 

autodermalia  (ot'odermal'ia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  autos,  self;  derma,  skin.] 
Dermal  spicules  with  axial  cross 
within  the  dermal  membrane  (zool.). 

autoecious  (ote'shus)  a.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  oikos,  house.]  Appl.  rusts 
whose  aecidium  form  inhabits  the 
same  host  as  the  uredoform  stage 

autogamy  (otog'ami)  n.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  gamos,  marriage.]  Self- 
fertilization  (biol.). 

autogenesis  (6t'6jen'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
autos,  self;  genesis,  birth.]  Spon- 
taneous generation  (biol.). 

autogenetic  (ot'qje'net'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
autos,  self ;  genesis,  birth.]  Repro- 
ducing spontaneously,  appL  body- 

autogeny  (otoj'gm)  n.     Autogenesis. 

autogony  (otog'oni)  n.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  gonos,  offspring.]  Auto- 

autolysis  (otol'isis)  n.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  lysis,  a  loosing.]  Self- 

automixis  (ot'omik'sis)  n.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  mixis,  mingling.]  The  union 
in  a  cell  of  chromatin  derived  from 
common  parentage  (biol.). 

autonomic  (6t'6n8m'ik)  a.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  nomos,  province.]  Self- 
governing,  spontaneous  ;  appL 
nerves  of  sympathetic  system  and 
of  certain  involuntary  muscles,  and 
of  secreting  glands  (phys.). 

autonomous  (oton'omus).  a.  Auto- 

autophagous  (6tof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
autos,  self;  phagein,  to  eat.]  Appl. 
birds  capable  of  running  about  and 
securing  food  for  themselves  when 
newly  hatched  (zool.). 

autophya  (6t'6ffa)  n.plu.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  phyein,  to  produce.]  Ele- 
ments in  the  formation  of  a  shell 
secreted  by  the  animal  itself;  cf. 
xenophya  (zool.). 

autophyllogeny  (ot'of  iloj'eni)  n.  [Gk. 
autos,  self;  phyllon,  leaf;  genos, 

birth.]  Growth  of  one  leaf  upon 
or  out  of  another  (bot.). 

autophyta  (ot'ofl'ta)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
autos,  self;  phyton,  plant.]  Plants 
which  obtain  food  in  the  ordinary 
way  ;  cf.  saprophyta  (bot.). 

autoskeleton  (6t'6skel'6ton)  n.  [Gk. 
autos,  self ;  skeletos,  dried.]  A  true 
skeleton  formed  within  the  animal 

autostylic  (ot'ostil'ik)  a.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  stylos,  pillar.]  Having  the 
mandibular  arch  self-supporting, 
and  articulating  with  the  skull 
direct  (zoo!.). 

autotomy  (otot'omi)  n.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  tome,  cutting.]  Self-amputa- 
tion of  a  part,  as  in  certain  worms 
and  arthropods  (zoo/.). 

autotrophic  (ot'otrof'ik)  a.  [Gk.  autos, 
self;  trephein,  to  nourish.]  Procur- 
ing food  independently ;  appl. 
plants  which  are  neither  sapro- 
phytic  nor  parasitic  (dot.). 

autotropism  (6t6t'ropizm)  n.  [Gk. 
autos,  self;  trepein,  to  turn.] 
Tendency  to  grow  in  a  straight 
line ;  appl.  plants  unaffected  by 
external  influence  (phys.). 

autozooid  (ot'ozooid)  n.  [Gk.  autos, 
self ;  zoon,  animal ;  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] An  independent  alcyona- 
rian  zooid  or  individual  (zool.). 

auxetics  (oksSt'iks)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
auxein,  to  increase.]  A  term  appl. 
chemical  agents  which  induce  cell- 
division  in  leucocytes  and  other 
cells  (cyt.\ 

auximone  (ok'simon)  n.  [Gk.  auxi- 
mos,  promoting  growth.]  An 
accessory  growth  -  stimulating  or 
promoting  factor  in  the  food  of 
plants  (biol.). 

auxospore  (ok'sospor)  n.  [Gk.  auxein, 
to  increase ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
diatom  which,  having  reached  its 
limit  of  size,  by  bi-partition  escapes 
from  its  valve,  and  uniting  with  a 
similar  one  gives  rise  to  a  new 
plant  (bot.). 

auxotonic  (ok'soton'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
auxein,  to  increase  ;  tonos,  strain.] 
Induced  by  growth  ;  appl.  move- 
ments of  immature  plants  ;  opp. 
alassotonic  (bot.)  ;  appl.  contraction 
against  an  increasing  resistance 



avenaceous  (avena'shus)  a.  [L.  avena, 
oats.]  Pert,  oats  (dot.). 

avicularium  (avTkula'rTum)  n.  [L. 
avicula,  dim.  of  avis,  bird.]  In 
Polyzoa  a  modified  zooecium  with 
muscular  movable  attachments  re- 
sembling a  bird's  beak  (zool.). 

awn  (on)  ;/.  [Ger.  ahne}  chaff.]  The 
"beard"  of  grass,  grain,  etc.  (hot.). 

axial  (ak'sial)  a.  [L.  axis,  axis.]  Pert. 
axis  or  stem  (btol.). 

axial  filament,  —  the  central  filament 
of  any  structure  such  as  the  stiff 
radiating  pseudopodia  of  some  of 
the  Protozoa  (zool.) 

axial  sinus,—  a  nearly  vertical  canal 
in  the  Echinoderms  opening  into 
the  internal  division  of  the  oral  ring 
sinus,  and  communicating  aborally 
with  the  stone  canal  (zool.). 

axial  skeleton,—  the  skeleton  of  the 
head  and  trunk,  as  ofip.  the  skeleton 
of  the  limbs  (zool.). 

axil  (ak'sil)  n.  [L.  axilla,  arm-pit.] 
The  angle  between  a  leaf  or  branch 
and  the  axis  from  which  it  springs 

axile  (ak'sil)  a.  [L.  axilla,  arm-pit.] 
Pert.,  situated  in  or  belonging  to 
the  axis  ;  appl.  placentation  (bot.). 

axilemma  (ak'silSm'a)  n.  [L.  axis, 
axis  ;  Gk.  lemma,  husk.]  In  medul- 
lated  nerve  fibres,  the  sheath 
supposed  to  surround  the  axial 
cylinder  (anat.). 

axilla  (aksll'a)  n.  [  L.  axilla,  arm-pit.] 
The  ami-pit  (anat.)  ;  an  axil  (bot.). 

axillary  (ak'silari,  aksil'ari)  a.  [L. 
axilla,  arm-pit.]  Pert,  the  axil  ; 
growing  in  the  axil,  as  buds  (bot.)  ; 
pert,  the  arm-pit  (anat.). 

axipetal  (aksip'Stal)  a.  [L.  axis,  axis  ; 
Petere,  to  seek.]  Passing  towards 
the  attachment  of  the  axon,  appl. 
nerve  impulses  (phys.). 

axis  (ak'sis)  n.  [L.  axis,  axis.]  The 
main  stem  or  central  cylinder  (bot.)  ; 
the  fundamentally  central  line  of  a 
structure  ;  the  second  cervical 
vertebra  (anat.). 

axis  cylinder,—  the  central  tract  of  a 
nerve  fibre,  the  impulse  transmitter 

axon  (ak'son)  n.  [Gk.  axon,  axle.] 
The  axis-cylinder  process  of  a  multi- 
polar  nerve-cell  (anat.). 

axoneme   (ak'sonem)   n.     [Gk.   axon, 

axle  ;  ntma,  thread.]  One  of  the 
three  threads  of  the  main  strand 
of  an  infusorian  stalk  (zool.). 

axoiiost  (ak'sonost)  n.  [Gk.  axon, 
axle ;  osteon,  bone.]  The  basal 
portion  of  rods  supporting  the 
dermotrichia  of  fin-rays  (zool.). 

axopodium  (ak'sopo'dlum)  n.  [Gk. 
axon,  axle  ;  pous,  foot.]  A  pseudo- 
podium  with  axial  filament  (zool.). 

axostyle  (ak'sostll)  n.  [Gk.  axon,a.\\&  ; 
stylos,  pillar.]  A  slender  flexible 
rod  of  organic  substance  forming  a 
supporting  axis  for  the  body  of 
many  Flagellates  (zool.). 

azygobranchiate  (azl'gobrang'kiat)  a. 
[Gk.  a,  without  ;  zygon,  yoke  ; 
brangchia,  gills.]  Having  the  gills 
or  ctenidia  not  developed  on  one 
side  (zool.). 

azygomatous  (a'zlgom'atus)  a.  [Gk. 
a,  without ;  zygoma,  a  bar.]  With- 
out a  zygoma  or  cheek-bone  arch 

azygos  (azi'gos,  az'igos)  n.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  zygon,  yoke.]  An  un- 
paired muscle,  artery,  vein,  process 

azygosperm  (azi'gospe'rm)  ».  [Gk. 
a,  without ;  zygon,  yoke  ;  sfierma, 
seed.]  An  azygospore. 

azygospore  (azl'gospor)  n.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  zygon,  yoke  ;  sporos,  seed.] 
A  spore  developed  directly  from  a 
gamete  without  conjugation  (bot.). 

azygous  (azl'gus,  az'Igus)  a.  [Gk.  a, 
without ;  zygon,  yoke.]  Unpaired. 


bacca  (bak'a)  n.  [L.  bacca,  berry.] 
A  pulpy  fruit  (bot.). 

baccate  (bak'at)  a.  [L.  bacca,  berry.] 
Pulpy,  fleshy  (bot.). 

bacciferous  (bakslf'grus)  a.  [L.  bacca, 
berry  ;  ferre,  to  bear.]  Berry-pro- 
ducing (bot.). 

bacciform  (bak'slform)  a.  [L.  bacca, 
berry ;  forma,  shape.]  Berry- 
shaped  (bot.). 

bacillus  (basll'us)  n.  [L.  bacillum, 
small  stick.]  An  elongated  rod- 
like  bacterium ;  a  single-celled 
fungus  (bot.). 

bacteriology   (bak'tertol'ojl)    n.     [Gk. 




bakterion,  rod ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  science  dealing  with  the  life- 
history,  structure,  and  effects  of 

bacteriolysin  (bakte'rioli'sin)  n.  [Gk. 
bakterion,  small  rod  ;  lyein,  to  loose.] 
A  substance  which  neutralizes  the 
toxicity  of  or  destroys  Bacteria 

balancers  (bal'anserz)  n.  plu.  [L. 
bilanx,  having  two  scales.]  The 
halteres  or  poisers  of  dipterous 
insects  (zoo!.}. 

balanoid  (bal'anoid)  a.  [Gk.  balanos, 
acorn;  eidos,  like.]  Pert,  barnacles; 
acorn-shaped  (zool.). 

balausta  (balos'ta)  n.  [Gk.  balaustion, 
tree-blossom.]  Any  fruit,  many- 
celled,  many-seeded,  indehiscent 
and  with  tough  pericarps  (dot.}. 

baleen  (balen')  n.  [L.  balaena,  whale.] 
The  horny  plates  attached  to  the 
upper  jaw  of  true  whales  ;  whale- 
bone (zool.). 

balm  (bam)  n.  [L.  balsamum,  balsam.] 
A  fragrant  garden  plant ;  a  soothing 
ointment  (bot.). 

balsamiferous  (bal'samif  6rus)  a.  [L. 
balsamum,  balsam  ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Producing  balsam  (bot.). 

barb  (barb) ».  [L.  barba,  beard.]  One 
of  delicate  thread-like  structures 
extending  obliquely  from  a  feather 
rachis,  and  forming  the  vane  (zool.} ; 
a  hooked  hair-like  bristle  (dot.). 

barbate  (bar'bat)  a.  [L.  barba,  beard.] 
Bearded  (bot.,  zool.). 

barbel  (bfr'bel)  n.  [L.  barbus,  barbel.] 
A  tactile  process  arising  from  the 
head  of  various  fishes  (zool.). 

barbellate  (barbeTat,  ba/bglat)  a. 
[L.  barba,  beard.]  With  stiff 
hooked  hair-like  bristles  (bot.). 

barbicel  (bar'bisgl)  n.  [L.  barba, 
beard.]  Small  process  on  a  feather 
barbule  (zool.). 

barbula  (bar'bula)  n.  [L.  barbula, 
dim.  of  barba,  beard.]  Row  of  teeth 
of  the  peristome  of  mosses  (bot.). 

barbule  (bar'bul)  n.  [L.  barbula,  dim. 
of  barbat  beard.]  One  of  the  small 
hooked  processes  fringing  the  barbs 
of  a  feather  (zool.). 

barotaxis  (barbtak'sis)  n.  [Gk.  baros, 
weight ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  The 
reaction  against  a  pressure  stimulus 

(ba'sal)    a.      [L.    basis,    base.] 
Pert,  at  or  near  the  base, 
basal    ganglia,— ganglia    connecting 
cerebrum       with      other      centres 


basal  granule, — a  thickening  at  the 
base  of  a  flagellum,  the  centrosome, 
in  certain  Protozoa  (zool.). 

basal  leaf, — one  of  the  leaves  pro- 
duced near  the  base  of  the  stem 

basal  placenta, — arises  from  the  proxi- 
mal end  of  ovary  (bot.). 

basal  plates,  —  certain  plates  in 
Echinoderms,  which  are  situated 
at  the  top  or  near  the  top  of  the 
stalk  in  Crinoids,  and  in  Echinoids 
form  part  of  the  apical  disc  (zool.). 

basal  wall,— the  first  plane  of  division 
of  the  oospores  of  Ferns  and  Mosses 

basale  (basa'le,  basal'a)  «.,  basalia 
(basa'lia)  plu.  [L.  basis,  base.]  A 
bone  of  variable  structure  arising 
from  the  fusion  of  pterygiophores 
and  supporting  fish  fins  (zool.). 

basement  membrane, — themembrane 
of  a  gland  containing  the  acini  or 
special  secreting  portions  (anat.}. 

basialveolar  (ba'sTalve'olar)  a.  [L. 
basis,  base  ;  alveolus,  hollow.]  Ex- 
tending from  basion  to  centre  of 
alveolar  arch  (anat.). 

basibranchial  (ba'sibrang'klal)  n. 
[Gk.  basis,  base  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
The  median  ventral  or  basal 
skeletal  portion  of  a  branchial 
arch  (zool.}. 

basichromatin  (ba'sikro'matin)  n. 
[Gk.  basis,  base  ;  chroma,  colour.] 
The  deeply  staining  substance  of 
nuclear  network  ;  chromatin  (cyt.). 

baslconic  sensillae, — upright  conical 
clavate  sense  hairs,  immovable  at 
their  base  and  having  thin  chitinous 
covering  (zool). 

basicranial  (ba'sikra'nTal)  a.  [Gk. 
basis,  base  ;  kranion,  skull.]  Situ- 
ated at  the  base  of  the  skull 

basidiophore  (basid'Iofor)  n.  [Gk. 
basis,  base  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A 
sporophore  which  carries  basidia 

basidlospore  (bastd'iospor)  n.  [Gk. 
basis,  base ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
spore  or  gonidium  abstricted  from 




a    basidium ;    a    basidiogonidium 

basidium  (basld'ium)  n.  [Gk.  basis, 
base.]  A  special  cell  of  certain 
Fungi  forming  spores  by  abstriction 

basidorsal  (ba'sidor'sal)  a.  [L.  basis, 
base ;  dorsum,  back.]  Appl.  a 
small  cartilaginous  neural  plate 
which  fuses  with  the  neural  process 
in  the  adult  (emb.). 

basiflxed  (ba'sifiksd)  a.  [L.  basis, 
base ;  figere,  to  make  fast.]  At- 
tached by  the  base ;  innate,  or 
having  the  filament  attached  to 
base  of  anther  (tot.). 

basifugal  (ba'sTfu'gal,  baslf'ugal)  a. 
[L.  basis,  base  ;  fugere,  to  flee.] 
Growing  away  from  the  base  (bot.). 

basigamous  (basTg'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
basis i  base  ;  gatnos,  marriage.] 
Having  the  oosphere  reversed  in 
the  embryo-sac  (bot.). 

basihyal  (ba'sihral)  n.  [Gk.  basis, 
base  ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.]  Broad 
median  plate,  the  basal  or  median 
ventral  portion  of  the  hyoid  arch 

basilar  (bas'ilar)  a.  [L.  basis,  base.] 
Pert,  or  near  the  base  ;  appl.  artery, 
crest,  membrane,  plexus  (anat.), 
plate  (smb.),  style  (tot.). 

basilic  (basil'ik)  a.  [Gk.  basilikos, 
royal.]  Appl.  a  large  vein  on  the 
inner  side  of  the  biceps  of  the  arm 

basilingual  (ba'siling'gwal)  a.  [L. 
basis,  base  ;  lingua,  tongue.]  Appl. 
a  broad  flat  cartilaginous  plate,  the 
body  of  the  hyoid,  in  crocodiles, 
turtles,  and  amphibians  (zoo/.). 

basioccipital  (ba'sioksTp'ital)  n.  [L. 
past's,  base  ;  occiput,  back  of  head.] 
The  median  ventral  bone  or  element 
in  the  occipital  region  of  the  skull 

basion  (ba'slon)  n.  [L.  basis,  base.] 
The  middle  of  the  anterior  margin 
of  the  foramen  magnum  (anat.). 

basiophthalmite  (ba'slofthal'mlt)  n. 
[Gk.  basis,  base  ;  ophthalmos,  eye.] 
The  proximal  joint  of  the  eye-stalk 
in  Crustaceans  (zoo/.). 
basipetal  (basip'etal)  a.  [Gk.  basis, 
base  ;  L.  petere,  to  seek.]  Develop- 
ing from  apex  to  base  ;  appl.  leaves 
and  inflorescences  (tot.). 

basipodite  (baslp'odlt)  n.  [Gk.  basis, 
base  ;  pous,  foot.]  The  second  or 
distal  joint  of  the  protopodite  of 
certain  limbs  of  Crustacea  (zool.). 

basipterygium  (ba'sTptgrij'ium)  tt. 
[Gk.  basis,  base  ;  pterygion,  little 
wing.]  A  large  flat  triangular  bone 
in  the  pelvic  fin  of  Teleosts,  and  a 
bone  or  cartilage  in  other  fishes 

basipterygoid  (ba'sYpt&tgoid)  n.  [Gk. 
basis,  base  ;  pterygion,  little  wing.] 
A  process  of  the  basisphenoid  in 
some  birds  (zool.). 

basisphenoid  (ba'stsfe'noid)  n.  [Gk. 
basis,  base ;  sphen,  wedge  ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  A  cranial  bone 
between  the  basioccipital  and  pre- 
sphenoid  (zool.). 

basitemporal  (ba'sTtem'poral)  n.  [L. 
basis,  base  ;  temporalis,  temporary.] 
A  broad  membrane  bone  covering 
the  basisphenoidal  region  of  the 
skull  (zool.). 

basivertebral  (ba'siveYtgbral)  a.  [L. 
basis,  base  ;  vertebra,  vertebra.] 
Appl.  vertebral  veins  emerging  on 
the  posterior  surface  (anat.). 

basophil  (ba'sofil)  a.  [Gk.  basis, 
base ;  philein,  to  love.]  Appl. 
leucocytes  having  a  strong  affinity 
for  basic  dyes  (phys.). 

bast  (bast)  n.  [A.S.  baest,  bast.]  The 
inner  fibrous  bark  of  certain  trees  ; 
the  strong  fibre  obtained  from 
certain  trees  ;  phloem  (tot.). 

bastard  wing, — the  ala  spuria,  con- 
sisting of  three  quill  feathers  borne 
on  the  first  digit  of  bird's  wing 

bathy limnetic  (bath'ilTmngt'ik)a.  [Gk. 
bathys,  deep ;  limnetes,  living  in 
marshes.]  Living  or  growing  in 
the  depths  of  lakes  or  marshes. 

bathypelagic  (bath'ipglaj'Ik)  a.  [Gk. 
bathys,  deep  ;  pelagos,  sea.]  In- 
habiting the  deep  sea  (zool.). 

bathy smal  (bathlz'mal)  a.  [Gk.  bathys, 
deep.]  Pert,  the  deepest  depths  of 
the  sea  (zool.). 

batrachian  (batra'kTan)  a.  [Gk.  ba- 
trachos,  frog.]  Relating  to  frogs 
and  toads  (zool.). 

bdelloid  (deToid)  a.  [Gk.  bdella, 
leech  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Leech- 
like,  or  having  the  appearance  of  a 
leech  (zool.). 




beard  (herd)  n.  [A.S.  beard,  a  beard.] 
Any  of  the  arrangements  of  hairs 
on  the  heads  of  animals  which 
resemble  a  man's  beard  (zool.) ; 
the  barbed  or  bristly  hair-like  out- 
growths on  grain  (hot.}. 

belemnoid  (beTemnoid,  bglem'noid)  a. 
[Gk.  belemnon,  dart  ;  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] Shaped  like  a  dart  (zool?) ; 
appl.  styloid  process  (anat.). 

bell  nucleus, — a  solid  mass  of  cells, 
derived  from  the  ectoderm  and  lying 
between  the  ordinary  ectoderm  and 
the  mesogloea  at  the  apex  of  the 
medusoid  bud,  which  later  becomes 
hollow  and  ultimately  forms  the 
sub-umbral  cavity  of  the  medusoid 

Bellini's  ducts, —  the  larger  ducts 
opening  at  the  apex  of  a  kidney 
papilla,  and  formed  by  the  union 
of  smaller  collecting  tubules  (anat.). 

benthos  (ben'thos)  n.  [Gk.  benthos, 
depths  of  the  sea.]  The  fauna  and 
flora  of  the  bottom  of  the  sea 

berry  (beYi)  n.  [A.S.  berie,  berry.] 
The  egg  of  a  lobster,  or  of  a  cray- 
fish ;  the  dark  knob-like  structure 
on  the  bill  of  the  swan  (zool?) ;  a 
small,  pulpy  fruit  (hot?). 

betulin  (bet'ulm)  n.  [L.  betula,  birch 
tree.]  A  substance  derived  from 
the  outer  bark  of  the  birch  (phys.). 

biacuminate  (bl'aku'minat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  acumen,  point.]  Having 
two  tapering  points  (dot.). 

biarticulate  (bl'artik'ulat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  articulus,  joint.]  Two- 
jointed  (hot.,  sool.). 

bicapsular  (blkap'sular)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  capsula,  little  box.]  Having 
two  capsules  or  vessels  (hot.}. 

bicarinate  (bikar'mat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  carina,  keel.]  With  two 
keel-like  processes  (hot.,  zool?). 

bicarpellate  (blkar'pe'lat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  Gk.  karpos,  fruit.]  With 
two  carpels  (tot.). 

blcaudate  (blko'dat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
cauda,  tail.]  Possessing  two  tail- 
like  processes,  as  the  wings  of 
Lepidoptera  (zool?). 

blcellular  (blseTular)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
cellula,  little  cell.]  Composed  of 
two  cells  (to/.). 

bicepa    (bl'seps)   n.      [L.  bis,   twice ; 

caput,  head.]  A  muscle  with  two 
heads  or  origins  (anat?). 

bicipltal  (blsip'ital)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
caput,  head.]  Pert,  biceps  (anat?). 

bicipital  groove, — a  groove  on  the 
upper  part  of  the  humerus  (anat.). 

bicollateral  (bl'kolat'eral)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  con,  together  ;  latus,  side.] 
Having  the  two  sides  similar. 

bicolligate  (blkol'igat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  cum,  together ;  ligare,  to 
bind.]  With  two  stretches  of  web- 
bing on  the  foot  (zool?). 

biconjugate  (blkon'joogat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  cum,  with  ;  jttgum,  yoke.] 
With  two  similar  sets  of  pairs 

bicornute  (bikor'nut)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
cornu,  horn.]  With  two  horn-like 
processes  (zool?). 

bicostate  (bikos'tat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
costa,  rib.]  Having  two  longitudinal 
ridges  or  ribs,  as  in  a  leaf  (bot.). 

bicrenate  (blkre'nat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
crena,  notch.]  Doubly  crenate, 
as  leaves  with  notched  toothed 
margins  (tot.). 

blscuspid  (bikiis'pid)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
cuspis,  point.]  Having  two  cusps 
or  points  (bot.,  zool.). 

bicuspid, —  n.  A  premolar  tooth 

bicuspid  valve, — the  mitral  valve  of 
the  heart  (anat.). 

bicyclic  (blsik'lik)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
Gk.  kyklos,  circle.]  Arranged  in 
two  whorls  (bot?). 

Bidder's  ganglia,— a  collection  of 
nerve-cells  in  the  frog,  in  the  region 
of  the  auriculo-ventricular  groove, 
whence  fibres  are  distributed  to  the 
rest  of  the  heart  (zool.). 

Bidder's  organ, — a  rudimentary  ovary 
attached  to  the  anterior  end  of  the 
generative  organs  in  both  sexes 
in  the  toad  ;  it  disappears  in  old 
females,  but  is  large  in  old  males 
and  has  been  known  to  become 
functional  (zool.). 

bidental  (blden'tal)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
dens,  tooth.]  Having  two  teeth,  or 
tooth-like  processes. 

bidenticulate  (bi'dgntik'ulat)  a.  [L. 
bis,  twice  ;  dens,  tooth.]  With  two 
small  teeth  or  tooth- like  processes, 
as  some  scales  (zool.). 

biennial  (blen'ial)  a.     [L.  bis,  twice  ; 




annus,  year.]  Lasting  for  two 
years  (tot.). 

bifacial  (blfa'slal,  blfa'shal,  blfas'yal) 
a.  [L.  fa's,  twice ;  fades,  face.] 
Appl.  leaves  with  distinct  upper 
and  lower  surfaces  ;  dorso-ventral 

bifarious  (blfa'rlus)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
fart,  to  speak.]  Arranged  in  two 
rows ;  one  row  on  each  side  of 
an  axis  (tot.). 

bifid  (bifid)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice ;  findere, 
to  split.]  Forked,  opening  with  a 
median  cleft  (zool.,  tot.). 

biflabellate  (bfflabel'at)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  flabellum,  fan.]  Doubly 
flabellate,  each  side  of  the  antennal 
joints  sending  out  flabellate  pro- 
cesses (zool.}. 

biflagellate  (blflajeTat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  flagellum,  whip.]  Having 
two  lash-like  appendages  or  flag- 
ella  (zool.,  bot.). 

biflex  (bl^ks)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice ; 
flectere,  to  bend.]  With  two 

biflorate  (blflo'rat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
flora,  flowers.]  Producing  two 
flowers,  or  bearing  two  flowers 

bifoliate  (bifo'liat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
folium,  leaf.]  Appl.  compound  leaf 
with  two  leaflets  (bot.). 

biforin  (blf'orin)  «.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
fort's,  door.]  An  oblong  raphidian 
cell  opening  at  each  end  (bot.). 

bifurcate  (blfur'kat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice; 
/urea,  fork.]  Forked  ;  having  two 
prongs  (bot.,  zool.)  ;  having  two 
joints,  the  distal  V-shaped  and 
attached  by  its  middle  to  the 
proximal  (zool.). 

bigeininate  (bijem'inat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  gcminus,  double.]  Doubly- 
paired  ;  twin-forked  (bot.). 

bljugate  (bijoo'gat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
jugare,  to  join.]  With  two  pairs  of 
leaflets  (bot.). 

bilabiate  (bila'biat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
labium,  lip.]  Two-lipped,  as  some 
corollas  (tot.). 

bilamellar  (bllam'elar,  bllameTar)  a. 
[L.  bis,  twice ;  lamella,  plate.] 
Formed  of  two  plates  ;  having  two 
lamellae  (bot.,  zool.). 

bilaminar  (bllam'inar)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice;  lamina,  thin  plate.]  Having 

two  plate-like  layers  ;  diploblastic 

bilateral  (bllat'eral)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice ; 
latus,  side.]  Having  two  sides 
symmetrical  about  an  axis. 

bile  (bil)  n.  [L.  bilis,  bile.]  The 
secretion  of  the  liver  (phys.). 

biliary  (bil'iari)  a.  [L.  bilis,  bile.] 
Conveying  or  pert,  bile  (phys.). 

bilicyanin  (bil'isl'anin)  n.  [L.  bilis, 
bile  ;  Gk.  kyanos,  dark  blue.]  A 
blue  pigment  found  in  renal  calculi 

bilirubin  (bil'iroo'bin)  n.  [L.  bilis, 
bile  ;  ruber,  red.]  A  reddish-yellow 
bile  pigment  (phys.). 

biliverdin  (bil'Tvgr'din)  «.  [L.  bilis, 
bile  ;  F.  vert,  green.]  A  green  bile 
pigment  formed  by  oxidation  of 
bilirubin  (phys.). 

bilobate  (bllo'bat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
Gk.  lobos,  rounded  flap.]  Having 
two  lobes. 

bilobular  (bllob'ular)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  L.  Ipbulus,  dim.  of  lobus, 
lobe.]  Having  two  lobules. 

bilocellate  (bfloseTat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  locellus,  dim.  of  locus,  place.] 
Divided  into  two  compartments 

bilocular  (bllok'ular)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice ; 
locus,  place.]  Containing  two 
cavities  or  chambers  (bot.). 

biloculine  (bllok'ulin)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  loculus,  little  place.]  Two- 

bilophodont  (bllof'odont)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  Gk.  lophos,  ridge ;  odous, 
tooth.]  Appl.  molar  teeth  of  tapir, 
which  have  ridges  joining  the  two 
anterior  and  two  posterior  cusps 

bimaculate  (blmak'ulat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  macula,  spot.]  Marked 
with  two  spots  or  stains  (zool.). 

bimanous  (blm'anus)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice ; 
manus,  hand.]  Having  two  hands ; 
appl.  certain  of  the  primates 

bimastism  (blmas'tizm)  n.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  Gk.  mastos,  breast.]  Condi- 
tion of  having  two  mammae  (zool.). 

bimuscular  (blinus'kular)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  musculus,  muscle.]  Having 
two  muscles  (zool.). 

binary  fission,— the  division  of  a  cell 
into  two  by  an  apparently  simple 




division  of  nucleus  and  cytoplasm 

binary  nomenclature, — see  binomial 

binate  (bi'nat)  a.  [L.  dint,  two  by 
two.]  Appl.  leaf  composed  of  two 
leaflets  ;  growing  in  pairs  (hot.}. 

binodal  (bino'dal)  a,  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
nodus,  nob.]  Having  two  nodes, 
as  the  stem  of  a  plant  (bot.}. 

binomial  (blno'mial)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice ; 
nomen,  name.]  Consisting  of  two 
names  (biol.}. 

binomial  nomenclature, — the  system 
of  double  names  given  to  plants 
and  animals,  —  first  the  generic 
name,  then  the  specific,  as  Felis 
(genus)  tigris  (species). 

binomialism  (blnd'mTalTzm)  n.  [L. 
bis,  twice ;  nomen,  name.]  The 
system  of  binomial  nomenclature 

binuclear  (blnu'klear)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  nucleus,  small  nut.]  Having 
two  nuclei  (biol.}. 

binucleate, — binuclear. 

bioblast  (bl'oblast)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  ; 
blastos,  bud.]  A  biophore  (biol.}. 

biocellate  (blosel'at)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
ocellus,  dim.  oioculus,  eye.]  Having 
two  ocelli  (zool.}. 

biochemistry  (bl'dkem'Tstri)  n.  [Gk. 
bios,  life ;  chemos,  juice.]  The 
chemistry  of  living  organisms  (biol.}. 

biocoenosis  (bl'bseno'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
bios,  life  ;  koinos,  common.]  Asso- 
ciation of  forms  of  life  on  any  given 
feeding  area  (biol}. 

biodynamics  (bl'odinam'fks)  ».  [Gk. 
bios,  life  ;  dynamis,  power.]  The 
science  of  the  active  vital  phe- 
nomena of  animals  (phys.}. 

biogen  (bl'b'jen)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  ; 
genos,  offspring.]  A  hypothetical 
vital  unit  (biol.}. 

biogenesis  (bl'qjen'gsis)  n.  [Gk.  bios, 
life  ;  genesis,  birth.]  The  theory  of 
the  descent  of  living  matter  from 
living  matter — omne  vivum  e  vivo ; 
opp.  abiogenesis  (biol.}. 

blogenetic  law,  —  recapitulation 

biogenous  (bioj'enus)  a.  [Gk.  bios, 
life  ;  genos,  offspring.]  Inhabiting 
living  organisms,  as  Bacteria  (biol.}. 

biogeny  (bloj'6ni)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  ; 
genesis,  birth.]  The  science  of  the 

evolution  of  organisms,  comprising 
ontogeny  and  phylogeny  (biol.}. 

biogeography  (bi'ojeog'rafi)  n.  [Gk. 
bios,  life  ;  ge,  earth  ;  graphein,  to 
write.]  The  part  of  biology  dealing 
with  the  geographical  distribution 
of  plants  (phytogeography)  and 
animals  (zoogeography) ;  chorology. 

biological  (blolqj'ikal)  a.  [Gk.  bios, 
life  ;  logos,  discourse.]  Relating  to 
the  science  of  life  (biol.}. 

biology  (blol'oji)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  ; 
logos,  discourse.]  The  science  of 

biometrics  (blomet'riks)  ;/.  [Gk.  bios, 
life  ;  metron,  measure.]  The  stat- 
istical study  of  living  organisms. 

biometry  (blom'e'tri),  biometrics. 

bion  (bl'on)  n.  [Gk.  bion,  living.]  An 
independent  living  organism. 

bionergy  (blon'erji)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  : 
energda,  action.]  Vital  force. 

bionomics  (blonom'Tks)  n.  [Gk.  bios, 
life  ;  nomos,  law.]  The  study  of 
organisms  in  relation  to  their 

biophore  (bl'ofor)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  ; 
pherein,  to  carry.]  A  hypothetical 
vital  unit,  of  which  a  group  forms 
a  determinant. 

biophyte  (bl'oflt)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  ; 
phyton,  plant.]  A  plant  which  gets 
sustenance  from  living  organisms 

bioplasm  (bl'b'plazm)  n.  [Gk.  bios, 
life  ;  plasma,  something  moulded.] 
Living  matter  ;  protoplasm  (biol.). 

bioplast  (bl'bplast)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  ; 
plasma,  something  moulded.]  A 
minute  quantity  of  living  proto- 
plasm capable  of  reproducing  itself 

biorgan  (blpr'gan)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life  ; 
organon,  instrument.}  An  organ  in 
the  physiological  sense,  not  neces- 
sarily a  morphological  unit  (biol.}. 

bios  (bi'os)  n.  [Gk.  &ws,\ite.]  Organic 
life,  plant  or  animal. 

biostatics  (bl'ostat'iks)  n.  [Gk.  bios, 
life ;  statos,  stationary.]  The  branch 
of  physiology  dealing  with  structure 
in  relation  to  function  (phys.}. 

biota  (blo'ta)  n.  [Gk.  bios,  life.]  The 
fauna  and  flora  of  a  region. 

biotic  (blot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  bios,  life.] 
Pert,  life  ;  vital  (biol.}. 

biotonus    (bl'oto'nus)    «.     [Gk.    bios, 




life ;  tonos,  strain.]  The  ratio 
between  assimilation  and  dissimila- 
tion of  the  biogens  (phys.). 

biovulate  (blov'ulat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
ovum,  egg.]  Containing  two  ovules 

bipaleolate  (blpal'eolat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  palea,  chaff.]  Furnished 
with  two  small  paleae  (bot.). 

bipalmate  (blpal'mat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  palma,  palm  of  the  hand.] 
Lobed  with  the  lobes  again  lobed 

biparietal  (bl'parl'gtal)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  paries,  wall.]  Linking  up 
or  connected  with  the  two  parietal 
eminences  (anat.). 

biparous  (bip'arus)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
parere,  to  beget.]  Having  two 
young  at  a  time  (zool.). 

blpectinate  (blpgk'tinat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  pecten,  comb.]  Having  the 
two  margins  furnished  with  teeth 
like  a  comb  (bot.,  zool.). 

biped  (bl'ped)  «.  [L.  bis,  twice  ;  pes, 
foot.]  A  two-footed  animal. 

bipennlform  (blpgn'iform)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;penna,  feather ;  forma,  shape.] 
Feather-shaped,  with  the  sides  of 
the  vane  of  equal  size  ;  appl.  some 
muscles  (anat.). 

bipetalous  (blpet'alus)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  Gk.petalon,  leaf.]  With  two 
petals  (bot.). 

bipinnaria  (bipina'ria)  n.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  pinna,  feather.]  An  aster- 
oid larva  with  pre-oral  and  post-oral 
bands  of  cilia  (zool.). 

bipinnate  (blpln'at)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
pinna,  feather.]  Having  leaflets 
growing  in  pairs  on  paired  stems 

bipinnatifid  (bl'pinat'ifid)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  pinna,  feather  ;  findere,  to 
cleave.]  With  leaves  segmented 
and  these  segments  again  divided 

bipinnatlpartite  (bi'pinat'ipartlt)  a. 
[L.  bis,  twice ;  pinna,  feather ; 
partiri,  to  divide/]  Bipinnatifid, 
but  with  divisions  extending  nearly 
to  the  midrib  (bot.). 

bipinnatisect  (bl'plnat'isekt)  a.  [L. 
bis,  twice  ;  pinna,  feather ;  secare, 
to  cut.]  Bipinnatifid,  but  with 
divisions  extending  to  the  midrib 

biplicate  (bip'likat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
plicare,  to  fold.]  Having  two  folds. 

bipocillus  (bl'pbsil'us)  n.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  pocillum,  a  little  cup.]  A 
microsclere  with  curved  shaft  and 
cup-shaped  expansion  at  each  end 

bipolar  (blpo'lar)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
Gk.  polos,  pivot.]  Having  a  pro- 
cess at  each  end  or  pole,  appl. 
nerve  cells  (anat.). 

bipolarity  (bl'polaYrti)  n.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  Gk.  polos,  pivot.]  The 
condition  of  having  two  polar  pro- 
cesses ;  the  condition  of  having 
two  distinct  poles,  as  the  vegetative 
and  animal  poles  in  an  egg  (biol.). 

biramose  (blra'm5s)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
ramus,  branch.]  Divided  into  two 

biramous, — biramose. 

birostrate  (blros'trat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  rostrum,  beak.]  Furnished 
with  two  beak-like  processes. 

birth  pore,  —  the  uterine  pore  of 
Trematodes  and  Cestodes ;  the 
birth-opening  of  the  rediae  of  Tre- 
matodes (zool.). 

biseptate  (blsep'tat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
septum,  fence.]  Having  two  parti- 

biserial  (blse'rlal)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
series,  series.]  Arranged  in  two 

biserrate  (biser'at)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
serra,  saw.]  Having  marginal  teeth 
which  are  themselves  notched  (bot.). 

bisexual  (blsek'sual,  blsek'shual)  a. 
[L.  bis,  twice  ;  sexus,  sex.]  Having 
both  male  and  female  reproductive 
organs  (biol.). 

bistephanic  (bl'stefan'lk)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  Gk.  Stephanos,  crown.] 
Joining  the  two  points  where  the 
coronal  suture  crosses  the  superior 
temporal  ridges  (anat.). 

bistipulate  (blstip'ulat)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  stipitla,  stem.]  Provided 
with  two  stipules  (bot?). 

bistratose  (blstrat'os)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice  ;  stratum,  layer.]  With  cells 
arranged  in  two  layers  (bot.). 

bisulcate  (blsul'kat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
sulcus, groove.]  Havingtwogrooves 

bitemporal  (bite"m'p6ral)  a.  [L.  bis, 
twice ;  teinporalis,  temporary.] 




Appl.  the  two  temporal  bones  ;  a 
line  joining  the  posterior  ends  of  the 
two  zygomatic  processes  (attaf.). 

biternate  (blteVnat)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
terni,  three  by  three.]  Ternate 
with  each  division  itself  again 
ternate  (bot.}. 

bivalent  (biva'lgnt,  biv'algnt)  a.  [L. 
bis,  twice  ;  valere,  to  be  strong.] 
Appl.  a  double  chromosome  (cyt.}. 

bivalve  (bl'valv)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
valvae,  folding  doors.]  Consisting 
of  two  plates  or  valves,  as  a  mussel 
shell  (zool.}  ;  or  a  seed-capsule  of 
similar  structure  (bot.}. 

biventer  cervlcis  (biven'tgr  servl'sls)  n. 
[L.  bis,  twice  ;  venter,  belly  ;  cervix, 
neck.]  A  muscle  of  the  neck  con- 
sisting of  two  fleshy  broad  ends 
with  a  narrow  tendinous  portion  in 
the  middle  (anat.}. 

biventral  (blvSn'tral)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice; 
venter,  belly.]  Appl.  muscles  of  the 
biventer  type  (anat.}. 

bivittate  (bivit'at)  a.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
vitta,  band.]  With  two  oil  re- 
ceptacles (bot.}  ;  with  two  stripes 

bivium  (blv'lum)  n.  [L.  bis,  twice  ; 
via,  way.]  Generally  the  posterior 
pair  of  ambulacral  areas  in  certain 
Echinoidea  ;  the  two  rays  between 
which  the  madreporite  lies  (zool.}. 

bladder  (blad'er)  n.  [A.S.  blaedre, 
bag.]  A  membranous  sac  filled 
with  air  or  fluid  (bot.,  zool.}. 

bladder-worm  stage,  —  the  cysticercus 
stage  in  tapeworms  (zool.}. 

blade  (blad)  n.  [A.S.  blaed,  leaf.]  The 
flat  part  of  the  leaf  of  grasses 

blastaea  (blaste'a)  n.  [Gk.  blastos, 
bud.]  A  planaea  or  ciliated  planula, 
a  hypothetical  stage  in  evolution 

blastelasma  (blas'tglaz'ma)  n.,  blastel- 
asmata  (blas'teiaz'mata)  plu.  [Gk. 
blastos,  bud  ;  elasma,  plate.]  Any 
germ  layer  formed  after  the  forma- 
tion of  the  epiblast  and  hypoblast 

blastema  (blaste'ma)  n.,  blastemata 
(blaste'mata)  plu.  [Gk.  blastema, 
bud.]  The  formative  substance  in 
an  egg  ;  the  primordium  of  an 
organ  (etnb.};  the  thallus  of  a  lichen 

blastocarpous  (blas'tokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
blastos,  bud;  karpos,  fruit.]  De- 
veloping while  still  surrounded  by 
the  pericarp  (bot.}. 

blastocheme  (blas'tokem)  n.  [Gk. 
blastos,  bud ;  ochema,  vessel.]  A 
reproductive  individual  in  some 
Medusae  (zool.}. 

blastochyle  (blas'tokll)  n.  [Gk.  blastos, 
bud  ;  chylos,  juice.]  The  fluid  in  a 
blastocoel,  or  segmentation-cavity 

blastocoel  (blas'tosel)  n.  [Gk.  blastos, 
bud ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  segmenta- 
tion-cavity of  a  developing  ovum 

blastocolla  (blas'tokol'a)  n.  [Gk. 
blastos,  bud ;  kolla,  glue.]  A  gummy 
substance  coating  certain  buds  (bot.}. 
blastocyst  (blas'tosist)  «.  [Gk.  blastos, 
bud ;  kystis,  bladder.]  The  germinal 
vesicle  (emb.}. 

blastoderm     (blas'toderm)    n.      [Gk. 
blastos,    bud ;    derma,    skin.]     The 
germinal  disc  (smb.}. 
blastodermic  vesicle, — ahollow  sphere 
of  cells,  an  earlystage  in  the  develop- 
ment of  a  fertilized  ovum  (emb.}. 
blastodisc  (blas'todisk)  n.    [Gk.  blastos, 
bud  ;  diskos,  disk.]     The  germinal 
area  of  a  developing  ovum  (emb.}. 
blastogenesis  (blas'tqjen'esls)  n.    [Gk. 
blastos,  bud  ;  genesis,  birth.]     Gem- 
mation   or    reproduction    by  bud- 
ding ;     transmission    of    inherited 
characters  by  means  of  the  germ- 
plasm  only  (biol.}. 

blastogenic  (blas'tqjen'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
blastos,  bud  ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Appl.  inactive  idioplasm  unalter- 
able till  time  and  place  of  activity 
are  reached  (emb.}. 

blastomere  (blas'tomer)  n.  [Gk. 
blastos,  bud  ;  meros,  part.]  One  of 
the  cells  formed  during  the  primary 
divisions  of  an  egg  (emb.}. 
blastoneuropore  (blas'tonu'ropor)  n. 
[Gk.  blastos,  bud  ;  neuron,  nerve  ; 
poros,  passage.]  A  temporary 
passage  connecting  blastopore  and 
neuropore  (emb}. 

blastophore  (blas'tofor)  n.  [Gk.  blastos, 
bud  \pherein,  to  bear.]  Embryonic 
origin  of  plumule  (bot.}  ;  in  Alcypn- 
aria  the  reproductive  body,  giving 
rise  usually  to  buds  ;  the  central 
part  of  the  spermocyte  mass  in 




worms,  which  remains  unchanged 
through  spermatogenesis  (zool.}. 

blastopore  (blas'topor)  n.  [Gk.  blastos, 
bud  ;  poros,  passage.]  The  cavity 
leading  into  the  archenteron  of  the 
gastrula  (etnb.}. 

blastosphere  (blas'tosfer)  n.  [Gk. 
blastos,  bud  ;  sphatra,  globe.]  The 
blastula,  a  hollow  ball  of  cells  (emb.}. 

blastostyle  (blas'tostll)  n.  [Gk.  blastos, 
bud  ;  stylos,  pillar.]  In  Hydrozoa, 
a  columniform  zooid  with  mouth 
and  tentacles,  or  with  mouth  and 
tentacles  absent,  bearing  gono- 
phores  (zool.}. 

blastossooid  (blas'tozo'oid)  ».  [Gk. 
blastos,  bud  ;  zoon,  animal  ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  A  larval  bud  in 
case  of  precocious  budding  in 
Ascidians  (zool.}. 

blastula  (blas'tula)  n.  [L.  dim.  of  Gk. 
blastos,  bud.]  A  hollow  globe  of 
cells,  with  wall  usually  one  layer 
thick  (emb.}. 

blastulatlon  (blas'tula'shun)  n.  [L. 
blastula,  little  bud.]  Formation  of 
blastulae  (emb.}. 

bleeding  of  plants, —  exudation  of 
watery  sap  from  vessels  at  a  cut 
surface,  due  to  root-pressure  (bot.}. 

blended  inheritance, — mixed  race  or 

blendling  (blgn'dlmg)  n.  [A.S.  blan- 
dan,  to  mix.]  A  hybrid. 

blepharoblast  (bleTaroblast)  n.  [Gk. 
blepharon,  eye-lid ;  blastos,  bud.] 
See  blepharoplast. 

blepharoplast  (b!6f  aroplast)  n.  [Gk. 
blepharon,  eyelid  ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
A  centrosome  which  is  in  relation 
to  a  motor  cell  organ,  as  to  the 
flagellum  of  flagellates  (zool.}. 

blight  (bllt)  n.  [A.S.  blaecan,  to  grow 
pale.]  A  disease-producing  insect 
or  fungus  ;  a  plant  disease  (bot.}. 

blind  spot, — the  region  of  the  retina 
of  the  eye  where  the  optic  nerve 
enters  (anat.}. 

blister  (blis'tgr)  n.  [A.S.  blotvan,  to 
blow.]  A  subcutaneous  bubble  or 
bladder  filled  with  fluid  ;  a  plant 

blood  (blud)  n.  [A.S.  blod,  blood.] 
The  fluid  circulating  in  the  vascular 
system  of  animals,  distributing  food- 
material  and  oxygen  and  collecting 
waste  products  (phys.}. 

blood  cells,  —  cells  derived  by  mitosis 
from  the  ordinary  mesoderm  cells, 
at  first  somewhat  similar  to  lympho- 
cytes ;  the  primitive  haematoblasts 

blood  crystals,  —  crystals  of  haemo- 
globin, haemin,  or  haematoidin, 
which  form  when  blood  is  shaken 
up  with  chloroform  or  ether  (phys.}. 

blood  dust,  —  the  form  in  which  fat  is 
seen  in  blood  cells,  by  means  of 
the  ultramicroscope  (phys.). 

blood  islands,  —  isolated  reddish 
patches  in  the  mesoderm  in  which 
primitive  erythroblasts  are  found 
enclosed  in  a  mesodermal  syncytium 

blood  platelets,  —  colourless  bodies 
about  one-third  the  size  of  the  red 
corpuscles,  and  nucleated  when  the 
red  corpuscles  are  nucleated  (phys.}. 

blood  plates,  —  minuteamoeboid  proto- 
plasmic bodies  found  in  the  blood, 
each  with  a  small  nuclear-like 
structure  (phys.}. 

blood  serum,  —  the  fluid  or  plasma  left 
after  removal  of  the  corpuscles  and 
fibrin  (phys.}. 

blood  vessel,  —  any  vessel  or  space  in 
which  blood  circulates  ;  strictly 
only  used  in  regard  to  special 
vessels  with  well  -  defined  walls 

bloom,  —  a  layer  of  wax  particles  on 
the  external  surface  of  certain 
fruits,  such  as  grapes,  peaches  ; 
the  flower  of  a  plant  (bot.}. 

blubber  (blub'er)  n.  [M.E.  blober,  a 
bubble.]  The  fat  of  whales,  lying 
between  the  outer  skin  and  muscle 
layer  (zool.}. 

blue  timber,  —  a  wood  disease  pro- 
duced by  fungus,  causing  a  bluish 
discoloration  (bot.}. 

body  blight,  —  a  fungal  disease  of  pear 
trees  (bot.}. 

body  cavity,  —  the  coelom  or  space  in 
which  the  viscera,  etc.,  lie  ;  it  is 
mesodermal  in  origin,  and  is 
schizocoelic  or  enterocoelic  Lin 
development  (anat.}. 

body  cell,  —  a  somatic  as  distinct  from 
a  germ  cell. 

body  stalk,—  a  band  of  mesoderm 
connecting  the  caudal  end  of  an 
embryo  with  the  chorion  (emb.}. 

bone  (bon)  n.    [A.S.  ban,  bone.]     Con- 



nective  tissue  in  which  the  ground- 
substance  is  impregnated  with  salts 
of  lime  (anat.). 

book  gill, — a  gill  composed  of  delicate 
leaf-like  lamellae  placed  one  over 
the  other  like  leaves  of  a  book,  as 
seen  in  Limulus  (zool). 

book  lung, — a  gill  similar  to  a  book 
gill,  but  modified  for  air-breathing, 
and  open  to  the  exterior  only  by  a 
small  slit,  as  in  Scorpions  (zool). 

booted  (boot'ed)  a.  [O.  F.  boute,  boot.] 
Equipped  with  raised  horny  plates 
of  skin,  as  feet  of  some  birds 

bordered,  pit, — a  form  of  pit  developed 
on  the  walls  of  tracheides,  caused 
by  a  portion  of  the  wall  remaining 
unthickened  (bot). 

bosselated  (bos'elated)  a.  [M.E. 
bosse,  knob.]  Covered  with  knobs, 
as  some  mollusc  shells  (zool.}. 

bosset  (bos'gt)  n.  [M.E.  bosse,  knob.] 
The  beginning  of  horn  formation 
in  deer  in  the  first  year  (zool.). 

bostryx  (bos'tricks)  n.  [Gk.  bostrychos, 
curl.]  A  cymose  inflorescence  with 
blooms  on  only  one  side  of  the  axis 

botany  (bot'am)  n.  [Gk.  botane,  pas- 
ture.] That  branch  of  biology 
dealing  with  plants. 

bothridium  (bothrld'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
bothros,  trench.]  A  muscular  cup- 
shaped  outgrowth  from  scolex  of 
Cestoids  ;  a  phyllidium  (zool.). 

bothrium  (both'rium)  n.  [Gk.  bothros, 
trench.]  A  sucker ;  a  sucking 
groove  of  Cestoids  (zool). 

botryoidal  (bot'rioidal)  a.  [Gk.  botrys, 
bunch  of  grapes.]  Appl.  tissue  of 
branched  canals  surrounding  the 
enteric  canal  in  leeches  (zool). 

botryose  .(bot'rios)  a.  [Gk.  botrys, 
bunch  of  grapes.]  Racemose  ;  in 
the  form  of  a  bunch  of  grapes 

bouillon  (boo'yong)  ».  [F.  bouillir, 
to  boil.]  An  infusion  of  beef  for 
the  cultivation  of  germs  (phys.). 

Bowman's  capsule, — the  vesicle  of  an 
excretory  tubule,  one  side  of  which 
projects  into  the  other,  nearly 
filling  the  cavity  (anat). 

Bowman's  glands  (bo'manz), — serous 
glands  in  the  corium  of  the  olfactory 
mucous  membrane  (anat). 

braccate  (brak'at)  a.  [L.  braccae, 
breeches.]  Appl.  birds  having 
additional  feathers  on  legs  or  feet 

brachelytrous  (brakel'itrus)  a.  [Gk. 
brachys,  short ;  elytron,  wing.] 
Having  short  elytra,  or  wing 
covers  (zool). 

brachial  (bra'kial)  a.  [L.  brachium, 
arm.]  Pert,  arm,  arm-like. 

brachiate  (bra'klat)  a.  [L.  brachium, 
arm.]  Branched  ;  having  opposite 
paired  branches  on  alternate  sides 

brachiferous  (brakif'erus)  a.  [L. 
brachium,  arm ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 

brachigerous,— brachiferous. 

brachiocephalic  (brak'iokefal'ik,  -sef-) 
a.  [L.  brachium,  arm  ;  Gk.  kephale, 
head.]  Pert,  arm  and  head,  appl. 
artery  (anat). 

brachiocubital  (brak'ioku'bital)  a.  [L. 
brachium,  arm  ;  cubitum,  forearm.] 
Pert,  arm  and  forearm  (zool). 

brachiolaria  (brakiola'ria)  n.  [L. 
brachiolum,  a  small  arm.]  A  larval 
stage  in  the  metamorphosis  of 
certain  starfishes  (zool). 

brachiorachidian  (brak'Torakld'ian)  a. 
[L.  brachium,  arm ;  Gk.  rhachis 
spine.]  Pert,  arm  and  spine. 

brachium  (brak'ium)  n.  [L.  brach- 
ium, arm.]  An  arm  or  branching 
structure  ;  the  upper  limb  of  verte- 
brates (zool). 

brachycerous  (brakis'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
brachys,  short ;  keras,  horn.]  Short- 
horned  ;  with  short  antennae  (zool). 

brachycnemic  (brak'ikne'mik)  a.  [Gk. 
brachys,  short  ;  kneme,  tibia.] 
Appl.  arrangement  of  mesenteries 
of  Zoanthids  where  the  sixth 
protocneme  is  imperfect  (zool). 

brachydont  (brak'idont)  a.  [Gk. 
brachys,  short ;  odous,  tooth.]  Appl. 
molar  teeth  with  low  crowns  (zool). 

brachyodont, — brachydont. 

brachyourous  (brak'ioo'rus)  a.  Brach- 

brachypleural  (brak'iploo'ral)  a.  [Gk. 
brachys,  short  \pleuron,  side.]  With 
short  pleura  or  side  plates  (zool). 

brachypodous  (brakip'b'dus)  a.  [Gk. 
brachys,  short ;  pous,  foot.]  With 
short  legs  (zool),  or  stalk  (bot). 

brachypterous  (brakip'tgrus)  a.     [Gk. 





brachys,  short ;  pteron,  wing.]    With 

short  wings  (zool.). 
brachystomatous  (brak'istom'atus)  a. 

[Gk.  brachys,  short  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 

With  short  proboscis ;  appl.  certain 

insects  {zool.}. 
brachyural     (brak'fu'ral)     a.        [Gk. 

brachys,  short ;  oitra,  tail.]     Having 

a  short  abdomen  usually  tucked  in 

below    the    thorax  ;    appl.    certain 

crabs  (zool.). 
bract    (brakt)    n.      [L.    bractea,    thin 

plate  of  metal.]     A  floral  leaf;    a 

modified  leaf  in  whose  axil  a  flower 

arises  (hot.)  ;    a   hydrophyllium    in 

Siphonophora  ;   the  distal  exite  of 

the     sixth     appendage    of     Apus 

bract  scales, — small  scales  developed 

directly  on  the  axis  of  cones  ;  cf. 

ovuliferous  scales  (dot.). 
bracteal   (brak'teal)   a.      [L.   bractea, 

thin  metal   plate.]      Like   a   bract 

bracteate  (brak'teat)  a.     [L.  bractea, 

thin  metal  plate.]     Having  bracts 


bracted, — bracteate. 
bractelform     (brakte'iform)    a.       [L. 

bractea,  metal  plate  ;  forma,  shape.] 

bracteolate  (brak'te6lat)#.  [L.  bractea, 

metal   plate.]     Appl.   flowers   with 

bracteoles  (bot.). 
bracteole   (brfxk'teol)  n.     [L.    bractea, 

metal  plate.]     Secondary  bract  at 

the  base  of  flower  (bot.). 
bracteose  (brak'teos)  a.     [L.  bractea, 

metal   plate.]     With   many   bracts 


bractlet,— bracteole. 
brain  (bran)  n.     [M.E.  brayne,  brain.] 

The  centre  of  the  nervous  system  ; 

the    mass    of   nervous    matter    in 

vertebrates  at  the  anterior  end  of 

the  spinal  cord,  lying  in  the  skull  ; 

in     invertebrates,    the    supraoeso- 

phageal  or  suprapharyngeal  ganglia 

branch  (bransh)  n.  [It.  branca,  claw.] 
A  bough ;  a  principal  outgrowth 
from  a  stem  or  axis  (bot.)  ;  a  prin- 
cipal division  of  an  artery,  vein,  or 
nerve  (anai.). 

branchia  (brang'kia)  ».,  branchiae 
(brang'kle,  -kia),  plu.  [Gk.  brang- 
chia,  gills.]  Gills  (zool.). 

branchiae  (brang'kiak)  a.  [Gk.  brang- 
chia, gills.]  Pert,  gills. 

branchial,— branchiae. 

branchial  arch,— one  of  the  bony  or 
cartilaginous  arches  placed  on  the 
side  of  the  pharynx  posterior  to  the 
hyoid  arch,  and  supporting  gill 
bars  (zoo/.). 

branchiate  (brang'kiat)  a.  [Gk. 
brangchia,  gills.]  Having  gills 

branchicolous  (brangkik'olus)  a.  [Gk. 
brangchia,  gills  ;  L.  colere,  to  in- 
habit.] Parasitic  on  fish  gills  ;  appl. 
certain  Crustaceans  (zool.). 

branchiforra  (brang'kiform)  a.  [Gk. 
brangchia,  gills  ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
Gill-like  (sool.). 

branchihyal  (brang'klhfal)  a.  [Gk. 
brangchia, gills  ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
One  of  the  elements  of  a  branchial 
arch  (zool.). 

branchiocardiac  (brang'ktokar'diak)  a. 
[Gk.  brangchia,  gills  ;  kardia,  heart.] 
Pert,  gills  and  heart  ;  appl.  vessel 
given  off  ventrally  from  the  ascidian 
heart  (zool.). 

branchiomere  (brang'klomer)  n.  [Gk. 
brangchia,  gills  ;  meros,  part.]  A 
branchial  segment  (zool.,  emb). 

branchiopallial  (brang'klopal'lal)  a. 
[Gk.  brangchia,  gills  ;  L.  pallium, 
mantle.]  Pert,  gill  and  mantle  of 
Molluscs  (zool.). 

branchiostegal  (brang'klos'tggal)  a. 
[Gk.  brangchia,  gills  ;  stege,  roof.] 
With  or  pert,  a  gill  cover  ;  appl. 
membrane,  rays,  etc.  (zool.). 

branchiostege  (brang'klostej')  n.  [Gk. 
brangchia,  gills ;  stege,  covering.] 
The  branchiostegal  membrane 

branchiostegite  (brang'klos'tgglt)  ». 
[Gk.  brangchia,  gills  ;  stege,  roof.] 
The  expanded  lateral  portion  of  the 
carapace  forming  the  gill  cover  in 
certain  Crustaceans  (zool.). 

branchireme  (brang'klrem)  n.  [Gk. 
brangchia,  gills  ;  L.  remus,  oar.] 
A  branchiate  limb ;  any  of  the 
locomotory  and  respiratory  limbs 
of  a  Branchiopod  (zool.). 

brand  (brand)  n.  [A.S.  beornan,  to 
burn.]  A  fungus  producing  a  burnt 
appearance  on  leaves  of  trees  (tot.). 

bregma  (brgg'ma)  n.  [Gk.  bregma, 
fore  part  of  head.]  That  part  of 




the  skull  where  frontals  and  parietals 
meet  (anat.). 

brevicaudate  (breVik&'dat)  a.  [L. 
brevis,  short ;  cauda,  tail.]  With  a 
short  tail  (zool.). 

brevifoliate  (breVifo'liat)  a.  [L. 
brews,  short ;  folium,  leaf.]  Having 
short  leaves  (bot.). 

brevillngual  (breViling'gwal)  a.     [L. 
erems,     short ;      lingua,     tongue.] 
With  short  tongue  (zool.). 
breviped  (breVipe"d)  a.      [L.   brevis, 
short  ;    pes,  foot.]      Having  short 
legs  ;  appl.  certain  birds  (zool.). 
brevipennate    (breVipfin'at)    a.      [L. 
brevis,  short ;  penna,  feather.]    With 
short  wings  (zool.). 

brevirostrate  (breViros'trat)  a.  [L. 
brevis,  short ;  rostrum,  beak.]  With 
short  beak  or  bill,  of  birds  (zool.). 
brevissimus  oculi, — the  obliquus  in- 
ferior, the  shortest  muscle  of  the 
eye  (anat.). 

brochidodromous  (brok'idod'romus)  a. 
[Gk.  brochos,  loop  ;  dromein,  to  run.] 
Appl.  nerves  in  leaves  when  they 
form  loops  within  the  blade  (bot.). 
bronchia  (brong'kiS)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
brongchos,  tube.]  The  subdivisions 
or  branches  of  each  bronchus 

bronchial  (brSng'klal)  a.  [Gk.  brong- 
chos, windpipe.]  Pert,  the  bronchi. 
bronchiole  (brong'klol)  n.  [Gk. 
brongchos,  windpipe.]  A  small 
terminal  branch  of  the  bronchi 

bronchopulmonary  (brong'kopuTmon- 
arl)  a.  [Gk.  brongchos,  windpipe  ; 
L.  pulmo,  lung.]  Pert,  bronchi  and 
lungs  (anat.). 

bronchotracheal  (brong'kotra'keal)  a. 
[Gk.  brongchos,  windpipe ;  L. 
trachea,  trachea.]  Pert,  bronchi 
and  trachea  (anat.). 
bronchovesicular  (brfing'kove'sik'ular) 
a.  [Gk.  brongchos,  windpipe ;  L. 
vesicula,  little  sac.]  Pert,  bronchial 
tubes  and  the  lung  cells  (anat.). 
bronchus  (brfing'kus)  «.,  bronchi 
(brong'kl,  -ke)  plu.  [Gk.  brongchos, 
windpipe.]  Tubes  connecting  the 
trachea  with  the  lungs  (anat.). 
brood  pouch, — a  sac-like  cavity  into 
which  the  eggs  or  embryos  are 
placed,  in  which  they  pass  a  stage 
of  their  development ;  a  space 

formed  by  overlapping  plates 
attached  to  the  bases  of  the  thor- 
acic limbs  in  certain  Crustacea 

brown  body,— a  brown,  rounded  mass 
of  compacted  degenerate  organs 
in  some  Polyzoa  (zool.). 
Brownian  movements, — the  passive 
vibratory  movements  of  fine  gran- 
ules when  suspended  in  a  fluid, 
brown  funnels,  —  a  single  pair  of 
organs  on  dorsal  aspect  of  posterior 
end  of  pharynx,  opening  posteriorly 
into  the  atrium,  and  anteriorly  into 
the  coelom,  supposed  to  be  acces- 
sory excretory  organs  in  Amphioxus 

bryology   (brlol'oji)   n.      [Gk.    bryon, 
moss;  logos,  discourse.]   The  science 
dealing  with  mosses  (bot.). 
bryophyte   (bri'ofit)   n.     [Gk.   bryon, 
moss  ;  phyton,  plant.]    Any  of  the 
mosses  or  liverworts  (bot.). 
bryozoon  (bri'ozo'on)  n.      [Gk.  bryon, 
moss  ;  zoon,  animal.]     A  Polyzoon, 
so  named  from  the  moss-like  appear- 
ance (zool.). 

buccal  (buk'al)  a.  [L.  bucca,  cheek.] 
Belonging  to  the  cheek  or  mouth 

buccinator  (buk'sina'tor)  n.     [L.  buc- 
cina,  trumpet.]    A  broad  thin  muscle 
of  the  cheek  (anat.). 
buccolablal  (buk'ola'bial)  a.    [L.  bucca, 
cheek ;    labium,    lip.]      Pert,    the 
mouth  cavity  and  lips  (anat.). 
buccolingual  (buk'oling'gwal)  a.     [L. 
bucca,  cheek ;  lingua,  tongue.]   Pert. 
cheeks  and  tongue  (anat.) 
bucconasal  (biik'ona'zal)  a.     [L.  bucca, 
cheek  ;   nasus,  nose.]     Pert,  cheek 
and  nose  ;  appl.  membrane  (anat.). 
buccopharyngeal    (buk'ofaYinje'al, 
-f&rin'jeal)  a.      [L.    bucca,    cheek ; 
G\a.pharyngx,  throat.]    Pert,  cheeks 
and  pharynx  (anat.). 
bud  (bud)  n.     [M.E.  budde,  bud.]    A 
rudimentary  shoot,  or  flower  (bot.) ; 
any  outgrowth  which  will  develop 
directly  into  an  exact  replica  of  the 
structure  or  organism  from  which 
it  grew  out  (zool.). 

budding   (bud'fng)   n.     [M.E.    budde, 

bud.]    A   method   of  reproduction 

seen    in    many    primitive  animals 


bulb  (bulb)   n.    [L.   bulbus,   globular 

BUL-  39 

root]  A  part  resembling  a  bulb 
(anat.} ;  a  specialized  underground 
bud  with  thick  fleshy  leaves  which 
afford  it  nourishment  during  de- 
velopment (bot.~). 

bulbar  (bul'bar)  a.  [L.  bulbus,  globular 
root]  Pert,  a  bulb  or  a  bulb-like 
part ;  generally  appl.  paralysis  from 
a  disease  of  the  medulla  oblongata 

bulbiferous  (bulblfgrus)  a.  [L.  bulbus, 
bulb  ;ferre,  to  carry.]  Bulb-bearing 

bulbil  (bul'bll)  n.  [L.  bulbus,  bulb.] 
A  large  and  fleshy  axillary  bud 
which  may  fall  and  produce  a  new 
plant,  as  in  some  lilies  (dot.}. 

bulbonuclear  (buTbonu'klear)  a.  [L. 
bulbus,  bulb ;  nucleus,  kernel.]  Pert. 
medulla  oblongata  and  the  nuclei  of 
the  cranial  nerves  (anat.). 

bulbous  (bul'bus)  a.  [L.  bulbus,  bulb.] 
Like  a  bulb ;  developing  from  a 
bulb  ;  having  bulbs  (oof.). 

bulbus  (bul'bus)  n.  [L.  bulbus,  bulb.] 
The  knob-like  part  found  in  con- 
nection with  various  nerves  (anat.}. 

bulla  (bool'a,  bul'a)  n.  [L.  bulla, 
water-bubble.]  Appl.  the  rounded 
prominence  formed  by  the  bones 
of  the  ear ;  the  tympanic  bulla 

bullate  (bool'at)  a.  [L.  bulla,  water- 
bubble.]  Blistered-like  ;  puckered 
like  a  savoy-cabbage  leaf  (oot.). 

bunodont  (bu'nodont)  a.  [Gk.  bounos, 
mound ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having 
molar  teeth  with  low  conical  cusps 

bunoid  (bu'noid)  a.  [Gk.  bounos, 
mound.]  Appl.  cusps  of  cheek- 
teeth, low  and  conical  (zoo/.). 

bunolophodont  (bu'nolof'6d6nt)  a. 
[Gk.  bounos,  mound  ;  lophos,  crest ; 
odous,  tooth.]  Between  bunodont 
and  lophodont  in  structure,  appl. 
cheek-teeth  (zoo!.). 

bunoselenodont  (bu'nosSle'nodSnt)  a. 
[Gk.  bounos,  mound  ;  selene,  moon  ; 
odous,  tooth.]  Having  the  internal 
cusps  bunoid,  the  external  selenoid  ; 
appl.  cheek-teeth  (zoo/.). 

bursa  (bur'sa)  n.  [L.  bursa,  purse.] 
A  sac-like  cavity  ;  a  sac  rilled  with 
viscid  fluid  at  joints  to  prevent 
friction  (anat.). 

bursa    copulatrix, — a   genital   pouch 


in  Lepidoptera  and  Turbellarians 

bursicule  (buYsikiil)  n.  [L.  dim.  of 
bursa,  purse.]  A  small  sac  (zoo/.). 

butyrinase  (bu'tlrinas)  n.  [L.  butyrutn, 
butter.]  An  enzyme  occurring  in 
blood  serum  (phys.}. 

byssal  (bls'al)  a.  [Gk.  byssos,  fine 
flax.]  Pert,  the  byssus  (zoo/.). 

byssus  (bis'us)  n.  [Gk.  byssos,  fine 
flax.]  The  tuft  of  strong  filaments, 
secreted  in  a  gland  of  certain  bi- 
valve Molluscs,  by  which  they  attach 
themselves  to  one  another  and  to 
rocks,  etc.  (zoo/.) 

cachalots  (kash'alot)  n.  [Sp.  cacha- 
lote,  the  sperm  whale.]  The  sperm 
whale  (zoo/.). 

cadophore  (kad'ofor)  n.  [Gk.  kados, 
urn  ;  pherein,  to  bear.J  A  dorsal 
process  in  certain  of  the  free- 
swimming  Tunicates  on  which  the 
buds  are  borne  (zoo/.). 

caducibranchiate  (kadu'sibranglclat) 
a.  [L.  caducus,  from  cadere,  to 
fall;  Gk.  brangchia,  gills.]  With 
temporary  gills  (zoo/.). 

caducous  (kadu'kus)  a.  [L.  caducus, 
from  cadere,  to  fall.]  Pert,  parts 
that  fall  off  very  early,  e.g.  calyx 

caecum  (se'kum)  n.  [L.  caecus,  blind.] 
A  blind  diverticulum  or  pouch  from 
some  part  of  the  alimentary  canal 
(anat.,  zoo/.). 

Caenogaea  (se'nqje'a)  n.  [Gk.  kainos, 
recent;^, land.]  Azoogeographical 
region  under  which  is  included  the 
Nearctic,  Palearctic,  and  Oriental 
regions;  cf.  Bogaea;  also  spelt 

caenogenesis  (se'nqje'n'e'sTs)  n.  [Gk. 
kainos,  recent ;  genesis,  birth.] 
The  non-phylogenetic  processes  in 
the  development  of  any  individual 

Caenozoic  (senozo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  kainos, 
recent  ;  zoe,  life.]  Pert,  the  geo- 
logical era  from  Mesozoic  to  recent 
times  ;  also  Calnozolc. 

caespitose  (seVpTtos)  a.     [L.  caexpus. 




turf.]  Pert,  turf;  having  low, 
closely  matted  stems  (bot). 

calamistrum  (karamis'trum)  n.  [L. 
calamistrum,  a  curling  iron.]  A 
comb-like  structure  on  the  hind 
limbs  of  certain  spiders  (zool.). 

calamus  (kal'amus)  n.  [L.  calamus, 
a  reed.J  The  quill  of  a  feather 

calcaneum  (kalka'neum)  n.  [L.  calx, 
heel.]  The  heel ;  a  large  bone  in 
the  tarsus  which  forms  the  heel  and 
represents  the  fibulare  in  lower 
forms ;  a  process  on  the  meta- 
tarsus of  birds  (anat.,  zool). 

calcar  (kal'kar)  n.  [L.  calcar,  a  spur.] 
A  hollow  prolongation  or  tube  at 
the  base  of  a  sepal  or  petal  (hot.} ; 
a  spur-like  process  on  the  leg  or 
wing  of  birds  which  is  not  a  digit  ; 
a  tibial  spine  in  insects  ;  a  process 
of  the  calcaneum  which  supports 
the  web  between  the  leg  and  tail 
in  bats  ;  the  pre-hallux  of  a  frog 

calcareous  (kalka'reus)  a.  [L.  cal- 
carius,  limy.]  Growing  on  soil 
derived  from  decomposition  of  cal- 
careous rocks  (hot.). 

calcariform  (kalkar'iform)  a.  [L. 
calcar,  a  spur ;  forma,  shape.] 

calcarine  (kal'karln)  a.  [L.  calcar,  a 
spur.]  Pert,  the  hippocampus 
minor  (anat.). 

calclferous  (kalsif'erus)  a.  [L.  calx, 
lime  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Containing 
lime  (biol). 

calcification  (kalslfika'shun)  n.  [L. 
calx,  lime  ;  facere,  to  make.]  The 
deposition  of  lime  salts  in  a  tissue 

calcigerous  (kalsij'erus)  a.  [L.  calx, 
lime ;  gerere,  to  carry.]  Producing 
or  containing  lime  salts  (biol). 

calcivorous  (kalsiv'orus)  a.  [L.  calx, 
lime  ;  vorare,  to  devour.]  Appl. 
plants  which  live  on  limestone 

calicle, — see  calycle. 

callosal  (kalo'sal)  a.  [L.  callosus, 
hard.]  Pert,  the  corpus  callosum 

callosities  (kalos'itiz)  n.  plu.  [L.  cal- 
lositas,  hardness.]  Hardened  and 
thickened  areas  on  the  skin,  or  on 
the  bark  of  a  plant,  which  often 

project  beyond  the  general  surface 
(bot.,  zool.). 

callus  (kal'us)  n.  [L.  callus,  callous 
skin.]  A  growth  of  shell  -  like 
material  within  the  umbilicus  of  a 
shell  (zool.)  ;  the  soft  tissue  that 
forms  over  the  cut  or  damaged 
surface  of  any  stem  or  branch 

caloricity  (kalb'rls'iti)  n.  [L.  calere, 
to  be  warm.]  In  animals,  the 
power  of  developing  and  maintain- 
ing a  certain  degree  of  heat  (phys.). 

caltrop  (kal'trop)  n.  [A.S.  coltraeppe- 
a  sort  of  thistle.]  A  sponge  spicule 
with  four  rays  so  disposed  that  any 
three  being  on  the  ground  the  fourth 
projects  vertically  upwards  (zool). 
Also  spelt  calthrops. 

calvarium  (kalva'rium)  n.  [L.  calvus, 
bald.]  The  dome  or  upper  portion 
of  the  skull  (anat.). 

calycanthemy  (kal'ikan'themi)  n, 
[Gk.  kalyx,  a  calyx  ;  anthemon,  a 
flower.]  Abnormal  development 
of  various  parts  of  the  calyx  into 
petals  (bot). 

calyciflorous  (kal'isiflo'rus)  a.  [L. 
calyx,  a  calyx ;  flos,  a  flower.]  Appl. 
flowers  in  which  stamens  and  petals 
are  adnate  to  the  calyx  (bot). 

calyciform  (kalis'iform)  a.  [L.  calyx, 
a  calyx ;  forma,  shape.]  .Calyx-like 
in  shape  (bot). 

calycine  (kal'Ism)  a.  [L.  calyx,  a 
calyx.]  Pert,  a  calyx  ;  cup-like 
(bot.,  zool). 

calycle  (kal'ikl)  n.  [L.  calyculus,  a 
little  calyx.]  An  epicalyx  (bot)  ; 
any  of  the  cup-shaped  cavities  in 
a  coral  ;  a  theca  in  a  Hydroid 

calyptoblastic  (kalip'toblas'tik)  a. 
[Gk.  kalyptos,  hidden  ;  blastos,  a 
bud.]  Pert.  Hydroids  in  which  the 
reproductive  persons  or  gonophores 
are  enclosed  in  a  gonotheca  (zool) 

calyptobranchiate  (kalTp'tobrang'klat) 
a.  [Gk.  kalyptos, hidden  ;  brangchia, 
gills.]  With  gills  not  visible  from 
the  exterior  (zool.). 

calyptra  (kalip'tra)  n.  [Gk.  kalyptra, 
a  covering.]  The  cap-like  remains 
of  the  archegonium  found  surround- 
ing the  apex  of  the  capsule  in  mosses 

calyptrogen    (kaltp'trojen)    n.      [Gk, 




kalyptra,  a  cap ;  genesis,  birth.] 
The  special  layer  of  cells  lying 
at  the  apex  of  a  growing  root  and 
giving  origin  to  the  root-cap  (hot.}. 

calyx  (ka'llks)  ».,  calyces  (ka'lisez) 
plu.  [L.  calyx,  a  calyx.]  The  outer 
whorl  of  floral  leaves  (hot.) ;  the 
cup-like  portion  of  the  pelvis  of 
the  kidney  (anat.}  ;  the  theca  of 
certain  Hydroids,  the  cup-like  body 
of  the  Crinoids  (zool.}. 

cambiform  (kam'biform)  a.  [L. 
cambium,  change  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Essentially  similar  to  cambium 
cells  (dot.). 

cambiogenetic  (kam'bioje'ne't'ik)  a. 
[L.  cambium,  change  ;  genesis, 
birth.]  Appl.  cells  which  produce 
cambium  (bot.}. 

cambium  (kam'bium)  n.  [L.  cambium, 
change.]  The  soft  tissue  from 
which  new  root  and  bark  are 
formed  in  the  stems  and  roots  of 
shrubs  and  trees  (bot.}. 

Cambrian  (kam'brTan)  a.  [L.  Cambria, 
Wales.]  Pert,  the  earliest  division 
of  the  Palaeozoic  era  (pal,}. 

cameration  (kamfira'shun)  n.  [L. 
cameratio,  vaulting.]  Division  into 
alargenumberof  separate  chambers 

camerostome  (kam'grostom')  n.  [L. 
camera,  a  chamber ;  stoma,  a 
mouth.]  The  hollowed-out  under 
surface  of  the  "  hood "  of  certain 
Trogulidae  (zool.}. 

camptodrome  (kamp'todrom)  a.  [Gk. 
kampios,  flexible ;  dromos,  a  course.] 
Pert,  leaf  venation  in  which  the 
secondary  veins  bend  forward  and 
anastomose  before  reaching  the 
margin  (bot.}. 

campylospermous  (kam'pilospeYmus) 
a.  [Gk.  kampylos,  curved  ;  sperma, 
a  seed.]  Appl.  seeds  with  a  groove 
along  the  inner  face  (bot.}. 

campylotropous  (kam'pilot'ropus)  a. 
[Gk.  kampylos,  curved ;  trope,  a 
turning.]  Pert,  ovules  in  which 
the  nucellus  and  embryo-sac  are 
bent  so  that  the  micropyle  points 
almost  back  to  the  placenta  (bot.}. 

canal  (kanal')  n.  [L.  canalis,  a 
channel.]  A  duct ;  a  tubular 
passage  formed  in  or  by  some 
tissue  ;  a  groove  in  the  hard  or 
soft  parts  of  various  animals ;  a 

passage  or  groove  found  in  the 
tissues  of  numerous  plants. 

canalicular  (kanallk'ular)  a.  [L. 
canalicuhis,  a  small  channel.]  Pert. 

canaliculus  (kanalik'ulus)  n.  [L. 
canaliculus,  a  small  channel.] 
Canaliculi  (ptu.)  are  small  canals 
connecting  the  lacunae  with  one 
another  or  with  the  Haversian 
canals  in  bone ;  small  channels 
for  the  passage  of  nerves  through 
various  bones  (anat.}. 

canaliform(kanarrf6rm)a.  [L.  canalis, 
a  canal ;  forma,  shape.]  Canal-like 
(biol.,  anat.}. 

cancellous  (kan'sglus)  a.  [L.  can- 
cellosus,  chambered.]  Consisting 
of  slender  fibres  and  lamellae, 
which  join  to  form  a  reticular 
structure  ;  appl.  the  inner,  more 
spongy,  portion  of  bony  tissue 

cancrisocial  (kang'kriso'shal)  a.  [L. 
cancer,  a  crab ;  socius,  an  ally.] 
Appl.  animals  which  live  on  the 
shell  of,  or  are  commensal  with, 
a  crab  (zool.}. 

canine  (kanln',  ka'nln)  n.  [L.  cants, 
a  dog.]  The  tooth  next  to  the 
incisors;  a., pert,  the  canine  tooth, 
or  to  a  ridge  or  groove  on  the 
surface  of  the  superior  maxillary 
(anat.,  zool.}. 

cannon  bone  (kan'on  bon)  n.  [L. 
canna,  a  reed.]  The  bone  support- 
ing the  limb  from  hock  to  fetlock, 
the  enlarged  and  fused  metacarpals 
or  metatarsals  ;  in  birds  the  tarso- 
metatarsus  (zool.}. 

canthus  (kan'thus)  n.  [Gk.  kanthelia, 
a  pack-saddle.]  The  angle  where 
the  upper  and  lower  eyelids  meet 

capillary  (kaptrari)  a.  [L.  capillus, 
hair.]  Minute  ;  hair-like  ;  n.  one 
of  the  minute  thin-walled  vessels 
which  form  networks  in  various 
parts  of  the  body,  e.g.  blood,  lymph, 
or  biliary  capillaries  (anat.}. 

capillitium  (kap'ilTt'ium,  kap'Ilish'ium) 
n.  [L.  capillus,  hair.]  A  peculiar 
protoplasmic  network  of  filaments 
among  which  the  spores  are  found 
in  the  sporangia  of  certain  Fungi 

capitate  (kap'itat)  a.     [L.  caput,  the 




head.]  Enlarged  or  swollen  at 
the  tip  (zool.) ;  gathered  together 
into  a  mass  at  the  apex,  as  in  some 
inflorescences  (dot.). 

capitellum  (kap'iteTum)  n.  [L.  caput, 
the  head.]  An  articulatory  pro- 
tuberance at  the  end  of  a  bone, 
e.g.  on  the  humerus  for  the  articula- 
tion of  the  radius  (anat.). 

capitulum  (kaplt'ulum)  n.  [L.  caput, 
the  head.]  A  knob-like  swelling 
at  the  end  of  a  bone  (anat.) ;  the 
part  of  the  body  of  a  Cirripede 
enclosed  in  the  mantle  as  opposed 
to  the  peduncle  ;  the  swollen  end 
of  a  hair  or  tentacle  ;  the  enlarged 
end  of  an  insect  proboscis ;  the 
exsert  part  of  the  head  in  ticks 
(zool.) ;  an  inflorescence  of  sessile 
flowers  or  florets  crowded  together 
on  a  receptacle  and  usually  sur- 
rounded by  an  involucre  (hot.). 

capreolate  (k&pre'olat,  k&p'reolat)  a. 
[L.  capreolus,  a  tendril.]  Supplied 
with  tendrils  (dot.). 

capsule  (kap'sul)  n.  [L.  capsula,  a 
little  box.]  A  sac-like  membrane 
enclosing  either  the  whole  or  a 
part  of  an  organ  (anat.,  zool.)  ;  any 
closed  box-like  vessel  containing 
spores,  seeds,  or  fruits  (dot.). 

capsuliferous  (kap'sulif'grus)  a.  [L. 
capsula,  a  little  box  ;ferre,  to  carry.] 
With  or  forming  a  capsule  (biol., 

capsuligerous,  capsulogenous, — cap- 

caput  (kap'ut)  n.  [L.  caput,  the  head.] 
Head  ;  a  knob-like  swelling  at  the 
apex  (anat.,  zool.). 

carapace  (kaYapas)  n.  [S  p.  carapacho, 
covering.]  A  shield  covering  the 
whole  or  part  of  the  back  of  certain 
animals, — it  may  be  chitinous  or 
bony  (zool.). 

carbohydrates  (kar'bohl'drats)  n.  plu. 
[L.  cardo,  coal  ;  Gk.  hydros,  water.] 
Compounds  of  carbon,  hydrogen, 
and  oxygen,  generally  speaking  alde- 
hyde or  ketone  alcohols,  or  con- 
densation products  thereof  (dial.). 

carbon  dioxide  (kar'b6n  dlok'sid)  n. 
[L.  cardo,  coal ;  di,  two  ;  Gk.  oxys, 
sharp.]  Carbonic  acid  gas  ;  a  heavy, 
colourless  gas  produced  by  the  de- 
composition of  organic  substances 

carboniferous  (kar'bonif'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
cardo,  coal  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Pert. 
the  entire  period  of  the  coal 
measures,  or  fossils  found  in  these 
strata  (pal.). 

carcerule  (kar'sSrool)  n.  [L.  career, 
a  prison.]  A  superior,  dry,  many- 
celled  fruit,  with  indehiscent  one- 
or  few-seeded  carpels  cohering  by 
their  united  styles  to  a  central  axis 

carcinology  (kar'sinol'ojl)  n.  [Gk. 
karkinos,  a  crab ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  study  of  the  group  of  animals 
known  as  Crustacea  (zool.). 

cardiac  (kaYdiak)  a.  [Gk.  kardia,  the 
heart.]  Pert,  near  or  supplying 
the  heart ;  appl.  sinus,  artery,  etc. 

cardiac  impulse, — the  motion  caused 
by  the  rapid  increase  in  the  tension 
of  the  ventricle  (phys.). 

cardinal  (kaVdmal)  a.  [L.  cardo,  a 
hinge.]  Pert,  the  hinge  of  a  bivalve 
shell,  or  to  the  cardo  of  many 
insects  (zool.). 

cardinal  sinuses  and  veins, — veins 
uniting  in  Cuvier's  duct,  persistent 
in  most  fishes,  embryonic  in  other 
vertebrates  (zool.). 

cardo  (kar'do)  n.  [L.  cardo,  a  hinge.] 
The  hinge  of  a  bivalve  shell ;  the 
basal  joint  of  the  maxilla  in  insects 

carina  (karl'na,  kare'na)  n.  [L.  carina, 
keel.]  A  keel-like  ridge  on  certain 
bones,  as  the  breast-bone  of  birds  ; 
the  median  dorsal  plate  of  a  barnacle 
(zool)  ;  the  portion  of  a  leguminous 
flower  in  which  the  stamens  and 
pistils  are  contained  ;  a  ridge  on 
the  bracts  of  certain  grasses  (dot.). 

carinate  (kar'Inat)  a.  [L.  carina,  a 
keel.]  Having  a  ridge  or  keel 

cariniform  (karm'if6rm)  a.  [L.  carina, 
a  keel ;  forma,  shape.]  Keel- 
shaped  (dial.). 

carnassial  (karnas'ial)  a.  [L.  caro, 
flesh.]  Pert,  cutting  teeth  of  carni- 
vores, the  fourth  premolar  above 
and  the  first  molar  below, — in  the 
upper  the  protocone  is  reduced,  in 
the  lower  the  metaconid  (zool.). 

carnivorous  (karniv'orus)  a.  [L.  caro, 
flesh  ;  vorare,  to  devour.]  Flesh- 
eating  ;  appl.  carnivores  (zool.),  and 




certain   plants   which   feed   on  the 
proteids  of  entrapped  insects  (dot.}. 

carotid  (karSt'Id)  a.  [Gk.  karos,  heavy 
sleep.]  Pert,  the  chief  arteries  in 
the  neck  (anat.,  zool.). 

carpale  (karpal'a,  karpa'le)  n.  [L. 
carpus,  wrist.]  One  of  the  bones 
of  the  wrist  (anat.). 

carpels  (kar'pglz)  n.plu.  [Gk.  karpos, 
fruit.]  The  modified  leaves  which 
carry  the  megasporangia  (bot.). 

carpocerite  (karp5s'6rit)  n.  [L.  carpus, 
wrist ;  Gk.  keras,  horn.]  The  fifth 
joint  of  the  antenna  in  certain 
Crustaceans  (zool.). 

carpogenous  (karpoj'finus)  a.  [Gk. 
karpos,  fruit ;  genos,  birth.]  Appl. 
those  cells  in  red  Algae  which  form 
the  carpogonium  (hot.). 

carpogonium  (kar'pogo'nium)  n.  [Gk. 
karpos,  fruit ;  gignesthai,  to  be 
born.]  The  lower  portion  of  the 
procarp,  in  some  Thallophytes, 
which  contains  the  female  nucleus 

carpolith  (kar'pollth)  n.  [Gk.  karpos, 
fruit  ;  lithos,  stone.]  A  fossil  fruit 

carpometacarpus  (kar'pome'takar'pus) 
n.  [L.  carpus,  wrist  ;  Gk.  meta, 
after.]  The  portion  of  the  wing 
skeleton  of  a  bird  formed  by  the 
fusion  of  the  carpal  and  meta- 
carpal  bones  (zool.). 

carpophagous  (karpof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
karpos,  fruit  ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Feeding  on  fruit  (zool.). 

carpophore  (kar'pofor)  n.  [Gk.  karpos, 
fruit  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  The  part 
of  the  axis  of  a  flower  situate 
between  or  above  the  carpels,  and  to 
which  the  carpels  are  attached  (bot.). 

carpophyte  (kar'poflt)  n.  [Gk.  karpos, 
fruit ;  phyton,  a  plant.]  Such  of  the 
Thallophytes  as  form  sporocarps 

carpopodite  (karpop'odlt)  n.  [L. 
carpus,  wrist ;  Gk.  pous,  a  foot.] 
The  third  joint  in  the  walking  leg 
of  certain  Crustaceans  (zool.). 

carposperm  (kar'pospeYm)  n.  [Gk. 
karpos,  fruit ;  sperma,  a  seed.]  The 
oosphere  in  certain  Thallophytes 
after  fertilization  (bot.). 
carposporangium  (kir'posporSn'jTum) 
n.  [Gk.  karpos,  fruit ;  spares,  a 
seed ;  anggeion,  a  vessel.]  The 

terminal  cells  of  the  filaments  that 
are  developed  from  the  fertilized 
carpogonium  in  some  Thallophytes 

carpospore  (kar'pospor)  n.  [Gk. 
karpos,  fruit ;  scores,  seed.]  A 
spore  of  those  formed  at  the  end 
of  the  filaments  which  are  developed 
from  the  carpogonium  (bot.). 
carpus  (kar'pus)  n.  [L.  carpus,  wrist.] 
The  wrist ;  the  region  of  the  fore- 
limb  between  forearm  and  meta- 
carpus (anat.,  zool.). 
cartilage  (kar'tilaj)  n.  [L.  cartilage, 
cartilage.]  Gristle  ;  a  translucent, 
bluish-white  tissue,  firm  and  at  the 
same  time  elastic,  found  for  the 
most  part  in  connection  with  bones 
of  the  skeleton,  most  of  which  are 
in  the  embryo  represented  by  carti- 
lage (anat.,  zool.). 

caruncle  (karung'kl)  n.  [L.  caruncula, 
a  small  piece  of  flesh.]  A  naked, 
fleshy  excrescence  (anat.).  ;  a  fleshy 
outgrowth  on  the  heads  of  certain 
birds,  and  on  certain  caterpillars  ; 
a  little  horny  elevation  at  the  end 
of  the  beak  of  embryo  chicks  ;  the 
sucking-disc  on  the  tarsi  of  certain 
mites  (zool.)-,  one  of  outgrowths  from 
various  regions  of  the  testa  of  a 
seed,  arising  after  fertilization  (bof.). 

caryo, — see  karyo-. 

caryopsis  (kar^p'sls)  n.  [Gk.  kar- 
yon,  a  nut ;  opsis,  appearance.]  A 
superior,  one-celled,  one-seeded, 
indehiscent  fruit  with  a  thin  dry 
membranous  pericarp  inseparably 
united  with  the  seed  (bot.). 

casein  (ka'seln)  n.  [L.  caseus,  cheese.] 
A  nucleoalbumin  proteid  of  milk, 
separated  by  the  action  of  rennet 

cassideous  (kasid'eus)  a.  [L.  cassis,  a 
helmet.]  Helmet-like  (bot.). 

caste  (kast)  n.  [L.  castus,  pure.]  One 
of  the  distinct  forms  found  among 
certain  social  insects  (zool.). 

castrate  (kas'trat)  a.  [L.  castrare,  to 
castrate.]  Pert,  flowers  from  which 
the  androecium  has  been  removed 

cata-, — see  kata-. 

catalysis  (katal'fsTs)  ».  [Gk.  kata, 
down  ;  lysis,  a  loosing.]  The 
acceleration  or  retardation  of  a 
reaction  due"  to  the  presence  of  a 




substance  which  apparently  remains 
unchanged,  e.g.  enzymes  (biol.). 

cataphyllary  (kat'afil'ari)  a.  [Gk. 
kata,  down  ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.]  Appl. 
rudimentary  or  scale-like  leaves 
which  act  as  the  covering  of  buds, 
etc.  (dot.). 

catenpid  (kat'enoid)  a.  [L.  catena,  a 
chain.]  Chain-like  ;  appl.  certain 
protozoan  colonies  (zool.). 

catenulate  (katSn'ulat)  a.  [L.  catena, 
a  chain.]  Chain-like  ;  appl.  colonies 
of  bacteria,  colour-markings  on 
butterfly  wings,  shells,  etc.  (zool.). 

caterpillar  (kat'erpll'ar)  n.  [L.L. 
cattus,  a  cat  ;  L.  pilosus,  hairy.] 
The  young  worm-like  larva  of  many 
insects  (zool.). 

catkin  (kat'kin)  n.  [A.S.  catkin,  a 
little  cat]  A  kind  of  spike  with 
unisexual  flowers  and  pendulous 
rachis  (bot.). 

cauda  (ko'da)  n.  [L.  cauda,  a  tail.] 
A  tail,  or  tail-like  appendage  ;  the 
posterior  part  of  an  organ,  e.g. 
cauda  equina,  cauda  epididymis 
(anat.)  ;  a  tube  at  the  posterior  end 
of  the  abdomen  of  certain  insects 
suggesting  the  presence  of  an 
eleventh  segment  (zool.). 

caudal  (ko'dal)  a.  [L.  cauda,  a  tail.] 
Of  or  pert,  a  tail,  e.g.  caudal  fin,  the 
terminal  fin  of  a  fish  (sool.). 

caudate  (ko'dat)  a.  [L.  cauda,  a  tail.] 
Having  a  tail,  e.g.  caudate  nucleus, 
a  mass  of  gray  matter  in  the  corpus 
striatum  (anat.). 

caudatolenticular  (koda'tolgntik'ular) 
a.  [L.  cauda,  a  tail ;  lens,  a  lentil.] 
Appl.  the  caudate  and  lenticular 
nuclei  of  the  corpus  striatum  (anat.). 

caudex  (ko'dSks)  n.  [L.  caudex,  a 
dry  stump.]  The  axis  or  stem  of 
a  woody  plant  (bot.). 

caudicle  (k6'dikl)  n.  [Dim.  of  L. 
cauda,  a  tail]  The  stalks  of  the 
pollinia  in  orchids  (bot.). 

caul  (k61)  n.  [M.E.  calle,  a  covering.] 
An  enclosing  membrane  (anat.). 

caulescent  (kolfis'Snt)  a.  [L.  caulis, 
a  stalk.]  With  leaf-bearing  stem 
above  ground  (bot.). 

caulicolous  (k61ik'olus)  a.  [L.  caulis, 
a  stalk ;  colere,  to  inhabit.]  Appl. 
Fungi  which  grow  on  the  stems  of 
other  plants  (bot.). 

cauliform  (k61'If6rm)  a.    [L.  caulis,  a 

stalk  ;  forma,  shape.]  Stem-like 

cauligenous  (kolij'enus)  a.  [Gk. 
kattlos,  a  stem  ;  genos,  birth.] 
Borne  on  the  stem  (bot.). 

cauline  (ko'lln)  a.  [L.  caulis,  a  stalk.] 
Appl.  leaves  growing  on  the  upper 
portion  of  a  stem  ;  appl.  vascular 
bundles  not  passing  into  the  leaves 

caulocarpous  (ko'lokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
kaulos,  a  stem  ;  karpos,  a  fruit.] 
With  fruit-bearing  stem  (bot.). 

caulome  (ko'lom)  n.  [Gk.  kaulos,  a 
stem.]  The  stem  structure  of  a 
plant  as  a  whole  (bot.). 

cavernosus  (kav'erno'sus)  a.  [L. 
cavernosus,  chambered.]  Full  of 
cavities  ;  hollow,  or  resembling  a 
hollow  ;  appl.  tissue,  nerve,  arteries 

cavicorn  (kav'ikorn)  a.  [L.  cavus, 
hollow  ;  cornu,  horn.]  Hollow- 
horned  ;  appl.  certain  of  the 
ruminants  (zool.). 

cavity  (kav'iti)  n.  [L.  cavus,  hollow.] 
A  hollow,  enclosed  or  cup-shaped  ; 
e.g.  amniotic,  glenoid  cavity  (anat.). 

cavum  (ka'vum)  n.  [L.  cavus,  hollow.] 
The  lower  division  of  the  concha 
caused  by  the  origin  of  the  helix  ; 
any  hollow  or  chamber  in  which  an 
organ  or  part  thereof  lies  (anat.). 

cell  (sel)  n.  [L.  cella,  a  compartment.] 
A  small  cavity  or  hollow  ;  a  unit 
mass  of  protoplasm,  usually  con- 
taining a  nucleus  (biol.). 

cellifugal  (selif'ugal)  a.  [L.  cella,  a 
cell ;  fugere,  to  flee.]  Moving 
away  from  a  cell  (phys.). 

cellipetal  (selip'gtal)  a.  [L.  cella,  a 
cell ;  petere,  to  seek.]  Moving 
towards  a  cell  (phys.). 

cell  lineage,  —  the  derivation  of  a 
tissue  or  part  from  a  definite  blasto- 
mere  of  the  embryo  (biol.). 

cell  membrane,-  a  membranous  cell- 
wall  (biol.). 

cell  organ, — a  part  of  a  cell  having  a 
special  function,  as  a  centrosome 

cell  plate, — the  equatorial  thickening 
of  the  spindle  fibres  from  which  the 
partition  wall  arises  during  the 
division  of  plant  cells  (cyt.). 

cell  sap, — the  more  fluid  ground  sub- 
stance of  the  cell  or  nucleus  (cyt.). 




cellular  (sefular)  a.  [L.  cellula,  a 
small  cell.]  Pert,  or  consisting  of 
cells  (biol.). 

cellulose  (seTulos)  «.  [L.  cellula,  a 
small  cell.]  A  carbohydrate  form- 
ing the  main  part  of  the  cell  walls 
of  plants,  also  found  in  the  tests  of 
tunicates  (biol.). 

cell-wall,  —  the  investing  portion  of 
a  cell,  which  may  be  extremely 
delicate,  or  may  be  strong  and 
thick  as  in  plants  (cyt.). 

cement  (sement')  n.  [L.  caementum, 
mortar.]  A  substance  chemically 
and  physically  allied  to  bone,  in- 
vesting the  root,  neck,  and  crowns 
of  teeth  (zool.). 

censer  mechanism,  —  the  method  of 
seed  distribution  by  which  seeds 
are  jerked  out  from  the  fruit  only 
by  a  high  wind  (dot.}. 

centradenia  (seVtrade'nla)  n.  [L. 
centrum,  a  centre.]  The  name 
given  to  the  type  of  siphonophore 
colony  found  in  the  Disconectae 

central  (sgn'tral)  a.  [L.  centrum,  a 
centre.]  Situated  in  the  centre  ; 
pert,  a  vertebral  centrum  (anat.). 

centrale  (sentra'le,  sfintral'a)  n.  [L. 
centrum,  a  centre.]  A  bone  in  the 
wrist  or  ankle  situated  between  the 
proximal  and  distal  rows  (zool.). 

centric  (sen'trik)  a.  [L.  centrum,  a 
centre.]  AppL  leaves  which  are 
cylindrical  or  terete  (hot,}, 

centrifugal  (sgntrif'ugal)  a.  [L. 
centrum,  a  centre  ;  fugere,  to  flee.] 
AppL  compact  cymose  inflor- 
escences having  the  youngest 
flowers  towards  the  outside  (dot.)  ; 
appl.  nerves  transmitting  impres- 
sions from  nerve  centre  to  parts 
supplied  by  nerve  (anat.). 

centrlole  (sen'trlol)  n.  [L.  centrum, 
a  centre.]  The  central  particle  of 
the  centrosome,  in  some  authors  ; 
in  others,  the  centrosome  itself 

centripetal  (sgntrip'gtal)  a.  [L. 
centrum,  a  centre  ;  petere,  to 
seek.]  Appl.  racemose  inflor- 
escences having  the  youngest 
flowers  at  the  apex  (dot.)  ;  appl. 
nerves  transmitting  impressions 
from  peripheral  extremities  to 
nerve  centres  (ana/.). 

centripetal  canals,  —  blind  canals 
growing  from  the  circular  canal 
backwards  towards  the  apex  of 
the  bell  in  certain  Trachomedusae 

centrodesmose  (sen'trodes'mos),  cen- 
trodesmus  (sgn'trodeVmus)  n.  [Gk. 
kentron,  a  centre  ;  desmos,  a  band.] 
The  fibril  or  system  of  fibrils  tempo- 
rarily connecting  the  two  centro- 
somes  (cyt.). 

centrodorsal  (sfin'trodor'sal)  a.  [L. 
centrum,  a  centre ;  dorsum,  a  back.] 
Appl.  the  plate  in  the  middle  of  the 
aboral  surface  of  unstalked  Crinoids 

centrogenous  (sentrqj'enus)  a.  [Gk. 
kentron,  a  centre  ;  genos,  descent.] 
Appl.  a  skeleton  of  spicules  which 
meet  in  a  common  centre  and  grow 
outwards  (zool.). 

centrolecithal  (sen'trolgs'ithal)  a. 
[Gk.  kentron,  a  centre ;  lekithos, 
yolk.]  Appl.  an  ovum  with  its 
yolk  aggregated  in  the  centre 

centroplasm  (sgn'troplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
kentron,  a  centre  ;  plasma,  some- 
thing moulded.]  The  substance  of 
the  centrosphere  (cyt.). 

centrosome  (sen'trosom)  n.  [Gk. 
kentron,  a  centre ;  soma,  body.] 
A  cell-organ,  being  the  centre  of 
dynamic  activity  in  mitosis,  and 
consisting  of  centriole  and  attrac- 
tion-sphere (cyt.). 

centrosphere  (sgn'trosfer)  n.  [Gk. 
kentron,  a  centre  ;  sphaira,  a  ball.] 
The  central  mass  of  the  aster  and 
centrosome  ;  the  astrosphere  ;  the 
attraction  sphere  (cyt.). 

centrum  (sen'trum)  n.  [L.  centrum, 
a  centre.]  The  main  body  of  a 
vertebra,  from  which  the  neural  and 
haemal  arches  arise  (zool.). 

cephalanthium  (ket'alan'thium,  sef-) 
n.  [Gk.  kephale,  a  head  ;  anthos, 
a  flower.]  The  capitulum  in  com- 
posite plants  (&?/.). 

cephaletron  (kgf'aletron,  sfif-)  n.  [Gk. 
kephale,  the  head ;  etron,  the  belly.] 
The  anterior  region  of  a  Limulid 

cephalic  (kefal'ik,  sgf-)  a.  [Gk.  kephale, 
the  head.]  Pert,  the  head  ;  in  the 
head  region. 

cephalia      (kgf'alis,     sgf-)     «.       [Gk. 


kephale,  the  head.]  The  upper- 
most chamber  of  monaxonic  Radio- 
larian  shells  (zool.). 
cephalization  (kef'aliza'shun,  s6f-)  n. 
[Gk.  kephale,  the  head.]  Increasing 
importance  of  the  anterior  end  in 
animal  development  (zool.). 

cephalont  (kgf'alont,  s6f-)  n.  [Gk. 
kephale,  the  head.]  A  sporozoan 
about  to  proceed  to  spore-formation 

cephalopoda  (kgf'alopodz,  sef-)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  kephale,  the  head  ;  pous,  the 
foot.]  Animals  with  muscular, 
sucker-bearing  arms  on  the  head 
region  (zool.). 

cephalostegite  (kef'alosteg'it,  s6f-)  n. 
[Gk.  kephale,  head ;  siege,  roof.] 
The  anterior  part  of  the  cephalo- 
thoracic  shield  (zool.). 

cephalostyle  (kefalostll,  s6f-)  n.  [Gk. 
kephale,  head ;  stylos,  a  pillar.] 
The  anterior  end  of  the  notochord 
enclosed  in  its  sheath,  in  chondro- 
crania  (zool.). 

cephalotheca  (kgf'alothe'ka,  sef-)  n. 
[Gk.  kephale,  head  ;  theke,  a  case.] 
The  head  integument  in  the  pupa 
of  insects  (zool.). 

cephalothorax  (kef'alotho'raks,  s6f-) 
n.  [Gk.  kephale,  head ;  thorax, 
breast.]  The  body-region  formed 
by  the  fusion  of  head  and  thorax  in 
Arachnids  and  Crustaceans  (zool.). 

cephalotrocha  (ket'alotrS'ka,  sSf-)  n. 
[Gk.  kephale,  head ;  trochos,  a 
wheel.]  A  Turbellarian  larva  with 
eight  processes  arranged  round 
the  mouth  (zool.). 

cerata  (keYata,  sera'ta)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
keras,  horn.]  Lobes  or  leaf-like 
processes  acting  as  gills  on  the 
back  of  nudibranch  molluscs  (zool.). 

ceratlum  (sera'shium,  sera'tium)  n. 
[Gk.  keration,  little  horn.]  A  siliqua 
without  the  replum  (bot.). 

ceratohyal  (keYatohi'al,  ser-)  n.  [Gk. 
keras,  horn ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
The  component  of  the  hyoid  arch 
next  below  the  epihyal  (zool.). 

cereal  (seYkal)  a.  [Gk.  kerkos,  tail.] 
Pert,  the  tail  (zool.). 

cercarla  (sgrka'ria)  n.  [Gk.  kerkos, 
tail.]  A  trematode  larva  with  a 
slightly  heart-shaped  body  and 
long  tail  (zool.). 

cercl    (ser'ke,    seYsl)    n.  plu.      [Gk. 

46  CER- 

kerkos,  tail.]  Jointed  appendages 
at  the  end  of  the  abdomen  in  many 
Arthropods  (zool.). 

cere  (ser)  n.  [L.  cera,  wax.]  A 
swollen  fleshy  patch  at  the  proximal 
end  of  the  bill  in  birds,  on  which 
the  nostrils  open. 

cerebellar  (ser'ebeTar)a.  [L.  cerebrum, 
the  brain.]  Pert,  the  hind-brain 

cerebellum  (ser'ebeTum)  n.  [L. 
cerebrum,  the  brain.]  The  fourth 
division  of  the  brain  arising  from 
the  differentiation  of  the  anterior 
part  of  the  third  primary  vesicle 

cerebral  (ser'ebral)  a.  [L.  cerebrum, 
the  brain.]  Pert,  the  brain  ;  pert. 
the  anterior  part  of  the  brain  or 
cerebral  hemispheres. 

cerebrifugal  (ser'ebrifu'gal)  a.  [L. 
cerebrum,  the  brain  ;  fugere,  to 
flee.]  Appl.  nerve  fibres  which 
pass  from  brain  to  spinal  cord 

cerebroganglion  (ser'ebrogang'glion) 
n.  [L.  cerebrum,  the  brain  ;  Gk. 
ganglion,  a  swelling.]  The  brain, 
or  supra-oesophageal  ganglia  of 
invertebrates  (zool.). 

cerebropedal  (ser'gbrope'dal)  a.  [L. 
cerebrum,  the  brain  ;  pes,  a  foot.] 
Appl.  nerve  strands  connecting  the 
cerebral  and  pedal  ganglia  in 
Molluscs  (zool.). 

cerebrospinal  (ser'ebrbspl'nal)  a.  [L. 
cerebrum,  the  brain  ;  spina,  the 
spine.]  Pert,  brain  and  spinal 
cord  (anat.}. 

cerebrovisceral  (ser'ebrovis'eral)  a. 
[L.  cerebrum,  the  brain ;  viscera, 
viscera.]  Appl.  the  connective 
joining  the  cerebral  and  visceral 
ganglia  in  Molluscs  (zool.). 

cerebrum  (ser'ebrum)  n.  [L.  cerebrum, 
the  brain.]  The  fore-brain,  or 
hemispheres,  arising  from  the 
differentiation  of  the  first  primary 
vesicle  (zool.). 

ceriferous  (serlferus)  a.  [L.  cera, 
wax  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Appl.  wax- 
producing  organs  (btol.). 

cernuous  (seYnuus)  a.  [L.  cernuus, 
with  face  turned  downwards.] 
Drooping  ;  pendulous  (bot.). 

ceroma  (sero'ma)  n.  [Gk.  keroma, 
ointment.]  The  cere  of  birds  (zool.). 


cerous  (se'nis)  a.  [L.  cera,  wax.] 
Appl.  a  structure  resembling  a 
cere  (zool.). 

cerumen  (sgroo'mgn)  «.  [L.  cera, 
wax.]  The  wax-like  secretion 
from  the  ceruminous  glands  of 
the  ear  (phys.). 

cervical  (servl'kal)  a.  [L.  cervix,  the 
neck.]  Appl.  structures  connected 
with  the  neck,  as  nerves,  bones, 
blood-vessels,  also  to  the  cervix  or 
neck  of  an  organ  (anat.,  zool.). 

cervix  (seYviks)  n.  [L.  cervix,  a 
neck.]  The  neck  or  narrow  mouth 
of  an  organ,  as  cervix  uteri  (anat.). 

chaeta  (ke'ta)  n.  [Gk.  chaite,  hair.] 
A  seta  or  bristle  of  certain  worms 

chaetiferous  (ketlffirus)  a.  [Gk. 
chaite,  hair ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Bristle-bearing  ;  chaetigerous. 

chaetophorous  (ketof'orus)  a.  [Gk. 
chaite,  hair ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
Bristle-bearing  ;  appl.  worms  and 
certain  insects  (zool.). 

chaetotaxy  (ke'totak'sl)  n.  [Gk. 
chaite,  hair ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
The  bristle-patterns  on  an  insect 

chalaza  (kala'za)  n.  [Gk.  chalaza, 
hail,  tubercle.]  One  of  the  two 
spiral  bands  attaching  the  yolk  to 
the  membrane  of  a  bird's  egg 
(zool.) ;  the  base  of  the  nucellus  of 
an  ovule  from  which  the  integu- 
ments arise  (bot.). 

chalazogamy  (kalazog'ami)  n.  [Gk. 
chalaza,  hail,  tubercle ;  gamos, 
marriage.]  Fertilization  in  which 
the  pollen- tube  pierces  the  chalaza 
of  the  ovule,  instead  of  entering  by 
the  micropyle  ;  cf.  porosramy  (bot.). 

chalice  (chal'is)  n.  [L.  calix,  calyx.] 
Appl.  simple  gland  cells  in  the 
epithelia  of  the  frog  (zool.) ;  any 
modified  columnar  epithelial  gland 
cell  (anat.). 

chalones  (kal'onz)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  chali- 
nos,  curb.]  Substances  which 
depress  activity  (phys.). 

channelled  (chan'gld)  a.  [L.  canalis, 
a  canal.]  Having  grooves  ;  canal- 
iculate (bot.). 

chasmogamy  (kazmog'amT)  n.  [Gk. 
chasma,  opening  ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
The  opening  of  a  mature  flower  to 
ensure  fertilization  (bot.). 


chasmophyte  (kaz'mofit)  n.  [Gk. 
chasma,  opening  ;  phyton,  a  plant.] 
A  plant  which  grows  in  nooks  and 
crannies  of  rocks  (bot.). 

cheek  (chek)  n.  [A.S.  ce'oce,  the 
cheek.]  The  fleshy  wall  of  the 
mouth  in  mammals  ;  the  side  of 
the  face ;  in  invertebrates  the 
lateral  portions  of  the  head,  as  the 
fixed  and  free  cheeks  of  Trilobites 
(zool.,  anat.). 

cheiropterygiuin  (klrSptSrlj'Ium)  n. 
[Gk.  cheir,  hand;  pteryx,  wing.] 
The  pentadactyloid  typical  limb  of 
higher  vertebrates. 

chela  (ke'la)  n.  [Gk.  chele,  claw.] 
The  claw  borne  on  certain  limbs  of 
Crustaceans  and  Arachnids  (zool.). 

chelicerae  (kelis'gre,  -ra)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
chele,  claw  ;  keras,  horn.]  Anterior 
chelate  or  sub-chelate  appendages 
of  Arachnids  (zool.). 

cheliferous  (kelif'erus)  a.  [Gk.  chele, 
claw  ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.]  Supplied 
with  chelae  or  claws  (zool.). 

cheliforin  (ke'liform)  a.  [Gk.  chele, 
claw  ;  L.  forma,  shape.]  Claw-like  ; 
appl.  appendages  (zool.). 

chelophores  (keUforz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
chele,  claw  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  The 
first  pair  of  appendages  in  the 
Pycnogons  (zool.). 

chemoreflex  (kgm'ore'flgks)  n.  [Gk. 
chemos,  juice  ;  L.  reflectere,  to  bend 
back.]  A  reflex  caused  by  chemical 
stimulus  (phys.). 

chemosynthesis  (kSm'osin'thgsis)  n. 
[Gk.  chemos,  juice ;  syn,  with ; 
tithenai,  to  place.]  The  building 
up  of  chemical  compounds  in  plants 
by  means  of  chemical  reactions 

chemotaxis  (kgm'otak'sis)  ».  [Gk. 
chemos,  juice  ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
The  sensitiveness  of  cells  or  micro- 
organisms to  chemical  stimulus, 
which  is  either  attractive  or  repel- 
lent, exhibiting  respectively  positive 
or  negative  chemotaxis  (biol.). 

cheniotropism  (ke'mot'ropizm)  n.  [Gk. 
chemos,  juice ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Curvature  of  a  plant  towards  or 
away  from  chemical  stimuli  (bot.)  ; 
response  to  chemical  stimulus  (biol.). 

chevron  (sheVron)  a.  [L.  caper, 
a  goat.]  Appl.  V-shaped  bones 
articulating  with  the  ventral  surface 




of  the  spinal  column  in  the  caudal 
region  of  many  vertebrates  (zoo/.). 

chiasma  (klaz'ma)  n.  [Gk.  chiazein, 
to  mark  with  a  cross.]  A  decussa- 
tion,  as  optic  chiasma  (anat.). 

chlastoneural  (klas'tonu'ral)  a.  [Gk. 
chiastos,  diagonally  arranged  ;  neu- 
ron, a  nerve.]  Appl.  certain  Gastro- 
pods in  which  the  visceral  nerve 
cords  cross  and  form  a  figure  8 

chilaria  (klla'ria)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  cheilos, 
lip.]  A  pair  of  processes  between 
the  sixth  pair  of  appendages  in 
Limulus  (zool.). 

chilidium  (killd'lum)  n.  [Gk.  cheilos, 
lip.]  A  shelly  plate  covering  the 
deltidial  fissure  in  the  dorsal  valve 
of  certain  Brachiopods  (zool.). 

chitln  (kl'tln)  n.  [Gk.  chiton,  a  tunic.] 
A  carbohydrate  derivative  forming 
the  skeletal  substance  in  Arthropods 

chlamydate  (klam'idat)  a.  [Gk.  chla- 
mys,  a  cloak.]  Supplied  with  a 
mantle  (zool.). 

chlamydeous  (klamid'eus)  a.  [Gk. 
chlamys,  a  cloak.]  Pert,  flower  and 
envelope  (bot.). 

chlamydospore  (klam'idospor)  n.  [Gk. 
chlamys,  cloak ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
thick-walled  resting  spore  found  in 
many  Fungi,  as  yeast  (bof.). 

chloragen  (klo'rajen)  a.  [Gk.  chloros, 
grass  green ;  genos,  descent.]  Appl. 
yellow  cells  found  in  connection 
with  the  alimentary  canal  of  the 
earthworm,  and  other  Annelids  ; 
also  chloragogen  (zool.). 

chloranthy  (kloran'thi)  n.  \G\a.chloros, 
grass  green  ;  anthos,  flower.]  Re- 
version of  floral  leaves  back  to 
ordinary  green  leaves  (bot.). 

chlorophyll  (klo'rofil)  n.  [Gk.  chloros, 
grass  green  ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.]  The 
green  colouring  matter  found  in 
plants  and  in  some  animals  (biol.). 

chloroplast  (klo'roplast)  n.  [Gk. 
chloros,  grass  green  ;  plastos, 
moulded.]  A  chlorophyll-carrying 
plastid  (bot.). 

chloroplastid  (klo'roplas'tid)  n.  [Gk. 
chloros,  grass  green  ;  plastos, 
moulded.]  A  minute  granule  or 
plastid  containing  chlorophyll, 
found  in  plant-cells  exposed  to  light 

chlorosis  (kloro'sls)  ;/.  [Gk.  chloros, 
grass  green.]  A  diseased  condition 
in  plants  owing  to  lack  of  certain 
minerals,  due  mainly  to  want  of 
light  (bot.). 

chlorotic  (klorot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  chloros, 
grass  green.]  Appl.  plants  or 
organs  of  plants  devoid  of  chloro- 
phyll (bot.). 

choana  (ko'ana)  n.  [Gk.  choane, 
funnel.]  Any  funnel-shaped  open- 
ing (anat.). 

choanocyte  (ko'anoslt)  n.  [Gk  choane, 
funnel ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  cell  with 
a  funnel-shaped  rim  or  collar  round 
the  base  of  the  flagellum  (zool.). 

choanoid  (ko'anoid)  a.  [Gk.  choane, 
funnel ;  eidos,  like.]  Funnel- 
shaped;  appi.eye.  muscle  in  Reptiles 

choanosome  (ko'anosom)  n.  [Gk. 
choane,  funnel  ;  soma,  body.]  In 
sponges,  the  inner  layer  with  flagel- 
late cells  (zool.). 

choledoch  (kol'edok)  a.  [Gk.  chole, 
bile  ;  dochos,  containing.]  Appl. 
common  bile  duct. 

choleic  (kole'ik)  a.  [Gk.  chole,  bile.] 
Pert,  acid  contained  in  ox  bile 

cholesterin  (koles'terln)  n.  [Gk.  chole, 
bile  ;  stereos,  solid.]  A  white  fatty 
alcohol  found  in  nerve  tissue,  bile, 
yolk,  and  other  animal  substances 
(phys.).  ^ 

choline  (ko'lm,  -en)  n.  [Gk.  chole, 
bile.]  A  crystalline  base  found  in 
plants  and  animals  with  composi- 
tion C6H16O2N  (phys.). 

cholochrome  (ko'lokrom)  «.  [Gk. 
chole,  bile ;  chroma,  colour.]  A  bile 
pigment  (phys.). 

cholohaematin  (ko'lohe'matm)  n.  [Gk. 
chole,  bile  ;  haima,  blood.]  A  pig- 
ment developed  in  the  bile  of 
ruminants  after  exposure  to  the  air 

chondral  (kon'dral)  a.  [Gk.  chondros, 
cartilage.]  Pert,  cartilage  (anat.). 

chondrification  (kon'driflka'shun)  n. 
[Gk.  chondros,  cartilage  ;  L.  facere, 
to  make.]  Conversion  into  cartil- 
age (phys.). 

chondrigen  (kon'drijen)  n.  [Gk. 
chondros,  cartilage ;  genos,  descent.] 
The  base  matrix  of  all  cartilaginous 
substance,  a  collagen  (phys.). 




chondrin  (kon'drin)  n.  [Gk.  chondros, 
cartilage.]  A  gelatinous  substance 
obtained  from  cartilage  (phys.}. 

chondriosomes  (kondrlosomz  )  n.  plu, 
[Gk.  chondros,  cartilage  ;  soma, 
body.]  Permanent  feebly  refractive 
bodies  found  in  cell  protoplasm, 
which  are  probably  combinations 
of  fatty  acids  or  of  phosphate  of 
albumen  (biol.}. 

chondroblast  (kon'droblast)  n.  [Gk. 
chondros,  cartilage ;  blastos,  bud.] 
A  cartilage-producing  cell  (phys.}. 

chondroclast  (kon'droklast)  n.  [Gk. 
chondros,  cartilage  ;  klastos,  broken 
down.]  A  cell  which  breaks  up  or 
destroys  cartilage  cells  (phys.}. 

chondrocranium  (kon'drokra'nium)  n, 
[Gk.  chondros,  cartilage  ;  kranion, 
skull.]  The  skull  when  in  a  car- 
tilaginous condition,  either  tem- 
porarily as  in  embryos,  or  per- 
manently as  in  some  fishes  (zoo!., 

chondrogenesis  (kon'drojgn'esis)  n. 
[Gk.  chondros,  cartilage  ;  genesis, 
descent.]  The  production  or  forma- 
tion of  cartilage  (phys.}. 

chondromucoid  (kon'dromu'koid)  n. 
[Gk.  chondros,  cartilage  ;  L.  mucus, 
mucus ;  Gk.  eidos,  form.]  A  whitish 
amorphous  powder  found  in  cartil- 
age (phys.}. 

chondrophore  (kon'drofor)  n.  [Gk. 
chondros,  cartilage ;  pherein,  to 
bear.]  A  structure  which  supports 
the  inner  hinge  cartilage  in  a 
bivalve  shell  (zoo/.). 

chondroskeleton  (kon'droskel'e'ton)  n. 
[Gk.  chondros,  cartilage  ;  skeleton, 
a  dried  body.]  A  cartilaginous 
skeleton  (zool.}. 

chondrosteous  (kondros'teiis)  a.  [Gk. 
chondros,  cartilage  ;  osteon,  bone.] 
Having  a  cartilaginous  skeleton 

chondrosteriial  (kon'drosteYnal)  a. 
[Gk.  chondros,  cartilage  ;  sternon, 
the  breast.]  Pert,  rib  cartilages 
and  sternum  (anat.}. 

chone  (kon)  n.  [Gk.  choane,  a  funnel.] 
A  passage  through  the  cortex  of 
sponges  with  one  or  more  external 
openings,  and  one  internal  open- 
ing provided  with  a  sphincter 

chorda   (kor'da)    n.      [Gk.    chorde^   a 

string.]  The  notochord  ;  in  plural, 
tendinous  cords  attached  to  the 
valves  of  the  heart  (anat.}. 

chordacentra  (kor'dasgn'tra)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  chorde,  a  string  ;  L.  centrum, 
centre.]  Centra  formed  by  the 
conversion  of  the  chordal  sheath 
into  a  number  of  rings  (zool.}. 

chordate  (kor'dat)  a.  [Gk.  chorde, 
a  string.]  Having  a  notochord 

chordotonal  (kor'doto'nal)  a.  [Gk. 
chorde,  a  string  ;  tonos,  a  tone.] 
Appl.  rod-like  or  bristle-like  struc- 
tures, auditory  in  nature,  in  various 
parts  of  the  body  of  insects  (zool.}. 

choriocapillaris  (ko'riokapiraris,  -kap'- 
ila'rls)  n.  [Gk.  chorion,  chorion  ;  L. 
capillaris,  a  capillary.]  The  inner- 
most vascular  layer  of  the  choroid 
coat  of  the  eye  (anat.}. 

chorioid, — choroid. 

chorion  (ko'rlon)  n.  [Gk.  chorion,  a 
skin.]  An  embryonic  membrane 
external  to  and  enclosing  the 
amnion  (emb.}. 

chorionlc  (korion'ik)  a.  [Gk.  chorion, 
a  skin.]  Pert,  the  chorion  (emb.}. 

chorioretinal  (ko'rioreYinal)  a.  [Gk. 
chorion,  a  skin ;  L.  retina,  the 
retina.]  Pert,  choroid  and  reli  ia 

choripetalous  (ko'ripeYalus)  a.  [Gk. 
choris,  separate  ;  petalon,  a  leaf.] 
Having  separate  petals  (dot.}. 

choriphyllous  (ko'rifil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
choris,  separate  ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.] 
Having  the  perianth  parts  distinct 

chorisepalous  (ko'risep'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
choris,  separate  ;  sepalon,  a  sepal.] 
Having  the  sepals  separate  (hot.}. 

chorisis  (ko'rlsts)  «.  [Gk.  choris, 
separate.]  Increase  in  number  of 
parts  of  a  floral  whorl  due  to 
division  of  its  primary  members ; 
duplication  (bot.}. 

chorpid  (ko'roid)  a.  [Gk.  chorion, 
skin  ;  eidos,  form.]  Appl.  delicate 
and  highly  vascular  membranes ; 
n.  the  layer  of  the  eye  between 
retina  and  sclerotic  (anat.}. 

choroidal  (koroid'al)  a.  [Gk.  chorion, 
skin ;  eidos,  form.]  Pert,  the 
choroid  (anat.}. 

chorology  (korol'qjl)  n.  [Gk.  choros, 
place ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 




science  which   deals  with   the  dis- 
tribution of  organs  (biol.). 

chromaffln  (kromafin)  a.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour ;  L.  affinis,  re- 
lated.] AppL  cells  forming  the 
medullary  parts  of  the  suprarenal 
bodies,  on  account  of  their  yellow 
colour  after  treatment  with  chromic 
salts  ;  chromophil  (phys.). 

chromatic  (kromat'lk)«.  [Gk.  chroma, 
colour.]  Colourable  by  means  of 
staining  reagents  (biol.). 

chromatic  sphere, — the  sphere  formed 
by  coalescence  of  chromosomes  after 
the  anaphase  in  mitosis  (bot.). 

chromatin  (kro'matln)  n.  [Gk.  chroma, 
colour.]  A  substance  in  the  nucleus 
which  contains  nucleic  acid  proteids 
and  stains  with  basic  dyes  (biol?). 

chromatogen  organ,  —  a  brownish 
lobed  body,  the  axial  organ  of 
certain  Echinoderms  (zool.). 

chromatoid  grains,— readily  stainable 
grains  in  cell-protoplasm,  probably 
of  an  albuminous  nature  (cyt.). 

chromatolysis  (kro'matol'Ms)  n.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour  ;  lyein,  to  break  up.] 
Disintegration  and  final  disappear- 
ance of  the  chromatin  in  injured 
nerve-cells  (phys.). 

chromatophore  (kro'matofor)  n.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
The  general  term  appl.  coloured 
plastids  of  plants  and  animals 
(cyt.)  ;  a  pigment  cell,  which  under 
control  of  the  sympathetic  nervous 
system  can  be  altered  in  shape  to 
produce  a  colour  change  (zoo!.). 

chromatoplasm  (kro'matd'plazm)  n. 
[Gk.  chroma,  colour ;  plasma,  some- 
thing moulded.]  The  colour  or 
pigment  matter  in  cells  (cyt.}. 

chromatospherite  (kro'matdsfer'lt)  n. 
[Gk.  chroma,  colour ;  sphaira,  a 
globe.]  A  nucleolus,  which  see  (cyt.). 

chromidia  (kro'mld'ia)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
chroma^  colour.]  Extra  -  nuclear 
particles  of  chromatin  (cyt.). 

chromidiosomes  (kromid'fosomz')  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  chroma,  colour ;  soma, 
body.]  The  smallest  chromatin 
particles  of  which  the  chromidial 
mass  is  made  up  (cyt.). 

chromoblast  (kro'moblast)  n.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour ;  blastos,  a  bud.] 
An  embryonic  cell  giving  rise  to  a 
pigment  cell  (biol.}. 

chromogen  (kro'mojfin)  n.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour;  genos,  birth.]  The 
material  in  plants  which  will  de- 
velop into  colouring  matter  (bot.). 

chromogenic  (kro'mojgn'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour  ;  genos,  birth.] 
Colour  -  producing  ;  appl.  organ- 
isms, as  bacteria  (bot.). 

chromomere  (kro'momer)  n.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour  ;  meros,  part.]  One 
of  the  chromatin  granules  of  which 
a  chromosome  is  formed,  and  which 
corresponds  to  an  id  (cyt.). 

chromophanes  (kro'mofanz)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  chroma,  colour  ;  phainein,  to 
show.]  Red,  yellow,  and  green  oil 
globules  found  in  the  retina  of 
birds,  reptiles,  fishes,  and  mar- 
supials (zool.). 

chromophil  (kro'mofil)  a.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour  ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Chromaffin,  which  see. 

chromophilous  (kromof  iltis)  a.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour ;  philos,  loving.] 
Staining  readily  (biol.). 

chromophore  (kro'mofor)  n.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
Any  substance  to  whose  presence 
colour  in  a  compound  is  due 

chromoplast  (kro'moplast)  n.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour  ;  plastos,  moulded], 
also  chromoplastid.  A  coloured 
plastid  or  pigment  body  other  than 
a  chloroplast  (biol.). 

chromoproteid  (kro'mopro'teid)  n. 
[Gk.  chroma,  colour  ;  protos,  first.] 
Substance  formed  by  combination 
of  a  proteid  and  a  pigment  (phys.). 

chromosome  (kro'mosom)  n.  [Gk. 
chroma,  colour  ;  soma,  body.]  One 
of  the  deeply  staining  bodies,  the 
number  of  which  is  definite  for  the 
cells  of  a  species,  into  which  the 
chromatin  resolves  itself  during 
karyokinesis  (cyt.). 

chrysalis  (kris'alis)  n.  [Gk.  chrysos, 
gold.]  The  pupa  stage  of  certain 
insects  (zool.). 

chrysocarpous  (kris'okar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
chrysos,  gold  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  With 
golden  fruit  (bot.). 

chrysophyll  (krls'of  il)  n.  [Gk.  chrysos, 
gold  ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.]  A  yellow 
colouring  matter  in  plants,  a  de- 
composition product  of  chlorophyll 




chylaceous  (kila'shus)  a.  [Gk.  chylos, 
juice.]  Of  a  chyle-like  nature ;  pert, 
chyle  (phys.). 

chyle  (kil)  n.  [Gk.  chylos,  juice.] 
Lymph  containing  globules  of 
emulsified  fat  found  in  the  lacteals 
during  digestion  (phys.). 

chylifaction  (kl'lifak'shun)  n.  [Gk. 
chylos,  juice  ;  L.  facere,  to  make], 
also  chylification.  The  formation  of 
chyle  (Phys.). 

chyliferous  (kllif'erus)  a.  [Gk.  chylos, 
juice  ;  L.  ferre,  to  carry.]  Chyle- 
conducting  ;  appl.  tubes  or  vessels 

chyliflc  (klllf'ik)  a.  [Gk.  chylos,  juice ; 
L.  facere,  to  make.]  Chyle-pro- 
ducing ;  appl.  the  true  stomach  of 
insects  (zool.). 

chylocaulous  (klldcol'us)  a.  [Gk. 
chylos,  juice  ;  L.  caulis,  a  stem.] 
With  fleshy  stems  (bot.). 

chylocyst  (kl'losist)  n.  [Gk.  chylos, 
juice ;  kystis,  a  bladder.]  The 
chyle  receptacle  (anat.). 

chylophyllous  (kl'lofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
chylos,  juice ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.] 
With  fleshy  leaves  ;  appl.  certain 
desert  plants  (bot.). 

chylopoiesis  (kl'lopoie'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
chylos,  juice  ;  poiein,  to  produce.] 
The  production  of  chyle  (phys.). 

chyme  (kim)  n.  [Gk.  chymos,  juice.] 
The  partially  digested  food  after 
leaving  the  stomach  (phys.). 

chymification  (ki'miflka'shun)  n. 
[Gk.  chymos,  juice  ;  L.  facere,  to 
make.]  The  process  of  converting 
food  into  chyme  (phys.). 

cicatricial  tissue,  —  newly  -  formed 
fibrillar  connective  tissue  which 
closes  and  draws  together  wounds 

cicatrlcle  (sik'atrik'l),  cicatricula 
(sik'atrik'ula)  n.  [L.  cicatrix,  a 
wound.]  The  blastoderm  in  bird 
and  reptile  eggs  (emb.)  ;  a  small 
scar  in  the  place  of  previous  attach- 
ment of  an  organ  (zoo/.}  ;  the  ^mark 
left  after  the  healing  up  of  a  wound 
in  plants  (bot.). 

cicatrix  (sik'atriks,  slka'triks)  n.  [L. 
cicatrix,  a  wound.]  Cicatricle, 
which  see. 

ciclnnal  (slsm'al)  a.  [Gk.  kikinnos, 
a  curled  lock.]  Appl.  uniparous 
cymose  branching  in  which  the 

daughter  axes  are  developed  right 
and  left  alternately  (bot.). 

cilia  (sil'ia)  n.  plu.  [L.  cilium,  an 
eyelid.]  Hairlike  vibratile  out- 
growths of  the  ectoderm  or  pro- 
cesses found  in  many  cells  (biol.) ; 
barbicels  of  a  feather  (zool.)  ; 
marginal  hairlike  processes  (bot.} ; 
eyelashes  (anaf.). 

ciliary  (sil'lari)  a.  [L.  cilium,  an 
eyelid.]  Pert,  cilia  ;  appl.  certain 
structures  in  the  eyeball  (anaf., 

ciliate  (sil'iat)  a.  [L.  cilium,  an  eye- 
lid.] Provided  with  cilia  (biol.}. 

ciliated  epithelium,— an  epithelium 
found  lining  various  passages, 
usually  with  columnar  cells,  the 
free  edge  of  each  of  which  has  a 
bunch  of  fine  tapering  vibratile 
hairlike  outgrowths  (zool.,  phys.~). 

ciliograde  (sil'iograd)  a.  [L.  cilium, 
an  eyelid  ;  gradus,  a  step.]  Pro- 
gressing by  ciliary  movement  (zool.). 

ciliospore  (sil'iospor)  n.  [L.  cilium, 
an  eyelid ;  Gk.  sporos,  a  seed.]  A 
protozoan  swarm-spore  with  a  coat 
of  cilia  (zool.). 

cilium  (sil'mm)  n.  [L.  cilium,  an 
eyelid.]  Sing,  of  cilia,  which  see. 

cinchonin  (sm'konin)  n.  [Named  after 
a  Countess  Chinchon.]  A  white 
alkaloid  found  in  various  types  of 
Rubiaceae  (bot.). 

cincinnus  (sinsin'us)  n.  [Gk.  kikinnos, 
a  curled  lock.]  A  scorpioid  cyme 

cinclides  (sing'klldez)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
kingklis,  a  latticed  gate.]  Perfora- 
tions in  the  body  wall  of  certain 
Anthozoa  for  the  extrusion  of  acontia 

cinclis  (sing'klis)  n.  [Gk.  kingklis,  a 
latticed  gate.]  Sing,  of  cinclides, 
which  see. 

cingulate  (sing'gulat)  a.  [L.  cin- 
gulum,  a  girdle.]  Having  a  girdle 
or  cingulum  (biol.). 

cingulum  (smg'gulum)  n.  [L.  tin* 
gulum,  a  girdle.]  Any  structure 
which  is  like  a  girdle ;  a  ridge 
round  the  base  of  the  crown  of  a 
tooth  ;  a  tract  of  fibres  connecting 
the  callosal  and  hippocampal  con- 
volutions of  the  brain  ;  the  outer 
ciliary  zone  on  the  disc  of  rotifers 
(anat.,  zool.). 




circinate  (seVsmat)  a.  [Gk.  kirkinos, 
a  circle.]  Rolled  on  the  axis,  so 
that  the  apex  is  the  centre  (bot.). 
circulation  (seVkula'shun)  n.  [L. 
circulatio^  act  of  circulating.]  The 
regular  movement  of  any  fluid 
within  definite  channels  in  the 
body  (anat.,  phys.) ;  the  streaming 
movement  of  the  protoplasm  of 
plant  cells  (bot.). 

circulus  (ser'kulus)  n.  [L.  circulus,  a 
circle.]  Any  ringlike  arrangement 
of  blood-vessels  caused  by  branch- 
ing or  connection  with  one  another, 
as  circulus  major  of  iris  (anat.). 
circumduction  (ser'kumduk'shun)  n. 
[L.  circum,  around ;  ductus,  led.] 
The  form  of  motion  exhibited  by 
a  bone  describing  a  conical  space 
with  the  articular  cavity  as  apex 
(artaf.,  phys). 

circumferential  (ser'kiimf  eren'shal)  a. 
[L.  circum,  around  ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Appl.  cartilages  which  surround 
certain  articulatory  fossae  (anat.). 
circumflex  (seYkumfleks)  a.  [L. 
circum,  around  ;  flectere,  to  bend.] 
Bending  round ;  appl.  certain 
arteries,  veins,  nerves  (anat.). 
circumfluence  (serkum'flooens)  n. 
[L.  circum,  around ;  fluens,  flowing.] 
In  Protozoa,  the  engulfing  of  food 
by  the  protoplasm  flowing  round 
and  enveloping  it  after  contact 

circumnutation  (ser'kumnuta'shun)  n. 
[L.  circum,  around ;  nutare,  to 
swim.]  The  irregular  elliptical  or 
spiral  movement  exhibited  by  the 
apex  of  a  growing  stem  or  shoot 

circumoesophageal  (ser'kumesof- 
aje'al)  a.  [L.  circum,  around  ;  Gk. 
oisophagos,  the  gullet.]  Appl. 
structures  or  organs  surrounding 
or  passing  along  the  gullet  (zool.). 
circumpolar  (ser'kumpo'lar)  a.  [L. 
circum,  around  ;  polus,  end  of  axle.] 
Appl.  animals  found  at  the  Poles 

circumscissile  (stir'kumsis'il)  a.  [L. 
circum,  around  ;  scindere,  to  cut.] 
Appl.  the  form  of  dehiscence 
exhibited  by  a  pyxidium  (bot.). 
circumvallation  (ser'kumvala'shun)  n. 
[L.  circum,  around ;  vallare,  to 
wall.]  In  Protozoa,  the  ingestion  of 

food  by  the  sending  out  of  pseudo- 
podia    which    ultimately    surround 
without  touching  it  (zool.). 
cirrate  (sT/at)  a.     [L.  cirratus,  having 

ringlets.]     Having  cirri  (zool.). 
cirrhus  and  cirrhi, — see  cirrus, 
cirrose  (sires',  sir'os)  a.     [L.  cirrus,  a 
lock.]      With    cirri    (zool.) ;     with 
tendrils  (bot.). 

cirrus  (sir'us)  ».,  cirri  (str'l)  pltt. 
[L.  cirrus,  a  lock.]  Tendrils  (bot.) ; 
the  appendages  of  barnacles  ;  the 
jointed  filaments  of  the  axis  or  of 
the  aboral  surface  of  crinoids  ;  the 
barbels  of  fishes  ;  the  respiratory 
and  tactile  appendages  of  worms  ; 
the  organs  of  copulation  in  some 
molluscs  and  trematodes  ;  hairlike 
structures  on  the  appendages  of 
insects  (zool.). 

cladanthous  (kladan'thCis)  a.  [Gk. 
klados,  a  sprout  ;  anthos,  a  flower.] 
Having  terminal  archegonia  on 
short  lateral  branches  (bot.). 

cladautoicous  (klad'otoik'us)  a.  [Gk. 
klados,  a  sprout ;  autos,  self ;  oikos, 
house.]  With  antheridia  on  a 
special  stalk  (hot.). 

cladocarpous  (klad'tikar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
klados,  a  sprout ;  karpos,  a  fruit.] 
Cladanthous,  which  see. 

cladode  (klad'od)  n.  [Gk.  klados,  a 
sprout.]  A  branch  arising  from  the 
axil  of  a  true  leaf,  resembling  a 
foliage  leaf,  and  consisting  of  a 
single  internode  (bot.). 

cladogenous  (kladqj'enus)  a.  [Gk. 
klados,  a  sprout ;  genes,  birth.] 
Cladanthous,  which  see. 

cladome  (kladom')  n.  [Gk.  klados,  a 
sprout.]  The  group  of  superficially 
situated  rays  in  a  triaene  (zool.). 

cladophyll  (klad'ofil)  n.  [Gk.  klados, 
a  sprout ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.]  Cladode, 
which  see. 

cladoptosis  (klad'opto'sis)  «.  [Gk. 
klados,  a  sprout  ;  ptosis,  falling.] 
The  annual  shedding  of  twigs 
instead  of  leaves  (bot.). 

cladose  (klad'os,  klados')  a.  [Gk. 
klados,  a  sprout.]  Branched  (biol.). 

cladotyle  (klad'otil)  n.  [Gk.  klados, 
a  sprout ;  tylos,  a  knob.]  A  rhabdus 
with  one  actine  branched,  the  other 
tylote  (zool.). 

clasmatocyte  (klazmat'oslt,  klas'mato- 
sit)  n.  [Gk.  klasHia,  a  fragment ; 




kytos,  hollow.]  A  soft,  much  vacuo- 
lated,  very  variable  cell  in  areolar 
tissue  (phys.). 

claspers  (klas'perz)  n.  plu.  [M.E. 
claspen,  to  hold.]  Rod-like  pro- 
cesses on  the  pelvic  fins  of  certain 
male  elasmobranchs  ;  any  modifica- 
tion of  an  organ  or  part  to  enable 
the  two  sexes  to  clasp  one  another 
(zoo/.)  ;  tendrils  or  climbing  off- 
shoots (bot.). 

clathrate  (klath'rat)  a.  [Gk.  kleihra, 
a  lattice.]  Lattice-like  (biol.). 

claustrum  (klos'triim)  n.  [L.  claus- 
trum,  a  bar.]  In  the  cerebral 
hemispheres,  a  thin  layer  of  grey 
substance  lateral  to  the  external 
capsule,  bounding  the  lentiform 
nucleus^  (anat.). 

clava  (kla'va)  n.  [L.  clava,  a  club.] 
The  knob-like  end  of  the  antennae 
of  certain  insects  (zool.)  ;  the  elon- 
gated swelling  at  the  end  of  the 
fasciculus  gracilis  (anat.). 

clavate  (klav'at)  a.  [L.  clava,  a  club.] 
Club-shaped  ;  thickened  at  one  end 

clavicle  (klav'lkl)  n.  [L.  clavis,  a  key.] 
The  bone  forming  the  anterior 
portion  of  the  shoulder  girdle 
(anat.)  ;  in  animals,  ventral. 

claviculariuin  (klavik'ula'rium)  n.  [L. 
clavis,  a  key.]  The  epiplastron  of 
Chelonia,  probably  corresponding 
to  the  clavicles  of  other  forms  (zool.}. 

clavula  (klav'ula)  n.  [L.  clava,  a 
club.]  A  monactinal  modification 
of  a  triaxon  spicule  ;  one  of  the 
minute  ciliated  spines  on  the 
fascicles  of  Spatangidae  (zool.)  ;  the 
clavate  sporophore  of  certain  Fungi 

clavus  (kla'vus)  n.  [L.  clavus,  a  nail.] 
The  part  of  an  elytron  lying  next 
to  the  scutellum  in  Hemiptera 

claw  (klo)  n.  [A.S.  clawu,  a  claw.] 
The  stalk  of  a  petal  (bot.)  ;  a  sharp 
curved  nail  on  a  finger  or  toe  ;  the 
forceps  of  certain  crustaceans  ;  a 
curved  process  on  the  limbs  of 
insects  (zool.). 

clearing  foot,—  the  filamentous  pro- 
cess of  the  exopodite  of  the  second 
maxilla  in  the  Phyllocarida  (zool.). 

cleavage  (kle'vaj)  n.  [A.S.  cleofan, 
to  cut.]  The  series  of  karyo- 

kinetic  divisions  which  change  the 
egg  into  a  multicellular  embryo 

cleavage  nucleus, — the  nucleus  of  the 
fertilized  egg,  produced  by  the 
orderly  and  intimate  union  of  the 
male  and  female  pronuclei  (cyt.). 

cleistocarp  (kli'stokarp)  n.  [Gk.  kleis- 
tos,  closed  ;  karpos,  a  fruit.]  Cleisto- 
thecium,  which  see. 

cleistocarpous  (kli'stokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
kleistos,  closed ;  karpos,  a  fruit.] 
AppL  mosses  with  non-operculate 
capsules  (bot.). 

cleistogamous  (kllstog'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
kleistos,  closed  ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Pert,  or  possessed  of  characteristics 
of  cleistogamy  (bot.). 

cleistogamy  (kli'stog'aml)  n.  [Gk. 
kleistos,  closed  ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
State  of  having  small  inconspicuous 
flowers  which  are  self-fertilizing  and 
do  not  open  ;  fertilization  without 
opening  (bot.). 

cleistogene  (kffstojen)  n.  [Gk.  kleis- 
tos,  closed  ;  genos,  birth.]  A  plant 
with  cleistogamous  flowers  (bot.). 

cleistothecium  (kll'stdthe'shmm)  n. 
[Gk.  kleistos,  closed ;  theke,  a  box.] 
An  ascocarp  which  remains  closed 
and  produces  its  spores  internally 

cleithrum  (klr'thrum)  n.  [Gk.  klei- 
thron,  a  key.]  The  pair  of  additional 
clavicles  in  Stegocephalia  (pal.) ; 
the  clavicular  element  of  the  pectoral 
girdle  in  some  fishes  (zool.). 

clinandrium  (klinan'drium)  n.  [Gk. 
kline,  bed  ;  aner,  a  man.]  A  cavity 
in  the  "column"  between  the 
anthers  in  Orchids  (bot.). 

clinidium  (klinid'ium)  n.  [Gk.  kline, 
a  bed.]  A  filament  in  a  pycnidium 
which  produces  spores  (bot.). 

clinosporangium  (kli'nosporan'jlum) 
n.  [Gk.  kline,  bed  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
anggeion,  a  vessel.]  Pycnidium, 
which  see. 

clitellum  (kliteTum)  n.  [L.  clitellae, 
a  pack-saddle.]  The  saddle  or 
swollen  glandular  portion  of  the 
skin  of  certain  worms  (zool.). 

clitoris  (klit'oris)  n.  [Gk.  kleiein,  to 
enclose.]  An  erectile  organ,  homo- 
logous with  the  penis,  at  the  upper 
part  of  the  vulva  (anat.). 

clivus  (kll'vus)  n.     [L.  clivus,  a  hill.] 




A  shallow  depression  in  the  sphen- 
oid, behind  the  dorsum  sellae 

cloaca  (kloa'ka,  klo'aka)  n.  [L.  cloaca, 
a  sewer.]  The  common  chamber 
into  which  intestinal,  genital,  and 
urinary  canals  open,  in  vertebrates 
except  most  mammals  (zool.}. 

clone  (klon)  n.  [Gk.  klon,  a  twig.] 
Desma,  which  see. 

clonus  (klo'nus)  n.  [Gk.  klonos,  violent 
motion.]  A  series  of  muscular  con- 
tractions when  the  individual  con- 
tractions are  discernible  ;  incom- 
plete tetanus  (phys.). 

clump  (klump)  v.  [Ger.  klump,  a 
mass.]  To  form  lumps  or  knots 

clypeal  (klip'eal)  a.  [L.  clypeus,  a 
shield.]  Pert,  the  clypeus  of  insects 

clypeate  (klip'eat)  a.  [L.  clypeus,  a 
shield.].  Round  or  buckler-like 
(biol.) ;  having  a  clypeus  (zool.). 

clypeola  (klipe'dla),  clypeole  (klip'eol) 
n.  [L.  clypeus,  a  shield.]  A  sporo- 
phyll  in  the  spike  of  an  Equisetum 

clypeus  (klip'eus)  n.  [L.  clypeus,  a 
shield.]  A  shield  on  the  antero- 
median  part  of  an  insect's  head 
(zool.)  ;  a  band  of  tissue  round  the 
mouth  of  a  perithecium  of  certain 
Fungi  (bot.). 

cnemldlum  (nemid'ium,  knemid'ium) 
n.  [Gk.  knemis,  a  legging.]  The 
lower  part  of  a  bird's  leg  devoid  of 

cnemls  (ne'mis,  kne'mis)  n.  [Gk. 
knemis,  a  legging.]  The  shin  or 
tibia  (zool.,  anat.). 

cnida  (n^da,  knl'da)  n.  [Gk.  knide,  a 
nettle.]  A  cnidoblast. 

cnldoblast  (nl'doblast,  knl'doblast)  n. 
[Gk.  knide,  a  nettle ;  blastos,  a 
bud.]  A  stinging  cell ;  a  goblet- 
shaped  cell  with  a  long  barbed 
thread  and  poisonous  fluid  in  the 
interior,  and  a  trigger-like  process 
projecting  externally,  found  in  cer- 
tain Coelenterates  (zool.). 

cnidocil  (nfdtisll,  knl'dosil)  n.  [Gk. 
knide,  a  nettle  ;  L.  cilium,  an  eye- 
lid.] A  minute  process  projecting 
externally  from  a  cnidoblast  (zool.). 

cnidophore  (nl'dofor,  knfdofor)  n. 
[Gk.  knide,  a  nettle ;  pherein,  to 

bear.]  A  modified  zooid  which 
bears  nematocysts,  of  the  nature 
of  a  dactylozooid  (zool.). 

cnidopod  (ni'dopod,  knfdopod)  n. 
[Gk.  knide,  a  nettle  ;  pous,  a  foot.] 
The  drawn-out  basal  part  of  a 
nematocyst,  embedded  in  the  meso- 
gloea  (zool.). 

cnidosac  (nl'dosak,  knfdosak) ».  [Gk. 
knide,  a  nettle  ;  L.  saccus,  a  bag.] 
A  kidney-shaped  swelling  or  battery, 
often  protected  by  a  hood,  found  on 
the  dactylozooids  of  Siphonophores 

coadaptation  (ko'adapta'shun)  n.  [L. 
cum,  with  ;  ad,  to ;  aptare,  to  fit.] 
The  correlated  variation  in  two 
mutually  dependent  organs  (phys.). 

coagulation  (koagula'shun)  n.  [L. 
cum,  with  ;  agere,  to  drive.]  Curd- 
ling or  clotting  ;  the  changing  from 
a  liquid  to  a  viscous  or  solid  state 
by  chemical  reaction  (phys.). 

coagulin  (koag'ulin)  n.  [L.  cogere,  to 
drive  together.]  Any  substance 
capable  of  coagulating  albuminous 
substances  (phys.). 

coagulum  (koag'ulum)  n.  [L.  cogere, 
to  drive  together.]  Any  coagulated 
mass  (phys.). 

coarctate  (koark'tat)  a.  [L.  coarctare, 
to  press  together.]  Closely  con- 
nected (biol.)  ;  having  abdomen 
separated  from  thorax  by  a  con- 
striction (zool.). 

coarctate  larva  or  pupa, — semipupa  ; 
pseudopupa ;  a  larval  stage  of 
certain  Diptera  (zool.). 

cocci  (kok'sl)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  kokkos,  a 
seed.]  Septicidal  carpels  ;  spore 
mother  cells  of  certain  hepatics 
(hot.) ;  rounded  cells,  as  some 
bacteria  (bact.). 

coccogone  (kok'ogon)  n.  [Gk.  kokkos, 
a  seed ;  gonos,  birth.]  A  repro- 
ductive cell  in  certain  Algae  (hot.). 

coccoid  (kSk'oid)  a.  [Gk.  kokkos,  a 
seed  ;  eidos,  form.]  Pert,  a  coccus  ; 
spherical  or  globose  (bot.,  bact.). 

coccolith  (kok'ollth)  n.  [Gk.  kokkos,  a 
seed  ;  lithos,  a  stone.]  A  calcareous 
spicule  in  certain  of  the  Flagellates 

coccospheres  (kok'osferz)  n.plu.  [Gk. 
kokkos,  a  seed  ;  sphaira,  a  globe.] 
Collections  of  undigested  shells  in 
certain  Radiolarians  (zool.). 




coccus  (kok'us)  n.  [Gk.  kokkos,  a 
seed.]  Sing,  of  cocci,  which  see. 

coccygeal  (k6ksfj'eal)  a.  [Gk.  kokkyx, 
the  cuckoo.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region 
of  the  coccyx  (anat.,  zoo/.). 

coccyx  (kok'siks)  n.  [Gk.  kokkyx,  the 
cuckoo.]  The  part  of  the  vertebral 
column  beyond  the  sacrum. 

cochlea  (kok'lea)  n.  [Gk.  kochlias, 
a  snail.]  A  division  of  the  ear 
spirally  coiled  like  a  snail's  shell 

cochlear  (kSk'lear)  a.  [Gk.  kochlias, 
a  snail]  Pert,  the  cochlea  (anat.). 

cochlearifonn  (kok'lear'iform)  a.  [Gk. 
kochlias,  a  snail ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
Spoon-shaped  (zoo/.) ;  pert,  the  thin 
plate  of  bone  separating  the  tensor 
tympani  canal  from  the  Eustachian 
tube  (anat.). 

cochleate  (kok'leat)  a.  [Gk.  kochlias, 
a  snail.]  Screw-like  (anat.). 

cocoon  (kokoon')  n.  [F.  cocon,  a 
shell.]  The  protective  case  of 
many  larval  forms  before  they  be- 
come pupae  ;  the  covering  formed 
by  many  animals  for  their  eggs 

coelenterate  (selgn'tgrat)  a.  [Gk. 
koilos,  hollow ;  enteron,  intestine.] 
Pert.  Coelenterata  (zoo/.). 

coelenteron  (se!6n't6r6n)  n.  [Gk. 
koilos,  hollow  ;  enteron,  intestine.] 
The  cavity  in  the  body  of  a  Coelen- 
terate (zoo/.). 

coeliac  (se'Mk)  a.  [Gk.  koilia,  belly.] 
Pert,  the  abdominal  cavity ;  appl. 
arteries,  veins,  nerves  (anat.). 

coeloblast  (se'loblast)  n.  [Gk.  koilos, 
hollow ;  blastos,  a  bud.]  A  divi- 
sion of  the  embryonic  endoblast 

coelogastrula  (se'l6gas'troola)».  [Gk. 
koilos,  hollow ;  gaster,  stomach.]  A 
gastrula  developed  from  a  blastula 
with  a  segmentation  cavity  (zoo/.). 

coelom  (se'lom)  n.  [Gk.  koilos, 
hollow.]  A  cavity  of  the  body 
derived  from  the  mesoblast  (emo.). 

coelomate  (se'lomat,  selo'mat), — see 

coeloinic  (selom'ik)  a.  [Gk.  koilos, 
hollow.]  Pert,  or  having  a  coelom 

coelomoduct  (selo'modukt)  n.  [Gk. 
koilos,  hollow  ;  L.  ducere,  to  lead.] 
The  duct  leading  directly  from  the 

genital  cavity  to  the  exterior  in 
Cephalopods  and  in  Annulates 

coelomopores  (selo'moporz)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  koilos,  hollow ;  poros,  a 
passage.]  Ducts  leading  directly 
from  the  pericardial  cavity  of 
Nautilus  to  the  exterior  (zoo/.). 

coelomostome  (selo'mostom)  n.  [Gk. 
koilos,  hollow ;  stoma,  mouth.]  The 
external  opening  of  a  coelomoduct 


coelosperm  (se'lospgrm)  n.  [Gk. 
koilos,  hollow ;  sperma,  seed.]  A 
carpel,  hollow  on  its  inner  surface 

coelozoic  (se'lozolk)  a.  [Gk.  koilos, 
hollow  ;  zoon,  an  animal.]  Appl.  a 
trophozoite  of  a  sporozoan  when 
situated  in  some  cavity  of  the  body 

coenanthium  (senan'thium)  n.  [Gk. 
koinos,  common ;  anthos,  flower.] 
An  inflorescence  with  a  nearly  flat 
receptacle  having  slightly  upcurved 
margins  (bot.). 

coenenchyma  (sengng'kima),  coenen- 
chyme  (sengng'klm)  n.  [Gk.  koinos, 
common ;  engchyma,  infusion.]  The 
common  tissue  which  connects  the 
polyps  or  zooids  of  a  compound 
coral  (zoo/.). 

coenobium  (senolaium)  n.  [Gk. 
fcoinos,  common ;  bios,  life.]  A 
unicellular  colony  with  no  marked 
distinction  between  vegetative  and 
reproductive  units  (biol.). 

coenoblast  (se'noblast)  n.  [Gk.  koinos, 
common  ;  blastos,  a  bud.]  A  germ 
layer  which  gives  origin  to  the 
endoderm  and  mesoderm  (zoo/.). 

coenocyte  (se'nosit)  n.  [Gk.  koinos, 
common ;  kytos,  a  hollow.]  A  plant 
body  in  which  the  constituent  proto- 
plasts are  not  separated  by  cell 
walls  (bot.\ 

coenoeclum  (sene'shium)  n.  [Gk. 
koinos,  common  ;  oikos,  a  house.] 
The  common  groundwork  of  a 
polyzoan  colony  (zoo/.). 

coenogamete  (se'nogamet)  n.  [Gk. 
koinos,  common  ;  gamos,  union.] 
A  gamete  with  more  than  one 
nucleus  (bot.}. 

coenosarc  (se'nosark)  n.  [Gk. 
koinos,  common  ;  sane,  flesh.] 
The  common  tissue  which  unites 




the  various  polyps  in  a  compound 
colony  (zool.}. 

coenosteum  (senos'teum)  n.  [Gk. 
koinos,  common  ;  osteon,  a  bone.] 
The  common  colonial  skeleton  in 
corals  (zool.). 

coenurus  (senu'riis)  n.  [Gk.  koinos, 
common  ;  aura,  a  tail/]  A  meta- 
cestode  with  large  bladder,  from 
the  walls  of  which  a  very  large 
number  of  heads  are  formed 

coherent  (kohe'rSnt)  a.  [L.  cohaerere, 
to  stick  together.]  With  similar 
parts  united  (bot.). 

cohesion  (kohe'zhun)  n.  [L.  cohaerere, 
to  stick  together.]  The  condition 
of  union  of  the  separate  parts  of  a 
floral  whorl  (bot.}. 

cohort  (ko'hort)  n.  [L.  cohort,  an 
enclosure.]  Used  in  earlier  clas- 
sifications to  denote  a  somewhat 
indefinitely  limited  group  (bwl.). 

coleopterous  (kol'eop'tgrus)  a.  [Gk. 
koleos,  a  sheath  ;  pteron,  a  wing.] 
Having  the  anterior  wings  hard 
and  used  as  elytra  (zool.). 

coleorhiza  (kol'eori'za)  n.  [Gk.  koleos, 
a  sheath  ;  rhiza,  a  root.]  The  layer 
surrounding  the  radicle  (bot.). 

colic  (kol'ik)  a.  [Gk.  kolon,  the  colon.] 
Pert,  the  colon  (anat.). 

collagen  (k61^j6n)  ».  [Gk.  kolla, 
glue  ;  genos,  offspring.]  A  protein 
substance,  probably  an  anhydride 
of  gelatin,  occurring  as  the  chief 
constituent  of  the  white  fibres  of 
connective  tissue  and  the  organic 
part  of  the  bones  (phys.). 

collar  (kol'ar)  n.  [M.E.  coler,  a 
collar.]  The  choana  of  a  collared 
cell ;  a  prominent  fold  behind  the 
proboscis  in  the  Hemichorda  ;  the 
fleshy  rim  projecting  beyond  the 
edge  of  a  snail  shell ;  any  structure 
likened  to  a  collar  (zool.}. 

collateral  (kolat'eral)  a.  [L.  cum, 
with  ;  latera,  sides.]  Side  by 
side ;  appl.  bundles,  as  collateral 
bundle,  with  xylem  and  phloem  in 
contact  on  one  side  only  (dot.} ; 
appl.  fine  lateral  branches  from  the 
axon  of  a  nerve  cell  (anat.). 

collateral  circulation,  —  circulation 
established  through  anastomosis 
with  other  parts  when  the  chief 
vein  is  obstructed  (phys}. 

collenchyma  (koleng'kima),  collen- 
chyme  (kolgng'klm)  n.  [Gk.  kolla, 
glue  ;  engchyma,  infusion.]  Paren- 
chymatous  tissue,  with  cells  elon- 
gated and  thickened  at  the  angles 
(bot.)  ;  the  middle  layer  of  sponges 

collencyte  (kol'enslt)  n.  [Gk.  kolla, 
glue  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  clear  cell 
with  thread-like  pseudopodia  found 
in  sponges  (zool.}. 

colleterium  (ksrete'rfum)  n.  [Gk. 
kolla,  glue.]  A  mucus-secreting 
gland  in  the  female  reproductive 
system  of  insects  (zool.}. 
colleters  (kole'terz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
kolla,  glue.]  The  hairs,  usually 
secreting  a  gluey  substance,  which 
cover  many  resting  buds  (bot.}. 
colletocystophore  (kole'tosist'ofor)  n. 
[Gk.  kolla,  glue  ;  kystis,  a  bladder  ; 
pherein,  to  bear.]  The  statorhab  of 
Haliclystus  (zool.). 

colliculus  (kollk'ulus)  n.  [L.  colli- 
culus,  a  little  hill.]  One  of  the 
prominences  of  the  corpora  quadri- 
gemina  ;  a  rounded  elevation  near 
the  apex  of  the  antero-lateral  surface 
of  the  arytaenoid  cartilage  (anat.). 
colloblast  (kol'dblast)  n.  [Gk.  kolla,. 
glue  ;  blastos,  a  bud.]  A  cell  on 
the  tentacles  and  pinnae  of  Cteno- 
phores,  which  carries  little  globules 
of  adhesive  substance  (zool}. 
colloid  (kol'oid)  n.  [Gk.  kolla,  glue  ; 
eidos,  form.]  A  gelatinous  sub- 
stance which  does  not  readily 
diffuse  through  an  animal  or  veget- 
able membrane  ;  opp.  crystalloid. 
collophore  (kol'ofor)  n.  [Gk.  kolla, 
glue ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  The 
ventral  tube  of  the  Collembola 

collum  (kfil'um)  n.  [L.  collum,  the 
neck.]  Any  collar-like  structure 
(biol.) ;  the  basal  portion  of  the 
sporogonium  in  mosses  (bot.). 
colon  (ko'lon)  n.  [Gk.  kolon,  the 
colon.]  The  second  portion  of  the 
intestine  of  insects  ;  the  part  of  the 
large  intestine  stretching  from  its 
junction  with  the  small  intestine  to 
the  rectum  (zool.,  anat.). 
colony  (kol'onl)  n.  [L.  colonia,  a 
farm.]  Any  collection  of  organisms 
living  together,  appl.  ants,  bees  ; 
a  group  of  animals  or  plants  living 




together  and  somewhat  isolated  ; 
a  group  of  bacteria  in  a  culture 
(dial.) ;  term  appl.  all  the  "  persons  " 
in  a  colonial  Coelenterate  (zool.). 

columella  (kgl'iimeTa)  n.  [L.  columen, 
a  column.]  A  prolongation  of  the 
stalk  into  the  sporangium  (bot.)  ; 
the  central  pillar  in  the  skeleton  of 
some  corals ;  the  rod,  partly  bony, 
partly  cartilaginous,  connecting  the 
tympanum  with  the  inner  ear  in 
birds,  reptiles,  and  amphibians ;  the 
central  pillar  in  gasteropod  shells 
(zool.) ;  the  axis  of  the  cochlea 

columellar  (kol'umeTar)  a.  [L.  colu- 
men, a  column.]  Pert,  a  colu- 

column  (kol'um),  columna  (kolum'na) 
n.  [L.  columen,  a  column.]  Any 
structure  likened  to  a  column,  as 
spinal  column  ;  the  actinian  body  ; 
the  stalk  of  a  crinoid  ;  a  longitudinal 
bundle  of  nerve  fibres  in  the  white 
matter  of  the  spinal  cord  (zool.)  ; 
the  nasal  septum  edge ;  thick 
muscular  strands  found  in  the 
ventricle  of  the  heart  (anat.) ;  the 
stamens  in  the  mallows  ;  the  united 
stamens  and  pistil  in  the  orchids 

columnals  (kolum'nalz)  n.  plu.  [L. 
columen,  a  column.]  Stem  ossicles 
in  crinoids  (zool.). 

columnar  (kSlum'nar)  a.  [L.  columen, 
a  column.]  Pert,  a  column  or 

coma  (ko'ma)  n.  [Gk.  kome,  hair.] 
A  terminal  cluster  of  bracts  as  in 
the  pine-apple ;  hairs  found  on 
certain  seeds  (bot.) ;  stupor  (pkys.). 

comb-ribs,  combs, — see  swimming- 

comes  (ko'mez)  n.  [L.  comes,  a  com- 
panion.] A  blood-vessel  that  runs 
alongside  a  nerve  (anat.}. 

comitalia  (kom'Ital'Ia)  n.  plu.  [L. 
comitari,  to  accompany.]  Small 
di-  or  tri-actine  spicules  which 
accompany  the  principal  spicules 
in  sponges  (zool.). 

commensal  (komfin'sal)  n.  [L.  cunt, 
with  ;  mensa,  a  table.]  An  organism 
living  with  another  and  sharing 
the  food,  both  species  as  a  rule 
benefiting  by  the  association. 

comminator  (kom'Inator)  a.     [L.  cum, 

with  ;  minarf,  to  threaten.] 
muscles    which    connect    adjacent 
jaws  in  Aristotle's  lantern  (zool.). 

commissure  (kSm'lsur)  n.  [L.  cum, 
together ;  mittere,  to  send.]  The 
union-line  between  two  parts ;  a 
connecting  band  of  nerve  tissue 
(zool.,  anat.)  •  the  carpellary  co- 
hesion plane  (dot.). 

communistic  (kom'unis'tik)  a.  [ 
munis,  common.]  Appl.  animals 
which  live  or  have  their  nests 

comose  (ko'mos)  a.  [L.  comosus, 
hairy.]  Furnished  with  a  tuft  of 
hairs  (bot.). 

compass  (kom'pas)  n.  [L.  cum,  to- 
gether ;  passus,  a  pace.]  A  curved 
bifid  structure,  part  of  Aristotle's 
lantern  (zool.). 

complemental  male, — a  purely  male 
form,  usually  small,  found  living  in 
close  proximity  to  the  ordinary 
hermaphrodite  form  in  certain 
animals,  as  barnacles. 

complexus  (kompleVsus)  n.  [L.  cum, 
together ;  plectere,  to  knit.]  An 
aggregate  ;  appl.  muscles  (anat.). 

complicant  (kSm'plikant)  a.  [L.  cum, 
together  ;pltcare,  to  fold.]  Folding 
over  one  another ;  appl.  the  elytra 
of  certain  insects  (zool.). 

complicate  (kfim'pllkat)  a.  [L.  cum, 
together ;  plicare,  to  fold.]  Folded  ; 
appl.  insect  wings  (zool.) ;  appl. 
leaves  folded  longitudinally  so  that 
the  right  and  left  halves  are  in 
contact  (bot.). 

composite  (kom'poslt)  a.  [L.  cum, 
together ; ponere,  to  place.]  Having 
the  characteristics  peculiar  to  the 
Compositae  (oof.). 

compound  (kom'pownd)  a.  [L.  cum, 
together  ;  ponere,  to  place.]  Made 
up  of  several  elements;  appl.  flowers, 
leaves,  eyes. 

compressor  (komprgs'or)  n.  [L.  cum, 
together  ;  premere,  to  press.]  Some- 
thing that  serves  to  compress  ;  appl. 
muscles  (anat.). 

conarium  (kona'rmm)  n.  [Gk.  kona- 
rion,  a  little  cone.]  Transparent 
deep-sea  larva  of  Vellella  with  red 
endoderm  (zool.). 

concentric  (konsgn'trik)  a.  [L.  cum, 
together ;  centrum,  a  centre.] 
Having  a  common  centre  (biol.)  ; 




appl.  bundles  with  wood  in  centre 
surrounded  by  bast  (bot.}. 

conceptacle  (konsSp'takl)  n.  [L.  con- 
cipere,  to  conceive.]  A  depression 
in  the  thallus  of  certain  Algae  in 
which  the  reproductive  organs  are 
borne  (dot.}. 

concha  (kong'ka)  n.  [Gk.  kongche, 
shell.]  The  cavity  which  opens 
into  the  meatus  (anat.} ;  the  external 
ear ;  a  projection  from  the  lateral 
wall  of  the  olfactory  organ  (zool.}. 

conchiform  (kSng'klform)  a.  [Gk. 
kongche,  a  shell ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
shaped  like  a  concha ;  shell- 
shaped  (biol.}. 

conchiolin  (kfingkl'dlin)  n.  [Gk. 
kongche,  a  shell.]  The  organic 
substance  that  forms  the  basis  of 
the  shells  of  molluscs. 

conchology  (kongk61'6jl)  n.  [Gk. 
kongche,  a  shell ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  branch  of  zoology  dealing  with 
molluscs  or  their  shells. 

conchula  (kong'kula)  n.  [Gk.  kongche, 
a  shell.]  The  conspicuous  pro- 
tuberant lip  of  the  modified  sulcus 
in  Peachia  (zool.}. 

concolorate  (konkul'orat)  a.  [L.  cum, 
with ;  color,  colour.]  Similarly 
coloured  on  both  sides ;  appl.  wings 
of  insects. 

concrescence  (konkreVgns)  n.  [L. 
cum,  together ;  crescere,  to  grow.] 
The  growing  together  of  parts  (biol.}. 

conducting  (kSnduk'tlng)  a.  [L. 
conducere,  to  lead  together.]  Con- 
veying ;  appl.  tissues,  bundles  (bot.}. 

conduction  (kfinduk'shun)  n.  [L. 
conducere,  to  lead  together.]  The 
transference  of  soluble  matter  from 
one  part  of  a  plant  to  another  (bot.}. 

conductivity  (kSn'duktlv'ttl)  n.  [L. 
conducere,  to  lead  together.]  Power 
of  transmitting  stimuli  from  a  part 
irritated  to  others  more  or  less 
remote  (phys.}. 

conduplicate  (kondu'plikat)  a.  [L. 
conduplicare,  to  fold  together.] 
Complicate,  which  see. 

condylar  (k6n'd!lar)  a.  [Gk.  kondylos, 
a  knuckle.]  Pert,  a  condyle  (anat.}. 

condyle  (kon'dil)  n.  [Gk.  kondylos, 
a  knuckle.]  A  process  on  a  bone 
for  purposes  of  articulation. 

condyloid  (kon'diloid)  a.  [Gk.  kon- 
dylos, a  knuckle ;  eidos,  form.] 

Shaped  like,  or  situated  near  a 
condyle  (anat.,  zool}. 

cone  (kon)  n.  [Gk.  konos,  a  cone.] 
The  female  flower  of  the  Coniferae, 
with  woody  axis  and  spirally- 
arranged  carpels  (dot.}  •  a  conical 
elevation  on  an  egg  just  before 
fertilization  (emb.} ;  a  conical  or 
flask-shaped  cell  of  the  retina 

cone  of  origin, — the  small  clear  area 
at  the  point  of  exit  of  the  axon 

cone-bipolars, — bipolar  cells  whose 
inner  ends  ramify  in  contact  with 
the  dendrites  of  the  ganglionic 
cells  (anat.}. 

confluence  (kon'flooSns)  n.  [L.  cum, 
with  ;  fluere,  to  flow.]  The  angle 
of  union  of  the  superior  sagittal 
and  transverse  sinuses  of  the 
occipital  bone  (anat.}. 

congeneric  (kon'jeneYflc)  a.  [L. 
congener,  of  the  same  race.] 
Belonging  to  the  same  genus 

congenital  (konjen'ital)  a.  [L.  cum, 
with  ;  gignere,  to  beget.]  Present 
at  birth  (anat.}. 

conglobate  (konglo'bat)  a.  [L.  cum, 
together;  globus,  a  ballj  Ball- 
shaped  ;  appl.  the  gland  on  the 
lower  side  of  the  ductus  ejacu- 
latorius  in  insects  (zool.}. 

conglomerate  (k5ngl5m'Srat)  a.  [L. 
cum,  together ;  glomerare,  to  wind.] 
Bunched  or  crowded  together  (dot.}. 

conical  (kon'ikai)  a.  [Gk.  konos,  a 
cone.]  Cone-shaped  ;  appl.  calyx, 
ventricle,  etc.  (biol.}. 

conidial  (konid'ial)  a.  [Gk.  konis, 
dust.]  Pert,  a  conidium. 

conidiiferous  (kfinld'nfe'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
konis,  dust ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Giving  rise  to  conidia  (bot.}. 

conidiophore  (konid'iofor)  n.  [Gk. 
konis,  dust ;  pherein,  to  bear.J  A 
branch  of  the  hyphae  which  bears 
the  conidia  (bot.}. 

conidium  (kontd'ium)  n.  [Gk.  konis, 
dust]  A  fungal  spore  asexually 
produced  and  carried  usually  on 
sterigmata  (bot.}. 

coniferous  (kontf'e'rus)  a.  [Gk.  konos, 
a  cone  ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.]  Cone- 
bearing  (bot.}. 

conjugation  (kSn'jooga'shun)  n.     [L. 




cum,  together  with ;  jugare,  to 
yoke.]  The  temporary  union  or 
complete  fusion  of  two  gametes 
or  unicellular  protists,  which 
involves  the  fusion  of  their  nuclei 
or  at  least  a  nuclear  exchange 

conjunctiva  (konjungktl'va)  n.  [L. 
cum,  together ;  jungere,  to  join.] 
The  mucous  membrane  of  the  eye, 
lining  the  eyelids  and  reflected 
over  the  fore  part  of  the  sclera  and 
cornea  (anat.). 

connate  (kon'nat,  konat')  a.  [L.  cum, 
together ;  natus,  born.]  Firmly 
joined  together  from  birth  (Hoi.). 

connate-perfoliate,— joined  together 
at  the  base  so  as  to  surround  the 
stem  (tot.). 

connective  (kongk'tiv)  n.  [L.  cum, 
together ;  nectere,  to  bind.]  A 
connecting  band  of  nerve  tissue 
between  two  ganglia  (zool.) ;  the 
tissue  separating  the  two  lobes  of 
an  anther  (dot.). 

connective  tissue,  —  a  mesoblastic 
tissue  with  a  large  amount  of 
intercellular  substance  in  which 
fibres  are  developed  (anat.). 

connivent  (konl'vgnt)  a.  [F.  conniver, 
to  wink.]  Converging  (Hoi.). 

conoid  (ko'noid)  a.  [Gk.  konos,  a 
cone ;  eidos,  form.]  Cone-like, 
but  not  quite  conical  (dial.). 

conoid  ligament, — one  of  the  fasciculi 
of  the  coraco-clavicular  ligament 

conoid  tubercle,  —  a  small  rough 
eminence  on  the  posterior  border 
of  the  clavicle,  serving  for  the 
attachment  of  the  conoid  ligament 

consensual  (konsSn'sual)  a.  [L. 
consentire,  to  feel  together.]  Appl. 
involuntary  action  correlated  with 
voluntary  action  (phys.). 

constant  (kon'stant)  a.  [L.  constans, 
unchanged.]  Changeless ;  invari- 
able ;  appl.  characters,  structures 

constricted  (konstrik'tgd)  a.  [L. 
constrictus,  drawn  together.]  Com- 
pressed at  regular  intervals  (tot.). 

constrictor  (konstrik'tfir)  n.  [L.  con- 
strictus, drawn  together.]  A  muscle 
which  compresses  or  constricts,  e.g., 
constrictor  urethrae  (anat.). 

contabescence  (kfin'tabe's'e'ns)  n.  [L. 
contabescere,  to  waste  away.]  Stamen 
abortion  (hot.). 

context  (kon'te'kst)  n.  [L.  cum, 
together ;  texere,  to  weave.]  The 
layers  developed  between  the 
hymenium  and  the  true  mycelium 
in  certain  Fungi  (tot.). 

continuity  (kSn'tfnu'iti)  n.  [L.  con- 
tinuus,  continuous.]  Succession 
without  a  break,  as  continuity  of 
the  germ  plasm  (zool.). 

continuous  (kontln'uiis)  a.  [L.  con- 
tinuus,  uninterrupted.]  Not  seg- 
mented or  articulated  (Hoi.). 

contorted  (kontor'tgd)  a.  [L.  con- 
torquere,  to  twist  together.]  Twisted ; 
appl.  aestivation  in  which  one  leaf 
overlaps  the  next  with  one  margin, 
and  is  overlapped  by  the  previous 
on  the  other  (tot.). 

coiitortuplicate  (kon'tortu'pllkat)  a. 
[L.  cum,  with  ;  torquere,  to  twist  ; 
plicare,  to  fold.]  A  bud  with  con- 
torted and  plicate  leaves  (tot.). 

contour  (kon'toor)  n.  [F.  contoumer, 
to  twist.]  Outline  of  a  figure  or 
body ;  appl.  the  outermost  feathers 
that  cover  the  body  of  a  bird,  the 
contour  feathers  (zool.). 

contractile  (kontrak'til)  a.  [L.  cum, 
together ;  trahere,  to  draw.]  Cap- 
able of  contracting  (Hoi.). 

contractile  cell, — any  cell  in  a  spor- 
angium or  an  anther  wall  which  by 
hygroscopic  contraction  helps  to 
open  them  (bot.). 

contractile  fibre -cells, — elongated, 
spindle-shaped,  more  or  less  poly- 
hedral, nucleated  muscle-cells,  con- 
taining a  central  bundle  of  fibrillae 

contractile  vacuole, — a  small  spherical 
vesicle,  found  in  the  cytoplasm  of 
many  Protista,  which  appears  and 
disappears  with  regularity  (Hoi.). 

contractility  (kon'traktil'iti)  n.  [L. 
cum,  together ;  trahere,  to  draw.] 
The  power  by  which  muscle-fibres 
are  enabled  to  contract  (phys.). 

contracture  (kontrak'tur)  n.  [L.  con- 
tractus,  drawn  together.]  Contrac- 
tion of  muscles  persisting  after  the 
stimulus  has  been  removed,  seen 
especially  in  strong  direct  stimula- 
tion, and  as  death  approaches 



conuli  (kon'ull)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  konos,  a 
cone.]  The  tent-like  projections  on 
the  surface  of  certain  Sponges  caused 
by  the  principal  skeletal  elements 

conus  (ko'nus)  n.  [Gk.  konos,  a  cone.] 
Any  cone-shaped  structure,  as  the 
conus  arteriosus,  a  structure  between 
the  ventricle  and  aorta  in  fishes  and 
amphibians  (zool.) ;  thediverticulum 
of  the  right  ventricle  from  which  the 
pulmonary  artery  arises  ;  conus 
medullaris,  the  tapering  end  of  the 
spinal  cord  (anat.). 

convergence  (k6nv6r'j6ns)  n.  [L. 
convergere,  to  incline  together.] 
The  development  of  similar  char- 
acters in  organisms  belonging  to 
different  groups  (biol.). 

convolute  (kon'volut)  a.  [L.  cum, 
together  ;  volvere,  to  wind.]  Rolled 
together ;  appl.  leaves  and  coty- 
ledons (hot.) ;  appl.  shells  in  which 
the  outer  whorls  overlap  and  con- 
ceal the  inner  (zool.). 

convolution  (kon'volu'shun)  n.  [L. 
cum,  together ;  volvere,  to  wind.] 
A  coiling  or  twisting,  as  of  the 
brain,  the  intestine  (anat). 

coprodaeum  (kop'rode'um)  n.  [Gk. 
kopros,  dung  ;  odos,  a  way.]  The 
division  of  the  cloaca  which  receives 
the  rectum  (zool.). 

coprolite  (kop'rollt)  n.  [Gk.  kopros, 
dung ;  lithos,  a  stone.]  Petrified 

coprophagous  (koprof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
kopros,  dung ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Feeding  on  dung  ;  appl.  insects. 

copula  (kSp'ula)  n.  [L.  copula,  a 
bond.]  A  ridge  in  the  development 
of  the  tongue  formed  by  the  union 
of  the  ventral  ends  of  the  second 
and  third  arches  (anat.). 

copularium  (kop'ula'rium)  n.  [L. 
copula,  a  bond.]  A  cyst  formed  in 
gregarines  round  two  associated 
gametocytes  (zool.). 

copulation  (kop'ula'shun)  n.  [L. 
copula,  a  bond.]  Sexual  union  ; 
coition  (biol.). 

coracoid  (ko/akoid)  a.  [Gk.  korax,  a 
crow  ;  euios,  form.]  Pert,  the  bone  or 
process  in  the  pectoral  girdle  (zool.). 

coracoid  bone, — the  part  of  the  pectoral 
girdle  between  scapula  and  sternum 

coracoid  ligament,  —  the  ligament 
which  stretches  over  the  supra- 
scapular  notch  (zool.). 

coracoid  process, — the  rudimentary 
coracoid  element  in  most  mammals 
fused  to  the  scapula  (zool.). 

coralliferous  (kor'alif'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
korallion,  coral  ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Coral  -  fo rmin  g  ;  made  of  coral 

coralline  (kor'alin)  a.  [Gk.  korallion, 
coral.]  Resembling  a  coral  ;  appl. 
Hydroids  and  Polyzoa  ;  composed 
of  coral  (zool.) ;  appl.  certain  Algae 

corallite  (kor'allt)  n.  [Gk.  korallion, 
coral.]  Cup  of  a  single  polyp  of 
coral  (zool.). 

coralloid  (kor'aloid)  a.  [Gk.  korallion, 
coral  ;  eidos,  form.]  Resembling, 
or  branching  like  a  coral  (biol.). 

corallum  (koral'um)  n.  [Gk.  korallion, 
coral.]  The  skeleton  of  a  compound 
coral  (zool.). 

corbicula  (korbik'ula)  n.  [L.  corbis,  a 
basket]  The  pollen  apparatus  of 
a  bee  ;  the  fringe  of  hair  on  the 
tibia  (zool.). 

corbula  (kor'bula)  n.  [L.  corbis,  a 
basket.]  The  phyllactocarp  of 
Aglaeophenia,  etc.,  a  stem  with 
alternate  branches  rising  upwards 
and  forming  a  pod-like  structure 

cord  (k&rd)  n.  [Gk.  chorde,  a  cord.] 
Any  chord-like  structure,  as  spinal, 
spermatic  cord  (anat.). 

cordate  (k&r'dat)  a.  [L.  cor,  the 
heart.]  Heart-shaped  (bot.). 

cordiform  (k6r'dlform)  a.  [L.  cor,  the 
heart ;  forma,  shape.]  Heart-shaped 

cordiform  tendon, — the  central  apo- 
neurosis  of  the  diaphragm  (anat.). 

cordylus  (k&r'dilus)  n.  [Gk.  kordyle, 
a  swelling.]  An  intertentacular 
exumbral  structure  with  core  of 
vacuolated  cells  and  flattened  ecto- 
derm (zool). 

coriaceous  (ko'ria'shus)  a.  [L.  corium, 
leather.]  Leathery  ;  appl.  leaves 

corium  (ko'rium)  n.  [L.  corium, 
leather.]  The  middle  division  of 
an  elytron  (zool.) ;  the  deeper-seated 
layer  of  the  skin,  consisting  of  a 
vascular  connective  tissue  [(anat.). 




cork  (kork)  ;/.  [Sp.  alcorque,  cork.] 
A  tissue  derived  usually  from  the 
outer  layer  of  the  cortex  in  woody 
plants  (dot.}. 

conn  (korm),  cormus  (kor'mus)  n. 
[Gk.  kormos,  a  trunk.]  An  en- 
larged solid  subterranean  stem, 
rounded  in  shape,  composed  of  two 
or  more  internodes  and  covered 
externally  by  a  few  thin  membran- 
ous scales  or  cataphyllary  leaves 

cormel  (kor'mel)  n.  [Gk.  kormos,  a 
trunk.]  A  secondary  corm  pro- 
duced by  an  old  corm  (hot.). 

cormidium  (kormld'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
kormos,  a  trunk.]  An  aggregation 
of  individuals  in  a  Siphonophore, 
borne  on  the  coenosarc  and  capable 
of  liberation  therefrom  (zool.}. 

cormoid  (kor'moid)  a.  [Gk.  konnos, 
a  trunk  ;  eidos,  form.]  Like  a  corm 

connophylogeny  (kor'mofiloj'e'n!)  n. 
[Gk.  kortnos,  a  trunk ;  phyle,  a 
tribe  ;  genos,  offspring.]  The  de- 
velopment of  families  or  races 

cormophyte  (kor'moflt)  n.  [Gk. 
kormos,  a  trunk  ;  phyton,  a  plant.] 
A  plant  which  possesses  stem,  root, 
and  leaf  (dot,). 

cormous  (kor'mus)  a.  [Gk.  korinos, 
a  trunk.]  Conn-producing  (bot.}. 

cornea  (kor'nea)  n.  [L.  corttu,  horn.] 
The  transparent  covering  on  the 
anterior  surface  of  the  eyeball 
(anat.,  zool.}  ;  the  outer  transparent 
part  of  each  element  of  a  compound 
eye  (zool.}. 

corneagen  (kor'neajen')  a.  [L.  cornu, 
horn ;  Gk.  genos,  offspring.]  Cornea- 
producing  ;  appl.  cells  lying  immedi- 
ately below  the  cuticle,  which  secrete 
the  cuticularlens  and  are  renewed  on 
ecdysis  (zoo/.). 

corneal  (kor'neal)  a.  [L.  cornu,  horn.] 
Pert,  the  cornea. 

corneous  (kor'neus)  a.  [L.  cornu, 
horn.]  Horny ;  appl.  the  sheath 
covering  the  bills  of  birds. 

corniculate  (kornik'ulat)  a.  [L.  cornu, 
horn.]  Having  horns  (zool.}. 

corniculate  cartilages, — two  small, 
conical,  yellow  elastic  cartilages 
articulating  with  the  summit  of  the 
arytaenoid  cartilages  (anat.,  cool.}. 

corniculum  (kornik'ulum)  n.  [L. 
cornu,  horn.]  A  small  horn  or 
horn-like  process. 

cornua  (kor'nua)  n.  plu.  [L.  cornu, 
horn.]  Horn-like  prolongations  ; 
appl.  bones,  nerve  tissues,  cavities, 

cornucopia  (kor'nuko'pia)  ;/.  [L. 
cornu,  horn ;  copia,  plenty.]  The 
horizontal  portion  of  the  taeniae  of 
the  fourth  ventricle  (anat.}. 

cornute  (kornut')  a.  [L.  cornu,  horn.] 
With  horn-like  processes  (bot.}. 

corolla  (korol'a)  n.  [L.  corona,  a 
crown.]  The  petals  of  a  flower 

corollaceous  (kor'ola'shus)  a.  [L. 
corona,  a  crown.]  Pert,  a  corolla 

corolliferous  (kor'ollf'erus)  a.  [L. 
corona,  a  crown  ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Having  a  corolla  (bot.}. 

corona  (koro'na)  n.  [L.  corona,  a 
crown.]  A  cup-shaped  body  formed 
by  the  union  of  scales  on  the  peri- 
anth leaves  at  the  junction  of  claw 
and  limb  (bot.} ;  the  theca  and  arms 
of  a  Crinoid  ;  the  ciliated  disc  of 
certain  animals  (zool.} ;  the  head 
or  upper  portion  of  any  structure 

corona  radiata,— the  layer  of  cells 
immediately  surrounding  the  mam- 
malian egg  (emb.} ;  the  fibres  of  the 
internal  capsule  (anat.}. 

coronal  (koronal)  a.  [L.  corona,  a 
crown.]  Situated  or  lying  in  the 
coronal  sutural  plane  (anat.}. 

coronary  (ko/onari)  a.  [L.  corona,  a 
crown.]  Crown-shaped  or  crown- 
like  ;  appl.  arteries,  bones,  sinuses, 
ligaments  (anat.,  zool.}. 

coronary  arteries, — arteries  supply- 
ing the  tissue  of  the  heart  itself 

coronary  bone, — a  small  conical  bone 
in  the  mandible  of  reptiles ;  the 
small  pastern  bone  of  the  horse 

coronary  sinus, — a  venous  channel  in 
the  posterior  part  of  the  coronary 
sulcus  and  covered  by  muscular 
fibres  from  the  left  atrium  (anat.}. 

coronated  (kor'ona'tgd)  a.  [L.  corona, 
a  crown.]  Supplied  with  a  crown 
(zool.,  bot.}. 

coronet   (kor'onfit)    /;.     [L.   corona,  a 




crown.]  The  burr  of  an  antler 

coronoid  (kor'onoid)  a.  [Gk.  korax, 
a  crow  ;  eidos,  form.]  Shaped  like 
a  beak  ;  appl.  processes  (anat.}. 

corpora  adlposa, — the  fat  bodies  of 
amphibians,  attached  to  the  dorsal 
wall  of  the  body  cavity  (zool.}. 

corpora  cavernosa, — erectile  masses 
of  tissue,  stiffening  the  anterior 
surface  of  the  penis  (anat.,  zool.}. 

corpora  quadrigemina, — four  rounded 
eminences  which  form  the  dorsal 
part  of  the  mesencephalon  (anat.}. 

corpus  (kor'pus)  n.,  corpora  (kor'pora) 
plu.  [L.  corpus,  a  body.]  Any 
fairly  homogeneous  structure  which 
forms  part  of  an  organ  (anat.}. 

corpus  spcmgiosum,  —  a  mass  of 
erectile  tissue  forming  the  posterior 
wall  of  the  penis  (anat.,  zool.}. 

corpuscle  (kor'pusl,  korpus'l)  n.  [L. 
corpusculus,  a  small  body.]  A 
protoplasmic  cell,  floating  freely  in 
some  fluid,  or  embedded  in  some 
matrix ;  appl.  various  sensory  struc- 
tures (anat.} ;  any  small  proto- 
plasmic mass  of  definite  function 
or  shape  (bot.}. 

correlation  (kSr'gla'shun)  n.  [L.L. 
correlatio,  relationship.]  Similarity 
or  mutual  relationship  (biol.}. 

corrugator  (ko/ooga'tor)  a.  [L. 
cum,  together  ;  rugare,  to  wrinkle.] 
Wrinkled  or  wrinkling ;  appl. 
muscles  (anat.}. 

cortex  (kor'teks)  n.  [L.  cortex,  bark.] 
The  extrastelar  fundamental  tissue 
of  the  sporophyte  (bot.}  ;  the  outer 
or  more  superficial  part  of  an  organ 

cortical  (kor'tikal)  a.  [L.  cortex, 
bark.]  Pert,  the  cortex. 

corticate  (k&r'tikat)  a.  [L.  cortex, 
bark.]  Having  a  special  outer 
covering  (anat.,  biol.}. 

corticiferous  (kor'tislf'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
cortex,  bark ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Forming  or  having  a  bark-like 
cortex  (bot.}. 

corticostriate  (kor'tikostrfat)  a.  [L. 
cortex,  bark ;  stria,  a  channel.] 
Appl.  fibres  which  join  the  corpus 
striatum  to  the  cerebral  cortex 

cortina  (k&rtfna)  n.  [L.  cortina,  a 
curtain.]  The  velum  in  Agarics  (bot.}. 

cortlnate  (k&r'tlnat)  a.  [L.  cortina, 
a  curtain.]  Having  a  velum  ;  of  a 
cobweb-like  texture  (bot.}. 

Corti's  organ, — the  organon-  spirale, 
placed  on  the  inner  portion  of  the 
membrana  basilaris  of  the  ear 

corymb  (kor'imb)  n.  [Gk.  korymbos, 
a  cluster  of  flowers.]  A  raceme 
with  lower  pedicels  elongated  so 
that  the  top  is  nearly  flat  (bot.}. 

corymbose  (kor'imbos)  a.  [Gk. 
korymbos,  a  cluster  of  flowers.] 
Pert,  or  like  a  corymb  ;  arranged 
in  a  corymb  (bot.}. 

cosmine  (kos'min)  n.  [Gk.  kosmios, 
regularly.]  The  outer  regular  layer 
of  dentine-like  material  in  ganoid 
scales  (zool.}. 

cosmopolite  (kozmop'ollt)  a.  [Gk. 
kosmos,  world ;  polites,  citizen.] 
World-wide  in  distribution  (biol.}. 

costa  (kos'ta)  n.  [L.  costa,  a  rib.]  A 
rib  ;  anything  rib-like  in  shape 
(anat.} ;  anything  rib-like,  as  a  ridge 
on  shell,  coral,  insect-wing  (zool.}. 

costal  (kps'tal)  a.  [L.  costa,  a  rib.] 
Pert,  ribs  or  rib-like  structures  ; 
appl.  the  bony  shields  of  Chelonia  ; 
pert,  the  primary  brachial  series  in 
crinoids  (zool.}  ;  pert,  a  main  rib 

costalia  (kosta'lia)  n.  plu.  [L.  costa, 
a  rib.]  The  supporting  plates  in 
the  theca  of  the  Cladoidea  (zool.}. 

costate  (kos'tat)  a.  [L.  costa,  a  rib.] 
With  one  or  more  longitudinal  ribs 
(bot.}  ;  with  ridges  or  costae  (zool.}. 

coterminous  (koteYminus)  a.  [L. 
cum+  with  ;  terminus,  an  end.]  Of 
similar  distribution  (biol.}. 

cotyledon  (kot'ile'don)  n.  [Gk.  kotyle, 
a  cup.]  The  primary  or  first  leaf  of 
an  embryonic  sporophyte  (bot.} ;  the 
definite  patches  of  villi  on  the 
placenta  of  a  mammal  (zool.}. 

cotyledonary  (kot'lle'donari)  a.  [Gk. 
kotyle,  a  cup.]  Pert,  cotyledons 
(bot.}  ;  with  cotyledons  on  the 
placenta  (zool.}. 

cotyloid  (kot'floid)  a.  [Gk.  kotyle,  a 
cup  ;  eidos,  form.]  Cup-shaped  ; 
pert,  the  cotyloid  cavity  (anat.}. 

cotylophorous  (kot'ilof'orus)  a.  [Gk. 
kotyle,  a  cup  ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
With  a  cotyledonary  placenta 




cotype  (ko'tip)  n.  [L.  cum,  with  ; 
typus,  an  image.]  An  additional 
type  specimen,  frequently  collected 
in  the  same  place  at  the  same  time, 
or  a  specimen  from  a  description  of 
which,  along  with  others,  the  type 
is  drawn  up  (biol.). 

cover-scales, — small  scales  arranged 
spirally  and  developed  directly  on 
the  axis  of  a  cone  of  the  Coniferae 

covert  (kuv'ert)  n.  [F.  couvrir,  to 
cover.]  Appl.  the  feathers  cover- 
ing the  bases  of  the  quills  in  birds. 

cowled  (kowld)  a.  [L.  cucullus,  a 
hood.]  Furnished  with  or  shaped 
like  a  hood. 

coxa  (kok'sa)  n.  [L.  coxa,  hip.] 
The  proximal  joint  of  an  insect 
leg  (zool.). 

coxal  (kok'sal)  a.  [L.  coxa,  hip.] 
Pert,  the  coxa  (zool.). 

coxopodlte  (koksop'odft)  n.  [L.  coxa, 
hip  ;  Gk.  pous,  a  foot.]  The  proxi- 
mal part  of  the  protopodite  of  a 
crustacean  limb  (zoo/.). 

crampon  (kram'pon)  n.  [O.H.G. 
chramph,  crooked.]  An  aerial 
root,  as  in  the  ivy  (pot.). 

cranial  (kra'nlal)  a.  [Gk.  kranion, 
the  head.]  Pert,  the  skull,  or 
that  part  which  encloses  the 
brain  ;  appl.  nerves,  muscles, 
blood-vessels,  bones,  etc. 

craniate  (kra'nlat)  a.  [Gk.  kranion, 
the  head.]  Having  a  skull  (zool.). 

craniology  (kra'niol'ojT)  n.  [Gk. 
kranion,  the  head ;  logos,  dis- 
course.] The  study  of  the  skull 

craniometry  (kra'niom'fitri)  n.  [Gk. 
kranion,  the  head  ;  metron,  a 
measure.]  The  science  of  the 
measurement  of  skulls. 

cranium  (kra'nium)  n.  [Gk.  kranion, 
the  head.]  The  skull  of  any  craniate, 
or  more  particularly,  that  part  en- 
closing the  brain  (anat.,  zool.). 

craspedodromous  (kras'pedod'romus) 
a.  [Gk.  kraspedon,  an  edge  ;  dro- 
mein,  to  run.]  With  nerves  running 
directly  from  mid-rib  to  margin 

.     (bot.). 

craspedote  (kras'pedot)  a.  [Gk. 
kraspedon,  an  edge.]  Having  a 
velum  (zool.). 

craspedum    (kras'pedum)    ;/.       [Gk. 

kraspedon,  an  edge.]  A  mesen- 
teric  filament  of  sea-anemones 

craticular  (kratfk'ular)  a.  [L.  crati- 
cula,  a  gridiron.]  Crate-like  ; 
appl.  a  stage  in  the  life-history 
of  a  diatom  where  new  valves  are 
formed  before  the  old  are  lost 

creatine  (kre'atm)  n.  [Gk.  kreas, 
flesh.]  A  nitrogenous  substance 
found  in  the  muscles,  brain,  and 
blood  of  vertebrates  (phys.). 

creatinine  (kreat'inen)  n.  [Gk.  kreas, 
flesh.]  A  nitrogenous  substance 
found  in  muscles  and  urine  (phys.). 

cremaster  (kremas't£r)  n.  [Gk. 
kremannunai,  to  hang.]  A  thin 
muscle  in  the  spermatic  cord 
(anat.) ;  a  stout  terminal  abdominal 
spine  in  subterranean  insect  pupae; 
the  anal  hooks  for  pupae  suspension 

cremocarp  (krSm'okarp)  n.  [Gk. 
kremannunai,  to  hang ;  karpos, 
fruit.]  An  inferior,  dry,  indehiscent, 
two-celled,  two-seeded  fruit  (do/.). 

crenate  (kre'nat,  krgn'at)  a.  [L.  crena, 
a  notch.]  With  scalloped  margins 

crenulated  (kren'ulated)  a.  [Dim. 
of  L.  crena,  a  notch.]  With  margins 
minutely  crenate  (bot.). 

crepis  (kre'pis)  n.  [L.  crepis,  un- 
known.] The  term  appl.  the  funda- 
mental spicule  by  deposition  of 
silica  upon  which  a  desma  is 
formed  (zool.). 

crepitation  (krgplta'shun)  «.  [L. 
crepare,  to  crack.]  In  insects,  the 
discharge  with  an  explosive  sound 
of  a  fluid  (zool.). 

crepuscular  (krgpus'kular)  a.  [L. 
crepusculum,  dusk.]  Flying  before 
sunrise  or  in  twilight ;  appl.  certain 
insects  and  birds  (zool.). 

crescent  (krSs'fint)  n.  [L.  crescere, 
to  grow.]  A  term  appl.  various 
crescentic  structures  found  in 
glands  (anat.). 

crescents  of  Gianuzzi  (janopt'se), — 
small  crescent-shaped  bodies  with 
polyhedral  granular  cells  lying 
between  the  cells  and  the  membrana 
propria  in  certain  alveoli  of  the 
salivary  glands  (anat.). 

crest  (krgst)  //.     [L.  cresla,  a  crest.] 




A  ridge  on  a  bone  ;  a  fleshy  longi- 
tudinal ridge  as  in  newts  (zool.). 

cretaceous  (kreta'shus)  a.  [L.  creta, 
chalk.]  Appl.  the  entire  period 
between  the  Jurassic  and  Tertiary, 
or  the  upper  division  of  this  period 

cribellum  (kribel'um)  n.  [L.  cribrum, 
a  sieve.]  A  special  spinning  organ 
found  only  in  certain  spiders  (zool.). 

cribriform  (krib'riform)a.  [L.cribruin, 
a  sieve  ;  forma,  shape.]  Sieve-like 
(bot.,  anat.,  zool.). 

cribriform  cell,— sieve  cell  (bot.). 

cribriform  organ, — the  folded  mem- 
brane carrying  papillae  in  the 
interradial  angles  of  certain  star- 
fishes (zool.). 

cribriform  plate,  —  the  horizontal 
portion  of  the  ethmoid  perforated 
with  many  foramina  for  the  exit  of 
the  olfactory  nerves  (anat.,  zool.). 

cricoid  (knk'oid)  n.  [Gk.  krikos,  a 
ring ;  eidos,  form.]  A  ring-like 
cartilage  in  the  larynx,  articulating 
with  the  thyroid  and  the  arytaenoid 
cartilages  (anat.). 

crissal  (kris'al)  a.  [L.  crissare,  to 
move  the  haunches.]  Pert,  the 
crissum  (zool.). 

crissum  (krib'um)  ;/.  [L.  crissare,  to 
move  the  haunches.]  The  circum- 
cloacal  region  of  a  bird,  or  the 
feathers  thereon  (zool.). 

crista  (krls'ta)  n.  [L.  crista,  a  crest.] 
A  crest  or  ridge  ;  the  projection 
from  the  ectoloph  into  the  median 
valley  in  lophodont  molars  (zool.). 

crochet  (kroch'gt)  n.  [F.  crochet,  a 
small  hook.]  The  projection  of 
the  protoloph  in  lophodont  molars 

crop  (krop)  n.  [M.E.  croppe,  top  of  a 
plant]  A  sac-like  dilatation  of  the 
gullet  of  a  bird  ;  a  similar  structure 
in  an  insect  or  worm  (zool.). 

cross  (kros)  n.  [M.E.  crois,  a  cross.] 
An  organism  produced  by  the 
mating  of  parents  of  different 
breeds  (biol.). 

crotaphite  (krot'aflt)  n.  [Gk.  krot- 
aphos,  of  the  temples.]  The 
temporal  fossa  (anat.). 

crotchet  (kroch'et)  n.  [F.  crochet,  a 
small  hook.]  A  curved  chaeta, 
notched  at  the  end  (zool.). 

crown    (krown)    n.       [L.    corona,    a 

crown.]  The  grinding  surface  of 
a  tooth  ;  the  distal  part  of  an 
antler ;  the  crest,  the  head  ;  the 
cup  and  arms  of  a  crinoid  (zool.). 

crucial  ligaments,  —  two  ligaments 
which  connect  the  femur  and  tibia 
in  the  knee-joint  (anat.). 

cruciate  (kroo'shlat,  kroo'siat)  a.  [L. 
crux,  cross.]  With  leaves  or  petals 
in  the  form  of  a  cross  (bot.) ; 
Y-shaped  or  + -shaped,  appl. 
muscles,  ligaments  (anat.). 

cruor  (kroo'or)  n.  [L.  cruor,  blood.] 
The  clots  in  coagulated  blood 

cruorin  (kroo'orln)  n.  [L.  cruor, 
blood.]  Haemoglobin  (phys.). 

crura  cerebri, — two  cylindrical  masses 
at  the  base  of  the  brain,  they  emerge 
from  the  pons  and  disappear  into 
the  substance  of  the  cerebral  hemi- 
spheres (anat.). 

crural  (kroo'ral)  a.  [L.  crus,  leg.] 
Pert,  the  thigh  (anat). 

crureus  (kroo'reus)  n.  [L.  crus,  leg.] 
The  vastus  internus  muscle  of  the 
thigh  (a?iat.). 

crus  (krus)  n.,  crura  (kroo'ra)  plu. 
[L.  crus,  leg.]  The  shank ;  any 
body  likened  to  a  leg  or  to  a  pair 
of  legs  (anat.). 

crusta  (krus'ta)  n.  [L.  crusta,  a 
shell.]  The  ventral  part  of  the 
substantia  nigra  of  the  cerebral 
peduncles  (anat.) ;  the  cement  layer 
in  teeth  (zool.). 

crustaceous  (krusta'shus)  a.  [L. 
crusta,  a  shell.]  With  crustacean 
characteristics  (zool.). 

crypt  (kript)  n.  [Gk.  kryptos,  hidden.] 
A  simple  glandular  tube  or  cavity 

cryptocarp  (krip'tokarp)  n.  [Gk. 
kryptos,  hidden  ;  karoos,  fruit.]  A 
fruit-like  structure  which  is  really 
the  sporophyte  phase  in  the  Red 
Algae  (bot.). 

cryptogam  (krip'togam)  n.  [Gk. 
kryptos,  hidden  ;  gamos,  union.]  A 
name  given  to  that  group  of  plants 
for  the  supposed  reason  that  sexual 
reproduction  was  concealed  ;  cf. 
phanerogam  (bot.). 

cryptoneurous  (krip'tonu'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
kryptos,  hidden  ;  neuron,  nerve.] 
With  no  definite  or  distinct  nervous 
system  (zool.). 




cryptostomata  (krip'tbstom'ata)  n.plu. 
[Gk.  kryptos,  hidden  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
Non-sexual  conceptacles  in  the 
Fucaceae  (hot.}, 

cryptozoic  (krip'tozo'fk)  a.  [Gk. 
kryptos,  hidden  ;  zoon,  animal.] 
Appl.  fauna  dwelling  in  darkness, 
or  under  stones,  bark,  etc.  (biol.}. 

crystallin  (kris'talin)  n.  [Gk.  krys- 
tallos,  ice.]  A  globulin  which  is 
the  principal  chemical  constituent 
of  the  lens  of  the  eye  (pkys.}. 

crystalline  (kris'talln)  a.  [Gk.  krys- 
talltnos,  crystalline.]  Transparent  ; 
appl.  various  structures  (anat.}. 

crystalloid  (kris'taloid)  n.  [Gk. 
krystallos,  ice ;  eidos,  form.]  A 
substance  which  in  solution  readily 
diffuses  through  an  animal  mem- 
brane ;  opp.  colloid  ;  appl.  crystal 
of  proteid  matter  found  in  oily 
seeds  (bot.}. 

ctene  (ten,  kten)  n.  [Gk.  kteis,  a 
comb.]  The  swimming-plates  of 
Ctenophores  (zoo/.). 

ctenidium  (temd'ium,  ktgntd'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  kteis,  a  comb.]  The  respira- 
tory apparatus  in  the  Mollusca, 
feather-like  or  comb  like  in  appear- 
ance (zool.}. 

ctenocyst  (tgn'dsist,  ktgn'ostst)  n. 
[Gk.  kteis,  a  comb ;  kystis,  a  bladder.] 
The  aboral  sense  organ  of  the 
Ctenophora  (zool.}. 

ctenoid  (tSn'oid,  kte'noid)  a.  [Gk. 
kteis,  a  comb  ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
With  a  comb-like  margin,  appl. 
scales  (zool.}. 

ctenophoral  (tgnof'dral,  ktenof'dral) 
a.  [Gk.  kteis,  a  comb  ;  pherein, 
to  bear.]  Supplied  with  swimming- 
plates  (zool.}. 

cubital  (kutrftil)  a.     [L.  cubitalis,  of 

]      ~>rf.  the 

the  elbow.      Pert, 

ulna  (ana/., 

cubitus  (ku'bitus)  n.     [L.  cubitus,  the 

elbow.]    The  ulna,  forearm  (anat.} ; 

the  primary  vein  in  an  insect's  wing 

cuboid   (ku'boid)   a.     [Gk.   kuboeides, 

cube-like.]     Nearly  cubic  in  shape 

(anat.} ;    #.,  the   outermost  of  the 

distal  tarsal  bones  (zool.}. 
cuboidal  (kuboid'al)  a.   [Gk.  kuboeidest 

cube-like.]    Pert,  the  cuboid  (anat., 

cucullate  (ku'kulat)  a.     [L.  cucullus, 

a  cap.]  With  hood-like  sepals  or 
petals  (bot.}  •  with  prothorax  hood- 
shaped  (zool.}. 

cuirass  (kwe'ras,  kweras')  n.  [F. 
cuirasse,  a  leathern  jacket.]  Bony 
plates  or  scales  arranged  like  a 
cuirass  (zool.}. 

culm  (kulm)  n.  [L.  culmus,  a  stalk.] 
The  stem  of  grasses  and  sedges 

culmen  (kul'mgn)  n.  [L.  cellere,  to 
push.]  The  ridge  of  a  bird's  beak 
(zool.} ;  the  anterior  raised  part  of 
the  monticulus  (anat.}. 

cultellus  (kulteTus)  n.  [L.  cultellus, 
a  little  knife.]  A  sharp  knife-like 
organ,  one  of  the  mouth-parts  of 
certain  blood-sucking  flies  (zool.}. 

culture  (kul'tur)  n.  [L.  colere^  to  till.] 
The  cultivation  of  micro-organisms 
in  prepared  media  (bad.}. 

cumulus  (ku'mulus)  n.  [L.  cumulus, 
a  heap.]  The  corona  radiata  (erne.). 

cuneate  (ku'neat)  a.  [L.  cuneus,  a 
wedge.]  Wedge-shaped ;  appl. 
leaves  with  broad  abruptly-pointed 
apex,  and  tapering  to  the  base 

cuneiform  (kune'ifonn)  a.  [L.  cuneus, 
a  wedge  ;  forma,  shape.]  Pert,  the 
distal  tarsal  bones  (anat.}. 

cuneus  (ku'neus)  n.  [L.  cuneus,  a 
wedge.]  A  division  of  the  elytron 
of  certain  insects  (zool.} ;  a  wedge- 
shaped  area  between  the  calcarine 
fissure  and  the  medial  part  of  the 
parieto-occipital  fissure  (anat.}. 

cup  (kup)  n.  [A.S.  cuppe,  a  cup.] 
Any  structure  resembling  a  cup 

cupula  (ku'pula)  n.  [L.  cupula,  a 
little  tub.]  The  bony  apex  of  the 
cochlea ;  the  apex  of  the  lungs 

cupule  (kup'ul)  n.  [L.  cuppa,  a  cup.] 
The  involucre  of  the  female  flower 
of  the  oak,  etc. ;  the  gemmae - 
bearing  cup  of  Marchantia  (bot.} ; 
a  small  sucker  of  various  animals 

curviserial  (kur' vise' rial)  a.  [L.  cutvus, 
a  curve ;  series,  a  row.]  Appl. 
phyllotaxis  in  which  the  divergence 
is  such  that  the  orthostichies  them- 
selves are  slightly  twisted  spirally 

cushion  (koosh'un)  n.  [M.E.  cuisc/ten, 




a  cushion.]  The  central  thick 
region  in  the  prothallus  of  a  fern 

cusp  (kusp)  n.  [L.  cuspis,  a  point.] 
A  prominence,  as  on  teeth  (anat.)  ; 
a  sharp  point  (bot.}. 

cuspidate  (kus'pidat)  a.  [L.  cuspidare, 
to  make  pointed.]  Terminating  in 
a  point ;  appl.  leaves  (hot.) ;  pointed ; 
appl.  teeth  (zool.\ 

cutaneous  (kuta'neus)  a.  [L.  cutis, 
the  skin.]  Pert,  the  skin. 

cuticle  (ku'tlkl)  n.  [L.  cutis,  skin.] 
An  outer  skin  or  pellicle  (zool., 
anat.} ;  the  epidermis  (bot.}. 

cuticular  (kutik'ular)  a.  [L.  cutis, 
skin.]  Pert,  the  cuticle  or  external 

cuticular  transpiration,— transpira- 
tion through  the  cuticle,  of  gases, 
etc.  (phys.}. 

cutin  (ku  tin)  n.  [L.  cutis,  skin.]  A 
substance  allied  to  cellulose  found 
in  the  external  layers  of  the 
thickened  epidermal  cells  (bot.}. 

cutinization  (ku'tlnlza'shun)  n.  [L. 
cutis,  skin.]  The  deposition  of 
cutin  in  the  external  cells,  thereby 
forming  a  cuticle  (bot.}. 

cutis  (ku'tls)  n.  [L.  cutis,  skin.]  The 
corium,  or  deeper  layer  of  the  skin 

Cuvierian  organs  (kuve'rlan), — 
glandular  tubes  extending  from  the 
cloaca  of  Holothurians  (zool.}. 

cyanic  (slan'fk)  a.  [Gk.  kyanos,  dark 
blue.]  Appl.  flowers  of  a  blue 
colour  (bot.}. 

cyanophilous  (slanof'ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
kyanos,  blue  ;  philein,  to  love.] 
With  special  affinity  for  blue  or 
green  dyes  ;  appl.  a  structure  in  a 
cell  (zool.}. 

cyanophyll  (slan'ofil)  n.  [Gk.  kyanos, 
blue  ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.]  A  bluish- 
green  colouring  matter  in  plants 

cyathlum  (slath'ium)  n.  [Gk.  kyathos, 
a  cup.]  The  peculiar  inflorescence 
in  Euphorbia,  a  cup-shaped  in- 
volucre with  marginal  glandular 
scales,  and  inside,  stamens  and  a 
stalked  gynoecium,  each  stamen 
and  the  gynoecium  being  a  separate 
flower  (bot.}. 

cyathozooid  (sl'athozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
kyathos,  cup  ;  soon,  animal  ;  eidos, 

shape.]  The  primary  zooid  in 
certain  Tunicates  (zool.}. 

cyathus  (sl'athus)  n.  [Gk.  kyathos,  a 
cup.]  A  small  cup-shaped  organ  ; 
the  gemma-cup  of  Marchantia  (hot.}. 

cycle  (sl'kl)  n.  [Gk.  kyklos,  a  circle.] 
The  circulation  of  a  fluid  through  a 
definite  series  of  vessels  (anat.}. 

cyclic  (si'klik)  a.  [Gk.  kyklos,  a  circle.] 
Having  the  parts  of  the  flower 
arranged  in  whorls  (bot.}. 

cyclical  (si'klikal)  a.  [Gk.  kyklos,  a 
circle.]  Cyclic. 

cyclocoelic  (si'klose'lik)a.  [Gk.  kyklos, 
a  circle  ;  koilia,  intestines.]  With 
the  intestine  coiled  in  one  or  more 
distinct  spirals  (zool.}. 

cyclogenous  (slklqj'enus)  a.  [Gk. 
kyklos,  a  circle  ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Exogenous  ;  appl.  a  stem  growing 
in  concentric  circles  (bot.}. 

cycloid  (sl'kloid)  a.  [Gk.  kyklos,  a 
circle  ;  eidos,  shape.]  Appl.  scales 
whose  free  border  presents  an  even 
curve  (zool.}. 

cyclosis  (slklo'sls)  n.  [Gk.  kyklosis,  a 
whirling  round.]  The  movement 
or  circulation  of  protoplasm  within 
a  cell  (biol.}. 

cyclospermous(sl'kl6sper'mus)a.  .[Gk. 
kyklos,  a  circle  ;  sperma,  a  seed.] 
With  embryo  coiled  in  a  circle  or 
spiral  (bot.}. 

cyclospondylic  (sl'klospondifik)  a. 
[Gk.  kyklos,  a  circle  ;  sphondylos,  a 
vertebra.]  Appl.  centra  in  which 
the  internal  calcareous  matter  is 
confined  to  the  middle  zone  (zool.}. 

cylinder  (sll'inder)  n.  [Gk.  kylindros, 
a  cylinder.]  Any  region  marked 
by  definite  tissue  (bot.}. 

cylindrical  (silin'drikal)  a.  [Gk. 
kylindros,  a  cylinder.]  Appl.  leaves 
rolled  on  themselves,  or  to  solid 
cylinder-like  leaves  (bot.}. 

cymbiform  (sim'blform)  a.  [L.  cymba, 
a  boat  ;  forma,  shape.]  Boat- 

cyme  (sim)  n.  [L.  cyma,  a  young 
sprout  of  cabbage.]  Any  deter- 
minate inflorescence  (bot.}. 

cynarrhodium  (slnaro'dlum),  cynar- 
rhodon  (slnaro'don)  «.  [Gk.  kyon, 
a  dog  ;  rhodon,  a  rose.]  An  etaerio 
with  the  achenes  placed  on  a  con- 
cave thalamus  (bot.}. 

cynopodous  (smop'odus)  a.   [Gk. 




kyon,  a  dog  ;  pous,  a  foot.]  With 
non-retractile  claws  (zoo/.). 

cyphella  (slfeTa)  n.  [Gk.  kyphella, 
hollow  of  the  ear.]  A  small  cup 
found  on  the  thallus  of  certain 
Lichens  (dot.). 

cypsela  (sip'sela)  n.  [Gk.  kypsele,  a 
hollow  vessel.]  An  inferior  bi- 
carpellary  achene  (dot,). 

cyst  (sist)  n.  [Gk.  kystis,  a  bladder.] 
The  enclosing  membrane  (as  distinct 
from  the  protoplasm)  around  a 
resting  cell  or  apocyte  (zoo/.)  ;  a 
bladder  or  air  vesicle  in  certain 
Seaweeds  (dot.). 

cystein  (sis'tein)  «.  [Gk.  kystis,  a 
bladder.]  A  proteid  decomposition 
product  (phys.). 

cystenchyma  (sisteng'kima)  n.  [Gk. 
kystis,  a  bladder ;  engchyma,  in- 
fusion.] A  parenchyma  in  sponges 
with  large  vesicular  cell-structure 

cystencytes  (sis'te"nslts)  n.  flu.  [Gk. 
kystis,  a  bladder ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
In  sponges,  collencytes  which  have 
acquired  a  vesicular  structure 

cystic  (sls'tlk)  a.  [Gk.  kystis,  a  bladder.] 
Pert,  a  cyst  (dial.) ;  pert,  the  gall  or 
urinary  bladder  (anat.). 

cysticercoid  (sis'tiseYkoid)  a.  [Gk. 
kystis,  a  bladder ;  kerkos,  a  tail ; 
eidos,  form.]  Appl.  the  bladder- 
worm  stage  of  tape-worms  (zoo/.). 

cysticercus  (sis'tiser'kus)  n.  [Gk. 
kystis,  a  bladder ;  kerkos,  a  tail.] 
The  larval  form  or  bladderworm 
stage  of  certain  tape-worms  (zoo/.). 

cysticolous  (sistik'blus)  a.  [Gk.  kystis, 
a  bladder ;  L.  colere,  to  inhabit.] 
Living  in  a  cyst  (zoo/.). 

cystid  (sis'tld)  n.  [Gk.  kystis,  a 
bladder.]  A  fossil  form  of  any  of 
the  Cystoidea  (pal.). 

cystidium  (sistid'ium)  n.  [Gk.  kystis, 
a  bladder.]  A  large  inflated  cell  in 
the  hymenial  layer  of  some  Fungi 

cystoarian  (sis'toa'rlan)  a.  [Gk.  kystts, 
a  bladder.]  Appl.  gonads  when 
they  are  enclosed  in  coelomic  sacs, 
as  in  most  Teleosts  ;  opp.  gymno- 
arian  (zoo/.). 

cystocarp  (sis'tbkarp)  n.  [Gk.  kystis, 
a  bladder ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Crypto- 
carp,  which  see. 

cystocyte*(srs't6sit)  n.  [Gk.  kystis,  a 
bladder ;  kytos,  hollow.]  Cysten- 
cyte,  which  see. 

cystogenous  (sistoj'Snus)  a.  £Gk. 
kystis,  a  bladder  ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Cell-forming  ;  appl.  large  nucleated 
cells  in  the  cercaria  of  Distomum 
which  secrete  the  cyst  (zoo/.).' 

cystolith  (sis'tolith)  n.  [Gk.  kystis,  a 
bladder ;  lithos,  a  stone.]  An  ir- 
regular mass  of  calcium  carbonate 
found  in  epidermal  cells,  as  in  the 
nettle  (dot.). 

cyston  (sis'ton)  n.  [Gk.  kystis,  a 
bladder.]  A  dactylozooid  in  the 
Siphonophora  modified  for  excre- 
tory purposes  (zoo/.). 

cytase  (sl'tas)  n.  [Gk.  kytos,  hollow.] 
An  enzyme  responsible  for  digesting 
hemi-celluloses  (dot.). 

cytaster  (sltas'tgr)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  aster,  a  star.]  A  star- 
shaped  achromatinic  figure  consist- 
ing of  the  attraction-sphere  and 
aster  rays  (cyt.). 

cytoblast  (sftoblast)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  dlastos,  a  bud.J  The  cell 
nucleus  ;  one  of  the  hypothetical 
vital  units  of  which  a  cell  is  formed 

cytoblastema  (sl'tbblaste'ma)  n,  [Gk. 
kytos,  hollow ;  blastema,  growth.] 
The  formative  material  from  which 
cells  were  supposed  to  arise 

cytochylema  (sl'toklle'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
kytos,  hollow  ;  chylos,  juice.]  Cyto- 
lymph,  which  see. 

cytococcus  (sl'tokok'us)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  kokkos,  a  grain.]  The 
nucleus  of  a  fertilized  egg  (zoo/.). 

cytocyst  (si'tosist)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow;  kystis,  a  bladder.]  The 
envelope  formed  by  the  remains 
of  the  host  -  cell  within  which 
the  protozoan  parasite  multiplies 

cytode  (sl'tod)  «.  [Gk.  kytos,  hollow  ; 
eidos,  form.]  A  non  -  nucleated 
protoplasmic  mass  (cyt.). 

cytodiaeresis  (sl'todie'rgsTs)  n.  [Gk. 
kytos,  hollow ;  diairesis,  division.] 

cytogamy  (sltbg'aml)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow  ;  gatnos,  union.]  Conjuga- 
tion (zoo/.). 

cytogenesis     (sftojen'SsIs)    n.      [Gk. 




kytos,  hollow ;  genesis,  descent.] 
The  development  or  formation  of 
cells  (biol.). 

cytogenous  (sltoj'gnus)  a.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow  ;  genos,  offspring.]  Produc- 
ing cells ;  appl.  lymphatic  tissue 

cytoglobin  (si'toglo'bm)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  L.  globus,  a  globe.]  A 
proteid  which  retards  coagulation 
of  the  blood  (phys.). 

cytohyaloplasma  (sl'tohi'aloplaz'ma) 
n.  [Gk.  kytos,  hollow ;  hyalos,  glass  ; 
plasma,  something  moulded.]  The 
substance  of  the  cytomitome 

cytology  (sltol'oji)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
branch  of  biology  dealing  with  the 
structure,  functions,  and  life-history 
of  cells. 

cytolymph  (sl'tolimf)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  L.  lympha,  water.]  The 
ground -substance  of  cytoplasm 

cytolysin  (sl'toll'sin)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow  ;  lysis,  a  loosing.]  A  sub- 
stance inducing  cytolysis  (phys.). 

cytolysis  (sltol'isis)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow  ;  lysis,  a  loosing.]  Cell-dis- 
solution ;  cell-degeneration  (phys.). 

cytomeres  (sftomerz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
kytos,  hollow  ;  meros,  a  part.]  The 
cells  in  Carystropha  formed  by  the 
division  of  the  schizont,  and  them- 
selves giving  rise  to  the  merozoites 

cytomicrosome  (si'toml'krosom)  n. 
[Gk.  kytos,  hollow  ;  mikros,  small ; 
soma,  body.]  A  microsome  of  the 
cytoplasm ;  opp.  nucleomicrosome 

cytomitome  (si'tomitom)  n,  [Gk. 
kytos,  hollow ;  mitos,  a  thread.] 
The  cytoplasmic  threadwork  (cyt.). 

cytomorphosis  (sl'tb'mor'fosTs,  sl'to- 
morfo'sis)  n.  [Gk.  kytos,  hollow  ; 
morphosis,  a  shaping.]  The  life- 
history  of  cells ;  the  series  of 
structural  modifications  of  cells  or 
successive  generations  of  cells 

cyton  (si'ton)  n.  [Gk.  kytos,  hollow.] 
The  body  of  a  nerve  cell  (phys.). 

cytophan  (sl'tofan)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow  ;phaneros,  visible.]  The  ovoid 
matrix  surrounding  the  karyophans 

in  the  spironeme  and  axoneme 
fibres  in  the  stalk  of  an  Infusorian 

cytopharynx  (sl'tdfar'ingks)  n.  [Gk. 
kytos,  hollow  ;  pharyngx,  the  gullet.] 
A  tube-like  structure  leading  from 
the  mouth  into  the  endoplasm  in 
certain  protozoan  cells  (zool.). 

cytophil  (si'tofil)  a.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  philein,  to  love.]  Pert. 
haptophorous  groups  ;  having  an 
affinity  for  cells  (phys.). 

cytoplasm  (si'toplazm)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollo  w;^/<z.r;#<z,something  moulded.] 
The  substance  of  the  cell-body  ex- 
clusive of  the  nucleus  ;  cf.  nucleo- 
plasm  (cyt.}. 

cytoproct  (sl'toprokt)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  proktos,  anus.]  A  cell- 
anus  (zool.}. 

cytopyge  (si'toplj)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  pyge,  the  rump.]  Cyto- 
proct, which  see. 

cytoreticulam  (sl'toretik'ulCim)  n. 
[Gk.  kytos,  hollow  ;  L.  reticulum,  a 
little  net.]  The  cytoplasmic  thread- 
work  (cyt.). 

cytosine  (sl'tosin)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow.]  A  cleavage  product  of 
protein  (phys). 

cytosome  (sltosom)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow  ;  soma,  body.]  The  body  of 
the  cell  as  opposed  to  that  of  the 
nucleus  (cyt.). 

cytostome  (sl'tostom)  «.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  stoma,  a  mouth.]  A  cell- 

cytotaxls  (sl'totak'sis)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow  ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  Cy- 
totropism,  which  see. 

cytothesis  (sitoth'esis)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  thesis,  something  set  down.] 
The  regenerative  tendency  of  a  cell 
or  neuron  (phys.). 

cytotoxin  (sl'totok'sin)  n.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow  ;  toxikon,  poison.]  A  cell- 
poisoning  substance  formed  in  the 
blood  serum  (phys.). 

cytotrophoblast  (si'totro'foblast)  n. 
[Gk.  kytos,  hollow  ;  trophe,  nourish- 
ment ;  blastos,  a  bud.]  The  inner 
layer  of  the  trophoblast,  or  layer  of 
Langhans  (anat.). 

cytotroplsm  (sltot'roptzm)  n.  [Gk. 
kytos,  hollow  ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
The  mutual  attraction  of  two  or 
more  cells  (cyt.). 




cytozoic  (sftozolk)  a.  [Gk.  kytos, 
hollow ;  zoon,  an  animal.]  Appl. 
the  trophozoite  of  a  sporozoon  when 
situated  within  a  cell  (zool.}. 

cytula  (sit'ula)  n.  [Gk.  kytos,  hollow.] 
The  fertilized  ovum  or  parent  cell 


dacryon  (dak'rlon)  n.  [Gk.  dakryon, 
tear.]  The  point  of  junction  of  the 
anterior  border  of  the  lacrimal  with 
the  frontal  (anat.}. 

dactyl  (dak'til)  n.  [Gk.  daktylos, 
finger.]  A  digit  or  finger  (anat.}. 

dactylar  (dak'tilar)  a.  [Gk.  daktylos, 
finger.]  Pert,  finger  or  digit  (anat.}. 

dactylopodite  (dak'tllop'odlt)  n.  [Gk. 
daktylos,  finger ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
distal  joint  in  certain  limbs  in  the 
Crustaceans,  especially  the  thoracic 
limbs  (zool.}. 

dactylopore  (dak'tllopor')  n.  [Gk. 
daktylos,  finger  ;  poros,  exit.]  The 
opening  in  the  skeleton  of  the 
Milleporina  through  which  a  dactyl- 
ozooid  protruded  when  alive  (zool.'). 

dactylopterous  (dak'tllop'te'rus)  a. 
[Gk.  daktylos,  finger  ;  pteron,  wing.] 
With  the  anterior  rays  of  the 
pectoral  fins  more  or  less  free 

dactylozooid  (dak'tilozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
daktylos,  finger ;  zoon,  animal  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  A  hydroid 
modified  for  the  special  function  of 
catching  prey,  it  may  be  long,  with 
tentacles  or  with  short  knobs,  with 
or  without  a  mouth  (zool.). 

dactylus  (dak'tilus)  n.  [Gk.  daktylos, 
finger.]  Part  of  the  tarsus  of  an 
insect  (zool.}. 

dart  (dart)  n.  [O.F.  dart,  dagger.] 
Anything  resembling  a  dart,  appl. 
crystalline  structure  in  Molluscs 

dart  sac, — a  small  sac  containing  a 
dart  of  limey  material  attached  to 
the  vagina  near  its  orifice  in  Gastro- 
pods (zool.}. 

dartoid  (dar'toid)  a.  [Gk.  dartos, 
flayed.]  Pert,  the  dartos  (anat.}. 

dartos  (dar'tSs)  n.  [Gk.  dartos, 
flayed.]  A  thin  layer  of  non-striped 

muscle  fibres  around  the  base  of 
the  scrotum  (anat.}. 

Darwinian  tubercle, — theslightprom- 
inence  on  the  helix  near  the  point 
where  it  bends  downwards  (anat.}. 

Darwinism  (Dar'wlnlzm)  n.  [Dar- 
win.] The  theory  of  the  origin  of 
species  by  natural  selection  working 
on  the  slight  variations  that  occur, 
thereby  selecting  those  fittest  to 
survive  (biol.}. 

dasypaedes  (da'sipe'dez)  n.  phi.  [jGk. 
dasys,  hairy ;  pats,  child.]  Birds 
whose  young  are  downy  at  hatching 

daughter  (d6'ter)  n.  [A.S.  dohtor, 
daughter.]  Offspring  of  the  first 
generation  with  no  reference  to  sex, 
as  daughter-cell,  daughter-nucleus, 
etc.  (biol.}. 

deamlnation  (deam'inashun)  n.  [L. 
de,  down  ;  Gk.  amtnoniacum,  a 
resinous  gum.]  The  conversion  of 
ammonium  salts  into  urea,  partly 
accomplished  in  the  liver  (phys.}. 

death  (deth)  n.  [M.E.  deth,  death.] 
The  complete  and  permanent  cessa- 
tion of  all  vital  functions  in  any 
organism  (biol.}. 

death-point,— the  temperature  above 
or  below  which  micro-organisms 
cannot  exist  (biol.}. 

decalcify  (dekal'sifl)  v.  [L.  de,  away  ; 
calx,  lime.]  To  treat  with  acids  for 
the  removal  of  the  calcareous  part 

decamerous  (dgkam'griis)  a.  [Gk. 
deka,  ten  ;  meros,  part.]  With  the 
various  parts  arranged  in  tens  (bot.}. 

decapod  (dek'apod)  a.  [Gk.  deka, 
ten ;  pous,  foot.]  In  Crustacea, 
with  five  pairs  of  legs  on  the 
thorax  ;  in  Cephalopods,  with  ten 
arms  (zool.}. 

decapodlform  (dek'apod'iform)  a.  [Gk. 
deka,  ten  ;  pous,  foot ;  L.  forma, 
shape.]  Resembling  a  decapod, 
usually  said  of  insect  larvae  (zool.}. 

decemfid  (dgsfim'fid)  a.  [L.  decent, 
ten  ;  findere,  to  cleave.]  Cut  into 
ten  segments  (bot.}. 

decemfoliate  (des'gmfo'liat)  a.  [L. 
decent,  ten  ;  folium,  leaf.]  Ten- 
leaved  (bot.}. 

decemjugat  (deV£mjoo'gat)  a.  [L. 
decem,  ten  ;  jugare,  to  join.]  With 
ten  pairs  of  leaflets  (bot.}. 




decempartite  (dgs'e'mpar'tit)  a.  [L. 
decem,  ten  ;  partiri,  to  divide.]  Ten- 
lobed  ;  divided  into  ten  lobes  (dot.). 

decidua  (desid'ua)  n.  [L.  de,  away  ; 
caderc,  to  fall.]  The  mucous  mem- 
brane lining  the  uterus,  that  is  cast 
off  after  parturition  (anat.). 

decidual  (desid'ual)  a.  [L.  de,  away  ; 
cadere,  to  fall.]  Pert,  decidua 

deciduate  (desld'uat)  a.  [L.  de,  away  ; 
cadere,  to  fall.]  Characterized  by 
having  a  decidua  ;  partly  formed 
by  the  decidua  (zoo/.). 

deciduous  (desid'uus)  a.  [L.  de,  away  ; 
cadere,  to  fall.]  Falling  at  the  end 
of  the  period  of  growth  (dot.}  ;  falling 
at  maturity  (zoo/.). 

declinate  (dek'ltnat)  a.  [L.  de,  away  ; 
clinare,  to  bend.]  Bending  aside 
in  a  curve,  as  the  anther  filament 
in  the  horse-chestnut  (dot.). 

decollated  (dekol'ated)  a.  [L.  de, 
away ;  collum,  neck.]  With  the 
apex  of  the  spire  wanting  (zoo/.). 

decomposed  (de'kompozd')  a.  [L.  de, 
away  ;  cum,  with  ;  ponere,  to  place.] 
Not  in  contact  ;  not  adhering,  said 
of  the  barbs  of  a  feather  when  they 
are  separate  (zoo!.). 

decompound  (de'kompound')  a.  [L. 
de,  away  ;  cum,  with  ;  ponere,  to 
place.]  When  the  monopodial 
branching  is  very  complete,  and 
the  ultimate  wings  are  little  de- 
veloped, the  leaf  is  called  decom- 
pound (dot.}. 

decumbent  (dekum'bent)  a.  [L.  de- 
cumbere,  to  lie  down.]  Appl.  stems 
which  trail  on  the  ground,  but  rise 
at  the  apex  (A?/.).. 

decurrent  (dekuYSnt)  a.  [L.  de, 
away  ;  currere,  to  run.]  Having  the 
leaf  base  prolonged  down  the  stem 
as  a  winged  expansion  or  rib  (hot.}. 

decussate  (dgk'usat,  dekus'at)  a.  [L. 
decussare,  to  cross  like  an  X.] 
Having  paired  leaves,  succeeding 
pairs  crossing  at  right  angles  (dot.}. 

decussation  (de'kusa'shun)  n.  [L. 
decussare,  to  cross  like  an  X.]  The 
condition  when  opposite  leaves  are 
arranged  so  that  each  pair  crosses  the 
previous  at  right  angles  (dot.} ;  the 
crossing  of  nerves  or  bands  of 
nerve-fibres  when  there  is  an  inter- 
change of  fibres  (anat.). 

dedupllcation  (dedu'plika'shun)  «. 
[L.  de,  intensive  ;  duplicare,  to 
double.]  The  augmentation  of 
parts  of  a  flower  by  splitting  during 
development  (dot.}. 

defaecation  (de'feka'shun)  n.  [L. 
defaecatio,  voiding  of  excrement.] 
The  expulsion  of  faeces  (phys.}. 

defensive  (defen'siv)  a.  [L.  defendere, 
to  defend.]  Protective  ;  appl.  pro- 
teid  substances  which  destroy  the 
toxic  substances  of  bacteria  (phys.)  ; 
appl.  numerous  organs  or  parts  of 
organs  in  various  animals  (zoo/.). 

deferred  (defgrd')  a.  [L.  deferre,  to 
bring  down.]  Appl.  shoots  that  are 
given  out  from  dormant  buds  when 
stem  or  branch  has  been  destroyed 

definite  (def'Tnlt)  a.  [L.  definire,  to 
limit.]  Fixed,  constant  ;  appl. 
inflorescences  with  primary  axis 
terminating  early  in  a  flower  ;  appl. 
stamens  limited  to  twenty  in  number 

definitive  (defin'itiv)  a.  [L.  definire, 
to  limit.]  Complete,  fully  developed 

defoliate  (defo'liat)  a.  [L.  defoliare, 
to  strip  of  leaves.]  Bared  at  the 
annual  fall  (dot.}. 

degeneration  (dejgnera'shun)  n.  [L. 
degener,  base.]  Return  to  a  simpler 
condition  ;  retrogressive  evolution 

deglutition  (deglootish'un)  ».  [L. 
deglutire,  to  swallow  down.]  The 
process  of  swallowing  (phys.}. 

dehiscence  (dehls'gns)  n.  [L.  de, 
away ;  hiscere,  to  gape.]  The 
opening  of  an  organ  or  structure 
along  certain  lines  or  in  a  definite 
direction  (dot.}. 

Deiter's  cells  (di'tgrz), — supporting 
cells  between  the  rows  of  outer 
hair-cells  in  the  organ  of  Corti 

delamination  (delam'inashun)  n.  [L. 
de,  down  ;  lamina,  a  layer.]  The 
dividing  off  of  cells  to  form  new 
layers  (emd.). 

deliquescent  (del'ikwes'ent)  a.  [L. 
deliquescere,  to  become  fluid.] 
Having  the  lateral  buds  the  more 
vigorously  developed  so  that  the 
main  stem  seems  to  divide  into  a 
number  of  irregular  branches  (dot.). 




delomorphous  (de'lomor'fus)  a.  [Gk. 
delos,  visible  ;  morphe,  shape.]  With 
definite  form,  appl.  oxyntic  cells  of 
the  gastric  glands  (anat.). 

delthyrium  (dglthl'rium)  n.  [Gk. 
delos,  visible  ;  thyrion,  little  door.] 
The  opening  between  the  hinge 
and  beak  for  the  peduncle  exit  in 
many  Brachiopods  (zoo/.). 

deltidium  (deltld'ium)  n.  [Gk.  A, 
delta.]  A  plate  covering  the  del- 
thyrium (zoo/.). 

deltoid  (deftoid)  a.  [Gk.  A,  delta; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  More  or  less 
triangular  in  shape,  appl.  nerves, 
muscles,  etc.  (anat.}  ;  appl.  the  oral 
Mates  on  the  calyx  of  the  Blastoids 

plates  ( 

demersal  (demeYsal)  a.  [L.  demer- 
gere,  to  demerse.]  Sunk ;  appl.  fish 
eggs  which  sink  to  the  bottom 

deiniplate  (dem'iplat)  n.  [L.  dimidius, 
half ;  platus,  flat.]  Plate  cut  off  by 
the  fusion  of  adjoining  plates  behind 
it  from  the  central  suture  line  of  the 
ambulacral  area  in  Echinoderms 

demisheath  (dgm'Isheth)  n.  [L. 
dimidius,  half;  A.S.  sceath,  sheath.] 
One  of  the  protecting  covers  of  the 
ovipositor  (zoo/.). 

demoid  (de'moid)  a.  [Gk.  demos,  the 
common  people.]  Abundant  (pal.). 

dendriform  (den'driform)  a.  [Gk. 
dendron,  tree  ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
Tree-like  (dial.). 

dendrite  (dSn'drit)  n.  [Gk.  dendron, 
tree.]  A  branched  tree-like  proto- 
plasmic process  of  a  nerve  cell 

Dendrogaea  (dSn'droje'a)  n.  [Gk. 
dendron,  tree  ;  gaia,  earth.]  A  zoo- 
geographical  region,  including  all 
the  Neotropical  region  except 
temperate  South  America  (bio/.). 

dendron  (deVdron)  n.     See  dendrite. 

dens(denz)w.  [L.  dens,  tooth.]  Tooth, 
or  tooth-like  process  (anat.). 

dental  (den'tal)  a.  [L.  dens,  tooth.] 
Pert,  teeth  ;  appl.  nerves,  blood- 
vessels, canals,  furrows,  papillae, 
tissue,  etc.  (anat.). 

dentary  (den'tari)  a.  [L.  dens,  tooth.] 
Pert,  dentaries,  membrane  bones  in 
lower  jaw  of  many  vertebrates 

dentate  (dgn'tat)  a.  [L.  dens,  tooth.] 
With  sharp  saw-like  teeth  on  the 
margin  (zoo/.,  dot.). 

dentate  ciliate, — with  teeth  and  hairs 
on  the  margins ;  appl.  leaves 

dentate  crenate, — with  marginal  teeth 
somewhat  rounded  (dot.). 

denticles  (den'tiklz)  n.  plu.  [L.  dens, 
tooth.]  The  paragnaths  of  certain 
Polychaets ;  the  teeth  within  the 
secondary  orifice  in  Polyzoa ;  the 
scales  of  certain  Elasmobranchs 

dentinal  (den'tinal)  a.  [L.  dens,  tooth.] 
Pert,  dentine  (anat.). 

dentine  (dgn'tin)  n.  [L.  dens,  tooth.] 
A  hard,  highly  elastic  substance 
composing  the  greater  part  of  every 
tooth,  a  collagen  (anat.). 

dentition  (dgntish'un)  n.  [L.  dens, 
todth.]  The  number,  arrangement, 
and  kind  of  teeth  in  the  jaws  of  an 
animal  (anat.). 

depigmentation  (depTg'me'nta'shun)  n. 
[L.  de,  away ;  pingere,  to  paint.] 
The  destruction  of  colour  in  a  cell, 
either  by  natural  or  experimental 
physiological  processes  (phys.). 

deplanate  (dep'lanat)  a.  [L.  deplan- 
are,  to  level.]  Levelled,  flattened 

depressant  (depres'ant)  n.  [L.  de- 
priinere,  to  lower.]  Anything  that 
lowers  vital  activity  (phys.). 

depressed  (deprgst')  a.  [L.  deprimere, 
to  lower.]  Flattened  in  a  vertical 
direction  (diol.). 

depressomotor  (deprSs'omo'tor)  n. 
[L.  deprimere,  to  lower  ;  movere,  to 
move.]  Any  nerve  which  lowers 
muscular  activity  (anat.). 

depressor  (depreVor)  n.  [L.  depri- 
mere, to  lower.]  Any  muscle  which 
lowers  or  depresses  any  structure; 
appl.  a  nerve  which  lowers  the 
activity  of  an  organ  (anat.). 

derm  (dSrm)  «.  [Gk.  derma,  skin.] 
The  layers  of  the  integument  below 
the  epidermis  (anat.). 

derma  (deYma)  n.     See  derm. 

dermal  (der'mal)  a.  [Gk.  derma, 
skin.]  Pert,  derma,  or  skin  (anat.). 

dermalia  (deYma'lia)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
derma,  skin.]  Microscleres  in  the 
dermal  membrane  in  Sponges 




dermarticulare  (deVmartTk'ula're, 
-ara)  n.  [Gk.  derma,  skin  ;  L. 
articulare,  to  divide  into  joints.] 
The  goniale  (zoo/.). 

derrnatogen  (der'matqje'n)  n.  [Gk. 
derma,  skin  ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
The  young  or  embryonic  epidermis 
in  plants  (bo/.). 

dermatoplasm  (deVmatoplazm')  n. 
[Gk.  derma,  skin  ;  plasma,  some- 
thing moulded.]  The  cell-wall 
protoplasm  (bol.). 

dermatoplast  (deVmatoplast')  n.  [Gk. 
derma,  skin  ;  plastos,  moulded.]  A 
protoplast  with  a  supposed  cell-wall 

dermatopsy  (deYmatop'si)  n.  [Gk. 
derma,  skin  ;  ^^w,  sight.]  Condi- 
tion of  seeing  with  the  skin,  i.e. 
with  a  skin  sensitive  to  light  (zoo/.). 

dermatosome  (deVmatosom')  «.  [Gk. 
derma,  skin  ;  soma,  body.]  One  of 
vital  units  forming  a  cell-membrane 

dermic  (der'mik)  a.  [Gk.  derma, 
skin.]  Pert,  skin,  or  derived  from 
the  skin  (zoo/.). 

dennis  (deYmis)  n.  [Gk.  derma, 
skin.]  See  derm. 

dermoblast  (der'moblast')  n.  [Gk. 
derma,  skin  ;  blastos,  bud.]  The 
layer  of  mesoblast  which  gives  rise 
to  the  derma  (anat.). 

dermoossification  (deVmoos'ifika'- 
shun)  n.  [Gk.  derma,  skin  ;  L. 
os,  bone  ;  fieri,  to  become.]  A 
bone  formed  in  the  skin  (zoo/.). 

dermosclerites  (deVmoskleYfts)  n.plu. 
[Gk.  derma,  skin  ;  skleros,  hard.] 
Masses  of  spicules  found  in  the 
tissues  of  the  Alcyonidae  (zoo/.). 

dermoskeleton  (deYmoskeTe'ton)  n. 
[Gk.  derma,  skin  ;  skeletos,  dried.] 
See  exoskeleton. 

dertrotheca  (deYtrothe'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
dertron,  beak  ;  theke,  cup.]  The 
horny  casing  of  the  maxilla  of 
birds  (zoo/.). 

dertrum  (deVtrum)  n.  [Gk.  dertron, 
beak.]  Any  modification  of  the 
casing  of  the  maxilla  in  birds 

descendence  (desSn'dSns)  n.  [L.  de, 
down  ;  scandere,  to  climb.]  Descent 
from  some  ancestor,  usually  a 
common  ancestor  (biol.). 

descending   (desen'ding)   a.     [L.   de, 

down  ;  scandere,  to  climb.]  Directed 
towards  the  caudal  region  ;  appl. 
blood-vessels,  nerves,  etc.  (ana/.). 

desegmentation  (deseg'me'nta'shun) 
n.  [L.  de,  from  ;  segmentum,  piece 
cut  off.]  Fusion  of  segments  origin- 
ally separate  (zoo/.). 

deserticolous  (de"zertlk'6lus)  a.  [L. 
desertus,  solitary ;  colere,  to  inhabit.] 
Desert-inhabiting  (zoo/.). 

desma  (des'ma)  n.  [Gk.  desma,  bond.] 
The  megasclere  which  forms  the 
characteristic  skeletal  network  of 
the  Lithistida,  an  irregular  branched 
spicule  (zoo/.). 

desmactinic  (des'maktm'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
desma,  bond ;  aktis,  ray.]  With 
the  podia  continued  upwards  to 
the  apical  plate,  appl.  Stelleroidea  ; 
cf.  lysactinlc  (zoo/.). 

desmogen  (des'mqjen)  n.  [Gk.  desma, 
bond  ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
Merismatic  tissue  (bot.). 

desmognathous    (desmog'nathus)    a. 

eik.  desma,  bond  ;  gnathos,  jaw.] 
aving  the  maxillo-palatines  fused 
with  one  another  in  the  middle  line 
owing  to  certain  other  peculiarities 
in  the  skull  ;  appl.  birds  (zoo/.). 

desquamation  (des'kwama'shun)  n. 
[L.  de,  away  ;  squama,  scale.]  The 
shedding  of  the  cuticle  or  epidermis 
in  flakes  (zoo/.). 

determinant  (deter'mmant)  n.  [L. 
determinare,  to  limit.]  A  hypo- 
thetical unit,  being  an  aggregation 
of  biophores  determining  the  de- 
velopment of  a  cell  or  an  inde- 
pendently variable  group  of  cells 

determinate  (deter'minat)  a.  [L. 
determinare,  to  limit.]  With  certain 
limits  ;  appl.  inflorescence  with  the 
primary  axis  terminated  early  with 
a  flower-bud  (bot.) ;  appl.  cleavage 

detorsion  (detor'shun)  n.  [L.  de, 
away  ;  torquere,  to  twist.]  Torsion 
in  an  opposite  direction  to  that 
of  the  original,  resulting  in  a  more 
or  less  posterior  position  of  the 
anus  and  circumanal  complex  (zoo/.). 

deuterocerebrum  (du'terb'se'r'e'brum) 
n.  [Gk.  deuteros,  second ;  kerebron, 
brain.]  That  portion  of  the  Crusta- 
cean brain  from  which  the  anten- 
nular  nerves  arise  (zoo/.). 




deuterocone  (du'tgrokon')  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second  ;  konos,  cusp.] 
A  mammalian  premolar  cusp 
corresponding  to  the  molar  pro- 
tocone  (anat). 

deuteroproteose  (du'tgropro'tSos)  n. 
[Gk.  deuteros,  second  ;  protein,  to 
be  first.]  A  secondary  product 
from  the  gastric  and  pancreatic 
digestion  of  proteids  (phys). 

deuterostoma  (du'tgrosto'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
A  mouth  formed  secondarily,  as 
distinct  from  the  gastrula  mouth 

deuterotoky  (du'teVot'ok!)  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second  ;  tokos,  birth.] 
Reproduction  of  both  sexes  from 
parthenogenetic  eggs  ;  cf.  arrheno- 
toky  and  thelyotoky  (zool). 

deuterozooid  (du'tSrozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second ;  zoon,  animal ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  A  zooid 
produced  by  budding  from  a 
primary  zooid  (zool). 

deuthyalosome  (duthi'alosom)  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second ;  hyalos,  glass ; 
soma,  body.]  The  nucleus  remain- 
ing in  the  ovum  after  the  formation 
of  the  first  polar  body  (cyt.). 

deutoblast  (du'toblast)  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second  ;  blastos,  bud.] 
The  amoeba-like  bodies  formed 
from  the  protoblasts  in  the  zygote 
of  Microclossia,  and  liberated  to 
multiply  in  the  blood  (zool.}. 

deutocerebron  (du'toseVSbron)  n. 
[Gk.  deuteros,  second ;  kerebron, 
brain.]  That  portion  of  the  brain 
of  certain  insects  which  corre- 
sponds with  the  deuterocerebrum 
of  Crustaceans  (zool.} ;  also  deuto- 

deutomalae  (du'toma'le,  -mal'a)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  deuteros,  second ;  malon, 
cheek.]  The  broad  plate  in  the 
Chaetognatha  covering  the  under 
part  of  the  head  and  partially 
enclosing  the  mouth,  formed  by 
the  fusion  of  the  second  pair  of 
mouth  appendages  (zool.). 

deutomerite  (dutom'e'rit)  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second ;  meros,  part.] 
The  posterior  division  of  a  Greg- 
arine  body  (zool.). 

deutoplasm  (dii'toplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second  ;  plasma,  some- 

thing moulded.]  The  yolk  or 
food  material  in  the  cytoplasm  of 
an  ovum  ;  opp.  protoplasm  (cyt.). 

deutoscolex  (du'tosko'lgks)  n.  [Gk. 
deuteros,  second  ;  skolex,  head.] 
A  secondary  scolex  produced  by 
budding,  in  the  bladder-worm  stage 
of  certain  tape-worms  (zool.). 

deutovum(duto'vum)  n.  \Gk.deuteros, 
second ;  L.  ovum,  egg.]  A  stage 
in  the  metamorphosis  of  certain 
mites  in  which  the  outer  envelope 
becomes  brown  and  hard,  and 
splits  longitudinally,  exposing  the 
thin  inner  membrane  (zool). 

development  (deveTo'pme'nt)  n.  [F. 
developper,  to  unfold.]  The  changes 
undergone  by  an  organism  on  reach- 
ing maturity  (biol). 

dexiotropic  (dgk'slotrop'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
dexios,  right ;  trepein,  to  turn.] 
Having  the  whorls  turning  from 
left  to  right  ;  appl.  shells  (zool.) ; 
appl.  spiral  cleavage  (cyt.). 

dextral  (deYstral)  a.  [L.  dexter, 
right-hand.]  See  dexiotropic. 

dextrin  (dek'strin)  n.  [L.  dexter, 
right-hand.]  A  soluble  substance 
derived  from  starch  by  exposure 
to  a  high  temperature  for  a  short 
time  (phys). 

dextrorse    (dekstrors',    dSk'strors)   a. 

g..  dexter,  right  ;  vertere,  to  turn.] 
rowing  in  a  spiral  which  twines 
from  left  to  right  (hot). 

diachaenium  (di'ake'nlum)  n.  [Gk. 
dis,  twice ;  a,  not ;  chanein,  to 
gape.]  Each  part  of  a  cremocarp 

diacranteric  (dl'akranteVik)  a.  [Gk. 
dia,  asunder ;  kranteres,  wisdom 
teeth.]  With  a  diastema  between 
the  front  and  back  teeth,  as  in 
snakes  (zool). 

diactinal  (dlak'tinal)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  aktis,  ray.]  With  two  rays 
pointed  at  the  ends  (zool). 

diadelphous  (dl'SdeTfus)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  adelphos,  brother.]  Having 
the  stamens  in  two  bundles  owing 
to  the  fusion  of  the  filaments 

dladematoid  (dl'adgm'atoid)  a.  [Gk. 
diadema,  crown  ;  eidos,  shape.]  Of 
Echinoids,  having  the  pore  plates 
arranged  as  follows :  three  prim- 
aries with  occasionally  a  secondary 




between  the  aboral  and  the  middle 
primary  (zool.). 

dladromous  (dl'adro'mus)  a.  [Gk. 
diadromos,  wandering.]  Having 
the  nerves  radiating  in  a  fan-like 
manner  (dot.}. 

diaene  (dlen')  n.  [Gk.  dis,  twice — on 
analogy  of  triaene,  from  Gk.  triaina, 
trident.]  A  form  of  triaene,  with 
one  of  the  cladi  reduced  or  absent 

diageotropism  (dl'ajeot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  dia,  through ;  gaia,  earth ; 
trepein,  to  turn.]  The  tendency 
in  certain  parts  of  plants  to  take 
a  position  at  right  angles  to  the 
direction  of  gravity  (dot.}. 

diagnosis  (dfagno'sis)  n.  [Gk.  diet, 
through  ;  gignoskein,  to  know.]  A 
concise  description  of  an  organism 
with  full  distinctive  characters 

diagnostic  (dl'agnos'tik)  a.  [Gk.  diet, 
through  ;  gignoskein,  to  know.] 
Differentiating  the  species  or  genus, 
etc.,  from  others  similar  (biol.}. 

diaheliotropism  (dl'ahelTot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  dia,  through ;  helios,  sun ; 
trepein,  to  turn.]  The  tendency  of 
certain  parts  of  plants  to  take  up 
a  position  at  right  angles  to  the 
rays  of  light  (&?/.). 

dialyneury  (dl'allnu'rl)  n.  [Gk.  dia, 
through  ;  lyein,  to  loose  ;  neuron, 
nerve.]  In  certain  Gastropods, 
having  the  pleural  ganglia  united 
to  the  opposite  branch  of  the 
visceral  nerve  by  an  anastomosis 
of  the  pallial  nerve  (zool.}. 

dialypetalous  (di'alipeYalus)  a.  [Gk. 
dia,  asunder ;  lyein,  to  loose  ; 
petalon,  petal.]  Polypetalous  (dot.}. 

dialyphyllous  (dl'allfll'us)  a.  [Gk. 
diet)  asunder ;  lyein,  to  loose ; 
phyllon,  leaf.]  With  separate 
leaves  (bot.). 

dialysepalous  (dl'alisep'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
dia,  asunder ;  lyein,  to  loose ; 
sepalon,  sepal.]  Polysepalous  (bot.}. 

dialystely  (dl'aliste'li)  n.  [Gk.  dia, 
asunder ;  lyein,  to  loose  ;  stele, 
post.]  A  condition  in  which  the 
steles  in  the  stem  remain  more  or 
less  separate  (dot.). 

diancistra  •(di'angkTs'tra)  n.  [Gk. 
dis,  twice  ;  angkistron,  hook.]  A 
spicule  resembling  a  stout  sigma, 

but  the  inner  margin  of  both  hook 
and  shaft  thins  out  to  a  knife  edge 
and  is  notched  (zool.}. 

diandrous  (dlan'drus)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  aner,  man.]  Having  two 
free  stamens  (bot.}. 

diapedesis  (dlaped'esis,  dl'apede'sis) 
n.  [Gk.  diapedesis,  leaping  through.] 
Emigration  of  white  blood  corpuscles 
through  the  walls  of  the  capillaries 
into  the  surrounding  tissue  (phys.}. 

diaphototropism  (di'afotot'ropizm)  ;/. 
[Gk.  dia,  through  ;  p/ws,  light  ; 
trepein,  to  turn.]  See  diahelio- 

diaphragm  (di'afram)  n.  [Gk.  di- 
aphragtna,  midriff.]  The  wall 
which  separates  the  small  cell,  the 
prothallus,  from  the  rest  of  the 
macrospore  in  Hydropterideae  ;  a 
septum  at  the  nodes  in  Equisetum 
(bot.}  ;  a  sheet  of  muscular  tissue 
attached  to  the  introvert  in  worms  ; 
the  single  strongly  developed  septum 
in  the  Terebelliformia  ;  the  per- 
forated tissue  that  subdivides  the 
tentacle  cavity  in  Polyzoa  ;  the 
transverse  septum  separating  the 
cephalothorax  from  the  abdomen 
in  certain  Arachnids  ;  a  special 
fan-shaped  muscle  spreading  from 
the  anterior  end  of  the  ilia  to  the 
oesophagus  and  base  of  the  lungs 
in  Anura  ;  a  partition  partly 
muscular,  partly  tendinous,  separat- 
ing the  cavity  of  the  chest  from  the 
abdominal  cavity  (zool.}. 

diaphragma    (dfafrag'ma)    n.       See 

diaphysis  (diaf'ists)  n.  [Gk.  dia, 
through  ;  phyein,  to  bring  forth.] 
The  shaft  of  a  bone  as  distinguished 
from  the  epiphysis  (anat.}  ;  the 
abnormal  growth  of  an  axis  or 
shoot  (bot.}. 

diapophysis  (di'apof'Ms)  n.  [Gk.  dia, 
through  ;  phyein,  to  produce.]  The 
lateral  or  transverse  process  of  the 
neural  arches  of  Anura  (zool.}. 

diarch  (dl'irk)  a.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ; 
arcke,  origin.]  With  two  xylem 
and  two  phloem  bundles  ;  appl. 
root  in  which  the  protoxylem 
bundles  meet  and  form  a  plate  of 
tissue  across  the  cylinder  with  the 
phloem  bundle  on  each  side  (bot.). 

diarthrosis  (dl'arthro'sls)  n.    [Gk.  dia^ 



through  ;  arthroun,  to  fasten  by  a 
joint.]  An  articulation  allowing 
considerable  movement  (anat.}. 

diastase  (dl'astas)  n.  [Gk.  dia, 
through  ;  histanai,  to  set.]  An 
enzyme  which  acts  principally  in 
converting  starch  into  sugar 

diastatic  (dl'astat'lk)  a.  [Gk.  diet, 
through  ;  histanai,  to  set.]  Pert. 
diastase,  or  having  similar  prop- 
erties (phys.}. 

diastema  (dlas'tgrnS,  dl'aste'ma)  n. 
[Gk.  diastema)  space.]  A  space  in 
a  jaw  without  teeth,  usually  be- 
tween two  types  of  teeth  (zool.}. 

diaster  (dlas'ter)  n.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ; 
aster,  star.]  The  stage  in  mitosis 
where  the  daughter  chromosomes 
are  grouped  near  the  spindle  poles 
ready  to  form  a  new  nucleus  (cyt.}. 

diastole  (dlas'tole)  n.  [Gk.  diastole, 
difference.]  The  rhythmical  relaxa- 
tion of  the  heart ;  the  rhythmical 
expansion  of  a  contractile  vacuole 

diastomatic  (dl'astom&t'Ik)  a.  [Gk. 
dia,  through;  stoma,  pore.]  Through 
the  stomata  or  pores,  giving  off 
gases  from  the  spongy  parenchyma 
through  the  stomata  (bot.}. 

diathesis  (diathesis)  n.  [Gk.  dia, 
through  ;  tithenai,  to  place.]  A 
congenital  predisposition  to  some 
class  of  diseases  or  type  of  develop- 
ment (biol.}. 

diatom  (dl'atom)  n.  [Gk.  dia,  through ; 
temnein,  to  cut.]  Any  unicellular 
microscopic  form  of  Alga  with  walls 
of  silica  (dot.}. 

diatropism  (diat'ropizm)  n.  [Gk.  dia, 
through  ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  The 
tendency  of  plants  or  organs  of 
plants  to  place  themselves  at  right 
angles  to  the  line  of  action  of  the 
stimulus  (bot.}. 

diaxon  (dlak'son)  a.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ; 
axon,  axis.]  With  two  axes,  as 
certain  sponge  spicules  (zool.}. 

diaxone  (dlak'son)  n.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ; 
ax-on,  axis.]  A  nerve-cell  with  two 
cylinder  axes  (anat.}. 

diblastula  (dlblas'tula)  n.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  coelenter- 
ate  embryo  consisting  of  two  layers 
arranged  round  a  central  cavity 

dibranchiate  (dlbrangTcTat)  a.  [Gk. 
dis,  twice  ;  brangchift,  gills.]  With 
two  gills  (zool.}. 

dicellate  (dlseTat)  a.  [Gk.  dikella,  a 
two-pronged  hoe.]  With  two 
prongs  ;  appl.  sponge  spicules 

dichasium  (dlkaz'Tum)  n.  [Gk.  di- 
chazein,  to  divide  in  two.]  An 
inflorescence  in  which  two  buds 
always  develop  just  below  the 
terminal  bud  (bot.}. 

dichlamydeous  (dl'klamld'eus)  a. 
[Gk.  dis,  twice ;  chlamys,  cloak.] 
Having  both  calyx  and  corolla 

dichogamy  (dikog'ami)  n.  [Gk. 
dicha,  in  two  ;  gamos,  union.]  The 
maturing  of  the  microsporophylls 
and  the  macrosporophylls  at 
different  times,  thus  ensuring  cross- 
pollination  (bot.}. 

dichoptic  (dlkop'tlk)  a.  [Gk.  dicha, 
in  two  ;  opsis,  sight.]  With  the 
eyes  quite  separate  (zool.}. 

dichotomous  (dlkflt'omus)  a.  [Gk. 
dicha,  in  two  ;  temnein,  to  cut.] 
Pert.,  situated  near,  or  characterized 
by  dichotomy  (bot.}. 

dichotomy  (dlkot'oml)  n.  [Gk.  dicha, 
in  two ;  temnein,  to  cut.]  Branching 
which  results  from  the  division  of 
a  growing  point  with  two  equal 
parts  (bot.,  zool.}. 

dichromatic  (dl'kromat'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
dt,  two ;  chroma,  colour.]  With 
two  colour  varieties  (biol.}. 

diclinous  (dfidinus,  dlkli'nus)  a.  [Gk. 
di,  two  ;  kline,  bed.]  With  the 
stamens  and  pistils  on  separate 
flowers  (bot.}. 

dicoccous  (dlkok'us)  a.  [Gk.  di,  two  ; 
kokkos,  seed.]  Having  two  one- 
seeded  coherent  capsules  (bot.}. 

dicostalia  (dl'kcteta'lla)  n.  [Gk.  di, 
two  ;  L.  costa,  rib.]  The  secundi- 
branchs  or  second  brachial  series 
in  a  Crinoid  (zool.}. 

dicotyledon  (dlk5t!le'don)  n.  [Gk. 
di,  two ;  kotyledon,  cup-shaped 
hollow.]  A  plant  with  two  seed- 
leaves  (bot.}. 

dictyodromous  (dlk'tlSd'ro'mus)  a. 
[Gk.  diktyon,  net ;  dromein,  to  run.] 
Net-veined,  when  the  smaller  veins 
branch  and  anastomose  freely  (bot.}. 

dictyogen  (dlk'tlqje'n)  n.    [Gk.  diktyon, 




net ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.]  A 
net-leaved  plant,  appl.  usually  to 
monocotyledons  (bot.). 

dictyonalia  (dik'tiona'lia)  n.  [Gk. 
diktyon,  net.]  The  principal  par- 
enchyma spicules  of  the  Dictyonina 
and  of  many  Lyssacina  (zool.). 

dictyostelic  (dik'tioste'lik)  a.  [Gk. 
diktyon,  net ;  stele,  stele.]  Poly- 
stehc  (bot.). 

dictyotic  (dik'tiot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  diktyon, 
net.]  Having  the  whole  skeleton 
laid  down  at  once  (zool.}. 

dictyotic  moment,— lorication  mo- 
ment, which  see. 

dicycllc  (disik'lik)  a.  [Gk.  di,  two  ; 
kyklos,  circle.]  Having  a  row  of 
per-radial  infrabasals,  appl.  theca 
of  Crinoids  (zool.)  ;  having  two 
whorls  (bot.). 

didactyl  (didak'til)  a.  [Gk.  di,  two  ; 
daktylos,  finger.]  Having  two 
fingers  or  two  toes  (zool.~). 

didymous  (did'imus)  a.  [Gk.  didymos, 
twin.]  Growing  in  pairs  (bot., 

didynamous  (didm'amus)  a.  [Gk.  di, 
two  ;  dynamis,  power.]  With  four 
stamens,  two  long,  two  short  (bot.). 

diencephalon  (di'enkgf'alon,  -s6f'-)  n. 
[Gk.  dia,  between ;  engkephalon, 
brain.]  See  thalamencephalon 

differentiation  (diferen'shta'shun)  n. 
[L.  differre,  to  differ.]  The  modifica- 
tion in  structure  of  various  organs 
of  the  body  owing  to  a  division  of 
labour  (zool.). 

diffluence  (diflooens)  n.  [L.  dis, 
away  ;  fluere,  to  flow.]  Disintegra- 
tion by  the  formation  of  large 
vacuoles  whose  walls  break  on 
bursting  (biol.). 

diffuse  (difus')  a.  [L.  diffundere,  to 
pour.]  Widely  spread  (biol.). 

digastric  (digas'trik)  a.  [Gk.  di,  two  ; 
gaster,  belly.]  Two-bellied,  appl. 
muscles  fleshy  at  the  ends,  tendinous 
in  the  middle  (anat.). 

digenesis  (dijeVesis)  n.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
Alternation  of  generations. 

digenetic  (drjeneYik)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
Pert,  digenesis  (biol.). 

digenoporous  (dl'jgnop'orus)  a.  [Gk. 
dis,  twice  ;  genos,  birth  ;poros,  pore.] 

With  two  genital  pores,  said  of 
many  Turbellaria  (zool.). 

digestion  (dijeVchun)  n.  [L.  digestio, 
digestion.]  The  process  by  which 
nutrient  materials  are  rendered 
absorbable  by  the  working  of  various 
juices  and  mechanical  action  (phys.). 

digestive  (dijgs'tiv)  a.  [L.  digestio, 
digestion.]  Pert,  digestion,  or 
having  the  power  of  aiding  in  diges- 
tion (phys.). 

digit  (dip)  n.  [L.  digitus,  finger.] 
A  division  of  the  limb  in  any 
vertebrate  above  Fishes  (zool.). 

digital  (dij'ital)  a.  [L.  digitus,  finger.] 
Pert,  finger  or  digit,  also  appl. 
things  resembling  a  digit  (zool.). 

digital  (dij'ital)  n.  [L.  digitus,  finger.] 
The  distal  joint  of  a  spider's  pedi- 
palp  (zool.). 

digitaliform  (dij'ital'iform)  a.  [L. 
digitus,  finger ;  forma,  shape.] 
Finger-shaped,  appl.  corollae  which 
are  like  the  finger  of  a  glove  (bot.). 

digitate  (dij'itat)  a.  [L.  digitus, 
finger.]  Having  the  parts  arranged 
like  the  fingers  in  a  hand  (bot.)  ; 
with  fingers  (zool.) ;  finger-shaped 
(hot.,  zool.). 

digitiform  (dlj'itiform)  a.  [L.  digitus, 
finger ;  forma,  shape.]  Finger- 
shaped  ;  appl.  roots  (bot.). 

digitigrade  (dij'itTgrad)  a.  [L.  digitus, 
finger  ;  gradus,  step.]  Having  feet, 
the  digits  of  which  only  touch  the 
ground  in  walking  (zool.). 

digitinervate  (dij'itiner'vat)  a.  [L. 
digitus,  finger ;  nervus,  a  sinew.] 
Having  the  veins  radiating  out  from 
the  base  like  the  fingers  of  a  hand, 
with  usually  five  or  seven  veins  ; 
appl.  leaves  (bot.). 

digitipartite  (dij'itipar'tit)  a.  [L. 
digitus,  finger  ;  partire,  to  divide.] 
Having  the  leaves  divided  up  in  a 
hand-like  pattern  (bot.). 

digitipinnate  (dij'itipin'at)  a.  [L. 
digitus,  finger  ;pinna,  leaf.]  Having 
digitate  leaves  of  which  the  leaflets 
are  pinnate  (bot.). 

digitule  (dlj'itul)  n.  [L.  digitus, 
finger.]  Any  small  finger-like  pro- 
cess ;  small  process  on  the  insect 
tarsi  (zool.). 

digoneutic  (dl'gonu'tik)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  goneuein,  to  produce.] 
Breeding  twice  a  year  (zool.). 




digonoporous  (di'gonop'orus)  a.  [Gk. 
dis,  twice ;  genos,  birth  ;  poros, 
pore.]  With  two  distinct  genital 
apertures,  male  and  female  (zool.}. 

difjynous  (dij'inus)  a.  [Gk.  di,  two  ; 
gyne,  woman.]  Having  two  carpels 

dihybrid  (dlhl'brid)  n.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ; 
L.  hibrida,  mixed  offspring.]  A 
cross  whose  parents  differ  in  two 
distinct  characters  (biol.}. 

dilatator  (dii'ata'tor)  n.  [L.  dilatare, 
to  expand.]  See  dilator. 

dilated  (dlla'tgd)  a.  [L.  dilatare,  to 
flatten.]  Expanded  or  flattened  ; 
appl.  parts  of  insects,  etc.,  with  a 
wide  margin  (zoo/.). 

dilator  (dlla'tor)  n.  [L.  dilatare,  to 
expand.]  Name  appl,  any  muscle 
that  expands  or  dilates  any  organ 

dilophous  (dllof'us)  a.  [Gk.  di,  two  ; 
lophos,  crest.]  Any  tetractinal 
spicule  with  two  of  its  rays  forked 
like  a  crest  (zool.}. 

diluvial  (dilu'vlal)  a.  [L.  diluvium, 
deluge.]  Pert,  the  present,  in  geo- 
logical reckoning  (pal,}. 

dimerous  (dim'erus)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  meros,  part.]  Having  each 
whorl  of  two  parts  (hot.} ;  with  a 
two-jointed  tarsus  (zool.}, 

dimidiate  (dimid'iat)  a.  [L.  ditnidius, 
half.]  Having  only  one-half  de- 
veloped (biol.} ;  having  the  capsule 
split  on  one  side  (dot.}. 

dimorphism  (dlmor'fizm)  n.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  morphe,  shape.]  Condition 
of  having  stamens  of  two  different 
lengths,  of  having  two  different 
kinds  of  leaves,  flowers,  etc.  (dot.}, 
State  of  having  two  different  forms 
of  one  sex  ;  of  having  two  different 
kinds  of  zooids ;  of  having  two 
different  kinds  of  offspring ;  of 
having  broods  which,  owing  to 
differing  conditions,  differ  in  size  or 
colouring  (zool.}. 

dimyaric  (dim'iar'ik)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  mys,  muscle.]  Having  two 
adductor  muscles  (zool.}. 

dinomic  (dlnom'lk)  a.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ; 
nomos,  division.]  Appl.  an  organism 
restricted  to  two  of  the  biogeo- 
graphical  divisions  of  the  globe 

dioecious     (dle'shus)     a.      [Gk.     dis, 

twice  ;  oikos,  house.]  Having  the 
sexes  separate  (zool.} ;  having  the 
male  and  female  flowers  on  different 
individuals  (bot.}. 

dioptrate  (dlop'trat)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice ;  root  opt,  to  see.]  Having 
the  eyes  or  the  ocelli  separated  by 
a  narrow  line  (zool.}, 

dipetalous  (dlpet'alus)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice ;  petalon,  petal.]  Having 
two  petals  (bot.}. 

dlphycercal  (dif'fser'kal)  a.  [Gk. 
diptyes,  twofold  ;  kerkos,  tail.]  With 
a  tail  in  which  the  vertebral  column 
runs  straight  to  the  tip,  thereby 
dividing  the  fin  symmetrically 

dlphy genie  (dlf'ijgn'lk)  a,  [Gk.  di- 
phyes,  twofold  ;  genos,  birth.]  With 
two  types  of  development  of  the 
embryo  (zool.}, 

diphyodont  (dif'iodont')  a.  [Gk. 
diphyes,  twofold ;  odous,  tooth.] 
With  deciduous  and  permanent 
sets  of  teeth  (zool.}. 

diplanetic  (d^planSt'lk)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice ;  planetikos,  inclined  to 
wander.]  With  two  distinct  types 
of  zoospores  (bot.}. 

diplarthrous  (diplar'thrus)  a.  [Gk. 
diploos,  double ;  arthron,  joint.] 
With  the  tarsal  or  carpal  bones  of 
one  row  articulating  with  two  bones 
in  the  other  (zool.}. 

dipleurula  (diploor'ula)  n.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  pleuron,  side.]  Any  of  the 
bilaterally  symmetrical  larvae  of 
the  Echinoderms ;  an  echino- 
paedium  (zool.}. 

diploblastic  (dlp'loblas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
diploos,  double ;  blastos,  bud.] 
Having  two  distinct  germ  layers 

diplocardiac  (dlp'lokar'diak)  a.  [Gk. 
diploos,  double  ;  kardia,  heart.] 
With  the  two  sides  of  the  heart 
quite  distinct  (zool.}. 

diplocaulescent  (dip'lokoles'e'nt)  a. 
[Gk.  diploos,  double;  kaulos,  stem.] 
With  secondary  stems  (bot.}. 

diploe  (dip'loe)  n.  [Gk.  diploos, 
double.]  The  cancellous  tissue 
between  the  outer  and  inner 
lamellae  of  certain  skull  bones 

diplogangliate  (dip'logang'gliat)  a. 
[Gk.  diploos,  double ;  gang-lion, 




ganglion.]  With  the  ganglia 
usually  arranged  in  pairs  (zool.). 

diplogenesls  (dip'lqjen'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
diploos,  double ;  genos,  birth.]  The 
supposed  change  in  the  germ  plasm 
that  accompanies  the  "use  and 
disuse"  changes  occurring  in  the 
body  tissues  (biol.). 

diploic  (diplo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  diploos, 
double.]  Occupying  channels  in 
the  cancellous  tissue  of  certain 
bones  (anat.). 

diplonephridia  (dip'lonefrid'ia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  diploos,  double ;  nephros, 
kidney.]  Nephridia  derived  partly 
from  ectoderm,  partly  from  meso- 
derm  (zool.). 

diploneural  (dip'ldnu'ral)  a.  [Gk. 
diploos,  double ;  neuron,  nerve.] 
Supplied  with  two  nerves  (anat.). 

diploperistomous  (dip'l6p6ris'tomus) 
a.  [Gk.  diploos,  double ;  peri, 
around ;  stotna,  mouth.]  Having 
a  double  projection  or  peristome 

diploplacula  (dip'ldplak'ula)  n.  [Gk. 
diploos,  double;  plakoeis,  flat.]  A 
flattened  blastula  consisting  of  two 
layers  of  cells  (biol.}. 

diplopore  (dip'lopor)  n.  [Gk.  diploos, 
double  ;  poros,  pore.]  Respiratory 
organ  in  the  Cystoidea  (zool.). 

diplosoine  (dip'losom)  n.  [Gk.  diploos, 
double ;  soma,  body.]  A  double 
centrosome  lying  outside  the 
nuclear  membrane  (cyt.). 

diplosphene  (dip'ldsfen)  n.  [Gk. 
diploos,  double  ;  sphen,  wedge.] 
A  wedge-shaped  process  on  the 
neural  arch  of  the  vertebrae  of 
certain  fossil  Reptiles  (pal.). 

diplospondylic  (dip'lospondil'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  diploos,  double ;  sphondylos, 
vertebra.]  With  two  centra  to 
each  myotome,  or  with  one  centrum 
and  a  well-developed  intercentrum 

diplostemonous  (dip'lostem'dnus)  a. 
[Gk.  diploos,  double ;  stemon,  warp.] 
With  two  whorls  of  stamens  in 
regular  alternation  with  the  perianth 
leaves  (dot.). 

diplotegia  (dip'lote'jia)  n.  [Gk. 
diploos,  double ;  tegos,  roof.]  An 
inferior  fruit  with  dry  indehiscent 
pericarp  (bot.). 

dipnoan     (dip'noan)     a.      [Gk.    dis, 

twice  ;  pnein,  to  breathe.]  Breath- 
ing by  gills  and  lungs  (zool.). 

diprotodont  (dipro'todont)  a.  [Gk. 
dis,  twice ;  protos,  first ;  oaous, 
tooth.]  Having  the  two  anterior 
incisors  large  and  prominent,  the 
rest  of  the  incisors  and  canines 
being  smaller  or  absent  (zool.). 

dipterocecidlum  (dip'terdsesid'umi) 
n.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ;  pteron,  wing  ; 
kekis,  gall  nut.]  A  gall  caused  by 
any  insect  (biol.). 

dipterous  (dip'terus)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  pteron,  wing.]  With  two 
wings  or  wing-like  expansions  (bot., 

directive  body, — a  polar  body  (cyt.). 

directive  mesenteries,  —  in  Zoan- 
tharia,  the  dorsal  and  ventral  pairs 
of  mesenteries  (zool.). 

directive  sphere, — attraction  sphere 

disc  (disk)  n.  [Gk.  diskos,  disc.] 
Any  flattened  portion  like  a  disc 
in  shape  (bot.,  zool.);  the  circumoral 
area  in  many  animals  ;  the  circular 
areas  at  the  opposite  poles  of  many 
animals  (zool.)  ;  any  modification 
of  the  thalamus  (bot.) ;  the  area 
marking  the  entrance  of  the  optic 
nerve  into  the  eye ;  cup-shaped 

-  tactile  structures  in  the  skin  ;  the 
mass  of  cells  of  the  membrana 
granulosa  which  projects  into  the 
cavity  of  the  egg  follicle  (anat.). 

disc-florets, — the  inner  florets  borne 
on  the  abbreviated  and  reduced 
peduncle  in  many  inflorescences 

discal  (dis'kal)  a.  [Gk.  diskos,  disc.] 
Pert,  any  disc-like  structure. 

discal  (dis'kal)  n.  [Gk.  diskos,  disc.] 
A  large  cell  at  the  base  of  the  wing 
of  lepidopterous  insects  completely 
enclosed  by  wing-nervures ;  also 
in  some  Diptera  (zool.). 

disciflorous  (dis'kiflo'rus,  dis'iflo'rus) 
a.  [Gk.  diskos,  disc ;  L.  flos, 
flower.]  With  flowers  in  which 
the  receptacle  is  large  and  disc- 
like  (bot.). 

discoblastic  (dis'kdblas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
diskos,  disc ;  blastos,  bud.]  Pert. 
meroblastic  eggs  in  which  the  area 
of  segmentation  is  disc-shaped 

discoblastula  (dls'kdblas'tula)  n.    [Gk. 




tiiskos,     disc  ;     blastos,     bud.]       A 
blastula  formed  from  a  meroblastic 


with     disc-like     blastoderm 

discocarp  (dis'kokarp)  n.  [Gk.  diskos, 
disc  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  A  special 
enlargement  of  the  thalamus  below 
the  calyx  (bot.). 

dlscoctasters  (dis'koktas'terz)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  diskos,  disc  ;  okto,  eight  ; 
aster,  star.]  Sponge  spicules  with 
eight  rays  terminating  in  discs, 
each  disc  corresponding  in  position 
to  the  corners  of  a  cube  ;  a  modi- 
fied hexactine  (zoo/.). 

disced  actylous  (dis'kodak'tilus)  a. 
[Gk.  diskos,  disc  ;  daktylos,  finger.] 
With  suckers  at  the  ends  of  the 
fingers  (zoo/.). 

discohexactine  (dis'kohgksak'tin)  n. 
[Gk.  diskos,  disc  ;  hex,  six  ;  actis, 
ray.]  A  sponge  spicule  with  six 
equal  rays  meeting  at  right  angles 

discohexaster  (dis'kdhgksas'ter)  n. 
[Gk.  diskos,  disc  ;  hex,  six  ;  aster, 
star.]  A  hexactine  with  the  rays 
ending  in  discs  (zoo/.). 

discoid  (dis'koid)  a.  [Gk.  diskos, 
disc  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Flat 
and  circular  ;  disc-shaped. 

discoidal  (dlskoi'dal)  a.  [Gk.  diskos, 
disc  ;  eidos,  like.]  Disc-like  ;  appl. 
segmentation  in  which  the  blasto- 
derm forms  a  one-layered  disc  or  cap 
which  spreads  over  the  yolk  (emo.). 

discontinuous  variation,  —  see  muta- 

disconula  (diskon'ula)  n.  [Gk.  diskos, 
disc.]  An  eight-rayed  stage  in  the 
larval  development  of  certain 
Coelenterates  (zoo/.). 

discooctaster  (dis'kooktas'ter),  —  see 

discoplacenta  (dis'koplasen'ta)  ;;.  [Gk. 
diskos,  disc  ;  L.  placenta,  placenta.] 
A  placenta  with  the  villi  on  a 
circular  cake-like  disc  (zoo/.). 

discus  proligerus,  —  in  a  Graafian 
follicle,  the  mass  of  cells  immedi- 
ately surrounding  the  ovum  (emb.). 

disjunct  (disjungkt')  a.  [L.  dis,  apart  ; 
jungere,  to  join.]  Having  the  body 
regions  separated  by  deep  con- 
strictions (zoo/.). 

disjunctive  symbiosis,  —  a  mutually 
helpful  condition  of  symbiosis 

although  there  is  no  direct  con- 
nection between  the  partners  (oio/.). 

disk,— see  disc. 

dispermous  (dispeYmus)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  sperma,  seed.]  Having  two 
seeds  (oof.). 

dispenny  (dlspeYm!)  n.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  sperma,  seed.]  The  entrance 
of  two  spermatozoa  into  an  ovum 

dispersal  (dispeYsal)  n.  [L.  dis, 
apart ;  spargere,  to  strew.]  The 
actual  scattering  or  distributing  of 
organisms  on  the  earth's  surface 


dispireme  (dlspfrem)  n.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice  ;  speirema,  skein.]  The  stage 
of  karyokinests  in  which  each 
daughter  nucleus  has  given  rise  to 
a  spireme  (cyt.). 

displacement  (displas'mSnt)  n.  [O.F. 
desplacier,  to  displace.]  An  abnor- 
mal position  of  any  part  of  a  plant 
due  to  its  shifting  from  its  normal 
place  of  insertion  (bot.\ 

dissected  (disgk'ted)  a.  [L.  dis,  apart  ; 
secure,  to  cut.]  Having  the  lamina 
cut  into  lobes,  the  incisions  reaching 
nearly  to  the  midrib  (eot.). 

dissepiment  (disSp'iment)  n.  [L.  dis, 
apart  ;  saepire,  to  hedge  in.]  The 
partition  found  in  some  compound 
ovaries  (bot.)  •  in  Corals,  one  of 
the  oblique  calcareous  partitions 
stretching  from  septum  to  septum 
and  closing  the  interseptal  loculi 
below  (zoo/.). 

dissilient  (dlsil'ien  t)  a.  [L.  dis,  apart  ; 
salire,  to  leap.]  Springing  open  ; 
appl.  capsules  of  various  plants 
which  dehisce  explosively  (bot.). 

dissoconch  (dis'okongk')  n.  [Gk. 
dtssos,  double  ;  kongche,  shell.]  The 
shell  of  a  veliger  larva  (zoo/.). 

dissogeny  (disoj'gni)  n.  [Gk.  dissos, 
double ;  genos,  birth.]  The  con- 
dition of  having  two  sexually  mature 
periods  in  the  same  animal— one  in 
the  larva,  one  in  the  adult  (zoo/.). 

dissogony  (disog'oni),— see  dissogeny. 

distal  (dis'tal)  a.  [L.  dis,  apart ;  stare, 
to  stand.]  Standing  far  apart,  appl. 
bristles,  etc. ;  pert,  end  of  any 
structure  farthest  from  the  middle 
line  of  the  organism  (oio/.). 

distichalia  (dlstlka'lla)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
distichos,  with  two  rows.]  In 




Crinoids,  the  secondary  brachalia, 
fixed  or  free  (zool.). 

distichous  (dis'tikus)  a.  [Gk.  distiches, 
with  two  rows.]  Pert,  alternate 
leaves,  so  arranged  that  the  first  is 
directly  below  the  third  (bot.). 

distractile  (distrak'til)  a.  [L.  fit's, 
apart ;  trahere,  to  draw.]  Widely 
separate ;  appl.  usually  to  long- 
stalked  anthers  (dot.}. 

distribution  (dis'tribu'shun)  n.  [L. 
dis,  apart ;  tribuere,  to  allot.]  The 
range  of  an  organism  or  group  in 
the  biogeographical  divisions  of  the 
globe  (Hoi.). 

dithecal  (dithe'kal)  a.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ; 
theke,  box.]  Two-celled  (bot.). 

ditokous  (dit'okus)  a.  [Gk.  dis,  twice  ; 
tokos,  birth.]  Producing  two  at  a 
time,  either  eggs  or  young  (zool.). 

ditrematous  (dltre'matus)  a.  [Gk. 
dis,  twice  ;  trema,  opening.]  With 
separate  genital  openings ;  with 
anus  and  genital  openings  separate 

ditrochous  (dlt'rokus)  a.  [Gk.  dis, 
twice ;  trochos,  runner.]  With  a 
divided  trochanter,  or  second  joint 
of  the  limb  (zool.). 

diurnal  (dlur'nal)  a.  [L.  dies,  day.] 
Opening  during  the  day  only  (bot.) ; 
active  in  the  day-time  (zool.). 

divaricate  (divar'ikat)  a.  [L.  dis, 
apart ;  varicare,  to  straddle.] 
Widely  divergent ;  bifid ;  forked 
(hot.,  zool.). 

divaricators  (dl'varlka'torz)  n.  plu. 
[L.  dis,  apart ;  varicare,  to  straddle.] 
Muscles  stretching  from  the  ventral 
valve  to  the  cardinal  process,  and 
by  their  contraction  opening  the 
shell  (zool.). 

divergency  (diver'jenst)  n.  [L.  dis, 
apart ;  vergere,  to  bend.j  The 
fraction  of  a  stem  circumference, 
usually  constant  for  a  species,  which 
separates  two  consecutive  leaves  in 
a  spiral  (bot.). 

divergent  (diver'jgnt)  a.  [L.  dis, 
apart ;  vergere,  to  bend.]  Separ- 
ated from  one  another  ;  appl.  leaves 

diverticulum  (dl'vgrtlk'ulum)  n.  [L. 
de,  away  ;  -vertere,  to  turn.]  A  tube 
or  sac,  blind  at  the  distal  end, 
branching  off  from  a  canal  or  cavity 

divided  (divl'ded)  a.  [L.  dividere,  to 
divide.]  With  the  lamina  cut  by 
incisions  which  reach  the  midrib  ; 
appl.  leaves  (bot.). 

division  (divlzh'un)  n.  [L.  dividere, 
to  divide.]  One  of  the  smaller 
groups  of  organisms  which  together 
form  a  larger  group  (biol.)  ;  one  of 
the  separate  parts  of  which  any 
structure  may  be  composed  (biol.). 

dizoic  (dlzo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  dis,  twice; 
zoon,  animal.]  Pert,  spore  con- 
taining two  sporozoites  (zool.). 

dodecagynous  (do'dekaj'inus)  a.  [Gk. 
dodeka,  twelve ;  gyne,  woman.] 
Having  twelve  pistils  (bot.). 

dodecamerous  (do'dekam'erus)  a. 
[Gk.  dodeka,  twelve  ;  meros,  part.] 
Having  each  whorl  composed  of 
twelve  parts  (bot.). 

dodecandrous  (do'dekan'drus)  a. 
[Gk.  dodeka,  twelve ;  aner,  man.] 
Having  at  least  twelve  stamens 

dolabriform  (dolab'riform)  a.  [L. 
dolabra,  mattock ;  forma,  shape.] 
Axe-shaped  (biol.). 

dolichostylous  (dol'lkostl'lus)  a.  [Gk. 
dolichos,  long ;  stylos,  pillar.]  Pert. 
long-styled  anthers  in  dimorphic 
flowers  (bot.). 

dolioform  (do'lioform)  a.  [L.  dolium, 
jar ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped  like 
a  barrel  (zool.). 

dominant      characters, — see      Men- 

dormant  (dor'mant)  a.  [L.  dormire, 
to  sleep.]  Resting ;  appl.  any 
structure  or  feature  which  may 
develop  later  (Hoi.). 

dorsal  (dor'sal)  a.  [L.  dorsum,  back.] 
Pert,  or  lying  near  the  back  as 
opp.  the  venlral  surface  (anat.) ; 
pert,  surface  farthest  from  the 
axis ;  the  upper  surface  of  the 
thallus  or  prothallus  of  ferns,  etc. 

dorsalis  (dorsa'lis)  n.  [L.  dorsum, 
back.]  The  artery  which  supplies 
the  back  of  any  organ  (anat.). 

dorsiferous  (dorsif'erus)  a.  [L. 
dorsum,  back  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
With  the  sori  on  the  back  of  the 
leaf  (bot.)  ;  carrying  the  young  on 
the  back  (zool.). 

dorsifixed  (dor'sifik'st)  a.  [L.  dorsum, 
back  ;  fingere^  to  fix.]  Having  the 




filament  attached  to  the  back  of  the 

anther,  which  is  immovable  (dot.). 
dorsigrade      (dor'sigrad)      a.         [L. 

dorsum,      back  ;      gradus,      step.] 

Having  the  back  of  the   digit  on 

the  ground  when  walking  (zool.). 
dorsispinal      (dor'slspl'nal)      a.       [L. 

dorsum,  back  ;  spina,  spine.]     Pert. 

or  referring  to  the  back  and  spine 

dorsiventral   (dor'siven'tral)   a.      [L. 

dorsum,  back  ;  venter,  belly.]     With 

upper  and  lower  surfaces  distinct 

dorsocentral   (dor'sosen'tral)   a.      [L. 

dorsum,    back  ;    centrum,    centre.] 

Pert,     mid-dorsal     surface  ;     pert. 

aboral     surface     of    Echinoderms 

dorsolumbar    (dor'solum'bar)   a.     [L. 

dorsum,  back  ;  lumbus,  loin.]     Pert. 

lumbar  region  of  the  back  (zool.). 
dorsoumbonal      (dor'soumbo'nal)     a. 

[L.   dorsum,  back  ;    umbo,    umbo.] 

Lying  on  the  back  near  the  umbo 

dorsoventral   (dor'soven'tral)   a.     [L. 

dorsum,  back  ;  venter,  belly.]    Pert. 

structures  which  stretch  from  the 

dorsal  to  the  ventral  surface  (zool.). 
dorsulum  (dor'sulum)  n.     [L.  d 

back.]  The  upper  surface  lying 
between  the  collar  and  scutellum  ; 
the  mesonotum  (zool.). 

dorsum  (dor'stim)  n.  [L.  dorsum, 
back.]  The  sulcular  surface  of 
Anthozoa  ;  the  tergum  or  notum 
of  Insects  and  Crustacea  ;  the  back 
or  higher  animals  (zool.). 

drepanium  (drSpa'nlum)  n.  [Gk. 
drepanon,  sickle.]  A  helicoid  cyme 
with  the  secondary  axes  developed 
in  a  plane  parallel  to  that  of  the 
main  peduncle  and  its  first  branch 

dromaeognathous  (dro'meog'nathus) 
a.  [Gk.  dromein,  to  run  ;  gnathos, 
jaw.]  Having  a  palate  in  which 
the  palatines  and  pterygoids  do 
not  articulate,  owing  to  the  inter- 
vention of  the  vomer  (zool.).  . 

dromotropic  (dro'motrop'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
dromos,  course  ;  trepein,  to  turn.] 
Bent  in  a  spiral  (bot.). 

drone  (dron)  n.  [A.S.  dran.}  The 
male  of  any  species  of  bee  (zool.). 

drupaceous    (droopa'shus)    a.       [Gk. 

druppa,      berry.]        Pert,      drupe  ; 
bearing  drupes  ;  drupe-like  (bot.). 

drupe  (droop),  n.  [Gk.  druppa, 
berry.]  A  superior,  one-celled 
fruit  with  one  or  two  seeds  and 
a  fleshy  sarcocarp,  a  hard  endocarp 
and  the  pericarp  separable  into  its 
component  parts  (bot.). 

drupels  (droop'6lz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
druppa,  berry.]  The  individual 
components  of  the  fruit  of  the 
raspberry  (bot.). 

duct  (diikt)  n.  [L.  ducere,  to  lead] ; 
also  ductus.  Any  tube  which 
conveys  fluid  or  other  substance 
(anat.) ;  a  tube  formed  by  a  series 
of  cells  which  have  lost  their  walls 
at  the  points  of  contact  (bot.). 

ductless  glands, — glands  which  do 
not  communicate  with  any  organ 
directly  by  means  of  a  duct,  e.g. 
spleen  (anat.). 

ductule  (dtik'tul)  n.  [L.  ducere,  to 
lead.]  The  fine  thread-like 
terminal  portion  of  a  duct  (anat.). 

ductus  (duk'tus)  n.  [L.  ducere,  to 
lead.]  See  duct. 

ductus  ejaculatorius,— the  common 
duct  into  which  the  vasa  deferentia 
open  in  Insects;  a  narrow  muscular 
tube  at  the  end  of  the  vas  deferens 
in  various  invertebrates  (zool.). 

duodenal  (du'ode'nal)  a.  [L.  duodeni, 
twelve  each.]  Pert,  duodenum 

duodenum  (du'dde'num)  n.  [L. 
duodeni,  twelve  each.]  That  por- 
tion of  the  small  intestine  next  to 
the  pyloric  end  of  the  stomach 

duplication  (du'pllka'shun)  n.  [L. 
duplex,  double.]  See  chorisis. 

duplicature  (du'plika'tur)  n.  [L. 
duplex,  double.]  A  circular  fold 
near  the  base  of  the  protrusible 
portion  of  a  polyzoan  polypide 

duplicident  (duplis'Idgnt)  a.  [L. 
duplex,  double  ;  dens,  tooth.] 
Having  two  pairs  of  incisors  in 
the  upper  jaw,  one  behind  the 
other  (zool.). 

duplicodentate  (du'plikoden'tat)  a. 
[L.  duplex,  double  ;  dens,  tooth.] 
With  the  marginal  teeth  on  the 
leaf  bearing  smaller  teeth-like 
structures  (bot.). 





dura  mater  (du'ra  ma'ter,  door'a 
mat'eY)  n.  [L.  dura,  hard  ;  mater, 
mother.]  The  tough  membrane 
lining  the  whole  cerebro-spinal 
cavity  (anat.}. 

dura  spinalis, — the  tough  membrane 
lining  the  spinal  canal  (anat.}. 

duramen  (dura'me'n)  n.  [L.  durare, 
to  harden.]  The  hard,  darker 
central  region  of  a  tree-stem ;  the 
heart  wood  (hot.). 

dwarf  male,— the  small  three-  or  four- 
celled  plant  formed  from  the  andro- 
spore  of  Oedogonium  (hot.} ;  a  small, 
usually  simply  formed,  individual  in 
many  classes  of  animals,  either  free 
or  carried  by  the  female  (zool.). 

dyad  (dl'ad)  n.  [Gk.  dyas,  two.]  The 
half  of  a  tetrad  group  (cyt.). 

dyaster  (dl'aster)  n.  [Gk.  dyas,  two  ; 
aster,  star.]  "  The  double  group  of 
chromosomes  during  the  anaphases 
of  cell-division  "  (cyt.). 

dyne  (din)  n.  [Gk.  dynamis,  power.] 
The  unit  of  force  in  the  C.G.  system 
of  physical  units  (phys.). 

dysmerism  (dTs'merizm)  «.  [Gk.  dys, 
hard ;  meros,  part.]  An  aggregate 
of  unlike  parts  (biol.). 

dysmerogenesis  (dls'merqjen'esis)  n. 
[Gk.  dys,  hard  ;  meros,  part ;  genesis, 
birth.]  Segmentation  resulting  in 
unlike  parts  (biol.). 

dysoxidize  (disok'sidiz)  v.  [Gk.  dys, 
hard  ;  oxys,  sharp.]  To  find  difficult 
to  oxidize  (phys.). 

dyspnoea  (dis  pnea)  n.  [Gk.  dys, 
hard  ;pnein,  to  breathe.]  Difficulty 
in  breathing  (phys.). 

dysteleology  (dis'te'le'ol'oji)  n.  [Gk. 
dys,  hard ;  telos,  end ;  logos,  dis- 
course.] Haeckel's  doctrine  of 
purposelessness  in  nature  (biol.). 

dzlerzon  (dzer'tson)  theory, — the  belief 
that  the  males  of  the  honey-bee  are 
always  produced  from  unfertilized 
eggs  (zool.}. 

ear  (er)  n.  [A.S.  eare.]  The  auditory 
organ  (anat.) ;  the  various  structures 
among  invertebrates  supposed  to 
have  an  auditory  function ;  the 
specialized  tufts  of  hair  or  feathers 

which  are  close  to,  or  similar  to  an 
external  ear  or  pinna  (zool.)  ;  an 
ear-shaped  structure  ;  the  spike  of 
any  cereal  (bot.). 

eared  (erd)  n.  [A.S.  eare.}  Having 
external  ears  or  pinnae  ;  with  tufts 
of  feathers  resembling  ears  (zool.)  ; 
having  long  bristles  or  processes,  as 
in  the  grains  of  corn,  etc.  (bot.). 

ebracteate  (ebrak'teat),  ebracteolate 
(ebrak'teolat)  a.  [L.  ex,  from ; 
bracteatus,  covered  with  a  gold 
plate.]  Without  bracts,  or  without 
bracteoles,  reduced  leaves  on  the 
flower-stalk  (bot.). 

ecalcarate  (ekal'karat)  a.  [L.  ex, 
without ;  calcar,  spur.]  Having  no 
spur  (zool.)  ;  with  no  spur-like  pro- 
cess on  the  petals  (bot.). 

ecardinal  (ekar'dinal)  a.  [L.  ex, 
without ;  cardo,  hinge.]  Having 
no  hinge  ;  also  ecardinate  (zool.). 

ecarinate  (ekar'inat)  a.  [L.  ex,  with- 
out ;  carina,  keel.]  Not  furnished 
with  a  keel  or  keel-like  ridge  (bot., 

ecaudate  (eko'dat)  a.  [L.  ex,  without ; 
cauda,  tail.]  Without  a  tail  (zool.). 

ecblastesis  (ek'blaste'sis)  n.  [Gk.  ek, 
out  of;  blastos,  bud.]  A  prolifera- 
tion of  the  main  axis  of  an  inflores- 
cence (bot.). 

ecdemic  (ekdem'ik)  a.  [Gk.  ek,  out 
of ;  demos,  people.]  Not  native. 

ecderon  (ek'deron)  n.  [Gk.  ek,  out ; 
deros,  skin.]  The  outer  or  epi- 
dermal layer  of  the  skin  (anat.). 

ecderonic  (ek'deronlk)  a.  [Gk.  ek, 
out ;  deros,  skin.]  Ectodermic ; 
epiblastic  (smb.). 

ecdysis  (ekdl'sis)  n.  [Gk.  ek,  out; 
dyein,  to  enter.]  The  act  of  moult- 
ing any  particular  cuticular  layer  or 
structure  (zool.). 

echinate  (eVinat)  a.  [Gk.  echinos, 
spine.]  Furnished  with  spines  or 
bristles  (zool.). 

echinochrome  (gk'inokrom',  ekl'no- 
krom)  n.  [Gk.  echinos,  spine ; 
chroma,  colour.]  A  colouring  pig- 
ment found  in  Echinoderms  (zool.). 

echinoid  (eVinoid,  gkfnoid)  a.  [Gk. 
echinos.  spine.]  Pert,  sea-urchins 

echinopaedium  (ek'fnope'dfum,  ekl'no- 
pe'dium)  n.  [Gk.  echinos,  spine ; 
pais,  child.]  See  dipleurula. 




echinopluteus  (eVinoploo'teus,  e'kl'no- 
ploo'teus)  n.  [Gk.  echinos,  spine  ; 
L.  pluteus,  shed.]  The  larva  or 
pluteus  of  echinoids,  from  its  sup- 
posed resemblance  to  an  upturned 
easel  (zool.). 

echinulate  (6kin'ulat)  a.  [Gk.  echinos, 
spine.]  Having  small  spines  (zool.). 

ecology  (ekol'qji)  n.  [Gk.  oikos,  house  ; 
logos,  discourse.]  That  part  of 
biology  which  deals  with  the  re- 
lationship between  organisms  and 
their  surroundings  (biol.). 

ectental  (gktgn'tal)  line,— the  line 
where  the  ectoderm  and  endoderm 
meet  at  the  blastopore  of  a  gastrula 

ectethmoid  (ekteth'moid)  n.  [Gk. 
ektos,  without ;  ethmos,  sieve  ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  The  lateral  ethmoid 
bone  (anat.). 

ecthoraeum  (ek'thore'um)  n.  [Gk. 
ekthroskein,  to  leap  out.]  The 
thread  of  a  nematocyst  (zool.}. 

ectoblast  (ek'toblast)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
without ;  blastos,  bud.]  See  epi- 

ectobronchium  (ek'tobrong'kium)  n. 
[Gk.  ektos,  without ;  brongchos,  wind- 
pipe.] See  ectobronchus. 

ectobronchus  (ek'tobrong'kus)  n.  [Gk. 
ektos,  without ;  brongchos,  wind- 
pipe.] A  lateral  branch  of  the 
main  bronchus  in  birds  (zool.). 

ectocarpous  (ek'tokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
ektos,  without;  karpos, fruit.]  Having 
the  gonads  of  ectodermal  origin 

ectochondrostosis  (ek'tdkondrosto'sis) 
n.  [Gk.  ektos,  without  ;  chondros, 
cartilage  ;  osteon,  bone.]  The  de- 
position of  lime-salts  beginning  in 
the  perichondrium  and  gradually 
invading  the  cartilage  (anat.). 

ectochone  (ek'tokon)  n.  [Gk.  ektio, 
without ;  choane,  funnel.]  A  funnel- 
shaped  chamber  into  which  the 
ostia  in  certain  Sponges  lead  (sool.). 

ectocoelic  (eYtose'lik)  a.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  Pert. 
structures  situated  outside  the 
enteron  of  the  Coelenterates  (zool.). 

ectocondyle  (elc'tdkon'dil)  n.  {Gk. 
ektos,  outside ;  kondylos,  knob.] 
The  outer  condyle  of  a  bone 

ectocranial    (eYtokra'nial)    a.      [Gk. 

ektos,  outside  ;  kranton,  skull.] 
Pert,  outside  of  skull  (anat.). 

ectocuneiform  (gk'tokune'iform)  n. 
[Gk.  ektos,  outside ;  L.  cuneus, 
wedge  ;  forma,  shape.]  A  bone  in 
the  distal  row  of  the  tarsus  (anat.). 

ectocyst  (ek'toslst)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside ;  kystis,  bladder.]  The 
outer  layer  of  the  zoecial  wall  in 
Polyzoa  (zool.). 

ectoderm  (eYtddgrm)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  derma,  skin.]  The  outer 
layer  of  a  multicellular  animal, 
when  composed  of  cells  (zool.)  ; 
the  epidermis  in  higher  mammals 

ectogenous  (ektoj'e'nus)  a.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
Able  to  live  an  independent  life  ; 
appl.  Bacteria  (dot.). 

ectoglla  (ektog'lia)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside ;  glia,  glue.]  An  outer 
layer  of  cells  in  the  central 
nervous  system  (anat.). 

ectolecithal  (6k'tol6s'ithal)  a.  [Gk. 
ektos,  outside  ;  lekithos,  yolk  of  an 
egg.]  Having  the  yolk  surround- 
ing the  formative  protoplasm 

ectoloph  (gk'tolof)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  lophos,  crest.]  The  ridge 
stretching  from  the  paracone  to 
the  metacone  in  a  lophodont  molar 

ectomere  (ek'tomer)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  meros,  part.]  An  epiblast 
cell  which  gives  rise  to  ectoderm 

ectoparasite  (eYtopar'asit)  n.  [Gk. 
ektos,  outside  ;  para,  beside  ;  sttos, 
food.]  A  parasite  that  lives  on 
the  exterior  of  an  organism  (zool.). 

ectopatagium  (ek'topata'jium)  ». 
[Gk.  ektos,  outside  ;  L.  patagium, 
border.]  The  part  of  the  wing- 
like  membrane  of  bats  carried  on 
the  metacarpals  and  the  phalanges 

ectophyte  (eVtoflt)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  phyton,  plant.]  Name 
given  to  an  external  parasite  in 
the  plant  world  (bot.). 

ectoplasm  (Sk'to'plazm)  n.  [Gk. 
ektos,  outside  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  external  layer  of 
protoplasm  in  a  cell,  usually  slightly 
modified  (diol.) ;  the  ectosarc  in  a 




protozoan   cell    (zool.) ;    the    layer 
next  the  cell-wall  (bot.). 

ectosarc  (ek'tosark)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  sarx,  flesh.]  The  ex- 
ternal, often  highly  specialized, 
layer  of  protoplasm  in  a  Proto- 
zoon  (zool.). 

ectosome  (ek'tosom)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside ;  soma,  body.]  The  en- 
veloping portion  of  a  Sponge  con- 
taining no  flagellated  chambers 

ectosphere  (ek'tosfer)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside ;  sphaira,  globe.]  The 
outer  zone  of  the  attraction  sphere 

ectosppre  (ek'tospor)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  sporos,  seed.]  The  spore 
formed  at  the  end  of  each  sterigma 
in  the  Basidiomycetes  (bot.). 

ectostosis  (ek'tosto'sis)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside  ;  osteon,  bone.]  Formation 
of  bone  in  which  the  ossification 
begins  under  the  perichondrium 
and  either  surrounds  or  replaces 
the  cartilage  (anat.). 

ectotheca  (ek'tothe'ka)  ».  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside ;  theke,  cup.]  The  outer 
coating  of  the  gonotheca  in  certain 
Hydroids  (zool.). 

ectotrophic  (ek'totro'f  Ik)  a.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside ;  trephein,  to  nourish.]  Find- 
ing nourishment  from  outside ;  appl. 
Fungi  which  surround  the  roots  of 
the  host  with  a  web  of  hyphae  (bot.). 

ectoturbinal  (ek'totur'bmal)  n.  [Gk. 
ektos,  outside  ;  L.  turbo,  whirl.] 
One  of  the  divisions  of  the  ethmo- 
turbinals  (zool.). 

ectozopn  (ek'tozo'on)  n.  [Gk.  ektos, 
outside ;  zoon,  animal.]  An  ex- 
ternal parasite  (zool.). 

edaphic  (edaf'ik)  a.  [Gk.  edaphos, 
soil.]  Pert,  or  influenced  by  the 
conditions  of  the  soil  (phys.). 

edentate  (eden'tat)  a.  [L.  ex,  with- 
out ;  dens,  tooth.]  Without  teeth 
(zool.) ;  without  tooth-like  projec- 
tions (bot.). 

edriophthalmlc  (gd'Hofthal'mik)  a. 
[Gk.  edra,  seat ;  ophthalmos,  eye.] 
Having  sessile  eyes  ;  appl.  certain 
Crustacea  (zool.). 

efferent  (ef'firent)  a.  [L.  ex,  out  ; 
ferre,  to  carry.]  Conveying  from, 
appl.  vessels,  lymphatics,  etc. 
(anat.)  ;  carrying  outwards,  appl. 

impulses   carried  outwards  by  the 
motor  nerves  (phys.). 

egest  (ejest')  v.  [L.  ex,  out  ;  gerere, 
to  carry.]  To  throw  out  ;  to  void  ; 
to  excrete  (phys.). 

egg  (eg)  n.  [Icel.^gg-.]  The  matured 
germ-cell  of  a  female  plant  or  animal 

egg-albumin, — the  chief  constituent 
of  the  white  of  egg,  known  to  be  a 
mixture  of  glucoproteids  (phys.). 

egg-apparatus,— the  two  synergids 
and  ovum  proper,  near  the  micro- 
pyle  in  the  embryo  sac  of  seed 
plants  (bot.). 

egg-case,  —  a  protective  covering 
formed  by  many  animals  for  their 
eggs  (zool.). 

egg-cell, — the  ovum  proper  apart 
from  any  layer  of  cells  derived 
from  it  or  from  other  cells  (zool.). 

egg-membrane, — the  layer  of  tough 
tissue  lining  the  shell  of  an  egg 

egg-nucleus,— the  female  pronucleus 

egg-tooth, — a  small  horny  and  cal- 
careous structure  on  the  tip  of  the 
beak  by  means  of  which  the  embryo 
breaks  the  shell  (zool.). 

ejaculation  (ejak'ula'shun)  n.  [L.  ex, 
out ;  jacere,  to  throw.]  Act  of 
suddenly  ejecting  a  fluid  from  a 
duct  (phys?). 

ejaculatory  (ejak'ulatori)  a.  [L.  ex, 
out ;  jacere,  to  throw.]  Throwing 
out,  appl.  function  of  certain  ducts 

elaborate  (elab'orat)  v.  [L.  ex,  out ; 
laborare,  to  work.]  To  change 
from  a  crude  state  to  a  state  cap- 
able of  assimilation  (pkys.)  ;  to 
form  complex  organic  substances 
from  simple  materials  (bot.). 

elaeoblast  (ele'oblast)  n.  [Gk.  elaion, 
oil ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  mass  of 
nutrient  material  at  the  posterior 
end  of  the  body  in  certain  Tunicates 

elaeodochon  (el'eod'okon)  n.  [Gk. 
elaiodochos,  oil-containing.]  The 
preen-gland  or  oil-gland  in  birds 

elaioplast  (ell'oplast')  n.  [Gk.  elaion, 
oil  ;  plastos,  moulded.]  A  plastid 
in  a  plant  cell  which  forms  or  helps 
to  form  oil  globules  (bot.). 



EM  In- 

elastic fibres,— special  fibres,  often 
branched  and  highly  resistant  to 
the  action  of  boiling  water,  but 
easily  acted  on  by  tryptic  digestion 

elastic  fibro-cartilage,— consists  of 
cartilage  cells  and  a  matrix  per- 
vaded by  a  network  of  yellow 
elastic  fibres  which  branch  and 
anastomose  in  all  directions  (anat.). 

elastic  tissue, — a  type  of  connective 
tissue  in  which  elastic  and  yellowish 
fibres  are  mixed  with  the  non- 
elastic  fibres  (phys.). 

elastin  (elas'tin)  n.  [Gk.  elauein,  to 
drive.]  The  substance  which  forms 
elastic  tissues  (phys.). 

elater  (el'ater)  n.  [Gk.  elater,  driver.] 
One  of  the  cells  in  certain  plants 
with  a  spiral  thickening  in  the 
wall  which  assists  in  dispersing 
the  spores  (bot.). 

electric  organ, — modifications  of 
muscles  or  groups  of  muscles 
which  discharge  a  considerable 
amount  of  electric  energy,  found 
in  certain  Fishes  (zool.). 

electroplax  (616k'troplaks)  n.  [Gk. 
elektron,  amber ;  plax,  anything 
broad  and  flat.]  One  of  the  con- 
stituent plates  of  an  electric  organ, 
which  are  arranged  at  right  angles 
to  the  axis  of  the  primitive  muscle 

electro-tonic  (gleYtroton'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
elektron,  amber ;  tonos,  tension.] 
Pert,  a  state  ofelectric  tension  (phys.). 

electrotonus  (elfiktrot'onus)  n.  [Gk. 
elektron,  amber ;  tonos,  tension.] 
The  modified  condition  of  a  nerve 
when  subjected  to  a  constant 
current  of  electricity  (phys.).  • 

eleidin  (ele'Idln)  n.  [Gk.  eleos, 
wandering.]  A  substance  found 
as  small  granules  in  the  stratum 
granulosum  of  the  epidermis, 
probably  a  stage  in  the  formation 
of  keratin  (phys.). 

element  (eTement)  n,  [L.  elementum, 
unit.]  A  substance  that  cannot 
be  separated  into  simpler  substances 

eleutherodactyl  (61u'th6rodak'tTl)  a. 
[Gk.  eleutheros,  free ;  daktylos, 
finger.]  Having  the  hind  toe 
free  (zool.). 

eleutheropetalous    (glu'thgropeValiis) 

a.  [Gk.  eleutheros,  free  ;  petalon, 
petal.]  Having  the  petals  or  the 
components  of  the  whorl  free  or 
separate  (dot.). 

eleutherophyllous  (61u'th6r6fil'us)  a. 
[Gk.  eleutheros,  free  ;  phyllon,  leaf.] 
Having  the  components  of  the 
perianth  whorls  free  (bot.). 

eleutherosepalous  (61u'th6rosep'alus) 
a.  [Gk.  eleutheros,  free  ;  sepalon, 
sepal.]  Having  the  sepals  free  and 
separate  (dot.). 

elliptical  (glip'tikal)  a.  [Gk.  elleipsis, 
a  falling  short.]  Oval-shaped ; 
appl.  leaves  of  about  the  same 
breadth  at  equal  distances  from 
base  and  apex,  which  are  slightly 
acute  (hot.). 

elytriform  (elit'riform)  a.  [Gk.  elytron, 
sheath  ;  L./orma,  shape.]  Shaped 
like  an  elytrum  (zool.). 

elytroid  (elit'roid)  a.  [Gk.  elytron, 
sheath  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Re- 
sembling an  elytrum  (zool.). 

elytrum  (elit'riim)  n.  [Gk.  elytron, 
sheath.]  The  anterior  wing  of 
certain  insects,  hard  and  case-like  ; 
one  of  the  scales  or  shield-like 
plates  found  on  the  dorsal  surface 
of  some  worms  (zool.). 

emarginate  (emar'jinat)  a.  [L.  ex, 
put ;  marginare,  to  delimit.]  Hav- 
ing a  triangular  notch  at  the  apex 
(bot.)  ;  having  the  tip  notched  (zool.). 

embole  (em'bole)  n.  [Gk.  embole, 
putting  into  place.]  Invagination 

embolic  (embol'lk)  a.  [Gk.  embolos, 
anything  pointed.]  Pushing  or 
growing  in  (emb.). 

embolium  (gmbo'lium)  n.  [Gk. 
embolos,  pointed.]  The  outer  or 
costal  part  of  the  wing  in  certain 
insects  (zool.). 

embolomerous  (e'm'bolom'e'rus)  a. 
[Gk.  embolos,  anything  pointed ; 
meros,  part.]  Having  two  verte- 
bral rings  in  each  segment  due 
to  the  union  of  the  hypocentra 
with  the  neural  arch,  and  the 
union  of  the  two  pleurocentra 
below  the  notochord  (anat.), 

embryo  (gm'brio)  n.  [Gk.  embryon, 
embryo.]  Any  young  organism 
in  the  early  stages  of  its  develop- 
ment before  it  has  become  self- 
supporting  (biol.). 




embryo  cell, — one  of  the  two  cells 
formed  from  the  first  division  of 
the  fertilized  egg  in  certain  plants, 
developing  later  into  the  embryo, 
the  other  developing  into  the 
suspensor  (bot.). 

embryo  sac, — the  megaspore  (bot.). 

embryogeny  (embrioj'en!)  n.  [Gk. 
embryon,  embryo  ;  genos,  birth.] 
The  processes  by  which  the  embryo 
is  formed  (emb.). 

embryology  (embriol'dji)  n.  [Gk. 
embryon,  embryo  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
That  part  of  biology  dealing  with 
the  formation  and  development  of 
the  embryo  (biol.). 

embryonic  (embrion'ik)  a.  [Gk.  em- 
bryon, embryo.]  Pert,  embryo  (biol.). 

embryophore  (em'briofor)  n.  [Gk. 
embryon,  embryo  ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
The  ciliated  mantle  enclosing  the 
embryo  in  many  tape-worms,  and 
formed  from  the  superficial 
blastomeres  of  the  embryo  (zool.). 

embryotegia  (Smbriote'jia)  n.  [Gk. 
embryon,  embryo  ;  tegos,  roof.]  The 
small  hardened  portion  of  the  testa 
which  marks  the  micropyle  in  some 
seeds  and  separates  like  a  little  lid 
at  the  period  of  germination  (bot.). 

embryotrophy  (Sm'briot'rofi)  n.  [Gk. 
embryon,  embryo ;  trephein,  to 
nourish.]  The  nourishment  of  the 
embryo,  or  the  means  adapted  to 
that  purpose  (emb.). 

emergence  (emeYjens)  n.  [L.  ex,  out ; 
mergere,  to  dip.]  Any  of  the  out- 
growths which  arise  from  the  sub- 
epidermal  tissue  (bot.)  zool.). 

emersed  (emers't)  a.  [L.  ex,  out ; 
mergere,  to  dip.]  Rising  above  the 
surface  of  the  water ;  appl.  leaves 

eminence  (em'inens)  n.  [L.  eminens, 
eminent.]  Ridge  or  projection  on 
the  surface  of  bones  (anat.). 

emlnentla  (em'ine'n'shla)  n.  plu.  [L. 
eminens,  eminent.]  Eminences. 

emissary  (em'isari)  a.  [L.  emittere, 
to  send  out.]  Coming  out ;  name 
appl.  veins  passing  through  aper- 
tures in  the  cranial  wall  and  estab- 
lishing connection  between  the 
sinuses  inside  and  the  veins  outside 

empodium  (gmpo'dium)  n.  [Gk.  en, 
in ;  pous,  foot.]  A  small  variable 

median  structure  between  the  claws 
of  many  insects'  feet  (zool.). 

emulsln  (emiil'sin)  n.  [L.  emulgere, 
to  milk  out.]  An  enzyme  found  in 
certain  plants  (bot.). 

enamel  (enam'el)  n.  [O.F.  esmaillier, 
to  coat  with  enamel.]  The  hard 
material  containing  over  90  per 
cent,  calcium  and  magnesium  salts 
which  forms  a  cap  over  the  dentine, 
or  may  form  a  complete  coat  to  the 
tooth  or  scale  in  which  it  is  found 

enamel  cells,— the  cells  which  form 
the  enamel  and  are  collectively 
known  as  the  enamel  organ. 

enantioblastic  (enan'tloblas'tik)  a. 
[Gk.  enantios,  opposite ;  blastos, 
bud.]  Formed  at  the  end  of  the 
seed  opposite  the  placenta  (bot.). 

enarthrosis  (en'arthro'sis)  n.  [Gk.  en, 
in  ;  arthron,  joint.]  Ball-and-socket 
joint  (anat.). 

encephalocoel  (enkef'alosel,  -sef-)  n. 
[Gk.  enkephalos,  within  the  head  ; 
koilos,  hollow.]  The  cavity  within 
the  brain  (zool.). 

encephalon  (enkef'alon,  -sef-)  n.  [Gk. 
enkephalos,  within  the  head.]  The 
brain  (anat.). 

encephalospinal  (enkef'alospi'nal, 
-sSf-)  a.  [Gk.  enkephalos,  within 
the  head ;  L.  spina,  spine.]  Pert. 
the  brain  and  spinal  cord  (anat.). 

enchylema  (en'klle'ma)  n.  [Gk.  en, 
in  ;  chylos,  juice.]  The  more  fluid 
protoplasm  in  a  cell  (biol.): 

encyst  (ensist')  v.  [Gk.  en,  in  ;  kystis, 
bladder.]  Of  a  cell  or  small  animal, 
to  surround  itself  with  an  outer  coat 
or  capsule  (biol.). 

encystation  (ensista'shun)  n.  [Gk. 
en,  in  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  Forma- 
tion of  a  cyst  or  capsule  (biol.). 

encystment  (ensist'ment)  n.  [Gk. 
en,  in  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  Formation 
of  a  firm,  resistant  envelope  or 
capsule  (biol.). 

endarch  (find'ark)  a.  [Gk.  endon, 
within ;  arche,  beginning.]  With 
a  central  protoxylem,  or  with 
several  surrounding  a  central  pith 

endaspidean  (end'aspid'ean)  a.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  aspis,  shield.]  With 
the  scutes  extending  on  the  inner 
surface  of  the  tarsus  (zool.). 



end-bulbs,  —  minute  cylindrical  or  oval 
bodies,  consisting  of  a  capsule 
containing  a  semi-fluid  core  in 
which  the  axis  cylinder  terminates 
either  in  a  bulbous  extremity  or  in 
a  coiled  plexiform  mass  (anat.). 

endemic  (SndSm'lk)  a.  [Gk.  en,  in  ; 
demos,  the  people.]  Restricted  to  a 
certain  region  or  part  of  a  region 

enderon  (Sn'dSron)  n.  [Gk.  en,  in  ; 
deros,  skin.]  The  inner  or  endo- 
dermal  layer  (ana/.). 

enderonic  (Sn'de'ron'ik)  a.  [Gk.  en, 
in  ;  deros,  skin.]  Endodermal. 

endites  (gndlts')  n.  plu.  [Gk.  endon, 
within.]  The  offshoots  on  the 
mesial  border  of  the  appendages 
of  certain  Crustacea  (zool.). 

endoblast  (gn'doblast)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  blastos,  bud.]  The  hypo- 
blast  (emd.). 

endocardiac  (gn'dokar'diak)  a.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  kardia,  heart.]  Situ- 
ated within  the  heart  (anat). 

endocardlal  (gn'dokir'dial),  —  see 

endocardium  (gn'ddkar'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  kardia,  heart.]  The 
thin  smooth  membrane  which  lines 
and  gives  the  glistening  appearance 
to  the  inner  surface  of  the  heart 

endocarp  (fin'dokarp)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  The  inner- 
most layer  of  the  pericarp,  usually 
hard  and  stony,  in  drupaceous  fruits 

endocarpold  (Sn'dokar'poid)  a.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Having 
the  disc-like  ascocarps  embedded  in 
the  thallus  (dot.). 

endochondral  (6n'd6kon'dral)  a.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  chondros,  cartilage.] 
Beginning  or  forming  inside  the  car- 
tilage, usually  appl.  ossification 

endochone  (gn'dokon)  «.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  choane,  funnel.]  Spacious 
sub-cortical  crypt  in  the  tissue  of 
Sponges  from  which  the  incurrent 
canals  start  (zool.). 

endochrome  (gn'dokrom)  plate,  —  a 
band  of  yellowish  chromatophores 
found  in  the  protoplasmic  portion 
of  certain  Diatoms  (dot.). 

endochylous     (eVdokl'lus)    a.      [Gk. 

endon,  within  ;  chylos,  juice.]  With 
the  water-cells  within  the  internal 
tissue  (dot.). 

endocoelar  (£n'dose'lar)  a.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  Pert,  the 
inner  wall  of  the  coelom,  i.e.  the 
splanchnic  wall  (zool.). 

endpcone  (Sn'docon)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  konos,  cone.]  One  of  the 
conical  structures  formed  in  certain 
cephalopod  shells  (Pal.). 

endocranium  (gn'dokra'nium)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  kranion,  skull.]  The 
process  on  the  inner  surface  of  the 
cranium  of  certain  insects  (zool.). 

endocrine  (Sn'dokrfn)  a.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  krinetn,  to  separate.]  Appl. 
organs  of  internal  secretion  (phys.). 

endocyde  (gn'dosl'kl)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  kyklos,  circle.]  A  layer  of 
tissue  separating  the  internal  phloem 
from  the  endodermis  (dot.). 

endocycllc  (gn'dosik'lik)  a.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  kyklos,  circle.]  With 
the  mouth  remaining  in  the  axis  of 
the  coil  of  the  gut,  appl.  Crinoids  ; 
having  an  apical  system  with  a 
double  circle  of  plates  surrounding 
the  anus,  appl.  Echinoids  (zool.) ; 
pert,  endocycle  (dot.). 

endocyst  (gn'dosist)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  The  soft 
body  wall  of  a  zooid  in  a  Polyzoan 

endoderm  (gn'dodgrm)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  derma,  skin.]  The  hypo- 
blast  ;  the  epithelium  of  the  digestive 
and  respiratory  organs,  and  of  the 
glands  appended  to  the  digestive 
tract  (emd.). 

endoderm  disc, — the  posterior  un- 
paired thickening  on  the  ventral 
surface  of  the  blastoderm  of  the 
crayfish  (zool.). 

endoderm  lamella, — a  thin  sheet  of 
endoderm  stretching  between  ad- 
jacent radial  canals,  and  between 
the  circular  canal  and  the  enteric 
cavity  in  certain  Coelenterates 

endodermis  (en'dodeVmis)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  derma,  skin.]  The 
innermost  layer  of  the  cortex  in 
plants  (dot.). 

endogamy  (findSg'ami)  n.  [Gk.end0n, 
within  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Zygote 
formation  within  the  cyst  by  the 



reciprocal  fusion  of  the  division 
products  of  the  daughter  nuclei 

endogastric  (6n'dogas'trik)  a.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  gaster,  belly.]  Hav- 
ing the  curvature  of  the  body  with 
the  enclosing  shell  towards  the 
ventral  side  (zool.}. 

endogenous  (gndoj'enus)  a.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  genos,  birth.]  De- 
veloping from  a  deep-seated  layer 

endogenous       multiplication,  —  see 

spore  formation. 

endogeny  (findqj'Sni)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  genos,  birth.]  Development 
from  a  deep-seated  layer  (biol.). 
endognath  (en'dognath')  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  The 
inner  branch  of  the  oral  appendages 
of  Crustacea  (zool.). 
endognathion  (gn'dognath'ion)  n. 
[Gk.  endon,  within  ;  gnathos,  jaw.] 
The  mesial  segment  of  the  maxilla 
in  man,  bearing  a  central  incisor 

endogonidium  (Sn'dogonid'ium)  «. 
[Gk.  endon,  within ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
A  gonidium  formed  in  a  receptacle  ; 
the  colony-forming  cells  in  such 
forms  as  Volvox  (bot.). 
endolabium  (Sn'dola'blum)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  L.  labium,  lip.J  A 
membranous  lobe  in  the  interior  of 
the  mouth  on  the  middle  parts  of 
the  front  of  the  labium  (zool.). 
endolaryngeal  (en'dolar'mje'al,  -larin'- 
jeal)  a.  [Gk.  endon,  within ;  laryngx, 
larynx.]  Pert,  inside  of,  or  situated 
in,  the  larynx  (anat.). 
endolymph  (en'dolimf)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within ;  L.  lympha,  water.]  The 
fluid  in  the  inner  labyrinth  of  the 
ear  (anat.). 

endolymphangial  (gn'dolimf  an'jlal)  a. 
[Gk.    endon,    within ;     L.    lympha, 
water  ;  Gk.  anggeion,  vessel.]     Situ- 
ated in  a  lymphatic  (anat.). 
endolymphatic      (gn'dolfmfat'ik)     a. 
[Gk.    endon,    within ;     L.    lympha, 
water.]    Pert,  lymphatics  (anat.). 
endometrium  (gn'domet'rium)  n.   [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  metra,  womb.]     The 
mucous  lining  of  the  womb  (anat.). 
endomysium  (Sn'domiz'ium)  n.     [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  mys,  muscle.]    The 
delicate   connective     tissue    which 

separates  the  muscle  fibres  from  one 
another  (anat.). 

endoneurium  (gn'donu'rium)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  neuron,  nerve.]  The 
delicate  connective  tissue  holding 
together  and  supporting  the  nerve 
fibres  within  the  funiculus  (anat.). 
endoparasite  (en'dopar'aslt)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  para,  beside  ;  sitos, 
food.]  Any  organism  living  par- 
asitically  in  another  (biol.). 
endoperidium  (en'dopSrid  lum)  n. 
[Gk.  endon,  within  ;  peridion,  little 
pouch.]  The  inner  layer  of  coat  of 
peridium  (bot.). 

endophragm  (gn'dofram)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  phragma,  fence.}  A 
septum  formed  by  the  cephalic  and 
thoracic  apodemes  in  Crustacea 

endophragmal  (en'dofrag'mal)  a.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  phragma,  fence.] 
Belonging  to  or  pert,  the  endo- 
phragm (zool.). 

endophyte  (gn'dofit)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  plant 
growing  within  another,  either  as 
parasite  or  otherwise  (bot.). 
endophytic  (en'dofit'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
endon, within  \phyton,  plant.]  Living 
in  the  cavities  of  other  plants  (bot.). 
endoplasm  (Sn'doplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  endosarc,  or  inner 
portion  of  the  protoplasm  in  a  cell 

endoplastule  (gn'doplas'tul)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
The  micronucleus  of  certain  Protists 

endopleura  (Sn'ddploo'ra)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  pleura,  side.]  The 
inner  seed-coat  (bot.). 
endopleurite  (gn'doploo'rit)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  pleura,  side.]  The 
epimeral  portion  of  the  apodeme 

endopodite  (gndop'odit)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
inner  or  mesial  branch  of  a  bi- 
ramous  crustacean  limb,  or  the  only 
part  of  the  biramous  limb  remaining 

endoral  (findo'ral)  a.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  L.  os,  mouth.]  Pert. 
structures  situated  in  the  vestibule 
of  certain  Protozoa  (zool.). 



endorhachis  (gn'dora'kis)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  rhachis,  stem.]  A 
layer  of  connective  tissue  lining 
the  canal  of  the  vertebral  column 
and  the  cavity  of  the  skull  (anat.). 

endosarc  (fin'dosark)  n,  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  sarx,  flesh.]  See  endo- 

endosiphuncle  (gn'dosifung'kl)  n. 
[Gk.  endon,  within  ;  L.  siphunculus, 
little  tube.]  The  tube  leading  from 
the  protoconch  to  the  siphuncle  in 
certain  Cephalopods  (pal.}. 

endoskeleton  (eVdoskeTeton)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  skeletos,  hard.]  The 
inner  skeleton  as  opposed  to  the 
exoskeleton  (zoo!.). 

endosmosis  (Sn'dSsmo'sTs)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  osmos,  pushing  in- 
fluence.] The  passage  inwards 
through  a  permeable  or  semi- 
permeable  membrane  of  a  less 
concentrated  solution  (phys.). 

endosome  (e"n'dos5m)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within ;  soma,  body.]  The  chroma- 
tinic  mass  near  the  centre  of  a 
vesicular  type  of  nucleus  (cyt.). 

endosperm  (gn'dospgrm)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  sperma,  seed.]  The 
female  prothallium  (pot.). 

endospore  (fin'dospor)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  sporos,  seed.]  The  inner 
coat  of  the  sporocyst  in  some 
Protozoa  (zoo!.) ;  an  asexual  spore  ; 
the  inner  coat  of  a  spore  wall 

endosporium  (Sn'dospo'rium),  —  see 

endosteal  (e"nd8s'teal)  a.  [Gk.  endon, 
within ;  osteon,  bone.]  Pert,  the 
endosteum  (ana/.). 

endosternlte  (eVdosteYnlt)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within ;  L.  sternum,  sternum.] 
The  internal  skeletal  plate  for  the 
attachment  of  muscles ;  a  free 
skeleton  situated  in  the  prosoma 
between  the  alimentary  canal  and 
the  nerve  cord  in  Arachnids  (zoo!.). 

endosttmm  (gndos'teum)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  osteon,  bone.]  The 
internal  periosteum  lining  the 
cavities  of  bones  (anaf.). 

endostosis  (gn'dosto'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  osteon,  bone.]  Ossi- 
fication which  begins  in  the  carti- 
lage (anaf.). 

endostracum  (gndos'trakum)  n.     [Gk. 

endon,  within ;  ostrakon,  shell.]  The 
inner  layer  of  the  shell  (zoo!.). 

endostyle  (en'dostll)  n.  [Gk.  endon, 
within  ;  stylos,  pillar.]  A  band 
of  thickened  epithelium  on  the 
oesophageal  wall  of  a  Tornaria  ; 
two  ventral  longitudinal  folds  separ- 
ated by  a  groove  in  the  pharynx 
of  the  Tunicates  ;  a  longitudinal 
groove  lined  by  ciliated  epithelium 
on  the  ventral  wall  of  the  pharynx 
of  Amphioxus  (zoo!.). 

endotheca  (gn'dothe'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within ;  theke,  box.]  The 
whole  system  of  dissepiments  in  any 
given  calyx  of  a  coral ;  the  oval 
surface  of  any  Cystidea  (zool.). 

endothecial  (gn'dothe'ktal,  -shial)  a. 
[Gk.  endon,  within ;  theke,  box.] 
Pert,  the  endothecium  ;  with  asci 
in  an  ascocarp  (bot.). 

endothecium  (gn'dothe'ktum,  -shium) 
n.  [Gk.  endon,  within  ;  theke,  box.] 
The  central  region  of  an  epibasal 
octant  of  the  oospore  of  liverworts 
and  mosses  ;  the  inner  lining  of  an 
anther  (dot.). 

endothelium  (Sn'dothe'llum)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within  ;  thele,  nipple.]  A 
squamous  epithelium  which  lines 
the  serous  cavities,  the  heart,  blood, 
and  lymphatic  vessels  (anat.). 

endothorax  (e'n'dotho'raks)  n.  [Gk. 
endon,  within ;  thorax,  chest.]  The 
apodeme  system  in  a  crustacean 
thorax  (zoo!.). 

end-plates, — the  ramified  expansions 
within  the  muscular  fibre  which 
form  the  ends  of  a  motor  nerve 

end-sac, — the  sac-like  vestigial  portion 
of  the  coelom  in  the  excretory  glands 
of  certain  Crustacea  (zoo!.). 

endysis  (gndl'sls)  n.  [Gk.  endysts, 
putting  on.]  The  development  of 
a  new  coat  (zoo!.). 

energesis  (6n'6rj  e'sts)  n.  [Gk.  energein, 
to  be  active.]  The  process  by  which 
energy  is  liberated  through  kata- 
bolic  action  (phys.). 

energld  (6n'6rjld)  n.  [Gk.  en,  in  ; 
ergon,  work.]  Any  living  uni- 
nucleated  protoplasmic  unit  with 
or  without  a  cell  wall  (bot.) 

enervose  (eneVvos)  a.  [L.  ex,  with- 
out ;  nervus,  sinew.]  Having  no 
veins,  appl.  certain  leaves  (bot.). 




engraved  (engraVd)<2.  [h..S.grafan,io 
dig.]  With  irregular  linear  grooves 
on  the  surface  (zool.). 

ensiform  (en'siform)  a.  [L.  ensis, 
sword ;  forma,  shape.]  Sword- 
shaped  (biol.). 

entelechy  (gnteTe"ki)  ».  [Gk.  en,  in  ; 
telos,  end  ;  echein,  to  hold.]  The 
realisation  of  forms  in  plant  and 
animal  life  which  have  the  power 
of  reproducing  their  kind  (biol.). 

entepicondylar  (gntSpikon'dilar)  a. 
[Gk.  entos,  within  ;  epi,  upon  ; 
kondylos,  knob.]  Pert,  the  lower 
or  condylar  end  of  the  humerus 

enteric  (Sn'tgrlk)  a.  [Gk.  enteron, 
gut.]  With  an  alimentary  canal 

enterocoel  (6n't6rosel')  n.  [Gk. 
enteron,  gut ;  koilos,  hollow.]  A 
coelom  which  has  arisen  either  as 
a  pouch-like  outgrowth  of  the  arch- 
enteric  cavity,  or  as  a  series  of  such 
outgrowths  (emb.). 

enteron  (en'teron)  n.  [Gk.  enteron, 
gut.]  The  alimentary  tract  (zool.). 

entire  (entlr')  a.  [M.E.  enter,  un- 
touched.] With  a  continuous 
margin  ;  appl.  leaves  (dot.). 

entoblast  (en'toblast)  n.  [Gk.  entos, 
within  ;  blastos,  bud.]  The  endo- 
derm  ;  the  nucleolus  (zool.). 

entobranchiate  (fin'tobrang'kTat)  a. 
[Gk.  entos,  within  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
Having  internal  gills  (zool.). 

entobronchlum  (Sn'tobrong'klum)  n. 
[Gk.  entos,  within  ;  brongchos,  wind- 
pipe.] The  dorsal  secondarybranch 
of  the  bronchus  in  birds  (anat.). 

entobronchus(e'n'tobrong'kus), — ento- 

entochondrostosis  (gn'tokondrosto'- 
sis)  n.  [Gk.  entos,  within  ;  chondros, 
cartilage  ;  osteon,  bone.]  Ossifica- 
tion from  within  outwards  (zool.). 

entocodon  (gn'tb'ko'don)  n.  [Gk. 
entos,  within  ;  kodon,  bell.]  The 
lens-shaped  mass  of  cells  in  the 
development  of  a  medusoid  which 
sink  below  the  level  of  the  super- 
ficial ectoderm,  and  ultimately 
develop  a  cavity  (zool.). 

entocoel  (gn'tosel)  n.  [Gk.  entos, 
within  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  space 
enclosed  by  a  pair  of  mesenteries 
in  the  Anthozoa  (zool.). 

entocondyle  (en'tokon'dil)  n.  [Gk. 
entos,  within  ;  kondylps,  knob.]  The 
condyle  on  the  mesial  surface  of  a 
bone  (anat.). 

entoconid  (gn'tb'ko'nid)  n.  [Gk.  entos, 
within  ;  konos,  cone.]  The  postero- 
internal  cusp  of  a  lower  molar  (zool.). 

entocuneifonn  (£n'tbkune'iform)  n. 
[Gk.  entos,  within  ;  kuneos,  wedge  ; 
L.forma,  shape.]  The  most  internal 
of  the  distal  row  of  tarsal  bones 

entocyemate  (gn'tosie'mat)  a.  [Gk. 
entos,  within ;  kyema,  embryo.]  With 
embryos  having  amnion  and  allan- 
tois  (smb.). 

entoderm, — see  endoderm. 

entodermal, — see  endodermal. 

entogastric  (en'togas'trik)  a.  [Gk. 
entos,  within  ;  gaster,  belly.]  Pert. 
interior  of  stomach  ;  appl.  gastric 
budding  in  Medusae  (zool.). 

entoglossal  (Sn'toglos'al)  a.  [Gk. 
entos,  within ;  glossa,  tongue.]  Lying 
in  the  substance  of  the  tongue 

entomology  (en'tb'morojT)  n.  [Gk. 
entomon,  insect ;  logos,  discourse.] 
That  portion  of  zoology  dealing 
with  Insects  (zool.). 

entomophilous  (Sn'tomof ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
entomon,  insect  ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Pollinated  by  the  agency  of  insects 

entophyte  (en'toflt)  n.  [Gk.  entos, 
within ;  phyton,  plant.]  Endophyte. 

entoplastron  (gn'toplas'tron)  n.  [Gk. 
entos,  within  ;  F.  plastron,  breast- 
plate.] The  anterior  median  plate 
in  the  chelonian  plastra,  often  called 
the  episternum,  and  probably  homo- 
logous with  the  interclavicle  of  other 
Reptiles  (zool.). 

entopterygold  (fin'topteVigoid)  n. 
[Gk.  entos,  within  ;  pteryx,  wing  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  The  inner 
bone  adjoining  the  palate  in  Fishes 

entosphere  (Sn'tosfer)  n.  [Gk.  entos, 
within  ;  sphaira,  globe.]  The  inner 
portion  of  the  attraction  sphere 

entosternite  (gn'tostSr'nlt)  n.  [Gk. 
entos,  within ;  sternon,  breast.] 

entosternum  (SntostSr'num)  n.  [Gk. 
entos,  within  ;  sternon,  breast.]  The 



entoplastron  ;  an  internal  process 
of  the  sternum  of  numerous  Arthro- 
pods (zool.). 

entoturbinals  (e'n'totur'binalz)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  entos,  within  ;  L.  turbo,  whorl.] 
One  of  the  divisions  of  the  ethmo- 
turbinals  (zool.). 

entovarlal  (Sn'tova'rial)  a.  [Gk.  entos, 
within  ;  L.  ovum,  egg.]  Pert,  canal 
formed  in  the  ovaries  of  certain 
Fishes  by  the  insinking  and  closure 
of  a  groove  formed  by  the  covering 
epithelium  (zool.). 

entozoa  (gn'tozo'a)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  entos, 
within  ;  zoon,  animal.]  A  general 
name  for  all  internal  parasites 

entozoic  (gn'tozo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  en/as, 
within  ;  zoon,  animal.]  Living 
within  the  body  or  substance  of 
another  plant  or  animal  (zool.). 

entrochite  (gntro'klt)  n.  [Gk.  en,  in  ; 
trochos,  wheel.]  The  joint  of  the 
fossil  stem  of  a  stalked  Crinoid(/a/.). 

envelope  (gn'vgldp)  n.  [F.  enveloppe, 
covering.]  One  of  the  outer  cover- 
ings of  an  egg  (zool.} ;  any  surround- 
ing structure,  e.g.  floral  envelop 

environment  (gnvl'ronme'nt)  n.  [F. 
environ,  about.]  The  sum-total  of 
the  external  influences  acting  on 
an  organism  (bio/.). 

enzootic  (gn'zoSt'ik)  a.  [Gk.  en,  in  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  Afflicting  animals 

enzyme  (en'zfm)  n.  [Gk.  en,  in  ; 
zyme,  leaven.]  A  chemical  or  un- 
organized soluble  ferment  (phys.}. 

Eocene  (e'osen)  n.  [Gk.  eos,  dawn  ; 
kainos,  recent.]  The  earliest  or 
oldest  division  of  the  Tertiary 
system  (pal.}. 

Eogaea  (e'oje'a)  n.  [Gk.  eos,  dawn  ; 
gaia,  land.]  A  zoogeographical  divi- 
sion including  Africa,  S.  America, 
and  Australasia  ;  cf.  Caenogaea. 

eosinophile  (e'osTn'ofil)  a.  [Gk.  eos, 
dawn  ;  philein,  to  love.]  Appl. 
cells  which  readily  stain  a  brilliant 
red  colour  when  treated  with  a 
mixed  stain  containing  eosin  (phys.). 

epacme  (gpSk'me)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
akme,  point.]  The  stage  in  the 
phylogeny  of  a  group  just  previous 
to  its  reaching  its  summit  (pal.). 

epalaceous  (e'pala'shus)   a.      [L.   ex, 

without  \pala,  shovel.]  Not  spade- 
shaped  (bot.). 

epaleaceous  (e'palea'shus)  a.  [L.  ex, 
without ;  palea,  chaff.]  With  re- 
ceptacles which  do  not  contain 
chaff  (bot.). 

epalpate  (epal'pat)  a.  [L.  ex,  without ; 
palpus,  palp.J  Not  furnished  with 
palpi  (zool.). 

epapillate  (epSp'ilat)  a.  [L.  ex,  with- 
out ;  papilla,  nipple.]  Not  having 
papillae  (zool.). 

epapophyals  (gp'apof'isis)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  apophysis,  offshoot.]  A 
median  process  arising  from  the 
centre  of  the  neural  arch  of  a 
vertebra  (anat.). 

eparterial  (ep'arte'rial)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  L.  arteria,  artery.]  Situated 
above  an  artery ;  appl.  branch  of 
right  bronchus  (anat.). 

epaulettes  (6p'616ts)  n.  plu.  [F. 
tyaule,  shoulder.]  Branched  or 
knobbed  processes  projecting  from 
the  outer  side  of  the  oral  arms 
of  many  Scyphozoa ;  horizontally 
placed  crescentic  ridges  of  cilia  in 
the  Echinopluteus  (zool.). 

epaxlal  (gpak'slal)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
L.  axis,  axis.]  Above  the  axis  ; 
usually  appl.  axis  formed  by  verte- 
bral column  (anat.). 

epedaphic  (ep'edafik)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  edaphos,  soil.]  Pert,  climatic 
conditions  (bot.). 

epencephalon  (6p'6nk6f'alon,  -seT-)  n. 
[Gk.  epi,  upon  ;  engkephalon,  the 
brain.]  The  cerebellum  (anat.). 

ependyma  (gpgn'dima),  ependyme 
(e'pe'ndlm7)  n.  [Gr.  ependyma,  outer 
garment/]  The  layer  of  cells  lining 
the  cavities  of  the  brain  and  spinal 
cord  (anat.). 

ependymal  (gpgn'dimSl)  a.  [Gk.  epen- 
dyma, outer  garment.]  Pert,  epen- 

ephebic  (gfe'blk)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
hebe,  puberty.]  Pert,  stage  in 
phylogeny  between  the  early,  or 
childhood  stage  and  the  old-age 
stage  of  a  group  (pal.). 

ephemerals  (ef gm'gralz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
ephemeras,  daily.]  Annual  plants 
with  duration  of  life-cycle  so 
shortened  as  to  enable  several 
generations  to  follow  one  another 
during  a  single  season  (bot.). 




ephippium  (efip'ium)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon ;  hippos,  horse.]  The  pituitary 
fossa,  or  fossa  hypophyseos  of  the 
sphenoid  (anat) ;  a  thickened  and 
indurated  part  of  the  shell  which 
separates  from  the  rest  at  ecdysis 
and  forms  a  protective  case  for  the 
eggs  in  certain  Cladocera  (zool). 

ephyra  (eTira)  n.  [Gk.  Ephyra,  a 
nymph's  name.]  The  small  free- 
swimming  jelly-fish  stage  of  certain 
Scyphozoa,  produced  by  strobilation 
of  the  Scyphistoma  (zool.). 

ephyrula  (6f  ir'ula), — ephyra. 

epibasal  (ep'iba'sal)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon ; 
L.  basis,  base.]  Pert,  upper  segment 
of  an  oospore,  ultimately  giving  rise 
to  the  shoot  (hot.), 

epibenthos  (gp'ibgn'thos)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon ;  benthos,  depths.]  Fauna  and 
flora  found  between  the  low-water 
mark  and  the'hundred  fathoms'  line 

epiblast  (gp'iblast)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
blastos,  bud.]  The  outer  layer  of  the 
gastrula  ;  the  ectoblast  (emb). 

eplblema  (gp'ible'ma)  n.  [Gk.  epi- 
blema,  cover.]  The  outermost  layer 
of  the  root-tissue  (bot.). 

epibolic  (gp'ibol'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
ballein,  to  throw.]  Growing  so  as  to 
cover  over  ;  appl.  type  of  gastrula- 
tion  (emb.). 

epiboly  (epib'oli)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
ballein,  to  throw.]  Growth  of  one 
part  over  another  in  embryonic 
stages  (emb.). 

eplbranchial  (ep'ibrang'kial)  a.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  brangchia,  gills.]  Pert. 
the  second  upper  element  in  a 
branchial  arch  (zool). 

epicalyx  (ep'Ika'liks)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  kalyx,  cup.]  The  stipules, 
fused  in  pairs,  producing  an  ap- 
parent outer  or  extra  calyx ;  a 
structure  just  below  the  calyx  pro- 
duced by  the  aggregation  of  bracts 
or  bracteoles  (bot). 

epicanthus  (gp'ikan'thus)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon ;  kanthos,  corner.]  A 
prolongation  of  the  upper  eyelid 
over  the  inner  angle  of  the  eye 

epicardium  (ep'ikar'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon ;  kardia,  heart.]  The 
visceral  part  of  the  pericardium 
(anat) ;  a  tubular  prolongation  of 

the  branchial  sac  in  many  Ascidians, 
which  takes  part  in  budding  (zool.). 
epicarp  (ep'fkarp)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
karpos,  fruit.]  The  outer  layer  of 
the  pericarp  (bot). 

epicentral  (ep'isgn'tral)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  kentron,  centre.]  Attached 
to  or  arising  from  the  vertebral 
centra  ;  appl.  usually  to  inter- 
muscular  bones  (anat). 
epicerebral  (ep'iser'gbral)  a.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon ;  L.  cerebrum,  brain.] 
Situated  above  the  brain  (anat.). 

epichilium  (ep'ikll'ium)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  cheilos,  lip.]  The  terminal 
lobe  of  the  lower  petal  of  an 
orchid  (bot.). 

epichordal  (ep'ikor'dal)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  chorde,  cord.]  Upon  the 
notochord ;  appl.  vertebrae  in  which 
the  ventral  cartilaginous  portions 
are  almost  completely  suppressed 

epicoele  (ep'isel)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
koilos,  hollow.]  The  cavity  of  the 
mid-brain  in  the  lower  vertebrates  ; 
the  cerebellar  cavity  (anat) ;  a  peri- 
visceral  cavity  formed  by  invagina- 
tion  (zool). 

epicoelia  (ep'ise'lia)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  koilia,  cavity.]  Epicoele. 

epicondylar  (gp'lkon'dilar)  a.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  kondylos,  knob.]  Pert. 
the  epicondyle  (zool). 

epicondyle  (ep'ikon'dil)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  kondylos,  knob.]  The  outer 
protuberance  at  the  lower  or  distal 
end  of  the  humerus  (anat). 

epicoracoid  (Sp'ikor'akoid)  a.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  korax,  crow ;  eidos,  re- 
semblance.] Pert,  an  element 
usually  cartilaginous  in  nature  at 
the  sternal  end  of  the  coracoid  in 
Amphibians,  Reptiles,  and  Mono- 
tremes  (zool). 

epicormic  (ep'ikor'mik)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon ;  kormos,  trunk  of  a  tree.] 
Growing  from  a  dormant  bud 

epicotyl  (ep'ikot'il)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
kotyle,  vase.]  The  axis  of  a  plumule 

epicotyledonary  (ep'lkot'iled'onari)  a. 
[Gk.  epi,  upon ;  kotyle,  vase.]  Above 
the  cotyledons  (hot). 

epicoxite  (ep'ikok'sTt)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  L.  coxa,  hip.]  A  small 




process  at  the  posterior  end  of  the 
toothed  part  of  the  coxae  of  the 
second,  third,  fourth,  and  fifth  pairs 
of  appendages  in  the  Eurypterida 

epicranial  (ep'ikra'nial)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  kranion,  skull.]  Pert. 
cranium  ;  appl.  muscles,  bones, 
etc.  (anat.). 

epicranlum  (gp'ikra'nium)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon ;  kranion,  skull.]  The 
region  between  and  behind  the 
eyes  in  an  insect's  head  (zool) ; 
the  structure  covering  the  cranium 

epicritic  (ep'ikrit'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon ;  krinein,  to  judge.]  Pert. 
return  and  accurate  localization  of 
elaborate  sensations  after  an  opera- 
tion (phys.). 

epicyte  (Ip'islt)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
kytos,  hollow.]  The  external  layer 
of  the  ectoplasm  in  certain  Protozoa 

epidemes  (Sp'idemz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  demas,  body.]  In 
certain  insects,  small  pieces  closely 
related  with  the  articulation  of  the 
wings  (zool.). 

epidermis  (gp'Tder'mis)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon ;  derma,  skin.]  The  outer- 
most protective  layer  of  stems, 
roots,  and  leaves,  occasionally  it 
may  be  the  outer  layer  of  the 
ground  tissue  (hot.)  ;  the  external 
layer  of  the  skin,  a  non-vascular 
stratified  epithelium  of  ectodermic 
origin  ;  the  single  layer  of  ectoderm 
in  many  invertebrates  (zool.). 

epididymis  (ep'idid'imis)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  didymos,  testicle.]  A  mass 
at  the  back  of  the  testicle  composed 
chiefly  of  the  vasa  efferentia  ;  gener- 
ally speaking,  the  greatly  coiled 
anterior  end  of  the  Wolffian  duct 
(anat.,  zool.). 

epidural  (ep'idu'ral)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon ; 
L.  dura,  hard.]  Pert,  dura  mater ; 
appl.  space  between  the  dura  mater 
and  the  wall  of  the  vertebral  column 

epigamic  (ep'fgam'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Tending 
to  attract  the  opposite  sex  (zool.). 

epigainous  (epig^amus)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Designat- 
ing that  stage  in  polychaete  worms 

in  which  the  immature  forms  be- 
come heteronereid,  whilst  the  sexual 
elements  are  ripening  (zool.). 

epigaster  (ep'Igas'ter)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  gaster,  belly.]  That  part  of 
the  embryonic  intestine  which  later 
develops  into  the  gut  (emb.). 

epigastric  (gp'igas'trik)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  gaster,  belly.]  Pert,  anterior 
wall  of  the  abdomen  ;  middle  region 
of  the  upper  zone  of  the  artificial 
divisions  of  the  abdomen  (anat). 

epigastrium  (Sp'Tgas'trium)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  gaster,  stomach.]  The 
epigastric  region  (anat.) ;  the  sternal 
portions  of  the  meso-  and  meta- 
thorax  of  insects  (zool.). 

epigeal  (gp'iie'al)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
gaia,  land.]  Living  near  the  ground, 
appl.  insects  (zool.) ;  borne  above 
the  ground,  appl.  cotyledons  when 
they  form  first  foliage  leaves  (dot.). 

epigenesis  (ep'ijen'e'sis)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  gignesthai,  to  be  born.]  The 
theory  of  generation,  that  the  em- 
bryo is  an  entirely  new  creation, 
not  a  mere  unfolding  of  preformed 
structures  (biol.). 

epigeous  (gp'Tje'us),  —  see  epigeal 

epiglottis  (ep'iglot'is)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  glotta,  tongue.]  A  thin  leaf- 
shaped  lamella  of  fibro-cartilage, 
yellowish  in  colour,  between  the 
root  of  the  tongue  and  the  entrance 
to  the  larynx  (anat)  ;  the  epistome 
in  Polyzoa  ;  the  epipharynx  in  In- 
sects (zool.). 

a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ;  gnathos,  jaw.] 
Having  the  upper  jaw  longer  than 
the  lower  (zool.). 

epigonium  (e'p'Igo'nlum)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  gone,  seed.]  The  young 
sporangial  sac  in  the  Liverworts 

epigynous  (gpij'mus)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  gyne,  woman.]  Having  the 
various  whorls  adnate  to  the  ovary, 
thus  apparently  inserted  in  the  ovary 

epigyny  (epij'inl)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
gyne,  woman.]  The  condition  of 
having  the  whorls  apparently  in- 
serted in  the  ovary  (bot.). 

epihyal  (gp'ihi'al)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
hyoeidcs,  Y-shaped.]  Pert,  the  upper 




portion  of  the  ventral  part  of  the 
hyoid  arch ;  n.  the  upper  element 
of  the  ventral  portion  (zool.}. 

epilabrum  (ep'ilab'rum)  n.  [Gk.  'epi, 
upon  ;  L.  labrum,  lip.]  A  process 
at  the  side  of  the  labrum  in  Myria- 
pods  (zool.}. 

epimandibular  (ep'imandlb'ular)  a. 
[Gk.  epi,  upon ;  L.  mandibulum, 
jaw.]  Pert,  a  bone  in  the  lower 
jaw  of  vertebrates  (zool.}. 

epimeral  (epim'eral)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  meros,  part.]  Pert,  epimeron. 

epimere  (ep'imer)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
meros,  part.]  The  upper  region, 
or  dorsal  muscle-plate  of  the  meso- 
thelial  wall  (smb.}. 

epimerite  (epim'e'rlt)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  meros,  part.]  The  deciduous 
portion  of  the  protomerite  in  certain 
Gregarines  (zool.}. 

epimeron  (epim'eron)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  meros,  part.]  A  portion  of 
the  pleuron  in  insects  which  may 
be  posterior  or  nearly  as  far  forward 
as  the  episternum  ;  a  portion  of  the 
arthropod  segment  between  the 
tergum  and  the  limb  insertions 

epimorphosis  (e'p'imor'fosis)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  morphe,  change.]  That 
type  of  regeneration  in  which  a 
proliferation  of  new  material  pre- 
cedes the  development  of  the  new 
part  (biol.}. 

epimysium  (ep'imlz'ium)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon ;  mys,  muscle.]  The  sheath 
of  areolar  tissue  which  invests  the 
entire  muscle ;  cf.  perimysium 

epinasty  (ep'inas'ti)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
nastos,  pressed  close.]  The  more 
rapid  growth  of  the  upper  surface 
of  a  dorso-ventral  organ,  e.g.  a 
leaf,  thus  causing  an  unrolling  or 
downward  curvature  (bot.}. 

epineural  (ep'inu'ral)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon ;  neuron,  nerve.]  Arising 
from  the  neural  arch  of  a  vertebra 
(anat.} ;  pert,  canal  immediately 
below  the  radial  nerve  cord  in  the 
Ophiuroidea,  which  represents  the 
missing  ambulacral  groove  (zool.}. 

epineurium  (ep'mu'rium)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon ;  neuron,  nerve.]  The 
external  sheath  of  a  nerve  cord 

epiotic  (ep'iot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
ous,  the  ear.]  Pert,  the  upper  ele- 
ment of  the  bony  capsule  of  the  ear 

epiparasite  (ep'ipar'asit)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  para,  beside  ;  sites,  food.] 

epipetalous  (ep'ipet'alus)  a.  [Gk.  cpi, 
upon  ;  petalon,  petal.]  Having  the 
stamens  inserted  on  the  petals  (bot.}. 

epipharyngeal  (ep'ifaYinje'al,  ep'i- 
farin'jeal)  a.  [Gk.  ept,  upon  ; 
pharyngx,  throat.]  Pert,  the  upper 
or  dorsal  aspect  of  the  pharynx 

epipharynx  (ep'ifa'ringks)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  pharyngx,  throat.]  A 
projection  on  the  roof  of  the  mouth 
cavity  of  certain  insects  ;  the  mem- 
branous lining  of  labrum  and 
clypeus  drawn  out  with  the  labrum 
to  form  a  piercing  organ,  as  in 
Diptera  (zool.}. 

epiphragm  (ep'ifram)  n.  [Gk.  epi- 
phragma,  covering.]  A  layer  of 
hardened  mucous  matter,  or  a  cal- 
careous plate,  closing  the  opening 
of  certain  gastropod  shells  (zool.}  ; 
the  membrane  which  closes  the 
capsule  in  certain  Mosses ;  a 
closing  membrane  in  the  sporo- 
phores  of  certain  Fungi  (bot.}. 

epiphysial  (ep'ifiz'ial)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  phyein,  to  grow.]  Pert,  or 
similar  to  the  epiphysis  (zool.}. 

epiphysis  (epif'isis)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon ; 
phyein,  to  grow.]  Any  part  or  pro- 
cess of  a  bone  which  is  formed  from 
a  separate  centre  of  ossification  and 
later  fuses  with  the  bone  ;  the  pineal 
body  (anat.,  zool.} ;  a  stout  bar 
firmly  fused  to  the  alveolus  of  each 
jaw  and  articulating  with  the  rotulae 
in  sea-urchins  ;  certain  of  the  pro- 
cesses on  the  tibia  of  insects  (zool.}. 

epiphyte  (ep'ifit)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
phyton,  plant.]  Plant  which  lives 
on  other  plants,  but  is  not  parasitic 

epiphytic  (ep'ifit'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  phyton,  plant.]  Pert,  or 
similar  to  an  epiphyte  (bot.}. 

epiphytotic  (ep'ifitot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epiy 
upon  ;phytoft,  plant.]  Pert,  disease 
epidemic  in  plants  (bot.}. 

epiplankton  (ep'iplang'kton)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  plangktos,  wandering.] 




That  portion  of  the  plankton  from 
the  surface  to  the  hundred  fathoms 
line  (zool.}. 

eplplasm  (Sp'iplazm)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  plasma,  something  moulded.] 
Cytoplasm  of  a  brood  mother-cell 
remaining  over  unused  in  brood 
formation  (biol.}. 

epiplastron  (£p'iplas'tron)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  F. plastron,  breast-plate.] 
One  of  the  anterior  pair  of  bony 
plates  in  the  plastron  of  Chelonians 

epipleura  (ep'iploo'ra)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  pleuron,  rib.]  One  of  rib- 
like  structures  in  Teleosts  which 
are  not  preformed  in  cartilage  ;  an 
uncinate  process  in  birds ;  the 
turned  down  outer  margin  of  the 
elytra  of  certain  beetles  (zool.}. 

epiploic  (gp'iplo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epiploon, 
caul  of  the  entrails.]  Pert,  the 

epiploic  foramen, — the  opening  be- 
tween the  bursa  omentalis  and  the 
large  sac  of  the  peritoneum  ;  the 
foramen  of  Winslow  (anat.}. 

epiploon  (gp'iplo'on)  n.  [Gk.  epiploon, 
caul  of  the  entrails.]  The  great 
omentum  (anat.} ;  insect  adipose 
tissue  (zool.}. 

epipodial  (ep'ipo'dial)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  pous,  foot.]  Pert,  the  epi- 

epipodite  (epip'odij)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  pous,  foot.]  A  process 
arising  from  the  basal  joint  of  the 
crustacean  limb  and  usually  ex- 
tending into  the  gill  chamber  (zool.}. 

eplpodium  (Sp'ipo'dTum)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  pous,  foot.]  The  embryonic 
leaf-lamina  (bot.} ;  ridge  or  fold 
running  along  the  entire  edge  of  the 
creeping  sole  of  the  foot  of  Gastro- 
pods, often  beset  with  papillae  ;  the 
raised  ring  on  an  ambulacral  plate 
surrounding  the  two  pores  through 
which  the  tube-feet  project  in 
Echinoidea  (zool.}. 

epiprecoracoid  (ep'iprekor'akoid)  ;/. 
[Gk.  epi,  upon  ;  L.  pre,  before  ;  Gk. 
tnnur,  crow  ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
A  small  cartilage  at  the  ventral 
end  of  the  precoracoid  in  some 
turtle  pectoral  girdles  (zool.}. 

epipteric  (ep'ipter'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epi% 
upon ;  pteron,  wing.]  Pert,  or 

shaped  like,  or  placed  above  the 
wing  ;  appl.  a  small  bone  in  the 
skull  between  the  parietal  and  the 
sphenoidal  ala  (anat.}. 

epipterygoid  (ep'iptgr'igoid)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  pteryx,  wing.]  A  small 
bone  extending  nearly  vertically 
downwards  from  the  prootic  to  the 
pterygoid ;  also  called  columella 

epipubic  (ep'ipu'blk)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  L.  pubes,  adult.]  Pert,  or 
borne  upon  the  pubis ;  appl. 
certain  cartilages  or  bones  princi- 
pally in  marsupials  (zool.}. 

epipubis  (ep'fpu'bis)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  L.  pubes,  adult.]  An  un- 
paired cartilage  or  bone  borne 
anteriorly  on  the  pubis  (zool.}. 

epirhizous  (epTrfzus)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  rhiza,  root.]  Growing  upon 
a  root  (bot.}. 

episepalous  (gp'isep'alus)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  sepalon,  sepal.]  Adnate  to 
the  sepals  (bot.}. 

episkeletal  (ep'iskel'gtal)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  skeletos,  hard.]  Outside  the 
endoskeleton  (zool.}. 

episperm  (Sp'isperm)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  sperma,  seed.]  The  testa  or 
outer  coating  of  the  seed  (bot.}. 

episporangium  (gp'isporan'jTum)  n. 
[Gk.  epi,  upon ;  sporos,  seed ; 
anggeion,  vessel.]  An  indusium 

epispore  (ep'ispor)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
sporos,  seed.]  The  outer  layer  of 
the  wall  of  a  sporocyst  (zool.}. 

episternalia  (6p'ist6rna'lia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  epi,  upon ;  sternon,  breast- 
bone.] Two  small  elements  pre- 
formed in  cartilage  frequently  inter- 
vening in  development  between  the 
clavicles  and  the  sternum,  and 
ultimately  fusing  with  the  sternum 

episternite  (ep'isteYnit)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  sternon,  breast-bone.]  One 
of  the  portions  of  an  ovipositor 
formed  from  the  side  portions  of  a 
somite  (zool.}. 

episternum  (ep'isteYnum)  «.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  sternon,  breast-bone.] 
The  interclavicle  ;  also  applied  to 
an  anterior  cartilaginous  element 
of  the  sternum  ;  a  lateral  division 
of  an  arthropod  somite,  usually 




above  the  sternum  and  more  an- 
teriorly placed  than  the  epimeron 

epistoma  (ep'isto'ma)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  The  region 
between  the  antenna  and  the  mouth 
in  Crustacea  ;  a  small  lobe  over- 
hanging the  mouth  in  the  Polyzoa 
and  containing  a  part  of  the  body 
cavity  ;  that  portion  of  the  insect's 
head  immediately  behind  the 
labrum  ;  a  portion  of  the  rostrum 
of  certain  Diptera  (zool.). 

epistome, — see  epistoma. 

epistrophe  (epis'trofe)  n.  [Gk.  epis- 
trophe,  turning  towards.]  The 
position  assumed  by  the  chloro- 
plasts  along  the  outer  and  inner 
walls  when  exposed  to  diffuse  light 

epistropheus  (ep'istro'feus,  ep'istro'- 
fyus)  n.  [Gk.  epistropheus,  turning.] 
The  axis  vertebra  (anat}. 

epithalamus  (ep'ithal'amus)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon ;  thalamos,  chamber.] 
The  trigonum  habenulae,  the  pineal 
body  and  the  posterior  commissure 
of  the  brain  (anat.). 

epithalline  (ep'ithal'ln)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  thalla,  stem.]  Growing  upon 
the  thallus  (hot.}. 

epitheca  (gp'ithe'ka)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon ;  theke,  cup.]  An  external 
layer  surrounding  the  lower  part 
of  the  theca  in  many  Corals  (zool}. 

epithecium  (e"p'ithe'kium,  gp'ithe'- 
shtum)  n.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ;  theke, 
cup.]  The  surface  of  the  spore- 
cases  in  Lichens  and  Fungi  (dot.). 

epithelial  (ep'ithe'lial)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  t/tele,  nipple.]  Pert,  epithe- 

epithelium  (ep'lthe'lium)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  thele,  nipple.]  Any 
cellular  tissue  covering  a  free 
surface  or  lining  a  tube  or  cavity 

epithem  (ep'Tthgm)  n.  [Gk.  eft, 
upon  ;  tithenai,  to  put.]  A  group 
of  specialized  colourless  paren- 
chyma cells  surrounding  a  space 
in  the  tissue  of  a  plant  and  forming 
a  hydathode  (bot.)  ;  an  excrescence 
on  the  beak  of  birds  (zool.). 

epithema, — see  epithem. 

epitheme, — see  epithem. 

epitokous    (epTt'b'kus)    a.      [Gk.    epi, 

upon  ;  tokos,  birth.]  Designating 
the  heteronereid  stage  of  certain 
Polychaetes  (zool.). 

epitrichial  (ep'itrik'ial)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  thrix,  hair.]  Pert,  or  re- 
sembling the  epitrichium  (emb.). 

epitrichium  (ep'itrlk'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  thrix,  hair.]  An  outer 
layer  of  the  epidermis  in  the  foetus 
of  many  mammals,  usually  shed 
before  birth  (emb.}. 

epitrochlea  (gp'itrok'lea)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  trochos,  wheel.]  The 
inner  condyle  at  the  distal  end  of 
the  humerus  (anat.). 

epitympanic  (e'p'itimpan'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  L.  tympanum,  kettle- 
drum.] Situated  above  the  tympa- 
num (zool.). 

epixylous  (ep'iksi'lus,  epik'siliis)  a. 
[Gk.  epi,  upon  ;  xylon,  wood.] 
Growing  upon  wood  (bot.). 

epizoic  (ep'izo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  Pert,  animals  living 
on  or  attached  to  the  body  of 
another  animal  (zool.). 

epizoon  (gp'izo'on)  ;;.  [Gk.  epi,  upon  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  An  animal  living 
on  another ;  an  external  parasite 

epizootic  (ep'izoot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  zoon,  animal.]  Common 
among  animals  (zool.). 

epizygal  (ep'izl'gal)  n.  [Gk.  epi, 
upon  ;  zygon,  yoke.]  The  upper 
ossicle  in  a  syzygial  pair  of 
brachials  or  columnars  in  the 
Crinoids  (zool.}. 

eponychium  (ep'onik'ium)  «.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  onyx,  nail.]  The  thin 
cuticular  fold  which  overlaps  the 
lunula  of  the  nail  (anat.) ;  the 
dorsal  portion  of  a  neonychium 

epoophoron  (gp'ooftiron)  n.  [Gk. 
epi,  upon  ;  oon,  egg  ;  p herein,  to 
bear.]  A  rudimentary  organ,  the 
remains  of  the  WolfHan  body  of 
the  embryo,  lying  in  the  meso- 
salpinx  between  the  ovary  and  the 
uterine  tube  (anat.). 

equal  (e'kwal)  a.  [L.  aequalis,  equal.] 
Having  the  portions  of  the  lamina 
equally  developed  on  the  two  sides 
of  the  midrib  ;  appl.  leaves  (bot.). 

equation  division,— in  mitosis,  by 
the  longitudinal  splitting  of  the 




chromatin  thread  all  the  ancestral 
germ-plasms  are  equally  distributed 
in  the  daughter  nuclei  (cyt.}. 
equatorial  (ek'wato'rial)  plate,— the 
group  of  chromosomes  lying  at 
the  equator  of  the  spindle  during 
mitosis  (cyt.}. 

equiblradlate  (ek'wiblra'dtat)  a.  [L. 
aeguus,  equal ;  bis,  twice  ;  radius, 
radius.]  With  two  equal  rays 

equicellular  (ek'wiseTular)  a.  [L. 
aequus,  equal ;  cellula,  cell.]  Com- 
posed of  equal  cells  (zool.}. 

equilateral  (ek'wilat'e'ral)  a.  [L. 
aequus,  equal ;  latiis,  side.]  Hav- 
ing the  sides  equal  ;  appl,  shells 
which  are  symmetrical  about  a 
transverse  line  drawn  through  the 
umbo  (zool.}. 

equitant  (gk'witant)  a.  [L.  equitare, 
to  ride.]  Having  the  bases  over- 
lapping, saddlewise,  the  leaves 
above  them  (bot.}. 

equlvalve  (ek'wivalv')  a.  [L.  aequus, 
equal ;  valva,  valve.]  Having  the 
two  halves  of  the  shell  exactly 
alike  in  form  and  size  (zool.}. 

erect  (erekt')  a.  [L.  erigere,  to  raise 
up.]  Not  decumbent  (bot.}. 

erectile  (ereVtil)  a.  [L.  erigere,  to 
raise  up.]  Capable  of  being  erected 

erectile  tissue, — a  tissue  capable  of 
being  made  rigid  and  dilated  by 
the  distention  of  the  blood-vessels 
within  it  (anat.}. 

erection  (ereVshiin)  n.  [L.  erigere, 
to  raise  up.]  The  state  of  a  part 
which  has  become  swollen  and 
distended  through  the  accumula- 
tion of  blood  in  the  erectile  tissue 

erector  (ergk'tor)  n.  [L.  erigere,  to 
raise  up.]  A  muscle  which  raises 
up  an  organ  or  part  (anat.}. 

eremochaetous  (eYemoke'tus)  a. 
[Gk.  eremos,  lonely  ;  chaeta,  bristle.] 
Having  no  regularly  arranged 
system  of  pointed  bristles  ;  appl. 
flies  (sool.}. 

ergaloid  (eYgaloid)  a.  [Gk.  ergates, 
worker.]  Having  the  adults  sexu- 
ally capable  though  wingless  (zool.}. 

ergastoplasm  (grgas'toplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
ergazesthai,  to  work ;  plasma,  some- 
thing moulded.]  Archoplasm  (biol.}. 

ergatandrous  (grgatan'driis)  a.  [Gk. 
ergates,  worker;  aner,  man.]  Hav- 
ing worker-like  males  (zool.}. 

ergatogynous  (eYgatqj'Tnus)  a.  [Gk. 
ergates,  worker  ;  gyne,  woman.] 
Having  worker-like  females  (zool.}. 

ergot  (eVgot)  n.  [O.K.  argot,  spur.] 
A  small  bare  patch  found  on  the 
limbs  of  the  horse-tribe,  represent- 
ing the  last  remnant  of  the  naked 
palm  of  the  hand  and  sole  of  the- 
foot  (anat.}. 

eriophyllous  (eYiofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
erion,  wool  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Having 
leaves  with  a  cottony  appearance 

erose  (eros')  a.  [L.  erodere,  to  wear 
away.]  Having  the  margin 
irregularly  notched  (bof.). 

erosion  (erS'zhun)  n.  [L.  erodere,  to 
wear  away.]  Decay  which  usually 
starts  at  the  apex  of  many  gastro- 
pod shells  (zool.}. 

erostrate  (eros'trat)  a.  [L.  ex,  with- 
out ;  rostrum,  beak.]  Having  no 
beak  ;  appl.  anthers  (bot.}. 

ersaeome  (eYseorh)  n.  [Gk.  erse, 
young.]  The  free  monogastric 
generation  of  Siphonophora  (zool.}. 

eruciform  (eroo'slform)  a.  [L.  eruca, 
caterpillar  ;  forma,  shape.]  Hav- 
ing the  shape  of,  or  resembling  a 
caterpillar  ;  appl.  insect  larvae 

erumpent  (eriim'pent)  a.  [L.  ex,  out  ; 
rumpere,  to  break.]  Breaking  out 
suddenly  ;  appl.  fungal  hyphae 

erythrin  (grith'rin)  n.  [Gk.  erythros, 
red.]  A  red  colouring  matter  found 
in  certain  Algae  (&?/.). 

erythrism  (erith'rizm)  n.  [Gk.  eryth- 
ros, red.]  A  condition  due  to  ex- 
cessive amount  of  red  colouring 
matter  in  the  feathers  (zool.}. 

erythroblasts  (Srith'roblasts)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  erythros,  red  ;  blastos,  bud.] 
Amoeboid  nucleated  cells,  derived 
from  the  mesoderm,  which  later 
contain  haemoglobin  and  develop 
into  red  blood  corpuscles  (phys.}. 

erythrocyte  (grtth'roslt)  n.  [Gk.  eryth- 
ros, red  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  red  blood 
corpuscle  (anat.}. 

erythrophilous  (eVithrofllus)  a.  [Gk. 
erythros,  red  ;  philein,  to.,  love.] 
Having  special  affinity  for  red  dyes  ; 




appl.  structures  in  a  cell  or  to  a 
type  of  cells  (biol.}. 

erythrophyll  (erith'rofil)  n.  [Gk. 
erythros,  red  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  A  red 
colouring  matter  found  in  some 
leaves  (bot.}. 

erythrozym  (erith'rozlm)  n.  [Gk. 
erythros,  red  ;  zyme,  leaven.]  One 
of  the  enzymes  capable  of  acting 
upon  the  glucosides  (bot.}. 

erythrozyme  (grith'rozlm)  n.  [Gk. 
erythros,  red ;  zyme,  leaven.]  An 
enzyme  capable  of  decomposing 
ruberythric  acid  (phys.}. 

escape  (6skap')  n.  [M.E.  escapen.] 
A  plant  originally  cultivated,  now 
found  wild  (bot.}. 

esculent  (es'kulent)  a.  [L.  esculentus, 
edible.]  Suitable  for  food. 

escutcheon  (esktich'un)  n.  [O.F. 
escuchon,  shield.]  The  area  on  the 
rump  of  many  quadrupeds  which  is 
either  variously  coloured  or  has  the 
hair  specially  arranged  ;  the  meso- 
scutellum  of  certain  insects ;  the 
ligamental  area  of  certain  bivalves 

eseptate  (esep'tat)  a.  [L.  ex,  without ; 
septum,  division.]  Not  supplied 
with  septa  (biol.}. 

esophagus  (esof'agus), — see  oeso- 

esoteric  (es'oter'fk)  a.  [Gk.  esoterikos, 
arising  within.]  Arising  within  the 
organism  (phys.}. 

espathate  (espa'that)  a.  [L.  ex,  with- 
out ;  spatha,  sheath.]  Having  no 
spathe  (hot.). 

esquamate  (eskwa'mat)  a.  [L.  ex, 
without ;  squama,  scale.]  Having 
no  scale  (bot.}. 

estipulate  (estip'ulat)  a.  [L.  ex,  with- 
out ;  stipula,  stem.]  Having  no 
stipules  (bot.}. 

estivation  (gs'tiva'shun), — see  aesti- 
vation (bot.,  zool.}. 

estuarine  (es'tuarin)  a.  [L.  aestus, 
swell  of  the  sea.]  Pert,  or  found 
in  an  estuary ;  appl.  plants  and 
animals  (biol.}. 

etaerio  (ete'rlo)  n.  [Gk.  efairia,  an 
association.]  A  fruit  composed  of 
achenes  or  drupelets  carried  on  an 
enlarged  receptacle  (bot.}. 

etheogenesis  (6th'eoj5n'esTs)  n.  [Gk. 
etheos,  youth  ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] A  kind  of  parthenogenesis 

producing  males,  said  to  exist  in 
some  Protozoa  (zool.\ 

Ethiopian  (e'thto'pTan)  n.  [Gk.  at- 
thiops,  burned  face.]  A  zoogeo- 
graphical  region  including  Africa 
south  of  the  Sahara  and  southern 
Arabia  (zool.}. 

ethmoid  (eth'moid)  a.  [Gk.  ethmos, 
sieve ;  eidos,  shape.]  Pert,  bones 
which  form  a  considerable  part  of 
the  walls  of  the  nasal  cavity  (anat.\ 

ethmoidal  (ethmoi'dal)  a.  [Gk. 
ethmos,  sieve  ;  et'dos,  shape.]  Pert. 
region  of  the  ethmoids  (anat.}. 

ethmoidal  notch,— a  quadrilateral 
space  separating  the  two  orbital 
parts  of  the  frontal  (anat.}. 

ethmolysian  (eth'molis'ian)  a.  [Gk. 
ethmos,  sieve ;  lyein,  to  loosen.] 
Pert,  an  apical  system  in  which 
the  madreporite  extends  backwards 
till  it  separates  the  two  postero- 
lateral  genitals  (zool.}. 

ethmopalatine  (eth'mopal'atin)  a. 
[Gk.  ethnics,  sieve ;  L.  palatus, 
palate.]  Found  in  the  ethmo- 
palatine region,  or  stretching  from 
the  ethmoid  to  the  palatine  (zool.}. 

ethmophract  (eth'mofrakt)  a.  [Gk. 
ethmos,  sieve  ;  phrassetn,  to  fence 
in.]  Pert,  a  simple,  compact,  apical 
system  with  the  pores  occurring 
only  in  the  right  anterior  corner 

ethmoturbinals  (eth'motur'binalz)  «. 
plu.  [Gk.  ethmos,  sieve  ;  L.  turbo, 
whorl.J  Cartilages  or  bones  in  the 
cavity  of  the  nostril  which  are  folded 
so  as  to  increase  the  olfactory  area 

ethmovomerine  (eth'movo'merin)  a. 
[Gk.  ethmos,  sieve ;  L.  votner, 
ploughshare.]  Pert,  the  ethmoid 
and  vomer  regions  (zool.}. 

ethmovomerine  cartilage,— the  plate 
of  cartilage  which  forms  the  septum 
of  the  nose  in  the  early  stages  of 
the  embryo  (emb.}. 

ethnology  (ethnol'dji)  ».  [Gk.  ethnos, 
nation \logos, discourse.]  Thescience 
which  deals  with  the  different  races 
of  mankind,  their  distribution,  rela- 
tionship, and  peculiarities  (biol.}. 

ethology  (ethol'qjl)  ».  [Gk.  ethos, 
custom ;  logos,  discourse.]  Bio- 

etiolation  (e'tiola'shun)  n.     [F.  etioler, 




to  blanch.]  The  condition  pro- 
duced in  plants  reared  in  darkness 

etiolin  (e'tiolin)  n.  [F.  etioler,  to 
blanch.]  A  yellowish  pigment 
found  in  the  chloroplasts  of  plants 
grown  in  darkness  (phys.). 

etiology  (e'tiol'oji),— see  aetiology. 

euaster  (uas'ter)  n.  [Gk.  eu,  good  ; 
aster,  star.]  An  aster  in  which  the 
rays  meet  at  a  common  centre  (zool.). 

eucephalous  (ukgf'alus,  -sef-)  a.  [Gk. 
eu,  good ;  kephale,  head.]  With 
well-developed  head  ;  appl.  certain 
insect  larvae  (zool.). 

eucone  (ukon')  a.  [Gk.  eu,  good  ; 
konos,  cone.]  Having  the  crystal- 
line cones  fully  developed  in  the 
single  elements  of  the  compound 
eye  (zoo/.}. 

eudipleural  (u'diploo'ral)  a.  [Gk.  eu, 
good  ;  dis,  double  ;  pleuron,  side.] 
Symmetrical  about  a  median  plane  ; 
bilaterally  symmetrical  (zool.). 

eudoxoxne  (udok'som)  n.  [Gk.  eu, 
well ;  doxa,  credit.]  A  monogastric 
free-swimming  stage  of  a  Siphono- 
phore  in  which  there  is  no  necto- 
calyx  (zool.). 

eugenics  (ujen'iks)  ;/.  [Gk.  eu,  well ; 
gcnos,  birth.]  The  science  dealing 
with  the  improvement  of  stock  ; 
usually  referred  to  betterment  of 
human  race  (biol.). 

euglenoid  (uglen'oid)  a.  [Gk.  eu,  well  ; 
glene,  pupil  of  eye.]  Pert,  or  like 
Euglena  ;  appl.  characteristic  move- 
ment of  Euglena  (biol.). 

eumerism  (u'me'rTzm)  n.  [Gk.  eu, 
well ;  meros,  part.]  An  aggrega- 
tion of  like  parts  (biol.). 

eumerogenesis  (u'merojgn'gsis)  ». 
[Gk.  eu,  well  ;  meros,  part  ;  gig- 
nesthai,  to  produce.]  Segmentation 
in  which  the  units  are  similar  at 
least  for  a  certain  time  (biol.). 

euplastic  (uplas'tik)  a.  [Gk.  eu,  well ; 
plastos,  moulded.]  Readily  organ- 
ized, easily  forming  a  tissue  (phys.). 

euryhaline  (u'rihal'm)  a.  [Gk.  eurys, 
broad ;  halinos,  marine.]  Appl. 
marine  animals  adaptable  to  a  wide 
range  of  salinity  ;  cf.  stenohaline 

eurypylous  (u'ripl'lus)  a.  [Gk.  eurys, 
broad  ;  pyle,  gate.]  Wide  at  the 
opening ;  appl.  canal  system  of 

Sponges  in  which  the  chambers 
open  directly  into  the  excurrent 
canals  by  wide  apopyles,  and  re- 
ceive the  water  from  the  incurrent 
canals  through  the  prosopyles 

eusporangiate  (u'sporan'jlat)  a.  [Gk. 
eu,  well  ;  sporos,  seed  ;  anggeion, 
vessel]  Having  the  sporogenous 
tissue  derived  from  the  inner  cell 
that  follows  the  periclinal  division 
of  the  superficial  initial ;  cf.  lepto- 
sporangiate  (bot.). 

Eustachian(usta'kian)<z.  [It. Eustachi, 
Italian  physician.]  Pert,  canal 
connecting  tympanic  cavity  with 
pharynx  (anat.). 

Eustachian  valve,— a  rudimentary 
valve  guarding  the  orifice  of  the 
inferior  vena  cava  in  the  atrium  of 
the  heart  (anat.). 

eustele  (u'stel)  n.  [Gk.  eu,  well ; 
stele,  pillar.]  The  arrangement  of 
the  vascular  tissue  into  collateral 
bundles  with  the  conjunctive  tissue 
between,  as  in  a  typical  Dicotyledon 

eustomatous  (ustom'atus)  a.  [Gk.  eu, 
well ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Having  a 
distinct  mouth-like  opening  (zool.). 

euthenics  (uthfin'lks)  n.  [Gk.  euthen- 
ein,  to  thrive.]  The  science  of  the 
betterment  of  the  human  race  on 
the  side  of  intellect  and  morals  ; 
the  psychological  as  distinct  from 
the  physiological  improvement,  or 
eugenics  (biol.). 

euthyneurous  (u'thinu'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
euthus,  straight ;  neuron,  nerve.] 
Having  the  visceral  loop  of  the 
nervous  system  untwisted  (zool.). 

evagination  (e'vajina'shun)  n.  [L.  e, 
out ;  vagina,  sheath.]  The  process 
of  unsheathing,  or  product  of  this 
process  ;  an  outgrowth  (biol.). 

evanescent  (ev'anes'gnt)  a.  [L.  evan- 
escere,  to  vanish.]  Disappearing 
early ;  appl.  flowers  which  fade 
quickly  (bot.). 

eviscerate  (evis'erat)  v.  [L.  ex,  out ; 
viscera,  entrails.]  To  disembowel ; 
to  eject  the  viscera,  as  Holothurians 
do  on  capture  (zool.). 

evolute  (e'volut)  a.  [L.  evolvere,  to 
unroll.]  Turned  back ;  unfolded 

evolution   (e'volu'shun)   n.     [L.  evol- 




vere,  to  unroll.]  The  gradual  de- 
velopment of  organisms  from  pre- 
existing organisms  (biol.). 

exalate  (gksa'lat)  a.  [L.  ex,  without  ; 
ala,  wing.]  Not  having  wing-like 
appendages  (bot.). 

exalbuminous  (gk'salbu'minus)  a.  [L. 
ex,  without  ;  albumen,  white  of  egg.] 
Without  albumen  ;  appl.  seeds  with- 
out endosperm  or  perisperm,  or 
both  (dot.). 

exannulate  (eksan'ulat)  a.  [L.  ex, 
without  ;  annulus,  ring.]  Having 
a  sporangium  not  furnished  with 
an  annulus  or  ring  ;  appl.  certain 
ferns  (bot.). 

exarch  (ek'sark)  n.  [L.  ex,  without ; 
Gk.  arche,  beginning.]  With  the 
protoxylem  strands  in  touch  with 
the  pericycle  (dot.). 

exasperate  (eksas'perat,  egzas'perat) 
a.  [L.  ex,  without  ;  asperare,  to 
make  rough.]  Furnished  with  hard, 
stiff  points  (hot.). 

excentric  (eksen'trik)  a.  [L.  ex, 
without ;  centrum,  centre.]  One- 
sided ;  having  the  two  portions  of 
the  lamina  unequally  developed 

exciple  (gk'sipl)  n.  [L.  excipula,  re- 
ceptacles.] Theouter  covering  of  the 
apothecium  in  certain  Lichens  (dot.). 

excitation  (ek'sita'shun)  n.  [L.  ex, 
out  ;  citare,  to  rouse.]  The  act  of 
producing  or  increasing  the  stimu- 
lation ;  the  stimulation  thus  pro- 
duced (phys.). 

excitatory  cells, — motor  cells  in  the 
sympathetic  nervous  system  (phys.). 

excite  (ekslt')  v.  [L.  ex,  out ;  citare, 
to  rouse.]  To  start  or  increase  the 
vital  activities  of  an  organism  or 
part  thereof  (phys.). 

excitonutrient  (eksi'tonu'trient)  a. 
[L.  ex,  out ;  citare,  to  rouse  ; 
nutriens,  feeding.]  Causing  or  in- 
creasing the  nutrient  activities 

exclusion  (ekskloo'zhun)  n.  [L.  ex- 
cludere,  to  exclude.]  Act  of  expel- 
ling, or  the  product  of  the  expulsion 

exconjugant  (ekskon'joogant)  n.  [L. 
ex,  out ;  conjugare,  to  yoke.]  An 
organism  which  is  leading  an  inde- 
pendent life  after  conjugation  with 
another  (zool.). 

excreta  (gkskre'ta)  n.  plu.  [L.  ex- 
cretum,  separated.]  Waste  material 
eliminated  from  the  body  or  any 
tissue  thereof  (phys.) ;  deleterious 
substances  formed  within  a  plant 

excrete  (ekskret')  v.  [L.  ex,  out  ; 
cernere,  to  sift.]  To  eliminate  waste 
material  from  the  body  (phys.)  ;  to 
withdraw  useless  materials  from  the 
place  of  most  active  metabolism  in 
the  plant  (hot.). 

excretion  (ekskre'shun)  n.  [L.  ex, 
out ;  cernere,  to  sift.]  Act  of  elimi- 
nating waste  material,  or  the  pro- 
duct of  the  elimination  (phys.). 

excurrent  (ekskur'e'nt)  a.  [L.  ex, 
out ;  currere,  to  run.]  Pert,  ducts, 
channels,  or  canals  in  which  there 
is  an  outgoing  flow  (zool.) ;  with 
undivided  main  stem  ;  having  the 
midrib  projecting  beyond  the  apex 

excurved  (ekskurvd')  a.  [L.  ex,  out  ; 
curvare,  to  curve.]  Curved  out- 
wards from  the  centre  (zool.}. 

exfoliation  (gksfo'lia'shun)  n.  [L. 
ex,  out  \folium,  leaf.]  The  shedding 
of  the  leaves  or  scales  from  a  bud 

exhalent  (eksha'lfint)  a.  [L.  ex,  out  ; 
halare,  to  breathe.]  Capable  of 
carrying  from  the  interior  outwards 

exindusiate  (ek'slndu'zlat)  a.  [L.  ex, 
out ;  indusium,  cover.]  Having 
the  sporangia  uncovered  or  naked 

exine  (ek'sm), — see  extine. 

exinguinal  (eVsm'gwInal)  a.  [L.  ex, 
out ;  inguen,  groin.]  Occurring 
outside  the  groin ;  pert,  second 
joint  of  an  arachnid  leg  (zool.). 

exites  (ekslts')  n.  plu.  [Gk.  exo, 
without.]  Offshoots  on  the  outer 
lateral  border  of  the  axis  of  certain 
arthropod  limbs  (zool.}. 

exocardiac  (ek'sokar'diak)  a.  [Gk. 
exo,  without ;  kardia,  heart.]  Situ- 
ated outside  the  heart  (zool.). 

exocarp  (ek'sokarp)  n.  [Gk.  exo, 
without ;  karpos,  fruit.]  The  outer 
layer  of  the  pericarp  (bot.). 

exoccipital  (ek'sokslp'ftal)  a.  [L.  ex, 
without  ;  occiput,  back  of  head.] 
Pert,  a  bone  on  each  side  of  the 
foramen  magnum  (goal.). 




exochorion  (Sk'sok5'rI5n)  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without  ;  chorion,  chorion.] 
The  outer  layer  of  the  membrane 
secreted  by  the  follicular  cells 
surrounding  the  egg  in  the  ovary 
of  Insects  (zoo/.). 

exocoel  (Sk'sosel)  n.  [Gk.  exo,  with- 
out ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  space 
between  the  mesenteries  of  ad- 
jacent couples  in  certain  Zoantharia 

exocoelar  (eVsose'lar)  a.  [Gk.  exo, 
without ;  koilos,  hollow.]  Pert,  the 
parietal  wall  of  the  coelom  ;  pert. 
space  between  adjacent  couples 
of  mesenteries  in  the  Zoantharia 

exocoelom  (eVsose'lom)  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The 
extra-embryonic  body  cavity  of  the 
embryo  (emb.}. 

exoderm  (eVsodgrm)  n.  [Gk.  exo, 
without ;  derma,  skin.]  The  dermal 
layer  of  Sponges  supposed  by 
Haeckel  to  be  equal  to  ectoderm 
of  other  animals  (zoo/.). 

exodermis  (eYsodeVmis)  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without ;  L.  dermis,  skin.] 
See  ectoderm. 

exogamete  (Sk'sogamet')  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without ;  gametes,  mate.]  A 
reproductive  cell  which  fuses  with 
one  derived  from  another  source 

exogamy  (Sksog'amT)  n.  [Gk.  exo, 
without  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Con- 
jugation or  fusion  of  isogametes 
with  others  of  a  different  brood 

exogastrically  (ek'sogas'trikal!)  adv. 
[Gk.  exo,  without ;  gaster,  belly.] 
Where  the  shell  is  coiled  towards 
the  dorsal  surface  of  the  body 

exogenous  (e'ksoj'e'nus)  a.  [Gk.  exo, 
without ;  genos,  race.]  Developed 
from  superficial  tissue,  the  super- 
ficial meristem  (oof.) ;  growing  from 
parts  which  were  previously  ossified 

exognathion  (6k'sognath'l8n)  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  The 
maxillary  portion  of  the  upper  jaw  ; 
the  maxilla  with  exception  of 
endognathion  and  mesognathion 

exoperidium       (e'k'sope'rid'ium)       n. 

[Gk.  exo,  without  ;  peridion,  a 
small  wallet.]  The  outer  layer  of 
the  spore  case  in  certain  Fungi 

exoplasm  (eVsoplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  ectoplasm  (biol.). 

exopodite  (gksop'odit)  n.  [Gk.  exo, 
without  ;  potts,  foot.]  The  outer 
branch  of  a  typical  biramous 
crustacean  limb  (zool.}. 

exoskeleton  (6k'sosk61'6ton)  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without  ;  skeletos,  hard.]  A 
hard  supporting  structure  secreted 
by  the  ectoderm  or  by  the  skin 

exosmosis  (gk'sosmo'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without  ;  osmos,  impulse.] 
The  passing  out  through  a  mem- 
brane of  a  gas  or  fluid,  a  phase  in 
osmosis  (phys.~). 

exospore  (fik'sospor)  n.  [Gk.  exo, 
without  ;  sporos,  seed.]  The  outer 
coating  of  the  sporangial  wall  ;  one 
of  the  conidia  (&?/.). 

exosporlum  (ek'sospo'rmm)  n.  [Gk. 
exo,  without  ;  sporos,  seed.]  The 
outer  layer  of  the  sporangial  wall 

exostome  (eVsostom)  n.  [Gk.  exo, 
without  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  The 
opening  or  foramen  in  the  outer 
wall  of  the  ovule  (bot.}. 

exostosis  (eVs8sto's!s)  n.  [Gk.  exo, 
without  ;  osteon,  bone.]  The  forma- 
tion of  knots  on  the  surface  of  wood 
(oot.)  -,  the  formation  of  knob-like 
outgrowths  of  bone  at  a  damaged 
portion,  or  of  dental  tissue  in  a 
similar  way  (anaf.). 

exotheca  (eYsothe'ka)  n.  [Gk.  exo, 
without  ;  theke,  box.]  The  extra- 
capsular  tissue  of  a  Coral  (zoo/.). 

exothecal  (gk'sothe'kal)  a.  [Gk.  exo, 
without  ;  theke,  box.]  Pert,  tissue 
outside  the  theca  of  a  Coral  (zoo/.), 

exothecate  (eVsothe'kat)  a.  [Gk. 
exo,  without  ;  theke,  box.]  Having 
an  exotheca  (zoo/.). 

exotic  (gksot'ik,  6gz8t'Tk)  a.  [Gk. 
exotikos,  foreign.]  Signifying  an 
introduced  or  non-endemic  plant 

exotospore  (Skso'tospor)  n.  [Gk. 
exotikos,  foreign  ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
sporozoite  (zoo/.). 

exotropism     (6ks6t'roplzm)    n.     [Gk. 




exo,  without ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  The 
curvature  away  from  the  axis,  ex- 
hibited by  a  laterally  geotropic 
organ  (bot.}. 

expiration  (ek'spira'shun)  n.  [L.  ex, 
out ;  spirare,  to  breathe.]  The  act 
of  emitting  air  from  the  lungs  ;  the 
act  of  emitting  volatile  substances 
from  the  lungs,  or  from  any  internal 
cavity  (phys.}. 

exsculptate  (ekskiilp'tat)  a.  [L.  ex, 
out ;  sculpere,  to  carve.]  Having 
the  surface  marked  with  more  or 
less  regularly  arranged  raised  lines 
with  grooves  between  (sool.}. 

exscutellate  (ek'skutel'at)  a.  [L.  ex, 
without ;  scutellum,  shield.]  Hav- 
ing no  scutellum ;  appl.  Insects 

exserted  (ekseYted)  a.  [L.  exserere, 
to  stretch  out.]  Protruding  ;  appl. 
stamens  which  project  beyond  the 
corolla  (bot.} ;  protruding  beyond 
some  including  organ  or  part 

exsertile  (eksgr'til)  a.  [L.  exserere, 
to  stretch  out.]  Capable  of  extru- 
sion (biol.}. 

exsufflation  (eks'sufla'shun)  n.  [L. 
ex,  out ;  sufflare,  to  blow.]  Forced 
expiration  from  the  lungs  (phys.}. 

extend  (Skstfind')  v.  [L.  ex,  out ; 
tendere,  to  stretch.]  To  straighten 
out,  as  opp.  to  flex  or  bend  any 
organ  (phys.}. 

extension  (elcstgn'shiin)  n.  [L.  ex, 
out;  tendere, to  stretch.]  Straighten- 
ing out  of  an  organ  (phys.}. 

extensor  (ekstgn'sor)  n.  [L.  ex,  out  ; 
tendere,  to  stretch.]  Any  muscle 
which  extends  a  limb  or  part  there- 
of (anat.). 

exterior  (gkste'rior)  a.  [L.  externus, 
on  the  outside.]  Situated  on  the 
side  away  from  the  axis  or  definitive 
plane  (biol.}. 

external  (gkster'nal)  a.  [L.  externus, 
outside.]  Near  the  outside,  away 
from  the  mesial  plane  (anat.}. 

extine  (ek'stin)  n.  [L.  exter,  on  the 
outside.]  The  outer  coat  of  the 
pollen  grain  (bot.}. 

extra-axillary  (eVstra-aksTl'arl)  a.  [L. 
exter,  outside ;  axilla,  armpit.] 
Arising  above  the  axil  of  a  leaf, 
said  of  branches  which  develop 
from  the  upper  bud  when  there 

are  more  than  one  in  connection 
with  the  axil  (bot.}. 

extrabranchial  (ek'strabrang'kfal)  a. 
[L.  exter,  outside ;  Gk.  brangchia, 
gills.]  Arising  outside  the  branchial 
arches  (zoo!.}. 

extracapsular  (Sk'strakap'sular)  a. 
[L.  exter,  outside ;  capsida,  cup.] 
Arising  or  situated  outside  the 
capsule;  appl.  ligaments,  etc.,  in 
connection  with  a  joint  (anat.}  ; 
appl.  protoplasm  lying  outside  the 
central  capsule  in  some  Protozoa 

extracellular  (ek'straseTular)  a.  [L. 
exter,  outside ;  cellula,  little  cell.] 
Occurring  outside  the  cell  (biol.}. 

extraembryonic  (eVstraem'brion'ik) 
a.  [L.  exter,  outside ;  Gk.  embryon, 
foetus.]  Situated  outside  the  em- 
bryo proper  (emb.}. 

extraenteric  (ek'straenter'ik)  a.  [L. 
exter,  outside ;  Gk.  enteron,  gut.] 
Outside  the  alimentary  tract 

extrafloral  (ek'straflo'ral)  a.  [L. 
exter,  outside  ;  flos,  flower.]  Situ- 
ated outside  the  flower  (bot.}. 

extranuclear  (ek'stranu'klear)  a.  [L. 
exter,  outside ;  nucleus,  nucleus.] 
Pert,  structures  or  forces  acting 
outside  the  nucleus ;  situated  out- 
side the  nucleus  (biol.}. 

extraocular  (ek'straok'ular)  a.  [L. 
exter,  outside ;  cculus,  eye.]  Ex- 
terior to  the  eye ;  appl.  antennae 
of  Insects  (zool.}. 

extrastapedial  (ek'strastape'dlal)  a. 
[L.  exter,  outside  ;  stapes,  stirrup.] 
Extending  beyond  the  stapedio- 
columellar  junction  (anat.}. 

extrastelar  (6k'straste'lar)  a.  [L. 
exter,  outside  ;  Gk.  stele,  column.] 
Pert,  ground  tissue  outside  the 
vascular  tissue  (bot.}. 

extravaginal  (ek'stravaj'inal)  a.  [L. 
exter,  outside  ;  vagina,  sheath.] 
Forcing  their  way  through  the 
sheath,  as  the  shoots  of  many 
plants  (bot.}. 

extravasate  (ekstrav'asat)  v.  [L. 
exter,  outside ;  vas,  vessel.]  To 
force  its  way  from  the  proper 
channel  into  the  surrounding  tissue; 
said  of  blood,  etc.  (phys.}. 

extraventricular  (gk'strdvgntrik'ular) 
a.  [L.  exter,  outside  ;  -venter, 




belly.]  Situated  or  arising  beyond 
the  ventricle  (phys.). 

extremity  (e'kstre'm'iti)  n.  [L.  ex- 
tremitas,  limit.]  The  limb,  or 
distal  portion  of  a  limb  ;  or  the 
distal  end  of  any  limb-like  structure 
(biol.,  anat.). 

extrinsic  (gkstrin'sik)  a.  [L.  ex- 
frinsecus,  on  the  outside.]  Pert. 
muscles  not  wholly  within  the  part 

extrorse  (Skstrors')  a.  [L.  extrorsus, 
outwardly.]  Turned  away  from  the 
axis  (hot.}. 

exudation  (ek'suda'shun)  n.  [L. 
exudere,  to  sweat.]  Any  discharge 
through  an  incision  or  pore,  e.g. 
gums,  resins,  moisture,  etc.  (biol.). 

exumbral  (gksiim'bral)  a.  [L.  ex; 
out ;  umbra,  shade.]  Pert,  the 
rounded  or  convex  upper  surface 
of  a  jelly-fish  (zoo/.). 

exumbrella  (ek'sumbreTa)  n.  [L.  ex, 
out  ;  umbra,  shade.]  The  upper 
rounded  or  convex  surface  of  a 
jelly-fish  (goal.). 

exuviae  (egzu'vle)  n.plu.  [L.  exuere, 
to  pull  off.]  Cast-off  skins,  etc., 
of  animals  (zoo/.). 

eye  (I)  n.  [M.E.  ighe^\  The  organ 
of  sight  or  vision ;  one  of  the 
pigment  spots  in  various  animals 
and  in  many  of  the  lower  plants 
(biol.) ;  the  bud  of  a  tuber  (dot.). 

eye-ball, — the  globular  capsule  of  the 
vertebrate  eye ;  also  the  capsule 
and  its  contents. 

eye  spots,— certain  pigment  spots  in 
many  of  the  lower  plants  and 
animals,  and  also  in  some  verte- 
brates, which  are  supposed  to  have 
an  ocular  function  (biol.). 

P!, — us^d  for  convenience  to  denote  the 
first  filial  generation,  or  the  hybrids 
arising  from  a  first  cross,  successive 
generations  arising  from  this  one 
being  denoted  by  F^  F3,  etc.  Pt 
denotes  the  parents  of  the  Ft 
generation,  P2  the  grandparents, 
and  so  on  (biol.}. 

fabella  (fabel'a)  n.     [L.  fat>e//<it  small 

bean.]  A  small  fibro-cartilage 
ossified  in  the  gastrocnemius  (anaf.). 

fabiform  (fa'blform)  a.  [L.faba,  bean  ; 
forma,  shape.]  Bean-shaped. 

Pabrician  system, — a  classification  of 
thearthropoda  based  on  the  anatomy 
of  the  mouth  parts  (zoo/.). 

facet  (fas'et)  n.  [L.  fades,  face.]  A 
smooth,  flat,  or  rounded  surface  for 
articulation  (anat.) ;  an  ocellus 

facial  (fa'shal)  a.  [L.  fades,  face.] 
Pert,  face;  appl.  artery,  nerve,  bone, 
vein,  etc.  (anaf.). 

faciolingual  (fa'shloling'gwal)  a.  [L. 
fades,  face  ;  lingua,  tongue.]  Pert. 
or  affecting  the  face  and  tongue 

facultative  (fak'ulta'tiv)  a.  [L.facu/tas, 
faculty.]  Having  the  power  of 
living  under  different  conditions 

facultative  parasites,  —  parasites 
which  may  be  normally  self-depend- 
ent, but  which  are  adaptable  to 
parasitic  or  semiparasitic  mode  of 
life  ;  cf.  obligatory  parasites  (biol.). 

faeces  (fe'sez)  n.  plu.  [L. faeces,  dregs.] 
The  excrement  or  waste  matter  from 
the  bowels  (anaf.). 

falcate  (fal'kat)  a.  [L.  falx,  sickle.] 
Sickle-shaped  ;  hooked  (biol.). 

falciform  (fal'slform)  a.  [L.  falx, 
sickle  ;  forma,  shape.]  Sickle- 
shaped  or  scythe-shaped  (anaf., 

falciform  ligament, — a  dorso-ventral 
fold  of  the  peritoneum,  attached  to 
under  surface  of  diaphragm  and 
the  anterior  and  upper  surfaces  of 
the  liver  (anaf.). 

falcula  (lal'kula)  n.  [L.falcula,  little 
hook.]  A  curved  scythe-like  claw 

falculate  (fal'kulat)  a.  [L.  falcula, 
little  hook.]  Curved,  and  sharp  at 
the  point. 

Fallopian  tubes  (falo'pian),— the  upper 
portions  of  the  oviduct  in  man  and 
mammals  ;  the  anterior  portions  of 
the  Miillerian  ducts  (anaf.). 

false  ribs, -those  ribs  whose  carti- 
laginous ventral  ends  do  not  join 
the  sternum  directly,  if  at  all  (anaf.). 

falx  (falks)  n.,  falces  (fal'sez)  plu. 
[L.  fair,  sickle.]  A  sickle-shaped 
fold  of  the  dura  mater  (ana/.). 




family  (fam'ili)  n.  [L.famih'a,  house- 
hold.] Term  used  in  classification, 
signifying  one  group  of  an  Order 

fan  (fan)  n.  [A.S./a«#,fan.]  A  bird's 
tail  feathers  (zool.}. 

fang  (fang)  n.  [A.S.  fang,  grip.]  A 
long-pointed  tooth,  especially  the 
poison  tooth  of  snakes  (zool.) ;  the 
root  of  a  tooth  (anat.). 

faradisation  (far'adiza.'shun)  n.  [Fara- 
day, electrician.]  Method  of  stimu- 
lation inducing  partial  or  complete 
tetanus  (phys.). 

farina  (fare'na,  fari'na)  n,  [L.  farina, 
flour.]  The  pollen  of  plants  (bot.) ; 
the  fine  mealy-like  powder  found 
on  some  insects  (zool.). 

farinaceous  (far'ina'shus)  a.  [L. 
farina,  flour.]  Covered  with  fine 
mealy-like  dust  (zool.). 

farinose  (far'inos)  a.  {L.  farina,  flour.] 
Covered  with  fine  powder  or  dust 
(bot.,  zool.). 

fascia  (fas'ia,  fash'ia)  n.  [L.  fascia, 
band.]  An  ensheathing  band  of 
connective  tissue  (anat.). 

fascial  (faYial,  fash'ial)  a.  [L.  fascia, 
bundle.]  Pert,  a  fascia,  ensheathing 
and  binding  (anat.). 

fasciated  (fas'ia'ted,  fash'ia'tgd)  a.  [L. 
fascia,  bundle.]  Banded  (zool.} ; 
arranged  in  fascicles  ;  appl.  stems 
or  branches  malformed  and  flattened 

fascicle  (fas'ikl)  n.  [L.  fasciculus, 
dim.  of  fascia,  bundle.]  A  small 
bundle  or  tuft,  as  of  fibres  (ana/.) 
or  of  leaves  (bot.). 

fascicular  (fasik'ular)  a.  [L.  fascicu- 
lus, dim.  of  fascia,  bundle.]  Pert. 
a  fascicle  ;  arranged  in  bundles  or 
tufts  ;  appl.  cambium,  tissue  (bot.). 

fasciculus  (fasik'ulus)  n.  {L.  fascicu- 
lus, little  bundle.]  A  fascicle  ;  the 
direct  pyramidal  tract  (anat.). 

fasciola  (fasl'ola)  n.  [L.  fasciola,  a 
small  bandage.]  A  narrow  colour 
band  (zool.}  ;  a  delicate  lamina  con- 
tinuous with  the  dentate  gyrus 

fascicle  (fas'iol)  n.  [L.  fasciola,  a 
small  bandage.]  A  ciliated  band 
on  certain  Echinoids  for  sweeping 
fresh  water  over  the  surrounding 
parts  (zool.}. 

fastigiate  (fastij'iat)  a.     [L.  fastigare. 

to  slope  up.]  With  branches  parallel 
and  erect  (hot.}  ;  in  pyramidal  or 
conical  form  (zool.}. 

fat  (fat)  n.  [A.S.faett,  fat.]  Adipose 
tissue  ;  any  part  of  animal  tissue 
which  has  its  cells  filled  with  a 
greasy  or  oily  reserve  material 

fatigue  (fateg')  n.  [L.  fatigare,  to 
weary.]  The  effect  produced  by 
long  stimulation  on  the  cells  of  an 
orga"n  (phys.). 

fauces  (fosez)  n.  plu.  [L.  fauces, 
throat.]  The  upper  or  anterior  part 
of  the  throat  between  palate  and 
pharynx  (anat.} ;  the  mouth  of  a 
spirally  coiled  shell  (zool.}.  ;  the 
throat  of  a  corolla  (dot.}. 

fauna  (fon'a)  n.  {L.faunus,  a  god  of 
the  woods.]  All  the  animals 
peculiar  to  a  country,  area,  or  period 

faunal  region, — an  area  characterized 
by  a  special  group  or  groups  of 
animals  (zool.}. 

favella  (favgl'a)  n.  [L.  favus,  honey- 
comb.] A  conceptacle  of  certain 
red  Algae  (bot.}._ 

faveolate  (fave'olat)  a.  [L.  faveolus, 
dim.  of 'favus,  honeycomb.]  Honey- 
combed or  alveolate. 

faveolus  (fave'6'lus)  n.  [L.  faveolus, 
small  honeycomb.]  A  small  de- 
pression or  pit  ;  alveola  (hot.}. 

favose  (favos')  a.  [L.  favus,  honey- 
comb.] Like  a  honeycomb  ;  alveo- 
late (dot.). 

feather-veined, — appl.  leaf  in  which 
the  veins  run  out  from  the  mid-rib 
in  a  regular  series  at  an  acute  angle 

feces,— see  faeces. 

fecundity  (fekun'diti)  n.  [L.fecundus, 
fertile.]  Power  of  a  species  to 
multiply  rapidly  (biol.}. 

female  (fe'mal)  n.  [L.femina,  woman.] 
A  pistillate  flower  (bot.) ;  a  female 
animal,  i.e.  an  egg-producing  or 
young- producing  animal  (zool.) — 
symbol  %. 

female  pronucleus, — the  nucleus  left 
in  the  ovum  after  maturation. 

femoral  (fgm'oral)  a.  [L.  femur, 
thigh.]  Pert,  the  thigh;  appl.  artery, 
vein,  nerve,  etc. ;  crural  (zool}. 

femur  (fe'mur)  n.  {L.  femur,  thigh.] 
The  proximal  bone  of  the  hind 




limb  in  man  and  vertebrates  (anat.}; 
the  third  joint  in  an  insect's  leg 
counting  from  the  proximal  end 

fenchone  (fSn'chon)  n.  [Ger./enc/ie/, 
fennel.]  A  ketone,  the  essential 
oil  in  oil  of  fennel  (phys.}. 

fenestra  (fgneYtrS)  n.  [L.  fenestra, 
window.]  An  opening  in  a  bone, 
or  between  two  bones  (anat.} ;  a 
pit  on  the  head  of  the  cockroach  ; 
a  transparent  spot  on  the  wings 
of  insects  (zool.}. 

fenestrate  (fgngs'trat)  a.  [L.  fenestra, 
window.]  Having  small  perfora- 
tions or  transparent  spots,  appl. 
insects'  wings  (zool.}  ;  having 
numerous  perforations,  appl.  leaves 

fenestrule  (ffineVtrool)  n.  [L..  fenestra, 
window.]  A  small  opening  be- 
tween the  branches  of  a  polyzoan 
colony  (zool.}. 

feral  (f  e'ral)  a.  [L.  fera,  wild  animal.] 
Wild,  or  escaped  from  cultivation 
and  reverted  back  to  the  wild  state 

ferment  (feYmSnt)  n.  [L.  fermentum, 
ferment.]  A  substance,  organized 
or  unorganized,  capable  of  produc- 
ing fermentation  (phys.}. 

fermentation  (feYmSnta'shun)  n.  [L. 
fermentum,  ferment.]  Any  of  the 
transformations  occurring  in  or- 
ganic substances  caused  by  the 
presence  of  a  ferment  (phys.}. 

ferruginous  (fgroo'jmus)  a.  [L.ferru- 
ginus,  rusty.]  Having  the  appear- 
ance of  a  rusty  spot  (bot.}. 

fertile  (feVtil)  a.  [L.fertilis,  fertile.] 
Capable  of  producing  ;  of  eggs  or 
seeds  capable  of  developing  (biol.}. 

fertilization  (feYtiliza'shun)  n.  [L. 
fertilis,  fertile.]  The  orderly  and 
intimate  union  of  male  and  female 
pronuclei  (biol.} ;  the  process  of 
pollination  (bot.}. 

fetlock  (feY16k)  n.  [I  eel.  fet,  step ; 
lokka,  tuft  of  hair.]  The  tuft  of 
hair  behind  a  horse's  pastern  joint ; 
the  pastern  joint  itself  (zool.}. 

fibre  (ffber)  n.  [L.  fibra,  band.]  A 
strand  of  nerve,  muscle,  connective, 
or  bast-tissue  (bot.,  zool.}. 

fibril  (fl'brll)  n.  [L.  fibrilla,  a  small 
fibre.]  A  small  thread-like  structure 
or  fibre,  a  component  part  of  a 

fibre  (anat.};  a  root-hair  ;  a  slender 
filiform  outgrowth  on  some  Lichens 

fibrillae  (flbril'e)  n.  plu.  [L.  fibrilla, 
small  fibre.]  The  thread-like 
branches  of  roots  (bot.} ;  minute 
elastic  fibres  secreted  within  spongin 
cells  ;  minute  muscle-like  threads 
found  in  various  Infusorians  (zool.). 

fibrillate  (fl'brilat)  a.  [L.  fibrilla. 
small  fibre.]  Having  fibrillae  or 
hair-like  structures  (bot.}. 

fibrillose  (fl'brilos,  fibril'os)  a.  [L. 
fibrilla,  small  fibre.]  Furnished 
with  fibrils  ;  appl.  mycelia  of 
certain  Fungi  (bot.}. 

fibrin  (ffbrin)  n.  [L.  fibra,  band.] 
An  insoluble  proteid  found  in  blood 
after  coagulation,  it  is  readily 
digested  in  gastric  juice  (p/tys.}. 

fibrinogen  (fibrin'qje'n)  n.  [L.  fibra, 
band  ;  Gk.  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
A  soluble  constituent  of  blood  which 
yields  fibrin  and  produces  coagula- 
tion (phys.}. 

fibro-cartilage  (fi'bro-kar'tilaj)  n.  [L. 
fibra,  band  ;  cartilago,  gristle.]  A 
kind  of  cartilage  whose  matrix  is 
mainly  composed  of  fibres  similar 
to  connective  tissue  fibres,  found 
at  articulations,  cavity  margins,  and 
osseous  grooves  (anat }. 

fibrous  (fi'brus)  a.  [L  fibra,  band.] 
Composed  of  fibres  ;  appl.  tissue 
(anat.} ;  roots  (bot.}. 

fibula  (fib'ula)  n.  [L.  fibula,  buckle.] 
The  outer  and  smaller  bone  of 
the  shin  (anat.}. 

fibulare  (fib'ula're,  -ara)  n.  [L.  fibula, 
buckle.]/  The  outer  element  of  the 
proximal  row  of  the  tarsus  (anat.}. 

filament  (firSme'nt)  n.  [L.  filuni, 
thread.]  The  stalk  of  the  anther 
(bot.} ;  the  stalk  of  a  down-feather 

fllicauline  (fil'ikolTn)  a.  [L.  filum, 
thread ;  caulis,  stalk.]  With  a 
thread-like  stem  (bot.,  zool.}. 

filiciform  (fills'iform)  a.  [L.  filix, 
fern  ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped  like 
the  frond  of  a  fern  (bot.}. 

fllicoid  (fil'Ikoid)  a.  [L.  filix,  fern; 
Gk.  eidos,  like.]  Shaped  like  or 
resembling  a  fern  (bot.}. 

filiform  (ffliform)  a.  [L.  filum, 
thread  ;  forma,  shape.]  Thread- 




flliform  papillae,— papillae  on  the 
tongue  ending  in  numerous  minute 
slender  processes  (anat.}. 

flligerous  (filij'eriis)  a.  [L.  filum, 
thread ;  gerere,  to  carry.]  With 
thread-like  outgrowths  or  flagella 

fillet  (fil'et)  n.  [L.  filum,  thread.] 
Band  of  white  matter  in  the  brain  ; 
the  lemniscus  of  the  mid-brain 

flloplume  (fil'oploom)  n.  [L.  filum, 
thread  ;  pluma,  feather.]  A  deli- 
cate hair-like  feather  with  long 
axis  and  a  few  free  barbs  at  the 
apex  (zool.}. 

filopodia  (fil'opo'dia)  n.  plu.  [L. 
filum,  thread  ;  Gk.  pous,  foot.] 
Thread-like  pseudopodia  of  Proto- 
zoa (zool.}. 

filose  (fi'los)  a.  [L.  filum,  thread.] 
Slender  ;  threadlike  ;  appl.  pseudo- 
podia  of  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

filtration  (filtra'shun)  n.  [F.  filtrer, 
to  strain.]  Appl.  the  iridial  angle 
of  the  cornea  (anat.} ;  straining,  as 
of  lymph  through  capillary  walls 

filum  terminate,  —  the  terminal 
thread,  a  slender  grey  filament,  of 
the  spinal  cord  (anat.}. 

fimbria  (fim'bria)  ;/.,  fimbriae  (fim'- 
brie)  plu.  [L.  fimbria,  fringe.] 
Any  fringe-like  structure  (anat., 
bot.}  ;  a  prolongation  of  the  hippo- 
campus (anat.}  ;  delicate  processes 
fringing  the  mouth  of  tubes  or 
ducts,  as  of  the  oviduct  ;  or  the 
siphons  of  molluscs  (zool.}. 

flmbriated  (fim'bria'tecl)  a.  [L.  fim- 
bria, fringe.]  Fringed  at  the 
margin,  as  petals  (bot.},  as  tubes 
or  ducts  (zool.}. 

fin  (fin)  n.  [A.S.  finn,  fin.]  A  fold 
of  skin  with  fin-rays  and  skeletal 
supports,  corresponding  in  the  case 
of  the  paired  fins  to  limbs,  found 
in  most  fishes  (zool.}. 

flnials  (fin'Talz)  n.  plu.  [L.  finis, 
end.]  The  ossicles  of  the  distal 
rami  of  Crinoids  which  do  not 
branch  again  (zool.}. 

fin-rays, — horny  supports  of  the  fins 

fissilingual  (fis'Iling'gwal)  a.  [L. 
fissus,  cleft ;  lingua,  tongue.]  With 
bifid  tongue  (zool.}. 

fission  (fish'iin)  n.  [L.  fissus,  cleft.] 
Cleavage  of  cells  ;  division  of  a 
unicellular  organism  into  two  or 
more  parts,  thereby  reproducing 
its  kind  (biol.}. 

fissiparous  (fisip'ariis)  a.  [L.  fissus, 
cleft ;  parere,  to  beget.]  Repro- 
ducing by  binary  or  multiple  fission 

fissiped  (f is'ipgd)  n.  [L.  fissus,  cleft  ; 
pes,  foot.]  With  cleft  feet,  that  is, 
with  digits  of  feet  separated  (zool.}. 

fissirostral  (fis'iros'tral)  a.  [L.  fissus, 
cleft;  rostrum,  beak.]  With  deeply- 
cleft  beak  (zool.}. 

fissure  (flsh'ur)  n.  [L.  fissus,  cleft.] 
A  cleft,  deep  groove,  or  furrow 
dividing  an  organ  into  lobes,  or 
sub-dividing  and  separating  certain 
areas  of  the  lobes  (anat.}. 

fix  (fiks)  v.  {,  fixed.]  To  kill, 
and  preserve  ;  to  establish  (biol.}. 

fixation  muscles,  —  muscles  which 
prevent  disturbance  of  the  equi- 
librium of  the  body  generally,  and 
fix  limbs  in  the  case  of  limb-move- 
ments (anat.}. 

flabellate  (flabel'at)  a.  [L.  flabellare, 
to  fan.]  Fan-shaped. 

flabellate  antennae, — pectinate  an- 
tennae with  long  processes  (zool.}. 

flabelliform  (flabel'Iform)  a.  [L. 
flabellum,  dim.  of  flabrum,  breeze  ; 
forma,  shape.]  Fan-shaped. 

flabellinerved  (fiabel'Tnervd)  a.  [L. 
flabellum,  little  breeze  ;  nervus, 
sinew.]  Appl.  leaves  with  many 
radiating  nerves  (bot.}. 

flabellum  (flabel'um)  n.  [L.  flabellum, 
fan.]  Any  fan-shaped  organ  or 
structure  ;  the  distal  exite  of  a 
branchiopodan  limb  ;  the  epipodite 
of  certain  crustacean  limbs  (zool.}. 

flagellate  (flaj'glat)  a.  [L.  flagellum, 
whip.]  Furnished  with  flagella  ; 
like  a  flagellum  (bot.,  zool.}. 

flagelliform  (flajel'Tform)  a.  [L. 
flagellum,  whip  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Lash-like  ;  like  a  flagellum  (bot., 

flagellula  (flaj el'ula)  n.  [L.  flagellula, 
dim.  of  flagellum,  whip.]  A  flagel- 
late zoospore  (zool.}. 

flagellum  (flajeTum)  n.  [L.  flagellum, 
whip.]  The  lash-like  process  of 
many  Protista ;  a  long  slender 
runner  or  creeping  stem  (bot.}. 




flame  cells,— the  terminal  cells  of 
the  branches  of  the  excretory 
system  in  many  worms,  with  cavity 
continuous  with  the  lumen  of  the 
duct,  and  containing  a  cilium  or 
bunch  of  cilia,  the  motions  of  which 
give  a  flickering  appearance  similar 
to  that  of  a  flame  ;  a  pronephri- 
diostome  (zool.). 

flavescent  (flaves'ent)  a.  [L.  fla-u- 
escere,  to  turn  yellow.]  Growing 

flex  (flgks)  v.  [L.  flectere,  to  bend.] 
To  bend  ;  appl.  movement  of  limbs 

flexor  (flek'sor)  n.  [L.  flexus,  bent.] 
A  muscle  which  bends  a  limb  (or 
part)  by  its  contraction  (anat.). 

flexuous  (flek'suus)  a.  [L.  flexus, 
bent.]  Curving  in  a  zig-zag 
manner  (bot.). 

flexure  (fleVsur)  n.  \L.  flexus,  bent.] 
A  curve  or  bend  ;  appl.  the  curve 
in  the  embryonic  brain,  the  curve 
of  the  intestine  (anaf.). 

float  (flot)  n.  [A.S.fota,  ship.]  The 
pneumatophore  of  Siphonophores 
(zool.)  ;  a  large  spongy  mass  serving 
as  a  float  in  some  Pteridophytes 

floating  ribs,— ribs  not  uniting  at 
their  ventral  end  with  the  sternum 

floccose  (flok'os)  a.  [L.  floccus,  a  lock 
of  wool.]  Covered  with  wool-like 

floccular  (flok'ular)  a.  [L.  floccus, 
lock  of  wool.]  Pert,  the  flocculus 

flocculence  (flok'ulens)  n.  [L.  floccus, 
lock  of  wool.]  Adhesion  in  small 
flakes,  as  of  a  precipitant  (phys.). 

flocculent  (flok'Qlgnt)  a.  [L.  floccus, 
lock  of  wool.]  Covered  with  a  soft 
waxy  substance  giving  the  appear- 
ance of  wool  (zool.)  ;  covered  with 
small  woolly  tufts  (bot.). 

flocculus  (flok'ulus)  n.  [L.  floccus, 
lock  of  wool.]  A  small  accessory 
lobe  on  each  lateral  lobe  of  the 
cerebellum  (anaf.). 

floccus  (flok'us)  n.  {L.  floccus,  lock  of 
wool.]  The  tuft  of  hair  terminating 
a  tail  ;  the  downy  plumage  of  young 
birds  (zool.) ;  a  mass  of  hyphal 
filaments  in  Algae  and  Fungi 

flora  (flo'r5)  n.  [L.  flos,  flower.] 
The  plants  peculiar  to  a  country, 
area,  or  period  (bot.). 
floral  (flo'ral)  a.  [L.  flos,  flower.] 
Pert,  the  flora  of  a  country  or  area  ; 
pert,  flowers  (bot.). 

florescence    (floreVe'ns)    n.      [L.  flos, 
flower.]     Bursting  into  bloom  (bot.). 
floret    (flor'et)    n.      [L.  flos,   flower.] 
One  of  the  small  individual  flowers 
of  a  composite  flower  (bot.). 
fioricoxne     (flor'ikom)     n.       [L.    flos, 
flower ;    coma,   hair.]      A    form   of 
branched  hexaster  spicule  (zool.). 
floscelle   (floseT)   n.     [L.  flosculus,   a 
little  flower.]    The  flower-like  struc- 
ture in  some  Echinoids  round  the 
mouth  composed  of  the  five  bour- 
relets  and  the  five  phyllodes  (zool.). 
floss  (flos)   n.      [F.  floche,   soft.]     A 
downy  or  silky  substance  (bot.) ;  the 
loose   pieces  of   silk   in   a   cocoon 

flower  (flow'er)  n.  [L.  flos,  flower.] 
The  blossom  of  a  plant,  comprising 
generally  sepals,  petals,  stamens, 
and  pistils  ;  a  leafy  shoot  adapted 
for  reproductive  purposes  (bot.). 
fluvlatile  (floo'vlatil)  a.  [L.fluviatilis, 
pert,  river.]  Growing  in  or  near 
streams  (hot.) ;  inhabiting  and  de- 
veloping in  streams,  appl.  certain 
insect  larvae  (zool.). 
fluviomarine  (floo'viomaren')  a.  [L. 
fluvius,  stream  ;  mare,  the  sea.] 
Found  in  rivers  and  in  the  sea 
(zool.) ;  pert,  rivers  and  the  sea 
(bot.,  zool.). 

fluvioterrestrial  (floo'viotgreYtrial)  a. 
[L.  fluvius,  stream  ;  terra,  land.] 
Found  in  streams  and  in  the  land 
beside  them  (zool.). 
flux  (fluks)  n.  [L.  fluere,  to  flow.] 
Term  appl.  species  that  are  not  yet 
stable  (btol.). 

foetal  (fe'tal)  a.     [L.  foetus,  offspring.] 
Embryonic  ;  pert,  a  foetus   (emb.). 
foetid  glands, — small  sac-like  glands 
in    Orthoptera    which    secret*    an 
ill-smelling  fluid  (zool.). 
foetus  (fe'tus)  n.    [L. foetus,  offspring.] 
An  embryo  in  the  egg  or  in   the 
uterus  (emb.). 

foliaceous  (fo'lla'shus)  a.  [L.  folium, 
leaf.]  Having  the  form  or  texture 
of  a  foliage  leaf  (bot.) ;  thin  ;  leaf- 
like  (zool.). 




follar  (fo'liar)  a.  [L.  folium,  leaf.] 
Pert,  or  consisting  of  leaves  (bot.}. 

foliobranchiate  (fo'liobrang'kiat)  a. 
[L.  folium,  leaf;  Gk.  brangchia, 
gills.]  Possessing  leaf-like  gills 

foliolae  (fo'liole)  n.  plu.  [L.  folium, 
leaf.]  Leaf-like  appendages  of  the 
telum  (zool.}. 

foliolate  (fo'liolat)  a.  [L.  folium, 
leaf.]  Pert,  leaflets  (&?/.)• 

foliole  (fo'liol)  n.  [L.  folium,  leaf.] 
Small  leaf-like  organ  or  appendage 
(zool.} ;  a  leaflet  (&>/.). 

foliose  (fo'lios)  a.  [L.  folium,  leaf.] 
With  many  leaves  (&?/.). 

folium  (fo'lium)  n.  [L.  folium,  leaf.] 
A  flattened  plate-like  structure  in 
the  cerebellum  (anat.}. 

follicle  (fol'ikl)  n.  [L.folliculus,  small 
sac.]  A  capsular  fruit  which  opens 
on  one  side  only  (bot.} ;  a  cavity  or 
sheath  (zool.}. 

follicular  (f olik'ular)  a.  [L.folliculus, 
a  small  sac.]  Pert.,  like  or  con- 
sisting of  follicles. 

folliculate  (folik'ulat),— follicular. 

folliculose  (folik'ulos)  a.  [L.folliculus, 
a  small  bag.]  Having  follicles  (bot.}. 

fontanelle  (fon'tangl')  n.  [F./ontan- 
elle,  a  little  fountain.]  A  gap  or 
space  between  bones  in  the  cranium 
closed  only  by  membrane  (anat.}. 

fonticulus  (fontik'ulus)  n.  [L.  fonti- 
culus,  dim.  of  fans,  fountain.]  The 
depression  at  the  anterior  end  of 
the  sternum  (anat.}. 

food-vacuole, — a  small  vacuole  con- 
taining fluid  and  small  food- 
particles,  contained  in  the  endosarc 
of  many  Protista. 

foot  (foot)  n.  [A.S.  fot,  foot.]  An 
embryonic  structure  in  ferns  through 
which  nourishment  is  obtained 
from  the  prothallus ;  the  basal 
portion  of  the  sporophyte  in  Mosses 
(bot.} ;  an  organ  of  locomotion, 
differing  widely  in  different  animals, 
from  the  tube-foot  of  Echinoderms, 
the  muscular  foot  of  Gastropods  and 
Molluscs,  the  tarsus  of  Insects,  to 
the  foot  of  vertebrates  and  man 

foramen  (fora'mfin)  n.  [L.  foramen, 
an  opening.]  The  opening  through 
the  coats  of  the  ovule  (bot.} ;  any 
small  perforation  (anat.}. 

foramen  magnum,— the  opening  in 
the  occipital  region  of  the  skull 
through  which  the  spinal  cord 
passes  (anat.,  zool.}. 

foraminate  (foram'fnat)  a.  [L.  fora- 
men, opening.]  Pitted  ;  having 
many  foramina  (zool.}. 

foraminiferous  (foram'inif'erus)  a. 
[L.  foramen,  opening ;  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Containing  shells  of  the 
Foraminifera  (zool.}. 

forceps  (for'sSps)  n.  [L.  forceps,  a 
pair  of  tongs.]  The  clasper-shaped 
anal  cerci  of  some  Insects ;  the 
large  fighting  or  seizing  claws  of 
crabs  and  lobsters  (zool.}. 

forcipated  (for'slpated)  a.  [L.  forceps, 
pair  of  tongs.]  Resembling  forceps, 
or  forked  like  a  forceps  (zool.}. 

forcipulate  (forsip'ulat)  a.  [L.  forceps, 
pair  of  tongs.]  Sharped  like  a  small 
forceps  ;  appl.  asteroid  pedicellariae 

forfex  (forfgks')  n.  [L.  forfex,  pair 
of  shears.]  A  pair  of  anal  organs 
which  open  and  shut  transversely, 
occurring  in  certain  Insects  (zool.}. 

forficate  (for'flkat)  a.  [L.  forfex, 
shears.]  Deeply  notched  (zool.}. 

formation  (forma'shun)  n.  [L.  forma, 
shape.]  Structure  arising  from  an 
accumulation  of  deposits  (pal.}. 

formative  (for'mativ)  a.  [L.  forma, 
shape.]  Appl.  matter  which  is 
living  and  developable  (phys.}. 

fornicated  (for'mka'te'd)  a.  [L.fornix, 
vault.]  Concave  within,  convex 
without ;  arched  (zool.}. 

fornix  (for'niks)  n.  [L.fornix,  vault.] 
An  arched  sheet  of  white  longi- 
tudinal fibres  beneath  the  corpus 
callosum  (anat.}  ;  one  of  the  arched 
scales  in  the  orifice  of  some  flowers 

fossa  (fos'a)  ;/.  [L.  fossa,  ditch.]  A 
ditch  or  trench-like  depression 

fossette  (f6s6t')  n.  [L.  fossa,  ditch.] 
A  small  pit ;  a  socket  containing 
the  base  of  the  antennule  in  Arthro- 
pods (zool.}. 

fossil  (fos'il)  n.  [L.  fossilis,  dug  up.] 
Petrified  animal  or  plant,  or  portion 
thereof,  found  in  rocks  (biol.}. 
fossiliferous  (fos'ilif'erus)  a.  [L. 
fossilis,  dug  up  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Containing  fossils  (biol.}. 




fossorial  (foso'rial;  n.  [L.  fossor, 
digger.]  Adapted  for  digging  ; 
appl.  claws,  feet  (zool.}. 

fossula  (fos'ula)  n.  [L.  fossa,  ditch.] 
A  small  pit  with  reduced  septa  on 
one  side  of  a  corallite  cup  in  the 
Rugosa  (pal.}. 

fossulate  (fos'ulat)  a.  \L.  fossa,  ditch.] 
With  slight  hollows  or  grooves 

fossulet  (fos'ulet)  ;/.  [ ssa,  ditch.] 
A  long  narrow  depression  (zool.}. 

fovea  (fo'vea)  n.  [L.  fovea,  depres- 
sion.] A  small  pit  or  fossa  (anat.}  ; 
a  small  hollow  at  the  leaf  base  in 
Isoetes  containing  a  sporangium 

foveate  (fo'veat)  a.  [L.  fovea,  de- 
pression.] Pitted. 

foveola  (fove'ola)  n.  [L.foveola,  small 
pit.]  A  small  pit ;  a  shallow  cavity 
in  bone  (anat.} ;  a  small  depression 
just  above  the  fovea  in  the  leaf  of 
Isoetes  (bot.}. 

foveolate  (fo'veolat)  a.  [L.  foveola, 
small  pit.]  Having  regular  small 
depressions  (hot.,  zool.}. 

fragmentation  (frag'me'nta'shun)  n. 
[L.  frangere,  to  break.]  Division 
into  small  portions  (biol.} ;  nuclear 
division  by  simple  splitting  (biol.}. 

free  (fre)  a.  [A.S.  freo,  acting  at 
pleasure.]  Motile  ;  unattached  ; 
distinct  ;  separate. 

frenate  (fre'nat)  a.  [L./renum,  bridle.] 
Having  a  frenum  or  frenulum  (zool.}. 

frenulum  (frgn'ulum)  «.,  frenula 
(frfin'ula)  plu.  [L.  frenulum,  dim. 
of  frenum,  bridle.]  A  fold  of  mem- 
brane, as  of  tongue,  clitoris,  etc. 
(anat.} ;  a  process  on  the  hind- wing 
of  Lepidoptera  for  attachment  to 
fore-wing  ;  a  thickening  of  the  sub- 
umbrella  of  certain  Scyphomedusae 

frenum  (fre'num)  «.,  frena  (fre'na) 
plu.  [L.  frenum,  bridle.]  A  fren- 
ulum ;  a  fold  of  integument  at 
junction  of  mantle  and  body  of 
Cirripedes,  ovigerous  in  Peduncu- 
lata  (zool.}. 

frond  (fr6nd)  n.  [L.  frons,  leafy 
branch.]  A  leaf,  especially  of  a 
fern  (dot.). 

frondescence  (frondSs'e'ns)  n.  [L. 
frondescere,  to  put  forth  leaves.] 
Development  of  leaves  (tot.}. 

frons  (fronz)  n.  [L.  frons,  forehead.] 
The  forehead. 

frontal  (frun'tal)  a.  [L.  frons,  fore- 
head.] In  the  region  of  the  fore- 
head ;  appl.  artery,  vein,  lobe,  con- 
volution, etc.  (anat.}  ;  appl.  head- 
organ  of  Nemertines  ;  a  prostomial 
ridge  of  Polychaetes ;  palps  of 
certain  Nereids  (zool.}. 

frontocerebellar  fibres,— fibres  pass- 
ing from  the  frontal  region  to  the 
cerebellum  (phys.}. 

fronto-ethmoidal  (frun'to-e'thmoid'al) 
a.  Pert,  the  frontal  and  ethmoidal 
bones  ;  appl.  suture  (an<it.}. 

frontonasal  (frun'tona'zji  1)  a.  [L. 
frons,  forehead ;  nasum,  nose.] 
Pert,  forehead  or  frontal  region 
and  the  nose  ;  appl.  ducts  and  pro- 
cesses (emo.}. 

frontonasal  ducts, — ducts  connecting 
the  nasal  cavities  with  .the  frontal 
sinuses  (anat.}. 

frontosphenoidal  (frun'tosfenoid'al)  a. 
[L.  frons,  forehead;  Gk.  sphen, 
wedge.]  Pert,  frontal  and  sphenoid 
bones  ;  appl.  a  process  of  the  zygo- 
matic  articulating  with  the  frontal 

fructification  (fruk'tiflka'shiin)  n.  [L. 
fructus,  fruit ;  facere,  to  make.] 
Fruit  formation  (bot.}. 

frugivorous  (froojiv'orus)  a.  \L./rux, 
fruit ;  vorare,  to  devour.]  Fruit- 
eating  ;  appl.  certain  animals  (zool.}. 

fruit  (froot)  n.  [F.  fruit,  from  L. 
fructus,  fruit.]  The  fertilized  and 
developed  ovary  of  a  plant  (bot.}. 

frustule  (frus'tul)  n.  [L.  frustulum, 
a  small  fragment.]  The  proto- 
plasmic cell  of  a  diatom  (bot.}. 

frutescent  (froot6s'6nt)  a.  [L.frutex, 
shrub.]  Shrub-like  (bot.}. 

frutex  (froo'tSks)  n.  [L.  frutex, 
shrub.]  Shrub  (bot.}. 

fruticose  (froo'tikos)  a.  [L.  frutex^ 
shrub.]  Shrub-like  (bot.}. 

fruticulose  (frootik'ulos)  a.  [L.frutex, 
shrub.]  Like  a  small  shrub  (bo£). 

fucivorous  (fusiv'orus)  a.  [L.  fucus, 
rock-lichen ;  vorare,  to  devour.] 
Eating  seaweed ;  appl.  certain 
animals  (zool.}. 

fucoid  (fu'koid)  a.  [L.  fucus,  rock- 
lichen.]  Pert,  or  resembling  sea- 
weed (bot.}. 

fugacious  (fuga'shus)  a.     [L.  fugax, 




swift.]  Evanescent ;  falling  off 
early  ;  appl.  petals,  etc.  (bot.}. 

fulcrate  (ful'krat)  a.  [L.  fulcrum, 
a  support.]  Having  a  fulcrum. 

fulcrum  (ful'krum)  a.  [L.  fulcrum,  a 
support.]  A  supporting  organ  such 
as  a  tendril  or  stipule  (bot.} ;  part  of 
the  incus  in  the  mastax  of  Rotifers  ; 
spine-like  scales  on  anterior  fin-rays 
of  many  Ganoids  (zool.}. 

function  (fungk'shun)  n.  [L.functus, 
performed.]  The  normal  action 
proper  to  any  organ  or  part  (phys.}. 

functional  (fungk'shonal)  a.  [L. 
functus,  performed.]  Acting  nor- 
mally ;  acting  or  working  part  of  an 
organ  as  distinct  from  the  remainder 

fundiform  (fun'diform)  a.  [L.  funda, 
sling  ;  forma,  shape.]  Looped  ; 
appl.  a  ligament  of  the  penis 

fundus  (fun'dus)  n.  [L.  fundus, 
bottom.]  The  base  of  an  organ,  as 
of  stomach,  etc.  (anat.}. 

fungicolous  (funjik'olus)  a.  [L. 
fungus,  mushroom  ;  colere,  to  in- 
habit.] Parasitic  on  Fungi  (bot.}. 

fungiform  (fun'jiform)  a.  [L.  fungus, 
mushroom  ;  forma,  shape.]  Fun- 
goid or  shaped  like  a  fungus  ;  appl. 
tongue  papillae  (anat.}. 

fungivorous  (funjiv'orus)  a.  [L. 
fungus,  mushroom  ;  vorare,  to  de- 
vour.] Appl.  fungus-eating  animals 

fungous  (fung'gus)  a.  [L.  fungus, 
mushroom.]  With  character  or 
consistency  of  fungus  (bot.}. 

funicle  (fu'nikl)  n.  [L.  fumculus,  a 
small  cord.]  An  ovule  stalk  (bot.}  ; 
a  small  cord  or  band  of  fibres 
especially  in  brain  (anat.} ;  a  large 
double  strand  of  cells  passing  from 
aboral  end  of  coelom  to  aboral 
wall  of  zooecium  of  Molluscoidea 

funicular  (funik'ular)  a.  [L.  funic- 
ulus,  small  cord.]  Consisting  of 
a  small  cord  or  band ;  pert,  a  funic- 
ulus  (anat.,  zool.}. 

funiculus,— see  funicle. 

funnel  (fun'el)  n.  [L.  fundibulum, 
funnel.]  The  siphon  of  Cephalo- 
pods  (zool.}. 

funnelfonn  (fim'elform)a.  [L.  fundere, 
to  pour ;  forma,  shape.]  Widening 

gradually  from  a  narrow  base ; 
infundibuliform  (bot.}. 

furca  (fur'ka)  n.  [L.  furca,  fork.] 
The  apophysis  or  entothorax  of 
insect  metathorax  (zool.}. 

furcal  (fur'kal)  a.  [L.  furca,  fork.] 
Forked  ;  appl.  a  branching  nerve 
of  the  lumbar  plexus  (anat.}. 

furcate  (fur'kat)  a.  [L.  furca,  fork.] 
Branching  like  the  prongs  of  a 

furciferous  (fursiferus)  a.  [L.  furca, 
fork  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Bearing  a 
forked  appendage,  as  some  Insects 

furcula  (fur'kula)  n.  [L.  ftircula, 
dim.  of  furca,  fork.]  A  forked 
process  or  structure,  the  merry- 
thought bone  (anat.} ;  a  transverse 
ridge  in  the  embryonic  pharynx 

furred  (furd)  a.  [M.E.  furren,  a 
sheath.]  Having  short  decumbent 
hairs  thickly  covering  the  surface 

fuscin  (fus'kin)  n.  {L.fttscus,  tawny.] 
A  brown  pigment  in  the  retinal 
epithelium  (phys.}. 

fusi  (fu'zl)  n.  phi.  [L.fusus,  spindle.] 
In  spiders,  organs  composed  of 
two  retractile  processes  which  issue 
from  the  mammillae  and  form  the 
threads  (zool.}. 

fusiform  (fu'zTform)  a.  [L.  fiisus, 
spindle  ;  forma,  shape.]  Spindle- 
shaped  ;  tapering  gradually  at  both 
ends  (zool.}. 

galactase  (galak'tas)  n.  [Gk.  gala, 
milk.]  An  enzyme,  trypsin-like  in 
action,  found  in  milk  (phys.}. 

galactophorous  (gal'aktoforfis)  a. 
[Gk.  gala,  milk  ;  pheretn,  to  carry.] 
Lactiferous  ;  appl.  ducts  of  mam- 
mary glands  (anat.}. 

galactosis  (gal'akto'sis)  n.  [Gk.  gala, 
milk.]  Milk  production  (phys.}. 

galbulus  (gal'bulus)  n.  [L.  galbulus, 
cypress  nut.]  A  modified  cone 
with  fleshy  scales,  as  in  cypress 
(bot.}.  ^ 

galea  (gal'ea)  n.  [L.  galea,  helmet.] 
A  helmet-shaped  petal,  or  other 




similarly-shaped  structure  (bot.} ; 
a  muscle  of  the  scalp  (anat.} ;  the 
outer  division  of  the  endopodite  of 
the  first  maxillae  of  insects  (zool.}. 

galeate  (gal'eat)  a.  [L.  galea,  helmet.] 
Helmet-shaped  (hot.}. 

gall(g61)».  [A.S.^«//a,gall.]  Bile, 
the  secretion  of  the  liver  (phys.} ; 
any  excrescence  on  plants  caused 
by  disease  (hot.). 

gall-bladder,— a  small  pear-shaped 
or  spherical  sac  which  stores  the 
bile  (anat.}. 

galvanotaxis  (gal'vanotak'sis)  n.  [It. 
Galvani,  physiologist.]  Response  or 
reaction  to  electrical  stimulus  (phys.}. 

galvanotropism  (garvanot'ropizm)  n. 
[It.  Gal-vani,  physiologist  ;  Gk. 
trope,  a  turning.]  Galvanotaxis. 

gametal  (game'tal)  a.  [Gk.  gametes, 
spouse.]  Pert,  a  gamete ;  repro- 
ductive (biol.}. 

gametangium  (gam'etan'jlum)  «. 
[Gk.  gametes,  spouse  ;  anggeion, 
vessel.]  A  structure  producing 
sexual  cells  (hot.}. 

gametes  (garnets')  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
gametes,  spouse.]  Cells  derived 
from  gametocytes  which  conjugate 
and  form  zygotes  (zool.} ;  sexual 
cells  (biol.}. 

gametlc  (gamet'ik)  a.  [Gk.  gametes, 
spouse.]  Pert,  gamete  (biol.}. 

gametids  (game'tidz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
gametes,  spouse.]  Primary  sporo- 
blasts  destined  to  become  gametes 

gametocyte  (game'tosit)  n.  [Gk. 
gametes,  spouse ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
The  mother-cell  of  a  gamete  (zool.}. 

gametogenesis  (game'tqjen'e'sis)  ». 
[Gk.  gametes,  spouse ;  genesis, 
birth.]  Gamete  formation  (biol.}. 

gametogeny  (gam'etoj'enT)  n.  [Gk. 
gametes,  spouse ;  genos,  birth.] 

gametogonlum  (game'togo'nium)  «. 
[Gk.  gametes,  spouse  ;  gonos,  off- 
spring.] A  cell  producing  a  gamete, 
a  gametocyte  (bot.}. 

gametophore  (game'tofor)  n.  [Gk. 
gametes,  spouse  ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
A  special  part  of  a  gametophyte  on 
which  gametangia  are  borne  (bot.}. 

gametophyll  (game'tofll)  n.  [Gk. 
gametes,  spouse  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  A 
modified  leaf  bearing  sexual  organs; 

a  micro-  or  macro  -  sporophyll 

gametophyte  (game'toflt)  n.  [Gk. 
gametes,  spouse ;  phyton,  plant.] 
The  gamete-forming  phase  in 
alternation  of  plant  generations ; 
the  sexual  generation  of  plants  ;  cf. 
sporophyte  (bot.}. 

gamic  (gam'ik)  a.  [Gk.  ganws, 
marriage.]  Fertilized  (biol.}. 

gamobium  (gamo'bium)  n.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage  ;  bios,  life.]  The 
sexual  or  medusoid  generation  in 
hydrozoan  colonies  (zool.}. 

gamodesmic  (garn'odeVmik)  a.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage ;  desma,  bond.] 
Having  the  vascular  bundles  fused 
together  instead  of  separated  by 
connective  tissue  (bot.}. 

gamogastrous  (gam'ogas'trus)  a.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage ;  gaster,  belly.] 
Appl.  a  pistil  formed  by  union  of 
ovaries,  but  with  styles  and  stig- 
mata free  (bot.}. 

gamogenesis  (gam'ojen'esTs)  n.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage  ;  genesis^  descent.] 
Sexual  reproduction  (biol.}. 

gamogenetic  (gam'qjeneYik)  a.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage  ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Reproduced  from  union  of  sex 
elements  ;  sexual  (biol.}. 

gamogony  (gamog'onT)  n.  [Gk. gamos, 
marriage  ;  gone,  descent.]  Sporo- 
gony  in  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

gamont  (gamont') ».  \G\a. gamos,  mur- 
riage;ons,  a  being.]  A  sporont  (zool.}. 

gamopetalous  (gam'opeYalus)  a.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage ;  petalon,  petal.] 
With  coherent  petals ;  mono- 
petalous  (bot.}. 

gamophyllous  (gain'oftl'iis)  a.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage ;  phyllon,  leaf.] 
With  united  perianth  leaves;  mono- 
phyllous  (bot.}. 

gamosepalous  (gam'bsep'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage ;  sepalon,  sepal.] 
With  coherent  sepals ;  monosep- 
alous  (bot.}. 

gamostele  (gam'ostel')  n.  \G\i.gamos, 
marriage ;  stele,  pillar.]  A  stele 
formed  from  the  fusion  of  several 
steles  (bot.}. 

gamostelic  (gam'dste'llk)  a.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage ;  stele,  pillar.] 
Appl.  the  condition  in  which  the 
steles  of  a  polystelic  stem  are 
fused  together  (bot.}. 




gamostely  (gam'oste'H)  n.  [Gk. 
gamos,  marriage  ;  stele,  pillar.] 
The  arrangement  of  polystelic 
stems  when  the  separate  steles 
are  fused  together  surrounded  by 
pericycle  and  endodermis  (dot.}. 

gangliar  (gang'gllar)  a.  [Gk.  gang- 
glion, little  tumour.]  Pert,  a  gan- 
glion or  ganglia. 

gangliate  (gang'gllat)  a.  [Gk.  gang- 
glion, little  tumour.]  Having 

gangliform  (gang'gliform)  a.  [Gk. 
gangglion,  little  tumour ;  L.  forma, 
shape.]  In  the  form  of  a  ganglion. 

ganglioblast  (gang'glipblast)  n.  [Gk. 
gangglion,  little  tumour ;  blastos, 
bud.]  The  mother-cell  of  a  ganglio- 
cyte  (anat.~). 

gangliocyte  (gang'glioslt)  n.  [Gk. 
gangglion,  little  tumour ;  kytos, 
hollow.]  A  ganglion  cell  outside 
the  central  nervous  system  (anat.). 

ganglioid  (gang'glioid)  a.  \GY.gang- 
glion,  little  tumour  ;  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] Like  a  ganglion  (anat.). 

ganglion  (gang'glion)  n.  [Gk.  gang- 
glion, little  tumour.]  A  mass  of 
nervous  matter  containing  nerve 
cells  and  giving  origin  to  nerve 
fibres  ;  a  nerve  centre  (anat.). 

ganglionated      (gang'glTona'ted)      a. 

gjk.  gangglion,  little  tumour.] 
upplied  with  ganglia  (anat.). 

ganglioneural  (gang'glionu'ral)  a. 
[Gk.  gangglion,  little  tumour ; 
neuron,  nerve.]  Appl.  a  system  of 
nerves,  consisting  of  a  series  of 
ganglia  connected  by  nerve  strands 

ganglioneuron  (gang'glionu'ron)  n. 
[Gk.  gangglion,  little  tumour ; 
neuron,  nerve.]  A  nerve  cell  of  a 
ganglion  (anat.}. 

ganglionic  (gang'glion'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
gangglion,  little  tumour.]  Pert. 
consisting  of,  or  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  a  ganglion  ;  appl.  a  layer  of 
the  retina,  arteries,  arterial  system 
of  brain  (anat.). 

ganglioplexus  (gang'glioplgk'sus)  n. 
[Gk.  gangglion,  little  tumour ;  L. 
plexus,  twisted.]  A  diffuse  ganglion 

ganoid  (gan'oid)  a.  [Gk.  ganos, 
sheen  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Appl. 
scales  of  ganoid  fishes,  rhomboidal, 

joined  like  parquetry  and  consisting 
of  a  layer  of  bone  with  a  superficial 
enamel  layer  (zool.). 

ganoin  (gan'oin)  n.  [Gk.  ganos, 
sheen.]  The  outer  layer  of  a 
ganoid  scale,  formed  by  -the  coriuin 

gape  (gap)  n.  [A.S.  geapan,  to  open 
wide.]  The  distance  between  the 
open  jaws  of  birds,  fishes,  etc. 

Gasserian  ganglion, — a  large  gan- 
glion on  the  sensory  root  of  the  fifth 
cranial  nerve  (anat.). 

gasteromycetous  (gas'teromlse'tus)  a. 
[Gk.  gaster,  belly  ;  mykes,  a  mush- 
.  room.]  Having  the  spores  de- 
veloped in  a  peridium  (oot.). 

gastraea  (gastre'a)  n.  [Gk.  gaster, 
stomach.]  A  hypothetical  gastrula- 
like  animal  ;  the  ancestral  Meta- 
zoan,  according  to  Haeckel  (zool.). 

gastraeum  (gastre'iim)  n.  [Gk.  gaster, 
stomach.]  The  ventral  side  of  the 
body  (anat.). 

gastral  (gas'tral)  a.  [Gk.  gaster, 
stomach.]  Pert,  stomach,  as  the 
gastral  cavity,  cortex,  layer,  etc. 

gastralia  (gastra'lia)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
gaster,  stomach.]  Microscleres  in 
the  gastral  membranes  of  Hexacti- 
nellids  (zool.). 

gastric  (gas'trik)  a.  [Gk.  gaster, 
belly.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region  of 
the  stomach  ;  appL  arteries,  glands, 
nerves,  veins  (anat.). 

gastrin  (gas'trin)  n.  [Gk.  gaster, 
stomach.]  The  hormone  which  is 
the  result  of  the  action  of  the 
salivary  products  on  the  gastric 
mucous  membrane  (phys.). 

gastrocentrous  (gas'trosen'triis)  a. 
[Gk.  gaster,  stomach  ;  L.  centrum, 
centre.]  Appl.  vertebrae  with 
centra  formed  by  pairs  of  inter- 
ventralia,  while  the  basiventralia 
are  reduced  (zool.). 

gastrocnemius  (gas'trokne'mius)  n. 
[Gk.  gaster,  belly  ;  kneme,  the 
tibia.]  The  large  muscle  of  the 
calf  of  the  leg  (anat.). 

gastrocoel  (gas'trosel)  n.  [Gk.  gaster, 
belly ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  arch- 
enteron  of  a  gastrula  (emb.). 

gastrocolic  (gas'trokol'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
gaster,  stomach  ;  kolon,  the  gut.] 




Pert.  stomach  and  colon  ;  appl.  a 
ligament  (anat.}. 

gastroduodenal  (gas'trodu'ode'nal)  a. 
[Gk.  gaster,  stomach  ;  L.  duodeni, 
twelve  each.]  Pert,  stomach  and 
duodenum  ;  appl.  an  artery  (anat.}. 

gastroepiplolc  (gas'troep'iplo'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  gaster,  stomach  ;  epiploon,  the 
great  omentum.]  Pert,  stomach 
and  the  great  omentum ;  appl. 
arteries,  veins  (anat.}. 

gastrointestinal  (gas'tromtes'tinal)  a. 
[Gk.  gaster,  stomach ;  L.  intus, 
withinj  Pert,  stomach  and  in- 
testines (anat.}. 

gastrolienal  (gas'trolle'nal)  a.  [Gk. 
gaster,  stomach ;  L.  lien,  the 
spleen.]  Pert,  the  stomach  and 
spleen  ;  appl.  ligament  (anat.}. 

gastrolith  (gas'trollth)  n.  [Gk.  gaster, 
stomach  ;  lithos,  stone.]  A  mass  of 
calcareous  matter  found  at  certain 
seasons  on  each  side  of  the  gizzard 
of  Crustaceans  (zool.}. 

gastroparietal  (gas'tropari'e'tal)  a. 
[Gk.  gaster,  stomach ;  L.  paries, 
wall.]  Pert,  stomach  and  body 
wall  (anat.}. 

gastrophrenic  (gas'trofren'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
gaster,  stomach  ;  phrenos,  midriff.] 
Pert,  stomach  and  diaphragm ; 
appl.  ligament  (anat.}. 

gastropod  (gas'tropfid)  n.  [Gk. 
gaster,  stomach  ;  pous,  foot.J  A 
mollusc  with  a  ventral  muscular 
disc  adapted  for  creeping  (zool.}. 

gastropores  (gas'troporz)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  gaster,  stomach ;  poros, 
channel.]  The  larger  pores,  for 
nutrient  persons,  of  hydroid  Corals 

gastropulmonary  (gas'tropul'monarl) 
a.  [Gk.  gaster,  stomach  ;  L.  pulmo, 
lung.]  Pert,  stomach  and  lungs 

gastrosplenic  (gas'trosple'n'lk)  a. 
[Gk.  gaster,  stomach  ;  splen,  the 
spleen.]  Pert,  stomach  and  spleen 

gastrostege  (gas'trostej)  n.  [Gk. 
gaster,  belly ;  stege,  roof.]  A 
ventral  scale  of  snakes  (zoo/.). 

gastrovascular  (gas'trovas'kular)  a. 
[Gk.  gaster,  stomach  ;  L.  •uasculum, 
a  small  vessel.]  Serving  both  di- 
gestive and  circulatory  purposes,  as 
canals  of  some  Coelenterates  (zool.}. 

gastrozooid  (gas'trozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
gaster,  stomach ;  zoon,  animal ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  In  coelenter- 
ate  colonies,  the  nutrient  person 
with  mouth  and  tentacles  (zool.}. 

gastrula  (gas'troola)  n.  [Gk.  gaster, 
stomach.]  The  cup-  or  basin- 
shaped  structure  formed  by  in- 
vagination  of  a  blastula  (emb.}. 

gastrulation  (gas'troola'shun)«.  [Gk. 
gaster,  stomach.]  The  formation  of 
a  gastrula  from  a  blastula  by  in- 
vagination  (emb.}. 

geitonogamy  (gl'tonog'amT)  n.  [Gk. 
geiton,  neighbour ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Fertilization  of  a  flower  by  another 
from  the  same  plant  (bot.}. 

gelatigenous  (jeTatij'Snus)  a.  [L. 
gelare,  to  congeal  ;  Gk.  genos, 
offspring.]  Gelatine  -  producing 

gelatine  (jeTatin)  n.  [L.  gelare, 
to  congeal.]  A  jelly-like  sub- 
stance obtained  from  animal  tissue 

gelatinous  (jelat'mus)  a.  [L.  gelare, 
to  congeal.]  Jelly-like  in  consist- 
ency (zool.}. 

geminate  (jem'mat)  a.  [L.  gemini, 
twins.]  Growing  in  pairs  ;  binate 

geminiflorous  (jgm'iniflo'rus)  a.  [L. 
gemini,  twins  ;  flos,  flower.]  Appl. 
a  plant  whose  flowers  are  arranged 
in  pairs  (bot.}. 

gemma  (jgm'a)  n.,  gemmae  (jgm'e, 
jgm'a)  plu.  [L.  gemma,  bud.]  A 
bud  or  outgrowth  of  a  plant  or 
animal  which  develops  into  a  new 
organism  (biol.} ;  hypothetical  units 

gemmaceous  (jgma'shus)  a.  [L. 
gemma,  bud.]  Pert,  gemmae  or 

gemmate  (jgm'at)  a.  [L.  gemma, 
bud.]  Reproducing  by  bud-forma- 

gemmation  (jgma'shon)  n.  [L. gemma, 
bud.]  Bud-formation  by  means  of 
which  new  independent  individuals 
are  developed  in  plants  and  animals 

gemmiferous  (jgrnlfe'rus)  a.  [L. 
gemma,  bud  ;  ferre,  to  bear.]  Bud- 
bearing  ;  gemmate. 

gemmiform  ( jgm'iform)  a.   [L. gemma, 
bud  ;  forma,  shape.]      Shaped  like 




a  bud ;  appl.  pedicellariae  of  Echino- 
derms  (zool.). 

gemmiparous  (jemip'arus)  a.  [L. 
gemma,  bud ;  parere,  to  produce.] 

gemmulation  (jem'ula'shun)  n.  [L. 
gemma,  bud.]  Gemmule-formation. 

gemmule  (je'm'ul)  n.  [L.  gemmula, 
little  bud.]  A  pangen  (cyt.) ;  one 
of  the  internal  buds  of  Porifera 
arising  asexually  and  coming  into 
activity  on  the  death  of  the  parent 
organism  (zool.). 

gena  (je'na)  n.,  genae  (je'ne)  plu. 
[L.  gena,  the  cheek.]  The  cheek  or 
side  part  of  the  head  ;  the  antero- 
lateral  part  of  an  insect's  head 

genal  (je'nal)  a.  [L.  gena,  cheek.] 
Pert,  the  cheek ;  appl.  the  facial 
suture  of  Trilobites  and  the  angle 
of  the  cheek  (zool.). 

geneology  (je'neol'qji)  n.  [Gk.  gene, 
descent ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
study  of  the  development  of  indi- 
vidual and  race  ;  Embryology  and 
Palaeontology  combined. 

genera  (jSn'era), — see  genus. 

generalized  (jen'erallz'd)  a.  [L.  gen- 
eralis,  of  one,  kind.]  Combining 
characteristics  of  two  or  more 
groups,  as  in  many  fossils  (pal.). 

generation  (jen'era'shun)  n.  [L.gener- 
atio,  reproduction.]  Production ; 
formation ;  the  individuals  of  a 
species  equally  remote  from  a 
common  ancestor, — see  alternation 
of  generations. 

generative  (jen'era'tiv)  a.  [L.  genus, 
race.]  Concerned  in  reproduction  ; 
appl.  the  smaller  of  two  cells  into 
which  a  pollen  grain  primarily 
divides  (bot.\ 

generic  (j£neYik)  a.  [L.  genus,  race.] 
Common  to  all  species  of  a  genus, 
— see  binomial  nomenclature. 

genesis  (jen'esis)  n.  [Gk.  gignesthai, 
to  produce.]  Formation,  produc- 
tion, or  development  of  a  cell, 
organ,  individual,  or  species. 

genetic  (jgnet'ik)  a.  [Gk.  gignesthai, 
to  produce.]  Pert,  production. 

genetic  spiral,— in  spiral  phyllotaxis, 
the  imaginary  spiral  line  following 
the  points  of  insertion  of  successive 
leaves  (dot.). 

genetics  ( j  enet'iks)  n.    [Gk.  gignesthai, 

to  produce.]  That  part  of  Biology 
dealing  with  heredity  and  varia- 

genial  (jen'ial,  jeni'al)  a.  [Gk.  geneion, 
the  chin.]  Pert,  the  chin ;  appl. 
chin-plates  of  Reptiles  (zool.). 

genicular  (jenTk'ular)  a.  [L.  genicu- 
lum,  little  knee.]  Pert,  region 
of  the  knee  ;  appl.  arteries,  etc.,  also 
to  ganglion  of  facial  nerve  (anat.). 

geniculate  (jenik'ulat)  a.  [L.  genicu- 
lum,  little  knee.]  Bent  like  a  knee- 
joint  ;  appl.  a  ganglion  of  the  facial 
nerve  (zool.) ;  having  the  upper 
part  of  the  filament  forming  an 
angle  more  or  less  obtuse  with  the 
lower  (bot.). 

geniculum  (jenik'ulum)  n.  [L.  gen- 
iculum,  little  knee.]  The  part  of 
the  facial  nerve  in  the  temporal 
bone  where  it  turns  abruptly  towards 
the  stylo-mastoid  foramen  (anat.). 

genioglossal  (jenl'oglos'al)  a.  [Gk. 
geneion,  chin  ;  glossa,  tongue.]  Con- 
necting the  chin  and  tongue  ;  appl. 
muscles  (anat.). 

geniohyoid  (jem'ohl'oid)  a.  [Gk. 
geneion,  chin  ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
Pert,  chin  and  hyoid  ;  appl.  muscles 

genital  (jen'ital)  a.  [L.  gignere,  to 
beget.]  Pert,  the  region  of  the 
reproductive  organs ;  appl.  cor- 
puscles, glands,  ridge,  tubercle,  etc. 

genitals  (jen'italz)  n.plu.  [L.  gignere, 
to  beget.]  The  organs  of  reproduc- 
tion, especially  the  external  organs 

genitoanal (jen'itoa'nal)  a.  [L. gignere, 
to  beget  ;  anus,  the  vent.]  In  the 
region  of  the  genitals  and  anus 

genitocrural  (jen'itokroo'ral)  a.  [L. 
gignere,  to  beget ;  crus,  leg.]  In 
the  region  of  the  genitals  and  thigh  ; 
appl.  a  nerve  (anat.). 

genitoenteric  (jen'itoenter'ik)  a.  [L. 
gignere,  to  beget ;  Gk.  enteron,  gut.] 
Pert,  genitals  and  intestine  (anat.). 

genitofemoral  (jen'itofem'oral)  a.  [L. 
gignere,  to  beget ;  femur,  thigh- 
bone.] Genitocrural. 

genoblast  (jen'dblast)  n.  [Gk.  genos, 
offspring  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  mature 
germ-cell  exclusively  male  or  female 




genu  (jSn'u)  n.  [L.  genu,  knee.]  A 
knee-like  bend  in  an  organ  or  part  ; 
the  anterior  end  of  the  corpus  cal- 
losum  (anat.). 

genus  (je'nus)  «.,  genera  (jSn'era)  plu. 
[L.  genus,  race.]  A  group  of  closely 
related  species,  in  classification  of 
plants  or  animals. 

genys  (je'nis)  n.  [Gk.  genys,  jaw.] 
See  gonys. 

geobios  (je'obl'os)  n.  [Gk.  ge,  earth  ; 
bios,  life.]  Terrestrial  life — one  of 
Haeckel's  terms  (dial.}. 

geoblast  (je'oblast)  n.  [Gk.^,  earth  ; 
blastos,  bud.]  A  germinating  plum- 
ule of  which  the  cotyledons  remain 
underground  (bot.). 

geocarpic  (je'okar'pik)  a.  [Gk.  ge, 
earth  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Having  the 
fruits  maturing  underground  (bot.). 

geology  (jeol'ojl)  n.  [Gk.  ge,  earth  ; 
logos,  discourse.]  The  science 
dealing  with  the  structure,  activi- 
ties, and  history  of  the  earth. 

geomalism  (jeom'alizm)  n.  [Gk.  ge, 
earth ;  omalos,  level.]  Response 
to  the  influence  of  gravitation  (tot.). 

geophilous  (jeofilus)  a.  [Gk.  ge, 
earth  ;  philein,  to  love.]  Living  in 
or  on  the  earth,  the  ground. 

geophyte  (je'oflt)  n.  [Gk.  ge,  earth  ; 
phyton,  plant.]  A  plant  which 
grows  in  the  earth  (tot.). 

geotaxis  (je'otak'sis)  n.  [Gk.  g*, 
earth ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  Re- 
sponse to  the  laws  of  gravity. 

geotonus  (je'oto'nus)  n.  [Gk.  ge, 
earth ;  tonos,  tension.]  Normal 
position  in  relation  to  gravity  (tot.). 

geotropism  (jeot'ropizm)  n.  [Gk.  ge, 
earth  ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  Tendency 
to  respond  to  stimulus  of  gravity 
by  turning  towards  it,  as  the  down- 
ward growth  of  a  root  (dot.). 

gephyrocercal  (gef'Iroser'kal,  jSfi'ro- 
ser'kal)  a.  [Gk.  gephyra,  bridge  ; 
kerkos,  tail.]  Appl.  secondary  di- 
phycercal  caudal  fin  brought  about 
by  the  reduction  of  the  extreme  tip 
of  the  heterocercal  or  homocercal 
fin  (zool.). 

geratology  (jer'atol'oji)  n.  [Gk.geras, 
old  age  ;  logos,  discourse.]  Study 
of  the  factors  of  decadence. 

germ  (jfirm)  n.  [L.  gennen,  bud.] 
A  unicellular  micro-organism ;  a 
seed  (tot.) ;  a  developing  egg  (zool.). 

germ-cell, — a  reproductive  cell,  opp. 
somatic  ;  a  primitive  male  or  female 
element  (btol.). 

germ  centre, — an  area  of  lymph- 
corpuscle  division  in  nodules  of 
lymph  gland  tissue  (anat.). 

germ-disc, — a  small  green  cellular 
plate  of  the  germ  tube  of  liverworts 

germ  layer, — an  early  differentiated 
layer  of  cells  (emb.). 

germ  nucleus, — an  egg  or  sperm 
nucleus  (emb.). 

germ  plasm, — idioplasm  ;  the  physi- 
cal basis  of  inheritance. 

germ  pore, — the  exit  pore  of  a  germ 
tube  in  the  spore  integument  (bot.). 

germ  stock, — the  stolon  in  certain 
Tunicates  (zool.). 

germ  theory, — biogenesis  ;  the  theory 
that  living  organisms  can  be  pro- 
duced or  developed  only  from  living 
organisms  (btol.). 

germ  tube, — the  short  filamentous 
tube  put  forth  by  a  germinating 
spore  (bot.). 

germ  vitellarium, — an  organ  of 
Platyhelminths  producing  both  ova 
and  vitelline  material. (sool.). 

germ  yolk  gland,-^-m.  some  Rhabdo- 
coels,  an  embryonic  structure  con- 
sisting of  the  fertile  portion  of  the 
egg  and  a  sterite\  portion  which 
functions  as  a  yolk  gland  feeding 
the  fertite  ftprlion  (zool.). 

germarium  (jerma'rium)  n.  [L.  ger- 
men,  bud.]  An  ovary  (zool.). 

germen  (jer'men)  n.  [L.  germen, 
bud.]  A  mass  of  undifferentiated 
cells,  the  primary  form  of  the  germ 

germinal  (jer'mmal)  a.  [L.  germen, 
bud.]  Pert,  a  seed,  a  germ-cell,  or 

germinal  bands, — two  sets  of  rows  of 
cells  in  early  development  of 
Annulates  (zool.). 

germinal  cells, — the  cells  concerned 
in  reproduction,  set  apart  early  in 
embryonic  life  (emb.). 

germinal  disc, — the  disc-like  area  of 
an  egg  yolk  on  which  segmentation 
first  appears  (emb.). 

germinal  epithelium, — the  layer  of 
columnar  epithelial  cells  covering 
the  stroma  of  an  ovary  (emb.). 

germinal  layers,— the  primary  layers 




of  cells  in  a  developing  ovum,  epi- 
blast,  hypoblast,  and  later  mesoblast 

germinal  spot, — the  nucleus  of  an 
ooplasm  (emb.). 

germinal  vesicle,— the  nucleus  of  an 
egg,  before  formation  of  polar- 
bodies  (emb.). 

germination  (jer'inma'shun)  n.  [L. 
germen,  bud.]  Beginning  of  growth ; 
budding  ;  development  (bot.). 

germiparity    (jeYmipar'iti)     n.       [L. 

frmen,  bud ;  parere,  to  beget.] 
eproduction  by  germ-formation. 

germogen  ( j  eVmoj  Sn')  n.  [L.  germen, 
bud ;  Gk.  genos,  offspring.]  The 
central  cell  of  the  gastrula-like 
phase,  or  infusorigen,  in  the 
development  of  the  Rhombozoa  ; 
the  residual  nucleus,  or  unused 
portion,  after  formation  of  the 
rhpmbogen  by  division  of  the 
primary  germogen  or  primitive 
central  cell  (zool.). 

gestation  (jSsta'shun)  n.  [L.  gerere^ 
to  carry.]  The  intra-uterine  period 
in  the  development  of  an  embryo 

giant  cells,— large  nerve-cells  in 
Annelids ;  myeloplaxes ;  osteo- 
clasts ;  large  multinuclear  proto- 
plasmic masses  found  in  marrow, 
spleen  (anat.). 

giant  fibres, — greatly  enlarged  and 
modified  nerve-fibres  running  longi- 
tudinally through  the  ventral  nerve 
cord  of  some  invertebrates,  as 
Worms  (zool.). 

gibbous  (gib'us)  a.  [L.  gibbus, 
humped.]  Inflated ;  saccate  or 
pouched,  as  the  lateral  sepals  of 
Cruciferae  (bot.). 

gill  (gll)  n.  [M.E.  gille,  gill.]  A 
plate-like  or  filamentous  outgrowth  ; 
respiratory  organ  of  water-inhabit- 
ing animals  (zool.) ;  one  of  a  number 
of  lamellae  radiating  from  the  stalk 
of  a  mushroom  (&?/.). 

gill  arch, — part  of  the  visceral  skele- 
ton in  the  region  of  functional  gills  ; 
branchial  arch  (zool.). 

gill  basket,— the  branchial  skeleton 
of  lampreys,  composed  of  continu- 
ous cartilage  (zool.). 

gill  book, — the  respiratory  organ  of 
certain  Arachnids,  consisting  of  a 
large  number  of  leaf-like  structures 

between  which  the  water  circulates 

gill  cleft,— a  branchial  cleft  formed 
on  the  side  of  the  pharynx  (zool.). 

gill  cover, — an  operculum; 

gill  helix, — a  spirally  coiled  gill-like 
organ  in  certain  Clupeidae  (zool.). 

gill  plume,— the  gill  or  ctenidium  of 
the  majority  of  Gastropods  (zool.). 

gill  pouch, — an  oval  pouch  containing 
gills  and  communicating  directly  or 
indirectly  by  a  duct  with  the 
exterior,  seen  in  Myxine  and  Petro- 
myzon  (zool.). 

gill  rakers, — small  spine-like  struc- 
tures attached  in  a  single  or  double 
row  to  branchial  arches  to  prevent 
escape  of  food  (sool.). 

gill  remnants,  —  epithelial,  post- 
branchial,  or  suprapericardial  bodies 
arising  in  the  pharynx  of  higher 
vertebrates  (zool.). 

gill  rods, — oblique  gelatinous  rods 
supporting  the  pharynx  in  Cephalo- 
chorda  (zool.). 

gill  slits, — a  series  of  perforations 
leading  from  pharynx  to  the  exterior, 
persistent  in  lower  vertebrates, 
embryonic  in  higher  (zool.). 

gingival  (jinjl'val)  a.  [L.  gingivae, 
gums.]  Pert,  the  gums. 

ginglymoid  (gmg'glTmoid)  a.  [Gk. 
gingglymos,  hinge  -  joint.]  Con- 
structed like  a  hinge-joint  (anat.). 

ginglymus  (ging'glimus)  n.  [Gk. 
gingglymos,  hinge-joint.]  An  ar- 
ticulation constructed  to  allow 
motion  in  one  plane  only  (anat.). 

girdle  (ger'dl)  n.  [A.S.  gyrdan,  to 
gird.]  In  appendicular  skeleton, 
the  supporting  structure  at  shoulder 
and  hip,  each  consisting  typically 
of  one  dorsal  and  two  ventral 
elements  (anat.). 

gizzard  (giz'ard)  n.  [M.E.  gizer, 
gizzard.]  In  birds,  the  muscular 
grinding  chamber  of  the  alimentary 
canal ;  the  proventriculus  of  insects 

glabella  (glabel'a)  n.  [L.  glaber, 
bald.]  The  space  on  the  forehead 
between  the  superciliary  ridges 
(anat.) ;  the  elevated  median  region 
of  the  cephalic  shield  of  Trilobites 

glabrate  (glab'rat)  a.  [L.  glaber, 
smooth.]  Becoming  smooth;  glab- 




rescent ;  with  a  nearly  smooth  sur- 
face (hot.}. 

glabrescent, — see  glabrate. 

glabrous  (glab'rus)  a.  [L.  g/afer, 
smooth.]  With  a  smooth,  even 

gladiate  (glad'iat)  a.  [L.  gladius, 
sword.]  Shaped  like  a  sword  (bot.). 

gladiolus  (glad'io'lus)  n.  [L.  gladiolus, 
small  sword.]  The  middle  or  largest 
part  of  the  sternum  (anat.). 

gladius  (glad'ius)  n.  [L.  gfaSta, 
sword.]  The  pen  of  a  cuttle-fish 

gland  cell,— an  isolated  secreting 
cell ;  a  cell  of  glandular  epithelium. 

glands  (glandz)  n.  plu.  [L.  glans, 
an  acorn.]  Single  cells  or  masses 
of  cells  specialized  for  the  elabora- 
tion of  secretions  either  for  use  in 
the  body  or  for  excretion  (anat.). 

glandula  (glan'dula)  n.  \L.  glandula, 
small  acorn.]  An  arachnoid  granu- 
lation on  the  outer  surface  of  the 
dura  mater  (anat.). 

glandular  (glan'dular)  a.  [L.  glandula, 
small  acorn.]  Pert,  a  gland  ;  with 
secreting  function  (zool.) ;  bearing 
a  gland  (hot.}. 

i.landular  epithelium,— the  tissue  of 
glands,  composed  of  polyhedral 
c  •'lumnar  or  cubical  cells  whose 
protoplasm  contains  the  material 
secrtted  (phys.). 

glandular  tissue,— tissue  of  single 
or  massed  cells,  parenchymatous 
and  filled  with  granular  protoplasm, 
adapted  for  secretion  of  aromatic 
substances  (hot.). 

glandule  (glan'dul)  n., — see  glandula. 

glandulose-serrate  (glan'dulos-seYat) 
a.  [L.  glandula,  small  acorn  ; 
serratus,  sawn.]  Having  the  serra- 
tions tipped  with  glands  (bot.). 

glans  (glanz)  n.  [L.  glans,  acorn.] 
A  nut ;  a  hard,  dry,  indehiscent 
one-celled  fruit  like  an  acorn  (bot.) ; 
a  gland,  especially  the  glans  penis 

glaucescent  (glosgs'gnt)  a.  [L.  glau- 
cus,  sea-green.]  Somewhat  glaucous 

glaucous  (glok'us)  a.  [L.  glaucus, 
sea-green.]  Covered  with  a  bluish- 
green  bloom  (bot.). 

gleba  (gle'ba)  n.  [L.  gleba,  clod.] 
The  central  part  of  the  sporophore 

in  certain  Fungi ;  the  spore-form- 
ing apparatus  in  certain  plants 

glebula  (gle'bula)  ».  [L.  glebula, 
small  clod.]  A  small  prominence 
on  a  lichen  thallus  (bot.). 

glenohumeral  (gle'nohu'mSral)  a. 
[Gk.  glene,  socket ;  L.  humerus, 
the  humerus.]  Pert,  glenoid  fossa 
and  humerus ;  appl.  ligaments 

glenoid  (gle'noid)  a.  [Gk.  glene, 
socket ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Like 
a  socket ;  appl.  especially  to  the 
cavity  into  which  the  head  of  the 
humerus  fits,  the  mandibular  fossa, 
and  ligaments  (anat.). 

glenoidal  labrum,  —  a  fibro-carti- 
laginous  rim  attached  round  the 
margin  of  glenoid  cavity  and 
acetabulum  (anaf.). 

glia  (gll'a,  gle'a)  n.  [Gk.  glia,  glue.] 
A  cell  of  the  neuroglia  ;  a  support- 
ing cell  of  nervous  tissue  (phys.). 

Glisson's  capsule,  —  a  thin  fibrous 
capsule  within  the  tunica  serosa  of 
the  liver  (anat.). 

globate  (glo'bat)  a.  [L.  globus,  globe.] 

globigerina  ooze  (globg'erl'na  ooz), — 
sea-bottom  mud,  which  is  largely 
composed  of  foraminifera  shells 

globin  (glo'bin)  n.  [L.  globus,  globe.] 
The  protein  constituent  of  haemo- 
globin (phys.). 

globoid  (glo'boid)  n.  [L.  globus, 
globe  ;  Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.]  A 
spherical  body  of  aleurone  grains; 
a  double  phosphate  of  calcium  and 
magnesium  (bot.). 

globose  (globes')  a.  [L.  globus,  globe.] 
Spherical  or  globe-shaped. 

globular  (glob'ular)  a., — see  globose. 

globule  (glSb'ul)  n.  [L.  globulus, 
small  globe.]  Any  minute  spher- 
ical structure  ;  the  antheridium  of 
Characeae  (bot.). 

globulin  (glob'ulin)  n.  [L.  globus, 
globe.]  A  proteid  such  as  fib- 
rinogen,  vitellin  (phys.). 

globulose  (glob'ulos)  a.  [L.  globus, 
globe.]  Spherical ;  consisting  of, 
or  containing  globules. 

glochidiate  (glokTd'Iat)  a.  [Gk. 
glochis,  arrow  -  point.]  Furnished 
with  barbed  hairs  (bot.). 




glochidium  (glokid'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
glochis,  arrow-point.]  Hairs  bear- 
Ing  barbed  processes  seen  on  the 
massulae  of  certain  Rhizocarps 
(bot.}  ;  the  larva  of  fresh -water 
mussels  such  as  Unio  and  Anodon 

gloea  (gle'a)  n.  [Gk.  gloia,  glue.] 
An  adhesive  secretion  of  some 
Protozoa  (zool.}. 

glomerular  (glomer'ular)  a.  [L. 
glomus,  ball.]  Pert,  or  like  a 
glomerulus  (anat.}. 

glomerulate  (glomeYulat)  a.  [L. 
glomus,  ball.]  Arranged  in 

glomerule  (glom'grul)  n.  [L.  glomus, 
ball.]  A  condensed  cyme  of  almost 
sessile  flowers  ;  a  compact  cluster 

glomeruliferous  (glomgr'ulTf'grus)  a. 
[L.  glomus,  ball ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Having  the  flowers  arranged  in 
glomerules  (bot.}. 

glomerulus  (glomer'ulus)  n.  [L. 
glomus,  ball.]  A  network  of  capil- 
lary blood-vessels ;  the  inturned 
portion  of  a  Bowman's  capsule 
(zool.} ;  an  oval  body  terminating 
the  olfactory  fibre  in  the  rhinen- 
cephalon  (anat.}. 

glomus  (glo'mus)  n.,  glomera  (glonV- 
6ra)  plu.  [L.  glomus,  ball.]  A 
number  of  glomeruli  run  together 
(zool.}  ;  the  coccygeal  and  carotid 
skeins  of  the  suprarenal  glands 

glossa  (glos'a)  n.  [Gk.  glossa, 
tongue.]  A  tongue-like  projection 
in  the  middle  of  the  labium  of 
insects  (zool.}. 

glossal  (glos'al)  a.  [Gk.  glossa, 
tongue.]  Pert._  the  tongue. 

glossarium  (glosa'rium) n.  [Gk. glossa, 
tongue.]  Theslender-pointedglossa 
of  certain  Diptera  (zool.}. 

glossate  (glos'at)  a.  [Gk.  glossa, 
tongue.]  Having  a  tongue  or 
tongue-like  structure  (zool.}. 

glossoepiglottic  (glos'ogp'iglot'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  glossa,  tongue  ;  epi,  upon  ; 
glotta,  tongue.]  Pert,  tongue  and 
epiglottis  ;  appl.  folds  of  mucous 
membrane  (anat.}. 

glossohyal(glos'6hl'al)  n.  \Gk.glossa, 
tongue  ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.]  The 
median  basihyal  of  fishes  (zool.}. 

glosso-kinaesthetic  area,  —  a  brain 
area  in  Broca's  convolution  immedi- 
ately connected  with  speech  (phys.}. 

glossopalatine  (glos'opal'atm)  a. 
[Gk.  glossa,  tongue  ;  L.  palatus, 
the  palate.]  Connecting  tongue 
and  palate  ;  appl.  arch,  muscle 

glossophagine  (glosof'ajin)  a.  [Gk. 
glossa,  tongue ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Securing  food  by  means  of  the 
tongue  (zool.}. 

glossopharyngeal  (glos'ofarTn'jeal, 
-far'inje'al)  a.  [Gk.  glossa,  tongue  ; 
pharynx,  gullet.]  Pert,  pharynx 
and  gullet ;  appl.  the  ninth  cranial 
nerve  (anat.}. 

glossopodium  (glos'dpo'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
glossa,  tongue ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
sheathing  leaf-base  of  Isoetes 

glossotheca  (glos'othe'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
glossa,  tongue ;  theke,  box.]  The 
proboscis-covering  part  of  a  pupal 
integument  of  insects  (zool.}. 

glottis  (glot'is)  n.  [Gk.  glotta, 
tongue.]  The  opening  into  the 
windpipe  (anat.}. 

glucase  (glook'as)  n.  [Gk.  glykus, 
sweet.]  A  plant  enzyme  which 
produces  grape  sugar  from  maltose 

glucoproteins, — compounds  of  pro- 
tein with  a  carbohydrate,  including 
mucins  and  mucoids  (phys.}. 

glucosamine  (glook'osam'in)  ;/.  [Gk. 
glykus,  sweet.]  A  nitrogenous  sub- 
stance with  a  reducing  power, 
obtained  from  chitin,  and  dextro- 
rotary  (phys.}. 

glucose  (glook'os)  n.  [Gk.  glykus, 
sweet.]  The  grape  sugar  of  plants 
and  animals  (phys.}. 

gluma  (gloom'a)  n.  [L.  gluma,  husk.] 
A  bract  at  the  base  of  a  grass  in- 
florescence or  spikelet  (bot^. 

glumaceous  (glooma'shus)  a.  [L. 
gluma,  husk.]  Dry  and  scaly  like 
glumes  (bot.}. 

glume  (gloom)  n., — see  gluma. 

glumiferous  (gloomlf'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
gluma,  husk ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Bearing  or  producing  glumes  (bot.}. 

glumiflorus  (gloom'iflo'rus)  a.  [L. 
gluma,  husk ;  flos,  flower.]  Having 
flowers  with  glumes  or  bracts  at 
their  bases  (bot.}. 




gluteal  (gloot'eal)  a.  [Gk.  gloutos, 
buttock.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region  of 
the  buttocks  ;  appl.  artery,  muscle, 
nerve,  tuberosity,  vein  (anaf.). 

gluten  (gloor/gn)  n.  [L.  gluten,  ghie.] 
A  tough  substance  obtainable  from 
some  grains. 

gluteus  (gloot'eus)  «.  [Gk.  gloutos, 
buttock.]  Name  given  to  certain 
muscles  of  the  buttock  (anat.). 

glutinous  (gloot'mus)  a.  [L.  gluten, 
glue.]  Having  a  sticky  or  adhesive 
surface  (dot.). 

glycerin  (glis''erin)  n.  [Gk.  glykos, 
sweet.]  The  sweet  principle  of 
natural  fats  and  oils  (phys.). 

glycerol  (glis'6r61)  n.,-  see  glycerin. 

glycogen  (glfkoj^n)  n.     [Gk.  glykos, 

sweet.]     Animal  starch  (phys.). 

glycolysis  (gllkol'isls)  n.  [Gk.  glykos, 
sweet ;  lyein,  to  loosen.]  Decom- 
position of  sugar  by  hydrolysis 

glycosecretory  (gll'kosekre'tori)  a. 
[Gk.  glykos,  sweet  ;  L.  secretus,  set 
apart!]  Connected  with  the  secre- 
tion of  glycogen  (phys.). 

gnathic  (gnath'ik,  nath'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
gnathos,  jaw.]  Pert,  the  jaw  (zool.). 

gnathism  (gnath'Izm,  nath'izm)  n. 
[Gk.  gnathos,  jaw.]  Formation  of 
jaw  with  reference  to  the  degree 
of  projection. 

gnatbites  (gnath'lts,  nath'lts)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  gnathos,  jaw.]  The  buccal 
appendages  of  insects. 

gnathobase  (gnath'obas,  nath'obas)  n. 
[Gk.  gnathos,  jaw  ;  basis,  base.] 
An  inwardly  turned  masticatory 
process  on  the  protopodite  of 
appendages  near  the  mouth  in 
Crustacea  (zool.). 

gnathopod  (gnath'opod,  nathopod)  n. 
[Gk.  gnathos,  jaw  ;  pous,  foot.]  Any 
Crustacean  limb  in  the  oral  region 
modified  to  assist  with  the  food 

gnathopodite  (gnathop'ddit,  nathop'- 
ddlt)  n.  [Gk.  gnathos,  jaw  ;  pous, 
foot.]  Amaxillipedof  an  Arthropod 

gnathostegite  (gnathSs'tgglt,  nathos'- 
tejit)  n.  [Gk.  gnathos,  jaw  ;  stege, 
roof.]  A  covering  plate  for  the 
mouth  parts  of  some  Crustaceans 

gnathostomatous    (gnath'ostSm'atus, 

nath'ostSm'atus)  a.  [Gk.  gnathos, 
jaw  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  With  jaws  at 
the  mouth. 

gnathotheca  (gnath'othe'ka,  nath'- 
othe'ka)  n.  [Gk.  gnathos,  jaw ; 
theke,  case.]  The  horny  outer 
covering  of  a  bird's  lower  jaw 

goblet  cells, — mucus-secreting  cells 
of  most  columnar  epithelia  (phys.). 

gomphosis  (g6mfo'sis)«.  \G\a.gomphos, 
a  bolt]  Articulation  by  insertion 
of  a  conical  process  into  a  socket, 
as  of  roots  of  teeth  into  alveoli 

gonad  (gon'ad)  n.  [Gk.gone,  descent.] 
A  sexual  gland,  either  ovary  or 
testis  (zool.). 

gonaduct  (gSn'adukt)  n.  [Gk.  gonos, 
offspring  ;  L.  ducere,  to  lead.]  A 
genital  duct ;  a  duct  leading  from 
the  gonad  to  the  exterior  ;  a  gono- 
duct  (zool.). 

gonanglum  (gon5n'jtum)  n.  [Gk. 
gone,  seed ;  anggeion,  vessel.]  A 
gonotheca,  a  dilated  cup  of  peri- 
sarc  protecting  the  blastostyle  of 
Calyptoblastea  (zool.). 

gonapophyses  (gon'apof  isez)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  gone,  seed  ;  apo,  from  ;  phyein^ 
to  grow.]  The  chitinous  outgrowths 
subserving  copulation  in  insects  ; 
the  component  parts  of  the  sting 

goniale  (gon'Iale,  gonial'a)  n.  [Gk. 
gonia,  corner.]  In  some  verte- 
brates, a  bone  of  the  lower  jaw 
beside  the  articular  (anat.). 

gonidangium  (gon'idan'jium)  n.  [Gk. 
dim.  otgone,  seed ;  anggeion,  vessel.] 
A  structure  producing  or  contain- 
ing gonidia  (bot.). 

gonldia  (gonid'ia)  n.  plu.  ;  gonidium 
(gonid'Ium)  sing.  [Gk.  dim.  of  gone, 
seed.]  Asexual  non-motile  repro- 
ductivecells  produced  upon  gameto- 
phytes  (dot.). 

gonidial  (gonid'lal)  a.  [Gk.  dim.  of 
gone,  seed.]  Pert,  gonidia  (dot.). 

gonidiferous  (gonldlf'6rus)  a.  [Gk. 
dim.  of  gone,  seed ;  L.  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Bearing  or  producing 
gonidia  (dot.). 

gonidimlum  (gSn'Idfm'lum)  n.  £Gk, 
dim.  of  gone,  seed.]  A  gonidial 
structure  smaller  than  a  gonidium 
and  larger  than  a  gonimium  (dot.). 




gonidiogenous  (gonid'ioj'enus)  a.  [Gk. 
dim.  of  gone,  seed  ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Bearing  or  producing  gonidia  ; 
gonidiferous  (bot.). 

gonidioid  (gonid'ioid)  a.  [Gk.  dim. 
of  gone,  seed  ;  et'dos,  resemblance.] 
Like  a  gonidium ;  appl.  certain 
Algae  (Sot.). 

gonidiophore  (gonid'iofor)  n.  [Gk. 
dim.  of  gone,  seed ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
An  aerial  hypha  supporting  a  goni- 
dangium  (bot.). 

gonidiophyll  (gonid'iofil)  n.  [Gk. 
dim.  of  gone,  seed  ;  phyllon,  leaf.] 
A  gametophyte  leaf  bearing  gonidia 

gonimium  (gSmm'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
gonimos,  productive.]  A  bluish- 
green  gonidium  of  certain  Lichens 

gonimoblasts  (gon'imoblasts)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  gonimos,  productive  ;  blastos, 
bud.]  Filamentous  outgrowths  of 
a  fertilized  carpogonium  of  certain 
Algae  (dot). 

gonion  (go'nlon)  n.  [Gk.  gonia,  angle.] 
The  angle  point  on  the  lower  jaw 

gonoblast  (gon'oblast)  n.  [Gk.  gonos, 
offspring  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  repro- 
ductive cell  (zool.). 

gonoblastid  (gSn'oblas'tid)  n.  [Gk. 
gonos,  offspring  ;  blastos,  bud.J  A 
blastostyle  of  Hydrozoa  (zool.). 

gonocalyx     (gSn'oka'liks)      n.      [Gk. 

finos,  offspring ;  kalyx,  a  cup.] 
he  bell  of  a  medusiform  gonophore 

gonocheme  (gSn'okem)  n.  [Gk.  gonos, 
offspring ;  ochema,  support]  A 
medusoid  bearing  sex-cells  in  the 
Hydrozoa  (zool.). 

gonochorism  (gon'oko'rizm)  n.  [Gk. 
gonos,  offspring ;  chorisein,  to 
divide.]  The  history  or  develop- 
ment of  sex  distinction. 

gonocoele  (g6n'6sel)  n.  [Gk.  gone, 
seed  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  cavity 
containing  the  gonads  (zool.). 

gonocytes  (gon'oslts)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
gone,  seed  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  Sexual 
cells  of  Sponges  ;  the  mother-cells 
of  ova  and  spermatozoa  (zool.). 

gonodendron  (gon'6d6n'dron)  n.  [Gk. 
gonos,  offspring ;  dendron,  tree.] 
A  branching  blastostyle  in  Physalia 

gonoduct  (gon'odiikt')  n., — see  gona- 

gonophore  (gon'ofor)  n.  [Gk.  gone, 
seed  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  An  elonga- 
tion of  the  thalamus  between  corolla 
and  stamens  (bot.) ;  a  reproductive 
zooid  in  a  hydroid  colony  (zool.). 

gonoplasm  (gon'oplazm)  n.  [Gk.  gone, 
seed  ;  plasma,  something  moulded.] 
The  generative  part  of  protoplasm 

gonopore  (gon'opor)  n.  [Gk.  gone, 
seed  ;  poros,  channel.]  The  repro- 
ductive aperture  of  female  Nema- 
todes  (zool.). 

gonosome  (gon'osom)  n.  [Gk.  gonet 
seed  ;  soma,  body.]  All  the  repro- 
ductive zooids  of  a  hydrozoan 
colony  (zool.). 

gonosphaerium  (gon'osfe'rium)  n. 
[Gk.  gone,  seed ;  sphaira,  globe.] 
An  oosphere  (bot.). 

gonostyle  (gon'ostll)  n.  [Gk.  gone, 
seed ;  stylos,  pillar.]  The  blasto- 
style ;  sexual  palpon  or  siphon  of 
Siphonophora  (zool.). 

gonotheca  (gSn'othe'ka)  n.  [Gk.  gone, 
seed ;  theke,  cup.]  A  transparent 
protective  expansion  of  the  perisarc 
round  a  blastostyle  or  gonophore 

gonotome  (gon'otom)  n.  [Gk.  gone, 
seed  ;  temnein,  to  cut.]  An  embry- 
onic segment  containing  the  pri- 
mordium  of  the  gonad,  comparable 
to  a  nephrotome  (smb.). 

gonozooid  (gon'b'zd'oid)  n.  [Gk.  gone, 
seed  ;  zoon,  animal ;  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] A  gonophore  or  repro- 
ductive individual  of  a  hydrozoan 
colony;  a  zooid  containing  a  gonad 

gonydial  (gonld'ial)  a.  [Gk.  genys, 
lower  jaw.]  Pert,  a  gonys  (zool.). 

gonys  (gon'is)  n.  [Gk.  genys,  lower 
jaw.]  The  lower  part  of  a  bird's 
bill  (zool.). 

Graaflan  (graf'Ian,  graf'ian)  follicle,— 
a  vesicular  spherical  capsule  sur- 
rounding an  ovum,  the  cells  of  the 
capsule  being  morphologically  equal 
to  the  ovum  ;  an  ovisac  with  de- 
veloping ova. 

gracllis  (gras'ilis)  n.  [L.  gracilis, 
slender.]  A  superficial  muscle  of 
the  thigh  (anat.). 

graduated  (grad'uatgd)  a.    [L.  gradus^ 




step.]  Tapering  ;  becoming  longer 
or  shorter  by  steps. 

grain  (gran)  n.  [L.  granum,  grain.] 
Theseedof  cereals ;  a  granular  prom- 
inence on  the  back  of  a  sepal  (dot.}. 

graminifolious  (gram'fnifo'llus)  a. 
[L.  gramen,  grass  ;  folium,  leaf.] 
With  grass-like  leaves  (bot.}. 

graminivorous  (gram'miv'orus)  a. 
[L.  gramen,  grass  ;  vorare,  to  eat.] 
Grass-eating  (zool.}. 

granellae  (graneTe)  n.  plu.  [L.  dim. 
of  granum,  grain.]  Small  oval, 
refractile  granules  consisting  chiefly 
of  barium  sulphate,  found  in  the 
tubes  of  certain  Sarcodina  (zool.}. 

granellarium  (gran'gla'rium)  n.  [L. 
dim.  of  granum,  grain.]  The  system 
of  granellae-containing  tubes  of 
Sarcodina  (zool.}. 

granose  (gran'os)  a.  [L.  granum, 
grain.]  In  appearance  like  a  chain 
of  grains,  like  some  insect  antennae  ; 
moniliform  (zool."). 

granular  (gran'ular)  a.  [L.  granum, 
grain.]  Consisting  of  grains  or 
granules  ;  appearing  as  if  made  up 
of  granules  (zool.}. 

granulation  (gran'ula'shun)  n.  [L. 
granum,  grain.]  A  grain-like  eleva- 
tion or  eminence  ;  appl.  arachnoid 
elevations  on  the  outer  surface  of 
the  dura  mater  (anat.}. 

granule  (gran'ul)  n.  [L.  granulum, 
small  grain.]  A  small  particle  of 
matter  ;  a  small  grain  (hot.). 

granule  cells,  —  ovoid  or  spheroid 
cells  formed  of  soft  protoplasm 
containing  basiphil  granules. 

granule  glands,— the  prostate  glands 
of  flatworms. 

graphiohexaster  (graf  i6h6ksas'ter)  n. 
[Gk.  graphein,  to  write  ;  hex,  six  ; 
aster,  star.]  A  hexaster  spicule 
with  long  outwardly-directed  fila- 
mentous processes  from  four  of  the 
rays  (zool.}. 

grater  (gra'ter)  n.  [O.F.  grater,  to 
scrape.]  One  of  the  denticles  of  a 
Eunice  (zool.}. 

gravity  (grav'iti)  n.  [L.gravis,  heavy.] 
The  force  of  attraction  of  all  bodies 
towards  each  other ;  the  tendency 
of  terrestrial  bodies  to  be  drawn 
towards  the  earth's  centre  (phys.}. 

green  glands, — the  excretory  organs 
of  certain  Crustacea  (zool.}. 

gregaloid  (grgg'aloid)  a.  [L.  grex, 
flock;  Gk.  eidos,  like.]  Appl.  a 
colony  of  Protozoa  of  indefinite 
shape,  usually  with  a  gelatinous 
base,  formed  by  incomplete  division 
of  individuals  or  partial  union  of 
adults  (zool.}. 

gregarious  (grgga'rius)  a.  [L.  grex, 
flock.]  Tending  to  herd  together  ; 
colonial ;  growing  in  clusters  (biol.}. 

grey  matter, — nerve  tissue  abund- 
antly supplied  with  nerve  cells,  of 
greyish  colour,  internal  to  white 
matter  in  spinal  cord,  external  in 
cerebrum  (anat.}. 

grey  nerve-fibres, — semitransparent, 
grey  or  yellowish-grey,  gelatinous 
non-medullated  nerve-fibres,  com- 
prising most  of  the  fibres  of  the 
sympathetic  system  and  some  of 
the  cerebro-spinal  (anat.}. 

groin  (groin)  n.  [lct\.grein,  branch.] 
The  depressed  part  of  the  body 
between  abdomen  and  thigh  (anat.}. 

groove  (groov)  n.  [Dut.  groef, 
channel.]  Any  channel,  furrow,  or 
depression,  as  carotid,  costal,  optic, 
primitive  vertebral  groove  (anat.}. 

group  (groop)  n.  [F.  groupe,  group.] 
A  number  of  plants,  or  animals, 
related  to  one  another,  and  con- 
sidered collectively  (biol.}. 

growing  point,— a  part  of  the  plant 
body  at  which  cell-division  is 
localized,  generally  terminal  and 
composed  of  meristematic  cells 

growth, — increase  in  substance  of 
plant  or  animal,  due  to  anabolism 
being  greater  than  katabolism 

growth  rings,— see  annual  rings 

grumose  (groom'os)  a.  [L.  grutnus, 
hillock.]  Clotted  ;  knotted  ;  col- 
lected into  granule  masses  (bot.}. 

grumous  (groom'us),—  see  grumose. 

guanin  (gwan'In)  n.  [Peruvian,  huano, 
dung.]  A  substance  contained  in 
guano,  also  in  some  plants  and 
certain  mammalian  glands ;  that 
found  in  fish  corium  forms  the 
basis  of  artificial  pearl  (biol.}. 

guanylic  (gwan'ilik)  a.  [Peruvian, 
huano,  dung.]  Appl.  a  nucleic 
acid,  yielding  guanin,  found  in  the 
pancreas  (phys.}. 




guard  (gard)  n.  [O.F.  garder,  to 
guard.]  The  rostrum  of  a  Belem- 
nite  (pal.}. 

guard  cells, — cells  surrounding  the 
stomata  of  the  aerial  epidermis  of 
plant  tissue  (dot.}. 

gubernacular  (goo'bernak'ular)  a. 
[L.  gubemare,  to  govern.]  Pert. 
the  gubernaculum. 

gubernaculum  (goo'bernak'ulum)  n. 
[L.  gubemare,  to  govern.]  A  cord 
stretching  from  the  epididymis  to 
the  wall  of  the  scrotum  (anat.)  ; 
strands  of  blastostylar  ectoderm 
between  gonophore  and  gonotheca 
in  the  Hydromedusae  ;  a  posterior 
flagellum  functioning  as  a  rudder 

guest  Insect, — an  insect  living  or 
breeding  in  the  nestof  another  (zoo/.}. 

gula  (gu'la)  n.  [L.  gula,  gullet.] 
The  upper  part  of  the  throat  ;  the 
median  ventral  piece  of  an  insect's 
head  (zoo/.). 

gular  (gu'lar)  n.  [L.  gula,  gullet] 
An  anterior  unpaired  horny  shield 
on  the  plastron  of  Chelonia  (zoo/.). 

gullet  (gul'et)  n.  [L.  gula,  gullet.] 
The  oesophagus;  a  muscular  canal 
extending  from  mouth  cavity  to 
stomach  ;  the  canal  between  the 
cell-mouth  or  cytostome  and  the 
endoplasm  of  Ciliata  (zoo/.). 

gum  (gum)  n.  [L.gummi,  gum.]  An 
exudation  of  certain  plants  and 
trees  ;  a  vegetable  mucilage  (hot.). 

gummiferous  (gurmf'eYus)  a.  [L. 
gummi,  gum  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Gum-producing  or  exuding  (dot.). 

gummosis  (giimd'sTs)  n.  [L.  gummi, 
gum.]  Condition  of  plant  tissue  when 
cell-walls  become  gummy  (dot.). 

gums  (gumz)  n.  plu.  [A.S.  goma, 
jaw.]  The  thick  tissues  investing 
the  jaws  (anat.). 

gustatory  (gus'tatori)  a.  [L.  gustare, 
to  taste.]  Pert,  sense  of  taste  ;  appl. 
cells,  hairs,  pores,  nerves  (anat.). 

gustatory  calyculus, — a  taste  bud  ; 
an  end-cell  or  end-organ  of  taste 
consisting  of  a  group  of  gustatory 
cells  (anat.). 

gut  (gut)  n.  [A.S.  gut,  a  channel.] 
The  intestine  or  part  thereof, 
according  to  the  structure  of  the 
animal  (zoo/.). 

gutta   (gut'a)  n.      [L.   gutta,    drop.] 

A  small  spot  of  colour  on  an 
insect's  wing  or  elsewhere  (zoo/.). 

guttation  (guta'shun)  n.  [L.  gutta, 
drop.]  Formation  of  drops  of 
water  on  plants  from  moisture  in 
the  air  (dot.). 

guttiform  (gut'iform)  a.  [L.  gutta, 
drop  ;  forma,  shape.]  Drop-like  ; 
in  the  form  of  a  drop  (zoo/.). 

guttulate  (gut'ulat)  a.  [L.  guttula, 
small  drop.]  In  the  form  of  a 
small  drop,  as  markings  (zoo/.). 

gymnanthous  (jimnan'thus)  a.  [Gk. 
gymnos,  uncovered;  anthos,  flower.] 
With  no  floral  envelope;  achlamyd- 
eous  (dot.). 

gymnetrous  (jimne'trus)  a.  [Gk. 
gymnos,  naked  ;  etron,  abdomen.] 
Without  an  anal  fin  (zoo/.). 

gymnoarian  (jimnoa'rian)  a.  [Gk. 
gymnos,  naked.]  Appl.  gonads 
when  naked,  or  not  enclosed  in 
coelomic  sacs ;  opp.  cystoarian 

gymnoblastic  (jlm'noblas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
gymnos,  naked ;  blastos,  bud.]  With- 
out hydrothecae  and  gonothecae  ; 
appl.  certain  of  the  Coelenterates 

gymnocarpous  (jim'nokar'pus)  a. 
[Gk.  gymnos,  uncovered ;  karfios, 
fruit.]  With  naked  fruit  ;  appl. 
Lichens  with  uncovered  apothecia, 
Mosses  with  expanded  hymenium 

gynmocidlum  (jTm'nosid'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  gymnos,  uncovered.]  A  basal 
swelling  of  certain  moss  capsules 

gymnocyte(jTm'nosit)«.  [Gk.  gymnos, 
uncovered  ;  kytps,  hollow.]  A  cell 
without  a  defining  cell-wall  (diol.). 

gymnocytode  ( jim'nti  sl'tod), — a  cytode 
without  cell-wall  or  nucleus — a  term 
used  by  Haeckel  (diol.). 

gymnogenous  (j!mnqj'6nus)  a.  [Gk. 
gymnos,  naked  ;  genos,  offspring.] 
'Naked  when  bo'rn  ;  appl.  birds 

gymnogynous  (jimnqj'inus)  a.  [Gk. 
gymnos,  naked ;  gyne,  woman.] 
With  exposed  ovary  (dot.). 

gymnoplast  (jim'noplast)  n.  [Gk. 
gymnos,  naked  ;  plastos,  formed.] 
Protoplasm  without  definite  forma- 
tion or  cell-wall  (diol.). 

gymnorhlnal    (jTm'nori'nal)  a.      [Gk. 




gymnos,  naked ;  rhis,  nose.]     With 

nostril     region     not    covered     by 

feathers,  as  in  some  birds  (zoo/.). 

gymnosomatous   (jim'nosom'atus)  a. 

£ik.  gymnos,  naked  ;  soma,  body.] 
aving  no  shell  or  mantle,  as 
certain  Molluscs  (zoo/.). 

gymnospermous  (jimnospeYmus)  a. 
[Gk.  gymnos,  uncovered  ;  spenna, 
seed.]  Having  seeds  not  enclosed 
in  a  true  ovary,  as  in  the  Conifers 

gymnospore  (jfm'nospor)  n.  [Gk. 
gymnos,  naked  ;  sporos,  seed.J  A 
naked  germ  not  enclosed  in  a 
protective  envelope  (oto/.). 

gymnostomatous  ( jim'nostom'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  gymnos,  naked ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
Naked-mouthed  ;  having  no  peri- 
stome  (zoo/.,  bo f.). 

gynaecophoral  groove, — see  gynaeco- 

gynaecophore  (jine'kofor)  ».  [Gk. 
gyne,  woman  ;  pherein,  to  carry.] 
The  canal  or  groove  of  certain 
Worms  formed  by  an  inrolling  of 
the  sides,  in  which  the  female  is 
carried  (zool.}. 

gynandrism  (jman'drlzm)  n.  [Gk. 
gyne,  woman  ;  aner,  man.]  Her- 

gynandromorphism  (jinan'dromor'- 
fizm)  n.  [Gk.  gyne,  woman  ;  aner, 
man  ;  morphe,  form.]  Condition  of 
having  one  side  characteristically 
male,  the  other  female,  from  ex- 
ternal aspect. 

gynandrophore  ( jlnan'drofor')  n.  [Gk. 
gyne,  woman  ;  aner,  man  ;  pherein, 
to  carry.]  An  axial  prolongation 
bearing  a  sporophyll  (oof.). 

gynandrosporous  (jinan'drospo'rus) 
a.  [Gk.  gyne,  woman  ;  aner,  man  ; 
sporos,  seed.]  With  androspores 
adjoining  the  oogonium,  as  in  some 
Algae  (oof.). 

gynandrous  (jinan'drus)a.  \G\i.gyne, 
woman  ;  aner,  man.]  Having  the 
stamens  fused  with  the  pistils,  as  in 
some  Orchids  (oof.). 

gynantherous  (jinan'thgrus)  a:  [Gk. 
gyne,  woman  ;  anf/ios,  flower.]  Hav- 
ing the  stamens  converted  into  pistils 

gynobase  (ji'nobas)  n.  [Gk.  gyne, 
woman  ;  L.  basis,  base.]  A  gynoe- 
cium-bearing  receptacle  of  certain 

plants  ;  the  condition  in  which  the 
style  appears  to  arise  from  the 
ovary  (6of.). 

gynobasic  style,— a  style  arising  from 
the  base  of  the  carpel  (oof.). 

gynodioecious  (jf nodle'shus)  a.  [Gk. 
gyne,  woman  ;  dis,  twice  ;  oikos, 
house.]  Dimorphic,  with  some 
plants  producing  only  female 
flowers  (oof.). 

gynoecium  (jine'stum)  n.  [Gk.  gyne, 
woman ;  oikos,  house.]  The  pistils, 
carpels,  or  female  organs  of  a  flower 

gynogonidia  (ji'ndgonld'ia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  gyne,  woman ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Female  sexual  elements  formed  after 
repeated  division  of  parthenogonidia 
in  Mastigophora  (oio/.). 

gynomonoecious  (ji'nomone'shus)  a. 
[Gk.  gyne,  woman  ;  monos,  alone  ; 
oikos,  house.]  Appl.  plants  with 
pistillate  flowers  only  (oof.). 

gynophore  (ji'nofor)  n.  [Gk.  gyne, 
woman  ;  pherein,  to  carry.]  A 
stalk  supporting  the  ovary ;  an 
elongation  of  the  thalamus  between 
stamens  and  pistil  (oof.). 

gynostegium  (jfnosce'jium)  n.  [Gk. 
gyne,  woman  ;  stege,  roof.]  A  pro- 
tective covering  for  a  gynoecium 

gynostemium  (ji'noste'mlum) ».  [Gk. 
gyne,  woman  ;  stemon,  warp.]  The 
column  composed  of  pistil  and 
stamens  in  Orchids  (oof.). 

gyration  (jira'shun)  n.  [L.  gyrare,  to 
revolve.]  Rotation,  as  of  cells  ;  a 
whorl  of  a  spiral  shell  (zool.}. 

gyrose  (jfros)  a.  [L.  gyrare,  to 
revolve.]  With  undulating  lines  ; 
sinuous  (dot.). 

gyrus  (ji'rus)  n.,  gyri  (jl'rl)  plu.  [L. 
gyrus,  circle.]  A  cerebral  convolu- 
tion ;  a  ridge  between  two  grooves 


habenula  (habSn'Oli)  n.  [L.  habena, 
strap.]  A  name  appl.  certain 
band-like  structures  (anaf.). 

habituation  (hablt'ua'shun)  n.  [L. 
habituare,  to  bring  into  a  habit.] 
The  adjustment  effected  in  a  cell 
by  which  subsequent  contacts  of 




the  same  stimulus  produce  dim- 
inishing effects  (phys.}. 

hadrocentrlc  (h&d'rosgn'trik)  a.  [Gk. 
hadros,  thick  ;  kentron,  centre.] 
With  the  phloem  surrounding  the 
xylem  (bot.}. 

haemachrome  (he'makrom)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood ;  chromos,  colour.] 
The  colouring  matter  found  in  the 
blood  (phys.}. 

haemacyanin, — see  haemocyanin. 

haemacyte  (he'masit)  n.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  blood 
corpuscle  (anat.,  phys.}. 

haemad  (he'mad)  adv.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood.]  Situated  on  same  side 
of  vertebral  column  as  the  heart 
(zool.,  anat.}. 

haemal  (he'mal)  a.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood.]  Pert,  blood  or  blood- 
vessels ;  also  situated  on  the  same 
side  of  the  vertebral  column  as  the 
heart  (zool.}. 

haemamoeba  (hem'ame'ba)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  amoibos,  exchang- 
ing.] Protozoon  with  an  amoeboid 
trophozoitic  stage  parasitic  in  a  red 
blood-corpuscle  (zool.}. 

haemapoietic  (hem'apoigt'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood ;  poiein,  to  form.] 

haemapophysis  (hem'apof'isis)  n. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood ;  apo,  from  ; 
phyein,  to  grow.]  One  of  plate-like 
or  spine-like  processes  growing 
from  the  latero-ventral  surfaces  of 
a  vertebral  centrum  (anat.}. 

haexnatal  (hem'atal)  a.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood.]  Pert,  blood  or  blood-vessels. 

haematid  (hem'atid)  n.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood.]  Red  blood-corpuscle. 

haematin  (hem'atln)  n.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood.]  A  blue-black  substance 
formed  by  the  decomposition  of 
haemoglobin,  and  probably  con- 
taining iron  (phys.}. 

haematobic  (hem'ato'bflc)  a.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood ;  bios,  life.]  Living 
in  the  blood  (zool.}. 

haematobium  (hem'ato'bTum)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  bios,  life.]  Any  or- 
ganism, plant  or  animal,  living  in 
the  blood  (biol.}. 

haematoblast  (hgm'atoblast)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  blastos,  bud.]  Any 
cell  that  will  develop  into  a  red 
blood-corpuscle  (emb.}. 

haematochrome  (hgm'atokrom)  n. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  chromos,  colour.] 
A  red  colouring  matter  found  in 
certain  Algae  (bot.}. 

haematocryal  (hgm'atokrl'al)  a.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  kryos,  cold.]  Cold- 
blooded (zool.}. 

haematocyanin  (hgin'atosl'anTn)  n. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  kyanos,  dark 
blue  substance.]  A  colourless  sub- 
stance in  the  blood  of  Molluscs 
and  Arthropods  which  becomes 
blue  when  oxydized  (zool.}. 

haematocytozoon  (hgm'atosi'tozo'on) 
n.  [Gk.  haima,  blood ;  kytos,  hol- 
low ;  zoon,  animal.]  An  intra-cor- 
puscular  blood  parasite  (zool.). 

haematodocha  (hgm'atodo'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  doche,  receptacle.] 
A  fibre-elastic  bag,  normally  col- 
lapsed and  spirally  disposed  round 
the  base  of  the  bulb,  the  basal 
portion  of  the  palpal  organ  in  the 
Araneae  (zool.}. 

haematogen  (hgm'atojen)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] A  pseudo-nuclein  containing 
iron  (phys.}. 

haematogenesls  (hgm'atojSn'esis)  n. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  gignesthai,  to 
produce.]  The  formation  of  blood 

haematogenous  (hSm'atoj'gnus)  a. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  gignesthai,  to 
produce.]  Formed  in  the  blood 

haematoidln  (hgm'atoid'In)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
An  iron-free  pigment  found  in 
blood-stains  (phys.}. 

haematolysis  (henYatSl'isis)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood ;  lyein,  to  dissolve.] 
Breaking  up  of  blood  corpuscles, 
hence  reduced  coagulability  (phys.}. 

haematophagous  (hgm'atSf'agus)  a. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Feeding  on  the  blood,  or  obtaining 
nourishment  from  the  blood  (zool.}. 

haematophyte  (hgm'atoflt)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  phyton,  plant.]  Any 
vegetable  micro-organism  of  the 
blood  (phys.}. 

haematoporphyrin  (he"m'at6p6r'fir!n) 
n.  [Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  porphyra, 
purple.]  An  iron-free  substance 
formed  by  the  decomposition  of 
haematin  (phys.}. 




haematosis  (hem'ato'siTs)  n.  [Gk. 
haimafoein,  to  change  to  blood.] 
Blood-formation  (phys.}. 

haeniatothermal  (hgm'atothgr'mal)  a. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  thermos,  warm.] 
Warm-blooded  (zool.). 

haematozoon  (hgm'atb'zo'on)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  zoon,  animal.]  Any 
animal  parasitic  in  the  blood  (zool.). 

haemic  (hem'ik)  a.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood.]  Pert,  blood  (phys.). 

haemin  (hem'in)  n.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood.]  Haematin  hydrochloride 

haeinochromogen  (hem'okro'mb'jen) 
n.  [Gk.  haima,  blood ;  chroma, 
colour ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
The  colour  producing  component 
of  haemoglobin  (phys.). 

haemocoele  (hem'osel)  n.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  An  ex- 
panded portion  of  the  blood  system 
which  replaces  the  true  coelom 

haemocyanin  (hern'osfanm),  —  see 

haemocytolysis  (hem'osltol'isis)  n. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  kytos,  hollow  ; 
lyein,  to  dissolve.]  The  breaking 
up  of  the  red  blood-corpuscle  by 
solution  (phys.). 

haemocytotrypsis  (hem'osl'totrip'sTs) 
n.  [Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  kytos,  hol- 
low ;  tribein,  to  rub.]  Breaking  up 
of  blood  by  pressure  (phys.). 

haemoerythrin  (hem'derith'rin)  «. 
[Gk.  haima,  blood  ;  erythros,  red.] 
A  red  pigment  found  in  the  blood 
of  Worms,  etc.,  probably  performing 
the  same  functions  as  haemoglobin 

haemoglobin  (hem'oglo'bin)  ».  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  globos,  sphere.]  The 
red  colouring  matter  of  blood 

haemoid  (hem'oid)  a.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Re- 
sembling blood  (phys.). 

haemolymph  (hem'olimf)  n.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood ;  lympke,  fluid.]  A 
fluid  found  in  the  coelom  of  some 
invertebrates,  which  is  regarded  as 
equivalent  to  the  blood  and  lymph 
of  the  higher  forms  (zool.). 

haemolysin  (hern'oll'sln)  ».  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  lyein,  to  dissolve.] 
A  substance  developed  in  the  blood 

serum  capable  of  destroying  red 
blood-corpuscles  (phys.}. 

haemolysis  (hemol'lsTs), — see  haema- 

haemoplasmoclium  (hem'oplasmo'- 
dium)  n.  [Gk.  haima,  blood  , 
plasma,  something  moulded.]  A 
unicellular  animal  parasite  of  the 
blood  (zool.\ 

haemotropic  (hem'otrop'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood ;  trepein,  to  turn.] 
Affecting  or  acting  upon  the  blood 

haemozoin  (he'mozo'In)  n.  [Gk.  haima, 
blood ;  zoon,  animal.]  Granules 
of  a  black  pigment  usually  called 
melanin,  but  without  the  chemical 
characteristics  of  true  melanin 

hair  (har)  n.  [A.S.  haer.]  A  thread- 
like or  filamentous  outgrowth  of  the 
epidermis  of  animals  (zool.) ;  any 
outgrowth  of  the  epidermis  consist- 
ing of  one  or  more  cells,  and  very 
varied  in  shape  (tot.}. 

hair  cell,— any  of  the  columnar  cells 
bearing  long  stiff  processes  or  hairs, 
found  in  the  inner  ear  near  the 
points  of  entrance  of  the  nerve 
fibres  (anat.). 

hair  follicle,  —  the  tubular  sheath 
formed  by  an  invagination  of  the 
epidermis  and  surrounding  the 
base  of  a  hair  (anat.}. 

hair  worm, — any  of  the  small  Nema- 
todes  (zool.). 

half-inferior, — having  the  ovary  but 
partially  adherent  to  the  calyx 

half-terete, — rounded  on  one  side, 
flat  on  the  other  (&?/.). 

haliplankton  (hal'fplang'kton)  n.  [Gk. 
hals,  the  sea  ;plangklos,  wandering.] 
The  floating  organisms  in  the  sea  ; 
cf.  limnoplankton. 

hallux  (hal'uks)  n.  [L.  hallux,  the 
great  toe.]  The  first  digit  of  the 
hind-limb  (anat.}. 

halobios  (hal'obfos)  «.  [Gk.  hals, 
sea  ;  bios,  life.]  The  sum  total  of 
living  plants  and  animals  in  the 
sea  (biol.}. 

halolimnic  (hal'olTm'nik)  a.  [Gk. 
hals,  sea  ;  limne,  marsh.]  Pert,  or 
referring  to  marine  organisms 
modified  to  live  in  fresh  water 




halophilous  (halof'ilus)  a.  [Gk.  hals, 
salt ;  philein,  to  love.]  Salt-loving 

halophyte  (haloflt)  n.  [Gk.  hals, 
salt ;  phyton,  plant.]  Shore  plants  ; 
plants  capable  of  thriving  on  salt- 
impregnated  soils  (dot.}. 

halteres  (hal'terez)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
halter,  weight  used  in  jumping.] 
A  pair  of  small  capitate  bodies 
representing  the  rudimentary  pos- 
terior wings  in  Diptera,  which  are 
said  to  be  balancers  (zool.}. 

hamate  (ham'at)  a.  [L.  hamatus, 
hooked.]  Hooked  or  hooked- 
shaped  at  the  tip. 

hamatum  (hama'tum)  n.  [L.  hamatus, 
hooked.]  The  unciform  bone  in 
the  carpus,  probably  corresponding 
to  the  fourth  arid  fifth  distalia  of  a 
typical  pentadactyl  limb  (zool.}. 

hamirostrate  (ham'iros'trat)  a.  [L. 
hamus,  hook ;  rostrum,  beak.] 
Having  a  hooked  beak  (zool.}. 

hamose  (ha'mos)  a.  [L.  hamus,  hook.] 
Hooked  (dot.}. 

hamular  (ham'ular)  a.  [L.  hamus, 
hook.]  Hooked  ;  hook-like  (zool.}. 

hamulus  (ham'ulus)  n.  [L.  hamulus, 
little  hook.]  A  hook,  or  hook-like 
process  (anat.}  ;  the  minute  hook- 
like  process  on  the  distal  barbules 
which  aid  in  the  interlocking  of  the 
barbs  of  a  feather  (zool.}. 

hapaxanthous  (hap'aksan'thus)  a. 
[Gk.  hapax,  once  ;  anthos,  flower.] 
With  only  a  single  flowering  period 

haplocaulescent  (hap'lokoles'ent)  a. 
[Gk.  haploos,  simple  ;  L.  caulis, 
stem.]  With  a  simple  axis,  i.e., 
capable  of  producing  seed  on  the 
main  axis  (tot.}, 

haplochlainydeous  (hap'loklamid'eus) 
a.  [Gk.  haploos,  simple  ;  chlamys, 
cloak.]  Having  rudimentary  leaves 
in  connection  with  the  sporophylls 

haplodont  (hap'lodont)tf.  [G\a.  haploos, 
simple  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having  the 
molars  with  simple  crowns  (zool.}. 

haploid  (hap'loid)  a.  [Gk.  kaploos, 
simple ;  eidos,  like.]  Having  the 
number  of  chromosomes  character- 
istic of  the  germ-cells  for  the 
organism  in  question  (biol.}. 

haploperistomous  (hap'loperls'tomus) 

a.  [Gk.  haploos,  simple  ;  peri, 
around  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Having 
a  peristome  with  a  single  row  of 
teeth  ;  appl.  Mosses  (hot.}. 

haplopetalous  (hap'lopet'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
haploos,  simple ;  petalon,  petal.] 
With  a  single  row  of  petals  (bot.}. 

haptera  (hap'tera)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  hap- 
tein,  to  fasten.]  Special  disc-like 
outgrowths  from  the  stem  -  like 
portion  of  certain  Algae,  which 
serve  as  organs  of  attachment 

haptophores  (hap'tof orz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
haptein,  to  fasten  ;  pherein,  to  carry.] 
The  combining  qualities  of  the 
molecule  of  a  toxin  ;  cf.  toxophores 

harmonic  suture,  —  an  articulation 
brought  about  by  the  apposition  of 
fairly  smooth  edges  or  surfaces 

harmosone  (har'moson)  //.  [Gk. 
armozo,  I  regulate.]  One  of  the 
class  of  hormones  which  influence 
growth  (phys.}. 

HassaH's  concentric  corpuscles, — 
cell  nests  in  the  reticulum  of  the 
thymus  gland  (anat.). 

hastate  (has'tat)  a.  [L.  hasta,  spear.] 
Spear-shaped,  more  or  less  tri- 
angular with  the  two  basal  lobes 
divergent  (hot.}. 

haulm  (horn)  n.  [A.S.  healing  The 
stem  of  such  plants  as  peas  ;  the 
stem  of  a  grass  (bot.}. 

haustellate  (hos'telat)  a.  [L.  haurire, 
to  suck.]  Having  a  proboscis 
adapted  for  sucking  (zool.}. 

haustellum(h6steTum)  n.  [L.  haurire, 
to  suck.]  A  proboscis  adapted  for 
sucking  (zool.}. 

haustorial  (hosto'rlal)  a.  [L.  haurire, 
to  drink.]  Pert,  or  resembling  a 
haustorium  (bot.}. 

haustorium  (hosto'riiim)  n.  [L. 
haurire,  to  drink.]  An  outgrowth 
of  the  stem  of  certain  plants,  which 
serves  as  a  means  of  drawing  food 
from  the  host  plant  (bot.}. 

haversian  canals  [ffavers,  English 
physician],  —  the  small  canals  in 
bone  in  which  the  blood-vessels  lie 

head  (hed)  n.  [AS.  heafod.]  The 
anterior  part  of  a  vertebrate  body 
containing  the  brain,  skull,  eyes, 




ears,  etc.  ;  the  anterior  end  of  most 
invertebrate  animals  containing 
the  cerebral  ganglia  ;  the  antlers  of 
deer  (zool.)  ;  the  top  of  a  plant  when 
it  consists  of  a  mass  of  leaves  ;  a 
compact  inflorescence  (bot.). 

head  case,— the  outer  hard  covering 
of  an  insect's  head  (zool.). 

head  cell, — one  of  the  cells  found  on 
the  manubrium  of  the  antheridium 
of  Chara  (bot.). 

head  kidney, — the  pronephric  portion 
of  the  kidney,  in  vertebrates  usually 
represented  only  in  the  embryo  ;  a 
nephridium  usually  developed  in 
the  cephalic  segment  of  inverte- 
brates (zool.). 

heart  (hart)  n.  [A.S.  heorte."]  A  hollow 
muscular  organ  with  a  varying 
number  of  chambers  which  by 
rhythmic  contraction  keeps  up  the 
circulation  of  the  blood  (zool.,anat.) ; 
the  core  or  central  portion  of  a  tree 
or  fruit  (bot.). 

heat  (het)  n.  [A.S.  haetu.]  A  kind 
of  energy  manifested  in  various 
ways ;  the  sensation  of  warmth 
produced  by  stimulation  of  special 
organs  ;  the  period  of  sexual  desire 

heat  spot,— any  of  the  special  areas 
on  the  skin  at  which  nerve  endings 
sensitive  to  heat  are  found  (phys.). 

hectocotylus  (heVtokot'llus)  //.  [Gk. 
hekaton,  hundred ;  kotyle,  vessel.] 
One  of  the  arms  of  a  male  ceph- 
alopod  specialized  to  effect  transfer- 
ence of  sperms  to  eggs  (zool.). 

hedonic  (hedon'ik)  glands, — skin 
glands  found  in  certain  reptiles 
which  secrete  muskand  are  specially 
active  at  the  rutting  season. 

heel(hel)«.  [A.S.  Ae/a.]  The  hinder 
part  of  the  foot ;  the  posterior 
tarsal  portion  of  the  foot  ;  the  talon 
or  talonid  of  a  tooth  (zool.). 

hekistotherm  (hekTs'tothgrm)  n.  [Gk. 
hekistos,  least  ;  therme,  heat.]  A 
plant  that  thrives  with  the  minimum 
of  heat,  as  alpine  plants  (bot.). 

helicine  (heTisin)  a.  [Gk.  helix, 
spiral.]  Spiral  ;  convoluted  ; 
hoisted  ;  appl.  certain  convoluted 
and  dilated  arteries  in  the  penis  ; 

4    pert,  outer  rim  of  the  pinna  (anat.). 

helicoid  (heTikoid)  a.  [Gk.  helix, 
spiral;  eidos,  like.]  Spiral;  shaped 

like  a  snail's  shell ;  pert,  genus 
Helix  (zool.) ;  pert,  type  of  sym- 
podial  branching  in  which  the  sym- 
podium  consists  of  the  fork  branches 
of  the  same  side  (bot.). 

helicoid  cyme, — an  inflorescence  pro- 
duced by  the  suppression  of  the 
successive  axes  on  the  same  side, 
thus  causing  the  sympodium  to  be 
spirally  twisted  (bot.). 

helicotrema  (hel'ikotre'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
helix,  spiral ;  trema,  hole.]  A 
small  opening  near  the  summit 
of  the  cochlea  by  which  the  two 
scalae  communicate  with  one 
another  (anat.). 

heliosis  (helio'sTs)  n.  [Gk,  Julias, 
sun.]  The  production  of  dis- 
coloured spots  or  markings  on 
leaves  through  the  concentration 
of  the  sun  on  them  (bot.). 

heliotaxis  (he'liotak'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
helios,  sun ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
Response  to  the  stimulus  of  the 
sun's  rays. 

heliotropism  (he'liot'ropizm)  n.  [Gk. 
helios,  sun  ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  The 
tendency  of  growing  organisms 
or  parts  thereof  to  respond  to 
the  stimulus  of  sunlight  (biol.). 

helix  (he'llks)  n.  [Gk.  helix,  spiral.] 
The  outer  rim  of  the  ear  (anat.)  ; 
the  coiled  spiral  arrangement  of 
certain  structures  in  the  inverte- 
brates (zool.). 

helmet  (heTme't)  n.  [O.F.  helmet, 
head  covering.]  The  process  of 
the  bill  of  hornbills  ;  the  bony 
plates  covering  the  head  of  certain 
extinct  Fishes  ;  the  galea  of  Insects 

helminthology  (hel'minthol'dji)  n. 
[Gk.  helmins,  worm ;  logos,  dis- 
course.] The  study  of  the  natural 
history,  anatomy,  etc.,  of  Worms, 
especially  parasitic  forms  (zool.). 

helotism  (hel'otizm)  «.  [Gk.  Helos, 
Laconian  town.]  Symbiosis  in 
which  the  one  organism  enslaves 
the  other  and  forces  it  to  labour 
in  its  behalf,  e.g.  in  Lichens,  in 
some  species  of  ants  (biol.). 

hemelytron  (hemeTitron)  n.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half;  elytron,  wing.]  The 
thickened  forewing  of  certain 
Insects ;  the  elytra  of  certain 
Worms  (zool.). 




hemelytrum,  hemelytron. 

hemibasidium  (hem'ibasid'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  hemi,  half ;  basis,  base.]  The 
promycelium  of  the  Ustilaginales 

hemibathybial  (hem'ibathib'ial)  a. 
[Gk.  hemi,  half;  bathys,  depths.] 
Perl,  plankton  between  the  littoral 
and  bathybial  zones  (biol.). 

hemibranch  (hem'ibrangk)  n.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half;  brangchia,  gills.]  A 
gill  with  gill  filaments  on  one  side 
only  (zool.). 

hemichordate  (hem'ikor'dat)  a.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half;  chorde,  string.]  Possess- 
ing a  more  or  less  rudimentary 
notochord  (zool.). 

hemicyclic  (hem'isi'klik)  a.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half;  kyklos,  round.]  With 
some  of  the  floral  whorls  cyclic, 
others  spiral  (bot.). 

hemielytron, — hemelytron . 

hemiepiphyte  (hem'iep'iflt)  n.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half ;  epi,  upon ;  phyton, 
plant.]  A  plant  whose  seeds 
germinate  on  another  plant,  but 
later  send  roots  to  the  ground 

hemignathous  (hem'ignath'us)  a.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  Having 
one  jaw  snorter  than  the  other,  as 
in  some  birds  (zool.). 

hemlmetabolic  (hgm'imgt'aborik)  a. 
[Gk.  hemi,  half;  meta,  after;  ballein, 
to  change.]  Having  an  incomplete 
metamorphosis,  i.e.  the  larva  has  a 
strong  resemblance  to  the  adult 

hemiparasitic  (hem'ipar'asTt'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  hemi,  half;  para,  beside; 
sites,  food.]  Pert,  a  plant  which 
is  capable  of  carrying  on  photo- 
synthesis, but  not  sufficiently  to 
supply  all  food  material  (bot.). 

hemipenis  (hem'ipe'nis)  n.  [Gk.  hemi, 
half;  L.  penis,  penis.]  One  of  the 
paired  copulatory  organs  in  lizards 
and  snakes  (zool.). 

hemipterous  (hemip'terus)  a.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half;  pteron,  wing.]  Pert. 
Hemiptera  (zool.). 

hemisaprophyte  (hgm'isap'roflt)  n. 
[Gk.  hemi,  half ;  sapros,  dung  ; 
phyton,  plant.]  A  plant  living 
partly  by  photosynthesis,  partly 
by  obtaining  food  from  the  humus 

heinisome  (hSm'isom)  n.  [Gk.  hemi, 
half;  soma,  body.]  The  sym- 
metrical half  of  an  animal  about 
a  median  vertical  plane  (zool.). 

hemisphere  (he'm'isfer)  n.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half;  sphaira,  globe.]  One 
of  the  cerebral  hemispheres  (zool.). 

hemisystole  (hgm'isis'tole)  n.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half ;  syn,  with  ;  stellein,  to 
set.]  Contraction  of  one  ventricle 
of  the  heart  (phys.). 

hemitropous  (hemit'ropus)  a.  [Gk. 
hemi,  half;  trepein,  to  turn.] 
Turned  half  round,  having  an 
ovule  with  the  hilum  on  one  side 
and  the  micropyle,  etc.,  opposite 
in  a  plane  parallel  to  the  placenta 

hemorrhoidal  (hem'oroi'dal)  a.  [Gk. 
haima,  blood  ;  rhein,  to  flow.] 
Rectal  ;  appl.  arteries  and  veins 

Henle's  layer, — a  single  stratum  of 
nucleated  cubical  cells  in  the  inner 
root  sheath  of  a  hair  follicle  (anat.). 

Henle's  loop, — the  loop  of  a  kidney 
tubule  within  the  apical  portion  of 
the  pyramid  (anat.). 

hepar  (he'par)  n.  [L.  hepar,  liver.] 
Liver  or  any  organ  having  a  similar 
function  (anat.,  zool.). 

hepatic  (hepat'ik)  a.  [L.  hepar,  liver.] 
Pert,  like  or  associated  with  the 
liver  (zool.)  ;  pert.  Hepatics  (bot.). 

hepatocolic  (hep'atokol'ik)  a.  [L. 
hepar,  liver  ;  colon,  large  intestine.] 
Pert,  liver  and  colon  (zool.). 

hepatocystic  (hgp'atosis'tik)  a.  [L. 
hepar,  liver ;  Gk.  kystis,  bladder.] 
Pert,  liver  and  gall-bladder  (zool.). 

hepatoduodenal  (hep'atodu'tide'nal)  a. 
[L.  hepar,  liver  ;  duodeni,  twelve 
each.]  Pert,  liver  and  duodenum 

hepatoenteric  (hgp'atoenter'lk)  a.  [L. 
hepar,  liver  ;  Gk.  enteron,  gut.]  Of 
or  pert,  liver  and  intestine. 

hepatogastric  (hep'atogas'trik)  a.  [L. 
hepar,  liver ;  Gk.  gaster,  belly.] 
Pert,  liver  and  stomach  (anat.). 

hepatopancreas, — the  digestive  gland 
in  many  invertebrates,  supposed  to 
perform  a  function  similar  to  that 
of  the  liver  and  of  the  pancreas  in 
higher  forms  (zool.). 

hepatoportal  (hep'atdpor'tal)  a.  [L. 
,  liver ;  portare,  to  carry.] 




Pert.  or  designating  the  portal 
circulation  of  the  liver  (zoo/.). 

hepatorenal  (hep'atore'nal)  a.  [L. 
hepar,  liver  ;  rents,  kidneys.]  Pert. 
liver  and  kidney  (zoo/.). 

hepatoumbilical  (hepatoumbil'ikal) 
a.  [L.  hepar,  liver  ;  umbo,  umbo.] 
Joining  liver  and  umbilicus  (anat.). 

heptagynous  (hgptaj'inus)  a.  [Gk. 
hepta,  seven  ;  gyne,  female.]  With 
seven  pistils  (oof.}. 

heptamerous  (heptam'Srus)  a.  [Gk. 
hepfa,  seven  ;  meros,  part.]  Having 
the  whorls  of  the  flower  in  sevens 

heptandrous  (hSptan'driis)  a.  [Gk. 
hepta,  seven  ;  aner,  man.]  Having 
seven  stamens  (bot.}. 

heptastichous  (heptas'tikus)  a.  [Gk. 
hepta,  seven  ;  stichos,  row.]  Having 
the  leaves  arranged  in  sevens 

herb  (h6rb)  n.  [M.E.  herbe.]  Any 
seed  plant  which  has  not  a  woody 
stem  (bot.). 

herbaceous  (herba'shiis)  a.  [L.  her- 
baceus,  grassy.]  Pert,  or  resem- 
bling a  herb,  or  similarly  formed 

hercogamy  (hgrkog'ami)  n.  [Gk. 
herkos,  barrier  ;  gamos,  birth.]  The 
condition  in  which  self-fertilization 
is  impossible  (bot.}. 

hereditary  (hergd'itari)  a.  [L.  hered- 
itas,  heirship.]  Transmitted  or 
possibly  transmissible  from  parent 
to  offspring,  as  a  special  quality  or 
condition  (biol.). 

heredity  (hered'iti)  n.  [L.  hereditas, 
heirship.]  The  organic  relation 
between  successive  generations 

hermaphrodite  (hermaf'rodlt)  n.  [Gk. 
hcrmaphroditos,  combining  both 
sexes.]  Any  organism  having  both 
male  and  female  reproductive 
organs  (biol.}. 

hermaphroditism  (hermafrod'Itizm)  n. 
[Gk.  hermaphrodites,  combiningboth 
sexes.]  The  condition  of  having 
both  male  and  female  reproductive 
organs  in  one  individual  (biol.}. 

herpetology  (h6r'p6tol'oji)  n.  [Gk. 
herpeton,  reptile  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
That  part  of  zoology  dealing  with 
the  structure,  habits  and  classifica- 
tion of  Reptiles  (zoo/.). 

hesperidium  (hgs'perid'Ium)  n.  [Gk. 
Hesfieria,  Western  land.]  A  superior, 
many-celled,  few-seeded  indehiscent 
fruit,  having  epicarp  and  mesocarp 
joined  together,  and  an  endocarp 
projecting  into  the  interior  as  mem- 
branous partitions  which  divide  the 
pulp  into  chambers  (oof.). 

heteracanthous  (het'erakan'thus)  a. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  akanthe,  spine.] 
Having  the  spines  in  the  dorsal  fin 
asymmetrical  (zoo/.). 

heteractinal  (hgt'erak'tlnal)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  aktis,  ray.]  Pert. 
nail-like  spicules,  having  a  disc  of 
six  to  eight  rays  in  one  plane,  and 
a  stout  ray  rising  at  right  angles  to 
these  (zoo/.). 

heterandrous  (het'eran'drus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  aner,  man.]  With 
the  stamens  of  different  lengths  or 
shape  (bot.). 

heterauxesis  (hgt'erokse'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  auxein,  to  grow.] 
Irregular  or  asymmetrical  growth 
of  organs  (bot.}. 

heteraxial  (het'erak'slal)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  axis,  axis.]  With 
three  unequal  axes  (zoo/.). 

heteroblastic  (hgt'eroblas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  blastos,  bud.]  With 
an  indirect  development  (zoo/.). 

heterocarpous  (heYgrokar'pus)  a. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
Bearing  two  distinct  types  of  fruit 

heterocellular  (heYerosel'ular)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  L.  cellula,  cell.] 
Composed  of  more  than  one  type  of 
cells  (bot.). 

a.  [Gk.  heteros,  other ;  kephalc, 
head.]  Having  the  pistillate  flowers 
on  separate  headsfromthestaminate 
flowers  (bot.}. 

heterocercal  (het'eroser'kal)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  kerkos,  tail.]  Hav- 
ing the  vertebral  column  terminat- 
ing in  the  upper  lobe  of  the  fin, 
which  is  usually  larger  than  the 
lower  ;  afipl.  tail  fins  (zoo/.). 

heterocercy  (het'groseVs!)  «.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  kerkos,  tail]  The 
condition  of  having  a  heterocercal 
tail  (zoo/.). 

heterochlamydeous  (heYgroklamld'- 
eus)#.  [Gk.  heteros,  other ;  chlamys^ 




cloak.]  Having  a  calyx  differing 
from  corolla  in  colour,  texture,  etc. 

heterochromous  (heYerokro'mus)  a. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other ;  chroma,  colour.] 
Having  disc  and  marginal  florets 
differently  coloured  (bot.). 
heterochronism  (hgt'erokro'nizm)  n. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  chronos,  time.] 
A  departure  from  the  typical  se- 
quence in  time  of  the  formation  of 
the  organs  (biol.). 

heterochrosis  (h6t'6rokr5'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  chrosis,  colouring.] 
Abnormal  coloration  (zool.). 
heteroclinous  (heYgrokll'nus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  kline,  bed.]  Hetero- 
cephalous  (bot.). 

heterocoelous  (het'grose'lus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  koilos,  hollow.]  Pert. 
vertebrae  with  saddle-shapedarticu- 
latory  centra  (zool.). 
heterocysts  (hgt'groststs)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  The 
clear  cells  occurring  at  intervals 
on  the  filaments  of  certain  Algae, 
and  marking  the  limits  of  the 
hormogonia  (bot.). 

heterodactylous   (het'erodak'tilus)   a. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;   daktylos,  toe.] 
With    the    first    and    second    toes 
turned  backwards  (zool.). 
heterodont    (het'erodont)     a.       [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  odous,  tooth.]     Hav- 
ing   the    teeth    differentiated    for 
various  purposes  (zool). 
heterodromous     (he't'e'rod'romus)     a. 
[Gk.    heteros,    other ;    dromein,    to 
run.]     Having   the   genetic   spiral 
of  the   stem  leaves   turning   in   a 
different  direction   to  that  of  the 
branch  leaves  (bot.). 
heteroecious   (het'gre'shus)   a.      [Gk. 
heteros,  other;  oikos,  house.]     Pass- 
ing different  stages   of  its  life   on 
different  hosts  (bot.). 
heterogamous  (heYerog'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,   other ;   gamos,   marriage.] 
With  unlike  gametes  ;  having  two 
types   of  flowers  ;   having  indirect 
pollination  methods  (biol.). 
heterogamy   (hgt'grog'aml)   a.      [Gk. 
heteros,   other ;   gamos,    offspring.] 
Alternation  of  generations  (biol.). 
heterogangliate      (hgt'grogang'gltat) 
a.     [Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  gangglion, 
ganglion.]    With  widely  separated 

and  asymmetrically  placed  nerve- 
ganglia  (zool.). 

heterogenesis  (het'erqje'n'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] Spontaneous  generation  ; 
alternation  of  generations  (biol.). 

heterogeny  (heVerqj'eni)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  genos,  race.]  Hav- 
ing several  distinct  generations 
succeeding  one  another  in  a 
regular  series  (biol.). 

heterogonous  (het'erog'onus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  gonos,  birth.]  Pert. 
heterogenesis  (biol.). 

heterogony  (het'erog'oni)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  gonos,  birth.]  Hav- 
ing two  kinds  of  flowers  differing 
in  length  of  stamen  (bot.)  ;  alterna- 
tion of  generations  (biol.). 

heterogynous  (het'eroj'mus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  gyne,  woman.] 
With  two  types  of  females  (zool.). 

heterokaryote  (het'erokar'Iot)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  karyon,  nut.]  Hav- 
ing two  distinct  types  of  nuclei 

heterokinesis  (het'erokme'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  kinein,  to  move.] 
Qualitative  or  differential  division 
of  the  chromosomes  (biol.). 

heterolecithal  (het'eroles'ithal)  a. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  lekithos,  yolk.] 
Havingunequally  distributed  deuto- 
plasm  (biol.). 

heterology  (het'erol'qjl)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  non-correspondence  of  parts 
owing  to  different  origin  or  different 
elements  (biol.). 

heteromallous  (het'erom'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other;  mallos,  lock  of  wool.] 
Spreading  in  different  directions 

heteromastigate  (hgt'e'romas'tigat)  a. 

eik.  heteros,  other  ;  mastix,  lash.] 
aving  two  different  types  of 
flagella  (zool.). 

heteromastigote  (het'eromas'tigot), 
— heteromastigate. 

heteromerous  (het'erom'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  meros,  part.]  Hav- 
ing the  whorls  consisting  of 
an  unequal  number  of  parts  (bot.). 

heterometabolic  (het'eromeYabol'ik) 
a.  [Gk.  heteros,  other ;  metabole, 
change.]  Having  incomplete  meta- 
morphosis (zool.). 




heteromorphic  (het'eromor'flk)  a. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  morphe,  shape.] 
Having  different  forms  at  different 
times  (zool.). 

heteromorphism  (heYSromor'fizm)  n. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  morphe,  shape.] 
The  state  or  quality  of  being 
heteromorphic  (biol.). 
heteromorphosis  (heYeromor'fosis)  n. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other;  morphe,  shape.] 
The  production  of  a  part  in  an 
abnormal  position,  by  any  organ- 
ism ;  a  case  of  regeneration,  when 
the  new  part  is  different  from  that 
removed  (biol.). 

heteromorphous     (hfit'e'romor'fus)    a. 

[Gk.  heteros,  other;  morphe,  shape.] 

Pert,    an    irregular    structure,    or 

departure  from  the  normal  (biol.). 

heteronereis  (het'e'rone'reis)  n.     [Gk. 

heteros,   other ;   nereis,  nereis.]    A 

•  free-swimming    dimorphic    sexual 

stage  of  Nereis  and  other  marine 

worms  (zool.}. 

heteronomous  (hgt'gron'omus)  a.  [Gk. 
heferos,  other;  nomos,  law.]  Subject 
to  different  laws  of  growth;  special- 
ized on  different  lines  (biol.). 
heteropelmous  (heYeropeTmus)  a. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  pelma,  sole  of 
foot.]  Having  the  flexor  tendons 
of  the  toes  bifid  (zool.). 
heteropetalous  (heYgropeYalus)  a. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other  ;  petalon,  petal.] 
With  dissimilar  petals  (bot.). 
heterophagous  (hgt'eWagus)  a.  [Gk. 
heferos,  other ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Having  young  which  are  immature 
and  require  feeding  at  birth  ;  appl. 
birds  (zool.). 

heterophyadic  (hgt'eroflad'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  phyas,  shoot.]  Pro- 
ducing separate  shoots,  one  vegeta- 
tive, one  reproductive  (bot.). 
heterophyllous  (het'grofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Bear- 
ing foliage  leaves  of  different  shape 
on  different  parts  of  the  plant  (bot.). 
heteroplasia  (heYgropla'zia)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  plassein,  to  mould.] 
The  development  of  one  tissue 
from  another  of  a  different  kind 

heteroplasm  (het'Sroplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  Tissue  formed  in  ab- 
normal places  (biol.). 

heteroproteose  (heYeropro'teos)  n. 
[Gk.  heteros,  other ;  protos,  first.] 
One  of  the  primary  products  formed 
by  the  action  of  gastric  juices  on 
proteids  (phys.). 

heterorhizal  (het'grorl'zal)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  rhiza,  root.]  With 
roots  coming  from  no  determinate 
point  (bot.). 

heterosporous  (hSt'Stospo'riis,  het'- 
SrSs'poriis)  a.  [Gk.  heteros,  other  ; 
sporos,  seed.]  Producing  two  kinds 
of  spores  (bot.). 

heterosteinonous  (hCt'erostem'onus) 
a.  [Gk.  heteros,  other ;  stemon, 
stamen.]  With  unlike  stamens 

heterostrophy  (het'eros'trofi)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  strophe,  turning.] 
The  condition  of  being  coiled  in 
a  direction  opposite  to  the  normal 

heterostyled  (het'erdstl'ld)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  stylos,  pillar.] 
Having  unlike  styles  ;  or  unequal 
styles  (bot.). 

heterostyly  (he't'e'rosti'li)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other;  stylos,  pillar.]  Con- 
dition of  being  heterostyled  (bot.). 

heterotaxls  (heYgrotak'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
Abnormal  or  unusual  arrangement 
of  organs  or  parts  (biol.). 

heterotomy  (heYgrot'oml)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other;  temnein,  to  cut.]  The 
condition  of  having  the  parts  of  the 
perianth  whorls  unequal  or  dis- 
similar (bot.) ;  irregular  dichotomy 
in  Crinoids  (zool.). 

heterotopy  (heYerot'opi)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  topos,  place.]  Dis- 
placement (biol.). 

heterotrlchous       (hgt'erot'rlkus)       a. 

Eik.  heteros,  other ;  thrix,  hair.] 
aving  two  types  of  cilia  (zool.). 

heterotrophic  (het'erotrof'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  trephein,  to  nourish.] 
Getting  its  nourishment  from 
outside ;  appl.  parasitic  plants 

heterotropic, — heterotropous. 

heterotropous  (he't'e'rot'ropus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  trepein,  to  turn.] 
Pert,  an  ovule  with  hilum  and 
micropyle  at  opposite  ends  in  a 
plane  parallel  to  the  placenta  (bot.). 

heterotypic    (hgt'grotlp'Ik)    a.      [Gk. 





heteroS)  other ;  L.  typus,  type.] 
Pert,  mitotic  division  in  which  the 
daughter  chromosomes  remain 
united  and  form  rings  (biol.). 

heteroxenous  (het'erok'senus)  a.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other  ;  xenos,  guest.]  Oc- 
curring on  or  infesting  more  than 
one  kind  of  host  (biol.). 

heterozygosis  (het'erozlgo'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  zygein,  to  yoke.] 
Condition  or  state  of  being  hetero- 
zygote  (dial.). 

heterozygote  (het'erozl'got)  n.  [Gk. 
heteros,  other ;  zygein,  to  yoke.] 
A  mendelian  hybrid  which  contains 
one  or  more  recessive  characters 
and  therefore  does  not  breed  true 

hexacanth  (hek'sakanth)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six  ;  akantha,  thorn.]  Having 
six  hooks  ;  appl.  embryos  of  flat- 
worms  (zool.). 

hexactinal  (hek'sak'tinal)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six  ;  aktis,  ray.]  Pert,  spicules 
with  six  rays  (zool.). 

hexactine  (hek'sak'tin)  n.  [Gk.  hex, 
six ;  aktis,  ray.]  A  spicule  with 
six  equal  and  similar  rays  meeting 
at  right  angles  (zool.). 

hexactinian  (hek'saktm'Ian)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six  ;  aktis,  ray.]  With  the  ten- 
tacles or  mesenteries  in  multiples 
of  six  (zool.). 

hexacyclic  (hek'sasi'kllk)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six ;  kyklos,  circle.]  Having 
the  floral  whorls  consisting  of  six 
parts  (bot.). 

hexagynous  (heksaj'mus)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six  ;  gyne,  woman.]  Having 
six  pistils  (bot.). 

hexamerous  (hgksam'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six  ;  nteros,  part.]  Occurring 
in  sixes  or  arranged  in  sixes 

hexandrous  (heksan'drus)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six  ;  aner,  man.]  Having  six 
stamens  (bot.). 

hexapetaloid  (hek'sapgt'aloid)  a. 
[Gk.  hex,  six ;  pe  talon,  petal ;  eidos, 
like.]  With  a  petaloid  perianth  of 
six  parts  (bot.). 

hexapetalous  (hek'sapet'alus)  a. 
[Gk.  hex,  six ;  petalon,  petal.] 
Having  six  petals  (bot.). 

hexaphyllous  (hgk'safil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Having 
six  leaves  (bot.). 

hexapod  (hek'sapod)  a.  [Gk.  hex, 
six  ;  pous,  foot.]  Pert,  animal 
with  six  legs  (zool.). 

hexapterous  (heksap'terus)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six ;  pteron,  wing.]  Having 
six  wing-like  processes  or  ex- 
pansions (bot.). 

hexarch  (hek'sark)  a.  [Gk.  hex,  six  ; 
arche,  beginning.]  Having  six 
radiating  vascular  strands  ;  appl. 
roots  (bot.). 

hexasepalous  (hek'sasep'alus)  a. 
[Gk.  hex,  six  ;  sepalon,  sepal.] 
Having  six  sepals  (bot.). 

hexaspermous  (hek'sasper'mus)  a. 
[Gk.  hex,  six  ;  sperma,  seed.] 
Having  six  seeds  (bot.). 

hexastemonous  (hek'sastem'onus)  a. 
[Gk.  hex,  six  ;  stemon,  stamen.] 
Having  six  stamens  (hot.). 

hexaster  (heksas'te'r)  n.  [Gk.  hex, 
six  ;  aster,  star.]  A  variety  of  the 
hexactine  in  which  the  rays  branch 
and  produce  star-shaped  figures 

hexastichous  (heksas'tfkus)  a.  [Gk. 
hex,  six ;  stichos,  row.]  Having 
the  parts  arranged  in  six  rows 

hexicology  (hek'sikol'ojl)  n.  [Gk. 
hexis,  habit  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
Bionomics  (biol.). 

hiatus  (hia'tus)  n.  [L.  hiare,  to  gape.] 
Any  large  opening  (anat.). 

hibernaculum  (hi  bernak'ulum)  n. 
[L.  hibernaculum,  winter  resi- 
dence.] Specially  modified  winter 
bud,  found  in  certain  fresh-water 
Polyzoa  (zool.). 

hibernate  (hi'bernat)  v.  [L.  hibemus, 
wintry.]  To  pass  the  winter  in  a 
resting  state  (biol.). 

hibernating  glands, — lymph  glands 
of  richly  vascularized  fatty  tissue 
occurring  in  some  Rodents  and 
Insectivores  (anat.). 

hidrosis  (hldro'sis)  n.  [Gk.  hidros, 
sweat.]  Excretion  of  sweat  ;  per- 
spiration (phys.). 

high  (hi)  a.  [A.S.  heh.~]  Having  a 
more  complex  and  more  highly 
differentiated  structure. 

hiliferous  (hllif'grus)  a.  [L.  hilum, 
trifle  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Having  a 
hilum  (bot.). 

hilum  (hl'liim)  n.  [L.  hilum,  trifle.] 
The  scar  on  the  ovule  where  it 




was  attached  to  the  placenta  ;  the 
eye  of  a  seed  ;  the  nucleus  of  a 
starch  grain  (hot.). 

hilus  (hl'lCis)  ;/.  [L.  hilum,  trifle.] 
A  small  notch  or  opening  ;  a 
small  opening  or  depression 
usually  where  the  blood-vessels, 
etc.,  enter  (anaf.,  zool.}. 

hind  brain, — the  rhombencephalon, 
that  portion  of  the  brain  derived 
from  the  third  embryonic  vesicle 

hind  gut, — a  diverticulum  of  the  yolk- 
sac  extending  into  the  tail-fold  in 
the  human  embryo  ;  the  posterior 
portion  of  the  alimentary  tract 

hinge  joint, — a  joint  in  which  the  ar- 
ticulatory  surfaces  are  so  moulded 
to  one  another  as  to  permit  motion 
in  one  direction  only  (anaf.). 

hinge  ligament, — the  tough  elastic 
substance  joining  the  two  valves 
of  a  bivalve  shell  (zool.). 

hinge  line, — the  line  of  articulation 
of  the  two  valves  in  a  bivalve  shell 

hinge  tooth, — one  of  the  projections 
found  on  the  hinge  line  in  bivalves 

hip-joint, — the  ball-and-socket  joint 
between  femur  and  hip-girdle 

hippocampal  (hip'okam'pal)  a.  [Gk. 
hippos, horse ;  kampos,  sea-monster.] 
Pert,  the  hippocampus  (anaf.). 

hippocampus  (hip'okam'pus)  n.  [Gk. 
hippos,  horse;  kampos, sea-monster.] 
A  curved  eminence  that  extends 
throughout  the  entire  length  of  the 
floor  of  the  inferior  cornu  of  the 
lateral  ventricle  (anaf.). 

hirsute  (heVsut)  a.  [L.  hirsutus, 
hairy.]  Covered  with  hair-like 
feathers,  appl.  birds  ;  having  stiff, 
hairy  bristles  (zool.} ;  having  stiff, 
hairy  covering  (hot.}. 

hirudin  (hiru'din)  n.  [L.  hirudo, 
leech.]  A  substance  obtained  in 
solution  from  the  head  of  leeches 
which  renders  drawn  blood  non- 
coagulable  ;  an  anticoagulin  (phys.). 

hispid  (his'pid)  a.  [L.  hispidus, 
rough.]  Having  stiff  hairs,  spines, 
or  bristles  (hot.,  zool.}. 

histoblast  (hls'toblast)  n.  [Gk.  histos, 
tissue  ;  blastos,  bud.]  One  of  the 

units  of  any  tissue  (anaf.)  ;  imaginal 
discs  (zool.}. 

histochemistry  (his'tokgm'IstrT)  n. 
[Gk.  histos,  tissue  ;  cheinos,  juice.] 
The  chemistry  of  animal  tissues 

hlstocyte  (his'toslt)  n.  [Gk.  histos, 
tissue ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  tissue 
cell  as  distinguished  from  a  germ 
cell  (zool.}. 

histogenesis  (his'tojen'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
histos,  tissue  ;  gigiiesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] Formation  and  develop- 
ment of  tissue  (biol.). 

histogenic  (hls'tqje'n'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
histos,  tissue  ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] Tissue-producing ;  appl. 
the  separate  merismatic  layers  in 
a  stratified  growing  point  (hot.}  ; 
tissue-producing  (zool.). 

histohaematin      (his'tohe'matin)     n. 

gik.  histos,  tissue  ;  haima,  blood.] 
ne  of  the  animal  pigments  with 
a  great  affinity  for  oxygen,  and 
so  supposed  to  be  respiratory 

histology  (histol'ojl)  n.  [Gk.  histos, 
tissue  ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
science  which  treats  of  the  minute 
structure  of  tissues  (biol.}. 

histolysis  (Mstol'isTs)  n.  [Gk.  histos, 
tissue  ;  lyein,  to  dissolve.]  The 
dissolution  of  organic  tissues 
(biol.}  ;  that  process  by  which 
most  of  the  pupal  internal  organs 
dissolve  into  a  creamy  fluid, 
except  certain  cells  round  which 
the  new  imaginal  tissues  are 
formed  (zool.}. 

histone  (his'ton)  n.  [Gk.  histos, 
tissue.]  An  albuminose  body  de- 
rived from  nucleo-histone  (phys.}. 

histophyly  (histof'ili)  n.  [Gk.  histos, 
tissue  ;  phyle,  tribe.]  The  phylo- 
genetic  history  of  any  group  of 
cells  (biol.}. 

histotrophic  (his'totrof'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
histos,  tissue ;  trephein,  to  nourish.] 
Pert,  or  connected  with  tissue 
formation  (phys.). 

histozoic  (his'tozo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  histos, 
tissue ;  zoon,  animal.]  Living 
within  tissues  ;  appl.  trophozoitic 
stage  of  certain  Sporozoa  (zool.}. 

histozyme  (his'tozlm)  n.  [Gk.  histos, 
tissue  ;  zyme,  leaven.]  An  enzyme 
found  in  the  kidneys  of  certain 




animals   capable   of  decomposing 

hippuric  acid  (phys.}. 
hoch  (hSk)  n.     [A.S.  hoh,  heel.]    The 

tarsal  joint,  or  the    region    of  the 

tarsal  joint  (zool.}. 
holarctic  (holark'tik)  a.     [Gk.   holos, 

whole ;  arktos,  bear.]     Pert,  species 

found  in  a  zoogeographical  region 

including  the  northern  parts  of  the 

new  and  old  worlds  (zool.}. 
holaspldean   (hol'aspid'ean)   a.     [Gk. 

holos,  whole  ;  aspis,  shield.]    With 

a  single  series  of  large  scales   on 

the   posterior  aspect  of  the  tarso- 

metatarsus  (zool.}. 
holcodont  (hol'kodont)  a.    [Gk.  holkos, 

furrow  ;  odous,  tooth.]     Having  the 

teeth  in  a  long  continuous  groove 

holdfast, — the  sucker  or  disc  on  the 

thallus  of  certain  Algae  (bot.}. 
holobenthic   (hol'obgn'thik)    a.     [Gk. 

holos,  .  whole  ;     benthos,     depths.] 

Living   in   the   depths  of  the   sea 

throughout  life  (zool.}. 
holoblastic     (hol'oblas'tik)    a.      [Gk. 

holos,  whole  ;  blastos,  bud.]     Pert. 

eggs    in    which    the    cleavage    is 

total  (emb.}. 
holobranch    (hol'obrangk)    n.      [Gk. 

holos,  w 

vhole  ;  brangchia,  gills.]  A 
which  gill  filaments  are 
borne  on  both  sides  (zool.}. 

holochlamydate  (hol'oklam'idat)  a. 
[Gk.  holos,  whole  ;  chlamys,  cloak.] 
Having  no  notch  on  the  margin  of 
the  mantle  (zool.}. 

holochroal  (hol'okro'&l)  a.  [Gk.  holos, 
whole  ;  chros,  touch.]  Having  eyes 
with  globular  or  biconvex  lenses 
closely  crowded  together,  so  that 
the  cornea  is  continuous  over  the 
whole  eye  (zool.}. 

hologastrula  (hol'ogas'troola)  n.  [Gk. 
holos,  whole  ;  gaster,  stomach.]  A 
gastrula  formed  from  a  holoblastic 
egg  (emb.}. 

holognathous  (hordgnath'us)  a.  [Gk. 
holos,  whole  ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  Hav- 
ing the  jaw  in  a  single  piece 

holomastigote  (hSl'omas'tigot)  a. 
[Gk.  holos,  whole  ;  mastix,  whip.] 
Having  one  type  of  flagellum 
scattered  evenly  over  the  body 

holometabolic     (hol'dmeYabol'Ik)     a. 

[Gk.  holos,  whole ;  meta,  after ; 
ballein,  to  change.]  Having  com- 
plete metamorphosis  (zool.}. 

holometabolism  (horometab'oWzm)  n. 
[Gk.  holos,  whole ;  metabole,  change.] 
State  of  having  complete  metamor- 
phosis (zool.}. 

holomorphosis  (hol'dmor'fdsis)  n. 
[Gk.  holos,  whole  ;  morphe,  shape.] 
Regeneration  in  which  the  entire 
part  is  replaced  (zool.}. 

holonephros  (hol'onef'ros)  n.  [Gk. 
holos,  whole ;  nephros,  kidney.] 
The  hypothetical  continuous  ex- 
cretory organ  (anat.}. 

holophytlc  (hol'ofit'ik)  a.  [Gk.  holos, 
whole  ;  phyton,  plant.]  Obtaining 
the  whole  of  its  food  after  the 
manner  of  a  plant  (zool.}. 

holoplanktonic  (hol'oplangkton'Tk) 
a.  [Gk.  holos,  whole  ;  plangktos, 
wandering.].  Living  near  the 
surface  throughout  life  (zool.}. 

holoptic  (holop'tik)  a.  [Gk.  holos, 
whole ;  ops,  eye.]  Having  the 
eyes  of  the  two  sides  meeting  in 
a  coadapted  line  of  union  (zool.}. 

holorhinal  (hol'drl'nal)  a.  [Gk.  holos, 
whole  ;  rhis,  nose.]  Having  nares 
with  the  posterior  margin  rounded, 
not  cleft  (zool.}. 

holoschisis  (holos'kisis)  n.  [Gk. 
holos,  whole ;  schizein,  to  cut.] 
Amitosis  (emb.}. 

holosericeous  (hol'oserish'us)  a.  [Gk. 
holos,  whole  ;  L.  serious,  silken.] 
Completely  covered  with  silky 
hair-like  structures  (bot.)  ;  having 
a  silky  lustre  or  sheen  (zool.}. 

holostomatous  (hordstom'atiis)  a. 
[Gk.  holos,  whole  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
With  the  margin  of  the  aperture 
entire  (zool.}. 

holosystolic  (hol'osis'tolik)  a.  [Gk. 
holos,  whole  ;  systole,  contraction.] 
Pert,  the  complete  systole  (phys.}. 

holotrichous  (holot'rikus)  a.  [Gk. 
holos,  whole  ;  thrix,  hair.]  Having 
a  uniform  covering  of  cilia  over 
the  body  (zool.}. 

holozoic  (hol'6z5'ik)  a.  [Gk.  holos, 
whole  ;  zoon,  animal.]  Obtaining 
the  whole  of  its  food  after  the 
manner  of  animals  ;  ingulfing  pro- 
teids  (zool.}. 

homacanth  (hSm'Sk&nth)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  like ;  akantha,  spine.] 




Having  the  spines  of  the  dorsal 
fin  symmetrical  (zool.). 

hoinaxon  (hom'aksSn)  a.  [Gk.  homos, 
alike  ;  axon,  axis.]  Built  up  around 
equal  axes  (zoo/.). 

homaxonlc, — homaxon. 

homeoklnesis  (hom'eokine'sis)  n. 
[Gk.  homoios,  same  ;  kinein,  to 
move.]  Mitosis  with  an  equal 
division  of  the  chromatinic  ele- 
ments to  the  daughter  nuclei 

homeotely  (ho'meot'gli)  n.  [Gk. 
homoios,  same ;  telos,  end.]  Evolu- 
tion from  homologous  parts,  but 
with  less  close  resemblance  (biol.). 

hoineozoic  (hom'eozo'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
homoios,  same  ;  zoon,  animal.] 
Pert,  a  region  or  a  series  of 
regions  with  identical  fauna  or 
flora  (biol.). 

homoblastic  (hom'oblas'tlk)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  alike;  blastos,  bud.]  Hav- 
ing direct  embryonic  develop- 
ment ;  arising  from  similar  cells 

homocarpous  (hom'okar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  alike ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Bear- 
ing one  kind  of  fruit  (tot.). 

homocercal  (horn'oseVkal)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  kerkos,  tail.]  Having 
a  tail  with  equal  or  nearly  equal 
lobes,  and  axis  ending  near  the 
middle  of  the  base  ;  usually  this 
type  is  derived  from  the  hetero- 
cercal  type  (zool.). 

homocerebrin  (horn'oseYSbrin)  n. 
[Gk.  homos,  alike ;  L.  cerebrum, 
brain.]  A  substance  identical 
with  cerebrin  (phys.). 

homochlamydeous  (hom'oklamld'- 
eus)  a.  [Gk.  homos,  same  ; 
chlamys,  cloak.]  Having  the 
outer  and  inner  perianth  whorls 
alike  (tot.). 

homochromous  (hom'dkro'mus)  a. 
[Gk,  homos,  alike  ;  chroma,  colour.] 
With  the  whole  of  the  capitular 
florets  of  one-colour  (tot.). 

homodermic  (hom'odeYmlk)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  derma,  skin.]  Sprung 
from  the  same  embryonic  layer 

homodont  (hom'6d8nt)#.  [Gk.  homos, 
same  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having  the 
teeth  all  alike,  not  differentiated 

homodromous  (homod'romus)  a. 
[Gk.  homos,  same ;  dromein,  to 
run.]  Having  the  genetic  spiral 
alike  in  direction  in  both  stem 
and  branches  (tot.). 

homodynamy  (hom'odin'ami)  n. 
[Gk.  homos,  same ;  dynamis, 
power.]  Metameric  homology 

homoeosis  (home'dsis)  n.  [Gk.  homoi- 
osis,  likeness.]  The  assumption  by 
one  part  of  the  likeness  of  another 
part,  as  the  modification  of  an 
antenna  into  a  foot,  or  of  a  petal 
into  a  stamen  ;  metamorphy  (biol.). 

homogamous  (homSg'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  same ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Characterizedjay  homogamy  (biol.). 

homogamy  (homog'am!)  n.  [Gk. 
homos,  same ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Interbreeding  due  to  some  type 
of  isolation,  e.g.  physiological 
isolation  (zool.) ;  having  the  flowers 
all  alike,  having  the  stamens  and 
pistils  mature  at  the  same  time 

homogangliate  (hom'ogang'gllat)  a. 
[Gk.  homos,  same ;  ganglion, 
knot.]  Having  the  ganglia  of 
the  nerve  loops  symmetrically 
arranged  (zool.). 

homogen  (hom'qjSn)  n.  [Gk.  homos, 
same  ;  genos,  race.]  One  of  a 
group  having  a  common  origin  ; 
one  of  a  series  of  identically 
derived  parts  (zool.). 

homogeneous  (homoje'ngus), — homo- 

homogenesis  (hom'oje'n'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  genesis,  birth.]  The 
type  of  reproduction  in  which  like 
begets  like  (biol.). 

homogenous  (homoj'Snus)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  genos,  race.]  More 
or  less  alike  owing  to  descent 
from  a  common  stock  (biol.). 

homogeny  (homoj'Snl)  n.  [Gk.  homos, 
same  ;  genos,  race.]  Correspond- 
ence between  parts  due  to  common 
descent  (biol.)^ 

homogony  (homfig'onT)  n.  [Gk. 
homos,  same ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Condition  of  having  one  type  of 
flower  with  equally  long  stamens 
and  pistil  (bot.). 

homolomerous  (homoifim'e'rus)  a. 
[Gk.  homoiost  like ;  meros,  part.] 




Having     the     Algae     distributed 
equally      through      the       fungoid 
mycelium,  in  a  lichen  (hot.']. 
homoiothermal    (homoi'other'mal)  a. 
[Gk.   homoios,  like  ;   thermos,  hot.] 
Warm-blooded  (zool.). 
homolecithal  (hom'oles'ithal)  a.     [Gk. 
homos,  same ;  lekithos,  yolk.]     Hav- 
ing   little    deutoplasm,    which    is 
equally  distributed  (emb.). 
homologous    (homol'bgus)    a.      [Gk. 
homos,    same  ;     logos,     discourse.] 
Resembling      in     structure      and 
origin  (biol.). 

homologue  (hom'olog)  n.  [Gk.  homos, 
same  ;  logos,  speech.]  One  of  a 
series  of  structures  similar  in 
structure  and  origin  (biol.). 
homology  (homol'ojT)  n.  [Gk.  homos, 
same  ;  logos,  speech.]  The  simi- 
larity in  structure  and  development 
of  organs  or  parts  (biol.). 
homomallous  (hom'omal'us,  homom'- 
alus)  a.  [Gk.  homos,  same ;  mallos, 
lock  of  wool.]  Curving  uniformly 
to  one  side  ;  appl.  leaves  (bot.). 
homomorphism  (hom'bmor'fizm)  n. 
[Gk.  homos,  same  ;  morphe,  shape.] 
The  condition  of  having  perfect 
flowers  of  only  one  type  (bot.)  ; 
hemimetabolism  (zool.). 
hoinomorphosis  (hom'bmor'fbsis)  n. 
[Gk.  homos,  same  ;  morphe,  shape.] 
The  condition  of  having  the  newly 
regenerated  part  like  the  part  re- 
moved (biol.). 

homonculus  (homon'kulus)  n.  [L. 
homunculus,  little  man.]  The 
small  miniature  of  the  human 
foetus  seen  in  the  spermatozoon, 
according  to  the  Animalculists 

homonomy     (homon'omi)     n.       [Gk. 
homos,    same  ;    nomos,    law.]     The 
homology  existing  between  parts 
arranged  on  transverse  axes  (biol.). 
homonym  (hom'bnim)  n.     [Gk.  homos, 
same ;  onyma,  name.]     A  name  pre- 
occupied, and  so  unsuitable  accord- 
ing to  the  law  of  priority  (biol.). 
homopetalous(hom'bpe't'alus)  a.    [Gk. 
homos,  same  \petalon,  petal.]     Hav- 
ing all  the  petals  alike  (fot.). 
homophyadic  (hom'oflad'ik)  a.     [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  phyas,  shoot.]     Pro- 
ducing   only   one    kind    of    shoot 

homophylic  (hom'ofiTlk)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  phyle,  race.]  Re- 
sembling one  another  owing  to  a 
common  ancestry  (biol.). 
homophyllous  (hom'ofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,;phyllon,  leaf.]  Bear- 
ing leaves  which  are  all  of  one 
kind  (bot.). 

homoplast  (hom'oplast)  n.  [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
An  organ  formed  of  similar 
plastids  (bot.). 

homoplastic  (hom'oplas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
Pert,  homoplasty  (biol.). 
homoplasty  (hom'bplas'ti)  n.  [Gk. 
homos,  same ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
Convergence  ;  resemblance  in 
form  or  structure  between  differ- 
ent animals  or  organs  due  to 
evolution  along  similar  lines 

homoplasy, — homoplasty. 
homopterous  (homop'terus)  a.     [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;pteron,  wing.]  Having 
the  wings  alike  (zool.). 
homosporous  (homos'porus)  a.     [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  sporos,  seed.]     Pro- 
ducing only  one  kind  of  spore  (bot.). 
homostyled     (hom'bstlld)     a.      [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  stylos,  pillar.]     With 
uniform  styles  (bot.). 
homothermous, — homoiothermal. 
homotropous  (homot'ropus)  a.     [Gk. 
homos,    same  ;     trepein,    to    turn.] 
Erect  ;  having  the  micropyle  and 
chalaza   at    opposite    ends  ;    appl. 
ovules  (bot.). 

homozygote  (hom'ozl'got)  n.  [Gk. 
homos,  same ;  zygein,  to  yoke.] 
An  organism  in  which  the  char- 
acters are  stable,  resulting  from 
the  union  of  zygotes  bearing  similar 
characters  (biol.). 

homozygous  (hom'ozl'gus)  a.  [Gk. 
homos,  same  ;  zygein,  to  yoke.] 
Stable  (biol.). 

honey-dew, —  a  sugary  exudation 
found  on  the  leaves  of  many  plants 
(bot.)  ;  a  sweet  secretion  produced 
by  certain  insects,  e.g.  Aphids 

hooded  (hood'gd)  a.  [A.S.  hod.] 
Bearing  a  hood-like  petal  ;  rolled 
up  like  a  cone  of  paper,  as  in 
certain  leaves  (bot.)  ;  having  the 
head  conspicuously  and  differently 




coloured  from  the  rest  of  the  body  ; 
having  crests  on  the  head  ;  having 
wing-shaped  expansions  on  the 
neck,  as  in  the  cobra  (zool.}. 

hordeaceous  (hor'dea'shus)  a.  [L. 
hordeum,  barley.]  Pert,  or  resem- 
bling barley  (&?/.). 

horizontal  (hor'fzon'tal)  a.  [Gk. 
horizon,  bounding.]  Growing  in  a 
plane  at  right  angles  to  the  primary 
axis  (hot.}. 

hormogonium  (hor'mogo'nium)  n. 
[Gk.  hortnos,  chain  ;  goneia,  genera 
tion.]  That  portion  of  an  algal 
filament  between  two  heterocysts 
which,  breaking  away,  acts  as  a 
reproductive  body  (boll.}. 

hormones  (hormon'z)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
honnao,  to  excite.]  The  secretions 
of  ductless  glands  which  pass  into 
the  blood  -  vessels  by  osmosis 

horn  (horn)  n.  [A.S.  horn]  The 
process  on  the  head  of  many 
animals  ;  any  projection  from  an 
animal  resembling  a  horn  ;  a  tuft 
of  feathers  as  in  an  owl  ;  a  spine 
in  fishes  ;  a  tentacle  in  snails 
(zool.}  ;  an  awn  ;  any  pointed  pro- 
jection or  process  (bot.). 

horn  core, — the  central  bony  part  in 
the  hollow-horned  ruminants  (zool.}. 

host  (host)  n.  [L.  hostis,  stranger.] 
Any  organism  in  which  another 
organism  spends  a  part  or  the 
whole  of  its  existence,  and  derives 
some  of  its  nourishment  therefrom 

house  (hows)  n.  [A.S.  fas.]  The 
external  gelatinous-like  covering 
secreted  by  certain  Tunicates(.sw>/.). 

humeral  (hu'me'ral)  a.  [L.  humerus, 
the  shoulder.]  Pert,  shoulder 
region  (anat.}  ;  pert,  or  naming  the 
anterior  basal  angle  of  the  wing  of 
an  insect,  one  of  the  horny  plates 
on  the  plastron  of  a  turtle  (zool.}. 

humerus  (hu'me'rus)  n.  [L.  humerus, 
shoulder.]  The  bone  of  the  upper 
arm  (anat.,  zool.}. 

humistratous  (hii'mistra'tiis)  a.  [L. 
humus,  earth  ;  sternere,  to  spread.] 
Spreading  over  the  surface  of  the 
earth  (hot.}. 

humour  (hu'mor)  n.  [L.  humor, 
moisture.]  The  fluid  of  the  eye 
(anat.}  ;  any  fluid  or  juice  (phys.}. 

humus  (hu'miis)  n.  [L.  humus,  earth.] 
A  dark  soil-like  material  formed 
by  the  decomposition  of  vegetable 
or  animal  matter  (hot.}. 

hunger  (hung'ger)  n.  [A.S.  hungor] 
The  sensation  caused  normally  by 
the  lack  of  food  (phys.}. 

husk  (husk)  n.  [M.E.  huske.]  The 
outer  coating  of  various  seeds  (hot.}. 

hyaline  (hfalm)  a.  [Gk.  hyalos, 
glass.]  Clear  ;  transparent ;  free 
from  inclusions  (biol.}. 

hyalogen  (hl'alqje'n)  n.  [Gk.  hyalos, 
glass ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
Any  of  the  substances  found  in 
animal  tissues  which  are  insoluble 
and  related  to  mucoids  (phys.}. 

hyaloid  (hfaloid)  a.  [Gk./tyatos,g\ass.] 
Glassy  ;  transparent  (phys.}. 

hyaloid  membrane, — a  delicate  mem- 
brane enveloping  the  vitreous  body 
of  the  eye  (anaf.J. 

hyalomucoid  (hl'alomu'koid)  n.  [Gk. 
hyalos,  glass  ;  L.  mucus,  mucus  ; 
Gk.  eidos,  like.]  One  of  the  non- 
phosphorized  gluco-proteids  in  the 
vitreous  humour  (phys.}. 

hyaloplasm  (hl'aloplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
hyalos,  glass  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  ground  substance 
of  the  cell  as  distinguished  from 
the  microsomes,  or  as  distinguished 
from  the  reticulum  or  spongioplasm 
(zool.}  •  the  ectoplasm  or  peripheral 
zone  in  plant  cells  (bot.}. 

hyaloplasma, — hyaloplasm. 

hyalopterous  (hfalop'tgrus)  a.  [Gk. 
hyalos,  glass ;  pteron,  wing.]  Having 
transparent  wings  (zool.}. 

hyalosome  (hi'alosom')  n.  [Gk.  hyalos, 
glass  ;  soma,  body.]  A  nucleolar- 
like  body  in  a  cell-nucleus,  only 
slightly  stainable  by  nuclear  or 
plasma  stains  (biol.}. 

hybrid  (hl'brid)  n.  [L.  hibrida, 
a  cross.]  Any  cross-bred  animal 
or  plant  (biol.}. 

hybridism  (hl'bridizm)  n.  [L.  hibrida, 
a  cross.]  The  state  or  quality  of 
being  a  hybrid  (biol.}. 

hybridization  (hl'brldiza'shun)  n.  [L. 
hibrida,  a  cross.]  Act  or  process 
of  hybridizing  ;  state  of  being 
hybridized  (biol.}. 

hybridize  (hl'brldlz)  v.  [L.  hibrida, 
a  cross.]  To  interbreed,  to  produce 
hybrids  (biol.}. 




hydathode  (hl'dathod)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water  ;  odos,  way.]  An  epidermal 
structure  specialized  for  the  secre- 
tion of  water  (bof.). 

hydatid  (hl'datid)  n.  [Gk.  hydatis, 
watery  vesicle.]  Any  vesicle  or 
sac  filled  with  a  clear  watery-like 
fluid,  and  containing  encysted 
stages  of  the  larval  tapeworms 

hydatiform  (hldat'ff6rm)  a.  [Gk. 
hydatis,  watery  vesicle  ;  L.  forma, 
shape.]  Resembling  a  hydatid 

hydatigenous  (hi'datlj'gnus)  a.  [Gk. 
hydatis,  watery  vesicle  ;  gignesthai, 
to  produce.]  Producing  or  forming 
hydatids  (zool.). 

hydranth  (hl'dranth)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water  ;  anthos,  flower.]  A  nutri- 
tive zooid  in  a  hydroid  colony 

hydrocaulis  (hi'drok61'is)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water ;  kaulos,  stalk.]  The 
branching  vertical  portion  of  the 
coenosarc  in  a  hydroid  colony 

hydrocircus  (hl'droseVkus)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water  ;  kirkos,  circle.]  The 
hydrocoelic  ring  surrounding  the 
mouth  in  Echinoderms  (zool.). 

hydrocladia  (hl'droklad'ia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  hydor,  water ;  klados,  short.] 
The  secondary  branches  of  a 
hydrocaulis  (zool.). 

hydrocoel  (hi'drosel)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  water- 
vascular  system  in  the  Echino- 
derms (zool.). 

hydrocyst  (hfdrosist)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  A  dactylo- 
zooid  (zool). 

hydroecium  (hldre'shium)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water ;  oikos,  house.]  A 
closed  tube  at  the  upper  end  of  a 
Siphonophore  ;  an  infundibulum 

hydroid  (hl'droid)  n.,  a.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  A 
tracheid  (tot.)  ;  pert,  or  similar  to 
the  genus  hydra  ;  the  polyp  form 
of  a  Hydrozoan  (zool.). 

hydrolysis  (hldrol'isis)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water ;  lyein,  to  dissolve.]  De- 
composition of  a  chemical  com- 
pound by  the  addition  of  water 

hydrome  (hi'drom)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water ;  mestos,  full.]  Any  tissue 
that  conducts  water  (6ot.). 

hydromegatherm  (hl'dromSg'a.thgrm) 
n.  [Gk.  hydor,  water ;  mega, 
great ;  therme,  heat.]  A  plant 
which  must  have  both  moisture 
and  heat  to  develop  fully  (dot.}. 

hydrophilous  (hldrof'ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Pollinated  through  the  agency  of 
water  (dot.). 

hydrophyllium  (hl'drofil'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  One 
of  leaf-like  transparent  bodies 
arising  above  and  partly  covering 
the  sporosacs  in  a  Siphonophore 

hydrophyte  (hfdroflt)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water  ;  phyton,  plant.]  An  aquatic 

hydrophyton  (hidrof'iton)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water ;  phyton,  plant.]  A 
complete  hydroid  colony,  root- 
like  organ,  stem  and  branches 

v   (zool.). 

hydroplanula  (hi'droplan'ula)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water  ;  L.  planus,  flat.  J  A 
stage  in  the  larval  history  of  a 
Coelenterate  between  a  planula  and 
an  actinula  (zool.). 

hydropolyp  (hl'dropol'ip)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water ;  F.  polype,  polyp.] 
A  polyp  of  a  hydroid  colony ;  a 
hydrula  (zool.). 

hydropore  (hl'dropor)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water  \poros,  opening.]  The  open- 
ing into  the  right  hydrocoel  in  the 
echinoderm  larvae  (zool.). 

hydrorhiza  (hl'drorl'za)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water  ;  rhiza,  root.]  The  creeping 
root-like  portion  of  the  coenosarc 
of  a  hydroid  colony  (zool.). 

hydrosome  (hl'drosom)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water ;  soma,  body.]  The  con- 
spicuously hydra-like  stage  in  a 
coelenterate  life-history  (zool.). 

hydrospire  (hl'drdspir)  n.  [Gk.  hydor, 
water ;  L.  spira,  coil.]  The  folds 
on  the  stereom  of  blastoids  ;  re- 
spiratory structures  (pal.). 

hydrostome  (hl'drostom)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  The 
mouth  of  a  hydroid  polyp  (zool.). 

hydrotaxis  (hi'drotak'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
hydor,  water  ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
The  response  of  certain  small 




organisms  or  of  certain  organs  to 
the  stimulus  of  water  (biol.}. 
hydrotheca    (hl'drothe'ka)    n.      [Gk. 

hymen,  skin  ;  pherein,  to  carry.] 
The  hymen  portion  of  the  sporo- 
phore  of  a  fungus  (bot.}. 

hydor,    water  ;    theke,    cup.]      The      hymenopterous    (hl'me'nop'tSrus)     a. 

cup-like   structure    into  which  the 

polyp     may    withdraw,    found    in 

many  Coelenterates  ;  a  product  of 

the  ectoderm  (zool.}. 
hydrotropism  (hldrot'ropTzm)  n.    [Gk. 

hydor,    water ;     trepein,    to    turn.] 

hydrula   (hl'droola)   n.     [Gk.    hydor, 

water.]      A     hypothetical     simple 

polyp  (zool.}. 
hygrophilous    (higrof'Ilus)    a.      [Gk. 

hygros,  wet ;  philein,  to  love.]     In- 
habiting  moist   or  marshy   places 

hygrophyte  (hl'grofit)  n.    [Gk.  hygros, 

wet  ;  phyton,  plant.]     A  plant  which 

lives  and  thrives  under  conditions 

of  plentiful  moisture  (bot.}. 
hygroplasm    (hl'groplazm)   n.      [Gk. 

hygros,    wet ;   plasma,    something 

moulded.]    The   more  liquid   part. 

of    protoplasm  ;     cf.     stereoplasm. 

hygroscopic   (hi'groskop'ik)   a.     [Gk.  -^ 

hygros,   wet ;    skopein,   to   regard..3t/hyomandibular    (hf omandib'ul&r)    a. 

Sensitive  to  moisture  (bot.}.     .  *\ 

[Gk.  hymen,  skin  ;  pteron,  wing.] 
Having  membranous  wings  ;  appl. 
certain  insects  (zool.}. 

hyobranchial  (hl'obrang'kfal)  a.  [Gk. 
T ;  brangchia,  gills.]  Pert,  gills 
and  hyoid  (zool.}. 

hyoepiglottic  (hfoepiglot'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
T ;  epi,  upon  ;  glotta,  tongue.] 
Connecting  the  hyoid  and  the  epi- 
glottis (anat.}. 

hyoglossal  (h£6glos'al)  a.  [Gk.  T; 
glossa,  tongue.]  Pert,  tongue  and 
hyoid  (anat.}. 

hyoid  (hi'oid)  a.  [Gk.  hyoeides,  Y- 
shaped.]  Pert,  or  designating  a 
bone  or  series  of  bones  lying  at 
the^base  o£\the  tongue  and  de- 
veioped  4^pm  tne  hyoid  arch  of 
ine  embryo  (anat.}. 

hyoideus  (hloid'cus)  n.  [Gk.  hvocides, 
Y-»sh£ped.]  A  nerve  which  sup- 
pji^s  the  mucosa  of  the  mouth  and 

Ofche  muscles  of  the   hyoid  region 

hylophagous    (hllof'Xgus)     a. 

hyle,  wood ;  phagein,  to  eat.]  Eat- 
ing wood ;  appl.  certain  insects 

hylophyte  (hl'loflt)  n.  [Gk.  hyle, 
wood ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  plant 
growing  in  woods  (bot.}. 

hylotomous  (hllot'omus)  a.  [Gk.  hyle, 
wood ;  temnein,  to  cut.]  Wood- 
cutting ;  appl.  certain  insects 

hymen  (hi'm&n)  n.  [Gk.  hymen,  mem- 
brane.] A  thin  fold  of  mucous 
membrane  situated  at  the  orifice 
of  the  vagina  (anat.}. 

[Gk.  T  ;  L.  mandibulum,  jaw.]  Pert. 
hyoid  and  the  mandible ;  pert. 
dorsal  segment  of  the  hyoid  arch 
in  fishes  ;  n.,  the  dorsal  segment 
itself  of  the  hyoid  arch  in  fishes 

hyomental  (hi'timgn'tal)  a.  [Gk.  X  ; 
L.  mentum,  chin.]  Pert,  hyoid  and 
chin  (anat.}. 

hyoplastron  (hfoplas'tron)  n.  [Gk. 
X  ;  F.  plastron,  breast-plate.]  The 
second  lateral  plate  in  the  plastron 
of  Chelonians  (zool.}. 

hyosternum  (hfosteYnum)  n.  [Gk. 
T;  sternon,  breast.]  The  hyo- 
plastron (zool.}. 

hymenial  (hlme'nlal)  a.     [Gk.  hymen,      hyostylic     (hfostil'ik)    a.       [Gk.    X ; 

skin.]     Pert,  hymenium  (bot.}. 

hymeniferous  (hi'm6nTf'6rus)  a.  [Gk. 
hymen,  skin  ;  L.  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Having  a  hymenium  (bot.}. 

hymenium  (hl'me'nium)  n.  [Gk. 
hymen,  skin.]  The  outermost  layer 
of  a  mushroom  lamellae,  or  similar 
fungus,  consisting  of  barren  cells 
or  paraphyses  and  basidial  cells 

hymenophore   (hfmSnofor)   n.     [Gk. 

stylos,  pillar.]  Having  the  jaw 
articulated  to  the  skull  by  the 
agency  of  the  hyomandibular  or 
corresponding  part  (zool.}. 

hyothyroid  (hfothfroid)  a.  [Gk.  T  ; 
thyreos,  shield  ;  eidos,  like.]  Pert. 
the  hyoid  and  the  thyroid  cartilages 
of  the  larynx ;  appl.  structures 
associated  with  them  (zool.}. 

hypallelomorph  (hi'pal61/6m6rf)  n. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under ;  allelon,  of  one 




another ;  morphe,  shape.]  Allelo- 
morphs which  under  certain  con- 
ditions are  themselves  compound 

hypanthium  (hipan'thmm)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  anthos,  flower.]  Any 
enlargement  of  the  torus  (dot.}. 

hypanthodium  (hip'antho'dium)  n. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under ;  anthodes,  like 
flowers.]  An  inflorescence  with  a 
concave  capitulum  on  the  walls  of 
which  the  flowers  are  arranged 

hypantrum  (hipan'trum)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  antron,  cave.]  A 
notch  on  the  vertebrae  of  certain 
reptiles  for  articulation  with  the 
hyposphene  (pal.}. 

hypapophysis  (hip'apof'isis)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  apo,  upon  ;  phyein,  to 
grow.]  A  ventral  process  on  a 
vertebra  (anat.}. 

hyparterial  (hip'arte'rial)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  L.  arteria,  channel.] 
Situated  below  an  artery ;  appl. 
branch  of  the  right  bronchus 

hypaxial  (hipak'sial)  a.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  L.  axis,  axis.]  Ventral,  or 
below  the  vertebral  column  ;  appl. 
muscles  (zool.}. 

hyperapophysis  (hi'perapof'isis)  n. 
[Gk.  hyper,  above ;  apo,  from  ; 
phyein,  to  grow.]  A  postero-lateral 
process  of  the  dorsal  side  of  a 
vertebra  (zool.}. 

hyperchromasy  (hl'perkro'masT)  n. 
[Gk.  hyper,  above  ;  chroma,  colour.] 
A  relatively  superabundant  supply 
of  chromatin  to  cytoplasm  in  a  cell 

hyperchromatosis  (hi'perkro'mato'sis) 
n.  [Gk.  hyper,  above  ;  chroma, 
colour.]  The  excess  of  nuclear 
substance  in  a  cell  just  previous  to 
division  (zool.}. 

hypercoracoid  (hl'pfirkor'akoid)  a. 
[Gk.  hy^per,  above ;  korax,  crow  ; 
eidos,  like.]  Pert,  or  designating 
the  upper  bone  at  the  base  of  a 
pectoral  fin  in  Fishes  (zool.}. 

hypermetamorphosis  (hl'perme't'a- 
mor'fosis)  n.  [Gk.  hyper,  above  ; 
meta,  after ;  morphe,  shape.]  A 
protracted  and  thoroughgoing 
metamorphosis  (zool.}. 

hyperparasite  (hl'perpar'aslt)  n.    [Gk. 

hyper,  above  ;  para,  beside  ;  sites, 
food.]  A  parasite  which  is  para- 
sitic on  or  in  another  parasite 

hyperpnoea  (hl'perpne'a)  n.  [Gk. 
hyper,  above  ;  pnoe,  breath.]  Rapid 
breathing  due  to  an  insufficient 
supply  of  oxygen  (phys.}. 

hyper-sensitivity  (hl'pgrsen'sitiv'itT)  n. 
[Gk.  hyper,  above ;  L.  sentire,  to 
feel.]  A  condition  of  being  unduly 
sensitive  to  any  drug  (phys.}. 

hypertely  (hlper't&li)  n.  [Gk.  hyper, 
above  ;  telos,  end.]  Any  imitation 
in  colour  or  pattern  which  has 
overshot  the  mark  (zool.}. 

hypertonia  (hi'pgrto'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
hyper,  above ;  tonos,  tone.]  Ex- 
cessive tonicity  (phys.}. 

hypertrophy  (hlper'troff)  n.  [Gk. 
hyper,  above  ;  trophe,  nourishment.] 
An  excessive  growth  or  develop- 
ment (biol.}. 

hypha  (hi'fa)  n.  [Gk.  hyphe,  web.] 
The  thread-like  element  of  the 
vegetative  mycelium  of  a  Fungus 

hyphasma  (hifaz'ma)  n.  [Gk.  hyphas- 
ma,  thing  woven.]  A  barren 
mycelium  (bot.}. 

hyphodrome  (hl'fodrom)  n.  [Gk. 
hyphe,  web ;  dromein,  to  run.] 
Running  throughout  the  tissues  ; 
appl.  thick  leaves  where  the  veins 
are  not  visible  from  the  surface 

hypnocyst  (hlp'nosist)  n.  [Gk.  hypnos, 
sleep  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  A  cyst  in 
which  the  contained  organism 
simply  rests  (zool.}. 

hypnody  (hlp'nodl)  n.  [Gk.  hypnodia, 
sleepiness.]  The  long  resting 
period  passed  by  certain  larval 
forms  (zool.}. 

hypnogenic  (hip'nojen'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
hypnos,  sleep ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Sleep-producing  ;  appl.  influences 
or  localities  which  tend  to  produce 
hypnosis  (phys.}. 

hypnospenn  (hip'nosperm)  n.  [Gk. 
hypnos,  sleep  ;  spernia,  seed.]  A 
hypnospore  (bot.}. 

n.  [Gk.  hypnos,  sleep ;  sporos, 
seed  ;  anggeion,  vessel.]  A  spor- 
angium containing  resting  spores 




hypnospore  (hip'nospor)  //.  [Gk. 
hypnos,  sleep ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
resting  spore  ;  a  zygote  that  re- 
mains in  a  quiescent  condition 
during  winter  (dot.}. 

hypoarion  (hl'poar'ion)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  oarion,  little  egg.]  A  small 
lobe  below  the  optic  lobes  of  most 
Teleosts  (zool.). 

hypobasal  (hl'poba'sal)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  L.  basis,  base.]  The  lower 
segment  of  a  developing  ovule 

hypoblast  (hl'poblast)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under ;  blastos,  bud.]  The  inner 
germ  layer  in  a  gastrula  (emb.), 

hypoblastic  (hl'poblas'tlk)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  blastos,  bud.]  Pert. 
or  derived  from  the  inner  layer  ; 
endodermal  (biol.). 

hypobranchial  (hl'pobrang'kial)  a. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
Pert,  the  lower  or  fourth  segment 
of  the  branchial  arch  (anat.). 

hypocentrum  (hfpose'n'trum)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  kentron,  centre.]  A 
transverse  cartilage  that  arises 
below  the  nerve  cord  and  forms 
part  of  the  vertebral  centrum 

hypochilium  (hl'pokil'ium)  «.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  cheilos,  lip.]  The 
lower  portion  of  the  lip  of  an  orchid 

hypochondrium  (hl'pokon'drlum)  ;/. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under  ;  chondros,  carti- 
lage.] A  region  below  the  epigastric 
and  above  the  lumbar  (anat.). 

hypochordal  (hl'pokor'dal)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  chorde,  string.]  Below 
the  notochord  (anat). 

hypocleidium  (hi'pokli'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  kleis,  key.]  The 

hypocone  (hi'pokon)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  konos,  cone.]  The  postero- 
internal  cusp  of  an  upper  molar 

hypoconid  (hi'poko'nid)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  konos,  cone.]  The  postero- 
buccal  cusp  of  a  lower  molar 

hypoconulid  (hl'pokon'ulid)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  konos,  cone.]  The 
postero-mesial  cusp  of  a  lower 
molar  (zool.). 

hypocoracoid  (hfpokor'akoid)  a.    [Gk. 

under  ;  korax,  crow  ;  eiiios, 
like.]  Pert,  the  lower  bone  at  the 
base  of  the  pectoral  fin  in  Fishes 

hypocotyl  (hi'pokot'il)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  kotyle,  hollow.]  That  por- 
tion of  the  stem  below  the  coty- 
ledons in  an  embryo  (emb.). 

a.  [Gk.  hypo,  under  ;  kotyle,  hol- 
low.] Below  the  cotyledons 

hypocrateriform  (hi'pokrater'iform)  a. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under  ;  krater,  cup  ;  L. 
forma,  shape.]  Having  a  gamo- 
petalous  corolla  with  a  long  narrow 
tube,  and  the  limbs  at  right  angles 
-  to  the  tube  (bot.). 

hypodactylum  (hl'podak'tilum)  n. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under  ;  daktylos,  digit.] 
The  under  surface  of  a  bird's  toes 

hypodenna  (hi'podeYma)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  derma,  skin.]  The 
tissue  just  under  the  epidermis  in 

hypodermal  (hl'poder'mal)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  derma,  skin.]  Pert. 
the  hypoderma  or  hypodermis 

hypodermalia  (hl'poderma'lTa)  n. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under ;  derma,  skin.] 
Sponge  spicules  situated  just  below 
the  derma  or  skin  (zool.). 

hypodermic  (hi'podeYmik)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  L.  dennis,  skin.] 
Pert,  the  parts  just  under  the  skin 

hypodermis  (hl'podgr'mis)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  L.  dermis,  skin.]  The 
cellular  layer  lying  beneath  and 
secreting  the  cuticle  of  the  Annu- 
lata,  Arthropoda,  etc.  ;  the  hypo- 
blast  (zool.)  ;  hypodema  (bot.). 

hypodicrotic  (rifpodikrot'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  di,  two  ;  krotein,  to 
beat.]  Exhibiting  the  phenomenon 
of  having  two  arterial  beats  for  the 
one  cardiac  (phys.). 

hypogastric  (hl'pogas'trlk)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  gaster,  belly.]  Pert. 
the  lower  median  region  of  the 
abdomen  (anat.). 

hypogastrium  (hi'pogas'trium)  ». 
[Gk.  hypo,  under  ;  gaster,  belly.] 
The  lower  median  region  of  the 
abdomen  (anat.). 




hypogeal  (hl'pqje'al)  a.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;gaia,  earth.]  Subterranean  ; 
appl.  stems,  etc.  (dot.). 

hypogenesis  (hfpojgn'gsis)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  genesis,  origin.]  De- 
velopment without  alternation  of 
generations  occurring  (bzol.). 

hypogenous  (hlpoj'e'nus)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  genos,  birth.]  Grow- 
ing on  the  lower  surface  of  anything 

hypogeous  (hi'poje'us)  a.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  ge,  earth.]  Growing  or 
maturing  under  the  earth  (hot., 

hypoglossal  (hl'poglos'al)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  glossa,  tongue.]  The 
twelfth  paired  cranial  nerve,  dis- 
tributed to  the  base  of  the  tongue 

hypoglottis  (hl'poglot'is)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  glotta,  tongue.]  The 
under  part  of  the  tongue  (anat.) ; 
a  division  of  the  labium  of  beetles 

hypognathous  (hl'pogna'thus,  hipog'- 
nathus)  a.  [Gk.  hypo,  under ; 
gnathos,  jaw.]  Having  the  lower 
jaw  slightly  longer  than  the  upper 

hypogynium  (hi'pqjin'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  gyne,  female.]  That 
structure  which  supports  the  ovary 
in  such  plants  as  sedges  (bot.). 

hypogynous  (hipqj'inus)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  gyne,  female.]  In- 
serted below  the  gynoecium,  and 
not  adherent  ;  cf.  perigynous 

hypohyal  (hl'pohl'al)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.]  The 
hyoid  element  lying  between  the 
ceratohyal  and  the  basihyal  (anat.). 

hypoischium  (hl'pois'kTum)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  ischion,  hip.]  A  small 
bony  rod  passing  backwards  from 
the  ischiadic  symphysis  and  sup- 
porting the  ventral  cloacal  wall 

hypomere  (hl'pomer)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under ;  meros,  part.]  The  lower 
or  lateral  plate  zone  of  the  coelomic 
pouches  (emb.\ 

hypomeron  (hlporn'e'ron)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  meros,  part.]  The 
lateral  inflexed  side  of  a  coleopter- 
ous prothorax  (zool.). 

hyponasty  (hl'ponas'ti)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  nastos,  close-pressed.]  The 
state  of  growth  in  a  flattened 
structure  in  which  the  under  surface 
grows  more  vigorously  than  the 
upper  (bot.). 

hyponome  (hl'ponom)  n.  [Gk.  hypo- 
nome,  underground  passage.]  The 
funnel  of  the  Cephalopods  (zool., 

hyponychium  (hi'ponik'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  onyx,  nail.]  The 
layer  of  epidermis  on  which  the 
nail  rests  (anat.}. 

hypopetalous  (hl'popet'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  petalon,  petal.]  Hav- 
ing the  corolla  inserted  below  and 
not  adherent  to  the  gynoecium 

hypophare  (hi'pofar)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  The 
lower  part  of  the  sponge  in  which 
there  are  no  chambers  ;  cf.  spongo- 
phare  (zool.). 

hypopharyngeal  (hi'pofarin'jeal,  -far'- 
inje'al)  a.  [Gk.  hypo,  under ; 
pharynx,  pharynx.]  Pert,  or  situ- 
ated below  or  in  the  lower  surface 
of  the  pharynx  (zool.). 

hypopharynx  (hl'pofar'ingks)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  pharynx,  pharynx.] 
The  lingua  of  many  insects  ;  in 
mosquitoes,  an  outgrowth  from  the 
base  of  the  labium  which  bears  the 
salivary  groove  or  duct  (zool.). 

hypophloeodal  (hi'pofle'odal)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  phloios,  bark.]  Liv- 
ing or  growing  under  the  bark 

hypophyllium  (hi'poffl'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  A 
scale-like  leaf  below  a  cladophyll 

hypophysial  (hl'pofiz'ial)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  physis,  growth.] 
Pert,  the  hypophysis  (anat.). 

hypophysis  (hlpof'isis)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  physis,  growth.]  The  pitu- 
itary body  (anat.)  ;  the  olfactory 
pit  in  the  lancelet  (zool.) ;  the  last 
cell  of  the  suspensor  (bot.). 

hypoplastron  (hl'poplas'tron)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  F.  plastron,  shield.] 
The  third  lateral  bony  plate  in  the 
plastron  of  turtles  (zool,). 

hypopodium  (hfpopo'dium)  «.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  podion,  little  foot.] 




The  basal  portion  of  any  leaf,  in- 
cluding the  stalk  (dot.). 

hypoptilum  (hlpop'tllum)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  ptilon,  down.]  The 
after-shaft  (zool.}. 

hypopygium  (hl'pdplg'mm,  hfpopi'- 
jmm)  n.  [Gk.  hypo,  under ;  pyge, 
buttocks.]  The  clasping  organ  of 
a  male  dipterous  insect  (zool.}. 

hyporachis  (hi'pora'kis)  «.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  rhachis,  spine.]  The  stem 
of  the  after-shaft  of  a  feather 

hyporhachis, — see  hyporachis. 

hyposkeletal  (hrposkel'Stal)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  skeletos,  hard.]  Lying 
beneath  or  internally  to  the  endo- 
skeleton  (zool.}. 

hyposphene  (hi'posfen)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under ;  sphen,  wedge.]  A  wedge- 
shaped  process  on  the  neural  arch 
of  the  vertebrae  of  certain  extinct 
reptiles  which  fits  into  the  hypan- 
trum  (pal.}. 

hypostereom  (hl'posteYeom)  «.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  stereos,  solid.]  The 
third  or  inner  layer  of  the  thecal 
plates  of  a  Cyst  id  ;  the  inner  layer 
of  the  integument  of  a  Crinoid 

hypostoma  (hi'posto'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  sfoma,  mouth.]  The 
fold  bounding  the  posterior  margin 
of  the  oral  aperture  in  Crustacea  ; 
the  oral  projection  or  manubrium 
of  a  Hydrozoan  (zool.}. 

hypostomatous  (hfpostom'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
Having  the  mouth  placed  on  the 
lower  or  ventral  side  (zool.}. 

hypostome, — see  hypostoma. 

hypotarsus  (hl'potar'sus)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  tarsus,  ankle.]  The 
"  calcaneum  "  of  a  bird  (zool.}. 

hypothalamus(hl'potharamus)«.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under;  thalamos,  chamber.] 
The  subthalamic  tegmental  region 
and  the  structures  forming  the 
greater  part  of  the  floor  of  the 
third  ventricle  (anat.}. 

hypothallus  (hl'pothal'us)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  thallus,  flattened 
plate.]  The  marginal  hyphal  out- 
growth ;  a  membranous  case  bear- 
ing sporangia  (bot.}. 

hypothecium  (hl'pothe'sTum,  -shlum) 
«.  [Gk.  hypo,  under  ;  theke,  cup.] 

The  layer  of  dense  hyphal  threads 
below  the  thecium  in  Lichens  ;  the 
upper  layer  of  the  ascoma  (bot.}. 

hypothenar  (hi'pothe'nar)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  thenar,  palm  of  the 
hand.]  Pert,  the  prominent  part 
of  the  palm  of  the  hand  above  the 
base  of  the  little  finger  (anat.}. 

hypothetical  units,  —  the  ultimate 
component  parts  of  protoplasm ; 
ultracellular  units  ranking  between 
the  molecule  and  the  cell ;  also 
called  variously,  physiological  units, 
pangens,  gemmules,  biophores, 
bioblasts,  somacules,  idiosomes,  pla- 
somes,  micellae,  plastidules,  inotag- 
mata,  idioblasts,  biogens,  gemmae, 
and  microzymas  (biol.}. 

hypotonic  (hfpotSn'ik)  a.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under ;  tonos,  tension.]  Appl.  a 
solution  whose  osmotic  pressure  is 
less  than  that  of  serum  (phys.}. 

hypotrichous  (hlpot'rlkus)  a.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under  ;  thrtx,  hair.]  Pert. 
Infusorians  in  which  the  cilia  are 
mainly  restricted  to  the  under  sur- 
face, and  often  form  strong  seta- 
like  structures  (zool.}. 

hypotrochanteric  (hl'potrok'anteVik) 
a.  [Gk.  hypo,  under ;  trochanter, 
runner.]  Beneath  the  trochanter 

hypotympanic  (hr'potlm'panik)  a. 
[Gk.  hypo,  under ;  L.  tympanum, 
drum.]  Situated  below  the  tym- 
panum ;  pert,  the  quadrate  (anat.}. 

hypoxanthin  (hfpozan'thln)  n.  [Gk. 
hypo,  under ;  xanthos,  yellow.  J  A 
crystalline  nitrogenous  substance 
found  in  muscle  tissue  and  in  some 
seeds  (phys.}. 

hypozygal  (hfpozl'gal)  n.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under  ;  zygon,  yoke.]  The  lower 
ossicle  of  a  syzygial  pair  bearing  no 
pinnule  (zool.}. 

hypselodont  (hlp'selodont)  a.  [Gk. 
hypsi,  high  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Hypso- 

hypsodont  (hlp'sodont)  a.  [Gk. 
hypsos,  height ;  odous,  tooth.]  Pert. 
or  designating  teeth  with  high 
crowns  and  short  roots  (zool.}. 

hypsophyll  (hip'sofll)  n.  [Gk.  hypsi, 
high  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Any  leaf 
beneath  the  sporophylls  (bot.}. 

hypural  (hlp'ural)  a.  [Gk.  hypo, 
under ;  oura,  tail.]  Pert,  a  bony 




structure,  formed  by  the  fused 
haemal  spines  of  the  last  few 
vertebrae,  which  supports  the  caudal 
fin  in  certain  Fishes  (zool). 
hysterogenic  (his'terojen'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
hysteros,  later  ;  genos,  birth.]  Of 
later  development  or  growth  (zool.}. 


ichthyic  (ik'thnk)  a.  [Gk.  ichthys, 
fish.]  Pert,  or  characteristic  of 
Fishes  (zool.). 

ichthyoid  (ik'thioid)  a., — ichthyic. 

ichthy elite  (ik'thidllt)  n.  [Gk.  ichthys, 
fish  ;  lithos,  stone.]  A  fossil  fish  or 
part  of  one  (pal.). 

ichthyology  (ikthiol'oji)  n.  [Gk. 
ichthys,  fish  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
That  part  of  zoology  treating  of 

ichthyopterygia  (ik'thiopterij'ia)  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  ichthys,  fish  ;  pteryx, 
wing  or  fin.]  Paired  fish  fins 

icosandrous  (I'kosan'drus)  a.  [Gk. 
eikosi,  twenty  ;  aner,  man.]  Having 
twenty  or  more  stamens  (pot.). 

id  (id)  n.  [Gk.  idios,  distinct.]  A 
hypothetical  structural  unit ;  the 
chromomere  (cyt.). 

idant  (1'dant)  n.  [Gk.  idios,  distinct.] 
A  unit  resulting  from  an  aggrega- 
tion of  ids  ;  the  chromosome  (cyt.). 

idioblast  (id'ioblast)  n.  [Gk.  idios, 
distinct  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  bio- 
phore  ;  an  ultimate  cell  unit.  See 
hypothetical  units. 

idiochromatin  (id'iokro'matin)  n.  [Gk. 
idios,  distinct  ;  chroma,  colour.] 
Temporarily  dormant  generative 
chromatin  ;  cf.  trophochromatin 

idiochromidia  (id'iokromld'ia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  idios,  distinct ;  chroma,  colour.] 
Sporetia  ;  generative  chromidia  ; 
cf.  trophochromidia  (cyt.). 

idiochromosome  (id'iokro'mosom)  n, 
[Gk.  idios,  distinct ;  chroma,  colour  ; 
soma,  body.]  An  additional  chromo- 
some with  a  relation  to  sex,  ob- 
served in  certain  germ  cells — one  or 
more  may  be  present  (cyt.). 

idiomuscular  (id'fomus'kular)  a.    [Gk. 

idios,  personal ;  L.  musculus, 
muscle.]  Appl.  contraction  of  a 
degenerated  muscle  artificially 
stimulated  (phys.). 

idioplasm  (id'ioplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
idios,  distinct  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  Chromatin  ;  the  genera- 
tive or  germinal  part  of  a  cell ;  cf. 
trophoplasm  (cyt.). 

icliosome  (id'iosom)  n.  [Gk.  idios, 
distinct ;  soma,  body.]  An  idio- 
blast or  biophore.  See  hypotheti- 
cal units. 

idiothalamous  (id'iothal'amus)  a. 
[Gk.  idios,  personal ;  thalamos, 
receptacle.]  Appl.  Lichens  in 
which  various  parts  are  differently 
coloured  from  the  thallus  (bot.). 

idiothermous  (id'iother'mus)  a.  [Gk. 
idios,  personal  ;  thermos,  hot.] 
Warm  -  blooded  ;  homoiothermal 

idiozome  (id'ib'zom)  n.  [Gk.  idios, 
distinct  ;  zoma,  girdle.]  In  sper- 
matogenesis  a  separated  portion  of 
archoplasm  which  ultimately  be- 
comes the  head-cap  of  the  sperma- 
tozoon (cyt.). 

idorgan  (idor'gan)  n.  [Gk.  idios, 
distinct ;  organon,  instrument.]  A 
purely  morphological  multicellular 
unit  which  does  not  possess  the 
features  of  a  soma  (biol.). 

ileocaecal  (H'eose'kal)  a.  [L.  ileum, 
groin  ;  caecus,  blind.]  Pert,  ileum 
and  caecum ;  appl.  fossae,  folds, 
etc.  (anat.). 

ileocolic  (il'eokol'fk)  a.  [L.  ileum, 
groin  ;  kolon,  the  gut.]  Pert,  ileum 
and  colon ;  appl.  artery,  lymph 
gland,  etc.  (anat.). 

ileum  (il'eum)  n.  [L.  ileum,  groin.] 
The  lower  part  of  the  small  in- 
testine (anat.). 

iliac  (Il'lak)  a.  [L.  ilia,  flanks.]  Pert. 
ilium,  a  pelvic  bone  ;  appl.  artery, 
fossa,  furrow,  tuberosity,  vein, 
muscle,  etc.  (anat.). 

iliocaudal  (Il'ioko'dal)  a.  [L.  ilia, 
flanks ;  cauda,  tail.]  Connecting 
ilium  and  tail  ;  appl.  muscle  (anat.). 

iliococcygeal  (iliokok'sije'al,  -koksij'- 
eal)  a.  [L.  ilia,  flanks  ;  Gk.  kokkyx, 
cuckoo.]  Pert,  ilium  and  coccyx  ; 
appl.  a  muscle  (anat.). 

iliocostal  (Tl'fokos'tal)  a.  [L.  ilia, 
flanks  ;  costa,  rib.]  In  region  of 




ilia  and  ribs  ;  appl.  several  muscles 

iliofemoral  (Tl'iofgm'oral)  a.  [L.  ilia, 
flanks  ;  femur,  thigh.]  Pert,  the 
ilium  and  femur ;  appl.  a  ligament 

iliohypogastric  (Tl'iohl'pogas'trik)  a. 
[L.  ilia,  flanks  ;  Gk.  hypo,  under  ; 
gaster,  belly.]  Pert,  ilium  and 
lower  anterior  part  of  the  abdomen ; 
appl.  a  nerve  (anaf.). 

ilioinguinal  (il'ibin'gwlnal)  a.  [L. 
ilia,  flanks  ;  in%uen,  the  groin.]  In 
the  region  of  ilium  and  groins  ; 
appl.  a  nerve  (anaf.). 

illolumbar  (il'Iolum'bar)  a.  [L.  ilia, 
flanks  ;  lumbus,  loins.]  In  region 
of  ilium  and  loins  ;  appl.  artery, 
ligament,  vein  (anaf.). 

iliopectineal  (Tl'fope'ktin'eal)  a.  [L. 
ilia,  flanks  ;  pecten,  crest.]  Appl. 
an  eminence  marking  the  point  of 
union  of  ilium  and  pubis  (anaf.). 

iliotibial  (il'iotib'ial)  a.  [L.  ilia, 
flanks  ;  tibia,  pipe.]  Appl.  a  tract 
or  band  of  muscle  at  the  lower  end 
of  the  thigh  (anaf.). 

iliotrochanteric  (il'iotrokanter'ik)  a. 
[L.  ilia,  flanks  ;  Gk.  trochanter,  a 
runner.]  Uniting  ilium  and  tro- 
chanter of  femur  ;  appl.  a  ligament 

ilium  (Ilium)  n.  [L.  ilium,  flank.] 
That  part  of  the  hip-bone  supporting 
the  flank  (anaf.) ;  the  dorsal  bone, 
articulating  with  the  backbone,  of 
the  pelvic  arch  (zoo/.). 

imaginal  (imaj'inal)  a.  [L.  imago, 
image.]  Pert,  an  imago  ;  appl. 
larval  discs,  patches  of  cells  from 
which  new  organs  develop  (zool.). 

imago  (Ima'go)  n.  [L.  imago,  image.] 
The  last  or  adult  stage  in  insect 
metamorphosis  ;  the  perfect  insect 

imbricate  (im'brikat)  a.  [L.  imbricare, 
to  tile.]  Having  parts  overlying 
each  other  like  house-tiles  ;  appl. 
scales,  plates,  etc.  (zool.} ;  bud- 
scales,  bracts,  etc.  (hot}. 

imitative  (im'itativ)  a.  [L.  imitari, 
to  imitate.]  Appl.  form,  structure, 
habit,  colouring,  etc.,  assumed  for 
protection  (zool}. 

immaculate  (fmak'ulat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not  ;  macula,  spot.]  Without  spots 
or  marks  of  different  colour. 

immunise  (Tm'unlz,  imu'nlz)  v.  [L. 
immunis,  free.]  To  render  invul- 
nerable to  a  toxin,  usually  by 
injecting  the  toxin  in  small  quanti- 
ties at  short  intervals,  without  the 
appearance  of  severe  symptoms 

immunity  (imu'nTt!)  n.  [L.  immunis, 
free  from  duty.]  An  organism's 
resistance,  natural  or  acquired,  to 
the  onset  of  pathological  conditions 
from  infection,  natural  or  artificial, 
by  any  of  the  micro-organisms 

imparidigitate  (impar'idij'itat)  a.  [L. 
impar,  unequal ;  digitus,  finger.] 
Having  an  odd  number  of  digits 
on  a  limb  (zool}. 

imparipinnate  (impar'ipin'at)  a.  [L. 
impar,  unequal  ; pinna,  wing.]  Un- 
equally pinnate  ;  pinnate  with  an 
odd  terminal  leaflet  (hot}. 

imperfect  metamorphosis, — see  in- 

imperforate  (ImpeVforat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not  ;  per,  through  ;  foratus,  bored.] 
Not  pierced ;  appl.  foraminifera 
shells  without  fine  pores  in  addition 
to  principal  opening  (zool.}. 

impervious  (TmpeVvIus)  a.  [L.  in, 
not ;  per,  through  ;  via,  way.]  Not 
permeable  (biol}  ;  appl.  nostrils 
with  a  septum  between  the  nasal 
cavities  (zool}. 

import  (im'port)  n.  [L.  importare,  to 
bring  in.]  A  method  of  food- 
ingestion  in  Amoeba,  food  being 
drawn  in  on  contact  (phys}. 

impregnation  (im'prggna'shun)  n.  [L. 
impraegnare,  to  fertilize.]  Trans- 
ference of  spermatozoa  from  male 
to  body  of  female. 

impression  (impre'sh'on)  n.  [L.  in, 
into  ;  premere,  to  press.]  An  in- 
dentation mark  resulting  from  con- 
tact of  organs  or  pressure  of  one 
on  another,  as  those  on  the  surfaces 
of  the  liver,  the  rhomboid  of  the 
clavicle,  the  trigeminal  of  the 
temporal  (anaf.). 

inantherate  (Inan'thgrat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not  ;  Gk.  antheros,  flowery.]  With- 
out anthers  (bot}. 

inarticulate  (Tnartik'ulat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not ;  articulatus,  jointed.]  Not 
segmented  (biol}. 

inaxon  (inak'son)  n.     [Gk.  is,  fibre  ; 




axon,  axis.]  A  nerve-cell  with  axis- 
cylinder  branching  at  a  distance 
from  it  (phys.). 

inbreeding, — breeding  through  a  suc- 
cession of  parents  belonging  to  the 
same  stock,  or  very  nearly  related 

incaliculate  (Tnkalik'ulat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not ;  caliculus,  small  flower-cup.] 
Wanting  a  calicle  (zoo!.). 

incasement  theory, — see  preforma- 
tion  theory. 

incised  (TnsTzd')  a.  [L.  incisus,  cut 
into.]  With  deeply  notched  margin 

incisiform  (insl'zif6rm)  a.  [L.  incisus, 
cut  into  ;  forma,  shape.  J  Incisor- 

incisive  (insl'zlv)  a.  [L.  incisus,  cut 
into.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region  of  the 
incisors ;  appl.  bones,  foramina, 
fossa,  canals  (anat.}. 

incisor  (Insfzor)  a.  [L.  incisus,  cut 
into.]  Adapted  for  cutting— appl. 
mammalian  premaxillary  teeth  ;  n. 
a  crest  or  ridge  of  bone  (anat.}. 

included  (inklood'e'd)  a.  [L.  includere, 
to  shut  in.]  Having  stamens  and 
pistils  not  protruding  beyond  the 
corolla  ;  not  exserted  (hot.}. 

incomplete  metamorphosis, — insect 
metamorphosis  in  which  the  young 
are  hatched  in  the  general  adult 
form  and  develop  without  a  quies- 
cent stage  (zoo/.). 

incongruent  (Tnkong'grooent)  a.  [L. 
incongruens,  not  suiting.]  Not 
suitable  or  fitting  ;  appl.  surface  of 
joints  which  do  not  fit  properly 

incoordination  (in'koor'dina'shun)  n. 
[L.  in,  not ;  cum,  together ;  ordo, 
order.]  Want  of  coordination ; 
irregularity  of  movement  due  to 
loss  of  muscle  control  (phys.}. 

incrassate  (mkras'at)  a.  [L.  incras- 
sare,  to  thicken.]  Thickened. 

incubation  (in'kuba'shun)  n.  [L.  in- 
cubare,  to  lie  on.]  The  hatching  of 
eggs  by  means  of  heat,  natural  or 
artificial  (emb.}. 

incubous  (in'kubus)  a.  [L.  incubare, 
to  lie  on.].  Appl.  leaves  so  arranged 
that  the  base  of  each  is  covered  by 
the  upper  portion  of  the  next  lower 

incudate    (mg'kudat)   a.      [L.   incus, 

anvil.]  Appl.  type  of  Rotifer  mastax 
with  large  and  hooked  rami  and 
reduced  mallei  (zoo/.). 

incumbent  (mkum'bent)  a.  [L.  in- 
cumbere,  to  lie  upon.]  Lying  upon  ; 
bent  downwards  to  lie  along  a  base  ; 
appl.  cotyledons  with  hypocotyl 
applied  to  the  back  (bot.}  ;  appl. 
hairs  or  spines  applied  lengthwise 
to  their  base  (zoo/.). 

incurrent  (inkur'gnt)  a.  [L.  in,  into  ; 
currere,  to  run.]  Leading  into  ; 
appl.  ectoderm  -  lined  canals  of 
Sponges  which  admit  water  ;  and 
inhalent  siphons  of  Molluscs  (zool.}. 

incurvate  (Inkur'vat)  a.  [L.  in,  in  ; 
curvus,  bend.]  Of  a  structure, 
curved  inwards  or  bent  back  on 

incurvation  (m'kiirva'shun)  n.  [L. 
in,  in  ;  curvare,  to  bend.]  The 
doubling  back  on  itself  of  a  struc- 
ture or  organ,  as  of  a  spirochaete 
about  to  divide  (zoo!.). 

incus  (ing'kus)  n.  [L.  incus,  anvil.] 
Part  of  a  Rotifer  mastax  ;  the  anvil- 
shaped  ear  ossicle  of  Mammals 

indeciduate  (Tn'desid'uat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not  ;  de,  down  ;  cadere,  to  fall.] 
Non-caducous  ;  with  maternal  part 
of  placenta  not  coming  away  at 
birth  (zoo/.). 

indeciduous  (Tn'desTd'uus)  a.  [L.  in, 
not  ;  de,  down  ;  cadere,  to  fall.] 
Persistent  ;  not  falling  off  at 
maturity  ;  everlasting  ;  evergreen 

indefinite  (indef'init)  a.  [L.  in,  not  ; 
de,  down  ;  finis,  end.]  Not  limited  ; 
not  determinate  ;  of  no  fixed  number 

indehiscent  (in'dehis'ent)  a.  [L.  in, 
not;  dehiscens,  gaping.]  Not  split- 
ting at  maturity  ;  appl.  certain  fruits 

indeterminate  growth,  —  growth  of 
stem,  branch  or  shoot  not  limited 
or  stopped  by  development  of  a 
terminal  bud  ;  indefinite  prolonga- 
tion and  subdivision  of  an  axis 

indeterminate  inflorescence,  — 

growth  of  a  floral  axis  by  indefinite 
branching  because  unlimited  by 
development  of  a  terminal  bud 





index  finger, — the  forefinger  or  digit 
next  to  the  thumb. 

indifferent  (indif'e're'nt)  a.  [L.  in, 
not ;  dis,  apart ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 

indigenous  (indfj'enus)  a.  [L.  in,  in  ; 
gignere,  to  beget.]  Belonging  to 
the  locality  ;  not  imported  (biol.). 

indirect  (In'dlrgkt)  a.  [L.  in,  not ; 
directus,  straightened.]  Not  by  a 
simple  method  ;  complicated  ;  appl. 
development,  mitosis,  selection,  em- 
bryogeny  (biol.). 

individual  (in'divid'ual)  a.  [L.  in, 
not ;  dividuus,  divisible.]  Pert,  a 
single  example  or  unit,  as  indi- 
vidual variations  of  colour  (biol.) ; 
n.  a  person  or  zooid  of  distinctive 
function  of  a  hydrozoan  colony 

individualism  (m'divTd'ualizm)  n.    [L. ' 
in,  not ;  dividuus,  divisible.]     Sym- 
biosis  in   which    the    two    parties 
together  form  what  appears  to  be 
a  single  organism  (biol.). 

indlviduation  (in'divTdua'shiin), — de- 
velopment of  interdependent  func- 
tional units,  as  in  colony  formation 

induced  movement, — movement  dic- 
tated and  influenced  by  external 
stimulus,  as  plant  curvature  (bot.). 

inductive  stimulus, — an  external 
stimulus  which  influences  the 
growth  or  behaviour  of  any  organ- 
ism (biol.). 

indumentum  (In'dumen'tum)  n.  [L. 
indumentum,  covering.]  The  plum- 
age of  birds ;  a  hairy  covering 

induplicate  (indu'plikat)  a.  [L.  in, 
in  ;  duplex,  double.]  In  vernation 
having  bud-leaves  bent  or  rolled 
without  overlapping  ;  in  aestivation 
having  bud  sepals  or  petals  folded 
inwards  at  points  of  contact  (bot.). 

induplicative  (indu'plikatTv)  a.  [L. 
in,  in  ;  duplex,  double.]  Appl. 
vernation  or  aestivation  with  in- 
duplicate  foliage  or  floral  leaves 
respectively  (hot.}. 

indusial  (indu'zlal)  a.  [L.  induere,  to 
put  on.]  Containing  larval  insect 
cases,  as  certain  limestones  (pal.) ; 
pert,  the  indusium  (bot.). 

indusiate  (indu'zfat)  a.  [L.  indriere, 
to  put  on.]  Having  an  enveloping 

case,  appl.  insect  larvae  (zool.) ; 
having  an  indusium  (bot.). 

indusiform  (mdu'ziform)  a.  [L.  in- 
duere, to  put  on  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Resembling  an  indusium  (bot.). 

indusium  (indu'zium)  n.  [L.  induere, 
to  put  on.]  An  insect  larva  case 
(zool.) ;  an  outgrowth  of  plant  epi- 
derm  covering  and  protecting  a 
sorus  (bot.) ;  the  supracallosal  gyrus 
of  the  olfactory  lobe  of  the  cere- 
brum, the  indusium  griseum 

induviae  (indu'vie)  n.plu.  [L.  induere, 
to  put  on.]  Scale-leaves,  or  those 
which  remain  attached  to  stem 
after  withering  (bot.). 

induviate  (indu'viat)  a.  [L.  induere, 
to  put  on.]  Covered  with  scale- 
leaves  or  induviae  (bot.). 

inequilateral  (Ine'k'wllat'e'ral)  a.  [L. 
in,  not ;  aequus,  equal ;  latus,  side.] 
Having  two  sides  unequal ;  having 
unequal  portions  on  either  side  of 
a  line  drawn  from  umbo  to  gape  of 
a  bivalve  shell  (zool.). 

inequilobate  (ingk'wllo'bat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not  ;  aequus,  equal  ;  Gk.  lobos, 
lobe.]  With  lobes  of  unequal  size 

inequivalve  (Tngk'wivalv)  a.  [L.  in, 
not  ;  aequus,  equal ;  -ualvae,  folding 
doors.]  Having  the  two  valves  or 
halves  of  the  shell  unequal ;  appl. 
Mollusca  (zool.}. 

inerm  (ine"rm')  a.  [L.  in,  not  ;  arma, 
arms.]  Unarmed  ;  without  means 
of  defence  and  offence  (biol.). 

inermous  (ineYmus)  «., — inerm. 

inferior  (mfe'rlor)  a.  [L.  inferior, 
lower.]  Appl.  the  lower  placed  of 
two,  the  farther  down  the  axis ; 
growing  or  arising  below  another 
organ  (bot.). 

inferoanterior  (tn'fgroante'rior)  a.  [L. 
inferus, beneath;  anterior,  anterior.] 
Below  and  in  front  (biol.). 

inf erobranchiate  (in'f  grobrang'klat) a. 
[L.  inferus,  beneath  ;  Gk.  brangchia, 
gills.]  With  gills  under  the  margin 
of  the  mantle,  as  in  certain  Mollusca 

inferolateral  (In'fe'rolat'e'ral)  a.  [L. 
inferus,  beneath  ;  latus,  side.] 
Below  and  at  or  towards  the  side 

inferomedian  (in'fe"r6me'dlan)  a.     [L. 




inferus,  beneath  ;  medius,  middle.] 
Below  and  about  the  middle. 

inferoposterior  (m'feroposte'rior)  a. 
[L.  inferus,  beneath  ;  posterior, 
behind.]  Below  and  behind. 

inferradial  (in'ferra'dial)  n.  [L.  in- 
ferus, beneath ;  radius,  radius.] 
The  lower  part  of  transversely  bi- 
sected radials  of  certain  fossil 
Crinoids  (pal.). 

inflated  (infla.'te'd)  a.  [L.  in,  into  ; 
flare,  to  blow.]  Puffed  out ;  dis- 
tended (bot.). 

inflected  (inflek'ted)  a.  [L.  inflectere, 
to  bend  in.]  Curved  or  abruptly 
bent  inwards  or  towards  the  axis 

inflexed  (mflek'sd)  a., — inflected. 

inflorescence  (m'flores'ens)  n.  [L.  in- 
florescere,  to  begin  to  blossom.]  A 
flowering  or  putting  forth  blossoms  ; 
the  method  in  which  flowers  are 
arranged  on  an  axis  (dot.}. 

infraaxillary  (in'fraaksil'ari)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below ;  axilla,  armpit.] 
Branching  off  below  the  axil  (bot.). 

inftabasal  (m'fraba'sal)  n.  [L.  infra, 
below;  basis,  base.]  One  of  a  series 
of  plates,  perradial  in  position, 
below  the  basals  in  Crinoids  (zool.). 

infrabranchial  (in'frabrang'kial)  a. 
[L.  infra,  below ;  Gk.  brangchia, 
gills.]  Below  the  gills  ;  appl.  part 
of  the  pallial  chamber  (zool.). 

infracentral  (in'frasen'tral)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below ;  centrum,  centre.] 
Below  a  vertebral  centrum  (zool.). 

infraclavicle  (m'fraklav'ikl)  n.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  clavicula,  little  key.] 
A  membrane  bone  occurring  in  the 
pectoral  girdle  of  some  Ganoids  and 
Teleosts  (zool.). 

infraclavicular  (in'fraklavik'ular)  a. 
[L.  infra,  below  ;  clamcula,  small 
key.]  Beneath  the  clavicle  ;  appl. 
branches  of  brachial  plexus  (anat.). 

infracortical  (m'frakor'tlkal)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below ;  cortex,  bark.]  Be- 
neath the  cortex  (anat.). 

infracostal  (in'frakos'tal)  a.  [L.  infra, 
below ;  costa,  rib.]  Beneath  the 
ribs  ;  appl.  muscles  (anat.). 

infradentary  (in'fraden'tari)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  dens,  tooth.]  Beneath 
the  dentary  bone  (anat.). 

infraglenoid  (in'fragle'noid)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  Gk.  glene,  socket  ; 

eidos,  like.]  Below  the  glenoid 
fossa  ;  appl.  a  tuberosity  (anat.). 

infrahyoid  (m'frahl'oid)  a.  [L.  infra, 
below  ;  Gk.  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
Beneath  the  hyoid  ;  appl.  muscles 

infralabial  (in'frala'bial)  a.  [L.  infra, 
below  ;  labium,  lip.]  Beneath  the 
lower  lip  (anat.). 

inframarginal  (in'framar'jinal)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  margo,  margin.] 
Under  the  margin,  or  marginal 
structure  ;  appl.  a  cerebral  convolu- 
tion (anat.)  ;  appl.  certain  plates  on 
the  carapace  of  Chelonians  below 
the  marginals  ;  appl.  the  lower  of 
two  series  of  plates  round  the 
margin  of  stelleroid  arms  and 
discs  (zool.). 

inframaxillary  (in'framaksirarl)  a. 
[L.  infra,  below  ;  maxilla,  jaw.] 
Situated  beneath  the  maxilla;  appl. 
nerves  (zool.). 

infraorbital  (m'fraor'bital)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  orbis,  circle.]  Be- 
neath the  orbit  ;  appl.  artery,  canal, 
foramen,  groove,  nerve,  etc.  (anat.). 

infrapatellar  (in'frapatel'ar)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  patella,  knee-cap.] 
Appl.  a  pad  of  fat  beneath  the 
patella  (anat.). 

infrascapular  (in'fraskap'ular)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  scapula,  shoulder- 
blade.]  Beneath  the  scapula ;  appl. 
artery  (anat.). 

infraspinatous  (m'fraspl'natus)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  sptna,  spine.]  Be- 
neath the  spine  ;  beneath  the 
scapular  spine  ;  appl.  muscle,  fossa 

infraspinous, — infraspinatous. 

infrastapedial  (in'frastape'dial)  a. 
[L.  infra,  below  ;  stapes,  a  stirrup.] 
Beneath  the  stapes  of  the  ear ; 
appl.  a  part  of  the  columella 

infrasternal  (tn'fraster'nal)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  Gk.  sternon,  breast.] 
Beneath  the  breast-bone ;  appl. 
notch  at  the  lower  end  of  the 
sternum  (anat.). 

infratemporal  (m'fratem'poral)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  temporalts,  tempor- 
ary.] Beneath  the  temporal  bone  ; 
appl.  a  crest  or  fossa  (anat.). 

infratrochlear  (m'fratrok'lear)  a.  [L. 
infra,  below  ;  Gk.  trochos,  wheel.] 




Beneath  the  trochlea  ;  appl.  a  nerve 

infructescence  (in'friiktSs'gns)  n.  [L. 
///,  into  ;  frtictus,  fruit.]  An  in- 
florescence matured  into  a  fruit 

infundibular  (in'fiindlb'ular)  a.  [L. 
infundibttlum,  funnel.]  Funnel- 
shaped  ;  appl.  an  abdominal  muscle 
(anaf.) ;  appl.  a  funnel-shaped 
corolla  (bot.). 

infundibuliform  (m'fundib'uliform)  a. 
[L.  infiindibuluin,  funnel  ;  Jorma, 
shape.]  Infundibular. 

infundibulum  (In'fundlb'ulum)  n.  [L. 
infundibulum,  funnel.]  Any  funnel- 
shaped  organ  or  structure ;  appl. 
part  of  the  brain,  of  the  ethmoid 
bone,  of  right  ventricle,  etc.  (anaf.}; 
a  cephalopod  siphon  ;  part  of  a 
bird's  oviduct  ;  the  flattened 
stomach-like  cavity  of  a  Cteno- 
>hore,  lying  in  the  transverse  plane 



infuscate  (Infus'kat)  a.  [L.  in,  into  ; 
fuscus,  dark.]  Tinged  to  appear 
dark,  as  insect  wings  (zool.). 

infusoriform  (in'fuzo'riform)  a.  [L. 
infusus,  poured  into  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Resembling  an  Infusorian  ;  appl. 
embryonic  forms  of  some  Coelenter- 
ates  (zool.). 

infusorigen  (m'fuzo'rijSn)  n.  [L.  in- 
fusus,  poured  into;  genos,  offspring.] 
A  gastrula-like  phase  in  develop- 
ment of  certain  Mesozoa  (zool.). 

ingest  (inject')  v.  [L.  ingestus,  taken 
in.]  To  convey  food  material  into 
the  alimentary  canal  or  food-cavity 

ingestion  (injeYchon)  n.  [L.  ingestus, 
taken  in.]  The  swallowing  or 
assumption  of  food-material  (phys.). 

ingluvies  (ingloov'iez)  n.  [L.  inglu-vies, 
crop.]  The  crop  of  a  bird  ;  a  dila- 
tation of  the  oesophagus  (zool.). 

inguinal  (tng'gwinal)  a.  [L.  inguen, 
the  groin.]  In  the  region  of  the 
groin  (anaf.). 

inguinal  ring, — see  abdominal  ring. 

inguino  -  abdominal  (Ing'gwino  -  ab- 
dom'inal)  a.  In  region  of  abdomen 
and  groin  (anat.). 

inguino-crural  (ing'gwlnd-kroor'al)  a. 
In  region  of  groin  and  leg  (anat.). 

inhalent  (Inha'ldnt)  a.  [L.  in,  into  ; 
halare,  to  breathe.]  Adapted  for 

inspiring  or  drawing  in,  as  terminal 
pores  of  incurrent  canals  in  Sponges, 
or  siphons  in  Molluscs  (zool.). 

inhibition  (In'hibish'on)  n.  [L.  in- 
hibere,  to  prohibit.]  Prohibition  or 
checking  of  an  action  already 
commenced  (phys.). 

inhibitory  (inhTb'ftori)  a.  [L.  inhibere, 
to  prohibit.]  Appl.  nerves  which 
control  movement  or  secretion 

inion  (fn'ion)  ;/.  [Gk.  inion,  back  of 
head.]  The  external  protuberance 
of  the  occipital  (anaf.). 

ink  sac,— in  Sepia,  a  pear-shaped 
body  in  the  wall  of  the  mantle 
cavity  which  secretes  a  black  sub- 
stance, ink  or  sepia,  the  ejection  of 
which  is  a  means  of  defence  (zool.). 

innate  (In'nat)  a.  [L.  in,  in  ;  gnatus, 
born.]  Basifixed ;  appl.  anther 
when  filament  is  only  attached  to 
its  base  (bot.). 

innervation  (in'nerva'shun)  n.  [L. 
in,  into ;  neruus,  sinew.]  Nerve- 
distribution  (anaf.)  ;  vital  nerve 
force  (phys.). 

innominate  (Innom'Tnat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not  ;  nomen,  name.]  Nameless  ; 
appl.  various  arteries  and  veins 

innominate  bone,— the  hip-bone  or 
lateral  half  of  the  pelvic  girdle 

innovation  (in'dva'shun)  n.  [L.  inno- 
vare,  to  renew.]  A  growth  or  shoot 
of  Mosses  which  develops  into  a 
new  plant  by  the  dying-off  of  the 
portion  of  the  parent-plant  behind 
it  (bot.). 

inocular  (Tnok'ular)  a.  [L.  in,  into  ; 
oculus,  eye.]  Appl.  antennae  in- 
serted close  to  the  eye  (zool.). 

inogen  (I'nojen)  n.  [Gk.  is,  fibre  ; 
genos,  offspring.]  A  nitrogenous 
substance  of  muscle  tissue  (phys.). 

inotagmata  (Tnotag'mata)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  is,  fibre ;  tagma,  arrangement.] 
Ultimate  hypothetical  units  (phys.). 

inquiline  (m'kwilin)  n.  [L.  inquilinus, 
tenant.]  An  animal  living  in  the 
home  of  another  and  getting  share 
of  its  food  ;  a  partner  in  com- 
mensal ism  (zool.). 

inscriptions,  tendinous, — term  appl. 
three  fibrous  bands  crossing  the 
rectus  abdominalis  muscle  (anat.). 




insectivorous  (in'sekttv'orus)  a.  [L. 
insectus,  cut  off ;  -vorare,  to  devour.] 
Insect-eating ;  appl.  certain  animals 
and  carnivorous  plants. 

inserted  (insgr'tgd)  a.  [L.  in,  in  ; 
serere,  to  join.]  United  by  natural 

insertion  (insSr'shun)  n.  [L.  insertus, 
joined.]  Point  of  attachment  of 
organs,  muscles ;  the  point  on 
which  the  force  of  a  muscle  is 
applied  (anat.}. 

insessorial  (m'sgso'rial)  a.  [L.  in,  in  ; 
sedere,  to  sit.]  Adapted  for  perch- 
ing (zool.}. 

insistent  (insis'tgnt)  a.  [L.  insistere, 
to  persist.]  Appl.  hind  toe  of 
certain  birds  whose  tip  only  reaches 
the  ground  (sool.}. 

inspiration  (inspira'shun)  n.  [L.  in- 
spirare,  to  inhale.]  The  act  of 
drawing  air  into  the  lungs 

instaininate  (mstaminat)  a.  [L.  tn, 
not ;  stamen,  something  standing.] 
Not  bearing  stamens  (hot.). 

instar  (in'star)  n.  [L.  instar,  form.] 
Each  stage  in  insect  metamorphosis 
where  a  moult  occurs  (zool.}. 

insula  (in'sula)  n.  [L.  insula,  island.] 
A  triangular  eminence  lying  deeply 
in  the  lateral  fissure  of  the  temporal 
lobe  (anat.}. 

integrifolious  (intgg'rifo'lms)  a.  [L. 
integer,  whole  ;  folium,  leaf.]  With 
entire  leaves  (bot.}. 

integripallial  (mtgg'ripal'ial)  a.  See 

integripalliate  (integ'ripa.riat)  a.  [L. 
integer,  whole ;  pallium,  mantle.] 
Having  an  unbroken  pallial  line  ; 
appl.  shells  of  Molluscs  with  small 
or  no  siphons  (zool.}. 

integument  (mtgg'umgnt)  n.  [L. 
integumentum,  covering.]  A  cover- 
ing, investing,  or  coating  structure 
or  layer  ;  an  investing  layer  of  an 
ovule  (hot.,  zool.}. 

Interacinous  (in'tgras'fnus)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  acinus,  a  grape.] 
Among  the  alveoli  of  a  racemose 
gland  (anat.}. 

interalveolar  (in'tgralve'olar)  a.  [L. 
inter,  among ;  alveolus,  small 
cavity.]  Among  alveoli ;  appl.  cell 
islets  (anat.}. 

interamtoulacral  (in'tgrambula'kral)  a. 

[L.  inter,  between  ;  ambulare,  to 
walk.]  Appl.  area  of  echinoderm 
test  between  two  ambulacral  areas  ; 
n.  a  plate  of  that  area  (zool.}. 

n.  [L.  inter,  between  ;  ambulare, 
to  walk.]  The  area  between  two 
ambulacral  areas  (zool.}. 

interarticular  (m'terartik'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  articulus,  a  joint.] 
Between  articulating  parts  of  bones; 
appl.  certain  ligaments  and  fibro- 
cartilages  (anat.}. 

interatrial  (in'tgra'trial)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  atrium,  a  hall]  Appl.  a 
groove  separating  the  two  atria  of 
the  heart  (anat.}. 

interauricular  (in'terorik'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  auricula,  little  ear.] 
Between  the  auricles  of  the  heart 

interaxillary  (in'tgraksil'ari)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  axilla,  armpit.] 
Placed  between  the  axils  (hot.}. 

interbrachial  (in'tgrbra'kial)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  brachium,  arm.] 
Between  arms,  rays,  or  brachial 
plates  (zool.}. 

interbranchial  (in'tgrbrang'klal)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  Gk.  brangchia, 
gills.]  Appl.  septum  between  suc- 
cessive gill  slits  (zool.}. 

interbreed  (in'tgrbred')  v.  [L.  inter, 
between ;  A.S.  brod,  brood.]  To 
cross  different  varieties  of  plants 
or  animals  experimentally. 

intercalare  (in'tgrkala're,  -kalara)  ». 
[L.  intercalaris,  inserted.]  In  many 
Fishes  and  fossil  Amphibia,  an 
additional  element  in  the  neural 
arch  (zool.}. 

intercalary  (m'tgrkal'ari,  intgr'kalari) 
a.  [L.  intercalaris,  inserted.]  Ad- 
ditional ;  appl.  meristematic  layers 
between  masses  of  permanent 
tissue  ;  growth  elsewhere  than  at 
the  growing  point  (bot.}. 

intercapitular  (in'terkapit'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  capitulum,  head.] 
Between  the  capitula  ;  appl.  veins 
of  fingers  (anat.}. 

intercarotid  (m'terkarot'id)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  Gk.  karos,  deep 
sleep.]  Between  the  two  carotid 
arteries  (anat.}. 

intercarpal  (m'tgrkar'pal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between ;  carpus,  wrist.]  Among 




or  between  the  carpal  bones  ;  appl. 
joints  (anat.}. 

intercarpellary  (tn'tgrkarpgl'arl)  a. 
[L.  infer,  between  ;  Gk.  karpos, 
fruit.]  Between  the  carpels  (dot.}. 

intercartilaginous  (Tn'tgrkartilaj'inus) 
a.  [L.  inter,  between  ;  cartilago, 
gristle.]  Within  the  cartilage  ; 
appl.  ossification  (emb.}. 

intercavernous  (in'tgrkaVgrnus)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  cavus,  hollow.] 
Appl.  sinuses  connecting  the  cav- 
ernous sinuses,  part  of  the  ophthal- 
mic veins  (anat.}. 

intercellular  (in'tgrsgl'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  cellula,  little  cell.] 
Among  or  between  cells,  as  the 
biliary  passages  among  the  liver- 
cells  (anat.}. 

Intercentral  (m'tgrsgn'tril)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  centrum,  centre.] 
Uniting  two  centra ;  between  two 
centra  (anat.}. 

inter-centrum  (In'tgrsgn'trum)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  centrum,  centre.] 
A  second  central  ring  in  an  embo- 
lomerous  vertebra  (zool.}. 

interchondral  (In'tSrkon'dral)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  Gk.  chondros,  carti- 
lage.] Appl.  articulations  and 
ligaments  between  the  costal  carti- 
lages (anat.}. 

interclavicle  (m'tgrklav'ikl)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  clavicula,  small 
key.]  The  episternum ;  a  median 
ventral  bone  between  the  clavicles 

interclavicular  (m'tgrklavlk'ular)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  clavicula,  small 
key.]  Between  the  clavicles  ;  appl. 
a  ligament  (anat.}. 

interclinoid  (m'tgrkll'noid)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  Gk.  kline,  bed ; 
eidos,  like.]  A  fibrous  process 
joining  the  anterior  and  posterior 
clinoid  processes  (anat.}. 

intercolumnar  (m'tgrk61um'nar)<z.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  columna,  column.] 
Between  columnar  structures,  as 
certain  abdominal  muscle  fibres 

intercondyloid  (in'tgrkon'dlloid)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  Gk.  kondylos, 
knob ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Be- 
tween the  condyles ;  appl.  an 
eminence  of  the  tibia,  and  fossae 
of  the  femur  (anat.}. 

intercostal  (In'tgrkos'tal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  costa,  rib.]  Between  the 
ribs,  as  arteries,  glands,  membranes, 
nerves,  veins,  muscles  (anat.}. 

intercostobrachial  (m'tgrkSs'tobra'- 
kial)  a.  [L.  inter,  between  ;  costa, 
rib ;  brachium,  arm.]  Appl.  a 
lateral  branch  of  the  second  inter- 
costal nerve  which  supplies  the 
upper  arm  (anat.}. 

intercostohumeral  (m'tgrkSs'tohu'- 
mgral)  a.  [L.  inter,  between  ;  costa, 
rib  ;  humerus,  the  humerus.]  Inter- 

intercoxal  (in'tgrkSk'sal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  coxa,  the  hip.]  Between 
the  coxae  or  first-limb  joints  of 
Arthropods  (zool.}. 

intercrescence  (In'tgrkrgs'gns)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  crescere,  to  grow.] 
A  growing  into  each  other,  as  of 

intercrural  (in'tgrkroo'rSl)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  crus,  the  leg.] 
Appl.  tendinous  fibres  arching 
across  the  external  oblique  muscles 

intercuneiform  (in'tgrkune'iform)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  cuneus,  wedge  ; 
forma,  shape.]  Connecting  the  three 
cuneiform  bones  of  the  ankle  ;  appl. 
articulations  and  ligaments  (anat.}. 

interdeferential  (In'tgrdgfgr'gn'shal) 
a.  [L.  inter,  between  ;  de,  down  ; 
ferre,  to  carry.]  Between  the  vasa 
deferentia  (zool.}. 

interfascicular(in'tgrfasTk'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  fasciculus,  small 
bundle.]  Situated  between  the 
fascicles  or  vascular  bundles  (hot.}. 

interfemoral  (m'tgrfgm'oral)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  femur,  thigh  bone.] 
Between  the  thighs  (anat}. 

interfertile  (In'tgrfgr'til)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  fertilis,  fertile.]  Able  to 
interbreed  (biol.}. 

interfllamentar  (in'tgrfilamgn'tar)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between ;  filamentum, 
thread.]  Appl.  junctions  or  hori- 
zontal bars  connecting  molluscan 
gill  filaments  (zool.}. 

interfllar  (Tn'tgrfflar)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  filum,  thread.]  Appl. 
the  ground  substance  of  proto- 
plasm, as  opposed  to  the  reticular 


interfoliaceous     (m'tgrfolla'shus)     a. 




[L.  inter,  between  ;  folium,  leaf.] 
Situated  or  arising  .between  two 
opposite  leaves  (hot.). 

interfoliar  (In'terfo'liar)  a.  Inter- 

interganglionic  (in'te"rganggli6n'ik)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  Gk.  gangglion, 
a  little  tumour.]  Connecting  two 
ganglia,  as  nerve  cords  or  strands 

intergenital  (Tn'terjen'ital)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  genitus,  produced.] 
Between  the  genitals  ;  appl.  certain 
echinoderm  plates  (zool.). 

interglobular  (m'terglob'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  globulus,  small 
globe.]  Appl.  a  series  of  spaces 
towards  the  outer  surface  of  den- 
tine due  to  imperfect  calcification 

intergular  (m'tergu'lar)  n.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  gula,  gullet.]  A  paired 
or  unpaired  plate  in  front  of  the 
gulars  in  Chelonia  (zool.). 

interhyal  (in'tgrhl'al)  n.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  Gk.  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
A  small  bone  between  hyomandib- 
ular  and  rest  of  hyoid  of  some 
higher  vertebrates  (zool.). 

interlamellar  (In'terlameTar)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  lamella,  a  plate.] 
Appl.  vertical  bars  of  tissue  joining 
the  gill  lamellae  of  Molluscs  (zool?). 

interlaminar  (in'terlam'mar)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  lamina,  plate.] 
Uniting  laminae  ;  between  laminae 

interlobular  (in'tgrlob'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between;  lobus,  lobe.]  Occur- 
ring between  lobes  ;  appl.  kidney 
arteries,  etc.  (anat.}. 

interlocular  (in'tSrlok'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between;  loculus,  small  place.] 
Between  the  loculi  (bot.). 

interloculus  (in'tgrlSk'ulus)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  loculus,  compart- 
ment.] The  space  between  two 
loculi  (bot.). 

intermandibular  (m'tgrmandib'ular) 
a.  [L.  inter,  between  ;  mandibu- 
lum,  jaw.]  Between  mandibles  or 
rami  (anat.). 

Intermaxllla  (m'tgrmaksll'a)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  maxilla,  jaw.] 
Bone  between  the  maxillae ;  the 
premaxilla  (anat.). 

Intermaxillary    (in'termaksll'ari)     a. 

&  inter,  between  ;  maxilla,  jaw.] 
tween  the  maxillae  ;  pert,  the 
premaxillae  ;  appl.  a  gland  in  the 
nasal  septum  of  certain  Amphibians 
and  Reptiles  (zool.). 

intermediary  (in'terme'diari)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  medius,  middle.] 
Acting  as  a  medium  ;  appl.  nerve- 
cells  receiving  impulses  from  affer- 
ent cells  and  transmitting  them  to 
efferent  cells  (phys.)._ 

intermediate  (in'terme'diat)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  medius,  middle.] 
Occurring  between  two  points  or 
parts  ;  appl.  a  nerve-mass  (emb.)  ; 
appl.  certain  areas  of  the  brain 
(phys.)  ;  appl.  a  disc  in  striated 
muscle  (anat.). 

intermediate  host,— the  host  inter- 
vening between  two  others  in  the 
life-history  of  certain  parasites, 
as  Limnaeus  in  the  life-history  of 
Distomum  (zool.). 

intermedium  (in'terme'dlum)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  medius,  middle.] 
A  small  bone  of  carpus  and  tarsus 

intermesenteric  (In't6rmgs'6nt6r'lk)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  enteron,  gut.]  Occurring 
between  the  mesenteries ;  appl. 
spaces  between  the  mesenteries  in 
sea-anemones  (zool.). 

intermuscular  (m'terinus'kular)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  musculus, 
muscle.]  Between  or  among  muscle 
fibres  (anat.). 

internal  (inteVnal)  a.  [L.  internus, 
within.]  Located  on  the  inner  side  ; 
nearer  the  middle  axis  (biol.). 

internal  secretion  gland,— a  duct- 
less gland,  e.g.  spleen  (phys.). 

internasal  (in'te'rna'zal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  nasus,  nose.]  Between 
the  nostrils  ;  appl.  septum,  gland 

interneural  (m'tgrnu'ral)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  Gk.  neuron,  nerve.]  Be- 
tween neural  processes,  arches  or 
spines  (anat.)  ;  appl.  sharp  bones 
attached  to  dorsal  fin  rays  (zool.). 

internodal  (m'terno'dal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  nodus,  knot.]  Pert,  the 
part  between  two  nodes  (hot.,  phys.). 

internode  (in'ternod')  n.  [L.  inter, 
between ;  nodus,  knot.]  A  structure 
between  two  nodes  or  joints  ;  as  of 




a  stem  (bot.),  of  a  nerve  fibre 

internodia  (Tn't6rno'dia)  n.plu.  Phal- 

interocular  (in'tgrok'ular)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  oculus,  eye.]  Placed 
between  the  eyes  (zool.). 

interopercle  ( In'tgropeYkl)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  operculum,  lid.]  A 
membrane  bone  of  the  operculum 
of  Teleostomes  attached  to  the 
mandible  (zool.). 

interopercular  bone, — the  interoper- 


interoptic  (Tn'tgrop'tik)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  Gk.  optikos,  pert,  sight.] 
Between  the  optic  lobes  (anat.). 

interorbital  (in'tgror'bital)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  orbis,  circle.]  Be- 
tween the  orbits  ;  appl.  septum  of 
a  trophibasic  skull  ;  appl.  sinus 

Jnterosculant  (Tn'teros'kulant)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  osculari,  to  kiss.] 
Possessing  characters  common  to 
Iwo  or  more  groups  or  species 

interosseous  (Tn'teros'eiis)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  os,  bone.]  Occurring 
between  bones ;  appl.  arteries, 
membranes,  muscles,  nerves  (anat.). 

interparietal  (in'tgrparfe'tal)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  paries,  wall.]  In 
many  vertebrates  a  bone  arising 
between  the  parietals  and  supra- 
occipital  (anat.). 

interpeduncular  (In'tSrpSdung'kular) 
a.  [L.  inter,  between  ;  pedunctilus, 
little  foot.]  Appl.  a  fossa  between 
the  cerebral  peduncles  ;  and  also 
a  ganglion  (anat.). 

Interpetaloid  (in'terpeYaloid)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  Gk.  petalon,  petal  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Between  the 
petaloid  areas  of  an  echinoderm 
test  (zool.}. 

interpetiolar  (m't6rp6t'idlar)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  petiolus,  little  foot.] 
Situated  between  the  petioles  or 
bases  of  opposite  leaves  (bot.). 

interphalangeal    (in'tgrfalan'jeal)    a. 

fL.  inter,  between  ;  Gk.  phalanx:, 
ine  of  battle.]  Appl.  articulations 
between  successive  phalanges 

interplacental  (Tn'tgrplasgn'tal)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  placenta,  flat  plate.] 
Between  placentae  (dot.}. 

interpleural  (m'te'rploo'ral)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  Gk.  pleuron,  side.] 
Between  pleurae  (anat.}. 

interpubic  (Tn'tgrpu'bik)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  piibis^  mature.]  Appl.  the 
fibrocartilaginous  lamina  between 
the  pubic  bones  (anat.}. 

interradial  (in'tgrra'dlal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  radius,  radius.]  Pert. 
an  interradius  (zool.}. 

interradium  (in'tgrra'dlum)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between;  radius,  radius.]  The 
area  between  two  radii  of  any 
radially  symmetrical  animal  (zool.}. 

interradius  (in'tgrra'dius)  n.  [L.  inter, 
between ;  radius,  radius.]  The 
radius  of  a  radiate  animal  halfway 
between  two  perradii  (zool.}. 

interramal  (Tn'te'rra'mal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between;  ramus,  branch.]  Between 
branches  or  rami  (biol.\ 

interramicorn  (m'tgrram'ikorn)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  ramus,  branch  ; 
cornu,  horn.]  A  piece  of  a  bird's 
bill  beyond  the  mandibular  rami 
forming  the  gonys  (zool.}. 

interrenal  (in'tgrre'nal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  renes,  kidneys.]  Between 
the  kidneys  ;  appl.  veins  and  ad- 
renal organs  of  uncertain  function 
in  most  vertebrates  (zool.}. 

interrupted  (in'tgrrup'ted)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  rumpere,  to  break.] 
Unsymmetrical ;  with  continuity 
broken  ;  irregular  (hot.}. 

interruptedly  pinnate,— pinnate  with 
pairs  of  small  leaflets  occurring 
between  larger  ones  (dot.). 

interscapular  (Tn'tgrskap'ular)  a.  .  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  scapula,  shoulder- 
blade.]  Between  the  shoulder- 
blades  ;  appl.  feathers  (zool.). 

interseptal  (Tn't6rs6p'tal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  septum,  division.]  Pert. 
spaces  between  septa  or  partitions. 

interspicular  (in'tgrspik'ular)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  spiculum,  sharp 
point.]  Occurring  between  spic- 
ules  (zool.). 

interspinal  (in'tgrsprnal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  spina,  spine.]  Occurring 
between  spinous  processes  or  be- 
tween spines  ;  appl.  bones,  muscles 




interspinous  (in'tgrspl'nus)  a.  Inter- 

interstapedial  (in'tgrstape'dial)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  stapes,  stirrup.] 
Appl.  a  part  of  the  columella  of  the 
ear  (anat.). 

intersterility  (m'tgrsteril'iti)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  sterilis,  unfruitful.] 
Incapacity  for  interbreeding  (biol.). 

intersternal  (in'tgrsteYnal)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  Gk.  sternon,  breast- 
plate.] Between  the  sterna  (zool.); 
appl.  ligaments  connecting  the 
manubrium  and  body  of  sternum 

interstitial  (m'tgrstish'al)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  sistere,  to  set.] 
Occurring  in  interstices  or  spaces  ; 
appl,  cells  within  tissues. 

Intel-temporal  (m'tgrtgm'poral)  n.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  temporalis,  tempo- 
rary.] A  paired  membrane  bone, 
part  of  the  sphenoid  complex,  fusing 
with  the  alisphenoids  (zool.). 

intertentacular  (in'te'rte'ntak'ular)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  tentaculum,  a 
feeler.]  Between  the  tentacles ; 
appl.  a  ciliated  tube  opening  at  the 
base  of  the  tentacles  and  connect- 
ing coelom  and  the  exterior,  found 
in  the  Molluscoida  (zool.). 

intertidal  (in'tferti'dal)  a,  [L.  inter, 
between ;  A.S.  tid,  time.]  Appl. 
shore  animals  and  plants  living 
between  high-  and  low-water 
marks  (biol.). 

intertrochanteric  (m'tgrtrokanteVik) 
a.  [L.  inter,  between ;  Gk.  tro- 
chanter,  a  runner.]  Between  the 
trochanters  ;  appl.  crest,  and  line 

intertrochlear  (in'tertrok'lear)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between ;  Gk.  trochos,  wheel.] 
Appl.  an  ulnar  ridge  fitting  into  a 
groove  of  the  humerus  (anat.). 

interventricular  (in'tgrvgntrik'ular)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between ;  ventricula,  small 
cavity.]  Between  the  ventricles ; 
appl.  a  foramen  (anat.). 

intervertebral  (in'tervgr'tgbral)  a. 
[L.  inter,  between  ;  vertebra, 
vertebra.]  Occurring  between  the 
vertebrae ;  appl.  fibrocartilages, 
foramina,  veins,  discs  (anat.). 

intervillous  (in'tgrvil'us)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  villi,  hairs.]  Appl.  the 
spaces  in  the  trophoblastic  network 

filled  with  maternal  blood  (smb.}  ;  oc- 
curring between  villi  (anat.,  zool). 

interzonal  (m'tgrzo'nal)  a.  [L.  inter, 
between  ;  zona,  belt.]  Between  two 
zones  ;  appl.  spindle  fibres  uniting 
groups  of  daughter  chromosomes 
in  the  anaphase  of  mitosis  (cyt.). 

interzooecial  (in'tgrzoe'shial)  a.  [L. 
inter,  between  ;  zoon,  animal  ;  oikos, 
house.]  Occurring  among  zooecia 

intestinal  (intgs'tinal)  a.  [L.  in- 
testinus,  internal.]  Pert,  the  in- 
testines; appl.< arteries,  glands,  villi, 
etc.  (anat.). 

intestine  (intgs'tin)  n.  [L.  intestinus, 
internal.]  That  part  of  the  ali- 
mentary canal  from  pylorus  to 
anus,  or  the  part  corresponding  to 
this  in  lower  forms  (zool.). 

intextine  (intek'stin)  n.  [L.  intus, 
within  ;  exter,  without.]  An  inner 
membrane  of  an  extine  (bot.\ 

intima  (m'tima)  n.  [L.  intimus,  inner- 
most.] The  innermost  lining  mem- 
brane of  a  part  or  organ  (anat."). 

intine  (in'tin)  n.  [L.  intus,  within.] 
The  inner  covering  membrane  of  a 
pollen  grain  (bot.}. 

intrabiontic  (Tn'trablon'tik)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  Gk.  bios,  life  ;  on  fa, 
beings.]  Appl.  a  process  of  selec- 
tion occurring  in  a  living  unit 
(phys.,  biol.). 

intracapsular  (m'trakap'sular)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within ;  capsula,  small  chest.] 
Contained  within  a  capsule,  as  the 
protoplasm  of  Radiolarians  (biol.). 

intracardiac  (Tn'trakar'diak)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  Gk.  kardia,  heart.] 
Within  the  heart  (zool.,  anat.}. 

intracartilaginous  (Tn'trakar'tilaj'- 
inus)  a.  [L.  intra,  within ;  cartilage, 
gristle.]  Inside  the  cartilage  ;  appl. 
ossification  (emb.). 

intracellular  (in'trasgl'ular)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  cellula,  little  cell.] 
Within  the  cell  (biol.,  phys.). 

intracortical  (in'trakor^tikal)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  cortex,  rind.]  Uniting 
parts  of  the  brain  cortex,  or  within 
it  (anat.). 

intrafascicular  (in'trafasTk'ular)  a. 
[L.  intra,  within  ;  fasciculus,  little 
bundle.]  Within  a  vascular  bundle 

intrafoliaceous     (m'trafolia'shus)     a. 




[L.  intra,  within  ;  folium,  leaf.] 
Appl.  stipules  encircling  the  stem 
and  forming  a  sheath  ;  cf,  ochrea 

Intrafusal  (m'trafu'sal)  a.  [L.  infra, 
within  ;  fusus,  poured.]  Appl. 
fasciculi  and  fibres  connected  re- 
spectively with  neurotendinous  and 
neuromuscular  spindles  (anat.}. 

intraglobular  (in'traglob'ular)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  globus,  globe.]  Oc- 
curringwithin  aglobule  or  corpuscle 

intrajugular  (in'trajoog'ular)  a.  [L. 
infra,  within  ;  jugulum,  throat.] 
Appl.  a  bony  spicule  or  process  in 
the  middle  of  the  jugular  notch 

intralamellar  (Tn'tralamel'ar)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  lamella,  thin  plate.] 
Within  a  lamella  ;  afipl.  the  trama 
of  gill-bearing  Fungi  (bot.}. 

intralobular  (in'tralob'ular)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  lobulus,  small  lobe.] 
Occurring  within  lobules  ;  appl. 
veins  draining  the  liver  lobules 

a.  [L.  intra,  within  ;  membrana, 
film.]  Appl.  bone  developed  in 
membrane  (anat.}. 

intramolecular  (m'tramolgk'ular)  a. 
[L.  intra,  within ;  F.  molecule,  small 
particle.]  Appl.  plant  respiration 
from  the  splitting  up  of  complex 
substances  within  the  cell  (bot.}. 

intranuclear  (in'tranu'klear)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  nucleus,  kernel.] 
Within  the  nucleus ;  appl.  spindles, 
fibres,  etc.  (cyt.}. 

intraparietal  (in'trapari'e'tal)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  paries,  wall.]  En- 
closed within  the  walls  of  an  organ  ; 
within  the  parietal  lobe,  as  sulcus, 
fissure,  etc.  (anat.}. 

intrapetalous  (In'trapgt'alus)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  Gk.  petalon,  petal.] 
Situated  in  a  petaloid  area,  in 
Echinoderms  (zool.}. 

intrapetiolar  (m'trapgt'iolar)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  petiolus,  little  foot.] 
Within  the  petiole  base  expansion 

intrapleural    (in'traploo'ral)    a.     [L. 

intra,  within  ;   Gk.  pleuron,  side.] 

Within  the  thoracic  cavity. 

intraselection     (In'traseWshun) 

[L.  intra,  within ;  selectus,  chosen.] 
Selection  within  an  organ  of  cells 
fittest  to  survive. 

intrastelar  (in'traste'lar)  a.  [L.  intra, 
within  ;  stele,  pillar.]  Within  the 
stele  of  a  stem  or  root  ;  appl. 
ground  tissue,  bundles,  etc.  (bot.}. 

intratarsal  (in'tratar'sal)  a.  [L.  intra, 
within  ;  tarsus,  ankle.]  Within  the 
tarsus ;  appl.  joint  of  reptilian  limb 
between  the  rows  of  tarsal  bones 

intrathyroid  (In'trathl'roid)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  Gk.  thyreos,  shield  ; 
eidos,  like.]  Appl.  a  cartilage  join- 
ing the  laminae  of  the  thyroid 
cartilage  during  infancy  (anat.}. 

intrauterine  (In'trau't6rin)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  uterus,  womb.]  De- 
veloping or  passed  within  the 
uterus  (emb.}. 

intravaginal  (in'travaj'inal)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within ;  vagina,  sheath.] 
Within  the  vagina  (zool.} ;  con- 
tained within  a  sheath,  as  grass 
branches  (bot.}. 

intravascular  (m'travaVkular)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  vasculum,  small 
vessel.]  Within  the  blood-vessels 

intraventricular  (m'travgntrik'ular) 
a.  [L.  intra,  within  ;  ventriculus, 
small  cavity.]  Appl.  the  caudate 
nucleus  of  the  corpus  striatum, 
seen  within  the  ventricle  of  the 
brain  ;  within  a  ventricle  (anat.}. 

intravesical  (m'traves'ikal)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within ;  vesica,  bladder.] 
Within  the  bladder  (anat.}. 

intravitelline  (in'travitglfn)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within  ;  vitellus,  egg-yolk.] 
Within  the  yolk  of  an  egg  (emb.}. 

intraxylary  (in'trazl'lari)  a.  [L. 
intra,  within ;  Gk.  xylon,  wood.] 
Within  the  wood  or  xylem  (bot.}. 

intrinsic  (mtrm'sik)  a.  [L.  intrinsecus, 
inwards.]  Appl.  inner  muscles  of 
tongue  ;  opp.  extrinsic  (anat.}. 

introitus  (Intro'itus)  n.  [L.  intro, 
within  ;  ire,  to  go.]  An  opening 
or  orifice  (anat.}. 

intromittent  (In'tromit'fint)  a.  [L. 
intro,  within  ;  mittere,  to  send.] 
Adapted  for  inserting  ;  appl.  male 
copulatory  organs  (zool.}. 

introrse  (Intr&rs')  a.    [L.  intro,  within  ; 

n.          versus^   turned.]     Turned   inwards 




or  towards  the  axis  ;  of  anthers, 
opening  on  the  side  next  the 
pistil  (60 f.). 

Introvert  (m'trovert)  n.  [L.  intro, 
within  ;  vertere,  to  turn.]  That 
which  is  capable  of  involution,  as 
the  anterior  region  of  the  body  of 
certain  zooids,  of  certain  Annulates, 
the  mouth  extremity  of  certain 
Molluscs  (zool.}  ;  v.  to  turn,  bend, 
or  draw  inwards  (biol.). 

Intussusception  (m'tussusgp'shun)  n. 
[L.  intus,  within ;  suscipere,  to 
receive.]  Growth  in  surface-extent 
or  volume  by  intercalation  of  par- 
ticles among  those  already  present 

inulase  (in'ulas)  n.  [L.  inula,  the 
plant  elecampane.]  A  ferment  of 
plants  which  acts  on  inulin  (bat.). 

inulin  (m'ulin)  n.  [L.  inula,  the  plant 
elecampane.]  A  form  of  starch 
found  in  plant-cell  sap  (bot.). 

invaginate  (mvaj'inat)  v.  [L.  in, 
into  ;  vagina,  sheath.]  To  involute 
or  draw  into  a  sheath  ;  appl.  the 
insinking  of  a  wall  of  a  cavity  or 
vessel  apparently  reducing  the 
original  cavity  and  leaving  a  new 
cavity  or  groove  visible  on  the 
exterior  {zool.,  bot.). 

invagination  (invaj'ina'shun)  n.  [L.  in, 
into  ;  vagina,  sheath.]  Involution  ; 
introversion  ;  gastrula-formation  by 
infolding  of  the  blastula  wall  (zool.}. 

invertase  (inveVtas)  n.  [L.  invertere, 
to  turn  into.]  A  ferment  of  plants 
which  acts  on  cane  sugar  (bot.). 

invertebrate  (invgr'tgbrat)  a.  [L.  in, 
not ;  vertebra,  joint.]  Back-bone- 
less ;  without  spinal  column. 

investing  bones, — membrane  bones. 

investment  (mv&st'ment)  n.  [L.  in, 
in  ;  vestire,  to  clothe.]  The  outer 
covering  of  a  part,  organ,  animal, 
or  plant. 

involucel  (invol'use'l)  n.  [Dim.  of  L. 
involucrum,  covering.]  The  small 
bracts  at  the  base  of  a  secondary 
umbel ;  a  partial  involucre  (hot.}. 

involucellate  (Invol'usSl'at)  a.  [Dim. 
of  L.  involucrum,  covering.]  Bear- 
ing involucels  (bot.). 

involucral  (in'volu'kral)  a.  [L.  in- 
volucrum, covering.]  Pert,  or  like 
an  involucre  (bot.). 

involucrate  (m'volu'krat)  a.     [L.  in- 

volucrum, covering.]  Bearing  in- 
volucres (bot.). 

involucre  (in'volu'ker)  n.  [L.  invo- 
lucrum, covering.]  Bracts  at  the 
base  of  chief  branches  of  compound 
umbels  (bot.). 

involucrum  (in'volu'krum)  n.  [L. 
involucrum,  covering.]  In  Hydro- 
medusae,  the  protective  cup  into 
which  nematocysts  can  be  spirally 
retracted  ;  the  metanotum  of  Or- 
thoptera  (zool.)  ;  an  involucre  (hot.). 

involuntary  (invol'untarl)  a.  [L.  in, 
not ;  voluntas,  a  wish.]  Not  under 
control  of  the  will ;  appl.  certain 
plain  unstriped  muscles,  as  of  the 
alimentary  canal,  and  to  their 
movements  (phys.). 

involute  (in'volut)  a.  [L.  involutus, 
rolled  up.]  Of  leaves,  having  the 
edges  rolled  inwards  at  each  side 
(bot.) ;  of  shells,  closely  coiled 

involution  (in'volu'shun)  n.  [L.  in- 
volvere,  to  roll  up.]  Appl.  forms 
that  have  become  deformed  in 
structure  owing  to  unfavourable 
conditions,  but  not  to  such  an 
extent  as  to  be  incapable  of  re- 
covery if  the  conditions  improve  ; 
as  the  so-called  "latent  bodies"  in 
the  Haemoflagellate  life  -  history 

iodothyrin  (lo'dothl'nn)  n.  [Gk.  iodes, 
violet  ;  thyreos,  shield.]  An  iodine 
compound  in  the  colloid  material 
of  the  thyroid  gland  (phys.). 

iridial  angle, — the  filtration  angle  of 
the  eye  ;  an  angular  recess  at  the 
anterior  surface  of  the  attached 
margin  of  the  eye  (anat.). 

iridocytes  (ir'idoslts)  n.  plu.  [L.  iris, 
rainbow;  Gk. kytos, hollow.]  Guanin 
granules,  bodies  or  plates,  of  which 
the  reflecting  tissue  of  the  skin  of 
Fishes  is  composed  ;  iridescent 
cells  in  the  integument  of  Sepia 

iridomotor  (ir'idomo'tor)  a.  [L.  iris, 
rainbow  ;  movere,  to  move.]  Con- 
nected with  the  movements  of  the 
iris  (phys.). 

iris  (I'ris)  n.  [L.  iris,  rainbow.]  A 
thin,  circular,  contractile  disc  sus- 
pended in  the  aqueous  humour  of 
the  eye  between  the  cornea  and 
lens  (anat.). 




irritability  (ir'itabil'itl)  n.  [L.  irritare, 
to  provoke.]  Power  of  receiving 
external  impressions  or  stimuli,  and 
reacting  to  them,  inherent  in  living 
matter  (phys.). 

irritant  (Ir'itant)  n.  [L.  irritare,  to 
provoke.]  An  external  stimulus 
which  provokes  a  response  (phys.). 

ischiadic  (is'kTad'lk)  a.     Ischial. 

ischial  (Ts'kial)  a.  [Gk.  ischion,  a  hip.] 
Pert,  or  in  the  region  of  the  hip  ; 
appl.  artery,  vein  (anat.). 

ischiocapsular  (Ts'kTokap'sular)  a. 
[Gk.  ischion,  hip  ;  L.  capsula,  little 
chest.]  Appl.  a  ligament  joining 
the  capsular  ligament  and  the  hip 

ischiocavernous  (Ts'kTokav'ernus)  a. 
[Gk.  ischion,  hip  ;  L.  cavus,  hollow.] 
Appl.  muscle  between  the  hip  and 
the  corpora  cavernosa  (anat.). 

ischiopodite  (fs'kiop'odlt)  n.  [Gk. 
ischion,  hip  ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
proximal  joint  of  the  walking  legs 
of  certain  Crustacea,  or  of  the 
maxillipedes  (zool.). 

ischiopubic  (Is'kTopu'bTk)  a.  [Gk. 
ischion,  hip  ;  L.  pubis,  adult.]  Appl. 
a  gap  or  fenestra  between  the 
ischium  and  pubis  (anat.). 

ischiopubis  (Ts'kTopu'bTs)  n.  [Gk. 
ischion,  hip  ;  L.  pubis,  adult.]  The 
ischium  of  Pterodactyls,  the  pubis 
being  excluded  from  the  acetabu- 
lum  ;  a  fused  ischium  and  pubis 

ischiorectal  (Is'kTorgk'tal)  a.  [Gk. 
ischion,  hip ;  L.  rectus,  straight.] 
Pert,  ischium  and  rectum  ;  appl. 
fossa  and  muscles  (anat.). 

ischium  (Ts'kTum)  n.  [Gk.  ischion, 
hip.]  The  ventral  and  posterior 
bone  of  each  half  of  the  pelvic 
girdle  of  Mammals  ;  an  ischiopodite 

isidiferous  (I'sTdif'erus)  a.  [Gk.  isis, 
plant  ;  ~L.ferre,  to  bear.]  Bearing 
isidia  (bot.). 

isidioid  (IsTd'Toid)  a.  [Gk.  isis,  plant  ; 
cidos,  like.]  Like  an  isidium  (bot.). 

isidium  (IsTd'ium)  ».,  isidia  (Isid'ia) 
plu.  [Gk.  isis,  plant.]  Coral-like 
soredia  on  the  surface  of  some 
Lichens  (bot.). 

isidophorous  (I'sTdof'oriis)  a.  [Gk. 
isis,  plant  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  Isid- 

islets  of  Langerhans, — spherical  or 
oval  bodies  scattered  throughout 
the  pancreas,  concerned  in  the 
metabolism  of  sugar  in  the  body 

isobilateral  symmetry, — the  quality 
of  leaves  whose  upper  and  lower 
surfaces  are  similar  (dot.). 

isocarpous  (I'sokar'pus)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Having  car- 
pels and  perianth  divisions  equal 
in  number  (bot.). 

isocercal  (I'soseYkal)  a.  [Gk.  tsos, 
equal  ;  kerkos,  tail.]  With  verte- 
bral column  ending  in  median  line 
of  caudal  fin  (zool.). 

isochela  (I'soke'la)  n.  [Gk.  isos,  equal ; 
chele,  claw.]  A  chela  with  two 
parts  equally  developed  (zool.). 

isocytic  (I'sosTt'ik)  a.  [Gk.  isos,  equal ; 
kytos,  hollow.]  With  all  cells  equal 

isodactylous  (I'sodak'tiliis)  a.  [Gk. 
isos,  equal;  daktylos,  finger.]  Hav- 
ing all  the  digits  of  equal  size 

isodiametric  (I'sodiamgt'rik)  a.  [Gk. 
t'sos,  equal  ;  dia,  through  ;  metron, 
measure.]  With  cells  or  other 
structures  of  equal  diameter  (bot.). 

isodont  (I'so'dont)  a.  [Gk.  isos,  equal ; 
odous,  tooth.]  Having  teeth  all 
equal  (zool.). 

isodynamic  (I'sodtnam'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
isos,  equal ;  dynamis,  power.]  Of 
equal  strength  ;  appl.  foods  (phys.). 

isogamete  (I'sogamet')  n.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  One  of 
a  pair  of  equal  gametes,  not 
differentiated  from  one  another. 

isogamous  (Isog'amus)  a.  [Gk.  isos^ 
equal  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Having 
the  gametes  alike  (hot.). 

isogamy  (isog'amT)  n.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal  ;  gamos,  union.]  Sexual 
union,  or  union  of  similar  gametes 

isogenetic  (I'sojengt'ik)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal  ;  genos,  offspring.]  Arising 
from  the  same  or  a  similar  origin 

isogenous  (isoj'e'nus)  a.     Isogenetic. 

isognathous  (Isog'nathus)  a.  [Gk. 
isos,  equal;  gnathos,  jaw.]  Having 
both  jaws  alike  (zool.). 

isomastigote  (I'somas'tTgot)  a  [Gk. 
isos,  equal;  inastix,  whip.]  Having 




the  flagella  of  equal  length 

isomere  (I'somer)  n.  [Gk.  isos,  equal; 
meros,  part.]  A  homologous  struc- 
ture or  part  (zool.). 

isoinerous  (Isom'Srus)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal;  meros,  part.]  Having  equal 
numbers  of  different  parts  ;  appl. 
flowers  with  the  same  number  of 
parts  in  each  whorl  (dot.). 

isomorphic  (I'somor'fik)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal  ;  morphe,  shape.]  Super- 
ficially alike  (biol.\ 

Isomorphism  (I'somor'fizm)  n.  [Gk. 
tsos,  equal ;  morphe,  shape.]  Ap- 
parent similarity  of  individuals  of 
different  race  or  species  (diol.). 

isomorphous  (I'somor'fus)  a.  Isomor- 

isopedine  (isop'edin)  n.  [Gk.  isopedos, 
level.]  A  layer  of  compact  bony 
material  in  certain  fish  scales  (zool.). 

isopetalous  (I'sopeYalus)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal  ;  petalon,  petal.]  Having 
similar  petals  (dot.). 

isophytoid  (I'sofi'toid)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal ;  phyton,  plant.]  An  "  indi- 
vidual" or  part  of  a  compound 
plant  not  differentiated  from  the 
rest  (dot.). 

isopodous  (Isop'odus)  a.  [Gk.  isost 
equal ;  pous,  foot.]  Having  the 
legs  alike  and  equal  (zool.). 

Isopogonous  (I'sopog'onus)  a.  [Gk. 
isos,  equal  ;  pogon,  beard.]  Of 
feathers  having  the  two  webs 
equal  and  similar  (zool.). 

isospore  (I'sospor7)  n.  [Gk.  isos,  equal ; 
sporos,  seed.]  An  agamete  pro- 
duced by  schizogony  ;  opp.  aniso- 
spore  (zool.,  hot.). 

isosporous  (Isos'porus)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal  ;  sporos,  seed.]  Having 
spores  of  one  kind  only  (hot.). 

isostemonous  (I'sostgm'onus)  a.  [Gk. 
isos,  equal  ;  L.  stamen,  standing.] 
Having  stamens  equal  in  number 
to  that  of  sepals  and  petals  (dot.). 

isotely  (Tsot'glT)  n.  [Gk.  isos,  equal  ; 
telos,  end.]  The  close  resemblance 
in  a  homologous  character,  feature, 
or  organ  which  has  undergone 
subsequent  modifications  on  a 
similar  line  although  it  may  be  in 
widely  divergent  groups  (zool.,  dot.). 

isotomy  (Ts6t'6mT)  n.  [Gk.  tsos, 
equal ;  temnein,  to  cut.]  Bifurca- 

tion constantly  repeated  in  a 
regular  manner,  as  in  crinoid 
brachia  (zool.). 

isotonic  (I'soton'ik)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal ;  tonos,  tone.]  Of  equal 
tension  (phys.). 

isotonicity  (I'sotonis'iti)  n.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal ;  tonos,  tone.]  Normal  ten- 
sion under  pressure  or  stimulus 

isotropous  (isot'ropiis)  a.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  Not 
influenced  in  any  one  direction 
more  than  another  (dot.) ;  without 
predetermined  axes,  as  in  eggs 

isotropy  (isot'ropi)  n.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal  ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  Absence 
of  predetermined  axes  in  eggs. 

isozoic  (I'sozo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  isos,  equal  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  Inhabited  by 
similar  forms  of  animal  life  (dial ). 

isozooid  (I'sozo'oid)  n.  [Gk.  isos, 
equal ;  zoon,  animal  ;  eidos,  like.] 
A  zooid  similar  to  the  parent 
stock  (zoo!.). 

isthmiate  (is'miat)  a.  [Gk.  isthmos, 
neck.]  Connected  by  an  isthmus- 
like  part. 

isthmus  (is'mus)  n.  [Gk.  isthmos, 
neck.]  A  narrow  structure  con- 
necting two  larger  parts,  as  those 
of  aorta,  acoustic  meatus,  limbic 
lobe,  thyroid,  etc.  (anat.). 

iter  (ft'Sr)  n.  [L.  iter,  way.]  A 
passage  or  canal,  as  those  of  the 
middle  ear,  brain,  etc.  ;  an  aque- 
duct (anat.). 

ivory  (I'vori)  n.  [L.  edur,  ivory, 
through  French.]  Dentine  of  teeth, 
usually  that  of  the  elephant's  tusks 
and  similar  structures,  formed  from 
the  odontoblasts. 

Jacobson's  cartilage, — a  special  carti- 
lage formed  in  the  nose  region, 
supporting  Jacobson's  organ. 

Jacobson's  organ, — a  diverticulum  of 
the  olfactory  organ  in  many  verte- 
brates, often  developing  into  an 
epithelium-lined  sac  which  opens 
into  the  mouth. 




jaculator  (jak'ulator)  n.  [L.  jaculatus, 
thrown.]  A  placental  process, 
usually  hook-shaped,  of  certain 
fruits  (hot.). 

jaculatory  (jak'ulatorf)  a.  [L.  jacu- 
latorius,  throwing.]  Darting  out; 
capable  of  being  emitted  (zoo/.). 

jaculatory  duct, — a  portion  of  the 
vas  deferens  in  many  animals, 
which  is  capable  of  being  pro- 
truded (zool.}. 

jaculiferous  (jak'ulif'erus)  a.  [L. 
jaculum,  a  dart ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Bearing  dart-like  spines. 

jaw  (jo)  n.  [Akin  to  chaw,  cheivl\ 
A  structure  of  vertebrates  supported 
by  bone  or  cartilage,  naked  or 
sheathed  in  horn,  or  bearing  teeth 
or  horny  plates,  forming  part  of 
the  mouth,  and  helping  to  open 
or  shut  it ;  in  invertebrates,  a 
similarly  placed  structure. 

jaw-bone,— the  mandible. 

jaw-foot, — a  maxillipede  of  Arthro- 
pods (zool.}. 

jecorin  (jSk'orin)  n.  [L.jecur,  liver.] 
A  lecithin-like  phosphorized  sub- 
stance present  in  many  of  the 
organs  of  the  body  in  minute 
quantities,  and  soluble  in  ether 

jejunum  (jejoon'um)  n.  [L.  jejunus, 
empty.]  The  part  of  the  small 
intestine  stretching  from  the  duo- 
denum to  the  ileum  (anat.}. 

jelly  of  Wharton, — the  mucoid  tissue 
found  in  connection  with  the  vessels 
of  the  umbilical  cord  (anat.}. 

jubate  (joob'at)  a.  [L.  jubatus, 
maned.j  With  mane-like  growth 

jugal  (joog'al)  n.  [L.  jugum,  yoke.] 
The  malar  bone,  between  maxilla 
and  squamosal. 

jugate  (joog'at)  a.  [L.jugum,  yoke.] 
Having  pairs  of  leaflets  (bot.} ; 
furnished  with  a  jugum  (zool.). 

jugular  (joog'ular,  jug-)  a.  [L.  jugu- 
lum,  a  collar-bone.]  Pert,  neck  or 
throat  ;  appl.  ventral  fish-fins  be- 
neath and  in  front  of  pectoral  fins 

jugulum  (joog'ulum,  jug-)  n.  [L. 
jugulum,  collar-bone.]  The  fore- 
neck  region  of  a  bird's  breast ;  in 
Insects,  the  jugum  of  the  wing 

jugum  (joog'iim)  n.  [L.jugum,  yoke.] 
A  pair  of  opposite  leaflets  ;  a  ridge 
on  the  mericarp  of  umbelliferous 
plants  (dot.} ;  a  small  forewing  lobe 
of  a  very  few  moths  with  no  fren- 
ulum  (zool.} ;  the  union  of  the  small 
sphenoidal  wings  in  the  first  year 
after  birth  (anat.}. 

juice  (joos)  n.  [L.jus,  mixture.]  The 
fluid  contained  in  animal  flesh  or 
plant  structure  (phys.). 

Jurassic  (jooras'ik)  a.  [Jura  moun- 
tains.] Occurring  in  the  middle 
Secondary  rock-system,  the  eighth 
of  the  thirteen  systems  (pal.}. 


kakogenesis  (kak'ojen'gsls)  n.  [Gk. 
kakos,  bad  ;  genesis,  descent.]  In- 
ability to  hybridize  (biol.}. 

kalldium  (kalid'ium)  n.  [Dim.  Gk. 
kalia,  a  hut.]  A  form  of  sporocarp 

kalymmocytes  (kaltm'osits)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  kalymma,  covering ;  kytos, 
cell.]  In  Ascidians,  certain  follicle- 
cells  which  migrate  into  the  egg 
after  maturation  (zool.}. 

karyaster  (karias'ter)  n.  [Gk.  karyon, 
nucleus  ;  aster,  star.]  A  star-shaped 
group  of  chromosomes  (cyt.}. 

karyenchyma  (kar'Igng'kTma)  n.  [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus ;  engchyma,  in- 
fusion.] Nuclear  sap  (cyt.}. 

karyogamy  (kar'iog'aml)  n.  [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus ;  games,  union.] 
Union  and  interchange  of  nuclear 
material  (cyt.}. 

karyokinesis  (karfokine'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus  ;  kinein,  to  change.] 
Indirect  cell-division;  mitosis  (cyt.}. 

karyolymph  (kar'iolimf)  n.  [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus  ;  L.  lympha,  water.] 
Nuclear  sap  (cyt.}. 

karyolysls  (kar'iol'lsls)  n.  [Gk.  kar- 
yon, nucleus ;  lyein,  to  loosen.] 
Supposed  dissolution  of  the  nucleus 
in  mitosis  (cyt.}. 

karyomlcrosome  (kar'iomi'krosom)  11. 
[Gk.  karyon,  nucleus ;  mikros,  small ; 
soma,  body.]  A  nuclear  granule 





karyomite  (kar'lomlt')  n.  [Gk.  kar- 
yon, nucleus ;  mitos,  thread.]  A 
chromosome  (cyt.}. 

karyomitome  (karTomitom')  n.     [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus  ;  mitoma,  network.] 
Nuclear  network  of  fibres  (cyt.}. 
karyomitosis  (kar'iomito'sis)  n.     [Gk. 
karyon,    nucleus  ;    mitos,    thread.] 
Indirect  nuclear  division  (cyt.}. 
karyon    (kar'ion)    n.      [Gk.    karyon, 

nucleus.]  The  cell-nucleus  (cyt.}. 
karyophans  (kar'iofanz')  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus ;  phainein,  to 
appear.]  Microsomes  or  nucleus- 
like  granules  surrounded  by  an 
ovoid  matrix,  which  form  the 
spironeme  and  axoneme  in  stalk 
of  Infusoria  (cyt.}. 

karyoplasm    (kar'toplazm)    n.      [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]       The    nucleoplasm    or 
nuclear  substance  (cyt.}. 
karyorhexis   (kar'iorek'sis)   n.      [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus  ;    rexis,  breaking.] 
Fragmentation  of  the  nucleus  (cyt.}. 
karyosome  (kar'iosom)  n.     [Gk.  kar- 
yon,  nucleus ;    soma,   body.]     One 
of  the  nucleoli  of  the   "net-knot" 
type ;    a   chromosome  ;    a    special 
aggregation    of   chromatin    in    the 
resting   nucleus ;    the   cell-nucleus 
itself ;  cf.  plasmosome  (cyt.}. 
karyota  (kario'ta)  n.  plu.     [Gk.  kar- 
yon, nucleus.]     Nucleated  cells, 
karyotheca    (kar'iothe'ka)    n.       [Gk. 
karyon,  nucleus  ;    theke,  covering.] 
The  nuclear  membrane  (cyt.}. 
katabolism    (katab'olizm)    n.       [Gk. 
kata,  down  ;  ballein,  to  throw.]    The 
destructive  processes  of  metabolism 

kataphoric  (katafor'ik)  a.  [Gk.  kata, 
down  ;  pherein,  to  carry.]  Appl. 
passive  action,  the  result  of  lethargy 

kataplexy  (kat'aplek'si)  n.  [Gk.  kata, 
down  ;  plessein,  to  strike.]  Con- 
dition of  an  animal  feigning  death 

katastate  (katas'tat)  n.  [Gk.  kata, 
down  ;  stasis,  state.]  Any  product 
of  katabolic  activity  of  protoplasm 

kathodic  (kathod'ik)  a.  [Gk.  kathodos, 
descent.]  Not  arising  in  conforma- 
tion to  the  genetic  spiral ;  appl. 
leaves  (bot.}. 

kation  (katl'on)  ;/.  [Gk.  kata,  down  ; 
ienai,  to  go.]  A  positively  charged 
ion  which  moves  towards  the 
kathode  or  negative  pole  ;  opp. 
anion  (phys.}. 

keel  (kel)  n.  [A.S.  ceol,  ship.]  The 
carina  or  breast-bone  of  flying  birds 
(zool.}  ;  the  boat-shaped  structure 
formed  by  the  two  anterior  petals 
of  the  Leguminosae  (bot.}. 
keraphyllous  (keraf'iltis)  a.  [Gk. 
keras,  horn  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Appl. 
layer  of  a  hoof  between  the  horny 
and  sensitive  parts. 
keratin  (ker'atin)  n.  [Gk.  keras, 
horn.]  An  insoluble  substance 
forming  the  basis  of  epidermal 
structures  such  as  horns,  nails 

keratinization  (kerat'iniza'shun)  n. 
[Gk.  keras,  horn.]  State  of  becom- 
ing horny  ;  appl.  cells  of  epiderm 
developing  in  a  horny  material 

keratogenous  (keratqj'e'nus)  a.     [Gk. 
keras,  horn  ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
Horn-producing  (zool.}. 
keratoid   (ker'atoid)   a.     [Gk.    keras, 
horn  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]    Horny  ; 
resembling  horn  (zool.}. 
keratose    (ker'atos)    a.     [Gk.    keras, 
horn.]      Having    horny    fibres     in 
their  skeleton,  as  certain  Sponges 

kernel  (ker'nel)  ».  [A.S.  cyrnel,  a 
small  grain.]  The  inner  part  of  a 
seed  containing  the  embryo  (bot.}. 
kidney  (kld'ni)  n.  [M.E.  kidnere, 
kidney.]  A  urine-secreting  organ 

kinaesthetic  (kln'esthet'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
kinein,  to  move  ;  aisthesis,  percep- 
tion.] Pert,  sense  of  muscular  effort  ; 
motorial  ;  appl.  sense,  area  (phys.}. 
kinesodic  (km'esod'ik)  a.  [Gk.  kinesis, 
movement ;  odos,  way.]  Conveying 
motor  impulses  (phys.}. 
kinetic  (klnet'lk)  a.  [Gk.  kinein,  to 
move.]  Appl.  energy  employed  in 
producing  or  changing  motion 
(phys.}  ;  appl.  division  centre  in 
cell-division  (cyt.}. 

kinetoblast  (kine'toblast)  n.  [Gk. 
kinein,  to  move ;  blastos,  bud.]  The 
outer  ciliated  investment  of  aquatic 
larvae  with  special  locomotor  prop- 
erties (zool.}. 




kinetogenesis  (kine'toje'n'e'sis)  n. 
[Gk.  kinein,  to  move  ;  gignesthai, 
to  produce.]  The  evolution  theory 
that  animal  structures  have  been 
produced  by  animal  movements 

kinetonucleus  (klne'tonu'kleus)  n. 
[Gk.  kinein,  to  move  ;  L.  nucleus, 
kernel.]  The  secondary  nucleus, 
in  forms  such  as  Trypanosomes, 
in  close  connection  with  the  flag- 
ellum  and  undulating  membrane  ; 
cf.  trophonucleus  (cyt.}. 

kinetoplasm  (kine'toplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
kinein,  to  move ;  plasma,  some- 
thing formed.]  An  iron-contain- 
ing nucleo-protein  forming  a  source 
of  energy  to  Nissl  granules  of 
nerve-cells  (phys.}. 

kinoplasm  (km  oplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
kinein,  to  move  ;  plasma,  some- 
thing formed.]  The  substance  of 
which  attraction-sphere,  astral 
rays,  and  spindle-fibres  consist  ; 
archoplasm  (cyt.}. 

klasma-plates  (klas'ma-plats)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  klasma,  fragment  ;  L.  platus, 
flat.]  Small  parts  of  compound 
ambulacral  plates  separated  by 
growth  pressure  in  certain  Echi- 
noids  (zool.}. 

kleistogamous  (kllstog'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
kleistos,  closed  ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Fertilized  in  closed  flowers  (bot.}. 

knee  (ne)  n.  [A.S.  cnecnu,  knee.] 
The  joint  between  femur  and  tibia 
(zool.} ;  a  root-process  of  certain 
swamp-growing  trees  (bot.}. 

knot  (not)  n.  [A.S.  cnotta,  a  knot.] 
In  wood,  the  base  of  a  branch  sur- 
rounded by  new  layers  of  wood 
and  hardened  by  pressure  (dot.)  ; 
in  nuclear-meshwork,  the  small 
particles  of  chromatin  where  the 
meshes  cross  (cyt.}. 

labellate   (labeTat)   a.    [L.  labellum, 

small  lip.]     Furnished  with  labella 

or  small  lips  (dot.,  zool.}. 
labelloid  (labeToid)  a.     [L.  labellum, 

small  lip  ;  Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.] 

Like  a  labellum. 
labellum  (labeTum)  n.     [L.  labelling 

small  lip.]  The  lower  petal, 
morphologically  posterior,  of  an 
orchid  (bot.}  ;  a  small  lobe  beneath 
the  labrum  in  certain  insects  ;  one 
of  the  proboscis  lobes  in  certain 
insects  (zool.}. 

labia  (la'bia)  n.  plu.  [L.  labium,  lip.] 
Lip-like  structures  (anat.}. 

labia  cerebri,— the  margins  of  the 
hemispheres  of  the  brain  overlap- 
ping the  corpus  callosum  (anaf.}. 

labia  majora, — the  outer  lips  of  the 
vulva  (anat.}. 

labia  minora, — the  inner  vulvular 
lips  (anat.}. 

labial  (la'blal)  a.  [L.  labium,  lip.] 
Pert,  or  resembling  a  lip  (zool.}. 

labial  palp, — the  lobe-like  structure 
near  the  mouth  of  a  mollusc  ;  the 
jointed  appendage  on  the  labium 
of  Insects  (zool.}. 

labiate  (la'blat)  a.  [L.  labium,  lip.] 
Lip-like  ;  possessing  lips  or 
thickened  margins  (zool.}  ;  having 
the  limb  of  the  calyx  or  corolla  so 
divided  that  the  one  portion  over- 
laps the  other  (bot.}. 

labiatiflorous  (la'biatiflo'rus)  a.  [L. 
labium,  lip  ;  flos,  flower.]  Having 
the  corolla  divided  into  two  lip- 
like  portions  (bot.}. 

labidophorous  (lab'idof'orus)  a.  [Gk. 
labis,  forceps  ;  pherein,  to  carry.] 
Possessing  pincer-like  organs 

labiella  (la'bleTa)  n.  [L.  labium,  lip.] 
One  of  the  mouth  organs  of  Myria- 
pods  (zool.}. 

labiodental  (la'biodgn'tal)  a.  [L. 
labium,  lip ;  dens,  tooth.]  Pert. 
lip  and  teeth  ;  appl.  to  an  em- 
bryonic lamina  (emb.}. 

labium  (la'bium)  n.  sing,  of  labia ; 
the  fused  second  maxillae  of  Insects 

labral  (la'bral)  a.  [L.  labrum,  lip.] 
Pert,  a  labrum  (zool.}. 

labrum  (la'brum)  n.,  labra  (la'bra) 
plu.  [L.  labrum,  lip.]  The  anterior 
lip  of  Insects,  Crustaceans,  and 
certain  other  Arthropods ;  the  outer 
margin  of  the  mouth  of  a  gastropod 
shell  (zool.}. 

labyrinth    (lab'frinth)   n.      [L.    laby- 

rinthus,  labyrinth.]     The   complex 

internal  ear,  bony  or  membranous  ; 

the  portions  of  kidney  cortex  with 





the  uriniferous  tubules  (anat.)  ;  the 
tracheal  tympanum  (zool.). 
labyrinthodont    (lab'irin'thodont)    a. 
[Gk.  labyrinthos,  labyrinth  ;  odous, 
a  tooth.]     Having  teeth  with  great 
complexity  of  dentine  arrangement 
laccate  (lak'at)tf.    [It.  lacca,  varnish.] 

Appearing  as  if  varnished  (dot.). 
lacerated  (Ias'6rat6d)  a.     [L.  lacerare, 
to   tear.]     Having  the   margin   or 
apex  deeply  cut  into  irregular  lobes 
(hot.,  zool.}. 

lacertiform  (lasfir'tiform)  a.  [L. 
lacerta,  lizard ;  forma,  shape.] 
Having  the  shape  of  a  lizard 

lachrymal, — see  lacrimal. 
laclnia  (lasin'ia)  n.     [L.  lacinia,  flap.] 
Segment  of  an  incised  leaf  (hot.) ; 
internal   endopodite   of  labium  of 
Insects  (zool.). 

laciniate  (lasm'Iat)  a.  [L.  lacinia, 
flap.]  Irregularly  incised,  as 
petals  ;  fringed  (hot.). 
lacinula  (lasin'ula)  n.  [L.  lacinia, 
flap.]  Small  lacinia  (hot.,  zool.} ; 
the  inflexed  sharp  point  of  the 
petal  (tot.). 

lacinulate  (lasin'ulat)  a.     [L.  lacinia, 
flap.]    Having  lacinulae  (dot.,  zool.). 
lacrimal   (lak'rimal)  a.     [L.  lacrima, 
tear.]    Pert,  or   situated  'nejjii-^e 
lacrimal  organ;  appl.   bone,    duct, 
papillae,  sac,  etc.  (anat.). '  ., 
lacrimonasal   (lak'rlmona'zal)  a. '  [L. 
lacrima,  tear  ;  nasum,  nose.]    Pert.  1 
the   lacrimal  and  nasal   bones  or 
duct  (anat.). 

lacrimose  (lak'rimos)  a.  [L.  lacrima, 
tear.]  Bearing  tear-shaped  ap- 
pendages, as  the  gills  of  certain 
Fungi  (bot.). 

lactalbumin  (lak'talbu'min)  n.  [L. 
lac,  milk  ;  albumin,  albumin.]  An 
albumin  found  in  milk  (phys.). 
lactase  (lak'tas)  n.  [L.  lac,  milk.] 
An  enzyme  found  in  the  animal 
body  forming  glucose,  etc.,  from 
lactose  (phys.). 

lactation  (lakta'shun)  n.  [L.  lac, 
milk.]  Secretion  of  milk  in  •  the 
mammary  glands  (zool.). 
lacteals  (lak'tealz)  n.  plu.  [L.  lac, 
milk.]  Thechyliferous  or  lymphatic 
vessels  of  the  smallintestine  (anat.); 
ducts  which  carry  latex  (tot.). 

lactescent  (lakteVgnt)  a.  [L.  lac- 
tescere,  to  turn  to  milk.]  Produc- 
ing milk  (zool.)  ;  yielding  latex 

lactic  (lak'tik)  a.  [L.  lac,  milk.] 
Pert,  milk  ;  appl.  bacilli  (phys.). 

lactiferous  (laktif'erus)  a.  [L.  lac, 
milk  ;ferre,  to  carry.]  Forming  or 
carrying  milk  (zool} ;  carrying 
latex  (tot.). 

lactochrome  (lak'tokrom)  n.  [L.  lac, 
milk ;  Gk.  chroma,  colour.]  A 
colouring  matter  of  a  nitrogenous 
nature  supposed  to  be  in  milk 

lactoglobulin  (lak'toglob'ulin)  n.  [L. 
lac,  milk  ;  globulus,  dim.  of  globus, 
globe.]  The  specific  proteid  of 
milk,  insoluble  in  water  (phys.). 

lactoproteid  (lak'topro'teid)  n.  [L. 
lac,  milk  ;  Gk.  protos,  first ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  Any  of  the  milk 
proteids  (phys.). 

lacuna  (laku'na)  n.  [L.  lacuna,  cavity.] 
A  space  between  cells ;  a  sinus 
(zool.) ;  a  urethral  follicle  ;  a  cavity 
in  bone  (anat.) ;  a  small  cavity  or 
depression  on  the  surface  in  Lichens 

lacunar  (laku'nar)  a.  [L.  lacuna, 
cavity.]  Having  or  resembling 
lacunae  (zool.,  anat.). 

lacunose  (laku'nos)  a.  [L.  lacuna, 
cavity.]  With  numerous  cavities 
(zool.,  bot.). 

lacunosorugose  (lak'unosoroo'gos) 
a.  [L.  lacuna,  cavity  ;  rugosus, 
wrinkled.]  Having  deep  furrows  or 
pits,  as  some  seeds  and  fruits  (bot.). 

lacustrine  (lakus'trin)  a.  [L.  lacus, 
lake.]  Pert,  or  being  in  or  beside 
lakes  (tot.,  zool.). 

laeotropic  (le'otrop'ik)  a.  [Gk.  laios, 
left ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  Inclined, 
turned,  or  coiled  to  the  left  (zool.). 

laeotropous  (leot'ropus).     Laeotropic. 

lagena  (lagen'a,  laje'na)  ;/.,  lagenae 
(lage'na,  lajen'e)  plu.  [L.  lagena, 
flask.]  An  outgrowth  of  the  sac- 
culus,  the  terminal  portion  of  the 
cochlea  (zool.). 

lageniform  (lage'mform,  laje'niform) 
a.  [L.  lagena,  flask  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Shaped  like  a  flask  (zool.). 

lagopodous  (lagop'odus)  a.  [Gk. 
lagos,  hare  ;  pous,  foot.]  Possessing 
hairy  or  feathery  feet  (zool.). 



Lamarckian  (lamark'ian)  a.  [F. 
Lamarck,  biologist.]  Of  or  pert. 
the  theories  put  forward  by  Lamarck 

Lamarckism  (lamark'izm)  n.  [F. 
Lamarck,  biologist.]  The  evolution 
theory  of  Lamarck,  embodying  the 
principle  that  acquired  character- 
istics are  transmissible  (diol.). 

lambda  (lam'da)  n.  [Gk.  A,  lambda.] 
The  junction  of  the  lambdoid  and 
sagittal  sutures  (anat.). 

lambdoid  (lam'doid)  a.  [Gk.  A, 
lambda  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  A- 
shaped ;  appl.  a  cranial  suture 

lambdoidal, — lambdoid. 

lamella  (lamel'a)  n.  [L.  lamella,  a 
small  plate.]  Any  thin  plate-like 
structure  (anat.,  zool.)  ;  the  gill  of 
an  Agaric  (dot.). 

lamellar  (lameTar)  a.  [L.  lamella,  a 
small  plate.]  Composed  of,  or 
possessing  thin  plates  (zool.,  dot.). 

lamellate  (lamel'at).     Lamellar. 

lamellibranchiate  (lameTibrang'kiat) 
a.  [L.  lamella,  thin  plate ;  Gk. 
brangchia,  gills.]  Having  plate- 
like  gills  on  each  side  ;  with  bi- 
laterally compressed  symmetrical 
body,  like  a  bivalve  (zool.). 

lamellicorn  (lameTikorn)  a.  [L. 
lamella,  plate  ;  cornu,  horn.]  Hav- 
ing antennal  joints  expanded  into 
flattened  plates  (zojf.). 

lamelliferous  (lam'elif'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
lamella,  plate ;  ferre,  to  cawy.j 
Having  small  plates  or  scales 

lamelliform  (lamel'iform)  a.  [L.  la- 
mella, plate  ;  forma,  shape.]  Plate- 
like  (zool.). 

lamellirostral  (lamgl'iros'tral)  a.  [L. 
lamella,  plate ;  rostrum,  beak.] 
Having  the  inner  edges  of  the 
bill  bearing  lamellar-like  ridges 

lamelloss  (lameTos,  lam'£los),  lamellar. 

lamina  (lam'ina)  n.  [L.  lamina,  plate.] 
A  thin  layer,  or  scale  ;  one  of  the 
thin  plate-like  expansions  of  sensi- 
tive tissue  which  fit  into  the  grooves 
on  the  inside  of  the  horse-hoof 
(zool.) ;  the  blade  of  the  leaf  (dot.). 

laminar  (lam'mar)  a.  [L.  lamina, 
plate.]  Consisting  of  plates  or  thin 
layers  (dot.,  zool.). 

laminiform  (lamin'iform)  a.  [L.  lam- 
ina, plate  ;  forma,  shape.]  Laminar. 

laminiplantar  (lam'inTplan'tar)  a.  [L. 
lamina,  plate  ;  planta,  sole  of  foot.] 
Having  the  scales  of  the  metatarsus 
meeting  behind  in  a  smooth  ridge 

laminous  (lam'inus)  a.  [L.  lamina, 
plate.]  ^Laminar. 

lanate  (lan'at)  a.  [L.  lana,  wool.] 
Woolly  (zool.) ;  covered  with  short 
hair-like  processes  giving  a  woolly 
appearance  to  the  surface  (dot.). 

lance-linear  (lans'-lin'ear)  a.  [L. 
lancea,  lance  ;  linea,  line.]  Between 
lanceolate  and  linear  in  form  ;  appl. 
leaves  (dot.). 

lance-oblong  (lans'-ob'long)  a.  [L. 
lancea,  lance ;  odlongus,  oblong.] 
Oblong  with  tapering  ends  ;  appl. 
leaves  (dot.). 

lanceolate  (lan'seolat)  a.  [L.  lanceola, 
little  lance.]  Broad  at  base  and 
tapering  to  the  point ;  lance-shaped 
(dot.,  zool.). 

lance-oval  (lans'-o'val)  a.  [L.  lancea, 
lance ;  ovalis,  oval.]  Something 
between  lanceolate  and  oval  (dot.). 

lance-ovate  (lans'-o'vat)  a.  [L.  lancea, 
lance ;  ovalis,  oval.]  Something 
between  laftceolate  and  ovate  (dot.). 

lancefejaafoisi, — speciad'plates  support- 
I  &iHf&^e  water-vascular  vessels  of 
\,^TJlastoMs  (jppJit). 

Langerhans, — see  islets  of  Langer- 
y.  V  nAnsT 

Vlanguet,  languette  (lang'gwe't)  n. 
[F.  langue,  tongue.]  A  process  on 
the  branchial  sac  of  Ascidians 

laniary  (lan'iari)  a.  [L.  laniare,  to 
tear  in  pieces.]  Term  appl.  to 
canine  tooth  (zool.). 

lantern,  —  see  Aristotle's  lantern 
.  (zool.). 

lanthanin  (lan'thanin)  n.  [Gk.  lan- 
thanein,  to  conceal.]  Oxychro- 

lanuginous  (lanu'jinus)  a.  [L.  lanugo, 
wool.]  Woolly  (dot.,  zool.). 

lanugo  (lanu'go)  n.  [L.  lanugo,  wool.] 
The  downy  covering  on  a  foetus, 
shed  early  in  life  (anat.). 

lapidicolous  (lap'Idik'olus)  a.  [L. 
lapis,  stone ;  colere,  to  cultivate.] 
Appl.  animals  that  live  under 
stones  (zool.). 




lappaceous  (lapa'shus)  a.  [L.  lappa, 
bur.]  Prickly  (dot.). 

lappet  (lap'et)  n.  [M.E.  lappe,  a  loose 
hanging  part.]  One  of  the  paired 
lobes  extending  downwards  from 
the  distal  end  of  the  stomodaeum 
in  jelly-fish  ;  the  lobes  of  a  sea- 
anemone  gullet ;  the  wattle  of  a 
bird  (zool.). 

larva  (lar'va)  n.  [L.  larva,  ghost.] 
An  embryo  which  becomes  self- 
sustaining  and  independent  before 
it  has  assumed  the  characteristic 
features  of  its  parents  (zool.). 

larval  (lar'val)  a.  [L.  larva,  ghost.] 
Pert,  or  in  the  larval  stage  (zool.). 

larviform  (lar'viform)  a.  [L.  larva, 
ghost ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped  like 
a  larva  (zool.). 

larvigerous  (larvlj'erus)  a.  [L.  larva, 
ghost ;  gerere,  to  bear.]  Coarctate 

larvlparous  (larvip'arus)  a.  [L.  larva, 
ghost ;  parere,  to  produce.]  Pro- 
ducing live  larvae  (zool.). 

larvlvorous  (larviv'orus)  a.  [L.  larva, 
ghost ;  vorare,  to  devour.]"  Larva- 
eating  (sool.). 

larvule  (lar'vul)  n.  [L.  larvula,  small 
larva.]  Young  larva  (zool.). 

laryngeal  (larin'jeal,  lar'fnje'al)  a. 
[Gk.  larynx,  upper  part  of  wind- 
pipe.] Pert,  or  near  the  larynx  ; 
appl.  artery,  vein,  nerve,  etc. 

laryngotracheal  (laring'gotra'keal, 
larin'jo-)  a.  [Gk.  larynx,  windpipe ; 
L.  trachea,  trachea.]  Pert,  larynx, 
and  trachea  ;  appl.  embryonic  tube 

larynx  (lar'inks);*.,  larynges  (larin'jez) 
plu.  [Gk.  larynx,  the  larynx.]  The 
organ  of  voice  in  most  vertebrates, 
with  the  exception  of  birds  (zool.). 

lasso-cells, — filamented  hemispheri- 
cal cells  investing  the  tentacles 
of  Ctenophores,  which  adhere  to 
foreign  bodies  (zool.). 

latebra  (lat'ebra)  n.  [L.  latebra, 
hiding-place.]  The  bulb  of  the 
flask-shaped  mass  of  white  yolk  in 
eggs  (emb.). 

latebricole  (latgb'rikol)  a.  [L.  latebra, 
hiding-place  ;  colere,  to  cultivate.] 
Inhabiting  holes. 

latent  (la'tSnt)  a.  [L.  latere,  to  lie 
hid.]  Lying  dormant  but  capable 

of  development  under  favourable 
circumstances  ;  appl.  buds  (hot.)  ; 
resting  stages  (zool.)  \  character- 
istics (biol.). 

latent  bodies, — the  resting  stage  of 
certain  Haemoflagellates  (zool.). 

lateral  (lateral)  a.  [L.  latus,  side.] 
Pert,  or  situated  at  a  side  (zool.)  ; 
or  at  a  side  of  an  axis  (bot.). 

lateral  chain  theory, — see  side  chain 
theory  (phys.). 

lateral  line, — a  longitudinal  line  at 
each  side  of  the  body  of  Fishes 
marking  the  position  of  supposedly 
sensory  cells  connected  together, 
and  with  the  pneumogastric  nerve 

lateral  mesenteries, — the  mesenteries 
ofZoantharia,  excludingthe  directive 
or  dorsal  and  ventral  pairs  (zool.). 

laterigrade  (lat'erigrad)  a.  [L.  latus, 
side ;  gradus,  step.]  Walking  side- 
ways, as  a  crab  (zool.). 

laterinerved  (lat'erinervd')  a.  [L. 
latus,  side  ;  nervus,  sinew.]  With 
lateral  veins  (bot.). 

latex  (la'teks)  n.  [L.  latex,  fluid.]  A 
milky  fluid  found  in  some  plants 

laticiferous  (lat'isif'erus)  a.  [L.  latex, 
fluid  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Conveying 
latex  ;  appl.  cells,  tissue,  vessels 

latiplantar  (lat'iplan'tar)  a.  [L.  latus, 
side  ;  filanta,  sole  of  foot.]  Having 
the  hinder  tarsal  surface  rounded 

latirostral  (lat'iros'tral)  a.  [L.  latus, 
broad ;  rostrum,  beak.]  Broad- 
beaked  (zool.). 

latiseptate  (lat'isep'tat)  a.  [L.  latus, 
broad  ;  septum,  septum.]  Having 
a  broad  septum  in  the  silicula 

Laurer-Stieda  canal, — a  canal  leading 
from  the  junction  of  the  oviduct 
and  vitelline  duct  to  open  exter- 
nally on  the  dorsal  surface  in  Tre- 
matodes  (zool.). 

laurinoxylon  (lor'inok'silon)  n.  [L. 
laurus,  laurel  ;  Gk.  xylon,  wood.] 
Any  fossil  wood. 

law  of  acceleration, — the  generaliza- 
tion that  organs  of  greater  import- 
ance develop  more  quickly  (emb.). 

lax(laks)a.  [L.  laxus,  loose.]  Loose, 
as  appl.  panicle  (bot.). 



layer  of  Langhans,— see  cytotropho- 

leader  (le'der)  n.  [A.S.  laedan,  to 
lead.]  Highest  shoot  or  part  of 
trunk  of  a  tree  (bot.). 

leaf  (lef)  «.  [A.S.  leaf,  leaf.]  An 
expanded  outgrowth  of  a  stem, 
usually  green  (bot.}. 

lechriodont  (Igk'riodont')  a.  [Gk. 
lechrios,  slantwise  ;  odous,  tooth.] 
With  vomerine  and  pterygoid  teeth 
in  a  row  which  is  nearly  if  not  quite 
transverse  (zool.). 

lecithalbumin  (Igs'ithalbu'min)  n. 
[Gk.  lekithos,  egg-yolk  ;  L.  albumen, 
white  of  egg.]  A  substance,  con- 
sisting of  albumin  and  lecithin,  said 
to  exist  in  various  organs  in  the 
body  (phys.). 

lecithin  (leYithin)  n.  [Gk.  lekithos, 
egg-yolk.]  A  phosphorized  fat  of 
cell-protoplasm  (phys.). 

lecithoblast  (leVithoblast)  n.  [Gk. 
lekithos,  egg-yolk ;  blastos,  bud.] 
In  developing  eggs,  the  yolk-con- 
taining blastomeres  (smb.). 

lecithocoel  (leYithosel)  n.  [Gk.  leki- 
thos, egg-yolk  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The 
segmentation  cavity  of  holoblastic 
eggs  (emb.\ 

legume  (IggunV,  leg'um)  n.  [L.  leg- 
ume n,  pulse.]  A  dehiscent  one- 
celled,  two-valved  carpel,  as  pod  of 
pea  or  bean  (dot.). 

legumin  (Iggu'min)  n.  [L.  legumen, 
pulse.]  A  proteid  found  in  the 
seeds  of  the  Leguminosae  (bot.). 

lemniscus  (le"mms'kus)  n.  [Gk. 
lemniskos,  fillet.]  One  of  paired 
club-shaped  organs  at  base  of 
the  acanthocephalan  proboscis 
(zool.)  ;  a  fillet  of  fibres  on  each  side 
of  the  cerebral  peduncles  (anat.). 

lens  (16nz)  n.  [L.  lens,  lentil.]  A 
transparent  part  of  the  eye  which 
focusses  rays  of  light  on  the 
retina  ;  the  crystalline  lens  (anat.); 
the  modified  portion  of  the  cornea 
in  front  of  each  element  of  a 
compound  eye  (zool.). 

lenticel  (16n'tTs61)  n.  [L.  lens,  lentil.] 
Ventilating  pore  in  Angiosperm 
stems  (bot.). 

lenticular  (16ntik'ular)  a.  [L.  len- 
ticula,  dim.  of  lens,  lentil.]  Shaped 
like  a  double  convex  lens  (bot., 

lenticular  (Igntik'ular)  n.  The  tip  of 
the  incus  articulating  with  the 
stapes,  which  is  often  ossified  as 
a  separate  unit  (anat.). 

lenticulate  (16ntik'ulat)  a.  [L.  lens, 
lentil.]  Meeting  in  a  sharp  point  ; 
depressed,  circular,  and  frequently 
ribbed  (zool.). 

lentiform  (len'tiform)  a.  [L.  lens, 
lentil ;  forma,  shape.]  Lenticular. 

lentigerous  (le'ntij'e'rus)  a.  [L.  lens, 
lentil ;  gerere,  to  bear.]  Furnished 
with  a  lens  (zool.). 

lentiginose  (IgntTj'Inos)  a.  [L.  lentigo, 
from  lens,  lentil.]  Freckled  ; 
speckled  ;  bearing  numerous  small 
dots  (zool.,  bot.). 

lentiginous  (IgntijTnus).    Lentiginose. 

lepidodendroid  (lep'idode'n'droid)  a. 
[Gk.  lepis,  scale  ;  dendron,  tree  ; 
eidos,  like.]  Pert,  lepidodendron  ; 
having  scale-like  leaf-scars  (pal.). 

lepidophyte  (lep'idoflt)  n.  [Gk.  lepis, 
scale  ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  fossil 
plant  of  the  fern  family  (pal.). 

lepidopterous  (16p'Id6p't6rus)  a.  [Gk. 
lepis,  scale  ;  pteron,  wing.]  Pert. 
the  Lepidoptera,  i.e.  having  wings 
covered  with  minute  over-lapping 
scales  (zool.). 

lepidote  (Igp'Idot)  a.  [Gk.  lepis,  scale.] 
Covered  with  minute  scales  (bot.). 

lepidotic  (lep'IdSt'lk)  a.  [Gk.  lepis, 
scale.]  Appl.  an  acid  found  in 
wings  of  some  Lepidoptera  (phys.). 

lepidotrichia  (Igp'idotrik'ia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  lepis,  scale  ;  thrir,  hair.]  In 
Teleostomi,  bony  dermal  fin-rays, 
probably  modified  scales  (zool.). 

lepospondylous  (Igp'ospon'dllus)  a. 
[Gk.  lepos,  husk ;  sphondylvs, 
vertebra.]  Having  amphicoelous, 
or  hour-glass  shaped,  vertebrae 

leptocephaloid  (16p't6k6f'aloid,  -s6f-) 
a.  [Gk.  leptos,  slender ;  kephale, 
head ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Re- 
sembling or  having  the  shape  of 
a  Leptocephalus  (zool.). 

leptocercal  (Igp'tosgr'kal)  a.  [Gk. 
leptos,  slender;  kerkos,  tail.]  With 
long  slender  tapering  tail,  as  some 
Fishes  (zool.). 

leptodactylous  (lep'todak'tilus)  a. 
[Gk.  leptos,  slender;  daktylos, 
finger.]  Having  small  or  slender 
digits  (zool.). 




leptodermatous  (Ifip'todeYmatus)  a. 
[Gk.  leptos,  slender  ;  derma,  skin.] 
Thin-skinned;  appl,  various  thecae 

leptodermic  (Igp'todgr'mik).  Lepto- 

leptodermous  (Igp'toder'mus).  Lepto- 

leptome  (Igp'tom)  n.  [Gk.  leptos, 
slender.]  Vascular  tissue  of 
plant  stems  ;  phloem  ;  bast  (bot.}. 

leptophloem  '(ISp'toflo'Sm)  n.  [Gk. 
leptos,  slender  ;  phloios,  smooth 
bark.]  Rudimentary  bast  tissue 

leptophyllous  (lep'tofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
leptos,  slender  ;  phyllon,  leaf.] 
With  slender  leaves  "(bot.}. 

leptosporangiate  (Igp'tosporan'jiat)  a. 
[Gk.  leptos,  slender  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
anggeion,  vessel.]  With  sporo- 
genous  tissue  developing  from 
outer  cell  of  periclinal  division  ; 
opp.  eusporangiate  (bot.}. 

leptostroterate  (lep'tostrot'grat)  a. 
[Gk.  leptos,  slender  ;  strotos, 
covered.]  With  ambulacra!  plates 
narrow  and  crowded  together,  as 
in  certain  Stelleroidea  (zool.}. 

leptoxylem  (lep'tozl'lgm)  n.  [Gk. 
leptos,  slender  ;  xylon,  wood.] 
Rudimentary  wood  tissue  (bot.}. 

leptus  (Igp'tus)  n.  [Gk.  leptos,  small.] 
The  six-legged  larva  of  mites 

lethal  (le'thal)  a.  [L.  letum,  death.] 
Of  a  parasite,  fatal  or  deadly  in 
relation  to  a  particular  host  (zool.}. 

leuceine  (lu'sgin,  lu'seen,  loo-)  n. 
[Gk.  leukos,  white.]  An  amino- 
acid  formed  during  the  decomposi- 
tion of  proteids  (phys.}. 

leucine  (lu'sen,  lu'sln,  loo-)  n.  [Gk. 
leukos,  white.]  A  white  nitro- 
genous substance  found  as  a 
constituent  of  various  tissues  and 
organs  (phys.}. 

leucite  (lu'sit,  loo-)  n.  [Gk.  leukos, 
white.]  A  colourless  plastid  (bot.}. 

leucoblast  (lu'koblast,  loo-)  n.  [Gk. 
leukos,  white  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A 
colourless  blood-corpuscle  in  de- 
velopment (emb.}. 

leucocarpous  (lu'kokar'pus,  loo-)  a. 
[Gk.  leukos,  white  ;  karoos,  fruit.] 
With  the  fruit  white  (bot.}. 

leucocyan   (lu'kosfan,   loo-)  n.    [Gk. 

leukos,  white  ;  kyanos,  dark  blue.] 
A  pigment  found  in  certain  Algae 

leucocyte  (lu'koslt,  loo-)  n.  [Gk. 
leukos,  white  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  An 
amoebocyte  ;  a  colourless  blood- 
corpuscle  (anat.}. 

leucocy  togenesis  (lu'kosi'toj  en'esls, 
loo-)  n.  [Gk.  leukos,  white  ;  kytos, 
hollow ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
Leucocyte  formation  (phys.}. 

leucoplastids  (lu'koplas'tidz,  loo-)  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  leukos,  white  ;  plastos, 
formed.]  Colourless  plastids  from 
which  amylo-,  chloro-,  and  chromo- 
plastids  arise  (bot.}. 

leucoplasts  (lu'koplasts,  loo-)  n.  phi. 
[Gk.  leukos,  white;  plastos,  formed.] 
Colourless  granules  of  plant  cyto- 
plasm which  may  develop  into 
chromatophores  or  amyloplasts 

levator  (16va/tor)  n.  [L.  levare,  to 
raise.]  A  name  given  to  muscles 
serving  to  raise  an  organ  or  part 

Leydig's  duct, — the  Wolffian  duct 

Leydig's  organs, — minute  organs  on 
the  antennae  of  Arthropods,  sup- 
posed to  be  organs  of  smell  (zool.}. 

liana  (lian'a)  n.  [L.  ligare,  to  bind.] 
Any  luxuriant  woody  climber  of 
tropical  or  semi-tropical  forests 

liber  (ll'ber)  n.  [L.  liber,  inner  bark.] 
Bast  (bot.}. 

lichenism  (ll'kgnizm)  n.  [Gk.  leichen, 
liverwort.]  Symbiotic  relationship 
between  Fungi  and  Algae  (bot.}. 

lichenoid  (H'kgnoid)  a.  [Gk.  leichen, 
liverwort  ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Resembling  a  Lichen  (bot.}. 

lichenology  (Il'ke"n61'6ji)  n.  [Gk. 
leichen,  liverwort;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  study  of  Lichens  (bot.}. 

Lieberktihn's  crypts, — tubular  glands 
of  the  intestines  (anat.}. 

lien  (ll'6n,  le'6n)  n.  [L.  lien,  spleen.] 

lienal  (ll'enal)  a.  [L.  lien,  spleen.] 
Pert,  spleen ;  appl.  artery,  vein, 
nerve  plexus  (anat.}. 

lienculus  (lign'kulus)  n.  [L.  lien, 
spleen.]  An  accessory  spleen 

lienogastric  (lle'nogas'trlk,  lea'no-)  a. 




[L.  /ten,  spleen  ;  gaster,  stomach.] 
Pert,  spleen  and  stomach ;  appl. 
artery  supplying  spleen  and  parts 
of  stomach  and  pancreas  (anat.). 

life-cycle — the  various  phases  through 
which  an  individual  species  passes 
to  maturity  (biol.). 

ligament  (lig'amgnt)  «.  [L.  liga- 
mentum,  bandage.]  A  strong 
fibrous  band  of  tissue  connecting 
two  or  more  moveable  bones  (anat.). 

ligneous  (ITg'neus)  a.  [L.  lignum, 
wood.]  Woody  ;  of  the  nature  of 
wood  (tot.). 

lignescent  (lignSs'e'nt)  a.  [L.  lignes- 
cere,  to  become  woody.]  Develop- 
ing the  characters  of  woody  tissue 

ligmicolous  (iTgnik'olus)tf.  \L.lignum, 
wood  ;  colere,  to  cultivate.]  Grow- 
ing on  wood  (tot.). 

ligniflcation  (Hg'nifika'shun)  n.  [L. 
lignum,  wood  ;  facere,  to  form.] 
Wood-formation,  the  thickening  of 
plant  cell-walls  by  the  deposition 
of  lignin  (tot.). 

lignin  (Ilg'nen,  lig'ntn)  n.  [L.  lignum, 
wood.]  The  substance  which,  modi- 
fied by  cellulose,  causes  the  thicken- 
ing of  plant  cell-walls,  and  so  forms 
wood  (tot.). 

lignivorous   (ligmv'orus)  a.     [L.  lig- 
num,   wood  ;    vorare,    to    devour.] 
Eating  wood;  appl.  various  Insects  • 

lignocellulose  (Ifg'noseTulos)  n.  [L. 
lignum,  wood  ;  cellula,  little  cell.] 
The  essential  constituent  of  woody 
tissue,  lignin  and  cellulose  com- 
bined (tot.). 

lignose  (lig'nos)  n.  [L.  lignum,  wood.] 
A  variety  of  cellulose  (tot.). 

ligula  (lig'ula)  n.  [L.  ligula,  little 
tongue.]  A  band  of  white  matter 
in  the  wall  of  the  fourth  ventricle 
(anat.) ;  a  process  on  the  wall  of 
the  mouth  of  Insects  (zool.). 

ligulate  (Itg'ulat)  a.  [L.  ligula,  little 
tongue.]  Having  or  pert,  ligules  ; 
strap-shaped,  as  the  ray  flowers  of 
Compositae  (tot.). 

llgule  (Hg'ul)  n.  [L.  ligula,  little 
tongue.]  A  membranous  append- 
age at  the  junction  of  blade  and 
petiole  ;  a  supra-sporangial  scale  in 
Selaginella  (tot.) ;  one  of  the  lobes 
qf  the  annelidan  parapodium  (zool.). 

liguliflorous  (ITg'ulIflo'rus)  a.  [L. 
ligula,  little  tongue  ;  flos,  flower.] 
Having  ligulate  flowers  only  (dot.). 
limacel  (Hm'asgl)  n.  [L.  Umax,  slug.] 
The  concealed  vestigial  shell  of 
slugs  (zool.). 

limaciform  (limas'lform)  a.  [L. 
Umax,  slug  ;  forma,  shape.]  Like 
a  slug  (zool.). 

limacine     (Itm'asin)    a.      [L.    Umax, 
slug.]    Pert,  or  resembling  a  slug 
limb    (Hm)     n.      [A.S.     Urn,    limb.] 

Branch  ;  arm  ;  leg  ;  wing, 
limbic  (llm'blk)a.    [L.  limbus, border.] 
Bordering ;  appl.   a  cerebral  lobe 

limbous  (lim'bus)  a.  [L.  limbus, 
border.]  Appl.  overlapping  su- 
tures (anat.). 

limbus  (lim'bus)  n.  [L.  limbus, 
border.]  Any  border  if  distinctly 
marked  off  by  colour  or  structure 
(zool.,  hot.). 

limicolous  (limlk'olus)  a.  [L.  limus, 
mud;  colere,  to  dwell.]  Living  in 
mud  (zool.,  tot.). 

limivorous  (lirmVorus)  a.  [L.  limus, 
mud ;  vorare,  to  devour.]  Mud-eat- 
ing ;  appl.  certain  aquatic  animals 
which  swallow  mud  (zool.). 
limnetic  (llmngt'lk)  a.  [Gk.  limne, 
marsh.]  Living  in  marshes  ;  pert. 
organisms  of  marshy  habitat  (tot., 

limnophilous    (limnofilus)     a.     [Gk. 
limne,    marsh  ;   philein,    to    love.] 
Living    in    fresh-water    marshes ; 
appl.  snail,  etc.  (zool.). 
limnoplankton   (Iim'noplang'kt6n)  n. 
[Gk.     limne,     marsh ;    plangktos, 
wandering.]     The   floating  animal 
and  plant  life  in  fresh-water  ponds 
and  marshes  ;  cf.  hallplankton. 
line    (lin)  n.    [A.S.   line,   cable.]    A 
line ;    anatomical    term,    such    as 
nuchal,  temporal  line  (anat.). 
linea  (Hn'ea)  n.    [L.  linea,  line.]    A 

line,  which  see. 
linear   (lln'ear)    a.     [L.    linea,   line.] 

linear-ensate    (lln'ear-gn'sat)    a.     [L. 
linea,  line  ;  ensis,  sword.]     Between 
linear  and  ensiform  in  shape  ;  appl 
leaves  (tot.). 

linear  -  lanceolate  (lln'ear-lan'seolat) 
a.  [L.  lineO)  line  ;  lanceola^  small 




lance.]  Between  linear  and  lanceo- 
late in  shape  ;  appl.  leaves  (bot.). 

linear-oblong  (Im'ear-ob'long)  a.  [L. 
tinea,  line  ;  oblongus,  long  across.] 
Between  linear  and  oblong  in 
shape  ;  appl.  leaves  (hot.). 

linellae  (linel'e)  n.  plu.  [L.  linella, 
fine  thread.]  A  system  of  filaments 
in  certain  Sarcodina  holding  to- 
gether the  xenophya  (zool.}. 

lineolate  (lin'eolat)  a.  [L.  linea,  line.] 
Marked  by  fine  lines  or  striae 
(bot.,  zool.). 

lingua  (ling'gwa)  n.  [L.  lingua, 
tongue.]  The  floor  of  the  mouth  in 
mites  ;  the  hypopharynx  of  insects  ; 
a  tongue  or  tongue-like  structure 

lingual  (ling'gwal)  a.  [L.  lingua, 
tongue.]  Pert,  tongue ;  appl.  radula 
of  Molluscs  (zool.) ;  appl.  artery, 
gyrus,  nerve,  vein  (anat.). 

lingula  (Img'gula)  n.  [L.  lingula, 
little  tongue.]  A  small  tongue-like 
process  of  bone  or  other  tissue,  as 
of  cerebellum  or  sphenoid  (anat.}. 

linin  (ffnln)  n.  [L.  tinum,  flax.] 
The  substance  of  the  achromatinic 
reticulum  of  a  cell-nucleus  (cyt.). 

Linnaean  (Hne'an)  a.  [L.  Linnaeus, 
Swedish  naturalist.]  Pert,  or 
designating  the  system  of  classi- 
fication established  by  Linnaeus 

lip  (lip)  n.  [A.S.  lippa,  lip.]  One  of 
the  fleshy  folds  round  the  mouth  ; 
a  lip-like  structure,  such  as  labia, 
labella,  etc.  (zool.,  anat.). 

lip  cell, — a  sporangium  cell  at  the 
point  of  dehiscence  (bot.). 

lipase  (lip'as)  n.  [Gk.  lipos,  fat.]  An 
enzyme,  lipolytic  in  action,  found  in 
blood  and  in  various  organs,  and 
also  in  various  seeds  (phys.). 

lipochrome  (lip'okrom)  n.  [Gk.  lipos, 
fat ;  chroma,  colour.]  A  pigment 
found  in  some  Polychaetes  (zool.), 
and  in  some  plants  (bot.). 

lipogastry  (lip'ogas'tri)  «.  [Gk. 
leipesthai,  to  be  lacking ;  gaster, 
belly.]  Temporary  obliteration  of 
the  gastral  cavity,  as  in  some 
Sponges  (zool.). 

lipogenous  (lipoj'6nus)  a.  [Gk.  lipos, 
fat ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.]  Fat- 
producing  (bot.,  zool.). 

lipoid   (iTp'oid)    a.     [Gk.    lipos,    fat  j 

eidos,  resemblance.]  Any  fatty  sub- 
stance, such  as  lecithin,  cholesterin, 
found  in  cells  (phys.). 

lipolytic  (Hp'olTt'ik)  a.  [Gk.  lipos, 
fat ;  lyein,  to  reduce.]  Capable  of 
dissolving  fat ;  fat-reducing  (phys}. 

lipomerism  (Ifpom'e'rlzm)  n.  [Gk. 
leipesthai,  to  be  lacking ;  meros, 
part.]  Suppression  of  segmenta- 
tion, or  coalescence  of  segments,  as 
in  Crustaceans  (zool.). 

lipostomy  (ITpos'tom!)  n.  [Gk.  leipes- 
thai, to  be  lacking  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
Temporary  obliteration  of  the 
mouth  or  osculum  (zool.). 

lipoxenous  (lipok'sgnus)  a.  [Gk. 
leipesthai,  to  be  lacking ;  xenos, 
host.]  Leaving  the  host  before 
completion  of  development,  as  in 
case  of  certain  parasites  (bot.). 

lipped  (Hpt)  a.  [A.S.  lippa,  lip.] 
Labiate  (bot.). 

lirella  (lireTa)  n.  [L.  lira,  furrow.] 
A  linear  apothecium  of  Lichens 

lissencephalous  (lis'gnkeTalus,  -sgf-) 
a.  [Gk.  lissos,  smooth  ;  engkephalon, 
brain.]  Having  few  or  no  con- 
volutions on  the  brain  (zool.). 

lissoflagellate  (lis'oflaj'glat)  a.  [Gk. 
lissos,  smooth  ;  L.  ftagellum,  whip.] 
Having  no  collar  surrounding  the 
base  of  the  flagellum  (zool.). 

lithite  (iTth'lt)  n.  [Gk.  lithos,  stone.] 
A  calcareous  secretion  found  in 
connection  with  the  ear,  or  with 
otocysts,  lithocysts,  and  tentaculo- 
cysts,  the  supposed  auditory  organs 
of  many  invertebrates  (anat.,  zool.). 

lithocysts  (lith'osists)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
lithos,  stone  ;  kystis,  bladder.] 
Minute  sacs  or  grooves,  containing 
lithites,  found  in  various  inverte- 
brates ;  the  marginal  sense-organs 
of  certain  Coelenterates  (zool.). 

lithodesma  (lith'odeVma)  n.  [Gk. 
lithos,  stone ;  desma,  bond.]  A 
small  plate,  shelly  in  nature,  found 
in  certain  bivalves  (zool.). 

lithodomous  (lithod'timus)  a.  [Gk. 
lithos,  stone  ;  demein,  to  build.] 
Living  in  rocks  (zool.). 

lithogenous  (Hthqj'e'nus)  a.  [Gk. 
lithos,  stone ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] Rock-forming,  or  rock- 
building,  as  certain  corals  (zool.). 

lithophagous    (lithof'agus)  a,      [Gk. 




lithos,  stone  ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Stone-eating,  as  Birds  ;  rock- 
burrowing,  as  Molluscs  (zoo/.). 

lithophilous  (lithofilus)  a.  [Gk. 
lithos,  stone  ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Growing  on  stones  or  rocks  (bot.). 

lithophyll  (lith'ofil)  n.  [Gk.  lithos, 
stone  ;  fihyllon,  leaf.]  A  fossil  leaf, 
or  leaf-impression  (J>al.). 

lithophyte  (lith'oflt)  n.  [Gk.  lithos, 
stone  ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  plant 
growing  on  rocks  or  in  rocky 
places  (bot.). 

lithotomous  (lithot'omiis)  a.  [Gk. 
lithos, stone ;  temnein,\.o  cut.]  Stone- 
boring,  as  certain  Molluscs  (zoo/.). 

littoral  (Ht'oral)  a.  [L.  littus,  sea- 
shore.] Growing  or  living  at  or 
near  the  sea-shore  (biol.). 

liver  (liv'er)«.  [A.S. lifer, liver.]  A  bile- 
secreting  gland  of  vertebrates  (zoo/.). 

liver-pancreas, — an  organ  in  Molluscs 
and  Crustaceans  combining  the  func- 
tionsof  the  liver  and  pancreas  (zoo/.). 

lobate  (lo'bat)  a.  [Gk.  lobos,  lobe.] 
Divided  into  lobes. 

lobe  (lob)  n.  [Gk.  lobos,  lobe.]  A 
flap-like  structure  on  the  toes  of 
certain  birds  (zoo/.) ;  any  rounded 
projection  of  an  organ. 

lobed  (lobd)  a.  [Gk.  lobos,  lobe.] 
Having  the  margin  cut  up  into 
rounded  divisions  by  incisions 
which  reach  less  than  half-way  to 
the  mid-rib  (bot.). 

lobopodia  (lo'bdpo'dia)  n.  phi.  [Gk. 
lobos,  lobe ;  pous,  foot.]  Blunt 
pseudopodia  of  Protozoa  (zoo/.). 

lobose  (16'bos)  a.  [Gk.  lobos,  lobe.] 
Having  lobes,  or  divided  up  into 
lobes  (hot.,  zoo/.). 

lobular  (16b'ular)  a.  [Gk.  lobos,  lobe.] 
Like  or  pert,  small  lobes  (anat.). 

lobulate  (ISb'ulat)  a.  [Gk.  lobos, 
lobe.]  Divided  into  small  lobes. 

lobule  (lob'ul)  n.  [Gk.  lobos,  lobe.] 
A  small  lobe  (anat.). 

lobulus  (lob'iilus).     Lobule. 

lobus  (lo'bus).     Lobe. 

localization  (lo'kaliza'shun)  n.  £L. 
locus,  place.]  The  state  of  being 
localized  (phys.). 

localization  of  function,— reference 
to  different  parts  of  the  brain  as 
communicating  centres  of  the 
various  senses  (phys.). 

localization  of  sensation,— identifica- 

tion on  surface  of  body  of  exact 
spot  affected  (phys.). 

locellus  (loseTus)  n.  [L.  locellus, 
from  locus,  place.]  A  small  com- 
partment of  an  ovary  (bot.). 

locomotor  rods, — hooked  or  knobbed 
rods  for  crawling,  on  the  ventral  sur- 
face of  certain  round- worms  (zoo/.). 

locular  (lok'ular)  a.  [L.  loculus,  from 
locus,  place.]  Containing,  or  com- 
posed of  loculi  (bot.,  zoo/.). 

loculate  (lok'ulat).     Locular. 

loculicidal  (lok'ulfsl'dal)  a.  [L.  locus, 
place  ;  caedere,  to  cut.]  Dehiscent 
dorsally  down  the  middle  of  the 
carpels  (dot.). 

loculus  (lok'ulus)  ».,  loculi  (ISk'ulI, 
lok'ule),  plu.  [L.  loculus,  from  locus, 
place.]  A  small  chamber  or  cavity  ; 
the  cavities  between  the  septa  in 
certain  Coelenterates  ;  a  chamber 
of  a  foraminiferal  shell  (zoo/.) ;  one 
of  the  cavities  of  an  ovary  (bot.). 

lodicule  (16d'Ikul)  n.  [L.  lodicula, 
coverlet.]  A  scale  at  the  base  of 
the  ovary  in  grasses  supposed  to 
represent  a  perianth  (bot.). 

loma  (lo'ma)  n.  [Gk.  loma,  fringe.] 
A  thin  membranous  flap  forming 
a  fringe  round  an  opening  (zoo/.). 

lomastome  (lo'mastom')  n.  [Gk.  loma, 
fringe ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Having 
the  margin  of  the  lip  recurved  or 
reflected  (zoo/.). 

loment  (16'mSnt)  n.  [L.  lomentum, 
mixture  of  bean  and  rice  meal.] 
A  legume  or  pod  constricted  be- 
tween the  seeds  (bot.). 

lomentaceous  (I6'm6nta'shus)  a.  [L. 
lomentum,  bean  meal.]  Pert,  or 
resembling  a  loment,  or  having 
loments  (bot.}. 

lomentum  (lomeVtum).     Loment. 

longicorn  (lon'jikorn)  a.  [L.  longifs, 
long;  cornu,  horn.]  Having  long  an- 
tennae ;  appl.  certain  beetles  (zoo/.). 

longipennate  (ISn'jipe'n'at)  a.  [L. 
longus,  long  \penna,  wing.]  Having 
long  wings,  or  with  long  feathers 

longlrostral  (Ifin'jlros'tral)  a.  [L. 
longus,  long  ;  rostrum,  beak.] 
With  a  long  beak  (zoo/.). 

longitudinal  (lon'jltu'dlnal)  a.  [L. 
longus,  long.]  Running  lengthwise 
or  along  the  line  of  axis  ;  appl. 
muscle,  nerve,  etc.  (anat.). 




lophiostomate  (Io'ff6st5'mat)  a.  [Gk. 
lophion,  small  crest ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
With  crested  conceptacle-opening 

lophobranchiate  (lo'fobrang'kiat)  a. 
[Gk.  lophos,  crest  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
With  tufted  gills  (zool.). 

lophocalthrops  (lo'fokal'throps)  n. 
[Gk.  lophos,  crest  ;  A.S.  coltraeppe, 
a  kind  of  thistle.]  A  sponge  spic- 
ule  with  all  the  rays  crested  or 
branched  (zool.). 

lophocercal  (lo'foseVkal)  a.  [Gk. 
lophos,  crest  ;  kerkos,  tail.]  Having 
a  rayless  caudal  fin  like  a  ridge 
round  the  end  of  the  vertebral 
column  (zool.}. 

lophodont  (lo'fodont)  a.  [Gk.  lophos, 
crest ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having  trans- 
verse ridges  on  the  cheek-teeth 
grinding  surface  (zool.). 

lophophore  (lo'fofor)  n.  [Gk.  lophos, 
crest ;  pherein,  to  carry.]  An  oval 
tentacle-supporting  organ  in  Poly- 
zoa  and  Brachiopods  (zool.). 

lophoselenodont  (lo'fosfile'nodont)  a. 
[Gk.  lophos,  crest ;  selene,  moon  ; 
odous,  tooth.]  Having  the  cheek 
teeth  ridged  with  crescentic  cuspid 
ridges  on  the  grinding  surface  (zool.). 

lophosteon  (lo'fos'teon)  n.  [Gk.  lophos, 
ridge ;  osteon,  bone.]  The  keel- 
ridge  of  a  sternum  (zool.). 

lophotriaene  (lo'fotri'en)  n.  [Gk. 
lophos,  ridge ;  triaina,  trident.] 

lophotrichous  (lofoYrikus)  a.  [Gk. 
lophos,  ridge  ;  thrix,  hair.]  Having 
long  whip-like  flagella  (hot.,  zool.). 

lophs  (lofs)  n.  flu.  [Gk.  lophos,  ridge.] 
Crests  which  may  connect  the 
cones  in  teeth  and  so  form  ridges 

loral  (lo'ral)  a.  [L.  lorum,  thong.] 
Pert,  or  situated  at  the  lore  (zool.). 

lorate  (lo'rat)  a.  [L.  lorum,  thong.] 
Strap-shaped  (tot.). 

lore  (lor)  n.  [L.  lorum,  thong.]  The 
space  between  bill  and  eyes  in 
birds  (zool.). 

lorica  (loYlka)  n.  [L.  lorica,  corselet.] 
A  protective  external  case  found  in 
Rotifers  and  Infusorians  (zool.). 

loricate  (lor'ikat)  a.  [L.  lorica,  corse- 
let.] Covered  with  protective  shell 
or  scales  (zool.). 

lorication  moment, — the  occasion  of 

the    deposition    of    silica    for    an 
entire  skeleton  at  one  time  (zool.). 

lorum  (lo'rum)  n.  [L.  lorum,  thong.] 
The  piece  of  the  under  jaw  on  which 
the  submentum  lies  in  certain 
Insects  (zool.). 

loxodont  (lok'sodont)  a.  [Gk.  loxos, 
oblique  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having 
molar  teeth  with  shallow  grooves 
between  the  ridges  (zool.). 

luciferase  (loostf'e'ras)  n.  [L.  lux, 
light  \ferre,  to  carry.]  An  oxidizing 
enzyme  which  acts  on  luciferine, 
causing  luminosity  in  certain  ani- 
mals (phys.). 

luciferine  (loosif'grin)  n.  [L.  lux, 
light ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  The  sub- 
stance oxidized  by  luciferase,  caus- 
ing luminosity  ;  it  appears  to  have 
some  of  the  properties  of  proteins 

lumbar  (lum'bar)  a.  [L.  htmbus, 
loin.]  Pert,  or  near  the  region  of 
the  loins  ;  appl.  artery,  vein,  ver- 
tebra, plexus,  gland  (anat.). 

lumbocostal  (lum'bokos'tal)  a.  [L. 
lumbus,  loin  ;  costa,  rib.]  Pert. 
loins  and  ribs  ;  appl.  arch  (anat.). 

lumbosacral  (lum'bosa'kral)  a.  [L. 
lumbus,  loin ;  sacrum,  sacred.] 
Pert,  loins  and  sacrum  ;  appl. 
nerve-plexus,  trunk  (anat.). 

lumbriciform  (Iumbrls'if6rm)  a.  [L. 
lumbricus,  earth-worm  ;  forma, 
shape.]  Like  a  worm  (zool.). 

lumbricoid  (lum'brlkoid).  Lumbrici- 

lumen  (lii'mSn,  loo-)  n.  [L.  lumen, 
light.]  The  cavity  of  a  tubular 
part  or  organ  (anat.). 

luminous  organs,— specialized  organs 
for  the  production  of  light,  found 
in  fireflies,  deep-sea  fishes,  glow- 
worms, etc.  (zool.). 

lunar  (lu'nar,  •  loo-)  a.  [L.  luna, 
moon.]  Appl.  carpal  bone  ;  also 
called  semilunar  and  intermedium  ; 
lunate  (zool.). 

lunare  (lunar'e,  loona'ra)  n.  [L.  luna, 
moon.]  The  lunar  bone  (anat.). 

lunate  (lu'nat,  loo-)  a.  [L.  luna, 
moon.]  Somewhat  crescent-shaped 

lung  (lung)  n.  [A.S.  lunge,  lung.] 
The  paired  or  single  respiratory 
organ  of  air-breathing  higher 
a.nimal  forms  (zool.). 




lung-book, — the  respiratory  organ  of 
Scorpionids,  formed  like  a  purse 
with  numerous  compartments 

lunular  (lu'nular,  loo-)  a.  [L.  lunula, 
small  moon.]  Marked  with  cres- 
cent-shaped marking  (zool.}. 

lunulate  (lu'nulat,  loo-).     Lunular. 

lunule  (lu'nul,  loo-)  n.  [L.  lunula, 
small  moon.]  A  crescent-shaped 
marking  (zool.}. 

lunulet  (lu'nulSt,  loo-)  n.  [L.  lunula, 
small  moon.]  A  small  lunule 

lupulin  (lu'pultn,  loo'pulln)  n.  [L. 
lupus,  a  hop.]  The  resinous  gland- 
ular scales  of  hops  (hot.} ;  an 
organic  compound,  bitter  and  acrid, 
obtained  from  these  (phys.}. 

lutein  (lu'tein,  loo-)  n.  [L.  luteus, 
orange-yellow.]  The  yellow  pig- 
ment of  egg-yolk  (phys.}. 

lychnidiate  (liknld'iat)  a.  [Gk.  lych- 
nis, phosphorescent  gem.]  Lumin- 
ous (zool.}. 

lymph  (limf)  n.  [L.  lympha,  water.] 
An  alkaline  colourless  fluid  con- 
tained in  the  lymphatic  vessels 
(anaf.,  phys.}. 

lymph  heart, — a  contractile  expan- 
sion of  a  lymph  vessel  where  it 
opens  into  a  vein,  found  in  many 
of  the  vertebrates  (zool.}. 

lymphatic  (Hmfat'ik)  a.  [L.  lympha, 
water.]  Pert,  or  conveying  lymph 

lymphocyte  (lim'foslt)  n.  [L.  fympha, 
water ;  Gk.  kytos,  hollow.]  A 
colourless  corpuscle  found  in  blood 
and  lymph  (phys.}. 

lymphogenlc  (llm'fojen'ik)  a.  [L. 
lympha,  water  ;  Gk.  gignesthai,  to 
produce.]  Produced  in  the  lymph- 
glands  (phys.}. 

lymphogenous  (limfoj'e'nus)  a.  [L. 
lympha,  water ;  Gk.  gignesthai,  to 
produce.]  Lymph-forming  (phys., 

lymphold  (lim'foid)  a.  [L.  lympha, 
water  ;  Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Appl.  retiform  tissue  with  meshes 
largely  occupied  by  lymph  cor- 
puscles ;  adenoid  (phys.}. 

lyophll  (li'ofil)  a.  [Gk.  lyein,  to  loose ; 
philos,  loving.]  Appl.  solutions 
which,  after  evaporation  to  dry- 
ness,  go  readily  into  solution  again 

on   the   addition    of   a   fluid  ;    cf. 
lyophobe  (phys.}. 

lyophobe  (Ifofob)  a.  [Gk.  lyein,  to 
loose  ;  phobos,  fear.]  Appl.  solu- 
tions which,  after  evaporation  to 
dryness,  remain  as  a  solid  ;  cf. 
lyophll  (phys.}. 

lyotropic  (llotrop'ik)  a.  [Gk.  lyein,  to 
loose  ;  trope,  a  turning.]  Appl. 
solutions  which  are  dependent  on 
changes  in  the  solvent  itself 

lyra  (li'ra)  n.  [Gk.  lyra,  lyre.]  Tri- 
angular part  of  the  corpus  callosum, 
marked  with  lines  as  a  lyre  (anat.}. 
lyrate  (ffrat)  a.  [Gk.  lyra,  lyre.] 
Lyre-shaped  ;  appl.  certain  leaves 

lysactinic  (Hsaktln'Ik)  a.     [Gk.  lysis, 
a   loosing  ;   aktis,  ray.]      Of  Stel- 
leroidea,  having  the  podia  limited 
to  the  lower  half  of  the  body  instead 
of  continued  to  the  apical  plates  ; 
cf.  desmactlnic  (zool.}. 
lyslgenous  (lisij'gnus)  a.     [Gk.    lysis, 
loosing ;   gignesthai,   to    produce.] 
Appl.  formation  of  tissue  cavities 
caused   by   the   degeneration   and 
breaking  down  of  cell-walls  in  the 
centre  of  the  mass  (bot.}. 
lysln  (li'sin)  n.     [Gk.  lysis,  loosing.] 
Any  substance  capable  of  destroy- 
ing bacteria  (phys.}. 
lysogenesls     (Irsojen'ests)    n.       [Gk. 
lysis,  loosing  ;  gignesthai,   to  pro- 
duce.]   The  action  of  lysins  (phys.}. 
lysogenous  (llsoj'e'nus).     Lysigenous. 
lyssa  (lis'a)  n.     [Gk.  lyssa,  madness.] 
A  vermiform  structure  of  cartilage, 
muscle,     and     connective     tissue, 
under    the    tongue    of    Mammals 

lytta  (llt'a)  n.  [Gk.  lytta,  madness.] 
A  cartilaginous  or  fibrous  rod  lying 
in  the  tongue  of  Carnivores  (zool.}. 


macerate  (m&s'erat)  v.  [L.  macerare, 
to  soften.]  To  wear  away  or  to 
isolate  the  parts  of  a  tissue  or 
organ  (zool.}  ;  to  soften  and  wear 
away  by  digestion  or  other  means 

machopolyp    (mak'6p611p)    n.      [Gk, 




mache,  fight  ;  polys,  many  ;  pous, 
foot.]  A  nematophore  of  certain 
Hydromedusae  provided  with 
cnidoblasts  or  adhesive  globules 

inacrandrous  (makran'drus)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  •,  aner,  man.]  Having 
large  male  plants  or  elements 

macrobiotic  (mak'robiot'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  bios,  life.]  Long- 
lived  ;  life-prolonging  (btol.). 

macroblast  (mak'rdblast)  n.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A 
large  cell  or  corpuscle  (zool.). 

macrocarpous  (mak'rokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Pro- 
ducing large  fruit  (bot.). 

macrocephalous  (mak'rokef'alus,  -s6f-) 
a.  [Gk.  makros,  large  ;  kephale, 
head.]  Having  the  cotyledons 
thickened  (bot.)  ;  big-headed  (anat.). 

macrocnemic  (mak'rokne'mik)  «.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  kneme,  tibia.]  Appl. 
Zoanthidae  having  the  sixth  proto- 
cneme  or  primary  pair  of  mesen- 
teries perfect  (zool.). 

macroconidium  (mak'rokonid'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  konis,  dust.] 
A  large  asexual  spore  or  conidium 

macroconjugant  (mak'rokon'joogant) 
n.  [Gk.  makros,  large  ;  L.  conju- 
gare,  to  unite.]  The  large  indi- 
vidual of  a  conjugating  pair,  as  the 
ordinary  sedentary  Vorticellan  to 
which  the  motile  microconjugant 
or  individual  attaches  itself  (zool.). 

macrocyst  (mak'rosist)  n.  [Gk.  makros, 
large  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  A  large 
reproductive  cell  of  certain  Fungi  ; 
a  large  cyst  or  case,  as  for  spores 

macrocytase  (mak'rosi'tas)  n.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  The 
enzyme  of  macrophages  or  endo- 
thelial  cells  (phys.). 

macrodactylous  (mak'rodak'tilus)  a. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  daktylos,  finger.] 
With  long  digits  (zool.}. 

macrodont  (mak'rodont)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  odous,  tooth.]  With 
large  teeth  (anat.). 

macrogamete  (mak'rogamet')  n.  [Gk. 
makros,  large;  gametes,  spouse.] 
The  larger  of  two  conjugants, 
usually  considered  as  equivalent 

to  the  ovum  or  female  conjugant 

macrogametocyte  (mak'rogame'toslt) 
n.  [Gk.  makros,  large  ;  gametes, 
spouse  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  The  mother- 
cell  of  a  macrogamete,  considered 
female  ;  term  used  mainly  in  con- 
nection with  Protista  (biol.). 

macrogamy  (makrog'ami)  n.  [Gk. 
makros,  large ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Syngamy  between  full-grown  in- 
dividuals of  a  species,  as  in  Acti- 
nophrys  (zool.). 

macroglossate  (mak'roglos'at)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  glossa,  tongue.] 
Furnished  with  a  large  tongue. 

macrognathic  (mak'rognath'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;'  gnathos,  jaw.] 
Having  specially  developed  jaws 

macrogonidium  (mak'rogonid'itim)  n. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  gone,  genera- 
tion.] A  large  gonidium  (bot.). 

macromere  (mak'romer)  n.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  meros,  part.]  In 
the  cleavage  of  telolecithal  eggs, 
one  of  the  larger  cells  of  the  lower 
hemisphere  (emb.). 

macromerozoite  (mak'romer'dzo'it)  n. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  meros,  part  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  One  of  the  many 
divisions  produced  by  the  macro- 
schizont  stage  of  a  Sporozoan 

macromesentery  (mak'romes'enteri) 
n.  [Gk.  makros,  large  ;  mesas, 
middle  ;  enteron,  gut.]  One  of  the 
larger  complete  mesenteries  of  an 
Anthozoan  (sool.). 

macromyelon  (mak'roml'elon)  n.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  myelos,  marrow.] 
The  medulla  oblongata  (anat.). 

macront  (mak'ront)  n.  [Gk.  makros, 
large ;  ons,  being.]  The  larger 
of  two  sets  of  cells  formed  after 
schizogony  in  Neosporidia,  the 
macront  giving  rise  to  macro- 
gametes  (zool.). 

macronucleus  (mak'ronu'kleus)  n. 
[Gk.  makros,  large ;  L.  nucleus, 
kernel.]  The  larger  of  two  nuclei 
in  a  cell,  usually  supposed  to  be 
of  a  vegetative  or  somatic  nature 

macrophage  (mak'rofaj)  n.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
A  large  phagocyte  or  endothelial 




cell  possessing  the  enzyme  macro- 
cytase  (phys.). 

macrophyllous  (mak'rofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Hav- 
ing elongated  leaves  or  leaflets 

macropodous  (makrop'ddus)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  \pous,  foot.]  Having 
a  long  stalk,  as  a  leaf  or  leaflet  ; 
having  the  hypocotyl  large  in  pro- 
portion to  the  rest  of  the  embryo 

macropterous  (makrop'te'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  \pteron,  wing.]  With 
unusually  large  fins  or  wings 

macroschizogony  (mak'roshizog'oni) 
«.  [Gk.  makros,  large  ;  schizein, 
to  cleave  ;  gone,  generation.] 
Method  of  multiplication  of  the 
macroschizonts  (zool.). 

macroschizont  (mak'roshiz'ont)  n. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  schizein,  to 
cleave.]  A  stage  in  the  life-cycle 
of  certain  Haemosporidia  de- 
veloped from  a  sporozoite,  and 
giving  rise  to  a  number  of  macro- 
merozoites  (zool.). 

macroscopic  (mak'roskop'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  skopein,  to  view.] 
Visible  to  the  naked  eye. 

macrosepalous  (mak'rosep'alus)  a. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  sepalon,  sepal.] 
With  specially  large  sepals  (dot.). 

macroseptum  (mak'rose'p'tum)  n. 
[Gk.  macros,  large  ;  L.  septum, 
division.]  A  primary  or  perfect 
septum  of  the  Anthozoa  (zool.). 

macrosmatic  (mak'rosmat'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
makros,  large  ;  osme,  smell.]  With 
well  -  developed  sense  of  smell 

macrosomatous  (mak'rosom'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  ma&ros,  large  ;  soma,  body.] 
Possessing  an  abnormally  large 

jlofor)  n.  [Gk.  makros,  large  ; 
sporos,  seed  ;  anggeion,  vessel  ; 
pherein,  to  bear.]  A  structure 
bearing  a  macrosporangium  (hot.}. 

macrosporangium  (mak'rosporan'- 
jium)  n.  [Gk.  makros,  large  ;  sporos, 
seed  ;  anggeion,  vessel.]  A  spor- 
angium developing  macrospores  or 
megaspores  (bot.). 

macrospore     (mak'rdspor)    «.      [Gk. 

makros,  large  ;  sforos,  seed.]  A 
large  anisospore  or  gamete  of 
Sarcodina  (zool.)  ;  one  of  the  larger 
spores  of  heterosporous  plants  (&>/.). 

macrosporophore  (mak'rospo'rofor)  n. 
[Gk.  ma&ros,  large  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
pherein,  to  bear.]  A  leafy  lobe 
developing  macrosporangia  (dot.}. 

macrosporophyll  (mak'rospo'rofil)  n. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
phyllon,  leaf.]  Macrosporophore. 

macrosporozoite  (mak'rospo'rozo'it)  n. 
[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  A  larger  endo- 
gamous  sporozoite  of  Sporozoa 

macrostomatous  (mak'rostom'atus)  a. 

[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 

With  very  large  mouth. 
macrostylospore  (mak'rostl'lospor)  n. 

[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  stylos,  pillar  ; 

sporos,   seed.]    A   large   spore-like 

stalked  body  (dot.). 
macrostylous  (mak'rostl'lus)  a.     [Gk. 

makros,  large  ;  stylos,  pillar.]     With 

long  styles  (&?/.). 
macrotherm   (mak'rothgrm)  n.     [Gk. 

makros,   large  ;  therme,  heat.]     A 

tropical   plant  ;  a  plant  requiring 

heat  and  moisture  (bot.\ 
macrotous  (makro'tus)'a.  [Gk.  makros, 

large  ;    ous,   an   ear.]     With   large 

ears  (zool.~). 
macrotype  (mak'rotip)  n.  [Gk.  makros, 

large  ;  L.  typus,  a  typej    A  modi- 

fied   arrangement    of    Anthozoan 

mesenteries  containing  more  macro- 

mesenteries  than  the  normal  micro- 

type  (zool.). 

ium)  n.     [Gk.  makros,  large  ;  zoon, 

animal  ;  gone,  generation.]    A  large 

zoogonidium  (dot.). 
macrozoospore     (mak'rozo'ospor)     «. 

[Gk.  makros,  large  ;  zoon,  animal  ; 

sporos,    seed.]       A     large    motile 

macula  (mak'ula)  //.,  maculae    ni.ik'- 

ula)  plu.      [L.   macula,   spot.]     A 

spot  or  patch  of  colour  ;  a  small 

pit     or     depression  ;     a    tubercle 

macula  lutea,  —  the   yellow    spot   of 

the  retina,  an  oval  yellowish  area 

in  the  centre  of  the  posterior  part 

of  the  retina  at  the  point  of  most 

perfect  vision  (anat.). 




maculate  (mak'ulat)  a.  [L.  macula, 
spot.]  Spotted. 

maculation  (mak'ula'shun)  n.  [L. 
macula,  spot.]  The  arrangement 
of  the  spots  on  a  plant  or  animal 

maculiferous  (mak'ulif'erus)  a.  [L. 
macula,  spot ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 

maculose  (mak'ulos).      Maculate. 

madrepore  (mad'rfipor)  n.  [F.  mad- 
repore— from  L.  mater,  mother  ;  Gk. 
poro s,  friable  stone.]  A  branching 
stony  Coral ;  the  plate  at  the  ex- 
ternal opening  of  the  stone  canal 
in  Echinoderms  (zool.}. 

madreporic  (mad'rSpor'ik)  a.  [F. 
madrepore,  madrepore.]  Pert,  a 
madrepore  or  madreporite  ;  appl. 
body,  plate,  tubercle,  canal 

madreporic  canal, — see  stone  canal. 

madreporite  (mad'repo'rlt,  madrgp'- 
orlt)  n.  [F.  madrepore,  madrepore.] 
A  flat  circular  or  pentagonal  per- 
forated plate  marked  by  grooves, 
lying  at  the  end  of  an  interambu- 
lacral  area  in  many,  or  free  between 
two  ambulacral  areas  in  other 
Echinoids,  or  between  the  rays  in 
the  Asteroids  ;  a  modified  genital 
plate  (zool.}. 

maggot  (mag'ot)  n.  [M.E.  magot,  a 
grub.]  The  most  lowly  organized, 
completely  worm-like,  insect  larva 
withoutappendages  or  distinct  head 

mala  (ma'la)  n.-,  malae  (mala)  plu. 
[L.  mala,  the  cheek.]  Part  of  the 
maxilla  of  some  Insects,  of  the 
mandible  of  certain  Myriapods  ; 
part  of  the  exterior  of  the  lower 
jaw  of  Birds  (zool.}. 

malacoid  (mal'akoid)  a.  [Gk.  mala- 
kos,  soft.]  Soft  in  texture. 

malacology  (mal'ak61'6jl)  n.  [Gk. 
malakos,  soft ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  department  of  zoology  dealing 
with  Molluscs. 

malacophilous  (mal'akof'ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
malakos,  soft ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Pollinating  through  the  agency  of 
Gastropods  (bot.}. 

malacopterous  (mal'akop'te'rus)  a. 
[Gk.  malakos,  soft  ;  pteron,  wing.] 
Soft-finned  (zool.}. 

malacostracous    (mal'akos'trakus)   a. 

[Gk.  malakos,  soft ;  ostrakon,  shell.] 
Soft-shelled  (zool.}. 

malar  (ma'lar)  a.  [L.  mala,  cheek.] 
Pert,  or  in  the  region  of  the  cheek  ; 
n.  the  zygomatic  bone  (anat.}. 

male  (mal)  n.  [L.  mas,  a  male.]  Pert. 
male  or  a  masculine  organism  ; 
appl.  organs  of  reproduction,  as 
the  testes  (zool.}  ;  or  fertilizing 
organs  of  flowers,  as  stamens  (bot.}; 
symbol  $ . 

male  pronucleus,—  the  nucleus  of  the 

malleate  (mal'eat)  a.  [L.  malleus, 
hammer.]  Hammer-shaped  ;  appl. 
a  type  of  trophi  of  Rotifer  gizzard 

malleoincudal  (mal'eoln'kudal)  a.  [L. 
malleus,  hammer ;  incus,  anvil.] 
Pert,  malleus  and  incus  of  the 
ear  (anat.}. 

malleolar  (male'olar)  n.  [L.  dim.  of 
malleus,  hammer.]  The  vestigial 
fibula  of  Ruminants  ;  a.,  pert,  or  in 
the  region  of  the  malleolus  ;  appl. 
arteries,  folds,  sulcus  (anat.}. 

malleolus  (male'olus)  n.  [L.  dim.  of 
malleus,  hammer.]  Median  and 
lateral  malleolus,  the  lower  ex- 
tremity prolongations  of  tibia  and 
fibula  respectively  (anat.}. 

malleoramate  (mal'eora'mat)  a.  [L. 
malleus,  hammer  ;  ramus,  branch.] 
Appl.  type  of  trophi  with  looped 
manubrium  and  toothed  incus  in 
Rotifer  gizzard  (zool.}. 

malleus  (mal'eus)  n.  [L.  malleus, 
hammer.]  A  part  of  the  Rotifer 
mastax  or  gizzard ;  one  of  the 
chain  of  auditory  ossicles  of  Mam- 
mals ;  one  of  the  Weberian  ossicles 
of  Fishes  (zool.} 

Malpighian  (malplg'ian)  a.  [After 
Malpighi,  of  Pisa.]  Discovered  by 
or  named  after  Malpighi. 

Malpighian  body,  or  corpuscle, — in 
spleen,  a  nodular  mass  of  lymphoid 
tissue  ensheathing  the  smaller 
arteries  ;  in  the  kidney,  a  tuft  or 
glomerulus  of  convoluted  capillary 
blood-vessels  enclosed  in  a  dilata- 
tion of  the  uriniferous  tubule  (anat., 

Malpighian  layer,— the  basal  layer 
of  the  epidermis  next  to  the  true 
skin  (anat.}. 

Malpighian  tubes,— slender  thread- 




like  excretory  tubes  leading  into 
the  posterior  part  of  the  gut  of 

Malpighian  tuft,  —  see  Malpighian 

maltase  (m61'tas)  n.  (A.S.  mealt, 
malt.]  A  plant  ferment  which  con- 
verts malt-sugar  into  grape-sugar 

maltose  (mol'tos)  n.  [A.S.  mealt, 
malt.]  Malt-sugar  (phys.~). 

mamelon  (mam'Slon)  n.  [L.  mamilla, 
nipple.]  A  small  pimple-like  struc- 
ture in  the  centre  of  a  tubercle  of 
an  Echinoid  interambulacral  plate 

mamilla  (mamil'a)  n,  [L.  mamilla, 
nipple.]  A  nipple  (anat.,  zoo!.). 

mamlllary  process  or  tubercle, — the 
superior  tubercle  connected  with 
the  transverse  processes  of  the  lower 
thoracic  vertebrae  (anat.). 

inanimate  (mam'ilat)  a.  [L.mamilla, 
nipple.]  Studded  with  small  pro- 

mamma  (mam'a)  n.  [L.  mamma,  the 
breast.]  The  milk-secreting  organ 
of  Mammals,  functionless  in  the 
male  (zoo!.). 

mammal  (mam'al)  n.  [L.  mamma, 
the  breast.]  An  animal  of  the  class 
of  higher  vertebrates  of  which  the 
females  suckle  the  young  (zoo!.). 

mammary  (mam'ari)  a.  [L.  mamma, 
the  breast.]  Pert,  the  breast ;  appl. 
arteries,  veins,  glands,  tubules 

mammiferous  (mamif'grus)  a.  [L. 
mamma,  the  breast ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Developing  mammae  ;  milk-secret- 
ing ;  mammalian  (zoo!.). 

mandible  (man'dibl)  n.  [L.  mandibu- 
lum,  jaw.]  The  lower  jaw  of  verte- 
brates, either  a  single  bone  or 
composed  of  a  number  ;  or  gener- 
ally, either  jaw  ;  a  paired  append- 
age connected  with  the  mouth  in 

mandibular  (mandlb'ular)  a.  [L. 
mandibulum,  jaw.]  Pert,  the  jaw  ; 
appl.  arch,  canal,  foramen,  fossa, 
nerve,  notch  (anaf.). 

mandibulate  (mandlb'ulat)  a.  [L. 
mandibulum,  jaw.]  Having  a  lower 
jaw  ;  having  functional  jaws  ;  hav- 
ing mandibles  (zoo!.). 

mandibuliform    (mandib'ullform)    a. 

[L.  mandibulum,  Jaw ;  forma,  shape.] 
Resembling,  or  used  as  a  mandible; 
appl.  certain  insect  maxillae  (zoo!.). 

mandibulo-hyoid  (mandib'ulo-hi'oid) 
a.  [L.  mandibulum,  jaw  ;  Gk. 
hyoeides,  Y-shaped.]  In  the  region 
of  the  mandible  and  hyoid  (anaf.). 

mandibulo-maxillary  (mandib'ulo- 
mak'silari,  -maksil'-)  a.  [L.  mandib- 
ulum,  jaw ;  maxilla,  jaw.]  Pert. 
maxillae  and  mandibles  of  Arthro- 
pods (zool.}. 

manducation  (man'duka'shun)  n.  [L. 
manducare,  to  chew.]  Chewing  ; 
mastication  (phys.). 

manicate  (man'Ikat)  a.  [L.  mani- 
catus,  sleeved.]  Covered  with  en- 
tangled hairs  or  matted  scales  (dot.). 

manna  (man'a)  n.  [Gk.  manna, 
manna.]  The  hardened  exudation 
of  the  bark  of  certain  trees  (hot.}  ; 
honey-dew  secreted  by  certain 
Coccidae  (zoo!.). 

mantle  (man'tl)  n.  [L.  mantellum,  a 
cloak.]  The  outer  soft  fold  of 
integument  next  the  shell  of  Mol- 
luscs ;  a  pallium ;  a  sheath  of 
spongoblast  cells  ;  the  body-wall 
of  Ascidians  (zool.}. 

mantle  cavity,— a  space  between  the 
mantle  and  body  proper  (zoo/.). 

mantle  cell, — a  cell  of  the  tapetum 
or  investing  tissue  of  a  sporangium 

mantle  fibres,— the  spindle  fibres  of 
a  fully  formed  spindle  (emb.). 

mantle  layer, — a  layer  of  the  embry- 
onic medulla  spinalis  representing 
the  future  gray  columns  (emb.). 

mantle  lobes, — dorsal  and  ventral 
flaps  of  the  mantle  in  bivalves 

manual  (man'ual)  n.  [L.  manus, 
hand.]  A  wing-quill  borne  on  the 
manus  or  hand  of  Birds  ;  a  primary 
feather  (zoo!.). 

manubrial  (manu'brial)  a.  [L.  manu- 
brium,  handle.]  Pert,  a  manubrium ; 
handle-shaped  (zoo!.). 

manubrium  (manu'brium)  n.  [L. 
manubrium,  handle.]  A  cell  pro- 
jecting inwards  from  the  shield  of 
an  antheridial  globule  of  Thallo- 
phytes  (dot.) ;  a  hypostome  or  coni- 
cal elevation  at  the  distal  end  of  a 
Hydrozoan  polyp  ;  the  clapper-like 
portion  hanging  down  from  the 




under  surface  of  Medusae  (zool.) ; 
the  handle-like  part  of  the  malleus 
of  the  ear  ;  the  anterior  part  of  the 
sternum  (anat.). 

manns  (ma'nus)  n.  [L.  manus,  hand.] 
The  hand,  or  part  of  the  fore-limb 
corresponding  to  it,  as  found  in 
vertebrates  from  Amphibia  up- 
wards (zool.~). 

manyplies,— the  omasus  or  psalte- 
rium,  the  third  chamber  of  the 
stomach  of  Ruminants— so-called 
from  its  folded  structure  (zool.). 

marcescent  (marses'ent)  a.  [L.  mar- 
cescere,  to  wither.]  Withering  but 
not  falling  off;  appl.  a  calyx  or 
corolla  persisting  after  fertilization 

marginal  (mar'jmal)  a.  [L.  margo, 
edge.]  Pert,  at  or  near  the  margin, 
edge,  or  border  ;  appl.  a  form  of 
nervation  (bot.) ;  appl.  a  convolu- 
tion of  the  frontal  lobe  (anat.). 

marginal  organ  or  vesicle, — a  litho- 
cyst  (zool.). 

marginal  plates, — the  system  of 
plates  round  the  margin  of  a 
Chelonian  carapace  (zool.). 

marginalia  (mar'jina'lia)  n.  plu.  [L. 
margo,  edge.]  Prostalia  or  defen- 
sive spicules  on  the  body  surface 
round  the  osculum  (zool.). 

marginate  (mar'jinat)  a.  [L.  margo, 
edge.]  Having  a  distinct  margin 
in  structure  or  colouring. 

marginicidal  (mar'jmisl'dal)  a.  [L. 
margo,  edge ;  caedere,  to  cut.] 
Dehiscing  by  line  of  union  of 
carpels  (bot.). 

marginiform  (mar'jmlform)  a.  [L. 
margo,  edge  ;  forma,  shape.]  Like 
a  margin  or  border  in  appearance 
or  structure. 

marginirostral  (mar'jiniros'tral)  a. 
[L.  margo,  edge  ;  rostrum,  beak.] 
Forming  the  edges  of  a  bird's  bill 

marmorate  (mar'morat)  a.  [L.  mar- 
mor,  marble.]  Of  marbled  appear- 

marrow  (mar'6)  n.  [M.E.  marow, 
pith.]  The  connective  tissue  filling 
up  the  cylindrical  cavities  in  the 
bodies  of  long  bones,  and  the 
spaces  of  the  cancellous  tissue, 
differing  in  composition  in  different 

marsupial  (marsu'pial)  a.  [L.  marsu- 
pium, a  pouch.]  Pert,  a  marsupium  ; 
pouch  -  bearing,  as  a  kangaroo  ; 
appl.  certain  bones  in  connection 
with  the  pelvic  girdle  in  certain 

marsupium  (marsu'pium)  n.  [L. 
marsupium,  pouch.]  Any  pouch- 
like  structure  in  which  the  young 
of  an  animal  complete  their  de- 
velopment, such  as  the  abdominal 
pouch  of  Marsupials  ;  the  gill  cavi- 
ties of  bivalves  ;  a  recess  formed 
by  diverging  spines  and  a  support- 
ing membrane  in  Stelleroids  ;  the 
structure  protecting  the  acrocyst  in 
Sertularians  (zool.). 

masked  (mas'kd)  a.  [F.  masque,  a 
mask.]  Personate,  as  appl.  corolla 

masseter  (mase'ter)  n.  [Gk.  masse ter, 
one  that  chews.]  The  muscle  which 
raises  the  lower  jaw  and  assists 
in  chewing  (anat.). 

masseteric  (mas'eter'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
masseter,  one  that  chews.]  Pert. 
or  near  the  masseter  muscle  of  the 
cheek ;  appl.  artery,  vein,  nerve 

massula  (mas'ula)  n.  [L.  massa, 
mass.]  A  mass  of  microspores  in 
a  sporangium  of  certain  Pterido- 
phytes  ;  a  massed  group  of  micro- 
spores  in  Orchids  (bot.). 

niastax  (mas'taks)  n.  [Gk.  mas  tax, 
the  mouth.]  The  gizzard  of  Rotifers 

mast  cells  (Mastzellen  of  Ehrlich),— 
spheroid  or  ovoid  cells  of  soft  proto- 
plasm, very  granular,  numerous  in 
parts  where  fat  is  being  laid  down. 

mastication  (mas'tika'shun)  ;/.  [L. 
masttcare,  to  chew.]  Process  of 
chewing  food  with  the  teeth  till 
reduced  to  small  pieces  or  a  pulp 

masticatory  stomach, — the  gastric 
mill  or  stomodaeal  apparatus  of 
Crustaceans  for  grinding  and  strain- 
ing food  material  (zool.). 

mastigium  (mastij'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
mastigion,  little  whip.]  A  defen- 
sive posterior  lash  of  certain  insect 
larvae  (zool.}. 

mastigobranchia  (mas'tlgobrang'kla) 
n.  [Gk.  mastigion,  little  whip  ; 
brangchia,  gills.]  The  epipodite  of 




adult  Decapoda,  a  bilobed  mem- 
branous lamina  extending  upwards 
between  the  gills  (zool.}. 

mastoid  (mas'toid)  a.  [Gk.  mastos, 
breast; eidos, resemblance.]  Nipple- 
shaped  ;  appl.  a  process  of  the 
temporal  bone,  also  cells,  foramen, 
fossa,  notch  (anat.}. 

mastoideosquamous  (mastoid'e'6- 
skwa'mus)  a.  [Gk.  mastos,  breast  ; 
eidos,  like  ;  L.  squama,  scale.]  Pert. 
mastoid  and  squamous  parts  of  the 
temporal  bone  (anat.}. 

a'lis)  a.  [Gk.  mastos,  breast ;  eidos, 
like ;  L.  humerus,  the  humerus.] 
A  muscle  of  certain  quadrupeds 
connecting  mastoid  and  humerus 

masto-occipital  (mas'to-oksip'ital)  a. 
[Gk.  mastos,  breast ;  L.  occiput,  the 
occiput.]  Pert,  occipital  bone  and 
the  mastoid  process  of  the  temporal 

mastoparietal  (mas'topari'e'tal)  a. 
[Gk.  mastos,  breast ;  L.  paries, 
wall.]  Pert,  the  parietal  bone  and 
the  mastoid  process  of  the  temporal 

mastotympanic  (mas'totimpan'lk)  a. 
[Gk.  mastos,  breast  ;  tympanon, 
drum.]  Appl.  part  of  the  tympanic 
cavity's  boundary  in  certain  Reptiles 

matrix  (ma'triks)  n.  [L.  mater, 
mother.]  The  ground  substance 
of  connective  tissue ;  the  part 
beneath  the  body  and  root  of  the 
nail  ;  the  uterus  (anaf.) ;  the  body 
upon  which  a  Lichen  or  Fungus 
grows  (dot.). 

mattula  (mat'ula)  n.  [L.  matta,  mat.] 
The  fibrous  network  covering  the 
petiole  bases  of  palms  (dot.}. 

maturation  (mSt'ura'shun)  n.  [L. 
maturus,  ripe.]  The  completion  of 
germ-cell  development,  consisting 
of  the  reduction  of  the  chromatin, 
usually  visible  in  the  polar  body 
formation  (cyt.}. 

maxilla  (maksU'a)  n.  [L.  maxilla, 
jaw.]  The  jaw  ;  part  of  the  upper 
jaw  beyond  the  premaxilla ;  an 
appendage  of  most  Arthropods 
posterior  to  the  mandible,  modified 
in  various  ways  in  adaptation  to 
function  and  requirements  (zool.). 

maxillary  (maksil'ari)  a.  [L.  maxilla, 
jaw.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region  of  the 
maxilla  or  jaw  ;  appl.  artery,  nerve, 
process,  sinus,  tuberosity,  vein 

maxillary  glands, — paired  renal  or- 
gans opening  at  the  base  of  the 
maxilla  in  Crustacea  (zool.}. 

maxilliferous  (mak'sillf e"rus)  a.  [L. 
maxilla,  jaw  \ferre,  to  carry.]  Bear- 
ing maxillae  (zool.}. 

maxillifonn  (maksil'Iform)  a.  [L. 
maxilla,  jaw  ;  forma,  shape.]  Like 
a  maxilla  (zool.}. 

maxillipede  (maksil'iped)  n.  [L. 
maxilla,  jaw  ;  pes,  foot.]  An  ap- 
pendage, in  one,  two,  or  three 
pairs,  posterior  to  the  maxillae  in 
Arthropods  (zool.}. 

maxillpdental  (maksil'oden'tal)  a.  [L. 
maxilla,  jaw  ;  dens,  tooth.]  Pert. 
jaws  and  teeth  (anaf.). 

maxillojugal  (maksll'ojoo'gal)  a.  [L. 
maxilla,  jaw  ;  jugum,  yoke.]  Pert. 
jaw  and  jugal  bone  (anaf.). 

maxillomandibular  (maksH'oman- 
dib'ular)  a.  [L.  maxilla,  jaw  ;  man- 
dibulum,  jawj  Appl.  arch  forming 
the  jaws  of  primitive  Fishes  ;  pert. 
maxilla  and  mandible  (anaf.). 

maxillopalatal  (maksH'opaTatal)  a. 
[L.  maxilla,  jaw  ;  palatus,  the 
palate.]  Pert,  jaw  and  palatal 
bones  ;  appl.  a  maxillary  process 
of  Birds  (zool.}. 

maxillopharyngeal  (maksirofarln'- 
jeil)  a.  [L.  maxilla,  jaw  ;  Gk. 
pharynx,  gullet.]  Pert,  lower  jaw 
and  pharynx  (anaf.). 

maxillo-premaxillary  (maksfl'6-pre'- 
maksirari)  a.  [L.  maxilla,  jaw ; 
pre,  before.]  Pert,  the  whole  of 
the  upper  jaw ;  appl.  jaw  when 
maxilla  and  premaxilla  are  fused 

maxilloturbinal  (maksH'otur'blnal)  a. 
[L.  maxilla,  jaw ;  turbo,  whorl.] 
Pert,  maxilla  and  the  turbinals  ; 
«.,  a  bone  arising  from  the  lateral 
wall  of  the  nasal  cavity  which 
supports  the  sensory  epithelium 

maxillula   (maksirula)   n.     [L.    dim. 
of  maxilla,  jaw.]    A  first  maxilla 
in  Crustacea  when  there  are  more 
pairs  than  one  (zool.}. 
meatus  (mea'tus)  n.     [L.   vteatus,  a 




passage.]  A  passage  or  channel, 
as  the  acoustic  or  auditory,  and  the 
nasal  meatus  (anat.}. 

Meckelian  cartilage  or  rod.  [After 
Meckel,  German  anatomist.]  The 
lower  jaw  of  lower  vertebrates,  and 
in  the  higher  the  axis  round  which 
the  membrane  bones  of  the  jaw  are 
arranged  and  formed  (anat.}. 

Meckel's  rod  or  cartilage, — Meckelian 
rod  or  cartilage. 

meconidium  (mgk'onid'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
mekon,  poppy.]  Sessile  or  pedicel- 
late extracapsular  medusae  usually 
lying  on  the  top  of  the  gonangium 
of  certain  Hydroids  (zool.}. 

media  (me'dia)«.  [L.  medius,  middle.] 
A  middle  structure,  such  as  a  layer 
of  tissue,  a  central  nervure  (anat., 
zool.} ;  as  a  plu.,  substances  of 
various  kinds,  such  as  bouillon,  in 
which  cultures  are  grown  (biol.}. 

mediad  (me'diad)  adv.  [L.  medius, 
middle.]  Towards  but  not  quite  in 
the  middle  line  or  axis  (anat.}. 

medial  (me'dial)  a.  [L.  medius, 
middle.]  Situated  in  the  middle. 

median  (me'dlan)  a.  [L.  medius, 
middle.]  Lying  or  running  in  the 
axial  plane  ;  intermediate  ;  middle. 

mediastinal  (me'dias'tmal,  -astl'nal) 
a.  [L.  mediastinus,  a  servant.]  Pert. 
or  in  the  region  of  the  mediastinum; 
appl.  cavity,  arteries,  glands,  pleura 

mediastinum  (me'dias'tinum,  -astl'- 
num)  n.  [L.  mediastinum,  servant.] 
The  space  between  the  right  and 
left  pleura  in  and  near  the  median 
sagittal  chest  plane ;  an  incomplete 
vertical  septum  of  the  testis  (anat.}. 

mediodorsal  (me'diodor'sal)  a.  [L. 
medius,  middle  ;  dorsum,  the  back.] 
In  the  dorsal  middle  line. 

mediopalatine  (me'dioparatin)  a.  [L. 
medius,  middle  ;  palatus,  palate.] 
Between  the  palatal  bones  ;  appl. 
a  cranial  bone  of  some  Birds  (zool.}. 

mediopectoral  (me'diopgk'toral)  a. 
[L.  medius,  middle ;  pectus,  breast.] 
Appl.  the  middle  part  of  the  sternum 

mediostapedial  (me'diostape'dial)  n. 
[L.  medius,  middle  ;  stapes,  stirrup.] 
Pert,  that  portion  of  the  columella 
auris  of  certain  animals  external  to 
the  stapes  (anat.}. 

mediotarsal  (me'diotar'sal)  a.  [L. 
medius,  middle ;  tarsus,  ankle.] 
Between  the  tarsal  bones. 

medioventral  (me'dioven'tral)  a.  [L. 
medius,  middle  ;  -venter,  the  belly.] 
In  the  middle  ventral  line. 

medithorax  (me'ditho'raks)  n.  [L. 
medius,  middle ;  Gk.  thorax,  the 
breast.]  The  middle  part  of  the 
thorax  ;  the  mesothorax  of  Insects 

medium  (me'dmm)  n.,  media  (me'dia) 
plu.  [L.  medius,  middle.]  Any  of 
the  structures  through  which  a 
force  acts,  as  the  refracting  media 
of  the  eyebulb  (anat.}  ;  any  of  the 
more  or  less  solid  substances  in 
which  cultures  are  reared  or 
tissues  are  propagated  (phys.}. 

medulla  (mgdul'a)  n.  [L.  medulla, 
marrow,  pith.]  Marrow  of  bones  ; 
the  central  part  of  an  organ  or 
tissue  (anat.}  ;  the  pith  or  central 
portion  of  a  stem  (hot.}. 

medulla  oblongata, — the  posterior 
portion  of  the  brain  continuous 
with  the  medulla  spinalis,  or  spinal 
cord  (anat.}. 

medullary  (mgdul'ari)  a.  [L.  medulla, 
pith.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region  of 
the  medulla ;  appl.  axis,  artery, 
lamina,  membrane,  bone,  spaces 

medullary  canal  or  cavity,  —  the 
hollow  cylindrical  portion  of  a  long 
bone  containing  marrow  (anat.}  ; 
the  neurocoel  (emb.}. 

medullary  groove, — a  groove  on  the 
surface  of  the  medullary  plate, 
bounded  by  folds  which,  growing 
up,  coalesce  and  convert  the  groove 
into  a  canal ;  the  neurocoel  (emb.}. 

medullary  keel, — a  down  ward  growth 
towards  the  archenteron,  the  rudi- 
ment of  the  central  nervous  system 
in  the  development  of  certain  primi- 
tive vertebrates  (smb.}. 

medullary  layer, — a  thick  subcortical 
layer  of  the  thallus  of  some  Lichens 

medullary  plate,  —  the  plate-like 
formation  of  ectoderm  cells 
bordering  the  blastopore  of  early 
embryo ;  the  earliest  rudiment  of 
the  nervous  system  (emb.}. 

medullary  rays, — a  number  of  strands 
of  connective  tissue  extending  be 




tween  the  pith  and  the   pericycle 

medullary  sheath,— a  ring  of  pro- 
toxylems  round  the  pith  of  certain 
stems  (dot.) ;  a  layer  of  white 
glistening  material  surrounding 
the  axis  cylinder  of  a  medullated 
nerve-fibre  (zool.). 

medullated  (mgdula'tSd)  a.  [L. 
medulla,  pith.]  Provided  with  a 
medullary  sheath. 

medullated  nerve-fibres, — the  fibres 
of  the  white  part  of  the  brain  and 
spinal  cord,  consisting  of  an  axis- 
cylinder  or  neuraxis  of  primitive 
fibrillae,  surrounded  by  medullary 
sheath,  which  is  in  turn  covered  by 
a  delicate  membrane,  the  neuri- 
lemma  (anat.). 

medullispinal  (mgdul'ispi'nal)  a.  [L. 
medulla,  pith  ;  spina,  the  spine.] 
Of  the  spinal  cord. 

medusa  (mgdu'sa)  n.  [Gk.  Medousa, 
one  who  rules.]  A  jelly-fish  (zool.). 

medusiform  (medu'siform)  a.  [Gk. 
Medousa,  Medusa ;  L.  forma, 
shape.]  Like  a  medusa  or  jelly-fish. 

medusoid  (medu'soid)  n.  [Gk. 
Medousa,  Medusa ;  eidos,  like.] 
A  medusa  -  like  free  -  swimming 
gonophore  of  Hydrozoa  (zool.) ;  a., 
like  a  jelly-fish  or  medusa  (zool.). 

medusome  (mSdu'som)  n.  [Gk. 
Medousa,  Medusa ;  soma,  body.] 
A  name  given  to  the  medusoid 
stage  in  the  life-history  of  Obelia 

megagamete  (mgg'agamet)  n.  [Gk. 
megas,  large  ;  gametes,  a  spouse.] 
A  rounded  cell  regarded  as  an 
ovum  or  its  equivalent ;  developed 
from  a  megagametocyte  after  a 
process  akin  to  maturation  (zool.). 

megagametocyte  (mgg'agame'toslt) 
n.  [Gk.  megas,  large  ;  gametes,  a 
spouse  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  cell 
developed  from  a  merozoite,  and 
itself  giving  rise  to  a  megagamete, 
frequently  requiring  transference 
to  another  host  before  its  develop- 
ment can  proceed  (zool.). 

megakaryocyte  (meg'akar'ioslt)  n. 
[Gk.  megas,  large ;  karyon,  nut ; 
kytos,  hollow.]  A  giant-cell  of 
marrow  with  one  large  annular 
lobulated  nucleus,  containing  a 
number  of  nucleoli  (anat.). 

megalaesthetes  (meYaleVthets)  ». 
plu.  [Gk.  megalon,  great ;  aistheti- 
kos,  perceptive.]  Sensory  organs, 
sometimes  in  the  form  of  eyes  in 
the  Placophora  (zool.). 

megaloblast  (meg'aloblast)  n.  [Gk. 
megalon,  great ;  blastos,  bud.J  A 
large  erythroblast  (anat.). 

megalogonidlum  (mgg'alogonTd'Ium) 
n.  [Gk.  megalon,  great ;  gonos, 
offspring.]  A  large  gonidium  (dot.). 

megalopa  (mfig'alo'pa).     Megalops. 

megaloplc  (mgg'alop'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
megalon,  great ;  ops,  eye.]  Be- 
longing to  the  megalops  stage 

megalopore  (meg'alopor)  n.  [Gk. 
megalon,  great ;  poros,  a  channel.] 
A  pore  in  the  dorsal  plates  in 
Chiton  for  placing  a  megalaesthete 
in  direct  communication  with  the 
exterior  (zool.). 

megalops  (me'g'alops)  n.  [  Gk  meg- 
alon, great  ;  o£s,  eye.]  A  larval 
stage  of  certain  Crustaceans,  as 
crabs,  conspicuous  by  large  stalked 
eyes  (zool.). 

megalospherlc  (mgg'alosfgr'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  megalon,  great ;  sphaira,  a 
globe.]  Of  polythalamous  Foramin- 
ifer  shells,  having  a  megalosphere 
or  large  initial  chamber  (zool.}. 

megamere  (meg'amer)  n.  [Gk.  megas, 
large  ;  meros,  part.]  One  of  the 
large  cells  formed  after  the  primary 
divisions  of  a  developing  ovum 

meganucleus  (mgg'anu'kleus)  n.  [Gk. 
megas,  large  ;  L.  nucleus,  kernel.] 
The  larger  nucleus,  or  vegetative 
nucleus,  of  the  Infusoria  (zool.). 

megasclere  (mSg'askler)  n.  [Gk. 
megas,  large ;  skleros,  hard.]  A 
skeletal  spicule  of  the  general 
supporting  framework,  as  opp.  a 
microsclere  (zool.). 

megaspherlc  (mgg'asfeVlk).  Megalo- 

megasporangium  (me'g'asporanjium) 
n.  [Gk.  megas,  large ;  sporos, 
seed;  anggeion,  vessel.]  A  macro- 
spore-producing  sporangium  (bot.). 

megaspore  (me'g'aspor)  n.  [Gk. 
megas,  great ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
larger-sized  spore  of  dimorphic 
forms  in  reproduction  by  spore- 
formation  (zool.) ;  the  larger  spore 




of  heterosporous  plants,  regarded 
as  female  ;  the  embryo  sac-cell  of 
a  seed  plant  (bot.}. 

megasporophyll  (meg'aspo'rofil)  n. 
[Gk.  megas,  great  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
phyllon,  leaf.]  A  spore-bearing  leaf 
developing  megasporangia  (bot.}. 

megatherm  (meg'atherm)  n.  [Gk. 
megas,  great  ;  therme,  heat.]  A 
tropical  plant  (bot.}. 

megazooid  (meg'azo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
megas,  great  ;  zoon,  animal ;  eidos, 
like.]  The  larger  zooid  resulting 
from  binary  or  other  fission  (zool.}. 

megazoospore  (meg'azo'ospor)  n.  [Gk. 
megas,  great  ;  zoon,  animal ;  sporos, 
seed.]  A  large  zoosppre,  as  in  the 
reproduction  of  certain  Radiolaria 
(zool.')  ;  a  zoogonidium  of  certain 
Algae  (bot.}. 

Meibomian  glands, — glands  of  the 
eyelid  with  a  sebaceous  secretion 

meiophylly  (ml'ofil'I)  n.  [Gk.  melon, 
smaller  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  The  sup- 
pression of  one  or  more  leaves  in 
a  whorl  (bot.}. 

meiostemonous  (ml'ostem'onus)  a. 
[Gk.  melon,  smaller  ;  stemon,  a  spun 
thread.]  Having  fewer  stamens 
than  petals  or  sepals  (hot.}. 

meiotaxy  (ml'otak'si)  n.  [Gk.  melon, 
smaller  ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  Sup- 
pression of  a  whorl  or  a  set  of 
organs  (bot.}. 

meiotic  (mlot'fk)  a.  [Gk.  melon, 
smaller.]  Appl.  reduction  division, 
which  see  ;  also  maiotic  (cyt.}. 

Meissner's  plexus, — a  gangliated 
plexus  of  nerve  fibres  in  the  sub- 
mucous  coat  of  the  small  intestine 

melanin  (mel'anln)  n.  [Gk.  melas, 
black.]  Black  or  dark-brown  pig- 
ment, as  of  the  retina  ;  cf.  haemo- 
zoin  (phys.}. 

melanism  (mel'anTzm)  n.  [Gk.  me/as, 
black.]  Excessive  development  of 
black  pigment  in  skin  or  body- 
covering  (biol.}. 

melanocyte  (mel'anosit)  n.  [Gk.  melas, 
black;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  black 
pigmented  lymphocyte  (phys.}. 

melanospermous  (ineTandsper'iniis)  a. 
[Gk.  melas,  black  ;  sperma,  seed.] 
Appl.  seaweeds  with  dark-coloured 
spores  (bot.}. 

melanotlc  (meTanot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  melas, 
black.]  Having  black  pigment  un- 
usually developed. 

melliferous  (melif'erus)  a.  [L.  mel, 
honey ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Honey- 
producing  (bot.}. 

melliphagous  (melif'agus)  a.  [L.  mel, 
honey  ;  Gk.phagein,  to  eat.]  Feed- 
ing on  honey  (zool.}. 

mellisugent  (mel'Isu'jent)  a.  [L.  mel, 
honey  ;  sugere,  to  suck.]  Honey- 
sucking  (zool.}. 

mellivorous  (meliv'orus)  a.  [L.  mel, 
honey ;  vorare,  to  devour.]  Feeding 
on  honey  (zool.}. 

member  (mem'ber)  n.  [L.  membrum, 
a  member.]  A  limb  or  organ  of 
the  body  (zool.}  ;  a  well-defined 
part  or  organ  of  a  plant  (bot.}. 

membrana  (membra'na)  n.  [L.  mem- 
brana,  a  membrane.]  A  thin  film, 
skin  or  layer  of  tissue  covering  a 
part  or  organ  of  animal  or  plant  ; 
or  a  thin  skin-like  covering  of 
cells  or  unicellular  organisms 

membranaceous  (mem'brana'shus)  a. 
[L.  membrana,  membrane.]  Of  the 
consistency  or  having  the  structure 
of  a  membrane  (biol.}. 

membrane  (mem'bran), — a  mem- 
brana, which  see. 

membrane  bone, — a  bone  developing 
directly  from  membrane  without 
passing  through  a  cartilage  stage 

membranella  (mem'branel'a)  n.  [L. 
membrana,  membrane.]  A  flapping 
or  swinging  membrane  formed  by 
fusion  of  rows  of  cilia,  found  among 
the  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

membraniferous  (mem'branif'erus)  a. 
[L.  membrana,  membrane  ;  ferre, 
to  carry.]  Enveloped  in  or  bear- 
ing a  membrane. 

membranoid  (mem'branoid)  a.  [L. 
membrana,  membrane  ;  Gk.  eidos, 
like.]  Resembling  membrane. 

membranous  (mem'branus)  a.  [L. 
membrana,  membrane.]  Resem- 
bling or  consisting  of  membrane  ; 
pliable  and  semitransparent. 

membranous  cranium, — a  mesenchy- 
mal  investment  enclosing  the  whole 
brain  (emb.}. 

membranous  labyrinth,— the  internal 
ear,  separated  from  the  bony  cavi- 




ties  by  perilymph,  and  itself  con- 
taining endolymph  (ana/.). 

membranous  vertebral  column, — 
a  continuous  sheath  of  mesoderm, 
enveloping  notochord  and  neural 
tube  (emb.}. 

membranula  (me'mbran'ula)  n,  [L. 
dim.  of  membrana,  membrane.]  A 
concrescence  of  cilia,  as  in  certain 
Infusoria  (zoo/.). 

membranule  (mgm'branul)  n.  [L. 
dim.  of  membrana,  membrane.]  A 
small  opaque  space,  in  some 
dragon-flies'  wings,  lying  close  to 
the  body  of  the  insect  in  the  anal 
area  of  the  wing  (zoo/.). 

Mendellan,— pert,  law,  factor  or 
character  which  behaves  accord- 
ing to  the  results  of  Mendel's 

Mendellsm, — a  law  or  rule  governing 
the  inheritance  of  characters  in 
plants  and  animals  discovered  by 
Gregor  Mendel.  This  principle 
deals  with  the  inheritance  of  "  unit 
characters,"  the  presence  or  ab- 
sence of  one  or  other  of  a  pair  of 
contrasting  characters.  It  also 
shows  that  the  offspring  of  organ- 
isms with  a  pair  of  contrasting 
characters  will  be  produced  in  a 
definite  ratio.  From  this  law  we 
are  able  to  get  a  more  correct  and 
scientific  definition  of  "purity  of 
a  breed."  It  may  be  extended  to 
deal  with  groups  of  characters. 

meningeal  (mgn'Inje'al,  mgnm'jeal)  a. 
[Gk.,  meninx,  a  membrane.]  Pert. 
or  in  the  region  of  the  meninges  ; 
appl.  artery,  vein,  nerve  (ana/.). 

meninges  (me'nin'jez)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
meninx,  a  membrane.]  The  three 
membranes  enclosing  the  brain  and 
spinal  cord,  from  without  inwards — 
the  dura  mater,  arachnoid  and  pia 
mater  (anat.}. 

meningosis  (mgn'ingo'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
meninx,  a  membrane.]  Attach- 
ment by  means  of  membranes. 

meningo-spinal  (mening'go-spl'nal)  a. 
[Gk.  meninx,  a  membrane ;  L. 
spina,  spine.]  Pert,  the  spinal 
cord  membranes  (anat.}. 

meniscus  (mgnis'kus)  n.,  menisci 
(mgnts'kl)  plu.  [Gk.  meniskos,  a 
little  moon.]  Interarticular  fibro- 
cartilages  found  in  joints  exposed 

to  violent  concussion,  such  as  wrist 
and  knee  joints  (anat.}. 

mensa  (m&n'sa)  n.  [L.  mensa,  a 
table.]  The  chewing  surface  of  a 

menstruation  (men'strooa'shun)  «. 
[L.  mensis,  a  month ;  struere,  to 
flow.]  A  monthly  discharge  from 
the  female  reproductive  organs, 
chiefly  in  higher  mammals  (zoo/.). 

mental  (mgn'tal)  a.  [L.  mentum, 
chin.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region  of 
the  chin  ;  appl.  foramen,  nerve, 
spines,  tubercle,  muscle  (anat.} ; 
pert,  the  mentum  of  insects  ;  apj>L 
scale  or  plate  of  fish  and  of  reptile 

mentigerous  (me'ntij'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
mentum,  chin  ;  gerere,  to  carry.] 
Supporting  or  bearing  the  mentum 

mentomeckelian  (me'n'tome'ke'lian)  a. 
[L.  mentum,  chin ;  Ger.  Meckel, 
comparative  anatomist.]  Appl.  a 
cartilage  bone  present  in  a  few 
lower  vertebrates  at  either  side  of 
the  union  of  the  two  halves  of  the 
lower  jaw  (zoo/.). 

mentum  (mgn'tum)  n.  [L.  mentum, 
chin.]  The  chin  (anat.}  ;  an  un- 
divided mouth-part  of  Insects,  con- 
tinuous with  submentum  or  gula 
and  posterior  to  labial  palps  and 
palpigers ;  a  projection  between 
the  head  and  foot  of  some  Gastro- 
pods (zoo/.). 

mericarp  (meYikarp)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part ;  karpos,  fruit.]  A  one-seeded 
indehiscent  part  of  a  schizocarp 

meridional  canal, — in  Ctenophores,  a 
canal  extending  upwards  and  down- 
wards beneath  a  swimming-plate, 
into  which  the  adradial  canals 
open  (zoo/.). 

merism  (meYizm)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part.]  "A  repetition  of  homo- 
logous parts." 

merismatic  (meYfzmat'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
merismos,  a  partition.]  Dividing 
or  separating  into  cells  or  seg- 
ments ;  consisting  of  meristem,  as 
merismatic  tissue  (oof.). 

merismoid  (mgrlz'moid)  a.  £Gk. 
merismos,  partition ;  eidos,  like.] 
With  branched  pileus  (bot.\ 

merispore  (mgrfspor)  n.     [Gk.  meros, 




part  ;  sporos,  seed.]  A  segment  or 
spore  of  a  multicellular  spore-body 

meristele  (mer'istel)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part  ;  stele,  pillar.]  A  separate 
part  of  a  monostelic  stem  passing 
outwards  from  stele  to  leaves  ;  the 
branch  of  a  stele  supplying  a  leaf 

meristem  (meYistgrn)  n.  [Gk. 
meristes,  a  divider.]  Tissue  formed 
of  cells  all  capable  of  division,  as 
found  at  growing  points  ;  meris- 
matic  or  meristematic  tissue  (bot.}. 

merlstematic  (mgr'istemat'Ik)  a.  [Gk. 
meristes,  a  divider.]  Pert,  or  con- 
sisting of  meristem  ;  appl.  tissue, 
cells  of  growing  point  ;  merismatic 

meristic  (mSris'tik)  a.  [Gk.  meristes, 
a  divider.]  Segmented  ;  divided 
off  into  parts  (bot.). 

meristic  variation,  —  changes  in  the 
number  of  parts  or  segments,  and 
in  the  geometrical  relations  of  the 
parts  ;  cf.  substantive  variation 

meristogenetic  (me'ris'tqje'ne't'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  meristes,  a  divider  ;  genesis, 
descent.]  Developing  from  mer- 
istem (bot.). 

merithallus  (me'rlthal'us)  n.  [Gk. 
meros,  part  ;  thallos,  young  shoot.] 
An  internode  (bot.). 

mermaid's  purse,  —  the  horny  floating 
or  fixed  egg-envelope  of  skates  and 
sharks  (zool.). 

meroblastic  (mer'oblas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
meros,  part  ;  blastos,  bud.]  Appl. 
ova  which  undergo  only  partial 
segmentation  or  cleavage  in  de- 
velopment (zool.)  ;  developing  from 
part  of  the  opsphere  only  (bot.). 

merocerite  (meros'e'rlt)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
thigh  ;  keras,  horn.]  The  fourth 
segment  of  crustacean  antennae 

merocyte  (mer'oslt)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  nucleus 
lying  in  the  yolk,  directly  below 
the  blastoderm  in  a  meroblastic 
ovum  (cyt.). 

merogastrula  (mer'ogaVtroola)  n. 
[Gk.  meros,  part  ;  dim.  of  gaster, 
stomach.]  The  gastrula  formed 
from  a  meroblastic  ovum  (zool.). 

m  orogenesis  (meVoje'n'e'sis)   n.     [Gk. 

meros,  part ;  gigncsthai,  to  produce.] 
Formation  of  parts  ;  segmentation. 

merognathite  (meVognath'it)  n.  [Gk. 
meros,  thigh  ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  The 
fourth  segment  of  a  crustacean 
mouth-part  (zool.). 

merogony  (merog'onT)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part ;  gone,  generation.]  Develop- 
ment of  normal  young  of  small  size, 
from  part  of  an  egg,  in  which  there 
was  no  female  pronucleus  (zool). 

meroistic  (meYois'tlk)  a.  [Gk.  meros, 
part.]  Appl.  certain  insect  ovaries 
which  produce  vitelligenous  cells 
in  addition  to  ova  (zool.). 

meromorphosis  (mer/6m6r'f6s!s)  n. 
[Gk.  meros,  part ;  morphosis,  change.] 
Regeneration  of  a  part  when  the 
new  part  is  less  than  that  lost 

meront  (mSront')  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part ;  ons,  being.]  A  uninucleate 
schizont-stage  in  Neosporidia  suc- 
ceeding the  planont-stage,  which 
multiplies  by  fission  (zool.). 

meroplankton  (mer'oplang'kton)  n. 
[Gk.  meros,  part  ;  plangktos, 
wandering.]  Plankton  living  only 
part-time  near  the  surface  (bot., 

meropodite  (merop'odit')  n.  [Gk. 
meros,  thigh ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
fourth  segment  of  a  thoracic  ap- 
pendage in  the  Crustacea  (zool.). 

meros  (me'rfis)  n.  [Gk.  meros,  thigh.] 
The  fourth  segment  of  a  crustacean 
appendage  (zool.). 

merosomatous  (meVosom'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  meros,  part  ;  soma,  body.] 
Appl.  ascidiozooids  divided  into 
two  regions,  thorax  and  abdomen 

merosome  (mer'osom)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part ;  soma,  body.]  A  body  seg- 
ment, somite,  or  metamere  (zool.). 

merosthenic  (me'rosthe'n'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
meros,  thigh ;  sthenos,  strength.] 
With  unusually  developed  hind- 
limbs  (zool.). 

merotomy  (merot'dmi)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part ;  temnein,  to  cut.]  Segmenta- 
tion or  division  into  parts  (zool.). 

merozoite  (mer'ozo'it)  n.  [Gk.  meros, 
part ;  zoon,  animal.]  A  cell,  the 
division-product  of  a  schizont  in 
Sporozoa  (zool.). 

merozoon  (mer'6zo'8n)  n.    [Gk.  meros, 




part ;  zoon,   animal.]    A  fragment 
of  a  unicellular  animal  containing 

Eart  of  the  macronucleus,  obtained 
y  artificial  division  (zool.}. 

merrythought,— the  furcula  of  birds, 
formed  by  the  coalescence  of  clav- 
icles (zool.). 

merus  (me'rus)  n.  [Gk.  meros,  thigh.] 
Meros,  which  see. 

mesamoeboid  (meVame'boid)  cells, — 
nucleated  cells  of  the  blood  islands 
from  which  blood  corpuscles  are 
derived  (emb.). 

mesarch  (meVark)  a.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  arche,  beginning.]  Appl. 
xylem  having  metaxylem  develop- 
ing in  all  directions  from  the 
protoxylem,  characteristic  of  ferns  ; 
having  the  protoxylem  surrounded 
by  metaxylem  (bot.\ 

mesaxonic  (meYakson'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  axon,  axis.]  With 
the  line  dividing  the  foot,  passing 
up  the  middle  digit  (zool.). 

mesencephalon  (m6s'6nk6f'alon,  -s6f-) 
n.  [Gk.  mesos,  middle ;  en,  in  ; 
kephale,  head.]  The  mid-brain, 
comprising  corpora  quadrigemina 
(bigemina)  and  cerebral  peduncles 

mesenchyma  (me'se'ng'kima)  n.  [Gk. 
mesas,  middle ;  engchein,  to  pour 
in.]  A  mass  of  tissue,  intermediate 
between  ectoderm  and  endoderm 
of  a  gastrula  (emb.). 

mesenchyme  (mgse'ng'klm).  Mesen- 

mesenterlal  (me's'e'nte'rlal,  meYgnte'- 
rlal)  a.  [Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  enteron, 
gut.]  Pert,  a  mesentery ;  appl. 
filaments  of  Actinozoa  (zool.). 

mesenteric  (meYenteVik,  mez'enteYik) 
a.  [Gk.  tnesos,  middle  ;  enteron, 
gut.]  Pert,  a  mesentery ;  appl. 
artery,  glands,  nerves,  veins  (anat.). 

mesenterlole  (meYgnte'riol,  meY- 
Snte'rlol)  n.  [L.  dim.  of  mesenterium, 
a  mesentery.]  A  fold  of  peritoneum 
derived  from  the  mesentery,  retain- 
ing the  vermiform  appendix  in 
position  (anat.). 

mesenterium  (me's'e'nte'rTum,  meY- 
gnte'rium)  n.  [L.  mesenterium,  a 
mesentery.]  A  mesentery. 

mesenteron  (me'se'n'te'rSn)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  enteron,  gut.]  The 
main  digestive  cavity  of  Actinozoa 

and  other  Coelenterates;  the  portion 
of  the  alimentary  canal  lined  by 
endoderm  (zool.). 

mesentery  (me's'e'nte'r!,  mez'e'nte'rl)  n. 
[L.  mesenterium,  a  mesentery.]  A 
peritoneal  fold  serving  to  hold  the 
viscera  in  position :  there  are  three, 
the  mesentery  proper,  the  trans- 
verse mesocolon,  and  the  sigmoid 
mesocolon  (anat.) ;  a  muscular  par- 
tition, complete  or  incomplete,  ex- 
tending  inwards  from  the  body- 
wall  in  Coelenterates  (zool.). 

mesepimeron  (m6s'fiplm'6r6n)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  ejbi,  upon  ;  merost 
part.]  The  epimeron  of  the  meso- 
thorax  of  an  insect  (zool.). 

mesethmoid  (me'se'th'moid)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  etJimos,  sieve  ;  eidos, 
like.]  Between  the  two  ectethmoid 
bones ;  appl.  ethmoid  plate  of 
cranium  when  it  ossifies  (anat.)  ; 
a  median  cranial  bone  of  verte- 
brates (zool.). 

mesiad  (me'zlid)  adv.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle.]  Towards  or  near  the 
middle  plane. 

mesial  (me'ziai)  a.  [Gk.  mesos,  middle.] 
In  the  middle  vertical  or  longi- 
tudinal plane. 

meslan  (me'zlan)  a.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle.]  Mesial. 

mesoarlum  (mSs'oa'rlum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  oarion,  a  small  egg.] 
A  mesovarium. 

mesobenthos  (mes'obe'n'thSs)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  benthos,  depths.] 
The  animal  and  plant  life  of  the 
sea-bottom  when  the  depth  is  be- 
tween 100  fathoms  and  500  fathoms 
(zool.,  bot.). 

mesoblast  (mes'oblast) ».  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  blastos,  bud.]  The  meso- 
derm  or  middle  layer  of  an  embryo 

mesoblastema  (mes'oblaste'ma). 

mesoblastlc  (mes'oblas'tlk)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  blastos,  bud.]  Pert. 
or  developing  from  the  middle  layer 

mesobranchial  (mes'bbrang'klal)  a. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle ;  brangchia, 
gills.]  Pert,  the  middle  gill-region, 
as  in  Crustacea  (zool.). 

mesobronchus  (mes'obrSng'kus)  «. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  brongchos. 




wind-pipe.]  In  birds,  the  main 
trunk  of  a  bronchus  in  the  lung 
beyond  the  ventricle  :  it  gives  rise 
to  secondary  bronchi  (zoo/.). 

mesocaecum  (mes'ose'kum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  L.  caecus,  blind.] 
The  mesentery  connected  with  the 
caecum  (anat.). 

mesocardium  (mes'okar'dlum) n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  kardia,  the  heart.] 

-  An  embryonic  mesentery  binding 
the  heart  to  the  pericardial  walls 
(emb.);  part  of  the  pericardium 
enclosing  veins  (venous  m.)  or 
aorta  (arterial  m.)  (anat.). 

mesocarp  (mes'okarp)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  The  middle 
layer  of  the  pericarp  or  coat  of  a 
fruit  (bot.). 

mesocentrous  (mes'ose'n'trus)tf.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  L.  centrum,  a  centre.] 
Ossifying  from  a  median  centre 

mesochilium  (mes'okil'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  cheilos,  a  lip.]  The 
middle  portion  of  the  labellum  of 
orchids  (bot.). 

mesocoel  (mes'osel)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  second 
of  three  main  parts  of  the  coelom 
of  Molluscs  (zoo/.). 

mesocolic  (mes'okol'ik)  a.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  kolon,  the  large  intestine.] 
Pert,  the  mesocolon  ;  appl.  lymph 
glands  (anat.). 

mesocolon  (mes'oko'lon)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  kolon,  the  large  in- 
testine.] A  mesentery  or  fold  of 
peritoneum  attaching  the  colon  to 
the  dorsal  wall  of  the  abdomen 

mesocoracoid  (mes'okor'akoid)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  korax,  crow  ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  Situated  between 
hyper-  and  hypo-coracoid  ;  appl. 
a  middle  part  of  the  coracoid  arch 
of  certain  Fishes  (zoo/.). 

mesocycle  (mes'oslkl)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle ;  kyklos,  a  circle.]  A  layer  of 
tissue  between  xylem  and  phloem 
of  a  monostelic  stem  ;  part  of  the 
conjunctive  tissue  of  the  stele  (hot.). 

mesoderm  (mes'odgrm)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  derma,  skin.]  The  meso- 
blast  or  embryonic  layer  lying  be- 
tween the  ectoderm  and  endoderm 

mesodermal  (mes'oder'mal)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  derma,  skin.]  Pert. 
derived  or  developing  from  meso- 
derm (emb.). 

mesodesm  (mes'odezm)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  desma,  bond.]  Part  of  the 
mesocycle  (bot.). 

mesodont  (mes'6d8nt)  a.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Appl.  stag- 
beetles  having  a  medium  develop- 
ment of  mandible  projections  (zoo/.). 

mesogaster  (mes'ogas'te'r)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  gaster,  belly.]  The 
mesentery  proper,  or  fold  of  peri- 
toneum supporting  the  stomach 

mesogastric  (mes'ogas'trik)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos.  middle ;  gaster,  belly.]  Pert. 
a  mesogaster  or  mesogastrium ; 
pert,  the  middle  gastric  region 

mesogastrium  (mes'ogas'trium)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  gaster,  belly.] 
The  mesentery  connecting  stomach 
with  dorsal  abdominal  wall  in  the 
embryo  (emb.) ;  the  middle  ab- 
dominal region  (anat.). 

mesogloea  (mes'ogle'a)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle ;  gloia,  glue.]  An  inter- 
mediate non-cellular  layer  in 
Sponges  and  Coelenterates  (zoo/.). 

mesognathion  (mes'ognath'ion)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  gnathos,  jaw.] 
The  lateral  segment  of  the  maxilla, 
bearing  the  lateral  incisor  (anat.). 

mesohepar  (mes'ohe'par)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  L.  hepar,  liver.]  The 
mesentery  supporting  the  liver 

mesohydpophytic  (mes'ohl'droflt'ik) 
a.  [Gk.  mesos,  middle ;  hydor, 
water  ;  phyton,  plant.]  Growing  in 
temperate  regions  but  requiring 
much  moisture  (bot.). 

mesolecithal  (mes'oleVlthal)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  lekithos,  yolk  of 
egg.]  Appl.  eggs  with  yolk  in  the 
centre  (emb). 

mesology  (mes81'ojT)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle ;  logos,  discourse.]  Bio- 
nomics ;  the  relation  between  or- 
ganism and  environment. 

mesomere  (mes'omer)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  meros,  part.]  The  middle 
zone  of  the  coelomic  pouches  in 
the  embryo  ;  a  mesoblastic  somite 
or  protovertebra  (emb.). 




mesometrium  (mes'ome'trium)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  metra,  uterus.] 
The  mesentery  of  uterus  and  con- 
necting tubes  (anat.). 
mesomitosis  (mes'omito'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  mttos,  thread.] 
Mitosis  within  the  nuclear  mem- 
brane, without  co-operation  of  cyto- 
plasmic  elements  ;  cf.  metamltosis 

mesomyodian  (mes'dmlo'dlan)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  ntys,  a  muscle.] 
Appl.  birds  with  muscles  of  syrinx 
attached  to  middle  of  bronchial 
semi-rings  (zoo/.}. 

meson  (mes'8n,  mez^n)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle.]  The  central  plane,  or 
region  of  it  (zool.). 

mesonephric  (mes'oneTrik)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  nephros,  kidney.] 
Pert,  mesonephros,  or  mid-kidney; 
appl.  duct,  tubules  (zool.). 
mesonephridium  (mes'one'frfd'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos, middle;  nephros, kidney.] 
A  nephridium  or  excretory  organ 
of  certain  invertebrates,  derived 
from  mesoblast  (zool.). 
mesonephros  (mes'6neTr5s)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  nephros,  kidney.] 
The  intermediate  part  of  the  ex- 
cretory organ  in  vertebrate  embryos 
— it  becomes  the  functional  kidney 
in  lower  Craniata,  it  atrophies 
in  the  higher  forms  (zoo/.) ;  the 
Wolffian  body  (anat.). 
mesonotum  (mes'ono'tum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  noton,  the  back.] 
The  dorsal  part  of  an  insect  meso- 
thorax  (zool.). 

mesoparapteron  (mes'6'parap'tSron)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  para,  beside  ; 
pteron,  wing.]  The  small  sclerite 
of  the  mesothorax  of  insects  (zool.). 
mesopetalum  (mes'opfit'alum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  petalon,  a  petal.] 
The  labellum  or  lip  of  an  orchid 

mesophragma  (mes'ofrag'ma)  n.    [Gk. 

mesos,  middle  ;  phragma,  a  fence.] 

A  chitinous  piece  descending  into 

interior  of  insect  body  with  post- 

scutellum  for  base  (zool.). 

mesophryon    (mesofrion)    n.       [Gk. 

mesos,  middle  ;  ophrys,  an  eyebrow.] 

The   elevated  median  head-region 

of  Trilobites  (Pal.). 

raesophyll  (mes  ofil)   n.     [Gk.  mesos, 

middle  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  The  inter- 
nal parenchyma  of  a  leaf  (bot.). 
mesophyte  (mes'oflt)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  plant 
thriving  in  temperate  climates  with 
a  normal  amount  of  moisture  (bot.). 
mesoplankton  (mes'6plang'kt6n)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle ;  plangktos, 
wandering.]  Floating  animal  and 
plant  life  from  a  hundred  fathoms 

mesoplast  (mes'oplast)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  plastos,  moulded.]  A  cell 
nucleus  (cyt.). 

mesoplastron  (mes'6plas'tr5n)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  F.  plastron,  breast- 
plate.] A  plate  between  hyo-  and 
hypo  -  plastron  of  certain  Turtles 

mesopleuron  (mes'oploo'rSn)  ».  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  gleura,  side.]  A 
lateral  part  of  an  insect  mesothorax 

mesopodlal  (mes'opo'dlal)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  pous,  foot.]  Pert. 
a  mesopodium  (bot.,  zool.). 
mesopodium  (mes'opo'dlum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
leaf-stalk  or  petiole  region  of  a  leaf 
(bot.) ;  the  middle  part  of  a  mol- 
luscan  foot  (zool.). 

mesopraescutum  (mes'opresku'tum) 
n.  [Gk.  mesos,  middle ;  L.  prae, 
before ;  scutum,  a  shield.]  The 
praescutum  of  mesothorax  in  Insects 

mesopterygium  (mes'6pt6rij'Ium)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  pterygion,  a 
little  wing  or  fin.]  The  middle  of 
three  basal  pectoral  fin-cartilages 
in  recent  Elasmobranchs  (zool.). 
mesopterygoid  (mes'5pt6rTgoid)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;pteryx,  a  wing ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  The  middle 
of  three  pterygoid  bone  elements  of 
Teleosts  ;  the  ectopterygoid  (zool.). 
mesorchium  (mes&r'klum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  orchis,  a  testicle.] 
The  mesentery  supporting  the 
testis,  attached  to  dorsal  abdominal 
wall  in  mammalian  embryos  ;  sus- 
pensory in  adult  Fishes  (zool.). 
mesorectum  (mes'b'rgk'tum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  L.  rectus,  straight.] 
The  mesentery  supporting  the 
rectum  (anat.). 
mesorhlnal  (mes'ori'nal)  a.  [Gk. 




mesos,  middle ;  rhts,  nose.]  Be- 
tween the  nostrils  (zool.). 

mesorhinium  (mes'orm'fum)  n.  [Gk, 
mesos,  middle ;  rhis,  nose.]  The 
internarjal  surface  region  of  a 
bird's  bill  (zool.). 

mesosalplnx  (mes'osal'pmgks)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  salpingx,  a  trumpet.] 
The  portion  of  supporting  ligament 
stretching  from  uterine  tube  to  the 
lerel  of  the  ovary  (anat.). 

mesoscapula  (mes'oskap'ula)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  L.  scapula,  shoulder- 
blade.]  The  scapular  spine 

mesoscutellum  (mes'oskuteTum)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  L.  scutellum, 
a  small  shield.]  The  scutellum  of 
insect's  mesothorax  (zool.). 

mesoscutum  (mes'osku'tum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  L.  scutum,  a  shield.] 
The  scutum  of  insect's  mesothorax 

mesosoma  (mes'oso'ma)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  soma,  body.]  The  middle 
part  of  the  body  ;  the  praeabdomen 
of  Arthropods,  or  anterior  broader 
part  of  abdomen  (zool.). 

mesosperm  (mes'ospgrm)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  sperma,  seed.]  The 
integument  investing  the  nucellus 
of  an  ovule  (bot.). 

mesospore  (mes'ospor)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  sporos,  seed.]  The  inter- 
mediate of  three  spore  coats ;  a 
resting-spore  stage  (bot.). 

mesosporium  (mes'ospo'rrum).  Meso- 

mesostate  (mes'ostat)  n.  [Gk.  mesos, 
middle ;  stasis,  a  standing.]  An 
intermediate  stage  in  metabolism 

mesostereom  (mes'6st6r'e8m)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  stereos,  solid.]  The 
middle  layer  of  thecal  plates  of 
Cystidea  (zool.). 

mesosternebra  (mes'oste'r'ne'bra)  n. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  sternon,  breast- 
bone.] A  part  of  the  developing 
mesosternum  (emb.). 

mesosternum  (mes'osteYnum)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  L.  sternum,  breast- 
bone.] The  middle  part  of  the 
sternum  of  vertebrates  ;  the  gladi- 
olus (anat.) ;  the  sternum  of  the 
mesothorax  of  Insects  (zool.). 

mesostethium     (mes'oste'thlum)     n. 

[Gk.  mesos,  middle ;  stethos,  the 
chest.]  A  mesosternum  (zool.). 

mesostylous  (mes'osti'lus)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  stylos,  pillar.]  Hav- 
ing styles  of  intermediate  length  ; 
appl.  heterostylous  flowers  (bot.). 

mesotarsal  (mes'otar'sal)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  L.  tarsus,  ankle- 
joint.]  Pert,  a  mesotarsus  of  an 
Insect  (zool.).^ 

mesotarsus  (mes'otar'sus)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  L.  tarsus,  ankle- 
joint.]  A  middle-limb  tarsus  of 
insects  (zool.). 

mesothecium  (mes'othe'sium,  -shium) 
n.  [Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  theke,  cup.] 
The  middle  investing  layer  of  an 
anther-sac  (bot.). 

mesothelium  (mes'othe'lium)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  thele,  nipple.]  Meso- 
derm  bounding  the  primitive  coelom 
and  giving  rise  to  muscular  and 
connective  tissue  (anat.). 

mesotherm  (mes'othgrm)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  therme,  heat.J  A 
plant  thriving  in  a  moderate  heat 

mesothoracic  (mes'dthoras'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  thorax,  chest.]  Pert. 
or  in  the  region  of  the  meso- 
thorax ;  appl.  a  spiracle  of  Insects 

mesothorax  (mes'otho'raks)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  thorax,  chest.]  The 
middle  segment  of  the  thoracic 
region  of  Insects  (zool.). 

mesotriaene  (mes'otri'en)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle  ;  triaina,  a  trident.] 
An  aberrant  type  of  triaene  spicule 

mesotrochal  (mesot'rokal)  a.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  trochos,  wheel.] 
Appl.  an  annulate  larva  with  circlet 
of  cilia  round  the  middle  of  the 
body  (zool.). 

mesotympanic  (mes'otimpan'Ik)  a. 
[Gk.  mesos,  middle  ;  tympanon,  a 
drum.]  The  symplectic ;  one  of 
the  bones  in  the  suspensory  appa- 
ratus of  the  lower  jaw  in  Fishes 

mesovarlum  (mes'ova'rium)  n.  [Gk. 
mesos,  middle ;  L.  ovarium,  an 
ovary.]  The  mesentery  of  the 
ovary ;  suspensory  mesentery  of 
Fishes  (zool.,  anat.). 

mesoventral  (mes'ovgn'tral)  a.     [Gk. 




mesas,  middle  ;    L.   venter,   belly.] 
In  the  middle  ventral  region. 
Mesozoic  (mes'ozo'ik)  n.     [Gk.  mesos, 
middle  ;  zoe,  life.]    The  middle  or 
secondary  group   of   rock-systems 

metabiosis  (met'ablo'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
me/a,  after  ;  bios,  life.]  Condition 
in  which  one  organism  lives  only 
after  another  has  prepared  its 
environment  and  died  (biol.}. 

metabolic  (mgt'abol'ik)  a.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  ballein,  to  throw.]  Change- 
able ;  appl.  chemical  changes 
occurring  in  living  organism  ; 
metamorphosing  (biol.\ 

metabolln  (metab'olin)  n.  [Gk.  meta- 
bole,  change.]  A  product  of  meta- 
bolism (phys.}. 

metabolism  (metab'ollzm)  n.  [Gk. 
metabole,  change.]  The  chemical 
change,  constructive  and  destruc- 
tive, occurring  in  living  organisms 

metabranchial  (mgt'abrang^kTal)  a. 
[Gk.  meta,  after  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
Pert,  or  in  the  region  of  the 
posterior  gill  region  (zoo/.). 

metacarpal  (mgt'akar'pal)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  L.  carpus,  the  wrist.] 
Pert,  the  metacarpus  ;  appl.  bones, 
articulations,  etc.  (anat.~). 

metacarpophalangeal  (mgt'akar'po- 
falan'jeal)  a.  [Gk.  meta,  after; 
L.  carpus,  wrist  ;  Gk.  phalanx, 
series.]  Appl.  the  articulations  be- 
tween metacarpals  and  phalanges 

metacarpus  (mgt'akar'pus)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  L.  carpus,  wrist.] 
The  skeletal  part  of  the  hand 
between  wrist  and  fingers,  con- 
sisting of  five  cylindrical  bones 

metachromatinic  grains,  —  chroma- 
toid  bodies  found  in  cells  very 
similar  to  chromatin  in  properties 
and  characteristics  (cyt.). 

metachrosis  (met'akro'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  chrosis,  colouring.] 
Ability  to  change  colour  by  expan- 
sion of  pigment  cells,  as  in  some 
Fishes  and  Reptiles  (zoo/.). 

metacneme  (meYaknem)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  kneme,  the  tibia.]  A 
secondary  mesentery  of  Zoantharia 

metacoel  (mgt'asel)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  third 
and  posterior  part  of  the  coelom 
of  Molluscs  (zoo/.). 

metacone  (met'akon)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after ;  konos,  cone.]  The  postero- 
external  cusp  of  an  upper  molar 

metaconid  (met'ako'nid)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after ;  konos,  cone ;  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] The  postero-internal  cusp 
of  a  lower  molar  (zoo/.). 

metaconule  (meYako'nul)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  konos,  cone.]  The 
posterior  secondary  cusp  of  an 
upper  molar  (zoo/.). 

metacoracoid  (met'akSr'akoid)  n. 
[Gk.  meta,  after ;  korax,  crow  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  The  posterior 
part  of  the  coracoid  (zoo/.). 

metacromion  (mSt'akro'mlon)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  akros,  summit ;  omos, 
shoulder.]  A  posterior  branch- 
process  of  the  acromion-process  of 
the  scapular  spine  (zoo/.). 

metadiscoidal  (mgt'adiskoid'al)  a. 
[Gk.  meta,  after ;  diskos,  a  quoit ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Appl.  placenta 
in  which  thevilli  are  at  first  scattered 
and  later  restricted  to  a  disc,  as  in 
man  and  monkey  (zoo/.). 

metadromous  (mgtad'romus)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  dromos,  a  running.] 
With  primary  veins  of  a  segment 
arising  from  the  upper  side  of  the 
midrib  (bot.). 

metaesthetism  (metgs'thgtlzm)  n. 
[Gk.  meta,  after ;  aisthetos,  per- 
ceptible by  the  senses.]  The 
doctrine  that  "  consciousness  is  a 
product  of  the  evolution  of  matter 
and  force." 

metagastric  (met'agas'trlk)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  gaster,  belly.]  Pert. 
the  posterior  gastric  region  (zoo/.). 

metagastrula  (m&t'agas'troola)  n. 
[Gk.  meta,  after  ;  gaster,  belly.]  A 
modified  form  of  gastrula  (zoo/.). 

metagenesis  (mgt'ajen'gsis)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  genesis,  descent.]  Al- 
ternation of  generations,  which  see. 

metakinesis  (met'Skine'sIs)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  kinein,  to  move.]  The 
middle  stage  of  mitosis,  during  which 
the  chromosomes  are  grouped  in 
the  equatorial  plate  (cyt.}. 

metaloph    (met'alof)   n.     [Gk.    meta, 




after;  lophos,  a  crest.]  The  posterior 
crest  of  a  molar,  uniting  metacone, 
metaconule,  and  hypocone  (zool.}. 

metamere  (mSt'amer)  n.  [Gk.  me/a, 
after ;  meros,  part.]  A  body 
segment  (zoo/.). 

metameric  (m  6  t'amg  r'lk)  a.  [Gk.  me  fa, 
after  ;  meros,  part.]  Pert,  metamer- 
ism or  segmentation  (zool.}. 

metamerism  (mStam'Srizm)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  meros,  part.]  The 
condition  of  a  body  divided  up 
into  segments  more  or  less  alike  ; 
segmentation ;  zonal  symmetry 

metamerized  (me'ta'm'e'rizd)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  meros,  part.]  Seg- 
mented (zool.}. 

metamitosis  (mSt'Smito'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  mitos,  thread.]  Mitosis 
in  which  cytoplasmic  and  nuclear 
elements  are  both  affected ;  cf. 

metamorphosis  (mgt'amor'fbsis)  n. 
[Gk.  meta,  beyond  ;  morphe,  form.] 
Change  of  form  and  structure  under- 
gone by  an  animal  from  embryo  to 
adult  stage,  as  in  Insects  (zool.} ; 
interference  with  normal  symmetry 
in  flowers  (bot.}  ;  internal  chemical 
change  (phys.}. 

metamps  (me'tamp's,  me'tamps)  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  meta,  after ;  morphe, 
form.]  Different  forms  of  the  same 
species,  as  in  certain  Sponges  (zool.}. 

metanauplius  (mgt'anop'lius)».  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  L.  nauplius,  a  kind  of 
shell-fish.]  The  larval  stage  of 
Crustacea  succeeding  the  nauplius 
stage  (zool.}. 

metanephric  (meYaneTrik)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  nephros,  a  kidney.] 
Pert,  or  in  the  region  of  the  hind- 
kidney  (emb.}. 

metanephros  (m6t'angf'r6s)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  nephros,  a  kidney.] 
The  organ  arising  behind  the 
mesonephros  and  replacing  it  as 
the  functional  kidney  of  fully- 
developed  amniotes  (zool.}. 

metanotum  (mgt'ano'tum)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  noton,  back.]  The 
notum  or  tergum  of  the  meta- 
thorax  of  Insects  (zool.}. 

metanucleus  (me't'anu'kleus)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  L.  nucleus,  a  kernel.] 
A  term  appl,  by  Haecker  to  the 

egg-nucleus  after  its  extrusion  from 
the  germinal  vesicle  (cyt.}. 

metapeptone  (met'apep'ton)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  peptos,  cooked.]  A 
product  of  the  action  of  gastric 
juice  on  albumins  (phys.}. 

metaphase  (meYafaz)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  phainein,  to  appear.]  The 
stage  in  mitosis  in  which  the 
chromosomes  are  split  up  in  the 
equatorial  plate  (cyt.}. 

metaphery  (mgtaf'grl)  «.  [Gk.  meta, 
beyond  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  Dis- 
placement of  organs  (bot.}. 

metaphloem  (mgt'aflo'gm)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  phloos,  bark.]  The 
phloem  of  secondary  xylem  (bot.}. 

metaphragma  (mSt'afr&g'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
•meta,  after  ;  phragma,  a  fence.] 
An  internal  metathoracic  septum 
in  Insects  (zool.}. 

metaphyte  (mgt'afit)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  multi- 
cellular  plant  (bot.}. 

metaplasia  (met'apla'zia)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  plasis,  moulding.] 
Conversion  of  tissue  from  one 
form  to  another,  as  in  ossification 

metaplasia  (metap'lasts)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  plasis,  moulding.] 
The  mature  period  in  the  life  of 
an  individual  (phys.}. 

metaplasm  (mgt'aplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  lifeless  ingredients 
of  protoplasm,  as  opp.  to  the  living 
material  (cyt.}. 

metaplastic  (mgt'aplas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
Pert,  metaplasia  or  metaplasm 

metaplastic  bodies,  —  grains  or 
granules  of  protoplasm  which  are 
stages  or  products  of  metabolism 
and  not  true  protoplasm  (cyt.}. 

metapleural  (met'aploo'ral)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  pleura,  a  side.]  Pos- 
teriorly and  laterally  situated  ; 
pert,  a  metapleure  or  metapleuron 

metapleure  (meYaploor)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  pleura,  a  side.]  An 
abdominal  or  ventro-lateral  fold  of 
integument  of  certain  of  the  lowest 
vertebrates  (zool.}. 

metapleuron  (mSt'aploor'Sn)  n.     [Gk. 




meta,  after  ;  pleura,  a  side.]  The 
pleuron  of  an  insect  metathorax 

metapneustic  (met'apnu'stik)  a. 
[Gk.  meta,  after  ;  pneuma,  breath.] 
AppL  insect  larvae  with  only  the 
terminal  pair  of  spiracles  (zool.). 

metapodeon  (met'apo'deon)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  pous,  foot.]  That  part 
of  an  insect's  abdomen  behind  the 
petiole  or  podeon  (zool.). 

metapodeum  (mfit'apo'deum).  Meta- 

metapodial  (meYapo'dial)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  pous,  foot.]  Pert,  a 
metapodeon  or  metapodium  (zool.). 

metapodium  (met'apo'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
posterior  portion  of  a  molluscan 
foot ;  the  portion  of  the  foot 
between  tarsus  and  digits ;  in 
four-footed  animals,  the  meta- 
carpus and  metatarsus  (zool.). 

metapolar  cells,  —  the  second  circlet 
of  cells  of  the  polar  cap  of  the 
rhombogen  of  Rhombozoa. 

metapophysis  (meYapof'isis)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  apo,  from  ;  phyein,  to 
grow.]  A  prolongation  of  a  verte- 
bral articular  process  developed 
in  certain  vertebrates  (zool.} ;  the 
mammillary  process  (anat.). 

metapore  (met'apor)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after ;  poros,  a  channel.]  The 
medial  aperture  in  the  roof  of  the 
fourth  ventricle  of  the  brain  ; 
Magendie's  foramen  (anat.). 

metapostscutellum  (met'apostsku- 
teTum)  n.  [Gk.  meta,  after ;  L. 
post,  after ;  scutellum,  a  small 
shield.]  The  post-scutellum  of 
an  insect  metathorax  (zool.). 

metapraescutum  (met'apresku'tum) 
n.  [Gk.  meta,  after ;  L.prae,  before  ; 
scutum,  shield.]  The  praescutum 
of  an  insect  meta-thorax  (zool.). 

metapterygium  (meYapte'rlj'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  meta,  after  ;  pterygion,  a  little 
wing.]  The  posterior  basal  fin- 
cartilage  or  bone,  either  pectoral 
or  pelvic,  of  recent  Elasmobranchs 

metapterygoid  (m£t'apter'fgoid)  tt. 
[Gk.  meta,  after  ;  pteryx,  wing  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  The  posterior 
of  three  pterygoid  elements  in 
certain  lower  vertebrates  (zool.). 

metarachis  (mgt'aralrts)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  rhachis,  a  spine.]  The  face 
of  Pennatulacea  which  coincides 
with  the  sulcar  aspect  of  the  ter- 
minal zooid,  otherwise  the  so-called 
dorsal  surface  (zool.). 

metascutellum  (met'askuteTum)  n. 
[Gk.  meta,  after  ;  L.  scutellum,  a 
small  shield.]  The  scutellum  of  an 
insect  metathorax  (zool.). 

metascutum  (mSt'asku'tum)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  L.  scutum,  shield.] 
The  scutum  of  an  insect  meta- 
thorax (zool.). 

metasitlsm  (mSt'asit'Izm)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  sitos,  food.]  The  ac- 
quisition of  a  cannibalistic  mode 
of  life  (zool.). 

metasoma  (mSt'aso'ma) «.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  soma,  body.]  The  posterior 
body-region  of  Arachnids  (zool.). 

metasomatic  (met'asomat'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  soma,  body.]  Pert. 
or  situated  in  the  metasoma  (zool.). 

metasperm  (met'aspe'rm)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  spertna,  seed.]  A  plant 
having  seeds  in  a  closed  ovary  ;  an 
angiosperm  (bot.). 

metastasis  (mgtas'tasis)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  stasis,  standing.]  Meta- 
bolism ;  transference  of  function 
from  one  organ  to  another  (phys.). 

metastatlc  (meVastat'ik)  life-history — 
that  of  certain  Trematodes  in  which 
the  young  form  after  entering  the 
intermediate  host,  metamorphoses 
into  the  adult,  after  which  the 
intermediate  host  is  swallowed  by 
the  final  host  (zool.). 

metasternum  (mgt'asteVnum)  «.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  sternon,  breast-bone.] 
The  sternum  of  insect  metathorax  ; 
the  posterior  sternal  part  of  Anura  ; 
the  xiphoid  or  ensiform  process, 
the  posterior  part  of  the  sternum 
of  higher  vertebrates  (zool.). 

metasthenic  (meYasthenlk)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  sthenos,  strength.] 
With  well-developed  posterior  part 
of  the  body  (zool.). 

metastlgmate  (meYastlg'mat)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  stigma,  mark.]  Hav- 
ing posterior  tracheal  openings  or 
stigmata,  as  in  Mites  (zool.). 

metastoma  (meYasto'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  stoma,  mouth.]  Thetwo- 
lobed  lower  lip  of  Crustacea  (zool.). 




metatarsal  (meYatar'sal)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  L.  tarsus,  the  ankle.] 
In  the  region  of  the  tarsus  ;  appl. 
arteries,  veins,  etc. ;  pert,  the  meta- 
tarsal  bones  (zool.,  anat.}. 

metatarsophalangeal  (me't'atar'so- 
falan'jeal)  a.  [Gk.  me  fa,  after ;  L. 
tarsus,  ankle  ;  Gk.  phalanx,  troop.] 
Appl.  articulations  between  the 
metatarsus  and  phalanges  of  the 
foot  (anat.}. 

metatarsus  (met'atar'sus)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  L.  tarsus,  ankle.]  The 
part  of  the  foot  between  the  ankle 
and  toes  (anat.}. 

rnetathalamus  (met'atharamus)  n. 
[Gk  meta, after;  thalamos, chamber.] 
The  geniculate  bodies  of  the  brain 

metathorax  (met'atho'raks)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  thorax,  the  chest.]  The 
posterior  segment  of  the  thorax 
of  Insects  (zool.}. 

metatrophic  (meYatrof'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  trofihe,  nourishment.] 
Living  on  decaying  organic  matter 

metaxylem  (mSt'azi'lem)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  nylon,  wood.]  Second- 
ary xylem  with  thick  walled  cells 

metazoaea  (mgt'azo'ea)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  zoe,  life.]  A  larval  stage  of 
Crustacea  between  zoaea  and  mega- 
lopa  stages  (zool.}. 

metazoon  (mSt'azo'on)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  zoon,  animal.]  A  multicellu- 
lar  animal  (zool.}. 

metencephalon  (met'enkef'alon,  -sef-) 
n.  [Gk.  meta,  after ;  en,  in  ;  kephale, 
head.]  The  hind-brain  or  cere- 

metenteron  (meten'teron)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after ;  enteron,  gut.]  An 
intermesenteric  chamber  of  a  sea- 
anemone  or  other  Coelenterate 

metepimeron  (mSt'e'pim'gron)  n.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  epi,  upon  ;  meros,  part.] 
The  epimeron  of  an  insect  meta- 
thorax  (zool.}. 

metepisternum  (met'e'pisteVnum)  n. 
[Gk.  meta,  after  ;  epi,  upon  ;  sternon, 
breast-bone.]  The  episternum  of 
an  insect  metathorax  (zool}. 

methaemoglobin  (mgthe'moglo'bm)  ;/. 
[Gk.  meta,  after  ;  haiina,  blood  ;  L. 

globus,  a  globe.]  A  product  of 
blood  decomposition  (phys.}. 

metochy  (met'oki)  n.  [Gk.  metoche, 
a  sharing.]  The  relationship  be- 
tween a  neutral  guest  insect  and  its 
host  (zool.}. 

metoecious  (mSte'shus)  a.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  oikos,  a  house.]  Metoxenous 
or  heteroecious  (dot.}. 

metope  (meYope)  n.  [Gk.  metopon, 
forehead.]  The  middle  frontal 
portion  of  a  Crustacean  (zool.}. 

metopic  (metop'ik)  a.  [Gk.  metopon, 
forehead.]  Pert,  the  forehead ; 
appl.  the  frontal  suture  (anat.}. 

metosteon  (mStos'teon)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after ;  osteon,  bone.]  A  posterior 
sternal  ossification  in  birds  (zool.}. 

metovum  (meto'vum)  n.  [Gk.  meta, 
after  ;  L.  ovum,  an  egg.]  An  egg- 
cell  surroundedbynutritive  material 

metoxenous  (metok'sgnus)  a.  [Gk. 
meta,  after  ;  xenos,  a  guest.]  Para- 
sitic on  different  hosts  at  different 
stages  in  life-history  (dot.}. 

micella  (miseTa)  n.  [L.  dim.  of  mica, 
morsel.]  An  ultimate  supra-mole- 
cular unit  of  a  cell.  See  hypo- 
thetical units. 

micraesthetes  (mlkres'thets)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  aesthetikos,  per- 
ceptive.] The  smaller  sensory 
organs  of  Placophora  (zool.}. 

microbe  (mi'krpb)  n.  [Gk.  mikros, 
small ;  bios,  life.]  A  bacterium  ;  a 

microbiology  (ml'kroblpl'oj!)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  bios,  life  ;  logos,  dis- 
course.] Bacteriology. 

microcalthrops  (ml'krokal'throps)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  A.S.  coltraeppe, 
a  kind  of  thistle.]  A  primitive 
tetraxon,  or  euaster  with  four 
persistent  rays  (zool.}. 

microcentrum  (mi'krosen'trum)  «. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  L.  centrum, 
centre.]  The  dynamic  centre  of 
a  cell  composed  of  centrosomes 

microconjugant  (ini'krdkon'joogant)  //. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small  ;  L.  conjugare, 
to  unite.]  A  motile  ciliated  free- 
swimming  conjugant  or  gamete 
which  attaches  itself  to  a  macro- 
conjugant  and  fertilizes  it  (zool.}. 

microconidium   (mi'krbkonid'ium)   n. 




[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  font's,  dust.] 
A  comparatively  small  conidium 

microcyst  (mf  kroslst)  n.  [Gk.  mikros, 
small ;  kystis,  bladder]  A  resting- 
spore  stage  of  slime  Fungi  (hot.}. 

microcytase  (mfkrosftas)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  The 
enzyme  of  microphages  or  smaller 
leucocytes  (phys.). 

microcytes  (mf  kroslts)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
Blood-corpuscles  about  half  the 
size  of  erythrocytes,  numerous  in 
diseased  conditions  (phys.). 

microdont  (mfkrodont)  a.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  odous,  a  tooth.] 
With  comparatively  small  teeth 

microgamete  (mfkrogamet')  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  gametes,  a  spouse.] 
The  smaller  of  two  conjugant 
gametes,  regarded  as  male  (zool.). 

microgametocyte  (mfkrogame'toslt) 
n.  [Gk.  mikros,  small ;  gametes,  a 
spouse  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  cell 
developed  from  a  merozoite  in 
certain  Protozoa,  and  giving  rise 
to  a  microgamete  (zool.). 

microgamy  (mlkrQg'amT)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Syngamy  between  the  smallest  in- 
dividuals, produced  by  fission  or 
gemmation,  as  in  Foraminifers 

inicrogonidium  (ml'krogonld'ium)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  gonos,  off- 
spring.] A  comparatively  small 
gonidium  (dot.) ;  a  male  gamont  or 
gametocyte  (zool.). 

mlcromere  (mfkromer)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  meros,  part.]  A 
cell  of  the  upper  or  animal  hemi- 
sphere in  meroblastic  and  other 
eggs  (emb.). 

micromerozoite  (ml'kromeYozoit)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small  ;  meros,  part  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  A  cell  derived  from 
a  raicroschizont  and  developing 
into  a  gametocyte  in  Haemo- 
sporidia  (zool.). 

micromesentery  (mf  krome's'e'nte'rl)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small  ;  mesos,  middle  ; 
enteron,  gut.]  A  secondary  incom- 
plete mesentery  in  Zoantharia 

micron    (mi'kron)    /;.      [Gk.    mikros, 

small.]  One-thousandth  part  of  a 
millimetre,  symbol  M,  used  in 
measurement  of  diameters  of  cor- 
puscles, etc.  (phys.). 

micront  (mfkront)  n.  [Gk.  mikros, 
small ;  ons,  being.]  A  small  cell 
formed  by  schizogony,  itself  giving 
rise  to  microgametes  in  Neo- 
sporidia  (zool.). 

micronucleus  (mfkr6nu'kleus)«.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  L.  nucleus,  a  kernel.] 
The  smaller  nucleus  of  many  Proto- 
zoa, lying  in  close  proximity  to  the 
meganucleus  (zool.). 

micro-organism  (mfkro-6r'ganizm)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  organon,  an 
instrument.]  A  microscopic  organ- 
ism ;  a  bacterium  or  microbe. 

microphages  (ml'krofa'jez)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  phagein,  to 
eat]  Leucocytes  possessing  the 
enzyme  microcytase  (phys.). 

microphagocyte  (mi'krofag'oslt)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  phagein,  to 
eat ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  microphage 
or  small  phagocyte  of  blood  (phys.). 

microphyllous  (mf  krofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;phyllon,  leaf.]  With 
small  leaves  (bot.). 

microphyte  (mf  kroflt)  n.  [Gk.  mikros, 
small ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  micro- 
scopic plant  (bot.). 

microphytology  (mfkrofltol'qjl)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small  ;  phyton,  plant  ; 
logos,  discourse.]  The  science  of 
microphytes ;  vegetable  bacteri- 
ology (bot.). 

micropodous  (mikrSp'odus)  a.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  pous,  foot.]  With 
rudimentary  or  small  foot  or  feet. 

micropore  (mf  kropor)  n.  [Gk.  mikros, 
small ;  poros,  a  channel.]  A  small 
pore  in  a  Chiton  shell  containing  a 
sense-organ  (zool.). 

inicropterism  (mlkrop'terizm)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  pteron,  wing.]  Con- 
dition of  having  unusually  small 
wings,  as  in  some  insects  (zool.). 

micropterous  (mlkrop'tgrus)  a.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  pteron,  a  wing.] 
Having  small  hind  wings  invisible 
till  tegmina  are  expanded,  as  in 
some  insects  ;  with  small  or  rudi- 
mentary fins  (zool.). 

micropyle  (mfkropll)  n.  [Gk.  mikros, 
small  ;  pyle,  a  gate.]  The  aperture 
for  admission  of  pollen-tube  at  the 




ovule  apex  (dot.)  ;  the  aperture  in 
the  egg-membrane  for  admission 
of  spermatozoon  ;  a  pore  in  the 
spongin-coat  of  Sponges  for  escape 
of  gemmules  (zoo£). 

micropyle  apparatus,  —  raised  pro- 
cesses or  porches,  sometimes  of 
very  elaborate  structure,  developed 
round  the  micropyle  of  certain 
insect  eggs  (zool.). 

microrhabdus  (ml'krorab'dus)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  rhabdos,  a  rod.] 
A  minute  monaxon  or  rod-like 
spicule  (zool.). 

microschizont  (inl'kroshl'zont)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  schizein,  to  cut.]  A 
male  schizont  of  certain  Protozoa 

microsclere  (ml'kroskler)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  skleros,  hard.]  One 
of  sponge  spicules  found  lying 
scattered  freely  in  the  tissues 

microseptum  (ml'krosep'tum)  n.  [Gk. 
micros,  small  ;  L.  septum,  parti- 
tion.] An  incomplete  mesentery 
of  Zoantharia  (zool.). 

microsmatic  (ml'krosmat'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  osme,  smell.]  With 
feebly-developed  sense  of  smell 

microsome  (ml'krosom)  n.  [Gk. 
micros,  small ;  soma,  body.]  The 
granule  of  protoplasm  as  opposed 
to  the  ground-substance  (cyt.). 

microsphere  (ml'krosfer)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  sphaira,  a  globe.] 
The  initial  chamber  of  Foramin- 
ifera  when  very  small  (zool.). 

microspheric  (mi'krosfgr'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  sphatra,  a  globe.] 
Appl.  Foraminifera  when  the  initial 
chamber  of  the  shell  is  small 

n.  [Gk.  mikros,  small ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
anggeion,  vessel.]  A  sporangium 
bearing  a  number  of  microspores 

microspore  (mlkrospor)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  sporos,  seed.]  The 
spore  developed  in  a  microspor- 
angium  of  heterosporous  plants 
(bot.)  ;  a  smaller  anisospore  of 
Sarcodina  (zool.). 

microsporophore  (ml'krospo'rofor)  n. 
[Gk.  micros,  small ;  sporos,  seed  ; 

pherein,   to  bear.]      A   microspor- 
angium  (dot.). 

microsporophyll  (rm'krospo'rofll)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
phyllpn,  leaf.]  A  microsporangium- 
bearing  leaf  (bot). 

microsporozoite  (ml'krospo'rozo'it)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  A  smaller  endo- 
genous sporozoite  of  Sporozoa(sw/.). 

microstome  (mi'krostom)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  A 
small  opening  or  orifice  (zool.). 

microstylospore  (ml'krostl'lospor)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small ;  stylos,  pillar  ; 
sporos,  a  seed.]  A  comparatively 
small  stylospore  (dot.). 

microstylous  (mi'krostl'lus)  a.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  stylos,  pillar.]  Hav- 
ing short  styles  ;  appl.  heterostylous 
flowers  (bot.).- 

microtherm  (inl'krotherm)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small ;  therme,  heat.]  A 
plant  of  the  north  temperate  zone 

microtype  (mi'krotlp)  n.  [Gk.  mikros, 
small ;  L.  typus,  type.]  The  normal 
arrangement  of  mesenteries  in 
Anthozoa  (zool.). 

microzooid  (mi'kroz5'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  zoon,  animal  ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  A  free-swimming 
motile  ciliated  bud  of  Vorticella 
and  other  Protozoa  (zool.). 

microzoospore  (ml'krozd'ospor)  n. 
[Gk.  mikros,  small  ;  zoon,  animal  ; 
sporos,  seed.]  A  small  planogamete 
(bot.);  a  small  anisospore  of  Radio- 
larians  (zool.). 

microzyma  (mi'krozl'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
mikros,  small  ;  zyme,  leaven.]  A 
biophore  or  idioblast,a  hypothetical 
ultimate  unit  (biol.). 

microzyme  (ml'krozlm)  n.  [Gk.  mikros, 
small ;  zyme,  leaven.]  A  micro- 
organism of  fermenting  or  decom- 
posing liquids  (phys.). 

mid-body, — a  cell  plate  or  group  of 
granules  in  the  equatorial  region 
of  the  spindle  in  the  anaphase  of 
mitosis  (cyt.). 

mid-brain, — the  middle  zone  of  the 
primitive  or  embryonic  brain  ;  the 
mesencephalon  of  adults,  consisting 
of  the  cerebral  peduncles,  the  cor- 
pora quadrigema,  and  the  aque- 
ductus  Sylvii  (anat.). 




mid-rib, — the  large  central  vein  of  a 
leaf,  the  continuation  of  the  petiole 

midriff  (mid'rif)  n.  [A.  S.  mid,  middle ; 
hrif,  the  belly.]  The  diaphragm  or 
muscular  partition  between  the 
thoracic  and  abdominal  cavities 
(anat.,  zool.}. 

Miescher's  tubes,  —  see  Ralney's 

migration  (migra'shun)  n.  [L. 
migrare,  to  transfer.]  Change  of 
habitat,  according  to  climate  or 
food-supply,  observable  chiefly  in 
birds,  also  in  reindeer,  bats,  certain 
fishes,  etc.  (zool.}. 

migratory  cell, — an  amoeboid  cell  or 
leucocyte  of  the  blood. 

miliary  (mil'iar!)  a.  [L.  milium, 
millet.]  Of  granular  appearance  ; 
small  and  numerous  (zool.}. 

milk-teeth, — the  first  dentition  of 
Mammals,  shed  soon  after  or  before 

milt  (milt)  «.  [A.S.  tnilte,  the  spleen.] 
The  spleen.  • 

milt  (milt)  n.  [A  corruption  of  milk, 
due  to  confusion  with  milt,  the 
spleen.]  The  soft  roe,  or  male 
generative  organ  of  Fishes. 

mimetic  (mfmgt'ik)  a.  [Gk.  mimet- 
ikos,  imitative.]  Appl.  animals 
and  plants  which  practise  mimicry 

mimic  (mim'lk)  v.  [Gk.  mimikos, 
imitating.]  To  assume,  usually  for 
protection,  the  habits,  colour,  or 
structure  of  another  organism 

mimicry  (mim'ikri)  n.  [Gk.  mimikos, 
imitative.]  Assumption  of  resem- 
blance in  colour  or  structure  as  a 
means  of  self-protection  (dial.}. 

mine  (mm)  n.  [L.  minare,  to  con- 
duct.] A  tunnel  or  gallery  con- 
structed by  an  insect  (zool.}. 

minimus  (min'imus)  n.  [L.  minimus, 
least.]  The  fifth  digit  of  hand  or 

Miocene  (ml'osen)  a.  [Gk.  melon, 
less ;  kainos,  recent.]  Appl.  the 
eleventh  of  the  thirteen  rock- 
systems,  and  belonging  to  the 
Cainozoic  or  Tertiary  group  (pal.}. 

miostemonous,  —  meiostemonous 

miracidium    (mTr'asTd'ium)    n.     [Gk. 

dim.  of  meirakion,  a  stripling.] 
The  ciliated  embryo  or  youngest 
stage  in  the  life-history  of  a  Trema- 
tode  (zool.}. 

mitochondria  (mi'tokon'dria)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  mitos,  thread  ;  chondros,  grain.] 
Ergastoplasmic  granulations  of 
protozoan  protoplasm  ;  sphero- 
plasts  (zool.}  ;  a  rounded  mass  of 
granules  or  fibrils  near  the  nucleus 
of  pancreas  cells  (anat.}. 

mitochondrial  sheath,  —  an  envelope 
containing  mitochondrial  granules 
sheathing  the  spiral  thread  of  a 
spermatozoan  body  or  connecting 
piece  (emb.}. 

mitome  (ml'tom)  n.  [Gk.  mitos, 
thread.]  The  reticulum  of  cell- 
protoplasm,  as  opposed  to  ground- 
substance  (biol.}. 

mltoschisis  (mitos'krsls)  n.  [Gk. 
mitos,  thread  ;  schizein,  to  cleave.] 
Indirect  nuclear  division  ;  mitosis 

mitosis  (mito'sts)  n.  [Gk.  mitos, 
thread.]  Indirect  or  karyokinetic 
nuclear  division,  with  chromosome- 
formation,  spindle-formation,  and 
with  or  without  centrosome  activity, 
and  final  reduction  of  the  chromo- 
somes (cyt.}. 

mitosome  (mit'osom)  n.  [Gk.  mitos, 
thread  ;  soma,  body.]  A  body 
arising  from  the  spindle-fibres  of 
secondary  spermatocytes,  eventu- 
ally said  to  form  the  connecting 
piece  and  tail  envelope  of  the 
spermatozoon  (zool.}. 

mitotic  (mitot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  mitos, 
thread.]  Pert,  or  produced  by 
mitosis  ;  appl.  division,  figure, 
phase  (biol.}. 

mitra  (mi'tra)  n.  [L.  mitra,  head- 
band.] A  helmet-shaped  part  of 
calyx  or  corolla  ;  the  mitriform 
pileus  of  certain  Fungi  (bot.}. 

mitral  cells,  —  pyramidal  cells  with 
thick  basal  dendrites,  found  in  the 
molecular  layer  of  the  olfactory 
bulb  (anat.}. 

mitral  valve,  —  the  bicuspid  valve, 
guarding  the  left  auriculo-ven- 
tricular  orifice  of  the  heart  (anat.}. 

mitriform  (mit'riform)  a.  [L.  mitra, 
head-band  ;  forma,  shape.]  Mitre- 

mixipterysrium  (mlk'sIpteYIj'Ium)  //. 




EGk.  mtxts,  mixing  ;  pterygion,  a 
ittle  wing  or  fin.]  The  clasper  of 
male  Elasmobranchs,  the  medial 
lobe  of  the  pelvic  fin  (zool.}. 
mixotrophic  (mik'sotrofik)  a.  [Gk. 
mixis,  mixing;  trephein,  to  nourish.] 
Combining  holophytic  with  sapro- 
phytic  nutrition  (zool.}  ;  obtaining 
part  of  the  nourishment  from  an  out- 
side source  ;  partly  parasitic  (bot.}. 
modiolus  (modl'olus)  n.  [L.  modiolus, 
a  small  measure.]  The  conical 
central  axis  of  the  cochlea  of  the 
ear  (anat.}. 

molar  (mo'lar)  a.  [L.  molere,  to 
grind.]  Adapted  for  grinding,  as 
appl.  teeth ;  appl.  certain  buccal 
glands  (anat.}. 

molecular  hypothesis, — the  supposi- 
tion that  muscle  and  nerve  are 
composed  of  molecules  or  particles, 
like  the  molecules  of  a  magnet, 
with  positive  and  negative  surfaces 

molecular  layer, — the  external  layer 
of  the  cortex  of  cerebrum  and  cere- 
bellum ;  a  layer  of  the  olfactory 
bulb  (anat.}. 

molluscoid  (molus'koid)  a.     [L.  mol- 
litscus,  soft  ;  Gk.  eidos,  like.]     Re- 
sembling a  Mollusc  ;  charactetTsAc^ 
of  a  Mollusc  (zool.}. 
monacanthid  (mon'akan'thid)  a. '  [Gk. 
monos,     alone  ;     akantha,     (fhoftrf:^ 
With  one  row  of  ambulacral  spines, 
as  certain  Starfishes  (zool.}. 
monactinal    (monak'tlnal)    a.      [Gk. 
monos,   alone  ;    aktis,   ray.]     Appl. 
a  monactine  or  single-rayed  spicule 

monactinellid  (monak'tinel'id)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  aktis,  ray.]  Contain- 
ing uniaxial  spicules  only,  as 
certain  Sponges  (zool.}. 
monad  (mo'nad)  n.  [Gk.  monas,  a 
unit.]  A  primitive  organism  or 
organic  unit;  a  flagellula  form  of 
Protozoan  (biol.}. 

monadelphous  (monadel'fus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  single  ;  adelphos,  brother.] 
Having  the  stamens  united  into 
one  bundle  by  union  of  their  fila- 
ments (bot.}. 

monadiform   (monad'iform)   a.     [Gk. 
monas,  a  unit ;    L.  forma,  shape.] 
Like  a  flagellate  Protozoan  (zool.}. 
monandrous    (monan'driis)   a.      [Gk. 

monos,  alone ;  aner,  male.]    Having 
only  one  stamen  (bot.}. 
monarch   (mon'ark)   a.     [Gk.    monos, 
alone  ;     arche,   beginning.]      With 
only  one  protoxylem  (bot.}. 
monaster  (monas'ter)  n.     [Gk.  monos, 
alone ;    aster,    star.]      The    astral 
arrangement     of     the      V-shaped 
chromosomes   at   the   end    of    the 
prophase  of  mitosis  (cyt.}. 
monaxial  (monak'sial)  a.    [Gk.  monos, 
alone  ;    axon,   axis.]     Having  one  ' 
line  of  axis  ;  uniaxial  (biol.};  having 
the  inflorescence  developed  on  the 
primary  axis  (bot.}. 

monaxon  (monak'son)  n.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone ;  axon,  axis.]  A  type  of 
spicule  built  upon  a  single  axis 

monaxonic  (mon'akson'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  axon,  axis.]  Elon- 
gate ;  appl.  types  of  Protozoa  with 
one  long  body-axis  (zool.}. 

monembryonic  (monem'brlon'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  embryon,  foetus.] 
Producing  a  single  embryo  at  a 
time  (bot.}. 

monergic  (moner'jik)  a.     [Gk.  monos, 
alone  ;    energos,   active.]      Having 
one    energid  ;    consisting    of   one 
nucleated  cell  (bot.}. 
^imonilicorn  (monil'ikorn)  a.  [L.  monile, 
necklace  ;    cornu,   horn.]      Having 
antennae    with     appearance    of    a 
^rtain  of  beads  (zool.}. 

moniiiform  (monil'iform)  a.  [L. 
monile,  necklace  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Constricted  at  regular  intervals, 
giving  the  appearance  of  a  chain 
of  beads  ;  appl.  the  nucleus  of 
certain  Infusoria  (zool.} ;  with  con- 
tractions and  expansions  alternately, 
as  the  branches  of  certain  roots 

monimostylic  (mon'imostflik)  a.  [Gk. 
monimos,  fixed  ;  stylos,  pillar.] 
Having  the  quadrate  united  to  the 
squamosal,  and  sometimes  to  other 
bones,  as  in  certain  Reptiles  ;  cf. 
streptostylic  (zool.}. 

monocardian  (mon'b'kar'dian)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  kardia,  heart.] 
Having  one  auricle  and  ventricle 

monocarp  (mon'okarp)  n.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  A  mono- 
carpic  plant  (bot.}. 




monocarpellary  (mon'okarpeTar!)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
Containing  a  single  carpel  (bot.). 

monocarpic  (mon'okar'pik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Dying 
after  bearing  fruit  once  (dot.). 

monocarpous  (mon'okar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Hav- 
ing one  ovary  developed  from  the 
gynoecium  (bot.). 

monocephalous  (mon'okeTalus,  -sef-) 
a.  [Gk.  monos,  alone;  kephale,  head.] 
With  one  capitulum  only  (tot.). 

monocercous  (mon'oser'kus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  kerkos,  tail.]  With 
one  flagellum,  as  certain  Protozoa 

inonocerous  (monos'grus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  keras,  horn.]  Hav- 
ing only  one  horn  (zool.). 

monochasium  (mon'oka'zTum)  n.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  chasis,  division.]  A 
cymose  inflorescence  with  main 
axes  producing  only  one  branch 
each  (tot.). 

monochlainydeous  (mon'oklamld'eus) 
a.  [Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  cftlamys, 
cloak.]  Apetalous ;  having  calyx 
but  no  corolla  (tot.). 

monociliated  (mon'osll'iated)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  L.  ciliutn,  lash.] 
Having  one  flagellum  (zool.).  (  W 

monoclinous   (mou'okll'nus)   a.     [Ok. 
monos,  alone  ;  aline,  couch.] 
ing  both  stamens  and  pistiUi 
flower  (tot.). 

monocotyledonous  (monokot'ile'- 
donus)  a.  [Gk.  monos,  alone  ; 
kotyledon,  a  cup-shaped  hollow.] 
Having  one  cotyledon  or  embryo- 
lobe  (tot.). 

monocrepid  (mon'okrSp'id)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  krepis,  foundation.] 
Appl.  a  desma  formed  by  secondary 
silica  deposits  on  a  monaxial  spicule 

monocule  (mon'okul)  «.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone ;  L.  oculus,  eye.]  A  one- 
eyed  animal,  as  certain  Insects  and 
Crustacea  (zool.). 

monocyclic  (mSn'osik'lik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  kyklos,  circle.] 
Having  one  whorl  or  circular 
structure  (biol.). 

monodactylous  (mon'odak'tllus)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  daktylos,  finger.] 
With  one  digit  only  (zool.). 

monodelphous, — monadelphous. 

monodont  (mon'6'dont)  a.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having  one 
persistent  tooth  ;  appl.  the  narwal 
with  one  tusk  ten  or  twelve  feet 
long  (zool.). 

monoecious  (mone'shus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  single ;  oikos,  house.]  With 
male  and  female  flowers  on  the 
same  plant ;  with  sex  organs  on 
one  gametophyte  (tot.) ;  hermaph- 
rodite (zool.). 

monogamous  (monog'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  single ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Consorting  with  one  mate  only 

monoganglionic  (mon'ogang'glionik) 
a.  [Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  gangglion, 
a  little  tumour.]  Having  a  single 
ganglion  (zool.). 

monogastric  (mon'ogas'trik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  single  ;  gaster,  stomach.] 
With  only  one  gastric  cavity 

monogenesis  (mon'qjen'esis)  n.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Asexual  reproduction  ;  the  theory 
of  the  development  of  all  organisms 
from  a>^ingle  cell  (biol.). 

itic  (m&n'ojenet'ik)  a.     [Gk. 
*nos,     a\m&\\^genests,    descent.] 
asexually  ;  direct,  as 
,  reproduction  (biol.). 
, — monogenetic. 

monogenous  (monoj'finus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Asexual,  as  appl.  reproduction 

monogonoporous  (m6n'6g6n5p'6rus) 
a.  [Gk.  monos,  alone ;  gonos,  off- 
spring ;  poros,  channel.]  Having 
one  genital  pore  common  to  both 
male  and  female  organs,  as  in 
certain  Turbellarians  (zool.). 

monogony  (monog'oni)  n.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Non-sexual  schizogony ;  asexual 
reproduction  (biol.). 

monogynoecial  (mSn'ojme'shlal)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  gyne,  female  ; 
oikos,  house.]  Developing  from  one 
pistil  (tot.). 

monogynous  (monqj'inus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  gyne,  female.]  Hav- 
ing one  pistil  only  (tot.) ;  consort- 
ing with  one  female  mate,  of  male 
animals  (zool.). 




monohybrid  (mon'ohl'brid)  n.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  L.  hybrida,  mongrel] 
A  hybrid  offspring  of  parents  differ- 
ing in  one  character  (biol.). 

monokaryon  (mon'okar'Ion)  n.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone;  karyon,  nut.]  A  nu- 
cleus with  a  single  centriole  (cyt.). 

monolophous  (mon'olof'us)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  lophos,  crest.]  Appl. 
spicules  with  one  ray  forked  or 
branched  like  a  crest  (zool.). 

monomastigate,— monomastigote. 

monomastigote  (mon'omas'tlgot)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  mastis,  whip.] 
Having  a  single  flagellum,  as 
certain  Protozoa  (zool.). 

monomeniscous  (mon'omems'kus)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone ;  meniskos,  a 
small  moon.]  Having  an  eye 
with  only  one  lens  (zool.). 

monomeric  (mon'omer'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  meros,  part.]  Pert. 
one  segment ;  derived  from  one 
part  (biol.). 

atus)  a.  [Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  meros, 
part ;  soma,  body.]  Having  body- 
segments  all  fused  together,  as  in 
certain  Insects  (zool.). 

monomerous  (monom'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  meros,  part.]  Con- 
sisting of  one  part  only ;  appl. 
flower-whorls  (hot.). 

monomial  (mono'mlal)  a.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone  ;  L.  notnen,  name.]  Appl.  a 
name  or  designation  consisting  of 
one  term  only  ;  cf.  binomial 

monomorphic  (mon'omor'fik)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  morphe,  form.] 
Developing  with  no  or  very  slight 
change  of  form  from  stage  to  stage, 
as  in  certain  Protozoa  and  Insects  ; 
cf.  polymorphic  (zool.)  ;  producing 
spores  of  one  kind  only  (hot.). 

monont  (mon'ont)  n,  [Gk.  monos, 
alone.]  A  single  individual  repro- 
ducing without  conjugation,  as  opp. 
sporont  or  zygote  (zool.). 

mononuclear  (mon'onu'klear)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  L.  nucleus,  kernel.] 
With  one  nucleus  only  (biol). 

mononychous  (mon'onflc'us)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  onyx,  claw.]  Having 
a  single  claw  (zool.). 

monopetalous  (mon'opeYalus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone;  petalon,  petal.]  Hav- 

ing one  petal  only  ;  having  petals 
united  all  round  (hot.). 

monophagous  (monof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Subsisting  on  one  kind  of  food  ; 
appl.  Sporozoa  living  permanently 
in  a  single  cell  (zool?). 

monophyletic  (mon'ofilet'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  phyle,  tribe.]  Derived 
from  a  single  common  parent  form 

monophyllous  (mon'ofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Hav- 
ing one  leaf  only  ;  unifoliate  ; 
having  a  one-piece  calyx  (dot.). 

monophyodont  (mon'dfl'odont)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone ;  phyein,  to 
produce  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having 
only  one  set  of  teeth,  the  milk 
dentition  being  absorbed  in  foetal 
life  or  absent  altogether  (zool.). 

monoplacid  (mon'oplas'id)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  plakous,  a  flat  cake.] 
With  one  plate  only,  of  any  par- 
ticular kind  (biol.). 

monoplacula  (mon'oplak'ula)  n.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  plax,  a  flat  plate.] 
A  single-layered  placula  (biol.). 

monoplastic  (mon'oplas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  plastos,  formed.] 
Persisting  in  one  form  (biol.). 

monopodial  (mon'opo'dlal)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;pous,  foot.]  Branch- 
ing from  one  main  or  primary  axis 
acropetally  (bot.). 

monopodium  (mon'opo'dlum)  n.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;pous,  foot.]  A  single 
main  or  primary  axis  from  which 
all  main  lateral  branches  develop, 
as  in  the  pine  (bot.). 

monopyrenous  (mon'opfre'nus)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  pyren,  kernel.] 
Single-stoned,  as  a  fruit  (bot.). 

monorhinal  (mon'ori'nal)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  rhis,  nose.]  Having 
only  one  nostril,  as  the  Cyclostomes 

monosepalous  (mon'osep'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  sepalon,  sepal.]  Hav- 
ing a  single  sepal ;  having  all  sepals 
united  into  one  (bot.). 

monosiphonic  (mon'b'sifon'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  siphon,  a  small  pipe.] 
Having  the  tubes  of  a  hydrocaulus 
distinct  from  one  another,  as  in 
certain  Hydromedusae  (zool.). 

monosiphonous      (mon'osl'fonus)     a. 




[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  siphon,  a  small 
pipe.]  Having  a  single  central 
tube  in  the  filament,  as  in  certain 
red  Algae  (bot.}. 

monospermous  (mon'ospeYmus)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  sperina,  seed.] 
One-seeded  (bot.}. 

monospermy  (mon'ospeYml)  n. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  sperma,  seed.] 
Normal  fertilization  by  the  entrance 
of  one  sperm  only  into  an  ovum 

monospondylic  (mon'ospondil'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  sphondylos,  a 
vertebra.]  Appl.  vertebrae  without 
intercentra  (zool.}. 

monosporangium  (mon'dsporan'jTum) 
n.  [Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
anggeion,  vessel.]  A  sporangium 
producing  simple  spores  (bot.}. 

monospore  (mon'ospor)  n.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone  ;  sporos,  seed.]  A  simple  or 
undivided  spore  (bot.}. 

monosporous  (monos'porus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  sporos,  seed.]  Having 
only  one  spore  or  a  simple  spore 

monostachyous  (mon'ostak'ms)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  stachys,  a  corn- 
ear.]  With  only  one  spike  (bot.}. 

monostele  (mon'ostel)  n.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone  ;  stele,  column.]  An  axis 
stele  when  only  one  is  the  direct 
continuation  of  the  plerome  (bot.}. 

monostelic  (mon'osteTik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  stele,  column.]  Hav- 
ing a  single  stele  or  central  cylinder 
running  through  the  whole  axis 

monostichous  (monos'tikus)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  stichos,  row.] 
Arranged  in  one  row  (zool.} ;  along 
one  side  of  an  axis  (bot.}. 

monostigmatous  (mon'ostig'matus)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  stigma,  mark.] 
With  one  stigma  only  (bot.}. 

monostylous  (mon'osti'lus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  stylos,  pillar.]  Having 
one  style  only  (bot.}. 

monosy  (mon'osl)  n.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone.]  The  separation  of  parts 
normally  fused  (biol.}. 

monosymmetrical  (mon'osTmet'rikal) 
a.  [Gk.  monos,  alone  ;  syn,  with  ; 
metron,  measure.]  Having  only 
one  plane  of  bilateral  symmetry 

monothalamic  (mon'othal'amik)  a. 
[Gk.  manes,  alone  ;  thalamos, 
chamber.]  Appl.  fruits  formed 
from  single  flowers  ;  having  one 
gynoecium  (dot.}. 

monothalamous  (mon'otharamus)  a. 
[Gk.  monos,  alone ;  thalamos, 
chamber.]  Unilocular ;  single  - 
chambered  ;  appl.  shells  of  Fora- 
minifers  and  other  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

monothecal  (mon'othe'kal)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  theke,  box.]  Having 
one  loculus  ;  single  -  chambered 

monothelious  (mon'othe'llus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  thelys,  female.] 
Appl.  a  female  consorting  with 
more  than  one  male  (biol.}. 

monotocous  (monot'oktis)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  tokos,  offspring.] 
Having  one  at  a  birth  (biol.}. 

monotrochous  (monot'rokus)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone ;  trochos,  wheel.] 
Having  a  single-piece  trochanter, 
as  in  most  stinging  Hymenoptera 

monotrophic  (mon'otrof'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
monos,  alone  ;  trophe,  nourishment.] 
Subsisting  on  one  kind  of  food 

monotype  (mon'otlp)  n.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone ;  L.  typus,  type.]  A  single 
type  which  constitutes  a  species  or 
genus  (biol.}. 

monozoic  (mon'ozo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  monos, 
alone  ;  zoon,  animal.]  Appl.  archi- 
spores  forming  only  one  sporozoite 
on  liberation  from  the  cyst  ;  pro- 
ducing one  sporozoite  only  (biol.}. 

monticolous  (montik'olus)  a.  [L. 
mons,  mountain  ;  colere,  to  inhabit.] 
Inhabiting  mountainous  regions 

morphalaxls  (mor'falak'sls)  n.  [Gk. 
morphe,  form  ;  L.  laxare,  to  release.] 
Transformation  of  one  part  directly 
into  another,  in  regeneration  of 
parts  (zool.}. 

morphology  (morfol'qji)  n.  [Gk. 
morphe,  form  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  science  of  the  form  and  struc- 
ture of  plants  or  animals,  as  dis- 
tinct from  consideration  of  the 

morphon  (mor'fon)  n.  [Gk.  morphe, 
form.]  A  definitely  formed  indi- 
vidual, as  opp.  a  bion  (biol.}. 




morphosis  (m6r'fos!s,  morfo'sis)  n. 
[Gk.  morphosis,  a  forming.]  The 
manner  of  development  of  part  or 
organism  (biol.}. 

morphotic  (morfot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  mor- 
phosis,  a  forming.]  Tissue-building 

morula  (mor'ula)  n.  [L.  morum,  a 
mulberry.]  A  solid  cellular  globu- 
lar mass,  the  first  result  of  ovum 
segmentation  ;  the  stage  in  de- 
velopment preceding  the  gastrula 
stage  (emb.}. 

morulation  (morula'shun)  n.  [L. 
morum,  a  mulberry.]  Morula- 
formation  by  segmentation  (emb.}. 

morulit  (mor'ulit)  n.  [L.  morum,  a 
mulberry.]  Nucleolus  or  kary- 
osome  (cyt.}. 

motor  (mo'tor)  a.  [L.  movere,  to 
move.]  Pert,  or  connected  with 
movement ;  appl.  nerves  (anat., 

motor  areas, — areas  of  the  brain 
where  motion  is  supposed  to  be 
correlated  (phys.}. 

motor  end-plates, — the  terminal  ex- 
pansions of  nerves  in  muscle  fibres 

motor  neurons,  —  nerve  cells  with 
appendages  and  branches,  con- 
cerned in  the  regulation  of  move- 
ment (anat.}. 

motor  ocull, — the  third  cranial  nerve 

motorium  (moto'rium)  n.  [L.  movere, 
to  move.]  Motor  areas  ;  the  part 
of  the  nervous  system  where  the 
motorial  sense  is  localized  (phys.}. 

moult  (molt)z/.  [L.  mutare,\.o  change.] 
To  cast  or  shed  periodically  the 
outer  covering,  whether  of  feathers, 
hair,  skin,  or  horns  (zool.}. 

mouth  part,  —  a  head  or  mouth 
appendage  of  Arthropods  or  In- 
sects (zool.}. 

mucific  (musif'ik)  a.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus  ;  facere,  to  make.]  Mucus- 
secreting  (phys.}. 

muclform  (musiform)  a.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus ;  forma,  shape.]  Resembling 
mucus  (phys.}. 

mucigen  (mu'sTjgn)  n.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus  ;  Gk.  genos,  offspring.]  The 
substance  of  certain  granules  in 
the  cells  of  mucous  membrane 

mucilage  (mu'sllaj)  n.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus.]  A  substance  produced  in 
cell-walls  of  certain  plants  due  to 
changes  in  the  cellulose  or  pectose 
constituents,  causing  exudations  of 
gum  when  degeneration  of  the  cell- 
wall  is  excessive  (bot.}. 

mucilage  cell,  —  a  cell  which  secretes 
mucilage  (bot.}. 

mucilaginous  (mii'silaj'inus)  a.  [L. 
mucus,  mucus.]  Pert,  containing, 
resembling,  or  composed  of  muci- 
lage ;  appl.  certain  glands  of  joints 
(anat.}  ;  appl.  cells,  ducts,  canals, 
slits  (boL\ 

mucin  (mu'sln)  n.  [L.  mucus,  mucus.] 
A  glucoproteid  of  mucus  (phys.}. 

mucinogen  (mustn'qjgn)  n.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus  ;  Gk.  genos,  offspring.]  A 
substance  producing  mucin  by 
reaction  of  alkalies  (phys.}. 

muciparous  (musip'arus)  a.  [L. 
mucus,  mucus  ;  parere,  to  beget.] 
Mucus-secreting  (phys.}. 

mucocutaneous  (mu'kokuta'neus)  a. 
[L.  mucus,  mucus  ;  cutis,  skin.] 
Pert,  skin  and  mucous  membrane 

mucodermal  (mu'koder'mal)  a.  [L. 
mucus,  mucus  ;  Gk.  derma,  skin.] 
Pert,  skin  and  mucous  membrane 

mucoid  (mu'koid)  a.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus  ;  Gk.  eidos,  like.]  Pert,  or 
caused  by  mucus  or  mucilage  ; 
appl.  degeneration  (bot.}  ;  tissue 

mucosa  (muko'sa)  n.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus.]  A  mucous  membrane 

mucoserous  (mu'kose'rus)  a.  [L. 
mucus,  mucus  ;  serum,  whey.] 
Secreting  mucus  and  body  fluid 

mucous  (mu'kus)  a.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus.]  Secreting,  containing,  or 
pert,  mucus  ;  appl.  glands,  sheaths, 
tissue  (anat}. 

mucro  (mu'kro)  n.  [L.  mucro,  a  sharp 
point.]  A  stiff  or  sharp  point 
abruptly  terminating  an  organ 

mucronate  (mu'kronat)  a.  [L.  mucro, 
a  sharp  point.]  Abruptly  termin- 
ated by  a  sharp  spine  ;  mucro- 

mucronulate    (mukron'ulat)    a.      [L. 




mucro,  a  sharp  point.]  Tipped  with 
a  small  mucro. 

mucronule  (mu'kronul)  n.  [L.  mucro, 
a  sharp  point.]  A  small  mucro. 

muculent  (mu'kul£nt)  a.  [L.  mucus, 
mucus.]  Mucoid ;  containing 
mucus  ;  mucilaginous  (hot.}. 

mucus  (mu'kus)  n.  [L.  mucus,  mucus.] 
The  slimy,  glairy  substance  secreted 
by  mucous  membrane  (phys.}. 

Mullerian  (mule'rlan)  a.  [Joh.  Muller, 
German  anatomist,  and  other 
Miillers.]  Appl.  eminence,  fibres 
(anat.}  ;  corpuscles  (bot.}  ;  larva 

Miillerian  ducts, — ducts  arising  on 
the  lateral  aspects  of  the  Wolffian 
ducts  (emb.}. 

multangular  (multSng'gular)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  angulus,  angle.] 
Appl.  two  carpal  bones,  the  greater 
and  lesser  multangulum,  respect- 
ively the  trapezium  and  the  trape- 
zoid  (anat.}. 

multiarticulate  (mul'tlartik'ulat)  a. 
[L.  multus,  many  ;  articulus,  joint.] 
With  many  articulations ;  many- 
jointed  (zoo/.). 

multicamerate  (mul'tlkam'erat)  a. 
[L.  multus,many;  camera, chamber.] 
Multilocular  ;  with  many  chambers. 

multlcapsular  (mul'tikap'sular)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  capsula,  a  little 
chest.]  With  many  capsules  (bot.}. 

multicarinate  (mul'tikar'Inat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  carina,  keel.]  Hav- 
ing many  keels. 

multicellular  (murtiseTular)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  cella,  storeroom.] 
Many-celled ;  consisting  of  more 
than  one  cell  (biol.}. 

multlcentral  (mul'tisSn'tral)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  centrum,  centre.] 
With  more  than  one  centre  of 
growth  or  development  (biol.}. 

multicipital  (mul'tisip'ital)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  caput,  head.]  With 
many  heads  or  branches  arising 
from  one  point  (bot.}. 

multicostate  (mul'tikos'tat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  costa,  rib.]  With 
many  ribs  or  veins  (bot.} ;  with 
many  ridges  (zool.}. 

multicuspid  (mul'tlkus'pld)  a.  [L. 
multtis,  many  ;  cuspis,  spear-head.] 
With  several  cusps  or  tubercles  ; 
appl.  molar  teeth  (anat.}. 

multidentate  (mul'tidgn'tat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many  ;  dens,  tooth.]  With 
many  teeth,  or  indentations  (biol.}. 

multidigitate  (mul'tldij'itat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  digitus^  finger.] 
Many-fingered  (zool.}. 

multifid  (mul'tifid)  a.  [L.  multus, 
many  ;  fidus,  cleft.]  Having  many 
clefts  or  divisions  (dot.}. 

multiflagellate  (mul'tlflaj'elat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  flagellum,  whip.] 
Furnished  with  several  or  many 
flagella  ;  polymastigote  (zool.}. 

multiflorous  (mul'tiflo'rus)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  flos,  flower.]  Bear- 
ing many  flowers  (hot.}. 

multifoliate  (mul'tlfo'liat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  folium,  leaf.]  With 
many  leaves  (bot.\ 

multifoliolate  (muf'tifo'liolat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  foliolum,  a  small 
leaf.]  With  many  leaflets  (bot.\ 

multiganglionate  (mul'trgang'- 
glI6nat)  a.  [L.  multus,  many  ; 
[Gk.  gangglion,  a  small  tumour.] 
With  several  or  many  ganglia 

multigyrate  (mul'tijl'rat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  gyrus,  circle.] 
With  many  gyri  ;  tortuous  (biol.}. 

multljugate  (mul'tijoog'at)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  jugum,  yoke.] 
Having  many  pairs  of  leaflets 

multilamlnate  (mul'tTlam'inat)  a. 
[L.  multus,  many  ;  lamina,  plate.] 
Composed  of  several  or  many 
laminae  (biol.}. 

multilobate  (mul'tilo'bat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many  ;  lobus,  lobe.]  Com- 
posed of  many  lobes. 

multilobulate  (mul'tllob'ulat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  lobulus,  a  small 
lobe.]  Having  many  lobules. 

multilocular  (mul'tilok'ular)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many  ;  loculus,  chamber.] 
Having  many  cells  or  chambers. 

multinervate  (mul'tlneYvat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  nervus,  sinew.] 
With  many  nerves  or  nervures 

multinodal  (mul'tlno'dal)  a.  \L. 
multus,  many  ;  nodus,  knot.]  With 
many  nodes  (bot.}. 

multinomial  (mul'tlno'inlal)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  nomen,  name.] 
Appl.  a  name  or  designation  com- 




posed  of  several  names  or  terms  ; 
cf.  binomial  (biol.}. 

multinucleate  (mul'tlnu'kleat)  a.     [L. 

multus,    many ;     nucleus,    kernel.] 

With  several  or  many  nuclei  (cyt.}. 

xnultinucleolate   (mul'ttnu'kleolat)  a. 

[L.    multus,    many ;    nucleolus,    a 

small  kernel.]      With   more   than 

one  nucleolus  (cyt.}. 

multiovulate    (mul'tlo'vulat)    a.     [L. 

multus,  many  ;  ovum,  egg.]     With 

several  or  many  ovules  (hot.*). 

multiparous     (multip'arus)     a.      [L. 

multus,   many  ;  parere,  to   beget.] 

Bearing     several,    or     more    than 

one,  at  a  birth  (zool.} ;  developing 

several  or  many  lateral  axes  (hot.}. 

multiple  corolla, — a  corolla  with  two 

or  more  whorls  of  petals  (bot,\ 
multiple  fission, — repeated  division  ; 
division   into  a   large    number  of 
parts  or  spores  (biol.}, 
multipolar      (mul'tipo'lar)      a.       [L. 
multus,     many ;    polus,    an     axis- 
end.]       Appl.      nerve-cells      with 
many  dendrites  or  branching  pro- 
cesses (anat.}. 

multiradiate  (mul'tira'dlat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many;  radius,  ray.]  Many- 

multiramose  (mul'tirarn'os)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  ramus,  branch.] 
Much  branched. 

multiseptate  (mul'tise'p'tat)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many  ;  septum,  partition.] 
Having  numerous  septa  or  par- 

multiserial  (miU'tise'rial)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many ;  series,  row.] 
Arranged  in  several  or  many 

multispiral     (mul'tispl'ral)     a.       [L. 
multus,  many  ;  spira,  coil.]     With 
many  coils  or  whorls, 
multistaminate    (mul'tTstam'inat)    a. 
[L.   multus,   many  ;  stamen,  some- 
thing  standing.]     Having    several 
or  many  stamens  (bot,\ 
multisulcate    (mul'tisurkat)     a.     [L. 
multus,     many ;     sulcus,     furrow.] 
Much  furrowed. 

multitentaculate  (mul'tltentak'ulat) 
a.  [L.  multus,  many ;  tentaculum, 
feeler.]  Having  many  tentacles 

multituberculate  (mul'tTtubeYkulat) 
a.  [L.  multus,  many  ;  tuberculum^ 

a  small  hump.]  Having  several 
or  many  tubercles  or  small  prom- 

multituberculy  (mul'titubeVkuli)  n. 
[L.  multus,  many  ;  tuberculum,  a 
small  hump.]  The  theory  that 
molar  teeth  are  derived  from 
forms  with  a  number  of  tubercles 

multivalve  (mul'tivalv)  n.  [L.  multus, 
many  ;  valvae,  folding-doors.]  A 
shell  composed  of  more  valves  or 
pieces  than  two  (zool.~). 

multivincular  (mul'tiving'kular)  a. 
[L.  multus,  many  ;  vinculum, 
chain.]  Appl.  the  hinge  of  bi- 
valve shells  when  it  has  several 
ligaments  (zool,}. 

multivoltine  (mul'tTvortTn)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many  ;  It.  volta,  turn.] 
Having  more  than  one  brood  in 
a  year  ;  appl.  silkworms  (zool.), 

multocular  (multok'ular)  a.  [L. 
multus,  many  ;  oculus,  eye.] 

multungulate  (multung'gulat)  a. 
[L.  multus,  many;  unguis,  hoof.] 
Having  the  hoof  in  more  than 
two  parts  (zool.}. 

muricate  (mu'rikat)  a.  [L.  muricatus, 
full  of  sharp  points.]  Formed  with 
sharp  points  ;  covered  with  short 
sharp  prickles  (bwl.}. 

muriform  (mu'riform)  a.  [L.  murus, 
wall  ;  forma,  shape.]  Like  a  brick 
wall;  appl.  a  variety  of  parenchyma 
so  arranged,  occurring  in  medullary 
rays  of  Dicotyledons  and  in  corky 
formations  (bot.}. 

muscicoline  (muslk'olin)  a.  [L. 
muscus,  moss  ;  colere,  to  inhabit.] 
Livin  or  growing  among  mosses 

muscicolous,  —  muscicoline. 

muscle  (mus'l)  n.  [L.  musculus, 
muscle.]  A  mass  of  contractile 
fibres  with  motorial  function  ;  the 
fleshy  part  of  the  body,  composed  of 
muscular  tissue  (phys.}. 

muscle-banners,  —  folds  or  plaits  of 
mesogloea  on  the  sulcar  aspects  of 
Anthozoan  mesenteries,  supporting 
the  retractor  muscles  (zool.}. 

muscoid  (mus'koid)  a.  [L.  muscus, 
moss  ;  Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.] 

muscous,  —  muscoid, 




muscular  (mus'kulXr)  a.  [L.  musculus, 
muscle.]  Pert,  or  consisting  of 
muscle  ;  appl.  sense,  excitability 
(phys.},  stomach  (zool.\  fibres, 
process,'  tissue,  triangle  (anat.}. 

musculature  (miis'kulatur)  n.  [L. 
musculns,  muscle.]  The  system  or 
arrangement  of  muscles  as  a  whole 

musculocutaneous  (mus'kulokuta'- 
neus)  a.  [L.  musculus,  muscle  ; 
cutis,  skin.]  Pert,  muscles  and 
skin  ;  appl.  veins  and  nerves  of  leg 
and  arm  supplying  muscles  and  skin 
(ana/.,  zooL). 

musculophrenic  (mus'kulofre'n'ik)  a. 
[L.  musculus,  muscle  ;  Gk.  phren, 
midriff.]  Supplying  diaphragm  and 
body-wall  muscles  ;  appl.  an  artery 

musculospiral  (mus'kulospl'ral)  a. 
[L.  musculus,  muscle  ;  spira,  coil.] 
Appl.  a  nerve  which  passes  spirally 
down  the  humerus  (anat.}. 

mutation  (muta'shun)  n.  [L.  mutare, 
to  change.]  Gradual  variation 
towards  a  definite  change  of  struc- 
ture ;  discontinuous  variation  ;  the 
theory  of  De  yries  that  new  fonns, 
differing  sufficiently  to  constitute  a 
new  variety,  arise  spontaneously 
and  remain  true  (biol.}. 

mutlcous  (mu'tikus)  a.  [L.  muticus, 
maimed.]  Without  defensive  struc- 
tures, as  clawless,  toothless,  blunt 

mutilation  (mu'tilashun)  n.  [L.  ntu- 
tilare,  to  maim.]  Loss  of  an 
essential  part  of  a  structure ;  am- 
putation (zool.}. 

mutualism  (mu'tualizm)  n.  [L. 
mutuus,  exchanged.]  A  form  of 
symbiosis  in  which  both  parties 
derive  advantage  without  sustain- 
ing injury  (biol.}. 

myarian  (mla'rian)  a.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle.]  Appl.  classification  ac- 
cording to  musculature  (biol.}. 

mycele, — mycelium. 

mycelioid  (mlse'lloid)  a.  [Gk.  mykes, 
mushroom ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Like  mycelium. 

mycelium  (mlse'Iium)  n.  [Gk.  mykes, 
fungus.]  The  network  of  filament- 
ous cells  forming  the  typical  vege- 
tative structure  of  Fungi  (hot.}. 

mycetogenetlc      (mlse'toje'ne't'lk)     a. 

[Gk.    mykes,   fungus  ;   genesis,    de- 
scent.]    Produced  by  a  Fungus. 

mycetogenic, — mycetogenetic. 

mycetoid  (mlse'toid)  a.  [Gk.  mykes, 
fungus  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Fun- 
goid ;  fungus-like. 

mycetology, — mycology. 

mycetophagous  (mfsetSfagus)  a. 
[Gk.  mykes,  fungus  ;  phagein,  to 
eat.]  Fungivorous ;  feeding  on 
Fungi  (zool.}. 

mycoderm  (mfkodfirm)  n.  [Gk. 
mykes,  fungus  ;  derma,  skin.]  A 
bacterium  of  alcoholic  fermentation. 

mycology  (mlkol'qjl)  n.  [Gk.  mykes, 
fungus  ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
department  of  botany  dealing  with 

mycoplasm  (mfkoplSzm)  n.  [Gk. 
mykes,  fungus  ;  plasma,  form.]  A 
parasitic  substance  of  cereal  seeds 
which  may  give  rise  to  a  rust 
Fungus  (bot.}. 

mycorhiza  (miTcorfza)  n.  [Gk.  mykes, 
fungus  ;  rhiza,  root.]  Association 
of  a  fungus  with  the  roots  of  a 
higher  plant,  with  mutual  benefit 

n.  [Gk.  myelos,  marrow  ;  en,  in  ; 
kephale,  head.]  The  posterior  part 
of  the  hind-brain  (emb.) ;  the 
medulla  oblongata ;  brain  and 
spinal  cord  generally  (anat.). 

my  elm  (ml'e'lin)  n.  [Gk.  myelos, 
marrow.]  A  highly  refracting  fatty 
material  forming  the  medullary 
sheath  of  nerve  fibres  (anat.}. 

myelination  (mr'SUna'shun)  n.  [Gk. 
myelos,  marrow.]  Acquisition  of  a 
medullary  sheath  (anat.}. 

myelinization, — myelination. 

myelocoel  (ml'e'ldsel)  n.  [Gk.  myelos, 
marrow ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The 
spinal  cord  canal  (anat.}. 

myelocyte  (mfgloslt)  n.  fGk.  myelos, 
marrow  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  An  amoe- 
boid marrow  cell,  resembling  a 
lymphoid  corpuscle  (anat.}. 

myeloid  (mfe'loid)  a.  [Gk.  myelos, 
marrow ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Like 
marrow  in  appearance  or  structure 

myelon    (ml'e'lbn)    n.      [Gk.    myelos, 
marrow.]       The     spinal     cord     of 
vetebrates  (zool.}. 
myeloplast     (ml'gloplast)     n.       [Gk. 




myelos,  marrow  ;  plastos,  formed.] 
A  leucocyte  of  bone  marrow. 

myeloplax  (ml'eloplaks)  n.  [Gk. 
myelos,  marrow ;  plax,  something 
flat.]  A  giant-cell  of  marrow  and 
blood-forming  organs,  sometimes 
multinucleate,  but  in  most  cases 
multinucleolate  (anat.}. 

mylohyoid  (ml'lohl'oid)  a.  [Gk.  myle, 
mill ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.]  In  the 
region  of  hyoid  bone  and  posterior 
part  of  mandible  ;  appl.  artery, 
groove,  muscle,  nerve  (anat.}. 

myoalbumin  (ml'oalbu'min)  n.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle  ;  L.  albumen,  white  of 
egg.]  An  albumin  product  of 
muscle  (phys.}. 

myoblast  (ml'oblast)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle;  blastos,  bud.]  A  cell  which 
develops  into  muscle  fibre  (smb.}. 

myocardium  (mi'6'kar'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle  ;  kardia,  heart.]  The 
muscular  walls  of  the  heart  (anat.}. 

myochrome  (ml'b'krom)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  chroma,  colour.]  A  muscle- 

myocoel  (ml'osel)  n.  [Gk.  mys, muscle ; 
koilos,  hollow.]  Part  of  the  coelom 
enclosed  in  a  myotome  (emb.}. 

myocomxna  (ml'okom'a)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle ;  komma,  a  clause.]  A 
myoseptum  or  ligamentous  connec- 
tion between  successive  myotomes 

myocyte  (mi'oslt)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  contrac- 
tile layer  of  ectoplasm  of  Gregar- 
ines  ;  a  contractile  cell  (zool.}. 

myodome  (mfodom)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle ;  L.  domus,  house.]  A 
chamber  containing  the  eye-muscles 
in  some  Teleosts  (zool.}. 

myodynamic  (ml'odinam'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle ;  dynamis,  power.] 
Pert,  muscular  force  or  contraction 

myoepicardial  (mi'oe'pikar'dial)  a. 
[Gk.  mys,  muscle ;  epi,  upon ; 
kardia,  heart.]  Appl.  a  mantle, 
consisting  of  the  mesocardium 
walls,  destined  to  form  the  muscu- 
lar and  epicardial  walls  of  the 
heart  (emb.}. 

myoepithelial  (ml'oepithe'lial)  a.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle  ;  epi,  upon  ;  thele, 
nipple.]  Pert,  muscle  and  epi- 
thelium (anat.}  ;  appl.  epithelium 

cells  with  contractile  outgrowths, 
as  in  Coelenterates  (zool.}. 

myoflbrillae  (ml'of Ibril'e)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle  ;  L.  fibrilla,  a  small 
fibre.]  Contractile  fibrils  of  muscu- 
lar tissue  (anat.}. 

myoglobulin  (ml'oglob'ulin)  n.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle  ;  L.  globulus,  a  small 
globe.]  A  globulin  of  muscle  (phys.}. 

myohaematin  (ml'ohe'matm)  n.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle  ;  haima,  blood.]  A 
pigment  of  muscular  tissue  (phys.}. 

myoid  (ml'oid)  a.  [Gk.  mys,  muscle  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Resembling  or 
composed  of  muscular  fibres  (anat.}. 

myolemma  (mi'blem'a)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle ;  lemma,  skin.]  The  sheath 
of  muscle  fibre  ;  sarcolemma. 

myology  (mlol'oji)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
department  of  anatomy  dealing 
with  muscles. 

myomere  (mi'omer)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  meros,  part.]  A  muscle- 
segment  of  Arthropods,  divided  off 
by  connective  tissue  insertions ; 
a  myocomma  (zool.}. 

myoneme  (ml'bnem)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  nema,  thread.]  A  minute 
contractile  fibril  of  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

myoneure  (mi'onur)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle ;  neuron,  nerve.]  A  motorial 
nerve-cell  (phys.}. 

myonicity  (mi'dnis'iti)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle.]  The  contracting  power 
of  muscular  tissue  (phys.}. 

myophan  (ml'bfan)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  pkainein,  to  appear.]  The 
contractile  layer  of  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

myophore  (ml'of or)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A  struc- 
ture adapted  for  muscle  attachment 

myophrisk  (ml'ofrisk)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  phrix,  ripple.]  A  myo- 
neme or  contractile  element  of 
Protozoa  (zool.}. 

myopolar  (ml'bpo'lar)  a.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  polos,  an  axle-end.]  Pert. 
muscular  polarity  (phys.}. 

myoproteid  (mi'opro'teid)  n.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle ;  protos,  first.]  A 
globulin  -  like  substance  of  fish 
muscle  (phys.}. 

myoseptum  (ml'osep'tum)  n.  [Gk. 
mys,  muscle  ;  L.  septum,  partition.] 
A  myocomma,  which  see, 




myosin  (mfosin)  n.  [Gk.  mys,  muscle.] 
A  globulin  of  dead  muscular  tissue 

myotasis  (mlot'asis)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  fast's,  tension.]  Muscular 
tension  or  tonicity  (phys.~). 

myotome  (mi'otom)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  fame,  a  cutting.]  One  of 
a  series  of  hollow  cubes  formed  in 
the  early  vertebrate  embryo  (emb.)  ; 
a  muscular  metamere  of  primitive 
vertebrates  and  segmented  inverte- 
brates (zoo/.). 

myotonia  (mloto'ma)  n.  [Gk.  mys, 
muscle  ;  tonos,  tension.]  Muscular 
tension  or  tonicity  (pkys.\ 

myrmecophagous  (mirmSkof'agus)  a. 
[Gk.  myrmex,  ant ;  phagein,  to 
eat.]  Ant-eating  (zoo/.). 

myrmecophile  (mir'mSkofil)  n.  [Gk. 
myrmex,  ant ;  philos,  loving.]  A 
guest  insect  in  a  nest  of  ants 

mynnecophyte  (mir'mgkoflt)  n.  [Gk. 
myrmex,  ant ;  phyton,  plant.]  A 
myrmecophilous  plant,  or  one  that 
benefits  from  ant  inhabitants  and 
has  special  adaptations  for  housing 
them  (bot.). 

myrosin  (mir'osin)  n.  [Gk.  myron, 
unguent.]  An  enzyme  of  mustard 
seeds,  acting  upon  glucosides  (bot.). 

myxamoeba  (mik'same'ba)  n.  [Gk. 
myxa,  slime  ;  amoibe,  change.]  A 
mycetozoan  spore  in  the  amoebula 
stage  (zoo/.). 

myxoflagellate  (mik'soflaj'glat)  n. 
[Gk.  myxa,  slime ;  L.  flagellum, 
whip.]  A  flagellula  or  zoospore, 
the  stage  in  mycetozoan  develop- 
ment following  the  myxamoeba,  and 
which  multiplies  by  fission  (zoo/.). 

myxopodium  (mik'sopo'dlum)  n.  [Gk. 
myxa,  slime  ;  pous,  foot.]  A  slimy 
pseudopodium  (zoo/.). 

myxopterygium, — mixipterygium. 


nacreous   (naTcreus)  a.      [Ar.    nakir, 

hollowed.]     Yielding  or  resembling 

mother-of-pearl  (zoo/.). 
nacrine     (na'krin)     n.       [Ar.     nakir, 

hollowed.]     Mother-of-pearl   colour 


naevose  (na'vos,  ne'vos)  a.  [L.  naevus, 
spot.]  Freckled ;  spotted  with  con- 
genital marks  (zoo/.). 

nail  (nal)  n.  [A.S.  naegel,  nail.]  The 
terminal  horny  plate  of  finger  or 
toe  (zoo/.). 

nail  bone, — the  terminal  bone  of  finger 
or  toe. 

nanism  (nan'izm)  n.  [Gk.  nanos, 
dwarf.]  Dwarfishness. 

nanoplankton  (nan'6'plang'ktSn) 
n.  [Gk.  nanos,  dwarf;  plang- 
ktos,  wandering.]  Microscopic 

napiform  (na'piform)  a.  [L.  napus, 
turnip  ;  forma,  shape.]  Turnip- 
shaped  ;  appl.  roots  (bot.). 

narcotic  (narkfit'ik)  n.  [Gk.  narke, 
numbness.]  A  drug  which  pro- 
duces unconsciousness  (zoo/.). 

nares  (na'rez,  na'rgz)  n.  plu.  [L. 
nares,  nostrils.]  Nostrils  (zoo/.). 

nares,  anterior,  —  the  openings  of 
the  olfactory  organ  to  the  exterior 

nares,  posterior, — the  openings  of  the 
olfactory  organ  into  the  pharynx  or 
throat  (zoo/.). 

narial  (na'rial)  a.  [L.  nares,  nostrils.] 
Pert,  the  nostrils  (zoo/.). 

narial  septum, — the  partition  between 
the  nostrils  (zoo/.). 

naricorn  (nar'ik6rn)  n.  [L.  nares, 
nostrils ;  cornu,  horn.]  The  ter- 
minal horny  part  of  nostril  of 
Turbinares  (zoo/.) ;  nasal  scale 

nariform  (narTform)  a.  [L.  nares, 
nostrils  ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped 
like  nostrils  (zoo/.). 

nasal  (na'zal)  a.  [L.  nasus,  nose.] 
Pert,  the  nose  (zoo/.). 

nasion  (na'zton)  n.  [L.  nasus,  nose.] 
The  middle  of  the  nasofrontal 
suture  (anat.). 

Nasmyth's  membrane,  —  a  trans- 
parent sheet  of  membrane  over 
the  enamel  of  the  crown  of  a 
mammalian  tooth  (phys.). 

nasoantral  (na'zoan'tral)  a.  [L.  nasus, 
nose  ;  antrum,  cavity.]  Pert,  nose 
and  maxillary  cavity  (anaf.). 

nasobuccal  (na'zobuk'al)  a.  [L.  nasus, 
nose ;  bucca,  cheek.]  Pert,  nose 
and  cheek  (anaf.) ;  pert,  nose  and 
mouth  cavity  (zoo/.). 

nasociliary  (na'zosTltarl)  a.    [L.  nasus, 




nose  ;  cilia,  eyelashes.]  Appl.  nasal 
nerve  off  which  the  ciliary  nerves 
branch  (anat.). 

nasofrontal  (na'zofrun'tal)  a.  [L. 
nasus,  nose ;  frons,  forehead.] 
AppL  part  of  the  superior  oph- 
thalmic vein  in  nose  and  forehead 
region  (anat.). 

nasolabial  (na'zola'bial)  a.     [L.  nasus, 
nose  ;  labium,  lip.]     Pert,  nose  and 
lip  ;  appl.  muscle  (anat.). 
nasolacrimal  (na'zolak'rimal)  a.     [L. 
nasus,  nose  ;  lacrima,  tear.]     Appl. 
a  duct  from  the  lacrimal  sac  to  the 
meatus  of  the  nose  (anat.). 
nasomaxillary      (na'zomaksTrari)     a. 
[L.    nasus,    nose ;    mairilla,   jaw.] 
Pert,  nose  and  jaw  (anat.). 
nasooptic  (na'zoop'tlk)  a.     [L.  nasus, 
nose  ;  Gk.  optikos,  relating  to  sight.] 
Appl.  a  furrow,  an  embryonic  groove 
between  nasal   and  maxillary  pro- 
cesses (smb.). 

nasopalatal  (na'zopal'atal)  a.  [L. 
nasus,  nose ;  palatus,  palate.] 
Appl.  a  canal  between  the  nose 
and  palate  (anat.). 

nasopalatine  (na'zopal'atin)  a.  [L. 
nasus,  nose ;  palatus,  palate.]  Pert. 
nose  and  palate  (anat.). 

nasopharyngeal  (na'zofarin'jeal)  a. 
[L.  nasus,  nose ;  Gk.  pharyngx, 
gullet.]  Pert,  the  nose  and 
pharynx  (anat.). 

nasopharynx  (na'zofar'mgks)  n.  [L. 
nasus,  nose  ;  Gk.  pharyngx,  gullet.] 
That  part  of  pharynx  continuous 
with  posterior  nares  (anat.). 

nasoturbinal  (na'zotur'binal)  a.  [L. 
nasus,  nose  ;  turbo,  wheel.]  Appl. 
outgrowths  from  the  lateral  wall  of 
the  nasal  cavity  increasing  the  area 
of  sensory  surface  (zool.). 

nasus  (na'zus)  n.  [L.  nasus,  nose.] 
The  nose  ;  the  clypeus  of  an  in- 
sect's head  (zool.). 

natal  (na'tal)  a  [L.  nates,  buttocks.] 
Connected  with  the  buttocks 

natant  (na'tant)  a.  [L.  natare,  to 
swim.]  Floating  on  the  surface  of 
water  (zool.,  bot.). 

natatorial  (na'tato'rial)  a.  [L.  natare, 
to  swim.]  Formed  or  adapted  for 
swimming  (zool.). 

natatory  (na'tatorl)  a.   See  natatorial 

nates'  (na'tfcz)  n.  plu.    [L.  nates,  but- 

tocks.]    Buttocks  (anat.)  ;  umbones 

native  (na'tiv)  a.  [L.  gnatus,  born.] 
Appl.  animals  and  plants  which 
originated  in  the  district  or  area 
in  which  they  live,  not  those  im- 
ported thereinto  (biol.). 

natural  selection,  —  the  processes 
occurring  in  nature  resulting  in 
the  survival  of  the  fittest  and  the 
elimination  of  the  individuals  less 
adapted  to  their  surroundings  (biol.). 

nauplius  (no'plius)  n.  [L.  nauplius, 
a  shell-fish.]  The  earliest  larval 
stage  of  entomostracan  Crustaceans 

nautillform  (notil'iform)  a.  [L. 
nautilus,  nautilus  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Shaped  like  a  nautilus  shell  (zool.). 

navel  (na'vgl)  n.  [A.S.  nafele,  navel.] 
Place  of  attachment  of  the  um- 
bilical cord  (emb.). 

navicular  •(navik'ular)  a.  [L.  navis, 
ship.]  Boat-shaped. 

naviculare  (navlk'ulare)  n.  [L.  navis, 
ship.]  The  scaphoid  radiale  of  the 
mammalian  carpus  (anat.). 

nebenkern  (na'bgnkgrn)  n.  [Ger. 
neben,  near ;  kern,  kernel.]  An 
extra-nuclear  chromatinic  body  in 
the  spermatia  (cyt.). 

nebenk8rper  (na'benker'pSr)  n.  [Ger. 
neben,  near  ;  korper,  body.]  A  body 
surrounded  by  oil-drops  at  the 
hinder  pole  of  Pyrodinium,  perhaps 
the  seat  of  luminosity  (zool.). 

necrogenous  (nekroj'eniis)  a.  [Gk. 
nekros,  dead ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Living  or  developing  in  dead  bodies 

necrophagous  (nSkrof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
nekros,  dead  ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Feeding  on  dead  bodies  (zool.). 

necrophilous  (nekrof'Ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
nekros,  dead ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Feeding  on  dead  bodies  (zool.). 

nectar  (ngk'tar)  n.  [G\a.nektar, nectar.] 
The   sweet  substance   secreted  by 
special   glands,    the    nectaries,    in 
flowers  (bot.). 
nectar  gland, — see  nectary. 

nectar  guides, — the  series  of  markings 
•  on  the  petals  of  flowers,  pointing 
apparently  to  the  easiest  way  to 
reach  the  nectar,  and  at  the  same 
time  ensuring  that  the  insect  visitor 
will  cause  cross-fertilization  (biol.). 




nectarlferous  (nek'tarif'grus)  a.  [Gk. 
nektar,  nectar  ;  L.  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Producing  or  having  nectar-secret- 
ing structures  (hot.}. 

nectarivorous  (nek'tariv'orus)  a.  [Gk. 
nektar,  nectar ;  L.  vorare,  to  de- 
vour.] Nectar-sipping ;  appl.  to 
certain  Insects  (zoo/.). 

nectary  (ngk'tari)  n.  [Gk.  nektar, 
nectar.]  A  group  of  sub-epidermal 
cells  of  no  definite  position  in  a 
flower,  secreting  a  sweet  substance  ; 
a  nectar  gland  (dot.}. 

nectocalyx  (ngk'toka'liks)  «.,  necto- 
calyces  (neYtoka'lisez)  plu.  [Gk. 
nektos,  swimming  ;  kalyx,  cup.]  A 
modified  medusiform  person  adapted 
for  swimming  purposes  found  as 
part  of  a  Siphonophore  colony 

nectocyst  (nek'toslst)  n.  [Gk.  nektos, 
swimming ;  kystis,  bladder.]  The 
cavity  of  a  nectocalyx  (zoo/.). 

nectophore  (neVtofor)  n.  [Gk.  nektos, 
swimming  ;  pherein,  to  carry.]  A 
nectocalyx  ;  that  portion  of  the 
common  coenosarc  on  which  the 
nectocalyces  are  borne  (zoo/.). 

nectopod  (neVtopod)  n.  [Gk.  nektos, 
swimming  ;  pous,  foot.]  An  append- 
age modified  for  swimming  (zoo/.). 

nectosac  (ngk'tosak)  n.  [Gk.  nektos, 
swimming ;  L.  saccus,  sac.]  A 
nectocyst  (zoo/.). 

nectosome  (n£k'tos6m)  n.  [Gk.  nektos, 
swimming ;  soma,  body.]  The  upper 
or  swimming  part  of  a  Siphono- 
phore (zoo/.). 

nectozooid  (nSk'tozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
nektos,  swimming  ;  zoon,  animal  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  A  nectocalyx 

negative  tropism, — a  tendency  to 
move  away  from  a  source  of  stimu- 
lus (phys.\ 

nekton  (nek'ton)  n.  [Gk.  nektos, 
swimming.]  The  organisms  swim- 
ming about  the  surface  of  the  sea 

nemathecium  (ngm'athe'sium,  ngm'- 
athe'shium)  ».  [Gk.  nema,  thread  ; 
theke,  box.]  A  protuberance  on  the 
thallus  of  Thallophytes  (hot.). 

nematoblast  (ngm'atoblast)  n.  [Gk. 
nema,  thread  ;  blastos,  bud.]  Sper- 

nematocalyx  (ngm'atoka'llks)  n.    [Gk. 

nema,  thread ;  kalyx,  cup.]  The 
"  Guard-polyp  "  of  a  Plumularian, 
carrying  nematocysts  (zoo/.). 

nematocyst  (ngm'atosist)  n.  [Gk. 
nema,  thread  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  A 
stinging  cell  (zoo/.). 

nematogene  (nfim'atojen)  n.  [Gk. 
nema,  thread  ;  genos,  birth.]  Appl. 
the  phase  of  Dicyema  when  its 
vermiform  embryos  escape  from 
the  parent  by  perforating  the  body 
wall  (zoo/.). 

nematogone  (nSm'atogon)  n.  [Gk. 
nema,  thread  ;  gonos,  offspring.]  A 
thin-walled  propagative  cell  in  cer- 
tain Mosses  (oof.). 

nematophore  (nem'atofor)  n.  [Gk. 
nema,  thread  ;  pherein,  to  carry.] 
A  nematocalyx  (zoo/.). 

nematopnorous(n£m'a.t6f'6rus)  a.  [Gk. 
nema,  thread ;  pherein,  to  carry.] 
Pert,  a  nematophore  (zoo/.). 

nematozooid  (nem'atozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
nema,  thread  ;  zoon,  animal ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  A  defensive  zooid 
in  a  Hydrozoan  (zoo/.). 

nemorose  (ngm'oros)  a.  [L.  nemus, 
woodland  with  pasture.]  Inhabiting 
open  woodland  places  (dot.). 

Neo-Darwinism, — a  revival  of  Dar- 
win's doctrine  of  natural  selection 
as  the  chief  factor  in  evolution,  and 
of  non-transmissibility  of  acquired 

neogamous  (neog'amus)  a,  [Gk.  neos, 
young ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Appl. 
forms  of  Protozoa  exhibiting  pre- 
cocious association  of  gametocytes 

Neo-Lamarckism,  —  a  revival  of 
Lamarck's  doctrine  of  evolution, 
that  inherited  acquired  characters 
formed  the  inception  of  specific 

Neolithic  (ne'olith'Ik)  a.  [Gk.  neos, 
young ;  lithos,  stone.]  Pert,  that 
age  following  on  the  Palaeo- 
lithic (pal.\ 

neomorph  (ne'omorf)  «.  [Gk.  neos, 
young ;  morphc,  form.]  A  struc- 
tural variation  from  type  (dioL). 

neomorphosis  (ne'omor'fosis)  n.  [Gk. 
neos,  young ;  morpkosis,  change.] 
Regeneration  in  the  case  where 
the  new  part  is  unlike  anything  in 
the  body  (oio/.). 

neonychium    (neonTk'Ium)    n.      [Gk. 




neos,  new  ;  onyx,  nail.]  A  soft  pad 
enclosing  each  claw  of  the  embryo 
of  all  unguiculate  vertebrates  and 
of  some  other  mammals,  probably 
to  prevent  the  tearing  of  the  foetal 
membranes  during  movements  of 
the  embryo ;  also  found  in  the 
chick  (zool.}. 

neopallium  (ne'opal'i'um)  n.  [Gk. 
neos,  young ;  L.  pallium,  cloak.] 
In  the  mammalian  brain,  a  definite 
area  of  pallium  for  impressions  of 
tactile,  visual,  and  other  senses 

neoteinia  (ne'oti'ma)  n.  [Gk.  neos, 
young ;  teinein,  to  stretch.]  The 
state  of  having  development  arrested 
to  prolong  immaturity  (biol.}. 

neoteinic  (ne'otl'nik)  a.  [Gk.  neos, 
young  ;  teinein,  to  stretch.]  Appl. 
substitution  royalties  of  termites 
which  remain  undeveloped  in  cer- 
tain respects  (zool.}. 

neoteny  (neot'Sni)  n.  [Gk.  neos, young; 
teinein,  to  stretch.]  The  retention  of 
larval  characters  beyond  the  normal 
period,  or  the  occurrence  of  adult 
characteristics  in  the  larva,  ex- 
emplified in  Amphibia  (zool.}. 

Neotropical  (ne'otrop'lkal)  a.  [Gk. 
neos,  young ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  Pert. 
or  designating  a  zoogeographical 
region  consisting  of  South  America, 
the  Antilles,  and  tropical  North 

Neozoic  (ne'ozo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  neos,  young ; 
zoe,  life.]  Pert,  the  period  from  the 
Mesozoic  to  the  present  day  (pal.}. 

nephric  (nefrik)  a.  [Gk.  nephros, 
kidney.]  Pert,  the  kidney  (anat.}. 

nephridial  (nefrid'ial)  a.  [Gk.  nephros, 
kidney.]  Nephric,  usually  appl.  the 
small  excretory  tubules  in  the  kid- 
ney (anat.} ;  alsoperf.  the  excretory 
organ  or  nephridium  of  Inverte- 
brates (zool.}. 

nephridiopore  (nefrid'iopor)  n.  [Gk. 
nephros,  kidney ;  poros,  passage.] 
The  external  opening  of  a  nephridium 

nephridium  (nefrid'mm)  n.  [Gk. 
nephros,  kidney.]  Any  excretory 
organ  ;  usually  the  excretory  organ 
of  Invertebrates  (zool.}. 

nephrocytes  (ngf'roslts)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
nephros,  kidney ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
Cells  in  Sponges  which  secrete 

waste  and  then  migrate  to  the 
surface  of  the  body  to  discharge 

nephrodinic  (nef'rodin'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
nephros,  kidney ;  odis,  labour.] 
Having  one  duct,  serving  for  both 
excretory  and  genital  purposes 

nephrogonaduct  (nef'rogon'adukt)  n. 
[Gk.  nephros,  kidney ;  gonos,  off- 
spring ;  L.  ducere,  to  lead.]  Ex- 
cretory and  genital  duct  in  one 

nephroid  (ngf'roid)  a.  [Gk.  nephros, 
kidney  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Kid- 
ney-shaped (anat.,  zool.}. 

nephrolytic  (nef'rdllt'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
nephros,  kidney  ;  lyein,  to  dissolve.] 
Pert,  or  designating  enzymatic 
action  destructive  to  the  kidneys 

nephropore  (nef 'ropor)«.  \G\s..nephros, 
kidney  ;  poros,  passage.]  A  neph- 
ridiopore (zool.}. 

nephros  (nef'ros)  n.  [Gk.  nephros, 
kidney.]  A  kidney ;  usually  the 
functional  portion  of  a  kidney 

nephrostome  (nefrostom)  n.  [Gk. 
nephros,  kidney ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
The  opening  of  a  nephridial  tubule 
into  the  coelom  or  body  cavity 
(zool.}.  ' 

nephrotome  (ngf'rotom)  n.  [Gk. 
nephros,  kidney  ;  temnein,  to  cut.] 
That  part  of  a  somite  developing 
into  an  embryonic  excretory  organ 

nervated  (ngr'vatgd)  a.  [L.  nervus, 
sinew.]  Having  nerves  or  veins 

nervation  (nerva'shun)  n.  [L.  nervus, 
sinew.]  The  disposition  of  nerves 
in  a  leaf  (bot.}. 

nerve  (nerv)  n.  [L.  nervus,  sinew.] 
One  of  the  numerous  grey  fibrous 
cords  connecting  the  brain  with  all 
other  parts  of  the  body  (anat.} ;  the 
vein  of  an  insect  wing  (zool.} ;  a 
vein  (dot.}. 

nerve  canal, — a  canal  for  passage  of 
nerve  to  the  pulp  of  a  tooth  (anat.}. 

nerve  cell, — a  cell  characteristic  of 
brain  and  nerve  tissue  (anat.}. 

nerve  centre, — a  collection  of  nerve 
cells  associated  with  one  particular 
function  (phys.}. 




nerve  eminence, — a  superficial  group 
of  cells  in  some  Fishes,  acting  as  a 
sense  organ  and  connected  with 
the  lateral  line  system  (zool.). 

nerve  ending,  —  the  terminal  distal 
portion  of  a  nerve,  modified  in 
various  ways  (anat.). 

nerve  fibres, — the  thread-like  struc- 
tures of  which  nerves  are  composed 

nerve  pentagon, — the  five-sided  nerve 
ring  round  the  mouth  of  Echino- 
derms  (zoo!.). 

nervimotion  (nerVimo'shun)  n.  [L. 
nervus,  sinew  ;  movere,  to  move.] 
Motion  due  to  direct  stimulus  from 
nerves  (phys.). 

nervous  (neYvus)  a.  [L.  nervus, 
sinew.]  Pert.  or  designating 
nerves  ;  appl.  tissue  composed  of 
nerve  fibres  (anat.). 

nervous  system, — the  brain,  spinal 
cord,  nerves  and  all  their  branches 
taken  collectively  (anat.). 

nervule  (neYvul)  n.  [L.  dim.  of 
nervus,  sinew.]  A  branch  or 
terminal  portion  of  a  nervure  of 
an  insect  wing  (zool.). 

nervuration  (ner'vura'shun)  «.  [L. 
nervus,  sinew.]  Disposition  of 
nervures  (zool.). 

nervure  (nerVur)  n.  [L.  nervus, 
sinew.]  One  of  the  rib-like  struc- 
tures which  support  the  membran- 
ous wings  of  Insects,  branches  of  the 
tracheal  system  (zool.);  a  vein  (dot.). 

nervus  lateralis  (neVvus  lat'gral'is)  n. 
[L.  nervus,  sinew ;  lateralis,  pert. 
the  side.]  A  branch  of  the  vagus 
nerve  in  Fishes  connecting  the 
sensory  "lateral  line"  with  the 
brain  (anat.). 

net-knots, — karyosomes. 

netted-veined,  —  with  veins  in  the 
form  of  a  network  (bot.). 

nettling-cells, — the  stinging  cells  in 
Hydra  and  its  allies  (zoo!.). 

neurad  (nu'rad)  adv.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve.]  Dorsally  (anat.). 

neural  (nu'ral)  a.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve.]  Pert,  or  closely  con- 
nected with  nerves  (anal.). 

neural  arch,  —  the  arch  formed  on 
the  dorsal  surface  of  a  vertebral 
centrum,  by  the  neural  plates  and 
neural  spine,  for  the  passage  of 
the  spinal  cord  (anat.). 

neural  canal,  —  the  canal  formed  by 
the  neural  arches  (anat.). 

neural  plates,  —  the  lateral  members 
of  a  neural  arch  (anat.)  ;  the  median 
row,  usually  of  eight  bony  plates, 
in  the  carapace  of  a  turtle  (zool.). 

neurapophysis  (nuYapSf'isfs)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  apo,  from  ;  phyein, 
to  grow.]  The  spinous  process  of 
a  vertebra  (anat.). 

neuraxis  (nurak'sis)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve  ;  L.  axis,  axle.]  The  central 
cylinder  of  a  medullated  nerve- 
fibre  (anat.). 

neuraxon  (nurak'son)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve  ;  axon,  axle.]  Neuraxis. 

neurenteric  (nur'gnteYik,  nurgn'terik) 
a.  [Gk.  neuron,  nerve  ;  enteron, 
gut]  Pert,  the  neurocoele  and 
enteric  cavity  (anat.). 

neurenteric  canal,—  a  short  canal 
connecting  the  posterior  end  of 
the  central  canal  of  the  spinal 
cord  with  the  posterior  end  of  the 
enteric  cavity  (emb.). 

neuric  (nu'rik)  a.  [Gk.  neuron,  nerve.] 

neuricity  (nuris'itl)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve.]  Property  peculiar  to  nerves 

neurillty  (nuril'iti)  «.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve.]  The  stimuli  -  transmitting 
capacity  of  nerves  (phys.). 

neuroblast  (nu'roblast)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  blastos,  bud.] 
Special  epithelial  cells  from  which 
nerve  cells  are  formed  (emb.). 

neurocentral  (nu'rosSn'tral)  a.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  L.  centrum,  centre.] 
Appl.  two  vertebral  synchondroses 
persisting  during  the  first  few  years 
of  life  (anat.). 

neurocirrus  (nu'rostr'us)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  L.  cirrus,  curl.] 
The  cirrus  of  the  neuropodium  of 
a  polychaet  Annelid  (zool.). 

neurocoel  (nu'rosel)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  cavityof 
the  central  nervous  system  (anat.). 

neurocyte  (nu'rosit)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  Nerve  cell 

neurodendron(nu'r6den'dron)«.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  dendron,  tree.]  A 

n  euro-epithelium  (n  u'ro  -  gplth  e'lfu  m  ) 
n.  [Gk.  neuron,  nerve  ;  epi,  upon  ; 




thele,  nipple.]  The  superficial  layer 
of  cells  where  specialized  for  a  sense- 
organ  (anat.}. 

neuroflbrils  (nu'rofi'brilz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve ;  L.  fibrilla,  fine  fibre.] 
Exceedingly  fine  fibres  of  which 
a  medullated  nerve  fibre  is  com- 
posed ;  also  present  in  nerve  cells, 
and  believed  to  be  the  conductors 
of  nerve  impulses  (anat.}. 

neurogenesis  (nu'rojen'esis)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] Nerve  production  (phys.}. 

neuroglia  (nu'rogle'a,  nurog'lia)  n. 
[Gk.  neuron,  nerve  ;  glia,  glue.] 
A  peculiar  tissue,  composed  of  cells 
and  fibres,  supporting  the  nerve 
cells  and  nerve  fibres  (anat.}. 

neurold  (nu'roid)  a.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Like 
a  nerve  (anal.}. 

neurokeratin  (nu'roker'atm)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  keras,  horn.]  The 
keratin  of  nervous  tissue  (phys.}. 

neurolemma  (nu'rolem'a)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  lemma,  skin.]  The 
delicate  tubular  sheath  of  a  nerve 

neurology  (nurol'qji)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve  ;  logos,  discourse.]  That 
part  of  anatomy  dealing  with  the 
details  of  the  nervous  system. 

neuroraasts  (nu'romasts)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  neuron,  nerve  ;  inastos,  knoll.] 
Groups  of  sensory  cells  in  the 
lateral  line  of  Fishes  (zool.}. 

neuromere  (nu'romer)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve  ;  meros,  part.]  A  spinal  seg- 
ment, a  division  of  convenience  not 
structural  (anat.}. 

neuromuscular  (nu'romus'kular)  a. 
[Gk.  neuron,  nerve ;  L.  nmsculus, 
muscle.]  Pert,  nerve  and  muscle 
(anat ). 

neuron  (nu'ron)  n.  [Gk.  neuron,  nerve.] 
The  nerve-cell  with  its  outgrowths 
(anat.}  ;  also  neurone. 

neuroneme  (nu'ronem)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve ;  nema,  thread.]  A  nerve 
fibril  running  parallel  to  a  myoneme 
in  an  Infusorian  (zool.}. 

neuronephroblast  (nu'roneTroblast) 
n.  [Gk.  neuron,  nerve ;  nephros, 
kidney  ;  blastos,  bud.]  One  of  cells 
derived  from  one  of  the  megameres 
in  the  segmenting  egg  of  Clepsine, 
which  later  give  rise  to  part  of  the 

germinal  bands  from  which  the 
nerve  cord  and  the  nephridia  de- 
velop (zool.}. 

neurophags  (nu'rofagz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  phagetn,  to  eat.] 
Phagocytic  cells  that  encroach  upon 
and  destroy  nerve-cells  in  old  age 

neurophane  (nu'rofan)  a.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve  ;  phainein,  to  appear.]  Ner- 
vous, sensory ;  appl.  supposed  ner- 
vous fibrils  of  Ciliata  (zool.}. 

neuropodium  (nu'ropo'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
ventral  lobe  of  a  polychaetan  para- 
podium  (zool.}. 

neuropodous  (nurop'odus)  a.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  pous,  foot.]  "  Hav- 
ing limbs  directed  towards  the 
neural  side  "  (zool}. 

neuropore  (nu'ropor)  n.  [Gk.  neuron, 
nerve  ;  poros,  passage.]  The  an- 
terior opening  of  the  neurocoel  to 
the  exterior  (einb.}. 

neuropterous  (nurop'terus)  a.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve;  ptcron,  wing.]  Hav- 
ing wings  with  a  network  of  ner- 
vures  (zool.}. 

neuroskeleton  (nu'roskel'eton)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  skeletos,  dried  up.] 
Endoskeleton  (zool.}. 

neurosynapse  (nu'rosmaps')  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  synopsis,  union.] 
Junction  of  nerve-cells  through 
terminal  arborizations  or  cell  pro- 
cesses (anat.}. 

neurotendinous  (nu'roten'dlnus)  a. 
[Gk.  neuron,  nerve  ;  tenon,  tendon.] 
Concerning  nerves  and  tendons 

neurotrophic  (nu'rotrof'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve  ;  trephein,  to  nourish.] 
Nourishing  the  nervous  system 

neurotropism  (nurot'roptzm)  n.  [Gk. 
neuron,  nerve ;  trepein,  to  turn.]  The 
attraction  exerted  by  nervous  tissue 
upon  developing  nerve  tissue  (phys.}. 

neuter  (nu'ter)  a.  [L.  neuter,  of 
neither  sex.]  Sexless. 

neutral  (nu'tral)  a.  [L.  neuter,  neuter.] 
Neither  male  nor  female  (zool.}. 

neutrophil  (nu'troftl)  a.  [L.  neuter, 
neuter  ;  Gk.  philein,  to  love.]  Des- 
ignating granules  of  white  blood 
corpuscles,  which  stain  only  with 
neutral  stains  (cyt.}. 




neutrophilic, —  neutrophil. 

nictitant  (nik'titant)  a.  [L.  nictare, 
to  wink.]  Appl.  an  ocellus  with 
central  lunate  spot  (zool.}. 

nictitating  membrane,  —  the  third 
eyelid,  a  transparent  membrane 
which  assists  in  keeping  the  eye 
clean  (zool.}. 

nidamental  (nid'amgn'tal)  a.  [L. 
nidus,  nest.]  Appl.  glands  which 
secrete  material  for  an  egg-covering 

nidation  (mda'shun)  n.  [L.  nidus, 
nest.]  The  renewal  of  the  uterus 
lining  between  menstrual  periods 

nidicolous  (nldlk'olus)  a.  [L.  nidus, 
nest  ;  colere,  to  cultivate.]  Living 
in  the  nest  for  a  time  after  hatching 

nidifugous  (nidlf'ugus)  a.  [L.  nidus, 
nest ;  fugere,  to  flee.]  Leaving  the 
nest  soon  after  hatching  (zool.}. 

nidulus  (nid'ulus)  n,  [L.  dim.  of 
nidus,  nest.]  The  nucleus  from 
which  a  nerve  originates  (anat.}. 

nidus  (nl'dus)  n.  [L.  nidus,  nest.] 
A  nest ;  a  nest-like  hollow  (zool.}  ; 
a  nucleus  (anat.} ;  a  cavity  for  the 
development  of  spores  (hot.}. 

nidus  hirundinalis  (hirun'dlna'lTs)  n. 
A  fossa  of  the  cerebellum  (anaf.). 

nigrescent  (ntgrSs'6nt)  a.  [L.  nig- 
rescere,  to  turn  black.]  Approach- 
ing to  black  in  colour  (zool.}. 

nipple  (ntp'l)  n.  [Dim.  of  A.S.  nib, 
for  neb,  nose.]  Mamma  ;  teat  (anat., 

Nissl's  granules, — angular  particles 
found  in  the  cytoplasm  of  nerve 
cells  (phys.}. 

nisus  formativus  (nfsus  formatl'vus) 
n.  [L.  niti,  to  strive  ;  formare,  to 
form.]  The  tendency  to  reproduce. 

nitid  (nit'id)  a.  [L  nitidus,  shining.] 

nit  id  cms  (nft'idus)  a.  [L.  nitidus, 
shining.]  Glossy. 

nitrobacteria  (ni'trobakte'ria)  n.  plu. 
[L.  nitruin,  natron  ;  bacterium, 
bacterium.]  The  nitric  bacteria  of 
the  soil  (bot.}. 

nitrogen  (nftrojgn)  n.  [Gk.  nitron, 
soda ;  genos,  descent.]  An  ele- 
mentary gas  composing  four-fifths 
of  the  volume  of  the  atmosphere 

nitrogenous  (nltroj'Snus)  a.  [Gk. 
nitron,  soda ;  genos,  descent.]  Pert. 
or  containing  nitrogen. 

nitrogenous  equilibrium,  —  equili- 
brium of  body  maintained  by 
equality  of  income  and  output  of 
nitrogen  (phys.}. 

nitrophilous  (nltrof'Ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
nitron,  soda ;  philein,  to  love.] 
Thriving  in  nitrogenous  soils  (dot.}. 

noctilucent  (nok'tiloo'sgnt,  -lu'-)  a. 
[L.  nox,  night ;  lux,  light.]  Phos- 
phorescent (biol.}. 

nocturnal  (noktur'nal)  a.  [L.  nox, 
night.]  Seeking  food  and  moving 
about  at  night,  and  not  in  the 
day-time  (zool.}. 

nodal  (no'dal)  a.  [L.  nodus,  knob.] 
Pert,  a  node  (bot.,  zool.}. 

node  (nod)  n.  [L.  nodus,  knob.]  The 
knob  or  joint  of  a  stem  at  which 
leaves  arise  (bot,}. 

nodose  (no'dos)  a.  [L.  nodus,  knob.] 
Having  the  intermediate  and  ter- 
minal joints  thicker  than  the  re- 
mainder ;  having  knots  or  swellings 
(zool,  bot.}. 

nodular  (nod'ular)  a.  [L.  nodulus, 
dim.  of  nodus,  knob.]  Pert,  a 
nodule  or  knot  (bot.,  zool.}. 

nodule  (nod'ul)  n.  [L.  nodulus,  dim. 
of  nodus,  knob.]  A  small  knob- 
like  structure. 

noduliferous  (nod'ullf'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
nodus,  knob  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Bearing  a  nodule  ;  a.ppl.  roots  of 
leguminous  plants  (bot.}. 

nodulus  (nod'ulus)  n.  [L.  nodulus, 
dim.  of  nodus,  knob.]  A  nodule. 

nodus  (no'dus)  ».  [L.  nodus,  knob.] 
A  knob  or  node. 

nomenclature  (no'me'nkla.'tur, 
nomgn'klatur)  n.  [L.  nomen,  name ; 
calare,  to  call.]  System  of  naming 
plants,  animals,  organs,  etc. 

norma  (nor'ma)  n.  [L.  nornia,  rule.] 
View  of  the  skull  as  a  whole  from 
certain  points  (anat.}. 

normal  (nor'mal)  a.  [L.  norma,  rule.] 
Consistent  with  type  or  standard. 

normoblasts  (nor'moblasts)  n.  plu. 
[L.  norma,  rule  ;  Gk.  blastos,  bud.] 
Erythroblasts,  which  see. 

nostrils  (nSs'trilz)  ».  plu.  [A.S. 
nosthyrl,  nostril.]  The  external 
openings  of  the  nose  (anat.}. 

notochordal  (no'tokor'dal)  a.  [Gk. 




noton,  back ;  chorde,  cord.]  Pert. 
or  enveloping  the  notochord  ;  appL 
sheath,  tissue,  etc.  (anaf.). 

notocirrus  (no'tosir'us)  n.  [L.  notum, 
back ;  cirrus,  curl.]  The  cirrus  of 
the  notopodium  of  a  polychaet 
Annelid  (zool.}. 

notonectal  (no'tonek'tal)  a.  [Gk. 
noton,  back ;  nektos,  swimming.] 
AppL  Notonectidae,  which  swim 
back  downwards  (zool.}. 

notopodium  (no'topo'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
noton,  back ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
dorsal  lobe  of  a  polychaetan  para- 
podium  (zoo/.}. 

nototribe  (no'totrib)  a.  [Gk.  noton, 
back ;  tribein,  to  rub.]  AppL 
flowers  whose  anthers  and  stigma 
touch  the  back  of  insects  as  they 
enter  the  calyx,  a  device  for  secur- 
ing cross-fertilization  (bot.}. 

notum  (no'tum)  n.  [L.  notum,  back.] 
The  dorsal  portion  of  an  insect 
segment ;  tergum  (zool.}. 

nucellus  (nusel'us)  n.  [L.  dim.  of 
nux,  nut.]  The  central  region  and 
chief  part  of  an  ovule  (hot.). 

nuchal  (nu'kal)  a.  [L.  L.  nucha,  spinal 
marrow.]  AppL  two  sense  organs 
regarded  as  olfactory,  on  the 
prostomium  of  Chaetopoda  (zool.}. 

nuchal  cartilage,  —  a  thin  shield- 
shaped  plate  on  the  posterior 
surface  of  the  neck  of  Sepia 

nuciferous  (nusiferus)  a.  [L.  nux, 
nut ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Nut-bearing 

nucivorous  (nusi/orus)  a.  [L.  nux, 
nut ;  -vorare,  to  devour.]  Nut- 
eating  (zool.}. 

nuclear  (nu'klear)  a.  [L.  nucleus, 
kernel.]  Pert,  the  nucleus  (bot., 

nuclear  disc, — a  star-like  structure 
formed  by  the  chromosomes  in  the 
equator  of  the  spindle  during 
mitosis  (cyt."). 

nuclear  membrane,  —  the  delicate 
membrane  bounding  a  nucleus, 
formed  from  the  surrounding 
cytoplasm  (cyt.}. 

nuclear  plate, — the  equatorial  plate 

nuclear  spindle, — a  barrel  -  shaped 
structure  formed  of  a  number  of 
fine  fibrils  in  the  cytoplasm  sur- 

rounding the  nucleus,  a  stage  in 
mitosis  (cyt.}. 

nucleate  (nu'kleat)  a.  [L.  nucleus, 
nucleus.]  Having  a  nucleus  (cyt.}. 

nucleation  (nuklea'shun)  a.  [L. 
nucleus,  kernel.]  Nucleus  forma- 
tion (cyt.}. 

nucleic  (nu'kleik)  a.  [L.  nucleus, 
kernel.]  Pert,  an  acid  containing 
phosphorus,  found  in  some  nuclei 

nucleiform  (nu'klelform)  a.  [L. 
nucleus,  kernel ;  forma,  shape.] 
Shaped  like  a  nucleus  (cyt.}. 

nuclein  (nu'klein)  n.  [L.  nucleus, 
kernel.]  One  of  the  chemical 
compounds  found  in  nuclei,  — 
similar  to  protein  but  with  the 
addition  of  phosphorus  (phys.\ 

nucleochylema  (nu'kleoklle'ma)  n. 
[L.  nucleus,  kernel ;  Gk.  chylos, 
juice.]  The  ground  substance  of 
a  cell-nucleus  (cyt.}. 

nucleohyaloplasm  (nu'kleohl'alo- 
plazm)  n.  [L.  nucleus,  kernel ;  Gk. 
hyalos,  glass  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  semi-fluid  ground- 
substance  of  a  nucleus  (cyt.}. 

nucleolar  (nukle'b'lar)  a.  [L.  nucleus, 
kernel.]  Pert,  a  nucleolus  (cyt.}. 

nucleolus  (nukle'olus)  n.  [L.  nucle- 
olus, dim.  of  nucleus,  little  kernel.] 
A  rounded  mass  of  pure  plastin 
occurring  in  a  nucleus  (cyt.^. 

nucleomicrosomes  (nu'kleoml'kro- 
somz)  n.  plu.  [L.  nucleus,  kernel  ; 
Gk.  mikros,  small ;  soma,  body.] 
Nuclear  chromatin  granules  (cyt.}. 

nucleoplasm  (nu'kleoplazm)  n.  [L. 
nucleus,  kernel  ;  Gk.  plasma,  some- 
thing moulded.]  Reticular  nuclear 
substance  ;  cf.  cytoplasm  (cyt.}. 

nucleoproteid  (nu'kleb'pro'teid)  n. 
[L.  nucleus,  kernel ;  Gk.  protos, 
first ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  A  nu- 
clein with  much  albumin  (phys.}. 

nucleus  (nu'kleus)  n.  [L.  nucleus, 
kernel.]  A  complex  spheroidal 
mass  essential  to  the  life  of  a 
cell  (cyt.}. 

nuculanium  (nu'kula'mum)  n.  [L. 
nucula,  small  nut.]  A  fleshy  fruit 
like  a  grape  (bot.}. 

nudibranchiate  (nu'dibrang'kiat)  a. 
[L.  nudus,  naked  ;  Gk.  brangchia, 
gills.]  Having  gills  not  covered  by  a 
protective  shell  or  membrane  (zool.}. 




nudicaudate  (nu'dlkod'at)  a.  [L. 
nudus,  naked ;  cauda,  tail.]  Having 
a  tail  not  coveredbyhairorfur(.sw/.). 

nudlcaulous  (nu'dikol'us)  a.  [L. 
nudus,  naked ;  caulis,  stem.]  Appl, 
stems  without  leaves  (dot.}. 

nudlflorous  (nu'diflo'rus)«.  [L.  nudus, 
naked  ;flos,  flower.]  Having  flowers 
without  glands  or  hairs  (bot). 

nummulation  (num'ula'shun)  n.  [L. 
nummus,  coin.]  The  tendency  of 
red  blood  corpuscles  to  adhere 
together  like  piles  of  coins  (phys). 

nummulitic  (num'ulit'ik)  a.  [L.  num- 
mus, coin.]  Like  or  pert,  a  Num- 
mulite  (zool.,  pal.}. 

nuptial  flight, — the  flight  taken  by 
the  queen  bee  when  fertilization 
takes  place  (zool.}. 

nurse  cells, — single  cells  or  layers  of 
cells  attached  to  or  surrounding 
an  egg-cell,  probably  for  elaboration 
of  its  food-material  (cyt.}. 

nurse  generation, — an  asexual  bud- 
ding generation  of  some  Tunicates, 
in  which  the  phorozooids  act  as 
foster  parents  to  the  later  formed 
buds,  the  gonozooids  (zool.}. 

nut  (nut)  n.  [A.S.  knutu,  nut.]  A 
dry,  hard,  indehiscent  one-celled 
fruit  (bot.). 

nutation  (nuta'shun)  n.  [L.  nutare, 
to  nod.]  Curvature  or  change  of 
position  in  organs  of  a  growing 
plant  (hot.}. 

nutlet  (nut'let)  n.  [Dim.  of  nut.]  The 
stone  formed  in  drupaceous  fruits 

nutricism  (nu'trisizm)  n.  [L.  nutrix, 
nurse.]  Symbiotic  relationship  with 
all  the  benefit  to  one  partner  (biol.). 

nutrition  (nutrish'un)  n.  [L.  nutrix, 
nurse.]  The  ingestion  and  assimila- 
tion of  food  materials  of  animals 
and  plants  (phys). 

nutritive  (nu'tritlv)  a.  [L.  nutrix, 
nurse.]  Concerned  in  the  function 
of  nutrition  ;  appl.  yolk,  polyp, 
zooid,  plasma. 

nyctipelagic  (nlk'tfpelaj'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
nyktios,  nightly  ;  pelagos,  the  sea.] 
Rising  to  the  surface  of  the  sea 
only  at  night  (zool.}. 

nyctitropism  (niktit'ropizm)  n.  [Gk. 
nyktios,  nightly  ;  trepein,  to  turn.] 
Tendency  of  certain  leaves  to  curve 
upwards  at  night  (bot.). 

nymph  (ntmf)  n.  [Gk.  nymphe,  bride.] 
A  stage  following  the  larval  in 
insect  metamorphosis  (zool.). 

bride.]     The  labia  minora  (anat.). 


oar-feathers,—  the  wing  feathers  used 
in  flight  in  Birds  (zool.). 

obcompressed  (ob'komprgst')  a.  [L. 
o&,  towards  ;  comprimere,  to  com- 
press.] Flattened  in  a  vertical 
direction  (bot.). 

obcordate  (obkor'da.t)  a.  [L.  ob, 
against  ;  cor,  the  heart.]  Heart- 
shaped  ;  appl.  leaves  which  have 
the  stalk  attached  to  the  apex  of 
the  heart  (bot.}. 

obdiplostemonous  (6bdiplost6m'6nus) 
a.  [L.  06,  against  ;  Gk.  diploos, 
double  ;  stemon,  a  warp.]  With 
the  outer  series  of  stamens  opposite 
the  petals  (bot). 

obelion  (obe'lion)  n.  [Gk.  obelos^  a 
spit.]  The  point  between  the  two 
foramina  on  the  interparietal  suture 

obex  (o'beks)  n.  [L.  obex,  an  obstacle.] 
A  triangular  layer  of  grey  matter 
above  the  calamus  in  the  roof  of 
the  fourth  ventricle  (anat.). 

obimbricate  (obtm'brikat)  a.  [L.  ob, 
in  the  way  ;  imbrex,  a  tile.]  With 
regularly  overlapping  scales,  with 
the  overlapping  ends  downwards 

oblanceolate  (oblan'seolat)  a.  [L.  ob, 
reversely  ;  lancea,  a  spear.]  In- 
versely lanceolate  (bot.). 

obligate  or  obligatory  parasites,  — 
parasites  which  are  limited  to  one 
mode  of  life,  and  cannot  exist  inde- 
pendently of  a  host  ;  cf.  facultative 

oblique-  (oblek')  a.  [L.  obliquus,  bent.] 
Placed  obliquely  ;  appl.  certain 
muscles  (anat.)  ;  asymmetrical  (bot.). 

obliquus  (oble'kwus)  a.  [L.  obliquus, 
bent.]  Oblique  ;  appl.  muscles 

obliterate  (obllt'grat)  a.  [L.  ob^  re- 
versely ;  litera,  a  letter.]  Indis- 
tinct or  profuse  ;  appl.  markings  on 
insects  (zool.). 




obovate  (obo'vat)  a.  [L.  ob,  reversely  ; 
ovum,  an  egg.]  Egg-shaped,  with 
the  narrow  end  attached  to  the 
stalk  (tot.). 

obovoid  (obo'void)  a.  [L.  ob,  against ; 
ovum,  an  egg  ;  Gk.  eidos,  shape.] 
Inversely  ovoid  ;  roughly  egg- 
shaped,  with  the  narrow  end  down- 
wards (bot.). 

obsolescence  (obsoles'ens)  n.  [L. 
obsolescere,  to  wear  out.]  The 
gradual  reduction  and  consequent 
disappearance  of  anorganism  (biol.) ; 
a  blurred  portion  of  a  marking  on 
any  animal  (zoo/.). 

obsolete  (ob'solet)  a.  [L.  obsolescere, 
to  wear  out.]  Wearing  out  or  dis- 
appearing ;  appl.  any  character  that 
is  becoming  less  and  less  distinct 
in  each  succeeding  generation 

obturator  (ob'tura'tor)  a.    [L.  obturare, 

to  close.]     Pert,  any  structure   in 

the  neighbourhood  of  the  obturator 

foramen  (anaf.). 

obturator  foramen, — an  oval  foramen 

between  ischium  and  pubis  (zoo/.). 
obtusilingual  (obtusiling'gwal)  a.    [L. 
obtundere,  to  make  blunt ;    lingua, 
a  tongue.]     Short-tongued  (zoo/.). 
obumbrate    (obum'brat)    a.      [L. 
obumbrare,  to  overshadow.]     With 
some    structure    overhanging    the 
part   so   as  to  conceal  it   partially 

obverse  (ob'vers,  obvers')  a.  [L. 
obvertere,  to  turn  round.]  With 
the  base  narrower  than  the  apex 

obvolute  (ob'volut)  a.  [L.  obvolvere, 
to  wrap  round.]  Overlapping  ; 
appl.  leaves  when  half  of  one  leaf 
is  wrapped  round  half  of  another 
similar  leaf  (bot.). 

obvolvent  (obvol'vent)  a.  [L. 
obvolvere,  to  wrap  round.]  Bent 
downwards  and  inwards  ;  appl. 
wings,  elytra  of  insects,  etc.  (zoo/.). 
occipital  (oksip'ital)  a.  [L.  occiput, 
back  of  the  head.]  Pert,  the  back 
part  of  the  head  or  the  occipital 
bones  (anaf.,  zoo/.). 
occipitalia  (ok'sipita'lia)  n.  plu.  [L. 
occiput,  back  of  the  head.]  The 
group  of  parts  of  the  cartilaginous 
brain  case  forming  the  back  part 
of  the  head  (zoo/.). 

occiput  (ok'sipoot,  ok'sipiit)  ».  [L. 
occiput,  back  of  the  head.]  The 
occipital  region  of  the  skull 
(anaf.) ;  the  back  of  an  insect's 
head  (zoo!.). 

occlude  (oklood')  v.  [L.  occluderc, 
to  shut  in.]  To  absorb  (phys.}. 

occlusor  (okloo'sor)  a.  [L.  occludere, 
to  shut  in.]  Appl.  muscles  of  an 
operculum  or  movable  lid  (zoo/.). 

ocellate  (b'sel'at)  a.  [L.  ocellus,  a 
little  eye.]  Like  an  eye  or  eyes  ; 
appl.  markings  on  many  animals 

ocellated  (osel'ated,  os'elated)  a.  [L. 
ocellus,  a  little  eye.]  Having  ocelli ; 
having  eye-like  spots  or  markings 

ocellation  (os'ela'shun) ;/.  [L.  ocellus, 
a  little  eye.]  Condition  of  having 
ocelli,  or  of  having  ocellate  mark- 
ings ;  ocellate  marking  (zoo/.). 

ocelli ferous  (os'elif'erus)  a.  [L. 
ocellus,  a  little  eye  ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Ocellated,  which  see. 

ocellus  (osel'us)  ».,  ocelli  (osel'i, 
osel'e)  plu.  [L.  ocellus,  a  little 
eye.]  A  simple  single  eye  or  eye- 
spot  found  in  many  of  the  lower 
animals  ;  an  eye-like  marking  as 
seen  in  many  Insects  (zoo/.). 

ochrea,  ocrea  (ok'rea,  o'krea)  n.  [L. 
ocrea,  a  greave.]  A  tubular  sheath - 
like  expansion  at  the  base  of  the 
petiole  (bot.}  ;  a  sheath  (zoo/.). 

ocreaceous  (ok'rea'shus)  a.  [L.  ocrea, 
agreave.]  Ocrea-like;  appl.  various 
structures  in  plants  and  animals. 

ocreate  (ok'reat)  a.  [L.  ocrea,  a 
greave.]  Having  an  ocrea  (bot.}  ; 
booted,  sheathed  (zoo/.). 

octactine  (oktak'tin)  n.  [Gk.  okta, 
eight ;  aktis,  a  ray.]  A  type  of 
sponge  spicule  with  eight  rays,  a 
modification  of  a  hexactine  (zoo/.). 

octamerous  (oktam'eriis)  a.  [Gk. 
okta,  eight  ;  meros,  a  part.]  Appl. 
organs  or  parts  of  organs  when 
arranged  in  eights  ;  appl.  parts  of 
whorls  of  certain  plants  (bot.}  ; 
appl.  parts  of  certain  Alcyonaria 

octandrous  (oktan'drus)  a.  [Gk.  okta, 
eight ;  aner,  a  man.]  Having  eight 
stamens  (bot.}. 

octant  (ok'tant)  n.  [L.  octo,  eight.] 
One  of  the  eight  cells  formed  by 




the  division  of  the  fertilized  ovule 

in   plants  (dot.) ;  one  of  the  units 

in   the   eight-celled    stage    in   the 

segmentation  of  the  ovum  (zool.}. 
octogynous  (oktoj'mus)  a.     [Gk.  okta, 

eight  ;  gyne,    a   woman.]     Having 

eight  pistils  (bot.}. 
octopetalous  (ok'topeYalus)   a.     [Gk. 

okta,     eight ;    petalon,     a     petal.] 

Having  eight  petals  (hot.). 
octopod    (ok'topod)    a.      [Gk.    okta, 

eight ;    pous,     a     foot.]      Having 

eight  feet  or  arms  (zool.'). 
octoradiate  (ok'tora'diat)  a.     [L.  octo, 

eight ;  radius,   a   spoke.]     Having 

eight  rays  or  arms  (zool.}. 
octosepalous  (ok'tosep'alus)  a.     [Gk. 

06 fa,     eight ;    sepalon,     a     sepal.] 

Having  eight  sepals  (bot.}. 
octosporous  (ok'tospo'rus,  oktos'porus) 

a.     [Gk.  okta,  eight ;  sporos,  a  seed.] 

Having  eight  spores  (bot.}. 
octostichous    (oktSs'tikus)    a.      [Gk. 

okta,  eight ;  stichos,  a  row.]    Having 

the   leaves  in  eights,  as  in  phyllo- 

taxis  (bot.}. 
octozolc    (ok'tozo'lk)    a.     [Gk.    okta, 

eight ;    zoon,   an    animal.]      Appl. 

a  spore  of  Gregarines,  containing 

eight  sporozoites  (zool.}. 
ocular  (Sk'ular)  a.    [L.  oculus,  an  eye.] 

Pert,  or  perceived  by  the  eye. 
ocular  lobe,— the  projecting  thoracic 

lobe  in  some  beetles  (zool.}. 
ocular    plates,  —  the   plates    at    the 

end  of  the  ambulacral  areas  in  sea 

urchins  (zool.}. 
oculate    (ok'ulat)    a.     [L.    oculus,   an 

eye.]     Having  eyes,  or  having  eye- 
like  spots  (zool.}. 
ocullferous  (ok'ulTf'Srus),  oculigerous 

(6k'ulTj'6riis)   a.      [L.    oculus,   eye; 

ferre,  gerere,   to   carry.]      Bearing 

eyes  (zool.}. 
oculofrontal   (ok'ulofriin'tal)   a.      [L. 

oculus,  eye  ;  frons,  forehead.]   Pert. 

region  of  forehead  and  eye. 
oculomotor     (6k'uloino't6r)     a.       [L. 

oculus,    eye ;     move  re,    to    move.] 

Causing    the    movements    of   the 

eyeball ;    appl.    the    third   cranial 

nerve  (anat.,  zool.}. 
oculonasal  (ok'ulona'zal)  a.    [L.  ocuhts, 

eye;  nasus,  nose.]  Pert,  eye  and  nose. 
oculus  (Sk'ulus)  n.     [L.  oculus,  eye.] 

The  eye  (anat.,  zool.}  ;  a  leaf-bud  in 

a  tuber  (bot.}. 

odontoblast  (odon'toblSst)  ».  [Gk. 
odous,  a  tooth  ;  blastos,  a  bud.] 
One  of  the  columnar  cells  on  the 
outside  of  the  pulp  that  form  the 
dentine  (zool.}. 

odontoclast  (odfin'toklast)  n.  [Gk. 
odous,  a  tooth  ;  klan,  to  break.] 
One  of  the  large  multinucleate 
cells  that  absorb  the  roots  of  the 
milk  teeth  (zool.}. 

odontogeny  (odontqj'eni)  n.  [Gk. 
odous,  tooth  ;  genos,  offspring.]  The 
origin  and  development  of  teeth. 

odontoid  (odon'toid)  a.  [Gk.  odous, 
tooth  ;  eidos,  form.]  Tooth-like  ; 
pert,  the  odontoid  process. 

odontoid  process, — a  tooth-like  peg 
on  the  axis  round  which  the  atlas 
rotates, — it  is  the  centrum  of  the 
atlas,  which  has  first  become  free 
and  finally  fused  with  the  axis 
(anat.,  zool.}. 

odontophore  (odSn'tofor)  n.  [Gk. 
odour,  tooth ;  pherein,  to  carry.] 
The  radula  or  tooth-bearing  organ 
in  Molluscs;  a  structure  over  which 
the  radula  slides  (zool}. 

odontoplast  (6d8n'topl&st)  n.  [Gk. 
odous,  tooth  ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
An  odontoblast  cell  (anat.}. 

odontostomatous  (odon'tostom'atus) 
a.  [Gk.  odous,  tooth  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
Having  tooth-bearing  jaws. 

oecoid  (e'koid)  n.  [Gk.  oikos,  a  house.] 
The  stroma  of  a  blood  corpuscle 

©ecology  (ekol'qjl)  n.  [Gk.  oikos, 
house ;  logos,  discourse.]  Bio- 
nomics, which  see. 

oedematin  (edgm'atin)  n.  [Gk.  oidema, 
a  swelling.]  The  microsomes  of 
the  ground  substance  of  the  nucleus 

oenocyte  (e'nosit)  n.  [Gk.  oinos,  wine ; 
kytos,  hollow.]  One  of  the  large 
cells  from  the  clusters  which  sur- 
round the  trachea  and  fat  body  of 
Insects  (zool.}. 

oesophageal  (esof'aje'al)  a.  [Gk. 
oisophagos,  the  gullet.]  Pert,  or 
near  the  oesophagus,  as  ganglia 

oesophagus  (esof'agiis)  n.  [Gk. 
oisophagos,  the  gullet.]  That  part 
of  the  alimentary  canal  between  the 
pharynx  and  the  stomach,  or  part 
equivalent  thereto  (zool.}. 




oestrual  (e'strooal)  a.  [Gk.  oistros, 
gadfly.]  Pert,  oestrus  (phys.} ;  also 

oestruatlon  (e'strooa'shun)  n.  [Gk. 
oistros,  gadfly.]  State  of  being 
under  sexual  desire  ;  rut  (phys.}. 

oestrus  (e'strus)  n.  [Gk.  oistros,  gad- 
fly.] The  sexual  heat  of  animals  ; 
rut  (phys.}. 

offset, — a  short  prostratebranch  which 
takes  root  at  the  apex  and  develops 
new  individuals  (hot.}. 

offshoot, — a  lateral  shoot  from  a  main 
stem  (hot.). 

oidium  (oid'ium)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  an 
egg.]  The  conidial  stage  of  some 
of  the  mildews  (bot.}. 

oikoplast  (oik'oplast)  n.  [Gk.  oikos, 
house  ;  plastos,  moulded?)  One  of 
the  large  glandular  ectoderm  cells 
which  form  the  gelatinous  layer  of 
Appendicularians  (zool.}. 

oilgland,  —  the  uropygial  gland  in 
Birds  ;  a  gland  which  secretes  oil 

oleaginous  (61'eaj'inus)  a.  [L.  olea, 
oil.]  Pert,  oil ;  containing  oil ; 
producing  oil  (biol.}. 

olecranon  (olgk'ranon)  n.  [Gk.  olene, 
elbow.]  A  large  process  at  the 
upper  end  of  the  ulna  (zool.}. 

oleiferous  (oleif'Srus)  a.  [L.  oleum, 
oil ;  fern,  to  carry.]  Producing  oil 

oleln  (6'lem)  n.  [L.  oleum,  oil.]  A 
fat  found  in  animal  and  vegetable 
tissues  and  liquid  at  ordinary  tem- 
peratures (phys.}. 

oleocyst  (6'leosist)  n.  [L.  oleum,  oil ; 
Gk.  kystis,  bladder.]  A  diverticu- 
lum  of  the  nectocalyx  (zool.}. 

olfactory  (61fak'torT)  a.  [L.  olere,  to 
have  a  smell ;  facere,  to  make.] 
Pert,  associated  with,  or  designating 
the  structures  associated  with  the 
sense  of  smell. 

olfactory  lobe, — a  small  lobe  project- 
ing from  the  anterior  lower  margin 
of  the  cerebral  hemispheres  (anat.}. 

olfactory  pit,  —  any  olfactory  organ 
of  the  nature  of  a  small  pit  or 
hollow  (zool.}  ;  the  depression  which 
later  forms  the  nasal  passage  (eml>.). 

oligacanthous  (61'Igakan'thus)  a.  [Gk. 
oligos,  few ;  akantha,  a  spine.] 
Bearing  few  spines  (zool.}. 

oligandrous    (ol'igan'drus)    a.      [Gk. 

oligos,  few ;  aner,  man.]  Having 
few  stamens  (hot.}. 

oligocarpous  (ol'igokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
oligos,  few  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Having 
few  carpels  (hot.}. 

Oligocene  (61'igosen')  a.  [Gk.  oligos, 
few  ;  kainos,  recent.]  Appl.  a  terti- 
ary period  between  Eocene  and 
Miocene  (pal.}. 

ollgodynamic  (ol'igodinam'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  oligos,  few  ;  dynamis,  power.] 
Caused  by  small  or  minute  forces 

oligomerous  (ol'igom'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
oligos,  few  ;  meros,  a  part.]  Hav- 
ing one  or  more  of  the  whorls  with 
fewer  members  than  the  rest  (bot.}. 

oligonephrous  (ol'igonef'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
oligos,  few ;  nephros,  a  kidney.] 
Having  few  Malpighian  tubules  ; 
appl.  Insects  (zool.}. 

oligospermous  (ol'Igosper'mus)  a. 
[Gk.  oligos,  few ;  sperma,  a  seed.] 
Bearing  few  seeds  (bot.}. 

oligostemonous  (ol'Igostern'onus)  a. 
[Gk.  oligos,  few  ;  stemon,  a  stamen.] 
Having  few  stamens  (bot.}. 

oligotaxy  (61'igotak'si)  n.  [Gk.  oligos, 
few  ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  Diminu- 
tion in  the  number  of  whorls  (bot.}. 

oligotokous  (ol'fgot'okus)  a.  [Gk. 
oligos*  few  ;  tokos,  offspring.]  Bear- 
ing few  young  (zool.}. 

oliva  (oli'va),  olive  (61'iv)  n.  [L. 
oliva,  olive.]  A  prominence  on 
each  side  of  the  anterior  end  of  the 
medulla  just  below  the  pons  (anat}. 

olivary  (61'ivari)  a.  [L.  oliva,  olive.] 
Pert,  the  oliva,  or  olivary  body 

omasum  (oma'sum)  n.  [L.  omasum, 
paunch.]  The  psalterium  or  third 
division  of  a  ruminant's  stomach 
.  (zool.}. 

omental  (6'mSn'tal)  a.  [L.  omentum, 
a  fold.]  Pert,  the  omentum  or 
omenta  (anat.}. 

omentum  (om&n'tum)  n.  [L.  omentum, 
a  fold.]  A  fold  of  the  peritoneum 
either  free  or  acting  as  the  con- 
necting link  between  viscera,  etc. 

ommateum  (om'ate'um)  n.  [Gk. 
omma,  the  eye.]  Any  compound 
eye  (zool.}. 

ommatidium  (om'atid'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
omma,  eye.]  One  of  the  com- 




ponent   elements   of   a    compound 
eye  (zoo/.). 

ommatoids  (om'a'toidz)  n.  pin.  [Gk. 
omma,  eye  ;  eidos,  form.]  Two  or 
four  light-coloured  spots  on  the 
last  abdominal  segment  of  Pedi- 
palpi, — of  disputed  function  (zoo/.). 

ommatophore  (Sm'atofor)  n.  [Gk. 
omma,  eye ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
Any  movable  process  bearing  an 
eye  (zoo/.). 

omnivorous    (omniv'orus)    a.      [L. 
omnis,    all  ;     vorare,    to     devour.] 
Eating  both  animal  and  vegetable^ 
tissue  \zool.). 

omohyoid  (o'mohl'oid)  a.  [Gk. 
omos,  shoulder;  hyoeides, Y-shaped.] 
Pert,  shoulder  and  hyoid ;  appl.  a 
muscle  (anat.}. 

omoideum  (omoid'eum)  n.  [Gk. 
omos,  shoulder ;  eidos,  shape.] 
The  pterygoid  bone  in  a  Bird's 
skull  (zoo/.). 

omosternum  (o'mosteVnum)  n.  [Gk. 
omos,  shoulder ;  sternon,  breast.] 
One  of  the  elements  of  the  Am- 
phibian sternum  (zoo/.). 

omphalic  (omfal'Ik)  a.  [Gk.  omphalos, 
navel.]  Pert,  the  umbilicus  (anat.}. 

omphaloid  (om'faloid)  a.  [Gk. 
omphalos,  navel ;  eidos,  like.]  Like 
a  navel;  having  an  umbilicus 

oinphaloidium  (om'faioid'mm)  n. 
[Gk.  omphalos,  navel ;  eidos,  like.] 
The  scar  at  the  hilum  of  a  seed, 
or  the  hilum  itself  (dot.}. 

omphalomesaraic  (8m'fal6m6s'- 
ara'lk), — omphalomesenteric,  which 

omphalomesenteric  (om'falomSs'Sn- 
teVik)  a.  [Gk.  omphalos,  navel ; 
mesenteron,  mid-gut.]  Pert,  um- 
bilicus and  mesentery  ;  appl.  veins, 
ducts  (anat.}. 

onchosphere  (Qng'kosfer)  n.  [Gk. 
ongkos,  hook ;  sphaira,  a  globe.] 
The  larval  stage  of  a  tapeworm 
preceding  the  cysticercus  stage ; 
the  proscolex  or  six-hooked  em- 
bryo stage  of  Cestoidea ;  also 
oncosphere  (zoo/.). 

ontocycle  (on'tosi'kl)  n.  [Gk.  on, 
being;  kyklos,  a  circle.]  Evolu- 
tion which  in  its  later  stages  tends 
to  produce  forms  exactly  like  those 
in  the  early  stages  (biol.}. 

ontogenesis  (5n'tqj6n'gsls)  n.  [Gk. 
on,  being ;  genesis,  descent.]  The 
life-history  of  a  single  individual 

ontogenetic  (on'toje'ne't'rk)  a.  [Gk. 
on,  being  ;  genesis,  descent.]  Pert. 
ontogeny,  or  the  development  of 
the  individual  (biol.}. 

ontogeny  (ontqj'finl)  n.  [Gk.  on, 
being  ;  genos,  birth.]  Ontogenesis, 
which  see. 

onychium  (onik'Ium)  n.  [Gk.  onyx, 
a  nail.]  The  layer  below  the 
nail  (anat.}  ;  a  pulvillus  ;  in  some 
spiders  a  special  false  articulation 
at  the  end  of  the  tarsus  to  bear 
the  claws  (zoo/.). 

onychogenic  (on'ikqjen'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
onyx,  nail ;  genos,  offspring.]  Cap- 
able of  producing  a  nail  or  a  nail- 
like  substance ;  appl.  a  material 
occurring  in  nail  matrix  and  cells 
forming  the  fibrous  substance  and 
cuticula  of  hairs  (phys.}. 

ooblastema  (6'oblaste'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
oon,  egg  ;  blastos,  bud.]  The  egg 
after  fertilization  (zoo/.). 

oocyte  (6'oslt)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg ; 
kytos,  hollow.]  An  egg  before  the 
formation  of  the  first  polar  body 
(emb.} ;  in  Protozoa  a  stage  in  the 
supposedly  female  cpnjugant  before 
it  prepares  for  fertilization  (zoo/.). 

ooecium  (oe'shium)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg  ; 
oikos,  house.]  An  ovicell  (zoo/.). 

oogamete  (o'og&met')  «.  [Gk. 
oon,  egg ;  gamos,  marriage.]  An 
oosphere  of  Sporozoa  (zoo/.). 

oogamous  (oog'amus)  a.  [Gk,  oon, 
egg  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Having 
sexually  differentiatedgametes  (&?/.). 

oogenesis  (6'6j6n'6sis)  n.  [Gk.  oon, 
eSS  >  genesis,  descent.]  Forma- 
tion, development,  and  maturation 
of  the  egg  (biol.). 

oogloea  (6'ogle'a)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg ; 
gloia,  glue.]  Egg  cement  (zoo/.). 

oogonial  (6'ogo'nial)  a.  [Gk.  oon, 
egg ;  gonos,  descent.]  Pert,  the 

oogonium  (o'ogo'nlum)  n.  [Gk.  oon, 
egg  ;  gonos,  offspring.]  The  female 
reproductive  organ  in  certain  Thal- 
lophytes  (tot.) ;  the  mother  egg-cell 

ooid  (6'oid)  a.  [Gk.  oon,  egg  ;  eidos, 
form.]  Egg-shaped. 




ookinesis  (6'okine'sTs)  n.  [Gk.  oon, 
egg  ;  kinein,  to  move.]  The  karyo- 
kinetic  stages  of  the  nucleus  in  the 
maturation  and  fertilization  of  the 
egg  (biol.). 

ooklnete  (o'okinef)  n.  [Gk.  oon, 
egg  ;  kinein,  to  move.]  The  motile 
worm-shaped  stage  of  the  zygote  in 
certain  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

oolemma  (o'olem'a)  n.  [Gk.  oon, 
egg  ;  lemma,  a  husk.]  The  vitel- 
line  membrane  of  an  egg  (emb.}. 

oophore  (6'ofor)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg  ; 
pherein,  to  bear.]  Oophyte,  which 

oophoridium  (o'oforid'mm)  n.  [Gk. 
oon,  egg  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  The 
megasporangium  in  certain  plants 

oophyte  (o'ofit)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg ; 
phyton,  a  plant.]  The  sexual 
generation  in  such  plants  as  the 
liverwort ;  the  gametophyte  (bot.}. 

ooplasm  (o'oplazm)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg  ; 
plasma,  something  moulded.]  The 
cytoplasm  of  an  egg  ;  the  yolk  or 
cell  substance  of  an  egg  (smb.}. 

oopod  (6'opod)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg ; 
POUS,  foot.]  Any  of  the  component 
parts  of  a  sting  or  ovipositor  (zool.}. 

oosperm  (6'ospgrm) n.     [Gk.  oon,  egg- ; .. 
sperma,  seed.]    A  fertilized  egg. 

oosphere  (o'osfer)  n.     [Gk.  oon,  egg  ; 
sphaira,  globe.]    An  egg  before  fer*  - 
tilization  ;  a  female  gamete  (zool.}. 

oospore  (6'ospor)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg  ; 
sporos,  seed.]  The  zygote  or  fer- 
tilized egg-cell  (bot.} ;  the  encysted 
zygote  in  certain  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

oostegite  (oos'tggit)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg ; 
stege,  roof.]  A  plate-like  structure 
on  the  basal  portion  of  a  thoracic 
limb  in  certain  Crustaceans,  which 
forms  or  helps  to  form  a  receptacle 
for  the  egg  (zool.}. 

oostegopod  (o'ostgg'opod)  n.  [Gk. 
oon,  egg  ;  stege,  roof ;  pous,  foot.] 
A  thoracic  foot  bearing  an  oostegite 

ootheca  (6'othe'ka)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg  ; 
theke,  a  case.]  A  sporangium  (hot.}; 
an  egg-case,  as  in  Insects  (zool.}. 

ootocoid  (oot'okoid)  a.  [Gk.  oon,  egg ; 
tokos,  offspring  ;  cidos,  form.]  Giv- 
ing ^birth  -to  the  young  at  a  very 
early  stagehand  i  then  carrying  them 

ootocous  (oot'okiis)  a.  [Gk.  oon,  egg ; 
toko s,  offspring.]  Egg-laying  (zool.}. 

ootype  (6'otlp)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg  ; 
type,  place.]  The  part  of  the  ovi- 
duct where  the  shell  is  formed  ; 
the  shell-gland  of  Turbellarians 
and  Trematodes  (zool.}. 

ooze  (ooz)  n.  [A.S.  ivos,  juice.]  A 
soft  deposit  found  over  large  areas 
of  the  floor  of  the  ocean. 

oozooid  (6'ozo'oid)  n.  [Gk.  oon,  egg  ; 
zoon,  animal ;  eidos,  form.]  Any 
individual  developed  from  an  egg. 

opercle  (opeVkl)  n.  [L.  operculum,  a 
lid.]  The  posterior  bone  of  a  fish 
operculum  (zool.}. 

operculate  (opfir'kulat)  a.  [L.  oper- 
culum,  a  lid.]  Having  a  lid,  as  in 
the  capsule  of  Mosses  (bot.} ;  having 
a  covering  for  the  gills,  as  in  most 
Fishes  (zool.}. 

operculiferous  (opeYkulIf'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
operculum,  a  lid  ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 

operculiform  (6p6r'kulif6rm')  a.  [L. 
operculum,  a  lid ;  forma,  shape.] 
Lid-like  (bwl.}. 

operculigenous  (opgr'kulij'gnus)  a. 
[L.  operculum,  lid  ;  Gk.  genos,  off- 
spring.] Producing  or  forming  a 
lid  (zool.}. 

operculum  (opeYkulum)  n.  [L.  oper- 
culum, a  lid.]  A  lid  or  flap,  as  in 
the  capsules  of  Mosses  (bot.} ;  any 
of  the  convolutions  covering  the 
island  of  Reil  (anat.} ;  the  lid-like 
structure  seen  in  the  Gastropods  ; 
the  movable  plates  in  the  shell  of 
a  Barnacle  j  the  first  pair  of  ab- 
dominal appendages  in  Limulus  ; 
the  gill-cover  of  Fishes  ;  the  small 
plate  covering  the  opening  of  a 
lung  book  in  Spiders  (zool.}. 

ophiopluteus  (ofioploot'eus)  n.  [Gk. 
ophis,  serpent ;  L.  pluteus,  shed.] 
The  pluteus  larva  of  an  Ophiuran 

ophryon  (Sfrion)  n.  [Gk.  ophrys, 
brow.]  The  point  of  junction  of 
the  median  line  of  the  face  with 
a  line  across  the  narrowest  part  of 
the  forehead  (anat.}. 

opisthion  (opis'thion)  n.  [Gk.  opisthe, 
behind.]  The  median  point  of  the 
posterior  margin  of  the  foramen 
magnum  (anat}. 

opisthocoelous  (opis'those'lus)  a.  [Gk. 




opisthe,  behind ;  koilos,  hollow.] 
Having  the  centrum  concave  be- 
hind ;  appl.  vertebrae  (anat.}. 

opisthodetic  (opis'thodgfik)  a.  [Gk. 
opisthe,  behind ;  detos,  bound.] 
Lying  posterior  to  the  beak  ;  appl. 
ligaments  in  some  bivalve  shells 

opisthoglossal(6pis'th6gl6s'al)0.  [Gk. 
opisthe,  behind ;  glossa,  tongue.] 
Having  the  tongue  fixed  in  front, 
free  behind  (zool^. 

opisthognathous  (opis'thognath'us)  a. 
[Gk.  opisthe,  behind  ;  gnathos,  jaw.] 
Having  retreating  jaws  (zool.}. 

opisthotic  (op'isthot'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
opisthe,  behind ;  ous,  the  ear.] 
Pert,  the  inferior  posterior  bony 
element  of  the  otic  capsule  (zool.}. 

opisthure  (5p'isthur/)  n.  [Gk.  opisthe, 
behind  ;  aura,  a  tail.]  The  pro- 
jecting tip  of  the  vertebral  column 

opponens  (opo'nenz)  a.  [L.  opponere, 
to  oppose.]  Pert,  muscles  which 
cause  the  digits  to  approach  one 
another  (anat.}. 

opposite  (op'ozit)  a.  [L.  opponere,  to 
oppose.]  Pert,  leaves  which  are 
opposed,  or  placed  opposite  one 
another  at  the  same  level  on 
opposite  sides  of  the  stem  (bot.} 

opsonic    (6pson'ik).0.     [Gk. 
to    cater.]      Pert,    or    affected 
opsonin  (phys}. 

opsonln  (opso'nln)  n.     [Gk. 

to  cater.]  A  constituent  of  blood 
which  helps  the  phagocytes  to  de- 
stroy invading  bacteria  (phys.). 

optic  (6p'tik)  a.  [Gk.  opsis,  sight.] 
Pert,  vision. 

optic  lobes,— that  part  of  the  brain 
which  supplies  the  eyes. 

optic  thalami, — see  thalami. 

opticociliary  (Sp'tlkc'sil'ian)  a.  [Gk. 
opsis,  sight ;  L.  cilia,  eyelashes.] 
Pert,  optic  and  ciliary  nerves  (anat.). 

opticopupillary  (Sp'tikopu'pilarl)  a. 
[Gk.  opsis,  sight ;  L.  pupilla,  pupil 
of  eye.]  Pert,  optic  nerve  and  pupil 
(anat.}. . 

optimum  (op'tlmum)  n.  [L.  optimus, 
best.]  The  most  suitable  degree 
of  heat,  etc.,  for  the  full  develop- 
ment of  the  organism  concerned 
(biol.)  ;  the  point  at  which  the  best 
response  can  be  obtained  (phys.}. 

optocoel  (8p'tosel)  n.  [Gk.  opsis, 
sight ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  cavity 
in  the  optic  lobes  of  the  brain 

optogram  (Sp'togram)  n.  [Gk.  opsis, 
sight  5  graphein,  to  write.]  The 
image  impressed  on  the  retina  by 
the  action  of  light  on  the  visual 
purple  (phys.). 

ora  serrata,— the  wavy  border  of  the 
retina,  where  the  nervous  elements 
cease  (anat.). 

oral  (6'ral)  a.  [L.  os,  mouth.]  Pert. 
or  belonging  to  the  mouth  ;  on  the 
side  on  which  the  mouth  lies. 

orbicular  (orbik'ular)  a.  [Gk.  orbis,  an 
orb.]  Appl.  the  eye  muscles  (anat.}. 

orbicularis  (orblk'iila'ris)  a.  [L.  orbis, 
an  orb.]  Appl.  a  muscle  whose 
fibres  surround  an  opening  (anat.). 

orbiculate  (orbik'ulat)  a.  [L.  orbis, 
orb.]  Nearly  circular,  in  outline  ; 
appl.  leaves  (bot.). 

orbit  (or'blt)  n.  [L.  orbita,  a  circuit.] 
The  bony  cavity  in  which  the  eye 
is  situated  (anat.) ;  the  skin  round 
the  eye  of  a  bird  ;  the  hollow  in 
the  arthropod  cephalothorax  in 
which  the  eye-stalk  rises  (zool.}. 

orbit*!  (or'bital)  a.  [L.  orbita,  cir- 
-it.]  Pert,  the  orbit. 

(or'bitoma'lar)    a.      [L. 
circuit ;    mala,   the   cheek.] 
orbit  and  malar  bone  (anat}. 
*orbitonasal     (drTrftona'zal)     a.      [L. 
orbita,  circuit ;  nasus,  nose.]    Pert. 
the  orbit  and  the  nasal  portions  of 
the  adjoining  bones  (anat.). 

orbitosphenoid  (6r/blt6sfe'noid)  a. 
[L.  orbita,  circuit ;  Gk.  sphen,  a 
wedge  ;  eidos,  form.]  Pert,  paired 
cranial  elements  lying  between 
presphenoid  and  frontal  (zool.). 

order  (dr'der)  n.  [L.  ordo,  order.] 
Any  group  of  organisms  closely 
allied,  ranking  between  the  family 
and  the  class  (biol.). 

ordinate  (o/dinat)  a.  [L.  ordo,  order.] 
Having  the  markings  or  orna- 
mentation arranged  in  rows  (zool.). 

ordinatopunctate  (or'dlna'topungTctat) 
a.  \L.  ordo,  order ;  punctum, 
a  prick.]  Indicating  the  serial 
presence  of  dots,  etc.  (zool.). 

Ordovician  (dr'dOvIsh'an)  a.  [L. 
Ordovices,  people  of  Wales.]  Lower 
Silurian  (pal.). 




organ  (dr'gan)  n.  [Gk.  organon,  an 
implement.]  Any  part  or  structure 
of  an  organism  adapted  for  a 
special  purpose  (biol.}. 

organ  of  Corti,  —  see  Corti's  organ. 

organellae  (dr'g&nei'e)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
organon,  an  instrument.]  The 
various  parts  of  a  cell  (cyt.). 

organic  (organ'ik)  a.  [Gk.  organon, 
an  instrument]  Pert.,  derived 
from,  or  showing  the  peculiarities 
of  a  living  organism  (biol.}. 

organiflc  (o/ganTfik)  a.  [Gk.  or- 
ganon, instrument  ;  L.  facers,  to 
make.]  Producing  an  organism  ; 
making  an  organized  structure 

organism  (dr'gamzm)  n.  [Gk.  or- 
ganon, instrument.]  Any  living 
animal  or  plant  ;  anything  capable 
of  carrying  on  the  processes  of  life 

organized  (6r'ganTzd)  a.  [Gk.  organon, 
instrument.]  Exhibiting  the  char- 
acteristics of,  or  behaving  like  an 
organism  (biol.}. 

organogen  (organ'qjSn)  n.  [Gk. 
organon,  instrument  ;  genos,  off- 
spring.] Any  of  the  four  elements 
C.,  H.,  O.,  N.  (phys.). 

organogenesis  (6rgan'6j6n'Ssis)  n. 
[Gk.  organon,  instrument  ;  genesis, 
descent.]  The  formation  and  de- 
velopment of  organs  (biol.}. 

organography  (&r'ganog/rafi)  n. 
[Gk.  organon,  instrument  ;  graphein, 
to  write.]  The  description  of  the 
organs  in  any  living  organism 

organoleptic  (6i/gan6l6p'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
organon,  instrument  ;  lambanein,  to 
take  hold  of.]  Capable  of  being 
impressed,  or  of  making  an  im- 
pression (phys.}. 

organonomy  (or'ganon'oml)  n.  [Gk. 
organon,  instrument  ;  nomos,  law.] 
The  laws  that  deal  with  life  or 
living  organisms  (biol.}. 

organonymy  (6r'ganon'imT)  n.  [Gk. 
organon,  instrument  ;  onyma,  name.] 
The  nomenclature  of  organs  (bwl.~). 

organophyly  (6r'ganof'ili)  n.  [Gk. 
organon,  instrument  ;  phylon,  a 
tribe.]  The  phylogeny  of  organs 

nourish.]  Pert,  the  formation  and 
nourishment  of  organs  (bwl.~). 

organule  (oYganul)  n.  [Gk.  organon, 
instrument]  Any  of  the  cells  or 
elements  of  an  organism  (biol.~). 

orgasm  (or'gazm)  n.  [Gk.  organ,  to 
swell.]  Any  immoderate  excite- 
ment ;  turgescence  of  any  organism 

orientation  (6'rienta'shun)  n.  [L. 
oriens,  rising.]  The  alteration  in 
position  shown  by  various  proto- 
plasmic bodies  in  the  cell  under 
various  stimuli  (phys.\ 

orifice  (Sr'ifis)  n.  [L.  os,  mouth  ; 
facere,  to  make.]  A  mouth  or 
aperture  ;  the  opening  of  a  tube, 
duct,  etc. 

original  (drij'inal)  a.  [L.  origo, 
origin.]  Pert,  the  beginning  ; 
appl.  the  wild  species  from  which 
the  cultivated  have  been  derived 

ornis  (6r'nis)  n.  [Gk.  ornis,  a  bird.] 
The  bird  fauna  of  a  region  (zool.\ 

ornithic  (ornith'ik)  a.  [Gk.  amis,  a 
bird.]  Pert.  Birds  (pal^. 

ornithichnite  (or'mthik'nlt)  n.  [Gk. 
ornis,  bird  ;  ichnos,  a  tract.]  The 
fossil  track  or  foot-prints  of  a  Bird 

ornithlne  (dr'nithin)  n.  [Gk.  ornis, 
bird.]  An  organic  substance  found 
in  the  excreta  of  Birds  (phys.}. 

ornithocopros  (or'nithokop'ros)  ». 
[Gk.  ornis,  bird  ;  kopros,  dung.] 
The  dung  of  Birds. 

Ornithogaea  (6r/nlthoje'a)  n.  [Gk. 
ornis,  bird  ;  gaia,  land.]  The  zoo- 
raphical  region  which  includes 
ew  Zealand  (zool.}. 


organotrophic  (or'ganotrof'ik)  a.   [Gk. 
organon,   instrument  ;    trephein,   to 

ornithology  (or'nithol'ojl)  n.  [Gk. 
ornis,  bird  ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
branch  of  Zoology  dealing  with 

ornithophilous  (or'nithof'ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
ornis,  bird  ;  philein,-\.Q  love.]  Bird- 
loving  ;  appl.  flowers  that  are 
pollinated  through  the  agency  of 
Birds  (bot.}._ 

oroanal  (o'roa'nal)  a.  [L.  os,  mouth  ; 
anus,  anus.]  Serving  as  mouth 
and  anus  (zool.~). 

oronasal  (o'rona'zal)  a.  [L.  os, 
mouth  ;  nasus,  nose.]  Pert,  or 
designating  the  groove  that  con- 
nects the  mouth  and  nose  (zooL\ 




orthoenteric  (or'thoe'n'te'rlk)  a. 
[Gk.  orthos,  straight ;  enteron,  in- 
testine.] Having  the  alimentary 
canal  stretched  out  along  the 
ventral  body  surface  ;  appl.  certain 
Tunicates  (zool.). 

orthogenesis  (or'thoje'n'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
orthos,  straight ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Variation  which,  irrespective  of 
natural  selection  or  external  forces, 
gradually  produces  a  new  and  dis- 
tinct type  (btol.). 

orthopterous  (6rth8p'te"rus)  a.  [Gk. 
orthos,  straight ;  pteron,  wing.] 
Having  straight  folded  posterior 
wings  (zoo/."). 

orthospermous  (or'thospeVmus)  a. 
[Gk.  orthos,  straight ;  sperma,  seed.] 
With  straight  seeds  (hot.). 

orthostichous  (6rth6s'tlkus)  a.  [Gk. 
orthos,  straight ;  stichos,  a  row.] 
Appl.  a  fin  skeleton  when  the  peri- 
pheral somactids  are  parallel  as  in 
Cladoselache  (pal.). 

orthostichy  (orthos'Hk!)  n.  [Gk. 
orthos,  straight ;_  stichos,  a  row.] 
The  vertical  line  on  which  a  row 
of  leaves  or  scales  is  found ;  the 
arrangement  of  the  leaves  or  scales 
in  this  row  (bot.). 

orthotriaene  (6r'th6tri'en)  n.  [Gk. 
orthos,  straight ;  triaina,  a  trident.] 
A  triaene  with  cladi  directed  out- 
wards at  right  angles  to  the  shaft 

orthotropism  (orthot'ropizm)  n.  [Gk. 
orthos,  straight ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Growth  in  a  vertical  line  (hot.*). 

orthotropous  (orthSr/ropus)  a.  [Gk. 
orthos,  straight ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Having  the  chalaza,  hilum,  and 
micropyle  in  a  straight  line  ;  appl. 
ovules  (bot.). 

os  (6s)  n.     [L.  os,  a  bone.]    A  bone. 

osculant  (os'kulant)  a.  [L.  osculans, 
kissing.]  Closely  adherent ;  inter- 
mediate in  character  between  two 
groups  (btol.). 

oscular  (os'kular)  a.  [L.  osculum,  a 
small  mouth.]  Pert,  an  osculum. 

osculate  (os'kulat)  v.     [L.  osculare,  to 
kiss.]    To   have    characters   inter- 
mediate between  two  groups  (biol.). 
osculiferous     (6s'kullf6rus)     a.      [L. 
osculum,  a  small  mouth  ;  ferre,  to 
bear.]     Having  oscula  (zool.). 
osculum  (Ss'kulum)  n.     [L.  osculum, 

a  small  mouth.]  An  excurrent  open- 
ing in  a  Sponge  (zool.). 

osmeterium  (os'mgte'rium)  n.  [Gk. 
osme,  smell.]  A  forked  protrusible 
organ  borne  on  the  first  thoracic 
segment  of  the  larva  of  many 
butterflies,  and  emitting  an  offen- 
sive smell  (zool.). 

osmosis  (osmo'sis)  n.  [Gk.  othein,  to 
push.]  A  diffusion  which  takes 
place  between  two  miscible  fluids 
through  a  permeable  membrane 

osmotic  (SsmSt'ik)  a.  [Gk.  othein,  to 
push.]  Pert,  osmosis  (phys.). 

osphradium  (osfra'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
osphradion,  strong  scent.]  A  sense 
organ  associated  with  the  visceral 
ganglia  in  Molluscs,  olfactory  in 
function  (zool.). 

O88&  triquetra,  —  the  Wormian  bones 

ossein  <(5s'eTn)  n.  [L.  osseus,  bony.] 
The  organic  base  of  bone  (phys.). 

osseous  (os'eus)  a.  [L.  osseus,  bony.] 
Composed  of  or  resembling  bone 

ossicle  (fis'ikl)  n.  [L.  os,  bone.]  Any 
small  bone  ;  one  of  those  in  the 
sclerotic  ;  one  of  those  in  the 
gastric  mill  of  Crustacea  ;  a  plate 
of  a  sea-urchin's  test  (zool.). 

ossicular  (Sslk'ular)  a.  [L.  os,  bone.] 
Pert,  ossicles. 

ossiculum  (osik'ulum)  n.  [L.  os, 
bone.]  An  ossicle  ;  a  lithodesma 
(zool.}  ;  a  pyrene  (bot.). 

ossification  (Sslfika'shun)  n.  [L. 
os,  bone  ;  facere,  to  make.]  The 
formation  of  bone  ;  the  replace- 
ment of  cartilage  by  bone  (anat.). 

ossify  (os'tfi)  v.  [L.  os,  bone  ;  fieri, 
to  become.]  To  change  to  bone 

osteoblast  (Ss'teoblast)  n.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A 
bone-forming  cell  (smb.). 

osteoclast  (Ss'teoklast)  n.  [Gk.  osteon, 
a  bone  ;  klan,  to  break.]  A  cell 
which  absorbs  or  breaks  up  bony 
tissue  (entb.). 

osteocomma  (os'teok8m'a)  n.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone  ;  komma,  piece.]  A 
segment  of  the  vertebral  skeleton 

osteocranium  (6s'teokra'nlum)  ». 
[Gk.  osteon,  bone  ;  kranion,  skull.] 




The  bony  skull  as  distinguished 
from  the  cartilaginous  or  chondro- 
cranium  (zool.}. 

osteodentine  (os'teoden'tm)  n.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone ;  L.  dens,  a  tooth.] 
A  variety  of  dentine  which  closely 
approaches  bone  in  structure  (zool.}. 

osteodermis  (os'teodeYmis)  n.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone ;  derma,  skin.]  A 
dermis  which  is  more  or  less 
ossified ;  a  bony  dermal  plate 

osteogen  (os'teqje'n')  n.  [Gk.  osteon, 
bone  ;  genos,  offspring.]  The  tissue 
which  alters  and  forms  bone  (phys.}. 

osteogenesis  ((8s'teoj6n'6sis)  n.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Bone  formation  (emb.}. 

osteogenetic  (os'teqje'ne't'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Pert,  or  causing  the  formation  of 
bone  (emb.}. 

osteogenic  (os'teojgn'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Bone-producing  (phys.}. 

osteoid  (5s'teoid)  a.  [Gk.  osteon, 
bone  ;  eidos,  form.]  Bone  -  like 

osteology  (os'teol'oji)  n.  [Gk.  osteon, 
bone  ;  logos,  discourse.]  That  part 
of  anatomy  that  deals  with  the 
structure,  nature,  and  development 
of  bones. 

osteoplastic  (5s'teoplas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone  ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
Producing  bone  ;  appl.  certain  cells 

osteoporosis  (Ss'teoporo'sTs)  n.  [Gk. 
osteon,  bone  ;  poros,  a  pore.]  The 
absorption  of  bone,  resulting  in  a 
porous  structure  (phys.}. 

ostiolar  (os'tiolar)  a.  [L.  ostiolum,  a 
little  door.]  Pert,  an  ostiole  (biol.}. 

ostiolate  (os'tiolat)  a.  [L.  ostiolum, 
little  door.]  Provided  with  ostioles 

ostiole  (os'tlol)  n.  [L.  ostiolum,  little 
door.]  The  opening  of  a  con- 
ceptacle,  of  a  perithecium,  of  a 
stoma,  of  an  anther  sac  (bot.}  ;  the 
inhalent  aperture  of  a  Sponge  (zool.}. 

ostium  (os'tium)  n.,  ostia  (os'tia)  plu. 
[L.  ostium,  a  door.]  Any  mouth- 
like  opening  ;  the  openings  of  the 
Fallopian  tubes  ;  the  opening  in 
the  crustacean  heart  by  means  of 
which  the  blood  enters  the  heart 

from  the  pericardium  ;  the  opening 
from  flagellate  canal  into  para- 
gastric  cavity  in  Sponges  (zool.}. 

otic  (o'tik)  a.  [Gk.  ous,  the  ear.]  Pert. 
the  region  of  the  auditory  capsule 

otidium  (otid'mm)  n.  [Gk.  ous,  ear.] 
The  otocyst  of  a  Mollusc  (zool.}. 

otoconium  (6'toko'nium)  n.  [Gk.  ous, 
ear  ;  konia,  grain  of  sand.]  One  of 
the  minute  particles  found  in  the 
internal  ear  (anat.}. 

otocrypt  (6'tokript)  n.  [Gk.  ous,  ear  ; 
kryptos,  hidden.]  An  open  invagina- 
tion  of  the  integument  of  the  foot 
in  certain  Molluscs  (zool.}. 

otocyst  (o'tosist)  n.  [Gk.  ous,  ear  ; 
kystis,  bladder.]  A  sac  containing 
fluid  and  otoliths,  supposed  to  be 
auditory  (zool.}. 

otolith  (6'tolith)  n.  [Gk.  ous,  ear; 
lithos,  stone.]  The  calcareous  par- 
ticle or  plate-like  structure  found 
in  the  ear  or  the  auditory  organ  of 
many  animals  (zool.}. 

otoporpae  (o'topor'pe)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
ous,  ear  ;  porpe,  a  brooch.]  Stripes 
of  cnidoblasts  on  the  exumbrella  of 
Hydromedusae  (zool.}. 

oval  (6'val)  a.  [L.  ovum,  egg.]  Egg- 
shaped  ;  pert,  an  egg. 

ovalbuinin  (o'valbu'min)  n.  [L.  ovum, 
egg  ;  albumen,  white  of  egg.]  The 
chief  constituent  of  white  of  egg 

ovarian  (ova'riSn)  a.  [L.  ovanum, 
an  ovary.]  Pert,  an  ovary. 

ovariole  (ovar'iol)  n.  [L.  ovarium, 
ovary.]  The  ovarian  tube  of  an 
Insect ;  the  tubes  which  together 
form  the  ovary  (zool.}. 

ovarium  (ova'rium)  n.  [L.  ovarium, 
ovary.]  An  ovary. 

ovary  (6'vari)  n.  [L.  ovarium,  ovary.] 
The  essential  female  reproductive 
organ  (zool.} ;  an  enlarged  portion 
of  the  pistil  or  gynoecium  (bot.}. 

ovate  (6'vat)  a.  [L.  ovum,  egg.] 

ovate-acuminate,  —  appl.  an  ovate 
lamina  with  a  very  sharp  point ; 
appl.  leaves  (bot.}. 

ovate-ellipsoidal,— ovate,  approach- 
ing ellipsoid  ;  appl.  leaves  (bot.}. 

ovate-lanceolate, — having  a  form  of 
lamina  intermediate  between  ovate 
and  lanceolate  (bot.}. 




ovate  -oblong,  —  having  an  oblong 
lamina  with  one  end  narrower  than 
the  other  (bot.). 

ovenchyma  (ovgng'klma)  n.  [L. 
ovum,  egg  ;  Gk.  engchyma,  in- 
fusion.] A  connective  tissue  with 
ovoid-shaped  cells  (smb.}. 

ovicell  (o'vIsSl)  n.  [L.  ovum,  egg  ; 
cellula,  a  cell.]  A  dilatation  of  the 
zooecium,  serving  as  a  brood  pouch 

oviduct  (6'vldukt)  n.  [L.  ovum,  egg  ; 
ducere,  to  lead.]  The  tube  which 
carries  the  eggs  from  the  ovary  to 
the  exterior ;  the  Miillerian  duct ; 
the  tube  may  or  may  not  be 
attached  to  the  ovary  (zool.). 

oviferous  (ovif'e'rus)  a.  [L.  ovum, 
egg  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Serving  to 
carry  the  eggs  (zool.). 

oviform  (o'viform)  a.  [L.  ovum,  Qgg  ; 
forma,  shape.]  Egg-shaped. 

oviparity  (6'vipar'itl)  n.  [L.  ovum, 
egg  ;  parere,  to  bring  forth.]  Con- 
dition of  being  oviparous  (zoo/.). 

oviparous  (ovip'arus)  a.  [L.  ovum, 
egg  ;  parere,  to  bring  forth.]  Pro- 
ducing eggs  :  egg-laying  ;  cf.  vivi- 
parous (zool.). 

oviposit  (6'vipoz'it)  v.  [L.  ovum, 
egg ;  ponere,  to  place.]  To  lay 
eggs  ;  appl.  Insects  (zool.). 

ovipositor  (o'vipoz'itSr)  n.  [L.  ovum, 
egg  ;  ponere,  to  place.]  A  special- 
ized structure  in  Insects  for  placing 
the  eggs  in  a  suitable  place ;  a 
tubular  extension  of  the  genital 
orifice  in  Fishes  (zool.). 

ovisac  (6'visak)  n.  [L.  ovum,  egg  ; 
saccus,  a  bag.]  An  egg-capsule 

ovism  (6'vizm)  n.  [L.  OVUM,  egg.] 
The  theory  held  by  the  Ovists  that 
the  egg  contained  the  germ  with 
the  germs  of  all  future  generations 
within  it  (biol.). 

ovist  (6'vTst)  n.  [L.  ovum,  egg.]  A 
supporter  of  the  Ovism  theory  (biol.). 

ovocentre  (o'vosSn'ter)  n.  [L.  ovum, 
egg  ;  centrum,  a  centre.]  The  egg- 
centrosome  during  fertilization 

ovogenesis  (o'vbjen'e'sis)  n.  [L.  ovum, 
egg  ;  Gk..  genesis,  descent.]  Oogen- 
esis,  which  see. 

ovoid  (o'void)  a.  [L.  ovum,  egg  ;  Gk. 
cidos,  form.]  Egg-shaped. 

ovomucoid  (o'vomu'koid)  n.  [L. 
ovum,  egg ;  mucus,  mucus  ;  Gk. 
eidos,  form.]  A  mucoid  found  in 
eggs  (pkys.). 

ovotestis  (o'votgs'tis)  n.  [L.  ovum, 
egg;  testis,  testicle.]  The  her- 
maphroditic reproductive  gland  of 
certain  Gastropods  (zoo/.). 

ovoviviparous  (6'vovivip'arus)  a.  [L. 
ovum,  egg  ;  vivus,  living ;  parere, 
to  bring  forth.]  Pert,  forms  which 
produce  an  egg  with  a  definite 
shell,  which  yet  hatch  out  internally 

ovulate  (ov'ulat)  a.  [L.  ovum,  egg.] 
Containing  an  egg  or  ovule  (hot., 

ovule  (6'vul)  n.  [L.  ovum,  egg.]  The 
megasporangium  of  a  seed-plant 
(bot.) ;  any  small  egg  or  egg-like 
structure  (zool.). 

ovuliferous  (o'vullfgrus)  a.  [L.  ovum, 
egg ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Ovule- 
producing  ;  containing  ovules  (bot.). 

ovuliferous  scales, — stout  scales, 
each  bearing  two  ovules,  developed 
on  bract  scales  (bot.). 

ovum  (6'vum)  n.  [L.  ovum,  egg.] 
A  female  germ  cell  (biol.). 

oxea  (ok'sea)  n.  [Gk.  oxys,  sharp.] 
A  sponge  spicule,  rod-shaped  and 
sharp  at  both  ends  (zool.). 

oxeote  (ok'seot)  a.  [Gk.  oxys,  sharp.] 
Like  an  oxea ;  in  the  iform  of  a 
simple  rod  ;  appl.  sponge  spicules 

oxidize, — oxydize. 

oxyaster  (6k'sias'ter)  n.  [Gk.  oxys, 
sharp  ;  aster,  a  star.]  A  stellate 
sponge  spicule  with  sharp-pointed 
rays  (zool.). 

oxychromatin  (ok'slkro'mattn)  «. 
[Gk.  oxys,  sharp  ;  chroma,  colour.] 
Linin  (emb.). 

oxydactyl  (ok'stdak'tll)  a.  [Gk.  oxys, 
sharp  ;  daktylos,  a  finger.]  Havmg 
slender  tapering  digits  (zool.). 

oxydase  (6k  stdas)  n.  [Gk.  oxys,  sour.] 
An  enzyme  which  promotes  oxy- 
dation  (phys.). 

oxydiact  (ok'sldfakt)  a.  [Gk.  oxys, 
sharp  ;  di,  two  ;  aktis,  ray.]  Having 
three  rays  of  which  only  two  are 
fully  developed  ;  appl.  sponge 
spicules  (zool.). 

oxydize  (ok'sidlz)  v.  [Gk.  oxys,  acid.] 
To  combine  with  more  oxygen  ;  to 




increase  the  oxygen  content  of  the 
blood  (phys.).  A 

oxygnathous  (ok'signath'us)  a.  [Gk. 
oxys,  sharp  ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  Having 
more  or  less  sharp  jaws  (zool.}. 

oxyhaemoglobin  (ok'sihe'moglo'bin) 
n.  [Gk.  oxys,  acid  ;  haima,  blood  ; 
L.  globus,  a  globe.]  Haemoglobin 
combined  with  oxygen,  as  found  in 
arterial  blood  (phys.}. 

oxyhexactine  (ok'sihSksak'tin)  n. 
[Gk.  oxys,  sharp  ;  hex,  six  ;  aktis, 
ray.]  A  hexactine  with  rays  ending 
in  sharp  points  (zool.). 

oxyhexaster  (ok'siheksas'ter)  n.  [Gk. 
oxys,  sharp  ;  hex,  six  ;  aster,  star.] 
A  hexaster  with  rays  ending  in 
sharp  points  (zool.}. 

oxyntic  (oksm'tik)  a.  [Gk.  oxyein, 
to  make  acid.]  Secreting  acid ; 
appl.  cells,  glands  (phys.~). 

oxytropism  (oksit'roplzm)  n.  [Gk. 
oxys,  acid  ;  trope,  a  turning.]  The 
tendency  of  numerous  organisms 
to  be  attracted  by  oxygen  (phys.}. 

oxytylote  (ok'sitl'lot)  n.  [Gk.  oxys, 
sharp  ;  tylos,  a  knob.]  A  slender, 
straight  sponge  spicule,  sharp  at 
one  end,  knobbed  at  the  other 

P,,  —  denoting  the  first  parental 
generation,  P2  the  grandparents, 
etc.,  in  the  law  of  Mendel.  See  Fj. 

Pacinian  bodies  or  corpuscles, — 
distal  nerve-endings,  consisting  of 
lamellated  connective-tissue  capsule 
with  a  core  of  nucleated  proto- 
plasmic cells  containing  the  ramifi- 
cations of  a  single  medullated 
nerve-fibre  (anaf.). 

paedogenesis  (pe'dojSn'esis)  n.  [Gk. 
pais,  child ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Breeding  while  still  in  the  young 
or  larval  state,  as  Axolotl,  certain 
Diptera  (zool.}. 

paired  flns, — the  pectoral  and  pelvic 
fins  of  fishes ;  dorsal,  anal,  and 
caudal  fins  are  unpaired. 

Palaeobotany  (pal'eobot'anl)  n.  [Gk. 
palaios,  ancient ;  botane,  a  plant.] 
The  botany  of  fossil  plants  or  plant 

palaeogenetic  (pal'eojenet'Ik)  a.  [Gk. 
palaios,  ancient ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Appl.  atavistic  features  fully  de- 
veloped, which  are  usually  char- 
acteristically embryonic  (biol.). 

Palaeontology  (pal'eontol'oji)  n.  [Gk. 
palaios,  ancient ;  ons,  being  ;  logos, 
discourse.]  The  science  of  past 
organic  life  based  on  fossils  and 
fossil  impressions. 

Palaeozoic  (pal'edzo'ik)  a.  [Gk.palaios, 
ancient ;  zoon,  animal.]  Appl.  the 
Primary  or  earliest  of  the  three 
groups  of  rock-systems  (pal.}. 

Palaeozoology  (pal'eozSol'bji)  n.  [Gk. 
palaios,  ancient ;  zoon,  animal  ; 
logos,  discourse.]  The  zoology  of 
fossil  animals  and  animal  im- 

palama  (pal'ama)  n.  [Gk.  palame, 
th,e  palm.]  Foot-webbing  of  aquatic 

palamate, — palmate. 

palatal  (pal'atal)  a.  [L.  palatum, 
palate.]  Pert,  the  palate  ;  palatine  ; 
appl.  bone,  sinus,  etc.  (anaf.). 

palate  (pal'at)  n.  [L.  palatum, 
palate.]  The  roof  of  the  mouth 
(anaf.) ;  an  insect  epipharynx 
(zool.}  ;  a  projection  of  the  lower 
lip  of  a  personate  corolla  (&?/.). 

palatine  (pal'atin)  a.  [L.  palatum, 
palate.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region  of 
the  palate  ;  appl.  artery,  bone, 
foramen,  etc.  (anaf.). 

palatoglossal  (pal'atoglos'al)  a.  [L. 
palatum,  palate ;  Gk.  glossa,  tongue.] 
Pert,  palate  and  tongue ;  appl.  a 
muscle  (anaf.). 

palatonasal  (pal'atona'zal)  a.  [L. 
palatum,  palate ;  nasus,  nose.] 
Pert,  palate  and  nose  (anaf.). 

palatopharyngeal  (pal'atofarin'jeal)  a. 
[L.  palatum,  palate  ;  Gk.  pharyngx, 
pharynx.]  In  the  region  of  palate 
and  pharynx ;  appl.  a  muscle 

palatopterygoid  (pal'atopter'igoid)  a. 
[L.  palatum,  palate  ;  Gk.  pterygion, 
little  wing ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
In  the  region  of  or  pert,  palate  and 
pterygoid  (anaf.). 

palatoquadrate  (pal'at6'kw6d'ra.t)  a. 
[L.  palatum,  palate  ;  quadrat  us, 
squared.]  Connecting  palatine  and 
quadrate  ;  appl.  the  dorsal  cartilage 
of  the  mandibular  arch  (anaf.). 




palea  (pa'lea)  n.  [L.  palea,  chaff.] 
One  of  little  bracts  on  the  florets 
of  Compositae^  (&?/.). 

paleaceous  (palea'shus)  a.  [L.  palea, 
chaff.]  Appl.  a  capitulum  furnished 
with  small  scaly  bracts  or  paleae 

paliform  (pa'liform)  a.  [L.  palus,  a 
stake  ;  forma,  shape.]  Like  an 
upright  stake. 

palingenesis  (pal'injfin'gsis)  n.  [Gk. 
palin,  anew  ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Abrupt  metamorphosis  ;  the  re- 
birth of  ancestral  characters  (bio/.). 

palisade  tissue,—  the  general  ground 
tissue  of  many  foliage  leaves, 
so  called  from  the  palisade-like 
arrangement  of  their  elongated 
cells  (bot.). 

pallet  (pal'et)  n.  [L.  pala,  a  spade.] 
A  shelly  plate  on  a  bivalve  siphon 

pallial  (pal'ial)  a.  [L.  pallium, 
mantle.]  Pert,  the  molluscan 
pallium  or  mantle  ;  appl.  line, 
groove,  sinus,  muscles  (zoo!.}. 

palliate  (pal'iat)  a.  [L.  pallium, 
mantle.]  Having  a  mantle  or 
similar  structure  (zoo/.). 

palliopedal  (pal'ioped'al)  a.  [L. 
pallium,  mantle  ;  pes,  foot.]  Pert. 
molluscan  mantle  and  foot. 

pallium  (pal'mm)  n.  [L.  pallium, 
mantle.]  A  mollusc  or  brachiopod 
mantle  ;  a  portion  of  the  cerebral 
wall  (zoo/.). 

palmar  (pal'mar)  a.  [L.  palma,  palm 
of  the  hand.]  Pert,  the  palm  of  the 
hand  ;  appl.  aponeurosis,  nerve, 
muscle  (anat.). 

palmaria  (palma'ria)  n.  plu.  [L. 
palmaris,  pert,  the  palm.]  The 
third  brachials  of  Crinoids  (zoo/.). 

palmate  (pal'mat)  a.  [L.  palma,  palm 
of  the  hand.]  Appl.  leaves  divided 
into  lobes  arising  from  a  common 
centre  (pot.)  ;  having  anterior  toes 
webbed,  as  in  most  aquatic  Birds 

palmatifld  (palmat'ifid)  a.  [L.^a/ma, 
palm  of  the  hand  \findere,  to  cleave.] 
Appl.  leaves  divided  into  lobes  to 
about  the  middle,  at  acute  angles 
to  each  other  (bot.). 

palmatilobate  (palmat'llo'bat)  a.  [L. 
palma,  palm  ;  lobus,  a  lobe.]  Pal- 
mate with  rounded  lobes  and 

divisions  half-way  to  the  base 

palmatipartite  (palmat'ipir'tlt)  a. 
[L.  palma,  palm  ;partitus,  divided.] 
Palmate  with  the  divisions  more 
than  half-way  to  the  base  (bot.). 

palmatisect  (palmat'Isgkt)  a.  [L. 
palma,  palm  ;  sectus,  cut.]  Palmate 
with  the  divisions  nearly  to -the 
base  (bot.). 

palmella  (palmeTa)  n.  [Gk.  palmos, 
a  quivering.]  A  stage  of  certain 
Algae,  consisting  of  groups  of 
rounded  cells  in  a  jelly-like  mass 

palmitin  (pal'mitin)  n.  [Gk.  palma, 
palm-tree.]  A  compound  of  fatty 
acid  and  glycerine  found  in  adi- 
pose tissue  (phys!). 

palmula  (pal'mula)  n.  [L.  palma, 
palm.]  A  terminal  lobe  or  process 
between  the  paired  claws  of  insect 
feet  (zoo/.). 

palp, — see  palpus. 

palpacle  (pal'pakl)  n.  [L.  palpare, 
to  feel.]  The  tentacle  of  a  dactylo- 
zooid  or  palpon  of  Siphonophora 

palpal  (pal'pal)  a.  [L.  palpare,  to 
stroke.]  Pert,  a  palpus. 

palpate  (pal'pat)  a.  [L.  palpare,  to 
stroke.]  Provided  with  a  palpus 
or  palpi  (zoo/.). 

palpebra  (pal'pSbra)  n.  [L.  palpebra, 
an  eyelid.]  An  eyelid. 

palpebral  (pal'pfcbral)  a.  [L.  palpebra, 
an  eyelid.]  Pert,  the  eyelids ;  appl. 
arteries,  ligament,  nerves  (anat.) ; 
appl.  a  lobe  or  buttress  on  which 
the  eye  of  Trilobites  rests  (zoo/.). 

palpifer  (pal'plfgr)  n.  [L.  palpare,  to 
feel ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  A  maxilla 
lobe  bearing  the  palpus  of  Insects 

palpiform  (pal'plf6rm)  a.  [L.  pal- 
pare, to  feel ;  forma,  shape.]  Re- 
sembling a  palpus  or  insect-feeler 

palpiger  (pal'pljgr)  n.  [L.  palpare, 
to  feel  ;  gerere,  to  bear.]  The 
support  of  a  labial  palpus  in  In- 
sects (zoo/.). 

palpocil  (pal'posil)  n.  [L.  palpare,  to 
touch  ;  cilium,  a  lashj  A  stiff  sen- 
sory filament  attached  to  the  sense 
cells  of  Hydromedusae  (zoo/.). 

palpon  (pal'pon)  /;.     [L.  palpare,  to 




feel.]  A  hydrocyst  or  dactylozooid 
of  Siphonophores  (zool.). 

palpulus  (pal'pulus)  n.  [L.  palpare, 
to  feel.]  A  small  palpus  or  feeler. 

palpus  (pal'pus)  #.,  palpi  (pafpL 
pal'pe)  plu.  [L.  palpare,  to  feel.] 
The  labial  feelers  of  Insects  ;  sen- 
sory appendages  on  the  prostomium 
of  polychaet  worms,  on  mandibles 
of  Crustacea,  etc.  (zool.). 

paludicole  (palu'dikol)  a.  [L.  palus, 
a  marsh ;  colere,  to  inhabit.]  Living 
in  ponds  and  streams. 

palule  (pal'ul)  n.  [L.  palus,  a  stake.] 
An  unattached  calcareous  process 
of  Corals  ;  a  small  palus  (zoo/.). 

palus  (pa'lus)  n.,  pali  (pa'H,  pal'e) 
plu.  [L.  palus,  a  stake.]  A  series 
of  small  pillars  projecting  upwards 
from  the  theca-base  towards  the 
stomodaeum  of  madrepore  Corals 

pampiniform  (pampm'iform)  a.  [L. 
pampinus,  a  tendril  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Tendril-like  (biol.) ;  appl.  a  con- 
voluted vein  plexus  of  the  sper- 
matic cord  (anat.). 

pancreas  (pan'kreas)  n.  [Gk.  pan,  all ; 
kreas, flesh.]  A  compound  racemose 
gland  at  the  posterior  abdominal 
wall  of  most  vertebrates. 

pancreatic  (pankreat'Ik)  a.  [Gk.  pan, 
all ;  kreas,  flesh.]  Pert,  the  pan- 
creas ;  appl.  artery,  duct,  vein 

pancreaticoduodenal, — pert,  pan- 
creas and  duodenum  ;  appl.  artery, 
glands,  veins  (anat.}. 

panduriform  (pandu'riform)  a.  [L. 
pandura,  a  three  -  stringed  lute  ; 
forma,  shape.]  Fiddle  -  shaped  ; 
appl.  leaves  (dot.}. 

pangamic  (pangam'ik)  a.  [Gk.  pan, 
all  ;  gamos,  union.]  Appl.  indis- 
criminate mating. 

pangen  (pan'je'n)  n.  [Gk.  pan,  all ; 
genos,  offspring.]  Biophore ;  see 
hypothetical  units. 

pangenesis  (panjeVesis)  n.  [Gk. 
pan,  all ;  genesis,  descent.]  The 
gemmule  theory,  that  hereditary 
characteristics  are  carried  by  germs 
from  individual  body  cells  (biol.). 

panicle  (pan'lkl)  n.  [L.  panicula,  a 
tuft  on  plants.]  A  tuft  or  bunch  of 
flowers  or  seeds,  close  or  scattered  ; 
a  compound  raceme  (dot.). 

paniculate  (pamk'ulat)  a.  [L.  pani- 
cula, a  tuft]  Having  the  flowers 
arranged  in  panicles  (oof.). 

panmeristic  (pan'meris'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
pan,  all  ;  meros,  part.]  Appl.  an 
ultimate  protoplasmic  structure  of 
independent  units  (biol.). 

panmixia  (panmlk'sta)  n.  [Gk.  pan, 
all  ;  mixis,  a  mixing.]  Indiscrimi- 
nate interbreeding  consequent  on 
suspension  of  the  influence  of 
natural  selection. 

pansporoblast  (panspo'roblast)  n. 
[Gk.pan,  all ;  sporos,  seed  ;  blastos, 
bud.]  A  cell-complex  of  Neosporidia 
producing  sporoblasts  and  spores  ; 
an  archespore  (zool.). 

papilionaceous  (papTl'iona'shus)  a. 
[L.  papilio,  a  butterfly.]  Re- 
sembling a  butterfly  ;  appl.  a  five- 
petal  corolla,  one  enlarged  posterior, 
two  united  anterior  forming  a  keel, 
and  two  lateral,  the  wings  or  alae 

papilla  (papil'a)  n.  [L.  papilla,  a 
pimple.]  A  glandular  hair  with 
one  secreting  cell  above  the  epi- 
dermis level  (bot.) ;  an  accessory 
adhesive  organ  with  retractile  tip, 
of  some  Trematodes ;  a  conical 
dermal  structure  on  Birds,  the 
beginning  of  a  feather  (zooL)  ;  one 
of  various  small  projections  of  the 
corium  of  the  tongue,  and  eminences 
on  the  skin  (anat.). 

papillary  (papll'ari)  a.  [L.  papilla, 
a  pimple.J  Pert,  papillae  ;  appl.  a 
dermal  layer  with  papillae  (anat.). 

papillate  (papll'at)  a.  [L.  papilla,  a 
pimple.]  Covered  by  papillae ; 
papillose ;  like  a  papilla  (biol.)  ; 
appl.  petals  with  external  cells 
projecting  slightly  above  the  sur- 
face (bot.). 

papilliform  (papTl'iform)  a.  [L. 
papilla,  a  pimple  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Like  a  papilla  in  shape. 

papillose,— papillate. 

pappiferous  (paplf'e'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
pappos,  an  old  man  ;  L.  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Pappus-bearing  (bot.). 

pappose  (pap'os,  papSs')  a.  [Gk. 
pappos,  an  old  man.]  Having  the 
limb  of  the  calyx  developed  as  a 
tuft  of  hairs  or  bristles  ;  downy,  or 
covered  with  feathery  processes 




pappus  (pap'us)  n.  [Gk.  pappos,  an 
old  man.]  A  circle  or  tuft  of 
bristles,  hairs,  or  feathery  processes 
in  place  of  the  limb  of  a  calyx 

papulae  (pap'ule)  n.  plu.  [L.  papula, 
a  pimple.]  Dermal  gills  ;  the  soft 
skin  of  Asteroids  raised  up  into 
finger-like  processes  with  respira- 
tory function  (zool.). 

papyraceous  (papira'shus)  a.  [L. 
papyrus,  the  papyrus-tree.]  Of 
papery  texture  (dot.}. 

parabasal  (paraba'sal)  a.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  basis,  base.]  Appl.  a 
striated  apparatus  surrounding  the 
calyx  of  certain  Protozoa  (zool.}. 

parabasalia  (par'abasa'lia)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  basis,  base.] 
The  basalia  of  Crinoids  when  a 
circlet  of  perradial  infrabasalia 
occurs  beneath  them  (zool.). 

parablast  (par'ablast)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  blastos,  bud.]  The  yolk 
of  meroblastic  eggs  ;  appl.  the  large 
nuclei  of  cells  laden  with  yolk- 
granules,  in  the  development  of 
higher  Mammals  (smb.), 

parabranchia  (parabrang'kla)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  brangchia,  gills.]  A 
much  plumed  mollusc  osphradium 
or  organ  of  smell  (zool.}. 

parabronchi  (parabrong'kl)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  brongchos,  wind- 
pipe.] The  tertiary  lung  tubes  of 
Birds,  their  terminations  being  em- 
bedded in  the  lung  mesenchyme 

paracentral  (parasgn'tral)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  j  L.  centrum,  centre.] 
Situated  at  or  near  the  centre  ; 
appl.  lobule,  gyrus,  fissure  (anat.). 

parachordal  (parakor'dal)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  chords,  a  cord.]  Appl. 
paired  horizontal  cartilage  plates 
formed  on  each  side  of  the  chon- 
drocranium  (emb.). 

parachromatin  (parakro'matin)  ;/. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  chroma,  colour.] 
Achromatic  nuclear  substance  giv- 
ing rise  to  spindle-fibres  (cyt.). 

parachute  (par'ashoot)  n.  [L.parare, 
to  prepare  ;  F.  chute,  a  fall.]  A 
special  structure,  such  as  an  aril, 
a  caruncle,  a  wing,  of  seeds  en- 
abling them  to  be  wafted  away,  and 
so  aiding  in  dispersal  (bot.). 

paracme  (parak'me)  n.  [Gk.  parakme, 
decadence.]  The  decline  of  a 
species  or  race  after  reaching  the 
highest  point  of  development 

paracoel  (pSr'asel)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  The  lateral 
ventricle,  or  cavity  of  the  cerebral 
hemisphere  (ana/.). 

paracondyloid  (parakon'dlloid)  a. 
\Gk.para,  beside ;  kondylos,  a  knob ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Appl.  a  pro- 
cess of  the  occipital  occurring 
beside  the  condyles  of  some  mam- 
mals (zool.}. 

paracone  (par'akon)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside ;  konos,  a  cone.]  The 
antero-external  cusp  of  an  upper 
molar  tooth. 

paraconid  (parako'nid)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  konos,  cone.]  The  antero- 
internal  cusp  of  a  lower  molar 

paracorolla  (par'akorSl'a)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  L.  corolla,  a  small 
crown.]  A  corolla  appendage  (dot.). 

paracyst  (par'aslst)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  kystis,  a  bladder.]  The 
antheridium  of  Pyronema  (bot.}. 

paraderm  (par'aderm)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside ;  derma,  skin.]  The  delicate 
limiting  membrane  of  a  pronymph 

paradidymis  (paradld'imis)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  didymos,  a  testicle.] 
A  small  collection  of  convoluted 
tubules  anterior  to  the  lower  part 
of  the  spermatic  cord  (ana/.). 

paraflbula  (paraf Ib'ula)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  L.  fibula,  a  buckle.]  An 
accessory  element  outside  the  fibula 
at  its  proximal  end,  seen  in  some 
Lacertilia  and  young  Marsupials 

paraflagellum  (paraflajeTum)  n.  [Gk. 
Para,  beside  ;  L.  fiagellum,  a  whip.] 
A  subsidiary  flagellum  (zool.). 

paraganglia  (par'agang'glla)  «.  flu. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  ganglion,  swell- 
ing.] Scattered  remains  or  rudi- 
ments of  ganglia  left  along  the 
aorta  when  the  suprarenal  ganglion 
has  been  formed  (phys.). 

paragaster     (paragas'te'r)     n.       [Gk. 
para,     beside ;     gasler,    stomach.] 
A  central  cavity  of  Heterocoela  into 
which  gastric  ostia  open  (zool.). 




paragastric    (paragas'trik)    a.      [Gk. 

para,     beside ;    gaster,     stomach.] 

Pert,  a  paragaster  ;  appl.  passages 

!  or   cavities   in   the   branches   of  a 

-  Sponge  ;  appl.  paired  blind  canals 
I  from  the  infundibulum  to  the  oral 

f^cone  of  Ctenophores  (zool.}. 

paragastrula  (paragas'troola)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  gaster,  stomach.]  The 
stage  of  the  amphiblastula  of  a 
Sponge  when  the  flagellated  cells 
are  invaginated  into  the  dome  of 
rounded  cells  (zool.}._ 

paragenesia  (parajene'sia)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Hybrids'  fertility  with  the  parent 
species  but  not  inter  se  (biol.}. 

paraglossa  (paraglos'a)  n.  [Gk.para, 
beside  ;  glossa,  tongue.]  A  process 
on  each  side  of  the  ligula  of  Insects 

paraglycogen  (paragll'kojen)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  glykos,  sweet  ;  genos, 
production.]  Reserve  food-material 
stored  in  protoplasm-grains  of 
Gregarines  (zool.}. 

paragnatha  (paragna'tha)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  gnathos,  jaw.] 
Paired,  delicate,  unjointed  processes 
between  maxilla  and  mandible  of 
certain  Crustacea  (zool}. 

paragnathous  (par'agnath'us)  a. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  gnathos,  jaw.] 
With  mandibles  of  equal  length  ; 
appl.  Birds. 

paraheliotropism  (par'ah  eliot'ropizm) 
n.  [Gk.  para,  beside  ;  helios,  sun  ; 
trope,  a  turning.]  Tendency  of 
plants  to  turn  the  edges  of  their 
leaves  to  too  brilliant  an  illumina- 
tion to  save  their  surfaces  (hot.}. 

parahormone  (par'ah&r'mon)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  ormao,  I  arouse  to 
activity.]  A  substance  which  acts 
like  a  hormone  but  is  a  product  of 
the  ordinary  metabolism  of  cells  ; 
e.g.,  the  sensibility  of  a  nerve  to 
carbon  dioxide  (p^hys.}. 

paralinin  (parall'nin)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside;  L.  linum,  a  linen  thread.] 
Nuclear  ground-substance  (cyt.}. 

parallelinervate,  parallelodrome, — 
appl.  leaves  with  veins  or  nerves 
parallel  (bot.}. 

paramastigote  (paramas'tigot)  a. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  mastis,  a  whip.] 
Having  one  long  principal  flagellum 

and  a  short  accessory  one,  as  cer- 
tain Mastigophora  (zool.}. 

paramastoid  (paramas'toid)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  mastos,  breast  ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  Beside  the  mastoid  ; 
appl.  the  two  paroccipital  processes 
of  the  exoccipitals  (zool.}. 

paramere  (par'amer)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  meros,  part.]  Half  of  a  bi- 
laterally symmetrical  structure. 

paraxnetrium  (paramet'rium)  n. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  metra,  uterus.] 
Fibrous  tissue  partly  surrounding 
the  uterus  (anat.}. 

paramitome  (paraml'tom)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  mitos,  a  thread.] 
The  interfilar  substance  of  proto- 
plasm (cyt.}. 

paramylum  (parami'lum)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  amylon,  starch.J  A 
substance  allied  to  starch,  occur- 
ring in  Protozoa  (phys.}. 

paranephric  (paranef'rik)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  nephros,  kidney.] 
Beside  the  kidney  ;  appl.  a  fatty 
body  behind  the  renal  fascia  (anat.}. 

paranephros  (paranefros)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  nephros,  kidney.] 
An  adrenal  body. 

paranuclein  (paranu'klem)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  L.  nucleus,  a  kernel.] 
The  substance  of  a  true  nucleolus 

paranucleus  (paranu'kleus)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  L.  nucleus,  a  kernel.] 
A  micronucleus  ;  a  spherical  mass 
of  mitochondria  (cyt.\ 

paraphysis  (paraf'isis)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  \physis,  growth.]  A  slender 
filamentous  epidermal  outgrowth 
occurring  among  sporogenous 
organs  (hot.)  ;  a  non-nervous  out- 
growth on  the  top  of  the  brain  of 
nearly  all  Vertebrates  (zool.}. 

parapineal  (paraplne'al)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  L.  pinea,  a  pine- 
cone.]  Appl.  an  eye-like  epiphysis 
of  lampreys,  the  pineal  body  of 
other  Vertebrates  (zool.}. 

paraplasm  (par'aplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  vegetative  or  less 
active  part  of  cell  substance  (cyt.). 

parapodium  (parapo'dTum)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  pous,  a  foot.]  A 
paired  process  on  the  body- 
segments  of  Polychaets  (zool.}. 




parapolar  (parapo'lar)  a.  [Gk.  para, 
beside ;  polos,  a  pivot.]  Beside  the 
pole  ;  appl.  the  first  two  trunk  cells 
in  the  development  of  Rhombozoa 

parapophysis  (par'apof'isis)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  apo,  from ;  physis, 
growth.]  A  transverse  process 
arising  from  a  vertebra  centrum. 

parapteron  (parap'teron)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;pteron,  a  wing.]  The 
tegula  or  shoulder-lappet  or  scapula 
of  an  insect  mesothorax  (zool.}. 

parapterum, — parapteron. 

parapyles  (par^apllz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  pyle,  a  gate.]  Two 
accessory  openings  in  certain  de- 
veloping Radiolarians  (zool.). 

paraquadrate  (parakwod'rat)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside;  L.  quadratus, squared.] 
The  squamosal,  a  hammer-shaped 
investing  bone  supporting  the 
suspensorium,  externally  (zoo/.). 

pararectal  (pararek'tal)  a.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  L.  rectus,  straight.]  Be- 
side the  rectum ;  appl.  fossa,  lymph 
glands  (anat.). 

parasite  (par'aslt)  n.  [Gk.  para,  be- 
side ;  sitos,  food.]  An  organism 
living  with  or  within  another  to  its 
own  advantage  in  food  or  shelter 

parasitic  (parasit'lk)  a.  [Gk.  para, 
beside ;  sites,  food.]  Appl.  an 
organism  living  at  the  expense  of 
another,  and  in  or  on  it  (biol.). 

parasitic  castration,— castration 
caused  by  the  presence  of  a  para- 
site, as  in  certain  male  crabs  in- 
fested by  Sacculina  (biol.). 

parasitism  (par'asitizm)  n.  [Gk.para, 
beside  ;  sitos,  food.]  A  form  of 
symbiosis  in  which  one  symbiont, 
the  parasite,  receives  advantage 
to  the  detriment  of  the  other,  the 
host  (biol.). 

parasitology  (par'asitol'oji)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  sitos,  food  ;  logos, 
discourse.]  The  science  treating 
of  parasites,  especially  those  affect- 
ing human  beings. 

parasphenoid  (parasfe'noid)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  sphen,  wedge  ;  eides, 
like.]  A  membrane  bone  forming 
the  floor  of  the  cranium  in  certain 
Reptiles  (zool.). 

parastemon    (paraste'mSn)    n.     [Gk. 

para,  beside  ;  stetnon,  a  warp.]     A 
sterile  stamen  (dot.). 

parasternum  (parasteYnum)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  stcrnon,  the  breast.] 
The  sum-total  of  the  abdominal 
ribs  of  certain  Reptiles  (zool.). 

parastichy  (paras'tikl)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  stichos,  row.]  A  secondary 
spiral  in  phyllotaxis  (bot.). 

parately  (parat'eli)  n.  [Gk.  para, 
beside ;  telos,  end.]  Evolution 
from  unrelated  material  to  that  of 
type,  but  resulting  in  superficial 
resemblance  (biol.). 

parathyroid  (parathl'roid)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  thyreos,  a  shield.] 
Beside  the  thyroid ;  appl.  small 
brownish-red  glands  (anat.). 

paratonic  (paratSn'ik)  a.  [Gk.  para, 
beside;  tonos,  pitch.]  Stimulating; 
appl.  the  influence  of  light  on  grow- 
ing plants  (bot.). 

paravesical  (paraveVikal)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  vesica,  bladder.] 
Beside  the  bladder ;  appl.  a  fossa 

paraxial  (parak'sial)  a.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  L.  axis,  axle.]  Alongside 
the  axis  ;  appl.  a  medial  column  of 
mesoderm  (emb.). 

parencephalon  (par'SnkeTalon,  -s6f-) 
n.  \Gk.para,  beside  ;  engkephalon, 
brain.]  One  of  paired  cerebral 

parenchyma  (pareng'kima)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  engchyma,  infusion.] 
The  soft,  succulent  tissue  common- 
est in  plants  (bot.)  ;  the  ground- 
work tissue  of  organs  (zool.). 

parenchymalia  (pargng'klma'llaj  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  para,  beside  ;  engchytna, 
infusion.]  Spicules  of  the  paren- 
chyma of  Hexactinellids  (zoo/.). 

parenchymatous  (pargngkim'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  para,  beside  ;  engchyma,  in- 
fusion.] Pert,  or  found  in  paren- 
chyma ;  appl.  a  kind  of  cell  (bot.). 

parenchymula  (pargngkim'ula)  n. 
[Gk.  para,  beside ;  engchyma,  in- 
fusion.] A  flagellate  sponge  larva 
with  cavity  filled  with  gelatinous 
connective  tissue  (zool.). 

parental  generation, — see  F,,  Pj. 

parhomology  (par'hdmordji)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  homos,  alike  ;  logos, 
discourse.]  Apparent  similarity  of 
structure  (biol.). 



parles  (pa'rlez)  n.  [L.  paries,  wall.] 
The  central  division  of  a  compart- 
ment of  Cirripedia  (zool.~). 

parietal  (parietal)  a.  [L. paries,  wall] 
Pert,  or  forming  part  of  the  wall  of 
an  organ  or  structure  ;  appl.  cells, 
membrane,  lobe  (zool^)  ;  layer  (dot.}. 

parietal  bone, — a  paired  bone  of  the 
roof  of  the  skull. 

parietomastoid  (parl'etomas'toid)  a. 
[L.  paries,  wall ;  Gk.  mastos,  breast.] 
Connecting  mastoid  with  parietal ; 
appl.  a  suture  (anat.}. 

parieto-occipital  (pari'eto-oksip'ital)  a. 
[L.  paries,  wall ;  occiput,  back  part 
of  the  head.]  Appl.  a  fissure  be- 
tween parietal  and  occipital  lobes 
of  the  cerebrum  (anaf.). 

parietotemporal  (pari'etotem'poral)  a. 
[L.  paries,  wall  ;  temporalis,  tem- 
porary.] Pert,  parietal  and  tem- 
poral regions ;  appl.  an  artery 

paripinnate  (par'ipin'at)  a.  [L.  par, 
equal ;  pinna,  a  wing.]  Pinnate 
without  a  terminal  leaflet  (hot.}. 

paroccipital  (paroksip'ital)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  L.  occiput^  back  of 
the  head.]  Appl.  .ventrally-d«e£ted 
processes  of  the  exoccipitals 

paroecious  (pare'shus)  Si 
beside  ;  oikos,  a  house.] 
theridium   and  archegonium  close.' 
to  one  another  ;  paroicous  (bot.). 

parolfactory  (par'olfak'tori)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside ;  L.  olfactorius,  ol- 
factory.] Appl.  an  area  and  sulcus 
adjoining  the  olfactory  trigone  of 
the  rhinencephalon  (anaf.). 

paronychia  (par'omk'ia)  n.  plu.  _[Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  onyx,  nail.]  Bristles 
on  the  pulvillus  of  an  insect  foot 

paroophoron  (par'ooforon)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  oon,  egg  ;  pherein,  to 
bear.]  A  few  scattered  rudimentary 
tubules,  remnants  of  the  Wolffian 
body  in  the  female  (anaf.). 

parosteal  (paros'teal)  a.  [Gk.  para, 
beside  ;  osteon,  bone.]  Appl.  ab- 
normal bone  formations. 

parosteosis  (par'osteo'sTs)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  osteon,  bone.]  Bone 
formation  in  tracts  normally  purely 

parotic  (parot'ik)  n.  [Gk.  para,  be- 
side ;  ous,  ear.]  A  process  formed 

by1  fusion  of  exoccipital  and  opis- 
thotic  in  adult  lizards  (zool.}. 

parotid  glands,  —  paired  salivary 
glands  opening  into  the  mouth 
cavity  of  Mammals ;  in  some  Am- 
phibians large  swellings  on  the  side 
of  the  head  formed  of  aggregated 
cutaneousglands,  sometimes  poison- 
ous (zool.}. 

parovarium  (par'ova'rium)  n.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  L.  ovarium,  ovary.] 
A  small  collection  of  tubules  an- 
terior to  the  ovary,  the  remnant  in 
the  adult  of  the  embryonic  meso- 
nephros  (zool.~). 

parthenogenesis  (par'thenojSn'esis)  n. 
[Gk.  parthenos,  virgin  ;  genesis, 
descent.]  Reproduction  without 
fertilization  by  a  male  element 

parthenogenetic  (par'thenojenet'ik)  a. 

Sjk.  parthenos,  virgin ;  genesis, 
escent.]  Appl.  plants  or  animals 
developed  from  seed  or  ovum  with- 
out fertilization  by  pollen  or 
spermatozoon  (biol.\ 

parthenogonidia  (par'thenb'gonld'ia) 
n.  plu.  [Gk.  parthenos,  virgin  ; 
gonos,  offspring.]  Zooids  of  a 
protozoan  colony,  with  the  function 
of  asexual  reproduction  (sool.\ 

parthenospenn    (par'thenosperm)    n. 

j  [Gk.  parthenos,  virgin ;  sperma, 
seed.]  A  sperm  produced  without 
fertilization  (hot.}. 

parthenospore  (par'thenospor)  n. 
[Gk. parthenos,  virgin ;  sporos,  seed.] 
A  spore  produced  without  fertiliza- 
tion (bot.). 

partial  involucre, — see  involucel. 

partial  segmentation,  —  see  mero- 

partial  umbel, — see  umbellule. 

partite  (par'tlt)  a.  [L.  partitus, 
divided.]  Divided  nearly  to  the 
base  (bot.\ 

parumbilical  (par'umbil'ikal)  a.  [Gk. 
para,  beside  ;  umbilicus,  the  navel.] 
Beside  the  navel ;  appl.  small  veins 
from  the  anterior  abdominal  wall 
to  the  portal  and  iliac  veins  (anat.). 

patagial  (pata'jlal)  a.  [L.  patagium, 
a  border.]  Pert,  a  patagium. 

patagiate  (pata'jiat)  a.  [L. patagium, 
a  border.]  Furnished  with  a 

patagium  (pata'jium) n.    \L. patagium, 




a  border.]  The  membranous  ex- 
pansion between  fore  and  hind 
limbs  of  bats  and  flying  squirrels 
and  foxes  ;  the  similar  expansion 
on  a  bird's  wing  ;  a  tegula,  or 
dorsal  process  of  the  prothorax  of 
certain  Lepidoptera  (zool.}. 

patella  (pateTa)  n.  [L.  patella,  a 
small  pan.]  The  knee-cap  (zool.} ; 
a  rounded  apothecium  of  Lichens 

patellar  (patel'ar)  a.  [L.  patella,  a 
small  pan.]  Pert,  a  patella. 

patelliform  (patel'iform)  a.  {L.patella, 
a  small  pan  ; forma,  shape.]  Shaped 
like  a  patella ;  pan-shaped  ;  like  a 
bordered  disc. 

patent  (pat'fint)  a.  [L.  patens,  lying 
open.]  Spreading  widely  ;  ex- 
panded (biol.}. 

pathetic  (pathet'ik)  a.  [Gk.  pathos, 
feeling.]  Appl.  the  trochlear  nerve 
and  the  superior  oblique  muscle  of 
the  eye  (anat.}. 

pathogenic  (path'ojSn'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
patJws,  suffering  ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Disease-producing  ;  appl.  a  parasite 
in  relation  to  a  particular  host 

patina    (pat'ma)    n.      [L.   patina,    a 
dish.]     Circles  of  plates  round 
calyx  of  Crinoids  (zool:). 

patulent   (pat'ulent),'  patulous   ( 
iilus)     a.       [L.    patulus,    sta 
open.]    Spreading  open  ;  expa 

paturon  (patu'ron)  n.  [Gk.  patein, 
to  trample  on.]  The  basal  joint  of 
arachnid  chelicerae,  used  for  crush- 
ing and  expressing  the  -fluids  of 
insects  (zool.}. 

paulospore  (pol'ospor)  n.  [Gk.  paula, 
rest ;  sporos,  seed.]  A  resting  or 
winter  stage  in  development,  as  a 
cyst ;  a  stage  of  suspended  de- 
velopment (biol.}. 

paunch  (ponsh)  n.  [L.  pantex,  the 
paunch.]  The  rumen,  an  expansion 
of  the  oesophagus,  the  first  stomach 
of  ruminants  (zool.}. 

pavement  epithelium, —  simple 
squamous  epithelium  of  flat,  nucle- 
ated scales,  fitting  together  like 
mosaic  (phys.}. 

paxilla  (paksll'a)  n.  [L.  paxi/lits,  a 
peg.]  A  thick  plate  supporting 
calcareous  pillars,  the  summit  of 

each  covered  by  a  group  of  small 
spines,  —  a  structure  of  certain 
Stelleroids  (zool.}. 

paxillar  (paksll'ar)  a.  [L.  paxillus, 
a  peg.]  Pert,  a  paxilla. 

paxilliform  (paksll'iform)  a.  [L. 
paxillus,  a  peg ;  forma,  shape.] 
Shaped  like  a  paxilla. 

paxillus, — a  paxilla. 

pearl  (pgrl)  n.  [F.  perle,  a  pearl.] 
In  the  shells  of  some  Mussels,  an 
abnormal  growth  formed  with  a 
grain  of  foreign  matter  or  a  minute 
organism  for  nucleus  and  many  thin 
layers  of  nacre  surrounding  it  (zool.}. 

pectase  (pek'las)  n.  \Gk.pektos,  con- 
gealed.] An  enzyme  of  plants 
which  forms  vegetable  jelly. 

pecten  (pgk'tgn)  n.  [L.  pecten,  a 
comb.]  Any  comb-like  structure  ; 
a  process  of  the  inner  retinal 
surface  in  Reptiles,  expanded  into 
a  folded  quadrangular  plate  in 
Birds  ;  the  stridulating  organ  of 
certain  Arachnids  (zool.}. 

pectic  (pek'tik)  a.  [Gk.  pektos,  con- 
gealed.] Appl.  acids  and  bodies 
consislw^  of  pectase,  pectin, 

a.      [L.  pecten, 
a  pecten. 

(pgk'tinat)  a.  [L.  pecten, 
.]  Comb-like  ;  pectiniform  ; 
appl.  leaves  (bot.},  a  ligament  of  the 
iris  (anat.},  certain  gills,  pedi- 
cellariae  of  Asteroids,  a  septum 
between  the  corpora  cavernosa 

pectlneal  (pgkttn'eal)  a.  [L.  pecten, 
comb.]  Afpl.  a  process  of  the 
pubis  of  Birds  ;  appl.  a  ridge-line 
on  the  femur  and  the  muscle 
attached  thereto  (anat.}. 

pectinellae  (pek'tlnele)  n.  plu.  [L. 
pectinella,  a  small  comb.]  Trans- 
versely-planted, comb-like  mem- 
branellae  constituting  the  adoral 
ciliary  spiral  of  some  Infusoria 

pectinirhomb  (pSk'tlnlromb')  n.  [L. 
pecten,  comb  ;  Gk.  rhombos,  a  magic 
wheel.]  A  type  of  stereom-folding 
in  Cystidea  (zool.}. 

pectoral  (peYtoral)  a.  [L.  pectus, 
breast.]  Pert,  the  chest  ;  in  the 
chest  region  ;  appl.  arch,  girdle, 
fins,  limbs  (zool.}. 




pectoralis  major  and  minor,  —  outer 

and  inner  chest  muscles  connecting 

the  ventral  chest  wall  with  shoulder 

and  humerus  (zool.). 
pectus  (pSk'tiis)  n.     [L.  pectus,  breast.] 

The  chest  or  breast  region. 
pedal  (ped'al)  a.     [L.#es,  foot.]     Pert. 

the     foot     or     feet  ;    appl.    cords, 

pedate    (pgd'at)    a.      [L.    pes,    foot.] 

pedatipartite   (pedat'ipar'tit)    a.     [L. 

pes,  foot  ;  partitus,  divided.]     Appl. 

a    variety    of   palmate    leaf    with 

cymose  branching  of  the  third  order 

pedatisect  (pedat'rsgkt)  a.  [L.  pes, 
foot  ;  sectus,  cut.]  In  pedate 
arrangement,  and  with  divisions 
nearly  to  the  midrib  (bot.). 

pedicel  (pgd'isel)  n.  [L.  pediculus,  a 
small  foot.]  A  small,  short  foot- 
stalk of  leaf,  flower,  fruit,  or  spor- 
angium (bot.)  ;  the  foot-stalk  or 
stem  of  a  stationary  and  fixed  or- 
ganism (zool.). 

pedicellariae  (pgd'isglar'ie)  n.  plu. 
\L.  pediculus,  a  small  foot.]  Minute 
pincer-like  structures  studding  the 
surface  of  certain  Echinoderms 

pedicellate  (ped'isel'at)  a.  [L.  pedicu- 
lus,  a  small  foot.]  Supported  by  a 
pedicel  ;  appl.  Hymenoptera  with 
stalked  abdomen  ;  cf.  pseudo-sessile 

pedicellus  (ped'iseTus)  n.  [L.  pedicu- 
lus,  a  small  foot]  A  short  foot- 
stalk (bot.)  ;  the  second  joint  of 
insect  antennae  (zool.). 

pedicle  (pgd'ikl)  n.  [L.  pediculus,  a 
small  foot.]  A  short  stem  (bot.)  ; 
a  backward-projecting  vertebral 
process  (anat.)  ;  the  narrow  stalk 
uniting  thorax  with  abdomen  in 
Arachnids  (zool.). 

pedipalpus  (pgd'ipal'pus)  n.  [L.  pes, 
foot  ;  palpare,  to  feel.]  In  Arach- 
nids, the  second  cephalothoracic 
paired  appendage,  variously  a 
pincer-like  claw,  a  simple  or  leg- 
like appendage,  a  chelate  structure 

peduncle  (pfidung'kl)  n.  [L.  peduncu- 
lus,  a  small  foot.]  A  stem  or  stalk, 
supporting  flower  or  fruit  (bot.)  ;  a 
band  of  white  fibres  joining  differ- 

ent parts  of  the  brain  (anat.)  ;  the 
stalk  of  Brachiopods  and  Barnacles ; 
the  link  between  thorax  and  ab- 
domen in  Insects  and  Arachnids 

pedunculate  (pediing'kulat)  a.  [L. 
pedunculus,  a  small  foot.]  Growing 
on  or  having  a  peduncle  (biol.)  ; 
appl.  the  primordial  cerebral  lobe 
of  Hymenoptera  (zool.). 

pelagic  (pglaj'ik)  a.  [L.  pelagus,  the 
open  sea.]  Ocean-inhabiting. 

pelasgic  (pelas'jlk)  a.  [L.  Pelasgus, 
a  Pelasgian.]  Moving  from  place 
to  place. 

pellicle  (peTikl)  n.  [L.  pellicula,  a 
small  skin.]  The  delicate  pro- 
tective investment  of  Protozoa  ;  any 
filmy  protective  covering  (biol.). 

pellions  (pgl'ionz)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  pella, 
a  cup.]  Ring  of  plates  supporting 
the  suckers  of  Echinoids  ;  rosettes 

pelma  (pel'ma)  n.  [Gk.  pelma,  sole.] 
The  sole  of  the  foot. 

peloria  (pelo'ria)  n.  [Gk.  pelorios, 
monstrous.]  Condition  of  abnormal 
regularity  ;  a  modification  of  struc- 
ture from  irregularity  to  regularity 

peloric  (pelor'ik)  a.  [Gk.  pelorios, 
monstrous.]  Appl.  a  flower  which, 
normally  irregular,  becomes  regular 

pelta  (pel'ta)  n.  [Gk.  pdte,  a  shield.] 
The  shield-like  apothecium  of  cer- 
tain Lichens  (bot.). 

peltate  (peTtat)  a.  [Gk.  pelte,  a 
shield.]  Shield-shaped;  fastened 
to  the  stalk  at  a  point  within  the 
margin,  as  a  leaf  (bot.). 

pelvic  (pgl'vik)  a.  [L.  pelvis,  a  basin.] 
Pert,  or  situated  at  or  near  the 
pelvis  ;  appl.  girdle,  cavity,  fin, 
limbs,  plexus  (zool.). 

pelvis  (pel' vis)  n.  [L.  pelvis,  a  basin.] 
In  Vertebrates  the  bony  cavity 
formed  by  the  pelvic  girdle  along 
with  the  coccyx  and  sacrum  ;  the 
expansion  of  the  ureter  at  its 
junction  with  the  kidney  (anat.)  ; 
the  basal  portion  of  the  cup  of 
Crinoids  (zool.). 

pen  (pSn)  n.  [L.  penna,  a  feather.] 
A  leaf  midrib  (bot.) ;  the  skeletal 
part  of  a  cuttlefish  (zool.). 

pendulous    (pgn'dulus)   a.      [L.  pen- 




dere,  to  hang.]  Bending  down- 
wards from  the  point  of  origin  ; 
overhanging ;  appl.  ovules,  branches, 
flowers  (bo /.). 

penial  setae,  —  paired  needle-like 
chitinoid  bodies  at  the  anus  of  a 
round-worm,  which  also  serves  as 
reproductive  aperture  (zool.). 

penicillate  (pgn'isll'at)  a.  [L.  peni- 
cillum,  a  painter's  brush.]  Peni- 
cilliform  ;  pencil-shaped  ;  tipped 
with  hairs  ;  having  a  structure  like 
a  camel-hair  brush. 

penis  (pe'nls)  n.  [L.  penis,  a  penis.] 
The  male  copulatory  organ. 

pennaceous  (pfina'shus)  a,  [L.penna, 
feather.]  Penniform  ;  like  a  plume 
or  feather. 

pentacapsular  (pgn'takap'sular)  a. 
\Gk.  Pente,  five  ;  L.  capsula,  a  cap- 
sule.] With  five  capsules  (bot.). 

pentacarpellary  (pgn'takarpeTari)  a. 
[Gk.  pente,  five ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
With  five  carpels  (bot.). 

pentachenium  (pgn'take'nium)  n, 
[Gk.  pente,  five  ;  a,  not ;  chainein, 
to  gape.]  A  form  of  schizocarp 
with  five  carpels  (bot.). 

pentacoccous  (pSn'takok'us)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five  ;  kokkos,  kernel.]  With 
five  seeds  or  carpels  (bot.). 

pentacrinoid  (pgn'takrf  noid)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five ;  krinon,  a  lily ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  Resembling  a  Penta- 
crinus  ;  appl.  a  larval  stage  of 
Feather-stars,  the  fixed  stalked 
stage  like  a  Pentacrinus  (zool.). 

pentactinal  (pgntak'tTnal)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five  ;  aktis,  ray.]  Five-rayed  ; 

pentacyclic  (pgn'tasik'llk)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five  ;  kyklos,  a  circle.]  Ar- 
ranged in  five  whorls  (hot.}. 

pentadactyl  (pen'tadak'til)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five ;  daktylos,  a  finger.] 
Having  all  four  limbs  normally 
terminating  in  five  digits. 

pentadelphous  (pgn'tadeTfus)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five  ;  adelphos,  brother.] 
Having  five  clusters  of  more  or  less 
united  filaments  (bot.). 

pentafld  (pen'taffd)  a.  [Gk.  pente, 
five  ;  ~L.findere,  to  cleave.]  In  five 
divisions  or  lobes  (bot.). 

pentagonal  (pe'ntag'onal)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five  ;  gonia,  angle.']  Appl. 
the  symmetry  of  a  pentamerous 

flower  ;  quinary  ;  having  five  angles 

pentagynous  (pgntaj'inus)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five ;  gyne,  a  woman.]  Having 
five  styles  (bot.). 

pentamerous  (pentam'e'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five  ;  meros,  part.]  Com- 
posed of  five  parts  ;  in  whorls  of 
five  or  a  multiple  of  five  (bot.). 

pentandrous  (pgntan'drus)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five  ;  andros,  male.]  Having 
five  stamens  (&?/.)• 

pentapetalous  (pgn'tapeYalus)  a.  [Gk. 
Pente,  five ;  pefalon,  a  petal.] 
Having  five  petals  (bot.). 

pentapterous  (pfintap'tgrus)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five ;  pteron,  wing.]  With 
five  wings,  as  some  fruits  (bot.\ 

pentasepalous  (pgn'tasep'alus)  a. 
[Gk.  pente,  five  ;  sepalon,  sepal.] 
Having  five  sepals  (bot.\ 

pentastichous  (pgntas'tlkus)  a.  [Gk. 
pente,  five  ;  stichos,  a  row.]  Ar- 
ranged in  five  vertical  rows  (bot.~). 

pepo  (pe'po)  n.  [Gk.  pepon,  melon.] 
An  inferior  one-celled,  many- 
seeded  pulpy  fruit  (bot.\ 

pepsin  (pgp'sin)  n.  [Gk.  pepsis,  a 
digesting.]  An  enzyme  secreted 
by  the  stomach  (phys.}. 

peptic  (pgp'tik)  a.  [Gk.  pepsis,  a 
digesting,]  Relating  to  or  pro- 
moting digestion  ;  appl.  pepsin- 
secreting  glands  of  the  stomach 

peptonephridia  (pgp'tongfrfd'ia)  n.plu. 
[Gk.  pepsis,  digestion  ;  nephros* 
kidney.]  The  anterior  nephridia 
of  Oligochaets  which  function  as 
digestive  glands  (zool.}. 

peraeopods, — pereiopods. 

percurrent  (pgrkur'gnt)  a.  [L.  per- 
currens,  running  through.]  Ex- 
tending throughout  the  entire 
length,  or  from  base  to  apex  (bot.}. 

pereion  (pgrfon)  n.  [Gk.  peraioun,  to 
convey.]  The  thorax  of  Crustacea 

pereiopods  (pgrfopSdz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
peraioun,  to  convey ;  £ous,  foot.] 
The  locomotory  thoracic  limbs  of 
Malacostraca  ;  trunk-legs  (zool.). 

perennation  (pgr'gna'shun)  n.  [L. 
per,  through  ;  annus,  a  year.] 
Condition  of  living  for  a  number 
of  years  (bof.). 

perennial     (peYgnlal)     a.       [L     per, 




through  ;  annus,  year.]  Persisting 
through  the  year  or  for  a  number 
of  years  (tot.). 

perennibranchiate  (pgren'ibrang'kTat) 
a.  [L.  per,  through  ;  annus,  year  ; 
Gk.  brangchia,  gills.]  Having 
gills  persisting  throughout  life,  as 
certain  Amphibians  (zoo/.). 

perfoliate  (pgrfo'Hat)  a.  [L.  per, 
through  ;  folium,  leaf.]  Appl.  a 
leaf  with  basal  lobes  so  united  as 
to  appear  as  if  the  stem  ran  through 
it  (tot.). 

perforate  (per'forat)  a.  [L.  perforare, 
to  bore  through.]  Having  holes 
or  pores,  as  Corals,  Foraminifers 
(zool.) ;  appl.  certain  areas  of  the 
brain  perforated  by  small  blood- 
vessels (anat.). 

perforator  (pgr'fora'tor)  n.  [L.  per- 
forare, to  bore  through.]  A  barbed 
spear-like  head  and  process  of  some 
spermatozoa,  as  of  Salamander 

perhydridase  (pgrhl'dridas)  n.  [L. 
per,  through ;  Gk.  hydor,  water.] 
An  enzyme  which  causes  the 
activation  of  perhydride  hydrogen 

perianth  (per'ianth)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round ;  anthos,  flower.]  A  floral 
envelope ;  the  external  floral  whorls, 
including  calyx  and  corolla  (tof.). 

periblast  (pgr'iblast)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  blastos,  a  bud.]  The  outside 
layer,  epiblast,  or  blastoderm  of  an 
insect  embryo  (emb.}. 

periblastic  (pgriblas'tlk)  a.  [Gk.peri, 
round  ;  blastos,  a  bud.]  Pert,  the 
periblast ;  superficial,  as  appl. 
segmentation  (emb.}. 

periblastula  (pgr'iblas'tula)  n.  [Gk. 
Peri,  round ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  blastula 
resulting  from  periblastic  segmenta- 
tion (emb.}. 

periblem  (pgrTblgm)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  blema,  a  coverlet.]  Layers 
of  ground  or  fundamental  tissue 
between  dermatogen  and  plerome 
of  growing  points  (tot.). 

peribranchial  (pgr'ibrang'klal)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
Around  the  gills  ;  appl.  a  type  of 
gemmation  and  an  atrial  cavity  in 
Ascidians  ;  appl.  circular  spaces 
surrounding  basal  parts  of  papulae 
of  Asteroids  (zoo/.). 

pericardiac  (per'fkar'diak),  peri- 
cardial  (pgrTkar'dial)  a.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  kardia,  heart.]  Pert,  the 
pericardium ;  surrounding  the 
heart  ;  appl.  cavity,  septum  (anat.}. 

pericardium  (pgrTkar'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round ;  kardia,  heart.]  The 
cavity  containing  the  heart ;  the 
membrane  enveloping  the  heart 

pericarp  (pgr'ikarp)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  The  ovary 
walls  of  fruits  (tot.). 

pericentral  (pgr'isen'tral)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  L.  centrum,  centre.] 
Round  or  near  the  centre  ;  appl. 
auxiliary  cells  (tot.}. 

perichaetium  (pgr'ike'shlum)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  chaite,  loose  hair.] 
One  of  the  membranes  enveloping 
the  archegonia  of  Mosses  (tot.). 

perichondrium     (pgr'ikon'drium)     n. 

fGk.  peri,  round  ;  chondros,   carti- 
age.J     A    fibrous  membrane   that 
covers  cartilages  (anat.}. 
perichordal     (per'ikor'dal)     a.      [Gk. 
peri,     round  ;      chorde,     a     cord.] 
Enveloping  or  near  the  notochord 

perichylous  (pgr'iki'lus)  a.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  chylos,  juice.]  With  water- 
storage  cells  outside  the  chlor- 
enchyma  (tot.). 

pericladium  (per'ikla'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
Peri,  round  ;  klados,  a  branch.] 
The  lowermost  clasping  portion  of 
a  sheathing  petiole  (tot.). 

periclinal  (pgr'ikll'nal)  a.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  kleiein,  to  surround.]  Appl. 
the  system  of  cells  parallel  to  the 
surface  of  the  apex  of  a  growing 
point  (tot.}. 

periclinium  (pgr'Iklin'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
Peri,  round  ;  kline,  a  bed.]  The 
involucre  of  a  composite  flower 

pericranium  (pgr'ikra'nium)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round ;  kranion,  skull.]  The 
fibrous  membrane  investing  the 
skull  (anat.}. 

pericycle  (pgr'isfkl)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round ;  kyklos,  a  circle.]  The 
external  layer  of  the  stele  (tot.). 

peridental  (pgrTden'tal)  a.  [G\L.peri, 
round  ;  L.  dens,  tooth.]  Investing 
a  tooth  ;  appl.  a  membrane,  or  the 
periosteum  of  a  root  (anat.}. 




peridenn  (pgr'idgrm)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  derma,  skin.]  The  outer 
layer  of  bark  (dot.} ;  the  external 
cuticular  layer  of  Hydrozoa  (zool.}. 
peridesm  (pgr'idgzm)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  desme,  a  bundle.]  Tissue 
surrounding  a  vascular  bundle  (bot.}. 
peridesmium  (pgr'fdgz'mium)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  desmos,  a  band.] 
Tissue  surrounding  a  ligament 

peridlal  (perld'ial)  a.  [Gk.  peridion, 
a  small  wallet.]  Pert,  a  peridium 

perididymis  (pgr'idid'imTs)  n.  [Gk. 
pert,  round  ;  didymos,  a  testicle.] 
The  fibrous  covering  of  the  testis 

peridiolum  (pgrid'iolum)  n.  [Gk. 
peridion,  a  small  wallet.]  A  small 
peridium  or  collection  of  spores 
enclosed  within  the  peridial  covering 

peridium  (pgrid'ium)  n.    [Gk. peridion, 
a  small  wallet.]     The  coat  investing 
the  sporophore  of  Fungi  ;  the  outer 
covering  of  a  puff-ball  (dot.}. 
peridural   (pgrtdu'ral)  a.     [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  L.  durus,  hard.]    Appl.  the 
perimeningeal  space  at  a  later  stage 
of  development  (emb.}. 
perienteric     (pgrtgn'tgrik)     a.      [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  enteron,  the  gut.]     Sur- 
rounding the  enteron  (zool.}. 
perienteron   (pgrtgn'tgron)   n.      [Gk. 
peri,     round ;    enteron,    gut.]      A 
cavity  surrounding  the  enteron  or 
visceral  cavity  (emb.}. 
perifbliary  (pgrWliari)  a.     [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  L.  folium,  a  leaf.]     Round 
a  leaf  margin  (bot.\ 
perigastric     (pgr'igas'trlk)     a.      [Gk. 
peri,     round ;     gaster,     stomach.] 
Surrounding  the  viscera  ;  appl.  the 
abdominal  cavity. 

perigastrula  (per'igas'troola)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  gaster,  stomach.] 
The  gastrula  resulting  after  super- 
ficial segmentation  (emb.}. 
perigonium  (peVigo'nlum)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  gone,  generation.]  A 
floral  envelope  or  perianth  ;  the 
involucre  round  the  antheridium  of 
Mosses  (bot.} ;  a  gonotheca  (zool.}. 
perigynium  (pSr'fjTn'Ium)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  gyne,  a  female.]  The 
fruit-investing  utricle  of  the  genus 

Carex  ;   the   membranous  perianth 
of  Mosses  (bot.}. 

perigynous  (pgrlj'mus)  a.  [Gk.  peri, 
round ;  gyne,  female.]  Having 
sepals,  petals,  stamens  round  the 
gynoecium,  not  underneath ;  cf. 
hypogynous  (bot.}. 

perigyny  (pgrij'inl)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  gyne,  a  female.]  Arrange- 
ment in  a  perigynous  manner. 
perihaemal  (peYlhe'mal)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  haima,  blood.]  Appl. 
the  blood-vascular  system  of  canals 
and  spaces  of  Echinoderms  ;  appl. 
dorsal  outgrowths  of  the  third  body- 
cavity  of  Enteropneusta  (zool.}. 
perilymph  (peYllimf)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  L.  lympha,  water.]  A  fluid 
separating  the  membranous  from 
the  osseous  labyrinth  of  the  ear 

perimedullary      (peYime'duTari)      a. 
[Gk.  peri,  round  ;    L.  medulla,   the 
marrow.]     Surrounding  the  pith  of 
a  stem  ;  appl.  a  zone  (bot.}. 
perimeningeal     (pgr'imgnTn'jeal)      a. 
[Gk.  peri,  round  ;  meningx,  a  mem- 
brane.]   Appl.  a  space  between  the 
endorhachis  and  the  meninx  primi- 
tiva  or  spinal  cord  envelope  (emb.}. 
perimysium    (pgrTmiz'ium)   n.      [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  mys,  a  muscle.]     Con- 
nective  tissue  binding  numbers  of 
fibres    into    bundles   and  muscles, 
and  continuing  into  the  tendons  ; 
alternatively,  appl.  only  to  fasciculi 
envelopes  ;  cf.  epimysium  (anaf.}. 
perinaeal   (pgr'Ine'al)  a.      [Gk.  peri- 
naion,  the  part  between  anus  and 
scrotum.]      Pert,   the    perinaeum  ; 
appl.  artery,  body,  nerve  (anat.}. 
perinaeum  (pgr'Ine'um)  n.     [Gk.  peri- 
naion,  the  part  between  anus  and 
scrotum.]    A   surface  of  the  body 
limited  by  the  scrotum  in  front,  the 
buttocks  behind,  and  laterally  by 
the  medial  side  of  the  thigh  (anaf.}. 
perinephrium  (pgr'ingf'rlum)  n.     [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  nephros,  kidney.]    The 
enveloping    tissue    of   the    kidney 

perineurium  (pgr'inu'rlum)  n.  [Gk. 
pert,  round  ;  neuron,  a  nerve.]  The 
tubular  sheath  of  a  small  bundle  of 
nerve  fibres  (anat.}. 
perinium  (pgrln'fum)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  is,  a  fibre.]  An  epispore, 




or  microspore-coating  of  certain 
Pteridophytes  (hot.). 

periodicity  (pe'riodis'itT)  n.  [Gk.peri, 
round  ;  odos,  a  way.]  The  fulfil- 
ment of  functions  at  regular  periods 
or  intervals  ;  rhythm  (£&/.). 

perioesophageal  (per'ie'sofaje'al)  a. 
[Gk.peri,  round  ;  oisophagos,  gullet.] 
Surrounding  the  oesophagus  ;  appl. 
a  nerve  ring  (zoo/.). 

periosteum  (peYlos'teum)  n.  [Gk. 
pert,  round ;  osteon,  bone.]  The 
connective  membranous  tissue  in- 
vesting the  surface  of  bones  (anat.). 

periostracum  (per'los'trakum)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  ostrakon,  shell.]  The 
chitinous  external  layer  of  most 
Mollusc  shells  (zoo/.). 

periotic  (peViot'ik)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  ous,  ear.]  A  cranial  bone 
enclosing  parts  of  the  membranous 
labyrinth  of  the  internal  ear  (anat.). 

peripetalous  (per'ipet'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  petalon,  a  leaf.]  Sur- 
rounding petals  or  a  petaloid  struc- 
ture (oof.). 

peripharyngeal  (peYifarin'jeal)  a. 
[Gk.peri,  round  ;  pharyngx,  gullet.] 
Encircling  or  surrounding  the 
pharynx  ;  appl.  the  cilia  of  Ascidi- 
ans  (zoo/.). 

peripheral  (pgrlfgral)  a.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  Distant 
from  the  centre  ;  near  the  circum- 
ference ;  appl.  end-organs  of  nerves, 
nervous  system  (anal.). 

peripherical  (per'ifeYikal)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
Appl.  an  embryo  more  or  less 
completely  surrounding  the  endo- 
sperm in  the  seed  (dot.). 

periphery  (pe'rif'e'ri)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  The 
boundary  outline  of  a  surface  or 

periphysis  (pgrlf'isis)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  physis,  growth.]  In  certain 
Fungi,  a  filament  branching  from 
a  hymenium  without  asci  (bot.). 

periplasin  (per'iplazm)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;^/«^wa,somethingmoulded.] 
The  region  of  an  oogonium  outside 
the  oosphere,  in  Fungi  (bot.). 

periplast  (peYiplast)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  plastos,  moulded.]  The 
attraction-sphere  (cyt.)  ;  the  ecto- 
plasm of  flagellates  ;  the  firm  cuticle 

of    certain  .  Mastigophora  ;    inter- 
cellular substance  of  tissues  (zoo/.). 

peripneustic  (peVipnu'stik)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;pneustikos,pert.  breath- 
ing.] Having  stigmata  arranged 
along  the  sides  of  the  body,  normal 
in  insect  larvae  (zoo/.). 

periproct  (per'iprokt)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round ;  proktos,  anus.]  The  surface 
immediately  surrounding  the  anus 
of  Echinoids  (zoo/.). 

perisarc  (peYlsark)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round ;  sarx,  flesh.]  The  tough 
outer  membrane  of  Hydrozoa  (zoo/.). 

periscleral  (peYiskle'ral)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  skleros,  hard.]  Appl. 
a  lymph-space  external  to  the  sclera 
of  the  eye  (anat.). 

perisome  (peYisom)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  soma,  body.]  A  body-wall ; 
the  integument  of  Echinoderms 

perisperm  (peYisperm)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  sperma,  seed.]  The  re- 
mains of  the  nucellus  of  an  ovule 
when  it  is  not  all  absorbed  during 
development  of  the  embryo  (bot.). 

perispore  (per'ispor)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round;  sporos,  seed.]  A  spore- 
covering  ;  the  mother  cell  in  Algae 
spores  (bot.). 

peristalsis  (per'istal'sis)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  s  tell  fin,  to  place.]  Move- 
ment of  the  digestive  tract,  by  which 
food  is  digested  and  absorbed,  by 
means  of  involuntary  muscles 

peristaltic  (pgr'istal'tlk)  a.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  stellein,  to  place.]  Af. 
the  movement  by  which  fo 
digested,  forced  along  the  aliment- 
ary canal  (pkys.). 

peristethium  (peYiste'thmm)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round ;  stethos,  breast.]  An 
insect  mesosternum. 

peristome  (peVistom)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round;  stoma, mouth.]  The  region 
surrounding  the  mouth  ;  used  in 
connection  with  Mosses  (bot.),  Vorti- 
cella,  Actinozoa,  Annulates,  Insects 

perisystole  (peVfsis'tole)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  systole,  a  drawing  together.] 
The  interval  elapsing  between 
diastole  and  systole  of  the  heart 

perithecium  (per'ithe'shium)  n.     [Gk. 




peri,  round ;  theke,  a  case.]  A 
flask-shaped  cavity  with  terminal 
ostiole  in  stroma  of  Fungi  (hot.}. 

peritoneal  (peVitone'al)  a.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  teinein,  to  stretch.]  Pert. 
the  peritoneum  ;  appl.  cavity,  fossa, 
membrane  (anat.). 

peritoneum  (peYitone'um)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round ;  teinein,  to  stretch.] 
A  serous  membrane  partly  applied 
against  the  abdominal  walls,  partly 
reflected  over  the  contained  viscera 

peritreme  (per'itrem)  n.  [Gk.  peri, 
round  ;  trema,  a  hole.]  The  margin 
of  a  shell-opening  ;  the  small  plate 
perforated  by  the  spiracle-opening 
in  Insects  (zoo/.). 

peritrichous  (peVitrik'us)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  thrix,  hair.]  Having 
the  adoral  band  of  cilia  arranged 
in  a  spiral  as  in  Vorticella  (zoo/.). 

peritrochium  (peYitro'klum)  n.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  trochos,  a  wheel.]  A 
ciliary  band  ;  a  circularly  ciliated 
larva  (zoo/.). 

peritrophic  (per'itrof'ik)  a.  [Gk.peri, 
round  ;  trophe,  food.]  Appl.  a  fold 
of  membrane  in  the  latter  part  of 
the  intestine  of  Insects  (zoo/.). 

perivascular  (peVivas'kular)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round  ;  L.  vasculum,  a  small 
vessel.]  Surrounding  the  blood- 
vessels ;  appl.  lymph  channels 

perivisceral  (peVivIs'gral)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round ;  L.  viscera,  bowels.] 
Surrounding  the  viscera  ;  appl.  the 
body  cavity. 

perivitelline  (pgr'Tvitglfn)  a.  [Gk. 
peri,  round ;  L.  vitellus,  yolk  of 
egg.]  Surrounding  the  yolk  of  an 

permanent  cartilage,— cartilage 
which  remains  unossified  through- 
out life  ;  opp.  temporary  (zoo/.). 

permanent  teeth, — the  set  of  teeth 
developed  after  the  milk  or  decidu- 
ous dentition  ;  the  second  set  of 
most,  the  third  set  of  some,  the  first 
set  of  other  Mammals. 

permanent  tissue,— tissue  consisting 
of  cells  which  have  completed  their 
period  of  growth  and  subsequently 
change  little  till  they  lose  their 
protoplasm  and  die  (bot.}. 

Permian    (peYmtan)    a.      [Perm,    E. 

Russia.]  The  sixth  rock-system  of 
the  primary  group  (pall). 

peronate  (peVonat)  a.  [L.  peronatus, 
rough  -  booted.]  Covered  with 
woolly  hairs ;  powdery  or  mealy 
externally  (btol.}. 

peroneal  (pgrone'al)  a.  [Gk.  perone, 
the  fibula.]  Pert,  or  lying  near  the 
fibula  ;  appl.  artery,  nerve  (anat.}. 

peroneotibial  (peYone'otlb'Ial)  a.  [Gk. 
perone,  fibula  ;  L.  tibia,  the  tibia.] 
In  the  region  of  fibula  and  tibia  ; 
appl.  certain  muscles  (anat.}. 

peronium  (pSro'mum)  n.  \Gk.perone, 
a  fibula.]  In  Trachomedusae,  one 
of  the  mantle-rivets,  or  cartilaginous 
processes  ascending  from  the  disc 
margin  towards  the  centre  (zoo/.). 

peroral  (pSro'ral)  a.  [L.fler,  through  ; 
os,  mouth.]  Appl.  a  membrane  of 
Infusoria  formed  by  concrescence 
of  rows  of  cilia  (zoo/.). 

peroxidase  (pgrflk'sidas)  n.  [L.  per, 
through ;  Gk.  oxys,  sharp.]  An 
enzyme  which  causes  the  activation 
of  peroxide  oxygen  (phys.}. 

perradius  (peYra'dtus)  n.  [L.  per, 
through  ;  radius,  a  radius.]  One  of 
four  primary  radii  of  Coelenterates 

persistent  (pSrsIs'tSnt)  a.  [L.  per, 
through  ;  sistere,  to  be  fixed.]  Re- 
maining attached  till  maturation, 
as  a  corolla  (dot.}  ;  appl.  organs  or 
parts  in  the  adult  which  normally 
disappear  with  larval  stage  or 
youth,  as  gills  (zoo/.). 

person  (peVs5n)  n.  [L.  persona,  a 
person.]  An  individual  or  zooid  of 
a  colony  (zoo/.). 

personate  (peYsonat)  a.  [L.  person- 
atus,  masked.]  Appl.  a  corolla  of 
two  lips,  closely  approximated  and 
with  a  projection  of  the  lower  closing 
the  throat  of  the  corolla  (dot.}. 

perspiration  (peYspfra'shun)  n.  [L. 
per,  through  ;  spirare,  to  breathe.] 
Exudation  or  excretion  through  the 
pores  of  the  skin  (phys.}. 

pertusate  (pgrtu'sat)  a.  [L.  pertusus, 
thrust  through.]  Pierced  at  the 
apex  (oof.). 

perula  (peVula,  pgr'oola)  n.  [Gk. 
Pera,  a  wallet.]  A  leaf-bud  scale 

pervalvar  (pgrval'var)  a.  [L.  per, 
through  ;  valvae,  folding-doors.] 




Dividing    a    valve    longitudinally 

pervious  (per'vius)  a.  [L.per,  through  ; 
via,  a  way.]  Perforated  ;  permeable 
(btol.}  ;  appl.  nostrils  with  no  septum 
between  the  nasal  cavities  (zool.}. 
pes  (pez)  n.  [L.  pes,  foot.]  A  foot  or 
foot-like  structure  ;  as  certain  parts 
of  the  brain,  branches  of  the  facial 
nerve  (anat.}. 

pessulus  (peVulus)  n.  [L.  pessulus,  a 
bolt.]  An  internal  skeletal  element 
in  the  syrinx  of  some  Birds, 
petal  (pet'al)  n.  \Gk.petalon,  a  petal.] 
One  of  the  separate  parts  of  a 
corolla  (bot.}. 

petaliform  (pgtal'iform)  a.  [Gk. 
petalon,  petal ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
Petal-shaped  ;  petal-like  ;  petaloid  ; 

petalled  (peVald)  a.  [Gk.  petalon,  a 
petal.]  With  petals  ;  petaliferous  ; 
opp.  apetalous  (bot.}. 
petalody  (pgtal'ddi)  n.  [Gk.  petalon, 
petal :  eidos,  resemblance.]  Con- 
version of  other  parts  of  a  flower 
into  petals  (hot.). 

petaloid  (p&'aloid)  a.  [Gk.  petalon, 
petal ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Like  a 
petal  (biol.} ;  appl.  the  ambulacral 
areas  of  certain  Echinoderms  (zool.}. 
petaloideous  (pet'aloid'eus)  a.  [Gk. 
petalon,  petal ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Petaloid  ;  appl.  monocotyledons 
with  coloured  perianth  (bot}. 
petasma  (p£taz'ma)  n.  \Gk.petasma, 
anything  spread  out.]  A  compli- 
cated membranous  plate  on  the 
inner  side  of  the  peduncle  with 
interlocking  coupling  hooks,  an 
apparatus  of  certain  Crustacea 

petiolar  (pgt'iolar)  a.  [L.  petiolus, 
a  little  foot.]  Pert,  having,  or 
growing  on  a  small  stalk  (bot.}. 
petiolate  (pgt'iolat)  a.  [L.  petiolus, 
a  small  foot.]  Growing  on  a  petiole 
(bot.} ;  having  thorax  and  abdomen 
connected  by  a  petiole  (zool.}. 
petiole  (pet'iol)  n.  [L.  petiolus,  a 
small  foot.]  The  foot-stalk  of  a 
leaf  (bot.}  ;  a  slender  stalk  connect- 
ing thorax  and  abdomen  in  Insects 

petiolule  (pgt'io'lul)  n.  [L.  petiolus, 
a  small  foot.]  The  foot-stalk  of  a 
leaflet  of  a  compound  leaf  (bot.}. 

petrohyoid  (pet'rohi'oid)  a.  [Gk. 
petros,  stone  ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
Pert,  hyoid  and  petrous  part  of 
temporal  (anat.}. 

petromastoid  (pet'romas'toid)  a.  [Gk. 
petros,  stone  ;  mastos,  breast.]  Pert. 
the  mastoid  process  and  the  petrous 
portion  of  the  temporal  (anat.}. 
petrooccipital  (pet'rooksip'ital)  a. 
[Gk.  petros,  stone  ;  L.  occipzit,  back 
of  the  head.]  Pert,  occipital  and 
petrous  part  of  temporal  ;  appl.  a 
fissure  (anat.}. 

petrosal  (pgtro'sal)  a.  [Gk.  petros, 
stone.]  Solidly  bony  ;  appl.  a 
sphenoidal  process,  a  ganglion  of 
the  glossopharyngeal,  to  nerves  and 
sinus  in  the  region  of  the  petrous 
portion  of  the  temporal  bone  (anat.}; 
appl.  the  otic  bones  of  Fishes  (zool. }. 
petrosphenoidal  (pet'rosfenoid'al)  a. 
[Gk.  petros,  stone  ;  sphen,  wedge.] 
Pert,  sphenoid  and  petrous  part  of 
temporal  ;  appl.  a  fissure  (anat.}. 
petrosquamosal  (pet'roskwamo'sal)  a. 
[Gk.  petros,  stone  ;  L.  squama, 
scale.]  Pert,  squamosal  and  petrous 
part  of  temporal  ;  appl.  sinus  and 
suture  (anat.}. 

petrotympanic  (pSt'rotimpan'ik)  a. 
\G\a.petros,  stone ;  tympanon,  drum.] 
Pert,  tympanum  and  petrous  por- 
tion of  temporal ;  appl.  a  fissure 

petrous  (pet'riis)  a.  [Gk.  petros, 
stone.]  Very  hard  or  stony  ;  appl. 
a  pyramidal  portion  of  the  tem- 
poral .bone  wedged  in  between 
sphenoid  and  occipital  ;  also  a 
ganglion  on  its  lower  border 

Peyer's  patches,  —  oval  patches  of 
aggregated  lymph  follicles  on  the 
intestine  walls  (zool.}. 
phacella  (fasgl'a)  n.  [Gk.  phakelos, 
a  bundle  of  faggots.]  A  delicate 
filament  with  mesogloea  core,  and 
supplied  with  stinging  capsules, 
occurring  in  rows  in  the  stomach 
of  certain  Coelenterates  (zool.}. 
phacoid  (fak'oid)  a.  [Gk.  phako,  a 
lentil ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Lentil- 

phaeism    (fe'izm)     n.       [Gk.    phaios, 
dusky.]       Duskiness  ;      appl.     the 
colouring  of  butterflies, 
phaeochrome     (fe'okrom)    n.       [Gk. 




phaios,  dusky ;  chroma,  colour.] 

phaeochrous  (feSk'rus)  a.  [Gk.phaios, 
dusky  ;  chros,  colour.]  Of  dusky 

phaeodium  (feo'dlum)  n.  \Gk..phaios, 
dusky ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  In 
certain  Protozoa,  an  aggregation 
of  food  and  excretory  substances 
forming  a  mass  round  the  central 
capsule  aperture  (zool.). 

phaeophyll  (fe'of  il')  n.  [Gk.  phaios, 
dusky;  phyllon,  a  leaf.]  The 
colouring  matter  of  brown  Algae 

phagocyte  (fag'oslt)  n.  [Gk.  phagein, 
to  eat ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  colour- 
less blood-corpuscle  which  tends 
to  take  in  and  destroy  foreign 
particles  (phys.). 

phagocytosis  (fag'oslto'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
phagein,  to  eat ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
The  ingestion  and  destruction  of 
microparasites  by  phagocytes 

phagolysis(fagorisTs)  n.  [Gk.  phagein, 
to  eat ;  lysis,  a  loosing.]  Dissolu- 
tion of  phagocytes  (phys.}. 

phalange  (')  n.  [Gk.  phalangx, 
line  of  battle.]  A  bundle  of  stamens 
united  by  filaments  (dot.). 

phalangeal  (falan'jeal)  a.  [Gk. 
phalangx,  line  of  battle.]  Pert,  the 
phalanges  ;  appl.  bones,  processes 
of  Corti's  rods,  etc.  (anat.). 

phalanx  (fal'angks)  //.,  phalanges 
(falan'jez)  plu.  [Gk.  phalangx,  line 
of  battle.]  Segments  of  the  digits 
of  Vertebrates. 

phallus  (fal'us)  n.  [Gk.  phallos, 
penis.]  A  penis. 

phanerocodonic  (fan'erokodon'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  phaneros,  manifest ;  kodon,  a 
bell.]  Appl.  detached  and  free- 
swimming  zooids  of  a  hydroid 
colony  (zool.). 

phanerogam  (fangr'ogam)  n.  [Gk. 
phaneros,  manifest ;  games,  union.] 
A  phaenogam  or  plant  with  con- 
spicuous flowers ;  cf.  cryptogam 

phanerogamous  (fanSrog'amus)  a. 
[Gk.  phaneros,  manifest :  gamos, 
union.]  Appl.  plants  with  flowers 
containing  pistils  and  stamens 

pharyngeal  (farin'jeal,    far'inje'al)   a. 

[Gk.  pharyngx,  gullet  or  windpipe.] 
Pert,  the  pharynx ;  ap>pl.  artery, 
membrane,  nerve,  tonsil,  tubercle, 
veins  (anat.). 

pharyngobranchial  (farlng'gobrang'- 
klal)  a.  [Gk.  pharyngx,  gullet ; 
brangchia,  gills.]  Pert,  pharynx 
and  gills  ;  appl.  certain  bones  of 
Fishes  (zool.). 

pharyngopalatine  (farlng'gopal'atin) 
a.  [Gk.  pharyngx,  gullet ;  L.  pal- 
atus,  palate.]  Pert,  pharynx  and 
palatine  ;  appl.  arch  and  muscle 

pharynx  (faYingks)  n.  {Gk.  pharyngx, 
gullet  or  windpipe.]  A  musculo- 
membranous  tube  extending  from 
the  under  surface  of  the  skull  to 
the  level  of  the  sixth  cervical  ver- 
tebra (anat.)  ;  the  gullet  or  anterior 
part  of  the  alimentary  canal  follow- 
ing the  buccal  cavity  (zool.). 

phelloderm  (feToderm)  n.  [Gk. 
phellos,  cork  ;  derma,  skin.]  The 
secondary  parenchymatous  suber- 
eous cortex  of  trees,  formed  on  the 
inner  side  of  the  cork-cambium 

phellogen  (fel'ojen)  n.  [Gk.  phellos, 
cork  ;  gene,  production.]  The  cork 
cambium  of  tree  stems,  arising  as  a 
secondary  meristem  (dot.). 

philtrum  (fil'trum)  n.  [Gk.  philiron, 
a  philtre.]  The  depression  on  the 
upper  lip  beneath  the  septum  of  the 
nose  (anat.). 

phlebenterlsm  (fleb6n'tgrtzm)  n.  [Gk. 
phleps,  vein ;  enteron,  intestine.] 
Condition  of  having  branches  of 
the  intestine  extending  into  other 
organs,  as  arms  or  legs  (zool.). 

phleboedesis  (flebe'desls)  n.  [Gk. 
phleps,  vein  ;  oidein,  to  swell.] 
Condition  of  having  the  circulatory 
system  cavity  so  distended  and 
insinuated  as  to  diminish  the 
coelom,  especially  so  in  Molluscs 

phloem  (flo'Srn)  n.  [Gk.  phloios, 
smooth  bark.]  The  soft  bast  of 
vascular  bundles,  consisting  of 
sieve-tube  tissue  (dot.). 

phloem  parenchyma,  —  thin -walled 
parenchyma  associated  with  the 
sieve-tubes  of  phloem  (dot.). 

phloem  sheath,— the  pericycle,  to- 
gether with  the  inner  layer  of  a 



bundle  sheath  where  the  latter 
consists  of  two  layers  (bot.}. 

phloeoterma  (fle'oteYma)  n.  [Gk. 
phloios,  bark  ;  terma,  end.]  Endo- 
dermis  ;  innermost  layer  of  cortex 

pholidosis  (fol'ido'sis)  n.  [Gk.  pholis, 
scale.]  Scale  arrangement  of  scaled 

phonation  (fb'na'shun)  n.  [Gk.  phone, 
sound.]  Of  Insects,  sound  pro- 

phoranthium  (foran'thium)  n.  [Gk. 
pherein,  to  bear ;  anthos,  flower.] 
The  receptacle  of  composite  plants 

phorozooid  (fo'rozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
pherein,  to  bear ;  zoon,  animal  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Foster  forms 
of  Doliolum  buds,  never  sexually 
mature  but  set  free  with  gonozooids 
attached  to  a  ventral  outgrowth 

phosphene  (fos'fen)  n.  [Gk.  phos, 
light ;  phainein,  to  show.]  A  light 
impression  on  the  retina  due  to 
stimulus  other  than  rays  of  light 

phosphorescence  (fos'fores'ens)  n. 
[Gk.  phosphoros,  bringing  light.] 
The  state  of  being  luminous  without 
sensible  heat ;  common  in  marine 
Protozoa,  some  Copepods,  and  the 
majority  of  deep-sea  animals. 

photodynamics  (fo'todinam'iks)  n. 
[Gk.  phos,  light  ;  dynamis,  strength.] 
The  study  of  the  effects  of  light- 
stimulation  on  plants  (hot.}. 

photogen  (fo'tojen)  n.  [Gk.  phos, 
light ;  gene,  production.]  The  light- 
producing  organ  of  certain  Poly- 
chaets  (zool}. 

photogenic  (fo'tojgn'ik)  a.  [Gk.  phos, 
light ;  gene,  production.]  Light- 
producing  ;  phosphorescent. 

photopathy  (fotop'athi)  «.  [Gk. 
phos,  light  ;  pathos,  feeling.]  Re- 
sponse 16  light  stimulus  (bot.}. 

photophilous  (fotof'ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
phos,  light  ;philos,  loving.]  Seeking 
and  thriving  in  strong  light  (hot.}. 

photophore  (fo'tofor)  n.  [Gk.  phos, 
light ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A  phos- 
phorescent organ  of  Fishes  (zool.}. 

photophygous  (fotofigus)  a.  [Gk. 
phos,  light ;  phyge,  flight]  Avoiding 
strong  light  (biol}. 

photospheres  (fo'tosf  erz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
phos,  light  ;  sphaira,  a  globe.] 
Luminous  organs  of  certain  Crus- 
tacea (zool.}. 

photosynthesis  (fo'tosin'thests)  n. 
[Gk.  phos,  light  ;  synthesis,  a  putting 
together.]  Carbon  assimilation 

phototaxis  (f  6'totak'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
phos,  light  ;  taxis,  an  arrangement.] 
Response  to  the  stimulus  of  light 

phototonus  (fo'toto'nus)  n.  \Gk.phos, 
light  ;  tonos,  a  stretching/]  Sensi- 
tiveness to  light  ;  the  condition  of 
a  plant  or  plant  organ  induced  by 
light  (bot.}. 

phototropism  (fdtot'ropizm)  n.  [Gk. 
phos,  light  ;  trope,  a  turning.]  The 
tendency  shown  by  most  plants  to 
turn  their  growing  parts  towards 
the  greater  light  (bot.}. 

pliragma  (frag'ma)  n.  [Gk.  phragina, 
a  fence.]  A  spurious  dissepiment  ; 
a  septum  (bot.}  ;  a  thoracic  partition 
in  Insects  (zool}. 

phragmocone  (frag'mokon)  n.  [Gk. 
phragma,  fence  ;  konos,  a  cone.] 
In  Belemnites  and  other  Molluscs, 
a  cone  divided  internally  by  a  series 
of  septa  perforated  by  a  siphuncle 

phrenic  (fren'ik)  a.  [Gk.  phren, 
diaphragm.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region 
of  the  diaphragm  ;  appl.  artery, 
nerve,  plexus,  vein  (anal}. 

phrenicocolic  (fren'lkokol'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
phren,  diaphragm  ;  kolon,  part  of 
intestine.]  Appl.  a  ligament,  con- 
sisting of  a  fold  of  peritoneum  from 
left  colic  flexure  to  diaphragm  (anat.}, 

phrenicocostal  (fren'lkokos'tal)  a, 
[Gk.  phren,  diaphragm  ;  L.  costa, 
rib.]  Appl.  a  narrow  slit  or  sinus 
between  the  costal  and  diaphrag- 
matic pleurae  (anat.}. 

phrenicolienal  (frgn'iktille'nal)  a.  [Gk. 
phren,  diaphragm  ;  L.  lien,  spleen.] 
Appl.  a  ligament  forming  part  of 
the  peritoneum  reflected  over  the 
spleen  and  extending  to  the  dia- 
phragm (anat}. 

diak)  a.  [Gk.  phren,  diaphragm  ; 
peri,  round  ;  kardia,  heart.]  Appl. 
a  ligament  extending  from  dia- 
phragm to  pericardium  (anat.}. 




phycochrome  (fl'kokrom)  n.  [Gk. 
phykos,  seaweed  ;  chroma,  colour.] 
The  colouring  matter  of  blue-green 
Algae  (dot.). 

phycocyanln  (ffkosi'anin)  n.  [Gk. 
phykos,  seaweed  ;  kyanos,  dark  blue.] 
The  pigment  of  blue-green  Algae 

phycoerythrin  (f  I'koeVithrin)  n.  [Gk. 
phykos,  seaweed  ;  erythros,  red.] 
The  colouring  matter  of  red  Algae 

phycology  (fikol'qjT)  n.  [Gk.  phykos, 
seaweed  ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
part  of  Botany  dealing  with  Algae. 

phycophaein  (fi'kofe'm)  n.  [Gk. 
phykos,  seaweed  ;  phaios,  dusky.] 
The  pigment  of  brown  Algae  (hot.}. 

phycoxanthin  (fl'kozan'thin)  n.  [Gk. 
phykos,  seaweed  ;  xanthos,  yellow.] 
The  buff-coloured  substance  of 
diatoms  (bot.). 

phylactocarp  (filak'tokarp)  n.  [Gk. 
phylaktikos,  guard  ing;  karpos,  fruit.] 
A  modification  of  the  hydrocladium 
in  Hydromedusae  for  the  protec- 
tion of  the  gonophore  (zool.). 

phylepheblc  (fi'lefe'bik)  a.  [Gk. 
phylon,  a  race  ;  ephebeia,  manhood.] 
Appl.  the  adult  stage  in  race 
history  (biol.). 

phyletic  (fllet'ik)  a.  [Gk.  phylon, 
race.]  Pert,  a  phylum  or  race 

phyllade  (fil'ad)  n.  [Gk.  phyllas, 
foliage.]  A  reduced  scale-like  leaf 

phyllary  (fil'ari)  n.  [Gk.  phyllon, 
leaf.]  One  of  the  bracts  of  the  in- 
volucres of  Compositae  (dot.). 

phyllidia  (filid'ia)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
phyllidion,  a  little  leaf.]  Four  out- 
growths from  the  side  of  the  scolex 
ofCestoidea;  bothridia  (zool.). 

phyllobranchia  (fil'obrang'kia)  n. 
[Gk.  phyllon,  .leaf  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
A  gill  consisting  of  numbers  of 
lamellae  or  thin  plates  (zool.). 

phyllocladium  (fil'okla'dlum)  n.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  klados,  sprout.]  A 
green  flattened  or  rounded  stem 
functioning  as  a  leaf,  as  in  Cactus 

phyllocyst  (f  il'osTst)  n.  [Gk.  phyllon, 
leaf;  kystis,  bladder.]  The  rudi- 
mentary cavity  of  a  hydrophyllium 
or  protective  medusoid  (zool.). 

phyllode  (ffl'od)  n.  [Gk.  phyllon, 
leaf ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  A  winged 
petiole  with  flattened  surfaces  placed 
laterally  to  the  stem,  functioning  as 
a  leaf  (bot.). 

phyllody  (fil'odi)  n.  [Gk.  phyllon, 
leaf;  eidos,  resemblance.]  The 
metamorphosis  of  an  organ  into  a 
foliage  leaf  (bot.). 

phyllogenetlc  (ffl'qjeneYik)  a.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  genesis,  descent.] 
Producing  or  developing  leaves 

phylloid  (fil'oid)  a.  [Gk.  phyllon, 
leaf;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Leaf-like. 

phyllomania  (fiToma'nia)  n.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  mania,  madness.] 
Abnormal  leaf-production  (bot.). 

phyllomorphosis  (fTl'omor'fosis)  n. 
[Gk.  phyllon,  leaf;  morphe,  form.] 
Phyllody ;  variation  of  leaves  at 
different  seasons  (bot.). 

phyllophagous  (filof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Feeding  on  leaves  (zool.}. 

phyllophore  (fil'ofor)  n.  [Gk.  phyllon, 
leaf;  pherein,  to  bear.]  The  ter- 
minal bud  or  growing  point  of 

phyllophorous  (filof'orus)  a.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
Bearing  or  producing  leaves  (bot.). 

phyllopode  (fil'opod)  n.  [Gk. phyllon, 
leaf ;  pous,  foot.]  A  sheathing  leaf 
of  Isoetes  (bot.). 

phyllopodium  (fll'opo'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  pous,  foot.]  The 
axis  of  a  leaf  (bot.). 

phyllopodous  (filop'odus)  a  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  pous,  foot.]  Having 
leaf-like  swimming-feet,  as  in  Bran- 
chiopods  and  Cladocera  (zool.). 

phylloptosis  (fllopto'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  ptosis,  a  falling.] 
The  fall  of  the  leaf  (bot.). 

phyllospondylous  (fil'ospon'dilus)  a. 
[Gk.  phyllon,  leaf;  sphondylos, 
vertebra.]  Appl.  vertebrae  con- 
sisting of  hypocentrum  and  neural 
arch,  both  contributing  to  the 
hollow  transverse  process,  as  in 
Stegocephals  (zool.). 

phyllotaxis  (fil'otak'sTs)  n.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
The  system  of  leaf-arrangement  on 
an  axis  or  stem  (bot.). 

phylloxanthin, — see  xauthophyll. 




phyllozooid  (fll'ozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
phyllon,  leaf;  zoon,  animal.]  A 
shield-shaped  medusoid  of  pro- 
tective function  ;  a  hydrophyllium 
of  Hydromedusae  (zool.). 

phylogenesis, — phylogeny. 
phylogenetic  (fl'lqjengt'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
phylon,  race ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Pert,  race  -  history  ;  appl.  repro- 
ductive cells  as  opp.  autogenetic  or 
body  cells  (biol.). 

phylogeny  (flloj'eni)  n.  [Gk.  phylon, 
race ;  genesis,  descent.]  The 
history  of  the  development  of  a 
species  or  race,  as  opp.  ontogeny, 
that  of  the  individual  {biol.}. 

phylogerontic  (fl'lqjgron'tlk)  a.  [Gk. 
phylon,  race  ;  geron,  an  old  man.] 
Appl.  the  decadent  stage  in  race- 
history  (biol.). 

phylon  (fi'lon),  phylum  (fl'lum)  n. 
phyla  (fTla)  plu.  [Gk.  phylon,  a 
race  or  tribe.]  A  group  of  animals 
or  plants  constructed  on  a  similar 
general  plan  ;  a  division  in  classifi- 
cation (biol.). 

phyloneanic  (fi'lonean'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
phylon,  race ;  neanikos,  youthful.] 
Appl.  the  youthful  stage  in  race- 
history  (biol.'). 

phylonepionic  (fl'longp'ionlk)  a.  [Gk. 
phylon,  race  ;  nepios,  infant.]  Appl. 
the  post-embryonic  stage  in  race- 
history  (biol.). 

physicist  (fiz'isist)  n.  [Gk.  physikos, 
physical.]  An  upholder  of  the 
theory  that  vital  phenomena  are 
explicable  on  a  physico-chemical 
basis  (biol.). 

physiogeny  (fiziqj'e'ni)  n.  [Gk.  physis, 
nature  ;  gene,  production.]  The 
development  of  vital  activities 

physiological  zero, — see  zero. 

physiology  (ffz'iol'oji)  n.  [Gk. physis, 
nature ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
study  of  functions  and  activities  of 

physoclistous  (fi'soklls'tus)  a.  [Gk. 
physa,  bladder ;  kleiein,  to  close.] 
Having  no  channel  connecting 
swim-bladder  and  digestive  tract, 
as  in  most  Teleosts  (zool.). 

physodes  (fl'sodz)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  physa, 
a  bubble.]  Spindles  of  phoro- 
glucin  contained  in  the  plasmodium 
of  certain  Sarcodina  (zool.). 

physostomous  (fisos'tomus)  a.  [Gk. 
physa,  a  bladder  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
Having  swim-bladder  and  digestive 
tract  connected  throughout  life  by 
the  pneumatic  duct,  as  in  Ganoids 

phytobiology  (fl'tobloTqji)  n.  [Gk. 
phyton,  plant ;  bios,  life  ;  logos,  dis- 
course.] The  life-history  of  plants. 

phytochemistry  (fftokem'istri)  n. 
[Gk.  phyton,  plant  ;  chymeia,  an 
infusion.]  The  chemistry  of  plant 

phylogenesis  (fi'tojen'e'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
phyton,  plant ;  genesis,  descent.] 
The  development  of  plants. 

phytogeography  (fi'tojeog'rafi)  n. 
[Gk.  phyton,  plant  ;  ge,  earth  ; 
graphein,  to  write.]  Geographical 
distribution  of  plants. 

phytoid  (fi'toid)  a.  [Gk.  phyton, 
plant ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Plant- 

phytology  (fltol'djl)  n.  [Gk.  phyton, 
plant  ;  logos,  discourse.]  Botany. 

phytoma  (flto'ma)  n.  [Gk.  phyton, 
plant.]  Vegetative  plant-substance 

phytomer  (fl'tomer)  n.  [Gk.  phyton, 
plant ;  meros,  part.]  A  structural 
unit  of  a  plant  ;  a  bud-bearing  node 

phytomorphic  (fl'tomor'fik)  a.  [Gk. 
phyton,  plant ;  morphe,  form.]  With 
plant-like  structure. 

phyton  (fl'ton)  n.  [Gk.  phyton,  plant.] 
A  rudimentary  plant ;  a  phytomer 

phytonomy  (fiton'oml)  n.  \Gk.phyton, 
plant ;  nomos,  law.]  The  laws  of 
origin  and  development  of  plants. 

phytophagous  (fitof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
phyton,  plant ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Feeding  on  plants ;  herbivorous 

phytophilous  (fltofilus)  a.  [Gk. 
phyton,  plant ;  philos,  loving.] 
Plant-eating  (zool.). 

phytophysiology  (fl'tofiz'iol'qji)  n. 
[Gk.  phyton,  plant ;  physis,  nature  ; 
logos,  discourse.]  Plant  physiology, 
a  branch  of  Botany, 
phytoplasm  (fl'toplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
phyton,  plant  ;  plasma,  something 

•   moulded.]      The     protoplasm     of 

plants  (bot.). 
pia  mater  (pe'a  mat'eY,  pl'a  ina'ter)  n. 




[L.  pia  mater,  kind  mother.]  A 
delicate  highly  vascular  membrane 
investing  brain  and  spinal  cord 

pigment  (pig'me'nt)  n.  [L.  pingere, 
to  paint.]  Colouring  matter  in 
plants  or  animals. 

pigment  cell, — a  chromatophore  or 
cell  containing  colouring  matter 

pigmentation  (plg'me'nta'shun)  n.  [L. 
pingere,  to  paint.]  Disposition  of 
colouring  matter  in  an  organ  or 
organism  (dio!.). 

pileate i  (pll'ea'te'd)  a.  [L. pileus,  a  felt 
cap.]  Crested  ;  appl.  Birds  (zoo!.). 

pileolated  (pil'eola'tgd)  a.  [L.  pileolus, 
a  small  cap.]  Furnished  with  a 
small  cap  or  caps. 

pileolus  (plle'olus)  n.  [L.  pileolus,  a 
small  cap.]  A  small  pileus. 

pileorhiza  (pll'eori'za)  n.  [L.  pileus, 
a  cap  ;  Gk.  rhiza,  root.]  A  root- 
covering  ;  a  root-cap  (dot.). 

pileum  (pil'eum)  n.  [L.  pileum,  a 
cap.]  The  top  of  the  head  region 
of  a  bird. 

pileus  (pll'eus)  n.  [L.  pileus,  a  felt 
cap.]  The  umbrella-shaped  struc- 
ture of  a  mushroom  (dot.),  or  of  a 
jelly-fish  (zoo/.). 

pilidium  (pllid'ium)  n.  [Gk.  pilidion, 
a  small  cap.]  The  characteristic 
helmet-shaped  larva  of  Nemertines 

pilifer  (pil'Ifgr)  n.  [L.  pilus,  hair ; 
ferre,  to  carry.]  Part  of  the  labrum 
of  Lepidoptera  (zoo!.). 

piliferous  (pilif'grus)  a.  [L.  pilus, 
hair  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Bearing  or 
producing  hair  (dto!.) ;  appl.  the 
outermost  layer  of  a  root  or  epi- 
blema  which  gives  rise  to  root- 
hairs  (oof.). 

pilose  (pflos)  a.  [L.  pilus,  hair.] 

pilus  (pl'lus)«.  [L.  fli/us,  hair.]  One 
of  slender  hair  -  like  structures 
covering  some  plants  (oof.). 

pinacocytes  (pin'akoslts)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
pinax,  a  tablet  ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
The  flattened  plate-like  cells  of  the 
dermal  epithelium  of  Sponges 

pincers,  —  prehensile  claws,  as  of 
lobster ;  chelae  of  Insects  ;  cheli- 
cerae  of  Arachnids  (zoo!.). 

pinealis  (pine'alls)  n.  [L.  pinea,  a 
pine-cone.]  An  upgrowth  from  the 
roof  of  the  midbrain  of  Vertebrates  ; 
the  pineal  body  or  gland  or  eye. 

pinna  (pln'a)  n.  [L.  pinna,  a  feather.] 
A  leaflet  of  a  pinnate  leaf  (do/.)  ; 
the  outer  ear  ;  a  bird's  feather  or 
wing  ;  a  fish-fin  (zoo!.). 

pinnate  (pin'at)  a.  [L.  pinna,  a 
feather.]  Divided  in  a  feathery 
manner;  with  lateral  processes  ;  of 
a  compound  leaf,  having  leaflets 
on  each  side  of  an  axis  or  midrib 

pinnatifld  (pinat'ifid)  a.  [L.  pinna, 
feather  ;  findere,  to  cleave.]  Appl. 
leaves  lobed  about  half-way  to  the 
midrib  (fot.). 

pinnatilobate  (plnat'ilo'bat)  a.  [L. 
pinna,  feather  ;  Gk.  lobos,  a  lobe.] 
With  leaves  pinnately  lobed  (oof.). 

pinnation  (plna'shun)  n.  [L.  pinna, 
feather.]  Pinnate  condition  (boi.\ 

pinnatipartite  (plnat'Ipar'tlt)  a.  [L. 
pinna,  feather  ;  partitus,  divided.] 
With  leaves  lobed  three-quarters  of 
the  way  to  the  midrib  (oof.). 

pinnatiped  (pinat'ipgd)  a.  [L.  pinna, 
feather  ;  pes,  foot.]  Having  lobed 
feet,  as  certain  Birds. 

pinnatisect  (ptnat'isekt)  a.  [L.  pinna, 
feather ;  sectus,  cut.]  With  leaves 
lobed  almost  down  to  the  base  or 
midrib  (dot.). 

pinnatodentate  (plnat'odeVtat)  a.  [L. 
pinna,  feather  ;  dens,  tooth.]  Pin- 
nate, with  toothed  lobes  (dof.). 

pinnatopectinate  (pfnat'opeVtlnat)  a. 
[L.  pinna,  feather  ;  pecten,  a  comb.] 
Pinnate,  with  pectinate  lobes  (dof.). 

pinnlform  (ptn'lform)  a.  [L.  pinna, 
feather;  forma,  shape.]  Feather- 
shaped  or  fin- shaped  (dio!.). 

pinninervate  (pln'IneVvat)  a.  [L. 
pinna,  feather ;  nervus,  a  sinew.] 
With  veins  disposed  like  parts  of  a 
feather  (dof.). 

pinnule  (pln'ul)  n.  [L. pinna,  feather.] 
A  secondary  leaflet  of  a  bipinnate 
leaf  (dot.) ;  in  Crinoids,  one  of  the 
side-branches,  two  rows  of  which 
fringe  the  arms  (zoo!.). 

pinulus  (ptn'ulus)  n.  [L.  pinulus,  a 
small  fir.]  A  spicule  resembling  a 
fir-tree  owing  to  the  development 
of  numerous  small  spines  from  one 
radial  ray  (zool.\ 





piscicolous  (pisik'olus)  a.  [L.  piscis, 
fish  ;  colere,  to  inhabit.]  Living 
within  fishes,  as  certain  parasites 

pisciform  (pis'iform)  a.  [L.  piscis, 
fish  ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped  like 
a  fish. 

piscivorous  (pisiv'orus)  a.  [L.  piscis, 
fish  ;  vorare,  to  devour!]  Fish- 

pisiform  (pl'siform)  a.  [L.  pisum,  a 
pea  ;  forma,  shape.]  Pea-shaped  ; 
appl.  a  carpal  bone  (zool.). 
pisohamate  (pi'soham'at)  a.  [L. 
pisum,  pea  ;  hamus,  a  hook.]  Appl. 
a  ligament  connecting  pisiform  and 
hamate  bones  (anat.). 
pisometacarpal  (pl'somet'akar'pal)  a. 
[L.  pisum,  pea  ;  Gk.  meta,  beyond  ; 
L.  carpus,  wrist.]  Appl.  a  ligament 
connecting  the  pisiform  bone  with 
the  fifth  metacarpal  (anat.}. 
pistil  (pTs'tll)  n.  [L.  pistillum,  a 
pestle.]  The  seed-bearing  organ 
of  a  flower,  consisting  of  ovary  and 
stigma  (bot.). 

pistillate  (pis'tilat)  a.  [L.  pistillum, 
a  pestle.]  Bearing  pistils  or  female 
reproductive  organs  (bot.). 
pistillidium  (pistilid'ium)  n.  [L. 
pistillum,  a  pestle.]  The  female 
sexual  organ  of  Bryophytes, 
Pteridophytes,  and  Gymnosperms 

pistillody  (pis'tllodi)  n.  [L.  pistillum, 
a  pestle  ;  Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.] 
The  conversion  of  any  organ  of  a 
flower  into  carpels  (bot.). 
pistillum  (ptstil'um)  n.  [L.  pistillum, 
a  pestle.]  A  mass  of  muscle  in  a 
chitinous  tube  in  the  aurophore  of 
a  medusoid  colony  (zool.). 
pit  (pit)  n.  [h..S.pyt,  a  pit.]  A  de- 
pression formed  in  the  course  of 
cell-wall  thickening  in  plant  tissue 
(bot.}  ;  an  embryonic  olfactory 
depression  (smb.}. 

pitcher  (pit'sher)  n.  [L.L.  picarium, 
a  beaker.]  A  modification  of  a  leaf 
for  insect-catching  purposes,  as  the 
pitcher-shaped  leaf  of  Nepenthes 

pith  (pith)  n.     [A.S./z'Ma,  pith.]     The 

medulla    or    central    region    of   a 

dicotyledonous  stem  (bot.). 

pituitary   (pitu'itari)  a.      [L.  pituita, 

phlegm.]    Appl.  a'  body   or  hypo- 

physis of  the  hypothalamus  of  the 
brain  (anat.). 

pivot  joint, — a  trochoid  joint,  or  one 
in  which  the  movement  is  limited 
to  rotation  (phys.). 

placenta  (plasen'ta)  n.  [L.  placenta, 
a  flat  cake.]  The  ovule-bearing 
part  of  the  carpel  (bot.) ;  in  eutherian 
Mammals,  a  double  vascular  spongy 
structure  formed  by  interlocking  of 
foetal  and  maternal  tissue  in  the 
uterus,  and  in  which  maternal  and 
foetal  blood  are  in  close  proximity, 
allowing  nutritive  and  respiratory 
elements  to  pass  from  the  former  to 
the  latter  by  osmosis. 

placental  (plasen'tal)  a.  [L.  placenta, 
a  flat  cake.]  Pert,  a  placenta  or 
similar  structure  ;  appl.  Mammals 
which  develop  a  placenta. 

placentate  (plasen'tat)  a.  {L.  placenta, 
a  flat  cake.]  Having  a  placenta 
developed  (biol,). 

placentation  (plas'enta'shun)  n.  [L. 
placenta,  a  flat  cake.]  The  manner 
in  which  seeds  are  attached  to  the 
pericarp,  whether  axile,  central, 
marginal,  or  parietal  (bot.). 

placentiferous,  placentigerous,  — pla- 

placochromatic  (plak'okromat'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  plax,  a  plate  ;  chroma,  colour.] 
With  plate-arrangement  of  chrom- 
atophores  (cyt.). 

placoid  (plak'oid)  a.  [Gk.  plax,  a 
plate  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Plate- 
like  ;  appl.  the  hard  scales  or  dermal 
teeth  on  the  external  surface  of 
Elasmobranchs  (zool.). 

placula  (plak'ula)  n.  \G\a.plax,  plate.] 
A  flattened  blastula  with  small 
segmentation  cavity,  an  embryonic 
stage  of  Urochords  (emb.). 

plagiotropic  (pla'jiotrop'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
plagios,  oblique  ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Obliquely  inclined  ;  appl.  roots  and 
branches  (bot.). 

plagiotropism  (pla'jiot'rb'pizm)  n. 
[Gk.  plagios,  oblique ;  trope,  a 
turning.]  Tendency  to  incline 
from  the  vertical  line  (bot.). 

plagiotropous  (pla'jiot'ropus)  a.  [Gk. 
plagios,  oblique  ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Obliquely  inclined  ;  appl.  the  asym- 
metrical polar  cap  of  Rhombozoa 

planiform  (pla'niform)  a.     [L.  planus, 




level ;  forma,  shape.]  With  nearly 
flat  surface  ;  appl.  certain  articula- 
tion surfaces. 

plankton  (plangk'tSn)  n.  [Gk. 
plangktos,  wandering.]  The  animal 
and  plant  life  floating  through 
water,  including  animals  with  weak 
locomotory  power  (biol.}. 

planoblast  (plan'oblast)  n.  [Gk. 
pianos,  wandering  ;  blastos,  bud.] 
A  free-swimming  hydroid  individual 

Planogamete  (plan'ogainef)  n.  [Gk. 
pianos,  wandering;  gamete,  a 
spouse.]  A  ciliated  motile  proto- 
plast or  microzoospore  of  Algae 

planont  (plan'ont)  n,  [Gk.  pianos, 
wandering.]  The  initial  amoebula- 
stage  of  Neosporidia  (zool.}. 

planta  (plan'ta)  n.  [L.  planta,  sole  of 
the  foot.]  The  sole  of  the  foot ; 
the  first  tarsal  joint  of  Insects. 

plantar  (plan' tar)  a.  [L.  planta,  sole 
of  the  foot.]  Pert,  the  sole  of  the 
foot ;  appl.  arteries,  ligaments, 
muscles,  nerves,  veins  (anat.}. 

plantigrade  (plan'tlgrad)  a.  [L. 
planta,  sole  of  the  foot ;  gradus,  a 
step.]  Walking  with  the  whole  sole 
of  the  foot  touching  the  ground. 

plantula  (plan'tula)  n.  [L.  plantula, 
a  small  sole.]  The  empodium  or 
pulvillus  of  Insects  (zool.}. 

planula  (plan'ula)  n.  [L.  planus, 
flat.]  The  ovoid  young  free- 
swimming  larva  of  Coelenterates 

planum  (plan'um)  n.  [L.  planus, 
flat.]  A  plane  or  area  ;  appl.  cer- 
tain cranial  bone  surfaces  (anat.}. 

plasma  (plaz'ma)  n.  [Gk.  plasma, 
something  formed.]  The  "liquid 
tissue  "  of  body  fluids  through  which 
leucocytes  and  corpuscles  are  dis- 
seminated ;  protoplasm  generally 

plasm  a  tic  (plazmat'Ik)  a.  [Gk. 
plasma,  something  formed.]  Pert. 
plasma  ;  protoplasmic  (biol.}. 

plasmatoparous    (plaz'matop'arus)   a. 

Cik.  plasma,  something  formed  ; 
parere,  to  beget.]  Developing 
a  mycelium  directly  upon  germina- 
tion instead  of  zoospores,  as  the 
grape  mildew  and  other  Plasmopara 

plasmocyte     (plafmoslt)      n.       [Gk. 

plasma,  something   formed  ;   kytos, 

hollow.]    A  leucocyte  (pkys.}. 
plasmodial     (plazmo'dlal)     a.       [Gk. 

plasma,    a     mould  ;    eidos,    form.] 

Pert,  a  plasmodium. 
plasmodiocarp     (plazmo'dlokarp')    n. 

[Gk.  plasma,  a  mould  ;  eidos,  form  ; 

karpos,  fruit]     A  modification  of  a 

ilasmodium  in  some  slime  Moulds 

plasmodium  (plazmo'dlum)  n.  [Gk. 
plasma,  a  mould  ;  eidos,  form.]  A 
collection  of  amoeboid  masses 
without  nuclear  fusion  ;  the  naked 
protoplasm  of  Myxomycetes  (biol.}. 

plasmogamy , — plastogamy. 

plasmolysis  (plazmol'isis)  n.  [Gk. 
plasma,  a  mould  ;  lysis,  a  loosing.] 
The  withdrawal  of  water  from  plant 
protoplasm,  causing  contraction  of 
cell  walls  (bot }. 

plasmosome  (plaz'mosom)  n.  [Gk. 
plasma,  a  mould  ;  soma,  body.] 
The  true  nucleolus  ;  cf.  karyosome 

plasmotomy  (plazmot'oml)  n.  [Gk. 
plasma,  a  mould  ;  tome,  a  cutting.] 
Division  of  a  plasmodium  by  cleav- 
age into  two  or  more  multinucleate 
parts  (biol.}. 

plasome  (plas'om)  n.  [Gk.  plasma,  a 
mould  ;  soma,  body.]  An  ultimate 
vital  unit ;  a  biophore.  See  hypo- 
thetical units. 

plastic  (plas'tik)  a.  [Gk.  plastos, 
formed.]  Formative ;  appl.  sub- 
stances used  in  forming  or  building 
up  tissues  or  organs  ;  appl.  force 
which  gives  matter  definite  form 

plastid  (plas'tid)  n.  [Gk.  plastos, 
formed.]  A  cell-body  other  than 
nucleus  or  centrosome  (cyt.}. 

plastidogen  organ, — the  axial  organ 
of  Echinoderms  (zool.}. 

plastidule  (plas'tldul)  n.  [G\i-plastos, 
formed.]  The  ultimate  vital  unit ; 
a  plasome  or  biophore.  See  hypo- 
thetical units. 

plastin  (plas'tln)  n.  [Gk.  plastos, 
formed.]  A  substance  found  in  the 
reticulum  of  cells  (cyt.}. 

plastodynamia  (plas'todlnam'ia)  n. 
[Gk.  plastos,  formed ;  dynatnis, 
power.]  Plastic  or  formative  force 




plastogamy  (plastog'ami)  n.  [Gk. 
plastos,  formed  ;  games,  marriage.] 
Union  of  distinct  protozoan  indi- 
viduals with  fusion  of  cytoplasm 
but  not  of  nuclei  (zool.}. 

plastral  (plas'tral)  a.  [F.  plastron,  a 
breast-plate.]  Pert,  a  plastron. 

plastron  (plas'tron)  n.  [F.  plastron, 
a  breast-plate.]  The  ventral  bony 
shield  of  Tortoises  and  Turtles  ; 
some  other  corresponding  struc- 
tures (zool.}. 

plate  (plat)  n.  [L.  platus,  flat.]  A 
flat,  broad,  plate-like  structure  or 
surface  ;  a  lamina,  scale,  disc,  etc. 

platydactyl  (plat'idak'til)  a.  [Gk. 
platys,  flat ;  daktylos,  a  finger.] 
With  flattened-out  fingers  and  toes, 
as  certain  tailless  Amphibians 

platysma  (platiz'ma)  n.  [Gk. platysma, 
a  flat  piece.]  A  broad  sheet  of 
muscle  beneath  the  superficial  fascia 
of  the  neck  (anat.}. 

plectonephridia  (plek'tonefrid'ia)  n. 
plu.  [Gk.plektos,  twisted  ;  nephros, 
kidney.]  Nephridia  of  diffuse  type 
formed  of  networks  of  fine  excretory 
tubules  lying  on  the  body-wall  and 
septa  of  certain  Oligochaetes  ; 
plectonephria,  nephridia  (zool.}. 

pleiocyclic  (pll'osfk'llk)  a.  [Gk.  pleion, 
more ;  kyklos,  circle.]  Living 
through  more  than  one  cycle  of 
activity,  as  a  perennial  plant  (bot.}. 

pleiomerous  (pliom'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
pleion,  more  ;  meros,  part.]  Having 
more  than  the  normal  number  of 
parts,  as  of  petals  or  sepals  (bot.}. 

pleiophyllous  (plfoftTus)  a.  [Gk. 
pleion,  more ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Having 
more  than  the  normal  number  of 
leaves  or  leaflets  (bot.}. 

pleiotaxy  (pli'otak'si)  n.  [Gk.  pleion, 
more ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  A 
multiplication  of  whorls,  as  in 
double  flowers  (bot.}. 

pleomorphous  (ple'6m6r'fus)  a.  [Gk. 
pleon,  more  ;  morphe,  form.]  Poly- 
morphous ;  having  two  or  more 
distinct  forms  occurring  in  one  life- 
cycle  (biol.}. 

pleon  (ple'on)  n.  [Gk.  pleein,  to  sail.] 
The  abdominal  region  of  Crus- 
taceans (zool.}. 

pleopod  (ple'opod)  n.  [Gk.  pleein,  to 
sail ;  pous,  foot.]  An  abdominal 

appendage  or  swimming -leg  of 
Crustaceans  (zool.}. 

plerocestoid  (pler'oses'toid)  n.  [Gk. 
pleros,  full ;  kestos,  girdle ;  eidos, 
form.]  A  inetacestode,  or  sexless 
encysted  stage  of  a  cestoid  worm 

plerome  (pleYom)  n.  [Gk.  pleroma, 
completion.]  The  core  or  central 
part  of  an  apical  meristem  (bot.}. 

pleura  (ploo/a)  n.  [Gk.  pleura,_  a 
side.]  A  serous  membrane  lining 
the  thoracic  cavity  and  investing 
the  lung  (anat.}. 

pleural  (ploor'al)  a.  [Gk.  pleura,  a 
side.]  Pert,  a  pleura  or  pleuron  ; 
as  pleural  ganglia  (zool.}. 

pleuralia  (ploora'lia)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
pleura,  a  side.]  Defensive  spicules 
scattered  over  the  general  surface 
of  the  body  (zool.}. 

pleurapophysis  (ploor'apofisls)  n, 
[Gk.  pleura,  a  side ;  apo,  from ; 
physis,  growth.]  A  lateral  verte- 
bral process  or  true  rib  (zool.}. 

pleurite  (ploor'lt)  n.  [Gk.  pleura,  a 
side.]  A  pleuron. 

pleurobranchiae  (ploor'obrang'kie)  n. 
plu.  [Gk. pleura,  a  side  ;  brangchia, 
gills.]  Pleurobranchs,  or  gills 
springing  from  the  lateral  walls  of 
the  thorax  of  certain  Arthropods 

pleurocarpous(ploor'6kar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
pleura,  a  side  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Appl. 
Mosses  with  fructification  on  lateral 
branches  (bot.}. 

pleurocentrum  (ploor'osen'triim)  n. 
[Gk.  pleura,  a  side  ;  L.  centrum,  a 
centre.]  A  lateral  element  of  the 
centrum  of  many  Fishes  and  fossil 
Amphibians  (zool.}. 

pleurocerebral  (ploor'6'seYebral)  a. 
[Gk.  pleura,  a  side  ;  L.  cerebrum, 
brain.]  Pert,  pleural  and  cerebral 
ganglia,  in  Molluscs  (zool.}. 

pleurodont  (ploor'odont)  a.  [Gk. 
pleura,  side ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having 
teeth  fixed  by  their  sides  to  the 
lateral  surface  of  the  jaw  ridge,  as 
in  some  Lizards  (zool.}. 

pleuron  (ploor'on)  n.,  pleura  (ploor'a), 
plu.  [Gk.  pleuron,  a  side.]  The 
external  lateral  pieces  of  the  body 
segments  of  Arthropods  ;  the 
lateral  extensions  of  Crustacean 
shells  (zool.}. 



pleuropedal  (ploo/oped'al)  a.  [Gk. 
pleura,  a  side  ;  L.  pes,  foot.]  Pert. 
pleural  and  pedal  ganglia  of 
Molluscs  (zoo/.), 

pleuroperltoneum  (ploor'opeV- 
itone'um)  n.  [Gk.  pleura,  side  ; 
peri,  round ;  teinein,  to  stretch.] 
Pleura  and  peritoneum  combined, 
the  body-lining  membrane  of 
animals  without  diaphragm  (zoo/.). 
pleuropodiuxn  (ploor'opo'dmm)  n. 
[Gk.  pleura,  a  side  ;  pous,  foot.] 
A  lateral  glandular  process  of  the 
abdomen  of  some  Insects  (zoo/.). 
pleurosteon  (plooros'teon)  n.  [Gk. 
pleura,  side ;  osteon,  bone.]  The 
lateral  process  of  the  sternum  in 
young  Birds,  afterwards  the  costal 
process  (zoo/.). 

pleurotribe  (ploor'otrib)  a.  [Gk. 
pleura,  side  ;  tribein,  to  rub.]  Appl. 
flowers  whose  anthers  and  stigma 
are  so  placed  as  to  rub  the  sides  of 
insects  entering  them, — a  device 
for  securing  cross-pollination  (to/.). 
pleurovisceral  (ploor'ovis'e'ral)  a. 
[Gk.  pleura,  side  ;  L.  viscera,  in- 
testines.] Pert,  pleural  and  visceral 
ganglia  of  Molluscs  (zoo/.). 
plexlform  (pleVstform)  a.  [L. plexus, 
interwoven  ;  forma,  shape.]  En- 
tangled or  complicated ;  like  a 
network  ;  appl.  layers  of  the  retina 
plexifonn  gland, — the  axial  organ  of 

Echinoderms  (zoo/.). 
plexus  (pleVsus)  n.     [L.  plexus,  inter- 
woven.]    A  network  of  interlacing 
blood-vessels  or  nerves  (ana/.). 
plica  (plfka)  n.     [L.  plicare,  to  fold.] 
A  fold  of  skin  or  membrane  (ana/.). 
plicate    (plik'at)    a.      [L.  plicare,   to 
fold.]     Folded  like  a  fan,  as  a  leaf 
(to/.)  ;  folded  or  ridged  (zoo/.). 
pliciform   (plis'iform)  a.     [L.  plicare, 
to  fold ;  forma,  shape.]    Resembling 
a  fold  ;  disposed  in  folds, 
pluma   (ploom'a)   n.      [L.   pluma,    a 
feather.]    A  contour  feather  of  birds. 
plumage   (ploom'aj)    n.      [L.  pluma, 
feather.]      The   entire   covering   of 
feathers  of  a  bird. 

plumate  (ploom'at)  a.  [L.  pluma, 
feather.]  Plume-like  in  arrange- 

plume  (ploom)  n.  [L. pluma,  feather.] 
A  feather,  or  feather-like  structure. 

plumicome  (ploomlkom)  n.  [L. 
pluma,  feather ;  coma,  hair.]  A 
spicule  with  plume-like  tufts  (zoo/.). 
plumicorn  (ploom'IkSrn)  n.  [L. 
pluma,  feather  ;  cornu,  horn.]  A 
horn-like  tuft  of  feathers  on  a  bird's 

plumigerous  (ploomij'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
pluma,  feather ;  gerere,  to  carry.] 

plumiped  (ploom'Tpe'd)  n.  [L.  pluma, 
feather ;  pes,  foot.]  A  bird  with 
feathered  feet. 

plumose    (ploom'os)   a.      [L.  pluma, 
feather.]  Feathery;  having  feathers; 
feather-like  ;  appl.  a  type  arrange- 
ment of  skeletal  fibre  in  Sponges, 
plumula, — a  plumule, 
plumulaceous, — plumulate. 
plumulate  (ploom'ulat)  a.     [L.  plum- 
ula, a  small  feather.]     Downy ;  with 
a  downy  covering. 

plumule  (ploom'ul)  n.  [L.  plumula, 
a  small  feather.]  A  primary  bud 
which  develops  the  primary  axis  of 
a  stem  (to/.)  ;  the  androconia  of 
numerous  butterflies  ;  a  down- 
feather  (zoo/.). 

pluriaxial  (ploor'iak'slal)  a.  [L.  plus, 
more  ;  axis,  axle.]  Having  flowers 
developed  on  secondary  shoots 

plurilocular  (ploor'Ilfik'ular)  a.  [L. 
plus,  more  ;  loculus,  a  little  place.] 
Having  two  or  more  loculi. 
pluripartite  (ploor'ipar'tit)  a.  [L. 
plus,  more ;  ftartitus,  divided.] 
With  many  divisions,  lobes,  or 

pluriserial  (ploor'fse'rTal)  a.  [L.  plus, 
more  ;  series,  a  row.]  Arranged  in 
two  or  more  rows. 

plurivalent  (plooriv'alfint,   ploor'Iva'- 

iSnt)  a.    [L.  plus,  more ;  valere,  to  be 

worth.]   Appl.  a  chromatin-rod  with 

more  than  one  chromosome  (cyt.). 

pluteal  (ploot'eal)  a.      [L.  pluteus,  a 

shed.]    Pert,  a  pluteus. 
pluteus  (ploot'eus)  n.     [L.  jtluteus,  a 
shed.]      The    free-swimming   larva 
of  Echinoids  and  Ophiuroids  (zool.). 
pneumatic  (numat'lk)  a.   [Gk.pneuma, 
air.]    Appl.  bones   of  birds   pene- 
trated by   canals    connected    with 
the  respiratory  system  (zoo/.). 
pneumaticity   (numatlsTtf)   n.      [Gk. 
pneuma,  air.]     State  of  having  air 




cavities,  as  in  the  bones  of  flying 
birds  (zool.). 

pneumatized  (nu'matlzd)  a.  [Gk. 
pneuma,  air.]  Furnished  with  air 

pneumatocyst  (nu'matosTst)  n.  [Gk. 
pneuma,  air  ;  kystis,  a  bladder.] 
The  air-bladder  or  swim-bladder  of 
Fishes  (zool^j. 

pneuinatophore  (nu'matofor)  n.  [Gk. 
pneuma,  air  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  The 
air-sac  or  float  of  Siphonophores 
(zool.}  ;  an  air-bladder  of  marsh  or 
shore-plants  (hot.). 

pneumatopyle  (nu'matopll)  n.  [Gk. 
pneuma,  air  ;  pyle,  gate.]  One  of 
the  pores  of  a  pneumatophore, 
opening  above  to  the  exterior  in 
certain  Siphonophores  (zool.}. 

pneumogastric  (nu'mogas'trik)  a. 
[Gk.  pneuma,  air  ;  gaster,  stomach.] 
Appl.  the  tenth  cranial  nerve, 
supplying  heart,  lungs,  and  viscera 

pneumotaxis  (nu'motak'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
pneuma,  air  ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
Reaction  to  the  stimulation  of 
carbon  dioxide  in  solution  ;  cf. 
aerotaxy  (phys.\ 

pod  (pod)  n.  [M.E.  pod,  a  bag.]  A 
superior,  one-celled,  one-  or  many- 
seeded  fruit  of  two  valves  ;  a  husk 

podal  (pS'dal)  a.  [Gk.  pous,  a  foot.] 
Pert,  feet  ;  j>edal. 

podeon  (po'deSn)  n.  [Gk.  pous,  foot.] 
The  petiole  or  slender  middle  part 
of  the  abdomen  of  Hymenoptera 
uniting  propodeon  and  metapodeon 

podetiiform   (pode'shnform)   a.     [Gk. 

pous,  foot  ;  L.  forma,  shape.]     Re- 

sembling a  podetium  (hot.). 
podetium  (pode'shium)  n.     [Gk.  pous, 

foot.]     A  stalk-like  elevation  from 

the  thallus  of  some  Lichens  (bot.\ 
podeum,  —  a  podeon. 
podex  (po'dgks)  n.     [L.  podex,  rump.] 

The  region  about  the  anus. 
podlcal  (pSd'ikal)  a.    [L.  podex,  rump.] 

In  the  anal  region  ;  appl.  a  pair  of 

small  hard  plates  beside  the  anus 

of  Arthropods  (zool.~). 
podite  (pod'It)  n.      [Gk.  pous,   foot.] 

A  Crustacean  walking  leg. 
podium  (po'dium)  n.     [Gk.pous,  foot.] 

A  foot  or  footlike  structure  (biol.\ 

podobranchiae  (p5dobrang'kle)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  pous,  foot  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
Podobranchs  or  foot-gills,  springing 
from  the  coxopodites  of  the  thoracic 
appendages  of  certain  Arthropods 

podocephalous  (podokefalus,  -s6f-) 
a.  [Gk.  pous,  foot  ;  kephale,  head.] 
Having  a  head  of  flowers  on  a  long 
stalk  (&?/.)• 

podoconus  (pod'b'ko'nus)  n.  \G\a.pous, 
foot  ;  konos,  cone.]  A  conical  mass 
of  endoplasm  connecting  the  central 
capsule  with  the  disc  of  Sarcodina 

podocyst  (pod'osist)  n.  [Gk.  pous, 
foot  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  A  pedal 
sinus  or  caudal  vesicle  in  certain 
Gasteropods  (zool.}. 

pododerm  (pod'oderm)  n.  [Gk.  pous, 
foot  ;  derma,  skin.]  The  dermal 
layer  of  a  hoof,  within  the  horny 
layer  (zool^). 

podogynium  (pod'qjm'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
pous,  foot  ;  gyne,  a  female.]  A  stipe 
supporting  the  gynoecium  (dot.*). 

podomere  (pod'omer)  n.  [Gk.  pous, 
foot  ;  meros,  part.]  A  limb  segment 
of  Arthropods  (zool.}. 

podophthalmite  (pod'ofthal'mlt)  n. 
[Gk.  pous,  foot  ;  ophthalmos,  eye.] 
In  Crustaceans,  the  eyestalk  seg- 
ment farthest  from  the  head  (zool.~). 

podotheca  (pSd'othe'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
pous,  foot  ;  theke,  a  -box.]  A  foot 
covering,  as  of  Birds  or  Reptiles. 

pogonion  (pogo'nion)  n.  \G\a.pogonion, 
little  beard.]  The  most  prominent 
point  of  the  chin  as  represented  on 
the  mandible  (anat.}. 

poikilothennal  (poik'ilothgr'mal)  a. 
[Gk.  poikilos,  various  ;  thermos, 
heat.]  Appl.  cold-blooded  animals, 
or  those  whose  temperature  varies 
with  that  of  thesurroundingmedium; 
cf.  homolothermal  (phys.\ 

poikilothermous,  —  poikilothermal. 

poisers,  —  halteres,  which  see. 

polar  (po'lar)  a.  [Gk.  polos,  a  pivot.] 
In  the  region  of  the  end  of  an 
axis  ;  at  a  pole. 

polar  body,  —  one  of  two  cells  divided 
off  from  the  ovum  during  matura- 
tion, before  the  germ-nuclei  fuse 

polar  nuclei,  —  a    nucleus   remaining 
at  each  end  of  an  angiosperm  em- 




bryo,  which  later  form  the  second- 
ary nucleus  (dot.). 

polar  plates, — two  narrow  ciliated 
areas  produced  in  the  transverse 
plane,  part  of  the  equilibrium  ap- 
paratus of  certain  Coelenterates 

polar  rays,  —  astral  rays,  as  opp. 
spindle-fibres  (cyt.). 

polar  rings, — two  ring-shaped  cyto- 
plasmic  masses  near  the  ovum  poles 
formed  after  union  of  the  germ- 
nuclei  (cyt.}. 

polarity  (polarTti)  n.  [Gk.  polos,  a 
pivot.]  The  tendency  of  plants  to 
develop  from  the  poles,  roots 
downwards,  stems  upwards  (bot.) ; 
the  tendency  of  any  ovum  to  place 
itself  with  its  axis  corresponding 
to  that  of  the  mother  (emb.). 

pole  plates, — the  end-plates  or  achro- 
matic masses  at  the  spindle  poles 
in  Protozoa  mitosis  (cyt.\ 

Polian  vesicles, — interradial  vesicles 
opening  into  the  ring-vessel  of  the 
ambulacral  system  of  most  Star- 
fishes and  Holothurians  (zool.). 

polioplasm  (pol'Ioplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
polios,gray ; plasma, form.]  Spongio- 

pollen  (pol'6n)  n.  [L.  fallen,  fine 
flour.]  The  male  fertilizing  element 
of  seed  plants  (&?/.). 

pollen  tube, — a  tubular  process  de- 
veloped from  pollen  grains  after 
attachment  to  the  stigma  (hot.). 

pollex  (pol'gks)  n.  [L.  pollex,  thumb.] 
The  thumb,  or  innermost  digit  of 
the  normal  five  in  the  anterior 
limb  (zool.}. 

pollination  (pSl'fnashun)  n.  [L. 
pollen,  fine  flour.]  Fertilization  in 
flowers  ;  transference  of  pollen  from 
stigma  to  ovule  (&>/.). 

polliniferous  (pSl'Inlfgrus)  a.  [L. 
pollen,  fine  flour  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Pollen-bearing  (dot.}  ;  adapted  for 
transferring  pollen  (zool.\ 

pollinium  (polin'Ium)  n.  [L.  pollen, 
fine  flour.]  An  agglutinated  pollen 
mass  of  Orchids  and  some  other 
plants  (hot.}. 

pollinodium  (pol'ino'dlum)  n.  [L. 
pollen,  fine  flour  ;  Gk.  eidos,  form.] 
A  club-shaped  branch  of  mycelium, 
the  antheridium  of  certain  Fungi 

pollinoid  (pol'moid)  n.  [L.  pollen, 
fine  flour ;  Gk.  eidos,  form.]  A 
male  gamete  or  spermatium  (bot,\ 

polocytes  (po'loslts)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
polos,  axis  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  Polar 
bodies  (cyt.). 

polyadelphous  (pol'iadeTfus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  adelphos,  brother.] 
Having  stamens  united  by  filaments 
into  more  than  two  bundles  (&?/.). 

polyandrous  (pol'Ian'drus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many;  andros, male.]  Having 
twenty  or  more  stamens  (bot.). 

polyandry  (pSl'ian'drl)  n.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  andros,*  male.]  Condition 
of  a  female  consorting  with  several 
males  ;  as  in  some  Fishes  (biol.\ 

polyarch  (p811ark)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many ;  arche,  beginning.]  Appl. 
a  root  having  many  xylem  bundles 
united  to  form  a  plate  in  wood 
tissue  (bot.). 

polyaxon  (pol'Iak'sSn)  n.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  axis,  an  axis.]  A  type  of 
spicule  laid  down  along  numerous 
axes  (zool.}. 

polycarp  (pol'ikarp)  n.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  One  of  the 
gonads  of  some  Ascidians  dis- 
tributed over  the  inner  surface  of 
the  mantle  (zool.}. 

polycarpeUary  (pdl'ikarpeTari)  a. 
[Gk.  Polys,  many ;  karpos,  fruit] 
With  compound  gynoecmm  (bot.). 

polycarpic, — polycarpous. 

polycarpous  (pol'ikar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  With 
numerous  carpels  ;  appl.  perennials 

polycercous  (pSl'fseVkus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  kerkos,  tail.]  Appl. 
bladderworms  developing  several 
cysts,  each  with  a  head  (zool.). 

polychasium  (p8rika.'zium)  n.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  chasis,  division.]"  A 
cymose  branch  system  when  more 
than  two  branches  arise  about  the 
same  point  (&?/.). 

polycotyledon  (pSl'lkotlle'don)  ». 
[Gk.  Polys,  many ;  kotyledon,  a 
hollow  vessel.]  A  plant  with  more 
than  two  embryo  lobes  (&>/.). 

polycotyledonary  (pSl'ikStlle'donarl) 
a.  [Gk.  polys,  many  ;  kotyledon^ 
a  hollow  vessel.]  Having  the 
placenta  in  many  divisions  or 
cotyledons  (zool.). 




polycotyledonous  (pol'ikotile'donus) 
a.  [Gk.  polys,  many  ;  kotyledon, 
a  hollow  vessel.]  Having  more 
than  two  cotyledons  or  seed  lobes, 
as  the  fir  embryo  (bot.). 

polycotyledony  (pol'ikottle'doni)  n. 
[Gk.  polys,  many ;  kotyledon,  a 
hollow  vessel.]  A  great  increase 
in  the  number  of  cotyledons  (hot.}. 

polycrotism  (polik'rotizm)  n.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  krotos,  a  beating.] 
Condition  of  having  several  second- 
ary elevations  in  the  pulse  curve 

polycyclic  (pol'isik'lik)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many ;  kyklos,  a  circle.]  Having 
many  whorls  or  ring  structures 

polycystid  (pol'ists'tid)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  kystis,  a  bladder.]  Septate ; 
partitioned  off  (biol.}. 

polydactyllsm  (pol'idak'tilizm)  ». 
\Gk.polys,  many ;  daktylos,  a  finger.] 
Condition  of  having  an  excessive 
number  of  fingers  or  toes  (zool.). 

polyembryony  (pSl'igm'brloni)  n. 
[Gk.  polys,  many ;  embryon,  a 
foetus.]  Instance  of  a  zygote 
giving  rise  to  more  than  one 
embryo  (bot.). 

polyenergid  (pol'ie'n'e'rjid)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  energos,  active.] 
Appl.  nuclei  with  more  than  one 
centriole  (cyt.). 

polygamous  (polig'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  gamos,  union.]  Bear- 
ing male,  female,  and  hermaph- 
rodite flowers  (bot.) ;  consorting 
with  more  than  one  mate  (zool.}. 

polygamy  (polig'ami)  n.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  gamos,  union.]  Condition 
of  having  staminate,  pistillate,  and 
hermaphrodite  flowers  upon  the 
same  individual  (bot.) ;  condition 
of  having  more  than  one  mate  at 
a  time  (zool.}. 

polygenetic  (pol'ijenet'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Derived  from  two  sources  ;  sexually 
produced  (biol.}. 

polygenic,— polygenetic. 

polygoneutic  (pol'igonu'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  goneuein,  to  beget.] 
Rearing  more  than  one  brood  in  a 
season  (zool.). 

polygynoecial  (pol'Ijine'shlal)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  gyne,  woman  ;  oikos, 

house.]  Having  multiple  fruits 
formed  by  united  gynoecia  (bot.}. 

polygynous  (polij'inus)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  gyne,  female.]  Consorting 
with  more  than  one  female  at  a 
time  (zool}  ;  with  many  styles  (bot.}. 

polykaryon  (pSl'ikar'Ion)  n.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  karyon,  nut.]  A 
polyenergid  nucleus ;  a  nucleus 
with  more  than  one  centriole  (cyt.). 

polymastigote       (porimas'tlgot)       a. 

eik.  polys,  many  ;  mastix,  whip.] 
aving  flagella  arranged  in  a  tuft 

polymastlsm  (pollmas'tlzm)  n.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  mastos,  breast.]  Oc- 
currence of  more  than  the  normal 
number  of  mammae. 

polymerisation  (polimSrlzashun)  n. 
[Gk.  polys,  many ;  meros,  part.] 
The  uniting  together  of  a  number 
of  molecules  in  a  liquid  with 
chemical  combination  (phys.). 

polymerous  (polim'e'rus)  a.  [Gk. polys, 
many  ;  meros,  part.]  Consisting  of 
many  parts  or  members  (bot.). 

polymorphism  (pol'imor'fizm)  n.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  morphe,  form.]  Oc- 
currence of  different  forms  of 
individuals  in  the  same  species  ; 
occurrence  of  different  forms,  or 
different  forms  of  organs,  in  the 
same  individual  at  different  periods 
of  life  (biol.). 

polymorphonuclear  (pol'imor'fonu'- 
klear)  a.  [Gk.  polys,  many ;  morphe, 
form ;  L.  nucleus,  kernel.]  Appl. 
leucocytes  with  multipartite  nuclei 
connected  by  fine  threads  of 
chromatin  (cyt.). 

polymorphous  (pol'imor'fus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  morphe,  form.]  As- 
suming various  forms  or  shapes 

polynucleate  (pol'inu'kleat)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  L.  nucleus,  kernel.] 
Containing  several  or  many  nuclei 

polyp  (pol'ip)  n.  [L.  polypus,  polyp.] 
A  simple  Actinozoon,  as  a  sea- 
anemone  ;  a  separate  zooid  of  an 
Actinozoan  colony  (zool.). 

polyparium  (pol'Ipa'rium)  n.  [L. 
polypus,  polyp.]  The  common  base 
and  connecting  tissue  of  a  colony 
of  polyps  (zool). 

polypary, — a  polyparium. 




polypetalous  (pol'ipeYalus)  a.  [Gk. 
Polys,  many  \petalon,  leaf.]  Having 
separate,  free,  or  distinct  petals 

polyphagous  (pollf'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Eating  many  and  various  kinds  of 
food  ;  of  Sporozoa,  passing  different 
phases  of  life-history  in  different 
cells  (biol.}. 

polyphyletio  (pSl'IflleVik)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  phylon,  race.]  Con- 
vergent, as  appl.  a  group  ;  com- 
bining characteristics  of  more  than 
one  ancestral  type  through  in- 
dependent acquisition,  (biol.}. 

polyphyllous  (p81'ifil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
Polys,  many  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Many- 
leaved  (bot.}. 

polyphyodont  (p81'ifl'6dont)  a.  [Gk. 
pofyphyes,  manifold  ;  odous,  tooth.] 
Having  many  successive  sets  of 

polypide  (pol'fpld)  n.  [L.  polypus,  a 
polyp.]  An  individual  or  person 
of  a  zooid  colony  (zoo/.}. 

polypite, — a  polypide. 

polyplastic  (pol'iplas'tlk)  a.  [Gk. 
Polys,  many ;  plastos,  formed.]  Cap- 
able of  assuming  many  forms  (biol.}. 

polypod  (p51'tp8d)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many ;  POUS,  foot.]  Furnished 
with  many  feet  or  legs. 

polypoid  (poHpoid)  a.  [L.  polypus, 
polyp ;  Gk.  eidos,  form.]  Polyp- 

polyprotodont  (pSl'Ipro'todont)  a. 
[Gk.  Polys,  many ;  protos,  first  ; 
odous,  tooth.]  With  four  or  five 
incisors  on  each  side  of  the  upper 
jaw,  and  one  or  two  fewer  on  the 
lower — as  in  the  Tasmanian  Devil 

polyrhizal  (pSl'iri'zal)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  rhiza,  root.]  With  many 
roots  or  rootlets  (dot.}. 

polysepalous  (pSl'Isep'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  sepalon,  a  sepal.] 
Having  free  or  distinct  sepals  (dot.}. 

polyslphonic  (pol'isiffin'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
Polys,  many  ;  siphon,  a  tube.]  Appl. 
a  hydromedusa  stem  consisting  of 
several  hydrocauli  bound  together 


polysomitic  (poTlsomlt'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
Polys,  many  ;  soma,  body  ;  temnein, 
to  cut.]  Having  many  body- 

segments  ;  formed  from  fusion  of 
the  primitive  body  segments  (zool.}. 

polyspermous  (pol'ispeYmus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  sperma,  seed.]  Having 
many  seeds  (bot.}. 

polyspenny  (poTispeYml)  n.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  sperma,  seed.]  Entry 
of  several  sperms  into  one  ovum 

polysporous  (poTlspo'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  sporos,  seed.]  Many- 
seeded  ;  many-spored  (bot.}. 

polystachyous  (pSl'IstakKus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  stachys,  an  ear  of 
corn.]  With  numerous  spikes  (bot.}. 

polystelic  (pol'isteTlk)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  stele,  a  post.]  With  several 
steles  (bot.}. 

polystely  (p5ttste'H)  n.  [Gk.  polys, 
many ;  stele,  a  post.]  Arrange- 
ment of  axial  vascular  tissue  in 
several  steles,  each  containing 
more  than  one  vascular  bundle 

polystemonous  (pfil'Istgrn'onus)  a. 
[Gk.  polys,  many;  stemon,  a  warp.] 
Having  the  stamens  more  than 
double  the  number  of  petals  or 
sepals  (bot.}. 

polystichous  (pSl'Istlk'us)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  stichos,  a  row.] 
Arranged  in  numerous  rows  or 

polystomatous  (pSftstSm'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  Polys,  many ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
Having  many  pores,  mouths,  or 
openings;  many-mouthed, as  Disco- 
medusae  and  Sponges  (zool.}. 

polystomium  (pfil'isto'mium)  n.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  stoma,  mouth.]  A 
suctorial  mouth  of  Discomedusae 

polystylar  (pSl'Istflar)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many ;  stylos,  pillar.]  Many- 
styled  (bot.}. 

polysymmetrlcal  (pSl'IsImeYrikal)  a. 
[Gk.  polys,  many ;  syn,  with ;  metron, 
measure.]  Divisible  through  several 
planes  into  bilaterally  symmetrical 
portions  (boi.}. 

polythalamous  (pollthal'Smus)  a. 
[Gk.  polys,  many ;  thalatnos,  a 
chamber.]  Aggregate  or  collective, 
as  appl.  fruits  (bot.} ;  appl.  shells 
made  up  of  many  chambers  formed 
successively  (zool.}. 

polythely   (pol'fthe'lT)  n.     [Gk.  polys, 




many ;    thele,    a    nipple.]      Poly- 

polytocous  (polit'okus)  a.  [Gk.  polys, 
many  ;  tokos,  offspring.]  Prolific. 

polytomous  (p81it'6mus)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  tome,  a  cutting.] 
Having  more  than  two  secondary 
branches  (bot.). 

polytrichous  (pol'itrik'us)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  thrix,  hair.]  Having 
the  body  covered  with  an  even 
coat  of  cilia,  as  certain  Infusorians 

polytrochal  (pol'itro'kal,  pollt'rokal)  a. 
[Gk,  polys,  many  ;  trochos,  wheel.] 
Having  several  circlets  of  cilia 
between  mouth  and  posterior  end, 
as  in  certain  Annulates  (zool.). 

polytrochous, — polytrochal. 

polytrophic  (pol'itrofik)  a.  [Gk. 
polys,  many  ;  trophe,  nourishment.] 
Nourished  by  more  than  one  organ- 
ism or  substance  (biol.). 

polyzoarium  (p51'iz6a'riurn)  n.  [Gk. 
polys,  many ;  zoon,  animal.]  The 
skeletal  system  of  a  Polyzoan 
colony  ;  the  colony  itself  (zool.). 

polyzoic    (pol'izo'ik)   a.      [Gk.    polys,;, 
many ;     zoon,    animal.]      Appl.    a 
colony  of  many  zooids ;  appl.  a  spore  / 
containing  many  sporozoites  (zool-.).   ' 

pome  (pom)  n.  [L.  pomum,  apple.] 
An  inferior,  indehiscent,  two  or 
more  celled  fleshy  fruit  (bot.). 

pomum  Adami, — the  prominent  ridge 
of  the  thyroid  cartilage  in  the  front 
of  the  neck,  more  pronounced  in 
males  (anat.). 

pons  (ponz)  n.  [L.  pans,  bridge.]  A 
structure  connecting  two  parts,  as 
the  pons  Varolii  of  the  cerebellum 

pontal,  pontic,  pontile,  pontlne, — 
pert,  a  pons  or  the  pons  Varolii 

ponticulus  (p5ntik'ulus)  n.  [L.  ponti- 
culus,  a  small  bridge.]  A  vertical 
ridge  on  the  auricular  cartilage 

popliteal  (pSplIt'eal,  pop'lite'al)  a. 
[L.  poples,  the  ham.]  Pert,  the 
region  behind  and  above  the  knee- 
joint  ;  appl.  artery,  glands,  nerve, 
vein,  muscle  (anat.). 

pore  (por)  n.  [Gk.  poros,  channel.] 
A  minute  opening  or  interstice,  as 
of  the  skin,  of  a  stone. 

porlcidal  (po'risi'dal)  a.  [Gk.  poros, 
channel  ;  L.  caedere,  to  cut.]  De- 
hiscing by  valves  or  pores,  as  the 
poppy  order  (bot.'). 

poriferous  (porif'grus)  a.  [Gk.  poros, 
channel ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.]  Fur- 
nished with  numerous  openings  or 

poriform  (po'riform)  a.  [Gk.  poros, 
channel  ;  L.  forma,  shape.]  Re- 
sembling a  pore. 

porocyte  (po'roslt)  n.  [Gk.  poros, 
channel  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  per- 
forated cell  of  Porifera  (zool.). 

porogam  (po'rogam)  n.  [Gk.  poros, 
channel ;  gamos,  union.]  A  plant 
whose  pollen-tube  enters  the  ovule 
by  the  micropyle  ;  opp.  chalazogam 

porogamy  (porog'a.mi)  n.  \Gk.  poros, 
channel ;  gamos,  union.]  Entrance 
of  a  pollen-tube  into  the  ovule  by 
the  micropyle  to  secure  fertilization 

porophyllous  (po'rofil'us)  a.  [Gk. 
poros,  channel ;  phyllon,  leaf.] 
Appl.  leaves  with  numerous  trans- 
^  parent  spots  (bot.). 

porta  (por^ta)  n.  [L.  porta,  a  gate.] 
A  gate-like  structure,  as  the  trans- 
verse fissure  of  the  liver  (anat.). 

portal  (portal)  a.  [L.  porta,  gate.] 
Appl.  a  system  of  veins  draining 
the  abdominal  part  of  the  alimentary 
canal,  spleen,  pancreas,  and  gall- 
bladder (anat.). 

portio  (po/tio,  por'shio)  n.  [L.portio, 
portion.]  A  part  or  portion  of  a 
nerve,  blood-vessel,  etc.  (anat.). 

postabdomen  (post'a.bdo'me'n)  n.  [L. 
post,  after ;  abdomen,  belly.]  In 
Scorpions,  themetasoma  or  posterior 
narrower  five  segments  of  the 
abdomen  (zool.). 

postanal  (pSsta'nal)  a.  [L.  post,  after ; 
anus,  vent.]  Situated  behind  the 
anus  (zool.). 

postaxial  (postak'slal)  a.  [L.  post, 
after  ;  'axis,  axle.]  On  the  posterior 
side  of  the  axis  ;  as  on  the  fibular 
side  of  the  leg  (anat.). 

postbranchial  (postbrang'kial)  a.  [L. 
post,  after ;  Gk.  brangchia,  gills.] 
Behind  the  gill-clefts  ;  appl.  a 
structure  arising  in  the  pharynx 

postcardinal   (postkar'dinal)  a.      [L. 




post,  after  ;  Gk.  kardia,  heart.] 
Behind  the  region  of  the  heart ; 
appl.  a  dorsal  vein  (anat.}. 

postcava  (postka'va)  n.  [L.  post, 
after  ;  cavus,  hollow.]  The  inferior 
or  dorsal  vena  cava  of  vertebrates 
above  fishes ;  the  postcaval  vein 

postcentral  (postsgn'tral)  a.  [L.  post, 
after ;  centrum,  centre.]  Behind 
the  central  region  ;  appl.  a  cerebral 
sulcus  (anat.}. 

postcentrum  (postsSn'trum)  n.  [L. 
post,  after  ;  centrum,  centre.]  The 
posterior  part  of  the  vertebral 
centrum  of  certain  vertebrates 

postclavicle  (postkl&v'ikl)  n.  [L. 
post,  after ;  claviculum,  a  small 
key.]  A  membrane  bone  occurring 
in  the  shoulder  girdle  of  some 
higher  Ganoids  and  Teleosts  (zool.}. 

postclitellian  (post'kliteTian)  a.  [L. 
post,  after  ;  clitellae,  a  pack-saddle.] 
Situated  behind  the  clitellum 

postcllval   (postkllVal)  a.     [L.  post, 
after ;    clivus,    a    hill.]      Appl. 
fissure   behind    the  clivus    oflti 
cerebellum  (ana&. 

postclypeus     (po^tklip'eus)     n. 
post,  after ;    cfypeus,  shiel 
posterior  part  of  the  cly 
Insect  (zool.}. 

postdicrotic  (post'dlkrSt'ik)  a.  [L. 
Post,  after  ;  Gk.  dis,  twice  ;  krotein, 
to  beat.]  Appl.  a  secondary  wave 
of  a  pulse,  or  that  succeeding  the 
dicrotic  (phys.}. 

postembryonic  (post'e'mbrTSn'flc)  a. 
[L.  post,  after ;  Gk.  embryon,  a 
foetus.]  Pert,  the  age  succeeding 
the  embryonic  (biol.}. 

posterior  (poste'rlor)  a.  [L.  posterior, 
later.]  Situated  behind  or  dorsally  ; 
behind  the  axis  ;  superior  or  next 
the  axis  (bot.). 

posterolateral  (pos'tgrolat'eral)  a. 
[L.  posterior,  later ;  latus,  side.] 
Placed  posteriorly  and  towards  the 
side  ;  appl.  arteries  (anat.). 

posteromedlal  (pos'tfirome'dt&l)  a. 
[L. posterior,  later ;  medius,  middle.] 
Placed  posteriorly  and  medianly  ; 
appl.  arteries  (anat.}. 

postfrontal  (postfrun'tal)  a.  [L.  post, 
after  ;  frons,  forehead.]  Appl.  a 

bone  occurring  behind  the  orbit  of 
some  vertebrates,  articulating  with 
the  frontal  (zool.). 

postfurca  (postfurTca)  n.  [L.  post, 
after ;  furca,  fork.]  A  posterior 
sternal  furca  of  an  Insect  (zool.). 

postganglionic  (post'gang'gllfin'ik)  a. 
[L.  post,  after ;  Gk.  gangglion, 
tumour.]  Appl.  fibres  that  leave 
the  ganglion  ;  cf.  preganglionic 

postglenoid  (postgle'noid)  a.  [L. 
post,  after ;  Gk.  glene,  socket.] 
Behind  the  glenoid  fossa ;  appl. 
a  small  process  (anat.). 

posthepatic  (post'hepat'ik)  a.  [L. 
post,  after ;  hepar,  liver.]  Appl. 
the  latter  part  of  the  alimentary 
canal,  that  from  the  liver  to  the 
end  (emb.). 

posticous  (pos'tlkus)  a.  [L.  posticus, 
behind.]  On  the  outer  or  posterior 
surface  ;  extrorse  (biol.). 

postminimus  (postmm'imus)  n.  [L. 
post,  after  ;  minimus,  smallest.]  A 
rudimentary  additional  digit  oc- 
i--Ji  occasionally  in  Amphibia 

«•      [L- 

rer  ;  nodulus,  a  small  knot.] 
a  cerebellar  fissure  between 
lule  and  uvula  (anat.). 

postorbltal  (posto/bltil)  a.  [L.  post, 
after ;  orbis,  circle.]  Behind  the 
orbit ;  appl.  a  bone  forming  part 
of  the  posterior  wall  of  the  orbit 

postotic  (postotlk)  a.  [L.  post,  after  ; 
Gk.  ous,  ear.]  Behind  the  ear ; 
appl.  a  system  of  nerves  (anat.). 

postparletal  (post'parfgtal)  a.  [L. 
post,  after ;  paries,  wall.]  Appl. 
paired  bones  sometimes  occurring 
between  parietals  and  interparietals 

postpatagium  (post'pata'jtum)  n.  [L. 
post,  after  ;  patagiutn,  border.]  In 
Birds,  a  small  fold  of  skin  extending 
postaxially  between  upper  arm  and 
trunk  (zool.). 

postpermanent  (postpSr'manfint)  a. 
[L.  post,  after  ;  permanens,  remain- 
ing.] Appl.  traces  of  a  dentition 
succeeding  the  permanent  in  man. 

postpubic  (postpu'blk)  a.  [L.  post, 
after ;  pubis,  mature.]  At  the 
posterior  end  of  the  pubis  ;  appl. 




processes  of  the  pubis  parallel  to 
the  ischium  (zool.}. 

postpyramidal  (post'piram'Tdal)  a. 
[L.  post,  after  ;  pyramis,  pyramid.] 
Behind  the  pyramid  ;  appl.  a  cere- 
bellar  fissure  (anat.}. 

postscutellum  (post'skuteTum)  n. 
[L.  post,  after ;  scutellum,  a  small 
shield.]  A  projection  under  the 
mesoscutellar  lobe  of  Insects,  the 
base  of  the  mesophragma  (zool.}. 

postsphenoid  (postsfe'noid)  n.  [L. 
Post,  after ;  Gk.  sphen,  wedge.]  The 
posterior  part  of  the  sphenoid 

post-temporal  (post-tSm'poral)  a.  [L. 
post,  after  ;  temporalis,  temporary.] 
Behind  the  temporal  bone  ;  appl. 
bone  and  fossa  (anat.}. 

post-trematic  (p5st-tremat'lk)  a.  [L. 
post,  after ;  Gk.  trema,  a  hole.] 
Appl.  nerves  running  in  the 
posterior  wall  of  the  first  gill  cleft 
to  the  pharynx  (zool.}. 

postzygapophysis  (post'zlg&pof'isis)  n. 
[L.  post,  after ;  Gk.  zygon,  yoke  ; 
apo,  from ;  physis,  growth.]  An 
articular  process  on  the  posterior 
face  of  the  neural  arch  for  articula- 
tion with  the  succeeding  vertebra 

potential  (potgn'sh&l)  a.  [L.  potens, 
powerful.]  Latent,  as  appl.  char- 
acteristics (biol.}. 

pouch  (powch)  n.  [O.Y.pouche,  bag.] 
A  bag-like  structure ;  a  sac  or 
bladder,  as  the  pharyngeal  pouches 
(emb.} ;  a  marsupial  pouch  (zool.}  • 
a  pod  (bot.}. 

powder-down  feathers, — those  which 
do  not  develop  beyond  the  early 
stage,  and  which  disintegrate  at 
the  tip  into  powder  (zool.}. 

praeabdomen  (pra'-,  pre'abdo'mgn)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  abdomen,  belly.] 
The  anterior,  broader  part  of  the 
abdomen  of  Scorpions  (zool.}. 

praeauricular  (pra'-,  pre'orik'ular)  a. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  auricula,  a  small 
ear.]  Appl.  a  sulcus  at  the  anterior 
part  of  the  auricular  surface  of  the 
hip-bone  (anat.}. 

praeaxial  (pra-,  preak'sial)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  axis,  axle.]  On  the 
anterior  border  or  surface. 

praecentrum  (pra-,  presen'trum)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  centrum,  centre.] 

The  anterior  part  of  the  vertebral 
centrum  of  certain  lower  vertebrates 

praecoces  (pra-,  preko'sez)  n.  phi. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  coquere,  to  cook.] 
Newly-hatched  birds  able  to  take 
care  of  themselves ;  cf.  altrices 

praecostal  (pra-,  prekos'tal)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before ;  costa,  rib.]  Appl. 
short  spurs  on  the  basal  portion  of 
the  hind  wing  of  Lepidoptera  (zool.}. 

praecmral  (pra-,  prekroor'al)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  crus,  leg.]  On  the 
anterior  side  of  leg  or  thigh  (anat.}. 

praecuneus  (pra-,  preku'neus)  n.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  cuneus,  wedge.]  The 
quadrate  lobe  of  the  cerebrum 

praemaxilla  (pra'-,  pre'maksil'a)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before ;  maxilla,  jaw.] 
The  anterior  portion  of  the  upper 
jaw  ;  the  os  incisivum  (anat.}. 

praemorse  (pra'-,  pre'mors)  a.  [L. 
praemorsus,  bitten  off.]  With 
irregular  and  abrupt  termination, 
as  if  bitten  off  (bot.}. 

praeoccipital  (pra'-,  pre'oksip'Ttal)  a. 
[L.  prae,  before ;  occiput,,  back  of 
the  head.]  Appl.  an  indentation 
or  notch  anterior  to  the  occipital 
pole  of  the  cerebral  hemispheres 

praeoral  (pra-,  preo'ral)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  os,  mouth.]  Pert,  the  part 
of  the  body  of  a  larva  anterior  to 
the  mouth ;  appl.  process,  loop, 
lobe,  ciliated  rings  (zool.}. 

praepubic  (pra-,  prepu'bik)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  pubes,  mature.]  On 
the  anterior  part  of  the  pubis  : 
appl.  the  elongated  processes  of 
the  pubis  of  certain  vertebrates 

praepuce  (pra'-,  pre'pus)  n.  [L.  prae- 
putium,  the  foreskin.]  That  part 
of  the  integument  of  the  penis 
which  leaves  the  surface  at  the 
neck  and  becomes  folded  upon 
itself;  the  foreskin. 

praeputial  (pra-,  prepu'shtal)  a.  [L. 
praeputium,  the  foreskin.]  Pert. 
the  praepuce ;  appl.  glands,  sac 

praeputium, — the  praepuce. 

praescutum  (pra-,  presku'tum)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  scutum,  shield.] 




The  anterior  part  of  the  notum  of 
an  insect  thoracic  ring  (zool.}. 

praesphenoid  (pra-,  presfe'noid)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  Gk.  sphen,  wedge.] 
The  anterior  part  of  the  sphenoid 

praesternal  (pra-,  presteYnal)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  sternum,  breast-bone.] 
Appl.  the  jugular  notch,  on  the 
superior  border  of  the  sternum 

preaxlal  (preak'slal)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  axis,  axle.]  In  front  of 
the  axis. 

precava  (preka'va)  n.  \L..prae,  before ; 
cavus,  hollow.]  The  anterior  vena 
cava  ;  the  precaval  vein  (zool.). 

precentral  (presen'tral)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  centrum,  centre.]  An- 
teriorly to  the  centre  ;  appl.  a 
sulcus  parallel  to  the  central  sulcus 
of  the  cerebrum  (anat.~). 

prechordal  (prekor'dal)  a,  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  Gk.  chorde,  a  cord.]  An- 
teriorly to  the  notochord  or  spinal 
cord  ;  appl.  part  of  the  base  of  the 
skull  (emb.\ 

precipitin  (preslp'ltln)  n.  \L.praeceps, 
headlong.]  A  precipitate  developed 
in  blood  serum  (phys.). 

preclival  (preklfval)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before ;  clivus,  hill.]  Appl.  a 
fissure  in  front  of  the  clivus  of  the 
cerebellum  (anat.~). 

precoracoid  (prekor'akoid)  «.  [L. 
prae,  before ;  Gk.  korax,  crow.] 
An  anterior  ventral  bone  of  the 
pectoral  girdle  of  higher  vertebrates 

predelineation  (pre'dellnea'shun)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  de,  down  ;  linea, 
a  line.]  Formation  and  individual- 
ization  of  the  various  physiological 
molecules  in  definite  areas  and 
substances  of  the  undevelopedegg, — 
the  theory  of  germinal  localization 

predentary  (predSn'tarl)  «.  [L.  prae, 
before ;  dens,  tooth.]  A  bone  at 
the  tip  of  the  jaw  of  many  Dinosaurs 

preepistome  (prefip'istom)  n.  [L.prae, 
before  ;  Gk.  epi,  upon  ;  stoma, 
mouth.]  A  plate  covering  the 
basal  portion  of  the  epistome  of 
certain  Arachnids  (zool.}. 

prefloration    (pre'flora'shun)    «.      [L. 

prae,  before ;  flos,  flower.]  The 
arrangement  of  floral  leaves  in  a 
flower-bud  (hot.}. 

prefollation  (pre'folia'shun)  n.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  folium,  leaf.]  The 
arrangement  of  foliage  leaves  in 
the  bud  stage  (hot. ). 

preformatlon  theory, — the  theory  of 
evolution  according  to  which  it 
was  supposed  that  each  ovum  of 
an  animal  contained  a  miniature 
adult,  and  that  nourishment  only 
was  required  to  develop  it  into  the 
perfect  form  (dial.). 

prefrontal  (prefrun'tal)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  frons,  forehead.]  Appl.  a 
bone  anterior  to  the  frontal  bone 
of  certain  vertebrates  ;  appl.  paired 
plates  or  scales  anterior  to  the 
frontal  scale  in  some  Reptiles  (zool.}. 

preganglionic  (pregang'glion'ik)  a. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  Gk.  gangglion,  a 
tumour.]  Appl.  the  (usually) 
medullated  fibres  from  the  spinal 
cord  to  the  sympathetic  cell  station 

preglobultn  (preglSb'ulIn)  n.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  globulus,  a  small 
globe.]  A  compound  proteid  of 
white  blood  corpuscles  (phys.}. 

prehallux  (prehal'uks)  n.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  hallex,  the  great  toe?]  A 
rudimentary  additional  digit  on  the 
hind  limb,  in  some  Amphibia  and 
Mammals  (zool.\ 

prehalteres  (prehal'tgrez)  n.  plu.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  Gk.  halter,  a  weight.] 
The  squamae  of  Diptera  (zool.}. 

prehaustorium  (pre'hosto'rium)  n.  [L. 
prae,  before ;  haurire,  to  drink.] 
A  rudimentary  root-like  sucker 

prehensile  (prehgn'sil)  a.  [L.  pre- 
Jiendere,  to  seize.]  Adapted  for 
catching  hold,  as  a  suctorial 
tentacle  (zool.}. 

prehepatic  (pre'he"pat'lk)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  hepar,  liver.]  Appl.  that 
part  of  the  digestive  tract  anterior 
to  the  liver  (emb.\ 

prelacteal  (prelak'teal)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  lac,  milk.]  Pert,  a  denti- 
tion which  may  occur  previous  to 
the  milk  dentition  (emb.\ 

prelocallzation  (prelo'kaliza'shun)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before ;  locus,  place.] 
The  theory  that  certain  portions  of 




the  ovum  are  predestined  to  develop 
into  certain  organs  or  parts  (dial.). 

premaxilla  (pre'maksil'a)  n.  [L. 
prize,  before ;  maxilla,  jaw.]  A 
paired  bone  anterior  to  the  maxilla 
in  most  vertebrates  (zool.). 

premaxillary  (pre'maksil'ari)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before ;  maxilla,  jaw.]  An- 
terior to  the  maxillae  ;  pert,  the 
premaxilla  (zoo/.). 

premedian  (preme'dlan)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  medius,  middle.]  Anterior 
to  the  middle  of  a  body  or  part  ; 
appl.  a  vein  in  front  of  the  median 
vein  of  certain  insect  wings  (zoo!.). 

premolar  (premo'lar)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before ;  mola,  mill.]  Appl.  the 
teeth  developed  between  canines 
and  molars,  the  bicuspid  teeth 

prenasal  (prena'zal)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before ;  nasus,  nose.]  A  bone 
developed  in  the  septum  in  front 
of  the  mesethmoid  in  certain 
Mammals  (zoo/.). 

preocular  (preSk'iilar)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  oculus,  eye.]  In  front  of 
the  eye  ;  as  antennae,  scales  (zool.). 

preopercle, — preoperculum. 

preoperculum  (pre'oper'kulum)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  operculum,  cover.] 
The  anterior  membrane  bone  of 
the  operculum  or  gill-cover  (zool.). 

preoral  (preo'ral)  a.  [L.prae,  before ; 
os,  mouth.]  Situated  in  front  of 
the  mouth  ;  appl.  cilia,  etc.  (zool.}. 

preorbital  (preor'bital)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  orbis,  circle.]  Anterior  to 
the  orbit  ;  appl.  a  membrane  bone 
of  Teleosts  (zool.}. 

prepatagium  (prepata'jium)  n.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  patagium,  border.] 
The  alar  membrane,  or  fold  of 
skin  extending  between  upper  arm 
and  forearm  of  Birds  (zool.). 

preplacental  (pre'plasgn'tal)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  placenta,  a  flat  cake.] 
Occurring  before  placenta  forma- 
tion or  development  (emb.). 

prepollex  (prepol'gks)  n.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  pollex,  thumb.]  A  rudi- 
mentary additional  digit  occurring 
sometimes  preaxially  to  the  thumb 
digit  of  certain  Amphibians  and 
Mammals  (zool.}. 

prepotency  (prepo'tgnst)  n.  [L.  prae, 
before ;  potens,  powerful.]  The 

fertilization  of  a  flower  by  pollen 
from  another  flower  in  preference 
to  pollen  from  its  own  stamens, 
when  both  are  offered  simultane- 
ously (dot.)  ;  capacity  of  one  parent 
to  transmit  more  characteristics  to 
the  offspring  than  the  other  parent 

prepotent  (prepo'tent)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  potens,  powerful.]  Trans- 
mitting the  majority  of  character- 
istics (&#/.)  ;  appl.  a  flower  exhibiting 
a  preference  for  cross-pollination 

prepubis  (prepu'bis)  n.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  pubes,  mature.]  Part  of 
the  pelvic  girdle  of  certain  Reptiles, 
anterior  to  the  pubis  (zool.). 

prepyramidal  (pre'piram'idal)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before ;  pyramis,  pyramid.] 
In  front  of  the  pyramid  ;  appl.  a 
cerebellar  fissure  (anat.). 

presphenoid  (presfe'noid)  n.  [L. 
prae,  before ;  Gk.  sphen,  wedge.] 
In  many  vertebrates,  a  cranial  bone 
anterior  to  the  basisphenoid  (zool.). 

pressor  (prgs'or)  a.  [L.  pressare,  to 
press.]  Appl.  nerve-fibres  which, 
when  stimulated,  cause  a  rise  of 
arterial  pressure  (phys.). 

pressure  (presh'iir)  n.  [L.  pressare, 
to  press.]  Tension  in  plant  tissue 
caused  by  the  turgidity  of  the  cells 

presternal  (prester'nal)  a.  [L.  prae, 
before  ;  sternum,  breast  -  bone.] 
Situated  in  front  of  the  sternum  or 
breast-bone  ;  pert,  the  anterior  part 
of  the  sternum  (zool.). 

presternum  (prester'num)  n.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  sternum,  breast-bone.] 
The  manubrium,  or  anterior  part  of 
a  sternum  (zool.). 

pretrematic  (pre'tremat'ik)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before ;  Gk.  trema,  hole.] 
Appl.  nerves  running  in  the  anterior 
wall  of  the  first  gill  cleft  to  the 
pharynx  (zool.}. 

prevertebral  (preveYtgbral)  a.  [L. 
prae,  before  ;  -vertebra,  a  vertebra.] 
Pert,  or  situated  in  the  region  in 
front  of  the  vertebral  column  ;  appl. 
a  portion  of  the  base  of  the  skull 
(emb.)  \  appl.  ganglia  of  the  sympa- 
thetic system  (zool.). 

prezygapophysis  (prezl'gapofiisTs)  n. 
[L.  prae,  before  ;  Gk.  zygon,  yoke  ; 




apo,  from ;  physis,  growth.]  A 
process  on  the  anterior  face  of  the 
neural  arch  for  articulation  with 
the  vertebra  in  front  (anat.). 

prickle  (prik'l)  n.  [A.S.  prica,  a 
point.]  A  pointed  process  arising 
through  epidermal  tissue  (bot.). 

prickle  cells, — cells  of  the  deeper 
layers  of  stratified  squamous 
epithelium  :  they  have  short, 
fine,  marginal,  connecting  fibrils 

primary  (prl'mari)  a.  [L.  primus, 
first.]  First ;  principal ;  original  ; 
appl.  axis,  feathers,  meristem,  root, 
wood  (biol.). 

primaxil  (primak'sil)  n.  [L.  primus, 
first  ;  axilla,  armpit.]  The  first 
axillary  arm  of  a  Crinoid  (zool.). 

primibrachs  (pri'mibraks)  n.plu.  [L. 
primus,  first ;  brachia,  arms.]  In 
Crinoids,  all  brachials  up  to  and 
including  the  first  axillary  (zool.). 

primine  Qpri'min)  n.  [L.  primus, 
first]  The  external  integument 
of  an  ovule  ;  occasionally  appl.  the 
first-formed  or  internal  coat  (bot.). 

primite  (prim'it)  n.  [L.  primus,  first.] 
The  first  of  any  pair  of  individuals 
.of  a  catenoid  colony  in  the  pseudo- 
conjugation  of  Gregarinida,  in 
which  the  protomerite  of  one  (the 
satellite)  becomes  attached  to  the 
deutomerite  of  another  (the  primite) 

primitive  (prim'itiv)  a.  [L.primitivus, 
early.]  Of  earliest  origin  ;  appl. 
groove,  knot,  streak,  aorta,  palate, 
ventricle  (emb.). 

primordial  (prlmdr'dial)  a.  [L.  prim- 
ordium, a  beginning.]  Primitive  ; 
original ;  first  commenced  ;  appl. 
ova  (emb.),  cell,  utricle  (hot.). 

primordium  (primor'dmm)  n.  [L. 
primordium,  a  beginning.]  Original 
form ;  a  structure  when  first  in- 
dicating assumption  of  form  ; 
anlage  (emb). 

priodont  (prfodont)  a.  [Gk.  prion, 
saw  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Saw-toothed  ; 
appl.  stag-beetles  with  smallest 
development  of  mandible  projec- 
tions (zool.). 

prismatic  (prizmat'lk)  a.  [L.  prisma, 
prism.]  Like  a  prism  ;  appl.  leaves 
(bot.)  ;  consisting  of  prisms,  as  the 
prismatic  layer  of  shells  (zool.}. 

proamnion  (proam'nlon)  n.  [Gk. 
pro,  before  ;  amnion,  a  vessel  for 
receiving  blood.]  An  area  of  blasto- 
derm in  front  of  the  head  of  early 
embryos  of  higher  vertebrates 

proangiosperm  (proan'jIospSrm)  n. 
[Gk.  pro,  for ;  anggeion,  vessel  ; 
sperma,  seed.]  A  fossil  type  of 
angiosperm  (bot.). 

proatlas  (proat'las)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before ;  Atlas.']  A  median  bone 
intercalated  between  atlas  and 
skull  in  certain  Reptiles  (zool.). 

proboscidiform  (pro'bosid'iform)  a. 
[Gk.  proboskis,  trunk ;  L.  forma, 
shape.]  Proboscis-like  ;  appl.  In- 
fusorians  with  tentacles  on  a  pro- 
boscis-like process  (zool.}. 

proboscis  (probos'Is)  n.  \Gk.  proboskis, 
trunk.]  A  trunk-like  process  of 
the  head,  as  of  Insects,  Annelids, 
Nemerteans,  Elephants  (zool.}. 

procambial  strand,— a  longitudinal 
strand  of  elongated  cells  near  the 
periphery  of  the  plerome  of  a 
vascular  bundle ;  a  desmogen 
strand  (dot.). 

procambium  (prokam'blum)  n.  [L. 
pro,  before ;  L.L.  cambium,  nutri- 
ment.] The  tissue  from  which 
vascular  bundles  are  developed 

procarp  (pro'karp)  «.  [Gk.  pro,  for  ; 
karpos,  fruit.]  The  female  organ 
of  red  Seaweeds,  a  one  or  more 
celled  structure  containing  no  differ- 
entiated oosphere  (bot.). 

process  (pro'sgs)  n.  [L.  pro,  forth  ; 
cedere,  to  go.]  An  outgrowth,  pro- 
longation, projection,  or  eminence 
of  any  structure. 

processus, — a  process. 

prochorion  (proko'riSn)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before ;  chorion,  skin.]  An  envelop- 
ing structure  of  the  blastodermic 
vesicle  preceding  formation  of  a 
chorion  (emb.). 

prochromatin  (prokro'matln)  n.  [Gk. 
Pro,  for  ;  chroma,  colour.]  Plasmo- 
some  substance  (cyt.). 

procoelous  (prose'lus)  a.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  With  con- 
cave anterior  face,  as  vertebral 
centra  (zool.). 

procoracoid  (prok6r'akoid)  n.  [Gk. 
pro,  before  ;  korax,  crow.]  An 




anteriorly    directed    process    from 
the  glenoid  fossa  of  Urodeles  (zool.). 

procryptic  (prokrlp'tik)  a.  [Gk.  pro, 
for ;  kryptos,  hidden.]  With  colora- 
tion adapted  for  concealment  (zoo/.). 

proctal  (prok'tal)  a.  [Gk.  proktos, 
anus.]  Anal ;  appl.  fish  fins 

proctodaeum  (prok'tode'um)  n.  [Gk. 
proktos,  anus  ;  odos,  a  way.]  The 
latter  part  of  the  embryonic  ali- 
mentary canal  ;  formed  by  anal 
invagination  ;  a  similar  ectoderm- 
lined  part  in  certain  invertebrates 

procumbent  (pr5kum'bent)  a.  [L. 
pro,  forward  ;  cumbens,  lying  down.] 
Prostrate  ;  trailing  on  the  ground  ; 
appl.  stems  (bot.). 

prodentine  (proden'tin)  n.  [L.  pro, 
before  ;  dens,  tooth.]  A  layer  of 
uncalcified  matrix  capping  tooth 
cusps  before  the  formation  of  dentine 

proembryo  (progm'brio)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
for ;  embryon,  a  foetus.]  An  embry- 
onic structure  preceding  the  true 
embryo  ;  the  first  results  of  spore 
segmentation  (hot.). 

progamete  (pro'gamet')  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  gamos,  union.]  A  structure 
giving  rise  to  gametes  by  abstriction, 
in  certain  Fungi  (bot.). 

progamic  (progam'ik)  a.  [Gk.  pro, 
before ;  gamos,  union.]  Appl. 
brood-division  for  gamete  produc- 
tion (zool.). 

progeotropism  (pro'jeot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  pro,  for  ;  ge,  earth  ;  trope,  a 
turning.]  Positive  geotropism  (&?/.). 

proglottides  (prSglot'idez)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  pro,  for  ;  glotta,  tongue.]  The 
propagative  body-segments  of  a 
tapeworm,  formed  by  stabilization 
from  the  neck  (zool.)  ;  sing,  pro- 

prognathous  (prognath'us)  a.  [Gk. 
pro,  forth  ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  Having 
prominent  or  projecting  jaws. 

prohydrotropism  (pro'hidrot'ropizm) 
n.  [Gk.  pro,  for ;  hydor,  water  ; 
trope,  a  turning.]  Positive  hydro- 
tropism  (oof.). 

projectile  (prqjeVtil)  a.  [L.  pro, 
forth  ;  jacere,  to  throw.]  Protrus- 
ible ;  that  can  be  thrust  forward 

projection  (projek'shiin)  n.  [L.  pro, 
forth  ;  jacere,  to  throw.]  The 
referring  of  stimulations  to  end- 
organs  of  sense  by  means  of  the 
connecting  projection  nerve-fibres 

proleg  (pro'leg)  n.  [L.  pro,  for ; 
M.E.  leg,  a  leg.]  An  unjointed 
abdominal  appendage  of  arthropod 
larvae  (zool.). 

proliferate  (prolif'erat)  v.  [L.  proles, 
offspring  ;  ferre,  to  bear.]  To  re- 
produce repeatedly  (biol.). 

proliferation  (prolif'era'shun)  n.  [L. 
proles,  offspring ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Prolification  ;  increase  by  frequent 
and  repeated  reproduction  of  any 
kind  (biol.). 

proliferous  (prolif'erus)  a.  [L.  proles, 
offspring ;  ferre,  to  bear.]  Multiply 
ing  quickly  (biol.) ;  appl.  bud-bearing 
leaves  ;  developing  supernumerary 
parts  abnormally  (bot.). 

promitosis  (pro'mitd'sis)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
for  ;  mitos,  thread.]  A  simple  type 
of  mitosis  exemplified  in  nuclei  of 
protokaryon  type  (cyt.). 

promontory  (prom'ontorl)  n.  [L.  pro, 
forth  ;  mons,  mountain.]  A  prom- 
inence or  projection,  as  of  the 
cochlea  (anat.). 

promorphology  (pro'morfol'oji)  n. 
[Gk.  pro,  for  ;  morphe,  form  ;  logos, 
discourse.]  Morphology  from  the 
geometrical  standpoint. 

promuscis  (promus'is)  n.  [L.  pro- 
muscis,  a  proboscis.]  The  proboscis 
of  Hemiptera  (zoo/.). 

promycelium  (pro'mlse'Hum)  n.  [Gk. 
pro,  for  ;  mykes,  mushroom.]  The 
mycelium  developed  from  a  zygo- 
spore,  itself  giving  rise  to  a  spor- 
angium (bot.),_ 

pronate  (pro'nat)  a.  [L.  pronare,  to 
bend  forward.]  Prone  ;  inclined 

pronation  (prona'shun)  n.  [L.  pronare, 
to  bend  forward.]  The  act  by  which 
the  palm  of  the  hand  is  turned 
downwards  by  means  of  pronator 
muscles  ;  cf.  supination  (phys.). 

pronephric  (pronef'rik)  a.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  nephros,  kidney.]  Pert,  or 
in  the  region  of  the  pronephros  ; 
appl.  duct,  tubules  (emb.). 

pronephros  (pronef'ros)  n.  \, 
before ;  nephros,  kidney.]  The 




head-kidney  of  embryonic  life, 
arising  from  mesomeric  somites, 
functional  for  a  time  in  lower 
vertebrates,  later  replaced  by  meso- 
or  meta-nephros  (emb.~). 

pronotum  (prono'tum)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  noton,  back.]  The  dorsal 
part  of  the  prothorax  of  Insects 

pronucleus  (pronu'kleus)  n.  [L.  pro, 
before  ;  nucleus,  kernel.]  The  egg- 
nucleus  or  sperm-nucleus  during 
fertilization  (emb.}. 

pronymph  (pro'nlmf)  n.  [L.  pro, 
before ;  nympha,  a  maid.]  The 
stage  in  the  metamorphosis  of 
Diptera  preceding  the  nymph  stage 

proostracum  (proos'trakum)  n.  [Gk. 
pro,  for ;  ostrakon,  a  testacean 
shell.]  The  horny  pen  of  a  deca- 
pod dibranchiate  shell  or  Belemnite 

prootic  (proot'ik)  n.  \,  before  ; 
ous,  ear.]  The  anterior  bone  of  the 
otic  capsule  in  vertebrates  (zoo/.). 

propagative  (prop'aga'tiv)  a.  [L. 
propagare,  to  propagate.]  Repro- 
ductive ;  appl.  a  cell,  a  phase,  an 
individual  of  a  colony  (biol.}. 

propagulum  (propag'ulum)  n.  [L. 
propagare,  to  propagate.]  A  bud 
or  shoot  capable  of  developing  into 
an  adult  (bot.}. 

propatagium, — a  prepatagium. 

prophase  (prS'faz)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  phasis,  appearance.]  The 
preparatory  changes,  the  first  stage 
in  mitosis  (cyt.}. 

prophloem, — protophloem. 

prophototropism  (pro'fotot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  pro,  for  ;  phos,  light ;  trope,  a 
turning.]  Positive  phototropism 

prophyllum  (profll'iim)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
for  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  A  small  bract 

propleuron  (proploor'on)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before ;  pleura,  side.]  A  lateral 
plate  of  the  prothorax  of  Insects 

propodeon  (propo'deon)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  pous,  foot.]  An  abdominal 
segment  of  Hymenoptera  in  front 
of  the  petiole  or  podeon  ;  otherwise 
the  median  segment,  Latraille's 
segment,  etc.  (goo/.). 

propodeum, — propodeon. 
propodlte    (pro'podlt)   n.      [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  pous,   foot.]     In    Malacos- 
traca,  the  segment  of  a  foot  sixth 
from  the  body  (zoo/.). 
propodium  (propo'dlum)  n.     [Gk.  pro, 
before ;   pous,    foot.]      The    small 
anterior  part  of  a   Molluscan  foot 

propteryglum  (pro'tSrij'ium,  prop'- 
tgrij'ium)  n.  [Gk.  pro,  before  ; 
pterygion,  a  little  wing.]  The  fore- 
most of  three  basals  supporting  the 
pectoral  finof  Elasmobranchs  (zoo/.). 
propulsive  pseudopodium, — in  some 
Neosporidia,  a  pseudopodium  de- 
veloped posteriorly  which  by  its 
elongation  pushes  the  body  forward 

propupa  (propu'pa)  n.  [,  before  ; 
pupa,  a  puppet.]  A  stage  in  insect 
metamorphosis  preceding  the  pupa 
stage  (zoo/.). 

propygidium  (pro'prjld'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
pro,  before  ;  pyge,  the  rump.]  The 
dorsal  plate  anterior  to  the  pygidium 
in  Coleoptera  (zoo/.). 
prorachls  (prorak'Ts)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  rhachis,  spine.]  The  face 
of  Pennatulacea  which  is  sterile  and 
coincides  with  the  asulcar  aspect  of 
the  terminal  zooid  (zoo/.). 
proscapula  (proskap'ula)  n.  [L.  pro, 
before  ;  scapula,  shoulder  -  blade.] 
The  clavicle  (zoo/.). 
proscolex  (prosko'le'ks)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  skolex,  worm.]  A  rounded 
cyst  with  fluid-filled  cavity,  a  stage 
in  the  development  of  the  Tape- 
worm (zoo/.). 

prosecretin  (pro'sekre'tTn)  n.  \, 
before ;  secretus,  separated.]  The 
precursor  of  secretin  (phys.\ 
prosencephalon  (pr6s'6nkgf'alon,  -sef-) 
n.  [Gk.  pro,  before  ;  engkephalon, 
brain.]  The  telencephalon,  or  fore- 
brain  (anat.). 

prosenchyma  (prose'ng'kima)  n.     [Gk. 
pros,     near ;    engchyma,    infusion.] 
Tissue  of  prosenchymatous  cells, 
prosenchymatous    (pros'gngkim'atus) 
a.       [Gk.   pros,    near ;     engchyma, 
infusion.]     Appl.  elongated  pointed 
cells,  with  thin  or  thick  cell-walls, 
in  plant  tissue  (bot.}. 
prosethmoid  (prosgth'moid)  «.     [Gk. 
Pros,    near ;    ethinos,    sieve.]      An 




anterior  cranial  bone  of  Teleosts 

prosiphon  (prosi'fon)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
for ;  siphon,  tube.]  A  spout-like 
prolongation  of  the  edges  of  the 
mantle  -  flaps  of  certain  Molluscs 

prosocoel  (pros'osel)  n.  [Gk.  pros, 
near ;  koilos,  hollow.]  A  narrow 
cavity  in  the  epistome  of  Mollus- 
coidea,  the  first  main  part  of  the 
coelom  (zool.}. 

prosodetic  (pros'odSt'Tk)  a.  [Gk. 
prosodos,  advance.]  Anterior  to 
the  beak ;  appl.  certain  bivalve 
ligaments  (zool.}. 

prosodus  (pros'odus)  n.  [Gk.  prosodos, 
advance.]  A  delicate  canalicule 
between  chamber  and  incurrent 
canal  in  some  Sponges  (zool.}. 

prosoma  (proso'ma)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  soma,  body.]  The  anterior 
part  of  the  body ;  a  cephalothorax 

prosopyle  (pros'opil)  n.  [Gk.  proso, 
forward  ;  pyle,  gate.]  The  aperture 
of  communication  between  adjacent 
incurrent  and  flagellate  canals  in 
some  Sponges  (zool.}. 

prostalia  (prosta'lia)  n.  plu.  [L.  pro, 
forth  ;  stare,  to  stand.]  Projecting 
spicules  of  Hexactinellids  (zool.}. 

prostate  (pros'tat)  a.  [,  before  ; 
stare,  to  stand.]  Appl,  a  gland 
placed  around  the  commencement 
of  the  male  urethra  in  the  pelvic 
cavity  (anat.}. 

prostatic  (prostat'Ik)  a.  [L.  pro, 
before  ;  stare,  to  stand.]  Pert,  the 
prostate  gland  ;  appl.  duct,  nerve, 
sinus,  utricle  (anat.}. 

prostemmate  (prdste'm'at)  a.  [Gk. 
pro,  before ;  stemma,  wreath.] 
Appl.  an  ante-ocular  structure  or 
organ  of  some  Collembola,  of 
doubtful  function  (zool.}. 

prostemmatic, — prostemmate. 

prosternum  (prosteYnum)  n.  [L. 
pro,  before  ;  sternum,  breast-bone.] 
The  ventral  part  of  the  prothorax 
of  Insects  (zool.}. 

prosthion  (pros'thion)  n.  [Gk.  pros- 
thios,  foremost.]  The  alveolar 
point ;  the  middle  point  of  the 
upper  alveolar  arch  (anat.}. 

prostomiate  (prosto'miat)  a.  [Gk. 
pro,  before ;  stonia,  mouth.]  Having 

a  portion  of  the  head  in  front  of  the 
mouth  (zool.}. 

prostomium  (prosto'mium)  n.  [Gk. 
pro,  before  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  In 
Worms  and  Molluscs,  the  part  of  the 
head  anterior  to  the  mouth  (zool.}. 

prostrate  (pros'trat)  a.  [L.  prostratus, 
thrown  down.]  Procumbent ;  trail- 
ing on  the  ground  (hot.). 

protandrism  (protan'drizm)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  andros,  male.]  Pro- 
tandry ;  sometimes  exclusively  in 
zoological  application  (biol.}. 

protandrous  (protan'drus)  a.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  andros,  male.]  Ex- 
hibiting protandry  (biol.}. 

protandry  (protan'dri)  n.  [Gk. protos, 
first  ;  andros,  male.]  Condition  of 
hermaphrodite  plants  and  animals 
where  the  male  elements  mature 
and  are  shed  before  the  female 
elements  mature  (biol.}. 

protegulum  (proteg'ulum)  n.  [L.  pro, 
before  ;  tegulum,  a  covering.]  The' 
semicircular  or  semielliptical  em- 
bryonic shell  of  Brachiopods  (zool.}. 

proteid  (pro'teid)  n.  [Gk.  protos, 
first  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  The 
nitrogenous  material  of  plant  cells  ; 
albuminous  substance ;  a  term 
subject  to  varying  restrictions  in 
different  authors  (phys.}. 

protein  (pro'tein)  n.  [Gk. protos,  first.] 
Albuminous  substance ;  a  nitro- 
genous compound  of  cell  proto- 
plasm ;  the  sum-total  of  nitrogen 
present  in  protoplasm  ;  a  term  of 
variable  application  (phys.}. 

proteolytic  (pro'teollt'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  lysis,  a  loosing.] 
Appl.  ferments  which  change  pro- 
teins into  proteoses  and  peptones, 
as  pepsin,  trypsin  (pkys.}. 

proteose  (pro'teos)  n.  [Gk.  protos, 
first.]  The  first  cleavage  product 
of  the  action  of  hydrolysis  on  a 
protein  molecule  (phys.}. 

proterandric  (pro'teran'drik)  a.  [Gk. 
proteros,  earlier ;  andros,  male.] 
Appl.  hermaphroditism  in  which 
ovaries  and  testes  are  functional 
at  different  times  (biol.}. 

proterandrous, — protandrous. 

proteranthous  (pro'teran'thus)  a. 
\G\s..proteros,c.a.r\iei:;  anthos,  flower.] 
Flowering  before  foliage  leaves 
appear  (bot.}. 




proteroglyph   (pro'tgrogHf)   a.      [Gk. 

proteros,  earlier  ;  glyfihein,  to  carve.] 

I  Having  the  specialized  fang  teeth 

permanently    erect ;    opp.    soleno- 

-  glyph  (zool.}. 

proterogyny,— protogyny. 

prothallium, — prothallus. 

prothalloid  (prothal'oid)  a,  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  thallos,  young  shoot ;  eidos, 
form.]  Like  a  prothallium  (hot.}. 

prothallus  (prothal'us)  n.  [, 
before  ;  thallos,  young  shoot.]  A 
small,  thin,  fleshy  mass  developed 
from  spores  of  ferns,  itself  produc- 
ing antheridia  and  archegonia  (dot.}. 

protheca  (prothe'ka)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before ;  theke,  a  box.]  The  rudi- 
ment of  coral  formation  ;  the  basal 
part  of  the  coral  calicle  (zool.}. 

prothorax  (protho'raks)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before ;  thorax,  breast.]  The  an- 
terior thoracic  segment  of  Arthro- 
pods (zool.}. 

prothrombin  (prothrom'bln)  n.  [Gk. 
pro,  before ;  thrombos,  clot.]  Throm- 
bogen  (phys.}. 

prothyalosome  (prothfalosom)  n. 
[Gk.  pro,  before ;  hyalos,  glass  ; 
soma,  body.]  The  area  surrounding 
the  germinal  spot  in  the  germinal 
vesicle  (emb.}. 

protista  (protts'ta)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  pro- 
tistos,  first  of  all.]  The  assemblage 
of  simple  and  primitive  living  beings 
from  which  animals  and  plants 
arise  (owl.}. 

protobasidium  (pro'tobasid'Ium)  n. 
[Gk.  protos,  first ;  basidion,  a  small 
pedestal.]  A  basidium  producing 
a  mycelium  of  four  cells  from  each 
of  which  a  sporidium  is  developed 
by  abstriction  (bot.}. 

protoblast  (pro'toblast)  n.  [Gk.protos, 
first ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  naked  cell, 
devoid  of  membrane  ;  the  first  or 
single-cell  stage  of  an  embryo  ;  the 
internal-bud  stage  in  the  life-history 
of  Neosporidia  (zool.}. 

protocercal  (pro'toseVkal)  a.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  kerkos,  tail.]  Having 
the  caudal  fin  divided  into  two  ecjual 
lobes ;  diphycercal,  the  primitive 
form  of  caudal  fin  (zool.}. 

protocerebrum  (pro'toseVgbrum)  «. 
[Gk.  protos,  first ;  L.  cerebrum, 
brain.]  The  anterior  pair  of  gangli- 
onic  centres  of  Crustacea  (xool.}. 

protocnemes  (pro'toknemz)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  protos,  first  ;  knetne,  a  wheel- 
spoke.]  The  six  primary  pairs  of 

larval  shell  of  Molluscs,  indicated 
by  the  cicatrix  on  the  adult  shell 

protocone  (pro'tokon)  n.  [Gk.  protos, 
first  ;  konos,  cone.]  The  inner  cusp 
of  an  upper  jaw  molar  (anat.}. 

protoconid  (pro'toko'nld)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  konos,  cone  ;  eidos, 
form.]  The  external  cusp  of  a 
lower  jaw  molar  (anat.}. 

protoconule  (prd'toko'nul)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  konos,  cone.]  An  an- 
terior intermediate  cusp  of  an  upper 
jaw  molar  (anat.}. 

protocranium  (pro'tokra'nlum)  n. 
[Gk.  protos,  first  ;  kranion,  skull.] 
A  name  sometimes  given  to  the 
posterior  part  of  the  epicranium  of 
Insects  (zool.}. 

protoepiphyte  (pro'togp'iflt)  n.  [Gk. 
Protos,  first  ;  epi,  upon  ;  phyton, 
plant.]  A  plant  growing  upon 
another  and  getting  all  its  nourish- 
ment from  that  other  (bot.}. 

protogenic  (pr6'tqjgn'ik)a.  [Gk..  protos, 
first  ;  genos,  offspring.]  Persistent 
from  the  beginning  of  development 
onwards  (biol.}. 

protoarynous  (protSj'inus)  a.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  gyne,  woman.]  Hav- 
ing female  elements  mature  before 
male  (biol.}. 

protogyny  (prot8j'mi)  n.  [Gk.  protos, 
first  ;  gyne,  woman.]  Condition  of 
hermaphrodite  plants  and  animals 
in  which  female  elements  mature 
and  are  spent  before  maturation  of 
male  elements  (biol.}. 

protokaryon  (pro'tokar'lon)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  karyon,  nut.]  A  simple 
or  primitive  nucleus  consisting  of 
a  mass  of  chromatin  suspended  in 
nuclear  sap,  as  in  small  limax 
Amoebae  (cyt.}. 

protoloph  (pro'toldf)  n.  [Gk.  protos 
first  ;  lophos,  crest.]  The  anterior 
transverse  crest  of  upper  jaw  molars 

protomala  (pro'tb'ma'la)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  L.  mala,  cheek.]  A 
myriapod  mandible  (zool.}. 




protomerite  (pr6t6m'6rit)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  meros,  part.]  The  an- 
terior part  of  the  medullary  proto- 
plasm of  adult  Gregarines ;  cf. 
deutomerite  (zool.}. 

protomonostelic  (pro'to  mon'ostel'ik) 
a.  \Gk.  protos,  first  ;  monos,  alone  ; 
stele,  column.]  Appl.  a  stem  or 
root  with  a  protostele  or  central 
cylinder  (bot.}. 

protonema  (pro'tone'ma)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  nema,  thread.]  The 
germination  structure  of  Mosses, 
from  which  the  moss  plant  buds 

protonematoid  (pro'tonem  atoid)  a. 
[Gk.  protos,  first  ;  nema,  thread  ; 
eidos,  form.]  Like  a  protonema 

protonephridial  (pro'tonefrid'ial)  a. 
[Gk.  protos,  first  ;  nephros,  kidney.] 
Appl.  the  excretory  water-vascular 
system  of  Flat-worms  (zool.}. 

protopepsia  (pro'to  pep'sia)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  pepsis,  a  digesting.] 
Solution  and  alteration  of  food- 
material  accomplished  in  the  di- 
gestive tract  (phys.}. 

protophloem  (pro'toflo'em)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  phloios,  tree-bark.] 
The  first  phloem  elements  of  a 
vascular  bundle  (dot."). 

protophyte  (pro'tofit)  n.  [Gk.  protos, 
first ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  unicellular 
vegetable  organism  or  primitive 
plant  (bot.}. 

protoplasm  (pro'toplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  plasma,  form.]  Cell 
substance  ;  cytoplasm  and  karyo- 
plasm  (cyt.}. 

protoplasmic  (pro'toplaz'mik)  a.  [Gk. 
protos,  first  ;  plasma,  form.]  Pert. 
or  consisting  of  protoplasm  (biol.}. 

protoplast  (pro'toplast)  n.  \Gk.protos, 
first ;  plastos,  formed.]  An  energid  ; 
a  living  uninucleate  primitive  pro- 
toplasmic unit  (biol.}. 

protopodite  (protop'odit)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  pous,  foot.]  The 
basal  segment  of  a  typical  crus- 
tacean limb  (zool.}. 

protospore  (pro'tospor)  n.  [Gk. protos, 
first ;  sporos,  seed.]  A  spore  of 
the  first  generation  ;  a  mycelium- 
producing  spore  (hot.}. 

protostele  (pro'tostel)  n.  [Gk.  protos, 
first ;  stele,  column.]  The  concentric 

bundle  or  central  cylinder  of  vascu- 
lar tissue  of  most  roots  and  some 
stems  (hot.}. 

prototheca  (pro'tothe'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  theke,  box.]  A  skeletal 
cup-shaped  plate  at  the  aboral  end 
of  a  coral  embryo,  the  first  skeletal 
formation  (zool.}. 

prototroch  (pro'totrok)  n.  [Gk.  protos, 
first  ;  trochos,  wheel.]  A  pre-oral 
circlet  of  cilia  of  a  trochosphere  or 
trochelminth  larva  (zool.}. 

prototrophic  (pro'totrof'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  trophe,  nourishment.] 
Nourished  from  one  supply  or  in 
one  manner  only :  appl.  bacteria 

prototype  (pro'totip)  n.  [Gk.  protos, 
first ;  typos,  model]  An  original 
type  species  or  example  ;  an  an- 
cestral form  (biol.}. 

protovertebrae  (pro'to  veVtSbre)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  protos,  first  ;  L.  vertebra,  a 
vertebra.]  A  series  of  primitive 
segments  in  a  vertebrate  embryo, 
once  thought  to  be  the  beginnings 
of  vertebrae  (emb.}. 

protoxylem  (pro'tb'zl'lem)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  xylon,  wood.]  Primary 
xylem  lying  next  the  pith  of  stems 

protozoaea  (pro'tozo'ea)  n.  [Gk. protos, 
first ;  zoon,  animal.]  A  stage  in 
the  life-history  of  certain  Arthropods 
succeeding  the  free -swimming 
nauplius  (zool.}. 

protozoology  (pro'tozool'ojl)  n.  [Gk. 
protos,  first ;  zoon,  animal ;  logos, 
discourse.]  The  department  of 
Zoology  dealing  with  the  simplest 
animal  organisms. 

protozoon  (pro'tozo'on)  n.  [Gk.protos, 
first ;  zoon,  animal.]  A  unicellular 
animal  organism  (zool.}. 

protractor  (protrak'tor)  n.  [L.  pro, 
forth  ;  tractus,  drawn  out.]  A 
muscle  which  draws  out  or  extends 
a  part  (anat.}. 

protriaene  (pro'trlen)  n.  [Gk.  pro, 
before  ;  triaina,  trident.]  A  triaene 
with  anteriorly-directed  branches 

proventriculus  (pro'ventrik'ulus)  n. 
[L.  pro,  before  ;  ventriculus,  a  small 
stomach.]  In  Insects,  the  digestive 
chamber  anterior  to  the  stomach  ; 
in  Worms,  that  anterior  to  the 




gizzard ;  in  Birds,  the  glandular 
stomach  anterior  to  the  gizzard 

provinculum  (proving'kulum)  n.  [L. 
pro,  before ;  vinculum,  a  chain.] 
A  primitive  hinge  of  young  stages 
of  certain  Lamellibranchia  (zool.). 

proximal  (prok'simal)  a.  [L.  proxi- 
mus,  next.]  Nearest  the  body  or 
centre  ;  opp.  distal  (biol.). 

pruinose  (proo'inos)  a.  [L.  pruina, 
hoar-frost.]  Covered  with  whitish 
particles  or  globules  ;  covered  by 
bloom  (bot.). 

psalterium  (solte'rium,  sal-)  n.  [L. 
psalterium,  a  psalter.]  The  third 
stomach  of  Ruminants,  the  omasus, 
or  manyplies  (zool.) ;  the  lyra,  a 
thin  triangular  lamina  joining 
lateral  portions  of  the  fornix 

psammophilous  (samof'ilus,  psam-)  a. 
\G\a.psammos,  sand  \philos,  loving.] 
Thriving  in  sandy  places  (dot.). 

psamxnophyte  (sam'oflt,  psam-)  n. 
{Gk..  psammos,  sand  ;phyton,  plant.] 
A  plant  growing  in  dry,  sandy 
ground  (oof."). 

pseudambulacrum  (su'dambula'krum, 
psu-)  n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  L. 
ambulare,  to  walk.]  A  term  for 
the  lancet-plate,  with  adhering  side- 
plates  and  covering  plates  of  Blast- 
oidea  (zool.). 

pseudannual  (sudan'ual,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false  ;  L.  annus,  year.]  A 
plant  which  completes  its  growth 
in  one  year  but  provides  a  bulb  or 
other  means  of  surviving  winter 

pseudaposematic  (sudap'6s6mat'ik, 
psu-)  a.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  apo, 
from ;  sema,  sign.]  Imitating  the 
warning  coloration  or  other  pro- 
tective features  of  hurtful  animals 

pseudaxis  (sudak'sis,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false ;  axis,  axle.]  An 
apparent  main  axis  (bot.). 

pseudhaemal  (sudhe'mal,  psu-)  a. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  Jiaima,  blood.] 
Appl.  the  vascular  system  of  cer- 
tain Worms  and  Echinoderms 

pseudholoptic  (su'dholop'tik,  psu-)  a. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  holes,  whole  ; 
optikos,  relating  to  sight.]  Inter- 

mediate between  holoptic  and 
dichoptic,  conditions  in  the  eyes 
of  Diptera  (zool.). 

pseudimago  (su'dima'go,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false  ;  L.  imago,  image.] 
A  stage  between  pupa  and  imago 
in  the  metamorphosis  of  certain 
Insects  (zool.). 

pseudoalveolar  (su'doalve'olar,  psu-) 
a.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  L.  al-vetts, 
a  hollow.]  Appl.  a  structure  of 
cytoplasm  containing  starch  grains 
or  deutoplasm  spheres  (cyt.). 

pseudoaquatic  (su'doakwat'lk,  -kwot-, 
psu-)  a.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  L. 
aqua,  water.]  Thriving  in  moist 
ground  (bot.). 

pseudobrachium  (sii'dobra'kmm,  psu-) 
n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  brachion, 
arm.]  The  kind  of  arm  formed 
from  elongated  pterygials  of  the 
pectoral  fin  of  Pediculates  (zool.). 

pseud obranchia  (su'dobrang'kla,  psu-) 
n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  brangchia, 
gills.]  An  accessory  gill  of  some 
Fishes,  not  respiratory  in  function 

pseudobulb  (su'dobulb,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false  ;  L.  bulbus,  bulb.]  A 
thickened  internode  of  Orchids  for 
storage  of  water  and  reserves  (bot.). 

pseudobulbll  (su'dobul'bil,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  L.  bulbus,  bulb.] 
An  outgrowth  of  some  Ferns,  a 
substitute  for  sporangia  (bot.). 

pseudobulbous  (su'dobul'biis,  psu-)  a. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  L.  bulbus,  bulb.] 
Adapted  to  xerophytic  conditions 
through  development  of  pseudo- 
bulbs  (bot.). 

pseudocarp  (su'dokarp,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false ;  karpos,  fruit.]  A 
false  fruit,  or  one  in  which  other 
parts  than  the  ovary  assist  in 
formation  (bot.). 

pseudocentrous  (su'dosfin'triis,  psu-)  a. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  L.  centrum, 
centre.]  Appl.  vertebrae  composed 
of  two  pairs  of  arcualia  meeting  and 
forming  a  suture  laterally  (Pal.). 

pseudochromatln, —  prochromatin 

pseudoconch  (su'd6k8ngk,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  kongche,  shell.] 
A  structure  developed  above  and 
behind  the  true  concha  in  Crocodiles 




pseudocoue  (su'dokon,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false ;  konos,  cone.]  A 
soft  gelatinous  cone  occurring  in 
numbers  in  some  insect  eyes 

pseudoconjugation  (su'dokonj  ooga'- 
shun,  psu-)  n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ; 
L.  cum,  with  ;  jugum,  yoke.]  Con- 
jugation of  Sporozoa  in  which  two 
individuals,  temporarily  and  without 
true  fusion,  join  end  to  end,  proto- 
merite  to  deutomerite,  or  side  to 
side  (sool.). 

pseudocostate  (su'dokos'tat,  psu-)  a. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  L.  costa,  rib.] 
False-veined ;  having  a  marginal 
vein  uniting  all  others  (bot.). 

pseudocyst  (su'dosist,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  A 
residual  protoplasmic  mass  which 
swells  and  ruptures, liberating  spores 
of  Sporozoa  (zool.). 

pseudodeltidium  (su'dodeltid'ium, 
psu-)  n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  delta, 
D.]  A  plate  partly  or  entirely 
closing  the  deltidial  fissure  in  the 
ventral  valve  of  certain  Testi- 
cardines  (zool.). 

pseudoderm  (su'doderm,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false ;  derma,  skin.]  A 
kind  of  covering  or  skin  of  certain 
compact  sponges,  formed  also 
towards  the  pseudogastric  cavity 

pseudodont  (su'dodont,  psu-)  a.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Hav- 
ing false  or  horny  teeth,  as  Mono- 
tremes  (zool.). 

pseudofoliaceous  (su'dofolla'shus, 
psu-)  a.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  L. 
folium,  leaf.]  With  expansions 
resembling  leaves  (bot.). 

pseudogaster  (su'dogas'tgr,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk. pseudes,  false ;  gaster,  stomach.] 
An  apparent  gastral  cavity  of 
certain  Sponges,  opening  to  the 
exterior  by  a  pseudoosculum  and 
having  the  true  oscula  opening  into 
itself  (zool.). 

pseudogastrula  (su'dogas'troola,  psu-) 
n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  gaster, 
stomach.]  The  stage  of  Sycon 
development  when  the  archaeocytes 
become  completely  enclosed  by  the 
flagellate  cells  (zool.). 

pseudoheart,  —  the  axial  organ  of 
Echinoderms  (zool.). 

psu-)  n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  L. 
manubrium,  handle.]  The  manu- 
brium  considered  as  a  process  of 
the  subumbrella  where  the  former 
contains  the  gastric  cavity  —  in 
certain  Trachylinae  (zool.). 

pseudometamerism  (su'dometam'- 
erlzm,  psu-)  n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ; 
meta,  between  ;  meros,  part.]  Ap- 
parent serial  segmentation ;  an 
approximation  to  metamerism,  as  in 
certain  Flat-worms  (zool.). 

okotile'db'nus,  psu-)  a.  [Gk.  pseudes, 
false  ;  monos,  alone  ;  kotyledon,  a 
cup-like  hollow.]  With  two  coty- 
ledons coalescing  to  appear  as  one 

pseudomonocyclic  (su'domon'b'sik'lik, 
psu-)  a.  \Gk.pseudes,  false  ;  monos, 
alone  ;  kyklos,  circle.]  Appl.  Crin- 
oids  with  infrabasals  absent  in 
adults  but  present  in  the  young  or 
in  near  ancestors  (zool.\ 

pseudonavicella  (su'donavisel'a,  psu-) 
n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false :  L.  namcella, 
small  boat.]  A  small  boat-shaped 
spore  containing  sporozoites,  in 
Sporozoa  (zool.). 

pseudonuclein, — paranuclein  (cyt.). 

pseudonucleoli  (su'donukle'olT,  psu-) 
n.  plu.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  L. 
nucleus,  kernel.]  Knots  or  granules 
in  nuclear  reticulum  not  true  nucleoli 

pseudonychium  (su'donik'ium,  psu-) 
n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  onyx,  claw.] 
A  lobe  or  process  between  claws 
of  Insects  (zool.). 

pseudoosculum  (su'doos'kulum,  psu-) 
n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  L.  osculum, 
small  mouth.]  The  exterior  opening 
of  a  pseudogaster  (zool.). 

pseudoparenchyma  (su'dopareng'- 
kima,  psu-)  n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ; 
para,  beside  ;  engchyma,  infusion.] 
A  tissue-like  collection  of  hyphae 
resembling  parenchyma  (bot.). 

pseudoperculum  (su'doper'kulum, 
psu-)  n.  [Gk. pseudes,  false ;  L.  oper- 
culum,  lid.]  A  structure  resembling 
an  operculum  or  closing  membrane 

pseudoperlanth  (su'do'peVianth,  psu-) 
n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  peri,  round  ; 
anthos,  flower.]  An  archegonium- 




investing  envelope  of  certain  Liver- 
worts (bot.). 

pseudoperidium  (su'dope'rld'ium,  psu-) 
n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  peridion, 
small  wallet.]  The  aeciospore  en- 
velope of  certain  Fungi  (hot.). 

pseudoplasmodium  (su'ddplazmo'- 
dlum,  psu-)  n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false ; 
plasma,  form.]  An  aggregation  of 
amoebulae  without  fusion  of  their 
protoplasmic  bodies  (zool}. 

pseudopodiospore  (sudopo'diospor, 
psu-)  n.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  pous, 
foot  ;  sporos,  seed.]  An  amoebula 
or  amoeboid  swarm-spore  which 
moves  by  means  of  pseudopodia 

pseudopodium  (su'dopS'dlum,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  pous,  foot.]  A 
blunt  protrusion  of  ectoplasm  serv- 
ing for  locomotion  and  prehension 
in  Protozoa  (zool.) ;  in  certain 
Mosses,  the  sporogonium-supporting 
pedicel  (bot.). 

pseudopore  (su'dopor,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false  ;  poros,  channel.]  A 
small  orifice  between  outermost 
tube  and  intercanal  system  of  cer- 
tain Sponges  (zool.). 

pseudopupa  (su'dopu'pS,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false ;  L.  pupa,  puppet.] 
The  semi-pupa  or  coarctate  stage 
of  certain  insect  larvae  (zool.). 

pseudoramose  (su'dora'mos,  psu-)  a. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  L.  ramus, 
branch.]  Having  false  branches 

pseudoramulus  (su'dor&m'ulus,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  L.  ramulus, 
small  branch.]  A  spurious  branch 
of  certain  Algae  (bot.}. 

pseudo-reduction,  —  the  preliminary 
division  of  chromatin-rods  preced- 
ing the  formation  of  tetrads  and 
the  actual  reduction  in  maturation 

pseudorhabdltes  (su'dor&b'dlts,  psu-) 
n.plu.  [Gk.  pseudes,  false ;  rhabdos, 
rod.]  Granular  masses  of  formed 
secretion  produced  by  gland-cells 
of  Rhabdocoelida  (zool.). 

pseudoscolex  (su'dosk5'16ks,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  pseudss,  false  ;  skolex,  worm.] 
Modified  anterior  proglottides  of 
certain  Cestoids  where  the  true 
scolex  is  absent  (zool.). 
pseudoseptate  (su'dosSp'tat,  psu-)  a. 

S3k.    pseudes,    false ;      L.    septum, 
ivision.]       Apparently,     but     not 
morphologically,   septate  (bot.).' 

pseudosessile  (su'dosSs'il,  psu-)  a. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  L.  sedere,  to  sit.] 
Appl.  the  abdomen  of  petiolate 
Insects  when  the  petiole  is  so  short 
that  the  abdomen  is  close  to  the 
thorax  ;  cf.  pedicellate  (zool.). 

pseudosperm  (su'ddspgrm,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  sperma,  seed.] 
A  false  seed  or  carpel  (bot.). 

pseudospore  (su'dospor,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false ;  sporos,  seed.]  A 
teliospore  or  winter-spore  of  certain 
Rusts  (bot.). 

pseudostoma  (su'dosto'ma,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  pseudes,  false  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
A  temporary  mouth  ;  a  mouth-like 
opening  ;  a  pseudoosculum  (zool.). 

pseudovarium  (su'dova'rlum,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  pseudes^  false ;  L.  ovarium, 
ovary.]  An  ovary  producing  pseu- 
dova  (zool.). 

pseudovitellus  (su'ddvttgl'us,  psu-)  n. 
[Gk.  Pseudes)  false  ;  L.  -vitellus,  egg- 
yolk.]  A  cellular  double-string 
structure  of  Aphidae,  a  supposed 
substitute  for  absent  Malpighian 
tubes  (zool.). 

pseudovum  (sudo'vum,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false  ;  L.  ovum,  egg.]  An 
ovum  that  can  develop  without 
fertilization  ;  a  parthenogenetic 
ovum  ;  the  earlier  condition  of  the 
viviparously  -  produced  Aphidae 

pseudozoaea  (su'dozo'eS,  psu-)  n.  [Gk. 
pseudes,  false ;  zoon,  animal.]  A 
larval  stage  of  Stomatopods,  so- 
called  from  its  resemblance  to  the 
zoaea  stage  of  Decapods  (zool.). 

psoas  (so'as,  pso-)  n.  [Gk.  psoa, 
loins.]  Name  of  two  loin  muscles 

psorosperms    (so'rpspSrmz,    pso-)    n. 
plu.    \Gk.psora,  itch  ;  sperma,  seed.]  , 
Sporozoa  ;       parasitic       organisms 
generally  (biol.). 

pteridology  (teYldSl'bjf,  pteY-)  n.  [Gk. 
pteris,  fern  ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
branch  of  Botany  dealing  with  ferns. 

pteridophyte  (teYldoflt,  pt6r-)  n. 
[Gk.  pteris,  fern  ;  phyton,  plant.] 
A  plant  of  the  fern  group  (bot.). 

pterion  (teVl6n,  ptfir-)  n.  [Gk.  pteron, 
wing.]  The  point  of  junction  of. 



parietal,  frontal,  and  great  wing  of 

sphenoid  (anat.). 
pterocarpous   (ter'okar'pus,   pter-)   a. 

[Gk.  pteron,    wing  ;  karpos,   fruit.] 

With  winged  fruit  (bot.}. 
pteroid  (ter'oid,  pter-)  a.     [Gk.  pteris, 

fern  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]     Like  a 

fern  (bot.}. 
pteropaedes  (teYope'dez,  pt6r-)  n.  plu. 

[Gk.    pteron,    wing ;    pats,    child.] 

Birds     able     to    fly    when    newly 

hatched  (sool.). 
pteropegum    (teYope'gum,    pter-)   n. 

[Gk.  pteron,    wing ;    pegos,    firm.] 

An  insect's  wing  socket  (zool.). 
pteropodium   (teYopo'dium,  pt6r-)  n. 

[Gk.  pteron,  wing  ;  pous,  foot.]     A 

winged  foot,  as  of  certain  bats  (zool.). 
pterospermous  (ter'osper'mus,   pter-) 

a.       [Gk.    pteron,    wing ;     sperma, 

seed.]    With  winged  seeds  (bot.}. 
pterostigma    (ter'ostig'ma,    ptSr-)    n. 

[Gk.  pteron,    wing  ;  stigma,  mark.] 

An  opaque  cell   on   certain   insect 

wings  (zool.). 

pterotheca  (teYothe'ka,  pt6r-)  n.  [Gk. 
pteron,  wing  ;  theke,  a  case.]  The 

wing-case  of  pupae  (zool.). 
pterotic  (tfirot'ik,  pter-)  n.  \Gk.pteron, 

wing ;  ous,   ear.]     A    cranial   bone 

overlying  the  horizontal  semicircular 

canal  of  the  ear  (zool.). 
pterygial    (terij'ial,    pt6r-)    a.      [Gk. 
pteryx,  wing.]     Pert,  a  wing  or  fin  ; 
appl.  a  bone  supporting   a   fin-ray 
pterygiophore    (tSrij'ipfor,    ptSr-)    n. 

gik.  pteryx,  wing  ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
ne  of  a  row  of  cartilaginous  rays 
forming  the  skeleton  of  median 
fins  (zool.}. 

pterygium  (terlj'ium,  pt6r-)  n.  [Gk. 
pteryx,  wing.]  A  prothoracic  pro- 
cess of  weevils ;  a  vertebrate  limb 

pterygobranchiate  (teVigdbrang'kiat, 
pter-)  a.  [Gk.  pteryx,  wing ; 
brangchia,  gills.]  Having  spread- 
ing or  feathery  gills,  as  certain 
Crustaceans  (zool.). 

pterygoda  (teYfgp'da,  ptfir-)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  pteryx,  wing ;  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] The  tegulae  of  an  Insect 

pterygoid  (tgr'igoid,  ptSr-)  n.  [Gk. 
pteryx,  wing ;  eidos,  form.]  A 
cranial  bone  (zool.) ;  a.  wing-like ; 

appl.  the  wing-like  processes  of  the 
sphenoid,  also  canal,  fissure,  fossa, 
plexus,  muscles  (anat.). 

pterygomandibular  (ter'igomandib'- 
ular,  pter-)  a.  [Gk.  pteryx,  wing  ; 
L.  mandibulum,  jaw.]  Pert,  ptery- 
goid and  mandible  ;  appl.  a 
tendinous  band  of  the  buccopharyn- 
geal  muscle  (anat.). 

pterygomaxillary  (ter'igomaksirari, 
pter-)  a.  [Gk.  pteryx,  wing ;  L. 
maxilla,  jaw.]  Appl.  a  fissure 
formed  by  divergence  of  the  maxilla 
from  the  pterygoid  process  of  the 
sphenoid  (anat.). 

pterygopalatal, — pterygopalatine. 

pterygopalatine  (ter'igb'pal'atin,  pter-) 
a.  [Gk.  pteryx,  wing  ;  L.  palatus, 
palate.]  Pert,  the  region  of  ptery- 
goid and  palatal  cranial  bones ; 
appl.  canal,  fossa,  groove  (anat.). 

pterygoquadrate  (ter'igokwod'rat, 
ptgr-)  a.  [Gk.  pteryx,  wing ;  L. 
quadratus,  squared.]  Appl.  a  carti- 
lage constituting  the  dorsal  half  of 
the  mandibular  arch  of  certain 
Fishes  (zool.). 

pterygospinous  (tSr'igospl'nus,  pter-) 
a.  [Gk.  pteryx,  wing ;  L.  spina, 
spine.]  Appl.  a  ligament  stretching 
from  lateral  pterygoid  plate  to 
spinous  process  of  sphenoid  (anat.). 

Pterylae  (ter'ile,  pter-)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
pteron,  feather  ;  yle,  a  wood.]  The 
feather  tracts  of  a  bird's  body,  or 
the  areas  on  which  feathers  spring, 
as  distinguished  from  the  un- 
feathered  areas  or  apteria  (zool.). 

pterylosis  (terilo'sis,  ptgr-)  n.  [Gk. 
pteron,  feather  ;  yle,  a  wood.]  Ar- 
rangement of  pterylae  and  apteria 
in  Birds  (zool.). 

ptilinum  (tili'num,.ptil-)«.  [Gk.ptilon, 
feather.]  A  head- vesicle  or  bladder- 
like  expansion  of  the  head  of  a 
fly  emerging  from  the  pupa,  useful 
for  rupturing  the  hard  covering, 
introverted  when  the  insect  is 
mature  ;  found  in  about  one-half  of 
the  Diptera  (zool.). 

ptyalin  (tl'alin,  ptl-)  n.  [Gk.  ptyalon, 
saliva.]  A  digestive  ferment  of 
saliva  (phys.). 

ptyxis  (tik'sis,  ptik-)  n.  [Gk.  ptyxis, 
a  folding.]  The  form  in  which 
young  leaves  are  folded  or  rolled 
on  themselves  in  the  bud  (bot.). 




puberty  (pu'beYtif)  n.  [L.  pubertas, 
adult  state.]  Sexual  maturity  (phys.). 

puberulent  (puber'ul6nt)  a.  [L.  pubes, 
adult.]  Covered  with  down  or 
fine  hair  (dot.). 

pubes  (pu'bez)  n.  [L.  pubes,  adult.] 
The  pubic  region  (anat.). 

pubescence  (pu'be's'e'ns)  n.  [L.  pu- 
bescere,  to  become  mature.]  Downy 
or  hairy  covering  on  some  plants 
and  certain  insects  (biol.). 

pubescent  (pube's'e'nt)  a.  [L.  pubescere, 
to  become  mature.]  Covered  with 
soft  hair  or  down  (dot.'). 

pubic  (pu'blk)  a.  [L.  pubes,  mature.] 
In  the  region  of  the  pubes ;  appl. 
arch,  ligament,  tubercle,  vein 
(a  nat.). 

pubis  (pu'bls)  n.  [L.  pubes,  mature.] 
The  anterior  part  of  the  hip-bone, 
consisting  of  body  and  ramus 
(anat.)  ;  the  antero-ventral  portion 
of  the  pelvic  girdle  (zool.). 

pudendal  (pudSn'dal)  a.  [L.  pudere, 
to  be  ashamed.]  In  the  region  of 
the  pudendum  ;  appl.  artery,  cleft, 
nerve,  veins  (anat.). 

pudendum  (pudSn'dum)  n.  {L.pudere, 
to  be  ashamed.]  The  vulva,  or 
externals  of  the  female  organs  of 
generation  (anat.). 

pudic, — pudendal. 

pullulation  (pul'ula'shun)  n.  [L. 
pullulare,  to  sprout.]  Gemmation  ; 
reproduction  by  vegetative  budding, 
as  in  yeast  cells  (oof.). 

pulmobranchia  (puTmobrang'kia)  n. 
[L.  pulmo,  lung ;  Gk.  brangchia, 
gills.]  A  gill-like  organ  adapted  to 
air-breathing  conditions ;  a  lung 
book,  as  of  Spiders  (zool.}. 

pulmogastric  (pul'mogas'trik)  a.  [L. 
pulmo,  lung ;  gaster,  stomach.] 
Pert,  lungs  and  stomach  (anat.}. 

pulmonary  (pul'monari)  a.  {L.  pulmo, 
lung.]  Pert,  lungs ;  appl.  artery, 
ligament,  valves,  veins,  pleura 

pulmonary  cavity  or  sac, — the  mantle- 
cavity  of  Molluscs  without  ctenidia  : 
it  functions  as  a  lung  (zool.}. 

pulmones  (pulmo'nez)  n.  plu.  [L. 
pulmo,  lung.]  Lungs  (anat.}. 

pulp  (pulp)  n.  [L.  pulpa,  fruit-pulp.] 
The  dental  papilla  ;  the  soft  mass 
of  splenic  tissue  (zool.}  ;  the  soft, 
fleshy  part  of  a  fruit  (bot.}. 

pulsating  vacuole,  —  a  contractile 

pulse  (puls)  n.  [L.  pulsus,  beaten.] 
The  beat  or  throb  observable  in  the 
arteries,  due  to  the  action  of  the 
heart  (phys.). 

pulse  wave, — a  wave  of  increased 
pressure  over  the  arterial  system, 
started  by  the  ventricular  systole 

pulsellum  (pulseTum)  n.  [L.  pulsus, 
beaten.]  A  flagellum  situated  at 
the  posterior  end  of  a  protozoan 
body  (zool.}. 

pulvillar  (pulvil'ar)  a.  [L.  pulvillus, 
a  little  cushion.]  Pert,  or  at  a 
pulvillus  of  an  Insect  (zool.}. 

pulvilliforni  (pulvil'if&rm)  a.  [L. 
pulvillus,  a  small  cushion  ;  fortna, 
shape.]  Like  a  small  cushion. 

pulvillus  (pulvil'us)  n.  [L.  pulvillus, 
small  cushion.]  A  free  pad  or 
membrane  under  each  claw  of 
Diptera  (zool.). 

pulvinar  (pulvr'nar)  n.  [L.  pulyinus, 
cushion.]  An  angular  prominence 
on  the  optic  thalamus  (anat.) ;  a. 
cushion-like  ;  pert,  a  pulvinus  (bot.). 

pulvinate  (pul'vinat)  a.  [L. pulvinus, 
cushion.]  Cushion-like  ;  having  a 
pulvinus  (biol.). 

pulvinulus  (pulvin'ulus)  n.  [L.  pul- 
vinus, cushion.]  A  pulvillus. 

pulvinus  (pulvr'nus)  n.  [L.  pulvinus, 
cushion.]  A  cellular  swelling  at 
the  junction  of  axis  and  leaf-stalk 

pulviplume  (pul'viploom)  n.  [L. 
pulvis,  powder ;  pluma,  feather.] 
A  powder-down  feather  (zool.). 

punctate  (pung'ktat)  a.  [L.punctum, 
point]  Dotted  ;  having  the  surface 
covered  with  small  holes  or  dots 

punctulate  (pung'ktulat)  a.  [L. 
Punctum,  point.]  Covered  with 
very  small  dots  or  holes  (biol.). 

punctum  (pung'ktum)  n.  [L.  punctuw, 
point.]  A  minute  dot,  point,  or 
orifice  ;  as  puncta  lacrimalia,  puncta 
vasculosa  (anat.) ;  the  apex  of  a 
growing  point  (bot.). 

puncture  (pungTctur)  n.  [L.functura, 
prick.]  A  small  round  surface 
depression  (btol.). 

pupa  (pu'pa)  n.  [L.  pupa,  puppet.] 
The  third  or  chrysalis  stage  of 




insect  life ;  the  stage  in  insect 
metamorphosis  preceding  the  imago 
or  adult  (zoal.). 

pupal  (pu'pal)  a.  [L.  pupa,  puppet.] 
Pert,  the  pupa  stage  (zool.). 

puparium  (pupa'rium)  n.  [L.  pupa, 
puppet.]  A  coarctate  pupa ;  the 
pupal  instar,  exemplified  in  the 
blow-fly  (zool.). 

pupiform  (pu'p!f6rm)  a.  [L.  pupa, 
puppet ;  forma,  shape.]  Pupa- 
shaped  ;  pupa-like. 

pupigerous  (pupij'firus)  a.  {L..  pupa, 
puppet ;  gerere,  to  bear?)  Con- 
taining a  pupa  (zool.). 

pupil  (pu'pil)  n.  [L.  pupilla,  the 
pupil  of  the  eye.]  The  aperture  of 
the  iris  through  which  rays  pass  to 
the  retina  (anat.). 

pupillary  (pupil'ari,  pu'pilar!)  a.  [L. 
pupilla,  pupil  of  the  eye.]  Pert. 
the  pupil  of  the  eye  ;  appl.  a  mem- 
brane (anat.). 

pupiparous  (pupip'arus)  a.  [L.  pupa, 
puppet ;  parere,  to  beget.]  Bring- 
ing forth  young  already  developed 
to  the  pupa  stage,  as  certain  para- 
sitic Insects  (zool.). 

Purkinje,  cells  of, — an  incomplete 
stratum  of  flask  -  shaped  cells 
between  the  two  layers  of  the  grey 
matter  of  the  cerebellum  (anat.). 

pustule  (piis'tul)  n.  [L.  pustula, 
pimple.]  A  blister-like  prominence 

pusules  (pus'ulz)  n.  plu.  [L.  pus, 
matter.]  Non-contractile  vacuoles 
consisting  of  two  sacs  containing 
watery  fluid,  each  emptying  by  its 
own  duct,  found  in  many  Dino- 
flagellates_  (zool.). 

putamen  (puta'mfin)  n.  [L.  putamen, 
pod.]  The  hard  endocarp  or  stone 
of  some  fruits  (bot.) ;  the  lateral 
part  of  the  lentiform  nucleus  of  the 
cerebrum  (anat.)  ;  the  shell  mem- 
brane of  a  bird's  egg  (zool.). 

pycnidiophore  (piknid'iofor)  n.  [Gk. 
pyknos,  dense  ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
A  conidiophore  producing  pycnidia 

pycnidiospore  (plkmd'iospor)  n.  [Gk. 
pyknos,  dense  ;  sporos,  seed.]  The 
spore  produced  by  pycnidia  (bot.). 

pycnidium  (plknid'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
pyknos,  dense.]  A  small  flask-shaped 
organ  or  spermogoniurn  containing 

slender  filaments  which  form 
pycnidiospores  or  spermatia  by 
abstriction, — a  stage  in  the  life- 
history  of  wheat  rust  (bot.). 

pycnium,— a  pycnidium. 

pycnoconidium,  pycnogonidium, 
pycnospore, — varieties  of  pycnidio- 
spore (bot.). 

pygal  (pi'gal)  a.  \G\a.pyge,  the  rump.] 
Situated  at  or  pert,  the  posterior 
end  of  the  back ;  appl.  certain 
plates  of  the  chelonian  carapace 

pygidium  (pljld'ium)  n.  [Gk.  pyge, 
rump.]  A  caudal  shield  covering 
the  abdomen  of  certain  Arthropods  ; 
the  terminal  uncovered  abdominal 
segment  of  a  beetle  (zool.). 

pygochord  (pl'gokdrd)  n.  [Gk.  pyge, 
rump ;  chorde,  cord.]  A  ventral 
median  ridge-like  outgrowth  of  the 
intestinal  epithelium  in  certain 
Enteropneusta  (zool.). 

pygostyle  (pl'gostll)  n.  [Gk.  pyge, 
rump ;  stylos,  column.]  An  up- 
turned compressed  bone  at  the  end 
of  the  vertebral  column  of  Birds, 
formed  by  fusion  of  the  four  or 
more  hindmost  vertebrae  (zool.). 

pylocyte  (pl'loslt)  n.  [Gk.  pylon, 
gateway  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  pore- 
cell  at  the  inner  end  of  a  small 
funnel-shaped  depression,  the  poro- 
cyte  of  certain  Sponges  (zool.). 



rlome    (pllom')    n.       [Gk.    pylc 
gate.]      In    certain   Sarcodina, 
aperture  for  emission   of   pseudo- 
podia  and  reception  of  food  (zool.). 

pyloric  (pilorTk)  a.  [Gk.  pyloros, 
gate-keeper.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region 
of  the  pylorus ;  appl.  artery,  antrum, 
glands,  orifice,  valve,  vein  (anat.). 

pylorus  (pilo'rus)  n.  [Gk.  pyloros, 
gate-keeper.]  The  lower  orifice  of 
the  stomach,  communicating  with 
the  duodenum  (anat.). 

pyramid  (pir'amid)  n.  [L.  Pyramis, 
a  pyramid.]  A  conical  structure, 
protuberance,  eminence ;  a  piece 
of  the  dental  apparatus  of  Echinoids 
(zool.)  ;  appl.  parts  of  brain,  tem- 
poral bone,  vestibule  (anat.). 

pyramidal  (piram'idal)  a.  {L.pyranris, 
a  pyramid.]  Conical ;  like  a  pyramid ; 
appl.  a  carpal  bone,  brain  cells, 
lobes,  processes,  muscle  (anat.). 

pyrene  (pfren,  plren')  n.     [Gk.  pyren^ 




a  fruit-stone.]  A  fruit-stone  or 
kernel  (dot.). 

pyrenin  (plre'nln)  ;/.  [Gk.  pyren, 
a.  fruit-stone.]  The  substance  of  a 
true  nucleolus,  paranuclein  (cyt.). 

pyrenocarp  (plre'nokarp)  ».  [Gk. 
pyren,  a  fruit-stone  ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
A  form  of  ascocarp ;  a  fleshy  fruit 
with  stone  or  hard  kernel  (hot.). 

pyrenoid  (pfrgnoid)  n.  [Gk.  pyren, 
a  fruit-stone ;  eidos,  form.]  A 
colourless  plastid  of  lower  plants, 
a  centre  of  starch  formation  (hot.}. 

pyriform  (pfriform)  a.  [L.  pyruin, 
pear  ;  forma,  shape.]  Pear-shaped  ; 
appl.  a  muscle  (anat.),  an  organ  of 
a  larval  Mollusc,  and  a  vestigial 
sac  of  a  male  Nautilus  (zool.). 

pyxidium  (piksld'ium)  n.  [Gk.  pyxis, 
box.]  A  pyxis,  or  capsular  fruit 
which  dehisces  transversely  (hot.}. 

quadrate  (kwod'rat)  n.  [L.  quadratus, 
squared.]  The  bone  with  which  the 
lower  jaw  articulates  in  Birds, 
Reptiles,  Amphibians,  and  Fishes  ; 
one  of  the  lobes  of  the  liver  (anat.). 

quadratojugal  (kwSdra'tqjoo'gal)  n. 
[L.  quadratus,  squared ;  jugum, 
yoke.]  Membranous  bone  con- 
necting the  quadrate  and  jugal 
bones  (anat.). 

quadrato  -  mandibular  (kwodra'to- 
mandib'ular)  a.  [L.  quadratus, 
squared  ;  mandibulum,  jaw.]  Pert. 
quadrate  and  mandibular. 

quadratus  (kwodra'tus)  n.  [L.  quad- 
ratus, squared.]  The  name  of 
several  muscles,  e.g.  quadratus 
femoris  (anat.). 

quadriceps  (kwSd'rlse'ps)  n.  [L.  quat- 
tuor, four ;  caput,  head.]  Muscle 
in  front  of  the  thigh  extending  the 
lower  leg  and  divided  up  into  four 
portions  at  its  upper  end  (anat.). 

quadrifarlous  (kwSdrlfa'rius)  a.  [L. 
quadrifarius,  fourfold.]  In  four 
rows  ;  proceeding  from  all  the  sides 
of  a  branch  (bot.). 

quadrlfld  (kwfid'rlfld)  a.  [L.  quattuor, 
four ;  findere,  to  cleave.]  Deeply 
cleft  into  four  parts  (bot.). 

quadrifoliate  (kwSd'rifo'llat)  a.  [L. 
quattuor,  four  ;  folium,  leaf.]  Appl. 
compound  palmate  leaf,  consisting 
of  four  leaflets  arising  at  a  common 
point  (bot.'). 

quadrigeminal  bodies  (k\v6d'r!j6m'- 
Tnal).  See  corpora  quadrigemlna. 

quadrljugate  (kwfid'rljoo'gat)  a.  [L. 
quattuor,  four;  jugum, yoke.]  Appl. 
pinnate  leaf  having  four  pairs  of 
leaflets  (hot.). 

quadrllocular  (kw8d'rll8k'ular)  a.  [L. 
quattuor,  four ;  loculus,  small  space.] 
Having  four  loculi  or  chambers,  as 
the  ovary  of  certain  plants  (bot.}. 

quadrimaculate  (kwSd'rlmak'ulat)  a. 
[L.  quattuor,  four ;  macula,  spot.] 
Having  four  spots  (zool.\ 

quadrinate  (kwod'rinat)  a.  [L.  quat- 
tuor, four.]  See  quadrlfoliate. 

quadripennate  (kwod'ripe'n'at)  a.  |X. 
quattuor,  four  \penna,  wing.]  With 
four  wings. 

quadritubercular  (kwSd'rltubgrTcular) 
a.  [L.  quattuor,  four  ;  fuberculum, 
a  small  hump.]  Appl.  teeth  with 
four  tubercles  (anat.}. 

quadrumanous  (kwodroom'anus)  a. 
[L.  quattuor,  four ;  manus,  hand.] 
Having  hind-feet,  as  well  as  front 
feet,  constructed  like  hands,  as 
most  Primates  except  man  (anat.). 

quadrupedal  (kw6d'roope'dal,  kw6d- 
roop'edal)  a.  [L.  quattuor,  four  ; 
pes,  foot.]  Appl.  the  habitual  atti- 
tude of  four-footed  animals  (anat.). 

quaternary  (kwSteYnarl)  a.  [L. 
quatemi,  four  each.]  Appl.  flower 
symmetry  when  there  are  four  parts 
in  a  whorl  (dot.). 

quaternate  (kw5teVnat)  a.  [L. 
quatemi,  four  each.]  Appl.  leaves 
growing  in  fours  from  one  point 

queen, — the  reproductive  female  in 
colonies  of  social  Hymenoptera. 

quill  (kwll)  n.  [M.E.  quille,  feather.] 
The  calamus  of  a  feather  (z/tol.). 

quill  feathers,— the  feathers  of  the 
wings  (remiges)  and  tail  (rectrices) 
of  a  Bird. 

quinary  (kwl'narl)  a.  [L.  quini,  five 
each.]  Appl.  flower  symmetry  when 
there  are  five  parts  in  a  whorl  (bot.). 

quinate  (kwl'nat)  a.  [L.  quini,  five 
each.]  Appl.  five  leaflets  growing 
from  one  point  (bot.). 




quincuncial  (kwlnkun'shal)  a.  [L. 
quinque,  five  ;  uncia,  twelfth  part.] 
Arranged  in  quincunx. 

quincunx  (kwin'kungks)  n.  [L.  quin- 
que, five  ;  uncia,  twelfth  part.] 
Arrangement  of  five  petals  or 
leaves,  of  which  two  are  exterior, 
two  interior,  and  the  fifth  partly 
exterior,  partly  interior  (dot.). 

quinquecostate  (kwm'kwekos'tat)  a. 
[L.  quinque,  five ;  cos  fa,  rib.]  Having 
five  ribs  on  the  leaf  (oof.). 

qulnquefarious  (kwin'kwefa'rius)  a. 
[L.  quinque,  five.]  In  five  directions 
or  parts  (oof.). 

quinquefid  (kwm'kwe'fid)  a.  [L.  quin- 
que, five  ;  findere,  to  cleave.]  Cut 
into  five  parts  as  far  as  the  middle 

quinquefoliated  (kwin'kwef  6'llated)  a. 
[L.  quinque,  five ;  folium,  leaf.] 
With  five  leaves  (oof.). 

quinquepartite  (kwin'kwgpar'tlt)  a. 
[L.  quittque,  five ;  pars,  part.] 
Divided  into  five  parts. 

quinquetubercular  (kwm'kwetuber'- 
kular)  a.  [L.  quinque,  five  ;  tuber- 
culum,  a  small  hump.]  Appl.  molar 
teeth  with  five  tubercles  (anat.). 


race  (ras)  n.  [F.  race,  race,  family.] 
A  permanent  variety  (oof.) ;  a  par- 
ticular breed  (zool.\ 

racemation  (ras'gma'shun)  n.  [L. 
racemus,  a  bunch.]  A  cluster,  as 
of  grapes  (oof.). 

raceme  (rasem')  n.  [L.  racemus,  a 
bunch.]  An  inflorescence  having 
a  common  axis  and  stalked  flowers 
in  acropetal  succession,  as  the 
hyacinth  (dot.). 

racemed  (rase'md)  a.  [L.  racemus, 
a  bunch.]  Growing  in  the  form  of 
a  raceme  (dot.). 

racemiferous  (rasemif'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
racemus,  a  bunch  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Bearing  racemes  (dot.). 

racemiform  (rase'mtform)  a.  [L. 
racemus,  a  bunch  ;  forma,  shape.] 
In  the  form  of  a  raceme  (dot.). 

racemose  (ras'emos)  a.  [L.  racemus, 
a  bunch.]  Bearing  flowers  in 

clusters   (dot.)  ;    appl.   glands  with 

many  branches  whose   shape  sug- 

gests a  raceme  (anat.). 
racemule   (ras'&nul)    n.      [L.    racem- 

ulus,    a    small   bunch.]      A    small 

raceme  (dot.). 
racemulose  (rasem'ulos)  a.    [L.  racem- 

ulus,  a    small    bunch.]      In    small 

clusters  (dot.). 
rachial  (ra'kial)  a.  [Gk.  rhachis,  spine.] 

Pert,  a  rachis. 
rachidial  (rakid'ial)  a.     [Gk.  rhachis, 

spine.]     Pert,  a  r  chis. 
rachlf  orm  (ra'kifor  n  )  a.    [Gk.  rhachis, 

spine  ;    L.  forma,  shape.]     In  the 

form  of  a  rachis. 
rachilla    (rakil'a)    n.      [Gk.    rhachis, 

spine.]     A  small  rachis  (dot.). 

rachiodont  (rak'iodont')  a.  [Gk. 
rhachis,  spine  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Appl. 
egg-eating  Snakes  with  much  de- 
veloped hypophyses  of  the  anterior 
thoracic  vertebrae,  which  function 
as  teeth  (zool.). 

rachlostichous  (ra'kios'tlkus)  a.  [Gk. 
rhachis,  spine  ;  stichos,  row.]  Hav- 
ing a  succession  of  somactids  as 
the  axis  of  the  fin  skeleton,  as  in 
Dipnoans  (zool.). 

rachis  (ra'kis)  n.  [Gk.  rhachis,  spine.] 
The  spinal  column  (anat.)  ;  the  stalk 
or  axis  (bot.)  ;  the  shaft  of  a  feather 

rachitomous  (rakit'omus)  a.  [Gk. 
rhachis,  spine.]  Temnospondylous, 
which  see. 

radial  (ra'dial)  a.  [L.  radius,  a  ray.] 
Pert,  the  radius  ;  pert,  the  ray  of 
an  Echinoderm  ;  appl.  the  plates 
supporting  the  oral  disc  of  Crinoids 
(zool.);  appl.  leaves  or  floweis 
growing  out  like  rays  from  a  centre 
(dot.).  As  noun,  an  endoskeletal 
support  of  fins  in  Fishes. 

radial  symmetry*  —  arrangement  of 
similar  parts  round  a  median  ver- 
tical axis,  as  in  Jellyfish  (zool.). 

radiale  (ra'dia'le)  n.  [L.  radius,  a 
ray.]  A  carpal  bone  in  Mammals 

radiate  (ra'diat)  a.  [L.  radius,  a 
ray.]  Radially  symmetrical. 

radiate-veined,  —  veined  in  a  palmate 
manner  (dot.). 

radiatiform  (ra'diat'iform)  a.  [L. 
radius,  ray  ;  forma,  shape.]  With 
radiating  marginal  florets  (bot.). 



radlcal  (rad'ikal)  a.  [L.  radix,  foot.] 
Arising  from  the  root  close  to  the 
ground,  as  basal  leaves  (bot.}. 

radicant  (rad'ikant)  a.  [L.  radicari, 
to  take  root.]  With  roots  develop- 
ing from  the  stem  (bot.}. 

radicel  (rad'isgl)  n.  [L.  radix,  root.] 
A  small  root  (bot.}. 

radiciflorous  (radis'iflo'rus)  a.  [L. 
radix,  root ;  flos,  flower.]  With 
flowers  arising  at  the  extreme  base 
of  the  stem  (hot.}. 

radiciform  (radis'iform)  a.  [L.  radix, 
root ;  forma,  shape.]  Resembling 
a  root  (dot.}, 

radicivorous  (rad'isiv'drus)  a,  [L. 
radix,  root ;  vorare,  to  devour.] 
Root-eating  (zool.}. 

radicle  (rad'lkl)  n.  [L.  radix,  root.] 
A  small  root  (bot.}. 

radicolous  (radlk'olus)  a.  [L.  radix, 
root ;  colere,  to  inhabit.]  Inhabit- 
ing roots  (biol.). 

radicose  (rad'ikos)  a.  [L.  radix,  root.] 
With  large  root  (bot.}. 

radicular  (radik'ular)  a.  [L.  radix, 
root.]  Pert,  a  radicule  or  radicle 

radicule  (rad'ikul)  «.  [L.  radix,  root.] 
A  rootlet. 

radiculose  (radlk'ulos)  a.  [L.  radix, 
root.]  Having  many  rootlets  (bot.}. 

radiocarpal  (ra'diokar'pal)  a.  [L. 
radius,  ray  ;  carpus,  wrist.]  Pert. 
radius  and  wrist  (zool.}. 

radiosymmetrical  (ra'diosTmeYrikal) 
a.  [L.  radius,  ray  ;  Gk.  syn,  with  ; 
inetron,  measure.]  Having  similar 
parts  similarly  arranged  round  a 
central  axis  (biol.}. 

radioulnar  (ra'dioul'nar)  a.  [L.  radius, 
ray ;  ulna,  elbow.]  Pert,  radius  and 
ulna  (zool.}. 

radius  (ra'dlus)  n.  [L.  radius,  ray.] 
A  bone  of  the  arm  or  fore-limb 
between  humerus  and  carpals,  often 
fused  with  -the  ulna  ;  one  of  the 
plates  of  Aristotle's  lantern  ;  an 
insect  wing-vein  (zool.}. 

radix  (rad'iks,  ra'dlks)  n.  [L.  radix, 
root.]  A  root  (bot.}. 

radula  (rad'ula)  n.  [L.  radere,  to 
scrape.]  A  short  and  broad  strip 
of  membrane  with  longitudinal  rows 
of  chitinous  teeth  found  in  the 
mouth  of  most  Gastropods  (zool.}. 

radulate  (rad'ulat)  a.     [L.  radere,  to 

scrape.]  Having  a  radula  or  rasp- 
ing organ  (zool.}. 

raduliferous  (rad'ulif'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
radere,  to  scrape  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Radulate  (zool.}. 

raduliform  (radu'lif&rm)  a.  [L.  radere, 
to  scrape  ;  fortna,  shape.]  Like  a 
radula  or  flexible  file  (zool.}. 

Rainey's  corpuscles,— the  spores  of 
Sarcocystis,  an  elongated  Sporo- 
zoan  found  in  voluntary  muscle 
fibres  (phys.}. 

Rainey's  tubes,  —  a  name  given  to 
elongated  sacs  found  in  the  sub- 
stance of  voluntary  muscle,  which 
are  adult  stages  of  Dolichosporidia, 
Sporozoa  (phys.}. 

raker, — see  gill  rakers. 

ramal  (ra'mal)  a.  [L.  ramus,  a 
branch.]  Belonging  to  branches  ; 
originating  on  a  branch  (bot.}. 

ramate  (ra'mat)  a.  [L.  ramus,  a 
branch.]  Branched  (bot.}. 

ramelose  (ram'filos)  a.  [L.  ramus, 
a  branch.]  Having  small  branches 

ramentaceous  (ram'gnta'shus)  a.  [L. 
radere,  to  scrape.]  Like  a  ramen- 
tum  ;  covered  by  ramenta  (bot.}. 

ramentiferous  (ram'Sntlf  6rus)  a.  [L. 
radere,  to  scrape ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Bearing  ramenta  (bot.}. 

ramentum  (ramgn'tum)  n.  [L.  radere, 
to  scrape.]  One  of  the  brown 
scale-like  structures  found  on  fern 
leaves  (bot.) ;  plu.  ramenta,  elong- 
ated membranous  hairs,  epidermal 
outgrowths  (bot.}. 

rameous  (ra'meus)  a.  [L.  ramus,  a 
branch.]  Branched  (bot.}. 

ramicorn  (ram'ikorn)  a.  [L.  ramus, 
branch ;  cornu,  horn.]  Having 
branched  antennae,  as  some  Insects 

ramif erous  (ramlffirus)  a.  [L.  ramus, 
branch  ;  ferre,  to  bear.]  Branched 

ramification  (ram'iflka'shun)  n.  [L. 
ramus,  a  branch  ;  facere,  to  make.] 
Branching  ;  a  branch  of  a  tree, 
nerve,  artery,  etc. 

ramiflorous  (ram'fflo'rus)  a.  [L.  ramus, 
branch  ;  flos,  flower.]  Having 
flowers  on  the  branches  (bot.}. 

ramif orm  (r&m'Iform)  a.  [L.  ramus, 
branch  ;  forma,  shape.]  Branch- 




ramigerous  (ramfj'e'rus)  a.    [L.  ramus, 

branch  ;  gerere,  to  carry.]     Bearing 

branches  (bot.}. 
ramiparous  (ramip'arus)  a.  [L.  ramus, 

branch  ;  parere,   to   beget.]      Pro- 
ducing branches  (hot.). 
ramose  (ram'os)  a.  [L.  ramus,  branch.] 

Much  branched  (dot.). 
ramule    (ram'ul)    n.       [L.    ramulus, 

small    branch.]      A    small   branch 

ramuliferous   (ram'ulif'Srus)   a.      [L. 

ramulus,   small  branch ;  ferre,   to 

bear.]      Bearing     small     branches 

ramulose  (ram'ulos)  a.     [L.  ramulus, 

small  branch.]     With   many  small 

branches  (bot.}. 
ramulous  (ram'ulus)  a.     [L.  ramulus, 

small  branch.]  With  small  branches 

ramulus      (ram'ulus),    ramuscule 

(ramus'kul)  n.     [L.  ramus,  branch.] 

A  small  branch  (dot.}. 
ramus   (ra'mus)  «.,  rami  (ra'ml)  plu. 

[L.  ramus,  a  branch.]    Any  branch- 
like  structure  ;  part  of  the  chewing 

apparatus  of  Rotifers  ;  the  barbs  of 

feathers ;  the  lower  jaw  or  mandible 

of  Vertebrates  (zoo/.). 
ranine  (ra'nin)  a.     [L.  rana,  a  frog.] 

Pert,  the  under  surface  of  the  tongue 

ranivorous  (raniv'orus)  a.     [L.  rana, 

frog  ;  -vorare,  to  devour.]     Feeding 

on  frogs  (zoo/.). 
Ranvier's    nodes,  —  constrictions    or 

interruptions  of  themedullary sheath 

of  a  nerve  fibre  (phys.}. 
raphe  (ra'fe)  n.     [Gk.  rhaphe,  a  seam.] 

A  seam-like  suture,  as  the  junction 

line  of  some  fruits  (hot.'] ;  the  perineal 

line  (anat.). 
raphides  (raf  Idez)  n.plu.  [Gk.  rhaphis, 

a  needle.]     Minute  crystals  found 

in  plant  cells  (bot.}. 
raphidlferous   (raf'idlf'grus)  a.     [Gk. 

rhaphis,    a    needle ;     L.    ferre,    to 

carry.]     Containing  raphides  (bot.}. 
raptatory  (rap'tatori)  a.     [L.  raptere, 

to  rob.]     Preying  (zoo/.). 
raptorial   (rapto'rlal)  a.     [L.  raptere, 

to  *rob.]       Appl.     birds    of    prey 

rasorial  (razo'rial)  a.     [L.  radere,  to 

scratch.]     Adapted  for  scratching 

or  scraping,  as  fowls  (zoo!.). 

rastellus  (ra.st61'us)  n.  [L.  radere,  to 
rasp.]  A  group  of  teeth  in  arachnid 
chelicera  (zoo/.). 

ratite  (rat'it)  a.  [L.  ratis,  raft.] 
Having  an  unkeeled  sternum  ;  opp. 
carinate  (zoo/.). 

rattle  (rat'l)  n.  [M.E.  ratelen,  to 
clatter.]  The  sound-producing  series 
of  horny  joints  at  the  end  of  a 
rattlesnake's  tail  (zoo/.). 

ray  (ra)  n.  [L.  radius,  a  ray.]  One 
of  the  bony  spines  supporting  fins  ; 
a  division  of  a  radiate  animal,  as 
an  arm  of  an  Asteroid  (zoo/.). 

reaction  time,— the  time  required  be- 
tween stimulus  and  response  (phys.). 

read  (red), — the  abomasum  or  fourth 
stomach  of  ruminants  (zoo/.). 

reagent  (rea'jent)  n.  [L.  re,  again  ; 
agere,  to  do.]  One  who  acts  in 
response  to  a  given  stimulus  (phys.}. 

recapitulation  theory, — the  theory 
that  ontogeny  tends  to  recapitulate 
phylogeny,  that  the  individual  life- 
history  reproduces  certain  stages 
in  the  life-history  of  the  race  ;  bio- 
genetic  law  ;  von  Baer's  law  (biol.\ 

receptacle  (resep'takl)  n.  [L.  reci- 
pere,  to  receive.]  An  organ  used 
as  a  repository  ;  the  peduncle  of  a 
racemose  inflorescence ;  the  torus 
or  thalamus  of  a  flower  ;  the  ter- 
minal disc  of  Mosses  (oof.). 

receptacular  (resgptak'ular)  a.  [L. 
recipere,  to  receive.]  Pert,  a  re- 
ceptacle of  any  kind. 

receptaculum  (resSptak'ulum)  n.  [L. 
recipere,  to  receive.]  A  receptacle 
of  any  kind. 

receptaculum  chyli, — the  cavity  in 
the  lower  part  of  the  thoracic  duct 

receptaculum  ovorum,— an  internal 
sac  in  the  earthworm  in  which  ova 
are  collected  (zoo/.). 

receptaculum  seminis,  —  a  female 
organ  for  the  reception  of  sper- 
matozoa (zoo/.). 

receptive  spot,  —  the  point  in  an 
oosphere  at  which  the  sperm  enters 

receptor  (resSp'tor)  n.  [L.  recipere, 
to  receive.]  The  part  of  a  cell 
which  combines  with  outside  mole- 
cules,— side  chain  theory  (phys.}. 

recess  (reseV)  n.  [L.  recessus,  with- 
drawn.] A  niche,  sinus,  cleft,  or 




hollow   space ;  as   omental,   optic, 
pineal  recess  (anat.}. 
recessive   (reseViv)  a.     [L.   recessus, 
withdrawn.]   Appl.  Mendelian  char- 
acters.    See  Mendellsm  (biol.}. 
reciprocal  hybrids, — two  hybrids,  one 
descended  from   the  male  of  one 
species  and  the  female  of  another, 
the  other  from  a  female  of  the  first 
and  a  male  of  the  second  (biol.}. 

reclinate  (rgk'linat)  a.  [L.  reclinare, 
to  lean.]  Curved  downwards  from 
apex  to  base  ;  appl.  an  ovule  sus- 
pended from  a  funiculus  (bat.). 

reclining  (reklfning)  a.  [L.  reclinare, 
to  lean.]  Leaning  over ;  not 
perpendicular  (hot'.}. 

recrudescence  (rekrood6s'6ns)  n.  [L. 
re,  again ;  crudescere,  to  become 
hard.]  A  state  of  breaking  out 
into  renewed  freshness  or  active 
growth  (bot.}. 

rectal  (reVtal)  a.  [L.  rectus,  straight.] 
Pert,  the  rectum. 

rectal  gland, — a  small  vascular  sac 
of  unknown  significance  near  the 
end  of  the  gut  in  Fishes  (zool.}. 

rectigradations  (rgk'tigrada'shunz)  n. 
plu.  [L.  rectus,  straight ;  gradus, 
a  step.]  "  The  origin  of  new  cusps 
or  cuspules  which  appear  deter- 
minately,  definitely,  orthogenetically 
in  both  the  upper  and  lower  teeth, 
quite  independently  in  different 
orders  of  mammals,  and  separated 
perhaps  by  vast  intervals  of  time  " 

rectinerved  (re'k'tine'rvd)  a.  [L.  rectus, 
straight ;  nervus,  a  nerve.]  With 
veins  or  nerves  straight  (bot.}. 

rectipetality  (rek'tipetal'Itl)  n.  [L. 
rectus,  straight ;  petere,  to  seek.] 
Tendency  to  rectilinear  growth 

rectirostral  (rgk'tlros'tral)  a.  [L. 
rectus,  straight ;  rostrum,  a  beak.] 
Straight-beaked  (zool.}. 

rectiserial  (reYtise'rial)  a.  [L.  rectus, 
straight ;  series,  row.]  Arranged 
in  vertical  rows  (bot.}. 

rectivenous  (reVtive'rius)  a.  [L. 
rectus,  straight  ;  vena,  a  vein.] 
With  straight  veins  (bot.}. 

rectogenital  (rek'tojen'Itai)  a.  [L. 
rectus,  straight ;  genitalia,  genitals.] 
Pert,  rectum  and  genital  organs 

rectouterine  (rek'tou'temi)  a.  [L. 
rectus,  straight ;  uterus,  womb.] 
Appl.  the  posterior  ligaments  of  the 
uterus  (anat.}. 

rectovesical    (reYtoves'lkal)  a.      [L. 

rectus,   straight ;    vesica,    bladder.] 

Pert,  rectum  and  bladder  (anat.}. 

rectricial  (rektrlsh'al)  a.     [L.  regere, 

to  rule.]    Pert,  the  rectrices  (zool.}. 

rectrix     (rek'triks)     n.,    rectrloes 

(reVtrlsez)  plu.    [L.  regere,  to  rule.] 

The   stiff  tail  feathers  of  a   bird, 

used  in  steering  (zool.}. 

rectum     (rfik'tum)    n.       [L.    rectus, 

straight.]     The   posterior  terminal 

part  of  the  alimentary  canal  (zool.}. 

rectus  (rSk'tus)  n.    [L.  rectus,  straight.] 

A  name  for  a  rectilinear  muscle,  as 

rectus   femoris,   the    thigh   muscle 


recurrent  (rekur'e'nt)  a.  [L.  re,  back  ; 
currere,  to  run.]  Returning  or  re- 
ascending  towards  the  origin 

recurrent  sensibility,  —  sensibility 
shown  by  the  motor  roots  of  the 
spinal  cord  due  to  sensory  fibres  of 
the  sensory  roots  (phys.}. 
recurved  (re'kurvd)  a.  [L.  re,  back  ; 
curvus,  bent.]  Bent  backwards 

recurvirostral  (rekurVirSs'tral)  a.  [L. 
re,  back  ;  curvus,  curved  ;  rostrum, 
beak.]  With  beak  bent  upwards 

red  body, — see  rete  mirabile. 
red    corpuscle,  —  a    coloured    blood 
corpuscle  of  vertebrates,  containing 
haemoglobin  (phys.}. 
red  glands, — see  rete  mirabile. 
red  nucleus, — a    collection   of  nerve 
cells  in  the  tegmentum  of  the  mid- 
brain  (anat.}. 

red  spots, — see  rete  mirabile. 
redia  (re'dla)  n.    [It.  scientist  Redi.] 
A  larval  stage  in  the  development 
of  Distomum  (zool.}. 
reduction   (reduk'shun)    n.      [L.    re- 
ductus,  reduced.]    The  halving  of 
the    number    of   chromosomes    in 
germ  -  nuclei    during    maturation  ; 
meiotic  division  (cyt.}. 
reduplicate   (redu'pllkat)   a.     [L.  re, 
again  ;  duplicare,  to  repeat.]    Appl. 
aestivation   in  which   the  margins 
turn    outwards    at    the    points    of 
contact  (bot.}. 




reduviid  (rgdu'vnd)  a.  [L.  reduma, 
a  hang  nail.]  Appl.  eggs  of  certain 
Insects,  protected  by  micropyle 
apparatus  with  porches  (zool.). 

reflected  (refleVtgd)  a.  [L.  reflectere, 
to  turn  back.]  Turned  or  folded 
back  on  itself  (anat.}. 

reflex  (re'flgks)  a.  [L.  reflectere,  to 
turn  back.]  Involuntary ;  appl. 
reaction  to  stimulus  (phys.}. 

reflex  action, — the  simplest  expres- 
sion of  the  principles  according  to 
which  the  nervous  system  acts. 
Elements  that  appreciate  stimuli 
and  elements  that  react  to  stimuli 
are  switched  on  to  one  another, 
without  direct  appeal  to  the  brain, 
by  means  of  a  subsidiary  nerve 
centre,  the  result  being  so-called 
involuntary  action  (phys.}. 

reflexed  (re'fleksd)  a.  [L.  reflectere, 
to  turn  back.]  Curved  or  turned 

refracted  (refrak'ted)  a.  [L.  re,  back  ; 
frangere,  to  break.]  Bent  back- 
wards at  an  acute  angle. 

regeneration  (reje'n'era'shun)  n.  [L. 
re,  again ;  generare,  to  beget.]  The 
renewal  of  a  portion  of  the  body 
which  has  been  lost  (biol.}. 

regma  '(reg'ma)  n.  [Gk.  regma,  frac- 
ture.] A  seed-vessel  the  valves  of 
which  open  by  an  elastic  move- 
ment (dot.}. 

Beissner's  membrane,  —  the  mem- 
brana  vestibularis,  stretching  from 
the  lamina  spiralis  ossea  to  the 
outer  cochlear  wall  of  the  ear 

rejuvenescence  (re'joove'ne's'e'ns)  n. 
[L.  re,  again  ;  juvenescere,  to  grow 
young.]  A  renewal  of  youth  ;  in 
cells,  renewed  life  and  vigour 
following  on  conjugation  and  inter- 
change and  fusion  of  nuclear  and 
protoplasmic  material  (cyt.}. 

remiges  (rfim'ijez)  n.  plu.  [L.  remex, 
a  rower.]  The  large  feathers  or 
quills  of  a  bird's  wing,  comprising 
primaries  and  secondaries  (zool.}. 

remiped  (rem'fpe'd)  n.  [L.  remus, 
oar ;pes,  foot]  Having  feetadapted 
for  rowing  motion  (zool.}. 

ren  (ren)  n.,  renes  (ren'ez)  plu.  [L. 
ren,  kidney.]  The  kidneys. 

renal  (re'nal)  a.  [L.  ren,  kidney.] 
Pert,  kidneys. 

renal  portal, — appl.  a  system  of  cir- 
culation in  which  some  of  the 
returning  blood  passes  through  the 
kidneys  {zool.}. 

renes, — see  ren. 

reniform  (ren'iform)  a.  [L.  ren, 
kidney ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped 
like  a  kidney  (biol.}. 

renopericardial  (re'noper'ikar'dial)  a. 

gL.  ren,  kidney  ;  Gk.  peri,  round  ; 
ardia,  heart.]  Appl.  a  narrow 
ciliated  canal  connecting  kidney 
and  pericardium  in  higher  Molluscs 

repand  (repand')  a.  [L.  repandus, 
bent  backwards.]  Appl.  a  leaf  with 
undulated  margin  (bot.}. 

repandodentate  (repan'doden'tat)  a. 
[L.  repandus,  bent  backwards ;  dens, 
a  tooth.]  Varying  between  undu- 
lated and  toothed  (bot.}. 

repent  (re'pent)  a.  [L.  repere,  to 
crawl.]  Creeping  along  the  ground  ; 
appl.  ground  creepers  (bot.}. 

replicate  (rgp'likat)  a.  [L.  re,  back  ; 
plicare,  to  fold.]  Doubled  over  on 
itself  (biol.}. 

replicatile  (repllk'atil)  a.  [L.  re,  back ; 
plicare,  to  fold.]  Appl.  wings  which 
are  folded  back  on  themselves  when 
at  rest  (zool.}. 

replum  (rep'lum)  n.  [L.  replum,  a 
bolt.]  The  longitudinal  division 
between  the  valves  of  some  peri- 
carps, as  in  some  Legumes ;  a 
placental  dissepiment  (bot.}. 

reproduction  (re'produk'shun)  n.  [L. 
re,  again  ;  pro,  forth  ;  ducere,  to 
lead.]  The  process  by  means  of 
which  the  race  is  continued,  whether 
sexual  or  through  cell-rupture,  cell- 
division,  budding,  spore-formation, 
conjugation,  or  parthenogenesis 

reproductive  (re'produk'tlv)  a.  [L. 
re,  again  ;  pro,  forth  ;  ducere,  to 
lead.]  Appl.  organs  concerned  in 
reproduction  (biol.}. 

reptile  (rep'til)  n.  [L.  repere,  to 
crawl.]  An  animal  that  crawls 
along  the  ground  or  close  to  the 
ground,  as  serpents,  lizards,  etc. 

reptilian  (reptll'ian)  a.  [L.  repere,  to 
creep.]  Pert,  reptiles  (zool.}. 

reptiloid  (rep'tiloid)  a.  [L.  repere, 
to  crawl ;  Gk.  eidos,  form.]  With 




the  characteristics  of  a  Reptile 

reservoir  (r6z'6rvw6r)  n.  [L.  reservare, 
to  keep  back.]  A  non-contractile 
space  discharging  into  the  gullet  of 
Mastigophora  (zool.). 

resilium  (rfisil'ium)  n.  [L.  resiltre,  to 
leap  back.]  The  horny  flexible 
hinge  of  a  bivalve  (zool.}. 

respiration  (reVpTra'shun)  n.  [L.  re, 
again  ;  spirare,  to  breathe.]  The 
process  of  interchange  of  oxygen 
and  carbonic  acid  taking  place 
between  an  organism  and  its  sur- 
rounding medium  (phys.). 

respiratory  heart, — a  name  given  to 
the  auricle  and  ventricle  of  the 
right  side  of  the  heart  where  there 
is  no  direct  communication  between 
right  and  left  sides  ;  opp.  systemic 
heart  (zool.}. 

restiform  (res'tlform)  a.  [L.  restis,  a 
rope  ;  forma,  shape.]  Having  the 
form  or  appearance  of  a  rope  ;  appl. 
two  bodies  of  nerve  fibres  on  the 
medulla  oblongata  (anal.}. 

resupinate  (resu'plnat)  a.  [L.  resu- 
pinare,  to  bend  back.]  So  twisted 
that  the  various  parts  are  upside 
down  (bot.}. 

resupination  (resu'plna'shun)  n.  [L. 
resupinare,  to  bend  back.]  Inver- 
sion (bot.}. 

rete  (re'te)  n.  [L.  rete,  a  net.]  A  net 
or  network. 

rete  Malpighii,  —  the  Malpighian 
layer  or  deeper  portion  of  the 
epidermis,  from  the  stratum  granu- 
losum  inwards  (anat.}. 

rete  mirabile,— a  network  of  blood- 
vessels, chiefly  arterial,  in  the  swim- 
bladder  of  Fishes  and  in  Mammals, 
also  called  red  body,  red  glands, 
red  spots. 

rete  mucosum,  —  the  Malpighian 
layer  or  rete  Malpighii. 

retecious  (r6te'shus)  a.  [L.  rete,  a 
net.]  In  the  form  of  a  network. 

retial  (re'tial,  re'shlal)  a.  [L.  rete, 
net.]  Pert,  a  rete  (anat.}. 

reticle  (rSt'ikl)  n.  [L.  reticulum,  a 
small  net.]  A  reticulum. 

reticular  (rgtik'ular)  a.  [L.  reticulum, 
a  small  net.]  Having  interstices 
like  network  ;  pert,  a  reticulum  ; 
appl.  tissue. 

reticulate  (rgtlk'ulat)  a.   [L.  reticulum, 

a  small  net.]    Appl.  network  nerva- 
tion of  leaf  or  insect  wing. 

reticule  (ret'ikul)  n.     Reticulum. 

reticulose  (rgtik'ulos)  a.  [L.  ret- 
iculum, a  small  net.]  Of  network 

reticulum  (rgtik'ulum)  n.  [L.  ret- 
iculum, a  small  net.]  The  honey- 
comb bag  or  second  stomach  of  a 
Ruminant ;  the  delicate  network  of 
cell  protoplasm  (zool.}  ;  the  cross- 
fibres  about  the  base  of  the  petioles 
in  palms  (bot.}. 

retiform  (re'tiform)  a.  [L.  rete,  net  ; 
forma,  shape.]  In  the  form  of  a 

retina  (reYina)  n.  [L.  rete,  net.]  The 
retiform  membrane  of  the  eye 
which  receives  the  impressions, 
resulting  in  the  sense  of  vision 
(anat.,  zool.}. 

retinaculum  (rgt'mak'ulum)  n.  [L. 
retinere,  to  retain.]  A  small  gland- 
ular mass  to  which  an  orchid 
pollinium  adheres  at  dehiscence 
(bot.} ;  a  band  which  holds  parts 
closely  together  (anat.} ;  a  minute 
hooked  prominence  holding  the 
egg-sac  in  position  in  Cirripedes  ; 
a  structure  linking  together  the 
fore  and  hind  wings  of  some  Insects 
along  with  the  frenulum  (zool.}. 

retinal  (rgt'fnai)  a.  [L.  rete,  a  net.] 
Pert,  the  retina  (anat.}. 

retinerved  (reYinfirvd)  a.  [L.  rete, 
a  net ;  nervus,  a  sinew.]  Having 
reticulate  veins  or  nerves  (dot.). 

retinophore  (reYlnofor)  n.  [L.  rete, 
net ;  Gk.  pherein,  to  bear.]  A 
crystal  cell  in  the  ommatidium  of 
Arthropods  (zool.). 

retinula  (rgttn'ula)  n.  [L.  rete,  net.] 
A  group  of  elongated  cells,  the 
innermost  element  of  an  arthropod 

retractile  (retrak'til)  a.  [L.  retractus, 
withdrawn.]  Appl.  a  part  or  organ 
that  may  be  drawn  inwards,  as 
feelers,  claws,  etc.  (zool.). 

retractor  (retrak'tdr)  n.  [L.  retrafure, 
to  draw  back.]  A  muscle  which 
by  contraction  withdraws  the  part 
attached  to  it,  as  retractor  penis 

retrobulbar     (ret'robul'bar)     a.      [L. 
retro,  backwards  ;  bulbus,  a   ball.] 
Posterior  to  the  eyeball  (anat.). 




retrocaecal  (ret'rose'kal)  a.  [L.  retro, 
backwards  ;  caecus,  blind.]  Behind 
the  caecum  ;  appl.  fossae  additional 
to  the  caecal  fossa  (anat.). 

retrofract  (ret'rofrakt)  a.  [L.  retro, 
backwards  ;fractus,  broken.]  Bent 
backwards  at  an  angle  (bot.). 

retrogression  (ret'rogre'sh'un)  n.  [L. 
retro,  backwards  ;  gradus,  a  step.] 
A  step  from  superior  to  inferior 
type  in  the  development  of  an 
individual  or  race  (biol.). 

retrogressive  (ret'rogrfis'iv)  a.  [L. 
retro,  backwards ;  gradus,  a  step.] 
Degenerating;  assuming  character- 
istics of  a  lower  type  (biol.). 

retrolingual  (ret'roling'gwal)  a.  [L. 
retro,  backwards ;  lingua,  a  tongue.] 
Behind  the  tongue  ;  appl.  a  gland 

retromorphosis  (ret'rom6r'fosis)  n. 
[L.  retro,  backwards  ;  Gk.  morphe, 
form.]  Development  with  a  de- 
generating tendency  (biol.). 

retropharyngeal  (ret'rofarin'jeal)  a. 
[L.  retro,  backwards ;  Gk.  pharyngx, 
pharynx.]  Behind  the  pharynx  \ 
appl.  a  space,  lymph  gknds  (anai$~ 

retropubic  (ret'ropu'bik)  a.  {L.'^etro, 
backwards ;  pubes,  of  ripe  agte.], 
Appl.  a  pad  or  mass  of  fatty  tissue 
behind  the  pubic  symphysis  (anat). 

retrorse  (retrors')  a.  [L.  retro,  back- 
wards ;  vertere,  to  turn.]  Turned 
or  directed  backwards. 

retroserrate  (ret'roser'at)  a.  [L.  retro, 
backwards ;  serra,  a  saw.]  Toothed, 
with  teeth  directed  backwards. 

retroserrulate  (ret'roser'ulat)  a.  [L. 
retro,  backwards ;  serra,  a  saw.] 
With  small  retrorse  teeth. 

retrouterine  (ret'rou'tgrln)  a.  [L. 
retro,  backwards ;  uterus,  womb.] 
Behind  the  uterus  (anat). 

retroverse  (ret'rovgrs')  a.  [L.  retro, 
backwards  ;  vertere,  to  turn.]  Re- 

retroversion  (ret'rdveVshun)  n.  [L. 
retro,  backwards  ;  vertere,  to  turn.] 
State  of  being  reversed  or  turned 

retuse  (retus')  a.  [L.  retusus,  beaten 
back.]  Obtuse  with  a  broad  shallow 
notch  in  the  middle  ;  appl.  leaves 

revehent  (reve'hent,  rgv'ehgnt)  a.  [L. 
revehens,  carrying  back.]  In  the 

renal  portal  system,  appl.  vessels 
carrying  blood  back  from  the 
excretory  organs  (zool.). 

reversed  (reveVsd)  a.  [L.  re,  back ; 
vertere,  to  turn.]  Inverted  (bot.) ; 
appl.  a  spiral  shell  whose  turns  are 
directed  sinistrally  (zool.). 

reversion  (revfir'shun)  n.  [L.  re, 
back  ;  vertere,  to  turn.]  Atavism  ; 
a  return  in  a  greater  or  less  degree 
to  some  ancestral  type  (biol.). 

reversionary  (revgr'shonari)  a.  [L. 
re,  back ;  vertere,  to  turn.]  Appl. 
atavistic  characteristics  (biol.). 

revert  (revgrt')  v.  [L.  re,  back ; 
vertere,  to  turn.]  To  exhibit  an- 
cestral features ;  to  hark  back 

revolute  (rev'olut)  a.  [L.  revolvere,  to 
roll  back.]  Rolled  backwards  from 
the  margin  upon  the  under  surface, 
as  some  leaves  (bot.). 

rhabdite  (rab'dit)  n.  [Gk.  rhabdos,  a 
rod.]  One  of  the  short  rod-like 
bodies  in  the  epidermal  cells  in 
Polycladida ;  a  gonapophysis  (zool.}. 

rhabdocrepid  (rab'dokrep'id)  a.  [Gk. 
rhabdos,  a  rod  ;  krepis,  a  founda- 
tion.] Appl.  a  desma  with  uniaxial 

»  crepis,  in  sponge  spicules  (zool.}. 

rhabdoid  (rab'doid)  a.  and  n.  [Gk. 
rhabdos,  a  rod  ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Rod-like  ;  any  rod-shaped  body. 

rhabdolith  (rab'dolTth)  n.  [Gk.  rhab- 
dos, rod ;  lithos,  stone.]  A  cal- 
careous rod  found  in  some  Protozoa, 
strengthening  the  walls  (zool.}. 

rhabdome  (rab'dom)  n.  [Gk.  rhabdos, 
a  rod.]  A  refractive  rod  composed 
of  rhabdomeres  enclosed  by  the 
retinula  cells  of  an  arthropod  om- 
matidium  (zool.\ 

rhabdomere  (rab'domer)  n.  [Gk. 
rhabdos,  a  rod ;  tneros,  a  part.]  The 
refracting  element  in  the  retinula 

rhabdopod  (rab'dopod)  n.  [Gk.  rhab- 
dos, rod  ;  pous,  foot.]  An  element 
of  the  clasper  of  some  male  Insects 

rhabdosphere  (rab'dosfer)  n.  [Gk. 
rhabdos,  rod ;  sphaira,  a  globe.] 
Aggregated  rhabdoliths  found  in 
deep-sea  calcareous  oozes  (zool.}. 

rhabdus  (rab'dus)  n.  [Gk.  rhabdos, 
a  rod.]  A  rod-like  spicule  (zool.}. 

rhachis,— see  rachis. 




rhachitomous, — see  rachitomous. 

rhagon  (rag'on)  n.  [Gk.  rhax,  a 
berry.]  A  bun-shaped  type  of 
Sponge  with  apical  osculum  and 
large  gastral  cavity  (zool.). 

rhamphoid  (ram'foid)  a.  [Gk.  rham- 
phos, a  beak ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 

rhamphotheca  (ram'fothe'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
rhamphos,  a  beak ;  theke,  a  case.] 
The  horny  sheath  of  a  bird's  beak 

rheotaxis  (re'otak'sis)  n.  [Gk.  rhein, 
to  flow  ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  Re- 
sponse to  the  stimulus  of  a  water 
current  (dot.). 

rheotropic  (re'otrop'ik)  a.  [Gk.  rhein, 
to  flow  ;  trope,  a  turning.]  Respond- 
ing to  current  stimulus  (6ot.). 

rheotropism  (reot'roplzm)  n.  [Gk. 
rhein,  to  flow ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Mechanical  response,  positive  or 
negative,  to  the  influence  of  a  water 
current  (dot.). 

rhinal  (rfnal)  a.  [Gk.  rhis,  nose.] 
Of  or  pert,  the  nose. 

rhinencephalon  (rfngnkeTalon,  -se"f-^ 
n.  [Gk.  rhis,  nose  ;  jngkephalon, 
brain.]  The  olfacffiry  lobe  of  the 
brain  (zool.). 

rhinion  (rin'Ton)  n.  [Gk.  rhis, 
The  most  prominent  point  at 
the  nasals  touch  (anat.). 

rhinocoel  (rfnosel)  n.  [Gk.  rhis,  nose  ; 
koilos,  hollow.]  A  cavity  in  the 
olfactory  lobe  of  the  brain  (zool.). 

rhinophore  (rfnofor)  n.  [Gk.  rhis, 
nose  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A  process 
on  the  aboral  side  of  the  eye  of 
certain  Molluscs  with  a  supposed 
olfactory  function  (zool.). 

rhinotheca  (rl'nothe'ka)  n.  [Gk.  rhis, 
nose  ;  theke,  a  case.]  The  sheath 
of  the  upper  jaw  of  a  Bird  (zool.). 

rhipidate  (rip'idat)  a.  [Gk.  rhipis,  a 
fan.]  Fan-shaped. 

rhipidlum  (ripid'mm)  n.  [Gk.  rhipis, 
a  fan.]  A  fan-shaped  inflorescence 
(dot.),  or  colony  of  zooids  (zool.). 

rhipidostichous  (rip'Idos'tlkus)  a. 
[Gk.  rhipis,  a  fan  ;  stichos,  a  row.] 
Appl.  fan-shaped  fins  (zool.). 

rhizanthous  (rizan'thus)  a.  [Gk.  rhiza, 
a  root ;  anthos,  a  flower.]  Produc- 
ing a  root,  and  a  flower  apparently 
straight  from  it  (dot.). 

rhizautoicous   (rfzotoik'us)  a.      [Gk. 

rhiza,  root ;  autos,  self ;  \oikos, 
house.]  With  antheridial  and 
archegonial  branches  coherent 

rhlzlne  (rfzin)  n.  [Gk.  rhiza,  a  root.] 
A  rhizoid  (dot.). 

rhizocarp  (rfzokarp)  «.  [Gk.  rhiza, 
root ;  karpos,  fruit.]  A  perennial 
herb  (bot.). 

rhizocarpous  (rfzokar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
rhiza,  root ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Having 
perennial  roots  and  annual  stems 

rhizocaul  (rfzokol)  n.  [Gk.  rhiza, 
root ;  L.  caulis,  stem.]  The  root- 
like  horizontal  portion  of  a  Zoophyte 

rhlzocorm  (rl'zokorm)  n.  [Gk.  rhiza, 
root ;  kormos,  a  log.]  An  under- 
ground stem  like  a  single-jointed 
rhizome,  popularly  a  bulb  (bot.). 

rhizogenic  (rl'zqje'n'ik),  rhizogenous 
(rizfij'e'nus)  a.  Root -producing  ; 
arising  from  endodermic  cells,  not 
develonadYrom  the  pericycle  (bot.). 
(rvzoid)  «<-  ^Gk.  rhiza,  root ; 
reserr&T^nce.]  A  root-like 
outsiWth^ofrnany  Mosses  and 
ytes  (dot.). 

(rizSm'atus)  a.  [Gk. 
rhizoma,  a  root.]  Of  the  nature  of 
a  rhizome  (bot.). 

rhizome  (rfzom)  n.  [Gk.  rhizoma,  a 
root.]  A  thick  stem  partly  along 
and  partly  under  the  ground,  send- 
ing out  shoots  above  and  roots 
below  (bot.). 

rhizomorph  (rfzomorf)  n.  [Gk.  rhiza, 
root ;  morphe,  form.]  A  root-like 
hypha  of  certain  Fungi  (bot.). 

rhizomorphous  (ri'zom&r'fus)  a.  [Gk. 
rhiza,  root ;  morphe,  form.]  In  the 
form  of  a-  root ;  root-like  (bot.). 

rhizophagous  (rizofagus)  a.  [Gk. 
rhiza,  root ; phagein,  to  eat.]  Living 
on  roots  (zool.). 

rhlzophore  (rfzofor)  n.  [Gk.  rhiza, 
root ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A  naked 
branch  which  grows  down  into  the 
soil  and  develops  roots  from  its 
apex  (bot.). 

rhizophorous  (nzoforus)  a.  [Gk. 
rhiza,  root ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
Root-bearing  (bot.). 
rhizoplast  (rfzoplast)  n.  [Gk.  rhiza, 
root ;  plastos,  moulded.]  One  or 
more  root-like  processes  connecting 

C.  Vt 





the  basal  granule  with  the  nucleus 
in  certain  Protozoa  (zool.). 

rhizotaxis  (n'zotak'sis)  n.  [Gk.  rhiza, 
root ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  Root 
arrangement  (bot.). 

rhodophane  (ro'dofan)  n.  [Gk.  rhodon, 
rose  ',phainein,  to  show.]  Chromo- 
phane  ;  the  red  oil  globule  found 
in  the  retina  of  Marsupials,  Birds, 
Reptiles,  Fishes  (pftys.). 

rhodophyll  (ro'dofil)  n.  [Gk.  rhodon, 
rose ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.]  The  red 
colouring  matter  of  red  Algae  (dot.). 

rhodopsin  (rodop'sin)  n.  [Gk.  rhodon, 
rose  ;  opsis,  sight.]  A  temporary 
reddish  -  purple  pigment  in  the 
retinal  rods  ;  visual  purple  (phys.). 

rhombencephalon  (romb'enkef'alon, 
-seT-)  n.  [Gk.  rhombos,  magic 
wheel  ;  engkephalon,  brain.]  The 

rhombic  (rom'bik)  a.  [Gk.  rhombos, 
magic  wheel.]  Appl.  lip  and 
grooves  of  brain  at  the  rhomboid 
fossa  (emb.). 

rhombogen  (rom'bojen)  n.  [Gk. 
rhombos,  magic  wheel ;  genos,  off- 
spring.] A  phase  of  the  parent 
form  in  the  life  cycle  of  some 
Mesozoa  (zool.). 

rhomboid  (rom'boid)  a.  [Gk.  rhom- 
bos, magic  wheel ;  eidos,  form.] 
Rhombus-shaped ;  appl.  fossa,  sinus, 
ligament  (anat.). 

rhomboideus,  major  and  minor, — 
parallel  muscles  connecting  the 
scapula  with  the  spinal  column 

rhomboid  -  ovate,  —  something  be- 
tween rhomboid  and  oval  in  shape. 

rhopalium  (ropa'lTum)  «.  [Gk. 
rhopalon,  a  club.]  A  marginal 
sense  organ  of  Discomedusae 

rhynchocoel  (ring'kosel)  «.  [Gk. 
rhyngchos,  snout ;  koilos,  hollow.] 
In  Nemertines,  the  cavity  whose 
contracting  muscular  walls  evert 
the  proboscis  (zool.}. 

rhy nchodaeum  (ring'kode'um) n.  [Gk. 
rhyngchos,  snout ;  odaios,  pert,  a 
way.]  The  precerebral  region  of  a 
Nemertine  (zool.). 

rhynchodont  (ring'kodont)  a.  [Gk. 
rhyngchos,  snout ;  odous,  tooth.] 
With  a  toothed  beak  (zool.). 

rhynchophorous    (ringkof'orus)   a. 

[Gk.  rhyngchos,  beak  ;  pherein,  to 
bear.]  Beaked. 

rhynchostome  (ring'kostom)  n.  [Gk. 
rhyngchos,  snout  ;  stoma,  mouth.] 
The  anterior  terminal  pore  of 
Nemertines  through  which  the  pro- 
boscis is  everted  (zool.). 

rhythm  (rithm)  n.  [Gk.  rhythmos, 
measured  motion.]  Regularity  of 
movement,  as  seen  in  heart  pulsa- 
tion (phys.),  or  movement  of  tele- 
graph plant  leaves  (bot.). 

rib  (rib)  n.  [A.S.  ribb,  a  rib.]  One 
of  the  curved  bones  of  the  thorax 
articulating  with  the  spine  and 
either  free  at  the  other  end  or 
connected  with  the  sternum  (anat., 
zool.)  ;  the  central  vein  of  a  leaf 

rictal  (rik'tal)  a.  [L.  rictus,  mouth 
aperture.]  Pert,  the  mouth  gape 
of  a  Bird. 

rigor  (rtg'or)  n.  [L.  rigor,  stiffness.] 
The  rigid  state  of  plants  when  they 
are  not  sensitive  to  stimuli  (bot.)  ; 
a  state  of  rigidity. 

rigor  mortis, — the  stiffening  of  the 
body  after  death,  due  to  myosin- 
formation,  and  lasting  till  the 
commencement  of  decomposition 

rima  (rl'ma)  n.  [L.  rima,  a  cleft.] 
A  cleft  or  fissure  (anat.}. 

rimate  (ri'mat)  a.  [L.  rima,  a  cleft.] 
Having  fissures. 

rimiform  (rfmiform)  a.  [L.  rima, 
a  cleft ;  forma,  shape.]  In  the 
shape  of  a  narrow  fissure. 

rimose  (rfmos)  a.  [L.  rima,  a  cleft.] 
Having  many  clefts  or  fissures. 

rimulose  (rlm'ulos)  a.  [L.  rimula, 
a  small  cleft.]  Having  many  small 

rind  (rind)  n.  [A.S.  rinde,  bark  of  a 
tree.]  The  outer  skin  or  cortex 

ring  canal,— a  circular  canal  running 
close  to  and  parallel  with  the 
umbrella  margin  in  Hydrozoa 

ring  cell, — a  thick-walled  cell  of  the 
sporangium  annulus  of  Ferns  (bot.). 

ring  vessel, — a  structure  in  the  head 
of  Cestodes  which  unites  the  four 
longitudinal  excretory  trunks  (sool.). 

ringed  bark,  —  the  bark  of  a  tree 
where  the  formations  of  phellogen 




are    cylindrical  ;    opp.    scale    bark 

ringent  (nn'jgnt)  a.  [L.  ringi,  to 
open  the  mouth  wide.]  Having 
the  lips,  as  of  a  corolla,  or  valves, 
separated  by  a  distinct  gap  (bot., 


ringless, — appl.  Ferns  without  an 
annulus  (dot.). 

riparial  (ripa'rial),  riparian  (ripa'rlan), 
riparious  (ripa'rius)  a.  [L.  ripa,  a 
river  bank.]  Frequenting,  growing 
on,  or  living  on  the  banks  of 
streams  or  rivers  (dot.,  zool.). 

ripe  (rip)  a.  [A.S.  ripe,  fit  for  reap- 
ing.] Having  seeds  mature  and 
ready  for  germination  (dot.). 

risorius  (nso'rius)  n.  [L.  risus, 
laughter.]  A  cheek  muscle  stretch- 
ing from  over  the  masseter  muscle 
to  the  corner  of  the  mouth  (anat.). 

rivose  (ri'vos)  a.  [L.  rivus,  a  stream.] 
Marked  with  irregularly  winding 
furrows  or  channels. 

rivulose  (riv'ulos)  a,  [L.  rivulus,  a 
rivulet.]  Marked  with  sinuate 
narrow  lines  or  furrows  (dot.). 

rod  epithelium,  —  epithelium  con- 
sisting of  apparently  striated  cells 

rod  fibre, — the  fibre  with  which  a  rod 
of  the  retina  is  connected  internally 

rod  fructification, — fructification  oc- 
curring in  basidiomycetous  Fungi 
by  means  of  rod-like  gonidia  from 
a  hyphal  branch  (dot.}. 

rod  granule, — the  nucleus  of  a  rod 
fibre  (anaf.). 

rodent  (ro'dgnt)  n.  [L.  rodere,  to 
gnaw.]  An  animal  with  a  habit  of 
gnawing  or  nibbling,  as  a  rabbit. 

rods  and  cones, — the  nerve-epithelium 
layer  of  the  retina  (anaf.). 

root  (root)  n.  [A.S.  wyrf,  a  root.] 
The  descending  portion  of  a  plant, 
fixing  the  plant  in  the  soil,  and 
absorbing, nourishment  (dot.). 

root  absorption, — osmosis  (dot.). 

root  borer, — a  larval  form  or  Insect 
which  bores  into  the  roots  of  plants 

root  cap, — a  protective  cap  of  tissue 
at  the  apex  of  a  root  (dot.). 

root  cell, — the  clear  colourless  base 
of  one  of  the  Algae  attaching  the 
thallus  to  its  substratum  (hot.). 

root  climber, — a  plant  which  climbs 
by  means  of  roots  developed  from 
the  stem  (bot.). 

root  hairs,  —  unicellular  epidermal 
outgrowths  from  roots,  of  protective 
and  absorbent  function  (bot.). 

root  leaf,— a  basal  leaf  (bot.). 

root  parasitism,  —  a  condition  ex- 
hibited by  semi-parasitic  plants,  the 
roots  of  which  penetrate  the  roots 
of  neighbouring  plants  and  draw 
from  them  elaborated  food  material 

root  pocket,  —  a  sheath  containing 
a  root,  especially  of  aquatic  plants 

root  pressure, — the  force  by  which 
water  is  made  to  rise  in  the  axial 
stele  of  a  plant,  a  main  factor  in  the 
transport  of  water  through  the 
plant  (bot.). 

root  process, — a  branched  colourless 
structure  fixing  an  Alga  thallus  to 
soil  (bot.). 

root  sheath,  —  an  orchid  velamen 
(bot.)  ;  that  part  of  a  hair  follicle 
continuous  with  the  epidermis 

root  stalk,  —  a  rhizome  (bot.) ;  the 
root  -  like  horizontal  portion  of 
Hydrozoa  (zool.). 

root  tubercle, — a  small  swelling  on  a 
legume  root,  caused  by  Bacteria 

rootlet, — an  ultimate  branch  of  a  root 

rosaceous  (roza'shus)  a.  [L.  rosa,  a 
rose.]  With  five  petals  arranged 
in  a  circle  ;  formed  like  a  rose  (bot.). 

rosellate  (rozfil'at)  a.  [L.  rosa,  a  rose.] 
Arranged  like  rosettes. 

Rosenmuller's  (ro'zgnmiil'e'rz)  organ, 
— a  uterine  rudimentary  organ 
homologous  with  the  epididymis 

rosette  (roze"t')  n.  [L.  rosa,  a  rose.] 
A  cluster  of  leaves  arising  in  close 
circles  from  a  central  ax's  (dot.) ; 
a  thin  plate  formed  by  the  coales- 
cence of  the  basal  s  of  a  larval 
Crinoid ;  a  large  ciliated  funnel 
leading  out  of  the  anterior  sperm 
reservoir  of  the  Earthworm  (zool.). 

rosette  organ, — in  certain  Ascidians, 
the  ventral  complex  stolon  from 
which  buds  are  constricted  off 




rosette  plate, — five  interradial  basal 
plates  united  together  in  Crinoids 

rostel  (ros'tei)  n.  [L.  rostellum,  dim. 
of  rostrum,  a  beak.]  A  rostellum. 

rostellar  (rostel'ar)  a.  [L.  rostellum, 
a  small  beak.]  Pert,  a  rostellum. 

rostellate  (rostel'at)  a.  [L.  rostellum, 
a  small  beak.]  Furnished  with  a 
small  beak. 

rostelliform     (rosteTiform)     a.       [L. 

.  rostellum,  a  small  beak ;  forma, 
shape.]  Shaped  like  a  small  beak. 

rostellum  (rosteTum)  n.  [L.  rostellum, 
a  small  beak.]  A  small  rostrum  ;  a 
projecting  structure  developed  from 
one  of  the  stigmatic  surfaces  of  the 
orchid  flower  (bot.} ;  a  rounded 
prominence,  furnished  with  hooks, 
on  the  head  of  a  Tapeworm  (zool.') ; 
a  beaked-shaped  process  (anat.}. 

rostral  (rSs'tral)  a.  [L.  rostrum,  a 
beak.]  Pert,  a  rostrum. 

rostrate  (ros'trat)  a.  [L.  rostrum,  a 
beak.]  Beaked. 

rostriform  (ros'trif6rm),  rostroid 
(rSs'troid)  a.  [L.  rostrum,  a  beak  ; 
forma,  shape ;  Gk.  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] Beak-shaped. 

rostrulate  (ros'troolat)  a.  [L.  ros- 
trulum,  a  small  beak.]  Like  a 

rostrulum  (ros'troolum)  n.  [L.  ros- 
trulum, a  small  beak.]  A  small 

rostrum  (ros'trum)  n.  [L.  rostrum, 
a  beak.]  A  beak  or  beak-like 
process  ;  the  projecting  process 
between  the  eyes  of  a  Crayfish  ;  a 
median  ventral  plate  at  the  base  of 
the  capitulum  of  Cirripedes ;  etc. 

rosular  (roz'ular),  rosulate  (roz'ulat) 
a.  [L.  rosa,  a  rose.]  Arranged  in 

rot  (rot)  n.  [A.S.  rattan,  to  rot.] 
Decay ;  decomposition ;  disease 
caused  by  Fungi  or  Bacteria  (bot.} ; 
a  parasitic  disease  causing  emacia- 
tion (zool.}. 

rotate  (rotat')  a.  [L.  rota,  a  wheel.] 
Shaped  like  a  wheel ;  with  flat  and 
spreading  parts  (bot.}. 

rotation  (rota'shun)  n.  [L.  rota,  a 
wheel.]  Turning  as  on  a  pivot, 
as  limbs  (phys.}  ;  circulation,  as  of 
cell  sap  (bot.}. 

rotator  (rota'tor)  n.  [L.  rota,  a  wheel.] 
A  muscle  which  allows  of  circular 
motion  (anat.}. 

rotatores  spinae, — paired  muscles, 
one  on  each  side  of  the  spine,  each 
arising  from  a  transverse  process 
of  a  vertebra  and  inserted  into  the 
vertebra  next  above  (anat.}. 

rotiform  (ro'tiform)  a.  [L.  rota,  a 
wheel ;  forma,  shape.]  Wheel- 
shaped  ;  circular. 

rotula  (rot'ula)  n.  [L.  rotula,  a  small 
wheel.]  One  of  five  radially-directed 
bars  bounding  the  circular  aperture 
of  the  oesophagus  of  a  Sea-urchin 
(zool.} ;  the  patella  or  kneecap 

rotular  (rot'ular)  a.  [L.  rotula,  a  small 
wheel.]  Pert,  the  rotula. 

rotuliform  (rotu'liform)  a.  [L.  rotula, 
a  small  wheel ;  forma,  shape.] 
Shaped  like  a  small  wheel. 

rotundifolious  (rotun'difo'lius)  a.  [L. 
rotundus,  -round  ;  folium,  a  leaf.] 
With  rounded  leaves  (bot.}. 

rouleaux  (rool'6,  rool'oz)  n.  plu.  [F. 
rouleau,  a  wheel.]  Formations  like 
piles  of  coins  into  which  red  blood 
corpuscles  tend  to  aggregate  when 
blood  is  at  rest  (pkys.}. 

rubiginose  (roobij'mos),  rubiginous 
(roobij'inus)  a.  [L.  rubigo,^  rust.] 
Of  a  brownish-red  tint ;  with  the 
colour  of  rust ;  affected  by  rust 
parasites  (bot.}. 

ruderal  (rood'gral)  a.  [L.  rudus, 
debris.]  Growing  among  rubbish 
or  debris  (bot.}. 

rudimentary  (rood'imgn'tari)  a.  [L. 
rudimentum,  a  first  attempt]  In 
an  imperfectly  developed  condition  ; 
at  an  early  stage  of  development  ; 
arrested  at  an  early  stage  ;  ves- 
tigial, in  certain  authors  (biol.}. 

ruff  (ruf)  n.  [A.S.  reafan,  to  reave.] 
A  neck  fringe  of  hair  or  feathers 

ruga  (roog'a)  n.  [L.  ruga,  a  wrinkle.] 
A  fold  or  wrinkle,  as  the  folds  of 
the  mucous  membrane  of  certain 
organs  (anat.}. 

rugate  (roog'at),  rugose  (roog'os), 
rugous  (roog'us)  a.  [L.  ruga,  a 
wrinkle.]  Wrinkled  ;  with  many 
wrinkles  on  the  surface. 

rugulose  (roog'ulos)  a.  [L.  ruga,  a 
wrinkle.]  Finely  wrinkled. 




rumen  (room'e'n)  n.  [L.  rumen,  the 
throat.]  The  paunch  or  first  cavity 
of  a  ruminant's  stomach  (zool.). 

ruminant  (roomlnSnt)  n.  [L.  rumen, 
throat]  An  animal  which  returns 
and  re-chews  what  has  been 
swallowed  (zool.). 

ruminate  (roonVlnat)  a.  [L.  rumen, 
the  throat.]  Having  a  mottled 
appearance  through  the  infolding 
of  the  tegmen ;  having  mottled 
albumen  ;  appl.  such  seeds  as  the 
betel-nut  (bat.). 

rumination  (roonYmashun)  n.  [L. 
rumen,  the  throat.]  The  act  of 
ruminant  animals  in  returning  the 
food  from  the  first  stomach  to  the 
mouth  in  small  quantities  for 
thorough  mastication  and  insaliva- 
tion  (phys.\ 

runcinate  (run'smat)  a.  [L.  runcina, 
a  plane.]  Appl.  a  pinnate  leaf  when 
the  divisions  point  downwards,  as 
in  the  dandelion  (dot.). 

runner  (run'er)  n.  [A.S.  rinnan,  to 
run.]  A  slender  prostrate  stem 
which  roots  at  the  nodes,  as  in  the 
strawberry  (bat.). 

rupestrine  (roopfis'trm),  rupicoline 
(rooplk'olin),  rupicolous  (rooplk'- 
plus)  a.  [L.  rupes,  rock  ;  colere,  to 
inhabit.]  Growing  or  living  on 

ruptile  (rup'tll)  a.  [L.  rumpere,  to 
break.]  Bursting  in  an  irregular 
manner  (bot.). 

rust  (rust)  n.  [A.S.  rust,  redness.] 
A  destructive  parasite  whose  my- 
celium lives  in  the  intercellular 
spaces  of  higher  plants,  as  wheat 
rust  (hot.). 

rut  (rut)  n.  [M.E.  rutien,  to  rut.l 
The  season  when  deers  mate  and 

sabuline   (sab'ulln)   a.     [L.   sabulum, 

sand.]     Sandy, 
sabulose, — sabuline. 
sac  (sak)  n.     [L.  saccus,  a  sack.]    A 

sack,  bag,  or  pouch, 
saccate  (sak'at)  a.     [L.  saccus,  a  sack.] 

Pouched  ;   appl.  a  calyx  of  which 

two   lateral   sepals    are    expanded 

into  little  sacs  or  pouches  ;  gibbous 

sacciferous  (sakslf'grus)  a.    [L.  saccus, 

a  sack  ;  ferre,  to  bear.]     Furnished 

with  a  sac. 
sacciform  (sak'slform)  a.     [L.  saccus, 

a  sack ;  forma,  shape.]     Like  a  sack 

or  pouch, 
sacculate  (sak'ulat)  a.     [L.  sacculus,  a 

little  bag.]      Provided    with    little 

sacculus  (saVulus)  n.    [L.  sacculus, 

a  small  sack.]    A  saccule  or  small 

sac  ;  the  lower  part  of  the  vestibule 

of  the  ear  (ana/.). 
saccus  (sak'us)  n.     [L.  saccus,  a  sack.] 

A    sac-like    structure, — as    saccus 

vasculosus,  saccus  endolymphaticus 

of  the  brain  (anat.). 
sacral  (sa'kril)  a.    [L.  sacer,  sacred.] 

Pert,  the  sacrum, 
sacrocaudal     (sa'krok&d'al)    a.       [L. 

sacer,   sacred ;    cauda,  tail.]    Pert. 

sacrum  and  tail  region  (zool^. 
sacrococcygeal     (sa'krokSksIj'eal)    a. 

[L.     sacer,     sacred ;     Gk.    kokkyx, 

cuckoo.]    Pert,  sacrum  and  coccyx, 
sacrolumbar  (sa'kr6lum'b5r)  a.     [L. 

sacer,  sacred  ;  lumbus,  loin.]     Pert. 

sacral  and  lumbar  regions, 
sacrospinal     (sa'krospl'nil)    a.       [L. 

sacer,  sacred  ;  spina,  spine.]    Pert. 

sacral  region  and  spine, 
sacrovertebral     (saTcr6vgr/t6brai)    a. 

[L.  sacer,  sacred  ;  vertebra,  a  joint] 

Pert,  sacrum  and  vertebrae, 
sacrum  (sa'krum)  n.  [L.  sacer,  sacred.] 

The   os  sacrum   or  bone  forming 

the  termination   of   the    vertebral 

column,  usually  consisting  of  several 

fused  vertebrae  (anat.). 
sagittal    (sajlt'al,    sai'Ital)    a.      [L. 

sagitta,     an     arrow.]      Appl.     the 

suture  between  the  parietals  (anat.). 
sagittal  section,— section  or  division 

in  the  median   longitudinal  plane 

sagittate    (sajlt'at,    sajltat)    a.      [L. 

sagitta,  arrow.]      Shaped   like  the 

head  of  an  arrow,  as  a  leaf  (bot.). 
sagittocyst  (sajlt'oslst)  n.    [L.  sagitta, 

arrow ;     Gk.   kystis,    bladder.]     A 

cyst    or    capsule   in   Turbellarians 

containing  a  single  spindle  (zool.). 
saliva  (sali'va)  n.     [L.  saliva,  spittle.] 

A    fluid    secreted    by    the    mouth 

glands,  which  aids  mastication  and 




is  the  first  digestive  juice  to  attack 
food  (phys.). 

salivary  (sal'ivari)  a.  [L.  saliva, 
spittle.]  Pert,  saliva,  or  connected 
with  it  in  any  way  (phys.") ;  appl. 
glands  which  secrete  saliva  (anat.). 

salivation  (sal'Iva'shun)  n.  [L. 
saliva,  spittle.]  The  flow  of  saliva 
into  the  mouth,  especially  an  in- 
creased flow  (phys.}. 

salpingian  (salpm'jian)  a.  [Gk.  sal- 
pingx,  a  trumpet.]  Pert,  the 
Eustachian  or  the  Fallopian  tube 

salpingopalatine,  —pert.  Eustachian 
tubes  and  palate  (anat.). 

salpinx  (sal'plngks)  n.  [Gk.  salpingx, 
a  trumpet.]  Eustachian  or  Fall- 
opian tube  (anat.}. 

salsuginous  (salsu'jinus)  a.  [L.  sal- 
sugo,  saltness.]  Growing  in  soil 
impregnated  with  salts  (bot.}. 

saltatorial  (saltato'rial)  a.  [L.  saltare, 
to  leap.]  Adapted  for,  or  used  in, 
leaping  or  dancing  ;  appl.  limbs  of 
jumping  Insects. 

saltatory, — saltatorial. 

saltigrade  (sal'tigrad)  a.  [L.  saltare, 
to  leap  ;  gradus,  a  step.]  Moving 
by  leaps,  as  some  Insects. 

samara  (sama'ra)  n.  [L.  samara,  the 
seed  of  the  elm.]  A  winged  in- 
dehiscent  fruit,  as  in  elm  and  ash 

samaroid  (sam'aroid)  a.  [L.  samara, 
seed  of  elm ;  Gk.  eidos,  form.] 
Samariform  ;  resembling  a  samara 

sanguicolous  (sanggwik'olus)  a.  [L. 
sanguis,  blood  ;  colere,  to  inhabit.] 
Living  in  the  blood  of  animals 

sangniferous  (sanggwif'6rus)  a.  [L. 
sanguis,  blood ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Conveying  blood,  as  arteries,  veins 

sanguivorous  (sanggwiv'orus)  a.  [L. 
sanguis,  blood  ;  vorare,  to  devour.] 
Living  on  blood  (zool.). 

sanidaster  (san'idas'ter)  n.  [Gk. 
sanidion,  a  panel ;  aster,  star.]  A 
slender  rod-like  spicule  with  spines 
at  intervals  (zool.}. 

saphena  (safe'na)  n.  [Gk.  saphenes, 
clear.]  A  conspicuous  vein  of  the 
leg,  extending  from  the  knee  to 
the  foot  (anat.). 

saphenous  (safe'nus)  a.  [Gk.  saphenes, 
clear.]  Pert,  the  internal  or  ex- 
ternal saphena  (anat.). 

sapropelic  (sap'ropeTik)  a.  [Gk. 
sapros,  rotten  ;  pelos,  mud.]  Living 
among  the  debris  of  bottom  ooze. 

saprophyte  (sap'rofit)  n.  [Gk.  sapros, 
rotten  ;  phyton,  plant.]  An  organ- 
ism which  lives  on  dead  and 
decaying  organic  matter ;  a  sapro- 
phytic  organism. 

saprozoic  (sap'rozo'ik)  a.  [Gk.  sapros, 
rotten  ;  zoon,  animal.]  Appl.  an 
animal  organism  which  lives  on  dead 
or  decaying  organic  matter  (zool.} 

sarcenchyma  (sarkgng'kima)  n.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh  ;  engchyma,  infusion.] 
Parenchyma  in  which  the  ground- 
substance  is  granular  and  not 
abundant  (biol.). 

sarcocarp  (sar'kokarp)  n.  [Gk.  sarx, 
flesh  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  The  fleshy  or 
pulpy  part  of  a  fruit  (bot.}. 

sarcocyte  (sar'koslt)  n.  [Gk.  sarx, 
flesh  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  The  middle 
layer  of  Gregarine  ectoplasm  (zool.}. 

sarcode  (sar'kod)  n.  [Gk.  sarx,  flesh.] 
The  body  protoplasm  of  a  Protozoan 

sarcoderm  (sar'kodgrm)  n.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh ;  derma,  skin.]  The 
fleshy  layer  between  a  seed  and  the 
external  covering  (bot.). 

sarcodic  (sarkSd'ik)  a.  [Gk.  sarx, 
flesh.]  Pert,  or  resembling  proto- 
plasm (biol.). 

sarcodictyum  (sar'kodik'tium)  n. 
[Gk.  sarx,  flesh  ;  diktyon,  a  net.] 
The  second  or  network  protoplasmic 
zone  of  Radiolarians  (zool.). 

sarcogenic  (sar'k6je"n'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh  ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Flesh-producing  (biol.). 

sarcoid  (sir'koid)  a.  [Gk.  sarx,  flesh  ; 
eidos,  form.]  Fleshy,  as  sponge 
tissue  (zool.). 

sarcolemma  (sar'kole'm'a)  n.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh  ;  lemma,  skin.]  The 
tubular  sheath  of  a  muscle  fibre 

sarcoma  (sarko'ma)  n.  [Gk.  sarx, 
flesh.]  A  fleshy  excrescence  (bot.). 

sarcomatrix  (sarkoma'triks)  n.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh  ;  L.  matrix,  womb.] 
The  fourth  protoplasmic  zone  of  a 
Radiolarian,  the  seat  of  digestion 
and  assimilation  (zool.). 




sarcomere  (sarTcomer)  n.  [Gk.  sarx, 
flesh ;  meros,  part.]  A  transverse  line 
subdividing  the  sarcostyle  (phys.). 

sarcophagous  (sarkof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh  ;  phagein,  to  eat.]  Sub- 
sisting on  flesh  (zool). 

sarcoplasm  (sar'koplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  longitudinal  inter- 
stitial reticulum  of  muscular  tissue 

sarcosoma  (saYkoso'ma)  n,  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh ;  soma,  body.]  The 
fleshy  portion  of  the  body  as  opp. 
the  skeletal  (zool.). 

sarcosperm  (sar'kospe'rm)  n.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh  ;  sperma,  seed.]  Sarco- 
derm  (bot.). 

sarcostyle  (sar'kostll)  n.  [Gk.  sarx, 
flesh  ;  stylos,  a  pillar.]  A  fibril  or 
muscle  column  of  muscular  tissue 
(Phys.) ;  a  dactylozooid  column 

sarcotheca  (sar'kothe'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
sarx,  flesh ;  theke,  a  box.]  The 
sheath  of  a  hydrozoan  sarcostyle 

sarcous  (sa/kus)  a.  [Gk.  sarx,  flesh.] 
Pert,  flesh  or  muscle  tissue  (zool.). 

sannentaceous  (sirme'nta'shus)  a. 
[L.  sarmentum,  a  twig.]  Having 
slender  prostrate  stems  or  runners 

sarmentose,  sarmentous,  —  sarmen- 

sarmentum  (sarmSn'tum)  n.  [L. 
sarmentum,  a  twig.]  The  slender 
stem  of  a  climber  or  runner  (bot.). 

sarothrum  (saro'thrum)  n.  [Gk.  saro- 
tron,  a  broom.]  An  enlarged  hairy 
tarsal  joint  oif  a  bee,  the  pollen 
brush  (zool.). 

sartorius  (sarto'rlus)  n.  [L.  sartor,  a 
tailor.]  A  thigh  muscle  which 
enables  the  legs  to  be  bent  inwards 

satellite  (sat'gllt)  n.  [L.  satelles,  an 
attendant.]  The  second  of  any 
pair  of  individuals  of  a  catenoid 
colony  in  pseudoconjugation  of 
Gregarinida  ;  cf.  primlte  (zool.). 

saurian  (sor'ian)  a.  [Gk.  sauros,  a 
lizard.]  Resembling  a  lizard  (pal.). 

saurognathous  (s6r'6gna'thus)  a.  [Gk. 
sauros,  lizard  ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  With 
a  saurian  arrangement  of  jaw-bones 

saurold  (sdroid)  a.  [Gk.  sauros, 
lizard  ;  eidos,  form.]  Resembling 
a  saurian  (zool.). 

saxicavous  (sak'slka'vus)  a.  [L. 
saxum,  rock ;  cavus,  hollow.]  Appl. 
rock  -  borers,  as  some  Molluscs 

saxicoline  (saksik'olin)  a.  [L.  saxum, 
rock  ;  colere,  to  inhabit.]  Living  or 
growing  among  rocks  (bot.,  zool). 

scaberulous  (skabeVulus)  a.  [L. 
scaber,  rough.]  Somewhat  rough. 

scabrate  (skab'rat)  a.  [L.  scaber, 
rough.]  Rough  with  a  covering  of 
stiff  hairs,  scales,  or  points  (bot.). 

scabrous, — scabrate. 

scala  (ska'la)  n.  [L.  scala,  a  ladder.] 
Any  of  three  ladder-like  canals  in 
the  cochlea  of  the  ear  (zool). 

scalarlform  (skalar'Iform)  a.  [L.  scala, 
ladder  ;  forma,  shape.]  Ladder- 
shaped  ;  appl  vessels  or  tissues 
having  bars  like  a  ladder  (bot.). 

scale  (skal)  n.  [A.S.  sceala,  a  shell, 
husk.]  A  flat,  small,  platelike 
external  structure,  dermal  or  epi- 
dermal ;  a  bony,  horny,  or  chitinous 
outgrowth  (zool) ;  the  bract  of  a 
catkin,  being  of  a  scaly  nature  ; 
the  ligule  of  certain  flowers ;  a 
modification  of  a  stellate  hair  on 
certain  leaves  (bot.). 

scale  bark,— bark  in  irregular  sheets 
or  patches,  due  to  irregular  or 
dipping  formation  of  phellogen 

scale  leaf, — a  bud-protecting  cata- 
phyllary  leaf  (bot). 

scalene  (skalen')  a.  [Gk.  skalenos, 
uneven.]  Pert,  any  of  the  scalene 
muscles  (anal). 

scalenus  (skale'nus)  n.  [Gk.  skalenos, 
uneven.]  One  of  three  neck  muscles 
used  in  bending  the  head, — scalenus 
posticus,  medius,  anticus  (anat.). 

scalp  (skalp)  n.  [M.E.  scalp.]  The 
skin  and  subcutaneous  tissues  of  the 
surface  of  the  head  where  hair 
grows  (anat.). 

scalpella  (skalpgl'a)  n.  plu.  [L.  scal- 
pellum,  a  scalpel.]  Paired  pointed 
processes,  parts  of  the  maxillae  of 
Diptera  (zool). 

scalpriform  (skSl'prIf6rm)  a.  [L. 
scalfrum,  a  chisel ;  forma,  shape.] 
Chisel-shaped,  as  certain  teeth 
(zool,  anat.). 




scandent  (skan'dgnt)  a.  [L.  scandere, 
to  climb.]  Climbing  by  stem-roots 
or  tendrils  (bot.}. 

scansorial  (skanso'rial)  a.  [L.  scan- 
dere, to  climb.]  Formed  or  adapted 
for  climbing  (zool.}. 

scape  (skap)  n.  [Gk.  skapos,  stalk.] 
A  flower-stalk  arising  at  or  under 
the  ground  ;  a  radical  peduncle,  as 
hyacinth  (bot.} ;  a  structure  formed 
by  the  two  basal  segments  of  the 
antennae  of  Diptera  (zoo!.). 

scapha  (ska'fa)  n.  [Gk.  scaphe,  a 
boat.]  The  narrow  curved  depres- 
sion between  helix  and  antihelix  of 
the  ear  (anat.}. 

scaphium  (ska'fium)  n.  [Gk.  scaphe, 
boat.]  A  process  of  the  ninth 
(copulatory)  segment  of  male  Lepi- 
doptera  (zool.}. 

scaphocerite  (skafose'rit)  n.  [Gk. 
skaphe,  boat  ;  keras,  horn.]  The 
scale-like  exopodite  of  the  second 
antenna  of  Decapods  (zool.}. 

scaphognathite  (skafognath'lt, 
skafSg'nathlt)  n.  [Gk.  skaphe, 
boat ;  gnathos,  jaw.J  The  exo- 
podite of  the  second  maxilla  of 
Decapods,  regulating  the  flow  of 
water  through  the  respiratory 
chamber  (zool.}. 

scaphoid  (skaf'oid)  a.  [Gk.  skaphe, 
boat ;  eidos,  form.]  Shaped  like  a 
boat ;  appl.  a  carpal  and  a  tarsal 
bone  (anat.). 

scapholunar  (skafolu'nar)  a.  [Gk. 
skaphe,  boat ;  L.  luna,  moon.]  Pert. 
scaphoid  and  lunar  carpal  bones, 
or  those  bones  fused  (anat.,  zool.}. 

scapiform  (ska'pif6rm)  a.  [Gk. 
skapos,  stalk ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
Scapoid  ;  resembling  a  scape  (bot.). 

scapose  (ska'pos)  a.  [Gk.  skapos, 
stalk.]  Consisting  of  or  in  the 
form  of  a  scape  (hot.}. 

scapula  (skap'ula)  n.  [L.  scapula, 
shoulder-blade.]  The  shoulder- 
blade  ;  name  given  to  various 
structures  suggestive  of  a  shoulder- 
blade,  as  tegula,  patagium,  meso- 
thoracic  pleuron,  fore-leg  trochanter 
of  certain  Insects  ;  in  Crinoids,  the 
proximal  plate  of  a  ray  that  has  an 
articular  facet  for  the  arms  (zool.}. 

scapular  (skap'ular)  a.  [L.  scapula, 
shoulder-blade.]  Pert,  the  scapula. 

scapulars, — scapular  feathers  of  birds. 

scapus  (ska'pus)  n.  [L.  scapus,  stem, 
stalk.]  A  scape  (oof.} ;  the  stem  of 
a  feather  (zool.). 

scarfskin  (skarf  skin)  n.  [A.S.  sceorfa, 
scurf.]  The  cuticle  or  epidermis 

scarious  (ska'rius)  a.  [F.  scarieux, 
membranous.]  Thin,  dry,  mem- 
branous (hot.} ;  scaly  or  scurfy 

schlndylesis  (skin'dile'sls)  n.  [Gk. 
schindylesis,  a  fissure.]  Articula- 
tion in  which  a  thin  plate  of  bone 
fits  into  a  cleft  or  fissure,  as  that 
between  vomer  and  palatines  (anat.}. 

schlzocarp  (shiz'okarp,  ski-)  n.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave  ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
A  dry  seed-vessel  which  splits  into 
two  or  more  one-seeded  carpels 

schizochroal  (shizokro'al,  ski-)  a.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave ;  chros,  body- 
surface.]  With  lenses  separate  and 
cornea  not  continuous  ;  appl.  cer- 
tain trilobite  eyes  (pal.}. 

schlzocoel  (shiz'osel,  ski-)  n.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave  ;  koilos,  hollow.] 
A  body-cavity  formed  by  splitting 
of  the  mesoblast  into  layers  (emb.}. 

schizogamy  (shizog'aml,  ski-)  n.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave ;  gamos,  marriage.] 
Fission  into  a  sexual  and  a  non- 
sexual  zooid  in  some  Polychaets 

schlzogenesis  (sh!z'6j6n'6sis,  ski-)  n. 
[Gk.  schizein,  to  cleave ;  genesis, 
descent]  Reproduction  by  means 
of  fission  (biol.}. 

schizogenetic  (shiz'ojgngt'Ik,  ski-)  a. 
[Gk.  schizein,  to  cleave ;  genesis, 
descent.]  Reproducing  by  means 
of  fission  (biol.} ;  appl.  resin  ducts 
in  young  stems  of  ivy  ;  appl.  spaces 
formed  by  delamination  of  adjacent 
cell  walls  (bot.}. 

schizognathous  (shtzog'nathus,  ski-) 
a.  [Gk.  schizein,  to  cleave  ;  gnathos, 
jaw.J  Appl.  the  arrangement  of 
jaws  when  the  vomer  is  small  and 
pointed  in  front  and  maxillo- 
palatines  do  not  unite  with  each 
other  and  the  vomer,  as  in  the 
Pigeon  (zool.}. 

schizogony  (shizog'oni,  ski-)  n.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave  ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
A  kind  of  multiple  fission  in  Proto- 
zoa (zool.}. 




schizokinete  (shiz'oklnet',  ski-)  n. 
[Gk.  schizein,  to  cleave ;  kinetos, 
movable.]  A  motile  vermicule  stage 
in  the  life  -  history  of  Haemo- 
sporidiae  (zoo/.). 

schizont  (shizSnf,  ski-)  n.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave;  ons,  being.] 
A  trophozoite  stage  of  parasitic 
Sporozoa,  reproducing  in  the  host 
by  multiple  fission  (zoo/.). 

schizontocytes  (shizon'toslts,  ski-)  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  schizein,  to  cleave  ;  ons, 
being  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  Cytomeres 
into  which  a  schizont  divides,  and 
which  themselves  divide  into 
clusters  of  merozoites  (zoo/.). 

schizopelmous  (shiz'opeTmus,  ski-)  a. 
[Gk.  schizein,  to  cleave ;  pelma, 
sole  of  the  foot.]  With  two  separate 
flexor  tendons  connected  with  the 
toes,  as  in  some  Birds  (zoo/.). 

schlzopod  stage, — that  stage  in  the 
development  of  a  Decapod  larva 
when  it  resembles  an  adult  Mysis 
in  having  exopodite  and  endopodite 
to  all  the  thoracic  limbs  (zoo/.). 

schizorhinal  (shiz'ori'nal,  ski-)  a. 
[Gk.  schizein,  to  cleave  ;  rhis,  nose.] 
Having  the  external  narial  opening 
elongated,  and  the  posterior  border 
angular  or  slit-like  (zoo/.). 

schizostele  (shiz'ostel,  ski-)  «.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave  ;  stele,  a  post.] 
One  of  a  number  of  strands  formed 
by  division  of  the  plerome  of  a  stem 

schlzostely  (shiz'oste'H,  ski-)  n.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave  ;  stele,  a  post.] 
The  condition  of  a  stem  in  which 
the  plerome  gives  rise  to  a  number 
of  strands,  each  composed  of  one 
vascular  bundle  ;  astely  (oof.). 

schlzothecal  (shiz'othe'kal,  ski-)  a. 
[Gk.  schizein,  to  cleave  ;  theke,  a 
case.]  Having  scale  -  like  horny 
tarsal  plates  (zoo/.). 

schizozoite  (shiz'ozo'lt,  ski-)  n.  [Gk. 
schizein,  to  cleave  ;  zoon,  animal.] 
A  merozoite  formed  from  each  seg- 
ment of  a  dividing  schizont  (zoo/.). 

Schwann's  sheath, — a  delicate  but 
tough  membrane  outside  the  medul- 
lary sheath  of  a  nerve  fibre  ;  the 
primitive  sheath  (J>kys.}. 

sciatic  (siat'Ik)  a.  [Gk.  ischion,  hip- 
joint.]  Pert,  the  hip  region  ;  appl. 
artery,  nerve,  etc.  (anat.). 

scion  (st6n)  n.  [F.  scion,  shoot.]  A 
branch  or  shoot  for  grafting 
purposes  (oot.). 

solera  (skle'ri)  n.  [Gk.  skleros,  hard.] 
A  firm  unyielding  membrane  form- 
ing five-sixths  of  the  fibrous  tunic 
of  the  eyeball,  the  cornea  forming 
the  anterior  sixth  (anat.}. 

scleratogenous  layer,— a  strand  of 
fused  sclerotomes  formed  along  the 
neural  tube,  later  surrounding  the 
notochord  (emo.). 

sclere  (skier)  n.  [Gk.  skleros,  hard.] 
A  skeletal  structure ;  a  sponge 
spicule  (zoo/.). 

sclerenchyma  (sklgreng'klma)  n.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard  ;  engchyma,  infusion.] 
The  hard  tissue  of  coral  (zoo/.)  ; 
tissue  of  thickened  and  of  hard 
cells  of  vessels  (oot.). 

sclerite  (skle'rit)  n.  [Gk.  skleros, 
hard.]  A  calcareous  plate  or  spic- 
ule (zoo/.). 

sclerobase  (skle'robas)  n.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard ;  basis,  base.]  The 
calcareous  axis  of  Alcyonaria  (zoo/.). 

scleroblast  (skle'roblast)  n.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard  ;  blastos,  a  bud.J  A 
sponge  cell  from  which  a  sclere 
develops  (zoo/.). 

sclerocauly  (skleVokoll)  n.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard  ;  kaulos,  stalk.]  Con- 
dition of  excessive  skeletal  structure 
in  a  stem  (dot.}. 

sclerocorneal  (skleVok&r'neal)  a.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard ;  L.  cornea,  the  cornea.] 
Pert,  cornea  and  sclerotic  (anat.}. 

scleroderm  (skleVOdgrm)  n.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard ;  derma,  skin.]  An 
indurating  integument ;  the  skeletal 
part  of  Corals  (zoo/.). 

sclerodermatous  (skleVodeYmatus)  a. 
[Gk.  skleros,  hard ;  derma,  skin.] 
Having  an  external  skeletal  struc- 
ture (zoo/.). 

sclerodermite  (skleYodeYmlt)  n. 
[Gk.  skleros,  hard ;  derma,  skin.] 
The  hard  outer  covering  of  an 
arthropod  segment  (zoo/.). 

sclerogen  (skler'qjgn)  n.  [Gk.  skleros, 
hard ;  genos,  offspring.]  Woody 
tissue  in  plant  cells  (oot.}. 

sclerogenlc  (skler'ojgnlfk),  —  sclero- 

sclerogenous  (sklgroj'gnus)  a.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Secreting  lignin  (oot.}. 



scleroicl  (skle'roid)  a.  [Gk.  skleros, 
hard  ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Hard  ; 
skeletal  (biol.). 

sclerophylly  (skle'rofil'f)  n.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  Con- 
dition of  excessive  skeletal  structure 
in  leaves  (dot.). 

scleroseptum  (skler'osep'tum)  n.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard  ;  L.  septum,  a  division.] 
A  radial  vertical  wall  of  carbonate 
of  lime  in  madrepore  Corals. 

sclerosis  (sklgro'sis)  n.  [Gk.  skleros, 
hard.]  Hardening  by  increase  of 
connective  tissue  or  lignin  (hot.'). 

sclerotal  (sklgro'tal)  a.  [Gk.  skleros, 
hard.]  Sclerotic  ;  indurated  ;  con- 
taining lignin  (hot.)  ;  pert,  the 
sclerotic  of  the  eye  (anat.). 

sclerotic  (skleYot'ik)  n.  [Gk.  skleros, 
hard.]  The  outer  layer  or  protective 
membrane  of  the  eye  (anat.). 

sclerotic  ossicles, — a  ring  of  small 
bones  round  the  protruded  sclerotic 
of  Birds  (zool.). 

sclerotioid  (sklgrot'ioid)  a.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard  ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Pert,  a  sclerotium  (bot.). 

sclerotium  (sklero'tium,  -shium)  n. 
[Gk.  skleros,  hard.]  The  resting, 
dormant,  or  winter  stage  of  some 
Fungi  when  they  become  a  mass  of 
hardened  mycelium  or  waxy  proto- 
plasm (bot.). 

sclerotome  (skler'otom)  n.  [Gk. 
skleros,  hard  ;  tome,  a  cutting.]  A 
partition  of  connective  tissue  be- 
tween two  myotomes  (zool.). 

sclerous  (skle'rus)  a.  [Gk.  skleros, 
hard.]  Sclerotal. 

scolecid  (sko'lgsid)  a.  [Gk.  skolex,  a 
worm.]  Pert,  a  scolex. 

scoleciform  (skoles'iform)  a.  [Gk. 
skolex,  worm ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
Like  a  scolex. 

scolecite  (skol'gslt)  n.  [Gk.  skolex, 
worm.]  A  vermiform  body  branch- 
ing from  the  mycelium  of  Disco- 
mycetes  (bot.). 

scolecoid  (skol'gkoid)  a.  [Gk.  skolex, 
worm ;  eidos,  form.]  Resembling 
a  scolex. 

scolex  (sko'lgks)  n.  [Gk.  skolex, 
worm.]  The  head  or  rounded  ter- 
minal knob  of  a  Tape-worm  (zool.). 

scolite  (sko'llt)  n.  [Gk.  skolex,  worm  ; 
lithos,  stone.]  A  fossil  worm  burrow 

scopa  (sk5'pa)  n.  [L.  scopa,  brush.] 
A  pollen  brush  (soot.}. 

scopate  (sko'pat)  a.  [L.  scopa,  brush.] 
Having  a  tuft  of  hairs  like  a  brush 

scopiferous, — scopate. 

scopiform  (sko'piform)  a.  [L.  scopa, 
brush  ;  forma,  shape.]  Brush- 

scopula  (skop'ula)  n.  [L.  scopttla,  a 
small  brush.]  A  small  tuft  of 
hairs  ;  a  needle-like  sponge  spicule 
with  brush-like  head  ;  in  climbing 
spiders,  a  tuft  of  club-like  hairs  on 
each  foot,  replacing  the  third  claw 

scopulate  (skop'ulat)  a.  [L.  scopula, 
a  small  brush.]  Like  a  brush. 

scopuliferous  (skop'ulif'grus)  a.  [L. 
scopula,  a  small  brush  ;  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Having  a  small  brush-like 

scopuliform  (skop'uliform)  a.  [L. 
scopula,  a  small  brush  ;  forma, 
shape.]  Resembling  a  small  brush. 

scorpioid  (skor'pioid)  a.  [Gk.  skorpios, 
scorpion  ;  eidos,  form.]  Cicinnal 
(bot.)  ;  resembling  a  scorpion  ;  with 
curved  tail. 

scorpioid  cyme, — a  uniparous  cymose 
inflorescence  in  which  the  daughter- 
axes  are  developed  right  and  left 
alternately  (bot.). 

scrobicula  (skroblk'ula)  n.  [L.  scrobis, 
a  ditch.]  The  smooth  area  round 
the  boss  of  an  echinoid  test  (zool.). 

scrobicular  (skrobik'ular)  a.  [L. 
scrobis,  ditch.]  In  the  region  of 
the  scrobicula. 

scrobiculate  (skrobik'ulat)  a.  [L. 
scrobis,  ditch.]  Marked  with  little 
pits  or  depressions  (zool.). 

scrobicule, — a  scrobicula. 

scrobiculus  (skrobik'ulus)  n.  [L. 
scrobis,  ditch.]  A  pit  or  depression. 

scrobiculus  cordis, — the  pit  of  the 
stomach  (anal.). 

scrotal  (skro'tal)  a.  [L.  scrotum.] 
Pert,  or  in  the  region  of  the  scrotum 

scrotum  (skro'tum)  n.  [L.  scrotum.] 
The  external  sac  containing  the 
testicles,  in  Mammals. 

scurf  (skiirf)  n.  [A.S.  scurf.}  Scaly 
skin  ;  dried  outer  skin  peeling  off  in 
scales  (anat.)  ;  the  scaly  epidermal 
covering  of  some  leaves  (bot.). 




scutal  (sku'tal)  a.  [L.  scutum,  shield.] 
Pert,  a  scutum. 

scutate  (sku'tat)  a.  [L.  scutum, 
shield.]  Protected  by  large  scales 
or  horny  plates  (zool}. 

scute  (skut)  n.  [L.  scutum,  shield.] 
An  external  scale,  as  of  Reptile, 
Fish,  or  scaly  Insect  (zool.). 

scutella  (skuteTa)  n.  [L.  scutellum, 
a  small  shield.]  A  scutellum  or 
shield-like  structure. 

scutellar  (skuteTar)  a.  [L.  scutellum, 
a  small  shield.]  Pert,  a  scutellum. 

scutellate  (skuteTat)  a.  [L.  scutellum, 
a  small  shield.]  Shaped  like  a 
small  shield. 

scutellation  (sku'tela'shun)  n.  [L. 
scutellum,  a  small  shield.]  The 
method  of  arrangement  of  scales, 
as  on  tarsus  of  Bird  (zool.}. 

scutelliform, — scutellate. 

scutelligerous  (sku'telij'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
scutellum,  a  small  shield  ;  gerere,  to 
bear.]  Furnished  with  scutella  or 
a  scutellum. 

scutelliplantar  (skuteTiplan'tar)  a. 
[L.  scutellum,  a  small  shield ;  planta, 
sole  of  foot.]  Having  the  tarsus 
covered  with  small  plates  or  scutella 

scutellum  (skuteTum)  n.  [L.  scutel- 
lum, a  small  shield.]  A  tarsal  scale 
of  Birds  ;  the  posterior  part  of  the 
mesothoracic  segment  of  an  Insect 
(zool.) ;  the  single  massive  coty- 
ledon lying  next  the  starchy 
endosperm  in  seed  of  Maize ;  a 
development  of  part  of  the  coty- 
ledon which  separates  the  embryo 
from  the  endosperm  in  the  seed 
of  Grasses  (tot.). 

scutlferous, — scutigerous. 

scutiform  (sku'tiform)  a.  [L.  scutum, 
shield  ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped 
like  a  shield  ;  appl.  the  floating  leaf 
of  Salvinia  (hot}. 

scutigerous  (skutij'£rus)a.  [L.  scutum, 
shield  ;  gerere,  to  bear.]  Bearing  a 
shield-like  structure  (zool.}. 

scutiped  (sku'tip&i)  a.  [L.  scutum, 
shield  ;  pes,  foot.]  Having  the 
foot  or  part  of  it  covered  by  scutella 

scutum  (sku'tum)  «.  [L.  scutum, 
shield.]  A  shield-like  plate,  horny, 
bony,  or  chitinous,  developed  in 
the  integument ;  the  fornix  or 

modified  spine  overhanging  the 
aperture  in  some  Cheilostomata 

scyphlferous  (skiflf'grus,  si-)  a.  [Gk. 
skyphos,  cup  ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Bearing  scyphi,  as  some  Lichens 

scyphiform  (skif'iform,  si-)  a.  [Gk. 
skyphos,  cup ;  L.  forma,  shape.] 
Shaped  like  a  cup  (tot.). 

scyphistoma  (skifis'toma,  si-)  n.  [Gk. 
skyphos,  cup  ;  stoma,  mouth.]  A 
scyphula,  the  scyphozoon  polyp 
stage  in  the  development  of  Aurelia 

scyphose  (skif'os,  sl'fos)  a.  [Gk. 
skyphos,  cup.]  Scyphiform. 

scyphula  (skifula,  sif-)  n.  [Gk.  sky- 
phos, cup.]  A  scyphistoma. 

scyphulus  (skif'ulus,  si-)  n.  [Gk. 
skyphos,  cup.]  A  small  cup-shaped 
structure  (dot.). 

scyphus  (skif'us,  si-)  «.  [Gk.  skyphos, 
cup.]  The  cup  of  a  Narcissus  ;  a 
funnel  -  shaped  corolla  ;  the  cup- 
shaped  expansion  of  the  podetium 
in  some  Lichens  (tot.). 

sebaceous  (s£ba'shus)  a.  [L.  sebum, 
tallow.]  Containing  or  secreting 
fatty  matter  ;  appl.  glands  (anat.). 

sebiferous  (sSbif'Srus)  a.  [L.  sebum, 
tallow  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Conveying 
fatty  matter  (phys}. 

sebiparous  (sfiblp'arus)  a.  [L.  sebum, 
tallow ;  parere,  to  beget.]  Secreting 
fatty  matter  (phys.). 

sebum  (se'bum)  n.  [L.  sebum,  tallow.] 
The  secretion  of  sebaceous  glands, 
consisting  of  fatty  matter  and  iso- 
cholesterin  (phys.). 

secodont  (s6k'6d6nt)  a.  [L.  secare,  to 
cut ;  Gk.  odous,  tooth.]  Furnished 
with  teeth  adapted  for  cutting 

secondary  (sgk'ondari)  a.  [L.  se- 
cundus,  second.]  Second  in  im- 
portance or  in  position  (zool.)  ; 
arising,  not  from  the  growing  point, 
but  from  other  tissue  (tot.) ;  n.  a 
forearm  quill  -  feather  of  a  bird's 
wing  ;  an  insect  hind- wing  (zool.). 

secondary  bud,  —  an  axillary  bud, 
accessory  to  the  normal  one  (tot.). 

secondary  capitula, — six  small  cells 
rising  from  each  capitulum  of 
Chara  (tot.). 

secondary  growth,— development  of 



secondary  meristem  or  cambium 
producing  new  tissue  on  both  sides, 
as  in  woody  dicotyledons  (dot.). 

secondary  meristem,  —  phellogen 

secondary  prothallium,  —  a  tissue 
produced  in  the  megaspore  of 
Selaginella  after  the  true  pro- 
thallium  is  formed  (dot.). 

secondary  roots,  —  branches  of  the 
primary  root,  arising  within  its 
tissue,  and  in  turn  giving  rise  to 
tertiary  roots ;  roots  arising  at 
other  than  normal  points  of  origin 

secondary  spore,  —  a  small  or  ab- 
jointed  spore  ;  an  ascospore  (dot.). 

secondary  tissue,  —  tissue  formed 
through  phellogen,  externally  cork, 
and  internally  phelloderm  (dot.). 

secondary  wood, — wood  formed  from 
cambium  (dot.). 

secretin  (sekre'tin)  n.  [L.  secernere, 
to  separate.]  A  chemical  substance 
produced  in  the  intestinal  mucous 
membrane  whose  action  on  the 
pancreas  causes  a  copious  secretion 
of  pancreatic  juice  (phys.). 

secretion  (sekre'shun)  n.  [L.  secemere, 
to  separate.]  A  substance  or  fluid 
which  is  separated  from  the  blood 
or  other  cells  ;  the  process  of  such 
separation  (phys.). 

secretitious  (sekretish'us)  a.  [L. 
secernere,  to  separate.]  Appl.  a 
substance  or  fluid  secreted  (phys.). 

secretory  (sekre'tori)  a.  [L.  secernere, 
to  separate.]  Performing  the  office 
of  secretion  (phys.). 

sectile  (sgk'tll)  a.  [L.  secare,  to  cut.] 
Cut  into  small  partitions,  com- 
partments (dot.). 

sectorial  (sgkto'rial)  a.  [L.  secure, 
to  cut.]  Formed  or  adapted  for 
cutting,  as  certain  teeth. 

secund  (sgk'und)  a.  [L.  secundus, 
following.]  Appl.  flowers  or  leaves 
arranged  on  one  side  of  the  stem 

secundiflorous  (sfikund'Iflo'rus)  a.  [L. 
secundus,  following ;  ftos,  flower.] 
Having  flowers  on  one  side  of  the 
stem  only  (dot.). 

secundine  (s6k'undin)  n.  [L.  secundus, 
following.]  The  second  coat  of 
the  ovule,  lying  within  the  primine 

secundines, — the  foetal  membranes 
collectively  (anat.). 

secondly  (sek'undlT)  adv.  [L.  se- 
cundus, following.]  On  one  side 
of  a  stem  or  axis  (dot.). 

sedentary  (sed'Sntari)  a.  [L.  sedere, 
to  sit.]  Not  free-living ;  appl. 
animals  attached  by  a  base  to 
some  substratum  (zool.). 

seed  (sed)  n.  [A.S.  saed,  seed.]  A 
mature  fruit  containing  an  embryo 
ready  for  germination  under  suit- 
able conditions  (hot.) ;  semen 

seed  bud, — an  ovule  (dot.). 

seed  coat, — the  testa,  a  thin  mem- 
brane investing  the  seed  (hot.). 

seed  plant,  —  a  seed-bearing  plant 

seed  stalk, — the  funicle  (hot.}. 

seed  vessel, — a  structure  containing 
seed,  as  a  pod  (dot.). 

segment  (seg'me'nt)  n.  [L.  seg- 
mentum,  a  piece  cut  off".]  A  divi- 
sion formed  by  cleavage  of  an 
ovum  (emb.) ;  a  part  of  an  animal 
or  of  a  jointed  appendage  (zool.) ; 
a  division  of  a  leaf  if  cleft  nearly  to 
the  base  (dot.). 

segmental  (sggmgn'tal)  a.  [L.  seg- 
mentum,  a  part.]  Of  the  nature 
of  a  segment ;  pert,  a  segment. 

segmental  arteries,  —  diverticula 
from  the  dorsal  aortae  arising  in 
the  spaces  between  successive 
somites  (emb.). 

segmental  duct, — an  embryonic  duct 
which  gives  rise  to  Wolffian  or 
Miillerian  duct  (emb.). 

segmental  organ,  —  an  embryonic 
excretory  organ  (emb.). 

segmental  papillae,  —  conspicuous 
pigment  spots  by  which  true  seg- 
ments maybe  recognised  in  Leeches 

segmentation  (s&g'mSnta'shun)  n. 
[L.  segmentum,  a  segment.]  The 
division  or  splitting  into  segments 
or  portions  (btol.) ;  cleavage  of  an 
ovum  (emb.). 

segmentation  cavity, — the  blastocoel 
or  central  cavity  formed  at  an  early 
stage  of  egg  cleavage  (emb.). 

segmentation  nucleus,  —  the  body 
formed  by  the  union  of  male  and 
female  pronuclei  in  the  course  of 
fertilization  of  an  ovum  (emb.). 




segregratlon  (segrgga'shun)  n.  [L.  se, 
aside ;  grex,  flock.]  In  the  Men- 
delian  sense,  the  dissociation  of 
characters  from  each  other  in  the 
course  of  the  formation  of  germs, 
the  characters  being  called  allelo- 
morphic  (Hoi.}. 

sejugous  (sgj'oogus)  a.  [L.  sex,  six  ; 
jugum,  a  yoke.]  With  six  pairs  of 
leaflets  (bot.}. 

selenodont  (sgle'nodont)  a.  [Gk. 
selene,  moon  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Appl. 
molars  when  lengthened  out  an- 
tero-posteriorly  and  curved  (as  in 

selenotropism  (selenot'ropTzm)  n. 
[Gk.  selene,  moon  ;  trope,  a  turn- 
ing.] Tendency  to  turn  towards 
the  moon's  rays  (bot.}. 

self -fertile,  —  fertile  by  means  of 
its  own  male  elements,  said  of  a 
flower  (bot.}. 

self-fertilization, — autogamy. 

self-mutilation, — autotomy. 

self  -  pollination,  —  transference  of 
pollen  -  grains  from  anthers  to 
stigmas  of  the  same  flower. 

self-sterile, — not  capable  of  fertiliza- 
tion by  its  own  male  elements ; 
appl.  flowers  (bot.}  ;  appl.  hermaph- 
rodite animals  (zool.}. 

sella  turcica  (sel'5.  tur'slka)  n.  [L. 
sella,  a  seat ;  turcicus,  Turkish.] 
A  deep  depression  on  the  inner 
surface  of  the  sphenoid  behind  the 
tuberculum  sellae  (anat.} ;  a  trans- 
verse bar  formed  by  union  of 
apodemes  of  posterior  somites  of 
certain  Decapods  (zool.}. 

somatic  (sematik)  a.  [Gk.  sema,  a 
sign.]  Functioning  as  a  danger 
signal,  as  certain  colours  or  odours 
in  animals. 

semen  (se'men)  n.  [L.  semen, 
seed.]  The  fluid  secreted  in  the 
testicles  (zoo/.). 

semiamplexicaul  (sgm'iamplek'- 
sikol)  a.  [L.  semi,  half;  amplecli, 
to  embrace  ;  caulis,  stem.]  Parti- 
ally surrounding  the  stem  (bot.}. 

semianatropous  (sfim'Ianat'ropus)  a. 
[L.  semi,  half ;  Gk.  ana,  up  ;  trope, 
a  turning.]  With  half- inverted 
ovule  (bot.}. 

semicaudate  (sem'iko'dat)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  cauda,  tail.]  With  the 
tail  rudimentary  (zool.}. 

semicircular  (sgm'IseYkular)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  circulus,  a  circle.] 
Describing  a  half  -  circle  ;  appl. 
the  canals  of  the  ear  labyrinth 

semicomplete  (sem'Ikomplet')  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  completus,  filled.]  In- 
complete ;  appl.  metamorphosis 

seminoret  (sgm'Iflo'rgt)  n.  [L. 
semi,  half;  flos,  flower.]  A  semi- 
floscule  or  ray  of  composite  flowers 

semiflosculous  (sgm'iflos'kulus)  a. 
[L.  semi,  half;  flosculus,  a  small 
flower.]  Having  ligulate  florets 

semilocular  (sem'ilSk'ular)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  loculus,  a  small  place.] 
Appl.  ovary  with  incomplete  loculi 

semllunar  (sgm'ilu'nar,  -loo-)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  luna,  moon.]  Half- 
moon  shaped  ;  appl.  ganglia,  fascia, 
valves  (anat.} ;  n.,  a  carpal  bone 

semimembranosus  (sfim'lmfim'brano'- 
sus)  n.  [L.  semi,  half;  membra- 
nosus,  membranous.]  A  thigh 
muscle  with  a  flat  membrane- 
like  tendon  at  its  upper  extremity 

semimetamorphosis  (s&n'Imfitamor'- 
fosls)  n.  [L.  semi,  half;  Gk.  meta- 
morphosis, transformation.]  Partial, 
incomplete,  or  semicomplete  meta- 
morphosis (zool.\ 

seminal  (sem'inal)  a.  [L.  semen, 
seed.]  Pert,  semen  ;  appl.  the  fluid 
of  the  testicles,  the  duct  or  the 
vesicle  (zool.}  ;  appl.  cotyledons 

seminal  receptacle, — the  spermatheca 
or  sac  in  Worms  or  Snails  which 
stores  male  elements  till  required 

semination  (sgm'fna'shun)  «.  [L. 
semen,  seed.]  Dispersal  of  seeds 

seminiferous  (sgmTnlf'erus)  a.  [L. 
semen,  seed  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Se- 
creting or  conveying  seed  or  seminal 
fluid  (zool.} ;  bearing  seed  (bot.}. 

seminude  (sgm'Inud)  a.  [L.  semi, 
half;  nudus,  naked.]  With  ovules 
or  seeds  exposed  (bot.}. 

seminymph  (sgmlnlmf)  n.     [L.  semi, 




half;  nympha,  a  nymph.]  A  con- 
dition in  development  of  certain 
Insects  approaching  complete  meta- 
morphosis (zool.). 

semiovate  (sem'io'vat)  a.  [L.  semi, 
half;  ovum,  egg.]  Half-oval  ; 
somewhat  oval. 

semioviparous  (sem'itivlp'arus)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  ovum,  egg  ;  parere,  to 
beget]  Between  oviparous  and 
viviparous,  as  a  Marsupial  whose 
young  are  very  imperfectly  de- 
veloped when  born  (zool.}. 

semlovoid  (sem'io'void)  a.  [L.  semi, 
half ;  ovum,  egg  ;  Gk.  eidos,  form.] 
Somewhat  ovoid  in  shape. 

semipalmate  (seni'ipal'mat)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  palma,  palm  of  the 
hand.]  Having  toes  webbed  half- 
way down  (zool.). 

semiparaslte  (sem'ipar'asit)  n.  [L. 
semi,  half;  Gk.  parasitos,  eating 
beside  another.]  A  partial  parasite, 
as  a  plant  which  derives  part  only 
of  its  nutriment  from  its  host  (biol.). 

semipenniform  (sem'ipe'n'iform)  a. 
[L.  semi,  half ;  penna,  feather ; 
forma,  shape.]  Appl.  certain 
muscles  bearing  some  resemblance 
to  the  plume  of  a  feather  (anat.). 

semipenneable  (sem'iper'meabl)  a. 
[L.  semi,  half ;  per,  through  ;  meare, 
to  pass.]  Appl.  a  membrane  which 
does  not  permit  any  dissolved  sub- 
stance to  pass,  although  permeable 
to  water  (phys.). 

semiplume  (sem'iploom)  n.  [L.  semi, 
half;  pluma,  feather.]  A  feather 
with  an  ordinary  shaft  but  a  downy 
web  (zool.). 

semlpupa  (sem'ipu'pa)  «.  [L.  semi, 
half;  pupa,  a  puppet.]  A  larval 
stage  in  the  development  of  certain 
Insects  (zool.). 

semirecondite  (sem'irek'ondit)  •«.  [L. 
semi,  half ;  recondere,  to  conceal.] 
Half-concealed,  as  an  insect's  head 
may  be  by  its  thorax  (zool.). 

semisagittate  (sgm'isaj'itat)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  sagitta,  an  arrow.] 
Shaped  like  a  half  arrow-head. 

semisaprophyte  (sem'isap'rofit)  n. 
[L.  semi,  half;  Gk.  sapros,  rotten  ; 
phyton,  plant.]  A  plant  partially 
saprophytic  (hot.). 

semispinalis  (sgm'Ispina'lis)  n.  [L. 
semi,  half;  spinalis,  spinal.]  A 

muscle  of  the  back  on  each  side  of 
the  spinal  column,  inserted  into 
transverse  and  spinous  processes 
continuously  (anat.). 

semitendinosus  (sem'iten'dinosus)  n. 
[L.  semi,  half  ;  tendere,  to  stretch.] 
A  dorsal  muscle  of  the  thigh  stretch- 
ing from  the  tuber  ischii  to  the  tibia 

semitendinous  (sem'itfin'dinus)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half;  tendere,  to  stretch.] 
Half  tendinous  (anat.). 

semituberous  (sem'itu'berus)  a.  [L. 
semi,  half  ;  tuber,  a  hump.]  Having 
somewhat  tuberous  roots  (hot.). 

senescence  (senes'ens)  n.  [L.  senescere, 
to  grow  old.]  Advancing  age  ; 
appl.  condition  of  Protozoa  after 
many  bipartitions,  which  condition 
may  be  counteracted  by  conjugation 

senility  (senil'iti)  n.  [L.  senilis,  senile.] 
Senile  derangement  ;  the  vital  ex- 
haustion of  Protozoa  (dial.). 

sense  organ,  —  an  organ  functional  in 
receiving  external  stimulation 

sensiferous  (sensif'erus)  a.  [L.  sensus, 
sense  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Receiving 
or  conveying  sense  impressions  ; 
sensigerous  (phys.). 

sensile  (sen'sll)  a.  [L.  sensus,  sense.] 
Capable  of  affecting  a  sense 

sensitive  (sen'sltiv)  a.  [L.  sensus, 
sense.]  Capable  of  receiving  im- 
pressions from  external  objects 

sensitive  plant,  —  a  plant  which 
droops,  recoils,  or  closes  at  a 
touch,  as  Mimosa  (hot.). 

sensorial  (sgnso'rial)  a.  [L.  sensus, 
sense.]  Pert,  the  sensorium  (phys.). 

sensorium  (senso'rium)  n.  [L.  sensus, 
sense.]  The  seat  of  sensation  or 
consciousness,  supposed  to  be  the 
brain  ;  the  entire  nervous  system 

sensory  (sen'sorl)  a.  [L.  sensus, 
sense.]  Having  direct  connection 
with  any  part  of  the  sensorium 

sentient  (sen'shient)  a.  [L.  senhre, 
to  feel.]  Appl.  cells  which  are 
sensitive  and  can  perceive  (phys.). 

sepal  (se'pal)  n.  [Gk.  sepalon,  a  sepal, 
on  analogy  of  petalon,  a  petal  ;  or 



L.  sepes,  a  hedge.]  A  leaf-like 
division  of  the  calyx  (dot.). 

sepaled  (se'pald)  a.  [Sepal.]  Having 
sepals  (dot.}. 

sepallne  (sep'alin)  a.  [Sepal.]  Like 
a  sepal  (dot.). 

sepalody  (sepalodi)  n.  [Sepal ;  Gk. 
eidos,  form  ]  Conversion  of  petals 
or  other  parts  of  a  flower  into  sepals 

sepaloid  (sep'aloid)  a.  [Sepal;  Gk. 
eidos,  form.]  Like  a  sepal  (hot.). 

sepalous  (sep'alus)  a.  [Sepal.]  Hav- 
ing sepals  (dot.). 

separation  layer, — see  absciss  layer. 

sepicolous  (sgpik'olus)  a.  [L.  sepes, 
hedge  ;  colere,  to  inhabit.]  Living 
in  hedges. 

septal  (sSp'tal)  a.  [L.  septum,  a 
partition.]  Pert,  a  septum. 

septal  fossula,  —  a  small  primary 
septum  which  appears  to  lie  in  a 
pit  in  some  fossil  Corals  (pa/.). 

septal  neck, — in  Nautilus,  a  shelly 
tube  continuous  for  some  distance 
beyond  each  septum  as  a  support 
to  the  siphuncle  (zoo!.). 

septate  (sfip'tat)  a.  [L.  septum,  a 
partition.]  Divided  by  partitions. 

septempartite  (se'p'tempar'tlt)  a.  [L. 
septem,  seven  \pars,  a  part.]  Appl. 
a  leaf  with  seven  divisions  extending 
nearly  to  the  base  (dot.). 

septenate  (sep'tgnat)  a.  [L.  septeni, 
seven  each.]  With  parts  in  sevens  ; 
appl.  seven  leaflets  of  a  leaf  (bot.). 

septicidal  (se"p'tisl'dal)  a.  [L.  septum, 
division  ;  caedere,\.o  cut.]  Dividing 
through  the  middle  of  the  ovary 
septa  (dot.). 

septiferous  (septif erus) a.  [L.  septum, 
partition  ;  ferre,  to  bear.]  Having 
septa  (hot.}. 

septifolious  (sep'tlfo'llus)  a.  [L. 
septeni,  seven  ;  folium,  a  leaf.] 
With  seven  leaves  or  leaflets  (dot.). 

septiform  (sgp'tiform)  a.  [L.  septum, 
partition  ;  forma,  shape.]  In  the 
form  of  a  septum. 

septifragal  (septif ragal)  a.  [L.  sep- 
tum, partition  ;  frangere,  to  break.] 
With  slits  as  in  locuhcidal  or  septi- 
cidal dehiscence,  but  with  the 
septa  broken  and  the  placentas  and 
seeds  left  in  the  middle  (dot.). 

septomaxillary  (sgp'tomaksirari)  a. 
[L.  septum,  partition  ;  maxilla,  jaw.] 

Pert,    maxilla    and    nasal    septum 

septonasal     (sgp'tona'zal)     a.       [L. 

septum,    partition  ;     nasus,    nose.] 

Pert,  the  internarial  septum  (ana/.). 
septulate  (sgp'tulat)  a.     [L.  septulum, 

a  small  septum.]     Having  spurious 

septa  (dot.). 
septulum  (sgp'tulum)  n.   [L.  septulum, 

a    small    septum.]      A    small    or 

secondary  septum  (dot.). 
septum    (sep'tum)    n.      [L.    septum, 

partition.]    A  partition  separating 

into    two    cavities,    as     in    fruits, 

chambered  shells,  corals  (diol.). 
septum   narium,  —  the    partition   be- 

tween the  nostrils  (anat.). 
septum      transversum,  —  the     dia- 

phragm (anat.). 
sericate  (sgrlkat),  sericeous  (sgrish'us) 

a.     [L.  serious,   silken.]     Covered 

with   fine  close-pressed  silky  hairs 

serosa  (sgro'sa)  n.     [L.  serum,  serum.] 

A   serous   membrane   (anat.)  ;    the 

outer  larval  membrane  of  Insects 

serosity   (sgrSs'itl)    n.      [L.   serum, 

serum.]    The  watery  part  of  animal 

serotinous  (sgrot'mus)  a.  [L.  serus, 
late.]  Blooming  later  in  the  season 
than  customary  for  the  species 

serous  (se'riis)  a.  [L.  serum,  serum.] 
Watery  ;  pert,  serum  ;  appl.  fluid, 
gland  (phys.). 

serous  alveoli,  —  alveoli  which  secrete 
a  watery  non-viscid  saliva,  opp. 
mucous  alveoli  (phys.). 

serous  membrane,  —  a  thin  membrane 
consisting  of  a  single  layer  of 
epithelial  cells,  lining  some  closed 
cavity  of  the  body,  as  the  peri- 
cardium, the  peritoneum  (anat.). 

serpulite  (seVpulIt)  n.  [L.  serpula, 
a  small  snake.]  The  fossil  tube  of 
a  Polychaet  worm  ;  appl.  chalk 
containing  fossil  worm-tubes  (Pal.). 

serra  (seVa)  n.  [L.  serra,  a  saw.] 
Any  saw-like  structure. 

serrate  (seVat)  a.  [L.  serra,  saw.] 
Notched  on  the  edge  like  a  saw  ; 
appl.  leaves  and  other  structures 

serrate-ciliate,  —  with  hairs  fringing 
toothed  edges  (dot.). 





serrate-dentate, — with  serrate  edges 
themselves  toothed  (bot.). 

serratiform  (serat'iform)  a.  [L.  serra, 
saw  ;  forma,  shape.]  Like  a  saw. 

serration  (sera'shun)  n.  [L.  serra, 
saw.]  Saw-like  formation. 

serratirostral  (sgrat'iros'tral)  a.  [L. 
serra,  saw  ;  rostrum,  beak.]  Appl. 
Birds  with  serrate  bill. 

a,  [L.  serra,  saw ;  dens,  tooth.] 
With  many-toothed  serrations  (bot.). 

serrature  (seYatur)  n.  [L.  serra, 
saw.]  A  saw-like  notch. 

serratus  magnus, — a  muscle  stretch- 
ing from  upper  ribs  to  scapula 

serrlferous  (serlf'Srus)  a.  [L.  serra, 
saw  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Furnished 
with  a  saw-like  organ  or  part. 

serriform  (seYiform)  a.  [L.  serra, 
saw ;  forma,  shape.]  Like  a  saw. 

serriped  (seYiped)  a.  [L.  serra,  saw  ; 
pes,  foot.]  With  notched  feet. 

serrula  (ser'ula)  n.  [L.  serrula,  a 
small  saw.]  A  comb-like  ridge 
on  the  chelicerae  of  some  Arachnids 

serrulate  (seYulat)  a.  [L.  serrula, 
a  small  saw.]  Like  a  finely-notched 

serrulation  (ser'ula'shun)  n.  [L. 
serrula,  a  small  saw.]  A  small 

Sertoli  cells,  —  enlarged  lining  epi- 
thelium-cells connected  with  groups 
of  developing  spermatozoa  in  testes 

serum  (se'rum)  n.  [L.  serum,  serum.] 
The  thin  watery  fluid  which  separ- 
ates from  the  blood  on  coagulation, 
— it  contains  proteins,  extractives, 
and  salts  (phys.). 

serum  albumin,  serum  globulin, — 
two  of  the  proteins  of  serum 

sesamoid  (ses'amoid)  a.  [Gk.  sesa- 
mon,  sesame  ;  eidos,  form.]  Appl. 
a  bone  developed  within  a  tendon 
and  near  a  joint,  as  the  patella, 
the  radial  or  ulnar  sesamoid 

sesamoidal  (seVamoidal)  a.  [L. 
sesamon,  sesame ;  eidos,  form.] 
Pert,  a  sesamoid  bone. 

sessile  (seVll)  a.  [L.  sedere,  to  sit.] 
Sitting  directly  on  the  base  with- 

out support,  stalk,  or  peduncle  ; 
stationary,  as  opp.  free-living  or 
motile  (zool.). 

seta  (se'ta)  n.  [L.  seta,  a  bristle.] 
Any  bristle-like  structure ;  the 
chaeta  of  Chaetopods  (zool). 

setaceous  (sfita'shus)  a.  [L.  seta, 
a  bristle.]  Bristle-like ;  set  with 

setifprm  (se'tifbrm)  a.  [L.  seta,  a 
bristle  ;  forma,  shape.]  Bristle- 
shaped  ;  appl.  teeth  when  very  fine 
and  closely  set. 

setigerous  (setij'erus)  a.  [L.  seta, 
bristle  ;  gerere,  to  bear.]  Setif- 
erous  ;  setiparous  ;  bristle-bearing. 

setigerous  sac, — a  sac,  in  which  is 
lodged  a  bundle  of  setae,  formed 
by  an  invagination  of  the  epi- 
dermis in  the  parapodium  of 
Chaetopods  (zool.). 

setirostral  (se'tiros'tral)  a.  [L.  seta, 
bristle ;  rostrum,  beak.]  Appl. 
Birds  with  beak  bristles. 

setobranchia  (se'tobrang'kia)  n.  [L. 
seta,  bristle  ;  Gk.  brangchia,  gills.] 
A  tuft  of  setae  attached  to  the 
gills  of  certain  Decapods  (zool.). 

setose  (se'tos)  a.  [L.  seta,  bristle.] 
Set  with  bristles  ;  bristly. 

setula  (sgt'ula)  n.  {Dim.  from  L. 
seta,  bristle.]  A  setule  ;  a  thread- 
like or  hair-like  bristle. 

setuliform  (se"tu'lif6rm)  a.  [L.  seta, 
bristle  ;  forma,  shape.]  Thread- 
like ;  like  a  setula  or  fine  bristle. 

setulose  (set'ulos)  a.  [L.  seta,  bristle.] 
Set  with  small  bristles. 

sex  (s£ks)  n.  [L.  sexus,  sex.]  The 
sum  of  characteristics,  structures, 
functions,  by  which  an  animal  or 
plant  is  classed  as  male  or  female. 

sexdigitate  (seksdij'itat)  a.  [L.  sex, 
six ;  digitus,  a  finger.]  With  six 
fingers  or  toes  (zool). 

sexfld  (sgks'ffd)  a.  [L.  st 
findere,  to  cleave.]  Cleft  i 
as  a  calyx  (bot.). 

sexfoil  (sSks'foil)  a.  [L.  sex,  six ; 
folium,  leaf.]  A  group  of  six  leaves 
or  leaflets  round  one  axis  (bot.). 

sex  limited  inheritance,  —  inherit- 
ance of  characteristics  limited  by 
the  fact  that  some  are  predomin- 
antlymale  andothers  predominantly 
female  (biol.). 

sexual  (sek'siial)  a.     [L.  sexus,  sex.] 

sex,    six  ; 
into  six, 




Pert,  sex  ;  appl.  reproduction,  opp. 
asexual  (bio/.). 

sexual  cell, — an  ovum  or  sperm, 
sexual     dimorphism,  — strongly- 
marked  differences,  in  size,  colour, 
etc.,  between  male  and  female   of 
one  species  (soot.}. 
sexual     generation,  —  a    gamobium 
or    medusa.       See    alternation    of 

shaft  (shaft)  n.  [A.S.  sceaft,  a  spear- 
shaft.]  A  rachis  ;  the  distal  part 
of  the  stem  of  a  feather;  the  straight 
cylindrical  part  of  a  long  bone 

sheath  (sheth)  n.  [A.S.  sceth,  shell 
or  pod.]  A  protective  covering  ; 
a  theca  ;  an  investing  petiole  (dot.} ; 
an  insect  wing-cover  (zool.}. 
shell  (shfil)  n.  [A.S.  scell,  shell.]  The 
hard  outer  covering  of  animal  or 
fruit  (bio/.} ;  a  covering,  calcareous, 
siliceous,  bony,  horny,  or  chitinous 

shell  gland,  shell  sac, — the  organ 
in  whose  walls  material  for  forming 
a  shell  is  created. 

shield  (sheld)  n.  [A.S.  scild,  a 
shield.]  A  protecting  structure 
such  as  a  carapace  or  lorica 

shoulder  blade, — the  scapula. 
shoulder  girdle,— the  pectoral  girdle, 
which  consists  of  scapula,  coracoid, 
and  clavicle  (anat.}. 
sialoid    (si'aloid)    a.      [Gk.    sialon, 
saliva ;   eidos,  resemblance.]     Like 
saliva  (phys.}. 

sicula  (sik'ula)  n.  [L.  sicula,  a  small 
dagger.]  A  small  dagger-shaped 
body  at  the  end  of  a  Graptolite, 
supposed  to  be  the  skeleton  of  the 
primary  zooid  of  the  colony  (pal.}. 
side-chain  theory, — Ehrlich's  theory 
of  the  phenomena  of  immunity,  viz., 
that  toxins  unite  with  living  proto- 
plasm by  possessing  the  same 
property  as  that  by  which  nutritive 
proteins  are  normally  assimilated 
sieve  cell,— the  thin-walled  elongated 

cell  of  a  sieve  tube  (bot.). 
sieve   disc  or  plate, — the  end  walls 
of  sieve  cells  thickened  and  modi- 
fied to  form  sieve-plates  (bot.}. 
sieve  pit  or  pore, — a  perforation  of  a 
sieve-plate  (bot.}. 

sieve  tissue,  —  the  /essential  tissue  of 
the  phloem  of  vascular  bundles 

sieve  tubes  or  vessels,  —  long  slender 
structures  consisting  of  elongated 
cells  placed  end  to  end,  developed 
in  Angiosperms  as  lines  of  con- 
duction of  food  (bot.}. 

sight  (sit)  n.  [A.S.  siht,  sight.]  The 
visual  faculty  ;  impressions  of  out- 
ward things  conveyed  to  the  brain 
by  means  of  retina  and  optic  nerves 

sigiUate   (sij'ilat)  a.     [L.  sigillum,  a 
seal.]     Having  seal-like  markings, 
as  certain  roots  (bot.}. 
sigma   (slg'ma)   n.      [Gk.    2,    sigma.] 
A  C-shaped  sponge  spicule  (zool.}. 
sigmaspire   (sig'masplr)   n.     [Gk.    2, 
sigma  ;  L.  spira,  a  coil.]     A  sigma 
with  an  additional  twist  (zool.}. 
sigmoid  (sig'moid)  a.     [Gk.  2,  sigma  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]     Curved  like  a 
sigma  ;   curved  in  two  directions  ; 
appl.      arteries,     cavities,      valves 

sigmoid  flexure,  —  an  S-shaped  double 
curve  as  in  a  bird's  neck  ;  the  S- 
shaped  curve  described  by  the 
intestine  (anat.}. 

silicle  (sll'ikl)  n.  [L.  silicula,  a  little 
pod.]  A  silicula,  or  very  short  flat 
form  of  siliqua  (bot.}. 
silicular  (silik'ular)  a.  [L.  silicula,  a 
little  pod.]  Siliculose  ;  siliculous  ; 
like  or  pert,  or  having  a  silicle  (bot.}. 
siliqua  (slllk'wa)  n.  [L.  siliqua,  a 
pod.]  A  long  cylindrical  fruit 
divided  in  two  by  a  false  septum, 
characteristic  of  the  Cruciferae 

silique  (silek'),—  a  siliqua. 
siliquiform      (sTlik'wiform)     a.      [L. 
siliqua,    a     pod  ;    forma,    shape.] 
Formed  like  a  silique  (bot.}. 
siliquose  (sil'ikwos)  a.      [L.   siliqua, 
pod.]     Siliquous  ;  bearing   siliques 

simian  (slm'Ian)  a.  [L.  simia,  an 
ape.]  Possessing  the  characteris- 
tics of  or  pert,  the  anthropoid  apes 

simple  eyes,  —  ocelli  which  occur  with 
or  without  compound  eyes  in  the 
adults  of  many  Insects  ;  usually  the 
only  eyes  possessed  by  larvae  ; 
eyes  with  only  one  lens  (zool.}. 




simulation  (sim'ula'shun)  ».  [L. 
simulare,  to  simulate.]  The  as- 
sumption by  some  animals  of 
features  or  structures  intended  to 
deceive  enemies  and  so  protect 
themselves,  as  the  forms  of  leaf 
and  stick  Insects,  and  all  the 
varieties  of  protective  coloration 

sincipital  (sinsip'ital)  a.  [L.  semi, 
half;  caput,  head.]  Pert,  the 
sinciput  (anat}. 

sinciput  (sin'siput)  n.  [L.  semi,  half ; 
caput,  head.]  The  upper  or  fore 
part  of  the  head  (anat.}. 

sinistral  (sin'istral)  a.  [L.  sinister, 
left.]  On  the  left  ;  appl.  a  shell 
whose  spiral  turns  in  the  opposite 
direction  to  dextral  (zool.}. 

sinistrorse  (sin'istrors)  a.  [L.  sinister, 
left ;  vertere,  to  turn.]  Appl.  a 
spiral  twining  towards  the  left  ; 
opp.  dextrorse  (dot.}. 

sinuate'  (sln'uat)'a.  [L.  sinus,  curve.] 
Winding  ;  tortuous  ;  having  a  wavy 
indented  margin,  as  leaves  (bot.}. 

sinuous, — sinuate. 

sinupalliate  (sin'upal'iat)  a.  [L.  sinus, 
curve  ;  pallium,  mantle.]  In  Mol- 
luscs, having  a  well  -  developed 
siphon,  and  so  an  indented  pallial 
line  ;  opp.  integripalliate  (zool.}. 

sinus  (sl'nus)  n.  [L.  sinus,  curve.] 
A  cavity,  depression,  or  dilation 
(zool.,  anat.} ;  a  groove  or  indenta- 
tion (bot.}. 

sinus  pocularis, — uterus  masculinus. 

sinus  rhomboidalis,  —  in  vertebrate 
embryos,  the  posterior  incompletely- 
closed  part  of  the  medullary  canal 
(emb.}  ;  later,  a  dilation  of  the  canal 
in  the  sacral  region,  formed  from 
it  (anat.}. 

sinus  venosus,— the  posterior  chamber 
of  the  tubular  heart  of  the  embryo 
(emb.} ;  in  lower  vertebrates,  a 
corresponding  structure  receiving 
venous  blood  and  opening  into  the 
auricle  (zool.} ;  the  cavity  of  the 
auricle  (anat.). 

sinusoid  (sl'nusoid)  n.  [L.  sinus, 
curve  ;  Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.]  A 
minute  blood  space  in  organ  tissue 
formed  from  intercrescence  of  endo- 
dermal  cells  and  vascular  endo- 
thelium,  especially  in  the  liver, 
where  sinusoids  give  rise  to 

"capillaries"  of  the  hepatic  lobules 
of  the  adult  liver  (c/nb.}. 

siphon  (si'fon)  n.  [Gk.  siphon,  a  reed 
or  tube.]  A  prolongation  of  the 
mantle  in  Lamellibranchs  into  a 
longer  and  shorter  tube  through 
which  the  water  of  respiration 
enters  and  leaves  the  mantle  cavity ; 
a  similar  respiratory  structure  of 
Gasteropods,  found  modified  also 
in  Cephalopods ;  a  sucking  pro- 
boscis (zool.}. 

siphonate  (sl'fonat)  a.  [Gk.  siphon, 
tube.]  Furnished  with  a  siphon 
or  siphons  (zool.}. 

siphonet  (sl'fonet)  n.  [Gk.  siphon, 
tube.]  The  honeydew  tube  of  an 
Aphid  (zool.}. 

siphonial  (slfo'nial)  a.  [Gk.  siphon, 
tube.]  Pert,  a  siphonium. 

siphonium  (slf  o'nium)  n.  [Gk.  siphon, 
tube.]  A  membranous  tube  con- 
necting the  air  -  passages  of  the 
quadrate  with  an  air-space  in  the 
mandible  (Crocodile)  (zool.}. 

siphonogamous  (sl'fonog'amus)  a. 
[Gk.  siphon,  tube ;  gamos,  marriage.] 

.  Securing  fertilization  by  a  pollen 
tube  (bot.}. 

siphonogamy  (sl'fonog'ami)  n.  [Gk. 
siphon,  tube.]  Fertilization  by 
means  of  a  pollen  tube  (bot.}. 

siphonoglyph  (sl'fonoglif)  n.  [Gk. 
siphon,  tube  ;  glyphein,  to  engrave.] 
One  of  two  longitudinal  grooves 
of  the  gullet  of  Sea-anemones 

siphonoplax  (sl'fdnoplaks')  n.  [Gk. 
siphon,  tube ;  plax,  a  tablet.]  A 
calcareous  plate  connected  with 
the  siphon  of  certain  Molluscs 

siphonostele  (sffonostel')  n.  [Gk. 
siphon,  tube  ;  stele,  a  post.]  The 
hollow  vascular  cylinder  of  a  stem, 
containing  pith  (bot.}. 

siphonostelic  (sl'fonostel'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
siphon,  tube  ;  stele,  a  post.]  Appl. 
hollow  cylindrical  stems,  chiefly 
of  Ferns  (bot.}. 

siphonostomatous  (sl'fb'nostom'atus) 
a.  [Gk.  siphon,  tube ;  stoma, 
mouth.]  With  tubular  mouth  ; 
having  the  front  margin  of  the  shell 
notched  for  emission  of  the  siphon 

siphonozooid   (si'fonozo'oid)  n.     [Gk. 




siphon,  tube  ;  zoon,  animal ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  A  smaller  indi- 
vidual of  certain  Alcyonarian 
colonies,  without  tentacles  or 
gonads  (zool.}. 

siphorhinal  (sl'fori'nal)  a.  [Gk. 
siphon,  tube ;  rhis,  nose.]  With 
tubular  nostrils  (zool.}. 

siphuncle  (sifung'kl)  n.  [L.  siphun- 
culus,  a  small  tube.]  A  siphonet  ; 
a  median  tube  of  skin,  partly  cal- 
careous, connecting  up  all  the 
compartments  of  a  Nautilus  shell 

siphunculate  (sifung'kulat)  a.  [L. 
siphunculus,  a  small  tube.]  Having 
a  siphuncle. 

sitotropism  (sitot'ropizm)  n.  [Gk. 
sttos,  food ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Tendency  to  turn  in  the  direction 
of  food ;  reaction  towards  the 
stimulating  influences  of  food 

skeletal  (skeletal)  a.  [Gk.  skeletos, 
dried.]  Pert,  the  skeleton  (bot., 
.  zool.}. 

skeletogenous  (skeTgtoj'enus)  a.  [Gk. 
skeletos,  hard  ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Appl.  embryonic  structures  or  parts 
which  ultimately  develop  into  parts 
of  the  skeleton  (biol.}. 

skeleton  (skeTgton)  n.  [Gk.  skeletos, 
dried,  hard.]  The  hard  or  bony 
framework,  internal  or  external, 
which  supports  and  protects  the 
softer  parts  of  the  body  of  plant 
or  animal. 

skin  (skin)  n.  [Swed.  skinn,  skin.] 
The  external  covering  of  an  animal, 
plant,  fruit,  or  seed. 

skin-gills,  —  transparent  contractile 
outgrowths  from  the  skin  of  Aster- 
oids, with  respiratory  function 

skin-rings,— annular  markings  on  the 
body  of  a  Worm. 

skull  (skul)  n.  [M.E.  skulle,  the 
cranium.]  The  cranium,  or  hard 
and  bony  part  of  the  head  of  a 

slough  (sluf)  n.  [M.E.  slouh,  skin 
of  a  snake.]  The  dead  outer  skin 
cast  off  periodically  by  Snakes 

smell  (sm61)  n.  [M.E.  swel,  odour.] 
The  impression  produced  on  the 
expanse  of  the  olfactory  nerve  by 

inhaled  air  charged  with  odorous 
matter,  and  therefrom  communi- 
cated to  the  olfactory  centre  of  the 
brain  (phys.}. 

soboles  (sbb'olez)  n.  [L.  soboles,  a 
shoot.]  A  sucker  or  underground 
creeping  stem  (bot.}. 

soboliferous  (sob'olif&rus)  a.  [L. 
soboles,  shoot ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Having  shoots  or  running  stems 

socket  (sok'St)  n.  [L.  soccus,  a  sock.] 
A  hollow  into  which  something 
fits,  as  that  of  humerus  or  femur 

soft-rayed, — having  jointed  fin-rays 

soft-shelled,  —  appl.  mud  Tortoises 
with  flat  shell  without  horny 
shields  and  covered  with  soft 
leathery  skin  (zool.}. 

solar  (so'lar)  a.  [L.  sol,  the  sun.] 
Having  branches  or  filaments  like 
the  rays  of  the  sun  (anat.}. 

solar  plexus, — a  network  of  nerves 
with  some  ganglia,  situated  behind 
the  stomach  and  supplying  all  the 
abdominal  viscera  (anat.}. 

soleaform  (sS'leaform)  a.  [L.  solea, 
sandal ;  forma,  shape.]  Slipper- 

solenia  (sole'nla)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  solen, 
a  channel.]  Endoderm-lined  canals, 
diverticula  from  the  coelentera  of  a 
zooid  colony  (zool.}. 

solenocytes  (sole'nSsIts)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
solen,  channel ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
Slender  club-shaped  tubular  flagel- 
lated cells  connected  with  the 
nephridia  of  some  Polychaets, 
Trochelminths,  and  of  Amphioxus 

solenostele  (sole'nostel)  n.  [Gk. 
solen,  channel;  stele,  a  column.]  A 
stage  after  the  siphonostele  in  fern- 
stem  development  (hot.}. 

soleus  (so'leus)  n.  [L.  solea,  sole  of 
the  foot.]  A  flat  calf  muscle  below 
the  gastrocnemius  (anat.}. 

soliped  (sol'ipgd)  a.  [L.  solidus,  solid  ; 
pes,  foot.]  Solid-hoofed,  as  a  horse 
or  zebra  (zool.}. 

solitary  glands  or  follicles,  —  lym- 
phoid  nodules  occurring  singly  on 
the  intestines ;  Peyer's  patches 

soma  (so'ma)  n.     [Gk.   soma,   body.] 




The  animal  body  as  a  whole  with 
the  exception  of  the  germinal  or 
reproductive  cells  (&'<?/.). 

somacule  (so'makul)  n.  [Gk.  soma, 
body.]  A  unit  of  protoplasm  ;  a 
biophore.  See  hypothetical  units. 

somatic  (somat'ik)  a.  [Gk.  soma, 
body.]  Pert,  the  purely  bodily  part 
of  an  animal  as  distinct  from  the 
germinal  or  reproductive  cells 

somatoblast  (som'atoblast)  n.  [Gk. 
soma,  body  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  cell 
which  gives  rise  to  somatic  cells  ; 
a  specialized  micromere  in  oosperm 
division  of  Annulates  (emb.). 

somatocyst  (som'atosist)  n.  [Gk. 
soma,  body ;  kystis,  a  bladder.]  An 
air  cavity  in  the  pneumatophore  of 
Siphonophores  (zool.). 

somatogenic  (som'atqjen'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
soma,  body ;  genos,  offspring.]  De- 
veloping from  somatic  cells  (emb.). 

somatome  (som'atom)  n.  [Gk.  soma, 
body  ;  tome,  a  cutting.]  A  somite 
or  body  segment  (zool.). 

somatophyte  (som'atofit)  n.  [Gk. 
soma,  body ;  phyton,  plant.]  A 
plant  whose  cells  develop  mainly 
into  adult  body  tissue  (bot.). 

somatoplasm  (som'atoplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
soma,  body ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  substance  of  a 
somatic  cell  (biol.). 

somatopleural  (som'atoploor'al)  a. 
[Gk.  soma,  body ;  pleura,  side.] 
Pert,  the  somatopleure. 

somatopleure  (som'atoploor)  n.  [Gk. 
soma,  body  ;  pleura,  side.]  The 
body-wall  formed  by  the  somatic 
layer  of  the  mesoblast  becoming 
closely  connected  with  the  surface 
epiblast  (emb.). 

somite  (so'mlt)  n.  [Gk.  soma,  body.] 
A  mesoblastic  segment  or  compart- 
ment (emb.) ;  a  body  segment  of 
an  articulate  animal  (zool.). 

soredial  (sore'dlal)  a.  [Gk.  soros,  a 
pile.]  .Pert,  or resemblinga  soredium 

sorediate  (sore'diat)  a.  [Gk.  soros,  a 
pile.]  Bearing  soredia  (bot.). 

soredium  (sore'dium)  n.  [Gk.  soros, 
a  pile.]  A  scale-like  or  globular 
body  consisting  of  mycelium  with 
some  algae  cells,  on  the  thallus  of 
some  Lichens  (bot,). 

soriferous  (sorlf'erus)  a.  [Gk.  soros, 
a  pile  ;  L.ferre,  to  carry.]  Bearing 
sori  (bot.). 

sorosis  (soro'sis)  n.  [Gk.  soros,  a 
pile.]  A  composite  fruit  formed  by 
fusion  of  fleshy  axis  and  flowers,  as 
in  Pine-apple  (bot.). 

sorus  (so'rus)  n.  [Gk.  soros,  a  pile.] 
A  collection  of  small  stalked  spor- 
angia on  the  under  surface  of  a 
fern  pinnule  (bot.) ;  clusters  of 
spores  in  some  Sarcodina  (zool.). 

spadiceous  (spadish'us)  a.  [L.  spadix, 
a  palm-branch.]  Arranged  like  a 
spadix  (bot.). 

spadicifloral, — spadi  ceous. 

spadicifonn  (spadis'iform)  a.  [L. 
spadix:,  a  palm-branch  ;  forma, 
shape.]  Resembling  a  spadix  (bot.). 

spadicose  (spa'dikos)  a.  [L.  spadix, 
a  palm-branch.]  Like  a  spadix 

spadix  (spa'diks)  n.  [L.  spadix,  a 
palm-branch  broken  off  with  its 
fruit ;  a  nut-brown  colour.]  A 
racemose  inflorescence  with  elon-* 
gated  axis,  sessile  flowers,  and  an 
enveloping  spathe  (bot.). 

spasmoneme  (spaz'monem)  n.  [Gk. 
spasma,  a  spasm  ;  nema,  a  thread.] 
In  certain  Infusorians,  a  stalk- 
muscle  formed  by  union  of  longi- 
tudinal myonemes  (zool.). 

spathaceous  (spatha'shus)  a.  [Gk. 
spathe,  a  broad  blade.]  Resembling 
or  bearing  a  spathe  (bot.). 

spathal, — spathaceous. 

spathe  (spath)  n.  [Gk.  spathe,  a  broad 
blade.]  A  large  enveloping  leaf, 
green  or  petaloid,  protecting  a 
spadix  (bot.). 

spathed  (spathd)  a.  [Gk.  spathe,  a 
broad  blade.]  Furnished  with  a 
spathe  (bot.). 

spathella  (spathel'a)  n.  [Gk.  spathe, 
a  broad  blade.]  A  small  spathe 
surrounding  a  division  of  a  palm 
spadix  (hot.). 

spathose  (spa'thos)  a.  [Gk.  spathe,  a 
broad  blade.]  With  or  like  a  spathe 

spathous,—  spathose. 

spathulate, — see  spatulate. 

spatula  (spat'ula)  n.  [L.  spatula,  a 
spoon.]  A  breast-bone  or  anchor 
process  of  certain  dipterous  larvae 




spatulate  (spat'ulat)  a.  [L.  spatula, 
spoon.]  Spoon-shaped ;  appl.  a 
leaf  with  broad,  rounded  apex, 
thence  tapering  to  the  base  (bot.). 

spawn  (spon)  n.  [M.E.  spaivnen,  to 
spawn.]  The  collection  of  eggs  de- 
posited by  Fishes,  Frogs,  etc.  (zoo/.); 
mycelium  of  certain  Fungi  (bot.). 

species  (spe'shigz)  n.  [L.  species,  a 
particular  kind.]  A  term  used  in 
the  natural  sciences  to  denote  a 
group  of  closely-allied  individuals  : 
the  division  is  purely  artificial  (biol.). 

specific  (spgstflk)  a.  [L.  species,  a 
particular  kind  ;  facere,  to  make.] 
The  second  name  in  binomial 
nomenclature,  which  see ;  appl. 
characteristics  distinguishing  a 
species  (biol.). 

speleology  (spe'leSl'qji)  n.  [Gk. 
spelaion,  cave ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  study  of  cave  life. 

sperm  (spgrm)  n.  [Gk.  sperma,  seed.] 
The  male  fertilizing  element ;  a 
spermatozoon  (biol.). 

sperm  aster,  —  the  rayed  structure 
surrounding  the  centrosome  (emb.). 

sperm  cell, — a  male  reproductive  cell 
or  spermatozoon. 

sperm  centrosome, — the  end-knob  of 
the  axial  filament  of  a  spermatozoon, 
situated  on  the  middle  piece  just 
at  the  base  of  the  head  ;  according 
to  some  writers,  the  small  body  at 
the  apex  of  the  head  (cyt.). 

sperm  nucleus,— the  nucleus  of  the 
spermatozoon ;  the  male  pro-nucleus 

spermaduct  (speVmadukt)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed ;  L.  ducere,  to  lead.] 
A  duct  for  conveyance  of  spermato- 
zoa (zool.). 

spermarium,— a  spermary. 

spermary  (speYmari) n.  [Gk.  sperma, 
seed.]  An  organ  in  which  sper- 
matozoa or  antheridia  are  pro- 
duced (biol.). 

spermatangium  (speYmatan'jIum)  n. 
[Gk.  spertna,  seed  ;  anggeion,  a 
vessel.]  The  antheridium  of  certain 
Algae  (hot.}. 

spermatheca  (speYmathe"ka)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  theke,  a  case.}  A 
receptaculum  seminis  ;  a  sac  in  the 
female  of  many  invertebrates  in 
which  spermatozoa  are  stored  till 
required  (zool.). 

spermatic  (spgrmat'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed.]  Pert,  spermatozoa 
or  testis  (zool.). 

spermatid  (speVmatld)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed.]  A  cell  arising  by 
division  of  the  secondary  spermato- 
cytes  and  becoming  a  spermatozoon 

spermatlferous  (spSrmatlf'e'rus)  a. 
[Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  L.  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Bearing  spermatia  (tot.). 

spermatiophore  (speYmat'iofor)  n. 
[Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;pherein,  to  bear.] 
A  spermatia-producing  sporophore 

spennatium  (spfirma'shlum)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed.]  A  non-motile  sperm 
of  red  Algae  ;  a  small  cell  formed 
by  abstrictions  of  filaments  of 
spermogonia  of  wheat  Rust  (tot.). 

spermatize  (speVmatlz)  v.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed.]  To  impregnate 

spermatoblast  (speYmatoblast)  n. 
[Gk.  spertna,  seed  ;  blastos,  bud.] 
A  spermatid  ;  a  Sertoli  cell  (cyt.). 

spermatoblastic  (speYmatoblas'tlk)  a. 
[Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  blastos,  bud.] 

spermatocyst  (speYmatosIst)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  kystis,  a  bladder.] 
A  seminal  sac. 

spermatocyte  (speVmatosit)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A 
cell  arising  by  growth  from  a 
spermatogonium  ;  a  primary  sper- 
matocyte divides  to  form  two 
secondary  spermatocytes,  each  of 
hich  gives  rise  to  two  spermatids 


spermatogenesis  (sp6r/mat6j6n/6sls) 
n.  [Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  genesis, 
origin.]  The  process  of  sperm- 
formation  (biol.). 

spermatogenetic  (s  pg  r'matbj  6  n  e"  t'lk) 
a.  [Gk.  spertna,  seed  ;  genesis, 
descent.]  Pert,  sperm-formation  ; 

spermatogenic,  sperma  togenous,  — 

spermatogonial  (spgr'matogo'nlal)  a. 
[Gk,  sperma,  seed  ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Pert,  a  spermatogonium. 

spermatogonium  (speVmatogo'nlum) 
n.  [Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  gonos,  off- 
spring.] A  primordial  male  gerra- 
cell  (cyt.). 




spermatoid  (sper'matoid)  a.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Like  a  sperm  (biol.}. 
spermatomerites  (speVmatome'rlts) 
n.  plu.  [Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  meros, 
part.]  Chromatin  granules  formed 
from  the  sperm-nucleus  (cyt.). 
spermatophore  (spgr'matofor)  n. 
[Gk.  sperma,  seed ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
A  capsule  of  albuminous  matter 
containing  a  number  of  sperms 

spermatoplasm    (speVmatoplazm)    n. 
[Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  plasma,  some- 
thing moulded.]    The   protoplasm 
of  sperm  cells  (cyt.). 
spermatoplast      (sper'matoplast)     n. 
[Gk.  s^erma,  seed ;  plastos,  moulded.] 
A  male  sexual  cell  (bot.). 
spermatosome      (speVmatosom)      n. 
[Gk.  sperma,    seed ;    soma,   body.] 
A  spermatozoon, 
spermatotheca, — a  spermatheca. 
spermatozeugma     (sper'matozu'gma) 
n.      [Gk.    sperma,    seed ;    zeugma, 
union.]    The  union  by  conjugation 
of  two  or  more  spermatozoa  occur- 
ring in  the  vas  deferens   of  some 
Insects  (zool.). 

spermatozoan    (speVmatozo'an)    a. 
[Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  zoon,   animal.] 
Pert,  spermatozoa. 
spermatozoid  (speYmatozo'id) n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  zoon,  animal ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]    An   antherozoid  ;  a 
free-swimming  male  gamete  (bot.). 
spermatozooid, — a  spermatozoid. 
spermatozoon  (sper'mato'zo'on) n.   [Gk. 
sperma,   seed ;    zoon,   animal.]      A 
male   reproductive   cell,  consisting 
of  head,  middle  part,  and  flagellum 
(zoo  I.}. 

spermiducal  glands, — glandular 
structures  into  or  near  which  sperm- 
ducts  open,  in  many  vertebrates 

spermiduct  (speYmidukt)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  L.  ducere,  to  lead.] 
A  duct  for  the  transmission  of 
spermatozoa  (zool.). 
spermocarp  (speVmokarp)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed ;  karpos,  fruit.]  An 
oogonium  after  fertilization  (bot.}. 
spermocentre  (spgr'mosSn'ter)  n. 
[Gk.  sperma,  seed ;  L.  centrum,  a 
centre.]  The  male  centrosome 
during  fertilization  (tyt.). 

spermoderm  (spgr'modSrm)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  derma,  skin.]  The 
outer  covering  of  a  seed  (bot.). 

spermoduct,  —  same  as  spermaduct, 

spermogoniferous  (spgr'mogonif'6rus) 
a.  [Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  %onos,  off- 
spring ;  ~L..ferre,  to  carry.]  Having 
spermogonia  (bot.). 

spermogonium  (speVmogo'nium)  n. 
[Gk.  sperma,  seed  ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
A  capsule  containing  spermatia, 
found  on  certain  Fungi  and  Lichens 

spermogonous  (spSrmog'oniis)  a.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Like  or  pert,  a  spermogonium  (bot.}. 

spermology  (spgrmol'ojl)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
A  branch  of  Botany  treating  of 

spermotheca  (spgr'mothe'ka)  n.  [Gk. 
sperma,  seed  ;  theke,  a  case.]  A 
chamber  for  storing  sperms  received 
in  copulation  ;  spermatheca  (zool.). 

sphacelated  (sfas'61at6d)  a.  [Gk. 
sphakelos,  gangrene.]  Dead  ;  de- 
cayed ;  withered  (bot.). 

sphacelia  (sfase'lia)  n.  [Gk.  spha- 
kelos, gangrene.]  The  gonidial 
stage  in  the  development  of  the 
Fungus,  producing  ergot  (bot.). 

sphaeraphides  (sferafidez)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  sphaira,  a  globe  ;  rhaphis,  a 
needle.]  Conglomerate  raphides  ; 
globular  clusters  of  minute  crystals 
in  vegetable  cells  (bot.). 

sphaerenchyma  (sfereng'kima)  n. 
[Gk.  sphaira,  a  globe  ;  engchyma, 
juice.]  Tissue  composed  of  spherical 
cells  (btol.). 

sphaeridia  (sferid'ia)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
sphaira,  globe.]  Small  rounded 
bodies,  probably  organs  of  special 
sense,  found  on  Echinoderms  (zool.). 

sphaeroid  (sfe'roid)  a.  [Gk.  sphaira, 
globe;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Globu- 
lar, ellipsoidal,  or  cylindrical  ;  appl. 
a  colony  or  aggregate  of  individual 
Protozoa  (zoolJ). 

sphagnicolous  (sfagnik'olus)  a.  [Gk. 
sphagnos,  moss  ;  L.  colere,  to  in- 
habit.] Inhabiting  peat  mosses 

sphagnous  (sfag'nus)  a.     [Gk.  sphag- 

nos, moss.J    Pert,  peat  moss  (bot.). 
sphenethmoid  (sfgnSth'moid)  n.    [Gk. 




sphen,  a  wedge ;  ethntos,  sieve ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  The  single 
"girdle"  bone  replacing  the  two 
orbitosphenoids  in  the  Anura  (zoo/.). 

sphenoethmoidal  (sfe'nogthmoid'al) 
a.  [Gk.  sphen,  wedge ;  ethmos, 
sieve  ;  eidos,  like.]  Pert,  or  in  the 
region  of  sphenoid  and  ethmoid 

sphenofrontal  (sfe'nofrun'tal)  a.  [Gk. 
sphen,  wedge  ;  L.  /rons,  forehead.] 
Pert,  sphenoid  and  frontal  bones  ; 
appl.  a  suture  (anat.}. 

sphenoid  (sfe'noid)  n.  [Gk.  sphen, 
wedge ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  A 
basal  cranial  compound  bone  of 
some  vertebrates  (zool.}. 

sphenoidal  (sfenoid'al)  a.  [Gk. 
sphen,  wedge :  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Wedge-shaped  ;  pert,  or  in  the 
region  of  the  sphenoid ;  appl. 
fissure,  process,  sinus  (anat.}. 

sphenomandibular  (sfe'nomandlb'- 
ular)  a.  [Gk.  sphen,  wedge;  L. 
mandibulum,  jawT]  Pert,  sphenoid 
and  mandibular  (zool.}. 

sphenomaxillary  (sfe'nomaksil'Srl)  a. 
[Gk.  sphen,  wedge  ;  maxilla,  jaw.] 
Pert,  sphenoid  and  maxilla  ;  appl. 
fissure  and  fossa  (anat.}. 

sphenopalatine (sf e'nopal'atin) a.  [Gk. 
sphen,  wedge  ;  L.  palatus,  palate.] 
Pert,  sphenoid  and  palatine  ;  appl. 
foramen,  ganglion  (anat.}. 

sphenoparietal  (sfe'noparl'e'tal)  a. 
[Gk.  sphen,  wedge  ;  L.  paries,  a 
wall.]  Pert,  sphenoid  and  parietal  ; 
appl.  a  cranial  suture  (anat.}. 

sphenosquamosal  (sfe'noskwamo'sal) 
a.  [Gk.  sphen,  wedge  ;  L.  squama, 
a  scale.]  Appl.  the  cranial  suture 
between  sphenoid  and  squamosal 

sphenotic  (sfgnSt'ik)  n.  [Gk.  sphen, 
wedge  ;  ous,  ear.]  The  post-frontal 
cranial  bone  of  many  Fishes  (zool.}. 

sphenoturblnal  (sfe'notiir'binal)  n. 
[Gk.  sphen,  wedge ;  L.  turbo,  a 
whirl.]  A  laminar  process  of  the 
sphenoid  (anat.}. 

sphenozygomatic  (sfe'nozrgomatik)  a. 
[Gk.  sphen,  wedge  ;  zygoma,  a  bar.] 
Appl.  the  cranial  suture  between 
sphenoid  and  zygomatic  (anat.}. 

spheraster  (sferas'ter)  n.  [Gk. 
sphaira,  globe ;  aster,  star.]  A 
many-rayed  globular  spicule  (zool.}. 

spheroidal  (sferoid'al)  a.  [Gk. 
sphaira,  globe ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Globular  but  not  perfectly  spherical ; 
appl.  glandular  epithelium  (anat.}. 
spheromere  (sfe'romer)  n.  [Gk. 
sphaira,  globe ;  meros,  part]  A 
symmetrical  segment  of  a  radiate 
animal  (zool.}. 

spheroplasts  (sfe'roplasts)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  sphaira,  globe ;  plastos,  formed.] 
Chondriosomes  ;  bioblasts  ;  bodies 
found  among  granulations  of  proto- 
plasm (biol.}. 

spherula  (sfgr'ula)  n.  [Gk.  sphaira, 
a  globe.]  A  spherule  or  small 
sphere  ;  a  small  spherical  spicule 

spherulate  (sfeYulat)  a.  [Gk. 
sphaira,  globe.]  Covered  with 
small  spheres. 

sphincter  (sfing'kter)  n.  [Gk. 
sphinggein,  to  bind  tightly.]  A 
muscle  which  contracts  or  closes 
an  orifice,  as  that  of  bladder,  anus, 
mouth  (anat.}. 

sphygmic  (sfig'mik)  a.  [Gk.  sphyg- 
mos,  pulse.]  Pert,  the  pulse 

sphygmoid  (sfig'moid)  a.  [Gk. 
sphygmos,  pulse ;  eidos,  resem- 
blance.] Pulsating  ;  like  a  pulse 

sphygmus  (sflg'mus)  n.     [Gk.  sphyg- 
mos, pulse.]    The  pulse  (phys.). 
spicate    (spfkat)    a.       [L.    spica,    a 
spike.]        Spiked ;      arranged      in 
spikes,  as  an  inflorescence  ;  bear- 
ing   spikes    (oot.) ;    with   spur-like 
prominence  (zool.}. 
spiciferous,  —spicate. 
spiciform   (spl'slform)   a.     [L.   spica, 
a    spike  ;  forma,   shape.]      Spike- 

spicigerous, —  spicate. 
spicose     (spfkos)    a.       [L.    spica,    a 
spike.]      With   spikes   or  ears,   as 
corn  (bot.}. 

spicula  (spik'ula)  n.  [L.  spicula,  a 
small  spike.]  A  small  spike  ;  a 
needle-like  body. 

spicular  (splk'ular)  a.  [L.  spicula, 
a  small  spike.]  Pert,  or  like  a 

spiculate  (splk'ulat)  a.  [L.  spicula, 
a  small  spike.]  Set  with  spicules 
(zool.}  ;  divided  into  small  spikes 




spicule  (spik'ul)  n.  [L.  spicula,  a 
small  spike.]  A  minute  needle- 
like  body,  siliceous  or  calcareous, 
found  extensively  in  Alcyonaria 
and  other  invertebrates  (zool.) ;  a 
minute-pointed  process  (tot.). 

spiculiferous  (spikullf'erus)  a.  [L. 
spicula,  a  small  spike ;  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Furnished  with  or  pro- 
tected by  spicules  (zool.). 

spiculiform  (spik'uliform)  a.  [L. 
spicula,  a  small  spike  ;  forma, 
shape.]  Spicule-shaped. 

spiculigenous,  spiculigerous,  spicu- 
lose, — spiculiferous. 

spiculum  (spik'ulum)  n.  [L.  spicula, 
a  small  spike.]  A  spicular  structure  ; 
the  dart  of  a  Snail  (zoo/.). 

spike  (splk)  n.  [L.  spica,  a  spike.] 
An  inflorescence  with  sessile 
flowers  along  the  axis,  as  in 
Plantago  (tot.). 

spikelet  (splk'lgt)  n.  [L.  spica,  a 
spike.]  A  secondary  spike  of 
Grasses,  bearing  few  flowers  (tot.). 

spinal  (spi'nal)  a.  [L.  spina,  the 
spine.]  Pert,  the  backbone  or 
vertebral  column  ;  appl.  foramen, 
ganglion,  nerves  (anat.). 

spinal  canal, — the  canal  containing 
the  spinal  cord,  formed  by  the 
neural  arches  (anat.). 

spinal  cord, — the  nervous  tissue  con- 
tained in  the  spinal  or  vertebral 
canal  (anat.). 

spinalis  (spina'lis)  n.  [L.  spina, 
spine.]  Name  given  to  muscles, 
as  spinalis  dorsi  and  spinalis  cer- 
vicis,  muscles  connecting  up  the 
vertebrae  (anat.). 

spinate  (spi'nat)  a.  [L.  spina,  a 
thorn.]  Spine-shaped;  spine-bear- 

spindle  (spin'dl)  n.  [A.S.  spinnan, 
to  spin.]  A  structure  resembling 
a  spinning-machine  spindle ;  an 
elongated  peduncle  bearing  sessile 
flowers  (tot.) ;  a  spindle-shaped 
structure  formed  of  achromatin 
fibres  during  mitosis  (tiol.). 

spine  (spin)  n.  [L.  spina,  the  spine.] 
The  backbone ;  the  vertebral 
column ;  a  sharp-pointed  process 
or  outgrowth  as  found  on  leaves, 
Echinoids,  Porcupines  ;  the  pointed 
process  of  a  vertebra  ;  the  scapular 
ridge  ;  a  fin -ray. 

spinescent  (splnes'ent)  a.  [L.  spi- 
nescere,  to  become  spiny.]  Taper- 
ing ;  tending  to  become  spiny. 

spiniferous  (spl'nif'erus)  a.  [L. 
spina,  a  spine  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Furnished  with  spines. 

spiniform  (spi'mform)  a.  [L.  spina, 
spine ;  forma,  shape.]  Spine- 

spinigerous  (splnlj'erus)  a.  [L.  spina, 
spine ;  gerere,  to  carry.]  Spine- 

spinneret  (spin'ergt)  n.  [A.S.  spinnan, 
to  spin.]  In  Spiders,  one  of  the 
movable  organs  perforated  by  tubes 
connected  with  glands  secreting 
liquid  silk,— they  arise  from  modi- 
fications of  abdominal  appendages, 
and  lie  slightly  anterior  to  the  anus 

spinnerule  (spm'erul)  n.  [A.S.  spin- 
nan,  to  spin.]  One  of  the  tubes 
for  discharging  the  silk  solution  of 
Spiders  (zool.). 

spinning  glands, — glands  which 
secrete  material  for  webs  in  Spiders, 
and  for  cocoons  in  caterpillars. 

spinose  (spl'nos)  a.  [L.  spina,  a 
spine.]  Bearing  many  spines. 

spinpus  (spl'nus)  a.  [L.  spina,  a 
spine.]  Spiny  ;  spine-like. 

spinous  process, — the  median  dorsal 
spinelike  process  of  each  vertebra  ; 
a  process  of  the  sphenoid  ;  a  pro- 
cess between  the  articular  surfaces 
of  the  proximal  end  of  the  tibia 

spinulate  (spln'ulat)  a.  [L.  spinula, 
a  small  spine.]  Covered  with  small 

spinulation  (spinula'shun)  n.  [L. 
spinula,  a  small  spine.]  A  de- 
fensive spiny  covering ;  state  of 
being  spinulate. 

spinule  (spin'ul)  n.  [L.  spinula,  a 
small  spine.]  A  small  spine. 

spinulescent  (spmulgs'Snt)  a.  [L. 
spinula,  a  small  spine.]  Tending 
to  be  spiny. 

spinuliferous  (spmulif'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
spinula,  a  small  spine  ;  ferre,  to 
bear.]  Bearing  small  spines. 

spinulose,  spinulous, — spinuliferous. 

spiny-finned, — bearing  fins  with  spiny 
rays  for  support. 

spiny-rayed, — appl.  fins  supported  by 
spiny  rays. 




spiracle  (spl'rakl)  n.  [L.  spiraculum, 
an  air-hole.]  The  first  pharyngeal 
aperture  or  visceral  cleft  (emb.)  ;  the 
branchial  passage  between  man- 
dibular  and  hyoid  arches  in  Fishes  ; 
a  lateral  branchial  opening  in  tad- 
poles ;  a  nasal  aperture  of  a 
Cetacean ;  a  respiratory  aperture 
behind  the  eye  of  Skates  and  Rays  ; 
a  breathing  aperture  of  Insects 

spiracular  (spirak'ular)  a.  [L.  spir- 
aculum, an  air-hole.]  Pert,  a 
spiracle  (zool.). 

spiraculate  (sptrak'ulat)  a.  [L. 
spiraculum,  an  air-hole.]  Having 
spiracles  (zool.). 

splraculiferous, — spiraculate. 

spiraculiform  (splrak'ulifdrm)  a. 
[L.  spiraculum,  an  air-hole  ;  forma, 
shape.]  Spiracle-shaped. 

spiraculum  (spirak'ulum)  n.  [L.  spir- 
aculum, an  air-hole.]  A  spiracle. 

spiral  (spfral)  a.  [L.  spira,  a  coil.] 
Winding,  like  a  screw  ;  appl.  leaves 
alternately  placed  ;  appl.  flower 
with  spirally  inserted  parts  (dot.'). 

spiral,  oblique,  or  alternating:  cleav- 
age,— cleavage  into  unequal  parts, 
arranged  in  mosaic  fashion  and 
interlocking,  the  upper  cells  being 
rotated  to  the  right  to  alternate 
with  the  lower  (cyt.). 

spiral  valve, — in  all  Fishes  except 
Teleosts,  a  spiral  infolding  of  the 
intestine  wall,  increasing  the  ab- 
sorptive surface  (zoo!.). 

spiral  vessels,  —  the  first  xylem 
elements  of  a  stele,  spiral  fibres 
coiled  up  inside  tubes  and  so 
adapted  for  rapid  elongation  (dot.). 

spiranthy  (splran'thi)  n.  [L.  spira, 
coil ;  Gk.  anthos,  flower.]  Dis- 
placement of  flower  parts  through 
twisting  (bol.). 

spiraster  (splras'ter)  n.  [L.  spira, 
coil ;  aster,  star.]  A  spiral  and 
rayed  sponge  spicule  (zool.). 

spire  (splr)  n.  [L.  spira,  coil.]  The 
totality  of  the  whorls  of  a  spiral 
shell  (zool.). 

splreme  (spfrem)  n.  [Gk.  speirema, 
a  coil.]  That  stage  in  mitosis 
when  the  nucleus  chromatin  appears 
in  the  form  of  a  thread,  continuous 
or  segmented  (cyt.). 

spiricles  (spfriklz)  n.  flu.     [L.  spira, 

coil.]  Thin,  coiled,  thread-like 
outgrowths  of  some  seed  -  coats 

splriferous  (splrif'e'rus)  a.  [L.  spira, 
a  coil ;  /erre,  to  bear.]  Having  a 
spiral  structure. 

spirillar  (splril'ar)  a.  [L.  spirillum, 
a  small  coil.]  Pert,  a  spirillum. 

spirillum  (splril'um)  n.  [L.  spirillum, 
a  small  coil.]  A  thread  -  like 
Bacterium  ;  a  motile  filament  in  .1 
cryptogam  antheridium  (hot.). 

spiriyalve  (spfrivalv)  n.  [L.  spira, 
coil  ;  valvae,  folding  doors.]  A 
Gastropod  with  spiral  shell  (zool.). 

spiroid  (spl'roid)  a.  [L.  spira,  coil ; 
Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.]  Spirally 

spironeme  (spfronem)  n.  [L.  spira^ 
coil ;  Gk.  nema,  thread.]  The 
coiling  or  twisting  thread  in  an 
Infusorian  stalk  (zool.). 

spirulate  (splr'ulat)  a.  [L.  spira, 
coil.]  Appl.  any  spiral  structure  or 
coiled  arrangement. 

splanchnic  (splangk'nik)  a.  [Gk. 
splangchnon,  an  entrail.]  Pert. 
the  viscera  ;  appl.  nerves  (anat.). 

splanchnocoel  (splangk'nosel)  n.  [Gk. 
splangchnon,  an  entrail ;  koilos, 
hollow.]  The  cavity  of  the  lateral 
plates  of  the  embryo,  persisting  as 
the  visceral  cavity  of  the  adult 

splanchnology  (splangknfil'bjl)  n. 
[Gk.  splangchnon,  an  entrail ;  logos, 
discourse.  J  The  branch  of  Anatomy 
dealing  with  the  viscera. 

splanchnopleure  (splangk'noploor)  n. 
[Gk.  splangchnon,  an  entrail ;  pleura, 
side.]  The  alimentary  canal  wall, 
formed  from  the  splanchnic  layer 
of  the  mesoblast  and  the  hypoblast 

spleen  (splen)  n.  [Gk.  splen,  the 
spleen.]  A  vascular  ductless  organ 
situate  beneath  the  diaphragm  to 
the  left  of  the  stomach  (anat.). 

splenetic  (splgngt'lk)  a.  [Gk.  splen, 
spleen.]  Pert,  the  spleen. 

splenial  (sple'nlal)  a.  [L.  splenium, 
a  patch.]  Pert,  the  splenius  muscle 
(anat.),  or  splenial  bone  (zool.). 

splenial  bone,— a  membrane  bone  in 
the  lower  jaw  of  Reptiles. 

splenic  (splgn'lk)  a.  [Gk.  splen,  the 
spleen.]  Pert,  the  spleen. 




splenium  (sple'nium)  n.  [L.  splenium, 
a  patch.]  The  posterior  border  of 
the  corpus  callosum  (anat.). 
splenius  (sple'nius)  n.  [L.  splenium, 
a  patch.]  A  muscle  of  the  upper 
dorsal  region  and  back  of  the  neck, 
in  two  parts  the  splenius  capitis  and 
splenius  colli  (ana?.). 

splenophrenic  (sple'nofren'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
splen,  spleen  ;  phren,  midriff.] 
Pert,  spleen  and  diaphragm  (anat.). 

spondyl  (spon'dll)  n.  [Gk.  sphondylos, 
a  vertebra.]  A  vertebra. 

spondylous  (spon'dllus)  a.  [Gk. 
sphondylos,  a  vertebra.]  Vertebral. 

spondylus  (spon'dllus)  n.  [Gk.  sphon- 
dylos, a  vertebra.]  A  spondyl  or 

spongicolous  (spunjlk'olus)  a.  [L. 
spongia,  a  sponge ;  colere,  to  in- 
habit.] Living  in  Sponges  (zool.). 

spongin  (spun'jm)  n.  [L.  spongia,  a 
sponge.]  The  material  of  which 
the  skeletal  fibres  of  a  Sponge 
consist  (zool.). 

sponginblast  (spun'jfnblast)  n.  [L. 
spongia,  a  sponge  ;  Gk.  blastos,  a 
bud.]  A  spongin-producing  cell 

spongioblasts  (spun'jioblasts)  n.  plu. 
[L.  spongia,  a  sponge  ;  Gk.  blastos, 
a  bud.]  Columnar  epithelial  cells 
which  give  rise  to  the  skeletal 
framework  of  the  spinal  cord 

spongioplasm  (spun'jloplazm)  n.  [L. 
spongia,  a  sponge  ;  Gk.  plasma, 
something  moulded.]  The  cyto- 
plasmic  threadwork  of  a  cell  ;  the 
cytoreticulum  (cyt.). 

spongiose  (spiin'jios)  a.  [L.  spongia, 
a  sponge.]  Of  a  spongy  texture  ; 
spongoid  ;  full  of  small  cavities. 

spongoblast  (spun'joblast)  n.  [L. 
spongia,  a  sponge  ;  Gk.  blastos,  a 
bud.]  A  sponginblast. 

spongophare  (spun'jofar)  n.  [L. 
spongia,  a  sponge  ;  Gk.  pherein,  to 
bear.]  The  upper  chamber-bearing 
part  of  a  Sponge  ;  cf.  hypophare. 

spongy  parenchyma,  —  loosely 
arranged  tissue  with  abundant  in- 
tercellular spaces  on  the  lower  side 
of  a  leaf  (tot.). 

spontaneous  generation,  —  see 

sporadic    (sporad'ik)  a.      [Gk.   spor- 

adikos,    scattered.]      AppJ.    plants 
confined  to  limited  localities. 
sporange   (sporanj')   n.     [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;   anggeion,  a  vessel.]     A  sac 
containing  spores  (biol.). 
sporangial  (sporan'jial)  a.   [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  anggeion,  a  vessel.]     Pert,  a 
sporangium  (dot.). 

sporangiferous  (sporanjlf'grus)  a. 
[Gk.  sporos,  seed  ;  anggeion,  a 
vessel;  ~L.ferre,  to  bear.]  Sporangia- 
bearing  (&>/.). 

sporangiform  (spdran'jiform)  a.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed  ;  anggeion,  vessel  ;  L. 
forma,  shape.]  Sporangioid ;  like 
a  sporangium. 

sporangiole  (sporan'jiol)  n.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed  ;  anggeion,  vessel.]  A 
secondary  or  small  few-spored 
sporangium  (bot.). 

sporanglophore       (sporan'jiofor)      n. 
[Gk.  sporos,  seed  ;  anggeion,  vessel ; 
pherein,    to    bear.]       A    stalk-like 
structure  bearing  sporangia  (bot.). 
sporangiospore     (sporan'jiospor)     n. 
[Gk.  sporos,  seed  ;  anggeion,  vessel ; 
sporos.]    A  sporangium  spore  (bot.). 
sporangium   (sporan'jium)   n.      [Gk. 
sporos,  seed  ;  anggeion,  vessel.]     A 
tiny     slender-stalked     capsule     in 
which  spores  are  produced  (bot.). 
sporation, — see  sporulation. 
spore   (spor)   n.     [Gk.   sporos,   seed.] 
A   highly  specialized   reproductive 
cell  of  plants  (bot.) ;  a  falciform  cell 
of  Sporozoa   which   bores    into    a 
mother  sperm  cell  and  emerges  as 
an  adult  (zool.). 

spore    case, — an   elliptical    chitinoid 

case  containing  usually  eight  spores 

lying  round  a  residual  core,  a  stage 

in   the   life-history  of    Monocystis 

(zool.)  ;  a  sporangium  (bot.). 

spore   formation,  —  reproduction   by 

encystation  of  germ-cells  followed 

by  division  and  free-cell  liberation  ; 

endogenous  multiplication  ;  sporo- 

gony  ;  sporogenesis  (biol.). 

spore    mother    cells, — sixteen    cells 

produced  by  repeated  division  of  an 

archesporium,  each  in  turn  dividing 

into  four  spores  (bot.). 

spore  sac,— a  case  containing  spores; 

a  sporangium  (bot.). 
sporetia     (spdre'tia)    n.   plu.       [Gk. 
sporos,       seed.]         Idiochromidia  ; 
chromidia  of  generative  chromatin. 




sporidiferous  (sporidif'e'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Sporidia-bearing  (hot.}, 

sporidiole  (sporid'iol)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed.]  A  protobasidium  ;  a  spori- 
dium  arising  from  rust  promycelium 

sporidium  (sporid'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed.]  A  gonidium  de- 
veloped by  abstriction  from  a 
gonidiophore  in  Fungi  ;  spore  of 
an  ascus  (dot.). 

sporlferous  (sporlf'erus)  a.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed ;  L.  ferre,  to  bear.] 

specification  (spo'rifika'shun)  n.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed  ;  L.  facere,  to  make.] 
Formation  of  spores. 

sporiparity  (spo'ripar'iti)  n.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed ;  L.  parere,  to  beget.] 
Reproduction  by  spore  formation. 

sporiparous  (sporip'arus)  a.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed  ;  L.  parere,  to  beget.] 
Reproducing  by  spore  formation. 

sporoblast  (spo'roblast)  n,  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed ;  blastos,  bud.]  An 
archespore ;  a  stage  in  spore  forma- 
tion, a  sporoblast  giving  rise  to 
spores,  and  these  to  sporozoites. 

sporocarp  (spo'rokarp)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  An  ascocarp ; 
a  structure  formed  from  archicarp 
and  investing  hyphae,  enclosing 
spored  asci  (bot.}. 

sporocyst  (spo'roslst)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  kystis,  bladder.]  A  stage  in 
spore  formation  preceding  the 
liberation  of  spores  in  many  Pro- 
tozoa ;  the  encysted  embryo  stage 
of  a  Trematode  after  degeneration 
following  on  entry  into  intermedi- 
ate host  (zool.}. 

sporocyte  (spo'roslt)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  spore 
mother  cell. 

sporoduct  (spo'rodukt)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  L.  ducere,  to  lead.]  A  special 
apparatus  for  the  dissemination  of 
spores  of  Sporozoa  (zool.}. 

sporogenesis,— spore  formation. 

sporogenous  (sporoj'gnus)  a.  £Gk. 
sporos,  seed ;  genos,  offspring.] 
Spore-producing  ;  sporiparous. 

sporogonial  (sporogo'nlal)  a.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
Pert,  a  sporogonium  (bot.}. 

sporogonium  (sporogo'nium)  //.     [Gk. 

sporos,  seed  ;  gonos,  offspring.]  A 
structure  developed  from  a  fertilized 
oosphere  of  an  archegonium,  giving 
rise  to  asexual  spores,  in  Mosses 

sporogony, — spore  formation,  follow- 
ing schizogony  or  the  asexual 
process  of  reproduction  (zool.}. 

sporoid  (spo'roid)  a.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  eidos,  like.]  Like  a  spore. 

sporont  (sporont')  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  0ns,  being.]  The  gameto- 
cyte  stage  in  the  life-history  of 
Sporozoa  (zool.}. 

sporophore  (spo'rofor)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A  vertical 
branch  which  gives  rise  to  spores 
by  abstriction  or  otherwise,  in  Fungi 

sporophydium  (sporofid'lum)  n.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed  ;  phyas,  a  shoot.]  The 
sporangium  of  certain  Thallophytes 

sporophyll  (spo'rofll)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  phyllon,  a  leaf.]  A  spor- 
angium-bearing leaf  of  Ptendo- 
phytes  (bot.}. 

sporophyte  (spo'roflt)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  stem 
covered  with  sporophylls  or  leaves, 
each  bearing  a  sporangium,  in 
Pteridophytes  ;  the  asexual  genera- 
tion of  Ferns ;  cf.  gametophyte 

sporoplasm  (spo'roplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
sporos,  seed  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  sporozoite,  bi- 
nucleate  amoebula,  or  central  part 
of  a  spore. 

sporosac  (spo'rdsak)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed  ;  L.  saccus,  a  sack.]  An  ovoid 
pouch-like  body,  consisting  of  a 
gonad,  a  degraded  reproductive 
zooid  of  a  medusoid  colony  (zool.}. 

sporozoite  (spo'rozo'lt)  n.  [Gk.  sporos, 
seed ;  zoon,  animal.]  A  germ 
liberated  through  the  dissolving 
of  the  spore-membrane  of  sporo- 
cysts  ;  a  phase  in  the  life-history  of 

sporulation  (spor'ulashun)  «.  [L. 
sporula,  a  small  seed.]  Brood- 
formation  by  multiple  cell-fission. 

spur  (spur)  «.  [A.S.  spora,  a  spur.] 
A  calcar  (zool.} ;  a  process  of  the 
anterior  petal  of  violets  functioning 
as  a  nectar  receptacle  (bot.}. 




spuriae  (spu'rle)  n.  plu.  [L.  spurius> 
false.]  The  feathers  of  the  alula  or 
bastard  wing  (zool.). 

spurious  (spu'rius)  a.  [L.  spurius, 
false.]  Seemingly  true  but  mor- 
phologically false  ;  appl.  dissepi- 
ment, fruit  (bot.),  vein,  wing  (zoo/.). 

squama  (skwa'ma)  n.  [L.  squama, 
a  scale.]  A  squame  or  scale  ;  a 
part  arranged  like  a  scale  (bot.)  ; 
the  antitegula  of  Diptera,  or  lobe 
at  the  base  of  the  wing  ;  a  scale- 
like  body  attached  to  the  second 
podomere  of  the  antenna  of  some 
Crustaceans  (zoo/.). 

squamate  (skwa'mat)  a.  [L.  squama, 
scale.]  Scaly. 

squamation  (skwama'shun)  n.  [L. 
squama,  scale.]  Scale  arrange- 

squamella  (skwamel'a) ».  [L.  squama, 
scale.]  A  small  scale  or  bract ; 
a  palea  (bot.}. 

squamellate  (skwameTat)  a.  [L. 
squama,  a  scale.]  Having  small 
scales  or  bracts ;  squamelliferous 

squamelliform  (skwameTiform)  a. 
[L.  squama,  scale  ;  forma,  shape.] 
Resembling  a  squamella. 

squamiferous  (skwamif'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
squama,  scale ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Bearing  scales. 

squamiform  (skwa'miform)  a.  [L. 
squama,  scale ;  forma,  shape.] 

squamigerous, — squamiferous. 

squamosal  (skwamo'sal)  n.  [L. 
squama,  scale.]  A  membrane  bone 
of  the  vertebrate  skull  forming  part 
of  the  posterior  side  wall  (zool.). 

squamose  (skwa'mos)  a.  [L.  squama, 
a  scale.]  Covered  with  scales. 

squamous  (skwa'mus)  a.  [L.  squama, 
scale.]  Scaly  ;  squamate  ;  squa- 

squamous  epithelium, — pavement 

squamula  (skwam'ula)  n.  [L.  squama, 
scale.]  A  squamule  or  small  scale  ; 
a  minute  membranous  scale  found 
in  Grasses  (bot.) ;  the  tegula  of  some 
Insects  (zool.). 

squamulate  (skwam'ulat)  a.  [L. 
squama,  scale.]  Having  minute 
scales  (bot.). 

squamulose, — squamulate. 

squarrose  (skwor'os)  a.  [L.L.  squar- 
rosus,  scurfy.]  Rough  with  pro- 
jecting scales  or  jags. 

squarrulose  (skwo/ulos)  a.  [L.L. 
squarrosus,  scurfy.]  Tending  to 
become  squarrose  (bot.). 

stadium  (sta'dium)  n.  [L.  stare,  to 
stand.]  A  stage  in  development  or 
life-history  of  plant  or  animal. 

stage  (staj)  n.  [L.  stare,  to  stand.] 
A  period  in  the  life-history  of  meta- 
morphous  animals. 

staghorned  (stag'hornd)  a.  [Icel. 
stiga,  to  mount ;  A.S.  horn.~\ 
Having  large  branched  mandibles, 
as  a  stag-beetle. 

stagnicolous  (stagnik'olus)  a.  [L. 
stagnum,  standing  water ;  colere, 
to  inhabit]  Living  in  stagnant 

stalk  (stok)  n.  [A.S.  stel,  stem.]  The 
stem  or  axis  supporting  outgrowths 
(bot.)  ;  a  stem-like  structure  in 
animals,  as  in  some  Alcyonaria 

stalk-cell,  —  the  barren  cell  of  two 
into  which  the  antheridial  cell  of 
the  pine  divides, — the  other,  the 
generative  (bot.). 

stalk-eyed, — having  the  eyes  at  the 
end  of  a  short  stalk,  as  in  some 
Crustaceans,—^/,  sessile-eyed. 

stamen  (sta'men)  n.  [L.  stare,  to 
stand.]  The  male  organ  of  a 
flower,  consisting  of  stalk  or  fila- 
ment with  anther  containing  pollen 

staminal  (stam'inal)  a.  [L.  stare, 
to  stand.]  Pert,  a  stamen. 

staminate  (stam'mat)  a.  [L.  stare, 
to  stand.]  Producing  or  consisting 
of  stamens. 

staminiferous  (staminif'erus)  a.  [L. 
stare,  to  stand ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Staminigerous  ;  stamen-bearing. 

staminode  (stam'inod)  n.  [L.  stare, 
to  stand ;  Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Also  staminodium,  a  foliaceous 
scale-like  body  in  some  flowers, 
derived  from  a  metamorphosed 
stamen ;  a  rudimentary  stamen 

staminody  (stam'modl)  n.  [L.  stare, 
to  stand  ;  Gk.  eidos,  resemblance.] 
The  metamorphosis  of  flower 
organs  into  stamens  (bot.). 

stapes     (sta'pez)     n.       [L.L.     stapes, 




a  stirrup.]  The  stirrup  -  shaped 
innermost  bone  of  the  middle  ear 
(anat.) ;  the  operculum  or  in- 
ternal end  of  the  columella  auris, 
fitting  into  and  filling  the  fenestra 
ovalis  in  Amphibians  (zool.). 
stasimorphy  (stas'imor'fi)  n.  [Gk. 
stasis,  standing  ;  morphe,  form.]  A 
deviation  in  form  due  to  arrested 
development  (biol.). 

statoblast  (stat'oblast)  n.  [Gk.  states, 
stationary ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  special- 
ized bud  or  "  winter-egg  "  of  some 
Polyzoa,  developed  on  the  funiculus 
and  set  free  on  the  death  of  the 
parent  organism  (zoo/.). 

statocone  (stat'dkon)  n.  [Gk.  states, 
stationary ;  konos,  a  cone.]  One 
of  the  minute  structures  contained 
in  a  statocyst  (zool.). 

statocyst  (stat'oslst)  n.  [Gk.  states, 
stationary ;  kystis,  a  bladder.]  A 
vesicle  or  organ  found  in  Molluscs, 
Medusae,  Crustacea,  Worms,  with 
the  function  of  perception  of  the 
position  of  the  body  in  space 

statolith  (stat'ollth)  «.  [Gk.  states, 
stationary  ;  lithos,  stone!]  A  struc- 
ture of  carbonate  of  lime,  sand 
grain,  or  secreted  substance,  con- 
tained in  a  statocyst  (zoo/.). 

statorhab  (stat'orab)  n.  [Gk.  states, 
stationary  ;  rhabdos,  a  rod.]  In 
Trachomedusae,  a  short  tentacular 
process  carrying  the  statolith 

steapsin  (steap'sfn)  n.  [Gk.  stear, 
tallow  ;  pepsis,  digestion.]  A  diges- 
tive ferment  secreted  by  the  pan- 
creas (phys.). 

stearin  (ste'arin)  n.  [Gk.  stear,  tallow.] 
The  solid  part  of  a  fat ;  a  chief 
component  of  many  fats,  animal 
and  vegetable  (phys.). 

stegocarpous  (steg'okar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
stegetn,  to  cover ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
Having  a  capsule  with  operculum 
and  peristome  (bot.). 

stelar  system,— of  plants,  the  vascu- 
lar and  associated  conjunctive 
tissue  (fief.). 

stele  (stel)  n.  [Gk.  stele,  a  pillar.] 
A  bulky  strand  or  cylinder  of  vascu- 
lar tissue  contained  in  the  stem  and 
root  of  plants,  developed  from  the 
plerome  (bet.). 

stellar, — stellate. 

stellate  (steTat)  a.  [L.  stella,  a  star.] 
Astral ;  radiating  ;  star-shaped  ; 
appl.  leaf. 

stellif orm, — stellate, 
stem  (st6m)  n.     [A.S.  stemn,  a  tree- 
stem.]    The  trunk  of  a  tree  ;   the 
main  axis  of  a  plant, 
stem-cell, — in  mitosis,  a  cell  in  which 
all  the  chromatin  is  preserved,  and 
from  which  arise  the  germ  cells  ; 
opp.  somatic  cell  (cyt.). 
stemless, — without  a  stalk  ;  acaules- 

cent  (bet.). 

stemma  (st6m'a)  n.     [Gk.  stemma,  a 
garland.]    A  simple  eye  or  ocellus 
of  Arthropods  ;   one   of  the  ocelli 
of  an  ommatidium  (zool.). 
stenohaline    (stgn'ohalln)    a.       [Gk. 
stenos,    narrow ;    halinos,    marine.] 
Appl.    marine    animals   adaptable 
only  to  a  narrow  range  of  salinity  ; 
cf.  euryhaline  (zool.). 
stenopetalous  (stgn'opfit'alus)  a.    [Gk. 
stenos,    narrow ;    petalon,    a    leaf.] 
With  narrow  petals, 
stenophyllous    (sten'ofll'us)    a.     [Gk. 
stenos,      narrow ;     phyllon,      leaf.] 

stenosepalous  (stgn'osep'alus)  a. 
[Gk.  stenos,  narrow ;  sepalon,  a 
sepal.]  With  narrow  sepals, 
stenostomatous  (st£n'b'st6m'atus)  a. 
[Gk.  stenos,  narrow  ;  sterna,  mouth.] 

stephanion  (stSfan'Ion)  n.  [Gk.  Steph- 
anos, crown.]  The  point  where 
the  superior  temporal  ridge  is 
crossed  by  the  coronal  suture 

stercomarium  (ste'rkoma'rium)  n.    [L. 
stercus,    dung.]       The    system     of 
stercome  -  containing      tubes      of 
certain  Sarcodina  (zool.). 
stercome   (st6r'kom)   n.     [L.   stercus, 
dung.]     Faecal  matter  of  Sarcodina 
protoplasm,   in    masses    of   brown 
granules  (zool.). 
stereld  bundles, — bands  or  bundles 

of  sclerenchymatous  fibres  (oof.). 
stereome  (steVeom)  n.     [Gk.  stereos, 
solid.]     Sclerenchymatous  and  col- 
lenchymatous   masses   along    with 
hardened  parts  of  vascular  bundles 
forming  supporting  tissue  in  plants 
stereoplasm   (steVeoplazm)   //.      [Gk. 




stereos,  solid ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  The  more  solid  part  of 
protoplasm  (cf.  hygroplasm) ;  a 
vesicular  substance  filling  inter- 
septal  spaces  of  certain  Corals 

stereospondylous  (ster'eospon'dllus) 
a.  [Gk.  stereos,  solid  ;  sphondylos, 
a  vertebra.]  Having  the  vertebrae 
each  fused  into  one  piece;  cf.  temno- 
spondylous  (zool.}. 

stereotaxy  (steVeotak'si)  n.  [Gk. 
stereos,  solid  ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
The  mechanical  reaction  to  con- 
tinuous contact  with  a  solid 

stereotropism  (stereot  ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  stereos,  solid ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Tendency  of  minute  organisms  to 
attach  themselves  to  solid  objects  ; 
thigmotaxis  (phys.}. 

sterigma  (sterlg'ma)  n.  [Gk.  sterigina, 
a  support.]  A  slender  filament 
arising  from  the  basidium,  and 
giving  rise  to  spores  by  abstriction 

sterile  (steYil)  a.  [L.  sterilis,  barren.] 
Incapable  of  propagation  ;  appl.  a 
plant  unable  to  bear  fruit,  a  neutral 
flower,  a  seed  unable  to  germinate 

sterilize  (ster'illz)  v.  [L.  sterilis, 
barren.]  To  render  incapable  of 
conveying  infection,  or  of  repro- 
ducing the  species  (pkys.}. 

sternal  (steYnal)  a.  [Gk.  sternon,  the 
breast]  Pert  the  sternum,  or  a 
sternite  ;  appL  ribs  united  to  the 
sternum  (zool.}. 

sternebrae  (ster'nebre)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
sternon,  the  breast ;  ebra,  on  analogy 
of  verte&ra.']  Divisions  of  a  seg- 
mented sternum  or  breastbone 

sternite  (steVnIt)  n.  [Gk.  sternon,  the 
breast.]  A  ventral  plate  of  an 
Arthropod  segment,  carrying  legs 
and  tracheal  openings  (zool.}. 

sternoclavicular  (ster'noklavik'ular) 
a.  [Gk.  sternon,  breast ;  L.  clavicu- 
lum,  a  small  key.]  AppL  the 
articulation  between  sternum  and 
clavicle  (anat.}. 

sternocostal  (ster'nokos'tal)  a.  [Gk. 
sternon,  breast ;  L.  costa,  a  rib.] 
Pert,  sternum  and  ribs  ;  appL  liga- 
ment, surface  of  heart  (anat.}. 

sternokleidomastoid  (ster'nokli'do- 
mas'toid)  a.  [Gk.  sternon,  breast ; 
kleis,  key ;  niastos,  breast ;  eidos, 
resemblance.]  AppL  an  oblique 
neckmusclestretchingfrom  sternum 
to  mastoid  process,  also  an  artery  in 
the  same  region  (anat}. 

sternoscapular  (bter'nb'skap'ular)  a. 
[Gk.  sternon,  breast  ;  L.  scapula, 
shoulder-blade.]  AppL  a  muscle 
connecting  sternum  and  scapula 

sternotribe  (steVnotrlb)  a.  [Gk. 
sternon,  breast ;  tribein,  to  rub.] 
AppL  flowers  with  fertilizing  ele- 
ments so  placed  as  to  be  brushed 
by  the  breasts  of  visiting  Insects 

sternum  (ster'num)  .«.  [L.  sternum, 
the  breast-bone.]  The  breast-bone 
of  vertebrates,  specialized  in  Birds 
with  a  carina  for  wing-muscle 
attachment  ;  the  ventral  plate  of  a 
typical  Arthropod  segment  (zool.}. 

sterraster  (steras'ter)  n.  [Gk.  sterros, 
solid  ;  aster,  star.]  An  aster  with 
numerous  actines  soldered  together 
by  silica  (zool.}. 

sterrula  (ster'ula)  n.  [Gk.  sterros, 
solid.]  The  solid  free-swimming 
larva  of  Alcyonaria,  the  stage 
preceding  the  planula  (zool.}. 

stichidium  (stikid'mm)  n.  [Gk. 
stichos,  a  row.]  A  tetraspore  re- 
ceptacle of  some  Algae  (bot.}. 

stigma  (stig'ma)  n.,  stigmata  (stig'- 
mata)  plu.  [Gk.  stigma,  a  pricked 
mark.]  The  portion  of  the  pistil 
on  which  the  pollen  falls  (bot.}  • 
spots  of  brilliant  colour  with  lens- 
like  body,  the  eye-spots,  of  some 
Protozoa  ;  an  Arthropod  spiracle  ; 
apertures  connected  with  the 
tracheae  of  Insects ;  a  coloured 
wing  spot  of  certain  butterflies  and 
other  insects ;  a  gill-slit  of  Tunicates 

stigmatic  (stigmat'ik)  a.  [Gk.  stigma, 
a  pricked  mark.]  AppL  a  lid  cell 
of  an  archegonium  (bot.}. 

stigmatiferous  (stigmatlf'erus)  a. 
[Gk.  stigma,  a  pricked  mark ;  L. 
ferre,  to  carry.]  Stigma-bearing. 

stigmatiform  (stlgmat'fform)  a.  [Gk. 
stigma,  a  pricked  mark  ;  L.  forma, 
shape.]  Resembling  a  stigma ; 




stimulant  (stlm'ulant)  n.  [L.  stimu- 
lare,  to  incite.]  A  stimulus-pro- 
ducing agent  (phys.}. 

stimulation  (stlm'ula'shun)  n.  £L. 
stimulare,  to  incite.]  Excitation 
or  irritation  of  an  organism  or  part 
by  external  influence,  mechanical, 
chemical,  etc.  (phys.}. 

stimulose  (stlm'ulos)  a.  [L.  stimu- 
lare, to  incite.]  Furnished  with 
stinging  hairs  or  cells  (biol.}. 

stimulus  (stim'ulus)  n.  [L.  stimulare, 
to  incite.]  An  agent  which  causes 
a  body  or  some  part  of  it  to  react 
when  affected  by  it  (phys.}. 

sting  (sting)  n.  [A.S.  stingan,  to 
sting.]  A  stinging  hair  or  cell 
(biol.} ;  the  spine  of  a  sting-ray  ; 
an  offensive  and  defensive  organ 
for  piercing,  and  usually  also  for 
inoculating  with  poison,  as  in  the 
wasp  (zool.}. 

stinging  capsule, — a  nematocyst. 

stipe  (stip)  n.  [L.  stipes,  stock,  stalk.] 
The  stem  bearing  the  pileus  in 
Agarics  ;  the  stem  of  palms  and 
tree  ferns  ;  the  stem  of  fern  fronds 
(bot.} ;  a  stipes  (zool.}. 

stipel  (stf  pel)  n.  [L.  stipes,  a  stalk.] 
An  outgrowth  of  leaflets  resembling 
the  stipule  of  a  leaf-base  (bot.}. 

stipellate  (stl'pglat)  a.  [L.  stipes, 
stalk.]  Bearing  stipels  (bot.}. 

stipes  (stfpez)  n.  [L.  stipes,  stalk.] 
The  distal  part  of  the  protopodite 
of  the  first  maxilla  of  Insects  ;  the 
peduncle  of  a  stalked  eye  (zool.}. 

stipiform  (sti'piform)  a.  [L.  stipes,  a 
stalk  ;  forma,  shape.]  Resembling 
a  stalk  or  stem. 

stipitate  (stlp'itat)  a.  [L.  stipes,  a 
stalk.]  Stalked ;  supported  on  a 

stipular  (stip'ular)  a.  [L.  stipula, 
a  stem.]  Like,  pert,  or  growing  in 
place  of  stipules  (bot.}. 

stipulate  (stlp'ulat)  a.  [L.  stipula, 
a  stem.]  Furnished  with  stipules 

stipule  (stlp'ul)  n.  [L.  stipula,  a 
stem.]  One  of  two  foliaceous  or 
membranaceous  processes  devel- 
oped at  the  base  of  a  leaf  petiole, 
sometimes  in  tendril  or  spine  form 

stipuliferous, — stipulate. 

stipuliform     (stip'uliform)     a.       [L. 

stipula,  stem  ;  forma,  shape.]  In 
the  form  of  a  stipule  (bot.}. 

stirp  (sterp),  stirps  (sterps)  n.  [L. 
stirps,  root-stock.]  The  sum-total 
of  germs  or  gemmules  to  be  found 
in  a  newly  fertilized  ovum. 

stock  (st6k)  n.  [A.S.  stocc,  a  post.] 
An  asexual  zooid  which  produces 
sexual  zooids  of  one  sex  by  gemma- 
tion, as  in  Polychaets  (zool.}. 

stolon  (sto'lon)  ».  [L.  stolo,  a  shoot.] 
A  creeping  stem  or  runner  capable 
of  developing  rootlets  and  stem, 
and  ultimately  forming  a  new 
individual  (6ot.} ;  a  cylindrical  stem 
of  some  Polyzoa  from  which  indi- 
viduals grow  out  at  intervals  ;  a 
horizontal  tubular  branch  of  some 
Coelenterates  from  which  new 
zooids  arise  by  budding  ;  the  cado- 
phore  of  Tunicates  (zool.}. 

stolonate  (sto'lonat)  «.  [L.  stolo,  a 
shoot.]  Having  stolons  ;  resem- 
bling a  stolon  ;  developing  from  a 
stolon  ;  appl.  plants  and  animals 
which  develop  by  means  of  stolons 

stoloniferous  (sto'lonlf'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
stolo,  a  shoot ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Bearing  stolons  (biol.}. 

stoma  (sto'ma)  ».,  stomata  (stom'ata) 
plu.  [Gk.  stoma,  mouth.]  A  small 
mouth-like  orifice ;  minute  openings 
in  the  epidermis  of  plants,  especially 
on  the  under  surface  of  leaves 

stomach  (stum'ak)  n.  [Gk.  stomachos, 
th  roat,  gullet.]  The  sac-like  portion 
of  the  food  canal  beyond  the  gullet, 
in  vertebrates ;  a  corresponding 
part,  or  the  entire  digestive  cavity, 
of  invertebrates  (zool.}. 

stomachic  (stomak'ik)  a.  [Gk.  stom- 
achos, gullet.]  Pert,  the  stomach. 

stomatal  (stom'atal)  a.  [Gk.  stoma, 
mouth.]  Pert,  or  like  a  stoma  ; 

stomate  (sto'mat)  a.  [Gk.  stoma, 
mouth.]  Bearing  stomata  or  a 

stomatiferous  (stomatlf'eYus)  a.  [Gk. 
stoma,  mouth  ;  L.  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Bearing  stomata. 

stomatogastric    (stom'atogas'trfk)   a. 

[Gk.  stoma,  mouth  \gaster,  stomach.] 

Pert,   mouth   and  stomach  ;    appl. 

the     visceral     system     of     nerves 





supplying  the  anterior  part  of  the 
alimentary  canal  in  Annulates 

stomatose,  stomatous, — stomatif- 

stomidium  (stomid'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
stoma,  mouth.]  An  aperture  rep- 
resenting the  terminal  pore  of 
degenerated  tentacles  of  many 
Actiniaria  (zool.). 

stomions  (sto'mionz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
stoma,  mouth.]  The  dermal  pores 
or  ostia  perforating  the  dermal 
membrane  of  a  developing  Sponge 

Btomium  (sto'mmm)  n.  [Gk.  stoma, 
mouth.]  A  group  of  thin-walled 
cells  in  a  fern  sporangium  where 
cleavage  of  the  capsule  takes  place 

stomodaeal  canal, — in  Ctenophores, 
a  canal  given  off  by  each  per-radial 
canal,  and  situate  parallel  to  the 
stomodaeum  (zool.). 

stomodaeum  (stom'ode'um)  n.  [Gk. 
stoma,  mouth  ;  odaios,  pert,  a  way.] 
The  anterior  perforated  depression 
communicating  with  the  enteric 
cavity  of  many  Coelenterates,  ecto- 
derm-lined since  formed  by  in- 
vagination  (zool.) ;  the  anterior 
pitted-in  portion  of  the  embryonic 
gut  (emb.). 

stone  canal, — the  madreporic  canal, 
an  S-shaped  cylinder  extending 
from  the  madrepprite  to  near  the 
mouth  border  in  Echinoderms 

stone  cells, — sclerotic  cells  or  rounded 
parenchymatous  elements,  as  found 
in  the  pear  (dot.). 

strangulated, — constricted  in  places  ; 
contracted  and  expanded  irregu- 
larly (dot.). 

strata, — plu.  of  stratum. 

stratification  (strat'ifika'shun)  n.  [L. 
stratum,  layer ;  facere,  to  make.] 
Arrangement  in  layers  ;  the  super- 
imposition  of  layers  of  epithelium 
cells  (pftys.). 

stratified  epithelium,  —  epithelium 
cells  arranged  in  many  super- 
imposed layers  (phys.). 

stratiform  (strat'iform)  a.  [L.  stratum, 
layer ;  forma,  shape.]  Appl.  a 
fibrocartilage  which  forms  a  thin 
coating  to  osseous  grooves,  or  is 

developed  in  small  masses  in  some 
tendons  (anat.). 

stratose  (strat'os)  a.  [L.  stratum, 
layer.]  Arranged  in  layers  (bot.). 

stratum  (stra'tum)  n.  [L.  stratum, 
a  layer.]  A  layer  of  cells,  tissue, 

stratum  compactum,  —  the  surface 
layer  of  the  decidua  vera,  con- 
stituting about  one-fourth  of  the 
entire  thickness  (emb.). 

stratum  corneum, — the  horny  ex- 
ternal layer  of  the  epidermis 

stratum  granulosum,  —  the  super- 
ficial layer  of  the  rete  mucosum,  con- 
sisting of  flattened  cells  filled  with 
granules  of  eleidin  (anat.). 

stratum  lucidum,  — the  layer  of  cells 
of  indistinct  outline  between  the 
stratum  corneum  and  the  stratum 
granulosum  (anat.). 

stratum  spongiosum,  —  the  deeper 
three-fourths  of  the  thickness  of 
the  decidua  vera  (emb.). 

stratum  zonale,  cinereum,  opticum, 
lemnisci,  —  strata  of  the  anterior 
corpora  quadrigemina,  from  the 
surface  inwards  (anat.). 

streptostylic  (strep'tostil'ik)  a.     [Gk. 
streptos,  pliant ;  stylos,  a  column.] 
Having   the   quadrate   in   movat 
articulation    with   the    squamosal 
cf.  monimostylic  (zool.). 

stria    (strl'a)   n.,   striae   (strife)    pi* 
[L.    stria,     funnel,     channel.] 
narrow     line,     streak,    groove, 

striated    (strta'ted)   a.      [L.   stria, 
channel.]     Marked  by  narrow  line 
or  grooves,  usually  parallel. 

striated  muscle, — bundles  of  fibr 
enclosed  in  a  sheath  continuot 
with  the  tendons ;  voluntai 
muscle,  the  fibres  of  which  preset 
transverse  striations  (anat.). 

stridulate  (strid'ulat)  v.  [L.  stridere, 
to  creak.]  To  make  a  strident 
sound  like  the  characteristic  son£ 
of  cicadas. 

stridulating  organs, — a  special  ap- 
paratus on  the  metathoracic  and 
anterior  abdominal  segments  for 
producing  the  song  of  cicadas ; 
grasshoppers,  spiders,  and  deca- 
pod Crustacea  also  possess  stridulat- 
ing organs  (zool.). 




Btriga  (stn'ga)  n.  [L.  striga,  a  ridge, 
furrow.]  An  upright,  stiff,  pointed 
hair  or  bristle  (hot.}. 

strigate  (strfgat)  a.  [L.  striga,-  a 
ridge.]  Bearing  strigae  (bot.). 

strigills  (strlj'Ilis)  n,  [L.  stringere, 
to  scrape.]  A  mechanism  for 
cleaning  the  antennae,  at  the 
junction  of  tibia  and  first  tarsal 
joint  on  the  first  leg  of  bees  (zool.). 

strigillose  (strij'ilos)  a.  [L.  strigilla, 
a  small  ridge.]  Minutely  strigose. 

strigose  (strTg'os)  a,  [L.  striga,  a 
ridge.]  Covered  with  stiff  hairs 
(hot.) ;  marked  by  small  grooves 
or  furrows  (zoo!.). 

striola  (strio'la)  n.  [L.  striola,  a  small 
channel.]  A  fine  narrow  line  or 

striolate  (strl'olat)  a.  [L.  striola, 
a  small  channel.]  Finely  striate. 

strobila  (strob'ila)  n.  [Gk.  strobiles, 
a  fir  cone.]  A  stage  in  the  develop- 
ment of  some  Scyphozoa,  where 
from  a  succession  of  annular  discs 
the  embryos  take  the  form  of  a 
pile  of  discs  which  are  separated 
off  in  turn  ;  the  jointed  body  of 
a  Tape-worm  (zool.). 

strobilaceous  (strob'ilashus)  a.  [Gk. 
strobiles,  a  fir  cone.]  Cone- 
shaped  ;  pert,  or  having  strobiles 

strobilation  (strob'ilashun)  n.  [Gk. 
strobiles,  a  fir  cone.]  Reproduc- 
tion by  body  -  segmentation  into 
zooids,  as  in  Coelenterates,  or  into 
proglottides,  as  in  Worms,  which 
develop  into  adult  forms  (zool.). 

strobile  (strob'il)  n.  [Gk.  strobiles,  a 
fir  cone.]  A  strobila  (zoo/.) ;  a 
spike  formed  of  persistent  mem- 
branous bracts,  each  having  a  pistil- 
late flower ;  a  cone ;  an  assem- 
blage of  sporophylls  (dot.). 

strobiliferous  (strobilifgrus)  a.  [Gk. 
strobiles,  a  fir  cone  ;  L.  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Having  or  producing  stro- 
biles (dot.). 

strobiloid  (strob'Iloid)  a.  [Gk.  stro- 
biles, a  fir  cone ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Strobiliform  ;  resembling  or  shaped 
like  a  strobilus  or  cone  (dot.). 

strobilus  (strSb'flus)  n.  [Gk.  strobiles, 
a  fir  cone.]  A  strobile  ;  a  cone  (dot.). 

stroma  (stro'ma)  n.  [Gk.  stroma, 
something  spread  out  for  lying  on.] 

The  transparent  filmy  framework 
of  red  blood  corpuscles  (phys.) ; 
connective  tissue  binding  and  sup- 
porting an  organ ;  in  the  ovary, 
a  soft,  vascular,  reticular  framework 
in  the  meshes  of  which  the  ovarian 
follicles  are  imbedded  (anat.) ;  in 
plu.  stromata,  short  protrusions 
from  a  sclerotium,  each  composed 
of  hyphae,  in  which  perithecia  are 
developed,  in  some  Thallophytes 

stromatic  (stromat'ik)  a.  [Gk.  stroma, 
something  spread  out  for  lying  on.] 
Pert.,  like,  in  the  form  or  nature 
of,  a  stroma  ;  stromatiform ;  stroma- 

strombuliferous  (strombulif'Srus)  a. 
[L.  strombus,  a  spiral  snail ;  ferre, 
to  carry.]  Having  spirally-coiled 
organs  or  structures  (dot.). 

strombulifonn  (strombu'llform)  «. 
[L.  strombus,  a  spiral  snail ;  forma, 
shape.]  Spirally  coiled. 

strongyle  (stron'jil),  strongylon 
(strSn'jUSn)  n.  [Gk.  stronggylos, 
globular.]  A  two-rayed  rod  sponge 
spicule  (zool.). 

strophiolate  (strof'Tolat)  a.  [L.  stro- 
phiolum,  a  small  garland.]  Having 
excrescences  round  the  hilum  (dot.). 

strophioles  (strof'iolz)  n.  plu.  [L. 
strophiolum,  a  small  garland.] 
Small  excrescences  arising  from 
various  parts  of  a  seed  testa,  never 
developed  before  fertilization  (dot.). 

structural  (structural)  a.  [L.  struere, 
to  build.]  Pert,  the  structure  or 
build  of  an  organism  as  distinct 
from  its  function  (biol.). 

struma  (stroom'a)  n.  [L.  strunia,  a 
scrofulous  tumour.]  A  swelling 
on  a  plant  organ  (bet.). 

strumiferous  (stroomife'rus)  a.  [L. 
struma,  a  scrofulous  tumour  ;  ferre, 
to  carry.]  Having  a  struma  or 
strumae  (dot.). 

strumiform  (stroom'iform)  a.  [L. 
struma,  a  scrofulous  tumour ;  forma, 
shape.]  Cushion-like. 

strumose  (stroom'os),  strumulose 
(stroom'ulos)  a.  [L.  struma,  a 
tumour.]  Having  small  cushion- 
like  swellings  (dot.). 

stupeous  (stu'peus),  stupose  (stu'pos) 
a.  [L.  stupa,  tow.]  Tow-like  ; 
having  a  tuft  of  matted  filaments. 




stupulose  (stu'pulos)a.  [L.  stupa,  tow.] 

Covered  with  short  filaments, 
stylar     (stflar)     a.       [L.     stilus,     a 

pricker.]    Pert,  a  style, 
stylate  (stl'lat)  a.  [L.  stilus,  a  pricker.] 

Having  a  style  or  styles. 
style  (stil)  n.     [L.  stilus,  a  pricker.]' 
The  slender  upper  part  of  an  ovary  , 
supporting    the    stigma    (dot.)  ;    a 
calcareous  projection  from  the  pore 
tabula  in  some  Millepora  ;  an  ab- 
dominal bristle-like  process  on  the 
male  of  many  Insects  (zool.). 
stylet  (stfle't)  n.     [L.  stilus,  a  pricker.] 
A  small,  pointed  bristle-like  append- 
age (zool.). 

styliferous  (stllif'erus)  a.  [L.  stilus, 
a  pricker ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Having 
bristly  appendages, 
styliform  (stl'liform)  a.  [L.  stilus,  a 
pricker  ;  forma,  shape.]  Bristle- 

styloglossal    (stl'loglos'al)    a.       [Gk. 
stylos,  pillar ;  glossa,  tongue.]    Perl. 
the  styloglossus  muscle  connecting 
styloid  process  and  tongue  (anat.). 
stylogonidium, — see  conidium. 
stylohyal  (stl'lohi'al)  n.     [Gk.  stylos, 
pillar  ;  hyoeides,   Y-shaped.]      The 
distal  part  of  the  styloid  process  of 
the  temporal  bone  (anat.). 
stylohyoid  (stl'lohl'oid)  a.    [Gk.  stylos, 
pillar  ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.]    Appl. 
a  ligament  attached  to  the  styloid 
process   and   the   lesser    cornu    of 
the  hyoid  (anat.). 

styloid  (stl'loid)  a.  [Gk.  stylos,  pillar  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Appl.  pro- 
cesses of  the  temporal  bone,  the 
fibula,  the  radius,  the  ulna  (anat.). 
stylomandibular  (striomandib'ular) 
a.  [Gk.  stylos,  pillar ;  L.  man- 
dibulum,  jaw.]  Appl.  a  strong 
ligament  extending  from  the  styloid 
process  to  the  cervical  muscle  under 
the  parotid  gland  (anat). 
stylomastpid  (sti'lomas'toid)  a.  [Gk. 
stylos,  pillar  ;  mastos,  breast ;  eidos, 
like.]  Appl.  a  foramen  between 
styloid  and  mastoid  processes,  also 
an  artery  entering  that  foramen 

Btylomaxillary  (sti'lomaksil'ari)  a. 
[Gk.  stylos,  pillar  ;  L.  maxilla,  jaw.] 

stylopharyngeus  (sti'lofarin'jeus)  n. 
[Gk.  stylos,  pillar ;  pltaryngx, 

pharynx.]  A  muscle  extending 
from  the  base  of  the  styloid  process 
downwards  along  the  side  of  the 
pharynx  (anat.). 

stylopodium  (stllb'po'dium)  n.  [Gk. 
stylos,  pillar ;  pous,  foot.]  A  conical 
swelling  surrounding  the  bases  of 
the  divaricating  styles  of  Umbel- 
liferae  (bot.). 

stylospore, — see  conidium. 
stylosporous    (stllos'porus)   a.      [Gk. 
stylos,  pillar ;    sporos,  seed.]     Pert. 
a  stylospore  or  conidium. 
stylostegium  (stl'loste'jium)  n.     [Gk. 
stylos,    pillar  ;     stege,   roof.]      The 
inner   corona   of   some   milk-weed 
plants  (dot). 

stylus  (stl'lus)  n.    [L.  stilus,  a  pricker.] 
A  style  ;  a  stylet ;  a  simple  pointed 
spicule  ;  a  molar  cusp  (biol.). 
subabdominal      (sub'abdom'inal)      a. 
[L.   sub,    under ;    abdomen,    belly.] 
Nearly  in  the  abdominal  region, 
subacuminate  (sub'aku'mlnat)  a.     [L. 
sub,  under  ;  acumen,  point.]     Some- 
what tapering  (dot.). 
subaduncate   (sub'adung'kat)  a.     [L. 
sub,     under ;      aduncus,     hooked.] 
Somewhat  crooked, 
subaerial    (sub'ae'rial)    a.      [L.    sub, 
under ;    aer,    air.]      Growing    just 
above  the   surface   of  the   ground 

subalpine  (subal'pm)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  alpinus,  alpine.]  Appl.  the 
zone  below  the  timber  line,  or  to 
plants  or  animals  growing  or  living 
in  that  zone. 

subalternate  (sub'alteYnat)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  altemus,  one  after 
another.]  Tending  to  change  from 
alternate  to  opposite  (dot.). 
subanconeus  (sub'angkone'us)  n.  [L. 
sud,  under ;  aticon,  elbow.]  A  small 
muscle  extending  from  the  triceps 
to  the  elbow  joint  (anat.). 
subapical  (subap'ikal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  apex,  extremity.]  Nearly 
at  the  apex. 

subarachnoid  (subarak'noid)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  Gk.  arachne,  spider's 
web ;  eidos,  resemblance.]  Appl. 
a  cavity  filled  with  cerebrospinal 
fluid  between  the  arachnoid  and  the 
pia  mater  ;  appl.  cisternae  of  the 
brain,  and  a  longitudinal  septum  in 
the  same  region  (anat.). 




subarborescent  (siib'irbore's'e'nt)  a. 
[L.  sub,  under  ;  arborescens,  growing 
into  a  tree.]  Somewhat  like  a  tree. 

subarcuate  (subir'kuat)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  arcus,  a  bow.]  Appl.  a 
large  blind  fossa  in  the  infant  skull 
which  extends  backwards  under  the 
superior  semicircular  canal  (anat.). 

subaurlcular  (sub'orik'ular)  a.  [L. 
subt  under  ;  auricula,  the  ear-tip.] 
Below  the  ear  (anat.~). 

subaxillary  (sub'aksll'ari)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  axilla,  the  arm-pit.]  Appl. 
outgrowths  just  beneath  the  axil 

subbasal  (subba'sal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  Gk.  basis,  foundation.] 
Situated  near  the  base  (zool.}. 

subbranchial  (subbrangTcial)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  Gk.  brangchia,  gills.] 
Under  the  gills. 

subbronchial  (subbrong'kial)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  Gk.  brongchos,  wind- 
pipe.] Below  the  bronchials. 

subcalcareous  (sub'kalka'rlus)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  calx,  lime.]  Somewhat 

subcalcarine  (subkal'karm)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  calcar,  spur.]  Under 
the  calcarine  fissure  ;  appl.  the 
lingual  gyrus  of  the  brain  (anat.}. 

subcallosal  (subTcalo'sal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  callus,  hard  skin.]  Appl.  a 
gyrus  below  the  corpus  callosum 

subcampanulate  (sub'kampan'ulat)  a. 
[L.  sub,  under  ;  campanula,  a  little 
bell]  Somewhat  bell-shaped  (dot.). 

subcapsular  (subkap'sular)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  capsula,  a  little  chest.] 
Inside  a  capsule. 

subcardinal  (subkir'dinal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  cardo,  hinge.]  Appl.  a  pair 
of  veins  which  develop  between  the 
mesonephroi  (emb.\ 

subcarinate  (subkar'inat)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  carina,  keel.]  Somewhat 

subcartilaginous  (sub'kirtllaj'inus)  a. 
[L.  sub,  under  ;  cartilage,  gristle.] 
Not  entirely  cartilaginous. 

subcaudal  (subkod'al)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  cauda,  tail.]  Situate  under 
the  tail,  as  a  shield  or  plate  (zool.\ 

subcaudate  (subkod'at)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  cauda,  tail.]  Having  a 
tail-like  process  (zoo/.). 

subcaulescent  (sub'kole's'e'nt)  a.     [L. 

sub,   under ;    caulis,  stalk.]     Borne 

on  a  very  short  stem  (bot.\ 
subcentral   (subsen'tral)   a.     [L.  sub, 

under  ;  centrum,  a  centre.]     Nearly 

subchela  (subke'la)  «.     [L.  sub,  under ; 

Gk.  chele,  claw.]    A  prehensile  claw 

of  which  the  last  joint  folds  back 

on    the    preceding,   as    in    Squilla 

subchelate    (subke'lat)    a.      [L.   sub, 

under ;    Gk.  chele,   claw.]     Having 

prehensile  claws  of  which  the  last 

joint  folds  back  on  the  preceding  ; 

having  imperfect  chelae  (zool.\ 
subchordal   (subkor'dal)  a.     [L.  sub, 

under  ;    chorda,   a    cord.]      Under 

the  notochord  (zool.). 
subcingulum  (subsing'gulum)  n.     [L. 

sub,   under ;    cingulum,    a    girdle.] 

The  lower  lip  part  of  a  cingulum  or 

girdle  of  Rotifers  (zool.). 
subclavate   (subklaVat)   a.     [L.   sub, 

under  ;  clavus,   club.]      Somewhat 

subclavlan  (subkla'vian)  a.     [L.  sub, 

under ;  da-vis,  key.]    Appl.  artery, 

vein,    nerve,    muscle,     below    the 

clavicle  (anat.}. 
subcoracoid    (subkor'akoid)    a.      [L. 

sub,     under ;     Gk.     korax,     crow ; 

eidos,  like.]     Below  the  coracoid. 
subcordate   (subk6r'dat)  a.     [L.  sub, 

under ;  cor,  heart]    Tending  to  be 

subcorneous  (subkor'neus)  a.     [L.  sub, 

under;    cornu,     horn.]      Under    a 

horny  layer  ;  slightly  horny  (zool.\ 
subcortical  (subkor'tikal)  a.     [L.  sub, 

under  ;   corf  ex,   bark.]     Under  the 

cortex,  or  cortical  layer  (bot.} ;  appl. 

cavities  under  the  dermal  cortex  of 

Sponges  (zooL). 
subcosta     (subk6s'ta)     n.       [L.    sub, 

under  ;   costa,  rib.]     The  subcostal 

nervure  of  an.  insect  wing, 
subcostal    (subk6s'tal)    a.      [L.    sub, 

under  ;  costa,  rib.]     Below  the  ribs  ; 

appl.  zone,  muscles,  arteries  (anat.). 
subcrenate   (subkre'nat)   a.     [L.  sub, 

under ;     L.L.     crena,     a     notch.] 

Tending  to  have  rounded  scallops, 

as  a  leaf  margin  (pot.). 
subcrureal  (subkroor'eal)  a.     [L.  sub, 

under ;  crus,  leg.]    Appl.  the  sub- 

crureus  or  articularis  genu  muscle, 




extending  from  the  lower  femur  to 
the  knee-joint  (anat.). 

subcutaneous  (sub'kuta'neus)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  cutis,  skin.]  Under 
the  cutis  or  skin  ;  appl.  parasites 
living  just  under  the  skin  ;  appl. 
the  external  abdominal  ring  (anat.). 

subcuticular  (sub'kutik'ular)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  cuticula,  the  cuticle.] 
Under  the  epidermis  or  outer  skin. 

subcutis  (siibku'tf  s)  n.  [L.  sub,  under ; 
cutis,  skin.]  A  loose  layer  of  con- 
nective tissue  between  the  corium 
and  the  deeper  tissues  of  the  skin 

subdentate  (sflbdeVtat)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  dens,  a  tooth.]  Slightly 
toothed  or  notched  (bot.). 

subdermal  (subdeVmal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  Gk.  derma,  skin.]  Beneath 
the  skin. 

subdorsal  (subd6r'sal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  dorsum,  the  back.]  Situ- 
ated dorsally  or  almost  on  the 
dorsal  surface. 

subdural  (subdu'ral)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  durus,  hard.]  Appl.  a 
potential  cavity  separating  the 
spinal  dura  mater  from  the  arach- 
noid (anat.). 

subepiglottlc  (sub'gpiglot'lk)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  Gk.  epi,  upon  ;  glottis, 
mouth  of  the  windpipe.]  Beneath 
the  epiglottis  (anat.). 

subepithelial  (sub'gpithe'lial)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  Gk.  epi,  upon  ;  thallein, 
to  grow.]  Appl.  a  plexus  of  the 
cornea  (anat?). 

suber  (su'ber)  n.  [L.  suber,  cork 
tree.]  Cork  tissue  (bot.). 

subereous  (sube'reus)  a.  [L.  suber, 
cork  tree.]  Of  corky  texture  (bot.). 

suberlferous  (subgrif'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
suber,  cork  tree ;  ferre,  to  bear.] 
Cork-producing  (bot.). 

suberiflcation  (su'bSrifTka'shun)  n. 
[L.  suber,  cork  tree ;  facere,  to 
make.]  Conversion  into  cork  tissue 

suberin  (su'bSrin)  n.  [L.  suber,  cork 
tree.]  The  waxy  substance  de- 
veloped in  a  thickened  cell-wall, 
making  it  almost  waterproof  (bot.). 

suberization  (su'berlza'shun)  n.  [L. 
suber,  cork  tree.]  The  modification 
of  cell  walls  due  to  the  formation 
of  suberin  (bot.). 

suberose  (su'bfiros)  a.  [L.  suber,  cork 
tree.]  Having  a  corky,  waterproof 
texture  (bot.). 

subgalea  (subgal'ea)  n.  [L.  sub,  under; 
galea,  a  helmet.]  Part  of  the 
maxilla  of  Insects  (zool.). 

subgeniculate  (sub'jgnik'ulat)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  genu,  knee.]  Some- 
what bent. 

subgenital  (subjen'ital)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  genitalis,  genital.]  Below 
the  reproductive  organs ;  appl,  a 
shallow  pit  or  pouch  beneath  the 
gonad  in  Aurelia  ;  appl.  a  portico 
formed  by  the  fusion  of  the  sub- 
genital  pouches  of  Discomedusae 

subglenoid  (subgle'noid)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  Gk.  glene,  socket ;  eidos, 
form.]  Beneath  the  glenoid  cavity 

subglossal  (subg!5s'al)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  Gk.  glossa,  tongue.]  Be- 
neath the  tongue. 

subhyaloid  (subhl'aloid)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  Gk.  hyalos,  glass  ;  eidos, 
like.]  Beneath  the  hyaloid  mem- 
brane or  fossa  of  the  eye  (anat.). 

subhymenial, — pert.  the  sub- 

subhymemum  (sub'hlme'nium)  n. 
[L.  sub,  under ;  Gk.  hymen,  a 
membrane.]  A  layer  of  small  cells 
between  trama  and  hymen  ium  in 
the  gill  of  Agarics  (bot.), 

subhyoid  (siibhl'oid)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  Gk.  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
Below  the  hyoid  bone  at  the  base 
of  the  tongue  (anat.). 

subiculum  (subik'ulum)  n.  [L.  sub- 
iculum,  an  under  layer.]  The  fila- 
mentous mycelium  of  certain  Fungi 

sublmago  (sub'ima'go)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  imago,  an  imitation.]  A 
stage  between  pupa  and  imago  in 
the  life-history  of  some  Insects. 

subinguinal  (subin'gwmal,  sub'mgwl'- 
nal)  a.  [L.  sub,  under ;  inguen, 
groin.]  Situated  below  a  horizontal 
line  at  the  level  of  the  great 
saphenous  vein  termination  ;  appl. 
glands  (anat.). 

subjugal  (subjoog'al)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  jugum,  yoke.]  Below  the 
jugal  or  cheek  bone  (zool.), 

subjugular  (subjoog'ular)  a.     [L.  sub, 




under  ;  jugulum,  collar  -  bone.] 
Appl.  a  ventral  fish-fin  nearly  far 
enough  forward  to  be  jugular  (zool.}. 

sublanceolate  (sublan'seolat)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  lanceolatus,  speared.] 
Tending  to  be  narrow  and  to  taper 
towards  both  ends  (A?/.). 

sublaryngeal  (sublarin'jeal)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  Gk.  laryngx,  larynx.] 
Situate  below  the  larynx  (zool.}. 

sublenticular  (sub'16ntlk'ular)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  lenticula,  a  small  lentil.] 
Somewhat  lens-shaped. 

sublingua  (subling'gwa)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  lingua,  tongue.]  A  single 
or  double  projection  beneath  the 
tongue,  most  developed  in  Insecti- 
vores  (zool.}. 

sublingual  (subling'gvval)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  lingua,  tongue.]  Beneath 
the  tongue ;  appl.  gland,  artery, 
fossa  (anat.}. 

sublobular  (siiblob'ular)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  Gk.  lobos,  a  lobe.J  Appl. 
veins  at  the  base  of  the  lobules  of 
the  liver  (anat.}. 

sublocular  (sublok'ular)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  loculus,  a  little  place.] 
Somewhat  locular  or  cellular. 

Bubmalleate  (submal'eat)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  malleus,  a  hammer.]  Some- 
what hammer-shaped  ;  appl.  the 
trophi  of  a  rotifer  mastax  (zool.}. 

subinarginal  (submar'jinal)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  margo,  margin.]  Placed 
nearly  at  the  margin. 

submarginate  (submar'jma.t)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  margo,  margin.]  Appl. 
a  bordering  structure  near  a  margin. 

submaxllla  (sub'maksil'a)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under;  maxilla,  jaw.]  The  mandible 
or  lower  jaw. 

submaxillary  (sub'maksil'ari)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  maxilla,  jaw.]  Appl. 
duct,  ganglion,  gland,  triangle, 
beneath  the  lower  jaw  (anat.}. 

submedian  (subme'dian)  a.  [L.  'sub, 
under ;  medius,  the  middle.]  Appl. 
the  tooth  or  vein  next  the  median 

submental  (subme'n'tal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  mentum,  chin.]  Beneath 
the  chin  ;  appl.  artery,  glands, 
triangle  (anat. ) ;  pert,  the  submentum 

submentum  (subrnfin'tum)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  mentum,  chin.]  The  basal 

part  of  the  labium  or  fused  second 
maxillae  of  Insects  (zool.}. 

submerged, — submersed. 

submersed  (subme'rsd')  a.  [L.  sub- 
mergere,  to  submerge.]  Appl.  plants 
growing  entirely  under  water  (bot.}. 

submicron  (submik'rSn)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  Gk.  mikros,  small.]  An 
element  seen  as  a  separate  disc 
with  the  aid  of  an  ultramicroscope, 
although  invisible  with  an  ordinary 
microscope  ;  cf.  amlcron  (phys.}. 

submucosa  (sub'muko'sa)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  mucosus,  mucous.]  The 
layer  of  tissue  under  a  mucous 
membrane  (anat.}. 

subnasal  (subna'zal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  nasus,  nose.]  Beneath  the 
nose  (anat.}. 

subneural  (siibnu'ral)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  Gk.  neuron,  nerve.]  Appl. 
gland  and  ganglion  of  nervous 
system  of  Tunicates  (zool.}. 

suboccipital  (sub'6ksTp'ital)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  occiput,  the  back  part 
of  the  head.]  Appl.  muscles,  nerve, 
triangle,  under  the  occipitals  of 
the  skull  (anat.}. 

subocular  shelf, — an  ingrowth  from 
the  suborbitals  supporting  the  eye- 
ball of  Fishes. 

suboesophageal  (subesSf'aje'al)  a. 
[L.  sub,  under ;  Gk.  oisophagos, 
gullet.]  Below  the  gullet  (zooL). 

subopercular  (sub'opeVkular)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  operculum,  a  lid  or 
cover.]  Under  the  operculum  or 
gill-cover  of  Fishes,  or  the  shell-lid 
of  Molluscs  (zool.}. 

suboperculum  (sub'opeVkulum)  n. 
[L.  sub,  under  ;  operculum,  a  cover.] 
The  subopercle,  one  of  the  mem- 
brane bones  of  the  operculum  of 
Fishes  (zool.}. 

suboptic  (subSp'tlk)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  Gk.  optikos,  relating  to 
sight.]  Below  the  eye. 

suboral  (subo'ral)  a.  [L.  sub,  under  ; 
os,  mouth.]  Below  the  month ; 
near  the  mouth. 

suborbital  (subor'bltal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  orbis,  a  circle.]  Appl. 
structures  below  the  orbit  of  the 

subovate  (subo'vat)  a.  [L.  sub,  under ; 
ovum,  egg.]  Suboval  ;  subovoid  ; 
somewhat  oval  or  egg-shaped. 




subpalmate  (subpal'mat)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  palrna,  palm  of  the  hand.] 
Tending  to  become  palmate  ;  appl. 
leaves  (dot.}. 

subparietal  (sub'pan'gtal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  paries,  a  wall.]  Beneath 
the  parietals  ;  appl.  a  sulcus  which 
is  the  lower  boundary  of  the  parietal 
lobe  (anat.}. 

subpectinate  (subpgk'tinat)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;pecten,  a  comb.]  Tend- 
ing to  be  comb-like  in  structure. 

subpedunculate  (sub'pgdung'kulat)  a. 
[L.  sub,  under ;  pedunculus,  a  little 
foot]  Resting  on  a  very  short 

subpericardial  (sub'pgrlkar'dlal)  a. 
[L.  sub,  under ;  Gk.  peri,  round  ; 
kardia,  heart.]  Under  the  peri- 
cardium, or  membranous  sac  en- 
closing the  heart  (anat.}. 

subperitoneal  (sub'pgritone'&l)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  Gk.  peritonaion,  some- 
thing stretched  round.]  Appl. 
connective  tissue  under  the  peri- 
toneum (anat.}. 

subpetiolar  (subpgt'iolar)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  petiolus,  a  little  foot.] 
Within  the  petiole  or  leaf-stalk  (bot.}. 

subpetiolate  (subpeYiolat)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  petiolus,  a  small  foot.] 
Almost  sessile  (hot.). 

subpharyngeal  (sub'farln'jeal)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  Gk.pharyngx,  pharynx.] 
Below  the  gullet. 

subphrenic  (subfrgn'ik)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under;  G\a. phren,  midriff.]  Below 
the  diaphragm  (anat.}. 

subpial  (subpi'al)  a.  [L.  sub,  under  ; 
pia,  kind.]  Under  the  pia  mater 

subpleural  (subploor'al)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  Gk.  pleura,  side.]  Beneath 
the  inner  lining  of  the  chest  wall 

subpubic  (subpu'bik)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  pubes,  adult.]  Below  the 
pubic  region  (anat.}. 

subpulmonary  (subpul'monarl)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  pulmo,  lung.]  Beneath 
the  lungs  (anat.}. 

subradius  (subra'dlus)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  radius,  a  ray.]  In  radiate 
animals,  a  radius  of  the  fourth 
order,  that  between  adradius  and 
perradius,  or  between  adradius  and 
mterradius  (zool.}. 

subramose  (subra'mos)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  ramus,  a  branch.]  Branch- 
ing somewhat  (bot.}. 

subreniform  (subreVlform)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  renes,  kidneys  ;  forma, 
shape.]  Slightly  kidney  -  shaped 

subretinal  (siibreYlnal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  rete,  net.]  Beneath  the 
retina  (anat.}. 

subrostral  (subros'tral)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  rostrum,  a  beak.]  Below 
the  beak  (zool.}. 

subsacral  (subsa'kral)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  sacrum,  sacred.]  Below 
the  sacrum  (zool.}. 

subsartorial  (sub'sarto'rial)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  sartor,  a  tailor.]  Appl. 
a  plexus  under  the  sartorius  muscle 
of  the  thigh  (anat.}. 

subscapular  (subskap'ular)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  scapula,  shoulder-blade.] 
Beneath  the  scapula  ;  appl.  artery, 
muscles,  nerves,  etc.  (anat.}. 

subsclerotic  (sub'sklgrot'ik)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  Gk.  skleros,  hard.] 
Beneath  the  sclerotic  layer  of  the 
eye  ;  between  sclerotic  and  choroid 

subserous  (subse'rus)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  serum,  whey.]  Beneath  a 
serous  membrane  ;  appl.  areolar 
tissue  (anat.}. 

subserrate  (subser'at)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  serra,  saw.]  Somewhat 
notched  or  saw-toothed  (bot.}. 

subsessile  (subsfis'il)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  sedere,  to  sit.]  Nearly 
sessile  ;  with  almost  no  stalk  (bot.}. 

subsidiary  cells,— additional  modified 
epidermal  cells  lying  outside 
guard-cells  (bot.}. 

subspatulate  (subspat'ulat)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  spatula,  spoon.]  Some- 
what spoon-shaped  (bot.}. 

subspinous  (subspfnus)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  spina,  spine.]  Tending  to 
become  spiny. 

substantia  (substan'shla)  n.  [L.  sub- 
stantia,  substance.]  Substance  or 
matter  (anat.}. 

substantia  adamantina,  eburnea, 
ossea, — respectively  enamel,  den- 
tine, and  cement  or  crusta  petrosa 
of  teeth  (anat.}. 

substantia  gelatinosa,  —  the  grey 
matter  of  the  spinal  cord  (anat.}. 




substantia  nigra, — a  semilunar  layer 
of  grey  cells  of  the  mid-brain 

substantive  variation,— changes  in 
the  actual  constitution  or  substance 
of  the  parts  ;  cf.  meristic  variation 

substernal  (substeYnal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  sternum,  breastbone.]  Below 
the  sternum  (zool.~). 

substratose  (substra'tos)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  stratum,  a  layer.]  Slightly 
or  indistinctly  stratified. 

substratum  (substra'tum)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  stratum,  a  layer.]  The 
base  to  which  a  stationary  animal 
or  a  plant  is  fixed  (biol.\ 

subtectal  (subtotal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  tectum,  roof.]  Pert,  the 
alisphenoid  of  a  fish  skull  (zool.). 

subtegminal  (subtgg'mlnal)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  tegmen,  a  covering.] 
Under  the  tegmen  or  inner  coat 
of  a  seed  (&?/.). 

subtentacular  canals, — two  prolonga- 
tions of  the  echinoderm  coelom 

subthoracic  (sub'thoras'Ik)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  Gk.  thorax,  breast.] 
Not  so  far  forward  as  to  be  called 
thoracic  ;  appl.  certain  fish  -  fins 

subtrapezoidal  (sub'trapezoid'al)  a. 
[L.  sub,  under ;  Gk.  frapezion,  a 
small  table ;  eidos,  resemblance.] 
Somewhat  trapezoid-shaped. 

subtruncate  (subtrung'kat)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  truncatus,  maimed.] 
Terminating  rather  abruptly,  as  if 
cut  off  (biol.\ 

subtypical  (subtip'Ikal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  typus,  image.]  Deviating 
slightly  from  type. 

subulate  (su'bulat)  a.  [L.  subula,  an 
awl.]  Awl-shaped ;  appl.  leaves, 
very  narrow  and  tapering  from  the 
base  to  a  fine  point  (bot.). 

subumbellate  (subum'bglat)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under  ;  umbella,  a  small  shade.] 
Tending  to  an  umbellate  arrange- 
ment, with  peduncles  arising  from 
a  common  centre  (bot.}. 

subumbonal  (sub'umbo'nal)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  umbo,  boss.]  Beneath 
or  anterior  to  the  umbo  of  a  bivalve 
shell  (zool\ 

subumbrella    (sub'umbreTa)   ».      [L. 

sub,  under ;  umbra,  shade.]  The 
concave  inner  surface  of  the  medu- 
soid  bell  (zool.\ 

subuncinate  (subun'sinat)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  uncus,  hook.]  Having  a 
somewhat  hooked  process  ;  some- 
what hook-shaped. 

subungual  (subung'gwai)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  unguis,  a  nail.]  Under  a 
nail,  claw,  or  hoof  (zool.). 

subunguis  (subung'gwis)  n.  [L  sub, 
under ;  unguis,  a  nail.]  The  ventral 
scale  of  a  claw. 

subvaginal  (subvaj'Inal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  vagina,  a  sheath.]  Within 
or  under  a  sheath. 

subvertebral  (subveYtebral)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  vertebra,  a  joint.] 
Under  the  spinal  column. 

subzonal  (subzo'nal)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  zona,  a  belt.]  Appl.  a 
layer  of  cells  immediately  internal 
to  the  zona  radiata  (emb.}. 

subzygomatic  (subzl'gomat'Ik)  a.  [L. 
sub,  under ;  Gk.  zygon,  a  yoke.] 
Under  the  cheek-bone. 

succiferous  (sukslf'grus)  a.  [L.  succus, 
sap  \ferre,  to  carry.]  Sap-conveying 

succise  (suksls')  a.  [L.  succisus, 
lopped  off.]  Abrupt ;  appearing 
as  if  a  part  were  cut  off  (bot.\ 

succubous  (suk'ubus)  a.  [L.  sub, 
under  ;  cubare,  to  lie  down.]  With 
each  leaf  covering  part  of  that 
under  it  (hot.}. 

succulent  (suk'ulgnt)  a.  [L.  succus, 
sap.]  With  tissues  full  of  juice  or 
sap  (bot.). 

succus  (suk'us)  n.  [L.  succus,  juice, 
sap.]  The  juice  of  a  plant ;  fluid 
secreted  by  certain  glands  (biol.). 

sucker  (suk'er)  n.  [A.S.  sucan,  to 
suck.]  A  stem-branch,  first  sub- 
terranean and  then  aerial,  which 
may  ultimately  form  an  independent 
plant  (bot.} ;  an  organ  adapted  for 
creating  a  vacuum,  in  some  animals 
for  purposes  of  ingestion,  in  others 
to  assist  in  locomotion  (zool.). 

sucking  -  disc, — a  disc  assisting  in 
attachment,  at  the  end  of  an 
echinoderm  tube-foot  (zool.\ 

suctorial  (sukto'rfal)  a.  [L.  sugere, 
to  suck.]  Adapted  for  sucking ; 
furnished  with  suckers  ;  appl.  a  pad 
of  fat  in  relation  with  the  buccin- 




ator,  supposed  to  assist  in  sucking 

(zool.,  anat.). 
sudor   (su'dor)  n.     [L.  sudor,  sweat.] 

Perspiration  (phys.). 
sudoriferous    (su'dorif'erus)    a.      [L. 

sudor,     sweat  ;    ferre,    to     carry.] 

Conveying,  producing,  or  secreting 

sweat,  appl.  glands  and  their  ducts 

suffrutex   (suf'rootSks)   n.      [L.  •  sub, 

under ;  frutex,  shrub.]    An  under- 

shrub  (hot.}. 
suffrutieose  (sufroot'ikos)  a.     [L.  sub, 

under  ;  frutex,  shrub.]     Somewhat 

shrubby  (bot.). 
sugent  (su'je'nt),  sugescent'(sujes'e'nt) 

a.     [L.  sugere,  to  suck.]     Suctorial, 
sulcate  (sul'kat)  a.    [L.  sulcus,  furrow.] 

Furrowed ;  grooved, 
sulcus  (sullcus)  n,     [L.  sulcus,  furrow.] 

A     groove ;     appL     the     cerebral 

grooves ;    those   of  heart,   tongue, 

cornea,     bones,     etc.     (anat.) ;     a 

stomodaeal  groove  -of   Anthozoa  ; 

a  longitudinal  flagellum  groove  of 

Dinoflagellata  (zool.). 
summer     eggs,  —  the     thin-shelled, 

quickly  developing  eggs  of  some 

fresh- water  forms  laid  in  spring  or 

summer  ;  cf.  winter  eggs  (zool.). 
supercarpal    (supe'rkar'pal,    soo-)    a. 

[L.    super,    over ;     carpus,    wrist.] 

Upper  carpal  or  above  the  carpus 

supercilia   (supersil'ia,    soo-)   n.  plu. 

[L.  super,  over ;  cilia,  eyelids.]    The 

superciliary    (supersil'iari,     soo-)    a. 

[L.  super,  over ;  cilia,  eyelids.]  Pert. 

the     eyebrows ;    above    the    orbit 


superciliary  arches, — two  arched  ele- 
vations below  the  frontal  eminences 

superficial  (supgrfish'al,  soo-)  a.     [L. 

super,  over ;  fades,  face.]     On  the 

surface  ;    appl.  arteries,  veins,  etc. 

superglottal    (supgrglot'al,    soo-)    a. 

[L.  super,  over  ;  Gk.  glottis,  end  of 

windpipe.]       Above      the     glottis 

superior    (supe'rior,     soo-)    a.     [L. 

superior,   upper.]     Upper ;    higher 

(anat.) ;  growing  or  arising  above 

another  organ  (bot.). 
superparasite, — see  hyperparasite. 

supersacral  (supSrsa'kral,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  super,  over ;  sacrum,  sacred.] 
Above  the  sacrum  (anat.). 

supersphenoidal  (su'persfenoid'al, 
soo-)  a.  [L.  super,  over ;  Gk. 
sphen,  wedge.]  Above  the  sphenoid 

supervolute  (supervolut/,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  super,  over ;  volvere,  to  roll.] 
Having  a  plaited  androlled  arrange- 
ment in  the  bud  (bot.). 

supinate  (su'pinat)  a.  [L.  supinus, 
bent  backwards.]  Inclining  or 
leaning  backwards  (bot.). 

supination  (su'pmashun)  n.  [L. 
supinus,  bent  backward.]  Move- 
ment of  the  arm  by  which  the  palm 
of  the  hand  is  turned  upwards  ;  cf. 
pronation  (phys.). 

supinator  brevis  and  longus, — two 
arm  muscles  used  in  supination 

suppression  (suprSsh'un)  n.  [L.  sub, 
under ;  pressus,  pressed.]  The 
non-development  of  an  organ  or 
part  (bot.). 

supraacromial  (su'praakro'mial,  soo-) 
a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  Gk.  akros, 
summit ;  omos,  shoulder.]  Above 
the  acromion  of  the  shoulder-blade 

supraanal  (su'praa'nal,  soo-)  a.  [L. 
supra,  above ;  anus,  anus.]  Sur- 
anal ;  above  the  anus  or  anal 

supraangular, — see  surangular. 

supraaurlcular  (su'praorlk'ular,  soo-) 
a.  [L.  supra,  above  ;  auris,  ear.] 
Above  the  auricle  ;  appl.  feathers 

suprabranchial  (su'prabrang'kial, 
soo-)  a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  Gk. 
brangchia,  gills.]  Above  the  gills 

suprabuccal  (su'prabuk'al,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above ;  bucca,  cheek.] 
Above  the  cheek  and  mouth  (zool.). 

supracallosal  (su'prakalo'sal,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  callosus,  hard.] 
Appl.  a  gyrus  on  the  upper  surface 
of  the  corpus  callosum  of  the  brain 

supracaudal    (su'prakod'al,    soo-)  a. 

[L.    supra,     above ;     cauda,     tail.] 

Above  the  tail  or  caudal  region. 

suprachoroid  (su'prako'roid,  soo-)  a. 

[L.  supra,  above ;  Gk.  chorion,  skin.] 




Over  the  choroid  ;  between  choroid 
and  sclerotic  (ana/.}. 

supraclavlcle  (su'praklav'Ikl,  soo-)  n. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  clavicula,  a  small 
key.]  The  supracleithmm  ;  a  bone 
of  the  shoulder  girdle  of  Fishes 

supraclavicular  (su'praklavik'ular, 
soo-)  a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  clavicula, 
a  small  key.]  Above  or  over  the 
clavicle  ;  appl.  nerves  (anat.}. 

supracleithrum  (su'prakll'thrum, 
soo-)  n.  [L.  supra,  above ;  Gk. 
kleithron,  key.]  Supraclavicle. 

supracondylar  (su'prakSn'dllar,  soo-) 
a.  [L.  supra,  above  ;  Gk.  kondylos, 
knob.]  Above  a  condyle ;  appl. 
ridge  and  process  (anat.\ 

supracostal  (su'prakSs'tal,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above ;  cosfa,  a  rib.] 
Over  or  externally  to  the  ribs. 

supracranial  (su'prakra'nlal,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above ;  Gk.  kranion, 
skull]  Over  or  above  the  skull. 

supradorsal  (su'prador'sal,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above ;  dorsum,  back.] 
On  or  over  the  back  ;  appl.  small 
cartilaginous  elements  in  connection 
with  the  primitive  vertebral  column 

supraglenoid  (su'pragle'noid,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above ;  G\s..glene,  socket.] 
Above  the  glenoid  cavity. 

supraglenoid  tuberosity,— a  slight 
elevation  at  the  apex  of  the  glenoid 
cavity  (anat.}. 

suprahyoid  (sa'prahfoid,  soo-)  a.  [L. 
supra,  above ;  Gk.  hyoeides,  Y- 
shaped.]  Over  the  hyoid  bone  ; 
appl.  aponeurosis,  glands,  muscles 

supralabial  (su'prala'bial,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  labium,  lip.]  On 
the  lip ;  appl.  scutes  or  scales 
(zool. ). 

supraloral  (su'pralo'ral,  soo-)  a.  [L. 
supra,  above ;  lorum,  thong.]  Above 
the  loral  region  ;  appl.  birds,  snakes 

supramastoid  crest, — the  ridge  at  the 
upper  boundary  of  the  mastoid 
region  of  the  temporal  bone  (anat.}. 

supramaxillary  (su'pramaksll'arl, 
soo-)a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  maxilla, 
jaw.]  Pert,  the  upper  jaw ;  appl. 
nerves  (anat.}. 

suprameatal   (su'pramea'tal,  soo-)  a. 

[L. supra,  above ;  meatus,*.  passage.] 
Appl.  triangle  and  spine  over  the 
external  acoustic  meatus  (anat.}. 

supranasal  (su'prana'zal,  soo-)  a.  [L. 
supra,  above  ;  nasus,  nose.]  Over 
the  nasal  bone  or  nose  (zool.}. 

supraoccipital  (su'prafikslp'ital,  soo-) 
n.  [L.  supra,  above  ;  occiput,  back 
part  of  the  head.]  A  large  median 
bone  of  the  upper  occipital  region 

supraocular    (su'praok'ular,    soo-)    a. 

g,.  supra,  above ;  oculus,  eye.] 
ver  or  above  the  eye  ;  appl.  scales 

supraoesophageal  (su'praes6f 'aj  e'al, 
soo-)  a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  Gk. 
oisophagos,  gullet.]  Above  or 
over  the  gullet  (zool.}. 

supraorbltal  (su'pra6r'blt51,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  orbis,  a  circle.] 
Above  the  orbital  cavities ;  appl. 
artery,  foramen,  nerve,  vein,  etc. 

suprapharyngeal  (su'prafarin'jeal, 
soo-)  a.  [L.  supra,  above;  Gk. 
pharyngx,  pharynx.]  Above  or  over 
the  pharynx. 

suprapubic  (su'prapu'bik,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above ;  pubes,  adult.] 
Above  the  pubic  bone. 

suprapygal  (su'prapl'gal,  soo-)  a.  [L. 
supra^  above ;  Gk.  Pyge,  the  rump.] 
Above  the  pygal  bone  (zool.}. 

suprarenal  (su'prare'nal,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  renes,  kidneys.] 
Situated  above  the  kidneys  ;  appl. 
arteries,  glands,  veins,  plexus 

suprarenal  bodies, — adrenal  bodies. 

suprascapula  (su'praskap'ula,  soo-)  n. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  scapula,  shoulder- 
blade.]  An  incompletely  ossified 
extension  of  the  scapula  of  Amphi- 
bians and  Ophidians  (zool.}. 

suprascapular  (su'praskap'ular,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  scapula,  shoulder- 
blade.]  Above  the  shoulder-blade  ; 
appl.  artery,  ligament,  nerve  (anat.}. 

suprasphenoidal  (su'prasfenoid'al, 
soo-)  a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  Gk. 
sphen,  wedge.]  Above  the  sphenoid 
bone  of  the  skull. 

supraspinal  (sa'praspfnal,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  spina,  a  spine.] 
Above  or  over  the  spinal  column  ; 
appl.  a  ligament  (anat.}. 




supraspinatous  (su'prasplna'tus,  soo-) 
a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  spinet,  a 
spine.]  Appl.  the  scapular  fossa 
and  fascia  for  the  origin  of  the 
supraspinatus,  a  muscle  extending 
from  scapula  to  humerus  head 

suprastapedial  (su'prastape'dial,  soo-) 
n.  [L.  supra,  above ;  stapes,  a 
stirrup.]  The  part  of  the  col- 
umella  of  the  ear  above  the  stapes, 
homologous  with  the  mammalian 
incus  (zool.\ 

suprasternal  (su'prasteVnal,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above ;  sternum,  breast- 
bone.] Over  or  above  the  breast- 
bone ;  appl.  a  slit-like  space  in 
the  cervical  muscle  (anaf.). 

suprastigmal  (su'prastig'mal,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  Gk.  stigma,  a 
pricked  mark.]  Above  a  stigma 
or  breathing-pore  of  Insects. 

supratemporal  (su'pratem'poral,  soo-) 
a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  temporalis, 
temporary.]  Pert,  the  upper  tem- 
poral region  of  the  skull ;  appl, 
arch,  bone,  fossa  (anaf.). 

suprathoracic  (su'prathoras'ik,  soo-) 
a.  [L.  supra,  above  ;  Gk.  thorax, 
breast.]  Over  or  above  the  thoracic 

supratonsillar  (su'praton'silar,  soo-)  a. 
[L.  supra,  above  ;  tonsilis,  clipped.] 
Appl.  a  small  depression  in  the 
lymphoid  mass  of  a  tonsil  (anaf.). 

supratrochlear  (su'pratrok'lear,  soo-) 
a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  Gk.  frochlea, 
a  pulley.]  Over  or  above  the 
trochlear  surface  ;  appl.  nerve  and 
foramen  (anaf.). 

supratympanlc  (su'pratimpan'ik,  soo-) 
a.  [L.  supra,  above ;  Gk.  tympanon, 
a  drum.]  Above  the  ear-drum. 

sural  (sQ'ral)  a.  [L.  sura,  calf  of  the 
leg.]  Pert,  the  calf  of  the  leg  ; 
appl.  arteries  and  nerves  (anaf.). 

suranal,— see  supraanal. 

surangular  (surang'gular)  n.  [L. 
supra,  above  ;  angulus,  an.  angle.] 
The  supraangular  ;  a  bone  of 
the  lower  jaw  of  Reptiles  and 
Birds  (zool.}. 

surculose  (siir'kulos)  a.  [L.  surcuhis, 
a  twig.]  Surculous  ;  surculigerous  ; 
appl.  plants  producing  suckers  first 
underground,  thence  aerial  and 
forming  independent  plants  ;  bear- 

ing suckers  (bot.}  ;  stoloniferous 

surculus  (siir'kulus)  n.  [L.  surculus, 
a  twig.]  An  underground  shoot, 
ultimately  aerial  and  independent 
(hot.}  ;  a  sucker  (zooL). 

suspensor  (siispen'sor)  n.  [L.  sus- 
pendere,  to  hang  down.]  A  chain 
of  cells  developed  from  the  hypo- 
basal  segment  of  an  angiosperm 
zygote,  attaching  the  embryo  to 
the  embryo  sac ;  occurring  in  a 
modified  form  in  the  development 
of  other  plants  (hot.). 

suspensoriuin  (suspSnso'rium)  n.  [L. 
suspendere,  to  hang  down.]  The 
upper  part  of  the  hyoid  arch  from 
which  the  lower  jaw  is  suspended 

suspensory  (suspgn'sori)  a.  [L.  sus- 
pendere, to  hang  down.]  Pert,  a 
suspensorium ;  serving  for  sus- 
pension ;  appl.  various  ligaments 

sustentacular  (sustgntak'ular)  a.  [L. 
sustentaculum,  a  prop,  support.] 
Supporting  ;  appl.  connective  tissue 
acting  as  a  supporting  framework 
for  an  organ  (anaf.). 

sustentaculum  lieni,  tali, — support 
of  the  spleen,  of  the  ankle-bone 

sustentator  (sustenta'tor)  n.  [L. 
sustinere,  to  sustain.]  The  susten- 
tor  or  hooked  cremaster  of  Lepi- 
doptera  (zool.}. 

sutural  (su'tural,  soo-)  a.  [L.  sutura, 
a  seam.]  Pert,  a  suture ;  appl. 
dehiscence  taking  place  at  a  suture 

sutural  bones,  —  Wormian  bones  ; 
irregular  isolated  bones  occurring 
in  the  course  of  sutures,  especially 
in  the  lambdoidal  suture  and 
posterior  fontanelle  (anaf.). 

suture  (su'tur,  soo-)  n.  [L.  sutura, 
a  seam.]  The  line  of  junction  of 
two  parts  immovably  connected  ; 
an  immovable  articulation  of  bone 
as  in  the  skull  (anaf.) ;  the  de- 
hiscence line  (dot.). 

swarm  (sworm)  n.  [A.S.  swearm, 
swarm.]  A  large  number  of  minute 
motile  organisms  viewed  collec- 
tively ;  departure  of  a  number  of 
bees  from  one  hive  to  form  another 




swiminerets,  —  paired  appendages 
posterior  to  the  walking-legs  of 
Crustaceans,  functional  partly  for 
swimming  (zool.}. 

swimming  bells,  —  nectocalyces  : 
medusoid  bell  -  like  structures  of 
Siphonophores  with  velum  and 
radiating  canals,  serving  to  propel 
the  colony  (zool.}. 

swimming  or  swim  bladder, — the 
air  bladder  of  Fishes,  developed  as 
a  diverticulum  of  the  alimentary 
canal,  —  function  not  precisely 
determined  (zool.}. 

swimming  funnel, — the  tube  of  Di- 
branchiates  through  which  water  is 
expelled  from  the  mantle  cavity, 
expulsion  providing  the  means  of 
propulsion  (zool.}. 

swimming  ovaries, — groups  of  ripe 
ova  of  Acanthocephala  detached 
and  floating  freely  in  the  body 
cavity  (zool.}. 

swimming  plates,— in  Ctenophores, 
eight  equidistant  bands  of  ciliated 
comb  -  like  plates  or  comb  -  ribs, 
propellers  of  the  organism  (zool.}. 

syconium  (slko'nmm)  n.  [Gk.  sykon, 
fig.]  A  cyconus  ;  a  multiple,  suc- 
culent, receptacular  fruit  (bot.}. 

symbiont  (sim'biont)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  bioun,  to  live.]  One  of  the 
partners  in  symbiosis  (biol.}. 

symbiosis  (simblo'sis)  n.  [Gk.  sym- 
bioun,  to  live  together.]  A  condition 
in  which  two  animals,  two  plants, 
or  plant  and  animal,  live  in  mutually 
beneficial  partnership  (biol.}. 

symbiote, — symbiont. 

symbiotic  (simblot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  sym- 
bioun,  to  live  together.]  Living  in 
beneficial  partnership,  as  Clione, 
Dromia  (biol.}. 

symmetrical  (slmet'rlkal)  a.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  metron,  measure.] 
Regularly  shaped ;  divisible  into 
exactly  similar  halves  (biol.}. 
symmetry  (slm'gtri)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  metron,  measure.]  State  of 
divisibility  into  similar  halves  ; 
regularity  of  form  ;  similarity  of 
structure  on  each  side  of  an  axis, 
central,  dorsoventral,  or  antero- 
posterior.  See  bilateral  and  radial 
symmetry  (biol.}. 

sympathetic  (simpatheYlk)  a.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  pathos,  feeling.]  Appl. 

the  system  of  nerves  supplying  the 
viscera  and  blood  -  vessels,  and 
intimately  connected  with  the 
spinal  and  some  cerebral  nerves 
(anat.} ;  appl.  coloration  in  imita- 
tion of  surroundings  (biol.}. 
sympetalous  (slmpeYalus)  a.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  petalon,  leaf.]  Having 
a  tubular  corolla  formed  by  union 
of  petals  (bot.}. 

symphily  (sim'fill)  n.     [Gk.  syn,  with  ; 
philein,   to   love.]      Commensalism 
with  mutual  liking  (zool.}. 
symphyantherous, — synantherous. 
symphyllous, — gamophyllous. 
symphyogenesis    (sim'fioje'n'e'sTs)    n. 
[Gk.   symphyesthain,    to    grow    to- 
gether ;     genesis,     descent.]      De- 
velopment  of  an   organ   from   the 
union  of  two  others, 
symphysial  (simffz'ial)  a.     [Gk.  sym- 
physis,  a  growing  together.]     Sym- 
physeal ;     symphysian ;     pert,     a 

symphysis  (slm'flsls)  n.  [Gk.  sym- 
physis, a  growing  together.]  The 
line  of  junction  of  two  pieces  of 
bone  separate  in  early  life,  as  the 
pubic  symphysis  ;  a  slightly  movable 
articulation  with  the  bony  surfaces 
connected  by  fibrocartilage ;  cf. 
syndesmosis  (anat.}. 
symplectic  (slmpleVtik)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  plektos,  plaited.]  A  bone 
of  the  fish  skull  between  quadrate 
and  hyomandibular  (zool.}. 
sympodial  (simpo'dial)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  POUS,  foot.]  Pert,  or  re- 
sembling a  sympodium  in  principle 

sympodite  (sim'podit)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  pous,  foot.]  The  protopodite 
of  Crustacea  (zool.}. 
sympodium  (simpo'dium)  n.  _  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  pous,  foot]  A  primary 
axis  consisting  of  a  line  connecting 
the  bases  of  consecutive  branchings 

synacme  (stnak'me)  n.  [Gk.  syn,  with ; 
akme,  prime.]  Condition  when 
stamens  and  pistils  mature  simul- 
taneously ;  synanthesis  (bot.}. 
synangium  (slnan'jium)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  anggeion,  a  vessel.]  A  com- 
pound sporangium  in  which  the 
sporangia  are  coherent,  as  in  some 
Ferns  (bot.}. 




synantherous  (sman'the'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
syn,  with ;  antheros,  flowery.] 
Having  anthers  united  to  form  a 
tube  (bot.}. 

synanthesis, — synacme. 

synanthous  (sinan'thus)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  anthos,  flower.]  Having 
flowers  and  leaves  appearing  simul- 
taneously ;  having  flowers  united 
together  (bot.}. 

synanthy  (sman'thi)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  anthos,  flower.]  The  adhesion 
of  flowers  usually  separate  (bot.}. 

synaposematic  (sinap'osemat'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  syn,  with  ;  apo,  from  ;  sema, 
sign.]  Appl.  mimicry  of  a  more 
powerful  species  as  a  means  of 
defence  (biol.}. 

synapse  (sinaps')  n.  [Gk.  synopsis, 
union.]  The  connection  of  one 
nerve  cell  and  another  through  the 
medium  of  the  terminal  branchings 
of  the  dendrons  or  axons  (phys.}. 

synapsis  (sinap'sis)  n.  [Gk.  synapsis, 
union.]  A  contraction  of  the  chro- 
matin  linin  filament  which  usually 
includes  the  nucleolus  in  the 
chromatin  mass,  a  stage  in  the 
reduction-division  of  cells  (cyt.}. 

synaptlc  membrane, — a  membrane 
intervening  between  the  nerve-end- 
ing and  the  muscle  fibre  supplied 
by  it,  also  between  one  neurone  and 
the  fibre  connecting  it  with  another 

synapticula  (sinaptik'ula)  n.  [Gk. 
synaptos,  united.]  One  of  small 
calcareous  rods  connecting  the 
septa  of  the  mushroom-coral  (zool.}. 

synarthrosis  (sin'arthro'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
syn,  with ;  arthron,  joint.]  An 
articulation  in  which  bone  surfaces 
are  in  almost  direct  contact, fastened 
together  by  connective  tissue  or 
hyaline  cartilage,  with  no  appreci- 
able motion  (anat.}. 

syncarp  (sin'karp)  n.  [Gk.  syn,  with  ; 
karpos,  fruit]  A  syncarpium  ;  an 
aggregate  fruit  with  united  carpels 

syncarpous  (stnkar'pus)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  Bearing  a 
collective  fruit  (bot.}. 

syncarpy  (sinkar'pT)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  karpos,  fruit.J  Condition  of 
having  carpels  united  to  form  a 
compound  ovary  (hot.}. 

syncerebrum  (sinsSr'Sbrum)  n.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  L.  cerebrum,  brain.]  A 
secondary  brain  formed  by  union 
with  the  brain  of  one  or  more  of 
the  ventral  cord  ganglia  in  some 
Arthropods  (zool.}. 

synchondrosis  (sm'kondro'sTs)  n, 
[Gk.  syn,  with  ;  chondros,  cartilage.] 
A  synarthrosis  in  which  the  con- 
necting medium  is  cartilage  (anat.}. 

syncraniate  (sinkra'niat)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  kranion,  skull.]  Having 
certain  vertebral  elements  fused 
with  the  skull  (zool.}. 

syncranterian  (sinkrante'rian)  a.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  kranleres,  wisdom  teeth.] 
With  teeth  in  a  continuous  row 

syncryptic  (sinkrip'tik)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  kryptos,  hidden.]  Appl. 
animals  alike  though  unrelated, 
through  common  protective  re- 
semblance to  their  surroundings 

syncytiotrophoblast,  — seesyncytium 

syncytium  (sinsit'ium)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  kytos,  hollow.]  A  multi- 
nucleated  mass  of  protoplasm  with- 
out differentiation  into  cells  (biol.} ; 
the  outer  stratum  of  the  tropho- 
blast  of  the  mammalian  ovum,  the 
syncytiotrophoblast  (emb.). 

syndactyl  (sindak'til)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  dakfylos,  digit]  With  fused 
digits,  as  in  many  Birds. 

syndactylism  (slndak'tilizm)  n.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  daktylos,  digit.]  Whole 
or  part  fusion  of  two  or  more  digits 

syndesmology  (sin'desmoToji)  n.  [Gk. 
syndesmos,  a  band ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  branch  of  anatomy  dealing 
with  ligaments  and  articulations. 

syndesmosis  (sin'de'smo'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
syndesmos,  a  ligament]  A  slightly 
movable  articulation,  with  the  bony 
surfaces  connected  by  an  inter- 
osseous  ligament  ;  cf.  symphysis 

synecthry  (sinek'thri)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  echthros,  hatred.]  Commen- 
salism  with  mutual  dislike  (biol.}. 

synema  (sTne'ma)  n.  [Gk.  syn,  with  ; 
nema,  thread.]  The  united  stamen 
filaments  of  a  monadelphous  flower 




synergetic  (singrjeYlk),  synergic 
(smSr'jik)  a.  [Gk.  synergos,  a  co- 
operator.]  Operating  together  ; 
appl.  muscles  which  combine  with 
"prime  movers"  and  "fixation 
muscles  "  in  movement  (anat.). 

synergid  (smeYjid)  n.,  sinergidae 
(sineYjide)  plu.  [Gk.  synergos,  co- 
operating.] Two  help-cells  lying 
beside  the  ovum  at  the  micropylar 
end  of  the  embryo  sac  of  an  ovule 

syngamy  (sTn'gami)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  gainos,  marriage.]  Compre- 
hensively, sexual  union. 

syngenesious  (sm'jgne'sius)  a.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  genesis,  descent.]  Hav- 
ing the  stamens  united  in  a  cylin- 
drical form  by  the  anthers  (dot.}. 

syngenesis  (slnjgn'e'sis)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  genesis,  descent.]  Sexual 
reproduction  ;  the  theory  that  the 
germs  of  all  human  beings,  past, 
present,  and  future,  were  created 
simultaneously,  and  that  there  are 
germs  within  germs  ad  infinitum 

syngenetic  (sin'jgnet'ik)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  genesis,  descent.]  Sexually 
reproduced  (biol.). 

syngnaths  (sm'gnaths)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  gnathos,  jaw.]  Paired 
jaws  or  mouth-plates  of  Stelleroids 

synkaryon  (sinkar'Ion)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  karyon,  a  nut.]  The  nucleus 
resulting  from  fusion  of  pronuclei 
in  the  zygote. 

synochreate,— see  synocreate. 

synocreate  (sinok'reat)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  L.  ocrea,  legging.]  With 
stipules  united,  enclosing  the  stem 
in  a  sheath  (bot.). 

synoecious  (stne'shus),  synoicous 
(sinoik'iis)  a.  [Gk.  syn,  with  ;  oikos, 
house.]  Having  antheridia  and 
archegonia  on  the  same  receptacle, 
or  stamens  and  pistils  on  the  same 
flov/er  (dot.). 

synosteosis  or  synostosis, — anchy- 

synotic  tec  turn, — a  cartilaginous  arch 
between  the  otic  capsules  repre- 
senting the  cartilaginous  roof  of 
higher  vertebrates  (emb.). 

synovia  (stno'vla)  n.  [Gk.  syn,  with  ; 
L.  ovum,  egg.]  The  thick,  viscid, 

glairy  secretion  of  the  synovial 
membrane  (anat.). 

synovial  membrane, — the  inner 
stratum  of  the  articular  capsule,  a 
delicate  connective  tissue  secreting 
a  fluid  for  keeping  joints  moist 

synoviparous  (sin'dvip'arus)  a.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  L.  ovum,  egg  ;  parere, 
to  beget.]  Secreting  synovia 

synpelmous  (sfnpeTmus)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  pelma,  sole.]  Having  the 
two  tendons  to  the  toes  united 
before  they  divide  up  to  go  to  the 
separate  digits  (zool.). 

synsacrum  (smsa'krum)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  L.  sacrum,  sacred.]  A  mass 
of  fused  vertebrae  supporting  the 
pelvic  girdle  of  Birds  (zoo!.). 

synsepalous  (sinsep'alus)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  sepalon,  a  sepal.]  With  calyx 
composed  of  fused  or  united  sepals 


synspennous  (sinspeVmus)  a.  [Gk. 
syn,  with  ;  sperma,  seed.]  Having 
several  seeds  united  (oot.). 

synsporous  (sinspo'rus)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  sporos,  seed.]  Propagating 
by  cell  conjugation,  as  in  Algae 

syntechnlc  (smteVnik)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  techne,  skill.]  Resemblance 
in  unrelated  animals,  due  to  en- 

syntenosis  (sTntfino'sis)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  tenon,  sinew.]  Tendinous 

syrlngeal  (sMn'jeal)  a.  [Gk.  syringx, 
a  pipe.]  Pert,  the  syrinx  (zool.). 

syringium  (slrln'jTum)  n.  [Gk. 
syringx,  a  pipe.]  A  syringe-like 
organ  of  some  Insects  for  the  ejec- 
tion of  a  disagreeable  fluid  (zool.). 

syrinx  (str'ingks)  n.  [Gk.  syringx,  a 
pipe.]  The  vocal  organ  of  Birds  at 
the  base  of  the  trachea  (zool.). 

systemic  heart,— the  heart  of  in- 
vertebrates, and  the  auricle  and 
ventricle  of  the  left  side  of  the 
heart  of  higher  vertebrates  ;  opp. 
respiratory  heart. 

systilius  (slstll'fus)  n.  [Gk.  syn, 
with ;  stylos,  a  column.]  The 
columella-lid  of  some  Mosses  (dot.). 

systole  (sls'tole)  n.  [Gk.  systole,  a 
drawing  together.]  The  contraction 




of  the  heart  causing  the  circulation 
of  the  blood ;  contraction  of  any 
contractile  cavity  (phys.}. 

systylous  (sis'tiliis)  a.  [Gk.  syn, 
with  ;  stylos,  a  column.]  With  co- 
herent syles  ;  with  fixed  columella- 
lid  (bot.}. 

syzygy  (siz'ijT)  n.  [Gk.  syn,  with  ; 
zygon,  yoke.]  A  close  suture  of  two 
adjacent  arms,  found  in  Crinoids  ; 
a  number  of  individuals,  two  to  five, 
adhering  to  one  another  in  strings 
in  the  association  of  Gregarines 

tabula  (tab'ula)  n.,  tabulae  (tab'ule) 
plu.  [L.  tabula,  a  table.]  Hori- 
zontal partitions  traversing  the 
vertical  canals  of  Hydrocorallina 
and  of  tabulate  corals  (zool.}. 

tabulare  (tab'ula're,  tab'ula'ra)  n.  [L. 
tabula,  a  table.]  A  bone  above 
each  otic  capsule  in  higher  verte- 
brates (zool.}. 

tachy genesis  (tak'ijen'esis)  n.  [Gk. 
tachys,  quick ;  genesis,  descent.] 
Development  with  omission  of 
certain  embryonic  stages,  as  in 
some  Crustaceans  (zool.}. 

tactile  (tak'til)  a.  [L.  tangere,  to 
touch.]  Appl,  capsular  corpuscles 
or  cones  constituting  special  sense 
end-organs  (anat.,  zool.}. 

tactual  (tak'tual)  a.  [L.  tangere,  to 
touch.]  Pert,  the  sense  of  touch 

taenia  (te'nla)  n.  [L.  taenia,  a  ribbon.] 
A  Tape-worm  ;  appl,  a  band  or  line 
of  nerve  and  muscle  (anat.}. 

taeniate  (te'niat)  a.  [L.  taenia,  a 
ribbon.]  Ribbon  -  like  ;  striped 

taenidium  (tenid'ium)  n.,  taenidia 
plu.  [L.  taenia,  a  ribbon.]  Spiral 
threads  strengthening  the  chitinous 
layer  of  insect  tracheae  (zool.}. 

taenioid  (te'moid)  a.  [Gk.  tainia,  a 
ribbon  ;  eidos,  form.]  Ribbon- 
shaped  ;  like  a  Tape-worm  (zool.}. 

taenioles  (te'molz)  n.plu.  [L.  taeniola, 
a  small  ribbon.]  Four  longitudinal, 
inter-radial,  gastric  ridges  of  a 
scyphula  (zool.}. 

tagmata  (tag'mata)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
tagma,  a  corps.]  Units  ;  parts  ; 
segments  (biol.\ 

talocalcaneal  (tal'okal'kane'al)  •a.  [L. 
talus,  ankle-bone  ;  calcaneum,  heel.] 
Pert,  talus  or  astragalus  and  cal- 
caneus,  or  ankle-bone  and  heel. 

talon  (tal'on)  n.  [L.  talus,  ankle.] 
Claw  of  bird  of  prey  ;  the  posterior 
heel  of  a  molar  tooth  (zool.}. 

taloscaphoid  (tal'oskaf'oid)  a.  [L. 
talus,  heel ;  Gk.  skaphe,  a  boat  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Pert,  astra- 
galus and  scaphoid  bone  (anat.). 

talus  (ta'lus)  n.  [L.  talus,  ankle.] 
The  ankle  -  bone  or  astragalus 

tapetal  (tape'tal)  a.  [L.  tapetum,  a 
carpet.]  Pert,  a  tapetum  ;  appl. 
cells  (bot.}. 

tapetum  (tape'tvim)  n.  [L.  tapetum, 
a  carpet.]  The  outer  and  posterior 
part  of  the  choroid ;  the  main 
body  of  fibres  of  the  corpus  callosum 
(anat.} ;  a  special  nutritive  layer 
investing  the  sporogenous  tissue  of 
a  sporangium  (bot.}. 

taproot  (tap'root)  n.  [M.E.  tappe,  a 
short  pipe  ;  A.S.  wyrt,  a  root.]  An 
elongated  parent  root  with  second- 
ary roots  in  acropetal  succession 

tarsal  (tar'sal)  a.  [Gk.  tarsos,  sole  of 
the  foot.]  Pert,  the  tarsus  (zool.} ; 
appl.  arteries,  bones,  glands  (anat.}. 

tarsale  (tarsa'le,  tarsala)  n.,  tarsalia 
(tarsa'lla)  plu.  [Gk.  tarsos,  sole  of 
the  foot.]  Ankle-bones. 

tarsi  (tar's!)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  tarsos,  sole 
of  the  foot.]  Two  thin  elongated 
plates  of  dense  connective  tissue 
helping  to  form  and  support  the 
eyelid  (anat.}. 

tarsometatarsal  (tar'somet'atar'sal) 
a.  [Gk.  tarsos,  sole  of  the  foot ; 
meta,  beyond.]  Pert,  an  articula- 
tion of  tarsus  with  metatarsus  (anat., 

tarsometatarsus  (tar'somgt'atar'sus)  n. 
[Gk.  tarsos,  sole  of  the  foot ;  meta, 
beyond.]  A  short  straight  bone 
of  a  bird's  leg  formed  by  fusion 
of  the  distal  row  of  tarsals  with 
the  second  to  fifth  metatarsals 

tarsophalangeal  (tar'sofalan'jeal)  a. 
[Gk.  tarsos,  sole  of  the  foot  ;  phal- 




angx,  line  of  battle.]  Pert,  tarsus 
and  phalanges  (zool.}. 

tarsus  (tar'sus)  n.  [Gk.  tarsos,  sole 
of  the  foot]  The  ankle  -  bones, 
usually  consisting  of  two  rows 
(zool.} ;  a  cartilage  plate  of  the 
eyelid.  See  tarsi  (anat.). 

tartareous  (tartar'eus)  a.  [L.L. 
tartarum,  an  acid  salt.]  Having 
a  rough  and  crumbling  surface 

taste  bud,  —  an  end-organ  of  taste, 
consisting  of  a  flask-shaped  group 
of  modified  epithelial  cells  found 
on  the  tongue  and  adjacent  parts  ; 
a  gustatory  calyculus  (anat.). 

taxis  (tak'sls)  n.  [Gk.  taxis,  arrange- 
ment.] A  tendency  of  an  organism 
towards  (positive)  or  away  from 
(negative)  a  source  of  stimulus 

taxonomy  (takson'omi)  n.  [Gk.  taxis, 
arrangement ;  names,  law.]  The 
laws  of  classification  as  applied  to 
Natural  History. 

tectology  (tektol'oji)  n.  [Gk.  tekton, 
a  carpenter ;  logos,  discourse.] 
Morphology  in  which  an  organism 
is  considered  as  a  group  of  morpho- 
logical as  distinct  from  physiologi- 
cal units  or  individuals  (biol.}. 

tectorial  (tekto'rial)  a.  [L.  tectus, 
covered.]  Covering  ;  appl.  a  mem- 
brane covering  the  spiral  organ  of 
Corti  (anat.}. 

tectospondylic  (tek'tospondll'lk)  a. 
[L.  tectus,  covered  ;  Gk.  sphondylos, 
a  vertebra.]  Having  vertebrae  with 
several  concentric  rings  of  calcifica- 
tion, as  in  some  Elasmobranchs 

tectrices  (tek'trisez)  n.  plu.  [L. 
tectus,  covered.]  Wing-coverts ; 
small  feathers  covering  the  bases 
of  the  remiges  and  filling  gaps 
between  them  (zool.}. 

teeth  (teth)  n.  plu.  [A.S.  toth,  a 
tooth.]  Hard  bony  growths  on 
maxillae,  premaxillae,  and  man- 
dibles of  Mammals ;  growths  of 
similar,  of  chitinous,  or  of  horny 
formation  borne  on  jaws  or  tongue 

tegmen  (tgg'me'n)  n.  [L.  tegmen,  a 
covering.]  The  integument,  endo- 
pleura,  or  inner  seed-coat  (bot.}  ; 
the  calyx  cover  of  Crinoids ;  an 

anterior  wing  of  Orthoptera  (zool.} ; 
a  thin  plate  of  bone  over  the 
tympanic  antrum  (anat.}. 

tegmentum  (tfigmfen'tum)  n.  [L. 
teginen,  a  covering.]  A  protective 
bud-scale  (bot.} ;  a  tract  of  the  mid- 
brain  (anat.}. 

tegula  (teg'ula)  n.  [L.  tegula,  a  tile.] 
A  small  flap  on  the  mesothorax 
overhanging  the  articulation  of 
the  wings  in  Lepidoptera  ;  a  small 
lobe  at  the  wing-base  of  Diptera 

tegular  (tegular)  a.  [L.  tegula,  a 
tile.]  Pert,  a  tegula ;  consisting 
of  a  tile-like  structure. 

tela  (te'la)  n.  [L.  tela,  a  web.]  A 
web-like  tissue  ;  appl.  the  choroid 
membrane  (anat.}. 

telarian  (tgla'rlan)  a.  [L.  tela,  a  web.] 

telegony  (teleg'onl)  n.  [Gk.  tele, 
far;  gonos,  offspring.]  The  sup- 
posed influence  of  a  male  parent 
on  offspring  subsequent  to  his  own, 
of  the  same  female  parent  (biol.}. 

teleianthous  (teTlan'thus)  a.  [Gk. 
teleios,  complete ;  anthos,  flower.] 
Appl.  a  flower  having  both  gynoe- 
cium  and  androecium  (bot.}. 

telencephalon  (teTenkei'alon,  -s6f-)  n. 
[Gk.  tele,  far ;  engkephalon,  brain.] 
The  anterior  part  of  the  fore-brain 

teleodont  (teTeodfint)  a.  [Gk.  tele, 
far ;  odous,  a  tooth.]  Appl.  forms 
of  Stag-beetles  with  largest  man- 
dible development  (zool.}. 

teleophore  (teTeofor)  n.  [Gk.  teleos, 
complete ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A 
gonotheca,  or  transparent  case 
enclosing  medusae  of  Hydrozoa 

teleorganic  (teTWrgan'lk)  a.  [Gk. 
teleos,  complete ;  organon,  instru- 
ment.] Appl.  functions  vital  to 
an  organism  (phys.}. 

telescoplform  (t616sko'plf6rm)  a. 
[Gk.  tele,  far  ;  skopein,  to  view  ;  L. 
forma,  shape.]  Having  joints  that 
telescope  successively  into  each 

teleutogonidium  (teiu'togSnld'lum), 
teleutospore  (tglu'tospor)  /;.  [Gk. 
teleute,  completion ;  gonos,  off- 
ring  ;  sporos,  seed.]  In  the 
redineae,  a  winter-spore  formed 





in  autumn,  germinating  in  the 
following  spring  (bot.). 

teleutosporiferous  (tglu'tosporiferus) 
a,  [Gk.  teleute,  completion  ;  sporos, 
seed  ;  L.  ferre,  to  carry.]  Appl. 
Rusts  bearing  teleutospores  (bot.). 

teliospore, — teleutogonidium. 

teliosporlferous, — teleutosporiferous. 

teliostage  (tel'iostaj)  n.  [Gk.  telos, 
end  ;  L.  stare,  to  stand.]  The  last 
summer-stage  of  certain  Fungi  in 
which  telia  are  produced ;  the 
teleutoform  stage  (bot.). 

telium  (te'lium)  n.,  telia  (te'lia)  plu. 
[Gk.  telos,  end.]  The  teleutosorus, 
or  sorus  produced  in  the  last 
summer  stage  of  certain  rust  Fungi 

teloblast  (tei'oblast)  n.  [Gk.  telos, 
end  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A  large  cell 
which  buds  forth  rows  of  smaller 
cells,  as  in  annelid  embryos  (emb.). 

telekinesis  (tel'okine'sis)  n.  [Gk.  telos, 
end  ;  kinesis,  movement.]  The  last 
stage  of  mitosis  when  daughter- 
nuclei  are  re-formed  (cyt.). 

telolecithal  (tel'oles'Ithal)  a.  [Gk. 
telos,  end  ;  lekithos,  yolk.]  Having 
the  yolk  accumulated  mainly  in  one 
hemisphere  (emb.']. 

telolemma  (teTblem'a)  n.  [Gk.  telos, 
end ;  lemma,  skin.]  A  capsule 
containing  a  nerve-fibre  termina- 
tion, in  neuromiiscular  spindles 

telophase  (teTofaz)  n.  [Gk.  telos, 
end  ;  phasis,  aspect.]  Telekinesis, 
which  see. 

telotrocha  (teTotro'ka,  telot'roka)  n. 
[Gk.  telos,  end ;  trochos,  wheel.] 
Trochosphere,  which  see. 

telson  (tel'son)  «.  [Gk.  telson,  ex- 
tremity.] The  unpaired  terminal 
abdominal  segment  of  Crustaceans 

telum  (te'lum)  n.  [Gk.  telos,  end.] 
The  last  segment  of  insect  ab- 

temnospondylous  (tem'nospon'dilus) 
a.  [Gk.  temnein,  to  cut ;  sphondylos, 
a  vertebra.]  With  vertebrae  not 
fused  but  in  articulated  pieces  ;  cf. 
stereospondylous  (zool.}. 

temperature  (tem'peratur)  n.  [L. 
temperatura,  proportion.]  Body- 
heat  ;  most  Mammals  have  approxi- 
mately the  same  temperature  as  Man, 

Birds  a  higher  ;  cf.  homoiothermal 
and  poikilothermal  (pkys.). 

temporal  (tem'poral)  a.  [L.  tempor- 
alts,  temporary.]  Pert.,  or  in  the 
region  of,  the  temples  (anat.). 

temporalis muscle, — abroad  radiating 
muscle  arising  from  the  whole  of 
the  temporal  fossa  and  extending 
to  the  coronoid  process  of  the 
mandible  (anat.). 

temporomalar  (tem'poroma'lar)  a. 
[L.  temporalis,  temporary ;  mala, 
cheek.]  Appl.  a  nerve  supplying 
temple  and  cheek,  the  zygomatic 
nerve  (anat.}. 

temporomandibular  articulation, — 
the  hinge  of  the  jaws  (anat.). 

temporomaxillary  (tem'poromaksil'- 
ari)  a.  [L.  temporalis,  temporary  ; 
maxilla,  jaw.]  Pert,  temporal  and 
maxillary  region  ;  appl.  the  pos- 
terior facial  vein  (anat.}. 

tenaculum  (tenak'ulum)  n.  [L.  tenax, 
holding.]  In  Teleosts,  a  fibrous 
band  extending  from  eyeball  to 
skull  (zool.). 

tendinous  (ten'dmus)  a.  [L.  tendere, 
to  stretch.]  Of  the  nature  of  a 
tendon  ;  having  tendons. 

tendo  calcaneus,  tendo  Achillis,— 
the  tendon  of  the  heel  (anat.). 

tendon  (ten'don)  n.  [L.  tendere,  to 
stretch.]  A  white  glistening  fibrous 
cord  connecting  a  muscle  with  a 
movable  structure  (anat.). 

tendon  reflex, — contraction  of  muscles 
in  a  state  of  slight  tension  by  a  tap 
on  their  tendons  (phys.). 

tendril  (ten'dril)  n.  [O.F.  tendrillon, 
a  tender  sprig.]  A  specialized 
twining  stem  or  leaf  by  which 
creepers  support  themselves  (bot.\ 

tendrillar  (ten'drilar)  a.  [O.F.  ten- 
drillon, a  tender  sprig.]  Acting  as 
a  tendril  ;  twining  (bot.). 

tensor  (ten'sor)  a.  [L.  tendere,  to 
stretch.]  Appl.  muscles  which 
stretch  parts  of  the  body  (anat.). 

tentacles  (ten'taklz)  n.  plu.  [L.L. 
tentaculum,  a  feeler.]  Slender 
flexible  organs  on  the  head  of  many 
small  animals,  used  for  feeling, 
exploration,  prehension,  or  attach- 
ment, as  in  Snails,  Insects,  Crabs 

tentacular  (tentak'ular)  a.  [L.L. 
tentaculum,  a  feeler.]  Pert,  tentacles ; 




appl.  a  canal  branching  from  per- 
radial  canal  to  tentacle  base  in 
Ctenophores  (zool.}. 

tentacullferous  (tentak'ullfgrus)  a. 
[L.L.  tentaculum,  a  feeler  ;  ~L.ferre, 
to  carry.]  Bearing  tentacles  (zool.}. 

tentaculiform  (tentak'uliform)  a. 
[L.L.  tentaculum,  a  feeler ;  L. 
forma,  shape.]  Like  a  tentacle  in 
shape  or  structure  (zool.}. 

tentaculocyst  (tentak'uloslst)  n.  [L.  L. 
tentaculum,  a  feeler  ;  Gk.  kystis,  a 
bladder.]  A  sense  organ  of  Trachy- 
linae,  a  club-shaped  body  on  the 
umbrella  margin,  containing  one  or 
more  lithites  (zool.}. 

tentaculozooids  (tSntak'ulozo'oidz)  n. 
plu.  [L.L.  tentaculum,  a  feeler  ; 
Gk.  soon,  animal ;  eidos,  form.] 
Long  slender  tentacular  individuals 
at  the  outskirts  of  a  hydrozoan 
colony  (zool.}. 

tentaculum  (tSntak'ulum)  n.  [L.L. 
tentaculum,  a  feeler.]  A  tentacle 
or  feeler. 

tentilla  (tentil'a),  tentillum  (tgntH'um) 
n.  [L.  tenta,  a  tent.]  A  tentacle 

tentorium  (tento'rium)  n.  [L.  ten- 
torium,  a  tent.]  A  chitinous  frame- 
work supporting  the  brain  of  Insects 
(zool.}  ;  an  arched  lamina  covering 
the  superior  surface  of  the  cere- 
bellum and  supporting  the  occipital 
lobes  of  the  brain  (anat.}. 

teratology  (ter'atol'oji)  ».  [Gk.  teras, 
a  monster  ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
science  treating  of  malformations 
and  monstrosities,  especially  of 

tercine  (teYsin)  n.  [L.  tertius, 
third.]  The  third  coat  of  an  ovule 
or  a  layer  of  the  second  (hot.}. 

terebra  (ter'gbra)  n.  [L.  terebra,  a 
borer.]  An  ovipositor  which  bores 
into  wood,  as  in  Thalessa  of  the 
Hymenoptera  (zool.}. 

terebrate  (teYfibrat)  a.  [L.  terebra,  a 
borer.]  Furnished  with  a  boring 
organ  (zool.}. 

teres  (te'rez)  n.  [L.  teres,  round  and 
smooth.]  The  name  given  to  two 
muscles,  teres  major  and  minor, 
extending  from  scapula  to  humerus 

terete  (teref),  teretlal  (tgre'shlal)  a. 
[L.  teres,  rounded  off.]  Nearly 

cylindrical  in  transverse  section,  as 
stems  (bot.}. 

tergal  (teVgal)  a.  [L.  tergum,  the 
back.]  Situated  at  the  back  ;  pert. 
the  tergum  (zool.}.  , 

tergeminate  (t6rj6m'Inat)  a.  [L.  ter, 
thrice  ;  gemini,  twins.]  Thrice 
forked  with  twin  leaflets  (bot.}. 

tergite  (teVglt,  teYjIt)  n.  [L.  tergum, 
back.]  The  dorsal  chitinous  plate 
of  each  segment  of  most  Arthro- 
pods (zool.}. 

tergum  (tg/gum)  n.  [L.  tergum, 
back.]  The  dorsal  portion  of  an 
arthropod  somite  ;  the  tergite  ;  the 
back  generally  ;  a  dorsal  plate  of 
Barnacles  (zool.}. 

terminal  (ter'mlnal)  a.  [L.  terminus, 
an  end.]  Pert.,  or  situated  at, 
the  end,  as  a  terminal  bud  at  the 
end  of  a  twig  (dial.}. 

ternary  (teVnari)  a.     Ternate. 

ternate  (teVnat)  a.  [L.  terni,  three 
each.]  Arranged  in  threes  ;  having 
three  leaflets  to  a  leaf  (bot.}. 

ternatoplnnate  (tgrna'topln'at)  a.  [L. 
terni,  three  each  ;  pinna,  a  feather.] 
Having  three  pinnate  leaflets  to 
each  compound  leaf  (bot.}. 

terraneous  (teYa'neus)  a.  [L.  terra, 
earth.]  Appl.  land  vegetation 

terrestrial  (t6res'trial)  a.  [L.  terra, 
earth.]  Appl.  animals  living  on 
the  surface  of  the  ground,  as  opp. 
aerial,  aquatic. 

tertial  (teVshial),  tertiary  (ter'shlari) 
a.  [L.  tertius,  third.]  Appl.  the 
wing  feathers  of  the  humerus, 
otherwise  scapulars  (zool.}. 

test  (t6st)  n.  [L.  testa,  a  shell.]  The 
shell  or  hardened  outer  covering 
of  Crustaceans  and  other  inverte- 
brates (zool.}. 

testa  (teVta)  n.  [L.  testa,  a  shell.] 
A  test ;  the  hard  outer  covering 
of  a  seed  (bot.}. 

testaceous  (tfista'shus)  a.  [L.  iestay 
a  shell.]  Protected  by  a  shell-like 
outer  covering  (zool.}. 

testicle  (teVtlkl)  n.  [L.  tesfis,  a 
testicle.]  One  of  the  paired  male 
genital  glands  (anat.,  sool.}. 

testicular  (testlk'ular)  a.  [L.  testis,  a 
testicle.]  Having  two  oblong 
tubercles,  as  in  some  Orchids ; 
testicle-shaped  (bot.\ 




testiculate  (tgstik'ulat)  a.    Testicular. 

testis  (tes'tis)  #.,  testes  (teVtez)  plu, 
[L.  testis,  a  testicle.]  Paired  male 
reproductive  glands  producing 
spermatozoa  (anat.,  zool.). 

testudinate  (testu'dinat)  a.  [L.  testudo, 
a  tortoise.]  Having  a  hard  pro- 
tective shell,  as  in  the  Tortoise. 

tetanlform  (teYamform)  a.  [Gk. 
tetanos,  stretched  ;  L.  forma, 
shape.]  Like  tetanus ;  tetanoid 

tetanlze  (tet'aniz)  v.  [Gk.  tetanos, 
stretched.]  To  cause  a  muscle  to 
contract  by  a  series  of  induction 
shocks  (phys.). 

tetanus  (tgt'anus)  n.  [Gk.  tetanos, 
stretched.]  State  of  a  muscle  under- 
going a  continuous  fused  series  of 
contractions  due  to  faradization 
(phys.) ;  a  rigid  state  of  plant  tissue 
caused  by  continued  stimulus  (bot.). 

tetrabranchiate  (tet'rabrang'kiat)  a. 
[Gk.  tetras,  four  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
Having  four  gills  (zool.}. 

tetracarpellary  (tet'rakarpeTari)  a. 
[Gk.  tetras,  four ;  karpos,  fruit.] 
Having  four  carpels  (bot.). 

tetracerous  (tet'rase'rus,  te'tras'e'rus) 
a.  [Gk.  tetras,  four  ;  keras,  horn.] 
Four-horned  (zool.). 

tetrachotomous  tet'rakot'omus)  a. 
[Gk.  tetracha,  fourfold  ;  tome,  a 
cutting.]  Divided  up  into  fours 

tetracoccus  (tet'rakok'us)  n.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  kokkos,  a  kernel.] 
Minute  organisms  found  in  groups 
of  four  (bact.). 

tetracrepid  (tet'rakrep'id)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  krepis,  foundation.] 
Appl.  a  minute  calthrops  or  four- 
rayed  spicule  (zool.). 

tetract  (tSt'rakt)  n.  [Gk.  tetras,  four  ; 
aktis,  ray.]  A  four-rayed  spicule 

tetractine  (tgtrak'tin)  n.  [Gk.  tetras, 
four ;  aktis,  ray.]  A  spicule  of 
four  equal  and  similar  rays  meeting 
at  equal  angles  ;  a  tetraxon  (zool.). 

tetracyclic  (tet'rasfklik)  a.  [Gk.  tetras, 
four ;  kyklos,  a  circle.]  With  four 
whorls  (bot.). 

tetrad  (tgt'rad)  n.  [Gk.  tetras,  four.] 
A  group  of  four ;  appl.  the  four- 
cell  stage  in  the  development  of 
Bryophytes  and  Pteridophytes  (bot.); 

a  quadruple  group  of  chromatin 
of  the  germinal  vesicle  in  matura- 
tion ;  a  quadrangular  mass  or  loop 
of  chromosomes  in  a  stage  of 
mitosis  (cyt.). 

tetradactyl  (tet'radak'til)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four  ;  daktylos,  finger.] 
Having  four  digits  (zool.). 

tetradynamous  (tgt'radin'amus)  a. 
[Gk.  tetras,  four  ;  dynamis,  power.] 
Having  four  long  stamens  and  two 
short  (bot.). 

tetragonal  (tetrag'dnal)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  gonia,  an  angle.] 
Quaternary  (bot.). 

tetragynous  (tetraj'mus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four  ;  gyne,  a  female.]  With 
four  carpels  to  a  gynoecium  (bot.). 

tetralophodont  (tet'ralof'odont)  a. 
[Gk.  tetras,  four ;  lophos,  crest  ; 
odous,  tooth.]  Appl.  molar  teeth 
with  four  ridges  (zool.). 

tetralophous  (tet'ralof'us)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  lophos,  crest.]  Appl. 
a  spicule  with  four  rays  branched 
or  crested  (zool.). 

tetramerous  (te'tram'e'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  meros,  part.]  Com- 
posed of  four  parts  ;  in  multiples 
of  four  (bot.). 

tetrandrous  (tetran'drus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  aner,  man.]  Having 
four  stamens  (bot.). 

tetrapetalous  (tet'rapgt'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  pe talon,  a  leaf.]  H  avi  ng 
four  petals  (bot.). 

tetrapneumonous  (tet'rapnu'monus)  a. 
[Gk.  tetras,  four  ;  pneumon,  lung.] 
Having  four  lungs,  as  certain 
Spiders  (zool.). 

tetrapod  (teYrapod)  n.  [Gk.  tetras, 
four ;  pous,  foot.]  A  four-footed 

tetrapterous  (tetrap'tgrus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  pteron,  wing.]  Having 
four  wings  (zool.). 

tetrapyrenous  (tet'raplre'nus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four  ;  pyren,  a  fruit-stone.] 
Having  a  four-stoned  fruit  (bot.). 

tetraquetrous  (te'trak'we'trus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetraSyiour  ;  L.  quadratus,  squared.] 
Having  four  angles,  as  some  stems 

tetrarch  (tet'rark)  a.  [Gk.  tetras, 
four ;  archos,  a  ruler.]  With  four 
protoxylems  in  the  vascular  bundle 




tetraselenodont  (te't'rase'le'nodSnt)  a. 
[Gk.  tetras,  four ;  selene,  moon  ; 
odous,  tooth.]  Having  four  cres- 
centic  ridges  on  the  molar  teeth 

tetrasepalous  (tet'rasgp'alus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four  ;  Gk.  sepalon,  a  sepal.] 
Having  four  sepals  (bot.). 

tetraspennous  (tet'raspeYmus)  a. 
[Gk.  tetras,  four ;  sperma,  seed.] 
Having  four  seeds  (dot.}. 

tetrasporangium  (te"t'rasp6ran'jTum) 
n.  [Gk.  tetras,  four ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
anggeion,  vessel.]  A  sporangium 
producing  tetraspores,  as  in  Red 
Algae  (bot.). 

tetraspore  (tSt'raspor)  n.  [Gk.  tetras, 
four ;  sporos,  seed.]  One  of  four 
non-motile  spores  produced  by  the 
sporangium  of  Red  Algae  (bot.). 

tetrastichous  (tetrjis'tlkus)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four ;  stichos,  row.]  Ar- 
ranged in  four  rows  (hot.}. 

tetrathecal  (tgt'rathe'kal)  a.  [Gk. 
tetras,  four  ;  theke,  a  case.]  Having 
four  loculi  (dot.). 

tetraxon  (tgtrak'son)  n.  [Gk.  tetras, 
four  ;  axon,  axis.]  A  tetractine. 

tetrazoic  (tgt'razo'Ik)  a.  [Gk.  tetras, 
four ;  zoon,  animal.]  Having  four 
sporozoites  ;  appl.  gregarine  spores 

tetrazoold  (tgt'razo'oid)  n.  [Gk.  tetras, 
four ;  zoon,  animal ;  eidos,  form.] 
The  zooid  developed  from  each  of 
four  parts  constricted  from  the 
stolon  process  of  an  embryonic 
Ascidian  (zool.). 

thalamencephalon  (thal'ame'nke'f'- 
alon,  -s6f-)  n.  [Gk.  thalamos,  a 
receptacle  ;  engkephalon,  the  brain.] 
The  part  of  the  brain  comprising 
the  thalamus,  the  corpora  genicu- 
lata,  and  the  epithalamus  (anat.). 

thalamus  (thal'amus)  n.  [Gk.  thala- 
mos, a  receptacle.]  The  receptacle 
or  torus  of  a  flower  (hot.)  ;  part  of 
the  brain  (anat.).  See  optic  thalaml. 

thalline  (thal'ln)  a.  [Gk.  thallos,  a 
young  shoot.]  Resembling  a  thallus 

thalloid  (thal'oid)  a.  [Gk.  thallos,  a 
young  shoot ;  eidos,  form.]  Like  a 
thallus  (bot.). 

thallome  (thal'om)  n.     A  thallus. 

thallus  (thal'us)  n.  [Gk.  thallos,  a 
young  shoot.]  A  combination  of 

cells  presenting  no  differentiation 
of  leaf  and  stem,  as  in  Thallophytes 

thanatoid  (than'atoid)  a.  [Gk.  thana- 
tos,  death  ;  eidos,  form.]  Deadly; 
appl.  poisonous  snakes. 

thanatology  (than'at61'6ji)  «.  [Gk. 
thanatos,  death  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
Theories  of  death. 

theca  (the'ka)  n.  [Gk.  theke,  a  case.] 
A  spore  or  pollen  case  ;  a  spor- 
angium (bot.)  ;  a  structure  serving  as 
a  protective  covering  for  an  organ 
or  organism,  as  of  spinal  cord,  pupa, 
proboscis,  tube-animal  (zool.). 

thecaphore  (the'kafor)  n.  [Gk.  theke, 
a  case' ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A  struc- 
ture on  which  a  theca  is  borne 

thecasporous  (thekas'pb'rus)  a.  [Gk. 
theke,  a  case ;  sporos,  a  seed.] 
Having  the  spores  enclosed  in 
cases  or  thecae  (bot.). 

thecate  (the'kat)  a.  [Gk.  theke,  a 
case.]  Covered  or  protected  by  a 
theca  (biol.). 

theciferous  (thesif'grus),  thesigerous 
(thesTj'grus)  a.  Thecate. 

thecium  (the'shmm)  n.  [Gk.  theke,  a 
case.]  That  part  of  a  Fungus  or 
Lichen  containing  the  sporules (&>/.). 

thecodont  (the'kodont)  a.  [Gk.  theke, 
case  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having  teeth 
in  sockets  (zool.). 

thelyblast  (the'liblast)  n.  [Gk.  thelys, 
female  ;  blastos,  a  bud.]  A  matured 
female  germ  cell  (biol.). 

thelyotoky  (the'H6t'6kT)  n.  [Gk. 
thelys,  female  ;  tokos,  offspring.] 
Parthenogenesis  in  the  case  where 
females  only  are  produced  (biol.). 

thelyplasm  (thellplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
thelys,  female  ;  plasma,  something 
moulded.]  Female  plasm ;  cf. 
arrhenoplasm  (biol.). 

thenal  (the'nal)  a.  [Gk.  thenar, 
palm  of  the  hand.]  Pert,  or  in  the 
region  of  the  palm  of  the  hand 

thenar  (the'nar)  n.  [Gk.  thenar, 
palm  of  the  hand.]  The  muscular 
mass  forming  the  ball  of  the  thumb 

thermogenesis  (theVmojgn'e'sis)  «. 
[Gk.  thernte,  heat  ;  genesis,  pro- 
duction.] Body-heat  production 
by  oxidation  (phys.). 




thermolysis  (thermol'isis)  n.  [Gk. 
therme,  heat ;  lysis,  a  loosing.]  Loss 
of  body  heat  (phys.). 

thermoscopic  (ther'moskop'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  therme,  heat ;  skopein,  to  view.] 
Adapted  for  recognizing  changes  of 
temperature,  as  special  sense-organs 
or  eyes  of  certain  Cephalopods 


thermotaxis  (theYmdtak'sts)  n.  [Gk. 
therme,  heat ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
Reaction  to  stimulus  of  heat  or  cold 

thermotropism  (thgrmot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  therme,  heat  ;  trope,  a  turning.] 
Tendency  to  turn  towards  heat, 
shown  by  curvature  in  plants  (hot.). 

thesocytes  (the'soslts)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
thesis,  a  deposit  ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
Sponge-cells  storing  reserve  material 

thigmotaxis  (thig'motak'sis)  n.  [Gk. 
thigma,  touch ;  taxis,  arrangement.] 
The  tendency  of  minute  organisms 
to  attach  themselves  to  objects  on 
contact  (biol). 

thigmotropism  (thigmot'ropizm)  n. 
[Gk.  thigma,  touch  ;  trope,  a  turn- 
ing.] The  tendency  to  respond  to 
mechanical  contact  by  clinging  and 
curving,  as  in  tendrils  (bot.). 

thoracic  (thoras'ik)  a.  [Gk.  thorax, 
the  breast.]  Pert,  or  in  the  region 
of  the  thorax. 

thorax  (tho'raks)  n.  [Gk.  thorax,  the 
breast.]  In  higher  vertebrates,  that 
part  of  the  body  between  neck  and 
abdomen  containing  heart,  lungs, 
etc.  ;  the  body  region  behind  the 
head  of  many  Arthropods  and  of 
other  smaller  animals  (zool.). 

thread  cells, — intheskinof  Myxinoids, 
cells  whose  long  threads  form  a 
network  in  which  the  mucous 
secretion  of  the  ordinary  gland 
cells  is  entangled  (zool.). 

three-nerved  leaf, — a  leaf  with  three 
distinct  primary  veins  (bot.). 

thremmatology  (thrgra'atol'djl)  n. 
[Gk.  thremma,  a  nursling ;  logos, 
discourse.]  The  science  of  breed- 
ing animals  and  plants  under 
domestic  conditions  (biol.). 

thrombocytes  (thrSm'bosits)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  thrombos,  a  clot ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
The  elementary  particles,  platelets, 
or  small  discs  of  blood  not  drawn  : 

they  clump  together  in  drawn  blood 

thromboplastin  (throm'bdplas'tin)  ;/. 
[Gk.  thrombos,  a  clot ;  plastos, 
moulded.]  A  substance  in  drawn 
blood  set  free  from  granular  masses 
of  disintegrated  thrombocytes 

thyloses  (thllo'sez)  n.  phi.  [Gk. 
thylax,  a  sack.]  Masses  of  paren- 
chyma formed  inside  wood  vessels 
through  pressure  in  secondary  wood 

thymus  (thi'mus)  n.  [Gk.  thyinos, 
thymus.]  An  irregular  pinkish 
mass  of  glandular  tissue  in  the 
lower  anterior  part  of  the  neck 

thyreohyoid,  thyreoid,  etc.,  —  see 
thyrohyoid,  thyroid,  etc. 

thyroarytaenoid  (thl'roar'ite'noid)  n. 
[Gk.  thyra,  a  door ;  arytaina,  a 
pitcher  ;  eidos,  form.]  A  muscle  of 
the  larynx  (anat.). 

thyroepiglottic  (thl'roep'iglot'ik)  a. 
[Gk.  thyra,  door ;  epi,  upon  ;  glottis, 
mouth  of  windpipe.]  Appl.  a  liga- 
ment connecting  the  epiglottis  stem 
and  the  angle  of  the  thyroid  cartil- 
age (anat.). 

thyroglossal  (thi'roglos'al)  a.  [Gk. 
thyra,  door  ;  glossa,  tongue.]  Pert. 
thyroid  and  tongue  ;  appl.  an  em- 
bryonic duct  (emb.). 

tbyrohyals  (thi'rdhl'alz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
thyra,  door ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
The  greater  cornua  of  the  hyoid 
bone  (anat.). 

thyrohyoid  (thl'rohi'oid)  a.  [Gk. 
thyra,  door ;  hyoeides,  Y-shaped.] 
Appl.  a  muscle  extending  from 
thyroid  cartilage  to  hyoid  cornu 

thyroid  (thl'roid)  a.  [Gk.  thyra,  door ; 
eidos,  form.]  Appl.  a  ductless 
highly-vascular  gland  at  the  front 
and  sides  of  the  neck ;  also  to 
arteries,  cartilage,  and  veins  in  its 
region  (anat.). 

thyrsoid  (theYsoid)  a.  [Gk.  thyrsus, 
a  wand  ;  eidos,  form.]  Resembling 
a  thyrsus  in  shape  (bot.). 

thyrsus  (ther'sus)  n.  [Gk.  thyrsus,  a 
wand.]  A  mixed  inflorescence  with 
main  axis  racemose,  later  axes 
cymose,  with  cluster  almost  double- 
cone  shaped  (bot.). 




tibia  (tib'ia)  n.  [L.  tibia,  a  pipe, 
flute.]  The  inner  and  larger  of  the 
leg-bones  between  knee  and  ankle  ; 
the  joint  of  an  insect  leg  between 
femur  and  tarsus  (zoo/.). 

tibial  (tib'fal)  a.  [L.  tibia,  pipe.] 
Pert,  or  in  the  region  of  the  tibia 
(ana/.,  zoo/.). 

tibioflbula  (tlb'ioflb'ula)  n.  [L.  tibia, 
flute  ;  fibula,  a  buckle.]  The  bone 
formed  when  tibia  and  fibula  are 
fused,  as  in  the  Frog  (zool.). 

tibioflbular  (tlb'ioflb'ular)  a.  [L. 
tibia,  flute  ;  fibula,  buckle.]  Pert. 
tibia  and  fibula  ;  appl.  articulation, 
syndesmosis  (anat.). 

tibiotarsal  (tib'Iotar'sal)  a.  [L.  tibia, 
a  flute  ;  Gk.  tarsos,  sole  of  foot.] 
Pert,  tibia  and  tarsus  ;  pert,  or  in 
the  region  of  the  tibiotarsus  (zoo/.). 

tibiotarsus  (tib'Iotar'sus)  n.  [L.  tibia, 
flute  ;  Gk.  tarsos,  sole  of  foot.]  The 
tibial  bone  of  Birds  to  which  the 
proximal  tarsals  are  fused  (zoo/.). 

Tiedemann's  (te'd£manz)  vesicles, — 
small  rounded  glandular  chambered 
bodies  at  the  neck  of  the  Polian 
vesicles  ;  the  racemose  vesicles  of 
Asteroidea  (zoo/.). 

tigellum  (tijeTum)  n.  [F.  tige,  a 
stem.]  The  central  embryonic  axis, 
consisting  of  radicle  and  plumule 

tissue  (tls'ii,  tish'u)  n.  [F.  tissu, 
woven.]  The  fundamental  structure 
of  which  animal  and  plant  organs 
are  composed.  See  adipose,  areo- 
lar,  collenchyma,  connective,  cork, 
elastic,  fibrous,  lymphoid,  mucous, 
muscular,  nervous,  parenchyma, 
reticular,  sclerenchyma,  sieve, 
tracheal,  vascular  (biol.). 

tokocytes  (to'kosits)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
tokos,  production  ;  kytos,  hollow.] 
Reproductive  cells  of  Sponges 

tomentose  (tomgn'tos)  a.  [L.  tomen- 
tum,  stuffing.]  Covered  closely 
with  matted  hairs,  as  a  leaf  (dot.). 

tomentum  (tomfin'tum)  n.  [L.  tomen- 
tum,  stuffing.]  The  closely  matted 
hair  on  leaves  or  stems  (bot.). 

tongue  (tung)  n.  [A.S.  tunge,  tongue.] 
An  organ  on  the  floor  of  the  mouth, 
usually  movable  and  protrusible  ; 
any  tongue-like  structure,  as  a 
radula,  a  ligula  (biol.). 

tonoplast  (tonoplast)  n.  [Gk.  tones, 
tension  ;  plastos,  modelled.]  A 
plastid  with  distinct  vacuole  walls 

tonsil  (ton'sil)  n.  [L.  tonsilla,  a  tonsil.] 
One  of  paired  aggregations  of 
lymphoid  tissue  near  the  tongue 
base  (anat.). 

tonus  (to'nus)  n.  [Gk.  tonos,  tension.] 
Tonicity,  or  condition  of  being 
slightly  stretched,  as  of  muscles 

tooth,— see  teeth. 

topotype  (top'otlp)  n.  [Gk.  topos, 
place  ;  typos,  a  figure.]  A  specimen 
from  the  locality  of  the  original 
type  (biol.). 

tornaria  (torna'ria)  n.  [L.  tornare, 
to  turn.]  The  free  larval  stage  in 
the  development  of  Balanoglossida 

tornote  (tor'not)  a.  [L.  tornare,  to 
turn.]  With  blunt  extremities,  as 
a  spicule  (zoo/.). 

torose  (to'ros)  a.  [L.  torus,  a  swelling.] 
Having  fleshy  swellings  ;  knobbed 

torques  (tor'kwez)  n.  [L.  torquere, 
to  twist.]  A  necklace-like  arrange- 
ment of  fur,  feathers,  or  the  like 

torsion  (tor'shun)  «.  [L.  torquere,  to 
twist.]  The  twisting  round  of  a 
gastropod  body  as  it  develops 

torticone  (tor'tikon)  n.  [L.  torquere, 
to  twist ;  conus,  a  cone.]  A  turreted, 
spirally-twisted  shell  (zool.). 

torula  condition,  —  the  yeast-like 
isolated  cells  resulting  from  growth 
of  blue  mould  conidia  in  saccharine 
solution  (bot.). 

torulose  (tor'ulos)  a.  [L.  torus,  a 
swelling.]  Having  small  swellings 

torulus  (t&r'ulus)  n.  [L.  torulus,  a 
small  swelling.]  The  insect  antenna 
insertion  socket  (zool.). 

torus  (to'riis)  n.  [L.  torus,  a  swelling.] 
The  axis  bearing  the  floral  leaves  ; 
the  thickened  side  of  a  bordered 
pit  (bot.)  ;  a  firm  prominence  or  a 
marginal  fold  or  ridge  (anat.) ;  a 
ridge  bearing  uncini  in  Polychaeta 

totipalmate  (to'tTpal'mat)  a.  [L.  totus, 
all :  palma,  palm  of  the  hand.] 




Having  the  feet  completely  webbed 

totipotent  (totip'otent)  a.  [L.  totus, 
all ;  potens,  powerful.]  Appl.  blasto- 
meres  which  can  develop  into 
complete  embryos  when  cut  off 
from  the  aggregate  of  blastomeres 

toxaspire  (tok'sasplr)  n.  [Gk.  foxon, 
a  bow ;  L.  spira,  a  coil.]  A  spiral 
spicule  of  rather  more  than  one 
revolution  (zool.}. 

toxicology  (tok'sikol'oji)  n.  [Gk. 
toxikon,  poison ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  science  treating  of  poisons  in 
all  aspects. 

toxiferous  (toksiferus)  a.  [Gk.  toxi- 
kon, poison  ;  L.  ferre^  to  carry.] 
Holding  or  carrying  poison. 

toxin  (tok'sin)  n.  [Gk.  toxikon, 
poison.]  A  poison  (phys.}. 

toxon  (tok'son)  n.  [Gk.  toxon,  a  bow.] 
A  toxa  or  bow-shaped  spicule  (zool.}. 

toxophores  (tok'soforz)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
toxikon,  poison  ;  pherein,  to  carry.] 
The  poisoning  qualities  of  toxin 
molecules  ;  cf.  haptophores  (phys.}. 

trabeculae  (trabek'ule)  n.  plu.  [L. 
trabecula,  a  little  beam.]  Plates  of 
sterile  cells  extending  across  the 
sporangium  of  Pteridophytes ;  a 
row  of  cells  bridging  a  cavity  (dot.} ; 
two  curved  bars  of  cartilage  em- 
bracing the  hypophysis  cerebri  of  the 
embryo  (emb.}  ;  small  fibrous  bands 
forming  imperfect  septa  or  frame- 
work of  organs  (anat.,  zool.}. 

trabecular  (trabeVular)  a.  [L.  tra- 
becula, a  little  beam.]  Pert,  or  of 
the  nature  of  a  trabecula ;  having 
a  cross-barred  framework. 

trabeculate, — trabecular. 

trabs  cerebri, — the  corpus  callosum. 

trachea  (trake'a,  tra'kea)  n.  [L. 
trachia,  windpipe.]  The  windpipe  ; 
a  respiratory  tubule  of  Insects  and 
other  Arthropods  (zool.}  ;  the  spiral 
or  annular  vascular  tissue  of  plants 

trachea!  (trake'al)  a.  [L.  trachia, 
windpipe.]  Pert.,  resembling,  or 
having  tracheae  ;  appl.  tissue. 

tracheal  gills, — small  wing-like  re- 
spiratory outgrowths  from  the 
abdomen  of  water  larvae  of  Insects 

tracheate, — tracheal, 

tracheid  (trak'eid)  n.  [L.  trachia, 
windpipe.]  An  individual  thick- 
ened cell  of  a  tracheal  column, 
where  end-walls  persist  (bot.}. 

tracheidal  cells,— in  transfusion  tis- 
sue, cells  resembling  tracheids  (bot.}. 

trachelate  (trak'glat)  a.  [Gk.  tra- 
chelos,  neck.]  Narrowed ;  as  in 
neck-formation  (zool.}. 

trachelomastoid  (trak'glomas'toid)  a. 
[Gk.  trachelos,  neck ;  mastos,  breast ; 
eidos,  form.]  Pert,  tracheal  region 
and  mastoid  process :  appl.  a 
muscle  (anat.}. 

trachenchyma  (trakeng'kima)  n. 
[Gk.  trachelos,  neck ;  engchyma, 
infusion.]  Tracheal  vascular  tissue 

tracheobronchial  (trak'eobrong'kial) 
a.  [Gk.  trachelos,  neck  ;  brongchos, 
a  bronchial  tube.]  Appl.  glands 
(anat.} ;  appl.  a  syrinx  formed  of 
the  lower  end  of  the  trachea  and 
the  upper  bronchi  (zool.}. 

trachyglossate.(trak'iglos'at)  a.  [Gk. 
trachys,  rough ;  glossa,  tongue.] 
Having  a  rasping  or  toothed 
tongue  (zool.}. 

tract  (trakt)  n.  [L.  trahere,  to  draw.] 
A  region  or  area  or  system  con- 
sidered as  a  whole,  as  the  aliment- 
ary tract  (anat.}. 

tractellum  (trakteTum)  n.  [L.  tra- 
here,  to  draw.]  A  flagellum  of  the 
forward  end  of  Mastigophora,  with 
circumduction  motion  (zool.}. 

tragus  (tra'gus)  n.  [Gk.  '  tragos,  a 
goat.]  A  small  pointed  eminence 
in  front  of  the  concha  of  the  ear 

trama  (tra'ma)  n.  [L.  trama,  the 
woof.]  A  central  core  of  interwoven 
hyphae  of  a  fungus  conidiophore 

transformation  (tranz'forma'shun)  n. 
[L.  trans,  across ;  formare,  to 
form.]  Change  of  form,  as  in 
metamorphosis  (zool.} ;  metabolism 

transfusion  tissue,— the  tissue  of 
gymnosperm  leaves,  consisting  of 
parenchymatous  and  tracheidal 
cells  (bot.}. 

transilient  (transll'ignt)  a.  [L. 
transilire,  to  leap  over.]  Appl. 
nerve  fibres  connecting  brain  con- 
volutions not  adjacent  (anat.}. 




transitlonal  (tranzTsh'onal)  a.  [L. 
transire,  to  go  across.]  Appl.  epi- 
thelium occurring  in  ureters  and 
urinary  bladder,  renewing  itself  by 
mitotic  division  of  the  third  and 
innermost  layer  of  cells  (phys.}. 

translocation  (tranz'loka'shun)  n. 
[L.  trans,  across ;  locus,  place.] 
Diffusion,  as  of  food  material 

transmedian  (tranzme'dlan)  a.  [L. 
trans,  across ;  medhis,  middle.] 
Pert.,  or  crossing  the  middle  plane  ; 
appl.  muscles  (anat.). 

transmutation  theory,  —  the  theory 
that  one  species  can  evolve  from 
another  (biol.). 

transpalatine  (tranz'pal'atin)  n.  [L. 
trans,  across  ;  palatus,  the  palate.] 
A  cranial  bone  of  Crocodiles,  con- 
necting pterygoid  with  jugal  and 
maxilla  (zoo/.). 

transpiration  (transplra'shun)  n.  [L. 
trans,  across  ;  spirare,  to  breathe.] 
Exhalation  of  vapour  through  pores 
(phys.},  or  stomata  (pot.). 

transpyloric  plane, — the  upper  of  the 
imaginary  horizontal  planes  divid- 
ing the  abdomen  into  artificial 
regions  (anat.). 

transversal  (tranzveYsal)  a.  [L. 
trans,  across  ;  vertere,  to  turn.] 
Lying  across  or  between,  as  a  trans- 
versal wall  (oot.). 

transverse  (tranz'vSrs)  a.  [L.  trans, 
across ;  vertere,  to  turn.]  Lying 
across  or  between,  as  artery,  colon, 
ligament,  process  (anat.). 

transversum  (tranzveYsum)  n.  [L. 
trans,  across  ;  vertere,  to  turn.]  In 
most  Reptiles,  a  cranial  bone  ex- 
tending from  pterygoid  to  maxilla 

trapeziform  (trape'ztform)  a.  [Gk. 
trapezion,  a  small  table  ;  L.  forma, 
shape.]  Trapezium-shaped  (zoo/.). 

trapezium  (trape'zium)  n.  [Gk.  tra- 
pezion, a  small  table.]  The  first 
carpal  bone,  at  the  base  of  the  first 
metacarpal  (zoo/.) ;  the  greater 
multangular  bone  ;  a  portion  of  the 
pons  Varolii  (anat.). 

trapezius  (trape'zlus)  n.  [Gk.  tra- 
pezion,  a  small  table.]  A  broad, 
flat,  triangular  muscle  of  the  neck 
and  shoulders  (anat.). 

trapezold    (trape'zoid,    trap'ezoid)    a. 

[Gk.  trapezion,  a  small  table  ;  eidos, 
form.]  Trapezium-shaped ;  appl. 
ligament,  nucleus,  ridge  (anat.). 

traumatropism  (tromat'roplzm)  n. 
[Gk.  trauma,  a  wound  ;  trope,  a 
turning.]  Sensitiveness  to  wounds 

trefoil  (tre'foil)  n.  [L.  trifolius,  three- 
leaved.]  A  flower  or  leaf  with  three 
lobes  (dot.). 

tremelloid  (tr&n'e'loid)  a.  [L.  tre- 
mere,  to  tremble.]  Gelatinous  in 
substance  or  appearance  (6ot.). 

triactinal  (trlak'tlnal)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three  ;  aktis,  ray.]  Three-rayed. 

triadelphous  (tri'adeTfus)  a.  [Gk. 
tria,  three ;  adelphos,  brother.] 
Having  stamens  united  into  three 
bundles  by  their  filaments  (oot.). 

triaene  (trfen)  n.  [Gk.  triaina,  a 
trident]  A  somewhat  trident- 
shaped  spicule  (zoo/.). 

triandrous  (trlan'drus)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three  ;  aner,  man.]  Having  three 
stamens  (oot.). 

triangle  (triang'gl)  n.  [L.  triangu- 
laris,  three-sided.]  A  three-sided 
structure  or  area ;  appl.  various 
structures  (anat.). 

trianthous  (trlan'thus)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three ;  anthos,  flower.]  Having 
three  flowers  (dot.). 

triarch  (trfark)  n.  [Gk.  tria,  three  ; 
arche,  beginning.]  Having  three 
xylem  bundles  uniting  to  form  the 
woody  tissue  plate  of  root  (pot.). 

triarticulate  (trfartik'ulat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  articulus,  a  joint.]  Three- 
jointed  (zoo/.). 

Triassic  (tnas'ik)  a.  [Gk.  tria,  three.] 
A  geological  period  of  the  second- 
ary or  Mesozoic  group  ;  the  seventh 
of  the  thirteen  rock  -  systems 

triaster  (trias'ter)  n.  [Gk.  tria,  three  ; 
aster,  star.]  Three  chromatin 
masses  resulting  from  tripolar 
mitosis,  as  in  cancer  cells  (cyt.). 

triaxon  (triak's6n)  n.  [Gk.  tria,  three  ; 
axis,  axle.]  A  sponge  spicule  with 
three  axes  (zoo/.). 

tribracteate  (tribrak'teat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  bractea,  a  thin  plate  of 
metal.]  With  three  bracts  (dot.). 

trica  (trfka)  n.  [F.  tricoter,  to  knit.] 
A  lichen  apothecium  with  ridged 
spherical  surface  (6ot.). 




tricarpellary  (tri'karpeT&ri)  a.  [Gk. 
Ma,  three  ;  karpos,  fruit.]  With 
three  carpels  (dot.}. 

triceps  (trfse'ps)  n.  [L.  tres,  three  ; 
caput,  head.]  Appl.  a  muscle  with 
three  heads  or  insertions  (anat.). 

trichites  (trik'its)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  thrix, 
hair.]  Fine  rod-like  structures 
found  in  the  tongue  of  Didinium, 
an  Infusorian  (zoo/.). 

trichocarpous  (trlk'dkar'pus)  a.  [Gk. 
thrix,  hair ;  karpos,  fruit.]  With 
hairy  fruits  (dot,). 

trichocyst  (trik'dsist)  n.  [Gk.  thrix, 
hair ;  kystis,  a  bladder.]  An  oval 
or  spindle-shaped  protrusible  body 
found  in  Infusorians  (zoo/.). 

trichodragmata  (trik'ddrag'mata)  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  thrix,  hair ;  dragma,  a 
sheaf.J  Straight,  fine  hair-like 
spicules  in  bundles  (zoo/.). 

trichogyne  (trik'qjm)  n.  [Gk.  thrix, 
hair  ;  gyne,  woman.]  An  elongated 
hair-like  receptive  cell  at  the  end 
of  the  carpogonium  of  Thallophytes 

trichome  (trik'om)  n.  [Gk.  trichoma, 
a  growth  of  hair.]  A  hairy  epi- 
dermal structure  (bot.). 

trichophore  (trik'ofor)  n.  [Gk.  thrix, 
hair  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A  group 
of  cells  bearing  the  trichogyne 
(hot.} ;  a  chaetigerous  sac  of 
Annelids  (zoo/.). 

trichotomous  (trikot'omus)  a.  [Gk. 
tricha,  threefold  ;  tome,  a  cutting.] 
Divided  into  three  branches  (bot.). 

tricipital  (trlsip'ital)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three ;  caput,  head.]  Having  three 
heads  or  insertions,  as  the  triceps 

tricoccous  (trlkok'us)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three  ;  kokkos,  a  kernel.]  Appl.  a 
three-carpel  fruit  (hot.). 

trlconodont  (triko'nodont)  a.  [Gk. 
tria,  three  ;  konos,  cone ;  odous, 
tooth.]  Appl.  a  tooth  with  three 
crown  prominences  in  a  line  parallel 
to  the  jaw  axis  (zoo/.). 

trlcostate  (trikos'tat)  a.  [L.  tres. 
three  ;  costa,  rib.]  Having  three 
ribs  (bot.). 

tricotyledonous  (trl'kotlle'donus)  a. 
[Gk.  tria,  three  ;  kotyledon,  a  cup- 
like  hollow.]  With  three  cotyledons 

trtcrotic    (tnkrot'ik)    a.       [Gk.    tria, 

three  ;  krotein,  to  beat.]  Having  a 
triple  beat  in  the  arterial  pulse 

tricrural  (trikroor'al)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three ;  crus,  leg.]  With  three 

tricuspid  (trikus'pid)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three ;  cuspis,  a  point.]  Three- 
pointed  ;  appl.  a  triangular  valve 
of  the  heart  (anat.}. 

tricuspidate  (trlkus'pldat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three ;  cuspis,  a  point.]  Appl.  a 
three-pointed  leaf  (bot.). 

tridactyl  (trldak'tll)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three  ;  daktylos,  finger.]  Having 
three  digits  (zoo/.). 

tridentate  (triden'tat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  dens,  tooth.]  Having  three 
tooth-like  divisions  (bot.}. 

tridynamous  (tridin'amus)  a.  [Gk. 
tria,  three ;  dynamis,  power.]  With 
three  long  and  three  short  stamens 

trifacial  (trifa'shial)  a.  [L.  tres,  three ; 
fades,  face.]  Appl.  the  fifth  cranial 
nerve,  the  trigeminal  (anat.). 

trifarious  (trlfa'rius)  a.  [L.  trifarius, 
of  three  sorts.]  In  groups  of  three  ; 
of  three  kinds ;  in  three  rows ; 
having  three  surfaces  (bot.). 

trifid  (tri'fld)  a.  [L.  tres,  three ; 
Jindere,  to  cleave.]  Cleft  to  form 
three  lobes. 

triflagellate  (trlflaj'glat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  flagellum,  a  whip.]  Having 
three  flagella  (zoo/.). 

trifoliate  (trifo'liat)  a.  [L.  tres,  three ; 
folium,  a  leaf.]  Having  three  leaves 
growing  from  the  same  point  (bol.). 

trifoliolate  (trlfo'llolat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  foliola,  a  small  leaf/]  Hav- 
ing three  leaflets  growing  from  the 
same  point  (bot.). 

trifurcate  (trifur'kat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  furca,  a  fork.]  With  three 
forks  or  branches. 

trigamous  (trig'amus)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Appl. 
a  flower-head  with  staminate,  pistil- 
late, and  hermaphrodite  flowers 

trigeminal  nerve,— the  largest  cere- 
bral nerve,  the  great  sensory  nerve 
of  head  and  face,  and  motor  nerve 
of  mastication  muscles  (anat.). 

trigon  (tri'gon)  n.  [Gk.  tria,  three  ; 
gonia,  angle.]  The  triangle  of 




cusps  of  upper  jaw  molar  teeth 

trigonal  (trig'dn&l)  a.  [Gk.  Ma, 
three  ;  gonia,  angle.]  Ternary  or 
triangular  when  appl.  symmetry 
with  three  parts  to  a  whorl ;  appl. 
three-sided  stems  (hot.}. 

trigone  (trl'gon)  n.  [Gk.  Ma,  three  ; 
gonia,  angle.]  Also  trigonum,— a 
small  triangular  space,  as  the  ol- 
factory trigone,  the  trigonum  vesicae 

trigonid  (trig'onfd)  n.  [Gk.  Ma, 
three ;  gonia,  an  angle.]  The 
triangle  of  cusps  of  lower  jaw  molar 
teeth  (sool.). 

trigynous  (trij'inus)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three ;  gyne,  woman.]  Having 
three  styles  (bot.). 

trijugate  (trljoog'at)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  jugum,  a  yoke.]  Having 
three  pairs  of  leaflets  (hot.), 

trilabiate  (trila'blat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  labium,  lip.]  Having  three 
lips  (dot.'). 

trilobate  (trilo'bat)  a.  [Gk.  Ma, 
three  ;  lobos,  a  lobe.]  Three-lobed. 

trilocular  (trllok'ular)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three ;  loculus,  a  little  place.] 
Having  three  cells  or  loculi. 

trilophodont  (trllof'odont)  a.  [Gk. 
Ma,  three  ;  lophos,  a  crest ;  odous, 
tooth.]  Having  three-crested  teeth 


trilophous  (trilofus)  a.  [Gk.  Ma, 
three  ;  lophos,  crest.]  Appl.  a  rayed 
spicule  with  three  rays  .  branched 
or  ridged  (zool.). 

trimerous  (trim'e'rus)  a.  [Gk.  Ma, 
three  ;  ineros,  part.]  Composed  of 
multiples  of  three,  as  the  parts  of  a 
flower  (bot.). 

trimorphism  (trlmor'ftzm)  n.  [Gk. 
tria,  three ;  morphe,  form.]  Oc- 
currence of  three  distinct  forms  or 
forms  of  organs  in  one  species 

trimorphous  (trimor'fus)  a.  [Gk.  Ma, 
three  ;  morphe,  form.]  With  three 
distinct  forms  or  forms  of  organs 
occurring  in  the  same  species  (biol.). 

trinervate  (trineVvat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  nervus,  a  sinew.]  Having 
three  veins  or  ribs  running  from 
base  to  margin  of  leaf  (bot.). 

trinomial  (trmo'mTal)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  nomen,  name.]  Appl.  names 

consisting  of  three  terms ;  cf. 
binomial  (biol.). 

trioecious  (trie'shCis)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three  ;  oikos,  house.]  Producing 
male,  female,  and  hermaphrodite 
flowers  on  different  plants  (bot.). 

triovulate  (triov'ulat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  ovum,  egg.]  Having  three 
ovules  (bot.}. 

tripartite  (tripar'tlt,  trip'artlt)  a.  [L. 
tres,  three  ;  fiartitus,  separated.] 
Divided  into  three  lobes,  as  a  leaf 

tripetalous  (trtpgt'alus)  a.  [Gk.  triay 
three  ;  petalon,  a  leaf.]  Having 
three  petals  (bot.). 

tripinnate  (trlpin'at)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three ;  pinna,  feather.]  Thrice 
pinnate ;  divided  pinnately  three 
times  (bot.). 

tripinnatifld  (tripinat'IfTd)  a.  -[L. 
tres,  three  ;  pinna,  feather  ;  findere, 
to  cleave.]  Divided  three  times  in 
a  pinnatifid  manner  (bot.). 

tripinnatisect  (trlpTnat'isgkt)  a.  [L. 
tres,  three  ;  pinna,  feather ;  secarc, 
to  cut]  Thrice  pinnatisect  ;  three 
times  lobed  with  divisions  nearly  to 
midrib  (bot.). 

triple-nerved,— appl.  a  leaf  with  three 
prominent  veins  (bot.). 

triplicostate  (trip'likos'tat)  a.  [L. 
triplex,  triple ;  costa,  a  rib.]  Having 
three  ribs  (bot.). 

triploblastic  (trip'loblas'tik)  a.  [Gk. 
triplax,  triple  ;  blastos,  a  bud.] 
Having  three  primary  germinal 
layers,  epiblast,  mesoblast,  and 
hypoblast  (etnb.). 

tripod  (trl'pod)  n.  [Gk.  tria,  three  ; 
pous,  foot.]  A  tripod-shaped  or 
three-legged  spicule  (zool.). 

tripolar  (tnpo'lar.)  a.  [Gk.  Ma,  three  ; 
polos,  an  axis.]  Appl.  the  division 
of  the  chromatin  to  three  poles  in 
diseased  cells  instead  of  the  normal 
two  poles,  in  mitosis  (cyt.). 

triquetrous  (trikweVriis)  a.  [L.  tri- 
quetrus,  three-cornered.]  Appl.  a 
stem  with  three  angles  and  three 
concave  faces  (bot.)  ;  appl.  a  three- 
cornered  or  wedge  -  shaped  bone 

triquetrum  (trlkwgt'rum)  n.  [L.  M- 
quetrus,  three  -  cornered.]  The 
cuneiform  carpal  bone  (zool.)',  a 
Wormian  bone  (anat.). 




trlqulnate  (trikwi'nat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  quint,  five  each.]  Divided 
into  three,  with  each  lobe  again 
divided  into  five  (bot.). 

triradial  (trira'dial)  a.  [L.  tres,  three  ; 
radius,  a  ray.]  Having  three 
branches  as  radii  from  one  centre  ; 
appl.  the  orbital  sulcus  (anat). 

trisepalous  (trisep'alus)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three ;  Gk.  sepalon,  a  sepal.]  H  aving 
three  sepals  (bot.). 

triseptate  (trisgp'tat)  a.  [L.  trest 
three  ;  septum,  a  partition.]  Having 
three  partitions  or  septa,  as  a  fruit 

triserlal  (trlse'rial)  a.  [L.  tres,  three  ; 
series,  a  row.]  Arranged  in  three 
rows  ;  having  three  whorls  (hot.). 

trisporous  (trispo'rus)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three ;  sporos,  seed.]  Also  tri- 
sporic, — having  three  spores  (hot.}. 

tristachyous  (trlsta'kius)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three  ;  stachys,  an  ear  of  corn.] 
With  three  spikes  (bot.). 

tristichous  (tris'tikus)  a.  [Gk.  tria, 
three  ;  stichos,  row.]  Arranged  in 
three  rows  (dot.), 

triternate  (triteYnat)  a.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  terni,  three  each.]  Thrice 
ternately  divided  (bot.). 

tritoblasts  (tri'toblasts)  n.  plu.  [Gk. 
tritos,  third  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A 
generation  of  Neosporidia  produced 
by  deutoblasts  and  in  turn  giving 
rise  to  teloblasts  (zool.). 

tritocerebron  (tri'toser'e'bron)  n.  [Gk. 
tritos,  third ;  kerebron,  brain.  J  A 
third  lobe  of  an  insect  brain  indi- 
cated during  development  (emb.). 

trltocerebrum  (tri'toseVebrum)  n. 
[Gk.  tritos,  third ;  L.  cerebrum, 
brain.]  Part  of  the  brain  of  higher 
Crustacea,  consisting  of  antennal 
nerve  centres  (zool.). 

tritocone  (trl'tokon)  n.  [Gk.  tritos, 
third  ;  konos,  cone.]  A  cusp  of  a 
premolar  tooth  (zool.). 

tritozooid  (tri'tozo'oid)  n.  [Gk.  tritos, 
third  ;  zoon,  animal ;  eidos,  form.] 
A  zooid  of  the  third  generation 

trltubercular  (trltubeVkular)  a.  [L. 
treS)  three ;  tuberculum,  a  small 
hump.]  Appl.  molar  teeth  with 
three  cusps  ;  tricuspid. 

trituberculy  (trltubeYkuli)  n.  [L. 
(res,  three ;  tuberculum.  a  small 

hump.]  A  theory  of  molar  tooth 

triungulin  (trlung'gulm)  n.  [L.  tres, 
three  ;  ungula,  a  claw.]  Also 
triungulus, — the  small,  six-legged 
larva  of  Strepsiptera  and  Canthar- 
idae  (zool.). 

trivium  (triv'ium)  n.  [L.  trivium,  a 
cross-road.]  The  three  rays  of  a 
starfish  farthest  from  the  madre- 
porite  ;  cf,  bivium  (zooL). 

trizoic  (trlzo'ik)  a,  [Gk.  tria,  three  ; 
zoon,  animal.]  Appl,  a  protozoan 
spore  containing  three  sporozoites 

trochal  (trS'kal)  a.  [Gk.  trocko^ 
wheel.]  Wheel-shaped;  appl.  the 
anterior  disc  of  Rotifers  (zool.). 

trochanter  (trokan'ter)  n.  [Gk.  tro- 
chanter,  a  runner.]  Appl.  processes 
or  prominences  at  the  upper  end 
of  the  thigh-bone — a  greater,  lesser, 
and  sometimes  a  third  (anat.) ;  the 
small  segment  of  an  insect  leg 
between  coxa  and  femur  (zool.). 

trochanteric  fossa,  —  a  deep  de- 
pression on  the  medial  surface  of 
the  neck  of  the  femur  (anat.). 

trochantin  (trdkan'tin)  n.  [Gk.  tro- 
chanter, a  runner.]  A  short  joint 
which  may  follow  the  trochanter 
of  an  insect  leg  (zooL). 

trochate  (tro'kat)  a.  [Gk.  trochos,  a 
wheel.]  Having  a  wheel-like  struc- 
ture ;  wheel-shaped  (zool.). 

trochif erous,  — trochate. 

trochiform, — trochate. 

trochlea  (trok'lea)  n.  [Gk.  trochilia, 
a  pulley.]  A  pulley-like  structure 
through  which  a  tendon  passes  ; 
appl.  such  a  surface  of  humerus, 
femur,  orbit  (anat.). 

trochlear  (trok'lear)  a.  [Gk.  trochilia, 
a  pulley.]  Shaped  like  a  pulley  ; 
pert,  a  trochlea  (anat.). 

trochoid  (tro'koid)  a.  [Gk.  trochos, 
wheel ;  eidos,  form.]  Wheel-shaped ; 
capable  of  rotating  motion,  as  a 
pivot-joint  (anat.). 

trochophore  (trok'ofor)  n.  [Gk. 
trochos,  wheel  ;  pherein,  to  bear.] 
A  trochosphere. 

trochosphere  (trok'osfer)  n.  [Gk. 
trochos,  wheel  ;  sphaira,  globe.] 
The  free  -  swimming  pelagic  larva 
stage  of  many  Worms  and  some 
Molluscs  (zool.). 




trochus  (tro'kus)  «.  [Gk.  trochos, 
wheel.]  The  inner,  anterior,  coarser 
ciliary  zone  of  a  rotifer  disc  ;  cf. 
cingulum  (zool.). 

tropeic  (trope'Ik)  a.  [Gk.  tropis,  a 
keel.]  Keel-shaped  (zool.). 

trophi  (tro'fi)  n.  plu.  [Gk.  trophe, 
nourishment.]  The  hard  chitinous 
chewing  organs  of  Rotifers  ;  the 
mouth-parts  of  an  Insect ;  the 
mandibles  and  first  and  second 
maxillae  collectively  (zool.). 

trophic  (trof'ik)  a.  [Gk.  trophe, 
nourishment.]  Connected  with 
nutrition  ;  appl,  nerves  (anat.). 

trophoblast  (trof'oblast)  n.  [Gk. 
trophe,  nourishment  ;  blastos,  bud.] 
The  outer  layer  of  cells  of  a  morula 

trophochromatin  (trof'okro'matin)  n. 
[Gk.  trophe,  nourishment ;  chroma, 
colour.]  Vegetative  chromatin,  or 
that  which  regulates  metabolism 
and  functions  ;  cf.  idiochromatin 

trophochromidia  (trof'okromid'Ia)  n. 
plu.  [Gk.  trophe,  nourishment ; 
chroma,  colour.]  Vegetative  chro- 
midia  ;  cf.  idiochromidia  (biol.). 

trophodisc  (trofodlsk)  n.  [Gk.  trophe, 
nourishment  ;  diskos,  a  plate.] 
The  female  gonophore  of  certain 
Hydrozoa  (zool.). 

trophology  (trofol'qjl)  n.  [Gk.  trophe, 
nourishment  ;  logos,  discourse.] 
The  science  of  nutrition  (phys.). 

trophonemata  (trof'onSm'ata)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  trophe,  nourishment ;  nema, 
thread.]  Uterine  villi  or  hair-like 
projections  of  Elasmobranchs, 
which  transfer  nourishment  to  the 
embryo  through  the  spiracles 

trophonucleus  (trof'onu'kleus)  n.  [Gk. 
trophe,  nourishment;  L..  nucleus,  a 
kernel.]  The  principal  nucleus  of 
binuclear  Protozoa,  regulating  meta- 
bolism and  growth  ;  cf.  kineto- 
nucleus  (cyt.). 

trophophore  (tr6f'6for)  n.  [Gk. 
trophe,  nourishment ;  pherein,  to 
bear.]  In  Sponges,  an  internal 
bud  or  group  of  cells  destined  to 
become  a  gemmule  (zool.). 

trophoplasm  (trof'oplazm)  n.  [Gk. 
trophe,  nourishment  ;  plasma,  some- 
thing moulded.]  The  vegetative  or 

nutritive  part  of  a  cell  ;  cf.  idio- 
plasm (cyt.). 

trophoplast  (trof'oplast)  n.  [Gk. 
trophe,  nourishment  ;  plastos, 
moulded.]  A  cell,  nucleated  or 
not  ;  a  plastid  (biol.). 

trophosome(trof'6s6m)#.  [Gk.  trophe, 
nourishment  ;  soma,  body.]  The 
nutritive  polypoid  persons  of  a 
hydroid  colony  (zool.). 

trophospongia  (trof'ospun'jla)  n. 
[Gk.  trophe,  nourishment  ;  sponggia, 
a  sponge.]  A  spongy  vascular 
layer  of  mucous  membrane  between 
uterine  wall  and  trophoblast  (emb.). 

trophospongium  (trof'ospSn'jium)  n. 
[Gk.  trophe,  nourishment  ;  sponggia, 
sponge.]  Canalization  of  nerv^ 
cells,  the  canaliculi  being  occupied 
by  branching  processes  of  neuroglia 
cells  (phys.). 

trophotaxis  (trof'btak'sls)  n.  [Gk. 
trophe,  nourishment  ;  taxis,  arrange- 
ment.] Stimulation  by  an  agent 
which  may  serve  as  food  (phys.). 

trophotropism  (trofot'roplzm)  n. 
[Gk.  trophe,  nourishment  ;  trope, 
a  turning.]  Tendency  of  an  or- 
ganism towards  a  food  supply 

trophozoite  (trof'ozo'lt)  n.  [Gk.  trophe, 
nourishment  ;  zoon,  animal.]  The 
adult  stage  of  a  Sporozoan  (zool.). 

trophozooid  (trof'ozo'oid)  n.  [Gk. 
trophe,  nourishment  ;  zoon,  animal  ; 
eidos,  form.]  A  nutritive  zooid  of 
free-swimming  tunicate  colonies 

tropic  movement,  —  reactionary 
movement  to  certain  stimulation 

tropism  (tro'pizm)  n.  [Gk.  trope,  a 
turning.]  The  tendency  of  an 
organism  to  react  in  a  certain  way 
to  a  certain  kind  of  stimulus  ;  a 
tendency  to  move  towards  (positive) 
or  away  from  (negative)  a  source  of 
stimulus  (phys.)  ;  cf.  chemo-,  geo-, 
photo-,  tropho-tropism. 

tropophyte  (tro'poflt)  n.  [Gk.  trope, 
a  turning  ;  phyton,  a  plant.]  A 
changing  plant,  or  one  which  is 
more  or  less  hygrophilous  in  summer 
and  xerophilous  in  winter  (bot.). 

true  ribs,  —  ribs  which  are  directly 
connected  with  the  sternum,  as 
opp.  floating  ribs. 




truncate  (trung'kat)  a.  [L.  tnuicare, 
to  cut  off.]  Terminating  abruptly, 
as  if  the  tapering  end  were  cut  off 

truncus  arteriosus,  —  the  most  an- 
terior region  of  the  amphibian 
heart,  through  which  the  blood  is 
driven  from  the  ventricle  (zool.). 

trunk  (trungk')  n.  [L.  truncare,  to 
cut  off.]  The  main  stem  of  a  tree 
(bot.)  \  the  proboscis  of  an  elephant 

trunk  legs,— pereiopods  of  Decapods, 
thoracic  locomotory  legs  (zool.). 

tryma  (tri'ma)  n.  [Gk.  fry  ma,  a  hole.] 
A  one-celled,  one-seeded,  inde- 
hiscent  fruit  with  separable  rind 
and  two-valved  endocarp  with 
spurious  dissepiments,  as  Walnut 

trypanomonad.  (trip'anomo'nad)  a. 
[Gk.  trypanon,  an  auger ;  monas, 
a  unit.]  Appl.  a  phase  in  the  de- 
velopment of  a  Trypanosome  while 
in  its  invertebrate  host ;  crithidial 

trypanorhynchus  (trip'anoring'kus)  n. 
[Gk.  trypanon,  an  auger ;  rhyngchos, 
snout.]  A  spiniferous  protrusible 
proboscis  accompanying  each  phyll- 
idium  in  certain  Cestoidea  (zool.). 

trypsin  (trip'sin)  n.  [Gk.  tryein,  to 
rub  down  ;  pepsis,  a  digesting.] 
An  enzyme  of  pancreatic  juice  ;  a 
similar  enzyme  of  various  plants 
and  animals  (phys.). 

tubar  (tu'bar)  a.  [L.  tuba,  a  pipe.] 
Consisting  of  an  arrangement  of 
tubes,  or  forming  a  tube,  as  appl. 
system  and  skeleton  in  Sponges 

tubate  (tu'bat)  a.  [L.  tuba,  a  pipe.] 

tube  (tub)  n.  [L.  tuba,  a  pipe.]  Any 
tubular  structure  (anat.) ;  a  cylin- 
drical structure,  as  the  protective 
enveloping  case  of  many  animals  ; 
a  mollusc  siphon  (zool.). 

tuber  (tu'ber)  n.  [L.  tuber,  a  knob.] 
A  thickened  fleshy  underground 
stem  (bot.) ;  a  rounded  protuber- 
ance (anat.). 

tubercle  (tu'berkl)  n.  [L.  tuberculum, 
a  small  hump.]  A  small  rounded 
or  nodule  (bot.) ;  a  tuberculum  or 
rib-knob  (zool.). 

tuberculate  (tuber'kulat)  a.  [L. 
tuberculum,  a  small  hump.]  Pert., 
resembling,  or  having  tubercles. 

tuberculose  (tubeVkulos)  a.  [L. 
tuberculum,  a  small  hump.]  Having 
many  tubercles. 

tuberiferous  (tu'berif'erus)  a.  [L. 
tuber,  hump ;  ferre,  to  bear.]  Bear- 
ing or  producing  tubers  (bot.). 

tuberiform  (tu'beriform)  a.  [L.  tuber, 
hump ;  forma,  shape.]  Resembling 
or  shaped  like  a  tuber. 

tuberoia,— tuberiform. 

tuberosity  (tu'beros'itl)  n.  [L.  tuber, 
a  protuberance.]  A  rounded 
eminence  on  a  bone,  usually  for 
muscle  attachment  (anat.). 

tuberous  (tu'berus)  a.  [L.  tuber,  a 
hump.]  Covered  with  or  having 
many  tubers. 

tubicolous  (tubik'olus)  a.  [L.  tubus, 
a  tube ;  colere,  to  inhabit.]  In- 
habiting a  tube  (zool.). 

tubicorn  (tu'bikorn)  a.  [L.  tubus, 
tube  ;  cornu,  horn.]  With  hollow 
horns  (zool.). 

tubifacient  (tu'blfa'shient,  tu'bifas'ient) 
a.  [L.  tubus,  tube ;  faciens,  making.] 
Tube  -  making  —  as  some  Worms 

tubilingual  (tu'billng'gwal)  a.  [L. 
tubus,  a  tube  ;  lingua,  a  tongue.] 
Having  a  tubular  tongue,  adapted 
for  sucking  (zool.). 

tubiparous  (tubip'arus)  a.  [L.  tubus, 
a  tube  ;  parere,  to  beget.]  Appl. 
glands  secreting  tube  -  forming 
material  (zool.). 

tubulate  (tu'bulat)  a.  [L.  tubulus,  a 
small  tube.]  Tubiform ;  tubu- 

tubule  (tu'bul)  n.  [L.  tubulus,  a 
small  tube.]  Any  small  hollow, 
cylindrical  structure. 

tubuliferous  (tu'bullf'grus)  a.  [L. 
tubulus,  a  small  tube  ;  ferre,  to 
carry.]  Having  a  tubule. 

tubuliflorous  (tu'buliflo'riis)  a.  [L. 
tubulus,  a  small  tube  ;  flos,  flower.] 
Having  florets  with  tubular  corolla 

tubuliform  (tu'buliform)  a.  [L. 
tubulus,  a  small  tube ;  forma, 
shape.]  Tube-shaped  ;  appl.  cer- 
tain spinning  glands  (zool.). 

tubulose  (tu'bulos)  a.  [L.  tubulus,  a 
small  tube.]  Having,  or  com- 




posed  of,  tubular  structures,  as  an 
aster  head  (bot.),  a  tubipore  Coral 
(zool.}  ;  hollow  and  cylindrical. 

tubulus  (tu'bulus)  n.  [L.  tubulus,  a 
small  tube.]  A  hymeneal  pore 
(bot,}  ;  a  cylindrical  ovipositor 
(zool.} ;  any  small  tubular  structures, 
as  tubuli  lactiferi,  recti,  seminiferi 

tunic  (tu'nik),  tunica  (tu'nlka)  n.  [L. 
tunica,  a  coating.]  An  investing 
membrane  or  tissue,  as  that  of 
kidney,  ovary,  testis,  those  of 
arteries  (anat.}. 

tunicate  (tu'nikat)  a.  [L.  tunica,  a 
coating.]  Appl.  bulbs  with  numer- 
ous concentric  layers  (bot.) ;  en- 
veloped in  a  leathery  test  or. 
mantle  (zool.). 

tunicle  (tu'nikl)  n.  [L.  tunica,  a 
coating.]  A  natural  covering  ;  an 

tunnel  of  Corti, — a  triangular  tunnel 
enclosed  by  the  two  rows  of  pillars 
of  Corti  and  the  basilar  membrane 

turbinal  (tiir'blnal)  a.  [L.  turbo,  a 
whirl.]  Spirally  rolled  or  coiled, 
as  bone  or  cartilage  (anat.,  zool.). 

turbinate  (tur'binat)  a.  [L.  turbo,  a 
whirl.]  Top-shaped  (bot.)  ;  appl. 
certain  shells  (zool.)  ;  appl.  certain 
nasal  and  olfactory  bones  (anat.). 

turgescence  (turj6s'6ns)  n.  [L.  tur- 
gere,  to  swell.]  Tension  or  pres- 
sure in  living  cell  tissue  due  to 
transpiration  (bot.). 

turgidity,— turgescence. 

turgor,— turgescence. 

turio  (tu'rio),  turion  (tu'rion)  n.  [L. 
turio,  a  shoot.]  A  young  scaly 
shoot  budded  off  from  an  under- 
ground stem  (bot.). 

tylhexactine  (til'heksak'tfn)  n.  [Gk. 
tylos,  knob  ;  hex,  six  ;  aktis,  a  ray.] 
A  hexactine  spicule  with  rays 
ending  in  knobs  (zool.). 

tylosis  (tilo'sls)  n.  [Gk.  tylos,  a  knob.] 
Development  of  irregular  cells  in 
a  cell  cavity  (bot.). 

tylostyle  (tl'lostll)  n.  [Gk.  tylos,  a 
knob  ;  stylos,  a  pillar.]  A  spicule 
pointed  at  one  end,  knobbed  at 
the  other  (zool.). 

tylotate  (tflotat)  a.  [Gk.  tylos, 
knob.]  Having  a  knob  at  each 
end  (zool.). 

tylote  (tfl6t)  n.  [Gk.  tylos,  knob.] 
A  slender  dumbbell-shaped  spicule 

tylotic  (tllot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  tylos,  knob.] 
Affected  by  tylosis  (bot.). 

tylotoxea  (tl'ldtok'sea)  n.  [Gk.  tylos, 
knob  ;  oxys,  sharp.]  A  tylote  with 
one  sharp  end,  directed  towards  the 
surface  of  the  Sponge  (zool.). 

tympanic  (tlmpan'ik)  a.  [Gk.  tym- 
panon,  a  drum.]  Pert,  the  tym- 

tympanohyal  (tim'panohi'al)  n.  [Gk. 
tympanon,  a  drum ;  hyoeides,  Y- 
shaped.]  Pert,  tympanum  and 
hyoid  (anat.)  ;  part  of  the  hyoid 
arch  embedded  in  the  petro-mastoid 

tympanum  (ttm'panum)  n.  [Gk.  tym- 
panon, a  drum.]  The  drum-like 
cavity  constituting  the  middle  ear  ; 
the  drum  of  the  ear ;  the  membrane 
of  the  auditory  organ  on  tibia  or 
abdomen  of  Insect  ;  an  inflatable 
air-sac  on  the  neck  of  some  Tetra- 
oninae  (anat.,  zool.). 

type  (tip)  n.  [L.  typus,  an  image.] 
The  sum  of  the  characteristics 
common  to  a  large  number  of 
individuals,  serving  as  a  ground 
for  classification  ;  a  primary  model 

typhlosole  (tlf'losol)  n.  [Gk.  typhlos, 
blind  ;  solen,  channel.]  A  median 
dorsal  longitudinal  fold  of  the 
intestine  projecting  into  the  lumen 
of  Annulates  ;  a  longitudinal  ridge 
in  rectum  and  intestine  of  Anodon 
(zool. ). 

typical  (ttp'ikal)  a.  [L.  typus,  an 
image.]  Appl.  a  specimen  con- 
forming to  type  or  primary  ex- 
ample ;  exhibiting  in  a  marked 
degree  the  essential  characteristics 
of  genus  or  species  (biol.). 

Tyson's  glands, — glands  round  the 
corona  of  the  glans  penis  (anat.). 


ulna  (ul'na)  n.  [L.  ulna,  elbow.]  A 
long  bone  on  the  medial  side  of  the 
fore-arm  parallel  with  the  radius 
t.t  sool.). 




ulnar  (ul'nar)  a.  [L.  ulna,  elbow.] 
Pert,  ulna ;  appl.  artery,  nerve, 
vein,  bone  (anat.}. 

ulnar  neryure,— a  radiating  or  cross 
nervure  in  the  wing  of  Insects  (zool.). 

ulnare  (ulna're,  ulna'ra)  n.  [L.  ulna, 
elbow.]  The  bone  in  the  proximal 
row  of  carpals  lying  at  the  distal 
end  of  the  ulna  (anat.}. 

ulnocarpal  (ulnokar'pal)  a.  [L. 
ulna,  elbow  ;  carpus,  wrist.]  Pert. 
the  ulna  and  carpus  (anat.). 

ulnoradial  (ulnora'dial)  a.  [L.  ulna, 
elbow  ;  radius,  radius.]  Pert,  the 
ulna  and  radius  (anat.). 

ulotrlchous  (ulot'rikus)  a.  [Gk.  oulos, 
woolly ;  thrix,  hair.]  Having 
woolly  or  curly  hair. 

ultimobranchial  bodies, — a  pair  of 
gland  rudiments  derived  from  the 
fifth  pharyngeal  pouches,  which 
later  degenerate  and  leave  no 
vestiges  (emb.). 

umbel  (um'beT;  n.  [L.  umbella,  dim. 
of  umbra,  shade.]  An  arrangement 
of  flowers  or  of  polyps  springing 
from  a  common  centre  and  forming 
a  flat  or  rounded  cluster  (zool.,  dot.). 

umbellate  (um'bglat)  a.  [L.  umbella, 
shade.]  Arranged  in  umbels  (dot., 

umbelliferous  (um'belif'erus)  a.  [L. 
umbella,  shade  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 
Producing  umbels  (dot.). 

umbelliform  (umbeTlform)  a.  [L. 
umbella,  shade ;  forma,  shape.] 
Shaped  like  an  umbel  (hot.,  zool.). 

umbelliferous  (um'belij'e'rus)  a.  [L. 
umbella,  shade  ;  gerere,  to  carry.] 
Bearing  flowers  or  polyps  in  um- 
bellate clusters  (hot.,  zool.). 

umbellula  (umbgl'ula)  n.  [L.  um- 
bellula,  dim.  of  umbella,  shade.] 
The  name  given  to  a  large  cluster 
of  polyps  at  the  tip  of  an  elongated 
stalk  or  rachis  (zool.). 

umbellulate  (umbeTulat)  a.  [L.  um- 
bellula, umbel.]  Arranged  in 
umbels  and  umbellules  (zool.,  dot.). 

umbellule  (umbeTul)  n.  [L.  um- 
bellula, umbel.]  A  small  or  second- 
ary umbel  (zool.,  bot.). 

umbilical  (um'bilr'kal,  umbil'ikal)  a. 
[L.  umbilicus,  navel.]  Pert,  the 
navel,  or  umbilical  cord ;  appl. 
arteries,  veins,  tissues,  vesicle 

umbilical  cord,— the  navel  cord  con- 
necting embryo  with  placenta 
(anat.)  ;  the  prolongation  by  which 
the  ovule  is  attached  to  the  placenta 

umbilicate  (umbil'ikat)  a.  [L.  um- 
bilicus, navel.]  Having  a  central 
depression  ;  navel-like. 

umbilicus  (um'bill'kus,  umbil'ikus)  n. 
[L.  umbilicus,  navel.]  The  navel ; 
the  central  abdominal  depression  at 
the  place  of  attachment  of  umbilical 
cord  (anat.)  ;  the  hilum  (bot.)  ;  a 
basal  depression  of  certain  spiral 
shells  ;  either  of  the  two  openings 
near  the  base  of  a  feather  (zool.). 

umbo  (um'bo)  n.  [L.  umbo,  a  shield- 
boss.]  A  protuberance  like  the 
boss  of  a  shield  (bot.) ;  the  beak 
or  older  part  of  a  bivalve  shell 

umbonate  (um'bb'nat)  a.  [L.  umbo, 
a  shield-boss.]  Having  a  conical 
or  rounded  protuberance. 

umbraculiferous  (umbrak'ulif'eriis)  a. 
[L.  umbraculum,  dim.  of  timbra, 
shade.]  Bearing  an  umbrella-like 
organ  or  structure  (bot.). 

umbraculiform  (umbrak'uliform)  a. 
[L.  umbraculum,  umbrella  ;  forma, 
shape.]  Shaped  like  an  expanded 
umbrella  (bot.). 

umbraculum  (umbrak'ulum)  n.  [L. 
umbraculum,  umbrella.]  Any  um- 
brella-like structure  (bot.). 

umbrella  (umbreTa)  n.  [L.  umbella, 
dim.  of  umbra,  shade.]  The  con- 
tractile disc  of  a  Jelly-fish  (zool.). 

unciferous  (unsif'erus)  a.  [L.  uncus, 
hook  ;  ferre,  to  carry.]  Bearing 
hooks  or  hook- like  processes  (zool.). 

unciform  (un'siform)  a.  [L.  uncus, 
hook  ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped  like 
a  hook  or  barb  (zool.,  bot.) ;  appl. 
process  of  the  .ethmoid  bone  (anat.). 

unciform, ;/.  The  unciform  or  hama- 
tum  of  the  wrist  (anat.). 

uncinate  (un'sinat)  a.  [L.  uncimis, 
hook.]  Unciform. 

uncinate  process, — a  backwardly 
directed  process  occurring  on  the 
ribs  of  Birds  ;  also  a  downwardly 
directed  process  of  the  ethmoid 
(anat.,  zool.). 

uncinus  (un'sinus)  n.  [L.  uncinus, 
hook.]  Small  hooked,  or  hook- 
like,  structure ;  one  of  the  small 




hooks  found  on  the  segments  of 
many  Worms  ;  a  hook-like  structure 
found  in  certain  Infusorians  ;  one 
of  the  marginal  teeth  of  Gastropods 

uncus  (ting'kus)  n.  [L.  uncus,  hook.] 
The  hook-shaped  anterior  extremity 
of  the  hippocampal  gyrus  (anat.)  ; 
the  hooked  head  of  the  mastax  of 
Rotifers  ;  the  hook-like  process  on 
the  dorsal  portion  of  the  ninth,  or 
copulatory,  abdominal  segment  of 
male  Lepidoptera  (zool.}. 

under-wing,— one  of  the  posterior 
wings  of  any  Insect  (zool.}. 

undose  (un'dos)  a.  [L.  undosus, 
billowy.]  Having  undulating  and 
nearly  parallel  depressions  which 
run  into  one  another  and  resemble 
the  ripple-marks  on  the  seashore 

unequally  pinnate, — odd  pinnate,  pin- 
nate with  single  terminal  leaflet  (bot.}. 

ungual  (ung'gwal)  a.  [L.  unguis,  a 
nail.]  Pert,  or  having  a  nail  or 
claw  ;  appl.  phalanges  bearing  claws 
or  nails  (zool.}. 

unguiculate  (unggwik'ulat)  a.  [L. 
unguiculus,  a  nail.]  Clawed  ;  appl. 
petals  with  narrowed  stalk-like 
portion  below  (bot.}. 

unguis  (ung'gwls)  n.  [L.  unguis, 
claw.]  A  nail  or  claw  ;  the  narrow 
stalk-like  portion  of  some  petals 
(bot.}  ;  the  lacrymal  bone  (anat.}  ; 
one  of  the  chitinous  hooks  on  the 
foot  of  an  Insect  (zool.}. 

ungula  (iing'gula)  n.  [L.  ungula, 
hoof.]  Hoof. 

ungulate  (iing'gulat)  a.  [L.  ungula, 
hoof.]  Hoofed. 

unguligrade  (unggu'llgrad)  a.  [L. 
ungula,  hoof;  gradus,  step.]  Walk- 
ing upon  hoofs  (zool.}. 

uniaxial  (u'niak'sTal)  a.  [L.  units, 
one  ;  axis,  axis.]  With  only  one 
axis  (biol.}. 

unibranchiate  (u'mbrang'kiat)  a.  [L. 
unus,  one  ;  Gk.  brangchia,  gills.] 
Having  one  gill  (zool.}. 

unlcapsular  (u'nikap'sular)  a.  [L. 
unus,  one  ;  capsula,  case.]  Having 
only  one  seed-case  (bot.}. 

unicellular  (G'nTseTular)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one  ;  cellula,  cell.]  Having  only 
one  cell,  or  consisting  of  only  one 
cell  (biol.}. 

unicorn  (u'nlkorn)  a.     [L.  unus,  one  ; 

cornu,    horn.]      Having    a    single 

horn-like  spine ;  appl.  various  shells, 

etc.  (zool.}. 
unicostate  (u'mkos'tat)  a.     [L.  unus, 

one  ;  costa,  rib.]     Having  a  single 

prominent  mid-rib,  as  certain  leaves 

unicotyledonous  (u'nikotile'donus)  a. 

[L.   unus,   one  ;    Gk.   kotyle,   leaf.] 

Having  a  single  cotyledon  (bot.}. 
unicuspid  (u'mkus'pid)  a.     [L.  unus, 

one ;    cuspis,    point    of   a    spear.] 

Having  one    tapering  point,  as   a 

tooth  (zool.}. 
unidactyl   (u'nidak'til)    a.     [L.   unus, 

one ;  Gk.  daktylos,  finger.]     Having 

one  digit  only  (zool.}. 
uniembryonate     (u'nigm'brionat)     a. 

[L.   unus,   one ;     Gk.    embryon,    a 

foetus.]     Having  one  embryo  only 

unifacial   (u'mfa'shal)  a.      [L.  unus, 

one  ;  fades,  the  face.]     Having  one 

face  or  chief  surface  (zool.}. 
uniflagellate     (u'niflaj'elat)     a.       [L. 

unus,  one  ;  flagellum,  whip.]     Hav- 
ing only  one  flagellum  (zool.}. 
uninorous   (u'nlflo'rus)  a.     [L.    unus, 

one  ;  ftos,   flower.]     Bearing   only 

one  flower  (bot.}. 
unifoliate   (u'nlfo'llat)   a.      [L.    unus, 

one  ;  folium^  leaf.]    With  only  one 

leaf  (bot.}. 
unifoliolate  (u'nifo'llolat)  a.     [L.  unus, 

one  ;  foliolum,  dim.  of folium,  leaf.] 

Having  one  leaflet  only  (bot.} 
unijugate  (Q'nTjoog'at)  a.     [L.  unus, 

one  ;  jugum^  yoke.]    Appl.  pinnate 

leaf   having   one   pair    of   leaflets 

unilabiate   (u'nila'biat)   a.     [L.  unus, 

one ;    labium,   lip.]    With   one  lip 

only  (bot.,  zool.}. 
unilamlnate     (u'nllam'inat)    a.       [L. 

unus,  one ;  lamina,  layer.]     Having 

one  layer  only  ;  appl.  tissues  (bot., 

unilateral  (u'nilat'eral)  a.     [L.  unus, 

one ;    latus,    side.]      Arranged  on 

one  side  only  (bot.,  zool.}. 
unilocular  (Q'nilok'ular)  a.     [L.  unus, 

one  ;  loculus,  dim.  of  locus,  place.] 

One-celled ;    having  one   division 

only  ;  appl.  ovaries  (bot.}. 
unimucronate  (u'nimu'kronat)  a.     [L. 

unus,   one  ;    mucro,    sharp    point.] 




Having  a  single  sharp  point  or  tip  ; 
appl.  leaves,  etc.  (bot.}. 
unlnucleate  (u'ninu'kleat)  a.    [L.  unus, 
one ;    nucleus,    nucleus.]      Having 
one  nucleus  (biol.}. 

uniparous  (unrp'arus)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one  ;  parere,  to  beget.]  Producing 
one  at  a  birth  (zool.}  ;  having  a 
cymose  inflorescence  with  one  axis 
at  each  branching  (bot.}. 
unipetalous  (u'mpe't'alus)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one ;  Gk.  petalon,  leaf.]  Having 
one  petal  (bot.}. 

unipolar  (u'mpo'lar)  a.  [L.  unus,  one ; 
polus,  pole.]  Having  one  pole  only ; 
appl.  some  nerve-cells  (anat.}. 
uniseptate  (u'nisSp'tat)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one ;  septum,  a  hedge.]  Having 
one  septum  or  dividing  partition 

uniserial  (u'mse'rial)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one  ;  series,  rank.]  Appl.  fins  with 
radials  on  one  side  of  the  basalia 

uniserrate  (u'niseYat)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one  ;  serra,  saw.]  Having  only  one 
row  of  serrations  on  the  edge  (bot.}. 
uniserrulate  (u'nlsgr'ulat)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one  ;  serrula,  dim.  of  serra,  saw.] 
Having  one  row  of  small  serrations 
on  the  edge  (bot.}. 

unisetose  (Q'nTse'tos)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one ;  seta,  bristle.]  Bearing  one 
bristle  (zool.}. 

unisexual  (Q'nisSk'sual)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one  ;  sexus,  sex.]  Of  one  or  other 
sex ;  distinctly  male  or  female 

unispiral  (u'ni  spiral)  a.  [L.  unus, 
one ;  spira,  coil.]  Having  one 
spiral  only  (bot.}. 

units  of  Spencer, — the  physiological 
units  which  determined  the  form  of 
each  living  creature.  These  units 
were  regarded  as  intermediate  be- 
tween chemical  molecules  and  cells, 
and  consequently  must  correspond 
to  groups  of  molecules.  They  are 
quite  useless  as  an  interpretation 
of  heredity,  but  have  this  advantage 
that  they  forced  a  more  and  more 
searchinganalysis  into  the  "bearers" 
of  heredity. 

univalve  (u'nivalv')  n.  [L.  unus,  one ; 
•valvae,  folding  doors.]  A  shell 
consisting  of  one  piece  or  valve, 
as  a  gastropod  shell  (zool.}. 

unpaired  (un'pard)  a.      [L.  un,  not ; 

par,  equal.]     Situated  in  the  median 

line  of  the  body,  and  consequently 

single  (zool.}. 

unpaired  fins, — the  median  dorsal  and 

ventral  fins  (zool.}. 

urachus  (u'rakus)  n.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine  ;  echein,  to  hold.]  The  median 
umbilical  ligament  (emb.}  ;  the 
fibrous  cord  extending  from  bladder 
to  umbilicus  (anat.}. 
urceolate  (ur'seb'lat)  a.  [L.  urceolus, 
small  pitcher.]  Pitcher-shaped  ; 
appl.  calyx  or  corolla  (bot.}  ;  shells 
of  various  Protozoa  (zool.}. 
urceolus  (ur'seolus)  n.  [L.  urceolus, 
small  pitcher.]  The  external  tube 
of  certain  Rotifers  (zool.}  ;  any  urn- 
shaped  structure  (bot.}. 
urea  (ure'a)  n.  [Gk.  ouron,  urine.] 
A  nitrogenous  excretory  substance, 
the  chief  constituent  of  urine 

uredinium  (u'redln'ium)  n.  [L.  uredo, 
blight.]  In  Rusts,  the  mycelium- 
bearing  uredospores  (bot.}. 
uredo  (ure'do)  n.  [L.  uredo,  blight.] 
The  summer  stage  of  many  rust 
Fungi  (bot.}. 

uredospores  (ure'dosporz)  n.  plu.  [L. 
uredo,  blight  ;  Gk.  sporos,  seed.] 
Reddish  summer  spores  borne  on 
each  sporophore  of  Rusts,  which  fall 
and  spread  the  disease  (bot.}. 
ureter  (ure'ter)  n.  [Gk.  oureter, 
ureter.]  The  duct  conveying  urine 
from  kidney  to  bladder  or  cloaca 

urethra  (ure'thra)  n.  [Gk.  ourethra, 
from  ouron,  urine.]  The  duct 
leading  off  the  urine  from  the 
bladder,  and  in  the  male  conveying 
the  semen  in  addition  (anat.). 
urinary  (u'rlnari)  a.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine.]  Pert,  urine  ;  appl.  bladder, 
organ,  papillae,  kidney  tubules,  etc. 

urine  (u'rin)  n.  [Gk.  ouron,  urine.] 
A  fluid  excretion  from  the  kidneys 
in  Mammals,  a  solid  or  semisolid 
excretion  in  Birds  and  Reptiles 

uriniparous  (u'rinip'arus)  a.  [Gk. 
ouron,  urine ;  parere,  to  beget.] 
Urine  -  producing  ;  appl.  to  the 
kidney  tubules  in  the  cortical 
portion  of  the  kidney  (anat.}. 




urinogenital  (u'rinojgn'ital)  a.  [Gk. 
ouron,  urine  ;  gignesthai,  to  pro- 
duce.] Connected  with  urinary 
and  genital  systems  (anat.}. 

urinogenital  ridge, — one  of  a  pair 
of  ridges  from  which  the  urinary 
and  genital  systems  are  developed 

urinogenital  sinus, — a  bladder  or 
pouch  in  connection  with  the 
urinary  and  genital  systems  in 
many  animals  (zool.}. 

urite  (u'rlt)  n.  [Gk.  aura,  tail.]  An 
abdominal  segment  in  Arthropods 

urn  (urn)  n.  [L.  urna,  a  pitcher.] 
The  theca  of  Mosses  (dot.}. 

urns  (urnz)  n.  plu.  [L.  urna,  a 
pitcher.]  Ciliate  bodies  floating 
in  coeloinic  fluid  of  Annulates 

urobilin  (u'robflm)  n.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine  ;  L.  bilis,  bile.]  A  yellow 
pigment  in  urine  (phys.}. 

urocardiac  ossicle, — a  short  stout  bar 
forming  part  of  the  gastric  mill 
in  Crayfish  (zool.}. 

urochord  (u'rokord)  n.  [Gk.  aura, 
tail  ;  chorde,  cord.]  The  notochord 
when  confined  to  the  caudal  region, 
as  in  certain  Tunicates  (zool.}. 

urochrome  (u'rokrom)  n.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine ;  chroma,  colour.]  A  yellowish 
pigment  to  which  the  ordinary 
colour  of  urine  is  due  (phys.}. 

urocoel  (u'rosel)  n.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine  ;  koilos,  hollow.]  An  excre- 
tory organ  in  the  Mollusca,  of 
doubtful  morphological  nature 

urocyst  (u'rosist)  n.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine ;  kystis,  hollow.]  The 
urinary  bladder  (zool.}. 

urodaeum  (u'rode'um)  «.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine  ;  odaios,  way.]  The  part  or 
chamber  of  the  cloaca  into  which 
the  ureters  and  genital  ducts  open 

urodelous  (u'rode'lus)  a.  [Gk.  oura, 
tail  ;  delos,  visible.]  With  per- 
sistent tails  ;  appl.  a  certain  division 
of  the  Amphibians  (zool.}. 

urogastric  (u'rcigas'trik)  a.  [Gk.  oura, 
tail ;  gaster,  stomach.]  The  tail 
or  posterior  portion  of  the  gastric 
region  in  certain  Crustaceans 

urogenital  (u'rqje'n'ital),— see  urino- 

urohyal  (u'rohlal)  n.  [Gk.  oura,  tail  ; 
hyoeides,  Y-shaped.J  A  median 
bony  element  in  the  hyoid  arch 
below  the  hypohyals  (zool.}. 

uromere  (u'romer)  n.  [Gk.  oura,  tail  ; 
meros,  part.]  An  abdominal  seg- 
ment in  Arthropods  (zool.}. 

uroneme  (u'ronem)  n.  [Gk.  oura, 
tail  ;  netna,  thread.]  One  of  tail- 
like  structures  seen  in  some  ciliate 
Protozoa  (zool.}. 

uropatagium  (u'ropata'jium)  n.  [Gk. 
oura,  tail  ;  L.  patagium,  border.] 
The  membrane  stretching  from  one 
femur  to  the  other  in  Bats  ;  one 
of  the  plates  at  the  side  of  the 
anus  in  Insects  (zool.}. 

uropod  (u'ropod)  n.  [Gk.  oura,  tail  ; 
pous,  foot.]  Any  of  the  abdominal 
appendages  in  the  Crayfish  and 
similar  Crustaceans  (zool.}. 

uropygial  (u'ropij'lal)  a.  [Gk.  orros, 
end  of  os  sacrum ;  pyge,  rump.] 
Pert,  the  uropygium ;  appl.  oil 
gland  (zool.}. 

uropygium  (u'ropij'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
orros,  end  of  os  sacrum ;  pyge, 
rump.]  The  hump  at  the  end  of 
a  bird  s  trunk,  containing  the  caudal 
vertebrae,  and  supporting  the  tail 
feathers  (zool.}. 

uropyloric  (u'ropilor'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
oura,  tail ;  pyle,  gate.]  Pert. 
posterior  portion  of  crustacean 
stomach  (zool.}. 

urorectal  (u'rorek'tal)  a.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine  ;  rectus,  straight.]  Appl.  em- 
bryonic septum,  which  ultimately 
divides  the  intestine  into  anal  and 
urogenital  parts  (emb.}. 

urorubin  (u'roroob'Tn)  n.  [Gk.  ouron, 
urine;  L.  ruber,  red.]  The  red 
pigment  of  urine  (phys.}. 

urosacral  (u'rosa'kral)  a.  [Gk.  oura, 
tail  ;  sacrum,  sacred.]  Pert,  caudal 
and  sacral  regions  of  the  vertebral 
column  (zool.}. 

urosome  (u'rosom)  n.  [Gk.  oura, 
tail  ;  soma,  body.]  Tail  region  of 
Fish  ;  the  abdomen  of  an  Arthro- 
pod (zool.}. 

urostege  (u'rostej)  n.  [Gk.  oura, 
tail ;  stege,  roof.]  A  ventral  tail- 
plate  of  a  Serpent  (zool.}  •  also 





urosteon  (uros'teon)  n.  [Gk.  oura, 
tail  ;  osteon,  bone.]  A  median 
ossification  on  the  back  portion 
of  the  keel-bearing  part  of  the 
sternum  in  Birds  (zool.}. 

urosternite  (u'roster'nlt)  n.  [Gk. 
oura,  tail ;  sternon,  breast.]  A 
ventral  plate  of  an  arthropodan 
abdominal  segment  (zool.}. 

urosthenic  (u'rosthen'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
oura,  tail ;  sthenos,  strength.] 
Having  the  tail  strongly  developed 
for  propulsion  (zool.}. 

urostyle  (u'rostll)  n.  [Gk.  oura,  tail  ; 
stylos,  pillar.]  An  unsegmented 
bone,  the  posterior  part  of  the 
vertebral  column  of  anurous  Amphi- 
bians ;  the  hypural  bone  in  Fishes 

Urthiere  (oor'tere)  n.  plu.  [Ger. 
Urtkiere,  protozoa.]  A  name  given 
by  Oken  to  the  Infusoria  (biol.}. 

urticant  (ur'tikant)  a.  [L.  urtica, 
nettle.]  Appl.  thread-cells  with 
power  of  stinging. 

use  inheritance, — the  transmission  of 
acquired  characteristics  (biol.}. 

uterine  (u'tSnn)  a.  [L.  uterus,  womb.] 
Pert,  uterus ;  appl.  artery,  vein, 
plexus  of  Mammals  (anat.,  zool.}. 

uterine  bell,  —  a  muscular  bell-like 
structure  in  the  female  of  certain 
thread-worms,  communicating  with 
coelom  and  uterus  (zool.}. 

uteroabdominal  (u'teroabdom'inal)  a. 
[L.  uterus,  womb ;  abdomen, 
stomach.]  Pert,  uterus  and  ab- 
dominal region  (ariat.}. 

uterosacral  (u'tSrosa'kral)  a.  [L. 
uterus,  womb ;  sacrum,  sacred.] 
Appl.  two  ligaments  of  the  sacro- 
genital  folds  attached  to  the  sacrum 

uterovaginal  (Q't6r6vaj'inal)  a.  [L. 
uterus,  womb ;  vagina,  vagina.] 
Pert,  uterus  and  vagina  (anat.}. 

uterovesical  (u'teroves'ikal)  a.  [L. 
uterus,  womb ;  vesicula,  vesicle.] 
Pert,  uterus  and  bladder  (anat.}. 

uterus  (u'te'rus)  n.  [L.  uterus,  womb.] 
The  organ  in  female  Mammals  in 
which  the  embryo  develops  and  is 
nourished  before  birth ;  any  en- 
larged portion  of  the  oviduct 
modified  to  serve  as  a  place  for 
development  of  young  or  of  eggs  in 
lower  vertebrates  (anat.}. 

uterus  masculinus, — a  large  median 
sac  attached  to  the  dorsal  surface 
of  the  urino-genital  canal  of  the 
male  (zool.} ;  the  utriculus  pros- 
taticus  (anat.}. 

utricle  (u'trikl)  n.  [L.  utrzculus,a.small 
bag  or  bottle.]  An  air-bladder  ; 
a  membranous  indehiscent  one- 
celled  fruit  (bot.} ;  a  membranous 
sac  of  the  ear-labyrinth  ;  the  uterus 
masculinus  (zool.}. 

utricular  (utrik'ular)  a.  [L.  utriculus, 
small  bag.]  Containing  vessels 
like  small  bags  ;  appl.  modification 
of  laticiferous  tissue  (bot.}. 

utriculus  (utrik'ulus)  n.  [L.  utriculus, 
small  bag.]  The  utricle  of  the  ear 
(anat.}  ;  the  air-bladder  of  aquatic 
plants  (bot.}. 

uva  (u'va)  n.  [L.  uva,  grape.]  A 
pulpy  indehiscent  fruit  with  central 
placenta,  like  the  grape  (bot.}. 

uvea  (u'vea)  n.  [L.  uva,  grape.]  The 
pigmented  epithelium  covering  the 
posterior  surface  of  the  iris  (anat.}. 

uvula  (u'vula)  n.  [L.  uva,  grape.] 
A  lobe  of  the  cerebellum  ;  a  conical 
pendulous  process  from  the  soft 
palate  (anat.}. 


vacuolar  (vaku'olar)  a.  [L.  vacuus, 
empty.]  Pert,  or  like  a  vacuole. 

vacuolated  (vak'uola'ted)  a.  [L.  vacu- 
us, empty.]  Containing  vacuoles. 

vacuole  (vak'uol)  n.  [L.  vacuus, 
empty.]  One  of  the  spaces  found 
in  cell  protoplasm  containing  air, 
sap,  or  partially  digested  food 
material  (cyt.}. 

vagal  (va'gal)  a.  [L.  vagus,  wander- 
ing.] Pert,  the  vagus  (anat.}. 

vagina  (vaji'na)  n.  [L.  vagina,  a 
sheath.]  A  sheath  or  sheath-like 
tube ;  a  canal  leading  from  the 
uterus  to  the  external  opening  of 
the  genital  canal  (anat.} ;  the  ex- 
panded sheath-like  portion  of  a 
leaf  base  (bot.}. 

vaginal  (vajl'nal,  vaj'inal)  a.  [L. 
vagina,  sheath.]  Pert,  or  supplying 
the  vagina  ;  appl.  arteries,  nerves, 
etc.  (anat.}. 




vaginal  process, — a  projecting  lamina 
on  the  inferior  surface  of  the  petrous 
portion  of  the  temporal ;  either  of 
a  pair  of  laminae  on  the  sphenoid 

vaginate  (vaj'inat)  a.  [L.  vagina, 
sheath.]  Invested  as  with  a  sheath 

vaginervose  (vaj'iner'vos)  a.  [L. 
vagus,  wandering  ;  nervus,  sinew.] 
With  irregularly-arranged  veins 

vaginicolous  (vaj'imk'dlus)  a,  [L. 
vagina,  sheath  ;  colere,  to  inhabit.] 
Appl.  certain  Infusorians  which 
build  and  inhabit  sheaths  or  cases 

vaginiferous  (vaj'imf'erus)  a.  [L. 
vagina,  sheath  ;  ferre,  to  carry.] 

vaginipennate  (vaj'inipen'at).  a.  [L. 
vagina,  sheath ;  penna,  feather.] 
Having  wings  protected  by  a  sheath 

vaglnula  (vajm'ula)  n.  [L.  vaginula, 
dim.  of  vagina,  sheath.]  A  small 
sheath  (zool.} ;  a  sheath  surrounding 
the  basal  portion  of  the  sporophyte 
in  Mosses  (dot.). 

vagus  (va'gus)  n.  [L.  vagus,  wander- 
ing.] The  pneumogastric  or  tenth 
cranial  nerve  (anat.). 

vaUecula  (valek'ula)  n.  [L.  vallis, 
valley.]  A  depression  (anat.) ;  a 
groove  or  depression  (dot.). 

vallecular  (valelc'ular)  a.  [L.  vallis, 
valley.]  Pert,  groove  or  depres- 

vallecular  canal, — one  of  the  canals 
in  the  cortical  tissue  of  the  stem  of 
the  Horse-tails  (hot.). 

valleculate  (valeVulat)  a.  [L.  vallis, 
valley.]  Grooved. 

valval  (val'val)  a.  [L.  -vulva,  leaf, 
fold.]  Appl.  view  of  a  Diatom  when 
one  whole  valve  is  next  the  observer 

valvar  (val'var), — see  valval. 

valvate  (val'vat)  a.  [L.  valva,  fold.] 
Hinged  at  the  margin  only  ;  meet- 
ing at  the  edges  ;  opening  by  so- 
called  valves  (dot.)  ;  furnished  with 
valves  (zool.). 

valve  (valv)  n.  [L.  valva,  fold.] 
Any  of  the  various  structures  which 
permit  flow  in  one  direction,  but 
are  capable  of  closing  the  tube  or 

vessel  and  preventing  the  backward 
flow  (anat.) ;  any  of  the  pieces 
formed  by  a  capsule  on  dehiscence  ; 
the  lid-like  structure  of  certain 
anthers  ;  one  of  the  pieces  forming 
the  shell  of  a  Diatom  (dot.) ;  any 
of  the  pieces  which  form  the  shell 
in  certain  Molluscs,  Barnacles,  etc. ; 
one  of  the  pieces  forming  the  sheath 
of  the  ovipositor  in  certain  Insects 

valve  of  Vleussens  (vyii'song),— a  thin 
layer  of  white  matter  extending 
between  the  superior  peduncles  of 
the  cerebellum  (anat.). 

valvelet  (valv'lgt)  n.  [L.  valva,  fold.] 
A  valvula. 

valvula  (val'vula)  «.  [L.  valvula, 
dim.  of  valva,  fold.]  A  small  fold 
or  valve  (anat.). 

valvulae  conniventes, — folds  of  mem- 
brane found  in  the  alimentary  canal 
from  duodenum  to  ileum,  affording 
an  increased  area  for  secretion  and 
absorption  (anat.). 

vane  (van)  n.  [A.S.  fana,  a  small 
flag.]  The  vexillum  or  web  of  a 
feather,  consisting  of  barbs,  etc. 

variant  (va'riant)  n.  [L.  varians, 
changing.]  An  individual  or 
species  deviating  in  some  char- 
acter or  characters  from  the  type 

variation  (va'rlashun)  n.  [L.  variare, 
to  change.]  Divergence  from  type 
in  certain  characteristics  (dial.). 

varicellate  (vartseTat)  a.  [L.  varix, 
ridge.J  Apfil.  shells  with  small  or 
indistinct  ridges  (zool.). 

variola  (va'riol)  n.  [L.  varius, 
various.]  A  small  pit-like  marking 
found  on  various  parts  in  Insects 

varix  (va'riks)  n.,  varices  (var'isez) 
plu.  [L.  varix,  dilatation.]  One 
of  the  prominent  ridges  across  the 
whorls  of  various  univalve  shells 
showing  the  previous  position  of 
the  outer  lip  (zool.). 

vas  (vas)  «.,  vasa  (va'za)  plu.  [L. 
vas,  vessel.]  A  small  vessel,  duct, 
blind  tube,  or  canal  (anat.). 

vasa  deferentia, — the  ducts  leading 
from  the  testes  to  the  penis  (anat.), 
or  to  the  exterior,  the  urogenital 
canal,  or  cloaca  (sool.). 




vasa  efferentia,— the  tubes  which 
lead  from  the  testis  to  the  vas 
deferens  (anat.). 

vasal  (va'sal)  a.  [L.  vas,  vessel.] 
Pert,  or  connected  with  a  vessel. 

vascular  (vas'kular)  a.  [L.  vascuhim, 
small  vessel.]  Peri.,  consisting  of, 
or  containing  vessels  adapted  for 
the  transmission  or  circulation  of 
fluid  (anat ). 

vascular  areas,  —  several  scattered 
areas  developed  between  endoderm 
and  mesoderm  of  yolk-sac,  the 
beginnings  of  primitive  blood- 
vessels (emb.). 

vascular  bundle, — a  group  of  special 
cells  consisting  of  two  parts,  the 
xylem  or  wood  portion  and  the 
phloem  or  bast  portion  ;  many  of 
the  vascular  bundles  have  in  addi- 
tion a  thin  strip  of  cambium 
separating  the  two  parts  (hot.}. 

vascular  tissue, — specially  modified 
plant-cells,  usually  consisting  of 
either  tracheal  or  sieve  cells,  for 
the  circulation  of  sap  (bot.). 

vasculum  (vas'kulum)  n.  [L.  vas- 
culum,  small  vessel.]  A  pitcher- 
shaped  leaf  or  ascidium  (pot.}. 

vasifactlve  (vas'ifak'tiv)  a.  [L.  vas, 
vessel ;  facere,  to  make.]  Produc- 
ing new  blood-vessels  (emb.}. 

vasiform  (vas'iform)  a.  [L.  vas, 
vessel ;  forma,  shape.]  Functioning 
as  or  resembling  a  duct ;  vascular 

vasoconstrictor  (vas'okonstrik'tor)  a. 
[L.  vas,  vessel ;  constringere,  to 
draw  tight.]  Causing  constriction 

vasodentine  (vas'oden'tin)  n.  [L. 
vas,  vessel ;  dens,  tooth.]  A  variety 
of  dentine  permeated  by  blood- 
vessels (anat.}. 

vasodilator  (vas'odila'tor)  a.  [L.  vas, 
vessel ;  dilatus,  separated.]  Relax- 
ing or  enlarging  the  vessels  (phys.}. 

vasoformative  (vas'6f6r'mativ)) — see 

vasohypertonic  (vas'ohi'pe'rtonTk), — 
see  vasoconstrictor. 

vasohypotonic  (vas'dhl'potonlk),— see 

vasoinhibitory  (vas'6'inhib'itorl), — see 

vasomotion  (vas'omo'shun)  n.  [L. 
vas,  vessel ;  movers,  to  move.] 

Any  change  in  the  calibre  of  a 
blood-vessel  (phys.}. 

vasomotor  (vas'omo'tor)  a.  [L.  vas, 
vessel  ;  movere,  to  move.]  Appl. 
nerves  supplying  the  muscles  in 
the  wall  of  blood  -  vessels  and 
regulating  the  calibre  of  the  blood- 
vessels, through  containing  both 
vasoconstrictor  and  vasodilator 
fibres  (phys.}. 

vastus  (vas'tus)  n.  [L.  vastus, 
immense.]  Name  given  to  various 
divisions  or  parts  of  the  quadriceps 
muscle  of  the  thigh  (anat.). 

vegetal  pole,— that  side  of  a  blastula 
at  which  the  megameres  collect  ; 
opp.  animal  pole  (emb.}. 

vegetation  (vej'eta'shun)  n.  [L. 
vegetare,  to  enliven.]  Plants  con- 
sidered collectively. 

vegetative  (vej'eta'tiv)  a.  [L.  vegetare, 
to  enliven.]  Appl.  to  stage  of  pure 
growth  in  plants  as  opp.  repro- 
ductive ;  appl.  foliage  shoots  as 
opp.  flower  or  reproductive  shoots 

vegetative  cone, —  the  apical  point 

vegetative  pole, — see  vegetal  pole 

vegetative  reproduction,  —  among 
animals,  a  kind  of  asexual  repro- 
duction which  consists  in  the 
formation  of  buds  (zool.). 

veil  (val)  n.  [L.  velum,  a  sail.]  The 
velum  ;  the  calyptra  (bot.)  ;  the 
velum  (zool.}. 

veins  (vanz)  n.  plu.  [L.  vena,  vein.] 
The  branched  vessels  which  convey 
blood  to  the  heart  (anat.} ;  the 
ribs  or  nervures  of  an  insect  wing 
(zool.) ;  the  branching  ribs  or 
nerves  of  a  leaf  (bot.). 

velamen  (vela'men)  n.  [L.  velum, 
a  sail.]  A  membrane  (anat.)  ;  a 
sheath  of  tracheides  at  the  apex  of 
the  aerial  roots  of  Orchids  (bot.). 

velar  (ve'lar)  a.  [L.  velum,  a  sail.] 
Pert,  situated  near,  or  belonging  to 
the  velum. 

velarium  (vela'rium)  n.  [L.  velum, 
covering.]  The  velum  of  certain 
of  the  Cubomedusae,  which  differs 
from  a  true  velum  in  containing 
endodermic  canals  (zool). 

velate  (ve'lat)  a.  [L.  velum,  cover- 
ing.] Veiled  ;  covered  by  a  velum. 




veliger  (vel'ijer)  n.  [L.  velum, 
velum  ;  gerere,  to  carry.]  The 
second  stage  in  the  larval  life  of 
certain  Molluscs  when  the  head 
bears  the  velum  (zool.). 

vellus  (veTus)  n.  [L.  vellus,  fleece.] 
The  stipe  of  a  Fungus  (hot.}. 

velum  (ve'lum)  n.  [L.  velum,  cover- 
ing.] Any  membrane  or  structure 
likened  to  a  veil  (anat.) ;  in  Hydro- 
medusae  and  certain  Jelly-fish  the 
annular  membrane  projecting  in- 
wards from  the  margin  of  the  bell  ; 
a  membrane  in  connection  with 
the  buccal  cavity  in  the  Lancelet ;  a 
membrane-like  structure  bordering 
the  oral  cavity  of  certain  Ciliates  ; 
the  larval  swimming  organ  of  the 
veliger  larva  (zool.)  ;  a  mass  of 
tissue  stretching  from  the  stipe  to 
the  pileus  in  certain  Thallophytes 

velutinous  (v&lu'tinus)  a.  [It.  velluto, 
velvet]  Covered  with  very  fine, 
dense,  short  upright  hairs  (zool.). 

velvet  (veTvet)  n.  [M.E.  veluet, 
velvet.]  The  soft  and  vascular 
skin  which  covers  the  antlers  of 
Deer  during  growth,  but  is  later 
rubbed  off  by  the  animal  (zool.). 

vena  (ve'na)  ».,  venae  (ve'ne)  plu. 
[L.  vena,  vein.]  Any  of  the  vessels 
by  which  the  blood  is  carried  from 
the  body  to  the  heart  (anat.). 

venation  (vena'shun)  n.  [L.  vena, 
vein.]  Nervation ;  the  system  or 
disposition  of  veins  or  nervures 
(bot.,  zool.). 

venin  (vSn'In)  n.  [L.  venenum, 
poison.]  Any  of  the  toxic  sub- 
stances in  snake  poison  (phys.). 

venomosalivary  (vgn'omosal'ivari)  a. 
[L.  venenum,  poison  ;  salivare,  to 
salivate.]  Pert,  or  designating 
salivary  glands  of  which  the  se- 
cretion is  poisonous  (zool.). 

venomous  (vSn'omus)  a.  [L.  ven- 
enum, poison.]  Having  poison- 
glands  ;  able  to  inflict  a  poison- 
ous wound  (zool.). 

venose  (ve'nos)  a.  [L.  vena,  vein.] 
With  many  and  prominent  veins 

venous  (ve'nus)  a.  [L.  vena,  vein.] 
Pert,  vein  ;  applied  to  blood  return- 
ing to  the  heart  after  circulation 
in  the  body  (phys.). 

vent  (v6nt)  n.  [L.  finders,  to  cleave.] 
The  anus ;  the  cloacal  or  anal 
aperture  in  the  lower  vertebrates 

vent  feather, — an  under  tail  covert 
feather  (zool.). 

venter  (veVtgr)  n.  [L.  venter, 
belly.]  The  abdomen  ;  lower  ab- 
dominal surface  ;  a  protuberance, 
as  of  a  muscle  ;  a  smooth  concave 
surface  (anat.) ;  the  swollen  basal 
portion  of  an  archegonium  (bot.). 

ventral  (v&n'tral)  a.  [L.  venter, 
belly.]  Pert,  or  situated  on  the 
lower  or  abdominal  surface  (zool.) ; 
pert,  or  designating  that  surface 
of  a  petal,  etc.,  that  faces  the  centre 
or  axis  of  the  flower ;  appl.  lower 
surface  of  flattened  ribbon -like 
thalli  (bot.). 

ventricle  (vfin'trikl)  n.  [L.  ventri- 
culus,  dim.  of  venter,  belly.]  A 
cavity  or  chamber,  as  in  heart  or 
brain  ;  appl.  fusiform  fossa  of 
larynx  (anat.) ;  the  gizzard  of 
Birds ;  the  mid-gut  or  chylific 
ventricle  of  Insects  (zool.). 

ventricose  (vgn'trikos)  a.  [L.  venter, 
belly.]  Swelling  out  in  the  middle, 
or  unequally  ;  appl.  shells  (zool.). 

ventricular  (vgntrik'ular)  a.  [L. 
ventriculus,  belly.]  Pert,  a  ven- 
tricle ;  appl.  ligaments  and  folds 
of  the  larynx ;  appl.  septum  or 
valves  in  heart  (anat.). 

ventriculus  (vfintrTk'ulus),  —  see 

ventrodorsal  (v6n'trod6r'sal)  a.  [L. 
venter,  belly ;  dorsum,  back.]  Ex- 
tending from  ventral  to  dorsal 
surface  (zool.). 

ventrolateral  (vgn'trolat'e'ral)  a.  [L. 
venter,  belly  ;  latus,  side.]  At  the 
side  of  the  ventral  region  ;  appl. 
different  structures  in  various 
groups  (zool.). 

venule  (vgn'ul)  n.  [L.  venula,  dim. 
of  vena,  vein.]  A  small  vein  of  an 
insect's  wing  (zool.). 

vermian  (veYmian)  a.  [L.  vennis, 
worm.]  Worm-like. 

vermicular  (vgrmlk'ular)  a.  [L. 
vermis,  worm.]  Resembling  a 
worm  in  appearance  or  movement 

vermiculate  (vgrmik'ulat)  a.  [L. 
vermis,  worm.]  Marked  with 




numerous  fine  lines  or  bands  of 
colour  (zool.) ;  marked  by  numerous 
irregular  depressed  lines  (hot.}. 

vermiform  (veYmif6rm)  a.  [L.  vermis, 
worm ;  forma,  shape.]  Shaped 
like  a  worm  ;  appl.  numerous  struc- 
tures, but  especially  to  the  ap- 

vermis  (veYmis)  n.  [L.  vermis, 
worm.]  The  annulated  median 
portion  of  the  cerebellum  (anat.) ; 
the  central  portion  of  the  cerebellum 
in  Birds  and  Reptiles  (zool.). 

vernation  (vfirna'shun)  n.  [L.  verna- 
tion, sloughing.]  The  arrangement 
of  leaves  within  a  bud  (dot.). 

verruca  (vgrook'a)  n.  [L.  verruca, 
wart.]  Any  wart-like  projection  ; 
one  of  the  small  wart-like  pro- 
jections surrounding  the  base  of 
the  polyps  in  many  of  the  Alcyo- 
naria  (zoo/.). 

verruciform  (veroos'if6rm)  a.  [L. 
verruca,  wart ;  forma,  shape.] 

verrucose  (vgrook'os)  a.  [L.  verruca, 
wart.]  Covered  with  wart-like  pro- 
jections (zool.,  bot.). 

versatile  (veYsatil)  a.  [L.  versare,  to 
turn  around.]  Swinging  freely  ; 
appl.  anthers  (bot.)  ;  capable  of 
turning  backwards  and  forwards  ; 
appl.  bird's  toe  (zool.). 

versicoloured  (veYsikulerd)  a.  [L. 
versare,  to  change  ;  color,  colour.] 
Variegated  in  colour  (bot.) ;  capable 
of  changing  colour  (zool.). 

vertebra  (vgr'tebra)  n.  [L.  vertebra, 
joint.]  Any  of  the  bony  or  cartila- 
ginous segments  that  make  up 
the  backbone  (anat.,  zool.) ;  one  of 
the  ossicles  in  an  ophiuroid  arm 

vertebra  prominens  (prom'ingnz), — 
the  seventh  cervical  vertebra  (anat.). 

vertebral  (vgr'tebral)  a.  [L.  vertebra, 
joint.]  Pert,  spinal  column  (anat.)  ; 
appl.  various  structures  situated 
near  or  connected  with  the  spinal 
column,  or  with  any  structure 
likened  to  the  spinal  column  (zool.). 

vertebrarterial  canal, — term  applied 
to  the  canal  formed  by  the  foramina 
in  the  transverse  processes  of  the 
cervical  vertebrae  or  between  cervi- 
cal rib  and  vertebra  (zool.). 

vertebrate  (veVtSbrat)  a.   [L.  vertebra, 

joint.]  Having  a  backbone  or 
spinal  column  (zool.). 

vertebration  (ver'tebra'shun)  n.  [L. 
vertebra,  joint.]  Dividing  up  into 
segments  or  divisions  resembling 
vertebrae  (emb.). 

vertex  (ver'teks)  n.  [L.  vertex,  top.] 
The  top  of  the  head  ;  the  highest 
point  of  the  skull  (anat.). 

vertical  (veYtlkal)  a.  [L.  vertex,  top.] 
Standing  upright  ;  lengthwise,  in 
direction  of  axis  (bot.)  ;  pert,  vertex 
of  head  (zool.). 

vertical  margin, — the  limit  between 
the  frons  and  the  occiput  in  Diptera 

verticil  (veYtisil)  n.  [L.  verticillus, 
dim.  of  vertex,  whirl.]  An  arrange- 
ment of  flowers,  structures  or  in- 
florescences about  the  same  point 
on  the  axis  (bot.). 

verticillaster  (veYtisilas'ter)  n.  [L. 
verticillus,  small  whorl ;  aster,  star.] 
A  much  condensed  cyme  with  the 
appearance  of  a  whorl,  but  in  reality 
arising  in  the  axils  of  opposite 
leaves  (bot.). 

verticillate  (vertis'ilat)  a.  [L.  verti- 
cillus, small  whorl.]  Appl.  antennae 
the  joints  of  which  are  surrounded, 
at  equal  distances,  with  stiff  hairs 
(zool.) ;  disposed  in  verticils  (bot.). 

verumontanum  (ver'oomonta'num)  n. 
[L.  veru,  spit ;  montanum,  moun- 
tainous.] A  small  elevation  on  the 
floor  of  the  urethra  where  the 
seminal  ducts  enter  (anat.). 

vesica  (veYika)  n.  [L.  vesica,  bladder.] 
The  bladder. 

vesical  (veVikal)  a.  [L.  vesica,  blad- 
der.] Pert,  or  in  relation  with  the 
bladder  ;  appl.  arteries,  etc.  (anat.). 

vesicle  (ve"s'ikl)  n.  [L.  vesicula,  dim. 
of  vesica,  bladder.]  A  small 
globular  or  bladder-like  air  space 
in  the  tissues  (bol.) ;  a  small  cavity 
or  sac  usually  containing  fluid 
(zool.) ;  a  hollow  prominence  on  a 
shell  or  coral  (zool.) ;  one  of  the 
three  primary  cavities  of  the  brain 

vesicula  (vgsik'ula)  n.  [L.  vesicula, 
small  bladder.]  A  small  bladder- 
like  cyst  or  sac  (anat.). 

vesicula  seminalis, — a  sac  in  which 
spermatozoa  complete  their  de- 
velopment and  are  stored  (zool.). 




vesicular  (vgsik'ular)  a.  [L.  vesicula, 
small  bladder.]  Composed  of  or 
marked  by  the  presence  of  vesicle- 
like  cavities  (bot.,  zool.}. 
vesicular  gland,  —  a  gland  in  the 
tissue  underlying  the  epidermis  in 
plants  and  containing  essential 
oils  (tot.). 

vesiculase  (vgslk'ulas)  n.  [L.  vesicula, 
small  bladder.]  An  enzyme  from 
the  secretion  of  the  prostate  gland, 
which  is  capable  of  coagulating 
the  contents  of  the  seminal  vesicles 

vespertine  (vgs'pSrtin)  a.  [L.  vesper, 
evening  star.]  Blossoming  in  the 
evening  (bot.} ;  crepuscular  (zool.}. 

vespold  (vfis'poid)  a.  [L.  vespa, 
wasp  ;  Gk.  eidos,  like.]  Wasp-like 

vessel  (v6s'6l)  n.  [L.  vescellum,  dim. 
ofvasculum,  vessel.]  Any  tube  or 
canal  with  properly  defined  walls 
in  which  fluids,  such  as  blood, 
lymph,  etc.,  circulate  (anat.} ;  a 
continuous  tube  formed  by  the 
superposition  of  numerous  cells 

vestibular  (vgstib'ular)  a.  [L.  ves- 
tibulum,  a  passage.]  Pert,  a 
vestibule  ;  appl.  artery,  bulb,  fissure, 
gland,  etc.  (anat.}. 

vestibulate  (vfistlb'ulat)  a.  [L.-  ves- 
tibulum,  a  passage.]  In  the  form 
of  a  passage  between  two  channels 
(biol.} ;  resembling  a  vestibule. 

vestibule  (vgs'tibul)  n.  [L.  vestibulum, 
passage.]  A  cavity  leading  into 
another  cavity  or  passage,  as  the 
cavity  of  the  ear-labyrinth ;  the 
space  between  the  labia  minora 
containing  the  opening  of  the 
urethra  ;  the  portion  of  the  ventricle 
directly  below  the  opening  of  the 
aortic  arch  ;  the  cavity  leading  to 
the  larynx  ;  the  nasal  cavity  (anat.} ; 
the  posterior  chamber  of  a  bird's 
cloaca  ;  a  small  tubular  or  grooved 
depression  leading  to  the  mouth  in 
most  Infusorians  ;  the  space  within  - 
the  circle  of  tentacles  in  endo- 
proctan  Polyzoans  (zool.}. 

vestibulum,— see  vestibule. 

vestige  (vgs'tij)  n.  [L.  vestigium,  a 
trace.]  A  small  degenerate  or 
imperfectly  developed  organ  or 
part  which  may  have  been  complete 

and    functional    in   some  ancestor 

vestigial  (vgstlj'ial)  a.  [L.  vestigium, 
trace.]  Small  and  imperfectly 
developed  (biol.}. 

vestiture  (vgs'titur)  n.  [L.  vestis, 
garment.]  A  body  covering,  as  of 
scales,  feathers,  etc.  (zool.}. 
veterinary  (vgt'grinari)  a.  [L. 
veterinarius,  pert,  beast  of  burden.] 
Pert,  art  of  treating  the  diseases  of 
animals  (zoo/.). 

vexillary  (vgk'sTlari,  vgksil'arl)  a.  [L. 
vexillum,  standard.]  Pert,  a  vexil- 
lum  ;  appl.  a  type  of  aestivation  in 
which  the  upper  petal  is  folded 
over  the  others  (bot.\ 
vexillate  (vgk'silat)  a.  [L.  vexillum, 

standard.]     Bearing  a  vexillum. 

vexillum     (vgk'sllum,    vgksil'um)    n. 

[L.  vexillum,  standard.]    The  upper 

petal   in    a    papilionaceous    flower 

(bot.}  ;  the  vane  of  a  feather  (zool.). 

via  (vfa,  ve'a)  n.     [L.  via,  way.]    A 

way  or  passage  (anat.}. 
vibracula    (vibrak'ula)    n.  plu.      [L. 
vibraculum,   whip.]     The   movable 
whip-like  organs,  supposed   to   be 
modified  zooids  for  defensive  pur- 
poses, found  on  the  Polyzoa  (zool.}. 
vibracularium  (vibrak'ula'rlum), — the 


vibratile  (vlb'r&til)  a.  [L.  vibrare, 
to  quiver.]  Oscillating ;  appl. 
antennae  of  Insects  (zool.}. 
vibratile  corpuscles,  —  corpuscles 
closely  resembling  sperms  found 
in  the  coelomic  fluid  of  Star-fish 

vibrioid  (vlb'rfoid)  a.  [L.  vibrare, 
to  quiver ;  eidos,  like!]  Like  a 
vibno,  a  bacterium  with  thread-like 
appendages  and  a  vibratory  motion 

vibrioid  body, — a  slender  cylindrical 
body  found  in  the  superficial  layer 
of  many  Algae  and  Fungi  (bot.}. 
vibrissa  (vlbris'a)  n.,  vlbrissae 
(vibrIs'e)//«.  [L.  vibrissa,  a  nostril 
hair.]  A  hair  growing  on  the 
nostril  or  face  of  animals,  the 
whiskers  of  the  cat,  etc.,  acting 
often  as  organs  of  touch  (zool.}. 
vicinism  (vis'Inlzm)  n.  [L.  vicinus, 
neighbour.]  The  tendency  to 
variation  due  to  the  proximity  of 
related  forms  (biol.}. 




villiform  (vil'iform)  a.  [L.  villus, 
shaggy  hair  ;  forma,  shape.]  Hav- 
ing the  form  or  appearance  of 
velvet ;  appl.  dentition  (zool.). 

villous  (vil'us)  a.  [L.  villus,  shaggy 
hair.]  Pubescent  (hot.) ;  having 
villi  or  covered  with  villi  (zool.). 

vlllus  (vil'us)  n.,  villi  (vil'l)  plu.  [L. 
villus,  shaggy  hair.]  Trophonemata 
or  minute  vascular  processes  on  the 
intestine  lining  ;  processes  on  the 
chorion  through  which  nourishment 
passes  to  the  embryo  (anat.)  ;  fine 
straight  processes  on  the  epidermis 
of  plants  (hot.}, 

vimen  (vl'me'n)  n.,  vimina  (vim'ina) 
plu.  [L.  vimen,  twig.]  A  long 
slender  shoot  or  branch  (hot.). 

vinculum  (ving'kulum)  n.,  vincula 
(ving'kula)  plu.  [L.  vinculumt 
chain.]  Slender  tendinous  bands  ; 
accessory  connecting  bands  of  fibres, 
as  vincula  brevia  (anat.) ;  a  band 
uniting  the  two  main  tendons  of 
the  foot  in  Birds  (zool.). 

virescence  (virfis'fins)  n.    [L.  virescere, 

to  grow  green.]     The  production  of 

.  green   colouring    matter   in   petals 

instead     of    the     usual    colouring 

matter  (hot.). 

virgate  (veYgat)  a.  [L.  virga,  twig.] 

virginal  (ver'jTnSl)  a.  [L.  virgo, 
virgin.]  Appl.  female  which  repro- 
duces parthenogenetically  (zool.}. 

virgula  (ver'gulS)  n.  [L.  virga,  rod.] 
A  small  rod,  the  axis  of  a  Grapto- 

viscera  (vis'erii)  n.  plu.  [L.  viscera^ 
bowels.]  The  internal  organs  con- 
tained in  the  various  cavities  of  the 
body  (anat.). 

visceral  (vis'eral)  a.  [L.  viscera, 
bowels.]  Pert,  the  viscera ;  appl.  to 
numerous  structures  and  organs 

visceral  arches, — a  series  of  arches 
developed  in  connection  with  the 
mouth  and  pharynx  (zool.). 

visceral  clefts,— a  series  of  furrows 
or  clefts  on  the  neck  region  be- 
tween successive  visceral  arches, 
which  may  or  may  not  place  the 
pharynx  in  direct  communication 
with  the  exterior  (anat.). 

visceromotor  (vls'erom6't6r)  a.  [L. 
viscera,  bowels  ;  movere,  to  move.] 

Carrying  motor  impulses  to  the 
viscera  (phys.). 

viscosity  (viskos'itl)  n.  [L.  viscosus, 
viscous.]  The  internal  friction  in 
liquids  due  to  the  adherence  of 
particles  to  one  another  (phys.). 

visitant  (viz'Itant)  «.  [L.  visere,  to 
go  to  see.]  Term  appl.  a  bird 
which  is  not  an  inhabitant  of  a 
certain  region,  but  appears  at  stated 
periods  in  that  region  (zool.). 

visual  purple, — seerhodopsin  (phys.). 

vital  force, — the  peculiar  form  of 
energy  manifested  in  living  phe- 
nomena when  considered  distinct 
from  chemical,  physical,  and 
mechanical  forces  (biol.). 

vital  functions, — the  functions  of  the 
body  on  which  life  depends  (phys.). 

vitalism  (vl'talizm)  n.  [L.  vita,  life.] 
The  belief  that  the  various  phe- 
nomena exhibited  in  living  organ- 
isms are  due  to  a  special  force 
quite  distinct  from  physical  forces 

vitamines  (vl'taminz)  n.  plu.  [L. 
vita,  life ;  ammoniacum,  resinous 
gum.]  Active  substances  whose 
absence  in  diet  causes  disease, — 
as  in  beri-beri ;  basic  nitrogenous 
substances  occurring  in  varying 
amounts  in  different  foods  (phys.). 

vitellarium  (vit'ela'rium)  a.  [L. 
vitellus,  yolk.]  A  special  organ  in 
Flatworms  and  many  Rotifers  which 
produces  yolk-laden  cells  (zool.). 

vitelligenous  (vit'glij'eniis)  a.  [L. 
vitellus,  yolk  ;  gignere,  to  beget.] 
Producing  yolk  ;  appl.  cells  in  the 
ovary  of  many  Insects  (zool.). 

vitellin  (vitgl'Tn)  n.  [L.  vitellus, 
yolk.]  The  phospho-protein  of  egg- 
yolk  (phys.)  ;  a  similar  or  related 
substance  in  seeds  (hot.). 

vitelline  (viteTin)  a.  [L.  vitellus, 
yolk.]  Pert,  the  yolk,  or  yolk- 
producing  organ ;  appl.  artery, 
vein,  duct  (zool.,  emb.). 

vitellophags  (vitgl'ofagz)  n.  plu.  [L. 
vitellus,  yolk  ;  Gk.  phagein,  to  eat.] 
Isolated  cells  forming  the  hypoblast 
of  Crustacean  egg  (zool.). 

vitellose  (viteTos)  n.  [L.  vitellus, 
yolk.]  A  substance  formed  in  the 
digestion  of  yolk  (phys.). 

vitellus  (vlteTus)  n.  [L  vitellus, 
yolk.]  The  yolk  of  an  egg  (emb.). 




vitrella  (vitrgl'a)  n.  [L.  vitrum,  glass.] 
A  crystalline  cone  cell  of  an  in- 
vertebrate eye  (zool.). 

vitreodentine  (vit'reodgn'tin)  n.  [L. 
vitreus,  glassy  ;  dens,  tooth.]  A 
very  hard  variety  of  dentine  (zool.}. 

vitreous  (vit'reus)  a.  [L.  vitreus, 
glassy.]  Transparent ;  appl.  a  clear 
jelly-like  substance  in  the  inner 
chamber  of  the  eye  (anat.). 

vitta  (vlt'a)  ».,  vittae  (vlt'e)  plu.  [L. 
vitta,  band  or  fillet.]  One  of  the 
oil  receptacles  in  an  umbellifer  fruit 
(bot.)  ;  a  band  of  colour  (zool.). 

viviflcation  (viv'ifika'shun)  n.  [L. 
vivus,  living ;  facere,  to  make.] 
One  of  the  series  of  changes  in 
assimilation  by  which  the  proteid 
material  which  has  been  taken  up 
by  the  cell  is  able  to  exhibit  the 
phenomena  of  living  protoplasm 

vlviparity  (viv'ipar'itT)  n.  [L.  vivus, 
alive  ;  parere,  to  beget.]  The  con- 
dition of  bringing  the  young  forth 
alive  (zool.)  ;  or  of  multiplying  by 
means  of  shoots  or  bulbils  (bot.). 

viviparous  (vivip'ariis)  a.  [L.  vivus, 
living  ;  parere,  to  beget.]  Bringing 
forth  the  young  alive  ;  cf.  oviparous 
(zool.) ;  germinating  while  still 
attached  to  the  parent  (hot.). 

vocal  (vo'kal)  a.  [L.  -vox,  voice.] 
Pert,  voice  or  utterance  of  sounds. 

vocal  cords, — folds  of  mucous  mem- 
brane projecting  into  the  larynx. 

volar  (vo'lar)  a.  [L.  vola,  the  palm  of 
the  hand.]  Pert,  palm  of  the  hand 
or  to  the  sole  of  the  foot  (anat.). 

Volkmann's  canals  (folk'm&nz), — 
simple  canals  piercing  the  circum- 
ferential or  periosteal  lamellae  of 
bone  for  the  passage  of  blood- 
vessels (phys.). 

voluble  (vol'ubl)  a.  [L.  volvere,  to 
twist.]  Twining  spirally  (bot.). 

voluntary  (vol'untari)  a.  [  L.  voluntas, 
will.]  Subject  to  or  regulated  by 
the  will  ;  appl.  action  of  muscles 

volute  (volut')  a.  [L.  volvere,  to 
twist.]  Spirally  twisted  (zool.). 

volutin  grains,  —  grains  formed  in 
cytoplasm  and  representing  a  food- 
material  which  is  absorbed  by  the 
nucleus  in  growth  and  formation  of 
chromatin  (cyt.). 

volution   (vSlu'shun)  n.     [L.  volvere. 

to  twist.]    The   spiral   twists  of  a 

shell  (zool.). 
volva  (vbl'va)  n.     [L.  volva,  wrapper.] 

The   sac-like   structure   enveloping 

the  stipes  of  an  Agaric  (bot.). 
volvate     (vol'vat)     a.       [L.     volva> 

wrapper.]     Provided  with   a   volva 


vomer  (vo'mer)  n.     [L.  vonier,  plough- 
share.]   A  bone  in  the  nasal  region 

of  the  skull  (anat.). 
vomerine   (vo'mgrin)   a.     [L.   vomer, 

ploughshare.]      Pert,    the    vomer ; 

appl.  teeth  (zool.). 
vomeronasal  (vo'me'rona'zal)    a.  '[L. 

vomer,   ploughshare  ;   nasus,  nose.] 

Appl.  cartilage  and  organ  in  region 

of  vomer  and  nasal  cavity  (anat.). 
von  Baer's  law, — see  recapitulation 

vortex     (vof'tfiks)    n.       [L.    vortex; 

vortex.]      The   spiral  arrangement 

of  the  muscle  fibres  at  the  apex  of 

the  heart  (anat.). 
vulva  (vul'va)  ».     [L.  vulva,  vulva.) 

The  external   parts  of  the  female 

genital  organs  (anat.). 
vulviform  (vul'vlform)  a.     [L.  vulva, 

vulva  ;  forma,  shape.]     Like  a  cleft 

with  projecting  lips  (bot.) ;   shaped 

like  a  vulva  (zool.). 
vulvouterine    (vul'vou'tgrin)   a.      [L 

vulva,  vulva  ;  uterus,  womb.]    Pert. 

vulva  and  the  uterus  (anat.). 
vulvovaginal   (vul'vovaj'mal)  a.     [L 

vulva,  vulva;  vagina,  sheath.]    Per*. 

the  vulva  and  the  vagina  (anat.). 


Wallace's  Line, — an  imaginary  line 
separating  the  Australian  and 
Oriental  regions :  it  ran  between 
Bali  and  Lombok,  between  Celebes 
and  Borneo,  and  then  to  the  east- 
ward of  the  Philippines  (zool.). 

Wallerian  degeneration,  —  the  de- 
generation of  nerve  fibres  following 
section,  —  this  proceeds  from  the 
seat  of  the  injury  along  the  axon 
away  from  the  neuron  (phys.). 

wandering  cells,— amoeboid  cells  of 
mesogloea  ;  migratory  leucocytes  of 
areolar  tissue  (zool.). 




warm-blooded,— a  term  appl.  animals 
which  have  a  fairly  high  and 
constant  temperature  which  is 
above  that  of  the  surrounding 

warning  colours,  —  conspicuous 
colours  assumed  by  many  animals 
to  warn  off  enemies  (biol.}. 

wart  (w6rt)  n.  [A.S.  wearte,  wart.] 
A  dry  excrescence  formed  on  the 
skin  (zool.}  •  a  firm  glandular  pro- 
tuberance (dot.}. 

•water-cells, — specialized  cells  in  the 
stomach  of  the  camel  for  storage 
of  fluid  (zool.}. 

water  culture,  —  the  experimental 
growing  of  plants  in  water  to  see 
the  effect  of  different  salts  on  them 

water  -  gland, — a  structure  in  the 
mesophyll  of  leaves  regulating 
water  excretion  through  stomata 

water  -  pore,  —  the  minute  ciliated 
opening  through  the  actinal  wall 
of  the  disc  of  Antedon  (zool.} ;  an 
opening  at  the  apex  of  a  leaf-vein 
for  the  excretion  of  water  (bot.}. 

water  stomata, — pores  on  the  sur- 
faces of  leaves  for  the  excretion  of 
water  (hot.}. 

water  -  tube, — a  ciliated  branched 
tube  connected  with  the  ring-vessel 
and  coelom  (zool.}. 

water  vascular  system, — a  system  of 
canals  circulating  a  watery  fluid 
throughout  the  body  of  Echino- 
derms ;  also  applied  to  the  ex- 
cretory system  of  Platyhelminths 

wattle  (wot'l)  n.  [A.S.  -watel,  bag.] 
The  fleshy  process,  usually  red, 
under  the  throat  of  a  cock  or 
turkey  (zool.}. 

wax  (waks)  n.  [A.S.  iveax^  wax.]  A 
substance  produced  by  bees  and 
used  in  forming  the  honeycomb 

wax  pocket, — a  wax-secreting  cavity 
on  the  abdomen  of  the  bee  (zool.}. 

web  (w6b)  n.  [A.S.  -webbe,  web.] 
The  membrane  stretching  from  toe 
to  toe  in  swimming  Birds;  vexillum  ; 
the  fine  network  of  threads  spun  by 
Spiders  (zool.}. 

webbed  (w6bd)  a.  [A.S.  webbe,  web.] 
Appl.  feet  of  swimming  Birds  owing 

to  the  toes  being  connected  by  a 
membrane  (zool.}. 

Weberian  apparatus, — an  apparatus 
found  in  Cypriniformes  connecting 
the  ear  with  the  air-bladder,  first 
described  by  Weber  (zool.}. 

Weberian  ossicles, — a  chain  of  four 
small  bones  stretching  on  each  side 
from  a  membranous  fenestra  of  the 
atrium  to  the  air-bladder  in  Cyprini- 
formes (zool.}. 

wedge  bones,  —  small  infravertebral 
ossifications  at  the  junction  of  two 
vertebrae,  often  present  in  Lizards 

Weismannism  (wis'mamzm)  n. 
[  Weismann,  German  biologist.] 
The  teaching  of  Weismann  in  con- 
nection with  evolution  and  heredity, 
chiefly  dealing  with  the  continuity 
of  the  germ-plasm,  and  the  non- 
transmissibility  of  acquired  char- 

wheal  (hwel)  n.  [A.S.  hwelian,  to 
inflame.]  A  long-continued  shorten- 
ing and  thickening  of  a  muscle 
fibre  on  stimulation  (phys.}. 

wheel  organ, — the  locomotory  ciliated 
ring  of  Rotifers ;  the  specialized 
ciliated  epithelial  structure  in  the 
buccal  cavity  of  the  Cephalochorda 

white  body,  —  the  so-called  optic 
gland  of  Molluscs,  a  large  soft  body 
of  unknown  function  (zool.}. 

white  corpuscle, — a  leucocyte. 

white  matter,— tracts  of  medullated 
fibres  in  brain  and  spinal  cord  (anat.}. 

white  yolk  spheres,— minute  vesicles 
forming  a  flask-shaped  plug  in  the 
centre  of  the  egg-yolk,  and  a  layer 
investing  it  (cyt.}. 

whorl  (hworl)  n.  [A.S.  hiueorfa,  a 
wheel.]  The  spiral  turn  of  a  uni- 
valve shell  (zool.}  ;  a  circle  of 
flowers  or  parts  of  a  flower  arising 
from  one  point  (bot.}. 

wind-fertilization,— the  fertilization 
of  plants  by  pollen  carried  by  the 
wind  (bot.}. 

wing  (wing)  n.  [M.E.  ivinge^  wing.] 
One  of  two  lateral  petals  in  a 
papilionaceous  flower  ;  the  lateral 
expansion  on  many  seeds  (bot.} ; 
any  broad  membranous  expansion  ; 
the  fore-limb  of  Birds  ;  the  flight 
organ  of  Insects  (zool.}. 




•wing  coverts, — see  tectrices. 

wing  pad, — the  undeveloped  wing  of 

insect  pupae  (zool.). 
wing    petal, — the    lateral    petal    in 

papilionaceous  plants  (dot.). 
winter  egg,— the  egg  of  many  fresh- 
water forms  provided  with  a  thick 
shell  which  preserves  it  as  it  lies 
quiescent   during   the   winter ;    cf. 
summer  eggs  (zoo I.). 
wisdom  teeth, — the  four  molar  teeth 
which  complete  the  permanent  set 
in  man,  erupting  much  later  than 
the  others  (anat,). 

wolf  tooth,— a  small  premolar  tooth 
at  the  front'  of  the  premolar  series, 
occasionally  present  in  Horses 

Wolfflan  (wool'flan)  a.  \_Wolff,  em- 
bryologist.]  Afipl.  certain  structures 
first  discovered  by  Wolff. 
Wolfflan  body, — the  embryonic  meso- 
nephros  which  arises  bythedevelop- 
ment  of  a  series  of  mesonephnc 
tubules  (anat.). 

Wolffian  duct,— the  duct  of  the 
mesonephros  :  this  may  arise  either 
by  a  splitting  of  the  pronephric 
duct,  or  it  may  be  the  whole  of  the 
pronephric  duct  (anat.). 
Wolfflan  ridges, — ridges  which  appear 
on  either  side  of  the  middle  line  of 
the  early  embryo,  and  upon  which 
the  limb-buds  are  formed  (emb.). 
wood  (wood)  n.  [A.S.  wudu,  wood.] 
The  hard  substance  of  a  tree  stem, 
the  xylem  of  the  vascular  bundles 

wood  cell, — one  of  the  special  cells 
in  the  xylem  of  a  vascular  bundle 
wood      fibres, — sclerenchymatous 

fibres  (bot.). 
wood  parenchyma, — lignified  paren- 

chymatous  cells  (bot.). 
wood  vessel, — an  element  of  tracheal 
tissue,    a    long    tubular    structure 
formed  by  cell-fusion  (bot.). 
Woolner's  tubercle, — see  Darwinian 

tubercle  (zool.). 
worker, — a   non-fertile   female    in   a 

colony  of  social  Insects  (zool.). 
worm  (wurm)  n.  [A.S.  ivyrm,  worm.] 
A  general  name  of  no  scientific 
value,  used  to  designate  any  of 
the  Flatworms,  Roundworms,  Poly- 
chaetes  or  Oligochaetes  (zool.). 

Wormian     bones     (wor'mlan),  —  see 

sutural  bones, 
wrist  bones,— the   name   applied  to 

the  bones  that  go  to  make  up  the 

carpus  (zool.). 

xanthin  (zan'thln)  n.  [Gk.  xanthos> 
yellow.]  Yellow  colouring  matter 
in  flowers  (bot.). 

xanthine  (zan'thm,  zan'then)  n.  [Gk. 
xanthos,  yellow.]  Dioxy-purine, 
found  in  muscle,  liver,  pancreas, 
and  in  urine  ;  also  in  certain  plants 

xanthocarpous  (zan'thokar'pus)  a. 
[Gk.  vanities,  yellow  ;  karpos^  fruit.] 
Having  yellow  fruits  (bot.). 

xanthodont  (zan'thodSnt)  a.  [Gk. 
xantfwS)  yellow ;  odous,  tooth.] 
Having  yellow-coloured  incisors  ; 
appl.  certain  Rodents  (zool.). 

xanthophane  (zan'thofan)  n.  [Gk. 
xanthos,  yellow  ;  phainein,  to 
appear.]  Chromophane. 

xanthophyll  (zan'thofil)  n.  [Gk. 
xanthos,  yellow  ;  phyllon,  leaf.]  A 
yellow  colouring  matter  found  in 
autumn  leaves,  probably  a  con- 
stituent of  chlorophyll  (bot.). 

xanthopous  (zan'thopiis)  a.  [Gk. 
xanthos,  yellow  ;  pous,  foot.]  Hav- 
ing a  yellow  stem  (bot.). 

xanthospermous  (zan'thospeVmus)  a. 
[Gk.  xanthos,  yellow ;  sperma,  seed.] 
Having  yellow  seeds  (bot.). 

xenarthral  (ze'nar'thral)  a.  [Gk.  xenos, 
strange ;  arthron,  joint.]  Having 
additional  articular  facets  on  the 
dorso-lumbar  vertebrae  (zool.). 

xenia  (ze'nta)  n.  [Gk.  xenios,  hospit- 
able.] Appearances  in  the  seed 
of  characters,  after  cross-fertiliza- 
tion, belonging  to  foreign  pollen 
parent  (bot.). 

xenogamy  (ze'nSg'aml)  n.  [Gk.  xenos, 
strange  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Cross- 
fertilization  (bot.). 

xenogenesis  (zgn'6j6n'6sls)  n.  [Gk. 
xenos,  strange  ;  gigneslhai,  to  pro- 
duce.] Heterogenesis  (biol.). 

xenomorphosis  (ze'n'om&r'fosTs)  n. 
[Gk.  xenos,  strange  ;  morphe^  shape.] 




xenophya  (zeVoffa)  n.plu.  [Gk.  xenos, 
strange  ;  phyein,  to  grow.]  Foreign 
bodies  deposited  in  interspaces  of 
certain  Sarcodina,  or  used  in  forma- 
tion of  shells  of  certain  Protozoa 

xerophilous  (zerof  ilus)  a.  [Gk.  xeros, 
dry ;  philein,  to  love.]  Able  to 
withstand  drought  ;  appl.  plants 
adapted  for  a  limited  water  supply 

xerophyte  (ze'rofit)  n.  [Gk.  xeros, 
dry  ;  phyton,-  plant.]  A  xerophilous 
plant ;  a  plant  growing  in  desert 
or  alkaline  soil  (dot.). 

xiphihumeralis  (zifihume'ra'lis)  n. 
[Gk.  xiphos,  sword  ;  L.  humerus, 
shoulder.]  A  muscle  extending 
from  xiphoid  cartilage  to  humerus 

xiphiplastron  (zif'Tplas'tron)  n.  [Gk. 
xiphos,  sword  ;  F.  plastron,  shield.] 
The  fourth  lateral  plate  in  the 
plastron  of  Chelonia  (zool}. 

xiphisternum  (zifisteVnum)  n.  [Gk. 
xiphos,  sword  ;  L.  sternum,  breast- 
bone.] The  posterior  segment  or 
ensiform  process  of  the  sternum 

xiphoid  (ztf'oid)  a.  [Gk.  xiphos, 
sword ;  eidos,  shape.]  Sword- 
shaped  ;  ensiform  (anat.}. 

xiphoid  process, — the  last  segment  of 
the  sternum  (anat.} ;  the  tail  or 
telson  of  Limulus  (zool.}. 

xiphophyllous  (zif'ofil'us,  zlfof'ilus)  a. 
[Gk.  xiphos,  sword  ;  phyllon,  leaf.] 
Having  sword-shaped  leaves'  (hot.}. 

xylem  (zl'lfim)  «.  [Gk.  xylon,  wood.] 
The  lignified  portion  of  a  vascular 
bundle  (bot.}. 

xylocarp  (zi'lokarp)  n.  [Gk.  xylon, 
wood ;  karpos,  fruit.]  A  hard 
woody  fruit  (bot.}. 

xylogen  (zl'lojgn)  n.  [Gk.  xylon, 
wood;  gignesthai,  to  produce.]  The 
forming  wood  in  a  bundle  (bot.}. 

xyloid  (zfloid)  a.  [Gk.  xylon,  wood  ; 
eidos,  shape.]  Woody,  or  re- 
sembling wood  in  structure  (dot.}. 

xyloma  (zilo'ma)  n.  [Gk.  xylon, 
wood.]  A  hardened  mass  of 
mycelium  which  gives  rise  to  spore- 
bearing  structures  in  certain  Fungi 

xylophagous  (zllof'agus)  a.  [Gk. 
xylon,  wood ;  phagein,  to  eat.] 

Wood-eating ;  appl.  certain  Mol- 
luscs and  Insects  (zool.}. 

xylostroma  (zHostro'ina)  n.  [Gk. 
xylon,  wood  ;  stroma,  couch.]  The 
felt-like  mycelium  of  certain  wood- 
destroying  Fungi  (bot.}. 

xylotomous  (zllot'omus)  a.  [Gk.  xylon, 
wood  ;  temnein,  to  cut.]  Able  to 
bore  or  cut  wood  (zool.}. 

yellow  cartilage,  —  a  cartilage  in 
which  the  matrix  is  everywhere 
pervaded  by  yellow  connective 
tissue  fibres  (anat.}. 

yellow  cells, — cells  surrounding  the 
gut  of  an  earthworm,  probably  ex- 
cretory in  function  ;  cells  occurring 
in  the  intestine  of  Turbellarians  ;  in 
Radiolarians,  symbiotic  algae  or 
zoochlorellae  (zool.}. 

yellow  fibres, — see  elastic  fibres. 

yellow  spot, — the  macula  lutea  of  the 
retina  (anat.}. 

yolk  (yok)  n.  [A.S.  geoloca,  the 
yellow  part]  The  inert,  or  non- 
formative,  nutrient  material  in  the 
ovum  (emb.}. 

yolk-duct, — the  vitelline  duct  (zool.}. 

yolk  -  epithelium,  —  the  epithelium 
surrounding  the  yolk-sac  (emb.}. 

yolk-gland, — a  gland  in  connection 
with  the  reproductive  system  in 
certain  worms  by  which  the  egg  is 
furnished  with  a  supply  of  food- 
material  ;  the  oviducal  gland  in 
certain  vertebrates  (zool}. 

yolk-nucleus, — a  cytoplasmic  body 
appearing  in  the  ovarian  egg  (cyt.}. 

yolk-plates, — parallel  lamellae  into 
which  the  deutoplasm  may  be  split 
up  in  egg-yolk  of  Amphibia  and 
many  Fishes. 

yolk -plug, — the  mass  of  yolk-cells 
filling  up  the  blastopore,  as  in  the 
Frog  (cyt}. 

yolk-pyramids,— certain  of  the  cells 
formed  in  the  segmenting  egg  of 
the  Crayfish  (zool.}. 

yolk-sac,  —  a  membranous  sac  at- 
tached to  the  embryo  and  contain- 
ing yolk,  which  passes  to  the 
intestine  through  the  vitelline  duct, 
and  acts  as  food  for  the  developing 
embryo  (emb.}. 




yolk  -  spherules,  —  the  remains  of 
neighbouring  cells  or  of  pseudo- 
cells  found  in  the  ovum  (smb.}. 

yolk-stalk, — a  short  stalk  or  strand 
containing  ducts  and  connecting 
the  yolk-sac  and  the  embryo  (emb.). 

ypsilifonn  (ipsil'iform)  a.  [Gk.  T, 
upsilon;  L.  forma,  shape.]  T- 
shaped  ;  appl.  the  germinal  spot 
at  a  certain  stage  in  its  development 

ypsilold  (ip'siloid)  a.  [Gk.  T,  upsilon  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Ypsiliform. 

ypsiloid  cartilage,— attached  to  the 
pubes  in  Salamanders  with  func- 
tional lungs  (zoo/.). 

zalambdodont  (zalam'dodont)  a.  [Gk. 
za,  very  ;  lambda,  A  ;  odous,  tooth.] 
Appl.  insectivores  with  narrow 
molar  teeth  with  V-shaped  trans- 
verse ridges  (zoo/.). 

zero  (ze'ro)  n.  [Ar.  $ifrun,  cipher.] 
The  origin  of  graduation. 

zero,  physiological,  —  the  point  of 
adaptation  to  temperature. 

Zinn,  zonule  of, — see  zonula  ciliaris 

zoaea  (zoe'a)  n.  [Gk.  zoe,  life.]  A 

zoarium  (zoa'rium)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal.]  The  whole  of  the  indi- 
viduals of  a  polyzoan  colony ;  a 
polypary  (zoo!.). 

zodiophilous  (zo'diof'ilus)  a.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal  ;  philein,  to  love.] 

zoea  (zoe'a)  n.  [Gk.  zoe,  life.]  An 
early  larval  form  of  certain  decapod 
Crustaceans  (zoo/.). 

zoeaform  (zoe'aform)  a.  [Gk.  zoe, 
life ;  L.  forma,  shape.]  Shaped 
like  a  zoea  (zoo/.). 

zoecial  (zoe'shial)  a.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  oikos,  house.]  Pert,  or 
resembling  a  zooecium  (zoo/.). 

zoecium  (zoe'shtum)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal  ;  oikos,  house.]  See  zooe- 

zoetic  (zoet'ik)  a.  [Gk.  zoe,  life.]  Of 
or  pert,  life  (biol.). 

zoic  (zo'lk)  a.  [Gk.  zoikos,  peri,  life.] 
Pert,  animals  or  animal  life  (zoo/.). 

zoid  (zoid)  a.  [Gk.  zoon,  animal ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  A  sporozoite 
formed  by  division  of  sporoblasts 
of  Haemosporidia  (zoo/.). 

zoidophore  (zo'Idofor)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal  ;  eidos,  shape  ;  pherein,  to 
bear.]  A  spore  mother  cell  or 
sporoblast  formed  by  the  segmenta- 
tion of  the  oocyte  in  Haemosporidia 

zona  (zo'na)  n.  [Gk.  zone,  girdle.] 
A  zone,  band,  or  area. 

zona  arcuata, — the  inner  part  of  the 
basilar  membrane  supporting  the 
organ  of  Corti  (anat.). 

zona  fasciculata,— radially  arranged 
columnar  cells  in  the  suprarenal 
gland  below  the  outer  layer  (anat.). 

zona  pectinata, — the  outer  division  of 
the  basilar  membrane  (anat.). 

zona  pellucida,— the  thick  transparent 
membrane  surrounding  the  mam- 
malian ovum  (smb.). 

zona  reticularis, — the  inner  cortical 
layer  of  the  suprarenal  gland 

zonal  (zo'nal)  a.  [L.  zonalis,  pert. 
zone.]  Of  m  pert,  a  zone. 

zonal  symmetry, — see  metamerism 

zonal  view, — the  view  of  a  Diatom  in 
which  the  girdle  is  seen  (bot.). 

zonary  (zo'nari)  a.  [Gk.  zonarion, 
dim.  of  zone,  girdle.]  Pert,  the 
Zonaria,  a  division  of  deciduate 
Mammals  in  Huxley's  classification 

zonary  placenta, — see  placenta. 

zonate  (zo'nat)  a.  [Gk.  zone,  girdle.] 
Zoned  or  marked  with  rings  ;  ar- 
ranged in  a  single  row,  as  various 
tetraspores  (bot.}. 

zone  (zon)  n.  [Gk.  zone,  girdle.] 
An  area  Characterized  by  a  similar 
fauna  or^flora  (biol.) ;  a  stratum  or 
set  of  beds  characterized  by  a 
typical  fossil  or  set  of  fossils  (pal.). 

zonociliate  (zo'nosU'fat)  a.  [Gk.  zone, 
girdle;  L. ciliunt, eyelash.]  Banded 
with  cilia,  as  certain  annelid  larvae 

zonoid  (zo'noid)  a.  [Gk.  zone,  girdle  ; 
eidos,  resemblance.]  Like  a  zone. 

zonolimnetic  (zo'nolimnet'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
zone,  girdle  ;  limne,  pool.]  Of  or 
pert,  a  certain  zone  in  depth  ;  appl. 
plankton  (biol.). 




zonoplacental  (zo'noplase'n'tal)  a,  [L. 
zona,  girdle  ;  placenta,  cake.] 
Having  a  zonary  placenta  (zool.}. 

zonula  ciliaris  (zo'nula  silla'ris)  n. 
[L.  zonula,  dim.  of  zona,  girdle  ; 
cilium,  eyelash.]  The  hyaloid 
membrane  forming  the  suspensory 
ligament  of  the  lens  of  the  eye 

zonule  (zo'nul)  n.  [L.  zonula,  dim.  of 
zona,  girdle.]  A  little  zone,  belt, 
or  girdle  ;  a  zonula  (anat.}. 

zooblast  (zo'oblast)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  blastos,  bud.]  An  animal 

zoocaulon  (zo'okol'on)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal  ;  kaulos,  stalk.]  See  zoo- 

zoochlorellae  (zo'okloreTe)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  zoon,  animal ;  chloros,  green.] 
Symbiotic  green  Algae  (Proto- 
coccaceae)  living  in  various  groups 
of  the  Protozoa,  e.g.  Sarcodina, 
Radiolaria  (biol.}. 

zoocoenocyte  (zo'ose'noslt)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal ;  koinos,  common  ; 
kytos,  hollow  vessel.]  A  coenocyte 
bearing  cilia  in  certain  Algae  such 
as  Vaucheria  (bot.}. 

zoocyst  (zo'oslst)  n.  [Gk.  zoon,  animal ; 
kystis,  hollow  sac.]  A  sporocyst 

zoocytium  (zo'osit'Ium)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  kytos,  hollow  sac.]  In 
certain  Infusoria,  the  common 
gelatinous  and  often  branched 
matrix  (zool.}. 

zoodendrium  (zo'oden'drium)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal ;  dendron,  tree.]  The 
tree-like  branched  stalk  of  certain 
colonial  Infusorians  (zoo/.).' 

zoodynamics  (zS'odlnam'iks)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal ;  dynamis,  power.] 
The  physiology  of  animals  (phys.}. 

zooecium  (zoe'sium,  zoe'shtum)  n. 
[Gk.  zoon,  animal ;  oikos,  house.] 
A  chamber  or  cell  enclosing  a 
polyzoan  nutritive  zooid  (zool.}. 

zooerythrin  (zo'ogrith'rin)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal ;  erythros,  red.]  A 
red  pigment  found  in  the  plumage 
of  various  Birds  (zool.}. 

zoofulvin   (zo'oful'vin)  n.     [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;    L.  fulvus,    yellow.]      A 
yellow    ipigment     found     in     the 
plumage  of  various  Birds  (zool.}. 
(zo'ogamct')  //.     [Gk.  soon, 

animal;  gamos,  marriage.]  A  motile 
gamete  or  planogamete  (bot.}. 

zoogamy  (zSog'ami)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal  ;  gamos,  marriage.]  Sexual 
reproduction  in  animals  (zool.}. 

zoogenesis  (zo'ojgn'esis)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal  ;  gignesthai,  to  produce.] 
The  origin  of  animals  (biol.}. 

zoogeography  (zo'ojeog'rafi)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal ;  ge,  earth  ;  graphein, 
to  write.]  The  science  of  the  dis- 
tribution of  animals  on  earth  (biol.}. 

zoogloea  (zo'ogle'a)  ».  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  gloia,  glue.]  A  mass  of 
bacteria  embedded  in  a  muci- 
laginous matrix,  frequently  forming 
an  iridescent  film  (zool.}. 

zoogonidium  (zo'ogonid'ium)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal ;  gonos,  offspring.] 
One  of  the  motile  spores  formed 
in  the  gonidangium  of  Algae  (bot.}. 

zoogonous  (zoog'onus)  a.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  gonos,  offspring.]  Vivi- 
parous (zool.}. 

zooid  (zo'oid)  n.  [Gk.  zoon,  animal  ; 
eidos,  like.]  A  member  of  a  com- 
pound animal  organism  ;  an  indi- 
vidual or  person  in  a  coelenterate 
or  polyzoan  colony ;  the  posterior 
genital  and  non-sexual  region 
formed  in  many  Polychaetes  (zool.}. 

zoolith  (zo'olith)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  lithos,  stone.]  A  fossil 

zoology  (zool'djl)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  logos,  discourse.]  The 
branch  of  science  dealing  with  the 
structure,  functions,  history,  and 
distribution  of  animals. 

zoon  (zo'on)  n.  [Gk.  zoon,  animal.] 
An  individual  developed  from  an 
egg  (zool.}. 

zoonerythrin  (zS'ongrith'rin)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal ;  erythros,  red.]  A 
red  colouring  matter  found  in 
various  animals  (zool.}. 

zoonite  (zo'onit)  n.  [Gk.  zoon,  animal.] 
A  body  segment  of  an  articulated 
animal  (zool.}. 

zoonomy  (zoon'b'ml)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  nomos,  law.]  The  laws 
dealing  with  animal  life  (biol.}. 

zoophilous  (zoof'ilus)  a.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  philein,  to  love.]  Appl. 
plants  which  are  adapted  for 
pollination  by  animals  other  than 
Insects  (bot.}. 




zoophyte  (z5'6flt)  n,  [Gk.  ZOOM, 
animal  ;phyton,  plant.]  Any  animal 
resembling  a  plant  in  appearance 
or  growth. 

zooplankton  (zo'oplang'kton)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal;  plangktos,  wander- 
ing.] That  part  of  the  plankton 
consisting  of  animals  (biol.}. 

zooplasm  (zo'dplazm)  n.  [Gk.  zoon,  an  i- 
mal  ;  plasma,  something  moulded.] 
Living  substance  which  depends  on 
the  products  of  other  living  organ- 
isms for  nutritive  material. 

zoosperm  (zS'ospSrm)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal  ;  sperma,  seed.]  A  sperma- 
tozoon (zoo!.)  ;  a  zoospore  (dot.}. 

zoosporangium  (zo'osporan'jium)  n. 
[Gk.  zoon,  animal  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
anggeion,  vessel.]  A  sporangium 
in  which  zoospores  develop  (hot.}. 

zoospore  (zo'ospor)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  sporos,  seed.]  A  swarm- 
cell,  flagellate  or  amoeboid,  in 
many  Protozoa  (zoo/.)  ;  a  motile 
protoplast  in  certain  Algae  (dot.}. 

zoothecium  (zo'othe'sium,  zo'pthe'- 
shium)  n.  [Gk.  zoon,  animal ; 
thekion,  dim.  of  theke,  case.]  A 

zoothome  (zo'othom)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  thomos,  heap.]  Any  group 
of  individuals  in  a  living  Coral 

zootomy  (zoot'om!)  n.  [Gk.  zoon, 
animal ;  temnein,  to  cut.]  The 
anatomy  of  animals  other  than 
man  (zoo I.). 

zooxanthellae  (zo'ozantheTe)  n.  plu. 
[Gk.  zoon,  animal  ;  xanthos,  yellow.] 
Yellow  cells  or  symbiotic  unicellular 
Algae  living  in  various  Protozoa 

zooxanthin  (zo'ozan'thin)  n.  [Gk. 
zoon,  animal ;  xanthos,  yellow.] 
A  yellow  pigment  found  in  the 
plumage  j>f  certain  Birds  (zoo!.). 

zwischenkorper  (tsvish'e'nkerpe'r)  n. 
[Ger.  zwischen,  between ;  kbrper, 
body.]  A  body  or  group  of  gran- 
ules, probably  comparable  with  the 
cell-plate  in  plants,  formed  in  the 
equatorial  region  of  the  spindle 
during  the  anaphases  of  mitosis 

zygantrum  (zlgan'trum)  n.  [Gk. 
zygon,  yoke ;  antron,  cave.]  A 
fossa  on  the  posterior  surface  of 

the  neural  arch  of  the  vertebrae  of 
Snakes  and  certain  Lizards  (zoo!.). 

zygapophysis  (zl'gapof'TsIs)  n.  [Gk. 
zygon,  yoke  ;  apophysis,  process  of 
a  bone.]  One  of  the  processes  of 
a  vertebra  by  which  it  articulates 
with  adjacent  vertebrae  (anat.}. 

zygobranchiate  (zl'gobrang'kiat)  a. 
[Gk.  zygon,  yoke  ;  brangchia,  gills.] 
Having  the  gills  symmetrically 
placed  and  renal  organs  paired  ; 
appl.  a  group  of  Gastropods  (zoo!.). 

zygocardiac  (zl'gokar'diak)  ossicles, — 
paired  lateral  ossicles  in  the  gastric 
mill  of  the  Crayfish  (zoo!.). 

zygodactyl  (zl'godak'til)  a.  [Gk. 
zygon,  yoke ;  daktylos,  digit.] 
Having  two  toes  pointing  forward, 
two  backward,  as  in  parrots  (zoo!.). 

zygodont  (zfgodont)  a.  [Gk.  zygon, 
yoke  ;  odous,  tooth.]  Having  molar 
teeth  in  which  the  four  tubercles 
are  united  in  pairs  (zoo!.). 

zygoma  (zlgo'ma)  n.  [Gk.  zygoma, 
yoke.]  The  bony  arch  of  the  cheek. 

zygomatic  (zi'gomat'ik)  a.  [Gk. 
zygoma,  yoke.]  Of  or  pert,  the 
zygoma  (anat.). 

zygomaticofacial  (zl'gomat'Tkofa'sIal) 
a.  [Gk.  zygoma^  yoke  ;  L.  fades, 
face.]  Appl.  foramen  on  the  malar 
surface  of  zygomatic  for  passage  of 
nerve  and  vessels  (anat.}. 

zygomaticotemporal  (zl'gomat'lko- 
tgm'poral)  a.  [Gk.  zygoma,  yoke  ; 
L.  temporalis,  temporary.]  Appl. 
suture,  foramen,  nerve,  etc.,  at 
temporal  surface  of  zygomatic 

zygomorphic  (zl'gomor'flk),  zygomor- 
phous  (zl'gom&r'fus)  a.  [Gk.  zygon, 
yoke  ;  morphe,  shape.]  Bilaterally 
symmetrical ;  appl.  irregular  petal 
arrangement  (biol.). 

zygoneury  (zl'gonu'ri)  n.  [Gk.  zygon, 
yoke  ;  neuron,  nerve.]  In  certain 
Gastropods,  having  a  connective 
between  the  pleural  ganglion  and 
the  ganglion  on  the  visceral  branch 
of  the  opposite  side  (zoo!.). 

zygophore  (zl'gofor)  n.  [Gk.  zygon, 
yoke  ;  pherein,  to  bear.]  A  conju- 
gating hypha  in  certain  Fungi  (hot.}. 

zygophyte  (zl'goflt)  n.  [Gk.  zygon, 
yoke  ;  phyton,  plant.]  A  plant  with 
two  similar  reproductive  cells  which 
unite  in  fertilization  (bot.\ 




zygopleural  (zl'goploor'al)  a.  [Gk. 
zygon,  yoke  ;  pleuron,  side.]  Bi- 
laterally symmetrical. 

zygosis  (zigo'sis)  n.  [Gk.  zygosis, 
balancing.]  Conjugation. 

zygosperm  (zi'gosperm)  n.  [Gk. 
zygon,  yoke  ;  sperma,  seed.]  A 

zygosphene  (zl'gosf  en)  n.  [Gk.  zygon, 
yoke  ;  sphen,  wedge.]  An  articular 
process  on  the  anterior  surface  of 
the  neural  arch  of  vertebrae  of 
Snakes  and  certain  Lizards,  which 
fits  into  the  zygantrum  (anat.). 

zygosporangium  (zi'gosporan'jium)  n. 
[Gk.  zygon,  yoke  ;  sporos,  seed  ; 
anggeion,  vessel.]  A  sporangium 
in  which  zygospores  are  formed 

zygospore  (zi'gospor)  n.  [Gk.  zygon, 
yoke  ;  sporos,  seed.]  A  zygote  ;  a 
cell  formed  by  the  conjugation  of 
similar  cells  (&?/.). 

zygosporophore  (zfgospo'rofor)  n. 
[Gk.  zygon,  yoke ;  sporos,  seed ; 
p herein,  to  carry.]  Zygophore. 

zygotaxis  (zi'gotak'sis)  n.  [Gk.  zygon, 
yoke ;  taxis,  arrangement.]  The 
tendency  towards  conjugation  be- 
tween two  specialized  hyphae  in 
certain  Fungi  (bot,\ 

zygote  (zi'got)  n.    [Gk.  zygotes,  yoked.] 

Any  cell  formed  by  the  union  of 
two  gametes  or  reproductive  cells 

zygotoblast  (zl'gotoblast')  n.  [Gk. 
zygotes,  yoked  ;  blastos,  bud.]  A 
sporozoite  produced  by  segmenta- 
tion of  the  zygotomere  in  Haema- 
moebae  (zool.). 

zygotomere  (zl'gotomer')  n.  [Gk. 
zygotes,  yoked  ;  meros,  part.J '  A 
cell  formed  by  segmentation  of  the 
zygote  in  Haemamoebae  (zool.). . 

zygotonucleus  (zl'gotb'nu'kleus)  n. 
[Gk.  zygotes,  yoked  ;  L.  nucleus, 
kernel.]  A  nucleus  formed  by  the 
fusion  of  two  gametonuclei  (zool.). 

zygozoospore  (zi'gozo'ospor)  n.  [Gk. 
zygon,  yoke  ;  zoon,  animal ;  sporos, 
seed.]  A  motile  cell  formed  by  the 
union  of  two  similar  cells  (zool.). 

zymase  (zl'mas)  n.  [Gk.  zyme,  leaven.] 
An  enzyme  found  in  yeast  cells 

zymogen  (zi'mojen)  n.  [Gk.  zyme, 
leaven.]  A  substance  capable  of 
being  transformed  into  a  ferment 

zymosis  (zimo'sis)  n.  [Gk.  zyme, 
leaven.]  Fermentation. 

zymotic  (zfmot'ik)  a.  [Gk.  zymotikos, 
causing  fermentation.]  Pert,  or 
caused  by  fermentation. 





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